^s OF m.cer^
Late of Pembroke -College, Oxford,
And Chaplain to the Rt. Hon* the Countefs of HuNTINGDO^^
Which have been already publilhed :
Written to his mod intimate Friends, and Perfons of DJftinftion, in
Englandy Scotlandy Ireland, and. Jmerica, from the Year 1734, to
1770, including the whole Period of his Minilby.
Some other Pieces on Importakt Subjects,
never before printed^ prepared by Himfelf for the Prefs.
To which is prefixed.
Compiled from his Original Papers and Letters.
Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry j
and Meflrs. Kincaid and Bell, at Edinburgh.
[ 3 ]
ro Mr. J B .
My very dear Friendy London ^ Feb. i^ ^752-
THOUGH I have had no anfwer to my laft, yet I Tup-
pofe it hath reached your hands, and I am olad to hear
that Ephratah plantation is in fome degree opened, and thereby
a preparation made for a future progrefs this fpring. Mr. Fox
not coming, and going upon lumber, hath been a ^^reat lofs
to my poor family, but I hope ere now all is fettled, and the
iawing carried on with vigour. That feems to be the thing
which providence points out at prefent, and as fo many neo-roes
are ready, it will be a pity that Bethefda fhould not do fome-
thing, as well as the neighbouring planters. If it was nor
that I am ereding a large place for public worfhip, eighty feet
fquare, and am called to preach to fo many thoufands in vari-
ous places, I would come over immediately myfelf. But per-
haps it v/ill be beft to f!ay till the new Governor is appointed
and embarks, or at leaft to come a little before him. I hear
that Colonel Vanderdifon v/ill in all probability be the man ;
they are determined I find to have a military perfon. With this,
I fend your brother a power to difpofe ol Providence plantation,
and I hope to he^r fhcrtly that Do6tor B , with your affift-
ance, hath purchafed more negroes. — My dear friend, do exert
yourfelf a little for me in this time of my abfence, and I triift
tlie Orphan-houfe affairs \yill fliortly be fo ordered, that none
A 2 Ihall
(hall be troubled about its affairs, but my own domeftics. As
Nathaniel P is fo willing, and hath hitherto behaved fo
faithfully, I have fcnt him a t'ull power in conjun<^ion with
«t/ '.'/''Mrs. J^ to adl under you. 'I'he man and woman that
bring this, are with their Ton indented to me, and I have an
excellent fchool miftrefs and a young ftudent, engaged to come
-over (hortly. Ere long, I fuppofe we fliall have a large family.
Lord grant it may be a religious one ! I would have nothing
done ia refpedl to the building, befides repairing the piazza,
and what elfe is abfolutely neccflary, till I come. Perhaps I
may bring a carpenter along with me, who will ftay fome years.
I cannot tell what can induce me to take care of a place, where
the gofpel is fo little regarded, unlefs it be a principle of faith.
Surely it will not always be fo. What difference is there be-
tween Giorgia^ and feveral parts of England? Here thoufands
and ten thoufands run, and ride miles upon miles to hear the
gofpel. — There — but I do not love to think of it. O my dear
friend, whatever others do, may you and your houfhold lerve
the Lord ! I fee there is no hjppinefs, but in keeping near to
Jesus Christ. — But this profperity, — this worldly minded-
nefs, — how many fools hath it deftroyed ; how many of God's
own children hath it awfully bewildered ! May the Lord keep
all my dear friends clear of this dangerous rock I My love to
all. How is Mr. V .'' Pray do your utmoft to bring about
a reconciliation between him and Air. B . I could give
feveral particular and powerful reafons ; at prefent I can add
no more. My dear friend, pray for us, and exert yourfelf for
Bethefda ; Betbefda's God will richly reward you.
Yours moft afFecStionately in our common Lord,
G. IF.
To Lady H n.
Ever -honoured Madam ^ London^ Ftb. (^^ ^753'
IT gives nic pain, when any of your Ladyfliip's letters lie
by me unanfwercd, — I would alv/ays write immcdiateiy if
I could. For m.-iny days I have been much engaged, but can
now refrain no longer. Your Ladyfhip's letter was immediate-
ly forwarded to PhlLidtlphiu. — It will be an acceptable prefent
I to
to the good old Governor. I wifli Mr. T may not make
too great compliances,— but I fear inftability is his weak fide.
I have not heard from South Andley Street^ fmce I wrote laft to
your Ladyfhip. — The A'lorovians outward fcheme, I am apt
to believe will foon be difconcerted. Strange ! Why will God's
children build Babels? Why will they flatter themfelves, that
God owns and approves of them, becaufe he fufFers them to
build high ? In mercy to them, fuch buildings, of whatever
kind, muft come down. I hope our new-intended tabernacle
is not of this nature. It would have pleafed your Ladyfhip,
to have feen how willingly the people gave laft Lord's day.
At feven in the morning we colle(5ted fifty pounds, in the even-
ing one hundred and twenty-fix pounds. BlcfTf^d be Geo, wc
have now near nine hundred po-jnds in hand. He that hath
beo-un, I truft will enable us to go on, and bring ojt the top-
ftone, fhouting Grace I Grace ! Our Lord Hill continues to
work in our old defpifed place. I truft it hath been a Bethel
to many, many fouls. This your Ladyfhip knows may be
any where. Clifton s a Bethel when God is there. That your
Ladyfhip may enjoy more and more of the divine prefence, and
increafe with all the increafe of God, is the continual prayer
of, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To Mr. G .
London, Feb. 19, 1753.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
Ifiave two of your kind letters lying by me unanfwered. —
I am not ufually fo dilatory, but bufmefs and bodily weak-
nefs have prevented me. At prefent, I have a cold and fever
upon me, but I preach on, hoping one day or another to die
in my work. One Mr. Steward, a dear minifter of Christ,
that began to be popular in the church, entered into his reft
laft week. I faw him juft before he expired. Methinks I hear
him fay, " Love Christ more, and ferve him better." O
that I may do fo in earneft ! For indeed my obligations in-
A 3 creaf«
creafe ccntinually. Wc have had a blefled winter. Many
have been adJcd to our flock. — Next week I intend, God
willinf^, to lay the firft brick of our new tabernacle. I am nov/
looking up for direition about my removal. — Which are the
bcft feafuMS for the north .' I (hould bs gl.id to know fpeedily.
Have yoii the firft account you wrote of your converfion ?
Or have you leifure to draw up a (hort narrative of the rife and
progrefs of the work of God in your parts ? A dear chriftian
TTiinifter in Scotland^ is about to publifli two volumes, relative
to the late awakenings in various places. Such things fliould
be tranfmitted to pofterity ; in heaven all will be known.
Thanks be to God that there is fuch a refl: remaining for his
dear people. I am too impatient to get at it. But who can
help longing to fee Jesus? What but a hope and profpedt of
x/ furthering his glorious gofpel, can reconcile us to this acelda-
' wrt, this Wide howling wildcrnefs ? If we had not our beloved
to lean on, what fhould wc do? Go on, my dear Sir, in his
ftrength ; I wifli you much, yea very much profperity. The
Lord blcfs you, and all the dear fouls in your parts, with all
rpiritual bleffings. I am glad you have received the books. I
1 am now publifhing two more fermons, and a fmall collec-
tion of hymns for public worlhip. Bencdidus benedicat et bene'
dicentur. I commend you and all to his never-failing mercy,
and myfelf to your continual prayers, as being, my very dear
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
My dear Friend^ London^ March t^^ IJSS'
I Thank you and your brother moft heartily for the loan of
the chapel. Blelll-d be God, the vvdrk goes on well. — On
Thur/dny morning, the firft brick of our new tabernacle wa»
laid with awful folcmnity. 1 preached from Exodus the tvi'cn-
tieth, and the latter part of the twenty-fourth vcrfe ; " In all
• places v/herc I record my name, I will come unto thee and
blefs thee." Afterwards wc fung, and prayed for God's blefT-
ing in all places, whsre his glorious name js recorded. The
wall is now about a yard high. The building is to be eighty
feet fquare. It is upon the old fpot. We have purchafed the
houfe, and if we finifh what we have begun, ihall be rent-free
for forty-fix years. We have above eleven hundred pounds in
hands. This I think is the befl way to build. Mr. Steward's
death fo affeded me, that when I met the workman that night
to contrail about the building, I could fcarce bear to think of
building tabernacles. Strange ! that fo many fhould be fo foon
difcharged, and we continued ! Eighteen years have I been
waiting for the coming of the fon of God ; but I find we are
immortal till our work is done. O that we may never live to
be miniftered unto, but to minifter ! Mr. Steward fpoke for his
Lord as long as he could fpeak at all. He had no clouds nor
darknefs. I was v/ith him, till a few minutes before he flept
in Jesus. I have good news from feveral parts; a door is
opening at Winchejier. Surely the little leaven will ferment,
till the whole kingdom be leavened. Even fo. Lord Jesus,
Amen ! Pray how does our eled Lady ? I hope to write to her
Ladyfnip next poft. Joint love attends you and yours, and
your brother and his houftiold. — That all may increafe with
all the increafe of God, is ftill the earneft prayer of, my dear
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. W,
To Mr, M .
London^ March lo, 1753.
My dear Mr. M ,
Am glad you have had fuch good times. I was grieved that
Mr. E was taken from London^ becaufe Mr. M -
was taken ill, and a carnal preacher put up in his room. But
God's thoughts are not as our thoughts. Let this confidera-
tion reconcile you to my not preaching at Mr. B 's. I
went as far as Mrs. S 's, but fo many things occurred, that
I went no further. You may hear more v^hen we meet again.
I have preached at Spitalfields chapel twice. Both the Mr.
fV s are agreed, as the younger brother writes me word,
in anfwer to my Ittter, Let brotherly love continue ! I do not
A 4 likt
like writing againll any body, but I think, that wifdom which
dwells with prudence, fhould direct you not to fill Mr. //•' — r—s
people (who expect you will ferve them) with ntedlefs jealou-
fies. He that belicveth doth not make haftc. — I therefore wait,
being afTured of this, that every plant which our heavenly Fa-
ther hath not planted fhall be rooted out. I hope to fee the
time, wlien you will talk lefs of perfons and things, and more
of Him, who is the common head of his whole myftical body.
This, and this alotie can make and keep you fteady in yourfelf,
and extenfivcly ufeful to others. I am glad you know when
perfons are jufiified. It is a lelTon I have not yet learnt. There
are To many ftony-ground hearers that receive the word with
joy, that I have determined to fufpend my judgment, till I know
the tree by its fruits. You will cxcufe this f.eedom. I love
you wiih a difintereftcd love, I only wilh you may be happy
in Jesus. This will make ypu fee things with new eyes, and
give you fuch a freedom of heart as is unfpeakable, and full of
glory. I ur the prefent I muft bid you adieu. That the LoRP
of all Lords may confirm, ftrengthen, ftabliili, and fettle you
in his love, Is the earnefl prayer of, my dear Mr. Af ,
Yours mo(l afFediopately in oyr common Lord,
G. IV.
To Mr. S .
My very dear Friend^ London^ March 21, 1"]$%'
BY laft Mondays waggon there was fent a box of books.
May the Redeemer ovvn and blcfs what is fent in it !
Then all will be well. I know your prayers will not be want-
ing. I am glad ypu have found out another thief, that lay hid
in the chambers of imagery, which are in your heart. Timp
and temptation will draw out ten thpufand n]ore, which as yct^
you know nothing of. Happy they, \yho can difcover, pluck
out, and cut off their right hand and right eye corruptions.
This muft be done, or we lliall only take up with the bare
femblance of holinefs. The Redeemer nnuft fit as a refiner's
fire upon our hearts, or we fhall never be purified as gold or
filver. This is our comfort, when we are tried we (hall come
fflrth like gold. The oflcnces that wc meet wjth in the church,
are moft trying ; — therefore they are permitted to come. I
wiflj my dear Mr. G , as well as yourfelf, may learn expe-
rience from what hath happened, and never run yourfelves into
needlefs difficulties. What is happening to the Jidcravians is
no more than I have long expected, and fpoken of to many
friends. Their fcheme is fo ajitichrtjilan \<\ almoft every re-
fpedl, that I am amazed the eyes of the Englijh brethren have
not long fince been opened, and the Babel Aoj^t at the firft.
But the glorious God generally fuffers fuch buildings to go
high, that their fall may be more conlpicuous. May the
builders rife (I mean as to fpirituals) by their falls, and gain
by their lofies 1 That is all the harm I wifh them. My dear
man, what a blefied thing it is to live and walk in the fimpli-
city of the gofpel ! How happy is that man, who beino- nei-
ther fond of money, numbers, nor power, goes on day by day
without any other fcheme, than a general intention to promote
the common falvation amongft people of all denominations.
Will you pray that I may be thus minded ? I ceafe not to pray
for you and yours, and my other dear friends at Leeds i and
I would fet out immediately for the north, was I not obliged
to be here in about two months, to attend and give further
orders about our building. But fome time in the fummer —
What ? — I hope to fee the fields white, ready unto harveft
again, and to rejoice together with you in our common Lord.
— In the mean while, let us be bufy for fo blefled a Mafter,
and be continually preiling forward towards the mark for the
prize of our high calling. The Lord Jesus fay Amen!
Adieu. With joint love to all, I fubfcribe myfelf, my dear
Yours moft afFedionately in our glorious Head,
To Mr, G .
Dear Mr. G , Norwich^ Jprll ij, 1753.
IT hath given me concern, that your letter, with Mr.
D 's and Mifs J 's, have lain by me fo lono; unan-
fwered. Bufmefs, and not want of love, hath prevented my
writing. Was it not fmfui, I could wiih for a thoufand hands,
a thou-
a thoufand tongues, and a thoufand lives : all fhould be em-
ployed night and day, without ceafing, in promoting the glory
of the ever- lovely, ever-loving Jesus. Thanks be to his
great name for reviving his work in the midft of the years.
I truft that his people every where will be made to fing,
*' The Winter is palt, the rain is over and gone, the flowers
appear on the earth, and the voice of the turtle is heard in the
land." All things promife well at London j and I hope you will
yet fee greater things than ever in the North. Some time this
Summer I hope to fee you all again. In the mean while, you
muft not fail to pray for me. I muft now begin to enter upon
my Spring circuit. For thefe three days paft, 1 have been
preaching here twice a-day. In the mornings we have been
quiet, but in the evenings the fons of Belial have been fome-
what rude. The place built here for public worfliip, is much
larger than yours at Neivcajlle ; and, I believe, hundreds of
truly awakened fouls attend. What cannot God do.? What
will the end of this be ? The deftrudlion of Jericho. — The
rams-horns muft go round, till her tow'ring walls fall down.
/ Who would but be one of thefe rams-horns ? My dear Sir,
N let us not be afhamed of the crofs of Christ : it is lined with
love, and will ere long be exchanged for a crown. Jesus
himfelf will put it on our heads. I am called away, and there-
fore cannot enlarge. To-morrow, God willing, I return to
London^ and hope foon to get time to anfwer my other New-
' cajile correfpondents. In the mean while, pray remember me
to them and all in the moft cordial manner, and beg them
never, never to ceafe praying for, my dear Sir,
Their and your moft affedlionate friend
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. R A' n.
My V£ry dear Friend, Norwich, April 1 8, 1753-
HOW does God delight to exceed even the hopes, and
to difappoint the fears of his weak, though honeft-
hearted people ! In fpite of all oppofition, he hath caufed us
to triumph even ia Norwich. Thoufands attend twice every
day, and hear with the greateft eagernefs. I hope it will ap-
pear yet more and more, that God hath much people here.
I am greatly importuned to ftay over Lord's-day, but I hope
to be in Spitalfielch on Saturday evening, and to fpend the ho-
lydays in London. O that they may prove glorious days of th6
Son of Man ! Thanks be to Goa, it is the chriftian's privi-
lege to keep holyday all the year round. *' Christ, our pafT-
over, is facrificed for us," and we are called to keep a perpe-
tual feaft. Happy, happy they, v»'ho know what it is to
banquet on the love of Jesus. Surely it pafleth all under-
ftanding. Of this happinefs, you and yours have been made
partakers. What need have we then to cry out, '< What
Ihall we render unto the Lord for all his mercies !" O my
dear Sir, let us keep clofe to our loving Lord, and not fufFer
the noife and hurry of bufinefs, to rob us of one moment's
communion and fellowfhip with the ever-bleffed God. I
commend you both to his never-failing mercy ; and wiihing
you, from my inmoft foul, the very beft of bleilings, even the
lure mercies of David^ I fubfcribe myfelf, my dear friend.
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. W,
ro Mr, D .
Dear Sir y London^ Jpril 2'] ^ 1 753.
ON Saturday evening a never-failing Redeemer brought
me fafe to London^ where I have been indifpofcd ever
fmce. But I (hall little regard the weaknefs and indifpofition
of my body, if I can but have the pleafure of hearing, if not
before, yet at the great day, that good was done to one pre-
cious foul at Norwich. Blefled be God for the feed fo'wn
there. I doubt not but it v/ill be watered with the dew of his
heavenly blefung, and bring forth a divine increafe. O that
it may fpring up, and bear fruit abundantly in the heart of you
and yours ! My poor prayers (liall not be wanting in your
behalf. This is the only return I can make to ycu both, for
the great kindnefles conferred on me a: your houfe. You
know who hath promifed, " That a cup of cold water, given
for his name's fake, fiiall not lofe its reward." What a Sa-
12 L E T T E R S.
viour is this ! Who woulJ but love and fcrve him ! Surely
hh ferv ice is perftdt freedom ! I hope all my dear Norwich
fiiends will find it fo every day. Be plcafed to falute them all
nujft affcclionately, as thty come in your way. I truft they
will remember mc at the throne of grace. You all know my
name : I am the chief of Tinners, and lefs than the leaft of
all faints, but
Their and your obliged friend,
and ready fervaat for Christ's fake,
My dear Dnvidy London ^ May i, 1 753.
DO you enquire where I am ? I anfwer, in Londoriy long-
ing to come to Leeds^ and yet withheld hitherto by His
providence who ordereth all things well. Let us have a little
more patience, and then in a few wteks I hope to have a blefTed
ranee in the Ncith. God's time I have always found to be the
bed time in the end. Ere now, I fuppofe, Mr. L hath re-
ceived my letter from Norwich. The word ran and was glorified
there. Preaching fo frequently, and riding hard, almoft killed
me J but what is my body in comparifon of precious and im-
mortal fouls ? O that this Spring may prove a Spring-time
every day ! Indeed I want to begin to begin to do fomcthing
for Jesus. At prefent I am engaged in a very ungrateful
work J I mean, in writing againft the leading Moravian bre-
thren. When you fee it, you will know whether there wag
not a caufe : a fecond edition of the pamphlet is juft come out.
1 fear the third part of the Journals cannot be procured : per-
haps it is not much matter. I am fick of all I do, and (land
aftoni(hcd that the Redeemer ftill continues to make ufe of
•and blels me. Surely I am more foolifli than any man j no
one receives fo much, and docs fo little. If you was heie, we
would weep together: friends know what it is to exchange
heart<^. May the common friend of finners keep both our
hearts near himfclf, and then all will be well. I cannot think
oi Leeds without weeping. I love that people, and pray that
they may incrcafe with all the increafe of God. *' Brethren,
pray for us," is ftill the earntfl requcft of my poor heart. I
am weakti than the weakdt, It's than the Icalt of all. Write
to mzi I <3o not like your fending fuch round-about ^ays :
friends letters always pay poftage, O let us fend ofcen by poft ^-^
to heaven ; I mean, on the wings of faith and love ; from
thence we (hall afluredly receive good anfwers, though not
always in our own way or time. For the preient, farcwel.
My hearty love to all the true followers of the Lamb, I hope
to write to all in time. In great hafte, but much greater love,
i fubfcribe myfelf,
Yours, Sec.
G. JV.
^0 Mr. 5 .
My dear Mavj Hav^rford-weji , May i';^ 1753.
THOUGH my wife hath not fent me the letter, yet fhe
writes me, " That you have fent me a threatening
one." I thank you for it, though unfeen, and fay unto thee,
if thou art thus minded, " What thou doeft, do quickly."
Blefled be God, I am ready to receive the moil traiierous
blow, and to confefs before God and man, all my weakneiTcs
and failings, whether in public or private life. I laid my ac-
count of fuch treatment, before I publifhcd my cxpoftulatory
letter. — And your writing in fuch a manner, convinces me
more and more, that Moravhm'tjm leads us to break through
the moft facred ties of nature, fricndfhip, and difmterefted
love. But my wife fays you write, " That I am drunk %vith \/^
power and apprclation." Waft thou with me fo long, my dear
man, and haft thou known me no better ? What power didft
thou know me ever to grafp at ? Or what power am I now
inverted with ? None, that I know of, except that of being &
poor pilgrim. And as for approbation, God knows, I ha^'C
had little elfe befides the crofs to glory in, ftnce my firft fetting
out.— May that be my glory ftill ! But my wife fays you
write, *' That I promifed not to print." I remember no fuch
.thing. I know you advifed mc not to do fo, but I know oi
no promife made. If I remember, I had not then read Rlm'iu: ;
but after that, I both heard and faw fo many things, that I
could not, with a fafe confcience, be filent. My wife fays
likewife, that vou write, " The bulk of my letter is not
truth." So fays Mr, Peter B ; nay, he fays, " that all
is a lie :'* and I hear he declares fo in the pulpit. So that
whether I will or not, he obliges me to clear myfelf in print ;
and if he goes on in this manner, will not only conftrain me
to print a third edition, but alfo to publifh the dreadful heap
i<^iff that lies behind. My anfwers to him, the Count, and my
old friend H , are almoft ready. I cannot fend them this
poft, but may have time ere long. O my dear man, let me
tell thee, that the God of truth and love hates lies : and that
caufe can never be good, which needs equivocations and falf-
hoods to fupportit. God willing, you fliall have none from
me. I have naked truth. I write out of pure love : and the
Lord Jesus only knows, what unfpeakablc grief and pain I
feel, when I think how many of my dear friends have fo in-
volved themfelvcs. If any thing flops my pen, it will be con-
cern for them, not myfelf. I value neither name, nor life
itfelf, when the caufe of God calls me to venture both.
Thanks be to his great name, I can truly fay, that for thefe
many years laft paft, no fin hath had dominion over me ;
neither have I flept with the guilt of any known, unrepented
fm lyinf' upon my heart : if you will tell me of any, I will be
cblif^ed to you. In the mean while, I wifii thee well in body
»nd foul, and fubfcribe myfelf, my dear John^
Your very afFedionate, though injured, friend
for Christ's fake,
To Mr. R K n.
Newman, 'June 2, 1 753.
DO not thuik that I have forgotten either you or yours,
or my promife of writing to you. Travelling and
preaching have prevented me. Within a little more than a
fortnight, I has'c rode three hundred and fifty miles, and
preached above twenty times : with what fuccefs the great
day will difcover, Then we fliall know who are flony-ground
hearers, and who receive the word into honcft and good hearts.
At Narboth, Pembroke^ Haverford-weji, &c. congregations
were large j and a gracious melting fcemed to be among the
people. Nature now cries out for a little eafe, but faith fays,
«' It is now juft time to begin to begin." Perhaps you may hear
me preach next Thurfday evening. London people attract me
much. O that our h(?arts may be more and more drawn to-
wards Jesus ! I hope this will find you (like the impreflion
of my feal) with your foul winged for heaven, and this poor,
earthly, good-for-nothing world, under your feet. Could I
fly away, you (hould never fee me till we meet at the right
hand of God. There the wicked, and even my own mother's
children, nay my fpiritual children, will ceafe from troubling
me, and my weary foul will enjoy an everlafting reft. I can
now no more. I am baiting at an inn not far from Gloucejlcr^
hoping fhortly to fee you and yours grown in grace ; and
begging all your dear relations to accept hearty love, I fub-
fcribe myfelf, my dear, dear friend,
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. IV,
To Mr. .
My very dear Friend.^ London^ June 2^ ^753'
I Was glad, at my return from a late excurfion, to find a
letter from you, efpecially as it befpoke your heart to be
nearer than ufual to the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus. May
this intimacy increafe daily, and the fruits of it appear in your
abounding in every good word and work ! I find more and
more, that one's whole life ought to be a continued facrifice of
love. I am glad Mr. R is owned. This gives me hopes,
that he begins to preach as when he firft fet out, and as he told
a friend, a little before his embarking, " that he hoped he
fliould." It never went better with his heart than then. God
keep him and all from further entanglements by fleflily v/ifdom
and worldly policy ! which I think have nothing to do with
the work of the Lord. Mr. S can tell you what con-
cern the B «'s awful condu<St hath given me. Surely if "
the Redeemer had not fupported me, I (hould within thefe
two months have died with grief. But I will fay no more:
—Jesus knows all things. He will not long bear with guile.
You know my temper. The Lord help me in fimplicity and
5 &^"^h
godly fincerity to have my convcrfation in the world, and in
the church ! By this time twelvemonth (if in the land of
the dying) I hope to fee you. In the mean while, let Mr.
S' • fpeak. I hope he hath fucceeded to his wifliesj and I
pray earneftly that the God of the feas and of the dry land,
may bring him fafc to the defired haven. Ere long we flial!
all arrive, I truft, in Mraham's harbour ; from thence we fhall
never put out to fea any more. There the wicked world,
and even God's own children, will ceafe from troubling, and
our weary fouls enjoy an everlafting reft. May you and yours
enter with a full gale ! Let us write to, though we cannot as yet
fee each other. Our hearty love and refpe<Sls await Mr. P ,
and all enquiring friends. I am glad to hear Mr. T is
coming over with Mr. D . If they come with their old
fire, I truft they will be enabled to do wonders. I and
McfTrs. IP'' 's are very friendly. 1 like them, becaufe they
go out and let the world fee what they are at once ; I fufpe<fl
lomething wrong, when fo much fecrecy is required. But I
muft have done. Only let me tell you, that the Redeemer
ftill owns my feeble labours. I have been a circuit of about
700 miles, and preached to many thoufands. My body yet is
upheld, and my foul rejoices in God my Saviour. Help me,
help me to praife him. I thank you for what you have
done for Mr. H , and for all paft favours. That grace,
mercy and peace may be multiplied upon you and yours, every
day and hour, is the earneft prayer of, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H n.
Ever-honotn-ed Madam, London, June 20, 1 753.
I Have been unaccountably detained in London \ox\gtx than I
expedled, but am jiift now fetting out for Porifmouth.
However, I cannot help fending your Ladyfhip the inclofed.
It hath fet me at liberty, and fully convinced me, againft what
a difguifed fpirit I have been teftifying. At prefcnt, I fhall go
on in my old way, preaching the everlafting gofpel. Blefled
be God, it is fuccefsiul here. We had a moft glorious l;icra-
L E t T E R S. 17
feent laft Sunday in dur new Tabernacle ; the Mailer of the
feaft was with us of a truth. As I purpofe returning from Portf'
mouth next Tuefday, I fhould think myfelf highly honoured by
receiving a few lines from your Ladyftiip. May this find you
in the blifsful enjoyment of him, who I am perfuaded is youj-
Ladyftiip's all in all ! I can only add, that Words cinhot well
exprefs how much I am, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyftiip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friend, PortfrnQuthf June 23, 1753*
FROM April to near July, is a long time for a kind letter
to lie by unanfwered ; but neceflity hath no law. A great
variety of circumftances hath occurred lately to prevent my
Corrcfponding with you, and many other dear friends. Som.e
time next month perhaps you may be acquainted with them.
I have thoughts of feeing Edinburgh then, though I muft; pufh
hard to bring it about. I purpofe at my return, to ftay in
London but one night, and then fet ©ut for the North. O for
a gracious gale of divine influence! The facred wind hath
blown fweetly in our new Tabernacle ; and I truft it will be
faid of this and that man, at the great day, that they were
born of God there. At Brijiol, in JVales, and Ghucejierjhirey
our Lord was pleafed to fmile on my feeble labours ; and
here in this place are feveral who bring forth fruit unto God.
Affairs go on well at Bethefda. Mr. T , I find, is com-
ing over in behalf of New-Jcrfey College. Lord, make
us all flames of fire ! The language of my foul is this,
*' Q^iicken me in thy way." You muft continue to pray for
me ; you muft remember me In the kindeft manner to all my
dear friends, and to your father and relations in particular, a=;
being afliared, that I am, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFeclionately in our common Lord,
G. JV.
Vol. m. B L E T-
ro Mr. N .
Dear 5/r, Portfmouth, June 23, 1753.
OT want of love, but leifure, prevented my anfwering
your kind letter much fooner. As I lead a pilgrim life,
have a weak body, and am almofl continually furrounded with
a variety of trials and temptations, I cannot write fo frequently
as I otherwife woulsJ choofe to do. However, my friends are
always upon my heart and fomc time next month, I hope to
fee you, amongfl the reft of my Edinburgh acquaintances,
grown in grace, and upon the full ftretch for Him who bled,
and groaned, and died for us. If your trials are not over, and
you have indeed entered upon the field of battle, I wifh you
joy. Fear not, neither be difmayed. Nil defperandum Chrijlt
Alice. Let this be the language of your heart and mine :
Give mejlrengih^ O GoD of power,
Then let winds blow or thunders roar ;
Thy faithful witnefs will I he :
'Tisfx'd — I can do all through Thee.
I need not inform you, dear Sir, that our Lord hath chofert
the weak things of this world to confound the ftrong ; and
things that are not, to bring to nought the things th^t are.
If it was not fo, what fhould fuch a poor, weak, helplefs
wretch as I am do ? In Jesus, and in him alone, is all my
ftren'^th and fupport found. Still he continues to uphold
mc, and crown my feeble labours with fuccefs. In JFales,
Gloucejlerjhire, and Brijiol, we have lately felt his power ; and
in our new Tabernacle at London, he hath alfo manifefted
forth his glory. O for a good gale in the North ! Who
knows but we may fee each other fome time the next month ?
I have thoughts of fetting forwards from London next week.
May the good Lord direcl my goings in his way ! You
muft dcfire all of the hofpitals, and in the focicty, and all my
other dear friend:s, to pray mofl: carneftly for me. I retain my
old name : I am the chief of fmncrs, and lefs than the Icaft of
all faints, but for Christ's fake, dear Mr. N ,
Their and your moH afteiStionate and willing
friend and fervant,
G. IF.
letters; 19
letter dcccclxxxi.
To Mr. S .
JHy very dear Friend, Le'icejler, July I, 1 753.
Cannot go farther (as Mr. M'lddkton returns to London to-
morrow) without fending you a few lines. They bring
good nev/s, even that the Redeemer hath much owned and
blefled the firft part "of my circuit. At Oulney we had two
good meetings ; and at Northa?npton our Lord filled his people
as with new wine. One aged faint told me, " that the meet-
ing-place was no other to him than the houfe of God, and
the gate of heaven." Several thoufands attended ; and I could
indeed fay, " It is good for me to be here." Laft night I
came to this place quite fatigued in my body, but willing, I
hope, to employ a thoufand fouls (if I had them) for the dear
Lord Jesijs. This is a cold place, but people flood very
attentive this morning, and fome Vv^ere affefted. To-morrow
I muft move to Noti'inghajn. You and yours muft promife to
follow me with your prayers. I hope you will hear that they
are anfwered. You may be alTured of mine j they are your
due ; they are a poor, but as they are the only return I can
ftiakcj I hope they will be accepted by, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFeclionately in our common Lord,
G. /r.
To Mr. S .
My dear D , Leeds, July 7, 1753.
KAT ! jufl come from the borders of the grave, and
ftill capitulating ! Will you never give up your
whole heart to Him, who hath dealt fo bountifully with you ?
Was this once done, you would not (efpecially as you have a
competency) talk of a hundred a year, but you would count
the work of the miniftry its own wages, and efleem the re-
proach of Christ above all the riches in the univerfe. Pray
remember what Mofcs faid to Pharaoh, " not a hoof muft be
left behind." Christ will have all or none. Halt no longer
between tw©; fin no mgre by withholding from God v/hat is
B 2 ^ his
his juft due, left a worfe evil befall you. Accept all thia
in love. Your letter hath extorted it from me. I pity you
amidft all your gaudy flievv. The pleafure I have had but
this week in preachmg the gofpel, I would not part with for
a thoufand worlds. BIcfTed be God, we have had fweet fea-
fons on the road ; and lafl night at this place, the cups of
many ran over. O Lord, keep nie a pilgrim, till thou art
pleafed to call me home ! I can now no more. My hearty
love to our dear Mr. H . O that you was like-minded
with him ! Accept this as from one, who is indeed, dear Sir,
Your mofl affedionate friend and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
G. W,
Aly dear Mr. D , York, July r I, 1753.
THUS far, but no farther, am I as yet advanced in my
way to Scotland^ and was I to comply with the prefTing
invitations of the TcrkJJjire people, I know not when I fhould
get there. The fields are exceeding white, ready unto harvefl ;
but by preaching thrice a day to great multitudes, my poor ta-
bernacle is enfeebled, and I have fuch a cold that I cannot well
writ^ much. Strange, that 1 can do no more for Him who
hath done and fufFered fo much for me ! Be pleafed to re-
member me to all ; and acquaint dear A'lr. and Mrs. S ,
that I hope to fend them an hiftorical letter from Neivcajll\
where I cxpecSl to be next Lord's-day. I fhall be glad to hear
that your foul profpers, and that all goes on well at the Ta-
bernacle. I hope to lee Edinburgh next week. My hearty
love to all. Accept the fame yourfelf, from, dear Mr. D ,
Your afteclionate friend and fervant for
Jejus Chr Ivor's fake,
G. W,
To Air. S .
My very dear Sir, Newcajile, July 14, 1753.
BEING, through the goodnefs of a never-failing Re-
deemer, jufl come hither, I fit down to perform my pro-
ipife by writing to you. But where fhall I begin, or where
fhall I end ? Surely the goodnefs of the Lord to fuch a
wretch as I am, is unfpeakable. I will inform you of a little.
After leaving Leicejier, I went to Nott'inghamy where a great
multitude came to hear, and I truft good was done, though a
fon of 5^//fl/ endeavoured to difturb us. From thence I went
to Sheffield, where we had two good meetings. The congre-
gation in the afternoon confifted of feveral thoufands. Here
fome dear friends from Leeds met me, two of which were my
fpiritual children, and all had been bleffed under the word.
The next morning we fet out for Leeds, and in our way
preached at Rotheratn and JVakeficld. At the former place, I
had been difturbed twice or thrice, and was almoft determined
to preach there no more. But we are poor judges. A perfon
told me, *' That God had made me inftrumental in convert-
ing his wife and brother, who had both been bitter perfecutors,
but now gladly received me under their roof. After preach-
ing, a young man was fet at liberty, who had been groaning
under the fpirit of bondage four years ; and whilft I was bap-
tizing a child, the Holy Spirit was pleafed to baptize feveral,
one in particular with a holy fire. What we faw, and felt,
and heard at Leeds, cannot well be exprefled. Thoufands at-
tended daily ; and on the Lord's-day it was computed that
near tv/enty thoufand heard at once. I preached thrice, and
the next day at Buvjlall and Bradford, where many thoufands
flocked alfo. Many were filled as with new wine; and as for
myfelf, I fcarce knew whether I was in heaven or on earth.
On Tuefday morning, though we had drank plentifully before,
yet our Lord kept the good wine till the laft. We had a
glorious parting-bleffing. At Tork I preached four times.
Twice we were difturbed, and twice we had fweet feafons.
There is a good work begun there. The profpefl all around
\s fo glorious, I almoft repent that 1 have engaged to go to
B 3 Scotland
Scotland. God willing, I fhall come back as fail as poflible.
What a pity is it that I have but one body, and that a very
weak one too. Lord, magnify thy ftrength in my weaknefs,
and fend me where thou v^ilt. Here I am moft kindly received.
How the Lord will be pleafed to deal with mc, you may
know hereafter. I can now only entreat the continuance of
the prayers of you and yours ; and with repeated thanks for
repeated favours, beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear
Yours, &c.
To Lady H w.
Ever-hcnoured Madam^ Newcq/ile^July 17, 1753.
I Wrote to your Ladyftiip juft before I fet out for Portfmouth^
and thought to have written again at my return, but was
hindered by flaying only one night at Lo7idoti. Ever fince I
have been upon the range for loft finners, and blefTed be God,
have been much owned by him who delights to work by the
meaneft inftrumcnts. In Northamptonjlnre our cup ran over.
In Leicejier, the Redeemer caufed us to triumph ; and in York-
y7;/>t', at Leeds and the adjacent places, I have fometimes fcarce
knovi'n whether I have been in heaven or earth. I have been
enabled to preach thrice a day, and once at Leeds^ perhaps to
near twenty thoufand, as they were computed. Indeed we kept
holv-day there. Many came to me that were awakened at my
former vifits. Not unto mc, O Lord, not unto me, but unto
thy free and untrierited mercy be all the glory ! In my way hi-
ther I preached four times at 7'ork; twice we were dif!:urbed,and
twice all was q'jiet ; and a fweet influence attended the word.
I lodged at Ivlrs. G 's, who keeps fteady. She enquired
moft heartily after your Ladyfhip, and begged to be remem-
bered in the moft rcfpeiSlful manner. Hither I came on Satur-
day, and have preached feven times, and once at Smiderland,
v/hcrc a great multitude attended, and were deeply imprefieJ.
At five in the morning the great room is filled, and on Lord's-
Hay the congregation without was great indeed. Surely the
Oiout of a king hath been amongft us. All is harmony and
love. I am now going to a place called Sheep-hill, and fhall
return in the evening to preach here again. To-morrow,
God willing, I fet forwards to Scotland. I could almoft wifli
this was to be the end of my circuit, for I want to go to
various parts. Lord Jesus, magnify thy flrength in my
weaknefs, and fend me where thou wilt ! If your Ladyfhip
pleafes, this may be communicated to C — — IF , to whom
I would write if I had time. I can only now entreat the con-
tinuance of your Ladyfhip's prayers, and beg your Ladyfhip's
acceptance of repeated acknowledgments for repeated favours,
from, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful and ready
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
Xo Mr, G , at Glafgow.
Edinburgh, 'July 21^ 1753.
YOURS I juft now received, but know not what to
fay by way of anfwer. The inward difcouragements
I have felt for above a week, againfl coming to Scotland, have
been very many. I have left a people full of fiie. Thoufands
and thoufands flocked to hear the glorious gofpel. Awakenings
I have heard of in every place ; faints have been revived, and
heaven as it were come down on earth. We have enjoyed per-
petual Camhujlang feafons. My eyes gufh out with tears of joy,
(and 1 tiuft at the fame time with godly forrow for my vilenefs)
at the very thought of it. My heart is quite broken, to think
poor Scotland is fo dead. O how gloomy hath been the afpedt !
I have been afraid of catching cold, though, alas ! I am too
too cold towards Him", who out of warm love bled and died
for me. O that Glafgow friends, if I do come, may pray for
me ! I could fcarce believe your letter, that your people would
be glad to fee fuch an ill and hell-deferving, good for nothing
creature as I am. If 1 lofe the opportunity of feeing you, I
fliall be difappointed indeed. I believe I fhall keep to the
time propofcd. O time, time, how ilowly doft thou goon !
When fliall I be wafted to an hap^y eternity ? Often with-
in thclQ three v^eeks have I hoped to die in the (jmbiaces of
B 4 my
my God. Had I athoufand fouls and bodies they fliould be
all itinerants for Jesus Christ. I want to fee all on a
flame of fire. You know, dear Sir, what fire I mean. O !!
break heart firings, break, and let the imprifoned foul be fet
at liberty. I want to go where I fliall neither fin myfelf, nor
fee others fin any more. My tender love to all. I can no
inore for weeping. When 1 forget to pray for my ungrateful
vile felf, — then will my worthy and dear friend ceafe to be
femernbered by, reyerepd and very dear Sir,
Yours moft affeilionately in our common Lord,
G. iV.
To Mr, B S .
Clafgovj, Julyis, 1753-
BOTH your letters came fafe to hand, and met with fuch
a reception, as none but thofe who are knit together in
the love of God can either experience, or have any idea of.
What you mentioned concerning a certain gentleman, melted
me down. — For having met with fome unexpe^ied pull-backs,
I !aft night and this morning had been praying, that relief
might come from what quarter our Lord thought moft proper.
How true h the faying of Luther :
Fix oti his work thyjiedfn/i eye^
So /hall thy zvork be done.
This, I trufi:, will teach me more and rnore to be difinte-
refted in what I do for Christ and fouls, and then never fear ;
even ravens (hail be fent to feed and nourifli upright Elijahs.
But above all, am I humbled and comforted at the good news
from Leeds f and Tork. And will the high and lofty one then
continue to delight to honour fuch a wretch as I am ? Then,
through the divine ilrer.gth, let me now begin to preach more
than ever. Yeftcrday I was "enabled to preach five times, and I
luppofe the lafi: time to near twenty thou.and, and almoft to
as many in the morning. People flock and are more fond than
ever to hear; at Edinburgh alfo, I preached twice every day
to many thoufands ; among whom are many of the noble and
polite. — Attention fits upon the faces of all, and friends come
round me like fo many bees, to importune for one week longer
iftay in Scotland. But I think I am fixed. God willing;, on
Thurfday I return to Edinburgh^ and the Tuefday following
ihall fet out for Berwick, <Jfc. Hafle, time ! Fly, fly on (fo
that I can but keep pace by filling thee up with duty) and
bring me to fee the face of God in heaven. I hope to write
again foon ; then you will know my rout. O that Jesus may
clire£t my goings in his way ! He will, he v.'ill. He will
never leave nor forfake thofe that put their truft in him ; and
he knows, that as far as I know my heart, I think his work
the very beft wages that can be given to.
Yours, Sic.
G. W.
"Xo Mr. G , at Glafgow.
Newcfijile, Aug. 12, "^"JSZ'
My very dear Sir,
I Would have anfwered your kind letter before I left Edin-
burgh, but I had not a moments leifure. With great dif-
ficulty I got away, after a heart-breaking parting on Tuefday
about noon. On JVednefday evrr.ing, and the Tioiirjday morn-
ing, I preached at Berwick, and on Thurfday evening at Aln-
zvick, in the ftreet. It being the time of the races, I dif-
courfed on thefe words, '' So run that ye may obtain."
Whilft I was difcourfing, the gentlemen came down from the
race, and furrounded the congregation, and heard very atten-
tively. The next morning at five I preached again, and
about noon at a place called Placy, and in the evening about
nine at Nexvcajlle, where a great number expecSted me. Mv
text was " At midnight a cry was made, behold the bride-
groom Cometh." The next morning I received the followino-
iiote, " Dearly beloved in the Lord, I write to you good
news. Your labour was not in vain laft night, for my wife
anfwered to the midnight cry, and received Christ into her
foul." O that we may all praife the Three in One ! Laft nicht
i prepared for, and this morning I opened the gofpel fair from
thefe words, " Ho ! every one that thirfteth." Much of the
divine prefence was in the congregation, and I believe many
tailed of Christ's wine. I ani to pieach three times ahnoH:
26 letters;
every day this week. This promifc fupports me. " As thy
day is, (o (hall thy ftrength be." By the inclofed, you will
fee the devil owes me a grudge for what was done at G/aJ-
gow. Would it not be proper to infert a paragraph to contra-
dict it ? Thoufands and thoufands come to hear notwithftand-
jng. Lord, what am I ? A poor hell-dcferving creature ; and
yet the Lord makes ufc of fuch to threfh the mountains with.
May the Lord help me fo to do, and then let him deal with
me as feemeth good in his fight. Pleafe to remember us in the
kindcft manner to dear Mr, M «, our kind hoft and
hoftefs, and all friends. I (hall not forget you and yours, or
your undertaking. The Lord profper this, and every other
work of your hands upon you ! My lot is to be a pilgrim, a
run-about for Christ. Commend me to Him who gives
ilrength to the weak, and for whofe fake I am.
Yours mod: aiFedionately,
To Mr. B S .
Newcajile^ Jug. 13, 1753.
JlJy very dear Friend^
MY rout is now fixed. After having preached here and
hereabouts three times each day, I am to leave this
place on Thurfday^ to be at Stockton on Sunday, at Ofmotherly
on Monday noon, lie at TopcUff, and reach York, God will-
ing, by way of Burroiigh-hridge, on Tuefday next, and then
come forwards to Leeds. I truft that our meeting will be like
that of 'Jonathan and David. Only fometimcs I muft change
names ; where it is faid *' David exceeded," there I will be
David, and you Jonathan. Where Jonathan exceeds, there
I will be Jonathan and you David. But more of this here-
after. — I muft now tell you good news. I could not finifh
this letter laft night, it is now Tuefday morning. But furely
heaven came down amongft us, under the laft evening preach-
ing : it was almoft too much for my body. O that the pri-
fon door was fct open, and the bird fuffered to fly out of the
caofe ! Then would I fly to heaven, and upon one of the
boughs of free grace fing the praifes of redeeming love for ever
2 and
and for ever. Till then, may we be employed in finging here
on earth ! But I muft away to Horfey to preach, from whence
I am to return to preach again in the evening. Thrice a day
tries me, but in the Lord have I righteoufnefs and flrength.
If you hear of a mob's being raifed by my preaching at Glaf-
gow, affure all your friends that there was none, but Satan
owes me a grudge for fpeaking againft the playhoufe. Par-
ticulars expect when we meet. In the mean while, give my
tender love to all, and forget not to pray for, my dear
Yours in our precious Christ,
To Lady I-I .
Newcajlle^ Aug. 13, 1 753.
Ever-honoured Madam^
OT want of refpecSb, but lelfure, hath prevented my
writing to your Ladyfliip. Since my laft, I have been
travelling and preaching twice or thrice, and once five times
a day. I cannot tell your Ladyfnip of one thoufandth part of
•what we have feen and felt. In Scotland the congregations
were larger than ever. At GIafgoit\ the man who owned the
playhoufe was made fo uneafy by the word preached, that he
took down the roof himfelf. For this Satan owes me a grudge,
and therefore it is put in the paper, that a mob was raifed.
Eut there was not the leaft appearance of any fuch thine;.
Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God to
the pulling down of Satan's flrong- holds. At NewcajUe our
Lord fills his people with new wine. Laft night much of
heaven was let down into the congregation. I am now goin<^
into the country, and am to return in the evening to preach.
Thrice a day is almofl too much for this weak tabernacle, but
in the Lord have I righteoufnefs and flrength. Next week I
am to be at York j the word I find fallens. On Sunday I hope
to fee Pvir. H . Ere long I hope to fee our common
Lord in glory. O that I may be one day lifted up from the
pulpit to the throne. Father, into thy hands I commend my
fpirit ; deal with me as fecmcth good in thy ^i^i \ I doubt
not but he deals bountifully with your Ladyfhip ; that yoi|
and yours may greatly increafe with all the incrcafe of Qod,
15 the earneft prayer of, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged,
dutiful and ready fervant,
G. IV.
To Lady F S .
Honoured Madam^ Leeds^ Aug, 23, 1 753.
HITHKRTO the Lord hath helped me. Bk-lfed be his
jjlorious name, the fields have been every where white,
readv unto harveft. I have been of late generally enabled to
preach th^-ice a day, and in all appearance the word never was
attended with more fuccefs. Satan rages and belies me, a-
bout the taking down the Glafgovu play-houfes j but I hope
my letter lately publiflied in the Newcajlle journal, will fet
all thin'j^s right. Thanks be to God, without the afliftance
of mobs and riots, (which my foul abhors) the chriftian's
weapons, through divine afliftance, are mighty to the pulling
down of Satan's ftrong-holds. Alas ! how many of thefe
hath he gotten in every unregenerate perfon's heart ! BlefTed
be his holy name for any begun conquefts there j furely his
name is wonderful that hath done it. What a miracle of
grace is it, honoured Madam, that a fpark of fire fliould be
kent in, amidft an ocean of corruption ! that the bufh
fliould burn, and yet not he confumed ! Such a ftanding
miracle I truft your Ladyfhip will be. To be a martyr, a
liviner witnefs for Jesus, amidft the tip-top allurements of
h|oh life — by this we prove the ftrength of Jesus to be ours
indeed. May the Lord of all Lords help you, honoured
Madam, to hold on and hold out. My prayer to \\\m for
you is, " That your progrefs may be made known to ail men,
and that you may increafe with all the increafe of God."
Glory be to free grace, I find the happinefs of the divine life
an increafing happinefs indeed. — Lately our common Lord
hath taken his people into the banqueting houfe, and caufed
their cup of confolation to run over. Surely we have been
in the fuburbs of heaven : ere long we fhall enter into the
city itfclf. Cur Lord is gone before to prepare the. way.
To the tender and never-failing mercy of this gracioas fore-
runner, do I humbly and heartily recommend your Ladyfhip,
as being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyftiip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam, ^"''^^ ^'P' i^' '753-
LAST S^/«ri^>' I returned to Leeds, from whence I had
been abfent a fortnight. But what thd glorious E?nma-
nuel gave us to fee and feel, is indeed inexpreffible. What a
hcv^mcntztHowarthf We ufed thirty-five bottles of wine
on the occafion. I have been as far as Bolton, Manchejier^
and Stockport. At the laft place fo much of the divine prefencfe
came amongft us, that it was almoft too much for our frail
natures to bear ; at the former, our cup was alfo made to run
over. Every where the congregation looked like fwarms of
bees, and the more I preached the more eager they feemed to
be. At Bufiall laft Lord's day, perhaps there were near twenty
thoufand, and on Monday morning at Leeds, the parting was
the moft affeaing I ever faw : it has been almoft too much
for me. I have not as yet half recovered it. Lord, haften
the time when thy people (hall part no more ! Laft night I
came hither, and preached with quietnefs. This morning I
am fetting out for LincolnJIAre, and have fome thoughts of
taking a trip to Ireland. Lord Jesus, what am I that I
fliould be called to go out into the high-ways and hedges ?
Befides travelling, I have been enabled to preach thrice a
day frequently. Arrows of convidion have fled, and of fouls
1 hear fcores have been awakened j they tell me that a hundred
have been added to Sunderland fociety. O that the leaven may
ferment till the whole be leavened ! Never did I fee the work
more promifmg. God be merciful to me a finner, and give
me, for his infinite mercy's fake, an humble thankful and re-
figned heart ! Surely I am viler than the vileft, and ftand
amazed at his employing fuch a wretch as I am ; but his
name is Love. I could enlarge, but muft away to preach.
Ever-honoured Madam, let me intreat the continuance of
6 y°"'
your prayers, and thereby increafe the innumerable obligations
already conferred on the unworthieft of the fons of men, but,
for Christ's fake, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft: dutiful, obliged
and ready fervant,
G. W,
To Lady H .
London^ Sept. 26, 1753.
Ever-honoured Madam,
YESTERDAY about noon, a good and never-failing
Redeemer brought me and mine in fafety to town, where
1 exped to ftay only a few days. Thanks be to God for this
laft circuit ! I think this day three months I left Londsn ; fince
which time I have been enabled to travel about twelve hun-
dred miles, and to preach about one hundred and eighty fer-
mons to many, very many thoufands of fouls. More glori-
ous feafons I never faw ; parting has almoft killed me. My
laft excurfion hath been to York, LincolnJIAre, Rotheram, Shef-
field, Ncitinghaw, Northampton, where I believe near ten thou-
fand fouls came to hear laft Lord's day. It was a Lord's day
indeed. Praife the Lord O my foul 1 I hope your Ladyfhip
received Governor B 's letter. I hear that your Ladyfhip
hath honoured me with one, but find it is gone to Nottingham ;
I expert it to-morrow ; but though fomewhat fatigued, could
not omit thanking your Ladyfhip to-night for this and all
other favours. Innumerable are my obligations. — But the
all-gracious and all-glorious Jesus muft difcharge them for
me. My poor prayers, is the only pepper-corn I have got to
offer by way of acknowledgment. O that I could do fomc-
thing to exprefs my gratitude ! By the help of my God, I
will now begin to begin to love him. I am fure it is high
time. — And in doing fo, and ftudying to promote by my feeble
letters his glory and the good of fouls, I fliall make the beft
return your Ladyfliip dcfires. I have fome thoughts of feeing
Ireland i the Lord direct my goings ii; his way ! I muft nov*r
wifli your Ladyfliip a good night. My wife joins in fending
moft dutiful refpedls, vvitli, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mr, D .
Northampton^ OSf. 7, 1753.
WHAT ! have the birds of prey been purfuing, peck-
ing at, and wounding one of Christ's doves?
Come, my dear man, play the man, be ftrong in the grace
which is in Christ Jesus, an^' ae not like a filly dove that
hath no heart. Look to him, and you fliall be favcd :
He will give Jirength, he will give pozver^
He will in time fet free.
Thefe enemies which fo perplex us, ere long, blefled be God,
we {hall fee no more. Pharaoh and his hoft fhall be drowned
in the fea.
Through Christ we Jhall
Break through them all,
Andfmg the fong of Mofes.
Courage then, my tiear Mr. D ; Christ's blood (hall
yet purge out all remaining gall. Alas ! alas ! how little
do we know of our hearts ? What feathers are we, when
tofled in the wind of temptations ? What greater and greater
abominations (hall we find, when the fpirit leads us more and
more into the chambers of imagery that are within us ! We
Ihall find, that, comparatively fpeaking, we know nothing as
we ought to know. O my ignorance ! my ignorance ! My
leannefs, my leannefs ! Pray for me, dear Mr. D , and
falute all dear friends in my name. I will v/rite as foon as I
can. My flay in London was but (hort, yet I truft profitable
and fweet to many. The new tabernacle was filled with
God's glory under the word preached, on the letter day, and
at facl-ament. I am now bound for Stafordjhlre ; rollovV rnc'
with your prayers, and believe me to be
Your affedlionate rympathi:>Jng
friend, in our dear Lord,
C?. IV,
To Mr: S .
My very dear Sir, Northampton, Od. lo, 1753.
IT is now near eleven at night, and I am to ride beyond
Coventry to-morrow : but I cannot clofe my eyes without
fending you a fhort account of my week's work. On Saturday
laft, I preached at Oulncy, and had a blcfled feafon. On the
Lord's day we had two glorious opportunities in this place,
where the congregations were much larger than before. On
Monday I went to Oxen near Harh:rou^h ; it was their feaft-
day, but if I miftake not, fome of their feafling Was fpoiled.
In the evening I preached at Bofiuorib; the. congregation was
large as well as that at Oxen, and the power as great. About
nine at night I got to Kettering, where I preached the next
morning to many fouls ; the Redeemer gave us a fpiritua!
breakfaft. About five in the evening I reached Bedford, and
preached in the Green laft night, and this morning. This
afternoon we had another blefled feafon at Culney, and this
evening I fojourn here, in order to fet off for Birmingham to-
morrow. A nev/ fcene of ufefulnefs hat!i opened this week.
that nothing may retard me in my pilgrim life ! It is worfe
than death to me, to be ftopt in that. You, my dear Sir, arc
called to trade, I to travel for my God. Whilft trading, you
are in effect travelling and preaching to thoufands ; for yo«
greatly ftrengthen my hands in the Lord. Great fhall be your
reward in heaven. O what a bountiful mafter do we ferve !
1 am loath to go to ficcp, and yet this vile body ftands in need
of it. My dear, very dear Sir, good night. God blefs you
and yours. I pray for your dear yoke-fellow, and little maid,
inceflantly. As you learnt long ago to look through and
above unworthincfs, I muft ftill beg you to increafc my obli-
gations, by following with your prayers.
Yours moft affectionately in our common LoRt),
G. ir.
Letters. ss
letter dccccxcv.
To Dear A .
Birmingham^ OSi. I^, 1753'
*' T T A V IN G loved his own, he loved them unto the end,"
i I. fays the beloved difciple, concerning Jesus Christ.
I would copy after this great exemplar, and have my love like:
his, fteady and difmterefted. Thus you have found, and I
truft always will find my Ibve to you. Works fpeak better
than words* I am repcfing the utmoft confidence in you and
yours. You are going to aflift in a houfe, built in anfwer to
millions of prayers, and which I doubt not, will prove a blef-
fing to many that are now unborn. Look upon it in this light;
think of the honour God is conferring upon you ; then you
win launch into the deep with a holy confidence, and whea
arrived at your wiftied for port, will behave with humilityj
difintereftednefs, integrity and diligence. You need not afk
any prayers, they will follov* after you, though you fliould
even fly upon the wings of the wind. I have pawned my word
for your good behaviour in every refpe^, and hope to have my
mod fangulne expeiStations anfwered. Get but humility, and
all will be well. I am fatisfied about your pafiage and your
room. You will remember, that God is about your bed, as
well as your other paths, and take care to behave accordingly.
To be a chriftian hufband is no fmall mdtter. How much
frefli grace is now neceflary for your new flate of life ! Your
fufficiency lives only in Christ. To his never-failing mercy
do I commend you, and, for his great name's fake, fubfcribe!
myfelf, dear A • ■■■■',
Your affectionate and -ready friend,
To Mr. S .
My very dear Sir, Nanttvlck^ Oci. 1 8, 1753.
I Am now at an Inn, but cannot go farther, without giving
you an account of my laft week's circuit. Since my laft,
I have been at Birmingham^ and feveral adjacent places. Still
frefh work hath been done, and fouls Red to the gofpel like
Vol. III. Q doves
doves to the windows. At a place near Dudley^ called Guar^
fiall^ I heard of a whole company awakened by readino- my
poor fermons. I met with others awakened years ago; and
at one place, an old faint faid, " this is the old ftory fifty-five
years ago." Another near as old, faid, " I was comforted
when you came laft, now God hath fent you to me again,
and I can go more chearful to heaven." I have heard of z
great reprobate, a notorious perfecutor and drunkard, who
hath been ftruck moft powerfully. O my dear Sir; what
fliall you have for helping nie in outward things, afTifting me
by your prayers, and thereby caufing me to prefs forward more
chearfully in this delightful work of publifhing the everlafting
gofpel ! I am now going to a neighbouring village, after that
to Chejiery and from thence, purpofe to return through Staf-
fordjhire. God willing, you Ihall hear how it goes on, when
I come to crofs-plough the ground again. In the mean while,
be pleafed to accept this as a token of my love, gratitude, and
refpccl unfeigned, and after giving my moft hearty love to dear-
Mrs. S and your dear little daughter, I fubfcribe myfelf,
very dear Sir,
Your moft unworthy, though moft obliged friend,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. S .
My very dear Sir, JFclverhamptcfiy Ocl. 2-j, I753..
1Y yTY laft, I think was from Nantivicb. Since that, the
XVJL ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus, hnth vouchfafed to em-
ploy me in bi caking up new ground. I have preached four
times at j^lperam in ChcOAre, where the Lord was with us
of a truth, and where he had fweotly prepared my way, by
bieftjng fcvcral of my poor writings. At Chcjlcr I preached
four times ; a great concoiirfe attended ; all was hulhed and
quiet, fevcral of the clergy were prefent, and the word came
with power. I have fincc heard, that 'he rr.Oi^ noted rebel in
town, was brongJu under deep conviv^ion, and could not deep
night or day. Within doors, where I preached early in the
morning, conviction fcemcd to go through the v/hole congre-
gatitin. At LiVivpool, the way was equally prepared. — A per-
fon who had been wrought on by Tome of my printed fermons,
met me at landing, and took me to his houfe; a great number
at a (hoit notice was convened; all was quiet here alfo. Some
came under immediate conviction j and I could wifli to have
*ftayed much longer, but notice was given for my pleaching at
IFrexhamy which I find fince, hath been a rude place indced.
tJpon my comings the town was alarmed, and feveral thou-
fands came to hear. Several of the bafer fort made a great
noife, and threw ftone?, but none touched me, and I truCI; I
can fay, our Lord got himfelf the victory. The next day,
near Alperam^ we had another heaven upon earth, A divine
power defcended among the people, and we could fay, how
awfully fweet is this place! The next morning I intended to
preach near NantvAch^ where a Methodift meeting-^houfe hath
lately been pulled down. Here Sataji roared. — The mob pelted
Mr. D and others much, but I got oft pretty free, and
had opportunity of preaching quietly a little out of town.
Laft night I preached here in the dark, to a great body of
hearers, for this country, and am now bound for JVednejbury,
Dudley and Kuldeymivf.er. From thence, perhaps I ,rnay come
to Lcndott for a few days. But this as yet is not determined.
You will either fee or hear again from me foon. In the mean
while, I commend myfelf to the continual remembrance of your
whole fclf, and with ten thoufand thanks for all favours, beg
kwe to fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear Sir,
Yours, he. in our bleffed Lord,
G. IV.
r, Mr. E .
Dfar Mr. E , Lo?id:r^ Ntv. S, 1 753.
MAN appoints, but it is God's prerogative to difappoinr,
whcii difappuintments are nccclLry for our good. Buc
hov/ hard h it to believe this i' How apt are we in our hnfle
to fay, all thcfe things are againit us ! But what fiys Dcctor
Jllh-re red fon fails xjuith all bir psio'n,
"Ijcnfjit.'j prsvsiis ukJ Isvi adons.
Come then, my clear Sir, anJ chearfully give up your Jfsac for
God. He will be better to you than a thoufand creatures.
Leave to his fovcreign fway^
To choose and to command ;
Sofialt tkou zvond'ring owr. his way:
Hciu wife ! howjlrcng his hand !
Far above thy thoughts.,
His counjd flyall appear^
When fully he the work hath wrought.
That caus\l thy needlefs fear.
Ere now, I truft, the ftorm is. blown over, and that the Re-
deemer hath made you happy in himfelf. His love is unchange-
able ; this rock of ages can never fail you. Build upon him,
and you are quite fafc. I could enlarge, but time fails. Be
pleafed to remember us to all, and believe me to be, dear
Your affedionate brother and fervant
in our common Lord,
G. JF.
To Mr. P .
,. My dear P , Gloucefer, Nov. lb, 1753.
I Thank you for your kind letter; it found me juft returned
from another tour in the north, which, like the former, I
truft hath been owned and blelled to many precious and im-
mortal fculs. At Liverpool., Chejier, Dudley^ IVednefbury, Bir-
mingham, Coventry, Northampton, and various other places, the
<Tofpel report was believed, and the arm ot the Lord was re-
vealed. At Nantwich and IVrexham, I met v/ith a little rough
treatment; but what have pilgrims to cxpcd better, in their
journeying through the wide hovi'ling v/ildcrnefs of this noify
and troublcfome world ? At London, we had blefled feafons ;
and here, in my native country, the Lord of all Lords hath
repeatedly made us cry out, " hov/ dreadful is this place !"
After Lord's day, I am bound for Brifol and Plymouth, and
hope to get into my winter quarters fome time before Chrijl-
vias. Glad fnould 1 be to travel for Jesus all the year round.
It is niQre 10 me than my neceflary food. 'J'hank you, thank
you my dear linging friends, for praying for me. I am per-
fuaded, you help to hold up my weak hands. O continue to
pray, that I may at length begin to be a pilgrim indeed. No
other honour do I defire, whilft on this fide eternity. I hope
to fend you fome new tunes ere long. And what is better,
infinitely better, I hope to join with you in finging the fong
o^ Mofcs and the Lamb ere long in the kingdom of heaven.
Till then, though as yec we are embodied fpirits,
Welljlrive to Jlng as loud as ihey^ ,
JVho finne above in brighter day.
Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied upon you all. But a
word or two concerning 'Jenks on the righteonfnefs of Christ.
It is a precious book, and I think your extradling Mr. Hcrvey%
recommendation, and putting it by way of preface, to a new
edition, will be fufficient. This 1 know is all he would con-
fent to have done fome time ago, when applied to by a London
bookfeller. God profper this work of your hands upon ycu.
Pray remember me to all my never to be forgotten friends,
and afTure them, that not want of love but leifure prevents
|heir hearing more frequently from, my dear Sir,
Theirs and yours moft affedlionately
in our common Lord,
G. JV,
To Mr. G .
Gloucejler, Nov. i6, 1753.
Rover c-nd and very dear Sir,
YOUR kind letter I received, and would have anfwered
it during my ftay in London (which was only a few days)
but really I was almoft killed with a multiplicity of bufinefs.
The journals alfo I would have fent immediately, but knew
not how. — My v/ife promifed me to embrace the firft opportu-
nity that offered, and I hope ere long they will come fafe to
hand. As for my pointing out particular pafiages, it is im-
pradticable i 1 have neither leifure nor inclination (o to do.
At prefent, my doings and writings appear to me in fo mean
a light, that I think they deferve no other treatment than tp
be buried in e:ernal oblivion. " Behold, I am vile, I am vile,'*
C 3 is
is all that I can fay to God or man. And yet, amazing lovel
vile as I am, the high and lofty One that inhabitcth eternity,
ilill delights to honour me, by owning and fuccecding my
poor feeble labours. Great things were done in and about
Newcajile; but fa.r grcitcr did v/e fee afterwards in Torkjhirty
LancaJJjire, Zic. Since that, I have been another tour, and
have preached at Liverpsoly Chejler, Coventry^ B'trminghairiy
Dudley^ JVcdnejbury^ Kidder inivjier^ Northampton, Bedford, &c.
^•c. Ere now I fuppofe Mr. B P hath informed
you, what apoftolical treatment we met with at Naniivich.
Lord, what am I, that I fhculd be accounted worthy to fufFer
reproach for thy great name fake ? At prcfcnt 1 am in my
native country, where the Lord of all Lords hath vouchfafcd
to give us feveral precious meetings. After a few days fojourn-
jng here, I am bound for Brijlol and Plymouth, and in about
three weeks, I purpofe to betake myfelf to my winter quarters.
Bleffed be GoD, I have had good news from Georgia. O that
we all TV.zj at length fafely arrive in Ahraham\ harbour \
From thence we fnall never put to fea again. My dear Sir,
in the mean while, let us pray for each other. Christ is in
our fhip, ar.d therefore it will not fink. I commend you and
youis, and all my other never to be forgotten Glafgow friends,
to his never-failmg proteeflion, and beg them, for Christ's
fake, to always remember to pray for, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFe6lionately in our commion Lord,
G, W.
To Mr. S ^.
My very dear Rir, Gloucejler, Nov. 17, 1753.
IT is now juil a week fince I left London. I muft not, I
cannot go any further without writing to him, who doth
fo much to ftrengthen my hands in the Lord. And what (hall
1 lay ? Truly the glorious Emmanuel ftill continues to fmile
upon my feeble labours. Although I am in my native coun-
try, yet he hath not loft himfelf without witnefs, Laft Lord's
day was a high day, and fmce that, we have had fome more
beautiful feafons in the country. I write this from a nineteen
years friend's houfe, an Alderman of the city, who with his
wife, arc my fpiritual children. Lord, what am \l To-mor-
3 "^"w
row I am to move, and expedt, befides riding, to preach thrice
for feme days.
Christ's pnfcnce will my pains be guile ^
And make 7ne^ though fatigud^ to f.nile.
After vifiting Brijlol and Plymouth^ I purpofc haftening to my
winter quarters. Winter quarters ! — The word zvinter almoft
fhocks me. Alas, winter come already, and J, ungrateful, ill
and hell-dcferving I, have done io little for nqy God in the
fummer ? How can I lift up my guilty head ? I blufh and am
confounded before thee, O Lord. Behold, I am vile; O di"-
and dung round me, that I may bring forth more fruit to thes
my God ! Still, my dear Sir, I mult beg j'our prayers, and
thofe of your dear yoke-fellow, whom I love and honour, and
whom (with your dear little daughter) I falute much in the
Lord. A fcnfe of my ov;n unfruiifulnefs, and of God's
amazing condefcenfion in employing fuch a wretch, at prefcnt
io over-powers me, that I am obliged to retire, to give vent to
my heart, after having fubfcribed myfelf, my very dear Sir,
Yours under innumerable obligations,
in the beft of bonds,
0. If.
Tq Mr. A .
My very dear friend, Brijlol, Nov. 2\, 1753.
I Hoped a few days ago to fend you glad tidings, and blefied
be God, I am not"difappointed. Never had I before fuch
freedom in Gkucejlerjhire. It was fo pleafant, that I intend
taking it again in my way to Und:n. Sunday was indeed an
high day. I preached and gave the facrament at the new-houfe
in the morning, and preached again at Mr. G 's and Mr.
F 's in the field, at noon and in the evening. Showers of
bleflings defcended from above. Mr. L-r- — fupped with mej
our Lord gave us richly to feaft upon his great love. At
Painjwick we had two pleafant feafons, and the fame favour
was vouchfafed us at Chafford and Tedbury. At Ghucejlir alfo
a time of refrefning came from the prefence of the Loj^D, and
the dear Alderman's houfe was made a Bethel to my foul. God
brought me here on Monday evening, and to my great difap-.
^ 4 F-intmcnt
pojiilmcnt the new tabernacle is not finiflied, (o that I know
not well what to do. However, we had a good time laft night
at the hall, and I hope all this is but the beginning of a warm
winter. I am glad that the Lord Jesus deals (o bountifully
with you at London. May he do fo more and more! I believe
he will. Your motion to go to Nortvkh I much approve of.
Whatever others deilgn, that is nothing to us. Simplicity and
godly fincerity will carry all before it in the end. O that the
fons of Zeriiiah could be pcrfuaded to let us alone I But how
then fliould we be able to approve ourfelves fons oi David?
By thorns and briars, the old man muft be fcratched to death.
— O this crucifixion work ! Lord Jesus help us to go
through it ! He will, he will. I commend thee and thine to
his almighty prote£tion and never-failing mercy, as being, my
yery dear man,
Yours moft afFcdlionately in our common Lord,
G. fK
Dear Mrs. C , Stroude^ Nov. 27, 1/5;^.
YOUR letter came to my hands at JVrexhum^ but being
upon the road I could not anfwer it. What faid God to
Jbraham, " Fear not j I will be thy fhield and thy exceeding
great reward." Now is your time to approve yourfelf his
dauo-hter. — My heart's defire and prayer to the Lord of all
Lords is, that you may be ftrong in faith, and thereby give
glory to God. — I am much obliged to thofe who difTuade you
from going, — I find moft love to be friends till they begin to
have their Jfcuics dcniandcd. — Let them have but a little pati-
ence: perhaps I may embark myfclf. — If they do not think it
a privilege to go fpr Christ over the waters, I do. — This^
even this is the language of my heart,
Lord, ohcdlcntly Til go^
QUuily leaving all beloiu j
Only Taou my leader be.,
And IJiill will follow Thee.
n for a pil^^rim heart! This I believe God hath givrn ynu,
and I do not fear repenting the confidence I have repofed in
you. — That the Lord may make you a m.other in Jfraety and
, ' blcfs
blefs you in taking care of his dear lambs, is the hearty prayer
of, dear Mrs. C r-,
Your moll aflured friend and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
- '^y '>!' G. W,
p. S. We have had blefTcd feafons in the country : the
Lord has been with us of a truth. Grace ! grace !
To Mr. S '.
Aly very dear Friend, Bri/iol, Dec. i, 1 753.
THIS hath been a long fortnight, for fo long it is fince I
wrote to my very dear friend ; but I Vv'aitcd to fend him
a bundle of good news together. Blefl'ed be Geo, I am not
difappointed of my hope. Since my laft, I have preached fe-
veral times in Ghucejier-Jhire., where the people, as well as the
unworthy preacher, drank, plentifully of the good wine of the
kingdom. In the fields feveral thoufands attended. Here we
have alfo enjoyed much of God ; twice I preached in my
brother's great houfe to the quality, amongft whom was one
of Cafar's houfhold. On Sunday I opened the n.ew Taber-
nacle.. It is large, but not half large enough : would the
place contain them, I believe near as many would attend as in
London. Laft A-Ionday I fet out for Somerfetjlnre, iritending to
have gone as far as Plymouth^ but the weather was fo violent,
and my call to London likely to be fo fpeedy, that I turned
back. However, I preached in Somerfetfhire fou^ or five times.
Some told me, they were fcarce able to ftand under what God
gave them. On Taefday^ at feven in the evening, I preached
in the open air to a great multitude j all was hufn'd and
exceeding folemn ; the ftars flione exceeding bright, and then,
if ever, by an eye of faith, I faw him who calleth them all by
their names. My foul was filled with an holy ambition, and
I longed to be one of thcfe who fliall fhine as theftars for ever
and ever. My hands and body at this, and at other times
were pierced with cold ; but what are outward things when the
f©ul within is warmed with the love of God ? O my very
dear Sir, increafe my obligations by continuing to pray, that
this unfpeakable gift may be {bed abroad abundantly in my
heart by the Holy Ghoft. Then fhall I not grovel as I do
Eow here below, but mount on wings like an ea^le : I fhall
walk and not be weary, I fliall hold on and not be faint. O
that I may die in the field ! But die when or where I will, I
ihall die under the ftrongeft obligations to you and your dear
yoke-fellow, who will both know, at the day of judgment,
how fmcercly I fubfcribc myfelf, very dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. fF,
To Mr. S^ — .
Brljloly Dec. 3, 1753.
WHEN I faw the feal of your lafl fweet letter, 1 guefl'ed
at the contents of it. BlefTed be God, I was not dif-
appointed. The heart was fearing aloft, mounting on the
wings of faith and love, and had fled out of fight of this poor
and troublefome world. Thus may that God, who is rich in
mercy, pay and reward all that love ill and hell-deferving me !
The devil himfclf dares nor accufe us, for ferving and loving
God or man, for thefe wages. They are wages of God's ap-
pointing, God's promifing, God's paying. May my dear
friend always find fuch payment ! I believe he will,
O Lord, enlarge our fcaniy t1}oughts^
To fee the wonders thou hajl wrought \
Unlooje our Jlammer'ing tongues to tell.
Thy love itnmenfe^ unfpeahable*
I rejoice in the promifing profpe(ft of the happinefs of your
brother's, houfhold. May it widen and fpread over all ! If I
have anytime, I hope to fend him a few lines. Lord, haflea
the time when my poor kinfmcn and brethren after the flefli
ihall be joined to thee by one fpirit I Till then, help me,
O Lord, to be continually crying out, " Why me, Lord,
why me r " Well may diftinguifliing grace, and the thoughts
of cverlafting love, fwallow up your whole foul. Strange !
that God's children Ihould not know their own bread. But
thcfe.corrupt hearts of ours iiiii verge towards the law. Grace,
OTnnipotcnt grace alone, can enable us to fee our complcatncfs
in Christ, and yet excite us, from principles of gratitude
and Jove, to faithfulnefs and zeal, as though we vvene to be
iaved entirely by them. Glorious myftery ! Like the Wefied
angels, may you and yours, my dear friend, be continually
employed in looking into it ! This is what I have been
preaching on laft week in Scmerfetfotre, The fire there
warmed and enflamed me, though I preached in the air on
Tucfday evening at feven o'clock, as well as on JVedncfday and
Thurjday. I purpofed to go as far as Plymouth^ but provijence
hath brouglit me back, and I am now haftening to London^ to
pay my lad refpeds to my dying friend^ It may be, that
fhorily Mr. J IV will be no more ; the phyficians
think his difeafe is a galloping confumption. I pity tlie
church, I pity myfelf, but not: him. We muft flay behind in
this cold climate, whilft he takes his flight to a radiant throne,
prepared for him from the foundations of the world. Lord,
if it be thy blefled will, let not thy chariot wheels be long in
coming. Even {ct come Lord Jesus, come quickly ! Poor
Mr. C will now have double work. But we can do all
things through Christ flrengthening us. The refidue of
the Spirit is in the Redeemer's hands, and he hath promifed
not to leave his people comfortlefs. Our eyes, O Lord, are
unto thee from whom comcth all our falvation. Here I could
enlarge, but I muft fend a few lines to London^ v,?hich I hope
to reach myfelf fome time this week. Be pleafed to diredlyour
next there. My Leeds friends have my cordial acknowled Ele-
ments for their kind enquiries concerning me. I hope this
will find them all, with your dear yoke-fellow, leaning on the
Mediator s bofom. There am I now reclining my weary head,
Atlieu. The Lord Jesus be with your fpirit.
Yours, &o.
♦ ro Mr, c — ;/' — .
Brijiol, Dec. 3, 1753.
BEING uaexpeclcdly brought back from Soynerfetjhirct
ami hearing j-ou are gone upon fuch a mournful errand,
I cannot help fending after you a few fympathizing lines.
The Lord help and fupport you ! May a double fpirit of the
afceiiding Elijah^ defcend and reft on the furviving EliJ}:)a !
Nqw is the time to prove the ftrength of Jesus yours. A
wife, a friend, and brother, ill together. Well ! this is our
comfort, all things (hall work togtjther for good to thofe that
loveOoD. If you think proper, be pleafed to deliver the in-
clofed. It was written out of the fuinefs of my heart. To-
morrow I leave Brijiol, and purpofe reaching London by Satur-
day morning or night. Glad ihould I be to reach heaven
firft ; but faith and patience hold out a little longer. Yet a
little while, and we fhall be all together with our common
Lord. I commend you to his everlafting love, and am, my
<lear friend, with much fympathy,
Yours, &c.
G. W,
ro the Reverend Mr, J IV .
Reverend and very dear Sir^ Br'ijiol^ Dee:, 3, 1753.
IF feeing you fo weak when leaving London,^ diftreflbd me,
the news and profpecl of your approaching difl'olution
hath quite weighed me down. I pity myftrlf, and the churcii,
but not you. A radiant throne awaits you, and ere long you
will enter into your Maftcr's joy. Yonder he ftands with a
mafTy crown, ready to put it on your head amidft an admirirtg
throng of faints and angels. But I, poor I, that have been
waiting for my diflblution thcfc nineteen years, muft be left
behind to grovel here below ! Well, this is my comfort,
it cannot be long ere the chariots will be fent even for worth-
lefs me. If prayers can detain them, even you, reverend and
very dear Sir, (hail not leave us yet ; but if the decree is gone
Iferth that you muft now fall afleep in Jesus, may he kifs your
foul away, and ^ive you to die in the embraces of triumphant
love. If in the land of the living, I hope to pay my laft re-
fpcas to you next week. If not, reverend and dear Sir,
f^rewel.-/ pra, fiquar, etfi non paribus aquls. My heart is too
bie tears trickle down too faft, and I fear you are too wea'^
forme to enlarge. May underneath you be Christ's ever-
lading arms ! I commend you to his never-failing mercy,
and am, very dear Sir,
Your moil afFedlonate, fympathizing, and
afflicted younger brother in the gofpel
of our common Lord,
G. U\
To Mr, C IF .
• My dear Friend, bonder,, Dec, 13. ^ 753-
THE fearcher of hearts alone knows the fympathy I
have felt for you and yours, and what fufpence my
mind hath been in concerning the event of your prefent cir-
cumftances. I pray and enquire, enquire and pray again, a.-
ways expeaing to hear the worft. Ere this can reach you, I
expea the lot will be caft either for life or death. I long to
hear, that I may partake like a friend either of your joy and
forrow. BlefTed be God for that promife, whereby we are
affured, that " all things ihall work together for good to thofe
that love him." This mj make us at leaft reiigned, when
called to part with our Ifaacs. But who knows the pam of
partin^^, when the wife and the friend are conjoined ? To
have the defire of one's eyes cut off with "a (Iroke, what but
grace, omnipotent grace, can enable us to bear it ? But who
knows, perhaps the threatened ftroke may be recalled. Surely
the Lord of all lords is preparing you for further ufefulneis
by thefe complex trials. We muft be purged, if we would
brina forth more fruit. Your brother I hear is better ; to-day
I intended to have feen him, but Mr. B fent me word he
thought he would be out for the air. I hope Mr. ^^—-' '^
better ; but I can fcarce mention any body now but dear Mrs.
/r— -.. Pray let me know how it goes with you. My w.fe
iruly joins In fympathy and love. Night and day indeed yotl
arc rcmeniucreJ by, my dear friend.
Yours, &c.
To Mr. S
Jlly dear Fricndy London^ Dec. 13, 1 75 J.
TH E mail not coming in till to-day, I began to fear left
foinething had happened to prevent your writing. But,
blelFed be God, my fears arc difpelleJ, my friend is well,
hw temporals, his fpirituals profper : herein I rejoice, yea and
will rejoice. But v.hut news do you tell me? Hath an infi-
nitely condcfcending GoD vouchfafed to breathe on my poor
worthlefs fcribble ? Hath life and power attended inanimate
ink and paper ? This then, my God, fliall be the language
of my heart ! •
Forgive my faults^ and ivv.k thy will
By fuch a worthlefs injlrument \
It will at once thy goodnefs fhew^
jiud pr-jve thy pnvzr omnipotent..
Whatever p)me may boaft of, I know not ; but this I can fay,
that althougli, through rich, free, and fovereign grace, I have
been enabled thefe nineteen years to fay unto God, " Thou art
my father," yet I can ftill fay to corruption, " Thou art my
fifter.'* Time and experience will convince others alio of
this important truth. God keep me, and all concerned with
me, from fuel) manifeftacions, as do not lead us more and more
into tiic chambers of imagery, which arc latent ajid undiCco-
vcred in the fecret comers of our hearts I Such only come
from God : Illuminations which engender pride, and lead us
from a dcei) and pungent feeling of our own nothingnefs, and
the remainders of in-dwelling corruption, are cither of a dia-
bolical extraction, or at Icaft arc perverted by the devil and
proud nature, to feed that difcafe, which when operating in
a gt-nuin** way, they have a native tendency to remove. V/ell
nrght Mr. Turning iz^y " I.ORD, grant mc a divine mani-
feftation, but O teach me to manage it after thou haft granted
it." Paul needed a thorn to teach him how to manage Tuch
favours aright. I tremble for thofe who hug their tlelufion?,
and look upon the dunghill of corruption as quite removed,
when it is only covered over as it were with a little fnow.
How white did the moft foul places look only a few days ago!
But the thaw is come, the whitenefs is vanifned, and filthy
dunghills are dunghills ftill. My dear friend knows hov/ to
make the application. Bleffed be God for leading you into
the knowledge of the myftery cf gofpel holinefs. — Kolinefs,
not built on Mofes, or the fandy bottom of our own faithful-
nefs, but on Jesus, that rock of ages^ whofe faithfulnefs
makes us faithful, and a reliance on whofe compleat and all-
fufficient righteoufnefs, doings, and fufFering?, carries the be-
liever on (without thinking of a reward) to do and fufFer,
what a legal heart will fl^rink and boggle at. May this mind
be in you and me, and all that love our dear Lord Jesus
in fincerity ! When the Son of Man makes them thus
free, then will they be free indeed. You may eafily fee, that
part of your letter hath led me infenfibly into this drain of
writing. If it plcafes or profits, or both, it will anfwer the.
end defigned, and the dear, ever-dear, ever-loving, and ever-
lovely Redeemer fball have all the glory. As our acquaint-
ance was begun in him, and I truft hath hitherto been blefled,
fo I would have it continue to run in the fame channel, and,
whether abfent from or prefent with each other, fweetly lead
xis to our ocean, God. I am only forry you have fuch aa
unprofitable correfpondent. Tears are ready to gufti out at:
the thought, and I am ready to fink into the earth, when I
confidcr how little I can do for that Jesus, whom I love for
himfrlf, or for my friends, whom I love for his great name's
fake. Friend of finners, circle me in thy own compleat and
all-fufHcient Self ! Good night, my dear Sir, good' night. If
you guefs at my prefent fram£, you will know at whofe crofs
this leaves me, and how much I am
Yours, &c.
U-., To Mr. V .
London, Dec. 15, 1753.
My very dear Mr. V ,
JUST now I received, and have read over your kind letter,
dated Augujl 22d, and in reading it, could have w^ifhcd for
the wings of a dove, that I might have fled and embraced you
in thefe unv.'orthy arms, and wiflied you joy of being aflured
of his love, who fo loved us as to give himfelf for us. May
this find you in the fame happy frame, and may you for ever
hereafter be blelTed with the uninterrupted witnefs of God's
Spirit, witneffing with your fpirit, that you are indeed his
child ! As you have undergone a long and tedious law work,
I hope your joys are of the right kind, and will be more fub-
ftantial and lafling, than thofe who leap into a fancied liberty
at once, and having no root in themfelvcs, in time of tempta-
tion fall away. Your houfe, my dear friend, I believe, is not
built upon the fand, but upon Jesus, even Jesus of Nazareth,
the rock of ages; againfl: which the gates of hell fiiall never
be able to prevail. Whoever hath been the inftrument of
bringing you into this happy frame, it is no matter to mej L
rejoice, yea and will rejoice. If I know any thing of my
heart, I am juft the fame difinterefted perfon as when I faw
you, and believe me, you are my dear, very dear Gains, my fon,
my friend ftill. Mr. S can tell you, why you received no
letters. They are ready, and were fentto his lodgings : — but
to my great furprize I was toJd, a coach came for him and the
other pafTengers. Ever fince T have been preaching and tra-
velling as ufual, generally twice, and frequently thrice a day.
I came only laft SaUirday into "VVinter quarters, and fhall long
for the Spring again, that I may enter upon a i'refii campaign.
that my dear Lord may never difcdrd me from this divine
employ ! An itinerant pilgrim life is that which I choofe. —
And why ? It was the life of my blefled Lord. I hope you
will not fiiil of calling out dear Mr. Z y to it every year. —
1 am fure America, dear America ftands much in need of it.
Let envious, lukewarm elder brethren fay what they pleafe
agninft it, this is the way that Geo hath honoured, yea and I
L E T T. E R S. 49
believe will honour even unto the end. But I find, love of
honour, power, cafe, and fulnefs of bread, make even good
people to think, and fpeak, and a6t unlike themfelves. Thefe,
thefe are the things which have led the Moravian brethren oa
this fide the water, from the crofs of Christ, and made tlieni
to differ as much from what once they were, as light frorli
darknefs. O how have my dear fpiritual children, (for whom
I travailed in birth, and whom 1 love as my own foul) been
infenfibly led away, and robbed of their fpiritual and temporal
lubftanccj at leaft for a while, by fome felf-defigning and de-
ceitful men. Againft thefe, and not the dear people, who have
been eaten up as bread, with a bleeding heart, have I drawn
iny pen ; and I believe (hall rejoice that I have done fo to mv
dying day. God grant that the like fcene may never be
opened on your fide the water ! But I forbear. — O fcir hea-
ven ! O for that time when we fliall get out of this church
militant ! I long to be
JVhere fin andjlrife and fcn'otv ceafe.
And all is joy and calm and peace.
Dear Mr. J JV—-^ is going thither apace : he is fuj^-
pofed to be in a galloping coillbmption. Lord Jesus, giv^
me patieiice to wait til! my wiftied-for change alfo fiiall come !
I long to awake afcer thy likertefs ; 1 long to be diflblvcd to
be with thee ! Then, then (hall I meet you, rhy dear friend,
and rejoice, together with all the blefled train that fliall follow
the Lamb ! O niy dear Sir, bear whh me, bear with me, I
pray you, for indeed I am fick of love. Surely of all the re-
deemed, I, even ill and heli-defcrving I, Hlall fmg loudeft in
heaven. Behold. I am vile! black, but yet comely: not \i\
myfelf, but in the conielinefs which my dear JesCs hath puc
upon me. I can now no rhore. I mud: retire to pray for you
and yours. The LoRii blefs you, and keep you, and give yon
a heart continually to remember before his throne^ my deaf
Ux.V ^
Your moft affectionate fri?nd, brother,
and fcrvaiit in Christ,
so letters;'
To Lady H -—n,
. Ever-honoured Madam^ London, Dec. 15, 1753*
THE mail not coming in regularly, your Ladyfhip's let-
ter did not reach me till Thurjday afternoon. Yefterday
mnrning I obeyed your Lady(hip's commands, and carried the
jnclofcd to Mrs. G , at St. jfames^s palace. I was much
fatibfied with my vifit, and am much rejoiced to find, that {he
fecms refolved to fhow out at once. The court, I believe,
rings of her, and if fhe (lands, I truft (he will make a glorious
martyr for her blefTed Lord. O that your Ladyftiip could fee
your way clear to come up ! Now fecms to be the time for a
frcOi Itir. Few have either courage or conduft to head a
chriftian party amongft perfons of high life. That honour
fecms to be put upon your Ladyfhip : — and a glorious honour
indeed it is. Till Mrs. G can meet with company that
is really in earneft, I thinlc the clofer fhe keeps to her God
and her book, the better. The Lord (Irengthen, flablifti, and
fettle her in his ways and will ! I am yet kept in fufpence
about Mrs. If^ j; and have been much concerned, left by
intcnfe fympathy, your Ladyfhip fhould ccntraft an illnefa
yourfelf. But your Ladyfliip hath long fince learnt, that as
your day is, fo fhall your ftrength be. I pray the Lord of
all lore's to lengthen out your important life, and make your
Ladyfhip ten thoufand times more ufeful than ever, long after
my worthlcTs head is laid in the filent grave. If I fhould live
to fee my dear brother truly converted unto God, O how^
would it delioht me ! The diflant profpeiSl is fo pleafing,
that I could fcarce contain myfelf at the news of it. I hope
to hear from him foon, having written to him lately. On
Tucfday I am to dine with Mr. y U' , who was ycfler-
day f'jr a few minutes at the Foundery : but I hear his lungs
are touched. I cannot wifh him to furvivehis ufefulnefs. It
is poor living to be nurfcd. But our Lord knows what is
befl for his children. I wifh I might have the ufe of //r/?-
J}teet chapel once or tv/ice a week ; many want to hear at
that end of the town ; the Mefirs. //' -^'s are quite wel-
come td all the help I can give them. I have no defire but to
promote the common falvation among all.
From /elf and party fpirit free^
Simply, O Lord, Vd follow thee*
Your Ladyftiip will ftill add to my innumerable obligationsj
by praying that fuch a mind may be given to, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant, for Christ's fake*
To Mrs. G .
bear Madam i Tabernacle- Houfe, Dec. 1 7, 175:3.
I Was fo well fatisfied with the frame I found you in yefter*
day, that I could not refrain fendihg you a few lines to-
day. O that you may have grace given you, to ftand the firft
attacks that you mud necelTarily meet with from every quar-
ter ! BlefTed be God, that you are determined to fhew ouc
at once, and to let all know, that you are determined not fo
much as to attempt to compromife matters between, Christ
and the world. One might as well attempt to reconcile light
and darknefs, heaven and hell. Happy they who fet out on a
difmterefted bottom 5 it is the foundation which our great
High-prieft hath laid, and is a rock that will never fail. Never
fear. Madam, though florms and billows, afflictions and
temptations abide you ; he that enabled the three children to
pafs unhurt through the fiery furnace, and kept his beloved
Daniel from being devoured in a den of lions, can and will
preferve you unfpotted and undefiled, though furrounded oil
every fide. My poor worthlefs prayers {hall not be wanting
for you night and day. Look up, dear Madam, determine to
know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified, and ha
will make your very enemies to be at peace with you. But
faith muft be tried, and grace, when given, muft he kept in
exercife. Welcome, welcome dear MadSnr, into the glorious
kingdom of the children of God. Q that all of Ceefar'i
houftiold were in the fame fituation ! How would they e^ult
D 2 ia
in the happy change ! A change from darknefs to light, frorri
bondage and mifery to the mod confummate liberty and hap-
pinefs. f or thofe u'hom the Son of man malccs free, they
arc free indeed. Now, now may you fmg,
Be gone, vain ivorldy my heart refigriy
For I niuji be no lo7:gcr thim j
J nobler., a diviner gui'ji,
iV;zc/' claims poJpJJijH of jny breaji.
I could enlarge, but am afraid of being too bold. The free-
dom already taken, proceeds from unfeigned regard to our
common Lord, to good Lady H , and to yourfclf, for
his great name fake. Ijufl: now informed her Ladyfliip of
the honour done mc ycftcrday, and of the providential call
ihe feems to have to town. Her Ladyfliip is a mother in
Jfracl indeed, a mirror of piety, detached from worldly hopes
nnd worldly fears, and therefore no wonder that fhe fo fim-
ply copies after her great Exemplar, and glories only in his
blefled crofs. Till you can find fome like-minded, I believe
you will find your God and your book the bcfl company, —
That you may be never lefs alone, than when you are alone,
and that you may be continually direcled fo to fpeak and a6t,
that you may win many fouls among the rich and great to the
ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus, is and fhall be the earned
conftant prayer of, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
ro Mr. B .
Dear Mr. B , London., Dec. 17, 1753.
I Am forry to find by your lafl, which came to hand on
Saturday) that the tumults in your parts ftill continue at
iuch an height. I heartily wifh, that the kind and generous
Jufiice who hath fo laudably exerted himfelf, may have cou-
rage to proceed Jn a due execution of the laws, and I doubt
not but the ifilie will be, that you will have peace. In the
inean while, may the Redeemer enable you and all concerned
CO poiTefs their fouls in patience ! 1 think the florm is too vio-
lent to hold long. The death of dear Mr. J JF — r-, if
that Ihould be the ifiue of his prefent ilhiefs, I think is of a
far more threatening nature. At prefent, I hear he is fome-
what better, but if his diftemper be a galloping confumption
(as they fay it is) there are but little hopes of his furviving
long. But all things are pofHble with God. O that my tardy
pace may be quickened, and my fluggifh foul begin to be alive
to God ! He hath dealt bountifully with me fmce we parted.
In various places the word ran and was glorified, and we had a
lovely fhutting-up of the Summer's campaign in GlouceJlerJJnre.
—I am nQW |n my Winter quarters, moaning and bewailing
myfelf, for not having done rtiore when the days were longer.
O for Spring, that I may fpring afre(h for my Lord !
You and all muft pray for me. J fend you and yours, Mf.
C — —and his fon, and all enquiring friends (not forgetting
poor Peggy) my hearty love. My wile joins with, dear Mr.
Your very afFedionate, fyrppathiying frienid,
and fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF,
ToMr.E—P . ?e-b«rr«.
Dear Sir, London, Dec. 17, 1 75 J.
Doubt not but the receipt of this will fill you with fur-
prize J yet I hope it will be a pleafing one. Laft night after
preaching, your fon, who hath been lately confined, came to
me and gave me a particular detail of his feemlngly unhappy
circumftances. — The narration afFecfted me, and 1 afked him
to flay fupper ; the company then with mc I thought was
what he wanted. — The confequence was, that he went home
rejoicing in God ; temptations fubfided. I cannot help think-
ing, but that if he converfed with proper perfons who knew
his cafe, he might yet come forth as gold tried in the fire.
His experience is fomewhat uncommon, and perhaps when fuf-
ficiently humbled, the glorious Redeemer m^.y exalt him. Sa-
tan hath certainly dcfired to have him to fift him as wheat ; but
I verily believe Jesus hath prayed for him, a-id therefore his
faith (hall not fail. As I know vi-hat unipeakable ccnceni,
tender parents mud necclhirily und. rgo for a child in fuch a
D 3 wayj
V/ay, I could not help fending a few lines to ypu. If the
glorious EmmanueU whofe love conftrains me to write, fhould
youchfafe to blefs them to the confolation of you and yours,
it would much rejoice, dear Sir,
Your fympafhizing though unknown friend,
and fervant for Christ's fake,
G, W.
<ro c — ^^ — .
Aly dear Friend, '.London, Dec. 20, ly ^2'
IMoft fincerely rejoice in, and have given private and pub-
lic thanks for the recovery of you. dear yoke-fellow. My
pleafure is increafed by feeing your brother fo well, as I found
him on Tmfduy al Lewijlmm. — -O that you may both fpring
afrefli, and your latter end increafe more and more ! Talk
not of haviiig no more work in the vineyard ; I hope all our
work is but juft beg'nning. I am fure it Is high time for me
to do fomething for Hi.ii, who hath done and fuffered fo much
for me.-TT-Ncar forty years old, and fuch a dwarf! The Win-
ter come already, and fo little done in the Summer ! I am
afliamedj I blufh and am confounded. And yet God blefleth
us here. Truly his out-goings are feen in the tabernacle.
The top-ftone is brought forth ; we will now cry Grace !
grace! I mull; away. Our joint refpecls attend you all. I
hopp Mr. H. mends ; I hear that his brother is dead.
Lord, make us alfo ready ! My mod dutiful refpedls
await our ele6l Lady.— God willing, file (hall hear foon from,
niy dear friend.
Yours, &c,
G. JV.
To the Marquifs L .
My Lord, London, Dec. 27, 1 753.
Matter of fome importance, is the occafion of my troub-
ling your Lordfliip with another letter. The reverend
^Ml^^tJl ^'^''- ^ ^ of Philadeph'ia, and the reverend Mr,
D from Virginia (both eminent miniilers of Jesus
iir^'f''' Christ)
Christ) are juft arrived. They are commiffioned to apply
for a general collection in Scotland^ and to procure private
contributions for the building and maintaining a prefbyterian
college in New-'Jerfey province. What I would therefore
beg of your Lordfhip is, that your Lordfhip would do them the
honour of permitting them to wait upon you, and that they may
be alfo introduced to Lord L . One Mr. D—- — D ,
who I believe was lately chofen a correfpondent member of
that fociety, over which your Lordfliip prefides, and who is a
fteady friend to the interefts of the Redeemer, if your Lord^
fhip is pleafed to give leave, will come along with them. I
{hall wait for your Lordfhip's anfwer, and then apprize them
of it. In the mean time, I heartily vvifh your Lordfliip
not the compliments, but the blellings of the feafon, even
all thofe bleffings that have been purchafed for a loft world
by the death and fufFerings of an incarnate God. — Adored,
for ever adored be his free grace, he vouchfafes to ma-
manifeft himfclf amongft us here. Convidion and converfion
work feems to go on profperoufly, and God's people are
abundantly refreflied. That your Lordfliip may continually
drink of divine pleafures as out of a river, is and fliall be
fhe earneft prayer of, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's moft dutiful, obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. G .
Lorulon, Dec. 2", I75;J.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
I am furprized to find by your laft kind let:er, that my
poor journals are not come to hand. My wife informs me
that they were fent to, or by one Mr. E , who was to
fend off goods the very tiext day. ^Perhaps it will plcafe you to
hear that Meflrs. T r and D-rr-:^ fupped with rxis laft night ;
may the good Lord profper the vvoik of ;hcij- Lands upon
them ! 1 hope they will be introduced fooa to the Mnrquifa
of L , and by him to Lord L — — . I fliidl help them all
I can. At the great day all things will be hid open. O
how do I long for it ! And yet, how afhameU fliali I be to
D 4 ;ipi>car
appear before my Lord, when I have done i'o little for hlm^
and made fuch poor returns for his dying love ! Woujd ypi^
think, it ? I am this day thirty-nine years of age. Did not my
bufinefs require my attendance^ I could lock myfelf up, and
lie proftrate all the day long in deep humiliation before him,
who hath vouchfafed to call me by his grace, reveal his fon
in me, and I trufl: made me the inftrumcnt, (O amazing
love !) of calling feme others to the experirnental knowledge
of the fame unlpeakable gift. My dear, very dear Sir, let
none of my friends cry to fuch a fluggiPn, lukewarrti, unpro-
fitable worm, *' Spare thyfelf." Rather fpur me on, I pray
you, with an " Awake thou flcepcr, and begin to begin to do
fomething for thy God." The Lord being my helper, I
will. Do thou ftrengthen me, my Lord and my GdD, and
I will go for thee, ^t thy command, tp the uttermoft parts of
the earth ! O break, break my heart, look to him, whorn
thou haft pierced. — Look and love, look and mourn, look
and praife ; thy God is yet thy God I £very day. Sir, we
Jiear of frefli work ; fcorcs of notes are put up by pcrfon?
brought under conviction, and Gop's people are abundantly
i^cfrefiied. Laft: night the ijlory of the Lord filled the tabcr^ia-
cle ; I cannot tell you half. — I am loft, I am loft in wonder. I
muft retire to give vent to my heart. For ^he prefcnt. my
dear Sir, adieu ! The Lord blefs you and yours, and all my
other dear friends. Ere long, I hope to fpend an eternal nev/
year with you in the ycrufolem which is above. That in the
mean time, all things belonging to the old mat] may die in us,
and all things belonging to the new man may more and more
■ live and grow in u?, is the eanicli: prayer of, my very dear
Yours moft afTcclionatcly in our glorious Head,
G\ Jr,
To Lady li ?;.
Lond'jr:, Jcv:. 3, 1754.
Ever-hcuourcii Madain^
ER.K now, Lhopc yoir; LadyOnp is delivered frcm fcf-
pcnfc, and that the danger concerning little mailer is
.'inireiy over. The cjncpin I wa? in for vcur LaJyftiip when
!L "I v.rctc
I jyrote laft, made me forget to fpeak about Mrs. // :.
And indeed I cannot tell where (he lodges. I c.oul.d vvifh Ihe
was bettered by afflidlion.— But alas ! though, why do I
fpeak of others, when another new year is come, and I am
bettered fo little by all the Lord hath done for and in rne ?
O that he may dig and dung round this barren fig-tree, that
It may at length begin to bring forth fome fruit unto God !
But who can tell what this digging and dunging means ?
What temptations, afRidtions and trials of every kind doth it
include ? And all little enough to keep thcfe hearts in any to-
lerable order. Out of darknefs he can and will bring light.
That your Ladyfhip may experience this more and more every
day, is and fliall be the earneft prayer of, ever-honoured Ma-r
Ycmr Ladyfiiip's mod dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. lf\
To Mr. IF .
London, 'Jan. 5, 1754-
My dear Mr. JV ,
YOUR letter much aPreiSled as well as furprizcd me. — I
may fay of it as Dr. G fays of the Apoftle Pauis
epiftle to the Ephefians, " It fmek of the prifon." Surely God's
thoughts are not as our thoughts, neither are his v/ays as our
ways. How amazingly does he over-rule all things, for the fpi-
rilual and eternal good of thofe who love him in finccrity !
Through his gracious and never-failing care, out of the eater
cometh forth meat, and out of the ftrongeft trial comcth forth
unfpeakable, fpiritual fweetnefs. If this be the effect of afflic-
tion, then may the believer boldly fay,
JU hail reproach, and welcome pain ^
Surely you may fmg,
O happy rod,
JVhich brought me nearer to my God.
Now will you prove the ftrength of Jesus to be yours, now,
yvill you find that you^ v?ry enemies Iball be at peace with you ;
ravens fhall feed you, and the bread which yoa caft upon the
waters many days ago, fhall now happily be found. I rympa"
thize moft fincerely with your dear yoke-fellow, and parent.
Bleffed be God, we have a rich Saviour to go to. — A Saviour,
who though infinitely rich in himfelf, yet for our lakes be-
came poor. Rejoice then, my dear friend, for having an
opportunity of being conforn;ed to him. And whether your
affii(5tion be brought on you by any imprudent conduct, or
by the immediate hand of God, caft not off I pray you your
confidence in Christ. He is a companionate high-prieft.
Perhaps this year, if we fhould live to the fall, we may have
an opportunity of converfing about him face to face. In the
mean while, let us pray for each other, and wait for that blcffed
time, when we (hall be aiRicted and tofTed no more. I meet
with my (hare of trials j but with thankfulnefs would I fet up
my Ebenezer ; for hitherto my God hath helped me. Glory
be to his !7reat name, his word runs and is glorified more and
more. The wildernefs in various places bloflbms like a rofe.
May the Lord revive his work in your parts ! Mr. D
and Mr. T have fuppcd with me twice. I hope they
will meet with wifhed-for fiiccefs. My wife joins in fending
love and cordial refpc*5ts to your whole felf, your mother, fifter,
and all that love the glorious Jesus in fincerity. That you
all may increafe with all the increafe of God, is the earneft
prayer of, my dear Mr. JV ,
Yours moft affccSlionately in our common Lord,
5e ? '• '- ^ ^ To Governor B .
Honoured Siry London, Jan. il, 1754.
I Had the favour of your laft kind letter by the hands of
MefTrs. 7- and D , whofe work 1 pray the Lord
of all Lords to bid's and profpcr. Was Lady H n in
town, they ihould have been introduced before now, but at
prefcnt flie is-at Bath drinking of the waters of life freely, and
communicating them freely to others. One of Ctcfar's houf-
hold hath been lately awakened through her Ladvfhip's in-
ftrumentality, and I hope others will meet with i.ie like blef-
4 ' Tuig.
(ii\rr, Amongft the common people the gofpcl alfo runs, and
is glorified in divers . places. ,Our new tabernacle the Re-
»deemer vouchfafcs to fill with his prefence, and gives us daily
to hear that delightful mufic, " The triumphs of his word."
Winter quarters are made pleafant to me, but I long for my
Spring campaign. — Perhaps it may be a Spring Voyage, — For I
am now ferioufly thinking of a voyage to America, and live in
hopes of feeing your Excellency once more on this fide eternity.
Lord Jesus, do thou fhew me what thou wouldeft have
me to do ! This, this I trull at prefent is the unfeigned lan-
guage oi my heart,
A life that all things ca/ls behind^
Springs forth obedient at thy call.
I beg a continued intereft in your Excellency's prayers, that I
may be kept from flagging in the latter ftages of my road, and
ripen for heaven every day and every hour. I am now thirty-
nine years old, and little dreamt of being kept on earth To
lono- J but I find we are immortal till our work is done. O
that I may now begin to begin to work for Jesus! He is
worthy, he is altogether lovely, he is the fairell among ten
thoufand. To his never-failing mercy and endearing love I
moft humbly recommend your Excellency's whole felf, always
^i^bfcribing myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your Excellency's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. S .
London, fan. ii, 1754.
Dear Mr. S ,
WHY did you not apprize me of your going ? Why did
you not let me have an opportunity of fending my
packets after you to Portfmouth P You failed only a day or
two before I came there myfelf. However, I am glad to
hear that you are fafe arrived. A4ay it be an earnefl of your
arriving ere long in the kingdom of heaven ! Perhaps we may
meet this Summer. 1 hope we fhdl fee each other grown in
grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ. You and 1 are much indebted to him. We have
not a moment of time to lofe. We ought to be continually
faying, *' What fhall we render unto the Lord ?" O for
zeal ! O for a<Stivity in his glorious fervice ! A crucified Je-
sus ! An incarnate God ! What doth his love, his dying,
yet never-dying love demand at our hands ? Anfwer that quef-
tion who can. It will nonplus men and angels. Blefled be
his free grace, we find here that his name is JVunderful. Our
jiew tabernacle is compleated, and the workmen all paid.
What is bed of all, the Redeemer manifefts his glory in it.
Every day, fouls come crying, *' What fhall we do to be
iavcd ?" This I believe you will loolc upon to be the beft
news. But I can now no more. Accept this as a token of love
Unfeigned, from, my dear Mr. S ,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. W,
To Mr. B .
4lly dear Mr. B , London, Jan. ic), 1754-
ALL is well, and why? Becaufe all things are of our
Lord's ordering. May he perfect his Itrength in your
weaknefs, and the more the outward man decayeth, may you
be Hrengthened fo much the more by his holy fpirit in the
inqer man I — Welcome flux, welcome fever, welcome the
plague itfelf, if fantSlified to bring us nearer to our God. Yet
a little while, and he that comcth, will corne, and will not
tarry. I wifti you much profperity under the crofs. — You
muft return the favour ; I ftand in need of much prayer, Per-
liaps ere long I may be called to occupy my bufinefs in the
great waters. If not, God willing, you fhall fee me. In
the mean while, pray give my love to all, efpccially to thpfe
mentioned in your laft. GoD help them to Hold on and hold
out ! In heaven they will fing the louder for being called
by fuch an ill and hcll-defcrving creature as I am. Bh'flcd
be God, awakening work goes on here ; every fermon
preached this Winter hath been fetched out of the furnace. —
But what are we to c.xped as chriftiniis and minifters, but ufHrc-
tions r
L E T T E R S. ^4
tions? I thank you for your kind offer, and orders to com-
inand. Such I feldom comply with. Though poor, yet dcfiring
at leaft to make many rich, I would have for my motto ftill.
Some way or another, my God will fupply all my wants. I
am forry that the volume of the Cbupan Library was forgotten.
I {hall write to my dear Mr. 5 to fend you his, and yours
may be fent to him. Whatever becomes of written chriftian
libraries, I earneftly pray that your heart, my dear Sir, may
be the library of Jesus Christ, and beg leave to fubfcribe
Yours moft aflfedionately in our common Lord,
G. IV,
"To Mr, W .
Bear Mr. XV , London^ Jan. jg, 1 754.
AS my embarking for America feems to be very near at
hand, your queftion muft neccfTarjly be anfwered in the
negative. Howe\'er, I thank you for your kind offer, and ear-
neftly pray that wherever you are called to labour, you may
find the work of the Lord profpering in your hands. I did
not know that there was any demur between you and thofe
with whom you have been for fome time connedled ; and I am
fare, God is my witnefs, that I want to draw no man from
them. People, money, power, are not my objeds. I defire
to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified, and
to be a willing pilgrim for his great name's fake. At prefent
this is the language of my heart.
Lord, ohedlently Vd go.
Gladly leaving all below.
I intreat you to pray that my faith fail not. Lord, increafe it
for thy infinite mercy's fake I We have bleffed feafons here ;
the glory of the Lord fills our new tabernacle. If poflible,
I (hall fend the books you defire to Leeds. I hope you find
your prefent illnefs fandified. That is a fign of fpecial love.—
Adieu. I am in great hafce. But with greater love, I fubfcribe
myfelf, dear Mr. JF ,
Yours moft affcclionatdv in our common Lord,
G. IV.
^ L E T T E R Si
To Mr. .
t)car S/r, London^ Feb. 2, 1754:
BY your writing, T gucfs you arc a brand plucked out of
the fire of the polite and gay woild. — Happy deliverance!
1 intreat you to rejoice, give thanks, and fing.
Be gone^ vain -joorld^ my heart rcfign^
FjT 1 mvjl L(. no longer thine ;
J fairer, a diviner gueji,
Now claims p'jj'ejjton of my breaj}^
I Jo not wonder to hear of your being under trials ; yoti are
to be made perfect by them. Right-band and right-eye cor-
ruptions are not fo eafily cut off, or plucked out; but this muft
be done. Not one Agag, however beautiful, and importunate
for life, muft be fpared : the fwoid of the fpiiit muft be lifted
no, and as an enemy to the LoRi) of life and glory, he muft
be hewn to pieces. Jesus, the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus,
cannot away with idols :-^And why? Becaufe they rob us of
our peace, eftrange us from our God, and unfit us for tho
enjovment of that better world, where I hope to fee you en-
circled in the arms of redeeming love. Flee therefore, dear Sir,
flee, I intreat you, youthful lufts. Jesus will give you wings
and feet, and after all reward you, as though you fled in a
ftrenf^th of your own. O often, often contemplate, and dwell
tipon his dying for you. This will fweetly conftrain you to be
wiilint-- even to die for him, and powerfully conftrain you to
be ready totvery good word and work. O that I may take
this advice myfelf ! You muft pray that I may; a trial is at
hand. In about three weeks I am bound for America. — A mul-
tiplicity of bufuiefs lies before me; but to convince you that
your correfpondence is not troublefcmc, I fnatch a few minutes
to fend you thefc lines, from, dear Sir,
Your affedlionaie friend and fervant for Christ's fake.
G. IV,
L E T r E R
To Lady H «.
Honoured Madanti London, Feb. I4, 1754.
OUR Ladyfliip's kind letter came fafe to hand. — I im-
mediately fent for Mr. M , delivered his, and faW
it confumed. He hath the moil: grateful fenfe of your Lady-
fiiip's great benevolence. It is, as your Ladyftiip fufpefts in
relation to his wife ; (he is a Zipporah^ a thorn in the flefh.
Alinifters muft: expecSl fuch things. I hope your Ladyfhip is
enabled to bear with fortitude the fcratches you muft necefTa-
rily meet with in this wide howling wildernefs. You have a
Beloved to lean upon, who is mighty and willing to fave*
Blefied be his name, for giving you a heart to retire from the
pomps and vanities of a dreaming and delufive world. Happy
they, who can enjoy their God and themfelves. This only
the true chriftian can do. Such a one I believe your Ladyfhip
to be. — My prayer to the Lord of all Lords in your Ladv-
fhip's behalf, is that you may grow in grace, and abound con-
tinually in every good word and work. This is the only return
I can make your Ladyfliip for the regard and concern you have
exprefled for me, as an unworthy minifter of the Son of God.
For his great name fake, I expect in a fortnight, once more
to launch into the great deep, with about ten or twelve poor
deftitute orphans under my care. O my God, why am I thus
honoured, to be employed ab a pilgrim for thee ? I truft this is
the language of my heart,
j1 life that all things cajis behindy
Springs forth ohcuient to thy call '^
A heart that no defrc can move^
But Jiill t^adcre^ believe and love.
Give me, my Lord, my life, my all.
But whither am I going? Be pleafed, hcnoured Madam, to
excufe this freedom; your Ladyrnip's kind letter conftrains me
to write thus. Honoured Madam, I thank you a thoufand and
a thoufand times, for all your kind offers of fervino; me, and
the church of God. At prefent (fince you have fo lately let
the tabernacle have fuch an inftance of your regard) I have only
64 L £ t T £ R 5.
to beg the continuance of your Ladyfhip's prayers, and to fab-
fcribe myfelf without diilimulation, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for the dear Redeemer's lake,
To Mrs. G- .
Dear A'la dam y London^ Feb. 15, 1 754.
WITH this I fend you the promifed pamphlet, which
was written with a Tingle eye to prevent fraud and fu*
pcrftition, and to promote the Mediator's glory. Notwith-
ftanding, I would advife you, dear Madanr, not to let other
people's foibles drive you from the crofs d Christ : he is
altogether lovely. — And if perfons were more taken up in con-
templation of his lovclinefs, and their own deformities, they
would not have fo much time to talk of others, nor take fo
much pains to gain profelytes to any particular party under
heaven. Such a practice is beneath the dignity of a free-born
child of God. — His fpirit breathes another kind of language,
and teaches us to be all eye within. O that your heart may
be filled with that wifdom which is from above, which is firft
pure, then peaceable, gentle, eafy to be intreatcd, without
partiality, without hypocrify, and full of faith, felf-deniah,
zeal, difintcreftednefs, and good works! That Jesus, whom I
believe you love, is able, dear Madam, to fill you with th?s
wifdom. He hath promifed, " if we afk, it fliall be given."
