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It is well known that though Christianity was ' per-
secuted by the Jews from the very outset of its pro-
mulgation, it was some time befor^ this religion
provoked the wrath or the^intolerance of the Romans.
The truth is, that on the part of the government at
Rome, there was a very general connivance at re-
ligion in all its numerous varieties. And the reason
of this was, that under the system of Paganism no
one variety, or modification, was thought to exclude
another. Each country was conceived to have its
local deity-— and each element of Nature to have its
own pervading spirit-— and each new god of the
provinces over which they extended their power, of-
fered no disturbance to the habits of their previous
iheology, but was easily disposed of, by the bare ad-
dition of anotner name to the catalogue. At this
rate there was no conflict, and no interference. By
learning the religion of another country, they simply
extended their acquaintance with the world of su-
pernatural beings ; just as by the conquest of that
country, they extended their acquaintance with the
visible and the peopled world around them. In such a
capacious and elastic creed as that oC Pag;BxC\%\cv,
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there was room enough for all the superstitions of all
people. The sincerest possible homage for the gods
of one territory, admitted of an homage equally sin-
cere for the. gods of another territory. Nay, by the
same solemn act of worship, they may, each and all of
them, have been included, at one time, in one general
expression of faith and reverence. And this is the
whole amount of the boasted tolerance of antiquity.
We may easily perceive, how, in exception to this
general spirit, Christianity, from being the object of
lenity, and even of occasional protection by the Ro-
man power, soon became the victim of its fiercest
|)ersecutioris. For a few years, its character and
pretensions were not distinctly understood. It
seems in truth, to have been regarded as a mere
speciality of Judaism, and even though it had par-
taken . of all the narrowness of the parent religion
from which it sprung, yet would it have continued
to share in the same immunities, had it maintained
the same indolent contempt for the idolatry of the
surrounding nations. But when it made a farther
development of its spirit; when it began to be felt in the
force of its active proselytism ; when it was seen, that
it not only admitted of no compromise with the
articles of another faith, but that it aimed at the
overthrow of every religion then in the world ; when
men at last perceived, that instead of quietly taking
its place among their much-loved superstitions, it
threatened the destruction of them all ; then, though
truth and argument were its only weapons, did the
success with which they were wielded as much offend
and terrify the world, as if they had been the wea-
pons of ordinary warfare; and though Jesus Christ
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would have been welcomed to a share of divine hon-
ours along with other deities, were his followers
resisted even unto* blood, when they advanced his
claim, not to be added to the list of those deities,
but utterly to discard and dethrone them.
Now, it may be thought that there can be nothing
analogous to this process in the present day, and
within the limits of Christendom. But the truth is,
that what obtained among the literal idolaters of a
former age, is still most strikingly exemplified by
those of the present, who in the spiritual and sub-
stantial sense of the word, are chargeable with the
whole guilt of idolatry. There may be among us
the most complacent toleration for a mitigated and
misconceived Christianity, while there is no tolera-
tion whatever for the real Christianity of the New
Testament. So long as it only claims an assigned
place in the history of man, while it leaves the heart
of man in the undisturbed possession of all its native
and inborn propensities — so long as it confines itself
to the demand of a little room for its Sabbaths and
its decencies, while it leaves the general system of
human life to move as before, at the impulse of
those old principles which have characterized the
mind of man throughout all the generations of the
world— -so long as it exacts no more than an occa-
sional act of devotion, while it suffers the objects of
wealth and fame, and temporal enjoyments, to be pro-
secuted with as intense and habitual a devotion as
ever — ^above all, so long as the services which it im-
poses are not other than the services which would
have been rendered at all events to the idol of inter-
est, or the idol of reputation; then Christianity, so far
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from being the object of ^y painlul recoil on the
part of man^^ is looked upon, by very tnaay in society,
as a $eemJy and most desirable appendage to the whole
mass of their other concerns. It is addmitted to fill
up what would be felt as a disagreeable vacuity. The
man would positively be out of comfort, and out of
adjustment without it. Meagre as his Christianity
may be, the omission of certain of its rites, and cer-
tain of its practices, woiild give him uneasiness. It
has its own place in the round of his affairs, and^
though what remains of the round is described very
much in the way it would hav^ been, had there been no
Christianity in the matter; yet would the entire and
absolute want of it make him feel, as if the habit of
his life had undergone a mutilation, as if the complete-
ness of his practical system had suffered violence.
And thus it is, that Christianity, in a moderate
and superficial form, may be gladly acquiesced in,
while Christianity after it comes to be understood in
the magnitude of its pretensions may be utterly
nauseated. When it offers to disturb the deep
habit and repose of nature — when .instead of taking
its place among the other concerns and affections of
a disciple, it proceeds to subordinate them all— —
when instead of laying claim to a share of human
life, it lays claiip to the sovereignty over it— -when
not satisfied with the occasional homage of its wor-
shippers, it casts a superintending eye over their
hearts, and their business, and their lives, and pro-
nounces of every desire which is separate from the
will and the glory of God, that it is tainted with
the sin of idolatry, — when it thus proposes to search
and to spiritualize, with the view of doing away all
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that 18 old, and of making every thing new, ancient
Rome was never more in arms for her gods, than
modem humanity is in arms for het obstinate habits,
and her longing propensities. And yet if Christianity
would tolerate na^lre, nature would in return tolerate
Christianity. She would even o£Per to her the compro-
mise of many hours and many services. She would
build temples, to hter honour, and be present at all
her saeratnehts. We behold an exhibition of this
sort every day among the decent and orderly pro-
fessors of our faith; and, it is not till this antipathy
be provoked by a full disdosure of the spirit and
exactions of the gospel, that the whole extent of
that antipathy is known.
We may expatiate on the social or civil virtues,
such as justice, for example, without coming into
collision with the antipathies of nature. Even
woildliuess herself may listen with an approving ear
to the most rigid demonstration of this virtue. For
though justice be a required offering at the shrine
of the go&pel of Jesus Christ, it may also be, and it
often U, both a required, and a rendered offering at'^
the shrine of honour and interest. The truth is,
that a man may have his heart fully set upon the
world ; and a portion on this side of time may be
the object in which he rests, and upon which all his
desires do terminate; and yet, he may not feel him-
self painfully thwarted at all by the demand of an
honesty the most strict and unviolablc. A compli-
ance with this demand may not break up his other
idolatries in the least. In the practice of a truth
and an integrity as unlimited as any law of Crod can
impose, may he be borne rejoicingly along on the
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full tide of prosperity ; and by every new accession
to his wealth, be multiplying the ties which fasten
him to the world. There is many an intense votary
of gain, who will bear to be told that he should be
perfectly fair and upright in the prosecution of it,
and who will not bear to be told, that the very in-
tensity of this prosecution marks him out as a child
of earthliness — makes it manifest, that he is striking
all his root^ into a perishable foundation — ^provea
him to be the victim of a disease, the symptoms of
which lie much deeper than in his external conduct
— proves him, in short, to be unsound at heart, and
that, with a principle of life which will survive the
dissolution of all that is visible, he, in strenuously la-
bouring after its fancied interest, is fast heaping upon
it the wretchedness of eternity. That morality
which, barefy ventures to regulate the path that he
is now walking toward the objects of this world's am-
bition, he will tolerate and applaud. But the mo-
rality which denounces the ambition, the morality
which would root out the very feelings that hurry
him onwards in the path ; which bids him mortify
his affections for all that this world has to offer;
which tells him not to set his mind on any
created thing, but to set his mind on the Creator,
and to have nothing farther to do with the world,
than as a plac^ of passage and preparation for an
abode of blessedness in heaven, — ^the morality which
tells him to cease his attachment from those things
with which he has linked the ruling desires, and all
tbe practical energies of his existence,— >such mo-
raKty as this, be will resist with as much strenuous-
ness as he would do a process of annihilation. The
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murderer who offers to destroy his life ^ill not be
shrunk from in greater horror, or withstood in a
firmer spirit of determination, than the moralist who
would force from him the surrender of affections
which seem to be interwoven with his very being,
and the indulgence of which has conferred upon it
all the felicities of which he has yet experienced it
to be capable. A revolution so violent, looks as
repulsive as death to the natural man; and it is also
represented under the image of death in the Scripture.
To cease from the desire of the eye, is to him a
change as revolting as to have the light of the eye
extinguished. To cease from the desire of the flesh
is to crucify the flesh. To cease from the pride of
life, is to renounce the life of nature altogether.
In a word, to cease from the desire of the old man,
is not to turn, but to destroy him. It is to have
him buried with Christ in baptism. It is to have
him planted together with Christ, in the likeness
of his death. It is not to impress a movement, but
to inflict a mortification.
But there is another very general misapprehension
of peculiar Christianity, as if it dispensed with service
on the part of its disciples, as if it had set aside the
old law of works, and thus superseded the necessity
of working altogether, as if in some way or other,
it substituted a kind of lofty mysticism in the place
of that plain obedience which is laid down for us by
the ten commandments— sweeping away from its
new dispensation the moralities and observances of the
old one, and leaving nothing in their place but a
kind of cabalistic orthodoxy known only to the ini*
tiated few, and with the formal profession of which'
they look mightily safe and mifi^htily satii
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Now we cannot become acquainted with Chri»*-
tianity without perceiviirg that after the traosition
has been made from the old econony to the new,
there is a service. This trati3ition is signified by
images expressive of the total change that is made
in our relations and circumstances, when we pass
from Nature to the GospeI--*as the dissolution of a
first marriage, and the entrance upon a secood-—
a dying and a coming alive again— a release from
one master, even the law, who formerly had the do-^
minion over us, and an engagement with another
master, even God, under whom we are to bring forth
the fruit that is lovely and acceptable in his sighlc—
all marking the very wide dissimilarity that there is
between the two states, and that when we have
crossed the line of separation between them, we
have indeed got into another region, and breathe
another atmosphere altogether from what we did
formerly— and yet there continues to subsist a
service performed no doubt in a different spirit, and in
a different manner from what it was before, but
still a service. And indeed it is quite manifest,
from the apostolical writings, that the life of a Chris**
tian is expected to be ail in a glow with labour and
exertion, and manifold activity — not spent in the
indolence of>mystic contemplation, but abounding in
work, and work too persevered in with immoveable
stedfastness, and emanating from a zeal that ever
actuates and ever urges on to the performance of it.
This is the habit of a disciple upon earth, and it
would appear to be his habit even after he is trans-
ported into heaven : " There thy servants serve
thee." So that whether we look to those years
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whicb are preparatory to our entering upon the in*
beritance of glory, or to the eternity, in which the
inheritance itself la enjoyed ; still we find that aader
the economy of grace there is a busy^ strenuous, and
ever»doing service. It is not in fact by exemption
from service, but by the new spirit and principle
wherewith the service is actuated, that tlie economy
of grace stands distinguished from the economy of
the law. We are delivered from the law, not that we
should be delivered from the service of obedience,
but that we should serve in newness of spirit, and
not in the oldness of the letter.
The^rst remark that we offer, in the way of illus-
trating (his distinction between the new and tiie
old economy, is, that there is indeed a very different
spirit between two men, one of whom works, and
that most incessantly, from the love that he bears
to the wages, and the other of whom works, and
that just as incessantly, from the unconquerable
taste and affection which he has for the work itself.
It is conceivable that the servant of some lordly
proprietor, is remunerated according to the quan-
tity of game which he fetches from the woods
and the wastes of that ample domain over which
he expatiates-^and that, under the dominion of a
thirst for lucre, from morning to niglit he gives him-
self up to the occupation of a hunter. But it is
conceivable of another, that the romance and ad-
venture and spiritist irring hazard and variety of
such a life are enough to fasten him, and that most
intently, throughout all the hours of the day, on the
very satoe enterprise : and thus, with a perfect like-
ness in the outward liabit, may there be in the
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habit and desire of the heart a total and entire dis*
similarity. The service is the same, but the spirit
of the service is widely dissimilar. And this may
just hold as true of the commandments of a heavenly,
as of an earthly masteV. The children of Israel,
looked to the decalogue that was graven upon tablets
of stone, and they knew that on their observation
of it depended their possession of the land of Canaan,
the prosperity of their seasons, and the peace of
their habitations from the inroad of desolating
enemies. The love they bore to their inheritance,
is love quite distinguishable from the love they bore
to that task which formed the tenor upon which
they held it — and it may just be as distinguishable
in him who seeks to purchase, by his obedience, the
heavenly Canaan set forth to us in the gospel, and
who thinks of this Canaan as a place of splendour
and music and physical gratifications, who looks on-
ward in fancy to its groves and its palaces, or who, as
it stands revealed in perspective before him, on the
other side of death, figures it at large as a place of
general and boundless enjoyment, where pleasure
ever circulates in tides of ecstacy, and at least there
is a secure and everlasting escape from the horrors
of the place of condemnation. A love for the work,
and a love for the wages, are here two different affec-
tions altogether, and to reduce them to one, you
must present heaven in its true character, as a place
of constant and unwearied obedience. The Israelite
toiling in drudgery at the work of his ordinances, and
that for the purpose of retaining his pleasant
home on this side of death; or the formal Christian
walking the routine of his ordinances, and that for
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the purpose of reaching a pleasant home on the other
side of death : either of them breathes a totally dif-
ferent spirit from the man who finds the work of
obedience itself to be indeed a way of pleasantness
and a path of delight to him— who, without the
bidding of his roaster at all, would, at the bidding
of his own heart, just move his hand as his master
would have him to do — who is in his element when
engaged in the work of the commandments, and to
whose renovated taste and faculties of moral sensa-
tion, the atmosphere of righteousness is in itself the
atmosphere of peace and/ joy.
The services of two men may thus externally be
the same, and yet, the spirit that animates the one
and the other may just be «s different, as sordidness
and sacredness are wide of one another. And a
difference of spirit is every thing to him with whom
we have to do. He sits at the head of a moral em-
pire; and affection and motive and design are mainly
the things of which he takes cognizance; and dis-
cemer of hearts as he is, it is the desire of the heart
upon which he fastens his chief attention; and in his
judgment it is indeed a question most decisive of
character, whether this actuating desire be love to
the work of righteousness, or only love to wages
distinct from the work. To serve in the first o£
these ways, is to serve in the newness of the spirit.
To serve in the second of them, is to serve in the
oldness of the letter; and the substitution of the one
for the other, is that great achievement which the
gospel personally and substantially makes on every
man who truly embraces it. It forms as essential
a part of that covenant which God makes with the
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believer as does the forgiveness of sin. '' This is the
covenant, that I will put niy law in his heart," When
it only stood graven upon a table of stone* obedience
was an affair of labour. Hut when the law is graven
on the fleshly tablet of the hearty obedience is an
a,(£x\v of love. It is every thing to God whether his
service be felt by us as the drudgery of a task, or
as the delight of a congenial employment — whether
we painfully toil while it is doing, and are glad when
it is over — or are pleasantly carried along, through
all the steps of it, as of a work that we rejoice in-—
whether it he our hope that, after the keeping of the
commandments there will be a great reward, or it be
our happy and present sensation, that m the keep-
ing of the commandments there is a great reward.
It is this which distinguishes the service of our
heavenly from that of our earthly master. With
the latter, after the work cometh the payment, and
the doing of the one is a distinct and separate thing
from the enjoyment of the other. With the former^
after the work done now, cometh more work ; after
the business of using aright a few talents, cometh
the business of ruling and of managing aright many
things; after the praises and the services of the
church below, come the higher services, and more
ecstatic praises of the sanctuary above; after the
uprightness and the piety of our present lives, com-
eth the busy obedience of that everlasting land,
which is called the land of uprightness: and how
totally different then must the newness of the spirit
be from the oldness of the letter; when, as with the
one, the work is gone through from the mere impulse
of a subsequent reward, which selfishness may seize
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HpOD and appropriate to its owb indalgeoce, ao with
the other, die work is gone dirough fiom tht impulse
of its own Dative charm on the heart and taste oC
the delighted labourer, who is happy in the service
of God here, aod whose brightest anticipation is,
that he shall be translated into the capacity of servings
him more constantly and perfectly hereafter I
But, secondfy, to do the work becanse of the love
that we bear to the wage which our master gives
us, is doing service in a spirit altogether differeut
from that of doing the work because of the love
that we bear to the master himself. The set and
tendency of the heart are altogether di^nct in the
one case from what they are in the other. In the
first way of it, tlie heart is set altogether upon its
own gratification, and is under the entire dominion
of selfishness. In the second way of it, it is set
upon the gratification of another. The two are as
distinct, as is the spirit of him who labours with the
reiuctancy of a slave, from the spirit of him who la-
boors with the devotedness of a generous and disin-
terested friend. Now this is a change in the style and
spirit of our obedience, which it is the object of
Christianity to accomplish. To serve God in the
oldness of tlie letter, is to eke out by tale and by
measure a certain quantity of work which we offer
as an incense to his selfishness-^— and in return for
which he deals forth upon us a certain amount of
wages as a regale to our sel&hness back again--*-
with as little of heart all the while in such an ex-
change, as there is in the trafficking of mutual in-
terest and mutual jealousy which take plaoe at a
market. There is no love between the parties— no
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generous delight in ministering the one to the satis-
faction of the other— no pleasure in pleasing— no
play of A reciprocal affection— no happiness felt from
the single circumstance that happiness has been be-
stowed. If this be the character of our service un-
der the law, there is surely room for a mighty amend-
ment, or rather for a total revolution, of its spirit and
principle under the gospel. Even had the law been
rigidly kept on the side of man, and its stipulations
been rigidly fulfilled on the part of God, there would
still have been a coldness, and a distance, and a tone
of demand on the one side, and a certain fearfulness
of diffidence and distrust on the other, under such
an economy. But the fact is, that the law has not
been kept;. and the consciousness of this perpetually
overhung the wretched aspirant after a righteousness
which he never could fulfil; and he. felt himself
haunted at every footstep of his exertions by the fear
of a reckoning; still floundering however, while failing
at every turn, and burdened in spirit by a heavy and
enfeebling sense of despair. And that Being can never
be regarded with joy, who is regarded with jealousy.
It is impossible that terror and love can both exist
in the same bosom towards the same God. It is
not in sentient nature to feel affection towards one
of whom we are afraid— and so long as the contro-
versy of tasks undone, and accounts unpaid, remained
unsettled, there was no getting at affection towards
God. In these circumstances, the history of man
might be covered all over with deeds of religiousness,
but the heart of man is bound as to its desires and
likings, with a spell that is utterly indissoluble.
It is frozen out of all love, by the chilling influences
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of distrust, and terror, and. guilty consciousness.
He would fain propitiate God for the sake of his
own security, but he is too much engrossed with
himself to care about pleftsing God for the mere
sake of pleasing him. Obedience on such a princi*
pie as this, appears to lie at an unmeasurabie dis-
tance from him ; and if he does persevere in a sort
of religious drudgery, done in bondage, and done in
slavish apprehension, it is the obedience of one who
serves in the oldness of the letter, but not in the
newness of the spirit.
Now to effect a transformation in the spirit of
our services was one great design of the gospel of
Jesus Christ — not to abolish service, we should re-
mark, but to animate it with a new principle— not to
set aside work, but to strike out a pure and copious
fountain in the heart from which it might emanate*—
to strike off those fetters by which the moral and sen-
tient nature of man was linked, as to all affection for the
Godhead, in a kind of dull and heavy imprisonment-*-
and bid those feelings which had long been pent and
stifled in imprisonment there, go freely forth, both
with trust and with tenderness, to the Father from
whom we had been so sadly alienated. For this
purpose a Mediator was appointed, and the account
now taken up and discharged by him, is no longer
against us — ^and for our sins, we are told, if we
would only give credit to the saying, we shall no
more be reckoned with— and the Deity reveals him--
self in a new aspect of invitation to his creatures,
and just that he may awaken the new afiections of
confidence and love in their before fearful and su^
picious bosoms. We cannot love God in the fac»
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of a debt uncancelled and of a tentenee onrecalled,
and of a threatening that is still in force against us,
and of mighty and majestic attributes all leagued for
their own vindication to the object of destroying us.
But we can love God when we are told, and we be-
lieve what is told of the ransom that is paid, and of
the sentence and the threatening being all already
spent on the agonies of another's endurance, and of
bis attributes aroused to vengeance because of sin,
now pacified b&;ause of a sacrifice — so that mercy is
free to send forth her beseeching calls, and, emanci-
pated from ^ the claims of truth and justice, can now
abundantly rejoice over all the works and perfections
of the Godhead. The cross of Jesus Christ is not
merely the place of breaking forth into peace and re-^
conciliation, but it is also the place of breaking fortli-
into the love and new obedience of a regenerated na-
ture. He who hath blotted out the handwriting of
ordinances that was against us, which was contrary
to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his
cross — it is he who hath slain in our hearts their
enmity against God*-— and now that we can love God
because he first loved ua, and sent his Son into the
world to be the propitiation for our sins— now^ and
now only, can we serve him in the newness of the
spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.
It should be our aim then to keep our hearts in the
love of God — and. this can only be done by keeping
in memory the love that he hath borne unto us.
With this afiection all alive in our bosoms, and seek- .
ing bow. most to please and to gratify the Being
whom it regards— let us never forget that this is his
will, even our sanctification : that like as he rejoiced at
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the birth of natare when on the work being j
jilished he looked upon every thing that he had
made, and saw in the beauty, and luxuriance^ and
ynaiety which had just emerged from his hands, that
all was very good— 4n like maoner, and much more,
does he rejoice in that new creation, by which moral
loveliness, and harmony, and order, are made to emerge
out of the diaos of our present degeneracy. The
righteous Lord loveth righteousness, and the specta-
de of our worth and excellence is to him a pleasing
spectacle— and what he wants is, to form and to mul^
tiply, by the regenerative power of his Spirit, the spe-
cimens of a beauty far higher in kind than all that
can be exhibited on the face of visible nature : and
our truth, and our charity, and our deep repein
tance for sin, and our ceaseless aspirations after
loftier ^legrees of purity and godliness— *these im-
print so m^y additional features of gracefulness on
that spiritual creation over which the holiness of his
character most inclines him to rejoice; and we
knowing that this is the mind of the Deity, and lov-
ing to gratify the Being whom we love, are furnished
with a principle of obedience, more generous, and far
more productive of the fruits of righteousness, than
the legal principle, which only seeks to be square with
the Lawgiver and safe from the thunders of his vio-
lated authori^. There ia no limitation to such an
obedience. The ever urging principle of love to
God is sure at all times to stimulate and to extend
It: and what with a sense of delight in the work itself,
and with the sense that God whom we love delights in .
Ae work abo and rejoices over it, is there a newness of
split given to obedjence under the economy cS \)ci%
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Gospel, altogether, diverse from that oldueas of the
letter, which obtained under the economy of natun^
and of the law. .
But, thirdly^ there is nothing perhaps that will
better illustrate the distinction between service ren-
,dered in the newness of the spirit, and service ren-
dered in the oldness of the letter, than one simple
reflection upon what that is which is the great ob-
ject of the dispensation we sit under— to be fnade
like unto God, like unto him in righteousness, and
4ike unto him in true holiness. Now just think
•what the righteousness of God is like. Is it right-
eousness in submission to the authority of a lawr^
Js it; righteousness painfully and laboriously wrought
•out, with a view to reward? Is it righteousness in
pursuit of any one pleasure or gratification that is
4it all distinct from the pleasure which the Divinity
has in the very righteousness itself? Does not he
desire righteousness simply because he loves it? Is
not he holy, just because holiness is the native and
kindred element of his Being? Do not all the
worth and all the moral excellence of the Godhead,
come direct from the original tendencies of his own
moral nature? And would either the dread of pun-
ishment or the hope of remuneration be necessary to
attach him more than he already is, by the sponta-
neous and unbidden propensities of his own character,
to that virtue which has been his glory from ever-
lasting, and to that ethereal purity in which he most
delights to expatiate? It is not at the beck of a
gbvernor-^it is not with a view to prepare himself
for an appearance at some bar of jurisprudence-— it
is nothing else in fact but the preference he bears
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for what i^ right, and the hatred he holds for what
ia wrong-— it £3 this, and this alone, which determines
to absolute and unerring rectitude all the purposes
and all the proceedings of the Deity. And to be
like unto him, that which is a task when done under
the oldness pf the letter must be done in newness
of spirit, and then will it be the very transport of
our nature to be engaged in the doing of it. What
is now felt we fear by many as a bondage, would,
were we formed anew in the image of him who
preated us, become a blessedness. The burden
of our existence would turn into its beatitude-r-and
we, exempted from all those feelings of drudgery
and dislike which ever accompany a mere literal
obedience, would prosecute holiness with a sort of
constitutional delight, and so evince that God was
assimilating us to himself, that he was dwelling in
us, and that he was walking in us.
And the Christian disciple who is thus aspiring
after that obedience, which, while it fulfils the de-
mands of the law in the letter, is also rendered
in newness of spirit, will find in the following
Treatise, " Scuddeb's Christian's daily walk
panion and counsellor to guide him in every condi-
tion of life, and under all the vicissitudes to which
life is subject — to. instruct him how to prosecute
his daily walk, so as to secure his peace, and to
possess his soul in patience in .his journey through
life, and to render the circumstances of his lot,
whether prosperous or adverse, subservient to the
still higher purpose of promoting his holiness and
his growth in the divine life, to fit Viim (ot Av^
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heavenly rest which awaits him at the dose of his
earthly pilgrimage. In this Treatise, the Chrktian
disciple will learn to combine a Service the most
rigid in the letter, with thpse principles of the'^re*
newed heart which render it at the same time a
delightful and an acceptable service. He will learn
how to walk with God, while engaged in the service
of man. It is the production of a man who had
reached to great attainments in the spiritual life,
and whose wise and experimental counsels are weil
fitted to guide him amidst the doubts and difficulties
which may beset his path in the Christian warfare.
It has received the approving testimony of two of
the most eminent Divines of a former age, Dr. Owen^
and Richard Btoter, and we know of nb work which
better merits the high commendation which these
competent judges have bestowed on it.
But without expatiating on the excellencies of a
work, the vtflue of which can only be estimated by
those who have devoted themselves to a serious
perusal of its pages, we shall conclude with two in-
ferences from the prefatory observations with which
we have kitrodueed this Treatise to the notice of
ofor readers. The first is, that viitue, sa far from
being superseded by the gospel, is exalted there-
by into a far nobler, and purer, and more disinter-
ested attribute of the character than before. It
becomes virtue, refined from that taint of sordid-
ness which fixrmerly adhered to it; prosecuted not
from an impulse of selfishness, but from an impidse
of gener(»ity— followed after for its own iake, and
because of the loveliness of its native and essential
charms, instead of being followed after for the sake
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of that lucre wherewith it may be conceived to bribe
and to enrich its Totaries. Legal virtue is rendered
in the spkit of a mercenary^ who attaches himself
to the work of obedience for hire. Evangelical
virtue is rendered in the spirit of an amateur, who,
in attaching himself to the work of obedience, finds
that he is already in the midst . of those very de-
lights, than which he cares for none other in time,
and will c»-e for none other through eternity. The
man who slaves at the employment to escape the
penalty or to secure the pay, is diametrically the
reverse of that man who is still more intensely de-
voted to the employment than the other, but be-
cause he has devoted to it the taste and the affec-
tions of bis renovated nature. . There is a well of
Water struck out in his heart, which springcth up
unto spiritual life here, and unto everlasting life
hereafter. There is an angelic spirit which has
descended upon him from above; and which likens
him to those beings of celestial nature, who serve
God, not from the authority of any law that is
without, but from the impulse of a love that is
within; whose whole heart is in the work of obe-
dience, and whose happiness is without alloy, just
because their holiness is without a failing and with-
out a flaw. The gospel does not expunge virtue ;
it oiily elevates its character, and raises the virtue
of earth on the* same platform with the virtue of
keaven. It causes it to be its own reward; and
prefers tbe disciples of Jesus Christ from the con-
dition of hirelings who serve in the spirit of bon-
dage, t<> the condition of heirs who serve thieir recon-
eiied Father in the spirit of adoption; who love
B Vi
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what be loves, and, with a spirit kindred to his
own> breathe in the atmosphere which bests suits
them, when they breathe in the atmosphere of holi-
Our second inference is, that while the life of a
Christian is a life of progressive virtue, and of vir-
tue, too, purified from the jealousies and the sor-
didness of the legal spirit, still to he set on such
a career, we see how indispensable it is that
we enter by Christ, as by the alone gate of admis-
sion through which we can reach the way of such a
sanctification. How else can we get rid of the
oidness of the letter, we would ask ? How be de-
livered from the fears and disquietudes of legality ?
How were it possible to regard God in any other
light than one whose very sacredness lAade him the
enemy of sinners, and so made him hateful to them?
We are bound over to distrust, and alienation, and
impracticable distance from God, till the tidings of
the gospel set us free. There is a leaden and op-
pressive weight upon our spirits, under which there
can be no play of free,^ or grateful, or generous
emotion towards the Father of them, till we hear
with effect of the peace-speaking blood, and of the
charm and the power of the great propitiation.
Faith in Christ is not merely the starting-post of
our recoticiliation with God ; it is also the starting-
post of that new obedience which, unchilled by jea-
lousy, and untainted by dread or by selfishness, is
the alone obedience that is at all acceptable. The
heart cannot go freely out to God, while beset with
terror, while combined with the thoughts of a yet
unsettled controversy, while in full view of its own
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sinfulness, and still in the dark about the way in
which a Being of unspotted purity and inflexible
justice, can find out a right channel of conveyance
for the dispensation of his mercy — ^how he can
be just, while the justifier of the ungodly. It is
the cross of Christ that resolves all these painful
ambiguities. It is this which dissipates all these
apprehensions. It is this which maintains, in sanc«
tity unviolated, the whole aspect and character of
the Godhead; while there beameth forth from it
the kindest expression of welcome even on the
chief of sinners. Let that expression be but seen
and understood, and then will that be to us a
matter of experience which we have tried, and
tried so feebly, to set forth as a matter of de-
monstration. Our bonds will be loosed. A
thing of hopeless drudgery, will be turned into a
thing of heart-felt delight. The breath of a new
spirit will animate our doings; and we will per-
sonally, and by actual feeling, ascertain the differ-
ence that there is between the service of a Lawgiver
pursuing us with exactions that we cannot reach,
and the service of a Friend, who has already charmed
us both into confidence and gratitude, and is cheer-
ing us on, through the manifold infirmities of our
nature, to the resemblance of himself in all that is
kind, and upright, and heavenly, and holy. It is
only, we repeat it, through the knowledge of Christ
and of him crucified, that we can effect this tran-
sition from the one style of obedience to the other
style of obedience. It is only thus that we be-
come dead unto the law, and alive unto God. It
is only thus that we can serve him witVv a\\ t\vQ
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energies of # p ?j}aan«ipat^d hoa^t, now set at large
from that cb^)on4€P«y 9ffki dtudn^as wliiob foismexlj
congealed it. ^* I will ruq lh« w^ay of |hy com-
mandmenta," aay» the Pfealmi^tt *^ when thoo baat
enlarged my heart." Make rpoi9 in it for the doc-
trine of the cross, and this wiU enlarge it. And,
therefore, to ainners do we declare, ibat Chriat is set
forth as a propitiation;, and all ^ho believe in him
shall have the bene6t; and to believers dii W€( declare,
that God hath called them not to unek^nne^s^ but
to holiness; that, naming the^ na^me of Christy their
distinct business is to dei^irt frpm all iniquily, and
to do the commandments, npt becauae they can pur-
chase admission to heaven by the doing of them,
hut because heaven is purchased fqt th^m already :
and to be educated for heaven, they mnat learn to
do what is right-— not that they can earn a title upon
God, but because God has been graciously pleased to
confer this title upon them; and now it is their
part to do what is well-pleasing in his sight-r-w^k-'
ing worthy of the Lord unto, all plea^n^r<*beijag
fruitful in every good work-*— and giving tj^nks
V^nto the Father, who hath, made them meet, to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
T. C.
St. Andrews, Mai/, 1826.
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Of Walidng wM G4)d.
I. Walking with God described, 50
II. Reasons for this holy Practice, 53
III. The Univergftl OUsisfitions to it» . . 56
Of beginttiKg the Dat^ with God.
I. How to aWake with God, by pious Meditation and
Thanksgiving, 58
II. By renewed Faith tod Repentance, Setf-ezaminaton and
Prayer, 62
IIL Directions concerning Prayer, &Ci . .67
IV. Signs of Worldly-mindedness in holy Duties, and Re-
medies against it, . 68
Directions Jbr Walking with God in the Progress of tfe
I. General Directions, . 75
II. Special Duties of Superiors and Inferiors, 77
IIL Of Bodily Refrashment and Recreations, . .80
(1.) Rules concerning Eating and Drinking, ib,
(2.) Rules concerning Recreations, . . .81
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Of Religious Fasting.
I. The Nature of, and Reasons for, religious Fasts, 83
II. Special Directions concerning them, . .89
Helps to Self-examination, 92
(1.) From God's Holy Law, ib,
(2.) From the Gospel of Christ, .... 108
(3.) Of llumiliationand Self-judgingfor Sin, . .111
(4.) Directions for obtfuning Furdon of Sin, and Power
over it, 118
(5.) The benefits of religious Fasting, &c. . .124
Of the Lord's Day^ or Christian Sabbath.
(1.) The Divine Institution of the Lord's Day, . . 127
(2.) Directions for the Religious Observance of it, . .128
(3.) The Nature and Design of Baptism and the Lord's
Supper, 130
Directions relating thereunto, . . . • .131
(4.) Motives to keep holy the Lord's Day, . . .136
Directions how to End the Day with God, . .137
Rules concerning Sleep, 138
Of Walking with God alone.
I. Rules concerning Solitude, 140
II. Of Reading the Word of God, and other good Books, 142
'T. Of Meditation, * . 147
.) Directions concerning it, ib.
) The Necessity and Use of It, .... 154
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Of keeping Company,
I. Rules concerning' Company in general, .155
II. Cautions and Directions as to evil Company, . 163
III. Directions with respect to good Company, or Chris,
tian Fellowship, 166
The Christians Duty in Prosperity.
. I. Rules for our religious Conduct in Prosperity, . \12
(1.) In shunning those Sins to which we are most prone
in Prosperity, ........ i6.
(2.) In attending to those Duties which Prosperity espe-
cially caUeth for, . 173
II. Professed Praise and Thanksgiving to God, . ib.
(1.) and (2.) How and for what. Praise and Thanksgiving
is to be offered, 174
(a) TheEvilof Unthankfulness, 175
(4.) Motives to the Duty of Thankfulness, 177
(5.) Impediments to Thankfulness, . . .178
(6.) Helps to Thankfulness, .179
(7.) Signs to know when God giveth good things in Love, 183
III. Real Proofs of Gratitude, by using it to his Glory, . 184
Directions for Walking toith God in Adversity.
(1.) Rules concerning light Crosses, . .187
(2.) Directions how to bear all Afflictions well, .188
1st, Remedies against sinful Anger, .... ib.
2d, The Cure of Woridly Grief, 192
(Si) The Nature of Christian Patience, s6.
(4.) Motives to it, 193
(5.) Means to gain Christian Patience, .195
(6.) Of bearing Afflictions thankfully and fruitfully, . . 207
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Of Uprightness.
I. The Necessity of Uprigb^ess in Religion, . : 209
II. The Description of H» 210
IIL Rules by which to judge of our Uprightness, . 215
IV. Particular Marks of Uprightness and Hypocrisy, . 217
V. Dissuasives from Hypocrisy, and Motives to Uprightness, 231
VI. Means to subdue Hypocrisy and promote Uprightness, 237
Cfflat^ftd Carey and Freedom from an^ioM Cure.
I. The Description of lawful Care, .... 244
II. Signs Qf immoderate Care, 247
HI. TheDutyofqui«tTnistinQod> * • . . 248
IV. Reasons against anxious Care, and for cheerful Tnist in
God, . 250
V. Means to attain quieting Confidence in God> . . 256
Of the Peace if God.
I. The Nature and Excellency of it,. .... 257
II. Farther Excellencies and Advantages of the Peace of
God, . . 267
Cfthe Impediments qf Peace.
I. False Hopes and false Fears described, . . . 269
II. The Causes of Presumption or &ls« Peafce, . . 271
III. Sevf^ral Grounds of false P«ftce discovered and removed. 273
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CONTENTS. xxxiii
Concerning faUe Fears.
I. Of needful holy Fear, 298
II. The Springs and Cure of Causeless Fears, . 293
( 1 . ) Of those which arise from natural Distempers, - . ib.
(2.) From the Greatness of Sin, .... 296
III. Of Fears concerning not being elected, . . . 307
IV. Of Fears concerning the Sin against the Holy Ghost, 310
V. Of Fears arising from an accusing Conscience, . 314
VI. Of Fears from late Repentance, .... 318
VII. Feiars of misusing the Means of Grace, 323
VIII. Of Fears arishig from Doubts of God's Lore, . . 325
(1.) Because of AfflicHon, ib.
(2.) From want of Affliction, 327
(3L) From inward Horrors and Distresses, 328
(4.) From the Greatness of Afflictions, . .331
(5.) Because Prayeps are not -answered^ . 336
(&) From the Want and Weajmess of Faith, . . . 338
IX. Reasons why Christians think they have no Faith, con-
sidered, . , . 340
(1.) In what true Faith Qonsbt^ . . . . . 343
(2.) The Difference between Faith «n4 Assurance, . 344
(3.) The Nature and Properties of Saving FaUh, . . . 349
(i.) True Faith discerned \iy lt« Mect^ . . . 358r
X. Fears concerning the Truth of Sanctification, . . 360
(1.) Because not deeply humUed, .... ib,
(2.) From the Intrusion of evil and blasphemous Thoughts, 366
j(3.) From the Prevalence of some gross Sin, . . . 375
(4.) From Want of affectionate Sofrow for Sin, . 378
(5.) From Defects in Spiritual Duties, .... 380
(6.) From Deadness of Affection after Duties, . 382
(7.) From the greater Improvement of others in Piety and
Holiness, .... ... 383
(8.) From remaining Hardness of Heart, . 385
XL Of Fears of Apostacy, 387
(1.) Who may apostatise^ t6.
(2.) Who shall persevere, . ... . , 388
(3.) How fiur Christiana may decKne in Grace, . 389
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(4.) The DUference between the Falls of the Sincere and
the Insineere, SOi
(5.) Why the Faithful shall not finaUy apoatatiae, 396
XII. Sundry Doubts remored, in particular^ about fiilling
from Grace, 401
(1.) Fears of being Hypocrites Qnly» t6.
(2.) Because of the Decay of Giaoe and Comfort, . . 402
(a) Because of the Apostacy of others, . 406
(4w) From not being able to endure Persecution, . . 407
(5.) From the DeceitfulnessoftheHeart, . 409
(6.) From sensible Weakness and Despondencies, ib,
(7.) From not performing the Condition of the Promises, 410
. (8.) From the want of such Grace as God hath promised
to his People^ • . .... 414
(9.) From the Power and Number of Temptations, . 418
XIII. The Christian's Ground of Hope against all Fears, 420
Means to attain the Peace of God.
I. Errors in misjudgmg of a Person's State removed, 423
II. Rules for a right Judgment of ourselves, . 424
III. Directions for the troubled Conscience in application
to Ministers and others, 426
IV. Means to get and preserve true Peace, .431
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It is now above thirty years ago since I first per-
used the ensuing Treatise. . And although until
this present occasion I never read it since; yet the
impression it left upon me in the days of my youth,
have, to say no more, continued a grateful remem-
brance of it upon my mind. Being, therefore, de-
sired to give some testimony unto its worth and
usefulness, 1 esteem myself obliged so to do, by the
benefit I myself formerly received by it. But con-
sidering the great distance of time since I read it,
and hoping perhaps that there might bC} since that
time, some -little improvements of judgment about
spiritual things in my own mind; 1 durst not express
my thoughts concerning it, until I had given it
another perusal; which I have now done. I shall
only acquaint the Reader, that I am so far from
subducting my iaccount, or making an -abatement in
my esteem thereof^ that my respect unto it, and
valuation of it is greatly increased; wherein also
I do rejoice, for reasons not here to be mentioned*
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For although, perhaps, some few things might be
expressed in different words or order, yet there is
generally that soundness and gravity in the whole
doctrine of the book, that weight and wisdom in the
directions given in it for practice, that judgment in
the resolution of doubts and objections, that breath-
ing of a spirit of holiness, zeal, humility, and the
fear of the Lord, in the whole; that- 1 judge and am
satisfied therein, that it will be found of singular use
to all such as in sincerity desire a compliance with
his design ; namely, such a walking with God here,
that he may come to the enjoyment of Him here-
after. I know, that in the days wherein we live,
there tire other notions esteemed higher or more
raised, and thofse otherwise expressed with more ele-
gancy of words, and pressed with more appearing
strenuous ratiocinations than those contained in this
book, with which the generality of professora seem
to be more: taken and satisfied. But for my part,
I must 6ay9 that I do find in this, and some other
practiotl discoursea of the worthy ministers of the
past age, that authority and powerful evidence of
truthy arising from a plain transferring of the sacred
sense of the scripture in words and expressions suited
^ to the experience of gracious^ honest, and humble
souls, that the most accurate and adorned discourses
of this age do not attain or rise up to* Such, I -
say, is this discourse r the wisdom and ability of
whose Author discover themselves ^om first to last,
not in expressiog his lnindi:f' with enticiiig wordi of
Hian's visdotn," but in imdem detductiop of. aUhig.
usefiil directions from > expr^s iestimoaies of scrip*^ .
tare, in sueh « way ts/to give tigbliUfito tb«in, with-
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out intercepting the influence of their authority on
the minds and consciences of the readers. I shall
therefore say no more, but that if those into whose
hands this book shall come, be not either openly or
secretly enemies to the whole design of it, as being
'^alienated from the life of God through the ignorance
that is in them," or be not possessed with prejudices
against the simplicity of the gospel, and that strict-
ness of obedience it requireth, they will find that
guidance, direction, and spiritual advantage, by
which their faith, love, and obedience, may be in-
creased and improved; which will issue in the praise
of God's grace, that ought to be the end of all our
writing and reading in this world.
Feb. 24rfA, 1673-4.
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I TAKE it for some dishonour of our age, that such
a book as this should need any man's recommenda-
tion to procure its entertainment, having been so
long known and so greatly approved by the most
judicious and religious ministers and people, as it
hath been ; even to be to practical Christians, the
one instead of many, for the ordering of their daily
course of life, and securing their salvation and well-
grounded peace. And though I know that there
are some few words, especially about perseverance,
of which all good Christians are not fully of one
mind, (and I never undertake to justify every word,
in my own books, or any others, while we all
confess that we are not absolutely infallible;) yet I
must say, without disparagement to any man's la-
bours, that I remember not any book which is
written to be the daily companion of Christians, to
guide them in the practice of a holy life, which I
perfer before this: I am sure, none of my own.
For 80 sound is the doctrine of this book, and so
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prudent and spiritual, apt and savoury the directions,
and all so fully suited to our ordinary cases and con-
ditions, that I heartily wish no family might be
without it; and many a volume, good and useful,
are now in religious people's haods, which I had
rather were all unknown than this. And I think it
of more service to the souls of men, to call men to
the notice and use of such a treasure, and to bring
such old and excellent writings out of oblivion and
the dust, than to encourage very many who over-
value their own, and to promote the multiplication of
things common and undigested, to the burying of
more excellent treatises in the heap.
Reader, If thou wilt m^ka this book, after the
sacred scripture, thy daily counsellor, and iiKUiitor,^
and comforteir, I am^ assured ^e experienqe of thy
own great advantagf^, and incirease of wisdom^ hoJU-
ness, and peace^ will commc^nd i^ to thee i^ofie.^^.
tually than my words cau dp.
Read, love, and practise tbat which U bei« taughl.
thee, oQd doubt not of thy everlasting bAppi9€>«»«:; />
Jan. im^ 1673^4- .
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The searching out of man's true happiness hath
exercised the wits and pens of many phi)os<^ers
and dii^ines with a different success*
1. Some, by a mistake of tlie end, have erred
about the means. All their enterprises have ended
in vanity and vexation, whilst they have caught at
the shadow of fruit in a hedge of thorns, and have
neglected the tree itself, whence the fruit might
have been gathered with more certainty and lesa
trouble. Man's natural corruption has so darkened
his understanding, that in vain have the wisest men
sought the happiness, which, without the help of
Ood's word and Spirit, they could never find. And
his spiritual appetite and taste is so distempered, that
he can judge of the chief good no better than a sici^
man can do of the best of meats.
2. Others, *^ having the eyes of their under-
standing enlightened, and their senses exercised to.
discern both good and evil^'^ have concluded, that
man's true happiness consists m the soul's enjoy-
ment of God by a holy conformity, and sweet com-
munion with him, through Christ Jesus. For what
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else is true happiness than the enjoyment of the
chief good ? And that God is the chief good, ap-
pears in this, that all the properties which exalt
goodness to the highest perfection, are in God only.
For he is the most pure, perfect, universal, primary,
unchangeable communicative, desirable, and delight-
ful good ; the efficient, pattern, and utmost end of
all good ; without whom there is neither natural,
moral, nor spiritual good in any creature. Our
conformity to him, the apostle Peter expresseth,
when he saith, that the saints are made ^' partakers
of the divine nature;" that is, ^^ they are renewed in
the spirit of their mind, and have put on the new
man, which after God is created in righteousness
and true holiness." So that they have, 1. A new
light in their understanding, that they know God,
not only as Creator, but as Redeemer also of the
world; and whilst they *^ behold, as in a mirror, the
glory of the Lord, with open face, they are changed
into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the
Spirit of the Lord." This knowledge is begun in
this life, in the knowledge of faith, and shall be per-
fected in the life to come, in the knowledge of sense.
This is '* in a glass ;" that shall be " face to face."
2. They have a new life in their will and affections;
that is, they have dispositions and inclinations in
their hearts, conformable to the directions of God'^
holy word. Thi& the apostle Paul intended, when
he said to the Romans, that they had ^^ obeyed, from
the heart, the form of doctrine, wher&unto they were ,
delivered ;" that is, <he world is as a mould where-
into being cast, they are fashioned according to it«
Hence it is, that the saints are said to be ^^ seale4
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tvith the Holy Spirit," because as the seal leaves its
print upon the Wax, so the Spirit makes holy im-
pressions in the soul: this is called the writing of
the law in our hearts; in allusion whereunto the
apostle compares the hearts of believers to tables ;
and their aiFections or conversation to an epistle,
which is said to be read and understood of all men,
when they walk as examples of the rule.
8. Hence it is, that godliness hath a self-sufficiency
joined with it. Because the Christian is now in com-
munion with God, whose face, when ii man beholds
in righteousness, he shall be satisfied with his image,
Psalm xvii. 1 5. Hence comes that peace of con-
science, joy unspeakable and glorious, and that holy
triumph and exultation of spirit, which you may ob-
serve in the apostle Paul and others.
Having briefly showed what this coi^ormity and
communion with God is, I will add one or two more
words to make it manifest, that only those are truly
happy who are in this estate. For, 1. Man's ut-
most end is, that it may be perfectly well with him,
which he^can never attain to without communion
with God, who is the Father of spirits, and the best
of goods. Other things are desired as subordinate
to this. The body is for the soul, as the matter
for its form, or the instrument for its agent. Human
wisdom and moral virtues are desired, not for them-
selves, but for the fruit that is expected by them, as
glory, pleasure, and riches. Worldly and bodily
pleasures, excessively desired, are as drink in a fever,
or dropsy; better it is to be without the malady than
to enjoy that remedy. Riches are desired not for
themselves, but for the conveniences of life* Life i&
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not ao mudi desired fiof itrclf as for the ei^oyment
€(f happineMy whicb^ when t man hath s6ught iathe
labyrinth of eaithly vanities, after much vexaikm
and disqafvetnde of spirit^ he must coaelude^ that it
is only in that truest and chief good^ which is the
fountain whence true delight first flowelh} and the
object wherein finally it restetb.
2. That is man^s ha{^ioe8a^ ki the possession and
enjoyment whereof^ his l^airt rest^h best satisfied.
So far a man is from. true happiness, as he is from
full contentment in that which be esijeys. The bee
would not sit upon so- many flowers, if she could
gather honey enough ^&om any one, neither would
Solomon have tried so many conclunons, if the en-
joyment of any creature could have made him happy.
Would you know tlie cause why so many, like
Ixion, mak^oye to shadows and leave the substance,
or, that I may speak in. a better phrasey ^^ forsake
the fountain of living. water, and dig to themselvee
broken cisterns, that will hold no water?? Briefly, it
is because man, who in his pride would have seen as
much as Gody ia now become so blind that he seeth
not himselR For if men knew either the» disposi-*^
tion of their souls by creation^ or the indispositioa
of their souls by corruption^ they would easily escape
this delusion* < The soul is a spiritual substanee,
whose original ia from Gjod^ and therefore its rest
must be in God^ as the rivers run into the sea, and-
as every body rests in his centre. The noblest
faculties are abased, not improved;, abused, not em*
ployed^ vexed, not satisfied; when they are sub*
jectedto these. inferior objects,, as when Nebuchad-
uezsarfed amoug heasta;^ or, as when^ ^ servants rode.
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on.borsebadc, and masters walked like servants on
the ground."
. Consider the soul as it b in this state of corrup-
tion, nothing can now content it» but that which can
cure it. The soul is fuU of aioy which is the most
painful sickness; hence the. prophet compares wicked
men to the raging waves of the sea, that is never at
rest, whose waters oast up mire and dirt. What
will you do to oomfort him that is heart-sick? Bring
him the choiee&t delicates, he cannot relish them ;
compass him about with meriy company and music,
it is tedious and tro«blesome to him; bring him to a
belter chamber, lay him: on an. easier bed; all will
not satisfy him. But bring the pbysimn to him,
then he. eoneeiyes hopes ; let the physician cure hira
of hi&<disteniper, and then he wiU eat coarser meat,
with a better stomach, and sleep on a harder bed, in
a worse chamber, with a more cheerful and contented
J\3fi^ so it is with a guiky conscience, though he
is not always sensible of it. What comfort can his
friends give him, when God is bis enemy ? What
detight can he take in his stately buitdings,. or fre-
quent visits,, who may expect, even thb night, to
have his soul required of him, and be. made a com-^
panion with devils? What is a golden . cliain about
a leprous person, or tlie richest appai^i upon a dead
carcase? Or* what comfort will a costly banquet
yield to a condemned: malefactor, who is just going
to execution? Surely no more than Adam found,
when he had sinned io the garden, or than Haman
had, when Ahasuerus frowned on lijin in the ban-
quet. On the od)er hand, l^t a mi^n be aV ig^^^e
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with God, and, in a sweet communion, enjoy the in-
fluence of heavenly graces and comforts in his soul,
he can rejoice in tribulation, sing in prison, solace
himself in death, and comfort his heart against prin-
cipalities and powers, tribulation and anguish, height
and depth, things present and things to come. This
true happiness, which all men desire, but most miss
it, by mistaking the way conducing to it, is the sub-
ject-matter of this book. Here you may learn the
right way of peace. How a man may do every day's
duty conscientiously, and bear every day's cross com-
fortably — receive it thankfully, and read it carefully.
But this course is too strict. In bodily distem-
pers we account that physician the wisest and best,
who regards more the health than the will of his
patient. The carpenter squares his work by the
rule, not the rule by his work. O, miserable man,
what an antipathy against truth i^ in thy cursed cor-
rupted nature, which had rather perish by false prin-
ciples, than be saved by receiving and obeying the
truth ! But secondly, as it is strict, so it is necessary,
and in that case, strictness doth not blunt, but
sharpen the edge of industry to duty. Therefore,
saith our Saviour, " strive to enter in at the strait
gate;" that is, therefore strive to enter because the
gate is strait. Bradford well compared the way of
religion to a narrow bridge, over a large and deep
river; from which, the least turning awry is danger-
ous. We see into what a gulf of misery Adam
plunged himself and his posterity, by stepping aside
from God's way. Therefore forget not these rules
of the apostle: " Walk circumspectly, and make
straight paths to your feet, lest that which is lame,
be turned out of the way."
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But many of God's cbildren attain not to this
strictness, yet are saved.
It is true; though all God's cbildren travel to one
countiy, yet not with equal speed; they all shoot at
one mark, yet not with the same dexterity. Some
diiFerence there is in the outward action, none in
their inward intention; some inequalities there are in
the event, none in the -affection : In degrees there is
some disparity, none in truth and uprightness. All
that are regenerate are alike strict in these five
things, at least. 1. They have but one path or
way wherein they all walk. 2. They have but one
rule to guide them in that way which they all
follow. 3. All their eyes are upon this rule, so as
they are not willingly ignorant of any truth. Nor
do they suppress, or detain any known truth in un-
righteousness, but they stand in the ways, and ask
for the old path, which is the good way. 4. They
all desire and endeavour to obey every truth, not
only to walk in all the commandipents of God with-
out reproof, before roen^ but alsp in all things to
live honestly and uprightly before God. 5. If
they fall by temptation, (as a member may, by acci-
dent, be disjointed,) yet they are in pain till they be
set right again; if they stumble, through infirmity,
as sheep may slip into a puddle, yet they will not
lie down, and wallow in the mire which is the pro-
perty of swine : If they are sometimes drawn aside
by violent temptations, or step aside by mistake, yet
they will not walk on in the counsel of the wicked,
nor will any way of wickedness, (that is, a constant,
or daily course in any one sin) be found in them ;
they are so far from perverting the right ways of
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God, (that is, speiddDg evil of what i» good«) that
they will justify God in condemning themselves, and
subscribe to the righteoosuess of bis word, praying
that their ways might be directed to keep bis statutes.
To concliuie^ laying aside aU cavils, beg of God a
teachable dispo»tion, and raake the best profit of the
labours of this faithful servant of Jesus Christ. For
the matter oi this book, use it as thy daily counsel-
lor; learn to write by this copy. I mean, stir up
tlie gifts of God that are in thee, to become more
profitable to others, both in presence, by discourse,
and in absence, l^ writing.
The Christian and mtdligent Reader shall find
in this, som«< things new, other things expressed in
a new manner, all digested in such a method, with
such bren^ and perspicuity, ^s was neeessary to
make the book a vade mecwn^ or pocket companion,
es^cially profitable to the poor ai>d illiterate.
I will here stop, wishing thee, candid and serious
Reader, to eonsidiM^ that an account must be given
of what the«i readest, as well as of what thou hear-
est, and therefore, to join prayer with thy reading,
that spiritual wisdom and strength may be increased
in thee, for the practice of what thou learnest. So,
I commend the book to thy reading ; and thee and
it to God's blessings
Thine in the Lord Jesus,
d by Google-
Of Walking with God in general.
Beloved friend, observing your forwardness and
zeal in seeking to know how you might please God,
and save your soul, I thought it would be acceptable
and profitable to you, if I should, by the infallible
rule of God's word, direct you how, with most cer-
tainty, speed, and ease, you might attain to this
your holy aim. Wherefore, considering that most
of God's children make their lives unprofitable and
nncomfortable, by troubling themselves about " many
things," and that too much in things less needful; by
caring and fearing what shall befal them and theirs
hereafter, with respect to this present life, — that you
may obtain " that one thing needful," and contain
yourself within your own line and calling, I exhort
you heedfully to apply yourself to do each presefit
daj/s work xvith Christian cheerjtdness, and to bear
each present daj/s evii with Christian patience.
C ^ 31
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!• Walking mth God described.
The best and surest way to please God, and gain
a cheerful quiet heart in the way to heaven, is, to
walk with God in uprightness, (through faith in
Jesus Christ,) "being careful in nothing: but in
every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanks-
giving, to make your request known unto God:"
which if you do, the peace of God, which passeth
all understanding, shall so establish your heart and
mind, in and through Christ Jesus, that you may
live in a heaven upon earth, and may be joyous and
comfortable in all states and conditions of life what-
That you should walk with God in uprightness,
is commended to you in the cloud of examples, of
Enoch, Noah, Job, David, Zacharias and Elizabeth:;
with many others, renowned in scripture; and is
commanded to Abraham, and, in him, to all the
faithful, — " I am the Almighty God; walk before
me, and be thou perfect."
To live by faith, (which is, to frame your heart
and life according to the will of God revealed in
his word,) and to walk with God, are all one.
Enoch was said to have walked with God; — what was
this else, but to believe and rest on God, whereby
he pleased him. For according to what we live,
according to that we are said to walk. The moral
actions of man's life are fitly resembled by the
metaphor of walking, which is a moving from one
place to another. No man, while he liveth here,
is at home in the place where he shall be. There
are two contrary homes, to which every man is al-
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ways going— either to heaven, or to hell. Every
action of man is one pace or step whereby he goeth
to the one place or the other. The holiness or
wickedness of the action is the several way to the
place of happiness, or place of torment. So that
God's own children, while they live in this world
as pilgrims and strangers, are but in the way, not in
the country which they seek, which is heavenly.
This life of faith and holiness, what is it, but a
going out of a man's self, and a continual returning
to God, by Christ Jesus, from the way of sin and
death, and a constant perseverance in all those acts
of obedience, which God hath ordained to be the
way for all his children to walk in, unto eternal
A godly life is said to be a walking with God in
respect of four things that concur thereunto.
1. Whereas by sin we naturally are departed
from God, and gone away from his ways which he
hath appointed for us, we, by the new and living
way of Christ's death and resurrection, and by the
new and living work of Christ's Spirit, are brought
near to God; and are set in the ways of God, by
repentance from dead works, and by faith towards
God in Christ Jesus; which are the first principles
of true religion, and the. first steps to this great
duty of walking with God. Now, to believe and to
continue in the faith, is, to walk in Christ; there-
fore to walk with God.
2. The revealed will of God is called God's
way, because in it God doth as it were display the
secrets of his holy Majesty, to show his people
their way to him, and so bring them nigh unto *
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himself; as the inspired Psalmist speaks: ^^ Right-
eousness shall go before him, and shall set us in
the way of his steps." Now this way of righteous-
ness, revealed in the sacred scriptures, is the rule of
a godly life: he who walketh according to God's
law, is said to walk before God, (compare 1 Kings
viii. 25. with 2 Chron. vi. 16.) So that he who
walketh according to God's will in the various
changes and conditions of life, keeping himself to
this rule, walketh with God.
3. He that liveth a godly life, walketh after the
Spirit, not after the flesh. He is ^' led by the
Spirit of God," having him for his guide; where-
fore in this respect also he is said to walk with God.
4. He that walketh with God, sees, by the eye
of faith, God present with him in all his actions;
seriously thinking of him upon all occasions, remem-
bering him in his ways, setting the Lord always
before him, as David did; seeing him that is in-
visible, as Moses did; doing all things, as St. Paul
did, as of God, in the sight of God. Now he who
so walketh that he always observeth God's presence^
and keepeth him still in his view in the course of
his life, not only with a general and habitual, but,
as much as he can, with an actual intention to please
and glorify God, this man may be said to walk with
Thus you may know when you walk with God :
( 1 .) When you daily go on to repent of sins past,
believe in Jesus Christ for pardon, and believe his
word for direction. (2.) When you walk not ac-
cording to the will of man, but of God. (3.) When
you walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit*
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(4.) When you set God before you, and walk as in
his sight, then you walk with, before, after, and
according to God: for air these are understood in
one sense.
That you may walk with God, consider these
arguments farther to convince and induce you.
II. Reasons why Christiafis should walk with God.
1. You are commanded to walk as Christ walked ;
and it concerns you so to do, if you would approve
yourself to be a member. of his body: for it is mon-
strous, nay, impossible, that the head should go one
way, and the body another. Now, our Saviour
himself observed all these methods of walking with
God, justifying faith and repentance only excepted,
because he was without sin.
2. It is all which the Lord requireth of you, for
all his love and goodness shown unto, you, in creat-
ing, preserving, redeeming, and saving you. For
what doth the Lord require of you, but to " do
justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with
your God."
3. If you walk with God, and keep close to him,
you will be sure to go in the right way, in that
good old way, which is called the way of holiness;
in a most straight, most sure, and (to a spiritual
man) most pleasant way, the paths of which are
peace; the very happiness and rest of the soul. God
teacheth his children to choose this way. And if
they happen to err, or to doubt of their way, they
shall hear the voice of God's Spirit behind them,
saying, " This is the way, walk in it.**
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4. If you walk with God, you shall walk safely ;
you will not need to fear, though ten thousand set
themselves against you; for his presence is with you,
and for you. His holy angels encamp about you ;
and while you walk in his ways, they are charged
to support you, lest you should receive any harm.
5. When you walk with God (though you be
alone, separate from all other society) you still walk
with the best company, even such whereof there is
most need, and best use. While God and you
walk together, you have an advantage above all that
walk not with him; for you have a blessed oppor-
tunity of a holy acquaintance with God, which is
expressed. You have opportunity to speak unto
him, praying with assurance of a gracious hearing.
Abraham and his faithful servant made use of their
walking with God for these purposes. Is it not a
special favour that the most high God, whose throne
is in heaven, should condescend to walk on earth
with sinful man? nay, rather to call up man from
earth to heaven, to walk with him? It would be
therefore shameful ingratitude not to accept this
offer, and not to obey this charge.
6. < To set the Lord always in your sight, is an
excellent preservative and restraint from sin. With
this shield Joseph did repel and quench the fiery
darts of the temptations of his designing mistress.
For who is so foolish, and shameless, as wilfully to
transgress the just laws of a father, king, and judge,
knowing that he is present, and observes him with
detestation if he so do?
7. To set the Lord always before you, is an ex-
cellent remedy against spiritual sloth and negligence
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in duties, and it is a sharp spur to quicken, and
make you diligent and abundant in the work of the
Lord. What servant can be slothful and careless
in his master's sight? And what master will keep
a servant that will not observe him, and do his
commands, while he himself looketh on.
8. Walking with God in manner aforesaid, doth
exceedingly please God. It also pleases God's
holy angels. It pleases God's faithful ministers,
and doth please and strengthen all the good people
of God, with whom you do converse. It is to
" walk worthy of God in all well pleasing."
9. Thus walking with God, you shall be assured
of God's mercy and gracious favour. He keepeth
.<< covenant and mercy with all his servants, that
.walk before him with all their heart." .When you
do thus walk in the light, you have a gracious fel-
lowship with God, and '^ the blood of Jesus Christ
deanseth you from all sin." There is no condem-
nation to you who thus walk. Your flesh, when
you die, shall rest in hope. For to them that set
God before them, he doth show the path of life,
which will bring them into his glorious presence,
where are fulness of joys, and pleasures for evermore.
Any one of these motives, seriously thought
upon by a humble Christian, is enough to persuade
him to this holy walking with God.
Notwithstanding, it is sad to consider, how few
there be who walk thus. For most men seek not
after God, God is not in all their thoughts ; they
walk iti the vanity of their minds, after, their own
lusts ; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and
the pride of life; walking according to the course
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of this world, according to the will of Satan, the
prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now
worketh in the children of disobedience; who refuse
to return, or to call themselves into question concern-
ing their ways, though God doth wait and hearken
for it, no, not so much as to say, What have we
done? but every one runneth to his course, as the
horse rusheth into the battle.
Now, concerning all that walk thus contrary to
God, God hath said, that he will set his face against
them, and punish them seven times; even with many
and sore plagues. And if yet they will walk con-
trary to him, he will walk contrary to them in fury,
and punish them seven times more for their sins.
And if yet they will walk in impenitency, notwith-
standing God's offer of merpy to them in Christ,
St. Paul could not speak of such with dry eyes, but
peremptorily pronounceth that their end is destruc-
Weigh well, therefore, these premiseS; compare
the way, wherein you walk with God, with all other
ways; compare this company with all other company,
and the issues and end of this way with the issues
and end of all o.tber ways, and the proper choice of
your walk will easily and quickly be made.
Thus much may be said in general of walking
with God.
III. Walking with God^ to be Constant and
The commandment to walk with God is indefinite,
without limitation, therefore must be understood to
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be a walking with him in all things, and that in all
things, and, at all times, in all companies, and in all
changes, conditions, and estates of your life, what-
soever. To walk with God in general and at large
is not sufficient.
You are not dispensed with for any moment of
your life; but all the days of your life, and each day
of your life, and each hour of that day, and each
minute of that hour; you must pass the time, the
whole time of your dwelling here in fear; even " all
the day long," saith Solomon. You must endeavour
to have a conscience void of oflPence always. You
must live the rest of your life, not to the lusts of
men, but to the will of God; taking heed lest at
any time there be in you an evil heart of unbelief,
in departing from the living God.
1. For this end Christ did redeem you from the
hands of your enemies, that you might serve him in
holiness and righteousness (which is the same with
walking with God) all the days of your life without
2. The end of the instructions of God's word,
which is the light of your feet in this walking, is,
that it be bound upon your hesrt continually, to
lead, keep, and converse with you at all times.
3. The lusts of your own heart, and your adver-
sary the devil lie always upon the advantage to hinder
you in, or divert you from, this godly course: so that
upon every intermission of your holy care to please
God, they take their opportunity to surprise you.
4. You are accountable to God for losing and
mispending all that precious time wherein you do
not walk in bis ways.
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5. Besides, he that hath much work to do, or
that is in a long journey, or is running a race for a
wager, hath no need to lose any time. If you be
long obstructed in your Christian work and race, by
sin and sloth, you will hardly recover your loss but
with much sorrow, with renewed faith, and with
more than ordinary repentance.
Wherefore, when you awake in the night, or in
the morning, and while you are employed in the
day, and when you betake yourself to sleep at night,
you must, as David, have thoughts on God, and
set him always before you. " When I awake, I
am still with thee," saith he, and in the night he
remembered God, and his hope and meditation was
on God's word. And Isaiah (in the person of all
the faithful) saith, *^ With my soul have I desired
thee in the night, yea, with my spirit within me will
I seek thee early."
Of beginning the Day with God.
I. Ham to awake with God.
In the instant of awaking let your heart be lifted
up to God with a thankful acknowledgment of his
mercy to you. For it is he that giveth his beloved
sleep ; who keepeth you both in soul and body while
vou sleep; who reneweth hiis mercies every morning,
^or, while you sleep, you are as it were out of
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actual possession of yourself, and all things else*
Nqw, it was God that kept you, and all that you
had, and restored them again, with many new mer-
cies, when you awaked.
2. Arise early in the morning (if you be not
necessarily hindered) following the example of our
Saviour Christ, and of the good matron in the Pro-
verbs. For this will usually much conduce to the
health of your body, and the prosperity, both of
your temporal and spiritual state; for hereby you
will have the day before you, and will gain the best,
and the fittest times for the exercises of religion,
and for the works of your calling.
3. In the time between your awaking and arising,
if other suitable thoughts offer not themselves, it
will be useful to think upon some of these:— I must
awake from the sleep of sin, to righteousness; as
well as out of bodily sleep, unto labour in my call-
ing. The night is far spent, the day is at hand, I
must therefore cast off the works of darkness, and
put on the armour of Kght. I must walk honestly
as in the day. I am, by the light of grace and
knowledge, to arise and walk in it, as well as by
the light of the sun to walk by it. Think also of
your awaking out of the sleep of death, and out of
the grave, at the sound of the last trumpet; even of
your blessed resurrection unto glory, at the last day.
It was one of David's sweet thoughts (speaking to
God) " When I awake, I shall be satisfied with thy
4. When you arise, and dress yourself, lose not
that precious time, when your mind is freshest, with
impertinent and fruitless thoughts, as is the custom
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of too many to do. This is a fit time to think upon
the cause why you have need of apparel; namelyy
the fall and sin of your first parents, which from
them is derived to you. For before their fall, their
nakedness was their comeliness, and seeing it, they
were not ashamed. It will likewise be to good pur-
pose to consider what the wise providence of God
hath appointed to be the substance of your apparel.
The rinds of plants, the skins, hair, or wool of brute
beasts, and the bowels of the silkworm; the very
excrements and superfluous apparel of unreasonable
creatures. Which, as it doth magnify the wisdom,
power, and goodness of God, in choosing, and turn-
ing such mean thingl^ to such excellent use, so it
should humble and suppress the pride of man. For
what man in his senses would be proud of the bndge
of bis shame, even of that apparel, for which (under
God) he is beholden even to plants and beasts?
Now also is a good time to call to mind what
rules are to be observed, that you may dress your-
self as becometh one that profcsseth godliness:
namely, 1. That your apparel, for matter and
fashion, do suit with your general and special call-
ing, and with your estate, sex, and age.
2. That your apparel be consistent with health
and comeliness.
3. That you rather go witTi the lowest, than with
the highest of your state and place.
4. That the fashion be neither strange, immodest,
singular, nor ridiculous.
5. That you be not over curious, or over long,
taking up too much time in putting it on.
6. Neither the making nor wearing of your
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apparel, must savour of pride, lightness, curiosity,
lasciviousness, prodigality, or base covetousness :
but it must be such as becometh holiness, wisdom,
and honesty, and such as is well reported of.
7. Follow the example of those of your rank and
means, who are most sober, most frugal, and most
While you dress yourself, it will be seasonable
and profitable also, by this occasion, to raise your
thoughts, and fix them upon that apparel which
doth clothe and adorn your inward man, which is
spiritual, and of a divine matter, which never is out
of fashion, which never weareth out, but is always
the better for the wearing. Think thus: If I go
naked without bodily apparel, it will be to the shame
of my person, and to the hazard of my health and
life: but how much more will the filthy nakedness
of my soul appear to the eyes of men, of angels,
and of God himself, whose pure eyes cannot abide
filthiness, whereby my soul will be exposed to most
deadly temptations, and my whole person to God's
most severe judgments, except I have put on, and
do keep on me the white linen of Christ's spouse,
the righteousness of the saints, that is, justification
by faith in Christ, and sanctification by the Spirit
of Christ?
And because every day you will be assaulted
with the world, the flesh, and the devil, you will do
well to consider whether you have put on, and do
improve your coat of mail, that complete armour,
prescribed Eph. vi. 11 — 18.
When you use your looking-glass, and by ex*-
perience find that it serveth to discover, and to
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direct you how to reform whatever is uncomely, and
out of order in your body, you may hereby remem-
ber the necessity and admirable use of the glass of
God's word, and gospel of Christ, both read and
preached, for the good of your soul. For, this
being understood and believed, doth not only show
what is amiss in the soul, and how it may be amended;
but in some measure will enable you to amend; for,
it doth not only show you your own face, but the
very face and glory of God in Christ Jesus, which
by reflection upon you, will, through the Spirit,
work on you a more excellent effect than on Moses'
face in the mount, which yet was so glorious, that
the people could not endure to behold it. For by
this glory of God, which by faith you behold in the
word, you will be *^ changed into the same image,
from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the
Concerning these things which I have directed
to be thought upon, when you arise, and put on
your apparel in the morning, and those which I
shall direct when you put off your apparel at night,
my meaning is not to urge them as necessary, as if
it were sin to omit any of these particulars, but to
be used, except better come in place, as most con-
II. Of beginning the Day witk God^ by renewed
Faith and Repentance.
