Late of Pembroke -College, Oxford,
And Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countcfs of Huntingdon,
Which have been already publifhed :
Written to his mod intimate Friends, and Perfons of Diilinftion, in
England, Scotland, Ireland, zxi^ America, from the Year 1734, to
1770, including the whole Period of his Minilby.
Some other Pieces on Important Subjects,
never before printed-; prepared by Himfelf for the Prefs.
To which is prefixed.
Compiled from his Original Papers and Letters.
Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry;
and MelTrs. KiNCAiD and Bell, j^t Edinbufgh.
To the Reverend Mr, H- .
London^ Dec. 23, 1742.
My dear brother H ',
I Thank you for your kind and very agreeable letter. It
was refrefhing to my foul, and ftirred me to give thanks on
your behalf. I am furprized that you are not turned off,
iince you now fo clearly preach the everlafting gofpel. But
our Saviour has the hearts of all men in his hands, and he
turneth them when and wherefoever he pleafeth. O my dear
brother, I hope nothing will deter you from preaching the
glad tidings of falvation to a world lying in the wicked one.
I would not but be a poor defpifed minilter of Jesus Christ
for ten thcufand vi^orlds. This I am perfuadcd is the lan-
guage of my dear friend's heart :
For this let men revile my name^
No crofs I fljun^ I fear no fname :
All hail reproach^ and welcoine pain ;
Only thy terrors^ Lord, rpjlrain,
The love of Christ doth him co-njlrain
To feek the wand' ring fouls of men ;
With cries y entreaties^ tears to fave^ .
And f natch them from the gaping grave*
A 2 Go
Go on, thou nun of God ; and may the Lord caufe thy bow
to abide in ftrength ! Glad fliould I be to come and fhoot
fomc gofpel arrows in J)evovJhire ; but the cloud feems now
to point toward America. My dear family calls loudly for me.
Our Lord has wonderfully of late intcrpofed on their behalf.
God willmg, I intend fliortly to fend you an account of the
Orphan-houfe, and my laft volume of fermons, with fome
other things. Blef.ed be God for making any of my poor
writings of ufe to your dear foul. Surely I had need proclaim
free grace on the houfe-top; if I did not, the fiionrs would
cry out againll me. O my dear brother, what a myftery of
love is the myftery of godlinefs ? Whilft I am writing the
fife kindles. This fire has aifo of late kindled in many hearts.
Our large fociety goes on well. We have many that walk
in the comforts of the Holy Ghoft. I hear of glorious things
from various parts. I hope ere long we ihall hear of perfons
goihg from poft to poft, and crying, " Babylon is fallen,
Babylon is fallen.'* I truft you, my dear Sir, will be made
a happy inflrumcr.t in the Mediator's kingdom, of pullingdown
i'atan's flrongholds. Pray write me word, how the war is
going on between yff:*:/^^^^ and the dragon. For the prefent,
adieu. My lender love to all the lovers of Jesus Christ.
Accept the lame from, my dear brother,
Yours moll afie6lionately in Christ,
To Mr. R , in Edinburgh.
Dear Mr. R , London., Dec. 24, 1 742.
IT has given me fome concern that I could not anfwcr your
kind and acceptable letter before. As our Saviour will
give me freedom, I fliall fend you a few lines now. I think
I may fay to you, as Luiher faid to Melanchton^ Nimis es nullus.
You are kept in bondage by a falfe humility. It is good to
fee ourfelves poor, and exceeding vile ; but if that- fight and
feeling prevent our looking up to, and exerting ourfelves for
our d' ar Saviour, it becomes criminal, and robs the foul of
much comfort. I can fpeak this by dear-bought experience.
How often have I been kept from fpeaking and adling for God,
by a fight of my ov/n uuvvorthincfs ; but now I l?e that the
more unworthy I am, the more fit to work for Jesus, bcoaufe
he will get much glory in working by fuch mean inftruments ;
and the more he has for given me, the more I ought to love
and ferve him. Fired with a {tn{Q of his unfpeakable loving-
kindncfs, I dare to go out and tell poor finners that a lamb
was flain for them ; and that he u^ill have mercy on fmners
as fuch, of whom indeed I am chief. I v.'ifli my dear friend
was in this rcfpetSt not almoft, but altogether fuch as I am.
Well would it be with him, and happy would he then be.
Upon the receipt of yours, I prayed the Lord to open your
mouth. The language of my heart for you, myfelf, and aU
ihe Redeemer's witncfies, is this 5
Ab ! Lord, enlarge their fcanty thought^
To fee ihe zvonders thou haft vjrought ;
Unloofe the Jlarntnering tangue^ to tell
Thy love hmnenfe^ unfsarchahle.
I blefs our Lop.d for giving you fuch freedom with hlmfelf,
though you cannot fpeak fo fredy to others. Prayers wrought
by his own fpirit, he will hear and anfwer. It is mcfft god-
like to be frequent in intcrceflion. It is the conftant em-
ployment of the Son of God in heaven. I rejoice to hear
the work of God goes on among you in Scotland, Blefled be
God, it profpers in our hands here, in IFales, and in va-
rious places. That it may profper more and more, and be
daily carried on in your precious foul, is the hearty prayer
of, dear Mr. R ,
Yours moft affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. jr.
To Mifs S 5 in Edinburgh.
Dear Alijs S , L^ndsn, Dec. 24, 1742.
CONTINLTAL avocations about ray mafter's bufmefs,
hafT^reventcd my anfwering your kind letter. It glad-
dened my heart, bccaufe it brought me the glad tidings of
your being accepted in the beloved ; and knowing that you
are fo, what does the Lord require of you now, but to
walk humbly with him ? Beg him to -fhew you more and more
A3 of
of your evil heart, that you may ever remain a poor nnftef
at the feet of the once crucified, but now exalted Lamb of
God. There you will be happy. There you will find ftielter
from all your enemies. My prayer therefore for you, dear
Mifi^, is this :
CanilvMC Ji'ill thy love, ^car Larnb^
Scifc hide her in thy wounds ;
There may Jl)e dwell in all that love
*The ranfcnid foul fur rounds.
The comforts you have already experienced, as well as your
trials, are but earnefts of what you will hereafter meet with
in the fplrltual life. But fear nothing, neither be over,
thoughtful for the morrow ; you have an all-gracious and al-
mighty Saviour to guide and prote£i you. He will not leave
you, until he hath lodged you fafe in glory. There the
wicked {hall ceafe from troubling, and your weary foul will
enjoy an eternal relt. Perhaps I may not fee you again, till
I meet you in the world of fpirits. That grace and peace
may be multiplied upon your dear foul, is the hearty prayer
©f, dear Mifs S ,
Your niofl afFe£lionate friend
and fervant in Jesus Christ,
G. fP\
ro Mr. r .
Dear Sir ^ January (^^ I 'Jd^'^,
I Remember, when in Scotland laft year, how heartily your
good people joined in praife and thankfgiving, for the de-
liverance God had wrought out for the inhabitants of Gcor-
gia ; and I hope I fiiall never forget how liberally they con-
tributed to the ncceflitics of the orphans, though they knew
not but at that time both orphans and Orphan-houfe were
in the enemies hand. As this was an uncommon event, I
fend you herewith part of the proclamation for a day of
thankfgiving to almighty God, for putting an end to this
Spanijh Invajim* Ic runs thus ;
Almighty god has in all ages diewn his power and
mercy, in the marvellous and gracious deliverance of his church,
and in the prot:e6lion of righteous and religious Icings and dates,
profcfling his holy and eternal truth, from the open invafion,
wicked confpiracies, and malicious prailiccs of ail the ene-
mies thereof. He hath by the manifeftation of his provi.lence
delivered us from the hands of the Spcmiards : they, with
forty fail of fmall gallies and other craft, came into Ciwiher"
land Sound ; but fuch a terror came upon them that they fled.
With another fleet of thirty-fix fliips and vefTels they came
into yV/j'/ Sound, and after a fliarp , fight became mafters
thereof; we having only four veflels to oppofe their force.
We engaged them for the fpace of fcur hours, and not one
of us was killed, though many of the enemy periflicd, and
five were killed by one (hot only. They landed four thoufand
five hundred men, according to the account of the prifoners^
and even of EngUJhrnen^ v/ho efcaped from. them. The firfi
party marched up through the woods to this town, and was
\vithin fight thereof, when God dcliven^d them into our handp,
though we were but few in number. They fought and were
foon difpersM and fled. Another party which fuppoited them,
alfo fought ; but were foon put to flight. V/e may truly fay,
the hand of the Lord fought for us ; for in tv.'o attacks more
than five hundred fled before fifty. At firfi: they fcemed to
fight with courage ; and the grenadiers particularly charged
with great refolution ; but their fliot did not take place, in-
fomuch that none of ours were killed ; but they were broken
and purfued with great fiaughter, and by the report of the
prifoners fince taken, upwards of two hundred men never re-
turned to their camp. They alfo came up v/iih their half
galleys towards the town, and returned without fo much as
firing one (hot, leaving behind them fome cannon, and many
things they had taken. Twenty-eight fail attacked Fort-
William^ in which were only fifty men. After three hours
fight, they went away and left the province, and were pur-
fued as far as Saint Joh}{$. So that by this whole expe-
dition, no more than two of ours were taken and two killed.
We may therefore truly fay, the Lord hath done great
things for us, who has delivered us out of the hands ot the
A 4 Having
Having taken the premifies into confideration, I do hereby
order, that Suuif^y the twenty- fifth inftant be obfervcd as a
day of public thankfgiving to almighty God for his great
deliverance, in having put an end to the Spanijh Invafion : and
that all perfons do folemnize the fame in a chriftian and re-
ligious manner, and abftain from drunkennefs, and any other
wicked and diflblutc tcilimonics of joy.
Given under my hand and feal, this twenty- fourth day of
'July^ at Frcderica in Georgia^ Anno Domini one thoufand feven
hundred and forty-two.
Signed by,
James O^lethorp*
By his excellency's command,
Francis Moore,
Bufinefs prevents my enlarging further at this time, and
indeed I chufe rather to leave you to make your own remarks on
the inclofed. I only obferve in general that as a tindlure of
piety runs through the whole, and all the glory given to him
10 whom all glory is due, it will be as acceptable to you as
it was to,
G. ^.
To Mr, H . at Gloueejler.
London^ Feb. 4, 1 743.
My very dear Mr, II ,
IBlcfs God on your behalf. I thank him for vifiting your
dear foul, and making you ufeful to others. — Afluredly
the fvORD has called you to your prcfcnt work. — Abide in it.
Go on and profpcT. The Lord will be v/ith vou. If we
h:-ivr an alTocIation in U'lhjVire foon, will you chufe to be
with us ? I expc^H fljortly now to move hci-ce ; but my way
is quite blocked up from going abroad. I will fend you
word, when I fliull be at Br[l}ol, I will falute you and your
frirnd wirh, ** Come in, ye blcficd of the Lord.'* I have
juft publiihed a fR-fli account of the Orphan- houfc, and pre-
fijied the pl^n. I ilvall he <y\x\ to hear from vou often. Be
as particular in refpea to the fociety as you can. The Lord
is ftill with us. Blefled be his holy name ! My tender lovQ
to all. That the glorious Emmanuel raay be with your foul
mere and more, is the hearty prayer of, my dear Mr,
H ,
Yours moft affedlionately,
To Mr. S .
My dear Sir^ Glcucejhr, March 24, 1743.
AN efFedua^ door Is opened in thefc parts. On Saturday
night I preached here. The Lord was with me. On
Sunday morning I preached again in a barn. It was a good
time to me and the people. Dear Mr. P . was here, and
tears of love and joy were running down his aged cheeks almoft
all the while. He was, like good old Simeon, ready to cry out,
*' Lord, now letteft thy fervant depart in peace." At noon I
preached at Mr. F -r's on the hill, to a glorious auditory
mdeed. Here Jesus Christ difplayed his power, and caufed
much of his glory to pafs before us. At four I preached agaia
in a field near Stroud, where was a great congregation con-
fifting of many, many thoufands. The Lord helped and
blefied me much here alfo. Afterwards I went to the new
houfe at Hampton, and the glory of the Lord filled it. It
is exceeding commodi©us for our purpofe. I preached in the
court-yard on Monday noon, to a large auditory. Monday
evening the Lord gave me a good time at Fhchcomh, Both
brother C and brother A *s fociety met at Hampton^
and the Lord met with us. Brother C is certainly
called of God. All call him a fecond Bunyan. I believe
he muft give himfelf wholly to the work. Such a hardy
worker with his hands, and hearty preacher at the fame time,
I have fcarce known. On Tuefday a man was hung in chains
at Hampton Common. — A more mifei-able fpeciacle I have not
feen. I preached in the morning to a great auditory about a
mile ofFthe place of execution. I intended doing the fame
after the criminal was turned off; but the weather was very
violent. — Thoufands and thoufands came and (laid to hear ;
but, through mi fin formation, kept on the top of the hill,
while I preached in the bottom. After this I came to Giou-
irjler^ and preacb'cd in the eveni;i^ in a barn : ^ night much
to be remembered ! This morning I preached again, and
dined with Mr. E d I s and ibmc rn.o ,. at Mr. E 's.
I am juft going to my evening Icdluic, and to-m.orrovv I Ihall
leave Gloucf/hr for a few days. The aflbciation is put ofFfor
a week, io I fliall have moie time in Gl:ucejlerjhirc. Never
did I fee people more hungry and fimple. Many come telling
me what the Lord did for their fouls when I was here laft.
To him be all the glory ! Brother A is now with me.
He mud be in the country 'till the houfe is more fettled. 1
am fure God called me here.
Yours, 5cc.
<To Mr. S
My (har Sir^ Gloucejler^ March 29, 1743^
I Now fit down to fulfil my promife made to you laft night.-
— I think, in a former letter I gave you an account of what
the Lord had done for and by me fmce I left London^ though
indeed I cannot tell you the hundredth,p^t. On Tucfnay even-
ino- I preached at Gloucejler with as convincing, foul-edify-
ing power, as ever I felt in my life. The barn, though made
more commodious, was and is generally quite crouded. On
Friday morning I preached again ; and afterwards went ta
H<impion J the fnow fall-ing and freezing on us all the way.
In the evening I preached at Chalford^ upon " walking with
God :" he was with me and the auditory. On Saturday I
preached at Rufcom in the morning, and at Klng-Jlanley in the
afternoon. Li the evening, I vifitcd brother C — 's graci-
ous fociety ; and afterwards rode to Hampton, which made
about twenty miles. The congregations on account of the
Vvcather were not fo great, but our Saviour mofl richly fed us.
The word diftilled like the dew ; and at Stanley I think I was
in the very fuburbs of heaven. O free grace ! On Sunday
morning 1 preached at Durjley^ about feven miles from I:[a??2pion^
where our dear brother J had been taken down the
Sunday before ; but no one was permitted to touch or moleft
us. The congregation confiftcd of fome thoufands, and the
2 word
word came with a moft glorioufly convincing power. I came
Away rejoicing, and in tiie afternoon preached to about ten
thoufand on Hampton common, at v/hat the people now call
Whit afield' s Tump^ becaufe 1 preached there firft. I cannot
tell you what a folemn occafion that was. I perceive a preat
.alteration in the people fmce I was in thefe parts laft. They
did indeed hang on mc to hear the word. It ran and was
glorified. \\\ the evening, we had a moft precious mcetlno-
with the two united focieties in the new houfe at Ha?npt07i,
Surely many thereabouts will walk with God. Laft night
and this morning I preached again with great power ; preach-
ing in Ghucejlerjlnre is now like preaching at the tabernacle c.c
London. This evening I am to preach again ; and after that
to hold our firft lovc-feaft. — What our Lord does for us here-
after, you fhall hear in my next. And now, my dear Sir,
help me to be thankful, and blefs the Lord for all his mer-
cies conferred on
Your unworthy friend, and his worthlefs fervant,
To the Same,
Dear Sir y Ghucejler^ April 2^ ^743»
MY foul is kept exceeding chearful ; and greater and
more continued freedom in preaching, I never expe-
rienced, than fince I have been in Ghucejler and Ghucejlerjlnre,
On Tuefday evening we had a blefled love-feaft. On WedneJ-
day morning I preached here with great fweetnefs ; and at
noon at Painfwick. — In the evening I preached at Mr.
F 's, in the place where the Lord met us remarkably one
night about a twelvemonth ago. He met us again moft de-
lightfully, not in terror, but in love : by which I guefTed
how the gofpel had gained ground in a twelvemonth's time.
After this I vifited dear brother C 's fociety, and then rode
to Hampton^ with brothers A and G , praifing and
blefling God. On Wednefday noen I preached at ^larhoufe^
from thestump where old Mr. Cole ufed to ftand. It was an
alarming time. My foul enjoyed exceeding great liberty.
In the evening I preached in the nev/ houfe at Hampton to
i^ letters;
many hundreds, and afterwards met the fociety. Vefterday
morning 1 came hither. At noon and at night I preached in
the barn ; it was quite crouded. It would have rejoiced you
to have been with us. This morning I am to preach again,
and fhall take my leave at night. My dear Sir, help me to
extol free grace, and expect to hear of greater things than
thcfe from.
Ever yours, &c.
(?. TK
To brother S .
TFaierford {South TVaks^) April ']^ ^7 A3'
My Dear Brcihery
ON Monday I received 5'our letter of ^/>r/7 2 ; but till now,
have had no opportunity of anfwering it. I preached
and took my leave of the Glouceflet people with mutual and
great concern, on Sunday evening laft. It was pafl: one in
the morning, before I could lay my weary body down. — At
five I rofe again, fick for want of reft ; but I was enabled to
get on horfeback and ride to Mr. F 's, where I preached
to a large congregation, who came there at feven in the morn-
ing, hoping to feel the power of a rifen Lord. They were
not difappointed of their hope. At ten I read prayers, and
preached from thefe words, — " I am the refurreclion and the
life," and afterwards was helped to adminifter the facrament
in Stonehoufe church. Then I rode to Stroud^ where I was
enabled to preach to about twelve thoufand, with uncommon
freedom and power, in Mrs. G 's field. Much of the di-
vine prefence was there. — About fix in the evening! preached
to about the like number on Hampton Common ; but fcarce
ever with a more pleafmg convincing power. The order and
folemnity wheicwith the people broke up, was very inflruclive.
After this I went to Hampton^ and held a general love-fcaft
with the united focietics. My foul was kept clofe to Jesus ;
my bodily ftrength renewed ; and I went to-bed about mid-
night, very chearful and very happy. The next morning
1 went and preached near Durfuy^ to fomc thoufands, with
great convictions accompanying ihe word. About feven I
reached Bri/loU and preached with wonderful power to a full
congregation at Smith's Hall ; and afterwards fpent the even-
ing very agreeably with Mr. C of Baib, and fome other
dear friends. On Tucfday morning I preached again to a full
congregation, and then fet out for this place, where we came
about eight in the evening, and had fweet and profitable con-
verfation with Mr. B and fome others of the brethren.
We fung an hymn, prayed, and parted in great harmony.
On TVednejday about noon I opened the aflbciation with a clofe
and folemn difcourfe upon walking with God. Indeed much
of God was with us. The brethren and the people felt much
of the divine prefence. Afterwards we betook ourfelves to
bufmefs : feveral matters of great importance were difpatched.
We broke up about feven, and met again about ten, and con-
tinued fettling the affairs of the focieties till about two in
the morning. On I'hurfday we fat again till about four in
.>? the afternoon ; then, after taking a little refrefhment, and talk-
ing warmly of the things of God, I preached with great
freedom upon the believer's reft, and then we went on with
our bufmefs, and liniflied our aflbciation about midnight : all
acknowledged that God had been with us, and blelTed him
for the fame. Perhaps in a month I may come to London ;
but it feems to be the will of the Lord I fhould (lay in
Wales about a fortnight, and take a tour into Pembrokejhire.
Great doors are open there. Our Saviour keeps me very
happy indeed 3 and is, I believe, preparing greater bleffings.
Yours, &c.
To the Same,
LantriJJanty [In I^cdes) Jpril 10, 1 743.
Dear 5/r,
OU R blefled mafter ftill countenances my feeble labours,
Yefterday I preached at Cardiff to a large congregation.
The greatcft fcofFcrs fat quiet, and the children of God felt
the divine prefence. In the evening I went to Ful-mon. Mrs,
/ received us kindly. Gop was pleafed to fpcak for me
3 ^'^
in the foclety where I preached. This morning I preached
sifrain. It was a mod rcmariLable time. I have been juft now
preaching with great power here. Dear brother H is
preaching in jyelch. The people are very fimple. I wrote
to you from JVaterford. I muil write a letter or two more,
and then away out of town. My kind and tender love to
all. The Lord be with you.
I am vours, hz*
G, W,
To the Sa?ne*
My dear Friend^ Swanzey, April 12, 1743.
IHope all is well with you. Great things are doing ia
Wales. ' — An efFcclual door is opened for preaching the
everlafting gofpel. Yeflerday I preached at Neath^ [((i\cn
miles from this place) from a balcony, to about three thou-
fand fouls in the ftreet. The Lord w^as with me of a truth.
This morning I preached here to about four thoufand with
great power. About one I preached at Harhrooky four miles
ofF; and am now returned to preach here again. — Our Savi-
our has prepared the way before him. O free grace I Dear
brother H has difcourfcd in JVelch yefterday and to
Ever yoursj
G. W.
Poftfcript. Pail feven in the evening. I have juft now
done preaching. Swanzey is taken ! I never preached with
a more convincing power. Many of the rich and great were
prefent. The congregation larger than in the morning.
Free grace for ever !
To the Sa7nCf
My dear Friend^ Larn^ ^pril i^^ 1743'
I Wrote to you from feveral places ; and alJ my letters have,
or will I truft corne to hand. I can yet lend you more
glad tidings. But words cannot cxprefs what the Lord
has done for your unworthy friend, and his ov/n dear people's
fouls. On Monday I preached at a place in the way, and af-
terwards at Neath^ a fca port town, to about three thcufand
people: all v/as quiet, and the povv-er ofjiisus was much
there. Then I went to Swanzey feyen miles from Neath.
— On Tiiefday I preached, and the Lord was with me. In
the evening I went to Llanelthy^ eight miles from Swanzey.
There I preached twice on Wednefday with great power to a
jarge congregation ; and in the evening near Aherquilley^ five
miles from thence. On Thurfday I preached at Carmarthen^
one of the greateft and mod polite places in IVaJes \ in the
morning from the top of the crofs : in the evening from a
table near it. It was the great fefTions. Thejuilices de-
fired I would ftay till they rofe, and they would come. Ac-
cordingly they did^ and many thoufands m.ore ; and feveral
people of quality. Jesus was much with me, and I hope
much good work was done. Several fent for me to their houfes.
Dear brother //- exhorts in every place. I havejuft
been preaching, and it would rejoice your heart to fee what
is doing. I v/ant room and time to tell you all. In about
ten days I hope to be near Br'iJhU In the mean while, I am,
dear friend.
Ever yours,
To the Same.
My dear Friend^ Haverfcrdweft^ April 17, 1743.
SINCE I left Larn^ from whence I wrote to you, the
Lord has dealt mofl: bountifully with me. I went that
evening to Narbatt^ where I preached to fomc thoufands with
great power. On Saturday I preached at Newtoriy and after-
26 letters;
wards at Jefferfon to feveral thoufand fouls, very like the
King/wood coWkrs. This morning I preached at Llajfivran^
and had as it were a Moor-fields congregation ; and this after-
noon I preached to about the faijje number near this town. 1
alfo read prayers. Where 1 have been, the people call loudly
again. A moft effeflual door is opened in South IFalcs. I hope
to be with you in a few weeks. I am glad of fuch news from
Georgia, Blefled be God, he will take care of me and mine.
Hearty love attends you and all, from
Yours, &c.
To the Same,
Carmarthen^ April 2,0, I7.43*
My dear Friend^
SINCE I wrote from Haverfordwejl , I preached yei^er-
d^y at eight in the morning to about eight tunnfand peo-
ple in this place, and in the afternoon to feveral thoufands
at Narhatt, both times with great power. This morning I
preached at Larn^ and coming over in the ferry had the unex-
pected compliment paid me, of one fhip iiring feveral guns,
and of fome others hoifting their flags. This afternoon I
preached at a little town called Kidivilly, to a large congrega-
tion 5 and came this evening here. One of the minifters
preached much againft me laft Simday^ and mentioned me by
name ; but, like my other oppofers (and like the viper biting
the iiic) he only hurt himfelf. I am as it were in a new, but
very unthought of pleafant world, O how many thoufands
within thefe few days have heard the word ! I thought to
fee you n^xt week ; but as I am here, perhaps it may be
beft to go round now, and fo be at London at Pentecoft. In
about a fortnight, therefore, you may expert to fee me.
Ever yours,
G. W.
To the Sa?ne.
BhuadcUr, April 2^, 1 743*
Ii4y dear Friend^
I Wrote to you from Haverford and Carmarthen, t preached
there twice on Thurfday to about ten thoafand people,
and dear Mr. R preached after mc. Yefterday we had
another blefled aflbciation j and have now fettled all the coun-
ties in JVaks. Our Lord was wonderfully with us. You
Cannot tell how delighted the brethren went away. Indeed
they feemed filled as with new wine. Laft night we came
hither to a little inn. A fweet retreat from the rain. I muft
away to preach this morning. Help me, my dear man, to be
thankful. I kindly falute you and yeurs, and am,
Ever yours,
To the Same*
Guenfiihen^ near the Hay in Radnorjhlre^ April 25, 1743*
My dear Sir,
I Wrote to you on Saturday morning ; afterwards I preach-
ed at Llangathan in the church, to a great congregation ;
I then went about ten miles, and preached at Landovery in
the evening, and on Sunday morning. God was with us
each time. On Sunday evening I preached to a large and po^
lite auditory at Brecon, fifteen miles from Landovery. — This
morning I preached at Trevecka^ and juft now at this place^
with as great freedom, power and melting, almoft as we have
feen. It is now paft feven at night, and I have feven or eight
TVelJh miles to go. I am glad you are fo happy in Jesus.
My body is weak, but I am at the Redeemer's feet, and he
reigns king in my heart, and caufes mc to rejoice and
triumph over all. Help me to praife him. Brother H - ■
falutes you all. The Lord be with you.
Ever, ever yours,
G. IF.
To the Same.
Gloucejler^ April 29, 1743^
My dear Sir,
I Am at prefcnt ftrengthening myfelf in the Lord myGoi>»
Thefe words have much refreftied me, " And the Lord
was with David, whitherfoever he went." After I wrote my
laft from a gentlewoman's near the Ha)i, I went towards Builthj
and got into my lodgings about one, and into my bed about
two o'clock in the morning. The next day I preached at
Builth, with much of the Redeemer's prefence. Then I rode
to the Gore, the lafl: place I preached at in JVales -, and indeed
our Saviour kept the good wine 'till laft : he made our cup
to overflow. — Between eight and nine at night we fet out for
Leominfter, and reached there between two and three in the
morning. At eleven, and three, I preached. It was quite
fallow ground. The Lord broke it up, and gave me a blefT-
ed entrance into Hercfordjhire. All glory be to his great
Name ! The fame night I lay at Hereford. Even there fome
of our Lord's difciples v/ere to be found, as alfo at ^^}^
where we baited ycfterday. In both places I might have
preached, v/ould time have permitted ; but I was haftening to
Gloucejier, where the good Shepherd of Jfrad brought us in
peace and fafety about eight in the evening ; after having in
about three weeks travelled about four hundred EngUJh miles,
i'pent three days in attending two aflbciations, preached about
forty times, vifited about thirteen towns, and pafTed through
fevcn counties. Here then will I fet up my Ebenexer, thank
the adorable Jesus for thcfe and all othsr his mercies, and
from the bottom of my heart give him all the glory. I know
my dcareft friend will join with me, and fay a hearty Amen,
'' Even fo, Lord Jesus. Amen and Amen !" Laft
night |and this morning I preached here. Since my depar-
ture the barn hath been turned into a commodious chapel. I
(hall preach there again, God willing, this evening, and to-
morrow morning ; in the country on Sunday next, and for all
as I knov^, (liall come to London oa Monday evening. One
Letters. 19
of the fimple Jnperly fouls died in peace a {ew days ago.
*' Praife yfe the Lord, for his mercy endureth for ever."
Yours, See. he.
G. n\
To the Rev. Mr. I .
My dear Brother , Lojidon^ May 6, I743»
X7"OUR very kind letter I had not the pleafure of receiv-
J. ing 'till yefterday. It was very acceptable, and knits
iny heart clofer to you than ever. I love your honeft foul, and
long for that time, u^hen the difciples of Christ of different
feds fhall be joined in far clofer fellowfhip one with another.
Our divifions have grieved my heart. I heartily approve of
the meeting of the chief labourers together. Tiic free arace
of the ever-blefTed Jesus melts nie down. He has been ex-
ceeding kind to me of late, and fhewn me that, vile as I am,
he w^ill not lay me afide. I am juft returned from a circuit of
about 4O0 miles. I have been as far as Haverfordweji^ and
was enabled to preach v/ith great povs^er. Thoufands and
tens of thoufands flocked to hear the word, and the fouls of
Gon's children were hiuch refrefhed. I have been alfo ac
tvv^o affbciations in Wales. The work begins now to Oiew itfclf.
Many are taking root downward, and bearing fruit upward.
Ere long I truft they will fill the land. I am glad the LoREi
hath opened freOi doors for you, my dear brother. The
rams horns are founding about ymc/;^ * furely the towering
Walls will at length fall down. But we muft have patience.
He that believeth^ doth not make hafte. The rams horns
muft go round feven times. Our divifions in England have
the worft afpeil, while they are flow united in Wales: but
even this ihall work for good, and caufc the Redeemer'3
glory to {hine more confpicuous. This is my comfort;,
** The government is upon his iLoulders/* and he is a '^ won-
derful counfellor."
And vjhafjo'er thou wiltj
Thou d:Jl, thcu King cf Kings f
What thy unerring luifdom plans
Thy poiuer to being brings.
B2, But
20 L E T T E R ^S.
But where am I running f Pardon mc. I am writing to my
dear Mr. / . I rejoice in the expe(5lation of feeing you
in town. I hope to be in town at that time, and to enjoy
fomc of our farmer happy feafons. In the mean while, I fa-
lute you from my inmoft foul, and defire, as often as opportu-
nity offers, a glofe correfpondence may be kept up between
you, and, my dear brother,^
Your moft affectionate unworthy
brother and fervant,
G. n\
To D, T 5 in Yorkjhire.
London^ May 6, 1743.
My dear Brother^
A Day or two ago, I had the pleafure of receiving a letter
from you, which I find was written fome time fince,
but came not to hand, as I was out of town. Accept my
thanks, though late, and let the bleffed Jesus be praifed,
again and again, for caufing his children to love and efleem
unworthy, hell-deferving me, O, my dear brother, " Love
is of God, and he that dwelleth in love, dwclleth in God^
and God in him." Glad am I that our Saviour is getting him-
•felf the victory in your parts, and that frefh doors are opened
for our dear brother / to preach the everlafting gofpel.
I have been jufl writing to him ; and now improve a (cw
moments to fend you a line alfo. Bleffed be our glorious
Emmanuel^ I can tell you of new and glorious conquefls made
of late. I am but jufl returned from a circuit of 400 miles
in Gloucejlerjhire and South JFahs. Dagon hath every where
fallen before the ark, and the fields are white ready unto har-
vefl. I'he congregations were very large, and I was never
enabled to preach with greater power. I purpofe flaying here
about a- month, and once more to attack tbe prince of dark-
nefs in Moor-fields^ when the holidays come. Many precious
ftDuls have been captivated wiih Christ's love in that wicked
place. 'Jerufalcm fmncrs bring moft glory to the Redeemer.
Where I fliall go next, I cannot yet tell. If my Maflcr
(hould point out the way, a vifit to Torkfoire would be very
agreeable. Perhaps Exeifr and Cornwall may be the next
places. That is dry ground. I love to range in luch places.
O my dear brother, continue to pray for me, and help me to
praife the blcfled Lamb of God. Indeed I pray for you,
and the redeemed fmners, amongft whom you are. I'hat
the great Shepherd and Bifhop of fouls may fill you with all
peace and joy in believing, is the hearty prayer of, my dear
Yours mofl affedionately in Christ.
6'. /r.
To Mr, H .
London^ May 2i, 1743.
My 'very dear faithful Friend and Brother ,
AFTER watching, and praying, and driving fome
days for direction and alTiftance, I now fit down to
write you a letter ; though 1 know not well what to lay-
er do. The concern I have felt for you, and my dear family,
has had an eft'ect on my body, and increafed that weaknefs,
which the feafon of the year, my conftant labours, and conti-
nual care upon various accounts, have brought upon me. Jn
the midft of all, my foul 1 truil grows, and is kept happy ia
the bleffed Jesus. His ftrength is daily made perfect in my
weaknefs, and I am made more than conqueror through his
love. I am fomewhat concerned, that fcarce any of my let-
ters have reached your hands. I was glad, however, to find
that you had received one dated in May laft. Since that, I
hope you have received more. I rejoice that our loving Sa-
viour has not permitted you to want. You are his family',
and he would not detain me from you, had not he determined
to provide for you in my abfence. I fear I have been finfully
impatient to come over. 1 think, I could be fold a flave to
ferve at the gallics, rather than you and my dear Orphan-
family (hould want. Sometimes my wicked heart has faid,
*' if LknowvjTlhould have iiaid fo long, I would not have come
over to England at all." But God's thoughts are not as our
thoughts. It is beft to be kept at his feet, waiting to know
what he would have us 10 do. ^^ and by we {hall know al! ;
B 3 'till
'till then, let us wait patiently ; againfl hope may we belieyc
in hope, and being ftrong in taith give glory to God. After
I have fought theLoRD's battles in Moor-fields thefe holidays,
I think to talce a tour into Cornwall and JFales^ and perhaps,
to Ireland. I have fometimes thought I am detained on pur-
pofe to go there. I wonder not at your filence. You may
well expert me ; but I mufl not mention it, kft my impatient
heart fhould again hy,^ " LoRp, why wilt thou not let me
go ?" My firft fellow-traveller, fcarce; a day pafTes without
my fpcaking of, and often praying for you. Old love has re-
vived long llnce in niy foul. I am perfuaded, our Lord will
reward you even in this life, for your fidelity to unworthy me,
'* Be flrong in the Lord and in the power of his might."
While I am writing the fire kindles, and I almoft forget my
bodily Vv/eaknefs. The Lord be with you. I hear the Spa-
niards intend a fecond invafion ; but thofe words ftill follow
and comfort me, " The enemies which you have feen, you
fhall fee no more for ever." You are the Lo^ip's family; he
will take care of you ; fear them not. I have many things
to impart, when I fee you face to face. 'Till then the Lord
Jesus be with your fpirit, and grant that you and yours may
increafe with all the increaft^ of God. In bonds of an eter-
nal friendihip, with greater affection than words can well ex-
prefs, I fubfcribe myfelf,
Ever, ever yours,
G, /K
ro Mr,B . • l^/^fb^v"
London^ May 21, 1 743.
My very dear Brother B ,
LITTLE did I think, when I parted from you ztBcthefda^
that I fhould be writing to you at this time in London,
But God's ways are in the great waters, and his footfteps are
not known. I have effayed to come to you more than once,
or twice; but I believe I can fay, " the fpirit fuffered me not."
In thought I am with you daily ; when I fhall come in per-
fon, our Saviour only knows : perhaps, at an hour which nei-
ther you nor I think of. You will fee what I have wrote
(though in much weaknefs) to my dear Mr. H . The
prefent weaknefs of my body will not fufFer me to enlarge
much to you ; though, was I to follow the inclination of my
foul, I faould fill up many (hects. My dear brother, 1 love
you unfeignedly in the bowels of Jesus Christ, and heartily
thank you for all your works of faith, and the care you have
taken of my dear family. Surely our Lord fent you to Be-
ihefda^ and however cloudy the profpe6i: may have been for
fome time, I am perfuaded a glorious funfhine will fucceed,
and you fnall yet Wc the falvation of our God. When our
Lord has any thing great to do, he is generally a great while
bringing it about, and many unaccountable dark providences
generally intervene. Thus it was with Abraham^ Jacob, Jojrph^
Ahfesy and all the eminent men of God in the days of old.
Thus our Lord is pleafed to deal with me, and my affairs.
Many precious promifes have been given me in refpctSl: to my-
felf, my dear family, and the church of Jesus Christ,
which I am Aire will be fulfilled in due time. I long to be
with you, to open our hearts freely, and to tell one another
what our good God has done for our fouls. Great things has
he done for me indeed, and greater things is he yet doing,
and about to do. The work of God is likely to fpread far
and near, and fuch are daily added to the church as fhall be
faved. I am employed every moment for the beft of Maflers,
3nd only lament that I can do no more. For fome days, my
body has been much indifpofed, but not fo as to prevent my
preaching. Af my day is, fo is my ftrength ; and as afflictions
abound, confolations much more abound. I know that this
will lead you to give thanks on my behalf. I am glad when
I hear it goes well with you and yours. I am now like St.
Pauly who could have no reft, 'till he fent a brother to the
church, that he might enquire of their affairs, and know how
they did. The perfon that brings this, loves Jesus in fmce-
rity, and I truft will be a bleffing to the houfe. I would have
him employed among the children, or as you and the brethren
fhall think fit. Our Saviour, I hope, will dire£l: you in every
thing. As ftrength fhall permit, I intend writing to Mr.y .
BlelTed be God for raifmg up fuch dear friends. He never
can or will forfake thofe that put their truft in him. I hope
it is well vyith you and yours, I doub^ not but your fouls
B 4 profper.
profper. Mr. J writes to his mother, and tells her how
you are inftant in feafon and out of feafon. Go on, my dear
brother, thou man of God ! and may the Lord make you a
fpiritual father to thoufands. That the Lord of all lords
may exceedingly blefs you, is the earncft prayer of
Yours mod afFcdtionately in Jesus,
To Mr. H .
London^ May 31, I743f
My dcnr Mr. H , Friend and Brother,
ALL la{l week, do what I would, I could not find freedom
to write a line, though I expeded our dear brother
E , the bearer of this, to fail every hour. But now I know
why he was detained, and I reftrained. This morning, to my
unfpeakable fatisfacStion, I faw a letter from our dear brother
G , dated April I'^ih^ wherein he acquainted me of the
welfare of the dear family, and of another out-pouring of the
fpirit among you. O ! my foul does magnify the Lord, and
my fpirit rejoices in God my Saviour. After this, I expe6t
to hear of another fhock : but I know you are the Lord's,
and he will take care of your fouls. As Mr. E is going
on board, 1 have not time to fay half I would. I fear I am
finfully, impatient to fee you. The time will come by and by.
Haften it, O Lord, if it be thy blcfTed will ! Our Saviour does
greater things for me every day. Ldi\: Sunday morning, I col-
lected 23/. for the orphans in Moor- fields. It would amaze you
to fee the great congregations, and v/onderful prefence of the
Lord. Grace ! grace ! I have paid all that is due in England,
and have fent you 25/. by the bearer. God willing, I {hall
remit you more foon. Pray give my humble refpedts to dear
Mr. J , and tell him, our Saviour will enable me to pay
him all foon with a thoufand thanks. I fcnt you 100/. by my
brother's (hip, and a packet of letters. I hope they came fafe
ro hand. But I muft have done. Salute my dear family, an4
believe me to be, though now in great hafte, dear man,
Ever yours,
G, W:
<ro Mr, G , ofCarliJIe.
Lo7idon^ June 9, 1 74^.
My dear Brother^
I Have been prevented by many things from writing to you.
I now redeem a few minutes to fend you a line. I believe
your way is clear to London, The brethren, I am perfuadcd
will be willing to give you the right-hand of fcllowfhip, fmcc
you are determined not to meddle with controverfy or to
make adult baptifm a bone of contention ; but fimply to preach
Jesus Christ and him crucified. This I think is the only
way to propagate the gofpcl of the grace of God. Our
Saviour blefTes me in it much, and owns and ftren<^thens me
more and more. 1 have been very weak in body, but every
day my ftrength hath been renewed, and I have been enabled
to mount on wings like an eagle. God willing, I fhall leave
London on Monday next. If I fliould be out of town, you will
be kindly received. Glory be to (jOD, the gofpel fpreads.
I feel myfelf the chief of fmncrs. As fuch, be pleafed always
to remember to pray for, my dear brother.
Yours moft alFecStionately in Jesus Christ
G, JV,
ro Mr, S .
Burford, June l^, 1743.
Aly dear Sir^
I Cannot go any farther without writing you a line. Our
Saviour hath dealt moft gracioufly with your unworthy
friend. On MoJiday I experienced fome fweet teachings from
above, and was fo happy, that I thought our Lord was prepar-
ing me for fome frefh trials. The profpedt pleafed me much,
knowing how all things had already worked together for my
good. Yefterday my body yvas very weary, but my foul happy,
and I preached at Fair ford; this morning at Glan fields and juft
now here. It is dry ground ; but the Lord has promifed to
pour water upon fuch. He ha^ richly watered my foul. Where
I lay,
I lay, was indeed a Bethel, a gate of heaven. I hope God
has been with you. My tender love to dear brother J s.
My fellow-travellers falute you. My love to the Tabernacle
people. Their prayers are heard. Grace ! grace !
Yours afFedionately,
To the fame,
Glouceftery June 18, 1743.
My dear Friend^
I Wrote to you from Burford on Wednejday laft. My foul
was then fo exceeding happy, that I want words to exprefs
it. Afterwards, we went to Bengeworth^ where we came a-
bout midnight, and were moft heartily received by Mr. <S •
and Mr. O . I was enabled to preach there with fuch
power, that all muft confefs, God was with us of a truth.
We dined very comfortably, and then fet out for Gloucejler^
(houting, Grace I grace ! When I arrived, our Saviour was ex-
ceeding gracious; and I had fo much of heaven in my foul,
that I wanted to lie down any where to praife my God. I
preached here early the next morning, then rode to Chelten-
ham^ and returned hither in the afternoon, and preached in
the evening. This morning I preached again, and received
your fecond welcome letter. I thank you for it. I could write
much of the love and abiding happinefs I have in Christ :
but I have many letters lying unanfwered before me. Adieu
at prefent. The Lord be with you and yours. Salute all
the brethren. Forget not to pray for, my dear friend,
Ever, ever yours,
To the fame,
Gloucejier^ June 2\^ 1743-
ON Saturday I anfwered your two laft letters. Our Savi-
our fent me to Gloucefter for wife ends. Much fubftan-
tial good has been done to feveral of the fociety. My mouth
and heart were greatly opened in preaching. Saturday even-
ing was a time much to be remembered. Sunday^ was a great
_d.iy of the Son of Man. I preached at Gloucefter in the morn-
ing, and near Stroud in the evening. The word was clothed
with much power, both for iinners and faints. I think the
congregation at Hampton was ralher greater than ever. At
night we had a precious meeting in Hamptcn-houfe garden ;
the hoafe itfelf being too fmall to hold the people without al-
moit lliHing them. The fimplicity, fweetnefs, and broken-
heartednefs of the poor fouls would have melted your heart.
Indeed, much grace was upon them, and many, I believe, to
their unfpeakable confolation, heard the voice of the Lord
God in the trees of the garden in the cool of the day. On
AlcrJay morning I preached again, and came away rejoicing.
Whilil: I was at Hampton^ J, C told me, how he and the
people had been abufcd. My coming at this time, I believe,
has much ftrengthened the perfecuted. Indeed there is a glo-
rious v/ork in Ghucefterjhire. Brother C is truly a great
foul ! one of the weak things that God has chofen to con-
found the flrong. In my journey from Hampton hither, our
dear Mafter was gracioufly with us. We have blefled news
from Scotland. Brave news alfo from Pembrokejhirc. Surely
the kingdom of the Lord and his Christ is coming on a-
pacc. I know you fay, " Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly."
Ever, ever yours,
G". IF.
P. S. I muft acquaint you, by way of poflfcript, of the fol-
lowing anecdote of the old Mr. Cole^ a mofl venerable diflent-
ing minifter ; whom I was always taught to ridicule, and (with
fhame I write it) ufed, when a boy, to run into his mccting-
houfc, and cry. Old Cole ! old Cole! old Cole ! Being afkcd
once by one of his congregation, what bufmefs I would be oil
I faid, " a minifter, but I would take care never to tell ftorics
in the pulpit, like the old Cole,''^ About twelve years afier-
wards, the old man heard me preach in one of the churches at
Gloucejler ; and on my telling fome ftory to illuftrate the fub-
ject I was upon, having been informed what I had before faid,
made this remark to one of his elders, *' I find that young
Whitefield can now tell ftories, as v/ell as old Cole'' Being af-
fe6ted much with my preaching, he was as it were become
young again, and ufed to fay, when coming to and returning
from Bani^ " Thefe are days of the Son of Man indeed ! "
nay, he was To animated, and fo humbled, that he ufed to fub-
fcribe himfelf my Curate^ and went about preaching after me in
the country, from place to place. But one evening, whilft
preaching, he was ftruclc with death, and then afkcd for a
chair to lean on 'till he concluded his fermon, when he was
carried up ftairs and died. O blefled God ! if it be thy holy
will, may my exit be like his !
To the fame.
Gkucejter^ June 27, 1 743.
FULL of divine conrolations,and at the fame time, I truft,
deeply fenfible of my own vilenefs, I have juft arofe
from the throne a^ grace, where I have been laying yours,
my own, and the affairs of the whole church, before our com-
mon Father and our God. He was plcafed to give me fvveec
accefs, and to affure me, that if he gave me his prefence, he
would freely give me all things ; but 1 muft wait his time and
feafon, becaufe that will be better for me. I have therefore
juft now put my foul, as a blank, into the hands of Jesus
Christ ipy Redeemer, and defired him to write upon it what
he pleafes. I know it will be his own image. Mcthinks I
hear you fay. Amen. I know you do from your heart ; for I
believe you love me in the bov;els of Jesus Christ, as I do
you, God kiioweth. Our Saviour, by his wife providence
has prevented our receiving each others letters fo foon ns we
expeded. I preached Tuefday laft in the evening at Briftol^
and on JVednefday twice j and once at Kingfwood. — On Thurf-
day in the morning I preached there alfo, and afterwards went
to Bath^ where I was moft cordially received by Mr. C ,
and one Dr. H , achriftlan phyfician, and Lady C .
Here our Saviour gave me fre{l:i hints, that if I would ftand ftill
and wait his time and way, he would make even my enemies to
be at peace with mc. 1 returned in the evening to Briftol^ and
preached. I think it was this day the news came of his Ma-
jefty's fighting, and coming off conqueror. I had obfcrved for
fome time paft, when praying for him, whether I would or not,
out came this petition, " Lord, cover thou his head in the day
of battle." Tho' even while I was praying, I wondered why I
prayed fo, not knowing that he was gone to Germany to fighr.
This gave me frefh confidence towards God. I fpent almoft
the whole day on Friday in retirement, and prayer. My houfe
was made a Bethel to me indeed, the very gate of heaven. Sa-
turday I preached again, and found in the day-time our Saviour
had blelled my endeavours to fome fouls. About three in the
afternoon we fet out for Wiltjhire, On Sunday I preached at
Brinkiuorih^ on thefe words : " Thy Maker is thy hufband."
It was a day of efpoufals I believe to many. God was with
us of a truth. After fermon, I rode to Longley^ in company
with many dear children of God, who attended me both on
horfeback and on foot. We fung, and looked like perfons
that had been at a fpiritual wedding. The Lord helped me
in preaching there alfo. All was quiet. In the evening I
preached at Tetherton^ and a blelled time it was. We rode
like as the children of Ifraei p^fflng through the enemies coun-
try. Afterwards we fet out for Hampton, and reached there
about midnight. After having travelled about thirty miles, I
yet preached thrice. This morning I arofe like a giant re-
frefhed with wine, and came hither about eleven. I found my
mother recovered from her illnefs, and my own foul filled and
blelled in Christ. O grace! how fweet is it.? I am glad
you are thirfting after an abiding in God, after greater degrees
of knowledge, both of yourfelf, and of Jesus Christ, whom
to know is life eternal. In- order to this, you muft expe(5l
many trials, and well it is to be under the difcipline of fo ten-
der a Mafter. I know you will pray to the Lord to make
and keep me humble. I recommend you to his care, and wifh
you all the blcffings of the everlafting covenant, from
G. fF.
To the Same,
BriJIol, July 2, I743,-
I Wrote to you on Saturday^ and on Monday from Glcucejier;
I iuppole you have wrote to Trevecka, Words cannot ex-
prefs how good our blefled Saviour has been to me, Tince I
wrote laft. I preached there on Monday nigftt, and Tuefday
morning. The God of love filled my foul, and enabled me
to fpealc of his love with great power. Many felt it alfo. On
Tuefday after morning fermon I went to Abergavenny, Jesus
■was with me on the road ; and we reached there about ten at
night. On Wedncfday I went to Trevecka^ where I met with
a whole troop of Jesu's witnefTes. I had fome hours by myfelf,
and {bed many tears of love before the Lord. At iive in the
evening, I preached to a larger congregation than ever I had
feen at Trevecka, Jesus was with us of a truth, and I felt the
power of that blood upon my own foul, which I was rccom-
and R preached and prayed. The holy fpirit came
down, efpecially when the latter preached, in a plentiful man-
ner. — About eight we opened the affociation with great folem-
iiity. Our Saviour was much with me, teaching and helping
me to fill my place in a particular manner. The brethren felt
the fame. About midnight we adjourned; but fevcral of the
brethren fat up ail night, and ulhered in the morning witii
prayer and praife. About eight we met again, and were great-
ly delighted at the difFercnt and f:mple accounts the fuperinten-
dents brought in of their refpe6tive focictics. Some of their
accounts were very particular, as to the Hate of the people's
fouls ; and feveral had gone of*" moft triumphantly to glory.
We continued doing bufmefs 'till tv/o in the afternoon, and
broke up with much folemnity and holy joy. Our Saviour
kept the new-wine 'till Jall, and gave us a iweet parting blelF-
ir.o-. We had great union with one another. Indeed, Jesus
has done great things for IVales. The work is much upon
the advance. 1 was furprized to find fo much order. Bro-
ther H D has been bleflTed to the converfion of a
young clergy man 5 ^Re^lor of St, B -^ London, About five in
the evening I returned to Abergavenny^ and preached there on
Friday morning, and afterwards fet out for Brijlol, where we
arrived about eight in the evening. My houfe, friends, &c.
were made a great blefling to the foul of.
Ever yours,
To Mrs. D .
Dear Madam^ Brijlol^ July 9, 1743.
HAVING no time to anfwer your requeft concerning
the Hampton mob, I herewith fend you a letter, which
I have juft now received from my dear fellow-labourer, who is
the principal object of their fury. This young confelTor, fomc
few years ago came out of curiofity to hear me, when firft I
preached upon Hampton Common^ in Gloucejierjhire. Being con-
verted himfelf, he found himfelf impelled to flrcngthen his
brethren. God has owned him much in Hampton, and the
adjacent country, in calling by him many poor fmners to the
knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. How fatan rages
upon the account, you'll fee in the inclofed, to which you are
referred by, dear Madam,
Yours, 5cc.
G. TV.
A Letter from Mr. A , to the P<.ev. Mr. W .
Hampton^ July 8, 1 743.
Honoured and very dtar Sir^
T) Lefled be the dear Jesus, he hath brought me fafe hither.
He was alfo with me on the road, and I ajn perfuaded,
that whatfoever fufferings I am to pafs through here, all fhall
work together for good; for Jesus is and will be with mc.
The mob has breathed out many threatcnings againft me ; but
Jesus is greater than all, and I am perfuaded ht'll let them
find him fo. I rode all down the town without ihe leaft mo-
leftation, only many cried, (but fiiently as it were) " O, he
is come home ! " which was a furprizing thing to them ; for
a gentleman had affirmed, that he faw me in prifon. I have
b.-en walking up the town, without any diHurbancej but the
4 mob.
mob, they fay, continue more and more exafperated. Wc
expe<5t them foon. They generally apprize one another, by
ringing a bell. The whole mob confift of about an hundred :
but Jesus keeps me without the leaft fear, and at the fame
time gives me quietly to wait on him for direflion, how to
zdi. A few of the dear difciples are by me. We have been
praying together, and the Lord is with us. I believe death
in its uglieft fhapes would not be terrible to fome here, at
lealt I think fo of myfelf; and when I look to the faithfulnefs
of my Saviour, I can loudly fay, *' As my day is, fo my
ftrength fhall be." Many of the people of the town have heen
with me, to tell me the refpedf they have for me, and how
much they are concerned for the abufe that has been given us.
I believe all will be well by and by. At the fame time, I be-
lieve your coming might be much blefled to that end. I
muft conclude ; but I think to give you a farther account on
Monday^ if our Saviour pleafes. In the mean time, I heartily
beg an intereft in your prayers, and the whole fociety with
you. Tell them, O tell them, to get ready for fufFering, by
cleaving clofe to the Lamb, rooted and grounded in him :
withal pleafe to give my kind love and fervice to them for
Jesu's fake, and be pleafed to accept the fame your dear felf,
and many thanks for all the tokens of unfeigned love con-
ferred on
Your unworthy brother and fervant,
To Mrs. D .
My dear Madam^ BriJioU July 14, 1743.
NOT doubting but you wait with impatience for dear
Mr. A 's promifed fecond letter, after having juft
read it once over, 1 herein inclofe it ; having only time to
beg the continuance of your prayers, and to defire you to fend
this with the former, ai> foon as poflible, to
Yours, &c,
Ijouowtvl Sir, July I J, J y ^2-
i Promifed in my lafl to write to you again, and to let you
know more particularly of our perfecutions, which are
as ibllovv. On Saturday after I wrote to you, I met the fo-
ciety, and afcer we had fung an hymn, came brother / ,
with my dear wife from BriJ}ol. They came into the fociety
and fat down, while I exhorted them to ftedfartnefs and pati-
ence under the crofs. They feemed much ftrengthened, and
ready for any fufFering ; for God was with us. After that,
I defined brother / to pray, which he did. After that I
prayed in faith, and was enabled to plead Christ's promifes
to his church ; though we are but a little branch. I had not
prayed long, but many of us were perfuaded, he would never
leave or forfake us. In every prayer we afked direction how
to act. I was perfuaded, the only way to ftill the mob, was,
not to refift or fly from them, but to give myfelf up wholly to
them, and let them do all that the Lord fhould permit :
for the more we had drawn back, the more our adverfaries
rejoiced, and vowed they would and fhould put an end to
preaching in Hampton. The mob, which confifted of near
an hundred, were now about the houfe^ making a terrible noife^
and fwearing prodigioufiy. I went down to them and opened
the door, and afliing them v/hat they wanted. I told them,
if they wanted my life, I was willing to deliver it up for Jfe-
sus's fake; but withal I defired to know, why they either
difturbed me or fought my life 1 For 1 did not know I 1iad
given them any juft caufe for either. Some of them faid, I
had, by bringing in falfe doctrine, and impoverlfhing the poor.
i told them, that they could prove neither, and that it was
really falfe. I'hey feemed fomething at a ftand ; Vv'hen about
five of them begun to be more exafperated, and took me, in
order to throw me into a lime pit, I told them, they need
not force me, for I v/as willing to fuffer, though unjuiily,
for Je3Us's fake. But while they were puihing me along,-
fome neiglibours took me in their arms and carried me ijuo
one of their houfcs 5 fo I was delivered out of their hands.
On fabbath-day morning about twenty of the fociety met
again. We fpent the morning in prayer. In the evening
I preached, and had uncommon ftrength and courage given
Vol. II. C mc
me from the Lord, (o that death in its ugliefl fhapes did
not at all terrify me. About five in the afternoon we diet in
my houfc. I hrft exhorted them to keep their minds clofc
to the Lord, and if the mob came, not at all to refift, but
to make way for them to come to me, and let them do what
the Lord would permit. I then prayed and fung that hymn,
" Our liveSy our hhod^ ^V." When we had fo done, in came
the mob, demanding me to come down. I afked, by what
authority they did fo \ They fworc they would have me.
Then faid I, fo you diall. So they took me to the lime-
pit, and threw me in. But O what a power of God fell
on my foul 1 I thought, with Stephen^ the heavens opened
to my fight, and the Lord Jesus was ready, if I had
died, to receive me. I believe my undaunted courage
{book fome. I told them., I fhould meet them at the judg-
ment, and then their faces would gather palencfs. They let
me out, and Lcame home and kneeled down with the people
that were thtre, and prayed to, and praifcd God. After that,
I exhorted from the three firft verfes of the third chapter of
the firft epiftle of John. And when I wasjuft concluding,
in came the mob again, and took me to a brook to throw me
in there. One, who v/as a pcrfecutor but a few days before,
endeavoured to hinder them ; but they took me away, and led
me all up the town. I had a fweet walk, and talked and rea-
ibncd v.'ith the perfccutors all the way. My heart was full
of love. Before 1 had gone far, all but one agreed to let me
go back again, but he infifted upon my going. I told them,
the law was open againft them, neverthelefs I was willing to
fufFer any thing for Christ. Then they told me, if I would
forbear preaching but for a month, they v/ould let me go ;
I told them, I would make no fuch promife. So forward I
went. One of them threw me in, and I went to the bottom,
but I came up again, with my hands clafped together. I did
not defire to come out, till they fetched me. Accordingly,
in jumped one or two of them and took me out; but then
one malicioufly and cowardly puHied me in again, and much
bruifed and cut one of my legs againft a {lone. Some of the
others were going to throw him in for fo doing. I came
home talking to them. Many feemed to repent of what they
had done, and proraifcd to mokfl me no more. 1 believe,
Cod has fmote. fome of their confciences. One who was
the chief, and would not agree that I fhould go back, I hear
by feveral, he fays he will in no wife touch me again. Many
advife us to profecute them j but if they are quiet, I am con-
tent, and can fay from my heart, '* Father, forgive them."
I fhould be glad if you would be here next Sunday. In the
mean time pray for me, who am,
Your unworthy brother and fervant,
r. J.
To Mr. B .
Dear Friend^ Brijiol^ July 19, 1 743.
I Have been fo employed for fome time paft in preaching
and travelling, that I could not poffibly correfpond with
you or others as ufual ; but you fee v/herc I am j I came
here to preach at the fair ; becaufe people from all parts flock
hither at that feafon. Yefterday I preached four times, and
twice {latedly evci-y day. O that fmners may be made will-
ing to come and buy of Christ's wine, and of Christ's
miljc, without money and without price I Laft night was
luch a time as I never faw in Brijiol fociety before. Tq
morrow, God willing, I fet out for Hampton^ to fee what
can be done for the poor perfecuted fheep of Christ there.
I hear I am threatened, but Jesus will fland by me. In what
manner, expe<5l lo hear again foon, from
Yours, &c.
To the Same,
My dear FrierJy
Hampton^ Jidy 25, 1743.
ON Thurfday I came here, and expected to be attacked ;
becaufe I had heard, that the mob which had been io
outragious towards you and others for fo long time, had now
threatened, that if ever I came there again, they would have
a piece of my black gown to make aprons with. Ng fooner
C 2 had
had I entered the town, but I faw and heard the fignals,
fuch as blowing of horns, and ringing of bells for gathering
the mob. My foul was kept quite eafy. I preached in a large
^jrafs plat from tlvefe words, " And feeing the grace of God,
he exhorted them with full purpofe of heart to cleave unto
the Lord ;" and as it happened, I finiflied my fermon and
pronounced the bkfling, juft as the ring-leader of the mob
broke in upon us, which 1 foon. perceived difappointed and
grieved them very n^uch. One of them, as I "was coming
down from the table, called me coward-, but I told him, they
fliould hear from me another way. I then went into the houfe,
and preached upon the flair cafe to a large number of ferious
fouls ; but thefe real troublers of Ifrael foon came in to mock
and mob us. But feeling what I never felt before, as you knovv
I have very little natural courage, ftrength and power being
given us from above, I leaped down flairs, and all ran away
before me. However they continued making a noife about
the houfe till midnight, abufmg the poor people as they went
home, and as we hear they broke one young lady's arm in
two places. Brother A they threw a feeond time inta
the pool, in which operation he received a deep wound in his
\eg. John C 's life, that feeond Bunyan^was much threat-
er;ed. — Young IV H they wheeled in a barrow to
the pool's fide, lamed his brother, and grievoufly hurt feveral
others. Hearing that two or three clergymen were in the
town, one of whom was a juftice of the peace, I went to them ;
but alas ! I feemed unto them as one that mocked, and in-
flead of redrefling, they laid the caufe of all the grievances at
niy door ; bur, by tlie help of my God, I fliall Ifill perfift in
preaching myfeif, and in encouraging thofe (as I know no
ic^w of (tod or man againd: it) who I believe are truly moved
by the Holy C jhoft. As I came out from the clergymen, two
of the unhappy mobbers were particularly infolenr, and huz-
za'd us out oftovvn. " Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad,"
for now I humbly hope, I begin to be a difciplc of Jesus
Christ ; fuice to fufFer for, as well as to believe and preach
his precious truths, and own his defpis'd people, is now given
' Yours, kc,
J. E T T E R S, 3;
To Mr. J S .
My dear Friend, Brijiol^ July i-j^ 17-1-3.
ON Friday night I 'reached GJoucefter^ where I received
your kind and animating letter. On Saturday I came
hither. Yeftcrday was an high day: I preached four times in
the fields, and the congregations were as large as at the be-
ginning : bleiled feafons indeed ! Here are people from all
quarters. I am juft going out to preach again, and therefore
can only add, that perhaps I may fet out 'for Exeter on IVed-
nefday^ from whence you may expc^l to hear again, from
Yours, &c.
G. IF.
To the Same. ^
Dear Sir^ Exeter^ July 31, 1 743.
WE came hither in fafety lafl night. Upon the road
my foul was fweetly humbled before God, who hath
given me near accefs to his throne. Good Mr. K , our
hoft, and his yoke-fellow, feem to be ///v/^/zV^i indeed. In all
probability an efFe6luai door will be opened for preachino- the
everlafting gofpel. I am to begin this evening. Brethren,
pray for us. I fleep but little ; inward comforts fupport and
iircngthcn both foul and body. Join me in crying, Grace !
grace ! In great h;ifte and greater affedion, I fubfcribe my-
Yours aftedionately,
G. JV.
To the Same.
My dear Man^ Exon^ Aug. 2, 1 743.
I Wrote unto you on Saturday^ and preached the fame even-p
ing to a great body of people. Several of the t-Iergy at-
tended, with whom this city abounds. Some went off, others
ftaid 'till I had done. All was quiet, and our Lord foon
made way for himfelf into the people's hearts. Yefterday
C 3 evening
evening I preached on Southean-hay to upwards of ten thou-
fand ; *twas juft like a JW^cr-yft'/^j congregation. God was
with us of a truth. The people were very defirous of my
longer continuance here ; but fo many things concurred to
call me to London^ that after clofe application to the throne of
grace, and confultation wich my fric^nds, I am determined,
God willmg, to leave Exeter to-morrov/ morning, and to
preach with Mr. D- in my way to town. I find I am in
my element, when evangelizing. Our Saviour fills my heart
with his prcfcnce, and has in a particular manner prepared the
people's hearts in the IVeJi for receiving the gofpel-meflage.
He keeps me happy and chearful amidft all my various trials,
for which I pray you to join in thankfgiving with
Your afleclionatc friend, &:c.
G. W.
"To Mr. H , at Gloucejier.
London^ Aug. 20, 1743.
My dear Mr. H ,
HO W wonderfully does our all-wife Redeemer order
things for the trial of his children ! Alas ! alas ! how
apt are they to judge, cenfure, and be ncedlefsly prejudiced
againft each other. Being weak in body, and under great
concern of mind upon feveral accounts, I defired dear Mr,
G to acquaint you, that in our laft allbciation we agreed
not to feparate from the eftablifhcd church, but go on in our
ufual way. Indeed, the motion to feparate, was only made
by a very few of more contra6led principles. By far the great-
er part moft ftrcnuoufly oppofed it, and with good reafon ; for
as wc enjoy fuch great liberty under the mild and gentle go-
vernment of his prefent Majefty king George^ we think we can
do him, our country, and the caufci of God, more fervice in
ranging up and dov/n, preaching repentance towards God
and faith in our Lord Jesus, to thofe multitudes who would
neither come into church or meeting, but vv'ho are led by cu-
riofity to follow us into the fields. However diforderly this
may feem to bigots of every denomination, yet it is a v/ay to
which God has affixed his k^A for many years paft, and
Z therefore
thercrore we have no reafon to turn to the right hand or to
the left, but to prefs forwards and to do our utmoft towards
cnhirging the kingdom of our Lord Jesus ; not doubting,
but when we come to ftand at his bar, we fhall be received
with as equal an Euge-hone as thofc, who thro' prejudice, or want
of better information, cenfure us as going beyond our line.
That this may be our happy cafe, you will join in praying
Yours, &c.
G, IV,
To Mrs D .
Dear Mndam, London^ Sept. 2, 1 743.
AThoufand thanks for your kind folicitude concerning
me and mine. My wife has been in trying circum-
Itances, partly through the unfkilfulnefs of a chaife-driver, I
mean myfelf. Being advifed to take her out into the air, I
drove her as well as myfelf, through in advertence, into a
ditch. Finding that we were falling, fhe put her hand crofs
the chaife, and thereby preferved us both from being thrown
out. The ditch might be about 14 feet deep, but blcflcd be
God, though all that faw us falling, cried out, they arc kill-
ed, yet, through infinite mercy, we received no great hurt.
The place was very narrovi^ near the bottom, and yet the
horfe went down, as tho* let down by a pulley. A ftander-
by ran down and catched hold of its head, to prevent its go-
ing forwards. I got upon its back and was drawn out by a
iong v/hip ; whilft my wife hanging between the chaife and
the bank, was pulled up on the other fide by two or three
kind afliflants. Being both in a comfortable frame, I mnft
own, to my (hame, that I felt rather regret than thankfulnefs
in efcaping what I thought would be a kind of a tranflation,
to our wilhcd-for haven. But O amazing love ! we were
fo ftrengthened, that the chaife and horfe being taken up, and
our bruifes being wafhed with vinegar in a neighbouring;
hoivTe, we went oil our intended v/ay, and came home rejoic-
ing in God our Saviour. Not expecting my wife's delivery
C 4 for
tor fome time, I intend making a {hort excurfion, and thep
you may expe(5l further news from
Yours, Sec,
G. JV.
Ti? the Same,
Dear Madam, Lojidoi, 051, 5, 1743.
MY lull: left me juft entering upon another fliort excur-
fion. Bleflcd be God, it was pleafant bccaufe it was
profitable to my own, and I trull to many other fouls. The
Jaft evt^-ning of it, I preached from a balcony to many thou-
fands, who flood in the flreet as comfortable as at noon-day.
Upon retiring to my lodgings, news was brought me, that
God had given me a fon. This haflened me up to London^
where I now am, and from whence after I have baptized my
little one, God willing, I purpofe to fet out again on my
Maftcr's public bufinefs. You will not fail to pray, that I
may be taught how to order the child aright, and thereby
add to the many obligations already laid on, dear Madam,
Jt Yours, &c.
ro Mr, S
Jlvon, Wilis ^ Oclohcr 15, 1743.
My dear Fr'und,
IMuft not be long from London without writing to you.
Our Saviour brought me hither lail night, and filled me
as with new wine. I purpofe flaying till Monday ; if you
write, direct for me at BriJIoL 1 truft our Lord hath much
people here. This leaves me in fpirit fitting at his feet.
Praying this may find you there, I am
Yours, &c.
To the Same,
Cullo?ripton^ 051. 25, 1 743.'
I Wrote to you on the 15th inftant, at Avon, In the morn-
ing I walked to Tetherton^ and preached there with much
of the divine prefence, and to the abundant fatisfadlion and
comfort of God's people. After fermon, I baptized four
boys, each about three months old, as near as I can remember.
The ordinance was fo folemn and awful that Mrs. G (who
you know is a quaker) had a mind immediately to partake of
it. When I go to Wilt/hire^ I believe I fhall baptize her and
her children, with fome adult perfons that have tailed of re-
deeming love. About one o'clock I preached at Clack in the
Itrce::. All was quiet. I then rode to Brink-worthy and was
enabled to preach there with ftill greater freedom, and after-
wards adminiftred the Holy Sacrament to about two hundred
and fifty communicants. Our Lord made himfelf known to
many in breaking of bread. Some ftrangers, that came from
Bath^ went home filled with our Redeemer's prefence. I have
preached at Chippenham. I hope I managed all things right
about the afFair of the Hampton rioters. It feems, they have
compelled us to appeal unto Cafar, Evidences fhall be ex-
amined in the country, time enough to fend their examinati-
ons up to town. We had a wonderful time in Wiltjhire, On
Saturday laft, when I came to Wellington, the Reverend Mr.
D perfuaded me to ftay there, becaufe the country people
had come from all quarters feveral times to hear me, and had'
been difappointed. I confented, and preached in his meeting-
houfe in the evening to a large auditory. The Reverend Mr.
F /, formerly pupil to do(£lor D , came there, and
ftaid all night. Theblefied Jesus gave us much freedom in
converfation. I hope both will be inftruments under God
in promoting a good work in thefe parts. Sunday morning I
preached again in the meeting-houfe, and in the evening to
feven thoufand in the ficldi.. On Mmday about ten in the
morning, and in the afternoon about two, I preached at Cut-
lompton with much freedom and power ; was kindly received,
pet fome reputable dilTcntcr?, and am now fecting out for
X Ex.ter
Exeter with dear Mr. K , who came here to meet my dear
Yours, &c.
To the Same.
Exeter^ OSioler 28, 1 743.
Have ftrong conviction that our Lord intends doing Tome*
thing in the weft. Since my arrival here, letters of invita-
tion have come from many parts. I thank you for your kind
fympathy under the many trials, with which I have been fur-
rounded and exercifed. I find there is a needs-be for all ; for
by our being acquainted with the enemy's work in our own
hearts, we fee how he works on others, and are enabled to fpeak
better to their hearts. " Whether we arc afflicted (fays theapof-
tle,) or whether we are comforted, it is for your fake." Befide?,
by temptation vv'c are kept from finking into formality, and
confequently are taught better to handle our fpiritual weapons,
and difcover what is amifs both in heart and life. For this
caufe, we are commanded to rejoice when we fall into divers
temptations, I thank God for giving you fomc experience
of thefe things. We muft now all be Calebs; all heart, but
at the fame time, all humility. Feeling we can do nothing
of ourfelves, yet believing we can do all things through
Christ ftrengthening us. BieJfTed be his Name, the commori
people begin to feel, I preached between two and three this
afternoon on Southern-hay^ and expounded in the evening at
Mr. K 's. Even fome of the polite were much affected
laft night; and this morning, O what a bleiTcd feafon had
we ! I believe I fhall think it my duty to ftay in thefe parts
for fome time. Continue to pray for me, and aflure yourfelf
that you are never forgotten by
Yours, &c.
G. ir.
To the Same,
Exeter, Nov. 6, 1 743.
ALL being hulhed and foicmn around me, and my Ibul
filled with the peace of God that pafleth all underftand-
ing, I now fit down to give you a further account of my fee-
ble labours. On Monday laft I went to Jxminjhr, and preach-
ed to about two thoufand without, and afterward exhorted
within the houfe, where I lay. The next day I preached to
a greater number of people, and with more freedom. I gave
an exhortation at night, and met the fociety. Our Lord
vouch Gifed us a gracious bleiTing. On JVedneJday I went to
Ottery^ but juft as I named my text, the bells rang. Upon this
I adjourned to a field, whither the people ran in droves As
I ftepped into the inn, before I went into the field, a clergy-
man came, who afked me by what authority I preached, f^id
it was a riot, and that the meeting was illegal. I anfwered
him as I thought pertinently, and afterwards went and fliewed
him my authority, by preaching on thefe words : " Go ye
to all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature.*'
Between fix and feven in the evening, I returned to Exeter^
where fome hundreds were waiting to hear me expound. The
Lop.D was with us. The Lord makes this place very com-
fortable to me. Prejudices fall off daily, and people begin not
only rationally to difcern, but powerfully to feel the dodrines
of the gofpel. To-morrow, God willing, I go with Air.
K — - — to Biddeford, From thence expc£t to hear again from
Yours, &c.
G. JV.
Poffcript, Ten at night.-^ It wouM have pleafcd you to
have been here this evening. I queftion, whether near a
third part of Exeter were not attending on the word preached.
All was foleqin and awful, and the Lord gave me much af-
fiftance from his holy fpirit. Help mc to praife him. Adieu !
Good night ! The Lord be with you.
ro Mrs. D .
Dear Aid da}?!^ Biddiford, Nov. ri, 1743,
I Thank you for your kind caution to fpare myi'-if ; but
evantrelizing is certainly my province. Every where
eiFe£lual doors are opened, and great freedom is given to me
both in public preaching and private converiation. Many
are blelfed by both. The Rev. Mr. j A^ , redor of
St. Getinh^ Corn-wall^ is here. God willing, 1']! go with him
on Saturday. Here is alfo another clergyman about eighty
years of age, but not above one year old in the fchool and
knowledge of Christ. He lately preached three times and
rode forty miles the fame day. The diflenting minifler and
his wife were very hearty, and perhaps here is one of the moft
fettled fcm.ale chriftian focieties in the kingdom. I cannot
well dcfcribe Vv?ith v/hat power the word was attended. Yef-
terday in the afternoon, and in the evening, it was juft like as
at Edinburgh. The old clergyman was much broken. A
young Oxonian^ who came with him, and many others, were
moft deeply affeded. I fuppofe there were upwards of two
thoufand in the evening in the Meeting-houfe. Dear Mr.
H y'f one of our firft Method ifts at Oxford^ and who was
lately a curate here, had laid the blefled foundation. So far
therefore from thinking of neftling at London, that I am miOre
and more convinced that I fhould go from place to place,
and therefore queftion if I fhall fee London for fome time.
If not too angry with me for profecuting this rambling way of
life, be pleafed to pray for, dear madam,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
PoJlJcripU Seven at flight. To-day hath been as yefterday,
and much more abundant. I am here, as in Scotland and
Ncw-Englond. Praife to free grace ! Here is work enough for
fome months. The weather is very f^ivourable^ range, there-
fore, I muft and will.
To the Same,
Dew Madam^ St» Gennis, Nov. 25, 174;^.
GLAD I am that God inclined my heart to come hither^
He hath been with us of a truth. How did his ftately
fteps appear in the fan^luary laft LoRD's-day ? Many, many
prayers were put up by the v/orthy Rector, and others, for an
out-pouring of God's blefled fpiric. They were anfwered.
Arrows of conviction fled fo thick and fo faft, and fuch an
univerfal weeping prevailed from one end of the congregation
to the other, that good Mr. J could not help going
from feat to feat to fpeak, encourage, and comfort the wound-
ed fouls. The Oxonian s father was almoft ftruck dumb ; and
the young Oxonian's crefl was fo lowered, that I believe
he'll never venture to preach an unknown Christ, or deal in
the falfe commerce of unfek truths. I could enlarge, but I
muft away to Biddeford^ juft to give fatan another flroke, and
bid niy chriftian friends farewel, and then return the way I
came, namely through Exeter^ Wellington and Bri/Iol, to the
great metropolis : but journeying, and various other matters
that lie before me, I expe£t will prevent your hearing fo fre-
quently as ufual, from
Yours, &c.
G. W
To Mr. J S .
Brinhuorthy December 18, 1743.
My dear Priend,
*^TrMS part eleven at night, but left I ftiould not have time
X t*^ --morrow at Glouccf!er^ which I intend to take in my
way to Birminghajn^ I'll rob myfelf of a little fleep to write to
you now. On Friday evening we reached five miles beyond
Pleading. Laft night about nine we got to Clack. It rained
and fnowed much for about feven miles, and the way was dan-
gerous ; but the bltfild Jesus kept us in fafcty. In the morn-
ing I pre?.chcd and gave the facrair.cnt at Ttherton. This
evening I preached here. They were good times. I have a
cold, but our Lord warms my heart. To-morrow 1 muil
away to Gloucefier, O follow, follow with your prayers.
Yours, &c.
'To the Sa7ne,
Birmingham, Dec. 27, 1743.
WANT of time, not of love, prevented my writing
to you from Gloucejler. Neither have I now leifure
to be very particular. It is near eleven at night, and nature
calls for rell. I have preached five times this day, and, weak
as I am, through Christ ftrengthening mc, I could preach
five times more. I think I was fcarce ever fo happy before.
Surprizing ! how the Lord Jesus hath made way for me ia
thefe parts. I lofe nothing by being quiet and leaving all to
him. O v/as you here, what could I not tell you ? The
weather is juft like Spring. That the day-fpring from on
^>igh may vifit your heart, till you rife to eternal perfed day,
carncftly prays
Yours, &c. t
To the Same,
My dear Friend, Birmingham, Dec, 31, 1743*
WHAT do you think? Since my laft, I have ftole a
whole day to difpatch fome private bufinefs : how-
ever, in the evening I expounded to a great room full of people,
who would rufti into my lodgings, whether I would of not.
On Sunday morning at eight I preached in the ftreet to about
a thoufand, with much freedom. I then went to church and
received the facrament, and afterwards preached to feveral
thoufands in the flrect. The hearers feemed much pleafed
and delighted. It happened by the providence of God, that
no minifter would come to preach at a houfe at (Fedgbury^
where a weekly ledure ufed to be kept up : I was therefore
earneftly entreated to come. I went, after my afternoon*^
prcnching at Birmingham^ and preached there at fix in the
evening to many hundreds in the ftreet. It is about fix miles
from Bir?7iingha77i. The word came with po*.vur, and only-
one or two made a noife at a diftunce. Afterwards we had a
precious meeting in private. The power of the dear Redeemer
was much amongft: us. The pcrfon with whom I lodged was
a widow fearing GoD. Her hufband was an eminent faint,
^nd had been refreftied by my writings, particularly my jour-
nals, as had many others that I met with. On Monday
morning about eight I preached to a large company in a field.
By eleven I returned to Birmingham^ and preached to many
thoufands on a Common near the town. The foldiers were
exercifing ; but the officers hearing that I was coming to
preach, difmified them, and promifed that no difturbance
ihould be made. All was quiet, and a blefled time we had.
In the afternoon about three I preached again to about the
fame company, with the fame fuccefs. Then I rode to Wedg-
bury and preached there, and afterwards exhorted : but I
cannot well tell you, what a fweet melting time there was.
Many were in tears. About one I went to bed exceeding
happy. In the morning I broke up fome fallow ground at
a place called Mare-Green^ about two miles from IVedgbury,
Much mobbing had been there againft Mr. Wcjley\ friends.
A few poor fouls began to infult me, but Jesus ftrengthened
me much. Several clods were thrown, one of them fell on
my head, and another ftruck my fingers, while I was in prayer.
A fweet gofpel fpirit was given to me. I preached again
at Birmingham to larger auditories than before, about eleven
the fame morning and three in the afternoon. In the even-
ing I expounded twice in a large room. Once to the rich,
and once to the poor, and went to reft happier than the night
before. In the morning I took my leave of the Birmingham
people, wh^ wept much and were indeed deeply affctSted,
and {hewed great concern at my departure. I then went to
Kidder minjl er ^ about twelve miles from Birminghgrn^ where I
was kindly received by Mr. JV- ms^ with whom I have
correfponded for near two years. Many friends were at his
houfe. I was greatly refrefhed to find what a fweet favour of
good Mr. Baxter*s doctrine, works and difcipline remained to
this day.
48 L E T T E R S.
The five et rememlrance of the juj}^
Shall JiQurifo ivhen he fleeps in diift.
I preached about three in the afternoon to a large auditory
near the church. Some unkind men, though they promifed
not to do fo, rang the bells ; but our Saviour enabled me to
preach with power. In the evening and next morning I
preached in the meeting houfe. I then went with Mr. IF-
to Bromfgrovc^ about ieven miles from Kidderminfer^ and was
kindly received by one Mr. K -j^ a good man, and feveral
others, among whom were two or three Baptift and one Inde-
pendent minifters. About three in the afternoon I preached
in a field. Some rude people kicked a football and founded
a horn at fome diftance, but the Lord enabled me to preach
with boldnefs. About fix I preached in the Baptift Meeting-
houfe, left Kidder mhijlcr at eight, and reached Worcefler about
ten at night. Mr. W — —nu and another friend accompanied
us. In the morning the good old Mr, S- •;•, who was fup-
pofed to be fan6lificd from the womb, came to us while we
baited. In the evening I reached Gloucefter^ very thankful for
jny week's progrefs, and rejoicing greatly in C^irist for
giving me fuch a delightful and happy Chriftmas. This day
I have preached twice here, and have been enabled to difpatch
fome private affairs. It is now near twelve. My dear friend,
I wiih you an exceeuinp; happy new-year. This time twelve^
month I was writing to you from Brijlol. O what has the
dear Lord Jesus done for me fmce that, and fince I was
born ! And O v»^hat does he intend to do for me before I die,
and when time fliall be no more ? I am loft in wonder ! I
muft away and cry Grace ! grace ! Praying that you may be
filled with all the fulncfs of God, I ftibfcribe, my dcareil
Ever,' ever yours whilft
G. JV.
I'o Mr. H , at Glcuceflcr.
MnJJjfiddy Jan. 7, 1744, {pa/} 7 at n'ight.)
My very dear Mr. H '• — -,
IT being wet and dark, we thought it prudent to flay here
this night. I cannot employ part of the evening better
than in writing to you, and blefTod be our God, I can fend
you good news. Our gracious Lord was with me at Pitch^
co?7ih and Hampton. We have had a wonderful fweet aflbci-
ation in JVales^ with much of the Redeemer's prefence, efpe-
cially when I began to fpeak about the law affair. The bre-
thren were very generous, according to their circumftances,
and one gentlewoman fent me five pounds. After mature de-
liberation, we determined to profecute the affair to the utmofl
and to fet apart next Tuefday fortnight (the firft day of the
term) for a day of fading and prayer, and to make colkaions for
that purpofe. The caufe is the Lord's, and much depends
on our getting the vi^ory. 1 believe we ihall. I have had
a favourable anfwer from Colonel S , and alfo from Colo-
nel Gar . Hitherto the Lord profpers us. I am now
going to London very happy, and in fome meafure thankful for
the many bleffings I have received. Help me, my dear friend,
to cry Grace ! grace ! Inclofed you have fome letters : be
pleafed to perufe and deliver them 4 I blefs God that affairs
have taken fuch a turn. I have been at Abergavenny^ and am
fettled as to my dear wife's coming down. Bleffed be GoD,
fhe and the little one are pretty well. I fliall be glad to hear
from you when I come to London. I hope our Lord bleffes
you, both in body and foul, and (liev/s you the way wherein
you fliould go. That you may be continually guided by his
counfcl, and after death conJudled to his glory, is the hearty
prayer of, dear Sir,
Yours moft affeclionately in Christ Jesus,
G, IP\
Vol. ir. I) LETTER
To the Same.
London^ 'Jan. i8, 1744*
THIS afternoon I received your kind letter, and thank
you a thoui'and times for your great generofity in lend-
ing me fome furniture, having li:tle of my ou^n. I knovi^ who
will repay you. Next week, God willing, my dear wife and lit-
tle one will come to Glouccjier^ for I find it beyond my circum-
ftances to maintain them here. I leave London^ God willing,
this day fev'nnight. Your afFiiirs and concerns are mine. I
fhall lay them before our common Lord. My brother will
receive a letter about my wife's coming. She and the little
one are brave and well. But why talk I of wife and little
one ? Let all be abforbed in the thoughts of the love, fufFer-
ings, free and full falvation of the infinitely great and glorious
Emmanuel. BlefTcd, for ever bleficd be his holy Name, for
fuch happy teginnings of another year ! How would it rejoice
you to fee the many thoufands in this metropolis, like new-
jjorn babes, defiring to be fed with the fincere milk of the
word, that they may grow thereby. This, if I know any
thing of my heart, is all my falvation, and all my defire. In
refpedl to other things, at prefent I know this is, and I truft
always will be the habitual language of my heart : O blelled
Thy gifts ^ if caWdfor^ I refign^
Pleas' d to receive^ pleas d to rejiore ;
Gifts are ihy work ; it Jhall he mine,
The giver only to adore.
7'hat both of us may be always kept thus minded, is the earn-
eft prayer of
Yours moft afFecSlionately,
G. JV.
To Mr. D T
My dear Friend, Gloucejler, Feb. 9, 1 744.
WHO knows what a day may bring forth ? Laft night
I was called to fiuriiice my Ifaac -, I mean to bury
-« my
Letters. ^t
my only child and fon about four months old. Many things
occurred to make me believe he was not only to be continued
to me, but to be a preacher of the everlafting gofpel. PleaCcd
with the thought, and ambitious of having a Ton of my own,
fo divinely employed, fatan was permitted to give me fome
wrong impreflions, whereby, as I now find, I mifapfjlied fcveral
texts of fcripture. Upon thefe grounds I made no fcruple of
declaring, '^ that I fhould have a fon, and that his name was
to be John.'" I mentioned the very time of his birth, and
fondly hoped, that he was to be great in the fight of the Lord.
Every thing happened according to the predictions, and my
wife having had feverai narrow efcapcs while pregnant, efpecial-
ly by her falling from a high horfe, and my driving her into a
deep ditch in a one-horfe chaife a little before the time of her
lying-in, and from which we received little or no hurt, con-
firmed me in my expedlation, that God would grant me my
heart's defire. 1 would obferve to you, that the child was
even born in a room, w-hich the mafter of the houfe had pre-
pared as a prifon for his wife for coming to hear me. With
joy would (he often look upon the bars and ftaples and chains
which were fixed in order to keep her in. About a week after
his birth, I publickly baptized him in the Tjlbernacle, and in
the company of thoufands folemnly gave him up to that God,
who gave him to me. A hymn, too fondly compofed by an aged
widow, as fuitable to the occahon, was fung, and all went
away big with hopes of the child's being hereafter to be cm-
ployed in the work of God ; but how foon are all their fond,
and as the event hath proved, their ill-grounded expecSlations
blafted, as well as mJne. Houfe-keeping being expenfive in
London, I thought befl to fend both parent and child to Aber-
gavenny, where my wife had a little houfe of my own, the
furniture of v/hich, as I thought of foon embarking for Georgia^
I had partly fold, and partly given away. In their journey
thither, they flopped at Gloucejhr-, at the Bell-Inn, which my
brother now keeps, and in which I was born. There, my
beloved was cut ofi-' with a ftroke. Upon my coming here,
without knowing what had happened, I enquired concerning
the welfare of parent and child ; and by the anfwer, found that
the flower was cut down. I immediately called all to join in
prayer, in which I blefl'ed the Father of mercies for giving me
D 2 a fon.
52 J. E T T E R S.
a Ton, continuing it to me fo long, and taking it from me fo
foon. All joined in defiring that I would decline preaching
'till the child was buried ; but I remembered a faying of good
Mr. Henry^ " that wcepirg muft not hinder fowing," and there-
fore preached twice the next day, and alfo the day following;
on the evening of which, juft as I was clofing my fermon,
the bell flruck out for the funeral. At firft, I muft acknow-
ledge, it gave nature a little fhake, but looking up I recovered
ftrength, and then concluded with faying, that this text on
which I had been preaching, namely, " all things worked to-
gether for good to them that love God," made me as willing
to go out to my fon's funeral, as to hear of his birth. Our
parting from him was folemn. We kneeled down, prayed,
and fhcd many tears, but I hope tears of refignation : And
then, as he died in the houfe wherein I was born, he was taken
and laid in the church where I was baptized, firft communi-
cated, and firft preached. All this you may eafily guefs threw
me into very folemn and deep reflexion, and I hope deep hu-
miliation ; but I was comforted from that pafTage in the book
of Kings, where is recorded the death of the Shunamiie's child,
which the Prophet faid, " The Lord had hid from him j"
and the woman's anfwer likewife to the Prophet when he afked,
" Is it well with thee ? Is it well with thy hufband ? Is it we4l
with thy child?" And (heanfwered, " // is ivell.^^ This gave me
no fmall fatisfadlion. I immediately preached upon the text
the day following at Gloucejler^ and then haftened up to Lon-
llon^ preached upon the fame there; and though difappointed
of a living preacher by the death of my fon ; yet I hope what
happened before his birth, and fmce at his death, hath taught
me fuch lefTons, as, if duly improved, may render his miftaken
parent more cautious, more fobcr-minded, more experienced
in fatan's devices, and confequently more ufeful in his future
labours to the church of God. Thus, " out of the eater
comes forth meat, and out of the ftrong comes forth fweetnefs."
Not doubting but our future life will be one continued ex-
planation of this blefled riddle, I commend myfclf and you to
the unerring guidance of God's word and fpirir, and am
Yours, ^'c.
G. IF,
{. E T T E R S. 5g
The HYMN mentioned in the foregoing Letter.
pOOR helplefs babe ! dear little child!
John be thy name^ thy nature mild\
Great mayjl thou he in jESU^s^^ht^
A babe in whom he takes delight,
Be thou made holy from the womb^
By him who favd thee from the * tomb:
In Jesv's arrmjlill mafji thou rejl^
IVhile fucking at thy mother' i breaJL
Bhfi be the parents with the f on /
Bleji be the God that gave you one f
IVe'll magnify the Lord with you !
Share in your joy ^ w^We fure we dq,
O may you both be taught of God,
To teach this Child his Saviour'j blood:
That thoufinds in y cur blifs may fljare^
In anfwer to united prafr*
And may the Lamb, your Mafter, grant
This grace, that you may never ivant
A child tofland before his face.
To preach his Love, his Sovereign Grace f
* Alluding to the remarkable deliverance that his father and mother
had fome few weeks before his mother was delivered, when flie and her
huCband being riding in a chaife, they were thrown into a deep ditch, and
fepeived no harm, as mentioned in Letter 534, p. 39.
To Mr. G. H .
London^ Feb. 24, 1 744.
My dear dear Mr, H— — ,
Multiplicity of urgent affairs has kept me from anfwering
vour kind letter fooner. BlefTcd be God for giving
you fuch a profperous journey. I am not forry that fome, af-
ter their much joy, have been brought down and plunged into
much mifery. It is no more than might be expected. Stolen
fweets prepare for bitter tears. On Monday morning I fhall
know what the rioters intend doing. There has been dread-
ful work near Bir?7iingham^ but fatan will be overthrown. We
had a glorious faft on Monday^ and collected above fixty pounds
for our pjoor fuffering brethren. We have had two folemn
funerals. I hope the work profpers in your hands. Our law-
yer hath fent me word, that the rioters {land trial.- — I think,
God willing, to be in Gloucejlerjlnre by Monday fev'nnight.
The Lord be with you. I falute all, and am, my dear Mr,
i/— ,
Your moft afFeiStionate, though unworthy friend
and ready fcrvant,
G. W.
Feb. 26.
P. 5. Since I wrote the above, I have confulted with friends,
and find it beft to come through Gloucefter to Abergavenny.-^
God willing, I hope to preach with you on Tuefday between
feven and eight at night. Be pleafed immediately on the receipt
of this to fend word to brothery/i^/wj to meet me without fail at
Gloucejler on Tuefday^ to confer about our affize affair. I heard
yefterday from Wales. I bought a feccnd-hand fuit of curtains
to-day, fo you need not fend any thing to Abergavenny. " Poor,
yet making others rich,'* {hall be my motto flill.
London^ March 12, 1744.
My dear Frlend^^ • . . ■
TH I S leaves me juft returned from Gloucefter affizes, where
it has pleafed the great Judge of quick and dead to
"" ' ■ ; '■ ' ■ " give
give us the vi(Etory over the Hampton rioters. You remember
I informed you, that I thought we (hould be obliged to appeal
unto drfar. A folemn day of fafting and humiliation was
kept on that account; and accordingly laft term we lodged an
information againft them in the King's-Bench. Matters of fa6t
being proved by a variety of evidence, and the defendants mak-
ing no reply, the rule was made ablolutc, and an information
filed againft them. To this they pleaded Not guilty^ and there-
fore, according to the method of the Crown-oHice, the caufe
was referred to the affizes held in Gloucejler the third inftant.
Our council opened the caufe by informing the court, that
rioters were not to be reformers, and that his Majefty had no
where put the reins of government into the hands of mobbers,
nor made them either judge or jury. One of them in particu-
lair, the Recorder of Oxford^ with great gravity, reminded the
gentlemen on the jury of the advice of Gamaliel^ " Refraia
from thefe men and let them alone, for if this council, or this
work be of man, it will come to nought ; but if it be of God,
ye cannot overthrow it, leaft haply ye be found even to fight
againft God." Our witnefTes were then called. Mr. Adams
and four more, three of which were not reputed Methodifts,
fo clearly proved both the riot and the fa6i:s, that the judge was
of opinion, there needed no other evidence. The council fof
the defendants then rofe up, and difplaved a good deal of ora-
tory, and I think faid all that could be faid to mend a bad
matter. One urged, " that we were enthufiafts, and our prin-
ciples and practices had fuch a tendency to infe£l and hurt the
people, that it was right, in his opinion, for any private per-
fon to ftand up and put a ftop to us ; and whoever did fo, was
a friend to his country." He ftrove to influence the jury, by
telling them, " That if a verdid was given againft the defen-
dants, it would coft them two hundred pounds ; that the de-
fendants rioting was not premeditated, but that coming to
hear Mr. ^■— , and being ofFe;ided at his dodrine, ^ fudden
quarrel arofe, and thereby the unhappy men were led into the
prefent fray, which he could have wifhcd had not happened ;
but however, it did not amount to a riot, but only an affault."
Their other council informed the jury, " That they would
undertake to prove, that the Methodifts began the tumult firft."
He was pleafed to mention me by name, and acquainted the
D 4 court.
court, " That Mr. TVIntefield had been travelling from com-
mon to common, making the people cry, and then picking
their pockets, under pretence of collefling money for the colony
of Georgia; and knowing that Glouceflcrjhire was a populous
county, he at laft came there ; that he had nov^ feveral curates,
of which Mr. Alams ^2is one, v/ho in his preaching had found
fault with the proceedings of the clergy, and had faid, that if the
people went to hear them, they would be damned." He
added, that " there had lately been fuch mobbing in Stajford^
Jhire, that a regiment of foldiers was fent down to fupprefs
them ; infmuating, that the Methodifts were the authors ;
that we had now another caufe of a like nature depending in
Wiltjhire^ and that we were not of that mild pacific fpirit^ as
ive pretended to be." This, and much more to the fame pur-
pofe, though foreign to the matter in hand, pleafed many of
the auditors, who exprelTed their. fatisfa61:Ion5 in hearing the
Methodifts in general, and me in particular, thus laflied, by
frequent laughing. But our Lord not oilly kept nie quite eafy,
but enabled me to rejoice in being thus honoured for his great
Name's fake. To prove what the defendants council had
infmuated, they called up a young man, v/ho was a brother
to one of the defendants, and one of the mob. He fvvore point
blank, " That Mr. Adams faid, if people went to church,
they would be damned, but if they would come to him, he
would carry theni fo Jesus Christ." He fwore alfo, " that
the brook into which Mr. A was thrown, was no deeper
than half up his legs." He faid firft, that there were but about
ten of them that came to the houfe of Mr. A \ and then
he fwore, that there \yere about threefcore. He faid, there
was a bell, and that one of the defendants did afk Mr. A •
to come oft' the ftairs, but that none of them went up to him :
upon which Mr. A willingly obeyed, went with thera
brifkly along the ftreet, and as he would have reprefented it,
put himfelf into the fKia-pit and brook, and fo came out again.
He faid alfo fome other things j but through the whole, his
evidence appeared fo flagrantly falfe, that one of the council
faid, " It was enough to make his hair ftand an end." The
}udge himfelf wiftied, " That the man had fo much religion
as to fear an oath." So he went down in difgrace. Their
lecond evidence was an aged woman, mother of one of the de-
4 fendaiits^
fendants ; fhe fwore, " That her fon did go up ftairs to Mr.
A , and that Mr. A tore her fon's coatj" but fhe
talked fo fafl-, and her evidence was fo palpably falfe, that fhe
was font away in as much difgrace as the other. Their third
and laft evidence, was father to one who was in the mob, the'
not one of the defendants. The chief he had to fay was,
" That when Mr. A — -* was coming from the brook, he met
" him and faid, Brother, how do you do ? Upon which he an-
*' fwer*d, that he had received no damage, but had been in the
*' brook and came out again." So that all their evidences,
however contrary one to another, yet corroborated ours, and
proved the riot out of their ov/n mouths. The book was then
given to a juftice of the peace, who had formerly taken up
Mr. C for preaching near Stroud^ and had lately given
many fignal proofs that he was no friend to the Metho-
dilts. But he intending to fpeak only about their charaders,
and the council and judge looking upon that as quite imper-
tinent to the matter in hand, he was not admitted as an evi-
dence. Upon this, his Lordfhip with great candor and im-
partiality fummed up the evidence, and told the jury, " That
" he thought they fhould bring all the defendants in Guilty ;
*' fpr oijr evidences had fufEciently proved the whole of the
*' information, and alfo, that the riot was premeditated. "-~
He faid, '' That, in his opinion, the chief of the defendants
*' evidence was incredible j and, that fuppofing the Methodirts
^' were heterodox, (as perhaps they might be) it belonged to
" the ecclefiaftical government to call them to an account;
" that they were fubje£ls, and rioters were not to be their re^
*' formers.'' He alfo reminded them " of the dreadful confe-
*' quences of rioting at any time, much more at fuch a critical
'' time as this 5 that rioting v/as the forerunner of, and might
" end in rebellion ; that it was felony without benefit of clergy,
" to pull down a Meeting-houfe; and for all as he knew, it was
*' high treafon to pull down even a bawdy-houfe. — That this
" information alfo came from the King's-Bench; that his Ma-
" jefty's juflices there, thought they had fufficient reafon to
*•*• grant it ; that the matters contained in it had been evidently
^' proved before them ; and confequently they fhould bring in
^^ all the defendants guilty." Upon this the jury wers defired to
Confider of their verdict, and for a while there feenied t.o be
feme little demur among them. His Lordfliip perceiving the
caufe of it, immediately informed them, " they had nothing
to do with the damages, (that was to be referred to the King* 5^
Bench) they were only to confider, whether the defendants
were guilty or not." Whereupon in a few minutes they gave
a verdi£t for the profecutors, and brought in all the defendants
guilty of the whole information lodged againft them. I then
retired to my lodgings, kneeled down, and with my friends
gave thanks to cur all-conquering Emmanuel. Afterwards I
went to the inn, prayed and returned thanks with the wit-
nefles, exhorted them to behave with meeknefs and humility
to their adverfaries ; and after they had taken proper refrefli-
ment, I fent them home rejoicing. In the evening I preached
on thefe words of the Pfalmift, " By this I know that thoi;
favoured me, fmce thou haft not fufFered mine enemy to tri«
umph over me.'* God was pleafed to enlarge my heart much.
I was very happy with my friends afterwards, and the next
morning fet out for London^ where we had a blefled thankf-
giving feafon, and from whence 1 take the firft opportunity of
fending you thefe particulars.
I remain, Sir, your very afFe£lioRate friend,
G. W.
ro Mrs, D .
Dear Madam^ London^ March ik^^ I744'
SHALL I promlfe and not perform ? God forbid 1 This
comes in anfwer to your commands, and to inform you,
that through him who has the hearts of all men in his hands,
we came off more than conquerors, refpecting our Gloucrfier
trial. The rioters were brought in guilty, and I fuppofe will
have an execution iffued out againft them next Term. I hear
they are hugely aiarmed j but they know not that we intend
to let them fee what we could do, and then to forgive them.
This troublefomc affair being now over, I muft prepare for
my intended voyage. They tell me there is a fhip going from
Portfmouth. GoD willing, I purpofe to take my paffage in it,
and though calls come to me from every quarter, yet I muft;
once more vifit my dear family in America* Some wdl-mean-
ing people threaten me with I know not what, if I embark at
this time ; but my abfence hath been (o long and unexpe6led
that come what will, I am determined to profecutc my in-
tended voyage ; and therefore whether we meet any more in
the flelh, I truft we (hall meet in the world of fpirits, where
parting, weeping, and breaking of hearts will no more difturb
and try the affedions of, de^r Madam,
Yours in the dear Emmanuel^
To the Same.
My dear Friend^ Plymouth^ June 26, 1744.
YOU fee by this where I am. Doubtlcfs you'll wonder
at the quick tranfition from Portfmouih to Plyynouth. To
the former I intended going when I wrote laft; but juft be-
fore I took leave of the dear tabernacle people, a meiTao;e was
fent to me, that the captnin in which I was to fail from thence,
would not take me for fear of fpoiling his failors. ijome in-
terpreted this as a call from providence not to embark at this
time ; but I enjoined them filence 'till I had taken my leave,
and then, hearing of a maft-fhip that was going under convoy
from Plymouth^ I haftened thither, and have taken a paflage
in the JV'ilmivgton^ Capt. Dalhy^ hound to Pifcataway^ in NeW'
Erighnd. My firft reception here was a little unpromifing.
A repo' t being fpread that I was come, a great number of
people aflembled upon the Hoe^ ( a large green for walks and
diverfions) and fomebody brought out a bear and a drum ;
but I did not come 'till the following evening, when, under
pretence of a hue-and-cry, feveral broke into the room where
I lodged at the inn, and difturbed me ytx'j much. I then betook
myfelf to private lodgings, and being gone to reft, after preach-
ing to a large congregation, and vifiting the French prifoners,
the o;ood woman of the houfe came and told me, that a well-
dredcd gentleman defired to fpcak with me. Imagining that it ^
was fome Nicodemite, I defircd he might be brought up. He
came and fat down by my bed fide, told me he was a lieute-
nant of a man of war, congratulated me on the fuccefs of my
minilby, and exprefTed himfelf much concerned for being de-
2 tained
gained from hearing me. He then allied me, if I knew him,
lanfwered, no. He replied, his name was Cadogan, I rejoined,
that I had feen one Mr. Cadogan^ who was formerly an officer
at Georgia^ about a fortnight ago at BriJioL Upon this, he
immediately rofe up, uttering the moft abufive language, call-
ing me dog-i rogue, villain, ^c. and beat me moft unmercifully
with his gold-headed cane. As you know I have not much
natural courage, guefs how furprized I was ; being apprehcn-
five that he intended to {hoot or ftab me, I underwent all the
fears of a fudden violent death. But, as it providentially liap-
pencd, my hoftefs and her daughter hearing mc cry murder^
rufhed into the room and feized him by the collar; however,
he immediately difengaged himfelf from them, and repeated
his blows upon me. The cry of murder was repeated alfo,
which putting him into fome terror, he made towards the
chamber-door, from whence the good woman puflied him
down flairs. About the bottom of v;hich, a fecond cry'd out,
*' Take courage, T am ready to help you ;" accordingly, whilft
the other was efcaping, he rufhed up, and finding one of the
women coming down, took her by the heels and threw her
upon the (lairs, by which her back was almoft broken. ^^
this time the neighbourhood was alarmed. Unwilling to add
to it, I defired the doors might be fhut, and fo betook myfelf
to reft, not without refieiling, how indifpenfibly necefiary it
was for chriftians and chriilian minifters to be always upoi|
their guard, and with what great propriety we are taught to
pray in our excellent Litany, " from fudden," that is, " from
violent and unprepared death, good Lord deliver us." That
this may be our happy lot, is the hearty prayer of, dear Madam,
Yours, ^c.
To the Same.
Plymouth, July 4, 1 744.
SINCE my laft, I have had fome particular information^
about the late odd adventure. It feems, that four gentle-
men came to the houfe of one of my particular friends, kind-
ly enquiring after me, and defired to knpw where I lodged.
fhat they might come and pay their refpeds. He direded
them. Soon afterwards I received a letter, informing me that
the writer was a nephew to Mr. 5 , an eminent attor-
ney Sit NeW'Totk ', that he had the pleafure of flipping with me
at his uncle's houfc, and defired my company to fup with him
and a i'ew more friends at a tavern. I fent him word, that it
was not cuftomary for me to fup out~ at taverns, but
fliould be glad of his company, out of refpe6l to his uncle, to
eat a morfel with him at my lodgings. He came ; we fup-
ped ; and I obferved that he frequently looked around him,
and feemed very abfent ; but having no fufpicion, I continued
in converfation with him and my other friends, 'tiil we part-
ed. This, I now find, was to have been the affajfm ; and be-
ing interrogated by his other companions on his return to the
tavern about what he had done, he anfwered, that being ufed
fo civilly, he had not the heart to touch me. Upon which,
as I am informed, the perfon who affkulted me laid a wager
of ten guineas that he would do my bufinefs for me. Some
fay, that they took, his fword from him, which I fuppofe they
did, for I only faw and felt the weight of his cane. The next
morning, I was to expound at a private houfc, and then to
fet out for Biddeford, Some urged me to flay and profecute;
but being better employed, I went on my intended journey,
was greatly bleffed in preaching the everlafling gofpel, and
upon my return was well paid for what I had fufFered: curiofi-
ty having led perhaps two thoufand more than ordinary to fee
and hear a man, that had like to have been murdered in his
bed. Thus all things tend to the furtherance of the gofpel,
and work together for good to thofe that love God.
Thusfatan thivartSy and men ohje£l^
And yet the thing they thwart^ effeSi,
Leaving you to add an Hallelujah^ I fubfcribe myfelf.
Ever, ever yours,
To Mr, S-
Plymouth, July 2f, I 744.
ExpetSl'Cd a line from you this morning^ but I fuppofe you
think we are gone. I'his day came in a privateer, which
faw the Brejl fquadron that has purfued two of our men of
war, the Dreadnought and Frederick ; fo that had we failed, we
fhould in all probability have been carried into France. We
are now to go under convoy of the grand fleet ; many letters
from our friends at Portfmouth inform us, that they are to fail
on Sunday, but the wind hath not been very favourable, fo
we may yet flay fome days longer. I never was fo eafy in this
refpe6l before. In one or two things I find my will reluctant 5
but Jesus will bring all things in fubjedtion to him. I have
been greatly refreftied this evening in preaching his blood.
The congregations grow vifibly every day. You will fee
the letter from Kingsbridge, — Lad night many from the Dock
came and guarded me homCj being apprehenfive there was a
defign againft me. Without my knowledge, they infulted a
man who intended to hurt me, for which I am forry. We had
a wonderful good time laft night. O help me to praife my
Saviour 1 My health is better. I hope you got to London
well. Whether v/e fail or not, expect to hear again from
dear, dear J — 5
Ever, ever yours, &c.
Open a door, which earth and hell
May Ji rive tojhut^ hutjhive in vain;
Let thy word richly with them dwells
And let their gracious fruit remain !
To Mr. r .
My dear Friend^ Plymouth, July 26,1 744;.
ACCEPT fome few hafty lines from one, who, properly
fpeaking^ may at prefent be ftiled a prifoner at large.
I am ftill here waiting for the promifed convoy, and as I hum-
bly hope, really waiting for the convoy of death to carry me
to Abrahams bofom. Could you think it ? I have been
preaching a confirmation fermon. Do you afk me where ?
In a Qiiaker's field. As I faw thoufands flocked to the church
to have the Bifhop's hands impofed upon them, I thought it
not improper to le^, them have a word of exhortation fuitable
to the occafion. I have alfo made an elopement to Kin(rs~
bridge, where I preached to many thoufands a (cw days ago.
It was really a moft folemn occafion. A calling, invitino-,
perfuafive gift was vouch fafed me. The hearts of the auditory
feemed to be bowed as the heart of one man. Many tears were
ihcd j but I was obliged to ride ofF as foon as my difcourfe
was ended, and to return hither in the night. But blcfled be
God, our night was as it were turned into day. I was ac-
companied by feveral old and new converts, and we converfed
in fome degree, as became perfons who ought to be employed
every hour and every moment in trimming their lamps to be
ready for the midnight cry, "Behold the bridegroom cometh!"
As I am at prefent in this unfettlcd ftate, continually engag-
ed in preaching, and in talking privately with many, very-
many awakened fouls, you and my other friends muft be con-
tent with receiving (hort, but I hope truly loving letters, from
Yours, &c.
G. W.
To Mr. J S ,
Plymouth^ July 27, 1744.
MATTERS go on better and better here. I begin to
think myfelf in London. We have our regular morn-
ing meetings ; and our Lord is pleafed to grace them with
his prefcnce. We are looking out for a place proper for a
fociety, and to expound in. People come daily to me, efpeci-
ally from the Dock, under convictions. Some, I believe, have
really clofcd with Christ ; and here arc feveral aged perfons
perfectly made young again. We are juft now entered upon
our Tinging hours. — The fouls come forward greatly in many
refpedls, and friends are more and more hearty. Frefli news
from Kingsbridge of fouls being awakened ; but I am kept
clofe prifoner on account of the convoy. Yeflerday morning
we were called up at the Dock, very early, by a falfe alarm
that our convoy was come. Many poor fouls much lament-
ed it. We haftened hither, and I expounded upon our Lord^s
bidding his difciples to watch. This waiting is much blefTed
to me. I am kept palTive 5 notwithftanding, fatan attempts
to diftuib me, but Jesus refrefties me, and overcomes hirric
I need not bid you to pray for me. Brother 6-^—— mufl come
into thefe parts foon.
Yours, &c.
G. W.
L E t T E R DLVi.
To the Same,
Plymouth^ July 29, 1744.
OUR Lord has been giving us bleilings in drops, but novsr
he is fending them in (howers. This morning we have
had a moft precious meeting. Perhaps more good hath been
done by that one fermon, than by all I have preached before.
When God will work, who (hall hinder ? The wind is yet
againft us. Our LcjRt) detains me here for ivife reafons.