Nay, he bath faid, " that he giveth liberally and upbraideth
not." May you be enabled to lay hold on him in the omni-
potence of prayer, and find grace to help in every time of
need! Have you not found him faithful, in your intended vifit
to your friend? May you be made wife as an angel of God, ta
win her and others over to the cver-loving, ever-lovcly Jesus!
Pray, dear Madam, have you heard from Bath? There is a copy
you may fafcly write after; but a pcrfc<^i one is no where to
be found but in our common Lord, the God-man Christ
Jesus. To his tender and never-failing nicicy do I moft
humbly recommend you, and, for his great naihe's fake, moft
heartily fubfcribe myfelf, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervantj
G. JV,
To Mr. S
L'ljbon Harbour y March i-j, 1754.
My very clear Sir^
SURELY our God is a prayer-hearing, promife-keeping
God. He delights to difappoint our fears, and even ex-
ceeds our hopes, On the feventh inftant we left Gravefend\ ort
the eighth we pafTed through the downs, and yefterday we an-
chored in this port. Through the channel we met not with
the leaft obftru6lion, neither had we the leaft contrary wind
all the way. Cape Fmijlerre^ the BurUngs, and the rock of
LiJIion, (high-lands we defired to make) we came directly up-
on, and though the wind was very high, yet being for us, it
was not fo troublefome, but (like fanclified afflidions to the
chriftian) drove us nearer to our defired haven. We are now
lying before a large place, where we fee hundreds soino- to
worlhip in their way. We have juft been at ours, and I truffc
I have felt fomething of that reft, which remains, even on this
fide eternity, for the people of God. You and yours are not
forgotten by me at his throne. No, I remember you night
and dayj and am longing for that happy time, when we ftiall
part no more. Though fent v/ithout a friend to return with
me, yet I am not left alone. I thank the Lord of all Lords,
for honouring me (o far as to employ me on fuch expeditions
as thefe. O my God, what am I, that I ftiould be called to
leave my native country, and to facrifice not only my carnal
but fpiritual affeftions for thee ! Thy prefence on earth, thy
prefence in heaven, will make amends for all. Well! Bleficd
be God, this htaven is at hand. Yet a little while, and he
that Cometh, will come, and will not tarry. O that he may
iind us bufy for him ! I am perfuaded this will be your cafe.
Add, my dear Sir, to my manifold obligations, by prayinf>- that
it may be mine alfo.— Fain would I be kept from fac^ainrr in
tne latter Itages of my road j fain would I return to my native
tountry (if I am to return) grow^n in grace, and in the know-
VoL. in. E ]ej^
ledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Indeed he
is a good mafter. He hath given me the affections of all on
board, and as kind a Captain as vi^e could define. What I
meet w>£h when on fhore, you may know hereafter. I grudge
your paying poflage for my poor fcribble, and yet I know not
well how to prevent it. Be pleafed to put i! down to the
amount of our common Lord, and if you have any leifur©
i'lum working for the poor, and trading for him, let me have a
line. I recommend you and them to the Redeemer's never-
failing mercy, and am, I truft with fome degree of gratitude,
very dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. JF,
To Mr. B .
Lijbon Harbour, March iq, 1754.
My char Mr. B ,
HOW foon does the fccne fliift? At what a diftance, in a
few days, may we be removed from each other ! On
the lixteenth inllant, that God whom I defire to ferve in the
gofpcl of his dear Son, brought me and my orphan charge to
this harbour. As yet I have not been on ftiore, but expe(5l to
wo to-morrow. At this diftance, I fee enough to blefs the
Lord of all Lords for calling me out of darknefs into his mar-
velous light, and for redeeming me from this prefent evil
u'oild. O my dear friend, to an eye fixed on the ever-loving,
ever-lovely Jesus, how little, unfpcakably little do all fublu-
rary things appear. I hope this Vv'ill find my dear Mr. B
crying out from the bottom of his heart, *' indeed they are
not worth a thought." Well fald, my dear Sir; let us then be
laudably ambitious, and get as rich as we can towards God j
f'uch are durable riches. The bank of heaven is a fure bank.
I have drawn thoufands of bills upon it, and never had one
fcnt back protefted. God helping me, 1 purpofc lodging my
little earthly all there. I hope my preftnt poor but valuable
cargo, will make fome additions to my heavenly inheritance.
O free grace! That ever fuch an ill and hell-deferving wretch
as 1 am, iliould ever be called out to leave his carnal and fpi-
3 ritual
Jf. E T T E R S; 67
ntual friends, for that friend of finners the Lamb of God !
Thefe partings are indeed trying to nature; but heaven, my
dear Sir, will make amends for all. There I hope to meet you
and yours, whom I love in the bowels of Jesus Christ ;
there you fhall be. amply rewarded for all a£ts of kindnefs con-
ferred either on me or rhine. Increafe my obligations, by
continuing to pray for us, and accept this as a fmall tribute
of thanks, and a teftimony of love unfeigned, from, my dear
Yours moft afFedionately in our glorious Head,
G. JV.
To Mr, R. K n.
My dear Mr. K n, Lijhon^ March li^ 1754.
I Do not forget my promife, either in refpecl to writing or
praying. — Though at this diftance, I am ftill pfefent in
fpirit with you and yours, and with my other dear London
friends; and I live in the expedation of feeing them all grown
in graces and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. — This leaves me an old inhabitant of Lijhon^
— We have now been here almoft a week, and I fuppofe fliali
flay a fortnight longer.— A very reputable merchant hath re-
ceived me into his houfe, and every day fhews me the eccle-
fiaftical curiofities of the country. — O my dear friend, blefs
the Lord of all Lords for caufing your lot to be caft into fuch
a fair ground as England^ and giving you fuch a goodly heri-
tage. — It is impoflible to be fufficiently thankful for civil and
religious liberty, for fimplicity of worfhip, and powerful preach-
ing of tlie word of God. — O for fimplicity of manners, and
a correfpondent behaviour 1 " What ftiall I render unto the
Lord for thefe amazing mercies," ought furely to be the lan-
guage of our hearts. — O that I was thankful ! O that I was
humble ! My obligations to be fo increafe daily. — Every
where does the Lord of all Lords command fomebody or an-
other to receive me. — All is well on board, and Lijhon ai/
agrees with my poor conftitution extremely. — Through divine
afliftance, I hope what I fee will alfo much improve my better
part, and help to qualify me better for preaching the everlaft-
ing gofpel.-— Amazing, that fuch an honour ihould be con-
E 2 ferred
68 LETTER S. #
ferred on fuch an ill and hell-deferving worm! O pray for me,
my dear friends, and add to my obligations by frequently vifit-
ing my poor wife. — Kindnefies fhewn to her in my abfcnce,
will be double kindnefies. — You muft remember me to dear
Mr. C «, to your relations, and all enquiring friends. — r
Adieu ! The Lord Jesus be with your fpirics. I am, my
dear Mr. and Mrs! K w.
Yours moft affedionately in our common Lord,
To Mr. C .
My dear Friend, Lijbon, March 26, 1754.
SHALL I promife and not perform? I dare not. This
therefore comes to inform you, that I am now as it were
an old inhabitant of Lifbon^ having been here above a week.
In that time, what have I feen and heard.'' Strange and incre-
dible things, not more ftrange than inftru6tive. Never did
civil and religious liberty appear to me in fo amiable a light
as now. What a fpirit mull: Aiartin Luther, and the firft Re-
formers be endued with, that dared to appear as they did for
God ! Lord, haf^en that blefied time, when others, excited by
the fame fpirit, (hall perform like wonders. O happy England!
O happy Metnodifts, who are Methodifts indeed ! And all I
account fuch, who being dead to fefls and parties, aim at
nothing elfe but an holy method of living to, and dying in the
bicfled Jesus. This be their, this be my happy lot ! Blefied
be his n:inie for calling me to a pilgrim life ! Thanks be to
his great name^ for conilraining me to leave all that is near
and dear to me, for the fake of his glorious gofpcl. He takes
care to provide for me. A gentleman hath mofl gladly re-
ceived me into his houfe, and behaves like a friend indeed.
To-day I dine with the Conful : ere long, I hope to fit down
and eat bread in the kingdom of God. I wait for this falva-
tion, O Lord ! You muft pray for mc, and defire others to
join with you. I intend writing to our c'eil Lady before I
leave Lifhot. In about ten days we expert to fail. For the
prefent, adieu! This leaves us all well. My fatherlefs charge
is in good health. O that they may be convert-.-d and made
A new
new creatures in Christ ! O that I may begin to begin to be
converted myfelf. — I am a dwarf. — Lefs than the leaft of all,
(hall be my motto ftill. As fuch, pray for, my dear friend.
Yours moft afFedlionately in our common Lord,
- G. W.
Ta Mr. A .
Very dear Friend^ Lijbon^ March i(^^ 1754-
INDEED you have loft the feeing and hearing of many
ftrange, but to a truly enlightened foul, inftruilivc things.
I thank God for fending me here; I know your heart hath
been here alfo; but all is well. — What is, is befl. I hope
you go on comfortably at home, whilft I, unworthy, ill and
hell-deferving I, am travelling for the fame Lord Jesus
abroad. He doth not leave me comfortlefs,— he doth not leave
me alone 3
Hh prefence doth my pa'.ns beguile^
And makes me tho' alone to fmile.
O the happinefs of feeing and enjoying all in God, even a
God in Christ ! Such happinefs they only can know, who
being feparated from all that is near and dear unto them, ^can
wrap themfelves in Him, in whofe prefence there is life, and
at whofe right hand there are pleafures for evermore. This
be my happy lot, during my prefent exile ftate ! O my dear
tabernacle friends, my dear never to be forgotten hearers, into
what a fair ground is your lot caft ! What a goodly heritage
hath the Lord of all Lords vouchfafed you ! I remember my
promife, I think of your hours of meeting, and though abfent
in body, am, notwithftanding, prefent in fpirit, and live in
hopes of hearing of your ftedfaftnefs and joy in God our Savi-
our. Blefs him, O blefs him from your inmoft fouls, that you
have been taught the way to him, without the help of fiditious
faints. Thank him night and day, that to you, even to you
are committed the lively oracles of God. Adore him conti-
nually for giving you to hear them preached with power, and
pity and pray for thofe, who are forbid the ufe of this facred
depofitum, and are led blindfold day by day, by crafty and de^
fjgning men. May you fee and improve your privileges ! Much,
£ I very
very much indeed is given you. Of you, therefore, God
and man may juftly require the more: accept this in love.
Continue to pray for me and my fathcrlefs pilgrim charge.
BiefTed be God they are all well. I write this from a merchant's
houfc, whom the Lord of all lords hath inclined to receive
me ; let him not be forgotten In a fliort time wc cxpedl to
move. Still my rcqueft is, *' if thy prefcnce go not with me.
Lord Jesus, fend me not even from hence ! " I wifh you all,
dear friends, much, very much of it. 1 intend to write to as
inany as I can, and I beg them and you to accept this as a
tol^en of love unfeigned, from, my very dear T ,
Theirs and yours moft afFeflionately
in our common Lord,
G. fV,
To the Rev. Mr. Z .
Lifoon^ March 2g, 1754.
My dear and honoured Sir,
THROUGH the goodnefs of a gracious and never-fail-
ing God, we have been at this place near a fortnight.
Our voyage was but about nine days long, and the fame God;
who took care of us on the great deep, hath alfo provided for
me on fhore, A merchant of great credit hath received
me into his houfe, and every day I have feen or heard fomc-
thing, that hath had a native tendency to make me thankful
for the glorious reformation. O that our people were equally
reformed in their lives, as they are in their do£lrines and
manner of wor{hip ! But alas ! alas ! — O for another Luther^
p for that wi(hcd-for feafon, when every thing that is anti-
chriftian (hall be totally dcftroyed by the breath of the Re-
deemer's mouth, and brightnefs of hi"? appearing ! Then
fliould I, even ill and hell-deferving I, be entirely conformed
to the copy of my great Exemplar, and not be fuch a dwarf
;is I am in the divine life. As my prefent fituation leads me
TO be all eye and ear, I endeavour to look more into my heart.
But the more I fee it, the more I admire tlie ficenefs and richnels
of that grace, that hath called me out of darknefs into God''?
giarvcious light, and niadc me a miniftcr of the eveilafting go^*
pel. May this voyage be over-ruled for my improvement in that
delightful employ ! Plithcrto, I think, it hath done me good.
The country agrees with my bodily health ; and, through
grace, I truft what I have feen and heard hath benefited my
foul. My fatherlefs charge are all well, and I hope in a few
days we {hall fet fail for Georgia. From thence, God willing,
honoured Sir, you {hall hear from me again. In the mean-
while^ I recommend myfclf to the continuance of your daily
intercelTion, as being, very dear and honoured Sir,
your mofl dutiful, obliged, though unworthy fon
9nd fervant in our glorious Head,
G. ir,
To Mr. C .
Very dear Sir, Lijbon, March 30, 1754.
THIS leaves nie pretty well fatlsfied (not to fay furfeited)
with the ecclefiaftical curiofities of Lijlon. This day
fortnight we arrived j and the country being in want of rain,
and it being Lent feafon, we have been favoured with frequent
proceillons, and fevcral extraordinary pieces of fcenery. Alas !
to what lengths will fuperftition run ! And how expenfive is
the pageantry of a falfe religion I Blefled be God for being
born in England! BlefTed be God for being born again, and
thereby being taught to worfhip the Father in fpirit and in
truth I This, my dear Sir, I believe is your happy portion ;
and therefore if it {hould be our lot never to meet here any
more, I am perfuaded nothing can prevent our meeting in a
blifsful country hereafter. O that we may be kept from flag-
ging in the latter {lages of our road I J am confounded, when
I think what a drone I have been, and daily wonder why the
Lord employs fuch a worthlefs wretch. — Surely it muft be,
that in me he may {hew all long-fuffering. Help me, my dear
friend, to piaife him. Lifbon air feems healthy for the body ;
and wha't I have feen and heard I truft will benefit my foul.
Be pleafed to remember me to Mrs. C , your fon, and all
enquiring friends. You will not forget to vifit my widow wife.
BlelTed be God, her A^aker is her hufoand, and ere long we
ijiall all fit dov.'n together at the feaft, the marriage fupper of
E 4 the
the Lamb. In a believing profpciSt of this, I fubfcribe myfelf,
very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
To Mr. F .
Dear Sir, Lijhon, March 31, 1 7 54.
I Owe you much love. — I wifh you and yours much happi-
pincfs, and carncftly pray that you may walk together
many years as heirs of the grace of life. Was I to be confined
long in my prefent fituation, I fliouid be in danger of envying
my prbteflant friends, -who breathe in a free air, and are taught
to worfhip the Father of fpirits in fpirit and in truth. This
I fear is the lot but of few here ; ail is pageantry and pomp.
Particulars perhaps I may fend by another opportunity. Blcfled
be God that I have feen and heard for myfelf. It furpafTeth
all defcription. This week we expe6l to fail : I beg the con-
tinuance of both your prayers; it will be a very great a£l: of
charity ; for indeed I am a poor helplcfs worm, but notwith-
ftanding, if I know any thing of my heart, willing to fpend
and be fpcnt for Jesus. He doth not forfake me on the
mighty waters. — My fatherlefs cliarge are all well, and in due
time I hope we fhall fafely arrive at our defircd port. — Ere
long I hope to be, from whence I fhail never put to fea any
more. O for a triumphant entrance into the blifbful har-
bour ! Jesus is able to do this for us. To his never-failing
mercy do I carneftly commend you, your brother, and all en-
cjuiring friends, as being, dear Sir,
Your afFe£lionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mr. .
My dear Friend., Lijhoit.^ April i, 1 754.
BY this time, I fuppofe, you have heard of my arrival at
Lijbon^ and are wondering what led me thither, efpecially
fince my lall informed you of my intention to go to Georgia by
way of New- Tor k. This was really my defign at the time of
my writing ; but being afterward called by Providence to take
with me feveral orphan children, I thought it moft advifeable
to go and fettle them, and my other domeftic aftairs, at the
Orphan-houfe firft, that I might vifit the northern parts of
America with more eafe and freedom in my own mind. — It
happened that the Succefs, Captain Thomfon, bound for Pert-
Royal f South-Carolina^ (which is not very far from Georgia)
was then almoft ready to fail. — I fent for the Owner, and
finding that the (hip was to touch at LiJho}t to unload fome
wheat, it occafioned a little demur ; but, upon fccond
thoughts, believing it might be ftrviceable to me, as a preacher
and proteftant, to fee fomething of the fuperflitions of the
church of Roms^ I took my pafiage, and embarked in the Suc-
cefs the yth o^ March. On the 14th we reached Cape Finijier.
On the 15th came in fight of the Burlings ; and on the i6th
anchored fafe before BcUem, about four miles diftance from
Lijbon^ the metropolis of Portugal. As I knew nobody there,
and had formed but an indifferent idea of the inhabitants, from
the account that had been given me of them, I had purpofed
within myfelf to keep on board, and go afhore only now and
then in the day-time. But Providence fo ordered it, that a
gentleman of the fadlory, who had heard me himfelf, and
whofe brother had been awakened under my miniftry feveral
years ago, immediately, on hearing of my arrival, fent me an
offer of his houfe during my ftay. I thankfully accepted it ;
and fpecial leave being procured for my going aOiore, I was
carried in a chaife and pair from Btlle?n to Lijbon. A new
fcene, both in refpecl to the fituation of the place, the fafhion
of the buildings, and the drefs of the inhabitants, prefented
itfelf all the way. But what engaged my attention mofl, was
the number of crucifixes, and little images of the Virgin Mary\
and of other real or reputed faints, which were placed almoft
in every ftreet, or fixed againft the walls of the houfes almoft
at every turning, with lamps hanging before them. To thefe,
I obferved the people bow as they paffed along ; and near fome
of them ftood feveral little companies, finging with great
earneftnefs. This feemed to me very odd, and gave me an
idea of what further ecclefiaftical curiofities would probably
fall in my way, if I (hould be detained here any time. Thefe
expe£latIons were quickly raifed ; for, not long after my arri-
val at my new lodgings, (where I was received and enter-
tained with great gentility, hofpitality and friendlinefs) upon
looking out of the window, I faw a company of priefts and
friars bearing lighted wax tapers, and attended by various forts
of people, fome of which had bags and bafkcts of victuals in
their hands, and others carried provifions upon their {boul-
ders on flicks between two. After thei'e, followed a mixed
multitude, finging with a very audible voice, and addreiling
the Virgin Mary in their ufual ftrain, " Ora pro nobis." la
this manner they proceeded to the prifon, where all was de-
pofited for the ufe of the poor perfons confined therein. But
a far more pompous proceilion of the like nature (as a ftander-
by informed me) pafTed by a few days before. In this
there were near three hundred Francifcan friars, many of which
(befides porters hired for the purpofe) were loaded with a va-
riety of food ; and thofe who bore no burden, carried either
ladles or fpoons in their hands. Sights of this nature being
quite a novelty to me, I was fond of attending as many of
them as I could. Two things concurred to make them more
frequent at this juncture, — the feafon of Z^«/, — and an ex-
ceflive drought, which threatened the total deftruilion of the
fruits of the earth. For the averting fo great a judgment, and
for the imploring the much longed-for bleffing of rain, daily
proceflions had been made from one convent or another, for a
confiderable time. — One of thefe I faw : it was looked upon as
a pretty grand one, being made up of the Carmelite friars, the
parifli priefts, and a great number of what they call the bro-
thers of the order, who walked two by two in divers habits,
holding a long and very large lighted wax-taper in their right
hands. Amidft thefe was carried, upon eight or ten mens
(lioulders, a tall image of the Virgin Mary, in a kind of man's
attire ; for I think flie had a very fine white wig on her head,
(a drefs flie often appears in) and was much ador.aed with
jewels and glittering fi:oncs. At fome diftance from the Lady,
under a large canopy of ftatc, and fupported likewife by fix
or eight perfons, came a pricft, holding in his hand fome noted
relic. After him, followed feveral thoufands of people, joining
with the friars in finging, " Eandetn cantilcnam, Ora pro nobis,"
gil the way. Still rain was denied, and ftill proceflions were
continued. At length the clouds began to gather, and the
mercury in the barometer fell very much. Then was brought
put a wooden image, which they fay never failed. It was the
figure of our blefled Lord, cloathed with purple robes, and
crowned with thorns. I think they call him the Lord of
THE Passion. Upon his Ihoulders he bore a large crofs,
under the weight of which he was reprefented as ftooping,
till his body bent almoft double. He was brought from the
Le Grofs convent in very great pomp, and placed in a large
cathedral church. Being on board at that time, I loft this
fic^ht ; but the fubfequent evening I beheld the Seigneur
fixed on an eminence in a large cathedral church, near the
altar, furrounded with wax tapers of a prodigious fize. — He
was attended by many ndblem.en, and thoufands of fpedators of
all ranks and ftations, who crouded from every quarter, and in
their turns, were admitted by the guards to come within the
rails, and perform their devotions. This they exprefled by
kneeling, and kifling the Seigneur's heel, by putting their
left and right eye to it, and then touching it with their beads,
which a wentleman in waiting received from them, and then
returned a^ain. This fcene was repeated for three days fuc-
ceflively ; and during all this time, the church and fpace be-
fore it was fo thronged with carriages and people, that there
was fcarce any pafling. The mufic on this occafion was ex-
tremely foft, and the church was illuminated in a very ftriking
manner. The third day in the forenoon it rained, and fooii
after the Seigneur was condudled home in as great fplendour,
and with much greater rejoicing, than when he was brought
forth. As my fituation was very commodious, I faw the
whole; and afterwards went and heard part of the fermon,
which was delivered before him, in the church to which the
Seigneur belonged. The preacher was full of adion ; and
\n fome part of his difcourfe, (as one who underftood Portu-
guefe informed me) pointing to the image, he faid, " Now he
is at reft. — He went out in jufticc, but is returned in mercy."
And towards the conclufion, hp called upon the people to join
with him In an extempore prayer. This they did with great
fervency, which was expreffed not only by repeating it aloud,
but by beating their breafts, and clapping their checks, and
Vveeping heartily.— — -To complcat thefolemnity, immediately
'■■■■■ after
after the delivery of the blelTing, all on a fuclden, from the
place near which the image flood, there was heard a moft foft
and foothing fymphony of mufic, which being ended, the af-
fembly broke up, and I returned to my lodgings ; not a little
aft'tcfted, to fee fo many thoufands led away from thefimplicity
of the gofpcl, by fuch a mixture of human artifice and blind
fupcrftition, of which indeed I could have formed no idea,
ha.' I not been an eye witncfs. This concern was dVA in-
creafcd, by what I heard from fome of my fellow paflengers,
who informed me, that about eleven one night, after I came
aboard, they not only heard a friar preaching moft fervently
before the Seigneur, but alfo faw fcveral companies of peni-
tents brought in, lalhing and whipping themTclves feverely.
How little unlike this, to thofe who cut thcmfelves with
knives and lancets, and cried out from morning till night,
*' O Baal, hear us." Methinks I hear you fay, " And had
I been prefent, I fliould have wifhed for the fpirit of an Elijah
to — " Hulh, my friend, — 1 am content to guefs at the reft till
we meet. In the mean while, let us comfort ourfelves with
this thought, that there is a feafon approaching, when the
Lord God of Elijah will himfelf come, and deftroy this and
every other fpecies of antichrift, by the breath of his mouth,
and the brightnefs of his appearing, even by the all-conquer-
ing manifcftations of his eternal Spirit. Whether as men,
chriftians, and proteftants, we have not more and more reafon
to pray night and day, for the haftening on of that glorious
and long wlflied-for period, you will be better able to judge,
when 1 fend you (as I purpofe to do, if I have time) a further
account of a Lent proceffion or two, of which I was alfo a
fpeclator. At prefent I can only beg a continual remem-
brance at a throne of grace, as being, my dear friend.
Yours moft refpedfully in our common Lord,
G. U\
To the Sanic.
My dear Friend, Lijbon, Jpril 3, 1754.
THOUGH fome other bufmefs demands my attention^
yet I muft not forget the promife made you of a furthes;'
accoui\t of the procciTijOnj T {v^- at Lifhott. Some of thofe
already mentioned, were extraordinary, by reafon of their great
drought; but that which is to b£ the fubjed of my prefent
letter, was an annual one : it being cuftomary at L'ljhon to ex-
hibit fome procellion or another every Friday in Lent. An
intelligent Proteftant, who ftood near me, was fo good as to
be my interpreter of the dumb (hew as it pafled along. — I fay
dumb Jhew : for you muft know it was chiefly made up of
waxen or wooden images, carried on mens (boulders throuo-h
the ftreets, intending to reprefent the life and death of St. Fran-
cis^ the founder of one of their religious orders. They were
brought out from the Frandfcan convent, and were preceded
by three perfons in fcarlet habits, with bafkets in their hands,
in which they received the alms of the fpe6lators, for the bene-
fit of the poor prifoners. After thefe, came two little boys in
party-coloured cloaths, with wings fixed on their fhoulders,
in imitation of little angels. — Then appeared the figure of
St. Francis^ very gay and beau-like, as he ufed to be before
his converfion. In the next, he was introduced under con-
vidion, and confequently flript of his finery. Soon after
this, was exhibited an im.age of our blefled Lord himfelf, in
a purple gown, with long black hair, with St. Francis lying
before him, to receive his immediate orders. Then came the
Virgin Mother, {horrefco refcrcns) with Christ her fon at
her left hand, and St. Francis making his obeifance to both.
Here, if I remember aright, he made his iirft appearance
in his friar's habit, with his hair cut (hort, but not as yet fhaved
in the crown of his head. After a little fpace, followed a
mitred Cardinal gaudily attired, and before him lay St. Francis
almoft proftrate, in order to be confirmed in his office. Soon
after this, he appears quite metamorphofed into a monk, his
crown fhorn, his habit black, and his loins girt with a knotted
cord. — Here he prays to our Saviour hanging on a crofs, that
the marks of the v.'ounds in his hands, feet, and fide, might be
imprefled on the fame parts of his body. The prayer is
granted ; blood comes from the hands, feet, and fide ; and the
faint, with great devotion, receives the inipreflions. This was
rcprefented by red waxen firings, reaching from thofe parts of
the image to the correfponding parts of St. Francis's body.
Upon thi3 he begins to do wonders ; and therefore, in a lirtls
while, he is carried along, as holding up a houfe which was
juft falling. This miracle, they fay, was performed (if my fn-
formation be true) at Madrid^ but the particulars of its hiftory
I have forgotten. At length the father dies, and is brought
forth lying in his grave. But lo ! the briars and nettles under
which he lay, are turned into fine and fragrant flowers. After
this he is borne along upon a bier covered with a filver pall,
and four friars lamenting over him. -He then appears for
the laft time, but with an increafe of power; for he was re-
prefented as drawing tormented people out of purgatory with
his knotted cord, which, as you may well imagine, the poor
fouls catched at, and took hold of very eagerly. At length
came a gorgeous friar under a fplendid canopy, bearing in hrs
hand a piece of the holy crofs. After him followed two more
little winged boys, and then a long train of fat and well-fa-
voured Fr and jeans ^ with their Calccis Fcncjlratis, as Erafmus
calls them ; and fo the procefllon ended. Methinks I hear you
fay, '' It is full time ;" — and fo fay I : for as the fight itfelf
difgufted me, fo I am perfuaded the bare narration of it,
though ever fo fhort, cannot be very pleafant to one who I
know abhors every thing that favours of fuperftition and idol-
atry. We will therefore take our leave of St. Francis^ whofe
proceflion was in the day time : but I muft tell you it is only
to inform you of another of a much more awful and fhockin*
nature, which I faw afterwards at night. About ten o'clock^
being deeply engaged in converfation with my kind hoft, in
came an Englijhman^ and told me in all hafte, that he had {ttvi
a train of near two hundred penitents pafling along, and that
in all probability I might be gratified with the fame fight, if I
haftened to a place whither he would condu6l me. I very
readily obeyed the fummons, and, as curiofity quickened my
pace, we foon came up with fome of thofe poor creatures^
who were then making a halt, and kneeling in the flrect,
whilft a friar from a high crofs, with an image of our LoRiy
crucified in his hand, was preaching to them and the popu-
lace with great vehemence. Sermon being ended, the peni-
tents went forwards, and feveral companies followed after
with their rcfpccStive preaching friars at their head, bearing
crucifixes. Thef? they pointed to and brandiihed frequently,-
and the hearers as f.'-cqucntly beat their breafts, and chipped
their cheeks. At proper paufes they flopped and prayed, and
Cne of them, more zealous than the reft, before the King's pa-
lace, founded the word penhehiici through a fpeaking trumpet.
The penitents themfelves were clothed and covered all over
with white linen veftments, only holes were made for their
eyes to peep out at. All were bare-footed, and all had long
heavy chains faftened to their ancles, which, when dragged
along the ftreet, made a difmal rattling : but though alike in
drefs, yet in other refpeds there was great variety amongft
them. For fome carried great flones on their backs, and
others dead mens bones and fkulls in their hands. Some bore
large and feemingly very heavy crofles upon their Ihoulders,
whilft others had their arms extended quite wide, or carried a
bow full of fwords with the points downwards. Moft of them
whipped and lafhed themfelves, fome with cords, and others
with flat bits of iron. It being a moonfliine night, I could
fee them quite well ; and indeed fome of them ftruck fo hard,
that I perceived their backs (left bare on purpofe to be flafhed)
were quite red, and fwoln very much by the violence and re-
petition of the blows. Had my dear friend been there, he
would have joined with me in faying, that the whole fcene
was horrible ; — fo horrible, that, being informed it was to be
continued till morning, I was glad to return from whence I
came about midnight, Had you been with me, I knov/
you would have joined with me in praifmg and gratefully
adoring the Lord of all lords, for the great wonder of the re-
formation, and alfo for that glorious deliverance wrought out
for us a few years paft, in defeating the unnatural rebellion.
O what a mighty fpirit and power from on high muft Luther,
Calvin, MelanSihon, ZuingUus, and thofe glorious reformers,
be neceflarily endued with, who dared firfl openly to oppofe and
ftem fuch a torrent of fuperftition and fpiritual tyranny !
and what gratitude owe we to thofe, who, under God, were
inftrumental in faving us from the return of fuch fpiritual
flavery, and fuch blind obedience to a papal power ! To have
had a papifl: for our king ; — a papift, if not born, yet from his
infancy nurfed up at Rome ^ — z. papift, one of whofe fons is
advanced to the ecclefiaftical dignity of a Cardinal, and both
under the ftrongeft obligations to fupport the intereft of that
church, whofe fuperftitions, as well as political ftate princi-
ples, they have fucked in, and imbibed even from their infancy*
liut, blefled be God, the fnare is broken, and we are deh'-
vered. O for protcftant practices to be added to proteftaut
princfples ! O for an obediential acknowledgment to the
ever-blefied God for our repeated deliverances ! But alas !— -
Pardon me, my dear friend, I flop to weep. Adieu* I cannot
enla\g;e, but leaving you to gucfs from what fource my tears
flow, I muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf, my dear Sir,
Yours moft cordially in our blcfTed Lord,
To Mr. B .
Reverend and dear Sir, Lijbon, April (^^ 1754'
TH E time of our departure hence is jufl at hand. I can"
not move without fending you a few lines ; I remember
your unmerited love, I remember our affe£tionate parting, and
I truft feel the benefit of your diftant prayers. Though called
to part with what is dearer to me than life, yet my heavenly
Father hath not left me comfortlefs. True, it is a filent, but
1 hope an inftructive period of life. One muft be all eye and
ear at Z-7/^5« ; — and indeed, I would not but have feen and
heard what hath paffed here, ilnce our arrival, upon any ac-
count. It furpafl'eth all description. Surely England^ and
Englijh privileges civil and religious, will be dearer to me than
ever. The preachers here have alfo taught me fomething ;
their action is graceful. Vividi oculi^ — vivida mamis^ — ciimia
vivida. Surely our Englifo preachers would do well, to be a
little more fervent in their addrefs. They have truth on their
fide, why fhould fuperftition and falihood run away with all
that is pathetic and afrefting ? But my dear friend needs not
this note. Blefled be God for making you fervent in fpirit.
Cjo on, my dear Sir, in the name and ftrength of Jesus.
Seqi'.ar^ eifi non pajftbus acquis. — Nil defperanduvi Chrijio dtuw
Pray remember me to all that love him, and are fo kind as to
enquire after a worthlcfs worm for his great name's fake. It
will be an aft of the greatett charity to intercede in my behalf.
Ala^! alas ! I am a dwarf indeed. My dear Sir, pray that I
may grow ; I cannot bear to live at this dying rate. 1 want
to \)e a flame of fire. That this may be your happy lot, Is and
Ihall be, through Christ flrengthening me, the earneft re-
tjueft of, my very dear Sir^
Your mod unworthy, though affedionate friend,
brother, and fellow-labourer in our common Lord,
G. W,
To Mrs. G .
Dear Madam^ Lifion^ ^pril <), I7S4'
I Hope this will find you more than happy, in the enjoyment
of Him, whofe death and paffion many at this feafon are
peculiarly called upon to remember, and be thankful for.
Vaft are the outward preparations made here. Altars upon
altars are ere£ling. Penitents upon penitents are walking and
lafhing themfelves : but what I want to have ereiSted and
adorned, is an altar in my heart, and the blov/s and ladies I
defire to feel, are the crucifixion and mortification of the old
man and its deeds. Without this, ^all is mere parade. God
be praifed for opening your eyes, and teaching you the holy
art of worfliipping him in fpirlt and in truth. Is it not a glo-
rious privilege ? Would you lofe it for teh thoufand worlds ?
Blefled be Gob, it is in fafe hands ! The life of a believer is
a hidden life; a life hid with Christ in God. May the
Author and Finifher thereof, caufe it to open and be difplayed
more and more every hour and every moment in your heart !
Thus praysj dear Madam,
Your mod obliged and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
G. tK
To Mr. H .
My vtry dear Friend^ Lifion, April lo, 1 754.
STILL I am here, furrounded with every thing, in an ec-
clefiadical way, that can odend a mind which defires to
wordiip the Lord Jesus in outward as well as inward fim-
plicity. To-morrow is what they call Holy Thwfday. May
Vol. in. F I be
I be as folicitous to have my heart illuminated by the Tplrit of
God, as the people here are to illuminate their churches and
altars. The pageantry is indeed incredible. Though we*
have been detained longer than expc6lation, yet I truil what
I have fetn and heard, will do me ferviee in the future part of
my life. Was I returning to, as I am going from Englandy
and had I a proper companion, I would make a tour to Leg-
horn^ Genoa., Rome, Sec. and fo to Marfeilles. What inftruc-
tion would fuch a mind as yours gather from fuch various
(cenes ? O that I may be like a bufy bee, and fuck fome ho-
ney even from fuperflitious flowers I I do not wonder now,
whence the illuminations, drefling of altars, and thofe other
things which I have lately mentioned in a public manner on
another occafion, took their birth. It is all in imitation of
what is daily pradifed abroad. May the Lord Jesus crufh
the cockatrice in its egcj, and prevent its growing any bigger f
I write this from a merchant's houfe, who fent for me from on
board. Thus our LaRD provides for thofe that are employed
for him. Help me to praife him. My fatherlefs charge are
all well. In a day or two we expecSl to fail. My moft cor-
dial refpedls attend your mother, and all your dear relations.
Continue to prav for me, and thereby add to the obligations
already conferred on, my very dear friend.
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. W,
Lijoan, Jpril 12, 1754.
JWy dear Friend^
PROVIDENCE ftill detains us at I/>w, and ther&forc
I know you wili be enquiring what more news frotn
thence ? — Truly, as extraordinary as ever — For I have now
fcen the folemnities of an Hdy-T/Jurfday, which is a very high
day in this metropolis, and particularly remarkable for the
grand illuminations of the churches, and the king's washing
twelve poor men's feet. — Through the intereft of a friend, I
got admittance into the gallery where the ceremony was per-
formed. It was large, and hung with tapeftry ; one piece of
which reprefented the humble Jesus wafhing the feet of his
difciples, — Before this, upon a fmall eminence,, fut twelve
inen in black. At the upper end, and in feveral other parts of
the gallery, were fide-boardsof large gold and filver bafons and
ewers moft curioufly wrought j and near thefe a large table
covered with a variety of difhes, all cold, fet off and garnifhed
after the Portuguefe fafliion. Public high mafs being over,
his majefty came in attended with his nobles, who feemed to
me to look like fo many Roman fenators. The adl of wafliing
the feet, I did not get in time enough to fee j but that being
ended, feveral of the young noblemen ferved up the difties to
the king's brother anl uncles j thefe again handed them to
his majefty, who gave (I think) twelve of them in all to each
poor man. Every thing was carried on with a great deal of
decency and good humour. The young noblemen ferved very
chearfully, their feniors looked quite pleafed, and the king
and his royal relations behaved in a very polite, eafy manner,
■^— upon the whole, though as you may eafily guefs it was not
an exa£l copy of the tapeftry, yet, as the pooi: mens cloaths
and food, when fold, came to about ten moidores ; and as there
was little mixture of fuperftition in it, I cannot fay but I was
as well pleafed with my morning's entertainment as with any
thing I had feen fmce my arrival.— I believe the whole took
up near two hours. After dinner we went to fee the churches ;
but the magnifience and fumptuoufnefs of the furniture, can-
not well be exprefled.— Many of them were hung on the oc-
cafion with purple damafk trimmed with gold. — In one of them
there was a folid filver altar of feveral yards circumference,
and near twelve fteps high : and in another a gold one, ftijl
more magnificent, of about the fame dimenfions. — Its bails
was ftudded with many precious ftones, and near the top were
placed filver images, in reprefentation of angels. Each ftep
was filled with large filver candlefticks, with wax- tapers in
them, which going up by a regulai* afcent, 'till they formed
themfelves into a pyramid, made a moft glittering and fplendid
blaze. — The great altars alfo of the other churches were illu-
minated mod profufely, and filver pots of artificial flowers,
with a large wax-taper between each, were fixed all round
feveral of them.— Between thefe, were large paintings in black
and white, reprefenting the different parts of our Saviour's
paflion. And, in fliort, all was fo magnificently, fo fuper-
ftitioufly grand, that I am perfuaded feveral thoufands of
F 2 pound*
pounds would not defray the expences of this one dayi
Go which way you would, nothing was to be feen but
illuminations within, and hurry without, — For all per*
fons, princes and crowned heads themfelves not excepted,
are obliged on this day to vifit (even churches or altars, in
imitation, as is fuppofed, of our Lord's being hurried from
one tribunal to another, before he was condemned to be hung
upon the crofs. — I faw the queen pafs by in great ftate to
vifit three of them. Velvet cufhions were carried before her
Majefty, and boards laid along the ftreets for herfelf and re-
tinue to walk upon. Guards attended before and behind,
and thoufands of fpe£lafors flood on each fide to gaze at them
as they pafTed along. Being dcfirous of feeing the manner of
their entrance, we got into the lafl church before they came.
It was that of St. Domingo^ where was the gold altar before
mentioned, and at which her Majefty and train knelt about a
quarter of an hour. — All the while, the Dominican friars fung
moft furprifingly fweet. But as I flood near the altar, over
againft the great door, I muft confefs my very inmoft foul
was flruck with a fecret horror, when, upon looking up, I
faw over the front of the great window of the church, the
heads of many hundred Jews, painted on canvas, who
had been condemned by what they call the Holy Inquijitioriy
and carried out from that church to be burnt. — Strange way
this, of compelling people to come in ! Such was not thy me-
thod, O meek and companionate Lamb of God ! Thou ca-
meft not to deftroy mens lives, but to fave them. — But bigotry
is as cruel as the grave. — It knows no remorfe. — From all its
bitter and dire efFedts, good Lord deliver us ! — But to return
to the Qi^ieen. Having performed her devotions, (he departed^
and went in a coach of flate, I believe, dire61!y from the
church to her palace, and without doub'f fufficiently fatigued :
for, belides walking through the ftreets to the feveral churches,
her Majefty alfo, and the princefles, had been engaged in
waiting upon, and wafhiug the feet of twelve poor women,
in as public a manner as the king. In our walk home, we
met his Majefty with his brother and two uncles, attended
only with a few noblemen in black velvet, and a few guards
without halberts. 1 fuppofe he was returning from hi" laft
church, and, as one may well imagine, equally faiigur with
his royal confort and daughters. — When church and ftatethus
combine to be nurfing fathers and nurfing mothers to fuperfti-
tion, is it any wonder that its credit and influence is (o difFufive
among the populace ? — O Britain ! Britain ! hadft thou but
zeal proportionable to thy knowledge, and inward purity ade-
quate to the fmiplicity of thy external worfhip, in what a happy
and god-like fituation wouldft thou be ! Here I could weep
again. — Again I leave you to guefs the caufe; and if I can
fend you one more letter of a like nature, before we leave this
place, it is all you muft expert from, my dear friend,
Your's moft aflurcdly in our glorious Head,
To Mr, .
My dear Friend, Ll/bon, y^nV 12, 1755.
AFTER the news already fent you, I thought our Lijbon
correfpondence would entirely have been put a flop to ;
for upon returning to my lodgings, (as weary I believe as
others that had been running from church to church all day)
word was fent me, that our {hip would certainly fail the next
morning. This news, I own, was not altogether agreeable to
me, becaufe I wanted to fee the conclufion of the Lent folem-
nities. However, I made ready ; and having difpatched my
private affairs the over-night, was conducted very early in the
morning, by my kind hoft, down to BeUe?n, where the fhip
lay. We parted. The wind promifed to be fair ; but dying
away, I very eagerly went afhore once more. But how was
the fcene changed ! Before, all ufed to be noife and hurry ; —
now, all was hufhed and fliut up in the moft awful and pro-
found filence. No clock or bell had been heard fince yefter-
day noon, and fcarce a perfon was to be feen in the flrcet all
the way to Lrjhon, About two in the afternoon we got to the
place, where (I had heard feme days agoj an extraordinary
fcene was to be exhibited. Can you guefs what it was.? —
Perhaps not. Why then I will tell you. " It was the cru-
cifixion of the Son of God, reprefented partly by dumb ima-
ges, and partly by living perfons, in a large church belonging
to the convent of St. De Beato." Several thoufands crouded
F 3 into
into it ; fome of whom, as I was told, had been waiting there
from even fix in the morning. — Through the kind interpoft-
tion and afliftance of a protcftant or two, I was not only ad-
mitted into the church, but was very commodioufly fituated
to view the whole performance. We had not waited long
before the curtain was drawn up. Immediately, upon a high
fcaftold hung in the front with black bays, and behind with
filk purple damaik laced with gold, was exhibited to our view
an image of the Lord Jesus at full length, crowned with
thorns, and nailed on a crofs between two figures of like di-
menfions, reprefenting the two thieves. At a little diftance
on the right hand, was placed an image of the virgin Mary^
in plain long ruffles, and a kind of widow-weeds. Her veil
was purple filk, and flic had a wire glory round her head. — At
the foot of the crofs lay, in a mournful penfive pofture, a liv-
ing man, drefled in wcnian's cloaths, who perfonated Mary
Magdalen ; and not far oft' fiood a young man, in imitation
of the beloved difciple. — He was drefled in a loofe green filk
vefture, and bob- wig. — His eyes were fixed on the crofs,
^nd his two hands a little extended. On each fide, near the
front of the ftage, flood two centinels in buff, with formida-
ble caps and long beards ; and diredlly in the front flood ano-
ther yet more formidable, with a large target in his hand.
We may fuppofe him to be the Roman centurion. To com-
pleat the fcene, from behind the purple hangings came out
about twenty little purple-vefted winged boys, two by two,
each bearing a lighted wax- taper in his hand, and a crimfon
and gold cap on his head. — At theij- entrance upon the ftage,
^hey gently bowed their heads to the fpetSlator.s, then kneeled
and made obeifance, firft to the image on the crofs, and thei^
to that of the virgin Mury. — When rif^'n, they bowed to
each other, and then took their refpedlive places over-againft
one another, on fteps afligned for them at the front of the
ftage. Oppofite to this, at a few yards diftance, flood ^
black friar in a pulpit hung in mourning. For a while he
paufed, and then, breaking filence, gradually lifted up his
voice 'till it was extended to a pretty high pitch, though I
think fcarcc high enough for (b large an auditory. After he
had proceeded in his difcourfe about a quarter of an hour, a
confufed noifc was heard near the front great door ; upon
turning my head, I faw four long-bearded men, two of
which carried a ladder on their (houlders, and after them fol-
lowed two more with large gilt difhes in their harids, full of
linen, fpices, ^c. Thefe (as I imagined) were the reprefen-
tatives of N'tcodemus and Jofeph of Arimathea. On a fignal
given from the pulpit, they advanced towards the fteps of the
fcafFold. But upon their very firft attempting to mount it,
at the watchful centurion's nod, the obfervant foldiers made
a pafs at them, and prefented the points of their javelins di-
redly to their breafts. They are repulfed. Upon this a let-
ter from Pilate is produced. The centurion reads it, fhakes
his head, and with looks that befpoke a forced compliance,
beckons to the centinels to withdraw their arms. Leave be-
ing thus obtained, they afcend ; and having paid their ho-
mage, by kneeling firft to the image on the crofs, and then
to the virgin Mary^ they retired to the back of the ftage.
Still the preacher continued declaiming, or rather (as was
faid) explaining the mournful fcene. Magdalen perfifts in
wringing her hands, and variously exprefling her perfonated
forrow ; whilft 'John (feemingly regardlefs of all befides) ftood
gazing on the crucified figure, "^y this time it was near
three o'clock, and therefore proper for the fcene to beo-in to
clofe. The ladders are afcended, the fuperfcription and crown
of thorns taken oft', long white rollers put round the arms of
the image, and then the nails knocked out which fattened the
hands and feet. Here Mary Magdalen looks moft Ian /uifliincr,
and Johriy if poftible, ftands more thunder-ftruck than before,
-. — The orator lifts up his voice, and almoft all the hearers ex-
prefled concern by weeping, bearing their breaft«, and fmit-
ing their cheeks. — At length the body is gently let down.
Magdalen eyes it, and, gradually rifing, receives the feet into
her wide-fpread handtcerchief ; whilft John (who hitherto fttaod
motionlels like a Itatue) as the b->dy came nearer the o-round,
with an eagernefs that befpoke the intenfe affetSiion of x fym-
pathizing friend, runs towards the crofs, feizes the upper
part of it mto his cla(ping arms, and, with his difguifed , fel-
low-mourner, helps to bear it away. And here the plav fhould
end, was I not afraid you would be angry with me, if I did
not give you an account of the laft aift, by telling you what
became of the corpfe after it was taken down. Great prepa-
F 4 rations
rations were made for its interment. It was wrapped in linen
and fpices, ^c. and being laid upon a bier richly hung, was
afterwards carried round the church-y^ird in grand proceflion.
The image of the virgin Alarj was chief mourner, and jfohn
^nd Magdalen f with a whole troop of friars with wax-tapers
in their hands, followed after. Determined to fee the whole,
I waited its return, and in about a quarter of an hour the
corps was brought in, and dcpofited in an open fepulchre
prepared for the purpofe ; but not before a prieft, accompa-
nied bv feveral of the fame order in fplendid veftments, had
perfumed it with incenfe, fung to and kneeled before it.
Jokn and Magdalen attended the obfcquies ; but the image of
the virgin Alary was carried away and placed upon the front
of the ftage, in order to be kifled, adored, and worfhipped by
the people. — This I faw them do with the utmoft eagernefs
and reverence. And thus ended this Gosd Friday^ tragi-comi-.
cal, fuperftitious, idolatrous farce. A farce, which whilft I
faw, as well as now whilft I am defcribing it, excited in mc
pn high indignation. — Surely, thought I, whilft attending on
fuch a fcene of mock devotion, if ever, now is the dear
Lord Jesus crucified afrcfh j and I could then, and even
now, think of no other plea for the poor beguiled devotees,
than that which fufFering innocence put up himfelf for his
enemies, when a6lual!y hanging upon the crofs, ** Father,
♦' forgive them, for they know not what they do." There
was but one thing wanting to raifc one's refentment to the
higheft pitch, and that was, for one of the foldiers to have
pierced the fide of the image upon the crofs. This in all pro-,,
bability you have heard hath adtually been done in other pla-
ces, and with a little more art, might, I think, have been
performed here. Doubtlefs it would have afforded the preacher
as good, if not a better opportunity of working upon th©
paffions of his auditory, than the taking down the fupcrfcrip-
tion and crown of thorns, and wiping the head with a blooded
cloth, and afterwards expofmg it to the view of the people ;
all which I faw done before the body was let down. — But
alas ! my dear friend, how mean is that eloquence, and hov/
entirely deftitute of the demonftration of the fpirit, and of a
divine power, muft that oratory ncccflarily be, that ftands in
iiee4 uf fuch a train of fuperftitious pageantry to render it
impreflive \
imprefllve! — Think you, my dear friend, that the apoftle Paul
ufed or needed any fuch artifices to excite the paflions of the
people of Galatia^ amongft whom, as he himfelf informs us,
<* Jesus Christ was crucified, and evidently fet forth ?"—
But thus it is, and thus it will be, when fimplicity and fpiri-
tuality are banifhed from our religious offices, and artifice and
idolatry feated in their room. — I am well aware that the Ro^
rnanijh deny the charge of idolatr}' ; but after having feen what
I have feen this day, as well as at fundry other times fince my
arrival here, I cannot help thinking but a perfon muft be capa-
ble of making more than metaphyfical diflinctions, and deal
in very abftra£l ideas indeed, fairly to evade the charge. — If
weighed in the balance of the fari6tuary, I am pofitive the
feale muft turn on the proteftant fide.' — But fuch a balance
thefe poor people are not permitted to make ufe of! Doth not
your heart bleed for them ? Mine doth I am fure, and I be-
lieve would do fo more and more, was I to ftay longer, and
fee what they call their Hallelujah, and grand devotions oa
Eajler-day. — But that fccne is denied me. — The wind is fair,
;^nd I muft away. — Follow me with your prayers, and believe
pie to be, my dear friend,
Yours moft affe6liof»ately, in our common Redeemer,
G, J¥,
To Mrs. D .
Oti board the Succefs, May lOy 1754.
My dear fifler /k Christ,
IT really hath given me much concern fince I have been on
the mighty waters, that it was not in my power to write to
you more frequently when on fhore. I therefore fend you a
few lines from the great deep, which I hope will find you
magnifying the Lord, and rejoicing in God your Saviour,
For his great name's fake, I am once more going to Georgia^
and after a ftjort tour through fome parts of Jmericay I hope
to fee my rrative country, and begin to begin to ramble after
poor finners again. In our way we touched at Lijbm, which
I hope hath been bleflTed to me, fo far as to make me prize pro-
teftant liberty and fimplicity more than ever. Fain would \
te one of Christ's bees, and learn to extract honey fioin
every flower. But alas! I am a drone, and deferve to be ftung
out of God's hive. But he i^ gracious and long fufFering. O
eternity ! How do I long to praife my GoD there ! We are
within a few hundred miles of our earthly, but when I fhall
arrive at my heavenly port God only knows. Strange ! that
I {hould be kept out at fea fo long. I am now near forty.
Father, thy wH' be done ! Only vouchfafe to employ me, and
then 1 can ; o more, the Redeemer is pleafed to fill my
foul. Help me to cry Grace ! Grace ! and believe me to be.
Your moft aflured friend, and
ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. rr.
To Mrs. S .
On board the Succefs^ May ii^ '754«'
Deor Mrs, S ,
I Fully purpofed to have written to you from Lijhon^ but was
fo taken up in feeing the ecclefiaftical curiofities of the
place, and was fo fuddenly called away, that rendered it im-
pradlicable. — However, that I may not be difappointed again,
1 fit down to write you a few lines, though about eight hundred
milts off fhore. May they find you as to fpirituals, in the fame
fuuation as is our fhip in a natural refpedt, gently, fweetly
gliding towards your heavenly harbour, under a plcafant gale
of divine influence. Or,
]f rough andjlormy he your tvcy^
Fear not Ow/y to Jesus cry, ir-.dfay.
Be Jlrength proportion' d to my day.
You will find him a kind and faithful Saviour. Whom he
loves, he loves to the end. He hath already delivered you out
of the paw of the bear and of the lion, and he will alfo deliver
put of the hand of every remainino; GcUah. Cour2^j;^then, my
dear Mrs. S , courage. The crown is before you, and ere
lon^ Jesus will put it on your head. 1 hope all your houfliold,
as well as yOurlelf, have this in full view. It glitters, though
at this diftance. O how bright and radiant I Purchafcd at
how dear a rate I It is worth ftriving for. The Lord help
yeu all to ftrlve fo as to obtain. So wifhes and prays, dear
Mrs. S ,
Your afTured friend and fervant, for Christ's fake,
G, /r.
To Mr. H .
On board the Succefsy May 25, 1 754.
My dear Mr. H-
JUST now, through the tender mercies of a never-failing
God, we faw the American {here, and are within y. few
miles of our defined port. The wind being contrary, ws can-
not enter itj I will therefore employ a few minutes in anivver-
ing your laft kind letter. It was full of chriftian love, and
befpoke a heart deeply engaged for the fuccefs of the gofpel in
Qloucejierjhire. I hope it runs and is glorified, and trull ^i-re
now you find that the blelTed Redeemer ftands in no need of
fuch a wretch as I am. Fear not, our Lord will never want
inftruments to carry on his work. — A heavenly fire is lighted
in England, which men and devils Ihall never be able to ex-
tinguifli. I pray for its fpreading night and day ; receive this
as a token that none of you are forgotten by me before the
Lord. I believe we have fared the better for your prayers.
Our paflage hath been pleafant, and afllire yourfelves, I fhall
piake all poflible difpatch in order to return unto you. O that
it may be in the fulnefs of the blcffing of the gofpel of Christ.
pray remember me to Mr. R C , to your wife, and
all thofe dear fouls, amongft whom, when laft in Gloucejferjhircy
God gave us a heaven upon earth. O for a heaven in heaven!
Blefled be God, that port is in view. From thence we (hall
liever put to lea any more. Adieu. I cannot enlarge. Con-
tinue to pray for me, as a poor travelling pilgrim, but, for
pHRiBT's fake,
Ypors ijioft affedionately,
To Mr. S .
Beaufort, Port- Royal 7/Iaml, South-
My dear Friend, Carolina, May 26, 1754.
THROUGH the divine goodnefs, we are juft now fail-
ing into our harbour, after having been fix weeks from
Jjipon. — Providentially a (hip goes out to-morrow for Cowes ;
1 cannot omit the opportunity of fending you a few friendly
lines. They come from a friend, and leave him leaning on
Him who hath promifed never to forfalce thofe that put their
truft in him. Our pafTage hath been very eafy, only our en-
trance into the harbour (like our laft ftruggle before we enter
heaven) hath been fomewhat troublefome. May the Lord
of all Lords give you, and yours, and all my never to be for-
gotten Yorkjhire friends, an abundant entrance there ! I muft
not think of you too much ; parting feafons would come too
frcfh in my mind. — O bleffed feafon, when we fhall part no
more ! Adieu, adieu. I hope to write foon again. My or-
phan-charge are all quite well, and I hope in a few days to fee
them fafe at Georgia. I know whofe company would be ac-
ceptable to all there ; but, — P'ather thy will be done ! I can
no more. Accept this as a token of love unfeigned, from,
my dear friend.
Yours for ever and ever, in our common Lord,
G. IF.
Dear Mrs. C , Charles-Town, July 10, 1754.
SINCE I left Bethefda, I have been out two nights by
land, and one by water, and though wearied, am preferv-
ed in as good health as can in any wife be cxpcdled. To-mor-
row or Monday, I expe£t to embark again for Nciv-y'ork. The
profpeft of being ere long at the new Jerusalem, makes all
things eafy. I thank you for your kind letter, and for re-
garding my tears. They fpeak better than words. Jesus knov/s
they were fhed for him, and for the welfare of that inftitution
which has lain fo many years upon my poor heart. Have a
little patience, and you will find more and more, that your
I coming
Coming over the water was of God. I wifti it was In my
power to make every thing more than agreeable; our commoa
Lord I truft will do it himfelf. This is my heart's defirc*
and (hall be my conftant prayer night and day. You will fee
what I have Tent by this opportunity. Whatever of the linen
or wooHen ftufFyou would have made up for the children, may
be fent by thofe who brin;^ this ; and what you want done in
this way, only let Mrs. B have a line, and orders will be
readily executed. Thus God raifes up friends. The Lord
be with you all. Help me to praife him, and continue to pray
for J dear Mrs. C ,
Your unworthy friend, and
ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
To Mr. H .
Very dear Sir, Charles-Toicn^ July I2, 1754.
THOUGH I hear that Captain Thompfon does not fail,
thefe three weeks, yet as I am hound for the northward^
I cannot help leaving a few grateful lines behind me. May
they find you leaning on the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus^
and determined through his ftrengih fteadily to purfue that one!
thing needful, which fliall never be taken from you ! My
prayers are continually afcending in your behalf; — they are
your due ; I owe you, and fhall owe you much love as long
as I live, ^^j this I fend you moft grateful acknowledgments
for all favours, — they are many, but all noted in my Matter's
book. How are my obligations to love and ferve him in-
creafed ! He gave us a pleafant pafiage, and I truft hath
bleffcd my miniftry to fome fouls fince my arrival, and alfo
hath given me to leave my orphan-charge in comfortable cir-
cumftances; the family now confifts of above an hundred. He
that fed the multitude in the wildernefs, can and will feed the
orphans in Georgia. Your letters I delivered, and I fuppofe
you will receive proper anfwers. — But I find Mr. H. doth
not trade at Lijhon, and Mr. H m is about to leave ofF
bufmefs and retire. Happy they who can do this, and at the
fame time that they retire from the world, retire into God.
His prefence is all in all. That you may be blefled with a
plentiful portion of it here, and be admitted to an infinitely
greater participation of it hereafter^ is the earneft prayer ofj
very dear Sir,
Your moft obli?,ed friend, and
ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
To Mr. C JV .
On board the Dehor ah ^ July 20, 1754.
My dear Fi-iend,,
I Do not forget my promife, though hurrying from place to
place, and fettling my orphan-charge, hath almoft put it
out of my power to perform it : however, I am now once more
on the great deep in my way to New-Tor k ; accept a few lines
as a token that you are not forgotten by me. I wrote to you
from Lijbon. From thence we had a pleafant pafTage to Caro-
lina, and fmce that I found and left my orphan family com-
fortably fettled at Georgia. The colony, as well as Bcihejda, is
now in a thriving fituation. Black and white perfons I have
now a hundred and fix to provide for. The God whom I dc-
fire to ferve, will enable me to do it for his great name's fake.
At Charles-Town., and in other parts of Carolina^ my poor la-
bours have met with the ufual acceptance, and I have reafon
to hope a clergyman hath been brought under very ferious im-
preflions. Not unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but unto thy
free grace be all the glory ! What will befal me at the no:th-
ward, I know not; this I know, that Jesus Christ will
fuffer nothing to pluck me out of his hands. My health is
wonderfully preferved. — My wonted vomitings have left me,
and though 1 ride whole nigiits, iand have been frequently ex-
pofed to great thunders, violent lightnings, and heavy rains,
yet I am rather better than ufual, and as far as I can judge,
am not yet to die. O that I may at length learn to begin to
live. I am afhamed of my floth and lukewarmnefs, and long
to be on the ftretch for God. I hope this will find you thus
employed. My cordial love awaits your whole felf, your bro*
ther, Mr. B , and in (hort all the followers of the blefled
Lamb of God. Though unworthy of their notice, 1 earneftly
7 intreat
intreat a continued intereft in their prayers, as being, my very
dear Sir,
Their and your afFeclionate friend, and
ready fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. D .
On hoard the Deborah, July 20, 1 754.
My very dear Mr, D ,
THIS leaves me on my way tovi'ards New-Tor k. Accept
this as a token, that change of climate doth not caufe a
change ofaffefiion. No, you and my other 6ezr Edinburgh
friends are ftill upon my heart, and I truft w^ill remain fixed
there, till we meet to join the finging choir that is about ths
throne. I hope you have an earneft and anticipation of this,
every Monday evening. I hope you enjoy a feeling pcfTeffion
of your God, every day and every hour. This will make the
moft barren wildernefs to fmile, and fupport you under the
moft diftreffing circumftances. It is this that fupports me by
land and by water. Without it, what could fuch a poor,
weak, faint-hearted pilgrim do ? Verily I fnould faint. — But
as yet I cannot die. In fpite of thunder, lightning, rain, and
heat, God is pleafcd to hold my foul in life, and to let me
fee his glorious work profper in my unworthy hands. Georgia
and Bethefda I found in a thriving way. My family confifts
©f a hundred and fix, and will prove I trufi: of more extenfive
ufe every day. About fix weeks I ftaid at Carolina and Georgia.
One is likely to be fettled as minifter in Charles-Town. There
Hiy poor labours have met with ufual acceptance, and I live
in hopes of fome gracious gales to the northward. Perhaps
about Chrijlmas, or early in the fpring, I may fee my native
country again. — O may I return grown in grace, and in the
knov/ledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I But I
am a dwarf. Pray, pray for me. Accept unfeigned thanks for
all favours, remember me in the kindeft manner to all in-
quiring friends, and believe me to be, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,
G. IV,
New-York, July 27, 1754*
My very dear andjleady Friendly
HERE will I fet up my Ebcnezer — for hitherto the
Lord hath helped mc. Through his divine goodnefs^
1 left Georgia and Bcthejda ia growing circumftances, and anl
come once more to pay a (hort vifit to the northward. O
that the Redeemer may make it a fweet one ! Some time next
tnonth, perhaps I may have the plcafure of feeing you and
yours, and my other dear Bojion friends. As I am entirely
unprovided with travelling furniture, I have thoughts of com-
ing as far as Rhode-ijland by water. , God willing, you fhal!
have timely notice, or it may be, I may come upon you un-
awares. Strange! that I fiiould be jn this dying worlJ till
now. What changes have I feen ! What changes muft I ex-
pe6t to fee before my final (feparture, if the Redeemer is pleafed
to lengthen out this fpan of life. Welcome, welcome, my
Lord and my God, whatever cup thou (halt fee meet 10 put
into my hands I Only fwceten it with thy love, and then^
though bitter in itfelf, it cannot but be falutary. Alas! how
little do we know of ourfelves, till we are tried, and how hard
doth the old man die! Weil! blefled be God, die he fhal!.-
Jesus hath given him his deadly blow, and at the beft he only
lives a dying life. Thanks be to Gob for fuch a Saviour f
O for a thoufand tongues to fhew forth his praife ! Lord'
Jesus, cloath me with humility, that I may every day know
more and fhore the honour conferred upon me' in being madcf
a poor pilgrim for thee ! Keep me travelling, keep me work-
ing, or at leaft beginning to begin to work for thee till I die.'
But whither am I going ? Excufe me, my dear Sir. — I am
writing to a beloved Galm. GoD blefs you and yours. — My
moft cordial refpedts await all enquiring friends. — Methinks
they are dearer than ever to, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,
G. U\
ro Mr. P . ?o. m j) e J' ^ on
New-Tork, July 28, 1 754.
Reverend and very dear Slr^
|NCE more, the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus hath
brought me hither, and laft night gave me an opportu-
nity of recommending his dying love. When I afcended the
pulpit, and found your place empty, I was fonlevi^hat affe(5led ;
but I have met with fo many changes ih the church as well as
the world, that it is time for me to begin to learn to be fur-
prized at nothing. Some time next month, I hope to come
as far as Bo/ion. I know, my dear Sir, that you will pray, it
/ may be in the fulnefs of the blefling of the gofpel of Christ.
What is to befall me I know not; Father, into thy hands I
commend my fpirit ! Fain would I be as clay in thy hands.
Lord Jesus, when fhall it once be? But I am a ftubborn,
ill and hell-deferving creature. Lefs than the lead of all, fhall
be my motto flill. Amazing, — that the Redeemer fliould fufFer
fuch a wretch to fpeak or travel for him. Surely his name
and nature is Love. Othat I could but begin to begin to love
him! My obligations increafe daily. In.Etigbnd the word of
the Lord runs and is glorified indeed. Georgia and Bethcfda
I left in growing circumftances. The orphan-family now con-
fifts of one'hundred and fix, black and white. A young man
that hath been a fludent there, fucceeds Mr, S of Charles-
Town. O that the Redeemer may provide for the dear New-
Tork people ! The refidue of the fpirit is in his hands. Lord
Jesus, make their extremity thy opportunity to help and re-
lieve them I But I fhall weary you, and detain you too long
from more important v/ork. May the great head of divine in-
fluence blefs you and yours, and all your prefent flock! Some
of them I know. If you fhould fee dear Mr. P or F ,
be fo good as to remember me to them, in the moft refpedlful
manner. — I intreat their prayers for a poor but willing pilgrim,
and am, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft affcdlionate, obliged, though unworthy
brother and fervant in our common Lord.
Vol. III. G ' LET-
To Mr. S . «Sw>«H>
My very dear Sir, New-York^ July 2'i, 1754.
HERE our Lord brought me two days ago, and laft
night I had an opportunity of preaching on his dyings
living, afcending, and interceding love, to a large and atten-
tive auditory. Next week I purpofe going to Philadelphia, and
then fhall come back again here in my way to Bojlon. Whe-
ther I (hall then return to Bethefda, or embark for England, is
uncertain. — I fear matters will not be fettled at the orphan-
houfe, unlefs I go once more ; I have put fomc upon their
trial, and fliall want to fee how they behave. During my
pailage from Charles-Town, I left a few lines for you ; I thought
to have written an account of Bethefda for the prefs, but could
by no means get freedom. God's time is the beft. I owe for
three of the negroes who were lately bought, but hope to be
enabled to pay for them at my return from the northward. My
God can, and will fupply all my wants, according to his riches
in Jesus. Glory be to his great name, he hath now taught
me a little to be alone. His prefence keeps me company, and
I find it fweet to run about for him. I find the door all along
the continent is as open as ever, and the way feems clearing
up for the neighbouring iflands. What a pity is it, that we
can only be at one place at once, for the ever-loving, ever-
lovely Jesus. Had I a good private hand, I could fend you
the account of my family, hz. but perhaps I may deliver it to
you myfelf. Lord Jesus, dire<Sl my goings in thy way ! I
owe you much, yea very much love; but a pepper-corn of ac-
knowledgment,- and my poor prayers, is all the payment that
I fear will be made by, my very dear Sir,
Your worthlefs, though moft obliged, afFciTlionate,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake.
L I! t t £ li s. ^^
To Mr. G .
My very dear Friend, New-York, July 3d, 1 754.
SHALL we once more fee each other in the flefh ? I hope
fo. — To-morrow, God willing, I preach at Newark; oil
Wednefday, two in the afternoon, at New-Brunfivtck; and hope
to reach Trent-Toivn that night. Could you not meet me
there quietly, that we might fpend one evening together ?
You muft bring a chair ; — I have no horfe, and will then once
more venture your throwing me down. Mr. V pafles me -
from hence to Brutifwick, and Mr. S to Trent-Town. I^
you cannot come, I will get Mr. S to carry me on till
we meet you. O that the Lord Jesus may fmile on my
feeble labours. Here I truft he hath given us a bleffing,
Yefterday I preached thrice : this morning I feel it. Wel-
come wearinefs for Jesus ! O how little can I do for him ?
I blufh and am confounded. Pray heartily for me ; and if
bufincfs will permit, come away to, my very dear friend.
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
ToMr.R . r.Di-».ne'~
Philadelphia, Jugufi 7, 1754,
My dear Mr. R ,
I once thought to write you a long letter, but it pleafed
God to cut off my flrength in my journey. Yefterday I
was taken with a violent cholera morbus, and hoped ere now
to have been where the inhabitants (hall no more fay, " I am
fick." But I am brought back again. May it be in order to
bring fome more precious fouls to the ever-blefled Jesus !
This is all my defire. O that God fhould ever make ufe of
fUch a worthlefs creature as 1 am ! But his grace is free, he
yet blefles me, and rather more than ever. My poor labours,
feem to be owned here, as well as at New-York. I received
the facrament at church on Sunday, and have preached in the
academy j but I find Mr. Tennent\ houfe abundantly more
G 2 com-
commodious. I fear it will be impoffible for me to come your
way. This is the believer's comfort, all God's people fhall
meet in heaven. There I hope to lee you and yours. Accept
hearty love, and fail not to pray for, my dear Mr. R ,
Yours moft afFeclionately,
To Mr, V .
Philadelphia, Augujl 15, 1 754.
My very dear Mr. V ,
ONCE more, after having my cables out ready (as I
thought) to caft anchor within the port, I am conftrained
to put out to fea again. My late ficknelV, though violent,
hath not been unto death, O that it may be to the glory of
God f With fome difficulty I can preach once a-day. Con-
gregations rather increafe than dccreafe; and many, O ftrange?
are defirous of my making a longer ftay. But the time is
fixed for next Tiiefday; and all the following days till Sunday,.
are to be employed between this and Neiu-Brunfwick. There
I am informed fome execution was done. VVhilft I live.
Lord Jesus, grant I may not live in vain. I couM enlarge,
but really am fo faint, that I have been obliged to ftop, and
can now with difficulty fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend.
Yours moft afFe£lionately in our common Lord,
To Mr. E .
Philadelphia, AugvJ} i-j, 1 7 54.
My dear Mr. E , *
I Hope this will find you fairly thruft out into the highways
and hedges, and under a divine commiffion to compel
many poor finners to come in. Fear not. Jesus will take
care of body and foul.
Fix on his work thyjiedfajl cycy
SoJ})all thy work be done.
Was you on this fide the water, you would find work enough.
Here's a glorious range in the American woods. It is pleafant
hunting for finners. Thoufands flock daily to hear the word
preached. Let us pray for each other. When we meet, we
may talk more together. In the mean while, I recommend
you to the unerring guidance and protection of the great Shep-
herd and Biftiop of fouls, as being, for his great name's fake,
tay dear frienJ,
Yours afFeiSlionately in our common Lord,
To Mrs. S .
Dear Mrs. S , Nnu-Tork, Sept. 2, 1754.
I Am much, yea very much indebted to you for your works
of faith, and the labours which, I believe, have proceeded
from unfeigned love to the ever-ioving and ever-lovely Jesus.
Put all to his account. You fhall be rewarded at the refur-
recStion of the juft : then fhall the righteous fhine forth like
the fun. O happy, happy time I Lord Jesus, haften it !
May the bleflTed Spirit prepare us to meet him .' Mcthinks I
hear you fay, ** I will not lofe a moment," The Lord
ftrengthen you in this and every holy refolution I You muft
pray that I may not flag in the latter ftages of my road.
JBlefl'ed be God, we had good feafons between Philadelphia
and New-York, In the New-Jerufalem more glorious feafons
await us yet. At prefent I can no more. Be pleal'ed to re-
member me in the kindeft manner to all, and believe me to be,
dear Mr. 5- ,
Your afliired friend, and ready fervant
for Christ's fakej
My dear Do£ior, New-York, Sept. 2, 1754.
MAY this find you rejoicing in the holy comforts of that
infinitely great and gracious phyfician, to whofe all-
powerful blood and righteoufnefs, you and I are fo much be-
G 3 holden !
holdcn ! Surely he hath been loving unto us. O that w»
ynay recover our iirft love, and return and do our firft work !
Jesus is able and willing to do this for us. The return of
backfliders, and forgiving thofe who cannot forgive thcmfelves,
is his heart's delight. He fpares when we deferye punidiment,
and in his wrath thinketh upon rnercy. Fly then, my dear
friend, to his loving arms and heart ; he waits to be gracious.
Let us wait on him in the way of duty, and we Ihall find that
his arm is not fhortened, but that he is ftill able and willing
to fave to the utternioft all that come to the Father through
him. Lord Jesus, who can tell how far //;;' uttermoji ex-
tendeth ! None but thy own eternal Self: furejy it muft ex-
pend to the vileft of finners, or it never could have reached
ill and hell-deferving me I Help me, my dear Sir, to cry
Grace! grace! We had pleafant feafons in our way hither,
and here people attend gladly. Some time this week I exped^
to fail for Rhode- IJland. Remember a poor but willing pilgrim,
and accept this as a token, that neither you nor yours are for-
gotten by, my dear friend,
Yoursj &c.
G. W,
To Mr. S ,
My very dear Sir, Newark, Sept. 27, 1754.
THE fearcher of hearts only knows what ftruggles and
toiTings your laft letter, as well as that of dear Mr.
Jf^ , hath occafioned in my breaft. Afteclion, intenfe af-
fection cries aloud, ** Away to New- England, to dear Nnu-
England d'u^Gt\y." Providence, and the circumftances of the
Soutt.trn proviiices, point dire£ily towards Virginia and the
Orphan-houfe. In the former, 1 am told, the door is opening
in earneftj and :he biifinefs of the latter requires my prefence
this Winter. Thefe being difpatchcd, my mind will be dif-
Isurdened, and my heart free for a large lange in New- England.
For ihiSj I hereby give you and my dear never to be forgotten
fricndr, a promiCbry note of hand. Deo vclente, I will perform
}t, before I leave America. I think I can take (hipping froni
P^ifton for Englan^. It will not do to go thence to the IFeJi^
Indies, bccaufe I cannot go without a companion, and that
companion (ifpofllble) is to be Captain G . Thefe are
my prefent thoughts. Have a little patience, and by delaying
for a Ihort time, I fhall enjoy more of my dear friends com-
pany : this is what I want to be filled with. In the mean
while, my enemies may be preparing their artillery. I have
nothing but a fling and a ftone. I truft that my determination
is agreeable to the mind of Jesus. Many of his true minifters
have been confulted, earneft prayers have been made, and I
humbly hope the event will be glorious. What a pity is it that
we can have but one body and one foul to glorify the blefled
Redeemer with ! Lord, accept my two worthlefs mites, and
help me at length to begin to begin to do fomething for thy
great name's fake ! The worthy Prefident, who was to be
my companion to Bojion^ will let you know how affairs go.
Blefled be God, the fhout of a king hath been amongft us.
I am extremely well pleafed with the fynod and commence-
ment. O that I had wings ! then would I fly, if it was only
juft: to have a fight of you and yours, and my dear and worthy
friends. — But — I muft fay no more. Pray, pray earneftly, my
dear friend, for him, who is lefs than the leaft of all, indeed
and indeed, but
Yours moft affedionately, &c,
G. TV,
To Lady H n.
EUzabeth-Town (New-Jerfey), Sept. 30, 1754.
Ever-honoured Madam^
A Little before I had the favour of your Ladyftiip's kind
letter, I had written from New-York. Since which
time, I trufl:, through the efficacy of divine grace, many new
creatures have been formed for God. Every where a divine
power accompanies the word, prejudices have been removed,
and a more efFe£lual door opened than ever for preaching the
everlafling gofpel. I am now at Governor B 's, who
fends your Ladyfhip the moft cordial refpeils. His outward
man decays, but his inward man feems to be renewed day by
day. I think he ripens for heaven apace. This laft week
G 4 was
was the Ncw-Jerfey commencement, at which the Prefident
and Truftees were pleafed to prefent me with the degree of
A. M. The fynod fuccecded. — But fuch a number of Ample
hearted, united minifters, I never faw before. I preached to
them feveral times, and the great Mafter of aflemblies v.'as in
the midft of us. To-morrow, God willing, I fhall fet out
with the worthy Prefident for Nezv- England., and expe£l to
return back to the Orphan -houfe through Virginia^ where
the gofpel I truft will have free courfe and be glorified. This
will be about a two thoufand mile circuit; but the Redeemer's
ftrength will be more than fufficient. Once this Summer, I
thought my difcharge'was come ; but it fecms the fhattered
baric mufl: put out to fea again. Father, thy will be done !
I hope this will find your Ladyfhip fafe at your belove4
Clifton^ where you may enjoy yourfclf and God, without the
interruptions of a noify town. This is indeed heaven upoi;
earth. That you and yours may enjoy it more and more
every day, is and fliall be the earneft prayer of, ever-honourecj
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, dutiful,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV,
ro Mr. z .
Elizaheth-Tcivn (Neiv-Jcrfcy), Sept. 30, 1754.
Very dear and honoured Sir^
UST two months sgo, I arrived at New-Terk from Souths
Carolina., and ever fines have been endeavouring to labour
in my poor way for the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus. Many
things have concurred, to prove that my coming at this time
was of God. Sinners have been awakened, and faints
quickened, and enemies made to be at peace with me. Grace !
grace ! In general, 1 have been enabled to travel and preach
twice a day. Every where the door hath been opened wider
than ever. At Pklladelphlay I had a moft comfortable evening
;(y^ , with Mr. B and his collcgues ; and at the New-yerfey
commencement I was much refrefiicd with the company of a
whole fynod of mir.iftcrs, that, I believe, do indeed love the
Redeemer in fincerity. I write this from Governor B 's,
who is indeed Angularly good, and vvhofe Jatter end greatly
jncreafes as to fpirituals. O that this may be my happy
lot I About a month ago, I thought my great change
was coming, but I foon vyas fent bacic to fea again. To-
morrow I fleer for Nezv-England^ and from thence purpofe
returning to the Orphan-houfe through Virginia^ where the
door for preaching I hear is opening wide. Sometimes I
have thoughts of gf;ingto the Wiji-lndiei^ but fear it will not
be practicable, before I fee England. Lord Jesus, direcSt and
ftrengthen, and then fend me where thou pleafelt ! I beo-,
moft earneftly beg the continuance of your prayers, and am,
ytx'j dear, honoured Sir,
Your moft dutiful, &c.
G. W,
ro Mr. H . 1^ A [fzrj>U ^ .v^
My very dear Friend, Bojion, OBoher 1 3, 1 754.
T hath given me concern, that I have not been able to
write one letter to Georgia^ fince my arrival at New-Tork.
But it was impracticable. Sicknefs, travelling, and preach-
ing prevented me. However, I muft fnatch a few minutes
pow. They leave me at Bo/ion, where as well as in other
places, the word hath run and been glorified, and people ra-
ther more eager to hear than ever. Lord, what am I ? O
that I could fink into nothing before thee ! After flaying a
fhort time, I purpofe, God willing, to go through Conne£iicut
to New-York., and fo on by land to Georgia. BlefTed be God,
that a Governor is at length nominated. I wifh you joy of
your new honour, which I find, by this week's pofr, is conferred
upon you. May the King of kings enable you to difchar^e
your truft, as becomes a good patriot, fubjeCt, and chriflian !
The Lord help us to look to the rock whence we have been
hewn. I wifh I knew when the Governor intends being at
Georgia., I would willingly he there to pay my refpeds to him.
But this mufl be left to divine Providence. If we acknowledge
God in all our ways, he hath promifed to direct our paths.
P my dear old friend and firfl fellow-traveller, my heart is
en;:aged for your temporal and eternal welfare. You have
jnovv, I think, a call to retire from bufinefs, and to gi':e up
your time to the public. May the Lord of all lords direcV,
zflift, and blcfs you and yours more and more. I hope
Mrs. H is well : I have much to fay when we meet.
God deals moft bountifully with me. Enemies are made to
be at peace, and friends are every where hearty. Remember
me in the kindcfl manner to all with you, and continue to
pray for
Yours mofl afieclionately in our common Lord,
G. JV,
* ** ToMr.V .
My very dear Frle?2cly Bojlon^ OHoher 14, 1 754.
SURELY my coming here was of God. At Rhode- IJlani
I preached five times. People convened immediately,
and flocked to hear more eagerly than ever. The fame fcene
opens at Bojhn. Thoufands waited for, and thoufands at-
tended on the word preached. At the Old Norths at feven in
the morning, we generally have three thoufand hearers, and
many cannot come in. ConvitStions I hear do faften, and
many fouls are comforted. Doctor 5 hath engaged me
once to preach his lecture. The polite, I hear, are taken, and
cppofition falls. What art thou, O mountain ? before our
great Zerubbabel thou fhalt become a plain. I preach at the
Old and the New North. Mr. P and Dr. S continue
to pray for me. A Governor for Georgia being nominated,
determines my way thither. O that I may always follow
God, even a God in Christ I This week I fet out for
Mr. S 's. The door opens wider and wider. Pray tell
Mr. H ^, that I left his horfc a little lame at Loug-JJland^
with one who is called in contempt Saint Dick. All hail fuch
reproach ! I could enlarge, but muft away. Adieu. My
hearty love av/aits your whole felf, and all who are fo kind as
to enquire after the chief of finners, but for Christ's fake,
piy very dear friend.
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,
ro Dr. S '.
My very dear DoHor, Bojlon^ O£ioher 14, 1754.
HALL I promife and not perform ? God forbid.— Ac-
cept, therefore, a few lines of grateful love. They bring
you good news. At Rhode-ljland and this place, fouls fly to
the gofpel like doves to the windows. A divine power hath
hitherto accompanied the word, and oppofition feems to fall
daily. Next week I purpofe to go Eaftward, and then I in^
tend making as much hafle as can be back to you. A Go-
vernor, 1 find, is appointed for Georgia^ and my friend H 'hy.
made Secretary. Thofe that honour God, he will honour.
I have preached in four large meeting-houfes, and the profpetSl
pf doing good is very promifing. I was received with an ex-
cefs of joy. Lord, what am I ? Give me humility, for thy
mercy's fake ! Adieu. Remember me to all enquiring friends^
jmd believe me to be, my dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. W,
ToMr.S .
Porifmouth [Neiv-Hampjhire), OSloler 2/^, 1754.
Jl^y very dear Sir.,
ABOUT a month ago I wrote you a few lines from the
New-Jerftes. Since that I am advanced about three
hundred miles further northward. But what have I feen ? Da-
gon falling every where before the ark ; enemies filenced, or
made to own the finger of God ; and the friends of Jesus
triumphing in his glorious conqueft. At Bojian a moft lovely
fcene hath opened. In the morning before feven o'clock,
thou<^h the meeting-houfes will hold about four thoufand, yet
many were obliged to go away, and I was helped in through
the window. The profped is moft promifmg indeed. In the
country a like fcene opens ; I am enabled to preach always
Jwice, and fometimes thrice a day. Thoufands flock to hear,
find Jesus manifefts forth his glory. I know you will rejoice,
ami join in crying Grace ! grace ! I am now come to the
end of my vorthward line, and in a duy or two purpofe to
turn back, in order to preach all the way to Georgia. It is
about a fixteen hundred miles j(>urney. Jesus \^ able to carry
mc through. Into his almighty and ail-gracious hands I
commend my fpirit. I hope to write to you in the way.
Gladly would I embark now for England^ but I (hall leave my
American bufmefs but half done, if 1 come over now. Lord,
help me ! How little can I do for thee I And the little I can
do, alas ' with what a mixture of corruption and infirmities
is it attended. Behold I am vile. Increal'e my obligations,
^y very dear Sir, by continuing to pray for
Yours mod affectionately in our common Lord,
G. JV,
ro Mr. S .
Port/mouth, OSliher 25, 1 754,
My very- dear Friend^
YOUR letter, as well as another from Rhode-IJland^
helped to lay me low before him, who delights to work
by the meaneft initrument. Still the Lord of all lords (loops
to accompany my feeble labours with his divine prefence. At
Salem we were favoured with a fweet and divine influence.
Sunday was a high day at Jpfivich ; twice I preached for
i/ Mr. R , and once for Mr. IF . Hundreds were
without the doors. On Monday at Newbury the like fcene
opened twice. Here Mr. S met me, and on Tuefday
morning we had a bleded feafon. Too many came to meet
and biing me into Porifmouth, where I preached on Tutjday
evening, alfo twice the next day, and juft now I have taken
my leave. The bleffed Spirit vouchfafed to be with us each
time. Ycfterday I preached at Tork and Kittery : at both
places the Redeemer maniftfted forth his glcry. In the even-
^tfvyf^ing I waited on general P , who, with his Lady, were
very glad to fee me. I am now going to Greenland and
Durham^ and to-morrow iliall [; reach at Exeter. The fabbath
is to be kept at Neivbury. Monday I am to preach thrice, — at
Rowbyy Byficldy and Jpfwicb y Tuefday^ at Cape Av;, and JVed-
nefday night or Thursday morning at Bojlon^ if the prifoner is to
die, though I want another week in thefe parts. Excufe great
hafte ; I muft away. Pray write a line by next fhip to Lon~
don. Salute all friends, and continue to pray for, very dear
Yours in our glorious Head,
G. W,
ro Mr. S .
Rhode-JJla7idy Nov. 22, 1754.
My very dear Friend,
YESTERDAY as I was riding along, I felt a love for
you, which only friends experience, and was determined
to write to you immediately. In the evening my faithful
Gains Mr. S brought your kind letter, which 1 now take
the firft opportunity of anfwering. But what (hall I fay?
What you have heard is more than true. A more effecSiual
door 1 never faw opened, than lately at Bojhn^ and indeed in.
every place where I have been in New-England-^ not a hun-
dredth part can well be told you. With great difficulty I am
got to this place, where people, as I am informed, are athirft
to hear the word of God. 1 {hall therefore ftay, God
willing, till Monday., and then fet forward to C-nneclicut in
my way to New-Tork, which I hope to reach in about a fort-
night. O that you may fee me grown in grace, and humbled
under a fenfe of thofe amazing mercies which I have received
during this expedition ! It feems to me to be the moft im-
portant one I was ever employed in. Much, yea very much
have I to tell you when we meet. I wifh for the feafon, and
entreat you in the mean while not to forget me at his throne,
who alone can uphold me with his right hand. O what a friend
is Jesus 1 A friend that flicks clofer than a brother. He is in-
deed the pilgrim's ftay and ftafF; fev/ choofe to try him in fuch
a flation. This be my happy lot ! I write this at Mr. C 's
who hath lately buried his wife. What a chansino- world i
Thanks be to God for an unchangeable Christ ! To his mofl
tender and never-failing mercy, do' I moft earneflly commend
both you and yours, and hoping ere long to fee you, and rejoice
together in our common Lord, I fubfcribe myfclf, vtrf
tiear Mr. S ,
Yours, &c.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Rhode- IJIand, Nov. 25, 1754*
Reverend and very dear Sir,
IS it true that your father-in-law and your dear yoke-fel-
low are dead ? I fympathize with you from my inmoft fouL
at the fame time as 1 rejoice on their account, who are hap-
pily arrived,
TP'here pain and Jin dndforrow ceafe^
And all is calm and joy and peace.
Surely your turn and mine will come ere long. In the meafj
while, may I be doing fomething for my God ! This fhews
you where I am at prefent, going towards Georgia from Bo/ion^
where my reception hath been far fuperior to that fourteen
years ago. In that and other places in Neiu-England, I have
been enabled to preach near a hundred times fincc the begin-
ning of October, and thanks be to God, we fcarce had fo much
as one dry meeting. Not a hundredth part can be told you.
In Philadelphia, Neiu-Jerfies, and at New-Tor k alfo, the great
Redeemer caufed his word to run and be glorified. I am now
returning through thofe and the other Southward provinces
again, in my way to Georgia, where I expcdl to fee our new
Governor. Blefled be God, Bethefda is in growing circum-
ftances, and, I truft, will more and more anfwer the end of
its inttitution. I was exceedingly delighted at New-Jerfey
commencement. Surely that college is of God. The wor-
thy prefident (Mr. Burr) intends to correfpond with you. O
that I could do it oftener : but it is impraclicable. Travel-
ling, and preaching always twice, and frequently thrice, en-
grofl'eth almoft all my time. However, neither you nor any
of my dear Glafgoiv friends, are forgotten by me. No, no :
they are engraven upon the very tables of my heart. O that
the Lord of all lords, whofe mercy endureth for ever, may
give you hearts to remember poor finful, ill, and hcll-defervin*
me I Fain would I continue a pilgrim for life.
Chris's prefence doth my pains beguile^
And make each tvildernefs to fm'ile.
I have a fourteen hundred miles ride before me ; but nil defpe-
randumy Chrijio duce^ aufpice Chrijlo. When I have feen Gover-
nor D , I hope to write to dear Mr. M . How is my
dear Gains, S , &c. ? But I muft not begin to mention
names. AfRtStion rifes, and I fliall be too eager to fee them.
Lord Jesus, haften that blefTed time, when we {hall together
fee and enjoy thee for ever in glory I To this comforting and
never-failing Jesus, do I moft heartily commit you, as being,
reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedlionately in our glorious Head,
To Mrs. C .
Bohemia ( Maryland) ^ Da. 27, 1754.
Dear Madam,
I Have juft now taken leave of the northern provinces,
where I have been travelling and preaching for near thefe
five months. I fuppofe in all, I may have rode near two thou-
fand miles, and preached about two hundred and thirty times;
but to how many thoufand fouls cannot well be told. O what
days of the Son of man have I feen ! God be merciful to me
an ungrateful finner ! I am now forty years of age, and
would bufinefs permit, would gladly fpend the day in retire-
ment and deep humiliation before that Jesus for whom I have
done fo little, notwithftanding he hath done and fuffered fo
much for me. Well I to-morrow, O blefTed Jesus, through
thy divine afliftance, will I begin, and travel for thee again !
Lord, is the call to Virginia ? Who knows but an infinitely
condefcending God may improve me there ! About February
I hope to reach Georgia, and at Spring to embark for England,
There, dear Madam, I expedl to fee you once more in this
land of the dying. If not, ere long I {hall meet you in the
I land
land of the living indeed, and thank you before men and an-
gels, for all favours conferred on, Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
G. JF.
To Mr. O .
Very dear Sir, Bohemia , Dec. 27, 1754.
HOW condefcending is true Friendfhip ! And how doeS
love, founded upon the love of God, like its blcfi'ed
Author, delight to ftoop to its beloved objed I Your kind
letter, which I received laft week from worthy Governor
B , is a proof of this. An affedtion, a reciprocal affe^ion
Something like your own, would have confi rained me to an-
fwer it fooncr, but travelling and preaching (my old excufe)
have prevented me. At length I am got into Maryland., and
into a family, out of which, I truft, five have been born of
God. Gladly would I fpend thjs whole day in deep humilia-
tion and prayer : for 1 am now forty years of age. Fy upon
me, fy upon me. Alas ! how little have 1 dorie for Jesus !
O that my head was water ! O that my eyes were fountains
of tears ! What mercies, what infinite mercies have I re-
ceived 1 What poor returns have I made ! Behold, I am vile !
Am not I treating you like a friend, even like a Bojion friend,
my dear Sir ? Yes, I am j and fince you commanded me, I vij^ll.
Your letter befpeaks you to be worthy of that facred name,
and to be acquainted with that which few, very few know any
thing about ; I mean the delicacies of true difinterefted friend-
fhip. This is a fecret that none but beloved difciples are let into.
May you always remain in the number of thefe, and whert
you are leaning on that bofom, where all that is lovely centers,
may you have a heart to remember one who is called to travel,
whilft you arc adling in another fphere for God ! Blefil-d be
his name, heaven is at the end of the journey. Happy
Mrs. L / (he hath had a fpcedy tranfiation. May my lat-
ter end be-like hers ! How ought fuch events to teach us to
converfe when together, that if we (hould be called before the
7 next
next intended meeting, we might have no trifling converfation
to refle<5l upon. To-morrow, God willing, I move again.
Ere long my Jaft remove will come j a remove into endlefs
bljfs, where with you and all the redeemed of the Lop»d, I
truft you will fee, very dear Sir,
Your rhoft obliged, affectionate friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. fK
To Mr, R .
Virginia, Jan. 17, 1755.
IAm juft now on the borders oi North-Carolina, and after
preaching to-morrow in a neighbouring church, I pur-
pofe to take my leave of Virginia. Had I not been detained fo
long at the northward, what a wide and effectual door might
have been opened. -^Here, as well as elfewhere, rich and poor
flock to hear the everlafting gofpel. Many have come forty
or fifty miles, and a fpirit of convidlion and confolation
fecmed to go through all the aiTemblies. One Colonel R ,
a perfon of diftindlion, opened one church for me, invited me
to his houfe, and introduced me himfelf to the reading defk.
As I was riding in his chariot, he informed me of his inten-
tion to fee Bojlon next Summer. If my friends would be fo
good as to mention my name, and Ibew him fome refped:
when he comes amongft you, it would add to my obligations.
Blefled be God. I fee a vafl alteration for the better. O for
more time, and if poflible for more fouls and bodies ! Lord
Jesus, twenty times ten thoufand are too few for thee, and yet
(O amazing love) thou art willing to accept of only two
mites ! Thefe, I truft, you, my very dear Sir, have put into
his facred treafury. O that the trifling thing called honour^
may never, fo much as for a fingle moment, draw you from
your God I I hope Colonel P (lands to his colours.
Then I live, if my dear friends ftand faft in the Lord. My
moft cordial refpeds and tender love aw-ait them all. I doubt
not of your improving Mrs. L 's fuddea diflblution :
another call to be always ready. That this may be the happy
Vol. III. H \^t
lot of you and yours, is and fhall be the earnelt prayer of,
very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our glorious Head,
G. ly.
To Mr. P .
Virginia, Jan. 17, 1755.
Reverent! and very dear Sir,
THOUGH at this diflance of time and place, yet I do
not forgtt our folemn and mournful parting. Bleflcd
be God, there is a time coming, when thefe cutting trials
will be ever. I long, I long for it, and yet when frefh doors
of ufcfulncfs arc opening, I am content to ftay belov/. This I
truft is the cafe at prefent in Virginia. The profpe<5l is pro-
mifing indeed. People have flocked from all parts to hear the
word, and arrows of conviction have fled, and I believe ftuck
faft. Seed fown feveral years ago, hath fprung up and
brought forth fruit. Doth not the Lord of the harveft by
this fay, " Go forward." Do, my dear Sir, help me by your
prayers; I want to have my tardy pace quickened. I am
now forty years old. Surely it is high time to awake out of
fleep. I doubt not but this will find you and yours all alive
for Jesus. Being ftraitened for time, I muft beg 5'ou to re-
member me in the moft render manner to all dear, very dear
friends as they come in your way, and accept the fame for
your whole felf, from, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate, obliged friend, brother,
and fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. F .
Virginia, Jan. 17, 1755.
My <.&.?• Mr. F ,
I Mope that this will find you fafely arrived at P/nladclphia,
from your northward expedition, and readv to come fur-
ther fouthwards. This leaves me in my laft Virginia ftagc,
near the borders o^ ^orth-Cqroiina. People as I came along
«j h'A\c
have -been very willing to attend on my feeble labours, and I
hope that feme real good hath been done. If this be efFedled,
it matters little how the labourer himfelf may be fometimes
His frefcme doth my pains heguile.
And makes the wildernefs to f mile.
hoxtiy delvfion this ! Living, dying, and after death I hope
to be poffcffed of it. I have feen your Epitaph. Believe on
Jesus, and get a feeling pofTefTion of God in your heart,
and you cannot poflibly be difappointed of your expected fe-
cond edition, finely correaed, and infinitely amended. Ver-
hv.m fapienti fat eji. I could fay more, but time is fhort.
Glad fhall I be to wait on you and Mr. H at the Or-
phan-houfe. I fend you both my cordial refpe^s, and pray-
ing that you may have what good Colonel G -r once
wiflied me, " A thriving foul in a healthy body," I fubfcribe
myfelf, my dear Sir,
Your aiTeciionate, obliged friend and ready fervant,
G. W,
To Mr . Jra^|^i>^^*-'
yirgima^ in Hanover County^ Jan. 23, iyc^.
My very dear Jonathan.,
THAT ever-loving and ever-lovely Redeemer that owned
my feeble labours in the northward, flill continues to
blefs and fucceed me in my journey fouthward. I have not
been here a week, and have had the comfort of feeing many
impreffed under the word every day. Two churches have
been opened, and a third {Richmond) I am to preach in to-
morrow. Prejudices I find do fubfide, r.nd fonle of the rich
and great begin to think favourably of the work of God. Se-
veral of the lower clafs have been with me acknowledging
what the Lord of all Lords did for them, when I was here
before. O that I may be humbly thankful, and improve every
fmile to quicken my tardy pace, and make me all alive foV
Jesus! About this day month, I hope to reach Georgia;
from thence, I intend writing to you again. But be where
I vvili, dear Bcjfon is much uDori my heart. This may f?rve
/ H 2 as
ii6 L E T r E R S.
as a proof that you and yours are not forgotten. Indeed and
indeed I often think of, and pray for you from my inmoft: foul.
Blcffcd be God, that we can meet at the throne of grace !
Jesus fits thereon, even Jesus our advocate, our God, and
our All. You muft add to my obligations, by continuing to
pray, that I may begin to love and fcrve him in earneft, and
thus you will appear a "Jonathan indeed, to,
Yours moft afFc<Stionately in our common Lord,
G, IV,
Letter mlxxv.
To Mrs. C .
Charles-Town, March j, 1755"*
Dear Mrs. C ^— -y
H ROUGH divine gcfbdftefs vi'e arrived here laft fVed^
uefday afternoon, on Thurj'day Mr. E was folemnly
ordained, and on Friday Andrew H n and his wife, and
R , came in a fchooner from Port-Royal. I believe thty
will fettle here. — The trials I have met with on various ac-
counts, have brought my old vomitings upon me, and my
foul hath been pierced with many forrows. — But I believe,
(Lord help my unbelief!) that all is intended for my good. —
Amidfl every thing, I am comforted at the prefent fituation
of Bethi-Jda. — I hope you will love and walk in love, and the
children alfo grow in years and grace. — I purpofe fending all
the things by Mr. R w, who comes fhortly by water.
Then I purpofe writing to dear Mr. Dixon and others, and
nope by that time to be determined what courfe I fliall fleer.
O that it may be heaven-wards, go where I will ! I'his I
know will be your prayer, and the prayer of the rcfl of my
dear fainily in my behalf.— -^I pray for you all night and day.
— -I would have you v.?rite to Mr. H • • t by the bearer, who
is an experimental Baptift preacher from the northward.-^—
O that he may fay fomething, that may do my dear family
fome good. — Mr. Z y will be with you in about three
week^. The Lord be with you all. Hoping to write again
ere long, ami wishing you all much of his prefence, that is bet-
ter tha:i lifv, I fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft alTured friend, brother,
and fcrvant in Christ Jesus,
Dear Mrs. C-
To the Same,
Charles-TowHy March 17, 1755.
HAD I wings like a dove, how often would I have fled
to Bethefda fince my departure from it. I could almoft
fay, that the few laft hours I was there, were fuperlor in fa-
tisfa£lion to any hours I ever enjoyed. But I muft go about
my heavenly Father's bufinefs. — For this, I am a poor but
-willing pilgrim, and give up all that is near and dear to me
on this fide eternity. — This week I expe£t to embark in the
Friendjhip^ Captain Balhy but am glad of the letters from Be-
thefda before I go. — ^^They made me weep, and caufed me to
throw myfelf proftrate before a prayer-hearing and promife-
keeping God. — He will give ftrength, he will give power.
Fear not j you are now I believe where the Lord would
have you be, and all will be well. — I repofe the utmoft con-
fidence in you, under God, and verily believe that I fhall not
be difappointed of my hope. — I (hould have been gJad if the
apples had been fent in the boat ; they would have been ufe-
ful in the voyage. — But Jesus can ftay me with better apples.
. — May you and all my dear family have plenty of thefe ! I
imagine it will not be long before I return from England,
"^ow Bethefda would be pleaiant. God make it more and
more fo to you and to all. I can only recommend you in the
moll: endearing manner to the ever-blefled Jesus, and my un-
worthy vile felf to your continual prayers, as being, dear
Mrs. C ,
Yours mofl: affie<Jliomately in our blefTed Lord,
G. JV.
P. S. I hope that one of the players is fnatched as a brand
cut of the burning. Grace ! grace !
To the Reverend Mr. G .
London ^ May lo, 1/55.
Rt-verev.d and very dear Sir,
THE love which I owe and bear to you for the Lord
Jesus Christ's fake, conftrains me to fend you a
few lines immediately upon my arrival at my native country.
— I arrived at Neiv-haven iji SuJJ'cx the 8th inftant, after a fix
weeks paflage. Hither the cloud feemed to move, though I muft
own that I left America v/ith regret. — Never was the door
opened wider in thofe parts for preaching the everlafting gof-
pel, than now.. — Perhaps this may fhorten my ftay at home,
but future things belong to Jesus. It is not in man to di-
re£l his fteps. — Prepare us, O Lord, for v/hatever thou hafi:
prepared for us ! I hear, you have met with changes fince my
departure. — What have we to do to expecSl any thing elfe ?
Dear Mr. A/ n! — Whither is he gone? Where Jesus
reigns, and where, through rich and fovereign grace, even ill
and hell deferving I, hope ere long to be. — Haften, glorious
Ejnwanuel, that wiflied-for time ! — If your dear yoke-fcllov/
is alfo gone, {he I truft is happy too. — Sequar, etfi non pajftbui
aquis. — You will write foon, and fend me fome news about
the upper world. — This is fcarcc worth a thought. — I hope
my dear hoft and hoftefs, Mr. S , Mrs. M , and all
friends are well. — I can only fend them and you my hearty
love, and beg the continuance of your prayers for, very deac
Yours, 5:c.
To Lady H n.
London, May 13, 1 755.
Ever-honoured Madam,
SINCE I put my letter into the office on Saturday night,
I have heard that your Ladyfliip was gone to yipby, and
therefoie make bold to trouble your LadyOiip with a few more
lines. They leave me fafcly arrived at my dcfired port, and
endeavouring to begin to do fomething for him, vhp hath
loaded me with his benefits, and ftill continues to fmile upon
my feeble labours. Glad am I to hear, that fo many have
lately been ftirred up to preach a crucified Saviour. Surely
that fcripture muft be fulfilled, *' and many of the priefts alfo
were obedient to the word." Th'* work is of God, and there-
fore muft profper. Blcfied be his great name, for continuino-
to hold your Ladyfiiip as a ftar in his right-hand. May you
fhine more and more till the perfed day ! I find your Ladvfhip
ftill delights to do good. The hue bcncfa61ion for Bcthcfda
came very opportunely; God will provide I That inftitution
begins to rife. But I cannot defcend to particulars now; ere
long I hope to wait on your Ladvfhip at BiijIoL My firft cir-
cuit is to be in the weft. Hoping to be favoured foon with a
line to acquaint me of your Ladyfiiip's welfare, and earneftly
praying that your Ladyfliip and honoured relations may be
filled with all the fulnefs of God, I beg leave to fubfcribe my-
felf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's, he.
G. JV.
To the Marquis of L . LaHl^^e-vi
London^ May 14, I7«;5.
BEING but lately arrived in my native country, I take
the firft opportunity of returning your Lord (hip thanks
for your great zeal in promoting the welfare of Nevj 'Jcrfcy
college. Surely it is the pureft feminary that I have known.
Your Lordfliip's name is precious in America^ and children yet
unborn will be bound to blcfs God for what you have done.
I think, if the degree of Dodlor of divinity could be procured a ^^
for Mr, A B , their prefent worthy piefident, it would - . >• .-
ftill make an addition to the honours of the college. He is a
moft excellent man; your Lordfiaip will not be oftended at my
making the motion. Blefled be God, in various places abroad,
the gofpel runs and Is glorified. In Virgima a wide and effec-
tual door is opened. The Indian tniflion can never I think
come upon a proper eftabliftiment, till fome lands are pur-
chafed, and the Indians brought to live together upon them.
The plan that was laid, I mentioned to Mr. D fome
H 4 2:nonth5
months ago^ and ere now, I fuppofe your Lordfliip hath feen
it. O for that happy time, when the kingdoms of the earth
fhall become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ I
Blefled Emmanuel^ may thy temple be built in troublefomc
times ! But 1 forget myfclf. Your Lordfhip will excufc my
freedom. I am writing to one who delights to ferve the Re-
deemer's intereft. That your Lordfhip may have the continued
honour of confcffing him upon earth, and be conf'efled by him
after death in the kingdom of heaven, is and {hall be the prayer
of, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fcrvant for Christ's fake,
G. jr.
Jo Lady H n.
Ever ■honoured Madam ^ London^ May I'J^ ^755-
IT hatli given me great concern, that 1 have ntvt been able
till now, to acknowledge your Ladyfliip's moft kind letter.
I could ;ilmoft fay, exctfs of bufinefs at my iirft coming over
hath prevented me; but to make the moft of it, I do but little,
and that little in fo bad a way, that if it was not for the com-
pleat and all-fuflicicnt righteoufnefs of the everlafting, ever-
lovely Jesus, I could not lift up my guilty head. And yet
what a blefled week have we had ! Surely, ilnners have come
like a cloud, and fled like doves to the windows. In about a
fortnight, I hope to take the field in GlouceJlerj}}irc^ and ftialj
endeavour to make all poflihlc difpatch in the weft, in order
to wait on your Ladyfhip in my northern vifit. Help me, thou
friend of finners, to be nothing, and to fay nothing, that thou
rnayeft fay and do every thing, and be my all in all ! — What
z happinefs is it to be abforbed and fwallowed up in God? To
have no fchemes, no views, but to promote the common fal-
vation- This be my happy lot ! Your Ladyfhip will ftill add
to my innumerable obligations, by praying for me. How fljall
I exp:cfs my gratitude ?- — Tears trickle from my eyes, whilft
I am thinking of your Lndyfhip's condefccnding to patronise
fuch a dead dog as I am. But it is bccaufe I belong to Jesus.
He will, he will reward your Ladyftiip openly. Ever-honoured
Madam excufe me. Tears flow too fall: for mc to write on.
I mud go and fpealc to God for you and yours, as being,
ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's nioft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Governor B , Sfi/clnCr
M^ch-bonoured Sir^ London, June 6, 1755.
WHILST I remain myfelf where you are called to (o-
journ, in this dying world, I truft your Excellency
will never be forgotten by unworthy me. You fee, honoured
Sir, where a poor but willing pilgrim is tofled now. Juft this
4ay month did I arrive in this metropolis, where, wlory, "lory
be to the great head of the church ! The word hath ftill free
courfe. The poor defpifed Methodifts are as lively as ever,
and in feveral churches the gofpel is now preached with power.
Many in Oxford are awakened to the knowledge of the truth
and I have heard almoft every week of fome frefh minifter or
another, that feems determined to know nothing but Jesus
pHRisT, and him crucified. This, I am perfuaded, is the beft
liews I can fend to your Excellency. This, muft necefla-
Hly rejoice your heart, which I know pants after, nothing
more, than the enlargement ©f the Mediator's kingdom. Ere
long, your utmoft thirfting ftiall be fatisfied, you fhall fee
Jesus ; you (hall fee him as he is : O Glor'iam quantam et qua-
lem! God give me patience to wait till my appointed change
comes ! But would it not be a ftiame to go to heaven with-
out fcarce beginning to do fomething for the blefTcd Redeemer?
He that fearches the heart and trieth the reins, knows full
well, how often I cry out, *' my leannefs, my leannefs V*
God be praifed, next week I hope to go on my countrv ranac.
I hope that your Excellency will have a heart given you to
pray for me, whilft life lafts, and after death I doubt not but
the glorious Emmanuel will reward you before men and angel?,
for all your works of faith, and labours of love, which vou
have done for the church in general, and particularly for all
favours conferred on, honoured, much-honoured Sir,
Your Excellency's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. rr.
To Mr. C .
Reverend and dear Sir, London, June-], 1 755.
JUST now I was informed that the bag is 10 be taken
away this afternoon ; hurried therefore as I am, you muft
have a few lines. — And why? Becaufe I love and hoTiour you
for Jesus Christ's fake. Will it not rejoice you to hear
that his glorious gofpel gets ground apace. Several of the cler-
gy, both in town and country, have been lately ftirred up to
preach Christ crucified, in the ucmonftration of the fpirit and
with power. This excites the enmity of the old ferpcnt, which
difcovers itfclf in various fhapcs. The greateft venom is fpit
out againft Mr. R «, who hu/ing been reputed a great
fcholar, is now looked upon and treated as a great fool j be-
caufe made wife himielf, and earneftly defirous that others alfo
fhould be made wife to eternal falvation. Methinks I hear you
fay, O happy folly! May this blefled leaven diffufe and fpread
itfelf through the whole nation ! Hie profpcdt is promifing.
Many ftudents at Oxford are earneftly learning Christ. Dear
Mr. H y hath learnt and preached him fome years ; his
loving and truly catholic heart chearfuUy complied with the
motion about your future correfpondence. As for myfelf, I
can only fay *' that lefs than the leaft of all," muft be my motto
ftill, 1 labour but feebly, and yet, O amazing condefcenfion !
Jesus owns and fuccceds fuch feeble labours. People ftili
continue to flock to the gofpel, like doves to the windows.
Next week I begin to take my country range. Be fo good, my
dear Sir, to add to my obligations, by continuing to remember
a poor but willing pilgrim, and to falute all my dear friends as
they come in your way. I hope, Mr. J (to whom I fend
cordial rcfpecls) goes hand in hand with you, ftriving together
for the faith and the pra£lice of the gofpel, — Glorious ftrife
this! I do not forget the books I promifed to look out for. — I
have fpoken to Mr. H , but he fays they are very difficult
to be procured. I would write to the Chief Juftice, but fup-
pofe he is at the northward. Will you be pleafed to accept
of my Lijbm letcors, to be difpofcd of as you think proper ?
My little communion- book is not yet come out. God be
praifcd, that there is a time coming when we fhall need books
and ordinances n« more, but fhall be admitted into an unin-
terrupted communion and fellowfnip with the bleflcd Trinity
for evermore. The Lord ripen us for that blifsful ftate ! I
muft bid you farewel. Be pleafed to excufe the length of this,
as being occafioned by the love unfeigned which is due to you
from, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft alFedionately in our common Lord,
To Mr. P .
Dear Nat. London, 'June 12, 1755.
I Think every thing is now procured that was in the memo-
randums. I would have fent the children's cloaths, Uq,
but they could not be got ready; you will therefore have them
by another opportunity. I am glad to hear by your laft, that
the children go on well in their learning. Let this encourage
you to go on, and who knows, but by and by they may learn
Christ ? Such power belongs only unto God. I am quite
fatisfied in your prefent employ, and doubt not (if you are
cloathed with humility, as I truft you will be) but God will
blefs and delight to honour you. To have our own mother's
children angry with and defpife us, if fanH'tfied, is a good pre-
fervative againft felf-love, and felf-complacency : it puts us
more upon the wntch, and drives us nearer to God. This be
your happy lot ! As for your affair with Mr. C , I can
pnly fay, you have my leave to adl as you think beft. — Shew
thy will, O God, and give power to perform it ! To A .
W and his wife, I have allowed twenty pounds /)^r annum^
till they have a place, or get into bufinefs. God knows, I
can little afford it; but I can as yet truft on him, who feedeth
the ravens, and hath promifed to fupply all my wants. O
that the Lord of all Lords may keep you all at Bethefda of «ne
heart and one mind, and give you to fend me fuch news, as
may gladden my frequently burdened (though I hope difin-
terefted) mind ; and caufe me to go on with more chearfulnefs
and joy ! Thanks be to God, my feeble labours on this fide
the water, are owned and fucceeded. People fecm to be as
lively as ever. I hope the time will come, when Bdhefda alfo
fhall bloflbm like a rofe. We wait for thy falvation O Lord ;
make no long tarrying our Lord and our God ! My dear Nat.
farewel. Feed Christ's lambs, and he will fcaft thy foul. —
Look upon his work as its own wages, and he will richly
repay thee for all thy care. 1 charge you, and all, to continue
wreftling in prayer for me, as being, dear Nat.
Your aflured friend and ready fervant,
for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C -, London^ June 13, 1 755.
I Wrote to you amidft a grc'at throng of bufinefs, a few days
ago, by a Carolina fhip. I am now retired to Mr. C 's,
in order to fend you a few lines more. Matters about Mr.
■ and his wife, have happened as might be expeded ; it
is my lot to be a pelican. But all will be well at laftj I know
who will fl:and on my fide, Thanks be to God for Jesus
Christ ! He upholds mc, and daily fucceeds my feeble, but I
truft honeft labours, and that to me is all in all. I hope you
will write often. What your brother hath written, I know
not. I believe you are where Goo would have you to be, and
I pray him night and day to make you more and more a mother
in Jfrael. jEre this comes to hand, I hope you will have re-
ceived the things from the northward. However it fares with
me at home, fain would I care for my «Jear friends and family
abroad. God will provide! This is my comfort. Much de-
pends on your fuccefs in the fUk, but more on my family's
increafing in the knowledge of Jesus. O that this may be
their happy cafe ! O that the Lord of all Lords may feed you
jn that wildernefs ! He is good to us here. We have golden
feafons at the tabernacle, and feveral minifters preach Christ
in the churches. This makes my call abroad (till more clear.
Though I have not yet entered upon my country range, me-
thinks I could fet out for America to-morrow. What is time,
relations, and even the enjoyment of God's people, com-
pared with the unmixed, uninterrupted joys of an happy eter-
nity ! Here I could enlarge, and on this dwell, but muft away.
Ere long I hope to write to you again, and in the mean while
beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft aflured friend, and willing
fervant, for Christ's fake,
ro Mr, G .
