I'liiyirroy. n. j.
An. Shilt\ Sect;!
The Joliu >1. K^«>b^ l>onatinn.
/O^ la ^^
Anil sold by J. Parker, Oxford ; Deighton and Sons, Cambridge ; D. Brown,
Waugh and Innes, and U.S. Bav'nes and Co. Edinburgh; Clialmers and
Collins, and M. Ogle, Glasgow ; M. Keene, and R. IM. Tims, Dublin.
The Epistle Dedicatory 3
The Lesser Catechism • 7
Of the Scripture 10
Of God 11
Of the Holy Trinity 12
Of the works of God ; and first, of those that are internal and immanent 13
Of the works of God that outwardly are of him 15
Of God's actual providence 16
Of the law of God 17
Of the state of corrupted nature 18
Of the incarnation of Christ 1?
Of the person of Jesus Christ 20
Of the offices of Christ ; and first, of his kingly 21
Of Christ's priestly office 22
Of Christ's prophetical office 25
Of the twofold estate of Clirist 26
Of the persons to whom the benefits of Christ's offices do belong ib.
Of the church - 27
Of faith 28
Of our vocation, or God's calling us 29
Of justification ib.
Of sanctification 30
Of the privileges of believers 32
Of the sacraments of the new covenant in particular ; a holy right whereunto is
the fourth privilege of believers » 33
Of baptism ' 34
Of the Lord's supper 35
Of the communion of saints, the fifth privilege of believers 36
Of particular churches 3o
Of the last privilege of believers, being the door of entrance into glorj 37
The Epistle Dedicatory 41
To the Christian Reader ■ 49
Of the two main ends aimed at by the Arminians, by their innovations in the
received doctrine of the reformed churches 53
Of the eternity and immutability of the decrees of Almighty God, denied and
ovcrtluown by the Armiuiaus 57
Of the prescience or foreknowledge of God, and how it is questioned and over-
thrown by the Armijiians 66
Of the providence of God in governing the world diversiy, tlirust from this pre-
eminence by the Arminian idol of free-will 76
Whether the will and purpose of God may be resisted, and he be frustrate of
his intentions 92
How the whole doctrine of predestination is corrupted by the Arminians 103
Of original sin, and tlie corruption of nature 122
Of the state of Adam before the fall, or of original righteousness 139
Of the death of Christ, and of the efficacy of his merits 145
Of the cause of faith, grace, and righteousness 160
Whether salvation raaj be attained without the knowledge of, or faith in, Christ
Jesus 170
Of free-will, the nature and power thereof 177
Of the power of free-will, in preparing us for our conversion unto God 188
Of our conversion to God 1 95
The Epistle Dedicatory 207
Two Attestations touching the ensuing treatise 209
To the Reader 213
Of the end of the death of Christ in general, what it is, and how in the Scri p-
ture proposed, as in the intention of Father and Son. The several particu-
lars whereiuto that general end is branched: laid down severally from the
word. The opposition made by some hereunto, because as so proposed it is
destructive to universal redemption 227
The nature of an end and a means. Their reference and relation to one another,
set out by reason and examples. Sundry distinctions about the end of any
thin". As also concerning the means conducing to an end. An application
of those distinctions to the present business 231
Of the agent in the great work of redemption. The blessed Trinity, in it the
several persons considered working distinctly. I. The act of the Father, first, in
sending of his Son, imposing his ofike on him : 1. In his eternal counsel. 2.
In actual admission of him thereunto byse veral acts according to hispre-engaged
promise. Secondly, Furnishing him with a plenitude of gifts and graces for
liis work. Of the fulness that was in Christ ; the divers kinds of it. Thirdly,
Entering into covenant and compact with him ; that compact declared from the
word in the several branches and particulars thereof. II. Laying on him the
punishment due to sin ;. how that was done, and wherein it consisted. Dilem-
ma to uni versalists ""'*
The undertaking and actionsof the Son, the second person of the Trinity, in the
work of redemption ; his incarnation, oblation, and intercession. His oblation
and intercession intending the same persons, with an argument against univer-
sal redemption i.'-18
Tiie concurrence of the Holy Spirit, the tliird person of the Trinity, to this work,
will) iiis peculiar actions 253
The means used by these agents in this work. The oblation of Christ, wliat it
is, as also his intercession : how these two are distinguished, and wherein
united 254
Arguments to prove the oblation and intercession of Christ to rcs]iect the same
persons. Tlu-ir perpetual conjunction in the Scripture. Christ's |>ricsthood
perfected in them : they both belong to the same priestly olTice. The nature
of the intercession of Christ, and wherein it consisteth. The end aimed at
in both these, one and the same ; in.tbeir union, and no otherwise, a ground of
strong consolation 257
The reply of Thomas More to the former arguments considered. The senseless-
ness of his e.-vcepiions laid open : tlie several parts of them considered. Christ
nota double Mediator, a general and special. Ail the acts of his Mediator-
ship restrained to liis elect. 1 Tim.ii. 5. with I Tim. iv. 10. discussed. God
how the Saviour of all, and in what sense. The pretended twofold interces-
sion of Christ, as Mediator, everted. Isa. liii. 12. with Luke xxiii. 24. dis-
cussed. How Christ prayed for his crucifiers. A twofold praying in our Sa-
viour granted. John X vii. 21. 23. considered and explained. Christ a priest
in respect of the end why he sacrificed himself only for his elect 264
The end of the death of Christ, distinguished into supreme and subordinate,
what these are. Faith and salvation how procured by his death 281
The end of the death of Christ in respect of himself, his own exaltation not nieii-
toriously procured by it. The end of it in respect of his Father : not that
God might save sinners his justice being satisfied. God can forgive sin by his
absolute power without satisfaction. The end of the death of Christ in respect
of God (assigned by Arminians) totally destructive to redemption ; the whole
work made thereby fruitless. The opinion of universalists 204
Tlie immediate end of the death of Christ discovered, places of Scripture con-
sidered, holding out the intention and counsel of God in respect of the end
of the death of Christ : other places holding out the actual accomplishment
of his death : others likewise designing the persons for whom he died. The
force of the word man^ : the argument from thence vindicated from the excep-
tions of Thomas IMore. Of Rom. v. 19. \Vlio the sheep of Christ, who not.
John X. 10, 11. 1,S. 26. opened and vindicated : with the vanity of the distinc-
tions invented to wave the force of this argumeut, laid open 290
Of impetration and application, the sense wherein this distinction is used by
our adversaries; their various expressions about it. The true meaning of it.
Application the end of im|)etration : their strict connexion, and the way
whereby in the Scriptures they are held fortli. The sense of the adversaries in
it explained. Their wliole opinion discovered in sundry observations ; and
the main question rightly slated in the sense of the several parties at va-
riance 307
Again of imiietration and application ; the exposition of the Arminians enervat-
ed by sundry arguments; the whole bottom of their fabric everted 320
The first argument against universal redemption : The nature of the covenant
of grace. The main ditTerence between the old covenant and new. The se-
cond argument against universal redemption : the deatli of Christ not re-
vealed to all. The whole undertaking fruitless without revelation. This not
done, therefore not intended 325
Tlie third argument against universal redemption^: Christ purchased redemption
either absolutely or on condition ; neither way suitable to universal redemp-
tion. Christ's intention at his death, according to our adversaries. The pur-
port of God's connnands to believe. The fourth argument against universal
redemption : God's eternal purposes distinguishing all the sons of men into
two sorts. Christ died only for the elect. The fiftli argument against uni-
versal redemption : Christ no where in the word said to die for all men . . 330
The sixth argument against universal redemption: Christ in dying for men a
surety. The nature of a surety . Satisfaction attends suretiship. The inten-
tion of Christ, in being a surety. I'he necessarj- consequents of such an un-
dertiiking. Dilernma to universality. Tlie seventh argument from Christ,
his being a Mediator for them for wliom he died 337
The eighth argument against universal redemption: the blood of Christ the
cause of sanctification, and how. The sacrifice of expiation with what was
signified by it : vain attempt of Arminius to evade this argument. Rom. vi. 5,
6. considered. How the promises are confirmed in Christ. Sanctification. The in-
tendment and procurement of the death of Christ, in what kind it is the cause
thereof : tlie Spirit of holiness the efficient cause of it. The death of Christ
the meritorious ; both total in their several kinds ; simile of a prisoner. Ar-
gument the ninth against universal redemption: faith the fniit of the death
of Christ. The necessity of faith to salvation. Option and clioice vitlded
our adversaries as to this particular. In what sense failh is not a fruit of the
death of Christ. Dilemma to universalists. Absurd consequences of denying
faith subjective to be a fruit of Christ's death. Five arguments from Scripture
to prove it so to be. The tenth argument against universal redemption: who
nnd what persons were typed by the Israelites in their deliverance, and en-
trance into Canaan 3.}. I
The eleventh argument against universal redemption: universal redemption
inconsistent with those expressions whereby tliat which Christ wrought by bis
death is set out in the Scripture. Those expressions ; redemption, the nature
of it, and wherein it consisteth. Diflfereiice between civil and spiritual redemp-
tion, wherein they agree ; definition of it, and arguments from thence 3.52
The twelfth argument against universal redemption: Reconciliation, what it is,
wherein it consisteth. Sense of the word. Corruption of the Socinians. What
is required to perfect reconciliation. Rom. v. 10,11. opened. What is required
to the completing of this work. Dilemma from thence 355
The thirteenth argument against universal redemption : of the satisfaction of
Christ; the use and importance of the word, whence derived; what is re-
quired thereunto. Six things herein necessary ; the satisfaction of Christ prov-
ed from the Old Testament and New. Words in the original languages an-
swering that in ours. That Christ by satisfaction paid the same thing that
was the debt, proved against Grotius : his reasons to the contrary discuss-
ed and answered. Pardon of sin, not inconsistent with such satisfaction.
Wherein the free grace of pardon lieth. The act of God in this work of sa-
tisfaction. 1. Of creditorship by severe justice exacting the due debt. 2. Of
supreme dominion or sovereignty. Both these proved against Grotius. Ar-
guments from hence 360
Digression about the satisfaction of Christ. The occasion of it. The ground
of a great error in this business : God's eternal unchangeable love not incon-
VOL. V. b
sistentwitli satisfaction. Sundry observations lliereabouts. VViiat ihatctur-
nal love is. What alteration wrought thereby in tlie person loved. Apprc-
liension of God's eternal love, not justification. How those who arc eternally
loved do actually lie under effects of wrath. What those effects arc. John
iii. 36. considered 37 1
Farther of tlie satisfaction of Christ: Six arguments to confirm it from Scrip-
ture : how Christ bare our sins. He underwent punishment in our stead. A
commutation of persons asserted. Ransom paid into the hands of God. The
ransom is also a sacrifice. Christ a surety. Atonement made for sin and
God reconciled. Ram. v. 11. The priestly office of Christ, and the exercise
of it, overthrown by denial of his satisfaction. 'J'hat Christ underwent the
wratli of God, proved by three arguments. Satisfaction of Christ, the only
bottom for distressed souls. 2 Cor. v. 21. considered ; as also Isa. liii. 5.
Objections against this doctrine weak 378
The fourteenth argument against universal redemption : of the merit of Christ ;
the word what it means. How expressed in the Scripture. What it is.
The fruits of the merit of Christ. The consequence of merit in the rigour of
justice. 'J'he fifteenth argument against universal redemption : to die for an-
other what in the Scripture sense. The force of the prepositions i/irej and
avTi ; arguments from thence 387
The sixteenth argument against universal redemption. Gen. iii. l.">. i\Iatt. vii.
33. xi. 25. John x. 11. 15, 16. 27, 28. Rom. viii. 32—35. Eph. i. 7.
2 Cor. V. 21. John xvii. 9. Eph. v. 25. urged and explained. The close of
the arguments 391
Entrance into general answers to arguments for universal redemption : tJie
ground of the whole mistake. Fundamental principles as to this business
laid down. The first, the suflRciency and infinite virlue of the blood of Christ
proved from the word. The rise and causes of it. Whence it isa price. The
distinction of the sutiiciency and etlicacy of the death of Christ discussed.
The slight esteem universalists have of the innate efficacy of Christ's death.
The general publishing of the gospel grounded on the fulness of the value of
Christ's oblation. The bottom of calling all to believe. The second, of the
economy of the New Testament in the times of the gospel. Consequences
of its enlargement to the Gentiles. Scripture expressions thereby occasioned.
The third, man's duty and God's purpose distinguished: no connexion be-
tween them. Commands not declarative of God's intentions. The offer in
the gospel what it discovers. Some to be saved where the gospel comes. Three
things declared by the offer. The fourth, the persuasion of the Jews concern-
ing deliverance by the Messias. Tlieir esteem of all the world beside them-
selves. The apostles seasoned with the leaven. By what means it was to
be removed. The fifth, general terms taken indefinitely. The letter of the
word how a rule. Of the word world ; a scheme of the several acceptations of
that word. Those distinctions proved from Scripture, avTsvaxXaa-i; frequent
in the Scripture. Instances of it in the word world. How only an argument
may be taken from this word. Of the term all. Christ not said to die for
all men. Different usage and acceptations of the word all ; instances of its
being taken distributively; so most usually. Observations about the word
all. Predictions of the Old Testament, and accomplishments in the New set
out under the same expressions ; Scripture speaking of things and persons
according to outward appearance and estimation. Privileges peculiar to be-
lieverj, ascribed promiscuously to others, by profession only among tliera. Of
the judgment of charity; instances thereof. The infallible connexion be-
tween faith and salvation. The reason of a general proffer from hence. Whe-
ther a conditionate tender, be declarative of God's purpose and intention.
Of the mixed distributions of elect and reprobates; the tender of Christ
thereon. Men unacquainted with the particulars of that distribution. The
sundry acts of faith ; the way, order, and method of acting faith on Christ- • 397
Answers unto particular arguments. Some things premised. The first general
argument of our opposers. Its absurd incorisequency, as ordinarily held forth.
No conclusion from the word world. John iii. 16. at large considered: uni-
versalists interpretation of this place. Ours opposed unto it : both tliese se-
verally weighed. What love here mentioned. A general natural propensity
in God to the good of the creature disproved. The love which was the cause
of sending Christ, manifested ; who meant by the world in this place. Proved
that they are the elect only, not considered as such ; five reasons to confirm
this; exceptions removed. Who meant by, Whosoever believeth. The in-
tention of God laid down in these words 423
1 John ii. 1,2 considered ; the argument of our adversaries from this place.
A brief answer to it. Three things considerable about this text; this epistle
written to the Jews, proved by sundry reasons. The aim of the apostle in
this place what it is. Of the word propitiation; what in the original, and
whence derived. Of that phrase the whole world ; terms equivalent there-
unto, how to be understood ; reasons to prove that particularity of redemp-
tion from this text ; exceptions removed. John vi. 5. 1 considered. 2 Cor. v,
19. Exceptionsof Thomas More refuted. John i. 9. opened. John i. 29. ex-
plained. John iii. 18. iv. 47. 1 John iv. 14. Answer to the first argument
closed 440
The second general argument of our opposers: the places by them urged.
1 Tim. ii. 4. 6. considered. Objection from thence answered. Who meant
by all men ; of the will of God; distinctions about it; acceptations of the
word; how taken here. Of the sense of the word all; not taken collectively
in this place. Five reasons to prove it. The full answer to this objection ;
T. M.'s enforcements waved. 2 Pet. iii. 9. considered ; vindicated from
corrupt glosses ; who the all in that place, proved from the context. Heb. ii.
•>. considered ; the text opened by reasons and deductions from the context.
2 Cor. V. 14, 1,>. opened : an objection thence enforced and answered. Ar-
gument from the text against the universality of redemption. 1 Cor. xv. 22.
opened, and vindicated. Rom. v. 18. at large vindicated : Christ for whom
a public person ; divers errors discovered in the discourse of T. More, on
this place ; seven arguments about the representation of others 466
CilAP. V.
Last argument from Scripture for universal redemption: the precious blood of
Christ undervalued by universalists. Rom. xiv. 15. explained; the vanity
of the objection from this place. 1 Cor. viii. 10, 11. considered; how. be-
lievers arc said to perish. 2 Pet. ii. 1. explained. Ileb. x. 29. opened :
the mind and intention of the apostle therein : different affirmations con-
cerning professors and others: declaration upon conditions how fulfilled:
the outward profession of backsliders: initiated persons how esteemed of
old : total perishing of believers not to be allowed ; w hat it is to be sancti-
fied by the blood of the covenant. The close of answers with the arguments
of the Arminians from .Scripture 476
Answer to the argument of T. More for universal redemption. Universal re-
demption contradictious to Christian reason : his first argument. The plain
words of the Scripture, to be followed for the plain sense : rules of interpreta-
tion allowable; who meant by every man in the Scripture. Heb. ii. 9. consi-
dered. M.More'slogic. His second argument: Scripture interpretaiiveof itself:
a vain flourish of mis-allegations and useless quotations discovered ; the places
retorted; number of arguments vainly jiretended : manner of arguing recti-
fied : sophism of turning indefinite propositions into universals: answer to
the second argument. The third : Mr. More's ignorance in arguing: the ut-
ter inconsequence of this argument; the vanity and emptiness of the matter
of it. Rom. xiv. 9. 11, 12. considered: dominion of Christ over all, proves
not that he died for all. His fourth argument : the irregularity of his reason-
ing herein; the whole answered. His fifth argument answered. His sixth argu-
ment considered in general. His first proof of his main assertion ; 1 John i v.
14. John i. 4. 7. considered : so also, 1 Tim. ii. 4. The will of God to have all
saved : what of sulficient grace. His second proof answered. His third proof;
one ever asserted to maintain another : the pretended proof everted. His
fourth proof considered and answered , John xvi. 7, &c. unfolded : that tes-
timony removed. His fifth proof: the word boldly corrupted ; false glosses re-
moved. Ezek. xviii. 23. unfolded. The scope of the place miserably mis-
taken : the aim of the prophet, and intention of the words. His sixth proof:
answer thereunto : words and phrases needlessly repeated. Sense of the
word all, every man, iScc. The gospel how preached to all nations. The ran-
som of Christ how purposed to all : several words interpreting one another.
His seventh proof answered. No tolerable collection herein. The death of
Cbrist, a privilege peculiar to the elect ; the ransom not extended to all in-
dividual ; the ransom paid in the death of Christ, and other fruits united in
the Scripture: his eighth proof considered. Adam and Christ how compared,
wlierein that comparison lies : the intention of it in 1 Cor. xv. 'it. Christ and
Adam two common stocks: roots communicate only to their own branches.
Proof the ninth considered : no strengtli at all herein appeareth. The preach-
ing of the gospel to ail, substance of the gospel offers : life and salvation
jiroposed conditionally : ministers not intrusted with God's secrets. Proof
tenth considered : many vain suppositions, whether we must pray for all or
no '■ what we may pray for in respeot to all individuals; our duty not in
conformity to God's secret will. Proofs 11 — 13. considered. God with his
people preaching and praying: what may be proved about the extent of the
death of Christ, from the event ; the powerful influence of love and free
grace into conversion ; as made universal quite enervate; no such common love
in God, as by some assigned : efficacy of God's love in Christ. Proof fourteen
considered : what unbelief the cause of destruction. Christ rejected in lov-
ing darkness rather than light; of John i. 12. In what sense, light in Christ,
for all ; all men not in a restored condition by Christ ; hard hearts farther
hardening themselves ; how men not saved in Christ lose their own souls.
Arguments to disprove a pretended restoration in Christ: absurd conse-
quences of that false assertion. Proof fifteen answered : expostulations about
the abuse of temporal mercies no arguments for a general ransom ; no desires
properly in God ; expostulations merely declarative of our duty. Proof six-
teen. What it is to turn the grace of God into wantonness : men of old or-
dained to condemnation, not redeemed by Christ in time. Proofs seven-
teen, eighteen, considered and reinoved : the conclusion to Mr. More 487
Sophism removed, the remonstrants* Achilles: the first grand sophism from the
oblijjation to believe considered ; the sense of the objection : what meant
by believing: the minor proposition denied, reasons of that denial : the ob-
jection reinforced and answered again : no safe disputing from what might
have been: what faith required in the preaching of the gospel : the order of
believing : generals before particulars : the arguments rightly framed and
granted ; deductions whence. Contradiction in the way of believing from
thence, a second sophism ; answered doubts and scruples in and about believ-
ing according to universality : no occasion of scruple given, by the particu-
larity of redemption ; that proposals whereby the doctrine removes all scru-
ples : free grace enervated by the general ransom : instances in every part of
it ; the whole covenant of distinguishing grace made useless. Free grace
made useless ; free'grace exalted by the effectual redemption of the elect ; the
sundry particulars instanced. The merit of Christ enervated by the pre-
tended general ransom; exalted by the opposers of it, asalso our own conso-
lation ; which is demonstrated by making good four positions : 1. That the
extending the death of Christ to a universality in the object cannot com-
fort those whom God would have. 2. That denying the efficacy of the deatl)
of Christ towards those for whom he died cuts the nerves of their comfort.
3. Nothing in confining redemption to the elect, doth hinder comfort. 4.
The doctrine of effectual redemption is the true foundation of all comfort- • • 530
Some few testimonies of the ancients touching the question in hand 552
An Appendix upon occasion of a late book jiublished by Master .ToshuaSprigge,
containing erroneous doctrine 557
To the Reader 567
The occasion of this discourse, wilh ihe intendment of the wliule 573
An entrance into tlie whole ; of the nature of the payment made by Christ,
"iili the riglit stating of the tilings in dilference 576
The arguments of Grotins, and their defence by Mr. Baxter, about the penalty
undergone by Clirist in making satisfaction, considered 586
Farther of the matter of the satisfaction of Christ, \vlierein is proved, that it was
the same that was in the obligation 59i
The second head about justification before believing 598
Of the acts of Cod's will towards sinners, antecedent and consequent to the sa-
tisfaction of Christ; of Grotius's judgment herein ^01
In particular of the will of God towards tliem for whom Christ died, and their state
and condition as considered antecedaneous to the death of Christ, and all
efficiency thereof 607
Of the will of God in reference to tliem for whom Christ died, immediately
upon the consideration of his death ; and their state and condition before
actual believing in relation thereunto 612
A digression concerning the immediate effect of the death of Christ 615
Of the merit of Christ, and its immediate efficacy ; what it effecteth ; in what
it resteth ; with the state of those for whom Christ died, in reference to his
death, and of their right to the fruits of his death before believing 620
More particularly of the state and right of them for whom Christ died, before
believing 626
Of the way whereby they actually attain and enjoy faith and grace, who have a
right thereunto by the death of Christ 631
The removal of sundry objections to some things formerly taught; about the
death of Christ, upon the principles now delivered 636
Come, ye chiidrcii, hearken unto me ; I tvill teach you the fear of the Lord ^
Psalm xxxiv. tl.
John Downame.
My heart's desire and request unto God for you is, that
ye may be saved ; I say the truth in Christ also, I lie
not, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy
Ghost, that I have great heaviness, and continual sor-
row in my heart, for them amongst you, who as yet
walk disorderly, and not as beseemeth the gospel, little
labouring to acquaint themselves with the mystery of
godliness ; ' for many walk, of whom I have told you
often weeping, and now tell you again with sorrow,
that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose
end is destruction, whose god is their belly, who mind
earthly things.'
You know, brethren, how I have been amongst
you, and in what manner, for these few years past ;
' and how I have kept back nothing' (to the utmost of
B 2
the dispensation to me committed) ' that was profit-
able unto you ; but have shewed you, and taught you
publicly, and from house to house, testifying to all, re-
pentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord
Jesus Christ.' Now with what sincerity this hath been
by me performed ; with what issue and success by you
received, God the righteous Judge will one day de-
clare ; for before him, must both you and I appear, to
give an account of the dispensation of the glorious
gospel amongst us : in the meanwhile, the desire of
my heart is, to be servant to the least of you in the
work of the Lord. And that in any way, which I can
conceive profitable unto you, either in your persons or
your families.
Now, amongst my endeavours in this kind, after
the ordinance of public preaching the word, there is
not, I conceive, any more needful (as all will grant
that know the estate of this place, how taught of
late days, how full of grossly ignorant persons) than
catechising, which hath caused me to set aside some
hours for the compiling of these following, which also
I have procured to be printed, merely because the least
part of the parish are able to read it in writing ; my
intention in them being, principally, to hold out those
necessary truths, wherein you have been in my preach-
ing more fully instructed : as they are, the use of them
I shall briefly present unto you.
1 . The lesser Catechism may be so learned of the
younger sort, tliat they may be ready to answer to
every question thereof.
2. The greater will call to mind much of what hath
been taught you in public, especially concerning the
person and offices of Jesus Christ.
3. Out of that you may have help to instruct your
families in the lesser, being so framed for the most
part, that a chapter of the one is spent in unfolding a
question of the other.
4. The texts of Scripture quoted, are diligently to
be sought out and pondered, that you may know indeed
whether these things are so.
5. In reading the word, you may have light into
the meaning of many places, by considering what they
are produced to confirm.
6. I have been sparing in the doctrine of the sacra-
ments, because I have already been so frequent in ex-
aminations about them.
7. The handling of moral duties I have wholly
omitted, because by God's assistance I intend for you
a brief explication of the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten
Commandments, with some articles of the Creed, not
unfolded in these, by themselves, by the way of Ques-
tion and Answer.
Now in all this, as the pains hath been mine, so I
pray that the benefit may be yours, and the praise his,
to whom alone any good, that is in this or any thing
else, is to be ascribed. Now the God of heaven con-
tinue that peace, love, and amity, amongst ourselves
which hitherto hath been unshaken, in these divided
times, and grant that the sceptre and kingdom of his
Son may be gloriously advanced in your hearts, that
the things which concern your peace may not be hid-
den from your eyes in this your day : which is the
daily prayer of
Your servant in the work of the Lord,
J. O.
From my Study,
Sept. tlieli>st,[1C45.]
Q. WHENCE is all truth concerning God and ourselves to
be learned ?
A. From the Holy Scripture, the word of God.
Q.What do the Scriptures teach that God is?
A. An eternal, infinite, most holy Spirit, giving being to
all things, and doing with them whatsoever he pleaseth.
Q. Is there but one God?
A. One only, in respect of his essence and being, but
one in three distinct persons, of Father, Son, and Holy
Q. What else is held forth in the word concerning God, that
ice ought to know ?
A. His decrees, and his works.
Q. What are the decrees of God concerning us?
A. His eternal purposes, of saving some by Jesus Christ,
for the praise of his glory; and of condemning others for
their sins.
Q. What are the works of God?
A. Acts or doings of his power, whereby he createth,
sustaineth, and governeth all things.
Q. What is required from us toivards Almighty God?
A. Holy and spiritual obedience, according to his law
given unto us.
Q. Are we able to do this of ourselves?
A. No, in nowise, being by nature unto every good work
Q. How came we into this estate, being at the frst created
in the image of God, in righteousness and innocency ?
A. By the fall of our first parents, breaking the cove-
nant of God, losing his grace, and deserving his curse.
Q. By what way may we be delivered from this miserable
estate ?
A. Only by Jesus Christ.
Q. What is Jesus Christ ?
8 thp: principles of
A. God and man united in one person, to be a Mediator
between God and man.
Q. What is he unto us ?
A. A king, a priest, and a prophet.
Q. Wherein doth he exercise his kijigly power towards us ?
A. In converting us unto God by his Spirit, subduing
us unto his obedience, and ruling in us by his grace.
Q. /;/ rvhat doth the exercise of his priestly office for us
chiefly consist f
A. In oftering up himself an acceptable sacrifice on the
cross, so satisfying the justice of God for our sins, removing
his curse from our persons, and bringing us unto him.
Q Wherein doth Christ exercise his prophetical office to-
wards us ?
A. In revealing to our hearts, from the bosom of his Fa-
ther, the way, and truth, whereby we must come unto him.
Q. For whose sake doth Chiist perform all these ?
A. Only for his elect.
Q. In what condition doth Jesus Christ exercise these
A. He did in a low estate of humiliation on earth, but
now in a glorious estate of exaltation in heaven.
Q. What is the church of Christ ?
A. The universal company of God's elect, called to the
adoption of children.
Q. Ho20 come we to be members of this church?
A. By a lively faith.
Q. What is a lively faith ?
A. An assured resting of the soul upon God's promises
of mercy in Jesus Christ, for pardon of sins here, and glory
Q. IIoio come we to har:e this faith ?
A. By the effectual working of the Spirit of God in our
hearts, freely calling us from the state of nature, to the
state of grace.
Q. Are we accounted nghteousfor our faith ?
A. No, but only for the righteousness of Christ, freely
imputed unto us, and laid hold of by faith.
Q. 1. Is there no more required of us, hut faith only?
A. Yes, repentance also and holiness.
Q. 2. What is repentance?
A. A forsaking of all sin, with godly sorrow for what we
have committed.
Q. 3. What is that holiness which is required of us ?
A. Universal obedience to the will of God revealed
unto us.
Q. What are the privileges of believers.
A. First, union with Christ; secondly, adoption of
children ; thirdly, communion of saints ; fourthly, rioht to
the seals of the new covenant ; fifthly, christian liberty ;
sixthly, resurrection of the body to life eternal.
Q. 1. What are the sacraments, or seals, of the neto cove-
nant ?
A. Visible seals of God's spiritual promises, made unto
us in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Q. 2. Which be thei/ ?
A. Baptism and the Lord's supper.
Q. What is baptism ?
A. A holy ordinance, whereby, being sprinkled with
water according to Christ's institution, we are by his grace
made children of God, and have the promises of the cove-
nant sealed unto us.
Q. What is the Lord's supper ?
A. A holy ordinance of Christ, appointed to communi-
cate unto believers his body and blood spiritually, beino-
represented by bread and wine, blessed, broken, poured out,
and received of them.
Q. Who have a right unto this sacrament ?
A. They only who have an interest in Jesus Christ by-
Q. What is the communion of saints ?
A. A holy conjunction between all God's people, par-
takers of the same Spirit, and members of the same mys-
tical body.
Q. What is the end of all this dispensation ?
A. The glory of God in our salvation.
Glory he to God on high.
Of the Scripture,
Q. 1. What is Christian religion?
A. The only way of knowing God aright,* and living
unto him; John xiv. 5. xvii. 3. Acts iv. 12. Col. i. 10.
2 Cor. V. 15. Gal. ii. 19, 20.
Q. 2. Whence is it to be learned?
A. From the holy Scripture only ;^ Isa. viii. 20. John
V. 39.
Q. 3. What is the Scripture?
A. The books of the Old and New Testament,'' given by
inspiration from God, containing all things necessary to be
believed and done, that God may be worshipped and our
souls saved ; Isa. viii. 20. Rom. iii. 2. Rev. xxii. 19, 20.
2Tim.ii. 16, 17. Psal. xix. 7, 8. Jer. vii. 31. John xx. 31.
Q. 4. How knoiv you them to be the icord of God'^
A. By the testimony of God's Spirit,'* working faith in
my heart, to close with that heavenly majesty, and clear
divine truth, that shineth in them ; Matt. xvi. 17, John xvi.
13. 1 Thess. ii. 13. 1 John ii. 20. v. 6. Luke xxiv. 32.
1 Cor. ii. 14. Heb. iv. 12. 2 Pet. i. 19.
a Everyone outof this way everlastingly damned. — The life of religion is in the life.
•> Popish traditions are false lights leading from God.
c The authority of the Scripture dependeth not on the authority of the church as
the Papists blaspheme. — All human inventions, unnecessary helps in the worship of
God. — The word thereof is the sole directory for faith, worship, and life.
d This alone persuadeth, and inwardly convinceth the heart of the divine verity
of the Scripture; other motives also there are from without, and unanswerable ar-
guments to prove the truth of them; as, 1. Their antiquity ; "i. Preservation from
fury ; 3. Prophecies in them; 4. The holiness and majesty of their doctrine, agreeable
to the nature of God ; 5. Miracles ; 6. The testimony of the church of all ages ; 7. The
blood of innumerable martyrs. &c.
Of God.
Q. 1. What do the Scriptures teach concerning God'^
A. First, what he is, or his nature ; secondly, what he
doth, or his works; Exod. iii. 14. Isa. xlv. 6. Heb. i. 1—3.
Heb. xi. 6.
Q. 2. What is God in himself'^
A. An eternal, infinite,* incomprehensible Spirit, giving
being to all things, and doing with them whatsoever he
pleaseth ; Deut. xxxiii. 37. Isa. Ivii. 15. Rev. i. 8. 1 Kings
viii. 27. Psal. cxxxix. 2—5, Sec. Exod. xxxii. 20. 1 Tim.
vi. 16. John iv. 24. Gen. i. 1. Psal. cxv. 3. cxxxv. 6. Isa.
xlvi. 10. John v. 17. Heb. i. 2.
Q. 3. Do u-e here know God as he is?
A. No, his glorious being is not of us, in this life, to be
comprehended; Exod. xxxiii. 23. 1 Cor. xiii. 12.
Q. 4. Wherein/ is God chiefly made known nnto us in the
A. First, by his names; secondly, by his attributes, or
properties; Exod. iii. 14. vi. 3. Psal. Ixxxiii. 18. Exod.
xxxiv. 6, 7. Matt. v. 48.
Q. 5. What are the names of God?
A. Glorious titles, which he hath given himself,*^ to
hold forth his excellencies unto us, with some perfections,
whereby he will reveal himself; Exod. iii. 14, 15. vi. 3.
xxxiv. 6, 7. Gen. xvii. 1.
Q. 6. What are the attributes of God?
A. His infinite perfections, in being and working; Kev.
iv. 8— 11.
Q. 7. What are the chief attributes of his being?
A. Eternity, infiniteness, simplicity,^ or purity, all-sufii-
• The perfection of God's being is known of us chiefly by removing all imperfec-
tions.— HeHce, the abominable vanity of idolaters and of the blasphemous Papists that
picture God.— Let us prostrate ourselves in holy adoration of that which we cannot
comprehend. , . , , j-
b The divers names of God, signify one and the same thing, but under divers no-
tions, in respect of our conception.
c Some of these attributes belong so unto God, as that they are in no sort to be
ascribed to any else, as infiniteness, eternity, &c. Others are after a sort attributed
to some of his creatures, in that he comnmnicateth unto them some of the effects ot
them in himself, as life, goodness, &c.— The first of these are motives to humble ado-
ration, fear, self-abhorrency, the other to faith, hope, love, and confidence through
ciency, perfectness, immutability, life, will, and understand-
ing ; Deut. xxxiii. 37. Psal. xciii. 2. Isa. Ivii. 15. Rev. i.
11. 1 Kings viii. 27. Psal. cxxxix. 1 — 9. Exod. iii. 14.
Gen. xvii. 1. Psal. cxxxv. 4, 5. John xi. 7 — 9. Rom.
xi. 33—36. Mai. iii. 6. James i. 17. Judg. viii. 19.
1 Sam. XXV. 34. 2 Kings iii. 14. Ezek. xiv. 16. xvi. 48.
Matt. xvi. 16. Acts xxiv. 15. 1 Thess. i. 9. Dan. xi. 3. Isa.
xlvi. 10. Eph. i. 5. 11. James i. 18. Psal. vii. 2. cxxxix. 2.
cxlvii. 4. Jer. xi. 20. Heb. iv. 13.
Q. 8. What are the attributes ulnch usually are ascribed
to him in his works, or the acts of' his %vill'^
A. Goodness, power,'* justice, mercy, holiness, wisdom,
and the like, which he delighteth to exercise towards his
creatures, for the praise of his glory; Psal.cxix.68. Matt. xix.
17. Exod. XV. 11. Psal. Ixii. 10. Rev. xix. 1. Zeph. iii. 5.
Psal. xi. 7. Jer. xii. 1. Rom. i. 30. Psal. cxxx. 7. Rom. ix.
15. Eph. ii. 4. Exod. xv. 11. Josh. xxiv. 19. Hab. i. 13.
Rev. iv. 8. Rom. xi. 33. xvi. 17.
Of the Holy Trinity.
Q. 1. Is there but one God to uJiom these properties do
belong y
A. One only, in respect of his essence and being, but
one in three distinct persons, of Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost; Deut. vi. 4. Matt. xix. 17. Eph. iv. 5, 6. Gen. i. 7.
1 John V. 7. Matt, xxviii. 19.
Q. 2. What mean you by person^
A. A distinct manner of subsistence or being,* distin-
guished from the other persons, by its own properties ; John
V. 17. Heb. i. 3.
•1 Nothing is to be ascribed unto God, nor imagined of him, but what is exactly-
agreeable to those his glorious properties. — These last are no less essential unto God
than the former, only we thus distinguish thera, because these are chiefly seen in
]iis works.
* This is that mysterious ark that must not be pryed into, nor the least tittle
spoken about it, wherein plain Scripture goeth not before. — To deny the Deity of
iinif one person, is in effect to deny the whole Godhead, for whosoever Lath not
tlic Son.halh not the Father. — This onl}' doctrine remained undtfiled in the Papacj.
Q. 3. WI,at is the distinguishing property of the person of
the Father ?
A. To be of himself only the fountain of the Godhead ;
John V. 26, 27. Eph. i. 3.
Q. 4. What is the propeHi/ of the Soti'^
A. To be begotten of his Father from eternity; Psal. ii.
7. John i. 14. iii. 16.
Q. 5. What of the Holt/ Ghost?
A. To proceed from the Father and the Son ; John xiv.
17. xvi. 14. XV. 26. XX. 22.
Q. 6. Are these three one?
A. One every way, in nature, will, and essential proper-
ties, distinguished only in their personal manner of sub-
sistence ; John X.30. Rom. iii. 30. John xv. 26. 1 John v. 7.
Q. 7. Can ive conceive these things as they are in themselves'^'
A. Neither we, nor yet the angels of heaven,'' are at all
able to dive into these secrets, as they are eternally in God •
but in respect of the outward dispensation of themselves to
us, by creation, redemption, and sanctification,a knowledo-e
may be attained of these things, saving and heavenly; 1 Tim
vi. 16. Isa. vi. 2, 3. Col. i. 11—14.
Of the iLorhs of God, and first, uf those that are internal and immanent.
Q. 1. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the works
of God?
A. That they are of two sorts; first, internal,* in his
counsel, decrees, and purposes towards his creatures ; se-
condly, external, in his works over and about them, to the
praise of his own glory ; Acts xv. 18. Prov, xvi. 4.
Q. 2. What are the decrees of God ?
A. Eternal, unchangeable purposes" of his will, concern-
ing the being and well-being of his creatures ; Mic. v. 2.
•> We must labour to make out comfort from the proper work of every person
towards us.
* The purposes and decrees of God, so far as by him revealed, are objects of our
faith, and full of comfort.
•> Farther reasons of God's decrees than his own will, not to be inquired after
The changes in the Scripture ascribed unto God, are only in the outward dispensa-
tions and works, variously tending to one infallible event, by him proposed. — The
Arminians' blasphemy in saying, God soniciimcs fails of his purposes.
Eph.iii. 9. Acts xv. 18. Isa. xiv. 24. xlvi. 10. Rom. ix. 12.
2 Tim. ii. 19.
Q. 3. Concerning ichich of his creatures chiejiy are his
decrees to be considered ?
A. Angels and men, for whom other things were or-
dained ; 1 Tim. v. 21. Jude 6.
Q. 4. What are the decrees of God concerning men^^
A. Election and reprobation ; Rom. ix. 11, 12.
Q. 5. What is the decree of election ?
A. The eternal, free, immutable'' purpose of God, where-
by, in Jesus Christ, he chooseth unto himself, whom hepleas-
eth, out of whole mankind, determining to bestow upon
them, for his sake, grace here, and everlasting happiness
hereafter, for the praise of his glory, by the way of mercy ;
Eph. i. 4. Acts xiii. 48. Rom. viii. 29, 30. Matt. xi. 26.
2 Tim. ii. 19. Eph. i. 4, 5. Matt. xxii. 14. Rom. ix. 18—
21. John vi. 37. xvii. 6. 9, 10. 24.
Q. 6. Doth any thing in us move the Lord thus to choose
us from amongst others ?
A. No, in nowise ;<! we are in the same lump with others
rejected, when separated by his undeserved grace ; Rom. ix.
11, 1 2. Matt. xi. 25. 1 Cor. iv. 7. 2 Tim. i. 9.
Q. 7. What is the decree of reprobation ?
A. The eternal purpose of God, to suffer many to sin,
leave them in their sin, and not giving them to Christ, to
punish them for their sin; Rom. ix. 11,12. 21, 22. Prov.
xvi. 4. Matt. xi. 25, 26. 2 Pet. ii. 12. Jude 4.
« The decree of election is' the fountain of all spiritual graces, for they are bestowed
only on theelect.^ — In nothing doth natural corruption more exalt itself against God,
than in opposing the freedom of his grace in his eternal decrees.
J From the execution of these decrees flows that variety and difference we see in
the dispensation of the means of grace, God sending the gospel where he hath a
remnant according to election.
Of the works of God that outwardly are of him.
Q. 1. W/iat are the works of God, that outwardly respect his
creatures V
A. First, of creation ; secondly, of actual providence ;»
Psal. xxxiii. 9. Heb. i. 2, 3.