1. When you are thus awake, and are risen
out of your bed, that you may walk with God the
remainder of the day, it will be needful that you
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first renew your peace with God, by faith in Jesus
Christ; and then endeavour to show your dutiful-
ness and gratitude to God, by doing those works of
piety, equity, mercy, and sobriety, which may any
way concern you that day. For how can two walk
together, except they be agreed? And how can
any walk with God, if he be not holy in all his
conversation? You have as much -cause to beware
of him, and to obey his voice, and not provoke him
who goeth before you in the wilderness of this
world, to guide and bring you to his heavenly king-
dom, as the Israelites had to beware of him who
went before them to keep theln in the way, and to
conduct them unto the earthly Canaan, the place
which he had promised and prepared for them. It
was for this, that Joshua told the people, that except
they would fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity,
and put away their strange gods, they 'could not
serve God; they could not walk with him. For he
is, saith he, a holy God: he is a jealous God: he
will not forgive your transgressions, nor your sins.
2. For this cause (if unavoidable necessity
hinder not) begin the day with solemn prayer and
thanksgiving. Before which, that these duties may
be the better performed, it will be convenient, if
you have time, that you prepare yourself by medi-
tation; the matter whereof should be an inquiry
into your present state, How all things stand between
God and you? How you have behaved since you
last prayed and renewed your peace with God?
What sins you have committed, what graces and
benefits you want, what fresh favours God hath
bestowed on you, since last you gave him this tri*
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bute of thanks; and how much praise and thanks
you owe to him also for the continuance of former
blessings? Think also what employments you
shall have that day, in which you may need his
special grace and assistance. Consider likewise
what ground and warrant you have to approach to
the throne of grace, to ask pardon, and to hope for
the favour and help of God. Upon these considera*
tions, you must seriously and faithfully endeavour,
in the strength of Christ (without whom you can
do nothing) to reform whatsoever you find to be
amiss; flying unto, and only relying upon God's
mercy in Christ; to acknowledge him in all things;
and that you will now seek grace and help of him,,
whereby you may walk as in his sight in all well
pleasing, all that day.
To assist you therein, do thus :
1st, Lay a strict charge upon your conscience to
deal impartially, plainly, and fully, in this examina-
tion and judging of yourself.
2d, You should be so well acquainted with the
substance and meaning of God's holy law, that you
may be able to carry in your head a catalogue or
table of the duties required, and vices forbidden, in
each commandment; whereby you may try your
obedience past, and may set before you a rule of
life for time to come.
3d, Lest the calling to mind the multitude and
greatness of your sins should make you despair of
God's favour, you should be so well instructed in
the Christian faith, and in the principal promises of
the gospel, that you may be able also quickly to call
them to mind, for the strengthening of your faith
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and hope in God. The form of sound words in the
gospel, should be familiar unto you for these pur-
AH these need not take up much time: you wiU
find it to be time well redeemed. For, first, by
such preparation you will keep yourself from thsit
rude and irreverent thrusting yourself into God'<s
holy presence, whereof you are warned in the scrip-
Secondly, When by this means your heart is
well humbled, softened, and set right towards God,
so that you can say, you " regard no iniquity" in
your heart; and when hereby you have called in
your thoughts from straggling, and have gotten
composedness of mind, and inward strength of soul,
(without which the arrow of prayer can never fly
home to the mark) then you may approach into
God's special presence with more faith and boldness;
you shall be more able to utter before him apt con-
fessions, lawful requests, and due thanksgivings,
with more understanding, more humbly, more feel-
ingly, more fervently, and with more assurance of a
gracious hearing, (all which are requisite in prayer.)
than you could ever possibly be able to do without
such preparation.
Thirdly, This due preparation to prayer not
only fits you to pray; but is an excellent furtherance
to a holy life. For it maketh the conscience ten-
der and watchful, by the daily exercise of the know-
ledge of the precepts and threatenings of the law,
and of the precepts and promises of the gospel: and
it being forced to examine, accuse, judge, and pass
sentence, and do a kind of execution upon you for
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your sin; smiting your heart, and wounding itself
with godly fear, grief, and shame (a work to which
the conscience is loath to come, till it must needs;)
wherefore, to prevent all this trouble and smart, it
will rather give all diligence in other acts which are
more pleasing; namely, it will direct you in the ways
of God, check and warn you beforehand, lest you
should sin; to the end that when you come to
examine yourself again, it might find matter, not of
grieving and tormenting, but of rejoicing and com-
forting your heart, which is the most proper, and
most pleasing work of a sanctified conscience. He
that knoweth that he must be at much pains to
make himself whole and clean, when he is wounded
and defiled, will take the more heed lest he wound
and defile himself.
Fourthly, This due preparation to prayer, by
examining, judging, and reforming yourself, pre-
vents God's judging you; for when you " judge
yourself, you shall not be judged of the Lord,"
saith the apostle.
3. Being rightly prepared, you must draw near
into God's special presence, falling low at his foot-
stool, representing him to your thoughts as one who
is in himself, and of himself, the only heavenly,
all-knowing and almighty Majesty, now become
your loving and merciful Father, through Christ
his Son your Lord : then you must pour out your
soul before him in confessing your sins, and in
making your desires (through the Spirit) known
unto him in the name of Christ, for yourself and
others, in all lawful petitions and supplications,
with thanksgiving; and all this with understanding,
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67 .
with the intention and full bent of the soul, and
expectation of being heard, in due time and measure,
and in the best manner.
III. Farther Directions concerning Prayer,
To the directions botU for preparation to prayer,
and concerning prayer itself, take these cautions.
1. Omit neither the one nor the other, and let
them be the first work after you are up. But if
that cannot be, because of some necessary hinder-
ance, yet perform them so soon as you can, and as
well as you can: though you can do neither, either
so soon, or so well as you would, yet omit them not
altogether. Break through all seeming necessities,
which will daily come in your way, to hinder and
thrust out these duties. The devil, knowing that
nothing doth undermine and overthrow his kingdom
more than these duly performed ; knowing also that
the spiritual performance of them is tedious to cor*
rupt nature, he will thrust upon you seeming
necessities, so many, and so often, that if you be
not watchful to gain, and to take time, breaking
through all such hinderances as are not truly neces-
sary, you will often, by the circumvention of the
flesh and of the devil, be brought to an omission of
preparation, or of prayer, or both. Upon which
will follow similar temptations, together with a
proneness to the like neglect, and a greater indis-
position to the^e duties afterward.
2. Lay not too great a task upon yourself in
this preparation to prayer; I mean, so much as will
take up more time than the works of your calling.
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and other needful affairs, will permit; but contrive
and imsband your time so, that every lawful busi-
ness may have its own time. God hath subordi-
nated the works of your general and particular
calling in such a way, that, usually, the one shall
not obstruct the other for it. If, through taking
up too much time in preparation to prayer, and in
prayer, either of them grow necessarily tedious and
burdensome, Satan will circumvent you by this
means, causing you, out of a true weariness of too
much, even before you are aware, to omit them al-
3. Whereas, when you prepare yourself to pray,
and when you do pray, it is lawful to think of your
worldly business, to the end that you might pray
for direction and for good success therein (for you
may ask your daily bread;) you must take heed,
when you think of these things, that your thoughts
be not worldly through distempers and distractions
about the same. For these will abate your spiri-
tuality and fervour in prayer, and will shut the ears
of God against your prayer.
IV. Signs of Worldly-mindedness in DevotioUy
and Remedies against it.
If you desire to know the signs and remedies of
distempers and distractions about worldly things in
your preparation for holy duties; by distempers, I
mean, inordinate trouble about the means; and by
distractions, I mean, a vexing trouble about success.
I. As to the signs of it. You may know that
'our mhid is distempered with worldliness, even in
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thinking on lawAil business, when you prepare your-
self to prayer, and at other seasons, by these marks:
1. When (except in case of necessity in their
apparent danger) your worldly afiairs are first in
your thoughts to be the matter of your meditation.
For thoughts how to hallow God's name, and how
his kingdom may come, and how you may do bis
will, should usually be in your mind, before those
that concern your daily bread.
2. When they interpose themselves, interrupt,
and jostle out those good thoughts whereon you
were thinking, before you have thought of them
3. When your thoughts of worldly business are
with greater intention of mind, than the thoughts
of things spiritual and heavenly.
4. When they last longer than such as imme-
diately concern the glory of God, and the good of
your soul, or hold you too long upon them.
5. You may know it by the ends which you
propose to yourself in your thoughts of worldly
business; are the ends you propose, only, or chiefly,
that you may prevent poverty, or that you may have
wherewith to satisfy your natural desires? If you
propose not other, and more spiritual ends, your
thoughts of them at that time, are worldly : but if
your thoughts of your worldly business, be to the
end that you may lay them to the rule of God's
word, that you may not offend him in your labour
and care about them ; or that you might crave God's
direction and blessing upon your said care and la-
bour, you being spiritual in thoughts of worldly
business ; then your thoughts of lawful business are
not distempered with worldliness.
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m> Kwd^ w)diti u iaifd; itk/10 viutt a Ihssi. mm, ^wmz 1
4^Us!riuiJ^ i«M>MtfftfiritUi7 iietwrf; lUiw wmsL as szn.
IM«^ i4^^»Vf nL >l«i;e tiniti; ben iJnii||( Z'^i'i^ ^^^^
#Mr4j; ti**rw jrvur Utsilt »'iJJ be tiafifir iiei, ant — ::r
iM^^^^rfHi^ iu iiifuk'mg id tiM0%€ iLxugi i»*iiii3. xel t^
</f f^^f*Mf^Uf who tnutt bear niaojr dkfd^ sue isr^^i-i
li i«i mid nUni U ib« mo*t imporunt »u:; xii£ :.£-
tf/nUh ili<<iri iinU L4ti thoughts of vorScDr ^u^i.^^
ht$ itiiHi ouif Mud mude to niand at the ^z/np^ z^
iUitif iMrif tome io be thought upon, and kc tie
i»or« iix<'4fll((ii(| and more needful be despatched £r<c
Hi If ilioughtf of the world will impadcDtir in-
Irodif thur/iddvesi and will not be kept cot, rebLke
tlmm AliMM/lyi give thorn no hearing, but dishearten
tlitfirii Hiiil rifbuke the porter and keeper of the door
of yiiur hdttrti that is, smitOi wound, and check
your (joiiM'Idnotft hecouso it did not check and re-
i, 111 mII Inwful buiincM, inure yourself fully and
Nufllubiitly to Intend that one thing which you have
III IimimI for tlio pruicnt; and at all times restrain
wiiiitluiiii^ tliuughti as much as may be. Let your
^ioh ^H Ruuh powor over the fancy, that you may
iiUIm tu think of what you please, when you
i«i^ \\)\\ will iiayi ** 'I'o a fickle mind this is hard,
m iHkjHmiilbU.** To this I answer, if you would
Digitized by VjOOQ IC
and entertain evil, %ing, and unsea*
thooglits when they arise; and wonid (as
often as they offer themselves) be much displeased
with them, and with yourself for them; then in
time yon will find it possible, and not exceedingly
haid to think of what good things you would, and
not of what evil things you would not.
5. When the time of thinking and doing of your
worldly bosiness is come, then think thereof suffi-
dently, and to good purpose; for then they will be
the less troublesome in thrusting themselves in out
of place, because it is known that in their place,
they shall be fully regarded. Idleness and impro-
vidence about these things, puts a man into straits
many times, and into distempers about his worldly
business, more than needs, or else would be.
You would also know when your thoughts of suc-
cess in your worldly affairs are evil, together with a
- remedy against them.
To think, that, if you be not prudent and dili-
gent in your calling, and that if God do not bless
your diligence, you may do the works of your call-
ing in vain, and may expect ill success; thus to
think is lawful and useful. For it will excite in
you a resolution to be frugal and diligent ; and when
you have done all you can, these thoughts also will
quicken you to prayer unto God for success. But
if your thoughts of thriving, or not thriving, be
other than these, and bring forth other effects;
namely, if desire of success drive you to think of
using unlawful means, from doubting that you can-
not so soon, or so certainly, or not at all, speed by
the use of lawful only; if it make you full of
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anxiety and fear, that though you use what good
means you can, all will be in vain ; if you be yet
doubtful and take anxious thought about what you
shall eat, what you shall drink, and what you shall
put on, or how you and yours shall live another day,
then your thoughts about success in worldly busi-
ness are worldly and distracted.
I shall speak to this sin with its remedy more
fully when I write against taking care in any thhig.
Yet for the present, know— -All the fruit you will
reap from unbelieving fears and distrust, doubts of
success, &c. will be nothing else, but a farther
degree of vexation of heart. For all the anxiety in
the world cannot bring good success. Besides, no-
thing provoketh the Lord to give ill success sooner,
than when you nourish distrustful caie.
Secondly, Consider the power and faithfulness
of God, who hath taken care of the success of your
labour upon himself: commanding you not to care,
but to " cast all the care upon him." If you would
rest upon this, you might be secure of good success
in your outward state, even according to your desire;
or else God will more than recompense the want
thereof, by causing you to thrive, and to have good
success in spiritual things, which is much better, and
which you should desire much more.
4. A fourth caution to be observed in your pre-
paration to prayer, and in prayer, is, Be not slight
and formal herein, which is, when cursorily and out
of custom only you call your sins, your duties,
God's favours, and his promises, into a bare and
fruitless remembrance. For if the heart be not
seriously affected with anger, fear, grief, and shame
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for sin; and if it be not affected with a thankful
acknowledgment of being beholden to God for his
favours; moreover, if it be not affected with hope
and confidence in God, at the remembrance of his
blessed promises; and if withal, the heart be not
gained to a renewed resolution to reform what is
faulty, and to cry earnestly to God for grace and
mercy; and for the time to come to endeavour to
live a godly life, — all your preparation is nothing.
Nay, this slight and fruitless calling of sin and duty
to remembrance, and no more, is a great emboldener
jaiud strengthener of sins, and a great weakener and
quencher of the Spirit. For sins are like to idle
vagrants, and lawless subjects ; if officers call such
before them, and, either say nothing to them, or
only give them threatening words, but do not smite
them and make them smart, they grow ten times
more bold, insolent, and lawless. 'Good thoughts
are like to dutiful servants and loyal subjects; such
as are ready to come at every call, and offer them-
selves to be employed in all good services. Now if
such be not entertained with suitable regard, if they
be not cherished in their readiness, they, like
David's people, return disheartened, and their edge
to future service is taken off. Besides, this cursory
performing of holy duties, is the highway to a habit
of hypocrisy, that accursed bane of all that is good.
5. My last caution is, that if in your meditations,
and in your prayers, you find a dulness and want of
spirituality, I would have you to be humbled in the
sense of your impotency and infirmity : yet, be not
discouraged nor give them over, but rather betake
yourself to these duties with more diligence and
D 3\
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earnestness. When you want water, (your pump
being dry) you, by pouring in a little water, and
much labour in pumping, can fetch water ; so, by
much labouring the heart in preparation, and by
prayer, you may recover the gift of prayer. And,
a& when your fire is out, by laying on fuel, and by
blowing the spark remaining, you kindle it again —
so, by meditation, you ^* stir up the grace that is
in you," and by the breath of prayer, may revive and
inflame the spirit of grace and prayer in you. Yet,
if you find that you have not time to prepare by
meditation ; or having done so, if you find a con-
fusion and distraction in your meditation, then it will
be best to break through all hinderances, and
without further preparation attend to the duty of
prayer, only with premeditation of God to' whom,
and of Christ by whom, through the Spirit, you
must pray.
If for all this you do not find satisfaction in these
holy exercises, yet give them not over : for God is
many times best pleased with your services, when,
through an humble sense of your failings, you are
displeased with yourself for them. Yet more, if
when you have wrestled and striven with God and
your own heart in prayer, you are forced to go
halting away, with Jacob, in the sense of your in-
firmities; yet be not discouraged, for it is a good
sign that you have prevailed with God as Jacob did.
God useth, when he is overcome by prayer, to
work in them that do overcome some sense of weak-
ness, to let them know, that they prevail with him
in prayer; not by any strength of their own, or by
any worthiness of their prayer, when they have
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.prayed b^st; but from the goodness of God's free
grace, from the worthiness of Christ's intercession,
by whom they offer up their prayers, and from the
truth of his promise made unto them that pray. If
it were not thus, many, when they have their hearts'
desire in prayer, would ascribe all to the goodness
of their prayers, and not to the free grace of God;
and would be proud of their own strength, which,
in truth, is none at all.
Directions for Walking with Gody in the
Progress of the Day.
I. General Directions.
When you have thus begun the day in prayer
by yourself, seeking peace with God through Jesus
Christ, and craving his grs^cious presence to be with
you, and for you, that day, you must then conscien-
tiously, according to the nature of the day, (be it
one of the six days, or the Lord's day,) apply your-
self to the business of that day, whether it be in
acts of religion, or of your personal calling, or in
any other works belonging unto you, as you are su-
perior or inferior in family, church, or commonwealth :
doing all as in God's sight*
And because all lawful business is ** sanctified by
the word and prayer, and it is part of your calling,
if you are master of a family, to govern your chil-
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dren and servants in the fear of God, and to teach
them to live godly, therefore it is your duty to take
the fittest time on the morning to call them together
and pray with them ; before which prayer, it will be
profitable to read the Scripture in order, with due
reverence, taking all opportunities, in fit times, to
instruct them in the principles of religion, often
pressing the word upon them.
If it be a working-day, with cheerfulness and
diligence, attend to the work of your particular call-
ing. For whosoever hath no calling whereby he
may be profitable to the society of man in family,
church, or commonwealth, or having a lawful calling
doth not follow it, he liveth inordinately. God
never made -any man for play or to do nothing.
And whatsoever a man doth, he must do it by virtue
of his Christian calling, receiving warrant from it,
else he cannot do it in faith, without which no man
can please God. Besides, whosoever is called to
Christianity, hath no way to heaven but by walking
with God in his personal and particular calling, as
well as in his general calling.
1. That you may do this, be sure that the thing
whereabout you labour, either with head or hand,
be lawful and good.
2. Be diligent and industrious ; for the sluggard
and idle person desireth, but hath nothing; but the
diligent band maketh rich.
3. Let there be truth, plainness, and equity in all
your dealings with men. Circumvent and defraud
no man. Make not your own gain the weight and
measure to trade by. I will propose to you sealed
weights and rules, according to which you must
converse with all men. ( .^^oIp
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(L) Consider your neighbour's good as Well as
your own. Weigh impartially with yourself what
proportionable advantage, in common estimation,
your neighbour is like to have for that which you
receive of him. For you must love your neighbour
as yourself. In whatsoever you have to do with
men, you must not look only to your own advantage,
but to the benefit also of your neighbour. Observe,
therefore, the royal law, the standard of all equity in
this kind: ** Whatsoever you (with a rectified judg-
ment and honest heart) would that men should do
unto you, do you even so unto them : for this is the
law and the prophets."
(2.) Be watchful that you let not slip your op-
portunities of lawful advantage ; and take heed lest
in these evil times you be circumvented by fraud and
falsehood, and be insnared by unnecessary surety-
Whereas in every calling there is a mystery, and
for the most part each calling and condition of life
has its special sin or sins, which the devil, and cus-
tom, for gain or credit's sake amongst evil men,
hath made to seem lawful ; yea have put a kind of
necessity upon it, which cannot be shunned without
exposing a man's self to censure, — ^look narrowly,
therefore, by the light of God's word, and by expe-
rience, to find out that or those sins, and then be as
careful to avoid them.
IL Concerning Superiois and Inferiors.
There ate other works also, such as concern you
as you are a si^perior, and in authority; or as you
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are inferior, and subject, either in family, church, or
commonwealth ; in doing which you must act for the
glory of God, following the directions of his word
and Spirit.
I. As you are a superior,
1. Walk worthy of all honour and due respect,
behaving yourself in your place with such holiness,
wisdom, gravity, justice, and mercy; and observing
such a medium between too much rigour and remiss^
ness, between straining your authority too far, and
relaxing it too much, that those under your charge
may have cause to fear and love you.
2. Wait on your oflSce, and be watchful over your
charge with all diligence and faithfulness; using all
good means to direct and preserve them in the du-
ties of godliness and honesty, which is the only end
why God hath set you over thero. The means are,
(1.) Go before them in good example. Examples
of superiors have a kind of constraining power,
working strongly and insensibly upon inferiors.
(2.) Pray with and for them. (3.) Command only
things lawful, possible, and convenient, and only
those to which the extent of your authority from
God and man doth allow you. (4.) As much as in
you lies, procure for them the means, and put them
upon the opportunities of being, and of doing good.
(5.) Prevent, likewise, and remove all occasions of
their being, and of doing evil. (6.) Protect and
defend them, according to your power from all wrongs
and injuries. (7.) When they do well, encourage
them, by letting them see that you take notice as
readily of their well-doing, as of their faults ; and so
far as is fit, let them have the praise and fruit of
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their well-doing. (8.) When they do evil, rebuke
them more or less, according to the nature of their
fault; but never with bitterness, by railing at, or re-
viling them» in terms of disdain and contempt.
There should be always more strength of reason in
your words to convince them of their sin, and to
make them see their danger, and to know how to
be reformed, than heat of anger, in uttering your
own displeasure. (9.) If admonitions and words will
reclaim them, then proceed not to correction and
blows; but if they regard not your reproofs, then,
according to the nature of the fault, and condition
of the person, and the limits of your authority, you
must, in mercy to their soul, give them sufficient
but not excessive punishment. (10.) When you
have done thus, and have waited a convenient time
for their amendment, but find none, when they thus
declare themselves to be rebellious, you must seek
the help of higher authority.
That you may govern according to these direc-
tions, consider well and often. Firsts that those
whom you govern, are such whom you must not
oppress, neither may you rule over them with rigour;
because they now are, or may be, heirs of the same
grace together witli you. Secondly^ Remember of-
ten, that you have a superior in heaven ; that you are
his servant and deputy, governing under him; that
all your authority is from him; and that, at last, a
time will come when you must give account to
him of your government,
11. As you are under authority. (1.) You must
honour and reverence all whom God hath set over
you. (2.J You must obey them, in all such their
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lawful commands as are within the compass of their
authority and commission, and that with fidelity, and
singleness of heart, for the Lord's sake; (3.) You
-must submit to their reproofs, corrections, and just
restraints with patience, without murmuring, or an-
swering again, or resisting. For if you do not
submit to the powers that be ordained of God, or if
you resist them, you rebel against God, and resist
the ordinance of God : which whoso doth, shall re-
ceive to himself damnation or judgment. But if
you, not only for wrath, but chiefly for conscience
to God, do submit yourselves to every ordinance of
man, doing therein the will of God from the heart,
then, whether men requite you or not, you shall be
sure of the Lord to receive the reward of the inhe-
ritance : for thus obeying men, you serve the Lord
in. Concerning Bodily Refieshment and
The constitution of man's soul and body is such,
that they cannot long endure to be employed, and
stand bent with earnestness upon any thing, without
relaxation and convenient refreshment.
L The whole man is refreshed by eating and
drinking: in which you roust be, first, holy; se-
condly, just; thirdly, temperate. (1.) It was their
sill, who fed thenfselves without all fear of God,
Jude 12. Meats and drinks are not sanctified to
a roan, if he be not pure and holy; and if they be
not received with prayer and thanksgiving. (2.) You
must not eat bread of deceit, nor ill-gotten food :
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every man roust eat liis own bread. God would
have no roan to eat the bread of wickedness, nor yet
drink the wine of violence. (3.) Moreover, you must
not eat and drink for gluttony and drunkenness,
to please the palate, and to gorge the appetite ; but
for health and strength.
2. A man, when he is weary, may be refreshed,
likewise, by variety and interchange of the duties of
bis particular and general calling. And the best
recreation to a spiritual mind, when it is weary of
worldly employments, is to walk into Christ's garden;
and there, by reading and meditating, singing of
Psalms, and holy conference, you may soFace your-
sdf with the sweet comforts of the Holy Spirit, and
enliven your heart with joy in God, even joy in the
Holy Ghost; and a delight in the commandments
and word of God. These are the most profitable,
most ravishing, and most lasting delights of all others.
And by how much the soul is of a more spiritual,
heavenly constitution, by so much more it will con-
tent and satisfy itself in these delights.
Yet since bodily and natural delights, are part of
our Christian liberty, therefore, taking heed that you
abuse not your liberty, you may, when you have
need, recreate yourself with them. Now that you
may innocently enjoy recreation, follow these direc-
1. The matter of your recreation must be of a
common nature, and of things of indifferent use^
Things holy are too good, and things vicious are
loo bad, to be sported or played with.
3. Recreations nnist be seasonable for time ; not
on the Lord's day, in which time God forbiddeth all
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men to seek their own pleasures. Usually, direr*
sions must be used not before, but after the body or
mind hath been thoroughly employed in honest
business. Not over long, to the expense and loss
of your precious time, which you should study to
redeem, not to trifle away.
3. Recreations must always be inoffensive; such
as do no harm to yourself, or to your neighbour.
If your diversions do impeach or hazard your own,
or your neighbour's life, estate, or comfortable living,
they are unlawful.
4. Recreation must be moderate, not sensual or
brutish ; looking at no higher or farther end than
earthly delights. For as he that eateth anddrink-
eth that he may enlarge his appetite, to eat and
drink yet more; so he who sporteth that he may
sport, is brutish and sensual. It is very Epicurism:
God hath threatened that he who loveth sport, shall
be a poor man, and he that loveth wine and oil, shall
not be rich.
5. Whatsoever your diversions be, you must so
recreate the outward man, that you be no worse, but
rather better in the inward man. For God hath
set such a blessed order in all lawful things, that the
meanest being, lawfully used, shall not hinder, but
assist us in the best things.
6. In all recreations you must propose the right
end. The next and immediate end is to revive your
weary body, and to quicken your dull mind; but
your highest and principal end is, that with this re-
freshed body and quickened spirit, you may the bet-
ter serve and glorify God ; that whether you eat or
drink, or whatsoever you do else, all may be done
to the glory of God
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This may serve for direction how you should walk
with God upon. any of the six days, except there be
special cause of setting a day apart for holy use, as
for fasting and prayer.
Of Religious Fasting.
I. The Nature of^ and Reasons for^ Religious
The fast which I mentioned in the former chap-
ter, of which I am now to treat, is a religious fast.
Which is, sanctifying a day to the Lord by a willing
abstinence from meat and drink, from delights and
worldly labours, that the whole man may be more
thoroughly humbled before God, and more fervent
in prayer.
This fast hath two parts ; the one, outward — the
chastening the body ; the other, inward — the afflict-
ing of tlie soul; under which are contained all those
religious acts which, concern the setting of the heart
right towards God, and the seeking help of God for
those things, for which the fast is intended.
• Take fasting strictly for bodily abstinence, so it
is an indifferent thing, and is no part of God's wor-
ship. But take it a^ it is joined with the inward
part, and is referred to a religious end, being a pro-
fession of an extraordinary humiliation; and it is a
great assistance to a man's spiritual and reasonable
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service of God, giving a stronger and speedier wing to
prayer, which must always go with it ; sa it is^ more
than an ordinary worship. It hath the name from
the outward part, it heing most sensible; but hath its
excellency and efficacy from the inward, being that
for which the outward is observed.
A fast is called public, when a whole state, or
when any one public congregation doth fast. Pri-
vate, when one alone, one family, or some few to-
gether do fast. Public and private fasts have their
warrant from the New Testament, as well as from
the Old; which showeth that religioui^ fasts w^re
not peculiar to the Jews, but are a Christian duty^
belonging to all fitly qualified for them.
In the sacred scriptures we have manifold exam-
ples of private fasts, and examples and command-
ment for public ones. Our Lord and Saviour said,
that his disciples after his departure from them
should fast, and giveth directions to all concerning -
private fasts. The apostle speaketh of husbands
and wives abstaining from conjutral embraces^ that
they might give themsdves to fasting and prayer.
And we have repeated examples of the apostles and
primitive Christians for religious fasts. All which
prove fasting to be a Christian duty.
The case of a person's self, or family, the church,
or commonwealth, may be such, that ordinary humi-
liation and prayer will not suffice. For, as there
were some devils that could not be cast out, but by
fasting and prayer, so it may lie that such hardness
of heart may be grown upon a person, or some sinful
lusts may have gotten so much strength, that they
will not be subdued; some evils, private and public,
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(I Sam. viir 5r 7. Judges xx. 18, 23. compared
with verse 26.) which cnniiot be preyented or removed ;
som^e special graces and blessings, which shall not be
obtained or continued, but with the most importunate
seeking of God by fasting and prayer.
Reasons for fasting.
Fasting is contrary to that fuhiess of bread, which
maketh both body and soul more disposed to vice,
and indisposed to religious duties, through drowsi-
ness of head, heaviness of heart, dulness and dead*
ness of spirit. Now these being removed, and the
dominion of the flesh subdued by fasting, the body
will be brought into subjection to the soul, and both
body and soul to the will of God, more readily than
otherwise thf y would be.
A day of fasting is a great assistance to the soul,
for the better performing of holy duties, such as
meditation, reading, and hearing the word, prayer,
examining', judging, and reforming a person's self;
both because his spirits are better disposed, when he
is fasting, to seiious devotion; and the mind being
so long taken wholly off from the thoughts, cares,
and pleasures of this life, he may be more intent and
earnest in seeking of God.
Fasting is an open profession of guiltiness before
God,' and anexpression of sorrow and humiliation ;
being a real acknowledgment of man's un worthiness,
even of the common necessaries of this present life.
But it is not enough that the body be chastened,
if the soul be not also afflicted, because it is else
but a mere bodily exercise, which profiteth little;
nay, it is but a hypocritical fast, abhorred and
ooiidemned of God; frustrating a chief end of the
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fast, which is that the soul may be afflicted. Afflict-
ing the soul worketh repentance; another chief end,
and companion of fasting: "for godly sorrow worketh
repentance, never to be repented of."
When the soul is afflicted and heavy laden with
sin, then a man will readily and earnestly seek after
God, even as the sick do to the physician for health,
and as a condemned man to the king for a pardon.
In their affliction, saith God, they will seek me
diligently. If this be true of the outward, then
much more of inward affliction.
The afflicted soul is a fit object of God's mercy;
to him doth God look that is poor, and of a contrite
spirit, that trembleth at his word ; yea, the bowels
of his fatherly compassion are troubled for him, who
is troubled and ashamed for his sin.
Moreover, upon a day of humiliation, if a roan
deal sincerely, this affliction of his soul driveth him
quite out of himself to seek help of God in Christ;
and maketh him endeavour to bring his soul into
such good frame, that he may truly say he doth not
" regard iniquity in his heart," and that his unfeigned
purpose is, and endeavour shall be, to keep a good
conscience toward God and man alway. Whence
fblloweth boldness, and assurance, through Christ
Jesus, that God will be found of him, and that in
God's own time, and in the best manner, he shall
have all his holy desires fulfilled.
Who are to observe religious fasts.
All whom lawful authority enjoineth, are to keep
a public fast, so far as health will permit.
These only may keep a private fast :
1. Such as are of understanding: else how cau
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they search out their ways, judge themselves, or
pray. In public fasts, if authority think fit, little
children may be caused to fast, that the parents,
and others of understanding, may, as by objects of
misery, be stirred up to a more thorough humiliation;
but, in private, children and idiots are to be ex-
2. Novices and unexperienced Christians are not
usually to fast in private : — such were Christ's disci-
ples. When exception was taken at our Saviour,
because they fasted not, he excuseth them, not only
that it was unseasonable to fast in a time of joy,
while he, the bridegroom, was with them; but be-
cause they were not able to bear so strong an exer-
cise, they being like old vessels and old garments,
which would be made worse rather than better by
the new wine, or new cloth of fasting. Strong
physic is good, but not for babes. There is not
the same reason why they may fast in private as in
public ; because the minister by teaching them, and
by praying with them, and for them, taketh from
them the greatest part of the burden of the fast in
3. All such as are not in their own power, are
not to keep a private fast, when those under whose
power they are shall expressly contradict it. For
the husband might disallow the vow of his wife, even
that wherewith she had bound herself to afflict her
soul by fasting. Wherefore none may fast against
the will of those who have full power to command
their service and attendance.
When, and how long, fasts are to be obseTveA. —
Public fasts are to be 'kept as often as' auiVvotvV.^.
shall see cause,
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Private, as often as a man shall have more than;
ordinary cause of seeking unto God, either for others
or himself, for removing or preventing imminent
judgments from the church and commonwealth, or
for procuring their necessary good, for subduing
some headstrong lust, for obtaining some necessary
grace, or special blessing, for preparing himself for;
some special service of God, or the like.
Though I cannot but justly complain of Chris-
tians seldom fasting, yet I dare not allow you to
make this extraordinary exercise of religion to be
ordinary and common : for then it will soon degen-
erate into mere form or superstition ; but wish you to
observe it as you shall have special occasion, and
when ordinary seeking of God is not likely to prevail.
It is indifferent which of the six days you set
apart for fasting ; let it be as shall best suit with
your occasions. As for the Lord's day, though it
cannot be denied but that if the present necessity
require, you may fast upon that day, neither can I
utterly deny servants, and such as are under the
power of others, if they can have no other time,
sometimes to make choice of that day; yet because
the Sabbath is a day of Christian cheerfulness,, and
fasting is somewhat of the nature of a free-wili of-
fering, I think you will do best to set such a day
apart to yourself for fasting, which is more your
own, and not the Lord's day. .
The scripture hath not determined how long a
continued fast should be kept. We have examples
that some have fasted a longer time, as three days,
some a shorter, but none less tlian one day. In
hotter countries they could, withoutinjury to health.
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abstain from food longer than we can who live in a,
colder ; but I think the body cannot usually be suf-
ficiently afflicted through want of food in less time
than one day.
Thus I have proved religious fasting to be a
Christian duty. And have shown what it is; who
should and may fast, when and how long. It re*
maiueth.that I show you how you may keep a fast
acceptable to God, and profitable to yourself; which
is the principal thing to be regarded in a fast. And
this do I the rather, because many well-afiected
Christians have professed that they would gladly set
about this duty, but ingenuously confess that they
know not how to do it, and, in particular, how to
be intent and spiritually employed, for want of
matter, for a whole day together. But of this in
the next section.
II. Directions for the keejpitig a Religious Fast.
Byway of preparation to a religious fast, do thus:
Take but a moderate supper the night before; for
if a man glut himself over night, he will be more
unfit for the duty of humiliation the next day, and it
difFereth in effect little from breaking of fast next
When you commend yourself to God alone by
prayer that night (as every good Christian doth)
then set yourself* in a special manner to seek the
Lord, as the saints of God, in the beginning of their
fasts, have done; proposing to yourself the end of
your intended fast; remembering this, that if the
chief occasion and end be your own private good.
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that you forget not others, nor the public; or if it be
the public, yet mind also your own private: for until
you have renewed your own peace with God, your
fasting and praying will prevail little for the publicf
And God having joined the public with our private
good in prayer, we must not disjoin them in our
fasting. Resolve with yourself, to the utmost of
your power, to keep a r.eligious fast unto God, ac-
cording to his will. For this cause in your prayers
add serious petitions to God for his grace to assist
you therein.
When you awake that night, let not your
thoughts be upon worldly business, much less upon
any evil thing; but let them be holy, such as may
tend to the assistance of the holy duties of the next
Also, if necessity hinder not, arise early on the
day of your fast. It is most agreeable to a day of
fasting, whereon your flesh is to be subdued, that
you allow not yourself so much sleep as at other
times. It is probable, that for this cause some lay
on the ground, others in sackcloth, in the nights of
their fasts, not only to express, but to assist their
humiliation, by keeping them from sleeping over
much, or over sweetly.
When the day is come, be strict in observing the
outward fast. To this end,
I. Forbear all meat and drink, until the set time
of the fast be ended, which usually is about supper
time. A general council in the primitive church
decreed, that total abstinence should be observed
until evening prayer was ended. In case of neces-
sity', that is, when total abstinence will indeed dis«
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able you from attending to the chief duties of that
day, you may eat or drink; for in such cases God
will have mercy rather than sacrifice: but then it
must be a small refreshment, and that not of a
dainty kind; only such and so much as may remove
the impediment to the spiritual performance of the
duties of that day.
2. Abstain from all other worldly delights, as (so
far as will stand with comeliness) from fine apparel»
from all recreations and pleasant music, from the
marriage bed, and the like.
3. Abstain from all worldly labour, as upon a
Sabbath day; for worldly business, and the cares
thereof, do distract the thoughts, and hinder devo-
tion, as well as worldly delights; and a ceasing from
these giveth a full opportunity to holy employments
the whole day. Therefore the Jews were com-
manded to sanctify a fast. And that yearly fast,
called the " day of atonement," was, upon peril o{
their lives, to be kept by a forbearance of all manner
of work. Now although the ceremonials of that day
are abolished in Christ, yet, forbearing work, as
well as meat and drink (being of the substance and
morality of a fast) doth remain to be observed in all
truly religious fasts.
Thus much for the outward fast: you must be as
strict in observing the inward.
Begin the day with prayer, according as I directed
you to do every day; but with more than ordinary
preparation; with fervency and faith, praying for
God's special grace, to enable you to sanctify a fast
that day, according to the commandment.
Then apply yourself to the main work of the day^
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which hath these parts: (1.) Unfeigned humiliation:
(2.) Reformation, together with reconciliation ; and
(3.) Earnest invocation.
The soul is then humbled, the heart broken and
truly afflicted, when a man is become vile in his own
eyes, through consciousness of his own unworthiness,
and when his heart is full of grief and anguish
through fear of God's displeasure; and with godly
sorrow and holy shame in himself, and anger against
himself for sin. These affections excited da much
afflict the heart.
This deep humiliation is to be wrought, partly by
awakening your conscience through a sight of the
law, and apprehensions of God's just judgments due
to you for the breach of it, which will break your
heart; and partly by the gospel, raising your mind
to an apprehension and admiration of the love of
God to you in Christ, which will melt your heart,
and cause you the more kindly to grieve, and to loathe
yourself for sin, and also to entertain hope of mercy,
whence will follow reconciliation, reformation, and
holy calling upon God by prayer.
To work this humiliation, there must be.
First, Examination, to find out your sins.
Secondly, An accusation of yourself, with due
aggravation of your sins.
Thirdly, Judging and passing sentence against
yourself for sins.
Sin is the transgression of the law, and revealed
will of God : wherefore for the better finding out of
your sins, you must set before you God's holy law,
for your light and rule. And if you have not
learned, or cannot remember the heads of the mani-
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fold duties commanded, or vices forbidden, then get
some catalogue or table, wherein the same are set
down to your hand; which you may read with serious
consideration and self-inquiry, fixing your thoughts
most upon those particular sins whereof you find
yourself most guilty.
If you do not meet with one more fit for your
purpose, then use the following table. ' But expect
not herein an enumeration of all particular sins and
duties, whieh would require a volume; but of those
which are principal and most common ; by which, if
your conscience be awakened, it will bring to your
remembrance other sins and omissions of duly, not
mentioned in the table, of which you may be guilty.
The first table of the law concerns the duties of
love and piety to God, the performance whereof
tendeth immediately to the glory of God, and me-
diately to the salvation and good of man.
1st, TAe first commandment respecteth the loving^
servings and glorifying the only true God, as
your God, Exod. xx. 2, 3.
Examining yourself by this (and so in the other
commandments) think thus with yourself: Do I
know and acknowledge the only true God to be such
a one as he hath revealed himself in his word and
works, namely, one only infinite, immaterial, immu-
table, incomprehensible spirit, and everlasting Lord
God; having being and all-sufficiency in and from
himself; one who. is absolutely full of all perfections,
and incapable of the least defect; being wisdom,
goodness, omnipotence, love, truth, mercy, justice,
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holiness, and whatsoever is originally and of itself
excellent. The only Potentate, King of kings,
Lord of lords, of whom, through whom, and to
whom are all things. The Father, Son, and Holy ^
Ghost, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Do I believe his word, in all things related, com-
manded, promised, and threatened therein? and that
his holy and wise providence is in all things? Have
I him and his word in continual remembrance?
Do I esteem and exalt God in my heart above all,
so that it doth humbly adore him at the very men-
tion and thought of him; judging myself to be
nothing in mine own eyes, yea, esteeming all crea-
tures to be nothing in comparison of him?
Have 1 given religious worship to him only?"
Have I believed in him, and in him only? Have I
sworn by him as there hath been cause, and by him
alone? Have I prayed unto him, and to him alone?
And sought to obtain help of him only by such
means as he hath appointed ; giving the glory and
thanks of my being and well-being, and of all other
things which are good unto him?
Is my conscience so convinced of the truth and
authority of God, that it holdeth itself absolutely
bound to obey him in all things, so that it doth incite
to that which is good, restrain from that which is
evil, encourage me in well-doing, and check me
when I do ill ?
is my will resolved upon absolute and unfeigned
obedience; to do whatsoever God conimandeth, to
forbear whatsoever he forbiddeth, to subscribe to
whatsoever he doth, as well done ; and have I borne
patiently, all that, which either by himself or by any
of hi^ creatures, he hath inflicted upon me?,
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Have mine affections been so for God, that I
have loved him with all my heart, loving nothing
more than him, nothing equal to him? Do I hate
every thing that is contrary to him? Hath my con-
fidence been only in him, and my expectation of
good from him? Have my desires been to him, and
for him, longing above all things to have communion
with him ? Hath it been my greatest fear to offend
him, or to be separated from him ? Hath it been
my greatest grief and shame that I have sinned
against him ? Have I rejoiced in God as my chief
good? Hath mine anger risen against whatsoever
I saw contrary to his glory? Have I been zealous
for God? And have I made him the utmost end of
all mine actions ?
Hath my whole outward man, as tongue, senses,
and all other active powers of my body, been em-
ployed in the service of the true God, and yielded
obedience to his will ?
Or, contrariwise, am I not guilty of denying of
God in word, in works, or at least in heart? ques-
tioning the truth of his being, and of his word,
denying his providence, power, or some other of his
divine attributes? Have I not been ignorant of
God, and of his will, and erroneous and misbelieving,
if not heretical in my conceptions concerning God
the Father,. Son, or Holy Ghost?
Have I not been over curious in prying into the
nature and secret counsels of God, beyond the rule
of the revealed will of God? Have I not put my-
self, or any other creature in the place of -God?
through pride preferring, and resting upon mine
own way and will before God's, or, by making my-
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self mine utmost end, professing God and bis religion,
only to serve my own designs, or by seeking to the
creature, instead of the Creator ?
Have I not been forgetful of God, and of his
will ? Is not my conscience impure, blind, deluded,
or seared; and my will perverse, obstinate, impatient,
and murmuring against God, and full of dissimulation ?
Have I not set my affections upon the world,
rather than upon God, loving that which is evil,
hating that which is good, yea, God himself, if not
directly, yet in his holiness, shining in his ordi-
nances and in his children, or as he is a severe inflic-
ter of punishment? fearing man more than God,
trusting in the creature, making something besides
God my chief joy? Have I not presumed, when I
had cause to despair, and despaired after that I had
cause to hope? Have I not tempted God many
ways? And have I not in the matters of God been
either cold, lukewarm, or blindly or preposterously
Hath there not « been a proneness in my whole
outward roan, to rebel against God ?
8d, The second commandment concemeth all such
worship of God^ *xhich he only hath appointed;
whereby he communicateth himself to man^ and
man again maketh profession of him : forbidding
(under one kind) all such as are not by him or- ,
dainedj Exod. xx. 4—6.
Think thus: Have I worshipped God in spirit i
and truth, in all the kinds and parts of his worship, i
public and private, ordinary or extraordinary; as, by ^
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faearingj reading, aii4 meditating of his word; bj
by praying,! praising, and giving thanks to him; by
a light use of his sacraments, baptism, and the
Lord's supper; and by reBgious fasting, religious
feasting, and making of vows, according as I have
had special occasion? And have I done what has
been in my power for the m)aintaiuing and promot-
ing of God's true worship; and have I, according to
my place, executed aright, or submitted unto the
govemraent and discipitue of the church of God ?
Or, besides the omissicMQ of the former duties, am
I not guilty, some way or other, of iddl-worship,
conceiving of God in my mind, or representing him
to my sense, in the likeness of any creature?
Have I not added to or detracted from, any part
of God's worship? Have I not run into the ap-
pearances and occasions of idolatry, as, by presence
at idol-service, by marriage and needless familiarity
with idolatrous persons ? ' At least, is not my heart
guilty of not hating, but rather lingering after,
idolatrous worship? Have I not been guilty of
superstition or will-worship, &c. ?
3d, TAe third commandment concemeth the glory of
GocCs holy name^ shining forth in his titles^ at-
tributes^ religion^ word^ ordinances^ people^ or
any thiTig that hath in it any signatures of his
holiness or excellency ; forbidding (he taking of
it in vainj and that in all words or actions^ re^
tigious or common, Exod. ^, 7.
Have I glorified God, by answering my holy
profession, with a holy and unblameable conversa-
E / 31 ,
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tion ; by performing all holy duties with due prepara-
tion, knowledge and devotion, also by thinking and
speaking of the names and holy things of God with
holy reverence ; and in particular by fearing an oath?
Or, have I not caused the name, religion, and
people of God, to be ill thought of, and dishonoured
by my evil course of living, or at least by commi-
ting some gross sin? Am I not guilty of rash, un-
prepared, heedless, forgetful, and fruitless reading,
hearing, receiving the sacraments, or performances
of any other part of the worship of God ?
Have I not thought or spoken blasphemously or
contemptuously of God, or any of the things of God ?
Have I not used the name of God needlessly,
rashly, wickedly, or falsely in swearing, or lightly
in my salutations, admirations, or otherwise in my
ordinary discourse ?
Have I not abused the name of God, his scrip-
tures, his ordinances and creatures, using them for
other purposes than he alloweth, as, for sports,
charms, or any sorcery, luxury, or the like ? Have
1 not passed by the great works of God's power,
mercy, and judgments, (especially of his redeeming
love in Christ Jesus,) without due observation and
acknowledgment of God therein ?
4th, The fourth commandment concerneth the or-
dinary solemn time of the service and worship of
Godf reqtiiritig that the seventh day (now our
Lord^s day) be ^ept as a holy rest, Exod. xx.
Have I upon the six days remembered the Lord's
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day, that I might despatch all ray worldly business,
and prepare my heart, that when it came I might
keep a holy Sabbath to the Lord, according to the
commandment? Did I, according as my health
would permit, rise early on that day ?
Have I performed my daily (both morning and
evening) exercises of religion alone, and with my
family, that day in prayer ?
Have I caused all under my authority, according
to my power, to rest from all manner of works and
worldly recreations; also myself, not only from the
labour of my body, but of my mind in all worldly
business; except about the things that concern
common honesty, and comeliness, works of mercy,
and such works of necessity as could not be done
before, or let alone till afterwards ?
Have I always prepared my heart before I went
into the house and presence of God, by meditation
of God's word and works, and in particular by ex-
amination and reformation of my ways, by prayer,
thanksgiving, and holy resolution to carry myself as
in God's presence, and to hear and obey whatsoever
I should be taught out of the word of God ?
Have I caused my family to go with me to the
church ? And did I with them come in due time,
and, being there, stay the whole time of prayer,
reading, and preaching of the word, singing of*
psalms, receiving and administering the sacraments,
even that of baptism, when others are baptized ; and
did I attend diligently, and join with the minister
and the rest of the congregation in all those holy
Did I spend the day, after the morning and even-
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ing prayers, sermons, or catechising, in meditation,
and (as I had opportunity) in conference and repeti-
tion of what I had heard ? Also in visiting the sick,
and other works of mercy; and so, from the begin'-
iiing to the end of the day, have heen employed in
holy thoughts, words, and deeds, and all this with
spiritual delight ?
Or, am I not guilty of forgetting the Lord's day
before it came, and of neglecting and profaning it
when it came? as by mere idleness, or by taking
opportunity of leisure from the business of my call*
ing to be licentious in company keeping, &c. or by
reserving that day for journeys, idle visits, and for
despatch of worldly business ?
Have I not been careless of the service of God,
frequenting it no oftener than law, or very shame
did compel me ?
Have I not been careless whether my servants or
children, did keep the Sabbath or not ? And when I
was at church, did I not idle away the time, by gaz-
ing about, or by sleeping, or by worldly thoughts ?
Have I not bought, sold, spoken of, or donfi
other works forbidden to be done, spoken, or con-
trived upon that day ?
Have I not, under the name of recreation, sought
mine own pleasure, using sports and games, which
cause the mind to be more indisposed to the due
performance of holy duties than honest labours do,
to which they are subordinate, and with thera for-
bidden to be done that day ?
Hath not the strict Observance of the Sabbath
been at least tedious to me, so that I could have
-wished that it liad J)een gone long before it was
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5th, 754^ second table concerneth duties of love and
righteousness towards many the performance
whereof tendeth immediately to the good of man;
biU mediately to the proof of his being tndy re~
ligiouSf and to the glory of God.
God made ipan not to be alone^ nor to be only
for himself; therefore, for the greater good of man-
kind, he hath endued men with variety of gifts, and
degrees of place, some excelling others, both in
family, church, and commonwealth; yet so as each
is excellent in his gift and place, even the meanest
made worthy of respect from the greatest, because
of his usefulness for the common good: even as the
least member of the natural body is truly useful and
to be respected as well, though not so much, as the
most honourable.
Now when each member in the body politic doth
acknowledge the several gifts and mutual use one of
another, according to their place, then is there a
sweet harmony in the society of man, and there is a
sure foundation laid of all good offices of love between
man and man.
Wherefore, in the first place, God in the fifth
commandment, Exod. xx. 12. provideth that the
order which he had set amongst men, should inviol-
ably be observed; requiring all inferiors, under the
name of children, to honour their superiors, that is,
to acknowledge that digtaity and excellency which is
in them, showing it in giving due respect unto their
persons and names; implying that all superiors
should walk worthy of honour, and that they should
mutually show good respect to their inferiors^ seek-
ing their good, as well as their own. ogtzedbyLiOOgle
Concerning this fifth commandment, think thus:
Do I live in a lawful calling ? And have I walked
worthy my general calling of Christianity, and dis-
charged my particular calling, and employed the
gifts which God gave me, for the good of society,
of man, in family, church, or commonwealth ?
Have I honoured all men, for that they were
made after the image of God, and have yet some re-
mains thereof; are capable of having it renewed, if
it be not renewed already ; and because they are or
may be useful for the common good of man ; using
them with all courteousness and kind respect; ex-
cepting when, and wherein, they have made them-
selves vile by open wickedness; so that it will not
stand with the glory of God, good of others, or of
themselves, or with the discharge of my place, to
show them countenance? Have I shown my due
respect to others, in praying to God, and, as there
hath been cause, in giving him thanks for them ?
Have I conceived the best, that in charity I
might, of others? And by love have endeavoured,
according to my place, to cure their grosser evils,
and ta cover their infirmities? And have I to my
power promoted my neighbour's good name and re-
putation, and have I been contented, nay desirous,
ih^t he should be esteemed as well, nay, better than
myself? And have I, both in his life-time, and after
his death, given him the honour of common hu-
manity, as in common civilities at least, and in comely
burial, so far as any way it did belong to me, and in
maintaining his injured reputation? &c.
Have I, being superior to others in gifts of any
kind, as, learning, wit, wealth, strength, &c. em*
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ployed those gifts to the honour of God, and the
good of man, more than others ?
As I am beyond others in years, am I superior to
them in gravity, good counsel, and good example ?
As I am above others in authority, do I ac-
knowledge that it is not originally in me, but de-
rived to me from God, and have I held it, and used
it for him ? keeping within the due limits thereof,
governing with wisdom and moderation ; procuring
the good of their bodies and souls, so far as lay in
me ; commanding only things lawful and convenient;
encouraging them in well-doing, by commendation
and rewards ; preventing evil as much as I could,
and. restraining it in them by seasonable and due
reproofs, according to the quality of the offence,
and of the person, when fairer means would not
prevail ?
As I am an equal; have I esteemed others better
than myself, and striven in honour to prefer them ?
As I am below others in gifts and age, have I in
word and gesture, shown them due reverence, and
thankfully made use of their good parts and experi-
ences ?
As I am under authority, whether in family,
church, or commonwealth, have I submitted myself
to all my governors, reverencing their persons,
obeying readily all those their lawful commandments,
which are within the compass of their authority to
enjoin me ? Have I received their instructions, and
borne patiently and fruitfully their reproofs and cor-
rections ?
Or do I not live without a lawful calling ? or idly
. or unprofitably in it ? Hare I not buried or abused
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ny talent^and place,: to the hurtxathsr tb«iiith&gpo4
of myself and others ? .
Have I not been higbroiindedy esteemkig better
of myself than there, wascause^ seeking, after the
vain applause of men ?
Have I. not despised others?. Yea^ those who
were goo(}, yea, my .superiors? Showings it b^^^my
irreverent, gestures^. and bymy speecshes. tothens
and of them? Have I no^ some wayior other,, de-
tracted from, and.dimsnx6hedlbecredH4>f others, .01%
at least, envied their dqe ostimatioB? ..:..-.
As I am a superior, have I not carried myself in*-
solently, lightly, or dissolutely?
As I am under authotityy iiave I not carried mf^
self stubbornly and undutifiilly? .
6th, God having set an order in human society ^
doth next provide for the life and safety of the
person of many noho must keep this orders and
make this society^ by Jbrbiddingy in the sixth
commandment, nsjkatsoever may take it away^ or
impair it.
Have I had a car^ of mine^ovn health, in a sober
use of meat, drink, labour, sleep, recieatioB,- physic,
or whatever rise is apt to promote l)eahh, aud to
prevent disease?
Have I been, or am I meek, patient, Iong^sitff«>-
ing, easy to be appeased, apt ta forgive, full. of com-
passion, kind, merciful ;. showing, air these in SO&
speeches, gentle answers, courteous behaviour, re-
quiting evil with good, comforting the s^ieted,> re-
lieving the needy, peace^making, .di4^8 ^
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other offices of Iove» which might tend to my neigh*
hour's safety or comfort ?
Or, have I not wished myself dead, or neglected
the me^ns of my health ? Have I not impaired it,
by surfeits, by excessive labour or sports, by fretting
and over grieving, or by any other means ? And
have I not had thoughts of doing myself harm ?
Have 1 not been angry unadvisedly, maliciously,
and revengefully ? showing surly gestures and be-
haviour, as sour looks, shaking the head or hand,
gnashing the teeth, stamping, mocking, railing,
cursing, quarrelling, smiting, hurting, or taking
away the life of man in any way, without God's
allowance ?
Have I not been a sower of discord, or some
way or other been an occasion of tlie discomfort, if
not the death of others?
7th, The seventh commandment concerneth chastity,
whereby God provideth for a pure propagation
and conservation of mankind; forbidding all
bodily pollutiony under the name of adultery^
Exod. XX. 13*
Have I been modest, sober, shamefaced, possess-
ing my body in chasity, shutting mine eyes, and
stopping mine ears, and restraining my other senses
from all objects aud occasions of lust ? bridling my
tongue from lascivious speeches; forbearing all
manner of obsceneness and wantonness; abstaining^
from self-pollution, fornication, or any other natural
or unnatural defilement of my body, either in deed ov
desire ?
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And being married, was I wise in my choice?
and have I kept the marriage-bed undefiled, through
a sanctified, sober, and seasonable use thereof?
Or, am I not guilty of manifold acts of unclean-
ness; at least of immodest looks, touches and em-
braces; of wanton speeches, gestures, apparel, and
Have I not run into the manifold occasions of
adultery and uncleanness: as idleness, gluttony,
drunkenness, choice of such meats, drinks, or any
other things that provoke lust; efieminate dancing,
frequenting wanton company, or of unseasonable
conversing with the other sex alone ?
8th, The eighth covimandment concemeth the pre-
servQtion of man^s goodsy the means of his com-
fortable maintenance in this life^ Jbrbidditig all
injuries and wrongs^ under the name ^stealing.
Have I a good title to the things which I pos-
sess, as by lawful inheritance, gift, reward, contract,
or any other way which God alloweth? Have I
been industrious and faithful in my calling, frugal
and provident ? Have I done that for which I have
received pay or maintenance from others; and have
I given to every man his own, whether tribute,
wages, debts, or any other dues?
Or, have I not got my living by an unlawful call-
ing? or have I impoverished myself and mine by
idleness, luxurious and unnecessary expenses? by
gaming, unadvised suretyship, or otherwise? Have
^ not withheld from myself or others, through covet-
ness, that which should have been expended ?
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Have I not gotten or kept my neighbour's goods, .
by fraud, oppression, falsehood, or by force, and
made no restitution ? Have I not some way or other
impaired my neighbour's estate ?
9th, The ninth commandment concerneth truth of
speech; the great means of intercourse between
man and man^ and of preserving the rights^ and
redressing the disorders of human society; Jbr^
bidding all falsehood of speech^ under the name
of bearing false witness, Exod. xx. 14.
Have I at all times, in all things spoken the
truth from my heart? giving testimony, in public
or private, by word or writing, of things concerning
mine own or neighbour's name, credit, life, chastity,
goods, or in any matters of speech between me or
others, whether in affirming, denying, with or with-
out oath, or in any bare reports, promises, or in any
other way?
Or am I not guilty of telling lies jcbiiiigly,
officiously, or perniciously? Have I not raised,
spread, or received false reports of my neighbour?
Have I not spoken falsely in buying and selling ;
also in commending by word or writing unworthy
persons, in dispraising the good, in boasting of my-
self, or flattering of others ?
Have I not given false evidence, used equivoca-
tions, or concealed the truth which I should have
spoken, or perverted it when I did speak it ?
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10th, The tenth commandment eoncemeth content-
ment mth a inan*s aom condition; the fotmdatian
of all orde}* and justice amongst men; forbidding
the contrary^ namely ^ coveting Ma/ which is not
hisj Exod. xiL. 15.
Am I contented with mine own condition, as,'
with my place which I hold i^n family^ church, or
commonwealth, with husband or wife, house or
estate ? Can I heartily rejoice in the prosperity of
others, even when they are greater, happier, wiser,
or better than myself?
Or have I not been full of discontents with- my
condition, coveting after something or other which-
was my neighbours? at least by actual concupiscence,^
in multitude of evil and envious thoughts,: arising
from the law of ray members, though my will bath
contradicted them?
Secondly, Rules for Siilf- exam i?mtion from the
Gospel of Christ.
Besides the breaches of God*s holy lawy have J.
not been guilty of many sins, peculiarly, against tlie
gospel of our Lord Jes^is Christ ? Such, as^ op«.
positio4i to, and hatied of Christ, and>his cause;,
being incensed against him, and his method of saL-.
vation ; or vilifying his gospel by word or writing?
Scepticism and gross infidelity, from a disinclina*-:
tion to conviction ; and not impartially,, in the fear,
of God, weighing the evidences in proof of the
heavenly mission of our Lord and Saviour?
Unsound faith; not extended to all the reve^^led
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truths and dnties* of the: gospel; eitbtr through cul-
pable ignorance, strong prejudice, lesolviug t6
believe do. farther than I can comprehemi, er may
be Gonsislent with the .quiet of my conscience in. an
evil course? Or has it been a mere national and
historical f^ith? Hawevci extended to all the doc-
trines, duties, promises^ and: threatenings :of the
gospel, yet not attended with heart-imprefisions^
humbling .the soul, making me poor in spirit at the
feet of Christ; seeking the glory of God «nd the
Redeemer^ and;my own salvation, as. nty: chief busi-
ness? Has it been such a faith that: doth not
purify the heart; that worketh uot by Idve; that
unites not the soul to Chri&t, so as to crucify the
flesh with the afFections^and hists; .that directs not
the whole .conversation by the will and, example of
our acknowledged Lord and Master; not resting by
faith in his promises, .in. all seasons of:adversity and
prosperity ;. that moderates . not fear and hope coni-
cerning things present and temporal, : by looking to
Jesus, and things eternal ; that does not trust and
rely upon Christ alone (in .the prescribed way) for
justification and salvation; submitting, unto the
righteousness of God in him? t
Impcnitency;, not being seriously ; affected with an
humbling-.s^iise of. the odious nature of sin; not
searching out my offences, but hiding and extenuat-
ing them? Not abasing myself for my siiLs (so
many and aggravated) against, all the love of the
Father, the grace of the Son, and the strivings of
the Holy Spirits No, resolved and vigilant; forsak-
ing of sin^ am} bringing leri(h»fruita meet for repen-
tance. . -.:
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Despair of God's mercy in Christ Jesus, saying,
** There is no hope?"
Presumption, and turning the grace of God into
lasciviousness ; continuing in sin, that grace may
Making light of Christ, not esteeming him as the
pearl of great price, and being willing to part with
all to obtain it.
Slighting the benefits of redemption; such as
peace with God through the blood of Christ; the
gift of the Holy Spirit as sanctifier ; meetness for,
and a title to the kingdom of heaven ; and commu-*
nion with God in the way to it?
Undervaluing the means of salvation? The holy
scriptures, secret prayer, public worship, the sacra-
ments, &c. and not being spiritual in, if attendant
upon them.
Great coldness and indifference about the honour
of the sacred name into which I was baptized, and
all the peculiar doctrines of the gospel?
No joyful progress in the works of faith and la-
bours of love, to the full assurance of hope, even
where faith is unfeigned ?
Inconstancy and fickleness in the service of God,
with the natural consequences thereof, despondency,
diffidence, and the ^' spirit of bondage again to fear?"
Slavish fear and cowardice?
Declensions in the love of Christ and the fruits
of holiness; and growing conformity to the world,
luxury, gaiety, pastimes, &c. with increasing inatten-
tion to the soul's immortality, the approach of death
and eternity, the coming of the Lord, the resurrec-
tion and judgment-day, heaven's joys or hell's horrors ?
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Upon the whole,-*-^* How shall man be just with
(or justify himself before) God? If he contend
with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand."
—So that " every mouth must be stopped/' since
** all the world is become guilty before God."—
*^ Being justified (if ever) freely by his grace, through
the redemption that is in Jesus Christ ; whom God
hath set forth (in the most illustrious mannei) to be
a propiation, through faith in his blood."
" Beware," therefore, ^* lest that come upon you
which is spoken of in the prophets: Behold ye
despisers, and wonder, and perish.— Examine your-
selves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own
selves: know ye not your own selves, how that
Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"
Thirdly, Self-judging for Sin. — The evil nature
and effects of Sin.
Thus having by God's holy law found out your
sins, you must arraign and accuse yourself, as it
were, at the bar of God's tribunal; representing your
sins to your mind as they are, in their heinousuess
and mischievousness, according to their several ag-
]. Consider sin in its nature. It is a moral evil, an
irregularity in the soul and actions, an enmity to
God the chief good; it is the worst evil, worse than
the devil and Satan: he had not been a devil but for
sin. Worse than hell, which, as it is a torment, is
caused by sin, and is only contrary to the good of
the creature, whereas sin itself is contrary to the
good of the Creator. It is such a distemper of the
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sotti, that the Bcrjpiure calletb it ' *^ wickedness" of
folly," even ^^ foolishness of madness*"
2. Consideriitg from whence siivin roan had its
original; even from the deril, who is the father of it*
It came, and coBieth from hell; therefore is earthly^
sensual, devilish. Whensoever you sin,' you do
the lusts of the deviU
3. .Consider the nature of the law whereof sin is
a transgression. A law most perfect, most holy,
just, and good; which wtmld ha^e given eterna) life
to the doersr of it, had it not been for this cursed
4. Consider the person against whom sin is com-
mitted, Whom it highly offend eth and provoketh. It
is God, to whom' you owe yourself and all that you
have; who made, and doth preserve you, and yours;
who, though you have sinned, desireth not your
death, nor affiicteth you willingly, but had rather
that you should humble yourself, repent, and live;
who, that- you might be saved, gave his only begot-
ten Son to death, to ransom you ; who, by his mini*
stersy mnketh known his word and good-will towards
you', making proclamation that if you will repent
and believe, you shall be saved; yea, entreateth you
by his ministers to be reconciled to him. It is that
God, who is rich in goodness, forbearance, and long-
suffering, waiting when you will return, that you
may live; who, on the other hand, if you despise
this his goodness, and shall continue in yotrr sin,
thereby provoking the eyes of his glory, is a terrible
and revengeful God; wh€>, if you still err in heart,
and will not walk in bis ways, hath sworn in his
wrath, that you* shall not enter into his rest; who
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. 113
in his vnw^i jsra/cotieiimiog^rey. and'is reAdy and
able to id«8tff)y body, and. son t. in !the etwnel yettr
geance of bell-fir^ . ? .
5. Consider sin iirtbe evil efiects of it, namely^
it brought a eurseupon ihe whole creation for man's
sake ; whereby the croatures are become defeetiio,
and pftontiroes xinseryieeable, . nay, hurtful lo you.
From your sinsicooie* all manner of diseases and
afflictions that ever befell you* This your sia (vuilil
it be repented -ef and pardoned) maketh you.jiate&l
to God — separateth beiweea you and God-'^-causing
him to withbokl good things from you, and to inflict
evil upon ycuy. even' in^ this life.*. It defiletb.tte
whole man,: and every i^enewed act of sin doth
strengthen the body of sin^ and worketh a decay of
grace in you, though you ^ regenerate. And if
it be gross iniquity, if it doth not benumb and sear
your conscience, yet it will- wound it, aiid break the
peace thereof, if it be tender^ vexing it as motes do
your eye, or thorns your feet ; causing terrors and
doubtings of salvation; God withdrawing his favour
and loving countenance from you ;and^ if you be
not in Christ, it will in the end bring upon you
everlasting dainnatioiu :
6. Consider the ransom fbf sin, who paid it, and
what waa paid; consider Christ Jesus who he .was,
and what he did and suffered to take away your sin.
>He, the only ' Son of Godj very God, . did veil his
glory for a time, and left heaiven to .dwell in the
tabernacle iofihuniaB flesfbj takiug.upon him tbe estate
of a servaivt. :;He was poorv despised of men, perse-
cuted from the manger to the cross; made Xo ^\it^
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tears abundantly; yea, so tormented with the sense
of God*s wrath for your sin, that for very anguish
. he did sweat as it were drops of blood. He was
accused, condemned, spit upon, mocked, buffeted,
and scourged by wicked men ; made to bear his own
cross, till for very faintness he could bear it no
longer ; then he was crucified amongst thieves, dying
the most accursed death; and, which to him was
more than all the rest, he, in his human apprehen-
sion, was forsaken of God, crying out, '^ My God,
my God, why hast thou forsaken me I
Now you may be assured, that if the justice of
God could have been satisfied, and your sin expia-
ted and done away by a less price, Jesus Christ,
his only Son, should never have been caused to
• pour out his soul a sacrifice for your sin.
This looking (by the eyes of your faith) upon
Christ whom you have pierced, will at once show
you the greatness and hatefulness of your sin, which
required such an infinite ransom ; and the infinite
love of God in Christ towards you, even when you
were his enemy, in providing for you a sure remedy,
which will free you from both the guilt and power
of this sin. The thoughts hereof will, if any thing
will, even melt the heart into godly sorrow for sin,
and withal, give hope (in the use of means) of mercy
and forgiveness.
That the former aggravations may be more press-
ing,' observe these directions:^
1. You must consider sin in particulars, one after
another, for generals leave no impressions. Therefore
David crieth out of his bloody sin in particular.
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3. You must judge the least sin to be damnable,
until it be pardoned, and repented of in particular,
if known unto you ; at least in general, if not known.
3. The greater any sin is, the greater you must
judge the guilt and punishment to be.
4. Sins committed long since, unrepented of, and
the punishments deserved but deferred, are to be
judged to be as near, lying at the door, and expos-
ing you to condemnation, as if committed at the
present; so that you may look for God's hand to be
upon you this present moment. They, like the blood
of Abel, or sins of Sodom, cry as loud to God for
vengeance now, as the first day they were committed;
nay, louder, because they are aggravated by impeni-
tency, and by the abuse of God's long-su Bering.
5. Your humiliation must, in your endeavour,
proportion your guilt of sin ; the greater the guilt,
the greater the humiliation.
Know, therefore, that sins against God, of the first
table, all things considered, are greater than those
of the second.
The more grace hath been offered you by the
gospel, and the more means you have had to know
God and his will, the greater is your sin, if you be
ignorant, impenitent, and disobedient.
The number of sins, according as they are mul-
tiplied, do increase the guilt and punishment.
The more bonds are broken in sinning, as, commit*
ting it against the law of God, of nature, and nations;
against conscience, promises, and vows; the greater
the sin and punishment.
All these things known and considered, now judge
yourself; pass a condemnatory sentence against
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yourself ;- whence ^ill, thr<^ugh the grace of God,
follow aiBictioA of soul. Kow yon ^ill see that you
4re base aix)' vile, and that you may justly fear GodV
judgnieiils ; now yoit will see cause to be grieved,
ashamed, yea, even confounded in yourself, and to
conceive -a holy indignation against yourself.
You will now think thus : Ah'! that I should be
so foolish, so br^itish, so mad,- to commit this, to
commit these sins, (-think o£ particulars) to break so
holy a law, to ofiend, grieve, and provoke so good
and so great a majesty! So ill to requite him, so
little to fear him, vile wretth that I am! That I
should commit not only iins of common fraihy, but
gross sins, many and oft against knowledge, con-
science, &c. (but stiil mind particulars.) Jesus
Christ my Saviour shed his precious blood ^ for me,
to redeem me from my vain conversation, and do I
yet again and again transgress, oh miserable man
ih^t I am! What am I in myself^ athest, but a
lump of sin and pollutiob, not worthy to be loved,
but worthy to be destroyed; one that may justly
look to have my heart hardened, or my conscience
terrified, and that, if God be not infinitely merciful,
he should pour upon me all his' plagues. Where-
fore remembering my doings that they are not good,
but abominably evil, I loathe myselffor mine abomi-
nations, and abhor myself, and repent^ as in sack-
cloth and ashes.
Now set upon the work- of reformation and of
reconciliation; general or particular, as you find there
is need. It is not enough to search out and con-
sider your ways, nor yet to lament them, if withal
.you do not turn again unto the Lord, and turn your
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feet unto his testimonies; «nd withal seek grace and
The gospel openeth a way, and affordeth means
to attain both, through the x^oromand.sand promises
thereof, in the doctrine of faith and repentance. .
Now therefore bring yourself to the gospel; try
yourself thereby, first, whether your first faith and
repentance were -.sincere: then set upon reforming,
and getting pardon of particular and later offences.
But learn to put a difference between the com-
mands of the gospel and of the law. The law exacteth
absolute obedience; the gracious gospel doth, through
Cbri&t, accept of the truth of faith and repentance,
so that there be an endeavour after their perfection.
It would be too long to show you at large the
signs of unfeigned faith. and repentance, I will, for
the present, only say this:
Have you been truly humbled for sin? and
through the promises and commandments of the
gospel, whicli biddetb you believe, have you con-
ceived hope of mercy, relying on Christ for it? And
thereupon have had a true change in your whole
man, so that you make God your utmost end, and
receive the Lord Jesus as your only Saviour; and,
out of hatred of sin, and love to Christ and his ways,
have a will in all things to live honestly, and to
keep always a good conscience towards God and
man ; desiring the sincere milk of the word, to grow
by it ; loving the brethren ; desiring and delighting
in communion with them ? Then you may be con-
fident that your first faith, repentance, and new
obedience were sound.
If upon trial you find that they were not sound.
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then you must begin now to repent and believe ; it
is not yet too late.
Concerning reformation and obtaining of pardon
and power of your particular sins, do thus :
1. Consider the commandment which biddeth
you to repent and amend.
2. Consider the commandment which biddeth
you to come unto Christ, when you are weary and
heavy laden with your sin, believing that through
him they shall be pardoned and subdued. To this end,
3. Consider that Christ hath fully satisfied for
such and such a sin, yea, for all sin; and that you
have many promises of grace and forgiveness; yea,
a promise that God will give you grace to. believe
in him, that you may have your sins forgiven.