Some perfons, formerly prejudiced againft me, have offered to
give me a piece of ground furrounded with walls, for a fociety
room. I believe that one will be built foon. Brother C •
muft flay in the IVeJl fome time. The Lord Jesus bleffe^
me with health, and a fweet preaching fpirit. O grace,
grace ! I will join with thee in praifmg it. Adieu, my friendo
I ^m yours, in the bonds of eternal love, whilft
To the Same,
My dear ^ dear Friend^ Plymouth^ Auguji 3, 1 744.
IT is paft ten, or I would write you a long letter. Our
convoy is come, and perhaps we may fail to-morrow. It is
delightful to be here. We come from Dock in the evenings,
in great companies, finging and praifmg God. Our parting
there has been more awful than words can exprefs. I (hail
have faiied before you can anfwer this,
Eternal Jesus, hlefs thy word.
Be mindful of thy child ;
Behold thy fervant j be thoUy Lord,
His helmet, fivordf and Jhieldi
Letters. 65
Clofe by thy fide him ever keep ;
Still held him in thy hand^
Till he and all thy ravfom'djheepy
Shall reji in their own land.
77;^ preachers and the people then.
Shall thee in fulnefs fee ;
Shall keep the long fabbatic year.
The feaji of jubilee.
t^ we never meet again In this fufferlng world, God grant that
we may ere long fee each other in the heavenly paradife,
where all tears fliall be wiped from our eyes, and death, hn,
and forrow we fhall know no more. Farewel.
Ever, ever yours,
r* Mr, E .
Plymouth^ Augiifi 4, 1744.
My very dear Brother E ' — — ,
I Thank you for your laft kind and loving letter, and as a
token of my unfeigned love to you, I fend you thefe few
lines by way of anfwer, before I embark. Our convoy is
now come, and in all probability we (hall fail this day or to-
?r,orrow. I need not ftir up my dear brother, and other dear
fouls with you^ to pray for me and mine* I am quite eafy a-
bout the truft, having put all things into the hands of the
LoP-D Jesus, upon whofe (houlders the government of all is
placed. He will, he does order all things well : I blefs him
for it, and for what he has, and is doing among the foldicrs.
I defire you all to blefs him for what he is doing in thefe
parts; for preaching at the Dock is now like preaching at the
tabernacle. It would delight your dear foul, my brother, to
be a fpe<E^ator of the people's ferioufnefs. Laft night we had
a moft awful and folemn parting ; many wept forely. After
fermon we walked pleafanlly over the fields, blefling and praif-
ing God. Our morning ledlures are very delightful. O the
Vol. II. E thouf;imis^
thoufands that flock to the preaching of Chrifl's gofpel ! If
brother C is in London^ pray falute him in my name, and
all the dear dear brethren and fifters, wifliing you all thoufands
^nd millions of bleflings, and earneftly intreating an intereft in
your prayers for me the chief of fmners. I fubfcribe myfelf,
my dear brother E ,
Yours moft afFeclionately in the
moft adorable Redeemer,
Pojifcrlpt. I muft tell you one thing more. There is a
ferry over to Plymouth y and the ferrymen, which were like
Levi the publican at the receipt of cuftom, are now fo much
my friends, that they will take nothing of the multitude that
C6me to hear me preach, faying, " God forbid that we fhould
fell the word of God." O ! the hearts of all men are in the
hand of the Lord !
To Mr, .
On board the WilmingtQn^ Oct, 20, 1744.
My dear Friendy
YO U know in what a poor ftate of health I was, when
I embarked. The length, and feeming tedioufnefs of
the voyage, hath occafioned no fmall addition to the violent
pain in my fide ; however, blefTed be God, in a week or two
after we failed, we began to have a church in our fhip. Tv/o
ferious New-England friends finding how I was fcrved at
Portfmouih, came from thence to Plymouth in order to bear me
company. We had regular public prayer morning and even-
ing, frequent communion, and days of liumiliation and fading.
Being time of war, and failing out with near 150 Uiips, we
had feveral convoys. Their taking leave of each other at
their feveral appointed places, was ftriking : but ours was or-
dered to convoy us all the way. We were foon, and have
been often alarmed. Once with the fight of a Dutch fleet,
whom we took for an enemy; and again at the fight of Ad-
miral Balchm^ who rode by us receiving the obeifance of the
furrouudinf'- fliips, aji though he wa^j Lofd of the whole ocean.
^ 4 , I'
It was full fix weeks ere we reached the iVtjhrn Iflands, oft'
which it being calm weather, we continued floating for Ibme
days; during which interval we we^^e like to {"ufier much dd-
magc. The wind having brifked up a little, and orders beino-
given for tacking about, one of the fhips, 1 know not by whut
accident, having milled her ftays, in turning, came direclly
upon us; I happened at that time to be finging a hymn upon
deck with my little family, and thinking it bell: to keep there
to receive the fhock^ I had the opportunity of feeing what
pafled. The (hip ftruck her mainfail into our bowfprit, but our
Ihip being of a large, and theirs of a fmallcr fize, our hull re-
ceived but little damage, whilft theirs received fuch a blow, that
when difentangled from us, they were immediately apprehen-
five of finking. As they again pafTed by us, when we ex-
peded another touch, their cries and groans were awful. O
how eagerly did they cry for fome fignal to be given ! It was
done. A little after that, we came up with the convoy, and
our captain informed them of what had happened. The an-
fwer was, *' This is your praying, and be damned to ye.'*
With many expreffions of the like nature. 7^his, I muft own,
fliocked me more than the ftriking of the (hips. I called my
friends together, and broke out into thefe words in prayer :
*' God of the fea and God of the dry land ! This is a night
of rebuke and blafphemy : fhew thyfelf, O God, and take u^
under thy own immediate protection ; be thou our convoy,
and make a diiFerence between thofe that fear thee and thofe
that fear thee not [" The difabled fnip was taken into tow.
Next morning they were faluted in like manner as the niiiht
before, and orders were given us to follow our convoy ijffo
Fial \ but on a fudden a violent eurodydon arofe, which not
only prevented our going into Fid, but bettered and drove
away our convoy, fo that we faw him no more all the voyage.
For nu' own part, I thought It no lofs ; we failed very comfort-
ably on, 'till we were again alarmed v/ith the fight of two
ihips, making up to us with all the fail they couIJ well croud,
and which our captain took to be enemies. The preparations
for an engagement, to me, v/ho you know am naturally a cow-
ard, were formidable. Guns mounting, chains put about the
mafls, every thing taken out of the great cabin, hammocks
put about the fides of the £hip, and all, except myfelf^ fcemed
£ 2 ZQSii'^
ready for fire and fmoke. My wife, after having drcfTed hef^
(elf to prepare for all events, fet about making cartridges^
whilft the hufband wanted to go into the holes of the fhip^
hearing that was the chaplain's ufual place. I went, but not
liking my fituation, and being defired by one of my New-
England friends to fay fomething to animate the men, I crept
up on deck, and for the firft time of my life beat up to arms
by a warm exhortation. The men fecmed pleafed, the ap-
j)rchended enemy approached, but upon nearer view wc found
them not only to be friends, but the two mafts (hips that wore
going with us under the fame convoy. This pleafed us all.
The captain taking this opportunity to clean the cabin, faid,
*' After all, this is the beft fighting :" with which you may be
fure I readily concurred, praying, and believing at the fame
time, that all our various conflicts with fpiritual enemies
might, and would under the condud^ of the all-conquering
captain of our falvation, at lad terminate in a thorough clean-
iing, and an eternal purification of the defiled cabin of our
hearts. Committing you to his almighty guidance and pro-
tcdion> I fabfcribe myfelf.
Yours, &c,
G. /^.
To Mr, .
Tork [New- England j) Oci, 30, 1 744.
Dear Friend^
DO NT judge me for not writing more frequent. It was
inipradticable. I have been laid on a bed of ficknefs^
and wa^, in the apprehenfion of myfelf and others, at the very
mouth of the heavenly harbour ; but a3 that more than once hath
been the cafe, I am putting out to fea again. O who would
but follow the Redeemer blindfold ? No convoy like him
who is the CjOD of the fca and the God of the dry land.
After eleven weeks pnflai^c he halh brought us hither, but
through my impatience and imprudence I and my friends were
like to fuffer lofs. A little fmack cor:iing up to us jud as we
were near port, and being told that fhc uould be in fevcr^!
hours before the fiiip, I, vviih others in complaifancc to mc,
t houghs
though perfuaded to the contrary, ventured in her. It foon
grew dark, ou.r pilots milTed their inlet and we were tofl'ed
about all night. My pain was great, having had for fome
time a nervous cholic, aod I was (o hungry that I could have
gnawed the very boards. The fifhermen had no hing but
a few potatoes, of which I pa-rtoolc moft eagerly ; but withal,
thought my (ituation to be like the poor difciplcs, who were
rowing and toiling all night, when the wind was contrary.
About the fourth watch of the night, deliverance came ; the
men difcovered the proper inlet ; byt what pafled before our
arrival is fomewhat ftriking to me. One of my fri^ids, on
piking what news, was anfwered, that the N^w-Enghnd people
were turned new lights ; which with us you know is a term
for heterodoxy ; but however, added the man, not knowing
that I was lying down at his elbow, they are all exp-6ling
one Mr. Whk^feU ; and my fifter, and a great company of her
ftamp, were yefterday all praying for his fafe arrival. This
made me to take courage. I continued undifcovered ; and ia
a few hours, in anfwer I truft to new light prayers^ we arrived
Cafe at 2^r^, a few miles off PZ/c^/tf^-t;^/, the place to which
we were bound. — But yOu muft excufe enlarging ; as I reco-
ytt ftrength you fhall hear again irom
Yours, &c.
To Mr, .
Dear Sir^ Torh^ Nov. 6, 1 744.
HOW thankful ought I to be to him, Vv'hofe mercy cn-
dureth for ever ! God has commanded a phyfician
(once a notorious delft, but through grace converted at my
Jaft vifit in New-England) to receive me here. Worthy Co-
lonel P , who lives at the very mouth of the harbour,
on feeing our fhip, went with fon^e other friends in his own
boat to invite and condu6l me tq his princely habitation. But
God appointed otherwife. In about half an hour after my
arrival, I was put to bed, racked with a nervous cholic, and
convulfed from the wafte down to my iQ^i^ A tct^l coav;#!-
fion was immediately apprehended.
£3 My
M-^ wife and friends Jlood weeping hy^^
In tears rejolvd to fee me die.
Filled with divine confolation, I begged thcjji not to be
flioclced. My Saviour wbifpered that all was well, and there-
lore I defircd theai not to be furprized if I (liould be totally
convulfcd, or be fuftered in a delirium to fpeak thingq
that were wrong. Many, many of God's dearefl children^
throut^h the infirmities which crazy conftitutions more efpe-
cially are liable to, have been called to drink fuch a bitter
cup before me. But an all-compaffionate Redeemer difap-
pointcd our fears, and exceeded our ftrongeft expe6tations.
Apprehended convulfions were keptofFj and though I was fo
weak as not to be able to bear the found of a tread of the foot,
or the voice of friends who came to fee and pray with me,
yet my heart was kept in perfect peace. After undergoing, for
^bout four days, fomentations and exercifes of different kinds,
by havinf^ my feet put into warm water, tic. nature was re-
Jieved, and what I had taken four days before came away
hardly difcoloured. After this, whilft carried about by my
tender nurfe and a fervant, flill racked with pain, an4 lilfe
an helplefs child, I could only fay, " Look and learn what a
poor creature I am." The fcene affeds me yet. May it
never be forgotten ! I mull retire, and leave enlarging to
another opportunity. In tl;^e mean whii^., affure yourfelf of
my being, though lefs than the leaft of all.
Yours, &c.
To Mr.
Portfrnouthy [New- England) Nov.. 1 6, 17.44.
My dear Friend^
A A ^ ^ promifed, I muft employ a little of my new-gained
jt\. i^.rength in writing to you. Soon after 1 began to re-
cover, good old Mr. M the minifler of Tork, who feared
the Lord greatly from his youth, came to and accofted mc
thus : '* Sir, you are firft welcome to /hnerica ; fecondly, to
Nevj' England', thirdly, to all the faithful minifters in Nezv-
England '^
England \ fourthly, to all the good people in New-England \
fifthly, to all the good people of Y'ork j and fixthly and lailly,
to me, dear Sir, lefs than the leaft of all." He then urged me
to give them a fermon. Too forward to reingage in my old
delightful work, I complied, notwithftanding at the fame time
word had been fent to Bojlon that I was dying ; upon whicb^
my dear Gams and a beloved phyfician came, either to take
care of me, or attend my funeral ; but to their great furprize
they found me in the pulpit. God was with me ; but im-
prudently goirkg over the ferry to Portjmouih^ I caught cold,
immediately relapfed, and was taken, as every one thought,
with death, in my dear friend Mr. Sherburrie's houfe. My
pains returned ; but what gave me mod concern was, that
notice had been given of my being to preach the next even-
ing. A great number of minifters and people flocked to hear ;
three phyficians attended me, and Colonel Pepperel with many
others were fo kind as to pay me a vifit and fympathize with
me. God dealt fo bountifully with me, that 1 was enabled
to tell the Colonel in particular, from heart-experience, that I
felt a divine life diftind from my animal life, which made me
as it were to laugh at pain ; this made me determine to get up
and preach, though the General and all had left me, and the
perfon appointed to lecture in my ftead was juil going out of
the houfe. My dear York phyfician was then about to admi-
nifter a medicine. I on a fudden cried, " Doflor, my pains
are fufpended : by the help of God FlI go and preach, and then
come home and die." With fome difficulty I reached tiie
pulpit. All looked quite furprized, as though they favv one
rofe from the dead. Indeed, I was as pale as death, and told
them " they mufl look upon me as a dying man, that I came
to bear m.y dying teftimony to the truths I had formerly
preached amongft them, and to the invifible realities of ano-
ther world." Nature (by my continuing an hour in my dif-
courfe) was almoft quite exhaufled ; but O what life ! what
power fpread all around ! All feemed to be melted, and were
drowned in tears. The cry after me, when I left the pulpit,
was like the cry of fincere mourners when attending the fu-
neral of a dear departed friend. Upon my coming home, I
was laid on a bed upon the ground near the fire, and (
heard them fay, " He is gone ;" but ft ill you find by thi^
I am alive, and if fpared to be made inftrumenul in making
any poor dead foul alive to God, I fliall rejoice that the all-
wife Redeemer has kept out of heaven ^ little longer.
Yours, &c.
To Mr
My dear Friend^ Bojlon^ Jan. 1 8, 1745.
BY this time I fuppofe you have heard, by your brother's
letter, how good old Mr. Moody^ in h'S honeft way, faid,
I was welcome to all the faithful miniftcrs in New-England,
But the good old man judged too much by his own honeft
feelings. You fee I am now at Bcftcn^ whither I was brought
from Pifcataiuay in a coach and four. The joy with which I was
received by the common people, cannot well be defcribed ; but
many of the miniflers hew fhy ? — And how different from
what once they were ? When lad in Bojlon^ governor Belcher
was in the chair ; then, reges ad exempium^ iotus componitur
erbhy he honoured me with great honour, and the clergy
paid the nod, and obt^yed. In many I then perceived it v/as
quite forced, and I think when at his table I whifpered to
fome and faid, if ever i came again, many of thofe who now
feeni extremely civil, will turn out my open and avowed ene-
n^es. The event has proved, that in this refpecl I have been
no falfe prophet. You know where it is written, " There
arofc a king, who knew not Jofeph.'* Freed therefore from
their torm^r reflraint, many have appeared in puris naturali^
bus. Some occafions of o/Fence had undoubtedly been given
^vhilft 1 was here and preached ud and down the country.
-^Nothing however appeared but a pure, divine power work-
ini; upon, converting, and transforming people's hearts, of all
ranks, without any extraordinary phaenomena attending it.
Good Mr. T*- — rrr. fucceeded me j numbers fucceeded him.
Leciure upon ledure were fet up in various places ; one mi-
niftcr called to another, to help drag the gofpej net ; and by all
the accounts that I can have from private information, or good
Mr. Prince's weekly hiftory, which I fend you with this, onq
would have imagined the millennium was coming indeed.
But you know, in this mixed ftate of things, wild-fire will nc*
ceflarily blend itfelf with the pure fire that comes from God's
?i!tar. This the enemy long waited for ; at lail it broke out
^nd fpread itfelf; and it mult be confefTed, through the inftru-
mentality of many good fouls both among clergy and laity»
Avho for a while miltaking fancy for faith, and. imagination for
revelation, were guilty of great imprudence. What thefc
were, I have not time now to particularize ; I can only inform
you, that all is laid to me as being the primum mobile, though
there was not fo much as the appearance of any thing of this
nature when I left New- Englarid laft. But^ maugre all, my
poor labours are yet attended with the ufual bleilings, and
therefore I muft entreat you as ufual to pray and give thanks
in behalf of
Yours, &c.
To Mr. .
My dear Fn^n^y Bo/Ion, Feb. 6, 1 745.
I Remember you once told me, that you heard one of the
good old Pt^ritam^ who went over to New-Englandy wrote
back again, th^t he went from Old-England to avoid the
Lord Bifhops, and came to New-England to get under the
Lord Brethren. Well is jt at prefent that they arc the Lord
Brethren ; for finding fome of their paftors without caufe fhy
of me, they have pafled votes of invitation for me to preach
in the pulpits, and fome time ago prevailed upon me, as they
heard I had done in Scotland^ to fet up a lecSlure at fix o'clock
in the morning. Not expedling a very great auditory, I
opened a ledlure in one of the fmalleft meetings, upon thef«
words, " And they came early in the morning to hear him ;"
but how was I difnppointed ? Such great numbers flocked to
hear, that I was obliged for the future to make ufe of two of
their very largeft places of worfliip, where I believe feldom
lefs than two or three thoufand attentive hearers hung as it
were upon me, to hear the word preached. I began with the
firft of Gcnefis, ar,d have now lectured in order, till I am almoft
come to the ilory oi Abraham fending hh fervant to fetch a
wife for his fon Ifaac. Many I truft have been made willing
to fay, '' I will go with the GoD-man, even Ifaac's God."
It is impoflible to defcribe the eagernefs and pun6^uality of
thefe early vifitants. To fee fo many hundreds of both fexes
neatly drefled, walking or riding fo early along the ftreets to
get food for their fouls, has feafted my own heart. The Pha-
raohs who ufed to fay, " Ye are idle, ye are idle,*' now are
llruck dumb : for ledure, and family prayer, and breakfaft,
are now over in many houfes before the fun is fuffered to come
into others windows ; and it is now become almoft a common
proverb, " That between Tar-water^ and early rifmg^ the
phyficians will have no bufinefs." One morning the -croud
was fo great, that I was obliged to go in at the window. The
high fherifF, who was once moft forward in perfecuting good
Mr. D /, being a little convinced under the word, ac-
companied me, and when he put his head into the window after
me, the people were ready to cry out, " Is Saul alfo among
the prophets ?'* Hoping hereafter to fend you and other friends
a further account of many fuch real inftances of all-conquer-
ing grace, I fubfcribe myfelf
Yours, &c.
To Mr. A .
Ipfwkh^ Feb, 7, 1 745-.
AN D how does my very dear brother J— — ? I heard by
fome friend lately that he was well. — I hope this will
iind him yet better, and more and more happy in the ever-
lovely, ever-loving Jesus. — I fuppofe you have heard of his
great goodnefs to me and mine. — We have been carried
through various trials ; and can fet up our Ehenezcr^ faying,
" Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."— I cannot help think-
ing but that the Lord Jesus is about to triumph glorioufly.
— He is pleafed to bear me as on eagles wings, and caufes both
fmners and faints to hear his voice. — I am kept very happy,
and fee more and more of the myftery of iniquity that lies in
my heart. I rejoice in knowing that the blood of Jesus will
cleanfe me fi-om all.--I long to hear haw it is with the de&r
brnbs in Ghucejierjlnre. — I commit you and them to the care
of the compafTionate bifhop and {hepherd of Touls ; and fub-
I'cnbe mylelf, my dear man.
Yours moft afFedionately,
P. S. My dear wife joins in fending cordial falutations to
you, yours, an4 all.
To Mrs. .
Dear Madam^ Bojlon^ Feb. 17, 1745.
THIS leaves me juft retired from my fpiritual levee, "^^^™
Our good friend Mr. S • tells me, while I am here
he looks upon his houfe not as his own, but mine. His par-
lour is large, and I fit there to receive gofpel vifitants. Good
Mr. P told me fome time ago, that I fhould fhortly be ■ ''^'*^C
favoured with the company of a very penfive and uncommon
perfon ; a man of good parts, ready wit, and lively imagina-
tion, and who had made it his bufmefs, in order to furmfh
niatter for preaching over a bottle, to come and hear, and
then carry away fcraps of my fermons, which it feems were
to ferve as texts or ihefes for his tavern harangues, A few
nights ago he came for this purpofe to DocSlor 5 's meet-
ing ; upon my coming in, he crouded after amongfl the
people, and having got fufncicnt matter to work upon as he
thought, attempted to go out ; but being pent in on every
fide, he found his endeavours fruitlefs. Obliged thus to ftay,
and looking up to me, waiting for fome frefh matter for ridi-
cule, God was pleafed to prick him to the heart. He came
to Mr. P full of horror, confeffed his crimes, and ]on2;ed
to afk my pardon, but was afraid to fee me. Mr. P en-
couraged him to venture. This morning hearing fomebody
knock at the parlour door, I arofe, and upon opening the door,
by the palenefs, penfivenefs, and horror of his countenance,
^uefTed I had met with the perfon of whom Mr. P had
apprized me. Immediately he cried with a low but plaintive
voice, " Sir, can you forgive me ?" I fmiled and faid, " Yes,
Sir, very readily." Indeed, replied he. Sir, you cannot v/hen
I tell you all, I then afked him to fit down 3 and judging
that he had fufHclently felt the lafhes of the law, I preached
to him the gofpel. That it may be the power of God
through faith unto his eternal falvation, you will join in pray-
ing, dear madam, with
Yours, &c.
G. ;^.
To Airs, — ^.
My dear Friendy Bojlotiy Feb, 1 9, 1745.
CT^EMFORA mutaniur\ a confederacy, a confederacy!
The clergy, amongft whom are a few miftaken, mifin-
formed good old men, are publifliing halfpenny teftimonials
againft me. Even the prefident, profelibrs, and tutors of /f<?r/-
ford college, where I was, as you know, fome few years ago rc:*
ceived with fo much uncommon refpe<St, have joined the con-
federacy. Good Mr. C , that venerable, truly primitive,
good old Puritan, as I am informed, had manyofthefc tefti-
monials brought him, in order to judge of their importance.
He took them, weighed them in his hand, and having read
them before, returned them immediately, faying, " They did
not weigh much." However, I thank God, " out of the
eater hath come forth meat." They have done me real fer-
vice. Some unguarded expreflions, in the heat of lefs expe-
rienced youth, I certainly did drop. I was much too preci-
pitate in hearkening to, and publifhing private informations,
and thereby P-f/^r-like cut too many earsofF; but this is my
comfort, when we mean well, though no thanks to our owa
too forward though well-meant zeal, Jesus, that almighty,
all-compafTionate phyfician, will heal and reftore the cars
again. Some good friends on my fide the queftion arc pub-
lifl:iing ttflimonials in my favour. Thus you fee what ^
militant ftate we are in at prefent. Laudaiur ab eis^ culpatur
tib lilts. Amidft all, the word runs and is glorified, and many
are fo enraged at the treatment I meet with, that they came
to me lately, afluring me, that if I'D confent, they wi!I ere<Sl:
in a few weeks time, the outfide of the largeft place of wor-
(hip that was ever feen \n Jmerica : but you know ceiled
jpouics wcrene>er my aim. I therefore thanked them for, but
^ the fame time begged leave to refufe the accepting of their
kind offer. How or when the prefent ftorm will fubfide, for
fubfide I am perfuaded it will, is as yet uncertain, I can only,
at prefent, earneftly beg the continuance of your prayers,
that whilft toffing in this floating ark I may be purged of
fomeofmy corruptions, and be kept in good temper towards
thofe who I believe really think they do GoD*s fcrvice in op-
pofing, dear Madam,
Yours, &c.
Pifcotaquay March 6, 1 745.
Afy very dear^ dear 'J.
f I "> HIS comes by Captain Darling, I hear from Bojlon^ a
I bookfcller has got the books you fentover. I have fent ^/
a letter to Do£lor C — — , with my anfwer to i/^ri-'^r^/ college, ' '^
which I would have you print, with their teftimony, (which is
an original :) and my anfwer to the fecond part of theobferva-
tion and remarks upon the charge of the Bifhop ofZ . May
Jesus give them his bleffing, I would have them printed fo
as to be fold cheap : you may colle£l or print them feverally as
you will. I cannot yet get time to prepare my fermons, or
the other part of my life, for the prefs. I am writing another ix"
Is eiv- England \o\ixv\2\^ which I will fend when I leave it;
when that will be, I know not, I expe6i: Mr. Hahcrjham
every hour. IV N and J are got fafe to Charles-
Town. 1 heard from friends there laft week. America, I am
afraid, begins to be too dear to me. The Lord fmiles upon
me and mine, and makes us very hnppy in himfelf, and happy
in one another. Here is a very large field of adion. A very
fine and effedual door is opened j my bodily ftrength is reco-
vered, and my fwul more than ever in love with a crucified
Jesus. I could write more to you and other dear friends, but
if I do, I (liall negledt things of a more public and immediate
concern ; neither can my dear wife write, bccaufe fhe is fully
employed in copying my letters. However, we do not for-
get our dear London and Englijh friends. We pray for them
often, and fometimes cannot help wilhing fomc more may
come over into this delightful wildernefs ; it is a fruitful fieW.
Jesus waters it with his bleffings. We expedl fifter /V ^,
Here are wars and rumours of wars, on this, as well as yoar
fide of the water. But Jesus's difciples may be at peace. O
that this may find thy dear heart quite fwallowed up in his
amazing love ! Be pleafcd to remember us moft tenderly to ally
and lofe no opportunity of fending a line in any American
ihips. So, my very dear dear man, I reft
Thy very affe6^ionate happy friend,
and fcrvant in Jesus Christ,
G, W,
ro Mr. c ..
Pifcataqua^ March 6, 1745.-
Afy very dear Brother C ,
IT gives me fome concern, that I cannot fend thee a long
letter, but at prefent I have fo many things of importance
before me, which muft be immediately difpatched, that I dc-
iire others to excufe me too. I do not forget any of you as
I know of, and, God willing, fball redeem every opportunity
oi knd'xng 10 England. Our Saviour wonderfully fmiles on
us here ; feveral years work I think lies before me. The Lord
helps me to preach with the demonftration of the fprrit and
with power, my ftrength is daily rei!ewed, and my wife and
I go on like two happy pilgrims, leaning upon our beloved,
O help us to adore and praife free grace. We falute all the
conference and truftees, and every particular choir, and the
focieties in'fevery place, " Grace, mercy and peace be mul-
tiplied upon them, from God our father, and from the Lord'
Jesus Christ." To his tender mercy do I commit thee and
them, and am, my very dear C ,
Yours moft affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. ir,
P, S. My dear wife cordia-lly falutes you and all.
y<? Mr. y. 5. in London.
Plfcataquay March 12, 1745.
I Wrote to you laft week, and have fent you by Capt. Dar-
ling two letters, and a box. This comes by a young gen-
tleman that experts to return to South-Caroli?ja by Auguji next.
By him I fend you one of each fort of the pamphlets that I
have publifhed here. I would have them fent to Scotland as
foon as may be. My wife has fent you a few lines in one of
my letters. We are more than happy ! O grace ! grace ! —
I truft it is fo with you. America is pleafanter and pleafanter
every day. I expeft Mr. Haberjham hourly. The door for
preaching opens wider and wider. O my dear friend, I could
tell thee what would rejoice thy heart, waft thou here. But
I have little time to write. I am now going to prepare my
fermons for the prefs : And am alfo writing another journal, l^
You {hall have them the firft opportunity. Our tender love
awaits all dear friends. As often as poffible, you and others
(hall hear from, my dear friend, &c.
G. W.
On hoard Capt, Grants hound from Charles-Town
to Philadelphia^ May 2, 1745.
My very dear^ dear Brother H ,
HOW do you find your heart thefe trying, fiftlng, purg-
ing times ? I hope you are enabled to joy in God, and
are made more than conqueror through his love. It has given
me fome concern that I could not write to you oftner : but
Jesus knows my heart has beeiji with you; and I have not
failed to pray for the prefervation of the toiTed ark. Aniino-
minanifm^ 1 find, begins to (hew its head and ftalk abroad :
may the glorious Redeemer caufe it to hide its head again, and
prevent his children's fpirits being imbittcrcd againft each
other. I am glad to hear the IVelftj brethren continue fteady :
and that amongft our Englifl) friends, Antinomianifm feems only
to be fpeculative ; this is a great evil, but not fo great as when
It afFe<5ts the prailice, and leads the people of God unwauiy
into licentioufncfs. The late outward troubles, I hope will
do good, and put a (lop to the many difputes and various fc6l3
which, like fo many hydra's, always fpring up when the LoKd
fufFers falfe principles to abound* I expedl to hear that Je3U3
has made thee immoveable like a wall of brafs, bold as a lion,
but meek as a lamb. Blefled be his name, he continues to be
very kind to us : we have been fix months in thefe parts, and
are now going northwards for the fummer feafon. The Or*
phan-houfe is in a promifmg way. My temporal affairs begin
to be fettled ; and 1 am blelTed fubftantially to many fouls.
Jesus, I trufl, has given me a more gofpel-heart ; and caufes
many of my profefTed mofl imbittered enemies to be at peace
with mc. I know you will help me to praife him, and beg
him to continue to fland ^by a poor unworthy creature, who
fimply defires to fpend and be fpent for the good of precious
and immortal fouls. You*lI remember me to your dear wife,
and all our JVelJh brethren, in the mofl endearing manner :
we frequently talk of, and pray for them j and don't defpair
of feeing them once more in the flefh. My dear wife loves
them exceedingly, and warms her heart often by reflc6^ing on
paft times. Wifliing that grace, mercy, and peace maybe mul-
tiplied upon you all, I fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear brother,-
Ever, ever thine in Jesus,
To Mrs. .
Dear Madam^ Bof.on^ July 7.9, 1 745.
OU will be furprized to hear that a mefTenger of the
prince of peace, efpecially fuch a weak creature as I am,
fiiculd beat up to arms. 'No doubt you have judged me, as
well you may ; but providence feemed to force me to it. You
have now heard of the C.7/)^-5r^/^;7 expedition, which was car-
ried on and iiniflied with the greatcfl fecrecy and expedition
^here, before it cculd be fcarcely known to you at home.
J, jit'Ai5«(i Worthy Colonel P . was fixed upon to command. The
day before he accepted of the commifTion, he purpofcd to dine
with me to afk my advice. I told him, ''- that I hoped if he
*Vdid undertake it, he would beg of the Lord God of armies
3 '"^^
letters; St
*^ to give him a fingle eye ; that the means propofcd to take
*^ Louifburgh^ in the eye of human reafon, were no more ade-
*' quate to the end, than the founding of rams-horns to blow
^^ down Jeh'ch'h j that the eyes of all would be upon him ; and if
*' he (liould not fucceed in tHe intended enterprize, the Vv'idows
*' and orphans of the flain foldiers would be like lions robbed
*' of their vvhclps j but if it pleafed God to give him fuccefs,
*' envy would not fufFer hiin to take the glory, and therefore
*' he (hould take. great care that his views were difinterefled,
*^ and then I doubted not. If providence really called him, he
*' would find his firerigth j5roportioncd to the day, and would
** return rhore thah conqtleror." He thanked me, and his Lady
having given her tlee confcnt, he commenced general. The
found now was to arms ! to arms ! hew recruits were e3-,~,
gerly fought dftcr, and my worthy friend ]\ir. S was ap-"" ^
pointed one of the commifTaries. Being at his houfe, he tolcl
me one evening that he was preparing the flag, and that I mufi:
give hirn a motto, and that the people muft know it too. I
abfolutcly rcfufed, lirgmg that it would be afting out of cha-
racter ; he replied, that the expedition, he believed, was of
God, and that if I did not encourage it, many of the fcrious
j5eople would not inlift. I ftill refufed ; he defired me to con-
fider, and fl'^ep upoh it, and to give him my anfwer in the morn-
liig. t retired, I prayed, I flept ; and upon, his renewing his
requefl: in the morning, I told him, that fince he was fo urgent,
and as I did not know but divine providence might intend to
give us Louijhurgh^ therefore he m.ight take this motto. Nil
defperandum Chrtflo duce. Upon this, great numbers inlifted,
and before their embarkation, their officers defired me to give
them a fermon : 1 preached from thefe words : " h^ many as
were diftrefled, as many as were difcontented, as many as were
in debt, came to David^ and he became a captain over them.'*
Officers, foldiers, and others attended. I fpirituaiized the
fubjed, and told them how diftrefled fmners came to Jesus
Christ the Son oi David -^ and in my application exhorted
the foldiers to behave like the foldiers of David, and the offi-
cers to adl like David's worthies; then, I made no manner of
doubt, but we fliould receive good news from Cape- Breton.
After this, I preached to the general himfelf, who afkv(i me
if I would not be one oi his chaplains : I told him, *' I (htuld
Vol. IL f »' think
*' think It an honour, but believed, as I generally preached
** three times a day in various places to large congregations,
" I could do my King my country, and my God, more fer-
*' vice, by ftirring up the people to pray, and thereby ftrength-
*' en his and his foldiers hands." Through divine grace, ,1
was enabled to perfift in this pradtice for fome v^^eeks ; but at
Jaft news arrived that the cafe was defperate. Letter upon let-
ter came from one officer and another to thofe who planned
this expedition, and did not know the ftrength of the fortrefs.
I fmiled, and told my friends, that I believed now we ftiould
have Lou'ifourgh 'y — that all having confefTed their helplefsnefg,
God would now reveal his arm, and make our extremity his
opportunity. 1 was not difappointed of my hope ; for one day-
having taken a weeping leave of dear Bo/ion^ and being about
to preach a few miles out of the town, news was brought that
Louifburgh was taken. Numbers flocked with great joy from
all quarters, and I immediately preached to them a thankfgiv-
ing fermon from thefe words : " By this I know that thou
favoureft me, fmce thou haft not permitted mine enemies to
triumph over me." Here ends, dear Madam, my beating to
irms. It is left to you, to judge as you pleafe of, dear Madam,
Yours, &c.
G. TF.
Pofifcript, I forgot to tell you, to the honour of worthy
'Madam P > that during the time of the expedition, at her
defire, I preached in the General's houfe, and look the liberty
before fermon, to afk her, how (he came to give up the Ge-
neral ? She anfwercd, " That it was God who enabled her
*' to do it for his glory, and her country's good, and that now
'•• the General was gone, (he had the pleafing reflection, that
•** thro' divine mercy, home had never been made fo difagree- ;
" able to him by her condu(£l:,as to make him wifh to be gone.**
To Mrs, L^ .
Phlladtlphlay Augvjl %by '^l^^*
Hmowtcl Mother,
WHETHER, your aff*e61ions are abated to me or not,
(which one would imagine by your not writing in
4 two
two years) yet duty, love, and gratitude oblige me to write to
her, to whom, uader God, I owe rry being brought into the
w^orld. I am glad to find by a letter from Mr. Syms^ dated
lad March, that you was well, at leaft I hoped fo, becaufe
I heard nothing to the contrary. May the Father of mercies,
and God of all confolation, grant that your latter end may
greatly increafe ! Whether you ever fee me or not any more,
you need not be anxious concerning me. — That God whom
I ferve in the gofpel of his dear Son, is exceeding good and
gracious to me and mine. We have all things pertaining to
life and godlinefs. Many offers are daily made me j but as
yet the Lord Jesus keeps me from catching at the golden
bait. Favour is given to me in the fight of the rich and great,
and the door for my ufefulnefs opens wider and wider. 1 Jove
to range in the American woods, and fometimes think I fliall
never return to England any more. I was never letter in
health, take all together. My dear wife would fend you a
few lines, but (he is weak by reafon of a mifcarriage about four
days ago. I fend you moft dutiful refpe<5^s for her ; and pray-
ing the Lord or all Lords continually to lift up the light of
his blefled countenance upon your dear foul, I fubfcribe my-
felf, honoured mother,
Your moft dutiful, though unworthy fon,
To the Rev. Mr. Z .
Bohemia^ {Maryland) 0^, 8, 1 746.
Rev. and dear Sir,
I Took the freedom fome months ago to fend you a letter,
wherein was inclofcd a letter for ProfcfTor Frank, both
which I hope came fafc to hand, and v/ere accepted \n love.
Since that, I have been travelling and ra;iging the woods, in
the fervice of the beft of Maflers, who makes his work more
pleafant to me every day. I truu that the time for favouring
this and the neighbouring fouthcrn provinces is come. Every
where almoft, the door is opened for preaching j great num-
bers flock to hear-, and the power of an afcended Saviour at-
tends the word. It is furpriz'.ng, how the Lord caufes pre-
F 2 jud;ces
judices to fubfide, and makes my formerly moft bitter enemies
to be at peace with mc. O Rev. Sir, help me to praife him,
whole mercy endureth for ever ! I doubt not but he has been
wonderfully good to you, and fupports you under a feeble tot-
tering- tabernacle. The prayers of me and mine are always
for you, becaufe we honour and love you in our common
head, the blelTed Jesus. Be pleafed, when you write, to pre-
fent my moft dutiful and afFedlionate refpeds to the Profeflbr,
and Mr. Ulfpurgher. I have had fome fweet times with feve-
ral of the Lutheran minifters at Philadelphia, I love them
dearly. Mr. Drife-zler does bravely at Frederica, Mr. Bolt^
%ii<i and his coUegue I hear are well. By and by, I truft,
Geor-ria will lift up its drooping head.— All is well at the Or*
phan-houfe. I am, Rev. and very dear Sir,
Your moft afte£lionate, though unworthy younger
brother and fervant in Christ,
•til ^^<^^i^
To Mr, H H -.
AnapoUsy [Maryland^) NoiJ, 8, 1746.
My very dear^ dear Brother^
IJuft now received a wiflied-fof packet from England^ Ir3
which are two or three letters from you. My dear fellow
pilgrim will exceedingly rejoice at the receipt of them. She
is gone forward with a Bojicn young lady towards Georgia, — •
1 hear they traverfe the woods bravely. — I wrote to you very
lately. — I can only fend you a few loving lines now. — I am
>uft fetting out.— Lately I have been in feven counties in
Maryland^ and preached with abundant fuccefs. — Our Lord
gives me health, and his work (O free grace!) profpcrs in
my unworthy hands. I fhall confider of the calls fent me to
return to my native couhtry.^-My tender love to all.-— I am^
my very dear man^
Ever yours whilft
T'o afrietid at the Tabernacle, London,
Jnapolisy November 8, 1746.
My very, dear Brother^
JUST now I have received your kind letter v^Mth Tome
others, but have not time to read them all, being juft fet-
ting out from this place. I fliall confider of your loud cally
and pray our Lord to dire6l me.— Poor Englijh friends ! May
Jesus heal their drvifions ! Courage, my dear brother- — Land
is in fight — -Ere long we fliall fail Into the haven of eternal
reft. — The harveft is great here. I have lately been in {z\fi\\
counties in Maryland, and preached to great congregations of
people with great power. — I have now a journey of fevea
hundred miles before me. — My tender love to all, God will^
jng, you (hall hear again fliortly from,
Ever yours in our triumphant Jesus,
ToMr.H H .
Hanover county^ (Virginia) Nov, 16, 1746..
My very dear Brother,
AB O U T a week ago I had the pleafure of receiving a..
long letter from you, which I immediately anfwered at
jinapolis, — That you wrote to my dear wife is gone to her,
and I fuppofe will rejoice her exceedingly. — She is well, and
enjoys much of GoD. — \ was glad to find that the Tabernacle
was given up to your care. — Whether its breaches are yet re-
paired, or whether it be entirely fallen down, I know not.— I
fuppofe when I come to England, I fhall have all to begin
again. — It is the Lord, let him do what feemeth him good.—
The account of dear brother H *s trial affected mc much.
I rejoice that he comes bright out of the furnace of afflidion.
I falute him and all my dear friends moft tenderly. — Some-
times affedion works ftrong, and I almoft determine to come
ever. — But the cloud does not feem to move that way as yet.-r*
However, my eyes are to the Lord, — Whenever his provi-
F 3 de4icf
dence points out the way, the language of my heart is, «« Lo
I come."— I wrote to brother // J and A lately,
and fmce have received their kind letters. — I have lately beea
in feven counties in Alary land, and ere long think to preach
in as many in this province. — There is a fweet flirring among
the dry bones. — I have a thoufand tender things to fay, but
time will not permit. — Well, my dear dear man, heaven is at
jiand ; — there we ihall have talk enough. — O let us take as
many fouls with us to thatbleffed place as we can. — Blefied be
God, my foul fprings with frefh defires to hunt after poor ftray-
ing (heep, which Jesus has purchafed with his dear heart's
blood. — O that I may begin now to do fomething for him,
who hath done and fufFered fo much for me ! But I can no
mor^. — 1 am loft, I am quite overcome when I think of this. —
Lord, I believe and worihip ! — Pray remember me to all mo^
tenderly. — Remember me before the Lord as the chief of fm-
nen^ but, my very dear brother,
Ever, ever yours,
G. IF.
To a frhnd in London,
My dear Brother^ Bethcfday Dec. 24, 1746.
T Thank you heartily for your very kind letter, which I now
^^ fnatch a few moments to anfwer. The account you gave
of things, made me mourn that they were in fo bad a fituation,
and at the fame time I could not help rejoicing they were no
worfe : You and all that attended on my preaching, and had
opportunities to converfe v/ith me privately, cannot be igno-
rant how many hints I gave of what has happened. It might
have been forefeen and fpolcen of without a fpirit of prophecy,
and confequently did not fo much furprize me when I found
it came to pafs ; but I truft the ftorm is now blown over, and
that the little flock will enjoy a fweet calm. O that your eyes
may be looking tov/ards and waiting on the blefled Jesus :
from him alone can come your falvation, he will be better to
you thnn a thoufand IV'ritcfields, — I am afraid you are too de-
flrous of having me with you ; and indeed I long to fee you
;^:)d my ciher dear chriftian friends, but America feems to be
my fcene of a6lion for fome time. The harveft is great in many
places, and the labourers are very few. I am rcfolved in the
ilrength of Jesus to range more and morej huntino- for fouls
is a delightful v/ork, and 1 am afliamed that I do no more. O
my dear man, pray for me ; indeed I do for you and yours. I
am glad the Lord has appeared for you ; he never fails thofe
that put their truft in him ; only remember, " In the world,
and yet not of it " is the real chriftian's motto. — That Jesus
may continually lift up the light of his blefled countenance
upon you, and give you and yours all peace and joy in believ-
ing, is the earneft prayer of, my dear man.
Your very afFecSlionate friend,
and fervant for Jesus falce, .
G, W,
P, S. My tender tender love to all enquiring friends ; my
dear yoke-fellow joins heartily : we are happy in Jesus, and
happy in one another.
My dear Brother y Bethefda^ Dec, 24, 1 746.
IMuft not let your kind letter which I received a i^w days
ago lie long unanfwered. And now what fhall I fay f
why that I would have you comfort yourfeif with this pro-
mise, " That all things fhall work (nay ^/<3work) for good to
thofe that love God."— BlefTed be God for that little, that
great word all.— Could we always a6l faith upon that, no-
thing could move us. — It is this promife that makes me now to
rejoice in the midft of all the tribulations that has befallen my
dear Tabernacle friends. — For €re long you fhall fing.
O happy Rod!
That brought us nearer to cur God I
Courage, therefore, my brother, courage. — The Lord will
yet uphold you with his right hand. — Only live near to Jesus,
and let the language of your heart be, «' Lord, let me know my-
felf and thee !'''' All trials are fent for thefe two ends, that we
piay be better acquainted with the dear Lord Jesus, and
F 4. with
with our own wicked hearts. — That you may increafe In this
knowledge more and more, is the earneft prayer of
Your ^fFedionate friend, and fervant in Christ,
P. S. My dear wife joins in fending hearty falutations to
all.-— I muft refer you to other letters for news.
To Mr. A .
Ecthefda^ Dec, 29, 1746.
My very dear Brother A •,
SINCE I wrote to you frorn Marylaiid^ I have received
two or three kind letters from you, in which I have had a
particular account how affairs ftand in England, — -I blefs God
for the gracious afliftance he has been pleafed to afford you,
and pray for a continuance and increafe of it to your dear foul
ever more and more — O my very dear brother, it is no fmall
favour to be kept fleady and humbly bold for the glorious Em-
manuel in a cloudy dark day. — This honour the Lord Jesus
has cii^nferred on you — May his paft goodnefs ftrengthqn your
faith, and encourage you to truft in him amidft all future tri-
als ! — I fay future trials — for we muft never expedl an entire
cefiation of arms, till we bow down our heads and give up the
gl^oft — Our trials will be changed in order to difcover to us
the remainder of corruption in the heart ; but they will not,
they muft not be entirely removed — The captain of our fal-*
vation was made perfed through fufferings, and fo muft we— -
Be ftrong therefore, my brother, in the grace which is in
Christ J::sus — Endure afHidtions- — make full proof of thy
miniftry — TriithMs great, and will prevail — Fail not writing—.
Other letters will acquaint you with particulars about me. — .
Continue in prayer, and [t may l)e, fooner than your expedla-
tiops, you may fee
Your very unworthy, but affedlionate brother
and fervant in JiiSUs Christ,
P. S. My dear yoke-fellow joins in fending ipoft cordial
falutations to you, yours, and all that love the precious
letters; S3
Charhii'Town^ Jan. 2I5 1747.
Since I wrote the above I have had fome fvvect fcafons at
Bethejda : I intend ftaylng here fome days, and will redcenn
what time I can to write to friends — May grace, mercy and
peace be multiplied upon them all : Amen and Amen. — -My
dear wife and family are well— GoD willing, we move north-
ward in the beginning of Alarch.
To Mr. H y ,
]ily very dear Brother, Charles-Toivn^ fan, 23, 1747.
I Owe you much love, and though I have written to you
more than once, yet I look upon myfelf as indebted to you
ilill. — I therefore now fit down to anfwer the kind letter
which you fent my dear yokefellow. — She is now at Georgia^
and having not as yet feen it, fhe cannot anfwer it herfelf.—
BleiTed be God fhe is well, and profpers both in foul and
body — We talk of you often, and hope yet to live and have
our hearts warmed with our Englijh and Welch friends ere we
go hence, and are no more feen. At prefent the cloud feems
to hang over the American parts. — The Lord Jesus is pleaf-
ed to give me great accefs to multitudes of fouls, and I hope
has withal given me as ftrong an inclination as ever, to go
out and preach to them the unfearchable riches of his dying
love. I lately came from Bethefda^ and found my family well,
happy in Jesus, and happy in one another. — Our Lord bow-
ed the heavens feveral times and came down among us, in the
power of his eternal Spirit. — In the beginning of March^ I
purpofe, God willing, to fet out for the northward again, and
fliall not lofe any opportunity of writing, that offers in my
way. I am forry to hear the leaven of Antinoinianipn is not
yet purged out, and that animofities are not yet ceafed. — I can
fay nothing at this diftance, but pray that the God of peace
and love may dire6t and rule all my dear friends hearts. You
will remember me to all in the moft tender manner. — Indeed I
omit no opportunity offending. — I pray for you all continu-
ally, and begging a continued intereft in all your prayers, I
fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear brother.
Yours mod affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. n\
To a generous Benefactor unknown,
' CharkS'Town^ Alarch, 15, 1747.
WHOEVER you are that delight to imitate the divine
beneficence iji doing good to your fellow-creatures
when they know not of it, 1 think it my duty, in behalf of
the poor orphans committed to my care, to fend you a letter
of thanks for your kind, generous and opportune benefac-
tion. — That God who has opened your heart to give fo boun-
tifully, will as bountifully reward you. — ^1 truft you have con-
tributed towards the promoting an inftitution, which has, and
I believe will redound much to the Redeemer's glory. — Bleff-
ed be God, I hope I can fay, that Bethefda was never in bet-
ter order than it is now, in all probability taking root down-
\yards, and bearing fruit upwards. — Since my arrival there
this winter, I have opened a Latin fchool, and have feveral
children of prcmifing abilities that have begun to learn. — One
little orphan, who this time twelvemonth could not read his
letters, has made a confiderable proficiency in his Accidence,-^
The blefTed fpirit has been ftriving with feveral of the chil-
dren's infant hearts, and I hope ere long to fee feme minifters,
fent forth from that defpifed place called Georgia, It is true,
the conftitution of that colony is very bad, and it is impofllbje
for the inhabitants to fubfilt themfelvcs without the ufe of
Haves. But God has put it into the hearts of my South-Ca-
rolina friends, to contribute liberally towards purchafing a
plantation and flaves in this province ; which I purpofe to de-
vote to the fupport of Bethefda. — Blcfled be God, the purchafe
is made. — I laft week bought, at a very cheap rate, a plantation
of fix hundred and forty acres of excellent land, with a good
houfe, barn, and out-houfes, and fixty acres of ground ready
cleared, fenced and fit for rice, corn, and every thing that
•will be neceffary for provifions. One negroe has been given
me. — Some more I purpofe to purchafe this week. — -An over-
feer is put upon the plantation, and I trufi: a fufficient quan-
tity of provifion will be raifed this year. — The family at Be-
thefda confifts of twenty-fix. — When my arrears are difcharg-
edj I purpofe to incrcafe the number. — I hope that time will
foon come ; and that he who has begun, will go on to flir up
the friends of Zion to help me, not only to difcharo;c the
arrears, but alfo to bring the plantation lately purchal'ed to
fuch perfection, that if I ihould die fliortly, Bethcfda may yet
be provided for. — As you have been fuch a benefactor, I
thought proper to give you this particular account, that you
may fee it is not given in vain. — I could enlarge, but have
p;ily room to fubfcribe myfelf, generous friend.
Your moft obliged fervant,
To Mrs, B.
Bob£?ma, i^ Alary land) Sunday nighty April, 26, 1 747.
Very dear Mrs, B,
IF you will promifenot to be forry, that you fet outfo foon,
I will inform you, that through the fmgular goodnefs of a
loving Redeemer, we reached Bohemia laft night, after a plea-
fant journey of about five weeks from Charles-Town, To-da)'',
I truft we have enjoyed fome tafte of that love, which I pray
the Lord of all Lords to ftied abroad abundantly in your
dear heart by the Holy Ghoft. You are entered upon a fcene
that will call for more than ordinary afTiftance. Jesus, who
himfelf was once in a wildernefs, knows how to fuccour, fup-
port and comfort you. '^ Out of the eater he can bring
forth meat ; Out of the ftrong he can and will bring forth
fweetnefs." My poor prayers do and will follow you. I
truft you will return loaded with experience ; and however
your journey may turn out in refpedl to your body, I am per-
fuaded it will be for the benefit of your foul. To tell you
how bountifully the glorious Emmanuel hath dealt with us,
would fill a volume. He hath indeed done wonders for us, —
fome of which 1 hope to relate to you, when I fee you face
to face. After two days abode here, I purpofe, God willing,
to take a three weeks circuit in hunting after Maryland fin-
ners. In Virginia^ for the prefent, the door is fhut; but I be-
lieve it will be open in the fall to more advantage. I have no
thoughtsof vifiting it this fpring. The cloud moves another
-v/ay. However, night and day I fhall remember you in your
92 letters;
little hut, praying that you may meet with agreeable compan^r
to join in faying, " Lord Jesus, all my fprings are in thee/*
that you may be continually enabled to believe on him, and
find him to be a well of water fpringing up to life eternal, is the
hearty prayer of, very dear Mrs. B •,
Your very afFedlionate, fympathizing friend,
^nd willing fervant for Jesus's fake,
To the Rev, Mr, F -.
Bohemia^ April iZ^ I747»
Rev. and very dear Brother ^
WITH this, I fend you a packet from your brother,
whom I left well and happy at Bethefda about fix
weeks ago. As I came along I faw Mr. Davis: He is licenf-
led, as are the four houfes in Virginia 3 but there is a procla-
mation iflued out againft all itinerants. Nothing can be done
to the purpofe, but all will be in the utmoft confufion, unlefs
fome proper perfon is al\vays refident among the awakened
fouls. Pray acquaint your brethren of this. How do you
fill ? Has Jesus warmed your hearts this laft cold Winter,
and kept you from fpiritual frofl ? He has ^een very gracious
to us fouthward 5 and as we came along, ^^ the wildernefs
feemed to bloflbm like a rofe.'* About five weeks ago, we
left Charles-Towriy and reached Bohemia laft Saturday evening.
We came from Hanover county to this place in five days. I
am now dlfpatching my private affairs, and after about three
weeks itinerant preaching in thefe parts, I purpofe, God wiU
ling, to go towards Philadelphia, You will remember me in a
particular manner to the young fludents. — They have a con«
tinual fliare in my poor prayers ^ and the continuance of theira
and yours is earncftly defired by, my very dear Sir,
^Yours mofl aftedionately in Christ,
G, W.
To the Honourable J. W , Ejq-,
New-Town^ {Maryland) May 6y 1747.
flonoured 5/r,
A Few days paft I had the pleafure of yours, dated A'"^-
vemher 28th. I embrace this firft opportunity of re-
turning you my hearty thanks for the unmerited kindnefs and
afFedtion exprefled therein. May the Redeemer give mc an
humble heart, and grant that all favours conferred upon me
by inftrum.entSi may lead me nearer to him, the fource and
fountain of all ! But what lliali I fay to dear New- England' r,
forrowful circumftances ? It pities me to hear that fhe is ftill
lying in the duft. However, this has generally been the cafe :
trying and difireffing times have generally followed av/akening
and converting times. May jES^^rs fecond them with another
alarm of his holy fpirlr, and then all will be v^qW. Glad Would
I be to come and ofFer myfelf once more to do New-England
fervice ; but I am afraid that many minifters and the heads
of the people would not bear it. However, was this my only
reafon, it would foon be anfwered. — But here are thoufands
in thefe Southern parts (as you have obferved, honoured Sir),
that fcarce ever heard of redeeming grace and love. Is it not
my duty as an itinerant, fince other places have had their calls
and awakening feafons, to go where the gofpel has not been
ramed ? Thofe who think I want to make a party, or to
difturb churches, do not know me. I am willing to hunt in
the woods after fmnefs ; and, according to the prefent temper
of my mind, could be content that the name of George IVhite^
^J(^{hould die, if thereby the name of my dear Redeemer could
be exalted. Indeed I am amazed that he employs me at all.
But what fhall we fay? He hateth putting away, therefore I
am not confumed. Grace, fovereign free grace ! {hall be all
my fong. Laft Winter's mercies have renewed my obligations
to extol free grace. I could enlarge, but feveral things forbid.
In heaven, dear Sir, we fhall have no interruptions. That
you may be fupported through all the fatigues of your journey
thither, and with all your dear family, at length arrive at the
land of eternal reft, is the earneft prayer of, honoured Sir,
Yours, 5cc.
3 G. TV,
Pojlfcnpt. Fearing I (hall not have an opportunity of fee-
ing you, before you embark for England^ it being uncertain
whether your honour will be at Philadelphia upon my coming
there, I think it my duty, honoured Sir, in this way to Wifli
you, your honoured Lady and little Mifs, an extraordinary good
voyage. May the God of the feas as well as the God of the
dry land, be your convoy and pilot ! May you and all who
fail with you, be preferved from the hand of the enemy, and
kept in perpetual peace and fafety ! As God fiiall enable me,
my poor prayers fhall follow you. They are your due, ho-
noured Sir. The Pe?ifylvi:nia7is I am fure will foon regret the
lofs of you, ahd all the friends of liberty and loyalty muft be
conftrained to wifti you well. O that the great Governor of
the univerfe may fo blefs you with his holy fpirit, that you
may bring forth much fruit in old age ! O that you may hear
the great Judge of quick and dead falute you at the laft day,
with a " Weil done, thou good and faithful fervant, enter thou
into the joy of thy Lord ! " This, honoured Sir, is the native
language of my heart. As I truft you think me fmcere, be
pleafed to accept it, as the beft acknowledgment I can make
you and your beloved confort, for all the kindnefies you have
been pleafed to heap on, honoured Sir,
Your Honour's moft obliged humble fervant,
G. W,
ro Mrs, PJ^^.^ '^
New-Toivn^ (^Maryland) May 6, X747* -
Dear Airs. P ,
I Muft refrain no longer from returning you thanks for two
or three kind letters with which you have favoured me.
They feemed to fpeak the language of a heart concerned for
Zions glory. Well ! Blefled are they that mourn for thofe
who will not mourn for themfelves, verily they fhall be com-
forted. Blefled are they who are enabled to walk with God
in a declining day ; — they fhall fhine hereafter with a diftin-
guifhed luftre. Thus Enoch did, — and Enoi:h was remarkably
honoured. — <' He was not, for God took him." — But fliall
the harps oi Boflon Chriflians be always hanging on the wil-
lows f
L E T T E R is. 95
lows ? No J Jesus will not be always chiding. He that has
brought on this ple^fant Spring, after (o hard a Winter, can
thaw men's hearts, and caufe the turtle once more to be heard
in the land. Haflen that time, O blcfTed Lord ! — I hope
you will keep clofe to your prayer-days. I have received the
memorials from dear Mr. P , and Ihall difperfe them. I
fhould be glad of a line from him. How are his dear daugh-
ters, and the other members of your fociety ? I do not forget
you, indeed I do not. If aiFeflion guided me, you would foon
fee me ; but the people in thefe Southern parts are like people
that have no fhepherd. Surely I ought to go out after them.
To-day I have had a fwcct feafon. People are very ready to
hear, and the word feems to faften in fome fouls. Follow me
with your prayers. Remember me to your hufband, and to
all, in the moft cordial manner, and believe me to be
Your very affe6lionate friend, and willing fervant
for Christ's fake,
G. ir,
To Madam P . /c^yer^//
Dover^ [Penfylvaiiia) MaySy 1 747.
Honoured Madam^
THE gi-eat though unmerited regard you have always been
pleafed to exprefs for me, emboldens me now and then
to drop you a line to inform you, that you are not forgotten
by me before that God whofe mercy cndureth for ever, I
truft, your latter end, like that of y^^'s, will greatly increafe,
and that you will, as it is faid of the righteous, " Bring forth
much fruit in old age." Your honoured hufband (to whom
be pleafed to prcfent my dutiful refpeds) I fuppofe is now
with you. The Lord hath honoured you with many ho-
nours, and I hope, amidft all outward favours, does not with-
hold the comforting influences of his blefled fpirit from your
foul. I have reafon to believe, you cfleem this above all earthly
things whatfoever. O, dear Madam ! how mean and con-
temptible does every creature appear, when the foul gets a near
view of a crucified Redeemer ! How enfy to bear pain, when
one meditates on the agony and bloody fv/cat of an incarnate
God [
God ! Here then, honoured madam, fix your eye. Look
unto Jesus continually. He hath been the author, he will
be the finiilier of your faith. I find him to be a God that
chano^eth not, a tender and companionate High Prieft. Thro*
his help, I continue to this day preaching amongfl poor finnefs
the unfcarchable riches of his dying lov^c. I am as well in
health as I can expedl: to be, and more and more determined
to fpcnd and be fpent for the good of precious and immortal
fouls. Through grace, my labours are rendered very accept-
able in various places. Be plcafed, A/Iadam, to remember me
before the throne. I neither forget you nor the General.— i
I pray that God's lovihg-kindnefTes and fatherly correclions
may make you truly great, and beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf,
honoured Madam,
Your afledionate, obliged humble fervant,
To Mr. B , Senior,
Dover ^ May 8, 1747,
Very dear Mr. B ,
I Think it is high time for me to fend you a line of thanks,,
for the favours you have been pleafed to fliew me, while
others were loading me with fcorn and contempt. A weak
body and continued employ in the fervice of the bef! of Mafters,
occafion my not writing fo frequently to my dear friends, as
love and gratitude would prompt me to do. You will accept
this unfeigned apology, and ftill increafe the obligations you
have laid upon me, by continuing to remember me before the
Lord. I have need, great need of the uniied prayers of my
chriflian friends. — For Jfesus hath of hue fo remarkably ap-
peared for me, that I ought to lay myfelf out more and more
in going about endeavouring to do good to precious and im-
mortal fouls. At prcfent this is my fettled refolution. The
Redeemer fecms to approveof it j for the fields in the Southern
parts are white ready unto harvefl, and many feem to have (lie
hearing ear. All next OBoher^ God willing, I have devoted
to poor North- Carolina. It is pleafant hunting in the v/oods
after the lofl (liecp for whom the Redeemer hath (bed his pre-
t:ous bido'd. May the Lord of the harvcft fpirit up more to
go forth in his ft^ength, to compel poor rinners to come in !
I hope that you and my other Bojloji friends do go in and out,
and find good pafture. I hear it is a Winter time with many.
May God keep the fatal languor from extending to the circle
of my intimate friends ! For alas, what is a chriftian with-
out a holy warmth- ? Will you remember me to all that you
know, in the moft tender manner ? I befeech them by the
mercies of God, to live near to Jesu's crofs, and whatever
others may do, let them and theirs ferve the Lord Christ.
You will remember me in particular to Mr. F , and his
family, Mr. V and wife, your dear fon, and your whole
houfl^old, as being, dear Sir,
Your moft afFedionate, obliged friend
and brother in Christ,
G. JV.
To Mr, H 5~.
Dover ^ May q^ 1747*
AS you were my kind hoft and peculiar friend, I take the
liberty of writing to yoii m.ore frequently than to others.
I hope you will accept of this as a token cf my unfeigned gra-
titude and love. It brings you the news of my being advanced
thus far, of my bein^; in health, and employed in going aboiit
and preaching to poorfmners the unfearchable riches of Jesus
Christ. I fhall be rhore northward, Gob willing, in June^
and pofTibly may flretch as far as fome part of 'New-EnglancL
— But I am not yet determined. Pray for me, dear Mr.
5- , that Jesus may direct my fteps. I would not will-
ingly go to the right hand or to the left, contrary to his
blefled will, for ten thoufand worlds.- — When (hall I have
another line from you ? It may be directed to me at Ph'iladel-
-phia. My dear yoke-fellow is there now. We travelled very
pleafahtly through the woods, and purpofe returning to South-
Carolina and Georgia in the fall. We lead a moving life, but
I truft we move heaven-ward. O that Jesus may quicken
all his dear people's hearts, and caufe them to mount on wings
like an eagle 1 I hear that times are yet dead in New-England,
VoL.IL G * It
It is dreadful to have winter all the year round. May your
heart, my ikar Sir, and the heart of your dear wife, and the
hearts of all my dear frienJs, be kept clofe to Jesus, and con-
tinually flaming v/ith love ! I know you will readily fay Jmen,
For the prefcnt, adieu. I mud go to my delightful work.
Preaching. Pray rcmenihcr me to all. Let me have a
line, and tell me whether the Lord ftirs up any to lend an
helping hand to, very dear iMr. S ,
Yours moll affedionately in Christ,
G. W.
^^* To the Reverend Mr. M , junior,
Dover in Pe}ifylvaniay May 9, 1747.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
EVER fmcc I have known and heard of you, the Lord
Jesus Christ hath made you peculiarly dear to my
foul. Your troubles and foul diftrelTes have in fome meafure
been my own. I have looked and learned from your cafe,
that we are indeed but clay in the hands of the heavenly pot-
ter, and that a fovereign God may deal with us as k feemeth
good in his fight. *' His ways are in the deep waters, and his
footileps arc not known." What he does to us now, we know
not, but we fliall know hereafter. How will you be furprized,
dear Sir, in a very Ihort time, to fee that Jesus, whom your
foul loves, and who has many a time fhed abroad his love in
your heart ; how will you be furprized to fee him receive you
into glory, and turning your late or prefent Egyptian darknefs
into ccleflial and eternal day ? May the companionate high
prieft till then fupport your fmking fpirits, and enable you to
cope with and overcome all thofe difficulties and temptations,
which either the prevalency of an inveterate mjelancholy, or
the malice of evil fpirit?, may make you the fubje(2: of ! Satan
hath defired to have you, that he may fift you as wheat; but
furely Jesus prays for you, though as it were behind the cur-
tain. Excufe this freedom, reverend Sir ; redeeming love con-
flrains me to v/rite thus. I hope you will receive it, as it
is written, in much love. If you enquire after me, I would
inform you that I am travelling about, and preaching from
time to time among pbcf Tinners the unfearchable riches of
Jbs us
Jesus Christ. I truft, my labours are not in vain in the
Lord. The glorious Emmanuel has given mc a pleafant
Winter, and I hope is about to caufe thcfe fcuthern wilder-
nefies to bloflbm like a rofe. Yc-u will follow me with your
prayers. My moft humble and affectionate rLipecis await your
aged father. My love to your nurfe, and all Tork friends.
I am
Yours moft aiFedionatcly in Tcsus Chr-ist,
To Airs. B .
TFicoacommocOy [Maryland) May 16, 1747.
hear Mrs, B ,
HEARING by Captain Adams that the glorious E?n?na-'
nucl holds your foul in life, I cannot help letting you
know, paft kindnelles are not yet forgotten, and that I wifli yoii
much fpiritual and temporal profperlty. How does your foul
profper in thefe hard, dull and affliding times ? Has tribulation
produced patience, patience experience, and experience hope ;
and do you find thereby the love of God (lied abroad in your
heart by the Holy Ghoft ? Happy then, unfpeakably happy-
are you in being aiflided. With exultation of heart may you
O happy red !
That hr ought me nearer to ifiy God.
I think I can fay, it is good to bear the yoke of afHiclion in
youth. It teaches one to keep filence, and weans us from a
too great attachment to all fublunary enjoyments. I have
a few ftrokes of my father's rod from time to time, as well as
you. But I jBnd that his rod as well as his ftaff do comfort. I
am a naugTity child, and want much correction ; but he that:
wounds, heals alfo, and in glory vve (hall find, that his loving
corrediiion hath made us great. O glory ! It is yonder In view ;
Jesus ftands at the top of the ladder to receive us into it.
Look to him, dear Mrs. B , for furely he is your never-
dying hufband. — Death itfelf diall not, death cannot part him
and you. Had I ftrength equal to my will, I fliould write
much of the Redeemer's ; but my body 13
G % weak
iveak throush continued journeyirlgs and preaching. However^
Christ's ftrcngth is in fome degree magnified in my weakncfs,
and my preaching is blefled tb poor fouls. Amazing love !
Maryland is yielding converts to the blefled Jesus. The:
gofpel feems to be moving Couth ward. Pray for me, that I
may be unv/caried in well doing, and follow the Lamb
whitherfoevcr he fliall be pleafcd to lead me. Pray rcmembef
me in the kindcft manner to your aged declining paftor^ the
other minifter who lives about five miles from you, to Mr.
y ^ and all my kind nurfes, and dear York friends. I
find death and ficknefs have made great havock and alterations
among them. May Jesus fancSliiy all events to the further^
ancc of his grace, in all their hearts, and give us to meet
where the wicked ceafe from troubling, and the weary are at
reft! I falute you and all, and once more praying that you
and yours may be watered by the blefled Jesus every mo-
moment, I fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mrs, B ,
Your mofi: afieclionate, obliged
fervant in Jesus Christ,
To the Reverend Mr. J R^ ,
Wtcoacommoca^ May i6, 1747.
CAN fouls united In Jesus's love ever forget one ano-
ther ? It is difficult, though I believe poflible ; and in
dull feafons I fear too common. However, blefled be the Re-
deemer, I have not yet forgotten my dear Mr. R . As a
proof it, I fend you thcfe few lines by Captain Adams, -You
fee whence they are dated. Methinks T fee you rejoice, and
ready to fay, '* And have the Marylanders alfo received the
o-race of God ?" I truft fome have indeed received his o-racc
O to
in fincerity. The harvefl: is promifing. — The heat tries my
wafliing tabernacle, but, through Christ ftrengthening me,
I intend perfiiling till I drop. Since I faw you, the glo-
rious Emwafiuel has multiplied my obligations to fpend and be
fpent in his fervice a thoufand-fold. The language of my
heart at prefent is.
A wtlUng and a chearful mincl^
That life and all things cajl behind^
Springs forth obedient to thy call j
A heart that no defire can move^
Butjlill to adore^ believe and lova^
Give me^ my Christ, my God, my all.
O dear Sir, continue to pray for me, that I may not flag In
the latter ftages of my road. I was in hopes of feeing you
this Summer, but am afraid my engagements to preach in
North- Carolina next O^oher will prevent me. However, you
and the other dear neighbouring minifters are always upon my
heart, I pity them in their prefcnt diftreffing circumftances,
and pray that they and you may have grace given to endure
hardnefs like good foldiers of Jesus Christ. Your dear
father I hear is difcharged from all campaigns. — Ere long, the
captain of our falvation will command us home alfo. The
Lord grant that we may tile like foldiers, fighting againft
the devil, the world, and the flefh. I|ow are your dear bro-
thers and fon ? Pray give my hearty love to them, and to your
dear wife, and whole houfhold. I falute you all from my
dear fellow pilgrim now at Philadelphia ; and praying that yoii
may have thoufands to be your joy and crown of rejoicing
in the great day, I fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and very dear
Your very afFedllonate friend, brother and
>\'illing fervant in Jesus Christ,
To the Reverend Mr, B '.
Near NeW'Town^ [Maryland) May 2r, 1747.
ND how dees my dear friend and brother Mr. B •
after fo long a filence ? What a pity is it, that the Re-
deemer's children cannot more frequently corrcfpond with each
other ? BleiTed be God, there is a time coming, when our
fellowfliip with Jesus and one another fliail never be inter-
rupted. Now is the time for ftirring; then will be a time for
fitting, in no meaner place than (O amazing love !) at the
G 3 light
right hand of the everloving, everlovely Lamb of God. — -Well
then my dear man, let us go on in his ftrength, and fee what
we can do for precious and immortal fouls. Indeed they are
purchafed with the blood of God. This confideration ex-
cites me to pcrfift in going out into the highways and hedges.
— I have been now a three hundred mile circuit in Mary-land^
and through one or two counties in Fenfilvama, Every where
people have a hearing ear, and I truft fome have an obedient
heart. I hope the time of fmging of birds is come to 'New-
England^ and that your hands are full of work. I moft
heartily wiili you very much fuccefs. I cordially falute your
dear yoke-fellow, and all the followers of the Lamb, and beg
you would not forget, my dear old friend,
^ Your affectionate
To the Reverend Mr, P . ,
New-Town^ Mayliy 1747.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
IT fometimcs gives me concern that I cannot hear ofteney
from you, and your dear fon, whom I love fo tenderly.
But I fuppofe your hands are full of work for the beft of
mafters. I pray him daily, that you may be crowned with
much fuccefs. Though 1 have deferved a thoufand and a
thoufand times over to be caft off, yet fuch is the divine good-
nefs, that my labours in frefli places are made very acceptable
daily. I have now been upon the ftretch, preaching con-
llantly for alnioit three weeks. I hope I can fay with fm-
cerity (O that I may fay it with humility !) that God hath
been vvith me of a truth. My body is often extremely weak,
but the joy of the Lord is my ftrength, and by the help of
my God I intend going on till I drop, or this poor carcafe
can hold out no, more. Thefe fouthern colonies lie in dark-
nefs, and yet, as far as I find, are as willing to receive the
gofpel as others. If fome books could be purchafed to difpofe
among poor people, much good might be done. Pray, Sir,
have you any Latin fchool-books to fpare ? I fhall want fome
for ihe Orphan-houfe. I hope to hear from you at Philadel-^
S phia^
phia^ where I expe(£l to be in a week's time. In the mean
while, reverend Sir, I beg you would make my mod cordial and
humble refpeds acceptable to all your reverend brethren, that
honoured me with their acquaintance, as well as to your dear
family and all other friends. I wifh you and them millions
and millions of bleflings, and intreat the continuance of their
and your prayers, for, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft afFetS^ionate, though unworthy
younger brother, and fervant in Christ,
G. IV,
ro Mr, H H .
Philadelphiay May 30, 1 747.
My dearcjl Brother ^
HAD I flrength equal to my will, you fliould now re-
ceive from me a very long letter ; but at prefent I have
fuch a fever upon me, that I can fcarce fend you a {^^ lines.
However I will try. Your dear letters in Auguji laft came
to my hands laft Lord's-day. — They varioully affecled me, and
put me on the fearch, whether I had negledcd writing to my
very dear man. Upon enquiry, I found that I wrote to you
about the fame time as I wrote to Mr. J , and brother
S , a«d four or five times fince. Blefled be the God
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am not fufFered to
forget Old love and old friends. Indeed you are very dear
tome, — all of you very dear to me ftill. I thank you ten
thoufand times for all expreilions of your tender love, and
for your fteadinefs in the truths and caufe of Christ ; and
hope fometimcs that your prayers will draw me to England
more fpeedily than I imagine. But what fhall I fay, my
dear friend ? Here are thoufands and thoufands in Jlmerica
who as to fpiritual things know not their right hand from
their left ; and who are ready to hear the gofpel from my
mouth. Since my coming this time from Georgia^ I have
been within thefe five weeks a circuit of 4C0 miles, and every
where found the fields white ready unto harveft. Nobody
goes out fcarcely but myfelf. As you are in England and
WaUi^ the power of religion I truft will be kept up j and
G 4 though
though my coming (hould be delayed fome time longer, yet
when I am fent, it will be with the greater blefling. I am
daily finifliing my outward afFairs, and (hall think my call
clearer home, when I have provided for the fupport of the
Orphan-houfe. The generous bcnefa£lor's letter pierced my
heart, made me to fhcd tears of love, and to put up many
prnvers fqr him. I fent him a letter from Charles-Town under
cover to Mr. B . If the perfon be unknown, I fee no
iH^propriety in printing my letter in the Daily AdverUfer or
Evening Pofi. I am glad you have printed my letter to the
Litchfield clergy, and want to know vi^h^t efTe^t my fermon
on the rebellion has had. Our Lord has blefled it much
in thefe parts. I fliall be glad v/hen the great Head of the
church unites dear brethren again. I trull nothing fhall be
wanting on my part when 1 come over. Ari union before
perhaps may net be fo v^elL However, I leave it to you, my
dear Sir, and think that the bar being taken away againft
people's coming to the tabernacle, may be one good flep to-
wards it. I wait upon the Lord. As his grace increafes
in the heart, I am fure his children will grow lefs pofitive
and more child-like, yet more fleady. O my dear man, I
could write all night long, but am fo giddy by hard riding
and preaching conftantly in the heat of the day, that I muft
defer being more particular till another opportunity. I hope
my dear wife will fupply all my deficiencies. Remember me
in the tendereft manner to all. Bid them to pray me to
England; and in the mean while, they may affure themfelves
they are not forgotten by, my very dear brother.
Yours, &c.
G, W.
Philadelphia y June i, 1747,
My dear Mr, H ,
I Make no apology for troubling you with the inclofed. I
hear you have taken the Tabernacle outward afFairs into
your hands. I am glad of it, and pray the Lord of all
Lords to make you a faithful fteward of his manifold gifts. You
ill remember me moft tenderly to dear Mrs. ii , and to
slH friends. Perhaps I may fee you yet before I die. God is
delivering me out of my embarrafTments by degrees. With
the collcdtion made at Charles-Toivr,y I have purchafed a plan-
taiion and fome flaves, which I intend to devote to the ufe of
Bethcfda. When a fufficient fur.d for the future fupport of
that houfe is raifed, fo that it may not lie as a dead weight
upon, n}e when abfent, I (hall think my call clearer to Englandf
At prefent I have full work here ; the congregations yefterday
were exceeding large, and for this month paft I have been
preaching to thoufands in different places. 1 amfick and well,
as I ufed to be in England-^ but the Redeemer fills me with
cornfcrtj and gives me to rejoice in his falvation day by day,
I am determined in his ftrength to die fighting, and to go on
till I drop. He is a Jesus worth dying for. Once more,
remember us to all. We remember you, and arn, as much as
js ever, dear Mr. H ,
Your afFc6lionate friend, brother and
willing fervant in Christ,
G. U\
<Tq Mr, J 5 .
Very dear Sir^ Philadelphia, June 4, 1747.
YESTERDAY I received your very kind andjudicious
letter. In anfwer to it, muft inform you, that in all proba-
bility I (hall once more fee my dear New-Erigland friends this
fummer. I fuppofe it will be fome time in July, At prefent
my whole frame of nature feems tP be fhocked. — I have had
feveral returns of my convulfions, and have almoft alwavs a
continual burning fever. With great regret I have omitted
preaching one night (to oblige my friends,) and purpofe to do
ip pnce more, that they may not charge me with murdering
myfelf ; but I hope yet to die in the pulpit, or fcon after I come
qut of it. Dying is exceeding pleafant to me : for the Lord,
though my body is fo v/eak, caufes my foul to rejoice ex-
ceedingly. Letters frcm i:^^/Wrefre{hed me ; all of them call
me home loudly. May Jesus direct my fteps ! I am poor
and needy, but the Lord I am perfuaded will be my helper.
Outward affairs when I am weak pull me down ; but the
LcRD can and will raife and keep me up. — I preach here
with great acceptance. Congregations are as large as ever.
Next Monday fevennight 1 purpofe, God willing, to fet
out for New-York, I wrote lately from New-Town, to Meflrs.
Prince, IV , R , ^c, but am apt to believe the packet
has mifcarried. I think to come by way o^ Long-IJland, and
to return by Conne£licut. You will not be flack in getting
^11 to pray for me, who am, very dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
ro Mr. P .
Very Dear sir, Philadelphia, J^??^ 5, 1747.
THOUGH this frail nature of mine has lately received
fevei al very great fhocks, yet I cannot, if ftrength ad-
mits, omit writing you a line. Glad was I when I came to
town, to hear by Captain G that you was fo far recovered,
as to be able once more to go to the houfe of God. I hear-
tily wiOi you, dear Sir, what the noble Colonel Gardiner once
w'ifhed me, *' A thriving foul in a healthy body." Or how-
ever it may be with the one, I earneftly pray that the other
may profper. Sicknefs is often made ufe of as a means, in the
hands of an all-gracious Father, to ripen our graces and fit us
for heaven. Through grace, I can fay it is good for me to
be fick, though I am afraid I am too impatient to be gone.
Well ! He that cometh, will come, and cannot tarry long :
till then may I be refigned, and work the works of him that
fent me whilft it is day, before the night cometh when no
man can work. I could proceed, but indeed, dear Sir, ftrength
faileth me. However, I hope to fee you and my other dear
Charles-Town friends in November. O that till then we may
every moment grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus
Christ. I would write to many, but weaknefs forbids. I
muft refer you to Mr. 5 for particulars concerning me.
My dear yoke-fellaw joins in fending cordial rcfpeds to your-
felf and all friends. Neither you nor they are forgotten by^
very dear Sir,
Yours, kc,
G. TV,
To Mr. B .
Philadelphia y June 6, 1747,
My very dear Friejul^
I Love you dearlj', and therefore muft, though in much
wcaknefs, fend you a line. It informs you of my beino-
fick, but withal of the Lord's comforting me, and caufmg
me to triumph over the king of terrors. Mr. B 1 fuppofe,
ere this reaches you, will let you know that the word has
run, and hath been glorified in Mary-lmd. Satan has at-
tempted to flop the progrefs of the everlafting gofpel in /'7a--
gi7iia ; but I believe he has ovcrfliot himfelf. How can it be
Otherwife ? fmce eternal Truth hath faid, <* The feed of the
woman fhall brulfe the ferpent's head." I hope you find this
true, by the daily conqueft you get over .the corruptions of
your heart. Remember who hath promifed to make you more
than conqueror through his love. Our kind refpecSts attend
fiear Mrs. B , your fon, and daughter, and all friends.
Q that we may meet grown in grace, and the knowledge
ofour Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I fubfcribe my-
(e)f, very dear Mr. 5— — ,
Yours mod aiFedionately in Christ,
G. fK
To ihe Reverend Mr. S — .
Philadelphia^ June 23, 1747.
Reverend and dear Sir^
SINCE my laft, I have been feveral times on the verge of
eternity. To-day I have got a few more fpirits. I
would improve them in anfwering your kind letter, which I
received yeflerday. I am obliged to Charles-Town friends:
their example will certainly influence many here. Something
is upon the anvil. Particulars expe61: in my next. To-mor-
row, God willing, I fet out for Neiv-York^ to fee if I can,
gain (Irength. At prefent I am Co weak, that I cannot preach.
— 'Tis hard work to be filent j but I mufl: be tried every way.
Friends are exceeding kind. What is the befl: of all, the
friend of finncrs looks in upon, and comforts my heart. I
have had loud calls to ETigla7jd. Matters go on bravely there,
and in JVales. My State Sermon has gone through two editions.
They have alfo my five laft ferrnons, which have convinced my
friends that I am firm to my principles. May Jesus keep
me fteady till I die ! I am glad Mr. P went off fo well.
His children I look upon as my own. The things which he
had belong to me. I would have them taken to Providence :
for that alfo Deus provldebit. Your father is well, and always
talking of you. Why did you not mention his wife in your
letter ? She is a difcreet woman, and defired to be remembered
to you. Every day fhe expe£ls to lie in. You will excufc
my enlarging. — Strength begins to fail me. However, whilft
I have ftrength I would employ it in praying for you and yours,
J fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft affectionately in Christ Jesus,
To Mr. R .
NeiU'Tork, June 28, 1747,
My dear Brother^
THANKS be to Gon, for revealing his dear Son in you.
Thanks be to his great name for calling you to preach
his everlafting gofpel. I give him all the glory, and adore
him for making ill and hell-deferving me, the happy inflru-
ment of alarming and awakening your dead foul. Ere long,
I hope we fhall meet in eternity, to fing endlefs praifes to
him who has redeemed us unto God by his blood, and has
made us kings and priefts unto God, and enables us to reign
over death, hell, and fin, even whilfl here on earth. I abhor
all thofe bad principles which you mention, and cannot join
fo as to labour in the fame place, and upon the fame plan,
v/ith thofe that hold them. However, let us behave with
meeknefs, my dear brother, and we fhall foon find that every
plant that our heavenly father hath not planted, Ihall be
plucked up. ^' He that beiieveth doth not make hafte. ■ ■ Je-
$us reigneth ; let our eyes wait on Him. All things fiiall
work, and even now are working, together for good to all tha$
love him. In due time you will fee me, perhaps next year.
I am as willing to hunt for fouls as ever. I am not weary of
my maflcr or his work, though he might long ago have been
weary of me. But his name is Love. Proclaim it, my dear
Sir, proclaim it till thou dieft. By the ftrength of God I
will. My love to all. I can now write no more, beino- re-
covered from a great illnefs. Continue to pray over
Your affectionate friend, brother
and fervant in ChrisTj
G. U'\
To Dr, B .
Dear S'lr^ New-Torky June 29, 1747.
SINCE I wrote to Dodor S -, I have preached to a
very large auditory, and, blefTed be God, do not find
myfelf much worfe for it this morning. As I am bound to
thank you for all favours, fo efpecially would I fend my ac-
knowledgments for promoting this northward excurfion. I
believe it will be a great means of reftoring my health, which
1 value upon no other account, than as it renders me more
capable of doing good to mankind. A pleafmg profpe6i: of
a£lion lies before me. I am willing once more, in the ftrength
o^ ]'Es\3S oi Nazareth^ to enter the field, and hope throuo-h
his bleffing, I fhall return to Philadelphia laden with frefti
experiences of unwearied and redeeming love. Whether I
fhall leave New-York this week is uncertain. But wherever I
am, aflure yourfelf, dear Sir, your favours fhall not be for-
gotten. That the great phyfician of fouls may blefs you aAd
yours with the choicefl of his mercies, is and fhall be the
hearty prayer of, dear Sir,
Your moft obliged humble fervant,
G. W.
To .
New-Tor^, June 2g, 1747*
My very dear^ dear Brother^
IT is with much pleafure I now fit down to anfwer your
kind and welcome letters, dated Jpril nth and 13th,
And to keep you no longer in fufpence, I would inform youj
that they have had fuch an efFectupon me, that, God willing, I
am determined to embark for England or Scotland early next
Spring. — 'Till Chrt/lmas I am already under indiflbluble en-
gagements, and am making a ftrong effort, in dependance
on the great Head of the church, to get free from my outward
embarrafsments. — I thank .my dear EngUJJo friends for what
they have done for me in this refpe£i, and muftbeg you, my dear
and faithful brother, ftill to do what you can further. The
Lord Jesus feems to ajjure me that the time of my deliverance
is at hand. — I hope before this year is out, to ftock my new
plantation in South-Carolina as a vifibk fund for the Orphan^
houfe^ and upon news of fomething more being done in Eng-
land^ (fo that my poor heart may no more be opprefled as
it has been for many years by outward difficulties,) my an-
fwer fhall be, Lo ! I come once more to fee my dear, ver3^
dear friends on the other fide of the mighty waters. 'Till
then, I fhall as it were count the hours, and long for them
to glide away a-pace. My dear yoke-fellow now at Fhila-
delphia is like-minded, being exceedingly defirous to fee her
dear friends once more. May Jesus grant it, if it be agree-
able to his holy will ! Indeed, I have lately thought I fhould
never fee you any more. For fome weeks paft, I have been
exceedingly indifpofed. Gob has been pleafed to bring my
body to the very brink of the grave by convulfions, gravel,
a nervous cholic, and a violent fever. But as pain and af-
fii£tion3 abounded, confolations much more abounded, and
my foul longed to take its flight to Jjesus. For this week
pad 1 have not preached ; but fince my leaving Philadelphia^
about three days ago, I fecmed to have gathered ftrcngth, and
hope once more, to-morrow, to proclaim amongft poor fin-
ners the unfearchable riches of Jesus Christ. From hence
I pur-
I purpofe to go to Bojlon^ and return by land £b as to reach
Cbarks-Towfi by November. — Glad lliall I be to receive an
anfwer to this, about that time there. — For upon that in a
great meafure will depend my coming to you, or flaying
longer in thefe parts. Blefled be the Lord of all Lords,
the door is yet open here, and I am exceedingly rejoiced to
find it is kept (o fweetly open at home. I can eafily guefs
how my dear man has been tried. I find more and more that
through much tribulation we muft enter into glory, and by
fufFerings be prepared for farther ufefulnefs here below. — O
that patience may have its perfefl work in our hearts. O that
underneath thee may be the everlafting arms, and that by hap-
py experience thou mayft daily prove the ftrength of Jesus
to be thine. I intend, God willing, to write to brother
y J &c. I rejoice that brother E ftill continues in
his place. — It is a token for good. You will return my moft
humble and dutiful refpedts to good Lady H—g — «, the Mar-
quifs, and Mrs, E n. If poiTible I will write to them.
— I fcnt letters to the Marquifs, Lord L w, and Lord
R ^, about OSioher lafl, but fuppofe they have mifcarried.
—I leave my affairs to you, and depend on you, under God,
to tranfa6t them all. —The trouble is great, but Jesus will
fupport and reward thee. — Near forty pounds yearly were fub-
fcribed in Englaiid to the Orpban-houfe^ but I have not received
I think above five. — I have rather more confidence in you, if
poffible, my very dear Man, than ever. May Jesus reward thee
for all thy works of faith, and labours which have proceeded
of love ! — 1 wiili you joy of your little one, and moft heartily
falute your 'dear wife, and all the lovers of the blefled Jesus
every where. I wrote to you about a month ago in extreme
weaknefs, and fhall negle6l no opportunity of fending to you,
— I befeech you to continue to pray me over, and afiure'your-
fclf none of you are forgotten by, my very dear Brother,
Ygurs moft afte^lionately in Christ Jesus,
G, m
112 L E t t E R Si
To the Rev, Mr. S -,
New-Torl'y July 4, 17470
Rev. and very dear Sir,
LAST week 1 left a letter for you at Philadelphia. — Since
that, through the divine bleffing, 1 have recovered a little
more flrength, and find my appetite reflored. I have been
here about eight days, and to-morrow, God willing, intend
pofting away to Bojion^ and then I fliall take a long, if not a
final farev/el of all my northward friends. I have preached
twice with great freedom. People flock rather more than
ever, and the Lord vouchfafes us folemn meetings. I hope
to be back again in fix weeks. I fliall go, if Tesu? gives
ftrength, like an arrow out of a bow. I have therefore left
my dear yoke-fellow at Philadelphia^ and expert to meet her
again at New-York. Among thefe three northward provinces^
I trufl fomething confiderable will be done towards payini^
off the orphan-houfe arrears. When that is effedled^ I care
not how foon I fmg my Nunc dimiitis -, but I muft wait 'till
my blefled change come. You will be pleafed to remember
me to all, and you may expe61:, God willing, at the appoint-
ed time. Reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. m
To Mr. A -.
New-Tor ky July 4, 1747.
My very dear Brother A ,
ir Havejufl now been reading over your kind letter, dated
JL November 23d, the fecond or third time. — It afrected me
much, and with the other letters, have conilra'ncd me 10 fet
my face towards England. — What is due in America.^ for the
Orphan-houfe^ I hope to difcharge this year. — I am of your
mind in refpe6l to the work in England^ and therefore am wil-
ling fo to fettle my affairs, that when I come over, I niiay flay
with you for a long feafon, if the Lord Jesus is pleafed to
give me health and ftrength. — At prcfent I am very vi^eakly,
and fcarce able to preach above once or twice a week. — But if
our Saviour hath further work for me to do, he can make me
young and ftrong as an eagle. — If not, I fhall go to him whoni
my foul loveth, and whom I long to fee. — BlefTed be his Name
that there are yet a few names left in Sardh^ that have not de-
filed their garments, but have kept clofe to his truths and
caufc in this declining day.— — -You will remember me to all
iTioft tenderly. — I pray for you continually, and whilft I am
writing, it being Friday'^ ^ comfort myfelf with this confidera-
tion, that many are praying for me. — You will fee my letter
lo dear brother H ;, and excufe my being fo fhort, becaufe
I am fo weak. — Our Lord continues to deal gracioully with
me, and was 1 well, I have rather a wider door than ever o-
pencd before me. — But our thoughts are not as his thoughts.—^
For the prefent, adieu. — -I fend moft cordial love lo you.,
yours, and all, and am, more than ever.
Yours, he, in the blefled Jesus,
G. TV.
To Mr J C ,
Afy dear yohn^ New-York^ J^b^f ^5 ^747-
T HOUGH i am quite fick and weak in body, yet the
love I owe thee for Jesu'g fake, coiiftrains me to an-
fwer your laft kind letter^ dated Febuary 5th. The other men-
tioned therein, never came to hand. I am forry to hear there
are yet difputings amohgfl: us about brick-walls, I was in
hopes, afcer our contefts of that kind about feven years ago,
fuch a fcehe would never appear again ; but I find frefh of-
fences muft come, to fearch out and difcover to irs frefh cor-
ruptions, to try our faith, teach lis to ceafe from man, and to
lean more upon hirh, who by his infinite wifdofn and power
will caufe, '^ that out of the eater fhall come forth meat, and
from the ftrong fweetnefs." I am glad ycu find yourfelf hap-
py in the holy Jesus, I wifli thee an increafe of fuclv dear-
bought happinefs every day, and pray that thy mouth may not
be ftopped, as others have been before thee, from publifhing;
the glad tidings of falvation, by a crucified Redeemer. It has
» Aftated weekly day of prayer, at xh^Tabcrtuide, londgrt.
'^'oL. IL H been
))een thy meat and drink to preach among poor Tinners the
unfearchablc riches of Jf.sus Christ. May'fl thou continue
and abide in this plan, and whether I fee thee or not, whether
thou doft ever think of, or write to me any more, I wifli thee
much fuccels, and Ihall always pray that the work of the Lord
m-ay profper in thy hands. Whether you have changed your
principles with your fituation, I know not. I would only
caution thee againft taking any thing for ^c/^^/ upon the mere
authority of man. Go where thou wilt,, though thou fhouldeft
be in the pureft fociety under heaven, thou wilt find that the
beft of men are but men at the bcft, and will meet with ftumbling
blocks enough, to teach thee the necefTity of a continual de-
pendence on the Lord Jesus, who alone is infallible, and
who will not give that glory to another. Blefled be his Name,
for the trials I have met with from the friends of Zio?7. At
pre(ent, I can rejoice in being deferted by one, and ufed un-
kind by another, who at the great day muft own me to be theip
fpiritual father. Such trials are very falutary. — They lead
me to the Crofs, and I truft in the end will conform me ta
him, who in his bittereft agony had no one to watch with him>
no not for one hour. My dear man, you will excufe me, as
my heart at prcfcnt is afFe^Sted with the thoughts of the divi-
fions that fubfift between the fervants and churches of Jesus
Christ. May Jesus heal them, and haften that blefled time,
when we fhall all fee eye to eye, and there fliall be no difput^
ings about houfes, do6lrine, or difcipline in all God's holy
mountain ! God willing, I purpofc feeing England next year,
and (ball be glad to converfe with thee once more, about the
things which belong to our Saviour's kingdom — If my prefent
ficknefs ends in death, we (hall converfe in a better world, and
without the leaft difcord and contention. Remember me tO'
Brampton, and to all. I thank them for not forgetting the
chief of finners. Teii them Jesus is yet with me, and caufes-
my rod to bud and bloflxmj. The bufh burns, but is not con-
fumed. Adieu.
Thine in the glorious Emmanuel ,
G. IV.
' To Airs. R .
Dear Madam, New- Port, Augujl 20, 1747.
T Hope that fince I left you, Mr. M 's converlation has
X been blelTed, and that you are fteadily and deliberately re-
folvcd to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him cruci-
fied. Indeed he is the faireft among ten thoufand. The
more you know him, the more you will love him. O what a
happy change will you experience when you enter into the
world of new creatures ! May Jesus haften the time, and ena-
ble you to come as a poor, loft, undone finner, to be clothed
with his everlafting righteoufncfs I Accept thefe i^\N hafty
lines. They are the language of a heart truly concerned for
your eternal welfare. I falute Mifs M ; may Jesus make
her a wife Virgin, and give you and dear Mr. R grace to
bring her up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ! I
at prefent add no more. As opportunity offers, you (hall hear
again from me. Dear Madam,
Your afFeclionate A-iend and fervant
for Christ fake,
G. IF,
I To Mrs L .
j. Dear Madam, New-port, Augvfc 20, 1 747.
DO E S not Jesus take his lambs into his arms, and dan-
dle his little ones on his knees .? Ought not his minif-
i ^ers then to follow his good example, and ftrive with him, not
\ to quench the fmoaking flax or break the bruifed reed. This
i confidcration caufes me to write you a few lines. Mav they
\ find you as in an agony to enter in at the ftraight gate ! Cou-
pi rage, dear Mrs. L , courage. Christ, heaven, glory,
Sj are worth your acceptance. They are all yours, if you will
j give him your heart. May Jesus make you willing, and
I enable you to fay henceforward, " God forbid that I fhould
' glory, fave in the Crofs of Jesus Christ." You will re-
H 2, member
tnember me to Mr. L — — , and all dear friends. As oppor-
tunity offers, they and you fhall hear from, dear Madam,
Your moft afFe6tionate friend and willing
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Mr. D .
Dear Mr, D , Neiv-Tork^ Augujl 27, 1747.
IS it not juft, that I fhould pay ofF my old debts ? confe-
quently I muft write to you. I owe you many letters, and
more love. Accept this in part of payment. It brings you
news of my fafe arrival, through the good hand of my God
upon me, at New-York, We were detained upon the water
three or four days. I believe it was for good ; for the Lord
blefled it to the recovery of my health, fo that I eat like a
jailor. At prefent I find my nature recruited confiderably, and
met my dear yoke-fellow and friends well at this place, O
that my heart glowed with thanks to the Lord of all Lords,
Vv^hofe mercy endureth for ever ! Help me, my dear Sir, to be
thankful. My obligations to my glorious Jesus are increafed
by my late excurfion to Charles-Town^ Portfinouth^ Bojlon^ and
other places in Nevj- England, If I forget her, let my right-
hand forget her cunning. I think of, and pray for you and
yours, and all my dear friends daily. O let us fo live, that we
may meet in heaven. You know the way j '« Jesus is the
way, the truth and the life." Walk before him, look conti-
nually to him, and you fhall be enabled to trample upon fm,
death, and hell. Excufe the brevity of this. Next time, God
v/illing, you fhall have a longer letter. My tender love awaits
your dear fpoufe and family. You will remember me to all
enquiring fcicnds, and as God enables, you fhall all be re-
membered by, dear Mr, D ,
Yours moft afFeiSlionately in Christ Jesus,
G\ IV.
To Mr, A .
New-Tor k^ Jug. :»7, 1747.
rW^O convince you that I remember your dcfire when at
JL Bo/ion^ I (qh^ you almofi my iiift letter. It comes full
of thanks for all paft favours. May the God whom I ferve,
reward you ten thoufand fold ! He will, he has promifed, he
alfo will do it. Will you give me leave to afk one favour
more ? You may guefs what it is. I befeech you to entreat
the giver of every good and perfect gift to grant me an humble
and a thankful heart , for indeed, mercies are renewed to me
every moment. G,od has given me a pleafant journey, and
brought me this day to Neiv-Tork in fafety. My health is
confiderably reftored,, and I know not why my dear friends
yet cruelly hinder me. Well, God's will be donel O that
it may be to the Redeemer's glory, and the good of precious
and immortal fouls ! I am of the fame mind as when at Bof-
ton, — refolved to preach and work for Jesus, 'till I can
preach and work no more. I doubt not, but in your fphere,
you are like-minded. May the Lord ftrengthen, flablifh,
fettle you in it, and give you to abound in every good word
and work. Christ is a good Mafter : he is worthy of all pur
time, and of every thing that we poflefs. Is ngt one heart too
little for him ? And yet he requires no m.ore. Amazing love !
I am loft when I think of it. I can only fay, Lord, I adore
and worfhip ! But how does dear Mrs. A — ■ — ? Bid her, not
be faithlefs, but believing. Jesus fhall do more for her than
Ihe can afk or think. I flilute you both moft heartily, as does
my dear yoke-fallow.— That Jesus may plentifully reward
you for all favours, and give you fo to live here, that you may
fit at his right-hand eternally hereafter, is the hearty prayer
of, dear Mr. A ,
Yours, &c.
(?. IK
To Mr. W , at Port/mouth.
New-York^ Aug. I'j^ ij^y.
Very dear Str^
IS it right when we have committed a fault, to perfid in,
and not confefs and amend it .? By no means. I muft there-
fore write to you, whom (though you have received no letter
from me) I dearly love in the bowels of the ever-loving, ever-
loyely Jesus. I thank you, dear Sir, for all favoursj and e.xhort
H 3j you,^
you, as the beft return I can make, to walk worthy of that
God, who has called you to his kingdom and his glory. May
you be enabled to live above, and overcome the world ! O that
Jesus may be at all times, your only All ! O that you may
look up continually to him for light, life, and every thing !
Then will he direct your ftcps, and caufe every change and
fcene of life to be a means of changing and transforming your
dear foul more and more into his own divine likenefs. You are
fliortly to enter into a new and untried ftate. Dear Sir, call
Jesus and his Difciples to your marriage ; marry in and for
the Lord, or your life will be exceedingly uneafy and mifera-
ble. Remember, that new ftates call for new ftrength. Let
your eyes then be fixed on Jesus. From him every good and
pf rfe6l gift cometh. He alone can teach you to ufe the world,
and every worldly enjoyment, fo as not to abufe it. I com-
mend you to his tender mercy. I pray continually for you,
and humbly intrcat you to remember unworthy, ungrateful, ill
and hell-deferving me. I can now only moft heartily thank
you for all favours, beg to be remembered to all friends, and
iubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Yours in Him that liveth for ever,
To the Rev, Mr. G. T .
NeW'Torky Aug. 29, 1747.
Kev, and very dear Sir^
NOT want of love, but of leifure, has prevented my wri-
ting to you for fome time paft. BlefTed be God, I can
now fend you good news from the Northward. My reception
at Bojion^ and elfewhere in New-England^ was like unto the
iirft. Arrows of convidlicn fled and ftuck faft. Many, I hear,
were wounded. Congregations were rather larger than ever^
and oppofers mouths were flopped. Will you now take ano-
ther trip ? I believe it v/ould be bleft to the good of your own
^nd many other fouls. I would be more particular, did I not
expert to fee you next week. I am better in health than when
I left Neiv-Tork. God gives me grace to fpend it to the ut-
ijipft in the Redeemer's fervice. I am determined in his ftrength^
to die fighting, though it be upon my (lumps. I trufl: you pray
for me. I remember you and your flock.. 1 falutc all tenderly,
and am. Rev. and very dear Sir,
Your molt affcdionate younger brother
and lervant in Jesus Christ,
G. iV.
To Mr. Henry S , Junior.
Ntiv-Torky Aug. 29, 1747.
My dear Mr. S ,
LAST Thiirfday noon the keeper of Jfrasl^ who neither
flumbereth or fleepeth, brought me hither in fatety. We
were detained three days on the water. It was over-ruled for
good. I recovered my appetite, and am now much better than
when I left New- England. Next Tuefday^ God willing, I.
fhall fet forward, and hope to he at Charles-Town the begin-
ning of A^ij'L'^w^d'r. Will you write to me? God willing,
you fhall hear from me every opportunity. 1 have good news
from Providence, my plantation in South-Carolina, and from
Bethefda : both families are wellj and fcveral negroes are under
convi(5lion. I hope thole that were under concern at Portf-
mouthy find their convi£lions to abide. I pray God, they may
have no reft, 'liJI they find reft in Jesus Christ ! 1 falute
them, and all the Redeemer's true followers. I join with my
dear yoke-fellow, in fending you, and dear Mrs. 5 , ten
thoufand thanks for all favours, and am, very dear Sir,
Your moft afFedionate, obliged friend and brother, to.
G, W.
To Mr. D .
Neiv-Tork, Aug. 30, 1747.
MY dear brother Daniel^ thou man greatly beloved, why
weepeil: thou ? Why art thou fo caft down ? All is for-
given, all is forgotten long ago; be ftrong, and God fhall cfla-
bliih thy heart. Look up, and put thy truft in the Lord.
He is a merciful Redeemer ; otherwife what could woithlcfs-,
ungrateful, unfruitful, ill, hell-deferving I do ? O how great
is his love to us-ward I How kindly hath he brought me to
H 4 A7zt/.
Neiu-Tork ! Pray let your mourning be turned into praife, an(i
give thanks to the LoRC of all lords in behalf of your un-
worthy friend. You are my old friend. I have loved thes,
and do love thee with a peculiar love. May the Lord in-
creafe thee more and more, even thee a;id thy children ! I fend
yeu and yours moft cordial falutations. We fet out, God
willing, to-morrow on our fouthern journey. I have good
news from the Orphan- houfe, and my new Plantation. Some
negroes are brought under convi£lion. Mr. B was well
the latter end of July. I fliall take care of his father's letter.
My dear yoke-fellow intends writing to you foon. In the
nican while accept hearty love from, yours as ufual,
Tq Mrs. S , at New-York.
Philadelphia^ Sept, 6, 1747.
SHALL I promife and not perform ? God forbid. I muft
then drop a line to my aiEicled friend. How is your lit-
tle one ? Is it yet languifhing ? Is it quite emaciated and pant-
jng for breath ? Or is it gpne into the world of fpirits ? What-
ever be your anfwer, I am ready to reply, Remember your
father Abraham \ how chear fully did he offer up his dear Jfaac^
his fon, whom he loved ? How kindly did the Lord take it at
his hands ? Go thou and do likewifs. If Jesus hath reftored
it to you, nurfe it for him ; pray to him continually for grace
to order it aright, and learn hov/ foon God may imbitter the
deareft comforts to us. Happy, happy they, who can lean on
and truft in Jesus, whilft they arc going through this howling
wildefnefs, this world of woe. I truft you are one of thefu
happy ones. O free grace ! Sovereign, electing, diftinguifh-
jng love ! You will join with me in faying, "Why me. Lord,
why me?" I could enlarge, Whilft I am writing, the fire
kindles ; but my Mafler's bufmefs calls me away. He is with
ine here. Remember the Pilgrims. A4y dear yoke-fellow is
gone forward ; perhaps I may follow this week. I defire to be
remembered in the kindeft manner to dear Mr. S P ^
v/ife, and all friends. I thank them and you a thoufand times
for aJl favours, and am, dear Mrs. S ,
Your afFefiionate and willing fervant for Christ's fake,
To Captain S .
Philadelphia, Sept, 9, 1747.
My very dear Mr, S ,
TH O U G H I wrote to you lately by my friend Mr.F ,
yet the receipt of your kind letter makes me to write
again. The deadly blow I fee is given. Well ! Thanks be to
God, you are fo refigned. You doubtlefs remember, that you
took one another only " 'till death you fhould part." That
Jhocking daufe, as Mr. B calls it, is very inftru6live. BlefTed
be God, that fhe gave you any comfortable evidences of her
beino; for ever with the Lord. If fo, do not wifh her here
again, but remember how foon your own great change muft
neceflarily come. You are now on the decline of life. You
have feen that all below is vanity. O that you may bring
forth much fruit in old age ! Take heed, watch and be fober,
fmce you know not at what hour the blefled bridegroom may-
come to call you. I write thus freely to you ; becaufe you are
pleafed to flile me your father. Pray for me then, that I may
give to Jesus all the glory, and fludy to glorify him more and
more. Next Monday, God willing, I intend leaving this
place. Be pleafed to acquaint our dear friend Mr. V that
I intend writing to him foon. I hope he reached home in.
i'afety. I falute him, Mr. P , and all friends moft
heartily. Accept of the fame yourfelf, in the moft cordial
manner, from, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affeaionately in Christ Jesus,
G, IV.
To Mr, TV .
Very dear Sir, Philadelphia, Sept. 9. 1747*
LAST night I heard of Dr. Coleman's fudden death. I
blefs God for granting him fuch an eafy pafTage. Soon
After the news reached me, I bowed my knee before the God
^nd Father of our Lord Jesus in behalf of your bereaved
(and I could almoft fay defolate) church. O m^y the Lord
■ ' ' ' of
of all lords dirc£t you in the choice of another, who may rule
and feed you diligently with all his power. I fhall be glad to
bear what the great head of the church does for you. You
may dired to me at Charles-Towtt. God willing, I fet for-
ward on my journey Monday next. Our glorious Emmanuel
has been pleafed to open my mouth, and enlarge my heart in
preaching the unfcarchable riches of his grace. — I hope my
dear Bojion friends are warm and lively. I faiute all molt
heartily. Pray remember the poor pilgrims ; and if you write
to Scotland ox. South- Carolina ^ let them know how affairs go.
My dear yoke-fellow is gone to Bohemia^ otherwife fhe would
write. I intend writing to dear Mr. S by next poft.
In the mean while, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, very dear
Yours moft affedlionately in Christ,
G, JV.
To Mr, and Mrs. F -.
Philadelphia^ Sept. 9, 1747.
My very dear., dear Friendsy
THOUGH I hope to fee you ere this reaches Charles^
Town^ yet I cannot but embrace every opportunity that
offers to let you know how we do. I have lately been eleven
hundred miles journey northv/ard, and have found the Redeem-
er's flrength magnified in my great weaknefs. The word ran
and was glorified. I am now pofting towards, and hope to reach
you the beginning oi November next. I am better in health
than ufual, and through grace am determined to die fighting
the Redeemer's battles. On Lo7jg Ijland I faw Mr. B .
He ftill loves his Charles-Town friend. If you are not provid-
ed, it is my opinion, that it is bed for you, for him, and the
church of Christ, that he (hould be at Charles-Town. But
this is only my opinion. With this, you will receive a packet
of letters from him. If it be not done before you receive this,
I wifh you would be pleafed to fend my bureau, with my other
things that were packed up, to Providence. I would not wil-
lingly have it to do when I come to Charles-Toivn. I hear
you have had a dry feafon. I truft it has not been fo in fpi-
2 rituals.
rituals. O that Jesus may water you every moment! I
think you may plead this promife before a prayer-hearing
God ; "He that watcreth, {hall be water'd again." Surely
the bowels of the faints have been, and are daily refrcfhed
through your means. Happy ye that are determined to make to
yourfelves friends of the mammon of unrighteoufnefs. When
naturallives fail, you fhall be received into everlafting habita-
tions. O happy time, when we (hall be, foul and body, for
ever with the LoR'D ! I have lived in hopes fome time, that
my departure was at hand ; but I feem to be gathering
ftrength again, and truft fhall be made inftrumental in calling
fome more fouls to the precious Jesus. O that I may be
humble and thankful ! Dear friends, pray for us.^My dear
wife is gone to Bohemia, othsrwife (he would write. We have
written by every fhip. Some of our letters, I believe, have
been taken. Our tender love to all. I am.
Ever yours, whilft
To the Rev. Mr, H .
Philadelphia^ Sept. 9, 1 747.