Q. 2. What is the work of creation'^
A. An act or work of God's almighty power, whereby
of nothing, in six days, he created heaven, earth, and the
sea, with all things in them contained; Gen. i. 1. Exod.
XX. 11. Prov. xvi. 4.
Q. 3. Wherefore did God make man '^
A. For his own glory in his service and obedience \,^
Gen. i. 26, 27. ii. 16, 17. Rom. ix. 23.
Q. 4. Was man able to yield the service and worship that
God required of him ?
A. Yea, to the uttemiost, being" created upright, in the
image of God, in purity, innocency, righteousness, and ho-
liness ; Gen. i. 26. Eccle.s. 7. 29. Eph.'iv. 24. Col. iii. 10.
Q. 5. What tvas the rule, whereby man teas at first to be
directed in his obedience'?
A. The moral or eternal law of God, implanted in his
nature,*" and written in his heart, by creation ; being the te-
nor of the covenant between God and him, sacramentally
typified by the tree of knowledge of good and evil ; Gen.
ii. 15—17. Rom. ii. 14, 15. Eph. iv. 24.
Q. 6, Do we stand in the same covenant still, and have we
the same power to yield obedience unto God ?
A. No, the covenant was broken by the sin of Adam,^
with whom it was made, our nature corrupted, and all power
* The very outward works of God are sufficient to convince men of his eternal
power and Godhead, and to leave them inexcusable, if they serve him not.
*> The glory of God is to be preferred above our own, either being, or well-be-
ing, as the supreme end of them. — The approaching unto God in his service, is the
chief exaltation of our nature above the beasts that perish.
e God never allowed from the beginning, that the will of the creature should be
the measure of his worship and honour.
<> Though we have all lost our right unto the promise of the first covenant, yet
all not restored by Christ are under the commlnation and curse thereof.
to do good utterly lost; Gen. iii. 16— 18. Gal. iii. 10, 11.21.
Heb. vii. 19. viii. 13. John xiv. 4. Psal. li. 5. Gen. ri. 5.
Jer. xiii. 23.
Of God's actual providence.
Q. 1. What is God's actual providence i
A. The effectual working of his power/ and almighty
act of his will, whereby he sustaineth, governeth, and dis-
poseth, of all things, men and their actions, to the ends
which he hath ordained for them; Exod. iv. 11. Job v.
10—12. ix. 5, 6. Psal. cxlvii. 4. Prov. xv. 3. Isa. xlv. 6, 7.
John V. 17. Acts xvii. 28. Heb. i. 3.
Q. 2. How is this provide}2ce exercised toxonrds iriatdxind?
A. Two ways : first, peculiarly towards his church, or
elect, in their generations, for whom are all things ; se-
condly, towards all in a general manner; yet with various
and divers dispensations ; Deut. xxxii. 10. Psal. xvii. 8.
Zech. ii. 8. Matt. xvi. 18, 19. ii. 29. 1 Pet. v. 7. Gen. ix. 5.
Psal. Ixxv. 6, 7. Isa. xlv. 6. Matt. v. 45.
Q. 3. Wherein chiefti^ consists the ouluard providence of
God towards his church ?
A. In three things ; first, in causing all things to work
together for their good ;•> secondly, in ruling and disposing
of kingdoms, nations, and persons, for their benefit ; thirdly,
in avenging them of their adversaries ; Matt. vi. 31 — 33.
Rom. viii. 28. 1 16.2 Pet. i. 3. Psal. cv. 14, 15. Isa.
xliv. 28. Dan. ii. 44. Rom. ix. 17. Isa. Ix. 12. Zech. xii. 2. 5.
Luke xviii. 7. Rev. xvii. 14.
Q. 4. Doth God rule also in and over the sinful actions of
rvicked men ?
A. Yea, he willingly (according to his determinate coun-
• To this providence is to be ascribed all tlie <jood we do enjoj, and all the afflic-
tions we undergo. — Fortune, chance, and the like, are names without things, scarce
fit to be used anioni; Christians, seeing providence certainly ruletli all to ajipointed
ends. — No free-" ill in man, exempted either from llie eternal decree or the over-
TulinL' ])rovidence of God.
*• Though the dispensations of God's providence'towards his people be varioui,
yet every issue and act of if tends to one certain end, their good in liis glorv.
sel) sufFereth them to be,^ for the manifestation of his glory
and by them effecteth his own righteous ends; 2 Sam. xii.
11. xvi. 10. 1 Kings xi. 31. xxii. 22. Job i. 21. Prov. xxii. 14.
Isa. X. 6, 7. Ezek. xxi. 19—21. Amos vii. 17. Acts iv. 27, 28-
Rom. i. 24. ix. 22. 1 Pet. ii. 8. Rev. xvii. 17.
Q. 5. Doth the providence of God extend itself to every
small thing '^
A. The least grass of the field, hair of our heads, or
worm of the earth, is not exempted from his knowledge and
care; Job xxxix. Psal. civ. 21. cxlv. 15 . Jonah iv. 7. Matt,
vi. 26—29. X. 29, 30.
Of the law of God.
Q. 1. Which is the law that God gave man at first tofulfr^
A. The same which was afterward written with the finger
of God in two tables of stone on mount Iloreb,'' called the
Ten Commandments ; Rom. ii. 14, 15.
Q. 2. Is the observation of this law still required ofns ?
A. Yes, to the uttermost tittle; Matt. v. 17. 1 John iii. 4.
Rom. iii. 31. James ii. 8. Gal. iii.
Q. 3. Are we able of ourselves^ to perform it ?
A. No, in no wise, the law is spiritual, but we are carnal;
1 Kings viii. 46. Gen. v. 6. John xv. 5. Rom. vii. 11. viii.7.
1 John i. 8.
Q. 4. Did then God give a law which could not be kept ?
A. No, when God gave it, we had power to keep it, w hich
since we have lost in Adam ; Gen, i. 26. Eph. vii. 29.
Rom. V. 12.
Q. 5. Whereto then doth the hno noiu serve ?
A. For two general ends : first, to be a rule of our duty,
or to discover to us the obedience of God required; se-
c Almighty Gort knows how to bring light out of darkness, good out of evil, the
salvation of his elect out of Judas's treachery, the Jews' cruelty, and Pilate's in-
a This law of God bindeth us now, not because delivered to the Jews on mount
Horeb, but because written in the hearts of all by the finger of God at the first.
>> After the fall, the law ceased to be a rule of justification, and became a rule for
sanctification only. — It is of free grace that God giveth power to yield any obedi-
ence, and accepteth of any obedience that is not perfect.
VOL. v. C
condly, to drive us unto Christ ; Psal. cxix. 5. 1 Tim. i. 8, 9.
Gal. iii. 24.
Q. 6. Hoiv doth the laic drive us unto Christ ?
A. Divers v^^ays : as first, by laying open unto us the utter
disability of our nature, to do any good ; secondly, by
charging the wrath and curse of God, due to sin, upon the
conscience ; thirdly, by bringing the whole soul under bon-
dage to sin, death, Satan, and hell, so making us long and
seek for a Saviour; Rom. vii. 7 — 9. Gal. iii. 19. Rom. iii.
19, 20. iv. 15. v. 20. Gal. iii. 10. 22. Heb. ii. 15.
Of the slate of corrupted nature.
Q. 1. How came this 7veakness and disabi/iti/ upon us *
A. By the sin, and shameful fall, of our first parents ;»
Rom. V. 12. 14.
Q. 2. Wherein did that hurt us their posterity*^
A. Divers ways: first, in that we were all guilty of the
same breach of covenant with Adam, being all in him ; se-
condly, our souls with his were deprived of that holiness,
innocency, and righteousness wherein they were at first
created ; thirdly, pollution and defilement of nature came
upon us ; with, fourthly, an extreme disability of doing any
thing that is well-pleasing unto God ; by all which, we are
made obnoxious to the curse ; John iii. 36. Rom. v. 12. Eph.
ii. 3. Gen. iii. 10. Eph. iv. 23, 24. Col. iii. 10. Job xiv. 4.
Psal. Ii. 7. John iii. G. Rom. iii. 13. Gen. vi. 5. Eph. ii. 1.
Jer. vi. 16. xiii. 23. Rom. viii. 7. Gen. iii. 17. Gal. iii. 10.
Q, 3. Wherein doth the curse of God consist ?
A. In divers things : first, in the guilt of death,** tempo-
rial and eternal ; secondly, the loss of the grace and favour
» This is that whici\ commonlv is called original sin, which in general denoteth
the whole misery and corruption of our nature ; as first, the guilt of Adam's actual
sin to us imputed ; secondly, loss of God's glorious image, innocency, and holi-
ness ; thirdly, deriving by propagation a nature ; 1. defiled with the pollution j 2.
laden with the guilt ; 3. subdued to the power of sin ; 4. a being exposed to all
temporal miseries, leading to, and procuring death ; 5. an alienation from God,
wit'u voluntary obedience to Satan, and lust ; 6. an utter disability to good, or tt>
labour for mercy ; 7. eternal damnation of body and soul in hell.
•> All that a natural man hath on this side hell, is free mercy.
of God; thirdly, guilt and horror of conscience, despair,
and anguish here ; with, fourthly, eternal damnation here-
after ; Gen. ii. 17. Rom. i. 18. v. 12. 17. Eph. ii. 3. Gen.
iii. 24. Ezek. xvi. 3—5. Eph. ii. 13. Gen. iii. 10. Isa.
xlviii. 22. Rom. iii. 9. 19. Gal. iii. 22. Gen. iii. 10. 13.
John iii. 36.
Q. 4. Are all men horn in this estate ?
A. Every one without exception; Psal. Ii. 7. Isa. liii.5.
Rom. iii. 9. 12. Eph. ii. 3.
Q. 5. And do they continue therein ?
A. Of themselves they cannot otherwise do,= being able
neither to know, or will, nor do any thing that is spiritually
good, and pleasing unto God ; Acts viii. 31. xvi. 14. 1 Cor.
ii. 14. Eph. V. 8. John i. 5. Jer. vi. 16. xiii. 2, 3. Luke iv. 18.
Rom. vi. 16. viii. 7. John vi. 44. 2 Cor. iii. 5.
Q. 6. Have theif then no wai/ of themselves to escape the
curse and wrath of God?
A. None at all, they can neither satisfy his justice, nor
fulfil his law.
0/ the incaiTiatioji of C/irist.
Q. 1 . Shall all mankind then everlastingli/ perish ?
A. No, God of his free grace hath prepared a way, to
redeem and save his elect; John iii. 16. Isa. liii. 6.
Q. 2. What way was this ?
A. By sending his own Son Jesus Christ," in the likeness
of sinful flesh, condemning sin in the flesh ; Rom. viii. 3.
Q. 3. Who is this you call his own Son?
A. The second person of the Trinity, co-eternal, and of
the same Deity with his Father; John i. 14. Rom. i. 3. Gal.
iv. 4. 1 John i. 1.
Q. 4. Hoiv did God send him ?
c The end of this is Jesus Christ, to all that fly for refuge to the hope set be-
^°'l Thb'is that great mystery of godliness, that the angels themselres admire :
the most transcendent expression of God's infinite love : the laying forth of all the
treasure of his wisdom and goodness.
c 2
A. By causing him to be made flesh of a pure virgin,
and to dwell among us, that he might be obedient unto
death, the death of the Cross; Isa. 1. 6. John i. 14. Luke
i. 35. Phil. ii. 8. 1 Tim. vi. 16.
Of the person of Jesus Christ,
Q. 1. What doth the Scripture teach us of Jesus Christ ?
A. Chiefly two things ; first, his person," or what he is
in himself; secondly, his offices, or what he is unto us.
Q 2. JVhat doth it teach of his person ?
A. That he is truly God, and perfect man, partaker of the
natures of God and man in one person, between whom he is
a Mediator; John i. 14. Ileb. 2. 14, 15. Eph. iv. 5. 1 Tim. ii.
5. 1 John i. 1.
Q. 3. How prove you Jesus Christ to be truly God ?
A. Divers ways ; first, by places of Scripture speaking of
the great God Jehovah, in the Old Testament, applied to
our Saviour in the New; as. Numb. xxi. 5,6. in 1 Cor. x. 9.
Psal. cii. 24, 25. in Heb. i. 10. Isa. vi. 2 — 4. in John xii.
40,41. Isa. viii. 13, 14. in Luke ii. 34. Rom. ix. 33. Isa.
xl. 3, 4. in John i. Isa. xlv. 22, 23. in Rom. xiv. 11. Phil. ii.
8. Mai. iii. 1. in Matt. xi. 10.
Secondly, By the works of the Deity ascribed unto him ;
as first, of creation ; John i. 3. 1 Cor. viii. 6. Heb. i.21. se-
condly, of preservation in providence; Heb. i. 3. John v. 17.
thirdly, miracles.
Thirdly, By the essential attributes of God, being ascribed
unto him ; as first, immensity, Matt, xxviii. 20. John xiv. 23.
* 1 . Though our Saviour Christ be one God with his Father, he is not one person
with him.
2. Jesus Clirist is God and raan in one, not a God and a man : God incarnate,
not a man deified.
3. The essential propertiesofeithernature, remain in his person theirs still, notcom-
municated unto the other, as of the Deity to be eternal, every where; of the huma-
nity to be born and die.
4. Whatever may be said of either nature, maj- be said of his whole person: so
God may be said to die, but not the Godhead, the man Christ to be every where
but not iiis buniaiiil^', for his one person is all this.
5. The monstrous figment of transubstaniiation, or Christ's corporal presence in the
sacrament, fully ovcrlhro%vs our Saviour's human nature, and makes him a mere sha-
6. All natural properties are double in Christ, as will, &c. still distinct ; all per-
sonal, as subsistence, single.
Eph. iii. 17. secondly, eternity, John i. 1. Rev. i. 11. Mic.
V. 2. thirdly, immutability, Heb. i. 11, 12, fourthly, omni-
science, John xxi. 17. Rev. ii. 23. fifthly, majesty and glory
equal to his Father ; John v. 23. Rev. v. 13. Phil. i. 2. 6.
9, 10.
Fourthly, By the names given unto him ; as first, of God
expressly; John i. 1. xx. 28. Acts xx. 28, Rom. ix. 5. Phil,
ii. 6. Heb. i. 8. 1 Tim. iii. 16. secondly, of the Son of God;
John i. 18. Rom. viii. 3, &c.
Q. 4. Was it necessary that our Redeemer should be God?
A. Yes, that he might be able to save to the uttermost,
and to satisfy the wrath of his Father, which no creature
could perform; Isa. xliii. 25. liii. 6. Dan. ix. 17. 19.
Q. 5. Hoiv prove i/ou that he teas a perfect man ?
A. First, By the prophecies that went before, that so he
should be; Gen. iii. 15. xviii. 18.
Secondly, By the relation of their accomplishment; Matt,
i, 1. Rom. i. 4. Gal. iv. 4.
Thirdly, By the Scriptures assigning to him those things
which are required to a perfect man ; as first, a body ; Luke
xxiv. 39. Heb. ii. 17. x. 5. 1 John i. 1. secondly, a soul;
Matt. xxvi. 39. Mark xiv. 34. and therein, first, a will; Matt,
xxvi. 39. secondly, affections ; Matt. iii. 5. Luke x. 21. third-
ly, endowments ; Luke ii- 52.
Fourthly, General infirmities of nature ; Matt. iv. 2. John
iv. 6. Heb. ii. 18.
Q. 6. Wherefore was our Redeemer to be man?
A. That the nature which had offended might suffer, and
make satisfaction, and so he might be every way a fit and
sufficient Saviour for men; Heb. ii. 10 — 17.
Of the offices of Christ, and first of his kingly.
Q. 1. How many are the offices of Jesus Christ /
A. Three ; first, of a king ; secondly, a priest ;" third-
ly, a prophet; Psal. ii, 6. ex. 4. Deut. xviii. 15.
a In the exercise of these offices, Christ is also the sole head, husband, and first-
born of the church. — Papal usurpation upon these offices of Christ, manifest the pope
tu be the man of sin.
Q. 2. Halh he these offices peculiar hi/ tiature?
A. No, he only received them for the present dispensa-
tion, until the work of redemption be perfected; Psal. ex. 1.
Acts ii. 36. X. 42. 1 Cor. xiii. 12. xv. 27, 28. Phil. ii. 9.
Heb.iii. 2. 6. ii. 7-9
Q. 3. Wherein doth the hinglij office of Christ consist?
A. In a twofold power; first, his power of ruling in
and over his church ; secondly, his power of subduing his
enemies; Psal. ex. 3 — 7.
Q- 4. What is his ruling power in and over his people ?
A. That supreme authority, which, for their everlasting
good,** he useth towards them, whereof in general there be
two acts ; first, internal and spiritual, in converting their
souls unto him, making them unto himself, a willing, obedi-
ent, persevering people ; secondly, external and ecclesias-
tical, in giving perfect laws and rules for their government,
as gathered into holy societies, under him ; Isa. liii. 12. lix.
20,''21. with Heb. viii. 10—12. Isa. Ixi. 1, 2. John. i. 16.
xii. 32. Mark i. 15. Matt, xxviii. 20. 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. Matt,
xvi. 19. 1 Cor. xii. 28. Eph. iv. 8—14. 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17.
Rev. xxii. 18, 19.
Q. 5. How many are the acts of his kinglj/ power, towards
his enemies?
A. Two also ; first, internal, by the mighty working of
his word,*^ and the spirit of bondage upon their hearts, con-
vincing, amazing, terrifying their consciences, hardening
their spirits for ruin; secondly, external, in judgments and
vengeance, which oft-times he beginneth in this life, and will
continue unto eternity; Psal. ex. John vi. 46. viii. 39. ix. 41.
xii. 40. 2 Cor. x. 4—6. 1 Cor. v. 6. 1 Tim. i. 20. Mark xvi.
16. Luke xix. 21. Acts xiii. 11. Rev. xvii. 14.
Of Christ's priestly office,
Q. 1. Bif what means did Jesus Christ undertake the office
of an eternal priest ?
^ Chris'.'s subjects are all born rebels, and are stubborn, until be make them obe-
dient by bis word and Spirit — Christ hath not delegated bis kingly powercf law-
making for his church, to any here below.
* The end of Christ in exercising his kingly power over bis enemies, is the glory
tif his go^jicj, and the good of his people.
A. By the decree, ordination, and will of God his Father,
whereunto he yielded voluntary obedience, so that concern-
ing this, there was a compact and covenant between them ;
Psal. ex. 4. Heb. iv. 5, 6. vii. 17, 18. Isa. 1. 4—6. Heb. x.
5—10. Psal. ii. 7, 8. Isa. liii. 8. 10—12. Phil. ii. 7. 9. Heb.
xii. 2. John xvii. 2. 4.
Q. 2. Wherein doth his execution of this office consist ?
A. In bringing his people unto God; Heb. ii. 10. iv. 15.
vii. 25.
Q. 3. What are the farts of it ?
A. First, oblation; secondly, intercession;* Heb. ix. 13-
vii. 25.
Q. 4. What is the oblation of Christ ?
A. The offering up of himself upon the altar of the cross, a
holy propitiatory sacrifice fov the sins of all the elect through-
out the world, as also the presentation of himself for us in
heaven, sprinkled with the blood of the covenant ; Isa.
liii. 10. 12. Johniii. 1(3. xi. 51, 52. xvii. 19. Heb. ix. 13,
14. 24.
Q. 5. Whereby doth this oblation do good unto us ?
A. Divers ways : first, in that it satisfied the justice of
God ; secondly, it redeemed us from the power of sin, death,
and hell ; thirdly, it ratified the nev/ covenant of grace ;
fourthly, it procured for us grace here, and glory hereafter ;
by all which means, the peace and reconciliation between
God and us is wrought; Eph. ii. 14, 15.
Q. 6. Hoio did the oblation of Christ satisfy God's justice
for our sin ?
A. In that for us, he underwent the punishment due to
our sin;'' Isa. liii. 4 — 6. John x. 11. Rom. iii. 25, 26. iv. 25.
1 Cor. XV. 3. 2 Cor. v. 21. Eph. v. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 24.
Q. 7. What ivas that punishment ?
A. The wrath of God, the curse of the law/ the pains of
a Against both these the Papists are exceedingly blasphemous, against the one by
making their mass a sacrifice for sins, the other by making saints mediators of inter-
b Christ's undergoing punishment for us was, first, typified by the old sacrifices;
secondly, foretold in the first promise; thirdly, made lawful and valid in itself;
first, by God's determination, the supreme lawgiver; secondly, his own voluntary
undergoing it ; thirdly, by a relaxation of the law, in regard of the subject punish-
ed ; fourthly, beneficial to us, because united to us; as first, our head; secondly,
our elder brother; thirdly, our sponsor or surety; fourthly, our husband; fifthly,
our God, or Redeemer, &c.
'^ No change in all these, but what necessarily follows the change of the persons
hell, due to sinners, in body and soul ; Gen. ii. 17. Deut.
xxvii. 27. Isa. lix. 2. Rom. v. 12. Eph. ii. 3. John iii. 36.
Heb. ii. 14.
Q. 8. Did Christ jindergo all these ?
A. Yes, in respect of the greatness and extremity,''
not the eternity and continuance of those pains, for it was
impossible he should be holden of death ; Matt. xxvi. 28, 29.
Mark xiv. 33. xv. 34. Gal. iii. 13. Eph. ii. 16. Col. i. 20.
Heb. V. 7. Psal. xviii. 5.
Q. 9. How could the punishment of one, satisfy for the of-
fence of all?
A. In that he was not a mere man only,^ but God also,
of infinite more value than all those who had offended ; Rom.
V. 9. Heb. ix. 26. 1 Pet. iii. 18.
Q. 10. Ifoiv did the oblation of Christ redeem ns from death
and hell?
A. First, by paying a ransom to God the judge and law-
giver,^ who had condemned us ; secondly, by overcoming
and spoiling Satan, death, and the powers of hell, that de-
tained us captives ; Matt. xx. 28, John vi. 38. Mark x. 4, 5.
Rom. iii. 25. 1 Cor. vi. 20. Gal. iii. 13. Eph. i. 7. 1 Tim. ii.
6. Heb. x. 9. John v. 24. Col. ii. 13—15. 1 Thess. i. 10. Heb.
ii. 14. 1 Pet. i. 18, 19.
Q. 11. What was the ransoyn thai Christ paid for ns?
A. His own precious blood; Acts xx. 28. 1 Pet. i. 19.
Q. 12. IIoiv ivas the neio covenant ratifed in his blood?
A. By being accompanied with his death,s for that, as all
other testaments, was to be ratified by the death of the tes-
tator; Gen. xxii. 18. Heb. ix. 16. viii. 10—12.
Q. 13. What is this new covenant ?
A. The gracious, free, immutable promise of God, made
unto all his elect fallen in Adam, to give them Jesus Christ,
and in him mercy, pardon, grace, and glory, with a restipu-
lation of faith from them, unto this promise and new obedi-
ence ;'' Gen. iii. 15. Jer. xxxi. 32 — 34. xxxii. 40. Heb. viii.
* The death that Christ underwent was eternal, in itsown nature and tendency, not
so to him, because of his holiness, power, and the unity of his person.
c He suffered not as God, but he suffered who was God.
f We are freed from tiie anger of God, by a perfect rendering to the full value of
whiithe required, from the power of Satan by absolute conquest on our behalf.
S The new covenant is Christ's legacy in his last will, unto his ])eople, the eternal
inheritance of glory being conveyed thereby.
hThe death of Christ was satisfactory in respect of the strict justice of God, me-
ritorious in respect of the covenant between him and hi'- Father.
10—12. Gal. iii. 8. 16. Gen. xii. 3. Rom. viii.32. Eph. i. 3,
4. Mark xvi. 16. John i. 12. x. 27,28.
Q. 14. How did Chrht procure for us grace, faith, and
glory ?
A. By the way of purchase and merit/ for the death of
Christ deservedly procured of God, that he should bless us
with all spiritual blessings, needful for our coming unto him ;
Isa. liii. 11, 12. John xvii. 2. Acts xx. 28. Rom. v. 17, 18.
Eph. ii. 15, 16. i. 4. Phil. i. 29. Tit. ii. 14. Rev. i. 5, 6.
Q. 15. What is the intercession of Christ?
A. His continual soliciting of God on our behalf,'' begun
here in fervent prayers, continued in heaven, by appearing
as our advocate at the throne of grace; Psal.ii.8. Rom. viii.
34. Heb. vii.25. ix. 24. x. 19—21. 1 Johnii. 1,2. John xvii.
Of Christ's prophetical office.
Q. 1. Wherein doth the prophetical office of Christ co}i'iist?
A. In his embassage from God to man,* revealing from
the bosom of his Father, the whole mystery of godliness,
the way and truth, whereby we must come unto God; Matt.
v. John i. 18. iii. 32. x. 9, 14. xiv. 5, 6. xvii. 8. xviii. 37.
Q. 2. How doth he exercise this office towards its ?
A. By making known the whole doctrine of truth unto us,''
in a saving and spiritual manner; Deut. xviii. 18. Isa. xlii.
6. Heb. iii. 1.
Q. 3. By what means doth he peiforni all this?
A. Divers ; as first, internally and effectually by his Spi-
rit, writing his law in our hearts ; secondly, outwardly and
instrumentally, by the word preached; Jer. xxxi. 32, 33.
2Cor. iii. 3. I Thess. iv. 9. Heb. viii. 10. John xx. 31.
1 Cor. xii. 28. Eph. iv. 8—13. 2 Pet.i. 21.
' All these holy truths are directly denied hy the blasphemous Socinians, and of
the Papists, with their merits, masses, penance, and purgatory, by consequent over-
'' To make saints our intercessors, is to renounce Jesus Christ from being a suffi-
cient Saviour.
» Christ differed from all other prophets ; first, in his sending, which was immedi-
ately from the bosom of his Father ; secondly, his assistance, which was the fulness of
the Spirit ; thirdly, ids manner of teaching, with autliorily.
*> To accuse his word of imperfection, in doctrine or discipline, is to deny him a
perfect prophet, or to have borne witness unto all truth.
Of the ttvqfold estate of Christ. '
Q. 1 . In what estate or condition doth Christ exercise these
offices ?
A. In a twofold estate; first, of humiliation,* or abase-
ment; secondly, of exaltation, or glory ; Phil. ii. 8 — 10.
Q. 2. Wherein consisteth the state of Christ's humiliation ?
A. In three things ; first, in his incarnation, or being-
born of Avoman ; secondly, his obedience or fulfilling the
whole law, moral and ceremonial; thirdly, in his passion,
or enduring all sorts of miseries, even death itself; Luke i.
35. John i. 14. Rom. i. 3. Gal. iv. 4. Heb. ii. 9. 14. Matt,
iii. 15. V. 17. Luke ii. 21. John viii. 46. 2 Cor. v. 21. 1 Pet.
i. 19. 1 Johniii. 5. Psal. liii. 4—6. Heb. ii. 9. 1 Pet. ii. 21.
Q. 3. Wherein consists his exaltation ?
A. In, first, his resurrection ; secondly, ascension; third-
ly, sitting at the right hand of God ; by all which he was de-
clared to be the Son of God with power; Matt, xxviii. 18.
Hom.i. 4. iv. 4. Eph. iv. 9. Phil. ii. 9, 10. 1 Tim. iii. 16.
Of the persons to ivhom the benefits of Christ's offices do belong.
Q. 1 . Unto whom do the saving benefits of what Christ per-
formeth in the execution of his offices belong?
A. Only to his elect;'' John xvii. 9. Isa. Ixiii. 9. Heb. iii.
6. X.21.
Q. 2. Died he for no other?
A. None, in respect of his Father's eternal purpose, and
his own intention, of removing wrath from them, procuring
grace and glory for them; Acts xx. 28. Matt. xx. 28. xxvi.
a Tlie humiliation of Christ, shews us what we niust here do and suffer ; his ex-
altation, what we may hope for. — The first of these holds forth his mighty love to us,
the otlier his mighty power in himself. — The only way to heaven is by the cross.
^ Christ giveth life to all that world for whom he gave his life.- — None that he died
for shall ever die. — To say that Christ died for every man universally, is to affirm
that he did no more for the elect than the reprobates, for them that are saved, than
for them that are damned, which is the Arniinian blasphemy.
28. Heb. ix. 28. John xi. 51, 52. Isa. liii. 12. John iii. 16.
X. 11—15. Eph. V. 25. Rom. viii. 32. 34. Gal. iii. 13. John
vi. 37. 39. Rom. iv. 25. 2 Cor. v. 19, 20.
Q. 3. What, shall become of them for whom Christ died not?
A. Everlasting torments for their sins, their portion in
their own place ; Mark xvi. 16. John iii. 36. Matt. xxv. 41.
Acts i. 25.
Q. 4. For xvhoyn doth he make intercession ?
A. Only for those who from eternity were given him by
his Father; John xvii. Heb. vii. 24, 25.
Of the church.
Q. 1. Hoiv are the elect called, in respect of their obedience
unto Christ, and anion with him ?
A. His church ; Acts xx. 28. Eph. v. 32.
Q. 2. What is the church of Christ ?
A. The whole company of God's elect,^ called of God,
by the word and Spirit, out of their natural condition to the
dignity of his children, and united unto Christ their head,
by faith in the bond of the Spirit ; Acts ii. 47. 1 Tim. v. 21 .
Heb. xii. 22—24. Rom. i. 5, 6. Rom. ix. 11. 24. 1 Cor. iv.
15. 2 Tim. i. 9. Acts xvi. 14. John iii. 8. 1 Cor. iv. 15.
1 Pet. i. 23. Heb. viii. 10. Eph. ii. 11 — 13. Col. i. 13. Heb.
ii. 14, 15. 1 Pet. ii. 9. John xvii. 21. Eph. ii. 18—22.
Q. 3. Is this whole church always iti the same state?
A. No, one part of it is militant, the other triumphant.
Q. 4. What is the church mililant ?
A. That portion of God's elect, which in their generation
cleaveth unto Christ by faith, and fighteth against the world,
flesh, and devil ; Eph. vi. 11, 12. Heb. xi. 13, 14. xii. 1.4.
Q. 5. What is the church triumphant?
A. That portion of God's people, wdio, having fought their
a The elect angels belong to this cliiircli. — No distance of time or place, breaks the
unity of this church; heaven and earth, from the beginning of (he world unto the
end) are comprised in it. — No mention in Scripture of any church in purgatory. —
This is the catholic church, though that terra be not to be found in the word in this
sense, the thing itself is obvious.— The pope challenging unto himself the title of the
head of the catholic church, is blasphemously rebellious against Jesus Christ.— This
is that ark, out of which whosoever is, shall surely perish.
fight and kept the faith, are now in heaven, resting from their
labours; Eph. v. 27. Rev. iii, 21. xiv. 13.
Q. 6. A7-e not the church of the Jews, before the birth of
Christ, and the church of the Christians since, two churches?
A. No, essentially they are but one, differing only in
some outward administrations ; Eph. ii. 12 — 16. 1 Cor. x. 3.
Gal. iv. 26, 27. Heb. xi. 15, 26. 40.
Q. 7. Can this church be wholly overthrown on the earth ?
A. No, unless the decree of God may be changed, and
the promise of Christ fail; Matt. xvi. 18. xxviii. 20. John
xiv. 16. John xvii. 1 Tim. iii. 15. 2 Tim. ii. 19.
Q. 1 . By what means do we become actual members of this
church of God?
A. By a lively justifying faith," whereby we are united
unto Christ, the head thereof; Acts ii. 47. xiii. 48. Heb. xi.
6. xii. 22, 23. iv. 2. Kom. v. 1,2. Eph. ii. 13, 14.
Q. 2. What is a justifying faith ?
A. A gracious resting upon the free promises of God,''
in Jesus Christ for mercy, with a firm persuasion of lieart,
that God is a reconciled Father unto us in the Son of his
love; 1 Tim. i. 16. John xiii. 15. xix. 25, Rom. iv. 5, Heb.
iv. 1,6. Rom. vUi, 3«, 39. Gal, ii, 20, 2 Cor. v, 20, 21.
Q. 3. Have all this faith ?
A. None, but the elect of God ; Tit. i. 1. John x. 26.
Matt. xiii. 11. Acts xiii. 48. Rom. viii. 30.
Q. 4. Do not then others believe that make prof ession?
A. Yes, with, first, historical faith, or a persuasion, that
the things written in the word are true ; James ii. 9. secondly,
temporary faith, which hath some joy of the affections, upon
unspiritual grounds, in the things believed ; Matt. xiii. 20.
Mark vi, 20. John ii. 23, 24. Acts viii. 13.
a Of this faith the Holy Spirit is the efficient cause, the word, the instrumental;
the law indirectly, by discovering our misery ; the gospel immediately, by holding
forth a Saviour.
>> Faith is in the understanding, in respect of ils being and subsistence in the
will and hcarl, in respect of its ell'ectual working.
Of our vocation, or God's calling us.
Q. 1. How come we to have this saving faith ?
A. It is freely bestowed upon us, and wrought in us, by
the Spirit of God, in our vocation or callings John vi. 29.
44. Eph. ii. 8, 9. Phil. i. 29. 2 Thess. i. 11.
Q. 2. What is our vocation, or this calling of God ?
A. The free gracious act of Almighty God, ^ whereby in
Jesus Christ he calleth and translateth us from the state of
nature, sin, wrath, and corruption, into the state of grace,
and union with Christ, by the mighty, effectual workings of
his Spirit, in the preaching of the word; Col. i. 12, 13. 2 Tim.
i. 9. Deut. XXX. 6. Ezek. xxxvi. 26. Matt. xi. 25, 26. John
i. 13. iii. 3. 8. Eph. i. 19. Col. ii. 12. 1 Cor. iv. 7. James
i. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 20. Acts xvi. 14.
Q. 3. What do we ourselves perform in this change or. loork
of our conversion ?
A. Nothing at all, being merely wrought upon, by the
free grace and Spirit of God,'' when in ourselves we have no
ability to any thing that is spiritually good ; Matt, vii. 18.
x. 20. John i. 13. xv. 5. 1 Cor. xii. 3. ii. 5. 2 Cor. iii. 5.
Eph. ii. 1. 8. Rom. viii. 26. Phil. i. 6.
Q. 4. Doth God thus call all and every o)ie?
A. All within the pale of the church, are outwardly called
by the word, none effectually but the elect ; Matt. xxii. 14.
Rom. viii. 30.
Of justification.
Q. 1 . Are ice accounted righteous and saved for our faith,
when we are thus freely called?
* Our effectual calling, is the first effect of our everlasting election. — We have
no actual interest in, nor right unto, Christ, until we are thus called.
•> They who so boast of the strength of free-will, in the work of our conversion, are
themselves an example what it is, being given up to so vile an error, destitute of tlie
grace of God.
A. No, but merely by the imputation of the righteous-
ness of Christ, apprehended and applied by faith, for which
alone the Lord accepts us, as holy and righteous; Isa. xliii.
25. Rom. iii. 23—26. iv. 5.
Q. 2. What then is our justification, or righteousness before
A. The gracious free act of God," imputing the righteous-
ness of Christ, to a believing sinner, and for that speaking
peace unto his conscience, in the pardon of his sin, pro-
nouncing him to be just, and accepted before him ; Gen. xv.
6. Acts xiii. 38, 39. Luke xviii. 14. Rom. iii. 24. 26. 28.
iv. 4—8. Gal. ii, 16.
Q. 3. Are we not then righteous before God, by our oivn
works ?
A. No, for of themselves, they can neither satisfy his
justice, fulfil his law, nor endure his trial; Psal. cxxx. 3, 4.
cxliii. 2. Isa. Ixiv. 6. Luke xvii. 10.
Of sanctijieation.
Q. 1. Is there nothing then required of us, but faith only ?
A. Yes, repentance, and holiness, or new obedience;
Acts XX. 2L Matt. iii. 2. Luke xiii. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 1 Thess.
iv. 7. Heb. xii. 14.
Q. 2. What is repentance ?
A. Godly sorrow for every known sin committed against
God," with a firm purpose of heart, to cleave unto him for
the future, in the killing of sin, the quickening of all graces,
to walk before him in newness of life; 2 Cor. vii. 9 — 11.
Acts ii. 37. Psal. Ii. 17. xxxiv. 14. Isa. i. 16, 17. Ezek. xviii.
27, 28. Acts xiv. 15. Eph. iv. 21—24. Rom. vi. 12, 13. 18,
19. viii. 1, 2. Cor. v. 17. Gal. vi. 15.
* Legal and evangelical juslification differ ; first, on the part of the persons lo be
justified ; the one requiring a person legally and perfectly righteous, the other a be-
lieving sinner; secondly, on the part of God, who in one is a severe righteous judge,
in the other, a merciful reconciled Father; thirdly', in the sentence, which in the
one acquitteth,as having done nothing amiss, the other as having all amiss pardoned.
b Repentance inciudeth, first, alteration of the mind, into a hatred of sin, before
loved ; secondly, sorrow of the afitections, for sin committed ; thirdly, change of
the actions arising from both. — Repentance is either legal, servile, and terrifying,
from the spirit of bondage ; or, evangelical, filial, and comforting, from the spirit of
free grace and liberty, wliich only is available.
Q. 3. Can we do this of ourselves ?
A. No, it is a special gift and grace of God, which he be-
stoweth on whom he pleaseth ; Lev. xx. 8. Dent. xxx. 6.
Ezek. xi. 19, 20. 2 Tim. ii. 25. Acts xi. 18.
Q. 4. Wherem doth the being of true repentance consist,
without which it is iiot acceptable ?
A. In its performance according to the gospel rule,'' with
faith and assured hope of divine mercy; Psal. li. 1 John ii.
1, 2. 2 Cor. vii. 10, 11. Acts ii. 38. Matt, xxvii. 4.
Q. 5. What is that holiness which is required of us ?
A. That universal, sincere obedience, to the whole will
of God,« in our hearts, minds, wills, and actions, whereby
we are in some measure made conformable to Christ our
head ; Psal. cxix. 9. 1 Sara. xv. 22. John xiv. 15. Rom. vi.
9. Heb. xii. 14. Tit. ii. 12. 2 Pet. i. 5—7. Isa. i. 16, 17.
1 Chron. xxviii. 9. Deut. vi. 5. Matt. xxii. 37. Rom. viii. 29.
1 Cor. xi. 1. Eph. ii. 21. Col. iii. 1—3. 2 Tim. ii. 11, 12.
Q. 6. Is this holiness or obedience in us perfect ?
A. Yes, in respect of the parts of it,"* but not in respect
of the degrees wherein God requires it; 2 Kings xx. 3. John
i. 1. Matt. V. 48. Luke i. 6. 2 Cor. vii. 1. Eph. iv. 24. Tit.
ii. 12. Isa. Ixiv. 6. Psal. cxxx. 3.- Exod. xxviii. 38. Phil,
iii. 8.
Q. 7. Will God accept of that obedience ichich falls so short
of what he reqnireth ?
A. Yes, from them whose persons he accepteth,'^ and jus-
tifieth freely in Jesus Christ ; Rom. xii. 1. Phil. iv. 18. Heb.
xiii. 16. 1 John iii. 22. Eph. i. 6.
Q. 8. What are the parts of this holiness?
A. Internal, in the quickening of all graces, purging all
sins ; and external, in fervent and frequent prayers, alms,
and all manner of righteousness ; Heb. ix. 14. Eph. iii. 16,
17. Rom. ii. 29. vi. 12. Matt. v. 20. Rom. viii. 1, 2. Eph.
iv. 22, 23. Tit. ii. 12. particular precepts are innumerable.
Q. 9. MaJ/ not others perform these duties acceptablt/, as
well as those that believe ?
•> Every part of popish repentance, viz. contrition, confession, and satisfaction,
was performed by Judas.
« All faith and profession without this holiness is vain and of no effect. — True
faith can no more be witliout true holiness, than true fire without lieat.
^ Merit of works in unprofitable servants, no way able to do their duty, is a popish
"^ In Christ are our persons accepted frcrly, and for him our obedience.
A. No, all their performances in this kind are but abo-
minable sins before the Lord ■/ Prov. xv. 8. John ix. 31. Tit.
i. 15. Heb. xi. 6.
Of the privileges of believers.
Q. 1. What are the privileges of those that thus believe and
repent ?
A. First, union with Christ; secondly, adoption of chil-
dren ; thirdly. Christian liberty ; fourthly, a spiritual holy
right to the seals of the new covenant ; fifthly, communion
with all saints ; sixthly, resurrection of the body unto life
Q. 2. What is our union with Christ ?
A. A holy spiritual conjunction unto him,* as our head,
husband, and foundation, whereby we are made partakers
of the same Spirit with him, and derive all good things from
him; 1 Cor. xii. 12. John xv. 1, 2. 5—7. xvii. 23. Eph.
iv. 15. V. 23. Col.i. 18. 2 Cor.xi.2. Eph. v. 25—27. Rev.
xxi. 9. Matt. xvi. 18. Eph. ii. 20—22. 1 Pet. ii. 4—7. Rom.
viii. 9. 11. Gal. iv. 6. Phil. i. 19. John i. 12.16. Eph. i. 3.