4. Consider that there is virtue and power in
Christ's death and resurrection, applied by faith,
through his Holy Spirit, for the mortifying the old
man of sin, and quickening the new man in grace;
as well as merit to take away the guilt and punish-
ment of your sin.
5. Improve this power of Christ in you unto an
actual breaking off your sins, and living according to
the will of Christ, which is done by mortifying that
old man of sin, and by strengthening the new and
inner man of grace. .
In mortifying your sin, do thus :
1. Take all your sins, especially your bosom sins,
those to which the disposition of your nature, and
condition of your place, doth most incline you, your
strongest and most prevailing sins, and with them
the body of corruption in you, the original and
fountain of sin; smite at them, strike at the very
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root, arraign them, condemn them in yourseIf,^bring
them to the cross of Christ, and naii them thereunto;
that is, believe that, not only in respect of their
guilt, but also of their reigning power (through
faith in his precious sacrifice and intercession) they
shall be crucified with him, dead, and buried, as is
lively signified to you in your baptism. When
you see that your old man is crucified .with Christ,
that the body of sin may be destroyed, you will
take courage against sin, and will refuse to serve it,
since by Christ you are freed from the dominion of it*
When you thus by faith put on the Lord Jesus
Christ, you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.
2. Grieve heartily for your sins; conceive deadly
hatred against them, and displeasure against your-
self for them. These, like a corrosive, will eat out
the life and power of sin.
3. Make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the
lusts of it; but be sober in the use of all worldly
things; this, by little and little, will starve sin.
4. Avoid all objects and occasions of sin; yea,
abstain from the appearance of it; this will disarm sin.
5. When you feel any motion to sin, whether it
arise from within, or come from without, resist it
speedily and earnestly, by the sword of the Spirit,
the word of God, as your Saviour did, and as Joseph
did; for which cause it must dwell plentifully in you.
Thus you shall kill sin.
That you may strengthen the inner man by the
Spirit, whereby you may not only mortify the deeds
of the flesh, but bring forth the fruits of the Spirit,
do thus:
1,^ Apply Christ, risen from the ^ead, to your-
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self' particularly:; believing that God by the same
power quickeiieth you, and raiseth y<m together
with Christ; to walk in newness of life; re<;koQing
yourself now to be alive unto God; being dead unto
sin, and becoma the servant of righteousness. This
believing in Christ,^ embracing and relying upon him,
as set forth in the precious promises of the gospel,
doth draw virtue from > Christ into your heart, and
doth more and more incorporate y^u into him; and
by it, he, by his Spirit, dwelleth in you, whereby of
his Kfe and grace, you receive life and grace; and so
you are made partaker of the divine nature, shunning
the corruption which is in the world through lust.
2. Aftect your heart with joy unspeakable, and
with peace in believing, considering that you are
justified through our Lord Jesus Christ. This joy
of the Lord, as a cordial, will eicceddingly strengthen
grace in < the inner man.
3. Take h«ed of quenching or grieving the
Spirit, but nourish it by the frequent use of holy
meditation, prayer, hearing and reading the word,
receiving the sacrament, by a Christian communion
with such as fear God, and by attending to the
motions of the Spirit of God; which you shall know
to be from it, when the thing whereunto it moveth
is, both for matter and circumstance, according to
the Scripture, the word of the Spirit. This is to
be led of the Spirit; and this will be to walk in the
i^irit, and then you shall not fulfil the lusts of the
There remaineth yet one principal work wherein
consisteth the chief business of the day of your fast,
for which all hitherto £^oken roaketh way, and by
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which, with the former means, you may attain to
true reformation of yourself, and reconciliation with
God; which is invocation and earnest prayer to God,
in the name of Christ, through the Holy Ghost : in
particular, large and hearty confessions and com*
plaints against yourself for your sins, asking forgive-
ness, making known your holy resolutions, asking
grace, and giving thanks that God is at peace with
you, having given Christ for you and to you, (upon
your believing in him) and that he hath given you
a mind to know him and the power of his resurrec-
tion; with other first-fruits of the Spirit, which is the
earnest of your inheritance.
Let this solemn and more than ordinary seeking
of God by prayer alone, be twice, at least, in the
day of your fast, besides your ordinary prayers in
the morning and evening; and having thus obtained
peace with God, through faith in Christ Jesus, you
may, nay ought to pray for the good, or against the
evil, which was the occasion of the fast.
But in praying you must in fervency of spirit cry
mightily; striving and wrestling in prayer.
The extraordinary burnt-oflFerings and sin-offer-
ings, besides the sin-offering of the atonement, to be
offered on the solemn day of the fast under the ]aw
(which, as I told you, in the morality of it, is the
standaid of religious fasts) doth showj that a fast
roust be kept in manner as hath been said; for
hereby we prepare and sanctify ourselves, and seek
to God in Christ; hereby we by faith lay hold on
Christ, the only true sacrifice for sin; and hereby
we do by him 'draw nigh to God, and in token of
thankfulness do give ourselves to be a whole and
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living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which
is our reasonable service.
For your greater and more thorough humbling
of yourself, and farther exercise of your faith in
God, and love to your brethren and church of God,
something yet is to be added.
You must represent to your thoughts also the
sins and evils that are already upon, or hanging over
the head of your family and nearest friends, and of
the town, country, or kingdom where you live,
together with their several aggravations; lay them
to heart; considering that they by sinning do dis-
honour God your Father, and do bring evil upon
the souls and bodies of those whom you should love
as well- as yourself: and it is a thousand to one but
that you are involved in their sins, and become
accessary, if not by example, counsel, permission,
or concealment, yet in not grieving for them, in not
hating them, and in not confessing and disclaiming
them sufficiently before God. These also bring
common judgments upon church and state, which
you should prefer before your own particular interest,
and wherein you may expect to share a part.
You must therefore affect your heart with these
thoughts, and mourn for your own first, and then
for the abominations of your family, town, country,
and kingdom. For the sins of princes and nobles,
for the sins of ministers and people. And not only
for present sins of the land, but for the sins long
since committed, whereof it hath not yet repented.
Rivers of waters should run down from your eyes, at
least sighs and groans should rise from your h<»art,
because others as well as yourself have foigotten
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God's law, and have exposed themselves to his de«-
stroying judgroents. Do all this so, that yoa may
pour out your heeirt like water to the Lord in their
This is' to stand in the breach ; the prayer of a
righteous man availeth much, if it be fervent, though
he have infirmities. If it should not take good ef-
fect for others, yet your tears and sighs shall do good
to yourself: it causeth you to have God's seat in
your forehead; you are marked for mercy. God
will take you from the evil to come, or will make a
way for you to escape, or will turn the hearts of your
enemies to you ; or, if you smart under the common
judgment, it shall be sanctified to you : and if you
perish bodily, yet, when others that cannot live, and
are afraid to die, ^re at their wits' end, you s^hall be
able, in the consciousness of your godly sorrow for
your own and others' sins, to welcome death as a
messenger of good tidings, and as a gate to everlast-
ing happiness.
If it be a public fast, all these things before-^men-
tioned are to be done alone, both before and after
the public exercises: at which time you must join in
public hearing the word read and preached, and in
prayer with more than ordinary attention and fer-
If you fast with your family, or with some few,
let convenient times be spent in reading the word of
God, or some good book, or sermons, which maybe
fit to direct and quicken you for the present work ;
also in fervent prayer : the other time alone> let it
be spent as I have shown before.
If some public or necessary occasion, such as you
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could not well foresee or preTont, when you made
choice of your day of private fast, happen to in-
terrupt you, I judge that you may attend those
occasions, notwithstanding your fast. But do it
thus : if they may be despatched with little ado, then
despatch them, and after continue your fast ; but if
you cannot, I think that you had better be humbled
that you were hindered, break off your fast, and set
some other day apart instead thereof; even as when
a man is necessarily hindered in his vow.
The benefits of religious fasting.
The benefit that will accrue to you by religious
fasting, will be motive enough to a frequent use of
it, as there shall be cause.
1. It was never read or heard of, that a fast was
kept in truth, according to the former directions from
the word, but it either obtained the particular bless-
ing for which it was kept, or at least a better, to him
that fasted. Judges xx. 26—35. 1 Sam. vii. 6^
10. Ezra viii. 23. 2 Chron. xx. 3 — 22. Jonah
iii. 7 — 10.
2. And besides those advantages, thus fasting
will put the soul into such good frame, into such a
habit of spiritual-mindedness, that (as when against
some special entertainment, a day hath been spent
in searching every corner in a house, to wash and
cleanse it) it will be kept clean with common sweep-
ing a long time after.
I do acknowledge that some have fasted, and God
hath not regarded it; yea, he telleth some before-
hand, that ** if they fast, he will not hear their cry."
't these were such who *^ fasted not to God,"
r only sought themselves; they would ^^ not
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hearken to his word ;" there was no putting away of
sin, or loosing the bands of wickedness, &c. no mor-
tification of sin, no renewing their covenant with
God. Now, unless we do join the inward with the
outward, ** we may fast, but the Lord seeth it not,
we may afflict ourselves, but he taketh no notice ;
we may cry and howl, but cannot make our voice to
be heard on high." But when God seeth the
works of them that fast, that turn from their evil
way ; yea, that they strive to turn and seek him
with all their heart, then he will turn to them ; his
bowels of compassion doth yearn towards them; and
" I will have mercy on them, saith the Lord."
After the time of the fast is ended, eat and drink
but moderately. For, if you then over-indulge
yourself, it will put your body and soul both out of
Secondly, Your fast being ended, hold the/
strength which you got that day as much as you
can; keep your interest and holy acquaintance which
you have obtained with God, and the holy exercises
of religion. Though you have given over the ex-
ercises of the day, yet unloose not the bent of your
care and affections against sin, and for God. It is
a corruption of our natute, and it is a policy of Satan
to help it forward, that, like some unwise warriors,
when they have gotten victory over their enemies,
we grow full of presumption and security, by which
the enemy taketh advantage to recollect his forces,
and coming upon us unlocked for giveth us the foil,
if not the overthrow. We are too apt, after a day
of humiliation, to fall into a kind of remissness, as if
then we had gotten the mastery ; whereas, if Satan
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fly from U8, if sin be weakened in us, it is but fw a
season, and but in part; and, especially if we stand
not upon our watch, Satan will take occasion to
return, and sin will revive in us.
I will add a few cautions touching this excellent
but neglected duty of fasting.
1. The body, although it must be kept under,
yet it must not be destroyed with fasting. It must
hot be so weakened as to be disabled to perform the
works of your ordinary calling.
2. In private fasts, you must not be open, but as
private as conveniently you may.
3. Separate not the inward from the outward
work in fasting.
4. Think not to merit by your fasting, as papists do.
5. Presume not that presently upon the work
done, God must grant every petition, as hypocrites
do, that say to him, " We have fasted, and thou
dost not regard it." You may and must expect a
gracious hearing upon your unfeigned humiliation;
but as for when and how, you must wait patiently :
faith secureth you of good success, but neither
prescribeth unto God how, nor yet doth it make
haste; but waiteth his time, when in his wisdom he
shall judge it most seasonable.
Of the LortTs Day^ or Christian Sabbath.
On the Sabbath, or Lord's day, you must re-
member to keep it holy, according to the command-
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ment) E^cod. xx. 8 — 11. xxxv. 2, 3. For this
cause consider^
(1.) The divine institution of the Lord's day, or
Christian Sabbath,
First) Put a difference between this and the other
six dayS) even as you put a difference between the
bread and wine iu the sacrament, and that which is
for conomon use. And that because it is set apart
for holy use, by divine institution. For, as the
seventh day, fronj the beginning cf the creation,
UjQtil the day of Christ's blessed resurrection, so our
Lord's day, which is the day of the resurrection, is
by divine institution moral. The commandment to
keep a holy rest upon the seventh day, after the six
days of work (which is the substance of the fourth
commandment) remaineth the same: and this Adam
(no doubt by the instinct of uncorrupted ilature>
which desireth a time for God's honour and solemn
worship) he knowing that God finished the creation
in six days, and rested on the seventh, would have
observed; yet it was requisite that the particular day
should be by institution, for natural reason could not
qertaioly tell him which day. The Lord of the
Sabbath therefore limited it to the seventh from the
creation, until Christ's resurrection, and then re-
moved it to the day we keep, which is the first.
Now it appears, that it was the will of our Lord
and Saviour Christ, that we. should, sinc^ his resur-
rection, keep, for our Sabbath, that first day of the
week; forasmuch as he arose on that day, and
appeared divers times on this our Lord's day to his
disciples before his ascension: and did on this day,
being the day of Pentecost, fill his disciples with the
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gifts of the Holy Ghost, they being assembled
together; all which giveth a pre-eminence to this
day, and a probability to the point.
But inasmuch as the apostles, who followed
Christ, and delivered nothing but what they re-
ceived from Christ, did observe this day as a sab-
bath, what can this argue but a divine institution of
this day? The apostle Paul might have chosen any
other day for the people to assemble to hear the
word, and receive the sacrament: but they assembled
to receive the sacrament, and to hear the word, upon
the first day of the week, which is our Lord's day.
Now the approved practice of the apostles, and of
the church with them, recorded in scripture, carrieth
with it the force of a precept.
Moreover, the Spirit of Godhonoureth this day
with the title of the Lord's day, as he doth the
communion with the title of the Supper of the Lord.
What doth this argue but as they both have re-
ference to Christ, so they are both appointed by
Christ? The Spirit of Christ knew the mind of
Christ, who thus named this day.
(2.) Directions for- the religious observance of the
Lord's day.
Secondly, Being convinced of the holiness of
this day (the better to keep it holy when it cometh)
you must,
L On the week day before the sabbath, or Lord's
day, remember it, to the end that none of your
worldly business be left undone, or put off till then;
especially upon Saturday, you must prepare for it.
Then you must put an end to the works of your
calling; and do whatsoever may be well done before*
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hand, to prevent bodily labour even in your necessaty
actions, that, when the day cometh, you may have
less occasion of worldly thoughts, less incumbrance
and distractions; and may be more free, both in body
and mind, for spiritual exercises.
2. You yourself, and, as much as in you lieth,
all under your authority, must rest upon this day,
the space of the whole day of four-and-twenty hours,
from all manner of works, except those which have
true reference to the present day's works of piety,
mercy, and true necessity, not doing your own ways,
nor finding your own pleasures, nor speaking your
own words.
3. It is not enough that you observe this day as
a rest, but you must keep a holy rest. Which that
you may do, you must, on your awaking in the
morning, make a difference between it and other
days, not thinking on any worldly business more
than will serve for a general providence, to preserve
you from great hurt or loss. Both in your lying
awake, and rising in the morning, make use of the
former directions, showing you how to awake and
rise with God. Rise early, if it will consist with
your health, and not hinder your fitness for spiritual
exercises through drowsiness afterward, that you
may show forth God*s loving-kindness in the morn-
ing. Double your devotions on the Lord's day, as
the Jews did their morning and evening sacrifice on
the sabbath day. Prepare yourself for the public
holy services by reading, by meditation, and by
putting away all filthiness; that is, repenting of
every sin, and casting away the superfluity of.
naughtiness; that is, let no sin be allowed or suffered
F 3
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to reign in you. Then pray for yourself, and for
the minister, that God would give him a mouth to
speak, and you a heart to hear, as you both ought
to do. All this, before you shall assemble for public
worship. Being thus prepared, bring your family
with you to the church. Join with the minister and
congregation. Set yourself as in the special presence
of God, following the example of good Cornelius,
with all reverence attending and consenting; saying
Amen with understanding, faith, and aiFection, to
the prayers uttered by the minister; believing and
obeying, whatsoever is by him commanded you from
God. Afterward, by meditation, and by conference;
and if you have opportunity, by repetitions, call to
mind, and wisely and firmly lay up in your heart
what yon have learned. The like care must be had
before, at, and after, the evening exercise.
The Nature and Design of Baptism, and the
Lord's Supper, &c.
1. If baptism be administeied, stay, and attend
to it, (1.) To honour that holy ordinance with the
greater solemnity. (2.) And in charity to the
persons to be baptized, joining with the congregation
in hearty prayer for them, and in a joyful receiving
them into the communion of the visible church.
(3.) Also in respect of yourself. For hereby you
may call to mind your own baptism, in which you
did put on Christ, which also doth lively represent
the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, together
with your crucifying the affections and lusts, being
dead and buried with him unto sin, and rising with
him to newness of life, and to hope of glory; under-
standing clearly that the blood and Spirit of Christ,
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signified by water, doth cleanse you from the guilt
and dominion of sin to your justification and sancti-
fication. Remembering, moreover, that, by way of
sealing, your baptism did in particular exhibit and
apply to you that believe, Christ with all the benefits
of the covenant of grace ratified in his blood: mind-
ing you also of this, that it doth not only seal God's
promises of forgiveness, grace, and salvation to you;
but that also it sealeth and bindeth you to the
performance of your promise, and vow of faith and
obedience, which is the branch of the covenant to
•be performed, according as was professed, on your
Recourse to your baptism is an excellent strength-
ener of your weak faith, and an occasion of renewing
of your vow, you having broken it: and of resisting
temptations, considering that they are against your
promise and vow in baptism.
Directions for the right attendance on the Lord's
2. When there is a communion, receive it as oft
as, without interrupting the order of the church,
you may. But be careful to receive it worthily.
It is not enough that you be born within the
covenant, and that you have been baptized ; but you
must have knowledge of the nature of the sacrament
of^he Lord's supper; both that it is of divine insti-
tution, and that it is a sign and seal of the righteous-
ness of faith, signifying to you by the breaking and
giving of the bread, and by pouring out and deliver-
ing the wine, the meritorious sacrifice of the Lord
Jesus Christ, in whom the covenant of grace is.
established ; presenting also, and sealing vxivXo ^^vx^
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by the elements of bread and wine, the very body
and blood of Christ, with all the benefits of the new
covenant, of which you receive indeed livery and
seizin in the act of receiving by faith, whereby you
also grow into a nearer union with Christ your head,
and communion with all his members your brethren.
Besides, there must be a special preparation by
examining yourself, and renewing your peace with
God before you receive, according to the directions
before given, Chap, V. sect. 2. Also make your
peace, at least be at peace, and in charity with your
neighbour, by a hearty acknowledging your fault so
far as is fit, and making recompense, if you have
done him wrong; and by forgiving, and forbearing
revenge, if he hath done you wrong.
In the act of administering and receiving, join in
confession and prayers, and attend to the actions of
the minister when he breaketh the bread, poureth
out the wine, and by blessing setteth it apart for
holy use; by faith behold Christ, in representation,
wounded, bleeding, and crucified before your eyes
for you; looking upon him whom your sins con-
demned and pierced to the death, rather than his
accusers, and those which nailed him to the cross;
who, though malicious, were but instruments of that
punishment which God, with other tokens of his
wrath, did execute upon him (though in himself a
Lamb without spot) justly for your sin, he being
your surety.
This looking upon him. whom you have pierced,
should partly dissolve you into a holy grief for sin :
but chiefly (considering that by this his passion he
hath made full satisfaction for you, and also seeing
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what blessings God and Christ himself, by the hand
of his minister, giving Christ's body and blood
sacramentally, do signify and seal unto you,) it
should raise your heart to a holy admiration of the
love of God and of Christ, and it should excite you,
in the very act of taking the bread and wine, to a
reverend and thankful receiving of this his body and
blood by faith, discerning the Lord's body ; gather-
ing assurance hereby that now all enmity between
God and you is done away, if you are believers
indeed ; and that you by this, as by spiritual food
for life, shall grow up in him, with the rest of his
mystical body, unto everlasting life*
1. After that you have received (until you be to
join in public praise and prayers) affect your heart
with joy and thankfulness in the assurance of the
pardon of all your sins, and of salvation by Christ ;
and that more than if you, being a bankrupt, should
receive an acquittance sealed of the release of all
your debts, and with it a will and testament wherein
you should have a legacy of no less than a kingdom,
sealed with such a seal as giveth clear proof of the
fidelity, ability, and death of the testator; or than if,
having been a traitor, you shall receive a free and
full pardon from the king, sealed with his own seal,
together with an assurance that he hath adopted you
to be his child, to be married to his son, the heir of
the crown. This is your case, when by faith you
receive the bread and wine, the body and blood of
the Lord. Think thus, therefore, with joy and re-
joicing in God : Oh ! how happy am I in Christ my
Saviour ! God, who hath given him to death for
me, and also given him to me, how shall V\e t\oX vj\\>a
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him freely give me all things? Even whatsoever
may pertain to life, godliness, and glory? Who
shall lay any thing to my charge ? Who, or what
can separate me from the love of Christ? &c.
2. Resolve withal upon a constant -and an un-
feigned endeavour to perform all duties becoming
one thus acquitted, thus redeemed, pardoned, and
advanced; and this in token of thankfulness; even
to keep the covenant required to be performed on
your part; undoubtedly expecting whatever God
hath covenanted and sealed on his part.
3. Join in public praise and prayer heartily, and
in a liberal contribution to the poor, if there be a
4. After the sacrament, if you feel your faith
strengthened, and your soul comforted, nourish it
with all thankfulness.
If not, yet, if your conscience can witness that
you endeavoured to prepare as you ought, and to
rceeive as you ought, be not discouraged, but wait
for strength and comfort in due time. We do not
always feel the benefit of bodily food presently, but
stirring of humours and sense of disease is sometimes
rather occasioned; yet in the end being well digested,
it strengtheneth; so it is often with spiritual food,
corruption may stir, and temptations may arise, more
upon the receiving than before; especially since
Satan, if it be but to vex a tender-hearted Christian,
will hereupon take occasion to tempt with more
violence: but if you resist these, and stand resolved
to obey, and to rely upon God's mercy in Christ,
this is rather a sign of receiving worthily; so long
as your desires and resolutions are strengthened,
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and you thereby are made more carefully to stand
upon your watch. Endeavour in this case to digest
this spiritual food by farther meditation, improving
that strength you have, praying for more strength,
remembering the commandment, which biddeth you
to be strong; and you shall be strengthened.
5. If you find yourself worse indeed, or do feel
God's heavy hand in a special manner upon you,
following upon your receiving, and your conscience
can witness truly that you came not prepared, or
that you did wilfully and carelessly fnil in such or
such a particular in receiving, it is evident you did
receive unwoithily. In which case you must heartily
bewail your sin, confess it to God; ask, and believe
that he will pardon it, through Christ Jesus, upon
your sincere faith and repentance, and take heed that
you offend not in that kind another time.
(3.) Upon the Lord's day you must likewise be
ready to visit and relieve the distressed.
Take some time this day to look into your past
life, and chiefly to your walking with God the last
week, as being freshest in memory, and be sure to
let no old scores of sin remain between God and you.
Last of all, on every opportunity, take good time
to consider God's works; what they are in themselves,
what they are against the wicked, what they are to
the church, and to yourself and to yours. And, in
particular, take occasion from the day itself, to think
fruitfully of the creation, of your redemption, sancti-
fication, and of your eternal rest and glory to come.
For God, in his holy wisdom, hath set such a divine
mark upon this our Lord's day, that at once it doth
mind us of the greatest works'of God, \v\m\\ ^vxWt
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conduce to his glory, or his church's good. As, of
the creation of the world in six days, he rested the
seventh, which specially is attributed to the Father.
And of man's redemption by Christ, of whose resur-
rection this day is a remembrance, which is specially
attributed to the Son. Also of our sanctification
by the Spirit, for that the observance of the sabbath
is a sign and means of holiness, which work is spe-
cially attributed to the Holy Ghost. Lastly, of
your and the church's glorification, which shall be
the joint work of the blessed Trinity, when we shall
cease from all our works, and shall rest, and be
glorious with the same glory which our head Christ
hath with the Father, to whom be glory for ever
and ever. Amen. Do all these with delight; raising
up yourself hereby to a greater measure* of holiness
and heavenly mindedness.
(4.) Motives to keep holy the Lord's day.
Do all this the rather, because there is not a
clearer sign to distinguish you from one that is pro-
fane, than this, of conscientiously keeping holy the
Lord's day. Neither is there any ordinary means
of gaining strength and growth of grace in the in-
ward man like this, of due observing the sabbath.
For this is God's great mart or fair-day for the
soul, on which you may buy of Christ wine, milk,
bread, marrow and fatness, gold, white raiment,
eye salve, — even all things which are necessary, and
which will satisfy, and cause the soul to live. It is
the special day of proclaiming and sealing of pardons
to penitent sinners. It is God's special day of
publishing and sealing your patent of eternal life.
It is a blessed day, sanctified for all these blessed
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Now, lest this so strict observance of the Lord's
day in spending the whole day in holy meditation,
holy exercises, and works of mercy, excepting only
necessary repasts, should be thought, as it is by
some, to be merely Jewish, or only the private
opinion of some zealots, more nice than wise, — know,
that as the fourth commandment is of moral obliga-
tion, there is the same reason for the strict observance
of it, as any other divine precept, as against idolatry,
murder, fornication, &c. And the taking away of
the morality of the fourth commandment, and un-
loosing the conscience from the immediate bonds of
God's command to observe a day for his solemn
Worship, doth overthrow true religion, and the power
of godliness, and opens a wide gap to atheism, pro-
faneness, and all licentiousness; as daily experience
proves in those persons and places, by whom, and
where, the Lord's day is not holily and duly observed.
Directions how to End the Day with God.
When you have walked with God from morning
until night, whether on a common day, a day of
fasting, or on the Lord's day, according to the for-
mer directions, it remaineth that you conclude the
day well, when you would give yourself to rest at
night. Wherefore,
. First, Look back and take a strict view of your
whole carriage that day past. Reform 'wYvat ^om
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6nd amUs; and rejoicei or be grieved^ a$ you 6nd
you have dooe well or ill, a$ you have advanced or
declined in grace that day.
Secondly, Since you cannot sleep in safety, if
God, who is your keeper, do. not wake, and watch
for you; and though you have God to watch when
you sleep, you cannot be safe, if he that watcheth
be your enemy ; wherefore it is very convenient, that
at night, you not only conclude the day with your
family, by reading some scripture, and by prayer, but
you must alone renew and confirm your peace with
God by faith and prayer, and with like preparations
thereto, as you received directions for the morning:
commending and committing yourself to God's tuition
by prayer, with thanksgiving, before you go to bed.
Then shall you lie down in safety.
All this being done, yet while you are putting off
your apparel, when you are lying down, and when
you are in bed before you sleep, it is good that you
commune with your own heart. If other good and
fit meditations ofier not themselves, some of these
will be seasonable:
1. When you see yourself without your apparel,
consider what you were at your birth, and what you
shall be at your death, when you put of this earthly
tabernacle, (if not in the meantime, as concerning
your outward estates):— —how that you brought no-
thing into this world, nor shall carry any thing out :
naked you came from your mother's womb, and na-
ked shall you return. This will be an excellent
means to give you sweet content in any thing 'you
have, though never so little; and in the loss of what
you have had, though never so much.
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2. When you lie down, you may think of lying
down io your winding-sheet, and in your grave.
For besides that sleep, 1 Cor xi, 30. and the bed
do aptly resemble death and the grave, who knoweth,
when he sleepeth, that ever he shall awake again
to this life?
3. You may think thus also: If the sun must not
go down upon my wrath, lest it become hatred, and
so be worse ere morning, then it is not safe for me
to lie down in the allowance of any sin, lest I sleep
not only the sleep of natural death, but of that death
which is eternal; for who knoweth what a night will
bring forth ? Now, it is a high point of holy wisdom,
upon all opportunities, to think of, and to prepare for,
your latter end.
4. Consider, likewise, that if you walk with God
in uprightness, your death unto you is but to fall
into a sweet sleep, an entering into rest, a resting
on your bed for a night, until the glorious morning
of your happy resurrection.
5. If possibly you can, fall asleep with some
heavenly meditation. Then will your sleep be more
sweet, and more secure; your dreams fewer, or more
comfortable; your head will be fuller of good thoughts; '
and your heart will be in a better frame when you
awake, whether in the night, or in the morning.
• Thirdly, Being thus prepared to sleep, you should
sleep only so much as the present state of your body
requireth; you must not be like the sluggard, to love
sleep; neither must you sleep too much: for if you
do, that, which being taken in its due measure, is a
restorer of vigour and strength to your body, and a
quickener of the spirits, will make the &^\t\u divil^^
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the brain sottish, and the whole body inactive and
unhealthy : and that which God hath ordained for a
furtherance, through your sin, shall become an
enemy to your bodily and spiritual welfare. Thus
much of walking with God in all things, at all times.
How to walk with God Alone.
I. Rules co7icerning Soliitule.
There is no time wherein you will not be either
alone or in company, in either of which you must
walk in all well-pleasing, as in the sight of God.
1. Affect not too much solitude. Be not alone
except you have just cause; namely, when you se-
parate yourself for holy duties, and when your need-
ful occasions do withdraw you from society, for, in
other cases, ^^ two are better than one," saith Solo-
mon, and "wo be to him that is alone."
2. When you are alone, you must be very watch-
ful, and stand upon your guard, lest you fall into
manifold temptations of the devil: for solitariness is
Satan's opportunity, which he will not lose, as
manifold examples in scripture, and our daily expe-
rience do witness. Wherefore, you must have a
ready eye to observe, and a heart ready bent to re-
sist, all his assaults. And it will now th^ more
concern you to keep close to God, and not lose his
company, that through the weapons of your Chris-
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tian warfare, you may, by the power of God's might,
quit yourself, and stand fast.
3. Take special heed, lest, when you be alone,
you yourself conceive, devise, or indulge any evil,
to which your nature is then most prone.
And beware, in particular, lest you commit alone,
by yourself, contemplative wickedness; which is,
when by feeding your fancy, and pleasing yourself,
in covetous, lustful, revengeful, ambitious, or other
wicked thoughts, you act that in your mind and
fancy, which, either for fear or shame, you dare not,
or for want of opportunity or means, you cannot act
4. When you are alone, be sure that you are well
and fully exercised about something that is good,
either in the works of your caUiug, or in reading, or
in holy meditation or prayer. For whensoever Satan
doth find you idle, and out of employment in some
or other of those works which God hath appointed,
he will take that as an opportunity to use you for
himself, and to employ you in some of his works.
But if you keep always in your place, and to some
or other good work of your place, you are under
God's special protection, as the bird in the law was,
while she sat upon her eggs or young ones, keeping
her own nest, in which case no man might hurt her.
I have already showed how you should behave
yourself as in God's sight, both in prayer, and in the
works of your calling, I will say something for your
direction concerning reading and meditation.
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II. Of Reading.
Besides your set times of reading the holy scrip-
tures, you will do well to gain some time from your
vacant hoursj that you may read in God's book, and
in the good books of men.
How to read profitably.
1. When you read any part of the word of God,
you must put a difference between it and the best
writings of men, preferring it far before them. To
this end, (1.) Consider it in its properties and ex-
cellencies. No word is of like absolute authority,
holiness, truth, wisdom, power, and eternity. (2.)
Consider this word in its ends and good effects.
No book^aimeth at God's glory, and the salvation
of man's soul, like this; none concemeth you like to
this. It discovereth your misery by sin, together
with the perfect remedy. It proposeth perfect
happiness unto you, affording means to work it out
in you, and for you. It is mighty, through God,
to prepare you for grace. It is the immortal seed
to beget you unto Christ. It is the milk and
stronger meat to nourish you up in Christ. It is
the only soul physic, (through Christ Jesus) to re-
cover you, and to free you of all spiritual evils.
By it Christ giveth spiritual sight to the blind,
hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, strength to
the weak, health to the sick, yea, by it he doth cast
out devils, and raise men from the death of sin,
through faith, as certainly as he did all those
things for the bodies of men by the word of his
power, while he lived on the earth. This book of
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Ood doth contain those many rich legacies, be*
queathed to you in that last will and testament of
God, sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ our
Lord. It is the magna charta^ and statute-book
of the kingdom of heaven. It is the book of privi-
leges and immunities of God's children. It is the
word of grace, '^ which is able to build you up, and
to give you an inheritance amongst all them that are
sanctified." For, it will make you wise to salvation,
through faith in Christ Jesus, making you perfect,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Whenever, therefore, you hear this wordj)reached,
and when at any time you read it, you must receive
it not as the word of man, but, as it is in truth, the
word of God: then it will work eflFectually in you
that believe.
2. When you read this word, lift up the heart in
prayer to God for the spirit of understanding and
wisdom, that your mind may be more and more en-
lightened, and your heart more and more strength-
ened with grace by it. For this word is spiritual,
containing the great counsels of God for man's sal-
vation, and which is as a book sealed up, in respect
of discovery of the things of God in it, to all that
have not the help of God's Spirit; so that none can
know the inward and spiritual meaning thereof,
powerfully and savingly, but by the Spirit of God.
3. Read the word with a hunger and thirst after
knowledge, and growth. of grace by it; with a reverent,
humble, teachable, and honest heart; believing all
that you read; trembling at the threatenings and
judgments against sinners; rejoicing in the promke^
made unto, and the £ivours bestowed upon the i^em-
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tent and the godly; willing and resolving to obey
all the commandments.
Thus if you read, blessed shall you be in your
reading, and blessed shall you be in your deed.
Who must read the scriptures.
The holy scriptures are thus to be read of all, of
every sort and condition, and of each sex; for all are
commanded to search the scriptures: as well the laity
as the clergy; women as well as men; young as well
as old; all sorts of all nations. For though the
Spirit of God is able to work conversion and holi-
ness immediately without the word, as he doth in
those infants that are saved, yet, in adult persons
the Holy Ghost will not, where the word may be
had, work without it as his in.^trument; using it as
the hammer, plough, seed, fire, water, sword,* or as
any other instrument, to pull down, build up, plant,
purge, or cleanse, the souls of men. For it is by
the word, both read and preached, that Christ doth
sanctify all that are his, that he may present them
to himself, and so to his Father, without spot or
wrinkle, a church most glorious.
And whereas it is most true, that those who are
unlearned and unstable do wrest not only hard
scriptures, but all others also, to their destruction;
yet let not this (as papists would infer) cause you to
forbear to read; any more than, because many sur-
feit and are drunk by the best meats and drinks,
you forbear to eat and drink.
To prevent misunderstanding and wresting of
scriptures to your hurt, do thus: (1.) Get and
* Thej are Scripture metaphors.
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cherish an humble and honest heart, resolved to obey
what you know to be God's will: '^ If any man will
do his will," saith Christ, " he shall know of the
doctrine, whether it be of God." (2.) Get a clear
knowledge of the first principles of the Christian reli-
gion, and believe them steadfastly. And endeavour
to frame your life according to those more easy and
known scriptures, on which these first principles of
the oracles of God are founded; for these give light,
even at the first entrance, unto the very simple.
This do, and you shall neither be unlearned in the
mysteries of Christ, nor yet unstable in his ways.
(3.) Be much in hearing the word interpreted, by
learned and faithful ministers. (4.) If you meet
with a place of scripture too hard for you, presume
npt to frame a sense to it of your own head, but
take notice of your ignorance, admire the depth of
God's wisdom, suspend your opinion, and take the
first opportunity to ask the meaning, of some one or
other of those whose lips should preserve knowledge.
Motives to read the scriptures.
Let no colourable pretence keep you from diligent
reading of God's book, for hereby you will be better
prepared to hear the word preached. For it layeth
a foundation for preaching; leading the way to a
better understanding |hereof, and more easily pre-
serving it in memory; also, to enable you to try the
spirits and doctrines delivered; even to try all things,
and to cleave to that which is good.
How to read men's writings profitably.
1. In reading men's writings, read the best, or at
least those by which you can profit most.
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2. Read a good book thoroughly, and with due
3. Reject not hastily any thing you read, because
of the mean opinion you have of the author. Be-
lieve not every thing you read, because of the great
opinion you have of him that wrote it. But, in all
books of faith and manners, try all things by the
scriptures. Receive nothing upon the bare testi-
mony or judgment of any man, any farther than he
can confirm it by the canon of God's holy word, or
by evidence of reason, or by undoubted experience ;
provided always, that what you call reason and ex-
perience, be according to, not against, the word of
God. If the meanest speak according to it, then
receive and regard it; but if the most judicious in
your esteem, yea, if he were an angel of God, should
speak or write otherwise, refuse and reject it.
Thus much for private reading.
Only take this caution. You must not think it
to be sufficient that you read the scriptures and other
good books at home in prtvate, when, by so doing,
you neglect the hearing of the word read and
preached in public. For God hath not appointed,
that reading alone, or preaching alone, or prayer,
or sacraments, should singly and alone save any man,
where all, or more than one of them may be had;
but he requireth the joint use pf them all in their
place and time. And in this variety of means of
salvation, God hath, in his holy wisdom, ordained
such order, that the excellency and sufficiency of one
shall not, in its right use, keep any from, but lead
him to a due performance of the other; each serving
to make the other more effectual to produce their
common effect, namely, the salvatioi^c^ mf^'s soul.
Indeed, when a roan is necessarily hindered by
persecution, sickness, or otherwise, that he cannot
hear the word preached, then God doth bless reading
with an humble and honest heart, without hearing
the word preached. But where hearing the word
preached, is either contemned or neglected, for read-
ing sake, or for prayer sake, or for any other good
private duty, there no roan can expect to be blessed
in his reading, or in any other private duty, but
rather cursed. Witness the evil effects, which by
experience we see do issue from thence, viz. self-con-
ceitedness, singularity in some dangerous opinions ;
and schism, and too often a falling away into damna-
ble heresies and apostacy.
III. Of Meditation.
When you are alone, then also is a fit season for
you to be employed in holy meditation. For ac-
cording to a person's meditation such is he. The
liberal man deviseth liberal things; the covetous man
the contrary. The godly man studieth how to please
God, the wicked how to please himself.
In meditation, the mind or reason of the soul
fixeth itself upon something conceived or thought
upon for the better understanding thereof, and for the
better application of it to itself for use.
The distinct acts and parts of meditation.
(1.) In meditating aright, the mind of roan exer-
ciseth two kinds of acts; the one direct upon the
thing meditated; the other reflects upon himself, the
person meditating. The first is an act of the con-
templative part pf th^ understanding; the second is
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an act of conscience. The end of the first is to
enlighten the mind with knowledge: the end of the
second, is to fill the heart with goodness. The first
serveth (I speak of moral actions) to find out the
rule whereby you may know more clearly what is
truth, what is falsehood, what is good, what is bad ;
whom you should obey, and what manner of person
you should be, and what you should do, and the
like. The second serveth to direct you how to make
a right and profitable application of yourself, and of
your actions, to the rule.
In this latter are these two acts : First, an exami-
nation) whether you and your actions be according
to the rule, or whether you come short, or are swerved
from it, giving judgment of you, according as it
findeth you.
The second is a persuasive and commanding act,
charging the soul in every faculty, understanding,
will, affections, yea, the whole man, to reform and
conform themselves to the rule, that is, to the will of
God, if you find yourself not to think and act accord-
ing to it: which is done by confessing the fault to
God with remorse, praying for forgiveness, return-
ing to God by faith and repentance, and reforming
the heart and life through new obedience. This
must be the resolution of the soul. And all this a
man must charge upon himself peremptorily, com-
manding himself with sincere desire and fixed en-
deavour to conform to it.
When you meditate, join all these three acts, else
you will never bring your meditation to a profitable
issue. For if you only muse and study to find out
what i$ true, what is false, what is good, what is
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bad, you may gain much knowledge of the head, but
little goodness to your heart. If you only apply to
yourself that whereon you have musedj and no more;
you may, by finding yourself to be a transgressor,
lay guilt upon your conscience, and terror upon your
heart, without fruit or comfort: but if to these two,
you lay a charge upon yourself to follow God's coun-
sel concerning what you should believe and do, when
you have oflfended him: if you also form an upright
design, through God^s grace, to be such a one as
you ought to be, and to live such a life hereafter as
you ought to live; then to science you add conscience,
and to knowledge, you join practice, and will find
the comfortable and happy effects thereof. Observe
David's meditations, and you will find they came to
this issue. His thoughts of God and of his ways,
made him turn his feet unto God's testimonies. The
meditation of God's benefits made him resolve to
take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of
the Lord, and to pay his vows. When he con-
sidered what God had done for him, and thence in-
ferred what he should be to God again, he saith to
his soul, '^ My soul, and all that is in me, praise his
holy name." When in his meditation he found that
it was his fault to have his soul disquieted in him
through distrust, he chargeth it to wait on God,
and raiseth up himself unto a holy confidence. <^ I
will meditate on thy precepts," saith he. What, is
that all? No, but he proceedeth to this last act of
meditation, and saith, ^' I will have respect unto thy
Rules for meditation.
2. God's holy nature, attributes, \»otd, vrotVi^,
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also what is duty, and what is sin; what you should i .
be, and do; what you are, and what you have done,
what are the miseries of the wicked^ and what are '
the happiness and privileges of the righteous, are fit I
subjects of meditation. |
3. That which must settle your judgment, and
be the rule to direct you what to hold for true and
good, must be the canon of God's word rightly un-
derstood, and not your own reason or opinion: nor
yet the opinions or conceits of men ; for these are
false and crooked rules.
Cautions about the matter of meditation.
4. In seeking to know the secrets and mysteries
of God and godliness, you must not pry into them
farther than God hath revealed; for if you wade
therein farther than you have sure footing in his holy
word, you will presently lose yourself, and be swal-
lowed up in a maze and whirlpool of errors and
heresies. These deep things of God must be un-
derstood with sobriety, according to that clear light
which God hath given you by his word.
6. When sin happeneth to be the matter of your
meditation, take heed lest, while your thoughts dwell
upon it, (though your intention be to bring yourself
out of love with it) it steal into your affections, and
work in you some secret liking to it, and so circum-
vent you. For the cunning devices of sin are un-
discovcrable, and you know that your heart is deceitful
above all things. Wherefore, to prevent this mis-
chief; (I.) As sin is not to be named, but when
there is just cause; so it is not to be thought upon,
but upon special cause, namely, when it showeth it-
self in its motions and evil effects, and when it con-
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cerns you to try and find out the wickedness of your
heart and life. (2.) When there is cause to think
of sin, represent it to your mind as an evil, the
greatest evil, roost loathsome and abominable to
God, and most hateful and hurtful to yourself.
Whereupon you must raise your heart to a holy
detestatiou of it, and resolution against it. (3.) Never
stand reasoning or disputing with it, as Eve did
with Satan; but, without any indulgence of it, you
must do present execution upon it, by sheathing the
word of God, the sword of the Spirit, into the heart
of it; and by mortifying of it through the help of his
Spirit. And if you would dwell long in meditating
upon any subject, make choice of matter more plea-
sant and less infectious.
6. It is necessary that you be skilful in this first
part of meditation, for hereby you find out, who is
to be adored, who not; what is to be done, what
not ; what you should be, what not. But the life of
meditation lieth in the reflex acts of the soul, whereby
that knowledge which was gotten by the former act
of meditation, doth reflect and return upon the heart,
causing you to apply to yourself what was proposed;
whence also you are induced to endeavour to form
your heart and life according to that which you have
learned it ought to be.
This, though it be most profitable, yet, because it
i& tedious to the flesh, is most neglected. Where-
fore it concerneth you who are instructed in the
points of faith and holiness, to be most conversant in
this when you are alone, whether it be when you are
engaged in the common business of life, or retire-
ment for solemn worship.
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7. You should therefore be well read iti the book
of your conscience, as in the Bible. Commune
often with it, and it will fully acquaint you with
yourself, and with your estate, through the light of
God's Holy Spirit. It will tell you what you were,
and what you now are ; what you most delighted in,
in former times, and what now. It will tell you
what straits and fears you have been in, and how
graciously God delivered you ; what temptations you
have had, and how it came to pass, that sometimes
you were overcome by them ; and how, and by what
means you overcame them. It will show what con-
flicts you have had between flesh and Spirit, and
what was the issue thereof, whether you were grieved
and humbled when sin got the better ; and whether
you rejoiced and were thankful when God's grace
restrained you, or gave you the victory. Your
conscience being set on work, will call to remem-'
brance your oversights; and the advantages which
you gave to Satan and to the lusts of your flesh,
that you may not do the like again. It will remem-
ber you by what helps and means (through God's
grace) you prevailed and got a conquest over some
sin, that you may use the same another time. If
you thus diligently observe the passages and con-
flicts of your Christian race and warfare, your
knowledge will be an experimental knowledge;
which, because it is a knowledge arising from the
frequent proof of that whereof you were taught in
the word; it becomes a more fixed, perfect, and
fruitful knowledge than that of mere contemplation.
It is only this experimental knowledge that will
mako you skilful in the duties and trials of tlie
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Christian life. Take a man that hath only read
much of husbandry, physic, merchandise, policy, &c.
who hath gotten into his head the notions of all
these, and maketh himself believe that he hath great
skill in them : yet one that hath not read half so
much, but hath been of long practice, and of great
experience in these, as far excellcth him in husban-
dry, physic, trading, &c. as he excelleth one that is
a mere novice in them. Such difference there is
between one that hath only a superficial knowledge
of Christianity, without experimental observation;
and him that is often looking into the records of his
own conscience, carefully observing the workings of
bis own heart, and God's dispensations towards him.
The experience which by this means you will
obtain,?— of God's love, truth, and power; of your
enemies' falsehood, wiles, and methods; of your own
weakness without God, and of your strength by God
to withstand the greatest lusts, and strongest temp-
tations; yea, of an ability to do all things through
Christ that strengthened you, — will beget in you
faith and confidence in God, and love to him, watch-
fulness and circumspection, lest you b6 overtaken
with sin; with such degrees of humility, wisdom, and
Christian courage, that no opposition shall daunt
you, nor shake your confidence in Christ Jesus.
Where do you read of two such champions as David
and Paul? And where do you find two that re-
corded, and made use of their experiences of God's
truth and goodness, like these ?
Wherefore, next to God's book, which giveth
light and rule to your conscience, read often.. the
book of your conscience. See what is tibeia:wiix^u
G 3 ^Z^- .
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for or against you. When you find that your heart
and life are according to the rule of God's word;
hold that fast to your comfort; but, wherein you
find yourself not to be according to this rule, give
yourself no rest, until in some good measure, at least
in endeavour, you do live according to it.
I have insisted the more largely on this point of
meditation, because of the great necessity and pro-
fitableness of it; many of God's people omit it, be-
cause they know not bow to do it ; and because they
know not their need, nor yet the benefit which they
may receive from it.
Motives to meditation.
9. The necessity and use of meditation will ap-
pear, if you co.isider, 1st, That reading, hearing,
and transient^houghts of the best thipgs, leave not
half that impression of goodness upon the soul,
which they would do, if they might be recalled, and
fixed there by serious thought. Without this medi-
tation, the good food of the soul passelh through the
understanding, and either is quite lost, or is like raw
and undigested food, which doth not nourish those
creatures that chew the cud, till they have fetched
it back and chewed it better. Meditation is instead
of chewing the cud. All the outward means of sal-
vation do little good in comparison, except by medi-
tation they are thoroughly considered, and laid up
in the heart.
2d, The great usefulness of meditation appears
in that, (1.) It doth digest, ingraft, and turn the
spiritual knowledge gained in God's word and ordi-
nances, into the very life and substance of the soul,
changing and fashioning you according to it, so
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that God's will in his word and your will become
one, choosing and delighting in the same things.
(2.) Meditation fitteth for prayer, nothing more.
(3.) Meditation also promoteth the practice of godli-
ness, nothing more. (4.) Nothing doth perfect and
make a man- an understanding Christian more than
this. (5.) Nothing doth make a man more know
and enjoy himself with inward comfort, nor is a
clearer evidence that he is in a state of happiness,
than this. For ^' in the multitude of my thoughts
within me," saith David to God, " thy comforts
delight my soul." And he doth by the Spirit of
God pronounce every man blessed, that doth thus
meditate in God's law day and night.
Of Keeping Company.
I. Rides concerning Company in general.
When you are in company, of what sort soever,
you must amongst them walk with God.
Directions relating hereunto are of two sorts.
First, Showing how you should behave towards all:
Secondly, How towards good or bad company.
First, In what soever company you are, your
conversation in word and deed must be such, as may
procure (I.) Glory to God. (2.) Credit to religion.
(3.) All mutual, lawful, content, help, and true
benefit to each other. For these are the ends, first,
of society; secondly, of the variety of the good gifts
'that God hath given unto men to do good with«
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To attain these ends, your conversation must be,
1. Holy; 2. Humble; 3. Wise; 4. Loving.
First) It must be holy. You must, as much as in
you is, prevent all evil speech and behaviour, which
might else break forth, being careful to break it
off, if it be already begun in your company. Suffer
not the name and religion of Gpd, nor yet your
brother's name be traduced, or evil spoken of; but
in due place and manner vindicate each. Be diligent
■to watch, and improve all fit opportunities of intro-
ducing pious, and useful conversation; even whatso*
ever may tend to the practice and increase of godli-
ness and honesty.
Secondly, Your conversation must be humble.
You must give all due respect to all men, according
to their several places and gifts; reverencing your
betters, submitting to all in authority over you.
Esteeming others as better than yourselves, in hon-
our preferring them before you. Condescending
unto, and behaving respectfully towards, those of
meaner rank.
Thirdly, You must be wise and discreet in your
xarriage towards all, and that in divers particulars.
1. Be not too open, nor too reserved. Not over
suspicious, nor over credulous. For the simple
believeth every word, but the prudent looketh well
to his going.
2. Apply yourself to the several conditions and
dispositions of men in all indifferent things, so far as
you may, without sin against God, or offence to
your brother, becoming all things to all men; suit-
ing yourself to them in such a manner, that if it be
possible, you may live in peace with them, and may
gain some interest in them, to do them ^ood^.
Biit far be it from you todo as many, who under
this pretence, are for all companies ; seeming reli-
gious with those that be religious; but profane and
licentious with those that are profane and licentious;
for this is carnal policy, and damnable hypocrisy,
and not true wisdom.
3. Intermeddle not with other men's business,
but upon due and necessary occasion.
4. Know when to speak, and when to be silent.
How excelleint is a word spoken in season ! As
cither speech or silence will make for the glory of
God, and for the cause of religion, and good one of
another, so speak, and so hold your peace.
5. Be not hasty to speak, nor be much in speak-
ing, but only when just cause shall require ; for as it
is shame and folly to a man to answer a matter before
he hears it, so is it for any to speak before his time
ai3d turn. Likewise consider, that in the multitude
of words there wanteth not sin; but he that refrain-
eth his lips is wise.
6. Be sparing to speak of yourself or actions,
to your own praise, except in case of necessary
apology, and defence of God's cause maintained by
you, and in the clearing of your wronged innocency,
or needful manifestation of God's power and grace
in you; but then it must be with all modesty, giving
the praise unto God. Neither must you cunningly
hunt for praise, by debasing or excusing yourself
and actions, ' that you may give occasion to draw
forth commendations of yourself from others. Thus
seeking of applause, argueth pride and folly. But
do praiseworthy actions, seeking therein the praise
of God, that God may be gloriBed in you, then you
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shall have praise of God, whatever you have of man.
However, follow Solomon's rule: '^ Let another
praise thee, not thine own mouth ; a stranger, and
not thine own lips."
7. As you must be wise in your carriage to-
wards others, so you must be wise for yourself; which
is to make a good use to yourself of all things that
occur in company. L^t the good you see, be matter
of joy and thankfulness to God, and improved for
your own imitation. Let the evil you see, be matter
of grief and humiliation, and a warning to you, lest
you commit the like, since you are made of the same
mould that others are, and are liable to the same
temptations. If men report good of you to your
face, repress those speeches as soon and as wisely as
you can, giving the praise of all things "to God;
knowing that this is but a temptation and a snare, and
a means to breed self-love, pride, and vain-glory in
you. If this good report be true, bless God that
he hath enabled you to deserve it, and study by
virtuous living to continue it. If this good report
be false, endeavour to make it good by being here-
after answerable to the report.
8. If men report evil of you to your face, be
not so much inquisitive who raised it, or how to con-
fute them, or to clear your reputation amongst men;
as to make a good use of it to your own heart before
God. For you must know, this evil report doth not
rise without God's providence. If the report be
true, then see God's good providence ; it is that you
may see your error and failings, that you may repent.
If the report be false, yet consider, if you have not
run into the appearance and occasions of those evils?
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Then say. Though this report be false, yet it cometh
justly upon me, because I did not shun the occasions
and appearances. This should humble you, and
cause you to be more circumspect in your ways.
But if neither the thing reported be true, nor you
have given occasion for it, yet see God's wise and
good providence; not only in discovering the folly
and malice of evil men, who raise and take up an
evil report against you without cause ; but in giving
you warning to look to yourself, lest you deserve
thus to be spoken of. And how do you know, but
that you should have fallen into the same, or the
like evil, if by these reports you had not been fore-
warned? Make use therefore of the railings and
revilings of an enemy, though he be a bad judge,
yet he may be a good remembrancer; for you shall
hear from him those things, of which flatterers will
not, and friends, being blinded, or over indulgent
through love, do never admonish you.
Fourthly, Your conversation amongst all must
be loving; you should be kind and courteous towards
all men. Do good to all, according as you have
ability and opportunity. Give offence willingly to
nonet Do wrong to no man, either in his name,
life, chastity, or estate, or in any thing that is his;
but be ready to forgive wrongs done to you, and to
take wrong, rather than to revenge, or unchristianly
to seek your own vindication. As you have calling
and opportunity, do good to the soul of your neigh-
bours; exhort and encourage unto well-doing. If
they show not themselves to be dogs and swine; that
is, obstinate scomers of good men, and contemners
of the pearl of good counsel, you must, so far as God
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giveth you any interest in them, admonish and in-
form them with the spirit of meekness and wisdom.
With this cloak of love you should cover and cure
a multitude of your companions' infirmities and of-
fences. In all your behaviour towards him, seek
not so much to please yourself as your companion,
in that which is good to his edification.
J • Speak evil of no man ; nor yet speak the evil
yeu know of any man, except in these or the like
eases. (1.) When you are thereunto lawfully called
by authority. (2.) When it is to those whom it
concerneth, to reform and reclaim him of whom you
speak, and you do it to that end. (3.) When it is
to prevent certain damage to the soul or estate of
your neighbour, which would ensue, if it were not
by you thus discovered. (4.) When the conceal-
ment of his evil may make you guilty and accessary.
(6.) When some particular remarkable judgment of
God is upon a notorious sinner for his sin, tlien, to
the end that God may be acknowledged in his judg-
ments, and that others may be warned, or brought
to repent of the same or like sin, you may speak of
the evils of another. But this is not to speak evil,
so long as you do it not in envy and malice to his
person, nor with aggravation of the fault more than
is cause, nor yet to the judging of him as concerning
his final estate.
2. When you shall hear any in your company
«peak evil of your neighbour, by slandering, whis-
pering, or tale-bearing, whereby he detracts from his
good name; you must not only stop your ears at
such reports, but must set your speech and coun-
tenance against him, like a north wind against rain.
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3. When you hear another well reported of) let
it not be grievous to you, as if it detracted from
your credit; but rejoice at it, insomuch that God
hath enabled him to be good, and to do good; all
which maketh for the advancement of the common
cause of religion, wherein you are interested: envy
him not therefore his due praise.
4. Detract not from any man's credit, either by
open backbiting, or by secret whispering, or by any
cunning means of casting evil aspersions, whether by
way of pitying him, or otherwise: as, He is good or
doth well in s\]ch and such things ; but. This but
roarreth all.
5. And, in a word, in all speeches to men, and
communications with them, your speech must be
gracious, that which is good to the use of edifying,
that it may minister grace, not vice, to the hearers.
It must not be profane, nor any way corrupt, as de-
filed with oaths, curses, or profane jests; it must not
be flattering, nor yet detracting: not bitter, not
railing, censorious, or injurious to any man. It
must not be wanton, lascivious, and filthy. It must
not be false; no, nor yet foolish, idle, and fruitless:
for all evil communication doth corrupt good manners.
And we must answer for every idle word which we
speak. Besides, a man may easily be discerned of
what country he is, whether of heaven, of the earth,
by his language; his speech will betray him.
6. There is no wisdom or power here below,
can teach and enable you to do all, or any of the
fore-mentioned duties. This wisdom and power
must be had from above. Wherefore, if you would
in all companies carry yourself worthy the gospel of
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1. Be sure that the Saw of God, and the power
of grace be in your heart, else the law of grace and
kindness cannot be in your life and speech. You
must be endued, therefore, with a spirit of holiness,
humility, love, gentleness, long-suffering, meeknefss,
and wisdom ; else you can never converse with all
men as you ought to do. For such as the heart is,
such the conversation will be. Out of the evil
heart come evil thoughts and actions, but ^^ a good
man, out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth
forth good things," and according to " the abun-
dance of the heart the mouth speaketh." A man
must have the heart of the wise, before the tongue
can be taught to speak wisely.
2. You must resolve before-hand, as David did,
to take heed to y.our ways, that you sin not with
your tongue; and that you will keep your mouth as
with a bridle. Before your speech and actions, be
well advised; weigh and ponder in the balance of
reason, all your actions and words, before you vent
3. Let no passion of joy, grief, fear, anger, &c.
get the head, and exceed their limits. For wise
and good men, as well as bad, when they have been
in any of these passions, have spoken unadvisedly
with their lips. And experience will teach you,
that your tongue doth never run before your wit so
soon, as when you are over-afraid, over-grieved,
over-angry, or over-joyed.
4. You must be much in prayer to God, before
you come into company, that you may be able to
order your conversation aright. Let your heart also
be lifted up often to God when you are in company,
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. 163
that he would alt a watch before your mouth, and
keep the door <A your lips, and that your heart may
not incline id any evil thing, to practise wicked
works with fhen that work iniquity; and that he
would open your lips, that your mouth may show
f(>rth his firaise; and that you may speak as }^>u
ought to speak, knowing how to answer every man;
for the tongue is such an unruly evil, that no man,
but God only, can tame and govern it.
II. Cautions and Directions concerni7ig evil
When company is evil or sinful, if you may
choose, come not into it at all. For keeping evil
company will, (I.) Blemish your name. (2.) It will
exposer you often to many hazards of your life and
state. And (3.) You are always in danger to be
corrupted by the contagious infection of it.
By bad company, I do not only understand
seducers, and such as are openly profane or riotous;
but also such civil men, who yet remain mere
worldlings, and all lukewarm professors, who are
strangers t« the life and power of religion. For
although the sins of these latter do not carry such
a manifest appearance of gross impiety and db-
honcsty, as those of open blasphemers, drunkards,
adulterers, and the like; yet they are not less dan-
gerous; your heart will quickly rise against these
manifest enormous evils: but the other, by reason of
their unsuspected danger, through that tolerable
good opinion which, in comparison, is had of them,
will sooner ensnare and infect you, by an vti^^w^^^
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chilling of your spirits, and by taking off the edge
of your zeal towards the power of godliness: and
so, by little and little, draw you to a remissness and
indifferency in religion, and to a love of the world.
If you shall think, that by keeping evil company,
you may convert them, and draw them to goodness;
be not deceived: It is presumption so to think.
Hath not God expressly forbidden you such com-
pany? If you be not necessarily called to be in
sinful company, you may justly fear that you shall
be sooner perverted, and made evil by their wicked-
ness, than, that they should be converted and made
good by your holiness.
2. When by reason of common occasions in
respect of the affairs of your calling, generally, or
particular, in church, commonwealth, and family,
you cannot shun ill company; (1.) Be specially
watchful that your conversation be honest, un-
blameable, and harmless; even with a dove-like
innocency; that by your good example, they may,
without the word, be brought to love the power and
sincerity of that true religion which you profess.
However, give no advantage to the adversary to
speak evil, either of you, or of your religion; but,
by a holy life, stop the mouths of ignorant and
foolish men; or if they will notwithstanding speak
against you, let your holy life shame all that blame.
your good conversation in Christ Jesus. (2.) Be
wise as serpents. Walk cautiously, lest they bring
you into temporal evils and inconveniences; but
especially lest they infect you with their sin; for a
little leaven will quickly leaven the whole lump.
That you may not be infected by that ill coro-
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pany which you cannot avoid, use these presenra*
tives: (1.) Be not high minded; but fear, lest you
do commit the same or the like sin; for you are of
the same nature, and are subject to the same, or the
like temptations. He that seeth his neighbour slip
and fall before him, had need to take heed lest he
himself fall. (2.) Your soul, like that of righteous
Lot, must be vexed daily with seeing and bearing
their unlawful deeds. (3.) Raise your heart to a
sensible loathing of their sin; yet have compassion
on the sinner; and so far as you have opportunity,
admonish him as a brother. (4.) When you see
or hear any wickedness, lift up your heart to God,
and before him confess it, and disclaim all liking of
it; pray unto God to keep you from it, and that be
would forgive your companion his sin, and give unto
him grace to repent of it. (5.) Though you may
converse with sinful company (when your calUng is
to be with them) in a common and colder kind of
fellowship, by a common love, whereby you wish
well to all, and would do good to all; yet you must
not converse with them with such special and inti-
mate Christian familiarity and delight, as you do
with the saints that are excellent. Thus do, and
the Lord can and will keep you in the midst of
Egypt and Babylon, as he did Joseph and Daniel^
if he call you to it.
3. As soon as possibly you can, depart out of
their company, when you find not in them the lips
of knowledge, or when they any way declare that
they have only a form, but deny the power of god-
liness. ^^ From such turn away," saith the apostle.
And so use the preservatives prescribed, (^ any
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Other, as prudence shall dirept, that you depart not
more evil, or less good, than when you came together.
III. Directions for Christian Fellowship.
Now concerning good company, or Christian fel-
lowship. First, highly esteem it, and much desire it.
For you should love the brotherhood, however the
world scoff at it; and forsake not the fellowship, or
the company of the godly, as the manner of some is:
but, with David, as much as may be, be a companion
with them that fear God.
Secondly, When you are in good company, you
must express all brotherly love; improving your time
together for your mutual good, chiefly in the in-
crease of each other's faith and holiness; provoking
one another to love, and to good -works.
Then is your Christian love of the right kind,
(1.) When you love them out of a pure heart fer-
vently; which is, when you love them, because they
are brethren, partakers of the same faith and spirit
of adoption; having the same Father, and being of
the same household of faith with you. (2.) When
you love them not only with a love of humanity, as
they are men, (for so you should love all men, even
your enemies;) nor yet only with a common love of
Christianity, wherewith you love all professing true
religion, though actually they show little fruit and
power thereof; but with a special love; for kind,
spiritual; and for degree, more abundant. There-
fore it is called " brotherly kindness," and a fervent
love, distinct from charity, or a common love.
Where this love is, it will unite hearts together.
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like Jonathan's and David's, making you to be of
one heart and soul. It will make you enjoy each
other's society with spiritual delight. It will make
you to sympathize with one another; and to bear
each other's burdens. It will make you to com-
municate in all things communicable, with gladness,
and singleness of heart, as you are able, and that
with a special love, beyond that which you show to
them which are not alike excellent. Yea, it is so
entire and so ardent, that you will not hold your
life to be too dear, to lay down for the common good
of the brethren.
When; therefore, you meet with those that fear
God, improve the communion of saints, not only by
communicating in natural and temporal good things
as you are able, and as there is need; but especially
in the communion of things spiritual, edifying your-
selves in your most holy faith, by holy speech and
conference, and (in due time and place) in reading
the holy scriptures and good books, and by prayer,
and singing of psalms together.
That your singing may please God, and edify
yourself and others, observe these rules:
1. Sing as in God's sight, and, in matter of
prayer and praise, speak to God in singing.
2. The matter of your song must be spiritual,
either indited by the Spirit, or composed of matter
agreeing thereunto.
3. You must sing with understanding.
4. You must sing with judgment, being able in
private to make choice of psalms suitable to the
present time and occasion; and both in private and
public to apply the psalm sung to your own parti-
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cuUr case, only taking heed that you do not apply
the imprecations made against the enemies of Christ
and his church in general, to your enemies in partir
cular; also endeavour to confirm your faith, and
incline your will and affections according to the
subject of your psalmody, whether you sing the'
prophecies of Christ, his promises, threats, com^
mands, mercies, or judgments, &c.
5. You must make melody to the Lord in your
heart; which is done, (1.) By preparing and setting
the heart in tune. It must be an honest heart.
(2.) The heart must be lifted up. (3.) The mind
intent. (4.) The affections lively; thje heart
believing, and, in matter of praise and thanks,
6. Lose not your short and precious time, with
idle compliments, worldly discourses, or talking of
other men's matters and faults; nor yet in a barren
and fruitless hearing and telling of news, out of
affectation of strangeness and novelty. But let the
matter of your talk be, either of God, or of his
word and ways, wherein you should walk; or of his
works of creation, preservation, redemption, sancti-
fication, and salvation;, of his judgments which he
executeth in the world, and of his mercies shown
towards his people: or matter of Christian advice,
either of the things of this life, or of that which is
to come. Impart also each to other the experience
and proofs you have had of God's grace and power,
in your Christian warfare. And, as there shall be
cause, exhort, admonish, and comfort one another.
To do all these well, will require special godly
wisdom, humility, and love* If these thr^e be in
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jou, and abound, your society will be profitable:
the strong will not despise the weak, neither will
the weak judge the strong. You will be far from
putting a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall in
your brother's way, but you will follow after the
things which make for peace, and things wherewith
you may edify one another. You will then bear
with each other's infirmities, and not seek to please
yourself, but your neighbour, for his good to edifi*
You must first be wise to make choice, not only
of such matter of speech as is good and lawful, but
sudi as is fit, considering the condition and need of
those before whom you speak. In proposing ques-
tions, you must not only take heed that they be
not vain, foolish, and needless; such as engender
strife, and do minister and multiply questions, rather
than godly edifying; but you must be careful that
they be fit and pertinent, both in respect of the
person to whom they are proposed, and in respect
of the person or persons before whom they must be
Some men havo special gifts for one purpose, ~
Botxte for another* Some for interpreting scripture;
9ome for deciding of controversies; some for dis-
covering Satan's methods and enterprises; some are
excellent for comforting and curing afflicted and
wounded consciences; some are better skilled, and
more exercised in one thing than in another. And
some also of God's dear children, as they are not
abie to bear all exercises of religion; so neither are
they capable of hearing and profiting by all kind o{
discoimes of rdigioo. IF this w«re wisely «!b&er9^>
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Christian conference would be much more useful,
than usually it is.
Secondly, Vou must be lowly minded, and of an
humble spirit, not presuming above your gifts and
calling. When you speak of the things of God,
be reverent, serious, and sober, keeping yourself
within the line, both of your calling, and the
measure of that knowledge and grace which God
hath given you; speaking positively and confidently
only of those things which you clearly understand,
and whereof you have experience, or sure proof.
Think not yourself too good to learn of any;
neither harden your neck against the admonitions
and reproofs of any. If you have an humble heart,
you will do as David did, when he was admonished
and advised by a woman. He saw God in it, and
blessed him for it; he received the good counsel,
and blessed her that gave it: ^^ Now blessed be
God who hath sent thee to meet me this day," said
he, ^^ and blessed be thy advice, and. blessed be
thou who hast kept me this day from coming to shed
Thirdly, There will be need of the exercise of
much fervent love and charity, even amongst the
best. For as Satan hath malice against all good
company and good conference, he will infuse matters
of difference and discord. And because the best
men differ in opinion, (though not in fundamentals,
yet) in ceremonies, and less necessary points of
religion;. and forasmuch as they all have infirmities,
and, while the remains of corrupt nature are in
^hem, are subject^and apt to mistake and misconstrue
le another's actions and speeches, you will need
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that this bond of love be strong, that it be not
broken asunder by any of these, or other such
means ; but that you remain strongly and sweetly
knit together in the unity of the Spirit, through
this bond of peace.
I especially recommend this Christian society in
brotherly love; because, 1. There is nothing giveth
a more sensible evidence of conversion, and transla-
tion from death to life, than this. 2. Nothing
doth more assist the increase and power of godliness
in any place or person, than this. For, let it be
observed, though there be never such an ^excellent
minister in any place; you will see little improve-
ment in grace amongst the people, until many of
them become of one heart; showing it by consorting
together in Christian fellowship, in the communion
of saints. 3. Nothing bringeth more sensible joy,
comfort, and delight, next to communion with God
in Christ, than the actual communion of saints and
love of brethren. It is the beginning of that
happiness on earth, which shall be perfected in
heaven. It is for kind, the same, only differing in
And, to conclude this subject, after you have
been in company, good or. bad, it will be worth your
while to examine how far you have hindered any evil
in others, and have preserved yourself from evil:
.how far you have endeavoured to do good to others,
and how much you have gained in knowledge,
serious affection, zeal, or any other good grace, by
your company; and according as you find, let your
conscience reprove or comfort you.
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I. Rules for our religious Conduct in Prosperity.
When at any time you prosper in any thing,
and have good success, that you may therein walk
according to God's word,
First, Take heed of committing those sins to
which the nature of man is most addicted, when his
heart is satiated with prosperity.
Secondly, Be carefiil to produce those good
fruits, which ate the principal ends why God giveth
good success.
1. The sins especially to be watched against,
are, (1.) Denying of God, by forgetting him and
his ways ; departing from hitn, when you are waxen
fat like Jeshurun ; taking the more license to sin,
by how much you prosper the more in the world.
(2.) Ascribing the praise of success to yourself or
to second causes; sacrificing to your own net. (3.)
High-mindedness; thinking too well of youYself,
because you have that which others have not, and
despising and thinking too meanly of those who
have not what you possess. (4.) If riches increase,
or if you thrive in any other earthly thing, set not
your heart thereon, either in taking too mudi
delight therein, or in trusting thereto. Holy Job
^nd good David were in some piarticnlatd ovett^ken
with this fault. When Job was prospered, he
entertained this secure Oonceit, th^t he should lite in
his nest, and multiply his days as the sand; and
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David in hta prosperity md, be should never be
moved. But tbe Lord, by afflictions, taught them
both to know, by experience, hpw^ vain all earthly
things are to trust to, and ingenuously to confess
their error.
2. I reduce the good effects, or fruits, which are
the principal ends why God giveth good success, to
these two heads: (1.) Professed praise and thankful-
ness to God. (2.) Real proofs of the said thank-
fulness, in well using and employing this good
success for God.
II. Motives to Praise and Tkankfidness.
Firsts Praise and thank God. For, (1.) It is
the chief and most lasting service and worship
which God hath required of you. (2.) It is most
due, and due to him only; he alone is worthy, for of
him are all things, and he is called the God of
praises. (8.) It is the end why God doth declare
his excellency and goodness, both in his word and
works, that it may be matter of praise and thanks-
giving; also why he hath given man a heart to
understand, and a tongue to speak, that for them,
and with them, as by apt instruments, they might
acknowledge his goodness and excellency; thinking
and speaking to his praise and glory. Wherefore
David, speaking to his heart, or tongue, or both,
when he would give thanks, saith " awake, my
glory, and I will give praise." (4.) There is not
any service of God more beneficial to man, than to
be thankful; for itmaketh those gifts of God, which
are good in themselves, to be good to you, and they
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are the best preservatives of good things to you;
nay, thankfulness for former blessings, are real
requests for farther favours, as veil as the best
security you enjoy; for God will not withdraw his
goodness from the thankful.