Reverend and dear Sir^ Brijiol, June 2"]^ ^755-
EVER fince I received your laft kind lettw, I have been
fo perpetually engaged in preaching, travelling, and a
multiplicity of other bufinefs, that I have not been able to
anfwer it till now. In London the word runs and is glorified,
and every day almoft we have heard of fredi minifters of our
national church being called out, and fpirited up to preach
the truth as it is in Jesus. This is my firft excurfion : I
came through Gloucejierjhirey where the fields were white, ready
unto harveft. Thrice laft Lord's-day, many many thoufands
attended on the word preached, and I believe a divine power
accompanied it. That is all in all. — People in this place hear
as for eternity. Next week I fhall travel further weftward ;
but whether I can fee Scotland this fummer, the Redeemer
only knows. But whether abfent or prefent, you, my dear Sir,
and my other Scotch friends, have my poor prayers night and
day, that your fouls and bodies may profper and be in health.
that God may hear you for unworthy me ! I long, I long
to do fomething for Jesus. Glad would I be to ferve the
church of Christ any way. If you remember, I hinted to
you fomething about getting a Doctor's degree for Prelident
Burr ; fince that I wrote to the Marquis of L «. His
Lordfliip writes thus : " The univerfity of Edinburgh defire
of me to obtain fome account of Mr. Aaron Burrs literature,
or performances: this I hope you will do, and a diploma will
be Immediately tranfmitted." By this poft, I fhall write what
1 know of the Prefident, but I would have you and Mr. E
write alfo, immediately to the Marquis. Surely he is the raoft
worthy, ingenious, diligent, and truly chriftian Prefident of
his age, now in the world. He hath publifhed fomething lately
to animate our people againft the common enemy. I have it
at London, and hope you have it with you. If fo, be pleafed to
126 letters;
tranfmit It to the Marquis. I fhall mention it, and Co do ybtfj
to his Lcrdfhip. Adieu, my very dear Sir, adieu. I muft
away. IMay the glorious Emmanuel blefs and profper you and
yours, and all the dear followers of the Lamb! 1 cannot forget
you, and hope never fliall, whilft I have ftrength to fubfcribe,
"what indeed 1 am, my very dear friend,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord.
G. rr.
To the Afarquis of L .
Afy Lair!, Brijlol, June 27, 1 755.
OW {hall T exprefs my gratitude to your Lordfliip, for
condefcending to arifwer my poor letter, and fo readily
concurring with the motion made in it, for a degree being pro-
cured for my worthy friend ? The great Head of the church
will blefs and reward your Lordfhip for it. Never was there
a man in the world, that could be more fafely recommended
as a fcholar, and a truly chriftian miniflcr of the gofpel, and
a laborious prudent Prefident of a college, than Mr. Jaron
Burr. — He was educated at Tale College in ComuLlicut, New
England; and for bis pregnant abilities, and many years well
approved piety, was unanimoufly chofen to fuccecd the Reve-
rend Mr. D in the care o( Netv-ferfey college. It would
have delighted your Lordfhip, to have feen how glorioufly he
filled the chair lafl year, at the Neiv-Jerfey commencement.
His L(itin oration was beautifully elegant, and was delivered
with an unaffeii^ed, yet ibiking energy and pathos. As a
preacher, difputant, and head of a college, he fliines in North
Amer'iea ; and the prefcnt profperity of the New Jerfey college,
is, under God, greatly owing to his learning, piety, and con-
duct. The ftudents revere and love him. Your Lordftiip might
have teftimonlals enough from good Governor B r, Mr.
Jonathan Edwarch^ cum 7nultis aliis. And I believe, they would
all concur in Aning, " that of his age (now upwards of forty)
there is not a more accomplifhed deferving Prefident in the
world." As for any thing o{' his in print, that can be referred
to, I cannot fay, unlefs it be a little pamphlet lately publifli-
ed, in which he hath animated the people agatnfl the common
fiK.my, and diltovercd a clofe attachment to the interelT: of our
rightful fovereign King George, May the King of kings long
preferve his important and precious life! This piece of Mr.
Burr's I have at London, and h(ipe it is in Scotland. I juft
now wrote to Mr. G of Glajgow, who, together with
Mr. J E , I fuppofe will write to your Lordfhip
concerning Mr. Burr, I wifh the diploma may be tranfmitted
againft the next commencement. It will endear your Lord-
fhip more and more to the good people of Afnerica, May the
Lord of all lords vouchfafe your Lordfhip a.good degree in
the kingdom of heaven ! O for the loweft place there ! It
will be abundantly too high for fuch an unworthy wretch as I
am : but his name and nature is Love. He ftill vouchfafes to
employ me, and ftill continues to countenance my feeble la-
bours. At London we have enjoyed golden feafons, and in the
country the fields are white ready unto harveft. O that we may
be helped to bear the heat and burden of every day ! That
your Lordfhip may live long to do much for Christ, and be
at laft gathered like a ripe fhock of corn into his heavenly
garner, is the earneft prayer of, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's mofl dutiful, obliged, 2nd
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. jy,
To Mr. Thomas J .
My dear Thomas y Brijiol, June 27, 1755.
YOUR treatment of me at Honjlow, put me in mind of
JofepFs fteward, who put his brothers money, unknown
to them, into their facks mouth. Well ! Jesus takes notice
of all help vouchfafed his fervants, and will not forget thofe
who affift them in their pilgrimage for his great name's fake.
You and yours then will not be forgotten : — and God forbid
that I fhould ceafe playing for you both. The Searcher of
hearts knows that I love you both in the bowels of Jesus
Christ ; and my heart's defirc night and day is, that you
may be rich, yea very rich towards God. Such ard durable
riches. Every thing elfe is lefs than vanity itfeif. Thanks
be to God for fuch an unfpeakable gift ! This fupports me
in my pilgrimage, and makes me go on my way rejoicing.
Thoufands and thoufands flocked in Gloucejierjhire j and hcffi
the congregations fall little (hort of thofe at London. The
blefled Redeemer (hews us his ftately fteps. O that we may
feel his renovating, fm-fubduing, heart-refining power more
and moire ! So fllilll we approve ourfelves to be his difciples,
who hath faid, that thofe " whom the Son of man makes
free, are ffee indeed." Adieu. The LoRD be with you and
yours; My lovb to Mr. IV , Mr. K , &c. I forget
rone of you. I pray the Lord of all lords to keep you un-
fpotted from the World, and entreat you not to forget
Yours, &c.
G. ^.
r« Lady H .
Ever-honoured Aladam^ London^ Jufy ii, 1 755.
YE S T E R DAY about noon, after beihg worn down with
travelling, and preaching twice and thrice a day in
Gloucejierjhire^ at Bath and Brijlol, a gracious and never- failing
Providence brought me to town, >where I had the pleafure of
receiving two kind, very kind and undeferved letters from your
Ladyftiip's hand. Had I the Icaft Icifure or ftrength, I (hould
have written a letter of condolence to your Ladylhip from
Brijlol. There I heard of the death of good Lady Ann, and
was glad to find that Mifs IV bore the news of it with fo
much compofure. Alas ! how many have your Ladyfhip
lived to fee go before you ! An earneft this, I hope, that you
are to live to a good old age, and be more and more a mother
in Ifrael. A fliort, but fweet charader. God knows how
long I am to drag this crazy load, my body, along. BIcfied
be his holy name, I have not one attachment to this inferior
earth. I am fick of myfelf, fick of the world, fick of the
church, and am panting daily after the full enjoyment of my
God. John C is now added to the happy number of
thofe who are called to fee him as he is. I do not envy, but
1 want to follow after him. Give me patience, holy Jesus,
to wait till my appointed time Ihall come. In the mean while,
if it be thy holy will, improve me to promote, in fome fmall
degree, thy glory and the good of ibuls i Thanks be to his
adorable majefty, the fields at BriJIol and Khi^fix;ood were
whiter, and more ready to harveft than for many years laft
paft. Was the new Tabernacle 2it BriJIol :is large as that in
London^ it would be filled. Thrice laft Sunday, and twice the
Sunday before, I preached in the fields to many, many thou-
fands. The youngeft of the Mifs IV 's, ar).4Jittle Mifs
i^ attended twice, and again by fix on the Sunday morn-
ing. At Bath we had good feafons ; good Lady G -^
Mrs. B , G , Mifs H , &c. were very hearty,
and God was with us of a truth. Mr. T- 's wife, of
Cornivall, is dead, and iny brother hath been very ill of a fever;
but they tell me (and he doth himfelf) that the blefied Jesus
hath vifited his foul. If fo, his journey hither will be a happy
one. Lord, help me to pray, and not to faint ! O for an
humble, thankful heart ! I am now looking up for dire£lion
what courfe to fteer next. I fuppofe it will be northward.
I wifli yoiir Ladyfhip's plan may do ; but I fear the parts
about your Ladyfhip are too cold. O how unworthy of fuch
a gueft ! Well, honoured, ever-honoured Madam, in the
New -'Jerusalem, your Ladyfhip will have company enough.
There the Redeemer fliall hold up before the mighty and the
noble, and let them fee what almighty, rich, and fovereigrt
grace could do. Be pleafed, my good Lady, to excufe the
length of this. Gratitude always gives motion to my peni
when writing to your Ladyfhip. I am afhamed, that I have
not fo much as a pepper-corn to offer as an humble tribute.
Jesus, the ever-loving, the altogether lovely Jesus muft pay
you all. I muft away to preach the everlafting gofpel. O
how unworthy of fuch a divine employ ! Pardon, honoured
Madam, this poor, and too prolix fcribble, and afi'ure yourfelf,
that neither your Ladyftiip nor family are ever forgotten by
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, unv/orthy,
but ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. /r.
/' I-
To the Reverend Mr. H n.
My dear Friend, London, July 25, 1755*
I Received your kind letter, and have fince heard of your
removal from Indian land. I cannot help commending
you for it, fincc I know various places, where you might do
as much good in a week, as in thofe parts for years. Poor
Indian land ! I fear thou haft had thy call ! May Jesus fe-
cure the remaining few, and be their refuge from every im-
i{>ending ftorm ! O my dear friend, you and I fhall find more
and more, that we muft be made perfect by fufFerings. If we
do not meet them in our younger days, we (liall certainly
have them in the decline of life. Trials, at fuch a feafon, are
like the finifhing ftrokes of the Limner's pencil. They ferve,
in the hands of the holy Spirit, to compleat the new creature,
and make it fit for heaven. Happy they who can fay, *' He
knoweth the way that I take:" when they are tried, they
fliall come forth like gold. God only knows what a trying
feafon lies before us. It is to be feared, that we are upon the
eve of a bloody war. O that the war between Michael and the
Dragon may go on ! The profpe^ is promifing. Several mi-
nifters preach Christ boldly ; and as for my own poor feeble
labours, the bleilcd Jesus vouchfafes to crown them with
fuccef<. So many paths lie open, that I can fcarce tell which
to take firft. Through frequent preaching and travelling,
and a multiplicity of bufinefs, I have been fo weakened, that I
am obliged to retire for a little relaxation, and to get leLTure to
write you thcfe few lines. Alay they find you and yours re-
joicing in tribulation, and increafing with all the increafe of
God ! I commend you, and all enquiring friends, to the care
of Hifti, who never faileth thofe who truft in him, and entreat
the continuance of your prayers in behalf of, my dear friend.
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
C. W,
LETTER*. i^i
To Mrs. C .
I)ear Mrs. C , London, July 25, 1 755.
I Write this from Mr. C — — -'s, whither I have retired tor
a little relaxation, and to get leifure to write a few letters.
Your brother is juft gone from me, and would fend you his
hearty love if he knew of my writing. T — — is gone to P/y-^
mouthy and Mifs L — — is ficlc of a fever (though I hope not;
dangeroufly) at Lew'ijlmtn. Mrs. W , one of the confe-
rence, I buried laft Tuefday ; and am longing for that happy
time when this frail tabernacle fliall be alio laid in the filent
grave. It hath tottered lately more than ever, and yet the
Redeemer vouchfafes fo to comfort me within, that methinks
I am not yet to die, but live and declare the works of the
Lord. O that I may begin to begin to do fomething for my
God ! I am afraid we are at the eve of a war : but fear not^
Bethefda efpecially, I believe, will be hid under the fhadow of
the Redeemer's wings. Vv^'hilft I have perfons there (as I
think is the cafe now) that aifl with a fingle eye, I am per*
fuaded it will be like the burning buJJ). Pray remember me to
all in the kindeft manner. 1 hope to write when the children?
cloaths are ready. We have bleffcd feafons at Tabernacle.
I have met with fome outward as well as inward trials j but
this is my comfort, *' The Lord knoweth the way that I
take. When I am tried I fliall come forth like gold." O
that faith and patience may have their perfect work in this fin-
fiek foul ! Defire dear Nat, Mr. Dix, &c. not to be uneafy^
becaufe I do not write now; it is impracllcable. Night and
day you are all upon my heart, and I long to hear how you go
on. My bleffing attends you all, even you and the children.
Surely, was I retired from public work, feeding Christ's
lambs fliould be my conftant employ. But alas ! I muft be in
the front of the battle. Lord Jesus, magnify thy ftrength
in my weaknefs, or I Ihall deny thee and defert my poft !
Pray hard all of you, I intreat yoa, for me, and let me know
all your want^. I will labour night and day to have them
fupplied, and will pray the great Shepherd and Bifhop of fouls
to pay you bleiTed wages. I know you will be content with
I 2 fucfa
fuch a paymafter. I commend you all to his never-failing
mercy, as being, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moil fincere and cordial friend and
willing fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF.
To Lady .
Ele^ Lady, Norwich, Aug. 9, 1755.
HOW glad vi'as I feme time ago to receive a letter from
your Ladyfhip ! How glad am I now to fit down to
anfwer it, and thereby renew a correfpondencc, which to me
was always profitable and delightful I Shall I wifii your La-
dyfhip joy ? Of what? Not barely of your additional eftate
and honour, but of your having an opportunity, with your
noble Lord, of moving in a fuperior orb, and letting your light
fhine more before men. The LoR£) of all lords only knows,
how I love and honour you both j though I have not written,
yet I have not ceafed praying for you and yours thefe many
years. Your honoured family on both fides, mufl alv/ays be
dear to me. What Bethels, what gates of heaven have we been
in together, whilft engaged in focial prayer, and reading and
opening the lively oracles of God ! Had I wings, gladly
would I fly to fee your Ladyftiip's dear little grov/ing family :
but God only knows, whether I (hall be able to reach Scotland
this year. I am now at Norwich^ where there hath undoubtedly
been a glorious work of God. Twice a day, both gentle
and fimple flock to hear the word, and I think it comes with
power. Lord, what am I ? In London, I think, our pco--
pie are as lively as ever ; in Brijiol they are the fame; and as
for America, words cannot exprefs the glorious fcenes that
opened in various parts, cfpecially at Bi/ion in Ncvj- England.
The tide ran full as high as ever your Ladyfhip knew it at
Edinburgh, or in any part of Scotland. This I know is the
beft news I can fend to your Ladylhip ; for what news,
comparatively fpeaking, is worth hearing, except that which
concerns the kingdom of God? What beauties worth admir-
ing, but the beauties of Jesus Christ ? What riches worth
poflelfing, but the fubrtantial and durable riches of the divine
life ? W^hat honour worth acquiring, but that honour which
Cometh from God ? May thefe be the beauties, thefe the riches,
thefe the honours of you and your noble Lord ! I aflure your
Ladyfliip that my heart fprings when I think of him, or
write his name. I truly loved the father, I as truly and
moft afFedionately refped and love the fon. God almighty
blefs you both, and give you grace to keep yourfelves un-
fpotted from the v/orld ! Glad fliall I be to fee his Lordfhip
in town. In the mean while, I hope his Lordfhip, and the
honourable family where you are, will accept not of bare
cpmpliments, but unfeigned and moft cordial acknowledg-
ments and refpeds. May the great phyfician of fouls vouch-
fafe to give you all thriving fouls in healthy bodies ! I am
glad to hear good Lady D is well. My obligations to
her, and all your honoured family, are very great. Be pleafed
to accept this poor pepper-corn, which, except my poor
prayers, is all the acknowledgment that can be made by, my
good Lady,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W,
To Mr. J W .
Reverend and dear Sir, Norwich, Jug. 9, 1 755 .
TILL Tuefday evening, I knew no more of coming to
Norzvich than the child unborn. Had I been well
enough, and rrfy private bufinefs permitted, I fhould have been
fome miles in my way towards Dunnington park. This I tojd
Mr. H /y, and acquainted him with every ftep; he (hould
have written himfelf, and not retailed our converfation. As
I exped to be in town fome time next week, I choofe to defer
writing more till we have a perfonal interview. My tirne is
too precious to be employed in hearkening to, or vindicating
of myfclf againft, the falfe and invidious infinuations of riarrow
and low-life informers. Never was I more (atisfied of my call
to any place, than of my prefent call to Norwich. The Re-
deemer knows the way that I take. I came hither purely fop
his glory, without the leaft defign to make a party for myfelf,
<?r to pleafe or difpkafe any other party whatfoever. In this
I 3 way I
vvuy, and In this fpirit, through his divine afiiftance, I hope to
go on. Blefll'd be his nan-'.e, I truft my feeble labours have
|)ot b. en in vain. Sin, I hope, hath been prevented, errors
detecled, Tinners convicted, faints edified, and my own foul
fweetly refrefhcd. But I muft add no more. That Jesus
may give us all a right judgment in all things, and keep all
parties whatfoever from giving a wrong touch to the ark, is
9nd iliall be the conftant prayer of, reverend and dear Sir,
yours mod affeclionately in our common Lord,
To DoSlor R
London, Jug. 20, 1755.
Honoured and very dear 5/>,
AS Ion"- as GcD is pleafed to hold my foul in life, and I
hear that you alfo are in the land of the living, I fliall
always think it my boi:nden duty to thank, and pray for you.
Surely yuu have b^en to me, honoured Sir, a father and a
friend. Be pleafed to accept repeated acknowledgments for
all favours conferred on me at college, and the great care you
took to prepare me for the miniftry of the church. Alas ! I
am afhamed of my unfruitfulnefs, and wonder that the blefled
Redeemer continues to improve me at all. But his name and
pature is Love. He hath once more brought me fafe over
the mighty waters, and hath vouchfafed to own my poor feeble
labours in vonder new world. The Orphan-houfe, blefled be
his name, is on a good footing, and I truft will prove a
nurfery for church and fiate, when my head is laid in the
fiknt grave. I am waiting daily for my difchargc, and long to
be at home. Be pleafed to add to my innumerable obligations,
by continuing to pray for me. I retain my old name, being
the chief of finners, and lefs than the leaft of a'.l faints, but,
honoured and very dear Sir,
Your moll obliged, dutiful fon and fervant,
G. fr.
To .
My dear Friends, London^ Jug. 26,. 1755.
Received both your kind letters, and likcwife one from
Mr. JV , and laft night a long one from Mr. C j
but alas ! I have no time for controverfy. To their own
Mafter they muft both either ftand or fall. All I can fay in your
prefent circumftances, is, *' that you had beft make a tri:-.]. and
let matters for a while ftand as they are." I have fent letters,
if poffible, to prevent the fpreading, at leaft the publijhing any
further tales. In the mean while, my dear friends, do you
ftrengthen yourfelves in the Lord your God. The caufe is
liis J you honeftly, I btlieve, embarked in it for his great
name's fake, and he will help you out of all. When I fee
Mr. R r, I ftiall fpeak to him again. But to-morrow I
muft away to the northward. Follow me, I entreat you,
with your prayers, and aflure yourfelves, that you and yours,
and the dear people oi Norwich, will not be forgotten by me.
If ever the Redeemer, in his good providence, fhould brinor
me thither again, I can then converfc with Mr. W- and
C face to face; — but I beg to be excufed from writ-
ing, when I think by fo doing I can do no fervice. The
Lord cloathe us all with humility, and give us all true fim-
plicity and godly nncerity I Then v/e need fear nothing.
Blefled be his name, Vt^e have golden fcafons here. Blcfted be
his name, if any good was done by my poor feeble labours in
your city. To Him, who delights to flicw himfelf ftrong in
behalf of thofe who are of an upright heart, be all the glorv.
If I know any thing of myfelf, I want to fuppiant none, but
to ftrengthen the hands of all that preach and live Christ
Jesus. In his great name, and with repeated thanks for all
favours, I fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friends.
Yours moll affeciionatcly.
I 4 LET-
ro Mijs p.
• Dear Mifs, Wejon-Favell^ Aug. 30, 1755.
A Few days psft, as I was going into the Tabernacle to
read letters, yours came to hand ; immediately I read
it among the reft, and you and my other dear New-England
friends had the prayers of thoufands. But how did I wifh to
t? tranfported to America ! Flow did I long to ftir up all
againlt the common enemy, and to be made inftrumental in
doing my dear country fome little fervice ! But furely God
fent me over at this junfture, and therefore I hope to be re-
figned. Already, bleflld be his name, he hath vouchfafed to
own ;ny feeble labours in London, Glcucejierjhtre, Brijiol, Batb^
and Noriukh. I have been at the laft place very lately, and
notv. irhftandins offences have come, there hath been a glori-
ous work begun, and is now carrying on. The Polite and
Gieat leem v, hear with much attention, and I Icarce ever
preached a week, together with greater freedom. Praife the
Lord, O my foul ! I am now going my northern circuit,
and {icihaps may take a trip to Ireland. O what a pity is it,
that we have but one boJy and one foul for Jesus Christ !
1 v/rlte this from dear Mr. // — : — 's, who fends kind love to
all his dear New- England intnAs, and earncftly begs the con-
tinuance of their prayers. Fie is now writing anotlier volume
upon fanCtification : that, you fay, dear Mifs, is what you
want. That is v»'hat the cver-Ioving, ever-lcvely Jesus longs
to give. Out of his fulnefs we are all to receive even grace
for grace. But how flow are we to believe ! Lord, I be-
lieve, help my unb.elief ! mull: be my language ftill. I thank
your honoured fr.thcr for the kind prcfent of the fermons,
charter, tic. I ice you are refolvcd to increafe my obliga-
tions, till they amount to a prodigious fum. My biefTed
Maftcr muft pay you all. O that I may be remembered be-
fore him ; night and day, in public and in private ! Dear New-
England, dear Bojlon lies upon my heart ; furely the LoRi^
will not give it over into the enemies hand. He hath too
many praying minifters and praying people there, for fuch a
dreadful cataftrophe. Lnmediately upon hearing of your late
7 defeat.
I. E T T E R S. 137
icfeat, I preached from thofe words, *' When the enemy
comes in like ?^ flpod, then the fpirit of the Lord lifts up a
ftandard againft him." This we (hall find true in a temporal
and fpiritual fenfe.
Bie/l is faith that trujis Chrijl^s pow^r^
Bleji are faint 'i that wait his hour.
I could enlarge, but muft away. My heart is full for dear
New-England^ and I muft go to God and vent it. I can only
fend you and your honoured parents, and all your religious
aflbciates, and all enquiring friends, ten thoufand thanks for
all favours, and beg them never to ceafe praying for, dear Mifs,
Their and your aflured and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
To Lady P V(LOr^^^^^-'
Dear Madam, JVeflon-FavelU Aug. 30, 1 755.
THOUGH Providence prevented my feeing you again,
yet you have been much upon my heart. As a proof
of it, be pleafed to accept of thefe itsN hafty lines. I find you
are once more called to give up your honoured hufband for
his country's good. That God whom you ferve, will richly
reward you for fuch a facrificc, and be better to you than {^v^xi
hufbands. I long, I long to hear that he is returned victorious.
He is gone upon a good caufe, and under the conduil of the
beft general, even the Captain of our falvation. To him I
am praying night and day for the temporal and fpiritual wel-
fare of dear, never to be forgotten New-England. Courage,
dear Madam, courage : — a few more partings, a few more
changes, a few more heart-breakings, heart-purifying trials,
and we (hall be fafe landed. That you and yours, dear Ma-
dam, may have a triumphant entrance adminiftered to you
into the heavenly kingdom, is and fhall be the hearty prayer
of, dear Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's obliged and ready fervant, &c.
G. W,
ToMr.V . %Ai)0^
My dear Friend^ WeJlon-FavelU Aug. 30, 1755.
I Wrote you a letter juft before I left Charles-Town^ which
I I find you have not received. The things fent proved
bad, bat I have a God to go to, who can and will fupply all
my wants according to the riches of his grace in Christ
Jesus. I am forry that your people continue yet as fheep
having no fhepherd. What I faid about Mr. B , was b)CCiii3jn)
commiffion from himfelf. I wifh Mr. Z)— r — may fee his way
clear. But who will come to be torn in pieces by two con-
tending parties ?
Giver of concord^ prince of -peace ^
Meek lamb- like Son of God,
Bid tbefe unchrijlian jarrlngs ceafc,
quench them with thy blood I
Amidft all this, what a mercy is it, my dear friend, that Jesus
fhews you more of your heart. O thank him a thoufand and
a thoufand times, for pointing out to you the fin that doth
moft eafily befet you. Surely it is a too great love of money, v-
Of this your friends every where take notice; and this, in
many cafes, makes you ail an unfriendly part. If God
Ihould fufter our enemies to prevail, you will wifti you had
laid up more treafure in heaven. Bleli'ed be God, mine is
out of the reach of men or devils. Strange! that five per cent.
from man, fliould be preferred to a hundred-fuld from Christ !
A word to the wile is fufficient. I (hould not have faid this,
left there fliould be the appearance of fclf-intereft, had you
not given me the hint. But I hope you know, (however, I
am fure that God knows) that I want to deny, not enrich
myfelf. But enough of this. I am now looking out for more
news from dear America. May the late defeat be fanilified j
?ind then I doubt not but we ftiall be more than conquerors
through the love of Christ. I often wifh myfelf abroad;
but alluredly Providence called me hoitie. — My poor fetble
labours are ftill blefled both in town and country, and many
dear miniders of Jesus are coming out. It would dcligiit
you to be at Tabernacle. We arc often ip the fuburbs of
heaven. I write this from dear Mr, H y's, in my way to
Yorkjlnre^ and perhaps Ireland, I told him what you wrote
about Theron and Afpofw^ and he begs your prayers. O America
how near doft thou lie upon my heart ! God prefcrve it from
popifh tyranny and arbitrary power ! I can write no more.
Adieu, my dear Mr. V- . Continue to write to mc, and
live and give for Jesus, who hath given you this world, and
that which is to come. Was you here, methinks we fhould
weep together. O redeeming love ! How can we think of
it, and at the fame time not be ambitious of opportunities to
fpend and be fpent for Jesus. Ncn magna Icquhnur, non magna
fcribimus^ fed vivimus, is the chriftian's motto. Mr. D
can Engl'iJ}) it. I fend to him, and all enquiring friends, my
cordial refpcds. I faw his daughter v/ell at Braintree a little
while ago. There, as well as elfewhere, we had blefled fea-
fons. I know you will join in crying Grace ! grace ! with
jny dear Gains,
Yours moft afFe£lionately in our common Lord,
G. JV.
Ti; Mr. J S .
Northampton, Sept. t, 1755.
AND did my dear Mr. S direct a letter and not fend
me one line at a venture ? Well, I thank him even foi-
the diredion, as well as fo/ all other unmerited favours. O
that it was in my power to fhew my gratitude in a fub-
ftantial manner ! This is my comfort, God is a prayer-
hearing, promife-keeping God. He will not fail thofe, who
have confefled him or his minifters before men. — It may be
before men they fhall be rewarded. Certain it is, they fhall
be confefled by Jesus Christ in the p-f-cfence of men and
angels in the kingdom of heaven. This, ere lona;, will be
your happinefs. Methinks I long for the day; but am
aihamed I do no more for Jesus, who yet continues to em-
ploy me. Every where the fields are white ready unto harvcft.
At London, Brijlol, Bath, in GloucrJierJJnre, at Noriuich, Bury,
J^rqintree, and yefterday twice here, we had bleffed feafons. I
am now going into Yorkjlnrt^ and it may be to Ireland. If
there fiiould be a bloody war, God only knows when, I {hall
fee my dear New-England. Thither I find a ftrong attraition,.
for good news from the northern forces ! I fuppofe death
muft come firft before life. — This is always the method of Pro-
vidence. Lord, help us to pray and not faint ! Happy they
who have got a Jesus to fly to : he is our refuge from every
ftorm. Your whole felf and all enquiring friends do I moft
caineftly commend to his never-failing mercy, as being, my
very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFcclionately in our common Lord,
To Colonel P^-ht^ ^ '-^
My dear Sir, Northampton, Sept. I, 17.55.
ACCORDING to my promife, before I embarked fur
England, I fent you the copy of my oath, from Charles-
Tatun ; which, I fear, is not come to hand, becaufe not men-
tioned in either of your letters, which I had the pleafure of
leceivins; a few days ago. In my way northward, I take the
firft opportunity, of thanking you for both, and at the fame
time heartily thank the Captain of our falvation, for giving
you grace to ftand to your colours, and perfift in your fpiritual
warfare. Perhaps, ere this reaches Bc/lon, you may be called
out in the fervice of your country. May your head, and the
heads of all engaged, be covered in every day of battle; and
may our troops be made in the end more than conquerors
tbroutrh the love of God ! This, is what we are aflured of
in our fpiritual combat. — Jesus, who is truth itfclf, hath told
us, that nothing fiiall (Juck us out of his almighty hands.
Though faint hen, let us ftill purfue. Through the Re-
deemer ftifngihening n e, 1 am yet continuing my feeble la-
bours, which, 1 ttuft, arc not in vain in the Lord. Fain would
1 be with )Ou ; but Providence feems to have caft my lot at
prefcnt here. WlH, my dear Sir, there is a place, at which,
tliough abfent from, we may be prefent with each other ; I
mean the throne of grace. There, God willing, 1 will often
meet you. I know ycu will accept the challenge, and God
L £ T t E R S. I4t
hirrifelf will fay, Amen. Glad fhould I be to hear from you
frequently. O for good news from dear New-England !
BlefTed be God for what you fend me concerning Mrs. P .
May root and branch be fpared for the Mediator's glory ! To
his tender, never-failing mercy, do I moft humbly commend
you, and all other enquiring friends, as being, my dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate friend and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mrs. M .
Dear Madam, Liverpool, Sept. 12, 1 755.
ERE this can reach you, I hope the days of your mourn-
ing will be ended. By your laft to Mr. IF I find
your harp was hanging upon the willows, your chariot wheels
taken off, and your poor foul driving heavily. Add to all this,
Satan was befetting you on eveiy fide, and fo daring as to
fay, " Where is now thy God ?" — This is his common arti-
fice; thus he attacked the great High-prieft and blcfled apoftle
of our profciTion, " If thou be the Son of God, &:c." But
if you love not Jesus, whence this pain of abfunce ? Why fo
often crying out,
For to my foul it^s hell to be
But for one moment void cf thee P
This is not the language of a hypocrite. No : it is the na-
tive, genuine cry of a new and heaven-born foul. Woman,
therefore, why weepeft thou ? Thy Lord hath drank of this
bitter cup before thee.
He knotvs tvhat this temptation means.
For he hath felt the fame.
Look then to Him, dear Madam, who upon the crofs cried
out in the bitternefs of his foul, " My God, my God, why
haft thou forfaken me r" The Redeemer is now only giving
you biefUngs in difguife, and teaching you inftruiSlive icffons
by the thorns and briars of the wildernefs. Now is the time
for you to prove the ftrength of Jesus yours, and to learn td
live upon a God that changeth not. Be pleafed to excufe this
freedom. At Mr. ('/ ^'s defire I take it. Your advice to
him, aniidft all your gloom, befpeaks your concern fur the
ark of God ; 1 wilh he may taLe it. JBut I love not to inter-
fere in other people's plans, any further tnan I can contribute
a mite towards promoting the common falvation. This prin-
ciple made me incline to fee Ireland^ but I believe the feafon
is too far gone. The Redeemer's time is beft. O that all
may have grace given them to w^ait his leilure ! Then will
affairs have a more comfortable afpedl, and many wrong
touches of the ark be happily prevented. Blefled be God, in
many places the word runs and is glorified. O that I could
begin to begin to do fomething for Jesus ! I wifii that Mr.
C may be railed to work for him once more. And yet,
methinks it is cruel to v/ifh him to ftay longer out of heaven.
God give me patience to wait till my wifhed-for change fhall
come! My cordial refpedts await all that love Christ Jesus
in fmcerity. — Be pleafed to accept the fame for your whole felfj
from> dear Madam,
Your fympathizing friend, and
ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. /r.
To Mr, S .
JHy 'i)ery dear Sir ^ Nctvcajlk^ Sept, i\^ ^755*
AT length I can fit down, and fend you (what I know
you deaily love) fome good news concerning the king-
dom of Jiisus Christ. O infinite condefcenfion ! He hath
vouch fafed to own and blefs my feeble labours all the way.
At Northampton we had blefTed feafons ; at Lady H «'s,
the Lord of all Lords was with us of a truth ; at Liverpool
I truft feme fallow ground was broken up ; at Be/ton the cup
of many ran over ; at Alarichejler people heard moft gladlv ;
and at Leeds and Bradford^ what many felt, I believe, is unut-
terable. In my way hither, I hope a fmart gentleman was
touched at Tork^ and feveral I find were awakened when I was
at this place laft. Lord, what am I ?
If thou excufe^ then work thy willy
By fo unfit an injirwnent '^
It will at once thy goodnefs JJocw,
And prove thy power omnipotent.
What God does further, you may hear by and by. Perhaps
I am at the end of my northern circuit, and I fear I am too
impatient to get at the end of my chriftian race. I long, I
. long to fee Jesus. Well, he that comes, will come and will
not tarry. His reward is with him j then, but not till then,
fhall you and yours be fully recompenfed, for ftrengthening
my poor feeble hands in the Lord. He only knows how
feeble. Surely this is grace indeed, to employ fuch a wretch
as I am. Help me to adore it. Continue to pray for me, and
thereby add to the obligations already conferred on, my very
dear friend.
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. fV,
To Lady H n.
Ever -honoured Madam^ Newcajlle, Sept. 24, 1 755.
I Know not how long it is fince I left your Ladyfhip j but
this I know, a fenfe of the fatisfadion I felt when at
Donington, ftill lies upon my heart. Surely, was I not called
out to public work, waiting upon and adminiftring to yoar
Ladyfliip in holy offices would be my choice and highefl; pri-
vilege. But Jesus calls, and therefore I travel to do or fufFer
thy will, O God I The only new ground that hath beea
broken up, I think is Liverpool; there the profpect is promif-
ing* I preached in a great fquare on the Lord's day, and the
alarm I hear went through the town. At Bolton the cup of
God's people ran over ; and at Manchejler we had large audi-
tories and blefl'ed feafon?. At Leeds we felt what is unutter-
able, and at Bradford, I believe, laft Sunday the congregation
confifted of at leaft ten thoufand. But O how hath my plea-
fure been alloyed zt Leeds! I rejoiced there with trembling;
for unknown to me, they had almofl: finifhed a large houfe in
order to form a feparate congregation. If this fchcme fuc-
ceeds, an awful feparation I fear will take place amongO: the
focietles. I have written to Mr. JV , and have done all
I could to prevent it. O this fclf-love, this felf-w^iil ! It is
the devil of devils. LoRb Jesus, may thy blefied fpirit purge
it out of all our hearts ! But O how muft the divine Paraclete
lit as a refiner's fire upon the heart, in order to bring this
about! Few choofe fuch fiery purgations, and therefore lb few
make the progrcfs that might juftly be expefted of them in the
divine life. Make me, O God, willing to be made, willing
to be, to do, or fufTer what thou pleafefl, and then what
then? — this foolifli fluttering heart will, fweetly be moulded
into the divine image. — This I write from Nevjcajile^ where
the people twice a day hear the gofpel gladly. At York I
hope a line gentleman was touched, and feveral I find were
awakened there, and here alfo, at my lafl vifit. What to do
now, I know not. Calls on all fides are very loud, and it \z
too late to go either to Ireland or Scotland. O my God ! —
Winter is at hand, and in the fummer how little hath been
done for thee ! I cannot bear to live at this poor dying rate.
My good and eyer-hoftoured Lady, addj fcr Christ's fake
add to my already innumerable obligations, by praying for a
poor unfruitful and ungrateful dwarf. I am fick of my vile-
nefs, and yet jufl comes in a letter acquainting me, that nry
preaching hath been blefl'ed to many this morning. Good
God, what is this ? Grace ! Grace ! I am lofl, 1 am lofl.
Take me Uriel, take me hence.
And hear my foul to GoD.
Your Lady fhip fees I am running into my old fault. 1 cannot
well help it, when writing to your Ladyfhip. fvlay the choicefl.
of God's mercies reft on you and yours I I hope my poor but
fincei-erefpedls will find acceptance with Lady 5 's, Mafter
H , &c. I muft away to pray for your Ladyfhip and
them, and therefore haften to fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft ready fervant,
To Mr. D B .
My dear Friend, Newcajlle, Ot?. 4, 1 75 J.
WHO would but wifh to be in heaven, where we Ihall
enjoy the communion of faints without interruption?
Whilft here, how long is it before we cin anfwer feach other's
letters? XVith difEculty I now fit down to anfwer your lafl: ;
for thefe feven or eight days paft, I have been deeply engaged
in travelling, and preaching thrice a day. Jesus Christ hath
raade it pleafant to my foul, and comfortably fupportcd my
Aveak body. It being fo late in the year, I cannot proceed
further northward. However I mufl write, if it be only to
let you know, that my dear Scotch friends are continually upon
my heart, and that I moft carneftly beg the continuance of
fheir prayers. I am a dwarf, — I arri a dWarf, — and that is
enou^jh to excite their pity. Alas ! alas ! Autumn is come,
winter is drawing on, and (O my God) how little have I done
fdr thee in the fummer. The concern I feel upon this account
almoft prevents my writing. Adieu, I muft retire. — A'ly ten-
der love to Mrs. B , and all that are fo kind as to inquire
after me. Exhort them to love, and live near to the ever-
loving Jesus, and for his great name's fake, never to foro^ctj,
n.y dear friend,
Their and your afFc£tionate friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. Ji\
To Mr. .
My very dear Friend, London^ OJi. ^I, 1 755.
LAST night, a never-failing God brought me from the
north of Englandy where I have been enabled to preach
twice and thrice a day, to many, many thoufands for thefe
two months laft paft. And yet I cannot die. — Nay they tell
me, " I grow fat." O that I may grow in grace, efpecially
in humility ! Then would the Lord delight to honour me.
Vile as I am, this lie continues to do. Never did I fee the
word more blefled, or fo many thoufands run after it with
V^OL. UI. K greater
greater greedincis. Next to inviting them to Christ, I have
al\vays taken care to exhort them to pray for King George^ and
our dear friends in America. I truft, that thoufands are now
engaged this way, and whatever dark providences may inter-
vene, 1 hope to hear ihey have been more than conquerors. —
*' Pray continue to write," I often tell my friend. I often
th'nk of him who fent me the glafs, before the friend of fm-
ncrs. God almighty blefs you and yours, and all enquiring
dear fouls, with all fpiritual and temporal bleflings! I fee fome
are marrying, and others giving in marriage. May the Lord
Jesus fantStify every change, till we all come to fit down at
the marriage feaft of the fupper of the Lamb I There I hope
ere long to meet you. Fly, fly, Time : haften, haftcn, O wifhed-
for Eternity ! Adieu: my tender love to all. I wifli dear Mr.
T a good help-mate, but above all, I wilh him much
fucccfs in efpouung poor fmners to the ever adorable Jesus.
Once more farewel.
Yours, &:c.
G. TV.
To Mr. B -.
My dear Mr. B , London ^ Nov. I, 1755.
ON Thurfday evening, a never-failing Providence brought
me in fafety from my northern circuit, and this morn-
ing I find a letter of a diftant date from you, which before I
look over my other letters, I fit dov/n to anfwer. A;id what
fhall I fay ? Blcfled be God, I have good news to fend you
from the north country; never did 1 fee the word of God have
freer courfe, or congregations more numerous or attentive. I
wab Orengthened to preach generally twice or thrice a day, and
thanks be to my gracious Mafter, my poor carcafe held it out.
Next to Jesus, my King and country were upon my heart.
I adled as at Strcud, and other parts of Gloucc/icrJ]::rc^ and I
hope I fhall always think it my bounden duty, next to in-
viting fmners to the bleflcd Jesus, to exhort my hearers to
exert themfelves againft the firtt approaches of popifli tyranny
and arbitrary power. O that we may be enabled to watch and
pray againft all the oppofition of AnUchriJi in our hearts; for
after all, there lies the moft dangerous man of fin ; there
is the temple in which he fits, exalting himfelf above all that
is called God. And what fhall, what can deftroy hinri ? No-
thing but the breath of the Redeemer's mouth, and the bright-
nefs of his appearing, by his blefl'ed fpirit in our fouls. O
for more of this baptifmal fire ! God give you, and the dear
Alderman, to pray earneftly for me, that I may begin at leno-th
to be a little alive to my God. O winter! winter! how near
art thou drawing, and how little have I done for Jesus in the
fummer ! Perhaps before Cbrijimai I may fee you a^ain. Fu-
ture things belong to Jesus. To his tender never-failing
inercy do I moft heartily commit you, ahd the dear Alder-
man, all your relations, and all enquiring friends, and once
more beg that you will not forget to pray for, my dear Mr^
Yours moft affedlionately in our common Lord, '
71? Lady H n.
Evc'r-homured Madam^ London^ Nov. i, 1755,
WHAT (hall 1 fay? Indeed and indeed, it hath givcri
me great concern, that I could not perform my pro-
rnife to return to Donningion-park fo foon as I expeded. ^
But had I done fo, I muft have failed preachino- at lead to
above fifty thoufand fouls, who at different places ran mofl
greedily many miles after the everlafting gofpel. This I thought
your Ladyfhip would by no means approve of, and therefore
acquiefced. On Thursday evening, with no fmall vegret I
came to town, after having preached about a hundred times,
and travelled about eight hundred miles in the country. Blefled
be Got), m.y feeble carcafe was ftrengthened to hold out,
though for more than ten days together, I preached thrice a
day. — O that I could preach three hundred times ! all would
be little enough, (alas, alas, infinitely too little) to teftify my
feeble love to the ever-ioving, ever-lovely Jesus. I hope that
your Ladyfhip, and the other eledl Ladies, will enjoy much
of his blefled fpirit, in your prefent fweet retreat. After about
a week's ftay here, I hope to move weftward. O winter, win-
ter ! hafte and fly, that I may again fet out, and begin to
K 2 fprinj
fpring for my God ! I know I fliall have your Ladyfhip's
prayers, and 1 am furc your Lady{hip and family and
friends have mine. Ycfterday I waited upon the Couniefs
D , and on Thurfday, God willing, I am to dine with
her Ladyftiip. BIcfied be God, all was well. O for growth
in grace ! O for the total dertruclion of felf and felfiihnefs !
Alas, what inward purgations and martyrdoms muft be under-
gone! Lord Jesus, we are the clay, and thou art the potter ;
ftamp thine image in what way thou plcafeft ! I know your
Ladyfliip will fay. Amen. I truft an " Even fo. Lord
Jrsus, come quickly," is fmcerely added by, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. IV,
ro the Honourable J R . iCov^^'
Very dear Sir ^ London, Nov. 7, 1 755.
ARE you yet called out in defence of your country? The
meafures taken by your honourable and loyal council
and alTembly, I hoj^e will be blcfTcd to prevent a ftir fo near to
Bojion. I am glad to hear, that the Ladies are employed in
making the foldiers cloaths; I truft my female friends arc fome
of the moft ajSlive. Surely, the caufe is the caufe of God,
and if done out of love to Jesus, this labour of love ftiall not
go unrewarded. God make male and female good foldiers of
Jesus Christ I Nothing like fighting under his banner j he
is a refu<'^e from every ftorm. I can only add, that I moft ear-
neftly commend you and yours, and the whole circle of my
never to be forgotten friends, to his ncvei -failing mercy, and
intreat you to accept thefe i^t.^ hafty lines, as a token of love
and refpecl unfeigned, from, very dear Sir,
Yuurs moft aft'edionately in our common Lord,
G. V/.
To the Honourable A O .
Very dear Sir, London, Nov. S, 1 755.
I Hear you have been fitting night and day in council. May
Jesus, the wonderful cnunfcUor, prefide in your affembly,
and influf-nce you to purfue fuch meafures, as may be blefled
to the humbling a perfidious enemy, and making the dear
New Englanders more than conquerors through the love of
God ! All we can do on this fide the v/ater, is to pray. This
I truft thoufands are doing every day. — 1 feldom preach, with-
out mentioning dear New England. O for more good news
from that part of yonder new world ! O that this time of out-
ward danger, may be fan6tificd to the exciting of greater zeal
againft our inward fpiritual enemies ! For after all, the man
of fin in our own hearts, is the greateft foe the real chriftian
hath to fear. May Jesus dellroy him both within and with-
out, by the breath of his mouth, and the brightnefs of his
appearing! Blefled be God, the profpedl is promifing here!
In the north of England, the word runs and is glorified more
than ever, and in London people flock like doves to the win-
dows : — and yet I feel a ftrong attraction for Jtnerica. Pray
be fo kind, very dear Sir, to fend me feme account now and
then, how matters ftand, — Perhaps it may be of fome fervice.
I could enlarge, but muft drop a line or two more to fome
more friends, and therefore can only fend my moft cordial
falutations to yourfelf, and whole houftiold, and begging a
continued intereft in your prayers, fubfcribe myfelf, very dear
Your moft obliged, affedionate friendj
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Lady H n.
Ever-hcnoured Madam^ London^ Nov. ic. 1755«
YOUR Ladyfliip's kind and condcfcenuing letter, fountj
me j.ift returned trom Chatham., and itd me (as your
Ladyfhip's letters always do) to a throne of grace. I imme-
(liatcly threw myfelt proftrate before God, and earneflly
prayed, in my poor feeble manner, that grace, mercy, and
peace might be multiplied upon your Ladyfliip, and your
ha[)py family. The Court, in the h':9c Icnfe of the word, is
now removed to Clifton. For there only is the real cou.t kept,
vhere Jesus reigns, and where he has eredted a Ipiritual king-
dom in the hearr. All befiJes this, is only tiniel ?ind glitter.
Here alone is real and abiding happinefs to be found. O for
further fearches into the heighths and depths of God ? Q
for further leadings into the chambers of that felfifli, fenfual,
and devilifti imagery, that yet lie latent in my partly renewed
heart, Thjs felf-love, what a Proteus ! This felf-will, what
an Hydra ? This remaining body of fin and death, what an
antichrift ! what a fcarlet whore I what a hell I what a red
drao;on ! what a curfed monfter is it ! How hard, how
ilow he dies ! O what gratitude do I owe to the bruifer of
this fcrpent's head ! O for a heart gladly to embrace every
crofs, every trying difpeniation, that may have a tendency to
poifon, or Itarve, or nip the buddings of the old, and cherifli,
promote, or caufe to bloom and blofibm the graces and tem-
pers of the new man in my foul ! Ordniances, providences,
ducSlrines, (I am niore and more convinced) are of no fervice
to believers, than as they are attended with" this mortifying
and life-giving power. Happy family, that have this one thing
itivifW.! Happy retirement, that is improved to this bltfibd
purpofe ! Happy, therefore, good Lady H w, and the other
elct^l Ladies, who are determined tlius to go on hand in hand
to heaven ! All hail, ye new-born, heaven -born fouls ! ye
know, by happy experience, that Jesus is an inward as weU
9S an outward faviour, and that he came indeed and indeed to.
redeem us from this prefcnt evil world. Was even annihila-
^ipn toTollow at death, who y.'ould but hav? this redemption
whilft they Jive ? But, glory, glory be to GoD, it is only the
dawning of an eternal day, the beginning of a life that is ere
]ong to be abforbed and fwailowed up in never-ceafmo-, unin-
terrupted fruition of the ever-blefled triune Deity. O the
depth, the height of this Jove of God ! It pafTcth human and
angelic knowledge. My paper only permits me to add, (God
knows it is with gratitude and fincerity) that I am, ever-ho-
noured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful and ready fervant,
G. W.
ro Mr. s .
My very dear Sir, Br'ijlol, Nov. 30, 1755.
TO be three weeks without fending you a line, feems a
long while to me. What if we fhould meet ere long in
an endlefs and happy eternity ? For near ten days paft I have.
preachcd in pain, occafioned by a fore throat, which I find
now is the beginjiing of an inflammatory quinfey. Silence and
warmth, the doiitor tells me, under God, may cure me, but
heaven (if I had my will) is my choice, efpecially if I can
fpeak no longer on earih for my God. However, painful and
expenfive as, in a fpiritual fenfe, the medicine of filence is, I
have promifed to be very obedient, and therefore I have not
preached this morning. If I grow better, (as the world terms
it) I hope to fee you in about a fortnight, if otherwife, God
willing, you (hall hear from me again. Blefled be Jesus, I
am ready ; I know that my Redeemer liveth. O that all who
were lately fwailowed up in Portugal, had known it ! Then
an earthquake would only be a rumbling chariot to carry the
foul to God. Poor Lifom ! how foon are all thy riches and
fuperftitious pageantry fwailowed up I What a fhock muft:
the news give to a full exchange I Who would but lay up
treafure in heaven ? Thanks be to God, for teaching you,
my very dear Sir, this heavenly art ! May you and yours im-
prove in it every day and hour. This is my comfort, all my
goods are gone before me. O the pleafure of having nothing,
and yet poflefling all things in Jesus I This be my happy
lot ! I beg a continued intereft in your prayers, and truft
K 4 that
that living and dying you v;ill always be rciriCmbercd by, my
very dear friend.
Your moft afte£tioirate friend and ready fcrvant
for CliRiSi'o falcc,
G. IF.
To the Reverend A'Ir. II D '.
Br'iftcl, Dec. 6, 1755.
My dear Friend and Brother,
ONE would think, that Providence did in a more imme-
diate manner interpofe to prevent our meeting. I faw
your lafl: to Mr. M ;?, and intended to have anfwcrcd it
for him, but it hath plcafcd a gracious and fovereign God to
filence me for a few days, by a fore throat, which was like to
have terminated in an inflammatory quinfey. T'his gave me
hopes of putting into port; but it fecms I am yet to put out
to fea ao'ain. O that my hammering tongue may be loofcd,
and that 1 may begin to begin to fpeak in earneft for my
God ! Every thing, both from within and without, calls
upon us to cry aloud and fpare not. Whatever becomes of
ill and hell-deferving me, may the ever-loving and ever-lovely
Jesus caufe your bow to abide in llrength ! I truft many ar-
rows have ftuck fad: in the North of England \ and in the
Weft, I truft, the fword of the Lord hath not returned
empty. On Monday fe'nnight, God willing, I purpofc going
to Gloiicejier, and hope to be in London foon. Our meeting,
therefore, muft necefTarily be put ofFtill Spring. In the mean-
while, I fliould be glad to fee and converfe with Mr. J ,
of whom 1 have heard a good report. I am forry there is no
greater conneiflion between England and Wales. The harveft
is 'jreat, and the difintcreftcd labourers are {q^. This is my
comfort, the Lord of the harvell can and will, in his own
time and v.'ay, thruft out more labourers into the harvcfl.
That he may own and blefs you, and all in your connc6liori,
^Tiore and more, is the carneft prayer of, my very dear friend.
Yours moft affectionately in cur glorious Head,
G. U\
To Lady H n.
Ev cr -honoured Ma (lam ^ London, Dec. 31, 1755.
YOUR Ladyfhip's kind and condcfcending letter fiiould
not have lain fo long by me, had not bodily vvcaknefs,
and my Chrijlmas labours, prevented my v/riting. Indeed and.
indeed my good Lady, it hath been a joyful mournful feafoii
to my inward man. For exclufive of a pretty (harp outward
trial, Saturday lall being my birth-day, my foul was deeply
exercifed from morning till evening, in thinking how much
in one-and-forty years I have finned againft, and how little I
have done for an infinitely good and ever-blefled God. This
imprcflion yet lies deep upon my heart, and therefore, through
divine affiflance, I purpofe to end the old year in preaching on
thofe word?, *' 1 abhor myfelf, and repent in duft and afh.es."
O that all things belonging to the old man, may die in me,
and all things belonging to the new man live and grow in me !
But alas, this is a work of time. Every day and every hour
muft we be pafHng from death to life. Mortification and vi-
vification make up the whole of the divine work in the new-
born foul. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ; have com-
paflion on this barren fig-tree, and if it is to be fpared another
year, fo dig and dung round it, that it may bring forth much
fruit unto God ! But (hall I conceal the goodnefs of my
long-fuffering MaRer ? No ; I dare not ; — for in fpite of my
unworthinefs, he ftill continues to fmile upon my poor mini-
ftrations, and gives me to fee his {lately fteps in the great con-
gregations, A noble chapel is now opened in Lon^-acre
■where I am to read prayers and preach twice a week. Hun-
dreds went away lafl night, who could not come in; hut thofe
that could, I trud, met with Jesus. Mr. C and I have
met twice, and hope for a third interview very foon. Lord
Jesus, make me a peace-maker ! I am obliged to Mrs.
W and the other Ladies for their kind remembrance of
an unworthy worm. I return it, by earneftly prayino-, that
they and your Ladyfliip may be filled with all the fulnefs of
God. I can rife no higher, and therefore, with all pofiible
2 acknow-
acknowledgments for all unmerited favours, I mufl: haflen to
fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Lad) (hip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
\ery ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. S . ^n'Ht^^
My very dear Friend, London, Jan. I, 1 756.
YOUR not anfwering my two laft fooner, gave me pain ;
forrows are lefTened, and joys become greater by heinor
communicated. It is To with an earthly friend, much more
fo with the friend of Tinners.
Our forrcius and our tears we pour^
Into the bofom of our God.
He bottles them all up, and will not fufFcr one of them to fall
to the ground unregarded. I hope that thefe trials, which,
like "Job's meflengers, come one upon the back of another, by
being fan£lifaed, will make your foul as a watered garden.
You know who hath faid, " They that fow in tears, fhall
reap in joy." O bleffed religion, that ftiews us the holy art
of gaining by our lofles, and rifing by our falls ! Was it in
my power, this letter fliould enclofc fomething that would flop
every temporal gap j but I am not rich at prefent. Poor, yet
endeavouring to make many rich, I would have my motto ftill!
Thanks be to God, at our lowed eflate we can draw on the
bank of heaven. A believer never hath a bill protefted there.
*' My God (fays the Apoftle Paul) fhall fupply all your need
according to his riches in Christ Jesus." Away, and en-
dorfe it afrefh, and fend it direcSlly away poft on the wings of
prayer. Never fear any trial that fends you to your knees j
You mufl: then needs go forward whether you know it or not.
I would enlarge, but weaknefs prevents. I have been in the
furnace ; I hope it is intended to prepare me for frefti fuccefs.
The awakening at London fcems to be quite new. Adieu,
jdieu. 1 am called away.
Ever yours, &c.
Ti? the Reverend Mr. G .
London, Jan. 22, 1756.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
ENCLOSED you have fome extracts, which perhaps
may afford you comfort, and I truft will excite you to
pray Fur one, who is indeed lefs than the leaft of all faints.
Ever fmce I came from the North, it hath pleafed a fovereiga
I^ORD to vifit me v. ith a violent cold and fore throat, whicli
threatened an inflammatory quinfey. Such a thing, I hoped,
would have foora carried me, where this cold heart fhould for
ever be inflamed with feraphic love. But alas ! I fear this wifli'd-
for time is not at hand. One ptiyfician prefcribed a perpetual
hlijler, but I have found perpetual preaehing to be a better re-
medy. When this grand catholicon fails, it is over with me.
You will pray, that (if I muft put out to fea again) it may bs
to take fome frcfti prizes for my God. Every day brings us
frefh news of newly awakened fouls. Both at this and the
Other end of the toW'-n, (where I now preach at a chapel twice
a week) there is a glorious ftirring amongfl: the dry bones.
My heart is pained for dear America \ but I truft the Lord
will fight their battles, and make them more than conquerors.
Happy they who have fled to Jesus : he is a ftrong and iure
refuge from every ftorm. I hope he hath appeared for his
caufe at Glafgow. May that dear people never be left without
many teaching priefts ! I fend my kind hoft and hoftefs, an4
all enquiring friends, moft cordial refpe(5ls, and beg you to ac-
cept the fame from, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedlionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H 77.
Ever -honoured Madam, London, 'Jan. ic^., 1756.
OUR Ladyfhip will fee by the inclofed, how dangerous
it is to give me liberty. I would not grow upon it, and
yet I cannot diicharge ipy eonfcience, unlefs 1 lay particular
156 L E T T E R S.
tliftrcffing applications before your Ladyfliip. I know the
perfon mentioned in Mr. G 's letter, and believe he belongs
to the little floclc of Jesus : the belt recommendation that
can be laid before your Ladyftiip. I doubt not but what your
Lzdyfhip hath done in behalf of the prifoner, will have good
effect : I do not know how foon I may be called before my
fuperiors myfelf. IMie fons of Tubal and Cain continue to
ferenade mc at Long- Acre chapel. They have been called be-
fore ajuftice; and yeflcrday the Bifliop of 5 fent for them,
and enquired where I lived. My houfe is pretty public, and
the Bifhop of fouls (hall anfwer for me : — he doe?. One,
who fubfcribes to hire nx;n to make the noife, hath been
pricked to the heart, and can have no icil: till he fpeaks with
me. Thus Jesus gets himfelf the victory. One of the
;nclofed extracts comes from a perfon, that a few weeks ago
was a confirmed deift : now, I truft, he is a little child. The
Redeemer fpeaks, and it is done ; he commands, and new
creatures inftantaneoufly arife before him. Your Ladyfliip
enjoined me to be particular ; I could be more fo, but muft
fend a few lines to the ele61: Ladies. That they may find both
them and your Ladyfliip filled with all the fulnefs of God, is
the carneft prayer of, ever- honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's mod dutiful, obliged,
and very ready fervant for Christ'^ fake,
G. JV.
To Mr. F .
Honoured Sir, J^"- 3^? 175^'
GRATITUDE conftrains me to fend you a i'tw lines of
thanks for the care and zeal you have exprelled in fup-
prelfing the late difordcrs at Lang- Acre chapel. A better ac-
knowledgment will, I truiV, awiiit you at [his bar, by whom
kinss reign, and princes decree juliice, and who hath inflituted
magiflracy to be a terror to evil dotrs, and a praife to them
that do well. I hear that fome unhappy man hath incurred
the penalty inflicted by our falutary laws. As peace, not re-
venr:;e, is the thing aimed at, I (hould rejoice if this could be
procured witl"rout the delinquents fuffering any further pun»{h-
ment. Perhaps what hath been done already, may be fuffi-
cient to deter others from any further illegal proceedings, and
that will be fatisfa£lion enough, honoured Sir, to
Your much obliged humble fervant,
To the Bi/ljcp of B .
My Lord, Tabernacle- Hcufe^ Feb. 2, 1 756.
A Few weeks ago, feveral ferious perfons chofen to be a
committee for one Mr. B , applied to me in the
name of Jesus Christ, and a multitude of fouls defirous of
hearing the gofpel, to preach at a place commonly called Long-
Acre chapel. At the fame time they acquainted me, " That
the place was licenfed ; that Mr. B either had taken, dr
was to take it for a certain term of years, and had preached in
it for a confiderable time, as a proteftant DilTenting minifter :
notwithftanding, (they added) I might ufe the Liturgy if I
thought proper, fo that I would but come and preach once or
twice a week." Looking upon this as a providential call, from
him, who in the days of his flefli taught all that were willino-
to hear, on a mount, in a Jl/ip^ or by the fea-ftde^ and who after
his afcenfion, commanded us by his Apoftle, to be *' inftant
in feafon and out of feafon," I readily complied, and humbly
hope that my feeble, though I truft fincere labours, have not
been altogether in vain in the Lord. This being the cafe,
your Lordfliip v^ill neccfTarily fuppofe, that I was fomewhat
furprized at the prohibition I received from your Lordfhip this
evening. For I looked upon the place as a particular perfon's
property, and being, as I was informed, not only unconfe-
crated, but alfo licenfed according to law, I thought I miwht
innocently preach the love of a crucified Redeemer, and for
his great name's fake, loyalty to the beft of princes our dread
fovereign King George^ without giving any juft ofFence to Je^u
or Gentile, much lefs to any bifliop or overfeer of the church
of God. As I have therefore given notice of preachino- to-
morrow evening, and every Tuejday and Tburfday whilft I am
in town, I hope your Lordfhip will not look upon it as contu-
macy^ or done out 0/ contempr, if I perfift in profecuting my
defign, till I am more particularly apprized wherein I havd
erred. Controverfy, my Lord, is what I abhor, and as raifing
popular clamours, and eccleliaftical dilTentions muft be quite
unlealbnable, efpecialiy at this juncture, when France and
Home and hell ought to be the common butt of our refentmentj
I hope your Lordlhip will be i'o good as to inform yourfelf and
me more particularly about this matter j and upon due con-
viiStion, as I have no defign but to do good to precious foulsi
1 promiCe te fubmit. But if your Lordfhip fhould judge it beft
to decline this method, and I fhould be called to anfwer for my
conduct, either before a fpiritual court, or from the prefs, I
trufl the irregularity I am charged with, will appear juftifiablc
to every true lover of EngU/}} liberty, and what is all to me^
will be approved of at the awful and impartial tribunal of thei
great Shepherd and Bifhop of fouls, in obedience to whom t
beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's moft dutiful fon and fervant,
G. IV.
To Mr. B .
ileverend Sir, Tabernade-Hoiife^ Fth. 9, 1756.
ON our late faft day, a colleclion was made at the Taber-
nacle where I preach, eighty pounds of which I have
depofited in the hands of Mr. A , in Fleet -Jirect^ for the
life of the poor perfecuted French proteftants. That our great
and companionate High-pricft may accept it as done to himfelf,
and bkis you and the honourable focicty cftablifhcd for pro-
moting fo laudable a charity, is the hearty prayer of, reverend
Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer
in the caufe oi our common Lord,
To the Biffjop of B-. .
My Lord, Tabernacle- Hon fe, Feb. 16, 1756.
I This evening received your Lordfhip's kind letter, and
though it is late, and nature calls for reft, yet in the fear
of him to whom all hearts are open, all defines knov/n, and
from whom no fecrets are hid, I defire now to fit down and o-jve
your Lordfhip an explicit anfwer. God, even that God by
whom I am to be judged, can witnefs, that with a difinterefted
view to promote his glory, and the welfare of precious and
immortal fouls, I entered into holy orders, according to the
form of ordination of the church of England ; and, as thou*
fands can teflify, for near thefc twenty years laft paft, I have
confcientioufly defended her homilies and articles, and upon
all occafions fpokcn well of her liturgy. Either of thefe, to-
gether with her difcipline, I am fo far from renouncing,
much lefs from throv.'ing afide all regard to, that I earneftly
pray for the due reftoration of the one, and daily lament the
wanton departure of too, too many from the other. But, my
Lord, what can I do ? When I aded in the moR: regular
manner, and when I was bringing multitudes even of Diffen-
ters themfelves to croud the churches, without any other rea-
fon being given than that too many followed after me, I vvas
denied the ufe of them. Being thus excluded, and many
thoufands of ignorant fouls, that perhaps would neither go to
church nor meeting-houfes, being very hungry after the gof-
pel, I thought myfelf bound in duty to deal out to them the
bread of life. Being further ambitious to ferve my God, my
King, and my country, I facriticed my affections, and left my
native foil, in order to begin and carrv on an Orphan-houfe in
the infant colony of Georgia, which, through the divine
blefling, is put upon a good foundation. This fcrved as an
introdudiion, though without dcfign, to rnv vifitinix the other
parts of his Majefty's dominions in North- America ; and 1
humbly hope, that many made truly (enous m that foreio-n
clime, will be my joy and crovt'n of rejoicing in ;He dav oi
the Lord Jesus. If it was not for this hope:, nay, my Lord,
il' 1 was not aifured, that the bleiled Redeemer (O amazing
condcfccnfion) hath vouchfafcd to o;vn ir.c for the real con-
verfion, and turning of many from dailcnefs to light, the wcak-
iiefs of my frequently worn out and decaying body, the in-
numerable temptations that have befet my foul, together with
the violent oppofition I have met with from various quarters,
would long fince have quite overwhelmed, and at leaft have
prevailed on me to accept fome of thofe offers that have
been made me to neftle, by accepting of which I might have
fcreened myfelf from that obloquy and contempt, which, in
fome degree or other, every day I have the honour to meet
with for Jesu's fake. But hitherto having obtained help from
God, without eating a morfel of the church of England's
bread, I ftill continue to ufe her liturgy, wherever a church
or chapel is allowed me, and preach up her articles, and en-
force her homilies. Your Lordfhip therefore judgeth ex-
ceeding right, when you fay, " I prefume you do not mean
to declare any diflcnt from the church of Enghnd.'" — Far be
it from me j no, my Lord, unlefs thrufl our, I fliall never
leave her, and even then (as I hope whenever it happens it
will be an unjuft extrufion) I fliall ftill continue to adhere
to her do£lrines, and pray for the much vviHied-for rcftora-
tion of her difcipline, even to my dying day. Fond of
difplaying her truly proteftant and orthodox principles, ef-
pecially when church and ftate are in danger from a cruel and
popifli enemy, I am glad, my Lord, of an opportunity of
preaching, though it fliould be in a meeting-houfe ; and I
think it difcovers a good and moderate fpirit in the Diflenters,
who will quietly attend on the church fer^ice, as many have
done, and continue to do at Long- Acre chapel, while man)',
who I fuppofe ftile themfelves her faithful fons, by very im-
proper inilrumcnts of reformation, have endeavoured to difturb
and moleft us. If the Icfi'or of this chapel, my Lord, hath no
power to let it out, or if it be not legally and properly liceni'ed,
I have been deceived indeed ; and if upon enquiry I find thia
to be the cafe, I fliall foon declare in the molt public man-
ner, how both your Lordfliip and mvfelf have been impofcd
upon. But if it appears, that the lellbr hath a right to dif-
pofe of his own property, and that the place is licenfed, if not
in the court books of the Q^iarter Scffions, yet in the Com-
mons Of fome otJier proper court j and as fome good, 1 truft, has
teen, and hope will yet be done by this foolifhnefs of preach-
ing, furely your Lordfhip's candour v/ill overlook a little irre^
gularity ; fince I fear that in thefe dregs of time, thefe laft
days, wherein we live, we muft be obliged to be irregular, or
in (hort we mufl: do no good at all. My Lord, I remember
well, (and O that I may more than ever obey your Lordfhip's
admonition) and often recolle£b that awful day wherein I was
ordained prieft, and when authority was given me, by my ho-
noured friend and father good Bilhop Bevfon^ to preach the
word of God. O that the glorious exhortation, which he de-
livered with fo much folemnity, may be written upon the ta-
bles of my heart ! Mindful of this, I fhall be always ready
to go out, and feek for Christ's fl:icep that are difperfed
abroad, and be willing to fpend and be fpent for the good of
his children which are in the midft of this naughty world*
Never did I fo much as dream, my Lord, that this was only a
local commilHon, or that the condition annexed, " Where
you ftiall be lawfully appointed thereunto," was to confine
me to any particular place, and that it would be unlawful for
me to preach out of it. It is plain my Lord Bifhop of Glou-
cejler did not think fo j for when his fecretary brought a li-
cence for me, his Lordfhip faid, " It would cofl me thirty
fliillings, and therefore I fhould not have it." And when
after being prefented to the late Eifliop of London, I applied to
him for a licence, his lordfhip was pleafed to fay, " I was
going to Georgia^ and needed none." Accordingly I preached
in mofl of the London c\\\xrc\\QS under his Lordfhip's immediate
infpedtion ; and why any other licence than my letters of
orders fhould now be required, I believe no fubftantial, I am
pofitive no truly fcriptural, reafon can be aiHgned, It is true,
as your Lordfhip obferves, there is one canon that fays,
*' That no curate or minifter fhall be permitted to ferve in
any place, without examination and admiffioh of the Bifhop of
the dioccfe." And there is another alfo, as quoted by youf
Lordfhip, which tells us, " That neither minlfler, church-*
wardens, nor any other officers of the church, fhall fuffer any
man to preach within their chapels, but fuch as, by fhewing
their licence to preach, fhall appear unto them to be fuffi-
ciently authorized thereunto." But, my Lord, what curacy
<ir parfonage have I defired, or do I defire to be admitted to
Vol. IIL L ferve
Icrvc in ? Or iiUo v/hat church or chapel do I attempt to
intrude myfclf, without leave from the churchwardens or other
officers ? No, my Lord, being, as I think, without caufe de-
nied admifiion into the churches, I am content to take the
field, and when the weather will permit, with a table for my
pulpit, and ihc heavens for my founding-board, I defire to
proclaim to all, the unfearchable riches of Jesus Christ.
Befidcs, my Lord, if this canon (hould be always put into full
txccuiion, I humbly prcfume, that no bifliop or prefbyter can
legally preach at any time out of the diocefc in which he is
appointed to fcrve ; confequently no city incumbent can even
cccafionally be lawfully affifted by any country clergyman,
or even a bifliop himfelf be lawfully permitted to preach a
charity ftrmon out of his own.diocefe, without a fpecial li-
cence for fo doing. And what a lofs would that be to many
noble charities here in town ? As for that other canon
which your Lordihip mentions, and which runs thus, " Nei-
ther fhall any minifler, not licenfed as is aforefaid, prefume to
appoint or hold any meetings for ftrmons, commonly termed
by fome, prophecies or exercifes, in market towns or other
places, under the faid pains." I need not inform your Lord-
ihip, that it v/as originally levelled againft thofe who would
not conform to the church of England^ and that too in fuch
high fl)ing times, which I cannot believe any one of the pre-
fcnt moderate bench of bifliops would wifli to fee again reftored.
And if this be the true llatc of the cafe, how, my Lord, doth
this canon belong to mc, who am epifcopally ordained, and
have very lately publifhcd a fmall tradt (which I humbly bc^g
your Lordfliip's acceptance of) on purpofe to recommend the
communion office of the church of England? But, my Lord,
to come nearer to the point in hand, (and for Christ's fake
let not your LorJfnip be ofrended with my gfmg fuch plain-
nefs of fpeech) I would, as in the prefence of the living God,
put it to your Lordfliip's confcicnce, whether there is one bi-
fliop or prcfbyter in Eyighuidy JValci^ or Ireland^ that looks
upon our canons as his rule of a»?iion ? If thty d6, we are all
perjured witlv a witncls, and conft\|ucntly, in a very bad fcnfe
of the word, irregular indeed. jMay I not, therefore, fay on
this, alluding to what my I Itiled Mailer did on another occa-
ftwn, " He that is v/iihout the fin of acting illegally, if the
5 ^ canons
tanons of our church be implicitly to be obeyed, let him caft
the firft ftone at me and welcome." Your Lbrdftiip knows
full well, that tanons and other church laws are good and ob-
ligatory, when conformable to the laws of Christ, and
agreeable to the libertifs of a free people ; but when Invented
'and compiled by men of little hearts and bigotted principles,
on pUrpofe to hinder perfons of more enlarged fouls from do-
ing goc^d, or being more extenfively ufeful,' they become mere
bruta fulmina -y and when made ufe of only as cords to bind
up the hands of a zealous few, that honellly appear for theif
King, their courttry, and their God, like the withes with
which the Phili/Ilnes bound SampfoUy in my opinion, they may
Very legally be broken. , What pains and penalties are to be
incurred for fuch offence, (as I have not the canons at preferit
before me) I cannot tell ; but for my own part, my Lord, if
any penalty is incurred, or any pain to be inflidted upon mcj
for prophefying or preaching againft fin, the Pope^ and the
devil, and for recommending the ftri6teft loyalty to the beft of
princes, his Majefty King George^ in this metropolis, or any
other part of his Majefty's dominions, I truft, through grace,
I fhall be enabled to fay.
All hall reproach^ and welcome pain !
I think there now remains but one more particular in youf
Lordfliip's letter to be anfwcred :— -your Lordfhip's truly apo-
ftolical canon taken out of 2 Cor. x. 16 ; upoii turftihg to, and
reading of which j I could not help thinking, my Lord, of a
paflage I once met with in good Mr. Philip Henry % life. It
was this : Being.ejeited out of the church, -xnA yet thinkincr
it his duty to preach, he ufed novv and then to give the people
of Broad-Oaks, where he lived, a gofpel fermon ; and one day,
as he was coming from his exercife, and meeting with the in-
cumbent, he thus addrefTed him : *' Sir, I hsve been ta-ktnii
the liberty of throwing a handful of feed into your field."
** Have you fo, faid the good man ? may God give it his
blefHng ! There is work enough for us both." This, my
Lord, I humbly conceive, is the cafe not only of your Lord-
fliip^ but of every minifter's parifh in London, and every
bifhop's diccefe in England; and therefore as good is done, and
fouis are benefited, I hope your Lordlhip will not .regard a
L ?. littl*
little irregularity, fince at the worfl:, it is only the irregularity
of doing well. But (uppoCiiv^ this fhould not be admitted as
an excufe at other feafons, I would hope it will have its weight
at this critical juncture, wherein, if there were ten thoufand
found preachers, and each preacher had a thouland tongues,
they could not well be too frequently employed in calling
upon the inhabitants of Great- Britain to be upon their guard,
againft the cruel and malicious defigns of Francey oi Rome, and
of hell. After all, my Lord, if your Lordfliip will be pleafed
to apply to Mr. B himfclf, (who, I fuppofe, knows
where the place is regiftered) or if upon enquiry I (hall find,
that the lefTor hath no power to let it out, as I hate and abhor
every diflionourable a£lion, after my fetting out for Brijiol^
which I expetSt to do in a few days, I fhall decline preaching
in the chapel any more. But if the cafe fhould appear to be
otherwife, I hope your Lordfhip will not be angrv, if I perfift
in this, I truft not unpardonable, irregularity : for if I decline
preaching in every place, meerly becaufe the incumbent may
be unwilling I fhoulJ come into his parifn, I fear I mud
feldom or never preach at all ; and this, my Lord, cfpecially
at this juncture, when all our civil and religious liberties arc
as it were at ftalce, would to me be worfe than death itfelf.
I humbly afk pardon for detaining your Lordfhip fo long, but
being willing to give your Lordfhip all the fatisfaclion I polfi-
bly could, I have chofcn rather to fit up and deny myfelf pro-
per repofe, than to let your Lordfhip's candid letter lie by me
one moment longer than was abfolutely necelTary. I return
your Lordfliip a thoufand thanks for your favourable opinion
of me, and good wiflies, and begging the continuance of your
Lordfliip's blcffing, and earneftly praying, that whenever your
Lordfhip fhall be called hence, you may give up your account
with joy, 1 beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, my Lord,
Your Lordfliip's mofl dutiful fon and fervant,
C. JV,
To the Bijloop of B .
My Lord, Tabernacle- Hotife, Feb. 23, 1 756.
SINCE I had the honour of writing my laft letter to your
Lordftiip, I have made inquiry, and find that the certifi-
cate is in the hands of one Mr. Cuheriuelly with whom Mr.
Gardiner lodges. I think he told me, the place was licenfed
in the Commons, and as far as I can judge, Mr. Barnard's
committee do not intend to let the chapel go out of their hands.
As therefore, your Lordlhip would undoubtedly chufe that the
church liturgy fhould be read in it fometimes, rather than it
ftould be entirely made ufe of in a non-conformift way, I
hope your Lordfhip will not be offended, if I go on as ufual
after my return from Brijiol. I affure your Lordfhip, through
the divine bleffing, real good hath been done ; and therefore
I am forry to inform your Lordfhip, that notwithflanding the
admonitions I hear your Lordfhip hath given them, feme un-
happy perfons have flill endeavoured to diflurb us, by making
an odd kind of a noife in a neighbouring houfe. I hear that
fome of them belong to your Lordfliip's veflry, and therefore
wifh that your Lordfhip would fo far interpofe, as to order
them once more to flop their proceedings. But I only jufl
mention it, and fhall leave it to your Lordfhip's difcretion. I
can only entreat the continuance of your Lordfhip's bleffingj
and begging your Lordfhip's acceptance of a fhort addrefs I
am now publifhing, I haflen to fubfcribe myfelf, my Lord,
Your Lordfliip's moft dutiful fon and fervant,
G. IV.
To Mr. W .
My dear Friend, London^ March 1%, lyS^'
YESTERDAY I received your kind letter, and this
morning I fend you a few lines by way of Neiv-Tork.
May they find you and all my dear Bcjlon friends flrong, yea
very flrong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Every day do I make mention of them, and dear New-England^
in my fermons and prayers, Thoufands I trufl are uiterccding
L J fa
for you continually. Laft nioVit I preached upon Mofesh pray-
ing on the mount, vvhilft Jofhua fought againft Amalek in the
valley. 1 hope fome fpiritaal (hot went, after the fleet, that
we hear is gone, to America. What awaits us here at honie,
the Redcemer"onIy knows. We dcferve the greatcft fcourge,
but I truft we have too many praying people amongft us, to
have fuch a one as the threatened invafion, laid upon our
backs. — The event will prove. Bleflcd be God, for the efFedls
of the late Qarthquake, May they be jading"! no doubt they
•w\(\ be ijpon fome. The awakening at London continues, and
more miniftefs are coming out for the ever-blefled Jesus. Laft
Lord's day I opened my fpring campaign, by preaching thrice
in the fltlds to many thoufands in Gloucejlerfoire. O that I
may begin to begin to fpring for my God ! I truft you and
my (lather neyer to be forgotten friends will not fail to remem-
ber us here. Tliough at fuch a diftance, we can meet at th?
throne of gr?ce. Why does not dear Mr. 5 fend me one*''»ii
linei* I defire to be remembered in the kindeft manner to him,
and his, and all my dear, very dear friends. 1 can now add
po more, but hoping to have another opportunity, I beg
leave to fubfcribe myfclf, with tender afFcdtion to your whole
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To ihe Bijfnp of B .
My Lord y Tahernaclc-Houfey Mm-ch 2Qy 1756.
TO my great furprize, upon my coming up to town, I
found that the difturbances fo juftly complained of near
Long- Acre chapel, had been continued. On Thiirfciay even-
ing laft, when I preached th?re myftlf, they were rather in-
creafed. NotwithRanding fome of the windows were ftoppcd
up, to prevent in feme degree the congregations being difturb-
ed by the unhallowed noifc, yet large ftones were thrown in
at another window, and one young pcrfon fadly wounded.
This conftrains me to troubleyourLordfhip once more, and
to beg the favour of your Lordfhin fo far to intcrpofe, as to
doftre the perfons belonging to your Lordfhip's veftry, to de-
4ft from fuch irregular proceedings. For my own irregularity
in preaching, I am ready at any time to anfwer ; and was I
myfelf the only fufFerer, I fhould be entirely unconcerned
whatever perfonal ill treatment I might meet with in the way
of my duty. But to have the lives of his Majedy's loyal fub-
jecfts endangered, when they come peaceably to worfliip God,
and to pray for his long and profperous reign, is an irregu-
larity, which I am perfuadcd your Lordfnip will look upon
as unjuftifiable in the fight of God, and of every good man.
However, as a fubjccl to King George^ and a minifter of Jesus
Christ, I know your Lordfliip vvill allow, I have a rioht
to do myfelf juftice, and therefore, I hope, if the difturbances
be yet continued, your Lordfhip will not be ofFended, if I
lay a plain and fair narration of the whole affair, too-ether
with what hath pafTed between your LordiTiip and myfelf, be-
fore the world. I beg your Lordfhip not to look upon this
as a threatning, or as done with an intent to expofe ; I fcorn
any fuch mean procedure. But as providence feems to point
out fuch a method, I hope your Lordiliip will have no juft
reafon to cenfure me, if it be purfued by, my Lord,
Your Lordfliip's moft dutiful fon and fervant,
G. IV.
To Mr. .
Honoured Sir, London^ March 12, 1756.
THE long and intimate acquaintance I formerly had vi'ith
Mr. A^ and Lady Jane, would have induced me to
fend you the inclofed fome vt'ecks paft, as a mark of unfeigned
refpecl due to you for your perfonal worth and character;
but I heard, that both Lord M and yourfelf were out of
town : accept it therefore, honoured Sir, though late. I like-
wife want to confult you on account of a very indecent, and
I think illegal difturbance, that hath been made for many
weeks laft paft, whilft I have been preaching at Long-Acre
chapel. Several have been fadly wounded, and I fear the
fame fate awaits more, unlefs thofe that have hitherto difturb-
ed us, are fome way or other reftrained. Did I know when
it would fuit you, I would wait upon you in perfon, and ac-
quaint you with particulars. In the mean while, praying that
L ^ he,
he, who is the wonderful Counfellor, and who hath fo richly
furnifhed you with talents for your country's fervice, may more
and more improve you for fuch noble purpofcs, I beg leave to
fubfciibe myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your very humble fervant,
G. /r.
To the Uijijop of B .
London^ March 25, 1756,
I Heartily thank your Lornfhip for your kind acceptance of
my three fmall trails, ^nd my very long letter dated Fe^
])ruary 1 6th. — At the fame time, I acknowledge myfelf con-
cerned, that any thing I have written iince, fliould prevent
your Lordfhip's pointing out to me any miftakes, which I may
lie under in regard to the canons. God knows, if I do err,
it is for wa~nt of better information ; and therefore if your
Lordfhip will vouchfafe to favour me with the letter prepared
for that purpofe, it fhall be moft thankfully received, moft
impartially examined, moft explicitly replied to, but withal
never expofed to the view of the world. Your Lordfhip need-
ed not to inform me of the privilege of a Peer, to deter me
from publifliing your Lordfhip's letters without flrft afking
leave. I thank God, I have not fo learned Christ. By his
help, nothing fhall be done in that way, which is the leafl
inconfiftent with the ftridefl honour, juftice and fimplicity.
But I hope, if a public account of the repeated difturbances
at Long- Acre chapel fliould be rendered necefTary, your X-ord-
ihip v/ill not efteem it unreafoiiable in me, to inform the
world, what previous fteps were taken to prevent and flop
f' em. Surely fuch a fcene, at fuch a jumSluie, and under
fuch a government, as has been tranfiiiSled in your Lordfhip's
parifl), in the houle or yard of o.ne Mr. Cope^ who I hear is
your Lordfliip's overfeer, ever fmce Infl Twelfth -Day-, I believe
is not to be met with in EnghJ]) hiftory. Indeed, my Lord,
it is more than noife. It delerves no milder a name than prc-
rriedltated rioting. Drummers, foldiers, and many of the bafer
fort, have been hired by fubfcription. — A copper-furnace, bells,
diumSj glappcrsj marrow bones uaJ cleavers, and fuch like
Inftruments of reformation, have been provided for, and made
ufe of, by them repeatedly, from the moment I have begun
preaching, to the end of my fermon. By thefe horrid noifes,
many v/omen have been almoft frightened to death, and mob-
bers encouraged thereby to come and riot at the chapel door
during the time of divine fervice, and then infult and abufe
me and the congregation after it hath been over. Not content
with this, the chapel windows, while 1 have been preaching,
have repeatedly been broken by large (tones of almoit a pound
weight Cfome now lying by me) vihich though levelled at,
providentially mifTed me, but at thL lame time fadly wounded
Ibme of my hearers. Mr. C , one of your I^ordfi^ip's re-
lations, can acquaint your Lordfhip with many more particu-
lars, and if your Lordfhip would be fo good as only to ride to
Mr. C 's houfe, you would fee fuch a fcafFold (unlefs
taken down) and fuch coftly preparations for a noife upon it,
that muft make the ears of all that (hall hear it to tin<yle. In-
deed laft Tuefday night all was hulh'd, — and in order to throw
ofF all popular odium, I gave it as my opinion, that it was
owing to your Lordfhip's kind interpofition. One Mr. C
and one Mr. M- , I am informed, are parties greatly con-
cerned. I know them not, and I pray the Lord of all Lords
never to lay this ill and unmerited treatment to their charge.
If no more noife is made on their part, I afTure your Lordfliip
no further refentment fhall be made on mine. But if they
perfift, I have the authority of the Apoftle on a like occafion,
to appeal unto Cafar. — -And thanks be to God, we have a
Ctefar to appeal to, whofe laws will n't fufFer any of his loyal
fubjecSfs to be ufed in fuch an inhuman manner. I have only
one favour to beg of your Lordfhip, that ** you would fend
(as they are your Lordfliip's pariftiioners) to the above gentle-
men, and defire them henceforward to defift from fuch un-
chriftian (and efpecially at this critical jundlure) fuch riotous
and dangerous proceedings." Whether as a Chaplain to a moft
worthy Peerefs, a Prefbyter of the church of England^ and a
fteady difinterefted friend to our prefent happy conftitution, I
have not a right to a(k fuch a favour, I leave to your Lord-
fliip's mature deliberation. Henceforward, I hope no more
to trouble your Lordibip j but committing my caufe to him,
I70 •' Letters.
wbojudgeth rlghteoufly, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfclf, my
Your Lordfliip's mod dutiful fon and fervant,
G. TV.
To .
Gentlemen^ London^ Jpril i, T756.
YOUR obliging letter came to hand laft night. As my
influence I fear was but very fmall, it fcarce called for
fuch an acknowledgnient. 1 truft, my views to ferve my
God and my King are difintereftcd j and therefore 1 fhall al-
ways think it my duty \o efpoufe their caufe, vi'ho are firmly
united in the bonds of fricndfhip and fo.cial love, to defend the
proteftant intereft, and the glorious privileges we enjoy under
our dread and rightful foveieign King George. Such a un;or»
I take yours to be.-r-That you may therefore meet v ith fuc-
cefs on earth, and by an infinitely fuperior union (I mean that
of your fouls with God) be prepared for a never-ceafing union
with the fpirits of juft men made perfccl in heaven, is and fhall
te the hearty prayer of. Gentlemen,
Your obliged humble fervant,
G. /a;
To the Reverend Mr. B .
My dear Friend., London., April 1., iy^6.
NONE but he, u'hofe name and nature is love, can tell
what I felt at the receipt of your kind letter. O hov»r
did the welfare of dear never to be forgotten Nczu England, lie
upon my heart. How could I have wiftied for the wings of a:
dove to fiv thither ! The delightful interviews we have had
t02;ether, when in the confidence of fecial prayer we have laid
hold on God, can.e fo frcfli upon my mind, that I knew not
what to do. O come, Lord Jesus, come quickly, that
friendfhip begun on earth, may be confummatcd in the king-
dom of heaven ! He only knows, what awaits uS= here below,
before we arc called to live with him above. EnglaJid is now
equally threatened with America. Lc-t this be oar comfortj
*' the
" the Lord reigneth." Nothing can rob us of our Christ,
— let us help each other by mutual praj^er. Thoufands here
hold up their hands daily for you. I know you will gladly
return the favour. You would be pleafed to fee how eagerly
people attend the word. I think the awakening, and profoedt
of doing good in London^ is as great as ever. Satan hath ra'-^ed
at a place called Long-Jcre chapel, near the play-houfes, but
you know who hath promifed to bruife him under our feet.
Send me what good news you can from your fide the water,
and aflure all the followers of the Lamb of God, that they are
upon my poor heart night and day. How goes on vour fon
Daniel? May he greatly be beloved ! I could fill, yea more
than fill a fheet, but with great difficulty I write this. Adieu,
my dear friend, for the prefent, I Ihall never forget our laft
pleafant fhort journey. Surely our hearts burned within us,
yyhen we talked of Jesus in the way. I can no more.
Yours, ?cc.
G, n\
To the Honourable Hume C — — .
Honoured Sir, Canterbury, April c), 1 756.
YOUR kind behaviour when I had the pleafure of waiting
upon you, emboldens me to trouble you with the in-
clofed. It is the copy of an anonymous letter, that was fent
to my houfe on Tuejday laft, juft after I left town, and for-
warded hither to me by my wife the day following. As I am
fatisfied that the Lord reigneth, and that a fparrow doth not
fall to the ground without the knowledge of our heavenly Fa-
ther, its contents in refpeft to myfelf, I thank God, do not
much alarm me. But as others are concerned, and it is an
affair that hath reference to the welfare of civil government, I
■would beg the favour of your advice. Next Tuejday I expeiS
to return to London, and on JVednefday morning, purpofe, God
willing, to wait upon you in perfon. In the mean while, I
beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your moft obliged humble fervant.
171 L E T T E R &
To Lady H n.
Canterbury, Jpril lo, ^756'
Ever-honoured Madam,
THE letter on the other fide, was fent to me laft Tuejday.
By that, your Ladyfliip may fee to what an height the
oppofiticn hath rifen at Lcng-Acre\ indeed the noife hath been
infernal. P'or a night it was flopped, but I have rcafon to
think there was a fccret defign for my life; fome of my friends
were fadly ufed; they applied for warrants, and that occafioned
this letter. I have written to Mr. H C for advice.
May the wonderful Counfellor dirccl: me how to a6t ! Here,
all is peaceable. It is moft delightful to fee the foldiers flock
to hear the word ; officers likewife attend very orderly. On
Monday I return, God willing, to London. Lord Jesus, do
tbo.u prepare me for whatever thou hafl: prepared for me ! Baron
Munchaiifen hath been very kind in Long-Acre affair; I would
if poffible hufh all up, but I knov/ no other way but holding
my tongue. O this enmity of heart ! This is my comfort, —
" the Lord rcigneth." I hope to anfwer Mrs. G foon. At
prefenr, I have fcarce time to beg the connnuance of your
Ladyfhip's prayers, and to fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fcrvant, for Ckris'i's fake,
G. IV,
To Lady H n.
Evcr-hcnzivcd Madam, London, April i^, 1756.
SINCE my laft from Canterbury, I have received two more
letters of a like kind with the former. Before they came
to hand I was exccdingly comforted, from v/hence I inferred
a further ftor.Ti lav before me. My greateft diftrefs is, how to
a6t fo as to avoid rafhnefs on the one hand, and timidity on
the other. I have been introduced to the Earl of H f^,
who received me very courteoufly, and fcemed to make no
objc(f^ion againll ili'uing out a reward for the difcovery of the
letter-writer. Whether I had beft accept it, I know not.
Sir H C fays, it is not felony ; and he advifes me
by all means to put all concerned into the colirt o^ King's Bench,
The faifls are moft flagr-ant. Lord Jesus direct me for thy
mercy's fake I A man came up to me in the pulpit at the taber-
nacle } God knows, what was his defign : I fee no other way
for me to a6l, than either refblutely to perfift in preaching and
profecuting, or entirely to defift from preaching, which I think
would bring intolerable guilt u-pon fny foul, and give the ad-
verfary caufe to blafpheme. Bleiied be God, I am clear, quite
clear in the occafion of my futFering. It is for preachtrhg
Christ Jesus, and, for his great name's fake, loyalty t»
King George^ to whom under God I ewe the liberty of preach-
ing many years. Alas ! alas ! what a condition Would this
land be in, was the proteitant intereft not to prevail ? Glad
fhould I be to die by the hands of an aflafiin, if popery is to
get footing here. I fhall then be taken away from the evil to
come. I hope that your Ladyfnip, and the good Ladies with
you, will have hearts given you to pray for me, that, whether
by life or by death, Jesus may be glorified. Thanks be to
God, to me to live is Christ, and to die wrll be my gain.
He knows, that with fimplicity and godly fincerity, I have
endeavoured to promore in my feebk way his honour and
glory. I fhould be glad of a line of advice from your Lady-
fhip ; this is giving trouble I no way deferve, but as your
Ladyfhip is pleafed to honour me with your friendfhip, it will
be adding to the innumerable obligations already confer; ed
upon, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful,
obliged, and ready fervant,
G. fV,
To Mrs. G .
Dea7- Madam, London^ Afril 20, 1756.
IT hath given me concern, that I could not anfwer your
kind letter till now j but making a (hort excurfion abroad,
and fighting with a kind of beafts at home, hath prevented me.
I fancy that fomething we cannot fee is behind the curtain.
Satan feems to have overihot himfelf. O what a mercy is it,
7 dear
dear Madam, to be refcued from his flavery ! Nothing lefs
than an Ahnighty arm could bring about fuch a great falvation.
Its depths, its lengths, its breadths, who can fathom ? By be-
ing plunged into the firft, we ftretch and rife into the two
}aft. Our Saviour's death preceded his refurreclion, and his
■ rcfurredlion that of his glorious alccnhon into heaven. — So
muft we die, and rife, in order to afcend hereafter where he
is gone before. No matter if a fudden (Iroke opens the pafTage:
■God grant I may be always ready! I hope that you, dear
Madam, and the other ele£t Ladies, have hearts given you to
pray for me. Hitherto the Lord hath helped me. I thank
Mr. S- for his hint. If occafion requires, I (hall improve
it. O for a fteady difinterefted zeal for my God, my King,
and my country! Welcome death, when brought upon me in
defence of thefe. As I expe£l to be called away every moment,
I can only add, after fending my mod cordial and grateful
acknowledgments to the whole Clifton court, that I am, dear
Your moft obliged and ready fervant for Christ's fake^
G. JV.
ro Mrs. D ..
Dear Madajn^ London, Jpril 21, IJS^*
Have heard by feveral hands, that you are lately entered
into a new relation of life. Gratitude conftrains me to
wlfli you joy, and earneftly to pray, that you and Mr. D -
may live together as heirs of the grace of life, and bring forth
much fruit unto God in the dc'cline of age. This is a chang-
in<'- world ; but we are haftcning towards an unchangeable
ftate, where we fliall neither marry nor be given in marriage,
but be like unto the angels of GpD. For this I am waiting
day by day. Many fcem to be quickened in this work too ;
thou-^h at the other end of the town, amongft fome of the
popifh party, I have lately met with much oppofition. But
we know who hath promifed to tread Satan Paortly under our
feet. 1 hope this will lind you, my dear Madam, and my other
Charles Tcivn friends, going on from conquering to conquer.
1 do not, I cannot forget them. I fend them my moil cordial
lov€ and refpcas, and beg you and Mr. D to accept the
lame from, dear Madam,
Your mod affectionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. TF,
To Mrs. C .
London^ Wpril 21, IJS^'
Dear Mrs. C-
OUR laft kind letter is come to hand. — By that, I find
poor A^ P is engaged, and that fome good
friends in 'Carolina have been inftrumental in drawing him
from the care of a family, over which I thought divine pro-
vidence had made him overfeer, and Vv'here I imagined he in^
tended to have abode at leaft ■ for fome years. — I know not
what reafon I have given him, to fufpe£t my confidence was
weakened towards him. — I could do no more th^n truft him
with my all, and place him at the head of my affairs and fa-
mily without the Icaft check or controul Add to all thi?,
that nctwithftanding the difparity of age, I confented that he
fhould have my dear friend's fitter, with whom I thought he
mif^htlive moft ufefully and happily at Bethefda^Myou pleafed,
as lono- as you both (hould fojourn here below : and you
know what fatisfadion I expreffed when I took my leave.
But it feems my fcheme is difconcerted,' aiid niy family like
to be brought into confufion. — Alas, my dear Mrs. C ,
if this be the cafe, whom can I fend that I may hope will
continue difintcreJUd long? But you knovi^, this is pot the firft
time that I have been wounded in the houfe of my friends^
— Hov/ever, I truft the wound is not incurable.- — Till I can
procure a proper L^tin mafter, I fhould think Mr. Dixon^ &c.
mi<^ht do in the fchool, and if you think George Wbitefidd
would do for the houfe, he might be gradually bred up for
it. — If not, I fliall write to Mr. T and Edn of
Charks-Toim to get him a place there : upon the whole, I be-
lieve this would be bcft. 'Joj'eph P I dcfign for New-Jer-
J'y collecre, and fnall fend particular ordersconccrning him in
iny next by Cheffeman. — Your brothers are very fond of your
marriage with Mr D . I am quite free for it. — May
God blefs you both together ; I cannot think of parting with"
you for any body I know. — God blefs and dirtdi you to do his
will ! Never fear ; God will be Beihrfcla'a God. — He knows
the way that I take j when I iUrt tried I fliail come forth like
gold. — Will not Mr. D and yuu be a proper check upon
the overfeer ? As I think at the boLConi he is honelt, I can fcarce
provide myfeff with abetter. Gladly would I come over, but
at prefent it is impracticable. I muft throw my affairs into
the hands of my God and you. 1 pity thofe who without
caufe have troubled my envied camp. Well, my dear Mrs,
it——, let us remember, that though the bufh burr.cd it was
rot con/umed. And why ? becaufe the Lord was in the
midft of it. He hath fpoken to us many times out of the bufh,
and fo he will again. 1 know you muft have been in the fur-
nace ; but our afFeftions mufl be crucified, I pity Dr.
from the bottom of my heart. Never was I wrote to or ferved
fo by any from Beihcjda before. Lord Jesus, lay it not to
his charge ! Lord Jesus, fufFer us not to be led into tempta-
tion 1 I did not think to wiite fo much. I rather choofe to
ipread all before Bethefdas God. But you will not mifim-
prove it. By A'lacltllan I hope to hear more particulars. God'
willing, they fhall be anfwered. My wife will get you the
thino^s fent for. I have no thoughts at prefent of her ever
feeing the Orphan-houfe ugaln. BlcfTed be (jOD, we fhall ere
long fee heaven. Some antepafls of it we arc favoured with
daily. Though lately my life hath been threatened at the other
end of the town, Jesus can and will guard me. This even-
in<y I am to bury JVitterns mother: Ihe died triumphant.
Adieu for the prefent. God blefs you all. I am, dear Mrs.
C — ,
Your mofl af?^c6tionate, fympathizing friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
ro Mr. c .
My dear Mr, C , Lotidon^ Jpr'il 25, 1 756.
BY this time I thought to have been moving towards Brijh/f
but am detained in town, by endeavouring to put a ftop
to the dreadful uproar made at Long- Jin chapel. Such an in-
L E T f E R Si tff
JFernal continued noife, on fuch an occafion, at fuch a juhdlurej
Under fuch a government, I believe was never heard of beforej
To complete the fcene, 1 have had three anonymous letters
fent me, " threatening a certain^ fudden, and unavoidable
ftroke, unlefs I defift from preaching, and purfuing the offen-
ders by law." You have guefled at the quarter from whenc^
it comes. Blefled be God, it is for fpealcing in behalf of the
glorious Jesus, and our dread and rightful fovereign King
George and his government. Mr. S — • — hath been fo good
as to go with me to the Earl of H- 's, from whom I hope
this \Veelc fame redrefs will be obtained. On Tkurfday nextj
I am to wait upon his Excellency again. Mine eyes are Wait-
ing on the blefled Jesus, from whom all falvation muft come*
Ere long I hope to fhew you the letters ; they are indeed very
extraordinary. O the enmity of the heart I LorDj help Us \
What would become of us, if fome folks w^ere to have the up-
per hand ? Our caufe, in my opinion, is the caufe of God§
and the caufe of civil and religious liberty ; and if death itfelf
ihould be permitted to befall me for defending it, I hopej
through Christ ftrcngthening me, it would be gratefully re^
ceived by, my dear Sir,
Your mofl: obliged, afFecSliohate friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fakej
G. m
T(3 Lady H — -n,
Bver-honoiircd Mada?7i^ Londori, May 2, 1756*
VARIOUS have been my exercifes fince I wrote to yout
Ladyfhip laft. But I find, that out of the eater cometh
forth meat, and that all things happen for the furtherance of
the gofpel. I fuppofe your Ladyfhip hath feen his Majeily'3
promife of a pardon to any that will difcover the letter writer;
and this brings your Ladyfnip the further news of my having
taken a piece of ground very commodious to build on^ not far
from the Foundiing-Hofpital. On Sunday I opened the fub-
fcription. and through God's blefling^ it hath already amounted
to near fix hundred pounds. If he is pleafed to continue t6
ftnile upon my poor endeavours, aiid to open the hearts of
Vol. HI. M feme
fome more of his dear children to contribute, I hope in a few
months to have what hath been long wanted, — a place for the
gofpel at the other end of the town. This evening, God
willing, I venture once more to preach at Long-Acre, The
enemy beads that I am frightened away : but the triumph of
the wicked is {hort. Our people. Sir H C , Mr.
J14 , he. are all for bringing the rioters to the King's-
B-.-! ch, and perhaps upon the whole it may be beft. Lord
Jesus, diredt my goings in thy way! On Tuejday next I hope
to fet out for Wales. For indeed my body is weakened
through c:ue and watchfulnefs, a variety of exercifes, and want
of fleep. But the Redeemer's grace is all-fufficient. To his
tender and never-failing mercy do I mofc humbly commend
your Ladyfhip, and the other t\t€t Ladies, and beg a con-
tinued intereft \\\ their prayers. With repeated thanks for re-
peated favours ; I fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfnip's moil dutiful, obliged, and ready fervant,
G. W.
ro Mr. H .
My very dear Sir, BriJJol, Moy 20, 1756.
FOR fo I m^lt addrefs myfelf, having had you in a pecu-
liar manner upon my heart, ever fmce I faw and read a
letter that came from you fome months ago. It beipoke the
language of a heart devoted to the ever-loving, ever-lovely Je-
sus. Mrs. B confirmed me in this opinion yefterday,
alid withal told me, fhe believed you woula be glad of a line
from me, who am indeed lefs than the lead of all faints, but
willing, if I know any thing oi" my own heart, to fpend and
be fpent for the good of fouls. They are redeemed by the
blood of Jesus, whofc crofs, blefl'cd be his name, hath been
made delightful to me for fome years. I thank God that I
am call cut for my Mafler's fake. Indeed, my very dear Sir,
it is preferable to all other preferment whatfoevcr. It is the
way to the crown. Glory be to God, that there are fome
young champions coming forth : methinks I could now fing
my nunc d'tmitiis with triumphant joy. Though I decreafc,
may you, my very dear Sir, incrcafe. O that you m.ny be kept
from conferring with flefli and blood ! O that you may be
owned and blefTed of God ! I believe you will, and never
more fo than when you are reviled and defpifed by man. It
is a fatal miftake, to think we mufl keep our characters in
order to do good; this is called prudcjice; in moft, 1 fear, it
is trimviing. Honefty I find always to be the beft policy.
They who honour Jesus, he will honour. Even in this
world, if we confefs him, his tfuthj and his people, we fiiall
receive an hundred-fold. To lofe all in this refpe£t, is to
find all. But whither am I going? Excufe, my very dear
Sir, the overflowings of a heart, that loves you dearly for the
glorious Redeemer's fake. I am here preaching; his crofs, and
expecl to flay over Sunday. Next week 1 have thoughts of
being at Bath and IVeJlbury. I lead a pilgrim life. You will
pray that I may have a pilgrim heart. Ere long I hope my
heavenly Father will take me home. I am ambitious ; I want
to fit upon a throne. Jesus hath purchafed and provided a
throne and heaven for me. That you may have an exalted
place at his right hand, is and (hall be the earnefl: prayer of,
reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moil afieclionately in our corhmon Lord,
To Mr. B .
My dear Mr. B , BriftolyMay 2 1, 1756.
THE firft part of your letter made me fm\le : for v/hat ?
Becaufe I was glad to find you had fuch an enlp.rged
hearty and at the fame time imagined, that I could bui'd two
houfes at a time. If the top-ilone of one is brought forth, I
fhall think we have reafon to fnout unto it, Grace ! grace \
This I hope will be the happy lot of you and your young fel-
low-foluiersj in rcfpecl to your fplrituat building. Rememberj
war is proclaim.ed ; the fwcrd is unfheathed ; the d^viL the
world, and the fiefli v.-ill difputc every inch of ground, ar;<l
yoii muil fight or die. Angels (land by to fee the combat,
and Jesus frauds ready to make you more than conquerors
through his love. Provoke then one another, but let it be to
love and to good works. Take heed of -a trifling fpirit when
M ^ togethef*
together. It will hurt you, and by degrees rob you of true
and holy joy. I thank you for remembering unworthy me.
I am called to travel, you to trade for Jesus. Laft week, I
truft, was a good week. The Lord of the harveft is pleafed
to fmile upon us here. I hope to be in town at 'be appointed
time. I hope that dear Mr. "J profpers eveiy day. Pray
remember me to him, and your fmgle circle, in the mod ten-
der manner, and believe me to be, my dear Sir,
Your affedlionate friend and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
To Mr. J R .
My dear Sir, BriJIoI, May 21, 1756.
THIS morning, (which is the firft Icifure time I have had
fincc my leaving town) looking over my letters, I found
one from you, who I fuppofe to be the perfon whom I have
taken notice of at Long-Acre chapel. As your behaviour there,
and your letter before me, befpeak you to be in earneft about
vour foul, you will be quite welcome to come to my houfe ;
and if God fliould vouchfafe to blefs any thing that I may
drop for the furtherance of your faith, to him and him alone
be all the glory. 1 defire to blefs him for what he hath al-
ready done. O amazing mercy ! to be tranflated from the
kingdom of darknefs into the kingdom of God's dear Son ;
to be brought from the fwine's trough to feed upon the fatted
calf; what a heaven upon earth is this 1 Be not difcouraged,
thouc-h you are obliged to fight every inch of your way.
Jesus will pray for you, and your faith fhall not fail. He
can and will enable you to overcome yourfelf and the world.
To his never-failing mercy do I mod: earncftly commit you,
as being, for his great name''S fake.
Your friend and fervant,
G. ly.
To the Reverend Mr. V .
London, June 4, 1756.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
GLAD, yea very glad was I to hear by Mr. J , that
you grew better and better every day. Surely your late
fickncfs was only to purge you, that you n:iight bring forth
more fruit unto God. Such trying and threatening difpenfa-
tioiis are glorious prefages of future ufefulnefs. It is in the
furnace, that both our gifts and graces are purified and
increafed. How gradually doth our great, compailionate, and
all-wife H'gh-prieft train up his chofen ones for the fervices
appointed to them ! Happy they that can eye his providence?,
and with a difinterefted fpirit be ready to follow the Lamb
whitherfoever he is pleafed to lead them.
through winds and clouds and JiormSy
He gently clears our way j
IVait we his time, fo /hall each night
Be turn'd to joyous day.
I rejoice In the profpe£l of your coming forth like gold that Is
tried. May you increafe though I decreafe ! Juftly might
my Mafter throw me afiue j but he is patient and long-fufFer-
ing, and will fend by whom he will fend. Since we parted, I
have been led to feveral new places. Travelling and preach-
ing thrice a day was made delightful. Blefled be God for
my airy pluralities ! O what am I, Lord, that I (hould be
fent into the highways and hedges !
Jll hail reproach, and welcome pain.
Only thy terrors. Lord, rejirain !
Thefe I cannot bear. A Father's, a Saviour's frowns are In-
tolerable. But what am I doing ? Excufe this freedom, be-
caufe it flows from love. How does dear Mr. D ? How
are the eleil Ladies ? If poflible I fhall write to-night ; if
not, very foon. I am glad Mifs G — — is in fuch a promifing
way. She nor any of our honoured friends are forgotten in
my poor prayers. If I fhould be prevented from writing, be
M 3 pleafed
pleafcd to prefent my moft dutiful rcfpcc^s, and accept moft
.cordial love and lalutations from, my very dear Sir,
Yours nioft afteiStionaicly in our common Lord,
G. W.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madani, London^ 'June \^ '75^-
MAN appoints, but God difappoints. In hopes of fee-
ing your Ladyfliip, 1 haftcned Xo Br'ftoU but found
your Ladyfhip had been la Londoji whilft I was there. Sorry
was I for the occafion of your Ladyfliip's journey, and yet
glad to hear that Mafter // was fo well recovered. At
Brifiol the Redeemer caufed us to triumph, and likewife in
GlouceJlcrfl)ire, at Bradford, Frame, Warminjler, and at Portf-
mouth, whither I have been thefe three weeks laft paft. I am
now come up for about ten days to keep Pentecoft ; I truft it
will be a Pentecofl: to many fouls at Long-Jcre, Blcfied be
God, a new building is now erecting at Tottenham- Court Road :
Mr. J promifes to alTift me. We have confulttd the
Commons, about putting it under your Ladyfhip's protection.
This is the anfwcr : *' No nobleman can licence a chapel, or
in any manner have one put in his dwelling houfe; that the
tbapel mu'fl be a private one, and not with doors to the fircct
for any' perfcns to refort to at plcilfure;, for then it becomes a
public one; that a chapel' cannot be built and ufed as fucb,
without the confent-of the parfcn of the parifli, and when it
is done with his confent, tio minifter can preach therein,
without licence of the Bifhop of the diocefe." There fecms
then to be but one way, — to licence it as our other houfes
are : and thanks be to Jesus for that liberty vi^hich we have.
O that I could begin to 'work while it is day. My God I
half the year gone, and fo little, yea very little done for thee!
Ihave need of being purged, .that I may at length bring forth
fomefruit unto GoDf Glory be to his great name, he doth
not -fay, S' Let him alone." Outward i'.nd inward trials fre-
quently tiirr:ound me; but, 'b)'^the help of my 'God, I (half
leap over eyery .wall. • 1 know your Ladyfliip will not forget
to pray for m.e. My poor prayers are alwiiys oficrcd up for
I- . 4 your
your Lady{hip and honoured family. That is the only pepper-
corn of acknowledgment that can be made hy, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fcrvant for Christ's fake,
G. W,
ro Mr. G .
My very dear Friend, London, June lO, lyS^-
WHAT fhull I fay ? Had I wings, how gladly would
I flv to my dear America ? But alas ! the glittering
fword is now unrneaihed, and I fear it would not be proper
for me to crofs the water now. However, all the p.o.Mnces
are continually upon my heart: night and day do I remember
them before God. Satan hath been angry with me for ap-
pearing for my Jesus, my King, and my country. If you
cxamme the Gazette for the latter end o^ April, o. begmmng
of il^.^, you will fee what it hath produced. My hfe hath
been threatened, but we are immortal till our work .s done.
A new building is now ereding at the other end of the town
the top-ftone of which, I truft, will be brought forth wuh
fhoutings, and we fhall cry Grace ! grace I People are rather
more ea-.er than ever to hear the word. I remark what you
Aiy aboSt Georgia, and fliall talk with Mr. D ^ he
aood Lord Jesus direct you in every ftep ! What if you
went and lived at Bethefda, and took all my outward atta.rs
upon your hands, and furniPacd the family with all it wanted.
Glad fhould I be of fuch a fteward, and of fuch a Oeward s
wife as I know dear Mrs. G would prove. Poor P-
hath ferved me as others before him have done. God keep
us from that profperity which deftroyeth ! In all time of our
wealth, good Lord deliver us ! Let me hear from you con-
cerning Bethefda, Watch and pray. 1 fend moft cordial re-
fpeas to you and yours, and all dear friends that are fo kind
to enquire after, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afteaionately in our common Lord,
G. W.
M 4
i84 letters;
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam., London., .7^"^^ 10> 1 75^'
BE IN^ juft come ofF the bed, where I have been Iweat-.
ifi^ for a cold and cholic that had ftized me this day, I
inct with your Ladyfhip's very kind and rpndefcendmg letter.
J fee your Ladyfhip is touched in a very tender point : gene-
rous minds are always thus affected, when a friend is abufed.
But I find more and more, honoured Madam, that our owrv
mother's children will be permitted to be angry with one.
The contradiction of faints, is more trying than that of fm-
jiers :-^-but it is all to teach us to ceafe from man, and wrap
ourfelves in Him, in whom alone dwells confummate perfec-
tion, That I might fay, " fome of Mr, L 's principles,
3n my opinion, are wrong," I do not deny; but that I put
Mr. [V y upon writing, or had any active hand in his
pamphlet, is utterly falle. I think it is a moft ungcntleinan-
like, injudicious, unchriflian piece. However, Mr. L •
knows too much of the divine life, not to fee fome call even
ii\ this crofs ; and I hope your Ladyfhip will not fuffcr it to
burden your mind any longer. Satan wants to difturb your
Ladyfhip's repofe. Ere long, blefTed be the glorious Emmunuel^
he will be bruifed under our feet. This laft week I have had
fome refpite from his artful and perplexing fuggcflions, and
have been enabled to ride upon my high places. My prefent
work at London feems to be over, and Monday or Tuefday next,
God willing, I hope to fet out for Brijiol., where I purpofe
preachirg next Thurfday. If divine Providence fhould not direct
your Lad)Ihip thither, I have thought of coming through
J^e'itiflerjhi' Cy in my way to Scotland. This circuit, I hope,
will bi a three months circuit. The profpeft in London is
very prom fing. Every day we hear of frefh conquefts. Tq
thee, and thee alone, moll adorable Redeemer, be all the glory !
Want of ftiength forbids my enlarging. O this vile body !
purely our {leafure is in earthly veflels. When it is break-
ing to pieces, an<l the rattles are in my throat, I hope with my
Jj^ieft breach to acknowledge the innumerable unmerited fa-
vours which have been conferred by your Ladyfhip on, ever-
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfnip's moft dutiful, obh'ged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , London, June 21, 1 756.
NOTHING concerns me in your laft letter, but your
having the ieaft fufpicion that I was not pleafed with
your conduit, or was not fatisfied with your being at Bethefda.
I know of no perfon in the world that I v/ould prefer to you,
neither had I ever one thought to the contrary. I think my-
felf happy in having fuch a mother for the poor children, and
am peifuaded God will blefs and own you more and more.
I pity poor Mr. P , but doubt not of Bethefda s being weM
fupplied. I think if Mr. R manages outward things,
and Mr. D takes the accounts, and keeps to the children,
affairs may be managed very well. I care not how much the
family is lefTened, As it is a time of war, this may be done
with great propriety, and then the plantation will have time to
grow. J H y writes that you ufe him quite well,
and feems very contented. Never fear, my dear Mrs. C ■
Jesus will ftand by a difmterefted caufe. I have aimed at
nothing in founding Bethefda, but his glory and the o-ood of
my country. Let Lots then chufe the plah:, God will be
Abrahams' Ihield and exceeding great reward. All is well
that ends well. Faith and patience muft be exercifed by
means of friends as well as by foes. I hear that my nephewr
is married. Alas, what a changing world do we live in !
Blefled be God for an unchangeable Christ ! Amidft all,
this is my comfort, his word runs and is glorified. A nevjr
buildmg is now ereding at the other end of the town, and
many fouls, I truft, are daily built up in their moft holy faith.
To-morrow, God willing, I fet out upon a long range. Fain
would I have all concerned with me to be happy. Juft now
Mrs. F hath determined to come over and marry H .