My very dear Mr, H ,
I Thank our gracious God for all the good news contained
in your kind letter. It gladcned my heart, and gave me
reafon to hope, that the Indian land would be a chriftian land
indeed. When I received your letter, I was juft returned
from an eleven hundred miles journey northward, in which
the rock of ages was pleafed to let much of his glory pafs be-
fore his dear people. I was enabled to preach about 30 times
in Neiu-Ejjgland, and am now coming forward towards you,
and hope to fee you in Nove??ibcr. My dear yoke-fellow
would anfvver Mrs. H , but (he is gone to Bohemia, Ac-
cept thanks and love in her name. I have been frequently
at the gates of death within thefe few months, and thought
to have reached my defired port ; but it feems I muft put out
to fea again. My heavenly Father's will be done. 1 have
good news from England. I have fome thoughts of feeing it
fie.^t year. Jesus will diredt me. Captain Grant is failed
from Jamaica, Ere long I hope to owe no man any thing
but love. Something confiderable hath been done fmce I
left Charles-Town. The Lord will never fail thofe that put
their truft in him. I have remembered the book with the
hymn tunes. I hope we (hall not differ about an earthly
matter. We are brethren ; let us dwell in unity, and the
God of love and peace will dwell amongft us. O that his
divine love may be fhed abroad abundantly in our hearts by
the Holy Ghoft ! How fhall we then bear with, and forbear
one another ? I hope all around you are well, and w^atered
with fpiritual as well as natural rain. I falute all moft ten-
derly ; and hoping to fee you fhortly, I fubfcribe myfelf, very
dear Mr. H -,
Yours moft afFedionately in Christ,
G. W,
Jo the Rev, Mr. T .
Philadelphia^ Sept. lo. 1747.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
ISuppofe, ere this comes to hand, you will have heard how
near I have been to my wifhed-for harbour, and how I have
been obliged to put out to fea again. BlefTed be God, fmce
I muft live, he does not permit me altogether to live in vain.
The word ran and was glorified much in New-England, The
gathering of the people, and the power that attended the word
feemed to be near the fame as when the work begun ^twQW
years ago. 1 parted from my friends with great relu6lance.
Since my coming fouthward, I have feen and dined with
Governor B . He till retains his former affedion,
and I hope will be a great bleffing to thefe parts. I have late-
ly heard of the death of Do61or Coleman. I pity his poor con-
gregation, fearing it will much dwindle. There are now
many deftitute flocks in New-England, Mr. B 's death
hath taught me a good leflbn. May the Lord Jesus keep
me from trimming I fomcthing confiderable hath been done
fmce I fav/ you, towards eafing me of my Orphan-houfe em-
barraffments. The particulars expect in November : then I
hope to fee you cnce more. I ftill intend, God willing, to
fee Bertnudas. Blcfled be God, I have good news from Bs-
thefda and Providence. I am helped here, as I was at New-
Tork^ in preaching ; but find little convi6lion-work going on.
As you obferve, " that is God*s work." I hope you have
been carried comfortably through the Summer's heat, and that
we fhall have a warm Winter when we mset at Charles -Town,
Your father's child is dead. I have a letter for you from
him. I falute you and all for my dear yoke-fellow, who is gone
forward to Bohemia. I follow on Monday next. You will
remember me in the kindeft manner to all. I have written to
many friends, but believe the veflels have been taken xn
which the letters were fent. I have now juft time to beg the
continuance of your prayers, and fubfcribe myfelf. Rev. and
very dear Sir,
Yours as ufual,
G. JV.
ro Mr, H H .
Phihdclphia^ Sept. 11, 1747.
My very dear Brother^
1 Wrote to you within thefe few months from this place,
Bojlon and New-Tork. My laft letters were to inform you,
that, God willing, fome time next year I purpofe to fee Eng-
iandy if my outward aftairs can be fettled. Surely the Lord
will deliver me from money matters by and by. — He will, he
will. — Lord, I believe, help my unbelief I I have good news
from Georgia^ and from my new plantation in South-Carolina.
Many negroes are brought under convidion. We faw grean
things in New- England. The flocking and power that at-
tended the word, was like unto that feven years ago. Weak
as I was, and have been, I was enabled to travel eleven hun-
dred miles and preach daily. I am now once more going tg
Georgia to fettle all my affairs, and fliall get ready to embark
as foon as I receive letters from you. My dear yoke- fellow
is gone forwards. She exceedingly longs to fee her old friends.
But death may intervene. I have been dally waiting for it.
Few have expected my life, but at prcfent I feem to be getting
ftrenf^th. By the grace of God, it fliall all be employed in the
dear Redeemer's fervice. I find no inclination to fettle. My
heart (O free grace ! ) is yet fpringing for God, and I am de-
termined to die fighting. I hope matters go on well with
you. Indeed I remember you daily, and pray that you all may
be filled with all the fulnefs of God. I am here travelling
through a wildernefs ; but I truft leaning on my beloved*
Jesus is my rock, my (lay, my God, and my all. Various
are the fcenes I pafs through ; various are the comforts and
lupports I meet with. Sometimes the Lord feeds me as it
were by the ravens, and teaches me daily that man's extremity
is his opportunity to help and fuccour. O, my dear brother,
if ever we meet in this world, how much have we to fay to
one another, concerning the loving-kindnefTes of the Lord ?
But when we meet in heaven. — I am loft at the thought-—*
What !
Make faves the partners of thy throne^
Decked with a never-fadhig crown ?
Jesus 1 thy love is indeed immenfe, unfearchabl^. — Shed
it abroad in the dear man's heart to whom I am writing, and
the hearts of all with whom he is concerned, and the hearts
of all thy dear children. Even fo, Lord Jesus. Amen I I
can no more. My heart is almoft too fu!l to fubfcribe my-
Ever yours,
G, IV,
To ilu Rev. Mr, J. W .
Philadelphia^ Sept, II, 1747*
Dear and Rev. Sir^
NOT long ago I received your kind letter, dated in iv-
bruary laft. Your others I believe came to hand, and
1 hope ere now you have received my anfwer. My heart is
really for an outward, as well as an inward union. Nothing
Ihall be wanting on my part to bring it about ; but I cannot
fee how it can poflibly be cfFeded, 'till we all think and fpeak
the fame things. 1 rejoice to hear, that you and your brother
are more moderate with re(pc(5t to Jinkfs perfc^lon. Time and
experience I believe will convince you, that attaining fuch a ftatc
in this life, is not a do6liinc of the everlafting goipel. As for
univerfal redemption, if v/e omit on each fide the talking for or
againft reprobation, which we may do fairly, and agree as we al-
ready do in giving an univerfal offer to all poor finners that will
come and tafte of the water of life, I think we may manage very
well. But it is difficult to determine fuch matters at a diftance.
Some time next year, (if the Redeemer fparcs my life) I hope
to fee you face to face. In the mean while^ the language of
my heart is,
let us find the anctciit ivay.
Our woncVringfoei to move ;
And force the heathen zuarld to fay.
See hew thefe brethren love,
I rejoice to find that the rebellion has been over-ruled for the
awakening of many fouls. Our LoRDgenerallybuilds his temple
in troublefome times. I cannot, upon the maturefl delibera-
tion, charge myfelf with a defign to flatter in my fermon on
that occafion. You know my attachment to the prefent efta-
blifhment. Out of the fulnefs of my heart my pen wrote.
But it may be I know not myfelf. Lord, keep me from trim-
ming ! At prefent, my heart feems as free for Jesus as ever.
I have been once more in New- England, My entrance was
as at the firft, about leven years ago. Perhaps I may embark
from thence for my native country. Our Lord will direct.
I am now going to Georgia to winter. At New-Tor k and
here, Jesus has enlarged my heart, and opened my mouth to
fhew forth his praife. I have news of the awakening of fe-
veral negroes at my new plantation, lately purchafed at South-
Carolina. I hope ere long to be delivered from my outward
cmbarrafTments. I long to owe no man any thing but love.
This is a debt. Reverend Sir, I fhall never be able to difcharge
to you, or your brother. Jesus will pay you all. For his
fake, I love and honour you very much, and rejoice as much,
in your fuccefs as in my own. I cannot agree with you in
fome principles, but that need not hinder love ; fince I truft
we hold the foundation, even " Jesus, the fame yefterday, to-
day and for ever." Will you falut», in the kindeft manner,
all the followers of the Lamb within your fphere of a(9tion ?
Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied upon all their dear
fouls ! 1 thank them for remembering a poor pilgrim, who
though faint is ftill purfuing, and determined, in the ftrength
of Jesus, to fpend and be fpent more and more for the good
of poor finners. Perhaps before I fee you, I may viflt Ber^
viudas and Cape-Breton, You will pray that the Lord may
order my fteps aright. What have you done with the Mora-
vian Brethren ? their affairs are in confufion here. I think
their foundation is too narrow for their fuperitru6lure. I be-
lieve in their plan there -are many plants that our heavenly
Father hath not planted. The Lord blefs what is right, and
rei^ify what is wrong in them, in us, and in all. Even {o^
Lord Jesus, Amen I — O for heaven ! where we fliall mif-
take, judge, and grieve one another no more. Lately I thought
myfelf failing feveral times into the blefled harbour j but it
feems 1 muft put cut to fea again. My Redeemer's will be
done ! Forgive, Reverend Sir, the prolixity of this. Love
indites. I falute you for my dear fellow pilgrim, who is gone
forwards. — Continue to pray for us, and afllire yourfelf, that
you are always remembered by. Reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate, though unworthy younger
brother and willing fervant for Christ's fake,
ro the Rev, Mr, C- IF .
J'^ery dear Sir^ Philadelphia^ Sept. 1 1 , 1 747.
BOTH your letters and your prayers I truft have reached
me. May mine reach you alfo, and then it will not be
long ere we fhall indeed be one fold under one Shepherd.
However, if this IhouJd not be on earth, it will certainly be
effedled in heaven. Thither I truft we are haf^ening apace.
Blefled be God that you are kept alive, and that your fpiritu-
al children are increafing. May they increafc more and-
more ! Jesus can maintain them all. He wills that his
houfe {hould be full. Some have wrote jne things to your
difadvantagc, 1 do not believe them. Love thinks no evil-
of a friend. Such are you to me, I love you moft dearly. I
L E T t E R S. J29
Could write to you much more, but time and bufincfs wiJl not
permit. You will fee my letter to your dear brother* That
you may be guided into all truth) turn thoufands and tch
thoufands more unto righteoufnefs^ and fhine as the ftars in
the future world, for ever and ever, is the hearty prayer of.
Very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFc6lionately, Sec,
G. ir.
To the Rev. Mr. M . l"^o>:>d y
Boheniia^ [Maryland) Sept. ij, I747.
Honoured 3lr,
WIL L you petmit d yoUng foldier of Jf.5us Christ
to write to an experienced veteran, before he
goes hence, and is no more feen ? Sorry am I that my
viiit to Tork was (liort, yet glad that our Lord gave me
to fee you once more ready to fing your Nmic dimhtis with
fteadinefs and compofurc^ if not v/ith joy unfpeakable, even a
joy that is full of glory. — Happy, thrice happy. Reverend Sir!
You have gone through that wildernefs, which if hoary hairs
fiiould be my lot^ awaits me your younger fon and fcrvant.
Well ! this is my comfort : I have the fame Beloved to lean
on, as you have had. The way, though narrow, is not long ;
the gate, though ftraitj opens into life eternal. O that I
might pafs through it when young; but, Fathci-, not my will,
but thine be done 1 Honoured Sir, be plcafed to pray for me.
I remember you and your dear flock, whom I love in the bow-
els of Jesus Christ, May he who kifTed av/ay the foul of
his beloved Mofes^ appoint a Jojhua to fucceed you, v/hen he
bids you come up to the mount and die I 1 hope my cordial
refpe£fs will find acceptance with your dear yoke-fellow. I
temember what flie faid to me, and once more beg a continu-
ed intcreft in your prayers. I beg leave to fubfcribe myfclfj
honoured Sir,
\our moft afFc(£l;cnate tho' unworthy younger fon
and willing fcrvant in him that liveth for ever,
G. JV,
To the Rev, Mr, M Jun,
Bohemia^ Sept. 17, 1 747.
I Have been writing to the father, — Love, love unfeigned
conftrains me to write to the fon alfo. I hope it will in-
fluence you to fend me, however unworthy, a line or two in re-
turn. Reverend and dear Sir, hov/ do you ? Are you yet
God's mouth to the people? Surely if the prayers of faith
keep me alive, the prayers of faith muft open your mouth,
and conflrain you in preaching to (hew forth your glorious
Redeemer's praife. All things are pofTible with God.
BIi^ is faith, that trujis his power ;
Bleji are faints, that wait his hour ;
Hajhn^ great Conqueror, bring it near^
Let the wijh'd'for thing appear.
But 3'ou do not like that I fhould write about yourfelf ? Will
V(ju then permit me to tell you, that in fpite of all my cor-
ruptions, Jesus ftill continues to blefs unworthy me. He
gave me a profperous journey to New-Tork, and there, as well
as at Philadelphia, he opened my mouth to fliew forth his
praife. My outward circumftances are made eafier, and I
trufl-, in a fhort time I fhall owe no man any thing but love.
I am now pofling fouthward, Vv'illing to follow the cloud
wherefoever it fhall point in the fpring. O pray, pray that
Jesus may be my comforter and my guide. Great are my
trials, but greater my confolations. O free, rich, and
fovereign grace ! Help me, dear Sir, to extol and praife it.
You will remember me to all. Your '^ fidus achates, and your
dt:ar faithful nurfe, I fhall never forget. When you go to
Kittery, pray make my mofl dutiful refpetSts acceptable to Sir
IVilliam and his confort. Wifbing you, what Colonel Gar^
diner once vvifhcd me, *' A thriving foul in a healthful body,"
I fubfcribe myfclf, Reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours in Christ Jesus,
C, W.
^ Bufo.ii frifr.d.
To Mr. J S .
Bath-Toivn, North Carolina y Ocl, 6, 1747.
Very dear Sir,
1 Wrote you a few lines juft as I was leaving Bohemia^
They informed you of the receipt of my bills, and by
them I alfo defired you to pay the remainder of what you ,^\/\rl
have of mine into the hahds of Mr. D — -— V oi Nsw-^l &,a Ho
Tork, Since that, I have pofted forward here, and hope to fee
fome fouls in this provinte all in love with Jesus, and made
partakers of the power of his Kefurreclion. I have preached
three times, and purpofe, God willing, to preach many times
more. The Lord feems to have given rrie the afFedions of
the people, and I am determined in his ftrcngth to fee what
can be done amohgft them. The box of books fent hither
from Mr. K- and G-— - never came to hand. Be pleaf-
ed to make fome enquiry about it. I preached once in Vir^
giniai and would have preached oftner ; but the fntall-pox was
fpreading, the aflembly did not fit, and I wanted to let Norths
Carolina have as much time as I could. I hope to write to
you again from Charles -Town, There, I fhall be glad to hear
that the all-wife head of the church hath direcled you to a
fuitable paftor in the room of Dr. Coleman. I fometimes think
all will p6 to heaven before me. I am weak and faint, I ions:
to be diflblved and to be with jEStjs, but cannot die. My
heavenly Father's will be done ! 1 would have you ftill pray
for me, as a dying man ; but O pray that 1 may not ^o ofF
as a fnufF. I would fain die blazing, not with human glory,
but the love of Jesus. I wifli you, and yours, and all dear
friends, as much of this as your hearts can hold. I remember
you daily and hourly. I will thank you in heaven for whaft
you have done for me on earth, and till thefi fhall fubfcribc
myfelf, dear Siry
toMti m the beft bonds,
13^' LETTERS.'
^0 Mrs, S .
Bath-Town^ North- Car olinay Oof. 6, 1747,
Dear Madaniy
BE plcafed to accept this, as a token that you are not for-
gotten by me j — no, 1 loved your deceafed hufband, I
honour and pray for his dear and forrowful relidt. I would
give you that advice, dear Madam, which I believe he would
do^ was he to rife from his grave, '^ Makefure of a Christ,
and give the Lord no reft, till you can fay, my maker is my
hufband, the Lord of Hofts is- his name." What have you
now to do. Madam, but to make fure of a Christ ? You are
defolate, why fhould you not put your truft in the Lord I
Widows, godly minifters widows, are God's peculiar care.
that you may have reafon to fay, " It is good for me that
1 have been afflicSled." Now is your time to learn God's law.
Come to Jesus, Madam, clofe with him, and give him your
whole heart, I need not tell you, that he will make you
happy. He has made me fo, even me the chief of fmners*
As fuch be pleafed to pray for, dear Madam,
Your real, affectionate friend and fervant,
G. //'.
To Mrs, A .
Bath-Town^ North-Carolina^ 0£i. 6, 1747.
Dear Madam ^
BE where I will, the Lord Jesus puts you upon my heart.
I often think you happy, becaufe you are fo circum-
ftanced that you muft necefTarily drink of the waters of life
at the fountain head. It drinks fwecteft from thence. Com-
munion with God's children is fweet 5 but communion with
God himfelf is infinitely fweeter. The woman of Satnaria
found it (o. When the difciples came and interrupted her
fellowfhip with their mailer, {he left her water pot and went
her way. BlelTed be God, that happy time is coming when
we fhall enjoy both him and his without interruption. Till
then, dear Madam, be content to have little or much of the
company of Christ's people, as your heavenly father fhall
judge mofl convenient. Heaven is before you, time Is /lying
on eagles wrings. Eternity, an happy eternity awaits you
when time (hall be no more. O that it would approach fafter
to me ! But why fo hafly, O my foul 1 In heaven thou canft
not deny thyfelf for Jesus Christ ! Dear Madam, pray for
me, that my will may be fwallowed up in the will of God.
That it may be fo with you, is the hearty prayer of, dear
Your moft alFe£lionate friend and fervant,
G. IF.
To Mr. P .
Batb-Town, North-Carolina^ Ojf. 6, 1747.
Dear Mr. P ,
UR afFecSlIonate parting Is not yet out of my remem-
brance. Since that, I hope you have been diligent,
and ere now have got an evidence that we (hall not be parted
hereafter. O for aflurance ! It Is indeed the anchor of the
foul. It keeps it fteady in the midfl of ftorms. Dear Sir,
prefs after it, as j'ou value your prefent as well as eternal
welfare. Tell the Lord Jesus, you cannot do without it.
I once thought dear A4r. P . would be one of the firft-
rate chrlilians in New-England. What hath hindered you ?
Whatever It be, whether a right hand or a right eye, may
the Lord Jesus take it away ! Will you fay Jmen heartily ?
You will excufe this freedom. I always write fo to thofe I
love. Pray remember me to your mother, wife, and all
friends. Tell them I am here, hunting after fmners in North-
Carolina woods. It is pleafant work, though my body is weak
and crazy. After a fhort fermentation in the grave, it will
he fafhioned like unto Christ's glorious body. The thought
of this rejoices my foul, and makes me long to leap my feventy
years. O pray for me, that I may have patience to tarry
the Lord's leifure. I commit you to his care, I charge
I 3 you
"vou in his great name, not to let me mifs you in heaven, and
with much love fubfcribe myfelf, dear Mr. P ,
Your very affeciionate friend, and willing
fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr, S .
My dear Mr. 5- , 0/?. 6, 1747.
LKT who will be omitted when I am writing to New-
England^ I think, I am under many obligations not to
forget you. BiefTed be God for making you a chriflian mer-
chant, and teaching you the holy art of trafficking for the
Lord. You trade upon a fafe bottom. Your all is infured,
and you fliali receive your own with good ufury at the great
day. ' Go on, my dear man, fpend and be fpent for Christ's
people J it is a glorious employ. I would not but be thus en-
gaged for millions of worlds. It is true, I am decaying daily ;
but refolved in the ftiength of Jesus to die fighting. At pre-
fent 1 am engaged in North-Carolina ^ and hope ere long to fend
you good news from this ungofpelized wildernefs. In about a
month I expe£i to fee Charles -Town, The Lord direct me
where to go in the Spring. Several ways prefent. I am will-
ing to fee more of the north before I return to my native
country. But alas ! why v/rite I thus ? How many important
hours will intervene ? O that every minute may be employed
for God, even a God in Christ. Indeed he is a good
niafter. He wounds, but he heals alfo. He brings down,
but raifes up again. He humbles, but it is only in order to
exalt his dear children. This you and I fhall find, as we have
found already, times without number, perfectly true, by happy
experience. But I cannot enlarge. You will deliver the en-
clofcd. I hope my lafl to the dear MclTrs. M '/came fafe.
I will write to more as bufinefs, opportunity, and health per-
mit. In the mean while, accept our joint mofl cordial love
to all dear, very dear friends. Accept the fame to you and
yours. I am, dear Sir,
Yours eternally in the everlafling I AM,
To Mr. R .
Bath-Toivn^ North-Carolina , 051. 7, 1747.
Very dear 5/r,
BY this time (fuch is your love to unworthy me,) I fup-
pofe you are willing to know where I am, and what I
am doing. BlefTed be God, I am ftili employed in my old
delightful work, " calling poor fmners to repentance." — I
truft a day of power will fhortly come to North-Carolina. I
have preached three times already, an-d am now going a
fmall circuit round about. I expert to reach Charks-Toii-?i in
a month's time. But give me leave in my turn to enquire,
how it is with you and yours ? Are your refolutions more and
more invigorated, and hath Jesus at length taken pofieiiion
of your whole heart? I mufi: not let you alone, till you can
fairly and truly fay, " 'Tis done, 'tis done." O what a reve-
nue of glory might a perfon in your ftation bring to Christ,
and what a radiant crown of grace might you fecure to your
own foul, was you but once in earneft to lay up treafure in
heaven, where neither moth nor ruft doth corrupt, nor thieves
break through and flcai ! Rife, rife, dear Sir, awake and fleep
no more. Jesus waits to give you light. May he fo fill you
with his light and love, that you may rejoice iji his great fal-
vation all the day long ! Pray let me hear from you in the
AVinter. I am more concerned for you than ever. Your
late favours have increafed my obligations to be fo. I fhail
be glad to hear that the Lord hath given you a fon. I re-
member dear Madam R , and hope to drop her a fevv lines.
May the glorious Emjnanuel make little Mifs a wife virgin.
My love awaits Mrs. H ^, and your v/hole houfhold.
You will remember me in the kindeft manner to Mrs. G- ,
I. , &c. and the whole circle of my female friends. Pray-
ing that grace, mercy and peace may be multiplied upon all,
\ fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Yours niofl afFedionately in Christ Jesus,
G. IF.
U I. E T T E Ps
To the Reverend Mr. L .
Bath-Town^ North- Car olinfly Ocf, II, I747t
Reverend and very dear Sir,
IT has given me much concern, that I could not comply
with your kind invitation to Plymouth ; but providence
plainly pointed n\y courfe another way. God only knows
what a crofs it was to me, to leave dear New-England fo foon,
I hope death will not be lb bitter to me, as was parting from
my friends. Glad fliall I be to be prayed thither again, be-
fore I fee my native land. But future things belong to God.
I would be juft where he would have me, though it be in the
uttermoft parts of the earth. At prefent I am hunting after
poor loft finners in thefe ungofpelized wilds. People are
willing to hear, and blefted be the Lord of all lords, I am
willing to preach. My body is yet weak. A little riding
fatigues me ; but he that has been, is, apd I truft will be
my ftrength, my fupport, and my guide even unto death.
Dear Sir, continue to pray for me. I wifli you much of the
divine prefence, and hope the Lord will yet make you a
fpiritual father to thoufands. Be pleafed to rernember me in
the kindeft manner to dear Mr. F , and the whole circle
of thofe reverend brethren, who dare confefs Christ's work,
and Christ's truths. I falute your whole large fire fide,
^pd am, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
ro Mr. P .
Bath-Tow::^ Oc7. ir, 1747.
Very dear Mr. P ,
I Am afliamed to think that your fliort though exceeding
fweet and kind letter, lies as yet unanfvvered. "Want of
health and of time, (afrure3'ourrejf) not want of love, has been
the caufe of it. The feaixh'jr of hearts alone knows, what a
cordial reverential refpea I bear your honoured father and
niothe:, you;feif, i::d dcsr lifl^r. I muft not write much on
this heaJ, left my eyes fliould gufh out with water. Sorry
am I, very lorry, <Jear Sir, that the church is not to have the
benefit of your labours. But what ftiall we fay? God is a
fovcreign God. He muft do what he will with his own.
This comforts me, that I truft you have learned to be in the
world, and yet not of it. Well then, fmce it muft be fo, go,
dear Sir, and trade for God. Let merchants fee by your
example, that Jesus Christ can make, many faints in a
flore. O may you daily tafle, and feel the efficacy of his all-
atoning, heart-cleanfmg, world-conquering, precious blood !
I truft this is dearer and weightier to me than ever. I am
now proclaiming it in thcfc uncultivated ungofpelized defarts.
People hear with great attention, and [ truft ere long news
will be heard in heaven, that fome North-Carolina fmners
are born of God. I ftayed but a fmall time in Virginia and
Maryland^ that I might give this province the more time. I
hope to be in Charles-Town in about a month, and foon after
my arrival, expect to determine what courfe to take in the
Spring. Several ways prefent themfelves. May Jesus di-
rect me which to take ! Weak as I am, I am willing to fnend
and be fpent for that ever-lovely, ever-loving Jesus, who has
done fo much for, and borne fo long with me. I am afraid
fome of you have prayed me back into the world again.
Well, it cannot be long ere I get my difmilTion. O for a
triumphant exit. Lord Jesus keep me from going oft' like
a fnufF! But it is time to bid you good night. I have been
on a forty mile excurfion, and this tabernacle of mine is weak.
You will remember me to all your dear family, and all friends.
I will name none, that if polTible I may oftend none. How-
ever, this I muft fay, New-England friends are dearer to me
than ever, and glad fhall I be, if another fight of them be-
fore I die, be permitted to, very dear Sir,
Yours nrjoft affedionately in Christ Jesus,
G. Tf\
To Mr. D' -. .
Everards- Ferry ^ 0£l. 16, 1747.
Dear Mr. D-
THE love I owe you for Jesus Christ's fake, induces
me to fend you a few lines. I hope they will find you
yet more and more convinced of felf-righteoufnefs, and the
abfolute necelTity of being cloathed with the all-fufficient,
compleat and everlafling righteoufncfs of Jesus Christ.
This, and this only is the ground of our acceptance with a
holy, juft, and fin-avenging God. Here the fmner may find
a fure afylum, an everlafting, never-failing refuge. Happy
they ! who begin to fee, feel, and tafte this, in a realizing
fpiritual manner. It is the budding of grace, the beginning
of the kingdom of God in the foul. May I hope that dear
Mr. D is one of thefe happy men. I truft fo. You
feemed beginning to awake out of nature's dream when I left
you. O that nothing may prevail on you to lie down to
fleep again ! It is dangerous to trifle with the fpirit of Gon.
When he puts into our hearts good defires, he experts that
we fhall be v/orkers together with him. Strive therefore, oft|
as the word imports, agonize v/ith God, yourfelf, and the
world, in order that you may enter into the ftrait gate of a
thorough found converfion. You know who has told you
" that the kingdom of God fufFcreth violence, and the violent
only take it by force." And furely heaven is worth driving
for; efpecially fmce we are fure of a conqueft; and Jesus
Christ, the captain of our falvation, ftands ready to affift,
fupport, and ftrengthen at every rencounter. Learn therefore
to endure hardncfs, like a good foldier of Jesus Christ:
adopt Jofouai refolution, ftand the laugh, quit yourfelf like
a man, put your hand to the plough, and do not look back ;
fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life. I could
write more, but I want time and paper. Bleffed be God, I
am as v/cU as a pilgrim in my way can expert to be. I am
happy in Christ, and that is all in ail. I wifh you and
yours this happinefs. I pray you may be partakers of it.
A This
This is the beft return I can make for all kindneiTes fliewa
to, dear Sir,
Your afFe^lionate, obliged friend and fervant,
To Mn, D .
Ever ards- Ferry ^ 061, 16, 1747.
Dear Mrs, D ,
AS it is uncertain whether I fliall ever fee you again in
this vale of tears, I cannot help exprelTing my gratitude
for kindneiTes received, by fending you a few lines. — And
what in all I fay ? Why, that I truft you at length fee, that what
.•he work! calls an innocent, harmiefs, decent, fober life, will
not be lufticient to carry us to heaven. Such a life I fuppofe
you have led, and affure yourfelf, you will find it an hard
work to give up fuch a life in point of dependence, and to
come as a poor, ill and hell deferving wretch, to be wafhed in
the blood and cloathed with the righteoufnefs of Jesus
Christ. Nature will ftruggle, and a reafoning infidelity
will ftand at the door of your heart, left Jesus Christ's
fpirit ihould enter in and make you happy. But all things
are poiTible with God. Apply to him therefore, dear Madam,
and beg him to let you fee that your heart is defperately
wicked, and deceitful above all things. Strengthen your huf-
band's hands ; be as a goad in his fide, if you fee him incli-
ned (though I truft you will not) to forget what he hath
lately felt and been convinced of. And O that you may be
an happy inftrument of converting your two daughters ! It is
fweet when all of one houfe are agreed to worfhip the Lord
Jesus in fpirit and in truth. That you and yours may be
all fuch worfhippers, is the earneft prayer of, dear Madam,
Your real friend, and willing
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
ro Mr, r A
IVihnington^ Cape-Fear^ Oa, 183 1747,
My very dtay hicther A ,
IHave lately written to you and many other dear Englifi
friends. I am now in my way to Georgin^ and hope to fee my
native country fome time next year. My fphere of adVion ftill
increafes, and though I hoped this lafl Summer to have taken
my flight to the blefltd Jesus, yet it feems I am to live longer.
that it may be for the Redeemer's glory, and the good of
many precious and immortal fouls I I know you will fay Afncn !
1 could write much, but am fatigued, having preached feveral
times, and rode on horfe-back through the woods an hundred
and fixty miles. Jesus makes the barren wildernefs to fmile.
I want to know how affairs go on among you. I expect letters
from fome of you at Cbarles-Toiv}:^ and 1 hope to fee you, I re-
peat it again, fome time next year. But future things belong
to God. My fchemes are fo frequently difconcerted, that I
would willingly put a blank into his hands, to be filled up juft
as he pleafes. But this flubborn will would fain avoid fwallow-^
ing fome wholefome bittcr-fwcets, which the all-gracious phy-
fician reaches out unto me. Neverthelefs, through grace, the
prevailing language of my heart is, " Not my will, but thine
be done." The being fo long abfcnt from my friends, fome-
times a little affecls me ; but I have been ufcd to fo many part-
ings, and heart-breakings from various quarters, that I won-
der any thing afreds, fo as to furprize me. But the myftery
of the crofs is unfearchable. We fhall never fully learn it till
we die. We muft be beginners in this fchool every day,
hour, ar.d moment. But where am I going ? I write as
though I was converfmg with you. Perhaps fuch a time may
come. In heaven I am fure fuch a time will have exiflence.
The lano;uage of my heart is, Lord Jesus, let thy kingdom
come ! You will remember me to all. I muft now fay no
more. Whilft I am writing, affection works and almoft
makes me to fay, O that I had wings like a dove, for then
would I fly away, and fee my Englijh and Scotch friends ! I fa-
lute all moft heartily, as does my dear fellow pilgrim.-r-That
^race, mercy and peace may be multiplied upon all your dear
fouls, la the hearty prayer of, my dear Man,
Yours moft afte(fl:ionate]y in Christ Jesus,
G. ir.
To Mr. B .
CbarleS'Town^ [South- Car Gllna^) 051. 25, 1747.
Very dear Mr. B ^ ,
I Hear a fhip fails to-morrow for Philadelphia. I cannot help
letting you know, that we arrived here lafl: night in health
2nd fafety. The barren wildernefs was made to fmile all the
way. I truft good was done in North- Carolina. The poor
people were very willing to hear. I expected, on my arrival
at this place, to have received letters and fundry things from
you, or dear Mr. B . If they are taken, may the Lord
Jesus give me a thankful heart I I would write you a long
letter, and I would alfo write to many friends, but you know
travellers are weary, and I muft away to-morrow to Georgia*
All is well there, and at my new plantation. You will fend
the inclofed. Mr. Dutton I believe is Joft in his return to
England. The fhip foundered. I have preached this morn-
ing, and am to preach again. I fnatch a few moments be-
tween fermons to write this. Our tender joint love to yoa
Yours, U.C,
G, jr.
ro Mr. F . Vf^^^< ^ ^ ''
Bermudas, May 27, 1745.
My dear Mr. F ,
INCLOSED you have a letter which you may print in
your weekly paper. It brings good news from this Utile
pleafant fpot. If you could print it on half a fheet of paper,
to diHribute among the Bermudas captains, it might perhaps
be ferviceable. The inhabitants here have received me fo well,
that I think publifliing their kindncfs is a debt juflly due to
them, I am now waiting few a fair v»'ind, and then we fhall
fail for England. The Governor's lady goes with me. His Ex-
cellency is very civil to me, and I believe many fouls have been
benefited by this vifit to Bermudas. I defire to give the Lord
Jesus all the glory. You u^ill remember me to Mrs. F ,
and all my dear Philadelphia friends. I do not forget them^
and hope they will always remember, dear Sir,
Their and your moft afFe<Stionate,
obliged friend and fervant,
To Mrs. F
On hoard the Betfy., June ^^ ^748.
TILL laft night, I did not know that the laft letter I
wrote to you never came to band. Mr. B tells
ipe, that as he did not go according to his defign he deftroyed
it. Accept therefore, dear Madam, a few more parting lines^
They bring you good news indeed. The Lord Jesus has
bleffed my being at Bermudas very much. A good work I
truft is begun in many hearts. I am now on board, and the
wind is fair. V/e expedl to fail this day. According to my
prefent view, I intend to return to beloved America next year ;
which is one of the reafons, why I leave my dear yoke-fel-
low behind. O that I knew how it was with her ! But I fee
ttiat God will make thofe he loves, to live by faith and not
by fenfe. Glorious privileges, though difficult to flefli and
blood ! As you are fo dear a friend, I know you wi'I do your
utmoft to comfort her. I have fo ordered matters, that fhe
need not be under any concern about providing for the fami-
Jies. God has caufed the people in Bermudas to devife liberal
things. Yet a liule while, and I truft I fliall, on the Orphan-
houfe account, owe no man any thing but love." But I find
I muft fight every inch of my ground. Well ! Jesus is oil
my fide. I can do all things through him ftrengthenir.g me.
An entrance is now made into the Iflands. The Lord, that
has begun, can and will carry on his own work. You will
all help me v/ith your prayers. I muft be content with'
dealing in general falutations, having not time to write
more particulars. Pray remember me in the kindeft manner
u> all your relations and all our dear friends. That grace,
mercy, and peace may be multiplied upon all, is the earneft
prayer of, dear Mrs. T ,
Your moft afFedionate friend, brother, and
fervant, in Christ Jesus,
G, JV.
To the Rev, Mr, S .
On board the Betfy, June 24, 1748.
Rev. and very dear Sir^
THOUGH we are about two hundred leagues from
land, yet left hurry of bufinefs fhould prevent me whea
we get a ftiore, I think proper to write you a few lines whilft
I am on board.— Long before this reaches you, I fuppofe yoa
will have heard of what the Lord of all Lords was pleafed to
do for me and his people at, and alfo when we failed from,
Bermudas, We failed from thence juft twenty-one days this
morning, and have lived, as to the conveniencies of eating and
drinking, like people that came from the continent, rather
^han one of the iflands ; fo bountiful were our friends, whom
we left behind us. Hitherto we have met with no ftorms or
contrary winds, only it begins to head us now. But God,
in his own time, I truft will carry us to ourdefired port. The
Srft day we c^me out we were chafed, and yefterday a large
French vefiel fhot thrice at and bore down fpon us. We
gave up all for gone. I was dreffing myfelf in order to receive
our expected vifitors. In the mean while, our Captain
cries, ^' the .danger is over." The Frenchman turned about
and left us. He was quite near, and we almoft defencelefs.
Now we are fo near the channel, we expea fuch alarms daily.
If any thing happens extraordinary, I fhall be particular. As
for other things, I cannot fay much. The Captain is exceed-
ing civil, and I have my pallage free ; Wit all I have been able
to do in the great cabbin in refpea to religious duties, is to
read the church prayers once every evening, and twice on the
Lord's day. I have not preached yet ; this may fpare my
lungs, but it grieves my heart. I long to be afhore, if it was
for no other reafon. Befides, I can do but little in refpea to
my writing. You may guef* how it h, when we have four
gentlewomen in the cabin. However, they have been, ana
are very civil, and I believe my being on board has been fome*-
what ferviceable. My health I think is improved, and I have
finifhed my abridgment of Mr. Law\ fei ious call, which I
have endeavoured to gofpelize. Yeflerday I likewife made an
end of revifmg all my journals. Blefled be God, for letting
me have Icifure to do it. I purpofe to have a new edition be-
fore I fee America* Alas ! alas ! In how many things have
I judged and aded wrong. — I have been too rafh and hafi:v in
giving chara£lers, both of places and pcrfons. Being foiid of
icripture language, I have often ufe-d a ftyle too apoftolical,
and at the fame time I have been too bitter in my zeaL
Wild -fire has been mixed with it, and I find that I frequently
wrote and fpoke in my own fpirit, when I thought I was
writing and fpeaking by the alliftance of the fpirit of God. I
have likewife too much made inv/ard impreffions my rule of
adling, and too foon and too explicitly publiflied what had
been better kept in longer, or told after my death. By thefe
things I have given fome wrong touches to God's ark, and
hurt the bleffcd caufe I would defend, and alfo flirred up
needlefs oppofition. This has humbled me much fince I have
been on board, and made me think of a faying of Mr. Henry s^
*' J^f^P^^ had more homjiy than he had pl'icy^ or he never would
have told his dreams." At the fame time, I cannot but blefs,
and praife, and magnify that good and gracious GoD, who
filled me with% much of his holy fire, and carried me, a poor
weak youth, through fuch a torrent both of popularity and
contempt, and fet fo many feals to my unworthy miniftrations.
I blefs him for ripening my judgment a little more, for giving
nie to fee and confefs, and I hope in fome degree to corrctS^
and amend, fome of my miflakes. I thank God for giving
me <Trace to embark in fuch a blefied caufe, and pray him to
give me ftrength to hold on and increafe in zeal and love to
the end. Thus, dear Sir, have I unburdened my heart to
you. I look upon you to be my fidus achates^ and therefore
deal thus freely. If 1 have time and freedom before we land,
I think to write a fiiort account of what has happened for
thefe feven years laft pall: ; and when I get on {hgre, God-
willing, I purpofe to revife and correct the firft part of my
life. I know you v;ill pray that I may be direded and owned'
in every thing. I think often of, and pray for you, and as I
intend writins: to vou ai>ain when I fend this, I (liall content
myfelf at prefcnt with fubfcribing myfclf, Reverend and very
dear Sir,
Your moft adedionate obliged though
unworthy brother and ferviint,
To Mrs, L .
Deal, July 5, 1 748.
K^ry dear and Hcnoured Alothcr'y
ARE you yet in the land of the living, or rather atiiong
the dead ? (hall I have the pleafure of receiving one!
more letter from you^ and afking your blefiing once more ?
Next poll, I hope that the two former of thefe will be an-
fwered in the affirmative, and in a week or two 1 truft God
will grant me the laft. About a month agd I left the ifland
of Bermudai, where my poor labours have been greatly bleiTed^
and your unworthy fon has been honoured with many hon-
ours. I am now come once rnore to fee my friends in my na-
tive country^ and fettle fome affairs, and then return to A?ne^
rica againi My dear yoke- fellow I have left behind, to take
care of two families. I have been feveral times jufl: upon the
brink of eternity fmce I faw you, but am now a little recruit-
ed. O that my health and ftrength may be wholly employed
for that Jesus, who has done fuch great things for me I Hig
blood and crof^r, my ever honoured mother, I truft are exceed-
ing precious to your foul. O that I may fee you laden with
holinefs, and bringing forth much fruit in your old age ! [
could fay more, but have feveral other letters to write. As I
know not how your outward affairs are fituated, or where
you live for a certainty, I can only fend cordial and general
falutations to all friends and relations. I hope you will be
pleafcd to let me know whether you itand in need of any
thing, and not ceafe to pray for, honoured mother.
Your ever dutiful though unworthy fon^
Q. JV.
To Mr, G H .
Deal^ July 5, 1748.
AND bow does my dear old friend Mr. H ? Surely
he will fend me a line now ! For through the goodnels
of an infinitely gracious and condefccnding Saviour, I am
once more arrived at my native country. My lad; excurfion
was to Bermudas, We left thofe iflands a month ago, and
God was pleafed to fet his fejil to my unworthy miniftry in a
very glorious manner. I luiow you will be thankful in my
behalf, and let me know next poft how the brethren are in
and about Ghucejlerjhire. I rejoice to find that you ftill go on
iteadily and are not afliamed of the gofpel of Christ. Why
ihould vou ? Have you not found it by happy experience to
be the power of God unto falvation ? Go on then, my dear
Sir, and prove the ftrength of Jesus to be yours. I long to
fee you, that we may talk of redeeming love, and feel our
hearts warm with an holy fire from God's altar. Are the
dear old men, the Reverend MefTrs. 5 and P , yet
alive ? Pray fend them my moft dutiful and afFetStionate re-
fpe6ts, and let them know, that an entrance I truft is now
made into one of the iflands for the glorious gofpel of the Son
of God. O that I was able to fly from pole to pole upon this
bleilcd errand. But alas ! my wings are clipped. My bodi-
ly health is much impaired, and I hoped ere now to have
taken my laft flight to heaven. But it feems that happy
hour is not yet come. Well, welcome life, welcome death,
fo that Jesus, my dear Jesus, may be glorified in both! Pray
that we may (liortly meet in the fulnefs of the blelling of the
gofpel of peace. I fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear Ga'ius^
Yours moft affe6lionately in Christ,
G. W
ro the Rev. Mr. J or C JF .
Deal^ July 5, 1748.
ILL you not be glad to hear that the God of the
feas and the God of the dry land hath brought me
I to
to my native country once more ? I came laft from the B£r^
mudas^ where the friend of fmners has been pleafed to own
my poor labours abundantly. I hope, I come in the fpirit
of love, defiring to iiudy and purfue thofc things v/hich make
for peace. This is the language of my hearty
O let us find the ancient ivay^
Our wond'' ring foes to mone ;
And force the heathen zuorld to fay^
Se£ bow thefe Chrijiians love,
I purpofe. Cod willing, to be in London in a few days. In
the mean while, I falute you and all the followers of the
blefled Lamb of Got) moft heartily. — Be pleafed to pray for,
and give thanks in behalf of, Reverend and dear brother,
Yours moft afFedionately in Christ,
G. m
ro Mr. F .
My very dear Friend^ London^ July 7, j'jAfi,
I Have but juft time to inform you, that after a pleafant
paflage of a month, a good and gracious God brought me
hither in fafety, where I have been received by thoufands with
a joy that almoft overcame both them and me. I have preach-
ed once, and am this evening to preach again. One large
church is open. I cannot now defc^nd to particulars. — I can
only fend you a thoufand thanks for all favours, beg my kind-
eft falutations may be prefented to all friends, and entreat the
continuance of your moft fervent prayers ift behalf of, my dear
fcoft and hoftefs.
Yours as ufual,
G. TV.
To Mr. H .
M'j very dear Friend, London^ ^uly, 7, 1 748.
THOUGH I fuppofe you will fee my dear wife*s letter^
yet I muft fend you a few lines. They bring you news
cfroy fafc arrival, and wonderfully kind acceptance in my
K a native
native country. The blellings beftowed on me, have already,
through the thankfgivings orthoufands, redounded to the glo-
ry of God. Words cannot exprcfs the joy that has pofTefled
the hearts of the people. I hear that the minds even of ene-
mies are much foftened. I came at a critical jun6^ure. I
hear Mr. has ftood up for me at C , and that one
who preached before the truftees hath fpoke honourably of Be-
thefda. If God is pleafed to fend us a general peace, I hope
Georgia will lift up its drooping head. You may depend on
hearing from me as often as pofFible. You will remember
me to all friends. I can only beg you to give thanks, and
pray for, my very dear Sir,
Yours as ufual,
To the Rev, Mr, H .
Rev. and dear Brother^ London^ July 8, 1 748.
GL A D am I, yea very glad to hear that you are yet alive
and have grace given you to adhere to Jesus Christ
and his eternal truths. I am very much pleafed to find that
you appear in print, and that fuch encouragement is given
you to print again. I hope the glorious Emmanuel fmiles
upon your minifterial labours, and gives you many living wit-
neffes, that the truths which you preach are according to
Godlinefs. Go on, my dear old friend, aud prove the ftrength
of Jesus to be thine. Through his infinite and unmerited
goodnefs I am once more fafe in my native country. Ber-
mudas was the laft place where I have been preaching. I left
many fouls under concern. Many precious fouls (O free
grace !) have received me here in great love, and I have been
enabled tv/ice to preach, to a multitude of poor finners, the
unfearchabie riches of Jesus Christ. My bodily health is
much imparedj but through divine alTiftance, I will goon
working for Jesus of Nazareth^ 'till I can work no more. I
could fay much of his love, but have a deal of bufincfs before
me. Accept this as a token of unfeigned love and refpect
from, my very dear Sir,
Your affedtionate though nnw^orthy brother
and fervant tor Christ's fake,
G, IV.
To Mr. C .
Der4r Mr. C , London^ July 8, 1 748.
I Am come over with a fuiGere dcfirc to purfue the things
which make for peace. Confcquently I mufi: hear and
fee for myfeif, before I determine upon any thino-. I have
heard nothing of Mrs. D *s writing concerning you. All
I can fay is, that by what you have publiflicd and I have pe-
rufed, you have unhappily fallen into fome principles, which
are contrary to the reveajed will of God. — But I fpeak not
this to begin a difpute. I fliall be glad to fee and converfe
with you. As for your preaching in Moor-fields^ they are no
doubt as free for you as another. I intend preachino- there,
God willing, on Sunday evening. That you may have a clear
Jiead and a clean heart, is the hearty prayer of, dear Sir,
Your afFedlionate friend and fervant,
T'j Mr, K -.
My dear Brother., London, July 12, 174S.
ii T my firft arrival, you judged right that I am pretty
X\_ much taken up ; however, I muft fnatch a ^t\w minutes
to anfwer your kind, very kind letter. Blefled be God, that
the mercies bellowed on hell-defcrving me, have, throqoh the
thankfgivings of many, redounded to the glory of the blefTed
Jesus. O that the fame prayers that have drawn me hither,
may draw down fhowers of bleffings upon God's church.
Now I am come, do you and my other friends continue to
pray and hold up your hands, and in the flrength of ]^s\Js
Christ I will go on fighting. The fields feem to be as
white as ever. I truft the fhout of a king is among us. O
for humility, love and zeal ! O for that mind, which was in
Christ Jesus ! I truft th?,t the members of your fociety are
copying after our great Exemplar. As foon as pofTible I pur-
pofe to come down and fee you. \ thank you for what you
have done in refpe^ to the Orph^n-houfe. 1 could wi(h the
cafh was remitted to London immediately, berauf^ I want ta
K 3 ^ay
pay it away. Surely the time will come, when I (hall owe
no man any thing but love. Then, and 'till the day of my
death, Poor^ yet making many r'tch^ (hall be my motto. You
will remember me in the kindeft manner to all the followers
of the Lamb r, and that you may be filled with all his fulnefs,
is the prayer of
Yours, &c.
To Mr. C .
London, July 12, 1748.
AJy very dear Friend and Brother^
THOUGH I am pretty much engaged, yet I cannot let
your kind letter lie by me two pofts unanfwered. BlefT-
ed be God that you yet retain your Innple heart, and are
determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and hitn cru-
cified. With this mind, may you climb up higher and high-
er in the church of England^ in order that you may move in
a fuperiour orb, and your light (liine with greater and more
diftufivc ardor round the church of God ! O my dear Mr.
C , what has the Redeemer done for us ! What is he ftill
doing ! It would gladden ypur heart to fee what a turn affairs
take in London. I have preached twice in St. Bartbolo-
mew's church, and helped to adminifler the facrament once.
1 believe on Sunday we had a thoufand communicants. Moor-
fields are as white as ever unto harvefl, and multitudes Hock to
hear the word. The old fpirit of love and power feems to be
revived amongft us. What am I, what am I, that Jesus
Christ (hould ftill delight to honour me ? O for a fmgle
pye and a fimple heart unto the end ! By what I can judge,
fatan will allure feme with his golden bait. " In all times of
our wealth, good Lord deliver us." BlefTed be God, I am
not much in danger of haying too much of this world's goods
at prefent. My outv/ard affairs are yet behind hand. I long
to owe no man any thing but love. As for your cautions, they
fhall be obferved pun£lually. Never mind me, let my name
die every where, let even my friends forget me, if by that
means the caufe of the blefled Jesus may be promoted. In
•about a fortnight I hope to fee you at my brother's. I hear he is
better. O that he may come out for Christ ! I think I have
jiow anfwercd your requeft, and fent you a long letter. I hope
to hear from you again before I fee you. My hearty refpects
await Mr. G . I truft he determines to know nothing
but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Commending you to
his mercy, and myfelf to the continuance of your prayer<?, I
fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Yours eternally in the blefTeJ Jesus,
G, IV.
^0 the HonQiirahk R , Efq-, of Bermuda,
Honoured Sir, London^ July 12, 174S.
RATIl^UDE eonftrains me to embrace the iirft op-
portunity of informing you of our fafe arrival at our
wifhed-for port. We ftruck ground, I think, the 27th dav
after we fet fail, and landed at Deal the 30th. We were
chafed the firft afternoon, and prepared for going to prifon
twice or thrice. But our fears were groundlefs ; there was a
ceflation of arms with France^ though we knew it not, and
fome {hips that we thought were purfuing us proved to be
Englijh men of war. We had plenty of provifions, and met
with no ftorms or bad weather worth the fpeaking of.
Other particulars, I fuppofe, Captain E , who was
very civil, will inform you. The evening after we landed
at Deal^ I was at Mr. D and E 's, before I came
to my own lodgings. They were very glad to hear from
Bermudas. Since then, words cannot well exprefs how joyful
my friends were to fee me once more in the land of the living.
I find the news-papers had buried me ever fince April laft ;
but it feems I am not to die, but live : O that it may be to de-
clare the works of the Lord ! My obligations to do fo, aie
much increafed by the mercies conferred on me at Bermudas ^
and during my voyage. Surely the ftones would cry out
againft me, did I not fet forth the riches of redeeming love.
Blefied be God, I have had feveral opportunities of doing {o,
fmce my arrival. Laft Lord's-day I believe we had a thoufand
communicants. In a {^'^ weeks, God willing, I purpofe to
K 4. fee
fee ScotlanJ, and then fliall do myfelf the plcafurc of writing te^
or waitip,g on your brother. In the mean time, I fhall, as op-
portunity offers, write to fome more of my Bermudas friends,
whom 1 defire never to forget at the throne of grace. You and
yours, honoured Sir, will be pleafed to accept my moft cordial
falutations. That you and your houfc may ferve the Lord
herp, and live with him eternally in the kingdom of heaven
hereafter, is the hearty prayer of, honoured Sir,
Your mod obliged humble fcrvant,
G. jr.
ro Mr. H .
LondoHy July 16, 1748.
Aly very dear Mr, M— — ,
IThanlc you for your fpeedy and kind anfvver to my lafl
poor letter, and heartily pray God, if it be agreeable to
his Vv'ill, yet to prolong your life, nnd make your pen the pen
of a ready writer. I fliall take it as a great favour, if you will
order rne a fct of yoi^r wor^s. I fliall perufe them with the
greateft pleafure, and feud a fct of them alfo abroad. Bleiled
be God, for caufmg you to write To to fuit the tafle of the
polite world ! O that they may be won over to admire Him,
who is indeed altogether lovely ! But what (h.ali I fay to your,
kind intended prefent ? It is like my dear old friend. Mr. — —
was fo kind as to con;)e and fee me yeilerday. I fliewed him
your letter. He expects Xo lee me at his houfe. God wiliing,
if poHible I v/ill pay' him a v^fit, O that he may recover his
firft love ! For ever adored be free grace : mai-jy fouls feem to
be quickened. Multitudes flock to hear. My health fomc-
V*'hat improves, and our Lord makes it e:?fceeding pleafant to
me to preach to poor finners his unfcarchablc riches. O whea
(hall we get within the veil I Thanks be to Qop, it cannot be
Ions:. We are both fickly. Lord give us patience to wait
till our blefied change come ! To the Redeemer's tendci;
mercy ^o I ipoft earneltly cornmit you ; and entreat, while
life and breath lafts, you will not ceafe praying for one, who,
though lefs than the leaft of all, yet for Jesus Christ's fake
fubfcribcs himfclfj my very dear friend,
Ever yours,
G. W.
To Mr. K .
Very dear Sir, London, Jufy, 19, 1748.
I Thank you for your kind anfwer to my laft, as well as for
all other favours. Before 1 heard from you, I had been
informed from feveral quarters, that Satan hath been fifting all
our poor focieties. This is no more than I expedcd. But
let us take courage, dear Sir ; Jesus Christ prays for us.
His truths are great and (hail prevail. At Lojidon, affairs feem
to be taking a good turn. The Lord Jesus comes among us
as in the days of old. I trufl: by and by we fhall fee good days
at Exon again. When I (hall go there is uncertain. Next
week, God willing, I muft be at Briflol, and after that I muft
go to the JVekh alTociation. Glad fliall I be to hear whatever
you have to offer. May the Lord Jesus give us a right judg-
ment in all things ! When the time of my feeing Exon is fixed,
I will endeavour to fend you previous notice. In th.e mean-
while, let you and yours accept moft hearty love and cordial
falutations from one, who, though Icfs than the leaft of all
faints, begs leave to fubfcribe himlelf, very dear Mr. K ,
Yours moft affedionately in Christ Jesus,
G. W.
To the Reverend Mr. C .
London, July 20, 1 748.
My very dear Friend and Brother,
NEITHER length of time, nor change of place, I
truft, will ever eftrange us from each other. — Though
through the goodnefs of God I am now in England, yet I can-
not help daily thinking upon you and my other dear' friends in
America. I have been prayed over hither : do you flrivc to pray
rne over again to South-Carolina. Much bufinefs now lies
upon my hands. It is too much for one man, to be received
as I have been by thoufands. I'he thoughts of it lay me low,
but I cannot get low enough, I would willingly fmk into no-
" * thing
thing before the bleficd Jesus, my All in All. Next week I
hope to fee Briftcl^ where I {hail not fail to enquire about your
iiiinifter, and fend you word accordingly. I hope you do not
forget Bcthefda or Prcviclence, O my dear yoke-fellow, how
is (he carried through the Summer's fultry heat ? May the
Lord be her helper ! You will not fail to give my moft cor-
dial refpeas to Mrs. B , Dr. B , his wife, and all
friends. Fail not, O fail not to pray heartily for.
Yours moft affedlionately in Christ Jesus,
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. D .
London^ July 23, 1 748,
My very Dear Mr. D- .
GLAD was I, yea very glad to receive one more letter
from fuch a valuable and dearly beloved friend and
brother. I have often enquired after you fmce my arrival, and
only multiplicity or bufinefs prevented your hearing from me.
Glory be to the blefled Jesus, for fupporting and carrying
you through fo many difficulties that neceflarily attend the
paftoral office, I find more and more, my dear Sir, that ex-
perience is only t3 be learned in the fchool of tribulation ;
and as we undergo the fufferings mentioned in the fcriptures,
fo far and no farther do we underftand the fcriptures them-
felves. O that patience may have its perfedl work, and wc
may be enabled to the end of our days to fan6lify the Lord
God in our hearts ! As for poor Scotland^ what fliall I fay ?
Our Lord's u-ords muft be fulfilled, '' The firft fliall belaft,
and the laft firft." Awakening times are always like the
Spring. Many blofibms appear, and perhaps hut little folid
fruit is produced after all. O that the Lord of the harveft, if
1 am to fee Scot iaiid d^gAin, may fend me to call fome backfliders
to return. Glory be to God, affairs are taking a happy turn
here. Old love, and old power, feem to be reviving among
us. I preach to multitude* daily. Many are already brought
under new awakenings. On Monday next I fet out, God
willing, for Gloucejkr^ and intend returning in about three
weeks. — Kow ?lad fliall I then be to fee Mr. D . My
dear yoke-fellow would rejoice to do fo too ; but I left her
abroad in the tent. — Perhaps (lie may come over foon. Pray
remember her, and, my dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G, IF.
To Dr. R .
Honoured Sir ^ London^ ^uly 11^ ^74^.
LOVE and gratitude conflrain me to fend you a ^t^ lines.
They come to inform you, that a fenfc of the almoft in-
numerable favours you was pleafed to confer on me, when un-
der your tuition, is yet deeply engraven upon the tables of my
heart. That God, whom I endeavour to ferve in the gofpel
of his dear Son, will richly reward you in that day. By his
aiTiftance, I ftill continue to preach the everlafting gofpel in
various places j and, I truft, not without fome abiding good
efFecSl. Indeed, 'laft year I was in hopes I fhould have been
tranflated to thofe blifsful regions, where the v/icked ceafe
from troubling, and where the weary be at reft. But it feems,
I am not yet to die, but live. O that it may be to declare the
works of the Lord ! I think his glory is the main principle of
my a(!ling. I want to bring fouls, not to a party, much lefs
to lead them from the eftablijQied church, but to a fenfe of their
undone condition by nature, and to true faith in Jesus
Christ, which v/iil be evidenced by a holy life, and an uni-
verfal, chearful obedience to all the commands of God. In
this, honoured Sir, however you may judge of the means and
method of my proceeding, I am perfuaded you wifli me fuc-
cefs. Your's, both in refped to this life and another, I have
much at heart. That the great fhepherd and bifhop of fouls
may affifl: you in the overfigbt of all under your care, and in
the future ftate receive you with an Eu^e bone^ in the prefence of
applauding angels, and fpirits of juft men made pcrfecb, is the
Cdrneft prayer of, honoured Sir,
Your moft unworthy, though dutiful pupil,
and very humble fervant,
G. W.
To Governor Thomas,
Honoured Sir ^ London, Juiy 22, 1748.
THOUGH I am uncertain about your being in town,
yet i cannot leave it, without leaving a few lines of ac-
knowledgment, for thofe many fayours you and your worthy
lady were pleaieji to confer upon me and mine abroad, Ghd
were wc, yea exceeding gkd to hear of your fafe arrival in
England, and gracious reception at court. May you fo live in
this world, as to be received with cxpreiiions of joy and ap-
probation by the King of kings in the world to come \ I
hope, honour'd Sir, that the change of climate has been con-
ducive to your health, and the health alfo of dear little Mifs,
and her honoured Mamma. I beg my mod dutiful refpe£ls may
find acceptance, honoured Sir, both with them and you. At
my return to London^ which I fuppofe will be in about three
weeks, I purpofe doing myfelf the honour of waiting upon
you in perfon. In the mean while, I beg leave, with the
warmed afFciflion, to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your moft obliged, obedient humble fervant,
G. n\
To the Reverend Mr, S .
London, Jiify 24, 1748,
Reverend and very dear Sir,
SINCE my arrival in England^ (now three weeks) I have
fcnt feveral packets to America, This brings you the wel-
come tidings of the LoRp's continuing to blefs my poor ad-
miniftrations, and caufing his word to run and be glorified.
Particulars I cannot defcend to now. My hands are quite
full of bufmcfs. I am alllfled alfo in temporals, and hope, ere
I fee America again, to be delivered from my outward Orphan-
houfe embarraflments. I have almoft fixed on perfons to
come over to Bethefda, With them I intend fending you fomc
things,, v/hich I believe you will be glad to ke, Aniinomianifm
has made havock here, but I trull the worft is oyer. Our
fcattered troops begin to unite again ; and indeed the fhout of a
king is amongft us. I truft that the glorious Emmanuel waves
his banner alfoover you, and caufcs you to rejoice in his great
falvation. That you, and all my dear friends and bcncfadors
may fit under his fliadow with unfpeakable delight, is the
hearty prayer of, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft afFe61ionate, obliged friend,
brother, and fervant in our common Lordj
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. S ,
TVaterford^ Augiijl 3, 1748,
Reverend and very dear Sir,
IHave written to you more than once fince my .3. rival;
notwithftanding that, I muft write to you again. The
bearer is a man of good report, a Dijpnter, and brings I believe
a teftimonial with him. He has met with difappointments in
the world, and goes out to be overfeer to fome gentleman's
plantation. — I believe he would be glad to be introduced to
ibme of our religious friends, I write this from Wales, where
I am come to attend on a quarterly aflbciation. Yeftcrday I
left Brijiol, where great multitudes came to hear, and the arm
of the Lord was revealed. Next week, God willing, I pur-
pofe to return to London, and after a Ihort ftay there, to go
into the IVeJl and other parts of England. I believe that 7r^-
land znd Scotland muft be left till next Spring. I am as well
in health as 1 have been for a long v/hilc j and God is pleafed
to give me the aftecftions of his people, in a manner I dared
not exped. But is there any thing too hard for the Lord ?
You will continue to pray for me. I expect a loving, chiding
letter from you. 1 have feveral things to fend you, and at
prefent can only beg you and all friends to accept of my
hearty love and thanks, and fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate, obliged friend,
arid fervant in Christ,
To Mr, irm. G-
JVaterford, Augujl 3, 1 748.
My dear little Mm^
I Do not forget the promife I made you when in town. As
a proof of it, I fnatch a few moments to fend you a line.
How will it find you ? May I anfwer for you ? Upon the
ftrctch for God, and giving diligence to make your calling
and elecSlion fure. O that there may be always in you fuch a
mind ! You know how many once did run well ; but the
devil and the world working upon their wicked hearts, have
hindered them. Alas ! how is their gold become dim, and
their fine gold changed ! Let him that thinketh he ftands take
heed left he fall. Be jealous of yourfelf, and hang continu-
ally on the Lord Jesus. You are now growing up, and arc
about to launch into a wicked world. You know how ftrangely
fatan will tempt you to love it. Nothing can keep you, but
the mighty power of God. Afk, and you (hall have it ex-
erted in your behalf. I could enlarge, but have not time.
Perhaps next week I may be in London, The Lord Jesus
has blefled my being in the country. The fields are white,
ready unto harveft. My love to your fifter. May (he be a
Ruth, For the prefent I muft bid you farewel, after having
fubfcribed myfelf.
Yours, &c.
I'o the Reverend Mr, M .
Mltchel-Dean, Augujl 6, 1 748.
THOUGH I am now upon the road in my way to
Gloucejlcr^ yet i cannot help dropping you a few lines.
Excefs of bufincfs, not want of refpect, has prevented my
writing to you before. You, and yours, and all my dear
Scotch friends, have been, dill are, and by the grace of Gon
always will be much upon my heart. I long to hear that their
fouls profpcr. Perhaps next Spring I may pay them another
Vifit. The remainder of this year muft be fpcnt In vifitino-
England and Wales. Blcfled be God, there is a profpeiSt of a
revival where I have been already, at London^ Brijlol^ and
JFaksy from whence I am juft now come. Our Lord hath
been plcafed to life up the light of his countenance upon his
poor people, I beg, reverend Sir, the continuance of your
prayers, that I may be ftedfaft, unmovcabic, always abound-
ing in the work of the Lord. At prefent, through grace, I
am willing to fpend and be fpent for the good of precious and
immortal fouls. My native air feems to improve my health,
and I truft ere long I fhall be lively and ftrong as an eagle.
I fuppofe you have heard that the word of the Lord has been
glorified in Benmidas. In a Ihort time, I liope the adjacent
iflands will know what it is to feel the fun of rightcoufnefs
arifmg with healing under his wings.
Bkji is faith that triifls his power ^
BUjl are faints that ::\^.';' his hour ;
Hafle^, great conqueror^ bring H near ;
Let the glorious clofe appear.
Reverend Sir, I could write more ; but muft away. I beg my
moft cordial refpe<5^s may be accepted by your whole fire-fide
and all friends. I intend writing to dear Mr. M foon.
In the mean while, 1 mufl hafte to fubfcribe myfelf, reverend
and very dear Sir,
Your moft afFetSlIonate, obliged younger brother,
and willing fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF.
To Lady H .
London, Augiifl 10, 1748.
Honoured Madanty
THIS morning, juft after I had begun to put pen to paper, p.
friend told me, that fmcel had been in the country, a letter
had been fent me by a lady out oi Scotland. I opened it, and with
:-. pleafing furprlze found it was from your Ladyiliip, to whom
I was then writing. Blefted be God, that your foul, honoured
Madam, is yet hdd in lift ! I hopg i; djcs and will prosper ;
and however others may grow lukewarm and lofe their iirft
love, yet you will fay, " As for nic and my houfehold, we
will ferve the Lord." Bv four years frefli experience, I find
that this indeed, in every icfpecl, is the whole of man. O how
good has the bleiled Redeemer been both to my foul and body !
Out of how many and great deaths has he delivered me I And
yet, honoured Madam, vile as I am, he is pleafed ftill to ho-
nour me. Multitudes fiock to hear the word, and our Lord
is pleafed to adminifter feed to the fower. Early in the Spring,
God willing, do I purpofe to vifit dear Scoihfid once more.
That the Lord of all Lords may abundantly blefs your
Lady(hip, and all your connexions in this and a better world^
is the earnell prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Liidyfliip's mod: obliged,
obedient humble fervant,
To the Reverend Mr. J .
London^ Augnjl II, i/^-yS.
My very dear Mr, J ,
YOUR kind letter^ which I received but yeflerday, having
been taking a little tour in the country^ both grieved
and pleafed me. Glad was I to find, that my dear old friend
had not forgotten me, and yet forry as it were, that I had not
wrote to him fird. I v/asjufl going to put pen to paper^
when yours was brought to my hands. I read it with joy,
and now embrace the firfi: opportunity of anfwering it with the
greateft pleafure. Thefe v;ords concerning our Lord have
always been weighty on my heart, **^ Having loved his own,
he loved them unto the end.'* They therefore that are moil:
like him, will be mod ftcady in their friendfhip, and not very
readily given to change. O my dear Sir^ what has the Re-
deemer done for us fince we ufed to take fuch fweet counfcl
together at Oxford! BlcPjed be his nume for giving you a heart
ftill to preach among poor finners the uiilearchable riches o^
Christ. May you go on and profper, and, maugre all oppo-
fition, fee D.tgon fall evtry where before the ark. As for me,
I am a poor v.'orthlefs pilgrim, snd thought long ere now to
4 be
be with him, who has Joved and given himfelf for mc. — But
it feems I am not yet to die, but live. O that it may be to
declare the work of the Lord ! I think this is the thirteenth
province I have been in within this twelvemonth, in each of
which our Lord has been pleafed to fet his feal to my un-
worthy miniftry. 1 came from Bermudas lafl:, where I left
many fouls feeking after Jesus of Nazareth, In London^ Bri-
Jlolj Gloucejler^^ and JVaUs^ the glorious Emmanuel^ fince my
arrival, has appeared to his people. In about a fortnight I
purpofe leaving town again in order to go a circuit of about
five hundred miles. I need not defire you to pray forme; I
need not tell you how glad I fliall be whenever opportunity
offers, to fee you face to face. In the mean while, let us cor-
fefpond by letter. May Jesus blefs it to us both ! I return
cordial refpe6ls to Lady M . 1 pray the Lord to blefs
her and her little nurfery. For the prefent adieu. I am, my
very dear Mr. J ^
Ever yoursj
ToMr.S .
t)ear Sir, London, Augiijl i6, 1 748.
GLAD fhall I be to have the pleafure of your dining with
me on Thurfday between tvvelve and one. If you pleafe,
you may leave your chaife and horfes at thfe other end of the
town, and ride to my lodgings in art hackney coach. Or if
you choofe to conie in your chaife, we have inns near at
hand. I fliall devote Thurfday jjfternoori to you ; and if yoii
pleafe to flay the evening and hear me preach, and then fup
and take a bed at our houfe afterwards, I fhall be much
obliged to you. You need only enquire for the tabernacle
new houfc near MoorfieUU. I hope matters Will be fo ordered,-
that you will hcfolus cum fob. I pity p*erfons in your circum-
ftanees, and humbly hope that you will be one of Nicode?nus*s
children every way. You know, though he came by night at
firfl, yet afterwards he was as bold as a lion. Go on, dear
Sir : *' To him that hath, fhafl be given." Christ will not
quench the fmoaking flax, nor break the bruifed reed. That
his love may be filed abroad in your heart, that you may be ena--
VoL.IL L ' bled['
bled to confefs him before men, and be confelTcd by him
before his Father and the holy angels in heaven, is the carv
neft prayer of, dear Sir,
Your moft afFeclionatc friend, and
willing fervant for Jesus Christ,
G, IV.
To Lord .
My Lordy LondoTty Auguj} 19, 1 748.
THOUGH T expert to be in Scotla7ul in about three weeks^
yet I cannot defer writing to your Lordihip any longer.
I hope this will find your worthy lady trampling upon the
luft of the eye, the luft of the fleHi, and the pride of life, and
fteadily purfuing the one thing needful. I doubt not but you
both have found, that the Redeemer's fervice has been perfet^t
freedom, and that in keeping of his commandments there is
even a prefent great reward. Blefl'ed be God, I can fay So
by happy and repeated experience. The blefled Jesus is plea^
fed ftill to own and blefs my poor labours, and gives me encou-
ragement to go on fighting his battles. My outward man de-
cays J but I truft I fhall die in the field of battle. I want
to learn what it is to be a good foldier of Jesus Christ.
I could enlarge, but multiplicity of bufinefs obliges me to be
brief. I hope my moft dutiful refpedts will find acceptance
with good Lady , Lady , and all your Lordfhip's
fire fide. — That you all may be filled with the fulnefs of God,
is the hearty prayer of, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's moft obliged, obedient fervant,
To Mr. B .
London^ Augufi 20, 1748.
My ''Jery dear Brother^
I Thank you for your kind letter. It was put into my hands
juft as 1 was leaving Briftol^ and ever fmce, I have been
fo bufy, that till now I could not redeem a few moments to
anfwer it. I am glad that you, and the dear brethren you
mentioned, are Co well and happy. They are my old hearty
friends as well as you. I falute them tenderly, and lono; for
that time when we fhall all furround the throne, ami throw
our crowns before the Lamb who fitteth thereon for ever
There we fhall be all unifons : there we (hall have clear heads*
2nd perfedly clean and purified hearts. Till then we mufl
agree to difagree in many things, except to love and ferve him.
who loved us and gave himfelf for us, who has redeemed us
unto God by his blood, hath made us kings and priefts unto
^OD and enables us to reign over fin, death, and hell, even
Whilft we are here on earth. O glorious mvftcry ! \Vell may
the angels defire to look into it. I could^enlarge, but other
affairs of our Lord's kingdom call me away. For the prefent, "
adieu. I return your cordial falutations in the hearticfl manner.
If our Lord fhould call me to m/^ire, I would come and
fee you. At prefent I am bound to Scotland. I truft we can
fay, Jesus is with us here. That he may be evermore with
you and all his fincere followers, is the earnefl prayer of,
my very dear brother.
Yours moft afFcaionately in him that was deadj
but is alive again, and liveth for evermore,
To Lady H .,
Injured Madam, j^.^j^ ^^^ .^
Received your Ladyfhip's letter late laft night, and write
^histoinformyourLadyfhip that I am quite willingto com-
ply with your invitation. As I am to preach, God willing, at
St. Bartholomew s on fVednefday evening, I will wait upon your
^adylhip the next morning, and fpend the whole day at Ckelfca.
Blefled be God, that the rich and great begin to have an
hearing ear. I think it h a good fign that our Lord intends
to give to fome at leaft, an obedient heart. Surely your Lady-
ftip and Madam E^ are only the firft fruits. May you in-
creafe and multiply ! I believe you will. How wonderfully
does our Redeemer deal with fouls. If they will hear the
gofpel only under a cielcd roof, minifters fhall be fent to them
xbere. It cnly in a church, or a f^cld, they fliaJl have it
*' ^ there.
there. A word in the leflbn, when I was laft at your Lady^
fhip's, ftriick me. " Paul preached privately to thofe that were
of reputation." This muft be the way I prefume of dealing
with the nobility, who yet know not the Lord. O that I
may be enabled, when called to preach to any of them, fo to
preach as to win their fouls to the blefled Jesu€ ! I know
your Ladyfliip will pray that it may be fo. As for my poor
prayers, fuch as they are, your Ladyfhip hath them every day.
That the blcfled Jesus may make your Ladyfliip happily in*
ilrumcntal in bringing many of the noble and mighty to the
faving knowledge of his eternal Self, and water your own
foul every moment, is the continual requeft of, honoured
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged, obedient humble fervant,
G. /K
To Judge B .
Honoured Sir ^ London^ Augujl 11^ 174.8.
I Think it is now high time for me to fend you a line of
thanks, for the favours yow was pleafed to confer on me
when at the Bermudas. They are not, and I truft never will
be forgotten by me, whilft I am on this fide eternity. The
fame good hand that was with me abroad, hath fafely brought,
and fmce my arrival blefied me much at home. I am daily
employed in that delightful work of preaching to poor fmners
the unfearchable riches of Jesus Christ. Once a week I
read prayers and preach in one of the largeft of the London
churches. Multitudes flock there and in the fields, and I truft
much good is done to many. I have been lately a three
hundred mile circuit, and purpofe, God willing, to fet out
for -Sr^/Zr/w./ in about eight days. At my return, I hope to
hear by fome ftiip or another that all is well at Bermudas, I
beg my moft dutiful refpecSls may find acceptance with his
Excellency. I endeavoured to be as obliging as I could to his
lady and little mafter, u'hom I fuppofe th« Governor will
have heard from before this comes to hand. I have taken the
freedom to fend him a volume of my fermons. I intend
vvriting to Colonel H another opportunity. I have fent
to Colonel G and fome others already. Multiplicity of
bufinefs prevents my writing to more at prefent. Be plcafed
however to prefent my moft cordial refpeds to him and his
family, to your whole fire fide, and all enquiring friends. I
hope you will accept the fame yourfelf, from, honoured Sir,
Your moft obliged humble fervant,
G. JK .
To Captain J D .
Very dear Sir^ London^ Augujl 22, 1 748.
I Have already written to you and other friends fnice my ar-
rival at London, With this, I fend a box of books to
be difpofed of among my dear Bermudas acquaintance. To
fome I have affixed their names, and left I Ihould have for-
gotten any (as undoubtedly I have, being fo much hurried) I
have fent half a dozen of my volumes of twenty three fermons,
to be difpofed of with the fmall tra£ls, as you fhall think
proper. I begin now to expe6l the D'lana^ or fome other
Ihip, to bring me an account of the welfare of you and my
other beloved friends. A {t\\{& of your manifold kindnefles
lies yet upon my heart, and I always endeavour to remem-
ber them before Him, who has promifed that a cup of cold
water given in the name of a difciple, fhall in no wife lofe its
reward. Had I time equal to my will, I would write many
letters, but a variety of bufmefs prevents. Be pleafcd therefore
to beg my friends to accept general thanks and cordial fai-
lutations. In a few days I purpofe fettingout for Scotland^ and
hope to return to America next year. But future things belong
to God. a wide fcene opens here, and I would willingly
be difpofed of as feemeth beft to my heavenly Father. To
his tender and never-failing mercy, do I earneftly commend
you and dear Mrs. D , your little ones, all your rela-
tions, and the whole circle of my friends. That you may bp
blefTed with all the blelTings of the everlnfting covenant, is
the hearty defire and continual prayer of, very dear Sir,
Your moft afteiH^ionate, obliged
friend and humble fervant,
G. fF.
L 3 LIT T r R
fo Mr, .
Very dear Sir^ London^ -^i^SHJ^ ^^j 174^?
IF any thing I have faid or wfitten h^s been made any
v/ay ferviceable to your better part, I thank the LoRX^
of all Lords, whofe mercy erjduristh for ever. I truft the
language pf my heart towards Jesus Christ, is this :
Iftbcu excufe^ then work thy willy
By fo unfit an irftrument ;
// will at once thy goodr^efs JheWy
And prov^ thy power omnipotent,
I thank you, dear Sir, for your concern abput my healtl^.
If it fhould pleafe God to bring me back from Scotland to
winter in town, I have thoughts of fubmitting to fome re-
gimen or another. At prefent I think it impracticable. On
Tuefday^ GoD willing, I purpofe to fet out, and to go by
the way of York, I fuppofe it will be about a two months cir-
cuit. My journals, and laft five fermons, I fhall fend to Mr,
D— — , with the journal that I have CQrre6led. Alas, dear Sir,
fo many things want altering, that what you propofc for An-
drew to do, would be for him a too laborious tafk. I heartily
wifli that you and dodor P and Mr. H y/ould be
pleafed to revife them. 1 intend publifhing a new edition foon.
Mr. H- is of a differeiit opinion from Dr. D— — - con-
cerning the feventh of the Romans* Adhuc fub judice lis eji,
I always do as you defire in refpeCt to Mr. /i^— — 's fermons.
My prayer for him, for myfelf, and friends, is this ; " LoRO,
give us clear heads arid cjean hearts.-' I would recommend
bifhop Beverldge's fermons mofe, but they are too yolumirious
for the common people, and I have not read them all. I ex-
pe6l you will do thjs yourfelf, dear Sir, by and by, from the
pulpit, and what is more, recommend his and your mailer to
the choice of poor finners. You have jiosy by your ejccellen^
letter publlckly confefTed him. The eyes of all will be now
upon you, to fee whether the truths you have delivered tq
others, are tranfcribed into your own heart arid copied in your
ijfe. Now indeed may you cry^
O for ajhong^ a laj^'ing fohh 1
To credit what the Jlmighty faith !
Now the language of your foul fhould be, '« how holy our^ht
I to be in all manner of converfation and godlinefs." Now,
dear Sir, let me entreat you to keep from trimming, or fo
much as attempting to reconcile two irreconcilable differen-
ces, God and the world, Christ and BeliaL You know
me too well to fuppofe I want you to turn cynic. No, live a
fecial life. But then, dear Sir, beg of the Lord Jesus to free
you from the love of the world ; thence, thence arifes that fear
of man which now fo fiiackles and difturbs your foul. Dare,
dear Sir, to be fmgularly good. If Christ be your Saviour,
make him a prefent of your pretty character. Honour him,
and he will honour you. He indulges you much, and gently
leads you on. Let the fame love conftrain you, dear Sir, to
prefs forwards, and never reft till you can give up children,
name, life, and all into his hands who gave his precious blood
for you. I could enlarge, but am called away. I make no
apology for this; you fay you are my friend. — Accept this, dear
Sir, as a token of my believing you fincere in that profeflion,
Yours moft afFedionatcly in Christ Jesus,
G. JV,
ToLady^H .
Honoured Madam^ London^ Augujl 22, 1 748.
EVER fince the reading your Lady (hip's condefcending
letter, my foul (as indeed through grace it was in a de-
gree before) has been overpowered with his prefence, who is
All in All. When your Ladylhip fliled me " your friend,'* I
was amazed at your condefcenfion. But when I thought that
Jesus was my friend, it quite overcame me, and made
me to lie proftrate before him, crying. Why mc, why me? I
juft now rofc from the ground, after praying the Lord of all
Lords to water your foul, honoured madam, every moment.
As there fcems to be a door opening for the nobility to hear
the gofpel, I will defer my journey till Thurfday, and, God
willing, preach at your Ladyfliip's on Tuejday. In the mean
L 4 while
while I will wait upon or fend to the Count the Danijh eai-
bafTador's brother, who favours me with his company on Mori"
day to dine. On Monday morning from nine to near eleven I
will be at your Ladylliip's, and wait to know your order con-
cerning Tuejday. O that God may be with and make me hum-
ble ! I am afhamed to think your Ladyihip will admit me un-
der your roof, much more am I amazed that the Lord Jesus
will make ufe of fuch a creature as I am. Under a fenfe of
this, I write to your Ladyfliip now. It is late, and my poor
body calls to reft. But as I am to preach four times to-mor-r
row, I thought it my duty to fend thefe few lines to your La-
dyfhip to night. Q^iite aftoniflied at your Jvadyfhip's condcr
fcenfion, and the unmerited fuperabounding grace and good-
jiefs of Him who has loved me and given himfeif for me, I
I'ubfcribe myfelf, honoured madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, obedient,
humble and y^illing fervant,
To Lady H .
Honoured Alud.-ijn^ London, Sept. i, 1 748.
ALTHOUGH it is time for me to be fetting out, yet I
dare not leave town without drqpping a few lines, grate-
fijlly to acknowledge the many favours I have received from
your Ladyfhip, efpecially the honour you have done me in
making me one of your Ladyfhip's chaplains. A fenle of it
liumblcs me, and makes me 10 nray more intenfely for more
grace, to walk more worthy of that Gop, who has called me
to his kingdom and glory. As your Ladyfliip hath been
pleafed to confer on me the honour before mentioned, I fhall
think it rny duty to fend you weekly accounts of what the
Lord Jesus is pleafed to do for and by me. Glory be to his
great Name, the prorpe61 is promifing. My Lord Bath received
me yefterday morning very cordially, and would give me five
guineas for the orphans, though I refufed taking any thing for
the books. I fend your Ladyfhip (by the hands of faithful
and honed Bftiy JV ) a little box of my fermons, and the
}aft account of GoD's dealing with me, and of the money
^ expended
expended for the Orphan-houfe, with my oath before the ma-
giftrates of Savannah. The little book in marble paper is for
Madam P ; I have folded down where I would have her
begin to read. What a lovely chriftian will (he make, when
grace hath once refined her heart ? I hope God intends to
honour your Ladyfhip in making you inftrumcntal of doino*
good to the nobility. His providence, his peculiar providence
hath placed your Ladyftiip at Chelfea. I am perfuaded your
Ladyfhip will not quit that poft, till he that hath placed you
there, plainly gives you a difmiflion. I have good news to-
day from BriJloL Mr. C intends to be fettered no long-
er w^ith the fear of man. O that there may be always in him
fuch a mind ! Mr. L , he informs me too, is coming from
under the jcloud. He begs his dutiful refpe£ls may be pre-
fented to your Ladyfhip, and is much obliged to your Lady-
fhip for being fo much concerned for him. I hope he will
fix by and by : But whither am I running ? Pardon me, hon-
oured madam, I fear I am too bold and too long. Upon the
road, I propofe writing your Ladyfhip my thoughts of what
fcheme feems to be moft pra6licable, in order to carry on the
work of God, both here and in America. I dare add no more
^3ut my hearty prayers for the temporal and eternal welfare of
your Ladyfhip, and whole houfhold, and fubfcribe myfelf,
Jjonoured madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged hymble fervant,
(?. IV.
To the Rev. Mr. J JV .
Kev. and dear Sir^ London^ Sept. i, 1748.
MY- not meeting you at London has been a difappoint-
ment to me. But our Lord orders all things well.
His time is and will be bef2:. I fuppofc you will hear of my
preaching to fomeof the nobility, and I trufl the hour is com-
ing when fome of the ATighty and Noble fhall be called. What
have you thought about an union ^. I am afraid an external
one is impradlicable. I find by your fermons, that we differ
in principles more than I thought, and 1 believe we are upon
two different plans. My attachment to America will not per-
mit me to abide very long in England; confequently, I fhould
but weave a Penelope's webb, if I formed focieties ; and if I
Ihould form them, I have not proper affillants to take care of
them. I intend therefore to go about preaching the gofpel to
every creature. You, I fuppofe, are for fettling focieties every
where 3 but more of this when we meet. I can now only fay
a few general things. I hope you don*c forget to pray for me.
You are always remembered by. Reverend ;ind dear Sir,
Yours mofl affedionately in Christ Jesus,
To ..Ir. J W .
Aly very dear Lroiher, London^ Sept. J, 174B.
YOUR kind letter I received with great fatisfadtion. I
chcarfully fit down to anfwer it before I fet out for
Scotland, I have been a mile or two upon the road, but turned
back becaufe my chaife was not regiftered. My hands have
been full of work, and I have been among great company. A
privy counfellor of the king of Denmark^ and others, with one
of the Prince oUValesh favourites, dined and drank tea with
me on Monday. On Tuefday I preached twice at Lady Hun^
tingdons to feveral of the nobility. In the morning the Earl
ci Cbcjier-Jield w^s prefent. In the evening Lord B . All
behaved quite well, and were in fome degree afFeded. Lord
C thanked me, and faid, " Sir, I will not tell you what I
fhall tell others, how I approve of you," or words to this pur-
pofe. He converled with me freely afterwards. Lord B
was much moved, and defired I would come and fee him the
next morning. I did ; and his Lordfhip behaved with great
candour and franknefs* All accepted of my fermons, and
feemed furprized but pleafed. Thus, my dear brother, the
world turns round. '' In all time of my wealth, good Lord
deliver me !" Glad am I, for his own fake, that dear Mr.
C begins to refolve to play the man. Alas ! a trim-
ing condud is uncomfortable to one's felf, difpleafing to
Christ, and ridiculous in the fight of the world. Christ
is worth all, or he is worth nothing. May the Lord enable
ipe to be fimple, and honeft, and open in all my dealings, and
I. E T T E R S. 171
to triift him with the confequences. I have ever yet found,
that honefty is the beft policy in the end. O that dear Mr,
I, may at length fliow himfeU a lyian too ! My dear, very-
dear brother, may you lofe np more time, but join in confcfT-
ing a crucified §ayioiir. Glad am I to find that Mr. C .'s
converfation \s bleft to you. I wifh you had always a chriftian
Jjdus achates at your fide. Pardon mc, dear brother, this free-
dom. My love is fo gre^t to ypu, and 1 have put up fo many
prayers for you, that 1 cannot reft till you improve thofe ex-
cellent parts Goi^ has given you, for the glory of his church
and the good of his people. I am glad you will fend fome-
thing to our mother. I pted not tell you, that the wifeft of
men has bid us " not to defpife one's mother, when (he is old."
I thank you for the pidures; I have made free with fome of
them already. I fliall not be forry, if you do not go to Glou^
ccfler, Alas, fo much money fpent at mufic-meetings will
make but a poor article at the day of judgment. But where
does my afFe(5lion carry me? My dear brother, good night.
God willing, you (hall hear from me foon again ; if you do
not anfwer me immediately, I will impute it to any thing ra-
ther :nan want of love j that, I am fure, is ftrong towards me,
however unworthy of it. God has bleffed me much in Lon-
don, Congregations are very large. On Simday I was ena-
bled to preach four times : but this body — Well ! thanks be to
poD, it is foon to be put off. Once more good night. My
{oye to all frienc}$. I am
Yours moft affectionately,
<ro Mr, s .
Qulney, {NorthamptonJJjtre) Sept, 4, 1 748.
Very dear 5/r,
IT was a pleafing furprlze to me laft week, to receive a let-
ter dated in July from my dear, very dear friend Mr. S
pf New- England. I left town yefterday, but having an im-
mediate opportunity of fending by way of Philadelphia^ I now
fit down to write your anfwer. Poor New- England! I pity
and pray for thee from my inmoft foul. May GoDarife, and
^ fcatter
fcatter thy enemies ! may thofe that hate thee be made to flee
before thee ! I am afraid the fccne will be yet darker. But
you know it is always darkeft before day-break. It has been
lb in England, Matters, as to religion, were come to almoft an
extremity. The enemy had indeed broken in upon us like
a flood. The fpirit of the Lord is now lifting up a flandard.
The profped of the fuccefs of the gofpel, I think, was never
more promifing. In the church, tabernacle, and fields, con-
gregations have been great, and perhaps as great power as
ever hath accompanied the word. A door is alfo opening for
the mighty and noble. I have preached four times to feveral
of the nobility at good Lady H 's. All behaved exceeding
well, and I fuppofe in the winter opportunities of preaching to
them will be frequent. May the Lord prepare me for what-
ever he has prepared for me ! As for returning to America^ if
I live, I believe there's no doubt of it. I intend keeping
myfelf free from focieties, and therefore I hope to fee you a-
gain next year. But future things belong to God. I thank
you and dear Mr. R ' for your kind invitation. May
the Lord direiSl to what is beft ! I hope you will continue to
write. Pray read, feal and fend the inclofed. You will com-
municate fo much of this letter as may be proper. O dear
Sir, pray for me, that the glorious Emmanuel may give me
humility, and lead me on from conquering to conquer. You
muft remember me to dear Mrs. S and all in the kindeft
manner, and entreat them to continue their prayers in behalf
of, very dear Sir,
Yours as ufual,
To Mr, R -,
Very dear Sir^ Oalney, Sept. 4, 1 748.
THOU GH I am on my journey to Scotland^ yet I muft
(lop a little by the way to anfwer your kind letter dated
in July laft. It brought llrange things to my ears, and it
made me fmile. You know, dear Sir, what has often pafl!ed
between you and me, upon that point, loving honour. Someper-
fons being forced as it v^^ere to accept of government places, are
like other perfons faying nolo epifcopare, wheii, it may be, they
have been making intereft for a bifhoprick many years. You
know how to make the application. However, God may
over-rule this for good, and if you could get the government of
(though in afking for it, you know not what you afk)
it might be of fervlce to New-England many ways. But, dear
Sir, what can I do in it ? I have no intcrcfl: at court, and fup-
pofmg I had, you have direded me to no means, neither hath
any perfon been with me concerning it. Be pleafed therefore
to inform me of particulars. Let Mr. S inftru6l me
what fteps are to betaken, and if I can be of any fervice,
you may command me. I thank you, dear Sir, for your kind
invitation, and if you are to be exalted, I pray the Lord of all
Lords to fit and qualify you for, and fupport you under it.
V^ou will not forget to give my moft cordial falutations to all
my dear New-England friends. I pray for them, you, and
yours, and am, very dear Sir, with repealed thanks for all
Yours moft aiFe£lionately in Christ Jesus,
To the Rev, Mr, L .
Rev, and dear Sir, Doncajier, Sept. 7, 1 748.
OUR laft fhort interview at Stone-houfe pleafed me. I
hope it foreboded fomething good. I told you the truth
when I faid, " I had not forgotten you." No, neither have I
been fufFered to think hardly of you for your fhynefs to un-
worthy me ; only I have thought you were loofing time,
and for fear of difpleafing a few mortal men, had a(5lcd a part
difpleafing to the invifiblc, immortal, and only wife God.
Good Sir John Philips ufcd to call yon fmcere. I believe that
Is your right name. I cannot help thinking but you will
prove it to be fo ere long. Th?t love which Jesus fhcd
abroad in your heart years ago, muft conftrain you to confcfs
him before man. The light which the Lord hath imparted
to you, cannot, I am perfuadcd, be much longer hid under a
buftiel. The fhacklcs with which you have been fettered,
muft be (haken off, or I am much miftaken in the dear man
to whom I am writing. — Pardon me, my dear old ffiendi Mjr
heart at prefent overflows with love towards you. Though
weary and on a journey, I cannot help writing to you. Fear
not temporal fupport. Though I went without fcrip or fhoe,
1 have lacked nothing j or if I had nothing, in Jesus I have
poffefled all things. 1 do not envy thofe who choofe to lleep
in a whole fkin. Let me have fears, fo that they are fears of
honour, fears for Jesus Christ. I know who will approve
of them, when he comes to judgment, O that day 1 that
awful day ! God enable us fo to a6l, that we may receive an
Euge bone ! Out of the fulnefs of my heart I write thus. I
am now on my way to Scotland, 1l\\q Lord Jesus hath
blefled me in London, As foon as pofTible I intend calling up-
on you. If you have a mind to renew our old delightful
chriftian correfpondence, I am quite willing. I wilh you and
yours the beft of bleflings, and am, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affedlionately in Jesus Christ^
To Mr. S
Morpeth, {Northumberland^) Sept. lo, 1748.
Dear Mr. S ,
TILL now I have not had time to anfwer your kind let*
ter, and now I am too weary to fend you a long one,
I thank you for your good wifhes and prayers. May they
enter ihto the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth ! Hitherto, God
has been pleafed to blefs me fmce my arrival. Let the Lord'«
people continue to hold up their hands, and by his divine af-
fiftance I will go on fighting till I drop. I am now on my
way to Scotland, I know you wifh me good luck in the name
of the Lord. When providence opens a door, I (hall be
glad to embrace.— In the mean while, pray remember me to all
in the kindeft manner. As for your call to preach, I can fay
nothmg, being a ftranger to you. Only I would obferve to you
what the apoltie fays, *' Not a novice, &c." — -You know what
follows. If you chufe proper feafons,and keep within the bounds
of humility and chriftian prudence, I pray the Lord to be with
and blefs you. I can now add no more, but fubfcribe myfelf
Your affectionate friend and fervant,
G. /K
letters: 175
letter dclxxviii.
ro Mr. r .
Edinburgh^ Sept. 15, 1 748.
Dear Mr, T ^,
ERE this can reach London^ you will find that I have for*
got not my promife. No, I love thee too well to do fo.
Thanks be to God, that you begin to awake out of your
dream. It has been a dream, though a golden plcafmg one.
If all was right, fuch darknefs would never come and abide
upon your foul. Gome, play the man, and, if called to it,
leave a worm for God. You are not the firft that have been
called to part with what was as dear as their own fouls, or
that have feen their beloved objed in the poflefTion of another.
Better fee that, than enjoy the objedt with guilt upon the
mind. How did Jacob fmart, all his life-time afterwards, for
getting the bleffing by a lie ? The way of duty is the way of
fafety. I write this on fuppofition that your father will be
againft your proceeding. You will let me know what he
fays : In the mean while, as cur Lord enables, I will pray for
you. May the Lord Jesus give us a right judgment in all
things ! But enough of this. You fee the bifhop's charge has
turned out as I fuppofed. Who could imagine otherwife ?
Lord, humble thy people for giving fuch wrong touches to
the ark ! Lord, keep me from doing fo any more ! O for zeal
a^ccording to knowledge ! O for grace and wifdom to a<Et
aright ! Yefterday God brought me fafe here, and I have
been received very kindly. This afternoon I am to preach.
The effeds of it you may know hereafter. For the prefent,
adieu. I recommend you to Him who is able to keep you from
falling, and to raife you when- fallen ; and fubfcribe myfelf.
Yours moft affectionately in Christ Jesus,
To the Reverend Mr. B .
Edinburgh, Sept, 16, 1 748.
Reverend and dear Sir^
ON Thurfday noon, through the providence of a good and
gracious God, I came hither, where I have met vt'ith
an hearty welcome. Laft night I preached to a Moorfields
congregation for numbers, and the Lord, I believe, was
pleafed to give it his blefling. I have had the pleafure of
hearing, that a ferjeant of a regiment, awakened when I was
here laft, held on, and held out, and died rejoicing; and
likewife of feveral others, who are gone before us to inherit
the promifes. May the Lord awaken frefli fouls to fupply
their places. I truft he will. I was alfo much delighted laft
night, to hear there were fo many chriftian foldiers among
the king's forces that came from Flanders, A young chriftian
lady, under whofe roof they were, told me, that fome or other
of them were continually praying to, and wreftling with God.
If any of them return to England, I doubt not but Col. G y
will find them out, I intend writing to him foon, and hope
to fend our good lady fome glad tidings next week. In the
mean while, pray prefent my moft dutiful rcfpe£ts,to her
Ladyfhip. I hope all is well in London. The biftiop's death,
1 fuppofe, will prevent any further ftir about Bartholomew, 1
{hall be glad to hear how you go on. Pray, dear Sir, how are
your circumftances ? You will not be offended if I inform
you, that more than one have informed me of your being in
debt to feveral. I thought it my duty to apprize you of it,
becaufe I know what a burden it is to be in debt ; not indeed
for myfclf, but for others. I make no apology for this ; you
know it muft proceed from love. I wifti you the very beft of
bleflings, and am, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft affcdionately in Christ Jesus,
G, fK
<ro Mr. s — rr — .
Edinburgh, Sept. 19, 1 748.
My very dear Mr. W ,
SHALL I prcmlfe, and not perform? God forbid ! Glad
am I, yea very glad to open a frefli correfpondence with a
dear old friend, with whom I have often taken fuch fweet
counfel. O my dear man, how patient, how long-fufFering
has the blefTed Jesus been towards us ! Ought not his love
to conftrain us to obedience ? Ought we not to confefs him,
who endured fuch contradiction of finners againft himfelf for
us ? For my part, when I think that the glorious Emmanuel
endured the pain, and defpifed the ihame of dying upon ^
curfed tree for me, I cannot help faying,
For this let men revile my name.
No crofs rd/huHy V d fear no Jhame \
All hail reproach^ and welcome pain^
Only thy terrors. Lord, rejlraiiu
Glory be to God, I have hitherto found that the crofs of
Jesus has been lined with love. This has made it eafy ; this
even now makes it exceeding light. I fear profperity more
than afflidion ; and though there is but little danger perhaps
of my being exalted in this world, yet the language of my
foul is, " In all time of my wealth, good Lord deliver me."
May the Lord keep you, my dear friend, by his mighty power
through faith ! He has entrufted you with many talents j may
you occupy them till he come ! I hope he will blefs your
converfation to thofe who are yet but weak in the faith, and
who cannot, through love of the world, or fear of man, as yet
bear much contempt. My fervice to Meflrs.5 and A'l ,
when you fee them. My prayer for you all is, that you may
be good foldiers of Jesus Christ. I am fighting for him
here. Vaft multitudes come to hear ; but what good is done,
cannot yet be determined. Many of my dear friends are gone
to glory. I purpofe being in town about the time appointed.
1 know you will pray for me. Whether abfent or prefent,
VoL.IL M affurc
178 letters;
aflure yourfelf you are never forgotten by, my very dczt
Yours moft afFeilionately in Christ Jesus,
G. JV.
To the Countefs of H .
Honoured Madam y Edinburgh^ Sept, 20, 1 748.
ISuppofc, ere this can reach you, your Ladyfhip will have
heard of my being arrived at Edinburgh^ and of another
.particular or two mentioned in Mr. B — *s letter. This
brings your Lapyfliip an account of very great multitudes
flocking to hear the word ; but with what fuccefs it is at-
tended, I cannot yet tell. Upon my firfl coming, I was
fomewhat difcouraged at hearing of the death of many of my
valuable and leading friends, and of others lofing their firft
love. Bcfides, the weather was boiflerous, fome miniflers fliy,
and God was pleafed to vifit me with a great hoarfenefs.
But the profpedl is now more pleafant ; and I truft, ere I
leave Scotland, your Ladyflnp will have fome good news from
a far country. Inclofed your Ladyftiip has an extract of a
letter fent from London to a pious gentlewoman here : I wifh
part of the contents may not prove, like the bifliop of E .'s
charge, — mere imaginary. A4ay God haften the time, when
more of the mighty and noble iliall be called, and made to
ftoop to the Redeemer's fceptre ! It is now growing late.
That your Ladylhip and family may be filled with all the
fulnefs of God, is the earned prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obedient, willing fervant
for Christ's fake,
To Mr. H .
'Edhiburgh, Sept. 2 1 , 1 74^.
AN D could my very dear Mr. H think, that when
he was out of fight he was out of mind ? No, 'my dear
friend, I believe it will never be fo with you and me. By
this time, I hope Mr. D 's letter from Bermudas^ or the
letters fcnt you from thence by way of Philadelphia^ will inform
you, that 1 wrote feveral parting letters to you and many-
other friends, and fent you bills of exchange to the amount of
eighty pouni/s fterling ; but, with my letter, books, and feveral
other things, I hnd they are taken. Of this Mr. D ■
writes me lately. As there is now peace, and a commerce
Opened with SprJn, I hope the new fettlers will be difturbed
ro more. Couragej my dear man, courage. Surely we
fhall yet live to fee the falvation of God in Georgia, I am
glad Mr. Fairvjeathej' hath been at Bcthefda. Whatever has
happened, do your bed for me in refpe<5t to my family. Next
year you may fee me again. But more of this hereafter.
The Lord is exceeding good to me. Great things are doing
in England \ and the Lord is bleffing me more and more in
, Scotland. This morning, I hear a gentlewoman has left me an
hundred pounds. If fo, fifty fliall be paid for you on the
Orphan-houfe account, to Mr. N , and as much more
as I can fpare, as foon as pofHble. — I have paid Mr. J
thirty pounds fterling. But what does my wife tell me in her
letter received this day, about your lofmg fotiie favourite
creature ? Is'ityour wife, or your little daughter ? Well, my
dear friend, you and I muft be made perfeil through fufFer-
ings ;. you and I muft learn to walk by faith. May the Father
of Mercies comfort your heart, and abundantly fupply the
want of every creature, by communications from his own
eternal Self, O pray write to me. Let me bear part of your
forrows, and thereby (hew myfelf your friend. If my wife is
embarked ere this arrives, I beg you would open all parcels
that are fent to your care, and adl as ufual for my family.
My tender love to all. You will not ceafe praying, dear
Mr. H , for
Ever yours, &c.
G. TV.
'-'i M 4 LET-
iSo L E T T E R S*'
ro Mr, S .
Edinburgh^ Sept. 23, 1748.
M^ dear Brolher S ,
HOW good is God ! Well may you fay, that he never
falls thofe that put their trult in him. How does he
make my extremity his opportunity to help and relieve me.
If the news about the legacy be true, I hope it will increafe
my faith, and make me more willing to be upon the ftretch
for Him, who was ftretched upon the accurfed tree for me. I
thank you for fending my letters. My wife propofes to embark
for England in Odoher, The climate will not agree with her.
The phyficians advife her to come over, and (he entreats all
friends to pray for her fafe pafl'age to England, Affairs here
have now a comfortable afpecl. I think more people than
ever come to hear, and their hearts begin to be warm. Con-
tinue to write. My love to all. The not fending the late
publifhed account of the Orphan-houfe, has been of dilTcr-
vice to me. When will the children of light be as wife irk
their generation as the children of the world ? I can now no
more, but am, my dear Sir,
Ever yours,
To Colonel G ly.
Very dear Sir, Edinburgh^ Sept, 13, 1 748.
EVER rince I have been in Edinburgh^ I have been at-
tempting to write to you, but could not efFecSt it till
now. Though I am abfent from, yet I am prefent with you.
i hope this will f.nd you fi»;hting the good fight of faith, and
in every refpsct beliaving like a good foldier of Jesus Christ.
The hews of your cor.verrion hath reached the ears of many
of the ereat ones in Scotland. May the Lord Jesus keep
you fledfafl, unmovcable, alv/ays abounding in his work.
The way you know. A conftant looking up to the author
*tnd fiuiflicr of our faith, and watching unto prayer with all
letters; i8i
perfeverance, will keep the foul fteady amidft all the tempta-
tions of a malicious devil, and enfnaring world. O for grace
and zeal to endure unto the end ! Fiiiis coronal opus, I could
fay much, but company waits for me. Vaft multitudes come
to hear, and I truft much good is done. Good Lady H 1
has an cxtra<5l of a letter from a foldier, which will pleafe you.
Here are two devout foldiers In Edinburgh, May the Lord
Jesus add more to his church of fuch converts as may be
faved ! Yqu will not forget to pray for me. That you may
increafe with all the increafe of God, is the earneft prayer of,
very dear Sir,
Your mod affectionate friend, &c.
To Mr, H .
Glafgozuy Sept, 28, 1748.
My very dear Mr, H ■-^— .
YOU are every day upon my heart. I rnuft not, I can-
not refrain writing to you any longer. How do you ?
Old love revives in my heart towards you, becaufe, I truft, love
to the blefTed Jesus begins to revive in your heart. May the
glorious Emmanuel fan the divine fpark, till it break out into 4
holy blaze ! Do not lofe one moment more, my dear Sir: let
this be the language of your foul continually.
Be gone^ vain worlds my heart rejlgn^
For I will be no lonfj-er thi?2e :
j^ nobler a diviner gueji
Now takes pojfejjion of my hrcajl.
It pleafes me to think, how loud you and I fhall fing of infi-
nite, free, and unchangeable love in heaven ; for becaufe
God changeth not, therefore you and I have not been con-
fumed. O pleafant, tranfporting thought ! What a faviour
is Jesus of Nazareth ! How precious was his blood ! How
profufely, as it were, was it (hed for Tinners ! That you and
yours may every moment feel its pardoning, renovating,
cleanfing, and purifying power, is the earneft prayer of, my
very dear friend.
Yours moft aftV£^ionately in our common Lord,
G. JV,
M 3 LET-
To Mr. S .
My very Dear Sir^ Ghfgoiv, Sept. 28, 1748.
I Have been in pain becaufeyour kind letter has lain by me
fo long unaniwered — Nothing but a variety of other
necefTary bufinefs has been the caufe. My hands are full,
and I truft the pleafure of the Lord will profper in them.
Very great multitudes have flocked to hear; and in Glafgoio
the profpedl of doing good is rather more promifmg than in
Edinburgh. In a fortnight I purpofe, God v^illing, to leave
Scotland^ and to preach at Oundle in my way to London. Glad
fhali I be to fee two fuch friends as you and Mr. // ,
though incog. I will endeavour to fend you timely notice.
I would have neither of you expofe yourfclves to ncedlefs con-
tempt upon my account. I think I can fay, that I am wil-
ling to be forgotten even by my friends, if Jesus Christ may
thereby be exalted. But then, I would not have my friends a£l:
an inconfiftent part towards that friend of all, that friend of
fmners, the glorious Emmanuel, You knov<f, my dear Sir, what
an infpired apoftle hath aflerted : " A double-minded man is
unftable in all his ways.'* Whilft you are afraid of men, you
will expofe yourfelf to a thoufand inconveniences. Your po-
lite company, (unlefs you conveife with them more as their
phyfician, than as their companion) will prevail on you to
fuch compliances, as Vv^ill make you fmart when you retire
into your clofet, and reflect on the part you have a61ed. Be*
fore I ihook off the world, often have I come out of coilbpanyj
fl:iorn of all my flrength, like poor Sampfon when he had 'loft
his locks I But this is a tender point. Go on, dear Sir, and
prove the ftrcngth of Jesus to be yours. Continue inftant in
prayer, and you fliall fee and feel infinitely greater things
than you have fcen or felt yet. I am of your opinion, that
there is feed fovvn in England^ which will in time grow up
into a great tree. God's giving fome of the mighty and
noble a hearing ear, forebodes future good. I do not defpair,
if I live, of feeing you a proclaimer of the unfearchable riches
of Jesus Christ. God be praifed, that Mr. H is fo
j3old an advocate for hj.s bleiTed Lord. I fend him my moft
afPe^lionate rcfpccSl-s, and entreat him to remember me in his
prayers. I wrote to Mr. H • lately. I herewith fend you
an extract of a letter I wrote on fliip-board to my dear inva-
luable friend Mr. 5 , o'l South-Carolina. If it was judged
proper, I would put it in the preface of a new edition of my
Journals. I would not have any of my rniftakes remain un-
cenfured, uncorredlcd. I thank you for your hint about my
way of preaching. I fiiall take care to obferve it. And now,
dear Sir, for the prcfent, adieu. 1 am afraid' I have tired you.
I fliall be fond of feeing you at London, Rc-joicing in the
profpedl: of feeing you in the kingdom of heaven, I fubfcribe
jnyfelf, very dear Sir,
Yours moll affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. JV.
ro Mr, K .
Dear Si r^ G/afgoiUy Sept., 2^, ^748'.
WHEN I was the other day at Edinhurgh^ your aged
.father communicated a letter to me, which gave an
accoun: of your being tranflated from the kingdom of dark-
nefs into the' kingdom of God's dear Son. As the news re-
joiced the heart, of angels in heaven, no wonder that it gives
fatisfac^tion to thofe who defire to follow the bleiTed Jesus
here on earth. Hoping that I am one of thofe, and beino-
willing to promote his glorious gofpel in every part of the
world, I write you this letter at a venture, to wifh you joy of
your happy change, and to exhort you with full purpofe of
heart to cleave unto the Lord. The more you know of
Wifdom's ways, the more you will find them to be ways of
pleafantnefs. The more you know of the blefled Jesus, the
more you will fmd that his yoke is eafy, and his burden ex-
ceeding light. Go on then, dear Sir : be ftrong in the grace
that is in Christ Jesus, and learn to endure hardncfs like a
good foldier. Who knows what the Lord may do by you in
the dark parts where you are ? Much good has been done the foldiers in Flanders. What God has done for
your foul, I truft is only an earneft of what he intjends to do
for others in St. Hdma% I faluteyour companion very heartily.
M 4 I wifh
I wiih you both much profperity in the Lord. You fhall
have the prayers of as many as I can engage for you. Re-
member our Lord's promife. Where there are only two or
three gathered together in his name, there is he in the midil
of them. Though you have not public ordinances, yet if the
God of ordinances be with you, there will be no room for
•complaint. If I can any Vi^ay be inftrumental of promoting
the blcficd work begun among you, you may readily command,
dear Sir,
Your moft afFcdl:ionate friend and
willing fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF,
To Mrs, £~.
Dear Madam^ Glafgow, Sept, 28, 1 748.
ALTHOUGH I fear it may be taking too much free-
dom, yet as I humbly hope that the love of God1s fhed
abroad in your heart, I truft you will not be offended at my
fending you thefe few lines. They are lines of joy ; for who
can help rejoicing that hears what the blefTed Jesus hath done
for your foul ? O Madam, how much are you indebted to that
grace which hath made fuch difference between you and
others. To fee any one converted is a miracle. But to fee
a rich perfon, one of the mighty, one of the noble converted,
is yet a greater. May the Lord Jesus add more of your
rank to his church, fuch as fhall be faved I Never fear. Ma-
dam ; all things are polTible to the glorious Emmanuel. Let
him but fpeak the word, and great (hall be the numbers of
new creatures. I hope this will find you in good health, and
upon the full ftretch for him who was ftretched and bled upon
the crofs for you. Great multitudes in Scotland flock to hear.
Some of my fpiritual' children, I hear, are gone to heaven,
and others come to me, telling what God did for their fouls
v.'hen T was here lafl:. I defire to caft m.y crown before the
Lamb i Ldefirc always to be crying out, '^ Why me. Lord,
why me ? In about a fortnight I purpofe fetting out for Lon-
don. I lead a moving life. In heaven I fhail have reft enough.
BlefTed be God for giving us to enter into a little of that reft
even here ! That you may daily increafe in faith, and con-
fequently enjoy more and more of this reft, is the hearty
prayer of, dear Madam,
Your moft obliged humble fervant,
G, rv.
To fome devout Sddlers.
My dear Brethren^ Glafgozv^ Sept, 29, 1748.