Q. 3. What is our adoption?
A. Our gracious reception into the family of God, as
his children, and co-heirs with Christ ; John i. 12. Rom. viii.
15. 17. Gal. iv. 5. Eph. i. 5.
Q. 4. How cometve to hioio this?
A. By the especial working of the Holy Spirit in our
hearts,b sealing unto us the promises of God, and raising up
our souls to an assured expectation of the promised inherit-
ance ; Rom. viii. 15. 17. Eph. iv. 30. 1 John iii. 1. Rom.
viii. 19. 23. Tit. ii. 12.
Q. 5. What is our Christian liberty ?
A. A holy and spiritual freedom from the slavery of
f The best duties of unbelievers, are but white sins.
a By virtue of this union, Christ suffereth in our afflictions ; and we fill up in our
bodies what remaineth as his. — From Christ as head of the church, we have spiri-
tual life, sense, and motion, or growth in grace; secondly, as the husband of the
church, love and redemption; thirdly, as the foundation thereof, stability and
i* This is that great honour and dignity of believers, which exalts them to a despis-
ing all earthly thrones.
sin,' the bondage of death and hell ; the curse of the law, Jew-
ish ceremonies, and thraldom of conscience, purchased for
us by Jesus Christ, and revealed to us by the Holy Spirit;
Gal. V. 1. John viii. 32. 34. 36. Rom. vi. 17, 18. Isa. Ixi. 1.
1 John i. 7. 2 Cor. v. 21. Rom. viii. 15. Heb. ii. 15. 1 Cor.
XV. 55. 57. Gal. iii. 13. Eph.ii. 15, 16. Gal. iv. 5. Rom. viii.
1. Acts XV. 10, 11. Gal. iii. iv. v. 2 Cor. i. 24. 1 Cor. vii.
23. 1 Pet. ii. 16. 1 Cor. ii. 12.
Q. 6. Are we then wholly freed from the moral law ?
A. Yes, as a covenant, "^ or as it hath any thing in it,
bringing into bondage, as the curse, power, dominion, and
rigid exaction of obedience, but not as it is a rule of life and
holiness; Jer. xxxi.31 — 33. Rom. vii. 1^3. vi. 14. Gal. iii.
19. 24. Rom. viii. 2. Gal. v. 18. Matt. v. 17. Rom. iii. 31.
vii. 13. 22. 25.
Q. 7. Are tve not freed by Christ from the magistrate's p02ver,
and human authority ?
A. No, being ordained of God,® and commanding for
him, we owe them all lawful obedience ; Rom. xiii. 1 — 4.
1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. 1 Pet. ii. 13—15.
Of the sacraments of the new covenant in particular, a holy right whereunto
is the fourth privilege of believers.
Q. 1. What are the seals of the New Testamait?
A. Sacraments instituted of Christ, to be visible seals
and pledges, whereby God in him confirmeth the promises
of the covenant to all believers, restipulating of them growth
in faith and obedience; Mark xvi. 16. John iii. 5. Acts ii.
38. xxii. 16. Rom. iv. 11. 1 Cor. x. 2—4. xi. 26—29.
Q. 2. How doth God by these sacraments bestoio grace
upon us?
A. Not by any real,'' essential conveying of spiritual
<= Our liberty is our inheritance here below, which we ought to contend for,agaiiist
all opposers.
^ Nothing makes men condemn the law as a rule, but hatred of that universal ho-
liness which it doth require.
^ Rule and authority are as necessary for human society, as fire and water for our
»This is one of the greatest mysteries of the Roman magic and juggling, that cor-
poral elements should have a power to forgive sins, end confer spiritual grace.
VOL. v. D
grace, by corporeal means, but by the way of promise, ob-
signation, and confirming the grace wrought in us by the
word and Spirit; Heb. iv. 2. 1 Cor. x, Rom, iv. 11. i. 17.
Mark xvi. 16. Eph. v. 26.
Q. 3. How do our sacraments differ from the sacramefits of
the Jews ?
A. Accidentally only, in things concerning the outward
matter and form, as their number, quality, clearness of sig-
nification, and the like, not essentially in the things signi-
fied or grace confirmed ; 1 Cor. x. 1 — 3. &c. John vi. 35.
ICor. V. 7. Phil.iii. 3. Col. ii. 11.
Of baptism.
Q. 1. Which are tliese sacraments?
A. Baptism and the Lord's supper.
Q. 2. What is baptism?
A. A holy action appointed of Christ,* whereby, being
sprinkled with water, in the name of the whole Trinity, by a
lawful minister of the church, we are admitted into the fa-
mily of God, and have the benefits of the blood of Christ,
confirmed unto us ; Matt, xxviii. 19. Mark xvi. 15, 16.
Acts ii.41. viii. 37. ii. 38, 39. John iii. 5. Rom. vi. 3—5.
1 Cor. xii. 13.
Q. 3. To ivhom doth this sacrament belong ?
A. Unto all to whom the promise of the covenant is
made, that is, to believers and to their seed; Acts ii. 39.
Gen. xvii. 11, 12. Acts xvi. 15. Rom. iv. 10, 11. 1 Cor.
vii. 14.
Q. 4. How can baptism seal the pardon of all sins to us, all
our personal sins following it?
A. Inasmuch as it is a seal of that promise, which gives
pardon of all to believers; Acts ii. 39. Rom. iv. 11, 12.
• Not the want, but the contempt of this sacrament is damnable. — It is hard to
say whether the error of the Papists, requiringbaplisni of absolute indispensable ne-
cessity to the salvation of every infant; or tliat of the Anabaptiits^ debarring them
from it aUogether, be the moit uncharitable.
Of the Lord's supper.
Q. 1. What is the Lord's supper ?
A. A holy action, instituted and appointed by Christ,*
to set forth his death, and communicate unto us spiritually
his body and blood, by faith, being represented by bread
and wine, blessed by his word and prayer, brokenj^ poured
out, and received of believers ; Matt. xxvi. 20. 21. Luke
xxii. 14—20. 1 Cor. xi. 23—26. Luke xxii. 19. Mark xiv.
22—24. John vi. 63. Matt. xxvi. 26.
Q. 2. When did Christ appoint this sacrament?
A. On the night wherein he was betrayed to suffer ;
1 Cor. xi. 23.
Q. 3. Whence is the right use of it to be learned?
A. From the word," practice, and actions of our Saviour,
as its institution.
Q. 4. What were the actions of our Saviour to be imitated
by us ?
A. First, blessing the elements by prayer; secondly,
breaking the bread, and pouring out the wine ; thirdly, dis-
tributing them to the receivers, sitting in a table gesture ;
Matt. xxvi. 26. Mark xiv. 22. Luke xxii. 19, 20. 1 Cor.
xi. 23, 24.
Q. 5. What were the words of Christ?
A. First, of command, ' take eat ;' secondly, of promise,
' this is my body ;' thirdly, of institution, for perpetual use,
* this do,' &c. 1 Cor. xi. 24—26.
Q. 6. Who are to be receivers^ of this sacrament ?
A. Those only have a true right to the signs, who by
* Baptism is tiie sacrament of our new birth, this of our farther growth in Christ.
•'No part of Christian religion, was ever so vilely contaminated and abused by pro-
fane wretches, as this pure, holy, plain action, and institution of our Saviour : wit-
ness the Popish horrid monster of transubstantiation, and their idolatrous mass.
« Whatever is more than these is of our own.
"* Faith in God's promises which it doth confirm, union with Christ, whereof it is
a seal, and obedience to the right use of the ordinance itself, is required of all re-
ceivers. — There is not any one action pertaining to the spiritual nature of this sa-
crament, not any end put upon it by Christ; as, first, the partaking of his body and
Wood ; secondly, setting forth his death for us ; thirdly, declaring of our union with
him and iiis, but require faith, grace, and holiness, in the receivers.
D 2
faith have a holy interest in Christ, the thing signified ;
1 Cor. xi. 27—29. John vi. 63.
Q. 7. Do the elements remain bread and wine still, after the
blessing of' them ?
A. Yes, all the spiritual change is wrought by the faith of
the receiver, not the words of the giver ; to them that be-
lieve, they are the body and blood of Christ ; John vi. 63.
1 Cor. X. 4. xi. 29.
Of the communion of saints, the fifth privilege of believers.
Q. 1 . What is the communion of saints ?
A. A holy conjunction between all God's people,*
wrought by their participation of the same Spirit, whereby
we are all made members of that one body, whereof Christ
is the head; Cant. vi. 9. Jer. xxxii. 39. John xvii. 22. 1 Cor.
xii. 12. Eph. iv. 3 6.13. 1 John i. 3. 6, 7.
Q. 2. Of what sort is this union?
A. First, spiritual and internal, in the enjoyment of the
same spirit and graces, which is the union of the church
catholic ; secondly, external and ecclesiastical in the
same outward ordinances, which is the union of particular
congregations ; 1 Cor. xii. 12, 13. Eph.ii. 16. 19—22. 1 Cor.
X. 17. John xvii. 11.21,22. X. 16. Heb. ii. 11. 1 Cor. i. 10,
11. Rom. xii. 5. 1 Cor. xii. 27, 28. Eph. iv. 11 — 13. PhiL
ii. 2. Col. iii. 15. 1 Pet. iii, 8.
Of particular churches.
Q. 1. What are particular churches?
A. Peculiar assemblies of professors in one place,* under
officers of Christ's institution, enj oy ing the ordinances of God,
and leading lives beseeming their holy calling; Act. xi. 26.
* By virtueof this we partake in all the good and evil of the people of God throiigh-
oiil the world.
» Every corruption doth not presently unchurch a people Unholiness of fel-
low worshippers, defilcth not God's ordinances.
1 Cor. iv. 17. xi. 22. 2 Cor. i. 1. Acts xx. 17. 28. xiv.23.
2 Cor. viii. 23. Heb. xiii. 17. 1 Cor. i. 5. Rev. ii. 1—3. 2
Thess. iii. 5, 6, U. Gal. vi. 16. Phil. iii. 18. IThess.ii. 12.
Q. 2. What are the ordinary officers of such churches?
A. First, pastors or doctors,'' to teach and exhort; se-
condly, elders, to assist in rule and government; thirdly,
deacons, to provide for the poor; Rom. xii. 7, 8. Eph. iv. 10.
1 Cor. xii. 28. Rom. xii. 8. 1 Tim. v. 17. Acts vi. 2, 3.
Q. 3. What is required of these officers, especial! ij the chief est,
or 7)iiuisters ?
A. That they be faithful in the ministry committed unto
them, sedulous in dispensing the word, watching for the
good of the souls committed to them, going before them in
an example of all godliness and holiness of life ; 1 Cor. iv. 2.
Acts XX. 18—20. 2 Tim. ii. 15. iv. 1—5. Tit. i. 13. 1 Tim.
iv. 15, 16. Tit. ii. 7. 1 Tim. iv. 12. Matt. v. 16. Acta xxv.
Q. 4. What is required in the people unto them ?
A. Obedience to their message and ministry, honour
and love to their persons, maintenance to them and their
families ; 2 Cor. v. 20. Rom. vi. 17. Heb. xiii. 17. 2 Thess.
iii. 14. Rom. xvi. 19. 2 Cor. x. 4 — 6. 1 Cor. iv. 1. Gal. iv.
14. 1 Tim. V. 17, 18 Luke x. 7. James v. 4. 1 Tim. v. 17,
18. 1 Cor. ix. 9—13.
Of the last jjrivilege of believers, being the door of entrance into glory.
Q. 1. What is the resurrection of the Jiesh?
A. An act of the mighty power of God's Holy Spirit,"
applying unto us the virtue of Christ's resurrection, where-
by, at the last day, he will raise our whole bodies from the
dust, to be united again unto our souls in everlasting happi-
ness; Job xix. 25 — 27. Psal. xvi. 9 — 11. Isa. xxvi. 19. Ezek.
xxxvii. 2, 3. Dan. xii. 2. 1 Cor. xv. 16, &c. Rev. xx. 12,13.
Q. 2. What is the end of this whole dispensation ?
A. The glory of God in our eternal salvation.
To him be all glory, and honour for evermore. Amen.
•• Ministers are the bishops of the Lord ; Lord-bishops came from Rome.
* The resurrectiori of the flesh hereafter, is a powerful motive to live after the Spi-
rit here.
Produce your cause, saith the Lord: bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of
Jacob. Isaiah xli. 21.
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker ! Let the potsherds strive xcith the potsherds
of the earth. Chap.xIv. 9.
'Gff, S 'AM<Ti\at, K'KiiA.a.x.a, xai ^oyo; ttVa^JiSi itf tov oi/fctvov. Constant, apud Socrat. lib. 1.
cap. 10.
It is this day ordered by the Committee of the House
of Commons in Parliament, for the regulating of Print-
ing and Publishing of Books, that this Book entitled,
A Display of Arminianism, be printed.
John White.
The many ample testimonies of zealous reverence to
the providence of God, as well as affectionate care for
the privileges of men, which have been given by this
honourable assembly of parliament, encourage the
adorers of the one, no less than the lovers of the other,
to vindicate that also, from the encroachments of men.
And as it was not, doubtless, without divine disposition,
that those should be the chiefest agents in robbing
men of their privileges, who had nefariously attempted
to spoil God of his providence ; so we hope, the same
all-ruling hand hath disposed of them, to be glorious
instruments of re-advancing his right and supreme
dominion over the hearts of men, whose hearts he hath
prepared with courage and constancy to establish men
in their inviolated rights ; by reducing a sweet har-
mony between awful sovereignty and a well mode-
rated liberty. Now the first of these being deman-
dated to your particular care, I come unto you, with a
bill of complaint, against no small number in this king-
dom ; who have wickedly violated our interest in the
providence of God, and have attempted to bring in
the foreign power of an old idol, to the great prejudice
of all the true subjects and servants of the Most High.
My accusation I make good by the evidence of the fact,
joined with their own confessions. And because, to
wave the imputation of violent intrusion into the do-
minion of anotlier, they lay some claim and pretend
some title unto it, I shall briefly shew how it is con-
trary to the express terms of the great charter of heaven,
to have any such power introduced amongst men.
Your known love to truth, and the gospel of Christ,
makes it altogether needless for me to stir you up by
any motives, to hearken to this just complaint, and pro-
vide a timely remedy for this growing evil : especially
since experience, hath so clearly taught us here in
England, that not only eternal, but temporal happiness
also dependeth on the flourishing of the truth of Christ's
Justice and religion were always conceived as the
main columns and upholders of any state, or common-
wealth ; like two pillars in a building, whereof the
one cannot stand without the other; nor the whole
fabric without them both. As the philosopher spake
of logic and rhetoric, they are arts avAaTporpai, mutually
aiding each other, and both aiming at the same end,
though in different manners : so they, without repug-
nancy, concur and sweetly fall in, one with another,
for the reiglement and direction of every person in a
commonwealth, to make the whole happy and blessed :
•and where they are both thus united, there and only
there, is the blessing, in assurance whereof Hezekiah
rejoiced : truth and peace. An agreement without
truth is no peace, but a covenant with death, a league
with hell, a conspiracy against the kingdom of Christ,
a stout rebellion against the God of heaven ; and with-
out justice, great commonwealths are but great troops
of robbers : now the result of the one of these is civil
peace, of the other ecclesiastical, betwixt which two
there is a great sympathy, a strict connexion ; having
on each other a nmtual dependancc. Is there any dis-
turbance of the state ? it is usually attended with
«chisnis i\n(\ fjtclion? in thr cljinTb; and tlie divisions
of the church are too often even the subversions of
the commonwealth. Thus it hath been ever since that
unhappy difference between Cain and Abel : which
was not concernino- the bounds and limits of their in-
heritance, nor which of them should be heir to the
whole world ; but about the dictates of religion, the
offering of their sacrifices. This fire also of dissension
hath been more stirred up, since the prince of peace,
hath by his gospel, sent the sword amongst us : for
the preaching thereof, meeting with the strong holds
of Satan, and the depraved corruption of human na-
ture, must needs occasion a great shaking of the earth.
But most especially, distracted Christendom, hath
found fearful issues of this discord, since the proud
Romish prelates, have sought to establish their hell-
broached errors, by inventing and maintaining un-
charitable destructive censures against all that oppose
them : which first causing schisms and distractions in
the church, and then being helped forward by the
blindness and cruelty of ambitious potentates, have
raised war of nation against nation ; witness the Spanish
invasion of eighty-eight; of a people within themselves,
as in the late civil wars of France, where after divers
horrible massacres, many chose rather to die soldiers
than martyrs.
And oh, that this truth, might not at this day, be
written with the blood of almost expiring Ireland.
Yea, it hath lastly descended to dissension betwixt
private parties, witness the horrible murder of Diazius,
whose brains were chopped out with an axe, by his
own brother Alphonsus,'' for forsaking the Romish re-
ligion : what rents in state, what grudgings, hatreds,
and exasperations of mind, among private men, have
happened by reason of some inferior differences, we
all at this day grieve to behold ; ' tantum religio po-
* Sleid. Com.
tuit suadere malorum :' most concerning then is it for
us to endeavour obedience to our Saviour's precept, of
seeking first the kingdom of God, that we may be par-
takers of the good things comprised in the promise
annexed : were there but this one argument, for to seek
the peace of the church, because thereon depends the
peace of the commonwealth, it were sufiicient to
quicken our utmost industry for the attaining of it.
Now what peace in the church without truth ? all
conformity to any thing else, is but the agreement of
Herod and Pilate, to destroy Christ and his kingdom ;
neither is it this or that particular truth, but the whole
counsel of God revealed unto us, without adding or
detracting, whose embracement is required, to make
our peace firm and stable. No halting betwixt Jeho-
vah and Baal, Christ and Antichrist ; as good be all
Philistine, and worshippers of Dago n, as to speak part
the language of Ashdod, and part the language of the
Jews : hence hath been the rise of all our miseries, of
all our dissensions, whilst factious men laboured every
day to commend themselves to them, who sate aloft
in the temple of God, by introducing new Popish Ar-
minian errors, whose patronage they had wickedly un-
dertaken. Who would have thought, that our church
would ever have given entertainment to these Belgic
Semipelagians, who have cast dirt upon the faces, and
raked up the ashes, of all those great and pious souls,
whom God magnified, in using as his instruments to
reform his church ; to the least of which, the whole
troop of Arminians shall never make themselves equal,
though they swell till they break ? What benefit did
ever come to this church, by attempting to prove, that
the chief part, in the several degrees of our salvation,
is to be ascribed unto ourselves, rather than God?
which is the head and sum of all the controversies be-
tween them and us : and must not the introducing and
fomenting of a doctrine, so opposite to that truth our
church hath quietly enjoyed ever since the first refor-
mation, necessarily bring along with it schisms and
dissensions, so long as any remain who love the truth,
or esteem the gospel above preferment. Neither let
any deceive your wisdoms, by affirming, that they are
differences of an inferior nature, that are at this day
aofitated between the Arminians and the orthodox
divines of the reformed church ; be pleased but to cast
an eye on the following instances, and you will find
them hev/ing at the very root of Christianity. Con-
sider seriously their denying of that fundamental arti-
cle of original sin. Is this but a small escape in the-
ology ? why, what need of the gospel ? what need of
Christ himself, if our nature be not guilty, depraved,
corrupted ? Neither are many of the rest of less import-
ance ; surely these are not things, ' in quibus possimus
dissentire salva pace ac charitate,' as Austin speaks,
' about which we may differ, without loss of peace or
charity.' One church cannot wrap in her communion
Austin and Pelagius, Calvin and Arminius. I have
here only given you a taste, whereby you may judge
of the rest of their fruit : ' mors in olla, mors in olla ;'
their doctrine of the final apostacy of the elect, of true
believers, of a wavering hesitancy concerning our pre-
sent grace and future glory, with divers others, I
have wholly omitted : those I have produced, are
enough to make their abettors incapable of our church
communion : the sacred bond of peace, compasseth
only the unity of that Spirit which leadeth into all
truth. We must not offer the right hand of fellowship,
but rather proclaim Ispov iroXefiov,^ 'a holy war,' to such
enemies of God's providence, Christ's merit, and the
pov/erful operation of the Holy Spirit : neither let any
object, that all the Arminians do not openly profess all
^ Greg. Naz.
these errors I have recounted ; let ours then shew
wherein they ditfer from their masters ;" we see their
own confessions, we know their arts, l^aBi] /cat fieSo^uag
rov aa-ava, ' the depths and crafts of Satan,' we know the
several ways they have to introduce and insinuate
their heterodoxies into the minds of men : with some
they appear only to dislike our doctrine of reproba-
tion ; with others to claim an allowable liberty of the
will ; but yet, for the most part, like the serpent,
wherever she gets in her head, she will wriggle in her
whole body, sting and all : give but the least admis-
sion, and the whole poison must be swallowed. What
was the intention of the maintainers of these strange
assertions amongst us, I know not : whether the effi-
cacy of error prevailed really with them or no ; or
whether it were the better to comply with Popery,
and thereb}^ to draw us back again unto Egypt ; but
this I have heard, that it was affirmed on knowledge in
a former parliament, that the introduction of Armini-
anism amongst us, was the issue of a Spanish consul-
tation. It is a strange story that learned Zanchius'*
tells us, how upon the death of the cardinal of Lor-
rain there was found in his study a note, of the
names of divers German doctors and ministers, being
Lutherans, to whom was paid an annual pension, by
the assignment of the cardinal, that they might take
pains to oppose the Calvinists, and so by cherishing
dissension, reduce the people again to Popery. If
there be any such amongst us, who upon such poor
inconsiderable motives, would be won to betray the
gospel of Christ, God grant them repentance before
it be too late ; however, upon what grounds, with
•^ Prontentur Rerconst. hasce ad promotionem csusae sus artes adhibere, ut apud
Yolgns non ulterius progrediantiir quam de articulis viilgo notis, nt pro ingenioram
diversilate quosdam lacte diu alant, a'.iis solidiote cibo. Sec. Festus Horn, prasstat ad
specirocii Con. Bel.
<* Hieron. Zanch. ad Holderum. Res. Rliscel.
what intentions, for what ends soever, these tares have
been sowed amonorgt us by envious men, the hope of
all the piously learned in the kingdom is, that by your
effectual care and diligence, some means may be
found to root them out. Now God Almighty in-
crease and fill your whole honourable society, with
wisdom, zeal, knowledge, and all other Christian
graces, necessary for your great calling and employ-
ments, which is the daily prayer of
Your most humble and
devoted servant,
Thou canst not be such a stranger in our Israel, as
that it should be necessary for me to acquaint thee with
the first sowing and spreading of these tares in the field
of the church, much less to declare, what divisions and
thoughts of heart, what open bitter contentions, to the
loss of ecclesiastical peace, have been stirred up amongst
us about them : only some few things relating to this
my particular endeavour, I would willingly premonish
thee of.
First, Never were so many prodigious errors intro-
duced into a church, with so high a hand, and so little
opposition, as these into ours, since the nation of
Christians was known in the world : the chief cause I
take to be, that which iEneas Sylvius gave, why more
maintained the pope to be above the council, than the
council above the pope, because popes gave archbi-
shoprics, bishoprics, &c. but the councils sued ' in
forma pauperis,' and, therefore, could scarce get an ad-
vocate to plead their cause : the fates of our church
having of late devolved the government thereof into
the hands of men tainted with this poison, Armi-
nianism became backed with the powerful arguments'
of praise and preferment, and quickly prevailed to beat
poor naked truth into a corner. It is high time then,
for all the lovers of the old way, to oppose this inno-
vation, prevailing by such unworthy means, before our
breach grow great like the sea, and there be none to
heal it.
My intention, in this weak endeavour (which is
VOL. V. E ,
but the undigested issue of a few broken hours, too
many causes in these furious malignant days conti-
nually interrupting the course of my studies), is but to
stir up such, who, having more leisure and greater
abilities, will not as yet move a finger to help vindi-
cate oppressed truth.
In the mean time I hope this discovery may not be
unuseful, especially to such who, wanting either will
or abilities to peruse larger discourses, may yet be al-
lured by their words which are smoother than oil, to
taste the poison of asps that is under their lips. Satan
hath (5a9ri kuI jueOoSa'ac, depths were to hide, and me-
thods how to broach, his lies ; and never did any of
his emissaries employ his received talents with more
skill and diligence than our Arminians : labouring
earnestly, in the first place, to instil some errors that
are most plausible, intending chiefly an introduction
of them that are more palpable, knowing that if those
be for a time suppressed, until these be well digested,
they will follow of their own accord : wherefore, I have
endeavoured to lay open to the view of all, some of
their foundation errors, not usually discussed, on which
the whole inconsistent superstructure is erected, where-
by it will appear, how, under a ©lost vain pretence of
farthering piety, they have prevaricated against the
very grounds of Christianity : wherein.
First, I have not observed the same method in
handling each particular controversy, but followed
such several ways as seemed most convenient to clear
the truth and discover their heresies.
Secondly, Some of their errors I have not touched
at all, as those concerning universal grace, justification,
the final apostacy of true believers ; because they came
not within the compass of my proposed method, as you
may see chap. i. where you have the sum of the whole
Thirdly, I have given some instances of their op-
posing the received doctrine of the church of England,
contained in divers of the thirty-nine articles ; which
would it did not yield us just cause of farther com-
plaint, againt the iniquity of those times whereinto we
were lately fallen. Had a poor Puritan offended against
half so many canons as they opposed articles, he had
forfeited his livelihood, if not endangered his life. I
would I could hear any other probable reason, why
divers prelates were so zealous for the discipline, and
so negligent of the doctrine of the church ; but be-
cause the one was reformed by the word of God, the
other remaining as we found it in the times of popery.
Fourthly, I have not purposely undertaken to an-
swer any of their arguments, referring that labour to a
farther design ; even a clearing of our doctrine of re-
probation, and of the administration of God's provi-
dence towards the reprobates, and over all their ac-
tions, from those calumnious aspersions they cast upon
it; but concerning this, I fear the discouragements of
these woful days will leave me nothing but a desire
that so necessary a work may find a more able pen.
John Owen.
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Of the two main ends aimed at hy the Arminians, by their innovations in the
received doctrine of the reformed churches.
Ihe soul of man, by reason of the corruption of nature, is
not only darkened'' with a mist of ignorance, whereby he is
disenabled for the comprehending of divine truth, but is also
armed with prejudice and opposition against some parts
thereof,'' which are either most above, or most contrary to,
some false principles, which he hath framed unto himself.
As a desire of self-sufficiency was the first cause of this in-
firmity, so a conceit thereof, is that wherewith he still lan-
guisheth ; nothing doth he more contend for, than an inde-
pendency of any supreme power, which might either help,
hinder, or control him, in his actions. This is that bitter root,
from whence have sprung all those heresies,^ and wretched
contentions, which have troubled the church ; concerning
the power of man in working his own happiness, and his ex-
emption from the over-ruling providence of Almighty God.
All which wrangling disputes of carnal reason against the
word of God, come at last to this head, whether the first and
chiefest part, in disposing of things in this world, ought to
be ascribed to God, or man : men for the most part have
vindicated this pre-eminence unto themselves,*^ by exclama-
tions, that so it must be, or else, that God is unjust, and his
ways unequal. Never did any men postquam Christiana gens
esse capit, more eagerly endeavour the erecting of this Babel,
a Eph. iv. 18. John i. 5. 1 Cor. ii. 14.
•> John vi. 42. vii. 32. Natura sic apparet vitiata ut hoc majoris vitii sit, non
videre. Aug. ^ Pelag. Seraipelag. Scholastic.
^ In hac causa non judicant secundum aequitatem, sed secundum affectura cora-
raodi sui, Luth. de Arbit. serv.
than the Arminians, the modern blinded patrons of human
self-sufficiency ; all whose innovations in the received doc-
trine of the reformed churches, aim at, and tend to, one of
these two ends.
First, To exempt themselves from God's jurisdiction, to
free themselves from the supreme dominion of his all-ruling
providence ; not to live and move in him, but to have an
absolute independent power, in all their actions, so that the
event of all things, wherein they have any interest, might
have a considerable relation to nothing but chance, contin-
gency, and their own wills : a most nefarious, sacrilegious
attempt. To this end.
First, They deny the eternity, and unchangeableness of
God's decrees : for those being established, they fear they
should be kept within bounds from doing any thing but what
his counsel hath determined should be done : if the purposes
of the strength of Israel be eternal and immutable, their idol
free-will must be limited, their independency prejudiced :
wherefore, they choose rather to affirm that his decrees are
temporary and changeable ; yea, that he doth really change
them, according to the several mutations he sees in us ; which,
how wild a conceit it is, how contrary to the pure nature of
God, how destructive to his attributes, I shall shew in the
second chapter.
Secondly, They question the prescience, or foreknowledge
of God : for if known unto God are all his works from the
beginning ; if he certainly foreknew all things that shall here-
after come to pass, it seems to cast an infallibility of event
upon all their actions, which encroaches upon the large terri-
tory of their new goddess contingency ; nay, it would quite de-
throne the queen of heaven, and induce a kind of necessity
of our doing all, and nothing but what God foreknows : now,
that to deny this prescience is destructive to the very es-
sence of the Deity, and plain atheism, shall be declared,
chapter the third.
Thirdly, They depose the all-governing providence of this
King of nations, denying its energetical, effectual power, in
turning the hearts, ruling the thoughts, determining the wills,
and disposing the actions of men, by granting nothing unto
it, but a general power and influence, to be limited and used
according to the inclination and will of every particular
agent: so making Almighty God a desirer that many things
were otherwise than they are, and an idle spectator of most
things that are done in the world, the falseness of which as-
sertions shall be proved, chapter the fourth.
Fourthly, They deny the irresistibility and uncontrollable
power of God's will, affirming, that oftentimes he seriously
willeth and intendeth what he cannot accomplish, and so is
deceived of his aim ; nay, whereas he desireth, and really in-
tendeth, to save every man, it is wholly in their own power
whether he shall save any one or no, otherwise their idol free-
will should have but a poor deity, if God could, how and
when he would, cross and resist him in his dominion : con-
cerning this, see chapter the fifth. 'His gradibus itur in coelum.'
Corrupted nature is still ready, either nefariously with Adam,
to attempt to be like God, or to think foolishly that he is al-
together like unto us :* one of which inconveniences all men
run into, who have not learned to submit their frail wills to
the almighty will of God, and captivate their understandings
to the obedience ot faith.
Secondly, The second end at which the new doctrine ot
the Arminians aimeth, is to clear human nature from the
heavy imputation of being sinful, corrupted, wise to do evil,
but unable to do good ; and so to vindicate unto themselves
a power and ability of doing all that good, which God can
justly require to be done by them in the state wherein they
are ; of making themselves differ from other, who will not
make so good use of the endowments of their natures, that
so the first and chiefest part in the work of their salvation
may be ascribed unto themselves : a proud Luciferian endea-
vour. To this end.
First, They deny that doctrine of predestination, whereby
God is affirmed to have chosen certain men before the foun-
dation of the world, that they should be holy, and obtain
everlasting life by the merit of Christ, to the praise of his
glorious grace : any such predestination which may be the
fountain and cause of grace or glory, determining the persons
according to God's good pleasure, on whom they shall be
bestowed : for this doctrine would make the special grace of
God to be the sole cause of all the good that is in the elect,
more than the reprobates would make faith the work and
« Psal. 1.
gift of God ; with divers other things, which would shew
their idol to be nothing, of no value : wherefore, what a cor-
rupt heresy they have substituted into the place hereof, see
chapter the sixth.
Secondly, They deny original sin, and its demerit, which
being rightly understood, would easily demonstrate, that not-
withstanding all the labour of the smith, the carpenter, and
the painter, yet their idol is of its own nature but an unpro-
fitable block ; it will discover not only the impotency of doing
good, which is in our nature, but shew also whence we have
it : see chapter the seventh.
Thirdly, If ye will charge our human nature with a re-
pugnancy to the law of God, they will maintain that it was
also in Adam when he was first created, and so comes from
God himself: chapter the eighth.
Fourthly, They deny the efficacy of the merit of the death
of Christ, both that God intended by his death to redeem
his church, or to acquire unto himself a holy people ; as also,
that Christ by his death hath merited and procured for us
grace, faith, or righteousness, and power to obey God, in ful-
filling the condition of the new covenant; nay, this were
plainly to set up an ark to break their Dagon's neck : for
what praise, say they, can be due to ourselves for believing,
if the blood of Christ hath procured God to bestow faith
upon us? Increpet te Deus 6 Satan. See chapters nine and ten.
Fifthly, If Christ will claim such a share in saving of his
people, of them that believe in him, they will grant some to
have salvation quite without him, that never heard so much
as a report of a Saviour : and, indeed, in nothing do they ad-
vance their idol nearer the throne of God, than in this blas-
phemy : chapter eleven. .
Sixthly, Having thus robbed God, Christ, and his grace,
they adorn their idol free-will with many glorious properties
no way due unto it: discussed,chapter twelve, where you shall
find how, 'movet cornicula risum,'furtivis nudata coloribus.'
Seventhly, They do not only claim to their new made
deity a saving power, but also affirm, that he is very active
and operative in the great work of saving our souls.
First, In fitly preparing us for the grace of God, and
so disposing of ourselves, that it becomes due unto us :
chapter thirteen.
Secondly, In the effectual working of our conversion, to-
gether with it : chapter fourteen.
And so at length, with much toil and labour, they placed
an altar for their idol in the holy temple, on the right hand of
the altar of God; and on it offer sacrifice to their own net
and drag; at least, ?iec Deo, nee libera arbitrio, sed dividatiir:
not all to God, nor all to free-will, but let the sacrifice of
praise, for all good things, be divided between them.
Of the eternity and immutahility of the decrees of Almighty God, denied
and overthrown by the Armiuians.
It hath been always believed among Christians, and that
upon infallible grounds, as I shall shew hereafter, that all
the decrees of God, as they are internal, so they are eternal,
acts of his will, and therefore unchangeable and irrevoca-
ble : mutable decrees, and occasional resolutions, are most
contrary to the pure nature of Almighty God. Such prin-
ciples as these, evident and clear by their own light, were
never questioned by any before the Arminians began, ukl-
vrjTu Kivdv, and to profess themselves to delight in opposing
common notions of reason, concerning God and his essence,
that they might exalt themselves into his throne; to ascribe
the least mutability tc the divine essence, with which all
the attributes, and internal free acts of God, are one and the
same, was ever accounted u7rfp/3oX?) a^wrnTog ' transcendent
atheism,' in the highest degree.^ Now be this crime of what
nature it will, it is no unjust imputation to charge it on the
Arminians, because they confess themselves guilty, and glory
in the crime.
First, They undermine and overthrow the eternity of
God's purposes, by affirming, that in the order of the divine
decrees, there are some which precede every act of the crea-
ture, and some again that follow them ; so Corvinus,'' the
most famous of that sect. Now all the acts of every crea-
ture being but of yesterday, temporary, like themselves,
surely those decrees of God cannot be eternal, which fol-
a Phil. lib. quod sit Deus inimutabilis.
•> In ordiiie volitoruin divirioruni, qiiffidam suiitcjuse onineni actum ciealurae prae-
ccdunt, quaidaiu quas sequuntur. Coi. ad JMoliii. cap. o. bcc. 1. pag. 67.
low them in order of time : and yet they press this, espe-
cially in respect of human actions, as a certain, unquestion-
able verity. 'It is certain that God willeth or determineth
many things, which he would not, did not some act of man's
will go before it,' saith their great master Arminius.*^ The
like affirmeth, with a little addition (as such men do always
projicere in pejus), his genuine scholar Nic. Grevinchovius :"^
*I suppose, saith he, that God willeth many things, which he
neither would, nor justly could will and purpose, did not
some action of the creature precede.' And here observe, that
in these places they speak not of God's external works, of
those actions which outwardly are of him, as inflicting of
punishments, bestowing of rewards, and other such outward
acts of his providence, whose administration we confess to
be various, and diversely applied to several occasions ; but of
the internal purposes of God's will, his decrees and inten-
tions, which have no present influence upon, or respect unto,
any action of the creature : yea, they deny that concerning
many things God hath any determinate resolution at all, or
any purpose, farther than a natural affection towards them.
* God doth or omitteth that, towards which, in his own na-
ture, and his proper inclination, he is affected, as he finds
man to comply, or not to comply, with that order which he
hath appointed,' saith Corvinus." Surely these men care not
what indignities they cast upon the God of heaven, so they
may maintain the pretended endowments of their own wills ;
for such an absolute power do they here ascribe unto them,
that God himself cannot determine of a thing, whereunto,
as they strangely phrase it, he is well affected, before, by an
actual concurrence, he is sure of their compliance : now this
imputation, that they are temporary, which they cast upon
the decrees of God in general, they press home upon that
particular which lies most in their way, the decree of elec-
tion : concerning this, they tell us roundly, that it is false
that election is confirmed from eternity ; so the ^Remonstrants
in their apology; notwithstanding that St. Paul tells us,
^ Ccrtura est Deum quaedam velle, quae non vellet nisi aliqua voiitio humana ante-
cederet, Arrnin. anti Perk. p. 211.
<i Muita tamen arbitror Deum velle, quae non vellet, adeoque nee jusle velle pos-
set, nisi aliqua actio creatura priecederet. ad Ames. p. 24.
« Deus facit ve! non facit id, ad quod, ex se, etnatura sua ac inclinatione propria
est aflectus, prout homo cum isto ordine, conspirat, vel non conspirat. Cor. ad Moi.
cap. 5. ad sec. 3.
f Falsum est quod electio facta est ab mterno. Rem. apol. cap. 18 p. 190.
that it is the purpose of God, Rom. ix. 11. and that we were
chosen before the foundation of the world ; Eph. i. 4. neither
is it any thing material, what the Arminians there grant, \i%.
that there is a decree preceding this, which may be said, to
be from everlasting; for seeing that St. Paul teacheth us,
that election is nothing but God's purpose of saving us, to
affirm that God eternally decreed that he would elect us, is
all one as to say, that God purposed, that in time he would
purpose to save us : such resolutions may be fit for their
own wild heads, but must not be ascribed to God only wise.
Secondly, As they affirm them to be temporary, and to
have had a beginning, so also to expire and have an ending,
to be subject to change and variableness. ' Some acts of God's
will do cease at a certain time,' saith Episcopius.^ What?
doth any thing come into his mind that changeth his will?
Yes, saith Arrainius,*^ 'He would have all men to be saved; but
compelled with the stubborn and incorrigible malice of
some he will have them to miss it.' However, this is some
recompense : denying God a power to do what he will, then
grant him to be contented to do what he may, and not much
repine at his hard condition : certainly, if but for this favour,
he is a debtor to the Arminians : thieves give what they do
not take. Having robbed God of his power, they will leave
him so much goodness, as that he shall not be troubled at
it, though he be sometimes compelled to what he is very
loath to do. How do they and their fellows, the Jesuits,' ex-
claim upon poor Calvin, for sometimes using the harsh word
of compulsion, describing the effectual, powerful working of
the providence of God in the actions of men ; but they can
fasten the same term on the will of God, and no harm done:
surely, he will one day plead his own cause against them.
But yet blame them not, ' si violandumestjus, regnandi causa
violandum est:' it is to make themselves absolute, that they
thus cast off the yoke of the Almighty ; and that both in
things concerning this life, and that which is to come, they
are much troubled that it should be said, that ^ every one
S Volitiones aliquse Dei cessant certo quodam tempore Episcop. disp. de vol.
Dei. Thes. 7.
^ Deus vult omnes salvos fieri, sed compulsus pertinaci et incorrigibili malitia
quorundam, vult illos jacturarn facere salutis. Arrain. Antip. fol. 195.
' Bell. Amiss, grat. Armi. antip. Rem. apol.
'' (Decent) unumquenique invariabilem vitae, ac mortis w^orayhv una cum ipso ortu,
in lucem banc nobiscuni adfcrre. Filii Arrain. in epist. ded- ad Examen. lib. Per
of US, bring along with us into the world an unchangeable
preordination of life and death eternal; for such a supposal
would quite overthrow the main foundation of their heresy,
viz. that men can make their election void and frustrate, as
they jointly lay it down in their apology;' nay, it is a dream,
saith Dr. Jackson,™ to think of God's decrees, concerning
things to come, as of acts irrevocably finished, which
would hinder that which Welsingius lays down for a truth,
to wit," that the elect may become reprobates, and the re-
probates elect. Now to these particular sayings is their
whole doctrine concerning the decrees of God, inasmuch as
they have any reference to the actions of men, most exactly
conformable ; as,
First, ° Their distinction of them into peremptory, and
not peremptory (terms rather used in the citations of liti-
gious courts, than as expressions of God's purpose in sacred
Scripture), is not, as by them applied, compatible with the
unchangeableness of God's eternal purposes : irpocTKaipoi,
say they, or temporary believers, are elected (though not pe-
remptorily), with such an act of God's will, as hath a co-ex-
istence every way commensurate, both in its original, con-
tinuance, and end, with their fading faith: which sometimes,
like Jonah's gourd, is hutji/ia uniiis noctis, in the morning it
flourisheth, in the evening it is cut down, dried up, and
withereth : a man in Christ by faith, or actually believing
(which to do is, as they say, in every one's own power),? is
in their opinion the proper object of election ; of election,
I say, not peremptory, which is an act pendent, expecting
the final perseverance and consummation of his faith: and
therefore immutable, because man having fulfilled his course,
God hath no cause to change his purpose, of crowning him
with reward ; thus also (as they teach), a man according to
his infidelity, whether present and removable, or obdurate
' Possunt homines electlonem suam irritam et frustraneam reddere. Rem. apol.
cap. 9. p. 105.