J have advifed her to go with M j and told her fhe ihould
be welcome to my houfe till fhe goes to CarcliKa. I know
you will receive her kindly. It is her own choice, and there-
fcre fhe muft look, to the confequences. The Lord give us
all a right judgment in all things. Near this time, I fuppofe,
you know my mind about Mr. D . I have no objedlion,
and your brothers are quite fond of the match. Perhaps, take
all too^ether, it may be more agreeable than the other. We
fcldom choofe well, when we choofe for ourfelves. God's
thouo-hts are not as our thoughts. Take courage, my dear
yixs. C ; Bethefda's welfare doth not depend on a fingle
perfon. God will provide : I think he hath already. I care
not if all the boarders were gone. Mr. R and D
and you are htzxty. Enough, enough ! God will blefs and
profper you. 1 am more than contented. My blcfiing to all
the children. That the God of all grace and mercy may fill
you with all his fulnefs, is the earneft prayer of, dear Mrs.
c ,
Your very affef^ionate, fmcere friend, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. D .
My dear Mr. D , London^ July lo, 1756.
YOUR letter gave me fatisfadtion. I read it on our Let-
ter-day, and you and the reft of my dear family had
many prayers put up for you. May they enter into the ears of
the Lord of Sabaoth ! Ere now, 1 hope you have agreed
upon what plan to a(5t. I (hall fend no one over. As I would
have the family leflcned as much as pofliblc, you that are left
upon the fpot will be fufHcient. Debts may then be paid, and
the plantation brought into good order, by the time Pro-;idcnce
opens a door for my feeing America again. What think you
of y P .? If not truly ferious, I would not have
bim fcnt to the college. Lord Jesus, do thou (hew all con-
cerned, what thou wouldft have them to do ! Surely Bethefda
will be a houfe of mercy iVill. GoD blefles my feeble labours
kere. Laft night I came from Brijiol. There the word ran
and was glorified. In a few days 1 fet out for Scotland. God
continue my moving life, till I am moved at laft to glory I
Continue to pray for me, and aflure yourfelf of jiot being for-
gotten by, my very dear Mr. D »
Yours moft affeclionately, &:c.
G. W.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam^ London, July 17, 1756.
YOUR Ladyfhip's kind letter found mejuft returned from
BriJ}ol, and juft fetting out for Maidjione and Chatham^
Vvhere I have been to preach the gofpel, and to vifit a poor
murderer. I hope that my poor feeble labours were not alto-
gether in vain in the Lord. A divine influence accompanies
the word preached here, and I am now preparing for my
northern expedition. If your Ladyfhip removes not from
Donnington foon, perhaps I may have the honour of waiting
upon your Ladyfliip there. My motions muft be very quick,
bccaufe I would haften to Scotland as faft as pollible, to have
more time at my return. Eternity ! eternity ! O how do I
long for thee ! But alas, how often muft we be like pelicans
in the wildernefs, before we arrive there ? Solitarinefs pre-
pares for the focial life, and the focial life for folitarinefs again.
Thus doth an all-wife Redeemer fet one over againft another.
Jesus is the alone center of peace and comfort in either fitua-
tion. Your Ladyfhip knows this by happy experience. Per-
haps our confolations come fweeteft, when immediately derived
from the fountain head. Springs fail, the fountain never can
nor will. That your Ladyfhip may every moment be refrcfhed
\vith its living waters, is and fhall be the earneft prayer of,
ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant,
G. W.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , JJllngton, July 27, 1 756.
SINCE my laft, which I believe is not yet gone, I have
given an order to have Mr. R 's children delivered
to him or his mother, or whomfoever they (hall appoint : and
pray leflen the family as much as pollible. I v/ilh 1 had no'
in the houic, but what were proper crpbans. The plantat;':-
would then fuffice for its fupport, and debts be paid : bi^i
we muft buy our experience. Troubles feem "o beft-i us
here: but we are all fecure in God, even in a God in
Christ. His gofpel flouriflies in London. 1 am juft returned
fiom preaching it at Shecrmfs^ Chathan . .md in the camp.
This afternoon or to-morrow I fet off for Scotland. I can only
add, that with continual prayers for you/ temporal and ipir^-
tual welfare, I am, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft affectionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervan". iv)r CjiRJSx's fake,
G. IV,
P. S. Pvly hearty love to all. The Lord be with you !
Amtn^ and Amen !
To Mr. Z .
Sunderland, Augujl 14, 1756.
Honoured and very dear Siry
HOW fwifily doth my precious time fly away ! It is now
a fortnight fince I came to Leeds in Yorkjhire, where the
gofpel had indeed free courfe, did run, and was glorified. On
the Sunday evening, a few hours after my arrival, many thou-
fands were gathered in the fields, to whom, I truft, Jesus
enibled me to fpeak with fome degree of power. The follow-
ing week I preached in and about Leeds^ thrice almofl: every
day, to thronged and affcdted auditories ; and on Sunday laft
the fields were indeed white ready unto harvell. At Bradford^
about feven in the moining, the auditory confifted of about
ten thoufand ; at noon, and in the evening at BurJiaU^ to near
double the number. Though hoarfe, the Redeemer helped
me to fpeak, fo that all heard. Upon every account it was ;i
hic-h-day. In the evening feveral hundreds of us rode about
eight' miles, finging and praifing God. Indeed it was a night
much to be remembered. The next morning I took a forrow-
ful leave of Leeds^ preached at Tadcajier at noon, and at York
the fame night. God was with us. On Tuefday I preached
twice at York (delightful feafons !) ; on Wednejday at Warjiall^
about fifty miles off; on Thurfday twice at Yann^ and laft
night and this morning here. All the way I have heard of a
great concern fince I was in thefe parts laft year, and of many
glorious trophies of the power of redeeming love. In heaven,
honoured Sir, you will know all. There I Tnall throw my
crown before the Lamb, and there you (hall be rewarded for
ftrengthening the hands of the moft unworthy creature that
ever was employed by God. After fpending my fabbath here,
and vifiting Shields^ Newcajiky and fome adjacent places, I
purpofe to go on to Scotland. From thence I hope to have
the honour of writing to you again. This is the firft time I
have had a proper opportunity of refrefliing myfelf in that
way. Praying that you may increafe with all the increafe of
God, and begging your acceptance of repeated thanks for re-
peated unmerited favours, I fubfcribe myfelf, honoured and
very dear Sir,
Your moft dutiful, though moft unworthy fon
in the glorious gofpej,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friendy Edlnburghy Sept. g, 1 756.
GLAD, yea very glad fhould I have been to have waited
upon you at C-- . But it feems it was not to be.
However, if I fhould return from GJafgoiVy God willing, I
ihall call upon you ; if not, in heaven, in heaven we fliall
meet. God be with you and yours ! I am juft going off,
O thefe partings ! they are cutting. I truft Jesus hath
been walking amidft the golden candlefticks. You will
hear particulars from others. I have only time to beg the
continuance of your prayers, and with hearty love to your
yoke-fellow, Mr. C , and bis fpoufe, to fubfcribe myfelf,
my very dear friend.
Yours moll: aftcclionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Edinburgh, Sept. 21, 1 756.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
I'hank you mod: heartily for your kind letter, and for al]
other tokens of your regard and love. I can only fend
you a pcpper-ccrn of acknowledgment. My Mafter, my
Jong-fuPf'ering, ever-loving, cver-lovcly Mafter, will pay you
all. I hope he hath directed my fleps. On Saturday I re-
ceived a meff.ige from our new Governor of Georgia, defiring
to fee and convcrfe with me, before he embarks. This could
not have been done, if I had went to Ireland now. Our Lord
orders all things well. O remember me before his throne.
To-morrow I leave Edinburgh. Your lettei* fhall be delivered
to Mr. R . Be pleafed to give the inclofed to Mr. Scot, to
put in his Phil.'idelphia- Packet . I am bufy, and yet, alas ! I do
nothing. Impreflions feem to be promifing here. Lord,
v/hat am I .'' lefsthan the leaft of all, but for Christ's fake,
my very dear friend,
Yours indiflblubly in the befl bonds,
G. IF.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Aiadam, L'-jtidoriy Ocl. 27, 1756.
HO P ING that they would find your Ladyfliip at Bnjh/,
I wrote a few lines not long ago from Leeds. Since
that I have been in honefl: Mr. G ■ and Mr, J 's
round, preaching upon the mountains to many thoufands.
One that was awakened three years ago, is gone to heaven,
and defired to be buried upon the fpot where fne was awakened.
The facramcnt at Mr. G 's was moft awful, and the
JFekh night at Leeds exceeding folemn. 1 would have conti-
nued my circuit, but found that preaching fo frequently in
thofe cold countries, was bringing on my laft year's diforder.
Beino- therefore grown very prudent, I am come to open our
new chapel in TottenhatJi-Court Road, and in my poor way to
recommend the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus. Lord, what
am I, that thou Ihouldeft fuffer me to put a pin in thy taber-
nacle ! O for grace to ftand in a trying hour. Something
very extraordinary lies before us : " Prepare to meet thy God,'*
feems now to be the call to all. Bleflcd be God, his Spirit
hath not done ftriving for us. This, I hope, is a token for
good. Never did I know the fields more ready unto harveft,
than I have feen them in the North. May I wi(h your Lady-
fhip joy of what hath happened at the other end of the town.
May his Lordfliip be made a long and public bleiTing to this
finful nation ! If the other ele6t Ladies are all at Clifton court,
I wifh you all the bieffings of the everlafting gofpel. Though
utterly unworthy of fuch an honour, offering my poor pepper-
corn of acknowledgment for all your Ladyfhip's unmerited
kindnelies, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfeif, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's mod dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G, JV.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , London, Oa. 30, 1756.
Can only drop you a few lines. I am jufl: returned from
a thoufand miles northern circuit, and Mr. Graham is juft
a croinc^. All your relations are well. The fields have been
white ready unto harveft. In about a w-ek, a new building
at the other end of the tov.'n is to be opened. I expect to fee
your new Governor every moment. By his fhip I hope to
fend letters to you all. May God blefs and profper you !
y II 's relations are well. You will give him all
the encouragement you can. I am ftill for lefiening the fa-
mily as much as pofTible. My wife wrote lately. I hav«
fcarce time to fublcribe myfelf, dear Mrs, C ,
Your moft afFe6lionate, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Alderman H .
My dear Friend^ London, Nov. 6, IJS^-
I Am glad you got no more hurt by your late fall from youf
horfe. May the Lord Jesus v/rite the laws of gratitude
upon all our hearts! I wiih my brother's fi.knefs may be
fanctified to his better part. I know not the cafe of the poor
weavers : I do not love to fifh in troubled waters, and yet I
fear more and more troubles await us both at home and abroad.
O that the walls and ftreet of the Ne-w "Jcrufalem^ may be built
in troublefome times ! He hath faid it, who is alfo able to
perform it. I wifti I may begin to begin to build in earneft.
Do pray for me : I (hall never forget you or yours. May this
find you on the full ftretch for Jesus ! He was ftretched
upon the crofs for you and me. Amazing love ! Adieu. I
muft away. Btg Mr. B to write if my brother grows
worfe. I will anfwer him as foon as poflible; but whilft my
cold continues, 1 cannot expciSh to fee you at Gloucejier. O
for a warm heaven ! there you will know how much I am,
my very dear Friend,
Yours in our common Lord,
To Mr. D .
My dear Mr. D , London, Nov. 12, I756.
I Have juft been with your new Governor, who fets out to-
morrow. May the Lord of all lords make him a blef-
fmg ! Upon the receipt of this, do you wait upon his Ex-
cellcncv, and give Him, and uhsm he pie of es to bring -with hi'n^
an invitation to Bethejda. I know dea Mrs. C will
make proper provifion. I have had no leLters for a long fcafon,
I I have
LETTER S. t^^^
1 have only time to inform you, that we have jufi: opened a
new chapel at Tottenham-Court Road, and that I truft the Re-
deemer's glory filled it laft Sunday^^ Have you perfons enough
to exercife before the Governor ? Can they receive him under
arrhs ? That the Captain of our falvation may make them
all good foldiers for himfelf, is the earneft prayer of, my dear
Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. W.
To Lady .
Honoured Madam^ London, Nov. 17, 1 756*
AS I thought it would give your Ladyfliip fatisfa6tion, I
herein inclofe the copies, of two letters fent from the
<;ondemned youth, in whofe behalf your Ladyfhip hath inter-
pofed. May the Redeemer crown your endeavours with fuccefs !
Blefled be his name, we hear of daily inftances of his grace !
At LoTig-Jcre indeed the word ran, and at Tottenham-Court
chapel v^e have had fome glorious earnefts of future bleflings.
Providence, I doubt not, will enable us to pray for it. My
conftant work now is, preaching about fifteen times a week.
This, with a vi^eak appetite, want of reft, and much care lying
upon my mind, enfeebles my too, too feeble nature. But the
joy of the Lord is my ftrength. And my greateft grief is,
that I can do no more for Him, who hath done and luftercd
fo much for me, I thank your Ladyfhip for your kind letter
and good wifhes. Indeed, honoured Madam, you are always
remembered at the throne of grace. That your Ladyfliip's
foul may always profper, and that you may increafe with all
the increafe of GoD, is and fhall be the earneft prajcr of,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moll dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G jr.
Vol. m. N LETTER
To Mr. H y.
My very dear Friend, London, Dec. 9, 1756.
AS 'I' night Mr. Al informed me, that Mr. C-
T -
1 J fnewed hicn a pamphlet, wrote on purpofe to prove the
fundamental errors of my printed fermons, and that you had
offered to preface it, but he chofe you fhould not. That this
is true, 1 as much believe, as that I am now at Rome. But
1 wifli that my very dear friend may not repent his conncvflion
and correfpondence with fome, when it is too late. This is
my comfort, I have delivered my foul. Mr. R hath been
fo kind as to fend me the two volumes of Jeriks's A^editalions,
and defires me to annex my recommendation to yours. I have
anfwered, that it will not be prudent or beneficial to him fo to
do. I fear they are too large to go ofF. I hope that my dear
friend profpers both in foul and body. ConvidVioii and oon-
verfion work go on here. Lord keep us from tares ! All is
•wcW at Clapha?rj ; I have expounded there twice. God hath
met us at our new building. I know that you will pray, it
may be full of new creatures. My mort cordial refpc^h await
your mother and fifter; my wife joins. With great haftc, buc
much greater love, I fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend,
Yours moft aitcflionatcly in our common Lord,
G. IF.
To Mr. Jaron B .
My very d^or Friend, London, Dec. 9, 1756.
AS I am informed the Phibdclphln packet fails this day, I
cannot omit acknowledging the receipt of Mr. P 's
paper : the duplicates came to hand before. A memorial is
drawn up by proper pcrfons, and application is to be made for
a charter. As yet, every thing promifes well. This morning
I am going to fend P 's writing to thofe, who I believe
will put it into his Majefly's hands. The letters mentioned
by Mr. B , about purchafing the land for the Indians, I
did not receive, but I fliall take the hint in the laft, and do
what I can. Alas ! that is buc little. Some books fiiall be
I'c cured
fecurcd for yohn , and fome bibles, &c. for the Indian
fchool. I wifh John of Long-IJland was here, efpeci-
ally if he can preach, and could be fpared from his miffion for
a few months, and his paflage paid. I would pay his pafTage
back a^ain, and I hope get fomething for that which you
have in view. At the enfuing faft, if pra£licable, I intend
making a colledion. Night and day, our hands are lifted
up for dear America. 1 fear we are to be brought into far
o-reater extremity, both at home and abroad, ere deh'verance
comes. The Lord reigneth, and blefled be the God of our
falvation. I am forry you have not your degree, it is ready,
if teftimonials were fent from thofe that know you. This not
being done, it looks as though the character given you on this
fide the water, was not juftly founded. The Lord Jesus
dire£t and blefs you ! I wifti you would write oftener. How
glad would I be to fee America^ but my way is hedged up.
We have juft opened a new chapel at the other end of the
town, and the awakening both in town and country continues.
We have many pleafing accounts from various quarters, and
more minifters are coming out to preach the gofpel. This is
refrefhing. How does the worthy Governor ? I cannot write
now, but I pray. Dear Captain G is gone : O that my
turn was come! Jesus is kind. I am ftrengthened to preach
fourteen times a wt-ek, and I trull it is not in vain. You have
work enough. That the giver of all ftrength may fupporc
and fucceed you more and more, is the earneft prayer of, dear
Yours moft afFe£tionately in our glorious Head,
G. n\
To Mrs. G
Dear Madam^ London, Dec. 15, T756.
WHAT a prayer-hearing, promife-keeping God do we
ferve ! O that I had a heart to blefs and praife him !
Your kind and opportune contribution for the new chapel,
ftrengthened my faith, and encouraged me (in fpite of the
oppofition of fome narrow hearts) to go forwards with it, till
it is com pleated. Surely the work is of God. Laft Simday
there was a wonderful ftirring amongft the dry bones j fome
N 2 6'e-t
ig6 LETTER S.-
great people came, and begged they might have a conflant
feat. An earned this, I believe, of more good things to come.
To me, dear Madam, it is the mofl: promifing work the Re-
deemer ever vouchfafed to employ me in. Lord, what am I ?
Help me, glorious Emmanuel^ to abhor myfelf in duft and afties !
He will blcfs you, dear Madam, for what you have done. O
that I had a thoufand lives to employ in his fervice ! I am
much obliged to dear Mrs. B . Neither {he nor you will
have reafon to repent your zeal on this occafton. It will be
much for the Mediator's glory, and the welfare, I hope, of
thoufands of fouls, to have every thing honourably difcharged,
I know I fhall have your prayers, dear Madam, and I am fure
you have mine. O that you may know in whom you have
believed ! Come, dear Madam, be not difcouraged; you know
who hath faid, *' then fliall ye know, if ye follow on to knovir
the Lord." I could enlarge, but it is near fix in the morn-
ing, and I muft away to preach. O that my blcflcd Mafter
may never turn me out of that divine employ ! I hope my moft
grateful refpeds and acknowledgments will find acceptance
with dear Mrs, B j and your acceptance of the fame will
add to the obligations already laid on, dear Madam,
Your moft ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. /r.
To Mrs. B .
Dea7- A4ad(im^ Loiidon^ Dec. '^O, 1756.
GRATITUDE conftrains me to fend you a few lines.
They inform you, that God is doing wonders at the
new chapel. Hundreds went away laft Su7tday morning that
could not come in. On Chrijlmas-Day^ and laft Tucfday night
(the firft time of burning candles) the power of the Lord
was prcfent, both to wound and to heal. A neighbouring
Doilor hath baptized the place, calling it " JVhiUjicld' s S!>ul-
trap." — Juft now the following letter came to hand.
Revet efid Sir,
A Thought came into my mind laft Sunday morning, fo^
go to hear you at the new tabernacle, and to fee what
ibrt of a place it was, Jn one part of your difcourfj my heart
5 trembled,
tfembled, and the terrors of the Lord came upon me. I then
concluded, that I muft prepare for hell, and that there was no
hope of falvation for me. I take this method, being aflured
that you will excufe the liberty I take to alk you one qucftion,
How I can be convinced that my paft fins are to be forgiven ?
And O, what muft I do to be faved ! My fins are innumera-
ble. God is juft. I cannot think that I have any intereft
in the Redeemer's blood. My foul is full of grief. I muft
conclude. Dear Sir, favour me with a line, which will be
greatly acknowledged by.
Your friend,
I have anfwered my new friend, and pray the friend of fin-
ners to make the chapel 2i foul-trap indeed, to many wandering
creatures. Abundance round about, I hear are much ftruck.
O for humility I O for gratitude ! O for faith ! Wherefore
Ihould I doubt ? — Surely Jesus will carry me through, and
help me to pay the workmen. Accept repeated thanks for the
help afforded by your dear Ladies, and depend on having the
poor prayers of, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant,
for Christ's fake,
G. IV,
To the Reverend Mr. M .
Reverend arid diar Sir, London, "Jan. i^, ^ISl*
JUST now I received and read your kind letter, ajid hope,
God willing, on Friday, to have the pleafure of a per-
fonal interview. May our common Lord fandify it to our
mutual edification ! Glad fliould I have been to have known
you before. I love the Hanoverians, becaufe I think they
love, and would prove faithful to our dear King George^ \
am forry for the treatment they have met with, but it is not
our province to meddle with politics. Blefled be God for a
kingdom that is not of this world, which can never be re-
moved, or fo much as fhaken.
N 3 mfi
Bleji is faith that trujis Christ's power,
Bleji are faints that %uait his hour ;
Hajle^ great conqueror, bring it near'.
Let the glorious clofe appear.
You fee, my dear Sir, how free I write. It is bccaufe I think
you are a true minifter of our glorious Emmanuel. Be pleafed
to remember me when near his throne. Though a ftranger,
you know my name : I am the chief of finners, and lefs
than the leaft of all faints, but for Christ's fake, reverend
and dear Sir,
Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer,
in our Lord's vineyard,
G. IF.
To Lady H .
Honoured Madam, London, Jan. 12, 1 757.
WILL your Ladyfhip be pleafed to accept a few hafty
lines ? They come with hearty wiflbes, that your
Ladyfhip, and every branch of your honourable family, may
have a very happy new year. — This can only be had in Jesus,
and therefore I wifii, from the very bottom of my heart, that
you all may be blelTed with all fpiritual bleflings. — Thefe are
blcffings indeed. They are folid, they are lafting, commen-
furate even with eternity itftlf. I hope we have fom.e daily
foretaftes of this. Indeed, honourv;d Madam, a wide door
feems to be opening at Tottenham- C:urt chapel. The word
flies like lightning in it; O that it m:i) prove a Bethel, a houfe
of God, a g^te of heaven ! I belitve it will. — As the awaken-
ing continues, I have fome hopes that we are not to be given
up. Alas ! alas ! We are tejling and contejiing, while the na-
tion is bleeding to death. We are condemning this and that ;
but fin, the great mifchief- maker, lies unmolcftcJ, or rather
encouraged by every contending party. "Well, the Lord
reigns ; — and therefore blefied be the God of our falvation. —
I hope your honoured fifter, and her noble Lord, are well. \
fometimes wifh that his Lordfhip was at the helm, but infinite
wifdom knows what is beft. Happy they who can look beyond
time ! The chriftian can j the Ihort-fighted infidel dares not,
' 7 cannot.
cannot. But I grow troublefome. I muft therefore only add
my moft grateful acknowledgments, and affure your Lady-
fhip, that I am, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Lady M H .
Honoured Madam, London, Jan. 13, 1 757.
IWifti your Ladyfhip joy. What a mercy, to be made an
inftrument in fettling a true minifter of Jesus Christ !
May he be the fpiritual father to many fouls! Your Ladyfhip's
unexpeded fight of your fon, was like life from the dead.
What pleafure then muft be the confequence of feeing our
relations brought home to God ! This be your happy lot !
The holy fpirit feems to be quickening many dead fouls here,
I am informed, that all are alive without the Cannon-GaU \
but fuch are dead whilft they live. O Scotland! Scotland!
Turn us, O good Lord, and fo ftiall we be turned ! We had
need to faft and pray too. — Your Ladyfliip, I doubt not, mourns
in fecret. The glorious Emmanuel will put your tears into his
bottle. That your confolations in him may abound evermore,
is the earneft prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfnip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
Dear Mrs. C , London, Feb. 5, 1 75 7.
I Thank you heartily for your laft kind letter, and for all
your works of faith and labours of love. — Glad would I
be to fee America, but the cloud doth not feem to move that
way as yet. — The new chapel at the other end of the town is
made a Bethel, and the awakening increafes day by day. O
that it was fo at Georgia! Surely the great Shepherd and
Biftaop of fouls will blefs you, for taking care of the lambs in
that diftant wildernefs. — Mr. P 's leaving Bethefdcj fadly
diftre^es mcj but my eyes are upon Him who knows all. I
N 4 wrote
wrote to defire Mr. P to continue the overfight of my
affairs, till I can come myfelf. Whatever he and you (hall
agree to, in refpedt to Mr. R , &c. I (hall acquiefce in :
only I defire that all who are capable may be put out, and
the family reduced as lov/ as poffible, till the war is over, and
the inilitution out of debt. I find nobody mentions / >
P s- If / P ?n goes to the college, cannot he and
Mr. D be enough tor the fchool f Ere now, G
fV I hope is put out, — Lord, remember me and all my
various concerns !-^God blefs and direct you in every ftep !
He will; — he will. — I truft you will find it fo in your late de-
termination ? Now you are free. Things that feem againft
us at firft, afterwards prqve to be defigiied for us. — What is
to become of us here, God only knows. — A year perhaps may
determine. — The beft fign is, that the awakening continues.—
A parcel of the addrefies was put up for you, but through
miftake not put inti the box'. All your relations are well.
That you may profper both in body and foul, and be filled
V'ith all the fulnefs of God, is the earned prayer of, dear
Mrs. C ,
Your moft affeftionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To the Reverend Mr. M .
LmdoTiy Feb. 17, 1757.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
YOUR kind letter lies before me, for which, be pleafed
to accept my cordial thanks. I am glad you got fafe to
Chathatriy and heartily pray, that the God of the fea, and the
(ppD of the dry land, may be your convoy on the mighty
waters. The continuance of your correfpondence will be quite
agreeable. Who knows but Jesus may blefs it to our mutual
edification ? I want to be Itirrcd up, to begin to begin to do
fomething for him, who hath done and fuffered fo much for ill
and hell-deferving me. Surely, I am a worthlefs worm, and
therefore little moved with whatever judgment an ill-natured,
mifxnformed world may form of mc. The great day will dif-
cover ail. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.— O to be an
Jfraelite indeed, in whom there is no guile ! Simplicity and
godly fincerity is all in all. A want of this, I fear, hath led
the Count into all his miftalces. With great regret I fpealc
or write of any people's weak neffesj but I did and do now
think, that divine Providence called me to publifh what you
mention. The Redeemer gave it his blelTing. I do not find
that their fopperies are continued, and I hear alfo that they
have difcharged many debts. You feem to have right notions
of the fermon to which you refer. It certainly fpeaks of a
finlefs ftate, which is not attainable in this life. We are called
to be faints, but not angels. Strange, that after fo many years,
fuch an error fhould be propagated .'—but fo it is. Lord'
what is man? Glory be to God, there is a time coming, when
fin, root and branch, fhall be deilroyed : I mean at'' death.
Then an eternal flop will be put to the fountain of corruption,
and we fhall be finlefs indeed.— -Till then, O Jesus, do thoJ
continue to wafh us in thy blood, and cloathe us with thy
compleat and everlafting righteoufnefs; and at the fame time,
out of a principle of love to thee, do thou help us to follow
hard after that holincfs, v/ithout which no man can fee the
Lord!— But whither am I going? My very dear Sir, excufe
prolixity. I write to you, as to one whom I love in the bowels
of Jesus Christ. My moft cordial refpeds await all that
love him. My wife joins in fending you the fame, with, reve-
rend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft aiFeaionately in our common Lord, »
G. JV,
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam, London, March 2, jy^j,
A Few days ago, I received the kind benefadion for the
happy convids. Not doubting of fuccefs, I had ad-
vanced fome guineas, which with what hath been procured
from other hands, hath bought both their liberties, and they
are provided for on the other fide of the water ; juft now I be-
lieve they are under fail. O that he, who I fuppofe will now
receive a pardon, was alike favoured ! But not manv mightv,
not many noble are called. However, fome come to hear at
Tottenham-Court. S the player, makes always one of the
auditory, and, as I hear, is much imprelTcd, and brings others
with him. I hope this will not find your Ladyftiip ill cS the
gout. May the Lord Jesus bear all your ficknefs, and heal
all your iniirmities both of body and foul ! I am fenfibly touched
when any thing aft'edts your I.adylhip; gratitude conftrains to
this. What (hall i render unto the Lord for all his mercies.?
I would preach for hun, if I could, a hundred times a day.
Surely, fucri a worthlefs worm was never honoured to fpeak
for the RedeeiVicr before. Your Ladyfhip will excufe; I muft
away, and give a little vent to the heart of, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfliip's mofl: dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV,
To the Reverend Mr. B .
Londariy March lo, 1 757.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
PROVIDENTIALLY, a Lady was at my houfe when
the bearer brought your letter, who perhaps may want
juft fuch a fervant, within the time mentioned. Thus God
provides for thofe that love him. He is indeed a prayer-hear-
ing, a promife-kceping God. Satan may and will have us,
that he may fift us as wheat; but Jesus prays for us; our
faith therefore Ihall not fail. This is my fupport ; this, my
very dear Sir, muft be yours. Ere long we ihall be tempted
no more. I am a poor fuldier; I want to be difcharged.
Not from Christ's fervice, but from this prifon of the flcfh.
O tha: 1 could do fomeihing for Jesus whilft here below !
my obligations increafe. He vouchfafes daily (O amazing
love) to own my feeble labours. The word runs and is glori-
fied. 'Ihat it niay run and be glorified more and more, under
God, through your inftrumentality, is the earneft prayer of,
reverend and very deai Sir,
Your afFeiiionate but unworthy brother,
in our glorious Head,
G. IV.
L E 1 T E R
To Lord H ..
My Lord, London, April 10, 1757.
I Make bold to trouble your Lordfhip w'th the propofals
about the Georgia college; they fl:iould have been fent be-
fore, but I heard that your Lordfhip was out of tov/n. On
Monday next, my bufinefs calls me into the country. If your
Lordfhip fliould have lelfure immediately to run over the me-
morial, I would call on Saturday morning to know v ur Lord-
fhip's mind. In the mean while, praying that yo : Lordfhip
may be a lafling bleiling to your country, I fubfcribe myfelf.
Your Loruiliip's moft dutiful,
obliged humble fervant,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
Edinburgh, May 31, 1 757.
CANNOT you come here for one day this week? I fhall
leave Edinburgh on Monday^ GoD willing. — Attendance
upon the alTembly, and preaching, have engrofled all my time;
I can fcarce fend you this. — Nil mibi refcribas attamen ipfe veni.
— Adieu ! With love more than I exprefs, I am, my dear
Mr. r ,
Yours, &c.
G. TV.
P. S. Jesus is good to us. My hearty love awaits your
whole felf and family. — It is near eight at night.
To Mr.
My very dear Friend, Glafgow, June 9, 1 757.
TO me, it is ^almoft an age fince 1 wr >te to you lafl. But
at Edinburgh I was fo taken up all day, and kept up fo
late at night, that writing was almoft impradlicabie. Surely
my going thither was of God. I came thither the twelfth of
May, and left it the fixth of June^ and preached jufl fifty
times. To what purpofe, the great day will difcover. I have
reafon to believe to very good purpofe. Being the time of the
general afl'embly (at which I was much pleafcd) many minifters
attended, perhaps a hundred at a time. Thereby prejudices
were removed, and many of their hearts were deeply imprefled.
About thirty of them, as a token of refpeift, invited me to a
public entertainment. The Lord High CommifTioner alfo in-
vited me to his table, and many perfons of credit and religion
did the fame in a public manner. Thoufands and thoufands,
among whom were a great many of the beft rank, daily at-
tended on the word preached, and the longer I ftaid, the more
the congregations and divine influence increafed. Twice I
preached in my way to Glafgow, and laft night opened my
campaign here. The cloud feems to move towards Ireland.
How the Redeemer vouchfafes to deal with me there, you fhall
know hereafter. In the mean while, my very dear friend, let
me entreat the continuance of your prayers. For 1 am lefs
than the Icaft of ail faints, and unworthy to be employed in
the fervice of fo divine a Mafter. Lord Jesus,
If thou excufe, then work thy will.
By fo unfit an inflrument\
It will at once thy goodnefs Jhcw,
And prove thy power otnnipotent.
I hope this will find you, and your dear yoke-fellow and
daughter, enjoying thriving fouls in healthy bodiss. I doubt
not but you are brightening your crown, and incrcafmg your
reward, by doing good for your blefTed Mafter. Ere long,
you fhall hear him fay " Well done." That will crown all.
I can no more, I muft away to my throne. My very dear Sir,
be pleafed to accept ten thoufand thanks for all favours, and
give me leave (after fending mofl cordial refpeit^ to dear Mrs.
S and Mifs) to fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend.
Your moft affcilionate, obliged friend,
and very ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
My very dear S'lr^ Dublin, June 30, 1757.
YOUR kind letter, dated the 25th inftant, I juft now re-
ceived, for which as well as all other favours be plcafed
to accept unfeigned thanks. — What to do I cannot well tell.
As I am in the kingdom, it is pity to leave it unvifited.—
The door is open, and indeed the poor Methodifts want help.
— Here in Dublin the congregations -are very large, and very
much imprefled. The Redeemer vouchfafes to give me great
freedom in preaching, and arrows of convid^ion fly and faftcn.
One of the Bifhops told a nobleman, " He was glad I was
come to roufe the people" — The nobleman, with whom I
fweetly converfed yefterday, told methis again.— Lord Jesus,
do thou (for it is thy doing) roufe all ranks for thy mercy's
fake ! 1 hope Mr. AI n will go on and profper. — As for
Mr. J Sf I think it beft for him to keep as he is. — I find
he is unfettled, and therefore would be always uneafy, —
If Meffrs. £) 5 and Z) r can ferve alternately in the
Summer, by the help of Jesus I will go through the Winter
^ork. — Alas, that fo few have the ambition of coming out to
the help of the Lord againft the mighty. Not one clergy-
man in all /r^/tfw.;/ yet ftirred up to come out Jingu/arly for
God ! Pity, Lord, for thy mercy's fake 1 I think God will
yet appear for the proteftant intereft. — My rout now is to
Jthlone, Limerick^ Cork, and to return here about July 21.
— Whether I fliall then go to the North, and to Scot/and, or
whether I fliall come by way of Park-Gale, muft be determi-
ned hereafter. — I know you will pray, my very dear Srr, that
the never-failing Jesus will direct my goings in his way. I
would fain be where and what he would have me to be.—
I blefs him, for making yo¥, my very dear Sir, inftrumentaf
in ftrengthening my weak hands, and earneftly pray, that
great may be the reward of you and your dear relations in the
kingdom of heaven. — AfTure yourfelves you or they are never
forgotten by, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft affectionately in our glorious Head,
G. W.
To Mr. R A" ;;.
My very dear Mr. K-
Dublin, July 3, 1 757.
ACCEPT a few lines from a poor, feeble, but willing
pilgrim. — They bring you moft amazing news. The
infinitely condefcending Jesus ftill vouchfafcs to follow the
chief of finncrs with his unmerited blefiing. — In Scctlandy his
almighty arm was moft powerfully revealed ; — and, here in
Dublin, many have begun to fay, *' What fliall we do to be
faved." — Congregations are large, and very much imprefled
indeed. — A fpirit of convidion and confolation fecms to be
fent forth. — All forts attend, and all forts feem to be affected.
.^•I fhould be glad to come to London, but cannot in confci-
ence as yet. — Not one minifter either in the church or among
the diflenters in this kingdom, as: far as I can hear, appears
boldly for God, even a God in Christ. To-morrow
therefore I purpofe to fet out for Aihlone^ Limerick, and Cork.
God only knows, after that, where will be the nejct remove.
— Perhaps to London, perhaps to the North of Ireland, which
I hear lies open for the gofpcl. — Winter muft be the London
harveft. — O for more labourers who will account the work
itfelf the beft wages 1 God will blefs you and yours, for
ftrenwthcning my hands. I fend you and Mrs. K — n my hearty
love, and earneftly pray the Lord of all Lords to blefs you.
Next poft, or foon after in my circuit, I hope to write to dear
Mr. and Mrs. J . God forbid that I (hould forget my
old friends. — I pray for, though I cannot write to them. — I
am glad to find that dear Mr. G is fafe returned. — Pray
remember me to him, and to all enquiring friends in the
kindeft manner, and affure them of being remembered at the
throne of grace, by, very dear Mr. and Mrs. A' ,
Your moft obliged, afFedionate friend,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
G. m
July 5th.
Since writing the above, I have been in the wars. — But
blefled be God am pretty well recovered, and going on my
way rejoicing. — Pray hard.
L E T T E R Sw 207
To Mr. .
My dear Friend^ Dublin , July i!^^ "^ISl-
MANY attacks have I had from Satan's ctuldren, but
yefterday, you would have thought he had been per-
mitted to have given me an effectual parting blovi'. You
have heard of my being in Ireland, and of my preaching daily
to large and very afFe6led auditories, in Mr. W 's fpacious
room. When here laft, I preached in a more confined place
in the week days, and once or twice ventured out to Oxminton-
Greeriy a large place like Moorjiclds, fituated very near the
barracks, where the Ormond and Liberty, that is, high and kw
party boys, generally aflemble every Sunday, to fight with each
other. The congregations then were very numerous, the word
feemed to come with power ; and no noife or difturbance en-
fued. This encouraged me to give notice, that I would preach
there again laft Sunday afternoon. I went through the bar-
racks, the door of which opens into the green, and pitched
my tent near the barrack v/alls, not doubting of the protedlion,
or at leaft interpofuion of the officers and foldiery, if there
(hould be occafion. But how vain is the help of man ! Vaft
was the multitude that atrcrded ; we fang, prayed, and
preached, without much moleftacion ; only now and then
a few ftones and clods of dirt were tiirown at me. It beino-
war time, as is my ufual practice, I exhorted my hearers
not only to fear God, but to honour the beft of kinjs, and
after fermon I prayed for fuccefs to the Fntjlan arms. All be-
ing over, I thought to return home the way I came ; but to
my great furprize accefs was deified, {q that,! had to go near
half a mile from one end of the green to the ether, through
hundreds and hundreds of papifts, &c. Finding me unat-
tended, (for a foidier and four methodiii preachers, who came
with me, had forfook me and fled) I was left to their mercy j
but their mercy, as you may eafily guefs, was perfccSl cruelty,
Vollies of hard ftones came from all quarters, and every ftep I
took, a frefli ftone ftruck, and made me reel backwards and
forwards, till I was almoft brcatiilefs, and all over a gore of
blood. My ftrong beaver hat ferved me as it were fof a fcull
cap for a while ; but at laft that was knocked off, and my
head left quite defencelefs. I received many blows and
wounds 3 one was particularly large and near my temples. I
thought of S'/^/)/;^/?, and as I believed that I received more
blows, I was in great hopes that like him I fhould be dif-
patched, and go off in this bloody triumph to the immediate
prefence of my mafter. But providentially, a minifter's houfe
lay next door to the green ; with great difficulty I ftaggered
to the door, which was kindly opened to, and fhut upon me.
Some of the mob in the mean time having broke part of the
boards of the pulpit into large fp] inters, they beat and
wounded my fervant grievoufly in his head and arms, and then
came and drove him from the door. For a while I continued
fpeechlefs, panting for and cxpcding every breath to be my
laft ; two or three of the hearers, my friends, by fome means
or other got admifiion, and kindly with weeping eyes wafhed
my bloody wounds, and gave mc fomething to fmc-ll to and to
drink. I gradually revived, but foon found the lady of the
houfe defired my abfence, for fear the houfe fhould be pulled
down. What to do, I knev/ not, being near two miles from
Mr. TF- 's place ; fome advifed one thing, and fome ano-
ther. At length, a carpenter, one of the friends that came in,
offered me his wig and coat, that I might go off in difguife.
I accepted of, and put them on, but was foon afhamed of not
trufting my mnfter to fecurc me in my proper habit, and thrcv/
them off with difdain. I determined to go out (fince I found
my prefence was fo troublefome) in my proper habit j imme-
diately deliverance came. A methodifl preacher, with two
friends, brought a coach ; I leaped into it, and rid in gofpel
triumph through the oaths, curfes, and imprecations of whole
ftreets of pupifts unhurt, though threatened every ftep of the
ground. None but thofe who were fptctators of the fcene,
can form an idea of the affedlion with which I was received
by the weeping, mourning, but now joyful methodifts. A
chriftian furgcon was ready to drefsour wounds, which being
done, I went into the preaching place, and after giving a
vord of exhortation, join'd in a hymn of praife and thankf-
glving, to him \\\\o makes our extremity his opportunity,
V'ho ftills the r.oife of the waves, and the madnefs of the moft
malignant p(ropIe. The next morning I fct out for port Ar^
lington, and left my perfecutors to his mercy, who out of perfe-
cutors hath often made preachers. That I may be thus re-
venged of them, is the hearty prayer of,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
To Mr. I .
Cnrh, JulylS^ 1757.
My very dear Mr. I • — ,
ACCEPT a few loving lines, as a token that you and
yours are not entirely forgotten by me. They leave
me, earneflly defirous to know what path the God whom I
ferve would have me to take. Every v/here (O amazing con-
defcenfion !) the glorious Emma?iuel (o fmiles upon my feeble
labours, that it is hard to get ofF. At Port Arlington, Athlone^
Limerick, and in this place, the word hath run and been
glorified. Arrows of convidlion feem to fly, and the cup of
many hath been made to run over. I hope you have had fome:
refrefhings from the prefence of the Lord. Nothing elfe can
carry us comfortably through the howling wildernefs of this
troublefome life. I have met with fom hard blows from the
Z)«^//« rabble, But blefled be God, they have not deftroyed
me. Perhaps I am to fee London before my great change
comes. And who knows, but we may enjoy our Peniels and
Bethels there again ? Troublous times feem to be approaching.
God hide us all under the (hadow of his almighty v.'ings !
When you fee dear Mr. IF , pray remember me to him
and his in the kindeft manner, as likewife to Mr. and Mrs.
JV . I think of, and pray for you, and all my dear
friends, though preaching and travelling prevents my writing.
O that none of us may be parted in another world ! Jesus
alone can keep us by his almighty power. To his tender and
never-failing mercy do I mofl earneftly commit ycu, and ear-
neftly intreat the continuance of your prayers in behalf ofj
my very dear friend,
Yours, &c.
Vol. lit. *0 LETTER
To the Reverend Air. G .
IFedficfbury, ^taffordJJmc^ Aug. 7, 1 757.
"Rfvernid and very dear Sir,
THOUGH Mr. Hopper promifed to write you an hiHio-
ftorical letter as lad Thnrfday from Du/'Ufi., ytt I can-
not help dropping you a few lines from this place. Blefi'ed
be God, we had a palTage, and laft night we had a pleafant
fcafon. At Jtbhne, Limerick.^ Cork, and efpccially at Dublin,
where I preached near fifty times, we had Cambvjlang fea-
fons. With the utmoft difficulty I came away. O thefe
partings ! The blows I received Tome time ago, were like to
fend me, where all partings would have been over. But I
find we are immortal till our work is done. Lord Jesus,
help me to begin in carnefi: ! My cordial love awaits my hoft
and hoftefs. Be pleafcd to defire them to fend my tilings
by the firft opportunity, dire£led to Mr. David Brown, at the
Orphan-hofpital, Edhihurgh. — This morning our Lord hath
met us. — I am to preach twice more. — Ere long we fliall
praife for ever. I hope dear Mr. iV^ 's Ion is better. I
commend your whole felf, and all dear friends, to his' never-
failing mercy, and entreat you never to forget, my very dear
Yours moft afFedionately in the beft bonds,
G, ir,
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs C , London, Aug. 26, 1757.
I Think myfelf quite happy, in finding that you are fatif-
fied in your prefent fituation. — I have jio doubt of your
being called to do it by Bethejda% God, and heartily pray
that you may be amply rewarded by Him, — I had rather have
you prefidc over the orphaji family, than any woman I know
of in the world. I would gladly indulge Mr. B , but
though I have fern ag.nin and again, I cannot find that his
v,-ifc haih the Icaft inclination to come over ; as this is the
cife, and flie is provided for, I wifh he c»uld be eafy. Mr.
1 P
P — antl you may agree, as to the terms of his continuance at
Bdhefda. Mr. D feems fixed j and I have written to Mr.
P -, to let John H y have overfeers wages for the two
laft years, and find himfelf ; but perhaps it may be beft not to
give up the indentures. — As he is faithful, and the plantatiort
flouriflies, I would not part with him. 1 do not love changes.
Sometimes I wifti for wings to fly over j but providence de-
tains me here. I fear a dreadful ftorm is at hand. Loiii>
Jesus, be thou our refuge I At Dublin I was like to be fenfe
beyond the reach of florms. But I find we are immortal till
our work is done. A moft bleficd influence attended the word
in various parts of Ireland, and here at London the profpecl is
more and more promifing. We expedl fome important news
from America. As to outward things, all is gloomy. Jesus
can diCpel every cloud. I hope Bethefda will be kept in peace,
I am glad the Governor hath been to vifit the houfe. May
God make him a blelling to the colony I My kinfman hath
met with an early trial. May the Lord fandtify it I I atii
glad G IF- is put out, and that you haVe fent the
children ; I pity them, but they muft blame their parents. O
ingratitude ! I vvifh you would now and then mention B — ^^-a
IF , and let me know how the EngUjh children are dif-
pofed of. I would fain have a lift of black and white front
time to time. BlefTed be God for the increafe of the neoroeSi
I intirely approve of reducing the number of orphans as lovtf
as pofTible j and I am determined to take in no more than the
plantation will maintain, till I can buy more negroes. Never
was I fo well fatislied with my affiftants as now. God blefs
you ! God blefs you ! My tender love and refpedts attend
you all. I would have Jofeph P* -n fent to the collegCi I
am glad Mrs. F is married. Continue to pray for me^
and depend on hearing as often as poflible from^ dear Mrsa
C ,
Your affeaionate, obliged frieild,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
T:o Mr. H .
My very dear ^'ir^ Exeter, Sept. 2%^ 1757-
UST this moment I had the plcnfure of receiving your
very kind letter, and have but juft time, before the poft
goes out, to return you my moft hearty thanks. Blefled be
God, I can fend you good news from Plytnouth. — The fcene
was like that of Brijhl ; only more extraordinary, to fee of-
ficers, folders, failors, and the dock- men, attending with the
utmoft folemnity upen the word preached. Arrows of convic-
tion fled and faftcncd, and I left all God's people upon the
wing for heaven. Blefled be the Lord Jesus for ordering
me the lot of a cajl-out !
For this let Men revile ?ny name.,
Fd Jhiin no crofs, Fd fear no fname ;
All hail reproach !
I am glad that Mr. M n and V n returned hk. May
an efFedtual door be opened for both ! If fo, they will have
many advcrfaries. Will my dear Mr. 77 tell Air. P ,
that 1 cxpc£t every thing to be compleated by the fir(l Sunday
in O^ober f If the weather fhould alter I may be in town j
if not, I may range further. — This fpiritual hunting is delight-
ful fport, when the heart is in the work. I expe(5l to hear
of a blacker cloud in America, but I am glad the expedition
was diverted. Our enemies may triumph for a while ;
Christ can foon put a hook in the leviathan's jaws.
Thoughts are vain againji //;^ Lord,
All jubferves his jov" reign word ;
Wheels encircling vjheels muji run^
Each in courje to bring it on,
Happy for you, my dear Sir, that have fled to this God for
refuge. The more you know of Him, the more vilely you
will think of yourfelf. God blefs you and your dear relations.
I muft conclude, or the letter cannot go. In ^reat hafle,
but far greater Jove and refpea, I fubfcribe myfelf, very dear
Yours, &:c. in our common Lord,
G. W,
To Mr. K n.
... Brljhl, Oa. 4, 1757.
My very clear Mr. K „,
HAD you encouragement enough laft journey, to induce
you and yours to take another trip ? My wife infoilns
me fo ; fhe hath the rout. I expe^ a line from her at Gloii-
cejier^ to inform me of your determination. Whatever it be,
may it be for the glory of our common Lord ! I hope fome
fouls that before were ftrangers to him, have begun to know him
fince we parted Jaft. We have had pleafant feafons. Lord,
what am I ! God give us a warm winter ! O how foon does
the (ummer flyaway ! Lord ]^^^,^, pardon and quicken me,
for thy mercy's fake ! Adieu. I muft awav. My hearty
loveawaits your whole felf, and all enquiring friends. In
great hafte, I fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear Mr. K ,
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,'
G. W.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
P 1 J , ^. London, Oa. 16, 17C7.
Reverend and very dear Sir^ '^'
T Thank you for your fympathizing letter fent to Ireland.
X The fnend of finners ftood by me, or I had been floned
to death They were thrown at me, not for fpcaking againft
the Pap.fts m particular, but for exciting all ranks to be faith-
ful to kmg jEsus, and to our dear fovereign King Gearge, for
his great name's fake. Lord, what am I, that I (hould be ho-
noured to fufFer any degree of pain or Ihame in fuch a
caufe.? Time will not permit me to defccnd to more particu-
lars. A young man, who will bring you foon a few lines from
me, can tell you the whole affair. He is a Methodift, and is
coming fiom i)«^//;7, (and from a Bifliop's family) to fludy
O 3 at
at Glafgow. I know you will receive him gladly. O that
Gop may qualify, and fend forth thoufands to blow the trum^
pet in 'Lion I Seven gofpcl minifters were together at Brijhly
v.'hen the counfellor preached. A lawyer hath lately entered
likewifc into orders, and I humbly hope the blefled Jesus will
rot give us up. Both at home and abroad we are in great dan--
ger. But the Lord lives, and will live and reign for ever.
The awakenings in Ntiv-'JerJey^ Sic. are tokens for good.
Lord, prepare us for whatever thou haft prepared for us 1 We
Jiave had blefTed feafons for thefe fix v.'ecks lafl pafl-, at
Plymouth, Exeter^ Brijiol^ Glouccjicr^ and Gloucejierjhire. This
comes from my winter quarters. You will pray, that Jesus
may be with us. My moft cordial refpeils and thanks await
your whole felf, and all dear friends who are fo kind as to
enquire after, my very dear Sir,
Yours, ^c,
G. IV,
"lo Lady H .
l^ondon^ Ocl. 2T, 1757.
Ever-honoured Madam^
I Burnt, but 1 believe I {hall never forget the contents of,
your Ladyfliip's letter. Who but the Redeemer himfelf,
can poflibly defcribe the yearnings of fuch a tender parent's
heart ? Surely your Ladyfhip is called to cut ofFa right hand,
»nd pluck out a right eye j " But it is the Lord, let him do
what feemeth him good." This was the language of £//, whofe
fons were finners before the Lord exceedingly. This hath
often been the cafe of the beft of people, and the greatcft favou-
rites of heaven ; but none knows the bitternefs of fuch a cup,
but thofe who are called to drink it. If not fwectened with a
fenfeof thelove and mercy of GoD in Christ, who could abide
it ? O what phyfic, what ftrong phyfic do our ftrong affcflions
oblige our heavenly Father to give us I What pruning knives do
thefc luxuriant branches require, in order to preferve the fruit
9nd delicacy of the vine. Blefled be God, there is a time com-
ing, when thefe myfterious dignified providences fhall be eX'
plained. I am glad Mr. L is with your Ladyfhip : he has
ft friendly heart. May the Lcjid Jesus raife up your Lady-r
Jh!p many comforters ! Above all, may he come himfelf. He
will, he will. Mr. H alk'd moft kindly after your La-
d\f}i'ip. On r!'urfday Sir John M , I am told, was at
chapel, and many others. The profpeci: brightens at that end
of" the town. O f'T warm winter quarters ! O that I could
be.ir parr of your Ladylhip's heavy load ! But I can only in
my f-eble way bear it on my heart, before him who came
to heal our ficknefles and bear our infirmities. That your
Ladylhip may come out of thcfe fiery trials, purged and puri-
fied like the brighteft gold, is the earneft prayer of, ever- ho-
noured Madam,
Your Lauylhip's moft dutiful, obliged, fympathizing,
and very ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Mrs. C .
London, 051. 25, 1757.
My dear Mrs. C ,
I Find by your laft to your brother James, that you was in
jeopardy. But I truft He that once drove away the Spani-
ards, will alfo preferve you and the reft of my dear family from
a French invafion. God give you ftrength and couracje 1 He
will. Every thing feems to be in a critical fituation. Goo
knows the event.
Bkjl 'isfa'ith that triijls Christ's poivr,
Blejl are faints that luait His hour.
In the midft of all, the work goes on here. In Dublin I was
like to be ftoned to heaven : but I am on earth yet. We
had glorious fcafons both in Scotland ^nd Ireland. O that the
cloud pointed to y/zwr/V^ / But the Redeemer's time is the
beft. He will bleis you for taicing care of his family in the
wildernefs. I wifh it had been reduced more by the difmiffion
of the R- s and B /. But perhaps God may over rule
all for the childrcns future good. I hear that R is in a
French pnlon ; God give to him and his true repentance!
They have aded an ungrateful part ; but thus our Lord was
ufed, and the fervant muft be as his Lord. The judgmeat-
o 4 ^^y
day will clear all. I wifh Mr. B may be eafy v^hcre he
is. Mr. P may agree upon terms with him, and with
/ // . I love old friends and fervants, and defire to
blcis God that my family hath got fuch a governefs. Pray
let mc know if you want any apparel, &c. I fliall be quite
concerned if vou abridge yourfelf of any thing. I cannot re-
ward you : but the God whom 1 defire to fcrvc, can and
will. 'I"o his tender and never-failing mercy do I moU hum-
bly commit you, and beg the continuance of your prayers iri
behalf of, my dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft afFedlionate, and obliged friend,
and fcrvant tor Christ's fake,
G. U\
To Governor E .
Honoured Sir ^ London^ 051. 26, 1 757.
I Am glad t(lhcar from my nephew and other hands, that
your Excellency's adminiftration is fo univerfally approved
of. I pray God to make you a lafting blefling to that colony,
which hath long wanted the blefTing of an adive, fkilful and
difmterefted Governor. I thank your Excellency for honour-
ing Bethefda with your company. Lord HaHifc:x informed me,
that you would fend him your fentiments concerning its being
enlarged into a college. I have drawn out my propofals, and
have delivered them to his Lordfhip ; but the uncertainty of
the times prevents my pufhing that affair. However, Georgia s
welfare lies much on my heart 5 and it is my full defign, if
providence fhould open a way, and I am affured of meeting
with proper encouragement, (which I make no doubt of) to
ferve that colony, and pay it another vifit. In the mean while,
my heart's defire and prayer to God is and (hall be, that you
may have the honour and comfort of making the people, over
whom divine providence hath called you to prefide, happy and
profperous. I muft not longer, dear Sir, detain you from the
public, and fliall therefore only beg your acceptance of this,
as a token of rcl'pedl:, from, honoured Sir,
Your Excellency's moft obliged humble fervant,
G. IF.
L E T-
To J B , Efq;
My dear Friend, London, OSf. 26, 1757.
I Am quite glad to hear, that you have met with encourage-
ment to return again to poor Gecrgla, and that my nephew
ierves under you, I humbly hope that ccilony is not to be
given over into the enemies hands ; but God only knows
what is before us. The cloud at prefent looks black ; but
it is always darkeft before break of day. Our extremity may
yet be God's opportunity to help and deliver us. In the
midft of all, the work of God goes on among us. At both
ends of the town we have blelled feafons. In Scotland and
/r^^;«^/ the word ran and was glorified. Who knows but we
may meet once more in Georgia. BlefTed be God for a well-
grounded hope of meeting in heaven ! My hearty love av/aits
all who are travelling thither, and are fo kind as to enquire
after, my dear friend^
Yours &c. in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. M .
London, Nov. 3, 1757.
YOUR kind letter was very acceptable. Ere now, I
truff, the Redeemer hath given you the profped of the
barren wildernefs being turned in a fruitful field. Never fear;
Jesus will delight to honour you. Every clergyman's name
\s Legion. Two more are lately ordained.
Saian letts and men ohjeSl,
Yet the thing they thwart, effeSi.
Thoughts are vain againjl the Lord,
All Jubferves his Jtanding word ;
Wheels encircling wheels muji run^
Each in courfe to bring it on.
You need not remind me of praying for the noble pair ; furely
they are not to be prifoners another Winter. The kino-doni
jof God fufFereth violence, and really if we would take it by
force, we muft do violence to our fofteft paflions, and be con-
tent to be cfteemcd unkind by thofe whole idols wc once were.
This is hard work ; but, Abba, Father, all things are poflible
with thcc ! Blcfild be God for putting it into your heart to
afk the pulpit for a week-day fermon. Are we not commanded
to be inftant in fcafon and out of fcafon ? If dear Mrs. M
will take my word for it, I will be anfwerable for your health.
The joy refulting from doing good, will be a continual feaft.
God knows how long our time of working may laft. This
order undoes us. Ab affairs now Hand, we mufl be diforderly
or ufelefs. O for more labourers. I am told thoufands went
away laft Sunday evening from TsttcitJjam-Csurt, for^want of
room. Every day produces frcfh accounts of good being done,
and at this end of the town the word runs and is glorified
more and more. Laft Frid.^y we had a moft folcmn f^ft : I
preached thrice •, thoufands attended, and 1 humbly hope our
prayers entered the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. More bad
news from America about our fleet : God humble and rcforrn
us, for his infinite mercy's fake ! Go on, my dear Sir, and
tell a finful nation, that fin and unbelief is the accurfed thing
which prevents fucccfs. Thus at lead v/e fliall deliver our
©wn fouls, and be free from the blood of all men. But I for-
get : I fuppofe you are preparing for the pulpit : 1 dare not
detain vou. My beft refpeds await Mrs. M ; your mo-
ther is' well. That you may return to London in all the ful-
nefs of the blcfiings of the gofpel of Christ, is and fliall be
the prayer of, dear Sir,
Yours, U.C.
To Mr.
jlJy dear Mr. , Lomlon, Nov. I2, JJSf-
I Thank you very kindly for vifiting Beth^fda family, and
for adr^iniftering the Lord's-fupper. I am glad to hear
that the Matter of the feaft was prefcnt. Ere long I hope we
fhall be called to the marriage-feaft of the fupper of the Lamb
in heaven. God only knows what awaits us in our journey
thither. I hope poor Georgia will be preferved. I truft the
Lord of all lords hath faid, ** Dcftroy it not, for there is a
bic/Ting in it." We are in equal jeopardy. Jesus is our
common refuge. ConviiSlion and converfion work goes on
amongft us. But I long to fee Amcrha once more. O that
I may never ceafe itinerating, till I fit down in heaven. My
hearty love awaits all that are bound thither. Hoping ere
long to hear good news from you and yours, I hafle to fub-
fcribe myfelf, my dear Mr. O- •,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
ro Mr, D .
My dear Mr. D , London, Nov. 12, 1 757.
I Am glad you have received my letter. I know not that I
have one of yours left unanfwered. Blefied be God, for
caufing Bethefia to profper. A'lay it <3o fo in every fenfe more
and more ! I hope you Vv'ill be prefervcd from the hands both
of temporal and fpiritual enemies. God prepare us for all
events ! Pray let me know the names of all the children. I
wifh they could be reduced this war time to the number of
fifteen ; and I wifli my nephew was not fo hafty ; and that the
perfons you mention were (fpiritually) (liot through the heart.
Many here feem to be wounded in that manner. At Totten-
ham-Court chapel, as well as the Tabernacle, the u"ord runs
and is glorified. I am glad you have the ordinance now and
then. That the God of ordinances may blefs you all evermore,
is the carneft prayer of, my dear Mr. D ,
Yours mofl afFediionately in cur common Lord,
G. W,
P. S. Bray be particular in the account of the family.
The Lord Jesus fmiles upon us here. He can, and I trull
will preferve you from French, Spaniards, and every hurtful
foe, This is my conftant prayer.
To Mr.' R .
Dear Sir, Lcndon, Nov. 17, 1757.
YOUR letter to Mr. D gtive me great fatisfaction.
The contents, no doubt, made angels to rejoice in hea-
ven, and v/hy not us embodied fpirits hereon earth. So many
called out of one family, is a peculiar mercy. Blefled are the
eyes that fee the things which you fee, and the ears that hear
the things you hear. Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied
upon you all ! Who knows but w^e may fee each other on
this fide eternity ? I am wifhing every day for wings to fly to
my dear America once more ; but at prefent the way feems to
be hedged up. A frefli work is breaking out here, and the
Redeemer feems to be manifcfting his glory in many iou!si
This, with what has been done on your fide the water, may
give us feme hopes, that though the enemy may be permitted
to break in like a flood, yet the Spirit of the Lord will lift
up a ftandard againft him. The death of Governor B
and Prefident Burr, are dark providences: but Jesus lives
and reigns. I thank you and yours moft heartily for your kind
invitation : God willing, I will accept it whenever I come
over. Lord, haften the time, if it be thy blefled will ! Be
pleafed to remember me in the kindefl: manner to all enquiring
friends. I entreat the continuance of your prayers in behalf
of) my dear Sir,
Yours in our common Lord,
G. IF.
To Mr. S .
Aly dear Mr. S , London, Nov. 17, 1 75 7.
I Am a letter in your debt : I fhould be glad to anfwer your
laft in perfon. The attracStion towards America is as
ftrong as ever, hut at prcft-r.t I am ftationed here. The word
runs and is glorified. I fear the deaths of the Governor and
Prefident will hurt New-Jerfcy college : but Jesus lives and
reigns. When will my turn come to live and reign with him
2 for
for evermore ! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ! If j'oun^-
P fhould be fent from the Orphan-houfe to your co!leo-e
be pleafed to furnifti him with plain neceflaries. I am in-
formed he is a promifing youth. Lord, raife up Eli/ha^s in
the room of afcended Elijah ! The rcfidue of the Spirit is in
his hands. The late effufion was preparatory to your prefent
trials. God make us ready for all events. Excufe great
hafte J I write in greater love, as being, my dear friend.
Yours moft affectionately in our glorious Head,
" To Mr. M .
My very dear Sir, London, Nov. 26, 1757,
I Am very glad you have been fo providentially detained at
Tbetford^ and that your bow abode in fuch full ftrenffth.
The Lord help you to give a good farewel ftroke to-morrow ?
My poor feeble labours almoft brought me to the orave this
laft week ; but preaching yefterday three times on account of
the Prujfians late fuccefs, hath fomewhat recovered me. It
was a high day; thoufands and thoufands attended. Where
the carcafe is, there the eagles will gather together. The
chapel is made a Bethel indeed. I am glad you are coming to fee.
Spiritual routs are blefled entertainments. 1 muft prepare for
my throne. It is near five in the evening, and to-morrow I
am to preach thrice. Mr. Jon faid he woidd write this
poft. I was glad to hear by Mr. D , that the noble pair
were growing. That you all may increafe with all the increafe
of God, is the earneft prayer of, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our glorious Head,
G. IV.
To Mrs. B .
Derir Madam, London^ Dec. 14, 1 757*
THE event only can prove, whether what 1 am go,j)g t<j
mention, is of God. Bleffed ht his holy name, by new-
year's day I hope we fliall be able to difcharge our chapel
debts. Every day proves more and more that it was built for
the glory of Jesus Christ, and the welfare of many precious
and immortal fouls. liut my attendance on that, and the
Tabernacle too, with a weak, body, outward cares, and inward
trials, have frequently brought me of late to the apprehcnfiona
of being near my wifhed-for port ; but I am afraid I muft
keep out at fta fome time longer. However, I am brought to
the fiiort allowance of preaching but once a day, and thrice on
a Sunday. O that this feeble carcafe could hold out more for
God ! I want to begin to begin to do fomcthing for God.
I fliall be glad if he is pleafcd to bring our prcfent delign to a
profperous illue. You muft know then, dear Madam, that
round the chapel there is a muft beau4:iful fpot of ground, and
fome good folks have purpofcd ereiSllng alms-houfes on each
fide, for fome godly widows. I have a plan for twelve. The
whole expence will be four hundred pounds : we have got one
hundred. The widows arc to have half-a-crown a week.
The facramcnt money, vthich will more than do, is to be de-
voted to this purpofe. Thus wiil many godly widows be pro-
vided for, and a ftatiding monument left, that the Alethodifls
were not againft good works. 1 beg you'll mention this to
good Lady C and Mrs. G ; for I would not have it
public till the fum is raifed, and we are fure of effecting the
thing. If I did not know, dear Madam, your benevolent,
difintcrcfted heart, I fliould not thus make frea. Be pleafed
to excufe, if you do not approve the motion. I only mention
it, becaufe 1 believe fuch a thing would much promote the
glory of God. I leave this and all with him. I commit you
and good Lady C to his protcdion, and beg a continued
remembrance in your prayers, in behalf of, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. jy,
To Do^cr S
London, Dec. 15, 1757.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
IF yet in this dying world, be pleafed to accept a few grate-
ful lines, from one who highly efleems you for the fake
of our common Lord. Thoufands can witnefs how often I
have prayed for you in public, and the great day will difcover
how earneftly your lingering cafe hath been mentioned in my
poor addrefies to our God in private. Surely, in a literal
fenfe, reverend Sir, you are called to die daily. But 1 trull
and believe, the more the outward man decayeth, you will he
ftren^thened fo much the more in the inward man. He that
hath loved you, will love you to the end ; he that hath ho-
noured you' to be fo ufeful to church and flate, will ifot
leave you in the latter ftages of your road. A radiant crown
awaits you. God, the righteous judge, will give it you in
that day. O gloriam ! quantam iff quale?n ! O that I could
leap my fcventy years. But I forget I am writing to a fick
friend. Pardon me, dear Sir, it being only a pepper-corn of
acknowledgment for all kind ofHces done in the behalf of,
reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft obliged, afffc^lionate, fympathizing friend,
and ready fervant in Jesus Christ,
G. W,
To Lady H .
Ever-honoured Madam, London, Dee, 15, 1757. •
IWifh your Ladyfhip joy of being for once fo long alone :
and why ? becaufe I am perfuaded your Ladyfhip is never
lefs alone, than at fuch feafons. Then the Father is in a par-
ticular manner with his dear children j and though they fecm
in themfelves to be like pelicans in the wiMernefs, yet he is
near at hand to hear their cry, and to bottle up every tear : he
that feeth in fecret, will ere long reward your Ladyfhip openly.
O how are your Ladyfliip's children indebted to you, for yt)ur
more than maternal tendernefs ! What a comfort is it, ever-
honoured Madam, that Jesus Christ is to come» and to be
our judge ! O that he would come quickly ! Why does h6
delay ? I was near port, and am now put out to fta a^ain.
O that it may be to pilot in fome more dear fouls ! The
work fcems but to be beginning. At Tottenham- Court the
word runs and is glorified. By new-year's day I hope the
debt will be difcharged. Several have propofed building fome
alms-houfcs for godly widows, on each fide the chapel. I have
a plan for twelve. The whole expence will be four hurldred
pounds; we have got a profpedl of two, I purpofe allowing
each widow half-a-crown a week. The facrament money
will more than do. The ground is moft commodious, and
near the high road. If cfFcdted, I think it muft bring glory
to God, and be a (landing monument that we are not againft
good works. I only mention it to your Ladyfhip. May that
God, whom I dcfire to ferve in tliegofpel of his dear Son,dire£l
and blefs us in this and every thing we undertake for his glory.
But I fear I am detaining your Ladyfhip too long. ' O that I
could offer any thing adequate to your Ladyfliip's repeated
kindneffes to fiich a worthlefs worm ! My poor prayers and
unfeigned fympathy, is all the teftimony I can give of my
being, ever-honoured Madam,
Your moft dutiful, obliged, and very ready fcrvant
in our compaffionale High-prieft,
G. W,
ro Lady G H
Honoured Maditrriy - London^ Dec. 15, 1757.
HAVING lately heard of your Ladyftiip's being returned
to Bathy I cannot help wiftiing your Ladyfhip joy of Sir
Charki'% moft agreeable marriage. May your Ladyftiip's pre-
fcnt joy be confummated, in feeing them and all your ho-
nourable relations fittir.g down together at the marriage- feaft
of the fupper of the Lamb. I have had frequent profpccts of
this, fince I faw your Ladyfliip. Often do I groan in this
earthly tabernacle. I long to be cloathcd with my houfc
from heaven. O that the great (jOD may vouchfale to im-
prove me, til! h:; is plcafed to call rnc to my wifiicd-A-r reft.
Hitherto he owns my feeble labours. The work in London.
ieems to be but as it were beginning. We live in troublefome
times ; I truft the ftreets of the fpiritual 'Jerufalem will be built
in them. Happy they who have fled to Jesus Christ fof
refuge : they have a peace that the world cannot give. O
that the pleafure-taking, trifling flatterer knew what it was !
He would no longer feel fuch an empty void, fuch a dread-
ful chafm in the heart which nothing but the prefence of God
can fill. But I forget myfelf. I (hall tire your Ladyftiip ;
befides I muft drop a fev/ lines to good Lady H «; {he is
in the furnace. When fhe is tried, her God will bring her
forth like gold. But I mufi: detain your Lad3^fhip no longer,
than while 1 add my dutiful refpe(£ls to your Ladyfhip's daugh-
ters, and beg your Ladyfhip's acceptance of the fame fromj,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's mofl dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for ChUist's fake,
G, IV.
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friend, London^ y^«. 12, 175S-
YOUR kind letter puzzles me. As the cafe is fo very pe-
culiar, I think you cannot be tod particular in writin-^
down what you have been an eye and car witnefs to. I think-.
that the calling fome minifters together for the ends propofed,
is the beft method that can be taken. Where two or threp
are gathered together, and are agreed touching the thing ther
fhall affi, our Lord hath promifed it fhall be given to ihem.
I Ihall be glad to hear of their fuccefs. Ah, my dear man*
little do we think, when we firft fet out, what trials we fhall
meet with ere we arrive at our journey's end. I find more
and morci that I am a mere novice in the divine life, and have
fcarce begun to begin to learn my A B C in the fchool of
Christ. But by the grace of God I am what I am. He
hath helped out of fix, and will alfo help out of feveti
troubles. I find you have heard of the Irijli expedition. Lord,
what am 1. that I fliould be counted worthy to fufrer fhame for
thy great name's fake ! A more effectual door than ever fccms
Vol. IH. P s©
to be opening in this metropolis. A counfcUor, lately or-
dained, turns out a Boanerges. Thoufai^ds and thoufiuids
flock to hear the everlafting gofpcl. 't'he new chapel, where
I now write, turns out quite well. The Lord Jesus hath
riiade it a gate of heaven to rtiany fouls. This, with the fignal
deliverances lately vouchfafed the proteftant arms, makes mc
hope that our extremity will yet be God's opportunity to help
and deliver us. Let us wreflle in prayer for each other. O
that the Lord may abundantly blefs both you and yours !
Accept cordial love from mc and mine. IJi^e are neither of
us likely to put into harbour yet. Th6 voyage fecms to me
very long. But I find we are immortal till our work is done.
That we all may at laft enter port with a full gak, is the
hearty prayer of, my very dear friend,
Yours mod aftedionately in our companionate High-prieff,
G. /r.
To Mrs. S
Dear Madam, London, Jan. 17, 175S.
IWifli you joy of the happy breach made in, or rather happy
addition made to your dear family. 1 thought I fhould
never fee it in the faniie circumft-ances any more. You may
chearfully let Rtbekah go. I trufl: (he hath met with an Ifaac.
May they love one another as Christ and the church f The
Lord now make you to laugh ! I hope your latter end will
greatly increafe. I fend the furviving ones my moft cordial
love ; and praying that you may have more and more cooifort
jh every one of them, I fubfcribe myfelf, dear Madam,
Youif, he.
G. JV,
To Mr. R .
My vcr-y dear Timothy., London., Jan. 17, 175J?.
YOU will deliver the enclofed. I am glad to write a fevC
lines on fiich an occalion. God grant that the remain-
ing dear fing'.c ones may be as well dif[»ofcd of! I bltfs the
Lord that you are enabled to preach at all. I often think of
and fj^rnpathize with you. Lord, help me ! What an impa-
tient creature fliould I be, was I to be vifited in that manner !
But we know who hath promifed, '* that as our day is, fo fhall
our ftrength be." Mrs. Pearce is now out of the ftate of trial j
and I am to bury one of the fame name next Thurfday. Both,
I believe, are gone to heaven. Lord Jesus, when will my
turn come ? What can reconcile us to a longer ftay on earthj
but the profpe6l of feeing his kingdom advanced ? It is very
promifing at London, Mr. M^ n is a Boanerges. The
chapel is made a Bethel. Blefled be God, all is paid. I hope
to be with you in the Spring. Adieu. The Lord blefs and
comfort you ! My wife is poorly, but joins in hearty loVe to
your whole felf, and all enquiring friends, with, my very deai)
Yours, &c.
G. IV.
To MIfs G , at Clifton.
Dear Madam^ London^ Feb. 3, 1758.
I Was glad, after fo long a filence, to receive a line from
Clifton^ where I find by report there is like to be a total
revolution. Your two worthy friends I have neither feen nor
heard from ; and good Lady H—^ — n I have not vifited, be-
caufe I believe her Ladyfhip defired to be entirely private. I
fuppofc fhe will now be foon in town. God comfort her
under all her trials, and fanJiify new creature-partings and
difappointments to your further proficiency, dear Madam, irv
the divine life. There is a needs-be for all this* God help
you to fing,
— happy rod^
7 1 at hougkt me nearer to my God.
I have been in hopes of being with him. But I canrkot go,
though at prefent reduced to the fhort allowance of preaching
once a day, except thrice on a Sunday, At both ends of the
town, the Vi'ord runs and is glorified. The champions in the
church go on like funs of thunder. I am to be at Clapham
P ?. this
this evening : Mr. V will gladly enibrace the firft oppor-
tunity. May it be a Bethel ! Brijioly in all probability, will
be my firft Spring excurfion. O that I may begin to begin to
fpring for my God ! I beg, dear Madam, the continuance
of your prayers, as being, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant
in our glorious High-prieft,
G. /r.
To Mrs. B B , at Bath.
Dear Madam, London^ Feb. 3, 1758.
I Cannot help acquainting you and your honoured fifter,
and Mrs. G , that the plan concerted fome time ago
is likely to be put in execution. I'he trenches for the wall,
1 believe are begun, and by the firft of May, the houfes are to
be finifhed. If poiTiblc, I would furnifh them, that the poor
might be fure of goods, as well as a houfe. All things are
poftible with God. The thing hath fcarce as yet taken wind.
Such fecret expeditions, I truft, God will favour. Both con-
gregations and the divine influences increafe. By thought-
fulnefs, frequent preaching, and a crazy tabernacle, my nightly
refts are continually broken; but the joy of the Lord is my
ftrcngth : and I hope ere long to be where I fliall keep awake
for ever. I moft earneftly beg the continuance of your prayers,
and you may be aftured of being always remembered in the
poor addrefles of, dear good Ladies,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. n\
To the Reverend Mr. Samuel S , in Bath.
Reverend and dear Sir, London, Feb. 3, 175S.
YOUR kind letter drove me to my knees, and as I do not
hear of vour dear and honoured father's relcafe, I fup-
pofe he is yet detained a prifoner. I ftiall make public and
private mention of him, until I know he is gone beyond the
reach of prayer, and entered upon his eternal work of praife,
I pity the poor minifters, who will forely mifs him, but fhall
rejoice in his entering into his Mafter's joy. Once more I
fend the good old faint my moft cordial falutations and thanks
unfeigned. At the great day, before men and angels, I fhall do
it openly. Then likewife, my dear Sir, I hope to fee you
and yours joining in one univerfal uninterrupted hallelujah,
and carting your crowns before the throne of the glorious
Emmanuel. In whofe great name, with moft fincere condo-
lence with Mrs. S and all your affli6led family, I once
more beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To ProfeJJhr F . rrov^ck
London^ March 5, 1758.
Mojl reverend and dear Sir,
THOUGH I am almoft afhamed to put pen to paper,
yet the kind mention (as I hear from good Mr. Z )2,tfb^«y
you have been pleafed to make from time to time of me, to-
gether with the importunities of that venerable man of God,
have at length prevailed upon me to trouble you with this letter.
O that an infinitely condefcending Redeemer may excite you
thereby, moft honoured Sir, to be inftant in prayer for one
who is the chief of finners, and lefs than the leaft of all faints.
Long, long before now did I think of entering into my
wifli'd-for reft. Times without number hath this tabernacle
groaned ; but having obtained help from God, I yet continue,
in my poor way, to preach to all that are willing to hear, the
unfearchable riches of Jesus Christ. Through grace the
fields are as yet white, and as ready to harveft as ever. In
the Summer I range, and with a table for my pulpit, and the
heavens for my founding-board, I am enabled generally thrice
a day, to call to many thoufands to come to Jesus that they
may have life. In the Winter I am confined to this metro-
polis ; but to my great mortification, through continual vo-
miting, want of reft, and of appetite, I have been reduced for
fome time to the fhort allowance of preaching only once a day,
^jccept Sundays, when I generally preach thrjce. Thoufands
P 2 attend
attend every evening at both ends of the town, and on LordV
days many, many go avi^ay for want of room. The divine
prefence is apparently amongft us, and every week produces
frefii inftances of the power of converting grace. Blefled be
God, we meet vvith no difturbances in town, and very feldom
in the country : but laft year, while I was preaching in the
iields in Ireland, a popifli mob was fo incenfed at my preach-
ing the Lord our Rightioujnefs, and praying for our good old
King, and the King oi Pntffia^ that they furrounded, {loned,
and almoft killed me. But we are immortal till our work is
done, and glad (hould I have been to have died in fuch a
caufe. Mr. IV y hath focieties in Ireland and elfewhere ;
and though we differ a little in fome principles, yet bro-
therly love continues. I generally, when itinerating, preach
among his people, as freely a; among thofe who are called
our own. In London feveral new flaming preachers arc
come forth ; and in various parts of the kingdom we hear of
divers others, who feem determined to know and preach no-
thing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. ThouCands and
thoufands are now praying daily for fuccefs to she Prujjian and
Hanoverian arms. Your fall- days were kept here with great
folemnity, and will be fo again, God vvilliug, when I know
the day. Our Jajhua's arc in the field. Many a A^ofcs is gons
up info the mount to pray. Nil defperandum Chrijlo di/ce, au-
fpicc Cbri/io. I'he aik trembles, but underneath are the cver-
laftino; arms of an everlaftinf^ God. He that wrought fuch
wonders for the Prujfian monarch lafl: year, can repeat thera
this. Lord, we believe, help our unbelief! The dillrefl'es
of German proteftants, we look upon as our own. We have
alfo endeavoured to give thanks for the great mercy vouch-
fafed your Orphan-houfe, and the proteftant caufe. LoRi>
JesUs, repeat the occafions, for thine infinite mercy's fake \
Pardon, pardon, moft worthy Sir, the length of this, and im-
pute it to the encouragement given by the venerable Mr.
Z- ?- to, moft honoured Sir,
Your dutiful fon and. fervant,
G. //''.
ro Mr. K .
JLondon, May 13, 1758.
My very dear Mr. K— ,
I Hope this will iind you rejoicing in fuccers given to dear
Mr. J -'s labour?^ If he is with you, be pleafed to
defire him to prepare for conning to London immediately after
TFbitfuntide. He and dear Mr. J)- may be in town whilft
I take my IVeJch and Weft-country range. I 2m unaccounta-
bly detained here ; but I truft for good. The word feems to
run and be glorified more and more. I am fomewhat fur-
prifed that I hear nothing frorn Mr. P , or my dear Mr.
S d: but all is well. My Jicarty love to him and all his
dear relations. Can you fix no tjme for coming up ? I do
not hear of the cyder being arrived. When (hall we be
called to drink the new wine of the kingdom ? Lord, give
me patience to wait! I am quite puz2,led. Mr. P W ,
without fending me a line, is come to Brifiol^ and propofes
fta^.jng there fome time. The confequence of his coming, is
divifion and uneafinefs already. I care not to go and fifli in
troubled waters : neither can I advife you fo to do : and yet I
believe your going would be a very great blefling. I expedl a
line from Mr. D- — - every hour, who, I fuppofe, is upon the
road to London. If not fet Out, defer it for a few days, and you
fiiall hear, God willing, more particularly from, my very dear
inan, in great hade, but greater love.
Yours, &c. 3cc. in our fympathizing Jesus,
y ^ G. W,
To Mr. .
My very dear Sir, Qloucejler^ May 22, 1758.
I Hope you got to London in great fafety. Through divine
goodnefs I arrived at Gloucejier on Saturday afternoon, and
preached thrice and gave the holy facrament on Sunday. Thou-
fands attended, and our Lord gave us a bleHed opening of
the Summer campaign. I am now writing in the room where
P 4 I wa^
I was born. BlefTed be God, I know there is a place where J.
V/is born again. That is my fiative city indeed. After finilhing
this, I fhull fet out for Brijiol, where I propofe flaying over
Sunday : then for JFalcs. My very de^r Sir, add to my
obligations, by following me with your prayers. This taber-
nacle makes me to groan. The one-horfe chaife will not do
for me. As it will not quarter I am fliaken to pieces. Driving
likewife wearies mr, and prevents my reading; and if the road
be bad, my fervant that rides the fore-horfc is dirtied exceed-
ingly. I have therefore fcnt to Mr. S- 's about the poft-
chaife, and dcfired him to beg the favour of you, my dear Sir,
to look at it, and let me know your thoughts. This is giving
frefh trouble : but you are my friend. May the friend of all
richly reward you for all labours of love. He will, he will.— •
You fhall have a hundred-fold in this life, and in the world
to come, life everlafting. Being about to fet off, I can only
add my due and moft cordial refpeds to all your dear relations
and enqui.ing friends, and to beg th.e continuance of all yom:
prayers, in bthalf of, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afteftionatcly in our glorious Head,
G. IF,
^. E T T E R MCC.
To Mr. B .
M) (^car Mr. B , Bri/Joly May 24, 1 758.
DO not take my feemlng long filence ill. Indeed it was
unavoidable. Ever fince the receipt of your kind letter,
J have been fo exceedingly and yet I truft profitably bufied at
London, that till I left it laft week, I had not one moment to
fpare. However, your affair was not quite neglecled. I com-
municated it to the phyfician of the FoundUng- Hofpiial, who is
my conrtant hearer, and he wrote me the cnclofcd letter, and
fent me alfo the enclofed paper. I heartily wifh your defigri
may take effedl at Edinburgh. Glad (hould I be to do any thing
in my power to promote it, but I have little expedation of
feeing ScotLind this year. The Engl'ijl) work is fo extenfive,
and the bleffcd profpcdl of abundant fucccfs at London, hath
kept me fo long there, that I fliall be much ftraitncd in time; —
but if friends pray, who knows what may be done. Lord
Jcsus, dire£l my goings in thy way ! On Sunday we opened
the fummer campiign in G}cucrJ}irJ})irs. Yefterday I came
5 hither.
hither. In both places the fields are white ready unto harveft-.
Frefli labourers are raifed up in Bedfordjhire. A flamer (a
learned clergyman) is broke forth, and almoft a whole parifh,
(I think in Buckinghamjhire) is lately brouo;ht to enquire after
Jesus. I know you will fay, may it fpread far and near ! I
muft conclude. Excufe my not writing to all my dear, never
to be forgotten friends, and beg them to continue to pray for,
flear Mr. B -,
Theirs and yours, he.
G. ir.
To Mr. R K ;;.
Brj/iol, May 26, 1758.
My very dear Mr. K w,
REPEATED adts of kindnefs and love, call for repeated
acknowledgments. — Accept therefore hearty thanks for
your laft Salt-Hill favour, and allure yourfelf, that neither this
nor any former labour of love, will be forgoiten by Him, who
takes notice of a cup of cold v/ater given in the name of a dif-
ciple. Through his divine goodnefs I got fafe into Gloiicejier-
Jhire, where I opened the fummer campaign laft Sunday. Ever
fince Tuejday evening, I have been preaching here twice daily.
Multitudes fly like doves to the windows. Abiding impreflions
fecm to be made. — This is the Lord's doing : to Him be all
the glory ! On next Monday^ God willing, I fet out for
Wales. I know you will follow me with your prayers. I am
fure mine always attend you and yours: I iove fuch old fteady
friends. It is CHRiST-like, not to be given to change. — BlefTed
be God for an unchangeable Jesus I
To feel his power ^ to hear his voice,^
To iajle his love^ he all our choice I
I muft away to my throne, — Adieu ! The Lord be with you
and ^ours ! My hearty love to Mr. J , and all who are fo
^ind as to enquire after, my very dear Mr. K w,
Yoursj &c, in our common Lord,
G. IF.
BrlJIol, May 28, 1758.
My very dear Sir^ Nine in the morning.
I Am quite alhamed, that I fhould give yogj Co much trou-
ble: — but you are my friend indeed. May the never-fail-
ing friend of fmners blefs and reward you a thoufand fold !
I have been juft now preaching the unfearchable riches of his
grace, to a multitude of fouls, in a fine fquarc. — Prefcntly, at
eleven o'clock, the blefTed tafk is to be repeated at King/woody
and then once more in t}ie evening here. Yeftcrday I went
to Bath. But every thing wearies this fhattered bark. To-
morrow, God willing, I go for If^ales. The chaife muft be
my carriage. I would part with that, and my other, and then
if I could have a good four wheel carriage for thirty or forty
pounds, the expence would not be fo great. I would not lay
out a fingle farthing but for my blefled Mafter. Mr. S— — - is
an honeft friendly foul.— I leave it entirely, my very dear Sir,
to you and him. The Lord give you to ride daily on in the
chariot of his love. 1 return cordial thanks to your mother and
fiflers for their concern for unworthy me. — Mrs. G and
J5 lonw to fee them. I had a good feafon of chriftian con-
verfation at Bath, and found Sir C H m realjy con-
verted unto God. — I doubt not but dear Mr. D s will
enjoy much of his bleflcd prefence. — Be pleafed to prefent my
hearty love to him, and all, and accept the fame for yourfelf
ar:d family, from, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFcdionately in our £^lorious Head,
To Countefs D .
Honcured Mailoffi, Brijicl, June 16, I 758.
FOR thib fortnight part, 1 expeded never to have wrote to,
or feen your Ladyfhip, till I favv you fitting at Christ's
right hand. Never was I brought fo low as on my late fFeUb
circuit. But as far as 1 can Ticar, it was one of the moft
profperous I ever took. Twice every day, thoufands and thou-
fands attended in variq.us towns in South- IVales, and on the
4 Sundays
Sundays the numbers were increjliblc. Surely they fled like
doves to the windows. Welcome, thrice welcome death in
fuch a caufe ! Here, and in Glouceflerjhire, like fcenes were
opened. BleiTed expeditions thefe. I hope expeditions of an-
other nature will not be the worfe for the prayers put up on
fuch occafions. They muft and will enter the ears of the
Lord of Sabaoth. Blefled be God, that Sir Charles is fo
honeftly and openly embarked in Christ's caufe. My poor
prayers are for him and his, night and day. T hope to fee
good Lady G in my way to London. In the mean while,
praying that your Ladyfhip may more and more be blefled in
the latter ftages of your road, and at laft be admitted with
triumph into your Mafter's joy, is the earneft prayer of, ho-
poured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful,
obliged fervant for Chi^ist's fake,
^0 Lady Fanny S .
fionoured Madam^ Brijioly June ih, 1758.
I Shall not for a good while forget my Twickenham journey.
It was a day much to be remembered by unworthy me.
Lord, why am I thus highly favoured ? And yet (O unwea-
ried goodnefs !) he continues to blefs me, vile as I am, more
and more. O what delightful field gofpel-fcenes have been
difplayed in Gloucejier/fnre, Brijiol and Wales! There I have
been feebly labouring for above a fortnight. — Thou lands and
thoufands attended twice every day in various places, and on
Sundays the numbers were almoft incredible. A blefled influ-
ence ran through the whole circuit, and fundry times, I hum-
bly hoped my longing foul would have taken its wiflbed-for
flight; but 1 am preferved to return hither, as laft night, and
perhaps next week fliall fee London. The Lord Jesus direct
my goings in his ways ! Your Ladyfhip will remember a poor
worthlefs, but I truft willing pilgrim. You are called to enjoy
your Bethel at home ; I meet with them abroad. The fame
God is rich unto all that call on him faithfully. I hope your
Ladyfhip hath feen dear Mr. J — ^ — grown in grace. It will
be pleafant to fee Sir Charles and the Earl ftriving who fhall
go faiteft to heaven. Your Ladyftiip will fcorn to be outftript
by any. The almighty God approves the ambition, and angels
look down with pleafore to fee the event. Blcfled be God,
that is certain. All believers here do run, and all hereafter
fhall obtain the prize. That your Ladyfhip may lay hold
of it with exulting joy, is the earnefl prayer of, honoured
Your Ladyfliip's mod dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
to Captain H y.
My very dear Sir, Brijloly June 16, 1758.
THE Welch roads have almoft demoliftied my open one-
horfe chaife, as well as me. But it is in Jesus's caufe.
Grace ! «race ! I am almoft afliamcd to think of your being
put to fo much trouble, in procuring a clofe chaife for un-
worthy me. 1 like the purchafe exceeding well, and fend a
pf pper-corn of acknowledgment for this and all other unmerit-
ed favours. The God whom I defire to ferve in the gofpel of
his dear Son, knows and will reward all. Though I thought
I heard the found of my blefled Mafter's chariot wheels ready
to carry me to heaven, yet it fhould feem I am once more to
fee you, and your dear relations, and my other chriftian friends
on earth. Some time next week I hope to be there. The
lefracy is wonderful ; much better left for the poor than me.
I can Tive it away with a good grace : at prefcnt I think the
Orphan-houfe (hall have the whole ; it is much wanted there.
Sec, my dear Sir, how the chriftian's bleflings muft be brought
out of the fire. It is inconceivable what I have undergone
within thefe three weeks. I never was fo before. I truft fome
laftin"- blefiini^s have been left behind in Walei. Welcome
{hocks, both of body and mind. In fuch a cafe it is worth dying
for. Dear Mr, D hath felt them in London^ as I have
done in fVriles.— AW for the Eled's fake. Welcome, thrice
welcome the bitter fwcets, which the all-wife and compaflionate
Phyfician prefcribcs ; hut I am a ftubborn patient. O what;
erioin'^s of the old mat are difcovcrcd by fuch difpcnfations I
^ ^ "" I muft
I mufl: away to preach. I thank you heartily, dear Sir, for the
continuance of your prayers, and with moft cordial refpeds
to your dear and near relations, I beg leave to fubfcribe my-
Yours, &:c.
G. W.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam, Brijlol, yu7ie I'j, 1758.
THIS leaves me returned from JFales. It proved a moft
delightful trying circuit. I fuppofe your Ladyftiip hath
heard how low I have been in body, fcarce ever lower ; not
able to fit up in company all the time, yet ftrengthened to
travel without bodily food, and to preach to thoufands every
day. Never were the fields whiter, and more ready to harveft.
The Lord Jesus feemed to ride in triumph through the great
congregation in Haverford-weji . Perhaps the auditory con-
fitted of near fifteen thoufand. Tears flowed like water from
the ftony rock. The cup of God's people quite runs over.
Many were fick of love. Welcome then bodily pain, an^
bodily ficknefs ! O for a hearfe to carry my weary carcafe
to the wifhed-for grave ! " There the wicked ceafe from
troubling, there the weary are at reft." But perhaps I muft
fee London firft. With regret I turn my back on this blefled
itinerating weather, but Mr. Dai: — muft be relcafed. O
for fome difinterefted foul to help at the chapel durino- the
fummer feafon ! Spiritual, divine ambition, whither art thou
fled ! But I fee fuch honours are referved for few. I rejoice
in the increafe of your Ladyfhip's fpiritual routs. I can guefs
at the confolations fuch uncommon fcenes muft afford to your
Ladyftiip's new-born foul. No wonder you are diftrefled from
other quarters. Indeed, my moft noble and ever-honoured
patronefs, thus it muft be. Christ's witnefles muft be purged
at home. Inward domeftic trials, fit for outward public work.
Nature recoils, when conftrained to take the cup; and it may
be from a near and dear relation's hand : but infinite Wifdom.
knows what is beft. O that I could be more paffive ! O that
I could let the good and all-wife Phyfician chufe my medicines,
and the hands that fliall convey them to me! hut I am a ftub-*
born rcafoning creature, and thereby force almighty love fre-
quently to drench me. O, I am fick! I am fick! fick in body^
but infinitely more fo in my mind, — to fee what drofs yet re-
mains in, and furrounds my foul. BlclTed be God, there is
one, who will fit as a refiner's fire, and purify the fons of Levi.
for an heart to bear its fcorching, foul purging heat! When
1 am tried, 1 fliall come fohh ds gold. I write this to your
Ladylhip out of the burning bufli. BlcfTed place ! Christ is
there ! Christ is there ! To his never-failing mercy do I
moft humbly commend your I^adyfiiip, and with ten thoufand
thoufand thanks for honouring fuch an unfruitful unworthy
worm with your unmerited patronage, 1 beg leave to iub-
icribe mylclf, ever-honouicd Madam,
Your Ladyfhip'b moft: dutiful, and
ready fcrvant, for Chiu.st's fake,
G. U\
ToMr.S .
My very dear Sir ^ Newcajile^ Jji!y '^^•, I75i>»
THUS far, a never- failing Redeemer hath brought on thft
moft worihlefs and weak pilgrim, that was ever employ-
ed in publifliing his everlafting gofpel. All the laft week was
taken up in preaching at Evertcn^ Saint Nccts^ ^^"jfo-> B,yif(,rd,
Oulney^ fVeJion^ Underivood, Ravcnjione and N:rthampion. Four
clergymen lent me their churches, and three read prayer.", for
me in one day. I preached al!b in Mr. Bunyans pulpit, and
at Ncrthan,f'tcn 1 took the fitld. Good feafons at all the places.
Mr. B e^ who was lattly awakened at Everton^ promifes
to be a burning and (hining light. Yefterday we had good
times here, and to-morrow, God willing, I fliall fct ofl' for
Edinburgh. My bodily flrength increafes but very little. Some-
iiiues I am almolt tempted to turn back, but through divine
liircncth I hope to go forward, and fliall ftrive, as much as in
riftC lies, to die in this glorious work. God will blefs you and
you:s, my very dear Sir, for (lengthening my feeble hands
in it, fo often as you have done. Jl^us knows, and will re-
V, uiU all labour.s of love and works of faith. They are more
picc.ous :!i*n rubies. God willing, you fliall hear from me
Ef^ain, when I fee how the Lord deals with me in Scotland.
In the mean while, be pleafed to add to my obligations by the
continuance of your prayers, and accepting of thanks unfeign-
ed, and cordial love to your whole felf, and dear daughter,
from, my very dear friend.
Yours mofl affe^ionately in our glorious Head,
G. W,
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Afy very dear Friend, Edinburgh, Jug. 10, 1758.
I Thank you moft heartily for your kind letter of invitation
to G . But alas! what fhall I fay?^— I fear it cannot
be complied with. For above thefe three months laft paft, I
have been fo weak in my animal frame, that I can fcarcely
drag the cra2y load along. With great difficulty I came here,
and if I fliould ftay to come wefkward, it would make my
journey to London too far in the year, as I have many places
to call upon in the way. Blefled be God, the work profpers
in London more than ever. I am firengtbened to preach here
twice a day; but alas, I grow weaker and weaker in preaching,
and in all I do for the ever-loving and altogether lovely ]esvs.
1 fuppofe you have heard of the death of Mr. Jonathan Ed^
zuards. — Happy he ! — You will add to my obligations, by con-
tinuing to pray, that the divine ftrength may be magnified in
my weaknefs, and that I may fpeedily (if it be the divine will)
be fent for to my wifhed-for heaven ! — Praying that we may
have a happy m-eeting there, with ten thoufand thanks for
all paft unmerited kindnefles, I fubfcribe myfclf, very dear
Yours, $ic. in our common glorious Head,
G, jr,
p. S, My tender love awaits all enquiring friends.
To Mr. .
My very dear Sir, Edinburgh, Jug. 15, 1758.
NOT till laft Saturday, did your firft long wifhed-for
letter come to hand. I wonder that / C did
not difpatch it immediately. As I knew not what its contents
would be, I did not write to Staffordjhire ; for I was .and
am determined to fix upon nothing without advifing with you.
And indeed, I think the whole muft be put off till we can have
a free conference. In the mean while, I fhali write to our
young friend, and pray that the friend of all would direft in
this important affair. He will, he will. It is not with Mr.
S as you imagine. He is quite free. But more of this
when we meet. — When we meet ! ftrange words for a dying
man ! — But it feems I am growing better. Within thefe four
days I have felt a great alteration. — Perhaps it may continue,
God's will be done. Surely, never was there fo weak a crea-
ture ever employed in fuch a work for God, — and yet people
flock rather more than ever. Doctor IF and Mr. R — — .
often wilh you here. We have two lovely fcenes every day.
I hope the Redeemer will come with dear Mr. D . I blefs
him for returning you, my dear Sir, in fafety. My moft cor-
dial refpeds attend your dear relations, and beg the continu-
ance of your prayers, for, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friend, Edinburgh, Jug. 17, 175S.
IT is a little hard, that we fliould be fo near, and not have
a perfonal interview. But our Lord orders all things well.
Moft of my chriftian meetings muft be adjourned to heaven.
Thither I have been in hopes of going for many weeks laft
paft : but it will not do. This preaching is a ftrange rcfto-
rative. I wifli you may take it every da^'. If things arc not
ri£];ht at home, it is well if we can take or catch fire abroad.
Would ftrcngth permit, I could tell you much good news from
London. But time is fhort, and this my body weighs thS
tiown. I hav/e thoughts of leaving Edh;burgh on Tnefdny next;'
in order to return \o England. Friends dbjcft much againft
it. May the friend of a!!, guide and influence. I find no di-
minution in the auditories, and I truft good is done. To thd
giver of every godid gift be all the glory! I commert'd you
and yours to his never-failing mercy, and beg the continuanc^
of your prayers in behalf of, my very dear friend, ' ' '
Yours mofl affcdionately in our common Lord,
G. WV;
• . a':
To Mr. S .
My very dear Sir, Edinburgh^ Jug. ig^ 175S.
Came here a fortnight ago, very lovs? indeed; but by
preaching about thirty times, blcfied be God, I am a good
deal better. Multitudes, of all ranks, flock twice every day,
A divine influence attends the word, and though fov)n in lb
much weaknefs, I truft it will meet with a divine incrdafei
On Tuefday next, I thought to have moved ; but as it is race
week, and my health is improving, friends advife me to ftay^
to ftir them up to run with patience the race which is fet be-»
fore us. O that my fluggifh foul may be quickened, and I
may begin to prefs forwards, for the prize of my high calling!
I doubt not but this will find my dear friend upon the wing
for heaven. That you and yours may mount higher and
higher like an eagle, till you fly into the bofom of a waiting
God, is the earneft prayer of, my very dear Sir^
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head^
G. n\
To the Rcvirend Mr. G .
Edinburgh^ Aug. 24, 1 758,
Rgvercnd and very dear Sir^
AFTE R long meditation and earneft prnyer, I cannot come
to any determination about my journey to Glafgow. For
thefe four months laft paft, I have been brought fo exceeding
low in my body, that I was in hopes every fermon I preached
Vol. Ill, Q^ wouM
would waft me to my wifti'd-for home. Scotland, I hoped,
would finifh my warfare ; but it hath rather driven me back
to fea again. By force I have been detained here this race
week ; but if I come to Glafgow, I fliall be detained in Scotland
a fortnight longer, which will greatly hinder nic in my E^'g-
lijh work. However, I will continue to look up; and by Sa-
iurdafs poft my dear Gaim may expect a pofitive anfwcr.
Lord Jesus, direct my goings in thy way ! I am much
obliged to you and other dear Glafgow friends for taking notice
of fuch a worthlefs creature. All I can fay is, that I am lefs
than the lead of all, but for Christ's fake, reverend and very
dear Sir,
Theirs and yours mofl affectionately in our glorious Head,
G. IV,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
j^4y "Oery dear Friend, Edinburgh, Sept. g, 175S.
IT is ftrange that you and I cannot be more toge;her. I
believe Satan doth not like it : ere long we (hall get out
of his reach. In heaven we (hall enjoy our God and each
others company for ever. O that 1 moved faftcr towards it !
Complain not. I am the drone, the dwarf, the all that is
worthlefs and unworthy ; but Jesus' grace is free and infi-
nite. He owned my feeble labours at Glafgotv. Indeed we
had good feafons : fome quite remarkable. I hear of another
clergyman lately awakened in the north of England. Some-
thing uncommon is upon the carpet. Lord, prepare us for
whatever thou haft prepared for us. IVedmjday next is exe-
cution-day \ I mean, I am to take my leave. I now bid you
and yours farewel. GoD blefs you. Forget not to pray, my
▼cry d€ar friend, for.
Ever yours, &c.
<ro Mr. S .
Afy very dear Friend^ Darlington^ S»pt. 21, 175^.
SUR ELY it is an age fince I had the pleafure of writing td
you laft. I was then appointed by Providence to ftay ac
Edinburgh the race week : fince then, I have been at Glafgow^
and returned to Edinburgh again. At both places my health grevir
^ better, and I was enabled to preach always twice, and fometimes
thrice a dayj to very large and affe6ted auditories. The partings
from both places were very cutting. In heaven all this will be
over. In my way to Newcajlle I preached twice j and thrice iri
and about that place. Yeftcrday I hope fome gofpel feed fell
on good ground at Durham and Bijhop-Aukland. I am now in
my way to Yarm^ and hope to be next Lord's- day at Leeds ^
.God only knows where will be my next remove : I fear not
to glory. I am put out to fea again. If to take fome frefli
prizes, I fhall rejoice. Lord, what am I ! a worthlefs worm,
the chief of fmners, and lefs than the leaft of all faints. And
yet what wonders is God doing day by day ! The fields are
white ready unto harveft : nothing is wanting but labourers.
Lord Jesus, thfuft more out for thine infinite mercy's fake !
Vou have had Vidtorious fcenes at London. O that God's
goodnefs may lead us to a national repentance I Without
this, I fear our rejoicing will only be like the crackling of a
few thorhs under a pot. However, God is a prayer- hearing
God. Thoufands and tens cf thoufands, I truft, are befieg-^
ing the throne of grace. I am perfuaded you are always bufy
this way. May you be a prince with God, and prevail more
and more ! I hope this will find your whole felf, and only-
daughter, enjoying thriving fouls in healthy bodies. That
you may increafe in every refpedl with all the increafe of God,
is the earneft prayer of, my very dear Sir, under innumerable
Yours, &c. in 4>ur glorious Emmanuel^
To Mr. C .
LeedSf O^ober 1 1, 17^5.
HOW is my very dear friend? I hope, profpering in
foul and body. Thongh abCent from, I am ot'ien pre-
fcnt with him. Ere long we Ihall be for ever with the Lord.
But preaching docs not kill me, though twice and fometimes
thrice a day, for above this fortnight paft. God hath been dif-
playing blelTcJ feafons : thoufands and thoufands have attended
in various parts. By next Lord's-day I am to be at Rotheram
and ShrJfteU. Change of weather will alone drive me to Win-
ter quarters. Lord, prepare me for Winter trials ! they are
preparatives for an eternal Summer. Come, Lord Jea's,
come quickly ! We have had a moft forrowful parting this
morning. I muft away. Love and gratitude would not fuf-
fer me to take horfe without dropping another line. I fear I
am troublefome, but you muft impute it to the love and re-
gard due to you from, my very dear friend.
Yours moft afFeclionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Rotheram, O^ober 15, 1758.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
SINCE my leaving Scotland, in various part^ of the north
of England, as at AlnvAck, NewcajUe, Leeds, Sec. the ever-
loving, altegether-lovely Jesus hath manifcftcd forth his
glory. Thoufands and thoufands have flocked twice, and
fometimes thrice a day to hear the v/ord. Never did I fee the
fields whiter, or more ripe for a fpiritual harveft. Praife the
Lord, O our fouls ! If the weather continues fair, I hope
to prolong my Summer's campaign. It fliocks me to think of
Winter quarters yet. Lord, help me ! How foon docs the
year roll round ! Lord Jesus, quicken my tardy pace ! I
fuppofc by this time Mr. G is got home. Blelli^d be
God for owning him. I expe«^ to fee him in a few days. I
I write
write this from tiie houfe of a once terrible perfecutor of her
huftand, but now a Lydia. What a change doth grace make !
As they were in debt at Leeds for their building, laft Lord's-
diiy I collecled for them near fifty pounds. LorvD Jesus,
help me to icnow no party but thine ! This I am pcrfuaded
is your catholic fpint. O for an increafe of it among all de-
nortnnarions ! I could enlarge, but the people are waiting. I
thank God I am not worfe in my health. Help me to cry
Grace ! grace ! I fuupofc Dr. l^ hath fent you Mifs
Prince's letter. You Vi'ill remember me to dear Mrs. G- •
and all friends. I fend repeated thanks for all favours, and
earneflJy entreat the continuatice of their prayers in behalf of,
reverend and very dear Sir,
Theirs and yours, Sec. in our glorious Head,
G. 7V.
To Mr. .
My very dear Sir, London ^ OSi. 2B, 1 758.
HOW narrowly did I efcape feeing you at Bath! 1 was
coming from Staffcrdfilre to Brijiol, but the change of
weather and Ihortnefs of the days drove me up to my Winter
quarters. I took leave of our young friends, who have been
publicly on a fcaffold attending a preached gofpel. Lord
Jesus, increafe fuch mighty wonders ! My health is fome-
what improved, but I find a very little thing foon impairs it.
Lord, help me ! How very little can I do for thee ! 1 blufli
even whilfl: I am writing. Qiiicken, O God, my tardy pace !
We hope to fee you next week. I wifh Mrs. G and
Mrs. B would come up this Winter. We have had fine
gofpel feafons. Grace ! grace ! I could enlarge, but have
fcarce sot time to write thefe few ines. I think they are lines
pf love and gratitude much owing you by, my very dear Sir,
Yours, Sec. in cur glorious Head,
0^5 LET*
Dear 5/>, London, Nov. 3, 1758.
THOUGH I hope to have the pleafure of feeing yon
next week, yet love and gratitude conftrain me to fend
you an anfwer to your kind letter. Blefled be God, that you
have fome fpiritual minifters and people to converfe with ! |
hope that the waters will be blefled to the recovery of dear
Mr. H 's health, and that out of his belly will be made to
flow rivers of living waters for the refrefhment of many fouls.
Pear Mr. C -'s Iharp afflidion I never heard of till lately :
fharp indeed. God make it fweet to his foul ! O thefe
Jjaacs ! how hard to facrifice ! He hath my unfeigned fym-
pathy, and worthlefs prayers. Dear Mr. A 's filler hatl^
inet with fuch another trial : (he is left with five children.
As Mr. A hath been a fleady friend, and his brother-in-
)aw was a fpiritual child, I have propofed putting the two
eldeft boys to boarding for one year. Twenty pound will dp
it. Ten guineas are already given. Perhaps Mrs. B or
G may fpcak to you about it. I write to each by this
poft. Mr. A hath taken the children with him into
GhiicrJIerJJnie. Your kind fifters remembered them. They
and your mother were all here laft night. I hope our LoRQ
was with us too. That is all in all. This muft be my Win-
ter Bethel. Without retirement I cannot go on. Comfort?
come fweetcft from the fountain head. That you may be
filled with them, both here and hereafter, is the earneft prayer
of, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
To Mr. D .
My dear Mr. I): , London, Nov. 13, 1758.
I Was very glad to receive your kind letter dated Augujl.
BIcllcd be God that the family is fo far reduced, and that
I can fend you word a never-failing Providence hath put it
|nto my power to pay oiF all Bethejda's arrears. I know this
will gladden your heart, and ftrengthen your faith in the
Lord God of Bethejda. As yet I hear nothing of the chil-
dren. With this you have feme bibles and other books. The
Lord Jesus direcSl me about coming over ! I long for an op-
portunity. I daily talk of it. But as yet the door feems to
be {hut. However, the door for preaching the gofpel opens
v/ider and wider. Neither the new chapel nor the Taber-
nacle are near big enough. An awakening as well as com-
forting influence attends the word, and 1 truft fuch are daily
added to the church as fliall be faved. 1 hope if Mr. Zuhly
fettles in Georgia^ you will receive frequent benefit from his
miniftry. You do not mention how ^ P is dif-
pofed of. I am fenfible what a weight mufl now lie upon you
and dear Mrs. C . But he is faithful who hath promifed,
" that as our day is, fo fhall our ftrength be." I wifh you
would fend me a particular account of the ftate of my affairs,
and let me know where the children are put out, how they
behave, and whether the colony is in a growing fituation.
Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied upon all ! Amen, and
Amen ! My vvife joins in fending cordial refpe6ts. My blef-
fmg to the children. I can but thank you a thoufand and a
thoufand times for all your labours of love, and praying that
great may be your reward in heaven, I fubfcribe myfelf, dear
Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,
G, W.
To Mrs, C .
Dear Mrs. C , London, Nov. 14, 1758.
I Have waited with fome degree of impatience for the arrival
of Mrs. B , with whom, I fuppofe, you fent your let-
ters. The childrens pafiage comes hard upon me; but God's
will be done ! Mr, y — ^ns being at Georgia furprizes me,
1 told Mrs. H s what (he muft expert to meet with. But
he is faithful who hath promifed, '* that all things (hall work
together for good to thofe that love Him." BlefTed be our
God, whofe mercy endureth for ever ! I am talking every
tiay of coming over -, but how to do it in war time, or bow to
0.4 g«t
get riic chapclancl Tabernacle Tupplied, I cannot as yet be
^Jii^r in. My eyes are waiting upon him, who hath promifed
.tO{Jiri;Jt the paths of thofe who truft in him. Surely he will
lichly levvard you, who have left your kindred and native
country, and carefully watcht,d over fo many infant lambs in
ihst »--tw world. I can only fend you my moit grateful acknow-
•Icdgments, and pray continually, " that as your day is, fo
your ftrength may be." Do fend me your thoughts about every
thing. It lecms by Mr. D 's catalogue, that feveral of
jhe children are alaiofT fit to be put out. I want your opinion
X)f, J^^ — /'A' . Lo?.D, help me to bear every thing for
thy great nanic-b- (cike ! 1 muft have feme thorns ; for the
iword feems to run ind be glorified in town and country more
.arid n:iore. Praife.xhe Lord, O our fouls ! I fliall here break
;.cfi"", 'boping that before the fliip fails, 1 {hall receive the other
.fetters, and then morc^ iliall be added by, dear Mrs. C ,
• i! Your moft obliged friend, and very ready fervant
in our common Lord,
To Mrs. <^— ..
Dcjir Mrs. C , LcnJon, i\jv. 29, 1758,
L^ST n^ght, after having fent away my packet in the
qnorning, I received your wifh'd-for letter dated in
'jiiguji. The others referred to in that, never came to hand,
But I have fince fent yir. r word^ that my aflairs fliould
be continued in the prefent hands. I was never fo well fatis-
fied before ; and I have great pleafurC in thinking, how you
w'dl be plealtd to hear that Providence- hath put it into my
: power to pay off all arrears. Methlnks I hear you fay, Bleffed
be the Lord God of Betl.efda ! Let all my dear family fay,
, Amenl I find the little ones begin to prattle already j but we
,:inuft learn to do good for Christ's fake. Hd will re^Slify all
iX. the great day.' O the happineis of a fingle eye 1 As affairs
have fo turned out for poor y j, I am glad you are abroad;
^nd you fee how wonderfully God hath provided forypur fiftef.
Be not at all urjcafy about your b r : he will do better
^hanevcr. Blcffcd is the man that coufidwrs the poor and
needy \
needy: the Lord fnail deliver him in time of trouble. lam
glad the family is leilened.— I chiiik there are fomC upon the
lirr, almoft ready to be put our. V/hat think you o\ J
//'^-T— .and G — — -/ I wifii you would write me your fenti-
ments of the children. If the girls arc not wanted in the
houfc, I think the iboner they are put out the better. But I
leave ^11 to thofc in truft. I am n;ore than fatisfied, and fend
you ten thoufand thoufand thanks. Bethefdas God will thank
you before men and angels. My wife, I believe, hath written
to you. I write this from my BctheUt Tottenham-Court^ where
I come for a little retreat. Tv.'elve wldoivs mdecd ;ire in their
houfes near me, and God is doing v/onders at this end of the
town. Hulp me to praife this v/onder-workin:; God, and
>lo.abt not q\ being always remembered by, dear Mrs. C
Your moft affeclionate, obliged friend,
and ready fcrvant in Christ Jesus,
6\ JV.
Ti M-r. D .
My dear Mr, D , London, De.-. s^^ i-j ^'^,
NOTWITHSTANDING L wrote to you lately,
another opportunity oltcrs to fend you a line. I fend
.you- repeated thanks for your lleadinefs and care in that houfe
of mercy. With this alfo come the things you fent for ex-
cept Biftiop HaWs felecl works, which cannot be immediately
procured. I fhould be glad if a little rice, indjgo, &c. couli
be fent, that friends might fee fome of the Orphan houfe pro-
duce. Pray be as particular as you can in your account of
every thing. To whom is T P bound out ? I have
fent to B IV 's father, about fending for hi:r. ho.Tie.
If fome are not worthy, others will be. Blefied be God that
the arrears will be paid off. You will fee my letter to Air.
P-^ — t The Lord direct me and all how to a£l ! I hope
my old afiiilants will continue in their places ; and I pray
earneftly, that Bcthefda may yet take deeper root downwarJs,
and bear yet abundantly more fruit upwards. Surely the
God of the fea and the God of the dry land will open a door
fof my embarkation by and by. Haften, O Lord, that
wifh'd-for time ! The child lately fent over, is recommended
by Mr. J C . That we all may continually be re-
commended to the Father of Mercies, by his dear and all-pre-
vailing Son Jksus Christ, is the earneft prayer of, dear
Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in Him,
To Mn. C .
Dear Mn. C , London ^ Alar ch 26, 1 759.
IT is now a long time fince I heard from Bcthefda. The
draughts, God willing, fhall be anfwered. We live in a
changing world, and Bethefdas God liveth for ever and ever.
His word runs and is glorified daily, efpecially at Tottenham-
Court. Sirange ! that nobody will relieve me, that I may once
more flee to America. But, heavenly Father, our times are in
thv hands : do with us as fccmeth good in thy fight ! O that
Bcthcjdd% little flock may take deep root downward, and bear
fruit upwards ! O that you may be helped to lean on your
Beloved ! Surely God will blefs you for taking care of the
fatherlefs children. A pepper-corn of acknowledgment, and
my poor prayers, are the only return that 1 can make you. I
am in expectation of hearing from you every day. That grace,
mercy, and peace may be multiplied upon you all, is the
earneft prayer of, my dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft affedionate friend and willing fervant
in our common Lord,
G, W.
To Mr. S .