IT gave me no fmall fatlsfadion, when I was lately at Edln-
burghj to hear that feveral of you were enabled to behave
like good foldiers of Jesus Christ. I rejoice greatly that
you are made partakers of his grace, and I earneftly intreat the
Lord of all Lords that you may grow and increafe in it day
by day. This is the chriftian*s duty. He muft forget the
things that are behind ; he muft prefs forward towards the
things which are before ; he muft not ftop, till he arrives at
the mark of the prize of his high calling. I truft, my dear
brethren, you are all thus minded ; and that whatever befals
you, you v/ill, through divine afliftance, hold on and hold cut
to the end. If I can be any way ferviceable to you, be not
backward to fend to me. I hear of others of your profe/fion,
that have lately enlifted under the banner of the ever-blefled
Redeemer. Happy they ! happy you ! You have a good cap-
tain, a good caufe, good armour, and an exceeding great re-
ward. That you may at all times quit yourfelves like men,
and be ftrong ; that you may fight the good fight of faith, and
at length lay hold on life, eternal Is the hearty prayer of, my
dear Brethren,
Your affe6lionate friend, and willing
' fervant for Christ*s fake,
To the Countefs of H .
Honoured Madam ^ Sept, 29, 1 748.
AM I not too troublcfome in writing to your Ladyfiiip fo
frequently ? I fear I am ^ and yet I am afraid to break
3 your
your Ladyfhip's command, " Write weekly." BIcfTcd bc
God, I can yet fend your Ladyfliip word that the glorious
Ernmanud'is with me, and countenances my poor adminiftra-
tions. I have met with fomc unexpe6ted rubs,but not one more
than was abfolutcly necefTary to humble my proud heart. " O
niy bleflcd Redeemer, when fhall I learn of thee to be meek
and lowly.!: Thou alone, O I/amb of God, canft teach me.
San£llfy all thy difpcnfations to this end, and give me always
to lie at thy feet." There, honoured Madam, I am fafe :
There Ibclieve this letter will iind your Ladyfliip. — May you
every moment hear the Redeemer's voice, and be built up Coil^
tinually in your moft holy faith. In about a fortnight I pur-
pofe. leaving Scotland. Several things concur to make me be-
lieve that it was right for me to come here. Particulars your
Ladyfliip may expe61: at my return to town. In the mean
while, I recommend your Ladyfliip, and your dear olFsprinn:,
with your v/hole houftiold, to the care of the P'ather of mercies
^nd the God of all confolation, and am, honoured Madam, '
Your Ladyfliip's mofl: obliged humble fervant,
G. IF.
To Dr. H .
. M^ dear Do^or^ Glafgow, 0£l. i, 1 748.
YESTERDAY with great fatisfaition I received your
■ kind letter. Being in Scotland^ I cannot as yet have the
pleafure of feeing Captain T ; bur, God willing, I fliall
enquire him out at my return to London. The God of the
feas and the God of the dry land has brought me fafe to
my native country ; fince which I have written to you and
many others, and left two boxes of books for my dear Bcr-
mudas friends, to be fent the fiift opportunity. Although God
is pleafed to fmile upon my poor adminiftrations, and very
great multitudes flock to hear both in England and Scotland^ yet
I have thoughts of feeing Bermudas again next year. But I
dare not determine. Future things belong to God. Glory
be to his great name for fending me to Bermudas at all f
Glory be to his great nam.e,.that you, my dear Sir, are ftViving
to enter at the ftreight gate of a found converfion. I hope
I you
you will never ccai'e driving, till you know that your. Redeemed
liveth. — Neither the greatnefs nor number of your fins can
keep you from this unTpeakable privilege, if you believe oa
the Lord Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life.
Come to the Father in and through him, and you, even you
fliall be made more than conqueror. Ere this can reach you,
I hope you v/ill have received redemption through his blood,
even the forgivenefs of your fins. When you experience this,
how will you rejoice with joy unfpeakable, even with joy
that is full of glory ! You will then have an heaven upon earthy
Sin fiiall not have dommion over you. It (hall not reign ia
your mortal body. My dear Mr. H , whilil I am mu-
ll ng on, and writing about this bleffed change, this prefent
falvation, the fire kindles. I love you with a peculiar love.
1 travail in birth till Jesus Christ be formed in your dear
heart. O do not backflide. Study to improve the light and
grace already received. ^' To him that hath fhail be given,'*
and he (hall have abundance. But I forget myfelf, Bufy as
I am, I muft, ycu fee, write a long letter. Pray return my
hearty love to your dear wife, Mrs. H 's mother in law,
(See. 5cc. May grace, mercy and peace be multiplied upon
you all I I hope you v;ill omit no opportunity of v/riting to,
piy very dear Friend,
Yours moil affedionately in Christ Jesus,
ro Mr. A .
Dear Mr, A , Glafgow, Oa, r, 1748.
I Am not difappointed of my hope. I thought the Lord
Jesus had begun a good work in your foul before 1 left
the Bermudas, Your welcome letter coniirmed me in this
opinion. I received it v/ith joy. Though I wrote to yoi;
not long ago, yet I muft anfwer yours immediately. And
what ftali I fay ? May I not welcome you into the world of
new creatures ? May I not hope that there has been joy in
heaven over you, even you, my dear Man, repenting and turn-
ing unto God, even a God in Christ ? Surely I may. And
|yhat then does the LoRP now require of you, now he hath
fhewn you that godd thing, the pardon of your fins, through
a once crucified but now exalted Redeemer ? Will you not,
out of a principle of gratitude, dojuftly, love mercy, and
walk humbly with your God ? Mcthinks I hear you fay,
*' I will, 1 will through the Lord Jesus Christ flrengthen-
ing me." — And he will ftrcngthen you. — He has promifed,
that as our day is fo (hall our ftrength be. — Defpifed you muft
be, and your name fhall be caft out as evil ; but the glorious
Redeemer will enable you to go without the camp, and caufe
you to rejoice when loaded with his facred reproach. " In-
creafe and multiply," muft now be your motto. Strive as
much as in you lies, by your life and converfation, to win
others to the blefTed God. The eyes of men and angels will
now be upon you. May the Lord enable you to walk cir-
cumfpecliy to thofe that are v^ithout. I hope your wife and
all your relations will join in going to heaven with you. I re-
turn them my moft hearty love, and pray that they^may be filled
with all the fulnefs of God. You will join in praying me
over to the Bermudas again. I fuppofe Dr. H will (hew
you his letter. Remember me in the kindeft manner to all,
and accept this as a token of love unfeigned, from, dear Mr.
A ,
Yours moft afFedlionately in Christ Jesus,
G. ^.
To Mr. D .
My very dear Friend^ Glafgow, O^.i, 1 748.
WHO is like unto God, who makes his creatures
extremity, the opportunity to help them ? Your
kind letter hath confirmed the news of the death of Mrs.
£ , and of her leaving me a legacy of a hundred
pounds. Well ! though fhe is gone, yet I (hall meet her at
the ^reat day, when the Lord Jesus fhall remember this
and all her other works of faith, and labours which have pro-
ceeded from love. I am glad (he has left fuch an executor ;
I doubt not of your taking care of my intereft. Your love is
founded upon the rock of ages, and fo is mine ; for indeed I
love you and yours in the bowels of the dear Redeemer. I
know you will be glad to hear of my profpcrity in this work.
Indeed God makes way for his own gofpel. Many come to
me, telling me what the Lord did by me the laft time I
was in Scotland^ and alfo the time before. Congregations arc
very large. I am prefled to ftay three or four days more than
I intended. Some that were prejudiced, have had their
prejudices removed, and I believe will be greater friends than
ever. O that I was humble and thankful ! I have good news
from Bermudas. I return you and yours love and thanks. I
defire to be remembered to dear Mrs. and every inquir-
ing friend. As I need them fo much, I hope none will ceafe
putting up earneft prayers in behalf of, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFe(Stionately in Christ Jesus,
G. JF.
To Mr, S .
My dear Sir, GlafgoWy Oa. 3, 174^.
I Thank you for your kind letter. I am fo ill with, a hoarfe-
nefs and cold, and in {training to reach large congrega-
tions, that I muft fend you but a Ihort anfwer. The depend-
ing upon Christ's immediate teachings, without making
ufe of books and proper means of inftrudion, you may aflure
yourfelf is a terrible tempt at icn. It is the very quinte/Tence of
enthufiafm, and will lay you open to a thoufand delufioi^s.
*' Give thyfelf to reading," fays Paul to Timothy, If thou
cannot think of being a Lat'in^ ftrive to be an Englijh fcholar.
At my return I will endeavour to alTift you. At prefent I
am quite ill ; but I am afraid I (hall not be able to leave
Scotland in lefs than a fortnight. You muft remember me to
all. The Lord Jssus has appeared for me. Particulars ex-
peiSt to hear another time.
Yours moft afFe(5lionateiv in Christ Tssus,
6'. jr.
^19<* LETTER
To Mr, .
Very dear ^'ir^ Glajgyiv^ Ocl,<^^ 1^1^%.
Received yours this morning; though I am engaged this
evening, yet I think: it my duty to lend you an immediate
anfwer. You might well inform, and ahnoft allure, my Lord
cf Exeter^ that I knew nothing of the printing of his Lord-
Ihip's pretended charge, or of the pamphlets occafioned by it.-
When the former was fent to me in manufcript from London
to Br iftol^ as his Loi'diliip's produ£lion, I im.mcdiately faid„
it could not be his. When I found it printed, I fpoke to the
officious printer who did it out of his own head, and blamed
him very much. When I faw the pamphlet, I was flill more
offended ; repeatedly in feveral companies I urged the injuilice
as well as imprudence thereof, and laid it would produce what
it did, I mean a declaration from his Lordfhip, that he was
110 Methodifl:. I am forry his Lordfiiip.had fuch an cccafion
given him to declare his averfion to what is called Methodifm j
and thou<;h I think his Lordfnip in his declaration hath been
fomewhat fevere- concerning fome of the Methodift leaders 5
yet I cannot blame his Lordfliip for faying, " that he thought
Ibme of them were v;orfe than ignorant and mifguided," fup-
pofing that his Lordfliip had fufficient proof, that they either
-cairfed to be printed, or wrote again when printed, a charge
which his Lordfliip had never owned nor publiflied. If you
think proper, dear Sir, you may let his Lordfliip fee the con-
tents of this. Iwill only add, that 1 wifh a way could be
found out, whereby his Lordfliip and other of the Right Reve-
rend the Bifliops, might converfe with fome of us. Many'
rfttftakes might thereby be reiTiified, and perhaps his Lord-
fliip's fentim.ents in fome degree altered. If this cannot b&
cffeded (I fpeak only for rayfelf,) I am content to wait till
we all appear before the great fliepherd and bifliop of fouls.
In the mean while, I heartily pray, that their Lordfliips may
be blefied with all fpiritual bleflings, and wifhing you the like
mercies, I fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Your affedionate, obliged humble fervant,
G. JV,
t E T T E R S. igi
To Mr. H .
My dear Mr. H , Cambujlang^ 051, 9, 174S.
HAVE you not fufpetSlcd, that I have forgotten you?
but indeed I have not. As a teftimony of it, though
late, accept a line of love, even love unfeigned. I hope vou
are well, and that affairs go on at the Tabernacle as vvelPas
can be expelled. I truft the Ihout of a king is amongfl you.
Bleffed be God, he has caufcd his gofpel to triumph in Scot-
land. I have been humbled and exalted; humbled firft, in
order to be exalted afterwards. Thus it is. — The Lord
wounds and then heals. At prefent I am in the place where
the great awakening was about fix years ago. The fruits of it
yet remain. To morrow, God willing, I take my leave at
Glafgow. I believe we fhall have a forrowful parting. As I
expect to flop in TorkJJnre^ I fuppofe I cannot reach London till
the latter end of this month, if fo foon. O for a warm
winter! You muft remember me to all. I cannot now de-
fcend to particulars. I can only pray, that you and yours
may be filled with all the fulnefs of God, and fubfcribe my-
Yours moft afFeclionately in the glorious Jesus,
To Mr. B .
My dear Sir, Edinburgh, Oa. 12, 174B.
LAST night, after wondering at your being filent fo long,
I received your wiflied-for letter. The reading it brought
tears from my eyes. I felt for you, and for your father, and
for all parties concerned. How lovingly does the Lord deal
with you ? Is not the way of duty the way of fafety t Should
you not both agree to let matters lie as they are, and not go
one ftep further till you know your father's mind ? You 'tiave
given him your word ;. you -mufl not go back. ' My affafr
came to as near a crifis, and y^tl was called to facri^ce nty
i^t?^-/;^^., may not be fg with you. But prepare for the
worft. AfTure yourfelf, that your prefent paflion, at leafi: as to
the excefs of it, is finful. If all is right, why fuch uncafi-
nefs for fuch a fniall fpacc of time ? Why fuch a long eclipfc
in the foul ? Alas ! B 's has been almoft total. I hope
you are now coming out of it. Thanks be to that Jesus,
who has pi omifed " that we fhall not be tempted above what
we are able to bear," but will v/iththe temptation make a way
to efcape. You fee, my dear man, my love by my fympathy
and plainnefs. Pray remember me to your aged father in the
kindtrft manner. Dear old man ! he is worthy of your greateft
regard. His account of the legacy is true. — Yes, my dear
friend, the Lord Jesus does reign indeed, and therefore I
(hall be delivered out of all my troubles. You will give thanks
in my behalf. He has appeared for me here. Congregations
have been very large, and feveral things have concurred to
prove that providence did indeed call me to Scotland. I would
not but have come for the world. Laft night I came hither
from Glafgow, and thought to leave this place as next Tuefday^
but perhaps it may be the Tuefday following. I fear 1 cannot
write to any more this pofl. But whether I write or not,
whether abfent or prefent, you muft always remember me,
Your afTured friend, and willing
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. m
to Mr, IV ^.
Edinhurghy 0^, I2, 1 748.
Reverend and dear Sir^
TH O U G H 1 have not written to you, yet not one day
hath paffed fince my being this time in Scotland^ with-
out my thinking of you. The love and refped I ovjt you, as
an aged minifter of Jesus Christ, will not fuftcr me to be
filent any longer. How do you, reverend Sir ? 1 doubt not
but you fmd that promifc t; ue, " The righteous (hall bring
forth much fruit in.old age.'* This leaves me, though faint,
yet purfuing, and refolved, in the blefTed Jesus, to fpend and
DC ipent in the bleiied caufe wherein 1 have embarked. In-
'deed, when I confider my blunders, miftakcs, nnd imprud(-n-
cics, I wonder the glorious Emmanuel docs not lay me afide ;
but his grace is like himfelf, infinite and eterrid. I hope he
has given me a fight of, and humbled me for fome of my
nnftakes ; and I trull as I grow in years, if I am to live longer,
I Ihall grow in knowledge and every chriftlan virtue. Reve-
rend and dear Sir, be pleafed to pray for me. I do not
forget you, though perhaps you may judge othcrwife. O for
heaven ! There chriftian minifters fliall fee eye to eye.— But
I muft not weary you. In a few days I fuppofe you will hear
what has happened in the IVell. Dear Mr. M—^ perhaps
may acquaint you with particulars. With this, I fend you a
few of my lad accounts of the Orphan-houfe. You may dif-
pofe of them as you think proper. When you fee Mr. B -
or R. -, or any of the miniflers that were friendly to me,
be pleafed to remember me to them in the rhoft refpe6lfu]
manner. I hope Mrs; W-^ and your v/hole houdiold en-
joy much of Him whofe prefence is better than life. I ear-
neftly entreat the Lord to fill you with all his fulnefs, and
beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and dear Sir,
Your moft afFeclionate, though unworthy younger
brother and fervant in Jesus Christ,
G. TV,
To the Reverend Mr. E .
Edinburgh^ OSi. 12, 1748.
Reverend and dear Sir^
BY the providence of a good and gracious God, I came
hither laft night, after having preached at Falkirk in the
morning. Mr. J behaved very kindly. Mi'*. N •
has Mr. M *s letter. I am to fee him at five this evening.
Oh Tuefday next, God willing, I intend preaching for Mr,
G , and to leave Scotland i\\t Tuefday following. In the
mean while you may write what you pleafe. But whither am
I going? Let God direct. Let my name be forgotten, let
me be trodden under the feet of all men, if Jesus may thereby
be glorified. I wifh you or Mr. M would write a line
to Mr. IV J I would not have any good, though miftaken
Vol. II, N inan,
man, uneafy upon my account. Well ! In heaven all will
be over. When I meet you there, I will thank you for all
the pains you have taken with, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft affe6tionately in Christ Jesus,
G. ir.
To ihe Countefs cf H n.
Honoured Madam y Edinburgh^ 0£i. 15, 1 748.
THOUGH it is late and nature calls for reft, yet I
cannot with fatisfa6lion clofe my eyes unlefs I write
once more to your Ladyfliip : and what fhall I fay ? I am the
chief t)f fmners, and the Lord Jesus magnifies his grace
in being long fuffering and infinitely bountiful unto me.
At Glajgow he has magnified his ftrength in my weaknefs, and
out of the eater hath brought forth meat. Next week I pur-
pofe, God willing, to fend your Ladyfhip the fubftance of a
long debate about poor unworthy me, in the fynod oi Glajgow,
Since that, I find the prefbytery of Ferth (I mean the new-
fafnioned part of it) has made an acl: againft employing me.
Ill-nature fhews itfelf here, but I feel the benefit of it. Con-
gregations are large, and I am enabled to preach with greater
power, and feel unfpeakable great comfort in my own foul.
My hoarfenefs Is quite gone ofF, my bodily health much re-
paired, and if my enemies {hew thcmfelves, I am perfuaded
the blefied Jesus will blefs me to his people more and more. —
Some give out, that I am employed by the government to preach
againft the Pretender ; and the Seccders are \'ery angry with
me for not preaching up the Scotch Covenant, Blelled be God,
I preached up the covenant of grace, ^nd I truft many fouls
are taught to profit. The inclofed, dear Madam, will fliew
your Ladyfliip a little how I have been dealt with. Parti-
culars your Ladyfhip fliall have when the Lord is plcafed to
bring me to London, Next Tuefday fcvennighL- I am to leave
Scotland. Lady Mary //— — Lord L — - — and Lady F beg
their compliments may be prefented to your Ladyfliip. Many
in Scotland pray mofl earneflly for you, and Mr. R Intends
writing your Ladyfhip a letter. I pray for you, honoured
Madam, continually. I am quite happy in Him who died
4 upon
ijpon the crofs to favc me. I believe he will ddiver me out
of all ; and if I die for him, fo that I am not fuffered to deny
him, it will exceedingly pleafe, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged humble fervant
To the Samc\
. Honoured Madam, Topdiff, Nov. r, I74S.
THUS far has a gracious and good God brought me iri
my way to London^ which I hope to reach fome time
next week. Your Ladyfhip may exped to fee mc the next
day I come to town. Thanks be to the LoRd of all Lords
for direaing my way to Scotland. I have reafon to believe fome
have been awakened, and many, many quickened and com-
forted. My old friends are more folidly fo than ever, and a
foundation I truft has been laid for doing much good, if ever
the Lord ftiould call me thither again. Two fynods and
one prefbytery brought me upon the carpet ; but all has worked
for good. The more I was blackened, the more the Re-
' comforted me. I defire to cry, Grace ! grace I
The love ofQvL^i^T doth me cojiftralriy
To fee k the wandering fouls of men ;
With cries ^ entreaties^ tcars^ to fave,
Andfnatch them from the gaping grave.
For this let 7nen revile ??iy nariie.
No crcfiFdfhun^ Pdfear no fja?ne i
All had reproach, and welcoine pain.
Only thy terrors. Lord, rejirain.
At pieferit I^ add no more, but my mod dutiful refpe^s to
your Ladyfhip, and with hearty prayers for your temporal
".lid eternal welfare, I beg leave to fub^rribc mykU,
. . \qmi Ladyfhip's mod obliged humble fervant,
To Mr, R
My dear Friend, T^opcUff^ Nov. i, 1748.
HERE, with thankfulncfs of heart, will I fet up my Ebe-
nexer ; for hitherto afluredly hath the Lord helped me.
We reached Feiton on Saturday night. There being no public
worfhip on the Lord's-day, I came on to Morpeth to worfhip
there j got to Ferry-hill on Monday evening, and to-night am
writing at Topcliff. Though I do not preach, yet I hope I
am preparing for it. Reading, prayer, and meditation are
three necellary ingredients. Riding, and getting proper reil,
have recruited liie ; but I am apt to believe I have ftrained
myfelf inwardly. I feel fenfible pain in my breath. — But no
matter ; it is for a good mafter, who bore inexpreflible pain
for me. ^
Lord, enlarge my fcanty thought.
To fee the zvonders thou haji wrought ;
Unloofe my Jlammering tongue to tell^
Thy love immense, unfearchahle,
I could write much, but my body calls for reft. My very
dear Sir, good night. May the Lord of all lords reward you,
and my other dear honoured friends, a thoufand-fold. 1 in-
tend writing to more very foon. In the mean while, pray
prefent my fmcereft refpect and thanks to all. Inclofed you
have Mr. M 's letter and my anfwer. Be pleafed to fhew
what Mr. M and Mr. writes, and let them tell
you how the affair between them was. I know you will ac^
as a peace-maker. That the God of peace and love may
dwell and rule in your dear hearty is the earneft prayer of, my
verv dear friend.
Yours, he,
G, IV.
To the Honour able Lady D .
JVantfworth ( Northarnptonfoirejy Nov. 5, 1748.
Honoured Ma dam ^
THOUGH I am now eighty miles from London^ yet
^ gratitude, and the unfeigned refpcfl I bear to you and
yours, will not fufFer me to go any further, without lending
your Ladyfhip my repeated acknowledgments for your very
many and repeated favours. Your kindneflcs, when laft at
Edinburgh, were indeed furprizing. They have often hum-
bled me, and as often led mc to the throne of grace in behalf
of your Ladyfhip and honoured family. May the promiTe
made to thofe who are not afhamed of Christ, his gofpel,
and minifters, defcend upon you all ! O that you may have
grace given you to fhine as lights in the world, and to dare
to be fingularly good, fmce it is too apparent that we live in
a v/icked and adulterous generation. Honoured Madam, let
us look up : as our day is, fo fhall our ftrength be. All things
are poffible to thofe that believe. May the Lord Jesus ever-
more give your Ladyfhip and children a large (hare of pre-
cious, purifying, operative faith ! This is the earneft defire
of my foul. Upon this I could enlarge, but travelling
wearies me. Thanks be to God, I have that place in view,
where the weary are at reft. In a poft or two I purpofe writ-
ing to my Lord B , his honoured lady, &c. I never for-
get any of them. They have my conftant prayers and moft
cordial refpe6ls. Be pleafed to accept the fame, honoured
IVIadam, from
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged humble fervant,
To Lady .
Honoured Madam y London, Nov. 10, 17. '.8.
Wrote a line to dear A4r. R , when about the middle
of my journey. I muft write a you, now the Lord
cf all lords hath brought me to tlie end of it, I truft I can
N -i fay.
fay, Jesus was with me on the way. My health was ienfibly
improved ; but, by fitting up late to preach, I am grown a
little Tick again. Good Lady H is come to town, and t
am to preach at her Ladyfhip's houfe twice a week to the
Great and Noble. O that fome of them may effectually be
called, and tafte of the riches of redeeming love ! I need net
inform your Ladyfnip, that this, and this alone, can give true
reft and peace to any foul. You have felt the beginnings of
it. May you experience an increafe of it more and more. I
defire my moft tender and affedionate refpeds may find ac-
ceptance with dear Mr. R- -, and with all who are
pieafed to honour me with their acquaintance. That grace,
mercy, and peace may he multiplied upon you, is the conti°
nual prayer of, honoured madam,
Ycur Ladyftiip's moft obliged humble fervant,
ro Lord R .
My Lor d^ London^ Nov. 10, 1748.
I Believe I am not miftaken, in thinking that your Lordfhip
will not be ollended with me for fending you a ftiort let-
ter. It is the eiied of that unfeigned love I bear to your ho-
noured father, yourfelf, and that dear and honourable family
with which your Lordftiip is now fo clofely allied. And
what fliall I fay r Can I wifh your Lordftiip any thing greater,
.than that you may be a good foldier of Jesus Christ. It
is a blefled thing to be engaged in fighting his battles ; and
not only to be almoft, but altogether a chriftian. It is thi^
half-way religion that undoes the profefting v^orld. The
heart can never be at unity with itfelf, till it is wholly centered
in God. This can only be done by faith in Jesus Christ ;
and when once a foul begins to tafte of this faith, then that
foul's heaven begins on earth. I truft I can fay this by happy
experience. I wifli your Lordftiip a very large ftiare of it ;
and with hearty acknowledgments for all favours, beg leavQ
p fubfcribe myfelf, my Lord,
Your Lordftiip's moft obedient,
obliged humble fervant,
G. ir,
J. E T T £ R
To Lady Mary H .
Honoured Madam, London, Nov. lo, 174S.
THOUGH abfent from, yet I am not unmindful of
you. The regard your Ladyfliip has been plcafed to
fhew to a poor unworthy worm, calls for and claims my fm-
eereft and moft repeated acknovv^ledgments. This letter
brings them, and (hall be followed, honoured Madam, as the
Lord enables, with fervent prayers for your temporal and
eternal welfare. O that you may be enabled to make a
fland this winter for the Lord Jesus, and not in the leaft
countenance any of thofe diverfions that have already brought
religion fo low in poor Scotland f I need not inform your La-
dyfhip, what a blefTed thing it is to be fmgularly good, and
to be confident in our whole walk and converfation. To be
uniform, and all of a piece, is the very life of a chriftian. It
is this, and not a compliance with the polite world in any of
their fooleries, that will gain profelytes to Jesus Christ. I
could enlarge on this head, but I am perfuaded it is needlefs
for your Ladyfhip. The glorious Jesus hath let yoa fee too
much of his love, for you ever to be taken up with any thino-
{hort of his own eternal life ! That he may knit your heart
yet clofer to himfelf, he is pleafed to vifit you with croiTes.
They are the chriftian's portion, honoured madam : They are
the believer's birthright. " In the v/orld you fnall have tri-
bulation ;" but what follows ? " Be not afraid, I have over-
come the world." Look, therefore, to Him, honoured madam,
who, as he hath been the author, will aifo be the finifher of
your faith. That you may increafe with all the increafe of
God, is the earneft prayer of, honoured madam.
Your Lady (hip's moft obliged humble fervant.
N 4 LET-
To the Rev. Mr. M
London^ Nov, lO, 1748.
Reverend and dear Sli\
OUR bountiful and good God brought mc here in fafety
the beginning of this week. I have already waited
upon, and preached at good Lady H 's. About thirty
have defired to come, and I fuppofe they will bring thirty
more. I have heard of two or three more dear chriftians
among the Great Ones. I know you will pray the Lord of all
lords to increafe the number. Her Ladyfhip hath a great re-
gard for all thcfe in Scotland^ who ftand up for vital religion.
She intends to fend you down the pidlure of poor Jaron
the late negroe preacher. I find the public papers give
ilrange lying accounts of my reception in Scotland, At pre-
fentj blefied be the glorious Jesus, I am content to be
blackened. I fend you my repeated thanks for all favours ;
and, with hearty love to dear Mr. G , your family, and
all friends^ I fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate, obliged, though unworthy
younger brother and fervant in'CHRiST Jesus,
To the Reverend Mr. S .
London, Nov. 12. 1748.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
BY my not hearing from you with my wife's letter, I fuf-
peil you are not yet reconciled to my leaviiig America,
though but for a feafon. Every thing concurs to prove
I have done the will of God. As I am ftreightened in
time, I will refer you to the inclofed, which I defue you will
read, feal, and fend. Here are loud calls ; but I think to
come over to you again next year. Pray write to me. I will
endeavour to anfwer you. I wrote to you lately from Scotland.
Not a day pafTes, but I think of you and my other Cbarles-
To''dun friends, I intend to write to you very foon. In the
mean time, be plcafcd to remember mc to all in the moft len-
der manner. Ere this can reach you, I cxpccl to Tec my wife
in England. I puipofe to perfuade her to fettle here. I want
to make the Qrphan-houfe a fcminary of learning. If fome
fuch thing be not done, I cannot fee how the Southern parts
will be provided with minifters. All are afraid to come over.
May the Lord Jesus diredt me. I believe he will. Pray re-
member me to Mr. 3 ? Mr. 0- , 5vC. if with you. I
have not time at prefent, or otherwife they Ihould have a line
from, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedlionately in Christ Jesus,
G. IV,
To ths: CmnuCi of H .
Honoured Madam^ London^ Nov. 14, 1 748.
THE inclofed brings good nev/s from a far country. The
perfon's mother belongs to the Tabernacle foclety : I
]ay at his houfe when in Virginia ; but he and others went to
cards, I thought on purpofe to affront me. We retired to
prayers for him. I hope they were heard. Your Ladyfnip
will be pleafed to let me have the letter again ; as likewifc
that I fent to your Ladyihip from Scotland^ from one Capt.
K, of St. Helena. Your Lady (hip fliall have copies of them
all. I am getting the New -En gland Chrijlian Hijiory^ and
BiJJ)op HaWs JVorks in folio, bound for your Ladyfhip. I
find there has been a great ftir in the fynod oi Edinburgh about
unworthy me. Mr. JV , Mr. J , Mr. R- JV ,
have protefted againft their proceedings, and appeared quite
hearty. Your Ladyihip wrote to Mr. R . A word or
two of encouragement now from your Ladyfhip, would
ftrengthen the hands of thefe minifters of Christ. I hear
the affair is to come before the affembly next May. News
alfo was brought me laft night, that the negroes are allowed
by the truflees for Georgia. If fo, that province, under God,
will flourifh. Blefled be God, I am more hearty than I have
been for a 1 jng feafon. 1 hope to be enabled to preach here
pn Sunday evening, and to come and preach at your Ladyfliip*s
afterwards. Laft night the gofpel was indeed preached with
the Holy Ghoft fent dov/n from heaven. I was fhewing the
dignity of a chriftian, and in what fenfe chrifcians were kings,
The King of kings was amongft us. When I hear or receive
any thing that is new and good, I naturally inform your La.
dyfhip of it, becaufe I believe it will give your Ladyfliip fa-
ti6fa£lion. I hope your new houfe is agreeable to your Lady-
fhip. That the Redeemer's glory may nil it, and that it may
prove a gate of heaven to many of the rich and great, is the
eirneft prayer of, honoured madam,
Your Ladyfhip's, Skc.
*To the Honourable Lady T .
Honoured Ma ^am^ London^ Nov, 19, 17 48.
WHEN I was lately in Scotland^ Col. G ly wrote
■ me word, that your Ladyfhip was pleafed to defire
ray poor prayers. Before his writing, they had been put up
to the throne of grace in behalf of your Ladyfliip very fre-
quently ; and 1 would then have written to your Ladyfliip,
)iad I not feared it would have been making too free. Ye-
fterday good Lady // n informed me that your Ladyfliip
was ill. Had I judged it proper, I would have waited upon
your Ladyfliip this morning. But I was cautious of intrud-
ing. However, the regard I bear to your Ladyfliip, confl:rains
me to inform your Ladyfliip, that my heart's deflre and prayer
to God is, that this flcknefs may not be unto death, but to
his glory, and the prefent ^nd eternal good of your better
part, your precious and immortal foul. This, no doubt, is
the end of aiHidions : God's name and nature is Love. He
cannot, therefore, chafl:ife us for any other purpofe, than that
v/e may be made partakers of his holinefs. — Every crofs and
difappointment, every degree of pain, brings this important
call with it, " My fon, my daughter, give me thy heart." O
that your Ladyflilp's foul may echo back, ^' My heart. Lord
Jesus^ v/ili I give," O that ficm a feeling, fpiritual, abiding
fcnfe of the vanity and emptinefs of all created good, you may,
^n a holy refentment, cry out,
Be gone^ vain worlds my heart reftgn^
For *I miijl he no longer thine :
A 7iokler^ a diviner gueji^
Now claims poJf'JJion of my hreaji!
Then, and not till then, will your Ladyfhip's mind be at
unity with itfelf. Then, and not tilPthen, will your Lady-
fliip, upon truly rational principles, with chcarfulnefs wait for
the approach of death, and the coming of the Lord from
heaven. It is faith in Jesus, a true and living faith in the
Son of God, that can alone bring prefent, real peace, and lay
a folid foundation for future and eternal comfort. I cannot
wifh your Ladyfliip any thing greater, any thing more noble,
than a large fhare of this precious faith : and a large, yea a
very large fhare, is the glorious Redeemer ready to give to all
that fmcerely afk for, and feek after it. He waits to be gra-
cious. He giveth liberally 5 he upbraideth not. When, like
Noah's dove, we have been wandering about in a fruitlefs
fearch after happincfs, and have found no reft for the fole of
our feet, he is ready to reach out his merciful hand, and re-
ceive us into his ark. This hand, honoured madam, is he
reaching out to you. May you be conftrained to give your
heart entirely to him, and thereby enter into that reft which
remains for the happy, though defpifed people of God. But
whither am I going ? I forget that your Ladyfhip is indifpofed,
and I almoft a ftranger to you. I will only make this apology:
*' The love of Jesus conftrains me." Hoping, therefore,
your Ladyfhip will excufe the freedom I have here taken, I
beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured madam.
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged humble fcrvant,
To the Reverend Mr, P . '. «'. :'
London^ Nov. 19, 1748.
Reverend and dear Sir,
IT is a concern to mc, that I cannot write to more of my
New-England friends than I do ; for indeed a multipli-
city of bufmefs renders a more frequent corrcfpondence im-
practicable. However, I would willingly fend you, dear Sir,
a few lines. They are lines of love, and bring you news of
my being better in health than I have been for many years
laft paft. Several things have concurred to prove it was the
divine will I fhould return this time to my native country.
Matters were in great confufion by reafon of Mr. C 's
going over to the Aforavia?2s -, but blcfTed be God, we are
now eafy at the Tabernacle, and the word falls with weight
and power. In Scotland the Lord Jesus was pleafed to ap-
pear for me 3 I found no diminution in refpe6i: to the number
of hearers j and, I believe, (thanks be to free grace) my
preaching was more acceptable than ever to God's people,
and to thofe minifters who were pleafed formerly to own and
encourage me. Some of the oppofite party begun a like ftir
with that which was made in Ncju- England by Dr. C , &c.
but I believe it will only make the people more eager to hear,
and in the end be productive of great good. Our Lord orders
•all things well. I never enjoyed more fettled peace and joy
than now. I truil he has given mc to fee many things
that were wrong, and withal a difpofition to confefs and
amend them. At prefent, this is the language of my
heart :
Correal ?ne when I go ajlray^
And lead me in the perfe5i ijuay.
I fuppofe you will be acquainted with particulars by fome of
my dear friends from Scotland, In all probability I (hall go to
Scotland zg2Lin in the Spring ; and, in the latter end of the year,
J propofe embarking for America. But future things belong
to God. Thanks be to his great name, I am willing to go
ar^'^ where, (o that I may but glorify the dear Redeemer. Ere
this reaches you, doubtlefs you will have heard of his giving
me favour in the light of Lady H «, a Lady as good as flic
is great. Two or three among the great, I truft have been
made the happy fubjedls of redeeming love. I have heard
lately alfo of the converfion of two or three clergymen ; there
is likewife a great awakening in Ire/and, and in JFales the
work goes on. Upon the whole, I believe the gofpel is get-
ting ground, and next fpring, when it is proper to range about
and preach in the fields, I hope to fee yet greater things. I
repeat my old requeft, reverend and dear brother, '< Pray for
us." I continually pray for you, and the people committed to
your charge. I v^ifli you and yours an increafe of bleffings,
and beg leave to fubfcribe myfclf, Reverend and y^ry dear
Yours, 5:c
To the Rev. Mr. L .
Aly very dear Brother, London, Nov. 19, 1 748.
WORDS cannot well exprefs what I felt when your
welcome letter came to hand. It drew me to my
knees J it made me fhed tears of joy, and with two or three
of my dear friends I was enabled to wreftle for you at the
throne of grace. BlefTed, for ever blefled be the God ancT
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for opening your eyes,
and giving you fuch an experimental and foul-ravifhinor know-
ledge of the do(£lrine of grace. No wonder that people take
notice of you. 1 hope the fame thereof, as it hath reached
heaven, will alfo be fprcad abroad upon the earth, and thro'
the thankfgivings of thoufands redound to the glory of God.
I think it a happinefs, that you are furrounded with many
fouls that have indeed tafted that the Lord is gracious, and
confequently will be fed with the fmcere milk of the word,
now communicated to them, under God, by you. Now, my
dear friend will you begin to live, now will you begin to
preach indeed. Go on in the name of Jesus, and as Paul did,
lb ihall you, " increafe with all the increafe of God." Gl^d
2d5 letters.
ffiall I be to give you all the afliftance that lies In my power,
Henry on the Scriptures will now fuit your tafle, and Jenks upon
the Righteoujnefs of Christ might do you immediate fervice,
Flavers Sermons vwuld be food for you, and BoJIon upon the
Covenanty and his fourfold State ^ I believe would delight you.
Bljhop Hall's Contemplations are excellent, Bijhop Hophns and
Beveridge will do for you, and indeed almoft all the writers
a century ago. The doctrines you nov/ preach are no new
doctrines ; you are now got into the good old way. May the
Lord keep and fucceed you in it, ever more and more. I
believe he will. I could fay more, but I expect another letter
from you before I come down. Lady H is rejoiced to
hear of you. I read part of your letter to her laft night be-
fore I preached. Some of the great ones hear the gofpel glad-
ly. That you may be made a very great bleiling to thoufands
and ten thoafands, is the hearty prayer of, my dear Mr. L ;
Ever yours,
G. IF.
To the Rev. Mr, P . I\
London, Nov, 21, 174B.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
T Was glad to hear, by a letter fent by Mr. R , that yoii
X. had been in Ncw-Eyigland, I hoped you v.'ould have come
further, even to Old England and Scotland. I have been en-
deavouring in Scotland io do ail the fervice I could to the Indian
fchool and the New-Jerfey college vvhilil: I was there j but
I believe nothing will be done to purpofe unlefs you or fome
other popular minifter come ever, and make an application in
perfon. In all probability, a colledlon might then be recom-
mended by the general aflcmbly, v;hich fits next A^ay, and
large contributions be raifcd among private perfcns that wifli
well to Zion. If one of the Indians was brought over with
the minifter, and a propofal made to educate fome of the late
awakened Indians in the Neiv-Jeyfey college, it would cer-
tainly be of fervice. Mr. AI and fcveral other faithful
minifters are hearty in the alFair ; but I believe will do no-
thing, uniefs you or fome other fuch like miniftcr come over.
Probably I (liall be in Scotland next fpring again. God has
been pleafed to countenance me there ; and fome of the clergy,
in order to flop my progrels, have followed Dr. C— — ys ex-
ample. But if God be for us, who can be againft us?
Thanks be to his holy name, I am kept quite chearful in foul,
and healthy in my body. Blefled be God, the v/ord falls
with weight, and I hear of feveral brought under frefli co«-
vi6lions. A clergyman or two have been lately converted,
and there is a great awakening in Ireland. I (hall be glad to
hear that New-York is full of new creatures. I beg that my
mod cordial refpeiSts and love may find acceptance with all
my dear friends, and am, reverend and dear Sir,
Ever yours,
G, IV.
To Mr, E .
Dear Mr. E , Gloucejier, Dec. 5, 1748.
WH Y no letter from you all this while ? I have written
to you feveral times. Lately I fent a cafe full of di-
vers things for Bethefcla. When I return to London^ I purpofe
to fend more. I hear that my wife hath lelTened the family ;
but how it ftands now, I cannot expert to know for a certainty
till I fee her. I expecl her daily, though I am apt to believe
fhe will not embark till fhe fees Betty W . I hope ere
now you have welcomed her to Bethefda in the name of the
Lord. I exped to be over with you again by this time
twelvemonth. In the mean while, I truft we (hall make
fome better advances towards heaven than we have hitherto
done, and be more conformed to the blefied and glorious
Jesus. Thanks be to his great name, he continues to deal
bountifully with me. I am pretty well in health, and hope
to hear that you are fo. I fend you all my bleiTing, and am
Yours, kc.
To the Honourable Trujlees cf Georgia.
Honoured Gentlemen^ Gloucejler^ Dec. 6, 1 748.
NOT want of refpe^V, but a fufpicion that my letters
would not be acceptable, has been the occafion of my
not writing to you thefc four years laft paft. I am fenfible,
fhat in fomeof my former letters, through hurry of bufinefs,
want of more experience, and in all probability too great an
opinion cf my own fufficiency, I exprefied myfelf in too
ftrong, and fometimes unbecoming terms. For this I defire to
be humbled before God and man, knowing that, P^/^r-like^
by a mifguided zeal, I have cut ofF as it were thofe ears
which otherwife might have been open to what I had to offer.
However I can afTure you, honoured gentlemen, to the beft of
my knowledge, I have a6led a difmterefted part, and notw^ith-
ftanding my manifold miftakes and imprudence, I have fimply
aimed at God's glory and the good of mankind. This prin-
ciple drew mc iirfl to Georgia \ this, and this alone, induced
me to begin and carry on the fcheme of the Orphan-houfe ; and
this, honoured gentlemen, eJccitcs me to trouble you with the
prefent lines. I need not inform you, honoured gentlemen, how
the colony of G^or^/r/ has been declining for thcfe many years
laft paft, and at what great difadvantages i have maintained a
large family in that wildernefs, through the providence of a good
and gracious God. Upwards of five thoufand pounds have been
expended in that undertaking, and yet very little proficiency
jnade in the cultivation of my tra6t of land, and that entirely
owing to the necellityl lay under of making ufe of white hands.
Had a negroe been allowed, I fhould now have had a fufficiency
to fupport a great many orphans, without expending above half
the fum which hath been laid out. An unwillingnefs to let ^o
good a defign drop, and having a rational conviction that it mujft
neceffarily, if fome other method was not fixed upon to prevent
it. Thefe two confiderations, honoured gentlemen, prevailed
on me about two years ago, through the bounty of my good
friends, to purchafe a plantation in South-Carolina, where ne-
groes are allowed. Blelled be GoD, this plantation hath fuc-
ceeded ; and though at prefent I have only eight working
hands, yet in all probability there will be more raifed in one
2 year
year, and with a quarter the expence, than has been produced
at Bethefda for fcveral years laft paft. This confirms mc in
the opinion I have entertained for a long time, that Georgia
never can or will be a flourifbing province without negroes
are allowed. But notwithftanding my private judgment, I
am determined that not one of mine {hall ever be allowed to
work at the Orphan-houfe, till lean do it in a legal manner,
and by the approbation of the honourable truftees. My chief
end in writing this, is to inform you, honourable gentlemen, of
the matter of fact, and to let you know, that I am as willing
as ever to do all I can for Georgia and the Orphan-houfe, if
either a limited ufe of negroes is approved of, or fome more
indented fervants fent over. If not, I cannot promife to keep
any large family, or cultivate the plantation in any confidera-
ble manner. My ftrength muft neceflarily be taken to the
other fide. I would alfo further recommend it to your con-
fideration, honourable gentlemen, whether or not as the Or-
phan-houfe was and is intended for a charitable purpofe, it
ought not to be exempted from all quit-rents and public
taxes, as I believe is cuftomary univerfally for fuch inftitutions
to be ? And as moft of the land on which the Orphan-
houfe is built, is good for little, I would humbly enquire,
whether I may not have a grant for five hundred more acres
that are not taken up, fomewhere near the Orphan-houfe ?
My intention is, if you, honourable gentlemen, are pleafed to
put the colony upon another footing, (I mean in refpcifl to the
permiilion of a limited ufe of negroes) to make the Orphan-
houfe not only a receptacle for fathcrlefs children, but alfo a
place of literature and academical ftudics. Such a place is
much v/anted in the fouthern parts of America ; and if con-
<ju6led in a proper manner, muft neceflarily be of great fervice
to any colony. I can eafily procure proper pcrfons to em-
bark in fuch a caufe, and I do net kftow but feveral families
would go over, fuppoling I could give them a probable prof-
pe^ of a fupport upon their honeft induftry. I could fay more,
but I fear I have been already too prolix. I humbly recom-
mend what has been urged to your confideration, and beg
leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honourable gentlemen.
Your moil obedient humble fervant,
G. JV,
To the Countefs of H .
Honoured Madaniy Brijlol^ Dec. 10^ ^74^'
THOUGH I am afraid of taking too much freedom,
yet the duty I owe to your Ladyfhip conftrains me to
fend you a few lines from hence. I came hither laft night,
after having preached five times in Gloucefier^ and once in
Ghuee/ierjhire. The glorious Emmanuel pleafed to (hine upon
tny adminiftratlons, and many told me tbey received a blefT-
ing. The bifhop behaved refpe6lfully when I was at facra-
ment at the cathedral, and my old tutor, Dr. R , one of
the prebendaries, was very cordial when I waited upon him.
I told him that my judgment (as I truft) was a little more
ripened than it was fome years ago, and that as faft as I found
out my faults I would be glad to acknowledge them. He
faid, as I grew moderate, the offence the Governors of the
Church had taken againft me, would lefifen and wear ofF.
Bleiled be God, I am pretty eafy about that : fo that I can
but acl an honeft part, and be kept from trimming, I will,
through the divine afliftance, leave all confequences to him
who orders all things well. Thanks be to his great name, a
wonderous change is wrought on Mr. L . He came to
fee and hear me at Gloucejier : his worldly fhackles are dropping
off apace, and his feet begin to be fet in a large room. The
news of his converfion hath reached Mr. TV , who
wrote him a long letter ; but to fend difiuafives to a man that
hath feen and felt fo much, is like throwing chaff againft a
brafs wall. He begged me to fend his duty to your Ladyfhip
when I wrote, as does my brother, at whofe houfe I am. I
truft he is coming forwards, and that he will at length fairly
fhakc hands with the world, and a6t as one alive to God. I
think your Ladyfhip meets with great encouragement. My
continual prayer to the bleffed Redeemer in your Ladyfhip's
behalf is, " that your bow may abide in ftrength, and the
arms of your hands be ftrengthened by the hands of the migh-
ty God of Jacob'* He is the rock of ages. He is the
Lord our righteoufnefs. In him is our ftrength found.
Thanks be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
I Christ,
letters; in
Christ, for (hewing your LadyHiip the way to fetch con-
tinual ftrength and fupplies from him ! I could enlarge,
but am ftreightened in paper. If Mr. C hath courage
enough, I expe£l: to fee him, and then I fliall have it in my
power to fend your Ladyfliip word how matters ftand at Bath»
In the mean while, I beg leave with all dutiful refpedls to
fubfcribe myfclf, honoured madam.
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged humble fervant,
To Mr, B .
Aly dear Tommy y Brijiol^ Dec. 12, 174^.
THE love I bear to you, will not fufFer me to omit an-
fwering your letter the very firft opportunity. I find
you are in danger of being led into temptation. If only your
preparations for bufmefs keep you from attending on the word
preached, how will it be when you are totally immerfed in it ?
O my dear man, let that promife of our Lord's be written on
the tables of your heart, '' feek you firft the kingdom of God
and his righteoufnefs, and all thofe things (hall be added unto
you." If you aft inconfiftent with this, allure yourfelf your
endeavours will be blafted, and God out of love will curfe
your temporal bleflings. But enough of this. I hope a word
to the wife is fufEcient. — Since I wrote thus far, I have receiv-
ed a letter from good Lady H «, defiring I would come
up to town. I therefore propofe to be with you, God willing,
by Saturday night, and to preach at the Tabernacle next 5««-
day. Be pleafed to apprize all friends of it. If you are at
the tabernacle*houfe on Saturday evening, it would be very
agreeable to,
Yours, &c* in great hafte,
To Mr. H H .
London^ Dec. 18, 1 748.
Can aflure you, my not being able to write to you during
my laft excurfion, has given me much concern. I love
O2 (9
to be punctual. Journeying, preaching, and a train of bud-
nefs for the bed of maflers, has prevented my being fo now. I
have been at Gloucejicr^ in other parts of Gkuccfterjhire^ and at
Brijlol^ where I trufl: the found of my Redeemer's feet waa
heard behind me. My brother I hope is coming on. I like
him better than I have for fome years. He greatly regards
you, and intends anfwering your kind letters. I propofed his
meeting you here. What do you think of it ? He likes it well.
I wrote for him to come up next week. I expe6l to know by
Wcdjicjday or Thurfday. If you could be here on a LoRD*s
day, or a Thurfday^ you might fee our afTembly at the other end
of the town. I truft, abiding good will be done among fome
at leaft of the rich and great. I thank you a thoufand times
for your advice in refpe^l to my health. — For near thefe two
months pafV, my ufual Teachings have left me. I find that
keeping from too much fatigue, under God, muftbe my* cure,
I will endeavour to keep within bounds every way. I have
fhewed the do6lor's le^tter to Lady // , but fhe is of opi-
nion, the journals as now corrected ought to be reprinted. In
the multitude of councils there is fafety -, the language of my
heart Is,
Lord, teach me zuhen J go ajlray^
And lead me in thy pcrfeci zvay,
O that my zeal may increafe with prudence. I have had too
little of both. I am now thirty-four years of age, and alas !
how little have I done and fuffered for Him, who has done
and fuffered fo much for me ! Thanks be to his great name,
for countenancing my poor adminiftrations fo much I I know
hot how it is, but perhaps it may be to difplay the riches of
free grace, that notwlthflanding the firil: zeal of moft, I might
add, all men of God, is generally mixed with much wildfire,
yet their firft times have been generally bleft moft, efpecially
for awakening and converting fouls. Blefled be our good
God that Mr. H is coming out. May the Lord
Jesus make him a fplritual father to thoufands ! I fmiled
when you f:iIJ, he would avoid the name of Methodijl^ if he
Could. Alas, my dear man, he might as foon think to wafh a
blackmoor white. The Methodljts are nov/ as it were a fkreen
for others. Formerly, if a perfon was ferious, or preached
Ghrist, he was termed a Puritan^ nov/ he is a Msthodift :
But do you go oa as you are able to bear it. Oppofition fliall
follow you j without it, be as prudent as you will, your fince-
rity towards God and love for fouls cannot be eviJ' need. Self,
]ove of praife, and love of the world, muft come down. Our
Lord always does this, by way of fufferings inward or out-
ward, or rather by both. One Mr. L of Gkucejlcrfnlrey
■whom Mr. H knows, though he has begun to preach
Christ' but lately, yet is already warned to leave his cure.
Our Lord will provide for him. He is a new creature indeed.
I do not blame you for your conduct towards Mrs. D .
She is a good woman, and I believe thirfts for the Redeemer's
glory. 1 wifti fhe would not write fo much. And what fhall
I fay more ? I hope you have had enough from me now. My
very dear Sir, when am I to hear that you are a preacher of
Christ crucified ? I long for the time, and earneftly pray
that you may be freed from worldly hopes and worldly fears :
for till then, I cannot believe a man, let his other accom-
plilliments be ever fo great, will be much owned and biefled
by the great head of the church* I fiiould be glad to know
what my Lord of Exeter faid. I thank the Lord of all Lords
for giving you fo much encouragement. Let this excite you to
prefs forwards, and never fear what manor devils fay of, or can
do unto you. Dear, very dear Sir, my heart is enlarged towards
you. I thank you, far remem.bering an unworthy worm be-
fore him who is the great bigh-privit and bleffed apoftle of our
profeffion. As he enables, I fhail return the favour, being, for
his great name's fake, very dear Sir,
Yours mod afFedionately,
To the Rev. Mr. H—^,
London^ December 18, 1748.
Reverend and dear Sir^
THOUGH I am not perfonally acquainted v/ith you,
yet I o\-'^ yr.ii much love. Thanks he to our great
high Frieil f<.r givK.^ you fuch liglic and heat, aiid enabling
you to preacn among puor linners the uni. archabie riches of
redeeming love. Earth and "hell will be up in arms againft
you j your own mother's children will foon be angry with
O 3 you.
you, and many of the members of that clfurch of which you
are a minifter, whenever ycu preach her doitrine with power
and purity, will think it doing Gop's fervice to caft you out.
Thus it has been, thus it will be in all ages, fo long as thofe
two feeds of the woman and the fcrpent remain ftruggling irj
this lower world. Welcome, welcome dear Sir, into the field
of battle ! Now the common people will hear you gladly.
Now the felf-righteous will fpealc all manner of evil againft
you. I am told the corporation have rcjedled you for preach-
ing Christ crucified. I wifli you joy. May you, like blefif-
cd Paul^ increafe the more in ftrength, and be made a fpiritual
father to thoufands ! Excufe this freedom from one who loves
you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. I thank you for your
intended interview. Could no way be contrived for a private
yifit ? however that be, affure yourfelf your intereft will be
much upon my heart, and if you will remember a poor un-
worthy worm before his throne, whofe compaflions fail not, you
will much oblige, reverend and dear Sir,
Your moft affeclionate brother
and fervant in Jesus Christ,
To Doaor D .
London^ Dec, iiy 1748.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
GLAD was I, yea very glad to receive your letter datecj
November 7th, though it did not reach me till lafl
night. I thank you for it a thouland times. It has led me
^o the throne of grace, where I have been crying, *' Lord,
counfel my counfcUors, and fhew them what thou wouldft have
tne to do." — Alas, alas ! how can I be too fevere againft my-
felf, who, Peter Wkcj have cut off fo many ears, and by impru-
dencies mixed with my zeal, have difhonoured the caufe of-'
Jesus ? I can only look up to him, who healed the high-
priefl's fervant's ear, and fay, " Lord, heal all the wounds
my mifguided zeal has given." Aflure yourfelf, dear Sir,
every thing I print fhall be revifed. I always have fubmitted
my poor performances to my friends corre<5lions. Time and
experience I find ripen men's judgments, and make them more
folid, rational, and confiftent, both in their condu6l and wri-
tings. O that this may be my cafe ! O that the blcflcd Jesus
may enable me to hold on, and hold out, and keep me from
flagging in the latter ftages of my road. I thank you, dear Sir,
for your folemn charge in refpetSl to my health. BleiTed be
God, it is much repaired fince my return from Scoilanci^ and
I truft by obferving the rules you prefcribe (if I muft live) I
fliall be enabled to declare the works of the Lord. But what
fhall I fay concerning your prefent trial ? jQiall I wifli you
joy? Surely I may with great propriety, fince an infpired
writer hath faid, " count it all joy when you fall into divers
temptations." But at the fame time, reverend Sir, I moft ear-
neftly fympathize with you, having had the fame trial from
the fame quarter long ago. The Moravians firft divided my
family, then my parifli at Georgia^ and after that the focieties
which, under God, I was an inftrument of gathering. I fup-
pofe not lefs than four hundred, through their practices, have
left the tabernacle. But I have been forfaken otherways. I
have not had above an hundred to hear me, where I had
twenty thoufand, and hundreds now aflemble within a quar-
ter of a mile of me, who never come to fee or fpeak to me ;
though they muft own at the great day that I was their fpi-
ritual father. All this I find but little enough to teach me to
ceafe from man, and to wean me from that too great fondnefs
which fpiritual fathers are apt to have for their fpiritual chil-
dren. Thus blefTed Paul was ferved, thus muft all expedl to
be treated who are of Paul's fpirit, and are honoured with any
confiderable degree of Paul's, fuccefs. But I have generally
obferved, that when one door of ufefulnefs is (hut, another
opens. Our Lord blefles you, dear Sir, in your writings ; nay
your people*s treating you as they are now permitted to do,
perhaps is one of the greateft bleflings you ever received from
heaven. May patience have its perfedt work, and may you
be enabled to fandlify the Lord God in your heart I I know
of no other way of dealing with the M j, than to go on
preaching the truth as it is in Jesus, and reft upon that pro-
mife, " Every plant which my heavenly father hath not
planted fhall be plucked up." Seven years will make a great
Q 4 alteration.
alteration. I believe their grand defign is to extend their
occonomy as far as polTible. This I believe is now kept up
by dint of money, and I am apt to think that the very thing by
which they think to eftablifh, will deftroy their fcheme.
'John Lapidec went on in the fame manner in Alaryland. His
plan was raifed as high, and fell as remarkably. God is a
gracious Father, and will not always let his children proceed
in a wrong way. Doubtlefs there are many of his dear little
ones in the M n flock ; but many of their principles
and practices are exceeding wrong, for which I doubt not our
Lord will rebuke them in his own time. But I fear that I
weary you. However, dear Sir, I muft thank you for your
fermon. It contains the very life of preaching, I mean
fweet invitations to clofe with Christ. I do not wonder
you are dubbed a Methodift on account of it. As it was,
defigned for the poor, I wifh it was cheaper. I think pra£li-
cal books cannot be too reafonable. The poor muft have
them cheap, and the rich will like them the better for it. And
now methinks I hear you fay, " But how is it at the other
end of the town ?'* Bleflcd be God, the profpeft is promifing.
Laft Sunday evening 1 preached to a moft brilliant aflembly
indeed. They exprefTed great approbation, and fome I think
begin to feel. Good Lady H — n is indeed a mother in
JfraeL She is all in a flame for Jesus. You may guefs
by a word or two in this, that (he hath fhewn me your
laft letter. I fuppofe (he will write to you foon. But whi-
ther am I running? I quite forget myfelf. Love makes my
pen to move too faft, and too long. Excufe it, dear Sir, and
for Jesus's fake never ceafe praying for. Reverend and very
dear Sir,
Your moft aff'eclionate though unworthy
younger brother, and v/illing fervant
in our common Lord,
G. JV,
Dear Mr. T .
London^ Dec, 2f, 1 748.
HAVE you not thought it unkind, that I aniwered not
your letter before now. You v/ill be pacified when I
3 tell
letters: 217
tell you, that not want of love but leifure hath been the caufe
of fo long a filence. I will now redeem a few moments to pay
this debt, and acknowledge a much greater debt of love that
I owe, and intend indeed to be always owing to you and
yours. Christ alone can pay you. He will. Whatever
is done to his minifters, he looks upon as done to himfelf.
What a blefied mafter do we ferve ! Thanks be to his great
name, he continues to deal lovingly with me. I have been
blefied in my late excurfion into the country, and likewife
fincc I came to town. The profpeft of doing good at leaft
to fome of the rich, is very encouraging. I know you will
pray, that the foolifhnefs of preaching may be a means of
bringing fome of them to believe on him who juftifies the un-
godly. You find, that not g'fts but grace, fovereign, all
powerful grace alone, can reach the heart. But how is dear
Mr. B ? Is he yet fled to the world of fpirits ? Since the
Lord has been pleafed to hinder his preaching, I think it was
crufl to defire he fhould ftay any longer out of heaven.
Doctor TFatts is now gone. Blefied be God we fliall ere long
JVljere fin and pain and fiorrow ceafie^
And all is love and joy and peau.
I am now thirty four years of age. Little did I think of living
io long. And yet when I confider how I have lived, fhame
and confufion cover my face. O my dear Mr. T , as you
are preparing for the miniftry, lofe not one moment of time,
but labour to be always on the ftretch for Him, who was
ftretched on the accurfed crofs for you. Study books and men,
but above all, fludy your own heart and the knowledge of
Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Get your heart free from
worldly hopes and worldly fears, and you will avoid thoufands
of thofe fnares, into which young minifiers for want of this
too often fall. O let the language of your heart be, '' God
forbid that 1 (hould glory, fave in the crofs of Christ, by
whom the world is rrucified unto me and I unto the world."
You will excufe this freedom. It proceeds from the love I
bear you. Be pleafed to prefent my cordial rcfpe6ts to your
honoured father, your brother, and all enquiring friends, and
accept of the fame yourfclf in the moft tender manner, from,
my dear Sir,
Yours mod affedionately in Christ Jesus,
C. TV.
To Mr, B ,
Jlfy dear Brother^ London, Dec. 26, 1 748.
AS foon as I received your kind letter, I was willing, but
till now could not get leifure, to anfwer it. Accept my
thanks, though late, and let the glorious £wwt2/7«^/ have eternal
thanks afcribed unto him, if he has been pleafed to work upon
your foul by any of my poor writings. Since that, I doubt
not but you have experienced much of his love, and know
more of God, even a God in Christ, and alfo of your own
heart. In thefe two things confifts all our happinefs in time
and for eternity. BlefTed be his name for calling you to wit-
nefs the efficacy of his death, and the unfearchable riches of
his grace to poor fmners. My dear brother, it is an angelic
employ. Go on in the name and flrength of Jesus. He
will not fend you a warfare on your own charges. As your
day is fo fhall your flrength be. Only wait upon him, and
eternal truth has declared, that you (hall mount on wings like
an eagle, you fhall walk and not be weary, nay run and not
be faint. Should providence bring me your way in the Spring,
I (hall rejoice to fee and converfe with you, and {hall tell all
that come in my way, of the prefent as well as future great fal-
vation that is to be had in Jesus Christ. In the mean
while, I entreat you to pray for me, and as enabled you fhall
be remembered by, my dear Brother,
Your afFedtionate brother and fervant
for Christ's fake,
G. TV,
fo Lord B .
My Lordf London, Dec. 30. 1748.
I Had the honour of your Lordfliip's letter. Gratitude con-
ftrains me to lend my heartieft acknowledgments. Though
ablent from, yet I am often prefcnt with you. That benign,
that fweet difpofition of which your Lordfliip is poilefled,
muft make you appear amiable to ail who know you. Add
but the chriftian to it, and then, O then, how happy will your
Lordfhip be ! Thanks be to God, that your Lordfliip begins
to feel there is no being happy without real chriftianity. O
that this convicKon may be abiding, and that your Lordfliip
may have no reft, till you find it in Him who is the Alpha and
Omega, the author and finiflier of our faith. He longs to
make you happy, he is ready to receive you with open arms.
He cries, " My fon, give me thy heart." To engage you to
Jove him more, he has let you have a vi'orthy lady, who I am
penuaded will be glad to go hand in hand to heaven. O that
you may both walk in all the ordinances and commandments
of the Lord blamelefs. No greater thing can be defired for
you at the throne of grace by, my Lord,
your Lordftiip's moft obedient, obliged humble fervant,
G. W.
To Lady B .
Honoured Madam, London, Dec, 30, 1748.
HAV E you not wondered at my not anfwering your Lady-
fliip's kind letter before now ? But I am perfuaded you
sre well afTured, that a variety of avocations, and multiplicity
of builnefs for the beft of mafters, not want of ref[)ccl:, hath
been the caufe. My Lady, your family arc always upon my
heart. My conftant dcfire and prayer to God is, that you all
may be filled with all the fulnefs of God. As my Lord
^lentions nothing to the contrary, I hope your indifpofition is
Removed, and that the language of your hcartis, " what fliali I
lender i^nto the Lord?" I know that the love of Jesus
i\6 letters;
which you have felt, muft necefiarily conftrain your Lady-
ship to live to Him, who lived and died upon the aceurfcd
tree for you. O how is the power of the Redeemer's
refurre£lion difplayed in Lady H n. She is a mo-
ther in IJrael indeed. It would pleafe you to fee the afTem-
blies at her Ladyftiip's houfe. They are brilliant ones indeed.
The profpecl of catching fome of the rich in the gofpel net is
very promifing. I know you will wifh profpcrity in the name
of the Lord. But how does good Lady D , dear Mrs.
C , and Mrs. /-— — ? All, I hope, putting off the old man,
and putting on the new with greater earneftrnefs than ever. O
that I may begin to be in earneft ! I am now thirty-four years
of age. Is it not time for me to begin to fpend, and be fpent,
for him who has loved me and given hin^felf for me ? I beg
your Ladyftiip's prayers, and the prayers of all your dear and
honoured relations. I fend them all my humble and hearty
refpeds, and beg you will accept the fame from, my Lady,
Your Ladyftiip's moft obliged humble fervant,
G. W.
To Mr. H H .
My dear Brother y Chelfea^ Jan. I2, 1749.
I Can now fend you but a few lines. Thanks be to God,
that weeping doth not hinder fowing. I think it is cruel
to wifh our little ones back into this cold world again. Go
on, Jesus will be better to you and yours than feven daugh-
ters. I hope Mrs. H joins with you in faying, " it is
well." But a word or two in anfvi^er to the other part of your
letter. Cannot you be at Gloucejler the 24th of this month ?
That would be abundantly m<ore convenient for me than the
27th. I would appoint our EngliJJo meeting at that time, and,
God willing, would go with you to Builih, and after that to
the weft. I am nov/ here waiting for Lord B ke, and
fome others, who are coming to hear the glorious gofpel.
Lord L ^ is in town. Our good Lady is going on, and
every day increafing her reward in heaven. I have much to
fay when we meet. When will you leave off being a fpiritual
rake r For the prefent, adieu ! Pray fail not being at GIou^
cejler. In the mean while, let us ply the throne of grace in
behalf of each other, and do you pray that an humble, child-
like, obedient heart, may be given to, my very dear fellow-
fold ier,
Yours, &:c.
G. 7V.
To the Reverend Mr. H .
Chelfeay Jan, 13, 1749a
RevereJid and very dear Slr^
YOUR kind and loving anfwer to my lafl: poor fcrawl,
humbled me much before Him who alone worketh all
things in and by us. But if he will work, who fljall hinder I
I truft the language of my heart to the ever-blcflfed Jesus is
If thou excufe then work thy wUI^
By fo unfit an injlrument ;
It will at once thy goodnefs JJ)eWy
And prove thy power omnipotent.
You will not be offended if I tell you, that good Lady
H n faw your letter. She was much pleafed with it, and
has a great regard for you. She goes on from ftrength to
ftrength. The profpe^l of doing good to the rich that attend
her Ladyfhip's houfe, is very encouraging. I preach twice
a week, and yefterday Lord B ke was one of my audi-
tors. His Lordfhip was pleafed to exprefs very great fatisfac-
tion. Who knows what God may do ? He can never work
by a meaner inftrument. O dear Sir, pray foj- me. I want
humility, I want thankfulnefs, I want a heart continually
flaming with the love of God. Blefled be his name for the
(hare? imparted to you. May you go on and increafe with all
the increafe of God ! I thank you for your kind invitation to
your houfe and pulpit. I would not bring you or any of my
iriends into difficuhies, for owning poor, unworthy, ill and hell
deferving me. But if providence (hould give me a clear call,
I fhould be glad to come your way. I rejoice in the profpecl
©f having fome minificrs in our church pulpits that dare own
H crucified
3L crucified Redeemer. I hope the time will come that many
of the piiefts alfo fhall be obedient to the word, and that of
the honourable women there will be not a hw» I know you
will fay Atnen. For the prefcnt, my dear Sir, adieu. Re-
member me to the dotflor, and Mr. H , when you write
to or fee them, and aflure yourfelf of a conflant remembrance
in the poor but fmcerc petitions of, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affedionately in the bell bonds,
G. PF.
To Dr. S .
Fery dear 5/r, London^ yan. 17, 1 749*
I Received your laft kind letter, foon after I had been inform-
ing dear Mr. //— — that I did not chufe to bring my
friends into trouble ; but that if providence fliould give me
a clear call, I might accept of his invitation. This perhaps
may never happen. But if it fhould, wherefore fliould dear
^r. S be fo much alarmed ? What if his people are pre-
judiced againft me ? Might not a fermon, under God, lefTen
their prejudices, and perhaps awaken feme fouls to a fenfe of
the divine life ? Such things have been done, fuch a thing,
through the divine bleffing, may be repeated again. The way
of duty is the way of fafety. Our Lord requires of us to con-
fefs him in his gofpel members and minifters. To be afraid
of profefling the one, or publicly to own, afibciate with,
and ftrengthen the hands and hearts of the other, cfpecially
when they are fet for the defence of the gofpel, is, in my opi-
nion, very offenfivc in the fight of our common Lord, and
can only proceed from a want of more love to him and his
dear people. I am quite of your mind, my dear friend, that
our Lord recommends to us the wifdom of the ferpent, but
then it is always to be blended with the innocenceof the dove.
How this is done, in efFecl, by difowning the open and avowed
proclaimers of his eternal truths, I cannot I muft confefs at
prefent fee into. You fay, " we are moft of us too warm
already :" but I hope you do not think, that being afhamed
of any of your Lord's minifters is an inftance of it ? Thanks
be to God that Mr. H fcems, as you exprefs it, " to
court the enmity of mankind ;" it is an enor of the right fide.
Better fo than to be afraid of it. The Lord never threatned
to fpew any church out of his mouth for being too hot ; but
for being neither hot nor cold he has. It is too true, my dear
Sir, " we have but few faithful minifters." But is keeping
at a diftance from one another the way to ftrengthen their
intereft ? By no means. I rather think thofe that hold the
fame principles at leaft, and are embarked in the fame caufe,
fliould jointly and publicly appear for God. — And to tell you
my whole mind, I do not believe God will blefs either you
or your friends to any confiderable degree, till you are more
delivered from the fear of man. Alas, how was you bowed
down with it, when I faw you lad ! And your letter befpeaks
you a flave to It yet. O my brother, deal faithfully with
yourfelf, and you will find a love of the world, and fear of not
providing for your children, have gotten too much hold of your
heart. Do not miftake me, I would not have you throw
yourfelf into flames. I. would only have you a<5t a ^confident
part, and not for fear of a little contempt be afhamed of own-
ing the minifters of Christ, After all, think not, my dear
Sir, that I am pleading my own caufe. You are not in danger
of feeing me at N — —n, I only take this occafion of faying
a word or two to your heart. You will not be offended, as
it proceeds from love. You may {hew this to dear Mr. H
I falute him, the dear doctor, and dear Mr. H , moft cor-
dially. I hope the feed is fown among the rich to fome pur-
pofe. Laft Tburfday Lord B ke was one of my hearers.
Brethren pray for us j you are never forgotten by, very dear
Yours, &ۥ
To Mr. S—.
London J Jan. 18, 1749.
My very dear Mr. S ,
I Have received from you two very kind letters, the lafl: of
which made me to fmile indeed. Alas, my dear man,
what airy caftles arc you building ? Were your fanguine cx-
pedlatlons to take place, might I not juftly fay to my friends,
*' ^id vultis, ut peream f" But blefled be God, there is yet
no danger. The gofpel is not got fo near the court as you
imagine. However, fomc of the mighty and noble come twice
a week to hear at good Lady H «'s, and the profpeil of
doing good amongft them is very encouraging. One or two I
truft are effc6i:ually touched. Pray on, and who knows what
a great fire a little fpark may kindle ? I wifh the Lord may
anfwer your requeft, and give you a religious governor. I
cannot fee how I can ferve dear Mr. B . I fhould be
very fhy of afking any favours, fuppofmg I had intereft, left
I fhould be thought to preach for myfelf and not for Christ
Jesus my Lord. I would fain convince all, that I feek not
theirs but them. I am forry you have met with fo many lofies
of late ; but all our lofles will be found to be gain in the end.
Blefled are they that love God ! All things are even now
working together for their good. About Auguft I purpofe,
God willing, to embark for Carolina ; though my friends fay
not, I believe they will be miftaken. Ere this reaches you, I
hope God will have raifed you up Paftors after his own heart.
Pray remember me in the moft endearing manner to all that
I was acquainted with, and tell them I live in hopes of feeing
them once more in the fie(h. I heartily falute all, and am,
very dear Mr. ^ ,
Yours moft affedlonately in Christ Jesus,
G. W.
*To Lady H «.
Honoured Madam^ BriJioU Jan, 28, 1749.
1 Think it is now high time for me to trouble your Ladyfhip
with a few lines. They come to thank your Ladyfhip ten
thoufand tunes for all favours, and to inform you that our
glorious Redeemer orders all things well. On IVcdmJday^
through winds, rain and froft, I reached Glomejler^ and
preached there the fame evening. The next day we held our
aflbciation, and, thanks be to God, affairs turned out better
than expectation. I came hither this evening, where I found
my brother in the very temper I could wifh, " feemlngly quite
fixed to leave the u^orld for God." He tells me of a Colonel,
who heard me once in the Summer, that now wants to know
if his fins are forgiven. My brother's vifit to town has been
greatly blefled to him. Surely your Ladyfliip will never know,
till the day of judgment, the great ends God had in view in
calling your Ladyfliip to London. I rejoice in the profpeft of
feeing your Ladyfhip happy amidft a crowd of your fpiritual
children, who will come to you from time to time to be buik
up in their moft holy faith. You will fufter many pangs for
them ; but ail fliall work for your Ladyfliip's prefent and
eternal good. I fufFer much in my bodily health for preaching
to the nobility y but, thanks be to God, that fome feem to have
an hearing ear, and an underftanding heart. My warmeft
prayers are continually afcending to the throne of grace for your
Ladyfliip, and for all thofe who have heard the word, efpecially
thofe honourable women that ufed to join with your Ladyfliip
in receiving the facred fymbols of the Redeemer's bleiTcd
body and blood. My cry to our Lord in their behalf
is this,
Take then- poor heartSy and let them bi
For ever closed to all but thee,
I forgot to tell your Ladyfhip, that the TVelch juftices have or-
dered the twenty pounds, exa£led of the Methodifts by Sir
JV 5 to be returned. I can add no more, but my moft
grateful acknowledgements for all kindneflTes, and fubfcribe
myfelf, honoured A4adam,
Your Ladyfliip's mofl: dutiful and willing fervant
for Christ's fake,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam y Brijlol^ Feb. t, 1 749.
YESTERDAY I had the favour of your Ladyfliip's
letter ; and am glad to find that Lady G ^'s journey
will not be altogether in vain. Our Lord will note, in his
book, your Ladyfliip's endeavour to fcrve her^ and reward
Vol. IL P yen
you openly before men and angels, for this and all other your
works of faith, and labours of love. I am glad your Ladyfhip
approves of Mr. W 's condud, and that he hath preached
at your Ladyfhip's. The language of my heart is, " Lord,
fend by whom thou wilt fend, only convert fome of the
mighty and noble, for thy mercy's fake I Then I care not if I
am heard of no more." I am much obliged to thofe honour-
able ladies who are pleafed to fend me their good wifhes. In
return, they have my earneft prayers that they nfiay be filled
with all the fulnefs of God. For my own part, I long to
take the field. I trufl: we fliall fee a glorious Spring, and
hear of many fouls crying out, " What fhall we do to be
faved ?" Blefled be God, we have folid feafons here. I truft
I can with truth fay, " The gofpel has been preached with the
Holy Ghoft fent down from heaven." Next Monday^ God
willing, I fhall travel further Wejlward, In the mean while, I
purpofe to preach here, and at Kingfiuoody and to take a ftep to
Bath» Mr. C was here yefterday, and brought me a be-
nefadion from Mifs S , of fifteen guineas, moll or all of
which I purpofe paying to Mr. , towards difcharging
what is due to him for the Orphan-houfe. Thus doth the
Lord help me, who long ago deferved to be banifhed from
his prefence for ever, and to be employed in his work no more.
I am glad your Ladyfhip approves of Mr. G : He is, I
think, a worthy man. By taking this method, your Ladyfhip
will have an opportunity of converhng with the beft of all
parties, v/ithout being a bigot, and too ftrenuoufly attached to
any. Surely in this your Ladyfhip is dircdled from above. The
blefled Jesus cares for his people of all denominations. He
is gathering his cle£t cut of all. Happy they, who, with a
difinterefted view, take in the Vi^hole church militant, and,
in fpite of narrow-hearted bigots, breathe an undiiTcmbled
catholic fpirit towards all. That your Ladyfliip may in-
creafe and grow in this fpirit, and confequenlly increafe in true
divine happinefs every day, is and fl:iall be the conTrant prayer
of, Madam,
Your Ladyi'hip's mofl: obliged, obedient
humble fcrvant,
G, TV.
To the Cotmtefs of D .
Honoured Madam^ Brijlo!, Fib. 1 5 1740.
WILL your Ladyfl-^ip pardon me, if I inform you, that
love and gratitude conftrain me to fend your Ladyfhip
a few lines ? As I am daily praying for the temporal and eternal
welfare of your Ladyfhip^ and your honourable fifter, (o I
cannot help informing you, that I truft you have both fuch a
view o: the prefent great falvation, purchafed ^or the very chief
of fmncrs by the blood of Christ, that you vvil) neither of you
be at reft, till made real partakers thereof. Has not your La-
dyfhip already had a tafte of this inward haopineA- ? AfTuredly
you have. Should not this encourage your Ladyfhip to expe6v
feek after, and pray for imfpeakab'y mure ? Undoubtedly it
ought. The fulnefs which is in Jesus is ir.exhauilible. Out
of that fulnefs your Ladyfiiip may be always receivin'^- o-race
for grace. Thanks be to God for teaching you the way I
Let not your honoured fifier think herfelf too unworthy of fueh
a mercy. Jefus is worthy ; Ihe hath nothing to do but to
bring all her unworthinefs to the Lord our righteoufnefs, and
accept of compleat falvation as a free gift. Hearing, when
laft in town, that your Ladyfhip would not be offended if I
wrote, encouraged me to take the Jiberiv of troubling your
Ladyfhip with this. As the glorious Emmanuel enables, it
fliall be followed Vv'ith my moft fervent prayers, which have
been, are, and, through Jesus Christ flrengthening, fhall
always be put up in behalf of yourfelf, and your honourable
fifler, by, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's m.ofl obliged, obedient
humble fcrvant,
G. jy.
To Mr, .
My dear Sir, Brijloly Fth. 4, 1 749.
THE contents of your letter furprized me; and yet it is
time for me to learn to be furprized at nothing. But
what fhall we fay ? It mufi: needs be that thefe trials fhouldi
P % come*
come, to wean us from every creature, and teach us to live by
faith in the Son of God. Had you fucceeded, you certainly
woul.d have met with fome thorn in the fiefli, to keep you
from being elated loo much. Pcrfons of fuch fanguine dif-
pofitions as you and I arc, always need one from fome quarter
or another. By your letter, this trial has done you good al-
ready. Be thankful for it, therefore, my dear Sir, and fay
from your inmoft foul, " the cup, which my heavenly Father
hath given me, {hall I not drink it?" — We are but poor
choofers for ourfelves. God fees not as we fee. It is a comv
fort when we <;an fay, we have eyed God in any affair ; but
if that affair be plainly difconcerted by his providence, we may
be certain it is for good. I found it fo in a like circumflance,
when my afFe(flions were much more engaged than yours ne-
oefTarily muft have been. I wifh you joy of being called to
leave a worm for God, and in your fubmiflion t() his divine
appointment. " Surely, (fays the prophet that was fent to
anoint one (Ji' "Jcjfe^ fons) " the Lord's anointed is before
me." He guefTed feveral times; but always gueiTed wrong,
till little David was fent for, who was thought nothing of.
And if a prophet was miftakcn, when thus fent in a peculiar
manner, and no doubt particularly engaged in prayer for di-
reclion, is it any wonder, that we fhould find ourfelves
miftaken in many things, even when we have been mofl
earneft with God for guidance and direction ? God often
guides us by difappointments ; and I doubt not but you will
find fome better thing is prepared for you. What the Lord
hath done to you, though you know not now, yet you {l*al.i
know hereafter.
Leave to his fovereign fiuay
To choofi and to command ;
So J})alt thou vjond^ring own his zvay^
How wife, bowjhong his hand.
Far ^ far above thy thoughiSy
His coiinfel Jhall appear ^
Jfben fully he the ivork hath wrought^
Whiih cans' d thy needhf fe^r.
letters: 229
You fee, dear Sir, my concern for you by the length of this
letter. As you are, I truft, my own fon in the faith, fo I
cannot avoid naturally caring for you. My letter (hall be fol-
Jowed with my prayers. Be refigr.ed. I am better in health
than when I left town ; and am much blefied in preachino-.
You know how to give thanks in behalf of
Your fympathizing friend.
G. IV.
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Exon^ Feb. 9. 1 749.
YOUR Ladyfiiip's laying your commands upon me to
write often, makes me uneafy unlefs I can redeem time
to fend to your Ladyfliip at leaft once a week. Blcfled be
God, I can inform your Ladyfliip, that there was a great
ftirring among the dry bones at Bri/lol and Kingjwood. Laft
Lord's-day was a great day of the Son of Man. The power
of the Lord attended the word, as In days of old, and feveral
pcrfons, that had never l»eard me before, were brought under
great awakenings. A counfellor came onoe, and was fo af-
fe6led, that when he got home he invited others to come
and hear, which fo alarmed his lady, (ready to die of a con-
fumption) that fhe is afraid her hufband will go mad. Laft
night I came hither, and had the pleafure of feeing fomc fpi-
ritual children that were begotten unto God when I wa^J
here laft. This evening I am to begin to fpread the gofpel-
net ; and (hall continue in Exeter till Monday, Affairs have
been fo confufed, that it requires fome time to fettle them. I
find a death muft come upon all we do, that the life of it
may appear to be wholly of God. I hope your Ladyfliip
iinds that the Redeemer's work flourifhcs in your hands. I
long to hear, whether my letters were kindly received, and
whether the feed fown by me or any other fprings up. Who-
ever plants, or whoever waters, I know it is the Lord muft
give the increafe. Mr. C is vaftly attached to your Iva-
dyfliip's intereft, and, I believe, prays continually for your
fuccefs. Many do fo, whom your Ladyfliip knows not. Your
Ladyftiip's letter to Mr. R I find is blefled much. It is
P 3 the
the good man's lot, that whatlbever he doth fiiall profper.
May this be fuliilled in your l/adyfliip more and more every
day ! I could enlarge, but mud away to my delightful work.
People are waiting. This late journey has been blefled to
the recovery of my health. I have not had any of my ufual
diforders fince I left town. I am fometimes faint. But,
^' Faint, and yet purfuing," muft be the chriflian's motto. I
hope my mofi: dutiful refpe^f^s will find acceptance with thofe
honourat)le perfons whofe faces are fet Zion-wards^ and that
your Ladyfhip will accept the fame from, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, obedient,
and willing fervant for Christ's fake,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Plymouth, Feb. i6, I749»
THE laft time I wrote to your Ladyfhip, I was at Exeter,
where I begun on Sunday evening to preach in the open
air. r— -Abundance of fouls attended, and I truft real good was
done. In the morning, grace flowed richly round the con-
gregation ; and many knew experimentally that Christ was
rifen, by his giving them to experience the power of his refur-
reclion in their hearts. On Monday I went to Bovey-Tracey^
about 12 miles from Exeter, where I found feveral poor fim-
pie fouls. Here alfo the Ibuntain of life was open, and I be-
lieve fome drank at, and others felt the want of it. The
next morning I preached at a place called Mary-Church,
where are fuppofcd to be near a fcore of awakened fouls, who
have undergone much outward trouble for adhering to the
crofs of Christ. Moft of their bitiereft oppofers were pre-
sent. AH was calm ; and the power of the Lord accompa-»
nied the word. After fermon I rode twenty miles to Kingf-
bridge, where, to my great furprize, I found about a thoufand
fouls waiting till eight in the evening to hear the word.
Though nature faid, " Spare thyfelf," I thought faith and
duty faid, *' Venture upon the Lord's ftrength, and fpeak
to them." I did, from thefe words of our dear Lord's :
*' I mull work the works of him that fent me, while it is
day :
day : the night cometh when no man can work." I preached
in the ftreet. The moon-(hone. All was quiet ; and I hope
fome begun to think of working out their falvation with fear
and trembling. The next morning I preached there again ;
four miniftcrs attended. Our Lord was pleafed to make it a
very fine feafon. After fermon I had the pleafure of hearing,
that by two or three difcourfes preached at this place about 5
years ago, many fouls were awakened. One young man,
then called, is fmce a preacher ; he was In a tree partly to ri-
dicule me. I fpoke to him to imitate Zacchcm^ and come
down and receive the Lord Jesus. The word was backed
with power — He heard, came down, believed, and now adorns
thegofpel. From King/bridge to Plymouth^ is near tvr/enty poft
miles. Hither I cam.e laft night. About ten miles from the
town, I met feveral of my fpiritual children, who came on
horfeback to fee me. When I came into the town, many
hundreds v/ere waiting to hear the word, and received me with
great joy. Though it was paft feven at night, and I had
preached at King/bridge In the morning, I thought it my duty
to comply with the people's importunity, and accordingly I
called upon them, (in a place filled the tabernacle, built fmce I
have been abfent) to behold the Lamb of God. I find a flrangc
♦ilteration in the people fmce I came firfl here, now above four
years ago. Many were then awakened, and truly converted to
the bleffed Jesus. I write in a houfe belonging to a married
couple, who call me their fpiritual father. Plymouth feems to be
quite a new place to me. I have alfo jufl now parted from a
truly converted neighbouring clergyman, who has invited me
ro preach in his church. Ere long I hope to fend your Ladyfhip
fome more good news. In the mean while, I wifh your La-
dylliip the beft of blefHngs 3 and entreat your Ladyfhip to
pray, that a chearful, humble, flmple, and guilelefs heart may
be given to, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mofl: dutiful, though unworthy
fcrvant for Christ's fake.
To the Reverend Mr. C .
Riverend and dear Sir, Plymouth^ Feb. 20, 1 749,
I Had the pleafure of receiving your letters dated December
29th and 3 1 ft. I thank you a thoufand times for this,
and all your other favours. I did not think Mr. H 's
friendfhip would hold long. It will be time enough for me to
fpeak to and of him, when I fee Bermudas again, which I pro-
pofe doing, God willing, as foon as poilible. In the mean
while, I would only obferve, that if I am a Roman Catholic^
the Pope muft h^ve given me me a very large difpenfation.
Surely Mr. H has adied like one, to pretend fo much
friendfhip, and exprefs it in the ftrongeft terms, and yet have
nothing of it in his heart all the while. But thus it muft be.
Dear Sir, we muft be tried every way. Hie murus aheneus
ejloy he. As for any fecrets that I told him, he is very wel-
come to reveal them. You know me too well to judge I
have many fecrets. May the fecret of the Lord be with me !
and then I care not if there was a window in my heart for alj
mankind to fee the uprightnefs of my intentions. I long to
have Bethefda a foundation for the Lord Jesus. If I can
procure a proper folid perfon of good literature, who will be
content to ftay two or three years, fomething may be done.
I am now in the IVeJi^ and have begun to take the field.
Great multitudes flock to hear; and our Lord is pleafed ap-
parently to countenance my poor unworthy miniftrations. I
have the pleafure of feeing the feed, which was fown juft be-
fore I embarked laft for America^ fpring up, producing an
hundred-fpld. May Jesus have all the glory ! Perhaps (O
amazing love !) he has not done with me yet. I am better
in bodily health than ufual, but expe6l to be Tick again when
I return to London. Thither I muft go in about a fortnight,
to preach again to fome oi the Rich and Great, as well as the
Poor. I find it is a trial, to be thus divided between the work
on this and the other lide of the water. I am convinced I
have done right in coming over now ; and I keep myfelf quite
dlfengaged, that I may be free to leave England the latter end
gi the Summer^^ if our Lord is pleafed to make my way
clear. I hope, as you fay nothing to the conrrary, that all
friends are well. I beg to be remembered to them all in the
kindcft manner, and depend much on their not forgetting to
pray for, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
G, JV,
To Lady H .
Honoured Mada77i<, Plymouth^ Feb. 21, 1749.
I Believe it will much rejoice your Ladyfliip's heart to hear
what is doing in the //'>//. I could not have thought
that the feed Town four years ago, would have met with fuch
a great increafc. But what cannot God do ? I have now
proclaimed here fcven times the riches of redeeming love, to
very large, attentive, and affe6led auditories. Generally about
tv/o thoufand attend every night; and the Sunday evenincr, in
the field, I believe there v/ere above five thoufand hearers.
On JVedncfday^ God v/illing, I move hence. My fhort flay
aHe(Sl:s the people. But our Lord orders all things well. I
hope to be in town at my appointed time, at leafl: within a few
days of it. If Mr. B is not returned, I {hall be grieved
to think how your LadyHiip will want the ordinance; but,
thanks be to God, the fountain is open, and your Ladyfhip
knows the way to it. Laft Lord's-day I adminiftered the fa-
Crament to fome few fouls that had no paftor ; and I could
have wifhed your Ladyfliip prefent to have feen an affeclino-
fight, — two parent-, both believers, prefenting two daughters
and a fon, in the moll folemn manner, for the iirft time to be
communicants. I received them with all joy; and our Lord
graced the feaft with much of his divine prefence. Lideed,
niy good Lady, affairs bear a very promifing afpedl:. I hear
that mu^h good has been done at Bnjhl. Every where frefli
door,s arc opening, and people flock from all quarters. Pre-
judices, I fii^d, do fubfide, and, through grace, ftrong im-
prefTions are made on many fouls. I have not been fo Wtll, for
fo long a feafon together, for many years, as I have been fmce
I left town. A proof, I think, that the Lord calls me into
the fields. I hear how your Ladyfliip has been, by the
B p/
B p. Alas ! how does the enmity of the heart fometimes
make perfons to forget good manners ! Your Ladyfhip has
been taught of God to forgive and pity. Well, if the great
fhephcrd and bifliop of fouls has work to be done, he will
raife up inftruments, and End ways to fend them out.
Thoughts are vain ogainji the Lord,
All fuhjerve his powerful word;
Wheels encircling wheels mujl ruuy
Each in courfe to bring it on.
BleJ} is faith J that irujls his power ^
Blefi are faints that wait his hour ;
Hafte^ great conqueror^ bring it near^
Let the glorious clofe appear,
1 know that your Ladyfhip will fay heartily, Atnen, I doubt
not but your Ladyfhip enjoys much of his prefence, which is
better than life. 1 hope your honourable and right honourable
vifitants fhare richly with you. I beg leave to fend them, an4
vour Ladyfnip, my moil dutiful refpedts, and fubfcribe myfelf,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mofi: dutiful, though
unworthy fervant,
G. W.
To Lady G .
Honoured Madam ^ Plymouth^ Feb. 22, 1 749.
YOUR Ladyfliip's letter I received yeflerday ; I truft
under forpe fenfe of the honour your Ladyfhip has done
me, through the King of kings making me inflrumental in
quickening or building up your Ladyfnip's precious and im-
mortal foul. Like a pure chrylbl, I would tranfmit all the
glory he Is pleafed to pour upon me, and never ^laim as my
own, what is his fole propriety. Thanks be to his great and
glorious name, for putting it into your Ladyfhip's heart to fay
fmcerely, *' Lord, increafe my faith." When I had read
your Ladyfhip's letter, Lcould not belp obf^rving what a con-
ncciion there was between the prelent frame of your Lady-
0iip's heart, and your prefcnt circumftances in refped to your
fervant. For how is it, honoured Madam, that our faith is to
be increafed, but by our being excrcifed with trials ? By thefc
the chriRian grows ; and faith, like the burning bufli amidil:
the furnace of afflidion, fiourifhes unconfumed, BlefTed be
God, that your Ladyft^ip hath taken hold of a great and pre-
cious promife. Our Lord has promifed, " that he will not
fufter us to be tempted above what we are able to bear." And
he is faithful that hath promifed. Wc have nothing to do, but
to plead his promife in prayer. Be pleafed, therefore, ho-
noured Madam, to folace yourfelf, under your prcfent diftrefs,
with thefc lines :
TFith joy ive meditate the grace
Of our High-prieJ} above ;
His heart is made of tcndernefsy
His bowels melt with love,
Touclji* d with a fyfnpathy within^
He knows our feeble frame ;
He knozvs what fore icTjiptations meariy
For he has felt the fame,
He^ hi the days of feeble flejhy
Pourd out his cries and tears ; '
And in his meafure feels afrejh^
What every member bears,
nen let our humble faith addrefs
His mercy and his power ;
IVe Jhall obtain delivering grace^
In the difirejfing hour.
This is, and fhall be, honoured Madam, my daily prayer on
your behalf. Fear not ; our Lord will take care that all
fhall work for good. Thofe who are fmcere, will foon get
over fuch ftumbling blocks ; and thofe that are not, will
ilumblc at any thing, nay every thing. I blefs God, that
4 fomq
feme have got their faces let Zion-tuards. Of the honourable
women, ere long, I truft, there will be not a few who will
dare to be fingularly good, and confefs the blefled Jesus be-
fore men. O wiih what a holy contempt may the poor de-
fpifed believer look down on thofe, who are yet immerfed in
the pleafurcs of fenfc, and amidft all the refinements of their
unaiTifted, unenlightened reafon, continue (laves to their own
lufts and paflions. Happy, thrice happy they ! who begin t«
feel and experience what it is to be redeemed from this prefent
evil world. Well may they count all things but dung and
drofs for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
their Lord. Well may they look upon the few righteous, as
the only truly excellent ones of the earth ; and choofe rather
to fufFer affli6lion with the people of God, than enjoy the
pleafures of fm for a feafon. You, honoured Madam, I truft,
are one of this happy number. May all your children add to
it, and follow your Ladyfhip, as they fee you follow Christ.
I hope that fome have been inclined to lift under his banner,
fmce I left town. Indeed the glorious Redeemer has deak
bountifully with his people, and with unworthy me. The
good Lady H ■ — w, I fuppofe, hath informed your Lady-
fhip of fome pleafing particulars. I hope to acquaint you of
more at my return to town. In the mean while, I beg leave
to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyflaip's moft obliged, &c.
G. TV.
To the Count cfs of D .
Honoured Madam^ Plymouth, Feb. 22, 1749.
YESTERDAY. I had the favour of your Ladyftiip's
letter, which 1 would have anfwered immediately, but
was engaged both in company, and in preaching the everlaft-
jn<y gofpel. Your Ladyfhip's anfwering my poor fcrawl, was
an honour I did not expe£l; but, ftnce your Ladyftiip is
pleafed thus to condefcend, I am encouraged to make a reply.
And give me leave to afllire your Ladyfhip, that your own
cafe, and that of your honoured fifters, have been, and are al-
ways -upon my heart. I pray for both in public and private,,
fhough none knows whom I mean. Blefled be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, I truft, hath im-
parted a faving knowledge of his eternal Son to your Ladyfhip's
heart. Your letter befpeaks the language of a foul which
hath tafted that the Lord is gracious, and hath becyi initiated
into the divine life. Welcome, thrice welcome, honoured
Madam, into the world of new creatures ! O what a fcene of
happinefs lies before you ! Your frames, my Lady, like the
moon, will wax and wane; but the Lord Jesus, on whofe
righteoufnefs you folely depend, will, notwithftanding, remain
your faithful friend in heaven. Your Ladyfhip feems to have
the right point in view, to get a conftant abiding witnefs and
indwelling of the blefled Spirit of God in your he^t. This
the Redeemer has purchafed for you. Of this he has given
your Ladyfliip a tafte 3 this, I am perfuadcd, he will yet impart
fo plentifully to your heart, that out of it fhail flow rivers of
]i\ing waters. Thi§ Jesus fpake of the Spirit, which they
that believe on him fliould receive. As you have, therefore,
honoured Madam, received the Lord Jesus, fo walk in him
even by faith. Lean on your beloved, and you fhall go on
comfortably through this howling wilderncfs, till you arrive
at thofe blifsful regions.
Where pain^ and fin ^ a7idforrcw ceafe^
And all is calm^ and joy ^ and peace.
And O that your honoured fifler may go hand in hand with
your Ladyfhip ! Wherefore doth (he doubt ? Wherefore doth
{he fear ? \V"hy does not her Ladyfhip fay,
To the hlejl fountain cf thy bloody
Incarnate God, I Jly ;
Here let me wajh my fpotted fouly
Frsmjlm of crimfon dye.
Honoured Madam, is it not a fountain opened ? Opened fof
all that will come, and wafh at, and drink of it ? Entreat her
Ladyfhip, therefore, honoured xVIadam, not to be faithlefs, but
believing. Beg her to come, or rather be pleafcd to inform
her Ladyfhip, that her Saviour entreats and commands her to
come jufl as fhe i<^, and to accept of falvation as a free-gift. O
5 ^^'^^
that with Qviecn EJiher fhe may f.iy, " Tf I perlfli, I perifli.^
Then fhall fhe fee the King of kings holding out a golden
fceptre, and not an iron rod. But I forget myfelf again.
Honoured Madam, be pleafed to pardon me, and accept what
I have written as the overflowings of a heart that hath been
wreftling with God, for the falvation of your Ladyfhip, your
honoured fifter, and of all related to you. This is the beft
proof I can give of my being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladylhip's moft obliged, obedient,
and willing fervant for Christ's fake,
G, W.
7(7 the Countefs of H n,
IJonoured Madam^ Exeter^ Feb, 24, 1 749.
AFTER I wrote to your Ladyfhip laft poft, from Ply-
mouthy I received the letters you was pleafed to commu-
nicate to Mr. C' . They came quite unexpeded. I
think it is enough, that my letters are received, not without,
being anfwered j but the Lord Jesus will humble me by
mercies. O that they may have that blefied effcft upon my
foul ! Inclofcd, your Ladyfhip hath my anfwers, 1 have
fent them open, that your Ladyfhip may (if not too long) pe-
rufe them. V/hilft I was writing, the fire kindled, and I did
not well know how to leave off. I rejoice that your Ladyfliip
hath fuch a promifing profpecl of doing good among the rich
and great. Mr. C — ^ , in his lalt, writes thus : " A4r.
G went with me to wait on her Ladyfhip ; v/here he ov/ns
he fpent two hours xAin more pleafure, than he ever remem-
bered to have done in any company before : and, I muffc
freely own, he fpoke my own fentiments." I believe that
vour Ladyfhip will daily reap the fruit of a catholic fpirit, and
a free converfation with the truly gracious of all denomina-
tions. It is a conduct truly god-like. Dear Mr. T has
much of it. I parted from him on Thurfday afternoon. He
was once almofl blinded by weeping under the word. He was
rejoiced to fee the flocking at Plymouth. Indeed it was very
encouraging. Our Lord feemed to keep the beft wine until
the lafl. At Taviflock, ten miles from Plymouth, I preached
laft TJrurfdayy but was rudely treated. For, wliilfl I was
praying, fome of the bafer fort brought a bull and dogs, and
difturbed us much. But I hope that good was done. Blcfied
be God, we know fome has been done. I converfed with
three or four, that have been awakened by the reading of fome
of my printed fermons. Surely the Apoftle fpoke like himfcif,
when he faid, " God has chofen the weak things of chis
v/orld, to confound the fvrong ; and things that are not, to
bring to nought the things that are." I am now come thus
far in my return to London. I purpofe, God willing, being
there in about ten days. On Monday next I fljall fet out for
BriJiol\ where, as I am informed, the infinitely condefcending
Redeemer has been pleafed greatly to blefs my ]aft vifit.
When I think of London^ I feel a kind of fear and trembling,
left my bodily ficknefs fhould return again, and I fliould not
fpeak to the Mighty and Noble, {o as to win them to the
ever-bleffed Jesus. But I defire to throw myfclf blindfold
into his hands, believing, (Lord, help my unbelief!) that as
my day is, fo fhall my ftrength be. At prefent, honoured
Madam, this is the language of my heart, to Him, whofe I am,
and whom I defire to ferve :
A life that all things cajls behind^
Springs forth obedient to thy call \
A hearty that no defire can move^
But ftill t'adore^ believe^ and lovcy
Give ?ney wy Lord, my Ufe^ my all !
I hope this will find your Ladyfnlp quite happy under the
(hadow of redeeming love. I v/ifh your Ladyftiip an increafe
of that happinefs every moment, as being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, though moft
unworthy humble fervant,
ro Mr, C .
My dear Mr. C , Exeter, Feb. 25, 1 749.
YOUR lad, with the inclofed, you may be fure gave me
fatisfadlion, at the fame time as they, I truft, humbled
me before him, who will fend by whom he will fend. This
poft carries anfwers to the honourable women. I fuppofe
that you will be pleafed to find I am thus far in my retarn to
London, O my friend, my friend, I come with fear and
trembling. To fpeak to the rich and great, fo as to win
them to the bleffed Jesus, is indeed a tafk. But wherefore
do we fear ? We can do all things through Christ flrengthen-
ino- us. But why does Mr. C think it ftrange, that
no-body can be found to help me in the country ? Is it not
more ftrange, that you fhould lie fupine as it were, burying
your talents in a napkin, complaining that you have nothing
to do, and yet fouls every where are perifhing about you for
lack of knowledge ? Why do you not preach or print ? At
leaft, why do you not help me, or fomebody or another, in a
more public way ? You are in the decline of life, and if you
do not foon reafTume the place, you are now, through grace,
qualified for, you may lofe the opportunity of doing fo for
ever. I write this in great ferioufnefs. May the Lord give
you no reft, till you lift up your voice like a trumpet ! Up,
and be doing, and the Lord will be with you. I can now
no more, but inform you, that, God willing, I am to be at
Brijlol next Tuefday^ where letters on Wednejday morning may
find, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affl'dlionately in Christ Jesus,
To Mr. S .
Very dear Mr, S , Exeter, Feb. 27, 1749.
I Am afliamed to think that your laft kind letter has lain by fo
long unanfv/ered ; but journeying, preaching, and a multi-
plicity of other bufuufi has prevented mc. I (hall not carry on
the debate ; only I muft thank you for receiving my letter
in fo friendly a manner^ and entreat you, though a hoft of
enemies are behind^ ^nd a whole lea of troubles before youj
to go forwards. That was the command the great Jehovah
gave to his fervant Mofesy when under very prefTing circum-
nances, ft) that he knew not what to do. The Lord's im-
prefiing and afte6llng perfons under your exhortation, is a
token for good. It is good to be led on flep by ftep into
whatever plan providence intends to call us. ••' He that
believeth doth riot rriake hafte.'* Our bufniefs is to follow,
and improve the light we have, and^that i$ the way to get
more. You know who hath faid, *' to him th.1t hath fhall
be given, and he fliall have rnore abundance.'* May this
promife be fulfilled in your heart ! But why does my friend
write fo about allurance, or think he is too finful to expert
fuch a favour ? Have you learnt Christ no better yet ? Who
more finful than Paul ox thejaylor, Zaccheus or Magdalene ?
and who more allured of their falvation ? My dear Mr. S ^
do not think fo hardly of the glorious Redeemer. Draw near
to him with boldnefs, though the greateft of finners, and urge
that as an argument, why he fhould give you the greateft and
moft abiding aiTurance of his everlafting love. This is the
only argument I can ufe in refpect to my own foul. Fear not,
dear Sir, though clouds return after the rain ; ere long I truft
the glorious and ever-blcfTed fpirit will not, as to his comforts,
be like a way-faring man, tarrying only for a night, but come
and make a continued abode in your heart. The lano^ua^e
of my foul for you is, " Come Lord Jesus, come quickly !''
May I expect an anfwer to this in London. Thither I ara
riow going from the weft, where I have been for about a
month, and through grace have feen that the (zzd fown juft
before my embarking lafl for America^ has fprung up and pro-
duced fruit unto God. To him be all the glory. The
impreflions made upon fome of the great ones do remain.
Good Lady H fends me good news. Be pleafed to
remember me as ufual to do(Slor D and Mr. H , and
believe me to be, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our commoa Lord,
G, /r*
Vol. H, <i Letter
242 LET T E R S.
To the Rev. Mr. H .
Brijlol^ March I, 1 749.
Reverend and dear Sh'y
IAm much obliged to you. for your lad kind letter. It was
fo agreeable, that I fent it to good Lady // . Her
Ladyfhip writes me word " that it w^as a letter after her own
heart." She loves a Catholic fpirit, and I truft you are not
deceived in your thoughts concerning me in this refpect. If
I know any thing of my defpcrately wicked and deceitful
heart, I truly love all that love the glorious Emmanuel, and
though I cannot depart from the principles which I believe
are clearly revealed in the book of God, yet I can chearfully
affociate with thofe that differ from m.e, if I have reafon to
think they are united to our common head. This induced
me to call upon good Mr. L , whofe books many years
ago were bk-iTed to my foul, when the work that is nov/
fpreading, was then only in embryo. I am juft come from
the weft, where I have had the pleafure of feeing the kcd fown
juft before I laft embarked for America, fprung up and bearing
much fruit. All glory be to Him who alone givcth the in-
creafe. I have alfo had two letters from fome honourable
women, who I truft have received the grace of God in truth;
and Lady H n writes me word, that " the profpe6l of do-
ing good at my return to Loudon is very encouraging.** Thi-
ther I arn now bound. I go with fear and trembling, know-
ing how difficult It is to fpcak to the great, {o as to win them
to Jesus Christ. I fometimes am ready to fay, " Lord,
I pray thee have me excufed, and fend by whom thou wilt
fend." But divine grace is fufficient for me. I can do all
things through Christ ftrengthening me. My dear brother,
fail not to pray for me, that I may hold on and hold out to the
end, and in profperi ty and adverfity prefs forward with an
even, chearful, meek and l^vvly mind towards the mark, for
the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus. I am glad to
hear that do6lor S goes on fo well. I guefs he will
not be fufiered long to halt. It is no matter how foon all
worldly fl:iackles are knocked off, and perfons fet at liberty
(kippofing the)^ have a proper call) to range for Got). I find
there is no hopes of compromifing matters. Nobody can be
ordained that is a Methodift. Well I the time may come^
when many of the priefts alfo fliall be obedient to the word.
They come lafl: j but then many of them come tof^ether. I
know you will fay, Amen ! Let me from you {hortly
again. You fhall have as quick returns as can be given you
by, my dear brother,
Yours moft affedionately in our com.mon Lord,
To Lady H -.
Honoured Adadamy Glouccjler^ March 4, 1749.
HAVING been moving this week from place to place,
I could not write to your Ladyfhip as ufual, and even
now my body is fo fatigued, that I cannot fay much. How-
ever, I would beg leave to inform your Ladyfhip that the glo-
rious Enunanuel continues to fmile upon my poor labours, and
that about the middle of the week, by his leave, I purpofo
waiting upon your Ladyfliip in North Audley-Jircet. I doubt not
but I fhail find your Ladyfliip riper for heaven, than when I
left London. There you will be always thronged with com-
pany, and yet free from the leaft diftra^ion. On earth it is
otherwife. However, as we advance in the divine life, wo,
Ihall be more and more conformed to thofe miniflring fpirits^
who, though waiting on us below^ do always behold the face
of our heavenly Father above. This divine IclTonj honoured
madam, God has begun to teach you. May you daily make
a proficiency therein, fo that your progrefs may be made
known unto all men 1 I will follow as faft as I can, though
alas ! with too flow a pace. I muft now add no more, but
my ufual prayers for your Ladyfliip's temporal and eternal
welfare, and haften to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured madam.
Your Lady(hip*s moft dutiful though
unworthy humble fervant,
G. W.
a^ t E T T ER
To Mr, B .
Dear Billy ^ London, March lo, 1 749.
IHave jull now heard, that a fliip will fail for Philadelphia
in a day or two. I cannot therefore mifs the opportunity
of acknowledging the receipt of your laft kind letter. I am
10: ry it brought me fuch bad news concerning the ftate of re-
li-^ion in your parts. My conftant prayer for you, and my
other Philadelphia friends is this, '* Lord, revive thy work in
the midft of the years." Notwithftanding fo wide a door is
opened here, and a profpect of doing much good lies before
mc, yet I have fettled thoughts of embarking for America in
the fall. But future things belong to God. His I am, and
I defirc to be entirely at his alwife difpofal. My wife is not
yet arrived ; I hear (he is yet upon the water. May the Lord
Jesus be her convoy ! I am juft returned from an excurfion
of about fix hundred miles in the weft, where I had the plea-
fure of feeing, that the feed fown before I embarked laft for
America^ had been blefled abundantly. Glory be to Him,
who alone has given the increafe. The news you have had
of my preaching to fome great ones, is true ; I have done it
for fome time twice a week, and thanks be to the blefTed Re-
deemer, it has already produced good effe(fl:s. Lady H ■
.5 a mirror of piety indeed. In time, I truft of the honour-
;ible women there will not be a few, who dare to confefs the
Lord Jesus before men. You muft remember me to all.
1 have fcarce time to write this, fo can only fend one general
falutation. The Lord Jesus be with all your fpirits. Amen
and Amen ! The bearer, Mr. H , feems to be well recom-
mended as an honeft man. He is an entire ftranger to every
body in America^ and I believe has a mind to fettle in Phila-
delphia* I am defired to write a line in his behalf. You will
do what you can for him, becaufe he is a ftranger. I could
write much more, but am interrupted. Adieu, my dear man,
for the prefent. Pray keep near the ever-blelTed Redeemer,
3nd fail not to pray for and write to
Yours moft aftecliojiatcly in our common Lord,
G. W.
To Mr. S
Londctiy March il, 1749.
Aly very dear Mr. S ,
IWifli you joy. I truft you may now fay, *' Now I be-
gin to be a difciple of Jesus Christ." You know who
has commanded us to rejoice and be exceeding glad when
men feparate from our company, and fpcak all manner of evil
againll us falfely for his name's fake. Thanks be to God,
you have at length found out, that whofoever attempts to re-
concile God and the world, is attempting to reconcile two
irreconcilable differences. They are as oppofite as light and
darkncfs, heaven and hell. You have nothing to do, but to
go on doing, and then fing with an holy triumph,
For this lei men revile my na?ne^
I Jhun no crofs^ I fear no Jhame ;
Jll hail reproach^ and luclcome pain^
Only thy terrors^ Lord, rejirain.