'" Jackson of the divine essence.
° Non niirura videri debet quod aliquando ex electis reprobi et ex reprobis elect!
fiant. Welsin. de of. Ch. hom.
° Omnia Uei decreta, non suntperemptoria, sed quaedara conditionafa ac niulabi-
iia. Concio. Ad Cler. Oxon. ann. 1641. Rem. decla. sent, in synod, alii passim: elec-
tio sicut et justificatio, et incerta et revocabilis, utrainque vero conditionatam qui
negaverit, ipsum quoque evangelium negabit. Grevin. ad Ames, pp. 136,137.
P Ad gloriam participandani pro isto teu)pore quo credunt electi sunt. Rem. apol.
p. 190.
and final, is the only object of reprobation : which, in the
latter cause, is peremptory and absolute; in the former, con-
ditional and alterable : it is the qualities of faith and unbe-
lief, on which their election and reprobation do attend.
Now let a faithful man,'' elected of God, according to his
present righteousness, apostate totally from grace (as to af-
firm that there is any promise of God, implying his perse-
verance, is with them to overthrow all religion), and let the
unbelieving reprobate, depose his incredulity and turn him-
self unto the Lord ; answerable to this mutation of their
conditions, are the changings of the purpose of the Almighty,
concerning their everlasting estate. Again, suppose these
two, by alternate courses (as the doctrine of apostacy main-
taineth they may), should return each to their former estate,
the decrees of God concerning them must again be changed;
for it is unjust with him, either not to elect him that believes,
though it be but for an hour, or not to reprobate unbelievers.
Now what unchangeableness can we affix to these decrees,
which it lies in the power of man to make as inconstant as
Euripus; making it beside to be possible, that all the mem-
bers of Christ's church, whose names are written in heaven,
should within one hour be enrolled in the black book of
Secondly, As these not-peremptory decrees are mutable,
so they make the peremptory decrees of God to be tempo-
ral. Final impenitency, say they, is the only cause, and the
finally unrepenting sinner, is the only object of reprobation,
peremptory and irrevocable. As the poet thought none hap-
py/ so they think no man to be elected, or a reprobate, be-
fore his death : now that denomination he doth receive from
the decree of God concerning his eternal estate, which must
necessarily then be first enacted ; the relation that is be-
tween the act of reprobation, and the person reprobated, im-
porteth a co-existence of denomination. When God repro-
bates a man, he then becomes a reprobate ; which, if it be
not before he hath actually fulfilled the measure of his ini-
quity, and sealed it up with the talent of final impenitency
1 Decreta hypothetica possunt mutari, quia conditio respectuhoniinis vel prasta-
tur vel non preestatur, atque ita existit vel iion existit : et quiim extitit aliquandiu,
saepe existere desiiiit, et rursus postquara aliquandiu desiit, existere incipit. Corv. ad
Mol. cap. 5. sec. 10. "^ Dicique beatus ante obitum nemo.
in his death, the decree of God must needs be temporal,
the just Judge of all the world having till then suspended
his determination, expecting the last resolution of this
changeable Proteus. Nay, that God's decrees concerning
men's eternal estates are in their judgment temporal, and
not beginning until their death, is plain from the whole
course of their doctrine, especially where they strive to prove,
that if there were any such determination, God could not
threaten punishments or promise rewards. * Who,'^ say they,
'can threaten punishment to him, whom, by a peremptory
decree, he will have to be free from punishment :' it seems he
cannot have determined to save any whom he threatens to
punish if they sin, which is evident he doth all so long as
they live in this world, which makes God not only mutable,
but quite deprives him of his foreknowledge, and makes
the form of his decree run thus : If man will believe, I deter-
mine he shall be saved, if he will not, I determine he shall
be damned ; that is, I must leave him in the mean time to do
what he will, so I may meet with him in the end.
Thirdly, They afl&rm no decree of Almighty God concern-
ing men is so unalterable,* but that all those who are now in
rest or misery, might have had contrary lots : that those
which are damned, as Pharaoh, Judas, &c. might have been
saved, and those which are saved, as the blessed Virgin,
Peter, John, might have been damned, which must needs
reflect with a strong charge of mutability on Almighty God,
who knoweth who are his. Divers other instances in this
nature I could produce, whereby it would be farther evident,
that these innovators in Christian religion, do overthrow the
eternity and unchangeableness of God's decrees, but these
are sufficient to any discerning man : and I will add in the
close, an antidote against this poison, briefly shewing what
the Scripture and right reason teach us concerning these se-
crets of the Most High.
First, 'Known unto God,' saith St. James, 'are all his works
from the beginning;' Acts xv. 18. whence, it hath hitherto
been concluded, that whatever God doth in time bring to
pass, that he decreed from all eternity so to do : all his
• Quis enim coraminetur poenam ei, quern peremptoiio decreto a pcena immunen
esse vult? Rem. Apol. cap. 17. p. 187.
« Author of God's Love to Mankind, p. 4.
works were from the beginning known unto him. Consider
it particularly in the decree of election, that fountain of all
spiritual blessings ; that a saving sense, and assurance
thereof, 2 Pet. i. 10. being attained, might effect a spiritual
rejoicing in the Lord, 1 Cor. xv. 31. such things are every
where taught, as may raise us to the consideration of it, as
of an eternal act, irrevocably and immutably established ; 'He
hath chosen us before the foundation of the world ;' Eph. i. 4.
his purpose, according to election, before we were born,
must stand; R,om. ix. 11. for to the irreversible stability of
this act of his will, he hath set to the seal of his infalli-
ble knowledge; 2 Tim. ii. 19. His purpose of oar salvation
by grace, not according to works, was before the world be-
gan, 2 Tim. i. 9. an eternal purpose, proceeding from such
a will, as to which none can resist, joined with such a
knowledge, as to which all things past, present, and to
come, are open and evident, must needs also be, like the
laws of the Medes and Persians, permanent and unalterable.
Secondly, The " decrees of God, being conformable to
his nature and essence, do require eternity and immutabi-
lity, as their inseparable properties. God, and he only,
never was, nor ever can be, what now he is not: passive pos-
sibility to any thing, which is the fountain of all change,
can have no place in him who is actus simplex, and purely
free from all composition, whence St. James affirmeth, that
' with him there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning;'
James i. 17. with him, that is in his will and purposes ; and
himself by his prophet, ' I am the Lord, and I change not,
therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed ;' Mai. iii. 6.
where he proveththe not changing of his gracious purposes,
because he is the Lord ; the eternal acts of his will, not
really differing from his unchangeable essence, must needs
be immutable.
Thirdly, Whatsoever God hath determined according to
the counsel of his wisdom, and good pleasure of his will, to
be accomplished to the praise of his glory, standeth sure
and immutable: ' For the strength of Israel will not lie, nor
repent, for he is not a man that he should repent;' 1 Sam.
XV. 29. 'He declareth the end from the beginning, and from
ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,
" Quicquid operatur, operatur ut est.
My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure;'
Isa. xlvi. 10. which certain and infallible execution of his
pleasure, is extended to particular contingent events ; chap,
xlviii. 17. yea, it is an ordinary thing with the Lord to con-
firm the certainty of those things that are yet for to come,
from his own decree : as, * The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, say-
ing, Surely as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and
as I have purposed it shall stand, that I will break the As-
syrian;' &c. Isa. xiv. 24,25. It is certain the Assyrian shall
be broken, because the Lord hath purposed it ; which were
a weak kind of reasoning, if his purpose might be altered :
nay, ' He is of one mind and who can turn him, and what his
soul desireth, that he doth;' Job xxiii. 13. 'The Lord of
Hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it ;' Isa. xiv. 7.
So that the purpose of God, and immutability of his coun-
sel, Heb. vi. 16. have their certainty and firmness from
eternity, and do not depend on the variable lubricity of
mortal men, which we must needs grant, unless we intend to
set up impotency against omnipotency, and arm the clay
against the potter.
Fourthly, If God's determination concerning any thing,
should have a temporal original ; it must needs be, either be-
cause he then perceived some goodness in it, of which before
he was ignorant ; or else, because some accident did affix a
real goodness to some state of things, which it had not from
him: neither of which, without abominable blasphemy, can
be affirmed ; seeing he knoweth the end from the beginning,
all things from everlasting ; being always the same ; the
fountain of all goodness, of which other things do partici-
pate in that measure which it pleaseth him to communi-
cate it unto them: add to this the omnipotency of God,
there is power and might in his hand, that none is able to
withstand him, 2Chron. ii, 6. which will not permit that any
of his purposes be frustrate. In all our intentions, if the de-
fect be not in the error of our understandings, which maybe
rectified by better information ; when we cannot do that
which we would, we will do that which we can, the altera-
tion of our purpose is for want of power to fulfil it; which
impotency cannot be ascribed to Almighty God, who is in
heaven, and hath done whatsoever he pleased; Psal. ex v. 3.
so that the immutability of God's nature, his almighty
power, the infallibility of his knowledge, his immunity from
error in all his counsels, do shew, that he never faileth in
accomplishing any thing, that he proposeth for the mani-
festation of his glory.
To close up this whole discourse, wherein I have not dis-
covered half the poison contained in the Arminian doctrine,
concerning God's decrees, I will, in brief, present to your
view, the opposition that is in this matter, betwixt the word
of God, and the patrons of free-will.
S. S.
'He hath chosen us in
him before the foundation of
the world ;' Eph. i. 4.
' He hath called us accord-
ing to his own purpose and
grace, before the world be-
gan;' 2 Tim. i. 9.
* Known unto God are all
his works, from the beginning
of the world;' Acts xv. 18.
* Declaring the end from
the beginning, and from an-
cient times, the things that
are not yet done, saying. My
counsel shall stand, and I will
do all my pleasure ;' Isa.
xlvi. 10.
' For the children being
not yet born, neither having
done either good or evil, that
the purpose of God according
to election, might stand ;' as
Rom. ix. 11.
' The foundation of God
standeth sure, having this
seal, the Lord knoweth who
are his ;' 2 Tim. ii. 19.
' The counsel of the Lord
Lib. Arbit.
' It is false to say, that
election is confirmed from
everlasting;' Rem. Apol.
' It is certain that God de-
termineth divers things which
he would not, did not some
act of man's will go before;'
' Some decrees of God
precede all acts of the will of
the creature, and some fol-
low ;' Corv.
' Men may make their elec-
tion void and frustrate ;' Rem.
* It is no wonder, if men, do
sometimes of elect, become
reprobate, and of reprobate,
elect ;' Welsin.
' Election is uncertain and
revocable, and whoever denies
it, overthrows the gospel ;'
' Many decrees of God,
s. s.
standeth for ever, and the
thoughts of his heart to all
generations ;' Psal. xxxiii. 12.
' My counsel shall stand,
and I will do all my pleasure ;'
Isa. xlvi. 10.
' I am the Lord, and I
change not;' Mai. iii. 6.
'With the Fatherof lights
there is no variableness, nor
shadow of turning ;' James i.
17. Exod. iii. 13, 14. Psal. cii.
27. 2 Tim. ii. 13. 1 Sam. xv.
29. Isa. xiv. 7. Job xxiii. 13.
Psal. cxv. 3.
Lib. Arbit.
cease at a certain time /
' God would have all men
to be saved, but compelled
with the stubborn malice of
some, he changeth his pur-
pose, and will have them to
perish ;' Armin.
' As men may change
themselves from believers to
unbelievers, so God's deter-
mination concerning them,
changeth ;' Rem.
' All God's decrees are not
peremptory, but some condi-
tionate and changeable ;' Ser-
mon at Oxford.
CHAP. in.
Of the prescience or foreknowledge of God, and hoiv it is questioned and
overthrown by the Arminians.
The prescience or foreknowledge of God, hath not hitherto,
in express terms, been denied by the Arminians, but only
questioned and overthrown, by consequence : inasmuch as
they deny the certainty and unchangeableness of his decrees,
on which it is founded : it is not a foreknowledge of all, or
any thing, which they oppose, but only of things free and
contingent : and that only to comply with their formerly ex-
ploded error, that the purposes of God concerning such
things, are temporal and mutable ; which obstacle being once
removed, the way is open how to ascribe the presidentship of
all human actions to omnipotent contingency, and her sire
free-will. Now, we call that contingent, which in regard of
its next and immediate cause, before it come to pass, may be
done, or may be not done : as that a man shall do such a thing
to-morrow, or any time hereafter ; which he may choose whe-
ther ever he will do, or no. Such things as these are free and
changeable, in respect of men their immediate and second
causes, but if we, as we ought to do,^ look up unto him who
foreseeth, and hath ordained the event of them, or their omis-
sion, they may be said necessarily to come to pass, or to be
omitted : it could not be but as it was : Christians hitherto,
yea and Heathens,'' in all things of this nature, have usually
upon their event, reflected on God, as one whose determina-
tion was passed on them from eternity, and who knew them
long before : as the killing of men by the fall of a house, who
might, in respect of the freedom of their own wills, have not
been there : or if a man fall into the hands of thieves, we
presently conclude it was the will of God : it must be so, he
knew it before.
Divines, for distinction sake,*^ ascribe unto God a twofold
knowledge ; one, intuitive, or intellective, whereby he fore-
knoweth and seeth all things that are possible : that is, all
things that can be done by his almighty power ; without any
respect to their future existence, whether they shall come to
pass or no : yea, infinite things whose actual being eternity
shall never behold, are thus open and naked unto him ; for
was there not strength and power in his hand to have created
another world? was there not counsel in the storehouse of his
wisdom to have created this otherwise, or not to have created
it at all? shall we say that his providence extends itself
every way to the utmost of its activity? or can he not pro-
duce innumerable things in the world, which now he doth
not ; now all these, and every thing else that is feasible to
his infinite power he foresees and knows, scientia, as they
speak, simplicis inteUigenticc, by his essential knowledge.
Out *^of this large and boundless territory of things possi-
* James iv. 13 — 15. '' Sio? J'tTEXiiero Bou^n. Horn. God's will was done.
<= Quaecunque possunt per creaturam fieri, vel cogitari, vel dici, et etiara quajcunque
ipse facere potest, omnia cognoscit Deus, etiamsi ncque sunt ncque erunt, nequefu-
erunt, scientia simplicis intelligentiae. Aquin. p. q. 14. a. 9. c. Ex verbis Apostoli,
Rom. 4. qui vocat ea quae non sunt tanquam ea quae sunt: sic scholasfici omnes.
Fer. Scholast. orthod. speci. cap. 3. alii passim. Vid. Hieron. Zancli. de scientia Dei,
lib. datrib. 3. cap. 2. q. 5.
<* Vid. Sam. Rhastorfort. exercit. de grat. ex. 1. cap. 4,
F 2
ble, God by his decrees freely determinetli what shall come
to pass ; and makes them future, which before were but pos-
sible. After this decree, as they commonly speak, followeth,
or together with it, as others more exactly/ taketh place,
that prescience of God which they call visionis ' of vision,'^
whereby he infallibly seeth all things in their proper causes ;
and how and when they shall come to pass ; now these two
sorts of knowledge difFer,e inasmuch as by the one, God
knoweth what it is possible may come to pass ; by the other,
only what it is impossible should not come to pass : things
are possible in regard of God's power, future in regard of his
decree. So that (if I may so say), the measure of the first
kind of science, is God's omnipotency what he can do ; of the
other his purpose, what certainly he will do, or permit to be
done. With this prescience then, God foreseeth all, and
nothing but what he hath decreed shall come to pass.
For every thing to be produced next and under him,'' God
hath prepared divers and several kinds of causes ; diversly
operative in producing their effects ;^ some whereof are said
to work necessarily ; the institution of their nature being to
do as they do, and not otherwise ; so the sun giveth light,
and the fire heat. And yet in some regard, their effects and
products, may be said to be contingent and free ; inasmuch
as the concurrence of God, the first cause, is required to their
operation, who doth all things most freely, according to the
counsel of his will : thus the sun stood still in the time of
Joshua; and the fire burned not the three children ; but or-
dinarily such agents working necessitate naturcc, their effects
are said to be necessary,
•= Resipsce nullo iiaturce niomentopossibilesesse dicendae suntpriusquamaDeoin-
telliguntur, scientia qua; dicitur simplicis intelligentiee, ita etiam scientia quae dicitur
visionis, et fertur in res futuras, nullo naturaj momento, posterior statuenda videtur,
ista futuritione, rerum ; cum scientia, &c. D. Twiss. ad errat. vind. grat.
f Scientia visionis dicitur, quia ea quae videntur, apud nos habent esse distinctum
extra videntem. Aq. p. q. 14. a. 9. c.
s In eo diftert pra3scientia intuitionis, ab ea, quae approbationis est, quod ilia praesci-
at, quod evenire possibile est : hoc vero quod impossibile est non evenire. Ferrius.
Orthod. Scholast. speci. cap. 23. Caeterum posterior ista scientia non proprie dicitur a
Ferrio scientia approbationis, ilia enim est, qua Deus dicitur nosse quae amat et ap-
probat: ab utraque altera distincta. Matt. vii. 23. Rom. xi, 2. 2 Tim. ii. 9. Quamvis
infinitorum nuraerorum, nullus sit numerus, non f amen est incomprehensibilis ei, cujus
scientiffi non est numerus : Aug. de civit. Dei. lib. 12. cap. 18.
i>Quibusdam eiFectibus prajparavit causas necessarias, ut necessario eveniret.qui-
busdaui vero causas coutingentes ut evenirent contingenter, secundum conditionem
proximarum causarum. Aquin. p.q. 23. a. 4. in cor. Zanch. de natur. Dei. lib. 5. qu.
4. thes.
' The author has omitted the numeral, first, in this place. Editor.
Secondly, To some things God hath fitted free and contin-
gent causes, which either apply themselves to operation in
particular, according to election ; choosing to do this thing,
rather than that: as ang-els and men, in their free and deli-
berate actions, which they so perform as that they could
have not done them : or else they produce effects Kara to
CTv/i/Bf/SrjKoc, merely by accident ; and the operation of such
things we say to be casual ; as if a hatchet falling out of the
hand of a man, cutting down a tree, should kill another whom
he never saw. Now nothing in either of these ways come to
pass, but God hath determined it both for matter and the
manner ;' even so, as is agreeable to their causes ; some ne-
cessarily, some freely, some casually, or contingently, yet
also as having a certain futurition from his decree ; he infalli-
bly foreseeth that they shall so come to pass. But yet, that
he doth so in respect of things free and contingent, is much
questioned by the Arminians in express terms, and denied
by consequence, notwithstanding St. Jerome affirmeth,'' that
so to do, is destructive to the very essence of the Deity.
First, Their doctrine of the mutability of God's decrees,
on whose firmness is founded the infallibility of this pre-
science, doth quite overthrow it ; God thus foreknowing
only what he hath so decreed shall come to pass ; if that be no
firmer settled, but that it may and is often altered according
to the divers inclinations of men's wills, which I shewed be-
fore they afiirm, he can have at best but a conjectural fore-
knowledge, of what is yet for to come : not founded on his
own unchangeable purpose ; but upon a guess, at the free
inclination of men's wills. For instance,^ God willeth that
all men should be saved : this act of his will, according to
the Arminian doctrine, is his conditionate decree to save all
men if they will believe ; well, among these is Judas,"" as
equal a sharer in the benefit of this decree as Peter. God
then will have him to be saved, and to this end allows him
all those means which are necessary to beget faith in him,
and are every way sufiicient to that purpose, and do produce
i Res et modos reram. Aquin.
I* Cui prasscientiam tollis, aufers divinitatem. Hieron. ad Pelag. lib. 5.
' Deus ita omnium salutem ex aequo vult, ut iliam es squo optet et desideret.
Cor. ad Moli. cap. 3l. sect. 1.
m Talis gratia omnibus datur quee sufficiat ad fidem generandam. idem : ibid,
sect. 15.
that effect in others ; what can God foresee then but that Ju-
das as well as Peter will believe ? He intendeth he should, he
hath determined nothing to the contrary : let him come then,
and act his own part, why? He proves so obstinately mali-
cious," that God with all his omnipotency, as they speak, by
any way that becomes him, which must not be by any irre-
sistible efficacy, cannot change his obdurate heart. Well then,
he determineth, according to the exigence of his justice, that
he shall be damned for his impenitency ; and foreseeth that
accordingly : but now, suppose this wretch, even at his last
moment, should bethink himself and return to the Lord,
which in their conceit he may, notwithstanding his former
reprobation (which, ° as they state it, seems a great act of
mercy) ;P God must keep to the rules of his justice, and
elect or determine to save him : by which the varlet hath
twice or thrice deceived his expectation.
Secondly,'' They affirm, that God is said properly to ex-
pect and desire divers things which yet never come to pass;
we grant, saith Corvinus, * that there are desires in God, that
never are fulfilled.' Now, surely to desire what one is sure
will never come to pass, is not an act regulated by wisdom
or counsel : and, therefore, they must grant that before he
did not know but perhaps so it might be : God wisheth and
desireth some good things, which yet come not to pass, say
they, in their confession : whence one of these two things
must needs follow ; either first, that there is a great deal of
imperfection in his nature to desire and expect what he
knows shall never come to pass ; or else he did not know but
it might, which overthrows his prescience : yea, and say
they expressly,® ' that the hope and expectation of God is
deceived by man :' and confess, ' that the strength of their
strongest argument lies in this, that God hoped and expected
obedience from Israel.' Secondly, that he complaineth that
" Pertinaci tiuorundam malilia conipulsus. Ariniii. ubi sup.
" Reprobalii) populi Judaici fuit actio femporariaet quae bono ipsorum Judeeoruin
si modo sanabiles adhuc essent, animumque advertere vellent, servire poterat, utque
eo fiiii serviret a Deo facta erat. Rem. apol. cap. '20. p. 221.
P Injustuiu est apud Deum vel non credentern eligeie, vel credenlem non eligere.
Rein. Apol.
q ConcedirausinDeo desideria, quje nunquam implentur. Corvin. ad Molin. cap.
5. sect. 2.
"■ Bona qua^ilam Dens optet et desiderat. Rem. Confes. ca. sect. 9.
* Dei spes et expectio est ab honiinibus elusa : Rem. Scrip, svn. in cap. 5. Isa.
V. 1. In eo visargumenti est, (juod Deus ab Israele obedientiam et sperarit, et expec-
taiit. idem. ibid. Quod Deus de elusa spe sua conqueratur. idem ubi supra.
his hope is deluded ; which being taken properly, and as
they urge it, cannot consist with his eternal prescience.
For they disesteem the usual answer of divines, that hope,
expectation, and such like passions, which include in them
any imperfection, are ascribed unto God per avOpwironaOsiav,
in regard of that analogy, his actions hold with such of ours
as we perform, having those passions.
Thirdly,* They teach, that God hath determined nothing
concerning such things, as these in question. 'That God
hath determined future contingent things unto either part (I
mean such as issue from the free-will of the creature), 1
abominate, hate, and curse as false, absurd, and leading us
on unto blasphemy,' saith Arminius. To determine of them
to either part, is to determine and ordain whether they shall
be, or whether they shall not be ; as that David shall, or
shall not, go up to-morrow against the Philistines and pre-
vail. Now the infallibility of God's foreknowing of such
things depending on the certainty of his decree, and deter-
mination, if there be no such thing as this, that also must
needs fall to the ground.
Fourthly," See what positively they write concerning this
everlasting foreknowledge of God. First, they call it a trou-
blesome question. Secondly, they make it a thing disputa-
ble, whether there be any such thing or no ; and though haply
it may be ascribed unto God; yet. Thirdly, they think it
no motive to the worship of him. Fourthly, they say, better
it were quite exploded, because the difficulties that attend it
can scarcely be reconciled with man's liberty, God's threat-
ening and promises; yea. Fifthly, it seems rather to be in-
vented, to crucify poor mortals than to be of any moment in
religion ; so Episcopius. It may be excepted, that this is but
one doctor's opinion : it is true they are one man's words, but
* Deum futura contingentia, dccreto suo determinasse ad alter utram partem
(intelligequffi a libera creaturaevoluiUate patrantur), falsum, absurdum, et multiplicis
blasphemijE praevium abominor et exsecror. Armin. declarat. senten.
" Disquiri perniittimus. 1. Operosani illara qucestionem, de scientia futurorum con-
tingentium absoluta et conditionata. 2. Etsi nou negemusDeo illam scientiarn attri-
bui posse. 3. Tanien an necessarium saluti sit ad hoc ut Deus recte colatur exarai-
nari pcrmittimus. 4. Tiini merito facesscre debent a scholis et ecciesiis, intricate
et spinosBB istae qusstiones qua? de ea agitari soleiit, — quoraodo ilia cum libertate ar-
bitrii, cum seriis Dei comminationibus,- — aliisque actionibus, consistere possit: quae
omnia crucem potius miseris mortalibus fixerunt, quam ad religionem cnlturaque divi-
num, raoraenti aliquid inquisitoribus suis altulerunt. Episcopius, disput, 4. sect. 10.
Rem. Apol. pp. 43, 44.
the thing itself is countenanced by the whole sect. As first,
in the large prolix declaration of their opinions they speak
not one word of it, and being taxed for this omission by the
professors of Leyden, they vindicate themselves so coldly in
their apology, that some learned men do from hence con-
clude/*' that certainly in their most secret judgments, all the
Arminians do consent with Socinus, in ascribing unto God
only a conjectural foreknowledge. And one great prophet
of their own affirms roundly,^ 'that God after his manner of-
tentimes feareth, that is, suspecteth, and that not without
cause, and prudently conjectureth, that this or that evil may
arise;' Vorst. And their chiefest patriarchs, ^ * that God
doth often intend what he doth not foresee will come to pass ;'
Armin. Corvin. Now whether this kind of atheism be tole-
rable among Christians or no, let all men judge who have
their senses exercised in the word of God; which, I am sure,
teaches us another lesson. For,
First, It is laid down as a firm foundation, that * known
unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world ;'
Acts XV. 18. Every thing then, that in any respect may be
called his work, is known unto him from all eternity ; now,
what in the world, if we may speak as he hath taught us,
can be exempted from this denomination ? Even actions in
themselves sinful, are not; though not as sinful yet in some
other regard, as punishments of others. * Behold,' saith Na-
than to David, in the name of God, * I will take thy wives
before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he
shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun ; for thou
didst it secretly, but 1 will do this thing before all Israel ;'
2 Sam. xii. 11, 12. So also when wicked robbers had ne-
fariously spoiled Job of all his substance, the holy man con-
cludeth, 'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away;'
Job i. 1. Now if the working of God's providence be so
mighty, and effectual, even in and over those actions where-
in the devil and men do most maliciously offend, as did Ab-
salom and the Sabean with the Chaldean thieves, that it may
be said to be his work, and he may be said to do it (I crave
" Aines. Antisynod,p. 10.
^ Dens suo modo aliquando metuit, lioc est, merito suspicatur et prudenter conjicit,
lioc vel illud malum oriturura. Deo. p. 4.51.
y Deus non semper ex praescientia finem intendit. Armiiii, Antip. p. 667, Corvin.
ad. Mol. tap. 5. sect. 5.
liberfcy to use the Scripture phrase), then certainly nothing
in the world, in some respect or other, is independent of his
all-disposing hand; yea, Judas himself betraying our Sa-
viour did nothing, * but what his hand and counsel before
determined should be done,"' Acts iv. 28. in respect of the
event of the thing itself: and if these actions, notwithstand-
ing these two hinderances, first, that they were contin-
gent, wrought by free agents, working according to election
and choice ; secondly, that they were sinful and wicked in
the agents ; had yet their dependance on his purpose and de-
terminate counsel ; surely, he hath an interest of operation
in the acts of every creature ; but his works, as it appears be-
fore, are all known unto him from the beginning, for he
worketh nothing by chance, or accidentally, but all things
determinately, according to his own decree, or the counsel
of his own will ; Eph. i. 11.
Secondly, The manner of God's knowing of things, doth
evidently shew, that nothing that is, or may be, can be hid
from him :^ which is not by discourse and collection of one
thing out of another, conclusions out of principles, but alto-
gether and at once evidently, clearly, and distinctly, both in
respect tov oti, and tov Stort, by one most pure act of his own
essence he discerneth all things : ' For there is no creature
that is not manifest in his sight, but all are naked and opened
unto his eyes ;' Heb. iv. 13. So that those things concerning
which we treat,'' he knoweth three ways. First, In himself
and his own decree, as the first cause, in which respect they
may be said to be necessary, in respect of the certainty of
their event. Secondly, In their immediate causes, wherein
their contingency doth properly consist. Thirdly, In their
own nature as future, "= but to his infinite knowledge ever
Thirdly, The Scripture** is full of expressions to this pur-
^ Cum et pater tradiderit filium suura, et ipse Christus corpus sunra : et Judas do-
minum suum : cur in hac traditione Deus est pius, et homo reus, nisi quia in re una
quam fecerunt, causa non fuit una propter quara fecerunt. Aug. Epist. 48.
* Deus non particulatim, vel singillatim omnia videt, velut alternanter concepta,
hinc illuc, inde hue, sed onmia videt simul. August, lib. 1.5. de Trinit. cap. 14. — In
scientia divina nuUus est discursus, sed omnia perfecte intelligit. Tho. p. q. 14.
a. 7. c.
I" Tilen. Syntag. de attrib. Dei. Thes. 22. Zanch. de nat. Dei.
*^ Unumquodque quod est, dum est, necesse est, ut sit.
•J Psal. xllv. 21. Job xiv. 11. Dan. ii. 47. Psai. vii. 2. cxxvi. 2. cxlvii. 4. Luke
xii. 27. Matt. x. 29, 30. Psal, cxxxix. 2.
pose ; to wit, ' That God knoweth all secrets, and revealeth
hidden things : he searcheth the reins and the heart : he
knoweth the number of the stars, and the birds of the air ;
the lilies of the field, the falling of sparrows, the number of
the hairs of our heads :' some places are most remarkable,
as that of the Psalmist, * He knoweth my thoughts long be-
fore :' even before ever they come into our minds, before
their first rising ; and yet many actions that are most con-
tingent, depend upon those thoughts known unto God from
eternity : nay, which breaketh the very neck of the goddess
contingency, those things wherein her greatest power is
imagined to consist, are directly ascribed unto God : as
our words, 'the answer of the tongue;' Prov. xvi. l.the di-
recting of an arrow, shot by chance, to a mark not aimed
at; 1 Kings xxii. 34. Surely God must needs foreknow the
event of that contingent action ; he must needs know the
man would so shoot who had determined his arrow should
be the death of a king. ' He makes men poor and rich ;'
Prov. xxii. 1 . ' He lifteth up one, and pulleth down another ;'
Psal. Ixxv. How many contingencies did 'yop7ov o/Ujua tov
dicTiTOTov, his piercing eye run through, to foresee the crown-
ing of Esther, for the deliverance of his people. In a word,
* known unto God are all his works :' now what can possibly
be imagined to be more contingent, than the killing of
a man by the fall of an axe, from out of his hand who in-
tended no such thing ; yet this God assuraeth as his own
work; Exod. xxi. 13. Deut. ix. 4, 5. and so surely was by
him foreknown.
Fourthly, Do but consider the prophecies in Scripture ;
especially those concerning our Saviour, how many free and
contingent actions did concur for the fulfilling of them ; as
Isa. vii. 14. ix. 5. liii. Gen. iii. 15, &.c. The like may be
said of other predictions ; as of the wasting of Jerusalem
by the Babylonians, which though in regard of God's pre-
science, it was certainly to come to pass : yet they did it
most freely, not only following the counsel of their own
wills ; but also using divination, or chanceable lots for
their direction; Ezek. xxi. 21.' yet he who made the eye
seeth all these things ;' Psal. xciv. 9.
Divers other reasons and testimonies might be produced
to confirm our doctrine, of God's everlasting prescience ;
which, notwithstanding Episcopius' blasphemy, that it serves
for nought but to cruciate poor mortals ; we believe to be
a good part of the foundation of all that consolation which
God is pleased to afford us in this vale of tears ; amidst all
our afflictions and temptations, under whose pressure, we
should else faint and despair ; it is no small comfort to be
assured that we do, nor can, suffer nothing, but what his
hand and counsel guides unto us : what is open, and naked
before his eyes, and whose end and issue he knoweth long
before : which is a strong motive to patience, a sure anchor
of hope, a firm ground of consolation. Now to present in
one view, how opposite the opinions of the worshippers of
the great goddess contingency, are to this sacred truth, take
this short antithesis.
S. S.
' Known unto God are all
his works from the beginning
of the world;' Actsxv. 18.
* Neither is there any crea-
ture that is not manifest in
his sight : but all things are
naked, and opened unto the
eyes of him, with whom we
have to do ;' Heb. iv. 13.
'He that formed the eye
shall henotsee ;' Psal. xciv. 9.
' When a man goeth into the
wood with his neighbour to
hew wood, and his hand
fetcheth a stroke with the axe
to cut down the tree, and the
head slippeth from the helve,
and lighteth upon his neigh-
bour that he die ;' Deut. xix.
5. ' God delivers him into his
hand ;' Exod. xxi. 13.
* Take no thought, saying.
What shall we eat, or what
shall we drink, or wherewithal
Lib. Arbit.
' God sometimes feareth
and prudently conjectureth,
that this or that evil may
arise ;' Vorsti.
' God d oth not always fore-
see the event of what he in-
tendeth ;' Corvin. ad Mol.
* Future contingencies are
not determined unto either
part;' Armin.thatis, God hath
not determined, and so con-
sequently doth not foreknow^
whether they shall come to
pass or no.
' God hopeth and expect-
eth divers things that shall
never come to pass ;' Rem.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
shall we be clothed, for your
heavenly Father knoweth that
you have need of all these
things;' Matt. vi. 31,32.
'Take away God's pre- 'The doctrine of prescience
science and you overthrow seems to be invented only to
his Deity ;' Jerom. vex and cruciate poor mortal
men;' Episcop.
Of the "providence of God in governing the world diversly, thrust from
this pre-eminence by the Arminian idol of free-will.
I COME now to treat of that, betwixt which and the Pela-
gian idol, there is helium acnrovEov, implacable war and im-
mortal hatred, absolutely destructive to the one side ; to
wit, the providence of God. For this, in that notion Chris-
tianity hath hitherto embraced it; and that, in such a sense
as the Arminians maintain it, can no more consist together,
than fire and water, light and darkness, Christ and Belial ;
and he that shall go to conjoin them, ploughs with an ox
and an ass, they must be tied together with the same liga-
ment ' quo ille mortua jungebat corpora vivis,' wherewith
the tyrant tied dead bodies to living men. This strange ad-
vancement of the clay against the potter, not by the way of
repining, and to say, Why hast thou made me thus ? but by
the way of emulation, I will not be so, I will advance myself
to the sky, to the sides of thy throne, was heretofore un-
known to the more refined Paganism :^ as these of contin-
o-ency, so they, with a better error, made a goddess of pro-
vidence ; because, as they feigned, she helped Latona to
bring forth in the isle of Delos : intimating, that Latona or
nature, though big and great with sundry sorts of effects,
could yet produce nothing, without the interceding help of
divine providence : which mythology of theirs, seems to con-
tain a sweeter gust of divine truth, than any we can expect
» Qila wavTwv a^yy SI ^; aVMra Jtai k(m aal ita/xhil, TlieophrastUS apud PlcuiQ.
vid. Senecatn de Pro. vid. ct Piolinum.
from their towering fancieSjb who are inclinable to believe
that God for no other reason, is said to sustain all things,
but because he doth not destroy them : now that their proud
God-opposing errors may the better appear, according to
my former method, I will plainly shew what the Scripture
teacheth us concerning this providence, with what is agree-
able to right and Christian reason, not what is dictated by
tumultuating affections.
Providence, is a word which in its proper signification
may seem to comprehend all the actions of God, that out-
wardly are of him ; that have any respect unto his creatures ;
all his works that are not ad intra essentially belonging vmto
the Deity; now because God worketh all things according
* to his decree or the counsel of his will;' Eph. i. 11. for
whatsoever he doth now, it pleased him from the beginning;
Psal. cxv. seeing also, that known unto God are all his
works from eternity, therefore, three things concerning his
providence are considerable. 1. His decree or purpose,'^
whereby he hath disposed of all things in order, and ap-
pointed them for certain ends, which he hath fore-ordained.
2. His prescience, whereby, he certainly foreknoweth all
things that shall come to pass. 3. His temporal operation,
or working in time. My Father worketh hitherto; John v. 17.
whereby he actually executeth all his good pleasure : the
first and second of these have been the subject of the former
chapters, the latter only now requireth our consideration.
This then we may conceive, as an ineffable act or work
of Almighty God, whereby he cherisheth, sustaineth, and
governeth the world, or all things by him created, moving
them agreeably to those natures, which he endowed them
withal in the beginning, unto those ends, which he hath
proposed : to confirm this, I will first prove this position,
that the whole world is cared for by God, and by him go-
verned, and therein all men, good or bad, all things in par-
ticular, be they never so small, and in our eyes inconsidera-
ble : secondly, shew the manner, how God worketh all, in
^ An actus divinae providentiae omnium rerum conservatrix, sit affirraativus poten-
liEB, an tantura negativus voluntatis, quo nolit res creatas perdere. Rem. Apol. cap. 6.
•= Providentia sen ratio ordinis ad finem duo prrecipue continet: principium de-
cernens seu ipsam rationem ordinis in raente divina, ipsi Deo coaeternum, et prin-
cipium exequens, quo sno modo, per debita media, ipsa in ordine et numero dis-
ponit. Tiiom,
all things, and according to the diversity of secondary causes
which he hath created : whereof, some are necessary, some
free, others contingent, which produce their effects, nee
iravToJg nee eirX to ttoXu sed Kara avjuj^ejdrjKog, merely by ac-
The providence of God in governing the world, is plen-
tifully made known unto us, both by his works and by his
word. I will give a few instances of either sort. 1. In ge-
neral, that the Almighty ^rifxiovpyoQ, and framer of this whole
universe, should propose unto himself no end in the creation
of all things : that he should -want either power, goodness,
will, or wisdom, to order and dispose the works of his own
hands is altogether impossible. 2. Take a particular in-
stance, in one concerning accident, the knowledge whereof
by some means or other, in some degree or other, hath spread
itself throughout the world ; and that is, that almost univer-
sal destruction of all by the flood, whereby the whole world
was well-nigh reduced to its primitive confusion, — is there
nothing but chance to be seen in this ? was there any cir-
cumstance about it that did not shew a God, and his provi-
dence ? Not to speak of those revelations whereby God fore-
told that he would bring such a deluge ; what chance, what
fortune, could collect such a small number of individuals
of all sorts, wherein the whole kind might be preserved ?
What hand guided that poor vessel from the rocks, and gave
it a resting place on the mountains? Certainly, the very read-
ing of that story. Gen. vii. having for confirmation, the
catholic tradition of all mankind, were enough to startle
the stubborn heart of an atheist.
The word of God doth not less fully relate it, than his
works do declare it ; Psal. xix. ' My Father worketh hitherto,'
saith our Saviour; John v. 17. but did not God end his
work on the seventh day, and did he not ' then rest from all
his works?' Gen. ii. 2. True, from his work of creation by
his omnipotence ; but his work of gubernation by his pro-
vidence, as yet knows no end : yea, and divers particular
things he doth, besides the ordinary course, only to make
known ' that he thus worketh ;' John ix. 3. as he hath framed
all things by his wisdom, so he continueth them by his pro-
vidence in excellent order ; as is at large declared in that
golden Psal. civ. and this is not bounded to any particular
places or things, but ' his eyes are in every place beholding
the evil, and the good ;' Prov. xv. 3. * so that none can hide
himself, in secret places, that he shall not see him ;' Jer.
xxiii. 24. Acts xvii. 24. John v. 10, 11. Exod. iv. 11. and all
this, he saith, that men may know ' from the rising of the
sun, and from the west, that there is none besides him, he
is the Lord, and there is none else ; he formeth the light, and
createth darkness, he maketh peace, and createth evil, he
doth all these things ;' Isa. xlv. 7. in these and innumerable
like places, doth the Lord declare that there is nothing
which he hath made, that with the good hand of his provi-
dence he doth not govern and sustain.