My very dear Sir^ Brijiol^ May 25, 1759.
THIS day fe'nnight, through divine goodnefs, I came
hither. The next day the Spring campaign was opened :
on the Lord's-day wc took the field. Thoufands and thou-
fands attended ; full as many as in London. The power of
the Lor I) was prcfent at the three meetings, as well as at the
^ holy
holy communion. Some cups were made to run over. Ever
iince 1 have been enabled to preach twice, and fometimes
thrice a day. Never did I fee the Brijhl people more attentive
pr imprcfled. My body feels the heat : but no matter. If
fouls are benefited, ail is Vv'ell. Would to God I could begin
to do fomethiag for Jesus ! You are employed one way, I
another. Ere long we ftall fit down together in the kingdom
of our Father. Next Monday perhaps I may move towards
GloucfJIer. 1 know you will follow me with your prayers.
Mine always attend you and yours. It is the only return
that can be made for all your kindneiFes conferred on, my
very dear friend.
Yours moft afFe<5lionately in our common Lop.d,
G. JV,
ro Mr. s- .
My very dear Friend, Edinburgh, Ju/y 3, 1759.
THERE hath been a long interval between my lafl and
this. My quick motions, and frequent preachinf, have
been the caufes. O what am I that I fhould be employed for
Jesus ! In Gloiueflerjhire the cup of many of his people ran
over. In Torkjhire I preached for a week twice a day. Great
congregations ! great power ! Blefied be the name of the
great God for ever and ever I Here alfo people, hi2;h and
low, rich and poor, flock as ufual, morning and evenino-. I
am growing fat : but, as I take it to be a difeafe, I hope I {hall
go home the fooner. Happy they who are Hife in harbour.
A ftorm I fear it at hand. Jesus will be our hiding-place.
He fhall preferve us in trouble : he fliall compafs us about
with fongs of deliverance. That this may be the peculiar lot
pf you and yours, is the earneft prayer of, my very dear Sir,
yours, &c. under manifold obligations,
G. JV.
To the Rrjerend Mr. G .
Edlniurgb, July -, 1 759
Reverend and very dear S^'ir^
GOD willing, I pui'pcfe to ic^ G ; ! .it cannot .\t
yet fix the day. I preach, and people fioclc-as ufual j
but Scctlafid is not Lo-.tdon. The Redeemer is dgir.g wonders
there. Every poft brings frofh good news. ' Gob's Spirit
blows when and where it liftcih. O for a gale before the
flcrni ! I expefl one is at hand. The refuge' is as near:
Jf.;>us is our hiding-place. O for a hiding-phcc in heaven i
When will my turn conn6 ? Some fay, not yet ; for (would
you think it ?) I am growing fat : To did Mr, Darracot a little
before he died. O that my latter end may be like his ! You
will not forget a wurthlefs but willing pilgrim. Hearty love
to ail.
Yours, &c. cZQ. in the bcft bonds,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friend, Edinbiiygh, July 8, 1759.
I Do now begin to defpair of feeing you, till we meet in
that world, where fpiritual children and fpiritual fathers
fhall join in praifing Kim who fitteth upon the throne for
ever. O proclaram diem! Welcome ftorms which drive
us nearer that bleflcd port. Some here, I truft, arc ftceiing
their courfc that way. ImprciTions fcem tj be lafting on many.
In the Wefc, I think, I was rather more attended, and a
greater power accompanied the word. Lord, what am I ?
On Monday^ or Tuefday at the farihcfl, God willing, I move.
Scotch importunities have prevailed on me to ftay till then. O
for fome parting blcflings ! An afcended Saviour can impart
them. I have good news from the Orphan-houfe. All is
well there. That grace, mercy, and peace may be multiplied
upon you and yours, is the earned prayer of, my very de;tr
Yours mofc afie5i.ion:itely 'i' our common Lord,
G. IV,
L E T T E R S, 253
To the Reverend Mr. T .
Jlly 'very dear Fi'icrJ, Edinburgh^ July 12, 1 759.
T is well there is a heaven to make amends for all our tiif-
appoiiitments here on earth. I long for a future ftate,
v.'here we (hall all fit down together, and converfe for ever
without the Icafl: interruption. I know this will find you
looking tov/ards, and waiting for the coming of that day of
God. It is a bleflcd thing to be kept alive in a dead time.
It is a dead time in Scotland indeed. Little or no flirring
among the dry bones. It is not fo in London^ and feveral other
parts of England. Lord Jesus, revive thy work in the
midft of the years ! You will pray that the fatal languor may
not take hold of my already too languid heart. I would fain
be found of my Lord with my loins girded, and my lamp
burning. A ftorm feems to be at hand. Jesus is our hiding-
Blejl is faith that triijls his' potuer,
Blejl arc [aints that vjcit his hour :
Ilajie^ great Conqueror .^ bring it near ;
Let the glorioKS clofe appear.
O that fome may be awakened to prepare for that awful
hour ! On Monday, GoD willing, I go to blow the gofpd
trumpet at Glafgctv. Lord, what am I, that I fhould be one
of thy run-abouts ! If this bs to be vile^, Lord, make me
more vile ! Adieu. Hearty love and moft cordial refpecls
await your whole felf. Follow me with your prayers, and as
the Lord Jesus enables, they fhall be returned by, my very
dear friend.
Yours mofl afFeflionntely in our common Lord,
c. rr.
To Mrs. JV .
Dear Mrs. JV , Glafgow, July iS, 1759.
MAKE no apology for writing your mind. I fee the
difcafe, but know not how to come at a cure. Lii-
bourers are wanting of the old J] amp : but vines are very apt
to degenerate. If I am not miftaken, we fhall be purged with
a witnefs. God grant it may be that we may bring forth
more fruit. I want the purgation moft of all. I dread a cor-
pulent body. But it breaks in upon me like an armed man.
that my heart may not wax grofs at the fame time I I would
fain not flag, but rather begin at leafl: to begin in the latter
ftac^cs of my road. Congregations in Scotland are very large.
1 am glad to hear that the fliout of a king is among you.
Pray remember me in the kindeft manner to all in conference,
aud to all that are fo kind as to enquire after, dear Mrs.
JV ,
Your fincere friend and fervant in our common Lord,
G. ir.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , Newcajik., Jug. 16, 1759.
LONG before now I hope you have had the pleafure of
feeing Bethefdah debts all paid. Bethefda (now outward
burdens are off) I truft will be more agreeable every day. I
do not want to change its prefent Governefs. This, I fear,
would be the cafe, was Mr. P and his family to come.
1 fear you would then think yourfelf difchargcd. Befides, he
feems to want me to refign my truft entirely. This all here
diffuade me from, upon any terms, or to any perfon whatfo-
evcr. As you and Mr. D are fo faithful, if Mr. P •
will continue to fuperintend till I come, matters may continue
as they are. O when (hall I receive my commiflion to go
abroad; God only knows what awaits us at home. Jesu3
is our hiding-place. I am now in my return from Scotland^
For thefe fix weeks laft paft, the word hath run and been
elorified there. O, who is a God like unto our God, glorious
in holinefs, fearful in praifes, continually doing wonders I he
will be our God and guide unto death. That he may conti-
nually fill you with his grace here, and grant you an exalted
place, near his throne, in his kingdom hereafter, is the earncft
prayer of, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft afFeftionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervant irl our glorious Emmanuel,
G. W.
My dear Mr. D , Newcajile^ Jug. 16, 1759.
I Hope that foon after your writing in February laft, my
November letters came to hand, and that Mr. P / hath
been over with you, to difcharge all Bethefda debts. BlelTed
be God for caufing his work, to profper in your hands. Pray
be always as particular as you can about the children, and fet
them upon writing often. Mr. Zublys ceming to Georgia
pleafes me much. Pray let me have the whole account from
laft audit. I am glad you have taken in three more orphans ;
they will turn out great prizes in the laft day. Poor Mr.
/ s! — Let him that ftandeth take heed left he fall. Lord
Jesus, give us a right underftanding in all things ! He is an
ever-loving and ever-lovely Jesus. His power hath been made
known in Scotland for thefe fix weeks laft paft. Some books
will be fent from thence to the care of Mr. Hodfden. The
box which I fent in Burkilt fome months ago, I hear was
taken j — it had a gown in it, and feveral other things. *' The
Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away: blefied
be the name of the Lord !" We have a God that will fupply
all our wants, according to the riches of his mercy in Christ
Jesus. O to be faithful unto the death I we fhall then receive a
crown of life. That this may be your happy portion, is the
earneft prayer of, my dear Mr. D ,
Yours moft aft'cdionately in our common Lord,
G. W.
To iVrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C — ~, London^ Au^. 30, I 759.
THE bearers of this are well known to 1s\\\ D v.. \
trufl, I can recommend them as the followers of Jesus
Chiust. I wiOi Bethtfda may be a comfortable afylum for
them. I think that Mr. B i, for the prefent, might be
employed about the lands round the orphan-houfe, and fo gra-
dually learn to be overfeer at Epbrata. Jcb:: H -j, 1 fup-
pofe, wiil be for moving in a year or two. I wifli he may be
capable to do for him.felf. I am told that he drinks ; but I do
not love to catch at ill reports againft thofc that aie employed
in my houfc. Pray let me hear particularly concerning him.
Mrs. S k is a quiet teachable woman. I think fhe might
be of fervice to you immediately, "and with her hufbaud do
quite well, in a fnort time, at the plantation. You wiil foon
be able to jud^-c. If dcth not turn out as you dcfire, and
is not of ufe in tlie houfe, let her be put out to fome good
fervice : fhe is capable now of doing for herfelf. Mr. D n
will be fo kind as to take care of the little boy. He is quite
2n orph;m, and I am told very quiet, and willing to learn.
Would to God I was coming with them. But the way at
prefent is quite blocked up. Lord Jesus, open i: in thy due
time ! I hope you do not fo much as think of feeijig England
till I come over. Mrs. 5 k hath direiTtlons to Iea,ve Bctbcfda^
if you think her coming any reafon for your rennove; that
v.ould grieve me to the heart. I thir.k myfclf quite happy in
fuch an affiftant, and hope, now all debts are paid, you will
be free from many burdens. Q what hath God wrouf^ht?
wonders, wonders I Praife the Lord, O cur fouls ! I flioulJ
be glad of Mr. P -/ at Bet'hefda ; but 1 can give him no
more power than he hath. All arc againft my giving up my
trud to any perfon whatfocvcr. Lord Jesus, continue to be
Bethefdas GoD ! Should not // y\ daughter be put out to
fervice. Orphan-houfe plants ought to be tranfplantcd, to
make room for others, aiid then the family will not be too
lart^e. I commit you, and all, to his never failing mercy, and
am, dear Mrs. C — ' — -,
Your mod obliged, afFetStionate friend,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , London., Sept. 12, 1759.
I Can but fend you my poof pepper-corn of thanks unfeign-
ed, for your continued care of dear Bethefda. Now all is
paid, I hope your beft days are to come. Do not entertain a
thought of leaving a place, in which you have your health,
and are fo ufeful. If Mr. 5 k can fupply Ephrata^ then
all that family will be gone foon. Blefled be God that fome
of the girls turn out fo well I The worfted and ftays will be
fent with this. I hope to write again foon. I am not forry
that Lory is like to be difpofed of, but I would have another
negroc bought in her room. O that Jesus would waih them
in his blood. Little Reader^s letter pleafed us much. I would
have all the boys to write. O that Jesus may convert them!
Amen and Amen! Some of the books coming over, may be
difperfed among the people at Oqueehec, and elfewhere, if not
wanted at Bethefda. I want a mafter fadly for G— — , &c.
I truft the Lord will provide.
Bleji is faith that trujis His poWer,
Blejl are the faints that wait his hour.
Your fifter I hear turns out very well. Would to God I could
fay fo of all my relaticns !
But furely God'i rich grace is free \
For^ O my QoTt\ it found out me.
Hoping to have another fpeedy opportunity of writing again,
with ten thoufand thanks for all your care, and moft ©arneft
prayers for your increafmg with all the increafe of GoD, I
muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mrs. C ',
Your moft affcdlionate obliged friend,
and very ready fervant in our glorious JesUs,
G. IV.
To Mr. D .
My very dear Mr. D , London^ Sept. 13, 1 759.
'VT'OUR letter dated May 25, which I received yefterday
X by the hands of Mr. V'uuent, gave me unfpeakable fatis-
fadlion. I can but thank you, as I do ten thoufand times over,
for all your care and faithfulncfs. He that feeth in fecret will
ere long reward openly. As I hear both Dicker.fon and Ball
are arrived, you will have received more letters from me. God
be praifed for your fuccefs in the filk-worms! God be praifcd
that Bethefda is out of debt ! God be praifed for all his tender
mercies to me and mine ! Praife the Lord, O our fouls ! I
wifli fome of the children could be bred up for the miniftry.
G feems to me to have fome grace. What a pity that I
cannot have a grammar-fchool ! I fhall think and pray, and
then write to ycu and Mr. P / on this head. You all
feem to diflike the temper of thofe at Ephrata. If Mr. S k
could fupply the place, perhaps it would be more pleafant.
May the Lord Jesus dired, for his name's fake! He will, he
will! It is a mofl difcouraging thing, that good places cannot
be found for the boys when fit to go out. By this means,
they are kept in the houfe beyond their time, both to their own
burr, and to the further cTcpencciof the inftitution. I expect
R JV- home with Captain Ball. I am glad B- is
•at a trade. Somebody told his mother, that he was gone to his
maflcr's plantation. I wifli he had written a line. Could you
let me know what ftock of cattle you huve, and what hogs you
kill. The more particular you are about every thing, the
better. I long for the account. I am glad you received the
books I more are to be fcnt from Scotland. I do not much care
for R 's being at Bethefda,, unlefs he is a true penitent.
How doth my nephew go on ? That you may go on and prof-
per both in body and foul, till you are fafe landed in an endlefs
eternity, is the earnefl: prayer of, very dear Mr. D ,
Yours moft aftedionateJy in our common Lord,
G. JF,
To Mr. D .
My very dear Mr. D , London^ Feb, 5, 1766*
IAm waiting every moment for a line from you. I hopd
it will bring me the agreeable news of your being at peace
with the Indians, Above all, I truft it will inform me, of
your being filled with the peace of God, which pafleth all
underftanding. As I wrote my whole mind by dear Mr.
S /f, and who, I find by the papers, is fafely arrived, I
have nothing to add, till I hear what Mr. P •/ hath deter-
mined on, and what fituation Mr. S — - — thinks himfelf called
to. My heart's defire and prayer to God is, that all may be
direiSled for the Redeemer's glory, and the lafcing welfare of
Bethejda. I cannot help thinking, but fomething great is to
come out of it yet. The thoughts of a College are revived ;
but he that believeth doth not make hade. I am growing very
corpulent, bur, I truft, not too corpulent for another voyage,
when called to it. Every day the work increafes. On Sun^
day laft, a new enlargement of the chapel was opened, and a
great concourfe of people alTembled on that occafion. lam
told that God was there. With this, I hope you will re-;
ceive a box of books. My nephew hath fome more for you,
in a box fent to him. I have had a {'^tz\. letter from / «
P m. O this changing world ! Lord, fanflify all for
the better preparing us for our great change ! Adieu, my dear
friend. I hope you will keep clofe to Bethefda. God will
blefs you for it. Hoping to hear from you very fhortly, I
haften to fubfcribe myfelf,
Yours moft afFe£iionate!y in our common Lord,
G. m
To Airs. C .
My dear Mrs. C- -, London, Fch. 7, 1760,
I Send this to Portfmouth after Mr. R — ■ — n, to inform youj
that laft niaht we received your agreeable letters, dated in
Augujl and September. Blefied be GoD that you are all fo
well. The bills jfhall be honoured. I have tboughtSj that
R z you
you and Mr. D——- will come together. For Christ's fake,
do not think of moving from Eethefda. I atti more than
pleaftd : I am delighted with your being there. The family
will foon be fmall indeed. It is eafily increafed at any time.
I hope that G and A IF will be put out. 1 am
glad S -f behaved fo well. God's judgments are like the
great deep. Father, thy will be done I Mr. S -/bears the
news quite well. I expect to hear again from you every day.
God blefs you all ! Ceafe not to pray for, dear Airs. C ,
Your nioft obliged aftedtionate friend
and fervant in our common Lord,
G. tV,
ToMr.S S .
My very dear Sir ^ ' BriJiJ^ J"b S-* ^1^0.
WITH this, I have fent an order to Mr. C , to
rcc-ive of you three hundred pounds flerling, to pur-
chafe bills of exchange from Mr. S r. One hundred Mr.
S r is to remit to Mr. F y. The other two hundred
Mr. C is to pay to Mr. Z «, in order to be remitted
to Profcflbr F- k. The remainder, I think beft to keep
till 1 hear from the Profefior himfelf. The Lord pity and
comfort the poor fufFercrs! What reafon have we to be thank-
ful, v;ho abound in peace and plenty! What is ftill more, the
fields are white, ready unto a fpiritual h.irveft. When in the
fields, ten thoufand, perhaps more, do aiTemble here. When
under cover, there are more than the tabernacle will well hold;
at lead in the evening. Every time the i-.oufc is a Bethel, a
hcufe of God, a gate of heaven. Grace ! grace ! I thought
that my wife's illncfs would have haftencd mc to London -y but
as fhc is now recovering, I would fain proccct' \n my fummer's
campaign. I am pcrfuaded I am the better for your prayers.
Never were they more charitably beftr w .d. I am a worm,
and no n.an. O blefled Jesus, how good thou art I With all
thy other mercies, give, O give me an humble and a thankful
heart ! I could enlarge, but have more letters to write. I
hope my moft cordial refpeds and thanks will find acceptance
♦7 with
with dear Mrs. iS" and Mifs, and I am fure you will accept
the fame yourfelf, from, my very dear Sir,
Yours 6cc. under manifold obligations,
G. /^.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , Bri/iol, July 8, 1760.
I Hope this will find you refiored to more than former health
and ufefulnefs, and quite determined to continue at Bethef-
da. It makes me uneafy, to think you have the leaft inclina-
tion of returning, till you fee me on your fide the water.
Jesus hath called and blefled you at Bethefda. I would fain
have you ftay and fee the fruits of your labour. You will fee
what I wrote about / H . I muft leave all to you
who are upon the fpot, not doubting but the Lord Jesus
will guide you by his allwife counfel; none teacheth like him.
I have fympathized with you, in refpeiSt to your fears about
the Indian war. Lord Jesus grant they may not be per-
mitted to come near your peaceful dwelling ! In heaven, all
thefe alarms will be over. I long for thofe blefled manfions.
But nothing kills me. My wife was lately juft got into har-
bour, but is driven back again. Blefled be God, we are fure
of getting in fafe at laft. Jesus is our pilot. To his almighty
and never-failing protection do I moft humbly and heartily
commit you, as being, for his great name's fake, with ten
thoufand thanks for all your labours of love, dear Mrs.
C ,
Your fmcere afi^eiE^ionate friend,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. D .
My dear Mr. D , Brijiol, July 8, 1760..
I Owe you much love for your letter and accompts. May
Bethejda\ God blefs and reward you I He doth, he will.
I fuppofe you will fee what 1 have written to Mr. P /and
J^r. 5— — k. How doth the Redeemer bring his eled toge-
R 3 ther.
thcr, even in this world ! What a glorious meeting will there
be in the world to come ! Methinks I hear ycu fay, *' Come,
Lord Jesus, come quickly." I add, Amen and amen! even
fo.come Lop.D Jesus! The profpe£l is promifing. I am
going in my old way, faving that I grow fatter and fatter
every dayw Lord, hejp me to work it down ! but it feems
working will not do. 1 fpent all the laft winter in London^
and began my campaign in ]\/hy, in Gkucejhrjhire. Laft
nionth I was in Wales, inviting fouls to come to Christ.
Here I am labouring al(b. You will not fail to pray for me.
I long to hear about the Indian war. They are fafe who are
gar'rifoned in God, even a God in Christ. AfTure your-
i'elf, that neither you nor your dear orphan-charge are ever
forgotten by, my dear Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. JV.
ro Mr. D .
My dear ATr. D , London, Jug. 15, 1760.
QW do I long, to hear of God's appearing for Geor<Tia
and BethefdaF I truft, the Indians have not, and ynW
not be permitted to difturb a family planted by his own right
hand, and for his own glory. But the divine judgments are
a great deep. Lord, help us to adore, and cheerfully to fub-
.mit to thy holy will ! Some Beihejda letters, I truft, will foon
put ine out of fufpenfe. I wrote to you by the convoy that
took vour ncv/ Governor. I hope he will behave friendly to
the orphan -houfe. If we make the Lord J^dSUS our friend,
all will be well..- Many here are fceking his friendfliip. Satan
is angry. I am now mimicked and burlefqued upon the public
flage. All hail fuch contempt ! God forbid that I fhould
glory, fave in the crofs of Jesits Christ. It is fweet ! it is
fweet. What a mercy is ir, that v%e have got an abiding in-
heritance in the kingdom of heaven ! Of this v/e can never be
robbed. Hallelujah! — Adieu. Hearty love to all. Ccafc not to
■pray for, and write to, dear Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in our glorious High Priefl-,
G. IF.
letters; 25^
letter mccxli.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Airs. C , London, Nov. 14, 1760.
I Cannot find any of your relations, but what are willing
vou {hould remain in Georgia, and fettle there. What
condition can be fo ufeful for you ? I have never varied in my
opinion. The Lord Jesus direcl, blefs, and reward you !
He will. The orphan fent by Captain Ball, I am perfuaded
will be taken care of. He is fent by good Lady H w, and
is to be treated as a common orphan. May the Father of the
fatherlefs blefs him and all ! I was much pleafed with the
letters T received from the lambs of the flock. If poffible, I
fliall anfwer them. But at prefent am fo indifpofed with a
cold, after my Turkjhlre ramble of two months, that I can
fcarce write this. BlelTed be God, for the profpeiSl of a flate,
wherein the inhabitants fhall no more fay, I am fick. I can
now add no more, but that I am, dear Mrs. C ,
Your moft obliged friend,
and ready fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. K .
M^i dear Timothy, London, Fd, 21, 1761.
THE diitance that Plymouth lies from London, is one great
caufe of my coming there fo feldom. What can I do,
who have fo many calls, and fo few afliftants .'' London muft
be minded. For furely, there the word runs and is glorihed
more and more. I returned in poft-hafte, laft month, fro.Ti
Brljlol. Both in going and coming, dear Mr. H y and I
were in great jeopardy. Once the machine fell over, and at
another time we were obliged to leap out of the poft-chaife,
though going very faft. BlelTed be God, we received little
hurt. Good was to be done. On the faft-day, near fix
hundred pounds were coUeded for the G^rwww and BoJI^n fuf-
ferers. Grace ! grace I I wifh you had colle(?:ed at Brijlol.
When can you move ? pray let me know diredly. I want
^y wife to ride as far as Plymouth, Nothing but exercife will
R 4 CQ
do with her. Remember us to your whole felf, and to all.
This is the very firft moment that I could catch, to let you
hear from, my dear man,
Yours, &c. in our glorious Emmanuel.
G. IV.
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C . Londvi, Feh. 23, 1761.
IT is almoft a.i age now, fince I heard from my dear family
in the wildernef-. How came I not to have one Ime by
Mr. Young? Eie now I hope you have received my laft by
Captain Ball. When (hall I get leave to come over ? Per-
haps my heart is too much fet upon it. Father, thy will be
done! This is my comfort; the Redeemer's work is upon the
advance. All oppofition is over-ruled for the furtherance of
the gofpel. A new inftrument is raifed up out of Cambridge
univerfity. He has been here preaching like an angel of the
churches indeed. iVy wife is poorly, hut joins in fending
hearty love. All your relations are well. Pray give my blefling
to the children, and thank them all for their letters. I would
have all the boys put out as foon as of age. The work prof-
pers here much. Hoping every day to receive a line, and
fending you my moft hearty blelling, thanks and love, I fub-
fcrihe my felf, dear Mrs. C ,
Your rpoft aftV^lionate obliged friend,
and ready fervant in our glorious Emmanuel^
To Mr. A ;.
London, March -^^ 1 76 1.
My very dear Mr. A 5,
MY laft (howed you that we are both of a mind. Let
us have a little patience, and all will be well. As
Mr. B e cannot come up diretStly, I muft defer my Brijlol
journey till after Eajler, Tht cold I catched there, I fhall
not eafily get rid off. But what is, is heft. Your letter to
Mrs, J s was delivered fafc. By IViltJhirei waggon, I
have fent a fet of Henry s Expofition^ and Clark's Bible. Be
pleafed to take them. You will fend the enclofcd. The Re-
deemer continues to nwn and blefs us here. That he may blefs
and own you and yours evermore, is the earneft prayer of, my
very dear Timsthy,
Yours, he. &c. in our common JLord,
To the Reverend Mr. G .
My dear Sir, London^ March 14, 1761,
I Hear that your little daughter is gone to heaven : a fine
flower foon cropped. I thought flie was too fine to con-
tinue long in this bad foil. She is now tranfplanted to an in-
finitely better. O that I may have patience to wait till my
wi(h'd-for change do come ! Every day almoft we hear of
perfons dying in triumph. The awakening is rather greater
than ever. Satan's artillery hath done but little execution.
Thought are vain againjl the Lord,
All fuhferves hisjhnding word',
IVheels encircling wheels muji run.
Each in courfe to bring it on.
I hope you profper at G . My kindeft refpefls await all
your dear reverend brethren that honour me with their coun-
tenance, your whole felf, and all who are fo kind as to enquire
after, my dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. W.
P. S. One Mr. Berridge, lately Moderator of Cambridge,
h^th been preaching here with great flame.
To Mr. S S .
Cannonbury-Houfe (near London) ^ April ii, 1761.
Dear Sir,
E pleafcd to p:iy to ]Mr. Thomas Cox the fum t)f two hun-
dred and fifty pounds, which, with one hundred and fifty
paid to him before, and given (as this is to be) into the hands
of the Reverend Mr. Zingenhagcn, rriakes up the fum of four
hundred pounds ; the whole of what is affigned out of the
Jate coiicclion for the diftrefled German protoftants, by, dear
Yours, &c. he,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
Cannonbury-Houje, Jlpril I'j, lj6l.
My very dear Friend,
ACCEPT a few lines of love unfeigned from a worthlefs
worm, juft returning from the borders of an eternal
•world. O into what a world was I launching ! But the
prayers of God's people have brought me back. Lord Jesus,
let it be for thy glory and the welfare of precious and im-
mortal fouls I Thou haft been digging and dunging round
me. O that the barren fig-tree may at length begin to bring
forth fome fruit ! O, my dear man, how ought minifters to
work before the night or ficknefs and death comes, when no
man can work ! Lord Jesus, quicken my tardy pace, ac-
cording to the multitude of thy tender mercies ! You will
not ceafe to pray for me, who am indeed lefs than the Icaft of
all. Weaknefs forbids my enlarging. Hearty love to all who
are fo kind as to enquire after an ill and hell-defcrving, but
redeemed creature. Not only pray, but alfo give thanks to a
never-failing Emmanuel, who hath been eafe in pain, health in
ficknefs, life in death, to, my very dear friend.
Yours, ^i-c. occ, for his irreat name's fake,
1L E T T E R S. 267
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Cannonbury-Hoiife^ May 2^ 1 76 1.
SURPRIZING, that any friends oi Zion ftiould be Soli-
citous for the welfare of fuch a worthlefs worm ! Indeed,
my dear friend, the nev/s you have heard was true. I have
been at the very gates of what is commonly called death.
They feemed opening to admit me, through the alone ri^hte-
oufnefs of the blefTed Jesus, into everlafting life. But at pre-
fent they arc clofed again : for what end, an all-wife Redeemer
can only tell. I have, fmcc my illnefs, once ailified a little
at the Lord's- fupper, and once fpoke a little in publick. But,
my locks are cut ; natural ftrength fails : Jesus can renew :
Jesus can caufe to grow again. By his divine permiflion,
I have thoughts of feeing Scotland. If I relapfe, that will be a
defirable place to go to heaven from. I love, I love that dear
people. Ten thoufand thanks to you, and all my dear G
friends. Be pileafed to add to my obligations, by continuing
to pray for one, who, though lefs than the leaft of all, is in-
deed, my very dear Sir,
Theirs and yours, &c. in a never-failing Jesus,
^ ' G. JV,
To Mr. S S -.
Plymouth, 'Jime 5, 1761.
"ILL not my very dear and valuable friend be glad to
hear, that through divine mercy 1 am fomev.hat im-
proved in my health fince my leaving London. At Brijrol I
grew fenfibly better, but hurt myfelf by too long journies to
Exeter znd hither. However, blefTed be God, I am now re-
covered from my fatigue, and hope bathing will brace me up
for my glorious Mafter's ufe again.
Strange, that a harp of thoufqndjlrings.
Should keep in tune fo long /
The few times I have been enabled to preach, an infinitely
condefcending Redeemer hath voucbfafed to breathe upon the
5 word
word preached. Who knows but I may get my wings again ?
Abba Father, all things are poffible with thee ! I know who
doth, and will pray for me, even my very dear Mr. 5 ,
who hath alreatiy laid fuch great obligations on
His moft affectionate friend and very ready fervant
in our glorious Emmanuel,
G. W.
ro Mr. R A' n,
Mf dear Jleady Friend^ Brjjlol, June ii 1761.
ACCEPT a few lines of love unfeigned, from one who
loves both you and yours in the bowels of Jesus
Christ. They leave me rather hurt by my late weftern
journey. I ftrive to put out to fea as ufual, but my (hattered
bark will not bear it. Lord Jesus, let thy will be done in
me, by me, and upon me, for time and eternity ! If this air
doth not agree with me, in a few days I think of returning to
my old nurfes and old phyficians again. Blefled be God for
an intereft in an infiniiely great, infinitely gracious, and fym-
pathizing unchangeable phyfician ! I hope you and yours
enjoy much of his hcart-chcaring confolations. Thefe have
been my fupport in my younger days ; thefe will be my cor-
dials in the latter flages of the road. I hope Mr. and A'Irs,
y are quite well. Pray tell him not to be fo touchy to
his old friends, efpecially when they are fick and juft returning
from the grave : perhaps he mriy not be troubled with them
long. God grant he may never feel the want of them !
Jesus lives when miniftcrs die. My hearty love awaits you
all. Ceaie not to pray for, my dear Mr. K 77,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. n\
Cannonbury-Houfe, July II, 1761.
„ My dear Timothy^
JUST as I was going to write you a few lines to come hi-
ther, Mr. Roivand's letter informed me that you was very
ill. But I hope this will find you better. Lord Jesus, pre-'
pare us for whatever thou haft prepared for us ! Commendin^r
you to his never-failing mercy, I fubfcribe myfelf.
Ever yours, 6;c. in Jesus,
G. fK
July 16.
Blefled be God I am better ! BlefiTed be God that you are
fo likewife ! Who knows what reft and time may produce ?
to be blanks in the hands of Jesus ! When fhall this once
be ! What good news by fea and land ! Grace ! grace !
Let me have another line, and ceafe not to pray for, my deax
Yours, &:c.
G, T?:
To Mr. K .
My dear Fdlcw-prlfoner^ Londsn, 0<f?. 13, 1761.
I Hope an all-wife Redeemer is teaching us to be content to
be buried ourfelves, and to bury our friends alive. This
is a hard but important leflbn. Lord Jesus, make us great
proficients in the fchool of thy crofs ! I have not preached a
fingle fermon for fome weeks. Laft Sunday I fpoke a little ;
but I feel its effedls ever fince. Father, thy will be done !
Blefl*ed be his name for giving you a little reviving in your
bondage. Perhaps that is all we are to expe6l on this fide
eternity. But there is nothing too hard for the Lord. Lord,
we believe, help our unbelief I Glory be to his great name,
that fome good was done at Plymouth. The news drove me to
my knees, and ftirred up an ambition to be employed again.
1 know you ajid Surab will fay, AmcHj and Amen! I hope
your Ifiwc will be fpared j if not, Aaron-Wka, may you hord
your pence ! I have met with changes. My two old fervants
arc married and gone. Mr. E hath preached for me fome
time. As yet the congregations are kept up. Mr. y1
and M- are very poorly. All are haftening home apace.
Accept hearty love to your whole felf, and all dear friends who
are To kind as to enquire after, my very dear Timothy^
Yours, &c. in our Jesus,
G. W,
To Mr. D .
My very clear Air. D , Leeds^ Oui. 24, 1761.
WHAT fudden changes here ! O that my great change
was come ! Happy Polhill : Bethefdas lofs is thy
gain. " Be ye alio ready," is the call of this awful providence.
The Lord furnifh furvivors with double ftrength ! I thank
you for the accounts. I fee you are running in arrears. Some
way or other I truft they will be difcharged. But I would
have the family reduced as low as can be. I think that the
keeping of thofe v/ho are grown up, hurts them and increafcs
my expence. I have little comfort in many that I have aflifted.
But our reward of grace is with the Lord. Come, Lord
Tesus, come quickly ! As you are moft convcrfant in figures,
you will be plcafcd to continue in your ufual way ; and as you
go on in harmony, I truft you will do quite well. A fea
voyage feems more neceflary to me now than ever. I know
now what nervous diforders are. Blefi'ed be God that they
were contracted in his fervice. I do not repent my embarking
in Christ's caufe. He fccth all your difintercfted toil in that
new world. " Well done, ye good and faithful fervants,'*
{hall be the falutation given to you all. My heaity bleffing
and love to all. That great may be your happinefs on earth,
and infinitely great your reward in heaven, is the earneft
prayer of, my very dear Mr. D ,
Yours, he. tic. in our glorious Emmanuel,
G. JV,
To Mrs, C .
Dear Mrs. C , Leeds, OSi. 24, 1761.
I Am ftill in this dying world, but frequently tempted to
wifli the report of my death had been true, fmce my dif-
order keeps me from my old delightful work of preaching.
But Jesus can teach us to cxercife our paffive as well as active
graces. Fain would I fay, " Thy will be done I " I am now-
riding for my health ; but I think a voyage would brace me
up. I impute my prefent diforder, in a great meafure, to the
want of my ufual fea voyages. Blelled be God, for fupport-
ing me fo well under the news of dear Mr. PolhiU\ fudden
tranflation. In that refpeit, I rather envy than pity him ;
to be carried to heaven in an inftant ; from a (hip's cabin
into Jbraham's bofom ; O what a bleffing I God fan61:ify
and make up the lofs ! But we fhall find few Polhills. Blefled
be God, that I have faithful ones left behind. I repofe in you
the utmoft confidence, and hope the Lord will give you dou-
ble ftrength, and vouchfafe us all a fpeedy and happy meeting.
I know who adds a hearty Amen. I wifh G r and J
JV were put out. Keeping fuch great boys is expenfive,
and there is nothing to be expec5ted by my coming over. I
hope my nephew will take the boy that comes over; if not, he
muft be received at Beihefda. Surely God will yet provide
for that houfe of mercy. But I can at prefent bear very little
of outward cares. Writing thefe few letters, I fear, will hurt
me : but I could not help venturing. The Lord blefs and
reward you, my dear Mrs. C , for all your labours of love!
1 commend you and your dear charge to his never-failing
mercy, and am, with ten thoufand thanks for all favours.
Yours raoft affe^lionately for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mr. R K n.
My dearjleady Friend^ Newcofle^ 0£1, 29, 1761.
HITHERTO the Lord hath helped me. Surely hii
mercy endureth for ever. I bear riding fixty miles a
day in a poft-chaife quite well. Blelled be his nam, friends
both here and at Leeds are prudent, and do not prefs me to
preach much. But I hope I am travelling in order to preach.
If not, Lord Jesus, help me to drjnk the bitter cup of a con-
tinued filence, with a holy refignation, believing that what i?,
is befl: ! Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief! Every
where as I came along, my fpiritual children gladly received
me. Alrrighty God, do thou provide fur all ! ] hope you
go on well at London. It is the "JernjaUm^ the GcJJien. A'lay
minifters and people fee their privileges, and work whilft it is
day ! The night of ficknefs and death is coming, when no
man can work. Be pleafed to remember mc to dear Mr. and
.Mrs. J , and all dear friends as they come in your way.
To-morrow I may fet forwards towards Edinburgh. You and
yours will follow me with your prayers, and be allured of not
being forgotten by, my very dear Mr.^ n,
Yours, &c. 3cc. ia our common Lord,
G. n\
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Newcnjlle, 0^1. 29, 1761.
Reverend and very dear S'lr^
THOUGH at a very unexpected, and feemingly unfea-
fcnable time, I am thus far travelled northwards. Hi-
therto the Lord hath helped me to hold out. Fain would I
reach Scotland^ to fee fome of my dear friends before I die.
My fpirits, though in fome degree recruited, are yet low, and
1 am kept from my old delighlful work. But all things are
poffible witli Jnsut; Christ. He can either reftore, or ena-
ble me to drink the bitter cup of continued filence. Lord
Jesus, do thou help me to fay from my inmoft foul, " Father,
not my will, but thine be duuc I" 1 dcfire to be more than
L E t t E R S. iy^
i-emembered to my dear G friends, and beg the conti"
nuance of their prayers in behalf of, my very dear Sir,
Theirs and yours, &c. 5ic, in our common Lord,
G. ^r.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Edinburghy Nov. 9, 1761.
THOUGH I have been very ill fmce my coming to
Ed'niburgJ}, yet I muft come juft to fee my dear friends
at G . I cannot be there till Thurfday noon. Little,
very little can be expedled from a dying man. But I caa
now hear a little for myfelf. I write this in the midfl: of
company. All my deaf friends will not fail to pray for, very-
dear Sir,
Yours and theirs, he. in Jesus,
G. TV.
To Mr. R K n.
My dear old Friend, Leeds ^ Dec. t, 1761.
T is near ten at r.ight, and I am to fet off to-morrow iri
the Leeds ftage for London. Your letter I received this
evening, and thank you for it moft heartily. Silence is en-
joined me for a while by the Edinburgh phyficians. They fay
my cafe is then recoverable. The great phyfician will dire<5ti
May he abundantly blefs you and yours, and dear T J ^
and his I I fend you all moft hearty love, as being, for Christ'^
Yours, SvC. he,
G. m
To Mr. K~ —
My dear Timothy y London, Jan. 2, Jj62i
I Thought my wife had v/rltten many letters to you befprd
this time. BlefTed be God, I am better. The Scotch)
journey did me feivice, I preached on new-year's day, and
Vol. HL S riti
am to do (o ngain, God willing:, to-morrow. Who knows ?
who knows ? — I may again fee Plymouth. Is there any thing
too hard for the Lord ? When can you come up ? I had a
violent fall upon my head from my horfe laft Ihurpay^ but
was neither furprized nor hurt. Help me to praife Him whole
mercy endureth for ever. Mr. B is here, and preaches
with power. BlelTed be God that fome can fpcak, though E
am laid afide. 'I'hat your mouth may be opened, and body
ftrengthened more and more, is the hearty prayer of, my dear
Ever yours, &c. in Jesus,
G. IF,
To Mr. R K n.
Brijiol, Jpril 17, 1762.
WILL not my dear fteady friend be glad to hear that
Br't/hl air agrees with me, and that I have been en-
abled to preach five times this laft: week without being hurt .?
Lord Jesus, make me truly and humbly thankful ! Was
the door open for an American voyage, I verily believe it would
be very ferviceable towards bracing up my relaxed tabernacle.
But he who knoweth all things, knows what is beft. P'ain
would I fay, from whatever quarter trials come, *' Father, not
my will, but thine be done ! " I fee more and more, that
grace muft be tried. But this is our comfort, when we are
tried, we fliall come forth like gold. In how many fiies is
that precious m.etal purified ? O for a heart to be willing to
be made willing to be nothing, yea lefs than nothing, that
God, even a God in Christ, may be all in all ! You and
yours will add to my obligations by praying for me. By this
you fee that you are not forgotten. Shall I beg you to let the
tabernacle friends know fooi>, that you received this ? Having
had company I cannot write. Be pleafed to thank the honelt
Welch bifhop for his fubfcription. It was a great deal from
fuch a dignitary. May the great BiQiop of fouls bicfs and
ftrengthen him in foul and body ever more. As I expect to
hear from my wife on Monday^ and as I have nothing particu-
lar, I fhall defer writing again till Monday evening. In the
tnean while, be fo kind as to give my hearty love and due
refpct^ts to her and all, and accept the lame yourlclves from,
my very dear friends.
Yours, 6tc. Sec. Ill a never-failing Jesus,
G. IV,
To Mr. S S .
My very dear Friend, Bri/Io/, Jpril 18, 1762.
Was quite forry thait I coold not take a parting dinner
with you, Mr. Z n begged me to corhe juft at that ZirxCjtvs-
time to converfe with me about the fuffering proteftants, and t^^^'i*-*^
in the evening I read letters. BlefTcd be God, I was not the
worfe for it. Since my coming here, my health hath improved.
The laft week I was enabled to preach five times. This
morning I have been adminiftering the ordinance ; and this
evening I hope to be upon my throne again. Our Lord
vouchfafes to fmile upon my feeble labours, and the people
feem to feel a refrefhing from his divine prefence. Who
knows but 1 may yet be reftored fo far as to found the gofpel
trumpet for my God? The quietnefs I enjoy here, with
daily riding oiit, feems to be one very proper means. Be this
as it will, I know ere long I fhall ferve our Lord without
wearinefs. A ^cv^ more blows from friends, and from foes,
arid the pitcher will be broken. Then the wicked one will
ceafe from troubling, and the weary traveller arrive at his
wifh'd-for reft. God grant you arid yours very large refrefli-
irients in the way ! Be pleafed to accept of this as a token
that you are not forgotten by, my very dear friend.
Yours, &c. under ten thoufand obligations,
and in the beft bonds,
G. n\
ro Mr. D .
My very dear Mr. D , Brlflol, April 2q^ I'/dl. -
HOW have I been contriving to come over in one of the
maft ftiips lately failed for New- England ? But the
hour is not yet come. Haften it, O ^oi'xQMi Emmanuel^ for
S 2 thy
thy great name's fake ! Surely a Tea voyage would help to
brace up this relaxed tabernacle. Blefled be God, I am now
enabled to preach four or five times a week ; but it is with
much weaknefs. I long to hear how it is with you in this
Spaniji) war. Mr. Rybinfcn I find was caft away, but hath
cfcaped with his life. Juft now I have feen a letter to Mrs.
P e from Mr. H 5, by which I find he Is at Bethefda^
and talks of returning to EnglaTid, I hope the Spanijh war
will prevent this laft motion, at leaft for fome time. My
love to him and all. Perfevere in praying me over. I have
jult now heard, that there is a packet for me at London from
Georgia. How could you draw on me for fo large a fum as
an hundred and forty-feven pounds ? Lord, help me ! Yef-
terday at Kingfwood I faw the fhip that is to bring this, ready
to fail. 1 hope I am not too late ; and if any letters come
from any of you by this pofl (as I hear the Carolina fhips arc
arrived), God willing, they (hall be anfwered by, my very
dear Mr. D ,
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. JV,
To Mrs. JV .
t>ear Mrs. IV , Brijlol, May 4, 1762.
I Thank you heartily for your kind letter, and defire to blefs
the Lord of all lords for the good news it contains. If
the foot of pride doth not come againft thofe that fpeak for
Jesus, all will be well. I fee it is always darkefl before
break of day. O that we could always remember that blefled
promife, "At evening-iide it fliall be light." The archers
have of late fhot forely at me and grieved me. 7'^'^ friends
were his greatcft triiils, when God's hand prefled his body
fore. So it hath been with me. But if we are brought out
when tried like gold, we fnall only lofe our drofs. O that
this may be my happy cafe ! Lord, I believe ; help thou my
unbelief! Blefi'ed be his name for a little revival in my bon-
dage ! For thefc three weeks paft, 1 have been enabled to
preach four or five times. Not once without a fpecial blcfling.
Join with me in crying, Grace, grace ! But my body ftill
continues weak. O blefTed profped of its being glorified by
and by ! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ! Continue to
pray for me. Remember me moit heartily to all, as being,
dear Mrs. l^ ,
Their and your mofi: ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mrs. C .
Dear Mrs. C , Bri/id, May 4, 1762.
YOUR kind letter came to hand a few days ago. The
convoy being driven back, gives me an opportunity of
returning you hearty thanks. Mr. R '"s draught will lie
hard upon me ; but I will endeavour to get it paid. I am
glad A w and G r are put out. It would have faved
me pounds to have had it done long ago. As it is war time,
nobody can blame you for leflening the family to the utmoft.
The intended change at Ephrata pleafeth me much. 1 fee if
we will wait, Providence will open for us fome way or ano-
ther. O that the door was open for my coming over I Per-
haps it may be ere the Summer is over. Grant ir, O God,
for Jesus Christ's fake ! I have fometimcs the hopes of be-
ing; braced up again for a little future fervice. With fome
difficulty I preach four or five times a week ; but you would
fcarce knov/ me, I am fo fwoln with wind, and fo corpulent.
Bleffed be God for the profpecl of a glorious refurredion !
For the prefent, adieu. I fear the (hip will be gone. God
blefs you all. Pray do you and Mr. D be particular in
your accounts. Hearty love to Mrs. P /; God comfort
her. You will (hew this to Mr. D . I mufl: add no more,
but hearty love and ten thoufand thanks from, my dear
Yours, &c. &c. in our glorious Head,
G. lf\
To Mr. S S .
Afy very deer Friend, Rodhoroughy May 21, I 762.
THOUGH I hope to be in London on Tuefday or JVed-
nefday next, yet J cannot come thither without troubling
you with another line. BJellld be God, it leaves me in better
bodily health, than when I wrote laft. Through divine mercy,
preaching four or five tiriies a week did not hurt me j and
twice or thrice I have been enabled to taUc the field : in my
opinion, a greater honour than to be monarch of the univerfe.
London cares, and London labours, I expcd:, will fuon bring me
low again. But as MelTrs. D and K are coming up,
J hope foon to |lip away and get ftrength, and then hunt for
precious fouls again. How gladly would I bid adieu to cieled
houfes, and vaulted roofs ! Mounts are the beft pulpits, and
the heavens the bcft founding-boards. O for power equal to
any will ! I would fly from pole to pole, publiftiing the ever-
]afling gofpcl of the Son of God. I know you would lend
me the wings of prayer. Jesus in anfwer give the wings of
faith and love, and we fliali then quickly foar to thy bofoni,
Sin andjlrife and forrow cenfe.
And all is calm and joy and peace,
I write this at a houfe built for dear Mr. /I s. From his
window is a profpe(5l perhaps pf thirty miles. I have wifhed
you here with your telefcope. But if the footftool is fo glo-
rious, what muft the throne be? Come, Lord Jesus, come
quickly ! I arn interrupted by company. Good night, my
very dear friend, good night ! Mu(t cordial refpedts await
dear Mrs. S and your daughter. Dear Mr. J- 5 is
weak likp jnyfelf, but joins in fending dqe and hearty refpedfs.
We have had molt blefled fcafons. Grace ! grace ! In hca-
ycn you v/iJl be rewarded for all favours conferred on
Yours, fvc. Szc. in the bcfl bonds,
G. fV,
^ E T T E R
To Mrs. C .
De.or Mrs. C . Londoriy May 1%^ 1762.
I Am juft now come to town for a itvf days, fenfibly better
by my country excurfion. Once more I have had the
honour of taking the field, and have now fome hopes of not
being as yet quite thrown afide as a broken veflcl. Help me
to praife Him, whofe mercy endureth for ever. Why do you
perfift in keeping poor Mr. D in fufpenfe? If not dene
before, I expert to marry you both immediately upon my
arrival, but do not flay for that. Your hint about Mr. S 's
being inclined to the miniftry, made me fmilc. Mr. R 's
account fhall be paid as foon as pofTible. But I beg no fuch
thing may be done again. This is wrote in very great hafte,
hearing that the fhip is gone. I wrote to all from Brijlol^
very lately. This muft now do for all. God blefs and re-
ward you. Amen and Amen ! I am, dear Mrs. C ,
Yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
G. W,
ro Mr. R K n.
My very dear Friend.^ Norwich, July 31, 1762.
THOUGH you never mentioned a word concerning the
letter I fent you when at Briflol., yet this doth not dif-
courage me from dropping you a few lines, now I am put into
Norxulch-Dock^ in order to refit for another expedition. The
Holland one laft month, was, I truft, profitable to myfelf and
others; and if ever my ufefulnefs is to be continued at London^
I muft; be prepared for it, by a longer itineration both by land
and water. At prefent, blefled be God, I can preach once a
day, and it would do your heart good to fee what an influence
attends the v/ord. All my old times are revived again. Oa
next Monday^ Gop willing, I fhall fet forwards to LincohiJJnrey
TorkJInre, Sic. You that are in cieled houfes, and under vaulted
roots (which I do not grudge you) will not forget a poor pil-
grim, who defires no other pulpit but a mount, no other found-
ing board but the heavens, I hope dear Mr, J is recovered
S 4. of
of his indirpofition, and that your wife and his, with yourfelf,
are increafing with all the increafe of God. My cordial re-
fpedts and moft hearty love attend you, and all that are fo kind
as to enquire after a worthlefs worm. As I fhall not write to-
night, be pleafed to inform my wife that you heard of my
welfare, and in fo doing, you will add to the obligations al-
ready laid upon, my very dear Mr. A' w.
Yours, &c. in our Jesus,
To tkc Reverend Mr. T .
Edinburgh, Sept. 2, 1 762.
I Am juft this moment returned from Glafgow, where I have
been enabled to prearh every day, and twice at Camhujlang.
Auditories v/ere large, and Jesus fmlled upon my feeble
labours. God willing, I fhall leave this place on JFednefday
next; but I defpair of feeing you. I have heard nothing of
;^'Ir. ][4 n and V n fince I left them at Leeds. What
a mercy, that we are fure of meeting in heaven ! Surely, you
will not go before me thither. Mud it be always ju7uores
priores? Adieu. Cordial refpects await your whole felf. Lord
Jesus be with your fpirits ! I fear the carrier will be gone.
Accept thcfe few rufty filings from, my very dear friend.
Yours, &c. he. &c. in our glorious Jesus,
G. IV.
September 9.
Thus far I went on Friday ; but found that was the wrong
day to fend. Since then, I have been helped to preach every
<3ay. The Kirk hath been a Bethel. Grace! grace! On
Monday, CloD willing, I (hall fct off. Follow with your
Yours, &c. &c.
To Mr. D .
A^ dear Mr. D , Sunderland., Sept. 19, 1762.
I Can only fend you a few lines : but I hope they will be
acceptable ones. Your laft packet came to my hands yef-
terday. Bleffed be God that all is fo well ! You will be glad
to hear, that I can preach once a day, and that I have now a
profpe61: of embarking foon. We expedl peace, and I hope
the places in London will be provided for. Pray keep the family
as fmall as you can. Sicknefs lowers my circumftances. But
Jesus is all in all. I hope to fee dear Mr. 5 Fs friends
in a itw days. I am glad he is at Ephrata. Tender love to
him and his, to dear Mrs. C , Mrs. P /, and to all.
I can no more. I write this at a venture, to fend by way of
Scotland, where the Redeemer hath been owning my feeble
labours. Grace ! grace ! When I come to London., God
willing, you fhall hear again from, my very dear friends.
Yours, &c. &c. in our common Lord,
G. JV.
To Mr. R K n.
Dear Sir, Leeds, Sept. 25, 1 7 62.
WHAT a pity that I cannot anfwer your kind letter, by
telling you where to meet me! but it is impra£licable.
I am juft now fetting forwards towards London, but fear I can-
not reach it before Sunday. My chaife wanted repairing here.
how good hath Jesus been to a worthlefs worm ! Once a
day preaching, I can bear well ; more hurts me. What fhall
1 do with the chapel and tabernacle ? Lord Jesus, be thou
my guide and helper ! He will ! he will. Send word to taber-
nacle that you heard from me. We have had fweet feafons.
Grace ! grace ! To his never-failing mercy do I commend
your whole dear felf, and all that are fo kind as to enquire
after, my very dear friend.
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
To Mrs. C .
pear Mrs. C , London^ On. 15, 1762.
IWifh to anfwer your laft in perion. I hope the time is
now drawing near. \ count the weeks, and days, and
hours. Lord Jesus, direct my goings in thy way. BlefTed
be God that you live in fuch harmony ! A houfe thus united
in Jesus, will ftand. I fhall bring only one Mr. IV /,
who takes care of me. I would not have Mr. H s to think
of ftirring till he fees me. This I write in great hafte. I am
enabled to preach once a day. Give thanks! give thanks!
and continue to pray for, dear Mrs. C ,
Yours, &:c. in our glorious Emmanuel.,
G. ly.
Wo Mr. A K .
Brijlol, Nov. 29, 1762.
GOD willing, I fliall fet off for Plymouth to-morrow
morning, and hope to fee you all on Thurfday evening,
or Friday. Let grand preparations be made ; as a candle, a
book, and a table. Above all, much prayer, that I may not
^gain relapfe at Plymouth; as Brijlol people do threaten me for
foming at this time of the year. Bleiled be God, we have
good feafons. I like Mr. B «'s, better than a boarding
fchool for little maidens. A word to the wife is enough.
Adieu ! The Lord be with you all. Ccafe not to pray for,
my dear Timothyy
Yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. jy,
To Mr. S .9 .
Plymouth, Dec. 4, 1762.
HOW was I difappointcd, two Mondays, of feeing and
converfmg with my very dear Mr. 6' / Londcriy
liOndsn, how doft thou we'gh this mortal body dowii ! If i^
be no odds, I would vifit my dear friend again on a JVed-
rie[day. Peihaps on that day I may not be fo fatigued. I feel
in preaching, what you do in bufinefs. However, I muft not
complain. Once a day, I can manage quite well. Brijlcl
was a refrefliing place indeed. Congregations were very large,
and a moll: oracious gale of divine influences attended the word
preached. Being under a pofitive promife to come here before
I left England, I embraced this opportunity. Through mercy,
I preached laft night, and find no hurt this morning. Many
young people, I hear, are under great awakenings. May
fuch hoftilities never ceafe I O to begin to begin to wage an
eternal war with the devil, the world, and the flefh. Still
continue to help me, dear Sir, with your prayers. I would
fain die fword in hand. You will not blame me for this am-
bition. I believe you are pretty much tinctured this way your-
felf. 'J'he Captain of our falvation approves of it. That in
all your fpiritual battles. He may be your fhield and exceed-
ino- great reward, is the hearty prayer of, my invaluable
Yours, &c. Sec. in the befl bonds,
T:o Mrs. Elizabeth IV d.
Plymouth, Dec. 5, 1762.
YOU did very viTong, in not letting me know of your
mother's necefiities. She was a widow indeed. But now
{he is above the reach of every thing. O for patience to wait;
till we are fent for to that place, w'here the \veary are at reft !
I am weary of the world, of the church, and of myfelf. But
Jesus will not leave us in the latter ftages of our road, Bleflfed
be his name, \vc have had pleafant feafons at Brijiol, and two
gv)od gales here. I cannot get up to London till near Chrijhnot-
day. As affairs are circumftanced, every thing there tends to
weigh me down. O that patience may have its perfect work!
Let me always know your wants. It is your own fault if you
lack any thing, whilft: I have a farthmg. You and your friend
muft prepare a great entertainment; for I intend dining with
you when I come to town. Ere long we fliall fit down and
eat bread in our heavenly Father's kingdem. Come, Lorb
2 Jesus,
Jesus, come quickly ! I know who joins in faying, Amen !
with, my dear old faithful friend and fervant.
Yours, kc. for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To Mr. R A' «.
My dear Jleady Friend, Plymouth, Dec. ^, 1762.
IMuft not be out of town, without fending my dear Mr.
K « a few loving lines. Blefled be God for a few
fteady friends ! they are rarities even in the church of God.
But the church is in a wildernefs j ere long it will be in
Canaan. No briars or thorns there. All glory be to Him who
hath prepared fuch a reft for the purchafe of his blood. Amen.
Hallelujah! You will be glad to hear, that both here and at
Brijlol, fouls are under real awakenings. Though I preach in
much weaknefs, an infinitely condefcending Jesus vouchfafes
to come down in glorious gales of his blefied Spirit. This is
all in all. But thcfe are only ftreams. Ere long we fliall
drink at the fountain head. Do you not long to leap your
feventy years ? Blefied be God, we are nearer and nearer.
Fly, fly, O time! welcome, welcome long wifhed for eternity!
But I muft not enlarge. We are going to the Lord's table.
Adieu! Hearty love awaits your whole felf. In heaven I will
thank you for all favours conferred upon, my dear friend.
Yours in the Friend of finners,
G. W,
ro Mr. A A' .
BrifloU Dec. 12, 1762.
THROUGH divine mercy, we got here yeftcrday about
three in the afternoon, all well, excepting that I loft
my watch in the way. If it tcachcth me to be more on my
watch in the bcft things, it will be rather a gain. Lord, help
me in every thing to give thanks! I do not repent my Plymouth
journey. Thanks to all for their great kindnefles. Thanks,
eternal thanks to the God of all, for giving us his prefence !
It is better than life. I have ngt yet feen your daitghter, but
c I hear
LETTERS. rf,i§
I hear fhe Is well. Tell Sarah, not to murder fo dear a child.
Hugging to death is cruelty indeed. You will take the hint
about my little fervitor. I charge you both, as you will anfwer
it at the bar of God, to teach them to be fervant like, but not
fervile. Adieu ! I muft away to facrament. O for fuch a one
as we had laft Sunday ! I felt, I felt parting ! O for the time
when we fhall part no more ! Tender love to Mr. 5 , his
mother, brother, Mr. D , and all ; your fervants not ex-
cepted. Sarah, adieu ! Mind and get up in a morning to pray,
before you get into (hop. I make no apology for this, becaufe
you are a friend to, my dear man.
Yours, &c, in our common Lord,
To Mr. R K «.
Thuyjday evening. 'Jan. 15, 1763.
M.y dear Friend^
DO meet me to-morrow by two o'clock, or rather one, at
Mr. B 72's, at Canncnhury-honj'e. I have fomethin(y of
importance to communicate. Not to keep you in fufpenfe, it
is to befeech you, jointly with Mr. H y and Mr. B »,
as truftees, to take upon you the whole care, both inward and
outward, of the aifairs of Tottenham- court chapel and taber-
nacle, and all other my concerns in England: this one thing
being fettled, I have nothing to retard my vifit to America^ to
which I think there is a manifeft call at this time, both as to
the bracing up my poor feeble crazy body, and adjufting all
things relating to Bethefda. O that the Lord may incline
your heart to accept this truft! It will take off this ponderous
load that ©pprefles me much. Confider, dear Sir, it is for
God ! for whofe glory, I am convinced that you and my
other dear friends have a fmgle eye and difmterefted heart.
O may he richly reward you for this and all your labours of
love ! Fail not of meeting me at the time and place above-
mentioned. Mr. H y and Mr. H D s, God
willing, will be there. The Lord Jesus be with us all !
My dear friend.
Yours, &c. &c, indeed and indeed, in Jesus,
G. JV.
486 L E T T E R S,
To Mr. R-^— K ;:.
My very dear Friend^ Leedsy A f arch 6, 1763.
YOU have heard, I fuppofe, of my progrefs to, and em-
ploy at Evcrton. Jf.sus was there, Laft Thurjday c\qi\-
ing we came to thefe parts, where I have preached twice, and
been clofely employed in writing my little piece entitled, Ob-
fervationsy &c. in anfvver to the Bifliop of Glouccjler. Perhaps a
day or two more may compleat it. Say nothing, but pray on.
The next letters may be directed to Edinburgh, under cdver to
— H tt, Efq; Poft-Mafter general. You flial! heary
God willing, when I have fixed upon a fhip. And 1 kno\y
you will pray that Jesus may be my convoy.
Only Thou our leader be.
And ivejlill will follow Thee.
I could enlarge, but muft away to my throne. Tell all at Ta-
bernacle and Chapel, where this leaves me. I fend them and
your whole felf moft tender love, and ten thoufand thanks ;
and beg you would add to my obligations by praying for,
my very dear frien<l.
Yours, &c. &c. in our common Lord,
Postscript, To Mr. J e.
My dear Sir,
A CCEPT a few lines from an old friend that loves you
and yours dearly. I would not be given to change, but,
like my Mafter, love to the end. His blefling be on you both !
Accept thanks unfeigned for all favours, and ceafe not to pray
for, my very dear Mr. J -y
Yours, &c. in Ours,
To Mrs. M .
Dear Mrs. M , Nevocajlk^ March 13, 1763.
IT hath given me concern, fince I left town, that through
bodily weaknefs, multiplicity of bufinefs, and pain of part-
ing, I forgot to anfwer your requeft about your deceafed fon.
If not too late, fomething like this may be inferted :
*' Near this place lies interred, JVilliam Middledhch^ aged
*' twelve years, a defirable promifing child ; but an all-wiic
** GoD thought proper to remove him -, 1762,
*' His furviving parents defire to fubfcribe to the divine will,
*' and to fay. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken
** away : bleiTed be the name of the Lord."
Eie long fomebody will be writing an epitaph for our tombs.
Change of place doth not change my fentiments. " Come,
Lord Jesus, come quickly," is the confiant language of my
heart. This leaves me thus far advanced towards Scotland,
where juft fuch a fhip as I want awaits nie. How good is
Jesus ! Fain would I fing,
Lord, obediently I gOy
Gladly leaving all beloiv.
T am'forry to find by the papers that Mr. B — ■ — is taken up.
To take no notice would be the beft method. A prifon or
outward punifhment is but a poor cure for enthufiafm, or a
difordered underftanding. It may increafe but not extinguifli
fuch an ignis fatuus. Lord Jesus, give us all a right judgment
in all things I Farewell. Brethren, pray for us. We have had
pleafant feafons at Everton., Leech.^ Aberford^ Kippax, and here.
Tender love to all that are fo kind as to enquire after a worth-
lefs worm. That you may be fo fupplied as not to mifs me
one moment, is the earneft prayer of, dear Mrs. M ,
Your Hncere friend and ready fervant
in our common Lord,
G. JV.
To Mr. S .
My very dear Friend^ Newcajlky March 13, 1 763,
I Cannot go further, without dropping you a few lines.
They leave me thus far advanced in my journey to
Scotland, My friends write me word, that the fhip "Jenny^
Captain Orr^ a very difcrect perfon, fails from Greenock
to Bojlon the middle of April. You will pray, that the
God of the fea and dry land will give me a fafe, and, if
agreeable to his will, a fpeedy paflage. On the road we have
been favoured with fome fweet feafons. I have preached
at Evertonj Leeds^ Kippax, Jberford, and this place. Next
fabbath I hope to be at Edinburgh. On my way, I was en-
abled to finilh a little thing in anfwer to the prefent Biftiop
ei Gloucefler. If my friends think proper to print it, you will
find a parting teftimony left behind me for the good old Puri-
tans and free-grace Diflenters, whom he fadly maligns. Blefs
it, glorious Emmanuel, and it fhall be blelTed ! Follow me,
follow me, my very dear Sir, with your conftant prayers. Mine
will always be afcending for you and yours. Indeed I owe
you much love ! You have often ftrengthcned my hands in
the Lord. Fain would I fing.
Lord, obediently I go^
Gladly leaving all belcw ;
Only Thou my leader be.
And IJlill will follow Tl)ee.
And now, my dear friend, farewell. Ere long wc fliall meet
in a better climate, where
Pain and fin and for row ceafe.
And all is calm and joy and peace.
Moft cordial refpcds await dear Mrs. 5 and your daugh-
ter, if continued in this dying world. Expe^l to hear, ironi
lime to time, from, m.y very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. 5cc.
L E T-
To Mrs. W .
bear Mrs. W , Edinburgh^ March 19, 1763.
IWas quite concerned to fee you fo ill as I pafled by you.
I charge you to want for nothing. Speak to MefTrs.
K n or H •;' .* they will fupply you at any time. Do
not be afraid to go to the Tabernacle houfe. I will own and
ftand by my dear fteady and faithful fervants and helpers.
Such a one you have been. O for heaven ! There are no
thorns and briars amongfi God's people there. May our pre-
fent ones fit us more and more for that place where
Sin andjlrife and [or row ceafe^
And all is calm and joy and peace.
Follow me with your prayers. Tender love to all the confe-
rence. I have no doubt of the Lord's being with them.
God be with you all evermore ! We have had good feafons
at E'verton, Leeds, Nezvcaflcy &c. in the way. Grace ! grace I
In about a month I expefl to fail. A good ftock of prayers
I in that time, may be laid up for, dear Betty, my old faithful
friend and fervant.
Yours, &:c. &c. in Jesus,
G. rv.
to the Reverend Mr. T .
My dear Friend, Edinburgh, March 26, 176^.
WHY not fee each other once more ? Perhaps, after
my return from Glafgow, 1 may be here a fortnight.
My poor tabernacle is fo far reitored, as to mount the gofpel
throne once a day. Perhaps the fea air may brace me up a
little more : but after all, it is only like the glimmering of a
candle before it goes out. Death will light it up in a bettei"
world. Work on, my dear fon, work on. The night cometh
■when no man can work. O that I had dene more for the
blefled Jesus ! O that I could think more of what he hath
done for me ! Never mind being counted fmgular. O that
Vol. III. T yoa
you may be more and more vile every day ! Happy they that
are fafc landed !
Jnd happ\\ happy zre.
Jy' bo Jo on their -company jholl fee !
It is hnifor a little indeed. Come, Lord Jesus, come quiclc?y !
I know you will heartily fay, Amen. Cordial refpects await
Mrs. T . The Edinburgh prefcriptions were the molt
blefl'ed to me. My fpirits are much brifker than when here
Jaft. Grace! graced O to lie low ! Adieu, my dear friend.
Yours, &€. &c. tic. in our common Lord,
G. TV.
To Afr. R A' n.
Ediiihurgh, March lb ^ ^7^3'
My dear Mr. K w,
I Thank you for your kind letter, and thank the Lord of
of all lords that matters go on fo well, I am more than
eafy. The Redeemer hath diretSled my choice, and will bicfs,
affift, and reward thofe employed. Ten thoufand thanks to
you all. You may a(Sl as you pleafe with refpcil to Mr. .
His attending the Tabernacle when I was well, and leaving it
ever fince I have been fick, doth not look vv'cll at all : but
pleafe yourfclves and you will pleafe me. Do not confult me
in any thing, unlefs abfolutely neceffary. The Lord, I truft
and believe, vvill give you a right judgment in all things.
But O follow me with your prayers. On Monday I am going
to fee about the {hip. Now wc have peace abroad, Lord
Jesus give us peace at home ! I am ferry my little piece,
entituled Ohfervai'ions., hz. is not come out yet. Tender love
to all. My dear old friend.
Yours, he. kc. in Jesus,
" To Mr. ir y.
■ Dear Mr. W ;-, Edinburgh., April 8, 1763.
IThahk you for your kind rcmembrartce in Mr. TV- 's;
Indeed I do not forget you. O that you may be a fteady
follower of Him, who was not a{hamed of being called the
carpenter's fon ! My prayer to him is, that you may be daily
more and more built up in his rhoft holy faith. But the way
to heaven is a narrow way. No elbow rooni for our lufts.
What a bleffing this ! LoRiJ Jesus, make us willing to be
niade whole ! Adieu. Tender love to all enquiring friends.
I truft their prayers are heard. The Redeemer vouchfafes tc3
fmile upon the feeble labours of, my dear Mr. W j,
Yours, &:c. in Him,
G. U\
To Mr. K n.
My dear oldjleady Friend^ Le'ith^ May 14, 1 763.
WHY fo fearful of writing a longer letter ? The longer
the better. BlefTed be God, thbugli difappoirited iri
embarking, by reafon of ficknefs, I can read, and write, and
hope (notwithftanding a little cold, which threw me fomewhat
back this week) foon to get upon my throne again. The
iiews about the congregations, you may well guefs rejoiced
my poor heart. Surely Mr. H will rot get to heaveii
before me too. What an age do we live in ! Children thus
to take the lead of their parents. Heavenly Father^ hot my
will, but thine be done I I expe£l to-morrow's interview. A
iingle eye will carry us through all. A cathoilic fpirit is the
plague of bigots. Lord Jesus, cure them of their bad di-
ftemper ! I rejoice to hear that good Lady H — —n is (b fup-
ported. Pray remember me in the kindcft manner to dear
Mr. H y. As I have not heard from him for two or three
ports, I fear he is worfe. Pray let him know of my fending
this J and inform him of my having been able to go upon the
Water to-day for feveral hours, and by land afterwards. Others
T % can
can die, but I cannot. Father, thy will be done f What a
iGoD do 1 ferve ? Phyficians, friends on every fide of me.
And what is all in all, the great phyfician comforting my fouL
Thank, O thank him in beii^ilf of a worthlefs worm. Tender
love to Mrs. A' w, Mr. and Mrs. B k, Mr. and Mrs.
y , and all dear friends, who are fo kind as to be coti-
cerned for me. You will be very fine when all is piiinted.
Bleffed be GoD, I approve your condu*:^, and love your fpirit.
Lord Jesus, make us all glorious within ! I muft drop a
line to dear Mr. J about Mr. H , or you iliould have
more from, my dear old fteady friend.
Yours, Sec. 5cc. Sec. in Jesus,
G. IF.
To the Reverend Air. T .
Aly dear Friend, Greenock, y«"^ 4^ I/^J-
AThoufand thanks for your kind letters. Jesus is kind;
I am better, and juft going on board the Fanny, bound
to Rapanach, in Firginia. Yours to good Lady H n is
taken care of. I hear her daughter died well, and that her
Ladyfhip is comforted and refigned. Blefled be God ! Adieu.
Follow me with your prayers, as being
Ever yours, &c.
G. PF,
To the Reverend Mr. G .
Greenock, ^une 4, 1 763.
STRANGE ! that I fhould not fee one whom I fo dearly
love. Dear Mr. 6' will tell you the reafons. I ex-
pe6l to be called every moment. God blefs and reward you
and yours. The diploma was fent to Edinburgh to be ligned
by Mr* Trail, but hath mifcarried. I wrote to Mr. Hamilton
to fend it by the Diligence, which is to fail in about fix weeks
to Bojion. Expe(Sling to be called every moment, I can only
haften to fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and very dear Sir,
Ever yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
G. W.
To Mr. S S .
A'fy very dear Friend, At S^a, July 15, 1763*
Hope tha: this will find you and yours profpering both in
foul and body. It leaves me looking towards Virginia
but only as an harbour in my way to an infinitely better port,
from whence I fhall never put out to fea again. Through
mercy I have been furprizingly kept up during the voyage,
Jong but not tedious. Jesus hath made the Ihip a Bethel, and
I enjoyed that quietnefs which I have in vain fought after for
feme years on Ihore. Not an oath to be heard even in the
greateft hurry. All hath been harmony and love. But my
breath is fhort, and I have little hopes, fmce my late relapfe,
of much further public ufefulnefs. A few exertions, like the
lait ftruggles of a dying man, or glimmering flaflies of a taper
juit burning out, is all that can be expected from me. But
bleffed be God, the taper will be lighted up again ia heaven.
The fun, when fetting here, only fets to rife in another clime.
Such is the death of all God's faints. Why then ftiould we
be afraid ? Why fliould we not rather by faith be looking
through the windows of mortality, and daily crying, " Why
are his chariot wheels fo Ions in comins: ?" We had need of
patience, efpecially when the evil days of ficknefs and declin-
ing age come. But we ferve a Aiafter who will not forfake
his fervants when grey headed. When heart and fiefli fail,
God, even our God in Christ, will be our portion and con*
fidence for ever. Does my dear Mr. S-— — repent that he
ferved and worked for Him when young ? Is dear Mrs. S
forrowful that he was the God of her youth ? Or is Mi(3
now thinking that (he hath lately made a wrong choice ? N6,
no : I will venture to anfwer for them all. Let us, therefore,
love our Mafter, and not go from him. Who knows but our
latter end may yet increafe ? If not in public ufefulnefs.
Lord Jesus, let it be in inward hcart-holinefs, that we may
daily ripen for the full enjoyment of thyfelf in heaven ! I
know who fays, Jmen ; I add Jmen, and Jmen ! and fo fub-
fcribe myfelf, with ten thoufand thanks for all favours, my
4ear friends.
Yours, &c. See. in our Jesus,
G. IV.
T 3 P. S,
AuguJ} 24.
P. S. Since writing the above, we have been cxercifeil by
contrary winds, thunders, lightenings, &c. but out of all the
Lord hath brought us, and we came within the CapelzQ. night.
Help me to praife him, O my friends.
To Mr. P ks.
lyiihin Virginia- Cape, Aug. 24, 1763.
My dear Mr. P ks,
I Fully purpofed to write to you before my embarkation for
America, but ficknefs prevented. However, I dearly love
vou, and often remember you before his throne, who I am
perfuaded hath loved and given himfclf for you. This he hath
told you, and allured you of again and again by hi- blcfTcd
word and Spirit. Be not therefore faithlefs, but believing.
O that this may find you rejoicing with that joy which is un-
fpeakable and full of glory. It ienves me longing for that
blifsful ftate, where forrow and fighing will flee away. There,
there (hall we meet, and in fpite of all the fuggeiliuns of Sa-
tan, and the defperate wickednefs of our own deceitful hearts,
ere lone join in finging the fong of Mofes and the Lamb.
Faithful is he that hath promifed, who alfo will do it. Laft
ric^ht, but not till then, we cait anchor after near a twelve
weeks pafTage. The lait fix weeks were very trying to my
fhattered bark. But Jesus is AH in All. Help, help to
praife him. To his infinite and never-failing mercy do I
totnmend you, as being, for his great name's fake, my dear
Mr.P -ks.
Yours moft afFeclionately,
G, W.
To all my dear Taherrtncle Hearers, that love the Lord Jesus
Chs.ist /';; Sincerity.
Dearly Beloved in the Lord, Virginia, Sept. i, 1763.
THOUGH abfent in body, the Searcher of hearts know?
that 1 have been prefent with you in fpirit ever fince I
|ert London, Glad, very glad was 1 to hear from time to time
whilft afliore, that the Ihout of a king was among you ; and
it wasmy continual prayer whilft at lea, that the glory of the
Lord may lo fill the Tabernacle, that all who come to hear
the worJ, may be conftrained to fay, *' Surely God is in
this place." I doubt not of your wreftling in my behalf.
Certainly it muft be in anfwer to your cryings unto the Lord,
that I have been dealt with fo bountifully. For fome weeks
1 was enabled to preach once a day when in Scotland^ and I
truft not without fome divine efficacy. But my late diforder
kept me filent tor fome weeks afterwards, and put me upon
thinking fometimes, that my intended voyage would be re-
tarded, at leaft for one year longer. Having obtained a little
more bodily ftrength, I ventured upon the mighty waters, and
thai.ks, eteinal thanks to a never-failing Redeemer, I have
not been laid by an hour through ficknefs fince I came on
board. Every thing hath been providentially ordered, fuit-
able to my low eftate. A large and commodious cabbin, a
kind Captain, and a moft orderly and quiet fliip's company,
who oladly attended when I had breath to preach. Scarce an
oath have I heard upon deck, during a twelve weeks voyage ;
and fuch a ftillnefs through the whole fiiip, both on week days
and the Lord's-day, as hath from time to tirne furprized me.
Sonje concern hath appeared, but of what kind or duration the
event alone can difcover. T'he fpiritual bread hath been caft
on the waters : who knows but it may be found after many
days. How it fhall pleafe my all-bountiful Mafter to difpofe
of me when I get on fhore, you fhall know hereafter. All
that I can fay is, (if 1 know any thing of my unfpeakably de»
ceitful, and dcfperately wicked heart) Lord Jesus,
A life that all things cajls lehimJ^
Springs forth obedient to thy call j
A heart, that no dcfire can move,
Butjiill fadore, ''')%«» (^'id love.
Give me, ?ny Lord, my life, my all!
You will not forget to perfevere in praying for a poor, worth-
Icfs, but v.'llling pilgrim, who dearly loves you, and ckiily re*
ioices in the pleafing refledion, that he (hall ere long meet
you in a better world, where the inhabitants fliall no more
T 4 fay,
fay, " I am fick." BhfTed profped ! Surely on the very
mentioning it, you will break, forth in ftnging,
Rejoice, the LoRD is kin^. Sic.
I will not interrupt you. Adieu. The Lord Jesus be with
your fpirits. Only when you have done Tinging, my dear fel-
jovv-labourers, mv dear Tabernacle-hearers, forget not to fub-
join at Icaft one petition, that whether ablent or prefent, Je-
sps may be more and more precious to,
Your afFedionate friend, and willing fervant,
for his great name's fake,
7o all my dear Tcttenham-Court Hearers, that love the LoRD
Jesus Christ iti Sincerity.
Virginia, Sept. i, 1 763.
Dearly Beloved In ihehoR'D,
THOUGH lefs than the leafl of all, and unworthy, ut-
terly unworthy the notice of any, yet I cannot help
thinking, but for Christ's fake you will be glad to hear of
the goodnefs of the Lord extended towards me fmce my de-
parture from London. Surely it was trying, to leave fo many
at each end of the town, who, I hope, will be my joy and
crov.-n of rejoicing in the great day. Indeed, after being taken
ill of my old dilorder at Edinburgh, and remaining near fix
weeks filent in Scotland, I thought of feeing you foon again :
but having obtained help, I embarked, for the eleventh time,
in the fliip Fanny ; and though we have had a long and try-
ing, yet, blelll'd be GoD, it hath not been an unprofitable
voyage. Often, often have I thought of my dear London
friends, when I guefied they were aflemblcd together ; and as
often prayed, when I knew they were retired to reft-, that he
that keepeth Ifrael, and neiiher flumbcrcth nor fleepeth, would
watch over them, and make their very dreams devout. How I
am to be difpofed of when on dry land, is bcft known to Him
whofe I am, and whom I defire to ferve in preaching the gof-
pel of his dear Sun. Had I ftrength equal to mv will, I could
fiy from pole to pole. Though wearied, and now almoft
worn out. indeed and indeed I am not weary of my blellcd
Mafter's fcvice. O love him, love him, for he is a good
Mafter, and doth not leave us when our ilrengch faileth.
Make him youi portion, and he will be your coi fidence for
ever. Ace .;;.;;i; to my prefent views, if able to do any thing
for you, through his leave I hope to fee you again next year.
In the mean while, as long as I have breath to draw, it fhall
be my heart',', defire and prayer to GoD, that the labours of
the dear fervants of Jesus, who are called to preach amongft
you, may be fo blcfled and owned from above, that I may not
be milKd a fingle moment. May they, may you increafe with
all the increafe, till you are all filled with all the fulnefs of
God. When near his throne, if there be any confolation in
Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowfhip of the Spi-
rit, if any bowels of mercies, pray that the fame blefling may-
be conferred, my dear fellow-labourers, my dear Tottenham-'
Court hearers, on
Your moft affectionate friend, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Mr. A .
Virginia^ Sept. 7, 1763.
My very dear Mr. A ,
ANY more letters did I intend to write to you and
other dear friends, had I not been prevented by ftorms,
&c. for fome weeks before our arrival. If enabled, I fliall take
care to pay them as I move from place to place. We are now
on dry land. Chriftian friends, whom I never before heard
of, were prepared to receive me : and I have preached four
times. This leaves me in my way to Philadelphia^ ftill vifited
with my old diforder, which I now never expe61: to drop, till I
drop for good and all this body of clay, this body of fin and
death. I fuppofe you are in like circumftances, as well as
thoufands befides, who love the Lord Jesus in fincerity.
Well : He that cometh will come, and will not tarry. Blefied
aye all they that wait for him, I hope you are favoured with
2, precious
precious gales of divine influence. Tender love to all our
dear fellow-labouiers, and to all our dear hearers of every de-
nomination, in every place. You will not forget a poor pil-
grim, u'ho, though abfent in body is prefent in fpirit. H'^oing
to write in a few days to dear Mr. Middleton^ Szc. and wilhin^r
you and yours all that a blcfTed never-failing God can lii-.e
you in time and eternity, I fublcribe myfclf, n.y very dear old
Ever yours, Sec. in our precious Emmanii.el^
G. IV.
To Mr. JV y.
My dear Mr. IF y^ Philadelphia, S^pt. 29, 1763.
pBENEZER! Hitherto the Lord hath helped ! J have
been here above a week j but ftill an inval.d.
Strange^ that a harp of thouy.md f.ringi
Should keep in tune fo lorg !
Popr iVright is taking his American leafonmg. He hath the
ague and fever. Thib prevt;nts his writini^. Infonn his re-
lations of it. He wants for nothing. When you write, men-
tion nothing but what relates to the eternal world. 1 have 1^0
thoughts to ihiow away on the trifling things of time. Tender
love to all that are travelling to the Neixi-ycrufctiem. There,
if no fooner, we (hall meet and praife the never-failing Em-
vianuely for whofe great name's fake I fubfcribe myfclf,
Yours, ^'c.
G. IF.
To Mr. R K //.
Philadelphia y Ocl. 21, 1763.
My very dear Mr. K «,
THE bearer, Mr. R d, is a young fober gentleman,
iiitcndi-d for the temple, and will be very glad to fee and
hear iVli. icu7,»«w<«-, and oiher gofpel minillers. I hope all are
fi^iijing for God, even a God in Christ. Here are fomoi
young bright witneffcs rifing up in the church. Perhaps I
have already converfed with forty new-creature miniftcrs of
various denominations. Sixteen hopeful ftudents, I am cre-
dibly informed, were converted at Ncw-Jcrfey college, laft
year. What an open door, if I had flrength ! .But — Father,
thy will be done ! blefl'ed be His name, I can preach now and
then. Lalt Tuefday we had a remarkable fcafon among the
Lutherans. Children and grown people were much imprefled. •
Grace ! grace ! If poflible, I intend returning with Mr.
H m (now here) to Georgia. You will hear the deter-
mination by the next fhip, that goes very foon. I wrote to
dear Mr. H y very lately, by way of Brijlol. Tender,
tender love to him, and to all. I have fcarce time to beg the
continued intereft of all your prayers, in behalf of, my dear
fleady old friend.
Yours, &c. in our Jesus,
G. W,
To Mr. D , ^c.
My very dear Friends^ Philadelphia., Nov. ^^ 1763.
MAN appoints, God for wife rcafons difappoints. All
was ready for my coming by land to you at Beihefdn^
with Mr. // m; but feveral things concurred to prevent
jne, and the phyficians all agree, that the only chance I liave
for growing better, is to ftay and fee what the cold weather
will do for me. Fain would I fay, however it may crofs my
will. Father, thy ivill he done ! At prefent, 1 make a ft-iifc to
preach twice a week. But alas, my ftrength is perfect weak-
nefs. What a mercy that Jesus is all in all ! You will let
me hear from you veiy particularly, by Captain Bo/itha, or any
other opportunity, either to this place or New-York. I want
to know the prefent flate of all your affairs in every refpec^-.
Surely the blefTed Emmanuel, who hath brought me thus far,
will give us an interview by and by. That it may be a very
happy one here below, and a prelude to an infinitely more
happy and ncver-ceafing one above, is the hearty prayer of, my
very dear friends,
Yours, &c. &c. in our glorious Head,
G. m
To Mr, R A' ;/.
My dear old Friend y Philadelphia^ Nov. 14, 1 763.
THIS comes by one Mr. R , reputed to he a real
chriftian and an expert tradefmaii, but greatly afflicted
with a nervous head-ach. He will be glad of feme fpiritual
acquaintance. Fain would he have had vat under his roof. I
wi(h he may get help, but I think we have got our life warrant.
Mr. CruttendcH I find is releafed; and a dear miniftcr of New-
Tori^ got free on Saturday. I am here yet, left behind, and
now about to make my firft excurfion lo the Kciv-^erjey col-
lege. Twice a week preaching, is my prelcnt allowance.
Wany of various ranks feem to be brought under real concern.
Phyficians are abi'olutely againft my going to Georgia^ till I get
more (Irength, Befides, it is doubtful v»'hether the foutheru
Jr.d'-ans v/ili not break out, and therefore a little (lay in thefe
parts may on that account be moft prudent. Lord Jesus,
dirccl my goings in thy way! Accept my wonted general falu-
tation ; tender love to all. You and yours will not ceafe tp
pray for, my dear fteady friend^
Youis, &c. in Jesus,
G. W,
To Mr. D ;;, &c.
Elizabeth-Toivn^ Nov. 26, 1763.
My very dear Friends^
O W is this ? Am I come four thoufand miles to winter
with you, and like to be difappointed at laft? I fe;ir fn;
for alas, orhly by travelling thus far from Philadelphia in my
way to New-Torky I am quite fatigued. But I do not defpair
yet, if God gives me any ftrength. Pray hard, and who knows
LiX,cf\^ what a God may do? Dear Mr. H ;/; will bcft acquaint
you with northern particulars. He leaves me this morning,
but I hope to fee him at New-York the beginning of the week,
and to write more. O that I may come with him ! Abba,
Father, all things are poUiblc with thee 1 Adieu ! My dear
friend is going. Ceale not to pray for, and write to.
Yours, &c. &:c. in Jesus,
G. fr,
Jl'fy dear Sir, New-Turk, Dec. i, 1763.
HOW thankful fliould I be to the adorable Jesus, and
to all that love me for his great name's fake, for the
blelled contents of your laft, dated September 10. Praife the
Lord, O my foul, and all that is within me praife his holy
name ! May this be only an earned of good things to come,
both in England and IValcs. Ere now, 1 fuppofe dear Mr.
Davis is crying Gogwiniant in London. We areelTaying to echo
it back from America. Some very good impreffions have been
made in Philadelphia, and we had four fweet feafons at New-
ferfey college, and two at ElfMibeih-Town, in my way hither.
Some faid they rtfembled old times- My fpirits grow better-
But thrice a week is as often as I can preach. To-day I begin
here, and have thoughts of returning with Mr. H. m to
Georgia, but am fearful of relapfing by fuch a fatiguing pafTage
or journey. The Lord will direct, hit : Crutieriden is got
above thefe infirmities ; GoD be praifcd that he went off {&
comfortably I may our expiring hour be like his I Surprized
am I indeed to find that you have a little one coming into
this v/orld which othcis are leaving. Lord Jesus, fpare
root and branch, for thy ov/n glory, and thy people's good I
Lord Jesus, convert us all more and more, and make us all
like little children ! Tender, tender love to all that love hjta
in fmcerity. I would write to many more, but company, low
flate of health, and travelling, render more frequent writing
imprailicable to, my dear fteady friend.
Yours, theirs, Sec. £:c. in our Jesus, "
G. W,
NeW'Ysrk, Dec- 4.
CiNCE writing the above, blelTed be God, I have preach-
ed. Perfons of all denominations feem to be athirlL
Grace! grace! Defire dear Mr. H y to look into the Uni-
verfal Hijhry of Arts and Sciences, volume the fecond, page
•436, for an account of Methodifm, by a papift. God blefs
you all. Amen and Amen. I am juft now told that the
Ihip is going. Several other opportunities of writing will foort
ofFer, which, God willing, lliall be embraced by, my dear
Heady friend,
Ever yours, &c. in Jesus.
G. ir.
To Mr. D n, ^c. - ■ ^ ■
Jl/fy very dear Friends^ New-Tor k, D.'e. 7, 1 763.
WHAT a mortification do you think it muft be to me^
to part thus from, and not to accompany my dear
Mr. // m to Bethifda? Thus it was near twenty years
ago, and yet I came, though he left me fo ill at New-England.
Afl'ure yourfclves, I fliall come as foon as pofTible. In the
mean while, I have defired Mr. // 7n to afTift in fupervifing
and fettling the accompts, and to give his advice in refpe£l to
the houfe, plantation, &c. &c. 1 beg you will be fo good as
to let me have an inventory of every individual thing, the
names and number of the negroes, and what you think is ne-
ceffary to be done every way. I would only obfcrve in general,
that I would have the family leffened as much as may be, and
all things contraiTted Into as fmall a compafs as poflible. And
now once'more adieu, though I trufl: but for a fliort feafon*
My heat^t is too full to enlarge. I have not got the account of
the children taken in fince the firft Inftitution ; it is left I be-
lieve in New-England. I purpofe going thither now from the
fouthward. But it will be better to go to heaven. Come^
Lord Jesus, come quickly! Dear Mr. H m will inform
you of all particulars concerning the gofpel miniftrations of,-
my very dear friends,
Yours, ever yours, S:c. ^c. in Christ,
To jMr. H y.
Dear Sir, Nnv-Tork^ Dec. 8, 1763.
LESSED be God, I am enabled to preach thrice a week.
But fuch a flocking of all ranks, I never before faw at
New-York. A great number have been to fee me, and feveral
come to me in the evening, as it fhould Teem, to hear fome-
thing of the kingdom of God. My ftay here is undetermined.
Perhaps it may be till Chrijimas. Many thanks are due to my
London friends, for their kind afliftance, from time to time, in
carrying on outward matters, and particularly to thofe who
were fo ready to aflift in compleating the tabernacle job in
fuch an honourable way. All with you will continue to pray
for me. I would write more, but amidft fuch a throncr of
company and bodily weaknefs, it is indeed impradicable. I
now repeatedly fend all my tender love; and fliil praying that
all may be filled with all the fulnefs of God, I beg leave to
fubfcribe myfelf.
Yours, &c. in Jesus,
G. IF,
To Mr. S S .
My very dear Friend^ Neiv-Tork^ Dec. 16, 1 763.
I See by what you have done lately for the tabernacle, that
you do not forget abfent friends. I think you and yours
are not forgotten by them, neither I believe are forgotten by
the Friend of all. He remembers us, though he is advanced
to fo great a kingdom ; remembers us in our low eftate, and
remembers that we are but duft. What a blefTino- this to
Worthlefs, ill and hell-defcrving mc ! What a mercy, to meet
with fuch a friend in the latter f^ages of our road ! Surely he
is altogether lovely. Having loved his own, he loves them to
the end ; witnefs his yet continuing to own the feeble labours
of an almoft worn out pilgrim. Every day the third for hear-
ing the word increafes, and the better fort come home to hear
more of it. I muft now go foon to New-England. Cold
weather and a warm heart luit my tottering tabernacle beft.
I The
The fhip is gfiing. God blefs you and yours ! I hope that
all related, and all who are near and dear to you, are alive for
God, — a God, — a God in Christ; in whofe great name,
I beg leave to fubrcribe niyfelf, my very dear friend,
Yours, &c. &c.
G. jy.
To the Reverend Mr. G .
NeivTork, Dec. l8, 1763.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
BLESSED be God, I am better in health than when t
wrote laft. Preaching thrice a week agrees pretty well
with me this cold fcafon of the year. I am apt to believe my
difoider will be periodical. It was fo with Mr. PoJIwick, who
is now with God. Our turn muft come by and by. Who
would have thought Mr. Robert Seat would have went ofl-" fo
foon .'' Lord, what is man r O to be always ready I O for
thoulands to go forth to alarm a drov/fy world ! New-Jerfty
college is a blefled nurfcry ; one of the purcft perhaps in the
univerfe. The worthy Prefident and three tutors, are all bent
upon making the ftudents both faints and fcholars. I was
lately there for a week. The Redeemer vouchfafed to own
the word preached. Some faid it was like old times. Preju-
dices in this place have moft ftrangely fubfided. The better
fort flock as eagerly as the common people, and are fond of
coming for private gofpel converfation. This is all of grace.
O for an humble and thankful heart ! Perhaps I may foon go
to Bojlon. 1 know you will pray that the glorious Emmanuel
may accompany me in all my removes. That this may be
the happy lot of your whole felf, and of all dear enquiring
friends, is the hearty prayer of, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours, theirs, &:c. &c. in Jesus,
G. IF.
P. S. I wrote to Mr. Niven laft week.
To Mr. D 77, &c.
My very dear Friends, New-Tor k, J an. 12, 1 7 64.
CAPTAIN Bol'itho is returned, and not one line from Be-
ibefda ! Surely you were not informed of his failing, or
you expelled to fee me with Mr. H m. That which lets
will furely by and by be taken out of the way. BltfTed be
God, the cold braces me up a little. I am enabled to preach
twice or thrice a week. Congregations continue very large,
and I truft faving impreflions are made upon many. Some
iludents alfo in Philadelphia and New Jerfey colleges, I hear
are much awakened. O for a blefled gale of divine influences
when we meet at Bethefda ! From thence, or Charles-Town, I
purpofe to embark for England. But future things belong to
Him, who (whatever may be our thoughts) always orders all
things well. To his never-failing guidance and mofl tender
mercy do I commit you all, as being, for his great name's fake,
my very dear friends.
Yours, &c. &c.
G. W.
To Mr. R K «.
. My very dear Friend, Bojion, March 3, 1 764.
AS I find by letters from my wife and Mr. T C ,
dated in OSiober and November, and by another from
Mr. D /, dated in December, that my friends had heard
from me more than once, I was in hopes of receiving a fev7
lines from you by the lait New-York packet. But I fuppofe
you thought I was gone to the fouthward. Providence fhut
up my way : I believe for wife reafons. The inclofed will
let you fee how matters went at New-York. Smce leaving
that place, a fwcet influence hath attended the word at Eajl-
hampton, Bridgehampton, and South-hold upon Long-IJland, at
Shelter- IJland alfo, and at New- London, Norwich, and Provi-
vidence on the main land. At Bojion I have been received
with the ufual warmth of aiFe6tion. Twice have we feen the
Redeemer's ftately ileps in the great congregation. But as
Vol. Ill, U the
the fmall-pox is likely to take an univerfal fpread through the
town, I purpofe making my country tour, and then return to
Bojlon in my way to the fouthv/ard. Invitations come fo thick
and fad from every quarter, that I know not what to dp. I
cannot boaft of acquiring much additional bodily ftrength, any
otherwife than as the cool feafon of the year helps to keep me
up. Twice a week is as often as I can with comfort afcend
rsi'j throne. The Redeemer vouchfafes to fpeak for himfelf
there, anki private converfation is greatly blcflcd. Thus the
taper keeps burning a little longer : when extinguiftied on
earth, it will be removed where it fliall burn with uninter-
rupted luftre in the kingdom of heaven. Till I hear from
you, and fee what is determined concerning Bethefda^ I cannot
think of undertaking a long voyage. Sometimes I fear my
weaknefs will never allow me to go on fhip-board any more.
But I will wait. I will endeavour to watch and pray, and
doubt not but I (hall hear a voice behind me faying, *' This
is the way, walk thou in it." In the mean while, I rejoice to
find that dear Mr. Davis is come to his winter quarter?, and
do earneftly pray night and day, that he and all my dear fel-
low-labourers- and hearers may increafe with all the increafe
of "God. Perhaps they may pray me over once more. When-
ever the way is clear, 1 am ready to fay, " Loud Jesus, lo I
come." Tender, moft tender love awaits you all, I muft
not enlarge, left my affeci^lions (hould overpower this feeble
frame. In heaven it will be otherwife. My very deaf Sir,
farewel. I muft away to preach at Charlei-Towriy a neigh-
bouring town to Bojhn. Hoping ere long to join with you all
rn prailing God for evermore, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf,
I Yours, &c. &c. in our glorious Head,
. . G. jr.
To Mr. S 6" .
Concord^ 20 miles from Bojlon^ March lo, 1764.
My very dear Friend^
SINCE my laft I fuppofe you have heard one way or ano-
ther of my being in thiis dying worlds and in fome meafure
improved for propagating ilic glorious gofpcl. New I'ork was
New-Tot k indeed. We faw blefled days of the Son of Man
there. Since that, in my way to thefe parts, a divine influence
attended the word preached in various places. And how
would you have been delighted to have feen Mr. TFbeeloei^s
Indians ? Such a promifing nurfery of future miflionaries, I
believe was never feen in Nfw-England before : pray enccju-
rage it with all your might. I alfo wifh you could give fome
ufeful puritanical books to Harvard-college library, lately burnt
down. Few perhaps will give fuchi and yet a collection of that
kind is abfolutely neceflary for future ftudents and poor neigh-
bouring miniflers, to whom I find the books belonging to the
library are freely lent out from time td time. You will not be
angry with me for thefe hints. I know your ambitious greedy
foul : you want to grow richer and richer towards God. O
that there may be in me fuch a mind ! But my wings are clipped.
I can only preach twice or thrice a week with comfort. And
ye; a wider door than ever is opened all along the continent.
A beginning is made in Bojlon. But as the fmall-pox is
fpreading there, I purpofe preaching for a while in adjacent
places. With what fuccefs, you may know hereafter. I fend
you and yours thefe few lines as a token of gratitude, refpeft,
and love unfeigned ; but muft ftill beg you to add to my ob-
ligations, by continuing to pray for, my very dear friends,
Yours, &:c. &c. in our glorious Head,
G. JJ\
To C H y, Efq;
Very dear Str^ Portfmoitthy March 23, 1764.
HOW was my heart eafed by receiving yefterday your
kind letter, dated OJloher 22d ? If you and dear Mr.
A' n will continue to rnanage when I am prefent, as well
as when I am abfent, it may give another turn to my mind.
Who knows what a never-failing God may do in a few
months I At prefent, my way is clear to go on preaching
tiU I can journey foythward. The inclofed will inform you
what hath been done by or»e fermon at Providence^ formerly a
moft ungodly place, forty miles fouth of Bojlon, At Ncivbury^
which I left yefterday, is a ftir indeed. On Lord's- day I (hall
U 2 begin
begin here. O for daily frcfh gales !' That they may every
day more and more increafe with you and all your dear rela-
tions, and all dear friends, is the hearty prayer of, very dear
Sir, in great hafle, but greater love.
Yours, &c. &c. &c. in Jesus,
G. IV.
To Mrs. M h.
Dear Mrs. M Z?, Portfmouib, Adarch 30, 1 764.
I Have juft now heard of your lofs. Accept a hw fympa-
thizing lines. I hope thofe that are dtad, died in the
Lord ; if fo, we had need weep only for ourfelves and for
children that are left behind. You are now more at liberty
for the Redeemer's work. I need wifh you no greater honour
than that you may be a widoiv indeed. Though defolate, fhe
puts her trufl: in the Lord, and (he continues in prayer night
and day. This hath been your old employ. By and by you
Ihall have nothing to do but praife.
O ghr'ious Jeat ! Our GoD our k'lng^
Ui thither brings to kifs thy feet.
I 'hope ere now, that many more in the neighbouring market
have thus begun their heaven upon earth. I hear God is
with you at the chapel. Praife the Lord, O my foul ! You
v/ill l^now from others, what cheer the Redeemer gives us in
jfmerica. Good cheer, Mrs. M h, good cheer. He rains
cIo^^n rightcoufncfs ; he rains down bread from heaven on the
congregations. This fupports (and at times overcomes) my
tottering labernacle. In heaven we (hall have a glorious body.
H'.^ping and believing that yourfelf and fifter, Mr. and Mrs.
K gt and Mr. and Mrs. JV- , with many others, will
fpecdily meet there, I fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mrs. M /;,
Yours, theirs, &c. in our common Lord,
G. ir.
To Mr. and Mrs, D n.
My very dear Friends^ BoJ^on, April 20, 1764.
IWifti you much joy. Grace, metty, and peace be mul-
tiplied upon you both ! It will, it will. Your match
was certainly made in heaven. How do I long to fee you '
I have been at my ne plus ultra northward, and am now more
free and capable of fettling my affairs fouthward. When
that is .done, how chearfully, with a Christ in mv heart in-
Head of my arms, could I fing, " Lord, now letteft thou thy
fervant depart in peace ! " I hope you are not offended at my
giving a power of attorney to Mr. H m. The Redeemer
knows it was not ov/ing to a diftruft of any of you, but only
in caje of my death, that he might teftify to the world the in-
tegrity of your a£lions, and the veracity of your accounts. I
am perfuaded he will not defire to interfere, but adl and con-
fult jointly, as occafion offers ; and you will go on in your
old way. O that I was affurcd of your ftay at Bithefda! Of
this I am fatisfied, that you will not diftrefs me by leaving the
place deftitute of proper help. And I affure you, if I thought
we fhould have the leafl demur, I would not come at all. My
tottering tabernacle will not bear grief, efpecially from thofe
whom 1 fo dearly love, and who have ferved the inftitution fo
faithfully and difmtereftedly for fo many years. Verily you
fhall in no wife lofe your reward. What I have in my view for
B ethef da,. n\2iy be better fpoke of when me meet, than by let-
ter. Lord Jesus, haften the wiflied-for time ! At prefent,
by my late excurfions I am brought low; but reft and care
may brace me up again for fome little further fervice for our
glorious Emmanuel. A mofl: bleffed influence hath attended the
word in various places, and many have been made to cry out,
" What fliall we do to be faved ? " O for fuch a cry at the
fouthward ! Abba, Father, all things are polTible with thee !
To his tender and never-failing mercy do I commit you, as
being, my very dear friends,
Yours mofl: affedionately in the blelfed Jesus,
V 2 LET-
To Mr. R K ;/.
Bojhn, Jpril 2S, 1764,
My -very dear Mr. K «,
YOU are a friend indeed. The Friend of hnners, the
King of faints, will blefs and reward you for all your
works of faith and unfeigned labours of love. Nay, he will
blefs both you and your children. God grant, that roots and
branches may all increafe with all the increafe of God. I find
I can do but little for him, and by a late return of my diforder,
was in dang.er of doing lefs. But, blefi'ed be his name, I am
recovered, and yefterday got upon my throne again. Words
cannot well expiefs the eagernefs of the people to hear. I was
meditating an efcape to the fouthward laft week j but Bojion
people fent a gofpel hue and cry after me, and really brought
me back. Lord Jesus, let it be for thy glory, and thy peo-
ple's good ! Bleiled be his name for giving you {o much pru-
dence in the management of the Chapel and Tabernacle af-
fairs, and for countenancing the miniilerial labours at both
ends of the town. The burning huJI) may ftill be our coat oi
arms. By a fhip that will foon be going for London, I purpofe
to write to you and dear Mr. H y more particularly. I
have very little time allowed to write this, left the vefiel fhould
be 2one. Adieu. Tender love to all. Ten thoufand thanks,
and moft affciStionate love await all mentioned in your laft, and
all who are (o kind as to enquire after, and pray for, dear
Mr. A' «,
Theirs, yours, 5:c. in our glorious Emmann-il,
G. ir,
ToMr.R A' n.
My very dear Friend^ Bo/ion, May iq^ 1764.
YOUR, letter by the packet came fafe, but I fear yoa
muft write again. There can be no coming to England
trll I h?vc fettled Georgia affairs. Thither I cannot go till the
fall : a few months will foon glide away. Your Ijaac is well
4 - ' ©ft'.
ofi^ Of fuch is the kingdom of heaven. People here beo-
earneftly for a fix o'clock morning IcsSture. I hope to get
ftrength to gratify them. To be able to do what you fay,
will fully fatisfy ! I would fain die preaching. Tender lovd
to all. By the next opportunity your worthy collegue {hall
hear from, rny very dear friend,
Yours, &c, in Jesus,
G. /r,
To C H y, Efq;
Very dear Sir^ Bojlon^ June i, 1764.
I Hope this will find you fafe returned from your fummef
tour, and laden with the fruit of God's everlafting love.
You fee where this leaves me. Friends have even conftrained
me to flay here, for fear of running into the Summer's beat.
Hitherto I find the benefit of it. Whatever it is owing to,
through mercy, I am much better in health, than I was this
time twelvemonth, and can now preach thrice a week to very
large auditories without hurt. Every day I hear of fome
brought under concern ; and I truft, whenever I remove, a
blefling will be left behind. This is all of grace. To the
glorious giver, purchafer, and applier of it, be a'll the glory.
All was well at Georgia in Aprils and I hope to be carried com-
fortably through the fouthern joufney that lies before me,
Chris t'5 prefence Jhall my pains beguile^
jJnd make each wildernefs to fmile,
in about a fortnight, Goi) willing, I purpofe to fet forwards
It will be hard parting. But heaven will make amends for
all. BlefTed be God that matters go on fo well at London*
If I get more bodily ftrength, I fhall think of another voyage
with nlore comfort. But future things belong to Him, who
orders all things for the beft. I would truft him for the pre-
fent day, and hot be over folicitous for the morrow. Lord,
I believe, help thou my unbelief ! Perhaps we may meet once
more on this fide eternity. They tell rac, that the Summers
in thefe northern parts have of late years been very cool. The
event will ftiev^. Let it fiiffice that eternal truth haih afTured
U 4 ««,
us, that as our day is fo our ftrength {hall be. I know I (hall
not want your prayers, or the prayers of your dear relatives.
Moft cordial refpecls and ten thoufand thanks await them all ;
for indeed none are forgotten by, my very dear Sir,
Yours, Sic. Uc. in the blefled Jesus,
G. PP\
June 7.
Parting here ha;h been heart breaking : I cannot ftand it.
I muft away for the fouthward. Mr. T € hath a
packet that will be delivered by a friend. O for heaven !
There all will be together with the Lord. Hallelujah !
To Mr. R K ;;.
My very dear Friend^ Nnv-Tcrk^ June 2^^ 1764.
HITHERTO the Lord hath helped me. The New-
England winter campaign is over, and I am thus far on
my way to Georgia. iS/lr. Smithy my faithful hoft, writes
thus : *' Your departure hence never before fo deeply wounded
us, and the moft of this people; and they are injudicious
enough to propofe fending a book full of names to call you
back. Your enemies are very few, and even they feem to bQ
almoft at peace with you. I inclofe five prints, which fliewr
what is faid of you publicly j but as to private difcourfe, and
fecret interceflions, you will willingly and modeftly remain
ignorant of the one, and, I doubt not, feel fweetly the in-
fluences of the other." I add, even fo. Lord Jesus, Amen!
Td crown the expedition, after preacliing at Nevo-Hjaven col-
lege, the Prefident came to niL, as I was going off in the
chalfe, and inforrned me that the ftudents were fo deeply im-
prefled by the fermon, that they were gone into the chapel,
and earneftly entreated me to give them one more quarter of
an hour's exhortation. Not unto me, O LcRD, not unto me,
but unto thy free and unmerited grace he all the glory! At
prefent mv health is better than uCual, and as yet I have felt
no inconvenience from the fummcr's heat. Praile the Lord,
O my foul I I write this in great hafle, but with greater love
7 10
to you and yours, and to all. I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf,
my veiy dear friend.
Ever yours, &c. in Jesus,
G. JV,
To Mr. W .
Dear Sir^ Nnv-Tork, Jug. 8, 1764.
YOUR laft, I find, left j'ou fearing aleft. I fancy you
like being a Hebrew of the Hebrews. This, I hope
will meet you fitting low at the feet of Jesus, and hearing
his words. That is the hh^ place. He continues o-ood to
me, a worthlefs worm, during this fummer feafon. I have
preached twice lately in the fields, and we fat under the blefied
Redeemer's fhadow with great delight. Let every thino- that
hath breath praife the Lord ! In a (hort time I move fouth-
ward. Perhaps in Spring I may embark for ErKrland, But
future things belong to him who orders all things well. The
New-JeniJaU?n \s the place I have in view.
There fin andjlrife and for row ceafe.
And all is love and joy and peace.
Hearty love to your wife and all dear friends as they come in
your way. God blefs you all ! In Him, who is all in all, I
am, dear Sir,
Yours, &:c.
G. W.
To Mr. D ?;, ^c.
My very dear Friends^ New-Tor k^ Aug. 19, 1 764,
I Have waited with eagernefs for another letter. I want a
particular account of the necefTaries you Hand in need of.
They might be procured with advantage here or zt Philadelphia.
I hope you have received the things. Something more will be
fent by Schemerron to the care of Mr. H m. 1 hear another
veffe! is expected from Georgia foon. Surely I fhall have a
line then. I fear it will be the middle of Odober before I
can leave Philadelphia ; but, God willing, you (hall hear hiort
particularly foon. A never-failing Jesus continues to fmile
upon my feeble labour?, and hath hitherto carried me com-
fortably through the fummcr's heat. Help, O help me to
praife hinu Pray for us. Tender love to all. Hoping to
join with you quickly on earth, and in full afTufance of join-
ing with you eternally in heaven, in very great hafte, but
greater love, I fubfcribe niyfclf, my very dear friends,
Ever yours, &c. &c. Sec. in Jesus,
To Mr, R K n.
My very dear Friendy Neiv-Tork^ Jug. 2^^ ^7^4*
STILL am I kept as it were a prifoner in thefe parts, by
the heat of the weather. All difTuade me from proceed-
ing fouthward till the latter end of September. My late cx-
curfions upon Long-IJland^ I truft have been blefTed. It would
furprize you to fee above a hundred carriages at every fermon
in this new world. I am, through infinite mercy, ftill kept
up. Dear Mr. H y-i packet is not yet come to hand. 1
wrote to him and my dear wife very lately by a friend in the
packet, and I have fent many letters for a letter-day to the
care of Mr. E % in Brijiol. 1 thank dear Mr. L d
for his lad by the packet. I wrote to him juft before his
came to hand. Tender, tender love to your whole felf and
to all.
Ever theirs, ever yours, 5s:c. IkQ. in our }v.?>vsy
G. m
To Mr. R A' ;;.
My very dear Friend, Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1 764;
YESTERDAY I had the pleafure of yours by ihd
Neiv-Tork packet, and can only in return fend my re-
peated thanks for fo many repeated favours. After a moft fo-
lemn and heart-breaking parting at Ne^v-Vork, I am come
thus far in my way to Georgia. There I hope to be about
Chnjlmas', and in Spring, God willing, to embark for England.
Hitherto the Lord hath helped. However, let what will
become of the fubftance, in the mean while I fend you my
Ihadow. The painter, who gJve it me, having now the a^ue
and fever, and living a hundred miles off, I muft get yoiTto
have the drapery finifhed, and then, if judged proper, let it
be put up in the Tabernacle parlour. One Captain B
brings it in the Phila'delphia packet, and would moft gladly
have brought the original over. If you fee him, take a little
notice of him. I have only preached twice here, but the in-
fluence was deep indeed. Grace ! grace ! Before my further
removal hence, I hope for an opportunity of writing to dear
Mr. H y. Two fuch friends furely could not be picked
out, for the London affairs. Tender, moft tender love awaits
him and all of you. God blefs you ! God blefs you ! I am
really better in health than I have been thefe three years. Ex-
cufe my not writisg to other dear friends j the fhip is going,
my hands full of bufinefs, and I have little more time allowed
me than to return you itn thoufand thanks, and fubfcribe
Ever yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
G, JV,
September 2?.
Within a few days, but not before, I received the hymn
books, and hope to write to other friends in a few days by
way of Londonderry. This day has been a good day indeed.
Grace ! grace !
To Mr. S S .
My very dear Friend, NaJ/au-Hall, Sept. 25, 1764.
AT length I am broke loofe from my fummer's retreat,
and have preached twice at Philadelphia. Many could
fay, " This was no other than the houfe of God, the gate
of heaven." Yefterday I came here, to preach at the com-
mencement to-morrow. Surely it is one of the beft regulated
inftitutions in the world. But moft importunate calls come
from every quarter. So large is the range, that although I
have been a twelvemonth in America^ I have fcarce beq;un to
begin. At prefent I can only go flrait forward, and preach
in my way to Georgia. Inhere I hope to be about Chri/imas.
God knows how I am to be difpofed of afterwards : whether
to England^ or to take another tour on the continent, is beft
known to Him who orders all things well.
To ^ feel his power, io hear his voiccy
Tg tajle his love, he all my choice.
Through infinite mercy my bodily health is fomewhat im-
proved. Perhaps a few more months itinerating might im-
prove it more. P'ather, thy will be done ! You and yours,
I truft, profper both in foul and body. Tender love and
hearty thanks await you, and all enquiring friends. If the
perfon in Mr. D /'s compting-houfe, would go over to
New-Tork^ he might get a very handfome maintenance in
teaching young gentlemen and ladies to read wtT. O what
new fcenes open in this new world. In every place the word
hath run and been glorified. I could enlarge, but am inter-
rupted. You and yours wili connnue to pray for me. I re-
tain my old name. I am the chief of fmners, lefs than the
lead of all fjints, but for Christ's fake, my very dear
Yours, &:c. Sec. S:c.
.. G. jr.
OSIober 3.
Since writing the above I have received your kind letter.
BlefTed be God that you and yours are fo well in the beft
fenfe. The books may be committed to the care of Mr. Mau-
duit, agent for Nexv- England. That will give you lead trouble.
It is a good charity. Lord Jesus, accept and blefs it.
J men, and J men !
To Mr. R K n.
My z-ery dear Friend, Philadelphia, CSi. JO, 1 764.
ACCEPT a few more lines before I fet off for my
fouthern tour. My laft, in which was a letter for my
wiTe, left New-Tori iaft Sunday. The enclofed will inform
you a little of my late motions. Pray tell dear Mr. H——y,
that Dr. S , the Provoft of the Philadelphia college, read <
prayers for me. and attended me backwards and forwards.
Both the prefent and late Governor, with the head f^entlemen
of the city, were prefent, and cordial thanks were fent to mc
from all the Truftee?, for fpeaking for the children, and
countenancing the inftitution. This is all of God. To me
nothing belongs but flianie and confufion of face. O for a
truly guilelefs and Ifraelitifi heart ! It will be found to be the
beft policy at the great day. More good news await you in a
packet of letters direiSled to you, and committed to the care
of Captain Sparks^ of the Elizabeth and Mary. I believe he
will deliver them himfelf ; if not, you may fend for them.
On the reading, I am apt to believe you will think it is almoft
finful not to take another tour. Lord Jesus, do thou direct
my goings in thy way ! He will, he will. But what is be-
cotne of T C ? Mr. R my worthy hoft
wrote to him many months ago, about being admitted a mem-
ber of the fociety for diftributing books among the poor. Not
a word of anfwer yet. Many more want to be members.
In a day or two, Cod willing, I fet ofF for my beloved Be-
thefda. O what bleffings have we received in this place. You
will join in crying, Halhlujah^ the Lord reigneth, and
bleffed be the God of our falvation ! To his ncver-failino-
jpercy do I commend you, as being, my very dear fiiend.