You know he is faithful, who hath promifed, '' that he will
never leave nor forfake you." Wait on him therefore, dear Sir,
and you fhall renew your (Irength, nay you fliall mount on
wings like an eagle; you (hall walk and not be weary, you fliall
run and not be faint. Various are the trials inward and outward
that you will meet with. It is in the fpiritual as in the natural
birth. The after-pangs are fomctimes fliarper than thofc that
precede the new-birth itfelf. If you are made ufe of by Jesus
Christ, no wonder that fatan defires to have you, that he
may fift you as wheat. But fear not ; Jesus prays for you ;
your faith therefore fhall not fail. How was Paul humbled
and ftruck down before he was fent forth to preach the everlaft-
ing gofpel ? Prayer, temptation, and meditation, fays Luther^
are ncceflary ingredients for a minlfter. li God teaches us
humility, it muft be as Gideon taught the men of Succoih^ by
thorns. This I fuppofe is what dear Mr. H means ; he
has been converfant with Mr. L , and writes much there-
fore in his way. I find he is for making thorough work of it,
and digging deep in order to build high. He is certainly
0.3 right i
ri^^ht; but why we (liould not prcfs after and continually plead
for alTurance, which is every where through the holy fcrip-
tures fpoken of as the common portion of God*s children, I
cannot yet (ce. It is a falfe humility to be content without
that which God offers and promifes to give. Let him give
it in his own way and time; but, *' Lord give me a full af-
furance of faith, that I may joy and rejoice in thee ever-
;nore!" fliould be the conftant cry of your foul. My dear Sir,
I could enlarge, but I muft away to our good Lady H ^'s.
You muft not expe6l to fee her till Auguji. I preached at her
Ladyftiip's on Thurfday^ and am to do fo weekly. I expe£l: to
Jeave town in about a month. Pray let me fee you if poflible.
A new fcene will open to you, now you begin to a6l publick-
\y for Christ ; but I muft bid you farewel. Adieu. May
the Lord Jesus be with your ipirit ! Write often, and you
ihallbe anfwered, GoTi willing, as fpeedy as polTible by, my
very d^ar friend.
Ever yours whilfl
G. IF.
To the Rev. Mr, G— — .
My dear Brother^ London^ March 17, 1749.
WHAT a blefied thing it is, that wc can write to,
when we cannot fee one another ! By this means we
increafe our joys, and lefTen our forrows, and as it were ex-
change hearts. Thanks be to the Lord Jesus, that the
work flourifiies with you. I am glad your children grow fo
fafl ; they become fathers foon ; I wi(h fome may not prove
dwarfs at laft. A word to the wife is fufficient. I have al-
ways found awakening times like fpring times, Many blof-
(oms, but not always fo much fruit. But go on, my dear
yiianj and in the ftrength of the. Lord you (hall do valiantly.
I long to be your way, but I fuppofe it will be two months
firft. My love awaits Mrs. H • and all that love the Lord
Jesus in fmcerity. Pray tell my dear Mr. / that I can-
not now anfwer the Prejhn letter, being; engaged in anfwer-
ing a virulent pamphlet, entitled, '« The "Enihuftafm of the Me-
ihodifis G7id Fafijh com^ared^^ fuppofcd to be done by the
Blfliop of E . Thus it muft be. If wc will be temple buil-
ders, we muft have temple builders lot ; I mean, hold a fword
in one hand and a trowel in the other. The Lord make us
faithful NeJ)C}niahs^ for we have many Sanballats to deal with !
but v/herefore ftiould we fear? If Christ be for us, who
can be againft us ? Nil defperanduniy chrijh duce^ is the chrif-
tian's motto. My dear brother, good night. May the Lord
Jesus be with your fplrit, and make you wife to win fouls,
even wife as an angel of God ! Remember me in the kindeft
manner to honeft hearted Mr. / , and tell him, that in a
poft or two I hope he will hear again from
His and your moft afFctSlionate though unworthy
brother and fellow-labourer in Christ's vineyard,
To the Rev. Mr, IV .
Reverend and dear Sir ^ London^ Jpril ^^ I749»
YOU cannot well tell how much fatisfadion your laft
kind letter gave me. It was like yourfelf, like a father
in Christ, to write to ftrengthen the hands of one, who is
not yet half your age, but I truft ready to fpend and be fpent
for the good of precious and immortal fouls. I fee that you
have heard how kind my enemies have been to me. They
have told me of my faults, and by their oppofition have given
me an opportunity of confefTing them. I am juft now publifti-
ing a pamphlet, in anfwer to one publiflied againft the Me-
thodifts, upon the title-page of which I intend to have thefe
words, " Out of the eater came forth meat." O how good,
how infinitely wife is Jesus Christ ! How careful to caufe
all things to work together for good to thofe who love him.
I have reafon to fpeak well of him, as a promife-keepinf>- Sa-
viour. I doubt not, but he will greatly blefs and own you in
the latter ftagcs of the road, and caufe you to go off" like a
ripe fhock of corn. It will rejoice you to hear that convic-
tion work is going on in E ?7ghind znd JValcs. I believe the
holy fpirit is powerfully working on fomc of the Rich, ar,: the
Poor feem rather more eager than ever to hear the gofpel. I
am much engaged, fo that I have fcarcc time to fee or write to
Q-+ any J
any; but in heaven there will be time enough, and butji^fl
cnou.o;h too :
For etermiys tooftmri^
To niter all Christ'j praife.
You will be plcafed to return my moil cordial falutations to
your wife, and all that defire the welfare of fuch a worthlef^
worm. As our common Lord enables, y^u and they ftiall
be remembered by, Reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFe6tionately,
G, W.
To the Rev. Mr, H .
Rev. and dear Sir, London, Jpril 5, 1 749.
YOUR kipd letter v/ould not have lain by me unanfwcr-
ed fo long, had I not been neceflarily employed in af-=
fairs of immediate confequence. At Lady H 's requeff,
I read part of it to fome of the nobility, who approved of it
yery much. By your leave, I will put a fentence or two of it,
without mentioning names, into a pamphlet I am now fitting
for the prcfs. I fuppofe you have feen it adveitifed. I want
to own and publicly confefs my public miftakes. Q how
ynany, how great have they been ! How much obliged am I
to my enemies for telling me of them I I wifli you could fee
my pamphlet before it comes opt. I juft now wrote to Do6^oj:
S- ■■ — to fee if he cannot meet me this day fever.night, or
contrive fome way for conveyance of my little piece to him.
O that it may be blefTed to promote Qop's glpiy, and the
good of fouls ! You will be glad to hear that our Lord ha§
given us a good paflbver, and that the profpecr is flill encou-
raging among the Rich. I intend leaving town in about a
ij^eck, and to begin ranging after precious fouls.— But I flial|
wait for the docloi's anfwer. You judge right when you fay,
** it is your opinion _that I 60 not want to make a fedi, or fet
rnyfejf at the h+cad of a party.'* No, let the name oi JVhite"
field die, (o that the caufe of Jesus Christ may live. J have
feci] enough of popularity to be Tick of it, and did not the in-
tereft of my bltflcd Mafler require my appearing in public^
tjic wqrliJ fhouM hear but little of me heiiceforvvard, But who
c$n defcrt fuch a caufe ? Who, for fear of a little contempt and
fuffering, would decline the fervice of fuch a Mafter ? O that
the Lord Jesus may thruft out many, many labour ers into his
haiveft ? Surely the time muft come, when many of the
pricfts alfo fhall be obedient to the word. I wait for thy falva-
tion, O Lord ! — But I muft bid you farewe]. Praying that
you may grow under the crofs, and be enabled to flourifh ur-
confumed in fire, I fubfcribe niyfelf, Reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft affedionately in our common Lord,
fo Lady H -w.
Honoured Madam^ Ghucejler^ April \^^ 1749-
IT has given me feme concern, to think that I was fo long
in town after I took leave of your Ladyfhip, and could nei-
ther fee nor write to you. The laft letter I was about to
write, I found myfelf too ill to hold a pen long enough in my
hand to finifh it. Blefled be God, I find myfelf now much
better. Travelling, as ufual, does me fervice, and the joy of
the Lord fupplies the want of bodily ftrength. Ere long I
hope to fend your Ladyfhip fome good news out of the coun-
try. I came hither this morning, and am to preach to night.
In a poft or two your Ladyfhip may expert to hear from mc
again. In the mean while my prayers will be continually
putting up, that you may increafe with all the incrcafc of
God. I hope the elc£t countefs is perfe61Iy recovered of her
late indifpofition, and that Lady Fanny^ H , C , &c.
are determined to go on in that narrow way which leads to
everlafting life. Before I left town, I defired Mr. H • to
fend your Ladyfhip a dozen of my pamphlets, to be prefentcd
to the forefaid Ladies, and to whomfoever your Ladyfhip fhall
pleafe befidcs. As many more may be had as your Ladyfhip
jTends for. May the Lord give it his blcfHng, and caufe me to
grow wifer and better by all his various difpenfations towards
me. I fhail now take my leave; and after wi filing your Lady-
^ip, and the other honourable women that are feeking Jesus,
much of that reft which remains for the people of God, I
fhalJ fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged humble fervant,
G. IT,
To the Coufitefs D .
Honoured Madam^ Brijhl^ April ic^^ \'^^(^,
THE unfeigned regard I have for your Ladyfhip, will not
fuffer me to be long o^t of London without fending a
line to enquire after your Ladyfhip's welfare. I hope this
will find you perfecStly recovered from, or meekly refigned
under, your late bodily indifpofition. I believe your Ladyfbjp
hath reafon to fay, '' It is good for me, that I have been af-
fiidted ;" — and fandified afflidions are undoubtedly figns of
fpecial love. To come purified out of the furnace, and to
find that fome of our drofs is purged away by the Lord's put-
ting us into the fire, is indeed an evidence that he is praying
for us, and that our faith, however tried, (liall not finally fail,
O Madam, what a bleffing is it to be able to fay, " I know in
whom 1 have believed !" How does fuch an afTurance fweeten
every bitter cup, and make even death itfelf to appear with an
angel's face I O that'all who are deftitute of this unfpeakable
gift, were convinced of their want thereof, and fet upon hun-
gering and thirfting after it ! I hope your honoured fifter will
"be one of thefe. 1 have her L^dyftiip much upon my heart,
and do earneftly pray that fhe may be ftrengthened, eftablifh-
ed, and fettled in the love of God, and determine to know no-
thing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. I fend her
Ladyfhip my moft dutiful refpe6ts, and beg you would accept
of the fame, from, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged humble fervant,
G. TV.
To Lady H — w.
Honoured Madam ^ Portfinouth^ May 8, 1 740.
GLAD, very glad was I to hear, in a letter fent me by Mr.
H J that your Ladyfhip v/as better \ and glad am I,
yea very glad, that I can fend your Ladyfhip good news trom
this part of the country. The night after I came here, I
preached to many thoufands, a great body of whom was at-
tentive, but fome of the bafer fort made a little difturbance.
A very great oppofer fent for mc to his houfe immediately,
and could fcarcc refrain weeping all the time I was with him.
On the Friday evening I preached at Go/port^ where the mob
has generally been very turbulent, but all was hufhed and quiet,
and as far as I coukl find, all approved. Every time the
word has feemed to fink deeper and deeper into the people's
hearts, and their afFedlons feem to be more and more drawn
put. In fhort, I hope I can inform your Ladyfhip that Port/-
mouth is taken, and that we {hall hear of many who will in
earned feek after the one thing needful. I have a great
mind to go to the iflc of IVighty but am not yet determined.
Here is a knot of fincere fouls, that feem to love the Lord
Jesus in fincerity. Several date their awakenings from their
hearing T G , who I hear is to be ordained by
the Bifliop of IV , but I doubt it. Laft night I had
fweet converfation with two of the devout foldiers that have
JDeen abroad. They are foldiers indeed. BlefTed be God,
that there are fo many of his children fcattered up and down,
who I truft will give him no refl, till he makes 'Jerujalem
a praife through the whole earth. I do not forget Lady
F , the Countefs, or any of thofe who feemed inclined
to follow Jesus of Nazareth. O that they may be Ready,
and be enabled with full purpofc of heart to cleave unto the
Lord ! I beg that my moft humble and dutiful refpccls may
find acceptance with them and your Ladyfhip, from, honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, obedient
humble fervant for Christ's fake,
To the Rev. Mr, M .
Portfmoiith^ May 11, 1 749,
Rev. and V£ry dear Sir^
T concerns me much, that one whom I (c) much honour.,
and fo dearly love in the bowels of Jesus, (liould hear
fo feldom from me. Twice have I endeavoured to anfwer
your laft kind letter, but have been prevented, by v/ant of
health, a multiplicity of bufincfs, and frequent removes from
place to place. About three weeks ago I was fent for up to
London to fee my wife, but fhc is not yet arrived. However,
it has been over-ruled to the bringing me here, where I have
been preaching every day for this week paft, to very large and
attentive auditories, who come to hear with great eagcrnefs.
I hear of many that are brought under convictions, prejur
dices feem to be univerfally removed, and a people that but
a week ago were fpeaking all manner of evil againft me, are
now very defirous of my ftaying longer amongft them to
preach the everlafting gofpcl. What cannot God do ? Aftej:
I remove hence, I purpofe, God willing, to take a tour into
IVaks^ where Mr. H tells me the work is upon the ad-
vance. We have lately renewed our connexion, and whe-
ther I ftay in England or go abroad, he and fome more have
agreed, in the ftrength of the Lord, to continue preaching at
the Tabernacle and elfewhere as formerly. At London^ mat-
ters have advanced fuceefsfully. Real good has certainly been
done among the Rich, and the Poor receive the gofpel with as
much gladnefs as ever. My outward cmbarrafTments are
much lefTened, and I hope ere long to be able to fay, " I owe
no man any thing but love." Many doors are open, and I
have thoughts, if pofTible, of feeing Scotland this year. But
at prefent I am in a ftrait, and continually faying, " Lord,
what wouldeft thou have me to do ?'* Sometimes I think I
muft cither drop my Englifo or American work ; but our Lord
knows beft how to difpofe of me. I would be as clay in his
hands, and ready to go whitherfoever he is pleafed to call me.
I fhould be glad to hear of a revival at C ; but, dear
Sir, you have already fcen fuch things as are feldom feen
above once in a century. I am afraid that fome good
men's calculations about the latter-day glory are premature,
and that it is not fo near at hand as fome imagine. This is
our comfort, a thoufand years in the Lord's fight are but as
one day. He that comes, will come, and will not tarry.
Take courage, my dear Mr. M ; look up, and go on
your way rejoicing. You v/ill remember me moft kindly to
your dear yoke-fcllow> Nathan'uly little R~ — , and the
2 young
young fludent in your houfci and all dear friends. Indeed I
do not forget though I cannot write to you. God will not
forget your works of faith, and the many favours conferred on,
my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in Christ Jesus,
G, JV.
To the Countefs D .
Port/mouthy May^ 12, 1749.
Honoured Madam.,
IJuft now rofe from my knees, and have been interceding
for you at the throne of grace. The fame principle that
led me to pray for, excites me alfo to write a few lines to your
Ladyftiip. Ere now your late bodily indifpofition, I hope is
entirely removed, and you are up and miniftring to Jesus
Christ. I doubt not but your Ladyfhip will be helped to
fmg with a dear faint now with God,
" O happy rod J
That brought me nearer to my GoD,
The end of all afflii£lion, outward and inward, is to make us
more and more partakers of a divine nature. The father of
mercies hath dealt bountifully with your Ladyfhip ; he hath
blelTed you in the decline of life. O that your latter end may
greatly increafe ! May you be filled with all the fulnefs of
God ! This, Madam, is the privilege of a real chriflian, al-
ways growing, and making perpetual advances in the divine
life. The path of the juft fhines more and more unto the
perfe£l day. The way, thanks be to God, your Ladyfhip
knows. We mufl always come by faith, and be continually
drawing out of the Redeemer's inexhauftible fulnefs. If we
are enabled to lean on him, we fhall go comfortably on in a
wildernefs. That is the beft name this world deferves. Ciel-
ed houfes, gaudy attire, and rich furniture, do not make it
appear lefs fo to a mind truly enlightened to fee the beauties
that are in Jesus of Nazareth, Thefe are things, which a
watchful, well-informed chriflian will always look on with a
jealous eye, left they fhould divert him from looking unto
Jesus the author and finifher of hi$ faith. But I need not
write thus to your Ladyftiip, the native language of whofe
heart I truft is, '* God forbid that I fhould glory fave in the
crofs of Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me,
and I unto the world." The preaching of the crofs hath been
much blefled here. Multitudes daily attend, and many are
much afFe£led. It would pleafe your Ladyfhip to fee the al-
teration that has been made in a week's time. But what can-
not God do? All things are poffible to him. I hope your
Ladyfhip will not forget a poor pilgrim in your prayers. Nei-
ther you nor your honoured fiRer are forgotten by him. I
fend mofl dutiful refpeds and grateful acknowledgments to
her Ladyfliip and Lady G H , and ihall only noW
;idd, that I am, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, obedient
humble fervant, for Christ's fake^
To Lady F 5 .
Portfmouth^ May 12, 1749.
Honoured Madam^
AS I am uncertain whether good Lady H be in town^
I make bold to inclofe a line to your Ladyfiiip in a
letter I have juft written to the ele6t Countefs D . Gra-
titude conftrains me to take the freedom, and the convi6liDn
I have that your Ladyfliip's face is fet Z/^«-wards, makes me
think it will not be altogether unacceptable. With great
pleafure I often refled on that good vv^ork, which I truft the
ever-blefled God has begun in your foul. My heart's defire
and continual prayer unto him is, that your Ladyfhip^ having
put your hand to the plough, may be kept from looking back !
Satan will not be wanting to exert his utmoft efforts to divert
you from the crofs. He knows of what influence your Lady-
fliip's example muftneceiTarily be, and therefore will always be
ftriving to perfuade your Ladyfhip at leaft to compound mat-
t/jrs,and to attempt to reconcile two irreconcilable differences,;
Christ and the world. But your Ladyfhip is too well
grounded to hearken to his delufive infmuations, and too noble
to refufe to give your whole heart to Him who has bought it
2 with
with no lefs price than that of his own mofl: precious blood*
— What a price is now put into your Ladyfliip's hands ! What
a glorious opportunity is now afforded you, to fhew even be-
fore kings, that we are made kings indeed, and priefts unto
God, and that it is our privilege as chriftians to reign over
fin, death, hell, the world, and ourfelves, even whilfl here
on earth. Methinks 1 fee angels gazing to fee how your
Ladyfhip ads your part. O that the angel of the everlafting
covenant may always accompany you, and by the power of
his eternal and all-conquering fpirit, enable your Ladyfhip to
fight the good fight of faith, and run with patience the glo-
rious race that is fet before you ! He is never wanting to
thofe that put their truft in him. Afk and you fhall receive,
feek and you (hall find, be always knocking, and a door of
mercy (hall be always opened unto you. O the happinefs
of a life wholly devoted to, and fpent in communion and
fellowship with the ever-blefled God I It is indeed heaven be-
gun on earth. May your Ladyfhip tafte of it more and mor«
every day and every hour ! BlefiTed be God, I trufl fome
in thefe parts, who a few days ago had never heard of, now
begin to look after this kingdom of God. A more vifible
alteration I have not feen made in a people for fome time.
At firft fome of the bafer fort made a noife, but ever fince,
thoufands have attended in the greateft order, numbers have
been and are affeded, and through their importunity I have
been prevailed on to flay longer than I defigned. O to be
inflrumental to bring only one foul to Jesus Christ ! But
whither am I running ? Honoured Madam, your goodnefs
will excufe this freedom. I believe your Ladyfhip will be
glad to hear fuch tidings. It is the beft way I can think of
to exprefs my gratitude for the many unmerited favours your
Ladyfhip hath been pleafed to confer on, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's, mofl obliged
and ready fervant for Christ's fake.
To the Couniefs of H .
Portfjnoutby May 13, 1749.
Honoured Madam^
WITH fome degree of Impatience have I been wait-
ing to hear from your Ladyflilp, being very fe-
licitous for your Ladylhip's welfare. 'I'his morning your
Lady{hip*s unexpected letter furprizcd me. I only expected
to have a line from Mrs. C . Your Ladyfhip's writing
under fuch weaknefs, put me in mind of Mr. C , who,
when his friends advifed him not to write on account of his
illnefs, made this reply, *' What ! would you have my mafter
come and find me idle ?" Perhaps our Lord is fitting your
Ladyihip for fome new work. Lutha' obferved, that " he
was never employed in any new thing, but he was befet with
fome temptations, or vifited with a fit of ficknefs.'* I only
wifh I could bear it for your Ladyfhip ; but then your
crown would not be fo bright, nor the inward purity of your
heart fo great. The more trials when fandtified, the more
conformed we ihall be to the ever-loving ever-lovely Jesus*
O that the Lord of all Lords may water you every moment,
and caufe you to flourifh like the burning bufh unconfumed
in fire ! I have more good news to fend your Ladyfhip from
Port/mouth. Ever fince my laft, the profpe£l: of doing good
has increafcd. Thoufands have attended, and even when it
rained, when one could reafonably expert but very few, fome
thoufands came to hear the word. I have contra<5led a cold
by preaching in the rain j but what is that, if any foul can
but get good !
My lifey my hlood^ I here prefent.
If i?i thy caufe they may be fpent ;
Fulf.l thy fovrcign counfely Lord }
Thy ivill be done^ thy name adord.
On next Monday evening I intend, GoD willing, to (tt out
for Salijbury, and from thence fhall write to your Ladyfhip
again. Yeftcrday I wrote to the Countefs and Lady F--- — ,
but did not fend the letters to your Ladyfhip, not knowing
but you might have fet out for EriJioL A^y brother would be
highly delighted to have your Ladyfhip under his roof. That
God may reftore you to perfedl health, and make you a
blefling to thoufands, is and fliall be the conftant prayer of,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, dutiful, fympathizing,
though unworthy humble fervant,
To Lady H tu
Honoured AIada?n^ Brijiol^ May 22, 1749.
SINCE I wrote laft to your Ladyfhip, feveral things have
concurred to prove that Providence directed my way
hither. I have preached three times, and each time our Lord
caufed the word to leave a blefling behind it. Yeflerday, con-
gregations were very large in the fields. This evening I am
to preach again, and to-morrow, God willing, I fet out for
IVales. — Though my brother is forry for the occafion, yet he
rejoices very much that he is to be honoured with your Lady-
fhip's company. I believe you will find his houfe very com-
modious, and I am perfuadcd your Ladyfhip*s coming will
prove a blefling to him. Surely our Lord is only purging you
that you may bring forth more fruit. I am always thinking
of, and praying for your Ladyfhip's perfect recovery. I am
now reduced to great weaknefs myfelf, but the joy of the
Lord is my flrength, and through his help I fhall leap over
every wall. Gladly would I help to bear all your Ladyfhip's
burdens, and thereby evidence how much I am, honoured
Your Ladyfliip's dutiful, fympathizing,
obliged, though mofl unworthy fervant,
2a8 letters.
To Lady H .
Abergavenny^ May 27, 17490
Honoured Madam^
THOUGH 1 fuppofc your Ladyfhip will not be at Brif-
iol fo Toon as this reaches it, yet as this is the moft
leifurc time I am likely to have thefe three weeks, I cannot
help writing a few lines to wait for your Ladyfhip at my
brother's houfe. I think (as I am perfuaded he does alfo)
that he is highly honoured in having your Ladyfhip under
his roof, and I earneflly pray the Lord of all Lords to blefs
the waters, for the recovery of your health. Though I want
to die myfelf, yet methinks I would have others live, efpe-
cially fuch as, like your Ladyfhip, are placed upon a pinnacle,
and in a particular manner fet up as lights in the world. For
two days pafi: I have been at my v/ife^s houfe for the fake of a
little retirement. It has been fv/eet, yea very fweet, fo fweet
that I fhould be glad never to be heard of again. But this
muft not be. A neceffity rs laid upon me, and woe is me if
I do not preach the gofpd of Christ. God willing, I
therefore purpofe to-morrow to begin a three weeks circuit,
and to fee what the Lord will be pleafed to do by me. The
country is alarmed, and I hear very numerous congregations
are expe£ted. Your Ladyfliip fliall hear from time to time.
May the ever blefTed God fill you with all his fulnefs, and
after you have done and fuftered what he hath appointed
for you here, tranflatc you to partake of an exceeding and
eternal weight of glory in his kingdom hereafter. So prays,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obedient,
obliged humble fervant, &c.
Abergavenny^ May 27, I749»
My very dear Brother^
INCLOSED you have a letter for our good Lady H •,
whom I fuppofe you will have the honour of receiving in
a few
arew<I,ys under your roof. Both before, a„J ever f.nce' I
left Bnjhl, I have been frequently thinking of the unfoeak-
ablemerces, that the infinitely great and glorious G^d is
pleafed to pour down upon us.-Surely the lant;uage of both
our hearts ought to be, « What ftall we re;der unto the
i-ORD?" For niy parr, I am loft i„ wonder, and want a
thouftnd Irves to fpend in the Redeemer's fervice O let not
my dear brother be angry, if I intreat him at length to leave
olt killmg, and begin to redeem time. A concern for your
eternal welfare ib affects me, that it often brings bodily fick-
neis upon me, and drives me to a throne of grace, to wrefile in
your behalf. Even now, whilft I am writing,. my foul is a<.o-
ii.z.ngm prayer for you, hoping I ftall fee that day, when you
wil, have poured out on you a fpirit of grace and of fupplica-
t)on, and look to him whom we have pierced, and be made to
mourn as one mourneth for a firft-born. Till this be done
all rcfolutions, all fchemes for amendment, will be only li'"'
fpiders webs. Nature is a mere Proteus, and till renewed by the
/pint of God, though it may fhift its fcene, will be only nature
till. Apply then, my dearefl Brother, to the fountain of
light and life, from whence every good and perfea ^ift cometli
A worthy woman in all probability is going to throw -herfclf
under God, into your hands. A confiderable addition wii!
be then made to your prefent talents, and confeqnently a
greater fcare of care and circumfpeflion neceffary to' improve
all for the glory of Him, who hath been always preventina
and following you with his bleffings. Should you prove any
otherwife than a pious hufband, it will be one of the greateft
afflic-tions I ever met with in my life. At prefent you caa
only hurt yourfelf, which is hurt enough; but then (for-^ive
me my dear Brother,) I am jealous over vou with a eojly
jeaoufy. My fea.'s fhall be turned into prayers, and I will
follow this letter with ftrong crying unto God in your be-
half. My retirement here thefe two days hath been very
fweet ; but to-morrow I begin a three weeks circuit. Next
labbat.ilam to be at Carmarthen, the Friday fo!!ow!n<r at
Havcrford.v..JK For the prefent, adieu. That vou may take
Christ to be your All in All, and that the remainder of your
*.'te may be one continued facrificc of love to bim, who h.nh
^ 2 fiiei
{hed his precious blood for you, is the hearty prayer of, my
dear Brother,
Yours moft affe^lionately,
G. IF.
ro Mr, D .
Abergavenny^ May 27, 1749.
My very dear Friend^
YOUR kind letter I received at Brijhl^ but have not
had time to anfv^er it till now. You know what a
moving life I lead. It is for one, who laid down his life for
me. I want my laft remove to come. Blefled be God for
your recovery from your late indifpofition. Many of God's
people will have reafon to be thankful on your behalf. I truft
I am ; and earneftly pray the Lord of all Lords, that as
your day is, fo your ftrength may be. I thank you for mind-
ing the poor widows, and the other poor tabernacle petitio-
ners. What an honour is put upon you ! To be Christ's
almoner is no mean office. You fliall be rewarded ere long
before men and angels. Mrs. D — — fhall fhare with you ;
and as you have been helpers of each others faith, fo fhall
you be partakers of the fame glory. May your latter end
greatly increafe, and may you be enabled to bring forth fruit
even to a good old age ! I hope good has been done at Brl-
JloL We had three good feafons there. To-morrow I fet
out on a three weeks circuit through Wales. I have been here
thefe two days for a little retirement : it has been very fweet.
On Thurfday 1 faw Mr. E / , the diflenting minifter
I before fpoke of, and found him very meanly apparelled. He
is a m.oft worthy man, and from his zeal for God fome time
agp, he fold fifteen pounds worth of his books to finifti a fmall
Meeting-houfc in which he preaches. He has but three
pounds per annum from the fund, and about as much from
his people. He lives very low, but enjoys much of God,
and hath as great underftanding in the figurative parts of
fcripture as any one I know of in the world. He is a Zachary,
and his wife an Elizabeth. Four or five guineas might be be-
flowed on them. What a fccne will open at the great day I
6 How
How many rich Priefls will ftand confounded, whilft the poor
^Q{^\k6 faithful Mi nijiers of Christ fliall enter, after all their
tribulation, into the joy of their Lord. I tremble for the
one, I rejoice in the forefight of the happinefs of the other.
May my latter end and future ftate (however I may be dif-
pofed of in the mean while) be like theirs 1 I know you will
fay. Amen, But what am I doing ? I am robbing the poor
of your time. Away to your work in the ftrength of God,
and whilft you are feeding others, may the Lord Jesus feaft
your foul ! My heartieft refpech attend Mrs. D— — . She
always ihares in the petitions put up for you by, my very
dear Sir,
Yours moft afFectionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To Mr, I C '.
Dear yetnmy^ Carmarthen^ "June 5, 1749.
AS I have a peculiar love for you and your wife, I need
not inform you that your letter, which gave me an ac-
count of her great illnefs, affe£led me much. I have not
failed to remember her at the throne of grace, and I truft this
will find her either relieved from her pain, or refigned to his
will who orders all things well. Parting is hard to thofe
who, like you two, have walked in love. But we can do all
things through Jesus Christ ftrengthening us. She, when
dead, will live for ever, and God will be to you better than fe-
ven wives. Pray falute the dear woman for me in the tendereft
manner. O that (he may be ftrong in the Lord, and in the
power of his might, and be enabled to fay, " the cup which
my father hath given me, fhall I not drink it ?" I fympathize
with poor Mrs. N as well as you. God comfort and
fupport you all. We muft all be tried. I am ftill in fufpenfe
about my wife : but, what is beft, (Glory be to God !) the
gofpel runs and is glorified ! I have been enabled to preach
fourteen times within thefe eight days, and the word has every
where fallen with weight and power. Yefterday was a great
day here indeed. This morning I am going toward Haver-
ford-wejiy and am to be at Abergavenny to-morrow fortnight.
R 3 I know
I know you will continually pray for me. You know under
yvhat charadler, even as the chief of finner?, but
Yoursj &c.
G. ly,
Tc Lady H .
Haver for d-wpjly ^iine 8, 1749.
Honoured Madam^
SINCE my coming into Wales^ and leaving Carmarthen^
the infinitely great and infinitely condefcending Redeemer
has been pleafed to ride on in the chariot of the everlafting
gofpel. Congregations grow larger and larger, and all the
towns here about are quite open for the v/ord of God. Yefter-
day 1 preached very near Pembroke, to-day and next Lord's
day I am to preach here, and to-morrow at St. Dav'ms,
Not a dog flirs a tongue. The mayor and gentlemen at
Pembroke were very civilj and the juftices here are very fond
of having me in Haverford-wejl, I wifh I had more time in
thefe parts. The fields are indeed white, ready unto harveft,
and the young men bred up at Carmarthen Academy were much
taken. I'he congregations confift of many thoufands, and
their behaviour is very afFeding. Indeed we have blefied fea-
fons. O free grace ! Here is a dear young mian, juft ripe for
orders. He has good parts, and hath made fome proficiency
in the languages, is folid, and of fome influence in this town.
He can get tefiimcRials, and if ordained I believe would be
eminently ufeful in the church. I wifh a way could be found
out for his admiinon : but I fear it is impra£licable. How-
ever, I thought it my duty juft to hint it to your Ladyfliip.
May the great Shepherd and Bifhop of fouls find out means
for fending him, and many more like-minded, into his vine-
yard ! But how is your Ladyfhip's health ? I begin to be quite
uncafy, becaufe I have received no letter from my brother.
I defpair of hearing now till Tuefday fevennight, when I hope
to be at Abergavenny again. In the mean while, my prayers
are always going to the throne of grace in behalf of your
Ladyfhip, and every branch of your noble family. That they
may take root downwards, and bear fruit upwards, is the
ardent defire of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful,
though unworthy fervant,
G, IF,
To Dr. S .
Dear Sir^ Lafidovery, 7''^"^ ^4? 1749'
A Few days ago, I received a letter from Mr. C ,
in which yours to him dated May 20th was inclofed.
It gave me fome concern, and would have given me more had
not the fame letter informed me that good Lady H n had
written to you herfelf. Alas, my dear friend, what need-
lefs trouble do you give yourfelf, and into what difficulties
docs your fear of man, your too great attachment to the world,
and an over-weening fondnefs for your pretty chara£ler, every
day bring you ! Is it not time to drop our correfpondence,
when, on fo flight an information, you could fo much as fuf-
pe6l that I had betrayed that confidence you repofed in me, or
believe that I read a letter wherein you declared yourfelf a Me^
ihodij}^ when I had never fuch letter from you. The only
pafTage, as far as I can remember, that was read (and that
too at my Lady's requeft, if I miflake not) was that noble
one wherein you faid, '^ Let the world take my character,
and tear it to pieces, &c." Are you afliamed, my dear friend,
©f the refolution ? Or think you to put that in pradice, and
fhun being called a Methodiji ? You might as well attempt to
reach heaven with your hand ; for, blefied be God, fuch an ho-
nour has he put upon the Methodifls, that whoever renounces
the world and takes up Christ's crofs, and believes and lives
the doctrines of Grace, muft be ftiled a Methodill whether
he will or not. Formerly it was '' You are a Puritan," now i.t
is, *' You are a Methodift." And why does my dear Mr. S
take fuch pains to declare, he never will join the Methodifts ?
Who ever afked him ? Or what fervice could you do their
caufe by joining, unlcfs your heart was more enftranged from
the woild than at prefent it is ? Would to God you was more
like-minded with Mr. H ! He feems to have fet down,
and counted the coft. He feems to have begun at the right end,
and to be fully convinced that there is no reconciling Christ
R 4 and
and the world, God and Mammon, My dear Mr. 5 , fuf-
fer me to be free with you. Our Lord I truft has begun a good
work, in your foul : but indeed you have many lelTons yet
to learn. The great phyfician muft give many a bitter por-
tion, in order to purge out the opinion you have of your own
importance, and the too great defire you have to keep in with
the world. Reproacli you cannot ftiun, if you appear but a
little for Christ ; and you will not have more, perhaps not
fo much, if you fliew quite out. Perhaps you may fay, I
have done this already ; do not then be a(hamed of it, but
go on, grow in grace, prefs forwards, and then I care not
what declaration you make of your not intending to be a Me-
ihodifl* Be a confiftent chriftian, live above the world, call
not the fear of man chriftian prudence, and then underneath
you fhall be God's everlafting arms. Thanks be to his
great name, they haye upholden me for fome weeks laft paft,
I have now been a circuit of feveral hundred miles. At Portf-
mouth and Cohort the word ran and was glorified. In ^outh
Wales every where the fields have been white ready unto har-
vcft. Not a dog ftirs his tongue. Laft Sunday I believe I
preached to near twenty thoufand fouls. Grace ! grace ! In
about ten days I hope to be at Brijiol. Soon after I propofe
to go to London^ and from thence to Torkjhirc and Scotland. —
Follow me with your prayers, and in return you Ihall be re-
|i>embered by, very dear Sir,
Your afFedionate friend,
G. W,
Tq the Reverend Mr. H •,
Landovery^ June 14, 1749'
Reverend and dear Sir^
YOURS, dated May 24th, gave me both pleafure and
pain. I was pleafed to read the fweet obfervations made
up and down in it, but pained to find that you have been
much indifpofed. But what fays our Lord ? " Thofe that
abide in him, he will purge j" but it is only in order that they
may bring forth more fruit. Perhaps our Lord is about to
employ you in fome frefli work. I wifli you may be enabled
to draw your pen on the topic you m.entioned ; it may be of
great fervice to the chmch of Christ. Your remark upon
my pamphlet isjuft. 1 wrote {hort, becaufe I know long
compofitions generally weary the reader. Perhaps hereafter I
may write more ; but at prcfent I find 1 have enough to do, to
travel, and preach, and anfwer my corrcfpondents. I publifli-
ed my confeffion of fome miflakes and imprudcncics, to fa-
tisfy my own confciencc, and flop the mouths of adverraiies,and
ftrengthen the hands of real diunterefted hearty friends : but
where are fuch friends to be found ? That phantom called
Contempt keeps them in fetters, and ^makes them afraid to ap-
pear in defence of a caufe, which, (notwithftanding the many
imprudencies that have attended it) is undoubtedly the caufe
of God. If we think to be free from thefe, in this impcrfedt
ftate of things, and to fee either a perfcft faint or a perfe£t
church till we come to heaven, we Ihall find ourfelves much
miftaken. Daily experience, and more mature confideration,
may leflen our blunders and imperfections j but death alone
will put a final ll:op to their mixing in all we do. Thanks
be to God that we have a Christ, who amidft all does love,
and can uphold us. If our infirmities lead us to his crofs,
and our fufFerings only make us more willing to be conformed
to him in his death, we are gainers by all our lofTes, and
rife by all our falls. Blefled be the Lord, that you, dear
Sir, have had grace given you to fit down and count the coft,
I wifh the beloved phyfician was more reconciled to the crofs.
I am perfuaded, let him fay what he pleafes, that a too great
attachment to the world makes him reafon as he does in many
things. Well, — he is in good hands. He muft either come or
be dragged to the crofs. That pretty character of his mufr be
crucified and flain : and as well as others, he muft be content
(as Mr. Gz/r«^//expreflcs it) " to go to heaven in a fool's coat."
O my dear Sir, what pains is the Lord Jesus obliged to take
with us, before we can be reconciled to fufFer fhame for his
great name's fake !
Brijloly June 24.
Thus far I wrote, but was obliged to ftop, being called out
to preach. Ycftcrday God brought me here, after having
carried me a circuit of about eight hundred miles, and ena-
bled me to preach, I fuppofe to upwards of a hundred thou-
fand fouls. I have been in eight TFclch counties, and I think
we have not had one dry meeting. The work in IVales is
much upon the advance, and likely to increafe daily. Had
my dear Mr. H been there to have feen the fimplicity of
fo many dear fouls, I am perfuaded he would have faid, '« Sit
anima mea cum Alethodijlis /" But every one to his poft. Dur-
ing this excurfion I have been kept happy inwardly, and well
in body till the latter end of laft week, when the Lord was
pleafed to lay his hand upon me, fo that I was almoft brought
to the grave. But he that wounds, heals alfo. Thanks be
to his holy name for ever and ever ! On Monday or Tuefday
next, God willing, 1 fct out for London. Good Lady H
is here, and goes on in her ufual way, doing good. She is
recovered from her indifpofition. I hope this will find you
recovered alfo. That the Lord of all Lords may give you a
thriving foul in a healthy body, is the hearty prayer of, reve-
rend and dear Sir,
Yours, ^^c.
G. TV.
To the Reverend Mr. P TembenO^
London^ July lo, 1749.
Reverend and dear Sir,
YOUR kind letter came fafeto hand, and it v/as the more
welcome, becaufe it gave me a proof of your being re-
covered from your late threatening indifpofition. BlefTed be
God, it found me as well as can be expecled in my body,
and I truft fteady in promoting the welfare of precious and
immortal fouls. I have lately ken great things in JVales, and
the feed fown among the Rich, has in fome fprung up and
brought forth fruit ; but what you have heard from Scotland
is all a miftake. I heartily wifli all was true. The time I
hope will come, when princes fhall adorn the Redeemer's
train. Is there no profpe£l of your coming over ? Your Mr.
^^:r ^ might do much for Neiu-Jerfey college j but I have told
you my mind in a former letter. May God dire6l for the
bcft ! I am looking up, to know what the great Head of the
church would have me to do. I have a great mind to return
to my beloved America this fall, but am not 'yet determined.
My wife arrived about a fortnight ago, and joins in fending
cordial falutations to all. O that wc may all incrcafc with
all the incrcafc of God ! Your feiuimcius conccrnino- JMr.
H 's book, arc very juft. It has gone through fix editions.
The author of it is my old friend ; a moft hcavcniy-minded
creature, one of the firft of the Mcthodiits, who is contented
with a fmall cure, and gives all that he has to the poor. He
is very weak, and daily waits for his diiiblution. A neigh-
bouring clergyman near him preaches the gofpel ; and a phy-
fician, formerly a noted Deifl, has lately efpoufcd the intereil: of
Jesus of Nazareth. We correfpond with, though wc cannot
fee one another. We fliall ere long meet in heaven ;
There pain, amifiyi, and for row ceafe^
And all is calm^ and joy ^ and peace,
I recommend myfclf moft earneftly to your prayers, and am,
reverend and dear Sir,
Yours mod affectionately,
G. W.
To Mr, J- -Z) .
My dear Friend^ London^ July 12, 1749.
IAm obliged to you for your kind letters ; for the trouble
you have been at about the money, and for all favours.
Was I to follow my own inclinations, I w^ould come and
thank you in perfon ; but I fear providence will not permit
me to embark for America this fall. However, I am looking
up, and looking about me, and truft our Lord will point out
his way before me. I am not at all uneafy at what one of your
clergy may have faid of me ; I am only forry upon his own ac-
count ; having known more than once, that God dejiphts to
plead the caufe of the injured. I truft I can fay, that with
fimplicity and godly fincerity I dcfire to have my converiation
in the world j and I hope it is my daily ftudy to keep a con-
fcience void of oC'ence towards God and towards man.
Whilft this is the cafe, we need not fear what men or devils
can fay, or do unto us. They can only fpeak all manner of
evil againft us falfely : and that our Lord hath taught us to
expedt. They can only kill the body j blcffed be God, the
foul is out of their reach. I am content to wait till the day
of judgment for the clearing up of my character : and after I
am dead, I defire no other epitaph than this, " Here lies G. IV,
what fort of a man he was, the great day will difcover.** O
my dear Sir, what a blefled thing is it to have the Redeemer
to be our friend. If we can but truly fay, " 1 know that my
Redeemer liveth," how fafely may we put our fouls into his
hands, as into the hands of a faithful creator ! I hope my dear
Mr. D will not reft till he can fay fo. — The frequent in-
difpofitions of body that you are under, are fo many loud
calls to prepare for another world. — Nothing but the righte-
oufnefs of Christ imputed, and the holinefs of Christ im-
parted to your foul, can make you happy in a dying hour. I
could enlarge, but muft away. With this, I have fent you a
dozen of my nine fermons, to be difpofed of as you think belt.
I would fend more, but have very few left. I would write
to Efquire R , and fome other gentlemen, but have not
the leaft leifure. Be pleafed to remember me to them in the
kindeft manner, as they come in your way, and let them
know they are not forgotten by me. Will your dear yoke-
fellow, and all your family, accept of my hearty love ? I owe
you much. May the Lord Jesus reward you a thou^and-
fold I He will, he will. Laft night Capt. H did me the
pieafure to fup with me. I took it extremely kind, and fliould
be f^lad to wait upon Ber??iudas friends every day. My wife
hath been arrived about a fortnight, and joins in fending cor-
dial falutations with, my dear Mr. D ,
Yours moft afFedionatel}^,
G. ll\
Xq Lady Fanny S .
Honoured Madam, Brljoly Jug. i, 1749,
THOUGH I had the pieafure of hearing of your wel-
fare, by your laft to good Lady H «, yet I can-
not help taking the freedom of fending your Ladyihip a few
lines. They come to inform you, that you never are, and,
by divine aMance, never ihall be forgotten by me at the
throne of grace. To that, I truft, your Ladyflilp finds free
accefs every day, and every hour, through the blood of the
Lamb, who was flain to take away the fins of the world.
Your LadyHiIp's prefent fituation, I hope, will be fandified to
this end. It is in the fchool of afflidlion that we muft learn
the way to, and reap benefit from the crofs. — Happy they who
come purified out of the furnace, and, like the burning bufh,
flourifh unconfumcd in fire. This, Madam, is the privilege
of all believers. Trials, which harden others, purify and
foften them. The love of God turns every thing into what is
more valuable than gold. It brings light out of darknefs, and
caufes others blind nefs to increafe our fpiritual fight. O glo-
rious privilege ! happy change ! How much are you indebted,
honoured Madam, to free grace, for making you in any degree
a partaker of it ! Alas ! alas ! but few of your Ladyfhip's Na-
tion in life choofe to ftrive to enter into that ftrait gate which
leadeth unto life eternal. The noife of coaches, and the conti-
nual attention to what they call innocent diverfions, drowns
the fmall ftill voice of God's blefifed Spirit fpeaking in their
hearts. Since I have been here, many in high life have at-
tended ; whether to any valuable purpofe, the great day will
difcover. Good Lady H « ftill continues to abound in
the work of the Lord, and is brightening her crown every
day and hour. She is quite well, and intends flaying fome
days longer for the benefit of the waters. Your Ladyfhip is
remembered when we are feafting at the Redeemer's table.
In a few days I (hall move hence ; and it may be, that I fhall
go to Georgia this fall. May the Lord direft me, and blefs
all thofe who are the orphan's friends ! That your Ladyfhip
may be blefTed with all the bleffings of the everlafling gofpel,
is jhe hearty prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged, obedient
humble fcrvant,
To Mr, L .
Dsar Mr. L , Brijlol^ Aug. 4, 1 749.
PROVIDENCE, for wife rcafons, prevented my feeing
you both at Ghuccjler^ and at the Hill. This comforts
me, '' What is, is bcfl." Since I came here, I have feen your
letter about the intended charity-fchool, and u^ifti you fuccefs
in the name of the Lord. I communicated it to our elec^
lady, who immediately contributed five guineas, another
two, and Colonel G one. Thcfe I have fent for you,
to Mr. , who, I fiippofe, will take care to convey them
to you. Mrs. E , I believe, intends to do fomething.
Mr. C like wife fpoke to the Bifhop, who, I think, has
promifed to contribute : fo that you fee no time has been loft.
Only, my dear friend, take this caution, " fit down, and count
the coft, before you begin to build." Do not lay out more than
you kaow you can pay. Go the cheapefl: way to work ; and
if you cannot build, rather keep a ftock in hand to pay the
fchoolmafter, and hire a houfe convenient from year to year,
and, if poffible, find the children in books. You well know
what I have fuffered for running too far into debt for others,
I am glad you are likely to fettle at ^ . May the Lord
Jesus blefs you and yours more and more I He continues to
be kind to me, and will at length, I arn perfuaded, (though I
pafs through many tribulations) land me fafe in glory. There
we (hall meet, never to part again. In the mean while, that
we may both behave like good foldicrs of Jesus Christ, i&
the hearty prayer of, my dear friend.
Yours, &c.
G, TV.
To the B'lfnop of IF .
My Lord, Bri/lol, Aug. 7, 1749.
THE occafion of my troubling your Lordfhip in this
manner, is as follows. I have, more than once, been
very credibly informed, that your Lordfliip has been pleafed
5 ^^
to charge me, at the public Wells, with being guilty o^ Perjury,
This comes, therefore, to beg the favour of your Lordfhip,
only to let me know, (in whatever manner your Lordlliip
fliall judge moft proper) upon what foundation fuch a charge
is built : and I hereby promife, by divine affiftance, that a full,
fair, and explicit anfwer (hall be given to your Lordlliip, by,
my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's dutiful fon and fervant,
G. IV.
To the Bijhop of JV .
My Lord, Briftol, Jug. 7, 1749.
I Thank your Lordfhip for your kind and cordial letter. I
fliall take care to do your LordHiip juftice, by fliewing it
to fuch perfons as I think have been more immediately con-
cerned. This, I imagine, will be as much fatisfadion as your
Lordfl:iip will defire. I fuppofe the miftake has Iain here :
your Lordfhip might have infmuated, that by my prefent way
of afting, I had broken the folemn engagement I had entered
into at my ordination : and that might have been interpreted
to imply a charge of Perjury. The relation in which I fland
to the Right Honourable the Countefs oi H , made me
defirous to clear myfelf from fuch an imputation; and at the
fame time to give your Lordfliip an opportunity of vindicating
yourfelf in the manner you have done. Was I not afraid of
intruding too much upon your Lordfhip's time, and of fhewing
the lead inclination to controverfy, I would endeavour, in the
fear of God, to anfwer the other part of your Lordfhip's letter;
and, as far as lies in me, give your Lordfliip a fatisfa^rtory
account of whatever may feem irregular and exceptionable in
my prefent conduit. This I would be glad to do, not only
before your Lordfhip, but all the Right Reverend the Bifhops ;
for I highly honour them on account of the facred character
they fuilain, and would make it my daily endeavour to obey
all their godly admonitions. This, I prefume, my Lord, is
the utmoft extent of the promife I made at my ordination. If
I err or deviate from this, in any rcfpecSt, it is through igno-
rance and Vv-a.u of bcuer information, and not (as far as \
know my own heart) out of obftinacy or contempt of lawful
authority. But I forget my'felf. I beg your Lordfliip's par-
don for taking up fo much of your time ; I thank your Lord-
fhip for your prayers in my behalf; and beg Ifcave to offer
mine in return for your Lordfliip's prefent and eternal welfare,
who am, my Lord,
Your Lordfhip's dutiful fon, and obliged
humble fervant,
ro Lady H
Honoured Mcidam^ Plymouth, Jug. 15, 1749.
IHope this will find your Ladyfhip recovered from the fa-
tigue of your journey, and fitting under the Redeemer's
fhadov/ with unfpeakable delight at Ajhhy-Flace, My prayers
have conllantly followed you, ever fincc I left your Ladyfhip
at Briftol \ and the Lord of alliords has dealt bountifully with
me in my way TVeJiivard. At TVellingion, as I was riding
through the town, a good woman flopped me, and entreated
me to give the people a fermon. 1 complied, and preached to
a ^j-reat company 5 and the next day to a much larger at the
fame place. I have alfo preached once at Exeter^ twice at
King/bridge, and once here at Plymouth^ where, by the provi-
dence of an infinitely condefcending God, I came yeflerday
in the afternoon. Several, I find, were awakened when I was
here lafl ; and the fields arc every where white, ready unto
harvefl. My late pamphlet has been greatly blefir. My Lord
of Exeter was afked, Whether he had feen it ? He anfwered,
*' Yes," and faid, " I wrote like an honefl man, had recanted
ieveral things, but he goes on in the fame way yet." Being
aficed. Whether he did not intend publifhing his fecond part I
he replied, " You may expe6l a fecond." God be praifed !
I wifh it may come out before I embark. 1 find he did not
proceed to fentence Mr. T ; he only threatened to pull
off his gown. Mr. T immediately pulled it oft himfelf,
and faid, " He could preach the gofpel without a gown," and
went out. Upon which the Bifhop fent after him, and foothed
him. In a few days I hope to fee Mr. T , and then your
Ladyfhip fhall have further particulars. BlefTed be God, all
things turn out for the furtherance of the gofpel. " Out of
the eater comes forth meat, and out of the ftrong comes forth
fweetnefs.'* In about a fortnight I hope to reach London^ and
in the mean time fhall take care to fend your Ladyfliip hiftori-
cal letters. 1 count it my higheft honour and privilege to
wait upon your Ladyfhip ; but I fear fhall never have it in
my power to exprefs my gratitude as I ought, for thofe un-
iiierited favours your Ladyfhip hath been pleafed to confer on,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladjrfhip's mofl dutiful, obliged, though
unworthy fervant for Christ's fake,
G, IV.
To Mr, S .
Dear^Str^ Plymouth^ Aug. 18, 1749.
I Thank you for your kind letter, which I have not had an
opportunity of anfv/ering until now. I rejoice that fo
much gofpel feed has been fown in TorkJ}nre^ and that fo much
hath fprung up and brought forth fruit. No wonder that the
enemy has been bufy to fow tares of various kinds amongft it.
This always was, and, in all probability, will always be the
cafe, till time fhall be no more. Happy they ! who are en-
abled to diftinguifh truth from error, and who, amongft the
different fentiments of Christ's difciples, maintain a catholic
love for all. Your letter befpeaks you to be thus minded.
This is what I would aim at, becaufe it is the glory of a
chriflian, and a temper of mind which fweetly prepares us for
the communion of faints in heaven. Be pleafed, therefore, to
give my love to all that love the Lord Jesus in fmcerity. Jf
any of my poor writings have been blefled to any, let Christ
have the glory, and me your prayers. I want them much. I
am the chief of finners, lefs than the leaft of all faints ; but, I
trufl, am willing to fpend and be fpent for fouls. The begin-
ning of next month, I have thoughts of being your way. If
it is befl, providence will diredl my courfe thither. In the
mean while, and at all other feafons, whether I come or not.
Vol. II. S Ire-
I recommend myfelf to your prayers, as being, though un-
known, yet, for Jesus Christ's fake,
Your afFecSlionate friend and fervant,
G. JV.
To Captain IV .
My very dear Brother ^ Plymouth^ Jug. ig, 1749'
I Do not love to be long out of Brijlol without writing to
you. I want to kriow how it is with you after the lofs of
my noble patronefs, and whether dear Mr. // goes on,
1 have been preaching as ufual in the TVeJi^ and for fome days
paft have been comforted and refreflied in a peculiar manner.
Laft night I heard that the Bifliop had published a fecond
pamphlet, of half-a-crown price, with a preface to me. Have
you feen it, or do you think it worth anfwering ? He told a
clergyman fome time ago, that he might expe6l a fecond part.
He faid, " My anfwer was honeft ; that I had recanted many
things, but that I went on in my ufual way flill." God for-
bid I (hould do othcrwife. I am informed, that upon threaten-
ing to pull Mr. T 's gown ofF, he threw it ofF himfelf,
and faid, " He could preach the gofpel without a gown," and
fo withdrew. Upon which the Bilhop fent for him in, and
foothed him. Particulars I expe6l to hear on Tuefday at Bid-
diford^ where I hope to fee Mr. T ; and to-morrow
fe'nnight, God willing, I intend to preach at Exeter^ in my
way to London. I hope you find retirement bleiled to you.
Whether retired, cr in public life, that you may be entirely
devoted to the moil adorable Redeemer, is the hearty prayer
of, my very dear brother,
Yours mod afTeclionately,
G. iV.
Postscript to Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^
C I N C E I wrote the above, God has given me a glorious fea-
fon at the dock, where I preached to a great multitude.
This morning the King of kings (hewed himfelf in the gallery
of his ordinances indeed j and this evening T preached to
many thoufands in Plymouth fields. It was a folenin mectinir.
Since that, a youth, laden with a fenfe of fm, came crying,
" What fliall I do to be faved ? " May Jesus givehini reft !
May the fame Jesus ftill nil your Ladyftiip with all his fui-
nefs ! To-morrow, God willing, 1 fet out for Buid'tford. I
have now a clergyman with me, who is made a rural Dean,
and who, I believe, preaches Christ in fmcerity.
To Lady H n.
Biddifordy Aug. 24, 1749.
SINCE I had the honour of writing to your Lady (hip, I
have fcen the Bifnop's fecond pamphlet, in which he hath
ferved the Method ifts, as the bifliop of Conjlance ferved John
Hitfs^ when they ordered fome painted devils to be put round
his head, before they burned him. His preface to me is moft
virulent. Every thing I wrote in my anfwer, is turned into
the vilefl ridicule, and nothing will fatisfy, but giving up the
glorious work of the cvcr-blefled Gcd, as entirely cheat and
impofture. I cannot fee that it calls for any further anfwer
from me. Mr. Wefuy., I think, had beft attack him now, as
he is largely concerned in this fecond part. I hope to be in
London fome time next week. I think of leaving this place to-
morrow, and to preach at Exeter next Lnrd's-day. The glori-
ous Enwianiici has given me feveral fpiritual children in Lhi3
place, who do indeed adorn the gofpei of God their Saviour,
Here is a little flock, to whom, I believe, it will be our heaven'/
Father's good plcafure to give an eternal kingdom. \ have
preached once publicly to a large auditory, and this evening
am to preach again. I am afhamcd I do no more for Him,
who haih done and fuf^ercd fo much for me. O what fha!l I
render unto the Lord of all lords, whcfc mercy endurerh for
ever ! A thought of his infinite patience and long-fuifeiinT
flrikes me damb. His goodncfs, ia bringing me iarvi the ac-
quaintance of your LadyHiip, quite amazes me ; and the
many peculiar providences that have attended me this lall '^'^'^^
encourage mc to believe that goodncfs aiid mejcy flaali foiiovw
S 2 flQQ
me all the days of my life, and that I fliall dwell In the houfe
of the Lord for ever. There, (hall I fee your Ladyfhip j and
will there thank you before men and angels for all you have
done for unworthy me, and that blefied caufe in which I am
embarked. That your Ladyfhip in the mean while may be
watered every moment by the dew of the Redeemer's heavenly
bleffing, is and fliall be the continued prayer of, honoured
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged, though
unworthy fervant for Christ's fake,
To the CounUfs of D .
Honoured Mu dam ^ Bidaiford^ Aug, 24, 1749.
AS I am always praying for, fo I cannot help fometimes
writing to your Ladyfhip. I think I can fay, " The
love of Christ conflrains me." Thanks be to God that your
Ladyfhip knows what thefe words mean. I hope you find it
every day conflraining you more and more to every good word
and work. My greateft pain is, to find that I can do no n^ore
for Him, who has done and fufrered fo much for me. Bleiled
be his name, that the fields are yet every v^here white,
ready unto harvcfl. Since I have been in the IVeJl^ 1 have
been preaching as ufual, and a divine influence hath every
where attended the word. This, I think, is the befl way to
anfwer thofc that oppofe themfelvcs. If God be for us, who
can be againfl us ? I fuppofe your Ladyfhip hath feen the Ei-
fhop's fecond pamphlet. Surely it is an original. May the
Lord Jesus open his eyes, and change ins heart ! Well
might the glorious Emmanuel break out into this bleffcd ex-
clamation, " I thank thee. Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that thou hafl hid thefe things from the wife and prudent,
and hafl revealed them unto babes. Even fo. Father, for fo
it feemed good in thy fight." Honoured Aladam, how much
are you indebted to divine grace, that hath fingled you out
from among the Mighty arid Noble, and placed your Lady-
fhip to the number of thofe happy few to v/hom it is given to
know the myfteries of the kingdom cf God ! I trufl your
honoured fifter will ere long bear you company, and travel
with you in that narrow road which leads to eternal life.
When I remember you, I always think of her, and beg my
moft dutiful refpeds may find acceptance with her Ladylhip.
Some time next week I hope to be in tovv^n for a few days, and
then fhall do myfelf the honour of calling upon your Ladyfhip.
In the mean while I recommend you to the tender mercies of
the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus, and beg an intereft in your
J^adyfliip's prayers, in behalf of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfnip's moft obedient, obliged humble fervant,
G. JF.
To Lady Fanny S .
Honoured Madam, Exeter^ Aug. lb, 1749'
THOUGH I took the freedom of writing to your La-
dyfliip before I left Briftol, and though I hope to be in
town by next Thurfday evening, yet gratitude and refpe6l even
compel me to trouble your Ladyfhip with another letter from
this place. Here I came laft night, after having preached the
everlafting gofpel to many thoufands in the IVeJi. Sometimes
I have been weak in body ; but He, whofe I am, and whom I
endeavour to ferve in the gofpel of his dear Son, hath carried
me through, and greatly refrefl^ied and comforted my foul.
Alas ! to what a heaven are they ftrangers, who deny the inr
fiuence of the Blefled Spirit, and cry down the felt and abiding
joys of the Holy Ghoft, as fancy, enthufiafm, and dtrlufion.
Ye poor dry Rationalifts ! I honour your parts in o'her re-
fpe6ts, but pity your ignorance in the things of God. By
this time, 1 fuppofe your Ladyihip hath feen the Bifhop's fe-
cond performance. I think it is an original, and fo very fcur-
rilous, unchriftian, and profane, that I cannot think it w:ll be
worth my while to anfwer him again. I have fatisfied my
confcience in publifhing my laft pamphlet; and I now commit
our caufe to him who judgeth righteoufly. Q honoured Ma-
dam, what a happy thing is it to be defpifed for the fake of
Jesus ! When John Hufs was burnt, the Bifhop of Conjiance
painted devils upon paper, and put them round his head j how
foon were they exchanged for a crown of glory ! Yet a little
S 3 while.
■while, and He that cometh will come, and will net tarry.
Till then, may your Ladyfliip be kept by the mighty power of
God through faith, and ftand impregnable as a wall of brafs !
May vou be kept a ftranger to names and parties, and by a holy,
humble, uniform imitation of the bleffcd Jesus, evidence to
the world, that you are indeed experimentally acquainted with
the power of his refurredion. High is your ftation, great are
your difficulties ; but he that dwelleth on high is mightier, and
hath engaged to make you more than conqueror through his
love. To his tender mercy do I now, and likewile every
day, comm.^nd your Ladyfnip ; and this, by divine afliftancc,
fhall alwavs be the employ of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's mofl obedient, obliged,
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Lady H n.
Honoured Ma dam ^ London^ Sept. 4^. 1749^
BY the providence of a good and gracious GoD, I came
to town on Thurfday evening, after having had a pleafant
circuit in the JVcjh The day after I wrote to your Ladyfliip,
I pleached twice at Exeter^ and in the evening I believe I
liad near ten thoufand hearers. The Bifliop and feveral of
hiscleigy flood very near me, as 1 am informed. A good
fcafon it was. All was quiet, and there was a great folemnity
in the congregation j but a drunken man threw at me three
great ftones. One of them cut my head deeply, and was like
to knock me oft the table; but, blefled be God, I was not
difcompofed at all. One of the other flones flruck a poor
man quite down. As I came from Exeter, I vifited one JoJm
Hay7LCy the foldier that, under God, begun the great awaken-
ing in Flanders, He is in Dorchejier goal for preaching at
• Shaftjhuryy where there has been, and is now a great awaken-
ing. Every where the work is upon the fpread ; and fmce I
have been here, we have had fome of the mofi awful, folemn,
pov^erful meetings, as I ever faw at the Tabernacle. Con-
gregations have been very large, and I have had feveral
sneetings with the preachers. On Saturday I had the honour
of being almoft all the day long with Lady F , Lady H ,
Lady C , and the Countefs of D . Lady F and
the Countefs received the blciled facrament before the others
came : and I think they both grow. If I Hay over Sunday,
(as perhaps I may) I hope to have another day with them. I
am forry to inform your Ladyfliip, Mr. D died lad Sunday
about noon. He had been fick about a fortnight, was in
doubts for a while, but two or three days before his death he
rejoiced in God his Saviour. This morning I had the plea-
fure of a vifit from Mr. P and two German miniftcrs,
who have been labouring among the Jeivs^ and been made in-
ftrumental of converting many of them. They feemed to be
dear fouls. They have preached at the German chapel with
great power. That your Ladyfliip may always enjoy a thriv-
ing foul in a healthy body, is the continual prayer of, ho-
noured Madam,
Your Ladyfl:iip*s moft dutiful, &c,
To Mr, B- .
Oundle^ in Northamptov/mrey Sept, ic, 1 749.
Aly very dear Mr. B — ^,
THOUGH I have not written to you, yet I know of no
one in America y for whom I have a more real and abid-
ing efteem. The account of your temporal affairs, which I
received from my wife, gave me great concern. I often wifli
it was in my power to aflift you ; but as it is not, all I can do
is to pray for you, and exhort you to look up to Him, who has
engaged, that all things fliall work together for good to thofc
who love him in fincerity. This, I am perfuaded, may be
faid of you ; and therefore, dear Sir, be of good courage,
Thefe light af!li<Slions are but for a moment, and are intended
to work out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory*
Thanks he to God, all the hell we are to have, is on this fide
the grave ; there is none for believers beyond it : and even in
the midft of our deepeft temporal mifery, we may enjoy an an-
tepaft of heaven. This you know by experience. Thanks be to
Gop,for this unfpeakatle gift in and through Christ Jesus our
5 4 / l-oj-i
Lord. Though faintj my dear friend, yetftill purfue. Yonder
ftands the blelled Jesus with a crown in his hand, ready to put
on the conqueror's head. Let this animate you, for you (hall
certainly reap in due time, if you faint not. I could write
much, but am furrounded with bufinefs from many quarters.
Blefled be God, my hands are full of work, though- 1 ftand
amazed that the Redeemer docs not lay me afide. But his
grace is free. I commend you and your dear yoke-fellow to
his never failing mercy, and begging a continued intereft ir^
your prayers, fubfcribe myfelf, my very dear friend.
Yours moft afFe£lionately in our common Lord,
G, W,
To the Rev, Mr. H .
Binningtony Sept, 17, 1 749.
Rev. and very dear Sir,
IF you was uneafy that my laft lay by you unanfwered, I
am fure I have beer], it may be, much more fo, ever fmce
yours came to hand. Upon reading it, I felt all the fprings
of fympathy move as it were at once. Glad would I have
been of the wings of a dove, to have fled to, and condoled
■with my fufFering friend. Perhaps I have heard from what
corner your crofs comes. It is a very near one indeed.—
A faying of Mr. B hath often comforted mej *' I would
often have neftled, but God always put a thorn in my neft.'*
Is not this fufFeredj my dear brother, think you, to prick you
out, and to compel you as it were to appear for the Lord
Jesus Christ ? Preaching is my grand Catholicon under all
domeftic, as well as other trials. Methinks the voice of pro-
vidence nov/ is, " Who is on the Lord's fide ? " — I fear Dr.
^ has done you hurt, and kept you in fhackles too, too
long. For Christ's fake, my dear Mr. H , exhort him,
now he hath taken the gown, to play the man, and let the
world fee that not worldly motives, but God's glory and a
love for fouls, have fent him into the miniftry. Though
when I converfed with him he was exceeding weak, yet as
I trull there is fmcerity at the bottom, I hope he will turn
out a flamer at laft. O when fhali this once be ! who would
iofe one moment ? Amazing ! that the followers of a crucified
Redeemer fhould be afraid of contempt. Surely it muft be
for want of looking more to, and confidering him who endur-
ed fo much pain, and defpifcd fo much fliame, but is now
fitting at the right hand of the throne of God. Q gloriam
quantam et qualem ! Rife,// • — ^-, rife, and fee thy JesU8
reaching out a crown with this motto, Vlncenti daho. E:sccufe
this freedom, I write out of the fulncfs of my heart, not to
draw you over to me or a party, but to excite you to appear
openly for God. I am glad you intend to write. May I
know the plan you intend to go upon ? Do you think to fay
any thing to the Bifliop of Exeter ? Have you feen his fecond
piece ? Would you have me reply ? Will you point out to
me the faults of my firft anfwer ? A letter may be dire6led
(if you write immediately) to be left for me at the Reverend
Mr. J -'s, Torkjhire. Thither lam bound now, and if the
feafon of the year Ihould permit, I would ftretch to Scotland.
Alas, how foon is the year gone round fmce I was there laft I
and how little have I done for Jesus ! A thought of it fome-
times breaks my heart. And yet how good is the Lord I
In London we have had moft delightful feafons. The glory of
the Redeemer filled the tabernacle. If any doubt whether
the caufe we are embarked in be the caufe of God, I fay,
" Come and fee." Are you free that I fhould call upon you
in my return to tovvn ? I think to come by way of North-
ainpton. You fliall hear what is done in Torkjhire, I find
God has blefled my preaching at Oundle to fome fouls. At
Biddiford^ Flymouth^ Exeter ^ and Chatham the word ran and
was glorified. But what am I doing ? I never wrote to any
one fo freely, I think, that I was not perfonally acquainted
with, as to you. Pardon me, if I am too free, and impute it
to the love that is borne you by, reverend and dear Sir,
Yours moft afi^^^lionately in our common Lord,
G, IV.
To Captain TV .
Newcajile^ Sept, 29, 1749.
My very dear Brother^
SINCE I wrote to you laft, I have bad many proofs that
God's providence direded my way into Yorkflnre. I
preached four times at Ahherford^ four times at Leeds^ and
thrice at Howarihy where lives one Mr. G . At his
church I believe we had above a thoufand communicants, and
in the church-yard about fix thoufand hearers. It was a
great day of the fon of man. At Leeds the auditory confifted
of above ten thoufand. About Leeds are Mr. W- 's focieties.
I was invited thither by them and one of their preachers ;
and Mr. Charles IV — — - coming thither publiflied me him-
felf. I therefore complied, and I believe the gofpel was wel-
come. I have preached here once, and am to preach again
this evening. On Monday^ God willing, I propofeto return ta
York/hire^ and from thence to London, Pray fend me word im-
mediately whether the Port-Merchant be gone, becaufe I know
not but fome out of JVales may go in her. I forgot to tell you
in my laft, that I had given over the immediate care of all my
focieties to Mr. H ; fo that now I am a preacher at large
indeed. I find every thing is turning round flrangely. O
for fimplicity and honefty to the end ! I long to knov/
liow it is with you. Am I to have my brother at laft ? Da
convi£tions faften, and can you at length fing.
Be gone, vain world ; my heart reftgn^
For I muji be no longer thine ?
For the prefent, adieu. My love to all. I v/ifli you the vcrv
beft of bleiTmgs, and am, my very dear brother,
Yours moft afFe(5tionateIy,
G, m
To Lady H .
Honoured Madam^ NcwcajUe^ OSf. i, 1749.
I Wrote to your Ladyfhip lately a few lines under great
wearinefs of body. I then promifed to fend your Ladyfhip
many pleafing particulars. Till now I have not had opportu-
nity ; and now what fhall I fay to your Ladyfhip ? Never did
I fee more of the hand of God in any of my journies than in
this. At Mr. G 's I believe there were above fix thoufand
hearers. The facramental occafion was mod awful. At
Leeds the congregation confifled of above 10,000. In the
morning at five 1 was obliged to preach out of doors. I was in-
vited to Leeds by one of Mr. Jf-^- 's preachers, and by all
his people. The gofpel was welcome t6 them. In my way
hither I met Mr. Charles TV , wlio returned back with,
and introduced me to the pulpit in NewcajUe, As I am
a debtor to all, and intend to be at the bead of no party, I
thought it my duty to comply. I have preached now in their
room four times, and this morning I preached to many thou-
fands in a larga ciofe. This evening I am to do the fame
again. The power of God has attended his own word, and
there feems to be a quickening and flirring among the fouls.
To-morrow, God willing, we fet out for Leeds^ and after a-
bout a week's ftay in thofe parts I intend returning to London.
As it is fo late in the year, my Scotch friends advife me to defer
my going thither. Had I known that, I fhould have embark-
ed for America this fall ; but I find there were other reafons
for my being prevented crofHng the waters this winter. I de-
fire to follow the Lamb whitherfocver he is pleafed to lead me.
At Neiju-haven there is a great awakening. If any thing offers
worthy of notice, your Ladyfhip fhall be fure to hear. In the
mean while, I continue to put up my ufual prayer, that your
Ladyfhip may be filled with all the fulnefs of God, and to
fubfcribe my lei f, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mofl obliged and willing
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. ir.
To Lady Fanny S ,
Honoured Madam y NewcaJlU^ 051. i, 1749.
SOME time lafl week, my wife fent me the letter your
Ladyfhip was pleafed to favour me with about three
weeks ago. Though I was forry it did not reach me before
I left town, yet 1 rejoiced to find that it befpoke your Lady-
iliip's attachment to the ever-loving ever-lovely Jesus, and a
defire to partake of the facred fymbols of his moft blefled body
and blood, I doubt not but your Ladyfhip, with full purpofe
of heart, will cleave unto him, and in fpite of men and devils
go on in that narrow way whigh leads to life eternal. God's
grace will be fufEcient for you. He hath promifed, and he is
faithful who hath promifed, never to leave nor forfake thofe
that put their trufl in him. He is in the burning bufh, he is
in the fiery furnace. He can and will make us more than
conquerors over all. With what courage then may your
Ladyfhip go on through this howling wildernefs, whilft lean-
ing on your beloved Saviour? In him alone is all your
flrength found. Honoured Madam, look to him, confider
him, and thereby you will be kept from being weary and faint
in your mind. I doubt not but you meet with daily crofl'es.
Perfons that fland alone, and in high places, muft expe6t
ftorms. But Jesus is able and willing to uphold you.
Thanks be to his great name for giving your Ladyfliip fuch
2 (bare of prudence and courage. May the glorious Em^
manuel increafe both j and without being attached to any party,
may you be preferved unfpotted from the world, and be a
common friend to all !— Since I faw your Ladyfhip, I have
difengaged mvfelf from the immediate care of the focietics,
and am now flill more at liberty to preach the gofpel
of the blefled God. A feries of unforefeen providences
brought me down this way. In Torkflnre many, many thou-
fands have attended the word, and here at NewcajUe thou-
fands alfo hear the gofpel gladly. To-morrow I am return-
ing back, and hope to be in town fome time this month. I
fear it is now too late to embark for America this winter j but,
L E T T E k S, 285
thanks be to God, I hear my family is well, and that the
Lord hath given them a plentiful crop. If your Ladylhip
lives, I believe you will hear of fome fouls being educated at
Georgia for God. Honoured Madam, my heart's defire and
conftant prayer is, that you may go on from ftrength to
ftrength, and be continually growing in the knowledge of
yourfelfand Christ Jesus your Lord. I muft now add
no more, but my repeated thanks for all your Ladyfhip's fa-
vours, and my repeated aflurances of being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyftiip's moft obliged, obedient,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. /r.
To Lady F S .
Honoured Madam ^ Eftwoodin Lancajhire^ 0^, 25, 1 749.
SINCE I had the honour of writing to your Ladyfhip from
NewcajUe^ frefh wonders of grace and mercy have been
fliewn us daily. I have now 1 think preached about thirty
times in Yorkjhire^ and above ten times in Chejhire^ and Lan^
cajhire. Congregations have been very large, and a folid, con-
vincing, and comforting influence hath every where attended
the word. In one or two places I have had a little rou^^h
* to
treatment, but elfewhere all has been quiet, and many I hear
are brought under concern about the welfiire of their better
part. At the importunity of many, I am now returning from
Manchcjler (where I preached to many thoufands) to Leedi ;
from thence I purpofe going to Sheffield^ and next week I hope
to fee good Lady H n at AJhhy^ and the week following I
hope to be in London, Thus do I lead a pilgrim life : God
give me a pilgrim heart, and enable me tafpeak of redeeming
love to a loft world, till I can fpeak no more ! Surely this is
a work that brings with it its own reward. It brings a hea-
ven into the foul, and caufes it, amidft all the fcofFs and taunt-
ings of a benighted, ill-natured, and ridiculing world, to rejoice
with joy unfpeakable, even a joy that is full of glory. " To
me, (fays the blefled apoftle) to live is Christ." When a
perfon can once fay fo in reality, then he begins to live indeed,
tven death itfelf is then life, becaufe death to fuch a one is
6 eternal
eternal gain. O )iow great, how ftriking, how tranfporting
and transforming are the invifible realities of another world,
to a foul that is born of God I What meer fhadows and
empty nothings are all fublunary enjoyments, when compared
with thefe ! Thanks be to God, who has given you, honour-
ed Madam, a tafte of thefe infinitely important things. My
conftant prayer for your Ladyftiip is, that you may hold on,
and hold out, and with full purpofe of heart cleave unto that
Redeemer who hath loved you, and given himfelf for you.
Mrs. G— — at Mayichajler goes on well, and is not afham'ed to
confefs him, who I truft has called her out of darknefs, and
made her partaker of his marvellous light. May the glorious
Emmanuel add daily to the number of his honourable con-
feffors, and give the rich to know, that to be rich in faith and
good works is the only way to be rich indeed ! All is ours, if
we can truly fay, we are Christ's. Honoured Madam, I muft
beg your excufe for this freedom ; but at prcfent 1 have a
view of the Redeemer's glory, and therefore kiiow not v>'eli
how to ftop when writing of him. Your Lady(l:iip will par-
den me, and accept thefe poor lines, which {hall be followed
with hearty prayers from, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip*s mofi obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To the Count efs D .
Honoured Madam^ Halifax^ O^.. 26, 1 749.
THOUGH I am jealous of myfelf, left I fhould make too
free with perfons in high life, yet when I have good
news to fend concerning the kingdom of Jesus Christ, I
am conflrained as it were to write to vour Ladyfiiip. Will it
not rejoice you very much, honoured Madam, to hear the glo-
rious Emmanuel is riding on in the chariot of his gofpel, from
conquering to conquer ? Every day people fiock to hear the
word, like doves to their windows. I have preached about
thirty times in Torhflnre^ and at thedefire of many am returned
thither again. The Tatter end of next v.'eek I hope to fee
good Lady H n. I fuppofe her Ladyfiiip will detain me a
few days at 4/J)by, and then I purpofe coming dire6lly to
London. Thanks be to God, all places are near alike to me,
fo that I can biit be doing fomething for Him, who hath done
and fuffered fo much for me. This I would have to be my
meat and my drink. To me to live, let it be Christ ; for
life is no further defirable than as vvc can improve it to the pro-
moting his glory. Mary thought fo, who in the days of his
flefh fat at the Redeemer's feet and heard his words.. This
I believe is your Ladyfhip's daily employ ; a glorious employ
indeed. How fweec muft his fruit be unto your Ladyihip's
tafte ! Surely it is fwccter than the honey or the honeycomb.
And if the firfl-fruits are fo delightful, how infinitely delight-
ful muft the full harveft be ! Go on, honoured Madam, and
whatever others may do, ftill keep purfuing after more and
more of that better part, which fhall never be taken away
from you. Jesus is full of grace, and full of truth. Be-
lievers are welcome to him every moment. He is ready to wa-
ter them continually with the dew of his heavenly bleiling. It
is our privilege to go on from grace to grace, till grace be
fwallowed up in endlefs glory. O that your honoured fifter
may march on with your Ladyfhip towards this blefled ftate !
There (he will have a houfe, not made with hands, eternal la
the heavens. I fend her Ladyfhip my moil dutiful refpetSiis,
and fmcerely pray that (he may be filled v/ith all the fulnefs
of God. — I hope your Ladyfhip is inclined to remember me
at the throne of grace, your Ladyfhip knovv's my name, *' The
chief of fmners, \efs than the leafl of all faints ^" but, for
Christ's fake, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moR dutiful, obliged
and willing fervant,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madmn^ Leeds ^ Oti. 30, 1 749.
ON Saturday evening I had the, honour of your Ladyfhip's
letter, and as it came before the Manchejier polt went
out, I immediately fent the inclofed to Mrs. G . If pof-
4 fible
fible I am perfuaded fhe will comply. She feems to be quite
in earneft. I converfed for about two hours with the Captairt
and foiiie other officers, upon the nature and neceffity of the
new birth. He was aftecSted, and I hope it wasbleiled. Since
I left them, I have preached to many thoufands at Rofmdak^
JyiVQody 2ir\A Halifax. I have alfo offered J]£s us at 5«i^<7/,
Pudfy^ and Jmily, and have had three precious feafons here.
Congregations are exceeding large indeed, and both the efta-
blifhed and difienting clergy are very angry. They thundered
I hear yeftetday heartily. But truth is great, and will prevail,
though preached in the fields and ftreets. Indeed it begins to
be cold abroad now j but the Lord Jesus is pleafcd to
flrengthen me, and people flock from al! quarters. This day
ievennight, God willirigi without fail your Ladyfiiip may
depend on feeing me. I thought to have been at J/hLy
next LoRD's-day, but a door feems to be opened at Noti'mgha??!^
and I have thoughts of trying what can be done there. This
morning I ftiall fet out for Shcffeld. May the Lord give
me a pilgrim heart for my pilgrim life, and then all will be
well ! I know I have your Ladyfliip's prayers. — I think your
Ladyfliip judges right in refpe£t to the churches. I expe6t to
meet with many rebuffs, but by the help of my God I fhall
leap over every wall. That your Ladyfhip may ftand as a
wall of brafs, is the hearty prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful obedient fervant,
To the Rever£7id Air, H .
JJ})by'Place^ Nov, 8, 1749'.
JUy very dear Friend^
I Thank you heartily for your kind letter to me, and
your kind benefadion to poor Mr. C . That God,-
whom you both ferve, will plentifully reward and blefs you.
I am in great hopes, enough will be raifed to pay his debts',
and that a provifion will be made for his future fubfiftence.
Rather than Elijahs (hall want, ravens (hall be fent to feed
thom. Ypur prefent circumftances almoft dlfhefs me, arid
at the fame time make mc afhamed. I think, it requires more
grace heartily to fay, *' Father, thy will be done," in fuch a
fituation, than to die a martyr forty times. But my dear friend,
though your body is weak and confined at home, your pen
hath been active, and your works walk abroad. I hear of them
from all quarters. God hath bleffed, and will blefs them.
Let that comfort you, and if health any way permits, pray
write again. P>ar not, my dear dear Man ; letTaith and pati-
ence hold out a little longer, and then the Ihuggie fhall be over.
Yet a little while, and you fliall join with that fv/eet fmger
Dr. IVcitts, who whilft on earth dragged a crazy load along,
as well as you, for many years. As for my poor tabernacle,
I wonder it is not dillolved every day j but we are immortal
till our work is done. Now is my time for doing j my fafFer-
ing time may come bv and by, O for llrengih in a trying
hour ! Wherefore lliould we fear ? Wherefore Ciould we
doubt ? He that hath loved us, will love us to the end. This
encourages me to hold on my v/ay. BleAed be God, I have
feen great things fince I wrote laft. The fields have been
more and more white, ready unto harveft. I am now at
JJhby with good Lady H n. Her Ladyfhip has a great
regard for you, and begs you would come and ftay a week at
her houfe. She will take great care of you. I think to re-
move hence on Monday^ and fliould be very glad to fee you in
my way to London. However this be, we Ihall meet in hea-
ven. There the wicked heart and wicked world will ceafe
from troubling, and there the weary will enjoy an uninter-
rupted and eternal reft. This morning we have been remem-
bering our blefled Redeemer's death, and I was enabled to pray
earneftly for my dear Mr. H . I befeech the Father of
mercies and God of all confolations to excite you to do the
fame for my dear old friend.
Yours moft affedionately in our common Lord, T LETTER
To Lady H «.
Honoured Madam ^ London, Nov. 21 , 1749.
OUR Ladyfhip's letter greatly rejoiced me, and ftirred
mc up to pray afrefh that our blefled Lord would give
vou to lee of the travel of his foul, in the falvation of many at
Jftjby. I am perfuaded your Lady{hip was not fent there for
nothino-. — But it is always darkeft before break of day. I de-
lire to be thankful that your honoured Sifters are pleafcd to
approve of me. Thanks be to God, I feel myfelf unworthy ;
but unworthy as I am, my poor prayers I truft will reach
heaven in their behalf. This day, both they and your Lady-
fhip were remembered at the Lord's table. The Countefs,
Lady G and Lady F were there, and all I think arc
o-rown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savi-
our Jesus Christ. What encouragement is this for your
Ladylhip to go and fpeak for God ? All fend their beft com-
pliments, and Lady F defired me to inform your Lady-r
(hip, that the man who was fent up has been taken care of,
Blefled be God for putting it in your Lady{hip*s power to
help the poor fufFerers of Cork. Laft night I received a letter
from Mr. L , and purpofe this night or to-morrow to
write to him about what your Ladyfhip defires ; I think he
will be a proper perfon. Mr. TV- 1 believe is at his houfe.
I pitv thofe who have been perfecuted in Ireland. The mini-
fter being taken fo ill near your Ladyfhip, was an alarming
"providence. But who fo blind as thofe that will not fee ?
God honours your Ladyfhip, in making you inftrumental to
own and providfe -for tbofe, who are calt out for his great
name's fake. Great fliall be your reward in heaven. I hope
you and your honoured fifters will have great comfort in the
pcrfeverance of the poor baker. He is a Jenifalem hnner,
a proper objeft for free grace to fix on. A woman of four-
fcore, and a boy about eleven, have been lately awakened,
and it is hoped converted, in EJJex. May Jesus feed them
all with bread that comes down from heaven ! We have blefled
feafons here, and uur Lord gives us to fee his ftately fteps.
^ God
God prepare mc for a TufFering hour ! Mrs. C has met
with a heavy trial in the death of her only daugnccr, aged
twenty. I hear fhe behaves like a chriftian under it. Happy
they who know that promife belongs to them, *' All things
work together for good to thofe who love God." How cafy
may Ifiacs be given up by them ? But I forget I am weary,
when writing to your Ladyfhip. Pardon my taking up fo
much of your precious time. I wilh your Ladyihip, your
honoured Sifters, and children, all the privileges of the new-
born, heaven-born fons of God. This is the only return
that can be made both to them and you, by, honoured Ma-
Your Lady{hip*s moft obliged, dutiful,
and willing fervant for Christ's fakcj
To Mr, L
Very dear Sir^ London ^ Nov. I2i X749»
1 Received your kind letter on Mmday iaft, and to (hew
you how willing I am to carry on a correfpondence, I take
the very firfl opportunity of anfvvering it. Yours found me
juft returned out of Torkjhire^ Lroicaflnre^ «5cc. Since you
heard of me laft, I have been at Slhiffield and Nciilngham^ and
found the fields every where white ready unto harveft. 1 believe
my particular province is, to go about and preach'the gofpel
to all. My being obliged to keep up a large correfpondence iri
Jmertca^ and the neccHity I am under of going thither myfelf,
entirely prevents my taking care of any focicties. XVhether it
will ever be my lot to come over to Ireland^ I cannot fay. I
have fome thought of being there next Spring; but I would
not intrude on any one's labours. The world is large, and
blefled be God, there is a range and work fufficient for all.
As for my maimer of preaching, I believe, was you to heai*
me, you would find it calculated to ferve all, but intended
at leaft to ofFend none. I profcfs to be of a catholic fpirit ; I
am a debtor to all ; I have no party to be at the head of, and
through God's grace, I will have none ; but as much as in me"
lies ftrengthen the hands of all, of every denomination, that
T 2 preach
preach Jf.sus Christ in fincerity. In this fpirlt I hope my
Jcar Mr. L will find me, fhoultl he ever fee me in Ire-
land -, but whether I lliall o there or to America in the
Spring, is not yet determined. Future things belong to Him
whofe lam, and whom I def^.rc to ierve to my dying day, in
the gofpel of h;s dear So:). I earneftly beg an intcreft in your
prayers, and in the prayers of all that love the Lord Jesus
in finctrity. Pray how do the poor people at Cork? Lady
H writes this concerning them. " I hope the poor
perfecuted people in Cork will be helped, and I (hould be
glad if you could write in my name to any of them, and inform
ihem that I would have written myfelf, but I know not hov/
to direct. You may give them my kind ailuranee of ferving
them upon any occafion, and a hint that I believe they will
meet with no more of the like rough ufage." Thus far my
good Lady. I have informed her Ladyfliip, that I (hould
write to you, who I am perfuaded will gladly and in a pru'
dent manner communicate this to all concerned. And now,
my dear Sir, have I not returned you a long letter ? I love
you, though I know you not, and the more fo becaufe I
hear you breathe a catholic fpirit. May the Lord increafe it
in your and all his children's hearts ! I muft now add no
more, but fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedtionately in our common Lord,
G. TV.
To Mr, N .
l^ery dear Sir^ Loyidon^ Nov, 25, 1 749.
FOR fome few days I have been returned from my nor-
thern rout, in which the glorious Emmanuel gdcvQ me lo
fee new wonders every day. It was no fmall concern to me
to turn my back on Scotland^ when fo near. However it hath
been greatly over-ruled for good. I have thereby been called
to preach in many frefh places, and, glory be to God, I faw
thoufands fiock to the hearing of the gofpel, like doves to the
windows. The generous offer made me by yourfelf and lady,
I took exceeding kind, and gladly would I have embraced it,
but— '—Well ! what is, is beft. *• Father, not my will but
thine be done/' Perhaps I may fee you in the Spring ; if not,
ere long, dear Sir, we fliall meet in heaven. My wife tells
me, {lie anfwered Lady / 's letter immediately, In this
fhe joins, fending moft grateful acknowledgments and cordi^il
falutations. Bleifed be God, we are both v/ell, and fur-
rounded with mercies on every fide. — Only ungrateful, ill,
and hell-deferving I, want a grateful and an humble heart,
I am altogether an unprofitable fervant, but our Lord I trufl.
will purge me, that I may bring forth more fruit : for by
this, and this only, I know our heavenly father is glorified.
What I am mod afraid of is, left I (liould flag in the latter ftages
of my road. But he that hath loved and helped, will, dear Sir,
love and help me to the end. I am perfuaded your prayers
and the prayers of chriftian friends will be very ferviceable.
O that you may be kept alive and warm in ihis cold declinino-
day ! Poor Scotland^ I pity thee ! I will pray for thy profperity
till I can pray no more ! Be pleafed to prefcnt our joint love
and cordial refpc6ts to all friends in general, and we entreat
you and yours to accept the fame in a moft particular man-
ner from, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFe£tionately in our common Lord,
G, IF.
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ London^ Ncv. ^O^ Ij^g-
I Think it is now a whole week fmce I had the honour and
plcafure of writing to your Ladyfhip, and :3s your Lady-
lliip was pleafed to defire the prayers of God's people, I
read that part of your letter. Thoufands heartily united in
finging the following verfes for your Ladyfiiip.
Gladly zve join to pray for thofe.
Who rich with zvorldly honour Jh'ine \
Yet dare to own a Saviour^ s caufe^
And in that hated caufe to join :
Yes ! we zvould praife Thee that a few
Love Thce^ though rich and nolle too,
T 3 Vphdd
Vphokl thisjlar in thy right handy
Crown her endeavours w'tth fuccefs \
Among the great onei may fhejiand^
A witncfs of thy righicoufnefs !
Till many nobles join thy train^
And triumph in the Lamb that"* s Jlain,
The verfcs v/ere made by T G who is now under my
roof. He has grievoufiy backfiidden, but I hope is now re-
turning home lq his heavenly Father. We had an uncommon
fcenc when he firft came to me. I find the Lord will be fanc-
tified in all them that come near him, and will not fufFer thofe
who are concerned in his caufe, and with his people, to con-
tinue in fm long undifcerned, O that I may be kept fimple,
and honcfl, and zealous unto the end ! Mine eyes wait upon
thee, O Lord, from whence alone cometh my falvation ! I
fmd he never fails thofe that put their truft in him. BiefTed
be his name, I have got fufHcicnt to pay OiT Mr. C 's
debts. — Poor, yet attempting at lead to make many rich, I
v^ould have my motto fill). Mr. L alfo writes word,
that the glorious Jesus hath raifed fufficient for his charity
fchool, and that he is much^'blelTed in his labours. The book
that hath been given to me for your Ladylhip, I purpofe fending
next week, with one or two of the Sundays Thoughts for your
Ladyfnip's honoured fifrers. Indeed I honour them very much^
and pray for them and all related to your Ladyfbip very ear-
neftly. I was glad to hear by Mr. R that your Lady-
lliip and all were fo well. May you profper and be in health
both in body and foul ! London already begins to difagree with
my outward man, but the Lord's fmiling upon my poor la-
bours fvvectens all. I have begun to preach by fix in the
morning. "We have large congregations even then. I trufi
we fhali have a v/arm winter. I have not been at the other
ffnd of the town this week, but I find all hold on : however
a leader is wai\ting. This honour hath been put on your
Ladvfhip by the great head of ihe church. An honour con-
ferred on few, but an earneft of a diilinguifhed honour to be
put on your Ladyfhip befoie mien and angels, v/hen time (hall
be no more. That you nriay every day add to the fplendor
of your future crown, by always abounding in the work of
the Lord, is the fervent prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfl:iip's mod dutiful, and obliged,
though very unworthy fervant,
ToMr.L . •
My dear A'lr, L , Ljndon., Dec. 3, 1 749.
I Thank you heaitily for your kind Letter, and yet more
heartily thank our glorious Emmanuel for fucceeding your
charity fchool, and fmiling upon your public adminiftrations.
I have fent Lady H n an account of it, and earneftly pray
the blefied Redeemer to own and fucceed you evermore. My
winter quarters are made very agreeable ; but fo much bufinefs
crouds in upon me, that I have not time to write long
letters. I am looking out for fome freJfh fermons for you.
Mr. H , with whom I fpent fome agreeable hours lately
at Northampton^ would let you have fome, but his are all in
fhort hand. Here is a volume of one Mr. H 's lately de-
ceafed that I guefs will do for you. A friend to-day pro-
mifes to fend me GurnaWs fuiritual Armour^ of which I fuppofe
you will highly approve. I will endeavour to bring or fend
it to you. I cannot think of ftirring hence till after Chrift-
mas, but before the Winter is over, I fnall long for the Spring
to come, that I may enter on a freih campaign. The en'
couragement given me this laft fall, gladdens my poor heart,
and makes me to long more than ever to fpend and be fpent for
that Jesus, who hath fhcd his precious blood for us upon the
crofs. I know thofe laft almoft parting words of our afccnd-
ing Lord, " Feed my lambs, feed my fheep," will be engra-
ven upon the tables of your heart. Our obligations to do fo,
are very great, at leaft mine are. O that we may embrace all
opportunities of (liewing that we love our Lord more than
every created thing. O for fimplicity and godly fmcerity unto
the end of our race ! Yet a little while, and we fhall reach
the goal and lay hold on the crown. Yonder our Lord
{lands holding it out. It has thofe words written upon it,
Vmenti daho^ What is infinitely more, he will give us him-
T 4. i^M.
{elf. We Tnall behold, we fhall partake of his glory. O
gloria^n quantam et qualem ! You will urge all to preCs after it.
BlefTed be GoD, that you have fo many around you that have
a tafte thereof. My hearty love attends them all. May the
Lord Jesus be with your fpirit, and give you to increafe with
all the increafe of God ! Nothing greater can be, nothing
lefs fliall be defired in your behalf by, my dear old friend.
Yours mofl afFe6tionately,
G, /f.
To Mrs. K .
Dear Madam, London, Dec. 6, 1749.
I Thank you heartily for the acceptable favour of your letter,
which came to my hand laft night. It was quite wel-
come, as it befpoke the language of a heart panting after
God, and defirous to be conformed to its great exemplar
the blefTed and holy Jesus. Go on, dear Madam, in his
flrength, who hath loved you and given himfelf for you.
ConleTs him before men, and he will confefs you before his
holy angels in heaven. I am glad that Lady // vifits
you often. Whenever you meet, may the glorious Efnma-
nuel c-d\i(t your hearts to burn within you. What you pro-
pofe for the poor caft-out clergyman, will be accepted of and
rewarded by our common Lord, as done to himfelf. God
willing, 1 purpofe waiting upon you next Saturday by eleven
o'clock, and then I can receive your kind benefaction. Co-
lonel G being with me when your letter came, offered to
accompany me. Perhaps Mr. C will come too. I Iball
fee him this day, and fhall be fure to inform him and his
wife of Vv'hat you defire. Good Lady H — —n would gladly
make one in addreffing the throne of grace. But flie is happy
in yonder dead place, and Dorcas-Wk^ is always employed for
the poor. Glorious privilege ! BlefTed redemption ! Jesus
can make us happy any where and every where. You have
a neighbour that dearly loves him. I mean the reverend Mr.
Z — , the king's German chaplain. I believe, Madam, he would
be glad to v^ait upon you ; he has now three niinifters with
him, burning with the love of Christ, and going to preach
the gofpel in the Eajl-lndics, Have you (een -x little piece en-
titled Sunday Thoughts? I think you would like it much. But
I forget myfelf. I wifh you the beft of blefTings, all the hlef-
fings of the everlafting covenant, and beg leave to fubfcribc
rnyfelf, dear Madam,
Your moll obliged and ready fcrvant for Christ's fake,
(?. n\
ro Mr. IV L .
My dear Mr. L , London^ Dec. 9, 1749.
I Find by your lad kind letter that the king's bufmefs re-
quires hade. I therefore immediately difpatched it to
good Lady H , who I am perfuaded will think It her
higheft privilege to ferve the dear people of Cork, Whether
your account o^ their fufFerings has reached her Ladyfhip I
cannot tell, but you will know foon. However this we know,
that they have reached the ears of the blefled Jesus, who
fitteth in heaven, and laughs all his enemies to fcorn. He
will take care that the bufh, though burning., fl:'.a!I not be con-
fumed, nay he will take care that it fhall flourifh even when
in the midft of fire. In all our afflidions he Is afHided, and
though the under fliepherds be fmitten, and his poor fheep for
a WMile fcattercd, yet even this fcattering (hall be over-ruled
for the propagation of the glorious gofpel. It will be melan-
choly to have any preachers Jranfported ^ but \t?}\y the
thoughts do not affect me fo much, bccaufe I know what
a field of a£lion there is for them abroad. It has been my
fettled opinion for a long time, that Christ's labourers (at
leaft fome of them,) love home too much, and do not care
enough for thofe thoufands of precious fouls, that are ready
to perifli for lack of knowledge in yonder wildernefs. We
propofe having an academy or coll'.ge at the Orphan-houii in
Georgia. Suppofing the worft, hundreds may find a fweet re-
treat there. The houfe Is large ; it will hold an hundied.
I truft my heart is larger, and will hold ten thoufand. Be
who or what they will, if they belong to Jesus, the language
of my heart fhall be, " Come in, ye bleffcd of the Lord."
But perhaps this may not be the ifiue. Tht threatning ftorm
may b!ow over, and all may be at peace again. It is always
darkeft before break of day. May the glorious Emmanuel
lighten the darknefs of our minds ! then we need not fear
"what men or devils can fay of, or do unto us. Adored be his
free grace for enabling you, dear Sir, to confefs him before
men, and to make Mofes's choice your choice. Great fhall
be your reward of grace, though not of debt : he will con-
fefs you before his Father and his holy angels in heaven.
When you write, be pleafed to falute the dear confeiTors at
Cork. I love them in the bowels of Jesus Christ, and pray
the Lord of all lords to give them grace to quit themfelves
like men, and be ftrong. If any of my poor writings might
be ufcful, I will fend fome to Ireland at any time. O free
grace, that the adorable Jesus fliould ever make ufe of fuch a
wretch as I am ! This is free grace indeed. Help me, dear
Sir, to adore it ; and if at any time I can be ferviceable, make
no apologies, but write frequently, and command as well as
pray for, my dear friend.
Your very affe£lionate brother and chearful fervant,
G. J!\
To Mr, G- .
My dear Mr. G— , London^ Dec. 12, 1 749.
I Thank you for your kind letter. It befpoke the language
of an honeft heart. If I am not mlftaken, your name is
NaihanieL This is what I fain would be, an Ifraelite indeed,
in whom is no allowed guile. Such will Jesus guide in his
way. I therefore have no doubt of your receiving a ble/nng,
a blefling, in v/hat you intend doing next Chrifttncn. You
have openly called Jesus and his difciples to the marriage:
and fuch proceedings are always owned of God, whilft con-
trary methods are as furely either blafted or embittered by him,
who loves a fingle eye and an upright heart. You will remember
me kindly to Mrs. H , and all that love the blefled Jesus
in fincerity. I defire to be thankful for the favour that was
left behind a preached gofpel. It is the Lord's doings. Let
us continue praying, and we fliall yet fee far greater things
than thefe. You do v/ell to meet at Rotheram. My cordial
falutatlons, attend Mr. C , Mr. H , and their refpecliyc
families. May the Lord bids them, as he did the houfe of
Obededom^ for the ark's fake ! A'ly advice is, ^uit yourfelve^
like men, and be ftrong. If our Lord (hall open a door, I
fully purpofe to have another flroke at Satan's firong-holds ia
P, . Jesus can and will make us more than conquerors
over all. Blefied be his name for leading you, my dear friend,
more and more into the knowledge of his divine, compleat,
and everlafting righteoufnefs. That is a rock againft which
the gates of hell fhall never prevail. If we have a mind to go
pleafantly to Canaayi^ we muft lean, not on our frames, not on
a ftock received, but on our Beloved. Looking to him is
the only way of being faved from every evil that annoys and
dillurbs us. It is his blood, fprinkled by the blefled Spirit
upon the confcience, and that alone, which cleanfeth from all
fin. Whatever, therefore, you want, go to Jesus : that is
his name. And why ? Becaufe^e is to fave his people from
their fms. And what amazing grace is it, that'v/e fhould be
in the number of his people ? Surely that GoD-exalting, that
felf-abafmg expreflion, '' Why me, Lord, why me ? " fhould
always be in the mouth of one redeemed of the Lamb. But I
muft flop, though with regret. Whilft I am writing the fire
kindles. I beg all your prayers ; — no one wants them more.
My wife returns her love. I believe good Lady H hath
no place fuitable for the perfon you mention. Why fhould
fhe fly from her crofs ? Sometimes we do beft when furrounded
by enemies : they keep us upon our watch. Jesus is able
to preferve us, though in a burning bu{h. To his never-fail-
ing me.^cy do I commend you all, and am, dear Sir,
Your afredionate friend and ready fervant
for Christ's fake,
to Mr. H- .
My dear Mr, H , Lcndon^ Dec. 13, 1749.
YOUR kind letter almoft made me to blulh. I little
thought, when I left N , that you fhould have
written firft 3 but I have been fo engaged fince I came to
town, that I could not well write to you before now. How-
ever, you have generally been in my thoughts ; and I have
not failed to remember you before him, who is able to fave to
the uttermoft all that come to the Father in and through him.
I fee you are ftill under the rod, and I truft are enabled to kifs
the hand that holds it. Thefe afflictions, at prefent are not
joyous, but grievous ; neverthelefs, through thefe many tri-
bulations, we (hall at length enter into eternal glory. By do-
ing, or fufFcring, or by both, our adlivc and paffive graces
muft be ^cept in continual exercife. Your fufferings are of a
peculiar nature ; peculiar grace Ihali be given under, and a pe-
culiar conqueft granted over them. Look, my dear Sir, not
to the Myftich^ but to Jesus. Indeed, his righteoufnefs is the
only rock on which you can build any folid comfort. In this,
and in this only are you compleat. This is the only breaft-
plate ; and faith in this, a true, living, operative faith in this,
is the only iliield whereby the believer will be enabled to repel
al! the fiery darts of the wicked one. Thanks be to God,
who hitherto hath given you to triumph, hath raifed you from
a bed of ficknefs, and fet you on a throne, I mean your pulpit
again. May the glorious Emmanuel enable you to fpeak from
thence both to him and his people, as becometh the lively
oracles of God. I find Satan does all that he can to prevent
3^our ufing your pen. The Lord will rebuke him in due
time, and caufe it yet to become the pen of a ready writer. I
am glad you have opened a correfpondence with our eleft
Lady. Keep it open I entreat you, my dear friend, and be
rot nimis nullus, Alas ! if differences of every kind were to
hinder any one, furely I muft be th& man. But in Jesus is
my ftrength found ; and as my day is, fo he caufes my ftrength
to be. Thanks be to his holy name, we have feen his out-
goings frequently of late in London. His glory hath filled the
Tabernacle, and many have been brought under frefti concern
for their fouls. I fliall be glad to hear that Dr. iS hath
bec^un to fpeak for the Lord. But what can be done, till we
ai-e delivered from worldly hopea and worldly fears ? Perfe61:,
unfeigned love to the blefTcd Jesus, can only expel thefe.
That your dear foul may conftantly overflow with it, and that
you may increafe with all the increafe of God, Is the earncft
prayer of, my very dear Mr. H ,
Your moft afFe<5i:ionate, though unworthy friend,
and brother, and fervant in our common Lord,
To Mr. James B . ''.^^j:i^ ^
My dear Friend^ London^ Dec. 14, 1749.
IF you was rejoiced in hearing from me, I can ailure you,
I was delighted, when I received letters from my dear
Maryland and Bohemia friends. Upon reading them, I hoped
that our Lord was purging you, that you might bring forth
more fruit to his glory. I hope you have found it a fanclifying
rod, and that it hath only whipped you fo much nearer to the
ever-bleiTed Lamb of God. Now, my dear Sir, now is the
time to fhew your gratitude j now is the time to begin flcadily
to purfue the one thing needful. What avail the many things
of this poor tranfitory world, in a fick and dying hour ? Alas !
they are nothing, and lefs than nothing. Jesus alone is all in
all. He is the pearl of great price, which a wife merchant
will gladly fell all to purchafe. It is worth all, or worth no-
thing. O when (hall it once be, that the children of this
world fhall not be wifcr in their generations than the children
of light! I truft my dear Mr. 5 will labour to fulfil
this wilh, and with full purpofe of heart 'cleave unto his once
dying, but now rifen, afcendcd, and interceding Lord.
When (hall I love him more; when fnall unworthy I ferve
him better ? My obligations to do fo, are increafing every
moment. This laft fall has been a glorious feed-time indeed.
I have been in fix or feven Northern counties, and thousands
and ten thoufands flocked to hear the word. I am now in my
"^Vinter quai-ters. Our Lord is pleafed to bow the heaven^,
and com.e down amongft his people. His glory fills the 7'a-
bernacle, and the fhout of a king is heard in our camp. I
wifh I could hear of the revival of God's work among you.
Let us pray, and not faint. You know who has commanded
us to let him have no reft till Jerufahm be made a praife
through the earth* Methinks I vyilh the months may fly a vay,
wherein 1 am detained from coming to my de2ir Jmerica again.
I entreat you to pray me over, and then I fhall come in the
fulnefs of the bleffing of the gofpel of peace. The glorious
Jesus deals bountifully with me here. I am better in health,
than I have been fome years. — My w^ife hath much improved
in hers, fmce her arrival in her native country. She joins in
fending moft affectionate refpcdts. Pray remember us to all
in the tendereft, and mod endearing manner 3 and believe me
to be, my very dear Mr. B ,
Yours moft affedtionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H — w.
Honoured Madam y London, Dec, 14, 1749.
YOUR Ladyfhip's letter gave me uncommon joy. I can-
not help being delighted, when any thing I write gives
your Ladyfhip any peculiar fatisfa6lion. The inclofed I im-
mediately fliewed to Colonel G , who was very glad, but
is ftiil concerned becaufe he does not hear from your Ladyfhip j
and on Saturday, God willing, I fliall read it to Lady H — —
and Mrs. K . At that time, I am to give them the holy
facrament. Laft Saturday I prayed with them ; and in con-
verfation, an aged gentlewoman was ftruck: I fhall fee how
the phyfic works next vifit. Thanks be to God, the Holy
Spirit has not done ftriving with finners. I have had glorious
accounts of the fuccefs attending the word in my laft Northern
circuit. Three or four frefli inftances of conviction and con-
verfion I have heard of here, within thefe few days. What-
ever feems worthy of your Ladyfiiip's notice fliall be fent. I
wifti I knew how a parcel might be beft conveyed to your
Ladyfhip. If your Ladyfiiip remembers, laft Winter appli-
cation was made in behalf of one Hill, a Corporal. O that I
could do any thing to exprefs my gratitude to your Ladyfhip
and honoured filters. In public and private you have my
prayers, which I truft will enter into the ears of the Lord of
Sabaoth. I think your Ladyfhip hath great encouragement to
go on, ftriving to win fouls to the blcfTed Jesus. Mrs.T
is another jewel in your Ladyfhip^ crown. May the glorious
Emmanuel add dally to the number of them ! We have golden
feafons here. Poor Mr. H was quite revived with your
Ladyjfhip's letter. He is under the crofs indeed. I am
afhamed to think how little I do or TuiFer for Jesus Christ.
Next Saturday I am thirty-five years old ; fy upon me, ^y
upon me ! I beg the continuance of your Ladylhip's prayers,
that I may now begin in earneft to glorify my blelled Mafler.
Nothing elfe can fatisfy, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To the Old Mrs. B . 8<^V ^^<^ -
Dear Madam^ London^ Dec. 14, 1749.
IF this finds you in the land of the living, or rather this land
of the dying, it comes to afiure you that your dear letter
and the other letters received from your dear family, gave me
great fatisfadion. BleiTed be God, even the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, for wounding and healing.
This is his way. He wounds, in order to heal, and in the
midfl of judgment remembers mercy. Surely he is good iri
holding your foul in life, and being fo much a ftaff to you
in your old age. He has been a promife-keeping God. He
^has not forfaken you when grey-headed, and when your natu-
ral ftrength muft neceflarily begin to fail you. Thoui^h it is
cruel to hope you v/ill be kept out of heaven fo long, yet who
knows, but I may fee you, dear Madam, on this fide eternity.
God willing, I purpofe to embark fome time next year with-
out fail. The infinitely condefcending Redeemer vouch fafes
to crown my labours with great fucccfs ; but in the midft of
all, America^ dear America^ is not forgotten by me. Your family
is peculiarly dear. 1 lock upon you as m.y mother, and on
your children as my brethren and fillers. I have lately been in
Torkjhire^ where I faw a widow, v^hofe hufband lately died in
triumph, and who has five fens and one dau'jhter all walkinc*-
in the love of God. Let this llrengthen your faith, dear Ma-
dam, and encourage you to hope that you fhall frill fee the tra-
vail of the Redeemer s foul in the falvaiion of all your children,
4 and
and be fatlsfied. The Lord's Spirit feems ftill to be ftriving
with them; and I truft he will not let them go, till they are
enabled to give him fpirit, foul, and body to be faiidifled
throuo-hout. My poor prayers fliall not be \vanting. We
often think and talk of you. My wife, with me, fends you and
yours a thoufand thanks for all your kindnefles. We are both
pretty well, and have the fatisfaction of feeing the glory of the
Lord manifcfted in the great congregation. O what a blefied
mafter is Jesus Christ. I am juft now come to rr^y thirty-
fifth year of age. I blufli and am confounded, when I think
for what little purpofe I have lived. It is time now to begin
to do fomething for Him, who has done and fuftercKi fo much
for me. I beg, dear Madam, you will pray for me while life
lads. I am the chief of finners, lefs than the leaft ot all faints;
but for CiiRisT's fiike under manifold obligations to, and am,
dear Madam,
Yoiir moft afFe6lionate, obliged hiQad
and ready fervanr,
G, W,
ro Mrs, L .
London^ Dec. 15, 1749.