Now, this general extent of his common providence to
all, doth no way hinder, but that he may exercise certain
special acts thereof, towards some in particular : even by
how much nearer than other things they approach unto him,
and are more assimilated unto his goodness. I mean his
church here on earth, and those whereof it doth consist :
* for what nation is there so o-reat that hath God so nisrh
unto them ;' Deut. iv. 7. in the government thereof he most
eminently shewethhis glory, and exerciseth his power; join
here his works with his word, what he hath done with what
he hath promised to do for the conservation of his church
and people, and you will find admirable issues of a more
special providence .-against this he promiseth * the gates of
hell shall not prevail;' Matt. xvi. 18. amidst ' of these he
hath promised to remain;' Matt, xviii. 20. supplying them
with an addition of all things necessary ; Matt. vi. 33. de-
siring, ' that all their care might be cast upon him, who
careth for them ;' 1 Pet. v. 7. forbidding any to touch his
anointed ones ; Psal. cv. 15. and that because ' they are
unto him as the apple of his eye ;' Zech. ii. 8. Now this
special providence hath respect unto a supernatural end, to
which that and that alone is to be conveyed.
For wicked men, as they are excepted from this special
care and government, so they are not exempted from the
dominion of his almighty hand : he 'who hath created them
for the day of evil ;' Prov. xvi. 4. and provided a place of
their own. Acts i. 25. for them to go unto ; doth not in
this world, suffer them to live without the verge of his all-
ruling providence, but by suft'ering and enduring their ini-
quities ' with great patience, and long-sufFering ;' Rom.
ix. 20. defending them oftentimes, from the injuries of one
another ; Gen. iv. 15. by granting unto them many temporal
blessings ; Matt. v. 45. disposing of all their works to the
glory of his great name ; Prov. xxi. 1, 2. he declareth, that
they also live, and move, and have their being in him, and
are under the government of his providence. Nay, there is
not the least thing in this world to which his care and
knowledge doth not descend : ill would it become his wis-
dom not to sustain, order, and dispose, of all things by him
created, but leave them to the ruin of uncertain chance.
Jerome*^ then was injurious to his providence, and cast a ble-
mish on his absolute perfection, whilst he thought to have
cleared his majesty, from being defiled with the knowledge
and care of the smallest reptiles and vermin every moment ;
and St. Austin is express to the contrary,*^ ' Who,' saith he,
* hath disposed the several members of the flea and gnat,
that hath given unto them order, life, and motion?' &c. even
most agreeable to holy Scriptures; so Psal. civ. 20, 21.
cxlv. 15. Matt. vi. 26. ' He feedeth the fowls and clotheth
the grass of the field;' John xxxix. 1, 2. Jonah iv. 6. 7.
Sure it is not troublesome to God to take notice of all that
he hath created ; did he use that great power in the produc-
tion of the least of his creatures, so far beyond the united
activity of men and angels, for no end at all ? Doubtless,
even they also must have a well disposed order, for the ma-
nifestation of his glory, * not a sparrow falls to the ground,
without our Father ;' Matt. x. 29, 30. * even the hairs of our
head are numbered, he clotheth the lilies and grass of the
field which is to be cast into the oven ;' Luke xii. 27, 28.
Behold his knowledge and care of them ; again he used
frogs and lice, for the punishment of the Egyptians ; Exod.
viii. with a gourd and a worm, he exercised his servant Jo-
nah, chap. iii. yea, he calls the locusts his terrible army, and
shall not God know and take care of the number of his
soldiers, the ordering of his dreadful host?
^ Majestatem Dei dedecet, scire per momenta singula, quot nascantur culices,
quaj pulicura et muscarum in terra multitudo. Hieron. in cap. 1. Haback.
" Quis disposuit membra pulicis ac culicis, ut liabeant ordinem suum, habeant
vitam suam, liabeant motura suum : &c. qui fecit in coelo angelum, ipse fecit in ter-
ra vermiculum, sed angelum in coelo pro habitatione coelesti, vermiculum in terra
pro habitatione terrestri, nunquid angelum fecit repere in coeno, aut vermiculum in
ccelo; &c. August, torn. 8. in Psal. cxlviii.
That God by his providence governeth and disposeth of
all things by him created, is sufficiently proved; the man-
ner how he worketh all in all, how he ordereth the works of
his own hands, in what this governing and disposing of his
creatures doth chiefly consist, coraes now to be considered.
And here four things are principally to be observed : First,
the sustaining, preserving, and upholding, of all things by
his power : for * he upholdeth all things by the word of
his power;' Heb. i. 3. Secondly, his working together with
all things, by an influence of casuality, into the agents them-
selves, ' for he also hath wrought all our works in us ;' Isa.
xxvi. 12. Thirdly, his powerful overruling of all events,
both necessary, free, and contingent, and disposing of them
to certain ends for the manifestation of his glory : so Joseph
tells his brethren, * As for you, you thought evil against me,
but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is at this
day, to save much people alive ;' Gen. 1. 20. Fourthly, his
determining and restraining second causes to such and such
effects : * even the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord ;
as the rivers of water he turneth it whithersoever he will ;'
Prov. xxi. 1.
First, His sustentation or upholding of all things, is his
powerful continuing of their being, natural strength, and fa-
culties, bestowed on them at their creation; 'in him we live,
and move, and have our being;' Acts xvii. So that he doth
neither work all himself in them, without any co-operation
of theirs, which would not only turn all things into stocks,
yea, and take from stocks their own proper nature, but also
is contrary to that general blessing he spread over the face
of the whole world in the beginning, ' increase and multiply ;'
Gen. i. 22. nor yet leave them to a self-subsistence, he in
the meantime only not destroying them,*^ which would make
him an idle spectator of most things in the world, not to
work hitherto, as our Saviour speaks ; and grant to divers
things here below an absolute being, not derivative from
him; the first whereof is blasphemous, the latter impossible.
Secondly, For God's working in and together with all
second causes, for producing of their effects; what part or
portion in the work punctually to assign unto him, what
to the power of the inferior causes, seems beyond the reach
' Rem. apol. cap. 6.
of mortals ; neither is an exact comprehension thereof any-
way necessary, so that we make every thing beholding to
his power for its being, and to his assistance for its ope-
Thirdly, His supreme dominion exerciseth itself in dispo-
sinp' of all thiiiscs to certain and determinate ends for his own
glory ; and is chiefly discerned advancing itself over those
things which are most contingent, and making them in some
sort necessary, inasmuch as they are certainly disposed of to
some proposed ends. Between the birth and death of a man,
how many things merely contingent do occur ? How many
chances ? how many diseases, in their own nature all evitable ?
and in regard of the event, not one of them but to some prove
mortal ; yet certain it is, that a man's ' days are determined,
the number of his months are with the Lord, he hath ap-
pointed his bounds which he cannot pass ;' Job xiv. 5. And
oftentimes by things purely contingent and accidental, he
executethhis purposes, bestoweth rewards, inflicteth punish-
ments, and accomplisheth his judgments ; as when he deli-
vereth a man to be slain by the head of an axe, flying from
the helve in the hand of a man cutting a tree by the way :
but in nothing is this more evident, than in the ancient cast-
ing of lots, a thing as casual and accidental as can be ima-
gined, huddled in the cap at a venture : yet God overruleth
them to the declaring of his purpose, freeing truth from
doubts, and manifestation of his power ; Prov. xvi. 33. * The
lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing of it is from
the Lord ;' as you may see in the examples of Achan ; Josh,
vii. 16, 17. Saul, 1 Sam. x. 21. Jonathan, 1 Sam. xiv. 41.
Jonah, chap. i. 8. Matthias, Actsi. 26. And yet this overruling
act of God's providence (as no other decree or act of his),
doth not rob things contingent of their proper nature ; for
cannot he, vdio effectually causeth that they shall come to
pass, cause also that they shall come to pass contingently ?
Fourthly, God's predetermination of second causes (which
1 name not last as though it were the last act of God's pro-
vidence about his creatures, for indeed it is the first that con-
cerneth their operation), is that effectual working of his, ac-
cording to his eternal purpose, whereby, though some agents,
E^s the wills of men, are causes most free and indefinite, or
unlimited lords of their own actions, in respect of their in-
ternal principle of operation, that is their own nature, are yet
all, in respect of his decree, and by his powerful working, de-
termined to this or that effect in particular : not that they
are compelled to do this, or hindered from doing that ; but
are inclined and disposed to do this or that, according to
their proper manner of working, that is, most freely ; for truly
such testimonies are every where obvious in Scripture, of the
stirring up of men's wills and minds, of bending and inclining
them to divers things ; of the governing of the secret thoughts
and motions of the heart ; as cannot by any means be refer-
red to a naked permission, with a government of external
actions, or to a general influence, whereby they should have
power to do this or that, or any thing else, wherein as some
suppose his whole providence consisteth.
Let us now jointly apply these several acts to free agents,
working according to choice, or relation, such as are the wills
of men ; and that will open the way to take a view of Armi-
nian heterodoxies, concerning this article of Christian belief ;
and here two things must be premised : First, That they be
not deprived of their own radical, or original internal liberty ;
Secondly, That they be not exempt from the moving influence
and gubernation of God's providence. The first whereof would
leave no just room for rewards and punishments ; the other,
as I said before, is injurious to the majesty and power of God.
St. Augustine^ judged Cicero worthy of special blame, even
among the heathens, for so attempting to make men free, that
he made them sacrilegious ; by denying them to be subject to
an overruling providence ; which gross error was directly
maintained by Damascen,'' a learned Christian, teaching,
things whereof we have any power not to depend on provi-
dence, but on our own free-will ; an opinion fitter for a hog
of the epicures' herd, than for a scholar in the school of
Christ; and yet, this proud prodigious error is now, though
in other terms, stiffly maintained. For what do they else,
who ascribe such an absolute independent liberty to the will
of man, that it should have in its own power every circum-
stance, every condition whatsoever that belongs to operation;
so that all things required on the part of God, or otherwise to
? Qui sic homines voluit esse liberos ut fecit sacrileges. Aug.
h Ta i^' vfMV oi) rni; Trjovoiaj aXXa rou hfxerspov auri^oviriov. Daniascen.
G 2
the performance of an action being accomplished, it remain-
eth solely in the power of a man's own will, whether he will
do it or no j which supreme and plainly divine liberty,joined
with such an absolute uncontrollable power and dominion
over all his actions, would exempt and free the will of man,
not only from all fore-determining to the production of such
and such effects, but also from any effectual working or in-
fluence of the providence of God into the will itself, that
should sustain, help, or co-operate with it, in doing or willing
any thing; and, therefore, the authors of this imaginary li-
berty, have wisely framed an imaginary concurrence of God's
providence answerable unto it ; viz. a general and indifferent
influence, always waiting and expecting the will of man to
determine itself to this or that effect, good or bad; God being,
as it were, always ready at hand to do that small part which
he hath in our actions, whensoever we please to use him ; or,
if we please to let him alone, he no way moveth us to the
performance of any thing. Now God forbid that we should
give our consent to the choice of such a captain, under whose
conduct we might go down again unto Paganism ; to the
erecting of such an idol into the throne of the Almighty. No,
doubtless, let us be more indulgent to our wills, and assign
them all the liberty that is competent unto a created nature,
to do all things freely according to election and foregoing
counsel, being free from all natural necessity, and outward
compulsion : but for all this, let us not presume to deny God's
effectual assistance, his particular powerful influence into
the wills and actions of his creatures, directing of them to a
voluntary performance of what he hath determined ; which
the Arminians opposing in the behalf of their darling free-
will, do work in the hearts of men an overweening of their
own power, and an absolute independence of the providence
of God. For,
First, They deny that God (in whom we live and move and
have our being), doth any thing by his providence,' whereby
the creature should be stirred up, or helped in any of his ac-
tions ; that is, God wholly leaves a man in the hand of his
own counsel, to the disposal of his own absolute independent
' Deus influxu sno nihil confert creaturae, quo ad agendum incitetur ac adjuvetur.
Cor. ad Molin, cap. 3. sect 15. p. 35.
^ower, without any respect to his providence at all : whence,
as they do, they may well conclude,*" that those things which
God would have to be done of us freely (such as are all hu-
man actions), he cannot himself will or work more powerful
and effectually, than by the way of wishing or desiring, as
Vorstius speaks ; which is no more than one man can do con-
cerning another, perhaps far less than an angel. I can wish
or desire that another man would do, what I have a mind he
should ; but truly to describe the providence of God by such
expressions, seems to me intolerable blasphemy ; but thus it
must be ; without such helps as these, Dagon cannot keep
on his head, nor the idol of uncontrollable free-will enjoy his
Hence Corvinus will grant,' that the killing of a man by
the slipping of an axe's head from the helve, although con-
tingent, may be said to happen according to God's counsel
and determinate will ; but on no terms will he yield that
this may be applied to actions wherein the counsel and free-
dom of man's will do take place, as though that they also
should have dependence on any such overruling power :
whereby he absolutely excludeth the providence of God from
having any sovereignty within the territory of human actions ;
which is plainly to shake off the yoke of his dominion, and
to make men lords paramount within themselves ; so that
they may well ascribe unto God, as they do,™ only a de-
ceivable expectation of those contingent things that are yet
for to come, there being no act of his own in the producing
of such effects on which he can ground any certainty ; only
he may take a conjecture, according to his guess, at men's
inclinations. And, indeed, this is the Helen for whose enjoy-
ment, these thrice ten years, they have maintained warfare
with the hosts of the living God ; their whole endeavour being
to prove, that notwithstanding the performance of all things
'' Quae Deus libere prorsus et contingenter, a nobis fieri vult ea potentius aut cffi-
cacius quam per modura voti aut desiderii, velle non potest. Vorst. parasc. p. 4.
' Deinde efsi in isto casu deslinatum aliquod consilium ac voluntas Dei determi-
nata consideranda esset, tamen in omnibus actionibus etin iis quidem quae ex deli-
berato hominum consilio et libera voluntate et male quidem fiunt, ita se rem habere
inde concludi non possit, pula, quia hie nullum consilium et arbitrii libertas locum
habent. Cor. ad Molin. cap. 3. s. 14. p. 33.
" Respectu contingentiae quam res habent in se, turn in divina scientia Deo eipec-
tatio tribuitur. Rem. defen. sent, in act. syn. p. 107.
on the part of God required for the production of any action,"
yet the will of man remains absolutely free ; yea, in respect
of the event, as well as its manner of operation, to do it, or
not to do it : that is, notwithstanding God's decree that such
an action shall be performed, and his foreknowledge that it
will so come to pass, notwithstanding his co-operating with
the will of man (as far as they will allow him), for the doing
of it, and though he hath determined by that act of man to
execute some of his own judgments ;° yet there is no kind
of necessity, but that he may as well omit, as do it : which
is all one, as if they should say. Our tongues are our own, we
ought to speak, who is Lord over us? We will vindicate our-
selves into a liberty of doing what, and how we will, though
for it we cast God out of his throne ; and indeed, if we mark
it, we shall find them undermining and pulling down the
actual providence of God, at the root and several branches
thereof. For,
First, For his conservation or sustaining of all things,
they affirmP it to be very likely that this is nothing but a
negative act of his will, whereby he willeth or determineth
not to destroy the things by him created ; and when we pro-
duce places of Scripture which affirm that it is an act of his
power, they say, they are foolishly cited. So that truly, let
the Scripture say what it will (in their conceit), God doth no
more sustain and uphold all his creatures, than I do a house
when I do not set it on fire, or a worm when I do not tread
upon it.
Secondly, For God's concurring with inferior causes in
all their acts and working, they affirm it to be only "^ a gene-
ral influence, alike upon all and every one, which they may
use or not use at their pleasure ; and in the use determine
" Potentia voluntatis, ab orani interna et externa necessitate immunis debet ma-
nere. Rem. confess, cap. 6. sect. 3. — Vid. plura. Rem. apol. cap. 6. p. 69. a.
Inarbitrio creaturae semper est vcl influere in actum vel influxura suum suspen-
dere, et vel sic, vel aliter influere. Corvin. ad Molin. cap. 3. sect. 15.
P An conservatio ista sit vis sive actus potentiae an actus merus voluntatis negati-
vus, quo vult res creatas non destruere aut annihilare, — posterius non sine magna
veri specie affirmatur : locus ad Heb. i. 3. inepte adducitur. Rem. apol. cap. 6. sect.
1. p. 68. a.
1 Curandum diligentcr, nt Deo quidem universalis, honiini vero particularis in-
fluxus in actus tribuatur, quo universaiem Dei influxum, ad particularem actum
deterniinet. Cor. ad Mol. cap. 3. sect. 5.
it to this or that effect, be it good or bad (so Corvinus), as it
seems best unto them ; in a word, to the will of man"" it is
nothing but what suffers it to play its own part freely, accord-
ing to its inclination, as they jointly speak in their confes-
sion. Observe also, that they account this influence of his
providence, not to be into the agent, the will of man, where-
by that should be helped or enabled to do any thing (no,
that would seem to grant a self-sufficiency)/ but only into
the act itself for its production, as if I should help a man to
lift a log it becomes perhaps unto him so much the lighter,
but he is not made one jot the stronger, which takes off
the proper work of providence, consisting in an internal as-
Thirdly, For God's determining or circumscribing the
will of man to do this or that in particular, they absolutely
explode it as a thing destructive to their adored liberty.* It
is no way consistent with it, say they, in their apology : so
also Arminius,'' 'The providence of God doth not determine
the will of man to one part of the contradiction :' that is,
God hath not determined that you shall, nor doth by any
means overrule your wills, to do this thing rather than that,
to do this or to omit that ; so that the sum of their endea-
vour is to prove that the will of man is so absolutely free,
independent, and uncontrollable, that God doth not, nay, with
all his power, cannot, determine it certainly and infallibly to
the performance of this or that particular action, thereby to
accomplish his own purposes, to attain his own ends. Truly
it seems to me the most unfortunate attempt that ever Chris-
tians lighted on, which if it should get success answerable
to the greatness of the undertaking, the providence of God,
in men's esteem, would be almost thrust quite out of the
world; tanta molis erat: the new goddess contingency could
not be erected until the God of heaven was utterly despoiled
of his dominion over the sons of men, and in the room there-
of a home-bred idol of self-sufficiency set up, and the world
•■ Itaconcurrit Deus in'agendo.cumhominis voluntate, utistam pro genio suo agere
et libere suas partes obire final. Rem. confes. cap. 6. sect. 3.
s Influxus divinus est in ipsurn actum non in voluntatera. Arrain. Antip. alii
' Determinatio cum libertate vera nuUo modo consistere potest. Rem. apol. cap.
7. fol. 82.
" Providentia divina non deterrainat voluntatera jiberara ad unam contradictionis
vel contrarietatis partem. Armin. Artie, perpen.
persuaded to worship it. But that the building climb no
higher, let all men observe how the word of God overthrows
this Babylonian tower.
First, then, In innumerable places it is punctual that his
providence doth not only bear rule in the counsels of men,
and their most secret resolutions, whence the prophet infer-
reth that he knoweth that the way of man is not in himself,
that 'it is not in man that walketh to direct his vv^ays ;' Jer.
X. 23. And Solomon, * that a man's heart deviseth his way,
but the Lord directeth his steps;' Prov, xvi. 9. David also
having laid this ground, ' that the Lord bringeth the coun-
sel of the heathen to nought, and maketh the devices of the
people to be of none effect, but his own counsel abideth for
ever, and the thoughts of his heart to all generations ;' Psal.
xxxiii. 10, 11. proceedeth accordingly in his own distress to
pray, that the Lord would infatuate and make ^'foolish the
counsel of Ahithophel ;' 2 Sara. xv. 31. which also the Lord
did by working in the heart of Absalom, to hearken to the
cross counsel of Hushai.
But also, secondly. That the working'of his providence is
effectual even in the hearts and wills of men to turn them which
way he will, and to determine them to this or that in particular,
according as he pleaseth. ' The preparations of the heart
in man, and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord,' saith
Solomon; Prov. xvi. 1. which Jacob trusted and relied on
when he prayed that ' the Lord would grant his sons to find
favour and mercy before that man;' Gen. xliii. 14. whom
then he supposed to be some atheistical Egyptian ; whence
we must grant, if either the good old man believed that it
was in the hand of God, to incline and unalterably turn and
settle the heart of Joseph to favour his brethren, or else his
prayer must have had such a senseless sense as this : * Grant,
O Lord, such a general influence of thy providence, that the
heart of that man may be turned to good towards my sons,
or else that it may not, being left to its own freedom.' A
strange request, yet how may it be bettered, by one believ-
ing the Arminian doctrine, I cannot conceive. Thus Solo-
mon afiirmeth, that 'the heart of the king is in the hand of the
* Dominus dissipavit consilium quod dederat Achitophel agendo in corde Abso-
lon, ut talc consilium repudiaret, ct aliud quod ei non expediebat ellgeret. August, de
grat. et lib. Arbit. cap. 20.
Lord, like the rivers of water he turneth it which way he will ;'
Prov. xxi . 1 . If the heart of a king, who hath an inward na-
tural liberty equal with others, and an outward liberty be-
longing to his state and condition above them, be yet so
in the hand of the Lord, as that he always turneth it to what
he pleaseth in particular, then certainly other men are not
excepted from the rule of the same providence ; which is the
plain sense of these words, and the direct thesis which we
maintain in opposition to the Arminian idol of absolute in-
dependent free-will. So Daniel also, reproving the Baby-
lonian tyrant, affirmeth, ' that he glorified not God in whose
hand was his breath, and whose were all his ways ;' Dan. v.
23. not only his breath and life, but also all his ways, his
actions, thoughts, and words were in the hand of God.
Yea, secondly, sometimes the saints of God, as 1 touched
before, do pray that God would be pleased thus to determine
their hearts, and bend their wills, and wholly incline them
to some one certain thing, and that without any preju-
dice to their true and proper liberty: so David, Psal. cxix.
36. * Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not unto
covetousness.' This prayer being his may also be ours, and
we may ask it in faith, relying on the power and promise of
God in Christ, that he will perform our petitions ; John xiv.
14. Now I desire any Christian to resolve, whether by
these and the like requests, he intendeth to desire at the
hand of God, nothing but such an indifferent motion to any
good as may leave him to his own choice, whether he will do
it or no ; which is all the Arminians will grant him : or rather
that he would powerfully bend his heart and soul unto his
testimonies, and work in him an actual embracing of all the
ways of God, not desiring more liberty, but only enough to
do it willingly ; nay, surely the prayers of God's servants re-
questing with Solomon, that the Lord would be with them, and
* incline their heart unto him to keep his statutes, and walk
in his commandments ;' 1 Kings viii. 5. 7. And with David,
to ' create in them a clean heart, and renew a right spirit
within them;' Psal. li. when according to God's promises
they entreat him * to put his fear into their hearts ;' Jer.
xxxi. 32. * to unite their hearts to fear his name ;' Psal.
Ixxxvi. 11. to work in them both the will and the deed,
an actual obedience unto his law, cannot possibly aim at no-
thing but a general influence, enabling them alike either to
do, or not to do, what they so earnestly long after.
Thirdly, The certainty of divers promises and threat-
enings of Almighty God, dependeth upon his powerful de-
termining and turning the wills and hearts of men which
way he pleaseth ; thus to them that fear him he promiseth
that they shall find favour in the sight of man ; Prov. iii. 4.
Now if, notwithstanding all God's powerful operation in
their hearts, it remaineth absolutely in the hands of men,
whether they will favour them that fear him or no ; it is
wholly in their power whether God shall be true in his pro-
mises or no. Surely when Jacob wrestled with God on
the strength of such promise. Gen. xxxii. 12. he little
thought of any question, whether it were in the power of
God to perform it; yea, and the event shewed that there
ought to be no such question. Gen. xxxiii. for the Lord turned
the heart of his brother Esau, as he doth of others, when
he 'makes them pity his servants when at anytime they
have carried away captives ;' PsaL cvi. 46. See also the same
powerful operation required to the execution of his judg-
ments ; Job xii. 17. xx. 21, &c. In brief, there is no
prophecy nor prediction in the whole Scripture, no pro-
mise to the church or faithful, to whose accomplishment the
free actions and concurrence of men is required, but evident-
ly declareth that God disposeth of the hearts of men, ruleth
their wills, inclineth their affections, and determines them
freely to choose and do what he in his good pleasure hath
decreed shall be performed ; such as were the prophecies of
deliverance from the Babylonish captivity by Cyrus ; Isa.
xlii. of the conversion of the Gentiles ; of the stability of the
church; Matt. xvi. of the destruction of Jerusalem by the
Romans; Matt. xxiv. with innumerable others. I will add only
some few reasons for the close of this long discourse.
This opinion, that God hath nothing but a general influ-
ence into the actions of men, not effectually moving their
wills, to this or that in particular.
First, Granteth a goodness of entity, or being, unto divers
things, whereof God is not the author; as those special ac-
tions which men perform without his special concurrence ;
which is blasphemous : the apostle affirms that ' of him are
all things.'
Secondly, It denieth God to be the author of all moral
goodness ; for an action is good, inasmuch as it is such an
action in particular -J which that any is so, according to
this opinion, is to be attributed merely to the will of man :
the general influence of God moveth him no more to prayer,
than to evil communications tending to the corruption of
good manners.
Thirdly, It maketh all the decrees of God, whose execu-
tion dependeth on human actions, to be altogether uncer-
tain, and his foreknowledge of such things to be fallible, and
easily to be deceived ; so that there is no reconciliation pos-
sible to be hoped for, betwixt these following and the like
S. S.
' In him we live and move
and have our being;' Acts
xvii. 28.
* He upholdeth all things
by the word of his power;'
Heb. i. 3.
* Thou hast wrought all
our works in us ;' Isa. xxvi.
' My Father worketh hi-
therto ;' John v. 17.
' The preparations of the
heart in man, and the answer
of the tongue is from the
Lord;' Prov. xvi. 1.
* The heart of the king is
in the hand of the Lord, like
the rivers of water he turneth
it which way he will ;' Prov.
xxi. 1.
' Incline my heart unto
thy testimonies, and not unto
covetousness;' Psal.cxix.36.
Lib. Arbit.
'God's sustaining of all
things is not an aiRrmative act
of his power, but a negative
act of his will ;' Rem. apol.
whereby he will not destroy
' God by his influence be-
stoweth nothing on the crea-
ture whereby it may be incit-
ed or helped in its actions ;'
' Those things God would
have us freely do ourselves ;
he can no more effectually
work or will than by the way
of wishing;' Vorstius.
' The providence of God
doth not determine the free-
will of man to this or that
y Qui aliquid boni a Deo noii effici affirmat, ijie Dcura esse negat : sinanique vel
tantillunibonia Deo non est : jam non oiiinisboni effector est eoque necDeus. Buccr.
in cap. 9. ad Roin.
* Unite my heart to fear
thy name ;'Psal. Ixxxvi. 11.
* Thou hast not glorified
God in whose liand is thy
breath, and whose are all
thy ways ;' Dan. v. 23.
See Matt, xxvii. 1. com-
pared with Acts ii. 23. and
iv. 27, 28. Luke xxiv. 26.
John xix. 34. 36. For the ne-
cessity of other events, see
Exod. xxi. 17. Job xiv. 5.
Matt. xix. 7, &c.
particular, or to one part of
the contradiction:' Arminius.
' The will of man ought to
be free from all kind of inter-
nal and external necessity in
its actions;' Rem. that is, God
cannot lay such a necessity
upon any thing, as that it shall
infallibly come to pass as he
intendeth : see the contrary
in the places cited.
Whether the will and purpose of God may be resisted, and he he
frustrate of his intentions.
By the former steps, is the altar of Ahaz set on the right
hand of the altar of God ; the Arminian idol, in a direct op-
position, exalted to an equal pitch with the power and will
of the Most High. I shall now present unto you, the Spirit
of God once more contending with the towering imaginations
of poor mortals, about a transcendent privilege of greatness,
glory, and power: for having made his decrees mutable, his
prescience fallible, and almost quite divested him of his pro-
vidence ; as the sum and issue of all their endeavours, they
affirm that his will may be resisted, he may fail of his inten-
tions, be frustrate of his ends, he may, and doth propose
such things, as he neither doth nor can at any time accom-
plish ; and that, because the execution of such acts of his
will, might haply clash against the freedom of the wills of
men : whicli, if it be not an expression of spiritual pride,
above all that ever the devil attempted in heaven, divines do
not well explicate that sin of his. Now, because there may
seem some difficulty in this matter, by reason of the several
acceptations of the will of God, especially in regard of that,
whereby it is affirmed that his law and precepts are his will,
which, alas, we all of us too often resist or transgress, I will
unfold one distinction of the will of God, which will leave it
clear, what it is that the Arrainians oppose, for which we
count them worthy of so heavy a charge.
' Divinum velle est ejus esse,' say the schoolmen,* 'The
will of God is nothing but God willing,' not differing from
his essence, secundum rem, in the thing itself, but only secun-
dum rationem, in that it importeth a relation to the thing
willed. The essence of God then, being a most absolute, pure,
simple act, or substance, his will consequently can be but
simply one, whereof we ought to make neither division nor
distinction: if that, whereby it is signified, were taken al-
ways properly and strictly for the eternal will of God, the
differences hereof that are usually given, are rather distinc-
tions of the signification of the word than of the thing.
In which regard they are not only tolerable, but simply
necessary ; because without them it is utterly impossible to
reconcile some places of Scripture, seemingly repugnant. In
the 22d chapter of Genesis ver. 2. ' God commandeth Abraham
to take his only son Isaac, and offer him for a burnt-offering
in the land of Moriah.' Here the words of God are decla-
rative of some will of God unto Abraham, who knew it
ought to be, and little thought but that it should be, perform-
ed ; but yet, when he actually addressed himself to his duty
in obedience to the will of God, he receiveth a countermand,
ver. 12. * that he should not lay his hand upon the child, to
sacrifice him :' the event plainly manifesteth, that it was the
will of God that Isaac should not be sacrificed ; and yet,
notwithstanding by reason of his command, Abraham seems
before bound to believe, that it was well-pleasing unto God
that he should accomplish what he was enjoined. If the will
of God in the Scripture be used but in one acceptation, here
is a plain contradiction : thus God commands Pharaoh to
let his people go. Could Pharaoh think otherwise ; nay, w^as
he not bound to believe, that it was the will of God that he
should dismiss the Israelites at the first hearing of the mes-
sage? Yet God affirms that he would harden his heart, that
he should not suffer them to depart until he had shewed his
signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. To reconcile these,
and the like places of Scripture, both the ancient fathers and
schoolmen, with modern divines, do affirm that the one will
* Aquin. p. q. 19. ar. ad. 1.
of God may be said to be divers or manifold, in regard
of the sundry manners whereby he willeth those things to be
done which he willeth, as also in other respects, and yet, taken
in its proper signification, is simply one and the same. The
vulgar distinction of God's secret and revealed will, is such
as to which all the other may be reduced, and therefore I
have chosen it to insist upon.
The secret will of God, in his eternal, unchangeable pur-
pose, concerning all things which he hath made, to be
brought by certain means to their appointed ends : of this
himself affirmeth, 'that his counsel shall stand, and he will
do all his pleasure ;' Isa. xlvi. 10. This some call the absolute
efficacious will of God, the will of his good pleasure always
fulfilled ; and indeed this is the only proper, eternal, con-
stant, immutable will of God, whose order can neither be
broken, nor its law transgressed, so long as with him
there is neither change nor shadow of turning.
The revealed will of God containeth not his purpose and
decree, but our duty ; not what he will do according to his
good pleasure, but what we should do if we will please him;
and this, consisting in his word, his precepts and promises,
belongeth to us and our children, that we may do the will
of God. Now this indeed is rather to ^cXt/toi;, than to S'tXrj^a,
that which God willeth, than his will ; but termed so, as we
call that the will of a man which he hath determined shall
be done : ' This is the will of him that sent me, that every one
which seeth the Son and believeth on him, may have everlast-
ing life,' saith our Saviour; John vi. 40. that is, this is that
which his will hath appointed ; hence it is called voluntas
sig7ii, or the sign of his will ; metaphorically only called his
will, saith Aquinas :' for inasmuch as our commands are the
signs of our wills, the same is said of the precepts of God ;
this is the rule of our obedience, and whose transgression
makes an action sinful, for 7j aixapria lanv y] avofxia, ' sin is the
transgression of a law,' and that such a law as is given to the
transgressor to be observed. Now God hath not imposed on
us the observation of his eternal decree and intention, which
as it is utterly impossible for us to transgress or frustrate, so
were we unblamable if we should; a master requires of his
servant, to do what he commands, not to accomplish what
•> Aquin. q. g. 19. a 11. c.
he intends, which perhaps he never discovered unto him ;
nay, the commands of superiors are not always signs that
the commander will have the things commanded actually
performed, as in all precepts for trial : but only that they
who are subjects to this command, shall be obliged to obe-
dience, as far as the sense of it doth extend, ' et hoc clarum
est in prseceptis divinis,'saith Durand,'^ &c. 'and this is clear
in the commands of God,' by which we are obliged to do
what he commandeth ; and yet it is not always his pleasure
that the thing itself, in regard of the event, shall be accom-
plished, as we saw before in the examples of Pharaoh and
Now the will of God, in the first acceptation, is said to
be hid or secret ; not because it is so always, for it is, in some
particulars, revealed and made known unto us two ways.
First, By his word, as where God affirmeth that the dead
shall rise : we doubt not, but that they shall rise, and that
it is the absolute will of God that they shall do so. Se-
condly, By the effects, for when any thing cometh to pass,
we may cast the event on the will of God as its cause, and
look upon it as a revelation of his purpose. Jacob's sons
little imagined, that it was the will of God, by them to send
their brother into Egypt ; yet afterward, Joseph tells them
plainly, it was not they, but God that sent him thither; Gen.
xlv. but it is said to be secret for two causes : first. Because
for the most part it is so, there is nothing in divers issues
declarative of God's determination but only the event; which,
while it is future, is hidden to them who have faculties to
judge of things past and present, but not to discern things
for to come. Hence, St. James bids us not be too pe-
remptory in our determinations that we will do this, or that,
not knowing how God will close with us for its perform-
ance. Secondly, It is said to be secret, in reference to its
cause, which for the most part is past our finding out: his
paths are in the deeps, and his footsteps are not known.
It appeareth, then, that the secret and revealed will of
God are divers, in sundry respects, but chiefly in regard of
their acts, and their objects. First, In regard of their acts, the
secret will of God is his eternal decree and determination,
concerning any thing to be done in its appointed time: his
•= Durand. dist. c. 48. q. 3.
revealed will is an act whereby he declareth himself to love
or approve any thing, whether ever it be done or no.
Secondly, They are divers in regard of their objects. The
object of God's purpose and decree, is that which is good in
any kind, with reference to its actual existence, for it must
infallibly be performed ; but the object of his revealed will, is
that only which is morally good (I speak of it inasmuch as
it approveth or commandeth), agreeing to the law and the
gospel : and that considered, only inasmuch as it is good ;
for whether it be ever actually performed or no, is accidental
to the object of God's revealed will.
Now of these two differences the first is perpetual, in
regard of their several acts, but not so the latter. They are
sometimes coincident in regard of their objects : for in-
stance, God commandeth us to believe : here his revealed
will is that we should so do; withal he intendeth we shall
do so, and therefore ingenerateth faith in our hearts that we
may believe. Here his secret and revealed will are coin-
cident, the former being his precept that we should be-
lieve, the latter his purpose that we shall believe. In this
case, I say, the object of the one and the other is the same,
even what we ought to do, and what he will do.
And this, inasmuch * as he hath wrought all our works
in us;' Isa. xxvi. 12. they are our own works, which he
works in us ; his act in us, and by us, is oft-times our duty
towards him. He commands us by his revealed will to walk
in his statutes, and keep his laws : upon this he also pro-
miseth that he will so effect all things, that of some this shall
be performed ; Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27. * A new heart also will
I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will
take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give
you a heart of flesh : and I will put my Spirit within you,
and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep
my judgments and do them ;' so that the self-same obedience
of the people of God is here the object of his will, taken in
either acceptation; and yet the precept of God is not here,
as some learned men suppose, declarative of God's intention,
for then it must be so to all to whom it is given, which evi-
dently it is not; for many are commanded to believe, on
whom God never bestoweth faith : it is still to be looked
upon as a mere declaration of our duty, its closing with
tjod's intention, being accidental unto it. There is a wide
difference betwixt, do such a thing, and you shall do it : if
God's command to Judas to believe, imported as much as it
is my purpose and intention that Judas shall believe, it must
needs contradict that will of God, whereby he determined
that Judas for his infidelity should go to his own place : his
precepts are in all obedience of us to be performed, but do
not signify his will, that we shall actually fulfil his com-
mands. Abraham was not bound to believe, that it was
God's intention that Isaac should be sacrificed, but that it
was his duty ; there was no obligation on Pharaoh to think
it was God's purpose the people should depart, at the first
summons, he had nothing to do with that; but there was
one, to believe thatif he would please God, he must let them
go. Hence divers things of good use in these controversies
may be collected.
First, That God may command many things by his word,
which he never decreed that they should actually be per-
formed ; because, in such things, his words are not a revela-
tion of his eternal decree and purpose: but only a declara-
tion of some thing wherewith he is well-pleased, be it by us
performed or no ; in the forecited case, he commanded
Pharaoh to let his people go, and plagued him for refusing
to obey his command ; hence we may not collect, that God
intended the obedience and conversion of Pharaoh by this
his precept, but was frustrated of his intention ; for the
Scripture is evident and clear, that God purposed by his
disobedience, to accomplish an end far different, even a
manifestation of his glory by his punishment; but only that
obedience unto his commands is pleasing unto him; as
1 Sam. XV. 22.
Secondly, That the will of God to which our obedience
is required, is the revealed will of God, contained in his
word, whose compliance with his decree is such, that hence
we learn three things tending to the execution of it. First,
That it is the condition of the word of God, and the dispen-
sation thereof, instantly to persuade to faith and obedience.
Secondly, That it is our duty, by all means to aspire to the
performance of all things by it enjoined, and our fault if we
do not. Thirdly, That God by these means, will accomplish
his eternal decree of saving his elect, and that he willeth the
salvation of others, inasmuch as he calleth them unto the
performance of the condition thereof. Now our obedience is
so to be regulated by this revealed will of God, that we may
sin, either by omission, against its precepts, or commission,
against its prohibitions; although by our so omitting, or com-
mitting, of any thing, the secret will or purpose of God be
fulfilled. Had Abraham disobeyed God's precept, when he
was commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac ; though God's
will had been accomplished thereby, who never intended it,
yet Abraham had grievously sinned against the revealed will
of. God, the rule of his duty. The holiness of our actions,
consisteth in a conformity unto his precepts, and not unto
his purposes; on this ground, Gregory affirmeth,'' 'that many
fulfil the will of God (that is, his intentions) when they think
to change it (by transgressinghis precepts) ; and by resisting,
imprudently obey God's purpose :' and to shew how merely
we in our actions are tied to this rule of our duty. St.
Austin' shews how a man may do good in a thing cross to
God's secret will, and evil in that which com.plieth with it ;
which he illustrates by the example of a sick parent having
two children, the one wicked, who desires his father's death,
the other godly, and he prays for his life ; but the will of
God is he shall die, agreeably to the desire of the wicked
child ; and yet it is the other who hath performed his duty,
and done what is pleasing unto God.
Thirdly, To return from this not unnecessary digression,
that which we have now in agitation, is the secret will of
God, which we have before unfolded, and this it is that we
charge the Arminians for affirming, that it may be resisted ;
that is, that God may fail in his purposes, come short of
what he earnestly intendeth ; or be frustrated of his aim
and end : as if he should determinately resolve the faith and
salvation of any man, it is in the power of that man, to
make void his determination, and not believe, and not be
saved. Now it is only in cases of this nature, wherein our
own free-wills have an interest, that they thus limit and cir-
cumscribe thepower of the Most High: in other things, they
grant his omnipotence to be of no less extent than others
^ Multi voluntatem Dei faciunt, cum illatn nituntur vitarc, et resistendo impruden-
ter obsequiintur divino consilio. Greg. IMoral. lib. 6. cap. 11.
^ August. Enchirid. ad Lauren, cap. 101.
do ; but in this case, tiiey are peremptory and resolute,
without any colouring or tergiversation ; for whereas there is
a question proposed by the apostle, Rom. ix. 19. ' Who
hath resisted his will V which that none hath or can, he
grants in the following verses ; Corvinus affirms/ 'it is only
an objection of the Jews rejected by the apostle ;' which is
much like an answer young scholars usually give to some
difficult place in Aristotle, when they cannot think of abet-
ter, ' loquitur ex aliorum sententia :' for there is no sign of
any such rejection of it by the apostle, in the whole follow-
ing discourse : yea, and it is not the Jews, that St. Paul
disputeth withal here, but weaker brethren concerning the
Jews ; which is manifest from the first verse of the next
chapter, where he distinguisheth between brethren to whom,
and Israel of whoui, he spake. Secondly, He speaks of the
Jews in the whole treatise in the third person, but of the
disputer in the second. Thirdly, It is taken for a confessed
principle, between St. Paul and the disputer as he calls
him; that the Jews were rejected, which surely themselves
would not readily acknov/ledge. So that Corvinus rejects
as an objection of the Jews, a granted principle of St. Paul,
and the other Christians of his time. With the like confi-
dence, the same author affirmeth,^ 'That they nothing doubt
but that many things are not done which God would have
to be done :' Vorstius'' goes farther, teaching * that not only
many things are done, which he would have done, but also
that many things are done, which he would not have done:*
he means not our transgressing of his law, but God's failing
in his purpose; as Corvinus clears it, acknowledging, that
the execution of God's will, is suspended or hindered by
man : to whom Episcopius subscribes ;' as for example,
God purposeth and intendeth the conversion of a sinner ;
suppose it were Mary Magdalen, can this intention of his
be crossed and his will resisted ? Yea, say the Arminians ;
for God converts sinners by his grace ; ' but we can resist
f Ea sententia non continetapostoli verba, sed JudaKorum objectionem ab apostolo
rejeclam. Corvin. ad Mol. cap. 3. per. 19.
s Multa non fieri qufe Deus fieri vult, vel non dubitamus/Corvin. ibid.'cap.5. p. 5.