Ever yours, Sec. in Jesus,
G. W,
ro C H y, Efq-,
Neiv-Brunfiviik, North-Carolina, Nov. 22, 1764.
My very dear Sir,
THROUGH the tender mercy of a never- failing Re-
deemer, I am thus far advanced from Philadelphia
through Virginia, in my way fouthward. At Newburn lad
Sunday, good impreflions were made. Several gentlemen after
fermon efcorted me out of town. From that place to this,
I have met with what they call Neiv-ligJyts almoft every ftage.
At LochuQ-jd^i-Folly (an unlikely p-lace as Rome itfelf} there
is to be a general rendezvous of them. This is grace indeed.
I am to call to-morrow on a wealthy planter that feems to lead
the van. There I fhall enquire more particulars. I have the
jiames of fix or eight of their preachers. This, with every
other place, being open and exceedingly dcfirous to hear the
gofpel, makes me almoft determine to come back early in the
fpring. Surely the Londoners^ who are fed to the full, will not
envy the poor fouls in thefe parts, who fcarce know the right
hand from the left. As to fpiritual things, a few gofpel crumbs
in journeying, upon the whole, agrees with me. In lefs than
a week I hope to reach Charles-Town ; from thence I purpofa
to write again. Tender love to Mr. and Mrs. B , and t©
your whole conneclions, and all dear dear friends who pray
for, and enquire after, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. Sec. in Jesus,
To Mr. J
Charles -ToiVKy Dec. 2, 1 764.
My dear Mr. J ,
THOUGH I have not had a line from you, fince I
wrote to you from on board fhip, yet I do not forget
our old friendlhip, and therefore was glad to hear by my wife's
letter, that you kept your place in the defpifed tabernacle,
where vou and yours have fo often met with God. Ere long
we fliall meet in an upper world.
Where fin andjlrife andforrow ceafcy
And all is calm and joy and peace >
I hope you both enjoy large anticipations of this approaching,
uninterrupted, evcrlafting blifs. Ill and hell-dcferving as 1
am a never-failing Emmanuel conthmca kind to mc,
Hi9 prefence doth my pains beguile.
And makes the wildernefs to jmile.
In a little above a month we came by land from Philadelphia.
This morning I am to preach, and to morrow, God willing,
fball fet forwards for Georgia. Fain would I be a pilgrim to
my laft gafp. Continue to pray for me, and remember me
mod kindly to all friends, as they come in your way, and
aflure yourfelves, my dear Mr. and Mrs. J— — , that neither
of you are forgotten by,
Yours, &c. Uc, in Jesus,
To a H y, Efq-,
My very dear Zir, Savannah^ Dec. 19, 1 764,
THIS leaves me fitting, where I would be glad dear Mr.
-^ y-> K -n, B — — K, &c. were for fome mo-
ments. They would fay, never was a place more commodi-
oufly fituated for a college. The enclofed will fhew you what
providential fteps have been taken towards it. All done with-
out the lead hefitation. The colony is rifrng very faft, nothing
but plenty at Beihefda^ and all arrears, I truft, will be paid ofF
before I leave it j fo that in a fliort time I hope to be free
from thefe outward incumbrances. lyORD Jesus, fhew me
whether I muft go diredly to England, or make another nor-
thern excurfion. I wifh, if I do come over, that Mr. D ti
vvas engaged to ftay always in town. Mr. D s feems to
come, only becaufe I am not in London. My fpirits will not
bear the ufual care. I hope your dear relations are better than
v/hen you wrote laft. Moft cordial refpeds await them and
all dear, very dear friends. I am obliged to Mr. Z- d for
his favour dated September 24. It came to hand yefterday. I
wifli the voyage may produce a volume of fermonsj but I can-
not write when I will. Lord Jesus, do thou rule both heart
and hand I Great favour is here given me, in the fight of all.
This is the Lord's doing. In my next you may expecfl many
more particulars. Mr. D n hath chartered a {hip, and fent
orders for my having a paflage ^r^//V. Thus the great God
continues his unmerited goodnefs to, my very dear Sir,
Ever yours, 5cc. &c. in Jesus.
32(5 LETTER S.
To Mr. S S .
My very dear Friendy Bethefda^ y<3«. 14, 1765.
THROUGH tender mercy, I have been in this province
above five weeks. Ail things, in refpedl to Bethefda,
went on fuccefsfully. God hath given me great favour in the
fiffht of the governor, council, and afl'cmbly. A memorial
was prefented for an additional grant of lands, confifting of
two thoufand acres. It was immediately complied with. Both
houfes addrelTed the Governor in behalf of the intended college.
As warm an aniwer was given ; and I am now putting all in
repair, and getting every thing ready for that purpofe. Every
heart fcems to leap for joy, at the profpeft of its future utility
to this and the neighbouring colonies. The only qucftion now
is, whether I fhould embark dire£lly for England^ or take one
tour more to the northward ? He that holdeth the flsrs in his
rf"ht hand, will direct in due time. I am here in delightful
winter quarters. Peace and plenty reign at Bethefda. His
Excellency dined with me yeftcrday, and expreflcd his fatis-
fadtion in the warmeft terms. Who knows how many youths
may be raifed up for the fervice of the ever-loving and alto-
gether lovely Jesus ? Tlius far however we may fet up our
Ebemzer. Hitherto the bufii hath been burning, but not
con fumed.
Bleji is faith that waits God's hour^
Blejl are faints that truji his power.
Lord, 1 believe, help thou my unbelief! You and yours will
continue to pray for me. Be pleafcd to accept this as a fmall
token of acknowledgment for all favours conferred upon, my
very dear friend,
Yours, &c. Uc. in our glorious Emmanuel^
G. IV.
To Mr. P e.
My dear Mr. P ?, Bcthefda^ Feb. 3, 1 765.
YOUR kind letter lies by me. Love unfeigned conftrains
me to anfwer it. We have juft been wifhing that fome
of our London friends were here. We have love feafts every
day. Notliing but peace and plenty reign in Bcih,fda, this
houfe of mercy. God be praifed, for making the chapel fuch
a Bethel. I believe it will yet be a gate of heaven to many
fouls. Whether we live or die, we IhaJl fee greater things.
Remember, my dear friend, to afk fomething worthy of a
God to give. Be content with nothing fhort of himfelf. His
prefence alone, can fill and fatisfy the renewed foul. Trials
only empty the heart, and thereby make way for further com-
munications from above. Seed time and harveft, fummer and
winter, will always fucceed each other here. Do you not find
it fo, dear Mr. and Mrs. A r, as well as your friend Mr.
P e? Though you do not write, I will venture to anfwer
for you — Yes. — Well, then let us go on, till we enter into our
eternal fummer, our uninterrupted harveft. Hafle we, hafte
we ; the LoRD is at hand I Pray that my tardy pace may be
quickened J get all enquiring friends to join with you ] and
believe me to be, my dear Mr. P e.
Yours, &c. in our fympathizing Lord,
G. JV\
To Mr. R K n.
My very dear Sir^ Bethefda.^ Feb. i^, 1 765,
A Few days more, and then farewel Bethejda^ perhaps for
ever. Affairs, as to me, I truft are now brought near
a clofe. The within audit I fent to the G r. Next day
came Lord y. A. G «, to pay his Excellency a vifit, Yef-
terday morning, they with feveral other gentlemen favoured
me with their company to breakfaft. But how was my Lord
furprizcd and delighted ! After exprefling himfelf in the
ftrongeft terms, he took me afide, and informed me, " that
the G r had Ihewn him the accompts, by which he found
Vol. IIL X what
what a great bcnefadlor I had been ; that the intended college
would be of the utmoft utility to this and the neighbouring
provinces ; that the plan was beautiful, rational, and practi-
cable j and that he was perfuaded his M y would highly
approve of, and alfo favour it, with fome peculiar marks of
his royal bounty." At their dcfire I went to town, and dined
with him and the G r at Savafinah. On Tuefday next,
God willing, I move towards Charles-Town^ leaving all ar-
rears paid ofF, and fome cafli in hand, befides the laft year's
whole crop of rice, fome lumber, the houfe repaired, painted,
furniflied with plenty of cloathing, and provifion till next
crop comes in, and perhaps fome for fale. Mefl'rs. D «,
S kf and their wives, (lay till my fuccefibrs come to fupply
their places. Only a few boys will be left, and two of them
are intended for the foundation. So that this year they will
be getting rather than expending. Near ten, boys and girls,
have been put out, and the fmaii-pox hath gone through the
houfe, with the lofs of about fix negroes and four orphans.
Before which, I think not above four children have been taken
ofF thefe twenty-four years. As an acknowledgment of Mr.
and Mrs. D «'s faithfulnefs and care, I have made them
a prefent of a bill of exchange drawn upon you. It is for
Jesus, who (bed his dear and precious blood for ill and hell-
deferving me. And now it may be, 1 may fee England this
fummer. But ftill 1 cry, who fliall roll away the ftone? Jesus
will do it for mc. And now farewel, my beloved Bethefda\
furely the moll: delightfully fituated place in all the fouthcrn
parts of America. I do not forget your dear relations. What
a bleflcd winter have I had ! Peace, and love, and harmony,
and plenty, reign here. Mr. IV / hath done much in a
little time. All are furprized at it. But he hath worked night
and day, and not ftirred a mile for many weeks. Help, help,
my dear EngUfi) friends, to pray mc over, as being, for Christ'cj
fake, my very dear Sir,
Ever yours, theirs, ?cc. &c.
G. IV,
L E t t E R S. . 32'3
To Mr. R K- n.
My very dear Friend^ Savannah, Feb. i8, 1765.
YESTERDAY we had a moft cutting parting at Bc'
the/da j but blefled be God, for giving me to part from
it in fuch comfortable circumftances ! All arrears are paid ofFj^
cafh, ftock, and plenty of all kinds of provifion before-hand,
and under God, no danger, at le.ift for this year, of going
li.ick; fo that one great load is taken off. What fhall I rendef
nnto the Lord of all Lords for this and all other his mer-
cies ?
Pra'ife God, Thy foul, even unto death ^
And rat fe a fong with every breath.
And now my thoughts turn toward England, As a proof of
it, I have fent a box in the Friend/hip, Captain Ball, directed
to you. The things in the box, for the moft part, do belong
to Mr. IV~ 1, and all of them, if I die in my way to England,
That will be a bleffed voyage indeed ! Brethren, pray for usj
pray for us j and aflure yourfelves of being never forgotten bvj
my dear old friend.
Yours, theirs, &c. in everlafting bonds,
To Mr. and Mrs. D n.
Charles-Toivn, March ^, 1 765.
My very dear dear Friends,
OFTEN have we thought, and talked of, and if it was
lawful, wiflaed ourfelvcs at Bethefda again. No place
like that for peace, and plenty of every kind. May this fini
you all enjoying God, and each others compalny, in a man-
ner the world knows not of ! It leaves rne in my poor way,
aiming to do a little for Him, who hath done and fuffefed fo
tnuch for ill and hell-deferving me. People of 'A\ ranks fly
to the gofpel like dov6s to the windows. The word begins
to fall with great weight, and all are importunate for rhy
longer ftay. But next week I expert to move. Captain
• ' X 2 M r
M r, though waited for near two months, is not yet ar-
rived ; Mr. 5 «'s Lady comes with him, when you may
expe£l a more particular letter. He fcts oft' for Georgia imme-
diately upon his Lady's arrival. The negroes fnirts, &c. are
in hand. O that thofe Ethiopians may be made to ftretch out
their hearts unto God ! I feci a great compaflion for them.
Letters from the northward, give fweet accounts of the fpread-
ing of the work of God j but I muft not enlarge. So many
various calls furround me, that I have fcarce leifure to difpatch
my private bufinefs. God blefs you ! God blefs you all in
foul and body, in time and eternity ! The parting here hath
been moft aft'e(5ling and awful. Several prefume to prophefy,
that I fliall certainly and fpeedily fee South Carolina^ and my
beloved, dearly beloved Betbefda again. I fay heartily. Amen !
What fay you ? I ihall not wait for an anfwer. If the Lord
JesUS fay amen too, it will do. And now for the prefent,
adieu. God blefs you, and fill you all with all his fulnefs !
Pray hard for usj pray, if pofTible, that the glorious Emmanuel
Would give me to fee thefe parts once more. A blefTed work,
I truft, is begun. Grace, grace ! Perhaps this is not a parting
letter. You may hear from me more minutely by the Chief
Jufticc; but who knows what a day may bring forth I J
H 's wife died fuddcnly, a few days before my return
hither. Others tnken, and I ftill left. Lord Jesus, quicken
my tardy pace ! On Friday next, God willing, I fhall read
prayers and preach in Jjhby-Ferry church. Mr. Z y hath
preached well here. Dear, very dear friends, continue to pray
for me. Indeed I pray for you night and day; and, God
willing, this fliall be the conftant employ of, my very dear,
very dear friends,
Ever yours, 5cc. 5cc. 5cc. in Jesus,
G. jy.
To Mr, S 5 .
CharLs-Toivn, A'larch 15, 1 7 65.
My very dear Friend^
HITHERTO the Lord hath helped: I have had a
moft plcafant winter. The inclofed will fliew you in
what a fttuation I left Bethefda. To put the iinifning ftrokc
to that affair, I fear I mufl: embark for England. Well may I
fay I fear y for indeed words cannot well exprefs what a fcene
of a(Stion I leave behind. Alas I my Jme^ican work fecms as
yet fcarce begun. My health is better, and every day the
word of God runs and is glorified more and more. In two
days, my wildernefs range commences afrelh. In about fix
weeks I hope to fee Philadelphia. From thence, they fay, I
am to fet fail for my native country. But heaven I a blefled,
long wifhed-for heaven, is my home. Surely, death will fay
by and by, " Come up hither." This, I truft, will find you
and yours mounting aloft. God blefs you, and all your con-
neftions! Indeed and indeed I owe you much, very much love.
As a pepper- corn of acknowledgment, be pleafed to accept
thefe few loving lines from, my very dear friend.
Ever yours, &c. &c. &c. in Jesus,
To Mr. R K n.
Wiltnington^ Cape- Fear, March 29, 1765.
My very dear Mr. K ,
TFIUS far the Lord hath brought me in my way to Phi-
ladelphia, from whence, according to the prefent fcheme,
I purpofe to embark for England. But I fometimes doubt,
whether it is right or not. However, this is my comfort, that
I ferve a mafter who will not fuffer the blind, that defire to
knov/ and do his will, to go out of their way. Hitherto he
hath made the wildernefs to fmile I We had a moft cutting
parting from Charles-Town. I preached thrice in my way to
this place. At the defire of the Mayor and other gentlemen,
I fhall ftay till next Sunday, and then purpofe, God willing,
to go on my way. Indeed and indeed, this pilgrimage kind
of life, is the very joy of my heart. Cieled houfes and crouded
tables I leave to others. A morfel of bread, and a little bit of
cold meat, in a wood, is a moft luxurious repaft. Jesus's
prefence is all in all, whefher in the city or the wildernefs. I
hope that you and my other dear metropolitan friends, in the
midft of all your noife, are always hearing that fmall ftill voice
that whifpers, " Love." I think much of the late trial of my
never to be forgotten friends at Cannonbury-houfe. Remember,
X 3 according
according to promife, you will be kind enough to acl as truf-
tee, and all things are to continue juft as they are, if it (hould
pleafe God to bring me to London. Now I am free, Gop
keep me fo for Christ's fake. Tender love to all. I fend
them moft cordial falutations, and intreat the continuance of
th< ir and your prayers, in behalf of, my very dear Mr.
Theirs and yours moft afFeflionately
in our never- failing Emmanuely
C. IV,
To Mr. R K n.
Neivcq/lk^ 30 miles from Philadelphia^ May 4, 1765.
My dear Mr. K ;/,
I Am juft come here, in my way to embark from Philadel-
phia. But how fhall I do it? Every where the door opens
wider and wider. All along, from Charles-Town to this place,
the cry is, " for Christ's fake ftay and preach to us." O
for a thoufand lives to fpend for Jesus ! He is good, he is
good ! His mercy endureth for ever. Help, help, my dear
Englijh friends, to blefs and praife Him. The letters by Cap-
tain Boll^ 1 hear are Tent from Charles-Town, in my trunk, to
Philadelphia. I expe6l to receive them this evening. Thanks
be to God, all outward things are fettled on this fide th©
water. The auditing the accounts, and laying a foundation
for a college, hath filenccd enemies and comforted friends.
The finifhing this affair confirms my call to England at this
time. But I have no manner of profpedt of being able to fcrve
the tabernacle and chapel. I cannot preach once now, without
being quite exhauftcd. How then lliall I bear the cares of
both thofe places ? But I mull: beg you and dear Mr. H y
to continue truftecs When I am prefent, as well as in my ab-
fcnce. I wifh that a ftiip was ready now, perhaps I may yet
fail from NcwTorL 1 am praying night and day for dirc<ilion.
The woid runs here, and is glorified. But the weather, for
two days, hath been fo hot, that I could fcarcc move. To-
day it is much cooler. I dread the fliaking of the fliip. But
jf it (hakes this tottering frame to pieces, it will be a trading
voyage indeed. As Mr. Blake is not mentioned in your laft,
4 I hope
I hope he is recovered. Death will do this for us all. Bk/fed
be God, for enabling young Mr. Beckman to face it fo trium-
phantly ! This muft be a great cordial to the affiiitcd parents.
That they, your dear relations, and all my tried friends, may
be comforted yet more and more, is the earuefl prayer of, my
very dear Sir,
Yours, theirs, &c. &c. in Jesus,
To Mr. D n.
My very dear Friends, New-York, 'June 6, 1 765.
ACCEPT a few loving parting lines. Next Sunday,
God willing, we fail in the Earl of Halifax packer.
No fliip offered at Philadelphia. I am almoft too weary to
write. Jesus made the wildernefs to fmile ! Grace f grace !
I have received letters from England, dated Jpril 13, in anfwer
to thofe fent from Georgia. All fay, you muft come, or Be-
thefda affairs cannot be finiflied. Expert the firft intelligence
after my arrival. In the mean while, ceafe not to remember
us at the throne of that Jesus; in whofe great name, i dc{i;e
to fubfcribe myfelf, very dear dear friends,
Ever yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
To Mr. R K ;/.
Plymouth, July 12, 1765.
My dear dear Mr, K n,
PERHAPS I am arrived a little before the expeded time.
We have had but a twenty-eight days paflage, in the Hal-
lifax packet, from New-Tork, which got into Falmouth laft
Monday. I left the vefTel near the Lixard, and by the blunder
of a drunken fellow, milled the Poft on Monday evening. The
tranfition hath been fo fudden, that I can fcarce believe that I
am in England. I hope, ere long, to have a more fudden
tranfition into a better country. Come, Lord Jesus, come
quickly! I want a gown and callbck. Child, in Chancery- Lane,
ufed to make for me, and perhaps knows my meafure. Amaz-
X 4 ' ing,
jng, that I have not been meafured for a coffin long ago! Lord
Jesus, thy will be done ! I am very low in body, and as yet
undetermined what to do. Perhaps, on the whole, it may be
beft to come on Icifurely, to fee if my fpiiits can be a little
recruited. You may write a few lines at a venture to Brijiol,
dear Mr. H y fhall hear more particularly the next Poft,
whatever rout I take. Had I bodily ftrength, you would find
me coming upon you unawares ; but that fails me much. I
muft have a little refl:, or I fliall be able to do nothing at all.
Let no one ftir to meet me, it being uncertain v;hat rout f (hall
take. The Lord Jesus be wiih all your fpirits ! Ten thou-
fand thoufand thanks await you and your dear collegue, and
all your dear friends, for all aiTiftance given to, my dear dear
Ever yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
G. IF.
To Mr. R A' n.
My very dear Friend, Br'ijlol, July i^, 1765.
JUST now, with great joy, I received your welcome letter,
I fca: the poft v/iU be gone, ere this can be put in. Blefled
be God, I am a little better. I have a fine commodious houfe,
and am kept from much company. You will certainly knov(r
my rout. Indeed and indeed, I long to fee my dear Mr.
A' w, and my dear Mr. H y. Stand, my friends, and
infift upon my not being brought out into adlion too fooot
The poor old fliattercd bark hath not been in dock one week,
for a long while. 1 fcarce know what I write. Tender love
^o all.
Ever yours, &c. &c. in Jesus,
G. W.
ro Mr. E s.
Dear Mr. E r, London, Aug. 3, 1765.
I Am very weak in body, but gratitude con {trains me to fend
you a few lines of love unfeigned, for your labours of love
duringjmy abfence abroad. I rejoice to hear $hey vvere blefled.
Our friends tell me, that the found of your Mafter's feet w^
certainly heard behind you. To Him, and Him alone, be all
the glory ! Is not this encouragement, my dear brother, to go
on, and to be inftant in fcafon and out of feafon ? If GoD will
work, who (hall hinder ?
Give us thyjirengih, O GoD of power.
Then let tvinds blotv and thunders roar:
Thy faithful xvitneffes we'll be ;
^Tis fix'd ! we can do all through thee.
Thanks be to God, we do not go a warfare on our own
charges ; the Captain of our falvation will conquer for and
in us. Let us but acknowledge him in all our ways, and He
hath given us his royal word, that " He will dired and profper
all our paths."
Fix on his work our Jledfajl eye.
So Jhall our zvork be done. •
Our enemies fliall be at peace with us, and the very ravens,
birds of prey, fhall be otliged to come and feed us. O for an
increafe of faith ! I hope you have refrefhing times from the
prefence of the Lord, among your own flock. May arace,
merqy, and peace, be multiplied amongft you! If the common
intereft of the Redeemer be promoted, I rejoice, yea and will
rejoice. My earneil prayer is, that you, and all that labour in
our Lord's vineyard, may more and more be taught to give
every one their portion of meat in due feafon ; and may your
rod blolTom more and more I O to end life well. Methinks I
have now but one more river to pafs over, Jordan. And we
know of one that can carry us over, without being ankle deep.
How are MefTrs. G th, A ge, &c. he. S-. i and his
wife fend cordial falutations. I left them labourino- on their
Bethefda plan, till the intended college is eftablifhed. Yet a
little while, and all true labourers fhall enter into the joy of
jheir Lord. Amen ! Hallelujah ! Ceafe not to pray for, dear
Mr- E s.
Yours, &c. in the blefled Jesus,
To Mr. D n.
My very dear Friends y London^ Sept. 6^ 17^5*
I Am forry that matters have been fo ordered, as to confine
you fo long at Bcthefda. But you have learned to believe,
that the Redeemer orders all things well. Soon after my ar-
rival. Lord D h was put at the head of the board of trade.
This will foon bring Bethefda affairs to a fpeedy ifllie. You will
then be releafed. But indeed and indeed, in my judgment you
had beft keep where you are. You will foon repent coming
over. Mrs. R /, whofe hufband is lame, is utterly againft
your coming. But you muft follow your own judgment.
Though people flock more and more, and my health is better,
yet I make no fecret of it, that my heart is abroad. Mrs.
R / tells me flrange things of B y^ and difagreeable
things of P y^ O my God ! ihall I have no prize tickets
amongft thofe I would willingly ferve ! Well, — the faithful
nurfe {hall be paid, whether the child lives or dies. You there-
fore {hall verily have your reward. Excufc enlarging. Cap-
tain Gunn goes to-day. Mr. JVright fends cordial refpe<Sls.
My wife is gone for a little while into the country. God blefs
you ! God blefs you I More opportunities of fending will
foon offer to, my very dear friends.
Ever yours, &c. &c. in our glorious Head,
G. IP\
To Mr. A A' n.
My dear Timothy., London., Sept. 20^ ^7^S'
PRAY when are we to have the honour of a vifit from
you ? I believe more than three weeks are elapfed fince
you came to Brijiol. Mr. Adajns is to be your collegue here.
I purpofe for both of you to preach at the chapel, as well as
at the tabernacle. Write an immediate anfwcr, fixing your
time of coming; and you muil not think of returning foon.
Mr. Middleton fends me word, that he is blefled at Plymouth,
and cfpecially at dock, and that Kinvjhridge chriftians are lively,
I hope it is fo at BriJlol. Bleifed be God, it is pretty much fo
In London. Lord Jesus, quicken my tardy pace ! Through
his never-failing mercy, I have been better in health for a week
pafl-, than I have been for thefe four years. O for a thankful
and an humble heart ! My wife alfo retiuned well, laft night,
from Bury. She indulges this morning, being weary. But I
take it for granted, that you and I rife at five. Mr. Ada7ni\
room will be large for you to breathe in. I (hall never breathe
as I would, till I breathe in yonder heaven.
There fin andjlrife and forrow ceafe,
And all is calm and joy and peace.
Adieu. Cordial love awaits all where you are, all at tabernacle
lioufe, and all that are fo kind as to pray for, and enquire
after, my very dear Timothy^
Yours, &c. he. in our glorious Emmanuel^
G. IV,
My very dear Timothy, London, Sept. 2^, ^I^S-
THOSE that are Timothies indeed, (hall be honoured of
Him, whom they defire to honour, with a difinterefted
fpirit. I am glad you find old Jacob's prophecy to be fulfilling.
*' To Shiloh (hall the gathering of the people be." Nothing
is wanting at Brijiol, London, and elfewhere, but labourers
full of the firft old methodiftical fpirit. But where to get them
is the queftion. Thofe that are thus minded, are almoft worn
out. I would gladly fly to Brijlol if I aould ; but I fee that
it is beft to be here for fome time. And indeed, things have
always been at fuch a low ebb, when I have been at Brijiol,
and matters carried on with fo little fpirit, that I have gene-
rally come mourning away. If a few, fuch as Mr. C /,
would exert themfelves fteadily, and perfeveringly, and proper
preachers were fent, fomething might be done to purpofe.
But as neither of thefe things is likely to happen, my expec-
tations are not very much raifed. However, the refidue of the
fpirit is in the Redeemer's hands. Our eyes wait upon Him.
From Him, and Him alone, all kinds of falvation do come.
Fain would I have you up at London for fome time, at this
feafon. Mr. D- r expedts to fee you in a clerical habit
about Chrijlmas, He aiked me, if I would get him a fcarf ? I
anfwered, that you muft h'ave one fiift. You may gucfs how
he fmiled. However, I really intend you fhall preach in the
chapel. I want you alfo to read the letters, and give me leave
to comment upon them, as my breath vi^ill allow. You may
return by way of BnJioU or if ^arah is worfe, go from hence.
I thank you heartily for making the colledlions. Never was a
caufe kept up at fuch a fmall expence ; *' not by might, or by
power, but by my fpirit, faith the Lord." This be our in-
variable rule. God blefs and piofper you more and more.
If I have not tired you, I have almoft tired, my very dear
Yours, &c. 5:c.
G. W,
P. S. Since writing the above, I find providence calls me
to B^ithf to open good Lady Hunlingdotis chapel. God will-
ing, I purpofe to fet out next Tuejdoy. You muft let out for
London the fame day; otherwife, it may be, Bri/iol people will
not fee mc. Adieu. Your preaching orders, as to time and
place, you will receive at your arrival. That you may do
Satan's kingdom much hurt, is the hearty prayer of, my very
dear man.
Ever yours, &c. in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To Mr, R A" n.
My very dear Fr'tevd^ Bathy 0£i. 7, 1 765.
WHAT a pro.idencc (as matters have fallen out) that
your Biiih journey was prevented ! Could you have
come, and been prtTent at the opening of the chapel, you
would have been much pleafcd. The chapei is extremely
plain, and yet equally grand. A moii beautiful original ! All
was conducted with great folemnity. Though a vtry wet day.
Hie place was very full, -and afluredly the great Shepherd and
Bifliop of fculs confecraed and made it holy ground by his
prefcnce. I preached in the morning, Mr. Toivnfend in the
evening. Expe£l more particulars when we meet. My mov-
ing depends on Mr. M ;;'s punctuality. I am to preach
to-morrow night, and have hopes of fetting off on IVednejdoy
morning. God give us all grace to work whilft It is day !
The time of ficknefs and lownefs comes, when no man can
work. Dear Mifs H y is happily fled from all. Happy,
happy (he. God comfort all furviving relatives. They, as
well as you and yours, are never forgotten by, my very dear
Yours, &:c. &c. in Him who is all in all,
G. W.
To Mr. D n.
My very dear Friend^ London, OSl. 26, 1765,
ACCEPT a few hafty but loving lines. Your letters
came fafe. I thank God for their contents. In return
I can inform you, that Bethefda matters are likely to come to
a fpeedy and happy iflue. We talk of my coming over again.
It is not impoflible, if my health admits. At prcfent, blefied
be God, I am better than laft year. The word runs and is
glorified in London. Bet D y muft not come here. You
have not been fo explicit as was Mrs. R / about her. In-
ftead of her, pray fend over a barrel of rice or two, dire£tcd
to Mr. T C a, u\ JFinchcJler-Jireet, near Moor fields.
Pray inform Mr. H w, that I hope to fend him feme
pleafing particulars by the next fhip. I have much to fay,
but have fcarcely a moment left to fend you my hearty thanks
and blefling, and fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend.
Ever yours, 5cc. in the glorious Emmanuel^
G. IV.
'J'q J at Sheernefs.
Dearly Beloved, London, Jan. 18, 1766.
NOT want of love, but of leifure and health, hath
occafioned you the trouble of writing a fecond letter.
And now I am forry to acquaint you, that it is not in my
power to comply with your requeft. For want of more af-
fiftance, I am confined in town with the care of two impor-
tant pofts, when I aia ©nly fit to be put into fome garrifon
among the invalids, to fiand by an old gun or two. How-
ever, my former ambition ftill remains, and through the help
of your prayers, who knows but this feeble arm may yet be
Hrengthened to annoy the enemy ? If others are blefled to
<}o any execution, God forbid that I fhould hinder, though
in all things they follow not with us. Let the Lord fend by
"whom he will fend. So that Christ is preached, and true
evangelical holincfs promoted, I rejoice, yea and will rejoice.
God keep us all from flagging in the latter ftagcs of our road f
Lord Jesus, quicken my tardy pace f How little, my Lord
and my God, have I done for thee, who haft done and fuf-
fered fo much for ill and hell-deferving mc ! Brethren, pray
for us. Ere long we ihall meet
JVhere fin andjlrifc and farrtrtu ceafr,
jfnd all is calm and joy and peace.
Ke is faithful who hath promlfed, who alfo will do it. Amen!
Hallelujah! To his never-failing mercy do I commend you^
as being, for his great name's fake, dearly beloved.
Your affectionate friend and willing fervant,
G. ly.
To Mr. R K n.
My dear Mr. K ;?, Brijlol^ March 17, 1766'.
THE uncertainty of my motions hath made me flow in
writing, and a defire to be a while free from London
cares, hath made me indiiferent about frequent hearing front
thence. In a day or two, I hope matters will be determined.
Jf Mr. 5 d comes, 1 have a mind to ftay a little longer ;
and if dear Mr. Howell D will continue to officiate, I
have a mind to vifit JValcs for him. Laft Friday evening, and!
twice ycfterday, I preached at Bath^ to very thronged and bril-
liant auditories. I am told it was a very high day. The
glory of the 1>ord filled the houfe. To-morrow, God wil-
ling, I return thither again. Mr. T d is tco iH to officiate.
If any urgent bufinefs requires, be pleafcd to direft either to
this place or Bath. Pray fliew my wife this. I hope no news
is g(wd news. I truft that the holy Spirit is moving in Mr.
• 's family, both on the heads and the fervants of it.
LETTERS. -' ^^Q.
Many do think old times are coming round again, Pray tell
Mr. l^ r, that I think the letters he hath fent need not o-o
to Scotland as yet. I fent a packet thither la'ft week. This I
write in the midft of company. Lady H n is mountino-
on her high places. I wifhed my two fteady friends at Bath
yefterday. Mr. S / hath met with a great bleffing. Pray,
pray for us. All fend due refpeds. Tuefday or JVednefday
next I hope to write again to my wife. Cordial refpefts and
love attend her, your whole felf, dear Mr. H y and fifters,
Mr. Howell D , and all that are fo kind to enquire after
and pray for, my dear Sir,
Theirs, yours, &c. &c. in our never-failing Jesus,
G, W,
To the Reverend Mr. G .
London, JprtI 25, 1766.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
NOT want of love, but of leifure and better health, hatb
prevented your hearing from me more frequently, I
find I cannot do as I have done. But, through infinite, free,
and fovereign mercy, I am enabled to afcend my gofpel throne
three or four times a week, and a glorious influence attends
the word. People have indeed a hearing ear, but we want
more preachers. I know the continual cry of your heart is,
*' Lord, let thy kingdom come." The profpedl of a large
and effedtual door opening among the heathen, blefled be
God, is very promifing. Mr. Occum^ the Indian preacher, is
a fettled humble chriftian. The good and great, with a mul-
titude of a lower degree, heard him preach laft week at Tot^
tenham-Court chapel, and felt much of the power and prefence
of our common Lord. Mr. R n hath preached, and
colledlcd a hundred pounds, and I believe feven or eight hun-
dred pounds more are fubfcribed. The truly noble Lord
D h efpoufes the caufe moft heartily, and his Majefty is
become a contributor. The King of kings and Lord of all
lords will blefs them for it. O what an honour to be per-
mitted to do or fufFer any thing for Jesus of Nazareth ! In-
deed and indeed, I want to begin to begin : for hithertOj alasf
1 have done nothing.
Tf^eneeryoufee a barren tree^
Tben^ O my friend, pray thhik of me.
LoHD Jesus, make me willing to be made willing that tho«
fhouldft dig and dung around me, that I may at length bring
forth fome fruit unto thee. However it may be with unpro-
fitable, ill, and hpll-deferving me, I truft your whole felf and
all my other dear G friends are To grown as to become
tall cedars in the fpiritual Lebanon. I pray for, though I can-
not write to them. Hearty, fpecial love attend my dear hoft,
and his yoke-fellow. If poffible they fliall hear from me
foon. I hope all is well at Camhujlang. BlefTed be God, all
will be well in heaven. Yet a little uhile and we (hall enter
into perfect reft. He that cometh will come, and will not
We foon Jhall hear tV archangeVs voice ;
The trump of God J})all foundy Rejoice!
I will not interrupt you. You want to fay, Jmcii ! Halulu-
jah! I only add, when upon the mount, put in a word for
an old friend, who retains his old name, the chief of fmners,
lefs than the leaft of all faints, but for Jesus Christ's fake,
reverend and very dear Sir,
Your willing fervant,
To W P , Efq;
Tottenham-Courty Alay 15, I "66.
THOUGH at prefent in almoft a breathlels (late, by
preaching for the beft of Mafters laft night, yet a weak
worm hopes to be ftrcngihened to give the holy facrament at
feven next ^^/wt/rt;; morning, and, if able, to preach afterwards
at ten. If good Mr. R. and Lady will come at near ft-vcn
to the chapel houfe, they fliall be conduiftcd to a proper place.
I wifli them a Pentccoft, not only on JlVufundayy but every
day, every hour, and every moment of their lives. Our pri-
7 vilcge.
t: t f f E R S. 227
vilege, as chriftians, is not to b:; arraid of, but looking to-
wards, and waiting for the coming of the Son of God, He
expecSls that our lamps fliould be trimmed, our loins girded,
aiid our lamps burning. There is oi! enough in him, our
glorious Aaron^ to keep them fo. It runs to rhe very fl^irts
of his garments, even to the leaft meinber of his myftical
body, and therefore to the heart and foul of, dear happy pair.
Your moft willing fervant for Jesus Christ's fake,
To W P , Efq,
Tottenham-Ccitrt, 'June l^ \'}t(i>
WHAT a mercy, that God's elecft, knit by the blefied
Spirit, (that common centre of unity) in one com-
munion and fellowfhip, can, though abfent, be prefent with
each other on earth ! What an infinitely greater mercy,
that they are aflured they fhall meet never to part again in
heaven ! This may reconcile them to all interruptions of mu-
tual concern here below. My cloud feems to point towards
Brijlol 2,i\A Bath ; yoms towards Brighthelmjione, All travelling
the fame road, all engaged in the fame errand. How glad
will the truly noble Countefs be of the intended vifit I HovV
will the hearts both of the vifited and vifitors be made to burn
within them ! She meets with that, which all fond fathers
and apoftolic mothers in Ifrael mufi: meet with ; I mean, re-
buffs from her fpiritual children. Th.it monftrou% do5trine of
finiefs perfe^ion^ for a while turns fome of its deU«ded votaries
into temporary monfters. Happy they who drive to be holy
as he who hath called them is holy, and yet arc continually
going out of themfelves, and relying only on the glorious,
compleatj imputed righteoufnefs of j£sUs Christ. This
hath a certain happy pair learned, and received Christ.
Thus may they be helped continually to walk in him ! l^hey
will, they will. The meek, the humble, hungering and
thirfty foul will he guide in his ways. But what am I doing ?
writing a parting letter ? The Lord blefs you and keep you ;
the Lord make his face to (bine upon you, and be gracious
unto you ; the Lord lift up his countenance upon yoir, and
Vol. IIL Y give
give you peace. So wilhcs, lb prays, dear honoured and han;^y
Yours, &c. ccc. Sec. in an unchangeable Jesus,
G. IV.
To iMr. H ;■.
Balhy yune I2, 1 766.
LAST flight vre lay at the Devizes. This morning we
breakfafted at Shaiv-Hoitfe^ nenr Aldkfom^ with Mr.
C n. In my way hither, I called upon Mrs. E n,
Ker account ot' Mifs TVhter^ deceafe, v/as by no means un-
plcafant. She was taken fuddenly, and though IpcecbJcfs,
con'.inued to fmile upon all in a very rfmarkrible mnnner, till
the lall gafp, which was with much firuggle. Mr. P y
is left executor of the will. Being weary with riding, I think
to ftay here till after Sunday morning's fermon, and then {hall
fct oft' for Br'ijhl. The horfe turns out exceeding well in every
refpcdl. I hope you, my dear Sir, got fafe to London. 'I'hat
you and all your dear relations, and all dear friends in town,
may, ig the glorious EmmanncV^ due time, arrive triumphant
in heaven, earneftly prays, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. &:c. in Jesus,
G. JP\
To Mr. K n.
Cottam^ near BrJJiol^ 'June 19, 1766.
My dear Friend^
ERE I am, in a large vacant country houfe, where
Mrs. Wollajlon was laft Strmmer. She hatli got the
Itart of me j but my turn mud come by and by. As my fe-
verifh heat continues, and the weather is too vvet to travel, I
have complied with the advice of friends, and have commenced
an hot-v/ell water drinker twice a day. However, twice this
week, at fix in the morning, I have been enabled to call
ti>ir(ly fouls to come and drink of the water of life freely.
To-morrow evening, God willing, the call is to be repeated,
and again oa Sunday, By that time, perhaps, the cloud may
L E T t E R S. $sc)
p6\nt to fonie particular corner. Dear Mr. H -y fiiall
know in due time. Good feafons at B^ith. Good feafor.s
here. Large auditories. Grace ! grace ! I hope that my
wife, ami yours, and ail dear friends, are well. Cordial love
awaits them and dear Mr. E 5, and all who are fo kinci
as to enquire after, and pray for, rny dear friend,
Yours, Sac. in Jesus,
G. rr.
To IV F , Efq;
London^ Ncv: i, iy66.
•Happy Heirs of the 'Grace of Life,
)Y your giving young Mr. R H hints about i
proper direction, I have inferred, that a line, though
from one who is lefs than the leaft of all, would not be alto-
gether unacceptable. I am fui*e my poor prayers are continu-
allv afcendinp- to the throne of jrrace in your behalf. I want
to have you great, yea very great in the kingdom of heaven.
Have you irot found, by your heart's being warmed with the
converfation of gofpel mini'lers, that your heaven is begun ori
earth ? Dear Mr. F er is become a fcandalous Tottenham-'
Court preacher. I truft he will come down into your parts,
baptised with the Holy Ghoft as with fire. Dear Mr. F. n
hath been much owned in good Lady FI ns chapel. I!i
and hell-deferving I, am tO go thither next week. Dear Mr,
J\4 — ._n is detained at Aldvoinckle, by his children having the
fmall-pox in town. The Ihout of a king is yet heard in the
Metbodifi camp. The glorious cry, " What fhall I do f6
be faved," is frequently founding in our cars. Had we more
reproach, and were we more fcandalous, mote good would be
done. Several promife well. Some fay yZvWj/i?//;' with a good
graCCj and very proper accent ; others, as yet, can only fay
fbboleth : but I have heard of one v/ho can teach the tohgus
of the ftammcrcr to fpeak plain. Good Lady H n is an
fexcellent fchool raiftrefs in this way. The writer of the let-
ter oh the other fide, fcems to be an apt fcholar. The perfoa
i-cferred to, keeps houfe where dear Mr. S / conftantly
expounds* He is in a confumption. What a mercy that fuch
y a; a con-
a confenbr fliould be fent to prifon ! I want all the followers
of the Lanib in general, and a certain gofpel happy pair ia
particular, to grow higher and richer every day towards God.
Time is fhort ; eternity is endlefs j the Judge and judgment
are at the door.
ire foon JJjsll hear th' archangel's voice ;
The trump of God JJ)all found., Rejoice !
Amen ! Hallelujah f
But I mufl have done. A dear company of minifterial caft-
outs are coming to breakfaft under my defpifed roof. It
ftinks too much for worldlings. If you would be fo good as
to let dear Mr. Hill fee the Oxonian letter, it may be of fer-
vice. Next Tucfday^ GoD willing, I fiiall read an account
of his fervant's death. May the laft end of every chriflian
mafter be like his ! But I cannot die : cold bathing, and
cool weather, brace up my tottering tabernacle. I hope that
both to whom I am writing, enjoy thriving fouls in healthy
bodies. That they may increafe with all the increafe of God,
carneflly prays.
Their, &c. &:c. &c. in a once crucified,
but now exalted Jesus,
To Mr. R A' n.
My dear Friend, Bath, Nov. 12, 1766.
THROUGH mercy I flept at Mr. C 's, as propofed,
but have been low ever fince my coming here. Bath
air, I believe, will never agree with me long. However, if
good is done, all will be well. They tell me, that Sunday
and laft night were feafons of power. Some we truft were
made willing. I hope you enjoy much of God in town.
Surely London is the Jerufalem of England. Happy they who
know the day of their vifitation ! Mr. Whitakcr writes me
word, that he is to be at Exeter the 18th inflant : but I have
no heart to draw with, or ad for him, till the truft is fettled
in a proper manner. Befides, I fee no opening here : and
Mr. 5 / writes me word, that the door is fliut at Oxford,
As I am fo poorly, I queftion whether I (hall go to Bri/iol at
all. God help us to look up, and look out, and our path
will be made plain before us. Remember me to all at Tabe^--
nacle, &c. &c. I hope to write to Mr. F r to-morrow or
next day, and alfo to Mr. H y. I am juft now obliged to
go out, and have only time to entreat the continuance of your
prayers in behalf of, my dear friend.
Yours, &c. in an unchangeable Jesus,
G, JV,
To the Same.
My dear Friend, Bath, Nov. ^O, 1766.
ON Tuefday evening I preached at Bri/lol to a very crouded
auditory, though the weather was very foul. Laft
night I adminiftered the facrament there alfo. Wc ufed near
eight bottles of wine. I truft fome tafted of the new wine of
the kingdom. This morning, upon my arrival here, your
kind letter gave me great comfort. I want jult one week more
to fettle Bri/lol affairs ; and have, therefore, written to dear
Mr. J e to ftay two or three weeks at London : Mr.
D s, who they fay is expeded here next week, may then
officiate for that fpace of time at Bath, and at Mr. J ^'s
leavino- London, may go up to town. Satan hath had leave to
give Captain J -s a fine parting blow. Mr. C may
be difmifled immediately; and I beg that Capt. J s would
go through with the Tabernacle work, and ftick to it with his
whole heart. I hear nothing as yet of the Americans. Let->-
ters may be referved till my return. I hope at fartheft to be
in London by next Tuefday fe'nnight, and to preach at Taber-
nacle the following evening. I was afraid my wife v/ould get
cold by her late excurfions, as at other times (he is fo con-
fined. My hearty love awaits you all. Be pleafed to fhew
her this. I am afraid that in my next to her, (lie will hear of
the death of J S . He is now ill of the prefent dan-
gerous fever. O for a heart broken with a fenfe of fin !
Then (hall we look to Him whom we have pierced, and mourn.
May this be our habitual frame ! God blefs yoii all.
Ever yours, &c. in Jesus,
G. W.
To the Same.
Dear Slr^ Brijiol, Niv. 23, 1 766,.
SUCH a nupnerous brilliant afiembly of ^he nnighty an4
nob'c, I never Taw attend before at Bath, livery thing is
fo promifing, that I was condrained to give notice of preach-
ing next Sunday. 1 hope the Redeemer will give us a blefled
fabbath. I truft already the arm of the Lord hath been re-
vealed. Congregations have been very large and very folemn.
what Bethels hath Jesus given to us ! Wc were filkd as
with new wine ! O that God would make my way into
^very town in England ! Mcthinks I long to bieak up frelh
ground, and to begin to begin to do fomcthing for Jesus.
1 am juft come here weary, but am going to fpcak a fev/
words. This prevents my enlarging ; but I could not rcfraia
writing to one I fo dearly love, and to whom I am fo greatly
obliged. God blefs you ! God blefs you and yours ! Ac-
cept mofl' unfeigned love and acknowledgments, and ftill ad4
to my innumerable obligations, by praying for, my very deaf
Yours, &c, in oar glorious Head,
G. IF,
To JV P , £/y;
At my Tottenham-Ccurt Bethel, Six in the.
Mornings Dec. 30, 1766.
My very dear Sir^
THE Chrijlmai holiday fcafon hath prevented my fending
an immediate anfwer to your laft kind letter. The
prder therein given (hall be readily complied with, and the love
^herein cj^prcfied, returned, by praying for the writer's whole
felf, and the honourable, chriftian, and minifterial circle with
which they are ai pr^fent happily furrounded with, /^z/r Me^
^hcdiji pcirfotis. Honourable title! fo long as attended with
the crofs. When fafliionable, (and blefled be God there is
(10^ much danger of that) wc will drop it. Four Mcthodiji
farfons !
farfons ! enough' (when Jesus fays, Loofe them and let them
go) to fct a whole kingdom on fire for God. I wiOi tiein
pi olpeiiry in the name of the Lord. I pre fequar cif; i^cn
pnffihus (cqu'is. Fy upon me, fy upon me, fifty-two years olJ
L.tt SciturJay ; and yet, O loving, ever-loving, altogther lovely
Jesus, hov. little, yea how very little have I done and filtered
for thee 1 Indeed and indeed, my dear and honoured friends,
'lam afiiamed of myfelf: I blufh and am confounded. To-
mt)rrow, God willing, and Thurfday alfo, with many hundreds
more, I intend to take the facrament upon it, that I will begin
to begin to be a cliriftian. Though 1 long to go to hcr.vcn
to fee my glorious Mafter, what a poor figure Taall I mske
among the faints, confeiTor?, and'martyrs, that furround his
throne, without fome deeper fignaturcs of his divine imp^e^^,
without more fears of chriftian honour. Our truly noble mo-
ther in Jfrael, is come to London full of them. Crefcit fiib pan-
dere virtus. She is come out of her cell, v/ith her face foining
again. Happy they who have the honour of her acquaintance !
Highly honoured are thofe minifters, who have the honour
of preaching for and ferving her. Good and honeft and dearly
beloved Sir C s, and all your happy circle, male and re-
male, 1 am perfuaded are of my mind. O this fingle eye,
this difinterefted fpirit, this freedom from worldly hopes and
worldly fears, this flaming zeal, this daring to be fingularl/
good, this holy laudable ambition to lead the van ; O it is,
what ? an heaven upon earth 1 O for a plerophory of faith !
To be filled with the Holy Ghoft. This is the grand point.
God be praifed that you have it in view ! AU our lukewarm-
nefs, all our timidity, all our backwardnefs to do good, to
fpend and be fpent for God, is all owing to our want of more
of that faith, v.'hich is the inward, heart-felt, felf-evident de-
monftration of things not feen. But whither am I going ?
Pardon me, good Sir : I keep you from better company.
Praying that all (if you live to be fifty-two) may not lie fueh
dwarfs in the divine life as I am, I haften to fubfciibe myfelf,
ItTiofl honoured friends,
Your^j kc. kc. ^c. in Jesus,
G. TF.
To Mr. and Mrs. D n.
My very dear Friends^ London^ March ^^ i '/(>'/•
THANK God that you have been fo providentially de-
tained on your fide the water. Indeed you would find
it hard to live here. I would fain have you fee Bethefda put oh
its college drefs. That hour, I humbly hope, is now not very
far off. What if we fliould have one more interview here be-
low ? Happy Mrs. S /•, that is fled to her manfions above.
Blefled be God, that there are manfions prepared for us alfo!
O glorious King,
Us thither bring
To fee thy face.
He will, he will, he will. He is faithful who hath promifed ;
he alfo will do it. May faith and patience have their perfe£l
work ! Adieu, for the prefent. My feeble hands are full of
work. The fliout of the King of kings is yet amongft: us,
and hath been all the lafl: Winter. Grace ! grace ! "To this
almighty, never-falling grace, I moft humbly commit you ;
and with repeated thanks fur your ftcady, difintcrefted ferviccs,
beg leave to fubfcribe my (elf, my very dear friends.
Ever yours, ^c. &:c. in Jesus oi Nazareth, ^
To Mr. R K ;;.
My dear Friend, Norwich, April i r, I 767.
STILL I ferve a God vvhofe mercy endureth for ever.
Mr. D " received us moft gladly. As fweet a gofpcl
•excurfioii as at any time. The Cambridge interview, I truft,
was of God. I met, within three miles of Norwich, with
another clergyman of the eftablifliment, who prcmifes well.
He heard me lafl night. It was a night of power : a large
Cjongregatioh. It will be too large, 1 fear, to morrow, though
the place will hold feme thoufands. I expciSl to preach twice
in my way.to town, which I hope to reach by Thurjday evening.
4. But
But I fear my Spring and Summer inward fever is returning,
if fo, my large intended plan of operations will be much con-
traded. But future things belong to Him who orders all
things well. Remember me before his throne. Salute dear
jvir. H y^ D i, and E s (if come to town) and all
enquiring friends, and accept the f^me for your whole felf,
from, my dear friend,
* " Yours, ^Jc. &c. in our glorious Head,
G. W,
To the Same,
My dear Friend, Rodborough, May 13, 1767.
MY new horfe failed the firft night j but, through
mercy, we got here yefterday about feven in the even-
ing. I was regalsd with the company of fomefimple-hearted,
firft-rate old Methodifts, of near thirty years {landing. God
willino-, I am to preach to-morrow morning, and to have ^
general facrament on Friday evening. Perhaps I may move
after Sunday towards JVales , but muft be obliged, I fear, to
take po^l-horfcs. I care not, fo that I can ride poft to heaven.
Hearty love to all that are porting thither, hoping myfelf to ar-
rive firft. This tabernacle often groans under the weight of
my feeble labours. O when (hall I be uncloathed ! When, O
my God, (hall I be cloathed upon ! But I am a coward, and
want to be houfed before the ftorm. It is nearer and nearer.
Happy they who have fled to Christ for refuge ! I could
enlarge, but have only time to fend you my moft unfeigned
thanks and moft cordial love, as being, my very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,
G. JV,
To Mrs. M h.
Dear Mrs. M K Gloucejler, May 20, 1 767.
AND is the right hand at laft cut oft'? How long, how
painful the operation ! How aukward, how uneafy to
to be without it ! But hufli, nature : it is the Lord's doing.
His own riT;ht arm fliall bring falvation ; his prefence fhall
alleviate the pain. Perhaps the lofs of the hand, even of fuch a
right hand, cnay, through the powerful influences of the blelled
Spirit, give fuength to their feet, and quicken tiicm in their
motion heavenward. The rig-ht hand of the Lord can, and I
puft will bring this mighty thing to pafs. Only fay, ''Abba,
Father, be it unto me even as th( u wilt ;" the anfwcr will be,
*' This is my will, even thy fandification." But,
Wheels encircling wheels muji ruriy •
Each in courfe to bring it en.
Want of time forbids enlarging. I hope your daughter will
be now a wife virgin indeed. We have bad good feafons at
RouborQUgh. I have been out twice in the fields. Lady H n
hath been wonderfully delighted. She and her company lay
at Rodbcrough houfe. Dear Mr. J s is going to be married
to a good chrifti.'.n nurie. He is fickly in body, but healthy
in foul. That you may enjoy a thriving foul in a healthy
Vody, earneftly prays, dear Mrs. M /»,
Your fympathizing friend and fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. and Mrs. S n.
Aly very dear Friends ^ Ghiicejier, May 21, 1 767.
URELY your many favours demand a fpeedy return of
thanks. They are all put down in his book, who is not
fo unrighteous as to forget any work of faiih, or labour that
prcceedeih of love. This is the principle from which, I am
perfuaded, you acl : and a blelled principle it is. It comes
from above, and leads to above. Had I more of this, and bo-
dily ftrength proportionable, how would I wing my way !
Jiow would I preach for my God ! How would I
Strive tofing as loud as they.
Who /nine above in brighter day f
Bleflcd be God, we have reafon to praife him whofc mercy
cadureth for ever. I have preached twice in the open air ;
i. E T T E R S. 347
thoufands and thoufands attended. I am going to preach
here this morning in my native city. On Sunday I hope
to take to Rodbcrough wood again. Good Lady H »,
^c. were wonderfully delighted. They honoured dear Mr.
J 5's houfe with their prefence. He is but poorly, and
yvants a n.urfe. Perhaps before next Sunday he may be mar-
ried to a limple-hearted, plain, good creature, that hath waited
upon him and the preachers near twenty years. She hath no
fortune, but is one who, I think, will take care of, and be
obedient to him for Christ's fake. You may let Betty IV d
fee the contents of this, upon condition that you with her
peafe not to pray for, my very d^^ar friends.
Yours, ,&c. &c. &:c. in our common Lord,
To Mr, R K n.
My dear Friend^ Gloucefter^ ^7y 25, 1767.
Am jufl: fetting out in a poft-chaife for Haverford-wefl i
and have, therefore, drawn upon you in favour of Mr.
, for twenty pounds. This is expenfive. But it is for
one, who ha:h promifcd not to fend us a warfare on our owa
charges. We had a moil bleffed feafon yeftcrday. Thoufands
and thoufands, I truft, heard, faw, and felt. Mr. Adat::s
preached in the evening on, *' The Lord is my portion,
therefore will I truft in him." A good text for a new-married
man. 1 have advifed him to preach next on thefe words,
" Tb Lord's portion is his people ;" he is now here. I
cxpe6ted a line. Be pleafed to diredl to Haverford-wejl. I
befeech you follow nie with your prayers. O that the Lord
may be my ftrength. O that he may quicken my tardy pace,
and make mc all alive for his glorious intereft ! I could en-
large, but muft away. My tender Jove awaits you and yours.
The Lord Jesus blefs you, and fill you with all his fuinefs.
^'hus prays, my dear fleady friend.
Yours in our common Lord,
To Mr. R K n.
Haverford-we/}y May 31, 1 767.
My dear dear Frlendy
YOUR fpiritual mind medley was very agreeable. I could
wifh for a fecond dofe, but know not what dirc6tion to
give about fending it. My rout is not yet fixed. I am juft
come from my field throne. Thoufands and thoufands attended
by eight in the morning. Life and light feemed to fly all
around. On Tuefday, God willing, I am to preach at Wood^
Jlock\ on Friday^ at Pembroke 'y here again next Simday by eight,
and then for England. I wifh dear Mr. H y prefent, to fee
the people : — but, — and there are fo many other huts in the
way, that I would not prefs him. Mr. D s is returned
in fafety. I hope Mr. B dge will not mifs of his expeifled
preferment. Jsab's hand is in the G /; fcheme. Rooms
are not fo lofty or large, profpeds not fo pleafant, bedfteads
not fo eafy, In thefe parts, as in fome places in or near London,
but all good enough for young and old pilgrims that have got
o-ood breath. Tender love to al'. Let all join in prayer for us,
I have been puftiing on dear lick Mr. D s, to go out and
preach fix miles off. He is gone finely mounted, and I am
perfuaded will return in high fpirits. Who knows, who
knows but preaching may be our grand catholicon again? This
is the good methodillical, thirty year old medicine. That you
may live to fee it revived, and tried a thoufand and a thoufand
times over, is the hearty prayer of, my dear dear friend.
Ever yours, kc. Sic &c.
G. H\
To Mr. and Mrs. D n.
Haver f or d-weji^ June i, 1 767.
Aly very dear Friends,
YOU will be fo kind as to Ihew all manner of Bcthefdt
civilities to the bearer, Mr. Edward E n. I trufl, he
hath been truly moved by the Holy Ghofl, to enter into the
miniflry. With him I hoped to have fent the charter, or
rather brought it ; but the hour is not yet come. You will
be glad to hear, that I have ftrength to preach in the fields.
They are yet white ready unto harveft. Hoping to put forth
the gofpel fickle again in my beloved America^ and wifliing
you all to incrcafe with all the increafe of God, with ten
thoufand thanks for all your works of faith, and labours of
unfeigned love, I haften tp fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear
Ever yours, &c. Sec. &c. in the beft bonds,
G. W.
ro Mr, R K «.
My very dear Friend^ Gloucejler^ June lo^ 1 767.
BLESSED be God, I am got on this fide the PFelJh
mountains ! Bleffed be God, I have been on the other
fide. What a fcene laft Sunday ! What a cry for more of the
bread of life ! But I was quite worn down. Bleffed be God,
I am now better than could be expefted. To-morrow even-
ing, God willing, my wife fliall know what rout. I hope
all are well. I exped dear Mr. H y is gone, therefore I
do not write to him. How it fnall pleafe the Lord to deal
with me in my next remove, you fliall hear. I count it my
privileoe to let you know all good news, becaufe I know it
puts gladnefs into your heart. It is food, it is phyfic, it is
every thino- to a foul that lives near to Jesus. O when (hall
I begin to live to Him, as I would ! I want to be a flame of
fire. I know, my very dear Sir, you will pray for me. I can
never forget you or yours. I am, my very dear friend,
Yours moft afFedionately in our glorious Jesus,
G. W,
My dear Sir, London, July 21, 1767.
IHepe, ere this comes to hand, you will have taken your
fecond degree. A good degree indeed : to be a preacher,
a young preacher, a mobbed, perhaps a ftoned preacher — O
what an honour ! How many prayers will you get when I
read your letter at Tabernacle j and the prayers of fo many
( dear
dear children of God will do you no hurt, I aiTure yoiu
When we arc fighting with Anialek below, it is gocd to ha\e
a Jojkua praying for us above. Jesus is oxirjofiua, Jesus is
our interceflbr ; he liveth, he ever liveth to make intcrccflion,
efpecially for his young foldiers. Yonder, yonder he fits :
whilft praying he reaches out a crown : at this diftance you
may fee written in capital letters, VincLnl't dabo. All a gift, a
free gift, though purchafed by his precious blood. Tell
churchmen, tell meetingers, tell the wounded, tell all of this :
tell them when you are young ; you may not live to be old :
tell them whilft you are an un-Jcr graduate ; you may be dead,
buried, glorified, before you take a college degree : tell thofe
who would have you fpare yourfclf, that time is fliort, that
eternity is endlcfs, that the Judge is before the door : but I
can no more, — the thought overwhelms : but with what I
with joy, j'-^y unfpeakable and full of glory. Good night I I
long to hear particulars from . If you fend me word
that young is there, I will anfwer his letter that hath
lain by me feme time. My poor prayers await you all. God'
blefs you ! God blefs you !
Yours, he. &c. in Jesus,
G. IV,
My dear Sir, London^ Jug. 6, 1 767.
IT is late ; but I miifi: anfwer^ your requeft. The inclofcd
made me pity, fmile, and rejoice: fmile at the w: iter's
worn-out farcafms, pity his ignorance, and rejoice that you
are thus called to be a martyr, a living martyr for our com-
mon Lord. Fear not, only go forwards ; you know Jesus^
and by preaching will know moie. To him that hath fhall
be given.
For this let men defpife your name,
TcullJJmn no crofs, youUlfcar no Jhame,
All hail reproach !
1^ you write zvith all deference, let him know that Jesus hath
revealed himfeif not only to you by his word, but in you by
bis fpirit ; that you look upon thofe whom he is plea fed to
I ternr
term deluded and fanatics^ as the excellent ones upon the earth ;
and that you choofe rather to fuffer reproach with them, thaa
to enjoy all the pleafures of fenfe, and all the prefernients in
the world. But why do I Qi(Slate ? I truft you to the teach-
ings of that Jesus who hath faid, " It fliall be given you in
that hour what you fiiall fay." Where doth this live?
What is the he mentions ? God grant it may be a
nurfery for what he calls fanatics fo long as one ftone is left
upon another. One letter more 1 imagine will rid you of
further trouble from this quarter ; expect then attacks from
another : but look to Jesus ; he will make you more than
conqueror. I thank thte, holy Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, that thou haft hid thefe things from the wife and pru-
dent, and revealed them unto babes. Even fo, Father, for fa
it feemeth good in thy fight. Why me. Lord ? why me ?
A fenfe of this diftinguiftiing love v/iil make you laugh at all
that men or devils can fay of or do unto you. Good night.
I muft away and pray for you. To-morrow Mr. , &:c.
breakfaft v.'ith me. God blefs you ! Be of good coura«^e ;
give no way, no not for a moment.
Lver yours, he. Sec. in an almighty Jesus,
G. IF,
To Mr. A s.
My very dear Tommy ^ London^ Aug. 14, 1 767.
I Am forry to hear you have been Tick. This hath been mr
cafe, Blelled be God, I am better. Who knows but I
may be ftrengtbened to take a trip to Scotland. This itch after
itinerating, I hope will never be cured till we come to heaven.
Though laymen occupy both the pulpits, at Tottenham-Court
chapel and tabernacle, congregations increafe. " Not by might
or by power, but by my fpirit, faith the Lord." No weapon
formed againft Sion^ (hall or can profper. Our Thurfday morn-
ing fix o'clock tabernacle lecture is crouded. I am lookino-
for, and putting together old letters. Have you any dated
January or February 1743? Could you fend to Mr. E s of
Rbly^ ^nd enquire how Mrs. L e may be direded to } Her
hufband had many letters from me. How are dear Mrs.
R ts, and Mrs. A~ — re? I never forget them ia the
midft of all my loves. I hope you are furrounded with warm
friends, a moft kind and afFe6tionate nurfe, and what is all in
all, an infinitely compaflionate never-failing Jesus. To his
unchangeable love I moft earneftly commend your whole felf^
and all dear never to be forgotten friends. How is poor Mr.
C eP What an hofpital is the church ! Blefled be God,
there are no incurables in it however. £re long, wc (hall be
where the inhabitants fhall no more fay, " I am ficlc." //«/-
idujah. I am, my very dear Tommy.,
Yours, &c. &c. &c. in Him.
G. IV.
My dear Zir^ London^ Jug. lb ^ ijbj.
MR. — — hath juft now been with me, and {hewed me
your letter, expe£ting a!fo a fight of mine. But my
letters are brought late, and to-morrow I go to preach at Lady
F y S y's, I therefore, though quite ill, muft fend you
a few lines now. Go to Jesus ; learn to pray of the threaten-
ed apoftles, viz. " And now. Lord, behold their threatenings,
&;c. &c." I am afraid they will only threaten. If an expulfion
fhould be permitted, it will take place, I believe, only for a
little time, and foon be repented of. Thoufands of prayers
were put up for you laft Afonday, at tabernacle letter-day. The:
verfes were thefe :
Give him thyjirength^ God ofpow'r^
Then let men rage and devils roar j
Thy faithful witnefs he /hall be ;
^Tisfx'd, he can do all through Thee,
Ever yours, &c.
G. IV.
To Mr. R K n.
My Vt-ry dfar friend, Leeds., Sept. II, I 767.
THROUGH the tender mercies of our God, we arrived
here laft night about fix o'clock, in the way, I was
enublcd to preach both at Northampton and Sheffield. Good
feafons !
feafonsi The Americans were gone the day before I arrived at
the laft place ; I mifled them by coming through Chejierjield
inftead of Mansfield. All for the bcft. God willing, 1 flay
here over Sunday ; perhaps longer. I have feen Mr. T ■
G ; he feems poorly. Happy they who work for Jesus
while it is day ! The night of fickncfs cometh, when no man
can work. Lord, help me to begin to begin ! I have icen
but fev/ yet, having defired that no company might come the
laft night; by that means I got a little reft, and have now
time to write thefe few lines. O for heaven ! Come Lord
Jesus, come quickly ! In my next you will know where to
direct. In the mean while, be pleafed to remember me to all
at tabernacle, and all enquiring friends, and accept of love
unfeigned, fromi my dear old fteady friend,
Yours, he. he. in our Jesus,
G. jr,
To Mr. R— K n.
Neix'cafky Sept. 20, 176';.
My dear very dear Friend.,
PREACHING and travellirig prevent writing. Through
unmerited mercy, I am well. Upon the matureft deli-
beration, after earnefi; prayer, and for feveral peculiar reafons^
which you (liall know hereafter, I decline going to Scotland
this fall. I have now a blefled methodift field ftreet-preachinj
plan before me. This afternoon in the CaJ^le-Garih, tb-m.or-
row for Sunderland, next day at Mr. R 's mother's door,
then to Tarm, &c. &c. You may venture to dire£t for me at
Mr. William Shenfs, peruke-maker, at Leeds^ though I hope
to find a letter when I come there, and to hear all is Vv'elL
But fend me no bad news, unlefs abfolutely necefl'ary. Let
me enjoy myfelf in my delightful itineracy. It is good, botli
for my body and foul. I have been enabled to preach in the
ftreet, at feveral places, and hope to go to Gejhurough, IFhithy^
Scarborough^ New Malion., Tcrky Leeds, Liverpool, Chejler, Maji-
chejler, &c. &c. You (ball knov^ particulars as we go on. Da
not forget the fociety fermon. If it could be deferred rill
the beginning oi N^vetubir, I might preach. If not, drop it.
Vol. III. % Tender
Tender love to all friend'^. Golden feafons, golden feafons !
Grace, grace ! I hope to write to the tabernacle next poft,
Ceafe not to pray for,
Ever yours. Sec. &:c. in Christ,
G. IV.
To Mr. R K «.
My dear Friend, Thhjk., Sept. 2S, 1767.
NEVER was I fo long a ftranger to London afFdirs before.
But being detained here, by the perfuafion of friends,
an exprefs is gone to fetch what letters may have been fent to
Leeds. I want to know the determination about the fociety
fermon, and what part of. the paragraph is true, about the
commitment of feveral perfons fur a certain robbery. I hope
that death will not be the confequence to any of the criminals.
Father, convifl and convert them, for thy infinite mercy's fake !
1 fiiould be glad to ramble till their trial was over. I truft
there will be no ncceflity of my appearing in perfon. To-mor-
row, God willing, as he earneftly defircs to fee me, I go to
DotS^or C 's. Where the next remove will be, 1 know not.
Be pleafed to dire£l to Leeds. My body feels much fatigue in
travelling ; comforts in the foul over-balance. Every flage,
more and more convinces me, that old methodifm is the thing.
Hallelujah! Com.e Lord, come! Tender love to all. Is dear
Mr. H y come out of JVales? An anfwer to this, and every
queftion, is rcquefted by, my dear friend.
Yours, 6cc. he, in our glorious EmmanueJy
Q W.
To Mr. and Mrs. S n.
My dear Friends, Leeds, Sept. ^O, T767.
GRACE, mercy and peace, be multiplied upon you and
yours, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Our Lord!
Our God ! Glorious words, glorious thought, glorious feel-
ing, glorious experience! Enough to make us rejoice with joy
uni^jeakablc; even with a joy that is full of glory.
O glorious Kingy
Us thither bririgy
To kifs thy feet.
D to be inftrumcntal in brinrrin^; fome with us ! Tills excur-
Tion, I truft, will be over-ruled for that blefled purpofe. I
have been enabled to go forth into the highways and hedges,
into the lanes and ftreets, of the towns and cities. Good old
work, good old feafons ! Help, help to praife Him, whofe
mercy endurcth for ever ! Get honeft Betty TV d to join
in putting up a word for her poor old mafter, but for jEbU^
Christ's fake, my dear friends,
Yours, Sec. izz. &c.
G. n\
Letter mccclxviii.
r$ Mr. R Ji n.
My dear Friendy Leeds ^ Oci. I, 1 767.
YOUR letter to Mr. Shent reached me yefterday, at
Thirjk, and haftened me hither. That from A =
B- , I almoft impatiently wait for. BleiTed be God, that
matters go on fo well in town. It is the fame to the Lord,
to fave by few as by many. Not by might or by power, but
by his fpirit, all things are to be brought about. By his divine
permiffion, I purpofe preaching the fociety fermon. It may be
on the JVednejday or Thurfday before the 31ft of this month.
I purpofe being in town the 22d or 23d. But why (hould not
the fermon be preached at tabernacle ? Is not the fealt to be
kept at th^t end of the town ? Are not the miajor part of the
fociety diiTenters ? Is there not to be a coiledtion ? E.xcufe
halle ; my tender love to all. You may yet direct to Leeds^
Captain Scot preaches this evening. Ceafe not to pray for
one, who doth not deferve the rank of a conim.on foldier in
Christ's army, His name is, '^ Lefs than the leaft of all," but
Your?, liQ, biQ.
e. w.
^2 L E T^
To Mrs. H .
My good Shunamite, Lccdi^ 0". 3, 176;.
JUST as your leitcr came, T was taking pen in hand, Co
fend you a few lines. What a mercy, when good news
comes from town and country ! And what news fo good, as
that of the word of the Lord Jesus running and being glo-
rified ? This hath been the cafe with the worthlefs, but will-
in;^ pilgrim. Every where the found of his blcfled Maftcr's
feet hath been heard behind him. Field and ftreet preaching
hath rather bettered, than hurt his br dily health. But as the
weather begins to break, he muft look towards winter quar-
ters. This makes it imprailicable for him to go to Aisdly.
It is too far diftant. May Jesus fupport the I'uffcring martyr.
He will, he will !
He knows what fore temptations meaiiy
For He hath felt the fame.
I know this will find you a living martyr; a witnefs of the
truths and life of Jesus; the only preparative for dying a
martyr. That whether you live, you may live unto the Lord,
or whether you die, you may die unto the Lord, is the carneft
prayer of, dear Mrs. H <?,
Yours, &c. &c. in our common Lord,
G. JV,
ro Mr. TV y.
My dear Mr, IV y^ Huihersfield, On. 6, 1767.
HOW is death fcattcring his arrows all around us ! even
into our houfes. Perhaps, ere now, your dear yoke-
fellow, as well as dear Mr. Layigworthy., and Mr. IVrighCi,
rnother, are laid in the filent grave. Surely, the call to us is
Joud, yea very loud. Its language is quite articulate. ** Watch
and pray, for ye know not at v/hat day or hour the Son of
man cometh." What is this world ? nothing, lefs than no-
thing. What is the other world ? An eternity ; an eternity
of cndlcfs mifcry or endlcfi blifs, ^ord Jesus, quicken our,
•at lead my tardy pace ! I fee more and more, that we have
no time to trifle, to be light, fooliOi, or worldly minded. A
fever, a burning fever may come with a commiiTion to burn up
our bodies. It fpares neither Duke nor Prince. Happy they,
whom it finds burned up with the fever of divine love. That
living and dying, this may be your happy lot and frame, is
the hearty prayer of, dear Mr, TV- -j.
Your real friend and fervant in the glorious Jesus,
G. JV, -
To Mr. A s.
My very dear ToJiiniy^ London^ OlI. 12, 1 767.
GOOD-morrow. This comes to enojuire how you and
yours do? I amjuft returned from my northern circuit.
It hath been pleafant, and I trufl profitable, Praife the Lord,
our fouls! Every where the fields have been white ready
imto harvefl. I am become a downright ftreet and field preach-
er, I wifh the city, and want of riding, may not hurt me.
No neftling, no neftling on this fide 'Jordan. Heaven is the
believer's. only refting place. There we fna!l not be difturbed.
1 do not know but Mr, IVinicr v.'ill get there foon. At pre-
fent he is very ill. But he that bringeth down to the grave,
can bring up again. You and I know this by repeated expe-
rience. But we fhall not always put out to fea again and again.
Hallelujah. Come Lord, come ! How is Mr. C m F Is
he near the haven, or kept back by crofs winds ? Write mc
an anfvv^er to all the above interrogatories; efpecially to thofe
concerning yourfelf. Tender love to all. Mr. Wright joins
in fending cordial refpe6ts. Mr. J s hath been much
blefied here. That the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ may blefs you and yours evermore, heartily prays,
niy very dear Tommy ^
£ver ypurs, 5vC. &c. in our glorious Emmanuel,
7*'fy dear Sir, London, Oci. IT,, I 767.
BY your brother Peter\ letter, the hour cf cxpulfion is not
yet come. Surely they will not be io imprudent, or act
fo contrary to the laws of Engl'ijh liberty. I long to know what
ftatutes they fay you have broken, what concefiions have been
made. Your diocefan will make a ftritft enquiry. I wifli you
could recollect all circuqnftances ; the rife and progrcfs of the
prelcnt conieft ; with all the various pleadings, threats, con-
ferences, pro and con. The ifliie of the trial you may leave tq
the Judge J he is always the injured prifon-rs fiiend. If con-
fined to college, this will be a good exercifc for you. You may
lodge it in court, as a prcof whether you underftand to write
plain Eriglijl), ox found, pradlical, experimental divinity. This
can do you no harm ; it may do good. Do therefore fet about
it. I know one who will readily revife and corrc£^, if necef-
fary. The Lord Jesus be with your fpirits ! You fee howr
I write, out of the fulnefs of my heart. Sick fullering foldiers
nnufl: be attended. If ever fo bufy, for the fake of the glorious
Captain of our falvation, you fliall receive a line by way of
anfwer from, my dear Sir,
Yours, &:c. &:c. he.
G. IF.
P. 5. I fhall fend the original to your Fiuus Achates^ iri
— , but I fhali keep a copy. Who knows ? ^auh may
yet become Pauls.
To Mr. A J.
Ji4y very dear 'Tcmmy, London., Ocl. 24., 1 767.
WA'S not Mrs. J s very near her time, and her
hufband confequently thereby detained in town, you
would herewith receive a mandamus to come up to court.
The firft" vacancy you may depend upon. In the mean while,
may the country '4II round about ring of, *^ Come to Jesus,
come to Jesus." Worthy Sir Charles H m hath received
a call indeed. He flept in Jesus about a fortnight ago, near
the Spa^ in Germany. Happy tranflation ! We muft follow by
^nd by. Some afccnd, feme defcend the heavenly ladder. All
will, ere long, fit down with Him, who ftands at the top
to receive poor pilgrims. Hallelujah! Hofanna ! Good morn-
ing to you and yours. Hearty love to all. I wifh I knew
v/here Mrs. R s fojourns. I would fend her an invitation,
or wait upon her in perfon. Wait, wait ; we fhall certainly
fee the falvation of God. But Ifaacs muft be facrificed, before
they can be received from the dead. Thus faith is tried.
Thus the believer is prepared for a " now know I that thou
laveft me." Adieu I I muft away. My very dear rommy.
Ever yours, &:c. &c. in our Jesus,
G. W.
"to Mr. C .
My dear Sir, London, Ocl. 24, 1767.
UPPOSING you made this addition to the motto of
,^ your coat of arms, l^cmo me immune lacejfit ? He that ■
toucheth God's people, toucheth the apple of God's eye.
That is a very tender part. I am glad your diocefan is ex-
peaed foon. I have no fufpicion of his beating a retreat. " To
arms, to arms," muft be the watch word now. It was the
conftancy of^ the three children, (the three heroes) that con-
founded their enemies. The company of the Son of man is
never fo fweet, as when he walks with us in the fiery furnace,
never fo glorious, as when he is feen keeping his honeft
Daniels company in a den of lions. You have therefore your
anfwers ready, "We are not careful about this matter; we
will not bow down to the golden image which Nehuhadnezzar
hath fet up ; the God whom we fei ve is able to deliver us."
If you do not like thefe examples, take Peter and John. Sup-
pofe dear to be John, and to be Peter. You know
how the high-priefts addrcfled them, you know their anfwer.
By their anfwer, by their boldnefs, they took notice that they
had been with Jf.sus. Nothing, nothing can ftand before aa
honeft truly Ifraelitip heart. But this is enough for- a fick-bed
leaure. I would only add, that ihofe who endeavour to cn-
■ tanale Christ's followers in their talk, will in the end be
-entangled themfelves. Good-morning to you all. Remember
the watch word. Stand out your full time in guard-hours
Z 4 ^^^
fend word at about what diftance the enemy keep?, or how
jiear he approaches, or what further feint attacks he makes,
and, God willing, you fiiall hear again from.
Yours, Sec. &c. &c. in our Lord, God almighty,
G. ir.
To Mr. R K «.
Tottenham -Courts Saturday Morning, Ocl. 31, 1767.
My dear Friend,
IWifh fume one hour could be fixed for the triumvirate, to
meet once a week. Some bufinefs might then be done for
both tnds of the town. Regular difpatch is beautiful. What
your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might, &c. I
would fettle every thing ; fcrhaps I may be called fuddenly, as
well as . Tranfporting thought! Come, Lord Jesus,
come quickly. I would reficil: upon JVednejday v^ith humility
and gratitude*. Lord, what am I.'' '' Lefs than the Icaft
of all," muft be my motto ftill. I hope you have got the better
of your plcafing fatigue. What an honour to do any thing for
Jesus ! in Him, I am, my dear friend,
Ever yours, Sec. S:c.
I'c Air. G s.
My dear Sir ^ London, ISjv. 1 4, 1767.
ALL know my mind. Go forward, I think is the royal
v.'ord of command. We may then indeed have a rcd-
fea to pafs through. But the threatening waves fliall become a
wall on the right hand and on the left. I am afhamed to find fo
many filcnccd by mere Bruta Fuhnlna. But 1 have done. If
you will be more particular about the uproar, or if at any
time you have a mind to unburden your heart, and let me
• Referring to the fcrinon lie preached at the tabernacle, to the Society
for pionioting Religious Knowledge among the Poor, on U'cd/iefJaj, the
aSih inltant j the collc(5tion amounting to 105 I. 13 s. Iiis fritnJ he wrs
writing to being one of the Stewards,
' ■ ~ ' know
know Viow you go forward, as bufinefs permits, you fhall hear
from me. Nothing but want of time hath prevented my an-
fwering you before. You will receive it in love, and be as
ferviceable as you can to the bearer of t'ais, who is a brother
to the late feraphic H y, and comes to fettle his two fons,
but is not fixed as to college or tutor. May they turn out
two H -^'s! May you be a burning and ftiining light! No
greater honour can be defired for you, by, my dear Sir,
Yours, ^c. &c. in a never-failing Jesus,
To Mr. R— K n.
My dear Friend, Tottenham-Court, Nov. 27, 1 767,
NONE but God knows what a concern lies upon mp
now, in refpeiSl to Bethefda. Friends can guefs, and 4
little fympathize, and I thank them for it; but the Friend of
fmners alone can fliew what is to be done. At prefent, as to
this particular, I walk in darknefs, and have no light. la
other refpects, blefled be God, the light fnines as at noon-day,
Qrace, grace! As another voyage perhaps maybe the iffue
and refult of all at laft, I would beg you and my dear Mr.
H -y to let nie have my papers and Jetters, that I may re-
vife and difpofe of them in a proper manner. This can do no
hurt, come life or come death, or whether I flay at home or
go abroad. Thanks be to God for a difinrereiled fpirit.
Though in helping others we fetter ourfelves, yet in the end
all will be well. I wait for thy falvation O Lord ! In Him
I arri, my dear Sir,
Yours, kQ. he. Sec. &c.
G. JV.
Tiear Sir, London, Dec. I, 1767.
(^U A N TU M miitatus ah Ulo ! As you now do not fufFer
•^No* outwardly, I exped to hear that you fufFer inward])'.
Nothing elfe can preferve you this winter feafon, or prepare
you for another fpring. A fpring, I truft, you will yet have.
I'hen (hall pQor Sar?!pfon's locks grow again, and he be re-
venged of the Philijlines for the Jofs of his eyes. Sarc!y you
have been v/rong advifcd. Exitus aSia probat. If you chufe
to have our corrcfpondence continued, write your whole heart;
it may help to unload it. I fliall not upbraid ; though I do
rot expect letters now will fmell of the divine fire as formerly.
Well, if they fineil of the prifon of humiliation, by and by
they may regain their ufual and more folid permanent fervor.
^nt^ facilis defccufus Averni. — You meet like apoftles now; but
when they met between the time of their Lord's death and re-
farredion, what trouble did they endure, for fear of the JcwsP
But be not difcouraged. Continue inftant in prayer. A rifen,
an afcended Jesus will yet appear in the midft of yeu, (though
the doors of your hearts may be now fhut) renew your commif-
fion, endue you with powerfrom on high; and then, wee be to
the Jeiuifi) fanhedrim. O think of this, ye little college of caft-
outs ! Do not deny him in any wife. You fee I write to you out
of the fulnefs of my heart. The Lord blcfs you and keep you;
the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and
be gracious unto you ; the Lord cauTe his face to fnine upon
you, and then, but not till then, will you have peace.
Yours, &c. (Sec.
G. IV.
P. S. Dear Mr. muft hear from me next. God
bring all your fouls out of prifon. Amen and amen.
To the Hon. ami Rev. Mr. S y.
Revcread end very dear Sir, Bath, Dec. 2, 17^7'
HOW glad was I to hear by the London Shunamite, that
you and your Lady were well; that God had given
you a fon ; that you reflcdled on your preaching at Tottenham'
Court chapel with pleafure; that yeu had gotten a curate;
and, to compleat all, that you intended to vifit England next
fpring. This nev/s rejoiced me before I left town, and was
moft grateful to our good Lady H w, whom I have the
honour of waiting upon at this time in Bath. She hath been
fick, nigh unto death, but through mercy is now fomcwhat
recovered, though as yet unable to write much. This her
I Ladyfhip
Lady{hip much regrets on your account ; and therefore en-
joins me to inform your whole felf, that your letter did not
reach her hands till many weeks after the proper time j that
ever fmce {he hath been vifited with lingering ficknefs, but
begs you will not linger in coming over to our Macedonia to
help us. The thought of it fecms to refrefliher heavea-boni
foul. Blefled be GoD, her Ladyfliip ftill takes the lead. She
is now doino- honour to the remains of the Earl of B »,
who fweetly flept in Jesus laft week. His corpfe lies depo-
fited in her Ladyfnip's chapel, and is not to be removed till
next Friday morning. There have- been public prayers and
prcacbinw twice every day. The noble relatives conflanlly
attend and all is more than folemn. Great numbers of all
ranks croud to fee and hear; I truft many will alfo feel. The
deceafed Earl died like the patriarch Jacob '^ he laid his hands
on, and blefled his children, afiured them of his perfonal in-
tereft in Jesus, called mofl: glorioufly on the HolyGhofl:;
cried, Happy ! happy ! as long as he could fpeak, and then — .
You know what followed. I know how you and yours will
improve this imperfect account, and therefore haftc-n to fub-
fcribe myfeif, dear and honoured friends,
Yours, cCc. ^c. Sec.
To Lady S 5 .
Honoured Madam^ Bath, Dec. Q^ ^1^1'
ALIj hath been awful, and more than awful. On Sainrday
evening, befoic the corpfe was taken from B u-HouJey
a word of exhortation was given, and a hymn fung in the room
where the corpfe lay. The young Earl flood with his hands
on the head of the coffin, the Countefs Dowager on his right
hand," Lady Jnn and Lady Ifabdlla on his left, and their bro-
ther Thomas next to their mother, with Mifs ;z, Mifs
fp^ij r, Mifs G 6', on one fide all domeftics, with a
i&w friends on the other. The word of exhortation was re-
ceived with great folemnity, and moft wept under the parting
prayer. At ten the corpfe was removed to good Lady H n's
fhapel, where it was depofited within a place railed in for that
purpofe, •
purpofe, covered with black bays, and the ufual funeral con-
comitants, except efcutcheons. On Sunday morning, all at-
tended in mourning at early facrament. They were featcd by
thcmfelves, at the feet of the corpfe, and with their head fer-
vants, received firft, and a particular addrcfs was made to them.
Immediately after receiving, thefe verfes were fung for ihcm :
Ot^^r Uves^ our blood, xve here prefenty
If for thy truths they may be fpent :
Fulfil thy fovereign cow f el, LoRD ;
^hy will be done, thy name adored.
Give them ihyflrength, O GoD of power ^
Then let men rave or devils roar j
Thy faithful ivitnejjes they II he-,
^Tis fix'd^ ihcy can do all through Thee.
Then they received this bleffing, " The Lord blefs you and
keep you, the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon
you, the Lord caufe his Jace to Ihine upon you, and give
you peace," and fo returned to their places. Sacrament ended
(and ablclTed facrament it was) the Ncble Mourners returned
to good Lady H n\ houfe, which was lent them for the
day. At eleven, public fcrvice begun. The bereaved relations
fat in order within, and the domeftics around the outfide of
the rail. The chapel was more than crouded. Near three
hundred tickets figiied by the prefent Earl, were given out to
the nobility and gentry, to be admitted. All was hufh'd and
folemn. Proper liymns were fung, and I preached on thefe
words, " I heard a voice from heaven, faying unto me, write,
blefTed are the dead that die in the Lord." Attention fat on
every face, and deep and almoft univcrfal impreiTions were
made. The like fcene, and if poflible more folemn, was ex-
hibited in the evening, and I was enabled to preach a fecond
time, and a like power attended the word as in the morning.
Ever fince, there bath been public fervice and preachijig twice
a day. This is to be continued till Friday morning, then all
js to be removed to Br.Jiol^ in order to be fhipped oiFfor Scot^
land. The in fori prion on the co:'5n runs thus j
*« IJis
** His life was honourable, — his death blefled, — he fought
*' earneftly peace with God, — he found it with unfpcakable
** joy alone in the merits of Christ Jesus, v/itnefled b/
" the holy Spirit to his foul, — he yet fpcaketh. — Go thou
*' and do lilcewife."
I have oftened wifhed for your Ladyfhip here. Congregations
are very large, attentive, and deeply impreffed. Surely the
death of this noble Earl, thus in:proved, will prove the life of
many. He had great foretades of heaven, cried, " Come Holy
Gholl:;" became, and filled him with joy unfpeakable. Happy,
happy, were his lafl; dying words. All furviving relatives dill
feel the influence. They fit round the corpfe attended by their
domeftics and fupporters twice a day. Good Lady S x
gets frefh fpirits. She loves your Ladyfhip dearly. I am called
to attend, and therefore mud haflen to acknowledge innume-
rable obligations, and to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip'?, &c. &c. &c.
G. //'",
Afy dear Captain^ Brijlol, Dec. 12, I 767.
I Hope this will find you rejoicing with trembling, on ac-
count of an additional careful comfort. Thus it muft be
in this mixed ftate of things. Yet a little while, and our joy
will be permianent, uninterrupted, and without alloy. For live
days together we have been attending at the houfe of niourn-
ing. Many, I truft, were obliged to fay, " How dreadful is
this place." Such a like fcene, I never expert to fee opened
again on this fide eternity. All is quiet, I truft, with you.
But if diamond hath been cutting diamond, it will only be
fuitable to a church militant here on earth. EleHed be God
for an almighty Jesus ! who can by thefe mutual cuttings
prepare the jewels for their refpedive places in the intended
crown. Ere long he will count them up. Not one fliall be
wanting. Cordial love to all. I purpofe being in tovi'n Ti^ef-
day fe'nnight in the evening. Brethren, pray for us. I fliall
make all eafy at Kir^fivood befpre I le^ye B^IJioL Tbat you
may fliinc with diftinguifliod luftre above, carneftly prays, mj
dear Captain,
Yours, &c. £:c. in our EmmanutJ^
To Mr. R K n.
My dear Friend^ Br'ijld^ Dec. 1 6, 1767.
WE have been favoured with golden fcafons here. I
have been enabled to preach thrice, and to admini-
fter the holy facrament. Thoufands went away on Sunday^
becaufe they could not come in. The word hath been at-
tended with great power. Grace ! grace ! What a pity-
that we cannot ftay a vN-^^ek or two longer ! feut I muft away
to Bath to preach to-morrow, and the next Lord's-day. Shall
write, God willing, to Mr. 5 s by SaturJay^s poft, to tell
Rofe where to meet me with the chaite. We come in the two
diiys poft-coach. Mr. J s is come hither to fee me. I
thought to have brought him up with me, but the coach was
full. Is it true, that Mr. J—/s hath tv.'o careful comforts at
once ? I wifii him much joy. Pray tell my wife, that I in-
tend doing myfclf the pleafure of dining at Tabcn.'acle-houfe
next JFedneJdny. E:c long we fliall fit down and eat bread iri
the kingdom of heaven. Hollelujah ! hallelujah ! Come,
Lord, come. Hearty love to- all. Continue to pray for, my
dear friend,
Yours and dear Mr. H '^-'s, 6:c. &c.
To ibc P^evaend Mr. G .
Reverend and dear Sir, London, Dec. 28, 1767.
WHY do you and I exchange letters fo fcldom ? Per-
haps it would be better to correfpond more frequently.
This brings you the good news of the triumphant death of
the late Earl of B n. He behaved like the patriarch Jacoby
when by faith leaning upon his ftafF, he blefled his children.
The Earl uddcd, ♦' Yea, and they (hall be blciTcd." *' Had I
ftrength of body, (cried the Earl) I would not be afhamed
before men and angels to tell what the Lord Jesus hath
done for my foul. Come, holy Ghofl-, come, holy Ghoft;
happy, happy, happy ! " and-then fwcctly flept in Jesus. The
prcfent noble Earl, I believe, hath got the blefiing indeed, and
feems, upon the beft evidence, to determine to know nothing
but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. He hath behaved in
the moft delicate manner to the Countefs, and other noble fur-
vivors. He ftands here in town, againft all oppofuion, like an
impregnable rock; and I humbly hope will prove the Daniel
of the age. He muft be, nay he hath been already thrown
into a den of lions ; but he hath one with him, that flops
the lions mouths. You will encourage all God's people to
pray for him. .What if you wrote him a line ? I am i"ure it:
will be taken kindly ; for I know he honours and loves you
much. You will communicate this to dear Mr. M ch^
who, I fuppofe, like me, is groaning, being burdened, I am
now fit'ty-three years old. Did you ever hear of fuch a fifty-
three years old barren fig-tree ? So much digging, fo much
dunging, and yet fo little fruit. God be merciful to me a
finner I A finner — a finner — a finner. He is nierciful ; he
is gracious : his mercy endureth for ever. He yet vouchfafes
to blefs my feeble labours. You would have been delighted
to have feen the awful fcene exhibited at Bath^ whilft: the late
noble Earl lay in ftate. Two fermons every day; life and
power attended the word ; and I verily believe many dead fouls
were made to hear the voice of the Son of God. Since that
we have been "favoured with comfortable feafons in town. I
hope you are blefled in Glafgow. Who knows but we may
have one more interview in Spring ? Whether we meet next
on earth or in heaven, you will find that with great fincerity 1
fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours, &c. (SiC. &:c. in our glorious Jesus,
G. m
ro Mr. JV b.
My dear Sir y Lcndon^ Fib. 4, 176?.
WHO would but convcrfe when together, like pcrfons
that may never meet again till launched into an end-
lefs eternity. I hope this was in fome meafure our c.'.f<', when
we dined lately at Mr. H /'s. One of the company, I find,
is gone, and I trufl to eat bread in the kingdom o\. heaven.
She is happy jiovj, and we
Soon her happinejs Jball jee.
In the midfl of all your forrow for the lofs of To near and dear
a relation, methinks fuch a confideration may make you cry
out. Hallelujah! Amen ! Covie^ LoRD Jesus, corne quickly.
Bleffed be God, our turn will come by and by. Be ye alfo
ready, is the loud call of the prefcnt afRi*5^ive providence.
That it may be duly heard, and praclically applied, is the hearty
prayer of
V ' Your fympathizing friend, and
icrvant in our common Lord,
G. JV.
ro Mr. D n.
My very dear Friends, London, Jpril 6, 1768.
IF you choofe ir, you may now be relcafcd ; but the afpCiSl
of afFairs at home, is by no means promlfing. Many,
many think of going abroad. However, you will be fo kind
as to fee the bearers of this fettled before you remove. Mr.
C ;.v, a worthy dinntereftcd creature, is (o be fteward of
the houfc : he is a particular heart-friend of Mr. fV /'s.
Mr. If- r's firtcr is an approved houfekeeper, and the little
female orphans are to be committed to her care. IVIr. L y
hath had an univcrfity education, is a good writer and ac-
comptant, hath been wiih me fome time, and is to be a fchool-
maftcr. I long to knov/ how poor Ptter and EpLraim go on,
7 and
and Ilkewife his Cider at Savannah. I and Mr. TV / hope
to follow foon. But future things belong to Him who orders
al} things well. , I believe ; LoRb, help my unbelief. His
work profpers. That is all in all. Be pleaCed to have all ac-
counts fettled and audited, and take vvhat you pleafe for your
paflage, if determined to return. But — but^ — God keep you;
through too fo-d affection, from taking a falfe ftep ! My
heart is full. If you come away, and Mr. S — —k alfo goeg
zwcj^ I would have a letter of attorney given to Mr. C ;;^;
But it would be well if I could hear from you firft. GoO
dire(5tand blcfs you all. I can only commend you to GoD
and the word of his grace, and with ten thoufaud thanks fot
all your kbours of love, fubfcribs myfelf, very dear friendsj
Yours, &c. 5tc. ^cc. in our glorious Jesus,
G. W,
To Mr. J—fs.
My dear Many London^ May 17, 1768.
GO forward, go forv/ard, is the watch-word of the prefent
day. Never mind the envious cry of elder brethren.
Had they been barkened to, the prodigal muft never have come
home, nor GoHah\ head have been cut off. All temple builders^
tfpecially when called out to work in the field, muft endure
hot only the contradi£tions of Tinners, but the ccntradidioii
of faints alfo. Happy are they who are fo deeply engaged iii
buildingj as not to have time to hearken to either. I long i6
come and lend an helping, though feeble hand. But tVelcB
horfes move flowly. If the IVekb apoP^le comes, I purpofe, id
the IVhitfuH week, to make a fhort cxcurfion into Si^Jpx ancl
■Kent, and then for Brijiol. Bleffcd be God, the (bout of i,
king is heai-d in our camps ! All your family is well. All
will be mote than well, when we come to our iioufe in heaven.
Let us march forward with palms of victory in our hands,
trying, " HcUelujah ! the Lord God omnipotent reigneth !"
Tender love to all. I hope to anfwer Mrs. R s in perfoii.
The Lord Jesus be with your fpirits ! Ceafe not to pray
for, tny dear man,
Lefs than the lead of all j
Vol. IIL A 3 G, TV.
To Mr. R K n.
Edinburgh^ June 15, 176S.
My dear Mr. K ;?,
I Hope this will find you and vours fafe returned to Lzmhn.
I am glad to hear by dear Mr. H , that you left your
daughter better : may fhc be fparcd, not in judgment, but in
mercy ! Then all will be well : nay, at all events, you may
be afiurcd all fhall work for good, becaufe you love God.
Glorious alTurance this I Thanks be to God for this un-
fpeakable gift. Thanks be to his great name, for ordering
rny fteps this way. You would be delighted to fee our Or-
phan-houfe park affemblies ; as large, attentive, and afFec-
tlonatc as ever. Twenty-feven year ckl friends and fpiritual
children, remember the days of old ; they arc feeking after
their firfi love, and there feems to be a fiirring among the dry
bones. I cannot yet tell when I fhall move. Probably within
this fortnight. I mule away to my throne. Love to all at
Tabernacle, and to all that are fo kind as to enquire after,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G, W,
To Mr. A K n.
My dear Timothy^ Edinburgh., July 2, 176S.
I Am much obliged to you for flaying at Lond:n^ till I return
from Scotland. My journey hither was certainly of God.
Could I preach ten times a day, thoufands and thoufands
would attend. I have been confined tor a few days, but on
Monday or Tuejday next hope to mount my throne again. O
to die there ! Too great, too great an honour to be expected.
My wife will fee my letter to Air. 5 ks. I thank her for
her kind letter juft received. Pray tell Mr. K n that no
Indian money will be remitted to the London truft from hence.
The intercll of what is collcclcd, which is near two thoufand
pounds, is to be ftnt, ae occafion requires, to Mr. JVhcelock
and the ConneSikut trufl. Be pleafcd to fend to Mr. Dilly^
and defire him to forward by the firfb (hip, fifty of my letters
to the Archbiftiop, direded to Mr. Herdie at the cuftom-houfe,
Leith. I am here only in danger of being hugged to death.
Friends of all ranks feem heartier and more friendly than
ever. All is of grace. Grace ! grace ! I thought to write
you a long letter : but company forbids. I go on in my old
way, without turning to the right hand or to the left. Pro-
vidence fays every day, " This is the way, walk in it." Ten-
der love to all, particularly to my dear wife. Next poft flie
may expe<Sl to hear from,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. W.
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My dear Friend^ Edinburgh^ July 4, 1768.
WHAT various interruptions do we meet with in this
lower world ! Sicknefs, preaching, and company,
have prevented my anfwering your kind letter more fpeedily.
I ftrive to ftir and fly as formerly ; but the earthly houfe ©f
this tabernacle pulls me down.
Strange^ that a harp of thoufand firings^
Should keep in tune fo long !
However, this is my comfort, the Redeemer ftill vouchfafes
to fmile upon my feeble efforts. In London the word runs and
is glorified, and in Edinburgh^ I truft, the profpefl is promifing.
The fields are white ready unto harvcft. Who knows but
fome wheat may be gathered into the heavenly garner ? Many
of my old friends are fafely houfed.
They are happy now, and we
Soon their happinefs Jhall fee.
Hallelujah f
Perhaps we may have one interview. I have thoughts of go-
ing to M . A week or a fortnight, at moft, is the longeft
time I can ftay here. I deftre to move, till I can moV€ no
A a a more
mfcre. O to die in the field ! I pray God to fend Mrs.
T a {oSq delivery. My wife is as well as can be tzpecleJ.
Both dcfcending in order to afcend
Where fm and pain andforrow ceafe^
And all is calm and Joy and peace.
I add one more hallelujah j and muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf,
my dear friend,
Lefs than the leafl: of all,
C. IF.
To Mr. R K n.
My very dear Friend, Edinburgh, July 9, 176S.
GOD be praifed that all is fo well at London. Kvery
thing goes on better and better here. But I am fo worn
down by preaching abroad, and by talking at home almoft all
the day long, that I have determined, God willing, to fct off
for London next Tiiefday noon. I fhall mind all you fay. You
have a(£led quite right. As you do not mention my wife, I
fuppofe fhe is out of town. God prepare you ar>d yours for
whatever he hath prepared for you, and fupport you under
your prefent and impending trial. Company prevents my en-
larging. Thus it is continually. Grace ! grace ! Hoping
to fee you foon, with tender love to all, I beg leave to fub-
fcribe myfelf, my dear friend,
Ever yours, 5:c. 6cc. he.
G. IV.
"Tq Mr. J—fs.
Dear Mr. J—fs, LorJon, Aug. 16, 1 768.
BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who hath fo mercifully preferved you in your go-
ini- out and coming in, and caufed you to triumph in every
place ! You may continue your gofpel range, till Mr.£ dr
leares London j then we muft think of Winter q^uarttrs. ' Let us
I work
work whi!{l it is day. The late very unexpedled breach, is a
frefii proof that the night foon come.th when no man can
vs'ork. *. PVay where may I find that grand promife made to
Abraham after Sarah's death ? May it be fulfilled in you,
whilit your Sarah is yet alive I Sweet bereavcrpents, when
Cod himfelf fills up the chafm ! Through mercy I find it
fo. Adieu. Tender love to all. Brethren, pray for us. T
fuppole'l mud direct to broth^er Adams at Rodhorcugh. He
experts you there. That you may be owned in every place
more and more, heartily prays, my dear man.
Yours, he. Szc. in our Jesus,
To Mr. R /: n.
My dear Friend y Trevekka^ Jug. 26, 1768.
I Have had the return of my old diforder ; but blcficd be
God, I am ftrengthened to preach tjie unfearchable riches
of Jesus Christ. We reached Gkucejlcr on Monday^ and
came hi.ther on Wedncfday afternoon. All we have met with
exceeds defcription. Early next Monday I purpofe to fet ofF
iox BrijloU and foon after fliall return to Loudon. Brethren,
pray for us. I believe you do; for God is v/Ith us of a truth.
I hope you and yours are fuppnrted. The Redeemer is a
pref|Ent hplp in every time of need. Cordial refpeds await all
that Iqy^.him in fincerity. JVlr. L d and a Londonner left
us to-day. I hope Mr. P ^'and B s make all pofiible
difpatch. God fen J dear Mr, H y a good paflage and
fate rerurn! Amen! Amen! Lord, quicken my tardy pace I
Ever yours, &c. in Jesus,
G. IV,
* M:: IVhiteJiehVz wife died Angujl 9th.
To the Same,
My very dear Friend, BriJIol, Augujl 30, 1768.
WHAT we have feen and felt at the college is unfpeak-
able. Through mercy laft night we came hither.
My diforder has returned. This may haflep. me up : or ra-
ther haflen me to heaven. I hope your daughter will have it
revealed in her before fhe goes hence. That is all in all. Is
there any thing too hard for the Lord ?
Snrdy-i O God, thy grace is free.
For, O my GoD, it found out me !
In a day's time my rout mny be determined. P d, &c.
muft make hafte. Captain f—fs comes up at the appointed
time. Hearty love awaits de^r Mr. E s, &c. &c. 5:c.
Ceafe not to pray for, my very dear friend,
Yours, Scc. Sec. in Jesus,
G. W.
P. S. Since writing the above I received yours. I find
the threatened blow is given. I hope bcib arc enabled to fay,
'* The Lord hath given, and the Loud hath taken away :
and blclTed be the name of the Lord." Be plcafed to fend
what letters you have for m.e, and accept thefe few lines of
qondolance from, my dear Sir,
Yours, $cc. &c. in an ^Il-compaiHopate Jesus,
G. JV,
ro jUr, D n.
L:nd:n, Sipt. i, 1768.
Aly very dear Air. D n,
I Was exceeding plad to find, by your laft kind favour, (hat
you and Mrs. D n thought of deferring your embark-
ation for Engjand till the Spring. You will then fee the ncw-
7 fOp.:cr5
LETTERS. '^'^^
comers quite fettled, and I U':fli I could add, fee alfo your
reafons for leaving Bethr'fda but of little weight. I know your
mind. Would to God your dear yoke-fellow was like-minded.
,She will certainly be fo very foon after her arrival in her na-
tive country : but I v^'oukl not grieve her. God blefs yen
both ! Brrivfihili's fituation I much approve of. Poor Peter
often engages my thoughts. It pleafes me to find that he o-oes
on well J but I want to have him fettled. If not likely to
make a fcholar, or be in fome good ftation in the houfe, T
wifh he was put out to fome proper bufmefs. Not one prize
as yet among all the young relations I have endeavoured to
provide for. Father, not my but thy fovereign will be done !
I wifh you could enquire what is become of ■■ , fcnt
over with Mr. JFookhid^e^ Provoft-Marfhail at Augujiine,
You may guefs that I long to fee the accompts. I doubt not
of their being quite compleat. Could you not fend me a du-
plicate before your intended embarkation, it would be very
acceptable for many reafons. All your dear relations on this
fide the water are well. My neareft relation hath been quire
well above a month. Mr. Middleton hath foon followed after.
His wife died a few weeks before him.
They are happy now^ and, WjS
$0071 their happl}2efs J}}all fee .
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Come, Lord, come I Praying flill
that, if it be the divine will, you may be conftrained to abide
at Bethejcla^t I fubfcribe rayfelf, dear and faithful friends,
Yours, &c. he, &c.
G. JV.
To Mr. S S .
My very dear Friend, Londcriy Sept. 6, 1 768.
H Y fhould not one invalid write to another ? W^hat
if v/e fliould meet in our way to heaven unembodicu,
and confequcntly freed from every thing that at prcfent weighs
down our precious and immortal fouls ? But perhaps we a;e
yet to fojourn a little longer on earth. For thefc two days paft,
I bav« been unalle almofl: to write. To-day I am what thev
A • 4 call
fall better, and muH: improve my firft ftrcngth in femlinc!: a
(ew lines lo him whom I dearly love in the bowels of Jesl'S
Christ. May they find you and your dtar partner leaning
on his bofom, who alone is able to luring out ot" every wilJcr-
riefs. Neither are forgotten befcne his throne. Though ab-
fent in body, I am prcfcnt in fpiric. Accept of love and fym-
pathy unfeigned. I am ptrfuadcd you are not unmindful of.
yery dear friend.
Lefs than tbp leaft of all,
G. IV.
To Mr. R K — -«.
My d$ar Sir^ LoridoUy S,'pt. 19, r76S.
Approve very much oi Mr. Brockjoank''& motion, efpecially
as dear Mr. Mlddleton is gone. His burying is fixed for
Wednejday evening. Would you choofe (with fome other
friends to whom I fhall write) to condofcend to be a pall-
bearer. The conference to fallow the children as mourners,
■rhe children to be fent for in my carriage, and fit with the
pall-bearers in my parlour. All to be invited that have a mind
to follow in mourning. The corpfe to be brought privately
to Tabernacle on Tuefday night. I mud away, for fear of the
evening air. I ftiould be glad to fee you at Tottenham-Court
to-morrow afternoon. By that time, I (hall know Dr C r\
cnfwcr to Mr. Middletons daughter's letter. By which v/e fliall
judge the .better how to aft, in regard to opening the intended
"fubfcription for the benefit of his fatherlefs children. ElcfiVd
hi God, I am better, but am ordered to decline prcachint'-.
God's will be done ! Pray let Mrs. K ;; iiicke irtc at
Tabernacle-huulc as ufusl. God blefs you both I GoD
give mc patience to wait till my change comes I I am, my dear
Yours moft affectionately in our glorious Emmanuel,
G. JV.
L E T-
To Mr. S S :
Aly very dear Friend, Lomhi, Sept. 26, 1768.
LESSED be God for the art of writing:! blcfled be
God for ikill to read and underftand what is written !
Thus we underftand each other, though at a thoufand miles
diibnce ; thus I underftand, and by underftanding learn to
fynipathize with my dear fellow- TufFcrer Mr. 5 . This is
my comfort, that underneath him are the almighty Redeemer'ss
everlafling arm.". Therefore, being the beloved of the LoRi>,
he muft dwell in fafetv. Though prevented by the weather
from ufing or driiiking the Ramfgate waters, nothing can pre-
vent his uhng or drinking the waters of life freely. No, no :
in every true believer's heart the Holy Ghoft is a v/e!l of water
fpringing up to life eternal. Hence it is, that though he killeth,
he maketh alive ; though he vi'ounds, yet he heals. Thefc
words I was enabled to feel and enlarge upon, yefterday morn-
ing from my Tcltcp.ham-Court throne. For fome days the flux
of blood hach {topped entirely. Praife the Lor^d, O my foul!
Lord Jesus, if ;t be thy bleired will, let me hear of the reco-
very of m,y dear friend I Moft cordial refpefts attend dear Ivirs,
S - -. God blefs, fupport, and comfort her under her prefent
fircumftances. Mr. Middleton is now made perfectly whole.
He was buried from the Tabernacle laft Wednejday evening,
and a fubfcripiion is opened for his four orphans. In the
midft of his torturing pains, being afked by his d.iughter how
he was, he anf-A-ered, " A heaven upon earth." Soon after-
wards l^e fell adcep in Jesus. In Him I am, my vtry dear
dear Sir,
Yours, yours, &c. &c. in our never-failing Jesus,
G. JV,
To Mr. R K n.
Aly dear ?/Ir. K—. — n, Brljlol, Ncv. 12, 1 7 68.
THROUGH infinite mercy we arrived here in dje fea-
foii. Laft iiight I hope the Redeemer manifcfied forth
';!S glory. GoD willing, 1 ftay till next Thurfday or Fi iday
morning. Friday evening, and the following SuuJay, I fhall
preach at Bdth. in three weeks expe6l to reach London, ex-
cept called before that period to refide at the Xcyu-Jerufakm.
The pleafing profpei^ lies day and night open before mc. On
Monday, I luppofe, dear Mr. // y fets out for Bath. All
proper enquiry hath been made about his houfe. Particulars
he will be acquainted with on his arrival. Pray for me. Be-
ihefda lies upon my heart night and day. Something muft be
determined fpeeddy. As I truft my eye is fingle, God will
alTuredly direct my goings in his way. Hitherto he hath
helped: he will do fo to the end. Hulklujah! HalLlujah!
Gop blcfs vou and yours ! Wonted cordial chrifti^n faluta-
tions to all, who are ^o kind as to be concerned for, and en-
quire after, my dear fteady friend,
Lc-fs than the leafl: of all,
G. jy.
To Mr. A i.
My very dear Tommy, London, Nov. 30, 1768.
TEN thoufand thanks for your kind fympathy. Many
thoufrht I (hould not hold out from Bath to London.
But I cannot as yet go to him whom, I truft, my foul loveth.
Lafl: Sunday T crecp_d up to my gofpel throne : this evening the
fame honour ib to be conferred upon me. Why mc. Lord?
why mc ? The prayers of God's people detain mc here : for
what end, the event only can difcover. To be tried, we may
be allured. Mr. IV 1 is going with his brothers to Georgia,
in order to finifli the wings of the intended college, and repair
the prefent buildings. 1 fuppofe they will fail in about a
forinifrht. You will pray that Abrahani's God may be my
God and my guide unto death. He will, he will.
J wiuld believe thy promije, LoRD j
Lord, Jjilp my unbelief.
Cardial, moft cordial refpei5is await your whole felf, and all
\vi»o are fo kind as to enquire after, my very dear Tommy,
I^efs than the Icafl: of. all,
G. JF.
To JV P , Efq-,
London^ Dec, 14, 1768.
HOW unexpetSted a letter! what a kind prefent ! Both
came fafe to hand \ both call for moft grateful acknow-
ledgments. My poor prayers fhsll follow them : may they
enter into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth ! They will, they
will. He is a God hearing prayer. You and yours know it;
otherwife how would you have been tranflated from darknefs
to light ! Marvellous, foul-transforming light ! This, I trufl-
you prove by daily experience, paHing from glory to glory
by the Spirit of the Lord. Hence you increafe in boldnefs -
hence your readinefs to follow the Lamb whitherfoever he
goeth, though it (hould be without the camp. BleHed be his
name, for this honour conferred upon ill and hell-dcfervin^
me. This may make dear Mr. 5 / eafy, ftiould I ever be
called to Shropflnre. I love the open bracing air. Preaching
within doors is a^t to make us nervous, efpecially to crouded
auditories. Thefe, I hope, he is blefied with. God make
him a fuccefsful fifher of men ! I hope he and his are enabled
to walk in all the ordinances ar,d commandments or the Lo^d
blamelefs. Blefied faving fruits of a living faith ! bJefied
proofs of having our pad fins forgiven ! As for thofe to come,
I dare not to mention their being forgiven, till committed.
Moderate Colv'inijm I take to be a medium between two ex-
tremes. I fhould not choofe to ufe cxpreffions that need an
apology. This feems to be a blemifli in Dr. Ca'tfp, and other
iupralapfarian writers. A word to the wife is enough. You
will excufe this freedom, becaufe it proceeds from love un*-
feigned in, dear friend,
l^efs than the leaft of all,
G, W^
J. E T T E R
My dear Friend^ London, Dec. 15, 1768.
YOU will lie the contents of my letter to Dr. E e.
I have confidercd the aflair of the pi61ure. What think
you ? A limner who lately drew me, and hung the picture up
in the exhibition, afKs forty guineas for a copy. I flaall not
mind him, but fend a buft taken feveral years ago. It (hall
be paid for here, and prefented as a token of my hearty, hearty
love to the Orphan-houfc at Edinburgh^ and its never-to-be-
forgotten friends. Nothing- but my diforder of b«dv, f^^OD
willing, fliall prevent my engagement in the plains of Philipi :
But, I fear, that will be an obRru6lion to fo lon^ a journey.
You cannot tell how low my late cxcurfiqn only to Br'ji^l
and Baih brought me. But I ferve a God uho killetij pyA
maketh alive. I would leave future events to Him, aii^^ li^e
you merchants improve the prefcnt r^ow ;. tiu.p io Hio^t j
eternity is endlefs. The Judge hath fent tUis ajyfuJl. Tve^^igey
»< Behold, I come quickly." That we all may b? ready to
go forth to meet him, earneftly prays, my dear fiien.:*,
Leis than tlxe lea{t of ajJ,
G. IF,
Tq Mr. T J -— ^ ms.
My very dear Tommy., London., D:c. 29, 1768.
MANY thanks for your kind fy.npathetic congratulatory
letter. Mr. IVright is gope, or rather lies yet in the
Oowus. He is gone to build for Him, who (bed his prccioas
heart's-blood for ill and hell-deferving m.c. \V hethv'r the un-
y^orthy Founder lives or dies, Bcthijda affair, I trull, will now
be compleated. Strange, that I am now living I J''ifty-four
years old laft Tuejday. QoD be mcrcilul to me a finner ! a
fjnner I a finner ! Lefs than the lealt of all, muft be my
rhotto ftill. As fuch, continue to pray for me. That you and
yours, and all the eletSt people:; of God around you, may in-
creafe witii all the incrcafe cf God, continually prays, my
very dear Tommy^
Ever yours, iScc. ^c. in our Jesus,
' G. II'..
My dear Sir, London, 'Jan, 13, I 7 69.