This praise and thanksgiving is a religious service,
wherein a man maketh known to God, that he
acknowledgeth every good thing to come from him,
and that he is worthy of all praise and glory, for the
infinite excellency of his wisdom, power, goodness,
and all his other holy and blessed attributes, mani-
fested in his word and works; and that he is beholden
to God for all that he hath had, now hath, and
which he still hopeth to enjoy.
Praise and thanksgiving go together, and differ
only in some respect. The superabundant excel-
lency in God, shown by his titles and works, is the
object of praise. The abundant goodness of God,
shown in his titles and works, to his church, to youj
or to any person or thing to which you have referenee,
is the object and matter of your thanks.
Second^ Directions for thanksgiving.
These following things, concerning praise and
thanksgiving, are needful to be known and observed :
1. Who must give praise and thanks: namely,
you, and all that have understanding and breath,
must praise the Lord.
2. To whom praise and thanksgiving are due:
only to God. " Not unto us, not unto us," saith
the church, " but unto thy name give glory."
3. By whom must this sacrifice of thankfulness
be offered : even by Christ only, the only high-priest
of our profession, out of whose golden censor our
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prayers and praises ascend, and are acceptable to
God as incense.
4. For what must we praise God and give him
thanks: we must praise him in all his works, be they
for us, or against us; we must thank him for all
things, spiritual and temporal, wherein he is any
way good unto us.
5. With what must we praise and thank him:
even with our souls, and all that is within us, and
with all that we have. We must praise and thank
God with the inward man; praise him with the spirit,
and with the understanding; -praise him with the
will; praise and thank him with all the affections,
with love, desire, joy, and gladness; praise him
with the whole heart. We must likewise praise
him with the outward man, both with tongue and
hands; our words and our deeds must show forth
bis praise. When oiir thanks are cordial and real,
then they make a good harmony and sweet melody,
most pleasant in the ears of God.
6. When must we give thanks: always, morning,
noon, evening, at all times; as long as we live and
have any being, we must praise him.
7. How much: we must praise and thank him
abundantly. We must endeavour to proportion
our praise to his worthiness and goodness: as we
must love him, so we must thank him with all our
soul, and with all our strength.
Thirdy The evil of unthankfuluess, and dissua-
sives against it.
There is no sin more common than unthankful-
ness; for scarce one out of ten give thanks to God
for his benefits; and those who do give thanks.
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besides many errors in thanksgiving, do not thank
God for one mercy in twenty. Many in distress
will pray, or cry and howl at least, as they of old,
for corn and oil; but who returneth proportionable
praises to his prayers? Whereas the Christian
should be oftener in thanks than in prayers, because
God preventeth our prayers with his good gifts a
thousand ways.
Take heed therefore that you be not unthankfiil.
It is a most base, hateful, and damnable sin. For
he that is unthankful to God,' is (1.) A most dis-
honest and disloyal man, he is injurious to God, in
detaining from him his due, in not paying him bis
tribute. (2.) He is foolish and improvident for
himself; for by not paying his tribute of thankful-
ness, and doing this homage, he forfeits all that be
hath into the Lord's hands; which forfeiture many
times he taketh: but if he doth not presently take
the forfeiture, it will prove worse to the unthankftil
in the end. For prosperity, without a thankful
heart, always increaseth sin, and prepares a man for
greater destruction. The more such a one thrives,
the more doth pride, hard-heartedness, and many
other evil lusts grow in him. This unthankfulness
is the highway to be given over to a reprobate sense.
Such prosperity always proves a snare, and endeth
in utter ruin. For the prosperity of fools shall
destroy them. And when the wicked prosper, it is
but like sheep put into fat pastures, that they may
be prepared for the slaughter. An unthankful man
is, of all men, most unfit to go to heaven. Heaven
can be no heaven to him; for there is praising of
God continually. Now to whom thanksgiving, and
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aioging of th« praie^i of God U tedious, to him
heaven cannot be joyous.
Fourth^ It concarna you, therefore, that you be
much and often in thanksgiving and praise unto
God« To this end, attend to these directions:
]. Stir up your heart to holy resolution and longing
desire so to do. 2. Beware of, and remove impedi-
ments to thankfulness. 3. Improve all the means
of gaining such a frame of mind.
First, Consider that gratitude and thankfulness
is the best service, being the end of all other
worship; and is God's due; and is the end why God
gives matter and means by which, and for which,
we should be thankful; and that nothing is more
beneficial than thankfulness, nor any thing more
mischievous than unthankfulness, as hath been
already shown; consider also, that hearty and con-
stant thankfulness is a testimony of uprightness; it
doth excellently become the upright to be thankful.
It is all the homage, and all the service which God
requireth at your hands, for all the good that he
bestoweth on you. It is pleasant and delightful.
It is possible and easy through the grace of God's
Spirit. It is a small matter, to what God might
exact; even as an homage-penny or pepper-corn.
Thankfulness doth elevate and enlarge the soul,
making it fruitful in good works, beyond any other
duty. For the thankful man (with David) is often
consulting with himself what he shall render to the
Lord for all his benefits to him. Lastly, This
spiritual praise and thanks to God by Christ, is the
beginning of heaven upon earth, being part of that
communion and fellowship which saints and angels
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have with God above. It is that everlasting service,
which endureth for ever.
Fifth, Impediments to thankfulness.
Not only stir up your soul to this great duty of
praise and thanksgiving, but carefully shun all the
impediments thereunto. Amongst many, take heed
especially of these: (1.) Ignorance. (2.) Pride.
(3.) Forgetfulness. (4.) Doubting of God's love.
(5.) Undue affection to the benefits received, espe-
cially to such as are temporal.
1. If yoii are ignorant of the excellency and worth
of God's good gift, or if you misprize things, prefer-
ring natural, temporal, or common gifts, before spiri-
tual, eternal, and special graces, peculiar to God's
children, you will either give no thanks at all, (for
who can give thanks for that which he esteemeth
worth little or nothing?) or if you do give thanks,
it will be preposterous, giving thanks for temporal
blessings sooner, and more than for spiritual and
eternal. Moreover, though you do know each good
gift according to its due value, yet if, through igno-
rance, you mistake the giver, you will bestow your
thanks upon men and second causes, but not on
God, who is the giver of every good and perfect gift.
2. If you be proud and highly conceited of your own
worth and good deservings, you will expect matters
otherwise than God will think fit to give, as Naaman
did, before he was cleansed; and when you miss of
your expectation, you will be so far from thanks, that
you will murmur and complain.
3. Though you know the worth of the gift, and do
acknowledge the giver, and also think yourself un-
worthy of the gift, yet, if you have not these in ac-
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tual remembrance, if you have forgotten them, and
they be out of mind, how can you be duly thankful?
Therefore, when David calleth upon himself to be
thankful, he saith, " Forget not all his benefits."
4. Suppose that you know well the worth of the
gift, and do judge yourself unworthy of it, and re-
member well that you received it of God, yet, if
through misbelief and doubting of God's love, you
think that God doth not give it to you in love and
mercy, but in wrath, as he gave Israel a king, your
heart will sink, and be so clogged with this fear, that
you cannot raise it up to praise and thankfulness for
any gift which you conceive to be so given.
5. Suppose that you are free from all the former
impediments, yet if you be too eagerly affected with
the gift, you will, in a kind of over-joyousness, be so
taken up with it, that, as little children, when their
parents give them sweetmeats, or such things as
they most delight in, fall to eating of the sweetmeat,
and run away for joy, before ever they have shown
any sign of thankfulness, so you will easily be over-
taken in this kind, and neglect God that gave it.
Sixths Helps to thankfulness.
The helps to thankfulness are most of them di*
rectly contrary to the former hinderances; of which,
take these:
1. Get sound knowledge of God, and of his in-
finite excellencies, and absoluteness every way, and
of his independency on man or any other creature;
whence it is, that he needeth not any thing that man
hath, or can do; neither can he be beholden to man:
but know, that you stand in need of God, and must
be beholden to him for all things. Know, also,
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that whatsoever God doth, by whatever means it be,
he doth it from himself, induced by nothing out of
himself, being free in all that he doth. Know like-
wise, that whatsoever was the instrument of your
good, God was the author of both the good and the
Next, get a clear understanding of the full worth
and excellent use of God's gifts, both common and
special. Wealth, honour, liberty, health, life, sen-
ses, reason, &c. considered in themselves, and in
their use, will be esteemed to be great benefits; but
if you consider them in their absence, when you are
sensible of poverty, sickness and the rest, or if you
be so blessed that you know not the want of them,
then if you considerately and humbly look upon the
poor, base, imprisoned, captive, sick, deaf, blind,
dumb, distracted, &c. putting yourself in their case,
you will say, that you are unspeakably beholden to
God for these corporal and temporal blessings.
But chiefly learn to know, and consider well, the
worth of spiritual blessings: one of them, the peace
of God, passeth all understanding. To enjoy the
gospel upon any terms, to have salvation, such a
salvation as is offered by Christ, to have faith, hope,
love, and the other manifold saving graces of the
Spirit, though but in the least measure, in the very
first seed of the Spirit, though no bigger than a
grain of mustard seed, with never so much outward
aflliction, is of such inestimable value and conse-
quence, that it is more than eye hath seen, or ear
bath heard, or ever entered into the heart of man.
For besides that the least grace is invaluable in itself,
M is also the evidence of better gifts, namely^ that
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God hath given you his Spirit, hath given you
Christ, and in him hath given himself, a propitious
^ and gracious God, and with himself hath given you
all things. When you know God aright, and his
gifts aright, knowing all things in God, and God in
all things, then you will be full of praises and thanks.
2. Be humble and base in your own eyes. Let
all things be base in your eyes, in comparison of
God, account them wortliless and helpless things
without him. Judge yourself to be, as indeed you
are, less than the least of God's mercies. For what
are you of yourself, but a compound of dust and sin,
unworthy any good, deserving of all misery ? You
stand in need of God, but not he of you : it is of his
mercy that you are not consumed. When you are
thus sensible of your own need, and that help can
come only from God, and that you are worthy of no
good thing, then you will be glad and thankful at
heart to God for any thing. An humble man will
be more thankful for the least mercy, than a proud
man will for the greatest.
3. Frequently reflect upon the infinite excellencies
of God and his great benefits. Commune with
your soul, and cause it to represent lively to your
thoughts, what God is in himself, what to his church,
and to you, how precious his thoughts are to you-
ward. Consider often what God hath done, and
what he will do for your soul. Call to mind with
what variety of good gifts he doth enrich his church,
and hath blessed you, and you will find that they
will pass all account and number. When also you
consider that God is free in all his gifts to you, who
are unworthy the least of them; if you would thus
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dwell upon these, and siich like thoughts, they
would excite in you a holy rapture and admiration,
causing you to break out, with David, into these,
or the like praises, ^^ O Lord, our Lord, how ex-
cellent is thy name in all the earth !" I thank thee,
1 praise thee, I devote myself, as my best saciifice
to thee. I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
4. Be persuaded of God's love to you in these
good things, which he giveth to you: First, He
loveth you as his creature, and if only in that respect
he doth preserve you, and do you good, you are
bound to thank him. Secondly, You know not but
God may love you with a special love to salvation ;
God's revealed will professeth as much, for you
must not meddle with that which is secret. I am
sure he giveth all-sufficient proof of his love, making
offers of it to you, and which you are daily receiving
the tokens of, both in the means of this life, and
that which is to come. Did not he love you, when,
out of his free and everlasting goodwill towards you,
he gave his Son to die for you, that you, believing
in him, should not die, but have everlasting life?
What though you are yet in your sins, doth he not
command you to return to him? and hath he not
said, he will love you freely? What though you
cannot turn to him, nor love him as you would, yet
apply by humble faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, as
your only saviour and great physician, and endea-
vour, in the use of all good means, to be, and do,
as God will have you; then doubt not but that God
doth love you; and patiently wait, till you see it in
the performance of all his gracious promises unto
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Seventh^ Signs to know when God giveth good
things in love.
If you would consider things aright, you may
possibly know with certainty, that the good things
you have received of God, are bestowed in love to
you; I will only ask you these ({tiestions: Hath
God's mercies excited you to labour more diligently
to please him well in all things? Have you had a
will to be thankful upon the consideration thereof?
Or, if you find a defect and barrenness herein, hath
not this unfruitful and unthankful receiving of bles-
sings from God, been a great burden and grief of
heart to you? If so, this is an evident sign that
God gave those good things to you in love, because
this holy and good effect is wrought in you by them.
Again, Do you love God? Would you love God,
and his ways, and ordinances yet more? This
proveth that God loveth you; for no man can love
God, till God hath first loved him. Likewise, Do
you love the children of God ? Then certainly you
are God's child, and are beloved of God. By these
things you have proof of your calling and election,
that you are now translated from death to life. So
that, though God may give^you some things in
anger, as a father giveth correction, yet he never
giveth any thing in hatred and in wrath, as he doth
to his enemies. " All things work together for
good to them that love God;" therefore, whatsoever
he giveth to such, is in love.
5. Prefer the honour and glory of God, before
and above all things that may be beneficial to your-
self: prefer, likewise, the kindness and love of God,
in the gift, far above the gift itself; then you will
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never be so taken up with the enjoyment of the gift,
as to forget to give praise and thanks to the giver.
6. Unto the former helps, add this: Lay a holy
command upon your soul, and strictly charge your-
self to be thankful; and, since you have such good
reason for it, make no excuses against it, but say,
with David, " Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all
that is within me, bless his holy name."
Lastly, To all other means, join earnest prayer to
God, to give you a thankful heart. It is not all
the reasons you can allege for it, nor all the moral
persuasions you can propose to yourself, can e£Pect it,
though these be good means, yea, God's means, yet
if you go about to raise your heart to it, in the
power of your own might, all will be vain. For as
you cannot pray but by God's Spirit, so neither can
you give thanks but by the same Spirit. Therefore
say, as David did, " Renew, O Lord, a right spirit
in me; and open my lips, that my mouth may show
forth thy praise."
III. Of the real Proofs of Gratitude and Thank-
fulness to God,
It is not enough to profess and utter praise and
thanks to God; but you must give real proof thereof.
1. By devoting and giving yourself to God; to be
at the will of him, who is your sovereign Lord, who
giveth you all that you have, who is always giving
unto you, and always doing you good; paying your
vows to him that performs his promises to you.
Let it appear that you acknowledge him to be such
a one as you say iu your praises, and that you stand
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obliged and beholden to him indeed, as you aay in
your thanks, in that both, in the frame of your
heart, and the conduct of your Iife> you behave to-
wards him as one who only is excellent, who only is
God, who is your God, the God of your life and
salvation; and that in all holy service. For thanks-
living i^ the best way of thanksgiving, and it is a
divine saying, ^^ The good life of the thankful, is the
life of thankfulness." Wherefore, let every new
mercy quicken your resolution to persevere and in-
crease in well-doing, serving God so much the more
^^ with gladness of heart, because of the abundance
of all things."
2. Do good with those blessings which God
giveth you.^ For every good gift is given to a man
to profit withal; not only himself, but every member
of that body, whereof he is part. Whatsoever good
gift God hath given you, whether temporal or spiri-
tual, it must be employed to God's glory, and to
your neighbour's good, as well as to your own, as
you have opportunity. If riches (and the same rule
will serve for health, strength, wisdom, skill, &c.)
be given to you, you must honour God therewith,
and as God doth prosper you in any thing, you must
communicate to them that need, as to the poor, sick,
weak, simple, and ignorant. If God give know-
ledge, faith, spiritual wisdom, ability to pray, or any
other of his rich graces, you must not hoard them
up, and keep them reserved for your own private
benefit, but you must communicate them to others,
and improve them for the promoting their spiritual
good, and edifying them in faith, hope, and love.
By communicating your good and common gifts of
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God. in this sort, you make yourself friends with
them, against a day of need; and when you honour
God, and do good with the talents which God put-
teth into your hand, then you make the best im-
provement of them. He who thus walketh with
God in prosperity, shall certainly find him to be his
sure friend in adversity, and when he shall be put
out of his stewardship at death, then he shall be
received into the everlasting habitations. When,
the more you prosper, the better you desire and
endeavour to be, and do, more good, this is an infal-
lible proof of true thankfulness, and is an evident
sign that you walk with God in piosperity a's he
would have you.
Give all diligence, therefore, to learn this lesson.
How to be full, and how to abound; but know, it
can be learned no where but in Christ's school, and
can never be practised but by Christ's strength.
This is it which the apostle had learned, and said,
he was able to do it -through Christ that strength-
ened him. It is a most needful and high point of
learning, to be instructed, and to know, every
where, and in every thing, how to be full, and how
to abound: of the two, it is more rare and difficult, •
than to know how to be abased, and to suffer want,
which shall be the subject of the next chapter.
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Directions for Walking with God under
Every day will bring forth its evil and cross;
whether lighter and ordinary, or more heavy and
extraordinary. The first sort riseth partly from the
common frailties of the persons with whom you con-
verse, and partly from your own; as from pride and
peevishness, and suspicion of evil, &c. Such as
discourtesies from those of whom you expected
kindness; imperiousness, and too much domineering
of superiors; sullenness, negligence, and disregard
from inferiors; and awkwardness and perverseness in
the persons and things with which you have to do.
First, Rules concerning lighter crosses.
1. Lay not these to he^rt, make them not greater
than they be, through your impatience, as many do,
who, upon every light occasion of dislike, cast them-
selves into such a hell of vexation and discontent,
that all the blessings they enjoy, are scarcely observed,
or can make their lives comfortable. Whereas,
wisdom should prevent, and love and prudence
should cover and pass by most of these; seeing, as if
you saw not: or if you will give way to any passion
at these, let it be with hatred of their and your sin,
which is the cause of these, and all other crosses.
2. These should cause you to pity, and pray for,
them that give you this offence; and for yourself,
who many times without cause take offence. You
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may, if need require, show your dislike, and admo-
nish the offender, provided you do it with ^^ meekness
of wisdom;" but learn hereby to warn yourself, that
you give not the like offence.
Second, Directions how to bear all afflictions well.
But whether your crosses and afflictions be imagi-
nary only, or real; whether from God immediately,
or from man, whether light or heavy, follow these
directions: 1. Be not transported with passion and
anger, like proud Lamech, and froward Jonas.
2. Be not overwhelmed, or sullen with grief, like
oovetous Ahab, and foolish Nabal. But, 3. Bear
them patiently. 4. Bear them cheerfully and
thankfully. 5. Bear them fruitfully.
1st, Remedies against sinful anger.
To help you, that passion and heat of anger
kindle not, or at least break not ou4; beyond due
1. Convince your judgment thoroughly, that
passion and rash anger i^ forbidden and hated of
God. It is a fruit of the flesh. A work of the
devil. Bred and nourished by pride, folly, and
self-love. Also, that it surpriseth all the powers of
right reason, putting a man beside himself, causing
him to abuse bis tongue, hands, and the whole man;
making him, like a fool, to cast firebrands at every
thing which crosseth him, and that not only against
his neighbour and dearest friends, but against God
himself. Consider, likewise, that it maketh a man
unfit to pray, to hear the word, or to perform any
worship to God; and unfit to speak or hear reason,
or to give or receive good counsel. God forbiddeth
his children the company of the froward, and saith,
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that such a one cloth abound in transgression ; and
that ^^ there is more hope of a f6oI than of him."
Wherefore, he must needs be exposed to all the
just judgments of God, temporal and eternal. For
which cause, fix in your mind such an abhorrence of
this vice, that you may beware and shun it with all
2. Observe watchfully when anger beginneth to
kindle and stir in you, and before it flame and break
forth into speech or behaviour, set your reason at
work, to prevent or restrain it. Nay, set faith at
work, having in readiness, upon your mind, such per-
tinent scriptures as these : " Be angry, but sin not;"
and " anger resteth in the bosom of fools." Shall I
then sin against Grod? Shall I thus play the fool?
Rules to know when anger is sinful.
You sin in your anger, 1. When it is without
cause; as when neither God is dishonoured, nor
your neighbour or yourself indeed injured ; when it
is for trifles, and only because you are crossed in
your will and desire, and the like ; but chiefly when
you are angry with any for well doing. 2. Though •
you have cause, yet if it extinguish your love to the
person with whom you are angry ; so that you neglect
the common and needful offices thereof. 3. When
it exceedeth duff measure, as when it is over much,
and over long. 4. It is sinful when it bringeth
forth evil and unseemly effects, such as neglect, or
ill performance of any duty to God or man ; also
when if breaketh out into loud, clamorous, or revil-
ing speeches, or into churlish, sullen, or indecent
behaviour, or when it is attended with any injuri-
ous act.
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3. If you cannot keep anger from rising within
you, yet be sure that you bind your tongue and band
to good behaviour. Make a covenant with them,
and charge them not to show it, nor partake with it
any farther than considerate reason, and good con-
science shall advise you. Set a law to yourself, that
you will not chide, nor strike while you are in the
heat of anger. If there be cause of either, defer it
until you have more government over yourself. If
you say, that " If you do them not in your heat,
you '^ shall not do them at all;" I answer, that, in
saying so, you discover a great deal of folly and
weakness. I am sure you never do them well in
passion. And conscience of duty should lead you
to chiding and correcting when there is cause, not
passion : for, in it, you serve and revenge yourself
upon the party, but not God.
4. Both before, and when you are angry, see
God, by the eye of your faith, as present with you,
in hearing and looking upon you. This will make
you peaceable and quiet, causing you not only to
hold your hands and tongue, as you find by experi-
ence you use to do, when some reverend friend is
present; but this will calm and abate the inward heat
and passion of your mind.
5. If you feel your corruption and weakness to be
such, and the provocation to anger so great that you
fear you cannot contain yourself, then, if it be pos-
sible, avoid all occasions of anger, and remove your-
self, in a peaceable and quiet manner, from the per-
son, object, or occasion thereof. And at all times
shun the company of an angry man, as much as your
calling will give you leave, lest you learn his ways. -
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6. Howsoever it may happen that anger kindles
in you, and breaketh out; be sure that you subdue
it before it grow into hatred of him with whom you
are angry. For this cause let not the sun go down
upon your wrath; you know not what hatred it
may grow into before morning. And the best means
that I know to subdue it, is, if you find your heart
to rise against any, pray heartily to God for him in
particular, for his good; to this you are commanded.
And be so far from seeking revenge, that force your-
self to be loving and kind, showing all good offices
of love with wisdom, as you shall have occasion ;
overcoming evil with good. Pray also to God for
yourself, that he would please to subdue this passion
in you. This act of love to him with whom you are
angry, performed before God, in whose sight you
dare not dissemble, will excellently quench wrath,
and prevent hatred against him, and will give proof
between God and your conscience that you love him.
If, pleading for yourself, you shall say, " It is
roy natural constitution to be choleric, and flesh and
. blood will have their course;" know, this is to nourish
your passion. Know also, it is a wicked and hate-
ful constitution of body, which came in with the fall.
And flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom
of God. Say not, '^ I am so crossed and provoked,
never " any the like;" for Christ was more injured
and more provoked than you, and yet never was in
a passion. And you provoke God a thousand times
more every day, yet he is patient with you. Say
not, ^^ It is such a headstrong passion, that it is
** impossible to bridle and subdue it;" for, I can
assure you, that by using means, these prescribed,
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if you also do often, and much, abase yourself be-
fore God for your passion and folly, and daily repent
thereof, and watch over yourself, you may, of most
hasty and passionate, become most meek and patient
before you die. 1 have seen it in old men (whoM
age in itself giveth advantage to peevishness and
frowardness) who were exceedingly passionate in
their youth, yet, through the grace ofGod, by con-
stant conflict against this vice, have attained to an
admirable degree of meekness.
2d, The cure of worldly grief.
Next, as carnal anger, so worldly grief must be
avoided in all sorts of crosses. For, by it, you re-
pine against God, fret against men, aiid make your-
self unfit for natural, civil, and spiritual duties, and
if it be continued, it worketh death.
The best remedy against worldly sorrow for any
affliction, is to turn it into godly sorrow for sin,
which is the cause of all our troubles. This will
work repentance to salvation, never to be repented
of; and will drive you to Christ, in whom, if you
believe, you will have joy and comfort; even su(i
joy unspeakable as will dispel and dry up both this
and all other griefs whatsoever. For godly sorrow
doth always, in due time, end in spiritual joy.
Third, The nature of Christian patience.
In the third place, I proceed to show the nature
of Christian patience. By patience, I do not mean
a stoical senselessness, or dull stupidity, like that of
Issachar ; nor yet a counterfeit patience, like Esau's,
and Absalom's ; nor a mere civil or moral patience,
which wise heathens, to free themselves from vexa-
tion, and for vain^glory and other ends, attained to ;
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nor yet a profane patience, of men insensible of
God's dishonour or. afflicting hand ; nor a patience
per-force, when the sufferer is merely passive, be-
cause he cannot relieve himself: but a Christian holy
patience, wherein you must be sensible of God's
hand, and when you caunot but feel an unwilling-
ness in nature to bear it, yet, for conscience towards
God, you do submit to his will, and that voluntarily,
with an active patience, causing yourself to be willing
to bear it so long as God shall please; after. the
example of Christ, Not my will, but thine be done^
The excellency of Christ's sufferings was not in chat
he suffered, but in that he was obedient in his suf-
ferings. He was *' obedient to the death." So
likewise no man's suffering is acceptable, if he be
not active and obedient in suffering.
This patience is a grace of riie Spiiit of God,
wrought in the heart and will of man, through be-
lieving, and applying the commandments and pro-
mises of God to himself; whereby, for conscience'
sake towards God, he doth submit his will to God's
will, quietly bearing, without bitterness and vexation,
all the labour, changes, and evil occurrences which
befal him in the whole course of his life, whether
from God immediately, or from man: as also wait-
ing patiently for all such good things as God hath
promised, but yet are delayed and unfulfilled.
Fourth^ Motives to Christian patience under ad-
To induce you to get, and to show forth this
holy patience, know, that you have great need of it,
and that in these respects :
1. You are but h9lf a Christian^ you are imper^
I 31
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feet, and want a principal grace in the Christian life,
if you want patience : thus St. James argueth^ im*
plying that he who will be entire, and want nothing
to make him a Christian, roust have patience. This
passive obedien<:e is greater than active ; it is more
excellent, and more difficult to obey in su£fermg)
than to obey in doing.
2. You cannot have a 'sure possession of your
soul without patience : in your patience ^' possess ye
your souls," saith our Saviour. A roan without
patience, is not his own man: he hath not power to
rule over his own spirit, nor yet of his own body.
The tongue, hands, and feet of an impatient man
will not be held in by reason. But he that is
patient, enjoyeth himself, and hath rule over his
spirit; no affliction can put him out of possession of
himself. "
3. There are so many oppositions and hiuder-
ances in your Christian race and warfare, that, with-
out patience to suffer, and to wait, you cannot
possibly bring forth good fruit to God, nor hold out
your profession of Christianity to the end ; but will
decline, and give over before you have enjoyed the
promise. Therefore you are bid to run with
patience the race that is set before you. And the
good ground is said to bring forth fruit with
patience; and the faithful are said through faith and
patience to inherit the promises.
4. Patience worketh experience, without which
no man can be an established Christian : this ex-
perience being of the highest use to conform the
soul of a Christian in the greatest difficulties. Tiii»
must be said of the necessity, together wkh the
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beil^t of patience, that you may love it, and may
desire to have and show it.
Fifthi Means to gain Christian patience under
By what means you may attain it followeth :
1. Spend those passions on your lusts, which
war in your members, which are exercised on other
objects; fall out with them, and mortify them; for
nothing maketh a man impatient, so much as his
lusts do, both because they will never be satisfied,
and it is death to a man to be crossed in them ; and
because the fulness of lusts causeth a guilty con-
science, whence followeth impatience and trouble-
some vexation upon every occasion, like the raging
sea, which with every wind doth foam and rage, and
east up nothing but mire and dirt. And as St. James
saith, " whence are wars and fightings," (so I say of all
other fruits of impatience) but from " your lusts which
war in your members?" Take away the causes of
impatience, then you have made a good advance to-
wards gaining Christian patience.
2. Lay a good foundation of patience by being
humble and low in your own eyes, through an ap-
prehension that you are less than the least of God's
mercies, and that your greatest punishments are less
than your iniquities have deserved. As Christians
abound in humility so will they abound in patience,
witness the examples of Abraham, Moses, Job,
-David, and others.
3. Labour to gain and improve the Christian
graces of faith, hope, and love: all and either of
these calm the heart, and keep it steady in adversity.
For besides that, they quiet the heart in the assur-
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ance of God's love in Christ. For ** being justified
by faith, we have peace with God, rejoice in hope;"
whence proceed joy and patience in tribulation.
And who can be impatient with him whom he loveth
with all his heart and strength ? These graces also
furnish the Christian with an ability of spiritual
reasoning and disputing with a disquieted soul,
whereby it may be happily composed, and brought
to possess itself in patience under any adversity.
Wherefore the fourth means of patience is, to do
as David did, whensoever you find your heart begin
to fret and be impatient, you must, before passion
or grief hath got the mastery over you, ask your
soul what is the matter; and why it is so disquieted
within you. This do seriously, and your heart will
quickly represent to you such and such afiiictions
aggravated by many circumstances of distress. All
which you must answer by the spiritual reasoning of
your faith, founded on the word of God, whereby
you may quiet your heart, and put your griefs to
Whatsoever the affliction be that may trouble you,
you may be furnished with reasons why you should
be patient, either (1.) From God that sent it:
(2.) From yourself, on whom it lieth: (3.) From
the nature and use of the affliction itself: (4.) By
considering the evils of impatience : (5.) By com-
paring the blessings you have, and are assured that
you shall have, with the crosses you have, especially
if patiently endured. From all these considerations
you will see reason why your heart should be quiet
under the greatest afflictions.
First, Consider well, that whatsoever the trouble
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and cross be, and whosoever be the instrument of it,
either in the sense of evil, or in the want of good
promised, it comes from God your Father, (1.) Who
doth all things according to the wisdom and counsel
of his own will; (2.) Who doth afflict with most
tender affection; (3.) Who correcteth and afflictetb
in measure; (4.) Who hath always holy purposes
and ends in all afflictions, directing them for your
1. Consider that it was God who did it. ^^ There
is no evil" (that is of punishment) " in a city, which
the Lord hath not done," saith Amos. — " It is the
Lord, let him do what seemeth him - good," saith
Eli. ^* I opened not my mouth," saith David,
" because thou (Lord) didst it." " The Lord
gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the
name of the Lord," saith Job.
2. All this God doth to his children with a
fatherly affection, in much love and pity. He hath
your soul still in remembrance, while you are in
adversity. Yea, he bcareth some part of the burden
with you: for, speaking after the manner of man,
he saith, that in all the afflictions of his children he
is afflicted. He delighteth not in afflicting the
children of men, much less his own children.
If you ask. Why then doth he afflict, or why
doth he not ease you speedily ? I ask you, why a
tender-hearted father, being a surgeon, who is
grieved and troubled at the pain and anguish which
he himself causeth his child to feel by necessary
operation, doth notwithstanding apply the burning
irons, and suffer those plasters to afflict him for a
long time? You will say, Sure the wound or malady
of the child rec|[uired it^ and |hat else it could not
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be cured. This is the case between God and you:
God's heart is tender, and yearneth towards you,
when his hand is upon you: therefore bear it
3. God afflicteth you in measure, fitting your a&
fliction for kind, time, and weight, according to the
fitrength of grace which he hath already given you,
or which certainly he will bestow upon you. He
doth never lay more upon you, than what you shall
be able to bear, and will always with the cross and
temptation, make a way to escape. Ti^e husband^
nan will not always be ploughing, and harrowing of
his ground, but only giveth it so much as it bath
need of, or as the nature or situation of the soil re-
quireth. So likewise he thresheth his divers sorts
of grain, with divers instruments, according as the
grain can endure them: ^^ the fitches are not threshed
with a threshing instrument, neither is the cart-wheel
turned about upon the cummin; bread-corn is bruis-
ed, because he will not ever be threshing it, nor
break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with
his horsemen." If the husbandman do all this by
the discretion wherewith God hath instructed him;
can you think that God, who is Wonderful in coun-
sel, and excellent in working, will plough and har-
row any of his ground, or thresh any of his com,
above that which is fit, and more than his ground
and corn can bear ? Should not his ground and com
therefore be patient at such tillage, and at such
threshing ?
4. God's end in afflicting, is always his own
glory in your good; as, to humble you, and to brhig
you to a sight of your sin, to break up the fallow
ground of your heart, that you may sow in rigfat*-
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eousQess and reap in inercy> to harrow you, that the
seed of grace may take root in you. AH God's af-
flictions are to remove impediments of grace: ^^ By
this," saith Isaiah, ^^ shall the iniquity of Jacob be '
purged; and thia is all the fruit, to take away his
sin." All the ploughing is but to kill weeds, and to
fit the ground for seed; all the threshing and win-
nowing, is but to sever the chaff from the corn ; and
all the grinding, and boulting by affltetions^ in bub
to sever the bran from the flour, that God's people
may be a pure offering, acceptable to him. Or else
be afflicts, that his children Height have experience
of his love and power in preserving atid delivering
them, or that they might have the exercise, proof,
and increase of faith, hope, love, and other principal
graces, which serve for the beautifying and perfect-
ing of a Christian. God doth judge his children
here, that they may repent, and be reformed, that
they may not be condemned with the world. God's
end in chastening you, will be found to be always
for your good, that you shall be able to say, '' It
was good for me to be afflicted." For it is ^^ that
you may be partakers of his holiness," and accord-
ingly of his glory and happiness. Bear therefore
all afflictions patiently, for they are for your good.
If this be your cross and trouble, that you want
many of the graces and good giftis of God which he
hath promised: know also that this deferring to give
graces and comforts, is of God, not out of neglect or
forgetfulness of you ; but of wise and good purposes
towards you. As to inflame your desires more and
more after them ; and, that you should seek them in
a better: manner. It is likewise to try your faith
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and hope, whether you will do him that honour, as
to wait and rest upon his bare word. When you
are fit for them, you shall have them. You must
'therefore charge your heart yet to wait patiently for
them, considering the faithfulness and power of God
that promised : and that all the promises of God are
yea and amen in Christ. He is wise, true and
able to fulfil them in the due time, and in the best
manner: for " faithful is he that hath promise^ and
will fulfil it :" and " yet a little while, and he that
shall come, will come, and will not tarry."
Secondly, When the soul beginneth to be dis*
quieted, consider how unworthy you are of any bless-
ing, how worthy you are of all God's curses, yea,
of eternal damnation in hell; and that justly^ because
of the sins of your nature, of your heart, and of your
life. When you do thus, your heart will be quiet
and contented, you will say with the church, what-
soever your trouble be, " I will bear the indigna-
tion of the Lord, for I have sinned against him."
He who acknowledgeth that he hath deserved to be
hanged, drawn, and quartered, for an offence against
the king, if the king will be so merciful that be shall
escape only with a severe whipping, to remember
him of his disloyalty, {though he smart terribly with
those lashes,) yet in his mind he can bear them
patiently and submissively. If you think thus, " I
deserve more punishment in this kind,' nay, in any
other more grievous than this; my punishment is less
than mine iniquities deserve, for I might have been
long since despairing in torments, and past all means
and hope of salvation; but I live, and have time and
means to rn^ke a good use of my afflictions ;" these
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thoughts will cause you to say, Why do I, who am
a living man, complain for the punishment of my
sin, which is so much lighter than my desert? And
will say, with the church, in all your distresses, ^^ It
is God*s mercy it is not worse. It is God's mercy
I am not utterly consumed."
Thirdly, when your soul beginneth to be impatient
under afflictions, whether in soul, body, or estate;
consider the nature and use of them. To the eye
of sense they are evil as poison, hurtful and danger-
ous ; but to the eye of faith, they are good and use-
ful, as physic, most healthful to the soul, and saving.
God, the skilful physician, hath quite altered the
nature of crosses to his children ; he that bringeth
light out of darkness, so orders afflictions, that they
become good antidotes and preservatives against sin,
and good purgatives of sin. The sting and curse of
the cross, which remaineth to the wicked, is by
Christ's patient suflPering, and God's mercy, taken
quite away out of the afflictions of believers. Af-
flictions to the godly, are not properly punishments,
serving to pacify God's wrath for sin; but are only
chastisements to remove sin, and are exercises of
graces, and means of holiness. For they serve
either to prevent evil, or to reform it^ either to pre-
pare way for grace, to quicken and increase grace,
or to discover and give proof of it. God is a wise
and skilful refiner, he knows how to purge his gold,
by casting it into the fire of affliction ; which fire is
not the same to the dross, that it is to the gold ; it
consumes the dross, but refineth the gold, that it
may be fit to be made a vessel of honour. . Fire
BervJBth to try gold, as well as to purge it;. for pure
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gold) though it remain in the fire many days, the
fire cannot waste it; when it is once pure, it will
hold its weight still for all the burning. Hence it
is that the Psalmist saith, ^^ It is good for me that I
have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes;''
and the apostle saith, ^' AH things work together for
good to them that love God." He is a froward and
foolish person, who» being sick of a deadly disease,
doth not patiently and cheerfully bear the gripings
and sickness of stomach, when he kuoweth this sick-
ness, caused by bitter physic, is for his health.
You will say, if you could find that your afflic-
tions did you any good, you should not only be
patient, but cheerful under them.
I answer,* Whatsoever you feel, faith in God's
word will tell you, that they now do you good, and
hereafter you shall feel the benefit of it. The benefit
of physic is not always felt the day you take it,
but chiefly when the physic hath done working.
The chief end why God trieth and purgeth you by
afflictions, is, that he may humble you, and prove
you, to do you good at your latter end. You
should therefore be patient in the mean time.
Fourthly, If yet your heart remain disquieted,
because of your affliction; consider with yourself,
>vhat harm impatience will do you, compared with
the good that will follow a patient enduring of it.
For, besides that it depriveth you of your right un*
derstanding, and maketh you to forget yourself, as I
have said, even to forget your duty both to God
and man; it is the readiest means to double and
lengthen the affliction, not to abate it, and take it ofi;
That parent who intended to give a child but light
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correction} if be be impatient and rebellious under
it, is hereby more incensed, and doth punish him
more severely. But if, in any affliction, you do
patiently submit yourself under God's mighty hand,
besides the ease and quiet it giveth to the soul, and
experience and hope which it produceth in you, it is
the readiest means of seasonable deliverance out of
it ; for then God will exalt you in due time. God
is wise, and too strong to be overcome by any
means, but by fervent prayer and humble submission
to his will.
Fifthly, If yet your mind be disquieted within
you at any crosses; that you may quiet your soul,
you must not, as most do, only consider the weight
and number of your crosses, together with their
several aggravations; but withal seriously think upon
the manifold mercies and favours of God, both in the
evils you have escaped, and in the benefits which you
have received and do now enjoy, and which, through
Christ, you have cause to hope to receive hereafter.
But amongst all his mercies, forget not this one,
which you have already, God hath given Christ
unto you, whereby he himself is yours, as your all*
aufficient portion. Now, if you have Christ, you
have, with him, all things also which are worth the
When you have thus weighed impartially blessings
and mercies against crosses, you will tell me^ that
for one cross, you have a hundred biasings, yea, a
blessing in your crosses, and you will say, that this
one mercy of being in Christ, alone weighetb up all
crosses, and maketh them as light as nothing; giving
you 80 much matter of joy and thank&ilness, even in
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the midst of affliction, tliat you can neither have
cause nor time to be impatient, or to repine at any
affliction, but to rejoice even in your tribulations.
And as for the time to come, when you think
upon all your crosses and sufferings of this present
time, yet reckon, that " they are not worthy to be
compared with the glory that shall be revealed in
you." For they are but short for time, and light for
weight, being compared with the everlasting weight
of glory which they will work for you, if you endure
them patiently. I will say nothing of the shortness
and lightness of your afflictions, in comparison of the
far more intolerable and eternal weight of torments
in hell, which you escape : and in comparing afflic-
tions with glory, I will point out to you only the
apostle's gradation; you shall have, for affliction,
glory, for light affliction, weight of glory; for short
affliction, an eternal glory; for common and ordinary
affliction, excellent glory. And although it might
be thought that he had said enough, yet he ad*
deth degrees of comparison; yea, goeth beyond
all degrees, calling it more excellent, far more excel-
lent: for thus he saith, '^ Our light affliction, which
is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more ex-
cellent and eternal weight of glory.** Indeed, you
roust not look at the things which are seen with the
eye of sense, but at things which are not seen,
which are spiritual and eternal, seen only by the eye
of faith.
You wilt say. If you did but bear afflictions for
Christ, then you could rejoice in hope; but you offr-
times suffer afflictions jusfly for your sin.
I answer, Though this place prineipally points t^
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su£Pering for Christ's cause, yet it is all one, in your
case, if you bear afflictions patiently for his sake.
A man may suflbr afflictions for Christ two ways :
First, When he suffi^reth for his religion and for his
cause. Secondly, When a man suffereth any thing
which God layeth upon him, quietly, for Christ's
will and commandment sake. This latter is more
general than the former, and the former must be
comprehended in this latter ; else the former suffer-
ing for Christ's cause, if it be not in love and
obedience, and for Christ's sake, out of conscience
to ful61 his will, is nothing : whereas he that en-
dureth patiently God's just punishment for sin for
Christ's sake, endeavouring to submit his will to the
will of Christ ; this man suffers, that is, patiently
endureth affliction for Christ, though he never suffer
for profession of Christ : and, if such a one were
put to it, he would readily%suffer for Christ's cause.
And such afflictions as these, thus patiently endured,
work also this excellent weight of glory, as well as
the other.
By these and the like reasonings of faith, you
may possess your soul in patience, as David and
others have done, by casting anchor on God, and on
his word, fixing their stay and hope in him. Let
the issue of your reasoning be this: I will wait on
God, and yet, for all the causes of distress, praise
him who is the health of my countenance, and my
God. Thtis David quieted his heart, when he
heard tidings that his city Ziklag was burnt, and
that his wives and all that he had, together with the
wives and children of all his soldiers, were carried
eaptiv«; an4 when he saw that his soldiers began to
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mutiny, and heard them speak of stoning him, he
encouraged himself in the Lord his God. And
good Jehoshaphat, in his desperate condition, cast,
anchor here, saying, ^* O our God, we know not what;
to do, but our eyes are on thee.'* Thus, by the ex-
ercise of your hope in God, the heart may be
wrought unto much patience and quietness in all dis-
A farther means of patience is. Observe the
patience of others, as of the prophets and faithful
servants of God, who are recorded in scripture, and
left as examples of su£Pering affliction, find of
patience. ^^ We count them happy that endure,"
saith St. James; " you have heard of the patience
of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the
Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy." But
especially represent to your thoughts the patience of
your head and Saviour . Jesus Christ, whom you
pierced by your sins, who as a lamb, dumb before
the shearer, opened not his mouth. Now, if you
would consider him who is the author and finisher
of your faith; who endured such contradiction of
sinners, &c. and such intolerable anguish of soul,
when he wrestled with his Father's wrath; then you
would not be wearied nor faint in your minds, when
you are under any affliction. If with Christ you set
the joy before you, you will be able to endure the
cross, and despise the shame of all persecution for
well doing, and so run that race which is set before
you with patience, that you shall in the end sit down
with Christ at the right-hand of the throne of Gpd»
Sixthly, Pray much for patience, waiting paticmtly
for it; and without doubt, the God of patience' and
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oonsolation, who hath commanded it, who seeth
that you have need of it, and who hath promised to
give you all your petitions which you make accord-
ing to his will, will surely give you patience.
Sixths Of bearing afflictions thankfully and fruit-
To bear adversity and afflictions well, it is not
enough that you bear them patiently, because you
deserve them, and because they come from God; but
you must bear them thankfully ; cheerfully and com-
fortably, because they are, as you have heard, for
your good. We do not only patiently endure the
hand of the surgeon, and the prescriptions of the
physician, but we thank them, pay them, and are
glad of their recipes, though they put us to pain.
** Count it exceeding joy," saith St. James, " when
you fall into divers temptations, knowing this, that
the trying of your faith worketh patience," &c.
Last of all, unto patience and thankfulness, you
must add fruitfulness and growth of grace; this
should be the fruit of all crosses and afflictions, that
with David you may be better for them, and that
you may, with Job, come out of them as gold re-
fined and purged from dross. Therefore God
doth chasten you as he did Jacob: This is all the
fruit, to take away your sin, and that you should
be partaker of his holiness. Be better, therefore,
for crosses; then God hath his end, when, after his
ploughing, harrowing, and threshing of you, he shall
reap the barest of well doing, which he reapeth not
so ooiilch fbr himself, as for you ; for the ground that
bringeth forth fruit meet for him that dresseth it,
ree^v^h blessing from God. All good works are
^^ treasured up in heaven for the doers of them "
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When you have learned this lesson also, *^ How to
be abased and to suffer need/' as well as ^* how to be
fxiH and to abound/' with all the fore-mentioned di-
rections, how at all times, and in all things, to walk
with God, you will provo yourself to be a good pro-
ficient in the school of Christ, one that hath walked
to good purpose before God; showing, that you are
neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thus much concerning the outward frame of your
life and conversation, according to which you must
walk with God. The inward truth and life of all
this, which is, doing all in uprightness, remaineth
to be spoken unto, and is as followetfa.
Of Uprightness.
The sum of this head is contained in this, that
in your whole walking with God you must be up*
right. Both these, to walk with God, and to be
upright, are joined in this precept: '^ Walk with me,
and be perfect," or upright. He speaketh not of an
absolute perfection of degrees, in the fulness of all
graces, which is only aimed at in this life, towards
which the Christian, by watchfulness and diligence,
may come nearer and nearer; but is never attained
until we come to heaven, amongst the spirits of just
men made perfect. He speaketh here of the per-
fection of parts, and of truth and grace in every part.
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expressing itself in unfeignedness of will and endea*
vour; which is uprightness.
1. The Necessity of Uprightness in Religion.
That you should be sincere and upright, read
Joshua xxiv. 14. l.Chron. xxviii.. 9. And the
apostle telleth you, that since Christ Jesus, your
passover, is slain, you must keep the feast (which
shadoweth forth the whole time of our life here)
" with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."
The examples of Noah, Nathaniel, with many
others in the scriptures, are therefore written, that
of them you may learn to be upright.
There is special reason why you should be up-
1. Your God with whom you walk, is perfect and
upright; he is truth, he loveth truth in the inward
parts; all his works are done in truth; and there was
no guile ever found to be either in the mouth, hand,
or heart, of your head Christ Jesus. Now, you
should please God, and be like your Father, and
your head Christ Jesus, following his steps.
2. It is to no purpose to do that which is right
ill God's sight, in respect of the matter of your
actions, if in the truth and disposition of your soul
you be not upright therein. For the best action,
void of uprightness, is but like a well-proportioned
body without life and substance. And that is
counted as not done at all to God, which is not done
in uprightness. This exception is taken against
Amaziah's good actions : It is said, ^^ He did that
which was right in the sight of the Lord, but" he
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did it not in uprightness, be did it *^ not with a per-
fect heart."
3. The best actions, without uprightness, do not
only lose their goodness ; but, in God's account, are
esteemed abominable evils. Such were the prayers
and sacrifices of the hypocritical Jews. For God
judgeth such actions, and such services, to be mere
flattery, lying, and mocking him to his face*
Now, because there is none so ready to presume
that he is upright, as ^ hypocrite, sapng, with
Ephraim, ^^ In all my labours they shall find no iniqui-
ty in me that were sin.'' And, because there are none
so ready to doubt whether they be upright, as are
the tender-hearted and sincere; so it was with DaVid,
when he prayed to have a right spirit renewed in him;
it will be needful and useful that I show you what
uprightness is, and by what infallible signs you may
kpow whether you be upright or not.
II. The Description of Uprightness.
Christian uprightness, for of that I speak, is a
saving grace of the Holy Ghost, wrought in the
heart of a man rightly informed in the knowledge
^f God in Christ, whereby his soul standeth so en-
tirely and sincerely right towards God, that, in the
true disposition, bent, and firm determination of his
will, he would, in every faculty and power of soul
and body, approve himself to be such a one as God
would have him to be, and would do whatsoever God
would have him to do, and all as God would have
him, and that, for and unto God, and his glory.
The author of this uprightness is God's sanctify-^'
ing Spirit,
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The comiBon nature of it, wherein it agretth
with other graces, is, it is a saving grace; it is pecu*
liar to them that shall be saved, for only they ar^
endued with it; but it is common to all, and every
one, who is e£Pectually called.
The proper seat of this grace is the will.
The fountain in man from whence, through the
special grace of the Holy Ghost, it springs, is sound
knowledge of God and of his will, concerning those
things which the will should choose and refuse; and
from faith in Christ Jesus, through whom every be-c
liever doth, of his fulness, receive this grace to be.
upright. Hereby Christian uprightness differetb
from that uprightness, which may be in a mere na-
tural, superstitious, and misbelieving man, for even
such may be unfeigned in their actions in their kind,
both in actions civil and superstitious, doing that,
which they do, in their ignorance and blindness,
without dissimulation either with God or man.
This St. Paul did before his conversion, he did as
he thought he ought to do.
The form and proper nature of uptightness, is the
good inclination, disposition, and firm intention of
the will, to a full conformity with God's will, and
that not in some fapulties and powers of man, or in
some of his actions, but the Christian would be uni-^
versally sincere in all his parts, and in all things; he
would be, and do, as God would have him to be and
do, making God's will, revealed in his word and
works, to be his will, and God's glory to be bis end,
This holy uprightness expresseth itself in these
three things:—
First, It showeth itself, in a well-grounded and
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unfeigned purpose and resolution to cleave to the
Lord, and to make God's will to be his will. This
is an act of the will, guided and concluded from
sound judgment.
The second act is, an unfeigned desire, and long*
ing of the heart, to attain this good purpose and re-
solution, willing or desiring in all things to live
honestly, and to live worthy of the Lord in all well*
pleasing; longing, with David, after God's precepts.
This is an act of the affection of desire, a motion of
the will, drawing and exciting a man forward, giving
him no rest, until he have obtained, at least in some
good measure, his said purpose.
Thirdly, Uprightness showeth itself in a true
endeavour and exercise, according to the strength
and measure of grace received, to be, and to do,
according to the former resolutions and desires.
Such was the apostle's endeavour, to have always
a conscience void of offence towards God and towards
men. This endeavour is an act of the whole man.
All and every active j)ower of soul and body, as
there shall be use of them, are employed in unfeigned
Now, concerning endeavour, know, there are who
think they endeavour sufficiently, when they do not;
others that they do not, when yet they do. The
first, if they, to the sluggard's longing and wishing,
do join an outward conformity to the means of grace,
as to hearing the word, praying now and then, and
receiving the sacraments, and if they do some thinga
which may be don-e with little labour and difficulty,
and if to these they add some slight essays to ab-
stain from sii^, and to do well, they think they en-
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deavour much, whereas, if they do no more, all is td
little purpose.
For, to endeavour, is to exercise the head with
study how, and the heart with will and desire, and
the hand and tongue, and the whole outward man,
to do their utmost, putting to their whole strength,
their whole skill, and their whole will, to subdue
sin, and to be strengthened in grace, and built up
more and more in knowledge, faith, and holiness;
removing or breaking through every hindrance,
shunning all occasions of evil, or whatsoever may
strengthen sin, and seeking after, and embracing,
all opportunities and means to be strengthened in
the inward man. If one means will not be sufficient,
if there be others to be used, they will find out and
use them also; if they cannot attain their good
purposes at once, they will try again and again.
They who endeavour indeed, not only seek to ob-
tain their ends, but they strive in seeking, as hard
students, as good warriors and wrestlers, and as those
who run in a race do, to that they may obtain that
which they study, fight, wrestle, and run for. It
is not a bare wishing or woulding for a fit, or a
cold and common seeking, but an earnest striving to
enter in at the strait gate, that giveth admittance
into the way of holiness, and into the kingdom of
heaven. It is a studying and exercising a man's
self, as in a matter of life and death; and as H wise
tnan would do for a kingdom, where there is possi-
bility and hope of obtaining it.
Others, who indeed endeavour to keep a good
conscience toward God and fnan, yet because they
oatinot bring into act always that which they labour
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for, or because they see oversights, neglects, or some
weakness in their endeavours, they think that they
endeavour to no purpose. Whereas, if they do what
they can, according to the strength of grace received,
or according to the condition or state wherein they
are, which is sometimes better, sometimes worse, if
they see their failings in their endeavours, and be«-
wail them, and do ask pardon, resolving by God's
grace to strive to do better, this is true endeavour,
this is that which Ood, for Christ's sake, doth accept
of. For, since endeavour is a part of our holiness,
you must not think that it will be perfect in this
life: if it be true, you must thank God, for he will
accept of that.
A man's endeavour may be as true, and as much,
when yet he cannot perform what he endeavours to
do, as it is at other times, when, with the endeavour,
he hath also ability to perform. As you may see
in natural endeavours. The same man, being well
in health, if he fall and break not his arms or legs,
he endeavours to get up, and readily doth it; but if
he be weak, or if falling he breaketh his arms and
legs, he also hath a will and desire to rise, and striv-
eth earnestly to help himself, but cannot do it effec-
tually, and in that case, he is fain to lie until he see
help coming, then he will call, and entreat help, and
when one giveth him the hand, though he cannot
rise of himself, yet he will lift up himself as well as
he can: doth not this man, in his latter condition, as
truly endeavour as he did in his former? So it is
with a spiritual man in his spiritual endeavours. If
he essay to do what he can, and call to God for his
help, and when he hath it, is glad, and willing U
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improve it, this is the true endeavour, which, con-
curring with the two former acts, purpose and desire,
giveth proof of uprightness.
There is a twofold uprightness; the one of the
heart and person, the other of the action: I have
described the uprightness of the person. And then
an action is upright, when a man doth not dissemble,
but means as he saith, intending as much as is pre-
tended, whether it be in actions toward God or roan.
The first is, when the heart of man agreeth with,
and in the intention thereof is according to, the will
of God. The second is, when the outward act
agreeth with, and is according to, the heart of him
that doth it.
III. Rules to judge of Uprightness,
4 That you may rightly judg» whether you are
upright or not, first, take certain rules for direction,
to rectify your judgment; then observe the marks of
1. Uprightness being part of sanctification, is not
fully perfect in any man in this life, biit is mixed
with some hypocrisy, conflicting one against the
other. It hath its degrees, sometimes more, some-
times less; in some things more, in some things less,
according as each part prevaileth in the opposition,
and according as the Christian groweth or decay eth
in other principal and fundamental graces.
2. A man is not to be called on upright man, or
a hypocrite, because of some few actions wherein he
may show uprightness or hypocrisy. For a hypo-
crite may do some upright actions, in which he doth
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not dissemble, though he cannot be said to do them
in uprightness; as Jehu destroyed the wicked house
of Ahab, and the idolatrous priests of Baal, with all
his heart. And the best man may do some hypo-
critical and guileful actions, as David did in the
matter of Uriah. It is not the having of hypoc-
risy that denoteth a hypocrite, but the reigning of
it, which is, when it is not seen, confessed, bewailed,
and opposed.
A man should judge of his uprightness rather by
his will, bent, and the inclination of his soul, and
good desires, and true endeavours to well-doing in
the whole course of his life, than by this or that par-
ticular act, or by his power to do. David was thus
esteemed " a man according to God's own heart," no
otherwise; rather by the goodness of the general
course of his life, than by particular actions: for
in many things he offended God, and polluted his
soul, and blemished his reputation.
3. Although uprightness is' to be judged by the
inward frame of the heart towards God, yet, where-
soever uprightness is, it will show itself in men's
actions in the course of their lives. Only observe
• this, that in judging your actions, you must not
judge them so much by the greatness of the quanti-
ty, as by the soundness and goodness of the quality.
If it be good in truth, according to the measure of
grace received, God accepteth it in Christ. She
hath done what she could, saith our Saviour, Mark
xiv. 8. A little sound and true fruit, though weak
in comparison, is far better than many fair blossoms,
-yea, than plenty of grapes, if they be wild and sour.
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IV. Particular Marks of Uprightness*
That you may conceive more distinctly, ^nd better
remember, the signs of uprightness, I reduce them
to these heads. They are taken, 1. From univer-
sality of respect to all God's will. 2. From a special
respect to such things as God requireth specially.
3« From a will and desire to please God in one place
as well as another; in secret as well as openly.
4. From a constancy of wiil to please God at one
time, as well as another. 5. From the true causes
from whence good actions flow. 6. From the effects
that follow well-doing. 7. From the effects that
follow evil-doug. 8. From the conflict which shall
be found between uprightness and hypocrisy.
I. The upright man is universal in his respect to
the whole will of God.
(1.) In an unfeigned desire and endeavour to
know what manner of man he ought to be, and what
he ought to d6. He would know and believe any
one part of God's will, so far as it may concern
himself, as well as another; threats as well as pro-
mises; commandments as well as either; and that
not some, but all the threats, all the promises, and
all the commandments. ^^ Coming tp the light"
readily, ^^ that his deeds may be made manifest."
He is willing to know and believe what he should
do, as well as what he should have and hope for.
But the hypocrite doth not so, he winketh with his
eyes, and is willingly ignorant of that sin, which he
would not leave; and of that duty, which he would
not do; and of that judgment, which he would not
K 31
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feel. He is willing to know the promises of the
gospel, but willingly ignorant of th« precepts of the
gospel, and of the conditions annexed to the promises.
(2.) His universal respect to God's will, is not
only to know, but to do, and to' submit unto it in all
things; willing to leave and shun every sin; willing
to do every thing which he knoweth to be his duty;
willing to bear patiently, thankfully, and fruitfully
every correction wherewith the Lord doth exercisis
him. He disliketh sin in all. He loveth grace
and goodness in all. He would keep a good con-
science in all acts of religion towards God, and in
ail acts of righteousness and sobriety towards and
amongst men. He would forbear not only those
sins to which his nature is not so much inclined, or
to which his condition in life afforded not so many
temptations, but those to which his nature and con-
dition of life most carry him; he will cross himself
in his dearest lust, especially his formerly beloved sin,
his own sin, as David calleth it. Neither dioth he
endeavour to abstain from those vices which m^y
bnug loss, and are out of credit, which human laws
punish, and all men cry out against, but such as,
through the iniquity of the times, are in countenance
with the greatest, and practised by most, the for«'
bearance whereof may threaten and procure danger
and discredit; the doing whereof may promise and
promote much worldly gain and honour. Moreover,
the upright roan doth not only strive to do those
holy and virtuous actions which are in credit^ and
for his advantage in the world, but those also which
may expose him to disgrace, and loss even of his li£e
And livelihood. He W4>uld abstain as wiellironi leas
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evils^ even firom appearance of evils, as from gross
sins; and would so do the greater things of the law,
as not to leave the other undone. But the hypo-
crite is not so^ there is some sin he will not leave,
some duty he will not do, &c. Follow the opposi-
2. An upright man is known by this : Where God
hath laid a special charge, there he wiH have a first
and special respect to it; as, to " seek the kingdom
of God and hi& righteousness," that one thing ne-
cessary; and to show ^ special love to tlie house-
hold of faith; to be first and most at home, reform-
ing himself, pulling the beam out of his own eye ;
to be most zealous for matter of substance in reli-
gion, and less in matter of ceremony and circum-
stance. Lastly, his chief care will be to apply him-
self to a conscientious discharge pf the duties of his
particular calling, knowing that a man hath no more
conscience nor goodness in truth, than he hath will
and desire in it to show the works of his particular
place and calling. The hypocrite is contrary in all
these. .
3. The upright man endeavoureth to approve
himself to God, as well in secret, as openly; as well
in the inward man, as in the outward; as well in
thought, as in word and in deed. But it is quite
otherwise with the hypocrite; if he may seem good
to men^ it is all he careth for.
4. The upright man is constant; his will is, that
he might always please God. He doth as much
endeavour to approve himself to God in prosperity
as in adversity, and, even tbeuj^ studieth how to be
abl.Q tp hold out before God, if his state should «\ux.
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I do not mean such a constancy as admitteth of no
intermission or obstructions in his Christian course.
A constant running spring may be hindered in its
course for a time, by damming it up, yet the spring
will approve itself to run constantly, for it will be
still thrusting to get through, or to get under, or^
if it can do none of these, it will raise itself in time,
according to its strength, and get over all hinderances,
and will bear down all before it, and run with a more
full stream afterwards, by as much as it was before
interrupted: so it is with an upright man. But the
hypocrite's religion is by fits and starts; as he calleth
not on God at all times, so it is with all other his
goodness, it is but as the seed in stony ground, and
amongst thorns, and, as rnorning dew, it endureth
but for a season.
5. An upright man is known by the causes from
which all his good actions spring, and to which they
(1.) That which causes the upright man to endea-
vour to keep a good conscience alway, is an inward
principle and power of grace, causing him, through
faith in Christ Jesus, in and from whom, as the
root of all grace, he bringeth forth fruit; and from
love and fear of God, and from conscience of the
commandment, to do the will of God. Not only
fear of wrath, and hope of reward, causeth him to
abstain from evil and do good, but chiefly love of
God, and conscience of duty.
Now, if you would know when you obey out of
conscience of the commandment, and from love of
Christ, consider, 1. Whether your heart and mind
stand bent to obey every of God's commandments
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which/ you know, as well as any, and that because
the same God, who hath given one, hath given all.
If so, then you obey out of conscience. 2. Consider
what you do, or would do, when Christ, and his true
religion, and his commandments go alone, and are
separated from all outward credit, pleasure, and pro-
fit. Do you, or will you then cleave to Christ, and
to the commandment? Then love of Christ, fear
of God, and conscience of God's command, was, and
is, the true cause of your well-doing; especially if
you choose and endeavour this, when all these are
by tho world clothed with peril and contempt.
3. Consider whether you can go on in the strict
course of godliness alone, and whether you resolve
to do it though you shall have no company, but all
or most go in the way of sin, and also persuade you
thereunto. When you will walk with God alone,
and without other company, this showeth that your
walking with God is for his sake. So walked Noah,
and Elijah, as he thought.
But the cause of a hypocrite's well-doing is only
goodness of nature, or good education, or mere civi-
lity, or some common gifts of the Spirit, or self-love,
slavish fear, or the like. See this in Ahab's repen-
tance, in Jehu's zeal, and Joash's goodness. Ahab's
humiliation was only from a slavish fear of punish-
ment. The zeal of Jehu was only from earthly joy
and carnal policy; for had it been in zeal for God,
he would as well have put down the calves at Dan
and Bethel, as slain the priests of Baal. And the
goodness of Joash was chiefly for Jehoiadah's sake,
whom he reverenced, and to whom he esteemed him-
self beholden for his kingdom, and not for God's
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sake. For the scripture satth, that after Jehoiadah's
death, the princes solicited him, and he yielded to
them, and fell to idolatry; added this also, he com-
manded Zechariah the high priest, Jehoiadah's son,
to be slain, because, in the name of the Lord^ he
reproved him for his sin.
(2.) The upright man's actions, as they come from
a good beginning, so they are directed to a good end,
namely, the pleasing of God, and the glory of his
name, as his direct, chief, and utmost end; not that
a man might not have respect to himself, and to his
neighbour also, proposing to himself his own and his
neighbour's good, as one end of his actions, some-
times; but these must not be proposed either only, or
chiefly, or as the ultimate end, but only as they are
subordinate to those chief ends, and are the direct
means to promote God's glory. For, so far as a
man's health and welfare, both of body and soul, lie
directly in the way to glorify God, he may, in that
respect, aim at them in his apt ions. Our Saviour
Christ, in an inferior and secondary respect, aimed
at his own glory, and at the salvation of man, in the
work of man's redemption, when he said, " Glorify
thy Son;" and prayed, that his church might be glori-
fied. Here he had respect unto himself, and unto
man; but when hesaith, "That thy Son may glorify
thee," here he made God's glory his utmost end,
<kx\i the only mark which for itself he aimed at.
The upright man's aim at his own, and at his
neighbour's good, is not for themselves, as if his
desire ended and was terminated there, but in refer-
ence to God, the chief good, and the highest end
of «ll things.
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Indeed, svich is God's wisdom and goodness^ that
he hath set before man evil and good: evil) whiel»
folio wetb upon displeasing and dishonouring him by
sin, that man might fear and^avoid sin; good» and
recompense of reward, which followeth upon faith
and obedrenee, th^t he might hope, and be better in*
dnced to believe and obey* This Ood did,, knowing
that man hath need of all reasonable helps to deter
him from evil, and to allure him to good. N^w, God
having set these before us, we may, and ought, for
these good purposes, to set them before ofirselvesi
Yet the upright man standeth so fully and only to
God, that, so far as he kuoweth hi&own heart, he is
thusresolved, that if there were no fear of punishment,
nor hope of reward, if there were neither heaven not
hell, he would endeavour to please and glorify God,
even out of that duty he oweth to him, and from
that high and awful estimation which be hath of
God's sovereignty, and irom that entire love which
he beareth unto him. He that habitually in doing,
of common and earthly business, though they concern
his own good, hath a will to do them with a heavenly
miud, and to a heavenly end, certainly standeth well,
and is uprightly resolved, although, in temptations
and fears, he doth not always feel the said resolution.
But the hypocrite doth not so: he only or chiefly
aimeth at himself, and in his aim serveth himself in
lill that he doth. If he look to God's will and glory,
as sometimes he will pretend, he maketh that but
the bye, and not the main end; he seeketh God's
#H1 and glory not for itself, but for himself; not for
Ood^s sake, but for his own. Thus did Jehu.
• 6. An upright man may know he is upright, by
the effects that follow upon his well-doing.
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(L) His chief inquiry is, and he doth observe^
what good Cometh by it, and what glory God hath
had, or may have, rather than what earthly credit
and benefit he hath gotten to himselfr Or if this
latter thrust in itself before the other, as it will oft-
times in the best, he is greatly displeased with him-
self for it. The hypocrite is not so; all that he in-
quireth after, and is pleased with, after he hath done
a good deed, is, what applause it hath amongst men.
(2.) When an upright man hath done a praise-
worthy action, he is not pufied up with pride and
high conceit of his own worth, glorying in himself,
but he is humbly thankful unto God. Thankful,
that God hath enabled him to do any thing with
which he will be well pleased, and accept as well
done. Humble and low in his eyes, because of the
manifold failings in that good work, and because he
hath done it no better, and because whatsoever good
he did, it was by the grace and power of God, not by
any power of his own. Thus David showed his
uprightness in that solemn thanksgiving, whe£i he
said, '^ But who am I, and what is my people, that
we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort?"
But it is otherwise with the hypocrite; for either
he ascribeth all the glory of his good work to him-
self, or if he seem to be thankful, it is with a proud
thankfulness, like that of the Pharisee, accompanied
with disdain of others, who, in his opinion, do not
so well as himself.
(3.) The upright man having begun to do well,
doth not set down his rest there, but striveth to do
more, and to be better; he, with the apostle, forget-
teth what is behind, looking to that which is before,
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not thinking that yet he hath attained to that he
should do. So many as are indeed perfect and up-
right do thus. But the hypocrite, if he hath some
flash of common illumination, and some little taste
of those things which concern the kingdom of hea-
ven, and hath attained to a form of godliness, he
tfaiuketh that he hath enough, and needeth nothing.
So did Laodicea.
7. The upright man and the hypocrite are dis-
tinguished by their different affections and carriages,
after that they have fallen into sin, for in many
things we sin all. As the upright man did not
commit his sin with that full consent of will, which
the hypocrite may do, and often doth, but always
with some reluctance and opposition of will, though
not always felt and observed, insomuch that he can
say. It was not he, but sin that dwelt in him ; so,
after he is fallen into sin, when his sin is made
known to him, he doth not hide, excuse, or defend
his sin, or if he do, it is but seldom in comparison,
and but faintly, and not long, his conscience smiting
him when he doth it, or quickly after it.
An upright man will not be much or long angry
with any who admonish him of his sin, yea, though
an enemy, by malicious railing, call his sin to re*
membrance, as Shimei did to David, even therein
he can see God, and can,- for the most part, abstain
from revenge, and will stir up his heart to godly
sorrow for his sin. ^ But if any, like Abigail, shall j
in wisdom and love, admonish him, he blesseth God
that sent iiim or her; he blesseth and maketh good,
use of the admonition, and'doth bless the admonisher^
and take it for a special kindness. Tbusj David, a
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man according to God's own heart, as he displayed
human frailties iir hh many and great falls, sa he
gave clear proof of his uprightness, sooner or later,
by his behaviour after his falls. He could say, and
his repentance did prove it, that though, to his grief
and shame, sometimes he departed from God, yet
he did not wickedly depart from God. Though
upright men be transgressors, yet they are not wicklerf
transgressors: there is great difference between these
two. And though there be evil in their actions,
yea, in some of them filthiness, and grievous iniquity,
yet in their filthiness is not lewdness, as God com-
plains of Judah, that is, they are not obstinate and
rebellious, standing out against the means of purging
jind reclaiming them. For when God doth correct
them by his word or providence, they are willing to
reform whatever is discovered to be amiss.
Moreover, although the upright man may be
often drawn into a way that is not good, and often,
through his weakness and heedlessness, falls into a
state that is not good; yet he doth not set himself
in a way which is not good, nor yet, like the swine^
delight to wallow and lie in it. When an upright
rtian is fallen, and hath recovered out of his spiritual
swoon, when he is come to himself, he is like a lAan
Sensible of his bones broken or out 6f joint; he is
not well, nor at quiet, nor his own man, until he
hath confessed his sin, repented of it, asked pardon
and grace, and renewed his peace with God. An
upright man is likewise like the needle of the"
mariner's cortipass, which may, by violent mtytitnr,
aoraetimes swerve to the west, or to the east; btit
tflandeth steady no way hut towards the north, and^
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■it it he truly touched with a loadstone, hath bo rest
but in that one point; so an upright man may,
through boisterous temptations, and strong allure-
ments, oftentimes look towards the pleasure, gain,
and glory of this present world : but because he is
Ituiy touched with the sanctifying Spirit of God, he
still inclineth towards God; and hath no rest until
Ifia mind is steadily fixed on Christ and heaven.
~ But it is not so with the hypocrite; he is in each
particular directly contrary. I leave the full and
pat^ieular application thereof to yourself.
8r You will find the most evident mark of
uprightness from your sense of hypocrisy in your*
self, and from your conflict with it. The upright
man is sensible of too much hypocrisy and guile in
bis h^art. Yea, so much, that oftentimes he
maketh it a question whether he have any upright^
ness; and, until he hath brought himself to due
tnal- by the balance of the sanctuaryj the word and
godpel of Christ, he feareth he is still a hypocrite.
But there is nothing which- he would oppose more,
nothing which he complaineth of, or prayeth to God
more against,- than this hypocrisy, nor is there any
thing he longeth after, laboureth and prayeth for
more, than that he may love and serve the Lord in
sincerity. All this plainly showeth, that this man
¥fbtrld be upright, which hearty desire so to be, is
upright^esrs itself.
The hypocrite contrariwise, neglect^h to observe
his guile and false-heartedness in religion: or if be
can dee it, be is Hot much troubled at it, but suflEereth
i¥ tch reign in him: and as he boasteth of his good
fK^imle, ao Itkei^de of his good heart, ai^ good
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meaning in all that he doth, except when his lewd-
ness and hypocrisy are discovered to his face, flatter-
ing himself in his own eyes,, till his iniquity is found
to be hateful.