'' IMulta fiiint quee Deus fieri non vult : nee semper fiunt quae ipse fieri vult. Vorst.
de Deo. pag. 64.
' Ab homine esse agnoscimus, quod voluntatis (divine) exccutio saspe suspenda-
tur. Corvin. ubi sup. paiag. 12. — Episcop. disput, pri, de vohin. Dei coral, b.
H 2
God when he would convert us by his grace,"' say six of
them jointly in their meeting at the Hague. ' But some one
may here object,' say they, ' that thus God faileth of his in-
tention, doth not attain the end, at which he aims : we an-
swer. This we grant:' or be it the salvation of men, they say,
' they are certain that God intendeth that for many,' which
never obtain it ;' that end he cannot compass.
And here, methinks, they place God in a most unhappy
condition, by affirming that they are often damned, whom
he would have to be saved, though he desires their salva-
tion with a most vehement desire and natural affection ;"■ such,
[ think, as crows have to the good of their young ones, for
that there are in him such desires as are never fulfilled," be-
cause not regulated by wisdom and justice; they plainly
affirm. For although by his infinite power, perhaps, he might
accomplish them, yet it would not become him so to do.
Now let any good natured man, who hath been a little
troubled for poor Jupiter in Homer, mourning for the death
of his son Sarpedon, which he could not prevent ; or hath
been grieved for the sorrow of a distressed father, not able
to remove the wickedness and inevitable ruin of an only
son ; drop one tear for the restrained condition of the God
of heaven, who, when he would have all and every man in
the world to come to heaven to escape the torments of hell,
and that with a serious purpose and intention that it shall
be so, a vehement affection and fervent natural desire that
it should be so, yet being not in himself alone able to save
one, must be forced to loose his desire, lay down his affec-
tion, change his purpose, and see the greatest part of them
to perish everlastingly :" yea, notwithstanding that he had
provided a sufficient means for them all to escape, with a
purpose and intention that they should so do.
''iPossumus Deo resisfere, cum nos voll per gratiaiu suam convertere. Rem. coll.
Hag. p. 193 — Objiciet quis, ergo ilium suuiii fineiii Deus noii est assecutus, respon-
deiDus, nos hoc concedere. Rem. defens. sent, in Synod, p. 256.
' Nobis certum est, Deuni niultorum salutera iutendere, in quibus earn non asse-
quitur, Grevin. ad Ames. p. 'J71.
™ Veliemens est in Deo aftectus ad horaini benefaciendum. Cor. ad Molin. cap.
5. sect. is.
" Esse in Deo desideria qiife non implentur concedimus ; idem. sect. 9. — -Non
decet ut Deus infinita sua potentia utatur ad id efficiendum, quo desiderio suo na-
turali fertur Armi. Anliper. p. 584.
" Deus eo line et intentione remediuiu praeparavit, ut omnes ejus actu fierent par-
ticipes, quamvis id non actu evenit. Rem. Apol. cap. 7. fol, 86.
In brief, their whole doctrine in this point is laid down
by Corvinus, chap. iii. against Moulin, and the third sec-
tion : where first, he alloweth of the distinction of the will
of God, into that whereby he will have us do something, and
that whereby he will do any thing himself: the first is
nothing but his law and precepts, which we with him affirm
may be said to be resisted, inasmuch as it is transgressed :
the latter, he saith, if it respect any act of man's, may be
considered as preceding that act, or following it : if preced-
ing it, then it may be resisted, if man will not co-operate.
Now this is the will of God whereby himself intendeth to
do any thing : the sum of which distinction is this, the will
of God concerning the future being of any thing, may be
considered as it goeth before the actual existence of the
thing itself, and in this regard it may be hindered or resisted ;
but as it is considered to follow any act of man, it is always
fulfilled : by which latter member, striving to mollify the
harshness of the former, he runs himself into inexplicable
nonsense, affirming, that, that act of the will of God, where-
by he intendeth men shall do any thing, cannot be hindered
after they have done it, that is, God hath irresistibly pur-
posed they shall do it, provided they do it. In his following
discourse also, he plainly grants, that there is no act of
God's will about the salvation of men, that may not be made
void and of none effect, but only that general decree, where-
by he hath established an inseparable connexion between
faith and salvation, or whereby he hath appointed faith in
Christ, to be the means of attaining blessedness ; which is
only an immanent act of God's will, producing no outward
effect : so that every act thereof, that hath an external issue
by human co-operation, is frustrable and may fall to the
ground : which in what direct opposition it stands to the
word of God, let these following instances declare.
First, 'Our God is in heaven,' saith the Psalmist, 'he
hath done whatsoever he pleased;' Psal. cxv. 5. not only
part, but all, whatsoever he pleased, should come to pass by
any means. ' He ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth
it to whom he will ;' Dan. iv. 23. The transposition of
kingdoms, is not without the mixture of divers free and vo-
luntary actions of men, and yet in that great work, God doth
all that he pleaseth ; yea, before him^ ' all the inhabitants
of the earth are reputed as nothing, and he doth according
to his will, in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants
of the earth, and none can stay his hand, or say unto him.
What dost thou V ver. 35. ' My counsel,' saith he, ' shall
stand, and I will do all my pleasure;' Isa. xlvi. 10. 'I have
purposed, I will also do it ;' ver, 11. Nay, so certain is he
of accomplishing all his purposes, that he confirms it with
an oath; 'The Lord of hosts hath sworn, Surely as I have
thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have purposed
so it shall stand;' Isa. xiv. 24. And indeed it were a very
strange thing, that God should intend what he foreseeth
will never come to pass; but I confess this argument will
not be pressing against the Arminians who question that
prescience; but yet, would they also would observe from the
Scripture, that the failings of wicked men's counsels and
intentions is a thing that ' God is said to deride in heaven ;'
as Psal. ii. 4. He threatens them with it, ' Take counsel,'
saith he, 'together, and it shall come to nought;' Isa.viii. 10.
'speak the word ^ and it shall not stand;' see also chap.
xxix. 7, 8. and shall they be enabled to recriminate, and cast
the like aspersion on the God of heaven? No, surely; saith
St. Austin, P ' Let us take heed we be not compelled to be-
lieve that Almighty God would have any thing done which
doth not come to pass:' to which truth also that the school-
men have universally consented is shewed by Alvarez, disput.
32. pro. 3. and these few instances will manifest the Armi-
nian opposition to the word of God in this particular.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
'Our God is in heaven, 'We nothing doubt but
and hath done whatsoever many things which God will-
pleaseth him ;' Psal. cxv. 3. eth, or that it pleaseth him to
have done, do yet never come
to pass;' Corvin. ' We grant
that some of God's desires
'I will do all my pleasure;' are never fulfilled;' Idem.
Isa. xlvi. 10. 'Who can stay ' It is in the power of man
hishandor say unto him, what to hinder the execution of
dost thou?' Dan. iv. 35. God's will;' Idem.
P Ne credere cogamur aliquid omiiipotcntem Deura voluisse facfumquc non esse.
August. En. cap. 103.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
'I have purposed, I will ' It is ridiculous to imagine
also do it;' Isa. xlvi. 11. that God doth not seriously
will any thing but what tak-
eth effect;' Episcopius.
' As I have purposed, so it ' Tt may be objected that
shall stand;' chap. xiv. 24. God faileth of his end: this
we readily grant;' Remonstr.
How the whole doctrine of predestination is corrupted by the Arminians.
The cause of all these quarrels, wherewith the Arminians and
their abettors have troubled the church of Christ, comes
next unto our consideration. The eternal predestination of
Almighty God, that fountain of all spiritual blessings, of all
the effects of God's love derived unto us through Christ, the
demolishing of this rock of our salvation, hath been the chief
endeavour of all the patrons of human self-sufficiency; so to
vindicate unto themselves a power, and independent ability
of doing good, of making themselves to differ from others,
of attaining everlasting happiness, without going one step
from without themselves : and this is their first attempt, to
attain their second proposed end, of building a tower, from
the top whereof they may mount into heaven; whose founda-
tion is nothing but the sand of their own free-will and en-
deavours : quite on a sudden (what they have done in effect)
to have taken away this divine predestination, name and
thing, had been an attempt as noted as notorious, and not
likely to attain the least success, amongst men professing
to believe the gospel of Christ ; wherefore, suffering the
name to remain, they have abolished the thing itself, and
substituted another so unlike it, in the room thereof, that any
one may see they have gotten a blear-eyed Leah instead of
Rachel, and hug a cloud instead of a Deity. The true doc-
trine itself, hath been so excellently delivered by divers
learned divines, so freed from all objections, that I shall
only briefly and plainly lay it down, and that with special
reference to the seventeenth article of our church, where it
is clearly avowed ; shewing withal, which is ray chief inten-
tion, how it is thwarted, opposed, and overthrown by the
Arminians. Predestination, in the usual sense it is taken, is
a part of God's providence, concerning his creatures, distin-
guished from it by a double restriction.
First, In respect of their objects ; for whereas the decree
of providence, comprehendeth his intentions towards all the
works of his hands, predestination respecteth only rational
Secondly, In regard of their ends ; for whereas his provi-
dence directeth all creatures in general, to those several
ends to which at length they are brought, whether they are
proportioned unto their nature, or exceeding the sphere of
their natural activity ; predestination is exercised only in di-
recting rational creatures to supernatural ends : so that in
general it is the counsel, decree, or purpose of Almighty
God, concerning the last and supernatural end of his rational
creatures, to be accomplished for the praise of his glory.
But this also must receive a double restriction, before we
come precisely to what we in this place aim at: and these
again in regard of the objects or the ends thereof.
The object of predestination is all rational creatures ;
now these are either angels or men ; of angels I shall not
treat. Secondly, the end by it provided for them, is either
eternal happiness or eternal misery : I speak only of the for-
mer, the act of God's predestination, transmitting men to
everlasting happiness : and in this restrained sense, it differs
not at all from election, and we may use them as synonyma,
terms of the same importance, though by some affirming that
God predestinateth them to faith whom he hath chosen,
they seem to be distinguished as the decrees of the end, and
the means conducing thereunto; whereof the first is elec-
tion, intending the end, and then takes place predestination
providing the means ; but this exact distinction appeareth
not directly in the Scripture.
This election the word of God proposeth unto us, as the
gracious immutable decree of Almighty God, whereby, be-
fore the foundation of the world, out of his own good plea-
sure, he chose certain men, determining to free them from
sin and misery, to bestow upon them grace and faith, to give
them unto Christ, to bring them to everlasting blessedness,
for the praise of his glorious grace : or as it is expressed in
our church articles, ' Predestination to life, is the everlasting
purpose of God, whereby, before the foundations of the world
were laid, he hath constantly decreed by his counsel, secret
to us, to deliver from curse and damnation, those whom he
hath chosen in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them
by Christ unto everlasting salvation, as vessels made unto
honour : wherefore they who are endued with so excellent a
benefit of God, be called according to God's purpose,' &c.
Now to avoid prolixity I will annex only such anno-
tations, as may clear the sense, and confirm the truth of the
article by the Scriptures ; and shew briefly how it is over-
thrown by the Arminians, in every particular thereof.
First, The article, consonantly to the Scripture, affirmeth,
that it is an eternal decree, made before the foundations of the
world were laid, so that by it we must needs be chosen be-
fore we were born, before we have done either good or evil :
the words of the article are clear, and so also is the Scrip-
ture, ' He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the
world :' Eph. i. 4. 'The children being not yet born, before
they had done either good or evil, it was said,' &c. Rom. ix.
11. ' We are called with a holy calling, not according to
our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which
was given us in Jesus Christ before the world began;' 2 Tim.
i. 9. Now from hence it would undoubtedly follow, that no
good thing in us can be the cause of our election, for every
cause must in order precede its effect; but all things whereof
we by any means ore partakers, inasmuch as they are ours,
are temporary, and so cannot be the cause of that which is
eternal : things with that qualification, must have reference
to the sole will and good pleasure of God, which inference
would break the neck of the Arminian election. Wherefore,
to prevent such a fatal ruin, they deny the principle, to wit,
that election is eternal :^ so the remonstrants in their apolo-
gy ;'^ ' Complete election regardeth none bu L him that is dying,
* Electio non est ab reterno. Rem. apol.
•• Electio alia completa est, quajneininem spectat nisi iniinocientem. — -Electio per-
emptoria totum saliilis complenientuni et consuiiimationeni decernit, ideoque in ob-
jecto requirit totain consummatani fidei obedientiam. Grevin. ad Ames. p. 136,
passim, dis.
for this peremptory election decreeth the whole accomplish-
ment and consummation of salvation, and therefore requir-
eth in the object, the finished course of faith and obedience,'
saith Grevinchovius : which is to make God's election no-
thing but an act of his justice, approving our obedience, and
such an act as is incident to any weak man, who knows not
what will happen in the next hour, that is yet for to come.
And is this post-destination, that which is proposed to us in
the Scripture, as the unsearchable fountain of all God's love
towards us in Christ ? ' Yea,'*" say they, ' we acknowledge no
other predestination to be revealed in the gospel, besides that
whereby God decreeth, to save them who should persevere in
faith;' that is, God's determination concerning their salvation
is pendulous, until he find by experience, that they will per-
severe in obedience. But I wonder why, seeing election is
confessedly one of the greatest expressions of God's infinite
goodness, love, and mercy towards us, if it follow our obe-
dience, we have it not like all other blessings and mercies,
promised unto us ; is it because such propositions as these,
believe, Peter, and continue in the faith unto the end, and I will
choose thee before the foundation of the world, are fitter for
the writings of the Arminians than the word of God ? Neither
will we be their rivals in such an election, as from whence
no fruit,*^ no effect, no consolation, can be derived to any
mortal man, whilst he lives in this world.
Secondly, The article aflirmeth that it is constant, that
is, one immutable decree, agreeably also to the Scriptures,
teaching but one purpose, but one foreknowledge,' one good
pleasure, one decree of God, concerning the infallible ordina-
tion of his elect unto glory ; although of this decree there
may be said to be two acts, one concerning the means, the
other concerning the end, but both knit up ' in the immuta-
bility of God's will ;' Heb. vi. 17. ' The foundation of God
standeth sure ; having this seal, God knoweth who are his ;'
2 Tim. ii. 19. 'His gifts and calling are without recalling,
not to be repented of;' Rom. xi. 29. Now what say our Ar-
minians to this? why a whole multitude of notions and terms
have they invented to obscure the doctrine. Election, say
* Non agnoscimus aliam prjedestinationem in evangelio pafefactani, quam qua
Deus decrevit credentes et qui in eadem fide perseverarent, salvos facere. Rem. coll.
Hag. p. 34.
^ Electionis fructum aut scnsura in hac vita nullum agnosco. Grevin.
they,' is either legal or evangelical, general or particular,
complete or incomplete, revocable or irrevocable, peremp-
tory or not peremptory, with I know not how many more
distinctions of one single eternal act of Almighty God,
whereof there is neither vola nee vestigium, sign or token in
the whole Bible, or any approved author. And to these qua-
vering divisions they accommodate their doctrine, or rather
they purposely invented them to make their errors un-
intelligible : yet something agreeably thus they dictate ;
' there ^s a complete election belonging to none but those
that are dying, and there is another incomplete, common to
all that believe, as the good things of salvation are incom-
plete which are continued whilst faith is continued, and re-
voked when that is denied, so election is incomplete in this
life and revocable :' again, there are, they^say in their
confession, s ' three orders of believers and repenters in the
Scripture, whereofsome are beginners, others having conti-
nued for a time, and some perseverants, the two first orders
are chosen, vere truly, but not absolute j)rorsus absolutely, but
only for a time, so long as they will remain as they are, the third
are chosen finally and peremptorily ; for this act of God is
either continued or interrupted according as we fulfil the con-
dition :' but whence learned the Arminians this doctrine? Not
one word of it from the word of truth, no mention there of any
such desultory election, no speech of faith, but such as is con-
sequent to the one eternal irrevocable decree of predestina-
tion, 'They believed who were ordained to eternal life ;' Acts
xiii. 48. no distinction of men half and wdioUy elected, where
it is affirmed that it is impossible ' the elect should be
seduced ;' Matt. xxiv. 24. that none should snatch Christ's
sheep out of his Father's hand ; John xi. 28, 29. What would
they have more ? God's purpose of election is sealed up ;
2 Tim. ii. 19. and therefore cannot be revoked, ' it must
stand firm,' Rom. ix. 11. in spite of all opposition; neither
will reason allow us to think any immanent act of God, to
e Episcop. Thes. p. 35. Epist. ad Walach. p. 38. Grevinch. ad Ames. p. 133.
f Electio alia completa est, quEe neminem spectatiiisi morientera, alia inconipleta,
quae ommbus fidelibus communis est, — ut saliitis bona, sunt incorapleta qure continu-
antur, fide continuata, et abnegata revocantur, sic electio est incorapleta in hac vita,
non peremptoria, revocabilis. G re v. ad Ames.
B Tres sunt ordines credentium et resipiscentium in Scripturis, novitii, credentes
allquandiu.perseverantes, duo priores ordines credentiura eliguntur vere quidera, at
non prorsus absolute, nee nisi ad tempus, puta quamdiu et quatenus tales sunt, &c.
Rem. confess, cap. 18. sect. 6, 7.
be incomplete or revocable, because of the mere alliance it
hath with his very nature ; but reason. Scripture, God him-
self, all must give place to any absurdities, if they stand in
the Arminian way, bringing in their idol with shouts, and
preparing his throne, by claiming the cause of their predes-
tination to be in themselves.
Thirdly, The article is clear that the object of this predes-
tination is some particular men chosen out of mankind, that
is, it is such an act of God as concerneth some men in par-
ticular ; taking them as it were aside from the midst of their
brethren, and designing them for some special end and pur-
pose, the Scripture also aboundeth in asserting this verity,
calling them that are so chosen, 'a few;' Matt. xx. 16.
which must needs denote some certain persons ; ' and the
residue according to election ;' Rom. xi. 5. those ' whom God
knows to be his;' 2 Tim. ii. 19. 'Men ordained to eternal
life ;' Acts xiii. 48. 'us;' Rom. viii. 39. those that are 'writ-
ten in the Lamb's book of life ;' Rev. xxi. 27. all which and
divers others clearly prove, that the number of the elect is
certain, not only materially, as they say,*" that there are so
many, but formally also that these particular persons, and
no other are they, which cannot be altered ; nay, the very
nature of the thing itself doth so demonstratively evince it,
that I wonder it can possibly be conceived under any other
notion : to apprehend an election of men not circumscribed
with the circumstance of particular persons, is such a con-
ceited Platonical abstraction, as it seems strange that any
one dares profess to understand that there should be a pre-
destination and none predestinated, an election and none
elected, a choice amongst many, yet none left or taken, a de-
cree to save men, and yet thereby salvation destinated to no
one man, either re aiit spe, in deed or in expectation : in a
word, that there should be a purpose of God to bring men
unto glory, standing inviolable, though never any one at-
tained the proposed end, is such a riddle as no CEdipus can
unfold: now such an election, such a predestination, have
the Arminians substituted in the place of God's everlasting
decree ; 'we deny,'' say they, 'that God's election extendeth
h Aquinas.
' Nos negaraus Dei electionem ad salutein exteiuiere sesead singulares personas,
qua singulares personas. Rem, Coll. Hag. fol. 76.
itself to any singular persons, as singular persons ;' that is,
that any particular persons, as Peter, Paul, John, are by it
elected; no, how then? '''Why God hath appointed without
difference, to dispense the means of faith, and as he seeth
these persons to believe or not to believe, by the use of those
means, so at length he determineth of them,' as saith Cor-
vinus. Well then ; God chooseth no particular man to sal-
vation, but whom he seeth believing by bis own power, with
the help only of such means as are afforded unto others who
never believe, and as he maketh himself thus differ from
them by a good use of his own abilities, so also he may be
reduced again into the same predicament, and then his elec-
tion which respecteth not him in his person, but only his
qualification, quite vanisheth : but is this God's decree of
election ? Yes, say they, and make a doleful complaint,' that
any other doctrine should be taught in the church. ' It is ob-
truded (say the true-born sons of Arminius) on the church
as a most holy doctrine, that God by an absolute immutable
decree from all eternity, out of his own good pleasure, hath
chosen certain persons, and those but few in comparison,
without any respect had to their faith and obedience, and
predestinated them to everlasting life.' But what so great
exception is this doctrine liable unto, what wickedness doth
it include, that it should not be accounted most holy? Nay,
is not only the matter, but the very terms of it contained in
the Scripture? Doth it not say the elect are few, and they
chosen before the foundation of the world; without any re-
spect to their obedience or any thing that they had done ;
out of God's mere gracious good pleasure, that his free pur-
pose according to election might stand ; even because so it
pleased him ; and this that they might be holy, believe, and
be sanctified, that they might come unto Christ, and by him
be preserved into everlasting life ? yea, this is that which
galls them,™ ' no such will can be ascribed unto God where-
^ Deus statuit indlscriminatim media ad fidera administrare, et proat has, vel illas
personas, istis mediis credituras vel non credituras videt, ita tandem de illis statuit.
Corvi. ad Tiien. 76.
Ecclesiffi tanquam sacrosancta doctrina obtruditur, Deum absolutissirao et irarou-
tabili decreto ab omni retro seternitate, pro puro sue beneplacito, singulares quos-
dara liomines, eosque, quoad cateros, paucissimos, citra ullius obediential aut fidei
in Christum intuitu prsedestinasse ad vitani. Prsfat. lib. Armm. ad Perk.^
" Nulla Deo tribui potest voluntas, qua ita velit hominera^ullum salvari, ut saius
inde illis constet ccrto et infallibiliter. Arm. Antiperk. p..')8r>.
by he so willeth any one to be saved, as that thence their
salvation should be sure and infallible/ saith the father af
those children.
Well then let St. Austin's" definition be quite rejected,
* that predestination is a preparation of such benefits where-
by some are most certainly freed and delivered from sin and
brought to glory;' and that alsoof St. Paul, that (by reason of
this) nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ; what is this election in your judgment? "/Nothing
but a decree whereby God hath appointed to save them that
believe in Christ/ saith Corvinus, be they who they will ; or
a general purpose of God, whereby he hath ordained faith in
Chri sto be the means of salvation ; yea, but this belongs to
Judas as well as to Peter, this decree carrieth as equal an as-
pect to those that are damned, as to those that are saved ; sal-
vation under the condition of faith in Christwas also proposed
to them, but was Judas and all his company elected ? How
came they then to be seduced and perish ? That any of
God's elect go to hell, is as yet a strange assertion in Chris-
tianity ; notwithstanding this decree, none may believe, or
all that do may fall away, and so none at all be saved, which
is a strange kind of predestination ; or all may believe, con-
tinue in faith, and be saved ; which were a more strange kind
of election.
We poor souls thought hitherto that we might have be-
lieved according unto Scripture, that some by this purpose
were in a peculiar manner made the Father's (' Thine they
were'), and by him given unto Christ that he might bring
them unto glory, and that these men were so certain and un-
changeable a number, that not only God knoweth them as
being his, but also that Christ ' calleth them all by name;'
John X. 3. and looketh that none taketh them out of his
hand : we never imagined before, that Christ hath been the
mediator of an uncertain covenant, because there are no cer-
tain persons covenanted withal but such as may or may not
fulfil the condition; we always thought that some had been
separated before by God's purpose from the rest of the pe-
rishing world, that Christ might lay down his life for his
° Prfedestinatio est pra?.paratio beueficiorum quibus certissiine liberantur qiiicun-
que liberantur. Aug. de bono per. sen. cap. 14.
" Decretum electionis nihil aliiid est quam decretum quo Dens constiluit credeutes
in Christo justificarc, pt salvarc. Corvin. ad Tilen. p. 13.
friends, for his sheep, for them that were given him of his
Father ; but now it should seem he was ordained to be a
king, when it was altogether uncertain whether he should
ever have any subjects, to be a head without a body, or to
such a church whose collection and continuance depends
wholly and solely on the will of men.
These are doctrines that I believe searchers of the Scrip-
ture had scarce ever been acquainted withal, had they not
lighted on such expositors as teach," 'that the only cause why
God loveth(or chooseth) any person is, because the honesty,
faith, and piety, wherewith, according to God's command and
his own duty he is endued, are acceptable to God :' which,
though we grant it true of God's consequent or approving
love ; yet surely there is a divine love, wherewith he looks
upon us otherwise, when he gives us unto Christ ; else either
our giving unto Christ is not out of love, or we are pious,
just, and faithful, before we come unto him, that is, we have
no need of him at all ; against either way, though we may
blot these testimonies out of our hearts, yet they will stand
still recorded in Holy Scripture, viz. that God so loved us
when we were his enemies ; Rom. v. 8. sinners, ver. 10. of no
strength, that he sent his only-begotten Son to die, that we
should not perish, but have life everlasting ; John iii. 16. but
of this enough.
Fourthly, Another thing that the article asserteth accord-
ing to the Scripture, is, that there is no other cause of our
election, but God's own counsel, it recounteth no motives in
us, nothing impelling the will of God, to choose some out of
mankind, rejecting others, but his own decree, that is, his ab-
solute will and good pleasure ; so that as there is no cause in
any thing vathout himself, why he would create the world or
elect any at all, for he doth all these things for himself, for
the praise of his own glory, so there is no cause in singular
elected persons, why God should choose them, rather than
others; he looked upon all mankind in the same condition,
vested with the same qualifications, or rather without any at
all : for it is the children not yet born, before they do either
good or evil, that are chosen or rejected, his free grace em-
bracing the one, and passing over the other ; yet here we must
• Ratio dilectionis persona; est, quod probitas, fides, vel pietas, qua ex officio suo
et praescripto Dei ista persona prredita est, Deo grata sit. Rem. Apol. pag. 13.
observe, that although God freely without any desert of
theirs, chooseth some men to be partakers both of the end
and the means, yet he bestoweth faith or the means on none,
but for the merit of Christ ; neither do any attain the -end or
salvation, but by their own faith through that righteousness
of his: the free grace of God, notwithstanding choosing Ja-
cob, when Esau is rejected, the only antecedent cause of any
difference, between the elect and reprobates, remaineth firm
and unshaken ; and surely unless men were resolved to trust
wholly to their own bottoms, to take nothing gratis at the
hands of God, they would not endeavour to rob him of his
glory ; of having mercy on whom he will have mercy, of
loving us without our desert, before the world began. If we
must claim an interest in obtaining the temporal acts of his
favour, by our own endeavours ; yet oh, let us grant him the
glory of being good unto us, only for his own sake, when we
were in his hand as the clay in the hand of the potter : what
made this piece of clay fit for comely service, and not a vessel
wherein there is no pleasure, but the power and will of the
framer? it is enough, yea, too much for them to repine and
say. Why hast thou made us thus, who are vessels fitted for
wrath ? Let not them who are prepared for honour, exalt them-
selves against him, and sacrifice to their own nets, as the sole
providers of their glory: but so it is; human vileness will
still be declaring itself, by claiming a worth no way due unto
it : of a furtherance of w hich claim, if the Arminians be not
guilty, let the following declaration of their opinions in this
particular determine.
' We confess,' say they,'' ' roundly, that faith in the consi-
deration of God choosing us unto salvation, doth precede, and
not follow as a fruit of election ;' so that, whereas Christians
have hitherto believed, that God bestoweth faith on them
that are chosen, it seems now it is no such matter, but that
those whom God findeth to believe, upon the stock of their
own abilities, he afterward chooseth. Neither is faith in their
judgment, only required as a necessary condition in him that
is to be chosen, but as a cause moving the will of God to
elect him that hath it,") ' as the will of the judge is moved to
P Rotunde fatennir, fidem in consideratione Dei in eligendo ad salutem antece-
dere, et non tanquainfructum electionis sequi. Rem. Hag. coll. p. 35.
M (Jitviii. ad Ames. p. 2-1. Cor. ad Rlolin. p. 260.
bestow a reward on him, who according to the law hath de-
served it;' as Grevinchovius speaks : which words of his, in-
deed, Corvinus strives to temper, but all in vain, though he
wrest them contrary to the intention of the author ; for with
him agree all his fellows : ' the one,"" only, absolute cause of
election, is not the will of God, but the respect of our obe-
dience/ saith Episcopius. At first they required nothing but
faith, and that as a condition, not as a cause;' then perseve-
rance in faith, which at length they began to call obedience,
comprehending all our duty to the precepts of Christ ; for
the cause, say they, of this love to any person, is the righte-
ousness, faith, and piety, wherewith he is endued, which
being all the good woi'ks of a Christian, they, in effect, affirm
a man to be chosen for them ; that our good works are the
cause of election, which whether it were ever so grossly taught,
either by Pelagians or Papists, I something doubt.
And here observe, that this doth not thwart my former
assertion, where I shewed, that they deny the election of any
particular persons, which here they seem to grant upon a
foresight uf their faith and good works ; for there is not
any one person, as such a person, notwithstanding all this,
that in their judgment is in this life elected ; but only as he
is considered with those qualifications of which he may at
any time divest himself, and so become again to be no more
elected than Judas.
The sum of their doctrine in this particular, is laid down
by one of ours in a tract entitled ' God's love to mankind,' 8cc.
A book fall of palpable ignorance, gross sophistry, and abo-
minable blasphemy, whose author seems to have proposed
nothing unto himself, but to rake all the dunghills of a few
the most invective Arrainians, and to collect the most filthy
scum and pollution of their railings to cast upon the truth of
God, and, under I know not what self-coined pretences, belch
out odious blasphemies against his holy name.
The sum, saith he, of all these speeches (he cited to his
purpose) is,*' That there is no decree of saving men, but what
f Electionis el reprobationis, causa unica vera et absoluta non est Dei voluntas, sed
respectu obedientiee et inobedientiae. Epis. disput. 8.
» Cum peccatura pono causara meritoriam reprobationis, ne existiniato e contra me
ponere.justitiam causam meritoriam electionis. Armin. Anteperk. — Rem. Apol. p. 73.
' God's Love, pag. 6.
VOL. v. I
is built on God's foreknowledge of the good actions of men-'
No decree? No, not that whereby God determineth to give
some unto Christ, to ingraft them in him by faith, and bring
them by him unto glory ; which givetli light to that place of
Arminius," where he affirmeth, ' That God loveth none precise-
ly to eternal life, but considered as just either with legal or
evangelical righteousness.' Now to love one to eternal life^
is to destinate one to obtain eternal life by Christ ; and so it
is coincident with the former assertion, that our election or
choosing unto grace and glory is upon the foresight of our
g^ood works ; which contains a doctrine so contradictory to
the words, and meaning of the apostle ; Rom. ix. 11. con-
demned in so many councils, suppressed by so many edicts
and decrees of emperors and governors ; opposed as a pes-
tilent heresy, ever since it was first hatched, by so many or-
thodox fathers and learned schoolmen; so directly contrary
to the doctrine of this church, so injurious to the grace and
supreme power of Almighty God, that I much wonder any
one in this light of the gospel, and flourishing time of learn-
ing, should be so boldly ignorant or impudent, as to broach
it amongst Christians. To prove this to be a heresy exploded
by all orthodox and catholic antiquity, were to light a can-
dle in the sun ; for it cannot but be known to all and every
one, who ever heard or read any thing of the state of Christ'^s
church, after the rising of the Pelagian tumults.'''
To accumulate testimonies of the ancients is quite beside
my purpose ; I will only add the confession of Bellarmine,^
a man otherwise not over-well affected to truth : ' Predestina-
tion,' saith he, ' from the foresight of w^orks, cannot be main-
tained, unless we should suppose something in the righteous
man, which should make him differ from the wicked, that he
doth not receive from God ; which truly all the fathers with
unanimous consent do reject.' But we have a more sure tes-
timony to which we will take heed, even the Holy Scripture
pleading strongly for God's free and undeserved grace.
First, Our Saviour Christ; Matt. xi. 26. declaring how
" Deum nuUam creaturam prascise ad vitam aitemam amare, nisi consideratum ut
iustam sive justitia legali sive evangelica, Armin. artic. perpend, fol. 21.
" Vid. Prosp. ad excep. Gen. ad dub. 8, 9. vid. Car. de ingratis. c. "2. 3.
* Non potest defendi prajdestinatio ex operibus praevisis, nisi aliquid boni ponatiir
in homine jiisto, quo discernaturab impio, quod non sit ilii a Deo, quod sane patres
oiunes suinraa conscruioae rejiciunt. grat. et lib. Arbit. cap. 14,
God revealeth the gospel vnio some, which is hidden from
others ; a special fruit of election, resteth in his will and good
pleasui'e, as the only cause thereof: ' Even so, O Father, for so
it seemed good in thy sight;' so comforting his little flock,
Luke xii. 32 he bids them fear not, ' for it is your Father's
good pleasure to give you the kingdom;' his good pleasure
is the only cause why his kingdom is prepared for you, ra-
ther than others. But is there no other reason of this discri-
mination ? No ; he doth it all, ' that his purpose according to
election might stand firm ;' Rom. ix. 11. For we are predes-
tinated according to the purpose of him, who worketh 'all
things after the counsel of his own will;' Eph. i. 1 1. But
did not this counsel of God direct him to choose us rather
tiian olhers, because we had something to commend us more
than they? No; 'The Lord did not set his love upon you,
nor choose you because you were more in number than any
people, but because the Lord loved you ;' Deut. vii. 7, 8.
He hath mercy, on whom he will have mercy, yea, ' before
the children were born, and had done either good or evil, that
the purpose of God according to election might stand, not
of works, but of him that calleth, it was said unto her. The
elder shall serve the younger; as it is written, Jacob have I
loved, but Esau have I hated;' Rom. ix. 11, 12. In brief,
wherever there is any mention of election or predestination,
it is still accompanied witli the purpose, love, or will of God ;
his foreknowledge, v/hereby he knoweth them that are his ;
his free power and supreme dominion overall things : of our
faith, obedience, or any thing importing so much, not one
syllable, no mention, unless it be as the fruit and effect thereof ;
it is the sole act of his free grace and good pleasure, that 'he
might make known the riches of his glory towards the ves-
sels of mercy ;' Rom. ix. 23. for this only end hath he saved
us and called us 'with a holy calling, not according to our
works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which given in Jesus Christ before the world began;' 2 Tim.
i. 9. Even our calling is free and undeserved, because flow-
ing from that most free grace of election, whereof we are par-
takers before we are. It were needless to heap up more tes-
timonies, in a thing so clear and evident. When God and
man stand in competition, who shall be accounted the cause
of an eternal good, we mav be sure the Scripture will pass
' I 2
the verdict on the part of the Most High. And the sentence,
in this case, may be derived from thence by these following-
First, If final perseverance in faith and obedience be the
cause of, or a condition required unto, election, then none can
be said in this life to be elected; for no man is a final perr
severer until he be dead, until he hath finished hi-s course and
consummated the faith ; but certain it is that it is spoken of
some in the Scripture, that they are even in this life elected :
' few are chosen;' Matt. xx. 16. ' for the elect's sake those
days shall be shortened ;' Matt. xxiv. ' and shall seduce, if it
were possible, the very elect ;' ver. 24. where it is evident
that election is required to make one persevere in the faith ;
but nowhere is perseverance in the faith required to election.
Yea, and Peter gives us all a command that we should give aU
dilio-ence, 'to aet an assurance of our election even in this
life ;' 2 Pet. i. 10. and, therefore, surely it cannot be a decree
presupposing consummated faith and obedience.
Secondly, Consider two things of our estate, before the
first temporal act of God's free grace (for grace is no grace if
it be not free), which is the first effect of our predestination,
comprehendeth us : First, ' Were we better than others ? no,
in nowise ; both Jews and Gentiles were all under sin ;'
Rom. iii.9. 'There is no difference, for we have all sinned and
come short of the glory of God;' ver. 23. 'Being all dead
in trespasses and sins;' Eph. ii. 1. 'Being by nature chil-
dren of wrath as well as others ;' ver. 3. ' Afar off until we are
made nigh by the blood of Christ;' ver. 12. 'We were ene-
mies against God ;' Rom. v. 10. Titus iii. 3. And look what
desert there is in us with these qualifications, when our vo-
cation, the first effect of our predestination, as St. Paul
sheweth ; Rom.viii. 30. and as I shall prove hereafter, sepa-
rateth us from the world of unbelievers ; so much there is in
respect of predestination itself; so that if we have any way
deserved it, it is by being sinners, enemies, children of wrath,
and dead in trespasses ; these are our deserts ; this is the glory
whereof we ought to be ashamed.
But, secondly. When they are in the same state of actual
alienation from God, yet then, in respect of his purpose to save
them by Christ, some are said to be his ; ' Thine they were,
and thou gavest them unto me ;' John xvii. 6. They were his
before they came unto Christ by faith ; the sheep of Christ
before they are called, ' for he calleth his sheep by name ;'
John X 30. before they come into the flock or congregation :
' For other sheep,' saith he, ' 1 have which are not of this fold,
which must also be gathered ;' John x. 16. To be beloved of
God before they love him, ' herein is love, not that we loved
God, but that he loved us ;' 1 John iv. 10. Now all this must
be with reference to God's purpose of bringing them unto
Christ, and by him unto glory ; which we see goeth before
all their faith and obedience.
Thirdly, Election is an eternal act of God's will, ' He hath
chosen us before the foundation of the world ;' Eph. i. 4. con-
summated antecedently to all duty of ours ; Rom. ix. 11. Now
every cause must, in order of nature, precede its effect; no-
thing hath an activity in causing, before it hath a being :
operation, in every kind, is a second act, flowing from the
essence of a thing, which is the first ; but all our graces and
works, our faith, obedience, piety, and charity, are all tem-
poral, of yesterday, the same standing with ourselves, and
no lop.ger, and, therefore, cannot be the caiise of, no, nor so
much as a condition necessarily required for, the accomplish-
ment of an eternal act of God, irrevocably established be-
fore we are.
Fourthly, If predestination be for faith foreseen, these
three things, with divers such absurdities, will necessarily
follow : First, That election is not of him that calleth, as the
apostle speaks; Rom. ix. 11. that is, of the good pleasure of
God, who calleth us with a holy calling, but of him that is
called ; for, depending on faith, it must be his whose faith is,
that doth believe. Secondly, God cannot have mercy on
whom he will have mercy, for the very purpose of it is thus
tied to the qualities of faith and obedience, so that he must
hav€ mercy only on believers, antecedently to his decree.
Which, thirdly, hinders him from being an absolute free agent,
and doing of what he will with his own ; of having such a
power over us, as the potter hath over his clay, for he finds
us of different matter, one clay, another gold, when he comes
to appoint us to different uses and ends.
Fifthly, God sees no faith, no obedience, perseverance ;
nothing but sin and wickedness in any man, but what himself
intendeth graciously and freely to bestow upon them, for
' faith is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God; it is the work
of God that we do believe ;' John vi. 29. ' He blesseth us with
all spiritual blessings in Christ ;' Eph. i. Now all these gifts
and graces, God bestoweth only upon those whom he hath
antecedently ordained to everlasting life : * For the election
obtained it and the rest were blinded;' Rom. xi. 7. * God
added to his church daily those that should be saved ;' Acts ii.
47. therefore, surely God chooseth us not, because he fore-
seeth those things in us, seeing he bestoweth those graces
because he hath chosen us. ' Wherefore,^ saith Austin, doth
Christ say, ' you have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,'
but because they did not choose him that he should choose
them ; but he chose them that they might choose him.' We
choose Christ by faith, God chooseth us by his decree of
election; the question is, whether we choose him, because he
hath chosen us; or he chooseth us, because v,e have chosen
him, and so indeed choose ourselves : we affirm the former,
and that because our choice of him is a gift he himself be-
stoweth only on them whom he hath chosen.
Sixthly, and principally, The effects of election infallibly
following it, cannot be the causes of election, certainly pre-
ceding it. This is evident, for nothing can be the cause and
the effect of the same thing, before and after itself; but all
our faith, our obedience, repentance, good works, are the ef-
fects of election flowing from it, as their proper fountain,
erected on it, as the foundation of this spiritual building.