My dear and honoured Mother^
I Have been quite uneafy becaufe your things have not been
fent. The woman that was to piocure them difappointed
me. 1 hope you will not mifs of th'^m another week. Pray
be not uneafy. I fhould never forgive myfelf, was I by my
negligence, or any wrong conduLH:, to give you a moment's
need lefs pain. To-morrow will be thirty-five years fince you
brouo;ht unworthy me into the world. Alas ! how little have
I done for you, and how much lefs for Him who formed me,
and has heaped innumerable mercies upon me ever fince I
was born. O that my head was water, and mine eyes foun-
tains of tears, that I might bewail my barrennefs and unfruit-
fulnefs in the church of God 1 By his grace, I hope now to
begin to v^'ork for Him, who ftretched himfelf on the crofs, and
groaned and died for me. His care for his tender mother,
cxcitfs me to wifh I could do any thing for you. This is my
2 comfort.
comfort, I hope you want for nothing. Thanks be to the
Lt:)RD of all lords for his goodncfs to you in your old age ! I
hope you comfort yourfelf in him, who I crull will be your
portion for ever. After Chriftmas I hope to fee you. My
wife fends you her moft dutiful refpe(5ls. If you would have
any thing brought more than you have mentioned, pray write
to, honoured mother,
Your ever dutiful, though unworthy fon,
G. tK
ToDr^B . ^'^' "
London^ Dec. 15, T749.
AND (hall I forget my dear Dr. 5 ? I cannot,
though I have received no letter from him. I remember
his labours of love, I have heard of the ficknefs of his dear
yoke- fellow, I muft notj I cannot withhold my pen from
writing. And what fhall I fay ? I trufl your foul profpers,
•and that you can cry out with dear Mrs. jS , now in
— ^0 happy rocly
That brought me nearer to my God.
^vSurely my dear friend has long ere now been convinced that
good defires will not carry us to heaven. There muft be a clof-
ing with Christ, a vital union of the foul with God, or, in
other words^ " Christ formed within us." This was the
expreflion that firft convinced me of the new birth. Since that,
I hope it has been in a degree fulfilled in my heart. I want it
to be more and more fo, and to have the image of God
(lamped in more lively charadlers upon my foul. My dear
Do6tor, let you and I begin to ftrive, not by way of conten-
tion, but in a way of holy emulation^ which fhall love Christ*
moft, and live moft to his glory. I hope that Dr. W
will join in this ftrife. Pray my love to him, to Mr. S »
and family, and to all Bohemia friends. I refer you to other
letters for news, and beg leave to aflure you that I am,, my
dear Dodlor,
Yours moil afFe^lionately in cur blefled J ord,
G. /K
\^oL. II, jj LET-
To Mr, N .
My dear Mr. N , London., Dec, 19, 1749*
IT is now almoft an age fmce I wrote to you. Providence
prevented my feeing you when laft in the Norths and evtr
fince, bufinefs has kept me from writing. However, blefled be
God-, I can fend you good news now I do write. For near
three months I have preached in many places, and thoufands
and ten thoufands flocked to hear the glorious gofpel. I have
fince had repeated letters of the impreffions abiding upon the
heart of many. Not unto me, not unto me, O Lord, but
unto thy free grace be all the glory ! At Howarth I met with
JFilllam Davy^ who has fince been imprifoned for preachmg.
Though he is feemingly unqualified, yet I meet with many
that date their awakening from their firft hearing him. What
fhall we fay to thefe things ? Even fo, Father, for fo it feemeth
good in thy fight ! I think he belongs to our Lord's- family ;
and therefore what is done for him, he will take as done to
himfelf. I hope all things go on well at Glafgow, We have
golden feafons here. Winter quarters are made very agree-
able. Many are brought under freOi awakenings. You
niuft remember us in the kindeft manner to all dear friends.
I commend them and you to the mercies of G©D through
Christ Jesus, and am, my dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
To Mrs. R .
Dear Madam ^ London, Dec. 10, 1749-.
I Received your letier, and had thoughts of writing to yois
before it came j but had forgotten your name, and knew
not how to direct. I rejoice that any good impreilions have
been made upon your heart by the bleted Spirit, under my
poor unworthy adminiftrations. } hope this will find you
Gomin;^ up out of the wildernefs, leaning upon your beloved*
You know whom I mean. It is the ever-lovti3g, altogether
L E T T E R <;
lovely Jesus, even he who hath loved and given himfeU for
you. I know hi. love will conftrain you to gfve you 11 eve,
your whole fd f to hi. in return. 1-his fs all he 'le"
bac^'^^M.t ";■" T'"'- ^^'"°-"helpee\ ng
back. My heart. Lord Jesus, will I give." But we muf u h„n as ,t is. We n,uft come as poor, to be r^nde rTch
glorious exchange ! precious redemption ! May the LoKB
the Ho^y Ghoft ! It ,3 he that muft apply, and brin. homd
what Christ has done and ft.ffercd for ouV fo.,!, • ,n1 .
Jhis is done, t.e k.ngdo. of Go. is etaed in "our' he rf n1
s our pr,v,lege to go on from ftre„g,h to ftrenoth, til Urace
IS Iwallowed up ,n endlefs glory. This I hnn.- A 7 f
you will find true by happy^ e/perieL: ' yT; tfinS^ t^^
rrefs him with arguments ^inAT^^ • u ^ ^^iieve.
1 1 . 5"'"t:ncs, and (jod with prayers AnH whr»
knows but ere long your huftand may draw i^ th fame yoke
and you may l,ve together as heirs of the grace of life/ A
t::rLTa';ilh : " "" J""^- ^^'^ '^ '^'^ '° ^-^ ° ^
Trhtt J 'T' "• '''^ ^■''^'' '" ^"d through him
ai: drMidamr-^""""^ '""'' '^ ' ""'"'-^ y'"' --J
Your affeclionate friend and ready fervant
*'or Christ's fake,
To Lady Ann H .
tJ'nmrtd Madam, T ^,-^.« r.
ILL your Ladyftip and honoured fifter be pleafe</
to accept, though late, my moft hearty and grateful
^knowle^gmentsforall the kindnelTes you coLerre/irH
r /"T P '^- ^^'^ "" """^^l '■" his book, who has
Fon,.fed, " That a .up of cold water given i„ th; „amc of
^ ^ » dif.
a dilciple, {ball in no wife lofe Its reward." What a bene-
ficent mafter does the chriftian ferve ! Who would but be hi*
difciple, whofe fervice is perfedl freedom here, and Vvho hath
rclerved in heaven a crown of glory for thofe that love him
hereafter? I thank him ten tboufand times for calling un-
worthy me to embark in his bleiled caufe I It is indeed a
caufc worth embarking in. It gives me great Pleafure to
think, that fome poor fouls at A are under awakenings,
and feem inclined to lift under the Redeemer's banner. Tour
Ladyfhip and honoured fifter, I truft, will now have repeated
opportunities of feeing not only how Jesus receives publicans
and fmners, but alfc how the Spirit of God ftrips the Pharifee
of his pitiful fig-leaves, hunts him out of the trees of the gar-
den (I mean his own tinfel performances), brings him naked
to the bar, makes him fee himfelf on a level with the worft of
fmners, and then fv/cetly reveals unto him a faviour. Thanks
be to God, I have had fome blefi'ed inftances of this very
lately ; efpecially a boatfwain of a fhip, who a few weeks ago
knew fio more of the corruption of his nature, and the righte-
oufnefs of Christ, comparatively fpeaking, than the whiftle
he ufed to make ufe of on board fhip ; but now hath undergone
a wonderful change. What cannot grace do ? Honoured
Madam, I could fay much of it, was I not afraid of being te-
dious. I hope your Ladyfhip Vv^ill not be offended at my
prefenting you with Bifhop HaW^ works. I thought your
Ladyfhip and honoured fifler might now and then like to read
one of the contemplations, which, in my opinion, are very
delightful. That both you and her Ladyfliip, and every
branch of your noble family, may be every moment under the
guidance and direction of the great Shepherd and Bifhop of
fouls, is the earnefl prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged humble fervant,
To Mr, S .
My dear Mr. S , London^ Jan. 2, 1750.
THOUGH I am really very much bufit-.!, yet I cannot
help corrplymg with your requeft, left it lliould be any
difappoaument. I love you in the bowels of Jesus Christ,
6 and
and earneftly pray our common Head, that you may be a fcribe
more and more inftrudted to the kingdom of God, and out of
the good treafure of your heart, bring forth things new and
old, for the Redeemer's people. The more you are acquainted
with, and fee your compleatncfs in him, the more you will
long after an entire conformity to him, and apply with greater
boldnefs for frefh fupplics of life and ftrength. Flis faith-
fulnefs muft make us faithful. He muft be the Alpha and
Omega^ the firft and the laft. When we are once taught this,
not notionally, but by the Spirit of God, then we fhall go on
our way rejoicing, and experience the glorious liberty of the
children of God. Thanks be to his name for enlightening
you into thefe truths ; but I love to fee the Lord Jesus
bringing this about in his own way and time. He gives us
glorious feafons here. Yefterday was a blefled Letter day.
Thefe verfes were fung for you, &c.
Thy work in the North^
O Saviour, increafe;
And kindly fend forth
*Xhe preachers of peace.
Till throughout the nation y
Thy gofpel flmll ring;
Jnd peace and falvation
Each village f})all ftng,
Thoufands faid, " Amen, and Amen." I have had brave
news from Virginia and Scotland. O for a difmterefted fpirit !
O to be willing to be poor, that others may be rich ! O to be
nothing, that Jesus may be all ! I muft not enlarge. Let mc
know when you fet out for Newcajlle^ and whether the books
fhall be fer.t by land or water. I get very little by them. I
do not defire it (hould be otherwife. I believe that as many
are given away, as anfwers to the profits of what are fold.
If fouls are profited, I defire no more. Troubles increafe in
Ireland. You muft remember me to all, and let them demon-
ftrate their love by praying for, dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
U 2 LET-
Ti? the Reverend Mr, G .
Reverend and very dear S{r^ London, Jan. 2, 175O,
WITH great pleafure did I receive yefteiday a letter
fnmi Mr. iV , informing rne of your boldncfs
and fuccefs in the glorious gofpel of the ever-blefled GoD.
Jt came jufl: as I was going to read an account of the Lord's
pipings in our parts to rnqltitudes of fouls. Thefe lines were
fyng for you,
Thanh to //^^ Lord, cur fouls give praife^
Becaufe he makes his vineyard thrive ;
Ten thoufand thanks thatj}ill he rears.
In anfiver to our daily prayers.
Some faithful fervants hold for GoD .'
Uphold them by thy (hearing blood f
God will hear our prayer ; our cry fhall come unto him.
Go on, my dear Mr. G . The more you do, the more
you may do for the ever-blefled Jesus. Pe inftant in feafo^
jind out of feafon, and boldly fay,
For this let men revile try name.
No crofs niflmn, I'll fear no fhame \
All hail reproach, and welcome p<!fi^9.
Only thy terrors. Lord, rejlrain.
May God blefs you among the {Indents ! Their names are
Legion. He that catches one of them, catches many at once.
We have blefled feafons here. I have good news from Vir-
frinia. I hear every day of frcfli pcrfons lately brought under
conviclion. A learned gofpel minifter, who was lately turned
out for the fake of JesUs, I believe will he up here foon.
Grace ! grace ! The more we are caft out, the more will
Jesus come in unto us. You muft remember me to all.
Want of leifure, not of love, prevents my writing. I have
frequently fcarce time to eat bread : and little of that ferves
mc. But Jesus is the bread of life. Whilft his fervants
fetd othersj he feafls them. Po you not find this true by
letters; 3h
happy experience ? I know you do. Go on, prefs forward,
dear Sir, and you (hall find it more and more. Excufe this
hafty fcribble. I hope to anfwcr Mr. A^ fhortly. My
wife joins in cordial falutations to all, with, reverend and
dear Sir,
Yours, Sec.
G, rr.
To the Rev, Mr. C .
My dear Friend^ London.^ 'Jan, 3, 1750.
YOUR letter furprized me ; but henefacere tff male paii hoc
vere chrijltanus ejl. If your friend does not hurt himfelf,
he is in no danger from me. I think fometimes of Jofeph ;
He that appeared for him, will in time appear for me, and
plead my injured caufe. But all is well. The returns I have
hitherto met with, fhall not difcourage me, or at leaft make
me to give over and ceafe from ferving you and yours.
Mr. L fends me dreadful news from Cork. B is
there again, making havock of the people. Mr. H ex-
pe6led to be murdered every minute fome time ago. I have
been with fome, who will go to the Speaker of the Houfc of
Commons, and reprefcnt the cafe. I hope I have but one
common intcrcfl to ferve ; I mean, that of the blefled Jesus.
O for fimplicity, and godly fincerity ! Our Lord abhors
guile in all fliapes, and fooner or later it will meet with its
own reward. I am glad you are fupported — Our Lord is a
ready help in time of need. We have golden feafons here.
Grace ! grace ! I wifli you and yours a happy new year,
and am.
Yours mofl: afFedtionately in our common Lord,
G. n\
U 4 LET-
Tg Lady H n.
Honoured Madam ^ London^ Jan. 6, 175O.
THE iiiclofed letters came to hand on Monday lad, as a
new-year's-gift. As they bring fuch good news, I muft
communicate them to your Ladyfhip. The {v:\i writer is a
Virgmia planter, at whofe houfc I lay, and who with fome
other gentlemen aflced m.e to play a game at cards : I refufed,
and retired to pray for him. His prefcnt wife is my fpiritual
child. The letters will fliew how God was pleafed to anfwer,
our prayers. This, and other things I meet with, more and
rnore convinces me, that a liberty to range and publifli the
gofpel wherever providence fhali call me, is what I am to
inaintain and preferve. Mr. A abides ftlll, and as far as
I can judge, difinterefled. Bleffed be God for dripping fcafons !
I would not lofe the privilege of leaning only upon the Lord
Jesus for thoufands of worlds. He alone can make me happy,
and he alone without foreign affiftance can blefs ; and blefTed
be his name, he daily makes me fo. He has been pleafed to
remove in fome degree the pain of my brcaft, and gives me
to determine more and more, that every breath I draw by di-
vine afliilance fhall be his. I thank him ten thoufand times
that your Ladylhip is fo well pleafed with Mr. B . He
exprefles the flrong fenfe he has of the obligations he lies un-
der to the Lord Jesus Christ, and under him, to your Lady-
fhip. O that neither of us may prove ungrateful in any re-
fpe£t ! Next week I hope to let your Ladyfhip know how
affairs go at Mrs. K 's. I expect to fee her then. Lately
his Majcfty feeing Lady Qhefterfield at court with a grave
gown, pleafantly afked her, " vi^hether Mr. JVhhcfield advifed
her to that colour." O that all were cloathed in the bright
and fpotlefs robe of the Redeemer's righteoufnefs ! How beau-
tiful would they then appear in the fight of the King of kings !
This, honoured Madam, through free grace, is your drefs.
That your honoured fiflers, and all your children, may be
LETT E R S. ^rj
adorned in like manner, is the earneft prayer of, honoured
Your Ladyflilp's moft obliged and ready fcrvant
for Christ's fake,
G, ir.
To the Reverend Mr. H .
London^ Jan. 8, 1 750.
My very dear Mr. H ,
YOUR letter muft not any longer lie by unanfwered. Jc
is a pleafure to me to Itcal a few minutes to keep up
a correfpondence with one I fo dearly love, and with whom
I am perfuaded I fliall live in the regions of peace and joy^
through the endiefs ages of eternity. This the glorious Ern^
rnanuel hzth purchafed for us, and of this, (for ever adored
be his free grace) he hath given us an earneft ! Supported with
this, I am ftill enabled to purfue my delightful work of
preaching to poor finners the unfearchable riches of redeem-
ing love. Thoufands and thoufands flock to hear, and wc
have had a blefled Chriftmas and new year's feafon indeed. In
the midft of all, I want more retirement. I want to read,
meditate, and write. But I defpair^of getting much time for
thefe things, till I get upon the mighty waters. In the mean
while, I thank the Redeemer for letting my hands be full of
work. Thefe words lately have followed me, " Dwell in the
land, be doing good, and verily thou fhalt be fed." Thefe
words embolden me to inform you of two that love Christ,
and therefore I believe you love them, and I think they want
afliftance ; G F and / H . The former I
think has about eleven children, and fcarce a crown a week
to maintain them ; and the latter v/rites me word, " He is
about a guinea behind hand." I am doing what I can for
them, and if you would fend them a fmall token, or now and
then let me have a little to give to the many chriftian obje6ls
that apply to me, I know not how your generous heart could
lay out a little to more advantage. You know the pleafure of
doing for Christ's difciples. I labour to contract every ex-
pence, and to fave all I can for the good of others. Ought
1 not
I not to do (o, to exprefs my gratitude to him, who for my
fake had not where to lay his head, and though he was rich, yet
he became poor, that we through his poverty might be made
rich. Much, yea very much of his divine un£lion do I pray
may be given to my dear Mr. H in his prefent plan.
May the Lord make your pen the pen of a ready writer,
and after death may your writings be bleft to thoufands yet
unborn ! I believe they will. O my dear friend, whilft I am
writing the fire kindles. Blefled be God for Jesus Christ !
Blcffed be God for all the mercies he hath conferred upon us !
that this new year may be filled with good works, flowing
from a principle of love and a nev/ nature ! That the Lord
may blefs and keep you, and fill you with all his divine ful-
nefs, is the continual earneft prayer of, my dear, dear old
Yours mod afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr, B -.
My very dear Sir, London, Jan. 12, 1750.
LEST I fliould be hindered to-morrow, or in the begin-
ning of the week, I now fit down to anfwer your kind
letter. O that I may be helped to write fomething that may
do you fervice, and be a means of quickening you in that
delightful caufe in which you are embarked. I fee, my dear
Sir, you are like to have hot work, before you quit the field :
— For I find you have begun to batter Satan's ftrongefl hold,
1 mean the felf-righteoufnefs of man. Here, Sir, you mufl
exped the ftrongeft oppofition. It is the Diana of every age.
It is the golden image, which that apoftate Ncbuchadnezzary
Man, continually fets up ; and the not falling down to worfhip
it, but much more for us to fpeak, write, or preach againft it,
expofes one immediately to the fury of its blind votaries, and
we are thrown diredly into a den of devouring lions. But
fear not, Mr. B , the God whom we ferve, the captain
under whofe banner we are lifted, is able to deliver us. He
knows how to train us up gradually for war, and is en-
gaged to bring us ofF more than conquerors from the field
c of
of battle. If any one need give way, it the poor crea-
ture that is writing to you, for I believe there is not a perfon
Jiving, more timorous by nature. But I truft in a decree,
Jesus hath delivered me from worldly hopes and worldly
fears, and by his grace ftrengthening me, he makes me often
bold as a lion. But O, my dear Sir, this pretty charader of
mine I did not at firft care to part with ; 'twas death to be de-
fpifed, and worfe than death to think of being laughed at by
all. But when I began to confider Him who endured fuch
contradiflion of fmners againft himfelf, I then longed to drink
of the fame cup, and blefled be God, contempt and I are
pretty intimate, and have been fo for above twice (even years.
Jesus's love makes it a very agreeable companion, and I no
longer wonder that Afofcs made fuch a blefled choice, and ra-
ther chofe to fuffer a^illdion with the people of God, than
to enjoy the pleafures of fin for a feafon. May the Lord
Jesus make us thus minded ! For there is no doing good with-
out enduring the fcourge of the tongue ; and take this for a
certain rule, " The more fuccefsful you are, the more hated
you will be by Satan, and the more defpifed you will be by
thofe that know not God." What has the honoured Lady
fufFered under whofe roof you dwell ! Above all, what did your
blefled mafter fuffer, who hath done fuch great things for you ?
O let us follow him, though it be through a fea of blood. I
could enlarge, but time will not permit. I am afhamed of
a?iy unprofitablenefs, and muft retire, after begging that you
^ill not forgetj reverend and dear 3ir,
Yours, &c.
To Lady H n.
Honoured MnJam, London^ "Jan. ll^ I750.
THOUG \'\ I have mifled two pofts, yet the only caufe
of my not writing was a fear of being troublcfome, and
too particular and prolix in the accounts fent your Ladyfliip
jn my lafl: letters. Your Ladyfhip's kind letter this afternoon,
together with the inclofcd, which I received yefterday, give
fne freih occaflon to renew that pleafing employ of acquaint-
ing your Ladyftiip with fome more particulars. Every day wc
have new hearers, and I find fome or another are almoft con-
tinually brought under convictions, or are edified at the taber-
nacle. I have offered Mr. JV to aflift occafionally at his
chapel, and I don*t know but it may be accepted. Your
Ladvfhip will hear Toon. O that I may learn from all I fee,
to defire to be nothing I and to think it my highefc privilege
td be an afliftant to all, but the head of none. I find a love
of power fometimes intoxicates even GoD*s own dear chil-
dren, and makes them to miftake paffion for zeal, and an
ctver-bearing fpirit for an authority given them from above.
For my own part, I find it much eafier to obey than govern,
a«d that it is much fafer to be trodden under foot, than to.
have it in one's power to ferve others fo. This makes me
fly from that, which at our firfi: fetting out we are too apt to
court. Thanks be to the Lord of all Lord's for taking any
pains with ill and hell deferving me f I cannot well buy hu-
mility at too dear a rate. This is a grace after which your
I-adyihip pants, and with which our Lord will delight to
Jill you more and more. Your Ladyfhip's letter convinces
me, that thofe who know and do moft, think they know and
do leafl. If it were not fo, grace itfelf would prove our bane,
^nd goodnefs and zeal, through the pride and corruption of
our hearts, be our dellroyers.. Honoured Madam, my hands
and heart are continually lifted up for you, that you may
abound everrnore in every good word and work, and be
cloathcd with that humili-ty which your Ladyfiiip delights
to v/ear every day j I mean that humble mind which v/as in
C>UR.IST Jesus. I rejoice exceedingly in the comfort which
your Ladyfhip has in Mr. B . I fhall take care to cul-
tivate our acquaintance, and earneflly pray that it may be
blefTed to our mutual improvement. I trufl he will be a
good foldicr of Jiisus Ckrist, and doubt not ere long I fliall
hear of his receiving fome wounds and fears of honour in the
field of battle. After I left Mr. Z , by appointment I
went to Mrs. K— — , to whoni with the Countefs, Lady
G , Mr. C , and one Mrs. B , I gave the blcfTed
(acrament, and afterwards a v/ord of exhortation. Our Lord
was there, and your Ladyfnip is^c. were remembered before
Jaim. On Tucfday next the bleilcd feall is to be repeated at
•^" the
L E 'T T E R S. 317
the Countefs's houfe, and on JVednefday^ God willing, I fhall
leave town for about five weeks. All I. think are as hearty
as ever, and I truft fome will take deep root downwards, and
bear fruit upwards.- His Majefty feems to have been ac-
quainted with fome things about us, by what palled in his
difcourfe with Lady Chcjhrfield, The particulars are thefe ;
her Ladyfliip had a fuit of cloaths on, with a brown ground
and filver flowers, which was brought from abroad. His Ma-
jefty coming round to her, lirft: fmiled and then laughed quite
out. Her Ladyfhip could not imagine what was the ma.ter.
At length his Majefty faid, " 1 knov/ whochofe thai )^^q>^\\ for
you : — Mr. WhiUJield\ and I hear that you have attended oa
him this year and half," Her Ladyfliip anfwered, " Yes I have,
and like him very well ;" but after ftie came to her chair, was
grieved ftie had not faid more ; fo that I fmd her Ladyihip is
not aftiamed. O that flie and all that have heard the gof-
pel, may have grace given them to fpeak of their dear Rcdeerr^-
er, even before kings, when called to it, and not be daunt-
ed ! I have alfo been with the Speaker about the poor people in
Ireland. Mr. G introduced me, and opened the matter
well. His honour exprefled a great regard for your Ladyfhip,
and great refentment at the indignities the poor fufferers
underwent ; but faid, " Lord H — — • or the fecretary of ftate,
were the propereft perfons to be applied to, and he did not
doubt but that your Ladyfhlp's application would get their
grievances redrefled." I wiftied for a memorial to acquaint
him with particulars. He treated me with great candour, and
afl'ured me no hurt was defigned us by the ftate. Mr. G — —
was quite hearty, and has the utmoft refpe^t for your Lady-
fhip. To-morrow I am to preach at Mr. JV- 's chapel,
and I fuppofe on Sunday alfo. O that I may be a frced-man,
and ready to help all that preach and love the Lord Jesus
in fincenty 1 I blefs God for Mr. B , and am exceed-
ingly obliged to good Lady A . I am afliamed of the
length of this, but as it is on bufmcfs, your Ladyfhip will
€xcufe, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged, ready fervant,
G\ IV.
3is letters;
To Mr, L .
Very dear Sir ^ London^ Jan. i8, 1750.
LAST Monday I waited upon the Speaker of the Houie of"
Commons, with one Mr^ G , a dlflfenting minifter^
who opened our poor fufferlng brethren's cafe in a proper man-
ner. — The Speaker exprefled great refentment upon hearing of
the indignities they had met v/ith, and faid, that if it did pro-
perly belong to him, he would make a thorough fearch into the
affair. But he wondered application had not been made to
Lord H , who was the King's reprefentative in Ireland.
He at the fame time wanted to be informed of more parti-
culars. For want of a memorial, I coiild only fhew him
the contents of your letter. Two things therefore feem ne-
cefTary. Be pleafed to fend a well-attefted narrative of the
whole affair, and wait upon Lord H— — yourfelf. A friend
of mine intends writing to Lord Baron B * Is he in
Dublin ? As foon as ever I hear from you, more may be done.
In the mean while, the dear fouls have my conftant prayers,^
and fhall have my utmoft endeavours to ferve them. I count
their fufferings my own. Pray let me hear how they do.
We have great peace here. The blefled Jesus manifefts him-
felf among us, and you know that his prefence is all in all.
Hearty Amcns are given, when our friends are mentioned m
prayer at tabernacle. To-morrow I am to preach at Mr.
jj/ 's chapel. O that it may be for the Redeemer's glory
and his people's good ! I am a debtor to the Greek and to the
Barbarian^ to the wife and to the unwife, and think it my
highcft privilege to preach Christ and him crucified to all.
I knov;^ you wifh me profperity. Strange ! that the love of
Jesus fhouM unite hearts at fuch a diflance, perfons who ne-
ver converfcd with each other. But thus it is. BlefTed be
God, we belong to one family, are travelling to one coun-
try, are redeemed by the fame blood, and are heirs of the fame
glory. O glorious profpe<it ! How happy are all they that put
their truft in the Lord Jesus ! I commend you and yours to
his everlafting mercy, and am, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft affedionately in our Great High Prieft,
G. IV.
ro Mr, H .
My very dear Mr. H-
London^ Jan. 18, 175O.
A Few days ago 1 received your welcome letter dated A^^-
vember i, at a time I was wondering that I did not hear
oftener from you. Blefled be God for dealing fo favourably
with my dear families, and for giving the profpect of fuch a
plentiful crop ! I take it as an earneft that the Lord Jesus
will be the Lord God of Bethejda, and let the world fee
that defigns founded on him (hall profper. I fhall not wonder
to hear by and by that you are P 1. O that you and 1,
my dear man, may be cloathed with humility, and the more
we are exalted by others, the more may we be abafed in
our own eyes ! Then will the high and lofty One delight to
dwell in us, and profperity itfelf, that dangerous thing, {hall
not deftroy us. O that fomething may now be done for the
poor negroes, A good beginning now is of vaft confequence.
Pray ftir in it, and let us exert our utmofl efforts in ftriving
to bring fome of them to the knowledge of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. Mr. Z — ■ — will readily concur in
any proper meafures for promoting fo blefled a work. I fent
him a copy of your letter, and the original to good Lady
H . This night I have agreed to take little Jofeph and
his fifter. Mr. H A hath been with me, and I find
he is defirous, as are all their relations, that I fhould take
them, for they will be but poorly provided for here. I think,
they have a kind of natural right to be maintained at Bethefday
and I have written to Mr. B — ^ — about it. I fuppofe in your
next, you will acquaint me with particulars concerning therr
father, and how he hath left his affairs. I hear there is a very
little infaat, befides the other two. I would willingly have
that likewife, if it could be kept till it is about three years old,
I hope to grow rich in h-eaven, by taking care of orphans on
earth. Any other riches, blefled be God, are out of my VitWi
If the crop anfwers expectation, I would have Mrs. V-^-^
and the other poor of Savannah reap the benefit. Pray let
one barrrel of rice be referved for them. O what cannot,
and what will not God do, if we put our truft in him ! O
for faith ! O For humility ! May I learn of Jesus more and
more ! He deals bountifully with us here. We have had a
blefled Winter indeed ! — I am pretty well in health, but my
•Wife at prefent is ill. We falute you and yours, and all
friends, and wifiiing you the beft of bleflings, I fubfcribe my-
felf, my very dear Friend,
Yours moft aftedlionately in our deareft Lord,
G. IF.
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madamy London^ Jan. 23, 1750*
THOUGH I am wearied in walking to and from Souths
Audley-J}reety yet I muft not omit fending to your La-
dyfhip this night. I would have written on Saturday^ but I
waited to fee the event of things. On Friday I preached at
the chapel to a very crowded and affe6led auditory ; Mr.
.JV- read prayers. On Sunday I read prayers, and he
preached, and afterwards the facrament was adminiftred to a-
-bout twelve hundred. More attended at the tabernacle than
ever. Was it as big again, I believe on Sunday evenings it
-would be fiHed. This day hath been fpent with the Countefs,
Mrs. K , Lady G , Colonel G , Mr. H , and
Mr. G . I gave them the communion, and afterwards
preached. The public minifter from Genoa came to hear me, and
I believe it was a profitable feafon. Lady F , I hear, holds
on, and writes word to the Countefs, that fhe wifhes all were
as happy as fhe hath been in reading Bifhop Hallos contem-
plations. Since I came home, I have received the inclofed pa-
ragraph that was fent to a friend from Poj'tfaiouth. O that it
•may humble and quicken me ! Surely ranging is my province,
Methinks I hear a voice behind me faying, " This is the way,
walk in it." My heart echoes back, " Lord, let thy prefence
.go along with me, and then fend me where thou pleafeflj^
Even fo Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen ! Q that I had
^rength equal to my Will. But indeed^ honoured Madam,
this body is a daily trial to me. Sometiines I can fcarce dra^
the crazy load along. At prefent, I am too fatigued to en-
large. However, 1 would inform your Ladyfhip, that I do
not leave town till Tuefday next. My wife hath been confin-
ed to her bed fome days, but is now, blcffed be God, upon
tlw recovery. God willing, I hope to write to Mr. B — — •
and the poor baker foon. If your Ladyfhip wants any more
books to difpole of, I hope your Ladyfhip will mention it in
your next. Your Ladyfhip, Lady Ann^ 5cc. were remember-
ed heartily to-day. May the prayer enter into the ears of the
Lord of Sabaoth ! I believe it will. I can only now com-
mend your Ladyfliip and honoured relations to the God of all
grace, and haften to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft obliged and very
chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF.
To Mr. H
London, Jan. 26, 1750.
My dinr Mr. H ,
I Wrote to you not long ago, but that Is no reafon why I
fhould not drop you a iQ\w lines now. I hope they will
find you and your dear yoke-fellow rcfigned to the difpenfa-
tions of providence, and chearfully faying, " It is well." I
write thus, becaufe Mr. H informed me in his laft, that
eld Madam JF — '■— was like to die. If fne is yet alive, you
will prefent to her my fincere love and fervice. I am endea-
vouring to prepare for my great change every day, by looking
^up to Jesus, and fpending and being fpent for the good of
thofe fouls for whom he fhed his precious blood, (jlory be
to his great name, my labour is not in vain in the Lord.
My work increafes on my hands, and the profpetft of being
ferviceablc widens continually more and more. I beg the con-
tinuance of your prayers, and afl'ure you that mine, fuch as they
are, always attend you and yours and all my dear Carolina
friends. O that the Indian land may become indeed wholly
Vc.i. 11. X chriflian
322 LETT E R S.
cbriftiaii land ! Is there any thing too hard for the Lord? — -
Ere long 1 hope to come and fow a little feed in your ground.
May the Lord Jesus make my way plain before me! The
bearer of this is named G ; he once preached, hut has
(fome time paft) greatly backflidden. To favc him fram ruin 1
have taken him in, and have now fent him to America. If he
keeps clofe to God and his book, he may yet do well. If not
— he has good parts, and is of a good family. You will take
no notice of what I write concerning him. I write to you as
a friend. 1 mention it, that if he fhould turn out wrong, as I
pray God he may not, you may fee I was not deceived. I
hope you vifit Bethef'la\, which I truft will be yet brought to
fomething. May the Lord haftcn the time, when we (hall
arrive at the Betbefda that is above, even that houfe not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens ! I can now add no more,
but my mofl: cordial falutations to you, yours, and all, and
fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Yours mod affectionately in our comm.on Lord,
G. //;
To Mr. L .
Very dear Sir y LcndQn^^Jiin.2']y 175O.
I Received your kind letter, and am glad to find the ftorm
is a little abated at Cork. I always thought it was too hoc
to hold long. I fee by Mr. H — — that fuffering grace is al-
Vv'ays given for fuffering times. If they have honoured him fo
far as to give him fome lafhes, for preaching the everlafting
gofpel, I fliall rejoice. Such an iriftance ofperfccution, I am
perfuadcd will ftir up the refentment of petfons in power on
this fide the water. I beg for the dear people's fake; you
would continue your accounts. They direct me in my pray-
ers, and excite alfo the prayers of others. On Monday^ God
\villing, your letter fnall be read, and in the ftrength of Jesus
Christ, wc will befiegc the throne of grace once more, in our
dear brethrens behalf. Surely wc fhall prevail. Neither will
\ flop, but ufc all endeavours to extricate our friends our of
their tro ibles. IncloP-d you hiwe a letter to the Judge. You
may lend or deliver it iii> you ihink proper. J hope you will
6 'Wait
wait on Lord H , and let me hear what he fays. The
Duke was Ipoke to, and laft poll I v/rote to Lady H for
the memorial, which if fent, fhall be put into the hands of
fome that are very near his Majefty, Some honourable wortien
are much your friends ; Jesus make? them fo, and when his
people arediftreflcd, if needful, a thoufand Ejihers fhall be raifed
up. What are all thefe mountains in the fight of our great
Zcruhahel? Let him but fpeak the word, and they fliall become
a plain. I am glad my dear Mr. L 's hopes bei^in to
brighten. O for faith to look through every cloud! Ere long
the fun of righteoufnefs will fliine upon us, and not one cloud
be feen to intercept his bleffed rays. I trull I can fay, that
we have lately felt many of his benign influences warmino- our
fouls, and the profpe£l; of future ufefulnefs incrcafcs daily. O
for humility I O for gratitude and love ! I have now preached
three times in Mr. W — ^-'s chapel, and each time the Lord
was with us of a truth. Next week I leave town for about
five weeks, but if you write, your letters will be fent to me.
In the fpring, I am apt to believe the cloud will move towards
Ireland; but future things belong to him, before whom things
paft, prefent, and to come, are one eternal Now. Mr. C .
is much obliged to you for your kindnefs to his friend. He
writes word, that you are a father to him. The Lord will
reward you for all your works of faith, and labours which pro-
ceed from love. Perhaps it may do no harm, to let fome know
that application has been made, and is making to feveral in
power here, and that they all exprefs great refentment at the
Cork proceedings. I find their afflitSlions are my own, and I
pray God when they have gotten refi, they may not grow
lukewarm, but like the churches of old, walk in the comforts
of the Holy Ghoft and be edified. O for that reft which re-
mains for the people of God ! It is juft at hand. We have
a bleffed foretafte of it here : We (hall have a full fruition in
the Redeemer's kingdom hereafter. I wait for thy falvation,
O Lord ! I can now only add my moft cordial falutations,
and beg the continuance of your prayers for, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedlionately in our blefled I AM,
G. W.
ro Mr. r — .
Dear Tcmfny^ Gloucejier^ Feb. 6. 175O.
THOUGH I left London in a very weak condition, and
the weather was but bad in coming down, yet the Angel
of the everlafting covenant preferved and ftrengthened me, and
I came to Gloucefter laft Friday evening. On Saturday evening
I preached, and likewife on Sunday evening, and twice the
fame day in the country, — at the houfe, and at Hampton,
Hundreds attended that could not come in ; and at Hampton
all was ftill and quiet. I like that place very well. Yefterday
morning I preached at Mr. Fowler's^ and our Lord gave us a
blefled feafon from thofe words, " I am the bread of life."
On Wednejday I am to preach at the New-houfe^ and on Thurf-
day at Mr. Fowler's again. From thence I think to go once
more to Hampton^ but am not yet determined. More come
here than can enter, and fome young fellows behave rudely \
but that is no wonder ; the carnal mind is enmity with God.
C was rejoiced much with the guinea. How thankful
are fome only with the crumbs that fall from others tables !
Blefied be GoD, our branch of work is a poor branch ; but if
we are honeft and difinterefted, dead to parties, and aiming
only at the Redeemer's glory, and the good of fouls, the Lord
will appear for us in a manner that fliall even make his chil-
dren aftoniflied. I never was eaficr about his work than now.
I fee e\ery thing in's hands, and therefore every
thing muR- end well. Go on then, my dear Sir, and let us be
all heart. Remember me to your wife and all enquiring
friends ; and ceafe not praying for, my dear Sir,
Yours moll afredlionately in our common Lord,
G, IV.
^Q Colonel G ,
My viry dear C -, Fd, 8, 1750,
"VT'OUR kind letter leachcd me this day, jud as I came out
•*- of the country from preaching the everlafting gofpd,
and where the blellcd Rtdeemer was pleafed to vifit and
4 greatly
greatly refrcfli his people. Lafi: Monday wc had a h'kc fenfl: ;
and in this place the word has been attended with an alarming
and quickening power. Contrary to my intentions, I have
been prevailed on to ftay all this week ; fo that I do not ex-
pet5l to be at Brljlol till Monday or Tuefday next. A letter, if
you are pleafed to favour me with another, mr.y find me there
next week. I am forry to hear you are ill of an ague ; but
this, and every thing we m.ect with here, is only to {hake and
free us of our corruptions, and to fit us more and more for a
blefied hereafter. As long as we are below, if we have not
one thing to exercife us, wc fhall have another. Our trials
will not be removed, but only changed. Sometimes troubles
come from without, fometimes from within, and fometimts
from both together. — Sometimes profefied enemies, and fome-
times neareft and deareft friends, are fuftered to attack us. But
Christ is ihQ h^Wcy tx's hollow fquare ; and if we keep clofe
in that, we are impregnable. Here only I find my refuge,
Garrifoned in this, I can bid defiance to men and devils. Let
who will thwart, defert, or over-reach, whilff I am in this
flrong-hold, all their efForts, joined with the prince of dark-
nefs, to difturb or moleft me, are only like the throwing chaff
againft a brafs wall. O my dear Sir, what did I experience
on the road this day ! How did I rejoice at the profpedt of a
judgment to come, ^nd in the fettled convidlion, that, to the
beft of my knowledge, I have no defigns, no view?, but to
fpend and be fpent for the good of precious and immortal fouls.
O that 1 may be content to be poor, to make others rich !
that I may never be fuffered to feek my own things, but
the things of the Lord Jesus I His hand, without adding
our carnal policy to it, will fupport his own caufe, and make
it more than conqueror over all. When fleflily wifdom, car-
nal reafon, or cunning Is made ufe of, what is it, but,
like Uzza, to give a wrong touch to God's ark, and in the
end provoke God to finite us ? I love you, dear Sir, bccaufe
1 hope and believe you have a tendernefs for all that belong ta
Jesus. I pray Gon to increafc this fpifit in you. For what
we lofe of this, fo much we lofe of heaven, and fo far are we
deftitute of the mind that wa^ and is in Jesus, A bigotted,
feclarian, party fpirit cometh not from above, but is fcnfual,
earthlyj^ devili(h. Many of God's children are infc6icd with
X 3 '^'
it ; but then they are fick of a bad diftemper. May the Spirit
of God convince and cure them ! But whither am I run-
nino- ? Excufe, dear Sir, the overflov.'ings of a heart, at pre-
ient, I hope, filled with the love of God. It is free, unme-
rited, diftinguifliing, infinite love, or it would never flow into
iny unf^rateful foul. As our Lord enables, 1 fhall remember
all you defirc. The King and his family I always remember
in the moft explicit manner. I hope you will fucceed for
Miles ^ and for the poor fufFcrers in Ir eland Learn of EJlher^
and <T0 in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Your relations
are in the fame condition as mine. Are we not as brands
plucked out of the burning ? Free grace ! free grace ! I hope
to fpcnd an eternity with you in praifing the Lord of all
lords for it. You will remember me to all, chiefly to the
friend of all. You know my name, *' The chief of fmnersj"
but fur Christ's fake, very dear Sir,
Your moft obliged, afFc6i:ionatc friend,
and very cbearful fervant,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Brifol, Feb. 12, 1750.
WITH great pleafure (on my coming to Brijlol laft
night) I heard of your Ladyfhip's recovery from
your late indifpofition. May the Lord of all lords perfedt
the begun blefling, and give you to live many years to be an
ornament to his church, and a ble/Ting to his people. Since I
wrote laft, we have been favour'd both in Gloucejler city, and
in the country, with very pleafant and delightful feafons, I
have preached about twenty times within thefe eight or nine
days \ and though frequently expofed to rain and hail, thanks
bj to the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus, am much better than
when I left London, I hear that they go on well in London -,
and if we can be helped to keep a fingle eye, I am perfuaded
in the end we fliall fee greater things than ever. Every thing
I meet with feems to carry this voice with it, " Go thou and
preach the gofpel ; be a pilgrim, be a ftranger here on earth ;
have no party, or certain dwelling-place 3 but be continually
preparing for, and labouring to prcpart^ others for, a houie
not made v.ith hands, eternal in the heavfms." Mv lic;irt at
prcfcnt echoes back, " Lord Jesus, help me to do or iuffcr
thy will : only let me be kept by thy mighty power, and
when thou fecfl: me in danger ot" neftling, in pirj-, tendereft
pity, put a thorn in my neii: to preferve me from it." Hitherto
he has in mercy anfwered my prayer j and though fomerimes
painful to the flefh, I thank him for it with my inmoft Spiiit,
But furely no one's heart requires fo much- pains to be takerl
with it, as doth mine. Sarprizing, that the friend of Tinners
fhould yet regard me! I muft flill cry, " Grace! grace!'*
At prefent, honoured Madam, I am lofl in wonder. May
the Lord Jesus be with your fpirit, and with the fpirit of
your honoured fifters, whom I always remeirjber. I doubt
not but they were much concerned at your Ladyfhip's illnefs.
May they long live with you, to be fellow-helpers of each
others faith, and to fliine as lights in the world ! I hope the
work goes on at JJhby. How matters go on here, your Lady-
fhip fhall know hereafter. I purpofe continuing at Brijhl
till Monday next. I believe my brother thinks it bed to have
your little orphan-boy as foon as polFible. May the bleflino^
of many ready to perifh defcend on your Ladyfliip ! I muft
now add no more, but my moft dutiful refpects, and my fui-
cere acknowledgements of being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mofl: dutiful and ready fervant,
To Mr, W- . "i >^»eel Ptk, .
My dear Mr. iF , Brljlol^ Feb. 15, 1750.
WHAT fhall I fay ? Really I can fcarce tell what to
fay, becaufe I have been fo long filcnt to my dear
New-E)2gla7id friends. But indeed were they to know my
circumftances, they would pity me ; for my hands have been
continually fo full of work, and my removes from place
to place fo frequent, that I often had fcarce time to eat
bread. However, I muft now break through all reftraints,
and fnatch a few moments to inform my dear Mr. JV -,
that 1 can fet up my Ebenezer^ and fay, " Hitherto hath my
X 4 God
God helped me." Words cannot well exprefs how bountifully
he has been pleafed to deal with me. The profpeit of doings
eood in my native country, is more and more promifing
every day. Laft fall, the Lord of the harveft was pleafed to
give us a moft delightful feed-time in many places in the
JSfoyth of England ; — -in Lancajh'ire^ Chcjhire^ Torkjhire^ Notting-
ham^ Newcajlk^ Sic, the word of the Lord ran and was glo-
rined, and I hear of fruit remaining in every place. At Lon-
don this Winter, the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle,
&nd fuiCe I have been in the country, we have had delightful
feafons. I am now going IVeJlward^ and in about two months
time purpofe going to Scotland and Ireland^ and then fliall em-
bark for my de2ir Jfjzerica once more. My "health is much
reftoreJ to me,- and I only want an humble and thankful heart.
O my dear friend, what cannot God do ? Ought I not to
fpcnd and be fpcnt for the good of fouls ? Ought I not to be
ahvays upon the full ftretch for Him, who was ftretched upon
the accurfed tree forme ? Yes, the Lord being my helper, I
will now begin to be in earneft. And O that I may hear that
a prayer-hearing God has revived his work in dear New-Eng-
land! You muft let this fervc as an hiftorical letter, to be
read to my dear friends. I would write to many, but indeed
I have not time. I long as much to fee them, as they can do
to fee me. I begin to count the days, and to fay to the
months, " Fly faft away, that I may once more fprcad the
gofpel net in dear Amcric^^ But my time and feafons are in
thy hands, O Lord 5 do with me as feemeth good in thy fij^ht,
only let me love thee, and continue faithful unto death ! You
will remember me to my honoured friends and brethren in the
miniftry, and to all others as they come in your way. That
grace, mercy, and peace may be multiplied upon you all, is
ih^ hearty prayer of, very dear Sir, '
Yours moft afFcJlionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Brijiol^ Fch, 17, 1750.
BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who, in mercy to his church and people, is
pleafed yet to hold your foul in life, and make your Ladyfhip
inftrumental in plucking fmners as brands out of the burning.
All thefe things I look upon only as the earnefts of good
things to come. Goodnefs and mercy will follow your Lady-
fhip all the days of your life, and you lliall dwell in the houfe
of the Lord for ever. Lady Anns fudden fhock proves that
the old obfervation is true, " Seldom one affiiclion comes
alone." I rejoice to hear that her Ladyfhip is recovered, and
pray the Lord of all lords fo to fanclify it to her Ladyfhip'g
better part, that fhe may be ready at a moment's warning to go
forth and meet the heavenly bridegroom. O to be always ready !
to have nothing to do, but to die ! Surely the Redeemer hath
purchafed this bleiling for us. Doth not your Ladyfliip find
it difficult to be refigned to live, and to continue fo long ab-
fent from the Lord ? But there is one confideration which
may make life defirable to the greateft faint on earth ; he
may here do and fuiFer for JesOs, and callfinners to him 5
but in heaven all this will be over. Come life then, come
death, Jesus may thy will be done in, b}', and upon thy peo-
ple ! I know your Ladyfhip's heart echoes back. Amen.
But what fliall I fay to the oppofition arifmg at JJ}:hy ? I trufl
it is a fign that good has already been done, and that more is
ftill doing. The Searcher of hearts knows how highly I va-
lue your Ladyfhip's letters ; yet I think it honour enough to
have leave to write to your Ladyfhip, without expeding punc-
tual anfwers. O that I may gladden your Ladyfhip's heart'
with glad tidings from the Weji ! I believe I fliall. I have'
been much helped in preaching here, and have heard of two
that were thoroughly awakened when I was here lafL Mr,
H , I think, does not lofe ground. 7'he perfons that
feem calculated to do him fervice, muft be fuch as have a
knowledge of themfelves, of the world, and of God, whofe
practice prove* their eye to be fmgle, jwid their mirids difinte-
refte<l, and who have gone feveral flages before him to heaven.
Thefc vi^ould command refpecl from him j thefe he would
hear, and to their judgment he would pay a great deference.
The Captain, blefled be God, begins to be weary of his fine
houfe ; and 1 hope will be fo uneafy in every worldly flate,
as to find no reft for the foles of his feet. May the glorious
Jesus reach out the hand of his mercy, take him into the
ark, and fliut the door faft upon him I But I forget that your
Ladyfliip is yet confined to your room. May the Lord Jesus
make it a Bethel^ a houfe of God, and a gate of heaven to
your foul I H-' will, he will. I hear that the Tabernacle
people are blcfl'ed in London. I am quite eafy about tijat, and
every other public concern, and defire nothmg but to approve
myfslf upright and difinterefted in the fight of God and man.
I hope your Ladyfliip will never find any thing to tae contrary
in, honoured Madam,
Yours, &c.
G. TV.
To Mr. J B .
My dear Mr. B , Exon^ Feb. 22, 1750.
I Received your kind letter a few days ago at Brijiol^ and
embrace this firft opportunity of anfwering it. In London
I was fo continually bufied with a multiplicity of avocations,
that I could not poffibly write to you from thence. However,
it has pleafed him, whofe mercy endureth for ever, to give me
and his dear people a very pleafant and warm Winter ; and I
truft much real good hath been done to precious and immortal
fouls. Juft before I left town, I preached four 01 five times
in Mr. ly 's chapel, and adminiftred the facrament twice
or thrice. Congregations were very large, and the Redeemer
caufed much of his glory to pafs before us. At Brifiol^ and
in Gloiiccjlerjhire., vje have had delightful feafons. At the for-
mer I faw and dined with Mr. C IF y, who talked
about my preaching in their new room. I faid but little, hav-
ing, as the Searcher of hearts knows, to the beft of my know-
ledge, no view to head or gather a party, but only to preach
Christ crucific(Jto all.. In this I am blelTed, in this I find
unfpeakable freedom, and to this, the nccefiity I lie under of
labouring on both fides the water, evidently calls mc. I am
now going JVcJlixard. Some time in April I purpofe, GoD
willing, to vifit yo''^i' P^^ts again in my way to Scotland^ and
then we can talk over many things. I think it is high time
that all rcafonings pro and con about what is paft, fluould
be buried in utter oblivion. But I fear However, this
is my comfort — " The Lord reigneth." Our bufmcfs is
to be guilelefs, and to go forwards, looking continually to
that Jesus, in whofe caufe vv'c are embarked. He will
order all things well. I cannot do any thing at prcfcnt
for TF D . I tried my utmoft for Mr. C . If
he turns out bad, woe be to him, after fuch providential in-
tcrpofitions. I have no intimate correfpondence with Mr.
S , but hear by Mr. B , that he is bleft in the parts
round about him. I fee that he and all young preachers need
the Apoftle's caution, to " Take heed, left being puffed up
with pride, they fall into the condemnation of the devil." —
And this I know, that no one will ftand long in this work,
unlefs he is difmterefted, and looks for nothing but poverty,
difgrace, and death. Whofoever is willing thus to lofe his
life fhall find it ; and, on the contrary, whofoever by finifter
ends or pradices feeks to fave his life, the fame (mark the end)
fhall lofe it. For the prefent adieu ! The Lord be with you
and yours ! Be pleafed to remember me to all as they come in
your way. DirciSl as ufual ; and ceafe not to pray for, dear
Yours, &c.
G. TV,
To Mrs. G .
Dear Madam, Exon, Feb. 22, 175c.
I Rejoice to hear by your laft kind letter, that the feed fown
at Manchejler begins to fpring up. More efpccially, I
defire to be thankful, that you have grace given you, Madam,
to confefs the Lord Jesus and his gofpel before men. A
blefTed earneft this, of your being confefTed by him before his
Father and the holy angels in the kingdom of heaven. The
inward peace and fatisfadtion you enjoy by fo doing, I am per-
fuaded far furpalTos all )'oii ever enjoyed, or could pofTibly en-
joy in the polite world. With what unfpeakable comfort can
you now fing,
Be gone, vain worlds my heart refign^
For I muji be no longer thine ;
A nobler^ a diviner guejl.
Now claims pojjljfion of my breajl.
And if the beginning of the divine life be fo fweet, what muft
the end be, when this mortal puts on immortality, and the
foul rifes to all the fulnefs of God. BlelTed be God, vi'ho
has given you to choofe that better part, that Tnall never be
taken from you ! What have you to do now, but daily to fit
at the dear Redeemer's feet and hear his word ; 1 mean, fearch
the fcriptures, which teftify of him : and for His great name's
fake, let your remaining life be one continued facrifice of love
to God and man. This is true faith, even a faith that works
by love, and overcomes this wicked world. Well may it be
ftiled precious faith. It is precious in itfelf, and precious in its
fruits. It lays hold on, and unites to ChrIvST, and carries out
the foul day by day after a nearer conformity to him. It goes
on from ftrength to ftrcngth, and conduiSls the foul at length
to the perfect and uninterrupted vifion of the ever-blefied
God. Methinks I hear you fay, " Lord, evermore give me
this faith." Ke v/ill. Madam, he v^ill : for he giveth liberally,
and upbraidcth not. Be not afraid of afking too much. Lay
your foundation deep in the knowledge of yourfelf, and yb»
cannot build too high. O that the worthy Captain may bear
you company to heaven ! I truft he will. Perhaps fome time
in the Spring, I may have the pleafurc of v^aiting upon you.
I am now in the Wejl^ and have had blefied feafons m my w^ay
hither. Good Lady H n hath been ill, but is recover-
ing. There hath been an awakening at AJhby \ but oppofition
begins to Ihew itfelf in thefe parts by the inftru mentality of a
diffenting minifter. That the number may daily increafe
among you, and that you and yours may be watered every nao-
ment, is the hearty prayer of, Madam,
Your moft obliged and ready fervant; for Christ's fake,
i, E T T E 5.
To Lady H .
Honoured Madam ^ Plymouth, Feb, 2^^ 1750.
THE day after I wrote to your Ladyfhip my laft letter, I
preached three times, once at Kingfwood, and twice at
Brlftol. In the evening I flood at Smithes hall window and
preached. It was a blefTed day. The next morning our af-
cended Saviour gave me much of his prefence, and I came
on my way rejoicing. At Taunton I met with Mr. Pear/ally
a Diflenting minifter, a preacher of righteoufnefs before I was
born. At IVeUingion I lay at the houfe of one Mr. Darracott^
a flaming fuccefsful preacher of the gofpel, and who, I think,
may juftly be fliled (what Mr. H'leron was feme years ago)
the ftar in the Wejl, He hath fuffered much reproach ; the
common lot of all that are owned in the Lord's vineyard :
and in the fpace of three months, he hath loft three lovely-
children. Two of them died the Saturday evening before the
facrament was to be adminiftred j but weeping did not hinder
fowing. He preached the next day, and adminiftered as ufuaL
Our Lord ftrengthened him ; and for his three natural, hath
given him above thirty fpiritual children : and he is in a likely
way of having many more. He has ventured his little all for
Christ ; and laft week a faint died v/ho left him and his
heirs two hundred pounds in land. Did ever any one truft in
the Lord and was forfaken ? At his place I began to take
the field for this Spring. At a very fhort warning, a multitude
of fouls aflemblcd, and the bread of life, that cometh down
from heaven, was difpenfed amongft them. The following
evening I preached at Exeter, v;here there is a little flock, and
laft night and this morning I have preached here : I humbly
hope to the comfort of many. 7'his afternoon, God willing,
I am to take the field again. What fuccefs I meet with here,
and in Cornwall^ your Ladvfliip fliall know by another oppor-
tunity. I am now v/aiting for a letter from Mr. B , which
I hope will bring me the Vvifh'd-for news of the confirmation
of your Ladyfhip's health. This is what I continually pray for
from my inmoft foul. I am forry to inform your Ladyfhip (if
it has not reached you before) that Mr. A of London is
dead. I think he was one of the moft lively, and like to have
been the moft fuccefsful Dill'enting preacher in that great city :
but our Lord orders all things well. 7'hc rcfidue of the Spirit
is in his hands. Blefled Redeemer, quicken my tardy pace, and
make nie alfo ready ! Good Lady Ann I hope is now perfectly
recovered. But why do 1 talk of a perfect recovery in this
dying life ? Then only (hall we be perfectly recovered, when
we awake in the morning of the refurre6tion after our Re-
deemer's likenefs ; then, and not till then, will my poor foul
be fully fatisfied ; then, and not till then, will your Ladyftiip
fully know how much the temporal and eternal welfare of
yourLadyfhip is defired and prayed for by, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyftiip's moft humble, dutiful,
and ready fervant for's fake,
To the Rev. Mr. H .
Reverend and dear Sir, Plymouth, Feb. 2^, I75<^-
YOUR letters always fill me with fympathy. Your laft
I have juft been reading j and in reading breathed out
this ejaculation, " Lord, when will the days of his mourning
be ended." Surely you are not always thus to ftick faft in the
mire and clay. Certainly the time Vv^ill come, when the dear
Redeemer will put your feet upon a rock, and a fong into
your mouth, and order your going for the promoting his glory
and his people's good. Satan hath indeed defired to have you,
that he may fift you as wheat ; but Christ, a fympathizing,
companionate high-prieft, prays for you, and your faith (liall
not fail. Look up then, my dear iVIr. H -, you fiiall
find grace to help in time of need.
Leave to his f over eign f way
To choofe and to command ;
So J})alt thou wondering czvn his way^
How wife^ howjhsng his hand.
Far, far above thy thoughts.
His cgunjel Jhall appear.
When fully he the zuork huth wrought^
That caus'd thy needhfs fear.
This is the advice I give you. I know^ you w\\\ pray that
I may take it myfclf. For I find, that fufficient for every day
is the evil thereof. But the Lord caufes mc to renew my
ftrength, and blcflcd be his name, enables me to go on my
way rejoicing. In London we have had a blcflcd Winter. In
the country we have feen a Spring time. Hither I came lafl:
niglit, and have preached twice fince my coming. Thus I
live a moving life. O that I may be a pilgrim indeed, and
defire no continuing city till I come to the New Jerufikmy
which is above, and the mother of us all. There, all that are
born of God, whether Myjikks^ Calvinijis^ &c. (hall join in
one common fong, even the fong of MoJ'es and of the Lamb.
Your hymn, for which I thank you, is a preparative for this.
J fcnt It to good Lady H n, who has been ill, but is
now, I hope, recovered. Pray write to me often. Sorrows
grow \Qk^ and joys greater, by being communicated. Load
me as much as you will with all your grievances, and I will
lay them before Him, who came to bear our fickneiTes, and
heal our infirmities. Pray what is become of Mr. S ?
Will he preach, new he is fure of fomething in hand ? But
alas ! the difeafe is in the heart. When the love of God
reigns there, then and not till then will the love and fear of
the world flee away. Blefied freedom, wherewith Jesus
Christ makes his fervants free ! Remember me when at his
footltool, and write long and often to, reverend and dear Sir,
Your's, ^'c.
To Mr. F .
My dear Mr. F , Plymouih, Feb. 26, 1750.
EVER fince I received your laft kind letter, I have been
endeavouring to redeem fomc time to anfwcr it, but till
now have not had opportunity. Indeed even now a multipli-
city of bufinefs obliges me to be much more brief than c^her-
wif'e I Ihould. However, I cannot help informing you, that I
am glad that the gentlemen of Philadelphia are exerting their
efforts to creel an academy. I have often thought fuch an in--
ftitution was wanted exceedingly ^ and if well- conduced, am
peiluadcJ it will be of public fcrvicc. Your plan I have read
over, and do not wonder at its meeting with general approba-
tion. It is certainly well calculated to promote polite litera-
ture ; but 1 think there wants ailquid Chrijii in it, to make it
io uieful as 1 would defire it might be. It is true, you fay,
*' The youth are to be taught fome public religion, and the
*' excellency of the chriftian religion in particular ;'* but me-
thinks this is mentioned too late, and too foon palled over.
As we are all creatures of a day ; as our whole life is but one
fmall point between two eternities, it is reafonable to fuppoib,
that the grand end of every chriftian inftitution for forming
tender minds, (hould be to convince them of their natural de-
pravity, of the means of recovering out of it, and of the ne-
ceifity of preparing for the enjoyment of the fupreme Being in
a future ftate. Thefe are the grand points in which chrifti-
anity centers. Arts and fciences may be built on this, and
ferve to embellifa and fet off this fuperftrudture, but without
this, I think there cannot be any good foundation. Whether
the little Dutch book I have fent over, will be of any fervice
in direding to fuch a foundation, or how to build upon it, I
cannot tell. Upon mentioning your defire to the King's Ger-
man chaplain, a worthy man of God, he fent it to m.e, and
thou2;ht, if tranHated, it might be of fervice. Glad fhould I be
of contributing, though it was but the lead mite, in promot-
ing fo laudable an undertaking ; but the gentlemen concerned
zre every v/ay fo fuperior to me, both in refpe6l to knowledge
of books and men, that any thing I could offer, I fear, would
be of very little fervice. I think the main thing will be, to
get proper mafiers that are acquainted with the world, with
themfcives, and with God, and who will confequently natu-
rally care for the welfare of the youth that (hall be committed
to. their care. I think alfo in fuch an inflitution, there fliould
be a well-approved chriftian Orator, who fnould not be con-
tent with giving a public Icdurc in general upon oratory,
but who (hould vifit and take pains with every clafs, and teach
them early how to ffcalc, and read, and pronounce well. An
hour or tv.'o in a day, I think, ought to be fet apart for this.
It would ferve as an agreeable amufement, and would be of
great fervice, v/hcther the youth be intended for the pulpit,
the bar, or any oiher profefnon vvhatfoever. I wilh alfo, that
the youth were to board in the academy, and by that means
be always under the mailer's eye. And if a fund could be
raifed, for the free education of the poorer fort, who fhould
appear to have promifing abilities, I think it would greatly
anfwer the defign propofed. It hath been often found, that
fome of our brighteft men in church and ftate, have arifen
from fuch an obfcure condition. When I heard of the aca-
demy, I told Mr. B > that the new building, I thought,
would admirably fuit fuch a propofal ; and I then determined
in my next to mention fome terms that might be offered to the
confideration of the Truflces. But I find fince, that you have
done this already, and that matters are adjufted agreeable to
the minds of the majority. I hope your agreement meets
with the approbation of the inhabitants, and that it will be
lerviceable to the caufe of vital piety and good education. If
thefe ends are anfwered, a free-fchool ereded, the debts paid,
and a place preferved for public preaching, I do not fee what
reafon there is for any one to complain. But all this depends
on the integrity, difintereftednefs, and piety of the gentlemen
concerned. — An inftitutlon, founded on fuch a bafis, God
will blefs and fucceed -, but without thefe, the moil promifing
fchemes will prove abortive, and the moft flourifiiing ftruc-
tures, in the end, turn out mere Babels, I wifh you and the
gentlemen concerned much profperlty ; and pray the Lord
of all lords to direcft you to the bell: means to promote the bed
end ; I mean, the glory of God, and the welfare of your fel*
low-creatures. Be plcafed to remember me to them and all
friends as they come in your way, and believe me, dear Sir,
Yours, &c.
To Governor B : ^^V-^'f
Honoured Sir^ Plymouth, Feb, 26, 1750.
I Was much rejoiced to hear, by a letter lately received
from Mr. Bradford, that your Excellency was pretty well,
and am very thankful that you v/as pleafed to enquire fo cor-
dially after unworthy me. I take this firft opportunity of re-
turning my moft grateful acknowledgements, and to aflure
Vol. II. Y your
your Excellency, you are not forgotten by me at the throne of
grace. Ere now, I thought to have waited upon you in pcr-
fon, but it hath plcafed Him, whofe I am, and whom I dcf-ra
to ferve in the gofpel of his dear Son, to detain me longer
than I expc£led in my native country. The door for ufeful-
nefs opens wider and wider. The feed fown among the rich,
fprings up and bears fruit in fome j and the poor in various
places receive the gofpel more gladly than ever. Lafc fall was
a glorious feed- time in the North of Eng/anJ. In London we
had a warm winter ; and in the country we have had reafon
to fmg, that " the voice of the turtle is again heard in the
land." God willing, I purpofe ranging this Summer, and
then to embark for my beloved America once more. Whether
I Ihall fee your Excellency is uncertain. You are upon the
decline of life ; and for ir?y own part, I wonder that I live fo
Jong. But I truft I ihall meet your Excellency in heaven,
where the wicked heart, the wicked world, and wicked devil
will ceafe from troubling, and every foul enjoy an uninter-
rupted and eternal reft. This I am waiting for every day ;
and according to the prefent frame of my foul, defire no con-
tinuing city, till I arrive at and take pofleflion of the New-Je-
rufakm above. My Mafler makes ranging exceedingly plea-
fanti ^nd I hope in his flrength to begin now to begin to
ipend and be fpent for him, who filed his own dear heart's
blood for finful, ill, and hell-deferving me. O that death may
iind me either praying or preaching ! I hope your Excellency
will increafe my obligations, by continuing to pray for me.
My prayer for you is, " That your Excellency may bring
forth much fruit in old age ; and that whenfoever you go ofF,
you may be gathered like a ripe (hock of corn into the Re-
deemer's heavenly garner ! *' That you may till then go on
from ftrength to ftrength, and increafe with all the increafe of
God, is the earneft defire of, honoured Sir,
Your Excellency's moft obliged, dutiful,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
L E t t E R S. os<)
To Lady H n,
Saint-Ginnysy March 5, 175O0
Hcnoured Madam ^
IWas afhamed to fend your Ladyfhip fo (hort a letter frorri
Plymouth^ but it was unavoidable. I was obliged to take
horfe, and therefore could only promife your Ladylhip to fend
you particulars afterwards. At Plymouth I preached twelve
times in fix days, and the longer I preached, the more hearers,
and the power that attended the word increafed alfo. Friends
grew more hearty, and enemies more foftened. Mr. T ^
and Mr. G came to Plymoiiih to meet me. 1 preached at
Tavijlock in my way hither, and yefterday was a glorious day
of the Son of man. Our Lord gave us to fee his ftately fteps
and out- goings in the fan61;uary. Four of Mr. Wcjley^ Preach-
ers were prefent, and alfo four Clergymen in their gowns and
caflbcks.— Mr. Bennet aged fourfcore, Mr. Thompfon^ Mr„
Griggs and myfelf. It was a day of fat things. By the ad-
vice and defire of friends, I am going further Weftward, and
fhall take care to let your Ladyfhip know, how the Lord is
pleafcd to deal with me and his dear people.
Redruth^ March 10.
Though the above was begun at St, Gl?mys^ yet I have not
been able to go on with it till now. Every day I have been
travelling and preaching, and could I ftay one month, it
might be fpent to great advantage. At a place called Pcrt-
Ifaac the Redeemer's {lately fteps were fcen indeed, and his
people were filled as with new wine. At Camelford I preached
with great quietnefs in the ftreet. At St. A^idreiVs we had
a very powerful feafon, and yefterday at Redruth feveral thou-
fands attended, and the word was quick and powerful. Invi-
tations are font to me from Falmouth^ and feveral other places.
I want more tongues, more bodies, more fouls for the Lord
Jesus. Had I ten thoufand, he fbould have them all. After
preaching, about noon I am to go to St. Ives^ and in about
nine days I hope to be at Exeter. Your Ladyfhip fhall be
fure to hear how the Lord profpers the gofpel plough. Mr.
T— — is mighty hearty, and gone to his parifh in a gof-
y 2 pel
pel flame. The people here want It much. Surely, God
Will fome time or another turn their captivity. Mr. T
dcfired his mod dutiful refpedls might be prefented to your
Ladyfhip. Bleficd be God, that you are better. I am not^
forgetful of your Ladyfhip by night or by day. I hope the
fouls of your honoured fifters do profper, and that you will
yet live to fee Jesus Christ formed in all your relations
hearts. That every thing your Ladyfhip writes, fays, or does,
may be mightily blefTed and owned of the dear Redeemer, is
the continual prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Lady H .
Honoured Madam^ Exeter^ Af^;v/;, 21, 1750.
1 Think it Is now almoft an age fince I wrote to your La-
dyflilp, but travelling and preaching have prevented mc.
Immediately after writing my lafl, I preached to many thou-
fands, at a place called Givijinop. The rain dropped gently
upon our bodies, and the grace of God fecmed to fall like a
gentle dew and fprinkling rain upon our fouls. It was indeed
a fine fpring fliower. In the evening I rode fixteen miles to
St. Ives^ and preached to many that gladly attended to hear
the word ; a great power fecmed to accompany it. On the
morrow, being Lord's day. T preached twice to large audito-
ries, and then rode back again rejoicing to Giv'mnop. In my
way, I had the pleafure of hearing that good was done, and
had frefli calls to preach clfewherc. In the morning I went
to church, and heard a virulent fermon from thefe words,
*' Beware of falfe prophets." On Saturday the preacher was
heard to fay, " Now Whhcfeld was coming, he muft put on
his old armour." It did but little execution, becaufe not
fcripture proof, and confequently not taken out of God's
armory. On Monday I preached again at Redruth^ at ten in
the morning, to near (as they were computed) ten thoufand
fouls. Arrows of convI6^ion feem<vJ to fly faft. In the even-
ing I preached to above five hundred, at twelve miles diftant,
and then rode about fixteen miles to one Mr. B 's, a
wealthy man, convinced about two years ago. In riding, my
horfe threw me violently on the ground, but by God's pro-
vidence, I got up without receiving much hurt. The next day
we had a moft delightful feafon at St. Mewcm, and the day
following a like time, at a place called Port-Ifaac. In the
evening, I met my dear Mr. Thompfofi again at Mr. Bennefs,
a friendly minifter aged fourfcore, and on Thurfday preached
in both his churches. Blefled feafons both ! On Friday
we went to Biddeford^ where there is perhaps one of the
beft little flocks in all England. The power of God fo came
down while I was expounding to them, that Mr. Thompfon
could fcarce fland under it. I preached twice ; a command-
ing, convincing influence went forth a fecond time, and one
came to me the next morning under awakenings. The Lord
Jesus has here brought home a lawyer ; and one of the
youngeft but clofeft rcaibners that ever I met with, is now
under deep convictions. On Monday evening I came to Ex--
eter^ and with great regret fhall flay till Friday. For I think
every day loft, that is not fpent in field preaching. Aa
unthought of and unexpectedly wide door is opened in Corn-
wall^ fo that I have fometimes almoft determined to go back
again. I beg the continuance of your Ladyship's prayers,
and hope Mr. B will let me know of your Ladylhip's
welfare. You will not be forgotten by, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfiiip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To the Countefs D .
Honoured Madam, Exeter, A/arch 2 J, I y^O-
I Did not think of being fo long out of London, without
fending your Ladyftiip a letter ; but I have been fo em-
ployed in travelling and preaching and anfwering letters, that
I have fcarce had any time at all. However, I blefs the
glorious Redeemer, that I can now fend yoar Ladyfliip good
news. Every where the word of God has ran and been
glorified. I am juft returned from near the land's end, where
thoufands and thoufands heard the gofpel gladly. I have ge-
Y 3 nerally
nerally preached twice a day, and rode feveral miles ; but my
greateft grief is, that I can do no more for the bleffed Jesus,
Wherever I am, your Ladyfliip and honoured fifter, with the
other honourable ladies, are continually remembered by me at
the throne of grace. I hope all are deterrnined with full
purpofe of heart to cleave unto the Lord. The earthquake
hath been an alarming providence. Happy they, that have
an interefl: in Chuist, and are always ready ! On Him alone
is my {Irength and fafety founded. Did not this fupport and
pomfort your Ladyfhip under the awful alarm ? Go on then,
honoured Madam, and by a conftant looking to Jesus, make
continual advances in the divine life, v/hich I believe hath
been communicated to you from above. The more you fee
of his excellencies, the more will all created things ficken and
die in your view and tafle. I commend your Ladyfliip to
his never-failing mercy, and beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf,
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful,
and obliged humble fervant,
G. W,
7o Lady H .
Honoured Madam^ Exeter^ March 2^, I J ^O.
AS I am perfuaded your heart's defire and prayer to Gop
is, that the kingdom ©f the Lord Jesus may be fet
up on earth, I cannot return to London without informing
your Ladyfhip, that the gofpel has been moft gladly received
in thefe weflern parts. I have been very near the land's end,
and every where fouls have fled to hear the word preached,
like doves to the windows. The harveft is great, yea very
great ; but the labourer s a^-e few. O that the Lord of the
harvefl would thrufl out more labourers ! Something out of
the common road muft be done, to awaken a thoughtlefs
world. God has been terribly fhaking the metropolis. I
hope it is an earnefl of his giving a fliock to fecure fmners,
and making them to cry out, " What fhall we do to be fr-
ved r" I truft, honoured Madam, yoii have been brought
fweetly to believe on the Lord Jesus, and have experienced
the begin nil figs of a real falvation in your heart, "What a
7. mercy
mercy is this ! To be plucked as a brand out of the burning, to
be one of thofe few Mighty and Noble that are called efFe6lu-
ally by the grace of God ; what confolation muft this admi-
nifter to your Ladyfliip under all afHi6lions ! What can fliake
a foul whofe hopes of happinefs, in time and eternity, are built
upon the rock of ages ? Winds may blow, rains may and
will defcend even upon perfons of the moft exalted ftations ;
but they that truft in the Lord Jesus Christ never ihall,
never can be totally confounded. That your Ladyfliip may
every day and hour experience more and more of this blelled
truth, is the earneft prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your LadyQiip's moft dutiful, obedient humble fervant,
To Mr. L .
Fety dear Sir, London^ April 3, 1750.
LAST Friday evening I came to town, and would have
anfwered your kind letters (which I found waiting for
me here) laft poft, had not fatigue and a multiplicity of bufi-
nefs prevented me. Surely the diftrefs of our fuffering friends
is great, but he that dwelleth on high is greater. I have al-
ready laid your account before fome particular perfons, and
ihall ufe all poiTible means to have our dear friends grievances
redrefled. In the interim, let us befiege the throne of grace,
and by earneft prayer engage his affiftance, who has promifed
that the gates of hell (hall never prevail againft his Church.
As I hear Mr. John W is now in Ireland, I fuppofe he will
beftanfwer your queftion about '' coming out from amongft
them." For my part, I think my bufmefs is to preach the
gofpel unto all, without fettingaip any particular party. The
acceptance which the glorious Emmanuel is pleafed to give to
me, and the various calls fent, as well as the freedom I find
in complying with them, confirm me more and more that
this is my province. I am juft returned from the Weft, wh^e
I have i^^xi the fields every where white ready unto harveii
Though thoufands flock to hear the word in tcnvn, yet I ai.
moft think every day loft in which I am not preaching ; Vi-
the country, now the fummcr is coming on. God
knows whether I fhall reach as far as Ireland, Pray cr-,
your accounts. I cannot help thinking, but that this
Y +
tlon is a blcfled prefage of a future glorious harveft in the
kingdom of Ireland. Yet a little while, and he that will
come, fliall come, and will not tarry. That your foul may
be filled with all the divine fulnefs, is the hearty prayer of,
dear Sir,
Your afteclionate friend and fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To Governor B -^.J^^^'o-cr
Honoured Sir^ Port/mouthy April iq^ IJ^O,
I Wrote to your Excellency laft from Plymouth, where, as
well as in many other places in the weft, the Lord of all
lords has been pleafed greatly to blefs my poor unworthy mi-
riftrations. I am now (after having feen much of the Re-
deemer's povv'er in London) making a fhort elopement to Porif-
mouih, and from thence I purpofe to go into the North, where
I truft thoufands are already awakened to feek after the things
which lead to life eternal. The harveft in England is exceed-
ing great. I know that your Excellency will pray, that the
Lord of the harveft may thruft out more labourers into his
harveft. I am glad your Excellency hath been honoured
by providence, to put Nevj-Jerfey college on fuch a footing,
that it may be a nurfery for future labourers. I have had the
pleafure of feeing Mr. J and Colonel JV , and have
introduced them to fuch of my friends, as I believe, under
God, may ferve the intereft in which they are engaged.
Glad fhall I be of every opportunity offered me, of promot-
ing the Redeemer's caufe in New-England or Neiv-Jerfey.
By the divine blefting, I Jio^e that fom.ething confiderable
will be done in England TinA Scotland for New-Jerfey college.
I wifh your Excellency joy of the relation into which I hear
you have lately entered. I hope my dutiful refpe£is will find
acceptance with Madam Bel , and I earneftly pray that
you may live together as heirs of the grace of life. May
God honour you both to bring forth much fruit in old age I
Here 1 would end j but the love I owe to the bearer, Mr.
B , for Christ's fake, conftrains m.e to recommend him
to your Excellency, Ke is I think an Ifraelite indeed. I
pray the Lord Jesus to fucceed and blefs him. He can
cr'we your Excellency an account, how the work profpcrs
on this fide the water. That every wildcrnefs in Jmerica
may bloflbm like a rofe, and that your Excellency's province
may be like the garden of the Lord, is the hearty prayer of.
Your Excellency's moft dutiful
but obliged humble fervant,
To the Reverend Mr. H -.
Portfmouth^ Jprll 2^^ IJ^O,
My very dear friend and Brother,
YOUR letter (hould have had an immediate anfwer, if the
leaft leifure had ofrered when in town. But there I am
continually hurried, and had fcarce time to eat bread. How-
ever, our Lord gave me meat which the world knows not of,
and enabled me to preach three or four times a day to great
multitudes, and I truft with great blelfings. Fear not your
weak body ; we are immortal till our work is done,
Christ's labourers muft live by miracle j if not, I mufl not
live at all ; for God only knows what I daily endure. My
continual vomitings almoft kill me, and yet the pulpit is my
cure, fo that my friends begin to pity me lefs, and to leave ofF
that ungrateful caution, " Spare thyfelf." I fpeak this to
encourage you. Perfons whofe writings are to be bleiTings,
mufl have fome thorns in the flefli. Your diforders, like mine,
I believe are as yet only to humble, not to kill us. Thouo-Ji
I long to go to heaven, yet I am apt to think we are not to
die prefently, but live and declare the works of the Lord.
You by your pen, I by my tongue. May the glorious Emma^
««f/ blefs us both ! I believe he will. Courage, my dear, very
dear Mr. H ; Courage. When we are weak, then are we
ftrong. — But to your letter. I am glad Dr. S preaches,
and that Mr. H , is at work. In working we (hall be
blefled. To him that hath, fliall be given. How fhall we
contrive to meet. I purpofe being at Oulney next Sunday fe^
vennight, and in a day or two after at Northampton. I wifh
I could have a line from you. In the mean while 1 fhall en-
deavour to get Dr. IV . There is a glorious plan fet on foot
by the Great and Good, for a college in the New-Jerftes ; the
particulars will ere long be publifhed. I wifh it much prof-
perity. Your Meditations are now printing in Philadelphia,
Why do you not fit for your pi<5lure r — The feed fown here
months ago, hath fprung up. People hear with great attention.
What cannot God do ? The Lord be with you ! I love you
pioft tenderly. I thank, you ten thoufand times for all favours,
?ind am, very dear friend,
Ycurs moft affe£lionately and eternally
in our dear Lord Jesus,
G. W.
To the Reverend Mr, D .
My very dear Friend, London, May i, 1750.
HOUGH I am fomewhat fatigued with my journey,
yet I cannot help anfwering your very kind and wifhed-
for letter. Blefled be the God and P'ather of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who delights to multiply his benefits upon us ! I
wifti you and dear Mrs. D joy of your twins. May
Jesus fancftify them from the womb, and fpare them with
their tender mother, to be lafting bleffings to yourfelf and
others ! What fhall I render unto the Lord for removing
prejudices from Taunton people ? It is his doing ; and the fame
grace was (hewn at Port/mouth, from whence I am juft now
come. I was there this time twelvemonth, and now had
the pleafure of hearing that many were then awakened, who
hold on their way. Thoufands came to hear, and the word
feemed to ftrike like a pointed arrow. You have been mifin-
formed about Moor- fields, I have preached there twice lately
to many thoufands, but without moleftation. A blefled power
attended the word, and we have had moft delightful feafons
jn London, Help me to cry Grace I grace ! I am now going
Northward, and hope next week to have another interview
with MefTrs. H , H-^—ly, Dr. X) , and Dr. 5
I rejoice in the fuccefs of the Do£lor*s books, and pray the
Lord earneftly to blefs all his labours more and more. Poor
Lady H n is ill. I fay of her, as I would to you, ferius
in caelum redeas ! You may direct to her Ladyfhip at Jfiby-
place, I am glad to hear that your brethren begin to envy
you J
I. E T T E R S. 347
ypu ; It is a gpod fign. You have heard of the viper and the
file. Their biting will only make their own teeth to bleed.
We are to go on. I pray God you may, and increafe with
all the increaie of Gpp. I falute you and all your family.
My wife joins, very dear Mr. Z) , with
Yours moft ^ffjfdtionately in our common Lord,
ro Mr. C
Very dear $ir^ -^Jhhy^ May ii, 1 750.
AS you talked when I left London of fetting out on your
journey in about a fortnight,! cannot help fending you
thefe few lines. 1 believe they will be acceptable, becaufe
they acquaint you with the continuance of the Redeemer's
loving kindnefs to the very chief of fmners. At Oulney^ where
I preached laft Lord's day, we had two fweet feafons. A
great multitude attended, and I had the plealure of feeing
feme, that were wrought upon when I was there laft. On
the Monday^ about fix miles from Northampton^ I had a pri-
vate interview with Dr. 5 , Dr. D , MefTrs. H
and H ly. On the Tucfday I preached in the morning
to Dr. D 's family, and in the afternoon to above two
thoufand in the field. Dr. S , Mr. H , &c. attended
me, and walked with me afterwards along the ftrcet ; fo that
I hope the phyfician will now turn his back on the world,
and be content to follow a defpifed crucified Redeemer
without referve. I expounded at his houfe in the evening,
and amhereafter to come to it as my own. On Tiiejday I
preached twice at Kettering to feveral thoufands. The peo-
ple gladly received the word, and the Inn-keeper where I
put up, I hope is a real chriftian. On Wednejday I came hi-
ther, and found good Lady H , though very weak, yet
better than I expe(^ted. I hope you will beg Mr. G ,
and all God's people, to fi^rive together in their prayers, to keep
her out of heaven as long as they can, that fhc may do more
good on earth. I greet you and Mrs. C moft heartily,
and wifhing you a very profperous journey, by the will of
QoD, I am, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affedionately in our common Lord,
G. IV.
L E T 1^ E R
To Doctor S .
My Dear Doctor, Ajhhy^ May \\^ 1750.
HOAV do you? I have thought of, and prayed for you
much, iince we parted from Northampton. Now I be-
lieve is the time in which the ax is to be laid at the very root
of the tree. How wonderfully doth the Lord Jesus watch
over you ? How fwectly does he lead you out of temptation !
follow his leadings, my dear friend, and let every, even the
moft beloved I[aac^ be immediately facrificed for God. Kind-
nefs is cruelty here. Had Abraham confulted either ^arah or
His aftedions, he never would have taken the knife to flay his
fon, God's law is our rule, and God will have all the heart
or none. Agagi will plead, but they muft be hewn in pieces.
May the Lord ftrcngthen, ftablifli, and fettle you ! Good
Lady H n was much rejoiced to hear that you had been
without the camp. May you quit yourfelf like a man, and
in every refpcct behave like a good foldier of Jesus Christ I
Her ladyihip is very weak, but I hope will yet be fpared to
do much good on earth. O the happinefs of giving up all for
Christ, who hath given himlelf for us. The Lord be with
you !
I am yours to command,
G. TV.
To the Reverend Mr. M .
AJhhy^ May 14, 1 750.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
I Have dcfn-ed to write you a long letter for a confiderablc
time, but was fo hurried when at London^ that I could not
be fo explicit as the affair I wanted to write about, neceffarily
required. It is cojicerning the Prefbyterian College in the
Newjerfies', the importance and extenlive ufcfulnefs of which,
1 fuppofe you have long fmce been apprized of. Mr. A ,
a friend of Governor B , is come over with a commiiTion
to negotiate this matter ; he hath brought with him a copy of
a letter^ which Mr. P — — fent to you fome months pafl.
This letter hath been fliewn to Dodor D and fevcral of
the London minifters, who all approve of the thing, and promife
therr affiftance. Laft week 1 preached at Northampton^ and
converfed with Doctor D concerning it. The fchemc
that was then judged moft pradicable was this, '* That Mr.
P 's letter Ihould be printed, and a recommendation of the
afiair, fubfcribed by Dodor D and others, be annexed ;
that a fubfcription and colledions fhould be then fet on foot
in England^ and afterwards that Mr. A fhould go to Scot-
land.'^ I think it is an affair that requires difpatch. Governor
B is old, but a moii hearty man for promoting God's
glory, and the good of mankind. He looks upon the college
as his own daughter, and will do all he can to endow her
with proper privileges. The prefent Prelident Mr. B , ISl^f r
and moft of the Truftees, I am well acquainted with. They
are friends to vital piety, and I truft this work of the Lord
will profper in their hands. The fpreading of the gofpel in
Maryland and Virginia in a great meafure depends upon it,
and therefore I wifh them much fuccefs in the name of the
Lord. But more of this when we meet. As I am going
further northward, I know not but I may go as far as Gh/gozv,
Indeed there are fo many doors opened in England^ that I
know not well where to go firft. I have lately been in Corn-
ivaiU at Port/mouthy and Lojidon. — Since that I have preached
at Oulney^ Northampton and Kettering. For a few days I have
been at good Lady H «'s, who though weak in body, is
always abounding in the work of the Lord. She fends you
her kind compliments, and ordered me to beg the favour of
you to acquaint Mr. R , that (he will anfwer his kind
letter as foon as ever her ftrength will permit. I preach daily
at her Ladyfhip's, and this week, God willing, I fhall preach
in two or three churches. My bodily health is better than
ufual, and I long to be on the ftretch for Him, who was
flretched upon a curfcd tree for ill and hell-deferving me. I
beg a continued intereft in your prayers. I falute you and
yours, Mr. G and his wife, and all dear friends, in the
heartieft manner, and am, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft aftedlionate brother, &c.
G. JV.
To Do^or D .
J/hby^ ^^y ^9> 1750.
Reverend a7id very dear Sir,
YOUR kind letter found me happy at dur good Ladjr
H «'s, whofc path (hincs more and more bright unto
the perfe£t day. She is ftrangely employed now. — Can you
guefs ? The kind people of Jjhby ftirred up fome of the bafer
fort to riot before her Ladyfhip's door, while the gofpel was
preaching; and on Wednefday evening, fome people in their
return home, narrowly efcaped being murdered. Her Lady-
fhip has juft received a meflage from the Juftice, in order to
bring the offenders before him. I hope it will be over-ruled
for great good, and that the gofpel for the future will have
free courfe. This week I have preached in three churches,
and to-morrow morning, God willing^ I am to preach at a
fourth. In the evening I ihall preach at Nottingham, and
purpofe lying at the houfe of Mr. 5*—- — . Thus, reverend and
dear Sir, you fee I lead a pilgrim life. Blefled be God, it is
quite pleafant, and I humbly intreat you to pray, that I may
have a pilgrim heart, and be kept from trimming or neftling
even to my dying hour. I rejoice, dear Sir, that you was bleft
at Kettering. Gladly ihall 1 call upon you again at Northamp-
ton, if the Lord fpares my life ; and in the mean while fhall
not fail to pray, that the work of our common Lord may
more and more profper in your hands. I thank you a thou-
fand times for your kindnefs to the very chief of fmners, and
aflure you, reverend Sir, that the affection is reciprocal. Good
Lady H greatly efteems you. I go with regret from her
Ladyfhip. Her Ladyfhip intends writing to you this evening;
Do come and fee her foon. I {hall not be unmindful of your
fick ftudent. May the Lord Jesus fandify all pain, and
through his fufferings make him perfe£^t. I would enlarge^
but cannot. 1 write in great hafte, but with greater love
fubfcribe myfclf, reverend and dear Sir,
Your moft affectionate, obliged, though unworthy
younger brother and fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. W,
ro Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Nottingham^ May 21, 1750.
WITH regret I left your Ladyfhip ; but I hope it was
for the furtherance of the gofpel. At Radcliff
church, the divine influence was greater than at ATillburn.
I preached on thefe words, " But one thing is needful."
Many were imprefTed deeply. After fermon I converfed with
Mrs. B and Mr. Law\ fitter. The latter feems to be
under awakenings, and the former in her flrft love. She car-
ries high fail ; our Lord knows how to put in proper ballaft.
In the morning I preached here to many thoufands. I had a
great cold, but the Lord ftrcngthened me. This evening,
God willing, I preach again, and to-morrow (hall fet off for
Mansfield^ where a friend has invited me to his houfe. What
care does our Lord take of his poor pilgrims ! As I go on,
your Ladyfhip fhall hear how I am dealt with. I know it
will be bountifully, becaufe I have got fuch a bountiful mafter.
He will blefs your Ladyfhip more and more. When Mr. 5
comes, I fhall be glad to hear what becomes of the rioters.
A line may be fent to Manchejler, O that your Ladyfhip may
live to fee many of thofe AJhhy flones become children ta
Abraham ! I trufl you will. I write in great hafle, but with
refpeiSt and gratitude greater than I can exprefsj and beg leave
to fubfcribe myfelf, very honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's, &c.
ro Dr. S .
My dear DoSfor^ Mansfield, May 24, 1750.
YOURS found me jufl as I was about to leave good Lady
H . Ever i\nce, I have been engaged in travel-
ling and preaching the everlafting gofpel. In Radc/iff" church,
at Nottingham, and Sutton, our Lord's Spirit hath accom-
panied the word preached. This morning I preached here,
and, God willing, purpofe to do fo again in the evening, and
to-morrow morning. Little was cxpeded here but rudenefs ;
however the auditory was large and attentive. What cannot
the Redeemer do ? I am quite forry that Mr. H 's letter
was printed : — But it was no Methodift that publifned it.
Felix quern fa ciunt aliena pericida caution, I pray God to give
my dear friend prudence and courage whilft he is in London,
Remember, if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off; — if thy
right eye offend thee, pluck it out and call: it from thee.
Now is your time to facrificc your Ifanc. Christ will have
all the heart or none, I write thus, becaufe I love you dearly.
I pray for you from my inmoft foul. O that you may be kept
as in a garrifon, by God's mighty power, through faith unto
falvation ! Without Christ you can do nothing. Nil de-
j'peranduin Chrijlo diice. That he may ftrengthen you to do
what you know to be his will, is the hearty prayer of, very
dear Sir,
Yours moft afFe6tionately in our common Lord,
G, JV,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam^ Mansfield^ May 24., 1750-
I Beg leave on my journey, to trouble your Ladyfhip with
a few lines. They bring your Ladylhip good news. I
have been quite Tick ever fmce I have left Jfiby -, but the glo-
rious Emmanuel has been pleafed to work by my unworthy
miniffry. At Nottingham feveral came to me, enquiring what
they fhould do to be faved. I preached there four times. One
evening Lord S and feveral gentlemen were prefent, and
behaved v/ith great decency. Many thoufands attended. Yef-
terday morning 1 breakfafted with three diffenting minifters
and Mr. P 's, who told me that Lady P defired he
would prefs me to preach at B church. Yefterday in the
afternoon I preached at Sutton^ and this morning I lifted up
the gofpel ftandard here. All was quiet ; and this evening
and to-morrow morning I am to preach again. As I travel
on, your Ladyfliip fhall hear. 1 muft lie down to refrefh
tliis weary Ifody : my foul, through grace, fmiles at bodily
weaknefs, and longs to take its flight. 1 doubt not but your
6 Ladyfhip
Ladyfhip is happy in him, who alone killeth and maketh alive.
Night and day do I look up to him in behalf of your Lady-
fhip^ as being, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip*s moft obedient, obliged,-
and chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
G. rr.
To the Count cfs D .
Honoured Madam^ Lceds^ Mdy 30, 175O;
I Heard about a week ago, that your Ladyfliip was exceeding
ill. I have been much concerned ever fmce, and have at-
tempted to write more than once, but travelling and preach-
ing tu'ice a day prevented me. Ere now I truft the great phy-
fician has rebuked your Ladyfliip's indifpofition, and given
you to rejoice in his great falvation. If not, his grace will be
fufficient for you. He will not fufFer you to be tempted above
what you are able to bear, but will with the temptation make
a way for you to efcape. San£lified affli6lions are figns of his
efpecial love. Love holds the rod, love ftrikes, love wounds^
and love heals again. " Strike, Lord ; (fays Luther) now I
know thou art my father." — And, fays that fweet finger
Mr. Mafon^
— '• — O happy rody
That brought me nearer to tny GoD.
This, I believe, will be the language of your Ladyfhip's heart.
Look, therefore, honoured Madam, to Jesus, the author and
finifher of your faith. In all your afRi6iions, he is altlidled.
He will bring you out of this furnace, like gold purilied fevcn
times in the fire. Good Lady H is weak too, but I
truft will yet live to declare the works of the Lord. JJhby is
hot worthy of {o rich a pearl. Was I not afraid of hurting
your Ladyfhip, I would give you fome particulars of my cir-
cuit. Let it fufEce to inform your Ladyfhip, that the gofpcl
plough feems to profper. New ground has been broken up,
and feed fown, that I truft will bear fruit to life eternal. I
am here amongft a itiultitude of fouls that feem to love the
Vol. II. Z Lord
Lord Jesus in finccrity. To-morrow I move Northward^
and if I hear that your Ladyfhip is recovered, I fhall take the
freedom of writing now and then. I purpofe fending a few
lines aUo to Lady F and Lady // . All were con-
flantly remembered at Jfnby at the holy table. All fhall ftill
^e remembered, as our L' rd enables, by, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged and ready fervant,
for Christ's fake,
G, TV.
To Lady H n.
Honoured Modatn^ Leeds ^ May -7^0 ^ 1 750.
I Cannot travel far without fitting down to refrcfli myfcif
by writing to your Ladyfljip, Mamjield 1 hope Vv'as
taken. After leaving that place, 1 went to Rotheram^ where
^atan rallied his forces again. However, I preached twice,
on the Fridny evening, and Saturday morning. The cryer
was employed to give notice of a bear-baiting. Your Lady-
fhip may gucfs who was the Bear. About feven in the morn-
ing the drum was heard, and feveral watermen attended it
with great ftaves. The conftable was ftruck, and two of the
mobbers were apprehended, but refcued afterwards. Eut all
this does not come up to the kind ufage of the people of
Jfihy. I preached on thofe words, " Fear not, little flock." —
They were both fed and feafted ; and after a fliort ftay I left
Rotheram, when I knew it was become more pacific. In the
evening I preached at Sheffield^ where the people received the
word gladly. A very great alteration was difcernable in their
looks fince I was there laft. On Sunday great multitudes at-
tended, and in the evening many went away that could not
come near enough to hear. On Monday we had a parting
bleffing ; and in the evening the Lord Jesus fed us plenti-
fully, with the bread that comcth down from heaven, at Bariy-
Hall. Lail night I preached to many, many thoufands, and
i\\\:> morning alfo at five o'clock. Methinks I am now got
ii)to another climate. It muft be a warm one, where there
arc fo many of God's people. Our Pcntecoft is to be kept
at Mr. G r'5. I have kxu him and Mr, J — — , and
heat- that Mr. ^ died comfortably, being fully aflurcdj
*' That not only all his fins before, but after converfion
were forj^ivcn him." To-morrow, God willing, 1 move
hence, and expect to-morrow evening to fee Mrs. H — —^
and to feach Munchc/Jcr next week. From thence I purpof«
writing to your Ladyfhip agSin. O that any thing I write,
fay, or do, rway afibrd the leafl comfort to your Ladyfllip's foul I
This is my defire and hearty prayer : and I earneftly entreat
the Lord, that you may live long, and profpcr in folil and
body. I fend my ufual and moft dutiful refpeiSls to the ho-
nourable ladies, and am ever, honoured Madam, •
Your Ladyship's moft obliged and ready fervant
for CuRist's fake,
To Lady H~ .
Honoured Madami MancheJIer, June 8j 1750-
I Thought to have troubled your Ladyfhip with a lettet"
long before this time, but travelling, and preaching
twice every day, prevented. Blefled be Goi5, it is pleafant
work, and I truft it hath profpered in my unv/orthy hands.
Thoufands and thoufands for fome time paft have jRockcd to
hear the word tv*^ice every day^ and the power of God has at-
tended it in a glorious rhantier. Good Lady H — n I
left fome time ago weak in body, but ftrong in the grac6
which is in Christ Jesus. The good people oi' Jjhby were*
fo kind as to mob round her Ladyfhip's door, whllft the gofpel
was preaching. Alas ! how great and irreconcileahlc is the
enmity of the ferpent ! This is my comfort, " The (ced of
the woman (hall at jcngth be more than conqueror over all."
r hope that your Ladyfliip every day experiences more and
more of this conqueft in your heart. This is the chriftian*s
daily employ ; this the believer's daily triumph, to die to fclf
and fin, and to rife more and more daily into the image of*
the blefled Jesus. As it is our duty, fo it is our unfpeakable
privilege. All the crolles we meet with, all the afflitSlions
with which we are vifited, are all intended by the good phyfi-
ciaHj to beat down, and keep under, and weaken the old man,
Z 2 and
and to raife up, ftrengthen, and give frefli vigour to the ne\V
man, which is created after God in rightcoufnefs and truef
holinefs. Our bufinefs is to look continually to jEsus, and
to lean on him hourly, nay every moment. May this be your
Ladyfhip's continual employ ! May the LordJesus ftrengthen^
ftablifn, and fettle you more and more in his love. May he
give you to fee your honoured Relations partakers of a divine
nature in this world, and grant you manfions of eternal blifs
in the world to come ! No lefs mercies fhall, no greater can
be defired for your Ladyfliip and family by, honoured A/Tadam,
Your Ladylliip's moft obliged and ready fervant
for Christ's feke,
Rof,ndale (Lancafinre)^ "June 14, 1 750.
Very dear Sir^
EVER fince that I heard your journey into the country
was deferred, I have been impatient to write you a line.
Till now, I cannot fay I have had a proper opportunity.
Travelling, and preaching twice a dav, as I generally do, is
almoft too much for my frail tabernacle. But he is faithful
who hath promifed, " That as our day is, fo our ftrength fhall
be.'* Though faint,- 1 am yet purfuing, and, glory be to Got),
hitherto I have had a moft delightful and fuccefsful circuit,
I fuppofe you have heard of my reception at Northampton and
AJhby^ and of that people's unkind treatment of good Lad/
H' . At Nottingham I lodged v/ith Mr. S-^ — , and in
that place and feveral others found great fuccefs. In TorkJJnre
the work hath advanced moft. In about a week's time, within
the compafs of twenty miles, I preached, I believe, to above fix
thoufand fouls. This laft week I have been beating up for
recruits in and ^hout Manchejier^ and I truft fome have lifted.-
Mrs. G behaves like ji good foldier ; and if I am not
miftaken, her hulband will follow her go.od example. I am
now going towards Kendal^ then to JVhitehave7iy and it may be
to Scotland. I know you will pray, that the hand of the Lord
may be v/ith me. That is all in all ! I hope this' will find
my dear friend quite bufy for his God, even his God in
Christ. We have not a moment to be idle here ; the Judo-e
is before the door. I want to have my lamp trimmed, and
my loins girt, and to be always habitually and adlually ready
to meet the blefTed Bridegroom. Then do we begin to live
like ourfelves, and to a(ft like thole who are redeemed unto
God by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and made
kings and priefts unto God and his Father ; to him be glory
and dominion now and for evermore. My dear Sir, my cold
heart is warmed when I think of this. O why am I not a
flame of fire ? Why am I not all life, all love, all humility,
all zeal ? O my naughty heart I May Jesus fprinkle it
afrefli with his precious blood, and help me this morning to
begin to hunt for fouls. Though aged, I wifh you may be
employed in the fame work before you die. But future things
belong to God. I muft now bid you adieu. My cordial
love and refpedls await Mrs. C , Mr. G , and all en-
quiring friends. Continue to pray for, very dear Sir,
Yours moft affe6lionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H n.
Honoured Madam ^ Newby-Cote^ June i6, 175O.
IT is late, and I am fomewhat fatigued, but I cannot reft
without finifhing my week's work in writing to your La-
dyfhip. BlefTed be God, I have ftill good news to fend to
your Ladyfhip. All was quiet at Manchejier \ and I humbly
hope the Redeemer will gather to himfelf a people there.
Kind Captain G-^ and his lady will acquaint your Lady-
fhip with particulars. I hope he will prove a good foldier of
Jesus Christ. I advifed him to fend your Ladyfhip word
of their coming to Ajhby^ that they might be direded the beft
road from Derby, We had fweet feafons at the places adja-
cent to Manchejier, Only at Balton a drunkard flood up to
preach behind me, and a woman attempted twice to ftab the
perfon that was putting up a fland for me to preach on, in her
hufband's field. However, the Lord got himfelf the victory.
Since that, we have had very large and powerful meetings,
Z 3 where
where formtily were the mod violent outrages. Perhaps
within thcfe three weeks, fixty-thoufand fouls or upwards
have heard the gofpel. I am now in Mr. J 's circuit,
and purpofe being at JCenduln^xi Thurfday. I hope that there,
or at Whitehaven^ where I am to preach to-morrow fe'nnight,
J ihall hear from Mr. B — — concerning ycur Ladyfliip's
welfare. — His letter I received to-night, and will anfvver it the
firft opportunity. Nature now calls for relK I fliall retire,
prating that your Ladyfhip and honoured relations may be
blellcd with all fpiritual bletTings. 1 am a fmk of fm and cor-
ruption J but T.ESUS comforts and fupports me, and, I believe,
will hear your Ladyfhip's prayers in behalf of one, who, next
to being a poor defpifed minifter of the g\or\o\i^ Emmanuel^
^hin)cs it his higheft honour to fubfcribe himfelf,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged, and very
ready feryant for Christ's fake,
June i^th, fcvm in the j^sniing*
flonourcd Madam^
'TpHIS lad night Satan hath fliewed his teeth. Some perfons
got into the barn and ftablr, and have cut my chaife, and
one of the horfe's tails. What would men do, if they could \
The LojiD be with your fpirit. Amen.
To the Rev. Mr, //— -.
Kendal^ June 21,. 1750.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
IGuefs this will find you returned from good Lady H ;;,
with Vv'iiom undoubtedly you have taken fweet counfel,
and been mightily refrefhed in talking about the things which
belong to the kingdom of God. This leaves me at Kendal^
where I arrived this morning, and where, God willing, I
fiiall preach thq everlafting gofpel this evening. An entrance
is now made into TVeJ] mor eland \ and pen cannot well defcribe
what glorious fcenes have opened in Yorkjhire, he. Perhaps
fmce 1 faw you, feventy or eighty thoufand have attended the
^ojrd preached in divers places. At Howarih, on JVhitfunday^
the church was almoft thrice filled wich comrminicants, and at
Kirby-Steven the people behaved ex'^ecdingly well. It was a
precious feafon. In my way I have read Mr. Law's fccond
part of The Spirit of Prayer, His fcheme about the p'all, &c.
I think is quite chimerical ; but he fays many things that arc
truly noble, and which I pray God to write upon the tables
of my heart. Several things at the end of his treat) fe on re-
generation, in my opinion, are entiiely unjuflifiablc : but the
fun hatli its fpots, and fo have the beft of men. I want to fee
my own faults more, and others lefs. It will be fo, when I am
more humble. If mercies would make a creature humble, I
fhould be a mirror of humility. But I am far from the mind
that was in Jesus. You muft pray, whilft I go on fighting.
Though faint, I would yet purfue. Next week I hope to
reach Edinburgh. God willing, you fhall have notice of my
return. Glad fhall I be to meet fuch a friend upon the road.
May the friend of fmners blefs and fupport you, and give you
always an heart to pray for, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours mofl affectionately in our common Lord,
G, W.
To the Rev. Mr, B .
Kendal^ June 21, 1 750.
Reverend and very dear Siry
ON Saturday laft I received your kind letter, but have not
had an opportunity of anfwering it till now. I have
been preaching the gofpel amongft the poor knitters, whofe
fimple manner of life pleafed me much. I am glad you have
founded the filver trumpet in London ; crefcit eundo mull be
your motto, and mine. There is nothing like keeping the
wheels oil'd by a£lion. The more we do, the more we may
do ; every adl ftrengthens the habit : and the beft preparation
for preaching on Sundays^ is to preach every day in the week.
I am glad you have peace at AJhby, What a fool is Satan al-
ways to overfhoot his mark I I hope that Mr. G , as well
as Mr. S , will hold on. They will be glorious monu-
ments of free grace indeed. I am like-minded with you in
refpedt to the Do<tlor's comment ; he is indeed a glorious
d, 4 writer.
vvTiter. May the Lord Jesus ftrengthen him to finlfh the
work ! My dear Mr. B , what blefTed opportunities do
you enjoy for meditation, ftudy, and prayer ! Now is your
time to get rich in grace, to fearch into the depths of divine
love, and the myftery of iniquity hid in your own heart. Such
an example, and fuch advantages no one in England\s favoured
with but yourklf. I do not envy you ; but I pray the Re-
deemer, from my inmofl foul, to fan£tify your fituation, and
give you to incrcafe with all the increafe of God. I am called
forth to battle ; remember a poor cowardly foldier, and beg
the Captain of our falvation, that I may have the honour to
die fighting. I would have all my fears in my brcafi:. Me-
thinks I would not be wounded running away, or fkulking
into an hiding-place. It is not for miniftcrs of Christ to
flee or be afraid. — And yet alas ! — Well — Nil defperandunj.
Chrijlo duce. For his great name's fake, I fubfcribe myfelf,
feverend and very dear Sir,
Your moil affectionate, obliged friend and brother,
^fo the Couniefs of H n.
Mono ured Madam ^ Kendal^ "June ibi^ 17^0.
^TILL (O amazing love !) the Lord of all lords vouch-
O fafes to profper the gofpel plough. Such an entrance hath
been made into Kendal^ as coujd not have been expe£led. 1
preached twice to feveral thoufands laft week, apd the people
were fp importunate, that I v/as prevailed on to return hither
again laft night. The congregation was greatly increafed,
and the power of the Lord was difplayed in the rnidft of
^hem. On Saturday evening, and on the Lord's-day, I
preached at IJlverJion^ a town about fixteen niiles diftant frorn
%\\\s. There §atan made fome fmall fefiftance j a clergyman,
yjho looked rnore like a butcher than a minifter, came with
two others and charged a cpnftable with pie ; but I never favy
a poor creature fent off in fuch difgracp. Good I believe was
flone in the town. To the giver of every good gift be all thi?
glory ! Thus, honoured Madani, a poor pilgrim goes on.
ff ow \ aip ^0 fu^cee^ at Whitehaven^ your Ladyfliip fhall know
hereafter. God willing, I fet forward after preaching this
evening. I hear Mr. JF- has been much abufed in Ire^
land^ but that the Mayor of Cork hath quite overfliot himfelf.
I have fome thoughts of feeing Ireland before my return. May
the Lord A'wtdt my goings in his way ! I am perfuaded that
this will iind your Ladyfhip travelling apace towards Canaan^
and increafjng your reward daily. Great (hall it be indeed in
heaven. — I fiiall be extremely glad of the honour of a line
when at Edinburgh. In the mean while, your Ladyftiip (liall
not fail, wi vh your honoured fifters and family, of being prayed
fur, and hearing from, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and very chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. K .
My dear Mr. K , Kmdal^ June 26, 1 7 50.
YE S T E R DAY I read in the public papers, that you was
married. This morning I fit down to wiih you joy.
God hath given you a choice help-mate. May you love her
as Jesus Christ loveth the church ; and may both of you be
enabled to live together as heirs of the grace of life ! The
Lord of all lords has been daily pouring down his bene-
fits on you and me/ O that his goodnefs may lead us to
repentance, and his love conftrain us to obedience I You
have now another blefTing given you ; one who, I believe,
will ftrengthen your hands in the Lord, and ftir you up in
the good ways of God. Now for Jojhua's refolution, " As
for me and my hnufe, we will ferve the Lord." You
are now entered on a new ftate ; you will waqt new fupplies
of grace. It is hard to govern ; it is much eafier to obey. To
pome into a flow of buhnefs, and at the fame time to keep the
heart near to God, what a tafk is this ? Jesus alone can
make you fufficient for it. Look then, my dear friend, con-
tinually to him, and take heed that nothing drowns the found
of this fmall ftill voice fpeaking in your heart. When I corr^e
to town, God willing, I will pay you a vifit. In the mean
SA'hile let us meet at the throne of grace. I am travelling, and
you trading, for Jesus Christ. His ftrength is my joy,
Every where the gofpe! plough hath profpered. Thefc Nor-
thern parts promife well. Ad-ieu ! The Lord be with you
both ! Pray remember me in the kindeft manner to your mo-
ther and brothers. You are come into a family that I dearly
love. That you all may fit down with the glorious family of
the firft-born, whofe names are written in heaven, is the
carneft prayer o^^ my dear friend,
Yours mod affcdionately,
To Mr, B .
IVhitehavetiy June 29, 1750.
My dear Mr. B ,
YESTERDAY, upon my arrival hither, I received your
kind letter, and am now feated to fend you an anfwcr.
May the Lord Jesus caufe it to be an anfwer of peace ! You
need make no apology for your opennefs and freedom ; re-
ferves to me are odious. I v/ould willingly be a father, bro-
ther, and friend to all concerned with me ; and confequently
I would gladly bear a part with them in their forrows and their
joys. Your fufpicions about MelTrs. S , G , and
N , were groundlefs. The fole caufe of your not hearing
from me, was my not knowing where to dire6l to you. As I
am utterly unconcerned in the difcipline of Mr. JV 's
focicties, I can be no competent judge of their affairs. If you
and the reft of the preachers were to meet together more fre-
quently, and tell each other your grievances, opinions, &c.
it might be of fervice. This m,ay be done in a very
friendly way, and thereby many uneafmefles might be pre-
vented. After all, thofe that will live in peace muft agree to
difagree in many things with their fellow-labourers, and not
let little things part or difunite them. 1 know not well, what
my dear Mr. B — means, about concealing the gofpel pri-
vileges. There is no doubt but milk muft be given to babes,
and meat to firong men ; but this all depends on the fkilful-
nefs of the preacher, and his being taught of God rightly to
divide the word of truth. In general, gofpel privileges may be
fpoken of to encourage awakened Tinners and quicken faints. If
by gofpel privileges you mean hve-feajls^ bands^ kc. thefe I
think are only prudential means, and therefore no doubt pru-
dence fhould be excrcifed in the ufe of them. I am of your opi-
nion, that too much familiarity in thefe things is hurtful. But it
is hard to keep a medium, where a multitude is concerned. As
ill effeds are difcovered, they ftiould be corrected and avoided.