Before I leave this, • I will answer a question or
two, concerning judging of uprightness by these
(1.) Whether an upright man can at all times
discern his uprightness, by these or any other marks?
Ordinarily, If he will impartially compare him-
self with these evidences, he may. But sometimes
it so happeneth that he cannot; namely, in the case
of spiritual desertions, when God, for his neglect of
keeping his peace with him, is hidden from him for
a time, and when in his displeasure he looketh
angrily, and writeth bitter things against him.
Likewise, when he is in some violent and prevalent
temptation, and thereby cast into a kind of spiritual
swoon, and in such like cases. But a. man must
not judge himself to be dead, because when he is
asleep, or in a swoon, he hath no feeling, or sense
of life.
(2.) Whether is it necessary that a man should
find all these marks of uprightness in him, if he be
No. Although, if he were in a condition to judge
and try himself thoroughly, he might find them all
in him; yet if he find most, or but some of these,
he should comfort himself with those, until he find
the rest.
Take heed therefore that you do not as many,
who, when they hear and see many signs given of
this, or any other needful grace^ if they caonot
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approve themselves by all, they will make a question
whether they have the grace or not. One may give
you twenty signs of natural life, as seeing, hearing,
talking, breathing, &c. What though you cannot
prove yourself by all? Yet if you know you feel,
or breathe, or move, you know you are alive by any
one of them.
(3.) What is to be done when you cannot find
that you are upright, whereas heretofore sometime
you did hope that^you were?
Do not presently conclude you are a hypocrite;
but look back to former proofs of uprightness. And
though you have, for the present, lost your evidence
and assurance of heaven, yet give not over your
possession of what you have had, nor your hope.
A man that hath once had possession of house and
lands, if his estate be questioned, will seek out his
evidence; and^ suppose that he hath laid aside, or
lost his evidence thereof; yet he is not such a fool
as to give over his possession, or his right; but will
seek till he find his evidences, or if he cannot find
them, will search the records, and get them from
thence. So must you in this case; you must seek
for your evidence again. However, cleave fast to
God and to his promises; frequently renew your
acts of faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, and continue
to persevere in the ways of godliness as you are
able, and you shall not be long, before you shall
know that you are upright: or if you attain not to
this, yet be sure the Lord will know you to })e his,
though you do not so certainly know that he is
yours. But more of this when I shall speak of
peace of conscience.
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' But in trying my uprightness, I find many of
the signd of bypoci'isy in me. I do not find myself
to be s6 universal in my respect to all God's com-
mandments as I should; I do not bate all sins alike;
I find myself inclined to one sin more than another^'
and I am readier to neglect some duty than other;
I cannot so thoroughly seek God's kingdom as I
should; I am readier to find fault with others, than
to amend my own conduct, &c. I find that I am
not so constant as I ought to be in holy duties, and
I have too much respect to myself in all that I do,
and too little to God's glory. In reading all the
notes of hypocrisy, except the last, I find hypocrisy,
nay, much hypocrisy to be in me; must T not there-
fore judge myself to be a hypocrite?
No. For truth of uprightness may be in the
same person, in whom there is sense of much
hypocrisy; nay this, to feel hypocrisy with dislike,^
is the certain evidence of truth of uprightness.
Indeed, if you felt not thus much, you might fear
you were not upright. All that you have said, if
it be true, only proveth that you have hypocrisy
remaining in you, and that you feel it. You must
remember I told you, that not the having, but the
reigning of hypocrisy, maketh a hypocrite. Besides^,
a man may have a universal respect to all God^s
"commandments, and yet not an equal respect to all.
If you see and bewail your sin, and fight against
your hypocrisy when you feel it, assure yourself
you are no hypocrite.
(4.) What if a man finds indeed, by these notes
of hypocrisy, that it doth reign in him !
He must know that he is for the present ha^
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of God, and ifi a damnable state, yet his state is not
desperate. If the hypocrite forsake his hypocrisy,
and become upright, he shall not die for his
hypocrisy; if this be true of a sinner's forsaking all
sin, then, it is true of this in particular, of forsaking
his hypocrisy; but in the uprightness wherein he
liveth, he shall live. What Christ ^aid to hypo-
critical and lukewarm Laodicea, that I Say to alF
such: they must be zealous, they must amend, and
be upright; hypocrisy is as pardonable as any other
sin to him who is penitent, and believeth in Christ
By this which I have written, you may plainly
see, (1.) That you ought to be upright; (2.) What
it is to be upright ; (3.) Whether you be upright or
not. It concerns you therefore to hate and avoid
hypocrisy, and to love and embrace sincerity. Which
that you may do, make use of the motives and means
which follow irt the n^xt sections.
V.' Dissuativesfi'om Hypocrisy^ and Motives to
If you would abandon hypocrisy, consider the
dissuasives \ taken from the evils and mischiefs that
accompany it Where it reigneth, aiid how troublesome
a»d hatuAil it ii» where it doth not reign.
The evils of hypocrisy, where it reigneth.
1 . Hypocrisy taketh away all the goodness of the
best actions. They are good only in name, not in
deed. The repentance and obedience of a hypo-
crite is none, because' it is feigned; his faith is
no faith^ because it is fiot unfeigned; his love is no
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love, because it is not from a pure heart, without dis-
simulation. Judge the same of all other graces and
good actions of a hypocrite.
2. All the good actions of a hypocrite are,
together with himself, wholly lost. Such as preach-
ing, hearing, praying, almsgiving, &c.
3. Hypocrisy^ in whom it reigns, doth not only
take. away all goodness from the best gifts and actions,
and cause the loss of all reward from God, but it
poisoneth and turueth the best actions into most
loathsome and abominable sins. Insomuch, that in
those good works wherein the hypocrite seemeth to
make haste to heaven, he still runneth post to hell.
For such allowed hypocrisy is worse than professed
wickedness. It is so odious in God's sight, that for
it he will plague those in whom it ruleth with his
severest judgments. For the hypocrisy of men pro-
fessing the truth, bringeth the name, religion, and best
services of God into disgrace and contempt, and
causeth the best actions and best men to be suspected.
For such as have not spiritual wisdom to judge rightly,
stumble thereat, and forbear the exercises of reli-
gion, and the company of those that be religious,
ignorantly judging all who profesfs that religion to be
alike. Besides, hypocrisy is high treason against
God; for it is a gilding over, and setting the king's
stamp upon base metal. It is tempting and mock-
ing of God to his face. A sin so abominable, that
his holy justice cannot endure it.
God's just judgments upon hypocrites.
4. God's judgments on such hypocrites are mani-
fold. For this cause God giveth them over to
believe lies; even popery, or any other damnable
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error or heresy. Hence it is that God giveth
them up many times to fall from seeming goodness
to real wickedness, and from one evil to another,
even unto final apostacy. And at last, when God
taketh away a hypocrite's soul, he is sure not only
to lose his hope, which adds much to his hell, but
to be made to feel that which he would not fear,
being ranked with those sinners, who shall be
punished with the greatest severity, in the eternal^
vengeance of helUfire. For after that a hypocrite
hath played the civil and religious man for a while
upon the stage of this world, his last act, when his.
life is ended, is to be, indeed, and to act to the life,
the part of an incarnate and tormented devil. He
shall have his portion with the devil and his angels.
When ^^ fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites :
who shall dwell with the devouring fire! who shall
dwell with everlasting burnings!" saith the prophet.
Happy were it for them, if this warning might
effectually awaken them out of this damning security?
The evils of hypocrisy, though it doth not reign.
Consider likewise; that hypocrisy doth much
harm, even where it doth not reign, and that more
or less, according as it is more or less mortified.
For, ]. It bringeth the soul into a general con*
sumption of grace; no sin more so. 2. It blindeth
the mind, and insensibly hardeneth the heart; no
sin more. 3. It maketh a man formal and careless
in the best actions. 4. It causeth fearful sins, and
decays of grace. 5. It deprives a mau of peace of
conscience in such a manner, that a spiritual phy-
sician can hardly suggest any hope or comfort to
him on whose conscience doth lie the guilt of
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hypocrisy ^ yea, hardly to btm that dotb but fear he
w guilty: for he refuseth the comfort of his good
affections and actions, sayings ^1 that I did was but
iti hypocrisy* Lastly, Besides tbaty it bringcth
many temporal judgments; it catiseth a man to lose
many of his good works dond ii^ hypocrisy, though,
through God's mercy, he lose not hifnself, because
he is still found in Christ, and Christ's spirit of
Uprightness reign eth in him.
Motives to uprightnessk
Now to induce you to love uprightness, and to
labour after it; consider the giDod which accompanieth
uprightness: First, temporal and outward; but,
Secondly, and chiefly, that which is spiritual and
First, Uprightness hath the promise of fhis life.
It is a means to keep ofF judgments, or in due time
to remove them. If affliction lik^ a dark night
over-spread the upright, for their corruption and
trial for a time, yet light is sown for them, and in
due time will arise unto them. The upright shall
itot want health, wealth, friends, or anything that
cAn be good for them. Moreover, this uprightness
doth not only provide well for a person's self : but if
any thing can procure a blessing to his children, and
his children's children, uprightness will. The Holy
Ghost saith, the generation of the upright shall be
Secondly, The spiritual blessings which belong
to the upright, are manifold.
1. The upright man is God's favourite, even his
- 2. He is hereby assured of his salvation. For
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althodgh an upright mai^fafll rrrto tnatfy gHeVoieis sinf,
yet presumptuous sins shall not reign oter himr;
he shall be kept from the great transgression; be
shall never sin the sin unto death; yea, he rfiall be
kept from the donrinion of every sin.
3. By uprightness a man is strength^fried in the
inward man; it being that girdle which buckleth and
holdeth together the chief parts of the Cbfistitfii
I armour. Nay, it is that which giveth efficacy to
; every piede of that armour, it strengthencth th«
back and loins, yea, the very heart of him that is
begirt with it.
4. He that is upright, is ^ure to have his prayers
heard, and to be made able to profit by the word of
j God, and by all his holy ordinances. ** Do not
my words," saith God, " do good to him that walks
uprightly !"
5. The upright man's services to God in prayer,
hearing, receiving sacraments, &c. though performed
with much weakness and imperfections, shall, through
Christ, be accepted of God. Nay, where there is
not power, the will of the upright man is taken for
the deed; and where there is power and deed both^
even there the uprightness and readiness of the will
is taken for more than the deed, according to that
commendation of them, who were said not only to
do, but to be willing a year ago, 2 Cor. viii. For
many may do good things, who yet do them not with
an upright will and ready mind.
6. The upright man hath always matter of
boldness before men. He can make an apology
and defence for himself against the slanders of
wicked men, and against the accusations of Satan^
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who are ready upon every slight occasion, to
reproach him as a hypocrite, and say, that all which
he doth is but in hypocrisy; but he can give all the
lie, who charge him with dissimulation or hypocrisy.
He knoweth more of his hypocrisy than they can
tell him; he findeth fault with, and accuseth himself
for it, more than they can do: yet this he can say,
he alloweth it not, he hateth it, and his heart is
upright towards God. He careth not though his
adversary write a book against him. He hath his
defence; if men will receive it, they may; if not, he
dareth to appeal to heaven. For his record is on
high. He hath always a witness both within him,
and in heaven for him.
7. Uprightness is an excellent preventer and
cure of despair, arising from accusations of con-
science; even of a wounded spirit, of which Solomon
saitb, who can bear it? For either it keepeth it off;
or, if it be wounded, this uprightness in believing,
and in willingness to reform and obey, is a most
sovereign means to cure and quiet it, or at least will
allay the extremity of it. Not but an upright man
may have trouble of mind, and that to some ex-
tremity; but he may thank himself for it, because he
will not see and acknowledge that uprightness which
he hath, and doth not properly apply it, or cherish
it; which if he would do, there is nothing, next to
the precious blood of Jesus Christ, would answer
the charges of his accusing conscience, or bring
more feeling comfort to his soul, sooner or better.
8. The upright man hath a holy boldness with
God. Wheu Abimelech could say, " In the in-
^^gfi^y of ^y h^art, and innocency of my bands
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have I done thisj" he had boIdDess to expostulate
and reason his case with God. An upright man in
his sickness, or in any other calamity, yea at all
times, when he needeth God's help, can be bold to
come before God notwithstanding his sins that
remaineth in him, his original sin, and his many
actual transgressions. So did Hezekiah, upon his
death bed, as he thought, saying, ^^ Remember,
O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before
thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and have
done good in thy sight." So did Nehemiah,
saying, " Remember me, O my God, concerning
this, and spare me according to the greatness of thy
mercy." This uprightness giveth boldness with
God, but without all presumption of merit, as you
see in good Nehemiah.
' 9. Lastly, Whatsoever the upright man's begin-
ning was, and whatsoever his changes have been in
the times that have gone over him, both in the
outward and inward man, in his progress of Chris-
tianity; mark this, his end shall be peace. The
last and everlasting part which he shall act indeed,
and to the life, is, everlasting happiness.
' And, to contract all these motives into a short,
but final sum, " The Lord is a sun and shield; the
Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will
he withhold from them that walk uprightly."
VI. Means to subdue Hypocrisy and promote
It remaineth now that you should know by what
means you may abate and subdue hypocrisy; and
may get, keep, and increase this grace of uprightness.
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1. You must, by a due and serious coosideratioD-
of the evils of hypocrisy, and advantages of upright-
ness, fi;( in your heart, by the help of Christ, a
loathing and detestation of the one, and an adrnira-
tion^ love, and longing desire of the other,* with a
sincere purpose of heart, by the grace of God, to be
upright. This must first be wrought, for until a
man stand thus affected, and resolved against hypo-
crisy, and for uprightness, he will take no pains to
be free from the one, nor yet to obtain the other.
2. You must be sensible of that hypocrisy which
yet ia in you, and of the want of uprightness, though
not altogether, yet in great part. For no man will
be at the pains to remove that disease whereof he
thinketh he is suffiqieptly cured, though he judge it
to be never so dangerous; nor yet to obtain that
good of which he thinketh he hath enough already,
though he esteem it never so excellent.
Hitherto, both in the motives and means, I have
endeavoured to gain the will: to will and resolve to
be upright, and to be willing to use all good means
to be upright. Now those means that will effect it
3. Do your best to root out those vices that
beget and nourish hypocrisy; and to plant in. their
room those graces which produce and strengthen
The chief vices are ignorance and unbelief, self-
love, pride, and an irresolved and unsettled heart,
unstable and not firmly resolved what to choose,
whereby it wavers and is divided between two
objects, dividing the heart between God, and some-
thing else, either false gods, a man's self, or the
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4vorld; wbeiiee it is, that the ycriptur^is call a
hypocrite a roan that hath, a heart ani a ii^art,
one that is double-minded.
The graces are, a right knowledge of Go<I and
of his will, and faith in him; self-denial, humility^
and lowly mindedness; stability, and singleness of
heart towards God. For, the more clear light yo^
can get into y^ur mind, the more truth you will
have in your will. And when you can so deny
yourself, that you can quite renounce yourself, aud
Brst give yourself to Christ, and unto God, then
there will follow readiness of mind, and heartiness
of will, to do whatsoever may please God. Also,
the more humility you have in your mind, the mor^
uprightness you will have in your heart: for " while
the soul is lifted up, that man's heart is i)ot upright
in him," saith God. Lastly, when your eye i^
Bingle, and your heart one, and undivided, you wi}l
not allow yourself to be in part for God, and in part
for mammon, in part for God, and in part for your
Ittsts, whether of the flesh, or of the world, or of the
pride of life; you will not give your oame and lips
to God, and reserve your heart for the world, the
flesh, or the devil ; but by your will, God shall be
allin all unto you.
4. If you would be in earnest and in truth against
sin, and for goodness, you must represent sin to
your thoughts as the. most Kurtful, hateful, and
most loathsome thing in the world; and must
represent the obeying and doing of God's will to
your mind, as the hest and most profitable, most
amiable, most sweet and excellent thing in the
world. Hereby ypu may affept your heart with a
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thorough hatred and loathing of sin, and with a
hearty love and delight in God's commandments.
If you do thus, you cannot choose but shun sin, and
follow after that which is good, not in pretence only,
but in deed and in truth, with all your heart. For,
a man is always hearty against what he truly hateth,
and for what he dearly loveth.
5. If you would be sincere, and do all your
actions for God's glory, and for his sake, you must,
by the light of God's word and works, fully inform
and persuade yourself of God's sovereignty and
absoluteness, and that, because h^ is the first ab-
solute and chief good, he must needs be the last,
the absolute and chief end of all ends. For he
that is Alpha, must needs be the Omega, of all
things. Since all things are of God, and since he
made all things for himself, therefore you should,
in all things . you do, be upright, intending God's
glory as your principal and ultimate end in all things.
6. Consider often and seriously, that how close
and secret €oever hypocrisy may lurk, yet it cannot
be hid from the eyes of God, with whom you have
to do, and before whom you walk, who will bring
every secret thing to judgment. Wherefore take
continual notice, that you are in the sight of God
that made your heart, who requireth truth of heart,
and who perfectly knoweth the guile or truth of
your heart. This will much further your upright-
ness; for who can dare to promote and dissemble iii
the presence of his Lord and Judge, who knoweth
his dissimulation better than himself?
7. Unite yourself more and more strongly unto
your head Christ Jesus, by faith and love; con-
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tinually renounce your own wisdom, righteousnets,
and strength, that you may every day be more and
more united unto him* Grow daily- in faith and
hope in him* from whence you shall more and more
partake of his fulness, even grace for grace. For
the measure of your uprightness will usually be in
proportion to your faith. For in proportion as the
branch partake th more of the vine, so it draweth
more virtue and beareth more good fruit.
8; You must, with a holy jealousy of the
deceitfulness of your heart, examine yourself often ;
not only of what you have done, and now do, but of
the motives and ends of your religious actions; as
was before directed in the marks of uprightness.
Lay yourself often to the rule of uprightness, that
is the will of God, and finding yourself defective,
study and labour to amend, and be upright, and that
to the utmost of your power.
9. Excuse that measure of uprightness which
you have, and be more thankful for the little you
have, than discouraged as many are, because they
have no more. If you find yourself upright, be
abundantly thankful, and resolve to keep and in-
crease it by all means. Keep your heart thus with
all diligence ; then, as all other graces, so this of
uprightness, will increase in the using.
10. Use the means of all means, the catholicon
for all graces, which is prayer. Think not to gain
uprightness by the power of your own might: but in
the sense of your insufficiency, repair often to God
by prayer; even to him who made your heart, in
whose hands your I^eart is, who best knoweth the
crooked windings and turnings of your heart, who
L 31
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only can amend and rectify your heart; who, because
he delighteth in an upright heart, and hath com-
manded you to seek it in the humble use of his
means, will assuredly give it. Thus prayeth David;
" Renew, O Lord, a right spirit within me;" and,
" Let my heart be sound in thy statutes." .
Of lauful Care, and of Freedom from
ana:ious Care.
When you have thus exercised a holy care to
walk will) God in uprightness, according to the
foregoing directions, it remaineth that you free
yourself of all other care, and that you rest holily
secure in God: enjoying your most blessed peace
with him, according to the divine direction: " Be
careful for nothing."
The care which is commanded, and carefulness
which is forbidden, differ thus:
Lawful care. is an act of wisdom, whereby after
a person hath rightly judged what he ought to do,
what not, what good he is to pursue, and what evil
is to be shunned ''or removed; he, accordingly with
more or less intention and eagerness of mind, as the
things to be obtained or avoided are greater or less,
is careful to find out, and diligent to use lawful and
fit means for the good, and against the evil, and that
with all circumspection; that he may omit nothing
which may assist him, nor commit any thing that
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may hmder him in bis lawful designs : which, when
he hath done, he resteth quiet, and careth no
farther; casting all care of success upon God, to
whom it belongethy expecting a good issue upon the
use of good means, yet resolving, to submit his will
to God's will, whatever the success shall be.
Sinful care is an act of fear and distrust, exercis-
ing not only the head, but chiefly the heart, to the
disquietude and disturbance thereof, causing a per-
son inordinately and anxiously to pursue his desires,
perplexing himself with doubtful and fearful thoughts
about success.
Lawful care may be called a provident care, and
care of the head.
Carefulness may be called a distrustful care, or a
care of the heart.
This provident care is not only lawful, but neces-
sary; for without it, a man cannot posdiUy be secure,
nor have reasonable hope of good success.
This provident care is commended to you in the
examples of the most wise and industrious brute
creatures; and in the examples of the most prudent
men. As of Jacob's care of his safety, how to
escape the rage of his brother Esau, of St. Paul's
care of the churches, of the Corinthians care and
study to reform themselves; of the good noble
woman's care to entertain the Lord's prophet; of
the good house-wife's care of well ordering and
maintaining hei family. The same good examples
you have in the care of godly, unmarried men and
women, bow to please God, and that they might he
holy both in body and soul; and of Mary, who cared
for the one thing needful.
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Moreover, you are commanded tfals provklent
care, namely, to << study to be quiet, to he no busy
body, not idle ;" but to ** labour in a lawful calling
the thing that is good." Also, to << walk honestly
towards them who are without ;'' to endeavour so td
walk towards God*s people that yOu ^* keep the unity
of the Spirit in the bond of peace;" to provide for
your own; to ^^ give diligence to make yourealling
and election sure;" to ^* study to maintain good
works." But amongst all, you are commanded
chiefly to ^^ seek the kingdom of God, and his rights
ousness," as the best means to free you from all
unlawful cares.
The properties of lawful care are these:
I. Description qflawfid Care*
1. The seat wherein lawful care resideth, is the
head; for that is the seat of understanding, wisdom,
and discretion; but carefulness is chiefly seated in
the heart.
2. Godly care is always about good and lawful
things, it hath a good object, and good matter to
work upon, and be conversant about: proposing al-
ways some good thing to be the end, which it would
attain. It is not a care about evil, as how to ** make
provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof;"
like Ahab's and Jezebel's carefulness for Naboth's
vineyard and life : nor yet like Absalom's careful-
ness, how to usurp his father's kingdom; nor Hke
Haman's, how to destroy the Jews : neither is it like
the carefulness of those of whom Solomon speaketh,
<* who cannot sleep unless they do mischief"
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8< This holy proyjdent e^re maketh choice only
of lawful means, to obtain this lawful end, David
had care of his own life; therefore he got iutell^
genee firom Jooatban of Saul's evil purposes towaids
him* He did fly and hide himself from Saul, but
would, hy no means lay Wolent hands upon bis
ate^iuted iiord and king; thetugh he bad fiiir oppor*
tunitif^ and strong solicitations to kill him, he fsUt
i9g twice into his power^ and was earnestly called
«pon by his servants to despatch him.
Observe likewise Jacob's care to save himself, and
aU that he bad, from the fury of his brother Esau,
be used only fit and lawful means. For though a
man's intention be ever so good, and the thing cared
for be good, yet if the means to get it be unlawful,
the care is evil. To care how to provide for yourr
self and yours, is in itself good and needful; but so
to ^re, that you run to unjust and inditect means,
maketh it evil. To (»re bow to be saved, is an ex*
ceilent care, but when you seek to attain it by ways
of your own, or of other men's inventions ; as by
idoUtrous worship* and voluntary religion, or look"^
ing to be saved by your own works, by purgatory,
pope's pardons and indulgences, as the Papists do;
this is a most sinful earefulneas* To care how to
bring glory to God is the best care; but if> to'pro^
cure itt you use lying for God, or any other unlaw*
ful means, it is an unholy care*
4, This laudable holy cave, is a full and impartial
oar€^9 even, of all things belonging to a person's con^-
dition, It is not such a care of the body and state,
as causeth neglect of the soul; neither is it such a
care of the soul, as is attended with neglect of the
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body, life, «sttt«, or name. It is not such a care of
the private, as to neglect the public good; or of the
public, as to neglect the private. It extendeth it-
self to whatsoever God hath committed to our care ;
both for ourselves and others. Thpse who care only
for themselves, and for the things only of this life,
sin in their care. Likewise those who seem to care
only how to please God, and t<» 8av« their souls, yet
weakly or carelessly ne^ect their bodies, and affiiirs
of their families belonging to their place, or the
common good of others in church or commonwealth,
all these are partial, and do sin in their care. All
worldlings and self-loving men offend in the first
kind. All superstitious and indiscreetly devout men
offend in the second kind: also all such who, for de-
votion sake, neglect the necessary duties of their
particular calling.
d. Lawful care is a discreet and well-ordered
care; it putteth diflference between things more or
less good, and between things necessary or not ne-
cessary, between things more necessary and less ne-
cessary. In all things it would keep first due order,
then due measure.
L Caring most for God's glory, as Moses and
Paul did, who cared more for the glory of God than
for their own lives, honours, aivd welfare. . Next, it
careth for that one thing needful, how the soul may
be saved in the day of the Lard. As any thing is
best, or more needful fer the present, that is cared
for first {^nd chiefly. If all cannot be cared for, the
less worthy things, the less necessary for the present,
and those things to which we are least bound, should
be omitted^
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2. As lawful care doth throagh discretion keep
due order, so it keepeth due measure, seeking spirit-
ual and heavenly things, with more diligence and
zeal than those that be temporal and earthly;. caring
lor the things of thid life with great moderation,
without eagerness and greediness of desire; always
proportioning the care to the goodness and worth of
that which is to be cared for. Now, because . the
world is to be loved and used as if we loved and
used it not; it being of little worth in comparison;
therefore the cares about it in comparison of the best
and most necessary things must be, as if you cared
II. Signs qfimmodeiale Care,
Cares of the things of this life are inordinate and
immoderate, 1. When they will not give men leave
to take the comforts and natural refreshments of this
Hfe, 86 sleep, meat, and drink, and other needful
and lawful things; but especially when they: hinder
them from the exercise, profitable use, or due per-
formance oC religious duties.
, 2. '.When they are first and chief in a man's
thoughts; the mind always running upon them.
-' 3. When they cause a man (out of his eager
haste to be rich and to enjoy the world) to use un-
lawful and indirect means, or to engage in dealing
and trading beyond his skill, stock, and means well
to manage the same.
: 4. When they cause a man so to mind his worldly
business, that he thinketh nothing well done, or safe,
if his eye or band be not in it, and If it be not in his
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ran auioij; alUMMigli there b canae why others
•honU be iiaed« and cntrvstedl with it,
Laatly, This holy kodbUe csra is confieed within
iu due nesawe and hottatdf^ as wed as fixed upea
its proper objeets. It kaoweth its due Kaaits^ hew
far to go» Slid where to stay: namdjf when it hath
chosen a biwf«l ofc|e€t, and hath found out atid nsed
kwfU aieansy and applieth itadf to one thing as wdl
as another, in doe order and neasnre^ it stajreth
there^ earing no farther; but waiteth pstientty God*s
pleasure for good sueeess, casting all care at OTsnt
and sttccesa upon God by prayer and sup^icationi
with thanksgiving,
IIL The Duty ofqvdet Trust m God.
By what hath been said, you may see, that al-
though you may and must take thought about mairfr
things, according to the directions there giv^i; yet
you must, ss the apostle saith, be careful in nothing,
with an anxious, perplexing care.
This is now the matter to be insisted on, via.
That God would have ncme of his servants and his
children to be inordinately careful about any thing;
uor yet, when in obedience to his commandmrat^
and due observance of his providence^ they have
diligently used lawful means for the attainmmit of
all lawful things, that they should distress them^
selves at all about the issue or suoeess* He would
'^ot that they should suffer their minds to hang in
xbtful suspense and fear about them; but would
. they should commit their ways unto him, and
t in him, whether it he in the matter of their
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Mult, or bodies, of the things of this life, or of that
which is to come. God freeth them from all care-
fulness, and would that they should free themselves
from it too.
God would have you use all good means for this
life, but without taking thought for to-morrow about
what you shall eat, what you shall drink, what you
shall put on, or what shall become of you i and youra
another day. He would not have you be so dis^
trustful of him, as to take the care of futurity, the
care of success from him, upon yourself, perj^exing
your heart with doubt and fear till you find it. But
his will is, that when you have done what you can,
with a cheerful and ready mind, you should leave
the whole matter of good or ill success to his care.
In like manner, God would have you to use means
to save your soul; but when you have so done, and
continue so to do, he would have you care no farther.
He would not have you to doubt and fear that all
shall be in vain, and to no purpose; or that you
shall not be saved notwithstanding. He would not
that you should discourage and enfeeble your heart
by taking thought about the issue of any tneih and
temptations that may befal you before they do come^
for that is vain ; nor yet when they do come, for that
is needless.
In such cases, you nee4 only to serve 6o#s pre*
vidence in the use of the present means of salvation,
gaining as much grace and strength as you can against
such times, improving that grace and strength which
you have in- sueh timca of trial; but touching sue*
cess, either how much grace and comfort you shall
hav^ or when you shall have it, and whether you
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shall hold out in the time of trial, or' J>e' saved in
the end; you must not indulge doubtful and distrust-
ful cares; bnt must trust God with these things also.
For our Saviour prohibiteth his disciples all trou-
ble, that might arise through fear of ill success in
their Christian course. And St. Paul easeth him-
self of this trouble and fear, committing his soul, and
the issue of all his trials unto God,' saying, ^^ I know
whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is
Me to keep that which I have committed imto him
against that day." He is conikient in -Qod for good
success in his whole Christian warfare; so should you.
IV. Reasons against anxious Care^ and for quiet
Ttmt in God.
. Now to dissuade yau from all carefulness, and to
persuade you to rest secure in God, concerning the
particular events of all actions, and touching the
final event and good success of your Christian pro-
fession; consider :tlvese reasons: (1.) Showing why
you should not care eagerly and inordinately for
earthly things? ; (2.) Why you should not take
doubtful or distrustful thought about any thing,
whether earthly or heavenly.
3. Seriously consider, that all earthly things are
of little, worth, very fading, and transitory, likened,
when they are at best, to the flower of grass;
Wherefore they cannot be worthy of your anxious
thought, or careful perplexity about them. It is ex-
treme folly for man, being endued with reason, to set
his mind upon that, which is little or nothing worth,
jiiay, which (as Solomon calleth richesf:) " is not;'*
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which IS but of short continuance, and only for bodily
use, while he hath it: which also is given, by God,
unto the wicked, even to his enemies, rather than
unto the godly. .
2. Inordinate care of earthly things is exceeding
hurtful : For besides that it breedeth " many foolish
and hurtful lusts, which drown men in perdition," it
doth hinder the care of things spiritual and heavenly.
It causeth persons either not to come at all to the
means of salvation, or if they come to the .word,
prayer, sacraments, good company, and good confer-
ence, to depart without spiritual profit. It will
cause a man to err from the faith, and to be alto-
gether unfit for death, and unprepared for his latter
end. . For. when any one part draweth more nourish-
ment to itsel/ than it ought, some other parts must
needs be hindered in their growth; and when the
strengtl] of the ground is spent in nourishing weeds^
tares, or corn of little worth, the good wheat is ob-
structed in its growth, choked, or starved. " He
whose cares are too much about the earth, his care
will be too little about the things of heaven."
Why a man should not be careful about success io
any thing.
Next, consider the reasons, why you must not
indulge any anxious care about success in your law-
ful endeavours, any more than by prayer to commend
them to God.
1. Because it is to usurp God's peculiar right,
God's divine prerogative, taking his sole and pro-
per work out of his hands; for care of success, and
of what shall be hereafter, is proper to God.
2* It is a vain and fruitless thing (when you hax^
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diligentlj used lawful means for atijr thing) to taktf
thought for success* For ** who can by taking thought
add any thing to his stature?* or << make one hair white
or black?" Understand the same of lA other things^
S. Every day bringeth its full empli^ment with it^
together with its crosses and griefs; so that you wiB
have full work enough for your eare, to endeavour to
do the present day's work holily; and to bear each
present day^s fiction fruitfully and patiently; you
have little reason therefore to perplex your heart
with taking thought of future events, or of what
shall be to<«>morrow«
4. It is altogether needless to take thought about
the success of your actions, for success is cared for
already by God. One whose care is of more use
and consequence than yours can be. You are eared
for by one, who loveth you better than you can love
yourself, who is wise, and knoweth what is best for
you, and what you most need, better than yourself;
who is always present with you, and is both able and
ready ^^ to do exceeding abundanriy for you, above all
that you can ask or think ;" even God, who careth for
meaner creatures than you are, who also is your
God, your heavei^ Father, of whose care you
have had happy experience, who in times past cared
for you, when you could not care for yourself, who
hath kept you in, and from your mother's belly;
who, (if you are believers indeed) ordained you to
salvation before you had a being ; who in due time
gave his only begotten Son for you, and to you*, as
appeareth in that now he hath given you faith and
hope in him, and love to him. It is your Grod and
Father who bath commanded, that for the present,
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ttaA (ot the fiiture) jou should eUst your care and
burden on him; having made many gracious pro-
mises, that he will care for you, that he will sustain
you, and that he will bring your desire to pass.
What wise man then will encumber himself with
needless cares?
5* Carefulness or anxious thoughts about success,
prooeedeth from base and cursed causes, namely,
ignorance of God, and unbelief and distrust of Ood,
in whomsoever this sin reigneth ; hence it was that
the heathen abounded in this sin. And by how
much this carefulness is indulged by any (though it
reign not) by so much he may be said to be of little
sound knowledge, and of little faith.
6, Carefulness, and doubtful suspense about suc-
cess in your lawful endeavours, be it whether you or
yours shall prosper, or whether you shall profit by
the means of grace, or whether you shall be saved in
the end| doth produce many dangerous and mis-
chievous eflfects:— —
1. It will cause you to neglect the proper use of
the means of this life, or of that which is to come;
according as you doubt of success in either, or if you
neglect them not utterly, yet you will have no heart
to go about them. For as those that needlessly in-
termeddle with other person's business, usually neg-
lect their own ; so you will be apt to leave your own
work undoue, when you take God's work out of his
bands; and who is he that will take pains about that
which he feareth will be to uo purpose, or labour
2» Yon wUl be ready to use unlawful means for
any thing, when you doubt of success from lawful.
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3. Taking thought doth divide, distract, over-
load, and consume the heart and spirits.: nothing
4. You can never be thankful to God for any
thing whereof you fear that you shall have no good
5. This anxious thought and distressing fear
about success, will deprive you of the comfort of ail
those good things you have had, and which now you
do enjoy.
6. Nothing lyiil bring ill success upon you sooner
than unbelieving and distrustful fears about futuri-
ty. For when any person shall, notwithstanding
the experience he hath had, or might have had, of
God's power, love, care, and truth of his promises,
yet distrustfully care so far, as not to content him-
self with his own work, so far as prudent care lead-
eth him ; but also will take God's work, and the
burden of his work upon himself, caring about suc-
cess, which only belongeth to God, and which God
only can do, and bear; this folly and presumption
doth so much provoke God, that it caiiseth him, out
of his wise justice, to cease caring for such a one,
leaving him to his own care, and to his wit, friends,
or any other earthly help, to make him, by woful ex-
perience, see and feel, how little any, or all these,
without God, can avail him. Nay, it causeth God
not only to withdraw his own help, but the help of
all things whereon such a man doth rely; and which
is more, causeth them, instead of being for him, to
be utterly against him. Is it not just with God,
that whosoever will not be beholden to God to bear
their burden, but will take it >up and bear it them-
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selves, shauld be made to bear it alone, and to the
distress and disquietment of their own hearts.
Wherefore, all these things considered, I return
to the exhortation^ or conclusion before proposed,
namely. Commit thy ways unto th« Lord, and trust
ill him. Cast all your care on God; be careful
in nothing.
Oh ! How happy are we Christians, if we did but
know, or knowing would enjoy our happiness. We
are^ cared for in every thing that we need, and that
can be good for us; we may live without taking
thought or care in any thing. Our work is only
to study and endeavour to please God, walking be-
fore him in sincerity, and with a perfect heart ; then
we may cleave to him, and r«st on him both for our
bodies and souls, without fear or distraction. God
is all-sufficient, and all in all to such; he is known
by his name Jehovah to such; even to the being,
and the accomplisher of his promises to them. If
we shall wisely and diligently care to do our work,
we, serving so good and so able a master, need not
take thought about our wages. If we would make
it our care to obey and please so good, and so rich,
and bountiful a Father, we need not be careful for
our maintenance here, in our minority and non-age;
nor yet fo* our eterhal inheritance, when we shall
come to fuU age. We, in this holy security and
freedom from earefulnessj if we are not wanting to
ourselves, might live in a heaven upon earth ; and
that not only when we have means, (for even then
our «ecurity is in God, not in the means) but when
to the eye of flesh we have no means: for God is
above, and .more than all means.
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V. Means to attain quieting Confidence in Godt
and freedom fivm perplexing Cares.
lliat you may leave anzioot caring^ and bi
brought to cast all your care on Ood,
1. Deny yourself, and your own wisdom; be not
wise in your own conceiti nor presanptuoua of your
wit, skill, or meant.
2. Get sound knowledge, faith, hope, and confi-
dence in God; live by faith, for the preservation
both of body and soul. Get not only iaith in his
promise, but in his providence also. When you
shall see no way or means of gaining the good you
desire, or of keeping you from the evil which you
fear, or of delivering you from the evil you feel^ then
call to mind, not only the promises of Gody via. <^ I
am with you-— I will not leave nor forsake you— -All
things work together for good;" and many such
like; but believe also that God will provide means
to bring to pass what he hath promised, though yet
you see not how. When you can say, with faithful
Abraham, '' God will provide," it will cast out fear and
doubt. But if, with Abraham, you believe God's
' promises in the main, but not God's providence in
the means ; you will then be tempted to seek out,
and use unlawful means to obtain the thing pro-
mised, as he did ; or faint in waiting, as many others
have done. For we see the like in David, when he
had faith in God's providence, he could say of Saul,
^^ The Lord shall smite him ; or his day shall come
to die; or he shall descend into the battle^ and perish.
The Lord forbid that I should stretch forth my hand
d by Google
against the Lord's anointed/' Bui when be doubted
of God's providencei then he aaith» *< I ahaU now
pen^ one day by the hand of SauK"
3* ^^ Give all diligence to make your calling ai^I
election sure ;" for when you know assuredly that
God is your heavenly Father, and Christ Jesus your
Redeem^} and th^t you are of }m family, having
yoiw name written in heaven, you then will easily
free your heart from being troubled with fear and
restless care; being sure that your heavenly Father
and Saviour doth and will provide for you.
4. Lastly, you must often renew your acts of
faith on God, his promises and providence^ casting
all youif care on him. Making your requests known
to God by prayer and supplication, for what you
would have ; being heartily thankful for what you
have had, now have^ and hope to have hereafter*
Then ^* the peace of God, whic^ passeth all under*
standing," shall keep your heart and mind from vex-
ing thou^ts, and heart-distressing fears, and that,
in and through Christ Jesus : of which peace I in-
tend next to speak*
Of Peace with God,
I. The Nature and exeelten<y of Peace with God.
That you may be persuaded to walk before God
in uprightness, in all well^pleasing, and to Hve with-
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out taking anxious thought about any thing, cast-
ing your care on God according to the former direc-
tionsj-^God hath assured you that peace shall be
upon you, even that ^* peace of God which passeth
all understanding, which shall keep your heart and
muid through Christ Jesus," if you thus do.
Peace and quiet is most desirable. All things
that have motion <ie6ire it as their perfection: bodily
things enjoy it by their rest in their places ; reason-
able things enjoy this peace in the quiet of their
mind and heart, when they have their desires satis-
fied, being freed from such opposition as might dis-
quiet them. * , .
I Peace is a true agreement and concord between
persons or things, whereby not only all enmity is
laid aside, and all injuries are forborne; but all amity
is entered into, and ^U readiness of commuracating
and doing good to each other is shown.
Natural peace is of great price, and very much to
be desired for the exceeding great benefit which it
bringeth to the body, family, and state. But the
peace of which I am to speak, which is promised to
all who walk with God according to the rule of
faith, and of the new creature, casting their care on
God, exceedeth all other peace, as far as the soul,
heaven, and etetrnity, exceedeth the body, the earth,
and a moment of time. Which will easily appear,
if you shall observe by what motives and arguments
the H4>ly Ghost doth commend, and set this forth
unto you« It hath its commendation above all other
peace, in three respects:
1. In respect of the excellency of the person, with
whom and from whom it is, namely, God; therefore
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it is called ^^ peace of God." It is so called, (1.) Be-
cause it hath God for its <A)«^: it is a peace with
God* (2.) Because God by his ^{^irit is the author
of it: it is peace from (rod, a^peace which^God giv-
eth; such a peace which the world neither can, nor
will give. '
2. This peace is commended in respect of the un-
speakable and inconceivable goodness and worth that
is in it: it ^^ passeth aH understanding." And this it
doth, not only because unsanctified men are mere
strangers to it, and understand it naC^ but because
regenerate men, to whom it belongeth, and in whom
it is, even they, when God giveth them any lively
feeling of it, find it to be such a peace as they could
not imagine it to be before they felt it. For they
cannot so distinctly and fully conceive the transcen-
dent excellency of it, as by any means fitly to de-
scribe it. It rather taketh up the tnind into a holy
rapture, unto admiration of what it seeth, and of
what it perceiveth is yet to be known, than possibly
can be distinctly and fuliy comprehended or ex-
pressed by mind or tongue. It is with them that
feel it in any special degree, as it was with the queen
of the South, when she Saw Solomon's wisdom. She
had a great opinion of Solomon's wisdom by what
she had heard, but when she saw it, she was struck
with such admiration, that, it is said, she had *^ no
more spirit in her;" his wisdom was so much beyond
her expectation, that she breaketh out into words of
admiration, saying. That the half was not told her of
Solomon's wisdom, it exceeded the fame thereof :-— so
doth the peace of God. It being, like the dimen-
sions of the love of Christ, the root thereof, and like
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the ravishing joy of Chri«tian9f tke fruit thereof
surpassing all fuU and ^istiojC^ knowleclge^ and all
nutans of fuH and d^ar expression; heing^ aa the
Holy Qhost aI$o saith, ^^ unspeakabW This peace
Uieluded amongst those other gracea and gifts ae^
companying the gospel, which are such as ^^ eye hath
not seen^ nor ear beard^ neither have entered into
the heairt of man," ^ as dearly to peroeiye them, or
foUy to express ibemt
3« This peace U eommended in respect of the ex««
eeUent effect thereof^ which is a proof that it paaaeth
understimding, namely, it ke^eth the heart and
mind, in and through Christ Jeans.
This is an excellent and lAOSt iMeful effect on
man's behalf; for it supplieth the place and office of
a castle or strong garrison, 2 Cor* xi. 32. as the
original siguifieth, to keep the prbctpal forts of the
soul from being surprised or annoyed, either by in«
vasion from without, or by insurrection from within*
The parts of man, which are kept hy this peace
of God, are the heart and rnind^ By heart, is
meant the will and affections; by mind, the power of
thinking ^nd understanding. For true peace of
God doth fill the heart with such joy, patience,
hope, and comfort in believing, that it keepeth it
from heart-vexing grief, fear, distrust^ and despair.
It likewise fiUeth the mind so full of apprehensbn
of God's favour, fidelity, and love> that it maketh
it rest secure in God, and delivereth it from distress
of mind, or anxious carea about any thing; keeping
out the dominion of all perplexing and distrustful
The strength which this peaoe hath, whereby it
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keepeth the heart and mind as with a garrison, is
impregnable. It is derived from Christ, it hath it
in and from Christ: the text saith, ** through Christ,"
that is, through the power of Christ's Spirit. For
as we are kept by faith, from which this peace spring-
eth, as with a strong garrison, by the power of God
to salvation, so, by the same power of Christ, our
hearts and mrnds are kept by the peace of God,, as
with a garrison, from discouraging, distracting, and
uncomfortable thoughts. For what is this peace
else but a beam from the object of our faith, pro-
ceeding from the love of God to us-ward, and the
fruit of faith, as we feel it wrought in us by God?
This peace of God is two-fold, or one and the
same in diflerent degrees.
The first is an actual entering into, and mutual
embracing of, peace between God and man.
The second is the manifestation and expression
of this peace.
The first is when God and man are made friends;
which is, when God is pacified towards man, and
when man is reconciled unto God, so that now God
standetfa well affected towards men, and man hath
put off enmities against God; which mutual atone-
ment and friendship, Christ Jesus, the only media-
tor between God and man, hath by his satisfaction
and intercession wrought for man, and by his Spirit
applieth unto, and worketh in man. For until this
atonement be applied, God, in his just judgment and
holy displeasure, is an enemy unto man for sin, and
man, in his evil mind and unjust hatred, is an enemy
unto God, and unto all goodness, through sin.
This first peace, is peace of God with man, in-
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hcrcnt tn God, working the like disposition of peace
in man towards God; and is the fountain- froni which
the second floweth.
The second kind, or rather farther degree, of
peace of God, is the operation and manifestation of
the former peace, which i& a peaee of God in man
wrought by the Spirit of God, through the appre-
hension that God is at peace with him.
This peace is partly and most sensibly in the con-
science, which is called " peace of conscience," and
may also be called " peace of justification," ac-
cording to that, " being justified by faith, we have
pSace with God." And it is partly in the whole
reasonable man, whereby the will and affections of
the soul agree within themselves, and arc subject to
the enlightened mind, conspiring all of them against
the common adversaries of God and the soul, that
is, the flesh and the devil: this may be called peace
of sanctification, according to that of the apostle,
" Being made free from sin, and become servants of
God, you have your fruit unto holiness^" This is
the agreement of all the members to become " ser-
vants to righteousness unto holiness." Not but there
will be warring always in our members, but it is not
the warring so much of one nvember against another,
as the warring of the flesh in every member against
the Spirit ; which Spirit also warreth against the flesh.
This conflict between the flesh and the Spirit, begin-
ning in man as soon as the Spirit hath wrought the
peace of holiness, in setting the soul in order*
Moreover, this peace of sanctification consisteth
in this, that although a Christian must never be, nor
ever is, at peace with sin, so that it doth not assault
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and molest him, or that be should subjeet himself to
it, or have it absolutely subject to him in this life,
yet he hath a peace and quiet, in comparison, from
sin, inasmuch as he is freed from the dominion and
power of sin, to condemn him, or to reduce him to
his former bondage unto siu. Now, so far as a man
getteth a conquest over his lusts, that they are kept
under, and forbear to assault and molest him, so far
he may be said to have this peace of sanctification. ■■
The conscience, when it is awakened in the act of
accusing and condemning man for sin, doth withal
prick, sting, and wound the heart with unutterable
and inconceivable griefs, fears, and terrors, through
the apprehension of God*s infinite, eternal, and just
wrath for sin.
. Now, wheii God, by his Spirit, giveth any true
hope and assurance unto a man, that his justice is
satisfied concerning him, through Christ, ami ihat
now all enmity and wrath is done away on God's
part, and that he loveth him in Christ, with a free,
full, and everlasting love, hereby he speaketh peace
to the conscience, having done away all the guilt of
sin, which before molested it through sense of God's
anger, and fear, of punishment. Hence ariseth
peace and comfort in the conscience, which, there-
fore, is called " peace of conscience," Thus the
mind ceaseth to be perplexed, and, by faith in Christ's
death, through the Spirit, becometh quiet with a
heavenly tranquillity, resting on the word of pro*
mise; and according to the measure of clear appre«
hension of God's love in Christ, in the same mea-
sure is at sweet agreement within itself, without fear
ar trouble; and in the same measure he hath peace
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of conscience, flowing from the assurance of justifi-
As soon also as a man beginneth actually to be at
peace with God^ his lusts do begin to he at war with
him, rebelling against the ^* law of his mind," wJiich
yet by little and little shall be subdued and con«-
quered; which conquest, though it be impeifect in
this life, yet, by virtue of the peace now made with
God, if he will improve it by seeking help of Ood,
and taking to him the complete armour, fighting
manfully under Christ's banner, he may so prevail
against them, that they do not so often nor so strongly
assault him as in former times. Now, so far as
tbe powers and faculties of man agree in their fight
against siu, and subdue it that it doth not assault
and molest him, he may be said to have the peace
of sanctification.
The first peace, whereby God is pacified and is
become propitious and gracious to man, is absolutely
necessary to the being of a Christian.
The second, which riseth from the manifestation
of this peace unto a man, and the sensible feeling
of the operation of this peace in man, is not neces-
sary to the being of a Christian, at least in a aensi-
ble degree of it, but to the well-being of a Christian
it is necessary. For a man may be in the favour
of<7od, and yet be without the sense of this peace
in himself, because this peace of conscience doth not
flow necessarily from the being in God's favour, but
from knowledge and assurance of being in his favour.
Now, a man, in many cases, may lose for a time
hisBcnse of God's favour, his faith being over-douded
with fears and unbelief, as it was with David, after
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his adultery, who yet was upheld secretly by his
right hand, (as the Psalmist was in another case,
Psalm Ixxiii. 23.) by virtue of that first peace of
God, yet, until God gave him the sense and feeling
of his ^^ loving countenance," he could not enjoy the
comfort of it; yea, though God, by Nathan, in the
outward ministry of his woi^d, had given him assur«
ance of God's loving-kindness, saying, " The Lord
hath put away thy sin, thou shalt not die."
That first peace is absolute, and admitteth t)f no
. The second, which flowoth thence, both in re-
spect of peace of conscience, and in respect of good
agreement of the powers and faculties of man within
themselves, and of freedom from assaults and moles-
tations either of Satan from without, or from lusts •
within, is not absolute, but admitteth of several de-
grees. In the life to come this latter peace shall be
perfect, for then all believers shall be perfectly freed
from all trouble of conscience, and from all molesta^
tion by temptations; their victory shall be complete*
But in this life their peace is but imperfect; it is true
for substance, but is more or less, as the light they
have received is more dear or dim, and as grace in
them is more strong or more weak.
For although man's justification is absolute, and
admitteth not of degrees, yet the assurance of it,
whereby a man hath peace of conscience, is more or
less, according to the measure of his clear sight of
Christ's love, and evidence of his faith. Hence it
is, that the dear children of God have interruptions
and intermissions in their peace; have sometimes
much peace} sometimes little or no peace, according
M 31
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as they have intermissions in their assurance of God'j
Thus it was with David and Asaph, sometimei
his heart was quiet, and his spirit wim glad, in as-
surance that his soul should rest in hope; at othei
times, his soul was cast down and disquieted in him.
thinking that he was cast out of God's sight, fear
ing that God would show no more favour. Yea
he was so perplexed, that he did almost f^nt, am
his eyes failed with waiting for God, For, since
the best assurance of believers is exercised witi
combating against doubting, their truest atul best
peace must needs be assaulted with disquiet. Anc
as it is with a ship, at anchor, so is the most stabli
peace of a Christian in this life, who hath his hop
^' as an anchor of his soul, sure and steadfast;" who
though he cannot make utter shipwreck, yet he mai
be grievously tossed and affrighted with the ware
and billows of manifold temptations and fears. Like
wise, though peace of sanctification be true, yet i
must needs be more or less, according as any mai
groweth or decreaseth in holiness, and as God shal
please to restrain his spiritu^ enemies, or give powe
to subdue them, more or less.
Now, the peace of God, both in him to man, an
from him manifested and wrought in man, doth pas
all understanding, and servcth to keep the heart an
mind of him tliat walketh with God, and resteth o
him through' Christ.
This peace it is which you must seek for an
embrace in believing, and if you would have tri
comfort and tranquillity in your mind, labour esp
•dally to get and keep the peace of a goodi
\ which seemeth to be the peace that is chiefly, though
not only, intended in this text.
II. Farther Excellencies of the Peace of God,
That you may be induced, with all diligence and
earnestness, to seek after this blessed peace, and
Qiay better perceive that this peace of God, for
worth and use, passeth all understandings take these
reasons in particular:
1. That must needs be an excellent peace, which
God will please to take into his holy title, calling
himself " The God of peace," calling Christ « The
Prince of peace."
2. That peace must needs be of infinite value,
passing all understanding, for which Christ gave
bimself; paying the price of hu own most precious
blood for it.
8. This peace cannot but pass all understanding,
because the cause from whence it cometfa, namely^
Christ's love, and the effect which it worketh, namely^
\^ joy in the Holy Ghost," do, as the apostles affirm,
pass knowledge, and are unspeakable
4. This peace was that first congratulation, where*
with the holy angels saluted the church at Christ's
birth, giving her joy in her new*born Husband and
Saviour. And it was that special legacy which
Christ Jesus did bequeath to his churchy . leaving
that as the best token of his love to it, a little
*^ before his death: saying, " My peace I leave with
^ you."
5. This peace is one of the pcineipal parts of the
kingdom of God^ which consistetH, aa the.apostle
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saith, of ** rigliteousness, and peace, and joy in tlie
Holy Ghost,"
6, By as much as the evils and mischiefs that
come to a man by having God to be his enemy,
which draweth upon him God's wrath, justice, power,
and all God's creatures to be against him; and by as
much, as the grievous and intolerable anguish of the
wounded spirit passeth understanding; by so much
the pe^ce of God, which freeth him from all these,
must of necessity pass all understanding.
Now, that it is a fearful thing to have God to be
an enemy, it is said. He is *^ a consuming fire,'' and,
** it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the
living God." It appears, likewise, by Christ's coro->
passion and grief for Jerusalem, who neglected the
time of making and accepting of peace with God:
for he wept over it, and said, <* If thou hadst known,
even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which
belong unto thy peace ! but now they are hid from
thine eyes.^' But what it is to have God to be an
enemy, is seen most* fully by Christ's trouble and
grief in his passion and agony in the garden, and in
the extremity of his conflict with God's wrath on
the cross, when God showed himself to be an enemy,
and did, for man's sin, pour on him the fierceness
of his wrath. It made him, though he was God,
being man, to sweat, for very anguish, as it were
drops of. blood, and to cry, ^^ If it be possible, let
this cup pass from me," and, " My God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?"
Moreover, if you do observe the complaints of
such distressed souls' that have had terror of con-
science, (if you have not had experience thereof in
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yourseli^) how that they were at their %its' end,
pricked at hearty as it were with the point of a spear,
or sting of a serpent) pained like men whose bones
are. broken and out of joint, making them to roar,
and to consume their spirits for very heaviness, then
you will say that peace of conscience doth pass all
. 7« When God and a man's own' conscience are
for him, and Ood's grace in some good measure hath
subdued sin and Satan in him, this bringeth with it
assurance that all other things, whose peace are
worth having, are also at peace with him. For,
f^ if God be for us, who can be against us." This
peace must of necessity bring with it all things which
will make us happy, even all things which pertain to
life, godliness, and glory.
Lastly, Consider this, that as the worth and sense
of peace with God is unutterable and inconceivable,
so the time of it is indeterminable, it is everlasting,
and hath no end. Compare this with the former,
and it cannot be denied, but that the peace of God
^oth every way pass understanding.
Concerning the Impediments to Peace —
false Hopes y and false Fears'.
I. The Kinds of Impediments that hindet* Peace.
First, If you would enjoy this happy peace, you
jBUSt remove and avoid the impediments; Secondly,
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You musi ude all helps and furtherances wkieh serve
to procure and keep it.
I reduce the impediments to two heads.
1. A false opinion and hope that all is well with
a man, and that all shall be well with him in respect
of his salvation, when, yet indeed God is not recontt
cilcd to him. Hence will follow a quietness of
heart, somewhat like to peace of cousctence; which
yet is but a false peace.
2. Causeless doubting, and false fear, that a roan's
estate, with respect to his salvation, is not good, al-
though God beat peace with him; hence followeth
trouble and anguish of heart, somewhat like unto
that of hellbh despair, disturbing his true peace.
Either of these do hinder peace.
The first hindereth the having, the second hin«
dereth the feeling and comfortable enjoying of peace.
It hath been an old device of Satan, when be would
keep any man from that which is true, to obtrude
upon him that which shall seem to be true, but is
false. Thus he did in the first calling of the Jews.
When he saw they had an expectation of the true
Christ, he, to divert and seduce them from the true
Christ, setteth up false Christs. Even so in the
matter of peace: if he can so delude men that they
shall content themselves with a false peace, he know-
eth that they will never seek for that which is true.
It is a common practice with the devil to endeavour
to make all who are not in a state of grace, to pre-
sume that they are.
Also, such is his cunning and malice, that when
any man is in the state of grace, he will labour by
all means to distress and perplex the soul with un-
reasonable fears' and suspicions, to make that estate
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doufatfal and uncom&rtable, to vex and to weary
him, if he cannot drive him to despair. Now the
heart of man, so far as it is unsanctified, being ^<^ de^
ceitful above all things," is most apt to yield to Sa-
tan in both these cases. Whence it is, that there
are very many who boast of much peace, and yet
have none of it. And many fear they have no
peace, who yet ha^e much of it.
Wherefore, the rule is. Believe not either your
deceitful heart, nor the devil, when they tell you,
either that you are in a state of salvation, or in a
state of damnation: but believe the scripture, what
it saith in either.
You may know when these persuasions come from
your deceitful heart or from the devil, thus:—
1. if the means to persuade you to cither, be from
false grounds, or from misapplication of true grounds.
2. If the conclusions inferred from either persua^
sion, be to keep you in a sinful course, and to keep
you, or to drive you from God, as if you need not
be BO strict in godliness, or that now it is in vain,
or too late, to tuni and seek unto God, then it is
from Satan and from a deceitful heart, and you must
not believe them. But if thes^ persuasions be from
a right application of true grounds, and do produce
these good effects, to drive you to God, in praise or
prayer, and unto a care to please God, they are from
his gracious Spirits
II. The Causes of Presumption^ or, false Peace.
The false peace and evil quiet of conscience, doth
arise from th^se three causes:
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1. From gross ignorance of the dagger 'wherein
a man liveth because of sin: whence folio weth a
blind conscience.
2. From groundless security and presumption that
all shall be well with him, notwithstanding that he
knoweth he hath sinned,, and knoweth that sin is.
damnable: whence he hath a deluded conscience. .
3. From obstinacy, through delight and custom
in sin : whence cometh hardness and insensibility of
heart, which is a seared conscience.
Wheresoever any of these evils reign, although
God hath said, " There is no peace to the wicked,"
that is, no true peace; yet such evil, but pro-
mise to themselves peace and safety, like those, of
whom the prophet spake, who had ^* made a covenant
with death, and with hell were at an agreei^ietit."
Yea, though they bear all the curses against sinner^^i
which are in God'« book denounced against them,
yet will they '^ bless themselves in their heart, and
say, they shall have peace, though they walk in the
stubbornness of their hearts." But whosoever 13
thus quiet in himself through a false peace, it is a
sign that the^* strong man keepeth the house," and
that he, continuing in this fool's paradise, is not fai
from sudden and fearful destruction from the AU
Whosoever, therefore, would have true peace of
God, must know and be thoroughly convinced, that
by nature, by reason of Adam's first transgression,
which is justly imputed to him, and because of his
own inherent wickedness of heart and life, of omis-
sion and commission in thought, word, and deed, he
is in a state of sin and condemnation, having God
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for.hia enemy, yea, is an heir of wrath, and of eter-
nal vengeance, of hell fire: according to that of the
apostle, ^' All have sinned, and are become guilty
before God, and have come short of the glpry of
God." Ignorance of danger may give quiet to the
mind for a time, but it can give no safety. Is not
he foolishly secure that resteth quietly in a ruinous
house, not knowing his danger, until it fall upon
him? Whereas, if he had known it, he would have
had more fear and disquiet, but less danger.
III. Grounds of False Hope Discovered and
Let no man presume upon weak and false grounds,
that he shall escape the veiigeance of hell, or attain to
the happiness of heaven. How weak and vain are
^he foundations on which many build their hopes of
salvation! and from thence their peace will appear by
that which followeth.
1. Some think that because God made them,
surely he will not damn them. True, if they should
have continued good as he made them. God made
the devil good, yea, an excellent creature, yet, who
knoweth not, that he shall be damned? If God
spared not his holy angels, after that they became
sinful, shall man think that he will spare him? A
sinful man shall be judged at the last day, not ac-
cording to what he was by God's first making, but
as he shall be found defiled and corrupted by the
devil, and by his own lusts. When Judah became
a people of no understanding, it is said, ^^ He that
made them will not have mercy on them, and he that
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formed them will show them no faToor." Huis it
is spoken to every sinner remaining in bis sin, ^not-
withstanding that God made him,
2. Some say their sfBiciions have been so many^
80 great and so lasting, that they hope they have
had their hell in this life: whence it is, that their
hearts are quiet in respect of any fear of wrath and
judgment at the last day.
I would ask such, Whether they, being thus
afflicted, have returned to God that smote tlvem, and
whetlier their afflictions have made them better; or
whether, like Solomon's fool ** brayed in a mortar,"
their sin and folly is not departed from them? If
so, they must know, the more they have been, and
now are afflicted, if they be not reformed by it, this
doth presage that there is the more and worse be-
hind: as it was in the case of Judah. Many have
been often and extremely corrected by their parents
and others, yet, remaining incorrigible, Irave at last
suffered public execution.
3. Some, though their ways be never so evil, yet
because to them God's judgments are far above, out
of their sight, and because they have no changes,
God forbearing to execute his judgments upon them
speedily, they persuade themselves that God seeth
not, or that he is not angry with them, or that he
regc.rdeth not, and that he will neither do good nor
bad, thinking that God hath forgotten, or that he is
like them, well enough pleased with them; hereby
they lay their consciences asleep, promising unto
themselves tmmunity from punishment, and that
they shall ne\er be moved.
Know ye, that God's forbearance of his wrath is
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not because lie seeth not, or because he bath for-
gotten, or regarded not your wickedness: but because
he would give yod time and means of repentance;
it is because he would not have yon perish, but come
to repentance, that you may be saved : which if you
do not, this his bounty and long-suffering maketh
way for his justice, and serveth to leave you without
excuse; and to heap up wrath for you against the
day iof judgment, *' the day of the revelation of the
just judgment of God, who shall render to every
man according to his works." For God knoweth
how *' to reserve the wicked to the day of judgment,
to be punished." He will take his time to hear and
afflict you, when he shall set all the sins, of you that
forget him, in order before you; then, if your speedy
repentance do not now prevent it, lie will tear you
in pieces when there shall be none to deliver. The
longer be was in fetching his blow, the more deadly
wdll. his stroke be when it Qometh. Many male-
factors are not so much as called at a petty sessions,
when less offenders are both called and punished;
yet they have no cause to promise safety to them-^
selves, for they are reserved for a more solemn trial,
and.execntion, at the grand assizes. So wicked men,
that are not afflicted here, are reserved for. the last
judgment, at the great and terrible day of the Lord.
4. There are some who hope that God doth love
them, and that he doth intend to save them; for
they prosper in every thing, and are not in trouble
and distress as other men; hereupon their con-
aciences are quiet, and without fear.
Let me tell you who thus think, that this is a
poor ftmndation to build your hope tipon. What
are yott the- better for your, prosperity? Are you
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more thankful and more obedient? I>o you the
more good, by as much as you prosper more? If so,
well; if not, know, as Solomon, by the Spirit of truth,
telleth you, that no man can know God's love or
hatred by all that is before him; be it prosperity or
adversity. In these things there may be one and
the same event to the righteous and to the wicked*
Know, moreover, that the wicked, for the most part,
thrive most in this world; God giving them their
portion in this life, wherewith they nourish them*
selves against the day of slaughter, making their
own table their snare, and their prosperity their ruin.
5. There are many, who compare themselves with
themselves, passing by their own manifold sins,
looking only upon their own hypocritical and civil
good purposes and deeds; comparing also their sins
with the notorious sins of God's people committed
before their conversion, and with the gross sins of
Noah, Abraham, Lot, Peter, and other godly men,
after conversion, they hence conclude, that since
such are saved, they must entertain a good opinion
of themselves, and hope they shall be saved; they
think that all is well with them, being such of whom
our Saviour speaketh, that ^^ need no repentance." .
I would have these to know, that they who thus
cofupare themselves with themselves are not wise;
and they that think well of themselves, and commend
themselves, are not approved; but those only whom
the Lord commendeth. Moreover, the slips and
falls of the people of God, both before and after
conversion, did serve for their own humbling^ and
for a warning to all that should hear thereof. God
knoweth how to reprove ^nd chasten his own that
offend, giving them repentance to lifeaodsalvation;
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and yet justly will condemn all those that shall pre^
sumptuously stumble at their falls, and wilfully lie
in their sins, being fallen. It is not safe following'
the best men in all their actions, for in many things
they ^in all, not only before, but after conversion.
And as the cloud that guided the Israelites, had
two sides, the one bright and shining, the. other
black and dark, such is the cloud of examples of
godly men. Those who will be directed by the
light side thereof, shall, with the children of Israel,
pass safely towards the heavenly Canaan; but those
that will follow the dark side shall all perish with
the Egyptians in the red sea of destruction. What4
soever any were before conversion, or whatsoever
gross sin they fall into aftier conversion, if they were
humble and truly penitent, none of them are laid to
their charge, because they are done away by Christ
Jesus. These are in better state than those who
for matter never committed so great sins, if, pharisee-
like, they repent not of their lesser sins^ as they
esteem them, and are proud of their supposed good-
ness and well doing. For God, in justifying the
humble publican rather than the proud pharisee,
sfaoweth that proud innocency is always worse than
humble guiltiness.
6. There are likewise sopie others, who are
guilty to themselves of damnable. sins, yet hope to
be saved by the goodness of other men, by pardons
from the pope, by absolutions of priests, and by
certain penitential external acts of their own,: and by
good works, such as alms^ &c« These, if they
might hope of *the pope's indulgences, aiid a priest's
absolution, if th^ fulfil their penance enjoined, if
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(hey are devout in certain superstitions, in their,
will-worship and voluntary religion, their conscience
is quiet for a time, notwithstanding their foul and
black fiins, even their abominable idolatries.
I make known to these, that all this is but a
blindfolding, smothering, and sttipifying the con*
science for a time, laying a double, and a £ar greater
guilt upon it, and is far from being any means truly
to pacify it. For how can a man have. true peace
from any, or from all ^uch actions as are ui them-
selves an actual denying of the true head of the
church, Jesus Christ, and are a cleaving to a false
head, which is antichrist? And how can any man
merit for himself, when our Saviour saith, ^^ He
who hath done all that is commanded, is an un-
profitable servant, and hath done but his duty,"
which thing* he must say and acknowledge? All
these before-mentioned build their hopes upon false
grounds. Those that follow build their presump^
tuous and false hopes upon a misapplication of true
7. Many acknowledge that they have sinned and
do deserve eternal damnation ; but they say God is
merciful, therefore their heart is quiet, without ail
fear of condemnation^
It is true, that God is most merciful : but how ?
Know, he is not necessarily merciful, as if be could
not choose but show it to all men. He is volun-
tarily merciful, showing mercy only to those unto
whom he will show mercy. God could and did
hate, and in his justice condemned Esau, notwith-
standing his love and mercy to Jacob. God is all
justice, as well as all mercy; but he hath his several
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objects of justice and mercy, and hath his several
vessels of wrath and mercy, into which respectively
he doth pour his wrath or mercy. When God
speaketh of obstinate sinners, he saith, that he will
not be merciful to their iniquities; and again, *^ He
that made them will not have mercy on them."
And David prayeth with a prophetical spirit, saying
to God, ^^ Be not merciful to wicked transgressors;"
and who are these, but such as hate to be reformed,
who are presumptuous, and tuni the grace of God
into wantonness. Nay, concennng them that tflways
err in their heart, he hath in effect swdrn that he
will show them ho mercy; for he hath sworn that
^* they shall not enter into his rest/'
8. Some others go farther: they acknowledge
that God's justice must be satisBed, and they think
it is satisfied for them, dreaming of universal re-
demption, by Christ, who indeed is said to die to
'^ take away the sins of the world." This causeth
their conscience to be quiet, notwithstanding that
they live in sin.
It must be granted, that Christ gave himself a
ransom for alK This random may be called general,
and for all, in some sense: but how? namely, in
respect of the common nature of man, which he
took, and of the common cause of mankind, which
be undertook; and in itself it was of sufficient price
to redeem all men; and because applicable to all,
without exception, by the preaching and ministry of
the gospel. And it was so intended by Christ, that
the piaster should be as large as the sore, and that
there should be no defect in the remedy, that is, in
the price, or sacrifice of himself ofiered upon the
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cross, by which man should be saved, but that all
men, and each particular man, might iu that respect
become salvable by Christ.
Yet doth not the salvation of all men necessarily
follow hereupon; nor must any part of the price
which Christ paid, be held to be superfluous, though
many be not saved by it.
But know, that the application of the remedy,
and the actual fruit of this all-sufficient ransom,
redouudeth to those who are saved only by that way
and means which God was pleased to appoint, which,
in the case of adults, is faith, by which Christ is
tictually applied. Which condition, many to whom
the gospel doth, come, make impossible to them-
selves, through a wilful refusal of the gospel, and
Wvation itself by Christ, upon those terms which
God doth offi;r it.
Upon this sufficiency of Christ's ransom, and in-
tention of God and Christ, that it should be suffi-
cient to save all, is founded that general offer of
Christ to all and to each particular person, to whom
the Lord shall be pleased<to reveal the gospel: like-
wise that universal precept of the gospel, command-
ing every man to repent, and believe in Christ
Jesus; as also, the universal promise of salvation,
made to every one that shall believe in Christ Jesus*
Although, in one sense, it is true, Christ may be
said to have died for all, yet let no one think to
enjoy the benefits of his precious death and sacrifice,
without serious diligence to make their calling and
election sune. For God did intend this all-sufficient
price for all, otherwise to his elect in Christ, than
to those whom he passed by and not elected; for be
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intended this not only out of a general and eommon
love to mankind, but out of a peculiar love to his
elect. He gave not Christ equally and alike to
save all; and Christ did not so lay down his life for
the reprobate as for the elect. Christ so died for
all, that his death might be applicable to all. He
so died for the elect, that his death might be actually
applied unto them- He so died for all, that they
might have an object of faith, and that if they should
believe in Christ, they might be saved. But he so
died for the elect that they might actually believe,
and be saved. Hence it is that Christ's death
becometh efiectual to them, and not to the other,
thoiigh sufScient for all. Now that many believe
not, they Jiaving the means pf faith, the fault is in
themselves, through their wilfulness or negligence;
but that any believe to salvation, is of God's grace,
attending his election, and Christ's dying out of his
especial love for them; and not of the power of
man's free* will: God sending his gospel, ^and giving
the grace of faith and new obedience to those whom
of his free grace he hath ordained to eternal life,
both where .he pleaseth and when he pleasetb.
Furthermore, it must be considered that iiotwith*
standing the all-sufficiency of Christ's death, whereby
the new covenant of grace is ratified and confirmed,
the covenant is not absolute, but conditional. Now
what God proposeth conditionally, no man must
take absolutely. For God hath not said that all
men without exception shall be saved by Christ's
death: although he saitb, Christ died for all; but
salvation is promised to those only who repent and
Jbe]ieve«. . , :
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' Wbef^foreinotwithaiandiug Christ's infinite xneiit,
whereby he satisfied for mankind; and notwithstand-
ing the universality of the offer of salvation to all to
whom the gospel is preached; both scripture and
experience show, that not all, nor yet the most, shall
be saved, and that because the number of them who
repent, and unfeignedly believe, whereby they make
particular and actual applicalioa of Christ and his
merits to themselves^ are fewest. For of those
many that are called, few are chosen. Wherefore
let none ignorantly dream of an absolute, universal
redemption, as many siipple people do. For though
Christ be said to suffer to take away the sins of the
whole world, yet the scripture saitb, that the whole
world of unbelievers and of ungodly men shall perish
9. Many will yield that they must have faith and
repentance, and that they must be ingrafted into
Christ and become new creatures, else they cannot
hope to be saved; but they think they are all this
already; whence followeth quiet of conscience*
Whereas, when it cometh to the trial, their fiiith and
repentance are found not to be sound. As will thus
They think they have faith, ( 1.) Because they
believe the whole scripture to be the good word of
God. (2.) They believe not only that there is a
God, but- that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and
Saviour of the world, yea, according to the letter,
they believe all the articles of the Christian faith.