ITH regret I fend the inclofed ; but alas ! they were
borrowed. May the prayers put up for the writers,
enter into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. They will, they
will. And what then ? What then ? Why, they will
turn out good foldiers of Jesus Christ. That this may be
their happy lot, earneflly prays,
Lefd than the leafl: of all,
G. IV.
To Mr. C H y.
My dear Sir, London, Feb, 4, 1769,
I Hope this will find you fafe arrived at Bath, in your way
to London. I thank God that matters have turned out
no worfe at Plymouth. I fee more and more every day, that
things and perfons are only what an all-wife, almighty Jesus
is pleafed to make them. Happy, happy they that have their
all in Him, who is indeed our All in All ! This, I believe, is
your happy lot. Grace ! grace ! This may teach us to look
to Jesus in all our concerns and motions. What his will
may be concerning my voyage to Georgia, I know not. At
prefent the cloud doth not move that way. But you may be
aflured, it never entered my heart to think of embarking with-
out fettling the minuteft matter to mutual fatisfaftion. But
more of this when we meet. L02.D, haften our glorious meet-
ing in the kingdom of heaven.
There fm andjirife and forrozv ceafe.
And all is calm and joy and peace,
I hope all is well in Green-Jireet. Hearty love to all. AU
here fend greeting. A good time at Mercer's chapel. Grace f
grace ! I know you will join in faying Amen, with, my dear
Lefs than the lead of all,
To Mr. S c.
My dear Mr, S c, London, Fjh. 27, 1769.
NOT want of love, but of leifure, hath prevented my
making proper acknowledgments for your kind letter,
and late publication. I think it is well written; and I earneHIy
pray, that it may be bleflcd to many. One pafiage feems ex-
ceptionable, wheie you fay, " That all believers were origi-
nally endowed with the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghoft."
The inflances urged to prove it, feem quite deficient. This
is not written to find fault, but to prevent fault finding. That
you may be much owned in every thing you undertake, and,
with all the Chriftian Sheerncfs brethren, increafe with all the
increafe of God, is the hearty prayer of,
Lefs than the lead of all,
G. JV.
P. S. Bleficd be God, the fliout of the King of kings is,
yet to be heard amongft us. Grace ! grace !
To Air. A J".
My very dear Tcmm)\ London, March i r, 1769.
YOUR confcioulncfs of my fi-ttlcd fricndHiip, will not
permit you to interpret my filence to a want of love.
How great that is, and on v^hat a folid bafis it is founded, the
great day will difcover. Through infinite mercy, I am en-
abled to preach thrice a week, befides other occafional exer-
cifes J and indeed (O amazing condefcenfion I) the fliout of
the King of kings is amongft us. After Eajler, I hope to
make an elupcment to Glouccficrjhirc, and ionie weftern parts.
Could you, upon the receipt of this, go to Brijlol? Mr.
B i muft coTT.e immediately to Lcndcn. I feel the lofs of
my ritiht hand daily ; but right hands and right eyes muft be
paitcJ with for Him, who ordercth all things well.
/ would bcUc-JC thy pycmifc, LoKD }
u'lp my uniciitf !
Leavino- you to add a heart-felt Jmen^ I am, my very dear
Tommy y
Lefs than the le^it of all,
To Mr. and Mrs. D .
My dear Friends, London, March ij, 1769.
I Hope this will find you not only at, but fixed at Bethefda.
Your brother James yefterday told me, '* He thought it
beft." It is not a time to think of leaving a happy wildernefs
noiv. There's more noife in great cities. I am every day,
every hour, almoft every moment, thinking of and preparing
for Jmerica. A pilgrim life to me is the fweeteft on this fide
eternity. I am daily expeding Bethefda accompts. I am daily
waiting for the kingdom of God. God blefs my poor ne-
groes. I am always, my dear friends.
Yours, &c. &:c. in the Friend of all,
G. TF,
To Mr. A s.
My very dear Totnmy, London, March 31, 1 769.
YOU will be glad to hear, that frequent preaching
hath prevented writing. Through infinite mercy I
have been enabled to preach four days fuceefiively. And
indeed we have been favoured with a blefled pafibver fea-
fon. All to make us fhout louder and louder, Grace !
grace ! I have fome thoughts of making Gloiu^Jhrfnire my
firft excurfion : but at prefent the cloud abides over London.
Lord Jesus, dire£l my goings in thy way ! The books will
be fent. Mr. -S e hath done as defired : I believe he goes
to Bath next week. B 's coming was, I think, of God.
She feems happy in her prefent fituation. In heaven we (hall
be perfedly fo. Till then, fome right hand or eye muft be
cuttino- off^, and plucking out, and we Ihall feel the fmart and
want of both. But all is well, becaufe all will end well.
UalUhjah ! JMdujah ! Come, Lord, coflie I I can now
no more. Adieu. God bids you all I Ceafe not to pray^
ray very dear Tommy, for
Lefs than the l<;afl of all,
G. JV.
To the Reverend Mr, S y.
Reverend and very dear S'tr^ Londony April i, lybg.
HOW much am I obliged to you, for your two kind
letters, ami more efpecially for the repeated offers of
your minifterial ailiuance. They will be nioft gratefully ac*
ctpted, and I humbly hope remarkablv fucceeded, by Hind
who hath promifed to be with us always even to the end of
the world. BklTed be his name, we have been favoured with
delightful pafibver fcalis. The (hout of the King of kings is
fiill heard in the mitifliof our Ivlethodilh camps ; ond th^ fhout
of Grace, grace ! refounds from many tjuarters. Our al-
mighty Jesus kno^7s how to build his temple in troublous
times. His work profpcis in the hands of the ele£l Countefs,
who is now gone to Bath., much recovered from her bite in-'
difpofition. Worthy Lady F y propafes foon to fullowj
in order to rcfidc tiiere. Some more coronets, I hear, are
likely to be laid at the Redeemer's feet. They glitter glorioufly
v.'hcn fet in, and furrounued Vi^ith a crown of thorns.
StdijeSIs of the Lor.D J be hsld \
Jesus zail! his kingdom hcdd :
IVheels encircling wheels tnuji run.
Each in cjio'Ic to hi ing it on.
I know who joins in crying, Hallelujah! Even a JFulicr^ t
Harri:jt, both heirs of the grace of J:fe. Tliat the Spirit of
Christ and of glory may abide and re'i upon them here, and
that they may fhir.c with diilinguiflicd luftre in his heavenly
kingdom hereaker, moil earnellly prays,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
6r\ IF:
L £ t t E R S. 385
To Mr. R' K rr.
Afy dear Friend, Bath, y^pril iS, 1 769.
ITHERTO God hath helped us. A good opening
at Chippenham. A precious feafon here on Sunday morn-
ing. This evening I am to preach again. To-morrow, GprJ
Willing, 1 fhall fet out for Brijiol, and return hither on Satur-
day morning. I hope to write to Mr. fV r, by to-morrow's
ox Thurjdayi poft. I thanlc him for his puhdual fending the
papers. 1 iiad by them, who is dead, and by this time buried
in Saint S «*s chapel. The queftion is, whether there will
be a refurreiStion, or what will be the confequence? Whatever
it be, this is our confolation, " the Lord reigneth. Blefleci
be the God of our falvation !" I hope this will find dear Mr„
E s proclaiming it with abundant fuccefs. Tender love td
him and to all. Surely they will not ceafe to pray for^
Lefs than the leaft of all j
G. IV,
ro Mr. W -hy.
My dear Mr. W hy^ Brijhl, April zB, 1769,
ISuppofe you have heard, that all arrived fafc at Georgia^
February 26. The very moment they caft anchor, fifteen
miles from Savannah^ an opportunity offered to fend a few lincsi
This is the reafon no other letters are yet come. More may
be expedled daily. Be fo good as t6 fend a line of informatiort
to Ej/ex. I believe an opportunity will foon prefent, to write
by the {hip beund for Savannah. My packet is to come up
early next week. We finifli at Bath next Sunday. About a
Week more I ftay in Brijlol, or thereabouts. Good feafons every
where. What a mercy, that while the potfherds of the earth
are dafhingeach other in pieces, the great Head of the church
is building up his i^\r\t\iz\ ycritfalem ! That you and yours
may be daily built up ia the moft holy faith, earneftly prays,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV.
Vol. IIL B b L E T-
To Mr. R K w,
My dear old Friendy Brijiol^ May 4, ^1^9-
THIS evening we arc to have a love feaft ; yefterday had
a good field preaching at Kingfiuood. The night before
I preached here. God willing, to-morrow here again. Sunday
morning at Bradford. Monday at Frame. Then Chippenham^
and other parts of Glouccjlerfinrc. I defigned to go to Plymouth^
but I have fuch a cold, and the weather begins to be fo warm,
that I know not how the ifTue will be. Hitherto, blefled be
God, we have had g'-lden feafons. A letter may be fent by
Saturdny^s poft, to Mr. B i, at Fronie. I hope all conti-
nues to go on well. Brethren, pray for us ! I fent fome letters
for Gco^gia^ to the ca.e of Mr. JV hy^ but have heard no-
thing from him. I wifh you would write one line to my humble
friend, and ttU him he is enquired after every where, and ail
are glad to hear of his fafe arrival. Grace! grace! That all
may profpcr both in foul and body, earneftly prays, my dear
old friend,
Lefs than the lead of all,
G. W.
To the Same.
My dear Friend y Frame, May 8, 1769.
MANY thanks for your kind letter. A blefled day yef-
terday in Bradford church. A blefled day here in
the fields ; thoufands attended, all more than folemn. Mrs.
M re I. hope was touched at Bmth lafl Tuefday fevennight.
Glorious profpei!:!: in thefe parts. Grace! grace! I am now
going to Ch'tppenham, CajUccomby DurJJey, Rodborough, Paitf-
w'lcky Glouceflcry Chenllenafny in my way to London. The weft
circuit muft be deferred, on account of the opening the chapel
at Tunhridge. I am eafy about L^ndoriy being fo well (upplied.
God bici's you all! All fend cordial refpet^s. U' i's inad-
vertencies giicve me. You will be pumStual. 1 hope to anfwer
Captain J i in a poit or two. Love and thanks to Mr.
^ ;. Lord profper the gofpel plough ! Adieu, I muft
away. Ceafe not to pray for, my dear Sir,
Yours, &e. in Jesus,
G. IV.
To Mr. J s.
Rodhorough^ May it, 1769;
lOBENEZER^ Ehene-x.erJ Through infinite mercy, Ijuft
now arrived here. Blefied feafohs at Ghippenbam^ Cafllc-
comb and DuiJ!cy^ in our way from Frame. Have been enabled
to preach five times this week. It is good to go into the high-
ways and hedges. Field-preaching, field-preaching for ever !
Cannot yet determine what coiirfe to fleer next. At prefent a
very heavy cold lies upon me. JesUs's warm love more tharl
makes amends for all. God fill all your dear fouls with it !
I am eafy, as you go on well in London. GoD blefs you all.
By Saturday's poft you may know further concerning, my dear
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IF,
To Mr. T— A—mt.
My very dear old Friendly Lo7idon^ May 18, l^6g.
ON Monday evening we reached Letchldde^ on Tuefday
Maidenhead., t»n Wednesday about noon, through infinite
mercy, we got fafe to town. Ebenezer, Ebenezer ! My cold
is about the fame as wheri we parted. But wKoTcnows what
the Father of mercies may do for lefs than the leaft of all his
children, by next Lord's-day fnornilig ? Perhaps we may be
favoured with andther Rodborough pentecbft. Never was that
place fo endeared to me, as at this laft vifit. Old fiierids^
t)ld gofpel wine, and the great Governor ordering, to fill td
the brim I
O to grace what mighty debtori ! &c. &c,
1 fuppofe you will fing that hymn foon ; and if we (hould did
in fmging it ? What then ? Why then, welcome, welcome
B b 2 eternity I
eternity ! God blefs you all ! Yefterday I faw 5'our fifter
y s comforted under her trial. I fee, whether married or
fingle, thorns in the flefh we muft have. But Christ's grace
will be fufficient for us. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Brethren, pray
for us. Cordial refpecls to Mrs. J s ; I think her name is
Pbebe. I hope to fend a few lines to Mrs. R s and Mrs.
H r very foon ; in the mean while entreat them, and all
like-minded, to accept moft grateful acknowledgments, and
moft cordial refpe<^s, and be aflurcd of being always remem-
bered in the poor prayers of, my very dear Tommy^
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. //^.
To Mr, S S .
My very dear Friend^ London^ May 26, 1/69.
HOW did I fend all over Bath^ to enquire for you and
yours ! How have I fince prayed, that your prefent ufe
of the baths may be blefled to the recovery of your valuable
health, and your foul fweetly refrefhed with drinking the
waters of life freely! Both thefe things, I hope you do and
will experience fully. However it may be on earth, glory,
glory be to free grace I we are aflured that we fhall have a
perfect confummation of blifs, both in body and foul, in
heaven. Jesus, thou fon oi David! Jesus, thou Son of God !
Jesus, thou God over all, God blefled for evermore ! give
us patience to wait till this wifhed-for time fliall come ! I
fuppofe you have heard of my hoarfenefs, gotten, through
mercy, in the highways and hedges. A delightful fpring cam-
paign. Many, I truft, were compelled to come in. Such
news will gladden you, becaufe it gladdens the angels which
are in heaven. With regret I muft fhorten this. I fliall fend
to know how you both do. God only knows, how you are
beloved and remembered by, my very dear friends.
Yours, &c. in Jesus.
G. IV.
To the Same.
My very dear old Friend J London, "June lo^ ^1^'^'
HOW glad was I to find, that you could write fo long
a letter ! Who knows but the withered hand may be
yet ftretched out? "Abba, Father !" all things are poflible with
thee! Grant it, if it be thy blefled will, for Jesus Christ's
fake! This leaves me a little recovering from my late indifpo-
fition, confequently it leaves me finging, *' He will not always
be chiding, neither will he keep his anger for ever." How
truly, how incomparably great, will thefe loving corre£lions
make us in a future ftate ? Then fhall v/e fmg without for-
O happy, happy rod.
That brought us hither to our GoD !
In patience, therefore, may we poflefs our fouls 1 Yet a little
while, and he that cometh will come, and will not tarry. God
be praifed, that your dear nurfe and yoke-fellow holds out fo
well. Mr. M — —s tells me (he is brave. Mr. D n dines
with me, at his houfe, on Friday; both will then be remem-
bered. The covenant of grace was made from eternity. HaU
lelujah. Hallelujah! Come Lord, come!
Ever yours, he. &c. in our Jesus,
G. JV,
To Mr. R K n.
My very dear Friend, London, July 29, 1769.
I Thank you for your intended benefadtion. Our Lord will
write himfelf your debtor for it. His intereft is pretty good,
*' a hundred fold." A hundred fold ! what can the moft avari-
cious trader defire more ? It comes very opportunely ; for in
looking over my Georgia letters this morning, I find Mr. Dixcn
defires me to purchafe negro cloth, and ofnabrigs for the ne-
groes, in London ; it will be a great faving, and render double
fervice to my dear orphan family. In about a month or five
weeks I hope to fet fail. I long for your return, wifh you
B b 3 could
|:ouid {bortcn your Scarborough expedition. I want to confuk
you in many things; and in particular, to have proper writino-g
drawn up, empowering you, as my attorney, to adt in all things
as if I was prefent. O that you may have the prefence of our
great Advocate, to guide, guard, and protect you in journey-
ing ! May he be a wall of fire round about you, and be your
wifdom, righteoufnefs, fandification, and all in all ! My hearty
Jove to Mr. E- rdsy Mr. G—tJ?, Mr. J -ge, &c. &c.
That the Lord may richly reward you for all your difinterefted
labours of love, and blefs you and yours in time and eternity, is
the conftant prayer of, my dear dear friend.
Yours moft affectionately in an unchangeable Jesu^,
G. IV,
To Mr. B 5.
My dear Sir, Louder?, "July 30, 1 769.
OLD fricndfhip and love embolden me to fend thefe few
lines. Blcflcd be God! the orphan-houfe affairs go on
well, and a lading ample foundation is now laid, for the future
fupport and education of both rich and popr. Perhaps provi-
dence may call me to Georgia this fall. Could you prefent the
infant inftitution with a book or two of maps, or copies, or
copper-plates, as you fliall judge moft proper? Sheet maps
will not do in that hot climate. I fliould alfo be glad of fome
ijiaps, flicwing the different coaftings, &c. for my own amufe-
ment when on board. Glory be to God, all fublunary coaft-
ings will icon be over. Yet a little while, and we fhall get
into an eternal harbour. Jesus is the way, Jesus is our pilot.
To his almighty never-failing guidance and grace, I moft ear-
neftly commit you, and all your near and dear conne£lions, as
being, my dear old friend,
Yours, &c. he. (5<c. ^'c. in our common Lord,
G. IV,
P. S. If the motion is not approved of, filence fliall ferve
{pr an anfwer.
To Mr. J s.
My dear Cnptahi, Tottenham-Cciirt^ -^"g- 9> 1 769.
MY laft to , will make you guefs that my hands and
heart-are full. Laft night I went on board the Frieyid-
J]np \ the Captain is to dine with me to-morrow. I cxpe£l to
fail the firft week, in September at furtheft. You muft be then
in town. Mr, Brookjlanks (it Mr. A' n does not come) will
fupply your place. I hope all things v/ill he fettled on a right
plan. You may be afTured of my having, under God, the
greateft confidence in you. I only wifli ibme means may be
found out to fave the late great expence of coach hire. It hath
mounted very high. But more of this when we meet. BlefTed
be God for fmiling on your labours. This is the way ; you
need not be exhorted to continue to walk in it. God blefs you !
God blefs you ! Mr. K n is expected from his Torkjhire tour
on Saturday. All is well at home. Cordial love to all. Brethren,
pray for us. With regret I am obliged to haften to fubfcribe
myfelf, my dear man.
Yours, yours, &:c. &c. Sec. in our never-failing Jesus,
To Mr. T A ms.
My very dear Tonuny London^ Aug. 19, 1769.
TALK not of taking a perfonal leave. You know my
make. P^«/ could itand a whipping, but not a weeping
farewel. My heart and hands are full. What a letter.-nighc
laft Thursday evening! a night much to be remembered. Many
thanks for your intended prefent. In ten days I ex peel to fail.'
God blefs you and yours ! God blefs all our never to be for-
gotten Gloucejierjlnre friends ! I can no more. Adieu. Ceafe
;50t to pray for, my very dear fteady old friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV,
B b 4 I. E T-
To Mr. J—fs.
My very dear Man, London, Aug. ig, 1769.
BLESSED, for ever blelTed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, for caufing his word fo to
run, and fo to be glorified in your hands. No wonder that
you meet with a thorn in the flejfh. But we know who hath
i'aid, *i' My grace is fufficient for thee." I have no obje£tion
againft: your circuit v/eftward. I believe it will be a hlefiing
to many fouls. In a few days I expeiSt to hear that either Mr,
J) cy or 5 y will be in town. If fo, you may proceed ;
if not, I muft beg you to be here at the time of my departure.
% Ten days, and then. "What then ? You may guefs. God
blefs you and yours. God blefs all dear, chriftian, never-to-
be-forgotten Brtjiol friends. Laft Tburfday evenini^ was a
parting letter-tiignt indeed. A night much to be remembered.
Your flaming letter was read, That God may make you
flame more and more, till you are called to be a flaming fcrapl>
\ii yonder heaven, earneftly prays, my very dear man,
Lefs than the lead of all,
G. W\
%o Mr. T A ms.
On haard the Frlendjh'ip, Cap!. Ball^ Sept. 5, 1769.
Six in the Morning.
~Afy very dear Tommy,
ALTHOUGH I could not write to you whilfl: afhore,
yet I muft drop you a few lines now I am come aboard.
Juft now we have taken up the anchor: and I truft my anchor
is caft vi'ithin the veil, where the ground will never give way,
othervi'ife, hov/ fliould I have flood the fhock of parting, and
put to fea at this time, or rather at this decline of life ? But
our God can, and our God does renew both bodily and fpi-
ritual fcrength. I have not been in better fpirits for feme
years ; and I am perfuaded this voyage will be for the Re-
deemer's glory, and the welfare of precious and immortal
(puis. I arn ^iTured I f^re the better for the prayers of my dear
very dear Gloucejierjhlre friends. Our parting folemnlties have
been exceedingly awful ; and I thank God for givin«^ me the
honour of taking my leave on Sunslay afternoon at Gravefend
market-pl^ce. O for this rambling way of preachino- till I
die! If Mrs. H ker gets into harbour before me, fne will
be well off. Cordial refpeds await her, your wife, Mrs.
R /x, and all the frends of Z/c«. O England ! England!
God preferve thee from and divert every threatening florm !
Follow, follow with your prayers, and aflure yourfelves of not
being forgotten by, my very dear friends,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
/ To Mrs. H ze.
On board the Friendfmp, Sept. 6, 1769.
Dear Airs. H- gey
REPEATED labours of love demand repeated acknow-
ledgments. God blefs and reward you and your
(jaughter ! I hope you both returned home laden with the
grapes of the New-JernfaUm. Gravefend Bethels^ I truft, will
net eafily be forgotten. I am fure you do not forget to pray
for a very worthlefs worm : a worm, and no man ! And yet
(O amazing love I) Jesus, a never-failing, ever-lovino-, alto-
gether-lovely Jesus, careth for and comforts him on every
fide. Hitherto it feemslike my firft voyage. Grace! arace!
What hath God wrought ? With all thy mercies, glorious
J^mmanuel, deny not the mercy of a thankful heart ! Had I
more humility, I fhould be more thankful to God and man.
But I once more bid you and yours farewel. Salute all dear
friends as they come in your way, and tell them their prayers
^re and will be heard in behalf of, my dear Mrs. H ^,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV,
To Mr. and Mrs. 5 n.
On b:ayd the FriendJJnp, Sept. 7, Ij^g.
Dear Friends^
ACCEPT a line of grateful acknowledgment for all fa-
vours. I know it will find you bufy : and bufy, I be-
lieve, for the Redeemei's glory. You, therefore, {hall and will
profper. This comforts me in my prefent gofpel enterprize.
1 am pcrfuaded it is of, from, and for Him who loved me, and
aa.ve bimfelf for me, even ill and hell-deferving me. Glory be
to his great name, I am comforted on every fide. Fine accom-
modations. A civil Captain and pafTcngcrs. All willing to
attend on divine worfliip, and to hear of religious things.
Praife the Lord, O my foul ! Faithful mother IF — ^, and
all at Tabernacle, will be glad to hear of this. Pray dcfire
her to remember me in the kindeft manner to Mr. P f-/j,
Mr. and Mrs. T r, Mr. and Mrs. B s, &c. &c. I
remember parting tears. Jesus hath bottled them up. Bre-
thren, pray and give thanks to Him, whofe mercy cndureth
for ever. I am brave as to my bodily health. Grace ! grace!
God bkfs you and yours, ainl all who are fo kind as to be
concerned for, and enquire after, my dear old friends,
Lcfs than the leaft of all,
G. IF.
To Mr. IF hy.
On board the FricndJJjip., Sept. 8, 1769.
Dear Mr. IF hy,
OThcfe partings ! Without a divine fupport they would
be intolerable. But with that, we can even do this and
every thing befides, which we are called to do or fufFer. You
AYiJl be glad to hear that every thing turns out beyond expec>»
tation, as to bodily health, fhip accommodation, civility
of paflengers, he. I only want fomebody that hath a little
more brains about me : but we muft have our huts in this try-
j^n"- imperfcdl ftate. Say what we will, without thefe things
jye could not have our graces kept in exercife. God preferve
' '. 2 yoi^
you and all my religious friends, amidft the exercifes that I
fear await them. Nothing lefs than an almighty power caa
prefervc and keep them in a proper temper. Land-ftorms are
cfteq molt dangerous. Tell all as they come in your way,
that their prayers are heard. I ferve a God whofe mercy en-
dureth for ever. Particular refpecls to Mr. H j, Mr.
B—71, Mr. S 5, Mr. IF -e, and all that accounted it
their privilege to afliil: an unworthy worm : not forgettino- poor
mother £ s. You would all be pleafed to fee how well I am.
Grace ! grace ! O the privilege and honour of leaving a lit-
tle All, for a great unfailing All the ever-blefled God ! May
you be kept unfpotted, that are called to abide by the ftufK,
You are furprizingly improved as to politenefs of behaviour:
may the inward man be more than equally improved, and in-
creafe with all the increafe of God day by day ! You will not
fail to pray, that this may be alfo the happy cafe of, my dear
JMr. /r y^
Lefs than the leaft of all,
To Mrs. M .
On board the Friendjhip, Sept. 8, 1769.
THOUGH on the mighty waters, I muft not forget
faithful friends that I have left behind. You, I atn
perfuaded, are one of thefe. I have tried you many years.
CjPD blefs you and yours ! God guide and keep you in your
new undertaking ! You are launching into a wide fea. Mar
Jesus be your pilot I He will, he will. He is the widow's
hufband, and will therefore plead the widow's caufe. He is
good to us on board. Praife Him, praife Him whofe mercy
C^idureth for ever. Ceafe not to pray for, dear Mrs. M-^"-—,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
'. G.fF,
To Mr. R A' «.
On board the Friendjhipy Sept. 8. 1769.
jMy dear Jleady Friend^
■T'BENEZER/ Ebcmzer ! Hitherto the Lord helps.
-^ All things are very commodious on board, and hitherto I
am comforted on every fide. The Captain and paffenge-s are
civil, willing to oblige, and ready to attend on divine worfhip.
We have had contrary winds in our way to the Downs., but
not violent. The young foldiers not yet Tick, though the (liip
hath forne motion. 1 fcem to be now, as I was thirty years
ago. Grace ! grace ! Praife the Lord, O my foul ! The
prayers of the dear Londoners are and will be heard. May the
mercies beftowcd upon us in anivvcr to their prayers, redound
to thy glory, O my God ! The care of my annual penfioners,
with all money matters, I muft beg you to take wholly into
3'our hands. O how little can I do for Him, who hath done
and fufFered fo much for me ! God be merciful to me a C\n*
ner ! Tender love to all. Ceafe not, ccafe not to pray for-
wards, and to pray back again, rny very dear Sir,
Lcfs than the leaft of all,
To Mr, and Mrs. F //.
The Downs, en board the FriendJJjipy Sept. lo, 1769.
My very dear Friends^
AS w'c arc now at our firft baiting-place, and I have been
thinking of and praying for my tried, fteady, uniform
friends, no wonder that you two came ftrongly upon my mind.
Accept cordial thanks for all favours, and add to my manifold
obligations by prailing Him, whofe mercy cndureth for ever.
He deals bountifully with us on board, and gives us a profpe£l
of bei g comfortable with all about us. You are called to
ftay by, but blclTcd be God you are called to live above the
fluff. A pilgrim life is my lot. I am more than content with
it. I fliali have tinie enough to jeft in heaven, This heaven
is begun on earth. You know it, you know It. Ere long
the budding flower will be full blown. AfHiclions, tempta-
tions, ordinances, providences, will all concur to bring it to
maturity. When this is done, death fi:iall tranfplant it to a
better foil where it fliall never fade, but increafe in fragrance
and beauty through the endlefs ages of eternity. But I mufl:
not detain you. This is your bufy day. You have been ga-
thering manna. A little hath fallen round our floating camp.
I know you wifh us a trading voyage. That you may fail
into harbour with a very full and choice cargo of heavenly
wares, with your top-gallant fails flying, and (houting from
every quarter, Grace ! grace ! earneftly prays, my very dear
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV,
P. S. Tell Mr. K n I was in hopes of one line by Sti'
turdayh poft. We had a violent gale yefterday. One fhip we
hear is gone. Blcfied be God we are all well.
To Mr. R K n.
My very dear Friend, ■ Dcal^ Sept. 14, 1769.
IT hath really given me feme concern, that notwithftand-
ing I have written fo many letters, not a fingie friend hath
wrote at a venture, though if we had been failed, the letter
might have been returned. The Captain hath been anfwered ;
Winter hath been anfwered. But — all is well. For wife rea-
fons we are detained in the Downs. Who knows but it may
be to awaken fome fouls Tit. Deal? A peculiar providence
brought me here. Warm-hearted Dr. G ns came on board
to pay me a vifit, was fick, lay in my flate room, and learnt
more experimentally to pray for thofe who occupy their bufi-
refs in the great waters. Mr. B y of Ranijgate, and youn^
Mr. G ner, who was ordained here yefterday, followed
^fter. At their requeft I came aOiore yefterday morning.
The ordination was very folemn, and I have not been mofe
afFedled under any public miniftrations a great while. At th«
requeft of many, I preached in the evening to a crouded audi-
tory, and fpent the remainder of the night in godly converfa-
I tion.
tion. Dr. G fis will acquaint you with fome pleafing
particulars. If the wind continues contrary, perhaps I may
make an elopement to Alcirgate. I wifh I could fee my fer-
mon that is printed. You may at a proper feafon, in a
proper way, hint as from yourfelf to , that I have often
thought he would do for Bethefda academy. If I die, let not
the hymn book be cafliiered. I am glad to hear of the Amens
at Tottenham- Court. 1 doubt not but it is the fame at Taber-
bernacle. I defign to write to both, and to the conference, &c.
But I cannot enlarge now. The young failors begin to be
more handy, and are attentive to oblige. This is the thirteenth
time of my croHing the Jtlantlc Ocean. God blefs you all !
If further detained, you will hear again fror'n, my very dear
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. TV,
P. S. A parcel might be fent by Saturday's coach, di-
rected to the care of •: he would return it if we are
failed. I fliould have the papers and the fermon. The (hip
that was loft hath been taken up and brought in. The paflen-
gers efcaped in the boat. What are we that we fhould be pre-
ferved ? Grace ! grace !
To Mr. G d.
The Downs^ on board the Friendjhip, Sept. 15, 1769*
My dear Mr. G dy
I Cannot forget your old readinefs to ferve and attend upon
me-. I cannot forget your laft parting converfation. Alas I
alas ! how little do we know of the bitter cups that await us
in the decline of life ! May Jesus fweeten them with his love 1
He will, he will. This will make them palatable. This and
this alone can make us cry from our inmoft fouls, " The cup'
which my heavenly Father hath given me to drink, (ball 1 not
drink it ? " Though bitter, there is no death in this cup : on:
the contrary, nothing but life, nothing but life. Courage then<
my dear Mr. G d, courage. Yet a little while and we
fhall fee
^11 our forroivs left below.
And earth excbang d for heav'n.
Adieu. God blefs you and yours. Hearty love to all that
are fo kind as to enquire after and pray for me. Pray go to
Dr. G ns^ and tell him I hope he got home well. I had
a pleafant feafon at Deal with him and fome other fervants of
our common Lord. What will heaven be .'' I am loft in
contemplation of it. And therefore muft haften to fubfcribe
mylclf, dear Mr. G d^
LeG than the leaft of all,
G, W.
To Mr. R— K n.
My very dear Friend, Deal, Sept. 15, 1 769.
YOUR letter was quite refrefhing. It found me on board.
But Mr. B y came, put me under an arrcft, and is
carrying me away to Rarrfgate : I hope to arreft fome poor
run-away bankrupts for the Captain of our falvation. You
would be glad to be here. Wovf myfterious and yet how wife
are his ways ! Fain would I follow the Lamb whitherfoever
he goes. Blefled be God that all is fo well at London, I
truft all will be better and better. For Christ's fake, let all
means be ufcd to keep up and increafe Tottenham-Court and
Tabernacle focietics. Pray be particular about church and
ftate. A {baking feafon awaits both. Happy they who have
caft anchor within the veil. All fend due refpe»5ls. Cordial
love to your whole felf, to all that fent their love, and to all
who are fo kind as to enquire after, my very dear fteady
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IF.
ro Mr. S S .
Downs, Sept. 16, 1769.
]liy very dear Jieady Friendy
Muft not leave fight of the Diwns, without fending you a
few grateful, fympathizing, parting lines. I know in
what a fituation they will find you, filling up the meafure
of Christ's fufFerings which are behind. Amazing ! even
bodily fufFerings, when brought on by working for Him, he
accounts his own.
He knows what this temptation means^
For he hath felt the fame.
What a mercy this, when wearifome nights and days are ap-
pointed for LiS ! O that patience may have its perfect work
in our fouls ! It will, it {hall. Faithful is he that hath pro-
mifed, who alfo will do it. Fine fayings thefe for an old wea-
ther-beaten almoft worn-out pilgrim, jufV on his entrance
upon a new voyage. But Eber.e-zer I Ebemzer ! He that
hath helped and delivered twelve times, will not fail the thir-
teenth. 1
/ would hell eve thy promif , LoRD ;
O help 7ny unbelief!
Hitherto the profpecSl is comfortable. Accommodations good.
All on board civil, and willing to attend upon divine worfhipr.
Above all, Jesus is kind, yea very kind to the better part of,
my very dear never-to-be-forgotten friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. m
p. S. Moft grateful acknowledgments await your whole
felf, and dear daughter and worthy fon-in-law. Pray for i+s.
Tj Mr. R H n.
hi the Doiuns^ o?i board the Friend/hip, Srpt. 1 7, 1769,
My dear old Friend^
1 Sympathize with you from my inmoft foul- What prickles
have our fwceteft rofcs ! How does God*s promife feem-
ingly crofs hands with his providence ! We would tain di-
red him : but his anfwer is, " I know it, my Ton, I know it :'*
and hereafter we fliall know it too. That hereafter will fooa
come. It is coming every moment. Yet a little while, and
we fiiall fee
Ail our for rows left beloiu,
Jnd earth exchanged for heav'rt.
I have no doubt, but this will be the happy lot of your deif
yoke-fellow. At prefent flie walks in darknefs, and fees no
light. But God will lighten her darknefs, and the days of
her mourning lliall be ended. Beg her to accept my molt
fmcere and fympathetic falutations ; and afTute yourfelves, that
neither of you are forgotten in the poor prayers of, my dear
Lefs than the leaft all,
ToMr.R K n.
My very dear Friend, Deal, Sept. 17, 176CI.
AS I have no parcel, I am ready almoft to think fomebody
is coming. I am juft returned from Ramfgate, and
going on board; Never did any creature {hew greater civility,
heartinefs, politenefs, and generofity than Mr. B ry. His
friends were hearty too. Indeed and indeed 1 believe folid good
was done at Ramfgate. I preached on Friday and Saturday. It
was hard parting this morning. I expedl a long pafTagCi But
all is well. I am kept comfortable. I could not go to Mar^
gate. Friends that write^ ihould direft where the letters ard
to be returned. I am glad Mr. S y is come, I fliall write
Vol. HI, C c W
402 LETT E R S.
to "Bath. Is my farewel fcrmon printed ? That is what I
meant ; no packet is come. Tender love to all, to all.
Never fear.
Satan thwarts and men ohjeH^
And yet the thing they thwart ifftcf.
Hallelujah !
1 wifh this may be the laft letter, any may receive dated at the
DownSf from, my very dear Sir,
Lefs than the Icaft of all,
G. W,
To Mr. John W r.
the Doivns, on board the Friendjhip, Sept. i8, 1769.
My dear Friend,
IMuft not forget you and your dear yoke-fellow, whom I
caiinot but number amongft my old firft friends and chil-
dren. I hope this will find bodily pain fubfidcd, or grace given
to make it more than tolerable. Little do we know what trials
await the declines of life. But thefe are like the hnifhing
ftrokes of a limner's hand before the picture is fent for home.
Yet a little while, and it fliall be hung up in God's houfe
above, as a trophy of the Redeemer's blood and Spirit, to be
admired for ever and ever.
O heights of grffce /
O depths of Idve I
Lord, ft us for
This houfe above !
Adieu ! God blefs you and yours and all your conne£lions.
The poft-boat is come. Though detained in the Downs, yet
I hope we are failing to heaven. Hallelujah ! Ceafe not to
pray for, my dear l"riend3j
Lefs than the leafl of all,
G. n\
L E T T E R Si 40^
To Mr. G , and to all in conference.
The Downs, on hoard the FrierJJh'ip^ Sept. 19, 1 769.
Dearly beloved in the LoRD^
THOUGH abfent in body, I am prefent with you In
fpirit. Not want of love, but of leifure, prevented my
holding a conference with you before my embarkation. My
hands and heart were full. Ere long, we (hall go no more out.
In the mean while, may you all be pillars in the houfe of our
God ! You are engaged in a good caufc, and in a branch of
the Redeemer's work, which hath, and I am perfuaded will
profper more and more. What a mercy, that frcfh inftruments
are raifed up, to preach to poor finners the unfcarchable riches
of Jesus Christ. I hope that the found of his blefled feet
hath been heard behind young Mr. D ; he feems to come
out in the firft, old, itinerant methodiflical way. No way likd
this. Light and life muft go together. Principles and power,
principles and power conjoihtly, alone can fatlsfy my dear
tabernacle hearers fouls. Though dying, I fhould live, when
I find that they and you ftand faft in the Lord, and go on,
and are terrible like an army with banners. This be yoiir
happy lot ! Whatever becomes of ill and heil-deferving me,
may you increafe with all the incrcafe of God ! Moll cofdial
love awaits iVIr. C- — ^, Mr. B , Mr. D , Mr. / ,
or as many of them as are in town. May all be helped, to
give one and the fame mighty gofpel all-powerful blaft, till
"Jericho's towering walls fall down before them. Outward
troubles, I am perfuaded, await us. But in Jesus we Ihall
have peace. To his never-failing mercy I commend you and
yours, and all your near and dear connections. Brethren^ pray
for us } I know you do. The Redeemer, in anfwer to your
prayers, deals bountifully with us. I am comforted on every
fide. Never lefs alone, than when alone with my God. My
anchor is caft within the veil. Though detained in the Downs,
I hope we are failing towards our etei nal haven. Still help us
forwards, and pray us back. Once more, God biefs you all !
God blefs the dear tabernacle fociety, bands and clafTes, and
all that come to hear a preached gofpel under that defpifed yet
C c 2 highly
404 L E T T E R Si
highly honoured roof. I am furc you will aJd, and God blefe
him, who from his inmoft foul fubfcribes himfelf.
Lei's than the leaft of all,
G. IV,
To Mr. J J.
On hoard the FriendJInp^ in the DozcnSy
A/y very dear Captain, Sept. 19, 1 769.
I Write a few lines at a venture, uncertain whether you are
in town or not. You fee where they leave me; at o\ir firft
baiting place. Had not our Captain loitered at Lcndon laft
Lord's-day, we might have been out of the channel. But
then perhaps I might have loft the fale of fome gofpel goods
at Gravefend market-place. I hope you, and all my dear fel-
low labourers, will meet with thoufands of moneylcfs cuf-
tomers, who will come down to the price. Blefled news for
bankrupts !
Surely, Christ, thy grace is free.
For, O my God, it found out met
He is good to us on bor.rd. All are civil and ftudious to oblige.
I am glad of the third cabin paiTenger. The fteerage ones are
old hearers, and in diltrefs. Who knows what a trading voyage
we may have. When you write to Brijhl, pray tell Mifs
B ne to acquaint Mr. G- ■ ?;, that I am forry I did not
know who fent me the kind prcfent in fo genteel a manner.
He hath my grateful acknowledgments. I'he young failors
have been a little Tick. The Steward is very handy. I am
kept comfortable in foul and body. Pr.iy on, my dear friend?,
pray on. Remember our parting?,-.our partings. Surely they
will never be forgotten by, my dearly beloved Captain,
Lffi than the leaft of all,
c. rr.
letters: 405
letter mccccxxxix.
To Mr. B s.
The DcwnSy on beard the Friendjh'ip^ Captain Ball,
My dear old Friend, S-ept. ig^ 1769.
THOUGH my hands and heart were too full, to come
and give you perfoflal thanks on fhore, be pleafed to
accept my moft grateful acknowledgments for your kind pre-
fcnt, and yet kinder letter, now I am on board. I know your
heart is formed for friendfliip, and therefore fome kind of trials
of the affedionate kind, muft make fuch imprefllons, as per-
fons of leaden fouls and iron bodies, are utter ftrangers to.
What a mercy, that we have a compaffionate High-Prieft to
apply to, who is moft fenfibly touched with a feeling of our
infirmities '
He knows what fore temptations rnean^
For he hath felt the fa?ne.
Courage therefore, my dear Sir, courage. Yet a little while,
and he that cometh will come, and will not tarry. In the
mean while, may both of us be enabled to fmg,
O happy, happy rod.
That brought its nearer to our God,
I write this out of the fulfiefs of my heart. Old friendfliip
more than revives. God blefs you, and all your near and
dear conneftions ! Through infinite mercy, this leaves me com-
forted on every fide. I want a thoufand tongues to praife Him
whofe mercy endureth for ever, and in whom I am, my very
dear Sir,
Yours, 5fc. &c. &c.
G. IV.
P. S. I fiiould be glad if you would be pleafed to fend the
Jtlas to Mr. K ;?, woollen-draper, in the A/inorien A
{hip goes icon to Georgia.
To Mr. R K ;;.
On heard the Friaidft/ip^ off Kfiv-Romney^
My very dear Friend,^ Sept. 26, 1 769.
MAN appoints, but an all-wife, all-gracious God difap-
points. Dear Mr. H y guefled right. This day
fevenniiiht vve weighed anchor, and failed, though very flowly,
3S far as Fair-Lee. But for near five days we have been tofled
by violent gales, and laft night, through infinite mercy, caft
anchor ofF Dungewiefs and Nciv-Rcmrey. The new failors have
been quite fick, but are now almoft recovered. I have felt
very little, comparatively fpeaking, and have been able to read,
tic. &c. Hiid I ki.own of having fuch a handy Steward, I
jnight have fpared one hand j but what is, is bed. In God's
due time, the winds will have a commiflion to carry us on.
3atan doth not like this voyage. Piay on, pray on, my very
dear friends, and never fpar. All (hall work together for good
to thofe who love God. I wifh you had advertifed againil the
publifher of my lafl: fermoii. It is not veihaiim as I delivered
it. In fome places, he makes me to fpeak falfe concord, and
even nonfenfc. In ethers, the fenfe and connection arc de-
flrpyed, by the iniudicious disjointed paragraphs; and the whole
is entirely unfit for the public reyiev/*. Bu: we mull fuffcr by
• The very fame cenfures are too juftly applicahle to flie voiiime of
fermons, now pul.Iirtn-cl by Mr. Gurney, as Mr. Whilefi<;id\. Relying
pn the accuracy of the flioiihand-wiiier, and on the fiJelity of the re-
verend gentleman who v\as to revife the ftrmons, and cui their joint
regarc} for the mtmory of Mr. Whltefidd, his executors did agree to
jecommeiid the intended publication, and promot? its fale; for which,
a cor.iideration was to be paii! by Mr. Curntj, to be applied by them,
accorilinj to the ttpor of Mr. lYhitefLtl.i'% Will. But on duir receiving
nine of tl-.a fermons, (worked off) to their great Curpriff, they found
thcmfclvcs, after pcrulai, unable to authenticate them, cither as to
language or fentimcnts ; therefore juilotd them utterly unfit for publica-
tion, and told Mr. Curney, that on no confideiation whttcver, could they
recommend them to the public. The executors are extremely conceri^ed
pn Mr. Guriicy% account, as well as for the chara<5ler of their late worthy
friend ; and now wifli that ihcy hud not reftcd with the hearing only one
the falfe zeal of profefllng friends, as well as by the inveterate
malice of public avowed enemies. If one fentence is blefled to
the convicStion and edification of any fingle individual, I care
not what becomes of my chara£ler, though there is no occafion
of bringing ourfelves into needlefs contempt. I write this at a
venture J we fee a boat approaching, and hope it will reach us.
We have put back: O that it may quicken friends to pray us
forwards. We are like a man of war that hath been out on a
fliort cruife, and then returned into harbour. What awaits us
we know not. It is not fit we fhould. GoD blefs you all,
my dear, very dear friends. I remember your times of meeting
at both ends of the town. Sea is fea, land is land. The Gop
whom we ferve, is God of both. To his never-failing mercjr
I commend you. Continue to do the fame for, mv very dear
Lefs than the leaft of ail,
G. IV.
Off" KtiV'Komneyy September 28.
C TILL we are prifoners. But blefled be God, prifoners of
hope! In God's due time, the word of command will be,
Co foriuard, I am fadly off for want of white bifcuit. But God
will fupply every want. The boat is going, that came off with
fome eatables. Adieu. Tender love to all, BlelTed be GoD,
all is well ! Ceafe not to pray for, my very dear friend,
Lefs than the leaft of aU,
G. IF.
half-Jheet read to them, but had Infilled on feeing the whole Manufcilpt,
and every Oieet from the prefs. However, though Mr. Gurney ought to
have ftopped the prefs when fii rt applied to, and although the agreement
was never figned by either of the parties, the executors have repeatedly
offered, that, befides chearfully renouncing all advantages, they will
pay whatever expences Mr, Gurney hath been at ia the affair, and ("0
take and burn the whole impre/fion ; as otherwife ihe pHrchaicrs mujl
be deceived, and the name of the deceafed Ibiely wounded.
Co 4 LET-
To Mr. R K n.
On board the FrundJ}v^^ Captain Bally in Five-fathom Hole,
about ten miles from Charles-Town^ South-Carolina.
My dear Friendy Nov. ^o, 1769.
WE have had a long, and in feveral refpcdts a trying
paflage. Particulars expect by the packet, which the
pilot fays will fail in two or three days. This day week we
firfl: faw land; came over the bar the 28th inftant, and (hould
have been at Charles-Town that evening, but our fliip was too
light to obey the helm. We had the mortification of feeing
ten failing in before us, and we ever fmce left in jeopardy.
Surely Satan forcfees feme fignal good attending this voyage.
In the midft of all, blefi'ed be God, we have had plenty of
outward things; and I am in better health^than at the end of
any voyage I have made for fome years. Mr. Smith hath really
behaved well, and been very handy and attentive. The fame
may be faid of A'Ir. Winter. We have been like the three
children in the fiery furnace. But the Son of God hath been,
•and is (O amazing grace I) ftill with us. Pleafe to remember
-us to all concerned. Hoping foon to write from on fhore,
and mod earneftly praying, that grace, mercy and peace, may
be multiplied upon you all, I mud halten to fubfcribe my old
but true name, '* The chief of finners, Icfs than the leaft of ali
faints," but
Your affe^ionate, obliged friend, and
willing fervant to all,
G. JV.
Charles 'Toivn, Dec i.
"DLefTed be GoD, a pilot-boat came ycilerday along- fide, and
brought us hither in fafety to our unfpeakable comfort in
the evening. Our reception as hearty or heartier than ever.
Grace I grace ! The (hip is not yet come up. Blcflcd be
God, I am brave and well, and am to preach this afternoon.
Praife Him whofe mercy cnuureih for ever ! Wc have been
delivered out of great jeopardy. Y( u will fay To, when you
receive further particulars from, my dear friend,
Lefs than the lead of all,
G. JF,
To Mifs H y.
Charks-Xoivny South-CoroUnay Dec. 6, 1769.
Dear Madam,
SHALL I promife, and not perform ? God forbid! You
have one of my firft letters fince our arrival. The long
pafi'age made fhore more agreeable. Mifs H y knows
how to apply fuch an account. All we meet with here, will
be fweetly overruled to render heaven, and a fight of Jesus in
the heaven of heavens, more delightful. I am in hopes, by this
laft week's preaching, that fome South -Carolina fouls are begin-
ning to look heavenwards. Graci: I grace I In a day or two,
God willing, we fliall move to Bcthejda. Mr. JV / is
come to meet me, and tells me all is in great forvvardnefs there.
Ere long the top-ftone of a building not made with hands
will be brought forth. How many of your beloved family
will join the Ihout, crying, (irace, grace unto it ! Moft cor-
dial and due refpeds attend them all. God be praifed, hea-
ven is in fight. Jesus is our pilot : he will {leer us fafe over
every bar ; even over the lail bar. Death, Then will we
Ml our forrows left below.
And earth exehang d for heaven.
O how ?ood is it to bear the yoke in our youth ! A glorious
preparative for a comfortable old age. That you and all your
dear relatives, may increafe with all the increafe of God, is
the earnefl prayer of, dear Madam,
Lefs than the leafl of all,
G, JV,
To Mr. R A' n.
My very char Friend^ Charles-Tcivn^ Dec. 9, 1769.
IMMEDIATELY on our arrival, I fent you a letter by
way of Liverpool^ and then promifed you a particular and
very explicit letter by this packet : but it muft be deferred a
few days. So much company crowds in, that together with
my preaching every other day, &c. &c. I have fcarce the leaft
leifurc. BlelTcd be God, I have already met with fome fruits
of my feeble labours in this place. An carnefl, I hope, of
good things to come. To-morrow, I fet ofF by water to
Georgia, the roads being almofl: impaflable by land. Mr.
Wright is come to go with me, and acquaints me that all is
in great forwardnefs at Beihejda. How I am directed in re-
fpetSl to that ir.ftitution, you (ha'.l know hereafter. And (^lory
be to a never-failing God^ an hereafter is drawing on apace,
when we fhall fing,
Jll our forrows left below,
Jnd earth exchang d for heaven.
I hope you and yours are helped to poflefs your fouls in pa-
tience. God blefs and reward you ! Grace, mercy, and
peace be multiplied upon you and yours ! All join in fendino-
tiue and cordial refpects. O give thanks unto the Lord, for
his mercy endureth for ever. Brethren, pray for us. Tender
love to all. Your letter to me by Jnderfcn, I have not yet re-
ceived. BlefTed be God, I am in health. Grace! crace •
The packet is about to be clofed. Other fhips are almoft
ready to fail. By one cr all cxpcd to hear. again from, my
viry dear friend,
I^cfs tha^i the leaft of all,
G. ir.
To Mr. R K—^n.
My very dear Friend^ Savannah^ Dec. 24, 1769.
THE bearer B F is the fleward of the fliip in
which I came over: a very handy uicful man; to whom
in 3 great meafure I owe the chief comfort of my vovac^e, as
to eatables. He hath had conviiStions at times, and longs to
live afhore. If you can ferve him, do. I write this it mr
old friends Mr. Haberjha?ns. I am to preach here this morn-
ing, and to-morrow, and purpofe in a [cvj days to pay a vifit
to Charles-Town. BlefTed be God, all things are in a moft pro-!-
mifing way. But I am obliged to leave Mr. IV 1 behind,
for the work's-fake. Mr. ^mith goes with me. He is atten-
tive, hath behaved vi^ell, and been ufcful in the houfe. Never
was I blefTed with fo many proper induftrious workmen and
helpers before. Grace ! grace ! Next JVednefday I am fifty-
five years old. God be merciful to me a Tinner, a finner, a
finner ! As'fuch, continue to pray, my dear Iteady friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. m,
To Mr. S 6- ..
Dear Sir, Bethefda, Jan. 11, 1 7 70.
CAN I forget my dear, very dear old fteady friend } rather
let my right hand forget her cunning. How are you ?
Still afflicSted ? ftill in pain .-' ftill made to poflefs wearifome
nights, and wearifome days .'' Well, all will be over foan ;
foonj yea very foon fhall we ^\ng.
All our farrcivs left hclow,
yJnd earth exchcMg d for heav'n.
This profpecl gives fongs in the night ; this makes Georgia
3nd Bethefda to more than fmile : and indeed you and yours
would fmile too, were you to fee what a lading foundation is
-laying for the fupport and education of many yet unborn. All
^4inlre the work already do:;^. In a few months the top-
7 itone.
ftonc, I trud, will be brought forth, with (houting, Grace !
grace ! In the mean while I muft range northward, I know
who will follow me with their prayers ; even you and yours,
whom I dearly love, and whom I falute much in the Lord.
God blcfs you all, for all kindnefles conferred upon, my very
dear friends,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IF.
If I thouirht you did not, or would not ufe your globes, I
would beg them for our infant library. The increafe of this
colony is almoft incredible. Real good, I truft, is doing ; and
a blefled door is opening for Mr. IV 's ufefulnefs. Blefled
be God ! Blefled be God I
To Mrs. H e.
Dear Mrs. H r, Bethefdn^ Jan. ir, 1770.
MY laft to you left me jurt: arrived at Cbarles-Tcwn.
This leaves me an old inhabitant of, or rather a worth-
lefs fojourncr at Bethefda. Both, I hope, will find the worthy
Mrs. H e and her daughter enjoying thriving fouls in
healthy bodies. PIvery thing here exceeds my moft fanguine
expevSlations. I am almoft tempted to fay, *' It is good for
us to be here." But all muft give way to gofpel ranging;
Divine employ ?
For this let rrcn revile niy name.,
Vd flmn no crofs., Vdfear no JJjame :
J II hail, reproach
I hope Lcv.don friends meet with enough of this. It is bad,
more than bad, when the offence of the crofs ccafeth. This
cannot be, till v.c ceafe to be crucified to the world, and the
world crucified to us : and when that is the cafe, things are
very bad. As Mrs. // j's heart and houfe are opened to
fo many miniflcrs of a defpifed Jf.sus, (he muft expe6l a dou-
ble fliare. Not only reproach from the woild, but judgings
and cenfures from the narrow-hearted bigottcd part of the
Church. But {be hath counted the coft ; (he knows in whom
Ihe hath believed, aud who will be her exceeding great re-
ward. God will not have us take up with any thing fliort of
himfelf. Leaving you to cry, Grace ! grace ! wiih ten thou-
fand thanks for all unmerited favours, 1 muft haften to fab-
fcribe myfelf
Your moft obliged and ready fervant,
in our common Lord,
G. JV.
To Mr. R A' 77.
My dear Friend, Charles-Toivr:^ Fd. lo, 177O.
LAST night a kind Providence brought me hither, where
I received your kind letter, dated Nov. 2d. BlelTcd be
God, that all things go on fo well at London ! You reafon
weir about . I entirely agree with you in fentiment
concerning that matter. Through infinite mercy, this leaves
me enjoying a greater fliare of bodily health than I have known
for many years. I am now enabled to preach almoft every
day, and my poor feeble labours feem not to be in vain in the
Lord. Blefled be God, all things are in great forwardnefs
at Bethefda. I have converft^d with the G r in the moft
explicit manner, more than once, concerning an a6l of alTem-
bly, for the eftablifhment of the intended Orphan-houfe Col-
lege. He moft readily confents. I have fhewn him a draught,
which he much approves of; and all will be finiilied at my
return from the northward. In the mean while, the build-
ings will be carried on. As two minifters from the New-Jer-
fies., and Rhode-IJland, have been foliciting benefactions for their
refpecSlive colleges, no applications of that nature can be made
here : but the Lord will provide ! My eyes wait upon Him,
from whom all temporal and fpiritual falvations come. Since m.y
being in Cbarles-Toivn, I have flievvn the draught to fome per-
fons of great eminence and influence. They highly approve
of it, and willingly confent to be fome of the wardens : near
twenty are to be of Georgia^ and about fix of this place; one
of Philadelphia^ one of Nciv-Tork^ one of Bojlon, three of
Edinburgh, two of Glafgow, and {\K of London. Thofe of
Georgia and South Carolina^ are to be qualified ; the others to
be only honorary concfponding wardens. I have t!;erefore
taken the freedom of nominaiing ******. gj^j ^g my
name is to be annihibted, tliey may accept the truft without
expedting much trouble, or fufFcring contempt for being con-
nected with me. This, I think, is the thief of the plan : n\or6
particulars that may occur, together with the draught of the
charter, you may expert hereafter. In the mean while, ccafe
not to pray for, my dear ftcady friend,
Lcfs than the leaft of all,
G. JV.
To Mr. R K n.
ChnrLs'Tcwri^ Feb. 22, 1776.
A^y very dear Friend^
NO letters by the packet^ or another fiiip that hath
brought in above five hundred from London ! As 1 hear
Capt. Rainier is bound for Savannah^ I hope at my return to
Bethefda to find a letter there. Your laft, dated Nov. 2, was
immediately anfwered. Mr. B s will accept my moft
grateful acknowledgments for his kind prefcnt of maps,
charts, &c. In a few months, I hope, all will be complcated.
But what may" thefe few months produce? Lord Jesus,
prepare us for whatever thou haft prepared for us, and give
peace in our time, for thine infinite mercy's-lake ! You muft
expert another draught foon. God be praifcd for that faying,
" It is more blefied to give than to receive." You would be
pleafed to fee with what attention people hear the word
preached. I have been in Coarlei-Tovcn near a fortnight, am
to preach at a neighbouring country paiifh church next Sun-
day^ and hope to fee Georgia the week following. Perhaps I
may fail from thence to the northward, and perhaps embark
from hence. Lord Jesus, direct niy goings in thy way !
I am blefled with bodily health, and am enabled to go on my
way rejoicing. Grace ! grace ! Join in fliouiing thofc
blefled words. I wrote by one Capt. JVati^ who was to fail
from Georgia this week. In that, you will find ft^mething con-
cerning my late vifit to, and public entertainment at Bethefda,
You fee how often I pcfter you with letters. I can only add^
that you may tell all, I am happier th.nn words can exprefs :
^vbich I take, in a great meafure, to be owing to the prayers
of my dear Engl'tjh friends, which are daily put up for, and I
hope daily returned by, an unworthy worm. Remember me
moft afFe6lionateIy to all, and expe£l to hear again very
fpeedily from, my very dear, dear friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. W.
ro Mr. B n.
CharUs-Toivn, Feb. 27, 1 77*.
My dear Mr. B ;;,
I Owe you an anfwer to your kind letter. Blcfled be God,
I can fend you good news from a far country ! All things
at Bethefda go on quite well. My bodily health is upon the
advance, and the word, I truft, runs and is glorified. At pre-
fent, my intended plan about returning continues the fame :
but all depends on news from home. Strange ! that none
could write a line or two by fo many fhips. Only one letter
have I received from Mr. K n fiiice my arrival.. Next
week, God willing, I return to Georgia^ and foon after I pur-
pofe to go to the northward. I know who will follow me
with their prayers : they will avail much. The Lord Jesus
be with all your fpirits I I fuppofe you heard from Bethefda
by Capt. Anderfon. Mr. Wright is the main fpring with re-
gard to the buildings, and all the other wheels move orderly
and well. Praife the Lord, O my foul ! O this pilgrim
way of life I To me it is life indeed. No neftling, no neft-
ling, my dear Mr. B «, on this fide eternity. This is not
our reft. Ere long we (hall fing,
All our forroivs left below ,
And earth exchangd for heavn.
Leaving you to add Hallelujah^ and fencing moft hearty greet-
ings to your whole felf, and all enquiring friends, I muft
haften to fubfcribe myfelf, my dear Mr. B ;?,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV.
March 4.
, Pray tell Mr. A' >/, that I hope to write to him in a few
days from Georgia. To-morrow, God willing, I return thi-
ther. I truft fubflantial good hath been done here. Grace \
grace !
To Mrs. H e.
Charlt!-Town^ Aiarch 4, I770.
Dear Mrs. H ^,
ALTHOUGH at fuch a diftance, I cannot forget Mrs.
H e and her daughter, and all their works of faith
and labours of love. I doubt not, but this will find them on
the full flretch for heaven, and as uiual aboundlno; in the work
©f the Lord. It leaves me almoft ready to return to Bethefda^
from a place where, I truft, the word hath run and been glo-
rified. Matters are now drawing near to a wifhed-for clofe.
All things have fucceeded beyond my mod fanguine ex-
pedtation. I expeiSl to come according to the appointed time*
But future things belong to Him who orders all things well.
Through mercy I enjoy more bodily health than for many
years laft part. You will join in crying, Grace I grace \
Next month, I purpofe moving to the northward. As Mr*
JV / is the main fpring at the Orphan-houfc, I muft leave
him behind. Mr. Smith is with me : he behaves well, and
is diligent and attentive. You will be fo good as to remem-
ber me to all, as they come in your way. I hope my good
old Mrs. Eades^ at Tottenham-Court., is well. That (he and all
may ripen for heaven every day and every hour, is the carneft
prayer of, dear Mrs. // r,
Lefs than the lead of all,
To Mr, R K n.
Savannahy Afar eh ir, I/JO.
My very dear worthy Fi iend^
BLESSED be God, the good wine feemed to be kept
till the laft at Charlcs-Tcivn. Laft Thurfday I returned,
and found all well at Bethefda, I am come to town to preach
this morning, though fomewhat fatigued v/ith being on the
water three nights : upon the whole, however, I am better in
health than I have been for many years. Praifc the Lord, O
my foul ! I have been fadly difappointed in receiving no let-
ters by the Charks-Toiun packet. All knev/ that I was to be
in thefe parts, only till the enfuing Lady-day : then 1 purpofe
to fct off for the northward. I drew at Charks-Toiun for /.
perhaps may draw again foon. Expect more particulars in a
few days. This is waited for. God blefs you all ! Dearly
beloved in the Lord, pray for us. Time is fearce allowed
me to fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. /F.
To the Same,
My very dear Sir, Be the/da, Jpr'd 6, I77O.
Am waiting here for a brig that is to carry me north-
ward, and for a letter and news from England. Your laft
was dated, Nov. 1 : feveral months have intervened. I novi^
almoft defpair of hearing from you again, till my arrival at
Bo/Ion. But 1 hope that you and all remember us more fre-
quently than you write. You are daily remembered at a
throne of grace. How glad would many be to fee our Gojhen^
our Bethel, our Bethefda ! Never did I enjoy fuch domeftic
peace, comfort, and joy during my whole pilgrimage. It is
unfpeakable, it is full of glory. Peace, peace unutterable at-
tends our paths, and a pleafmg profped of incrcafmg, ufeful
profperity is continually rifmg to our view. I have lately
taken fix poor children, and, God willing, purpofe to add
greatly to their number. Dear Mr. D n and his wife are
to fall the beginning of next month in the Britannia, Captain
Dean, bound for Port/mouth. We part with great refpe^l.
Fain would I retain fuch an old tried difinterefted friend in the
fervice of the fan<Stuary, and near my perfon. But what
fchcme to purfue, I know not, being fo uncertain as to the
path which I {hall be called to take. A kw months will de-
termine ; perhaps a few weeks. More particuh^rs expert by
the Britannia. In the mean while, I can only recomiru^nd
Vol. III. D d you
41 8 LETTER S.
yoiTall to the blefTed Jesus, and the word of hi:^ grace, and
entreat the continuance of your prayers in behalf of, my very
dear friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. m
To the Sa2j;e.
BethcfJay April 1(3 y i'J'JO,
My very dear xvorthy Friend,
TTALLELUJAH! Praife the Lord ! The books arid
letters both by Ball and Stinbury, are come fafe. You
have done quite right. Our Lord muft choofe his own means
to bring about his own purpofe. Mr. Smlih (the clerk) was
much rejoiced by receivitig a letter. Poor Mr. 'Jacob U /,
an honeft induftrious creature, was as much dejedlcd by receiv-
ing none. If Mr. G s had added a line or two to his prc-
fent, it would have been doubly acceptable. Next week,
God willing, we fail for Philadelphia. I fliall leave letters
behind me to come by Mr. D- //. All is well, all more than
well here ! Never, never did I enjoy fuch an a.na of domcflic
peace and happinefs. I have taken in about ten orphans.
Prizes ! prizes ! Hallelujah! Join, my very dear friends, join
in praifing Kim whofe mercy endureth for ever. If poflible,
I fhall write a line to the IVelch brethren. They have fuf-
tained a lofs indeed, in the death of Mr. HoivcU Dauies. GoD
fanftify it ! Surely my turn will come by and by. But I
muft away to Savannah. Real good, I trull, is doing there.
The fliip that brings this, is expected to fail to-morrow. I
have dcfircd Mr. IF- ;• to fend you the particulars of
our voyage. All fend due refpeds. God blefs you ! God
reward you ! Ceafc not to add to my obligations, by con-
tinuing to pray for, my very dear worthy friend,
Lcfs than the Laft of all,
G. JV.
L E T T E R S. 4T9
1^0 the Same.
Aly very dear Sir, Bethefdciy April 20, 1770.
TO my very great joy, a few days ago I received your
kind letters with all the papers. Give peace iti our
time, O Lord ! We enjoy a little heaven upon earth here.
With regret I go northward, as far as Philadelphia at lead,
next Monday. Though I am pcrluaded, as the houfe is now
altered, I fliould be cooler here, during the fummcr's heat^
than at any other place I know of, where I ufed to go. I
flioulJ be glad to treat you with fome of the produce of our
colony, which is much earlier than yours. The audits, &c.
fent with thi'^, be pleafed to communicate to all my real
friends. You have certainly determined quite right in a late
affair. Every thing concurs to (hew me, that Bethcfda affairs
tnufl go on as yet in their old channel. A few months may
open flrange fcenes. O for a fpirit of love and moderation
on all fides, and on both fides the water ! I wifli fome books
might be procured for our infant library. But more of this
in my next. Letters may now be fent by way of Bo/lon^ Nav~
York^ and Philadelphia. I fhould be glad to hear often, if it
be but a line. In all probability I (hail not return hither till
November. Was ever any man blefl with fuch a fctt of fkil-
ful, peaceful, laborious helpers ! O Bethcfda ^ my Bethel., my
Peniel! My happinefs is inconceivable. A itvf hundreds*
befides what is already devoted, would finifh all. I do not in
the Icafl doubt. I have had nine or ten prizes lately. You
know what I mean, l^ine or ten orphans have beCn lately
taken in. Hallelujah! hallelujah I Let Chapel, Tabernacle^
heaven, and earth, rebound with Hallelujah f I can no more.
My heart is too big to fpeak or add more, than my old
Lefs than the leaft of all,
D d 2 LET*
To Mr. and Mrs. ^ n.
My dear Friends^ Bcthcfda, Jpril 21^ ijyo.
LONG before now, I hope you have found, that I have
not forgotten you or your labours of love. This comes
to inform you, that the Father of mercies hath not forgotten
to be gracious to the chief of Tinners, and iefs than the Icaft of
all faints. On the contrary, he daily loads us with his bene-
fits. Bethefda is a place, that the Lord doth and will blefs.
Dear Mr. D — n and his wife, will inform you of particulars.
Among other things, they will tell you of our new chapel. I
have fc-nt for fundries for its ufe and completion. O help me
to praife Him, whofe loving kindnefs is better than life ! I
hope your daughter grows in grace, and will become like unto
one of the poliflicd corners of the temple. That root and
branch may incrcafe with all the increafe of Gcd, moft ear-
ncftly prays, my very dear friends,
Lefs than the lead of all,
To Mrs. H e.
Dear Mrs. ?I r, Bcthrfday April i\^ 1770.
NO fuch goad news yet. Lefs than the leaft of all, is not
drowned to this very day. Perhaps he may live to fee
his London friends in En^liwd^ or at Bcthrjda. How would
many rejoice to be in fuch a peaceful, commodious, and com-
fortable habitation ! I cannot tell you half. Blefled be God,
I was never better, at this feafon of the year, in bodily health j
never more comfortable in my foul. Grace ! grace ! HuUe-
lu]ah! Praife the Lord! Mr. D — /;, a faithful difmtcrcrted
friend, will acquaint you with particulars. He hath often heard
me fpeak of Mrs. H e and her dau;;htcr Phchc. Still em-
ployed in the old way. 1 am glad Mr. D cy is under your
roof. Put it all down to the old account. God bicfs you all!
I am fure you pray for me at L'ind.n, All join in fending
cordial rcfpevSls. Happy Bethefda ! Help, help in praifin^-
Him, v/hofe mefcy fuperaboundeth to, dear Airs. H Cy
Lefs than the leaft of all,
To Mr. S S .
De^r Sir, Bethefda, Jpr'il 21, 1770.
ALTHOUGH I have fcarce time to turn round, being
juil letting ofF for Philadelphia^ yet I mull drop a iew
5ines to my old invariable friend. As I hear nothing to the
contrary, I fuppofe he is yet in this dying world. Well !
fo that we die daily to ourfelves and the world, all is well,
and fhall end well. This I am perfuaded is your happy cafe.
In fome degree, I truft, it is mine. Would you think it ?
My bodily ftrength feems to be renewed, and every thing at
Bethefda is in a moft promlfing way. Dear Mr. D — «, the
"bearer of this, muft be referred to for particulars. Never did
I fiend fuch a comfortable domeftic winter, as the laft. Never
was a man blefTed with a better fet of ilcilful, peaceful, laborious
helpers. All is of grace, with which, that you, your dear
yoke-fellow, and other ccnnedions, may be filled brimful, is
the hearty pr^iyer of, my very dear Sir,
Jvcfs than the leaft of all,
To Mr. K n.
Savannah, Jpril 2^, ^770) Five in the morning.
My very dear Mr. K n,
I Am juft going into the boat, in order to embark for Phi-
ladelphia. I hope the good wine was kept to the laft, on
Sunday. Mr. D — n and his wife are to fail in about a fort-
night. He is an honeft creature, and an excellent accomptant.
I have written ftrongly in his behalf. He will bring a large
packet, and is to have pounds of you, which I have
given him as a prefent. I have alfo drawn on you for £. ;
perhaps fhall draw no more for fome time. This will
proye a bleiTed year for me at the day of judgment. Halle-
P d 3 lujah!
liijah! Come Lord, come! Mr. Relet t IV / hath here*
with Cent you a power of aitorney, begging you would fettle
his affairs in E[]'ex. He is worthy, for whom you Ihould do
this. A quiet, ini;cnious, good creature, and his wife an ex-
cellent miftrefs of the family. Such a fct of helpers I never
met with. They will go on with the buildings, while I take
my gofpel range to the northward. It is for thee, O Jesus,
even for thee, thou never-failing Bethc/das GoD ! But I can
j\o more at prefent. Hopir»g to write again foon from Phila-i
delphia^ and praying that all may increafe with all the incrcafe
of GpDj I mud haften to fubfcribe myfelf, my dear, dear Sir,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. W.
To Mr. R A' «.
Afy very dear Friend^ Philadelphia.^ May 9, 1 7 JO*
THIS leaves mc a two days inhabitant of Philadelphia.
I embarked at Savannah, in the Georgia packet, on the
24t.h ult. and arrived here the 6th inftant. The evening fol-
lowing, I was enabled to preach to a large auditory, and am
to repeat the delightful tafk this evening. Pulpits, hearts, and
jiffedtions, feem to be as open and enlarged towards me, z%
ever. Praife the Lord, O our fouls ! Whilft I am writing,
perhaps Mr. D — n and his wife are ready to fail from Savan^
tjah. By them you will receive a large packet concerning Be^
ihefda. AH is well, blefied be God, all is more than well
there. As yet I have my old plan in view, to travel in thefc
northern parts all fummcr, and return late in the fall to
Georgia. All the letters and packets came fafe. I believe you
had beft write by the Nexu-Tork packet. But letters diredcd
either to Neiv-Tork, Bojhn, or this place, will reach or be
fent to mc. Through infinite mercy, I (till continue in good
health, and more and more in Iotc every day with a pilgrim
life. God blefs you, and all my dear friends and hearers in
the great metropolis. I know they pray for me. They are
never forgotten day or night. That all may increafe with
9II the increafe of God, is the continual cry of, my very dear
iteftdy friend,
Lefs th^n the leaft of all,
G. IV,
L E T r 4i R
To the Same. c
■ My very dear Friend, Philadelphia, May 2^, 1 770.
I wrote to you by the laft New-Tork packet, as well as by-
Mr. D «, who was to fail from Savannah the loth inftant.
I have nov/ been here near three weeks, and in about a week
more I purpofe to fet off for Neiu-Tork in my way to Bojlon,
A wide and effeaual door, I truft, hath been opened in this
city. People of all ranks flock as much as ever. Impreflions
are made on many, and I truft they will abide. To all the
cpifcopal churches, as well as moft of the other places of wor-
fliip, I have free acccfs. My bodily health is preferved, and
notwithftanding I preach twice on the Lord's- day, and three
or four times a week befides, yet I am rather better than I
have been for many years. This is the Lord's doing. To
this long-fuffering, never-failing Lord, be all the glory ! Be
pleafed to excufe my enlarging. Whilft I am itinerating, little
leifure will be allowed for writing. The New-Tork packet will
be the beft opportunity for you. The particulars herein men-
tioned, be fo good as to fend by the fiift opportunity. I can
no more at this time. God willing, you will foon have an-
other line from, my very dear fteady friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
To the Same.
Philadelphia, June 14, 1770.
Afy very dear Jleady Friend,
THIS leaves me juft returned from a hundred and fifty
miles circuit, in which, blefled be God I I have been
enabled to preach every day. So many new as well as old
doors are open, and fo many invitations fent from various
quarters, that 1 know not which way to turn myfelf. How-
ever, at prefent I am bound to Neiv-Tork, and io on further
northward. Help m? to praife Him whofe mercy endureth
for ever. As yet I am enabled to ride and travel chearfully j
the heat not greater than yours in England. Expert to hear
D d 4 further^
furhcr, as we go along. The {hip I f.nd is goirifj. Tender
love to all. Ceafe not to itir up all to perfevere in praying
for, my very dear friend,
Lcfs than the leaft of all,
G. JV.
To the Same.
Afy very dear Friend^ New-York^ y^/Wi? 30, 1770.
I Have been here juft a week. Have been enabled to preach
four times, and am to repeat the delightful talk this even-
ing. Congregations are rather larger than ever. You will
fee by the inclofed packet, what numerous invitations from
every quarter I am daily receiving. BlefTed be God, I have
been ftrcngthened to itinerate and preach daily for fome time.
Next week I purpofe to go to Albany. From thence, perhaps,
to the Onoida Indiana. There is to be a very large Indian con-
grefs; Mr. Kirkland accompanies me. He is a truly chriftian
jninifter, and millionary. Every thing polTible fhould be done
to ftrengthen his hands and his heart. I fhall write, God
willing, at my return. The letters dated February 11^ with
the packet of papers, I have received here from Charlcs-Tovun.
The Nezu-Tork packet is the fureft conveyance. Perhaps I
may not fee Georgia till Chrijimas. As yet, I keep to my in-
tended plan, in refpe£t to my returning. Lord Jesus, direct
my goings in thy way ! The heat begins now to be a little
jntenfe ; but through mercy I am enabled to bear up bravely.
What a God do we ferve ! By this time I hope Mr. D — n
and his wife are arrived. Hearty love to them, and to all who
fiijd it in their hearts to pray for, and enquire after, my very
^car Sir,
X^efs than the leaft of all,
G. IV,
ra Mr. R K n.
My very dear Friend, Neiv-Tork^ July 29, 1770.
SINCE my laft, and during this month, I have been above
a five hundred miles circuit, and have been enabled to
preach and travel through the heat every day. The congre-
% gations
gations have been very large, attentive, and afFc^led, particu-
larly at Albany^ Schenccdady. Great Barringtoriy Norfolk^ Salis-
bury^ Sharon^ Smithfidd^ Powkeepfy^ Fijhkill, New Ruwburt^
N£iv Wind/or^ 2inA Pcckjlill. Lall night I returned hither,
and hope to fet out for Bcjion in two or three days. O what
a new fccne of ufefulnefs is opening in various parts of this
new world ! All frefti work, where I have been. The divine
influence hath been as at the firft. Invitations croud upon me
both from minifters and people, from many, many quarters.
A very peculiar providence led me lately to a place, where a
horfe-fteakr was executed. Thoufands attended. The poor
criminal had fent me feveral letters, hearing I was in the
country. The Sheriff allowed him to come and hear a fermon
under an adjacent tree. Solemn, folemn! After being by him-
felf about an hour, I walked half a mile with him to the
gallows. His heart had been foftened before my firfl vifit. He
feemed full of folid divine confolations. An inflrucSlive walk.
I went up with him into the cart. He gave a fhort exhorta-
tion. I then flood upon the coffin, added, I truft, a word in
feafon, prayed, gave the bleiiing, and took my leave. Eflec-
tual good, I hope, v/as done to the hearers and fpeftators.
Grace ! grace ! But I muft not enlarge. The Ship is going,
and I keep at home to write this. O that you had only-
dropped a line by the New-York packet I That is convenient
for all parts of the continent. My next may be from Bojhn.
Pray excufe me to all ; for travelling and preaching entirely
prevent my writing as I v/ould. All are continually remem-
bered by, my very dear friend,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
G. IV.
To Mr. W /.
Dear Mr. TV /, Bojhn^ Sept. 17, 177O.
I Am afraid, as Mr. E n mentioned your writing, that
your letter hath mifcarried. But, blelTed be God! I find
^11 was well ; only I want to know what things are wanted,
that I might order them from Philadelphia^ by Captain Souder.
Fain would I contrive to come by him, but people are fo
importunate for my ftay in thefe parts, that I fear it will be
impracticable. Lord Jesus, dired^ my goings in thy way?
He will, he will ! My God will fupply all my wants, ac-
cording to the riches of his grace in Christ Jesus. By a
letter, received laft night from Mr. JV y, of July 5, I
find that Mr. D ;z was arrived, Andetfon failed, and that
all orders would be immediately complied with. Two or
three evenings ago, I was taken in the night with a violent
lax, attended with reaching and fhivering, fo that I was
obliged to return from Newbury, he. &c. ; but, through in-
finite mercy, I am rcftored, and to-morrow morning hope to
becrin to begin again. Never was the word received with
greater eagernefs than now. All oppofition fcems as it were
for a while to ceafe. I find God's time is the beft. The
fcafon is critical as to outward circumfbnces. But when
forts are given up, the Lord Jesus can appoint falvation
for walls and for bulwarks ; he hath promifed to be a wall of
fire round about hi^ people. This comforts me concerning
Bethefda, though we fhould have a Sponijh war. You will be
pleafed to hear I never was carried through the fummer's heat
fo well ; 1 hope it hath been fo with you, and all my family.
Hoping, ere long, to fee you, 1 mufl haften to fubfcribe my-
felf, my dear Mr. IF /,
Yours, he. he he.
G. JV,
To Mr. R A' ,v.
Portfmouihy NtW HaTTipJlnrc, Sept. 2^^ ^77^'
My very dear Friend,
YOUR letters, of May 2 and 22, came to hand. New-
Ycrk packet is always the farcft and molt centrical me-
dium of conveyance. Before I left Bojlon, on Friday after-
noon, I left a large packet in the hands of a young man, who
promifed to deliver it to you fifcly. You and Mr. li y
may perufe all, and communicate what you think proper.
By this time I thought to be moving fouthward. But never
was greater importunity ufed to detain me longer in thefe
northern parts. Poor Neiv-Efigland is much to be pitied j
Bolhn people moft of all. How falfcly mifreprefented ! What
a mercy, that our chrijUan abarter cannot be diflulved ! Blefied
7 ""^
be God for an unchangeable Jesus ! You will fee, by the
many invitations, what a door is opened for preaching his
everlafting gofpel. I was fo ill on Friday, that I could not
preach, though thoufands were waiting to hear. Well, the
day of releafe will (hortly come,* but it does not feem yet;
for, by riding fixty miles, I am better, and hope to preach
here to-morrow. I truft, my blefled Mafter will accept of thefe
poor efforts to fcrve him. O for a warm heart ; O to ftand
faft in the faith, to quit ourfelves like men, and be ftrong !
May this be the happy experience of you and yours ! I fup-
pofe letters are gone for me, in Anderfon, to Georgia. If fpared
fo long, I expert to fee it about Chrijimas. Still pray and
praife. I am fo poorly, and fo engaged when able to preach,
that this muft apologize for not writing to more' friends. It
is quite impra£licable. Hoping to fee all dear friends about
the time propofed, and earneflly defiring a continued intereft
in all your prayers, I muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf, my dear,
very dear Sir,
Lefs than the leaft of all,
» Mr. Wkhefield died the 30th,
End of the Letters,
[ 428 ]
The following Letters, addrcfTcJ by Mr. Whitefidd to the in-
habitants ot Sdvanuah^ as they difpiay his affc£tions to the
people, among whom he went to miniiler, fo will be no
unfuitablc iiuroduclion to the Account of the Orphan-houie.
It may not be inipropcr to obftrvc, that Mr. JFhhefield's
iirll arrival at Savannah, was May 7, 1 738; he laboured
afiiduouHy in that place,* and the neighbouring fettlements,
till Avguj] 2.8 lollowing, and then went to Suuth Carolina^
and embarked on board the Marv, Captain Cae^ for England^
that he might receive priefFs orders, for his further fervice
to that people, and raife contributions for ered^ing an Orphan-
fcoufe in the new colony at Georgia-, which he faw was
greatly wanted.
To the Inhabitants of Savannah.
From on board the Mary, Oil. 2, 1738.
My gosd Friends,
AS God has been pleafed to place you more efpeciallj'
under my carej fo whether abfent or prefcnt, I think, it
my duty to contribute my utmoft endeavours towards pro-
moting the falvation of your precious and immortal fouls.
For this end, and this only, God is my judge, came I amongft
you ; for this end am I now parted from you for a feafon ;
and for this end do I fend you this general epiflle. I love, I
pray for, therefore do I write to you all without exception.
But what fhall I write to you about ? Why, of our common
falvation, of that one thing needful, of that new birth in
Christ Jesus, that ineffable change which muft pafs upon
our hearts, before we can fee God, and of which you have
heard me difcocrfe fo often. Let this, this, my dear friends,
be the end of all your atSfien?. Have this continually in view,
and you will never do amifs. The author of this blcfled
change, is the Holy Ghoft, the third pcrfon in the ever-blelTed
Trinity. The Father made, the Son redeemed, and the Holy
Spirit is to fandlify, and fo apply Christ's redemption to our
• See his letter from Sa-vaunah, dated June lOj 173S. Vol. I. p. 44.
[ 429 ]
hearts. The means to attain this Holy Spirit, vou know,
and the way you know; Self- denial, and the way of the Crofs.
" if any man will come after me (fays Jesus Christ) let
him deny himfeif, and, take up his crofs daily, and follow
me." And, I cannot but think it a particular blcffino-, which
you enjoy above others; becaufe you are in anew colony,
where daily crofies muft neceflarily fall in your way. O then,
I befeech you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus,
make a virtue of ncccffity, and take up your daily crofies with
refignation and tliankigiving. Another means to attain the
Holy Spirit, is public vjcrfrAp : for Christ has promifed,
*' where two or three are gathered toe-ether in his name, there
will he, by his Spirit, be in the midft of them." For your
zeal in this particular, I have often blefled God within my-
felf, and made mention of it to others. O continue like-
minded, and as in my prefence, fo in my abfence, do not for-
fake the aflcmbling yourfelves together in the houfe of God -
for there you will have the fcriptures read, though not ex-
pounded ; and the Holy Spirit, if you apply to him, will
open your underftandings, and guide you into all truth. Many
other means there are of attaining the Holy Ghoft, fuch as
reading the faiptures^—jccrd prayer,— felf-cxamination, and re-
ceiving the blejfed Sacrament; — all which I would- infift on
could they be comprifed in a letter. But this muft be
deferred till I fee you in perfon, and am qualihed to
adminifter unto you the facred fymbols of Christ's blefled
body and blood. In the mean while, think not that I {hall
forget you in my prayers ; no, I remember my promife, and
vvhilft the v.'inds and ftorms are blowing over me, I make fup-
plication to God in your behalf. Though abfent in bodv,
I am prefent in fpirit, and joy in hopes of hearing of your
zeal for the Lord. Remember, my dear friends, that for
the fpace of near four months, I ceafed not, day and nio-ht,
warning every one of you to repent and turn to God, and
bring forth fruits meet for repentance. Repent you therefore,
and walk In all things as becometh the gofpel of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and then, and then only, Ihall your fms be
blotted out. Finally, my brethren, be all of one mind. Let
there be no divifions among you ; for a kingdom divided
againft itfelf cannot ftand. Be over careful for nothing, hvx
[ 430 ]
in every thing, with fupplications and thankfgiving make youf
wants known unto God. Speak not evil one of another,
brethren, but live at peace among yourfelves ; and the GoD
©f peace (hall in all things diredl and rule your hearts.
Brethren, pray for us, that God would profper the works of
his hands upon mc, and reftore me to you as foon as po/Tible.
In about eight months, God willing, I hope to fee you j in
the mean while, you fliall not be forgotten by
Your afFeiStionate, though unworthy
minifter in Christ Jr.?us,
G. IV.
To the Inhabhanis of Savannah.
My dear Friendsy London, y^;/. 19, 1739.
THOUGH a woman may as foon forget her fucking
child, yet, I fear, you have before this time thought,
that I have forgotten you. But God forbid I As I have told
vou often, (o I tell you again ; You are upon my heart, fo
that I am ready to live and die with you; and, God willing, as
foon as my affairs are finiflied in England, I fliall return to you
a»ain. The Truftecs have now appointed me nvi'oifter of 6V-
vannah, and granted all I defired of them, fo that I have no-
thing to do, but to watch over your fouls, that I may prefcnE
you blamelefs at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be
ftedfaft therefore, my brethren, be unmovcablc. Carefully at-
tend to the words fpoken by your prefent Paftor, and ftrive to
enter in at the flrait gate. Let love be without diflimulation.
Let not flander fo much as be named amongft you, as be-
cometh faints. Be not flothful in bufmefs; yet take heed that
you are fervent in fpirit, ferving the Lord. Pray without
ceafing. In every thing give thanks ; and aflure yourfelves^
you are continually remembered by
Your mod afFedtionate Paftor,
G, W.
P. S. My bufmefs in England detaining me longer than I
cxpeded, I have therefore written this to ailure you, that I
will return as foon as pofiible.*
* Mr. JVkitcfild embarked for America^ the — of Augujl following.
[ 431 ]
ACCOUNT of the Orphan-House
Ci,4,Dm„ IJ'i ~ K'frH.C I, r , „• I, . , ,
Clitmber WOiambcrlJ JJ "irli Duto a Ditto [^ j Ditto
[ 431 3
ACCOUNT of the Orphan-House
ill Georgia.
BEING now about to embark for Georgia, lam willing^
before I cro, to give the world a fhort account of the
Orphan-Houfe ereaed there. I have, therefore, in the fol-
lowing ftieets, reprinted a continuation of an account publiihed
when I was laft at Edinburgh ; to which I have fubjoined fome
letters received fince ; and alfo an account of money received
and difburfed fmce the publication of that account: and in order
to "ive the reader a view of this defign from its beginning, I
have affixed my preface to the account I firfl: publifhed about
two years ago. I commend it to God. May he give it his
bleffing !
C. 7K
London, Jan. 14, I743«
Bethsjda, Dec. 23, 1741.
THE following (beets, to the bed of my knowledge, con-
tain a faithful account of what money I have received,
as alfo how I have difburfed it, for the ufe of the Orphan-
Houfe in Georgia.
I think, with a full affurance of faith I may affirm, the
Lord put it into my heart to build that houfe. It has prof-
pered beyond expeaacion. It has already, and I hope will
more and more anfwer its name, Beihefda, and be a Houfe of
Mercy to the fouls and bodies of many people, both old and
r 4J2 ]
When I left Er,gland, I propofed to take in only twenty
children ; but when I arrived at Georgia^ I found To many
objects of charity, befides the orphans, among poor people's
children, that I refolvcd in this, as well as in ail other refpecls,
to imitate Profciror Franck^ and make a provifion for their
maintenance alfo.
Two of the orphan boys were put out apprentices juft before
I laft left Savannah \ one to a bricklayer, the other was bound
to a carpenter ; a third is to be bound to the furgeon belong-
ing to the Orphan-Houfe ; one weaves in a loom at home^
two I have put to a taylor I brought over, and the reft: are
now fitting themfelv.s to be ufeful to the commonwealth.
Whoever among them appear to be fanciitied, and have a good
natural capacity, thefe, under God, I intend for the miniftry.
None of the girls are put out as yet, but are taught fuch
things as may make them ferviccable whenever they go abroad.
Two or three ot them fpin very well. Some of them knit,
wafh, clean the houfe, get up the linen, and are taught houfe-
witery. All that are capable, are taught to {c^^. And the
little girls, as well as the boys, are employed in picking cot-
ton. I think I have no lefs than three hundred and eighty-
two yards of c.o:h already in the houfc, and as much yarn
fpun as will make near the lame quantity -. a thing not known
before in Georgia.
I have now forty-nine children under my care, twenty-three
Engiijh^ ten Scoti^ four Dutch^ five French^ ievtn Americans.
Tv/enty-two of thefe are fatherlefs and motherlefs, fix teen of
them boys, and fix girls. The others are fome fatheriefs, and
fome without mothers ; all objcdts of charity except three,
whofe friends rccompenfe the (Jrphan-Houle for their main-
tenance. One of the orphans is an infant; I pay four (hil-
lings p^r v;cek for nurfing it. Since December lail, wc have
had above eighteen more children that have been maintained
occafionally, to alTift: their parents, but were dii'mificd when
they were wanted at home.
The account which I find Air. Sevcard has .q;iven of our
oeconomy, has in a great meafurc prevented my doing it as I
intended. Let it fuffice to inform our benc(a»39rs, that though
the children are taught to labour for the meat which pcnflieth,
yet they are continually reminded to feek jirji the kingdom of
r 43.5 ]
Got) and his righteoufnefs, and then to depend upon God's
blefling'on their honeft endeavours, for having food and rai-
ment added unto them. This precept of our Lord, I intend,
when the houfe is finiftied, to have written over againft the
entrance in at the great door.
As my defign in founding the Orphan- Houfe was to build
up fouls for God, I endeavour to preach chiefiy to the chil-
dren's hearts. Buf that they may be able to give a reafon of
the hope that is in them, I conftantly inftrudl them by the
Church oi England's Articles, which I turn into catechetical
queftions. 1 am often pleafed to hear how judicioufly fome
will anfwer the queftions put to them. The power of God
has been frequently vifible among the children. Many of the
girls feem to be tender-hearted ; feveral of the boys have been
under ftrong convi(5tions. And though it fometimes feems
buried, yet I cannot but think the feed of grace is fown in
fome of their hearts.
We are now all removed to Belhefda. We live in the out-
houfes at prefent j but in lefs than two months, the great houfe
will be finifhed fo as to receive the whole family.
It is now weather-boarded and fliingled, and a piazza of
ten feet wide built all around it : which will be wonderfully
Convenient in the heat of fummer. One part of the houfe
would have been entirely finiihed, had not \\\t Spaniards Ithq]^
taken from us a fchooner loaded with ten thoufands bricks,
and a great deal of provifion, with one of our family. And
therefore, I could not till very lately procure another boat to
fetch brick from Charles-Town.
Notwithftanding this, and many other hindrances, the
work has been carried on with great fuccefs and fpeed. There ,'
are no lefs than four framed houfes, a large ftable and cart-
houfe, befide the great houfe. In that there will be fixteen
commodious rooms, befides a large cellar of fixty feet long
and forty wide. Near twenty acres of land are cleared round
about it, and a large road is made from Savannah to the
Orphan-houfe, twelve miles in length : a thing, ever fince the
province has been fettled, without a precedent.
None but thofe upon the fpot can tell the expence, as well
as inconvenience that attends buildins in Geonria. Moft of
the bricks already ufcd, coft 40 j. fterling per thoufand, when
.' Vol. III. E e landed
I 43+ ]
lanJeJ at the plantation. Common labourer?, befides their
proviiions, have 25J. fterling a month. And, after all, the
the produce of the land cultivated by white fervants, will
tcarcely furnifli them wtth ordinary food and raiment, exclu-
llve of the cxpences of fickncfs and wages. I cannot fee how
it is pofTiblc for the Colony to fubfif^ on its prefent footing.
And in a late memorial given in to the Honourable Truftees,
unknown to me, the people have declared, that if it were not
for the money that has been expended on account of the Or-
phan-houfe, the poor inhabitants of the northern parts of the
colony muft have been obliged to move to fume other place.
Never did a country ftand more in need of a charlty-fchool.
We have often been in fome difHculties, but the Lord as
often hath relieved us out of them. When the fchooner waa
loft, a perfon lately converted, fent us eleven barrels of rice,
and five barrels of beef. And in my abfence, when my fa-
mily had little or no provifions, the hidians brought in plenty of
deer, till they were fupplied with food fome other way. The
contributions in Charles -Toivn, New- Efjgland^ Ncw-Tork^ and
Penfihania^ I think have been extraordinary.
The infirmary, which has likewifc been fupported by this
inftitution, has been of great fcrvice. The furgeon informj
me, that if every one had been forced to pay for their nurfmg
and medicines, it would have coft them two hundred pounds,
ilerling. I have r>ow three or lour fick : I keep a woman ta
attend them conftantly.
God has much blefl'ed our family with health. Only two
have died out of fo large a number, fince my arrival ; and thcfc
were two that came with mc fionv England: a taylor, and one
of the women : I bdicve they arc now with God.
I have left behind me, as my afRftants, (who have no other
gratuity than food and raiment) two fchool-mafters and their
wives who are fehool-miftreflcs. One young man, who is
alfo married to a young maiden, lately brought home to God,
I have left at the Orphan-houfe, as fupcrintead«nt, and chief
manager of the outward things. There are alfo the furgeoa
and his wife, a ftioemakcr and fpinftref*; befides labourers
and mooihly hired fervants : I think, in all, I have upwards
©f eighty. The Lord, I am pcrfuaded, is able and wiJliag to
provide for them,
1 think
t 435 ]
I think we have near two hundred hog", and one hundred
head of cattle. I g;ive a man forty pounds fterling, per annum^ i
to take care of them ; he providing Himfelf with provifiorii
horfcs, and a fervant. As yet we have had no advantage from
our ftock, it being a very dry feafon laft fummer ; fo that our
cattle of all kinds have fcarcely food to eat. But in a year or
two, we hope, by the divine blcfTing, to have a confiderable
quantity of frefti provifions for our farnily.
As for manuring more land than the Hirfed fervants and <
great boys can manage, it is imprafticable withbut a fev^ ne-
groes. It will in no wife anfwer the expence.
1 am now upwards of eight hundred pouhds in debt, on the
Orphan-houfe account. Some particular frien<ls have beeii
pleafed to aflift me. I doubt riot but our Lord will en-
a-ble me to pay them, and alfo raife up frefh fupplies for the
maintenance of my large family.
I much rejoice in the inftitution : it has been very beneficial,
not only to the bodies, bufalfo to the fouls of the labourers.
One woman received ChRist very lately at Bethefda : and I
have great reafon to believe, that three or four ftrangers, whd
came to fee us, have been efieaually brought home to God.
Great calumnies have been fpread abroad concerning our
management of the children: people' fh cot out their bitter
arrows in Arnerica, as well as in England. One poor man
was filled with fuch refentment, at the reports he had heard of
our cruelty to the Children, that he came on pufpofe front
South-Carolina^ to take away his two boys, \vKom out of com-
paflion, I had taken into the Orphan-Houfe : but, when he
came and faw the manner iti which they were educated, he
was fo far from taking his children away, that he defired to
come and live at the Orphan-houfe himfelf.
I fpeak not this by way of boafting, or to Wipe off reproach ;
for I know, let me do what I will, I (hall never pleafe Come
men. I thought proper to give this ftiort account, for the fa-
tisfaaion of thofe who have already contributed, and of others
who may be ftirred up by our good God, to contribute here-
after towards carrying on this good defign.
That the children thay learn to be grateftrli'they frequently
fjng the follovving hymn for their benefactors ;
E e a i^(i^h^^
[ 436 3
Father of Mercies^ hear our prayers.
For thoje that do us good ;
JVhofe love for us a place prepares,
j^nd gives the orphans food.
Their mites, in blejfings on their heads,
A thoufand fold rejiore ;
feed their fouls with living bread.
And let their cup run o'er.
Thy bounty. Lord, in Christ built upy
Let them for ever prove :
Stedfaji in faith, joyful thro* hope,
And rooted deep in love.
For thofe, who kindly this fupport,
A better houfe prepare :
And when removed to thy blefs'd courts^
O let us meet them there.
That they may always look to the rock from whence thty
are hewn, they fing daily this hymn.
Come let us join our Gob to blefs.
And praife him evermore ;
That Father of the fatberlefsy
That helper of the poor.
Our dying parents us forfake^
His mercy takes us up.
Kindly vouchfafes his own to make^
Aiid he becomes our hope*
For us. He, in the wildernefsy i
A table has prepared ;
Us, whom his love delights to blefs^
His providence to guard,
[ 437 1
Known unto him are all our wantSy
And ivhen rve feek his face y
His open hand our bodies feeds.,
He feeds our fouls with grace,
Then let us in his fervice fpendy
What we from Him receive ;
And back to Him what he Jhall lendy
In thanks and praifes give.
That they may learn to labour truly to get their own liv-
ing, they fmg as follows, before they go to work,
Let us go for thy 'tis GoD*i command;
Let us make hafle awayy
Offer /o Christ our hearts and hands y
IVe work for Christ to-day,
When he vouchfafes our hands to ufe^
It makes our labour fweet.
If any now to work refufe^
Let not that fluggard eat,
Who would not do what GoD ordains^
And promifes to blefs ?
Who would not fcape the toils and pains
Ofjinful idlenefs ?
In vain to Christ the ff.thful pray ;
We have not learn' d him fo. s
No : for he calls himfelf the wayy
And worked himfelf below.
Then let us in Msfootjieps tread ^
And gladly a^ our part ;
On earth employ our hands and heady
But fx on heaven our heart,
E c 3 The
[ 4J.8 ]
The following hymn was compofed to be fung al the ad-
piiflion of a new child or children,
}Vekomey dear brethren^ whom we hvf ;
BethefJa this we call.
A houfe of mercy may it prove
To you, to us, to all!
What tho' our parents dear are dead^
Tet our great GoD provides.
Our bodies here are cloth" d and fed ;
Our fouls havf chrijiian guides,
The heavenly manna, day by day.
They freely do impart \
Let us not trifle time away /
But lay it in our heart.
O let the love ^/"Christ conjlrain !
fVbyjbould lue need a rod F
few eerfuch hlrffed means obtain
Of leading them to GoD.
Bcfidcs thcfc hymns, they generally fing a grace before and
after meat, and are taught fo to vary their ext-rcifcs, that they
may not be cloyed by a too frequent repetition of the fame
things on the one hand^ and yet are kept in fuch a general
yncthod, that they may not learn to be defuUory and fickle on
the other.
God only knows the concern that lies upon me on aci » unt
of this family, not only in rcfpeiSt to their bodily, but their
fpiiitual provifion. And therefore I hope all that wifli well to
Zion, will help me with prayers, as well as their alms, that it
may grow up a holy temple to the Lord, and be bleflfed ; that
it may rightly be (tiled Pictas Georgiafis, and like the Pieias
Hallenfis, or Profeflbr Franck\ Orphan- Houfe at Qlaucha, near
Hall, become the joy of the whole earth. Even to, Lord
Jesus, Amen, and Amen.
Q. W.
C 439 ]
Continuation of tlie Account of
the Orphan-House in Georgia.
Edinburgh^ Sept. 14, 174^.
EVER fmce the Lord has been pleafed to put me into
the miniftry, it has been my conftant prayer to God,
that I might provide things boneji in the fight of all men. Not
one part of my outward conduct, as I know of, hath pafTed
unobferved and unceafured by fome wicked unreafonable men :
but what feems to have given the greateft offence, and caufed
the loudeft outcry, has been my making public collections for
an Orphan-Houfe in Georgia.
Some indeed affirm that there is no fuch thing. But how
it could enter into the heart of any to fay fo, I fhould not
have conceived, unlefs the fcripture had faid, the heart of man
is dejperately wicked.
Somewhat more than a twelve- month ago, I printed an ac-
count of the fituation and oeconomy of the Orphan-Houfe, and
what I was in arrears when I left Georgia^ January 1741. My
chief defign now, is, to give a (hort account of the progrefs
of the work fince, both as to our temporal and fpiritu:jl con^
cerns, fo far as lies in my power.
The falvation of fouls is the chief thing I had In view, when
God put it into my heart to build this houfe. I would then
begin with that firft.
And here I would paufe a while, and acknowledge that I
am much indebted to the divine goodnef-^, for what he has
already done for many fouls, fince its firft inftitution. J muft
confefs, to the glory of God, it has far exceeded my expeda-
During the time I was among them, before my going to,
and after my return from, Philadelphia., Bojion, kc. there were
feveral remarkable awakenings amongft the children, and
others, belonging to the houfe, much refembling the bleflccj
awakening now at Camhujlangy and other places in thefe king-
£ 4 doms ;
C 440 ]
doms ; as will appear from confulting Tome of my lati.ft Jour-r
nals. Juft before I came laft away, the Lord was much
jmongfl us ; at which time, a young man, about twenty-one
years of age, was converted, who fince has been made a blcfil;d
inflrument of converting many poor negroes in South- Carolina.
Several others alfo, that came to pay us a vifit at the Orphan-
Houfc, were really brought home to GcD, and now bring
forth the fruits of the fpiiit in their lives and converfations.
How it has been with my family fince my departure, will beft
appear by publifhing fome extracts from the letters which have
been fent me from time to time, fmce my departure.
Mr. Haherfham^ fuperintcndcnt of the outward affairs in
the Orphan-Houfe, and who, I am perfuadpd, loves the Lop.d
Jesus in finccrity, writes me thus :
Beihi-fda^ March 2/^^ 1 741'
My dcorrj} Friend and Brother,
' / I ^ H E! fpirit of the Lord feems to be moving upon
X the faces of many fouls here j mofl, if not all the
boys, leem to be under fome concern ; little as well as great
boys, cry mightily to Jesus the fon oi David, to have mercy
upon them. About fourteen days ago, at brother Barber ^
requeft, I fpoke to the children at evening prayer. My foul at
that time was bowed down wiih ^ fenfe of my own, and efpe-
cially of your poor lambs deadnefs to Godj but our gracious
Redeemer, who is always ready to help in time of need, was
pleafed to give me power to fpeak to their confciences. 1 think.
J could and did juftly appeal to their hearts, that they wanted
neither bodily or fpiritual fond: I told them, that tliey, as well
as myfdi, could not be infcnfiblc what little care was taken cf
them before they came to us, and confequcntly how ungrate-
ful they were not to improve fuch means as they now enjoytd :
I belcechcd them, by the mercits cf God, that they would
improve this their day of falvation, that we a^d our benefac-
tors might rejoice j we in the work of our hands, they in the
fruit of their bounty. An imprcflior^ was made on fome; I
obfcrved them the next day retire into the vvoods, to fing and
pray together. Two nights afterwards, I fpoke to them agair.,
2') J as I proriii.'cd; fj I r:Lurned them my public thaiiks for
[ 441 ]
their little amendment, with tears of love and joy: I felt the
Lord powerfully on my own foul, and it feemed to reach the
children, and put them under a vifible concern. Ever fince,
brother Barber, has put the great boys into two companies,
and they conftantly meet together every day to fing and pray.
^aiurdayy the 2ift inftant, the prefence of the Lord came
down among the children, little and great, as they were talk-
ing among themfelves about eternity ; and they cried fo much
to Jesus of Nazareth^ to have mercy upon them, that the
family foon heard them. We all went, faw, and wept over
about twenty-five or thirty dear lambs, upon their knees be-
fore God, fome pleading the promifes, and others calling on
Jesus. O how did my hard heart rejoice ! Blefled be God,
many of them Teem to retain their convidions, and all are
ferious. Does not your foul leap for joy, and fay, Blefs the
Lord, O my friends, and let us magnify his name together !
Indeed, my dear brother, all the glory is due to him. Whilft
I am writing, I blufii, that I fhould mention any thing about
what I was only in a little meafure an inflrument. Methinks
I could wifti to difappear, that the creature might be abafed,
and God be all in all. I have great hopes that GoD will
bring fome efFedlually to himfelf. The work feems to be more
folid among them, and m.ore the efFecl of confideration, than
that of laft fummer. I rejoice much, that the Lord fent
brother Barber among us; for I have neither leifure nor ability
to fpeak much to the children, and he feems to delight to
watch over their fouls: I truft the Lord will make him a
blefling to us all ; I think it will be our own fault if he is not.
One or two of the labourers, 1 hope, have clofed with Jesus
for falvation ; and one or two more are in a fair way to do fo.
Mr. Haberjham, in another Letter, writes thus from
June II, 1741.
lATAN rages furioufly againfl: our Orphan-Houfe in
this province: fuch lies and calumnies arc raifed
againft us, that our few dear friends think it necefTary for me
to reprefent the prefent ftate of the houfe. 1 have fmce been
much in prayer, and believe God will dired me how to adt.
^ome here, fmce you w?nt away, have gone great lengths in
[ 442 ]
afTerting calumnies, even fo as to offer to take oaths for the
truth of them. Since I came, I went to them, to enquire
what foundation they had for fuch reports ; and it would fur-
prife you to fee their behaviour: they are afhamed to lift up
their faces. Thus fhall the wicked (hind dumb at the bar of
God. I think I can fay, to the glory of God, that our family
never was in a better condition. The children, the cjjcnce of
our covjiitution^ are well taken care of, and watched over. We
all live in love. God has been v.fibly among us, efpecially
with the children. Betbcfda, as to its outward circumftances,
h Co much for the better, that you would be furprifed to fee it.
God enables us to keep up much order. He likewife (blefled
he his naiTic) has given us the appearance of a plentiful crop.
The garden and plantation now afford us many comfortable
things, and in great plenty. Our ftores are yet well flocked
with flour and beef, Sec. Mr. /A'^^ behaves with great
integrity, and is faithful in his work. The houfe would be
loon finiflied, if we could get bricks. J. 5. is ready to do all
our bricklayers work gratis. Brother fV is a great bleffing
to the family. If you come by way of Philadelphia, pray bring
fonic hemp and coarfe flax. He has weaved and fpun a great
deal for us. All the boys now lye in the great houfe. Thev
have alfo coats, and lye in flieets of their own making : by
this means they are kept fwect and clean. We have a fine
"rowins Itock of cattle: and if God fhould fo order it, that
wc fhould have a plantation in Carolina^ as 1 believe he will
bring to pafs, we (hall need but little, if any, afliftance from
abroad. If our building were now done, our expences would
be but triflnig to what they have been.
Mr. Barber writes me thus.
Jl'h denrly hclovf (I Brother^ Bcihcfda^ Sept. ^^ J-ifl.
Nor knowing but our Lord may have buflncfs for you
at the northward, and fend you thither before you return
to us ; I have fent vou a few lines, to acquaint ynu with the
prefcnt ftatc of your family. Many of us have been fick ; but,
bleli'ed be Ctod, our ficknefs has not "been unto death. O
that it may be for the glnry of God's name ! All of us arc ia
good health at prcfent, except James M /•, who was taken
with the flux 1 lew d^ys ago, and B. Hircrjham, v/ho is mucb
[ 443 1
tfoubled with the worms. I wifh I could fay our fouls were
in as good health as our bodies are; but you may give thanks
to the Lord, that he has made your houfe a houfe of mercy
indeed to fome. A few weeks ago, the Lord was pleafed
eftedlualiy to call Thomas W- — b\ his converfion was very
clear, and much to the fatisfai^ion of fome, efpeciaily to his
good old father. Mr. K _y, our taylor, and his wife, have
been wrought upon, I hope favingly, fmce they have been
here : I am not without hope that fome of the children are
Hkewife, and that the Lord in due time will convert
more of them. I hope he is now fhewing us that the work is
wholly of him ; that when the day of his power, the time,
the appointed time of his love is come, we may be better pre-
pared to give all the glory thereof to him. As to myfelf, I
muft confefs that I am a poor worthlefs inftrument, to be em-
ployed in the work of the Lord ; but what fhall we fay, if
the Lord is pleafed to make ufe of the foolifli to confound
the wife ? I have, blefled be God, had a little freedom given
me lately to fpeak to your family ; but I want to have my
heart more and more enlarged towards them, and to fpeak to
them more and more in the demonftration of the Spirit, and
with power. Who knows ? perhaps God defigns you (hould
have the honour and happinefs of being the fpiritua! father of
jnany more in your family. iVIay the Lord's will be done!
I haye alfo fome letters of a later date, which give an ac-
count of the continuance of the Lord's prefence amongft
As for the temporal aifairs, blefled be God, confiderino-
the great difficulties we have laboured under, they alfo have
fucceeded far beyond expectation.
Mr. Haberjhanii In a Letter dated March 24, 1741,
writes thus :
AS we have got To much land cleared, I intend to try to
plant it : accordingly I have four or five hands, which,
with our own houfhold, will be fufficient to plant twenty
acres or upwards with potatoes and rice for fodder next win-
ter, having greatly fuftcred this, for want of it 5 likewife
7 ^^^'^
r 444 ]
corn anu peafe, and other necefl"ar;..s. Our garden is in greak
torwardnefs ; we are like to have a crop of EngUJ}} peafe,
God viilbiy blefles us, fo that people are amazed.
In a Letter, dated Scptemler i, 1 741, he writes thus to a Gen-
tleman in New- England : of which Letter I had a copy.
^UR affairs, bleffed be God,, have profpered far be-
yond our expc(Sldtion. We have feen, and do
ilaily fee, much of God's fatherly care, in providing for and
protccling us; and though we have no v'ljible fund, yet we
doubt not, but he that has begun, will carry on and perfedl
his work, againft every oppofition. We have been plentifully
fijpplifd all the fummcr, while many about us lacked. Our
building and neceflary conveniences, are now compleatcd.
Our family now confifts of eighty-four perfons, men, women,
and chiUhun, and nineteen more are employed c:hout us, and
five in the inhrmary : the latter have a dodor and nurfe, and
all'othcr nccdiaries found them at the Orphan-houfe expence.
We have fifty-eight children : thirty-two of them belong to
the colony •, fix to Purijburgljy who are, I think, as great ob-
jects of charity as any in Georgia ; and the reft belong to the
neighbouring province?, who are orphans and obje6ts of cha-
rity, except a few who are maintained at their friends and
paients charge. We have a taylor and fhoemaker : likewife
two weavers j each of them have got a loom, but we can em-
ploy but one, fpinning here being extravagantly dearj though
we hope in a lliort time to fpin as much zviihin curfclvesy as
will greatly aflift in cloathing the family. God blefles our
cattle ; we have upwards of an hundred head, fmall and great,
and ftiall be able in a year or two to kill a great quantity.
Neo^rocs not being allowed, and labour among us fo expenfive,
wc can make but little improvement in farming. This year
we have planted upwards of twenty acres, and have cleared
twenty acres more for to enjoy the conveniency of the air :
and, bleflcd be God, thoutih we have had a very dry feafon,
yet we cannot complain, like many others, of a bad crop.
Honoured Sir, you may now judge whether our clefign be
drawing' near a period. What I have written is a plain im-
partial narrative of our .Tffuirs, which our bittereft enemies
2 will
[ 445 ]
will not pretend to gainfay. If any doubt it, I anfwer, as
Philip did to Nathaniel i Come and fee.
Jn a Letter, dated OSfober 2, 1741, he writes thus:
: . ... .. 'Ji t)5:!JC; !
■ TV yr^' ^^^^^f^P ^^^ I have fettled, his contrad beln^
i.VJ. finifhed : he is about fome necefiary jobs now,
and will leave us in a few days. MefTrs. Trip, Anderfin^ &c,
are already gone : I owe them and Mr. Wardrop about^'feventy
or eighty pounds. We are very quiet, and live at an eafy
expence. We have had no fupplies fince you left us, oF ilefii
or bread kind from abroad, except fome pork from Mr. B' ,
No New-Tork veflels have come to this province of late. //^?
live entirely within ourfehes^ except a few neceflaries which we
cannot do without, that we are obliged to purchafe elfewhere.
Twice a day we eat hominy * of our own raifmg, and at pre-
fent without molafles. For dinner, we eat beef of our own ftock
and peafe for bread, of all which we have plenty, and (hali
have for three months to come. Our garden is very fruitfui
of greens, turneps, &c. and we expe6l a good crop of potatoes.
In fhort, we have a fufficiency of wholefome food. Glory
be to God, we daily fee our heavenly Father's hand fupplvinsj
us in this wildernefs-land. O that we were more thankful ?
i muft have cafh, not only to pay deht=;, but alfo to huv
clothing and many other neceflaries ; and I believe ©ur Goer
will give it to me. He is our fliepherd, therefore fhall we
lack nothing. T truft he has enabled us to pray in faith, no-
thing doubting but he will fupply our every want. All here
at prefent enjoy pretty good health. How thankful ought we
to be ! The Lord feems to be fending his judgments abroad
upon the earth. In Carolina and Savannah a murrain is amon^
the cattle, which takes off great numbers : ours as yet have
efcaped. Thanks be to God ! Indeed we are obliged to kiii
fome of them for immediate fupply. But what are all outwarl
calamities, where God is ?
* Indian corn boiled up 'hick with v/at?r,
A young
[ +46 ]
A young Gentleman of Bojlon^ having made a vifit to the Or-
phan-Houfe, fent the following account of it to his father,
which many have dcfired may be printed, for the fatisfa£tioa
of thofe who have already contributed to its fupport.
Honoured Sir^ Bethefda^ Jan. l, I 742.
BEING fenfible of the many and falfe accounts induftriouHy
fpread abroad concerning tliis houfe in many places, ef-
pecialiy in New-EfigiancJ^ by thofe who are enemies to its
Founder, and the caufe he is engaged in, vi^hich has certainly
been a great hindrance to this worthy undertaking, as it has
created even in its friends fome prejudices, which has hindered
their contributing with that pleafure and freedom they other-
wife would have done ; and as I am now upon the fpot, I
think a iew moments will not be ill fpent, in giving you a
particular account of its prefent fituation, which I (hall en-
deavour to do in the moft jull and impartial manner, that you
may have an opportunity of ferving the interelt in which your
heart is fo much engaged.
The Orphan-Houfe is pleafantly fituated, and, with the
buildings belonging to it, prcfents a much handfomer pre fpedl
than is given by the draught annexed to the public, accounts.
The great houfe is now almoft quire finifhed, and nothing has
hindered but the want of glafs, which they daily expetSt ftom
Br'ij}(H^ and fome bricks that are already at Savannah, and are
to carry up another ftack of chimnies, which would have been
done before, if a veilel that was bringing brick and other
(lores, had not been taken by the Spaniards^ which was a
great lofs. It is furprizing to fee in what forwardnefs things
are, confidering what hindrance* they have had, and the fear-
city of labourers in this province. They have cut a fine road
to Savannah of twelve miles length, through a thicket of
woods ; and, that it might be paflable, were obliged to make
ten bridges and crofs-ways j which was done at no little
charge. They have alfo cleared forty acres of land, twenty
of which were planted tbc laft year, and brought them a to-
lerable crop ; the other twenty was for the benefit of the air.