The queftion and anfwer you refer to, I do not like. I know
nothing of Christ's righteoufnefs being imputed to all man-
kind. It is enough to fay with the fcriptures, " That it is
iniputed to all believers." What does my dear Mr. B
think of that afiertion of the Apoftle, " He made him fin for
us, who knew no fm, that we might be made the righteoufnefs
of God in him." And again, " Who of God is made to
us, wifdom, righteoufnefs, &c." cum miiltis aliis^ vide Romans,
ivth and vith.-«— Is it not as exprefs as can be, that Christ's
righteoufnefs is imputed to believers ? Confcquently, it is
fufncient for us, as preachers, to declare, '' That all believers
are actually delivered from the guilt of both adual and origi-
nal fin, from the power of their corruptions here, and that at
the hour of death they fliall be delivered from the very in-
being of fin, and be admitted to dwell with the glorious Jesus,
^nd the fpirits of jufl men made perfect, hereafter." Another
feven years experience, will teach fome to handle the word of
life in a better manner. Our bufmefs is to fhew believers their
compleatnefs in Christ, and to point them to Him for ftrength
for every good word and work ; and all to be done out of
gratitude and love for what he hath done and fuffered for
them. But you know my fentiments^; you have heard them
all in my fermons. I have no referves. What Mr. S
fays, I know not ; I believe Christ's redemption will be ap-
plied to all that fhall believe. Who thefe are, we know not,
and therefore we are to give a general offer and invitation ;
convinced of this, that every man's damnation is of himfelf,
and every man's falvation all of God. You would do well to
read more 5 but whether it would be beft for you to purfue, or
re-aflume your old ftudies, unlefs you are determined to fettle,
I cannot tell. Reading a Latin author, a little every day, to
be fure could do you no hurt. Tercniius Chriflianus^ Cajla-
Iiq\ Scripture Dialogues, and SekSia FraU6iiones Veteri
^ejlamenti^ would both delight and profit you. It has long
fince been my judgment, that it would be bert for many of
the prefent preachers to have a tutor, and retire for a while,
and be content with preaching now and then, till they were
a little more improved. Otherwife, I fear many who now
make a temporary figure, for want of a proper foundation, will
run themfelves out of breath, will grow weary of the work,
and leave it. May the Lord Jesus direct ! This is the plan
I purpofe to purfue abroad. Whether God will be pleafed to
fucceed it, I know not. All I can fay is, that I am willing
to lend an helping hand wherever I fee the intereft of Christ
promoted. This is my motive, dear Sir, in anfwering your
Jaft. I hope it is fatisfa£lory. If not, let me know. You may
diredt for me at Mr. T 's, Edinburgh. I hope to be there
next week. We have had good fealbns fince I parted from
you. At Kendal a moft promifing door is opened. Follow me
with your prayers. — Look up to Jesus, and let not little
things difappoint and move you. If this be your foible, beware,
and pray that Satan may not get an advantage over you. He
will be always ftriving to vex and unhinge you. ^' The
Lord reigneth.'* Let this confideration fupport and comfort
you, under the various changes you muft necefiarily meet
with in the church. She is now militant, ere long Ihe fhall
be triumphant. Till then, as the elecl: of God, let us put
on bowels of compaffion, meeknefs, long-fufi^ering and hum-
blenefs of mind. But what am I doing? Adieu. The
Lord be with you and yours, and give Mrs. B faith and
courage in her approaching hour ! All with me falute you.
I muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf, my dear Mr. B ,
Yours moft affe6lionately in our corrimon Lord,
G. ^,
To Mr, r A .
Very dear T , Edinburgh, July 7, 1750.
I Thought it long, yea very long fince I heard from you ;
but as I believe your heart is upright towards the Lord
Jesus, and to me your unworthy friend, for his great name's
fake, I have been quite eafy. The news of your fuccefs, re-
joices me. May the Lord increafe it niore ^nd more ! Pea
6 cannot
L fi T T E R S. 3^t
tanilot well exprefs what hath been done in the North. I
have preached above ninety times fincc I left London^ and
perhaps to a hundred and forty thoufand people. It is amaz-
ing to fee how people are prepared, in places where I never
was before. What (hall I render unto the Lord ? I will beg
him to make me humble and thankful. Here, I am received
with as much afFed^ion as ever. Still I will cry, Grace!
grace ! Ere this reaches you, I fuppofe you Vv'ill be thinkinf^
o'i Lotidon. Mr. C I believe wants a breathing. I hear he
hath been bleft much. You and Mr. C '^ zte the only per-
fons I chufe to have at the tabernacle, as heads In my abfence.
Several of — — - have offered to join me ; but you know I hate
taking other perfons as helpers, and as 1 defirc ilo party, I
give no encouragement. But future things belong to Him,
on whofe ihoulders the government is put. You muft ftill
remember me before Him. His word is indeed running,
and like to be glorified day by day. How matters go on here,
you will know hereafter. In the mean while pray for, and
write to, my very dear Tommy^
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. JV,
To Lady H .
Edinburgh, July 7, 1 750.
Ever-honoured Madam j
AFTER preaching at Cockermouth^ and near TVigton, with
great acceptance, laO: night I came here, and was re-
ceived in a moft loving and tender manner. At noon, I dined
with a family that honours your Ladyfhip very much, and
this evening I have been preaching to a great multitude of
very attentive and affected hearers. At my return to my lod'g-
.ings, I had the wiflied-for pleafure of your Ladyfhip's two
letters. They both led me nearer to, and laid me lower be-
fore Him^ at whofe throne I am daily pleading for the wel-
fare of your Ladyfliip, bolh in temporals and fpirituals. In-
deed, ever honoured Madam, I have con^ldertce with you
that your Ladyfliip fhall have all the deliveraftce you lono'
for. By divine grace, I will let the Lord have no reft, till
he fulfils all your defires. I quite forget myfelf, when I think:
of your Ladyfliip. Ever honoured Madam, the Lord as yet
hath but begun to biefs you ; you fhall, you fliall, you will
be made a greater blefTing indeed. If dear Mr. H gets
J y^ that will be making your Ladyfhip a blefling. He
is a dear foul ; I am glad that both he and Dr. D have
been with your LadyQiip. I would have all the good minifters
come and vifit your Ladyfliip. There are numbers would
go fcores of miles willingly for that purpofe. I hope foon to
fend your Ladyfliip feme pleafing particulars. I have heard
from my family. May the blefling of many ready to pcrifli
defcend on your Ladyfhip. I pity poor A B . Your
Ladyfliip I believe will foon get the better of him. Your
Ladyfhip hath a£led like yourfelf in forgiving the oiFenders*
Such offences come, that Christ's followers may give evi-
dence of his blefled temper being wrought in their h(5arts. In
my return, without fail your Ladyihip may expert me at un-
grateful Ajloby. Out of thofe ftones may the Lord Jesus
raife up children unto Abraham! However God is pleafed to
deal with me, your Ladyfliip may be afllired of hearing from
me. In the mean while, your Ladyfliip and honoured rela-
tions and family will be continually remembered by, ever-
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's mcfl: dutiful, ready, obliged,
though unworthy fervant for Christ's fake,
G. m
ro Lady H .
Edinburgh, July 12, 1750*
Ever-honoured Madam^
THOUGH I am really burning with a fever, and have
a violent cold, yet I mufl: fend your Ladyfliip a few
lines by this poft. They bring good news. People flock
rather more than ever, and earneftly entreat me not to leave
them foon. I preach generally twice a day,— early in the
morning, and at fix in the evening. Great multitudes attend.
Praife the Lord O my foul ! Your Ladyfliip's health is drank-
and enquired after every day. Mr. N- , who married-
Lord . 's fifter, has given me three franks, and his fa-
milv are iii the number of thofe who arc left in Sardhy and
^ bav<7
have not defiled their garments. Enclofed your Ladyfiiip hath
my laft from Carolina, and an account of the affair mentioned
by the Bifliop of Cjrk. I fear I cannot reach Ireland this fca-
fon. Your Ladyihip's mcfTage to Mr. Robe, I fcnt laft poft ;
he will think himfelf highly honoured. Some time next
month I hope to fee your Ladyfliip. In the mean time, whe-
ther fick or well, your Ladyfhip fhall be fure to hear how the
Lord of all Lords is pleafcd to deal with me and his people.
His prefence makes me to fmile at pain, and the fire of his
love burns up all fevers whatfocver. This your Ladyfhip
knows by happy experience. That you may know it more
and more every hour, and every moment, is the continual
prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged and
chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
ro Mr, C .
Dear 'Jemmy, Glnfgow, July 11^ I750«
I Have nothing but good news to fend you. The entrance
God has been pleafcd to give me into Scotland, demands
the highefl tribute of gratitude and love. I preached twenty
times at Edinburgh, and thoufands attended morning and even-
ing. Many I hope got good. To the giver of every good gift
be all the glory ! Laft night I came hither, and was moft
lovingly received, and this morning the Lord of all Lords
hath given us a delightful meeting. Blefled news is fent from
Kendal, Enclofed you have the marks of my friends bounty,
who love me for Jesus fake. Be pleafcd to receive the bill,
and as you live near Mr. S — — , be fo kind as to pay him the
remainder of what is due for printing my laft fcrmons. Take
his accompt, and a receipt under ; what is left, pray give to
my wife to pay fVr the book-binder. For I would fain
owe no man any thing but love. — I would have my worldly
affairs fo ordered, that let death come when it v/ill, I may
have nothing to do but to die. That is a blefled word to me ;
the thoughts of death gladden my heart, and caufe me often
almoft to leap for joy. But perhaps our Lord has more
work for mc to do. His v/ill be done in, by, and upon me,
I in
in time, and to all eternity. Pilgrims muft not expeiSl riiucli
reft here. In heaven we (hall have enough. There I fhall
meet you and yours. I falute you both moft tenderly, and
beg you would all pray for, my dear friend,
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. /r.
To Mr. R" -.
Glaf^ow, July 23, 1750.
My very dear Friend^
WITH pleafure I fit down to perform my promife, and
to thank you for all favours. The Lord is fl:ill
adding to my obligations, to love and ferve him. Friends here
received me moft kindly, and the congregations I think aie
rather larger than ever. Yefterday, befides preaching twice
in the field, I preached m the college A'/H, being forced
by Mr. G . 'Twas a blefied feafon. Mr. R and
Mr. E were very affectionate. I have met, and fhaken
hands with Mr. R E . O when fhall God's people
learn war no more ! God willing, I fhall leave Glafgow on
Tburfday next, and if you pleafe, will fup quietly with you
and your lady, or with Mr. G , on Friday evening. I
hope to be in early, becaufe I intend lying at Mr. E 's
houfe, or at Kylfyth on the Thurfday, Letters this poft make
me refolve not to vifit Ireland this fummer ; Mr. JV- — -—
is there, and perfecution increafes. I fend the inclofed open.
A copy might be put into my wife's, left the Other ftiould
mifcarry. My ftay in Edinburgh at rtiy return muft be very
fhort. May the Lord Jesus make it fweet I You muft re-
member me in the kindeft manner to your dear lady, the other
ladies, and all enquiring friends, and accept of moft hearty
love from, my very dear Sir,
Yours, 5cc.
G. ^.
To Mr. JV .
Dear Sir, Glafgowy July 23, 17^0.
1 Received your kind letter laft week, but till now had
not time to anfvver you. Blefled be God, it brought
glad tidings. Thanks be to the ever-loving ever-lovely Jesus,
for caufing his arrows to flick faft in any fmners hearts !
May he that hath wounded, in his own due time and way heal
and eafe them ! — He is the awakened Tinners only refuge. To
Him the weary and heavy laden are invited. Let them but
come to him, and he will, indeed he will give them reft.
that thole who have begun to put their hands to the
plough, may be kept from looking back 1 Awakening times
are like fpring times. Many bloflbms, but not always fo
much fruit. However, glory, glory be to God, that the
Winter of deadnefs is in fome degree over, and that a Spring
time of grace is feen at Kendal. Pray remember mc in the
kindeft manner to all under awakenings, and exhort them all
with full purpofe of heart to cleave unto the Lord. Whe-
ther I can fee you again in my return, is uncertain. If it be
any way pradticable, I fhall comply with your earneft folici-
tation. Next week, God willing, I leave Scotland, and if
1 can come, you fhail hear from me. Li the mean time, as the
Lord enables, I (hall not ceafe to pray for all that are fetting
their faces Zionward. You know the many turnings that lie
in the way thither, and therefore can dire6l young travellers.
It is pretty work for you in the decline of life. Methinks
you may be fu rprized like Sarah, who faid, *' v/ho would have
thought that Sarah (hould have given fuck !'* But is there any
thing too hard for the Lord ? O for faith, patience and hu-
mility ! Thefe are graces my foul thirfts after. How humble,
how thankful ought I to be ! After leaving Kendal, the word
of the Lord ran and w^as glorified in feveral places, and in
Scotland I think congregations are rather greater than ever.
You muft exhort all to pray for me, that I may be kept from
flagging in the latter ftages of my road. My love to Mr.
G . I fhall take care to anfwer his letter when it comes
to hand. I have ordered fome volumes of my fermons to be
fent to him. May God fanflify the reading of them to the
Vol. II. A a carryijig
i^jo LETTER S,
carrying on his blelTed work. I can now no more. The
Lord be with you. I am, dear Sir,
Yours, &c. in Jesus Christ,
G. ir,
To Lady H .
Edinburgh y Jidy 29, 1750*
Ever-honoured Madam^
WHAT fnall I fay ? Your Ladyship's condefcenfion in
writing to unworthy me, lays me low before Him,
who continues to fellow me with his goodnefs and mercy every
hour of my life. Ungrateful ^;/|y / O that thou kneweft
the day of thy vifitation ! Surely your Ladyfhip may fhake ofF
the duft of your feet againft them. This was the command,
that the meek and lowly Jesus gave to his apoftles, when the
o-ofpcl was not received. And he himfelf departed, when the
6*fl^^r^;7^i-<lefired him to go out of their coafts. Thisjufti-
fies your Ladyfhip in removing Mr. B . What avaib
throwing pearls before fvv'ine, v/ho only turn again and rend
you ? However, I blefs God that your Ladyfhip's houfe is
made a Bethel Glad would I be of the honour of joining
your Ladylhip's little fclect company, but our Redeemer ap-
points me other work. — Indeed it is very pleafant work. No
one can well defcribe the order, attention, and earneftnefs of
the Scotch congregations. They are unwearied in hearing the
gofpel. 1 left thoufands forrowful at Glafgozv^ and here I was
again moft gladly received laft night. By preaching always
twice, and once thrice, and once four times in a day, I am
quite weakened ; but I hope to recruit again, and get frefii
flrength to work for Him, who (lied his precious blood for ill
and hell-deferving m*e. On Thurfday next, God willing, I
ihall leave Scotland. Your Ladyfhip Ihall know whither I go.
In the mean while, I fend your Ladyfliip fome Georgia letters,
which I hope will afford you fatisfa6lion. I have been upon
the enquiry for fome proper perfons, for dear Captain G
and his Lady to converfe with at Dumfries^ and laft night I
hear I have fucceeded. Particulars they fhall know hereafter.
1 can now only fend them my moft grateful and cordial re-
fpeds, being obliged to flop to get ilrepgth even whilft I
^ write
Write this. O this mortal body ! How does it wejo-h down
tny precious and immortal foul ! Ere long it will be fet at
liberty, and body and foul fhall be for ever with the Lord.
I cannot enlarge. Your Ladyfhip is remembered every day
by many here. I hope your Ladyfhip's honoured fifters are
profpering in foul and body. The fearcher of hearts can tell
how much I count it my honour to fubfcribe myfelf, ever-
honoured Madam,
Their and your moft obliged, dutiful, and chearful
fervant for Jesus Christ's fake,
To Lady H .
Honoured Madam^ Berwick^ Aug, 4, 1 750.
AT length I have taken a very forrowful leave of Scotland.
The longer I continued there, fihe more the congrega-
tions, and the power that attended the word, increafed. I have
reafon to think that many are under convi6lions, and am af-
fured of hundreds having received great benefit and confola-
tion. The parting was rather more affectionate than ever^
and I (hall have reafon to blefs God to all eternity for this laft
vifit to Scotland, Not a dog moved his tongue all the while I
was there, and many enemies where glad to be at peace with
me. Who is like our God, glorious in holinefs, fearful in
praifes, continually doing wonders ! Preaching fo frequently,
and paying fo many religious vifits, weakened me very much ;
but I am already much better for my riding thus far, and I
truft the Lord will caufe me to renew my ftrength. My
obligations to fpend and be fpent for the blefled Jesus, are
greatly increafed. O that I may fpring afrefh, and foar aloft
till I fly into the embraces of a fin-forgiving God ! He hath
prepared my way at Berwick, One of the minifters hath
fent me an offer of his pulpit, and I hear of about ten more
round this town that would do the fame. I came hither this
evening, and purpofe, God willing, to fet out for Newcajik
on Monday morning. What fuccefs I meet with, your Lady-
fhip fhall hear in my next. Was it not fo late in the year,
I think I would go to Ireland. May the Lord diredt my go-
ings in his way ! Kendal, I believe, muft have another vifit.
A a Si The
The endofed is from one of Mr. IV 's preachers. The
contents I believe will pleafe your Ladyftiip. Honoured Ma-
dam, what fhall I fay ? The Redeemer's goodnefs quite
amazes me. " Lefs than the leaft of all," fhall be my motto
ftill. With regret, I fend your Ladyfhip Mr. H 's too,
too much embellifhed and extravagant character of ill and
hell-deferving me. It came from Plymouth laft poft. Your
Lady/hip defircd to fee it, or otherwife I could not bear to
fend it. To me, O blefied Jesus, nothing belongs, but fliame
and confufion of face. O that praife as well as contempt may
humble this proud heart of mine ! Then I (hall never be
hurt by having the honour to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured
Your Ladyfhip's mofl dutiful, obliged, and
very ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G, JV.
To Mr. L .
Newca/lky Jug. 9, 1750.
Aly dear dying Friend ^
THOUGH abfent in body, yet I am prefent with you
in fpirit ; and whilft you are in this tabernacle of clay,
as our Lord enables, you fhall not be forgotten before his
throne. Ere long you v/ill be called to fit upon itj Jesus
himfelf will rife and take you in. — And why? He hath re-
deemed you unto God by his blood, and given you the firft
fruits of heaven already in your heart. Fear not therefore,
my dear friend, to go through "Jordan, The great High
Prieft flands ready to guide you, and v/ill land you fafe in
Canaan, I pra^ fequar, — Yet a little while, and my turn
will come. In heaven we fhall part no more. Till then, my
dear dying friend, farewel ! O that I may hear that you go
ofF in triumph. But whether this be vouchfafed or not, I
know you will die in peace. To the God of peace and love
do I mofl earneflly commend you. Let this he your joyful
A guilty^ iveak and helplefs worm^
Into thy arms I f.y :
Be thou myjlrength and rightCQufnefs^
My Jesus and my alL
4. I ^t\\^
JL E T T E R S. 373
I fend afFe^lionate refpeds to both your fillers, and to Mr.
B . I pray that the Lord Jesus may love them as he
loved Lazarus^ Mary^ and their fifter Martha^ and I entreat
you to accept this as a token of unfeigned chriftian love, from,
my \QTY deaij Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G. JV.
To Mr, P- .
My dear Mr. P- , London^ Sept. 4, 1750.
I Received your kind letter yefterday, which was like the
prophet's roll, full of lamentation, and mourning, and
woe. But v^'hat fliall we fay ? It mud needs be that oftences
come.— -Wo to the inhabitants of the earth, and of the fea,
for the devil is come dov/n in great wrath, knowing he hath
but a fhort time to reign ; but let us look upwards. Every
plant that our heavenly father hath not planted, fliail be rooted
up ; only let him that ftandeth take heed left he fall. You
mufi: falute dear Mr. R and the reft of the brethren
in my name. As far as I know, we are like-minded as to
principles, and I ftiall be glad to do all that I can to ftrengthen
their hands, only let nothing be done through ftrife and vain-
glory. Blefled be God, my poor labours never met witji
greater acceptance in Evgland and Scotland than now, and I
would gladly fly to IVales^ but perhaps my corpin^ had better
be deferred to the cool of the day. Let us not fear. This
ftorm will blow over. — Truth is great, and though driven
out of doors for a while, will prevail at the laft. Alas, what
are we vi^hen a party fpirit lays hold on us ! I fufpe61: the
principles that are produ6tive of fuch pradices. — O that thefe
things may lead us nearer to Christ, keep us clofer to his
blefled w^ord, and be fandlified to the moulding us into a
nearer conformity to his divine image. The meeknefs and
lowlinefs of Jesus, I want to be a large partaker of. You
muft pray for mc, and let me know how affairs ftand. My
;ender love to all. I am, dear Sir,
Yours, &c,
A a 3 LETTF.ll
'374 LETTER S:
To Lady H n.
Honoured Mada??!^ Portfmouth^ Sept., 8, 1750.
TO day my wife fent me the melancholy news of the death
of your Ladyfliip's eldeft daughter, hut withal wrote me
that file died very comfortably. Indeed when I left her, God's
fpirit feemed to be working fo ftrongly upon her heart, that I
thought fhe would foon go to heaven, or fhine as a glorious
faiflt on earth. It hath pleafed a fovereign God to cut fhort
his work in righteoufnefs, and call her home. A trial this in-
deed, for your Ladyfhip ! but a tria), in v/bich I hope you^
Ladyfhip will have grace given to acquiefce. O that with
jiaron you may be enabled to hold your peace, and wivh the
bereaved Shunamite to fay, " It is well." And ii' the Re-
deemer fhould call your Ladyfliip to part with another daugh-
ter (hard trial for flefh and blood) may you be ftrengthened
chearfully to give her up, and hear the Lord of all Lords
faying unto you, '^ Now know I that thou loveft me, fmce
thou haft not with-held two dear daughters from me." Now
is the time, honoured Madam, to prove the flretigth of Jesus
to be yours. Now is the time to be ftrong in faith, and give
glory to God. The Redeemer will be better to you than
feven daughters. What a comfort is it, honoured Madam, for
you to think that Mifs C gave fuch comfortable evidences
of her dying in the Lord. She is blefied indeed, and the
language of her departed foul is, " weep not for me." Com-
fort yourfelf, honoured Madam, with this thought, and fay like
David, ''' I fhall go to her, but (he will not return to me."
Muy this trial be fim6^ified to your Ladyfhip's whole houfe-
hold, and may your furviving children learn to die betimes 1
I could enlarge, but am afraid of being troublefome. On
Tuefdcy-, God willing, I hope to be in Lotidon for one day,
and {hall be impatient to know how the all-wife God is pleafed
to difpofe of your Lady(hip*s other daughter. In the mean
while, my poor prayers fhall be put up night and day, that
ypur Ladyfhip may have grace given you to glorify Christ
in this time of need. I commend your Lndyfhip to his never-
failing mercy, as being, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, fympathizlng,
obliged, and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JV,
ro Mr. R .
London^ Sept. 14, I750.
My very dear Mr. R — ^— r,
GLAD was I, yea very glad, to receive your kind letter
about two days ago. I fend you this in return, with
ten thoufand thanks for all favours conferred upon me, by
you and yours. They are all numbered, and not one of them
fliall be forgotten before the Lord of all Lords, whofe mercy
endureth for ever. Surely, his goodnefs and mercy have fol-
lowed me all the days of my life, and blefled be his holy
name, I fhall ere long dwell in his houfe for ever. At my
return to town, I was received, though utterly unworthy,
with great joy, and our Lord has manifcfted forth his glory-
in the great congregation. I have preached in Mr. TV- *s
chapel feveral times, and I truft a young lady of high rank
was truly awakened about a fortnight ago, and who is fince
gone triumphantly to heaven. Mr. IF breakfafted and
prayed with me this morning, and Mr. H y was fo kind
as to come up and be with me in my houfe. He is a dear
man, and I truft will yet be fpared to write much for the Re-
deemer's glory. I have prevailed on him to fit for his picture,
and it will be publiflicd in a fhort time. IV'o dozen of my
pictures, as my friends fo earneftly defired them, are fent di-
reded to you. Be plcafed to let them be difpofed of, as fhall
be judged moft proper. O that my heart might in fome mea-
fure refemble the image of my dear Lord ! You and yours
will not fad to pray, that it may be written in lively charac-
ters, and that I may go on my way rejoicing. I never forget
you or any other of my dear Scotch friends. Juft now I have
good news from Kendal; a young woman, whom God wa?
plcafed to awaken when I was there, went off lately (as my
friend ex prefles it) "with flying colours." Grace! Grace I
Lord, make me humble! Lord Jesus, make mc truly thank-
A a 4 ful!
fu! ! I am juft now going for Chatham. Laft Lord's day 1
was at Pqrtfnwuih. Next week, God willing, I go to Glou-
cejler. I hope good Lady D and her beloved fon and
daughter, &c. are proipering in foul and body. I fend them
my moft dutiful refpedls, aad ten thoufand thanks, and beg
you, my very dear Sir, to accept the fame fiom.
Yours moft affectionately in our bleffed Lord,
To Lady H .
Ei: er -honour c d Madam^ London-, Sept. 17, 17 50.
THOUGH it is a crofs to me to be deiained fo lonc^
from coming to Jfoby^ yet I truft hitherto my fteps have
been guided by an oyer-ruling providence for good. Yefter-
day afternoon I returned from Chatham, where I think there is
as promlfing a work begun as almoft in any part of England.
Laft night the Redeemer's glory was feen in the tabernacle,
and your Ladyftiip's letter revived my heart, and gave me
fome fiefti hopes for ungrateful JJ}:hy. My heart's defire and
prayer to the Lord of all Lords is, that your Ladyftiip may
live to fee much of the travail of the Redeemer's foul. I am
glad Mr. M ;s ordained, and hope Mr. B — ■ — will be
the next, foon. By Mr. L -'s letter to him, I find your
Ladyfliip has a6led in the affair like yourfelf. Your LadyOiip
fnall have a copy of it, and you will then fee how matters go.
Mr. B— • — is much for embarking in Christ's caufe, and
if the D would but help him at this jundlure, he might
be a ufeful and happy man. Both he and Mr. EI have
the moft grateful fenfe of your Ladyftiip's great kindnefs. The
latter I believe intends to winter with me in London. If pofli-
ble, I will prevail on Mr. H ly^ at my return, to come
and pay him a vifit. To-morrow morning, God willing, I
fet out for Glouc'Jlcr^ and intend coming to Pibmingha?n, and
fo to your Ladyftiip's. In my way I hope to write to Lady
B , and be as particular as circumftances will admit. I
am furprized at your Ladyftiip's doing and going through fo
much. But what cannot a believer do, when ftrengthcned
by the blejfed Jesus? Your Lad\ftiip will be remembered
moft heartily before him this afteinoonj it being our letter-
day. That you may long live to (hine in his church below,
and after death be tranflated to fliine with diftinguifhcd luftrc
in the realms of light and love above, is the continual prayer
of, ever, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
poft cheerful fervant for Christ's fake,
•^ To Lady B H .
Madamy Glouccjler^ Sept. 22, 1750.
AS I know your Ladyfhip had a great efteem for the late
honourable Mifs H , I cannot but think a (hort
-account of her behaviour, under her laft ficknefs, mull not
only alleviate the concern your Ladyfliip muft neceffarily have
for fo intimate a friend, but alfo excite you to pray, that
your latter end may be like hers. I think it is now near
three weeks fmce good Lady G defired me to vifit her
fick daughter. She had been prayed for very earneftly the
preceding day after the facrament, and likewife previous to
my vifit in Lady H 's room. When I came to her bed-
fide, flie feemed glad to fee me, but defired I would fpeak and
pray as foftly as I could. I converfed with her a little, and
•{he dropped fome ftrong things about the vanity of the world,
and the littlenefs of every thing out of Christ. I prayed as
low as I could, but in prayer (your Ladyfliip has been too
well acquainted with fuch things to call it enihufiafm) I felt a
very uncommon energy and power to wreflle with God in
her behalf. She foon broke out into fuch words as thcfe,
'' what a wretch am Ir" She feemed to fpeak out of the
abundance of her heart, from a feeling fenfe of her own vile-
nefs. Her honoured Parent and attending fervants were af-
fedted. After prayer, flic feemed as though flie felt things
unutterable, bemoaned her ingratitude to God and Christ;
and I believe would gladly have given a detail of all her
faults ftie could reckon. Her having had a form of godlinefs,
but never having felt the power, was what fhe moft bewailed.
I left her ; fhe continued in the fame frame ; and when Mrs,
5 a(ked her whether fl:ic felt her hear: to be as bad as
fhe expreffcd hcrfelf, flie anfwercd, '« yes, and worfe." At
her requeft, fomc time after this, I gave her the holy commu-
nion ; a communion indeed it was. Never did I fee a perfon
receive it with feemingly greater contrition, more earneft de-
iire for pardon and reconciliation with God through Christ,
or ftronger purpofes of devoting her future life to his fervice.
Being weak, (he was defued to keep lying on her bed. She
replied, " I can rife to take my phyfic ; (hall I not rife to
pray ?" When I was repeating the Communion Office, flic
applied all to herfelf, and broke out frequently aloud in her
applying. When I faid, the burden of them is intolerable,
fhe burft out — " yea very intolerable," with abundance of
fuch like expreflions. When fhe took the bread and wine,
her concern gave her utterance, and fhe fpake like one that
was ripening for heaven. Thofe around her, wept for joy.--»
My cold heart alfo was touched, and I left her with a full
perfuafion, that flie was either to be taken off foon, or to be
a blefling here below. I think fhe lived about a week after-
wards : flie continued in the fame frame as far as I hear, and
I truft is now gone, where fhe will fing the fong of Mo/a
and of the Lamb for ever. The thoughts of this, comforts
good Lady G — — , and the fame confideration, I am perfuaded,
will have the fame ciFe£t upon your Ladyfhip. Only me-
thinks I hear your Ladyfhip add, " No, I will not flop here.
By divine grace I will devote myfelf to Jesus Christ now,
and give him no refl, till I fee the world in that light as
dear Mifs H • did, and as I myfelf fhall, when I come to
die. I will follow my honoured mother as fhe follows Jesus
Christ, and count the Redeemer's reproach of mere value
than all the honours, riches and pleafures of the world. I
will fly to Christ by faith, and through the help of my
God, keep up not only the form, but aUo the power of god-
linefs in heart and life." That the glorious Emanuel may
enable your Ladyfliip to put all this into praflice, is the ear-
nefl prayer of. Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mofl ready fcrvant for Christ's fake.
Dear Mij's B , Everfl)am, Sept. 28, 1750.
I Thank you for your kind letter, and thank our heavenly
Father for blefling the feed fown to any of my hearers.
Not unto nr^e O Lord, not unto me, but unto thy free un-
pieritcd mercy, be all the glory !
Jf thou excufe^ then work thy wiil^
By fo unfit an injiruffient ;
// will at once thy grace difplay^
And prove thy power omnipotent,
llitherto our Lord continues to help me. Since my return
from Scotland^ I have been brought very low ; but as my day
is, fo is my ftrength. At London^ Portfmouih^ Chatham^ and
lately in Gloucejlerjhire we have had many pleafant feafons. I
am now going to Blr?ningham^ Coventry^ he. God only
knows when I fhall fee my beloved Scotlajid again. Gladly
could I live and die with my dear friends there. It is my
comfort, that thofe who are friends to Jesus, fhall live eter-
nally together hereafter. I know feveral of late that went ofF
triumphantly. O that we may be kept from being cumbered?
O that nothing may draw us from the feet of Jesus I There,
and there alone is folid peace to be found. Every thing is
good that drives us thither. That this may be always your
abiding place, is the earncft prayer of, dear Mifs B ,
Your affecSlionate friend, and
ready fcrvant for Christ's fake,
G. /r.
To the Reverend Mr, Z .
J/hby-i On, 9, 1750.
I Should have written to you long before now, but I waited
for the arrival of Mr. Haberjham^ fhip, in which I expecSl-
ed letters of cop.rcquence. They are now come, and two of
the chief I fend cnclofed in this, and fhall omit faying any
thing further, till . have the pleafure of feeing you, which I
hope will be fome time next week or the v/cek after. Imme-
d lately after I left you, I have reafon to think that the glori-
ous Redeemer (O infinite condefcenfion !) vouchfafed to make
me inftrumental in the converfion of Lady H 's eldeft
daughter, who I hope is gone to reft. I am now at her Lady-
fhip*s houfe with four other clergymen, who I believe love
and preach Christ in fmcerity : but /Jhby people reject the
kingdom of God againft themfelves. At Port/mouthy Chatham^
Glouccfierjhire^ Birmingham^ IFednefiury^ Everjham^ NotWighaWy
Uc. our infinite High-prieft has given us pleafant feafons. I
am now waiting every day for my wife's being delivered of her
prefent burden, and hope ere long to rejoice that a_child is
born into the world. O that it may be born again and made
an heir of the Redeemer's kingdom. This is all my defire.
Honoured Sir, you fee how freely I open myfelf unto you. I
count it a great privilege that you allow me this liberty, and
I earneftly pray our blefled Lord to reward you ten thoufand
fold. He has been pleafed frequently to comfort and encourage
my heart this circuit, and in the midft of all, lets me know
he is my God. O that he may be my glory ! O that I may
be never left to difhonour him ! Reverend Sir, for Jesus's fake
continue to pray for me, who, with grateful acknowledgments
for all favours, beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your nioft obliged, affectionate, though
unworthy youiiger brother, and fellow-
labourer in the kingdom of Christ,
G. JV.
To the Couniefs D .
Honoured Madam^ Jfhhy^ OSf. ii, 17 50.
IT would give me concern, was I to return to London^
though from ever fo fhort an excurfion, v/ithout letting
your Ladylhip know that you are always remembered by me
at the throne of grace. Upon fuch a throne the Redeemer
fits, holding out his golden fceptre, and afking us, " What is
your petition ? And what is your requeft ?" My requeft for
your Ladyfhip is, that you may increafe with all the increafe
of God. This I truft your Ladyfhip is daily doing, and con-
fequently increafing in inward happinefs, peace and joy. The
riches of the divine life are indeed unfearchable. May your
Ladyfliip dig for them as for hiJ treafure, till faith be turned
into vifion, and hope into the endlefs fruition of the ever
blefled GoD ! That time will fhortly come. I have been la-
bouring at Birmingham, in GlouceJIerJJjire., at Nottingham^ &c.
to awaken a fleepy world to a fenfc of it, and I truft not with-
out fucccfs. On laft Thurfday I came here, and next Monday^
God willing, fliall fet out for Loiidon. Good Lady H .
goes on ading the part of a mother in Ifrael, more and more.
For a day or two £he has had five clergymen under her roof,
which makes her Ladyfhip look like a good Archhijhop with
his Chaplains around him. Her houfc is indeed a Bethel, To
us in the miniftry, it looks like a college. We have the Sa-
crament every morning, heavenly converfation all day, and
preach at night. This is to live at Court, indeed. Laft night
I had the pleafure of feeing a little flock that feemed to be
awakened by the grace of God j fo that even out of ungrate-
ful AJhby, I truft there will be raifed up many children unto
Abraham. Your Ladyfhip, and the other eledl Ladies, are
never forgotten by us. 1 would write to good Lady F ,
but I hear (lie is out of town. That the choiceft of divine
bleflings, even the fure mercies of David, may follow you
both all the days of your lives, is the hearty prayer of, ho-
noured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful,
obliged, and ready fervant,
G, IP\
To Lady II m.
Honoured Madarn, AJJ)by, 0^. Ii, 1750.
IT is with great pleafure that I have heard of your Lady-
fhip's being fo fupported under your late bereavement, and
of the good imprefTions made on furviving relations by it.
Thus the Redeemer delights to magnify his ftrengih in his
people's weaknefs, and caufes the death of one, to be the life,
as it were, the refurredion of another. O what amazing
myfteries will be unfolded, when each link in the golden chain
of Providence and Grace, fhall be feen and fcanned by bea-
tified fpirits in the kingdom of heaven ! There all will appear
fymmetry and harmony, and even the moft intricate and feem-
ingly moft contrary difpenfiUions, will be evidenced to be tile
refult of Infinite and confummate wifdom, power, and love.
Above all, there the believer will fee the infinite depths of
that myftery of godlinefs, " God manifcfted in the flefh," and
join with that blefled choir, who with a reftlefs unweariednefs
are ever finging the fong of Mofes and the Lamb. There your
Ladyfhip 1 believe will fee your departed daughter, not ftrug-
gling with a burning fever, but burning with love extatic, and
with feraphic fv/eetnefs adoring that Redeemer, who at the
eleventh hour, even on a dying bed, fnatched her as a brand
out of the fire. But what am I doing ? I fear, making your
Ladyfhip's wounds to bleed afrefli. — But, honoured Madam, is
it not a pleafant bleeding, to think of bearing children for
heaven ? To fee thofe neareft and deareft parts of ourfelves go
before us thither — O what a favour is this ! May your Lady-
fhip be always thus highly favoured : may you live to fee all
your furviving children taught and born of God. I muft not
enlarge. Neither have I room to acquaint your Ladyfhip,
how that mirror of piety, good Lady // , adorns the
gofpel of her Lord in all things. I wrote fome particulars
of our fituation to the good Countefs. I can now only add,
that v/hen I come to town, your Ladyfhip may at any time
command, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful^ obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. jr.
To Mr. r .
My very dear Mr, T , Jjhlyy Ool, 13, 1750.
YOUR kind letter did not reach me till about two days
ago. I embrace the firft opportunity of anfwering it.
If you write often, God willing, you fhall hear oftener from
me. You are peculiarly clear to me, and therefore I heartily
wifh you was thruft out into our Lord's harveft. Vox -popuU^
much more vox amicorwn^ is frequently vox Dei, I fay to you,
as a good old minifter did to one whom you know, and who
was as unwilling to go into the vineyard, as you can be, " I
believe if St. Paul was alive, he v/ould ordain you." You
have a moderate Ihare of learning, an agreeable addrels, a
good elocution, a little knowledge of mankind, and of your-
felf, and above all an experimental acquaintance with the
Lord Jesus Christ, with a door of ufefulncfs immediately-
opening ; and what would you more ? I wifh fome latent pride
may not be at the bottom. Lofc no more time, my dear man.
The voice of Christ to you now is, " Follow me, and I will
make thee a fifher of men." The harveft is great, the labourers
are few. Thoufands are perifliing for lack of that knowledge,
which you have already. The world wants more heat than
Jight. Crefc'it cundo^ crefclt agendo^ is a young minifter's motto,
I think the Itinerancy abroad would fuit you well. By travelling
before you take on you a fettled charge, you will get a deeper
infight into the world and the church ; you will infenfibly ac-
quire larger and more fuUlime thoughts of God's providence
and grace, and confequentiy be more fit to ferve whatever flock
the Holy Ghoft fhall hereafter place you over. I believe that
your honoured father loves Christ too well, to ftand out
long againft a rational fcheme for the extcnfive ufefulnefs of
his fon. He is a dear man, whom I love in the bowels of
Jesus Christ. Pray remember me to him in the kindeft
manner, and tell him I purpofe writing to him as foon as pof-
fible. This leaves me at Ajhby^ at good Lady H k's, whofe
houfe is indeed a Bethel to thofe who are willing to follow her,
as fhe follows Jesus Christ. One of high rank, I really be-
lieve, was converted lately on a dying bed, and her death I
truft hath proved the life of one or two more. One of the
Kendal converts is gone oft in flying colours, and our blefled
Lord has given us fweet feafons at Fortfrnouth^ Chathaniy
Gloucejierjhire^ Birm'inghain^ Everjham^ JVedneJhury, Notting- .
ham^ Szc. Next Monday, GoD willing, I go for London^ in,
order to put into winter quarters. The Lord prepare me
for a frefh campaign ! Do you know any one fit for a Tutor at
Georgia f I am glad that Neiu Jerfey college fucceeds. I had
lately a letter from Governor Belcher^ which I fuppofe you
have feen ; it was fent to Mr. A'' . Colonel 7i^' pro-
pofes that Mr. P fhall come over with one of the Indians i
I wifh he may.' I am forry to hear that Mr. is likely
to dellroy himfelf by hard fludy. I had rather he would kill
himfelf with hard working, and going about to do good. Mr,
G— — fecms to me to \\7,\"i chpfen the better part. How is
dear Mr. R IV- — - F I hope he is like a flame of fire.
Pray falute him and all my dear, very dear friends in the ten-
dered manner. I could live and die with them. In heaven
we ihall live together. There we fhall fee our dear Mr. L .
1 hope your little choir are every day learning more and more
of the new fong, in order to join him in the realms above. —
You have all my hearty love and prayers. Accept the fame
yourfelf in a very particular manner from, very dear Sir,
. Yours mofl afFedionately in a precious Christ,
G. ir.
To Governor B .OticvT*^*
Honoured Sir, ' JJJjby, OSI, l^i 1 750.
Had the favour of your Excellency's letter, and took the
liberty of communicating it to good Lady H «, who
fhines in the church of Christ on this fide the water, as a
flar of the firfl magnitude. Her Ladyfhip will be very glad
to open a correfpondence with your Excellency ; and feems to
^ 1 fpeak oi New-yerfey College with great fatisfa6tion. I rejoice
to hear that it is in a profperous fituation. If Mr. P or
\ . Mji •§ ^^P- ^^ prevailed on to come over, I am perfuaded
liberal contributions will be raifed both in England Txnd Scotland^
All was ready, if dear Mr. yf had not been taken off by
death J but even this our blcficd Lord can and will over-rule
for good. I tnink it forebodes good for America, that fuch a
fpirit is excited in fo many provinces for promoting a learned
and religious education. God only knows how much my heart
is on that fide the water. I fhould certainly have embarked
about this time, did not my wife daily expe£l an hour of tra-
vail. I can only fay, " It is the Lord j let him do what
ieemeth him good." Bleffed be his name, frelh doors for ufe-
fuljiefs are opened every week. We had a blelTed fcene this
Summer in Scotland^ and ever fince I have been ranging about,
to fee who will believe the gofpel report. O that I may die
ia the field ! I am now at my good Lady's with three clergy-
men that love and preach Jesus Christ. Several fouls have
been awakened liere. One of high birth was lately converted
on her dying bed ^ and by that means I truft one or two more
are put upon fecuring the one thing needful. On Monday I
fhall ]eave her Ladyflilp, to go for London^ which Is to be my
Winter quarters. I Ihall long for Springs that I may enter
upon a frclh campaign. O that my foul may begin to fprino-
indeed ! fprinir for Him who was llretched upon the accurfcd
tree to (live my wretched foul. Elefled be his name, that your
Excellency has got fuch a fvveet retreat in the decline of life ;
where, free from noife and hurry, you *.nd your confort may
ripen for heaven, and confequently be more and more htitcd
for your iart great change. That will now fliortly come.
Your Excellency is arrived to a good old age. Yoa have by
faith fcen the Lord Christ. You have been inftrum.cntal
in foundinc^ a chriiiian colleo-e. Let death come when it will,
with good old Sif):cc7i^ you may fay, " Lord, now letteit thou
thy fervant depart in peace," for my foul hath experienced thy
great f^dvation ! This I believe, honoured Sir, is all your
defire. Our Lord will grant it to you. O that when you
are near his throne, you may have a petition upon your heart
for unworthy, ill-deferving, hell-deferving me I Your Excel-
lency hath laid me under many obligations ; let nie entreat
you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus, to add to them
by not ceafmg to pray for me, that as I have had much for-
given me, I may, v/ith Magdalen, love miuch ; and being a
brand plucked out of the burning, I may, in God's own time
and way, be tranflated to dwell with Jesus in liis kingdom.
As our Lord enables, the favour fhall conflantly be returned
m behalf of you and yours, by, honoured Sir,
Your Excellency's mofl dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Baron Z . ^ • " " " ^^^'
Honoured Siry London^ NuV. g^ I75^'
THE love of Jesus Christ conftrains me to fend you a
few lines. They flow from a heart truly fympathizing
with your beloved Baronefs, under your prefent trials. O that
patience may have its perfed work in your fouls ! O that witii
your tempted, affli^«d, agonizing Jesus, you naay be enabled
Vol. II, B b to
cj86 letters:
to Tay, " The cup, which our heavenly Father hath given U5,
fliall we not drink it ?" I doubt not, but you find it fwcctencd
with his love : — ** for he will not fuffer us to be tempted
above what we arc able to bear ; but will with the temptation
mr.kc a way for us to efcape." 1'he facrificing our relations
to his fovcrcign good will and pleafure, is no fmall trial, efpe-
cially when unconverted. But what fays the fcripture ?
" Neither did his brethren believe on him." Your Lord can
fympathizc wich you under your prefent circumftances j
He knows what this temptation means.
For he has felt the fame.
Look up, therefore, to him, honoured Sir, who has promifed
never to leave nor forfake you. He hath helped you out of
fix, he will alfo help you out of feven troubles, I write this
out of the fulnefs of my heart. My poor prayers are conti-
nually afcending to the throne of grace in your behalf. I hops
you will not be offended at my freedom in writing. Love and
gratitude are my only motives. Good Lady H n will
fympathize with you, when fhe hears how you are fituated. I
\tk her fome little time pad abounding in the work of the
Lord. I had a pleafant cxcurfion into the country, and mj-
Winter quarters are made very agreeable in town. What
fhall I render unto the Lord ? Honoured Sir, I beg a con-
tinued intereft in your prayers, and thofe of your honoured
Baronefs. — You know my name, — I am the chief of finncrt-,
Icfs than the leaft of all faints, but for Jesus Christ's fake.
Your fympathizing ready fcrvant,
G. //;
To Mr. 5——.
My dear Mr, S , Canterbury^ Nov. 20, 1750.
BY that time yours reached London, I fuppofe my laft
will have reached Dublin, and find you on the full llretch
for him, who was ftretched upon the crofs for you and me.
As far as I can judije o^ the circumftances you related to me.
fettling as you propofe, will not hinder, but rather further you
in your prefent work. Only beware of neitling. If you do,
and God loves you (as I believe he does) you (hall have
thorns enough put into your neft. O tliat I may be enablvd^
even to the enJ, to evidence, that nothing:; but a pure difnite-
rcflcd love to Christ and fouls, cauicd me to begin, go on,
and hold out, in purfuing the prcfent work of God ! I have
fcen fo many that once bid exceedingly fair, and afterwards^
Dtmai like, preferred the world to Christ, that I cannot bd
too jealous over inyfelf, or others whom I profefs to love*
This is my motive in writing to you, love, even love un-
feigned J love for Christ's fake, and the gc;od of fouls. O
let no one take away your crown. If you marry, let it be in
the Lord, and for the Lord, and then the Lord will give it
his bleiTmg. Only remember this, marry when or whom you
will, expert trouble in the flefli. But I fpare you. Seven
years hence, if we fhould live and meet, we can talk better of
thefe things. Li the mean while, let us go on leaning on
our Beloved. He, and He alone, can keep us unfpotted trom
the world. Does the work profpef among you ? It increafes
here. At Canterbury I find feveral fouls are awakened. Goa
willing, 1 leave it to-morrow. You muft pray for me, and
exhort all to continue their prayers alfo. I expe6^j one d^y
or another, to fee fome glorious days in Ireland, I am called
away.— For the prefentj adieu.
Yours moft afFedlionately in our bleiTed Lord,
G. rv.
To Mr, T
My dear Mr. T , Lo7idon, Nov. 30, 1 750.
AS I love you in the bowels of Jesus Christ, and look
upon you as an aged friend of the blefied Bridegroom^
and my friend for his great name's fake^ I cannot help drop-
ping you a few lines* They are lines of gratitude ; lines of
thanks for all favours conferred upon me when in Scotlandi
They leave me pleafantly fojourning in my Winter quarters^
and longing for the Spring that I may enter upon a frefti cam-
paign. Now and then I make little excurfions, and can in-
form you, that there is a fweet work begun and carrying oil
at Canterbury and Chatham. I long to hear that your fori
B b 2 'fihn
'John has put his hand to the gofpel plough, and am not witih-'
out hopes that his lot will be to itinerate, at lead for a while*
He fecms to be qualified for fuch an employ. 1 fliall be glad
to fee him on the other fide of the water. Had I the manage-
ment of a thoufand youths, if circumftances would allow, they
fhould travel for one year at lead, before they took upon them
a fettled charge. Methinks I hear you fay, " What ! will
you take my Berijarnin away ? " This was old Jacob's infirmity.
You love Christ too well to refufe giving up the young lad,
if it fbould appear in providence that the Lord hath need of
bim eiiher at home or abroad. 1 pray God to dire£l and blefs
you both, and to eftablifli his covenant with you and your feed
for ever. You are now on the decline of life. I have been
juft reading about the year of jubilee. How joyful were the
prifoners when they heard of the approach of that wifliM-for
day ! How much more joyful may thofe be, who having an
intereft in Jesus Christ, are waiting for the laft trump,
to proclaim our eternal jubilee in heaven 1 This, my dear
friend, is your happy lot. Rejoice, and again I fay, rejoice.
The day of our complete redemption draweth nigh. Let us
then lift up our heads, and let us lift up our hearts to praife
him, from whom alone cometh our falvation. I could enlarge,
but am called away. My hearty love to all enquiring friends.
I think to write to your fon foon. We had a happy day yef-
terday among the Great Ones, I am, my very dear Sir,
Yours mod afFedtionately in our dear Lord,
To Do^or 7F— .
My dear DoHor, London, Dec. 17, 1750*
I Received your kind letter, and would have anfwered it
much fooner, had I not been prevented by ficknefs. For
near a fortnight pad, I have been confined to my room ; but
through the divine bleding, am now enabled to preached again.
Praife the Lord, O my foul. Aiy diforder was a violent fever:
Jesus hath rebuked it. I am raifed up once more. O may
it be that I may minider unto him ! For me to live is Christ.
But alas ! how litde do I live to his glory ! Yefterday I en-
tered upon my feven-and-thirtieth year. I am afhamed to
think I have lived fo long, and done fo little, and, yet every
year, day, and hour of my life hath been crowned with the
divine goodnefs. O my dear friend, let this be our rriotto,
Vivi?nus ut vlviamus. It is enough when we come to our laft
moments, to haye nothing to do, but to die. Blcfled be
God, that you have courage given you to fpealc to the dying.
A word Tpoken in fuch a fealbn how good is it ? May the
great phyfician take you under his peculiar care, forgive you
all your fins, and heal all your difeafes ! I purpofe writing?- to
my friend J T ,' and others, as I get ftrength. At
prefent, I muft content myfelf with fending general, hut cor-
dial falutations, and begging the continual intcreft of your
prayers in behalf of, my very dear Sir,
Yours, 5:c.
G. JV.
ro Mr. r .
London^ Dec. 11^ X75P.
I Have been lately near the gates of death, which has hin-
dered my anfwering your kind letter as foon as I propofjrd.
Accept a hv/^ though loving lines nov/. I hope they will
find you entered upon your trials, and longing to preach the
gofpel, which you have felt to be the power of God to the
lalvation of your foul. Every line of your letter feemed to
have this call in it, " Rife, T r, rife, — the harveft is
great; the labourers are few: pray the Lord of the harvefi:
to fend thee, and many more like-minded, into the barveft."
1 cannot write much at prefent. Inclofed you have a few
extra61:s. That from Lady H ?;, came laft vveek when fhe
was dangeroufly ill. May the Lord continue her ufeful life!
I am now entering upon my feven-and-thirtieth year. Q
that I may begin to live to him, who hath lived and died for
me ! I fhall be glad to know your friend's anfwcr about
Georgia. If the Lord raifes up a folid, heavenly-minded,
learned young man for a tutor, I fhall be glad. Nothing, I
believe, but ficknefs or death, will prevent my going over next
year, Mcchinks the v^'inter is long j 1 want to take the fic-Ki
B b 3 again.
again. Could you fend me all Mr. G *s weekly papers.
We prayed heartily laft Monday for the awakened Hollanders,
I have heard of feveral lately awakened here. To the blcfled
and glorious Jesus be all the praife. My dear friend, my
heart leaps at the very mention of his name. When I mufe of
him, the fire kindles. O that you and I may {hew forth his
praife while we have a tongue ! Pray remember me to all in
the kindeft manner, and beg them not to forget unworthy me.
Jvcr »ot my being fo flow in anfwering your laft, prevent your
writing fpeedily to, my dear Mr. T ,
Yours moft afFedionately in our deareft LoRP,
ro Lady S .
Honoured Madam^ London, Dec. 2 ^y I750'»
I Had the favour of your Ladyfhip's letter on Saturday after-
noon, and nnmed lately communicated what concerned
him, to my ingenious and devout friend Mr. H . With
this, your Ladyfhip will receive a line from him. I perfuaded
him, that your Ladyfiiip would not take it ill. Poor Mr. 5 ?
is much obliged to your Ladyfiiip for fpeaking in his behalf.
He happened to be with me, when your Ladyfliip's letter
came. The Reception that your Ladyfliip's kind motion met
with, convinces me more and more, that '* Be ye warmed,
and be ye filled," without giving any thing to be warmed and
^lled v/ith, is the fartheft that moft profeflbrs go. Words are
cheap, and coft nothing ; and* therefore many can fay, *' they
pity," and that extremely too, when at the fame time, their
prai^tice fliews it is only a verbal, and not a real companion,
I often told the poor man, that his dependance was too llrong ;
and that 1 was sifraid leaft help would not come from that
quarter where heexpciSled moft. He fends ten thoufand thanks
for what your Ladyflilp hath done already. Surely he is worthy.
He is a lover of Christ, and his outward circumftances very
pitiable indeed. Your Ladyftiip will not be oftended at the
freedom I take. You love to help the diftrefted to the utmoft
pf your power j and your Ladyfhip (hall find that good mea-
fure, prcHcd down and runnin°; Qver^ (lull be returned into
5 youi
your bofom. That your Ladyfliip may experience the truth
of this, in refpcvSt to temporals and fpirituals, more and more
every day, is the earneft prayer of, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyihip's moft obliged, dutiful,
and ready I'crvaut for Christ's fake,
G. n\
To Mr. S .
My dear Mr. S — ^, Lofi.ion^ Jan, 4, T751.
IMMEDIATELY upon the receipt of your laft from
Limerick^ I wrote you an anfwer, di reeled for you at Li-
tnerUk poft-office, as you defired. As you are going that way,
ere this reaches you, I hope you will have received it. I pray
the Lord of all lords to give you fuch grace, that all may fee,
that the doctrines of the gofpel are indeed produ^aive of righte-
oufnefs, and true holinefs in heart, lip, and life. Mind this,
and then fear not. Continue as you are, until you are ab-
folutely rejected. I want not to profelyte perfons to myfelf,
but to the glorious Emmanuel., my Lord and Mafter Jesus
Christ. Perhaps He may fend me to Ireland ; though fome
weeks ago I hoped that he was about to take me to heaven.
I kept my room near a fortnight, and ftill continue very weak.
This obliges me to be brief. My wife is now expejSHng an
hour of travail. Some time this month I truft (lie will be de-
livered. She dcfires to be remembered to you. God willing,
Mr. Z fhall hear from me. I do not yet hear who is to
be the perfon. Unlefs you have thoughts of going abroad, I
fee no objection againft your altering your condition. May
the Lord direct and blefs you and all in that important ftep !
It is a change for life. We have had blcfled feafons here ;
but mcthinks the Winter is very long, O that I was entering
upon a Spring campaign ! It is a new year. My dear Mr.
5 , why iliould we not begin to begin to live to that
Jesus, who has done and fuffered fo much tor us ' I rrufl
this is the language of your heart,
A life that all th'ingi cojh behind.
Springs forth obedient at thy call ;
A heart, that no deftre ean move,
Butjiilliadore, believe., and love.
Give- me ^ my Lord, m:y lije^ my alU
B b 4 I he^r
I hear you fay, Amen^ Amen. Hallelujah I I muft have done.
Bodily ftrcngth fails me. My love to all that love Christ
Jesus. Brethren, pray for us, is the earneft requeft of, my
dear Mr. S ,
Yours mod afFe£lionate]y in our deareft Lord,
G, TV.
ro Mr, L .
Dear Mr. L , London., Jan. 13, 1751.
BEFORE I had the pleafure of your letter, I had heard
fome particulars of the late commotion at Canterbury,
Ere now I hope you have been directed to the choice of fuch
means, as may, under God, open the door wider than ever for
preaching the everlafling gofpel in your parts. Satan has
done at Canterbury as he always does clfewhere ; I mean, he
has overfriot his mark. Such proceedings are too violent to
hold long. Exhort, therefore, my dear Sir, your fellow-fol-
diers, to quit themfelves like men, and be ftrong. Put ye on
the v/hole armour of God ; and always remember, that
through much tribulation we muft enter into glory. Now is
the time for you to prove the ftrength of Jesus to be yours.
Your vry to fight, is upon your knees. That weapon all-
prayer will do wonders. The devil has loft fome fervants, and
he is afraid of iofing more. Therefore he rallies his forces as
Pharagh harnefTed his chariots, and vi'ants to bring you back
to Egypt. Your bufmefs is to go on. Though Pharaoh is
behind, and a red-fea before you, — ere long you fliall pafs
through the. <;ne, and fee the other totally deftroyed. In pa-
tience poffefs ye your fouls. GoD is able to bring the counfel
of every Achitophel to nou;iht. You know in whom you have
believed. Ke never did, he never will, he never can fail, thofe
that put their truft in him. Think of thofe farewcl. words,
whicli he fpakein the days of his flefti to his dear difciples,
*' Let not your hearts be troubled ; in the world ye fliall have
tribuiatioPi : — But I have overcome the world." That is
enough to raife every drooping heart. He hath overcome for
us J he will overcome in us, and ere long call us to reign with
him for ever in glory. O bltfled hope I V/hilft I am mufing
en It, the fire kindles. Brethren, my heart Is enlarged towards
you. The Lord ftrcngthen you, and give you to pray for
Your aftcclionate friend, brother, and fervant
for Christ's fake,
6\ TV.
To Mr. X r .
Dear Sir^ London^ Jaji. 15, 1751;,
YOUR letter came fafe to hand. I pray God enable
me to anfwer it agreeable to his will. Your call to en-
ter into the piniftry, feems to be pretty clear, and if your
h^ealth would permit you to be a tutor, and courage be given
you to a6l like a good foIJier of Jesus Christ, you might do
unfpeakable good in refiding at college. If a perfon's health
will not admit of fuch a refidence, I think by the lav/s of God
and man, his abfence may be difpenfed with. Originally,
Fellotvs were appointed to rcfide ; but there is no general
rule without an exception. Particular circumftances can only
determine particular cafes. Mr. IV I know hath been
difpenfed with many years : — and though I cannot fay I have
approved of this part of his condudl, yet as he is called elfe-
where, and applies the college income to good purpofes, I
fuppofe he thinks he adls an honefl and chrifTian part. As
for the difficulties you fecm to place before you, I can only
fay, " Nil defperandum Chrijh duce.'* Every new fcene brings
its new temptations ; but faith in the Son of God, will make
us more than conquerors over all. His love fned abroad in
the heart by the Holy GhofV, is the befl: director and fupport
in all circumftances whatfocver. For want of an eflablifliment
in this, and through the prevalency of an hypocondraical dif-
order, you fcem to have particular fcruples about particular
things. It is v^^hat all perfons, entering on the divine life, are
more or lefs expofed to. " Meditation, prayer, rerdijig, and
temptation, (fays \\o\y Luther) make a minifter." Your levity
of fpirit, and ficklenefs of temper, are your greatelT: difeafes.
'Y'iM^^Q are to be watched and prayed again!}, and by divine
grace will be overcome. Look up, therefore, dear Sir, to the
bkffjd Jesus. Out of wcikucfs he can and will make you
to become ftrong, and turn your lightnefs of fpirit Into folid
joy. Till then, be content rather to appear ftupid, than by
giving way to the luxuriancy of unfan6tified wit, bring guilt
upon your foul. Thus, dear Sir, I have endeavoured to an-
fwer your letter ; though I muft confefs, as you are fo near,
I had rather converfe with you perfonally. You may ufc free-
dom with me. I rejoice that the glorious Jesus hath in any
degree bleffed my poor adminiftrations to you. I need not,
therefore, remind you to give him all the glory, and entreat
you to pray for me, who am the very chief of fmners, and iefs
than theleaft of all faints, but for Christ's fake, dear Sir,
Your very ready fcrvant,
G. jr.
To Mr. B .
My very dear Friend^ London^ 'J^^* iS, 1 75 1.
YOUR kind letter I received this morning. The love I
owe you for Christ's fake, conftrains me to fend you
an immediate anfwer. From the fame motive I juft now wrote
to Mr. B . Poor man I This is a home-flroke indeed ! I
hope he and his yoke-fellow v;ill now take a large ftep to hea-
ven. May GcD prepare us, my dear friend, for the finlfliing
trials ! We muft all have them in our turns. But wherefore
iliould we fear ? Out of very faithfulnefs, our heavenly Father
caufes us to be troubled. Of his infinite mercy he hath lately
been pleafed to vifit me with a threatening illnefs. I was juft
cafling anchor ; — but it feems I muft put out to fea again. O
that it may be to direct others to the way that leads to the
haven of eternal reft ! Who knows but I may found the
gofpel once more in Scotland? I have fome thoughts of com-
ing for a little while, before I embark for America, You will
defire all the focietics to pray, that the Lord would order my
goings in his way. I rejoice that they hold on their way.
May they hold on and hold out to the end I My conftant
prayer for them is, that they may increafe with all the increafe
of God. Many in town have been awakened this Winter^
O. that I was bumble ! When fliall that once be ? O that
I was
I was thankful ! Fain would I burn with love and gratitude
like a icraph.
JFith arms of love ^ and wings offa'ithy
rdfly and take the prize.
Well ! Let faith and patience hold out a little longer, and all
will be well. He is faithful, who hath promifed, who alfo
will do it. Believers (hould look more to J^sus. It is the
only way to keep their hands from hanging down, and to
ftrengthcn their feeble knees. Exhort all to this : and pray
falute every enquiring friend, every member of the focieties,
in the moft endearing manner ; for indeed I love my Scotch
friends in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Whilft I am writ-
ing to and thinking of them, tears, but tears of love, are ready
to gufli from mine eyes. O that I may meet them all in the
kingdom of our Father ! O that their lamps may be always
trimmed, and their loins girt ! Behold Jesus comes quickly,
and his reward is with him : let us not leave him. Let us not
^ag in the latter ftages of our road. O our bleeding, agoniz*
ing, dying Jesus, how have we pierced thee ! At leaft hov7
have I ! O that we may look and love, look and mourn, even
as one that mourneth for a firft-born or an only fon. Dear
Mr. B can now comment on this text. May the Lord
comfort his heart, and be better to him than feven Ions ! I
can no more. Aftedions of various kinds quite overflow. I
long to begin to do fomething for Jesus. A fenfe of my vile-
nefs and unfruitfulnefs, quite breaks my heart. Surely I fliall
fmg, free grace in heaven. — I write this to you as a friend.
The Lord be with you, and reward you and all, for their
fympathy with me and mine. Fail not to pray for me ^ and
pelieve me to be, my very dear Mr. B ,
Yours m the beft of bonds,
To Dr. JV .
My very dear Sir^ J/})by-Phcey Jan. 29, 1 75 1.
IT is high time to anfu'er your kind letter. I am doing it
at Jfihy-y whither I rid poft, not knowing whether 1 fhould
fee good Lady 11-^ n alive. BleiTcd be Gop, fte is fome-
what better, and I truft will not yet die, but live and abound
more and more in the work of the Lord. Entreat all our
friends to pray for her. Indeed flie is worthy. Her fifter-in-
law, Lady Frances H , lies dead in the houfe. She was a
retired chriftian, lived filently, -and died fuddenly without a
groan. May my exit be like hers I Whether right or not, I
cannot help wifhing that I may go ofF in the fame manner. To
me it is worfe than death, to live to be nurfed, and fee friends
-^veeping about one. Sudden death, is fudden glory. Methinks
it is falling a deep indeed, or rather a tranflation. But all this
muft be left to our heavenly Father. He knows what is bed
>pr us and others. Let it be our care to have all things ready.
Let the houfe of our hearts, and our temporal affairs be put in
crder immediately, that we may have nothing to do but to
obey the fummons, though it fhould be at evening, cock-
crowln^, or in the morning. Phyficians that are always at-
tending on the dying, one would imagine fhould in a peculiar
manner learn to die daily. May this be your daily eniploy !
1 believe it is ; though, like me, you muft complain that
the old man dies hard. Well, has he got his deadly blow ?
Die then he {hall, even that death to which he put our Lord.
that the language of our hearts may always be, " Crucify,
crucify him." This is painful. But the Redeemer can help
lis to bear it.
Thou tv'ilt givejlrength^ thou wilt give power ^
Thou wilt i77 fime fet free ;
This great deliverance let us hope^
Not for ourf elves ^ but thee !
1 write this out of the fulnefs of my heart. You will recei,v?e
it as fuch, and remember me in the beft manner to all friends.
We have had good time's. All glory be to Jesus through all
eternity !
Yours, &c.
G. jy.
Letter dccclxxx.
To Lady M H .
H'jvoured Mada?n^ y^/ljhy^ Jan, 30, 1751. •
LAST Monday evening, through the goodnefs of an evcr-
blefled Redeemer, 1 got fate to /J^%, where I found
good Lady H n very fick, though I truft not unto death.
All advife her Ladyfhip to take a journey to Brijiol^ for the
benefit of the waters, which her Ladyfliip fcems determined to
do. The death of Lady Frances^ has not afFefled her Lady-
fliip fo as to hurt her. She rejoices at the thoughts of her
filter's being fo quickly tranflated out of this houfc of bondage,
into the glorious liberty of the fons of God. Her death was
a tranflation indeed. Her Ladyfliip died without a groan.
She feemed as it were to fmile at death ; and may be faid, I
trud, truly " to fall afleep in Jesus." Ere long, fhe and all
that lleep in Jesus, (hall come with him. I hope it hath beca
a purging time in this family. Almoft all have been fick ia
their turns. Lady Selina has had a fever, but is better. Lady
Betty is more affeded than ever I faw her. A letter now fromi'
one of the young ladies, I hope would do fervice. Lady Jfm
bears up pretty well, but Mifs, JV r is inconfolable. It is
a houfe of mournirtg; that is better than a houfe of feafting.
The corpfe is to be interred on Friday evening. May all that
follow it, look and learn ! I mean, learn to live, and learn to
die. This Is a leflbn which you and yours, honoured Madam,
I truft are learning every day. We had need be careful to get
our lelTon perfecl", fince we know not when the Son of Man
will come, whether at evening, — cock-crowing, — or in the
morning. To be ready at that hour, is all in all. Good Lady
// n fends her fincerefl: compliments. If any thing ex-
traordinary happens before my return, your Ladyfliip fhall
hear again from, honoured Madam,
Your Ladyftiip's moil dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's lake,
G. W.
To Dccior S .
My dear Do^or, Jfihy^ Feb. 4, 1 75 1.
YOUR letter diftrefTes me. God haften the time when
you fliall fing chcarfully.
Be gone, vain worhl^ my heart reftgn^
For I ?nujl be no longer thine ;
ji nobler^ a diviner guejiy
Has got pojpjfton of my breajl.
Why will you not fhake off your chains ? Why will you be
ftricken any more ? You muft come back, or be undone for
ever. What have you gained by running from your father's
houfe? His fervants have bread enough, whilft you are pc-
rifhing with hunger. Say, fay, I pray you, without delay,
*' I will arife and go to my Father." His love keeps you un-
eafy ; his love hedges up your way ; his love follows and
purfues you with this mighty famine. The language of all is,
*' Give mc thy heart." Be content to become a fool for
Christ's fake. Your body as well as foul, will fuffer even in
this world, if you do not comply. You are half dead already.
Faith in Christ, and the love of God fhed abroad in your
heart, can alone cure you. You know too much to be happy
without it : and O that dreadful fentence, *' It had been better
for them never p have known &:c." For Christ's
fake, rememb^ Lo{s wife. You are almoft beAme a pillar
of fait already. Out of anguifli I write this. M»' Christ's
love fo conftrain you, that you may never reft tillJyou find fo-
lid reft in him ! Good Lady H n is gone to-^take the air.
Your meflage fhall be delivered. She is but poorly; and my
wife writes me word, that (he is exceeding bad. This muft
haften my remove from hence. I infift upon Mr. H /y's
coming dircdly to AJhby, if he has any regard for good Lady
H '//. She ought always to have a chriftian friend with
her. That you may have a feeling ppfrellion of Christ in
your heart, is the hearty prayer of, my dear Sir,
Yours, ^'c. in great haftc, but greater concern for you,
G. ir.
, L E T T E R S. 399
ro Mr. B .
Dear Sir^ London, Feb. 8, ly^j.
VT'ESTERDAY I faw your letter to Mr. /^ , which
•■- made me to think a line would not altogether be unac-
ceptable to you. And what fhall I fay ? Your cafe is affeaino-.
O that your prefent confinement may be fanftified to the fet-
ting of your imprifoned foul at liberty, and bringing you
home (after having fo long fed on hufks with fwine) to feed
upon the fatted calf ! You know the father's behaviour to
the returning prodigal. He faw him when he was yet a ereat
way off. — He ran towards him, — filthy as he was, he fell upon
his neck, and kifTed him. Thus, if you refolve with the pro-
digal, to arifc and go to your P'ather, will the ever-blcflcd
God deal with you. He will embrace you in the arms of his
love; he will alfo cloathc you with the righteoufnefs of hi,«j
dear Son, and caufe joy to be in heaven even over you, on re-
penting and returning to him. Is not this enough to encourao-e
you to lay hold on his golden fceptre ? to refolve, in divine
flrength, to mortify and bid adieu to all thofe fms, by which
you have diflionoured your glorious Maker ? You fee, Sir
what wages Satan gives ; death even in this world, and alas !
eternal death in the world to eomc. God keep you from this
fecond death, and then temporal fhame will be but little.
The way you know ^ Jesus is the way, the truth, ^nd the
life. He is mighty, and willing to fave to the uttermoft all
that come to the P'athcr in and through him. Come then
dear Sir, and throw yourfelf at the feet of his mercy. He will
not only pardon, but abundantly pardon you. In Jesus
Christ there is a fountain opened for fin and for all uncleaa-
nefs. " Wafli ye, make ye clean,*' is the call of God to all,
and now the particular call of God to you. May the Spirit
of the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus, bring it home to your
foul, and make it effectual to your thorough convcrfion ! Let
this be your fole care. For this and this only is the one thino-
needful. As for feeing Mrs. , if I was to advife (as it
hath been hitherto deferred) I would have you both decline
It a little longer. Wait and fee the iflue of your trial ;
400 L E t T E 11 S.
Jlie can do you no good, and by coming may do herfelfharm.
But this is a tender point. May Providence point out what
is beft ! If we acknowledge the Lord, we have a promife,
*' that he will direct us in all our ways." I commend you
td his never-failing mercy, and beg you to accept this from,
dear Sir,
Your fympathizing friend and ffervant
for Christ's fake,
T^Q Lady H w.
Ever-hmoured Madajn^ London^ Feb. 26 ^ ^75^*
YOUR Ladyfnip's kind letter, which came to hand yefter-
day, was an unexpe6led as well as undeferved favour,
and for which I return your Ladyfhip ten thoufand thanks.
Surely the Lord of all lords will at length anfwer the prayers
of his people, and raife you up to the joy of many fouls. It
would rejoice your Ladyfhip much to fee what has been doing
here. I hav^e not known a more confiderable awakenino: for
a long time. The Lord comes down as in the days of old^
and the (liout of a king is amongft us. Praife the Lord, O
my foul ! The inclofed, which came from abroad, 1 believfi
will give your Ladyfhip fatisfadion. I think it is an earneft
of good things to come. To-morrow 1 purpofe to leave Lon^
d6n\ hot whether the rain and wind will permit me is uncer-
tain. I am at prefent quite feverifh, by my late hurry and fa-
tigue ; but God is my portion and my confidence for ever.
Underneath your Ladyfhip are his everlafling arms ; you can-
not fink with fuch a prop. Your Ladyfhip mufc be made
conqueror, yea more than conqueror, through his love. Thaf,
js engaged to bring you through whatever fufFerings may be
yet before you. He is faithful, who hath promifed, " tha^t
we fhall not be tempted above what we are able to bear." This
is my daily fupport. To explain God's providence by the
promife, and not his promife by his providence, 1 find is the
only way both to get and to keep our comforts. Above all, I
find that looking unto Jesus, is an univerfal, never-failing
antidote againft every evil. This is what your Ladyfhip
2 knows
kr.ows by happy experience. I\Iay you know It more and
more (o every day and hour ! But I fear I weary your Lady-
fliip, and therefore haiten to fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured
Your Ladylhlp's mod dutiful, obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G, JV.
<ro Mr. .
Very dear Sir, London ^ March I, 1751^
YOUR generous condudl much afFeds me ; it hath drawn
me to the throne of grace in your behalf. If any of my
poor writings fhould be rendered either entertaining or bene-
ficial to you, I hope it will make mc more thankful to him,
who is the father of lights, and from whom every good and
perfcvf^ gift Cometh. Mr. H writes me word, that his ^.^bef*
heart Is knit to you. I wifli the colony affairs may not lie
too hard upon him. Whenever he dies, I believe he will die
as it were a martyr for the welfare of Georgia. He mentions
Mr. H for a magiftrate in his (lead ; if I might advife^
nothing (hould be denied, that might ftrengthen Mr. H *3
hands. I know him to be a tried friend, and one who has
the good of that poor province exceedingly at heart. Youn^
M , he thinks, might be ordained for an itinerant preacher
among the negroes. A good beginning amongft them might
be of vaft confequcnce. Mr. X hath this affair much at
heart. I give you thefe hints to be improved as you thinlc
proper. My views to ferve Georgia are difintcrefted ; fo I be-
lieve are yours. Such intentions the great Redeemer will ov/n
and blefs one way or another. I wifn I could have my
packet from H^eJIminJleryhdQVQ I leave tov;n. I think you do \^
right to fend the young gentleman to B . If he inquires '''"'■-'■
for Mr. y S a merchant, he will be taken care of,
B is no good place however for young men, for there
young B has been hurt. But alas, if people's hearts arc
not upright, change of place will avail but little. This con-
federation induces me to fend the inclofed. I commit it to
your care, and commend your better part to hi^ mercy, who
Vol. II. Cc \ hath
hath loved and given himfclf for us. That you may expe-
rience all the unfcarchable riches of his fuperabundant grace,
is the earneft prayer of, very dear Sir,
Your affectionate friend, and very obliged
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. .
Dear Sir^ London, March i, 175 1.
YOUR acknowledgment for my poor prefent, is more
than it defcrved. If it is made of ufe to your precious
foul, 1 have my defired end. My heart's defire and prayer to
God is, that his goodnefs may lead you to a thorough repen-
tance, and that you may have no reft, till you truly believe on
Jesus Christ. Reformation is not renovation : and unlefs
the heart be totally and thoroughly changed, when the fear of
hell and other outward reftraints are gone, good impreffions
will gradually wear ofF, and the feeming convert return again
to folly. The love of Christ therefore conftrains me, dear
Sir, to exhort you to make thorough work of it, and to give
all diligence to make your calling and eled^ion fure. Now
indeed is the accepted time ! Surely you may fay, " Am I
not a brand plucked out of the burning ?" Satan will not care
that you fiiould leave him without fome attacks. When you
are abroad, old habits, and old corruptions will ftrive to re-
new their ancient acquaintance with you : merry company
will endeavour to rcdcbauch you, and your grand adverfary
the devil will labour to render all the amazing mercies you
have received, fruitlcfs and abortive. — Be upon your guard.
Diftrufr yourfclf. Be inftant in prayer. Look continually to
Jesus, and then as your day is, fo fhall your ftrength be.
Be pleafed to accept this in love. If I may judge of your
afpe(5t and letter, you will. Glad fhall i be to find you a
nev/ creature in Georgia. My prayers fhall follow you, and
I hope ere long we fliall meet with our brother and all the
redeemed of the Lord in paradife. Be pleafed to remember
me to Mr. R — — ; and if yow would mind me, as the chief
bF Tinners and lefs than the leaft of all faints, when you get
accefs to the throne of grace, you would oblige, dear Sir,
Your real friend for Christ's fake,
G, rr.
To the Reverend Mr. H .
Brijiol, March 17, 1751,
My very dear Friend^
THIS comes with a fummons from good Lady H -^
for you to appear in Brijiol^ and abide for a month
or two at my brother's houfe. You mud not refufe. The
God who has carried that ele<5t Lady through fuch bad
roads from Ajhhy hither, will take care of you, and I am per-
fuaded you will not repent your journey. Her Ladyfhip
made the motion to me, and intends writing herfelf. BlefTed
be God, (he is much better, and I truft will do well. She
will have nobody to give her the facrament unlefs you come.
I hope this will find you at the tabernacle houfe, and truft
(hall hear of your filler's fafe delivery. My tender and cor-
dial refpedls await her, your dear brother, and his whole
houfhold. I ventured the other day to put out a guinea to
intercft for you. It was to releafe an excellent chriftian,
who by living very hard, and working near twenty hours
out of four-and-twenty, had brought himfelf very low. He
has a wife and four children, and was above two guineas iri
debt. I gave one for myfelf and one for you. We fliall
have good intereft for our rhoney in another world. O for
a mind like his, who though he was rich, yet for our fakes
became poor, that we through his poverty might become
rich ! I have been recommending him this motninL!;, and pUr*
pofe doing fo again this evening. In Gloucejlerjhire the word
hath been gladly received, and here we have had pleafant
gales. O my dear Sir, follow me with your prayers. The
Lord be with your fpirit. I commend you to his never-fail-
ing mercy, and am, my very dear friend.
Yours moft alFe(f^ionateIy,
€c :i LETTER
ro Mr. B .
Bryhly March 22, 1751.
Reverend and very dear Sir^
I Lately received your laft: kind letter, and am glad to find
that you are enabled to joy in tribulation, and to fay,
*' Father, not my will, but thine be done." May the Lord
increafe your faith, and if you fhould be called to give up
your Ifaac, your dear yoke-fellovl^, may you, Jaron like, hold
your peace, and by an undiflembled refignation to the divine
will, glorify your GcD ! My wife has been in pitiable cir-
cumflances for fome time. The Lord only knows what will
be the ilTue of them. This is my comfort, " all things work
together for good to thofe that love God." He is the father
of mercies, and the God of all confolation. He can bring
light out of darknefs, and caufe the barren wildernefs to fmile.
This I truft will be verified in Georgia. Thanks be to God,
that the time for favouring that Colony feems to be come.
I think now is the feafon for us to exert our utmoft for the
good of the poor Ethiopians, We are told, that even they are
foon to ftretch out their hands unto God. And who knows
but their being fettled in Georgia^ may be over-ruled for this
great end ? As for the lawfulncfs of keeping flavcs, I have no
doubt, fince I hear of fome that were bought with Abraham^
money, and fome that were bcrn in his houfe. — And I can-
not help thinking, that fome of thofe fervants mentioned by
the Apoflles in their epiftles, were or had been flaves. It is
plain, that the Gibcotiites were doomed to perpetual flavery,
and though liberty is a fweet thing to fuch as are born free,
yet to thofe who never new the fweets of it, flavery perhaps
may not be fo irkfome. However this be, it is plain to a
dcmonfl:ration, that hot countries cannot be cultivated with-
out negroes. What a flourifliing country might Georgia have
been, had the ufe of them been permitted years ago ? How
many white people have been deftroyed for want of them, and
how many thoufands of pounds fpent to no purpofe at all ?
Had Mr. Henry been in America^ I believe he would have (c^n
the lawfulnefs and neceflity of having negroes there. And
thou^hi t is true, that they are brought in a wrong way from
their own country, and it is a trade not to be approved of,
yet as it will be carried on whether we will or not ; I (hould
think myfelf highly favoured if I could purchafc a good num-
ber of them, in order to make their lives comfortable, and lay
a foundation for breeding up their poftcrity in the nurture and
admonition ©f the Lord. You know, dear Sir, that I had no
hand in bringing them into Georgia -y though my judgment
was for it, and fo much money was yearly fpent to no pur-
pofe, and I was ftrongly importuned thereto, yet I would
not have a negro upon my plantation, till the ufe of them
was publicly allowed in the colony. Now this is done, dear
Sir, let us re^fon no more about it, but diligently improve
the prefent opportunity for their inflru6tion. The truftees fa-
vour it, and we may never have a like profpe£l. It rejoiced my
loul, to hear that one of my poor negroes in Carolina was made
a brother in Christ. How know we but we may have many
fuch inftances in Georgia ere it be long ? By mixing witli
your people,,! truft many of them will be brought to Jesus,
and this confideration, as to us, fwallows up all temporal in-
conveniencies whatfoever. Thus, my dear Sir, I have opened
my mind to you on this head ; if it fatisfies you, I fhall be
glad ; though I fuppofe what holy Mr. Z n has already
written, has been fufficicnt. His heart feems touched with a
fympathy for thefe poor creatures, and in the fall, God will-
ing, I intend feeing what can be done towards laying a foun-
dation. Lord profper this work of our hands upon us, prof-
per thou, O God, our handy work ! I am now entering
upon my fpring campaign, and long for the time to embark
for Georgia. This I believe will (hortly come. Blelled be
God, the work on this fide increafes daily. You will help
pie with your prayers, and you will remember me in the kindeft
manner to your collegue, your wife and dear congregation,
and believe me to be, reverend Sir,
Your moft unworthy, but afFedionate brother and
fiellow labourer in the kingdom of our Lord,
G, W.
To Mr, H ly.
Plymouth^ March 30, 1 75 1.
My very dear Friend^
I Am perfuaded you was furprlzed to find our ele£^ Lady
gone from AJhby^ and I was as much furprized to fee her
LiJyfliip at Brijhl. I hope her journey was of God. The
waters a^^ree her wonderfully already, and I truft (he will
be reftored to perfect health. As dear Mr. H cannot be
prevailed upon to come down, if it would any way fuit you
to be with her Ladyfliip a month, it would much refrefh her,
and I believe be very agreeable to you. Some pulpits >vould
be open for you, and who knows but you might catch fome
great fifli in the gofpel net ? But I need not enforce this, fince
her Lady (hip hath written to you herfelf. May the blelTed
Redeemer diredt your going in his way ! Put up the fame re-
queft for me. I have thoughts of going to IVales, Ireland and
Scotland, We have had good feafons in Gloucejterjhlre^ and at
Brifloly and the Lord enabled me to fow fome gofpel feed at
Taunton and JVelUngton in my way hither. O that ever fuch
a wretch as I fhould be thus honoured !
If thou excufe. Lord, work thy will
By (0 unfit an injlrument ;
// will at once thy goodnefs Jhew,
j^nd prove thy power omnipotent.
For the prefent adieu. It is a grief to me that I cannot write
oftener and longer. I fuppofe the death of our prince has
affcdtcd you. It has given me a (hock. *' The Lord reign-
eth." That is our comfort. That he may reign more and
more every day, and every hour, in our fouls, is the hearty-
prayer of, my very dear friend.
Yours mofl afFc£lionately,
G. W,
To Mr, M
Dear Sir ^ Plymouth^ Alarch 30, 1751.
YOUR letter came fafe to hand in due feafon, but 1 havo
been ftraitencd how to anfwer it. I would wri.e as I
preach ; I mean I would fpealc the truth as it is in Jesus,
without endeavouring to blacken any denomination whatfo-
ever. 1 think Gamaliel's advice is good at all times, and in
all ages, and our Lord's promife v.'ill be fulfilled, " That
every plant that our heavenly Father hath not planted, fliall
be rooted up." This makes me to bear and forbear with many
who widely differ from me both in principles and prac-
tice. This, as you obferve, dear Sir, you may know by my
poor difcourfes, and I find as yet no reafon to alter my fenti-
ments. I doubt not but there are many holy fouls amon<^ ,
the M s 'y but their not preaching the law, either as a
Schoobnajfcr to fliew us the need of Christ, or as a ruk of
life after we have clofed with him, is what I can in no wife
concur with. Thefe feem to be two grand miftakes, and
which with their various unfcriptural exprciTions in their
hymns, and feveral fuperftitious fopperies lately intruded a-
mong them, make me to think, they are fadly departed from
the fimplicity of the gofpel. But to their own mafler thev
ftand or fall. Exitus a^aprohat. My prayer for myfclf and
all God's children is, " Lord Jesus, rectify all that is wrong,
and blefs and profpcr all that is right !" I blefs God, dear
Sir, that you are appearing valiant for the truth. You will
find more and more by happy experience, that to him thathnth
fhall be given, and he fhall have abundance. Christ never
fends a perfon on a warfare at his own charges. Do not de-
fpair of Mr. G . As the love of God comes in, the fear
of man goes out. By and by I trull; he will fet his face on a
flint. It is high time for fome to appear for Jesus. What
pain did he endure ? What fname did he fufFer for us ?
Strange ! that we ftiould be fo unwilling^ to go without the
camp, to fhare with Him in his facred reproach. Alas, what
cowards are we ! Dear Sir, let us pray for each other, that
we may be ftrong in the grace vv'hich is in the Christ Jesus,
:\nd never fear what men and devils can fay, or do unto ua.
Cc ^ Christ
Christ is worth all, or he is worth nothing. I thank
you for your invitation in his great name. If providence
fhould bring me into the North, I hope to wait upon you.
At prcTent, I am bound for IVak^. I have good news from
abroad, and 1 believe the work is upon the advance at home.
That you may be abundantly blefied, is the earneft prayer of,
dear Sir,
Your affc£lionate though unworthy brother in Christ,
G. JV,
To Mr, H .
Exeter^ April ii , 1 7 5 1 .
My very dear Mr. H ,
I Was pleafed laft night to fmd by my wife's letters, that
your fifler was delivered, and more fo, becaufe my wife
wrote as though you was again under my roof. This I count
a great honour, and fuch a privilege, that I wifh to have the
favour conferred on me as long as I live. Thefe my hands
(could they work, and was there occafion for it,) fiiould rea-
dily minifter to your neceirities. If my wife fjiould come
down to BriJioU pray let not my dear Mr. H move. If
Molly ftays in London., flie will take care of you 5 if not, Polly
and Mr. D n will gladly wait upon you. As I have
been under feme trying excrcifes for this month paft, I have
often wilhcd to fee you. But my blelled mafter hath given
me accefs to hirnfelf, and he will make me more than cori-
queror through his love. I find Luther^ words truly applica-
ble to myfelf, " He was never employed about any frefli work,
^ut he was either vifited with a fit of ficknefs or fome violent
temptations." Some good I truft is to be done this Spring
to many fouls. This VVcllern circuit I believe hath been
bletled already. I have preached about forty times fmce I
left London^ and have been enabled feveral times to ride forty
miles in a day. I find that this fenfibly refrefhes me. I
wifti vou could fay fo too ;-— your Biddefurd friends would
then fee you.-— They hold on their way, and long to have
a line from you. Old Mr. JV is dead. I providenti-
ally met Mr. T at his fon's houfe. At Plymouth we had
fweet feafons, and on Tuefday laft I met with 4 young clergy-
♦ man
man who was awakened under my preaching feyen years a^-o.
He hath been at Cambridge^ and was ordained laft Lent by the
bifhop of ^A-^/^r. He is followed much, and I fuppofc will
foon be reproached for bis maftcr's fake. What cannot Jesus
do ? I hope you find that he gives you ftrength to proceed in
your book. It is enquired much after. The Lord be with
you, and blefs your pen, and your heart. I fend my hearty
love to your brother and whole houfhold, and am, wQvy dear
Mr. H ,
Yours mod affcdionately in our common Lord,
G, TV.
To Lady H .
Dublin^ May 30, 1751.
Ever -honoured Madam ^
I Was uneafy that I had no opportunity of writing to your
Ladyfhip a longer letter than my laft, at leaving TVales\
but it could not be avoided, and Mr. P — — (to whom I de-
livered your Ladyfliip's mefTage) promifes to fupply my defi-
ciency. I am now at Dublin^ where I arrived the 24th
inflant. Mr. L gladly received me into his houfe, and I
have been enabled to preach twice every day this week. Some
feafons have been very powerful indeed, and the congrega-
tions incrcafe daily. Laft Sunday I believe ten thoufand
heard with great attention. After ftaying one Lord's day
more, I fhall fet out for a month's circuit, and then purpofe
going to Scotland. I find that providence has wonderfully
prepared my way, and over-ruled every thing for my greater
acceptance. O that I could be more humble and thankful !
Surely here iire many converted fouls, amongft whom arc
two or three ftudents, and fevcral foldiers. May the Lord
Jesus add to their number daily fuch as fhall be faved ! I
know not where this will find your Ladyftiip, but where-ever
you are, my heart's defire ajid prayer to God is, that you may
have a thriving foul in a healthy body, and be rewarded ten
thoufand fold for all favours conferred on, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF,
To Mr, D .
Dub liny Jutif I, 1751.
A^y very dear Friend^
I Fully propofcd to have written to you from IValeSy but
was prevented by travelling and preaching. In about
three weeks, I rode perhaps above five hundred miles, and
preached generally twice a day. Congregations were as large
as ufual, and I truft an unufual power accompanied the word.
After being about five days on the water, I arrived here the
24th ult. At firft the greatnefs and hurry of the place fur-
prized me ; but thanks be to the Lord of the harveft, here as
well as elfewhere the fields are white ready unto haiveft. 1 have
now preachid about fourteen times, and find great freedom in
dealing out the bread of life. Congregations are large, and
hear as for eternity. Perhaps laft Lord's day upwards of ten
thoufand attended. It much refembled a Moor-fields auditory.
Next Monday^ God willing, I leave DuhUn, and fet out on
a circuit to Limerick^ Cork^ Jihlone, Waierfordy Sec, I now
Jodge at a banker's, who purpofes to come to Lo7jdo?i fhortly.
He is a follower of Christ, and will be glad of your acquaint-
ance. I purpofe giving him a letter. Have you heard no-
thing of Captain Grant P I long to hear of his arrival, becaufe
I would fain go over with him to America. Pray give me the
firft intelligence concerning him. A long journey is before me,
but I would be at home every where, and yet never at home,
till I come to heaven. There, the wicked will ceafe from
troubling ; there, the weary will be at reft. There, before
men and angels will I declare how kmd, yea exceeding kind,
you and yours have been to, my very dear friend,
Yours moft afiedionately in our common Lord,
To Lady H n.
Jthicne, June 10, 1755.
THIS morning I had the wiftied-for favour and honour
of your Ladyfhip's lettter. O that it had acquainted
me of your Ladyftiip's better health ! But our Lord knows
4. \yhM
what is bcfl:. May patience have its pcrfe£l v/ork, and your
Ladyiliip come out of the furnace like gold tried kven times
in the fire ! Every day I can fympathife vi'ith your Ladyfhip.
As the weather grows warmer, my body grows weaker, and
my vomitings follow me continually. But all is little enough
to keep mc down, and prepare me for the fervice in which
I am enf^at^cd. My lait from Dublin, acquainted your Lady-
fhip of my being owned of God there. By a letter from Mr.
£, , I am informed, that Dub/in is in a ferment, and that
my hearers will be much more numerous at my return. Oh
the blefTednefs of leaving all for Jesus 1 For this week paft,
I have h-^en preaching twice almoft: every day in fome country
towns, and ycfterday I founded the gofpel trumpet here.
Every where, there feems to be a flirring among the dry bones,
and the trembling lamps of God's people have been fupplied
with fre(h oil. I find, through the many offences that hav«
lately been given, matters were brought to a low ebb. But
the cry now is, *' Methodifm is revived again." — Thanks
be to God, that I have an opportunity of fliewing my difin-
tereftednefs, and that I preach not for a party of my own,
but for the common intereft of my blefTed mafter. May he
keep me thus minded, and then I am fure all will go well
at laft. Your Ladyfhip would fmile, to fee how the wife
have been catchcd in their own craftinefs. O that this good
news from a far country may prove a cordial to your Lady-
ihip*s foul ! I pity your folitary flate. I pity the deadnefs of
all around you ; but your Ladyfhip knows, whofe brethren
did not believe on him ; it was even that GoD-man, who
fpoke a parable for this end, that men ought always to pray
and not to faint. Happy trials, that drive us to our knees.
Ever-honoured Madam, I could enlarge, but muft not. Your
Ladyfhip fliall hear, God willing, how the glorious Emma-
nud deals with me in Ireland, In the mean while, with the
warmeft fenfe of your Ladyfhip's unmerited favours, I fub-
fcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. TV.
To Mr. Z
Honoured Sir ^ Limerick, "June 14, 1 751.
My lad was written on board the Crawford, and fent
immediately upon my arrival at Dublin. BIclTcd be
God, the word ran and was gloiificd there. I preached above
fourteen times, and every day great multitudes attended. A
friend, fince my departure, writes me, that the city was in a
ferment. For about a week I have been preaching twice a
day in feveral country towns and villages. At Athlone I
preached four times, and laft night was gladly received here
at Limerick, Every where our Lord hath vouchfafed us his
blefled prcfence. That fupports me under the heat oF the
weather, the weaknefs of my body, and the various trials
which exercife my mind. 1 am now earneftly afking counfel
from above. A wide door is open in Dublin ; but after I
have vifited" Cork, I believe I muft cut fliort my circuit,
left I fhould have a winter's voyage. I fhould have been hear-
tily glad to have heard from or feen you, but I truft, honoured
Sir, you will have a heart given you to pray for me, and
then, one way or another, my way will be made plain bciore
me. Hitherto (thanks be to his free grace) my mafter fupports
and comforts me. He adminifters feed to the fower, and as
far as I can hear, blcfies it when fown. O that his mer-
cies humbled me ! O that I may never provoke him to leave
me, or lay me afide ! Some dreadful offences have been given
in Ireland, but I truft all will work for good. My coming
was very opportune and providential. May I learn to fol-
low the Lamb blindfold, v.'hithcrfoever he {hall be pleafed to
lead me ! Be pleafed to remember me at his throne, and as
been ables, you fhall hear, from time to time, how he vouch-
fafcs to deal with, honoured Sir,
Your moft obliged, aftcctionate younger
.brother, and unworthy fellowrlabourer
in cur Lord's vineyard,
G. U\
To Lady H .
rrjrr-])G7irjured Madam^ Cork^ 'June \(^^ IJ^J,
STILL does the father of mercies, and the God of all
confolation and comfort, follov/ me v/ith his blefling.
Since my laft from Jihlonc^ I have been at Limerick^ where I
preached fcven times to large and affctfled auditories. Much
freedom of fpirit did I enjoy there indeed. — Yefterday I camq
hither (the feat of the late pcrfecution) and thanks be to God,
have preached twice to a great body of people, with all quiet-
nefs. Both the Mayor and Sheriff have abfolutely forbidden
all mobbing. Now have the people of God reft. O that
they may improve it, by walking in the comforts of the Holy
Ghoft ! Next week, God willing, I fhall return to Dublin^
and from thence purpofe going through the north of Ireland
to Scotland. So long a circuit in this kingdom will be incon-
venient for my voyage to America \ but as divine providence
feems to point out the way,
Lcrd at thy bidding I ivill go,
And gladly to peer fanners tell.
That they a blejpd Christ may knoiUy
That they his peace and joy may feel.
I hope your Ladyfhip enjoys a large fhare of this, under all
your trials. They are great, but greater is he who hath pro-
mifcd to make his ftrength perfe6^ in our weaknefs. I commit
your Ladyfhip to his neve-rfailing mercy, and beg the conti-
nuance of your fervent prayers in behalf of, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IF.
To Lady H .
Ever-honoured Madam^ Dublin^ June 2^, ^75^*
MY laft from Cork, informed your Ladyftilp of my hav-
ing preached twice there to large and attentive audito-
ries. From thence I went to Bandon and Klnfale, where a like
1 blefllno;
bleffing attended the word. At my return to Cork^ I preach-
ed five or fix times more, and every time, both the power of
the word and numbers of hearers increafed. I believe on
Sunday evening there might be more than three thoufand peo-
ple. Hundreds prayed for me, when I took my leave, and
many of the papifts faid, " if I would ftay, they would leave
their priefts." After preaching twice in the way, I came here
en Wedncjday evening, where 1 have again publiflied the ever-
lafting gofpel. Next Monday^ God willing, I fet out for BeU
fpjl^ and hope in about ten days to be in Gotland, From thence,
by God's leave, your Ladylhip fhall hear from me again : but
what return (hall I make for your Ladyfhip's two kind letters?
J can only repeat my old tribute, my poor but I truft unfeign-
ed thanks. O for fincerity ! O for a fimple, difinterefted heart.
I think that low politics are below the children of God, and
if we will be quiet, our Lord will fpeak for us. One to whom
I had been reprefented in black colours, writes thus from Dublin
to a preacher in Ccrk^ — ^' What blefled feafons have we had
fince Mr. Whhefield came, — his coming hath been unfpeakably
bleft to many. Thoufands conftantly attended the word, His^
word is attended with power. I never heard a man preach
holinefs of heart in a clearer manner, — He powerfully preaches
Christ for us and in us. I confefs I had ftrangc ideas about
him, but blefled be God, I have not now. God be praifed
that ever I faw his face, &c. " Thus it hath been elfe-
where. O that I was humble ! O that I was thankful ! Not
unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but to thy free unmerited
grace be all the glory r — May I learn m.ore and more to leave
all to God, even a God in Christ 1 If his caufe be pro-
moted, my end is anfwered. Let fouls go where they pleafe
to hear, and welcome. Thanks be to Jesus for giving your
Ladyfliip a difmterelied catholic fpirit. However afflicted, and
in pain on earth, you fhall fliine ere long in the kingdom of
heaven, Christ hath prepared a place for you, and is daily
and hourly preparing your Ladyfliip for the place. I am glad
you are like to have feme company. I beg that rny moft hearty
refpe6ls and ac4cnowledgments may find acceptance with them
and good Lady H . I hope the waters will agree with the
young Ladies. Above all, I pray that they, and the whole
circle of your Ladyfhip's relations and friends, may drink
plentifully of that water, whofe ftreams refrefh the city of
God. I can now add no more, but to fubfcribc myfelf, ever-
honoured Madam,
Your Ladylhip's moft dutiful, obliged and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Mr. r .
Dear Mr. T , Belfaji, July 4, 1751.
VERY providentially, your kind letter reached me this
morning. As I am detained by the importunity of the
people, I muft fnatch a few moments to anfwer it. Thanks
be to the Lord of all Lords, if my poor adminiftrations have
been any ways blefled, either to you or others. '' Not unto
me, not unto me, but unto thy free and unmerited grace, O
Lord, be all the glory !" Preaching Christ, I find to be the
beft means of winning fmners, and of building up faints. This
done with a fmgle eye and difinterefted heart, will make its way
through all oppofition, and ftand faft, when all other fchemes
built on a legal bottom, and fupported by low politics, will
fall to the ground. I wifh you may have grace given you to
a6l aright in your prefent circumftances. Let all bitternefs
and wrath and clamour be put away from you. Go on fimply
preaching the everlafting gofpel ; and if rejected for that, and
freely difcharged from your prefent conneiSlion, I fhall do all
in my power to promote your ufefulnefs. I fuppofe, you will
hear from other hands what hath been doing in Dublin. I
hope the Lord of all Lords hath been with us. Thoufands
flock in this place alfo, to hear the word preached. I thought
to'have left Belfajl to-day, but have complied with the people's
carneft requefts, to continue in thefe parts till Monday. O for
a pilgrim heart with my pilgrim life ! At prefent, I have no
thoughts of neftling. Fain would I be kept from flagging in
the latter ftages of my road. I beg the continuance of your
prayers. My prayer to God for you and yours is, " that you
may live together as heirs of the grace of life, and walk in all
the ordinances and commandments of the Lord blamelefs.'*
You are entered upon a new fcenc, and will require more
grace to acSl your parts well, than at prcfcnt you may be aware
of: But there is an all-fufTiciency in Christ, who hath pro-
mifcd, that as our day is, fo our ftrength (hall be. I com-
mend you and yours, and all the followers of Christ, to
his never-failing mercy, and fubfcribe myfclf, for his great
name's fake, dear Sir,
Your affectionate friend and fervant,
G. IV.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madam ^ Bclfa/i, Ji^fy 7^ 1 75^*
LAST Monday about noon I left Dublin^ but with what
concern in refpeCl to many poor weeping fouls, cannot
well be cxprefl. On JVednefdny evening I came hither, and
intended to embark immediately for Scotland^ but the people
by their importunity prevailed on me to ftay. In about an
hour's time, thoufands were gathered to hear the word. I
preached morning and evening, and fmce that have preached
at Li/burn^ Lurgun^ the Maize^ and Lamhag^ towns and places
adjacent. So many attend, and the profpeC^ of doing good is
fo promifmg, that I am grieved 1 came to the north no fooner.
The country round about is like Yorkfinre in England^ and quite
different from the moll fouthcrn parts of Ireland. I am now
waiting for a paffage to Scotland^ which I hope to get either
to-morrow or on Tuefday. From thence your Ladyfhip fhall
hear from me a^in ; in the mean while, having preached to
many thoufands again this morning, I muft content myfelf
with praying, that the beft of bleffings may defcend on your
Ladyfhip, and fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's mod dutiful,
obliged, and ready fervant, &c.
G. IV.
To the Reverend Mr. Z .
Glaig:vj, July 12, 1751.
Reverend and very dear Sir.,
AT length, a good and gracious God hath brought me
out of Ireland^ where to the very laft, the peoples heard
the gofpcl gladly. In the northern parts, multitudes attended,
and was I not bound for Jmeriea^ I would have flayed there
much longer. People flock here as ufual, and I am enabled
to preach twice every day. In about ten days I purpofe mov-
ing towards Lo7idon in order to embark. How my wife is, I
cannot tell, having not heard from her for fome time ; but I
hope {he will be rcfigned. This, this is the cry of my foul,— •
ij/W, Father^ hand and foot thy joi:^
Nor Lave thy vjorh till all be done 3
O 7iever let 7ne^ LoRD, go free ^
Till all my heart's refigrid to thee^
Then quickly to the altar lead..
And fuffer me no more to plead ;
No longer ivith the old hA-Avn. hear^
Lead on^ dear Lord, confume him there.
Surely I (hall be taken at my word. May Jesus fupport me
in a trying hour! I ftill beg a continued intereft in your pray-*
ers, — and hoping this will find you with a thriving foul in a
healthy body, I fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Sir,
Your moft obliged, afl-eclionate, though unworthy
younger brother, in the glorious Gofpel,
G. IF.
To Lady H .
E'uer'honoured Madam, Glafgow, July 12 y I/Sr.
I Think it long ere 1 fend your Ladyfhip another letter. — «
My lafl was from Belfafl, v/here I preached twice on yef-
terday fevennight, and immediately after took (hipping and
arrived the next evening at Erivin. On IVednefday morning,
at the defire of the magiflrates, I preached to a great congre-
gation, and ever fmce have been preaching twice every day in
Vol. II. Dd this
4iS L fi T T E R S.
this city. Thoufands attend every moining ^d evening.
They feem never to be weary, and I am more follovi^ed than
ever, Thougli I preached near eighty times in Ireland^ and
God vi^as pleafed to blefs his word, yet Scotland feems to be a
new world to me. To fee the people bring fo many bibles,
turn to every pafiage, when I am expounding, and hang as it
v/ere upon me to hear every word, is very encouraging. I
feel uncommon freedom of heart here, and talking with the
winter, as well as fummer faints, feeds and delights my heart.
My body is kept pretty healthy, and my voice greatly flreng-
thened, fo that I think God is preparing me for more work,
or that fome trial is at hand. This I fuppofe will find your
Ladyfliip yet in the furnace, but Christ is in the midft of
the bufn, and in the fiery furnace too j he will quench the
violence of the fiamcs, or caufc the iiie of his love to biirii
higher. I could enlarge, but am ftraitcned. Some miniflers
wait for me. Your Ladyfhip would be delighted with our
morning and evening auditories. This cay In the church we
have had a blcfled feaO:. To-morrow I take my leave, and
then for Edinburgh. There I expc6t to ftay near a fortnight.
Glad fliall I be to hear of your Ladyftiip's welfare. You have
always my poor prayers, and my poor, but hearty thanks 3
being, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyiliip's mod dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. JV.
To Mr. M .
Edinburgh^ Jtdy 29, 1751-
THROUGFI the tender mercies of a never-Jailing Re-
deemer, I Came here hk ^^eiterday noon. In the even-
ing, and this morning, I preached the everlafting gofpel to
thronged auditories, and met with a very kind reception from
my friends. Lord make me humble. Lord Jesus make me
truly thankful ! i\s his intereil feems to be concerned, and the
King's bufmefs requires hade, I take this firft opportunity of
writing about the Virg'mia affair. In that province, there has
been for fome years paft, a great awakening, efpecially In
Hanover county, and the countries adjacent. As the minil-
L E T T E .R S. 41^
ters of the eflablifhment did not favour the work, and the firft
awakened pcrfons put themfclves under the care of the New-
Yqrk fynod, the poor people were from time to time fined, and
very much harrafied for not attending on the church fcrvice: —
And as the awakening was fuppofed to be begun by the reading
of my books, at the inftigation of the council a proclamation
was ifTued out to prohibit itinerant preaching. However, be-
fore I left Virginia^ one iVIr. D (an excellent young man) ;
was licenfed, and fettled over a congregation. Since that, the
awakening has increafed, fo that Mr. D writes, " that
one congregation is multiplied to feven." He defires liberty
to licenfe more houfes, and to preach occafionally to all, as
there is no minifter but himfelf. This, though allov^^cd of in
England^ is denied in Virginia^ which grieves the people very
much. The commifiary is one of the council, and with the
reft of his brethren, I believe no friend to the DiiFenters. The.
late Lieutenant-Governor was like-minded. — I therefore think
that Mr. D- is raifed up to fucceed him, in order to be-
friend the church of God, and the interefi: of Christ's peo-
ple. They defire no other privileges than Vv'hat difTenting pro-
teftants enjoy in our native country. This I am perfuaded
your brother-in-law will be glad to fecure to them. I fhall
write to Mr. D — -. — to wait upon his Honour immediately
after his arrival. I pray the God of the fea, and the God of
the dry land, to fend him a fafe and fpeedy paffage, and make
him a long and great blefling to the inhabitants of Virgiyiia;
You may im.prove thefe hints as you plcafe. I beg the prnyers
both of yourfelf and dear yoke-fellow, and afTurc you, that
neither vou nor yours are forgotten by, reverend and deat
Yours mcft affectionately in our common Lord,
To the Reverend Mr. Z .:.,i»:it£ndo<^V
Honoured Sir ^ Edinburgh^ Jidy iq^ i-J^T.
SINCE I wrote to you from Glafgoiv^ a nevcr-faih'ng
Jesus hath vouchfafed to help me every day in preaching
the everlafting gofpel. The congregations morning and even-
ing amount to many thoufands. People flock more than ever,
D d 2 and
420 L E 'T T E R S.
and aredefirousof my longer flay, but I purpofe moving next
week. I thank you, honoured Sir, for paying my wife a vifit.
The inclofcd letter I believe helped to make her fick ; I have
fent it with this: be pleafed to keep it to yourfelf, and let me
have the letter at rr.y ret'nn. 1 little thought I was fo much
behind hand j but God s'ill keep me dependent. " Having
nothing, yet poffeffing all thmgs," muft be my motto frill.
Honoured Sir, i hear that a ftiip is going to Georgia with more
Salizbiirghers, Are you concerned? Could I go myfelf in her?
Or could 1 fend two or three little pafTengers ? Mr. D
fliall call for an anfwer to thefe laft queftions. I trufl:, honour-
ed Sir, you are enabled to pray for me. I dread coming to
London^ and think it would be beft to part at a diftance. — But,
Father, not my will, but thine be done! In heaven thefe trials
will be over. Lord, haften thy coming ! Come, Lord Jesus,
come quickly ! With difficulty I get time to write this. But
whether I write or not, you and your coUegue are never for-r
gotten by, honoured Sir,
Yours, &:c.
G. JV.
To Lady H .
Edinburgh^ July. 30, 1751.
Ever -honoured Madam^
1 Think it a long time, fmce I laft wrote to your Ladyfhip.
Continual preaching twice a day, and paying and receiv-
ing vifits, quite prevented my putting pen to paper, as I would
have done. However, thanks be to God, matters go on in
Scotland better and better. The parting at Glafgoitj was very
forrowful indeed. Numbers fet out from the country, to hear
the word, by three or four in the morning. Congregations
jncreafe greatly. I now preach twice daily to many thoufands.
Many of the bed rank attend. My body is almoft worn out,
but in the Lord have I righteoufnefs and ftrength, I pur-
pofcd to move as tc-morrow, but through the importunity of
friends, have been prevailed upon to flay till next Monday. O
that it may be for a further bleffing ! I have been to Ahtjfel-
hurgh to fee Captain G . and his Lady. — They hold on.— -
Mr. IV ■ has been there, and intends fettin^ up focieties,
which I think imprudent. I was glad to hear that your Lady-
ship was flrong in body, and rejoicing in your foul. The joy
of the Lord fliall be your ftrength. Letters from Gccrg'ta in-
form me, that my family is well. My eyes wait upon Jesus,
from whom alone comes all my falvation. He gives me hints,
» that he will provide. I fometimes wifti your Ladyfliip here.