(SJ) They think they are believers, because they
liave been baptized, and have given their names
unto Christ; they profess the only true sdigion,
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tii^y have ibe very true form of godliness in all th^
external exercises of religion. Whereas, if they
believe no more, nor better, they may know that
their faith is only a historical and general faith, or
only a temporary faith at the best, necessary indeed
to ^Ivation, but not sufficient to save. The devils
believe as much as the first, and very hypocrites
may, and do profess, and do as much as the second
and third. The apostle Paul having to do with
hypocritical Jews, who because of their form of
iinowledge, and profession, though without practice,
did nourish in themselves a vain persuasion that they
should be saved, removed this false ground of their
hope thus, saying, ^* He is not a Jew who is one
outwardly, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly;
neither is that circumcision which is outward in the
fiesh, but that which is of the heart, in the spirit
and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men
but of God." In like manner, St. Peter assured
all Christians, that the baptism, which is only a
putting away of the filth of the flesh, doth not save;
but that baptism which giveth proof that the heart
is sprinkled from an evil conscience, as well as the
body washed with pure water, showing itself by the
answer which a good conscience maketh in believing
the truth, consenting unto, and embracing the new
covenant, whereof baptism is a seal, of which an-
ciently men of years made profession when they
were baptized. Neither is it any thing worth, to
have the form of godliness in profession, when the
power thereof is denied by an evil conversation.
For however such as these are most apt to claim an
interest in Christ, yet so long as their faith is not a
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particular faithi drawipg with it aflSapee, and sole
reliance on Christ for salvation, declaring its truth
and life by endeavouring to perform the new cove-
nant on their part, by new obedience, in all manner
of good works; our Saviour professeth that he
knoweth them not, but biddeth them depart from
him, because they were workers of iniquity.
But many of these presume farther, that their
faith is a lively and saving faith, because, as they
think, they have repented, and are become new
creatures. And all because they had such enlight-
ening as by nature man cannot attain unto; nay^
^he word hath affected them much, and somewhat
altered them from what they were, namely, (1.)
When they were hearing a sermon, or when God's
rod was over them, they have mourned, wept, and
^hown some kind of humiliation. (2.) At the hear*
^ug of God's precious promises in the gospel, in the
glad tidings of salvation, they have felt a taste of the
heavenly gift, and of the good word of God, and of
the powers of the world to come. And (3.) They
find that they do not commit many of those sins
which they were used to commit; and that they do
many good duties toward God and man, which they
were used not to do.
But what of all this? These men, as near as
.they come, yet going no farther, are far from salva-
tion. For the common gifts of God's Spirit, given
unto men in the ministry of the gospel, may elevate
a man higher, and carry him farther towards heaven,
than nature, arc, or mere human industry can do;
and yet, if the saving graces of the same Spirit be
pot added, he will be left far short of heaven,
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Mere oratory in some pathetical preachers, when
they speak of matters doleful and terrible, will move
the affections, and draw tears from some hearers.
Likewise a plain, powerful conviction of the cer-
tainty of God'^s wrath denounced, and sense of some
just judgment of God, may bring forth some tears,
some humiliation, yea some kind of reformation.
Did not Felix tremble, when St. Paul ** reasoned of
righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come?'*
Did not Ahab humble himself, when the prophet
denounced God's judgments against him and against
his house? Did not the Israelites oft, when they
were in distress, and when God did not only warn
them with his word, but smote them with his rod,
return and seek early after God?
And whereas they say, they have tasted of the
heavenly gift, and of the good word of God, and of
the powers of the world tb come; they may know,
that such is the sweetness of God's promises, and
such is the evidence and goodness of God's truth in
the glad tidings of salvation, that (the common
gift of the Spirit going with it) all the fore-men-
tioned feelings may be wrought in men altogether
destitute of saving grace. For did not the seed
sown in stony and thorny ground go thus far?
Did not those mentioned in the* Hebrews, who, not-
withstanding all this might fall away irrecoverably,
attain to thus much?
Now, if men not in a state of grace may go so far,
as hath been proved, then it must not be marvelled
that even such, with Herod, may also reform many
Besides^ they mistake, when they say, they are
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changed and reformed, if still they reitain any bosom
and beloved sin, as Herod did. To change sins,
one sin into another, is no change of the man^ for
he changeth the prodigality of hia youth into cove-
tousness in old age, remainiDg a notorious sinner
before God as well now^ as then; judge the like of
a)I otlier; likewise to forbear the act of any sin,
because they hav6 not the like power, occasions,
tcroptations, or means, to commit sin Us in former
time, this is no cliangc: sin in these respects hath
left them, not they it.
For true conversion and repentance doth consist
of a true and thorough change of the whole man,
whereby not only some actions are changed, but
first and chiefly the whole frame and dbposition of
the heart is changed and set aright towards God,
from evil to good, as well as from darkness to light.
And whereas man is naturally earthly-minded, and
maketh himself his utmost end; so that either he
only mindeth earthly things, or if he mind heavenly
things, it is in an earthly manner, and to an earthly
end, as did Jehu. If this man have truly repented,
and be indeed converted, he hecometh heavenly-
minded, he maketh God and his glory his chief and
highest end; insomuch, that when he hath cause to
mind earthly things, his will and dej^ire is to mind
them in a heavenly manner, and to a heavenly end.
If you would judge more fully and clearly of this
true change, see at large the description, and signs
of uprightness, before dehvercd. Chap. XI. page
208, et seq.
Last of all, there are many presume, that although
as yet they have uo saving faith In-Cbrist,. aox aound
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lepentance, that God will give them space aiid grace
to repent and believe before they die. Whence it
is they have peace for the presents
These must give me leave to tell them, that they
put themselves upon a desperate hazard and adventure.
!• Who can promise unto himself one minute of
time more than the present, since every man's breath
is in his nostrils, ready to expire every moment?
Besides, the Spirit saith, God doth bring wicked
men to desolation as in a moment* And again,
'^ He that being often warned, hardeneth his neck,
shall suddenly be destroyed without remedy."
2. Suppose they may have time, yet whether
they shall have grace to believe and repent, is much
to be doubted.
For the longer repentance is delayed, the heart is
more hardened, and indisposed to repcn ranee, through
the deceitfulness of sin. And it is a judgment of
God upon such, as are not led to repentance by the
riches of God's goodness, forbearance^ and long*
soifering, that he should leave them to their impeni-
tent hearts, that cannot repent; so treasuring up unto
themselves wrath against the day of wrath. Cus-
tom in sin doth so root and habituate it in man,
that it will be as hard for him by his own will and
power to repent hereafter, he neglecting God's
present call and offer of grace, as it is for the
Ethiopian to change his skin, or the leopard his spots.
It cannot be denied, but that God is free, and if
he please, may open a door of hope and gate of
mercy unto the most obstinate sinner, who hath
deferred his repentance to his old age; wherefore, if
such a one find his heart to; be broken with, remorse
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for his former sins, and is tronbled in conscience foe
this his sin of not accepting of God's grace when it
was offered, I wish him to humble himself before
God, and entertain hope. For God hath promised
pardon to the penitent, whensoever they repent.
And though no roan can repent when he will, yet
such a one may hope that God is now giving him
repentance, in that he hath touched his heart, and
made it to be burdened with sin.
Yet for all this hope which I give to such a man,
know, that it is very seldom to be found, that those
who continued to despise grace until old age, did
ever repent: but God left them justly to perish in
their iropenitency, because they despised the means
of grace, and the season in which he did call them
to repentance, and offered to them his grace, whereby
they might repent. God dealeth with all sinners
usually, as he said he would do, and as he did to
Judah: ^^ Because I would have purged thee," said
he,-— that is, I took the only course to purge thee,
and bring thee to repentance,-— ^^ and thou wast not
purged, therefore thou shalt not be purged from thy
filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to
rest on thee."
Thus I have endeavoured to discover and remove
the false grounds, and misapplication of true grounds,
whereby the conscience is deluded, an.d brought into
a dangerous and false peace.
To conclude, he that would not be deceived with
a false peace instead of a true, must beware of
obstinacy, delight in, and senselessness of sin. For
this sears the conscience as with a hot iron. Now
a seared conscience is quiet with a false peace, not
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because there iK no danger; but because it doth not
feel it. Great care must be taken^ therefore, lest
the osnscience he seared, being made senseless and
bard; for then k doth altogether, or for the most
part, forbear to check or accuse for sin, be it never
ac^ heinous.
I'his searedness is caused by a wilful customary
living in any sin; but especially by living in any
gross sin, or in the allowance of, and delight in any
known sin; also by allowed hypocrisy, and dissimula-
tion in any thing, and by doing any thing contrary
to the clear light of nature, planted in a man's own
head or heart; or contrary to the clear light of grace,
shining in the motions of the Spirit, in the checks
of conscience, and in the instructions of the^word.
Keep therefore the conscience tender by all means;
(1.) By hearkening readily to the voice of the word;
(2.) By a careful survey of your ways daily. (3.)
JBy keeping the conscience soft with godly sorrow
for aim (4.) By hearkening to the voice of con-
seience admonishing and checking for sin.
Either of these three kinds of conscience, namely,
the blind, presumptuous, and seared conscience, will
admit of a kind of peace, or truce rather, for a while,
while it sleepeth; bat what God said of Cain's sin,
must be conceived of all sin : ^^ If thou dost not well,
sin lieth at the door." And upon what terms soever
it lies still, and troubles not the conscience for a
time, yet it will awake in its time, and then by as
muck as it did admit of some pe^ce and quiet, it will
grow more turbulent, mad, and furious; and, if God
give not repentance, this false peace endeth (or the
moat part a reprobate mind, or a desperate
N 31 '
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end, even in this life, besides the hellish horrors in
that which is to come.
Now to the end that no man should quiet his
heart in this false and dangerous peace, whether it
proceed from the aforementioned causes, or any
other, I would advise him to try his peace, whether
it be not false, by these infaUible marks:
1. Is any man at peace with God's enemies, al-
lowing himself in the love of those things or persons
which hate God and which are hated of God, such
as are the world and the things of the world, whereby
he denieth the power of godliness: delighting in any
evil company, or living in any wilful or gross sin, as
vain or false swearing, open profanation of the Sab-
bath, malice, adultery, theft, lying, or in any of
those mentioned, or in any known sin with allowance?
The Holy Ghost saith of such, that the love of God
is not in them, therefore the peace of God is not in
them, and whosoever maketh himself a friend to his^
lusts and to the world, maketh himself an enemy of
God. If any man be at peace with the flesh, the
world, and the devil, he is not at true peace with
God, nor God with him. If any such expect peace,
and should ask, ^^ Is it peace?" answer may be made
like to that which Jehu made, ^^ What have you to
do with peace?" What peace, so long as your notori-
ous sins and rebellions, wherein you delight, are so
many? For he that careth not to keep a good con-
science towards God and towards men, cannot have
true peace of conscience. For there is no true peace
but in a good conscience.
2. Is any man not at peace, but at war rather,
with God's friends, and with the things wirich God
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loveth ; being out of love with spiritual and devout
prayer, hearing the word, the company of God's
people, and the like? If any man despise the things
that God commandeth and loveth, certainly, God
and he are not reconciled ; and whatsoever his form
of godliness be, God esteemeth him to be yet in a
state of perdition. For whosoever saith he knoweth
God, but yet loveth not, and " keepeth not his com-
mandments, he is a liar." And if any man love not
his brother, whatsoever show of peace and friendship
is between God and him, I am sure God saith, ^^ he
that doth not righteousness is not of God, neither
he that loveth not his brother;" he is a child of the
devil, and therefore hath no true peace with God.
3. He whose quiet of heart and conscience is
from false peace, is willing to take it for granted,
that his peace is sound and good ; and cannot abide
to look into, or to inquire into his peace, to try
whether it be true, or whether it be false or not ; be-
ing, as it seemeth, afraid lest stirring the mud and
filth that lieth in the bottom of his heart, he should
disquiet it. And for this cause it is that such a
one cannot endure a searching ministry, nor will like
that minister who will dive into the conscience, by
laying the heart and conscience open to the light and
purity of God's word.
Thus I have showed you what is a first and chief
impediment to be removed, namely, presumption and
false hope, if you would have true peace; for false
hopes breed only false peace.
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Concerning false Fears.
.The second head to which I reduced impedi-
ments to true peace, is false fear; for. if yoa doubt,
fear, or despair of your estate, without cause, it will
much disturb and hinder your peace.
I. Of needful holy Fear.
There is a holy fear and despair wrought in
man, when God first eonvincetfa. his heart and con-
science of sin ; whereupon, through sense of God's
wrath and heavy displeasure,, together with a sense
of his own disability in himself to satisfy and appease
God's wrath, he is in great preplexity ; being out of
all hopes to obtain God's favour, or to escape the
vengeance of hell by any thing which he of himself
can do or procure. This is wrought more or less
in every man of years before conversion, as in those
which were pricked to the heart at St. Peter's ser-
mon, and in St. Paul himself, and in the jailor.
This is a good necessary fear, serving to prepare
a man for his conversion. For in God's order of
working, he first sendeth the spirit of bondage to
fear, before he sendeth the spirit of adoption to en-
able a man to cry, Abba, Father. Tfaia ieary and
trouble of conscience arising from it, is good ; and
maketh way to true peace.
Moreover, after that a man is converted, though
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he have ho csnte to four dimiiatibn; yet he hath
touch matter of fear, for as much as he is yet subject
to many evils both of sin and pain; as, lest he olfend
God,* and cause his angry countenance, and his judge-
ments; also, lest he should fall back from some de*
grees of grace received, and lest he fall into some
dangerous sin, and so lose his evidence of heaven,
and comforts of the Spirit. Wherefore we are com-
manded to ^^ work out our salvation. vith fear and
trembling," and to pass the whole time of our so«
journtng here in fear«
This fear, while it kecpeth due measure, causeth
a man to be circumspect and watchful lest he fall; it
exdteth him to repent, and quickieneth him to ask
pardon and grace to recover, when he is fallen ; yea,
is an excellent means to prevent trouble, and to pro-
cure peace of conscience. But the fear of which I
am to speak, and which, because it disturbeth true
peace, is to be removed, is a groundless and cause-
less fear that a man is not in a state of grace, al-
though, he hath yielded himself to Christ, by true
£sith and conversion: and hath not only given good
hope to others, bat, if he would see it, hath cause
to conceive good hope that he is indeed in a state of
II. Of causeless Fear^ and the Springs thereof.
This fear may arise either from natural distem-
pers, Satan joining with them; or from spiritual
temptations, arising from causeless doubts.
I. Of fears which arise from natural distempers.
By natural distempers, I mean a disposition to
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frenzy or melancholy, in which states of body the
spirits are corrupted through superabundance of
choler and mekncholy, whereby first the brain,
where all notions of things are framed, is distemper-
ed, and the power of imagination corrupted, whence
arbe strange fancies, doubts, and fearful thoughts.
Then, secondly, by reason of the intercourse of the
spirits between the head and the heart, the heart is
distempered and filled with grief, despair, and horror,
through manifold fears of danger, yea, of damnation;
especially when Satan concurs with those humours,
which as he easily can, so he readily will do, if God
Where there is trouble of this sort, it usually
bringeth forth strange and violent efibcts, both in
body and mind, and that in him who is regenerate,
as well as in him that is unregenerate. Yea, so far,
that (which is fearful to think) even those who, when
tliey were fully themselves, did truly fear God, have,
in the fits of their distemper, through impotency of
their use of reason, and through the devil's forcible
instigation, had thoughts, and attempts of laying
violent hands upon themselves and others, and when
they have not well known what they have done or
said, have been heard to break out into oaths, curs-
ing, and other evil speeches, who were never heard
to do thq like before.
These troubles may be known from true trouble
of conscience, by the strangeness, unreasonableness,
and senselessness of their conceits in other things;
as to think they have no heart, and to say they
cannot do that which indeed they do, and a thousand
other odd conceits, which standers-by see to be most
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false. Whereby iany man may see that . the root of
this disturbance is in thefancy^ and not in the heart.
Although, both the regenerate and unregenerate,
according as they are in a like degree distempered,
are in most things alike; yet in this they differ; some
beams of holiness will glance forth now and then ip
the regenerate, which do not in the unregenerate,
especially in the intermissions of their fits. Their
desires will be found to be different, and if they both
recover, the one returneth to his usual course of
holiness with increase: the other, except God work
with the affliction to conversion, continueth in his
accustomed wickedness. It pleaseth God, that for
the most part his own children who are thus dis-
tempered, have the strength of their melancholy
worn out and subdued before they die, at which time
they have some sense of God's favour to their com-
fort; but if their disease continue, it is possible they
may die lunatics, and, if you judge by their speeches,
despairing, which is not to be imputed to them,, but
tolheir disease, or to Satan working by the disease;
if they gave good testimony of holiness in former
When these troubles are merely from bodily dis-
tempers, though they be not troubles of conscience,
yet they make a man incapable of the sense of peace
of conscience. Therefore, whosoever would enjoy
the benefit of the peace of his conscience, must do
what in him lieth, to prevent or remove these dis-
tempers. And because they grow for the most part
from natural causes, therefore, natural as well as
spiritual remedies must be used.
1. Take heed of all such things as feed those
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hatnours of choler and tndancfaoly, wbicli must be
letrned of experienced noen, and of skilfinl pfayaiciaiM,
and, when need ie, take physic.
2. Avoid all unnecessaty solitude, and, is niucb
as may be, keep company with such as truly fear
God, especially with those who are wise, full of
cheerfulness and joy in tiie Lord.
^* Forbear all such things as stir up these
humours; as, over much study, and musing too much
upon any thing, likewise all sudden and violent
passions of anger, immoderate grief, &c.
4. Shun idleness, and, according to strength and
means, be fully employed in some lawful busin€»s«
5. Out of the fit, the party thus affected must
not oppress his heart with fear of falling into it
again, any otherwise than to quicken him to prayer,
and to cause him to cast himself upon God.
6. Out of the fits (and in them also, if the party
distempered be capable) spiritual counsel is to be
given out of God's word, wisely, according as the
party is fit for it, whether to humble him, if he hath
not been sufficiently humbled, or to build him up
and comfort him, if he be already humbled.
7. Lastly, Remember always that when the
troubled person is himself, that he be moved to
prayer, and that others then pray much with him,
and at all times pray much for him.
When these troubles are mixed, coming partly
from natural distemper, and partly from spiritual
temptation: then the remedy must be mixed of helps
natural and spiritual. What the natural helps are,^
hath been shown, also what the spiritual in general,
and shall be shown more particularly, in removing
false fears arising from spiritual temptations.
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The fear3 which rise for the most part from dis-
temper of body, may be known from those which, for
the most part, or only, rise from the spiritual temp-
tation, thus: When the first sort are clearly resolved
of their doubts, and brought unto some good de-
gree of cheerfulness and comfort, they will yet, it
may be, within a day or two, sometimes within
an hour or two, upon every slight occasion and
discouragement, return to their old complaints, and
will need the same means to recover them again.
But those whose trouble is merely out of spiritual
temptation and trouble of conscience, although for
the time it be very grievous, and hardly removed,
and sometimes long before they receive a satisfying
answer to their doubts; yet, when once they receive
satisfaction and comfort, it doth hold and last until
there fall out some new temptation, and new matter
of fear. This is bepause their fancies and memories
are not disturbed in such a manner as the other's are.
The seeming grounds* of fears that a man is not
in a state of grace, when yet he is, are for variety
almost infinite. I have reduced them to this order,
and to these heads.
1. They who are taken wjth false fears, think
their sins to be greater than can be pardoned.
2m When they are driven from that, they say
they fear God will not pardon. When they are
driven from this, by causing them to take notice of
the signs of God's actual love to them, which gave
proof that he will save them. Then,
S. They will question the truth of God's love and
favour. But being put upon the trial whether God
hath not already justified them, and given them
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faith in Christ, which are sufficient proofs of his
love; then,
4. They will seem to have grounds to doubt
whether they have faith, from which they are driven,
by putting them to the trial of their sanctification:
5. They doubt, and will object strongly that they
are not sanctified, which being undeniably proved;
6. They fear they shall fall away, and toot perse-
vere to the end. Which fear being taken away
also, and all is come to this good issue, they shall
have no cause of disquiet or fear.
This is the easiest, most familiar, and the most
natural method, so far as I can judge, both in pro-
posing, and in removing false fears.
11. Of fears which arise from thoughts of the
greatness of punishment and sin.
1. Some in their fits of despair, speak almost in
Cain^s words, saying that their punishment, which
they partly feel, and which they most of all fear, is
greater than they can bear, or than can be forgiven.
I answer such: If sense and fear of wrath and
punishment, be your trouble, I would have you not
te busy your thoughts about the punishment ; but
fix th^m upon your sins, which are the only cause of
punishment ; for get deliverance from the guilt and
power of sin, and in one and the same work you free
yourself from the punishment. Labour therefore
that your heart may bleed with godly sorrow for sin,
cry out, as David did against his sin, — ** Against
thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in
thy sight ; that thou mightest be justified when thou
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speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. . Bfsfaold,
I was shapen in iniquity; and. in sin did. my mother
conceive me/'— so do you against yours^ confess them .
to God, strike at the root of sin, at the sin of your na-
ture, wherein you were conceived, aggravate your ac-
tual sins, hide none, spare none, find out, arraign,
accuse, condemn your sins, and yourself for them; grow
first into an utter detestation of your sins, which have
brought present punishment, and a sense and fear of
;the eternal vengeance of hell-fire: then likewise grow
into a dislike with yourself for sin, loathe yourself in
your own sight for your iniquities, and for your
abominations. Now when you are as a prisoner at .
the bar, who hath received sentence of condemnation,
when you are in your own apprehension a damned
wretch, fearing every day to be executed; Oh, then,
it conccrneth you, and it is your part and duty to
turn to God, the King of kings, whose name and .
nature is to forgive iniquity, transgression, and sins;
and, that you may be accepted, go to him by Jesus
Christ, whose office is to take away your sins, and
to present you without sin to his Father; whose of-
fice is also to procure and sue out your pardon..
Wherefore in Christ's name pray, and ask pardon of
God, for his Son Jesus Christ's sake, and withal be
as earnest in asking grace and power against your
sin, that you may serve him in all well pleasing.
Do this, as for your life, with all truth and earnest-
ness; then you may, nay, ought to believe that God
for Christ's sake hath pardoned your sin, and hath
done away the punishment thereof. For this is ac-
cording to the word of truth, even as true as God is, .
who bath commanded you tg do thus, and to believe
in him.
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But 8oni6 will reply, this patting toe ipta a 'o(m-»
sideration of my ains,. breeds all my dislress andfear,
for I find them greater and more than can be par-
Oh I say not so; for you can hardly commit a*
greater sin than indeed to think and to say so. It
is blasphemy against God ; yet this suit if you witt
fellow God's counsel, and all others, may, and shall
be pardoned. I intend not to extenuate and lessen:
your sin : but you must give me leave to magnify
God's truth and mercy, and to extol Christ's love
and merit. However, it is true, that because sin is
a transgression of a law of iu&xite holiness and
equity ; and, in respect of the evil disposition of the
heart, is of infinite intention, and would perpetuate^
itself infinitely, if it had time and means; and be-
cause God, the person against whom sin is com*
n^itted, is infinite ; therefore sin must needs contract
an infinite guilt, and deserve infinite punishment.
2. Consider that the price to satisfy God's justice,
namely, the death of Christ, the only begotten Son
of God, doth exceed all sin in infiniteness of satis**
faction of God's justice and wrath due for sin. For
if Christ's death be a sufficient ransom for the sins of
all God's elect in general; then much more of thine
in particular, whosoever thou be, and how great,:
and how many sins soever thou hast committed,
3. Know that the mercy of God, the forgiver.d£
sin, b absolutely and every way infinite* For mescy
in God is not a quality, but is his very nature, astf >
clear by the description of his name, proclaimed,
Exod. xxxiv. 6. which rightly understood and be*>
lieved, removeth all the objections which a fearful
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heart can mdke against itself, from the consldeiatioo of
hisjsifiSii ^
1. He is merciful, that is, he is compassionate)
and, to speak after the manner of man, is one that
hath bowels of pity, which yearn within him at the be-
holding of thy miseries, not willing to punish and put
thee to pain, but ready to succour and do thee good.
But I am so viLs and so ill-deserving, that tliere is
nothing in me to move him to pity me, and do me goodi
2. He is gracious; whom he loveth, he 4ovetb
freely, of his own gracious disposition; <^ I, even I,
am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine
own sake, and will not remember thy sins/' And
when God saith he would sprinkle clean water upon
sinners, and that he would give tliem a new heart.
Sac. ^^ not for your'sakes do I this," saith the Lord
God. That you should be sensible ef your own
misery, and then, in the sense thereof, that God
may be inquired after, and sought unto for mercy,
is al] which he expecteth from you to move him to
pity and mercy; and such is his graciousness, that he
will work this sense and this desire in you, that he
may have mercy.
But I have a long time provoked him !
8* He is. long-suffering towards you, " net will-
ing that you should perish, but that you should
come to repentance;" he waiteth still for your re-
pentance aed reformation, that you may be saved.
Yea, but I am destitute of all goodness and gr^ce-
to turn unto him, or do any thing that may please
him I
4. He is abundant in goo^ess an4 kindness; he
that hath been abundant towards others heretofore
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in giving them grace, and making them good, his
store is not diminished, but he hath all grace and
goodness to communicate to you also, and to make
you good.
Yea, but I fear, though God can, yet God will
not forgive me, and give me grace !
5. He is abundant in truth, not only the good-
ness of his gracious disposition maketh him willing,
but the abundance of bis truth bindeth him to be
willing, and doth give suflScient proof unto you that
he is willing. He hath made sure promises to take
away your sin, and to forgive it ; and not yours only,
but reserveth mercy for thousands. Believe there-
fore that God both can and will forgive you.
Yea, but my sins are such and such; innumer-
able, heinous, and most abominable. I am guilty of
sins of all sorts !
6. He forgiveth iniquity, transgression, and sin.
He is the God that will subdue all your iniquities,
and cast all your sins into the bottom of the sea.
Yea, but I renew my sins daily !
7. I answer out of the Psalm — His mercy is an
everlasting mercy, " his mercy endureth for ever,"
Ps. cxviii. 1.: he biddeth you to ask forgiveness of
sin daily; therefore he can and will forgive sin daily:
yea, if you sin seventy times seven in a day, and
shall confess it to God with a penitent heart, he will
forgive, for he that biddeth you be so merciful to
your brother, will himself forgive much more, when
you seek unto him.
But I have not only committed open and gross sins,
both before and since I had knowledge of God; but
I have been a very hypocrite, making profession of
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God, and yet daily committing grievous sins against'
him !
8. What then? Will you say your sins are unpar-
donable? God forbid. But say, I will follow the
counsel which God gave to such abominable hypo-
crites. " Wash ye, make you clean." I will, by
God's grace, wash my heart from iniquity, and my -
hands from wickedness, by washing myself in the
laver of regeneration, bathing myself in Christ's
blood, and in the piire water of the word of truth,
applying myself to them, and them to me by faith.
Say, in this case, " I will hear what God will speak."
And know, that if you will follow his counsel, if you
will hearken to his reasoning, and embrace his gracious
offer made to you in Christ Jesus, the issue will be
this, though your sins have been most gross, double
dyed, even as crimson and scarlet; they shall be as
wool, even white as snow. God will then speak
peace unto you, as unto others of his saints; only
he will forbid you to return to folly.
For not only those who committed gross sins
through ignorance before their conversion, as did
Abraham in adolatry, and St. Paul in persecuting ;
nor yet only those who committed gross sins through
infirmity after their conversion, as did Noah by
drunkenness, and Lot by incest also, and Peter by
denying and forswearing his master Jesus Christ,
obtained mercy, because they sinned ignorantly and
of infirmity; but also those that sinned against know-
ledge and conscience, both before and after conver-
sion; sinning with a high hand, as Manasses before,
and (in the matter of Uriah) David after, conversion,
they obtained like mercy, and had all their sins for-
given. Why are these examples recorded in scrip-
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tnre, but for poUerns to sinners, yea to snosl notbri*
ous sinners of all sorts, who should in after-times
believe in Christ Jesus unto etemd life?
Be willing therefore to be bebfrfden to God for
forgiveness, and believe in Christ for forgiveness,
which when you do, you may be assured that you
never yet committed any sin which is not, and which
shall not be forgiven*
For was it not tbe end, wliy Christ came into the
world, that be might save sinners, yea, the chief of
sinners, as well as others? Was he not wounded
for transgressions, namely, of all sorts? Is not the
end of his coming in bis gospel to call sinners to
repentance? What sinners doth he mean there, but
such as you are, who are laden and burdened with
your sin? Doth he not say, *^ If any man sin»" ob-
serve, if any man, " we have an advocate with the
Father, Jesus Christ the r^bteous?" Who by being
made a curse for you, hath redeemed you from the
curse of the whole law; therefore from the curse due
unto you for your greatest sin.
However, it is impossible for a notorious sinner,
yea, for any sinner, by his own power or worth, to
enter into the kingdom of heaven ; yet, know, what
is impossible with man, is possible with God. ^Ms
any thing too hard for the Lord?" He can alter and
renew you, and give you faith and repentance; he
can make these things possible to you that believe;
yea, ^' all things are possible to him that believeth."
Yea, you will say. If I did believe. Why, what if
you do not believe? It is not hard with him, if you
come to his means of faith, if you hearicen to the
recepts and promises of the word, and consider
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that the Gbd of truth speaketfa in th«iii;>I saj^ it It
not hard for him, in the use of these means, to cause
you to believe*
Wherefore udtherigreatness of sin, nor muhitttilea
of sins, should, because of their greatness and multh»
tude, make you utterly despair of salvation, or fear
damnation: when once you can believe, or but will
and desire to obey and believe, the great cause of
fear is past.
I know if you never had sinned, you would not
fear damnation. Now to a man whose sins are remit*
ted, his sins (though sin dwell in him) are as if they
were not, or never had been. For they iare blotted
out of God's remembrance. " I, even I, am he," saith
God, ^^ that blotteth out thy transgressions for my
name's sake, and will not remember thy sins." And
**Mrhois likeihee," saith the prophet, "that pardoneth
iniquities," &c. " he will have compassion upon us, he
will subdue our iniquities, and will cast all our sins
into the bottom of the sea." A debt, when it is paid
by the surety, putteth the principal out of debt, though
*h0 paid never a penny of it himself. The Holy
Gliost speaketh comfortably, saying, that God doth
find no sin in them whose sins are pardoned. ^^ In
those days, and at that time, saith the Lord, the
iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall
be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not
be found,"— 4>ut how may this be? He giveth the
reason,/^ for I will pardod them whom I reserve."
If yon believe that God can pardon any sin, even
the least, you have like reason to believe that God
can pardon all, yea, the greatest; for if God can do
any thing, he can do every thing, because he is infinite*
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He ctn as easily say, *< Thy sins are forgiven thee,"
all thy sins are forgiven thee, as to say, << Rise and
walk." He can as well save one that hath been long
dead, rotten, and stinking in his sin, as one newly
fallen into sin. For he can as easily say, <* Laza-
rus, come forth," as, <* Damsel, I say to thee, arise."
Lastly, To make an end of removing this fear, I
ask thee, who are troubled with the greatness of thy
sins past, and with fear that they can never be par-
doned. How stand you affected to present sins?
Do you hate and loathe them? Do you use what
means you can to be free from them? Are you out
of love with yourself, and humbled because you have
indulged them to God's dishonour, and youi[ own
hurt? And do you resolve, through faith in Christ
Jesus, to return from your evil ways, and to enter
upon a holy course of life, if God shall please to
enable you; and is it your hearty desire to have this
grace to be able? And are you afraid, and have
you now a care lest you fall knowingly into sin;
then, let Satan, and a fearful heart object what they
can, you may say, though my sins have been great afid
heinous, for which I loathe myself and am ashamed,
yet now I see that they were not only pardonable,
but are already, through the rich mercy of God, par-
doned. For these are signs of a new heart and a
new mind. Now, to whomsoever God giveth the
least measure of saving grace, to them hath he first
given pardon of sin, and will yet abundantly pardon.
For he saith, *' Let the wicked forsake his way, and
the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him re-
turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him;
and to our God, for he wiU abundantly pardon."
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IIL Fears concerning not being elected^ removed. ^
There are others who make no doubt of God's
power, they believe he can forgive them; but they
fear, yea, strongly conclude, that he will not pardon
them, and that because they are reprobates (as they
say) for they see no signs of election, but much to
the contrary.
I answer these thus. When your consciences
are first wounded with a sense of God's wrath for
sin, it is very like, that before you have believed and
repented, you cannot discern any signs of God's
favour, but of his anger; for as yet you are not ac-
tually in a state of grace, and in his favour. And
oftentimes after the Christian doth believe, though
there be always matter enough to give proof of his
election, yet he cannot always see it. If you be in
either of these states, suppose the worst, yet you
have no reason to conclude that you are repro-
It is true, that God, before the foundation of the
world, fully determined with himself, whom to choose
to salvation by grace, to which also he ordained them;^
and whom to pass by, and leave in their sins, for
which he determined in his just wrath to condemn
them. But who these be, is a secret, which even
the elect themselves cannot know, until they be
efiectually called, nay, nor being called, until by
some experience and proofs of their faith and holiness,
they do understand the witness of the Spirit, which
testifieth to their spirits, that they are the children of
God; and do make their calling and election, which
was always sure in God, sure to themselves. But'
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in point of reprobation, namely, that God hath passed
them by, to. perish everlastingly in their wickedness,
no man living can know it, except he know that he
hath sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost, that
unpardonable sin.
For God calleth men at all ages and timesj some
in their youth, some in their middle age, some in their
old age; yea, some have been called at their last hour-
No w let it be granted, that you cannot, by searching
into yourselves, find the signs of effectual calling,
which yet may be in you, though your dim eyes,
cannot perceive them ; nay, suppose that you are not
yet effectually called, here is no cause for you utterly
to despair, and say, you are reprobates. How know
you that God will not call you before you die?
It were a far wiser and better course for you, who
will be thus hasty in judging yourselves to be repro-
bates, to busy yourselves first with other things.
Acquaint yourselves with God*s revealed will in hir
word. Learn to know what God hath cpmrnauded
you to do, and do that; also what he hath threatened,
and fear that; and what he hath promised, and believe
and rest on that. After you have done this, you
may look into yourselves, and there you shall read
your election written in golden and great letters.
For God never intended that the first lesson which
a Christian should learn, should be the hardest, and
highest that can be learned, taken out of the book
of his eternal counsel and decree; and so to descend
to the A. B. C. of Christianity; which were a course
most perplexed and preposterous. But his will is,
that his scholars and children should learn out of his
written word here on earth, first, that God made all
things, and that he made man good, and that men,
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b^arkening to Satan, fdund aut evil devices, and ad
fell from grace, and from God, and 8o both they, and
the whole w.orld that came of their loins, became
liable to eternal damnation. Next, God would have
you to learn, that be, in bis infinite wisdom, goodness^
and mercy, thought of, and concluded a new covenant
of grace; for the affecting wbereof, he found out and
appointed a way and means to pacify his wrath, by
satisfying hi$ justice, punishing sin in man's nature,
by which he opened a way unto his mercy, to show
i^t to whom he would ; namely. He gave his only Son,
very God, to become very man; and being made a
common person and surety in man's stead, died, and
endured the punishment due to the ain of man, and
rose again, and was exalted to sit at God's right hand
to reign, having all authority committed unto him.
Thus he made the new covenant of grace, established
in his S^n Jesus Christ; the tenor and condkion
whereof required on man's part is, that man accept
of and enier into this covenant, believing in Christ, '
in whom it is established; then, whosoever believeth
in him, shall not die, but have everlasting life. This
God did in his wisdom, justice, mercy, and love to
man, that he himself might be just, and yet a-justi-
fier of him that is of the faith of Jesus. And he
hath therefore given his word and sacraments, and
hath called, and hath given gifts to his ministers,
thereby to beget, and increase faith in men, by pub-
lishing this good news, and by commanding them,
aa in Christ's stead, in God's name, to believe, and
to be reeondled to God, and to live no longer accord-
ing to the will of their old snasters, the devil,* the
world, and the flerii, under whom they were in cursed
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bondage; but according to the wiD of him that re-
deemed them, in holiness and righteousness, whose
service is a perfect and blessed freedom.
Now, when you have learned these lessons first,
and by looking into yourselves can find faith and
new obedience, then by this your effectual calling,
you may safely ascend to that high point of your pre-
destination, which will give you comfort, through
assurance that you shall never fall away.
When you observe this order in learning your
election to life, it will not minister unto you matter
of curious and dangerous dispute, either with God
or man ; but of high admiration, thanksgiving, and
unspeakable comfort, causing you to cry out with the
apostle, ^* O the depth of the riches both of the
wisdom and knowledge of God." And, *< Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who hath chosen us in him before the foundation of
the world, that we should be holy and without blame
before him in love: having predestinated us unto the
adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,
according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise
of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us
accepted in his well beloved."
IV. Of Fears concerning the Sin against the
Holy Ghost,
There are yet some, who having heard that there
is a sin against the Holy Ghost, and that it is un-
•^ardottable, are full of fears that they have commit-
ed (hat sin, thence concluding that they are repro-
lates, for they say, that they have sinned wilfully
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against knowledge and conscience^ since they received
the knowledge of the truth, and tasted of the heavenly
gift, and of the good word of God.
If you who thus object, have sinned against know-
ledge and conscience, you have much cause for hum-
bling yourself before God; confessing it to him, asking
pardon of him, and grace to believe and repent, both
which you must endeavour by all means. Yet I see
no cause why you should conclude so desperately,
that you have sinned against the Holy Ghost, and
are a reprobate. For as few in comparison, though
too many, commit this sin, so few know what it is.
All sin against knowledge and conscience is not
this sin. . Nor yet all wilful sinning. It is not any
one sin against the law, nor yet the direct breach of the
whole Jaw, nor every malicious opposing of the gospel,
if it be of ignorance; neither is it every blasphemy,
or persecution of the gospel, and of those that profess
the truth, if these be done out of ignorance or pas-
sion; nor yet is it every apostacy, and falling into
gross sins of divers sorts, though done against
knowledge and conscience; yet this sin against the
Holy Ghost containeth all these, and more. It is a
sin against the gospel, and free offer and dispensation
of grace and salvation by Christ, throagh the Spirit.
Yet, it is not any particular sin against the gospel,
nor yet a rejecting of the whole gospel, if in igno-
rance; nor yet every denying of Christ, or sudden
revolting from the outward profession of the gos-
pel, when it is of infirmity, through fear, and such
like, temptation ; neither is it called the sin against
the Holy Ghost, and is unpardonable, because it
is committed against the essence, or person, of the
Holy Ghost, for the essence of the three persona in
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the Trinity is all one; and the person of the Holj
Ghost is not more excellent than the person of the
Father and the Son; but it is called the sin against
the Holy Ghost, and becometh unpardonable, be-
etase it is against the office of the Holy Gbott, and
against the gracious operations of the Holy Ghost, and
therein against the whole blessed Trinity, all .whose
works, out of themselves, are consummate, and per-
fected in the work of the Holy Ghost. Moreover,
know that it is unpardonable, not in respect of God's
power, but in respect of his will; he having, in his
holy wisdom, determined never to pardon it. And
good reason why he should will not to pardon lt» in
respect of the kind of the sin, if you will observe it;
it being a wilful and malicious refusing of pardon
upon such terms as the gospel doth offer it, scorning
to be beholden unto God for it. You may perceive
what it is, by this description :
The sin against the Holy Ghost is an utter,
wilful, and spiteful rejection of the gospel of salvation
by Christ, together with an advised and absolute
falling away from the profession of it, so far, that,
against former knowledge and conscience, a man doth
maliciously oppose and blaspheme the Spirit of
Christ, in the word and ordinances of the gospel, and
motions of the Spirit in them ; having resisted, re-
jected, and utterly quenched all those common and
more inward gifts and motions wrought upon . their
hearts and affections, which sometimes were enter-"
tained by them; insomuch, that out of hatred of the
Spirit of life in Christ, they crucify to themselves
afresh the Son of God, and do put him, both in bis
ordinances of religion, and in his members, to open
shame, treading underfoot the Son of God> ootmliDg
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the blood of the covenant, wherewith they were
sanctified, an unholy thing; doing despite to the
Spirit of grace. If you carefully look into those
places of the scripture, which speak of this sin; and
also observe the opposition which the apostle maketb
bstween sinning against the law, and sinning against
the gospel, you will clearly find out the nature of this
sin. Matt. xii. 24, 31, 32. Mark iii. 28 — 30.
Luke xii. 10. Heb. vi. 4 — 6. x. 26 — 29.
But to resolve you out of this doubt (if you be
not overcome with melancholy, for then you will
answer you know not what, which is to be pitied
rather than regarded) I would ask you, who think
you have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost,
these questions: Doth it grieve you, that you have
committed it? Could you wish that you had not
committed it? If it were to be committed, would
you not forbear it, if you could choose? Should
you esteem yourself beholden to God, if he would
make you partaker of the blood and Spirit of his Son,
thereby to pardon and purge your sin, and to give
you grace to repent? Nay, are you troubled that
you cannot bring your heart unt6 a sense of desire
of pardon and grace ? If you can say. Yea ; then,
although the sin or sins which trouble you, may be
some fearful sin, of which you must be exhorted
speedily to repent; yet certainly it is not the sin
against the Holy Ghost; it is not that unpardonable
sin, that dn unto death. For he who committeth this
sin cannot relent, neither will he be beholden to God
for pardon and grace, by Christ^s blood and Spirit;
lie cannot desire to repent: but he is given over,* in
God's just judgment, unto such a reprobacy of mind^
O 31
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deachess of conscience, and rebellion of wQl, and lb
such a height of hatred and malicei that he is so
blasphemously and despitefully bent against the Spirit
nf holiness, that it much pleaseth him, ratlier than
any way troubles him, that he hath so maliciously
and blasphemously rejected, or fiillen from, persecut-
ed, and spoken blasphemously against the good way
of salvation by Christ, and against the gracious
operations of the Spirit, atid against the members of
Christ; although he was once convinced clearly, that
this is the only way of salvation, and that those graces
and gifts were from God, and that they were the dear
children of God, whom he doth now despise.
V. Of Fears arising from an accusing Conscience.
Others, if not the same persons, object thus : God
will certainly condemn, because St. John hath said)
]f their hearts condemn them, God is greater than
their hearts, I John iii. SO: hence (hey infer, God
m\\ condemn them much more. For, aay they,
their hearts do condemn them.
There is a double judgment by the heart and con-
science. It judgeth a man's state or person^ whether
he be in a state of grace, yea or no. Also, it judgeth
a man's own particular actions, whether they be good
or no. I take it, that this place of John is not to
be understood of judging or condemning theperson^
for God in his final judgment doth not judge accord-
iag to what a man's weak and erroneous conscience
judgeth, making it the rule of his judgment to con-
demn or absolve any. For many a man, in his pre-
sumption, justifieth himself in his life, when yet God
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#in oonflemn him ui.tb.e world to come; and many
a distresaied soul like the prodigal, and b.umble pub-
lican, condemneth himself, when yet Gpd will ab-
solve him. For a man may have peace^ with God ;
yet God, for reasoos best known to his wisdom, doth
not presently speak peace to his conscience, as it was
with David ; in which ca3e, man doth judge of his
estate otherwise than God dgth.
This place, is to be understood of judging of par-*
iicular actions, namely, whether a man love his broth-
er» not in word and tongue only, but in deed and truth,
according to the exhortation, 1 John ifi. 18^^22^
which, if* his conscience could testify for faim, then it
might assure his heart befo.r^ God,. and give it bold-
jiess to pray unto him, in c^nfijdence to receive whatso-
ever he did ask according to his will. But if his own
conscience could cojndemn him of not loymg hi$
brother in deed and in truth; then God,, who i^
greater than his heart, knowing all thiugs, must
needs condemn him therein much more. This is
the full scope of the place. Yet this I must n^eds
say, that the Holy Ghost hath instanced in su^h au
act, namely, of hearty loving the brethren, which is
an infallible sign of beiiig in a state of grace:
whereby (except in case of extreme melancholy, or
violent temptation) a man may judge, whether at
present he be translated frpoK death to lifie.
If any shall think thje place to be understood of
judging the person, he must distinguish between
that judgment which tlie he^rt doth give rightly,
and that which it givetb errqupously. But suppose
that, you trying youraelves by .this, y^iur hearts do
condemn, you. of not loying the bretiuren, can you
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conclude hence, that you shall be finally damned?
God forbid. All that you can infer, is this; you
cannot have boldness to pray unto him until you love
them ; nor can you assure yourselves that you will
have your petitions granted. And the worst you
can conclude is, that now, for the present, you are
not in a state of grace, or at least you want proof of
being in a state of grace. You must then use all
God*s means of being ingrafted into Christ, and
must love the children of God, that you may have
proof thereof. Did Paul love the brethren, when
he breathed out threatening ; and was, as he himself
saith, ^' mad against them?" Was he at that time a
reprobate ? Did he not afterwards, being converted,
so love God's people, that he could be content to
spend, and be spent himself, for them? So, many
thousands,^ whose consciences for the present may
justly condemn them of not loving those that are in-
(Teed God's children, may yet love them hereafter,
as dearly as their own souls.
Some will yet say, Certainly we are reprobates :
for we have, according to the command of the
apostle, tried whether we be in the faith, or no; and
whether Christ be in us ; but we find neither : the
apostle saith, We know these to be in us, else we
are reprobates.
By reprobate, in this place, is not meant one that
is not elect ; for none of the elect can before their
conversion know, by any search, that they are in the
faith, or that Christ is in them : for that cannot be
known which yet is not« Many are not converted
until they be thirty, forty, or fifty years old. Will
you say, these in their younger years were repro-
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bates ? You may say, they then were iiv a state of
condemnation, and children of wrath, but not repro*
bates. Besides, a roan must not be said not to be
in the faith, and not to have Christ in him, because
he doth not know so much. For many have faith
and are in Christ, yet do not always know it.
The word reprobate, because it is ordinarily un-
derstood, by our common people, for a man ordained
to condemnation ; is too harsh.
The words now rendered ** except ye be reprobates,"
may, as I judge, rather be translated thus: Except
you be unapproved, or except you be without proof^
namely, of your being in the faith, and of Christ's
being in you, whereof you outwardly make profes-
sion. As if the apostle had said. If upon trial you
cannot find that you are in the faith, &c. you are
unapproved Christians. Either you have yet only
n mere form of Christianity, and, like false cohi, or
reprobate silver, are but hypocrites and counterfeits;
or if you be Christians in truth, yet you are unex-
perienced Christians, and without proof of it to
Some may reply. If I find upon trial that I am a
counterfeit, may I not then judge myself to be a re-
No. For, first, you may err in judging of your-
self. Secondly, if you do not err, you can judge
only this, that you are not yet in a iState of grace :
but in the use of the means, you may be. God can
as well convert a hypocrite, as a pagan. For
though now you be dross and refuse, you may ere
long be pure gold. For God, in making vessels of
honour, doth more than all earthly kings, and all
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their goldsmiths can do:. for they, by their preroga-^
tive and skifl, cati make current coin, and rich
vessels, if they havd pure metal to work upon.: but
they cannot make good metal df base stuff, nor make
gold of brass. Bftt such is the power of God's word
and Spirit, that whereas they find you base and
drossy stuff, they^ by imprinting the character and
stamp of Grod's image upon your hearts, do trans*
form you ^^ into the same image, from glory te
glory, even as by "the Spirit of the Lord," As
soon as you are truly anointed with this Spirit, yon
shall become g&od gold and silver veesek of honour,
^fitted for the Lord's use whereunto you were ap-
VI. Fears arising from late Mepentance^ answered.
There are yet others, who object fearfully, saying
that they are castaways, and that God will not have
mercy on them, because now it is too late ; they have
passed the time and date of their conversion, they
therefore will not use, or at least have no heart in
using God's means to convert them, such as prayer,
reading, hearing the word, &c. Nor yet willingly
will suffer others to pray either with them, or for
them ; and all because they think it is now too late,
and in vain; mistaking this, and such other scrip
tures: " Because I have called," saith God, " and
you have refused— they shall call on me, and I will
not answer;" and because they tliink they sin when
they pray, and hear the word, and that the more
means is used to save them, their condemnation shall
be the more increased. Thus Satan and a fearful
heart delude many.
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It must be acknowledged, tbiat Gt)d would have
nl^men ^* Walk and work while they have light,'' be-
cause ^* the night will come on, when no man can
work," And " whilst it is called to-day/' he would
have-tfveiy inei^twD, and accept of grace offered j
aiid not to harden their hearts against it. And our
Saviour bewaileth Jerusalem, because they despised
the " day of their visitation/' All which ahoweth,
that God hath his set period of time, between his first
and last ofier of grace, which being passed, he will
oifer it DO more; and that justly, because they took
fiot his offer when they might. And this time is
kept so ^cret with God, that if he offer grace to-
tlay, who can tell whether he will offer it to-morrow;
oi* whethw he will offer it again ? Who knoweth
whether God will take him from the means of salva-
tion, or will take the means of salvation from him ?
All this otir holy and wise God hath revealed in his
word, to make men wise to take the opportunity and
time of grace while it is offered. Wherefore, who-
msoever have neglected their first times and ofifers of
•grace, have sinned and played the fool egregiously ;
^or which they have cause to be much humbled.
-But. for you to conclude hence that the date and
lime of your conversion is out, this hath no sufficient
ground. For it is not possible for you to kuow,
tbat your time of conversion is past all recovery.
•But you should rather for the present time believe,
and hopethat it is not past. Indeed, presumptuously to
put off rc^ceiving grace until to-morrow, is foolish and
dangerous ; but if God give you time till to-morrow,
that you Kve, and it can be said to day ; so long as
you yet. Kve, and the means of salvation are not from
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you, either in their exercise, or out of your remem-
berance ; but you do yet live to hear what God hath
commanded you to do, and to hear what good things
he yet oflfereth unto you with Christ ; or if the means
be taken from you, or you are detained from them
by sickness, &c. so long as you yet live to call to re-
membrance what God hath commanded you to be-
lieve and do, you cannot say the time is too late, if
you do yet condemn yourselves for refusing grace
heretofore, and are now willing and desirous to ac-
cept of it. Moreover, would you now, with all your
heart, use the means of salvation, and endeavour to
believe and repent, if you thought it were not too
late ? And doth it grieve you that you have ne-
glected the opportunity? And would you gain and
redeem that lost time, if you knew how ? Then, I
dare in the name of God assure you, that the date
of your conversion is not expired. It is not too late
for you to turn unto the Lord. " While it is to-day,'*
I may boldly say, " harden not your heart:" which, if
you do not, you must know that now is an accept-
able time, now is the day and time of your salvation.
At what time soever God doth send his ministers
unto you, by whom God doth beseech you, they en-
treating you, as now I do, in Christ's stead, that
you would be reconciled to God, this is the accepted
day, if you will be entreated by them; the day
wherein God will accept of you is not passed.
Moreover, at what time soever, and by what means
soever, any man shall humble himself for sin, and
seek the grace of God in Christ Jesus, the date of
God's acceptance of him is not expired. Learn
this in the example of Manasses, and many others,
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who refused grace in their younger time, yet were
converted in their age. You have God's express
word for it, who saith, ^^ From the days of your
fathers," that is, for a long time, " ye are gone away
from mine ordinances, and have not kept them ; re-
turn unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the
Lord of Hosts."
But may not a man pray too late, and seek re-
pentance in vain, as Esau did, ^^ who found no place
of repentance, though he sought it carefully with
tears?" Did not the foolish virgins seek to enter
into the bride chamber, but were not admitted?
And did not our Saviour say, ^^ Many shall seek to
enter in, and shall not be able ?"
No man can ask grace and forgiveness of sins too
late, if he ask for grace and power against sin hearti-
ly ; but a man may ask a temporal blessing, or the
removal of a temporal evil, when it may be too late.
As for Esau's careful seeking of repentance, you
must understand it not of his own repentance from
his profaneness, and from other dead works, but of
his father Isaac's repentance : he would have had his
father to change his mind, and to have given him
the birth-right, which was already bestowed upon
Whereas the foolish virgins did seek to enter into
the bride-chamber when the door was shut; know,
that this is a parable, and must not be urged beyond
its general scope, which is to show, that insincere
professors of Christianity, such as have only a form
of godliness, without the power of it, although they
will not live the life of the righteous, yet they wish
their end might be like theirs; and because of their
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outward profession of Christ's name in this, life,
they tocurely expect eternal life; but forasmuch be-
fore their death, they did not provide the oil of truth
and holiness, therefore at the day of judgment, they
shall be disappointed of entering into heaven, on
which, in the time of their life, they did so much
The same answer may be given unto that place,
Luke xiii. 24. Yet you mistake, when you say,
that Christ saith, Many shall strive to enter, and
^hall not be able. He saith, '^ Strive to enter in at
the strait gftte; for many I say to you, shall seek to
enter, and shall not be able:" he doth not say,
Many shall strive to enter.
There is a great difference in the signification of
the words striving and seeking ; seeking imports
OtAy a bare professing of Christ, hearing the word,
ai)d receiving the sacraments. For thus did the
men spoken of by our Saviour, who are said not to be
able to enter. But to strive to enter, is to do all
these and more; it is to strive in seeking for him,
80 that they take up their cross and follow him ; they
give their hearts to him, as well as their names;
they are hearty and sincere in praying, hearing, re*
ceiving; they strive to sufedue their lusts, which of-
fend Christ, and strive to be obedient to his will, as
well as to believe his promises, and to hope for hap<^
piness ; this is to strive. Now, never one did thus
strive in seeking to enter (though it were the last
day in his life) that was rejected, and not received.
Wherefore say not. It is too late, but say. The more
time I have lost, the more cause is there now that I
should seek my salvation in earnest, and not lose
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IUB9 in qnestiODiDg^ whether I maj be luxepted or
VII. Fears qfmisuung the Means of Grace removed.
And whereas you 8aid» you are afraid to use the
moans of aalvaiion, for fear of increasing your guilt
and. eoudemnatiou thereby; hereby you xnay see^
that, this is but the malice and subtilty of the devil,
by keeping you from the means, to keep you from
salvation. For it is most false to say, that to pray,
bear the word, &c. is to increase your sin, because
you cannot perform them as you should, and as you
would. I am sure, it is a greater sin in you to for*
bear these necessary duties out of despair that they .
shall not profit you, or that you shall not be accepted
of God. You should think thus : If I do not use
the means of salvation, I skalL certainly perish ever-»
lastingly; but if I do pray, hear, &c. I may be saved.;
therefore,^ in obedience to God, I will do as well as
I can. But little doth • a man know how well he
may do, through the strength of Christ, if he would
endeavour; neither can a man conceive how accept*
able a little endeavour shall be, if he do but desire
to be true in his endeavour. For as God's power is
seen in a man's weakness, so is God's grace seen in
man'a insufficiency. Wh^n we are weak, then God
in us can be strong. And when we in humility like
our services worst, then^ through Christ, God may
be best pleased with them. But, whatever you do,
neglect not, nor absent yourselves from exercises of
religion; for the weakest observances, where truth
189 are far more acceptable than entire omissions.
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Wherefore^ if, as you say, you would not increase
your sin, and thereby your damnation, be willing to
use, and to join with others in the use of all good
means of salvation ; then,^ if you be not saved, yet
you shall have the less punishment. But you may
be assured, that if in obedience to God's command-
ments you shall pray, hear the word, receive the
sacrament, and have communion and conversation
with those that fear God, you shall be saved in the
end : believing in Christ Jesus.
If you do not yet feel benefit and comfort, when
you use these means of salvation, according to yonr
desire, yet you must wait the good hour both of grace
and comfort, even as the impotent people did, who
lay '^ waiting for the angel's coming to move the
waters," that they might be healed of their diseases,
at the pool of Bethesda. For if, when God hideth
his face, you will wait and look for him, th^n God
will wait his time to be gracious, and blessed shall
you be that wait for him. It may be, it cometh
justly upon you, that God should make you wait his
leisure, and cause you to buy wisdom with dear ex-
perience, because you did once account it an easy
matter to believe and repent, and therefore you did
liot take the first ofiers, but made God wait. If it
were thus, yet despaii' not of grace; only be hum-
bled. For ^* God doth not deal with u& after our
sins, nor reward us after our iniquities," but accord-
ing to his rich mercy and promise, made to us in
Christ Jesus.
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* VIII. Fean arising from doubts of God* s Love
There are many, who have true proofs that they
are the chosen of God, and have reason to think
that God not only can, but will do them good ; yet
because they will deny that to be bestowed upon
them, and to be in them, which indeed is, therefore
they fear, and are causelessly disquieted. I would
have such to consider, first, whether they have hot
in them already evident proofs and signs of God's
effectual love towards them in Christ ? These will
acknowledge, that it is most true, that if they were
sure God did love them, they should not fear; but
this is all their doulft, that God doth not love them.
1. Doubts of God's love because of afflictions,
Some give this reason of their doubt : God hath
and still doth severely afflict them ; yea, ever since
they have professed the name of Christ, they are in
something or other chastened daily ; insomuch, that
they seem to be in the condition of those whom God
threatened to curse in every thing they put their
hands unto, Deut. xxviii. 20. Therefore, say they,
God doth not love us.
Such weak and inconsiderate reasonings are inci-
dent to those whom God truly loveth. Did not the
holy men of God reason, and conclude thus ? But
when God's children do thus, it is in their haste;
before they are well advised what they think or say,
** For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before
thine eyes." And whence is it? Is it not from
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their ignorance and weakness, being carried away by
sense ? " So foolish was I, and ignorant," saith the
Psalmist. But when they come to themselves,
and learn by God's word and Spirit, that it is not
outward prosperity will make wicked men happy,
neither is it outward affliction that can make a good
man miserable; then they will neither iqiplatid nor
enyy the prosperity of the wicked, nor yet miscon-
strue, nor repine at their own afflictions. For they
learn, that no man can know God's love or hatred
by any outward thing, that doth befal the sons of
men in this life.
They learn, that God doth often smile on his ene-
mies, and that he doth often frown upon, is angry
with, and doth correct those whom he dearly loveth,
even as a father doth his children.
They learn by the word likewise, that God hath
excellent ends in all this, even in respect of them,
and for their good ; namely, for trial of their graces,
for prevention of sin, and to remove sin, %y bring-
ing them to repentance, that they might •* be made
partakers of his holiness." Besides, herein he doth
much glorify himself, showing that he is " wonderful
in counsel, excellent in working ;" causing the afflic-
tion to work for his glory, in his people's good; yea,
you may learn by your own experience, that the
child of God in his infirmity and passion, when he
is under the rod, may let go his hold of God ; yet,
that God, in his love and compassion towards his
people, will hold him fast by his right hand, and will not
leave him; but will guide him with his counsel, un-
til he receive him into glory. This is God's method
^ with his children; wherefore none from hence hath
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cause to question God'& love, but rather to conclude
2. Fears of the want of grace, on account of
worldly prosp^ity.
There are others (and it may be the same, when
the tide of affection is turned) who, because they
prosper, and are not in trouble as other men, con-
ceive that God doth not love them. For it is said,
^^ As many as he loveth, he doth rebuke and
chasten," and he doth " chasten every son whom
he receiveth."
See, a fearful and doubtful heart will draw matter
to feed its fears and doubts out of any thing. But
know, God is a wise and good Father, he knoweth
when to strike, and when to hold his hands.
In such cases as tho following, God doth not
usually afflict his children with his heavy rod: — ;
1. When they be infants, babes in Christ, or (if
they be grown to years) when they be spiritually
weak or sick, and cannot bear correction ; then,
though they be froward, and deserve strokes, God
doth forbear^ and is inclined rather to pity.
2. When they be good children; that is, when
they show tliat tbey would please him, by endeavour*
ing to do what they are able^ though it be with
much imperfection; then God will not strike, but
'^ spareth them^ as a father spar eth his only son, that
serveth him."
3. When forbearance of punishment, and when
fruits and tokens of kindness will reclaim his chil-
dren from evil, and prove sufficient incentives unto
good ; God in this case also, like a wise and loving
Father, had rather draw them by the cords of love,
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than drive them with the lashes of his displeasure.
Thus you see God may love his children, and not
be always afflicting them.
Well, do you prosper? Then take notice of
God's goodness towards you with thanksgiving;
study and endeavour therefore to he the more obe-
dient. If you cannot, yet grieve because you can-
not be more thankful and more obedient. Then,
because prosperity hath made you to be better, or at
least to desire to be better, hence you may assure
yourselves, that your prosperity is not given you in
wrath, but in love. But take heed; quarrel not
with God, because he forbeareth to afflict you; either
make this use, that you be good, and amend without
blows; or else be sure the more is behind.
3. Doubts of God's love, from inward horrois,
and distresses of mind, removed.
As the fore-mentioned persons questioned God's
love, from considerations taken from their outward
conditions; so there are very many, who, besides
what they conclude from outward crosses, conclude
also from their inward horrors and distresses of con-
science, and from their intolerable perplexities of
soul, that God doth not love them : they think that
their distress is other, or greater than the affliction
of any of God's children ; therefore they want peace,
fearing that God doth not love them.
Those to whom God doth bear special love, may
be so far perplexed with inward and strange terrors
and discomforts, that they may think themselves to
be forsaken of God. Thus David complaineth :
" Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be
favourable no more?" Yea, not only David, but
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Christ Jesus himself, and his church, did in their
sense and feeling, take themselves to be forsaken of
God ; yet none that are wise will say, that these-
were destitute of God's love, or were ever quite for-
saken, though never so much perplexed and cast
down ; yet, in their own feeling and sense, in the
agony of their spirits, they did thus think or speak.
God hath most holy and blessed ends, in many
times leading and leaving his children in such straits,
that they are altogether without any sense of his
1. It may be a just correction of them, for their
not showing love to God, and because they do in
part forsake him by their sins. This is therefore to
humble them, and to make them know themselves,
and to bring them to repentance. God may be
pacified towards them in the main, yet for a time
show them no countenance: as David, though hi3
anger was appeased towards Absalom, yet for a time
he would not let him see his love, for he would not
let him come into his sight; that Absalom might be
more humbled, and might the more detest his sin.
2. God exerciseth his beloved ones with many
fears, horrors, and doubts,' to prevent that spiritual
pride which else would be in them, and that self-
sufficiency which else they would conceive to be in
themselves; if they should always have a sense of in-*
ward and spiritual comforts, and should not some-
time have pricks in the flesh, and buffetings of Satan,
they would be exalted above measure, and would be
something in themselves, in th^ir own opinion. But
when there is such difficulty in getting and keeping
of graqe and comfort, and when they find wh^t nee<)
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tfojr have of bbth^ mi how neither can be had but
ftom God, m atid by Christy it will make them
emfij diemselves of ail things in ibemeelves, thai
tfaqr may be something in Chritft^ And then, when
they have grace and obmfort, they will aekn6w}edge
tfaemselyes to be beh^deii lo God for the isatne.
3. God doth withhold froth Uaohildpen, the sense
of his &voar te try the sincerity and truth of their
sole dependence on him; trying, whether, because
God aeemeth to forsake them, they will forsake him;
whether, like king Joram, they will say, " Why
shall they wait upon Qoi any longer ?^ and whether
they will, with Saul, betake them to unlawful meana
of help. Or whether, on the other side, they It^iil
say, with Job and David, ** Though God kill ua, or
finrget us, yet we will trust in him, hope in him, and
praise him," who, they are persuaded, is, and will
show himself to be, the health of their countenance,
and their God. God useth to leave bis children,
as, in another case, he left Hcfzekiah, to try them,
and to know what is in their hearts.
4. God withdraweth himself for a time, tbat they
may learn to esteem more highly of hi^ favour, and
to desire it more, when by the want of it, they find
by experience, what a hell it is to be without it.
And that they may be more thankful for it, and be
more careful, by studying to please God, to keep it
when they have it. This holy use, David and the
church made of God's forsaking them (as they
thought) for a time. It made^hem seek more dtli«*
gently after God, {promising that if h^ would turn to
them, they would not go back from him ; re8olving3
ky hid grace^ to cleave more closely unto him.^
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. But know this to your comfort, when Groil dotfi
most withdraw himself and forsake you, it is bnt in
partf in appearance only, and but for a time; • He
may, for the cause before mentioned, turn away bit
face, and forbear to show his loving countenance;
but be will not take his ^' loving- kindness utterly
from jnou, nor suffer his faithfulness to fail." What
God said to his afflicted church, he saith to every
afflicted member thereof: '^ For a small moment
have I forsaken tbce ; but with great mercies will I
gather thee. In a little wrath have I hid my face
from thee for a moment : but with everlasting kind-
ness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord>thy
Redeemer." Hence it is, that in your greatest ex-
tremities, your faith and hope shall secretly, though
you feel not their work, preserve you from utter des-
pair. As it was with David, and with our blessed
Saviour, who, although theso words of theirs to
God, " Why hast thou forsaken me," argue fear,
and want of sense of God'a love; yet these words,
** My God, my God," doth argue a secret alliance
^nd hope.
4. Doubts of God's love on account of extraor-
dinary afflictions, removed.
And whereas you say, that no man's grief or
troubles are like yours, partly by reason of outward
afflictions, and partly by inward temptations and disf-
tres8e», (give me leave to deal plainly with you) it
is a foolish and a false speech. Talk with a
thousand thus troubled, they will also say thu»:
No man's case was ever as mine is, nor so bad.
Will any that have but common sense, think this to
be true? Most of these must needs be deceived.
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You feel your own distresses, but you cannot fully
know what another feeleth.
If you would rightly look into the distresses of
others, who were better than yourselves, as they are
recorded in scripture, you would not think thus.
As for outward afflictions, upon whom did God ever
lay his hand more heavy than on his servant Job?
Had not St. Paul also his trouble, without, of all
sorts; and terrors within. And if you consider
sorrows, fears, and distresses of ail sorts, were yours,
such as David's were, or more than his? I pray,
what mean these, and many more such speeches?
" My bones are vexed; my soul is also sore vexed:
but thou, O Lord, how long?— I am weary with my
groaning. — Mine eye is consumed because of grief,
it waxeth old.— -Why standest thou afar oflF, O
Lord? Why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?
— How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever?
How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?— I am
poured out like water, ai)d all my bones are out of
joint. My heart is like wax, it is melted in the midst
of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a pot-
sherd; and my tongue cleaveth to ray jaws, and thou
hast brought me into the dust of death.*-— My bones
waxed old, through my roaring all the day long, for
day and night thy hand was heavy upon me.— -There
is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger;
neither is there any rest in my bones because of my
sin. For mine iniquities (that is, the punishment
of mine iniquities) are gone over my head, they are
too heavy for me." Thus, and much more, doth he
complain: " I am weary of my crying: my throat is
.dry: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God," So
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Asaph, ^^ My sore ran, and ceased not; my soul re*
fused to be comforted."
What think you now ? Were not Job, Paul,
and David, in God's love and favour, notwithstanding
all this? It may be, you will reply, Howe\'er the
matter of their trouble might be greater than yours,
yet they could remember God, they could pray to
him, they had faith and confidence in God in their
distresses, all which you want : therefore herein your
case is worse than theirs.
Consider yourselves well, (I speak only to you
that are truly humbled for sin,) and it is to be hbped
that, in some measure, you shall find the like grace,
faith, and confidence in you, as was in them; if you
see it not, be grieved for the want thereof, endea-
vour to do as you see they did in their distresses,
only be not discouraged, and all shall be well. But
take notice, I pray you, that sometimes David nei-
ther did, nor could pray, as he conceived of his own
prayer, any otherwise than in roaring and complain-
ing, at which time, he saith, he ^' kept silence.''
JBut when he could confess his sins and pray, then
he had some apprehension that God had forgiven
him his sin; and for all Asaph's remembering of
God, yet even then he was troubled, and his spirit
was overwhelmed, and he saith, *^ his soul refused
comfort;" and David saith unto God, " When wilt
thou comfort me." I grant it was his fault, yet it was
such a fault as was incident to one beloved of God.
IVioreover, I deny not that Job and David Irad faith
and hope in God, but these graces in them were of-
tentimes overclouded with unbelief and distrust, as
doth appear in their various passionate exclamations.
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at which timeB, their fiiith appeared: to others in their
good speeches and actions, rather than to themselves.
And the Psalmist cbnfesseth, that those his faithless
complaints were in his haste, and from his infirmities*
How say you now? Is it hot thus with you ?
Are you not like others of God'a children, off and
on; up and down? You would pray, and cannot;
you would believe, but, as you think, cannot; you
would have comfort, but cannot feel it. Only, you
feel a secret support now and then; and now and
then, you sec and feel a glimpse of God's light and
comfort; for which you must be thankful, which you
must cherish by all means, and with which you must
rest contented, waiting until God give you more.
You should knew and consider, that this is an old
device of Satan, to make you believe that your case
is worse, or at least much different &om the case of
any others, because, ho knoweth, that while he fixeth
this upon your mind, no common remedy, which did
cure and comfort others, can cure and comfort you.
For you will still ask. Was ever any as I am?
And if God's ministers and people cannot say, yea,
and that such an instruction, and such a promise, in
the word, did help him, then you conclude that you
are incurable.
But last of all, let it be supposed that your case
is worse than any body's else, is there not a sever*
eign balm in God's word, a catholicon, or imiversal
remedy, that will heal all spiritual diseases? God*s
word is like himself, to a believer, an omnipotent
word. " Is any thing too hard for the Lord?"
Neither is there any spiritual disease too hard for
his word aud Spirit .to cure. Wiiian-Chid^t^ healed
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the people with his word, did it not heal even such
who were never known to be cured before?
They made no question, whether he cured the
same before. Indeed, Martha &iled in this; for
abesaid of her brother Lazarus, being dead, '^ Lord,
he stinketh, for he bath been dead four days;" she
conceived her brother's case to be desperate, and
that none in his state could be restored to life. But
Christ blamed her for want of faith; and, by his
word, he as easily raised Lazarus from being dead
BO long, as he cured Pet^r'a wife's mother, when only
aick of a fever.
It is not the greatness of any man's distress what-
ever, that can hinder from help and comfort, but
only, as then in curing men's bodies, so now in cur^
ing and comforting men's souls, nothing hinders the
cure, but the greatness of unbelief in the party to
be cured: for *^ all things are possible to him that
You will yet reply. Indeed, here lieth the diffi-
culty, in unbelief.
Well be it so. If unbelief be your disease and
trouble, do you tbink that God cannot cure you of
unbelief, as well as of any other sin ? But know,
that if, with the poor man in the gospel, you feel
your unbelief, and complain of it, and confess it untp
God, saying. Lord, I have cause to believe; Lord,
I do, I would believe, ** help thou my unbelief;" if
you also will wait until God give yeu power to be-
lieve, and to enjoy comfort in believing, for faith
roaketh no haste, this is both to believe in truth,
and is a certain means to increase in believing.