And for this the article of our church is evident and clear;
' Those,' saith it, ' that are endued with this excellent benefit
of God, are called according to God's purpose, are justified
freely, are made the sons of God by adoption, they be made
like the image of Christ, they walk religiously in good works,'
&c. Where, first, they are said to be partakers of this benefit
of election, and then by virtue thereof, to be entitled to the
fruition of all those graces. Secondly, it saith. Those who are
endued v.'ith this benefit, enjoy those blessings; intimating
that election is the rule whereby God proceedeth in bestow-
ing those graces ; restraining the objects of the temporal acts
of God's special favour, to them only whom his eternal de-
cree doth embrace ; both these indeed are denied by the Ar-
» ^011 ()b aliuc] ciicit ' nan vos mceligistis scd ego voS elegi.'niii quiauoM elegeruiit
turn lit eligoiet cv%, ttd ut eligcrcnt cum elegit cos. Aug. dc bono jitrse. cap. t6.
minians, which maketh a farther discovery of their hetero-
doxies in this particular. ' You say,"'' saith Arminius to Per-
kins, * that election is the rule of giving, or not giving of faith,
and, therefore, election is not of the faithful, but faith of the
elect ; but by your leave this I must deny :' but yet, whatever
it is the sophistical heretic here denies, either antecedent or
conclusion, he falls foul on the word of God. ' They believed,'
saith the Holy Ghost, 'who were ordained to eternal life ;'
Acts iii. 48. 'And the Lord added daily to his church such as
should be saved ;* Acts ii. 47. From both which places it is
evident that God bestoweth faith only on them whom he hath
preordained to eternal life: but most clearly; Rom. viii.
29, 30. ' For whom he did foreknow, he also predestinated to
be conformed to the image of his Son ; moreover, whom he
did predestinate, them also he called; and whom he called,
them he also justified ; and whom he j ustified, them he also glo-
rified.' St. Austin interpreted this place, by adding in every
link of the chain, ' only those,' however the words directly im-
port a precedency of predestination, before the bestowing
of other graces : and also a restraint of those graces, to them
only, that are so predestinate; now the inference from this
is, not only for the form logical, but for the matter also, it
containeth the very words of Scripture, 'Faith is of God's
elect;' Tit. i. 1.
For the other part of the proposition, that faith and obe-
dience are the fruits of our election, they cannot be more
peremptory in its denial, than the Scripture is plentiful in
its confirmation: 'he hath chosen us in Christ, that we
should be holy ;' Eph. i. 4. not because we were holy, but
that we should be so : holiness, whereof faith is the root, and
obedience the body, is that whereunto, and not for which,
we are elected. The end, and the meritorious cause, of any
one act cannot be the same ; they have divers respects, and re-
quire repugnant conditions. Again, we are predestinated unto
the adoption of children by Jesus Christ ; ver. 5. adoption
is that whereby we are assumed into the family of God,
when before we are foreigners, aliens, strangers, afar off,
which we see is a fruit of our predestination, though it be
» Dicis electionem divinam c?.sc rejriilnm ndei dandw vel non dandw : ergo flcclio
lion est fidclium sed fides clectoium : scd liccat inihi Uia bona vcnia lioe ntgare. Ar-
iwiii. Anliji. p. 221.
the very entrance into that estate, wherein we begin first to
please God in the least measure. Of the same nature are all
those places of holy writ, which speak of God's giving some
unto Christ, of Christ's sheep hearing his voice, and others
not hearing, because they are not of his sheep ; all which, and
divers other invincible reasons I willingly omit, with sundry
other false assertions, and heretical positions, of the Armi-
nians, about this fundamental article of our religion, conclud-
ing this chapter with the following scheme.
S. S.
'Whom he did foreknow
he also did predestinate to be
conformed to the imag-e of his
Son, that he might be the first-
born among many brethren :
moreover, whom he did pre-
destinate, them he also called ;
and whom he called, them he
also justified; and whom he
justified, them he also glori-
fied ; so that nothing shall be
able to separate us from the
love of God in Christ;' Rom.
viii. 29, 30—39.
' He hath chosen us in
him before the foundation of
the world, that we should be
holy;' Eph. i.4.
' Not for the works that
we have done, but according
to his own purpose and grace,
which was given us in Jesus
Christ before the world be-
gan;' 2 Tim. i. 9.
* For the children beino-
not yet born, before they had
done either good or evil, that
the purpose of God wliich is
according to election might
stand, not of Avorks but of
Lib. Arbit.
'No such will can be as-
cribed unto God, whereby he
so would have any to be sav-
ed, that from thence his sal-
vation should be sure and in-
fallible ;' Arminius.
' I acknowledge no sense,
no perception of any such
election in this life;' Grevinch.
* We deny that God's elec-
tion unto salvation extendeth
itself to singular persons;'
Remonst. Coll. Hag.
' As we are justified by
faith, so we are not elected
but by faith;' Grevinch.
'We profess roundly that
faith is considered by God as a
condition preceding election,
and not following as a fruit
thereof;' Rem. Coll. Hag.
' The sole and only cause
of election is not the will of
God, but the respect of our
obedience ;' Episcopius.
* For the cause of this love
to any person, is the good-
S. S.
him that calleth ;' &c. Rom.
ix. 11.
' Whatsoever the Father
giveth that cometh unto me;'
John xi.=
' Many are called, but few
are chosen ;' Matt. xxii. 14.
' Fear not little flock, it is
your Father's pleasure to give
you the kingdom ;' Luke xii.
' What hast thou that thou
hastnot received;' 1 Cor. iv. 7.
* Are we better then they ?
no, in no wise;' Rom. iii. 9.
* But we are predestinated
to the adoption of children by
Jesus Christ, according to the
goodpleasureofhiswill;' Eph.
i. 5. John vi. 37 — 39. John x.
3. xiii. 18. xvii. 6. Acts xiii.
48. Tit. i. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 19.
James i. 17, &c.
Lib. Arbit.
ness, faith, and piety, where-
with, according to God's com-
mand and his own duty, he is
endued, is pleasing to God ;'
Rem. Apol.
• God hath determined to
grant the means of salvation
unto all without difference,
and according as he foreseeth
men will use those means so
he determineth of them ;' Cor-
The sum of their doctrine
is: God hath appointed the
obedience of faith to be the
means of salvation; if men
fulfil this condition, he deter-
mineth to save them, which
is their election ; but if, after
they have entered the way
of godliness, they fall from it,
they loose also their predes-
tination; if they will return
again they are chosen anew,
and if they can hold out to
the end, then, and for that
continuance they are per-
emptorily elected, or post-
destinated, after they are
saved. Now whether these
positions may be gathered
from those places of Scrip-
ture which deliver this doc-
trine, let any man judge.'
Sf 'All that the Father giveth nic, shall coiue to ine ;' Jnhn vi. 37. Editor.
Of original sin, andthe corruption of nature.
Herod the Great, imparting his counsel of rebuiicling the
temple unto the Jews, they much feared he would never be
uble to accomplish his intention ;" but like an unwise builder,
having demolished the old, before he had sat down and cast
up his account, whether he v^ere able to erect a new, they
should (by his project) be deprived of a temple ; wherefore,
to satisfy their jealousies, he resolved as he took down any
part of the other, presently to erect a portion of the new in
the place thereof. Right so the Arminians, determining to
demolish the building of divine providence, grace, and fa-
vour, by which men have hitherto ascended into heaven,
and fearing lest we should be troubled, finding ourselves on
a sudden deprived of that, wherein we reposed our confi-
dence for happiness, they have, by degrees, erected a Baby-
lonish tower in the room thereof, whose top they vtould per-
suade us shall reach unto heaven. First, therefore, the
foundation stones they bring forth, crying, Hail, hail, unto
them, and pitch them on the sandy rotten ground of our
own natures. Now, because heretofore some wise master-
builders had discovered this groxind to be very unfit to be
the basis of such a lofty erection, by reason of a corrupt
issue of blood and filth, arising in the midst thereof, and
over-spreading the whole platform ; to encourage men to an
association in this desperate attempt, they proclaim to all,
tiiat there is no such evil fountain in the plain which they
have chosen for the foundation of their proud building, set-
ting up itself against the knowledge of God in plain terms,
having rejected the providence of God, from being the ori-
ginal of that goodness of entity which is in our actions, and
his predestination from being the cause of that moral and
spiritual goodness, Mherewith any of them are clothed, they
endeavour to draw the praise of both to the rectitude of
their nature, and the strength of their own endeavours : but
this attempt, in the latter case, being thought to be alto-
. » Joseph. Aiitiq. Ju<]2S. lib. Ij, caj), 14.
gether vain, because of the disability and corruption of nature,
by reason of original sin, propagated unto us all by our first
parents, whereby it is become wholly void of integrity and
holiness, and we all become wise and able to do evil, but to
do good have no power, no understanding; therefore, they ut-
terly reject this imputation, of an inherent original guilt, and
demerit of punishment, as an enemy to our upright and well
deserving condition ; and oh, that they were as able to root
it out of the hearts of all men, that it should never more be
there, as they have been to persuade the heads of divers, that
it u^as never there at all.
If any would know how considerable this article con-
cerning original sin, hath ever been accounted in the church
of Christ, let him but consult the writings of St. Augustine,
Prosper, Hilary, Fulgentius, any of those learned fathers,
whom God stirred up to resist, and enabled to overcome,
the spreading Pelagian heresy; or look on those many coun-
cils, edicts, decrees of emperors, wherein that heretical doc-
trine, of denying this original corruption, is condemned^
cursed, and exploded. Now, amongst those many motives
they had to proceed so severely against this heresy, one es-
pecially inculcated deserves our consideration ; viz.
That it overthrew the necessity of Christ's coming into
the world to redeem mankind. It is sin only that makes a
Saviour necessary ; and shall Christians tolerate such an
error, as by direct consequence, infers the coming of Jesus
Christ into the world to be needless? My purpose, for the
present, is not to allege any testimonies of this kind ; but
holding myself close to my first intention, to shew how far
in this article as well as others, the Arminians have apos-
tated from the pure doctrine of the word of God, the consent
of orthodox divines, and the confession of this church of
In the ninth article of our church, wliich is concerning
original sin, I observe especially four things : First, Tliat it is
an inherent evil, the fault and corruption of the nature of
every man. Secondly, That it is a thing not subject, or con-
formable, to the law of God; but hath in itself, even after
baptism, the nature of sin. Thirdly, That by it we are averse
from God, and inclined to all manner of evil. Fourthly, That
it deservelh God's wrath and damnation, all which are fre-
quently and evidently taught in the word of God, and every
one denied by the Arminians, as it may appear by these in-
stances, in some of them.
First, That it is an inherent sin and pollution of nature,
having a proper guill of its own, making us responsible to
the wrath of God : and not a bare imputation of another's
fault, to us his posterity, which because it would reflect
upon us all with a charge of a native imbecility and insuf-
ficiency to good, is by these self-idolizers quite exploded.
' Infants'* are simply in that estate in which Adam was
before his fall,' saith Venator : ' Neither"^ is it all considerable,
whether they be the children of believers, or of heathens and
infidels; for infants, as infants, have all the same innocency,'
say they, jointly in their apology ; nay, more plainly,'^ * It can
be no fault wherewith we are born :' in which last expression,
these bold innovators, with one dash of their pens, have
quite overthrown a sacred verity, an apostolic catholic fun-
damental article, of Christian religion: but truly to me, there
are no stronger arguments of the sinful corruption of our
nature, than to see such nefarious issues of uusanctified
hearts. Let us look then to the word of God confounding
this Babylonish design.
First, That the nature of man, vv'hich at first was created
pure and holy, after the image of God, endowed with such a
rectitude and righteousness as was necessary and due unto
it, to bring it unto that supernatural end to whicli it was or-
dained, is now altogether corrupted and become abominable,
sinful and averse from goodness, and that this corruption or
concupiscence is originally inherent in us, and derived from
our first parents, is plentifully delivered in holy writ, as that
which chiefly compels us to a self-denial, and drives us unto
' Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my
mother conceive me,' saith David ; Psal. li. 5.
Where, for the praise of God's goodness towards him, he
begins with the confession of his native perverseness, and of
the sin wherein he was wrapped before he was born. Neither
^ Infantes sunt simplicps, et stantes in eodem statu in quo Adanius fuit ante lap-
sum. Vcnaf. Tlicol. re et nie. fol. 2.
<■ Ncc refert an infantes isti sint fidelium, an etlmicorum liberi, infantium enim ;
qua infantium, eadcni est innocentia. Ren). Apol. p. 87.
'' Malui'i culprE rioii est, quia nasci plane est involuntarium, &:g. ibid. p. 84.
was this peculiar to him alone; he had it not froin the par-
ticular iniquity of his next progenitors, but by an ordinary
propagation from the common parent of us all ; though in
some of us, Satan, by this Pelagian attempt for hiding the
disease, hath made it almost incurable. For even those in-
fants, of whose innocency the Arminians boast, are unclean
in the verdict of St. Paul ; I Cor. vii. 14. if not sanctified
by an interest in the promise of the covenant; and no unclean
thing shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. ' The^ weakness
of the members of infants is innocent, and not their souls:'
they want nothings but that the members of their bodies are
not as yet ready instruments of sin: they are not sinful only
by an external denomination, accounted so, because of the
imputation of Adam's actual transgression unto them; for
they have all an uncleanness in them by nature. Job xiv. 4.
from which they must be cleansed, ' by the washing of water
and the word ;' Eph. v. 20. their whole nature is overspread
with such a pollution, as is proper only to sin inherent, and
doth not accompany sin imputed, as we may see in the ex-
ample of our Saviour, who was pure, immaculate, holy, un-
defiled, and yet the iniquity of us all was imputed unto him:
hence are those phrases of' washing away sin ;' Acts xxii. 16-
* of cleansing filth;' 1 Pet. iii. 21. Titus iii. 5. something
there is in them, as soon as they are born, excluding them
from the kingdom of heaven, for ' except they also be bora
again of the Spirit they shall not enter into it;' John iii. 5.
Secondly, The opposition that is made between the
righteousness of Christ, and the sin of Adam, Rom. v. which
is the proper seat of this doctrine, sheweth that there is in
our nature an inbred sinful corruption; for the sin of Adam
holds such relation unto sinners, proceeding from him by
natural propagation, as the righteousness of Christ doth
unto them who are born again of him by spiritual regenera-
tion: but we are truly, intrinsically, and inherently sanctified,
by the Spirit and grace of Christ ; and therefore there is no
reason, why being so often in this chapter called sinners, be-
cause of this original sin, we should cast it ofi", as if we were
concerned only by an external denomination, for the right
institution of the comparison, and its analogy quite over-
throws the solitary imputation.
Thirdly, All those places of Scripture, which assert the
« Imbeciiiitas nicmbroruni infantiliuni iimocens est, non animus. Aug.
proneness of our nature to all evil, and the utter disability
that is in us to do any good, that wretched opposition to the
power of godliness, wherewith from the womb we are re-
plenished, confirms the same truth : but of these places, I
shall have occasion to speak hereafter.
Fourthly, The flesh, in the Scripture phrase, is a quality
(if I may so say) inherent in us : for that, with its concu-
piscence, is opposed to the Spirit and his holiness, which is
certainly inherent in us ; now the whole man by nature is
flesh; 'for that which is born of the flesh is flesh ;' John iii.
6. it is an inhabiting thing, a thing that dwelleth within us;
Rom. vii. 17. in brief, this vitiosity. sinfulness, and corrup-
tion of our nature, is laid open : First, By all those places
which cast an aspersion of guilt, or desert of punishment, or
of pollution, on nature itself; as Eph. ii. 1 — 3. 'We are
dead in trespasses and sins, being by nature children of
wrath, as well as others,' being wholly encompassed by ' a sin
that doth easily beset us.' Secondly, By them which fix
this original pravity in the heart, will, mind, and understand-
ing; Eph. iv. 18. Rom. xii. 2. Gen. vi. 5. Thirdly, By those
which positively decipher this natural depravation ; 1 Cor.
■ii. 14. Rom. viii. 7. or. Fourthly, That place it in the flesh, or
whole man, Rom. vi. 6. Gai. v. 16. so that it is not a bare
imputation of another's fault, but an intrinsical adjacent
corruption of our nature itself, that we call by this name of
original sin : but, alas, it seems we are too large carvers for
ourselves, in that wherewith vve will not be contented.
The Arminians deny all such imputation, as too heavy a
charge for the pure unblamable condition, wherein they are
brought into this world ; they deny, I say, that they are
guilty of Adam's sin, as sinning in him, or that his sin is any
way imputed unto us, which is their second assault upon
the truth of this article of faith.
' Adam ^sinned in his own proper person, and there is no
reason why God should impute that sin of his unto infants,'
saith Boreus. The nature of the first covenant, the rioht
and power of God, the comparison instituted by tlie apostle
between Adam and Christ, the divine constitution whereby
Adam was appointed to be the head, fountain, and origin of
all human kind, are with him no reasons at all to persuade
f AdaiiHis ill pr()j)ii;t pcr'>oiia peccavji, ct nulla est ratio ciir Deus peccatum ilind
ini'antibus impulcf. ]5or. in artic- .SI.
it : * For it is against equity,'" saith their apology, ' that one
should be counted guilty for a sin that is not his own, that
he should be reputed nocent who, in regard of his own will,
is truly innocent :' and here Christian reader, beliold plain
Pelagianism obtruded on us, without either welt or guard ;
men on a sudden made pure and truly innocent, notwith-
standing all that natural pollution and corruption, the Scrip
ture every where proclaims them to be replenished withal ;
neither is the reason they intimate of any value that their wills
assented not to it, and which a little before they plainly
urge. ' It is,''' say they, * against the nature of sin, that
that should be counted a sin to any by whose own proper
will it was not committed ;' which being all they have to say,
they repeat it over and over in this case ; ' it must be volun-
tary or it is no sin.' But I say this is of no force at all. For.
first, St. John in his most exact definition of sin, requires not
voluntariness to the nature of it, but only an obliquity, a de-
viation from the rule, it is an anomy, a discrepancy from the
law, which whether voluntary or no, it skills not much; but
sure enough there is in our nature such a repugnancy to the
law of God. So that, secondly, if originally we are free from
a voluntary actual transgression, yet we are not from an ha-
bitual voluntary digression and exorbitancy from the law.
But, thirdly, in respect of our wills, we are not thus innocent
neither, for we all sinned in Adam, as the apostle affirmeth.
Now all sin is voluntary, say the remonstrants, and therefore
Adam's transgression was our voluntary sin also, and that in
divers respects ; first, in that his voluntary act is imputed
to us as ours, by reason of the covenant which w^as made
with him on our behalf; but because this consisting in an
imputation, must needs be extrinsical unto us, therefore, se-
condly, we say, that Adam being the root and head of all
human kind, and we all branches from that root, all parts of
that body whereof he was the head, his will may be said to
be ours; we were then all that one man,' we were all in him,
and had no other will but his; so that though that be ex-
e Contra sequitatcm est, ut qnis reus agafur propter peccatniTi nori sviurn, ut vere
nocens judicetur, qui quoad propriaiu suain voluntatem iunocens e>t. Rem. Apol.
C.7. p. 84.
^ Contra naturam peccati est, ut censcatur peccatusii, ant ut propria in peccatuin
imputetiir, quod propria voluntate commissum r.ou est. ibid.
' Oiiines eraums uuiis ille homo. Autr.
trinsical unto us, considered as particular persons, yet it i»
intrinsical, as we are all parts of one common nature ; as in
him we sinned, so in him we had a will of sinning. Thirdly,
Original sin is a defect of nature, and not of this or that par-
ticular person,'' whereon Alvarez grounds this difference of
actual and original sin, that the one is always committed by
the proper will of the sinner; to the other is required only
the will of our first parent, who was the head of human na-
Fourthly, It is hereditary, natural, and no way involun-
tary, or put into us against our wills: it possesseth our wills
and inclines us to voluntary sins.
I see no reason, then, why Corvinus should affirm as he
doth,' ' That it is absurd, that by one man's disobedience
many should be made actually disobedient;' unless he did
it purposely to contradict St. Paul teaching us, that ' by one
man's disobedience, many were made sinners;' Rom. v. 19.
Panlus oit, Corvinus iiegat, eligife cui credatis ; choose whom
you will believe, St. Paul or the Arminians. The sum of their
endeavour, in this particular, is to clear the nature of man
from being any way guilty of Adam's actual sin, as being then
in him, a member and part of that body whereof he was the
head, or from being obnoxious imto an imputation of it, by
reason of that covenant wliich God made with us all in him;
so that denying, as you saw before, all inherent corruption
and pravity of nature, and now all participation by any
means of Adam's transgression, methinks they cast a great
aspersion on Almighty God, however he dealt with Adam for
his own particular, yet for casting us, hismost innocent pos-
terity, out of paradise. It seems a hard case, that having no
obliquity or sin in our nature to deserve it, nor no interest
in his disobedience, whose obedience had been the means of
conveying so much happiness unto us, we should yet be in-
volved in so great a punishment as we are. For that we are
not now by biith under a great curse and punishment, they
shall never be able to persuade any poor soul who ever
heard of paradise, or the garden where God first placed
Adam: and though all the rest in their judgment be no
^ Est voluntaiiuiii, voluiilatc prirni originantis, non voluntate contrahentis ratione
naturee.non persons. Thoni. 1, 2. q. 81. a.
' Absurduiu est i.t ex unius obedieiUia multi aclu inobcdientes, facti essent.
Corvin. ad Mol. cap. 7. sec. 8.
great matter, but an infirmity and languor of nature, or some
such thing, yet whatever it be, they confess it lights on us
as well as him, ' We™ confess/ say they, * that the sin of
Adam may be thus far said to be imputed to his posterity,
inasmuch as God would have them all born obnoxious to
that punishment which Adam incurred by his sin, or per-
mitted that evil which was inflicted on him to descend on
them.' Now be this punishment what it will, never so small,
yet if we have no demerit of our own, nor interest in Adam's
sin, it is such an act of injustice as we must reject from the
most holy, with a God forbid. Far be it from the judge of
all the world to punish the righteous with the ungodly : if
God should impute the sin of Adam unto us, and thereon
pronounce us obnoxious to the curse deserved by it ; if we
have a pure, sinless, unspotted nature, even this could scarce
be reconciled with that rule of his proceeding in justice with
the sons of men, ' the soul that sinneth it shall die ;' which
clearly granteth an impunity to all not tainted with sin.
Sin and punishment, though they are sometimes separated
by his mercy, pardoning the one, and so not inflicting the
other, yet never by his justice, inflicting the latter where the
former is not : sin imputed, by itself alone without an inhe-
rent guilt, was never punished in any but Christ : the un-
searchableness of God's love and justice, in laying the ini-
quity of us all upon him who had no sin, is an exception from
that general rule he walketh by, in his dealing with the pos-
terity of Adam. So that if punishment be not due unto us
for a solely imputed sin, much less when it doth not stand
with the justice and equity of God, to impute any iniquity
unto us at all, can we justly be wrapped in such a curse and
punishment, as woful experience teaches us, that we lie un-
der. Now in this act of injustice, wherewith they charge
the Almighty, the Arminians place the whole nature of ori-
ginal sin : * We" account not,' say they, ' original sin for a
sin properly so called, that should make the posterity of
Adam to deserve the wrath of God, nor for an evil that may
"> Fatemur peccatum Adami, a Deo posse dici imputatum posteris ejus, quatenus
Deus posteros Adami eidem male, cui, Adaraus, per peccatum obnoxium se reddidit,
obnoxios nasci voluit; sive quatenus Deus, malum, quod Adarao inflictum erat in
poenam, in posteros ejus dimanare et transire permisit. Rem. Apol. p. 84.
■' Peccatum itaque originale nee habent pro peccato proprie dicto, quod posteros
Adami odio Dei dignos faciat, nee pro malo, quod per modum proprie dictae poense
ab Adarao in posteros diraanet sed pro infirmltate, &c. Rem. Apol. fol. 84.
properly be called a punisliment, but only for an infirmity
of nature.' Which they interpret to be a kind of evil, that
being inflicted on Adam, God suffereth to descend upon his
posterity; so all the depravation of nature, the pollution,
guilt, and concupiscence, we derive from our first parents ;
the imputation of Adam's actual transgression, is all strait-
ened to a small infirmity, inflicted on poor innocent crea-
But let them enjoy their own wisdom, which is earthly,
sensual, and devilish ; the Scripture is clear that the sin of
Adam is the sin of us all, not only by propagation and com-
munication (whereby not his singular fault, but something of
the same nature is derived unto us), but also by an imputation
of his actual transgression unto us all, his singular disobedi-
ence being by this means made ours. The grounds of this
imputation I touched before, which may be all reduced to his
being a common person and head of all our nature, which
investeth us with a double interest in his demerits, whilst
so he was. 1. As we were then in him and parts of him. 2.
As he sustained the place of our whole nature, in the cove-
nant God made with him, both which, even according to the
exigence of God's justice, require that his transgression be
also accounted ours. And St. Paul is plain not only ' that by
one man's offence many were made sinners,' Rom v. 19. by
the derivation of a corrupted nature, ' but also that by one
man's offence judgment came upon all ;' ver. 18. even for
his one sin, all of us are accounted to have deserved judg-
ment and condemnation; and therefore, ver. 12. he affirmeth,
* that by one man sin and death entered upon all the world :
and that because we have all sinned in him ;' which we no
otherwise do, but that his transgression in God's estimation
is accounted ours, and the opposition the apostle there
maketh between Christ and his righteousness, and Adam
and his disobedience, doth sufficiently evince it, as may ap-
pear by this figure :°
Sicut ^ "\ Adamo ^ "^"S"/"" r" ^xaraKpii/.a ^ ^Tra.^i.'STrcDjA.a
1 f Jinom-^ 7 reduiida- f 1 per ^Adaini,
sic \ ' ^ Chris- \ nes (?C"P'? } vit, eis /"Sixai'cunv \ unum {'^Malooixa.
C 3to C J®ioZ C ^^"^C C ^Christi.
The whole similitude chiefly consists in the imputation of
° Parajus. ad 5. Koin.
Adam's sin, and Christ's righteousness, unto the seed of the
one by nature, and of the other by grace; but that we are
counted righteous, for the righteousness of Christ is among
Protestants (though some differ in the manner of their ex-
pressions) as yet without question, and therefore, are no less
undoubtedly accounted sinners by, or guilty of, the first sin
of Adam,
I shall not shew their opposition unto the truth in many
more particulars, concerning this article of original sin : hav-
ing been long ago most excellently prevented even in this
very method, by the way of antithesis to the Scripture, and
the orthodox doctrine of our church, by the famously learned
Master Reynolds, in his excellent treatise of the sinfulness
of sin ; where he hath discovered their errors, fully answer-
ed their sophistical objections, and invincibly confirmed the
truth from the word of God ; only as I have shewed already,
how they make this we call original sin, no sin at all, neither
inherent in us, nor imputed unto us, nor no punishment truly
so called; so because our church saith directly, that it me-
riteth damnation, I will briefly shew what they conceive to
be the desert thereof.
First, For Adam himself, they affirm, ' that the death
threatened unto him, if he transgressed the covenant, and
due unto him for it,P was neither death temporal, for that
before he was subject unto, by the primary constitution of
his nature ; nor yet such an eternal death, as is accompanied
with damnation, or everlasting punishment.' No! Why, then,
let us here learn some new divinity. Christians have hitherto
believed, that whatsoever may be comprised under the name
of death, together with its antecedents, consequents, and at-
tendants, was threatened to Adam, in this commination ; and
divines until this day, can find but these two sorts of death in
the Scripture, as penal unto men, and properly so called : and
shall we now be persuaded that it was neither of these that was
threatened unto Adam? It must be so, if we will believe the
Arminians ; it was neither the one nor the other of the for-
mer; but whereas he was created mortal, and subject to a
temporal death, the sanction of his obedience, was a threat-
ening of the utter dissolution of his soul and bod)^ or a re-
P Cum de ffiterna niorte loquuntiir Remonstrantes in hac de Adamo qusestione,
lion intelligmu mortem illani, qua; aeterna, poena sensus, &c. Rem. Apol. cap, 4.
p. 57.
duction to their primitive nothing : but what if a man will
not here take them at their words, but believe accordino: to
St. Paul, that death entered by sin; that if we had never
sinned, we had never died, that man in the state of inno-
cency was by God's constitution, free even from temporal
death, and all things directly conducing thereunto? Se-
condly, That this death threatened to our first parents, com-
prehended damnation also of soul and body for evermore,
and that of their imaginary dissolution, there is not the least
intimation in the word of God. Why, I confess they have
impudence enough in divers places to beg that we would be-
lieve their assertions, but never confidence enoug-h to ven-
ture once to prove them true. Now they who make so slight
of the desert of this sin in Adam himself, will surely scarce
allow it to have any ill merit at all, in his posterity.
' Whether*' ever any one were damned for original sin,
and adjudged to everlasting torments, is deservedly doubted
of: yea, we doubt not to affirm, that never any was so damned,'
saith Corvinus. And that this is not his sole opinion, he de-
clares, by telling you no less of his master, Arminius : ' If is
most true,' saith he, ' that Arminius teacheth, that it is per-
versely said, that original sin makes a man guilty of death.'
Of any death, it should seem, temporal, eternal, or that anni-
hilation they dream of; and he said true enough. Arminius'
doth affirm it, adding this reason, 'because it is only the pu-
nishment of Adam's actual sin.' Now what kind of punish-
ment they make this to be I shewed you before. But truly
I wonder, seeing they are every where so peremptory, that
the same thing cannot be a sin, and a punishment ; why they
do so often nickname this infirmity of nature, and call it a
sin, which they suppose to be as far different from it, as fire
from water. Is it because they are unwilling, by new nam-
ing it, to contradict St. Paul in express terms, never pro-
posing it under any other denomination? or if they can
get a sophistical elusion for him, is it lest, by so doing.
Christians should the more plainly discern their heresy ?
s An ullus omnino homo, propter peccatum originis solum damnctur, ac sEtemis
cruciatibus addicatur, raerito dubitari potest : imo nullum ita daranari affirraare non
veremur. Cor. ad Molin. cap. 9. sect. .5.
■■ Vcrissiraura est Arminium docere, perverse dici peccatum originis reuni facere
ihortis. Corvin. ad Tilen. p. 388.
• Perverse dicitur peccatum originis, reum facere mortis, quum peccatum iilud
poena sit pcccati actualis Adanii. Arniin. Resp. ad qiia'st. 9. a. .S.
or whatever other cause it be, in this I am sure they con-
tradict themselves, notwithstanding in this they agree full
well, 'That* God rejecteth none for original sin only,' as
Episcopius speaks. And here, if you tell them that the ques-
tion is not de facto, what God doth ; but de jure, what such
sinners deserve, they tell us plainly? 'That" God will notde-
stinate any infants to eternal punishment for original sin,
without their own proper actual sins, neither can he do so,
by right, or in justice :' so that the children of Turks, Pagans,
and the like infidels, strangers from the covenant of grace,
departing in their infancy, are far happier than any Christian
men, who must undergo a hard warfare against sin and Sa-
tan, in danger to fall finally away at the last hour; and
through many difficulties entering the kingdom of heaven,
when they, without farther trouble, are presently assumed
thither for their iimocency. Yea, although they are neither
elected of God ; for as they affirm, he chooseth none but for
their faith, which they have not; nor redeemed by Christ,
for he died only for sinners, he saveth 'his people from their
sins,' which they are not guilty of ; nor sanctified by the Holy
Ghost, all whose operations they restrain to a moral suasion,
whereof infants are not a capable subject. Which is not much
to the honour of the blessed Trinity, that heaven should
be replenished with them whom the Father never elected, the
Son never redeemed, nor the Holy Ghost sanctified.
And thus you see what they make of this original pra-
vity of our nature, at most an infirmity, or languor thereof:
neither a sin, nor the punishment of sin properly so called ;
nor yet a thing that deserves punishment as a sin. Which
last assertion, whether it be agreeable to Holy Scripture or
no, these two following observations will declare.
First, Thei'eisno confusion, no disorder, no vanity in the
whole world, in any of God's creatures, that is not a punish-
ment of our sin in Adam. That great and almost universal
ruin of nature, proceeding from the curse of God overgrow*
ing the earth, and the wrath of God revealing itself from
heaven, is the proper issue of his transgression. It was of
the great mercy of God, that the whole frame of nature was
• Deus nemiiiem ob solum peccatuni originis rejecit Episcop. disp. 9. Tlies. 2.
" Pro certo statuunt Deuin luillos infantes, sine actualibus ac propriis peccatis,
morientes, aeternis cruciatibus destinare ve!le, ant jure di'sdnare posse ob peccafuin
quod vocatur originis. Rem. Apol. p. 87.
not presently rolled up in darkness, and reduced to its pri-
mitive confusion. Had we ourselves been deprived of those
remaining sparks of God's image in our souls, which vindi-
cates us from the number of the beasts that perish ; had we
been all born fools, and void of reason, by dealing so with
some in particular, he sheweth us, it had been but justice to
have wrapped us in the same misery, all in general. All things
when God first created them, were exceeding good, and
thought so by the wisdom of God himself; but our sin even
compelled that good and wise Creator to hate and curse the
work of his own hands : * Cursed is the ground,' saith he to
Adam, ' for thy sake ; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the
days of thy life : thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth
unto thee ;' Gen. iii. 17, 18. Hence was that heavy burden of
vanity, that bondage of ' corruption, under which to this day
the whole creation groaneth, and travaileth in pain until it
be delivered ;' Rom. viii. 21, 22. Now, if our sin had such a
strange malignant influence upon those things which have
no relation unto us, but only as they were created for our
use, surely it is of the great mercy of God that we our-
selves are not quite confounded ; which doth not yet so in-
terpose itself, but that we are all compassed with divers sad
effects of this iniquity, lying actually under divers pressing
miseries, and deservedly obnoxious to everlasting destruc-
tion. So that.
Secondly, Death temporal, with all its antecedents and
attendants, all infirmities, miseries, sicknesses, wasting de-
stroying passions, casualties that ai'e penal, all evil con-
ducing thereunto, or waiting on it, is a punishment of ori-
ginal sin : and this, not only because the first actual sin of
Adam is imputed to us, but most of them are the proper
issues of that native corruption, and pollution of sin, which
is stirring and operative within us; for the production of such
sad effects, our whole nature being by it thoroughly defiled.
Hence are all the distortures and distemperatures of the
soul, by lusts, concupiscence, passions, blindness of mind,
perverseness of will, inordinateness of affections, wherewith
we are pressed and turmoiled ; even proper issues of that
inherent sin, which possesseth our whole souls.
Upon the body also, it hath such an influence in dis-
posing it to corruption and mortality, as it is the original of
all those infirmities, sicknesses, and diseases, which make \\s
nothing but a shop of such miseries for death itself; as these
and the like degrees are the steps which lead us on apace
in the road that tends unto it ; so they are the direct inter-
nal efficient causes thereof, in subordination to the justice
of Almighty God, by such means inflicting it as a punish-
ment of our sins in Adam. Man before his fall, though not
in regard of the matterwhereof he was made, nor yet merely
in respect of his quickening form, yet in regard of God's
ordination, was immortal, a keeper of his own everlasting-
ness. Death, to which before he was not obnoxious, was
threatened as a punishment of his sin : ' In the day thou
eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die :' the exposition of which
words, given by God, at the time of his inflicting this pu-
nishment, and pronouncing man subject to mortality, clearly
sheweth that it comprehended temporal death also: * Dust
thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.' Our return to
dust, is nothing but the soul leaving the body, whereby be-
fore it was preserved from corruption. Farther, St. Paul
opposeth that death we had by the sin of Adam, to the re-
surrection of the body by the power of Christ : * For since
by man came death, by man also came the resurrection from
the dead : for as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be
made alive;' 1 Cor. xv. 21, 22. The life, which all shall re-
ceive by the power of Christ at the last day, is essentially a
reunion of soul and body, and therefore their separation i§
a thing we incurred by the sin of Adam. The same apostle
also, Rom. v. describeth a universal reign of death over ajl,
by reason of the first transgression : even diseases also, in
the Scripture, are attributed unto sin, as their meritorious
cause ; John v. 14. 1 Cor. xii. 30. Rev. ii. 22. and in respect
of all these, the mercy of God doth not so interpose itself,
but that all the sons of men are in some sort partakers of
Thirdly, The final desert of original sin, as our article
speaketh, is damnation ; the wrath of God to be poured on
us, in eternal torments of body and soul. To this end also,
many previous judgments of God are subservient; as the
privation of original righteousness, which he took, and with-
held, upon Adam's throwing it away ; spiritual desertion,
permission of sin, with all other destroying depravations of
our nature, as far as they are merely penal ; some of which
are immediate consequents of Adam's singular actual trans-
gression, as privation of original righteousness ; others, as
damnation itself, the proper effects of that derived sin and
pollution that is in us : there is none damned but for their
own sin. When divines affirm that by Adam's sin we are
guilty of damnation, they do not mean, that any are actu-
ally damned for his particular fact, but that by his sin, and
our sinning in him, by God's most just ordination we have
contracted that exceeding pravity, and sinfulness of nature,
which deserveth the curse of God, and eternal damnation.
It must be an inherent uncleanness that actually excludes
out of the kingdom of heaven; Rev. xxi. 27. which un-
cleanness the apostle shews to be in infants not sanctified
by an interest in the covenant: in brief *we are baptized
unto the remission of sins, that we may be saved ;' Acts
ii. 38. that, then, which is taken away by baptism, is that
which hinders our salvation, which is not the first sin of
Adam imputed, but our own inherent lust and pollution. We
cannot be washed, and cleansed, and purged from an im-
puted sin, which is done by the laver of regeneration, from
that which lies upon us, only by an external denomination.
We have no need of cleansing ; we may be said to be freed
from it, or justified, but not purged; the soul, then, that is
guilty of sin shall die, and that for its own guilt. If God
should condemn us for original sin only, it were not by rea-
son of the imputation of Adam's fault, but of the iniquity of
that portion of nature, in which we are proprietaries.
Now here, to shut up all, observe, that in this inquiry of
the desert of original sin, the question is not, what shall
be the certain lot of those that depart this life under the
guilt of this sin only? but what this hereditary and native
corruption doth deserve, in all those in whom it is ? For, as
St. Paul saith, ' we judge not them that are without' (espe-
cially infants); 1 Cor. v. 13. but for the demerit of it in the
justice of God, our Saviour expressly affirmeth, that unless
a man be born again, ' he cannot enter into the kingdom of
heaven ;' John iii. and let them that can, distinguish be-
tween a not going to heaven, and a going to hell : a third
receptacle of souls in the Scripture we find not. St. Paul
also tells us, that bv ' nature we sje children of wra<th ;"
Epb. ii. 3. even originally and actually, we are guilty of,
and obnoxious unto, that wrath, which is accompanied with
fiery indignation, that shall consume the adversaries. Again,
we are assured ' that no unclean thing shall enter into hea-
ven ;' Rev. xxi. with which hell-deserving uncleanness chil-
dren are polluted, and therefore, unless it be purged with
the blood of Christ, they have no interest in everlasting
happiness. By this means sin is come upon all to condem-
nation, and yet do we not peremptorily censure to hell all
infants departing this world without the laver of regenera-
tion, the ordinary means of waving the punishment, due to
this pollution. That is the question de facto, which we before
rejected : yea, and two ways there are, whereby God saveth
such infants, snatching them like brands out of the fire.
First, By interesting them into the covenant, if their im-
mediate or remote parents have been believers : he is a
God of them, and of their seed, extending his mercy unto
a thousand generations of them that fear him.
Secondly, By his grace of election, which is most free
and not tied to any conditions ; by which I make no doubt,
but God taketh many unto him in Christ, whose parents
never knew, or had been despisers of, the gospel : and this
is the doctrine of our church, agreeable to the Scripture,
afiirming the desert of original sin, to be God's wrath and
damnation ; to both which how opposite is the Arminian
doctrine may thus appear.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
* By the offence of one man ' Adam sinned in his own
judgment came upon all to proper person only, and there
condemnation;' Rom. v. 18. is no reason why God should
impute that sin unto infants ;'
* By one man's disobedi- * It is absurd that by one
ence many were made sin- man's disobedience, many
ners ;' ver. 19. should be made actually dis-
obedient ;' Corvinus.
* Behold, I was shapen in 'Infants are simply in that
iniquity, and in sin did my estate in which Adam was
mother conceive me;' Psal. before his fall;' Venator.
li. 5.
s. s.
'Else were your children
unclean, but now they are
holy;' 1 Cor. vii. 14.
* Who can bring a clean
thing out of an unclean? not
one ;' Job xiv. 4.
' Except a man be born
again he cannot see the king-
dom of God ;' John iii. 3.
' That which is born of
the flesh is flesh ;' John iii. 6.
' We were by nature the
children of vv'rath even as
others ;' Eph. ii. 3.
' By one man sin entered
into the world, and death by
sin, and so death passed upon
all men, for that all have sin-
ned ;' to wit, in him ; Rom.
V. 12.
* For I know that in me,
that is, in my flesli, dwelleth
no good thing;' Rom. vii. 18.
' In the day you eat there-
of you shall surely die ;' Gen.
ii. 17.
' For as in Adam all die,
so;' 1 Cor. xv. 22.
'By nature children of
wrath;' Eph. ii. 3.