' Such compofed, thronged, continued, attentive, judicious au-
ditories perhaps were feldom feen. Your Ladyfliip is often
\ remembered by Scotch friends, and never forgotten by, ever-
honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfliip*s mou: dutiful, obliged,
' and ready fervant, for Christ's fake,
G. //'.
To Lady H ;/.
Ever-honoured Madaw^ Kendal^ Aug. lO, 1751.
AS a good and gracious God hath vouchfafed to bring me
thus far on my way, I cannot heJp dropping your Lady-
fhip a few lines. Preaching, bodily weaknefs, and a variety
of bufmefs, prevented my writing again before I left Edin-
burgh, O Edinburgh! Edinburgh! Surely thou mufl never be
forgotten by me ! The longer I flayed, the more eagerly both
rich and poor attended on the word preached. Perhaps for
near twenty-eight days together in Glafgoiu and Edinburgh, I
preached to near ten thoufand fouls every day. It would have
melted your Ladyfliip's heart to have feen us part. Ninciy-
four pounds were coUedled for the Edinburgh orphans, and I
hear of feven or eight fludents awakened about ten years age,
that are likely to turn out excellent preachers. Praife the
Lord, O my foul, — Two of them came with me on the
road, and parted with broken hearts. Lord and Lady L
behaved very refpeclfully. To the Lord of all Lords be all
the glory 1 I am now on my way to London, in order to embark
for Jmerica, Thanks be to God, the feed fown in Rendu!
laft year hath fprung up, and borne fruit. One v/oman hath
been with me, that fcems to have received GoD*s pardoning
Jove. I leave it on McrMy, and hope to be in town on Satur-
day. Glad fhould I be, to hear of your Ladyfliip*s welfare. I
threw up much blood in Edinburgh, but riding recruits me.
D d 3 O th'it
O th.1t I may begin to work for Mim, who bled and died for
me ! To his moft tender mercies do I humbly recommend
your Ladyfi^ip, and beg leave, from the very bottom of my
heart, to fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moll: dutiful, obliged and
chearful fervantj for Christ's fake,
To the Reverend Mr. T .
My very dear Friend^ London, Jug. 2(), 1 75 1.
AT length the flrugg^e is over j — I have been dying daily
^ for fome lime, in taking leave of friends j and this afte^r-
noon I expect to go on board the ylntekpc. Captain Maclelan^
bound for Georgia, with Germans. — I take feveral children with
me. — Surely you will fee the yimerican land. — Air. E , with
your other friends, feem to concur in thinking that a little
travelling would do you fcrvice.— May the Lord direft and
blefs you ! Will you not write to me by Cowan f If my dear
friend Mr. P could fpeak to that brewer that is fo well
difpofed, and he or any other would fend in Cowan a little
good beer, it would be acceptable in yonder wildernefs. — Pray
what fays Mr. IF- F If he fhould agree to go over, Mr.
/^' R may be applied to for cafh. — I have feveral
fweet little ones to put under his care j — God's will be done in
this alfo ! He reigneth, that is my unfpeakable confolation. —
By next fliip I believe will come -a parcel dirc6ted to Mr.
2" J v/ith a folio book, and an hundred picl:ures of Jaron
thejndian j^-d^hcTf from good Lady H , who. is yet but
poorly. — Sixty may be difpofed of among Edinburgh friends,
and forty fent to Mr. M . The book you are to perufe, j
and then it muft go with the pidures to Glafgow.—Be pleafed
to apprize Mr. T of it, and defire him to fend me a line
hy Cciuan» — If pofiible, I will anfv/er Mr. B before we
leave the Doiuns. My tender love and thanks av/ait your dear
father, fanpiily, and all friends. The Lord be with you all.
Amen and Amen! My hcrfes fold for fourteen pounds. God
reward my benefa6tors I Perhaps Mr. T and Dr. Dod-
dridge may go cfF about the fame time. I pns feqiiar. Mr.
// is better. And now, my dear Sir, farev/ei ! Be {Irong
in the grace which is in Christ Jesus. I commend you to
his never- failing mercy, and, for his great name's fake, fubfcribc
Yours moft afFe6lionately,
To the Reverend A^r. G .
On hoard the Jnielcpey Sept. 2, 1751.
Reverend and very dear Sir,
THOUGH I could not, through hurry of buftnefs,
write to you on (hore, yet I would fain fend you a kw
lines from on board. We are now near the Downs, and, I
truft, fhall fail comfortably on. — The Captain is civil; and
the cabin pafTengers feem to be very agreeable company.
Parting feaCons of late have been to me dying feafons. — Surely
they have broken my very heart : but it is for Jesus, and
therefore all is well. Remember, my dear, dear Sir, a floating
pilgrim. — If poflible, fend me a line. — Young Mr. T r
knows how to diredt. I fhall rejoice to hear of your profperity.
Before my embarkation, I ordered forty of y/^r^w's pidlures,
and the folio book concerning the Moravians, to be fent to
Mr. M . They will be committed to the care of
Mr. T , in Edinburgh, And now, my dear Mr. G ,
farewcl, farewel ! The Lord be with you and Mr. AI ',
Mr. N , Mr. S , and all my dear, very dear Glafgow
friends. I faiute you all much in the Lord, and beg the con-
tinuance of your mofl e.irneft prayers in behalf of, very dear
Yours moft afFedionately in our blelTed Jesus,
Dear Sir, On hoard the Antelope, 0£l. 6, 1751.
I Have been juft writing to one, to whom I know you will
gladly convey the inclofed. I nuift nov/ fend you a few
lines : may the Redeemer attend them with his blelling ! At
the great day, you (hall know how often you have been re-
D d 4 membered
niembered by me at the throne of grace, this voyage. Blefled
be God, hitherto it has been a (hort and eafy one ! We arc
now within a few hundred miles of Ihore ; and He that hath
hitherto helped, I truft will help us even to the end. O that
the bleffings bcftowed upon us, may, through the thanklgiving
of many, redound to thy glory, O God ! O that I could do
ibmething to promote this ! As yet alas 1 alas ! how little
have I done I Stir up then, my fluggifh foul, and begin to
exert thyfelf for Him, who hath fhed his dear and precious
heart's blood for thee ! O my dear Sir, is it not ftrange that
we {liould forget this love ? Strange, that a little filver dufl,
Ihould blind our eyes, and divert us from beholding Him, who
indeed is altogether lovely ! A word to the wife is enough.
Our I^oRD hath dealt wonderoufly kind with each of us, with
us, and with ours. What fliall we render unto him? My
obligations are much increafed by the mercies of this voyage.
Your kind prefent was very ufeful. 1 pray the Lord of all
lords to reward you ten thoufand-fold. You will remember
me to your dear partner, and all enquiring friends. That
grace, mercy, and peace may be multiplied on you all, is the
earneft prayer of, dear Sir,
Yours mofl afte<Slionately in our common Lord,
G. ir.
To Mr. J T .
Bethejday in Georgia^ Nov. 20, 1 75 1.
My dear Mr, T-—,
ERE this can reach you, I fuppofe you will have heard of
our fafe arrival in Gargia ; for which, I trufl^, you and
my other dear friends will be thankful in our behalf. Blefled
be God, I found the Orphan-houfe in as good a fituation as
could be expected. The children have much improved in
their learning ; and I hope a foundation is now laid for a fu-
ture ufeful feminary. I want to know what anfwer Mr.
IV- -*s liath given. I expeft letters by C , when I go,
to Ckarles-town next month. I was there about ten days ago,
and had fomc clofe talk v.'ith Mr. L , and feveral of Mr.
t?^—- — *s congregation concerning you. AH fecmed to be una-
nlmous, in giving you a call. I need only obfervc, that if
God fhould diredt your courfe to them, you will find a gene-
rous, loving people, who will ftudy to make your labours pro-
fitable and delightful to you. I doubt not but in the con-
gregation there are many dear children of God. And as there
will be fuch an harmony between you and Mr. L , I hope
you will be an happy inftrument of promoting peace between
all parties, and adding fuch to the church as fhall be finally
faved. Very near you, are feveral pious minifters of other de-
nominations, who will be glad to keep up a chriftian corref-
pondence with you, and ftrengthen your hands in the work of
the Lord. As far as I can judge of your difpofition, and all
other concurring circumftances, your fituation will be very
agreeable to others, and to yourfelf. However, a trial can do
no hurt to either fide. A voyage to fea, and the feeing and con-*
verfing with many of God's people and minifters on this fide
the water, will make it worth your while to leave your native
country. Travelling improved, will enlarge your ideas, and
promote your future ufefulnefs. May the glorious Emmanuel
direft your goings in his way ! If it (hould appear to be the
divine will that you fhould come over to Charlcs-Towriy I am
perfuaded, the good old man your father will chearfully let his
Benjamin go ; and he will find his blefled Mafter to be better
to him than feven fons. Pray falute him and all dear friends
in the kindeft manner. I would write to many, but as yet
have not time. Brethren, pray for us. My very dear friend.
Yours moft aitedlionately in our common Lord,
G. W.
To Mr. K .
Charki'Town^ Dec. 26, 1 751.
My dear Mr. K- ,
MAY this find you getting out of your ecilpfe, and de-
termining, through the ftrcngth of Christ, that the
earth (hall never get in between your foul and the Son of
Righteoufnefs any rnore ! What mercies, fignal mercies hath
the Lord Jesus conferred on you and me ! What fliall wc
render unto the Lord ? Shall wc not give him our whole
5 hearts ?
^learts ? O let us not follow afar off. Let his love conftrain
lis to an holy, univerfal, chcarful obedience to all his com-
mands. You have a wire that will provoke you to love, and to
good works. Make much of her ; and prefent her, and your
-mother, and all her children, with my moft cordial falutations.
I do not forget them, or you, or dear Mr. R . For
Christ's fake forget not unworthy me. T am now returning
to the Orphan- houfe, vi^hich I truft will be like the burning
bufh indeed. My poor labours are accepted here ; and in the
Spring i purpofe going to the Bermudas. Jesus is very good
to me. Help me to prsife him j and believe me to be, my
dear Sir,
Your tirTe£tionate friend for Christ^s fake,
To Mr. William L .
Fery dnir Sir., Bethefda^ Jan 25, 1 752.
MAN appoints, but God difappoints. l^hough we
mifled feeing each other on earth, yet if Jesus Christ
be our life, we fhall meet ntvzr to part again in the kir.gdom
of Heaven. Your kind letter found me employed for the fa-
fberlefs, in this wtldernefs, and am almoft ready to enter upon
my Spring campaign. The news from Ireland^ does not at all
furprize me. Weak minds foon grow giddy with power; and
then ihey become pefts, inftead of helps to the church of God.
You have done well, dear Sir, not to defift from doing good,
un account of fome rubs you meet with in the way. Bcnefa"
cere ct male paii, vere chrijlionum efl. Go on, therefore, to lay-
up ireafures in heaven ; and let the world fee, that you have
been with Jesus, by imitating him in going about doing good.
I intend, by his afTiftance, now to begin ; for as yet alas ! I
have done nothing. Continue to pray for me ; and be pleafed
to adure our Irijh friends, that they are not forgotten by me.
Who knows but I may fee them once more on this fide
eternity ? As foon as poflible, fome of them fnall bear from
me. Thanks be to God, the Orpban-houfe flourKhes. That
the vvork of Christ may flourifh amongft all perfons of all
denominations, and that you and yours may be always abound-
ing in the work of the Lord, is the earneft prayer of, very
dear Sir,
Yours mod afFe61:Ionately in our common Lord,
G. W.
To the Rev. Mr. H .
My very dear Friend^ Charles-Town^ Feb. I, 1 752.
I Long to write to, and inform you, that I love you in the
bowels of Jesus Christ, and earneftly pray, that you
may go on from ftrength to ftren^th, ?.nd incrcafe with all the
increafe of God. This leaves unwoi chy me, endeavouring to
do fomething for Him on this fide the water. Glory bcjo
his great name, he caufes his work to profper in my worthlefs
hands. The Orphan-hcufe is in a fiourifhing way, and I hope
will yet become a ufeful feminary. My poor labours in this
place meet with acceptance ; and after one more trip to
Georgia^ I purpofe fetting out upon my Spring campaign.
Follow me with your prayers ; and who knows but we may
meet once more on this fide heaven. Our dear Mr. H I
find is to be detained longer from thence. I think he will live
to bury many ftronger men. I wifii Lijbon may be bleiled to
Dr. D y and O how do I wifli that dear Dr. S was
fully employed in preaching the everlalting gofpel ! Pray fa-
lute him tenderly in my name, and beg him to renounce the
world for Christ. I hope you both wri:^ to, and fee our
good Lady H- n frequently. I was rejoiced to hear, from
my dear yoke-fellow, that her Ladyfliip was bravely : this was
joy indeed. May file long live to be a bleffing ! That is all
in all. O that I may begin to be in earneft ! It is a new
year; God quicken my tardy pace, and help me to do much
work in a little time ! This is my higheft ambition. The
Lord Jesus fill me with this ambition more and more ! For
the prefent, adieu. Accept this as a token of your not being
forgotten by, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our dear Lord Jesus,
G. W.
To Mr, S C .
Charhs-Towriy Feb, 5, 1752.
AS I love you moft tenderly in the bowels of Jesus
Christ, you may eafily gucfs, what great pleafure
both your kind letters gave me. They came attended with a
great blelTmg, and knit my heart, if poflible, nearer to you
than ever. Part of the firft, indeed, I mean that which re-
fpeded the Tabernacle-houfe, gave me uneafmefs ; but your
laft removed it, and made me thankful to our common Re-
deemer, who in fpite of all oppofition, I find will caufe his
word to run and be glorified. Poor Mr. W is flriving
a»ainft the ftream ; ftrong aficrtions will not go for proofs,
with thofe who are acquainted with the divine life, and are
fealcd by the Holy Spirit even to the day of redemption. They
know, that their ftock is nov/ put into fafe hands ; that the
covenant of grace is not built upon the faithfulnefs of a poor
fallible, changeable creature, but upon the never- failing faith-
fulnefs of an unchangeable God. This is the foundation
whereon I build. " Lord Jesus, I believe, help my unbelief !
Having once loved me, thou wilt love me to the end ; thou
wilt keep that fafe, which I have committed unto thee : efta-
blifh thy people more and more in this glorious truth ; and
grant that it may have this blefTed efFedt upon us all, that we
mav love thee more, and ferve thee better ! " All truths, un-
lefs produdive of holinefs and love, are of no avail. They
may float upon the furface of the underftanding ; but this is
to no purpofe, unlefs they transform the heart. This, I truft,
the dear Tabernacle preachers and people will always have
deeply imprefled upon their minds. Let us not difpute, but
love. Truth is great, and will prevail. I am quite willing
that all our hearers fhall hear for themfelves. The Spirit of
Christ is a Spirit of liberty. You remember what I have
often told you about Calvin. He was turned out of Geneva
for feveral years ; but in lefs than twelve years time they
wifticd for their Calvin again. But what is Calvin^ or what is
Luiber ? Let us look above names and parties ; let Jesus, the
cvei-loving, the ever-lovely Jesus, be our ail in all. — So that
he be preached, and his divine image flanapcd more and more
upon people's fouls, I care not who is uppcrmoft. I know my
place, (Lord Jesus enable me to keep it !) even to be the
fervant of all. I v/ant not to have a people called after my
jiame, and therefore I ad as I do. The caufe is Christ's,
and he will take care of it. I rejoice that you go on fo well
at the Tabernacle. May the (hout of a king be always
in the midft of you, and the glory of God be your reward.
I am apt to believe you will pray me over. But future
things belong to him, whofe I am, and whom I endeavour to
ierve. After one more trip to the Orphan-houfe, I purpof^
going to the Northward, where I expedt more letters by Cap-
tain Grant* Thanks be to God, all is well at Bethcfda. A
mcft excellent tract of land is granted to me very near the
houfe, which in a few years I hope will make a fufficicnt pro-
vifion for it. Pray give my tcndereft and moft hearty love to
all your dear family, and all the Tabernacle people, and all
enquiring friends. Entreat them, I pray you, to be mindful of
a poor pilgrim, who night and day is never unmindful of you
or them. Do6lor Doddridge I find is gone; Lord Jesus
prepare me to follow after ! — With real and great affedion, I
lubfcribe myfelf, very dear Jeimnyy
Yours, &c.
G. W.
To Mr, J H .
My very dear Friend^ London, May 26, 1752.
HEARING that Mr. A^ is to go fhortly from Lekh^
I cannot help fending you a few lines. They leave
me at London, where, through the divine' goodncfs, I am {s.'itX^
arrived, after a paflfage of near live weeks on board the Henry*
People have received me with great afFedlion ; and I never fav/
the work of God go on in a more promifing way. Thoufands
and thoufands hear the gofpel gladly. Lord, what am I ?
Not unto me, not unto me, but unto thy free grace and un-
merited mercy he all the glory ! I wifh I could fend you good
news about your minifter. But alas ! I now almoft dcfpair
of procuring one. 1 waited upon Dr. G imm.diatcly
after my arrival ; — he gave me no hopus. The perfon that
was fixed upon, declined it. Several of the large congrega-
tions in London^ befides many more in the country, are u'ith-
out paftors : they are obliged to make ufe of our preachers.
O that the Lord of the harveft may thrufl: out more labourers
into his harveft ! Who can tell but fome minifters may be
raifed up at Bethejda? At Alidjmnmer the King takes Georgia
into his own hands : bleffed be God for fending me over at
fuch a juncfture. He hath given me already good fuccefs con-
cerning Mr. B *s fcheme. I am come to a determination,
if I can difpofe of Providence plantation, to carry all my
ftrength to the Orphan-houfe. May the Lord Jesus prof-
per more and more this v^^ork of our hands upon us I Profper
thou, O God, this handy work ! I truft he will. 1 could
enlarge, but have not time. You may expe6l to hear from
me again by Dr. B , whom I expect to fee next week.
Your Rap'in is bought, and fhall be fcnt with the other ; I
thank you for the loan of it, and for all other favours. The
God whom I ferve, will richly reward both you, and all my
other dear Charles-Town friends. My very dear Sir, ceafc not
to pray for
Your moft afFe£tionate, obliged friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr, r .
My dear Mr. T— -, London., June 4, 1752.
1 Doubt not of your being directed in your L-te choice. If
we acknowledge God in all our ways, he hath pro-
mifed to dire6l our path?. I pity poor Carolina. But what
ihall we fay ? Jjsus may do what he will with his own. I
muft look out for a tutor for my orphans. When our Lord's
time is come, fome one or other will be ftirred up to care for
thefe fheep in yonder wildernefs. BlcfTed be God, it begins
to fmile. You will fee by the inclofed, what a profpcdl I
have of providing for Bethefda\ future fupport. The letter
was fent me by Mr. y B -, a worthy chriftian planter,
who is lately come from Carolina to fettle in Georgia. He v/as
awakened at the Orphan-houfe about ten years zzo. At AliJ-
fummer^ Georgia is to be taken into the Government's hands.
It will then be put on the fiime footing MMth the o'li.-r pro-
vinces ; and in all probability will be a flourifliing province.
I anrj come in the very beft time. O what a blciil ' thing is it
to follow Jesus blindfold ! He hath enabled me more to
take the fieid. I'he iivilds feem as white as ever ^ and I never
faw the Tabernacle fo well attendt;d. If GoL> iliould fo di-
retSl me, would the middle of Augujl not be too Kite to come
to Edinburgh? I canriot well come before. Does Mr. R-
go diredlly for Charles-Toivti ? How will he be paid for the
Oilnaburghs he was fo kind as to fend over r I would fain
fend a few letters by him. My hearty love to him and his.
Ten thoufand thanks to you, for caring fo friendly for my
dear v/ife in my abfence. — The Lord Jesus will care for
you and my other kind friends. She is pretty well, and joins
in fendirlg cordial refpects and thanks.- — My young man re-
turns his. Letters from thofc you mention, will be very ac-
ceptable. I hope to write to feveral fhoftly. I muft now
away ; but not before I have wiOied Mr. Gillcfpie joy. 7'he
Pope I fnid has turned Prcfbytcrian. O this power, when got
into wrong hands, v/hat mifchief does it occafion .! "The
Lord reigns :" — that is enough for us. Adieu. My love to
your honoured father, and all dear friends. Accept the fame
ia the tendcrefl n)ar)ner from, my dear Timothy^
Yours moft affe^fionately in our common Lord,
G, IV.
To Mr. H .
My very dear Friend, London, June 9, 1752.
IHave received and read your manufcripts j but for me to
play the criiic on them, would be like holding up a can-
dle to the fun. However, before I leave tov/n, I will juft
mark a few places as you defire, and then fend the manufcripts
to your brother. I foretell their fate : nothing but your fcenery
can fcreen you. Self will never bear to die, though flain in fo
genteel a manner, without fliewing fome refenttnent againft
its artful murderer. 1 am glad you have v/rittcn to Soutb-
6 Audley
AudUy-Jlrcet. You are refolved not to die in my debt. I think
to call your intended purchale Weston, and mall take care
to remind him by whofe means he was brought under the ever-
lading gofpel. O that Doctor .7 rnay be brought out to
preach it ! If you do not take the other living yourfelf, I
think your giving it to the Do6tur is a glorious icheme. I
lay at your brother's houfe iait weeic : your lifter feemed to
love to talk of Jesus Christ and her own heart. She got
up early, and came after me and ray w^ife to Aladam T 's.
You know how to improve tins hint at a proper feafon.
Your brother hath been io kind as to let me have the little
mare again. My Mailer walked, I ride to preach the glorious
gofpel. Whether riding or walking. Lord Jesus, let my
whole heart be taken up with thee ! Adieu, my deareft Sir,
adieu. Ceafe not to pray for,
Ever yours whilft
ro Dr, S .
My dear Do£lor^ London^ June 9, 1752.
GLAD fhall I be to hear that you are a poor defpifed
preacher of the cverlafting gofpel. I long to direct to
the Reverend Mr, S . I believe if you once was gone fo
far that you could not retreat, you would do very well. If
Mr. H does not take the two livings, I think your
fcheme is glorious. May the Lord thruft you out fome way
or another ! I am fure the harveft is great : people feem more
eager than ever to hear the word. May I die preaching !
Next Thurfday fe'nnight I leave London^ and purpofe to take a
long circuit. I (hould be glad to fee you in the mean while.
O that the love of Christ may burn all the love of the world
out of your heart I Adieu. Never fear the Bifhop : let your
eye be only on the great Shepherd aijd Biftiop of fouls f He
will make your way plain. I muft away. Bufinefs obliges
me to hallen to fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Yours, $zc,
G, JV.
ro Lady H~^,
Ev:r-honoured Madaniy Londofi, June 12^ ^752.
THIS day aboilt noon I received your Ladyfliip's wifhed-
for letter, which brought me the welcome news of your
Ladyfliip's fafe arrival at Bath. May the waters be abundantly
blelfed to the reftoring of your bodily health, and may the
comforts of the ever-loving; ever-lovely Jesus, fill and refrefli
your foul ! Your Ladyfhip judges right of dear Mr. Z :
he is a bleffed man, a father in Christ indeed ? I hope to
fee both him and your Ladyfhip, about the twenty-fourth of
this month. Next week, God willing, I flmll go to Portf^
mouthy from thence to Bath^ then to the Weft, then to JValeSy
and from thence, may be, to Scotland and Ireland. O that I
could fly from pole to pole publifhing the everlafling gofpel !
Every day we hear of frefh conquefts gained. Grace! Grace!
Yefterday I had feveral pleafing particulars told me about
Georgia. The having my work fo divided, is a great trial to
me ; but what is undertaken for God, ought to be carried oil
for him. He can and will do wonders for thofe who put their
truft in him. O for faith, precious faith ! It is all in alL
Old times feem to be coming about here. My body is much
enfeebled, but the joy of the Lord is my flrength. Hoping
fhortly to fee your Ladyfhip profpcring both in foul and body,
and begging a continual intereft in your Ladyfhip's prayers, I
fubfcribe myfelf, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. jy.
To Mr. I ".
Dear Mr. I -, London, June i6, 1752.
YOUR laft letter brought ftrange things to my cars, and
put me upon confidering how to a<5t. You know, my
dear fiiend, that I hate to head a paity, and that it is abfo-
lutely inconfiflent with my other bufmcfs, to take upon me
the care of focieiies in various parts. I therefore cannot pro-
VoL. IL £ c mife
mile to come to Ireland for that purpofe, neither do I ever in-
tend to engage in building any houfes. My intention is to
come your way, but whether it will be this fummer or not
I cannot tell. Mr. A was yery dcfirous of feeing you
and his fifter, and goes through JVaks to Ireland. As you feem
to have taken Skinner's Alley^ I fuppofe he may preach there,
and if a larger place could be procured, I doubt not of its be-
ino- filled. The Lord direft you how to aiSt, fo as moft to
promote his glory, and the good of fouls. — I hope you will
all, if poffible, avoid the very appearance of a party fpirit,
and evidence to the world, that the principles we hold are in-
deed of God, by their moulding us more and more into the
divine image. This is indeed all in all. I hope the people
here are in a growing way. Glory be to God, we have happy-
days. What (hall we render unto the Lord ? All he requires,
is our poor hearts. May he have them without referve ! My
hearty Jove to your wife, Mr. C and his wife, and all
that love Christ Jesus in finccrity. If I am prayed over,
come I muft. The Lord be with you. I am fo wearied by
preaching, &c. that I can fcarce fubfcribe myfelf, my dear
Yours moll affecSlionately in our common Lord,
To Mr. L .
Bear Sir, Portfmouib, Juna 19, 1752.
YOUR kind letter I received immediately after my laft
return to Scotland^ but I was fo exceedingly bufied in
preparing for my voyage to America, that I had not time to
anfv.'er it. Being once moie unexpe6ledly brought back to
my native country, I fend my fincere, though late acknow-
ledgments, and hope this will find you and yours, fighting
the good fight of Faith, and refolved never to defifl-, till you
have laid hold on eternal life. Let not what has happened,
draw ofF your mind from the Captain of your falvation. He
is altogether lovely, and worthy of your highefl regard. But
alas I All his fervants, even the beft of them, are but weak
fallible men at the bcft.' Happy they, who by feeing the im-
perfedions of the creature, are led to adhere more clofely to
the all-fufficlent and moft adorable Creator. If you and yours
tire taught this Jcflbn by paft occurrences, you will have no
l-eafon to complain, but on the contrary will be excited to
praife him, who caufes^ that out of the eater there (hall come
forth meat, and out of the ftrong jfliall come forth fweetnefs.
Be plcafed to accept this in love. I fend my moft cordial re-
fpeds to your whole fdf and family, and beg their and youf
prayers in behalf of, dear Sir,
Your afFcdionate friend and ready
fervant, for Christ's fake, -
To Mr. r .
My dear Fr'icna, Port/mouth, June 19, I752.
1 Thank you for your very kind letter, and thank the LoRri
of all Lords for honouring dear Mr. G . Now he will
do more good in a week, than before in a year. Where the
carcafe is, there the eagles will be gathered together. Laft
Monday we fung for him the following lines ;
Give him thy Jlrengih^ O God ofpower^
Then ht winds hlow^ or thunders roar y
Thy faithful wltnefs Jhall he be^
'Tis fixed— he can do all through Thee.
Kbw blind is Satan ! What does he get by caftingout Christ's
fervants? I expe^ that fome great good will come out of thefe
confufions. We wait for thy falvation, O Lord ! I hope
your foul profpers. I long to fee you, and my other Scotch
friends, but quefticn whether I can come this fummer. The
Lord dired me to acl as fhall be moft conducive to his glory
and the good of fouls I We have had blefTed feafons in London ^^
there I muft be again in about a fortnight. On next Tucjday
the Truftees give up Georgia to the King ; the King of Kings
has appeared for Bethefda. I cannot think of feeing it again^
till next year. In the mean while you muft pray that I may be
bufy for Christ. And in fo doing you will ftrengthen the
hands of, my dear, dear friend.
Yours, &c.
To Mr, N .
Very dear Sir ^ Brijiol^ July i^^ 1 752.
I Am quite forry to hear that you are fo much indifpofed*
But what fliall we fay ? The Lord Jesus orders all
things well. He knows of what we are made ; he remembers
that we are but duft. As our day is, fo fhall our ftrength be.
I fee more and more, that, like our great Exemplar, we muft
be made perfect through fufFerings. Ere long, the time of
reigning will come, and one fight of the ever-loving, ever-
lovely Jesus, will make amends for all. O glorious profpe£l!
Well might the apoftle fay, *' that the fufferings of this pre-
fent time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory that
ihall be revealed in us." O glorlam quantam et qualem ! Cou-
rage then, my dear Sir ; he that cometh will come, and will
not tarry. I dare not give vent ; bufinefs obliges me to be
(hort. Here, as well as at London, the fields are white, ready
unto harveft. This week I pafs over to TVales, 1 am a poor,
but happy pilgrim. Thanks be to free grace for it. My duti-
ful refpefts await good Lady Jane, and the young Ladies. Be
pleafed to accept the fame from, very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G, W.
To Mr, S .
My very dear Friend, Cardiff, July i"], 1752.
WHEREVER I am, you and yours, you arKi 3^our
kindnelles, are always upon my heart. I think of
them at my down-fitting and mine up-rifing, and to refrefh
myfelf, muft exprefs my gratitude. Indeed I thank you both
■ ten thoufand times, and as a poor tribute, I fend you word
that the Lord of all Lords is pleafed to fmile upon, and blefs
•my feeble labours. I was at Brijiol four days, and preached
nine times. To my great furprize, thoufand s (very near as
many as attended at Moorfields) came out every evening to
hear the word. A blefled influence attended it j and I have
reafon to believe much good was done. Old times feemed to
be revived again. Praifc the Lord, O my foul ! The lafl:
evening it rained a little, but few moved. I v^as wet, and con-
traded a cold and hoarfenefs ; but I truft, that preaching will
cure me ao-ain. This is my grand Catholicon. O that I may
drop and die in my blefled mafler's work !
For this let juen revile my namc^
Til Jlmn no crofs^ V II fear no Jlmme ;
All Ixiil reproach^ and ivelcome pain ;
Only thy terrors^ Lord, rejlrain,
I am now entering upon JFales. What fuccefs my Mafter
gives me, you may hear fome time hence. I beg your prayers,
that I may be kept from robbing God of his glory, or
of any more of my precious time. What faid my dear Mr.
S^^ when I faw him laft ? What ! — " You the biggcft
robber ? No, no,-r-I am the man." But thanks be to God,
as you obferved, " our judge is our advocate." I thank you
for the hint. The Lord give me to improve it ! Farewell !
I muft foon away, to preach about eight miles ofF. We have
had a comfortable meeting this morning. My tender love to
dear Mrs. S and your little daughter ; accept the fame in
the moft endearing manner from me, who in the ftrongeft
terms that words can exprefs, an?, my very dear frjend,
Yours mod: afFedionately in our common L^rd,
G. W.
ro Lady H'
Haverford-iveJ}^ July 25, 1752.
Ever -honoured Madarn^
AS this is the firft day of reft from journeying, fmce my
coming into JVales^ and alfo the extent of my JVelcb
circuit, I muft not omit fending your Ladyfhip a few lines.
They inform your Ladyfhip of the continued goodnefs of my
blefled mafter, to the moft unworthy fervant he ever fent forth.
As my day, fo hath my ft'rength been. Abundance of fouls,
efpecially in Femhrokejhire^ have attended ; and I hope that
feed hath been fown, which will fpring up to eternal life. On
Monday next, J fliall begin to return backj and feme time this
E c 3 daj
day fevcnnigbt hope to wait upon your Lady{hip at Clifton,
On the following day, 1 propofe to preach at Bri/lW, and the
next day fhall fet out for Gloicefcrfhire, to keep an afTociation
there. The Lord help me to hold on and hold out untq
the end I I dread the thoughts of flagging in the latter ftages
of my road. Jesus is able to keep me from beirg either weary
or faint in my mind. In him, and in him alone is all my
ilrength found. I hope your Ladyfhip finds both your bodily
and (piiitual (Irength repaired day by duy. That you may
jTiount on wings like an eviole, walk and not be weary, hold
on and not be faint, is the continual prayer of, ever-honoured
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful,
obliged, and ever ready fcrvant,
G. TV.
To Mr. R IF .
Dear Sir, Haverford-weJ}^ July 25, 1 752.
T Love and honour you too much, to have let yours lie fo
i long unanfwered, had not travelling and preaching pre-
vented me. This is the only quiet day that I have had for a
Ion"- feafon. At Lonelon, the work feemed to be as it were
but juft beginning. At Brijiol we had bleficd feafons indeed,
and in JVaks the fields are white, ready unto harvelh Had I
not been pre-engaged in thefe parts, I fhould certainly have
come, and mounted my defpifed throne. I love (late too well,
efpecially in Scotland, not to take it upon me as often as pofli-
ble„ I think fometimcs, that it is almoft a pity one cannot
have more bodies and more fouls. They fhould all run about,
and be employed for Jesus. What an honour to be employed
in doing or fuffering for him I Happy Mr. G — • — ; I fancy
he miiO: preach quite well nov/. I dare fay, you had no hand
ja cading him out ; God forgive thofe that had. In heaven
there will be none of this fluff. Thanks be to God, the
church is militant pnly here below. The Lord help us to
^nght the good fight of Faith, till we lay hold on life eternal 1
pear Mr. H— hath taken up his weapons again; he is now
.jve£tor of a parifh, and preaches twice every Lord's day. I
|hank you and yourS;, for your l;:rJ Lnvit?.:ion cf us to your
^ LETTERS. 439
pleafant villa; had I wings I could fly thither to talk of Jesus,
and fmg an hymn, but the cloud iecms to move vvcflward,
and I fear my vifit to beloved Scotland muft be deferred till
next fpring. May the Lord enable me to f.ll up every hour,
every moment with duty ! I believe dear Mr. H had a
narrow efcape the other day : if with you, pray remember me
to him and his, in the kindcft manner. I moll heartily falute
all enquiring friends, befeeching you all, for Jesus Christ's
fate, never to ceafe praying for, reverend and very dear Sir,
Yours moft affectionately in our common Lord,
G. W.
To Mr, S .
My very dear Friend^ Brijiol, ^^g^ft I» ^752»
SINCE I wrote my laft, I have been off my horfc but one
day. The glorious Einmanuel hath carried me through the
Welch circuit in peace and comfort. In the fortnight paff,
from my leaving this place, I preached twenty times, and have
travelled above three hundred miles. Congregations were very
large. Laft Lord's day was a high day indeed ; the number
of hearers at feven in the morning, as well as in the even-
ing, at Havirford-weft^ was almoft incredible. The Lord
was in the midft of them. My body was weak in fpeaking
to them, but Jesus hath flrengthcned me again. O that I
was humble and thankful! In my way hither, we held an
affociation ; there were prefent about nine clergy, and near
forty other labourers. I truft all are born of God, and defirous
to promote his glory, and his people's good. All was har-
mony and love. Yefterday I came here. It is fair time, and
to-morrow, God willing, 1 purpofe to expofe the gofpel wine
and milk to fale. This I have been doing this morning. O
that the hearers may be made to come down to the price, and
willing to be faved by grace: — God knows I have nothing
clfc to depend upon.
Grace! — it's a fivcet^ a charming theme-,
My foul exults tf/ Jesu's name \
Of him ^ Vuho did falvation l>f'ingy
I could for ever Jpeak and fmg,
E e 4 But
But how poorly do I (peak of ajid for Ivim ? God be mcrclftil
to rr^e a rmner? He does fliow he will have mercy, ajid there-
fore it is that I am not con fumed.
If all the luorld his gnodnefs knew^
They mufi. adore and love him too^
Blcfled be God for tnnnifefling himfcif to us, as be doth not
unto the world ! Yoy wdl join in crying Grace ! Grace !
Grace! Love bids me to enlarge, though bufmefs obliges mc
to be brief. In about ten days 1 hope to be in London. In' the
mean while, pray accept thefe poor lines as a token of love
unfeigned, and of grateful refpetSf, from, my very dear friend,
Yoyrs moft afFe6lipnately in our common Lord,
,,>.^im roMr,F .
"^ Bern- Mr. F , London^ Aug. ij, 1752.
N CLOSED you have a letter for Mr. R . I hope
that promotion will do him no hurt. May God help him
to make a (land againft vice and prophanenefs, and to exert his
litmoil efkbrts in promoting true religion and v*irtue I This is
the vv'hole of man, I find that you grow more and more
famous in the learned world. As you have made a pretty con-
fiderable progrefs in the myftcries of elejf^ricity, I would now
humbly recommend to your diligent unprejudiced purfuit and
ftudy the myftery of the new-birth. It is a moft important,
intcreiling ftudy, and when maftered, will richly anfwer and
repay you for all your pains. One at whofe bar we are fliortly
to appear, hath foicmnly declared, that without it, *' wc can-
not enter the kingdom of heaven." You will excufe this
freedom. I muft have oliquid Qhrifli in all my letters. I am
yet a willing pilgrim for his great name fake, and I truft a
blcfling attends my poor feeble labours. To the giver of every
good gift be all the glory. My refpe^ls await your whole felf,.
and all enqiiiring friends, and hoping to fee you yet once more
in this land of the dying, 1 fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Youi very ancctionate niend, and obliged fejvant,
To Mr. S .
Chfft,:r in thcjireety near Ncwcafilc^ Aug. 28, 1752.
My very dear Mr. S ,
THUS far hiuh a good and gracious God brought a poor
and worth Ids pilgrim on his way towards Edinburgh.
Laft Lord's day I preached twice at Lutterworth^ the famous
^ohn IVidiffe's pariih, and have fince received a letter giving
me an account of the Redeemer's blciling my poor labours.
On the Monday^ I began in the name of the almighty huf-
bandman, to plow up fome fi\l]ow ground 2,X. Leiccjler \ feveral
thoufands attended, and fome endeavoured to difturb us, but
the oppofition was nothing like what I expcdled. In the
evening all was hufhcd, and I truft our Lord left a bleffing
behind us. In my way to Lutteriuorth.y my heart was encou-
raged by the coming of a young man, who had been awakened
under my preaching about four years ago at Oidney. He was
before that time a bitter fcoffer, but hath now been a fludcnt
for a year and a half under Do£lor Doddridge^ and I believe
\Vill be admitted into the London academy. You may know
more of him hereafter. Is not this as much as to fay, " Go
forwards. — In the morning fow thy feed, and in the evening
with-hold not thy hand, fince though knowell: not which may
profper, this or that." Yes, my blefled Jesus, through thy
grace ftrengthening me, I will continue to go out into the
highways and hedges ; only vouchfafc to uphold me v/ith
thy right hand, and keep me from flagging in the latter flages
of my road. I know you will fay. Amen and Amen. This
will increafc my obligations, which are already more than I
can exprefs. God will reward both you and yours for them,
a thoufand fold. Accept repeated thanks for repeated favours,
and depend on hearing as often as pofTible, how the ever-lovely,
ever-loving Jesus is pleafed to deal with, my very dear
Yours moft afFcdionately in our common Lord,
to Mr, B .
Nezucajlky Aug. 30, 1752.
My dear Mr. B .
YOUR laft kind letter came to hand, only a few days
before I left Loiidon. Bufinefs prevented my anfwering
it then : accept a few lines from hence. They leave me on
my way to Scotland. Thither ♦:he cloud feemed to move, and
I purpofe to call on you, God willing, in my return to Lon-
don, Could you meet me at Leeds P 1 have thoughts of com-
ino- that way back, I have written to Mr. S , and as I
cxpe6l to fee him, you need fay nothing about the books. I
wrote alfo to Mr. G . A fhort interview will fettle every
thing. Do not let my friend be fo folicitoufly anxious about
perfons or things. '* The Lord reigneth," was the anfwer
that Luther fent to over-carefui MelanSlhon, Never fear. — Our
Lord knows how to over-rule all for good. So that his work
goes on, let you and I be content to be forgotten, nay to be
trodden under foot, and flighted by our own fpiritual children
and friends. This is bitter, but wholfome phyfic. The all-
wife phyfician I truii will make us drink it, till every evil,
fretful, and uneafy temper be purged out of us. Let us then,
my dear man, chearfuUy take the cup out of his blefled hands,
and leave all to Him. A word to the wife is enough. I muft
not enlarge. How goes on brother W h ? I hope he does
not preach in a controverfial way ; I fuppofe I (hall fee him in
the North. My ftay in Scotland will be about a month. You
may diredb for me at Edinburgh, I hope that a door is opened
at Leicejler and Lutterworth for field-preaching. We have had
p-lorious feafons m Gloucejlerjhire and London, O for a good
o-ate in the North ! It is harveft time. — All hands to work.
My love to Mrs. B and all that love Christ, whether
they think in all things as I do or not. I fend Mr. -ly
my cordial refpeds, and beg you to accept the fame from, my
dear Mr. 5——,
Yours, &c.
G. W.
I. E T T E R S. 443
To Lady H .
Edinburgh^ Sept. 22, 1 752.
Ever-homnred Madam^
THE day after 1 wrote to your Ladyfliip, I left London^
and in my way to Scotland I preached twice at Latter-
worth. — The auditories were very numerous, and very quiet ;
but at Leicejier fome turnips were thrown at me during the firft
fermon ; at the fecond all was hiifhed, and I hear lince that
good was done. Some oi J/loby fociety came thither to hear
me. At Merford I called on Lady Margaret., who behaved
very friendly, and enquired much after your Ladyfhip's wel-
fare. At Newcafle I was, as it were, arreflcd to flay. I
I preached four times, and Indeed a whole fliower of divine
bleiTings dcfcendcd from heaven on the great congregations.
I came hither laft Wednejday was feverinight, and have preached
twice a day in the open air, to very large and polite audi-
tories. Abundance of the better fort conftantly attend. Next
Tuejday I thought to move, but they have prevailed upon mc
to ftay a little longer. I hope the great Gop will give me a
ufeful journey back, again to London. I defign keeping from
thence as long as I can, before 1 go into my Winter quarters.
Alas, how little is to be done even in the Summer feafon !
One had need work whilft it is day ; the night comes on a
pace, whtn no man can work. I need not tell your Lady-
Ihip of this, who are always employed for your God. O that
the rich and great v/ould learn to copy after your example \
Surely all your Ladyfhip's efforts will not be loft: upon them !
My heart's defire and continual prayer to the Lord of all
Lords is, that your Ladyfhip may be long continued, and find
your rod budding and bloffoming more and more every day.
Hoping to fend your Ladyfhip more good news in i. y next,'
and commending my poor unworthy felf to your Laci; Oiip's
prayers, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfclf, evei-honourcd Ma-
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged and very
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
ro Mr, s .
GlafgoWy Sept. 29, 1752. •
JUdy very dear friend^
AS you are no day out of my thoughts, fo you mufi: needs
think it hath fecmed a long time fince I wrote to you
laft. But what has hindered me ? Not want of love, but
opportunity. For this fortnight lall paft, I have been preach-
ing twice every day at Edinburgh^ where a great multitude,
as well of polite as common fort of people, attended continu-
ally. I wondered they were not wearied, but the more they
heard, the more they feemed defirous of hearing. Many
young miniPiiers and ftudents were clofe attendants, and I
truft through grace good has been done. I expe(5led to have
left Scotland as lafl Tuefdayy but through the importunity of
friends have been prevailed on to come to GlafgoWy and fhail
not return for England till Tuefday fevcnnight. Then I hope
to begin to preach my way up to London. In this blefTed de-
lightful work, I hope to live and die j I think it is worth dy-
ing for. The Lord make me fenfible of the honour put upon
me, and lay me lower at his feet every day, every hour, and
every moment ! I have here a flaming minifter that is my
friend, and I hear fweet work is going on in the highlands.
Praife the Lord, O our fouls ! Inclofed you have a letter
from the young ftudent mentioned in my laft. I think it
is a pity that fuch a youth, when pious ftudents are fo much
wanting, (hould go back to bufmefs for want of a little help.
I doubt not but the Lord will provide for him fome way or
other. He generally brings thofe low, whom he intends to
exalt, and make ufe of. I have glad tidings from NewcaJiU
nnd Methinks every thing concurs to bid me go
out into the highways and hedges.
Lord, at thy command Fll go^
And untofinners gladly telly
That they a rifen Christ may know^
That they ihe love of Christ may fecL
This is a heaven upon earth. O^ this, I pray the God of -
love to give you and yours- a double portion. I know you
pray for me. I fend you and your dear yoke- fellow ten
thoufand thanks, and am, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft affcdionately in our common Lord,
G, IV.
To Madam C .
Dear Madam^ Glafgoiv, Sept. 29, 1752.
IT is no fmall pleafure to me, that providence hath once
more opened a way for a further correfpondence with one,
who for many years hath been my friend, and ftrengthened
my hands in the work of our common Lord and mafter
Jesus Christ. He will richly reward you for it in the great
day of accounts ; though I am perfuaded you think the work
itfelf, its own reward. Indeed it is. BlefTed be God, I find
Christ's fervice to be perfect freedom. He hath vouchfafed
to encourage and comfort me in ScotIa?id, At Edinburgh
great multitudes, among whom were abundance of the better
fort, attended twice every day. After a fhort continuance
here, I am to return to Edinburgh^ and next Tuejday fevennight
purpofe to fet out for England, Many young minifters and
ftudents have given clofe attendance, and I hear of feveral
perfons that have been brought; under deep convictions. As
foon as they are put into my hands, I intend to fend you copies
of two letters from a High-land fchoolmafter, who is honoured
of God to do much good among the poor Highland children.
— By this poft I have alfo fent a letter to Mr. D , which
I received from a young ftudent ; he wants fome little aflift-
ance, to help him to go on in his ftudies, but I did not fend
his letter to you, becaufe he informs me that you had taken
one of Mr. G *sfpiritual children under your care. BlefTed
be God, that makes you, Madam, a mother in IJrad, Every
fludent's name is Legion. Helping one of thofe, is helping
thoufands. I think this young man's cafe, as laid down in the
letter, is very remarkable, and matter of praifc. Lord Jf.sus
add to the blefled number, for thy great name's fake ! 1 have
brave news fent me from Leicejhr and Ncwcajik^ and have
ftrong invitations to Yorkjhlrc and LancaJJAre, What a pity
is it, that the year goes round fo foon ? O my God, my God
in Christ, how little can I do for thee ! Dear Madam, be
pleafed to increafc nay obligations by praying for me. I never
forget you or your houfhould, and as a proof of it, promife
that you (hall hear at all opportunities, from, dear Madam,
Your moft affedtionatc, obliged friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. W.
To Mr, A .
Dear Mr, A , Glafgow^ Sept. 29, 1752.
I Received your kind letter, but till now have not had time
to anfwer it. However, I have not, and, God willing,
fhall not be unmindful of you, I think you have nothing to
do, but by prayer and fupplication with thankfgiving, to make
your wants known unto God. He careth for you, and will
fome way or other provide both for foul and body. I have
always found him a prefent help in every time of need. A3
means ought to be ufed, I have juft written to fome London
friends, who under God may ferve you. When we meet, you
Ihall hear what fuccefs. — The hearts of all are in Christ's
hands. Wait on him, and your eyes (liall behold his great fal-
vation. If he calls you to the miniftry, as I hope he does, he
will make your v/ay plain. The cloud of his providence fhall
go before you, and you fliall hear a voice behind you, faying,
*' This is the way, walk in it." Though your father fhould
die, and your mother forfake you, the Lord Jesus Christ
will take you up. Keep clofe to your God, and your book.
Prayer, reading, meditation, and temptation make a minifter.
The Lord be with you. Pray for me, and affure yourfelf of
my being, for Christ's fake,
Your afFedionate friend and ready fervantj
G. IV.
ro G P , Efg;
Dear 5/r, Glafgow, Sept. 30, 1 752.
MR. S -, in a letter, infifts upon my fending you a
few lines : I care not to refufe him, and yet 1 know
not well how to ufe fo much freedom. If it be too great, you
will excufe It 5 it proceeds from love, love to your better part,
for I have nothing to write about, but the invifible realities of
another world. Thefe I truft, dear Sir, you and yours will
be experimentally acquainted with more and more every day.
Herein lies all our prefent peace, and the only folid prepa-
ration for future comfort in the coming world. The love of
Jesus fhed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghoft, is indeed
all in all j this is glory begun ; this is the opening of the
kingdom of heaven in the foul ; this is a never-failing well
of water, which will at laft fpring up to life eternal. And yet
all this is the gift, the free gift of God in Christ Jesus.
It cofi: him dearly, even his own heart's blood, but flows down
to us in a free channel ; yea and that too even to the very
chief of fmners. Therefore I have hope, and, blefled be God,
good hope through grace. Is not the fame grace, dear Sir,
fufficient for you and yours ? Let us then come boldly to
Christ's throne. He fits encircled with a rainbow ; his
name and his nature is Love. He came into the world, ta
feek and fave thofe that feel themfelves loft ; this I truft you
do. Salvation then is juft coming to your foul, even a pre-
fent and great falvation. Only believe, and yours is the king-
dom of heaven. But whither am I running ? I forget myfelf
when writing of redeeming love. O, my dear Sir, do not reft,
do not let God have any reft, till your heart is filled with it.
It is worth afking, feeking, knocking, and ftriving for. But
I muft have done. My cordial refpeds await your Lady.
That you may both go on hand in hand to heaven, is the
hearty prayer of, dear Sir,
Your affectionate friend and ready
fervant for Christ's fake,
G. jy.
To Lady H n,
-•v' Newcajile^ Ocl. i^j 1/52.
Ever-honoured Madam^
THUS far hath a never-failing Redeemer brought me in
my way towards London. With all humility and thank-
ful ncfs of heart I dcfire to f^c up my Ebenexcr : for furely
hitherto haih ths Lord helped me. Since my writing laft to
2 your
your Ladyfliip, I went and preached for about a week at
Glafgowy where the word of the Lord ran and was glorified.
I preached twice a day, and rather more attended than at
Edinburgh. We had a forrowful parting at both places. For
about twenty-eight days, I fuppofe I did not preach to lefs
than ten thoufand every day. This hath weakened my body,
but the Redeemer knows how to renew my ftrength. Ac
prefent, I am as well as a pilgrim can exped to be. About
feventy pounds were collected for the Edinburgh orphans, and
I hear that near a dozen young men that were awakened
about ten years ago, have fmce entered upon the miniftry,
and are likely to prove very ufeful. Praifc the Lord, O my
foul ! — In my way hither, I preached at Berwick^ Alnwick
and Morpeth ; and next Monday^ after preaching at Sunderlandy
as is intended, I am to go into Yorkjhire. I know your Lady-
fhip wifties me much profperity. That your Ladyfhip may
profper more and more, and be in health both in foul and
body, is the continual prayer of, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mr, S .
Sheffield, Nov, I, 1752.
My Very ddir Friend,
SINCE I left Newcajlle, I have fcarce known fometimes
whether I have been in heaven or on earth. At Leeds y
Burjjall, Howarth, Hallifax^ is'c. thoufands and thoufands
have flocked twice and thrice a day to hear the word of life.
A gale of divine influence hath every where attended it. I
am now come from Boltm, Manchejler, Stockport and Chinly,
— Yefterday I preached in a church, where I believe execu-
tion was done. Four ordained minifters, friends to the work
of God, have been with me. The word hath run fo fwiftly
at Leedsy that friends are come to fetch me back, and I am
now going to Rotheratn, JVakefield, Leeds, Tork, and Eptvorth,
and purpofe returning to this place next Lord's day. God fa-
vours us with weather, and I would fain make hay whilft the
fun {bines. My dear Sir, pray fgllow me with your prayers.
I Fain
Fain would I fpend and be fpent for the good of fouls. This
is my meat and drink. The Lord blefs you and yours ! I
can no more, but only fubfcribe myfclf, my very dear friend.
Yours moft aftcclionately in our common Lord,
G. fK
To the Reverend Mr. Z .
Wakefield^ Nov. 3, I'^l,
Reverend and very dear Sir,
I Have been upwards of three weeks out of Scotland; but
fcarce ever had more encouragement in preachiriQ- the
everlafiing jTofpe!, fmce the Lord of the harveft was pleafed
to fc!]d me forth into the harveft. At Neivc^Jile, Sunderland^
and feveral places in Torkjhire, Lancojhire, and ChcJJnre, thou-
fands arid thoufands have daily attended on the word preached.
The gloridiis £'w;72^/7.7^/ caufed life and power to follow it,
and I heai- that the ijrrows have ftuclc faft in many hearts.
The flir hath been fo great at Leeds, that at the defire of
friends, I am returning thither again. From thence I fhall
go to York, and feveral places in Uincohijh'ire, and arri to preach
at Sheffield next Lord's day. My return to London mufi: be
determined by the weather. It hath been uncommonly favour-
able, and methinks it is pity to go into Winter (quarters, {^
long as work can be done in the fields. — O that I had as many
tongues, as there are hairs upon my head ! The ever-loving,
fever-lovely Jesus ftiould have them all. Be fo good, honoured
Sir, to pray that he may not turn me out of his fervice, but
employ me ^3 a pobr pjlgrim till I die. Fain would I die
preaching. — I hear that Mr. H is gone. The Lord
Jesus quicken my tardy pace, and prepare me to follow ! I
know you fay Amen in my behalf, and thereby add to the
obligations you have already laid upon, honoured and deaf
Your moft afFe£lionate, though unworthy fon
and fervant in the glorious gofpel.
To Air. S .
My dear Friend^ Lorjon^ Nov, ii^ IJS'^'
THROUGH the good providence of an ever-lovely,
ever-loving Redeemer, I came fafe hither laft night.
My Sunday's work, ficknef?, the change of u^eather, and af-
fe<Sting parting from friends, fo enfeebled this tottering taber-
nacle, that I was in hopes on the road the imprifoned foul
would have been fet at liberty, and fled to thofe blifsful regi-
JVhere pam^ and fin ^ and Jorroiv ceafe,.
And all is calm and joy and peace.
At Northampton I took coach, and am now, blefled be God^
arrived at my Winter quarters. My poor wife I found an in-
valid. Our Lord can reftore her, for he came to heal our
"ficknefies, and bear our infirmities. I hope this will meet
my dear friend and his wife leaning on this all-fufficient, ne-
ver-failing Emmanuel. I have remembered you ever fmce my
departure, and now, with groanings that cannot be uttered,
pray that your fouls, and the fouls of all the dear people around
you, may profper and increafe with all the increafe of God,
O, my dc^r friend, what manner of love is this, that we
fhould be called the fons of God ! Excufe me. I mufl: paufe
a while. — My eyes guih out with water. At prefent they are
almoft fountains of tears. But thanks be to God, they are
tears of love. O what fliall 1 do for Him who hath loved
and given himfclf for ill and hell-deferving, ungrateful, un-
fruitful me ! Add to my obligations by praying for me ! Mv
unfeigned love to Mr. L . If I can, he fliall foon hear
from me. With the box for Mr. G , I fhall fend a few
pi"£tures, v.-hich you may prefent to Mr. and Mr^. N ,
as you think bell-. O that the blefled and divine image of
the adorable Jesus may be Tramped in mod lively colours on
all our hearts ! It will, it will. Jesus is the author, and he
is alfo the finifher of our faiui. Let us not be faithlefs but
relieving. Let us not truft in ourfelves, but in him Vt'ho
hvuh proniifed never to leave vn\' foi'fakc us. I can no more.
4 The
L E r T E k S. 45t
The Lord be with you and yours. — My hearty love to all
that love Christ Jesus in fincerity ; accept the fame in
the moft tender manner from, my very dear friend,
Yours nlofl afi^ectionately in ciir common Lord,
To Mr. J .
Aly dear Friend^ London^ Nov. IJ^ ly^l,
"T AST night the glorious Emmanuel brought me hither,
JL/ after having given me and his dear people many blefTed
feafons in Scotland., and the North of England. O that with
all his other mfercies, he may vouchfafe to give me a thank-
ful and humble heart ! This morning I have been talking with
dear Mr. A , and cannot help thinking, but that you have
run before the Lord, in forming yourfelves into a public fo-
ciety, as you have done. I was afraid poor Mr. C — would
not do. Mr. A -^'s vifit was defigned to be tranfient, and
I cannot promife you any fettled help from hence. I am fin-
cere, when I profefs, that I do not choofe to fet myfelf at
the head of any party. When I came laft: to Ireland., my in-
tention was to preach the gofpel to all. — And if it fhould ever
pleafe the Lord of all Lords to fend me thither again,
I purpofe to purfue the fame plan. For I am a debtor to all
of all denominations, and have no defign, if I know any thing
of this defperately wicked and deceitful heart, but to promote
the common falvation of mankind. The love of Christ
conftrains me to this. Accept it as wrote from that principle.
That He, who is the wonderful counfellor, may in all things
direct and rule your hearts, is the earncft prayer of, my dear
Yours mofi: affedtionately.
Yii LETT£.^
To the Reverend Mr. H .
My very dear Friendy London^ Nov, 14, 1752,
I Am quite forry that I miffed feeing you, but glad and
thankful that you condefcended to write to me. I find
vou are refolved to outdo me in love ; this I would prevent
if poiTible. May the glorious Jesus flied abroad his love
abundantly in your dear heart, by the Holy Ghoft, and give
you to increafe with all the increafe of God. He will blefs
you for vindicating the honour of his facred volumes in your
laft pamphlet, for which, as well as for all other unmerited
favours, I moft heartily thank you. I have juft now read it,
and doubt not of its being greatly blefTed and owned, and going
through many editions. I cannot difcern any errata or inac-
curacies in the compofitlon. Surely God hath raifed my dear
friend up, to let the polite world fee how amiable are the doc-
trines of the gofpel. Why v^ill you weary the world, and
your friends, by delaying to publifli your other long wifhed-for
performance ? Glad fliall I be to perufe any of the dialogues.
The favour of the laft is not of my mind. Pray let them fee
the light this Winter. They will delight and warm many a
heart. O that we may have a warm feafon at the Tabernacle !
My country circuit was exceedingly delightful. When the
weather altered, my health was much affeded ; but a little
reft hath already in fome degree repaired it. You and I per-
haps are not to fee heaven as yet : I have waited for it long,
but alas ! my appointed time is not yet come. Thanks be to
God, there is fuch a thing as having a heaven upon earth ;
Christ in us is the heaven of heavens. My dear, very dear
friend, good night. I am called away. My love to the Do(Sl:or.
O that he was wife ! How glad Ihould I have been to have
feen dear Mr. H /' My kind refpe61:s await your mother
and fifter. My wife, who is quite an invalid, joins heartily
wUh me, who am, my very dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedlionately in our common Lord,
My clear Nat, London^ Nov. 21, 1752.
YOUR letters have all been brought fafe to hand, and
have given me no fmall fatisfa6lion. I doubt not but
the Lord, whom you fcek, will in his own time come and
vifit the temple of your heart. Fear not, neither be difmayed.
Be found in the way of duty ; go on feeding his bmbs, and
you fhall find, that the great Shepherd and Bifliop of fouls
will blefs and comfort you. I know not of a more profitable
fituation, that you could be in than at prefent. Next year,
GcD willing, you will have a fellow-fludent. J have aoreed
with him, as I wrote you from Edinburgh^ for three years at
leaft. I am of your mind in refpeil to boarders. As affairs
{land, I think the lefs the family is at prefent, the better.
Nothing feems to be wanted but a good overfeer, to inflrucSt
the negroes in fawing and planting. Let me know how
Mr. J/ behaves, and whether the Lumber trade is begun.
I have confented to Mr. E 's going to Mr. Z , and to
Margaret's leaving Bethefda. You will fee what I have wrote
to Mrs. IV . Pray make George and the children to write
often. He fliould not have written to me, Honoured Majler^
but — 5/V. I am glad to hear that fome of the children pro-
mife well. Surely fome good will in the end come out of that
inflitution. I am only afraid of its growing too great one day
or another, in a worldly way. O that I may be dirccSled to
fuch managers, that will a<5t with a fingle eye to God's glory,
and his people's good ! I have great confidence \\\ you. 4
am glad you live in peace. May the Prince of peace caufe his
grace and mercy to be multiplied upon you ! I fliall be glad
to live to fee you a preacher. It is a delightfiil employment,
when done out of love to Jesus : that fweetens all. In about
ten weeks I have travelled above a thoufand miles, and was
enabled to preach fometimcs twice and thrice a day to many
thoufands. I truft a great blefTing was left behind with the
word preached. O that Georgia's wildernefs may blofibm like
a rofe ! It will, when God's let time is come. Never mind
a fev/ evil reports. No one need be afiiamed o( Betb/fda chil-
dren. BlcfTcd be God, they are taken caie of, and the Lord
Y f 3 will
will rewnrd you. Ah my dear Nat, you are highly honoured.
I hope you often bow down before the blefled Redeemer, and
out of the fulnefs of your heart fay, " Why me. Lord ?
why me?" Pray, pray, I befcech you continually., that
you may be cloathed with humility. How many young
men have I known ruined for the want of it ! " God re-
fifleih the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." Pray that
I mav have an humble and thankful heart. I would vie with
a fcraph, if 1 could, in humility and thankfulnefs. Adieu. The
Lord be with you I My wife fends he^ love; accept thcs
fame froiri, my dear Nat,
Your moft afTured friend for Christ's fake,
To Mr. V- — B .
London, Nov. 22, 1752.
My dear Mr. V B ,
IHope'this will find you and your yoke-fellow parents of a
living and well formed child. May the Redeemer fandtify
it from the wom.b, and caufe it to live to his glory, and your
comfort I I fee you are taught to live more and more by faith.
This may be tried, but never difappointed. The Lord
Jesus never did, and never will forfake thofe who put
their truft in him. I believe Mrs. JV will not fufFer
you or yours to want any thing that Bcthefda affords. I
thank you for your kind ofi'er, but fuppofe ere now you
have been enabled to purchafe fome negroes, and go upon
your own land. If not, I have written to Mr. B to
make v^hat agreement you fl:iall mutually judge to be moll
proper: I cannot fay more at this diftance. It is hard to de-
termine any thing four thcufand miles ofi^". God willing, I
hope to fuc you next year ; though it is difficult to leave
thouiands and ten thoufands, who gladly receive the gofpel,
to come to a wildernefs, where it has been, alas I too, too
often moR wretchedly deipif-d, and flighted by many. But I
truft we fnall yet fee belter times. Kappy they who have
learned to live on Jesus ; and by keeping up a daily and
Jrjui ly fellowfiiip with him, can maintain a comfortable frame,
when all is cold and dead around them. This is the hcippi-
nefs I vvlPa my dear Mr. B . May it incrcalc day by day,
moment after moment ! Then, if we never iliould fee each
other again on earth, we fliall meet, never to part again, in tiic
kingdom of heaven. I am endeavouring to call as many thi-
ther as I can. Power feems to attend it, and many Teem to
have tiieir faces fet Zion-iuard. May they and we be kept
i*rom looking back ! Jesus is able to keep us. To his al-
mighty never-failing mercy do I commend you, as being, my
dear Sir, for Christ's fake.
Your moil afFechionatc friend, brother, and fervant,
G. JV.
To Mr, L .
My dear Friend, London ^ Nov. 28, 1752.
YOUR letter came fafe to hand yefterday. The con-
tents of it humbied and gladdened mc, and led me di-
rectly to my knees, to intercede tor you and yours, and all the
dear people at Leeds^ who are either feeking after, or have ac-
tually found redemption in the blood of Jf.sus. Many here,
blcfled be Gop, are in like circumftances. Our Lord feems
to ride triumphantly on in the chariot of his everlafting gofpel ;
and the fiiout of a kincr is indeed amongft us. ElefTcd are the
eyes that fee the things which we fee. What fhall we ren-
der unto the Lord r Our two mites, a vile body, and a fmful
foul, are all that he requires : and lliall he not have thefe ?
Yes, I truft the language of both our hearts is this :
Be gone., vain zvorldy 7ny heart refign.
For I miijl be no longer thine ;
^ nobler., a diviner gurft.,
No'vu clai7ns pnjjejfton of my brenfi.
As this is your cafe, I wonder not at your being fo folicitous
for your dear children's welfare. The Lord give you faith
and patience, and help you in every refpecl fo to behave, that
you may win them over to the choice of true and undefilcd
religion ! Courage, my dear brother, courage.— Who knows,
' F f 4 bu5
but they may be made willing in a day of the Redeemer's
power !^ He that hath given your dear yoke-fellow a heart
to feek after the pearl o{ great price, can make your children
like-minded. But faith muft be tried, patience mufl: be ex-
ercifed, and our ftubborn will brought into a chearful refigna-
tion to the holy fovereign will and gdod pleafure of God.
/i^'/i-^if though thou rulcji not^
Tet heave?!, and earth and hdl
Prcclalm GoD Jitteth on the throne^
And ordereth all things well,
A variety of bufinefs prevents my enlarging. I fhould no^
have troubled you with fuch a fpeedy anfwer, had you nai;
feemed'to defire it, as a token of my love. I think it is cor-
dial and unfeigned. None of you are forgotten by me be-
fore the throne. There, my dear friend, let us meet often.
Remember it is a throne of grace ; we may, therefore, come
with boldnefs. Jesus is our advocate, even Jesus Christ
the righteous. I thank you ten thoufand times for all refpecSl
fhewn me for his great name's fake, and command you (fmce
love will make you wait for orders) to believe me to be, my
?]ear Sir,
Your very affedionate friend, brother, an4 ready
fervant in our common but deareft Lord,
G. TV.
To Mr. — .
Afy dear Friend^ London^ Dec. 5, 1752.
HO V/ does love meet love I Your long expe6^cd letter
carne laft night, an^ as the box of books hath been
gone fome days, i anfwer you before day this morning. My
clear friend, good-morrow ! Blefled be God, that the day
dawns, and that the day-ftar hath rifen in your heart. May the
Redeemer give you a Be7ijumins mefs every hour ! Hv is our
great Jofeph^ and loves to fay to his guilty brethren, *' Come
near me,'' Out of his fulnefs we may all receive even grace
for grace. O how does he continqally watch over us for good !
1 thcu^ht the obflructions that lay in my way to Torky were
Slot for nothing. Our times are in our Lqrd's h^nds. We
arc immortal till our work is done. This, this (hall be the
cry of my foul ;
Lord, at thy command FIl go^
yind to the world will gladly tell^
Xhat they a rifen Christ ?nay know^
That they the love of Christ may feel.
Aflured of fuch a bidding, we may fay with Luther, " If
there was as many devils lying in wait, as there are tiles on the
houfes, we need not fear." Who knows but in Spring we
may have a fair field fight? We can do jill things through
Christ flrengthening us. Methinks I long to range in your
parts, and come to Leeds again. The pcrfons m^jntioned
need not bid me to remember them. I cannot forget eichcr
them or you night or day. O that we may make fome large
advances in the divine life, before we fee each other. When
will that be ? Perhaps in Spring ; perhaps 'not till we meet
jn heaven.
There we JJmll fee Christ's face^
jind never, never fin-,
There, from the riches of his grace.
Prink endlefs pkafures in,
Haften, Lord, that blelTed time I Till then, grant us, we
befeech thee, an heaven upon earth I Such we have at the
Tabernacle indeed. Lafl Lord's-day we had, if pofTible, a
^ore bleil'ed fapramcnt than the former.
How fweet, how awful was the place^
With Christ ivithin the doorsy
When everlafiing Love difplaydj
The choicejl of hisfiores I
I mufl break ofF this delightful fubjetSl:. Farewel. Pray for
us. Remember me in the kindelt manner to all. A'ly wife
Jneartily joins with
Yours, ^c.
G. W.
To Mr, S .
My dear Brother, London, D,c. 9, 1752.
IF yoiir heart was full, (o was mine when we parted. Such
feafons make me long for that happy time when we fhall
neither part from each other, nor depart from the bleffed Jesus
any more. Our wanderings and toffings, fightings without,
and fears within, will then all be over. Here the church is,
and will be militant ; in heaven it fhall be altogether trium-
phant. Let us go on, my dear brother, fighting the good
fight of faith. Ere long we fhall be called to lay hold on
life eternal. Christ is our captain j we are therefore aflured
of conqutft.
A feeble faint JJmll ivin the day.
Though death and hell ohflrud the way.
Endeavour to obftru6t they will, and young converts little
know how refolutely, hov/ unweariedly. The way to heaven
is a round-about way: we mufl: go through a wiidernefs.
God fuffers this, to prove and try us, and to fhew us what is
jn our hearts. Humility muft be taught us, as Gideon taught
the men of Succoth, with briars and thorns : thefe will fre-
quently fetch blood from the old man. O that we may be
made v/illing to have him bleed to death ! " Av/ay with him,
away with him ; crucify him, crucify him.** May this be the
language of your heart and mine I To have this prayer an-
fwered, what trials muft we ncceflarily meet with from the
devil, the world, the flefh, and even from God's own children ?
All little enough to lead us into that mortified, pacific, refigned,
and difinterefted mind, which was in Christ Jesus. The
more we fufFcr, and the lefs we are efteemed for doing, or at-
tempting to do good for his great name's fake, the more we
are conformed to his bleffed example. In heaven, juftice will
be done to all. Strange I that we cannot wait more paticntlv
till the great day of retribution. Lord, help us to walk more
by faith, and lefs by fenfe I " Help, O help us to leave
ourfclves and all with thee/* I know you will fay, Amen!'''
But I forget myfelf. Flow willingly dees the pen write.
when love, love for Christ's fake dictates and InJItes ! I
thank you for enquiring after my welfare : thanks be to God,
I am as vv^ell as a poor, but happy pilgrim can cxpecl to he.
The fliout of a king is amongd us. The glory ot the Lord
fills the Tabernacle ; and we hear every day of pcrfons
brought under frefti awakenings, as well as of God's ptoplc
being comforted. We have had two niofl awful facramental
occafions. Help me to cry, Grace! grace ! I fhall be ^lad
to hear that the gofpel runs and is glorified at JVakifield. Who
knows but the laft may be yet firft ? Is any thing too har<^
for the Lord ? Continue to remember us at the throne of
grace ; and accept this fpccdy anfv/cr as a token of refpe£l and
Jove unfeigned, from, my dear brother,
Yours, ^-c.
G. IV.
To Lady H n.
Ever-honoured Madamy London^ Dec, i^^ ^752-
I Think it a long time fince I heard from, or wrote to your
Ladyfliip. My hands are full of work ; and I truft I caii
fay, the Lord of all lords caufes his work to profper in my
unworthy hands. More blcfled fcafons we never enjoyed.
,Our facramental occafions have been exceedingly awful and
rcfrefhing. I cani^.ot help crying out night and day, Grace f
grace ! Lafl week we had another repaft in South Audley^Jlreet,
Lady F grows furprizingly. She increafes much in the
knowledge of herfelf, and of Jesus Christ. May flic and
all that piofefs to love him, increafe with all the increafe of
God I I have glorious news from Torkfiire, Inclofed your
Ladyfhip hath a letter, which I hope will plcafe you. Ships
will be going to Philadtlphio foon after CbriJImas. Has your
Ladylhip read the awful account of the hurricane in South-
Carolina P I do not find that it hath reached Georgia, Happy
they who have laid up treafurc in heaven, and have fled to
Christ for refuge ; fuch are fafe from every ftorm. 'I'his is
your Ladyfhip's. happinefs ; and blefll-d be (joD, this is the
happinefs of unworthy, ill, and hcll-deierving me. Lord,
why am I a gucfi: ?
Through all eternity to Thee^
A grateful fong Vll ra'tfe ;
But O eternity 5 too Jhoriy
To utter all thy praife,
Bufincfs prevents my enlarging.: — I commend your Ladyfhip,
and all your concerns, to the tender mercies of a never-failing
Redeemer ; and beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, with all poflible
gratitude and refpe£l, ever-honoured Madam,
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged,
apd ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mrs. K .
Dear Mrs. K , J^ondon^ Bee. i6, 1752.
YOUR kind letter lies by me unanfvv^ered, becaufe I had
written to your dear hufband juft before it came to hand.
Ere now I hope he hath received it with the books, and is with
you, and the other true followers of our moft adorable Re-
deemer, prefiing forv<7ards towards the mark of the prize of our
high calling in Christ Jesus. O that nothing may hinder
us in this heavenly race ! O that we rnay remember Lot'%
wife, and never look back ! Alas ! what is there in this
world worth looking back upon ? It is nothing, lefs than no-
thing. Thanks be to that precious Christ, who hath redeem-
ed us out of it. To Him that hath thus loved us, be afcribed
all honour and glory now and for ever ! My obligations to.
blefs and magnify our Lord increafe daily. It would delight
you to fee, how his glory is manifefted among his poor de-
fpifed ones. To-morrow we are again to celebrate the me-
morials of his dying love. O that we may be prepared
according to the preparation of the fan6luary 1 Blefied be
God for a compleat and an everlafting righteoufnefs to appear
in; this is the wedding garment; this every poor finner is.
cloathed with, that truly puts on the Lord Jesus. Well
may fuch defpife outward ornaments, and trample upon the
pride of life. Such things are food only for thofe that know
not God. Go on then, dear Mrs. K — : — ; go on, all ye my
female fellow-foldiers, who are lifted undor the Redeemer's
banner. As your day is, fo fliall your ftrength be. Look up
tontlnually to Jesus j and be fo good as always to remember,
when before his throne.
Your aflured friend and ready fervant,
G. JV.
To Governor B . ^■
Honoured Sir y London, Dec, 2b, 1752.
WITH great plcafui"e and fatisfa6lion, I received and
read your kind letter, and took the firft opportunity
of tranfmitting the inclofed to good Lady H w, who is
now near BriJioL If the fiiip which brings this, doth not fail
foon, I believe your Excellency will have an anfwcr by the
fame conveyance. She is an eledl lady indeed ; one who hatli
fairly renounced the world, and fcorns to divide her afFetSlions
between it and her God. Her Ladyfhip correfponds with the
Dutchefs of , but I fear that the latter doth not glory
in the crofs of Christ, fo much as might be wifti'd. You
know, honoured Sir, that we mufl: have true felf-denial, and
a difinterefted fpirit, before we can be fincerely willing to be
accounted fools for Christ*s fake. And yet there is no going
to heaven without it. BlefTed be God, your fight, honoured
Sir, is almoft over ; the days are now coming wherein you muft
neceflarily fay, '' I have no pleafure in them." The 71ft
pfalm, tranflated by Dr. JVatts, feems to be fwcetly adapted tg
your circumftances. Part of it was lately fung for your Ex-
cellency, by many true followers of the Lamb.
Still hath his life new wonders feen^
Repeated every year ;
Behold his days which yet remain ^
IVe trujl them to thy care,
Cajl him not off, Jhould health decline^
Or hoary hairs arife ;
Jnd round him let thy glories Jhine,
fVhene*er thy fsrveint dies,
I doubt
1 doubt not but the Lord Jesus will fay, J;ncn. Whettief
J (hall have the pleafurc of ieeing you on this fide eternity, is
uncertain. It was no fmall fell-denial for me to leave Jmerica
without going: to the Northward -y but the cloud moved to-
wards England. Here (O amazing condefcenfion !) the glorious
Emmanuel vouch fafes ft ill to own and blefs my feeble labours.
In Scotland., JVales^ and the parts in and near Torhjhire^ we have
feen blefTed days of the Son of Man. I am now in my Win-
ter quarters, longing for Spring, to take the field again. Had
I a thoufand tongues and lives, Jesus (hould have them all.
I am forry, quite forry that not one of his minifters could
venture over the Atlantkk for New-Jerfey College. Two ge-
neral colledions have lately been made upon other occafions
in Scotland. What a pity, when all circumftances concurred^
that fuch a favourable opportunity fhould have been loft r I
can only lament that, which I did all I could to prevent. And
row, honoured Sir, I muft bid you farewel. Ere long I hope
to fee you in a better world : perhaps we may meet again in
this. Dear America is much upon my heart. Thanks be to
God, Bdhefda is now put on a good and flourifliing foun-
dation, and I hear hath efcapcd the late hurricane in Souths
Carolina. Great are thy judgments, O God j — and great
are thy mercies alfo ! both paft finding out* To the infinitely
great and gracious I AM, do I moft earneftly commend both
you and yours, and with ten thoufands thanks for all your
unmerited favours, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured
Your Excellency's moft obliged, dutiful,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
G. JF.
To Capiai?2 G .
My dear Captain y London., Dec. 20, 1 752.
ONE would imagine, that you and I were never to meet
any more on this fide eternity. I often, often think of
vou, and long to fee and converfe with you ; but God only
knows when. We are now about to erect a new Tabernacle
eighty foot fquare, which 1 f^-ar will detain me in England the
enfuiniz Summer. Pen cannot well defcribe, how white the
lields have been, and how ready to harveft, in IValcs^ Scotland,
and the North of England. I could fomctimes fcarcc tell,
whether I was in or out of the body. Grace ! grace ! I am
now in Winter quarters, where our Lord gives us frefh con-
quefts, gained by his word every day. XVe do not difputc,
but love. I find more and more that truth is great ; and
hpwever fcemingly crufh'd for a while, will in the end prevail.
But there muft be a kind of death upon every promife, and
upon every thing that is done for God. Thus hath it been
with Georgia and Bethcfda* O that we may learn to wait !
Then {hall we certainly fee the falvation of God. I pity our
dear friends in Charles -Town. O God, how great are thy
judgments, as well as thy mercies ! May they hear the rod,
and who hath appointed it ! My foul is diftrefled for them.
May this fevere correction make them truly great ! When
you fend any thing to Savamiah, I fhould be obliged to you, if
you v;ould fend a few things to Bethejda. Our Lord will
blefs you for it. I hope there are now above twenty negroes
at work upon the new plantation. May the Lord Jesus
convert them, and every other member of my family ! And
that I may be converted myfelf more and more every day
and hour ! I am alhamed of my being fuch a dwarf in reli-
gion, and of my having fo little of the mind of Christ. I
hope you, my dear old friend, do find his grace fufficient for
you, to kirep your heart above the world, and continually
alive to God. My prayer for you is, that you may have
power to get wealth, and grace to improve it for the Re-
deemer's glory, and his people's good : then you will be rich for
both worlds, and GoD, even your own God, will give you and
yours his bleliing. Why do you not write to dear Mr. o ?
Ke is a heavenly-minded man indeed, and my bofom friend.
1 fupp'jfe Mr. D will acquaint you of my having been at
his houfe ; we are k:i;d friends ftill : he and his very much
regard you. What cannot God do ? Flow faithful is he to
thofe, who " fcek firft: his kingdom, and the riglitcoufnefs
thereof." Let thefc words be written over your Itore-houfe
door ; or rather let them be written on the tr.blc of your heart.
I can add no more. A variety of bufmcfs demands my at-
keiition. My dear man, farewel. Had I wings, I would fly
and fee you, and my other never to be forgotten Philadelphia
friends. Cv)ntniue to pray, and perhaps I may yet come
iboncr than expeaation. My wife joins in fending love to
you and your houfhold. Accept the fame in the moft endear-
ing manner, from one that loves you more than a brother,
Yours, &c.
To Mr. C JF .
My dear Friend^ London^ Di!c, 22, 1752.
I Have read and pondered upon your kind letter with fomc
degree of folemnity of fpirit. In tlie fame frame I would
now fit down to anfwer it. And what fhall I fay ? Really I
can fcarce tell. The connexion between you and your bro-
ther, hath been fo clofe and continued, and your attachment
to him fo neceflary to keep up his intereft, that I would not
willingly for the world do or fay any thing that may feparate
iuch friends, I cannot help thinking, but he is dill jealous of me
and my proceedings ; but, I thank God, I am quite eafy about
it. Having the teftimony of a good confcience, that I have
a dirintercdcd view to promote the common falvation only^
1 can leave all to him, who I am aflured will in the end fpeak
for me, and make my righteoufnefs as clear as the light, and
my juft dealing as the noon-day. I more and more find, that
iie who belicveth doth not make hafte ; and that if we will
have patience, we fliall find that every plant, which our hea-
venly Father hath not planted, however it may feem to have
iaken very deep root, (hall be plucked up. As I wrote to good
Lady H «, fo I write to you, dear Sir. — I blefs Gob
for my Gripping feafons. I have feen an end o^ all perfection,
and e,xpe6t it only in him, where I am fure to find it, even iri
the ever-loving, evervlovcly Jesus. He knows hov/ I love
and honour you, and your brother, and how often I have pre-
ferred your intereft to my own. 7'his, by the grace of GoD^
1 fhall ftill continue to do. My reward is with the LoRDi
\i he approves, it is enough. More might be faid, were w^
face to face. When this will be, I cannot tell. Several
2 things;^
letters; 465I
things, efpecially our defign of building a new. tabernacle
which I hope will fucceed, detain me in town this Winter.
God only knows what courfe I am to (leer in the Sprino-. I
Would be a blank; — let my heavenly Father fill it up as
feemeth him good. I am glad you are with our eled^ Lady ;
fhe will ftiine indeed in heaven as a common friend. O how
amiable Is a truly catholic fpirit ! Lord, make us all partakers
of it more and more ! I beg the continuance of your prayers :
I need them much. God willing, you (hall have mine in re-
turn. That you and yours may increafe with all the increafe
of G0D5 is the earneft requeft of, my dear friend.
Yours, &c.
To Lady H 7U
Evir 'honoured Madam ^ London^ Bee. 2i, 1752.
WITH great pleafure I received your Ladyfhip's letter^
which hath drawn me to the Father oi Spirits, that
the meek, lowly, loving, zealous, and heavenly-minded temper
which was in Christ Jesus, may be (lamped more and more
upon your Ladyfhip's heart. A growth in thefe blcfied graces
and fruits of the divine Spirit, I am perfuaded is what your
Ladyfliip defires above all things under heaven, and I doubt
not but all the trials and afflidions you meet with, both from
friends and foes, will be famSlified to the promoting this glo-
rious end. Many of thefe I meet with ; but if I come purified
out of the furnace, and am at length any way conformed to
my dear and blefled Exemplar, I rejoice, yea and will rejoice.
Experience, if attended with this efFe6t:^ cannot be bought too
dear. But alas, how uiiV/illing is the old roan to be crucified
and flain ! How hard is even the mind that is renewed in part,
how hard to be brought ofl' low and felfiQi and party views.
With how much reluctance doth it give up the uppermoit
place, and fubmit to be accounted in the church, as well as
in the world, lefs than the leaft of all. Yet this is a Icflbn the
witnefles of Jesus muft learn. O that I had learnt only my
A B C in it ! I beg the continuance of your Ladyfhip's
prayers, for which I thank your Ladyfhip a thoufand times.
Vol. n. 6g May
May the Lord of all lords return them feven-fold into your
bofom, and give your Ladyfhip fucccfs in your endeavours to
ferve the perfons mentioned in your laft ! It is but for your
Ladyfhip to try. I fhall obferve your Ladyfhip's hints about
Mr. . I believe our vifits w^ill not be very frequent. —
But I am eafy, having no fcheme, no defign of fupplanting or
refenting, but I truft a fmgle eye to promote the common
Salvation, without fo much as attempting to fet up a party for
myfelf. This is what my foul abhors. Being thus minded,
I have peace ; peace which the world knows nothing of, and
which all muft necefTarily be ftrangers to, who are fond either
of power or numbers. God be praifed for the many ftrip-
pings I have met with : it is good for me that I have been
fupplanted, defpifed, cenfured, maligned, judged by, and fe-
parated from my neareft, deareft friends. By this I have fount!
the faithfulnefs of him, who is the friend of friends ; by this
I have been taught to wrap myfelf in the glorious EmmanueV^
everlafting righteoufnefs, and to be content that He, to whom
all hearts are open, and all defires are known, now fees, and
will let all fee hereafter, the uprightnefs of my intentions to-
wards all mankind. But whither am I going ? I run too faft.
Your Ladyfhip's kind letter hath extorted this from me. I
will weary your Ladyfhip no longer, but haften to fubfcribe
myfelf, what I really am, ever-honoured Madam,
Vour Ladyfhip's mofl dutiful, obliged,
and very chearful fervant for Christ's fake,
G. TV.
To Mr, R .
.. My very (har Fnerid^ London^ Dec. 12^ ^IS'2-
WITH great plcafure I received your kind and wifhed-
for letter; and heartily blefs God that your whole
felf is in fuch comfortable circumftances, and tiiat honefl
D ' is fo blefl in his work. I read his two letters about
ten days ago, and many joined in finging for hijn the follow-
ing verles :
The ijles in the Norths
Remember y O God,
And feed thy /keep there,
IVith pure gofpel food.
Lord, revive thy blejl work
In every place y
Till thoufands and thoufands
Do triumph through grace.
Do you not think the blefled Jesus will fay, Amen? Yes^
aflliredly he will. And if he will work, who (hall hinder I
Thoughts are vain againji the Lord,
All fuhferve his mighty ivord ;
Wheels encircling wheels jhall runy
Each in courfe to bring it on.
Fear not, my dear Sir; if ChJiist hath work for you to do,
he will put you irtto a proper ftation. But would you be a AV-
hemiahy and have no Sanballat to oppofe you ? Building the
walls of the New-Jerufalemy is what the profane and formalifts
do not approve of. We muft expe6l the ferpent -will hifs,
whenever the gofpel feed of the woman is coming into a place
to bruife his head. Courage, my dear Sir, courage. God
is on your fide.
The world, with Jin and Sat any
In vain our march cppofes ;
Through Christ we Jhall
Break through them all,
Andjing the Jong of Mofes.
You fee, my dear Sir^ how freely I write. The love of Christ
conflraineth me. I am much indebted to you, and hope to fee
you in London foon. My wife longs to have you under our
roof: fhe hath been ill, but blefTcd be God is now better.
We both fend cordial and grateful refpcdls to your whole fclf
and all enquiring friends. We have had moft folemn facra-
mental occafions. I fympathize with both our fuffering
friends : from what unexpeded quarters do troubles come !
Who would ^\v\% a requiem to himfelfj whilft here below ?
G g 2 Lord
Lord God, prepare us for whatever thou haft prepared for
us ! 1 muft bid you farewel. A variety of bufincfs obli /i
me to halien to fubfcribe myfelf,
Youis, kc.
G. IV.
To Lady H ?n.
Honoured Madam^ London^ Jan, i, 1 753.
YOUR Ladyftiip's kind letter hath added to the obliga-
tions already laid on me. I can only fay, the Lord
knows that you and yours, are remembered by me before his
throne. This is the reward, which the Redeemer promifes to
thofe who do good to a difciple, in the name of a difciple.
happy they who are rich in faith and good works ! Thefe
are the true riches j they are durable ; they follow us beyond
the grave, and we (ball be reaping the fruit of them through
the endlefs ages of eternity. Eternity ! eternity ! The very
writing or hearing this word, is enough to make one dead to
the world, and alive unto God. The Lord quicken my
tardy pace ! I am now thirty-eight years of age, and entering
upon another new year 5 Alas ! alas ! How little have I done
for that Jesus, who hath done and fufFered fo much for me \
1 want to begin to begin to a6t and preach for God. BlefTed
be his name, that his fpirit is moving on precious fouls at
BriJloL For ever adored be his rich, free, and unmerited
grace, the fame may be faid of London. We have had bleiTed
holidays, and I have had good news from the Orphan-houfe^
A life that all things cajis behind^
Springs forth obedient at his call.
Had I a thoufand lives, the Lord Jesus fhould have them.
I wifli your Ladyfhip, and honoured daughters, much of his
divine love (lied abroad in your hearts. That is the bcft new
^■car's Compliment, and the beft new year's gift. I hope,
Ue young ladies through grace are kept unfpotted from the
world. I would come and wait upon our ele61: Lady at Clifton^
^ -'-^-engaged in forwarding (he building of a new taberna-
I hope it will be accQirnlifhcd, an^^I that God's pre-
fence will fill it when erected. I could enlarge, but am called
away, and therefore fubfcribe myfelf.
Your Ladyfhip's moft dutiful, obliged, and
ready fervant for Christ's fake,
To Mr. L .
London^ yan. 3, 1 753.
My very dear Friend and Brother,
THOUGH I am very much flraitened for time, yet I
muft fit down, (fince you (o earneftly defire it) and
anfwer your kind letter. My love does not fhift with my
fcene of action ; I would have it in fome degree, like my
I^ord's to me and his people, *' Permanent and unchange-
able." BlefiTed be God for fuch a Jesus, who is the fame
yefterday, to-day, and for ever. What can we want then ?
Or of whom fhould we be afraid ? All his attributes are en-
gaged to keep us on earth, and to fet us upon thrones in his
glorious kingdom in heaven. Laft night I buried one, who I
believe is feated there. — Ah lovely appearance of death !
Surely my turn will come foon. I am now thirty-eight years
of age 'y little did I think of flaying in the land of the dying
fo long. Well, if it be to call more fouls to the ever-loving,
ever-lovely Jesus, Father, thy will be done !
If thou excufe^ then work thy willy
By fo unfit an inflrument ;
It will at once thy goodnefs JhoWy
And prove thy power omnipotent,
1 hope you have had a happy Chrijlmas at Leeds. We have
kept holidays here indeed. Sinners have been pricked to the
heart, and faints refrefhed in their fpiriis. To the Father of
fpirits be all the glory. I forgot none of you in my poor
prayers : fear not ; let us continue to pray, and we fhall always
find, that our extremity will be God's opportunity to help
and appear for us. But there mufl be a fc&ming death upon
every promife,
G g 3 JVherc.
J'P%ere reafon fails with all it*s powers^
There faith prevails and love adores.
Lord, increafe our faith. — Lord, quicken my fluggifh heart !
I commend you and yours to God, and (o the word of his
n-race. I am forry dear Mr. S is difabled from writing.
When his hand is well, I hope to hear from him. In the
mean while, tell him, and bis, and all dear friends, that I am,
for Christ*s fake, my dear Sir,
Theirs and yours, &c. &c.
To Mr. C '
My dear Mr, C— — — , London^ Jan. 7, 1 753.
I Received your kind letter, for which I fend you moft hearty
thanks. 1 fee that you ftrive, and I fear you will fucceed,
to outdo me in love and kindnefs. However, I will endea-
vour to copy after you, and, if pofHble, not die in your debt.
But who can ever pay his debt of love, either to GoD, or the
brethren ? Alas ! Alas ! I run in arrears every day. God*s
favours are continually multiplied upon me, and he feems to
let us know that we (hall fee greater things than ever. We
have had a blefled Chrijlmas feafon. I truft our Lord hath
imparted many a new yearns gift. You know what that is,
even a new heart. " A new heart alfo will I give thee."
Thus run the words of our Lord's laft will and teftament.
O for faith to prove this will ! O for a willingnefs to receive
fo invaluable a legacy I Lord, I believe, help my unbelief !
Thou wilt give Jlrength^ thou wilt give power ^
Thou ivilt in time fet free ;
This great deliverance let us hope^
Not for ourfelves but thee.
Come, my dear brother, let us take courage : ^' He is faithful^
who hath promifed, who alfo will do it."
O unbelief, injurious bar.
Source cf tormenting, fruiilefs cart*
Surely it is the womb of mifery, and grave of comfort. Had
we faith but as a grain of muftard feed, how fhould we tram-
pie the world, the flefh, the devil, death, and hell under foot ?
Lord, increafe pur faith ! I know you fay Amen. *' ^\^n
fo Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen !" But whi:her am I j^oing ?
Love makes me forget myfelf. Adieu — my dear Sir, adieu.
Pray tell Mr. G that I intend anfwcring his kind letter
fliortly. I fend coidial love to him, and all the followers of
the Lamb.
Q may we find the ancient way^
Our wondering foes to move ;
And force the heathen "{ju or Id to fay ^
See how thefe chri/lians love !
I can now no more, but fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Yours moil afFe6lioiiately in our common Lord,
G. JV.
To Mr. H B .
My very dear Friend, J^ondon^ Jan. 7, 175^.
BY this conveyance I fend you a power of attorney to difr
pofe of Providence Plantation, and leave it to your dif-
cretion to fell at what price you pleafe. I would only obferve,
that I had rather it fliould be fold for fomewhat lefs than its
real value, than to keep it any longer in my hands. I do not
choofe to keep two families longer than needs muft. Be pleafed
to pay what you receive for it, into the hands of Mr. Charles
H n of Charles-Town. Blefled be God for remember-
ing mercy in the midft of judgments. O that with his rod
he may alfo fend his fpirit ! For without it, as dear Mr. V ?
B obferves, " We {hall be chaftened, but not changed."
The world after the deluge, was as bad as before. Nothing
but the blood of Jesus Christ, applied by faith, can cleanfe
the foul from fm. — ?
To this hlefl fountain of thy bloody
Incarnate God I fly ;
lierc let me luaJJo my f potted foul ^
From fins of deepejl dye.
My dear Sir, add to my obligations, by pray/ng, that the-
foot of pride may never come againft me. This is what
G g ^ ^U.rn64
turned fair angels into foul devils ; and yet alas, how prone arq
we to it ! Surely it is the firft enemy we fight with, and the?
laft that is totally conquered. O that I was humble ! thei\
would the Lord delight to own and honour me more and
more. I am amazed he doth not throw me afide. But (O
unchangeable love !) ftill he caufeth my rod to bud and
blofibm. The Winter feafon hath been very blefied, and we
hear daily of fiefli inroads made into Satan's kingdom. GoD
ieems determined to throw down Jericho's walls by rams-horns,
yea by very crooked rams-horns. Even fo, Father, for fo it
i'eemcth good in thy fight ! My dear Sir, once more I intreat
you to pray for mc. Neither you nor yours are forgotten by
rne. The money you receive for Providence^ will be imme-
diately wanted to buy more land, and to pay for opening
Bethefdas new plantation. — I have defired your brother to
agree with Mrs. P for hers, if fhe can give a good title.
I am forry to hear flie is declining. — -But why fo ? Is not
deaih an entrance into life everlafting .?
There fw and pain and forroiu ceafe^
And all is calm and joy and peace.
Hearty love and prayers attend her and all enquiring friends.
That this new year may be filled with millions of new blef-
fings, both to your fouls and bodies, is and fhall be the con-
ftant prayer of, yery dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
To Mr. S .
My dear Mr, 5- , London^ Jan. 9, 1 753.
I Received your kind letter yefterday, and fuppofe, ere this
can reach you, my laft will be come to hand. What fay
you? If I {hould be detained in England x.\\\s year, are you
willing to put your life in the P.edeemer's hands and go im-
mediately r A (hip is bound for ^avamzah about ten miles
from the Orphan-houfe, the beginning of next month. Me-
thinks I hear you fay to the glorious Emmanuely
A life that all things cajls behind^
Springs forth obedient at thy calL
Such a fpirit Is fit for ; fuch q fpirit becomes one who
defires to be a teach\ of youth, and a raithfui minider of the
ever-loving ever lOvely Jesus. Let me know your mind.
If you come immediately, may the Lord come and go with
you ! That is company enough. — But there are others going
in the fame fhip. i'he Lord diredl and blefs you ! He will
vouchfafe to countenance my feeble labours. I have yet
more good news from the North. Laft night was an awful
night, we carried three faints together to the grave ; thou-
fands attended, and both within and without doors, the word
I truft came with power. O that the dead may be made to
hear the voice of the Son of God, and to come forth ! I re-
joice if any of his dear people have been quickened at Glafgow,
Perhaps next Summer, 1 may fee them in my way to, or return
from Ireland, The Lord help all to pray for me. " Lefs
than the leaft of all," fhall beftill my motto. To me nothing
belongs, but fhame and confufion of face. I muft away. The
Lord direct and blefs you. I commend you to his never-
failing mercy, and am
Your afTured friend for Christ's fake,
G. IV.
To Mr, Z .
Lojidon^ yan. lo, 1753.
Honoured and very dear Sir^
THIS morning, before I received your kind packet, I was
finifhing my anfwer to the good Profeflbr, and then in-
tended to fend it to you with the inclofed extracfts. Lord,
what am I, that any of thy faithful fervants fhould write to,
or concern themfelves about me or my affairs ! With all thy
other favours, give me, O God, an humble and grateful heart ;
(b (hall thy mercies not prove my ruin ! I hope to anfwer
good Mr. U and dear Mr. B s fpcedily. A (liip
goes to Savannah the begining of next month. Mrs. V
B is fafely delivered of a daughter j the forts being de-
flroyed by the late dreadful hurricane, the Governor and
Council of South-Carolina^ have fent for her hufband to
Charles-Town. BlcfTed be God, Bethefda hath received but
little damage. Several of the orphans have fent me pretty
6 letters,
letters, and I truft it will yet prove an ufeful feminary for
both white and black pcrfons. I wait to fee this great fal-
vation, O Lord ! To-morrow, God willing, I Ihall dine
with Mr. L , and on Friday morning ifpoflible will en-
deavour to wait upon you. My hands are full of work, and
I hear every day of frelh perfons awakened ; but I can do fo
little, and what I do is done fo badly, that I fear fometimes
my Lord will throw me afide like a broken vefiel.— Very
dear and honoured Sir, for Christ's fake do you and your
worthy coUegue continue to pray for me ; furely it is an a6t
of the greateft charity. Lefs than the leaft of all, (liall be my
motto ftill. My heart is full ; God forgive me. I am now
beginning to enter upon my thirty-ninth year. Lord Jesus
quicken my tardy pace ! I can no more. But hoping to fee
you on Friday^ and to be furthered in my work and way by
your fatherly counfel and inftrudlion, I fubfcribe myfelf,
very dear and honoured Sir,
Your moft affe£lionatc, obliged fon, and
ready fervant in our glorious Head,
To Lady H n,
London^ Jan, 13, I753.
Ever-honoured Madam^
YOUR Ladyfhip's very kind and chriftian letter, I have
read over and over again. It drew my heart towards
the Redeemer, and caufed me to pray, that your prefent re-
tirement, may be a glorious preparative for further, and y^t
more public ufefulnefs in his myftical body. To have one*s
hands or tongue tied from ading or fpeaking for God, is, to
a new and heaven-born foul, one of the greateft pieces of felf-
denial in the world. But this hath been tke lot of many of
the moft choice and holy fouls under heaven. It is a mercy,
that where there is a willing mind, it is accepted according to
that which a man hath, and not according to that which he
hath not. I beg that your Ladyftiip would not have the leaft
thought ibout my concerns, otherwife than at a throne of
^racc. Your Ladyfhip wants a bridle, rather than a fpur.
My higheft aa^bition is to fpei;id and be fpent for Jesus, and
to be not the head, but fcrvant of all. Whei> your Ladylhip
mentioned the word ambition,! could not help thinking of the
faying of the Eunuch, " Speaketh the prophet this of himfelf,
or of fome other man ?" But we know not what is in our
hearts. Lord, keep me from being led into, and falling, by
temptation. I wifh your Ladyfhip much fuccefs with B ,
but worldly wife men, ferpcnt-like, fo turn and wind, that
they have many ways to flip through and creep out at, which
fmi pie-hearted Tingle-eyed fouls know nothing of, and if they
did, could not follow after them. Honefty is the bed policy,
and will in the eod (whether we feek it or not) get the better
of all. Your Ladyfhip's intended letter to Gover-nor B ,
will be very acceptable. I hope the inclofed will give your
Ladyship pleafure. O that I may be enabled to give the
Lord Jesus all the glory I To me nought belongs, but con-
fufion of face. Surely I am the chief of fmners, lefs than the
leaft of all faints, but for Christ's fake, ever-honoured Ma-
Your Ladyfhip's mofl: dutiful, obliged
and very ready fervant,
To Mr, C .
My dear Mr. C , London^ Jan, 15, 1753.
I Owe you a letter and much love. The one I will now
payi you, the other debt our common common Lord muft
difcharge. I defpair of doing it, becaufe I run upon frefh
arrears to him and his dear people every day and every hour. I
willingly therefore own myfelf a debtor to high and low, rich
and poor, to all, of all denominations whatfoever. — What
have we to do with a party or fedarian zeal ? Why (hould
not our heaven begin on earth ?
All that we know they do ahove^
Jsy that theyfmgy and that they love.
O for fomc frefh anointings of the blefTed fpirit ! Then will
the fcales fall more and more from our eyes, and the veil of
ignX)rance be taken more and more from our hearts. Then
jQiall we be more and more content to think, and let think,
and be fludiousto be of one heart, where we cannot be of
one judgment or mind. The fweetnefs of fuch a fpirit, is
unfpeakable ; it brings with it its own reward ; it frees the
foul from a thou fand needlefs jealoufies, and fclfifh pailions,
and enables it to put the reins of government into his hands,
who alone orders all things well. Lord, increafe in us this
fpirit, and give us more and more to love all that bear thy
image, though they may not in all things agree with us !
O may we find the ancient way^
Our zvoncV ring foes to move ;
And force the heathen world to fay ^
See how thefe chrijiians love I
My dear brother, your kind letter conftrains me to write thus,
— Blefled be God for what has been done at any time, by any
inftrument, at Newcqfile. I flill pray that the town may be full
of new creatures. In London we have reafon to rejoice.
Yeftcrday was a great day uf the Son of man ; both at the fa-
crament, and under the word preached, our Lord gave us to
drink of the wine of the kingdom. On Monday laft we fol-
lowed three believers to the grave, and triumphed over death
on his ovi'n ground. O what a Christ have we I God help
us to love him more, and fervc him better I I falute all moft
heartily with whom you are in fellovvfhip. — Grace, mercy
and peace be multiplied upon you. I beg a continued inter-
efl: in all your ; rayers, and fubfcribe myfelf, dear Sir,
Your afFe61:ionate friend,
and ready fervant for Christ's fake,
ro c jv .
My dear Friend^ Chatham^ Jan, 19, 1 753.
A Multiplicity of bufinefs prevented my anfwering your
kind letter, before my coming out of London, Left I
ftoulu be prevented by the fame means at my return thither,
I write you a few lines in the way. I have been among fome
new-awakened fouls, who feem to be taking. the kingdom of
God by a holy violence. At London^ God hath lately
caufed his people's cups to run over with ftiong confolation,
and many fturdy finners have been made to cry out, " What
fhall v^re do to be faved ?" I thank you for the caution about
the neu^ building ; a burnt child dreads the iire, I (liall not
begin, till we have a thoufand pounds in hand, anu then (hall
contra(5l for a certain Turn for the v/hoje. 7'h;s afFair will de-
tain me till the days are long enoi,/h to travel, and fet out
upon a frefh purfuit after poor fir.ners, who have wandered
from their God. — The Lord be with you and yours. May
the gofpel plough be profpered, whatever hand is employed
to lay hold of it. This, as far as I know my treacherous
heart, is the ilncere language of, dear Sir,
Yours moft afFedionately in our common Lord,
G, IV.
To Mr. O .
London., Jan. 23, 1 7 53.
My dear Mr. O ,
I Received your kind letter, and have fince (liewn it to the
fecretary for Georgia^ who approved of it very much, i
am glad we are to have you in that infant province, and could
heartily wifh you was nearer Bethefda. I doubt not of its
becoming a feat of learning in time, but it is good for every
thing to rife gradually. I have engaged a dear youth, who
I truft will fuit the Orphan-houfe infant ftate very well. It
hath fcarce learnt as yet to ftand upon its own legs ; as it
grows I expecSt it will give me more trouble. To have
young men educated there, and then turned out into the
church gracelefs and unconverted would break my heart.
Father, if it be thy will, let this cup pafs from me ! I fup-
pofe we fhall now foon know, who is to be Governor; every
thing is to be ordered as 1 informed you in my laft. My
eyes are waiting upon Him, from whom alone cometh all
our falvation. We fee wonders every day on this fide the
water. Glorious days of the Son of man indeed I Notwith-
ftanding, I long to take another trip to yonder new world.
Time will determine, wherefore this attraiSlion. He that
believeth doth not make hade, God forbid that " Chaftened,
but not changed," fhould always be Charlei-Town motto.
Lord, let them hear thy rod, and who hath appointed it !
What a dreadful thing is it to come cankered out of the fur-
nace ? It befpeaks further trials yet behind ;— but I need not
tell you this. — Excufe this freedom : be pleafed to give my
hearty love to all, and I befeech you continue to pray for,
my dear friend and brother,
Yours moft affectionately in out common Lord,
G. W,
To Mr. F— . B .
My very dear Sir, London, Jan. 19, 1753.
A Few days ago I was with good Mr. Z , who affured
me that Mr. F had written him, that two hundred
pounds flerling were ordered you to be difpofed of as you
ihould judge proper. I hope you will find this to be true,
if you have not found it fo already. Is there no way of
making the breach up between you and Mr. B f Mr.
U r, from whom I heard very lately, and alfo all your
German friends, defire it extremely. I promifed Mr. Z •
that I would ufe my intereft for your own fake, but above
all for the fake of Jesus Christ our common Lord. My
very dear Sir, do forgive and forget, and if you are confcious
you have been too hafty in any refpe£l-, pray fend to Mr.
B a few lines of love. We never lofe any thing by
ftooping. — God will always exalt the humble foul. O that
the prince of peace would honour me to be a peace-maker I—
Do, my dear friend, comply with my requed, and thereby
give further proofs that you are indeed converted, and become
a little child. May this bleffing defcend on your new-born
babe ! Our joint refpe6ls await Mrs. F and yourfelf.
You may well wifh yourfelf at the tabernacle. All is alive
there. — I'houfands fiock to hear, and thoufands feel the
power of the living God. — Dear Charles -Town, I pity thee \
O that thou kneweft the day of thy vifitation ! If this meets
you there employed as an engineer, may the Lord own, blefs
and direft you, and keep you unfpotied from the world I If
elfewhere, I hope you arc where God would have you be,
and that is enough, — I commend you to his ncver-failin<r
mercy, and defiring a continued intereft in your prayers, beg
leave to fubfcribe myfelf, very dear Sir,
Yours, kc.
G, PF.
To the Reverend Mr, H .
My very dear Friend^ London^ Jan, 27, 1 753.
I Thank you a thoufand times for the trouble you have been
at, in revifing my poor compofitions, which I am afraid
you have not treated w^ith a becoming feverity. How many
pardons (hall I afk for mangling, and I fear murdering your
dear Theron and Afpafia f You will fee by Mondays coach ;
which will bring a parcel direded for you, to the care of
Do6tor S . It contains one of your dialogues, and two
more of my fermons, which I do not like very well myfelf,
and therefore fhall not wonder if you diflike them. If you
think they will do for the public, pray return them immediately,
becaufe the other two go to the prefs next Monday, I have
nothing to comfort me but this, " that the Lord choofes the
weak things of this world to confound the ftrong, and thino-s
that are not, to bring to nought the things that are." I think
to fell all four fermons for fix-pence. I write for the poor, you
for the polite and the noble; God will afTuredly own and blefs
what you write. — As yet I have only had time to perufe one of
your fweet dialogues ; as faft as polfiblc I fhall read the reft.
I am more than paid for my trouble by reading them. The
Lord be with your dear heart! Continue to pray for me. The
Lord be with us. Grace! Grace! I am, deareft Sir, in very
great hafte, but greater love.
Yours, &c.
To the Reverend Mr, B .
Reverend and very dear Sir^ London^ Jan. 31, 1 753.
YOUR kind letter came fafe to hand, and according to
your defire, I fend you a little bell, as a fmall token of
my unfeigned love to your dear congregation. I have written
4 ftrongly
ilrongly to ProfefTor Frank for fomc Negroes for you, and
heartily pray the Lc-rd of all Lords' to put it into our power to
ferve that black generation. Their fouls are equally precious
in the eyes of an all gracious Redeemer, as ours. O that we
may yet fee fomc good come out of Georgia. I would take an-
other trip over this fprlng, but am hindered by our building a
new place of worfliip, and by the continual calls that are given
me to preach the everlafting gofpel. — Indeed we fee moft glo-
rious days of the Son of man. The cup of God's people is
made to run over, and every day we hear of fomebody or an-
other brought under new awakenings, and pricked to the heart;
notwithftanding this, I find a continual attraction to America.
The event will prove wherefore all this happens to me. Lord
help me to walk by faith and not by fight ! My dear Sir, you
and yours will not forget to pray for me. I am the chief of fin-
ners, and lefs than the Icaft of all faints ' — What (hall I rendu"
tinto the Lord ? Write every opportunity. Dear Mr. Z
will take care of your child. Cannot matters be made up be-
tween you and Mr.^ f Is it not a pity that any of us fhould
fall out in our way to heaven ? When we meet next, remember
that a floor and blanket is all the lodging, and a chick or fowl,
l^hoWzdi ox roafted, is all the food I defire at Ebenezer. What is
a pilgrim life without a pilgrim heart ? O that I was like my
Lord ! Then (liould I endure hardnefs, like a good foldier of
Jesus Christ. — The encouragement for raifmg filk will be
continued. O that Georgia may prove a fruitful foil for raifing
children unto Abraham! We wait for thy falvation, O Lord.
For the prefent, reverend Sir, adieu. My wife joins in fending
cordial falutations to your whole {t\^^ to Mr. L and his
wife, and all the dear people at Ebenezer. That you all may
at all have reafon to fay, " hitherto hath our Lord helped
us," is the earneft prayer ot, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your moft afFc6lionate, though unworthy younger
brother, and fellow-labourer in our common Lord,
The End of the Second Volum£,
Aaron, the Indian Preacher 422, 423.
Bayard 301, 303, 305.
Belcher 337, 344, 461.
Bermuda 125, 129, 141, 142, 143.
Bohemia Oct. 8, 1746 83
Apr. 26, 1747 91
Sep. 10, 1747 125
Buell 383, 384.
Franklin 141, 440.
Host 97
Journal 79, 77, 144, 146, 151.
Indian School 206, 383, 384.
John Lapidee 216.
Moody, Jr. 98.
Moody, Sr. 129.
Moravian 128, 215.
Mrs. Whitefield's copies 77
Miscarriage, Aug. 27, 1746 83
Hew Jersey College 206, 266, 344, 348,
383, 384, 462.
V^heelock 327
Yoke FellowliUfe 123, 120, 117, 125, 142,
leo, 201, 244, 268, 302, 347, 380, 384,
391, 398, 404, 408, 417, 420, 432, 452,
454, 464, 467.