Wherefore, let not Satan, nor yet a fearful heart,
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make you to judge your case to be desperate and
remediless, either in respect of God's power or will,
though you are yet in distress, and feel in you much
fear and unbelief. Seek to God, and witli patience
wait the good time of deliverance and comfort, and,
in due time, you shall have help and comfort, as
well as others.
(5.) Doubts of God's love, because prayers are
not answered, removed.
There are yet some, that fear God doth not love
them, because they have prayed often and much,
but God hath rejected their prayers, and not an*
swered them.
There are many just causes, why God may reject,
or at least not grant your prayers, ^nd yet may love
your persons.
For, first, it may be you ask amiss, either asking
things unlawful, or asking things inconvenient for
the present; or in asking to have good things, tem«
poral or spiritual, in that quantity and degree which
God doth not see fit for you as yet; or you ask good
things to an ill end, as to satisfy some lust, as pride,
voluptuousness, covetousness, &c. Or, lastly, though
you failed in neither of the former, yet you failed in
this, you were doubtful, you did not ask in faith,
you did not believe you should have the things so
asked; whosoever thus faileth in asking, let them
not think to receive any thing in favour fiora the
Lord. And it is a fruit of God's love, when he
doth not answer prayers so made, for it will cause
you to seek him and to pray to him in a better man-
ner, that you may be heard.
Secondly, God doth many times, in love and mercy,
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hear his cblidren^i pr«yer8> when they think he
doth not* God beareth prayers many ways; you
mu^ observe thif» else you will judge that he doth
not hear your prayers, when yet indeed he doth.
jSometimesy yea always, when it is good for you, he
gtvtth the very thing which you pray for. Some*
times, he giveth not that thing which you ask, but
something much better. As, when you ask earthly
and temporal good things, he granteth them not,
but instead thereof giveth you things spiritual and
etemal; hkewise, when you ask grace in some 8|>e»
oial d^ree, such as joy or comfort in God, or the
like, it may please him not to let it appear that he
giveth the same unto you, but, instead thereof, he
doth enlarge your desires, and he giveth humility
and patience to wait his leisure, which will do you
ntore good than that which you prayed for. So,
likewise, when you pray that God would free you
from auch or such a temptation, God doth not always
rid and ease you of it, but he, instead thereof^ giv^
eth you strength to withstand it, and keepeth you
that you are not overcome by it; jthus, Christ ^' was
heard in that he feared ;*' so he said to the apostle,
^' My grace is suf&cient for thee;*' which is better
than to have your particular request. For now
God's power is seen in your weakness, and God
liath the glory of it; and you hereby have eKperience
of God's power, which experience is of excellent use.
Likewise, you may desire to have auch or such
a cross or affliction removed^ yet God may sufter
the cross to remain for a time, but he giveth you
strength and patience to bear it, wiadom and grace
to be ksa earthly, and moct heavenly^minded by
P 31
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reason of it. There was never any, that, with an
humble and holy heart, made lawful requests, ac-
cording to the will of Christ, believing be should be
heard, but, though he were a man of many fiiiiings
in himseli^ and did discover many weaknesses in his
prayer, was heard in that be prayed, ^either in what
he asked of God, or in what he should rather have
asked: either in the very thing or in a better.
I would have you, therefore, leave objecting and
questioning whether God loves you; consider this:
Hath he not loved you, who hath given bis only
begotten Son for you and to you; who hath washed
you in his blood, having given him to die for your
sins, and to rise again for your justification; and
hath hereby ^^ translated you into the kingdom of
his dear Son;" having, also, '^ given unto you to
believe in his name;" hereby making you his chil-
dren, ** inheritors with the saints in light." What
greater sign can there be of the love of God towards
you, and what better evidence can you have of God*s
love in justifying you, than the evidence of your
faith, whereby you are justified?
(6.) A removal of false fears, from the deficiency
or weakness of faith.
All men will grant, that if they were sure they
had faith, they should not doubt of their justifica-
tion, nor of God's love to them in Christ. But
many doubt that they have no faith, or if they have
any, it is so little, that it cannot be sufficient to
carry them through all oppositions to the end, unto
If you have any faith, though no more than as a
grain of mustard-seed, you should not fear your final
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estate, nor jet doubt of God's love, for it is not the
great quantity and measure of faith that saveth, but
the excellent property and use of faith, though never
so small. For a man is not saved by the worth of
his faith, by which he believeth, but by the worth
of Christ, the person on whom he believeth. Now,
the least true faith doth apprehend Christ entirely,
to all the purposes of salvation, even as a little hand
may hold a jewel of infinite worth, as well, though
not so strongly, as a larger. The least infant is as
truly a man, as soon as ever it is endued with a
reasonable soul, as afterward, when it is able to show
forth the operations of it, though not so strong a
man: even so it is in the state of regeneration.
Now, you should consider that God hath babes in
Christ, as well as old men; feeble-minded as well as
strong; sick children, as well as healthy; in his fa-
mily. And those that have least strength and are
weakest, of whom the Holy Ghost saith, they have
a ^^ little strength" in comparison, yet they have so
much as, through God, will enable them in the time
of greatest trials, to keep God's word, and that' they
shall not deny Christ's name. Also, know that
God, like a tender father, doth not cast off such as
are little, feeble, and weak, but hath given special
charge concerning the cherishing, supporting^ and
comforting of these more than others. And Christ
Jesus will confirm and increase, and not quench,
the least spark of faith.
This which I have said in commendation of little
faith, is only to keep him, that hath no more, from
despair. Let none hereby please or content K\«v-
self witb bis little faith, not striving to gtoNv %xid< \.ci
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be strong in faith. If be d6, it is to ht feared fbttt
he hflth none at all) or if he have, ytt he mast know
thftt he will have mneh t6 do to live^ when he hath
no more than caii keep life and soul together^ and
his life will be vety unprofitable and urteomfoftable^
in comparisoti of him that hath a MtOng faith.
IX. Reasons tt% Christians think they have no
Faith, considei'ed.
But you will 8ay) (I.) you are so fuH of feari
snd doubtings; (2.) you are so fearful to die^ and
to hear of coming to jtidgment; and, (3.) you can*
not feel that you have faith, you cannot feel joy
and comfort in believing, therefore you fear you
have no faith.
I. If you, having so sure a word and promise^
do yet doubt and fear so much as you say^ it is your
gr&at sin, and I must blame you now, in Our Sa«>
viour's name, as ho did his disciples then, saying,
" Why are ye fearful," why are ye doubtftil, ** O
ye of little faith?" But, to yotir reformation and
comfort, observe it, he doth not argue ihem to be
of no faith, but only of little faith, sayings ^^ O ye
of little faith.'^ Thus you see that some fears and
doubtings do not argue no faith.
II. Concerning fear of death and judgment, some
fear doth not exclude all faith. Many, from their
natural constitution, are more fearful of death than
others. Yea, pure nature will startle and shrink to
think of the sepdratidn of two so hear, so ancient)
and such dear friends as the soul and body have
l»^en. Good men^ such as David and H^rokiafa,
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bav^ showed ih^it unwillingneits to die. And m^y,
upon a mistake, conceiving the pange and pains of
death, in the parting of the 80ul aud bodj, to be
most torturoue and unsufierable, are afraid to die.
Whereas to many, the nearer .they are to their eud,
the less is their extremity of pain; and very many
go away in a quiet awoon, without pain.
And aa for being mov«d with some fear at the
thought of the day of judgment, who can think of
that great appearance before ao glorious a Majesty,
such as Chriat shall appear in, to answer for all
the things he hath done in his body without tremr
Uing? The apostle calleth the thoughts thereof
*^the terrors of the Lord.*' Indeed, to be per-
plexed with the thoughts of tho one or the otlier,
argueth imperfection of faith and hope, but not. an
utter absenee of either.
You have other and better things to do in this
caae, than to make such dangerous conclusions,
namely, that you have no faith upon such weak
grounds. Yon should rather, wlien you £eel this
over- fearfulness to die and to come to judgment,
labour to find out the ground of your error, and
atudy to endeavour to reform it.
Unwillingness to die may proceed from these
causes :*-*i- .
1 . From too high an estimation o^ and too great
a love to, eaithly things of some kind or other; which
maketh you afraid and unwilling to part with them.
2. You may be unwilling to die, because of igno-
rance of the superabundant and inconceivable exceli*
lenciesof the happinesa of saints departed, which if
you knf w, you would be willing.
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3. Fear of death and coining to judgment, doth,
for the most part, rise from a conscience fearful of
the sentence of condemnation, being without assur-
ance, that when they die they shall go to heaven.
Wherefore, if you would be free from trouble-
some fear of death and judgment, learn,
(1.) To think meanly and basely of the world, in
comparison of those better things, provided for them
that love God, and use all the things of the world
accordingly, without setting your heart upon them,
as if you used them not. (8.) While you live here
on earth, take yourselves aside often, in your
thoughts, from the cares and business of the world,
and enter into heaven, and contemplate deeply the
joys thereof. (3.) ^* Give all diligence to make
your calling and election,'' and right to heaven,
*^ sure" to yourselves: but let me give you this
needful item, that you be willing and ready to judge
it to be sure, when it is sure, and when you have
cause so to judge. Let your care be only, through
faith in Christ Jesus, to live well, joining unto faith
virtue, 8cc. and you cannot but die well. Death at
first appearance, like a serpent, seemeth terrible, but
by faith, you may see this serpent's sting taken out,
which when you consider, you may, for your re-
freshment, receive it into your bosom. ** The sting
of death is sin, the strength of sin is the law," . but
the '* law of the Spirit of life in Christ, hath freed
you from the law of sin and death." I confess, that
when you see this pale horse, death, approaching,
it may cause nature to shrink, but when you consider
that his errand is to carry you with spefd to your
desired home, to a state of glory, how can you but
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desire he should remove you out of this vale of
misery, that *^ mortality might be swallowed up of
If you would do this in earnest, you would b^ so
far from fearing death, that you would, if it were
put to your choice, with, the apostle, choose to be
dissolved, and to be with Christ, which is the best
of all; and so far from fearing the day of judgment,
that you would love and long for Christ's appearing,
waitijj^g, with patience and cheerfulness, when your
change sliall be. Endeavour to follow these direc-
tions; then, if ""you cannot prevent those fears, and .
conquer them as you would, yet be not discouraged,
for fears and doubts of this kind flow, many times,
from strength of temptations, rather than from weak-
ness of faith. Moreover, what if you cannot attain
to so high a pitch in your faith as St. Paul had, are
you so ambitious that no other degrees of faith shall
satisfy you? Or are you so foolish, as thence to
conclude that you have no faith ?
III. Whereas you say, you are without feeling,
therefore you fear you have no faith. I acknow*
ledge, that want of a feeling sense of God's favour,
is that which doth more trouble God's tender-
hearted children, and make them more doubt of
God's love, and of their justification, than any thing
else : whereas I know nothing that giveth them less
(1.) In what true faith consists.
For first. What do you mean by feeling ? If
you mean the enjoyment of the things promised and
hoped for, by inward sense, this is to overthrow the
nature, and put an end to the use^ o( (a\\h andLV^y^^.
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For '* faith is the substance <yf things hoped tor^ and
the evidence of things not seen/* And the epostle
saiti), " Hope that is seen, is not hope." Indeed,
faith giveth a present being of the thing promised to
the believer, but it is a being, not in sense^ but in
hope and assured expectation of the thing promised:
wherefore, the apostle, speakingof our spiritual con-
versation on earth, saiih, ♦* We walk by faith, not
by sight." These two, faith and feeling, are oppo-
site one to the other in this sense, for when wc^hall
live by sight and feeHng, then we shall cease to live
by faith.
(2.) The difference between faith and assurance.
Secondly, If by feeling you mean a joyous and
comfortable assurance that you are in God's favour,
and that you shall be saved, and, therefore, because
you want this joyous assurance, you think you have
no faith, you must know this is a false conclusion.
For faith, whereby you are saved and brought into
a state of grace, and this comfortable assurance that
you are in a state of grace and shall be saved, differ
much from each other. It is true, assurance is an
effect of faith. Yet it is not inseparable from the
very being of faith at all times. For, you may have
saving faith, yet, at sometimes, be without the com-
fortable assurance of salvation.
To believe in Christ to salvation is one thing, and
to know assuredly that you shall be saved is another.
For faith is a direct act of the reasonable soul, re-
ceiving Christ, and salvation offered by God with
him. Aasarance riseth from a reflex act of the soul,
namely, when the soul, by self-inquiry, and the help
of God's Spirit) can witness that it hath the aferv-
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nMtnftiQned graee of faith, whereby it can saj,* I know
that I belieTe in Christ Jesus; and I know that tiie
fTooitseG of the gospel belong unio me. The holy
scriptures are written for both these ends, that £rst
&ith, «nd then assuraiKe of &ith and hope, shouM
he wr/night in men. " These things are written,'*
smth St. John in his gospel, ^ that you may believe
that JesQs is the Christ, the Son of God, and that
believitig you might have life through his name."
Again, " These thiiigs liave I written," saith the
same apostle in his Episdes, " to you who believe
on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know
that you have eternal Hfe, and tliat you may believe,"
tiiat is^ continue to bebeve, and increase in believing,
*' on the flame of the Son of God."
A man is sa^'ed by faith, but hath comfort in
hope of salvKtton by assurance, so that the being of
Bptritual life, in respect of us, doth subsist in faith,
not in assurjMioe and feeling. And tluit is the
strongest ^nd most approved faith, which cleaveth to
Christ and to his promises, and resteth upon his
truth and faithfulness, without the help of feeling.
For, dthoiugh aBsurance givcth to us a more evi-
-dent certainty «f JE)ur good estate, yet faith, even
witbottt this, wiU certainly preserve us in this good
estate, whether we be assured or not. Hence it is,
Ibat although reason^ a6 it is now corrupt, will still
:be objecting, and will be totisfied with nothing but
what it may know by sense, yet faith, even above
.and ag»nst aenMi, snd all natural reasoning, from a
reverence to God's command, who btddetli to be-
liete and trutft in ivim, and a pei^uasion of the truth
and goodness of tbe promises^ w\\\ ^\^% ^cte^vX v^^
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and rest upon, the bare, naked, divine witness of the
word of God, for his sake that doth speak it.
There is a certainty of evidence; namely, when the
thing believed is not only said to be true and good,
but a man. doth find it so to be by sense and ex-
perience, and is so evident to man's reason, con-
vincing it by force of argument, taken from the causes,
efiects, properties, signs, and the like, that it hath
nothing to object against the thing proposed to be
believed. The certainty of adherence is the cer-
tainty of faith. The certainty of evidence is the
certainty of assurance. This certainty of assurance
and evidence is of exeellent use, for it maketh the
Christian fruitful iji good works, and doth fill him
full of joy and comfort: therefore it must by all
means be sought after, yet it is not of itself so strong,
nor so constant, nor so infallible, as the certainty of
faith and adherence is. For sense and reason since
the fall, even in the regenerate, are weak, variable,
and there conclusions are not so certain, ^s those of
pure faith; because faith buildeth only upon divine
testimony, concluding without reasoning or disputing,
yea, many times against reasoning. So that, not-
withstanding the excellent and needful use of assur-
ance, it is faith and adherence to Christ and his
promises, which, even in fears and doubts, must be the
cabie we must hold by, lest we make shipwreck of all,
when we are assaulted with our greatest temptations; .
for then many times our assurance leaveth us to the
mercy of the winds and seas, as mariners speak. If
you have faith, though you have little or no feeling,
your salvation is yet sure in truth, though not in
[ your own apprehension. When both can be had it
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347 .
is best, for then you gain most strength and most
comfort, giving you cheerfulness in ail your troubles;
but the power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and faith in his naked word and promise, is that to
which you must trust.
Sec this in the examples of most faithful men; for
when they have been put to it, it was this that up-,
held them, and in this was their faith commended.
Abraham against all present sense and reason, even
against hope, believed in hope, both in the matter of
receiving a son, and in going about to offer him again
unto God in sacrifice. He denied sense and reason,
he considered not the unlikelihoods, and seeming
impossibilities in the judgment of reason, that ever
he should have ■& seed, he being old, and Sarah being
old and barren ; or having a seed, that he shottMb^
saved by that seed, since he was to kill him in sacri-
fice. He only considered the almighty power, faith-
fulness, and sovereignty of him that had promised, he
knew it was his duty to obey and wait, and so let
all the matter concerning it rest on God's promise.
For this his faith is commended, and he is said to be
" strong in faith."
Job and David, or Asaph, showed most strength of
faith, when they had little or no feeling of God's
favour, but rather the contrary. Job had little
feeling of God's favour, when for pain of body he
said, ^^ Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth,"
and in anguish of soul he said, ^* Wherefore hidest
thou thy face, and takest me for thine enemy." Yet
then this adherence of faith caused him to cleave unto
God, and say in the same chapter, ^^ Though he slay
me, yet will I trust in him." When David said
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to God, ^' Why hast thou ibrgotten me ?' his aseur-^
ADce was weak ; yet even then his faith discov^ed
itself, when he saith to his soul, ^^ Why art -thou
disquieted within nre? Hope thou in God, who is
the heahh of my countenance, and my God," Yon
see then, thit the excellency of &ith lieth not in your
, fueling, but, as the Psalmist speaketh by expetiesKe,
in cleaving close unto the promise, and relying on
God for it, upon his bare word. For he saith, ^ It
is good for me to draw near 10 God, I have put my
Hrust in the Lord God." Tliis was that which se-
cretly upheld him, and kept him in possession, when
his evidences and assurance were to seek«
Wherefore^ Believe God's promises made to you
in Clirist, and rest on him, even when you want joy^,
and feeling comfort. For, having faith, you are
•ure of heaven, though you be not 90 fully assured
of it as you desire. It will be your greatest 00m-
mendatioo, when you will be dutiful servants and
diildren at God's commandment, though you have
not present wages, when you will take God's word
for that. Those are bad servants and cliildren, who
cannot go on cheerfully in doing their maNter or
father's will, except they may receive the proont&ed
. wages, in good part, beforehand, or every day ; or
except tfaoy may have a good part of the promised
'inheri^a)ice piesently, and in hand. Feeling of co8)<*
fort is part of a Christian's wages and inheritance,
to be received ^l the good pleasure of God, that
freely ^iveth it, rather than a Christian duty. To
comfort and stay ourseli'cs on God in distress, is a
duty, but this joyful sense and feeling of God's fia-
•vour, is a gracious favour of God towards u$, net a
doty of ourfi towards God. It argues too much
distrust in God, and loo tnnch self-respect, when we
have no heart to go about his work, except we be
full of feeling of his favour. He is the best child
or servant, that will obey out of love, duty, and eon-
science; and will trust in God, and wait on him, for
his wages and recompense.
Thirdly, When you say you cannot feel that you
have faith or hope, you mean, as indeed many good
souls do, you cannot find and perceive, that these
graces be in you in truth, which, if you did, yoii
would not doubt of your salvation. My answer is,
if fiiith and hope be in you, then if you would judi-
ciously inquire into yourselves, and feel for them,
you may find and feel them, and know that you have
them; for, as certainly as he that seeth bodily, may
know that he secth, so he that hath the spiritual
sight of faith, may know that he hath faith. Where-
fore, try and feel for your faith, and you shall find
whether it be in you ; yea or no.
(3.) The nature and properties of saving faith.
For this oause, 1. Try whether you ever had
the necessary preparatives, whkh ordinarily make
way for the seed of faith to take root in tlie soul.
2» Consider the nature of saving feith, and whether
it i^dth wrought in you accordingly. 3. Consider
some consequents and certain effects thereof.
1. Concerning the preparatives to faith. Hath
the law sliut you up, in your own apprehension,
utKler the curse, so that you huve been afrafid of h^Wf
And hath the Spirit also convinced you of sin by the
gosipel, to the wounding of your conscience, and to
the working of true humiliation, causing the heart
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to relent) and to desire to know how to be saved?
And if after this you have denied yourself, as to
your own wisdom and will, power and goodness, and
received and rested on Christ alone for salvation,
according to. the nature of true faith, as followeth,
then you have faith.
If you doubt you were never su£Bciently humbled,
then read Section X. of this Chapter.
2. Consider rightly the nature and proper acts of
faith, lest you conceive that to be faith which is not,
and that to be no faith which is. You may know
wherein true saving faith consists, by this which
followeth: whereas, man being fallen into a state of
condemnation by reason of sin, thereby breaking the
covenant of works, it pleased God to ordain a new
covenant, the covenant of grace, establishing it in his
only Son, Christ Jesus, expressing the full tenor of
this his covenant in the gospel, wherein he maketh
a gracious and free offer of the Lord Jesus Christ,
in whom this covenant is established, and with him
the covenant itself, with all its unspeakable blessings,
to man: now when a man, burdened with his sin,
understanding this offer, giveth credit, and assenteth
thereunto, because it is true ; and approveth it, and
consenteth to it, both because it is good for him to
embrace it, and because it is the will and command-
ment of God, that he should consent for his part,
and trust to it; when therefore a man receiveth
Christ Jesus thus offered, together with the whole
covenant, in all its duties and privileges, so far as he
understandeth it; resolving to rest on that part of
the covenant made and promised on God's part, and
to stand to every branch of the covenant, to be per-
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formed on his part; tlnis to embrace the covenant of
grace, and to receive Christ, in whom it is confirmed,
is to believe*
This ofiPer of Christ, and the receiving him by
faith, may clearly be expressed by an offer of peace
and favour, made by a King unto a woman that is
a rebellious subject; by making offer of a marriage
between her and his only son, the heir apparent to
the croWn, who, to make way to this match, under-
takes, by his father's appointment, to make full satis-
faction to his father's justice in her behalF, and to
make her every way fit to be a daughter to a king.
And for effecting this match between them, the son,
with the consent and appointment of his father,
sendeth his chief servants a wooing to this unworthy
woman; making offer of marriaiic in their master's
behalf, with the clearest proofs of their master's
good-will to her, and with tlie greatest earnestness
and entreaties that may be, to obtain her good-will.
This woman at first, being a bond-woman unto this
King's mortal enemy, and being in love with base
slaves like herself, companions in her rebellion, she
aptly sets light by this offer; or, if she consider well
of it, she may doubt of the trutii of this offer, the
match being so unequal and so unlikely on her part:
knowing herself to be so base and unworthy, she
may think the motion to be too good to be true; yet,
i^ upon more advised thoughts, she doth take notice
of the danger she is in while she standeth out against
so powerful a King in her rebellion, and doth also
see and believe, that the King's son is in earnest in
his offer to reconcile her to his father, and that he
would indeed match with her; thcrexi^oTv ^W ^^w-
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itderetfa aho that it wtU be good iar her to fbrsdce
all others, and take him^ and that esptdally beeause
his person is so lovely, and every way worthy of her
esteem. Now when she can bring herself Co believe
this, and resolve thus, though she cometh to it with
aome difficulty, yet if she give a true and hearty
consent to have hixn, and to forsake all other, and to
take him as he is, to obey him as her Lord, and to
take part with him in all conditions better or worse;
though she come to this resolution with much ado,
then the match is as good as made between them;
for hereupon follow the mutual embracing of, and
interest in each other.
The application is easy throughout: I will only
apply so much as is for my purpose, to show the
nature of justifying faith.
God offers his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ;
yea, Christ Jesus, by his ministers, offers himself in
the gospel, unto rebellious man, to match with him;
only on this condition, that forsaking his kindred
and father's house, forsaking all that he is in himself,
he will receive him as his head^ husband, Lord,^«ud
Saviour. Now, when any man undeistandeth this
motion, so far as to yield assent and consent to it,
^d to receive Christ, and cleave to him, then be
believeth to salvation; then the match is made
between Christ and that man; then they are be^
trothed, nay married, and are no longer two, but are
become one spirit.
By all this you may see, that in saving faith there
are tJiese two acts:
1. An assent to the truth of the gospel, not only
believing in general, that there is a Christy beliemg
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klm i^hat m«ntier of person he is, and upon what
c«itditlon he offered himsdf to mUn ae a Saviour;
bdt also belioving that this Christ graciously offereth
his love and himself to the Christian's self in parti''
2. A hearty approbation of this offi^r of Christ,
with consenting and hearty embracing of it, as our
own peculiar duty and privilege; resolving to take
him wholly, and fully as he is; accepting of him
according to the full tenor of the marriage covenant,
not only as a man's Saviour, to defend him from evil,
and to save him and bring him to glory; but as his
head to be ruled by him, as his Lord and King, to
worship and obey him; believing in him, not only as
his priest to satisfy, and to make intercession for
him, but also as his prophet to teach, and as his king
to govern him; cleaving to him in all estates, taking
part with him in all the evils that accompany the
profession of Christ's name, as well as in the good.
The first act is not enough to save any; the
second act cannot be without the former: where both
these are, there is a right receiving of the gospel,
there is true faith. The principal matter licth in
the consent and determination of the will in receiving
Christ; which, that it may be without exception,
1. It tnust be with an advised and considerate
will; it most not be rash, and on a sudden, in your
ignorance, before you well know what you do. You
nifist be well advised, and consider well of the person
to whtfm you give your consent, that you know him,
and that you know the nature of this spiritual union,
and what you are bound to by virtue of it, and what
it will cost you, if you give yourself to Christ. ,
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2. Your consent must be with a determinate and
complete will; with a present receiving him, even
with all the heart« It must not be a faint consent,
in an indifiPerency whether you consent or no; it must
not be in a purpose, that you will receive him here-
after; but you must give your hand and he%rt to him
for the present, else, it is no match.
3. Your consent must be with a free and ready
will; it roust not be with a forced and constrained
yielding, against the will; but (howsoever, it may be
with much opposition and conflict, yet) you must so
beat down the opposition, that when you give con-
sent, you bring your will to do it readily and freely,
with thankful acknowledging yourselves unspeakably
obliged to the Lord Jesus Christ all the days of
your life, that be vouchsafes to make you such an
offer. When consent is rash, faint, and forced,
this will not hold good any long time; but when
your consent is advised, full, and free, out of true
love to Christ, as well as for your own benefit; the
knot of marriage between Christ and you is knit so
fast, that all the lusts of the flesh, all the allurements
of the world, and all the powers pf hell, shall not be
able to break it.
By this which hath been said concerning the
nature of faith, many, who thought they had faith,
may see that yet they have none. For they only
believe in general that there is a Christ and a
Saviour, who offereth grace and salvation to man-
kind, and hereupon they presume. This general
faith is needful, but that is not enough; it must be a
persuasion of God's offer of Christ to a man in par-
ticular, that the will in particular may be induced to
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consent. There must likewise be that particular
consent of will, and accepting of Christy upon such
terms as he is offered. They that receive Christ
aright enter into the marriage covenant, resolving
to forsake all others, and obey him, and to take up
his cross, and to endure all hardships with hiro, and
for him, as shame, disgrace, poverty, hatred in the
world, and all manner of reproach; this they consent
to, and resolve upon for the present, and from this
time forward^ for the whole tiibe of their life; which
things many neither did, nor intended to do, when
they gave their names to Christ: they only received
him as their Jesus, one by whom they hoped to be
saved and honoured, expecting that he should endow
them with a fair jointure of heaven, but they did
not receive him as their Lord. In doing thus, they
erred in the essentials of marriage. For they erred
in the person, taking an idol Christ, for the true
Christ. They erred in the form of marriage; they
took him not for the present, nor absolutely, for
better for worse, as we say, in sickness and health,
in good report and ill report, in persecution and in
peace, forsaking all other, never to part, no not at
death. Wherefore Christ doti) not own those
foolish virgins, when they would enter the bride-
chamber, but saith, ^^ I know you not," because
there was no true consent on their part, they had no
faith; and their contract or marriage with Christ was
only in speech, but was never legal, or consummated.
By this which hath been said, others who have
faith indeed, may know they have it, namely, if they
so believe the covenant of grace established in Christ,
that with all their hearts they accept of him and it,
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to UmI tliej iBiQtreljr fktire tad putpate to $Uik1 to
it on ibeir part% as ihojr are able, and rest on it so
fiur as it ooocerna Christ to fulfll it. For this is faith.
To this» some fearfiil souk wiH reply; If we have
DO fiuth, except to an assent to the tmth, we do also
reeeive Christ oflpered, with a deliberate^ entire, and
free consent, to rest on hifls, to be roled bj him, and
to take part with biai in all conditions; then we
donbt that we have no faith, because we so hardly
brought ourselves to consent, and find ourselves so
wesk in our consent, and have been so un&ithful in
keeping promise with Christ*
Truth, fulness and firmness of consent of the will
to reeeive Christ may stand with many donbtings,
and with much weakness and sense of diflkulty, in
bringing the heart to consent* For so long as there
is a Isw in your members warring agsinst the law of
your mind, you can never do as you would. If you
can bring your hearts to will, to consent and obey, in
spite of all oppositions, this arguech liearty and full
consent, and a true faith. Nay, if yon can bring
the heart but to desire to receive Christ, and to enter
into covenant with God, made mutually between
God and you in Christ, and that it may stand accord*
ing to the oflPer which be raaketh unto you in his
word, even this arguetli a true and firm consent, and
maketh up the match between Christ and you«
Even as when Jacob related the particulars pf an
earthly covenant, into which he would have Laban
enter with, him, Lahaa's saying, *^ I would it might
be according to thy word," gave proof of his consent,
and did ratify the covenant between them. If you
can there&re, when Grod ofiers to yon the covensnt
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of grace^ commanding you to receive Christy in whom
it is established, and to enter into this covenant; if
(I tay) you can with all your hearty say to God, ^* I
irould it might be according to thy word;" the
tfov^nant is mutually entered intoy and the match is
Blade between Christ and you.
And whereas it doth trouble you^ ttiat you (ianaot
be so faithful to Clirist, as yciur coveuant doth bind
you, it is well you are troubled, if yO'U did not alto
make it an argument that you have no faith; for in
that it heartily grieveth you^ that you cannot believe,
tior perform all faithfulness to Christy it is an evident
sign that you liave faith* You must hot think that
after you are truly married to Christy you shall be
free from evil solicitations by your old lovers; nayi
sometimes a kind of violence may be olfered^ by
tpirituni wickednesses, to you, so that you are forced
to many evils against your will: as it may befai a
faithful \vife, to be forced by one stronger than she;
yet if you give not full consent to them, and suffer
not your heart to follow them, your husband Christ
will not impute these forced evils to you. Yet, let
none by this take liberty to offend Chtist in the least
thing, for though Christ love you Inore tenderly and
more mercifully than any husband can love liis wife,
yet know, he doth not dote on you; he can isee the
smallest faults, and will sharply, though kindly, re-
buke and correct you for them, if you do them pre-
sumptuously. But he esteemeth none to break
spiritual wedlock, so as to' dissolve marriagCi but
those whose hearts are wholly departed from him,
and are set upon^ and given to spmeUitng else. If
you thus look into the nature of £iith (I lymk to a
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soul troubled for sin) you may know and feel that
you have it.
(4.) True faith may be discerned by its effects.
You may know a lively faith likewise, by most
certain consequences and effects, I mean not comfort
and joy, which are sometimes felt, and sometimes
not; hut by such effects, which are most constant,
and more certain, and may be no less felt than joy
and comfort, if you would search for them; amongst
others, I reckon these:
1 . You may know you have faith J)y your grieving
for, and opposing of the contraiy ; if you feel a fight
and conflict between believing and doubting, fear
and distrust; and in that combat you take part with
believing, hope, and confidence, or at least desire
heartily that these should prevail, and are grieved at
heart, when the other gets, the better: if you feel
this, do not say, you have no feeling. Do not say,
you have no faith. This conflict, and desire to
have faith, gave proof, that the man in the gospel,
who came to Christ to cure his child, had faith;
" I believe Lord," saith he; " Lord help mine un-
belief." Do not say (as I have heard many) This
man could say, I believe; but we cannot say so.
I tell you, if you can heartily say. Lord, help my
unbelief, I am sure, any of you may say, I believe.
For, whence is this sense of unbelief, and desire to
believe, but from faith?
2. You may know you have faith (I speak still
to an afilicted soul, which dare not sin wilfully)
inasmuch as you will not part with that faith which
you have upon any terms. I will ask you, who
have given hope to others, that you do believe, and
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that ye doubt you have not truth of faith atid hope
in God, only these questions, and ^s your heart ean
answer them, so you may judge. Will you part
with that faith and hope which you call none, for
any price? Would you change present states with
those who presume they have a strong faith, whose
consciences do not trouble them, but are at quiet,
though they live in all manner of wickedness? or at
best are merely civilly honest? Nay, would you,
if it were possible, forego all that faith, and *hope,
and other graces of the Spirit, which you call none
at all, and return to that former state, wherein you
were in the days of your vanity, before you en-
deavoured to leave sin, and to seek the mercy of
God in Christ Jesus in good earnest? Would you
lay any other foundation to build upon, than what
you have already laid? Or is there any person or
thing, whereon you desire to rest for salvation and
direction, besides Christ Jesus? If you can answer,
No; but can say, with Peter, ** To whom should we
go? Christ only hath the words of eternal life:" you
know no other foundation to lay, than what you have
laid, and have willed^ and desired to lay it right;
you resolve never to pull down what you have built,
though it be but a little; and it is your grief that
you build no faster upon it. By this answer you
may see, that yoilf dbnscienee, before you are aware,
doth, witness for you, and will make you confess that
you have some true faith and hope in God, or at
least hope that you have. For, let men say what
they will to the contrary, " they always think they
have those things, which by no means they can be
brought to part* with."
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' 3. If yoa would have sensible proof of your faith
and justification; look for it in the most certain
effect, which is in your sanctification* Do you feet
yourselves loaded and burdened with sin; and your
hearts distressed with sorrow for it? And do you
also perceive yourselves to be altered from what you
were? Do you now bear good- will to God's word
and ordinonces? And do you desire the pure word
of God, that you may grow in grace by it? Do
you love and consort with God's people, because
you think they fear God? Is it your desire to
approve yourselves to God, in holy obedience?
And is it your trouble, that you cannot do It? Then
certainly you iiave faith, you have an effectual faith.
For what are all these but the very pulse^ breath,
and motions of faith? If you feel grace to be in
you, it IS a better feelings than feeling of comfort;
for grace, in men of understanding, is never separ-
ated from effectual fidth, but comfort many times is;
for that may rise from presumption and false faith.
Grace, only from the Spirit of God, and from true
X. Fears concerning the truth of Sanctification
It is granted by all, that if they arc truly sancti-
fied, then they know that they have faith, and are
justified; but many fear they are not sanctified, and
that for these seeming reasons:
I. Fears of not being sanctified for want of deep
humiliation, answered.
Some fear they are not sanctified, because they
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do. not remember, that ever they felt those wounds
and terrors of conscience, which are first wrought in
men to make way to conversion; as it was in them
who were pricked to the heart at Peter's sermon;
and in St. Paul; and in the jailor. Or if they felt
any. terrors, they fear they were but certain flashes,
and forerunners of helHsh torments; like those of
Cain and Judas.
As it is in the natural birth, with the mother, so
it is in the spiritual birth with the child. There is
no birth without some travail and pain, but not all
alike. Thus it is in the new birth with all that are
come to years of discretion. Some have so much
grief, fear, and horror, that it is intolerable, and
leaveth so deep an impression, that it can never be
forgotten; others have some true sense of grief ;md
fear, but nothing to the former in comparison, which
may easily be forgotten.
There are causes, why some feel more grief and
fear in their first conversion than others:
1. Some have committed more gross and heinous
sins than others; therefore, they have more cause
and need to have more terror and humiliation than
2. God doth set some apart for greater employ-
ments than others, such as will require a man of
great trust and experience; wherefore God, to pre-
pare them, doth exercise such with the greatest trials,
for their deep humiliation, and for their more speedy
and full reformation, that all necessary graces might
be more deeply and firmly rooted in them.
3. Some have been religiously brought up trem
their infancy, whereby, as they were kei^l (\oia ^5>«^
Q ^\
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sins ; so their sins were subdued by little and little,
without any sensible impression of horror; graces and
comfort being instilled into them: almost insensibly.
4. Some by natural constitution and temper of
body, are more fearful, and more sensible of anguish
than others, which may cause that although they
may be alike wounded in conscience for sin, yet they
may not feel it all alike.
5. There may be the like fear and terror wrought
in the conscience, of sin, in one as well as another ;
yet it may not leave the like lasting sense and im-
pression in the memory of the one, as in the other.
Because God may show himself gracious in discov-
ering a remedy, and giving comfort to one, sooner
than the other. As two men may be in peril of
their lives by enemies ; the one, as soon as he seeth
his danger, seeth an impregnable castle to step into,
or an army of friends to rescue him ; this man's fear
is quickly over and forgotten : the other doth not
only see great danger, but is surprised by bis ene-
mies, is taken and carried captive, and is a long
time in cruel bondage and fear of his life, till at
length he is redeemed out of their hand. Such a
fea^r as this can never be forgotten.
You may evidently know, whether you had suf-
ficient grief and fear in your first conversion, by
these signs. Had you ever such, and so much
grief for sin, that it made you to dislike sin^ and
to dislike yourself for it, and to be weary and
heavy laden with it ; so as to make you heartily
confess your sins to God, and to ask of him mercy
and forgiveness ? Hath it made you to look better
tp your ways, and more earful to please GimI?
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Then be sure, it was a competent and sufficient
grief; because it was- a *^ godly sorrow* to repent**
ance, never to be repented of»"
' Again, Are you <now grieved and troubled, when
you &11 into particular sins ? Then you may be
eertain, that there was a time when you were suffi-
ciently humbled in your conversion ; for this latter
grief is but putting that grief into farther act,
whereof you received a habit in your first conver-
sion. If you dan for the present find any proof of
eonversiony it should not trouble you, though you
know not when, or by whom, or how you were
converted; any more than thus, that you know
God hath wrought it by his word and Spirit.
When any field bringeth forth a crop of good corn,
this proveth that it was sufficiently ploughed ; for
God doth never sow, until the fallow ground of
men's hearts is sufficiently broken up.
> Now, as for those who remember that they have
bad terrors of conscience, and, it may be, ever and
anon feel them still, who fear that these were not
beginnings of conversion, but ratlier beginnings of
desperations and hellish torments,<~-»you should
know, that there is a great difference between these
and those.
' 1. Those fears and horrors, which are only
flashes and beginnings of hellish torments, are
wrought only by the law and spirit of bondage,
giving not so much as a secret hope of salvation.
But those fears^ which make way unto, and which
are the beginnings of conversion, are indeed first
wtrought by the law ^so, yet not only, for the gos-
pri bath, at least, some share with tliemi partly to
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melt the heart, broken by the law, partly to sup-
port the heart, causing it, by some little glimpse of
light, to entertain a possibility of mercy. Com*
pare the terrors of Cain and Judas, with those of
the men pricked at Peter's sermon, with St. Paul's
and the jailor's, and you shall see both this and the
following differences.
2. The former terrors and troubles are caused,
either only from fear of hell, and the fierce wrath
of God, but not from sin; or, if at all from sin, it is
only in respect of the punishments These tending
to conversion, are also caused through fear of hdl,
but not only : the heart of one thus troubled, is
grieved because of his sin ; and that not only be-
cause it descrveth hell, but because by it he hath
offended and dishonoured God.
3. Those who are troubled in the first sort con-
tinue headstrong and obstinate, retaining their usual
hatred against God, and against such as fear God,
as also their love to wickedness : only, it may be,
they may conceal and smother their rancour, through
the spirit of restraint, that for the time it doth
not appear : but in the other will appear some al-
teration towards goodness ; as, whatsoever their
opinions and speeches were of God's people before,
now they begin to think better of them, and of
their ways. So did they in the Acts: before they
were pricked at heart, they did scoff at the Apos-
tles, and derided God's gifts in them ; but after-
wards said, " Men and brethren ;" they thought
reverently of them, and spake reverently to them.
See the same in Paul, in his readiness to do what-
soever Christ should enjoin him. The jailor also,
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in this case, quickly became well affected to Paul
and Slas*
4. The former sort, when they are troubled with
horrqr of conscience, fly from God, and seek no re-
medy, but such as is worldly and carnal ; as com-
pany-keeping, music, and other earthly delights, as
in building, and in* their lands and livings, accor-
ding as their own corrupt hearts and their vain com-
panions advise them ; whereby sometimes they stu-
pify and deaden their conscience, and lay it asleep
for a time* Thus Cain aud Saul allayed their dis-
tempered spirits. And if they had some godly
friends, who shall bring them to God's ministers, or
do themselves minister to them the instructions of
the word, this is tedious and irksome to them, they
cannot relish these means, nor take any satisfaction
in them. But the other are willing to seek to
God, by seeking to his ministers, to whom God
hath given the tongue of the learned, to minister a
word in season, to the soul that is weary ; and,
though* they cannot presently receive comfort, will
not utterly reject them, except in case of melancholy,
which must not be imputed to them, but to their
And in application of the remedy, as there were
two parts of the grief, so they must find remedies
for both, or they cannot be fully satisfied. 1.
They were filled with grief for fear of hell ; for
the removing of which, the blood of Christ is ap-
plied, together with God's promise of forgiveness
to him that beheveth, and a commandment to be-
lieve : all this is appHed to take away the guilt and
punishment of sin. 2. They were ixwaXA^^ ^^^
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sin, whereby they dishonoured and displeased Godi
now, unless they also feel in some measure the
grace of Christ's Spirit healing the wound of. sin^
and subduing, the power of it^ and enabling tbem^
at least, to will and strive to please God, they canr
not be satisfied. As it was with David, though
God had said by the prophet, ^^ The Lord bath put
away thy sin,'' that is, forgiven it; yet he had no
comfort until God had ^^ created in him a clean heart,
and renewed a right spirit within him." Whereas^
if fear of hell be removed, it is all that the former
sort care for.
5« As for the first sort, it may be, while they
were afraid to be damned, they had some restraint of
sin, and, it may be, made some essays towards reform
mation ; Jbut when their terrors are over and forgot-
ten, then, like the dog, they return to their vomit,
and like the sow that was washed, to their wallowing
in the mire of their wonted ungodliness. But as
for those, whose terrors were preparations to conver-
sion, when they obtain peace of conscience, they are
exceedingly thankful for it, and are made by it more
fearful to offend. And although they may, and
often do fall into some particular sin or sins, for
which they renew their grief and repentance; yet
they do not fall into an allowed course, of sin any
more. Thus much in answer to the first doubt of
sanctification. >.
II. Fears of not being sanctified from the intru* .
sion of many evil thoughts.
There are many who doubt they are not sancti*
fied, because of 4,hose swarms of evil thoughts which
are in them ; some whereof (which is fearful for
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tbem to tbink or speak) are blatphemoas, unnatural,
and inhuman; calling God's being, truth, power,
and providence into question; doubting whether the
scripture be the word of God, and others of this
nature, having also thoughts of laying violent hands
upon themselves and others, with many more of that
and other kinds of evil and blasphemous thoirghts,
such as they never felt at all, or not so much, in
their known state of unregeneracy, before they made
a more strict profession of godliness; and such as,
they think, none that are truly sanctified are trou^
bled with.
To resolve this doubt, know, that evil thoughts
are either put into men from without, as when Satan
doth suggest, or wicked men do solicit evil; thus
Job's wife, <^ Curse God, and die:" or they rise from
within, out of the evil concupiscence of man's own
heart ; and sometimes they are mixed, coming both
from within and without.
Those which come only from Satan, may usually
be known from those that arise out of man's heart,
by their suddenness and incessantness ; namely,
when they are repelled they will sometimes return
again a hundred times in a day. Also they are un-
reasonable and unnatural ; strange and violent in their
motions; receiving no check, but by violent resis-
tance. Whereas, those which altogether, or in
great part, are from man's own corrupt heart; they
usually arise by occasion of some external object, or
from some natural cause, and are not so sudden and
incessant, nor so unnatural and violent. Now all
those evil thoughts (or thoughts of evil rather^)
which are fropi Satan; if you consent i\o\. xxtiXo \)tv^\s^
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but abhor and resist them with detestation, they are
not your sins, but Satan's, and theirs that put them
into you. They are your crosses, because they are
matter of trouble to you, but they are not your sins,
because they leave no guilt upon you. They are
no more your sins than these thoughts, *' Cast thy*
self down* headlong," and " fall down and worship
me," namely, the devil, were Christ's sins — ^if you
consent not, but resist ihem, as Christ did.
You should carefully observe this. For if the
devil was so malicious and presumptuous, as to assault
our blessed Saviour with such devilish temptations,
injecting into him such vile and blasphemous notions
and thoughts; should you think it strange that he
doth perplex you with the like? And for all this,
you have no cause to doubt, whether Christ were
the Son of God or no, though the devil made an if
of it, and it was the thing the devil aimed at; why
then should it be doubted that any of Christ's mem-
bers may be thus assaulted? And yet surely ihey
have no cause for this to question, whether they be
sanctified, or in a state of grace. For these vain
thoughts in them are so far from being abominable
evils, that, being not consented to, they are, as I
said, not their sins.
It is a piece of the devil's cunning, first to fill a
man full of abominable thoughts, and then to be the
first that shall put in this accusation and doubt,
namely. Is it possible for any child of God, that is
sanctified with God's Holy Spirit, to have such
thoughts? But consider well, that an innocent
Benjamin may have Joseph's cup put into his sack's
mouth, without his knowledge or consent, by him,
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wjio, for his own ends, intended thereby to accuse
Benjamin of theft and ingratitude. Was Benjamin
any thing th^more dishonest or ungrateful for this?
No! Satan doth not want malice or cunning in this
kind to play his feats. Where he cannot corrupt
men, yet there he will vex and perplex them.
But let it be granted, that these blasphemous
and abominable thoughts, which trouble you, are
indeed your sins, either because they arise from
your own evil heart, or because you did consent to
them. If so, then you have much cause to grieve
and repent, but not to despair, or to say you are
not God's child; for it is possible for a sanctified
man to be made guilty, either by outward act, or by
consent and approbation, or by some means or other,
of any one sin, except that against the Holy Ghost;
and yet if he cotifess and bewail his sin, and repent,
believe, and ask mercy, it shall be forgiven him; for
he hath our Saviour's word for it.
And whereas you say you were not troubled with
such abominable thoughts before you made profes-
sion of a holy life; I answer, this is not to be won-
dered at. For, before that time, the devil and you
were friends, then he thought it enough to suffer
you to be proud of your civil honesty, or, it may be,
to content yourself with a mere form of godliness,
because that you were free from notorious crimes, as
adultery, lying, swearing, &c. For when he could
by these more plausible ways lead you captive at his
will, he saw you were bis sure enough already;
what need was there then, that he should solicit you
any farther, or disturb your quiet? But now, that
you have renounced him in earnest^ aud xVvaX Vi^ ^w\
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you are opposites ; you may- be sure, tliat .^e wiK
attempt by all means to reduce you into your old
state: or if he fail of that, yet, aa long as you Yiye^
so far as God shidl pennit, he will do what be ean
to disturb your peace, by vexing and molesting y4Ni«
Moreover, God doth permit this, for divers holy
1. To discover the devil's malice. • .
2. To chasten his children,- and to humble thera^
because they were too well conceited of the goodness
of their nature in their unregeneracy, or might be
too uncharitable and censorious of others; and too
presumptuous of their own strength, since they were
regenerate. . •
3. God likewise permitteth these buffettings and
winnowings of Satan, to prevent pride, and other
sins, so to exercise and try tjhe graces of iiis children^
to give them experience of their own weakness, and
of his grace towards them, and strength in them,
even in their weakness; preserving them from being
vanquished, although they fight with pruicipalities
and powers, and spiritual wickedness. For God's
strength is made perfect in man's weakness.
Remedies against, evil and blasphemous thoughts.
That Christians who. are troubled with bla^phe^
-roous, and other abominable thoughts, may be^less
troubled, or at least not hurt by them, follow these
directions :.^^ ■ < .. . .. \^ .
I. Proofs of. th e being »of God. < ^ . . . . r, . , v
Firsts Afm youEself with evidentfnroofs that theise
is a Gody that there is a divihe,< apiritual, . absolutely
and independent: Being, from jrfiom,i.a|id,ti>..wh(un
are all things, and by whom all things consist.— -«
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Next^ confirm, yourself ia a sure pei^^piision that tha
Bible and Holy Scriptures are the pure word of this
only true God.-r-^Then labour wjth your hearty. tha\
it ^G reverence and love God and his will) as to be
always ready to rise against every motion to sin,
(especially these of the worse kind^) with loathing and
1. To be assured that there is a Gpd, consider
first the creation, preservation, and order of the crea^
tures. How could it be possible that such a worl4
'Gould be. made and upheld, or that there should be
such an order, or subordination among creatures, if
there were not a God ? The heavens, give their in-
fluence into the air, water, and. earth; these, by
virtue hereof,. afford means of comfort apd support to
all living creatures. The creatures without sens^
aerve for the use of the sensitive; and all serve for
the use of man; who, although he be an excellent
creature, yet of himself he is so impotent, that he
cannot add oi>e cubit to his stature ; nay, he cannot
make one hair white or black, therefore could not be
the maker of these things.
Moreover, if the creatures were not limited and
ordered by a superior Being, they would one devour
another, in such a manner as to bring all to confu-
.Uion. -For the savage beasts would eat up and dc^-
stroy all the tame and gentle, the strong would con-
sume the weak; the sea,Jf it had not bounds set to
its proud waves, would stand aboy^ the mountains;
and tha devil, who hatetb mankind, would not suijter
a man to live at any quiet, if there were not .a God,
pne stronger than the stroi^est^ creatures, to re-
strain Satan, and to confine every thing to its place
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and order. How could there be a continual vicis-
situde of things? How could we have rain and fruit-
ful seasons, and our souls be fed with food and glad-
ness, if there were no God? Thus by the creation, the
" invisible things of God," that is, " bis eternal power
and Godhead," are clearly seen; for by these things,
which are thus made, and thus preserved, he h^th
not left himself without witness, that God is, and
that he ^^ made all things for himself," even for his
own glory.
2. If all things came by nature, and not from a
God of nature, how then have miracles, which are .
many times against nature, and do always transcend
and exceed the order and power of nature, been
wrought? For nature in itself doth always work
even in its greatest works, in one and the same
manner and order. For nature is nothing else but
the power of God in the creatures, to support them,
and to produce their effects in due order. Where-
fore, if any thing be from nature, or from miracle, it
is from God i the one from his power in things or-
dinary, the other from hie power in things extraor-
dinary ; wherefore, whether you look on things na-
tural, or above nature, you may see there is a God.
3. Look into the admirable workmanship of but
one of the creatures, namely, your own soul, and
particularly into your consoi.ence c whence are your
fears that you shall be damned? What need it;
nay, how could it trouble you, for your blasphemous
thoughts and other sins, if it were not privy to it-
self, that there is a God, who will bring every
thought into judgment?
4* Mak^ use pf the eye of faxthf whereby you
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may tee. God, who is invisible, and that more dis-
tinctly,' more certainly, and more fully. .Remember
that it is the first prindple of all religion, which is
first to be learned, namely, That God is, that ail
things are made by him, and that '^ he is a rewarder
of all those," who so believe this that they ^* dili-
gently seek him."
II. Proof of the Divinity of the Scriptures.
1. That you may assure yourselves, that the
Scriptures are the word of God ; consider, first,
how infallibly true they relate things past, according
as they were many hundred years before; also in
foretelling things to come many hundred of years
after, which you may see to have come to pass, and
daily do come to pass accordingly : which they would
not do if they were not God's word.
2. They lay open the particular and mpst secret
, thoughts and affections of man's heart, which they
could not do, if they were not the word of him that
knoweth all things; in whose sight all things are
naked and open. ^
3. They command all duties of piety, sobriety,
and equity, and do prohibit all vice, in such a manner
as all the writings and laws of all men laid together,
neither do, nor can do.
4. As the scriptures discover a state of eternal
damnation unto man, and condemn him to it for sin ;
so they reveal a sure way of salvation ; which is such
a way as could never enter into the imagination and
heart of any man, or of all men together, without
. the word and revelation of the Spirit of God, who
in his wisdom found out, and ordained this way.
5. The scriptures are a word of ^ ONvex^ ^Xmv^v^
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beyond the power of any crealnrei ^^SpuUing doym^
stretig^holds; c[a&titig down ImaginBtions^ and everyf
high thing that exalteth itaejf again»t the knowled^
of God, and bringeth into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ.*- - » . ., ,
6. The scriptures have a universal consent with
themselves, though penned by divers men; whicl^
proveth that- they are not of any* private interpreta-
tion ; but • that these *^ holy men of God spakie as
they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Much
more might be said to this point, but thi$ may suf-
fice. . ^ M . .
Helps against unnatural and violent" suggestions.
Against temptations to offer violent hands upon
yourself and others, you must have these or the like
scriptures in readiness: *^ Thou shalt not kill;" and
** See thou do thyself no harnj;" and such. like.
And that you may be prepared against all other vile
temptations, possess your heart beforehand with this,
that these are great wickednesses against God,
against your God. When Joseph could say, " Shall
I commit this > great wickedness and sin against
God," no temptations could prevail against him.
Thus much for forearming yourselves against blas-
phemous and vile thoughts and temptations.
In the second 'filace-'^vfhGiA ypu are thus armed,
whensoever these blasphemous and fearful thoughls
rise in you, ot are forced upon you, take heed of two
extremes: ^ . -.. 2 - .. * . .* j.
1. Do not contemn theni) so afr> to set light by
them ; lor this giveth strength to sin, and advantage
to Satan. <• ».....*.,. ,,. - .,.w ^ »;^ , v- ;»
2. Be not discouraged nor yet faint through de-
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fifuiir. of being^fre^^ frOiq ttbeni^^iin.djiie tin^e;: or p/
wkhstanding^thero in^n time*. For tbeii
Saiafihath jbk eiid,>and hU.will.of your .; BY;it.c^|ry
yourself in 8 middle course ; pore pot top much po
them> dispute not too much with tbem; presume jipt
oi'youpowD strength ;. but, by liftjng.up pf your I^earj^
in. .prayer, call in GodV aid to resist and with6t^i^4
tbem: present some suil;ablQ c^pripture tp youi;^ mij>.4)
such as is directed against them, . whereby you may,
with a holy detestation, resist them, according tp
Christ's. example, with, " It is ij^ritteiw" ..Now,
when you have done this, then, if it be possible,
think on them no more.
3. Endeavour, at all times, to make consciepce in
the whole course of your life . pf your , tho.ughts, even
of the least thoughts of evil, yea of all thoughts,
and this will be a good means, to k<$ep out all evil
thoughts. If it cannot prevail thus far; yet you
shall have this benefit by it, when jour heart can
testify for you, that you would in, every thing please
God,, and that you m^ke consciepce pf less sinful
thoughts than those vile ones with which you are
troubled; then you ,may be sur^ that^ you inay be,
and are. God's children, and are sanctified, notwith-
standiog. those blasphemous thoughts and devilish
temptations.,. * ; . ;. . : ,, ,.ui . ...... %
., m. Doubts pf sanctification, from tho prevalence
of some gross sin. , ,, ., ,; ^^. - ,^ . ., .!,•., \\^
:. 4gtinrSQide, doubt jthey..arQ npj^ .sat^^ifidjj, J^
causae j^ey /have: £MIeu :.into,^^c^^p ffo^^SB ;. . j^.i^n^ay
be, inl<^:i;irQi;3eitban.tb.^s^v^hich they committed in
their stalA^of^uiweg^nftracj. j. , . ,, j, ^^^.,>
I answer such: you aie in a very ill ca^e^ \( ^>\
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do not b^ie yourselves; and if so, you are in an ill
case because you do belie yourselves. I . advise
you that have thus sinned in either, to repent
speedily, and ' to ask forgiveness. God, by his
Spirit, doth as well call you to it, as he did Israel,
saying, " Return to the Lord — thou hast fallen by
thine iniquity,- — take with you words, and turn unto
the Lord, and say unto him, Take away all our
iniquity, and receive us graciously;" then will God
answer, ** I will heal your backsliding, I will love
you freely." You say, that you are backslidden;
suppose it were so, he saith, ^^ I will heal your back-
slidings," &c. read Jer. iii. 12, 13. Micah vii.
18, 19.
You must not doubt, but that gross sins, com-
mitted after a man is effectually called, are pardon-
able. It is the devil's policy to cast these doubts
into your heads, so wholly to drive you to despair,
by shutting out all hope of grace and mercy, that
you might have no thought of returning and seek-
ing unto God again; but believe him not: he is a
liar. For it may befal one that is in a state of
grace, to commit the same gross sins after conver-
sion, which he did before, if not greater than the
same. Did not David, by his adultery and murder,
exceed all the sins that ever he committed before his
conversion ? Did not Solomon worse in his old age
than ever in his younger days? Did Peter commit
any sin like that of denying and forswearing his
Master, before his conversion? Why were the falls
of these worthies written, but for examples to us,
*^ on whom the ends of the earth are come ?"
). That every one who standeth should ^^ take
heed lest be fall."
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• 377
" 2. That if any are fallen into any sin by any
occasion, that he might rise again as they did, and
liot despair of mercy.
No man, though converted, hath any assurance,
except he is specially watchful, and except he have
special assistance of God's grace, to be preserved
from any sin, except that against the Holy Ghost ;
but if he be watchful over his ways, and do improve
the grace of God in him after conversion, seeking
unto God for increase of grace, then he, as well as
the apostle Paul, may be kept from such gross sins
as arc of the foulest nature, otherwise not.
Indeed, they that are born of God, have received
the sanctifying influences of God's Spirit, that seed
of grace, which ever remaineth in them. Wlience
it is that they sin otherwise in a state of regeneracy
than they did before; insomuch that the scripture of
of truth, notwithstanding the after sins, saith, that
** whosoever is born of God sinneth not;" not that
they are free from the act and guilt of sin, for in
** many things we sin all," saith St. James; but be-
cause they sin not with full consent. They are
not servants to sin; they do not make a trade of sin,
as they did in their unregeneracy. Neither do they
sin the sin unto death, which all unregenerate men
may, and some do. Yet. for all this, it may, and
often doth come to pass, that, partly from Satan's
malice and power, partly from the remains of cor-
rupt nature, and partly from God's just judgments
on many, because of their negligence and presump*
tion, their conceit of their own strength, or their
consoriousness and unmeroitulness to them that had
fallen^ that true Christians may fall into some par-
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ticular gross sin cur sids, for matter, greater than
ever before conversion.
IV. Doubts of sanctificatioa from the want of a&
fectionate sorrow for sin; and the defects of lepen-
tance» ...
Others yet complain and say. They fear they hav«
not repented, they feel. that they cannot repent ; for
ihey cannot grieve as they ought. They can pour
out dpods of tearsv more than enough, for crosses^
but many times they cannot shed one tear for sin<
They do nothing as they ought to do. They live
in their sins stilU How then can they he said to
have repented, end to be sanctified ? If, by doing as
you ought, you mean perfectly fulfilling every point
and circumstance of the law, never any mere man
^id thus; if you could do as you ought, what need
have you of Christ Jesus as a Savipur and an Ad-;
yocate ! But if, by doing as you ought, you mean a
doing according as God, now (qualifying thjg rigour
of the law by the graciousness of the gospel) doth
require of you, and in Christ will accept of you ;
namely, to will and endeavour in truth to do the
whole will of God; then, if you will, desire, and en:
deavour to mourn for sin, to repent, and obey as yo^
should, you may truly be said to do as you ought.
And in this case, look by faith to the perfect ober
dience, of the Lord Jesus Christ, your surety and
redeetner, ...
And as for weeping at crosses, sooner or more
than for sins, this doth not always argue more grief
for one than for the other:, for. weeping is an effect
of the bpcjyi fallowing m ach the temper thereof; al^q
sense ajiprehendeth a na ural object, or matter of
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bodily grief, in such a manner, that the bocl^ ii
wrought upon more sensibly, than w|)en a- spirit*
ualobjeel of grief is only apprehended by foith*
Wherefore bodily tears flow easily from sense c¥
ciosses^ and more hardly from thoughts of sin : fotf
spiritual objects do not ordinarily work passions in
the body «o soon, nor so much^ as bodily and sensible
objects- do. Grief for a cross is more outward and
passionate, thence tears; but spiritual grief is more
inward and deep, in which cases, tears lie so far off|
and the organs of tears are so much contracted, and
shut up, thtit they cannot be fetched or wrung out^
but with much labour. When you are bidden in
scripture to mourn and weep for your sins, nothing
else is meant, but to grieve much, and. to grieve
heartily, as they do, who weep much. at outward
calamities. Besides it is known that even natural
grief, dry grief, is many times greater /than that
which is moistened, and overfloweth with tears^
And some soft efieminate spirits can weep at any
thing, when some harder spirits can weep at nothings
As the greatest spiritual joy is not expressed in
laughter, so neither is the greatest spiritual grief ex??
pressed in tears. 'God regards the inward sighing
of a contrite heart, more than the outward tears. of
the eyes. An hypocritical Saul, being overcome
with kindness, and a false-hearted Abab, being upon
the imck of fear, may, in their qualms, and p^ssionst
weep, and externally humble themselves, and thai
in. part for sin; when a dear child of God may not
be able to command one tear. The tima wheo
God's, children. have most plenty of tears,. is when
the extremity and anguish of grief U vi^ q^^x^
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namely, when their hearts begin to melt through
hope of mercy.
And as for leaving sin altogether: Who ever
did it in this life? Who ever shall? Since there is
no roan that liveth, and sinneth not. But mistake
not, you may, through God's grace, have left sin,
when yet sin hath not left you. For whosoever
hateth sin, and resolveth against it, and in the law
of his mind would not commit it; but is drawn to it
by Satan, and by the law of hi^members ; and, after
it is done, doth not allow it, but disclaims it with
grief; this man hath left sin. And if this be your
case, it may be said of you, as the Apostle said of
himself — it is not you that doth evil; but it is sin,
that dwelleth in you.
V. Doubts of sanctification on account of duluess
in spiritual duties.
Many yet complain they cannot pray, read, hear,
meditate, nor get any good by the best companies,
or best conferences which they can meet with. They
are so dull, so forgetful, so full of distraction, and
so unfruitful, when they go about, or have been
about any thing that is good, that they fear they
have no grace at all in them; yea, it maketh them
sometimes to forbear these duties; and for the most
part to go about them without heart.
It is not strange that it should be so with you;
so long as there is a Satan to hinder you, and so
long as you carry about the old man and body of sin
in yoUf Moreover, do you not many times go about
these holy duties remissly, negligently, only custom-
arily, without preparation thereunto, not looking to
your feet, and putting off your shoes before you ap-
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proach unto God's holy things, and holy presence?
Do you not many times set upon those holy duties
in the power of your own might, and not in the
power of God's might; or have you not heen proud,
or too well conceited of yourselves, when you have
felt that you have performed good duties with some
life, or^ are you sure, that you should not be spirit-
ually proud, if you had your desire in doing all
these? Farther, do you not miscal things; calling
that, no prayer, no hearing, &c. or no fruit, hecause
you do them not so well, nor bring forth so much,
aa in your spiritually covetous desires you long to
do, and have? If it be thus with you, then first mend
all these faults, confess them to God, and ask mercy.
Next be thankful for your desires, to pray, read,
hear, &c. and for your longing to do all these as you
should; prosecute those desires, but always in the
sense of your own insufficiency, and in the power
of God's might ; then all the fore-mentioned duties
will be performed with less difficulty and more fruit
and comfort.
Yet because in all these duties you travel to
heavenward up the hill, and your passage is against
wind and tide, and with a strong opposition of
enemies in the way; you must never look to per-
form them without sense of much difficulty and little
progress in comparison of what you aim at in your
desires. It concerns you therefore to ply your oars,
and to apply yourselves by all means, to '^ work out
your . salvation with fear and trembling:" I mean,
with fear to offend in any of the afore-mentioned
duties, not in fear that you have no grace, because -
you cannot perform them as well as you «\\o\x\&^ ^xv^
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trould. For since you feel and bewail your dulness,
deadness, and unpro&tableness in holy services, it
arguetlrthat you have life, because np man feeleth
cdrruption^ and disliketh it, by corruption, bat by
grace.' I am sure that such as have no true grace,
ean, and do daily, fail in- all these duties, but either
they find not their failings, and if they do, yet they
complain not of them with grief and dislike. If you
heartily griev^, because you do no better, your de-
sires to do as you should do, are a true sigir of grace
in you. For this duly is always well done, in God's
account, where there is truth of endeavour to do
well, and true grief that it is done no better.
And whereas you say, that by reason of want of
spiritual life in holy duties^ you hkve been made to
neglect them altogether. I pray^ what have you (
got thereby but much grief and uneasiness ? But '
tell me how is it with you? are you pleased with
yourself in your neglect; or is it so that you can
have no peace in your heart until you set yourself
diligently to do those duties again, as Well as you :
can? If so, it is a sign that you are not quite desti- \c
tute of saving grace. Iv
VI. Doubts of sanctification from sudden dulness a
after duties. u
Others, when they have been at holy exercises, c
and in good company have felt joy^ and sweet com- t
fort therein; but afterward, oftentimes much dulness
hath suddenly seized upon them; which maketh them
fear they have not root in themselves, and that their
joys and comforts Were not sounds This dulness
after fresh comforts may, and often doth befal those,
in whom is truth of grace, but commonly through
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their own fault. Aiid to speak freely to you ; it
may be you' were not thankful to God for your joys
and comforts when* you bad diem; but rdid ascribe
too much to yourselves, of to the outward means by
which you had them. Or it may be, you did too
soon let go your hold of these spiritual comforts,
betaking yourself to worldly business, or to other
thoughts, before you had sufficiently digested these,
and before you had committed them under safe
custody, insomuch that the devil finding your com*
forts lie loose, and unguarded, stealeth them from
you : or else haply the Lord knoweth that you are
not able to bear the continuance of your joys and
eomforts, but your hearts will be over-light and
over-joyed, and exalted above measure; therefore in
his just chastisements, or in his loving wisdom,
God may suffer deadness in this sort to seize you.
VII. Doubts of sanctification on account of being
outdone by others.
There are also some, when they perceive that
some new converts to religion, who have not had half
of the time or means to be good as they have had,
yet outstrip them in knowledge, faith, mortification,
and willingness to die; wherefore they doubt of the
truth of their own graces. It is more than you can
certainly know, whether they have more saving grace
than you ; for when with a charitable eye you look
upon the outside of another's behaviour, and shall
look with a severe and searching eye into the cor-
ruptions of your own hearty you may easily, through
modesty and charity, think others better than your-
selves, and it is good for you so to do; an error m
that ease, if you do eoinmit^it, is toleiable* Maxi^
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also can otter what thejr have, it may be, better than
you, and can make a small matter seem much, and a
little to go far, when many times you, ih modesty,
may not set forth yourself, or, if you would, could
But let it be granted, that many of short stand-
ing in the school of Christianity, have got the start
of you in grace. If it was through God's grace ac-
companying their diligence, and from his just hand
upon you, following your negligence, then they are
to be commended, and you are to be humbled, and
to be provoked unto a holy emulation by them to
quicken your pace, and to double your diligence.
But take heed that it be not your pride and self-
Jove, which causeth you not to bear it, that others
should be better than yourselves.
It may be that it is not your fault, but it is from
God's abundant grace to others, above that which
you have received : for the scriptures make it evident,
that God giveth unto several men differently, ac-
cording to his good pleasure. Hence it was, that
David became wiser than his teachers and ancients,
and the Apostle Paul attained more grace than those
that were in Christ before him. God giveth unto
some five talents, when he giveth unto others but
two; he that hath most given him, gaineth in the
same space of time, twice as much as the other, yet
he that gained but two talents had his commenda-
tion, and his proportionable reward- of well-doing.
For the Lord saith unto him also, ^* Well done,
faithful servant, enter into thy Master's joy»" For
he improved his talents according to the measure of
grace received, though he gained not so much as the
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Take heed that your eye be not evil, because
God is good. May not he give, as much unto the
last as unto the first, and more if he please? We
should rather be thankful for the increase of grace
in others, than either to repine at them, or, without
ground^ to conclude against the truth of our own.
For we are much the better, if we would see it, for
others' graces; God's kingdom is enlarged and
strengthened thereby: the common good of Christ's
body, which is the church, gaineth by it. Now the
oQore excellent any member of the body is, according
to his gifts and place, the rest of the members
should therein the more rejoice.
. yill. Doubts of saoctification from a sense of
the hardness of the heart.
, Lastly, Many yet will say, that their hearts re-
main hard and stony, yea, they say, thai they grow
harder and harder ; wherefore they think that the
stony heart was never taken out of them, and that
they remain unsanctified. .
Know, that there are two sorts of hard hearts.
One total and not felt, which will not be broken,
nor brought to remorse either by God's threats,
comibandments, promises^ judgments, or mercies;
hut obstinately standeth out in a course of sin, be-
ing past feeling.
The second is, a hardness mixed with some soft-
ness, which is felt and bewailed; this is incident to
God's children; of this the church conlplaineth, say-
ing unto God, ^' Why hast thou hardened oiir hearts
against thy fear?". Now when the heart feeleth its
hardness, and complaineth of it, is grieved, and dis-
liketh it, and would that it were tender like Josiah's,
R 31
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•a that it eould taeit ml the hearibg of the word;
this is a sure proof that the heart is regenerate and
Hot altogether hard, but hath some measure of true
softness ; for it is by softness that hardnesa of heart
is felt, witness your own experience ; for before the
hammer and fire of the word were applied to your
hearts, you had no sense of it, and never complained
You must not call a heavy heart, a hard heart;
you must not call a heart wherein is a sense of in*
disposition to good, a hard heart; except only in
comparison of that softness, which is in it sometimes^
and which it shall attain to, when it shall be per-
fectly sanctified; in which respect it may be called
hard. Whosoever hath his will so wrought upon
by the word, that it is bent to Qbey God's wilj^ if
he knew how, and if he had power; this man, what-
soever hardness he feeleth, his heart is soft, not
hard. The apostle had a heart held in, and clogged
with the fiesh, and the law of his members, that it
made him to think hiroaeif wretched, because he
could not be fully delivered from it; yet we know
his heart was a sound heart.
Among those that are sanctified, there remaineth
more hardness in the heart of some than in others;
and what with the committing of gross sins, and a
cursory and slight doing of good duties, and through
neglect of means to soften it, the same men's hearts
are harder at one time than at another, of whieh
they have cause to complain, and for which th^y
hav^ cause to be humbled, and to use all means to
soften it ; but it is false and dangerous, hence to
conclude that such are not in a state of grace, because
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of fucb hardness in the heart; for as God's most
perfect diildrep on earth ^know but in part, and be*^
liove but in part; so their hearts are softened but in
XL Fears of Apostacy remaoed.
There yet remain many, vho though they cannot
reply to the answers given to take away their false
fears and doubts; but are forced to yield, that they
find they now are, or at least have been in a state
of grace ; yet, this they fear, that they are already
fallen, or shall not persevere, but shall fall away be-
fore they die.
I. What kind of Christians may apostatize.
Concerning falling away from grace, first know,
that of those that give their names to Christ in out-
ward profession, there are two sorts :
The first 8ort are such, who have received only
the common gifts of the Spirit ; as first, illumination
of the mind to know the mystery of salvation by
Christ, and truly to assent to it.