They have alfo a large garden at th;.- front of the houfe,
brought into pretty good order.
t 447 ]
The family now confifts df eighty perfons befides labourer^,
who all contradidl the wicked and falfe accounts of their be-
ing ftarved and cruelly treated, by the lively and hearty coun-
tenances they fliew. I have feldom feen fuch a goodly num-
ber of youths together. Twenty-three of them are orphans ;
others, that have loft one of their parents ; one was born in
the houfe j and the reft are fit objects for chriftian charity.
There are in all thirty-nine boys, and fifteeen girls. The
number was larger fome time paft : but feveral of the boys,
that were well inftrudled, have been put to fuch trades as they
inclined to ; and others, who were put here for their Jearninn:,
are returned to their parents, who have handfomely paid the
Houfe for their education.
The care of this,focicty at prefent is in the hands of a youno-
gentleman from London^ who manages the fecular affairs
thereof; and one from New-England^ who has the care of
fouls as his particular charge. There are two fchool-mafters,
who inftruiEl the boys in reading and writing : and thofe that
appear ferious, and of good capacities, are taught Lat'in^ with
a defign of fitting them for the miniftiy, if they incline to it.
Two fchool-miftreffes, that teach the girls ; a furgeon and
nurfe to attend the inhrmarv, m which many fick. perfons,
from divers parts, have been received, and always been cured
gratis. Here are alfo feveral tradcfmen ; a taylor, a joiner, a
weaver, and a ftioemaker. The taylor has three boys to In-
flrud in his bufmefs. it is expelled that Mr. JVhhefield will
increafe the number of craftfmen, when he returns from En<r.
gland. The ceconomy obferved here is as follows : The bell
rings in the morning at fun- rife, to wake the family. When
the children arife, they ling a fhort hymn, and pray by them-
felves ; then they go down and wafti ; and by the trme they have
done that, the bell calls to public worfhip, when a portion of
fcripture is read and expounded, a pfalm fung, and the exer-
cife begun and ended with prayer. Then they breakfaft, and
afterwards go fome to their trades, and the reft to their prayers
and Schools. At noon, they all dine in tiie fame room, and
have comfortable and wholefome diet provided. A hymn is
fung before and after dinner : then, in about half an hour, to
fchool again ; and between whiles find lime enou.^h for reoce-
ii'.ion. A litde afcer fun-fei the bell calls :o public duty again,
[ 448 1
which is performed in the fame manner ?.s in the morning;
After that they fup, and arc attended to bed by one of theif
mafters, who then pray with them, as they often do privately.
On the fabbath-day they all dine on cold meat provided the
day before, that none may be kept from public worftiip, which
is attended four times a day in fummer, and three in the
winter. The children are kept to reading between whiles;
Many have reported, that the place is very unhealthy : which
I believe is quite otherwife, confidering it is a new fettlement ;
a remarkable proof of which is, that not one have died out
of the family, (into which many fick and alraoft ftarved chil-
dren have been received, who have in a fhort time recovered)
and but three or four out of the hofpital, where many mifer-
able objects have been taken in. I believe many, who now
think the ereding an Orphan-houfc in that colony a mad
fcheme, would alter their fentiments were they here. Innu-
merable difficulties have certainly been overcome ; but their
affairs now look with a pleafant afpecl. If the colony is aU
lowed negroes, as it is thought it muft and will be, they can,
with about twenty negroes to manure the plantation, which
contains five hundred acres of land, raife much more provifion
than a larger family than this can expend, having already a
fine live flock, which is daily increafing ; fo that in a few
years, it is to be hoped, they will be able to fupport themfclves.
As to the flate of religion here, particularly among the chil-
dren, the power of God has, at times, been vifiblc among
them ; and many of them have been brought under convidion,
which feems lading in fome of the boys, and fcveral of the
sirls : but moft of the grown folks appear to be truly con-
verted J and many, who have come as vifitors, have been met
with by the fovereign grace of God, and not fent empty
away : may God grant I may make one of that number !
Upon the whole, I think the inftiiution to be of God : there-
fore it doth and will profper.
Since this came to my hand, I have received more letters
from Georgia, dated in ALty and June laft, which alfo give
me an account of the continuation of God's goodnefs to my
de^r family.
[ 449 ]
The Reverend Dr. Colmaiu in a letter he Tent to a minifter
near Glofgaw^ part of which I find printed. in a pamphlet cn-
titujed. The State of Religion in Neiu- England, writes thus :
" Mr. IVhiteJield vifited us in the ri2,ht time, and found
** large contributions here : I doubt not btJt he will faithfully
*' apply what he collecled for his Orphan-houfe : but I have
*' faid to him, It will appear to me a greater wonder, if his
*' faith is anfwercd in that foundation, than that of Monfieur
** Franck's, at Hall, in Prujjla, was : the one being in the
*' midil; of Europe, the other on the confines of America. But
*' the order and piety of the houfe is adn:iirable, and fo the
** progrefs of the fettlement, alone as it is in the world, by
*' the report of all that have vifited it : but how it can fubfift
*' and flourifli, and anfwer the Founder's end, is the enquiry
*' here, and will be a marvel in the providence of God, if
« it do fo."
The Reader may fee, by this, the Do6lor's opinion of the Or-
phan-houfe, and the teftimony given concerning it by perfons
who have vifited it, and who therefore cannot be unacquainted
with its fituation. They profefs, " The order of the houfe
is admirable, and fo the progrefs of the fettlement, alone as it
is in the world." How it can fubfift and flourifh for the fu-
ture, I am not folicitous about : God can help us in Georgia.,
as well as he helped Profeflbr Franck in Germany. The earth
is the LordV, and the fulnejs thereof. I acknowledge him to be
the founder of that houfe : he put it into my heart to build it;
it has in a great meafure already anfwered the end of its infti-
tution, and I am perfuaded will do fo more and more. The
greateft outward difficulties, I humbly hope, are now fur-
mounted. The workmen are all difcharged, having fulfilled
their contrail, and carried on the work fo far as to make
every part of the houfe habitable. Our ftock of cattle is
pretty confi.derable, and appear to be in a flourifhing condition.
And, when once I am clear from all arrears, the Orphan-
houfe will be fupported at a very eafy expcnce. Thclaft par-
liament refolved to fupport the colony of Georgia : they have
altered the confiiitution in two material points ; they have al-
lowed the importation of rum, and free titles to the lands.
And if they fiiould fee good hereafter to grant a limited ufe of
pegroes, it muft certainly, in all outward appearance, be as
Vol. hi. F f flourifhins
[ 450 ]
flourifhiiig a colony as South-Carolina. Not that we are with-
out hopes, as Mr. Haberjljam writes me word in his laft letter,
of making a tolerable fliift with white fervants : the Salt%-
hurghers do fo already. There is a frefh body of them lately
gone over, and fome frefh troops to guard the frontiers of the
colony. Not that I put any confidence in man, knowing that
the race is not to the fwift^ 7wr the battle to the Jlrortg^ but Pro-
vidence ruleth ail things : but, at the fame time, I would a£t
with the greaiefl: caution and circumfpe6tion, and not tempt
God by prefuming on him without a caufe. His having
helped me and mine fo often, encourages me to truft him
again. He has put it into the hearts of fome dear friends to
give Mr. Hahcrjham credit for cafh during my abfence ; and
his Excellency General Oglethorpe has been very friendly, hav-
ing lent Mr. Haherjlmm fifty pounds, and given the orphans
nine barrels of flour : the Lord return hiniy and their other be-
nefactors, ten thoiifand fold into their bofom !
But all this while, fome will fay, you give us no account
of your collections in Scotland and cHcwhere for near this year
and an half. I will now do that to the beft of my power, and
likewife add an account of my difburfements ; I fay, my dif-
lurfements : for, having had no particular account of what
Mr. Ilaberjham has expended and borrowed fince I have been
fron) Georgia, I cannot polTibly give an exadl account of the
whole J but I (hall do it, God willing, immediately after my
arrival at the Orphan-houfc, beginning where the former ac-
count left off. From that it appears, I was then upwards of
eight hundred pounds upon arrears. Since that I have been ab-
fent near two years : and confidering a family of eighty per-
fons, or upwards, have been maintained, an infirmary kept up,
the expence of further work done to the houfe, &c. it will
not appear unreafonable that I fhould be ftill upwards of fix
hundred pounds on arrears; as I judge I am, from Mr. Ha-
berpams general intimations of calh he had borrowed in Jme-
rica, and what I have ftill to pay in England. But this will
appear clear in the next account. In the mean while, the
following accounts, I believe, will be fatisfying to all the
contributors*: as for others, I do not think myfclf obliged
• The accounts of particular receipts and difburfements are omitted,
by reafon of their vaft length ; and likewife, as the public hav« already
examined them, and received full faiisfa^lion,
^ ■ to
[ 45 ^ ]
fo give them any account at all, any further than that T arh
commanded to provide things honrji in the Ji^ht of all j?>.en. Nei-
ther do 1 believe, that this, or any account I can give, will
fatisfy captious men that are refolved to find fault : our Saviour
himfelf could not plea fe fuch. And if even good men can
be fo far prejudiced as to fay, " The late glorious work at
CambuJIang^ is all delufion, and a work of the devil," I do not
wonder if fome of his profefled children fpeak all manner of
evil of this undertaking : neither fhould I wonder after this,
if they (hould affirm there was no fuch thing as an Orphan-
houfe in being, though it was built but a few miles off them.
As for the afperfions that have been call upon me, as
though I colIe(fled money to enrich rayfelf, it gives me little
or no concern ; the apoftle Paul was branded as one that
made a gain of people ; but God knows the heart : at the day
of judgment I will prove thofe perfons liars. V xoh^or Framlf
met with unfpeakably more contempt and calumny, whilft he
was building the Orphan-houfe in Germany : he began very
low, and left behind him an Orphan-houfe which contains
flow, if I miftake not, two or three thouAmd fludents, not-
withftanding the erecting it, was attended with as many im-
probabilities as this in Georgia : he has been dead about
fourteen or fixteen years. His fon now fucceeds him in the
care of the Orphan-houfe: I have had the pleafure of cor-
refponding with him. An account of this Orphan-houfe was
printed in his life-time, and it has been very ftrcngthening
and beneficial to my foul.
If any, by reading this, fhall be inclined to contribute any
thing, either in money or goods, I iruft Goa will [jlve nie
grace to apply it faithfully.
I am not afhamed to beg for God on this occafion ; be-
caufe m.y going to Georgia^ and ereding the Orphan-houfe^
was one great means in his hand, of bringing me out to preach
the everlafting gofpel in fo many places, and to many thou-
sands of poor perifliing fouls, who I doubt not (be it fpoken
with all humility) will evidence my commifiion thereto, by
being my joy and crown of rejoicing in the laft day. Bleffed
be his holy name, he has not left himfelf, nor me his fervant,
without witnefles of this fort in Scotland! Many, I truft,
fmce this time twelvemonth, have been made to ia/le that the
F f 7, Lord
t 452^ ]
Lord is gracious, and have in an effectual manner fch the
poivers of the world to come: fuch in particular, I trufl, will
lift up holy hands in prayer for me, and for the profpcrity of
the Orphan-houfe, that the enemies of' our holy religion may
never have caufe to triumph over its ruins, faying, There,
there, fo would we have it. I look upon the Orphan-houfe as
a great part of my charge ; a family given me by God, to be
fupported and taken care of, for himfelf. Its very beginnings
v^ are not fmall ; its latter end, I believe, will grtjatly increafe.
He that believeth, fliould not m.ake hafte to contemn the un-
dertaking, or my condufl in carrying it on, feeing it has al-
ready evidently appeared to be of God, by the countenance
and fuccefs he has given to boih. And fince the Lord, by
his providence, has connected the care of this family with my
preaching the gofpel, by making it a means of firft bringing
me out, and ever fince has been pleafed to continue the care
of it upon me ; I think myfelf bound in duty, to recommend
it in the ftrongeft manner to all people amongft v/hom I am
called to preach the kingdom of God. Neither do I think
myfelf juftly blameable for running fo much in arrears on
its account, fince the Lord, in all places where he has been
pleafed to fend me, has inclined the hearts of people to be
ready to diftribute, and willing to communicate on this occa-
fion : and, I doubt not, will yet difpofe the hearts of his peo-
ple here and elfevvhere, to be my farther affiftants by their
charitable contributions, feeing I am fo neceflarily engaged in
the affair. He that giveth to thcfc poor orphans, lencleth to the
Lord ; and look, IVhatfoever he layeth out, it J})all be repaid
him aiain.
Thofe who, notwithflanding what has been faid, ftill con-
tinue in fufpenfe, I would entreat them at Icaft to pray for
me, that in this, and all my undertakings for the church of
Christ, I may go on with an even, humble, refigned, chear-
ful mind, and fingle eye to God's glory; and then, I doubt
rot but they will fee a happy ilfue of this work, and future
ages have reafon to blefs God, for ever putting it into my
heart to build an Orphan- houf? in Georgia, .
r 453 ]
Sept. 22, 1742.
Since the writing of this, I have heard of the Spaniards
making a defcent upon Georgia. I cannot fay the news of it
damped me at all ; becaufe, I humbly hope, the Lord will
not give that colony over as a prey into the enemy's hand.
The place where they landed, is about one hundred miles to
the fouthward of the Orphan-houfe : and, fuppofing it (hould
be taken, I do not repent the ereding it, becaufe the advan-
vantages that have flowed already from it, as appears from my
accounts, have abundantly anfwered the pains and expence it
has coft. What is due upon arrears, as it has been already
laid out, and is a debt contracted for GoD, I doubt not but
he will incline the hearts of his fervants to help me by their
contributions to difcharge it. At the fame time, I am not
without expedations, that this very attack of the Spaniards
will be over-ruled for the good of the Orphan-houfe, and be
made a means of freeing the colony from their future infuits :
for as Georgia is a frontier colony, and ftands as a barrier to
all the other EngU/Ji provinces, it is reafonablc to believe, they
will all unite in its defence and prote61ion. But my truft is
in the Lord ; and, through the mercies of the Moft High, I
humbly hope this undertaking will not fink, but become more
and more beneficial to Georgia and the neighbouring provinces
day by day. Let all that love the Lord Jesus y^j'. Amen !
Sept. 27, 1742.
Since the foregoing papers have been in the prefs, I have
received a letter from Mr. Haberjha?n^ fuperintendant of the
Orphan-houfe affairs, in which he writes as follows :
Sava}i7iah, July 14, 1742.
My dearejl 'Brother and Friend,
ABOUT four days ago I wrote you very fully in relation
to our prefent Ihte and circumfirances, from Mr. John
Bryant. 1 hope our dear family are well there. When mv
lafl comes to hand, you will find we removed there for fear of
the Spaniards, who came in upon Georgia like a flood. I hope
the General will yet ftand his ground, though the enemy is (o
numerous. I hear he deftroyed and took one hundred and
feventy of the enemy laft Thurfday. God only knows what
F f 3 he
[ 454 ]
he is about to do with us. Brother Grant and I are here,
to take care of our houfe and goods. 1 hope God will direct
us in our diftrefs. Surely you will now, if poflible, come
over. I believe the bearer is gone ; I mull have done. Fare-
wel, Farewtl. Brother Grant gives his love. 1 muft con-
clude by broken lines.
J. H.
P. S. Abfulute hurry and neceflity obliges me to write thus.
This letter gave me much comfort, as it brought me the
Vi'elcome news that my dear family was fafe. This Mr. Bryan
was converted at the Orphan-houfe, and is a wealthy planter
in South- Carolina. I admire the providence of God, in rai-
ling him up to take care of the little lambs in this time of
their diltrefs. I hope ere now they aie returned to their Be-
thefda in peace.
BlefTed be GoD I have not been difappointed of my hope.
For fmce my return to London^ I have received the following
letters, which give a more particular account both of their
tryal and deliverance, and for which I defire to praife our
o-reat and oracious God.
From Mr. Haherjhnm^ at Mr, "Jonathan Bryan's Plantation
\n South- Car olinay July, ii, 1 742.
My dearefl Friend and Brother,
GOD's ways are in the deep; the Lord only knows
what he is about to do with your dear family. Here at
I\'lr, BulVs and at Mr. Hu^h Bryan s they fojourn at prefent,
and all, bleffed be our gracious Jesus, in pretty good bodily
health. Diftrefs from the hands of the Spaniards (under God)
feems to be coming upon poor Georgia, and perhaps upon this
colony alfo. Our afflictions have been heavy : the Lord only
enabled us to bear up under them ; but I really believe we
have tafted but the firft fruits of our trials. Was it not for a
nerfuafion that God can, yea, will help us, we muft fink
under a profpeiSt of impending difficulties. About the 25th of
lait month fe'veral Spanijh galUys came into Cumberland (oui\6,
» little t'j the South of St. Simon s, where the Generars forces
[ 455 ]
are encamped. The General himfelfln a deal cutter, accom-
panied with two boats, was attacked by them, and had a very
wonderful efcape. The gallies went off as though they would
go \.Q A ugujiine \ but a day or two after returned, attended
with feveral fchooners. Hoops, and fhips of force to St. Si-
mon's. Several days they lay within fight of the General's
camp. When we heard this, we kept a day of fading,
prayer, and humiliation, to afk direction of our great fhepherd
what we fliould do. As the SpaniJJ) fleet had then made no
inroad upon the General, we concluded \.o jQand Jl'ill 2.x\^ wait
upon God. The 5th inftant the SpaniJJ} fleet run into St. 6'/-
7non& Sounds up the river that leads to Frederica. The fleer,
I hear, coiififted of thirty-five or thirty-feven vefTels ; and not-
withftanding the General fired upon them from his battery,
and two privateers, and other vefTels did the fame, they pafied
without feeming to regard them, and landed a great number
of people at Cafco'igns Bluff on St. Simon's. The General
feeing himfelf encompalled about with enemies, ordered feve-
ral fioops, New-Yorkers, laden with provifion to be funk; his
privateer (loop was burnt, and Capt. Thomfon and the fcooner
made the beft of their way to the North. The General is
now furrounded by the Spaniards upon an ifland, without ha-
ving one vefiel of any bignefs to carry him and his army ofF.
He retreated from St. Simons (burnt all the hutts, houfes,
i^c. there) to Frederica, and gave leave for the women and
children, and I think all except his fighting people, to make
their efcape.
The 17th inftant feveral boats full of people pafled by our
houfe, and informed us of the above, and that it was thought
the General's army would be entirely cut ofF, unlefs great
afTulance was immediately fent them, which it is likely could
not be done foon enough. We all met together, and prayed
to cur dear Father, and afterward defired every one to fpealc
their mind freely, what was necefl'ary to be done in this emer-
gency. We confidered it would be impofRble to move fo
many children, weak women, and babes in their arms awa/
upon a fudden approach of the enemy ; that v/e were fo locked
in, that we could not get through the Narrows with our
boats but four hours in twenty-four, and unanimoully agreed
to move them away diret^ly. But we had one great objection
f f + to
[ 45^ 1
to get over, the glory of God ; we thought the providence of
God plainly pointed out our removal ; and if the Spaniards
fhould be permitted to take and burn all before them, we
fhould be acccTlary to the death of eighty-five poor creatures,
and likev.ife bring a reproach upon religion, through our dif-
regard of ufmg means for our prcfcrvation. Our friends
thought things might not he fo bad as reported, and concluded
to flay that evenuig at the Orphan-houfe, while I {hould go
to Savannah to afk the advice of friends, and likewife be better
informed about it. Accordingly I went about nine that even-
ing, and returned at three in the morning. The news I had
confirmed from the perfons who had fled from Frederica ; and
our friends at Savannah advifed us to move. Mr. yones ofFered
to lend me any alTiftance to do it. The next morning, as de-
lays might be dangerous, we took as many goods out of the
houfe as the boats would conveniently carry with the people.
We had none about us but Mr. K 's and G 's family,
and two Tick men in the infirmary, and in all made about
eighty-five or eighty-fix perfons. Then we had another diffi-
culty to grapple vvi;h : we knew not where to go. If we went
to Ebenczer, we had no opportunity of providing fo large a
"body of people with provifions, and might be in as much
danger there as at Beihcfda. If we went to Carolina, we con-
fidercd that it was there, in all probability, the enemy wanted
to be^ and were deftroying Georgia in order to get there- with
the more fafety. But believing we (hould be better able to
inake our retreat to the Northward from Cardinal if neccfTity
{hould oblige us, and alfo fliould be better able to fupply the
family with vii^ualr, we came here laft night about twelve
o'clock, and were received kindly by our dear friends, who
think we have done right in moving.
Air. Bohey who fupciintcnds the fpiritual affairs of the fa-
mily, in alotterdated near the fame timewriccs, — " Thatasthey
were on their pillage, they heard guns firing all round them,
which occafioncu ib.em to think they were in the midil of their
enemies. — This brought them into llraits, not knowing which
way to take to avoid falling into their hands. — Rut the Lord
giving them to flrengthcn themlelvcs in him, they ventured on,
and got fafe to the fliore ; where they were informed, that the
euns they bad heard, where in Carslina, firing to alarm the
[ 457 ]
province of the danger they ap^^rehended they were in from the
Spaniards. What thofe guns were that they heard firing from
other quarters they did not know ; moft probably their enemies,
whom tiie Lord directed them to fhun by taking the v/ay they
Mr. HaherJJmm., again fays, — Flow it is with Georgia.^ I have
rot heard thefe three days ; but as we left a great quantity of
goods at the Orphan-houfe, and fearing that it might be plun-
dered, brother Grant and I, with four hands, are in a iitw mi-
nutes to go there, I think, as we have moved away the help-
lefs people, if the enemy foould come, we can the better make
our efcape. O my brother, I hope you will not blame us.
— A fenfe of fo many fouls being liable to be deilroyed, was
very burdenfome, and called for fpeedy acting. I know not
whether I fhall be ever able to write to you again. Perhaps
fome friends that I leave behind me here may, and then they
will tell you of all our difficulties. It is hard to leave my
dear friends and children, my wife and little babe; but
duty obliges me to go j I have no time to fay any more ; whac
I have written has been in great hurry. Pray pardon my
abruptnefs. If I never'fee you, or write more, let me afiiire
you of 7ny love. I hope I need not now ufe any arguments to
perfuade you to come over. Farewel, farewel, farev/el.
Yours, for ever,
'Tis pad: one in the morning. 'James HabcrJJjam,
From iMr. HaberJJ:)am., at Mr. BaWs plantation in Smth-
Carolinay July 27, 1742.
Jll)' dear Friend and Brother^
I Wrote you the 4th, nth, and 14th inftant. Doubtlefs
the contents of my letters will give you fome concern
aiid will be a means of haflening you over to us. I hope you
will find us at our defired habitation. Hitherto the Lord
fecms to be on our fide, and fights our battles. News is lately
^ come from tiie General, that the Spaniards have moved off in
great confufion ; but it is not fufficiently confirmed ; when it
is, we purpofe moving to Bethejda. In mine of the nth in-
fant, I informed you, according to my knowledge of the
fiate uf your family, and the colony till that time. I told
[45^ 1
you brother Grant and Telf were jufl: returning to Georgia.
We foon got tht:re, and found our goods and houfe fafe.
yohn GcLlivire, I, and a boy> ftaid at Beihejda whila brother
Grant went to Carolina^ and returned with two boats. In the
mean time we heard the General had engaged twice with a
party of the Spaniards^ and killed and taken one hundred and
fifty of them, and that the enemy was fo intimidated, and the
General's army fo encouraged, that there was great expecta-
tions that the Spaiiiarih would foon be drove off the ifland.
God was pleafed at this time to bring me very low by bodily
illnefs, fo that I was almoft incapable of making any efcape,
if the enemy had been fufiered to come upon us, having a
hundred miles to ride through bad fvvamps, to my friends in
Carolina. Likewile there was no one there, nor at Savannah,
to give me any relief.
The 2Cth inftant, having left three people at BeihefJa, and
our family wanting necell'arics at Carolina, brother Grant and I
returned with moft of our goods. When we now left Bethefda^
we were not very apprehenfive of any danger of flaying our-
felves, or leaving the goods there- but as I was obliged tofeek
for fome affiifancc, and our dear people wanted things we had
there, we thought it was but a very little more trouble to load
the boats. I have many times intended to write to you fince
I came here, but was not able conveniently till to day, but I
blefs God I feel myfelf much better in health. As far as 1
can karn, the General has behaved himfelf exceeding well, and
the Lord has wonderfully ordered things for him, contrary, I
believe, to his own and others expedlations. His clemency
to the Spani/h prifoners, his confidence, prudence, and cou-
rage throughout the whole affair is fo confpicuous, that his
greateit eneniies cannot impeach his conduiSt. I don't as yet
hear, that he has lolt (except by accident) above three or
four men. Indeed the hand of God has been evidently agaiiift
the boafting enemy. Some fay near fifty veffcls fet out at firft
to invade us, but in their paffage, which is ufually run in a
week or ten days, they were fifty days, and by fome means
fifteen of them were feparatcd from the reft, and did not come
up to them at St. Siwoti's. 'I'hey firft propofed to land in Ca-
rolina, and caufc an infurrecStion among the negroes ; to that
end they brought a number of ncgroc;', to head and peifuade
[ 459 ]
our negroes (I fuppofe) to revolt. But being Co loni' on their
paiTage, they warned water, and were obliged to put in at St.
Simons. In their council of war there, they (aid they would
foon cut ofF the General and his few men, and did not doubt
but to fettle and regain King Pljiiip^s dominions, yea, even as
far as the Capes of Virginia. I fliould have wiftied you had
been prefcnt when we confulted about fleeing for our lives ; it
would have been grgat fatisfaiSlion to us all ; but I am of opi-
nion, you would not have ftaid with the great troop of little
ones, under the apprehenfion of fo much danger. I have met
with none but what have approved of what we did.
Every one, I believe, are willing to contrad expences. — I
hope, nay I am aflured, that all things {hall work together for
good ; and I am of opinion, we fhall all have reafon to blefs
God for every, yea, efpecially for his late awful difpenfation,
—The deliverances we have had are many and wonderful,
and he that has done much can do more. In regard to the
Spaniards, they came like a flood, but the Lord can fave by-
lew as well as by many.
From Mr. Huberfnam.
Bethefda^ Augujl, ig, 1 742.
My deareji Friend and Brother^
I Hope ere this reaches you, you have received mine of the
4th, nth, i4thj and 27th of Jz//;/ laft, and that you fee
your way clear to come to us. Blefled be God we have rea-
fon to conclude the Spaniards have entirely left the colony,
and we are now very comfortably fettled again. The deliver-
ance the Lord has wrought for us by the General, I think is
the rnofl remarkable I ever heard or read of, except fome in-
llances recorded in the Old Teftament. It is fo manifefi-,
that *' Surely God has fought our battles," is in the mouth
of every one, whatever may be in their hearts. I cannot now
mention particulars, being much ftreightened for time ; at
Savannah the poor people are almoft all fick ; four have been
cut off^. At Frederica likewife, and at Mr. Bryan's, and other
neighbours, they are in the hme condition. We have al-
fo many down. GoD has been chaftifmg us v/ith whips, but
Jiow fcems to be fcourging us with fcorpions. O that the.
? goodnefg
[ 46o ]
goodnefs and patience of God may lead us to repentance ?
We have a good crop on the ground, and have none to ga-
ther it in but the few boys. Brother Hunter has his hands
full, and is chiefly at Savaniiah. It is but little we buy abroad.
— We hunt and kill our own flock, and have potatoes and
corn enough of our own. I am but poorly, as is dear bro-
ther Barber, who is fingularly ufeful at this trying time.—
What fliould I have done without him ? I have much to fay
to you. Indeed I hope you are now in your paflage to us.
We cannot but cxpedl you. B. Grant hurries me to con-
clude. Pleafe to give my tender love to your wife, and all
with you, and believe me to be
Your affectionate fervant in our Lord,
y. Habcrjham,
I. .
H'lv are thy fervant s blejs'iiy Lord !
Hciv fure is their defence !
Eternal ivifclom is their guardy
Their help Ommpoience.
In oil their various griefs, Lord ?
- Thy mercy fets them free.
While in the confidence cf prayer
Their folds lay hold on thee.
In midji of dangers, fears and deaths
Thy goodnefs ive'll adorcy
And pr (life thee for thy mercies pajl^
- And humbly hope for more,
January y 14, 1743.
INCE the foregoing pnpers were fent to the prefs, I
have received letters from Mr. B rand Mr. H w,
the pcrfons who fuperintend the fpiritual and temporal affairs
of the Orph;in-houfe, dated in Ot7^/'^r laft ; by which 1 am
informtd that all was well, and that the family was mercifully
fupplied with things convenient for them. I don't hear that
any of the family havje been taken off by the late fickncfs j
but am infoimed of the death of one Mrs. Dudding, (a perfon
convcrt-td at the Orphan-houfc^ fyroe time ago) : Ihc went wuh
[ 45. ]
the family into Carolina, where fhe ftaid after they returned,
and there died triumphantly.
Mr. Bolziusy one of the Saltzhnrghers minlfl-ers, writes to
me thus,
Ehenezcr in Georgia, Sept. 22, 1742.
Reverend and dear Sir,
IT was with great fatisfadlion that I received the favour of
your letter, dated M the 5th oW^ober laft, in which
you acquainted me with the joyful news, that the Lord has
been pleafed to blefs your kind endeavours of colleding twenty
pounds for our poor people, on which our mill, and efpecially
our Orphan-houfe had its fnare according to your intention
and order. This great bleffing is delivered into my hand by
Mr. H m, our dear friend and favourer, and is laid out
in fuch a manner, that I hope, to have obtained the end, at
which you aim in all your adtions, and in this a61: of love too,
viz. to promote the great giver's, our heavenly father's glory
and our people's welfare. May it pleafe an almighty and mer-
ciful God to reward you and all our benefadors many-fold
for this and many more teftimonies of your and their real fa-
vours, and let defcend upon your worthy perfon and holy mi-
niftry as many bleffings to your fpiritual and temporal welfare
as prayers and hearty wiflies do afcend to the throne of o-race
from our hearts and lips in publick and private.
God has been pleafed to vifit me and my fellow-labourer
with dangerous ficknefs, but has gracioufly reftored our health
for our better being prepared to the heavenly and blefled re-
gions, and for being in fome meafure, by the operation of the
Holy Ghoft, ufeful to (hew our hearers the way through
Christ to the Father, and their eternal happinefs. Many in
our congregation have been dangeroufly fick, and fome died
in peEce j the reft begin to recover by degrees. Good
* Dr. Huuter has been mighty ufeful and afTiftive to the in-
habitants of Savannah in their long and dangerous fickneiTes •
and God has blefled his cures with very good effefts ; and I
am in hopes fome people there will begin to be fenfible of the
many bleflings that flow from Bdhejda upon them, and praife
with us the Lord for his great kindnefs and mercy in havino-
raifed this houfe of mercy to many grown people's and chil-
* The Surgeon belorgin?; to the Orphan-houfe,
[ 4^2 j
dren's fpiritual and temporal welfare. If God fhoulJ o-ivf
me the picafure of feeing you here again, and being edify'd by
your converfation, I would humbly thank him for itj but if
he is pleafed to carry either of us from this to a better world,
then we will fee not only one another happily, but our glo-
rious Redeemer alfo face to face for ever, to his infinite
praife and our eternal'happinefs, at which my brother Gronau^
myfelf, our families, and feveral of our congregaticvn aim by
all means and ftrength, which God gives us from the merits
of his beloved fon, our dear Saviour, l^o his infinite mercy
and gracious condudt I commit you, and me with our people,
Orphan-houfe, my fellow-labourer Mr. Gronati^ and our fa-
milies, who all falute you very heartily, to the continuance
of your favour and kind remembrance before God and men,
remaining fincerely.
Reverend and dear Sir, your unworthy brother,
and humble fervant in Christ,
'John Martin Bolzius.
[ 4^3 ]
Continuation of the Account and
Progress, &c. of the Orphan-
S/V, Bethejda^ March 21, 1746.
SOME months have! been here, and now think it high
time, according to my promife, to fend you as explicit
an account, as I well can, o'i the progrefs^ and prefent fituation
of the Orphan-houfe. Some have thought, that the ere<5^ing
fuch a building was only the produce of my own brain ; but
they are much miftaken. It was firft propofed to me by my
dear friend the reverend Mr. Charles JVeJley^ who, with his
excellency General Oglethorpe had concerted a fcheme for car-
rying on fuch a defign, before I had any thoughts of going
abroad myfelf. It was natural to think, that as the govern-
ment intended this province for the refuge and fupport of
many of our poor countrymen, that numbers of fuch adven-
turers muft necelTarily be taken ofF, by being expofed to the
hardfhips which unavoidably attend a new fettlement. I
thought it therefore a noble defign in general, to eredl a
houfe for fatherlefs children. And believing fuch a provifion
for orphans would be fome inducement wiih many to come
over, I fell in with the defign, when mentioned to me by my
friend, and was refolved, in the ilrength of God, to profecute
it with all my might. This was mentioned to the honourable
the truftees. They took it kindly at my hands ; and as I
then began to be pretty popular at BriJIol, and elfewhere, they
wrote to the Bi/hcp of Bath and JVells^ for leave for me to
preach a charity-fermon on this occafion in theabbey-church.
This was granted, and I accordingly began immediately to
compofe a fuitable difcourfe : but knowing my firft flay at
Georgia would be but ftiort, on account of my returning again
to take priefts orders, I thought it moft prudent, firft to go
and fee for myfelf, and defer profecuting the fcheme till I
came home: becaufe I could then be better able to judge,
whether the fcheme was pra6licable, and confequentJy could
[ 464 1
be able to recommend it with the greater earnertnefs. When
1 came to Georgia^ I found many poor orphans, who though
taken notice of by the honourable truftees, yet through the
neglect of pcrfons that acted under them, were in miferable
circumftances. For want of a houfe to breed them up
in, the poor little ones were tabled out here and there,
and befides the hurt they received by bad examples, forgot at
home what they learnt at fchool. Others were at hard fer-
vices, and likely to have no education at all. Upon feeing
this, and finding that his niajefty and parliament had the in-
tereft of this colony much at heart, I thought I could not
better (hew my regard to God and my country, than by get-
ting a houfe and land for ihefe children, where they might
learn to labour, read, and write, and at the fame time be
brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ac-
cordinely, at my return to England in the year 173S, to tuke
prieft orders, I applied to the honourable focicty for a grant
of five-hundred acres of land, and laid myfclf under an obli-
gation to build a houfe upon it, and to receive from time to
time, as many orphans as the land and ftock would maintain.
As I had always acted like a clergyman of the church of Eng-
land, having preached in many of the London churches, and
as I had but a few months before colleited near a thoufmd
pounds Sterling, for the children belonging to the charity-
fchools in London and IVeftmhiJler ; it was natural to think,
that I might-now have the ufe at leaft of fome of thefe churches
to preach in, for the orphans hereafter more immediately to be
committed to my care. But by the time I had taken priefts or-
ders, the fpirit of the clergy began to be much imbittered;
Churches were gradually denied to me. And 1 mult let this
good defign drop, and thoufands (I might add ten thoufands)
go without hearing the word of God, or preach in the fields.
Indeed two churches, one in London (Sfiitlc-fiehU) and one in
Bri/iol [St. Philip's znAyaccb) were lent me upon this occafi-
on ; but thofe were all. However, God kept me from being
difcouraged. 1 collected for the Oiphan-houfe in Moorficlds^
two and fifty pounds one fabbath-day morning ; twenty-two
pounds of which was in copper. It would have rejoiced your
heart to fee the people give ; they offered willingly, and took
more pains to come through the cro'wd and put their contri-
n buti(M|^
[ 465 ]
feutions into my hat, than fome would to have gotten them,
Thoufands of prayers were put up with the alms that were
given, and I truft both went up as a memorial before God.
^In the afternoon I colle<£led again at Kennington-Common^ and
continued to do fo at mod of the places where I preached.
Befides this, two or three of the BiJJjops^ and feveral perfons
of diftindlion contributed ; till at length, having about a thou-
fand and ten pounds, I gave over colledling, and went with
V^hat I had to Georgia. At that time multitudes offered to
accompany me ; but I chofe to take over only a furgeon,
and a few more of both fexes, that I thought would be
. ufeful in carrying on my defign. Thefe chearfully embark-
ed with me, defiring nothing for their pains, but food and
raiment. My dear fellow-traveller, William Seiuard^ Efq; alfo
joined with them, and was particularly ufeful to me on this
occafion. Our firft voyage was to Philadelphia, where I was
willing to go for the fake of laying in provifion. Having a
Captain of a fhip with me, who had been my fpiritual child,
by his advice, I laid out in London a good part of the thoufand
pounds for goods ; and by his care and that of my other fel-
low-travellers, without any trouble to myfelf, got as much by
them at Philadelphia as nearly defrayed the family's expence
of coming over. Here God blefled my miniftry daily, and
begun that work in Philadelphia, v^ hich, I am perfuaded, will
be remembered through the ages of eternity. 'January follow-
ing, 1739, I met my family at Georgia, and being unwilling
to lofe any time, I hired a large houfe, and took in all the
Orphans I could find in the colony. A great many alfo of the
town's children came to fchool gratis, and many poor people
who could not maintain their children, upon applicatioii, liaj
leave given them to fend their little ones- for a month or two,
or more, as they could fpare them, till at length my family
confifted of between fixty and feventy. Moft of the orphans
were in poor cafe; and three or four almoft eaten up with
lice. I likewife erecled an Infirmary, in which many fick peo-
-ple were cured and taken care o^ gratis. I have now by me
a lift of upwards of a hundred and thirty patients, who were
under the Surgeon's hands, exclufive of my own private family.
This Surgeon I furniflied with all proper drugs and utenfils,
which put me to no fmaU expence; and this was ftill increafed
Vol. m. G g by
[ 466 ]
by clearing land, buying ftock, and building a large dwelling-
houfC) fixty-fect by forty, and out-houfes, commodious for a
JarEje family to live in. Sometimes (labourers and all) I have
had a hundred and twenty to provide for daily. My friends,
as well as myfclf, feemed to have particular courage and faith
oiven us for the feafon ; and we went on chearfully, believing
that He for whofe fake we began, would enable us to finilh
this good work. About March I began the great boufe, bav-
in-^ only about one hundred and fifty pounds in cafli. I called
it Bcthejda, becaufe I hoped it would be a houfe of mercy to
many fouls. Blefl'ed be God, vvc have not been difappointed
of our hope ; it has proved a houfe of mercy indeed to many.
Several of our labourers, as well as vifitors, have (in a judg-
ment of charity) been born of God here, and given evident
proofs of it, by bringing fc)rth the fruits of the fpirit. Rdany
boys have been put out to trades, and many girls put out to
lervice. I had the pleafure the other day, of feeing three boys
work at the houfe in which they were bred, one of ihcm out
of his time, a journeyman, and the others fcrving under their
mafters. One that I brought from Neiv-Englaiid is handfomely
fettled in Carol'ina\ and another from Fhilcdelphla is married,
and lives very comfortably at Savannah. How fo large a family
has been fupported in fuch a colony, without any vifible fund,
is wonderful! I am furprized when I lock back, and fee, how
for thefe fix years lafl paft, God has fprcad a table in the
"wildernefs for fo many pcrfons. Were all the particular pro-
vidences that have attended this woik recorded, perhaps they
■would be found not inferior to thofc mentioned by Profeflor
Fraud, in his Piclas HalIe»Jis, whofe memory is very precious
to me, and whofe example has a thoufanti times been blefied
to ftrengthen and encourage me in the carrying on this cntcr-
prize. My being detained fo long in England, has been a little
detrimental to me, my friends not knowing fo well how to
3(51, becaufe tl.cy expelled to fee me daily. And I cannot yet
fay that I have furmounted the firft year!s expence, which in-
deed was very great, and greater no doubt than it would be
now, after my friends hdve had fo many years experience in
the colony. However, I doubt not, but by the blefling of
God, in a fliort time to pay off" my arrears, and then the
family will be maintained at a fmall expence. My Handing
[ 467 ]
aniTual charges are now buc trifling to what they have been ;
and my friends have raifed an annual fubfcription fufficient for
difcharging it, till the family may be able to provide for itfelf.
This, God willing, I hope will be, in a good meafure, fpeedi-
]y effe£led. We have lately begun to ufe the plow ; and next
year I hope to have many acres of good oats and barley. We
have near twenty fl:icep and lambs, fifty head of cattle, and
feu'en horfes. We hope to kill a thoufand weight of pork this
feafon. Our garden, which is very beautiful, furnifhes us
with all forts of greens, ^c. We have plenty of milk, eggs,
poultry, and make a good deal of butter weekly. A great
quantity of wool and cot;on has been given me, and we hope
to have fufficient fpun and wove for the next winter's cloath-
ing. If the vines hit, we may expedl two or three hogftieads
of wine out of the vineyard. The family now confifts of
twenty-fix perfons. Two of the orphan boys are blind, one
is little better than an idiot. But notwithftanding, they are
ufcful in the family, one in the field, and the other in the
kitchen. I have two women to take care of the houfliold
work, and three men and two boys employed about the plan-
tation and cattle. A fett of Dutch fervants has been lately fent
over: the magiftratcs were pleafed to give me two; and I
took in a poor old widow, aged near feventy, whom no bodv
elfe cared to have. A valuable young man from New-Enrrland
is my ichool-maitcr, and in my abfence performs duty in the
family. Sabbath-days the grown people attend public vvorfhip
at Savannah, or at If'hlte- bluff, a village near Bethefda^ where
a Dutch minifler officiates. My dear friends who have hitherto
been my affiitants, being married and having three or four
children, thought it bed, as mod: fuitable to the inftitution, to
remove : God has mercilully provided for them, and they are
comfortably fettled at Savannah and eifewhere: v/e frequently
write to and hear from one another. I need not trouble you
with the order of our family. It is pretty near the fame as
uiual, and I do not think to make any material alteration for
fome time. Many have applied to me to take in their children
as boarders, and erect a public fchool : but I have not yet de-
termined. It is certain fuch a fchool would be exceedingly
ufeful in this part of the world, if there fliould be a peace,
not only for thefe northern parts of the colony, but alfo for
G g 2 the
[ 468 ]
the more fouthern parts ot CuroUna, Purijhurgh, and FredericOy
where are many fine youths. I have been prevailed on to take
one from Frederica^ and another from Furijhurgh, and it may
be fliall admit more. For the prefent, confidering the fitua-
tion of aftairs, I think it moft prudent to go on making what
improvements I can on the plantation, and (hall bring a tutor
with mc from the northward in the fall, to teach a few youths
the languages, and enlarge the family, when afFairs are more
fettled. The houfe is a noble commodious building, and every
thing well adapted for bringing up youth. Here is land to
employ them in exercifing their bodies, and to keep them from
idlenefs out of fchool hours. Here are none of the temptations
to debauch their tender minds, which are common to more
populous countries, or in places where children muft necefTa-
Jrily be brought up with negroes. What God intends to do
with the colony is not for me to enquire : fecret things belong
to him. It has hitherto been wonderfully preferved, and the
Orphan-houfe, like the burning bufh, has flourifhed uncon-
fumed. In fine, the government has, no doubt, its vielfare
jnuch at heart : and, God willing, I intend to carry on my
defign till I fee the colony fink or fwim. The money that
}ias been expended on the Orphan-houfe, and Orphan-houfe
family, has been of vaft fcrvicc to this northern part of the
colony. And though it has been greatly detrimental to my
cv/n private intereft, yet I do not repent of the undertaking.
No, I rejoice in it daily, and hope yet to fee many more fouls
born unto God here. I have had a very comfortable winter.
The people of Savannah, having no minifter till lately, gladly
accepted my labours ; and at Freder'uay the gentlemen and
foldicrs of General Oglethotp's regiment, as well as the inha-
bitants of that town, received mc very gladly. Major Hcrioi
feems to behave very well ; he has a very fine growing plan-
tation. I hw barley in the ear the firft of March. Georgia
is very healthy. Not above qne, and that a little child, has
died out of our family, fince it removed to BetheJJa. I think
the colony (were the inhabitants fufficiently numerous) is ca-
pable of as good improvement as any on the continent.
For the fatisfaction of my friends, and filencing, if pofTiblc,
my enemies, I have had my accounts from the very beginning
te January halt, publickly audited and examined, debtor and
t 469 ]
creditor, article by article ; and an oath for confirmation, bd-
ing an end of all ftrife, I have fvvorn to them. If it gives
you or others any fatisfaflion, I fljail be glad. I have no more
to add, but to beg a continued intcreft in your prayers, and
fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate friend, and fefvant,
G. TV.
To his Excellency James Wright, Efq-, Captain
General and Governor in Chief of his Majefty's
province of Georgia^ and to the members of his
Majefty's council in the faid province.
'the Memorial 0/ George Whitefield, Clcrk^
S H E w £ T rt,
THAT about twenty-five years ago, your memorialiil^
aflifted by the voluntary contributions of charitable and
\vell difpofed perfons, at a very great expence, and under many
difadvantages, did erefl a commodious houfe, with nccefiary
out-buildings, fuitable for the reception of orphans, and other
poor and deferted children ; and that with the repair of the
buildings, purchafe of negroes, and fupponing a large orphan
family for fo many yearsj he hath expended upwards of tv/elve
thoufand pounds fterling, as appears by the accounts, which
from time to time have been audited by the magiftrates of
That your tnemorialifl:, fince the commencement of this
inftitution, hath had the fatisfadion of finding, that bv the
money expended thereon, not only many poor families were
aflifted, and thereby kept /rom leaving the colony in its in-
fant ftate, but alfo that a confiderable number of poor help-
lefs children have been trained up ; who have been, and now
are ufeful fettlers in this and the other neighbouring pro-
That in order to render the inftitution aforefaid more ex-
tenfively ufeful, your mcmorialift, as he perceived the colony
gradually increafmg, hath for fome years paft defigned withiri
G g 3 hJmfelf^
[ 470 ]
himfelf, to improve the original plan, by making further prO-
vifion for the education of perfons of fuperior rank ; who
thereby might be qualified to fcr»\'e their king, their country,
and their God, either in church or ftate. That he doth with
inexpreflible plcafure, fee the prcfent very flourifliiiig ftate of
the province ; but with concern perceives that feveral gcntle-
inen have been obliged to fend their fons to the northern pro-
vinces; who would much rather have had them educated
nearer home, and thereby prevent their afFedions being alien-
ated from their native country, and alfo keep confidcrable
fums of money from being carried out of this into other pro-
Your memorialift further obfervcs, that there is no feminary
for academical fludics as yet founded, fuuthward of Virginia ;
and confequently if a college could be eftablifhed here (efpe-
cially as the late addition of the two Floridas renders Georgia
more centrical for the fouthcrn diftriifi) it would not only be
highly ferviceable to the rifing generation of this colony, but
would probably occafion many youths to be fent from the
Britijh JVeJl India iflands and other parts. Tiie many advan-
tages accruing thereby to this province, muft be very confi-
From thefe confiderations, your rruemori.ilifl: is induced to
believe, that the time is now approaching, when his long pro-
jected dcfign for further fervijig this his beloved colony, fhall
be carried into execution.
That a confiderable fum of money is intended fpeedily to
be laid out in purchafing a large number of negroes, for the
further cultivation of the prcfent Orphan-houfe, and other
additional lands, and for the future fupport of a worthy able
prefident, profefibr$, and tutors, and other good purpofes in-
Your memorialift therefore prays your Excellency and Ho-
nours to grant to him in truft, for the purpofes aforefaid, two
tboufand acres of land, on the north fork of Turtle River,
called the LeJJ'er Swamp, if vacant, or where lands may be
found vacant, fou;h of the river Altamaha.
Savannah in Georgia,
Dec, 18, 1764.
The Addp.ess of both Houfes of Alfembly
in Georgia.
To his Excellency James Wright, Efq; Captain
General and Governor in Chief of his Majefty's
province of Geo7~gia.
May it pleafe your Excellency,
WE his Majefly's moft dutiful and loyal fubjefls, the
council and commons houfe of alTembly oi Georgia,
in general afiembly mer, beg leave to acquaint your Excel-
lency, that v/ith the highefb fatisfadtiqn we learn, that the
Rev. Mr. George JVbileJield has applied for lands, in order to
the endowment of a College in this province. The many and
fingular obligations Georgia has continually laid under to that
reverend gentleman, from its very infant flate, would in gra-
titude induce us, by every means in our power, to promote
any meafure he might recommend; but in the prefcnt inftance,
where the intereft of the province, the advancement of religion,
and the pleafing profpeil of obtaining proper education for our
youth, fo clearly coincide with his views, we cannot in juftice
but requeft your Excellency to ul'e your utmoft endeavours to
promote fo defirable an event, and to tranfmit home our fiu-
ccre and very fervent wifhes, for the accomplifhment of J9
ufeful, fo beneficent, and fo laudable an undertaking.
By order of the upper Houfe.
James Habersham, Prefident,
December 20, 1764.
By order of the Commons Houfe.
Alex,. Wylly, Speaker,
Q^^ ^9
[ 472 ]
To which his Excellency was plcafed to return the
following Anfwer.
IAm fo perfe£tly fenfible of the very great advantage which
will refult to the province in general, from the eftablifh-
ment of a feminary for learning here, that it gives me the
greateft pleafure to find fo laudable an undertaking propofed
by the Rev. Mr. JVhitejield. The friendly and zealous dilpofi-
tion of that gentleman, to promote the profperity of this pro-
vince, has been often experienced j and you may reft afTured,
that I fhall tranfmit your addrefs home, with my beft endea-
vours for the fuccefs of the great point in view.
James Wright.
December 20, J 7 64.
A Letter to his Excellency Governor Wkight,
giving an account of the fteps taken, relative
to the converting the Georgia Orphax-
HousE into a College : Together with
the literary correfpondence that paffed upon
that fubjed-, between his Grace the Arch-
bifliop of Canterbury and the Reverend Mr,
Provide things honeji in the fight of all men. Rom. \li. 14:
Honoured Sir^
AS your Excellency; together with the members ot ins
Majedy's honourable council, and houfe ot reprefenta-
tives, were plcafed at my late vifit to the Orphan-houfe, not
only highly to approve of, but alfo deeply to intcreft yov.r-
felves in the defi^n of converting the prefcnt Georgiu Orphan-
houfe into a college ; fo 1 am pcrfuadcd, you make no doubt,
but that ever fince my arrival in Evgland^ fuly 1765, I have
exerted my utmoft efforts in endeavouring to bring this im-
t 473 1
portant affair to a defirable iflue. To mention all the various
circumflances which have occurred during that interval, to
impede and retard its more fpeedy profecution, would be tedi-
ous and unnecefTary; I would therefore only inform your Ex-
cellency, that about fifteen months ago, a memorial was deli-
vered into the hands of the late clerk of his Majefty's moft
honourable privy council. That this memorial was by him
tranfmitted to the Lord Prefident, and by his Lordfhip refer-
red to the confideration of his Grace the Archbifhop of Canter-
biay-y that by his Grace's permilfion a literary correfpondence
enfued ; but as that correfpondence, and with that, the nego-
ciation itfelf fcems at an end, I think it my duty, not only to
lay an account of the whole before your Excellency in parti-
cular; but, through your Excellency's hands, before his Ma-
jefty's council and houfe of reprefentatives of the colony of
Georgia, together with all the other American colonifts, and
the public in general, on both fides the water, who have fo
liberally contributed to the promoting this defign.
To the King's moft Excellent Majesty.
The Memorial (?/ George Whitefield, Clerky
Sheweth, •
THAT about twenty-fix years ago, your memorialift,
affifted by the voluntary contributions of charitable and
well difpofed perfons, at a very great expence, and under many
difadvantages, did erecSt a very commodious houfe, with necef-
fary out-buildings, fuitable for the reception of orphans and
©ther poor and deferred children ; and that with the repair of
the buildings, purchafe of negroes, and fupporting a large
orphan family fo many years, he hath expended upwards of
twelve thoufand pounds fterling, as appears by the accounts,
which from time to time have been audited by the magiftrates
of Savannahy and which are humbly prefented with this me-
That your memorialift, fince the commencement of this
inftitution, hath had the fatisfaftion of finding, that by the
muney expended thereon, not only many poor famili's were
C 474 ]
aflifttd and thereby kept from leaving the colony in its infant
llate } but alfo th.tt a confiderable number of poor htlpicfs
children have been trained up, who have been, and are nov/
ufcTul fctilers in this and the other neii^hbouring provinces ;
that in order to render the inftitution aforefaid more extcnfivcly
ufeful, your memorialiil, as he perceived the colony gradually
rifin-j;, hath for fome years paft dcfigned, within himfclf, to
improve the original plan, by making further provifion for the
education of peribns of fuperior rank, who thereby may be
qualified to ferve their king, their country, and their God,
either in church or ftate.
That in his late vifit to Georgia^ he did with InexpreiTible
pleafure fee the province in a very fiourifliing ftate ; but with
concern perceived that feveral gentlemen had been obliged to
fend their fons to the northern provinces, who would much
rather have had them educated nearer home; and thereby pre-
vent their affedions being alienated from their native country,
and alfo confiderable fums of money from bciiig carried out of
Georgia into other provinces.
Your memorialift begs leave further to obferve, that there
is no fetftinary for academical fludies as yet founded fouthward
of Virginia i and confequently if a college could be eftablifhed
(efpecially as the addition of the two Floridas renders Georgia
more centrical for the fouthern diftrid) it would not only be
highly ferviceable to the rifing generation of the colony of
Georgia^ but would probably occafion many youths to be fen it
from the neighbouring fouthern provinces for education. The
many advantages accruing to Georgia thereby, mufl ncccfTarily
be very confiderable.
That in confideration of the foregoing prcmifes, your mc-
morialift, in December 1764, prcfented a memorial to his Ex-
cellency the Governor, and the honourable the council of the
province of Georgia^ P''^y'"g t^'^^t two thoufand acres of land
might be granted in truft, towards carrying on the defirable
end of founding a College j which motion was not only im-
mediately complied with, but the general aflcmbly being then
fitting, an addrefs, a copy of which is herewith alfo fcnt, was
prefented from them to his Excellency, cxprefling their una-
nimous and higheft approbation, with a delire that his Excel-
lency would ufe \\\% cfideavours to have this affair forwarded
[ 475 ]
at home with all pofiible expedition. That upon the arrival
of your Memorialifl-, he was informed that this addrefs was
remitted to, and laid before the Lords Commiffioners for trade
and plantations ; and having received repeated advices, that
numbers both in Georgia and South-Carolina are waiting with
impatience to have their fons initiated in academical exercifes;
your Memorialilt therefore prays, that a charter upon the plan
of Neiu-Jerfey College may be granted ; upon which your Me-
moriaiift is ready to give up his prefent truft, and make a free
gift of all lands, negroes, goods, and chattels, which he now
ftands pofTefl'ed of in the province of Georgia, for the prefent
founding, and towards the future fupport of a College, to
be called by the name of Betbefda College in the province of
Mr. Whitefield to the Archhijhop^
May it pleafe your Grace, 'June 17, 1 767.
IThii.k myfelf highly honoured in the L P t's re-
ferring a late memorial to your Grace's confideration ;
and as highly obliged to your Grace, for the deep attention
your Grace hath given to the copy of an intended charter
prefentcd to your Grace by the E of D h. The
inclofed will fhew, what an almoft implicit regard hath been
paid to your Grace's wife remarks, and judicious corredlions.
I wifli it could have been altogether implicit ; but circum-
ftances are fuch, (as hath been hinted to your Grace by
L D h) that I cannot, in honour and confcience,
oblige the mafter of the Georgia College to be a member or
minifter of the church of England. Such an obligation, I
am perfuaded, hath greatly retarded the progrefs of the Qo\-
\ege of Neiv-Tork; as on the contrary, the letter figned by
your Grace, Proprietor Pen, and the late Dr. Chandler ; en-
gaging, that inftitution fhall be continued on a broad bot-
tom, hath as much promoted the growth of the College of
Philadelphia. The truftees of that feminary (as your Grace
is pleafed to obferve) have agreed, " That their Provoft fhall
always be a minifter of the eftabliflied church." But then I
would beg leave to reply, that they are not thereto enjoined by
their charter. That is entirely filent concerning this matter :
I their
[ 476 ]
their agreement is purely voluntary. The wardens of the
College of Georgia will not be prohibited by charter, from
following the example of the truftecs of the College of Phila-
delphia. It is more than probable they will never need it.
The firft Mafter will aflurcdly be a clergyman of the church
of England. By far the majority of the intended wardens,
are, and always will be members of that communion ; and
confcquenily the choice of a Mafter will always continue to
run in that channel. Mv heart's defirc is, that fume worthy
duly qualified minifter of the church of England may be al-
ways and readily found for that grand purpofe. But left this
fhould not always be the cafe, I dare not, as perfons of all
denominations have been contributors, confine or fetter the
future eledors. The monies gained by the New-Tork lotteries,
for the erecting a college in Nnv-Tork, were thrown in by
perfons of all religious perfuafions, in confidence, that the
College would hereafter be founded on an enlarged bafisi
And therefore, very great numbers, may it pleafe your Grace,
think, and for ever will think themfelves injured, by its being
confined within its prefent contradlcd boundary. Hence it is^
that many fine promifing youths are almoft daily fent from
the college in their native city, to that of New-Jcrfcy. I
dread giving the fame occafion of rcfentment and ofi^cnce : and
therefore am determined to avoid it in the wording of the
Georgia College charter. For the fame rcafons, I dare not
enjoin the daily ufe of our church liturgy. I love to ufe it^
1 have fallen a martyr, in rclpcit to bo'dily health, to the fre-
quent reading it in Tottenha?n-Court chapel ; and it has been
conftantly read twice every Sunday in the Orphan-houfe, from
its firfl inflitution to this very day. The Wardens, when the
power is devolved on them, may determine this point as they
pleafe; but I cannot enjoin it by charter: and have therefore^
in this prefent draught, not only omitted the paragraph con-
cerning public prayer, but alfo that concerning dodtrinal ar-
ticles. Perhaps your Grace may judge, that, all things con-
fidered, faying nothing about either, may be a proper me-
dium. Your Grace further wifely obfcrves, " That his
Majefly fhould be very well advifed, whom he names for the
firft Mafter." I truft he will. I believe the Right Honour-
able the Earl of Z) h will vouchfafe to intcrcft himfelf
6 in
[ 477 ]
in the choice, and likewife be fo good as to prefent the firft
Mafter to your Grace's approbation. The terms of the
the charter being not as yet fettled, the choice of a Mafler
cannot as yet be fixed upon. When the former are afcer-
tained, the latter may more eafily be applied for. In the
mean while your Grace may be aflured, that the lot will not
fall upon me. Alas ! my flioulders are too weak for the fup-
port of fuch an academical burden : my capacity, may it
pleafe your Grace, is by no means exrenfive enough for fuch
a fcholaftic truft. To be a prefbyter at large, is the ftation,
which I think divine Providence hath called me to, for near
thefe thirty years paft. During that fpace, I truft my eye
hath been in fome degree fingle, and my views difmterefted ;
and my higheft, my only ambition, during the feeble remains
of my future pilgrimage, I truft, will be this, That the laft
glimmerings of an expiring taper may be blefTed, and owned
by the great Shepherd and Bifhop of fouls, to guide fome wan-
dering fmners to the practical knowledge of himfelf. I defirc
to blefs his name, that I have been fpared long enough to fee
the colony of the once defpifed Georgia, and the yet more de-
fpifed Orphan-houfe, advanced to fuch a promifing height.
My honoured friend and father, good Bifhop Betijon, from
his dying bed, fent me a benefaflion for it of ten guineas,
and poured forth his moft fervent dying breathings for its fu-
ture profperity. That your Grace may yet live many years,
to be happily inftrumental in promoting its welfare, both fpi-
ritual and temporal, when turned into a college, is the earneft
prayer of, may it pleafe your Grace,
Your Grace's moft dutiful, obliged fon and fervant,
G. IV,
'Tottenhsfn- Court Road,
June 17, 1767.
The Jrchhijljop to Mr. Whitefield.
To the Reverend Mr. Whitefield,
THE Archbifcop of Canterbury hath put Mr. lVhitcfield\
draught of a charter for a College in Georgia, into the
hands of the Lord Prefident ; who hath promifed to confider
it : but defires to know from Mr. Whitefield, what prefent
endowment, and to what value, he propofcs for his College.
July I J 1767.
r 4;8 J
Mr. Whitefield to the ArcUijhop.
May it pleafe your Grace, , London , 'July i,, '^1^1'
MY obligations are much increafed by your Grace's put-
ting the iafl draught of the Georgia College fo fptedily
into the hands of the Lord Prefident. As by this, (I prefume)
it hath been honoured by your Grace's, fo I make no manner
of doubt, but it will alfo meet with his Lordfhip's approbation.
In obedience to your Grace's dcfire, I herewith fend your
Grace an account of *' what prcfent endowment, and to what
value, I propofe for the intended College." Upon a moderate
computation, may it pleafe your Grace, I believe its prefent
annual income, is between four and five hundred pounds
fterlino-. The houi'e is furrounded with eighteen hundred
acres of land ; a plan of which, and likewife of the houfe it-
felf, I herein inclofe, and humbly prefent for your Grace's in-
fpe6tion. The number of negroes young and old, employed
on various parts of thefe lands, in fawing timber, raifmg rice
for exportation, and corn with all other kinds of provifion
for the family, is about thirty. Befidcs thefe, the College
will be immediately pofi'efled of two thoufand acres of land
near Altamaha^ which were granted me by the Governor and
Council, when I was laft: ■axGecrgia', and a thoufand acres
more, left, as I am informed, by the late reverend and worthy
Mr. Zubberbuler. So that, by laying out only a thoufand
pounds in purchafing an additional number of negroes, and
allowing another thoufand for repairing the houfe, and
building the two intended wings, the prefent annual income
may very eafily and fpeedily be augmented to a thoufand
pounds /id-r annum. Out of this ftanding fund, may be paid
the falaries of the Mafter, profeflbrs, tutor*;, &c. and alfo
fmall exhibitions be allowed for fome orphan or other poor
fludents, who may have their tutorage and room-rent gratis,
and acl as fervitors to thofe who enttr commoners. What
thefe falaries and exhibitions ought to be, may at a proper
feafon be fubmitted to your Grace's future confideration.
At prcfent, I would only further propofe, that the negroc
children belonging to the College, fiiall be inftrudcd, in their
intervals of labour, by one of the poorer ftudcnts, as is done
[ 479 !!
now by one of the fcholars in the prefent Orphan-houfe,
And 1 do not fee why an additional provifion may not likewife
be made for educating and maintaining a number of Indian-
children, which, I imagine, may eafily be procured from the
CreekSy Choclaws^ Chei'okces, and the other neighbouring na-
tions. Hence the whole will be a free-gift to the colony of
Georgia : a complex extenfive charity be eftabliflied ; and at
the fame time, not a Tingle perfon obliged, by any public adl
of aflembly, to pay an involuntary forced tax towards the fup-
port of a fcminary, from which many of the more diftant and
poorer Colonift's children cannot pofilbly receive any imme-
diate advantage ; and yet the u-hole Colony, by the chriftlan
and liberal education of a great number of its individuals, be
univerfaliy benefited. Thus have I mofl readily, and I hum-
bly hope, gratefully complied with your Grace's defire, which
to me is as a command. I am conftrained to trefpafs on your
Grace's patience, whilft I congratulate your Grace on the
goodnefs of God, who, amongft many other fignal marks of
his peculiar providence, hath honoured your Grace, in mak-
ing you an happy inftrumcnt of eflablifhing ^\kq Nor them- Ame-
rican Colleges ; the one at Neiv-Tork^ and the other at Pbila-
delpijia : and if (as I pray may be the cafe) your Grace fhould
yet be made further inftrumental in efl:ablifl:iing a thirtl Col-
lege in the yet more fouthern, but now flourifiting colony of
Georgia, I trufl it will be an additional gem in the crown,
which I earncilly pray that God, the righteous judge, may
give your Grace in that day. In his great name, I bc^ leave
to fubicribe myfelf, may it pleafe your Grace,
Your Grace's mofl dutiful, obliged fon and fervant,
G. ir.
Air. Whitefield to the Archhijhop.
Tottenham-Cow t^ Sept. i, 1767.
May it pleafe your Grace,
A S I am going out of town for a few weeks, I beg leave
X.^- humbly to enquire, whether my L P 1 hath
confide! ed the draught of the charter fent him by vour Grace
fome weeks ago. The Governor, Council, AfTembly, and
other inhabitants of Georgia^ wait with in^pnticnce to have
[ 4-80 ]
this affair brought to a defired iflue ; and therefore I humbly
hope your Grace will excufe the freedom of the requeft now
made by, may it pleafe your Grace,
Your Grace's moft dutiful, obliged fon and fervant,
G. /^,
The Archh'ijhop to Mr. Whitefield.
Lambeth y Sept. i8, 1767,
To the Reverend Mr. TVhitefield.
THE Archbifnop of Canterbury fends Mr. Whitefield the
enclofed letter from the Lord Prefident, which he re-i
geived this day, and which he defires may be returned to him,
Mr. Whitefield to the ArchbiJl}op.
Tottenham-Court, OSl. 13, 1767.
May it pleafe your Grace^
BY a feries of unaccountable incidents and miftakes, your
Grace's letter, with that of the L P 1, did not
reach me till this afternoon. I have made bold to copy the
letter j and in obedience to your Grace's command, herewith
return the original. Its contents fliall be immediately and duly
confidered, and an anfwer very fpeedily remitted to your
Grace. In the mean time, with moft humble thanks for the
zeal and punctuality fhewn by your grace in the profccution
of this important aft'air, and earneftly begging an intereft in
your Grace's prayers, that I may be kept from erring on the
ri-'ht hand, or the left, in this final difcharge of my public
truft, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, may it pleafe your
Your Grace's moft obedient and dutiful fon and fervant,
G, /^,
Mr. Whitefield to the Jrchbif^op.
Tottenham-Court, OSJ. 16, 1767.
Afay it pleafe your Grace ^
AP'7'KR earneft application to the Father of mercies for
diredion, I have endeavoured as in his prefence, duly
to confider and weigh the contents of the L P t's let-
ter, which your Grace w-is fo condcfccnding as to tranfmit
[ 48i ]
for my perufal. His L p therein, is pleafed to Inform
your Grace, " That he obfe. ves, that the fecond draught of
« Mr. IVhltefield's charter, differs from that of Neio-Tork ;
« in not requiring the head of the College to be a member of
" the church of England, which his Lordfliip thinks fo ma^
<' terial a qualification, that for ohe, he (hould not be for
« difpenfmg with it. And his L p is alfo of opmion,
« that the public prayers fiiould not be extempore ones, but
« the liturgy of the church, or fome part thereof, or fome
" other fettled and eftabliftied form." Thus far his L p.
And, as 1 profefs myfelf to be a prefbyter of the fame com-
munion with his L p, I cannot but applaud his L-— P s
zeal for, and watchfulnefs over, the honour of the e..abh^.hed
church. But if his L p would b- fo good as to take a
particular view of the point of light in which I (land, I can-
not help flattering myfelf, but that his L p will be fo far
from thinking, that being a member of the church of England
is a qualification not to be difpenfed with m the head of the
intended College; that on the contrary^ it ought not fo rnuch
as to be mentioned, or infilled upon in the charter at all. For
not to trouble your Grace with a repetition of the reafons
urged againft fuch a reftraining claufe, in my letter of June 17 ;
1 would beg leave further to obferve to your Grace, that by
far thegreateft part of the Orphan- houfe colleaions and contri-
butions came fromDiflenters, not only in Nczu-England, Nsiv-
York, Penfyhania, South-Carolina, and Scotland, but in all proba-
bility here in England alfo. Moft of thefe places I have vifitcd
fmce the feveral audits of the Orphan-houfe accompts, and ac-
quainted with the defign of turning it into a College ; and like-
wife the addrefs of the Council and Aflembly of the province
of Georgia, with his Excellency Governor JVright^ anfwer,
highly approving and recommending the defign, have been
publiftied. Being frequently afked, " Upon what bottom the
«' intended College was to be founded;" I not only moft
readily and repeatedly anfwered, " Undoubtedly upon a broad
bottom ;" but likewife, in moll of the above-mentioned places,
have folemnly declared from the pulpit, that it (hould be upon
a broad bottom, and no other. This, I judged, I was fufficiently
warranted to do, from the known, long eftabliflied, mild, and
uncoercive genius cf the EngliO) government j alio from your
Vol. III. Hh Grace's
[ 4S2 ]
.Grace's moderation towards proteftant DiiTenters ; from the
.unconquerable attachment of the Americans to toleration prin-
ciples, as well as from the avowed habitual feelings and fenti-
ments of my own heart. This being the cafe, niny it pleafe
your Grace, I would humbly appeal to his L p, whether
I can anfwer it to my God, my confcience, my king, my
country, my conftituents, and Orphan- houfe benefactors and
contributors, both at home and abroad, to betray my truft,
forfeit my word, adt contrary to my own convidions, and
greatly retard and prejudice the growth and progrefs of the in-
tended inftitution, by narrowing its foundation, and thereby
letting it fall upon fuch a bottom, as I am perfuaded will give
a general difgul}, and moft juftly open the mouths of perfons
of all denominations againft me. This, as I acquainted your
Grace, in the fame letter referred to above, is what I dare not
do. And therefore, as your Grace by your filence feems to
be like-minded with the L d P 1 ; and as your Grace's
and his L p's influence will undoubtedly extend itlclf to
dthers of his Majcfty's moft Honourable Privy-Council, I
would beg leave, after returning all due acknowledgments, to
inform your Grace, that I intend troubling your Grace and his
Lordftiip no more about this fo long depending concern. As
it hath pleafed the great Head of the church in fome degree to
renew my bodily ftrength, I purpcfe now to renew my teeble
efforts, and turn the charity into a more generous, and con-
lequently into a more extenfively ufcful channel. If I know
any thing of my own heart, 1 have no ambition to be looked
upon at prefent, or remembered for the future, as a founder
of a college ; but I would fain, may it pleafe your Grace, adt
the part of an honeft man, a difinterefted minifter of Jesus
Christ, and a truly catholic, moderate prefbyter of the
church of England. In this way, and in this only, can I hope
for a continued heart-felt enjoyment of that peace of God,
which pafleth all undeiftanding, whilft here on earth, and be
thereby prepared to (land with humble boldnefs before the
awful, impartial tribunal of the great Shepherd and Bifhop of
fouls at the great day. That your Grace may fliine as a ftar of
the firft magnitude in that day, is the fincere prayer of, may
it pleafe your Grace,
Your Grace's moft dutiful obliged fon and fervant,
C. //^.
Mr. Whitefiel3 to the Jrchhijjop.
Tottenham-Court, Nov. iij 1 7670
Ma^ it pleafe your Grace,
THE bearer is my humble friend ; one who hath been
with me feveral years, and been my companion in tra-
vel through the continent q{ America. If your Grace would
be fo good as to fend by him the plans and papers relating to
the Orphan-houfe, it would much oblige, may it pleafe your
Your Grace's moft dutiful humble fervant,
G. IV.
P. S. I know not whether your Grace or the Lord Prefi-
dent hath the copy of the New-Jerfey College charter. I gave
it to Mr. Secretary Sharp, in order that your Grace and his
Lordfliip might fee it. Mr. Sharp being dead, obliges me to
trouble your Grace with this particular : I Ihould not other-
wife have taken the freedom.
Mr. Whitefield to the Archbijhop.
Tottenham-Court, Feb. I2, 1768.
May it pleafe your Grace,
AS not only the Governor, Council and AfTcmbly of
Georgia, have been for a long feafon, and are now wait-
ing for an account of what hath been done in refpeil to the
affair of the intended Bethefda college, I find myfelf under a
neceffity of giving them and the contributors, on this, as well
as the other fide of the water, a plain narration of the fteps I
have been taking ; and at the fame time I intend to lay before
the public a draught of the future plan, which, God willing,
I am now determined to profecute. And as the letters which
I have had the honour of writing to your Grace, contain
moft of what I have to fay on this fubje£l, I fuppofe your
Grace can have no objedion againft my publifhing thofe let-
ters, together with the anfwers returned, and the iffue of the
correfpondence. To prevent your Grace's having further.
H 2 trouble.
[ 4^4 ]
trouble, as I hear your Grace is at prcfcnt much indlfpofed, I
fhall look upon filence as an approbation, at Icaft as a tacit
allowance of what is defigned by, may it pleafe your Grace,
Your Grace's mofl: dutiful foil and fervant,
in the King of kings and Lord of lord?,
G. IV.
Thus, may it pleafe your excellency, concluded my corre-
fpondence with his Grace, and I humbly hope, the province
oi Gesrgiay in the end, will be no lofer by this negociation.
For, God willing, I now purpofc to add a public academy,
to the Orphan-houfe, as the college ^' of Philadelphia was con-
ftituted a public academy, as vvtll as charitable fchool, for
fome time before its prefent college charter was granted by
the honourable proprietors o^ Penfylvama in the year 1755-
In purfuing a like plan, the prefent Georgia Orphan-houfe
eftate, which for near thefe three years hath been in aflateoffuf-
pcnfe, may be vigoroufly and properly improved, and thereby
an ample and lailing provifion made for the future maintenance
and education of many poor, indigent, and orphan, as well as
more opulent ftudents. Proper mafters likewife may now be
fent over to inftruil, and prepare for academical honours the
many youths, who are at this time both in Georgia and the
adjacent provinces, waiting for admifTion. In the mean time,
a proper trufl: may be formed to adi after my dece;'.fe, or even
before, with this provifo, that no opportunity fhall be omitted
of makirig frefli application for a college charter, upon a
hroad bottom^ whenever thofe in power fhall think it for the
glory of God, and the intereft of their king and country to
grant the fame. And thus, may it pleafe your Excellency,
my beloved Bethejdu will not only be continued as a houfe of' '
* Tliis college wns oiljin^l'')' builf, above twenty-eight yenis ago, for
a charity Ichool ami preaching place for nie, and miniltcrs ot various de-
romiiiations, on the bottom of the doflilnal aiticles of tl)« church of
Englav.d. The truftccs, as a public r.nd lirinding acknowledgment of
(his, have inferted a claufe in their Grant, for leave for a part of the
building ftill to be allowed for that purpolc. Accordingly I preached a
fcrmon in it, for the benefit of their charity children, wlii-n I was la.t at
Philadelphia, before a very large auditory, aiul Dr. ^/nii/:, the prciciit
Provoft, read prayers,
[ 485 ]
mercy for poor orphans, but be confirmed as a feat and nur-
fery of found learning, and religious education, I truft, to the
lateft pofterity. That this may be the happy cafe, as I am
perfuaded is the defire of your Excellency, his Majefty's Ho-
nourable Council, and houfcof reprefentatives, in the province
of Georgia, (o it iliall ftjll be, to my lateft breath, as it hath
been for many years, the earneft endeavour and inccfiaat
prayer of, May it pleafe your E^xcellency,
Your Excellency's, &c.
G. /T.
Commons Honfe of AJJemlly, Monday, 'Jan. ig., 1770.
MR. Speaker reported, that he with the houfe having
waited on the Reverend Mr. TVhitcfcld, in confequence
of his invitation, at the Orphan-houfe academy, heard him
preach a very fuitable and pious fermon on the occafion ; and
with great pleafure obferved the promifing appearance of im-
provement towards the good purpofes intended, and the decency
and propriety of behaviour of the feveral refidents there; and
were fenfibly afFe61:ed, when they faw thoh^ppy fuccefs which
has attended Mr. Whitejield' % indefatigable zeal for promoting
the welfare of the province in general, and the Orphan-houfe
in particular.
Ordered, That this report be printed In the Gazette.
John Simpfon, Clerk.
ExtraSl from the Georgia Gazette.
Savannah, Jan. 31, 1 770.
LAST Sunday his Excellency the Governor, Council and
AfTembly, having been invited by the Reverend Mr.
George IP'hitefield, attended at divine fervice in the chapel of
the Orphan-houfe academy, where prayers were read by the
reverend Mr. Ellington, and a very fuitable fermon was preached
by the reverend Mr. WhitefieM from Zechariah ivth chap. 9th.
and part of the loth verfes ; " The hands of 7.erubbabel have
laid the foundation of this hoife, his hands fi) all alfo finijh it \ and
\hou Jhalt know^ that the hoRD of hojis hath feni me unto you ;
H 3 fcr
C 4S6 ]
for who hath defplfed the day of fmall things ?" to the general
fatisfadtlon of the auditory j in which he took occafion to
mention the many difcouragements he met with, well known
to many there, in carrying on this inftitution for upwards of
thirty years paft, and the prefent promifing profpeil of its fu-
ture and more extenfive ufefulnefs. After divine fervice, the
company were very politely entertained with a handfome and
plentiful dinner ; and were greatly pleafed to fee the ufeful
improvements made in the houfe, the two additional wings
for apartments for fludents, one-hundred and fifty feet each
in length, and other lefler buildings, in fo much forwardnefs,
and the whole executed with tade and in a mafterly manner ;
and being fenfible of the truly generous and difinterefted bene-
fadions derived to the province through his means, they ex-
prefled their gratitude in the mofl refpectful terms.
[ 4^7 ]
Orphan-Hoafe, in Georgia, D^
To cafh received"!
from the '15 th
December, 1738,
to the ill: Ji^n.
1745-6, by pub-
lic Colieftions,
private Benefac-
tions, and annu-
al fubfcriptions,
per accompt,
I, 1745-6
',4982 12
eiuper- J
I, Jan. V
6. - i
529 05 if
£• 5511 17 9^
Orphan-Houfe, in Georgia, C\
By cafli paid fun-"
dries by particu-
lar accompts ex-
amined, from the
15 th December,
1738, to the ill
7^;/. 1745-6, for . I
buildings, cuiti- f5Sll 17 9 +
vation of lands,
infirmary, pro-
vifions, v/earing
apparel, and o-
therincidentex- (
penccs — — J
S. L. X^
HIS day perfonally appeared before us Henry
Parker and WiU'tam Spencer^ bailiffs of Savan-
nah aforefaid, the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and Ja7nes
Haberjham, Merchant oi Savannah aforefaid, who, being duly
fw^orn, fay, That the accompts relating to the Orphan-hoiiff,
now exhibited before us, of which the above is an abftrad,
amounting on the debit fide (namely, for collections antl fub-
fcriprions received) to the fum of four thoufand nine hundred
eighty-two pounds twelve (hillings and eight pence, fterling,
and on the credit fide, (namely, for difburfements paid) to the
fum of five thoufand five hundred eleven pounds feventeen
[hillings and ninepence farthing, fterling, do, to the bcft of
their knowledge, contain a jull and true account of all the
monies colleiSted by, or given to them, or any other, for the
ufe and benefit of the faid houfe ; and that the difbuifements,
amounting to the fum aforefaid, have been faithfully applied
to and for the ufe of the fame. And the Reverend Mr. White-
field further declareth, that he hath not converted or applied
any part thereof to his own private ufe and property, neither
hath charged the faid houfe with any of his travelling, or any
Other private expences whatfoever.
George Whitefield,
James Habersham.
H h 4 S A'-
[ 4S3 ]
THIS day perfonally appeared before us, Henry Parker^
.^^ and WiUiam Spencer^ ballifFs of Savannah aforefaid,
William IVocdron^e^ IVilliatn Eiven^ and IFilllam Rujfel of Sa-
vannah aforefaid, wiio being duly fworn fay. That they have
carefully and ftridly examined all and fingular the accompts
relating to the Orphan-houfe in Georgia^ contained in forty-
one pages, in a book entitled, Receipts and dijburfe.ments for
the Orphan-houfe in GeoVgia, with the original bills, receiptj;,
and other vouchers, from the fifteenth day of December^ in the
year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty
eight, to the firft day of January, in the year of our Lord one
thoufand feven hundred and forty-five; and that the monies
received on account of the faid Orphan-houfe, amounted to
the fum of four thoufand nine hundred eighty-two pounds
twelve fnillings and eight-pence, fterling, as above j and that
k doth not appear, that the Heverend Mr. Whitefeld hath
^ (Converted any part thereof to his own private ufc and property,
..or charged the faid houfe wi:h any of his travelling, or other
private expences ; but, on the contrary, hath contributed to
the fai.d .hoi^fe many valuable benefactions ; ajid that the mo-
nies djtburfed oil account of the faid houfe, amounted to the
^furp of fivQ thoufand five hundred eleven pounds fcventeen
fliillings and ninep^nce farthing, fterling, as above, which we,
.in juftice to thp Reverend Mr. ff bite fields and the managers
^f ihc.faid houfe, do hereby declare, appear to us to be faich-
•fully and juflly applied to and for the ufe and bcneiit of the
("aid houfe only.
William Ewen,
William Russel.
Sworn this i6th d^y of Apr:!, '746, before us, bailifFs of Sa-
vannah ; in juftiiication whereof we have hereunto fixed our
hands, and the common feal.
Henry Parker,
William Spencer.
[ 4^ 1
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[ 490 ]
/-. c TIE FORE me, the Honourable Nolle
Georgia Is. \< ... .,. / . ^. , ^_
±J Jones, tlq; lenior, one or the airutant
juftices for the province aforefaid, perfonally appeared the
Reverend Mr. Gear {re IVh'iteJield and Thomas Dixon of the pro-
vince aforefaid, who being duly fworn, declare that the ac-
compts relating to theOrphan-houfe, from fol. 82, to fol. 98,
in this book, amounting on the debit fide to three thoufand
three hundred and forty-nine pounds fifteen fhillings and ten
pence, fterling, and on the credit fide to three thoufand one
hundred and thirty-two pounds fixteen (hillings and one far-
thing, fterling, contain, to the bed of their knowledge, a juft
and true account of all the monies collected by, or given to
them, or any other, for the ufe or benefit of the faid houfe ;
and that the difburfemcnts amounting to the fum aforefaid,
have been faithfully applied to and for the ufe of the fame.
_. , George White field,
bigned, ^, T^
♦ ^ ' 1 Hos. Dixon.
February 9, 1765.
Sworn this 9th day o( February, '7^55 before
me; in juftification whereof I have caufed
the feal of the general court to be affixed.
Signed N. Jones. Sealed.
^ r B-EFORE mc, the Honourable Nobla
Georgia fs. "^
Jones, Efq; fenior, perfonally appeared
James Edward Poivell and Grey Elliot, Efqrs. members of his
Majefty's honourable council for the province aforefaid,
who being duly fworn, declare that they have carefully exa-
mined the accompts containing the receipts and difburfemcnts,
for the ufe of the Orphan-houfe in the faid province, and that
comparing them with the feveral vouchers, they find the fame
not only juft and true in every refpedt, but kepfin fuch a clear
and regular manner, as does honour to the managers of that
houfe; and that on a careful examination of the feveral former
audits, it appears that the fum of two thoufand and fixty-four
pounds, fi\e fliillings and ten pence, has at feveral times been
given by the Reverend Mr. George Ifhltefield for the ufe of the
I fai4
[ 491 ]
fald houfe ; and that in the whole the fum of twelve thoufand
eight hundred fifty-five pounds five fhillings and four pence
three farthings, has been laid out for the fame houfe fince
7th "January^ l738-9> ^^ ^^""'^ *^^y- — ^^^° ^^^' ^^ *^°^^ ^°*^
appear that any charge has ever been made by the faid Reve-
rend Mr. Whitefield^ cither for travelling charges or any other
expences whatever, and that no charge of falary has been made
for any psrfon whatever, employed or concerned in the ma-
nagement of the faid houfe. February 9th, 1765.
Tames Edward Powell,
Signed, „ „
^ Grey Elliot.
Sworn this 9th day oi February^ ^7^5-> before
me; in juftification whereof, I have caufed
the feal of the general court to be affixed.
Signed N. Jones* Sealed.
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[ 493 1
Georgia TJEFORE the Honourable Noble Jones, Efq;
' J3 fenior affiftant Juftice for the province afore-
faid, perfonally appeared, the Rev. Mr. George IVhltefield and
Thomas Dixon, of the province aforefaid, who being duly
fworn, declare that the accompts relating to the Orphan-houfe,
from folio loi to folio 109 in this book, amounting, on the
debit fide, to two thoufand five hundred forty-eight pounds
feventeen (hillings and one half-penny, fterling, and on the
credit fide, to one thoufand three hundred thirteen pounds
nineteen {hillings and fixpence three farthings, fterling, con-
tain, to the beft of their knowledge, a juft and true account
of all the monies colledled by, or given to them, or any others,
for the ufe or benefit of the faid houfe j and that the difburfe-
ments, am.ounting to the fum aforefaid, have been faithfully
applied to and for the ufe of the fame.
George Whitefield,
Thomas, Dixon.
February 2, 1 7 70.
Sworn this 2d day oi February, 1770,
before me ; in juftification vi'hereof
I have caufed the feal of the general
court to be affixed.
N. Jones. Seal.
5th and laft audit, 1770.
Georgia. T3^^^^^ the Uononvzh\t Noble Jones, Efq;
J3 fenior affiftant Juftice, &c. perfonally ap-
peared, James Edward Poiuel/ znd Grey Elliot, Efquires, mem-
bers of his Majefty's council for the province aforefaid, who
being duly fworn, declare that they have carefully infpe6led
and examined the accompts, containing the receipts and dif-
burfements, for the ufe of the Orphan-houfe in the faid pro-
vince. And find the fums expended for the ufe of the fame,
from the 9th Feb. 1765, to this day, amount to two thoufand
five hundred forty-eight pounds feventeen (hillings and one
half-penny, fterling; and the fums received, to one thoufand
three hundred thirteen pounds nineteen (liillings and fixpence
three farthings, fterling; and that the whole of the fums ex-
pended on account of the inftitution, amount to fifteen ihou-
7 fand
[ 494 ]
fand four hundred and four pounds two fhillings and five-pence
farthing, fterling, and the whole receipts, to the fum of
twelve thoufand one hundred four pounds nineteen fhillings
and one penny half-penny, fterling; and the benefactions of
the Rev. Mr. George Wh'iicfield thereunto, have, at different
times, amounted to the fum of three thoufand two hundred
rinety-nine pounds three fhillings and three-pence three far-
things, fterling, as clearly appears by a general account thereof
ftated by us. And that in this our laft, as well as each preceding
audit, no charge whatever has been made by the Rev. Mr.
Whitefieldy either for travelling charges or othcrwife, nor any
other charge for the falary of any perfon whatever, employed
w concerned in the management of the faid Orphan-houfe ;
and that clear and diftinft vouchers for the whole amount of
the fums expended, have been laid before us, except for four
articles, amounting together to forty pounds one (hilling and
one penny, being monies expended and paid by the faid Mr.
Whitefield on feveral occafions, the particulars of which were
laid before uS, but no receipt had been by him taken for the
James Edward Poweli,
Grey Elliot.
February 2, 1770.
Sworn this 2d day of February ^ 1770,
before me J in juftification whereof,
I have caufed the feal of the general
court to be affixed. .
N. Jones. Seal,
[ 495 ]
Schedule of all the Lands pofTelTed by, and be-
longing to the late Reverend George Whitefieldy
in Georgia. '
Lands granted by his Majefty to the late Reverend George
IVh'itefield, in truft for the Orphan-houfe, or for the en-
dowment of a College in Georgia,
A Tra<Slof500 acres, called Bethejda, on which the Or-
phan-houfe and additional buildings arc
Another of 419 acres, called Nazareth.
Another of 400 acres, called Ephrata, on which are the
principal planting improvements.
1 3 19 acres.
Another of
Another of 1000
Another of 500
Another of 500
Another of 1000
The habendum
acres of land, for
following words :
Thefe lands are granted in truft to the
deceafed, for the ufe of the Orphan-houfe,
and adjoin each other : the grants are
dated 13th o^ Aprily 1761.
acres, called Huntingdon, and adjoins on
one corner to Ephrata. — This grant is
dated i3ch of Jpri/y 1761.
Thefe 3 tra£ts, amounting to 2000 acres
are contiguous, and are granted to the
deceafed in truft for the endowment of a
college. The grants are dated 6th of
Juguji, 1765.
acres, left by the Reverend Bartholomew
Zouberbuhler, deceafed, late minifter of
Savannah^ by Will, for the endowment
of a college, but conditionally.
of the three grants, amounting to 13 19
the ufe of the Orphan-houfe, run in the
*' To have and to hold the faid tra^l of
»' four
[ 496 ]
•' four hundred acres of land, and all and fingular other the
** premifes hereby granted, with the appurtenances, unto the
** faid George Whhcficld^ his heirs and afligns for ever, in free
** and common foccage : — In truft neverthelefs for the ufe and
*' benefit of the Orphan- Houfe^ — he the faid Gtorge Whitefieliy
" his heirs or afligns, yielding and paying, &:c."
And the three grants, together amounting to 20CO acres of
land, for the endowment of a college, are thus expreflcd :
*' To have and to hold the faid tra6l of one thoufand acres
** of land, and all and fingular other the premifes hereby grant-
** ed, with the appurtenances, unto the faid George JVhhefield^
*' his heirs and affigns for ever, in free and common foccage :
*' /« trujl for the endowment of a college in our faid province y—
*' he the faid George IVbitcfieldy his heirs and affigns, yieldii'.g
" and paying, 5cc."
So that it plainly appears, thcfe lai^.ds cannot be aliened of
appropriated to any other ufe, than the puipofes for which
they were granted.
Extract from an account of the ftate of the family at
the Orphan-houfc in April 1770.
Managers and carpenters 9
Boys - - - 15
Girl . . - 1
iOf wliich 16 ait; young, and fit
tor ;iny labor \ 7 arc old, but
ojiable of" Ibine lervice, and
lb old as to be iilelel's.
8 of thefcaie capable of rlie nfual
labor, 2 are old and aiTift in the
bufinefs of tiie hoiife, and t al-
molt incapable of any f^rvice.
Of vvjioni, thofc that are capable
^^ , are employed about fomething
Children - ■» 15 < uCeful, as far as their Ihenglh
Women - - n
and abilities will permit.
I 497 1
By an authentic account of the ftate of the family at the
Orphan-houfe^ from the year 1739 to 1770,
140 Boys 7 have been clothed, educated, maintained and fuit-
43 Girls J ably provided for.
183 Total.
A^. B. The Spani/J) war ; the flu£luating ftate of the co-
lony for years ; the lung fufpenfe in which Mr, IVhitefidd was
kept by government at home, as to his intended plan of im-
provement at the Orph^in-houfe ; and other particulars which
are noticed, and may be obierved in his letters, prevented the
acceflion of a greater number of orphans ; but to the honour
and ufefulnefs of the inflitution, it ought to be remarked,
that many poor children, befides what are numbered in this
lift, were occafionally received, educated, and maintained at
the Orphan-houfe.
Copy of a paper, endorfed College Rules,
.taken from the original in Mr. V/kitefield^'H hand-
writing, 1770.
'ORNING prayer to begin conftantly, every day in the
year, at half after five. The firftbell to ring exadly
at 5 o'clock. The form as follov/s : A pfalm or hymn ; the
general confefTion, introduced with " Let u<^ pray." If any
fcholar of the houfe, or any other perfon not in prieft's orders,
doth officiate, then that colle<ft, " O God, whofe nature
and property, Sec," or that out of the commination-oflice,
*' O Lord, we befeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, ^c."
Then muft follow the Lord's prayer, Gloria Patr't^ *' O
come let us fing unto the Lord, &c." or the Te Deum, or
Song of the Three Children, or Benedi^us ; then the fecond
leflbn for the day, with a fev/ lliort pra6tical remarks ; then a
fuitable prayer, with Tinging a ihort doxology ; and thus to
conclude, " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the love of God, and fellowftiip of the Holy Ghoft be with
u?, the Founder of this inftitution, the 'Vjafter, Wardens, and
all its benefadors, and all mankind, now, henceforth, and
Vo L. in. I i for
[ 49" ]
for evermore.'' If no one is cnpable of ufmg free prayer,
then fhall lollow the apoftlcs creed, the colled for the week,
the third ccllcct for grace ; the three prayers for the king, royal
family, and cJergv, turned into one ; *' O God, the creator ;"
the general ihankfgiving, the prayer of St. Chryfojlom, and
*' GraQe of our Lord Jesus Christ," as before. .
The fame order in the evening, only to repeat \ht Magni-
fcat, he. before the reading of the fecond lefibn.
On TVedufifdciy and Friday morning, the hymn, the litany,
the general thankfgiving, prayer of St. Chryfojiom^ and con-
cluding prayer.
On Sunday morning, a fliort prayer with a pfalm or hymn
^arly in the morning. Full prayers and fermon at ten : the
fame at three in the afternoon. A fliort prayer, and a hymn, at
half after fix in the evening. The firft leflbn to be read at
dinner; the fame atfupper : a fhort hymn at each meal. One
of the orphans to rea-d and give out the hymn, or any other
•fubftifuted by the niaftcr ; and alfo to read the fecond leflbn
in chapel.
Great care to be taken, that all read, write, fpeak, and
behave properly.
All the flatutes to be in En^UJI), and read to every fcholar
or fl:udent at admiflion, and thrice a year, at EaJIer, fVhitfun-
iidey and Chrlflmasy publicly.
No cards, dice, or gaming of any kind to be allowed, on
pain of expulfion, or difmiffion, by mafters, tutors, profeflbrs,
ftudcnts or any officer or member of the college whatfoever.
No mufic but divine pfalmody ; fuch as Butt's Harmonia facrny
Knibb''i and Mtidan\ collection of tunes.
All are to be taught -Bland's Manual Exercife^ by fome de-
puted officer, but not bound to attend on mufliers or other ex-
ercifes, unlefs on account of an alarm.
Nobody (hall be fuft'ered to run in arrears above half a year :
fonie caution money to be paid down.
All ftudents to furnifli their own rooms, but to lie on mat-
trcflcs, and the fucctflbrs to pay thirds.
No one fuffered to go to town without exprefs leave from
the mafter, or perfons depute^ by him.
6 Breakfafl
[ 499 ]
^reakfaft at feven o'clock, dinner at twelve, Tupper at fix,
through all the year; the utmoft neatnefs to be obferved and
maintained in every room.
All orphans and ftudents flrall be obl;o;cd to learn and re-
peat, and, if capable, to tranflate into Latin all the thirty-nine
articles, or thofe fpecified in the act of toleration. The homi*
lies to be read publicly, diftindlly, frequently and carefully,
every year, by the ftudents, deputed in rotation. All to be
firft thoroughly inftrudled in the hiftory of Georgia, and con-
ftitution of England, before they are taught the hirtory of
Greece and Rome. Kimber\ hiftory of England is a gooiJ one
for beginners, then may follow Rapins. The young negro
boys to be baptized and taught to read. The voun* neoro
eirls to be taught to work with the needla. The followinn-
divinity books to be read, Henrys Comtnent^ — Doddridge and
Guije, — Bur kit ^ — Clark's Bible, — WilJoiC^ Dlofionary^ — Profel'-
for Franckh Afanudu^is, efpecially the preface de Impedimen-
tis Studii Theolcgici, — Doddridge's Rife arid Progrefs, — Bojion^
fourfold Slate, — ditto, on ? Covenant, — yenks, on the rioh-
teoujnefs of Chriji, and his Meditations,— ^Hervey^ Meditations,
and Theron and Afpafio^ — Bifliop HalFs Contemplations, and
other work?, — Edwards's Preacher, — Trapp on the old and neiv
Tejlamcnt, — Poole's Annotations, — Warners Tracts, -^Bifhop
LeighicrCs Comment on St. Peter's \ft Epijlle, — Bifhop Pearfoyi
en the Creed, — Edwards's Veritas redux, — Owen an j Bunyan'i
i 2 ^"^py
[ 500 ]
Copy of a paper, intitled, *' Subjcifls for Annual
Prizes at the Orphan-houfe, Bethefda College,"
in the hand-writing of Mr. Wkitejield, inclofed
with and referred to in his Will *.
Subjects for Annual Prizes at the Orphan-houfe, Bethefda
I College.
ON every 27th of December^ the Founder's birth-day, — an
Oration on the Mercy of God, in preparing Habitati-
ons and Places of Education for poor Orphans, *' In thee the
fatherlefs find mercy," by an Orplian.
Another on our Lord's Nativity, — by an Orphan.
On the Anniverfary, March 25, — Orations on the b(?nefit
of erecting, founding, and contributing towards Seminaries of
found f. earning, and religious Education. — On the Benefit
of an Union between Great Britain and her Colonics. — The
Rife and Progrefa of the Colony of Georgia, — The Rife and
Progrefs of Commerce and Religion in the other American
Colonies, — by Orphans or Students.
On the 5th of November^ — an Oration on the glorious Re-
volution, and the infinite Mercy of God, in delivering Great
Britain from Popifh Tyranny and arbitrary Power, by Orphan
or Student.
On Eajler Monday^ — an Oration on the Refurre6lIon, — by
Orphan or Student.
On Whitjundoy^ — an Oration on the Defcent of the Holy
Spirit upon the Apoftles, — by Orphan or Student.
All the Exercifes to be clofed with an Application, Ex-
hortation, and Prayer, by the Mailer of the College.
* " Whatever profits may ar'ife from the fule of my books, or any ma-
nufcriiUs, that I may leave behind, I give and bequeath to-
wards paying off my arrears that may be due on the account of «!ie
Orphan-houfe academy, or for Annual Prizes, as a reward for the bell
three Orations that (hall be made in Engli/h, on the fubjefts mentioned
in a paper annexed to this Will."
[ 501 ]
The following Speech was alfo found in Mr. Whitefield's
own Writing, delivered by an Orphan after Mr. White-
field's Sermon preached before the Governor, &c. Sec.
'January 28, 1 7 70 *.
WHEN I confider where I ftand, and before whom
I am about to fpeak, no wonder that previous to
my rifing, a trembling feized my limbs; and now, when
rifen, a throbbing feizes my heart, and as a confequence of
both, fhame and confufion cover my face. For what am I ?
(a poor unlettered orphan^ unlearned almoft in the very rudi-
ments of my mother tongue, and totally unikilled in the per-
fuafive arts of fpeaking) that I fhould be called to fpeak before
fuch a venerable, auguH: aficmbly, as is this day convened
\jnder Bethefdas roof. But when I refleii:, that I ftand up at
your command. Reverend Sir, to whom, under God, I owe
my little all, and when I further refiedl on the well-known
candour of thofe that compofe this venerabli", aujjuft aflemblv
my trembling begins to abate, my throbbing ceafes, and a
gleam of hope breaks in, that the tongue of the ftammerer will
in fome degree be able to fpeak plain. But where {hall I be-
gin, and how (hall 1 exprefs the various emotions, that within
the fpace of the laft hour have alternately agitated and afFedled
my foul ? If the eye, as I have been taught to think, is the
leoking-glafs of the foul; and if the outward gedures, and
earneft attention, are indications and exprellive of the inward
commotions and difpofitions of the human he^rt, then a heart-
felt complacency and joy hath poffefled the fouls of many in
this afiembly, whilft the reverend Founder hath been givipo-
from the pulpit fuch a clear, fuccinft, and yet withal afFedl-
ing account of the rife and progrefs of this Orphan-houfe
academy, and of the low eftate of this now fiourifhing colony,
when the firft brick of this edifice was laid. All hail that
happy day ! which we now commemorate, when about thirty-
two years ago, in faith and fervent prayer, the firil brick of
this edifice was laid. Many deftitute orphans were foon taken
in, and without any vifiblc fund, in the deareft part of his
Majefty's dominions, more than fifty labourers were em-
• For the Sermon, the Reader is referred to the laft volume of this work,
I i 3 ployed.
[ 502 ]
ployed, and honourably paid, and a large orphan-family,
for thefe many years, hath been fupported, cloathed, and
brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. O
could thefe walls fpealc ! could every chamber, every corner
of this fabric fpcak ! what agonizing fupplications, what in-
wrought energetic prayers would they tell us they had been
witne!s to, and alfo of the bleffed fruits, of which we are now
partakers. Behold ! a once infant, deferted, defpifed colony,
not only lifting up its drooping head, and in fome degree over-
topping, at leaft for trade, and increafe and extent ©f commerce.
Vying with fome of its neighbouring provinces. Behold the
once defpifed inftitution ! (the very exiftence of which was for
many years denied) through the indefatigable induftry, unpa-
ralleled diftntereftednefs, and unwearied perfeverance of its
reverend Founder, expanding and ftretching its wings, not
only to receive a larger number of helplefs orphans like myfelf,
but to nuife and cherifh many of the prefent rifing generation,
training them up to be ornaments both in church and ftate.
For ever adored be that Providence, that power and goodnefs,
which hath brought matters to fuch a defirable and long ex-
pelled iflue ! Thanks, thanks be rendered to your Excellencyy
for the countenance you have always given to this beneficial
plan, for laying the firft brick of yonder wings this time
twelvemonth, and for the favour of your company on this our
anniverfary. Thanks to you, Mr. Frefident *, who have long
been a fellow-helper in this important work, and have now
the pleafure of feeing the fruit of all your labours. Thanks to
the Gentlemen of his Majejiys Honourable Council., and to the
Members of the General AfJ'embly., who fo warmly recommended
the utility of this inftitution. Thanks to you. Sir, who firft
opened it by preaching. Thanks to you, who left your na-
tive country, and without fee and reward have for many
years laboured and watched over us in the Lord. Thanks
to all who have this day honoured us with your prefcnce. And
above all, thanks, more than an orphan tongue can utter, or
orphan hearts conteivc, be, under God, rendered unto you,
moft honoured Sir, who have been fo happily inftrumental,
in the hands of a never-failing God, in fpreading his ever-
laftiiig gofpel.
• The Honoiinhle "jaincs Haherjham, Prefideiit of his MajtHy's coun«
cil, and Mr. l{2ite/ield's Executor io Georgia.
t 503 ]
S AVA N N A n, March 27, 1771.
ON DAY laft being the anniverfary of laying the foun-
dation of the Orphan-houfe, the new and. very decent
chapel lately erected there was opened. On this folemnity
his Excellency the Governor, many of the Gentlemen of the
Council, and a very great number of ihe principal inhabitants
of the province, were prefent. The company being feated in
the chapel, and the orphan children having fung a fhort
hymn, the following addrefs, wiih great propriety, and tcl
the univerfal fatisfaclion of the audience, was delivered by
Peter Edwards^ one of the orphans ;
** Alay it plcafe your Excellency^
Reverend Gentlemen^
Gentlemen and Ladies^
In obedience to the commands of my fupcriors, and rclvin*
alfo on the candour and benevolence of your Excellency and
this polite and rcfpedable company, I beg leave, with all hu-
inility, to make this public addreis. It may not be improper
to mention, that on this dayj thirty-two years ago, the foun-
dation of this houfe was laid by the reverend Founder, whofg
death we orphans in particular cannot fufnciently lament ; that
alfo on this day, two years paft, your Excellency honoured this
place v^ith your prefence, and condelcended to lay the foun-
dation of the two wings^ fuperadded to the Orphan-houfe, for
the accommodation of young gentlemen intended to be edu-
cated in academical learning, to enable them to move in a
fuperior fphere of life; and we are now met to open and fu-
lenmly dedicate this new and convenient chapel to the fervice
of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, The many and
great advantages accruing from the tftablifhment of public
fchools in every government, is obvious, and in a young pro-
rinccj as tliis is, it muft be of the highell: importance to' its
future profperity and welfare, which is the proicired defign of
this charitable inftitution ; nn inflitution evidently calculated
to promote the happincfs of fociety, by providing fur, and in-
firudiiig fuch poor children, as would othervvii'e, in all ap-
I i 4 pearance.
[ 504 ]
pearancp, be brought up in ignorance, and become of little
ufe and value to mankind. They are here early taught their
duty to Cod, and ;heir country, and the refpedt they owe to
thu'.e in authority over them. CjOD has various, and to us
unthought-of ways, which we poor fiiort-fightcd beings can-
not fathom, to effe£l his purpofes ; but I hope I may be al-
lowed to fay, that, in all human p;obability, great might
have been the blciTing to this noble undertaking, had it pleafcd
divine Providence to have prolonged the valuable life of the
deceafed Founder ; but he is now no more. We have, how-
ever, no doubt of the great Father of the fathcrlefs f'-:pplying
his lofs ; and that your Excell-ncy, and all well-difpoicd pcr-
fons, cfpecially the good people of this province, will efpoufe
our caufe, and promote our welfare. Agreeable to the plan
of our deceafed Benefaclor, an Academy is now begun to be
fuperadded to the Orphan-houfe, and gentlemen of rhis pro-
vince will have an opportunity of educating their fons under
their immediate infpeccion, and will not be under the nccefii.y
of fending them at a great diliance for that purpofe, or be
conftantly labouring under the painful anxiety of knowing of
their health and welfare, befides being probably at a greater
and more uncertain expence.
The utility of this, it is humbly prefumed, wants no re-
commendation : it is natural to love the place where we re-
ceived our education, and palled our firft years. If parents
would therefore have the pleafure of feeing the daily progrefs
their chi!d.'"en rr.ake in knowledge; if they defne thi-y fliould
love and revere them, and have a peculiar regard for the place
of their nativity; if they would pre erve them from the'hn-
propcr liberties tkvy may take, when removed from their au-
ihoniy ; it furely muft be molt eligible to let them Ipend their
early years under the {hadow of their wings, and within the
reach of their parental admonitions.
May it pleafe your Excellency^
I have now in charge to return yotir Fxccllency, with all
deference and humility, our moft grateful acknowledgments
for your kind patronage and countenance; and to afl'ure your
Excellency, that we d.o and will conflantly pray for your
happincfs, wlicrcver Providence may pleafe to place you,
I unfeignedly
r 505 ]
unfcignedly wlfiiing, that your Excellency may continually
experience that heart-fek fatisfailion which can only dwell ia
the breaft of the humane and benevolent; and we are per-
suaded, when you return to your native country, our caufe
will not be forgotten by your Excellency,
Honourable iS/r,*
We fnould be highly wanting in gratitude, if, on this oc-
cafion, we omitted to acknowledge your unwearied and un-
abating attention to ferve this inftitution from its firft foun-
dation ; and we are happy that God has been pleafed to pre-
ferve your life to fucceed our kind Founder, and carry into
execution his truly generous intentions. Your difinterefted
regard to promote our real welfare is well known, and there-
fore I fhall forbear to add, only that for your happir^efs, and
long continuance amongft us, we daily pray.
Reverend Gcnilemev,
Gentlemen and Ladies,
Permit me to return you our beft thanks for the very kind
regard you have (hewn us, and to allure you, that we will
endeavour to deferve the continuance of your friendfhip and
5/r, and Gentlemen^ f
We cannot, we mud not, Sir, omit to give our public tef-
timony of your unwearied diligence and attention to cultivate
and improve our minds in folid learning and ufeful know-
ledge ; and. Gentlemen, it would be unjuft, if we did not
make the fame acknowledgment for your conftant care to
make our fituation, in regard to our bodies, eafy, comfortable
and every way convenient, and as we have nothing to repay
you, but our prayers for your welfare, both in time and eter-
nity, and our beft thanks, we hope you will kindly accept this
tribute of our grateful hearts.
* The Honourable James Uaherjluvn.
f The Tutor and the Managers,
r 506 ]
Toung Gentlemen, (the Boarders.)
■ You are happy in having parents, who have both inclina-
tion and means to pay for your education. I have none. But
to you, Gentlemen, I muft ovi'n my obligation for having the
opportunity of an education I could not^ from my fituationj
have expe£lcd, had not your parents enabled our worthy Exe-
cutor to employ fo able a Tutor, as we now have, to inftrudt
us, and I hope we fiiall fliew, that his afliduity, cars and
pains, will havfe the defired effedi:^
Myjelloiu Orphaniy
"VVhat fhall I fay to excite your gratitude ? I hope the me-
mory of our late Benefaclor, who has laboured incefiantly for
me, for you, and many others, who have partaken of the be-
nefit of this inftitution, fince its firft foundation, will be deep-
ly engraven in our hearts, and remembered with the greateH:
reverence and gratitude. This is all we have in our powef,
ill return for fuch unmerited favours, and if this, our fmall
tribute, fhould be wanting, we muflj we (hall be juftly deem-
ed the moft ungrateful to our dcceafed Benefadtor, who en-
countered innumerable, uncommon, and unknown difficulties,
an carrying on this inftitution, notwithftanding he was ma-
ligned, traduced, and perfecuied, with unrelenting virulence,
as a cheat, an impoflor, a public robber, and as one, who,
under the fpecious pretence of promoting a charitable defign,
was amaffing great wealth to himfelfj all which he bore with
an uncommon degree of patience. Let me add, that God has
been gracioufly pleafed to provide for you, and for me, beyond
many, very many in our circumftanccs. We are here daily
taucrht the great and fundamental truths of the gofpel of the
Son of God, have plenty of the neceflarics of life, and are
carefully educated to qualify us to get a comfortable fubfift-
ence, and make us ufeful members of fociety. Let us there-
fore make a proper improvement of thefe mercies, and let us,
my dear fellow Orphans, be thankful to God, the Father of
all, for them, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by
giving up ourfclves to his fervice, and by walking before him
in holinefs and righteoufnefs all our days, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
[ 507 ]
May it pleafe your Excellency,
Reverend Gentlemen^
Gentlemen and Ladies^
I fear I have trefpaffed on your patience, and humbly en-
treat you to pardon the poor attempt of a youth unaccuftomed
to fpeak before fo refpcilable an audience."
After this the Rev. Mr. Edtvard Ellington^ minifter of the
parifti of 5/. Bartholomezu^ in South Carolina, read prayers, and
preached a fermon very fuitable to the occafion, from Matt.
xviii. 20. Divine fervice being ended, the young gentlemen
of the academy repeated feveral palTages taken from fome of
the mofl approved EngUjh authors, in fuch a manner as ap-
peared agreeably to engage the attention and to meet with
the entire approbation of the company. Then Mr. Edward
Langworthy, their Tutor, addrefl^d the company as follows:
*■'■ May it pleafe your Excellency ^
Gentlemen and Ladles,
Having obferved the attention of your Excellency to the
cxercifes of this morning, and the marks of pleafure and ap-
probation fo vifible in all the Gentlemen and Ladies now pre-
fent, I think it my duty, with the warmcft gratitude, to ac-
knowledge the honour your Excellency and this refpeclable
audience have conferred on this inftitution. The young gen-
tlemen that jult now fpoke before your Excelleiicy, have not
been long under my tuition; they are indeed young, and fcarce
initiated in the firft principles of literature ; however I flatter
myfelf that thefe feeble attempts will be favourably received
and that hereafter they will be enabled to exhibit fomething
more worthy of your attention and approbation.
It affords me the higheft fatisfaction, when I refle<^ that
divine providence hath honoured me with the care and direc-
tion of them, and I cannot but make a tender of my fincere
and beft refpedlis to you, our worthy Executor, and to their
worthy parents and friends, for the great confidence repofed
in me. Duly fenfible of the important truft committed to
every preceptor, I fiiall, in the fear of God, do my utmoft
to form their tender minds, and to imprefs on them fuch
principles as may tend to advance ihdr happinefs in private,
[ 6QS ]
as well as in public life: and 1 hope, from their proficiency,
the Gentlemen of this province will be induced to promote
with all their influence the growth and profperity of our prc-
fent undertaking.
The ftriifl: and virtuous education of youth is a point of
great confequence in every country, and thofe that are em-
ployed therein do certainly merit the attention and encourage-
ment of the public in proportion to their faithfulnefs ; for
my part, I do moft chearfuUy dedicate my whole time to this
laborious work, and am determined to purfue it with the
greateft afTiduity and diligence, being convinced that 1 can in
no other way do more good to the true intercft of my fellow
beings, or do more fervice to the province.
It is undoubtedly the indifpenfible obligation of every one
entrufted with the bufinefs of education, to fatisfy the public
with rcfpecl to their abilities and intentions, and therefore I
hope to convince you that no pains will be fpared, and no
time loft, and that whatever is ufeful in the fciences, or orna-
mental in life, will hire be inculcated both by precept and ex-
ample. Authors in the feveral branches of knowledge will be
regularly read, and the facred fcriptures conftantly explained:
thefe can bcftow underftanding upon all men ; they are the
vmiverfal logic, fince none can read them without either ac-
quiring a greater exadlncfs of thought, or being invited to
contract a greater rctSitude of manners.
Our time being fo far elapfed, permit me, in the behalf of
thefe poor Orphans, and in the name of every member con-
cerned in this Seminary, mod heartily to thank your Excel-
lency, and all the Gentlemen and Ladies now before me, for
their kind attendance on this folemnity. With fentimcncs of
the moft unfeigned gratitude we would exprefs our fen!e of it,
and hope for the continuance of your cfteem and friendjQiip.
And I fliould be greatly wanting in rcfpedl and duty to you,
R.everend Sir, and indeed juftly incur the dilpleafure of all
concerned in the management of this inftitution, if I did not
row embrace the opportunity of returning you their and ray
huniblcft thanks for your kind and friendly afliftance.
May what you and others have done on this Anniverfary,
terminate in the glory of the great Head of the church, who
is God over all, blcfled for evermore."
[ 509 ]
Between the exercifes of the day, the Orphan children fung
feveral (hort hymns adapted to the occafion, with one of which
the folemnity was clofed. The company were afterward enter-
tained with a plain and plentiful dinner in the Great Hall,
and unanimoufly expreiTed their fatisfaftion of the proceedings
of the day, and efpecially of ths decency and order with v/hich
the whole was conduced.
End of the Third Volume.
Printed for E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry.
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%* The Plan of the Tabernacle, near MooY'
fields^ and the Chapel, at Tottenham-Court Road, will
be given in the Courfe of the Work.