Secondly, Together with this knowledge, is
wrought in them, by the same Spirit, a lighter im-
pression upon tho afiections, which the scripture
calleth a taste of the heavenly gift, and of the good
word of God, and of the powers of the world to
eome. By these gifts of the Spirit, the souls of
these men are raised to an ability to do more than
nature and mere education can help them to; carry-
ing them farther than nature or art can do, by work-
ing in them a kind of spiritual change in their afiec-
tionsf and a kind pf reformation of their lives. But
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yet all this while they are not ingrafted into Christ t
neither are deeply rooted, as the com in gooct
ground, nor yet are thoroughly changed and re«
newed in the inward man ; they have at best only
a form of godliness, but have not the power thereof.
Now these men may, and often do fall away, not
into some particular gross sins, of which they were
sometime after in a sort washed ; but into a course
of sinning ; falling from the very form of godlinessy
and may so utteiiy lose those gifts received, that
they may in the end become very apostates; yet this
is not properly a falling fromi grace. It is only a
falling away from the common graces or gifts of the
Spirit, and from those graces which they did seem
to have, and which the church out of her charity did
judge them to have; but they fall not from true sav-
ing grace, for they never had any. For if ever
they had been indeed incorporated into Christ Jesus,
and had been sound members of his body, and in
this sense had ever " been of us," as the apostle John
speaketh, then they would never have departed from
us," but should " no doubt have continued with us."
II. Of such Christians as shall persevere.
The second sort of those that have given their
names to Christ, are such as are endued with true
justifying faith, and saving knowledge, and are re-
newed in the spirit of their mind; whereby, through
the gracious and powerful working of the sanctifying
Spirit, the word maketh a deeper impression upon
the will and the affections, causing them not only to
taste, but, which is much more, to feed and to drink
deep of the heavenly gift, and of the good word of
Ood, and of the powers of the world to comet so as
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to digest tbem unto the very changing and trans-
forming them, by the renewing of their minds, and^
unto the sanctifying of them throughout in their
whole man, both in spirit, soul, and body; so that
Christ is indeed formed in them, and they are be-*
come new creatures; being made partakers of the
divine nature. Now, concerning these, it is not
possible that any of them should fall away, either
wholly or for ever.
III. How far a Christian may decline in grace,
and the causes thereof.
Yet it must be granted, that they may decline
and fall back so far, as to grieve the good Spirit of
God, and to offend and provoke God very much
against them, and to make themselves deserving of
eternal death. They may fall so far as to interrupt
the exercise of their faith, wound their conscience,
and may lose for a time the sense of God's favour,
and may cause him, like a wise and good father, in
his just anger, to chide, correct, and threaten th'em;
80 that they may have cause to think that he will
* utterly reject them, and never receive them into his
heavenly* kingdom; until, by renewing their faith
and repentance, they return into the right way, and
do recover God's loving kindness towards them
; That you may understand and believe this the
better, consider what grace God giveth unto his
elect, and how, and from what they may fall : also
you must observe well the difference there is between
the sinning of the regenerate and unregenerate,
together with the different condition wherein they
^t§Bf|| wbUe they are in their sins.
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In the first act of convenioDy (I speak of meu of
years and discretion) God, by bis word, through bis
Holy Spirit, doth infuse a habit of holiness ; namely,
a habit of faith, and all other saving graces; thus^
every child of God receiveth that holy anointing of
the Spirit, that which the scripture calleth the ^^ seed
remaining in him."
Secondly, God, by his gracious means and ordi-
nances of the gospel, doth increase this habit and
these graces.
Now, because every man that is truly regenerate^
doth carry about with him the body of sin and cor-
ruption, and lieth open daily to the temptations of
tbe world and the devil, a truly regenerate mau may
be drawn, not only into sins of ignorance and coU'-
mon frailty, but into gross sins, whereby the light
and warmth of God's Spirit may be so chilled «id
darkened, that he may break out into presumptuous
sins. Yea, upon his negligent use or omission of
the means of spiritual life and strength, God may
justly give him over to a fearful declension in grace
and backsliding, yet the truly regenerate fall only
from some degrees of holiness, and from certain aets
of holiness, but not from the infused habit of holi^
ness, that blessed seed ever remaineth in him* His
failing is either only into particular sins, and into
much failing in particular good duties, or if it be
towards a, more general defection, yet it is never
universal from the general purpose of weU*-doing,
into a general course of evil. For the regenevate
man doth never so sin, as the unregenerato maD
^loth, although, for matter, their sins may be alike,
yea, sometimes those of the regenerate, g)r«aler«
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Tliefe it gre«i difiSrfmice id their riii% and manner
•f diuniiq(«
1. Regenerate men may sin through ignoMtice,
but they ate not wOhiigiy and wilfully ignorant) at
are the unregederate in some things or other.
8. Regenerate men may commit, not only the
common sins of infirmity, into which, by reason of
the remains of the lusts of the flesh, they fall often ^
such as rash anger, discontent, doubts, fears, dul-
ness and deadness of heart in spiritual exercises, and
]|%ward evil thoughts and motions of all sorts; but
they may also commit gross sins, such as an open
and direct breach of God's commandments, yet those
are done against their general purpose, as David
did, for he had said, he would ^^ look to his ways;"
and he had " deterinined to keep God's righteous
judgments." Yea, many times they are done against
their particular purposes, as Peter's denial of his
Master* They are not usually contrived or thought
on before, but fallen into by occasion, or are forced
thereunto, by the- violent corruption of the affections
or sensual appetites. Moreover, they do not make
a trade and custom of sin, these kinds of sins do not
pass them any long time unobserved, but are seen,
bewailed, confessed to God, and prayed against; and
are burdensome and grievous to them, making them
to think worse of themselves, and to become base in
their own eyes because of them. But it is usoally
directly otherwise with the unregenerate in all these
3. The regenerate may not only commit sins
gross for matter, but presumptuous for manner;
Qamely, they may eommit them not only against
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knowledge and consent, but with a premeditated de-
liberation and determination of will, as David did in
the murder of Uriah. But it is seldom that a child
of God doth commit presumptuous sins, his general
determination and prayer is against them. It is
wilh much strife and reluctance of will, and with
little delight and content in comparison. He never
sins presumptuously, but when he is drawn tbere^
unto, or forced thereupon, by some over-strong cor^
ruption and violent tempitation for the time, as Da-
vid was, being over-eagerly bent to hide his sin, and
to save his credit: for if he could, by any means, have
gotten Uriah home to his wife, he would never
have caused him to be slain. And although pre-
sumptuous sins cast him into a deadness and be-
numbedness of heart and spirit, in which he may lie
for a time speechless and pfayerless, as it was with
David, yet he feeleth that all is not well with him,
until he have again made his peace with God^ And
when he hath the ministry of God's powerful word,
to make him plainly see his sin, then he will humble
himself and reform it. The unrogenerate are not so.
4. A regenerate man may fall one degree farther,
namely, he may so lose his first love, that he may,
though not fall into utter apostacy, yet decline from
good very far, even to a coldness and remissness in
good duties, even in the exercises of religiou, if not
to an utter omission of them for a time. The life
and vigour of his graces may suffer sensible eclipses
and decay. Asa, though a good king, went apace
this way, as appearetb by his imprisoning the good
prophet, and in oppressing the people in his latter
days; and in trusting to the physicians^ and not
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seeking to God to be cured of his disease. And
Scdomon, the truly beloved of God in his youth,
went farther back, . giving himself to all manner of
vanities; and in his old age did so dote upon his
many wives, that he fell to idolatry, or at least be-
came accessary, by building them idol temples, and
accompanying them to idolatrous services, insomuch
that it is said, they ^^ turned away his heart after
other gods, and his heart was not perfect with the
LfOrd his God, as was the heart of David his father."
Yet, there is a wide difference between these back-
slidings and the apostacies of men unregenerate.
For these do not approve nor applaud themselves in
chose evil courses, into which they are backslidden,
•when, out of the heat of temptation, they do think
of themi neither have the regenerate full content in
them, but find vanity and vexation in them, as So-
lomon did even in the days of his vanity. They do
not in this their dedined estate, hate the good ge-
nerally which once they loved^ but look back upon
it with approbation, and their heart secretly inclineth
unto a liking of it, and of them who are, as they
once were, so that in the midst of their bad estate,
they have a mind to return, but that they are yet so
hampered, and entangled with the snares of sin, that
.they cannot get out. Lastly, they, in God's good
time, by his grace, do break forth out of this eclipse
of grace, by the light whereof they see their wretch-
edness and folly, and are ashamed of their backslid-
ing and revolting; and they again do their first works:
and, with much ado, recover their former joys and
comforts, though it may be never with that life, lus-
tre, and beauty, as in former times; and this as a
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JQ^t corredioo of tbeir tin, that they vaa/y be kept
huroble, and be made to look better to tbeir standing
all the days of tbeir life by it. It is uot so with
the hypocritical professors, who were never truly re-
generate, but quite contrary, as you may observe in
the apostacies of Saul, and of king Joash, and Simon
Magus, and others.
IV. The difference between the falls of the sin-
cere and insiireere.
These differences rise hence, because that the
common graces of the unregenerate are but as fiaifhes
of lightning, or as the fading light of meteors, which
blaze but for a while, and are like the waters of
land-floods, which, because they have no spring to
feed them, run not long, and in time may be quite
dried up. But the saving graces of the regenei-ate
receive their light, warmth, and life from the Sun
of righteousness, therefore can never be totally or
finally eclipsed. And they rise from that well and
spring of living water, which cannot be drawn dry,
or so dammed up or stopped, but that it willrun,
more or less, unto eternal life.
As the regenerate man doth not sin in such a
manner ;as the unregenerate, with all his heart, so
neither is he, when he hath sinned, in the same
state and condition which the unregenerate is in.
He is in the condition of a son, who, notwithstand-
ing his failings, abideth in the house for ever. But
not so the other; who, being no son, but a servant,
is for his misdemeanor turned out, and ^^ abidelh
not in the house for ever."
Although the regenerate, as well as the unregen*
^rate, draw upon themselves,. by theii: sins, the aim-
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pie guilt of eternal death, yet this guilt is not ac-
counted, neither doth it redound to the person of
the truly regenerate, as it doth to the others, because
Christ Jesus hath so satisfied, and doth make inter-
cession for his own, that his death is made effectual
for them, but not for the others. Their justification
jmd adoption by Christ remain unaltered, although
many benefits flowing from thence are, for a while,
justly suspended; they remain children still, though
under their Father's anger ; as Absalom remained a
son uncast off, not disinherited by David, when yet
his father would not let him come into his presence.
This spiritual leprosy of sin, into which God's chil-
dren fall, may cause them to be suspended from the
ixse and comfortable possession of the kingdom of
God, and from the enjoyment of the privileges there-
i>f, until they be cleansed of their sin by renewed
faith and repentance. Yet, as the leper, in the law,
had still right to his house and goods, although he
ivas shut out of the city for his leprosy, so the truly
regenerate never lose their right to the kingdom of
heaven by their sins. For every true member of
Christ is knit unto Christ by such everiasting bonds,
whether we respect the relative union of Christ with
his members by faith to justification, which, after it
is once made by the Spirit of adoption, admitteth of
no breach or alteration by any means; or whether
we respect the real union of the Spirit, whence flow-
eth sanctification, which, though it may suffer decay,
and admitteth of some alteration of degrees, being
Jiot so strong at one time as at another, yet can ne-*
ver qaite be broken o£^ as hath been proved: these
bands, I say, are so strong and lasUug^ \.WV ^>Itvs^
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powers of sin, Satan, and hell itself, cannot separate
the weakest true member from Christ, or from his
love, or from God's love towards him in Christ.
: This Strength of grace, that keepeth men from
falling totally or finally from Christ, doth not de-
pend on the strength or will of him that standeth,
but on the election and determination of him that
V. Why the faithful shall not finally apostatise.
And whereas it may be demanded, why a man^
who being at his highest degree of holiness, did yet
fall back more than half way, may not as well, or
rather fall quite away?
I answer, it is not in respect of the nature of in-
herent holiness in him, for Adam had holiness in
perfection, yet fell quite from it. There is nothing
in the nature of this grace and holiness, excepting
only in the root whence it springeth, but that a man
may now also fall wholly from it. But it is because
grace is now settled in man on better terms. For
the little strength we receive in regeneration, is, in
point of perseverance, stronger than the great strength
which the first Adaro received in his creation. Adam
was perfectly, but changeably holy; God's children,
in regeneration, are made imperfectly, but unchange-
ably holy. This stability of grace now consisteth
in this, in that all who, by faith and by the Holy
Spirit, are ingrafted and incorporated into Christ,
the second Adam, have the spring and root of their
grace founded in him, and not in themselves as. the
first Adam had. They are established in Christ.
Wherefore, all that are actual members of Christ
•cannot fall from grace altogether, for " as Christ
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died to sin once, and being raised from the dead
dieth no mote," so every true member of Christ,
having part with him in the first resurrection, ^' dieth
no more," but liveth for ever with Christ. For all
that are once begotten again unto a lively faith and
•hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, are kept, not
by their own power, unto salvation, but by the power
of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
Now, that a man, effectually called, can never fall
wholly or for ever from a state of grace, I, in a few
words, reason thus: If God's counsel, on which
man's salvation is founded, be sure and unchange-
able; and if his calling be without repentance. If
God's love be unchangeable and altereth not, but
whom God once loveth actually, him ^^ he loveth to
the end." If Christ's office of prophet, priest, and
king, in his teaching, satisfying, and making inter-
xession for, and in his governing his people, be, after
the order of Melchizedek, unchangeable and ever-
lasting, he ever living to make intercession for them;
and if his undertaking, in all these respects, with
liis Father, not to lose any whom he giveth himi
cannot be frustrated. If the seal and earnest of
the Spirit be a constant seal, which cannot be razed,
but sealeth all in whom it dwelleth '^ unto the day
of redemption." If the word of truth, wherewith
the regenerate are begotten, be an immortal seed,
which, when once it hath taken root, doth live for
ever. If God be constant and faithful in his pro-
mise, and omnipotent in his power, to make good
this his word and promise, saying, ^^ IwUl make an
everlasting covenant with theoi, that I will not turn
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away from my people and children to do them good,
but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they aball
not depart from me." Then, from all, and from
each of these propositions, I conclude, that a man
once indeed a member of Christ, and indeed in a
state of grace, shall never totally or finally fall away.
The patrons of the doctrine of falling from grace,
when they cannot answer the invincible arguments
which are brought to prove the certainty of a roan's
standing in a state of salvation; they make a loud
cry in pertain popular objections, such as are very apt
to take with simple and unstable people. *
They first come with suppositions, and ask this
and like questions : If David and Peter had died in
the act of their gross sins, whether should they have
been saved or not?
. I answer, we have an English proverb, " What if
the sky fall?" Propositions are but weakly grounded
on mere suppositions. Should they ask, What if
they had died in the act of their sin? Well, say
they had died in the act of their sin, they could not
die in their impenitence; they in an instant might
return to God, and rely on Christ; or at least, if
sudden death had surprised them, their general re-
pentance and faith in Christ which they had before
their fall, would have been sufficient for them. For
their justification and adoption were not impaired,
though their sanctification was diminished. But we
must believe God's promise, and the issue will be thia,
though we cannot always tell how, that God will so
guide his children with his counsel, that afterwards
he will recieve them to glory.
Sec^Hidly, They object violently, that thia doctrine
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of not falling wholly from God, and of certainty of
salvation, after a man is once in a state of grace, is a
doctrine of licentiousness and carnal liberty, causing
men to be negligent in the use of means of grace, and
careless in their Christian course: for when they once
know they shadi not be damned, they will live as they
list; say they.
1. I appeal to ancient and daily experience, both -
in ministers and people. For those who have been
most assured of God's favour, and of their salvation,
have been and are more frequent in preaching, more
diligent in hearing, and in the use of all good means
-of salvation, than those of the other opinion, and have
been most holy and more strict in their lives. But
the doctrine of these, that teach falling totally and
£nally from grace, they being the patrons of free-will,
on which all the fabric of their building hangeth, is
rather a doctrine opening a door to licentiousness.
For thinking that they may repent if they will, they
judge themselves not so unwise but that they will^
and shall repent before they die, therefore they take
liberty to live as they list in the mean time.
2. The scriptures, the nature of saving faith, and
all sound judgment, do re'ason quite contrary; for
the certainty of the end doth not hinder, but exdte'
and encourage men in the use of all good means
whicli conduce unto that end. Christ knew certainly
that he should attain his end of mediatorship, namely,
the salvation of men's souls; but this was no cause,
why he might be negligent in the means. Was
there ever any more earnest in prayer, or more longing
to imisbbis work, than our blessed Saviour, althou^
he wjM infallibly certaiti that he sViouV^ ^a^se axi^ ^^
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rify man, and that God would glorify him. When
Daniel knew certainly the time of deliverance out of
captivity, he was not hereby carnally secure, and care-
less in the use of all good means to hasten it; but
betook himself to fasting and prayers, that God's
people might be delivered. Because God assured
David that he would build him a house, ** therefore,"
saith he, *' thy servant hath found in his heart to
pray," namely, that thou wouldest establish it. What
child is there, that hath an ingenuous disposition, or
any real goodness in him, will slight, and neglect to
please his father, because he hath assured him of a
large inheritance, or because his inheritance is en-
tailed upon him?
None but those who are indeed destitute of grace
will ever wrest and pervert the doctrines of grace,
making them to be to them licenses, and occasions
of wantonness and sin ; so as to say, If where sin
abounded, grace abounded much more; then, let us
sin that grace may abound; and if we ^^ are not under
the law but under grace," then let us sin, ^^ because
we are not under the law, but under grace."
But as any man hath truth of grape, the more he
knoweth it, the more he reasoneth otherwise. Ezra
having not only a hope, but the possession of that
which God had promised; he doth not say, now we
may live as we list, but saith, should we again break
thy commandments. An honest heart maketh the
same inferences from spiritual deliverances. The
scripture, from abundance of God's grace, and from
the certainty of it, doth reason for grace and for
.obedience. ^^ How shall we, that are dead to sin,
Jive yet therein." And in another place the apostle
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John saith, << We know that we are the children of
God," &c. but what is the inference? Is it, we may
now sin, and live as we list, because we know that
when Christ shall appear, we shall be like him ? No,
the holy apostle iiiferreth this, <^ He that hath this
hope in him, puri6eth himself, even as he is pure."
XII. Sundry Doubts remaoed: in particular^ about
falling from Grace.
Notwithstanding all that hath been said, concern-
ing the certainty of perseverance in grace, after the
Christian has been truly converted to God; yet many
will doubt they shall fall away.
I. Because they fear that all their religion hath
been but in hypocrisy, and in form only, but not in
power; now such may fall away, as hath been said.
If it were true, that all which you have done were
in hypocrisy, then until you repent of your hypocrisy,
and be upright, you may justly fear as much; yet
you must not desperately conclude, that you shall
fall away from your profession; but should rather be
quickened and stirred up by this fear to abandon
hypocrisy and to serve the Lord in sincerity; and
hereby " make your calling and election sure," that
you may not fall; and then you have God's word for
it, that you shall never finally perish.
Many think that they are hypocrites, who ai^e yet
sincere; wherefore try whether you be a hypocrite
or upright, by the signs of uprightness before stated j
Chap. XI. Sect. I.
Only, for the present, note this: when was it
known, that a hypocrite did so see his hypocrisy, as
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to btff^ it a burdeif to biili, Atsd 16 b^ w^afjr of ii^
and to conftss it^ and bewail 11, aild tb Mk fel'givetted^
iicaitiiy of Ood ; and abdiro all tbinga te labour td b^
opirigbt? If you find yc^ilf^dvdd thud dlsfioft^d
•gainst hypocrUy, and fbr iiprigbtnedil^ although I
^ould have you humbled foi* the rettiaindOf of hypo<-
crisy which you discern to be in you; yet chiefly I
would have you to be thankful to Ood, and to take
comfort in this, that you feel it, and dislike it: thank
God therefore for your uprightness, comfort your-
selves in it, and cherish aiid ^i^uHdh if ih y6bj and
fear not.
II. Fears beeause of the d^ay df j^niee aiid d>m-
fort, removed.
Others object, that they drii already fallen far
backward in religion; they do iiOt feel sd much £eal
and fervency of affection to goodiies^^ not' against
wickedness; nor do they now enjoy those comforts
and clear apprehensions of God's favour towards them,
as they did in their first conversion.
It may be that you are declined in, the ways of
godliness, and have lost your first love, from whence
all those inconveniences have arisen; but may it not
befal any child of God to have lost his first love, as
^ell as a whole church, the church of Ephesus?
You could not from thence conclude that Ephesus
was no church, neither can you hence conclude, that
you are none of God's children, or that you shall not
bold out unto the end. But if it be so, be wiUing
to see your ^in, and to be humbled, and repent
heartily of it; following the counsel of Christ, " re*
member whence you are fallen, repent and do your
first works," (and certainly God's child shall have
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graM M r^i^iit,) th6» j6u, ^duririg to the etid^ shall
tiot be hfin cf the decotid deaths not^ithstaDdirig thdt
criB of ydtirs in losing yoar first love;
Btit it may, Itnd it often doth happen^ that a trde
child of God doth in his own feeling think he bath
leiM grace now than at first, when it is not so: the,
reasons of his mistake may be these :
Ist^ At the first a truly regenerate man doth not
see so much as afterwards he doth. At first you
bad, indeed, the light of the Sun, but as at the first
dawning of the day, whereby you saw your greater
(ghormitted, and reformed many things, yea, as you
thought, alh but now sinee the Sun being riseh
-higher towards the perfect day, shineth more clearly,
it comes to pass, that in these beams of the Sun, as
when it shineth into a house, you may see more
fliotes^ and Vety many things amiss in your heart and
'life, which were not discovered nor discerned before;
-you must not say you had less sin then, because you
•SAW it not, or more sin now, because you see more.
•For a* the eye of your mind sees every day more
c^^arly, and as your hearts grow every day more
holy; so will sin appear unto you every day more and
mote, for your constant humiliation and daily refor-
mation. For a Christian, if he go not backward,
'Seeth in bia advanced lifef;ime more clearly, what is
yet before him ta be done, and with what a higk
ik^ee of afiection he ought to serve God, and -to
what a lieight of perfecticm he ought to raise his
thooghts ia his holy aim, which, in the infancy of his
Cbristtanityy he could not see; hence his error; even
«a it ia nsoal for a novice in the University, when be
hatb rwd over a few aystema of tbearta^ &c. tocoo-
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ceit better of himself for scholarship, than when he
hath more profound knowledge in those- arts after-
wards, for then he seeth.his difficulties, which his
weak knowledge^ not being able tp pry into, passed
over with presumption of his knowing allt
2d, Good desires, and enjoyments of comforts,
are sudden, new, and strange at first, which sudden-
ness, strangeness, and newness of change, out of a
state of corruption and death, into the state of grace
and life, is more sensible, and leaveth behind a deeper
impression, than can possibly be made, after such
time that a man is accustomed to it: or that can be
added by the increase of the same grace. A man
that Cometh out of a close, dark, and stinking dun-
geon, is more sensible of the benefit of a sweet air,
of light and liberty the first week, than he is seven
years after he hath enjoyed these to the full. Let
a mean man be raised suddenly and undeservedly to
the state and glory of a king, he will be more sen-
sible of the change, and will be more ravished with
the glory of his estate for the first week or month,
than at ten years' end, when he is accustomed to the
heart and state of a king, yea more, than if at ten
years' end, double power and glory should be con-
ferred on him.
3. God, for special causes, is peculiarly tender of
his scholars, when they first enter into Christ's
school; in like manner doth he deal with his babes
in Christ, before they Qm go alone. Do not wise
schoolmasters, the better to encourage tbeir young
and fearful scholars, show more outward expressions
of affection and kindness towards them the first
week that they come to school, yea, it may be, show
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more countenance and familiarity towards them the
first week than ever after, until the time that they
send them to the University? And hath not a
young child more attendance, and fewer falls in his
or her infancy, while carried in the arms, or led in
the hands of his father or mother, than when it
goeth alone? But when it goeth alone, it receiveth
many a fall, and many a knock; yet this doth not
argne less love in the parents, or less strength in the
child now, than when it was but one or two years old;
. 4. Although God's trees, planted in his courts,
always should, and usually do in their advanced
years, bear more and better fruit, than they did or
could do in their youth; yet these, through a false
apprehension of things, may judge themselves to be
more barren in their age, than they were in their
youth. It may be, you feel not in you that vigour,
heat, and ability to perform good duties now in age,
as you did in your younger days; but may not this
arise from natural defects? as from want of memory,
quickness of thought, or of natural heat and vigour
of your spirits, all which are excellent hand-maids to
grace. You may observe this in older Christians,
who have long walked with God, that, in their age,
they have these' natural defects recompensed with
better and more lasting fruit; as with more fixedness
and soundness of judgment, more humility, more
patience and experience, wherewith their grey hairs
are crowned in the way of righteousness. Look for
these, and labour to improve yourselves in them in
your age, and they will prove more beneficial to you,
than your fresh feelings^ and your sensibly felt zeal
in your younger times.
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III. Fean of badcsliding aod apoetacy, from the
oxamples of others, removed.
There are yet others, it may be the same, when
they obserye that many who are of longer standing
than themselves, who have had much more know*
ledge, and have made a farther progress in the prae-<
tioe of godliness than they, are yet fallen fearfully
into some gross sin or sins; yea, some of them are
departed from the faith, and have embraced witb
Demas this present world, either in the lust of the
flesh, the lust of the eye, or pride of life. There
are some of them fallen to popery, or to some other
fidse religion; wherefore they fear that they shall
fall away also, and that their hearts will deceive them
in the end.
That the falls of others should make all that
stand to take heed lest they fiill, is the express will
of God. It is a high point of wisdom for you to
observe and do it. Likewise to fear so much as to
quicken you to watchfulness and prayer, is a holy
and commendable fear; but to fear your total or final
falling away, only because some that have made pro-
fession of the same religion are fallen, is without
ground. For it may be, those whom you see to be
fallen away, never had any other than a form of god-
liness, and never had more than the common graces
and gifts of the Spirit. For if they be quite fallen
from the faith, it is because they were never soundly
of the faith. Moreover, grant some of them who
are fallen, had saving grace; may they not, with
David and Solomon recover their falls? This you
should hope and pray for, rather than' by occasion
of their falls, to trouble yourself with false and fruit-
less fear.
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IVt Fears of apo^Ucy m timei of persecution.
Lastly, Some yet fear, that if persecution should
eome because of the word and religion which they
pr^fese, they should never hold out, but shall fall
^0 you thus fear ? Then buckle close unto you the
complete armour with the girdle of sincerity, exercise
yourselves beforehand at your spiritual weapons: with
all watcbfillness preserve your peace with God, under
whom, at such times, you ipust shelter yourselves,
and by whose power it is that you must stand in that
evil day. But know that a child of God need not
fear persecution with such discouraging and distrust*'
fill fear, neither should you; for this will but give
advantage to your enei^ies of all sorts, and will make
your bands feeble, and your hearts faint. Raise
iip ypur spirits^ and chase away your fears thus:
Consider the goodness of your cause. Consider the
lyisdom, valour, and power of him that hath already
r^d^emed you with his blood, who hath already led
csplivity captive, who is your champion, and hath
engaged himself for you^ until he hath brought you
to glory; I mean Christ Jesus, who is Lord of Hosts,
Hnder whose banner you fight in the whole Christian
warfare.' Consider likewise the faithfulness of
God's promise, made to all his children, concerning
bis presence and help in time of persecution; com-
manding them not to take thought concerning it,
having promised to give them a ^^ mouth arid wisdom,
which all their adversaries shall not be able to resist."
Consider, last of all, the blessed experience which the
holy martyrs have had of God's love and help, ac-
cording to his promise,^^in their greatest ^^t^^cnxnXowv
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and fiery trials. Observe the wisdom and courage
of those who in their own nature were but simple
and fearful. Read the Book of Martyrs next after
the Scriptures, for this purpose; and through God's
grace, though .you were naturally as fearful as bares,
when you shall be called to it, you shall be as courage*
ous as lions.
It is not hard for you to know now, whether yto.
shall be able in time of persecution to stand fast and
not fall away. If you now, in the peace of the gos-
pel, can deny yourselves in your lusts, through love
to God, and for conscience' sake towards him, and
can rather part with them, than with the sincere ad-^
herence to Christ, then you shall be able, and you
will deny yourselves in the matter of your life, if
you be put to it in time of persecution, rather than,
deny Christ. For this first is as difficult as the
latter; and the same love to God, and conscience
of duty, which doth now uphold you, and bear you
through the one, will then rather uphold and bear
you through the other. For in times of trial and
suffering for his name, you may look for his inore
special assistance.
Wherefore I wish all who are troubled with false
fears, to rest satisfied with these answers to their
doubts: and I would have them give over calling
their election, God's love, their justification, or their
final perseverance into question: but rather fill your-
selves with hope and assurance of God's favour, (I
speak still to burdened consciences) comforting your-
selves therein ; abounding in thanksgiving to God
for what you have, rather than repining in your-
selves for what you want.
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V. Fears arising from the deceitfulness of the
heart, removed.
Yet I know there are some, as if they were made
all of doubting, will object. My heart is deceitful, I
doubt all is not, I doubt all will not be, well with
me. If your heart be deceitful, why then do you
believe it, when it casteth in these doubts ? and why
do you trust to it more than unto the evidence of
the word of God, and the judjgment of his faithful
ministers ; who, by the word, give most satisfying
resolutions to your doubts; which also administer
unto you matter of assured hope and comfort ?
VI. Doubts from present weakness and fears an-
Another will say, I do even faint in my troubles,
and in tny fears, and I am ready to give all over.
What shall I do? What would you have me to
do ? Your case is not singular, many others have
been, and are in this case; it is no otherwise with
you than it was with the Psalmist and Jonah; do
as they in that case did : 1st, Give not over, but re-
member God, call upon him, give him no rest.
2d, Trust on him, and wait until you have comfort.
That holy man of God said, •* My flesh and my
heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart,
and my portion for ever.*' Likewise Jonah ; ** I
said, I am cast out of thy sight, yet I will look again
towards thine holy temple.*' And again, ^^ when
my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord,
and my prayer came up unto thee, into thine holy
temple," that is, as if he had said unto God, I prayed
unto thee in the name of Christ, and thou didst
hear me. When you walk in the darkness of afflic-
S ,31
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tton and inward difco»tent) he, to whom God gave
the tongue of the learned, to speak a word in due
season .to htm that is wearyt giveth you counsel,
saying, ^^ Who is among yoU that feareth the Lord,
and obeyeth the voice of his servant^ that walketh in
darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the
name of the Lord, and stay. upon his God," Isaiah 1.
4, 10. Observe it, he that feareth the Lord, and
obeyeth his voice, yet may be in darkness and have
no light; what datlcnesa is this, but that spoken of^
ver. 4. namely, an afflicted weary soul, without light
or comfort ? And men, thus distressed, must trust
in the Lord» and stay upoti their God.
VII. Fears of not enjoying the promises, for not
sufficiently performing the conditions.
Yet these poor souls (who, whether they should
be sharply reproved, or pitied more, is hard to say;
I am sure they deserve both)" will yet object strongly,
* It is true, they that fear God and obey him, may
trust in the Lord, and stay upon God. And he
hath made most rich promises to them that know
him, and do fear and obey him.' * See, here is a
promise with condition,' saith one, * I must fear the
Lord, I must obey him, I know God will do his
part, if I could do mine, but these I do not; what
warrant then -have I to look for comfort, or any
thing at God's hand, for his promises belong not to
I know well, that with this doubt the devil doth
much perplex the afflicted souls of many of God's
dearest children, and by it keepeth off all the remedies
which God's word can afford, so that they fasten not
upon them to do them good. For the propositions
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of the word are easily assented to; but all the matter
lieth in the application to the wound. It is still pnt
off with, This is true which you say, but it belongetli
not to me, for I do not fulfil the condition required
on my part.
Wherefore that I may, by God's help, fully
satisfy this doubt, and quite remove this scruple of
scruples, it must be carefully observed, that God
maketh some promises with condition; and that he
maketh some absolute promises, without any condi-
tion on man's part. Would . you kiiow what pro*
mises only are made with condition to be fulfilled
on man's part, and what promises are absolute?
Know that many promises in the word concern the
end of man's faith, which is salvation itself, and the
recompense and reward of well-doing, whether cor-
poral or spiritual, whether it be temporal or eternal.
These are made with conditioii; namely, to those,
and only to those who believe in the name of God,
and that love, fear, and obey him. For it doth not
consist with the wisdom and holiness of God, to
bestow heaven and his good blessings upon any^
until they be thus qualified and made meet to receive
Know, secondly, and observe it diligently, that
there are many promises in the word which concern
God's £ree giving the -said grace of fear and obedience,
required as means to obtain the former promises of
good things, even an ability to perform the condition
in the forementioned promises; I mean not such a
power as that they may fulfil the condition if they
will, or if they will not they may choose. But
God hath made absolute promises to £ive mexv i^oyi^x
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actually to will and to do the things required iu the
conditional promises, in such a manner that he will
accept both will and deed, and in some cases the will
for the deed, so as to fulfil those bis conditional
promises of salvation, &c.
That you may understand me fully, I will instance
in some of the chief promises in this kind, made to
every member of Christ, without exception. " This
is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel," (that is, with the whole church of God,) "a
new covenant,— —and I will put my law into their
inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and I will
be their God, and they shall be my people." He
doth not say, he will be their God if they will be
his people, but saith absolutely, ^' they shall be my
people." Which that they might be, both there
and elsewhere, he hath said absolutely, without con-
dition, " they shall be all taught of God." He pro-
mises likewise, saying, " I will sprinkle clean water
upon yon, and you shall be clean; from all your filthi-
ness, and from all your idols, I will cleanse you. A
new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I
put into you, and I will take away the stony heart out
of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you
to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judg-
ments and do them," &c. And " not for your sakes
do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known to you :
be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O
house of Israel." And again he saith, " I will
make an everlasting covenant with them, that 1 will
not turn from them to do them good; but I will put
my fear iu their hearts, that they shall not depart
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from me." Note this also, in very many places,
God proroiseth his blessing to them that fear him
and keep his commandments: there he promiseth
with condition: here he absolutely promiseth those
on whom he iutendeth to bestow these blessings,
that he will put his fear in their heart, that they may
be capable of them: and, which is more, to the end
that men might repent, believe, and live godly,
which is the condition to which the promise of for-
giveness and salvation is made, God declareth that
he hath raised Christ, and exalted him to be a
Prince and Saviour, to give this faith and repentance,
that their sins may be forgiven, and their souls saved
by him. I pray consider well whether all tiiese
promises of this sort be not made absolutely on
God's part, and without any condition on man's
part? Wherefore, whereas God hath made many
excellent promises of free and great rewards; as, to
hear the prayers, and to fulfil the desire of them
that fear him, and to give life and glory to them that
believe and obey him, and that hold fast the confi-
dence, and the rejoicing of the hope to the end; you
see that here are promises of the first sort made with
a kind of condition; but that God will give his
people both to will and to do these things required
in the condition, he hath absolutely promised; as
hath been clearly proved.
If you yet reply and say, Are not these latter
promises made under condition of our well using the
outward means thereof| such as bearing of the word,
prayer, &c.
God, indeed, commanded these means to be used;
and, if we perform them aright, God will not fail to
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bless the good use of these means; but this well
using them is not in our own power, neither is it a
condition for which God is necessarily hound to give
faith, and to plant his fear in our hearts, any other*
wise than by his promise; but it is a condition by
which he hath ordained usually to give these graces
to all who in the use of them shall, wait upon him
for them. For both the giving of his word, and the
giving us minds to hear the word, and tlie opening
of the heart to attend, and the convincing and aUur*
ing of the heart to obey; depend all upon those
absolute promises, ^^ they shall be taught of Gjod,"
and the rest before*mentioned.
Wherefore^ let none of years think that without
hearing, praying, and the right using of God's, ordi*
nances, that ever they shall have faith, and the fear
of God wrought in them, or shall ever, come to
heaven. For we are commanded to pray, hear, &&
and that in faith, or else we can never look to receive
any thing of the Lord. And doing what lieth in
man's power, in the right using the means of salvation
is of great consequence, although it be not a suffir
cient cause to move God necessarily to give grace;
for I am persuaded that the best should have more
grace, if they would do what in them lay, continually
to make good use of the outward means of graces
and the worst should be guilty of less sin^ if they
would do what in them lay to profit by the good
use of the said means. And the neglect^, ori.the
abusing of the means,, is a sufficient cause wl^ Gml
should not only withhold grace, but condemn, men
for refusing it.
VI IL. Fears of salvation, for waai.efsueh grae€«
\ God hath promised, removed^ g,,,ed by (^oogle
But some vrill yet say, Let allthat hath been s^id
be granted, yet I find that God hath not fulftlled
these his absolute promises to me ; for I do D6t yet
fear Ood and obey him. How can I hope ? How
can I but fear my estate to be bad ?
Let this for the time be granted, that God hath
not planted his fear in your heart, &c. as yet; may
he not do it hereafter ? Sin^e he hath made such
excellent and absolute promises of grace; will you not
attend to the appointed means of grace^ and hope
for the blessing of God in his own time ? and will
you not wait, and be glad if they may be fulfilled at
any time? Times and seasons of God's communi-
cating his graces, are reserved to be at his own dis-
posing, not at ours. It should be your care dili-
gently to attend upon God's ordinances, and wlien
you read or hear the word or will of God, to en-
deavour to believe and obey it ; as when he saith,
** Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart. Thou shalt believe in the name of the Lord
thy God, and trust in his name. Thou shalt obey
the voice of the Lord thy God, and serve him,*' and
such like. Attend to the word carefully, and because
this word is infallibly true, and excellently good,
labour to believe and to approve it ; and say within
yourselves. These are true, these are good, this I
ought to do, this I would believe and do. Lord help
me, and I will do it : ** O that my ways were directed
to keep thy statutes.'' In such exercises of the
reasonable soul, it pieaseth God to give his grace,
both to will and to do his commandments.
But, secondly, do not say, you have not faith,
nor the fear of God, and love to him, tiYiwwSxv \.\\\^
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you have them. For what kind of duties be these,
think you ? Are they legal, which require perfect,
exact, and full degrees of faith, fear, and love? Or
are they not evangelical? Such as requireth truth
and sincerity in all these, and not full and absolute
perfection. If you have true desire to fear him,
•which is the one measure of the fear of God's people;
80 if you desire to believe, and have a will to obey,
in the inmost longing of your soul, according to the
measure and strength of grace in you ; this, accord-
ing to the tenor of the blessed gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ, is true and acceptable through Christ,
for whose sake God doth accept the will for the deed,
in all such cases wherein there is truth of will and
endeavour, but not power to do.
Furthermore, if you think that it is your well
doing which must make you. acceptable to God,
you are in a proud and dangerous error. Indeed
God will not accept of you, if you do not endeavour
to do his will; but you must propose to yourself
another end, than to be accepted for your well doing:
you must do your duty to show your obedience to
God, and to show your thankfulness, that God hath
pleased, and doth please to accept you in his Son
Christ; and that it is your desire to be accepted
through him.
But I would have you, who are pressed with the
load of your sins, to look judiciously and impartially
into yourself; it may be, you have more faith, fear
of God, and obedience, than you are aware of. Can
you grieve, and doth it trouble you that you have
so little faith, so little fear of God, and that you
show so little obedience? And is it your desire and
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endeavour to have more, and to do as well as you
can ; though you cannot do so well as you should ?
Then you have much faith, fear, and obedience.
For to grieve for little faith, fear, and obedience, is
an evident sign of much faith, fear, and obedience.
For whence is this trouble and grief, but iroro God's
saving grace? And to grieve for little, showeth
that you long for and would have much.
Let this suffice for a full answer to the principal
doubts, wherewith fearful hearts distress themselves
^continually. Never yield to your fears, wait on
God still for resolution of your doubts in his best
time, for it is not man that can, but it is God that
both can and ** will speak peace to his people," not
only outward, but inward peace.
In the mean time, though you can have no feeling
comfort in any of God's promises, yet consider God
is the Lord, and that Christ is Lord of all, and you
are his creature, owing to him all obedience, faith,
and love; wherefore, you will, as much as you can,
keep yourself from iniquity, and diligently strive to
do his will, let him do with you as he pleaseth; yea,
though he kill you, or though he give you no com-
fort till death, you will trust in him, and will obey
him, and it is your desire to rest and hope in him
as in your Redeemer; then, whether you know that
God is yours or not, I am sure he knoweth you to
be his: this is an argument of strong faith, and you
are upon sure ground: *^ The foundation of God re»
maineth sure^The Lord knoweth his:" and who
be they? Even all who, professing his name, ^^ depart
from iniquity." And whosoever in his heart would,
he, in truth, doth depart from iniquity.
S3 n \
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IX. Fears arisuig from manifold temptolicms^
Something remaineth yet to be:a»Awered. Many
say, that do what they can, they are assouUed still
so thick with teroptatious, that they cannot have an
hour's quiet.
What of that? Doth it .hinder your peace wiUi
God, that the devil, the world, and your lusts, God's
sworn enemies, are not at peace with you? So
long as yon have peace of sanctificatiou in this degree^
that tl>e faculties df soul and body do not mutiny
against God's holy will, but hold a good correspoa^-
deuce in joining together against the fleshly lustsi
which fight against the soul, you are- in good case;
I mean, when the understanding, conscience, and
aStctious, are all willing to do their part against sin,
their common enemy; not but that yon will find a
sensible warring and opposition in all these, while
you live here, even when you have most. peace in
this kind — but how? The unsanctified part of the
understanding is against the sanctified part of the
understanding; and the unsanctified wiU against thfi
sanctified will; and so in all other faculties of the
souL the fle^ih, in every part, lusteth against the
Spirit, and the Spirit^ in every pari, lusteth against
the flesh. Now, if your faculties and powers be
ruled all by one Spirit, you have a good, agreement
and peace within you, notwithstanding thattheflosb
doth so violently war against the Spiril; for this
warring of sin in your members against the Spicili
and the warring of the Spirit against sin, provetJl
dearly that you have peace with God, and tkia war
continued, time^ begf»t p9r&e(:peaoe»
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But let no man ever look to have peace of sancti-
fication perfect in this lifii, for the best are sancti^
fied but in part; wherefore let no man, professing
Christ, think that he shall be freed from temptations
and assaults arising fiom within, or coming from
without, so long as ho liveth in this world. Are
not Christians called to be soldiers? Wherefore,
we most arm ourselves, that we may stand by the
power of God's might, and ^^ quit ourselves like
men^* against the assaults of our spiritual enemies.
Is it any other than the common case of all God's
children? Was not Christ himself tempted, ^^ that
he might succour those that are tempted?" Have
you not a promise not ^^ to be tempted above that
you are able?" > It is but resisting and enduring a
while, yea, a little while. Is there any temptation
out of which God will not give a good issue? Hath
not Christ prayed that " your faith fail not?"
Let us therefore keep peace in ourselves, that
the whole man may be at agreement, and let us keep
peace one with another, fighting against the com-
mon enemy, and the *^ God of peace shall tread Sa^
tan and all enemiejs under foot shortly;" and then,
through Christ, ^^ye shall be more than conquerors,"
You shall not only hold what you have obtained^
but shall posaesa all that Christ hath won for you.
And the more battles you have fought^ and in them^
through Christy have overcome, the greater triumph
you shall havje in glory.
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XIII. The Christianas Q^ound of Hope and Con-
Jidence in God^ against all kinds of Fear.
Now, as a surplusage to all that hath been said
against groundless fears, which deprive poor souls
of heavenly comfort; if any yet cannot be satisfied,
but still fear that God is not at peace with them, 1
will propose a few questions, to which, if any soul
can answer affiimatively, he may be assured of God's
peace and love, and of his own salvation, whatsoever
his fears or feelings may for the present be.
1. How stand you affected to sin? — Are you
afraid to offend God thereby ? Is it so that you
dare not wilfully sin ? Is it your grief and burden
that you cannot abstain from sin, get the victory over
it, or deliver yourself from it so soon as you would,
when you are fallen into it ?
- 2. How stand you affected towards holiness and
goodness, and unto the power of godliness ? — Is it
your heartj desire to know God's will, that you
may do it? Do you desire to fear him, and please
him in all things ? And is it your grief and trouble
when you fail in well-doing ? And is it .any joy to
you to do well in any true measure?
3. How stand you affected to the church and re-
ligion of God ? — Are you glad when things go well
in the church, though it go ill with you in your own
particular? And are you grieved when things go
ill in the church, when it may happen to be with
you, as it was with good Nehemiah, or Ichabod's
mother, that all things go very well, 'or at least
tolerably well, as to your own personal concern ?
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4. How stand you aiFected to men ?— Is it so
that you cannot delight in wicked men, becaase of
their wickedness, but dislike them? Whereas,
otherwise their parts and conditions are such, that
you could much desire their company. Do you love
those that fear the Lord, and that delight in good-
ness, because you think they are good and are be-
loved of God?
5. Can you endure to have your soul ripped up,
and your beloved sin smitten by a searching minister,
approving that ministry, and liking that minister so
much the more ? And do you, with David, desire
that the righteous should reprove you ? And would
you have an obedient ear to a wise reprover?
6. Though you have not always that feeling sense
of your good estate, which is the certainty of evi-
dence; nay, say you have it but seldom, or it may
be, you can scarcely tell whether you have it at all,
do you yet resolve, or is it your desire, and will you,
as you are able, resolve to cleave to God, and de-
pend upon Christ, and upon God's merciful pro-,
nitses, made to you in him, seeking salvation in
Christ by faith, and by none other, nor by any
other ipeans ?
If you can answer yea to all or any one of these,
you may assure yourselves that you are in God's
favour, and in a state of grace. What though you
cannot feel in yourselves, that you have this so sure
as you would, by a full certainty of evidence, (but it
is your fault that you have it not so,) yet you have
it sure by the best certainty, namely, by a true faith
in Christ, and an upright cleaving unto God. For
when you are resolved not to sin wilfully and allow-
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ediy against God» and nol to depart froni bim« what-
ever becomes o£ you, and it is your longing desire
to please faim: when, I say» yon.stand thus resolved,
and thus aflPected, then certainly God and you. are
joined together by an inseparable bond. When
you hate what God hateth». and love what God lov*
eth,' and will wliat God willeth, are not God and
you at peace? Are you not nearly and firmly
Onited one to another ? What though this bond
be somewhat secret and unseen to yourselves, yet
it is certain : God knoweth you to. be actually his^
and will own you,^ when you seem to doubt it; and
will always hold you by your right band» whether
you feel it or not. But why should you think that
you are without evidence, when you cannot but feel
that in truth you cleav^ thus to God, and stand thus
affected to him ? hence, if you were not wanting to
yourselves, you might gain a most peaceable and
joyous assurance, that you are in God's favour, and
shall be saved. Thus much of removing the im-
Showing the meamJo atiainJhis Peace of
It yet remaineth^ that I should show the helps
and means to attain and keep this true peace of
God, which passeth. all understanding.
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I. Causes of Error in misjudging of a Persoris Stttte.
Men oftea err in judging of their own estate^
and in like manner in concluding that they have
true peace, or not. If you would judge rightly, you
must know what is necessary to the very being of a
Christian, what not ; and this is to be learned only
by the wodrdL of God. For many err herein, because
they think that, such aud such things are necessary
tor the being in a state of grace, which are not; and
such and such things are sufficient to the being of a
Christian, which, are not.
Now you shall find, that it is truth of faith and
other saving graces, not the great degree aud quan-^
tity of tbem,^ that maketh a Christian. And that"
it is not the. most forward profession and form of
godliness, without the power and truth thereof, that
will do it.
Nothing is more common than for persons to be,
in truth, otherwise, than they judge. For every
man'a own spirit,, so far as it is sinful, is apt to give
a false: testimony of itself^ David said, he was ^* cut
off from God," when he was not. The Laodiceans
thought themselves in a good state, when Christ
said they were wretched and. miserable. Now, that
yau may not err in. this great pomt, yon must use
all good means to have your judgment rightly in-
fiHcmed^. and tlien be willing to judge of yourself as
you are, and of your peaca.with. God. as it is.
I tokL you thati.the holy scripture most be your
gnidtti^ ia.jis^ing.'wliat yau should be, and what ycni
ati4ljn««»'ihA8ttiptiii»iri|^ly uudet^XAoAur ^^^ws
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to attain a right understanding of the scripture, and
ability to judge yourself by it, whether you be in a
state of grace, from the knowledge whereof coroeth
peace, look back to Chap. VUL Sect. III. adding
unto them these following directions.
II. Rules for a right Judgment of ourselves.
1. Observe a diifcrence and distinction in true
Christians, both in their different manner of calling,
and estate after calling. Some are called in infancy,
as Samuel and John the Baptist; some are in middle
and old age, as Abraham and Zaccheus. Some
called without sensible terrors of conscience, as
those before-mentioned. Some with violent heart-
'ache and anguish, as St. Paul and the jailor. In
some these terrors abide longer, in some a shorter
time. And after conversion, all are not of like
growth and strength. Some are babes, weak in
judgment and affections ; some strong men, strong
in grace generally, but strong also in corruption, in
some particular. Some old men, so well grounded
in knowledge, and confirmed in grace, that no lust
getteth head to prevail in them : also, one and the
same man may be sometimes in spiritual health and
strong; sometimes under a temptation, weak and
feeble; sometimes can pray, and enjoy comfort; some-
times not. Now, none must conclude he is no
Christian, because he is not in every thing like
others, nor at all times like himself.
2. Trust not your own judgment or sense, in
your own case. Whosoever would understand, and be
wise according to the scripture, must deny himself,
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and not lean to his own sense or wisdom, but must
be ^^ a fool that be may be wise ;'' you must bring
your judgment to be ordered and framed by the
scriptures. You must not presume to put a sense
of your own into the scripture, but always take the
sense and meaning out of it. It is presumption of
a man's own opinion, and obstinacy in his own con-
ceits, which spoileth all in this case. And whence
is this, but from his folly and pride ? Oh, if you,
who are troubled in conscience, could be every way
nothing in yourselves; if you could be huihbled, and
not nourish this in you, you should soon know your
state and comfort.
I know many of you will wonder that I should
charge you with pride, you judging yourselves to be
so base and vile as you do. Well, for all that, I
will now prove to your faces, that it is humility you
want, and that if you were not proud, you would
judge of things otherwise than you do.
For you cannot believe in Christ, you say, be-
cause you cannot obey him, and be dutiful to him ;
if you could obey, then you could believe that he
were yours, and you his; whereas, you must first
believe in Christ, and take him for your Saviour and
Lord, and believe be is yours, before you can obey
him. Can a woman, or should a .woman, obey a
man, and carry herself towards him as to her hus-
band, before she believes that he is her husband ?
If you could obey as you should, O, then you think
Christ would love you. It were well if you could
love Christ, and obey him, as it is your duty. But
to think he will not save you,' because you have no
goodness or worth in you to cause him to love you.
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b not this beeause ymr would be tometMB^ in your-*
setf, for which Christ should bestow his love upon
you. Christ marrieth youj not because' you were
good, but that he might make you good^ and that
you might know him.
But you do not see his work of graeo in you, that
he hath made you good, therefore you doubt.
I answer, Though it may be in you, yet Christ
bideth it from you, because you would not renounce
your own righteousness, and beHeve hia mercy, power,
and faithfulness. Bring your heart to this, and you
have reason for it, for the Father giveth him, and he
giveth himself to you in the word and saoraments;
then you will love him, and obey hrra abundantly.
Is not she a proud and foolish woman, who may have
a king's son, upon condition that she strip herself of
all her own ^oods, and let him endow her at his plea-
sure, yet wiil be whining and discontented with her-
self, because she hath nothing of her own to bring to
him, for which he should love her? '
But you will still say, Christ hath not endowed you
with so^much grace, as to be able to do as you would.
Content yourselves; if you could but see that he
hath married you to himself, you then would use the
means which he hath appointed, whereby he giveth his
graces; you would be thankful for what you have, you
would pray and wait his pleasure for more^ relying on
his wisdom for how much, and wlien. If you do not
thus, then you show your pride in preferring your
own wisdom before his.
Let it be supposed that you are not proud, nor
standing upon terms of having any goodness in you^
£or which Christ should love you; but you would with
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alliyicnir.heajrts be all that you are in him/and wouU
be beholden to him for taking you, poor and base, as
yott are, la there, no other pride, think: you, but
wfaefi you judge well of youradvea, or would be
tboo^t well of your goodness? Yea,, there, is
another kind of pride, still as dangerous in this case
of causeless doubting; and that is, to be. well conceited
of, and wedded luito your own knowledge,, and to.
your own opinion in judging yourselves;. For in--
stance, the holy Scriptures give you to understand
(I speak still to such only as with all their souls would
please God, yet can feel no comfort) that your state,
in point of salvation, is good. And God's ex-
poieaQced children^ yea, his faitb£ul ministers, who
dare not lie for God, much less to ease you, assure
you according to the scriptures, that your state is not
as .yoga say it is; but you think otherwise, and, having
no sensible comfort, in your own judgment it is other-^
wise than either the scripture or the ministers speak.
Now when you will prefer your own opinion and seuscf^
such as it is, before the judgment of God's word of
truth, andi before the judgment of God's ministers^
judging according to this, word, are you not highly
conceited of your own opinbn? And. are you not
stxongly proud? Though, it may be, you thought
Wherefore, if you understand things aright^, you
mi]^t have.ameaa conceit of your own understanding,
of your own opinion, and of your own senae. For as
you must deny your goodness, and be poor in. respect
of conceit of any goodness in you, if you. would ever
expect to.have any goodness from. Christ; so you
nuiat dsiy .;your fiiwn opinion^ kncmVe4gti^wa&^s voj^
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wisdom, if you would know spiritual things aright,
and become wise through Christ.
And that it may appear that you are not too well
conceited of your own opinion concerning your spiri-
tual condition, make use in this case of experienced
Christians, but especially of judicious and godly
ministers. Let not fear eithef of troubling them,
nor yet of shaming yourself, hinder you. But do it
according to these directions.
III. Directions for troubled Consciences^ in their
application to Ministers^ or others,
1. Acquaint such a one with your case betimes;
keep it not to yourself too long. For then, like a bone
long out of joint, and a festered wound, it will not be
so well, nor so easily cured; beside the vexation in the
mean time.
2. Deal plainly, truly, and fully, in showing the
cause of your trouble; not doing as many, telling one
part of your grief, and not another, which hath been
the cause that they have gone away without comfort.
Either tell all or none in this case. If you think him
not faithful, reveal nothing thereof to him : if you
judge him a fit man, then show, as you would do your
bodily maladies and diseases to a surgeon, or physician,
if you would have them cured.
3. Believe them rather than yourselves in this
case; hearken to them, and make use of their judg-
ment and experience, and be not presumptuous of
your own understanding and feeling. In times of
your fears and doubts, be not rash and sudden in
judging yourselves. The devil is a juggler, and
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your eyes are dazzled, and of all men, you are the
most unfit and incompetent to judge of yourselves
in this case, for when groundless suspicion, and
causeless fears have, like a headstrong colt, caught
the bit in his teeth, they will, like to other passions,
carry you headlong whither they list, contrary to all
right reason and understanding. In such suspicion
and fear of your estate, you are like a woman in the
fit of her jealousy,^ she will pick matter out of every
thing her husband doth to increase her suspicion of
him; if he be somewhat strange and austere, then
she saith he loveth her not, but others better. If
he be kind to her, then she thinketh that this is but
to dazzle and blind her eyes, that he may without
suspicion give himself to others. Deal now ingenti*
ously, and answer whether it is not, or whether it
hath not been so with you? I pray observe your
absurd and contrary reasonings. When you prosper,
thence you infer, Sure God doth not love me, for
whom he loveth, he correcteth. When God corrects
you, and lays upon you grievous afflictions, thence
you conclude. Sure God is wroth with me, and doih
not love me. If you be troubled in conscience. Oh,
then God writes bitter things against you, you can
have no peace. And when he giveth you quiet of
mind. Oh, then you fear all ariseth from presump-
tion, your case is naught, and it was better with you
when you had trouble of mind. Is it not thus?
Are you not ashamed that you have been thus sense-
less, and absurd in your own reasonings; and yet,
this understanding, reason, and sense of yours must
be hearkened unto, before the truth of God's word,
and before the judgment of all men, though never
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so judicious. Will any bbdy ihat is ^vise trust snch
a judgment? If an excellent phyaician £br othe»^ is
seldom found to be the best physician for himself in
a dangerous sickness, but will make use of one, it
may be, inferior in judgment in physic to himself;
(or his own direction is not so well to be trusted in
his own case; then methinks, it should be your wis*
dom to make use of the judgment ofotbers, andnot
ibllow your own sen^e.
But you will say, Shall I think otherwise of myself
than I feel?
I answer; Ay, in some cases, or eke you will be
counted a wilful fool, as in the case of an ague, you
taste your drink to be of an odd savour; before you
had your ague, you knew it was well relished, and
those who bring it, tell you it is the same; standers*
by taste it for you, and say it is the same, and that
it is excellently well relished; I hope you are wiser
in such a case as this, than to conclude according
to your feeling and taste; every one seeth that the
fault was in your palate, not in the drink. Even so
is it with you, when the understatfding is distempered
with a shaking fit of groundless and faithless fear:
wherefore, in this state, deny your own sense, and
trust not your own judgment; but hearken unto the
judgment of other men. And the rather, because
God doth therefore comfort men, and give tbem ex*
perience of his consolations, that they may comfort
others in like case. Also, he hath given cbmmand-
mefit to his more understanding and confirmed
children, that they should comfort you; giving them
to understand how it is with you in the matter of
your soul, better than you can know of yourselves. >
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Nay, G<^ hath given taimtinimsters ^' the- tongue of
the learned, to speak a^ord iadue season to the soul
that is weary." Should not the judgments of these
he regarded? But, whtdi is most of all, God hath
not only given to . tniAisters skill, to discern your
state better than yourselves, but it is the duty of
tbeir office to declare to you, being penitent, the re-
mission of your sins; and to assure you, that, if it be
with you, according as you thus relate your state to
be, you are in God's favour, and in. a state of grace.
I mean not that you should rest your faith upon
any man's judgment; but when judicious men, being
in better case to judge of you, than you are to judge
of yourselves, shall by the word of God, and by au-
thority from him, give you hope and comfort; you
ought to comfort yourselves by these means.
Thus much I have said, that your judgment raigh^
be fitted to understand aright in what state you
stand. Which, if you will observe, it will bean ex-
cellent means towards the obtaining of peace.
Now I will show by what means, you may have
just cause and matter for your judgment to work
upon, whence it may give you peace and comfort.
IV. Means to get and preserve true peace.
" If you would have peace and comfort in your souls,
then first and chiefly yoii must get and cherish the
Spirit of God in you, that it may speak peace to you,
<atid may give you matter Ibrymir spirit to work upon;
whereby you may conclude, you are in God's favour.
.Fer» though I grant, that you can have no sure evi-
4l^oe^ of your :adopt^i {«ay wbatevefr can be j^id)
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until your spirits can witness that you are God's
chil(]ren; yet your spirits are not to be trusted in their
witnessing, but only so far as the Spirit of God doth
witness to your spirits that it is so; that yon are
indeed his children. Whatsoeyer comfortable appre-
hension a man may have in himself of his good estate
in grace, he can have no true joy and comfort, but
by the Holy Ghost, whose proper work it is to com-
fort, and who is therefore called the Comforter.
For by him only a man can know, and by him a
man may know, ** the things which are given him
of God."
But it will be said, The Spirit bloweth where it
listeth, how is it possible for any man by any means
to get it?
In respect of man's own ability, it is as impos-
sible for him to obtain the Divine Spirit to dwell
and work in his heart, as it was for those impotent
folk, who lay waiting at the pool of Bethcsda for the
angel's coming to move the waters, to cause the said
moving of the waters; yet they waited, the waters
were moved, and they that continued patiently waiting
at the pool were benefited. Thus, if men will wait in
the use of the means wherein and whereby God
doth give and continue his Holy Spirit to men, they
may hope to enjoy this unspeakable blessing.
The first means to get the Spirit, is humility; to
be sensible of the loss of that which once you had
in Adam, you must mourn, and hunger and thirst
after the Spirit. If you will do thus, you may hope
to receive the Spirit. For God saith, that he " will
pour water upon him that is thirsty," &c. " I will
pour my Spirit upon thy seed," saith he to the
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: 2.'That your heart may be stirred up to long for
the Spiiit, you must know that there is a Holy Ghost,
mni not only so, but you must know him to be God,
and you must believe him to be the Comforter; and
give him this honour and glory, as to believe in him,
and conceive of him as the proper author of :saneti-
fication and comfort; this is the way to have the
JSpirit, and to be sure of it that you have it. Our
-Saviofir saith, that the not knowing or believing
4i«reof, is the cause why the world receive not the
3. Be constant and diligent in waiting for the
having, and for the increase of the gifts of the Spirit,
ini the holy exercises of religion, as, reading and
nieditating of the word of God, especially of the
blessed truths and promises of the Gospel, &c. You
must wait for it in the motions and stirring of God's
word in you by God's means; then, as Cornelius
and his company received it at Peter's sermon, and
aa the Galatians, at the hearing of faith, so may
you. For the gospel is called the ministry of the
4. Pray for the Spirit; and though you cannot
pray well without the Spirit, yet since it is God's
will that you should pray for it, set about prayer for
it as well as you can, then God will enable you to
pray for the Spirit and you shall have it. For Christ
saith, " If ye that are evil know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more shall your
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that
ask him?" As these are means to get the Spirit,
so they are means to continue, nourish, and increase
the graces oi the Spirit.
T ^v
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5. If you would keep and nourish this Spirity.'you
roust take part with it, in its conflicts with th^ flesh
and sin: you must not resist, but: willingly receive
the comforts and motions of the Spirit, and must do
your best to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit, yoii
must take heed that you neither grieve nor quench
the Spirit; it is grieved,, when it is resisted^ crossed^
or opposed in any way* It. is. quenched as fire is,
First, by throwing on water. All. sinful. actions^ as
they be greater. or smaller, are as watef,.they do ao-
cordingly more or less quench and abate the Spirit'^
operations. Secondly, fire may he quenched and
put out by the withdrawing of wood and. fuel. All
neglect, or negligent using of the. word, sacraments^
prayer, meditation,, and holy, oenferenee, and^oonn-
miinioa of saints, do much ofiend. and quench the
Spirit : whereas the daily and diligent use- of all
these, through his concurring, grace, doth, mudi
increase and strengthen the life of God in the soul;
whence must needs follow much. peace and comfort.
Now, when you have gotten this Holy Spirit, and
have any proofs of the Holy Spirit's being in you^
then you ought to rest satisfied in the l^irit's witness
to your spirit, your spirit should doubt no more^
For even in this that God hath given you his Spirit j
the very being of it in you. is a real proof, and the
greatest confirmation that can be of your being in a
state of grace. For when you have this Spirit, you
are anointed ; what greater confirmation would you
have of being made ** kings and priests to God?"
You are also by this Spirit " sealed to the day of
redemption." What greater confirmation can there
be of God's covenant, and of his will and testament
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towards you? It is likewise the ^^ eariieat of your
inkeritanee," which giveth present being, and the
beginning to the enjoyment of the blessings, and is
the sure evidence of. the full possession in due time;
you are^o surely God's, when he hath given you
bis Spirit, that unless you can think he will lose his
Spirit, the earnest of which he gave you, you can
^ye no cause to think that he will lose, or not fulfil
the promise of salvation made unto you, whereof his
Spirit is the earnest, and part of the covenant.
This Spirit doth witness to a man, that he is the
phild of God, two ways :
1. >By immediate witness and suggestion. 2. By
i^cessary inferences, by signs from the infallible
fruits of the said Spirit. By which latter witness,
you may know the former to be a true testimony
i^om God's J^irit, the Spirit of adoption, and not
from a spirit of error and presumption. For tl\is
Spirit of adoption is a spirit of grace and supplication,
it is a spirit of holy, fear; and it is a spirit of holy joy.
Where it doth testify that you ate God's children,
there it Will give you new hearts, causing you to
desire and endeavour to live like God's children, in
reverend fear and love; leading you in the right way,
ciheeking you and calling you back from the way of
oin; stirring you up to prayer, with sigha, desires,
and inward groans; at least making you to confess
your sinS) and to ask and hope for pardon in the
oamevof Christ. :And will still be quickening and
atreogthening you. in4he ways jof godliness, and giving
y;au no xest if you walk not therein. Thus much of
the first, and principal means of^^etting true 'peace
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2. If yon would ba?ethe iBV«IaabIe jewel of peaee^
then abstain as much as possible from all gross and
presumptuous sins ; and from the aUowanee of any
sin : for sin will produce fear, even as the shadow fol-
lows the body. And the more sin, the more guilt;
and the less sin, the less guilty now, the less guilt
lieth upon the conscience, the more peaeor
3. When you fall into sin (for who liveth and
sinneth not) then with all speed afl&ct yooF heart
with godly sorrow for it, cause it to be a burden, aqd
a load and wearkiees to the conscience; but withal,
comfort your heart with hope of mercy, forgiveness,
and grace through Christ. Then with ail hunflble
submission you must seek unto God, the God of
peace, but come to him by Christ Jesus, the Prince
of peace, upon whom lay the qhastisemem of your
peace. Ask repentance, grace, and new obedience.
Believe in Christ. If you do all this, then your
come unto Christ, and unto God by Christ, according
to his commandment, and you have bis sure^promise,^
that " you shall have rest to your souls." This do^
for in Christ only can you have peace. This true
application of Christ's blood and satisfaction, will so*
sprinkle the conscience from the guilt of ^n, that
there shall remain ^^ no more conscience for sin,"^^
that is, no more guilt which shall draw upon you"
any punishment for sin: whence must needs follow
^' peace of conscience;'' because the conscience hath
nothing to accuse you oty guiltiness being washed
away by Christ's blood. As soon as David, after his
foul sins, could come thus to God, bis heart bad ease.
But when you have thus gotten a good and clear ^
conscience, taJsie heed of defiling it again, or giving
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it any manner of uxveasiness; be as tender in keqMi^
your conscience unspottvd and unwounded, as yoti
are of the apple of 'your eye. Sin not against
knowledge and conscience, aiid in any cade smother
not the good checks and motions of your conscience .^
For if being washed, you do again defile it,^ this will
cause new trouble of heart, and you must again apply,
yourselves to this last prescribed remedy.
4>. Christ having taken upon him the burden of
your sins, which was intolerable, you must take upon
you, and submit ta the yoke of Christ's service,
which is light and easy» You must endeavour to do^
whatsoever he hath commanded in his word and gospel,
following his steps in all bis imitable actkms; in all
humility and meekness, in all spiritual and heavenly
mindedness. When you ean thus subject yourselves
to Christ in holiness^ you shall have peace. For
the Holy Ghost saith, ^^ The work of righteousness
is peace;" and again, he saith, *^ To be spiritually
minded is'peace>" that is, bringeth with it peace.
I comprehend Christ's yoke of the gospel in these
three things, faith, hope, and love. As these three
are in you, and abound, in the same degrees shall
peace be in you, and shall abound.
^^ Having faith in Christ," saith the apostle, ^^ we
have peace with God." ^ It is God that justifietb^"'
who shall lay any thing to your charge? For justi-^
fying faith is the ground and spring, from which-
only sound and true comfort doth flow.
Hope will make you wait, and expeet^ with
p«tiepce, the accomplishment of God's sure piomises,
wlioreby. it will hold you as steady, at^d as sure from
vm^k ^t soul, as any anchor can hold a ship; God-
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doth therefore giv&hope, thatitmay be-^as an an^or,
** sure and tteadfint." Though while youare in the
sea of this world it doth not* Ifbep y6u so tquiet, bttt
that you may be. in some measure tOMed • tokd dis-
quieted with the waves and billows of fear and idoubt^
to try the goodnessof your Tess^, and strength -of
your anchor,. &c. yet you shall be siAYe not to make
shipwreck of faith and a good cokiseience^if you shall,
lay hold upon this hope set before you.
And as for lore, ihey that love the Lord shall
have peace: you must therefore' love God; l6ve his.
ordinances and his people; love God with all jour
heart; love your neighbours as yourselves; love
God's commandments. JPor ^^ great peace ihall
they have," saith the Psalmist, ^^ that love God*s
law, and nothing shall offend them." 'Whoever
shall thus take up Christ's yoke, and *follow hitn,
shall find rest to their souls; and peace shall be
upon them, as upon the. Israel of God.
5. If you would have peace, use all good means
whereby you may be often put in remembrance of
the exhortations and consolations of God. They in
the Hebrews were therefore disquieted, and ready
to faint in their minds, because theyforgot the ex-
hortation, which said, ^^ My Son, despise not the
chastening of the Lord," &c. and because they for-
got the. consolation, which saith, ^^ Whom the Lord
loveth, he chasteneth."
The principalmeans of being put in mind of God's
consolations, are .these. following:
1. You must be much conversant in thescrip-
tutes, by. reading, hearing, and meditating thereon.
Eor they wereuill written to that^end, that through
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patiencie and coxaCoit of the script iires^, you might
hftye hope.
The scripturesi of God,, they are .the very wdls
and breasts of consc^io^ aod salvation.. The law
discovers siii,.aQdby its threats against you, and by
relating judgments executed upon others, doth drive
you to Christ* The promises of the gospel made
to you, and the aecomplishment thereof to others,
do settle and confirm you in. Christ, whereby your
heart is filled with joy and consolation. The gospel
is called the gospel of peace,. ana the ministers of the
gospel are said to bring glad, tidings of this peace.
Jt is the: bright shining light in the gospel, which
will " guide your feet in the way of peace.*'
2.. Be much in good/ company, especially in
theirs who are full of joy and peace in believing,
whose e^Mimple and counsel will mind you of joy and
comfort, and will be of excellent use unto you, to
establish you in peace.
Lastly, . Acquaint yourself with God, concerning
the course he useth to take with his children in
bringing them, to glory; acquaint yourself with Grod
also in praying much for peace, unto him who is the
God of peace, the Father of mercies, and the God
of all consolation; then you shall have peace, and
much good shall be unto you. For it is God that
speaketh peace to his people, wherefore assuredly his
answer to him that asketh peace, will be an answer
of peace, even this peace which passeth all under-
standing. God shall give you peace, and with it
glory, even a glorious peace.
Thus, I have shown you the excellency of peace^
together wjth the impediments, , funYvetaxvc^^) ^xw^
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means of peace. Shun the impedimentiy improve
the furtherances; and, I dare assure you^ that
•although in this life you may still feel a conflict
between faith and doubting, between hope and fear,
between peace and trouble of mind; yet iu the end
you shall have perfect peace. In the mean time,
though I oannot promise you to have always that
fittice which will afford you sense of joy; yet God
•hath promised, that you shall have that which shall
keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus ; and
what would you have more?
I .thank God, I have reaped much benefit to
myself in studying, and penning these directions.
I pray God that you may reap much good in reading
them. ^^ Now, the God of hope fill you with aU joy
and peace in believing." And '* the God of peace,
that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
that great Shepherd of the sheep, throu^ the blood
of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in
every good work, to do bis will, working in yoa that
which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus
Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
rtteted by W. C<ADm ac». (k^
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