' And there shall in no-
wise enter into it any thing
thatdefileth;' Rev. xxi. 27.
Lib. Arbit.
* Neither is it considerable
whether they be the children
of believers, or of heathens,
for all infants have the same
innocency;' Rem. Apol.
* That which we have by
birth can be no evil of sin,
because to be born is plainly
involuntary;' Idem.
* Original sin, is neither a
sin properly so called which
should make the posterity of
Adam guilty of God's wrath,
nor yet a punishment of any
sin on them ;' Rem. Apol.
' It is against equity that
one should be accounted
guilty of a sin, that is not
his own, that he should be
judged nocent, who in re-
gard of his own will is truly
' God neither doth, nor
can in justice, appoint any to
hell for original sin ;' Rem.
' It is perversely spoken
that original sin makes any
one guilty of death ;' Armin.
• We no way doubt to af-
firm, that never any one was
damned for original sin ;'
Of the state of Adam before the fall, or of original righteoxisness.
In the last chapter we discovered the Arminian attempt of
re-advancing the corrupted nature of man, into that state of
innocency and holiness, wherein it was at first by God
created ; in which design, because they cannot but discern
that the success is not answerable to their desires, and not
being able to deny, but that for so much good as we want,
having cast it away, or evil of sin that we are subject unto,
more than we were at our first creation, we must be respon-
sible for, to the justice of God; they labour to draw down
our first parents, even from the instant of their forming into
the same condition wherein we are engaged by reason of cor-
rupted nature. But truly, I fear they will scarce obtain so
prosperous an issue of their endeavour as Mahomet had,
when he promised the people he would call a mountain unto
him ; which miracle when they assembled to behold, but the
mountain would not stir for all his calling, he replied. If the
mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the
mountain; and away he packed towards it; but we shall find
that our Arminians can neither themselves climb the high
mountain of innocency, nor yet call it down into the valley
of sin and corruption, wherein they are lodged. We have seen
already, how vain and frustrate was their former attempt :
let us now take a view of their aspiring insolence, in making
the pure creatures of God holy and undefiled with any sin,
to be invested with the same wretchedness and perverseness
of nature with ourselves.
It is not my intention to enter into any curious discourse
concerning the state and grace of Adam before his fall ; but
only to give a faithful assent to what God himself affirmed
of all the works of his hands, they were exceeding good. No
evil, no deformity, or any thing tending thereunto, did im-
mediately issue from that fountain of goodness and wisdom,
and therefore, doubtless, man, the most excellent work of his
hands, the greatest glory of his Creator, was then without
spot or blemish, endued with all those perfections his na-
ture, and state of obedience, was capable of: and careful we
must be of casting any aspersions of defect on him, that we
will not with equal boldness ascribe to the image of God.
Nothing doth more manifest the deviation of our nature
from its first institution, and declare the corruption wherewith
we are polluted, than that propensity which is in us to every
thing that is evil, that inclination of the flesh, which lusteth
always against the spirit, that lust and concupiscence, which
fomenteth, conceiveth, hatcheth, bringeth forth, and nourish-
eth sin ; that perpetual proneness that is in unregenerate na-
ture to everything that is contrary to the pure and holy law
of God. Now because neither Scripture nor experience will
suffer Christians quite to deny this pravity of our nature, this
averseness from all good, and propensity to sin, the Armi-
nians extenuate as much as they are able, affirming that
it is no great matter, no more than Adam was subject unto
in the state of innocency. But what ? did God create in Adam
a proneness unto evil ? was that a part of his glorious image,
in whose likeness he was framed ? Yea, saith Corvinus, 'By*
reason of his creation, man had an affection to what was for-
bidden by the law;' but yet this seems injustice, that God
should give a man a law to keep,^ and put upon this nature
a repugnancy to that law, as one of them affirmed at the sy-
nod of Dort. 'No V saith the former author :'' ' man had not
been fit to have had a law given unto him, had he not been
endued with a propension, and natural inclination, to that
which is forbidden by the law.' But why is this so necessary
in men, rather than angels ? No doubt there was a law, a rule,
for their obedience, given unto them at their first creation,
which some transgressed, when others kept it inviolate. Had
they also a propensity to sin, concreated with their nature ?
had they a natural affection put upon them by God, to that
which was forbidden by the law ? Let them only, who will be
wise beyond the word of God, affix such injustice on the
righteous Judge of all the earth ; but so it seems it must be.
• There was an inclination in man to sin before the fall,'' though
a Ex ratioue creationis homo liabebat affectum ad ea quic vctabantur. Cor. ad Mol.
cap. 6. s. 1.
b Deus liomini rcpugnantiam indidit adversus legem. Joh. Cast, in Synod, confess.
<= Homo non est idoneus cui lex feratur, quando in eo, ad id quod lege vetatur, non
est propensio, ac inclinatio naturalis. Cor. ad Molin. cap. 10. sect. 15.
•^ Inclinatio ad peccandum ante !apsi\ni in liomine fuit, licet nou i(a vehemens ac
iuordinata ut nunc cbt. Aimin. ad Artie. Rcspon.
not altogether so vehement and inordinate as it is now,' saith
Arminius. Hitherto we have thought that the original righte-
ousness, wherein Adam was created, had comprehended the
integrity and perfection of the whole man : not only that
whereby the body was obedient unto the soul, and all the
affections subservient to the rule of reason for the perform-
ance of all natural actions ; but also a light, uprightness, and
holiness of grace, in the mind and will, whereby he was en-
abled to yield obedience unto God, for the attaining of that
supernatural end, whereunto he was created. No; but 'ori-
ginal righteousness,'* say our new doctors, ' was nothing but a
bridle, to help to keep man's inordinate concupiscence within
bounds :' so that the faculties of our souls, were never endued
with any proper innate holiness of their own. 'In^ the spiri-
tual death of sin, there are no spiritual gifts properly wanting
in the will, because they were never there/ say the six collo-
cutors at the Hague.
The sum is, man was created with a nature, not only weak
and imperfect, unable by its native strength and endowments
to attain that supernatural end, for which he was made, and
which he was commanded to seek, but depraved also, with a
love and desire of things repugnant to the will of God, by
reason of an inbred inclination to sinning. It doth not pro-
perly belong to this place, to shew how they extenuate those
gifts also, with which they cannot deny but that he was en-
dued, and also deny those which he had ; as a power to be-
lieve in Christ, or to assent unto any truth that God should
reveal unto him : and yet they grant this privilege to every
one of his posterity, in that depi'aved condition of nature,
whereintoby sin he cast himself and us. We have all now a
power of believing in Christ, that is, Adam by his fall ob-
tained a supernatural endowment far more excellent than any
he had before. And let them not here pretend the universa-
lity of the new covenant, until they can prove it ; and I am
certain it will be long enough : but this, I say, belongs not to
this place : only let us see, how from the word of God we
may overthrow the former odious heresy.
' God in the beginning created man in his own image ;'
e Justilia origiualis instar fraenifuit, quod prccstabatin ternse concupisccntis oidi-
nptioneiu. Cor. ad. Mol. c. 8. s. 1.
^ 111 spiiituali luorte noii separantur proprie dona spiritualia a voluiilate, quia ilia
uunquani fuerunt ei insita. Hem. coll. Hag. p. 2J0.
Gen. i. 26. that is, * upright;' Eccles. vii. 29. endued with a
nature composed to obedience and holiness : that habitual
grace and original righteousness, wherewith he was invested,
was in a manner due unto him for the obtaining of that su-
pernatural end, whereunto he was created ; a universal recti-
tude of all the faculties of his soul, advanced by supernatural
graces, enabling him to the performance of those duties
whereunto they were required, is that which we call the in-
nocencyof our first parents. Our nature was then inclined to
good only, and adorned with all those qualifications that
were necessary to make it acceptable unto God, and able to
do Avhat was required of us by the law, under the condition
of everlasting happiness. Nature, and grace, or original
righteousness before the fall, ought not to be so distin-
guished, as if the one were a thing prone to evil, resisted and
quelled by the other ; for both complied in a sweet union and
harmony, to carry us along in the way of obedience to eternal
blessedness ; no contention between the flesh and the spirit,
but as all other things at theirs, so the whole man jointly
aimed at his own chiefest good, having all means of attain-
ing it in his power ; that there was then no inclination to sin,
no concupiscence of that which is evil, no repugnancy to the
law of God, in the pure nature of man, is proved, because.
First, The Scripture, describing the condition of our na-
ture, at the first creation thereof, intimates no such propen-
sity to evil, but rather a holy perfection, quite excluding it :
we were created in ' the image of God ;' Gen. i. 27. in such
a perfect uprightness as is opposite to all evil inventions ;
Eccles. vii. 29. to which image, when we are again in some
' measure renewed, by the grace of Christ ;' Col. iii. 10. 'we
see by the first-fruits, that it consisted in righteousness and
holiness, in truth and perfect holiness;' Eph. iv. 24.
Secondly, An inclination to evil, and a lusting after that
wliich is forbidden, is that inordinate concupiscence, where-
with our nature is now infected, whicli is every where in the
Scripture condemned as a sin. St. Paul in the seventh to
the Romans, aflurming expressly that it is a sin, and forbidden
by the law; ver. 1. producing all manner of evil, and hinder-
ing all that is good; 'a body of death;' ver. 24. and St.
James malceth it even the womb of all iniquity; James i.
14, 15. Surely our nature was not at first yoked with such a
A DISPLAY OF A R aI I X I A X i SM'. 143
troublesome inmate. Where is the uprightness and innocencv
we have hitherto conceived our first parents to have enjoyed
before the fall ? A repugnancy to the law must needs be a
thing sinful ; an inclination to evil, to a thing forbidden, is
an anomy, a deviation, and discrepancy, from the pure and
holy law of God : we must speak no more then of the state
of innocency, but only of a short space, wherein no outward
actual sins were committed ; their proper root, if this be true,
was concreated with our nature. Is this that obediential har-
mony to all the commandments of God, which is necessary
for a pure and innocent creature, that hath a law prescribed
unto him ? By which of the ten precepts, is this inclination
to evil required? is it by the last, Thou shalt not covet? or
by that sum of them all. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God,
with all thy heart, &,c.? is this all the happiness of paradise ?
to be turmoiled with a nature swelling with abundance of
vain desires ? and with a main stream carried headlono- to
all iniquity, if its violent appetite be not powerfully kept in
by the bit and bridle of original righteousness ? So it is we
see with children now,s and so it should have been with them
in paradise, if they were subject to this rebellious inclination
to sin.
Thirdly, and principally, Whence had our primitive na-
ture this affection to those things that were forbidden it?-
this rebellion and repugnancy to the law, which must needs
be an anomy, and so a thing sinful ; there was as yet no de-
merit, to deserve it as a punishment? what fault is it to be
created ? The*" operation of any thing which hath its origi-
nal with the being of the thing itself, must needs proceed
from the same cause, as doth the essence or being itself: as
the fires tending upwards, relates to the same original, with
the fire : and, therefore, this inclination or affection, can
have no other author but God ; by which means he is en-
titled not only to the first sin, as the efficient cause, but to
all the sins in the world, arising from thence. Plainly and
without any strained consequences, he is made the author
of sin : for even those positive properties, which can have
no other fountain but the author of nature, being set on evil
s Vidi ego zelantem parvuluni qui nondiim loquebatur, et iiituebatur pallidus,
ainaro aspectu colluctaiieuni snum. Aug.
^ Operatio qua? siniul incipitcuui esse rei, est ei ab ngente.a quohabet esse, sictit
luoveri sursuni iiicst igni a geiicrantc. Alvar. p. 19?.
are directly sinful. And here the idol of free-will may tri-
umph in this victory over the God of heaven : heretofore all
the blame of sin lay upon his shoulders, but now he begins
to complain, ovkIjoj airiog dfxi aWa ^ivg kol ixoipa' it is God
and the fate of our creation, that hath placed us in this con-
dition of naturally affecting that which is evil : back with
all your charges, against the ill government of this new deity,
within his imaginary dominion: what hurt doth he do, but
incline men unto evil; and God himself did no less, at the
first? But let them that will, rejoice in these blasphemies,
it sufficeth us to know, that God created man upright,
though he hath sought out many inventions ; so that in this
following dissonancy, we cleave to the better part.
S. S.
* So God created man in
his own image, in the like-
ness of God created he him,
male and female created he
them;' Gen. i. 27.
' Put on the new man,
which is renewed in know-
ledge after the image of him
that made him ;' Col. iii. 10.
« which after God is cre-
ated in righteousness and
true holiness ;' Eph. iv. 24.
*Lo this only have I found,
that God hath made man up-
right, but he hath sought out
many inventions ;' Eccles.
vii. 29.
* By one man sin entered
into the world, and death
by sin ;' Rom, v. 12.
' Let no man say when he
is tempted, I am tempted of
God ; for God tempteth no
man, but everyone is tempted
when he is drawn away of his
own lust;' James i. 13, 14.
Lib. Arbit.
' There was in man before
the fall an inclination to sin-
ning, though not so vehement
and inordinate as now it is ;'
' God put upon man a re-
pugnancy to his law ;' Ges-
teranus in the Synod.
* Man by reason of his
creation had an affection to
those things that are forbid-
den by the law ;' Corvinus.
* The will of man had ne-
ver any spiritual endow-
ments ;' Rem. Apol.
' It was not fit that man
should have a law given him,
unless he had a natural incli-
nation to what was forbidden
by the law;' Corvinus.
Of the death of Christ, and of the efficacy of his nieritf.
The sura of those controversies, wherewith the Arminians
and their abettors have troubled the church, about the death
of Christ, may be reduced to two heads. First, Concerning
the object of his merit, or whom he died for. Secondly,
Concerning the efficacy and end of his death, or what he
deserved, procured, merited, and obtained, for them for
whom he died. In resolution of the first, they affirm, that ha
died for all, and every one ; of the second, that he died for
no one man at all ; in that sense Christians have hitherto
believed that he laid down his life, and submitted himself
to bear the burden of his Father's wrath, for their sakes.
It seems to me a strange extenuation of the merit of Christ,
to teach, that no good at all by his death doth redound to
divers of them for whom he died : what participation in the
benefit of his suffering, had Pharaoh or Judas ? Do they not
at this hour, and shall they not to eternity, feel the weight
and burden of their own sins ? Had they either grace in
this world, or glory in the other, that they should be said
to have an interest in the death of our Saviour ? Christians
have hitherto believed, that for whom Christ died, for their
sins he made satisfaction ; that they themselves should not
eternally suffer for them : is God unjust to punish twice,
for the same fault ? His own Son once, and again the poor
sinners, for whom he sufiered ? I cannot conceive an inten-
tion in God, that Christ should satisfy his justice for the
sin of them that were in hell some thousands of years be-
fore, and yet be still resolved to continue then punishment
on them to all eternity ? No, doubtless ; Christ giveth life
to every one, for whom he gave his life ; he loseth not one
of them, whom he purchased with his blood.
The first part of this controversy, may be handled, under
these two questions. First, Whether God giving his Son,
and Christ making his soul a ransom for sin, intended there-
by to redeem all and every one, from their sins, that all and
every one alike from the beginning of the world, to the last
day, should all equally be partakers of the fruits of his death
and passion ; which purpose of theirs is in the most frus-
trate. Secondly, Whether God had not a certain infallible
intention, of gathering unto himself a chosen people, of
collecting a church of first-bom, of saving his little flock,
of bringing some certainly to happiness, by the death of his
only Son, which in the event he doth accomplish.
The second part also may be reduced to these two heads.
First, Whether Christ did not make full satisfaction for all
their sins for whom he died, and merited glory, or everlast-
ing happiness, to be bestowed on them, upon the perform-
ance of those conditions, God should require ? Secondly
(which is the proper controversy I shall chiefly insist upon).
Whether Christ did not procure for his own people, a power
to become the sons of God, merit and deserve at the hands
of God for them, grace, faith, righteousness, and sanctifica-
tion, whereby they may be enabled infallibly, to perform the
conditions of the new covenant, upon the which they shall
be admitted to glory.
To the first question, of the first part of the controversy,
the Arminians answer affirmatively, to wit, that Christ died
for all alike, the benefit of his passion, belongs equally to
all the posterity of Adam. And to the second, negatively, that
God had no such intention of bringing many chosen sons
unto salvation by the death of Christ ; but determined of
grace and glory, no more precisely to one than to another,
to John than Judas, Abraham than Pharaoh? both which,
as the learned Moulin observed," seem to be invented to
make Christianity ridiculous, and expose our religion to
the derision of all knowing men. For who can possibly con-
ceive that one by the appointment of God should die for
another ; and yet that other, by the same justice be allotted
unto death himself, when one's death only was due : that
Christ hath made a full satisfaction for their sins, who shall
everlastingly feel the weight of them, themselves ; that he
should merit and obtain reconciliation with God for them,
who live and die his enemies : grace and glory for them,
who are graceless in this life, and damned in that which is
» Molin. sufFrag. ad Sjnod. Dordra,
to come: that he should get remission of sins for them*
whose sins were never pardoned ? In brief, if this sentence
be true, either Christ by his death did not reconcile us unto
God, make satisfaction to his justice for our iniquities, re-
deem us from our sins, purchase a kingdom, an everlasting
inheritance for us, which, I hope no Christian will say, or
else all the former absurdities must necessarily follow, which
no rational man will ever admit.
Neither may we be charged, as straiteners of the merit
of Christ: for we advance the true value and worth thereof
(as hereafter will appear) far beyond all the Arminians as-
cribe unto it ; we confess that ' that blood of God ;' Acts
XX. 28. 'of the Lamb without spot or blemish;' 1 Pet. i. 19.
was so exceedingly precious, of that infinite worth and va-
lue, that it might have saved a thousand believing worlds ;
John iii. 16. Rom. iii. 22. His death was of sufficient dignity,
to have been made a ransom, for all the sins of every one in
the world: and on this internal sufficiency of his death and
passion, is grounded the universality of evangelical pro-
mises, which have no such restriction in their own nature, as
that they should not be made to all, and every one, though
the promulgation and knowledge of them, is tied only to the
good pleasure of God's special providence ; Matt. xvi. 17,
As also that'economy and dispensation of the new covenant,
whereby the partition wall being broken down, there remains
no more difference between Jew and Gentile, the utmost
borders of the earth being given in for Christ's inheritance.
So that in some sense, Christ may be said to die for all, and
the whole world : first. Inasmuch as the worth and value of
Ills death, was very sufficient to have been made a price for
all their sins : secondly, Inasmuch as this word all, is taken
for some of all sorts, not for every one, of every sort, as it is
frequently used in the Holy Scripture, so Christ ' being
lifted up drew all unto him;' John i. 2. 32. that is, believers
out of all sorts of men ; the apostles cured all diseases, or
some of all sorts, they did not cure every particular disease,
but there was no kind of disease, that was exempted from
their power of healing : so that where it is said, that
Christ died for all, it is meant either, first. All the faithful ; or,
secondly. Some of all sorts ; thirdly. Not only Jews, but Gen-
tiles. For,
L 2
Secondly, The proper counsel and intention of God, in
sending his Son into the world to die, was, that thereby he
might confirm and ratify the new covenant to his elect ; and
purchase for them, all the good things, whicli are contained
in the tenure of that covenant ; to wit, grace and glory :
that by his death, he might bring many (yet some certain)
children to glory, obtaining for them that were given unto
him by his Father, that is, his whole church, reconciliation
with God, remission of sins, faith, righteousness, sanctifica-
tion, and life eternal. That is the end, to which they are to
be brought, and the means whereby God will have them at-
tain it : he died that he might gather the dispersed children
of God, and make them partakers of everlasting glory, to
give eternal life, ' to all that God gave unto him;' John xvii.
2. And on this purpose of himself, and his Father, is found-
ed the intercession of Christ, for his elect and chosen peo-
ple, performed partly on the earth, John xvii. partly in hea-
ven before the throne of grace ; which is nothing but a pre-
sentation of himself and his merits, accompanied with the
prayers of his mediatorship before God, that he would be
pleased to grant, and effectually to apply, the good things,
he hath by them obtained, to all for whom he hath obtained
them : his intercession in heaven, is nothing but a continued
oblation of himself. So that whatsoever Christ impetrated,
merited, or obtained, by his death and passion, must be in-
fallibly applied unto, and bestowed upon them, for whom he
intended to obtain it; or else his intercession is vain, he is
not heard in the prayers of his mediatorship : an actual re-
conciliation with God, and communication of grace and
glory, must needs betide all them that have any such inter-
est in the righteousness of Christ, as to have it accepted for
their good ; the sole end, why Christ would so dearly pur-
chase those good things, is an actual application of them
unto his chosen : * God set forth the propitiation of his
blood, for the remission of sins, that he might be the justifier
of him that believeth on Jesus ;' Rom. iii. 25, 26. But this
part of the controversy is not that which I principally intend :
only I will give you a brief sum of those reasons which over-
throw their heresy, in this particular branch thereof.
First, The death of Christ, is in divers places of the
Scripture restrained ' to his people, and elect, his church.
and sheep;' Matt. i. 21. John x. 11—13. Acts xx. 28. Eph.
V. 25. John xi. 52. Rom. viii. 32, 33. Heb. ii. 10. 13. Rev. v.
9. Dan. ix. 27. and therefore the good purchased thereby,
ought not to be extended, ' to dogs, reprobates, and those
that are without.'
Secondly, For whom Christ died, he died as their spon-
sor, in their room and turn, that he might free them from
the guilt and desert of death ; which is clearly expressed,
Rom. V. G — 8. ' He was wounded for our transgressions, he
was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace
was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed;' Isaliii.
5, 6, &c. ' He hath redeemed us, from the curse, being
made a curse for us;' Gal. iii. 13. ' He made him to be sia
for us, who knew no sin;' 1 Cor. v. 21. Evidently he
changeth turns with us, that we might be made the righte-
ousness of God in him: yea, in other things, it is plain in
the Scripture, that to die for another, is to take his place
and room, with an intention that he should live ; 2 Sam.
xviii. 33. Rom. v. So that Christ dying for men, made satis-
faction for their sins, that they should not die : now for
what sins he made satisfaction, for them the justice of God
is satisfied, which surely is not done for the sins of the re-
probates, because he justly punisheth them to eternity upon
themselves ; Matt. v. 26.
Thirdly, For whom Christ died, for them also he rose
again, to make intercession for them: 'for whose offences he
was delivered, for their justification he was raised ;' Rom. iv.
25. V. 10. ' He is a high priest to make intercession for
them in the holiest of holies, for whom by his blood he ob-
tained everlasting redemption;' Heb. ix. 11, 12. Those two
acts of his priesthood are not to be separated, it belongs to
the same Mediator for sin, to sacrifice, and pray; our assur-
ance that he is our Advocate, is grounded on his being a
propitiation for our sins : he is an Advocate for every one,
' for whose sins his blood was a propitiation ;' 1 John ii. 1, 2.
But Christ doth not intercede, and pray for all, as himself
' often witnesseth;' John xvii. He maketh intercession only
for them ' who come unto God by him ;' Heb. vii. 24. He
is not a Mediator of them that perish, no more than an Ad-
vocate of them that fail in their suits, and therefore the
benefit of his death also must be restrained to them, who
are finally partakers of both : we must not so disjoin the
offices of Christ's mediatorship, that one of them may be
versated about some towards whom he exerciseth not the
other ; much less ought we so to separate the several acts of
the same office. For whom Christ is a priest, to offer him-
self a sacrifice for their sins, he is surely a king, to apply
the good things purchased by his death unto them, as Ar-
minius himself confesseth ; much more to whom he is a priest
by sacrifice, he will be a priest by intercession : and there-
fore, seeing he doth not intercede and pray for every one, he
did not die for every one.
Fourthly, For whom Christ died, he merited grace, and
glory, faith, and salvation, and reconciliation with God, as
I shall shew hereafter: but this he hath not done for all, and
every one : many do never believe, the wrath of God remain-
eth upon some, the wrath of ' God abideth on them that do
not believe;' John iii. 36. To abide, argueth a continued
uninterrupted act ; now to be reconciled to one, and yet to
lie under his heavy anger, seem to me aavaTara, things that
will scarce consist together ; the reasons are many, I only
point at the heads of some of them.
Fifthly, Christ died for them, whom God gave unto him
to be saved : ' Thine they were, and thou gavest them unto
me ;' John xvii. 6. ' He layeth down his life, for the sheep
committed to his charge ;' John x. 11. But all are not the
sheep of Christ, all are not given unto him of God, to be
brought to glory ; for of those that are so given, there is not
one that perisheth, for ' he giveth eternal life to as many as
God hath given him ;' John xvii. 2. ' No man is able to pluck
them out of his Father's hands ;' chap. x. 28, 29.
Sixthly, Look whom, and how many, that love of God
embraced, that was the cause of sending his Son to redeem
them ; for them, and so many, did Christ, according to the
counsel of his Father, and in himself, intentionally lay down
his life : now this love is not universal, being his good plea^
sure of blessing with spiritual blessings, and saving some in
Christ; Eph. i. 4, 5. Which good pleasure of his evidently
comprehendeth some when others are excluded ; Matt. xi.
25, 26. Yea, the love of God in giving Christ for us, is of the
same extent with that grace whereby he calleth us to faith,
or bestoweth faith on us : ' For he hath called us with a holy
calling, according to his own purpose and grace, which was
given us in Jesus Christ ;' 2 Tim. ii. 9. Which doubtless is
not universal and common unto all.
Innumerable other reasons there are to prove, that seeing
God hath given his elect only, whom only he loved, to Christ
to be redeemed ; and seeing that the Son loveth only those
who are given him of his Father, and redeemeth only whom
he loveth : seeing also that the Holy Spirit, the love of the
Father and the Son, sanctifieth all, and only them, that are
elected and redeemed ; it is not our part, with a prepos-
terous liberality against the witness of Christ himself, to as-
sign the salvation attained by him, as due to them that are
without the congregation of them whom the Father hath loved
and chosen ; without that church, which the Son loved and
gave his life for it; nor none of the members of that sanc-
tified body, whereof Christ is the head and Saviour. I urge
no more, because this is not that part of the controversy
that I desire to lay open.
I come now to consider the main question of this differ-
ence, though sparingly handled by our divines ; concerning
what our Saviour merited and purchased for them for whom
he died. And here you shall find the old idol playing his
pranks, and quite divesting the merit of Christ, from the
least ability or power, of doing us any good ; for though the
Arminians pretend very speciously, that Christ died for all
men : yet, in effect, they make him die for no one man at all ;
and that by denying the effectual operation of his death, and
ascribing the proper issues of his passion to the brave en-
deavours of their own Pelagian deity.
We (according to the Scriptures) plainly believe, that
Christ hath by his righteousness, merited for us grace and
glory ; that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings, in,
through, and for him; that he is made unto us righteousness,
and sanctification, and redemption; that he hath procured
for us, and that God for his sake, bestoweth on us, every
grace in this life, that maketh us differ from others, and all
that glory we hope for, in that which is to come; he pro-
cured for us remission of all our sins, an actual reconciliation
with God, faith, and obedience. Yea, but this is such a des-
perate doctrine, as stabs at the very heart of the idol ; and
would make him as altogether useless, as if he were but a
fig-tree log : what remaineth for him to do, if all things
in this great work of our salvation, must be thus ascribed
tmto Christ, and the merit of his death ? Wherefore the wor-
shippers of this great god, Lib. Arbit. oppose their engines
against the whole fabric, and cry down the title of Christ's
merits, to these spiritual blessings, in the behalf of their
imaginary deity.
Now, because they are things of a twofold denomination,
about which we contend, before the King of heaven ; each
part producing their evidence ; the first springing from the
favour of God towards us : the second from the working of
his grace, actually within us ; I shall handle them severally
and apart; especially because to things of this latter sort,
gifts, as we call them, enabling us to fulfil the condition re-
quired, for the attaining of glory, w^e lay a double claim on
God's behalf : first. As the death of Christ is the meritorious
cause procuring them of him : secondly. As his free grace is
their efficient cause working them in us ; they also producing
a double title, whereby they would invest their beloved
darling, with a sole propriety in causing these effects. First,
In regard that they are our own acts performed in us, and by
us : secondly, As they are parts of our duty, which we are
enjoined to do, so that the quarrel is directly between Christ's
merits and our own free-will, about pi'ocuring the favour of
God, and obtaining grace and righteousness. Let us see what
they say to the first.
They affirm"^ that the immediate and proper effect, or end,
of the death and passion of Christ, is not an actual oblation of
sin from men, not an actual remission of iniquities, justifi-
cation and redemption, of any soul : that is, Christ's death
is not the meritorious cause of the remission of our sins, of
redemption and justification; the meritorious cause, I say,
for of some of them, as of justification, as it is terminated in
us, we confess there are causes of other kinds, as faith is the
instrument, and tlie Holy Spirit the efficient thereof. But for
the sole meritorious procuring cause of these spiritual bless-
ings, we always took it to be the righteousness and death
of Christ; believing plainly, that the end why Christ died,
and the fruit of his sufferings, was our reconciliation with
b Inimediata mortis Christi effectio, ac passionis, ilia est non actuaiis pcccatorum
ab his aut illis ablatio, non actuaiis remissio, non justificatio, non actuaiis horum aiU
jlloium redemptio. Armin. Antiperk. p. 76.
God, redemption from our sins, freedom from the curse, deli-
verance from the wrath of God, and power of hell : though we
be not actual partakers of these things to the pacification of
our own consciences, without the intervening operation of
the Holy Spirit, and faith by him wrought in us.
But if this be not, pray what is obtained by the death of
Christ? Why 'a potential j*^ conditionate reconciliation, not
actual and absolute,' saith Corvinus. But yet this potential
reconciliation, being a new expression, never intimated in
the Scripture, and scarce of itself intelligible, we want a
farther explanation of their mind, to know what it is that di-
rectly they assign to the merits of Christ : wherefore, they
tell us,'' that the fruit of his death, was ' such an impetra-
tion, or obtaining of reconciliation with God, and redemption
for us: that God thereby hath a power, his justice being
satisfied, and so not compelling him to the contrary, to grant
remission of sins, to sinful men, on what condition he would :'
or as another speaketh it,^' There was by the effusion of
Christ's blood, a right obtained unto, and settled in God, of
reconciling the world, and of opening unto all, a gate of re-
pentance, and faith in Christ.' But now, whereas the Scrip-
ture every where affirmeth, that Christ died for our good, to
obtain blessings for us, to purchase our peace, to acquire and
merit for us the good things contained in the promise of
the covenant ; this opinion seems to restrain the end and
fruit thereof, to the obtaining of a power and liberty unto
God, of prescribing us a condition whereby we may be saved :
but yet it may be, thus much at least Christ obtained of God
in our behalf, that he should assign faith in him, to be this
condition, and to bestow it upon us also. No, neither the
one nor the other,*" ' after all this, had it so seemed good unto
his wisdom, God might have chosen the Jews, and others,
« Reconciliatio potentialis et conditionata non actualis et absoluta, per mortem
Christi impetratur. Corvin ad IMolin. cap. 28. st-ct. 11.
d Reruissionis.'justificationis, et redemptionis, apud Deum impcfratio, qua factum
est, ut Deusjam possit, utpote justitia cui satisfactum est non obstante lioraiuibus
peccatoribus peccata remittere. Armin. ubi sup.
^ Autorismens non estalia, quameffuso sanguine Christi reconciliandi muiidum Deo
jus impetratum fuisse, et inito novo faidere et gratioso cum hominibus, Deum grntiae
ostium, omnibus denuo pajnitentise ac verae in Christum fidei.legeadaperuisse. Epis-
tol. ad Walac. pag. 93.
^ Potuisset Deus, si ita sapientiae sua; visum fuisset, operarios, Jadasos, vel alios
etiam praeter fideles eiigere, quia potuit aliam salutis cotiditioncm, quam fideni in
Christum cxigere. Grevinch. ad Ames. p. 'Hb.
following the righteousness of the law, as well as believers,
because he might have assigned any other condition of sal-
vation besides faith in Christ/ saith Grevinchovius. Not-
withstanding then the death of Christ for us, we might have
been held to the old rule, * Do this and live :' but if this be
true, I cannot perceive how it may be said, that Christ died
to redeem us from our sins, to save our souls, and bring us
unto glory ; neither, perhaps, do they think this to be any
great inconvenience, for the same author affirmeth,^ 'that
Christ cannot be said properly to die, to save any one.' And
a little after he more fully declares himself,'' * That after Christ
had obtained all that he did obtain by his death, the right
remained wholly in God, to apply it, or not to apply it, as it
should seem good unto him : the application of grace and
glory to any man, was not the end for which Christ obtained
them, but to get a right and power unto God, of bestowing
those things on what sort of men he would :' which argues
no redemption of us from our sins, but a vindication of God
from such a condition, wherein he had not power to forgive
them ; not an obtaining of salvation for us, but of a liberty
unto God of saving us, on some condition or other.
But now, after God hath got this power by the death of
Christ, and out of his gracious good pleasure, assigned faith
to be the means for us to attain those blessings, he hath pro-
cured himself a liberty to bestow. Did Christ obtain this
faith for us of him ; if it be a thing not in our own power ?
No :' 'faith is not obtained by the death of Christ,' saith Cor-
vinus : so that there is no good thing, no spiritual blessing,
into which any man in the world hath any interest by the
death of Christ : which is not so great an absurdity, but that
they are most ready to grant it. Arnoldus confesseth,'' 'that
he believes, that the death of Christ might have enjoyed its
end, or his merit its full force, although, never any had be-
lieved :' and again,' ' the death and satisfaction of Christ being
f Christus non pst proprie mortuus ad aliqnem salvandum. idem, ibid. pag. 8.
h Postquani impetratio pijestita ac pcracta esset, Deo jus suum integrum inansit,
pro avbitrio fuo, eani applicaie, vel non applicarc, ncc applicati^) finis inipt-trationis
propria fuit, sed jus, et potostas applicandi, qiiibus et qualibus vellet. pag. 9.
> Fides non est impetrata nierito Clirisli. &c. Cor. ad Mol. cap. 28. pag. 419.
■< Se oninino credere, futuruni fuisse, ut finis mortis Ciiristi conslaret, etiamsi nemo
credidisset. Idem, cap, 27. sect. 3, 4.
' Posita et priestitaChristimorte et satisfactione, fieri potest, ut nemine, novi fa»-
deris conditionem, prsestante, nemo saharetur. Idem. Grevincli. ad Ames. pag. 9.
accomplished, it might come to pass, that, none fulfilling the
condition of the new covenant, none should be saved ;' so also
saith Grevinchovius. Oh Christ! that any pretending to pro-
fess thy holy name, should thus slight the precious vs^ork of
thy death and passion! Surely, never any before, who counted
it their glory to be called Christians, did ever thus extenuate
(their friends the Socinians only excepted), the dignity of his
merit and satisfaction. Take but a short view of what be-
nefit they allow to redound to us, by the effusion of his pre-
cious blood, and you may see what a pestilent heresy, these
men have laboured to bring into the church: neither faith
nor salvation, grace nor glory, hath he purchased for us, not
any spiritual blessing, that by our interest in his death we
can claim to be ours : it is not such a reconciliation with
God, as that he thereupon, should be contented again to be
called our God, it is not justification, nor righteousness, nor
actual redemption from our sins, it did not make satisfaction
for our iniquities, and deliver us from the curse :" ' only it was
a means of obtaining such a possibility of salvation, as that
God, without wronging of his justice, might save us if he
would one way or other.' So that when Christ had done all
that he could, there was not one man in the world immedi-
ately the better for it : notwithstanding the utmost of his
endeavour, every one might have been damned with Judas
to the pit of hell :° for 'he died as well for Simon Magus and
Judas, as he did for Peter and Paul,' say the Arminians.
Now, if no more good redound to us by the death of Christ
than to Simon Magus, we are not much obliged to him for
our salvation. Nay, he may be rather said to have redeemed
God, than us, for he procured for him, immediately a power
to redeem us if he would ; for us, only by virtue of that
power, a possibility to be redeemed : which leaves nothino*
of the nature of merit annexed to his death : for that de-
serveth that something be done, not only that it may be
done : the workman deserveth that his wages be given him,
and not that it may be given him. And then what becomes
of all the comfort and consolation that is proposed to us in
"' Impetratio salntis pro omnibus, est acquisitio possibilitatis, ut niniiriim Deus
illffisa sua justitia honiinem peccatorem possit lecipere ingratiani. Rem. Coll. Hag.
p. 17y.
" Pro Juda ac Petro mortaus est Christus, et pro Siiiione Mago et Juda tarn pr»
Paulo et Petro. Rem. Synod, p. 320.
the death of Christ? But it is time to see how this stubble
is burned and consumed by the word of God, and that es-
tablished which they thought to overthrow.
First, It is clear that Christ died to procure for us an ac-
tual reconciliation with God; and not only a power for us to
be reconciled unto him : for when we ' were enemies, we
were reconciled to God by the death of his Son ;' Rom. v.
10. We enjoy an actual reconciliation unto God by his death ;
he is content to be called our God, when we are enemies,
without the intervening of any condition on our part re-
quired, though the sweetness, comfort, and knowledge of
this reconciliation do not compass our souls before we be-
lieve in him. Again, we have remission of sins by his blood
and justification from them, not a sole vindication into such
an estate, wherein, if it please God and ourselves, our sins
are pardonable ; for we are justified 'through the redemp-
tion that is in Jesus Christ, whom God hath set forth to be
a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his
righteousness for the remission of sins ;' Rom. iii. 24, 25.
Yea, he obtained for us by his death, righteousness and ho-
liness. ' He gave himself for his church that he might sanc-
tify and cleanse it ;' Eph. v. 26. ' tiiat he might present it
unto himself a glorious church without spot or wrinkle ; that
we should be holy and without blemish ;' ver. 27. Where,
first, we have whom Christ died or gave himself for, even
his church : secondly, what he obtained for it, holiness and
righteousness, a freedom from the spots and blemishes of
sin, that is, the grace of justification and sanctity ; ' He made
him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be-
come the righteousness of God in him ;' 2 Cor. v. 21. And,
lastly, he died to purchase for us ' an everlasting inherit-
ance ;' Heb. ix. 15. So that both grace and glory are be-
stowed on them for whom he died, as the immediate fruits of
his death and passion.
Secondly, See what the Scripture prirwg, 'expressly' as-
sio-neth as the proper end and immediate effect (according
to the purpose of God, and his own intention) of the effu-
sion of the blood of Jesus Christ, and you shall find that he
intended by it, to take away the sins of many^ * to make his
soul an offering for sin ; that he might see his seed, that the
counsel of God might prosper in his hand ;' Isa. liii. ' to be
a ransom for many ;' Matt. xx. 28. ' to bear the sins of many ;'
Heb. ix. 28. ' he bare our sins in his own body on the tree,
that we should live unto righteousness ;' 1 Pet. ii. 24. ' that
we might become the righteousness of God in him ;' 2 Cor.
V. 21. thereby ' reconciling us unto God;' ver. 19. he died,
'to reconcile us unto God, in the body of his flesh, through
death, that we might be holy and unblamable;' Col. i.
21, 22. ' to purge our sins;' Heb. i. 3. ' to obtain an ever-
lasting redemption for us;' Heb. ix. 12. So that if Christ
by his death obtained what he did intend, he hath pur-
chased for us, not only a possibility of salvation, but ho-
liness, righteousness, reconciliation with God, justification,
freedom from the guilt and condemning power of sin, ever-
lasting redemption, eternal life, and glory in heaven.
Thirdly, I appeal unto the consciences of all Christians.
First, Whether they do not suppose the very foundation of
all their consolation, to be stricken at when they shall find
those places of Scripture," that affirm Christ to have died
' to take away our sins, to reconcile us unto God, to put
away or abolish our transgressions, to wash and regenerate
us, perfectly to save us, and purchase for us an everlasting
redemption, whereby he is become unto us, righteousness,
and redemption, and sanctification, the Lord our righteous-
ness, and we become the righteousness of God in him ;' to be
so wrested, as if he should be said only to have done some-
thing, which these things might happily follow.
Secondly, Whether they think it not a ready way to Im-
pair their love and to weaken their faith in Christ, when
they shall be taught that Christ hath done no more for them
than for those that are damned in hell ; that be their assur-
ance never so great that Christ died for them, yet there is
enough to be laid to their charge to condemn them ; that
thouo;h God is said to have reconciled them unto himself
in Christ, Col. i. 19, 20. yet indeed he is as angry with
them as with any reprobate in the v»'orld; that God loveth us
not first, but so long as we continue in a state of enmity
against him before our conversion, he continues our enemy
also ; so that the first act of friendship or love, must be per-
formed on our part, notwithstanding that the Scripture saith,
we were reconciled unto God being enemies ; Rom. v. 10,
» Heb. vij. 12. 16. 24. ix. 14. 28. Isa. liii. 11. 1 John ii. ?, 6c
Thirdly, Whether they have not hitherto supposed them-
selves bound to believe, that Christ died for their sins and
rose for their justification? Do they not think it lawful to
pray that God would bestow upon them grace and glory for
Christ's sake? and to believe that Jesus Christ was such a
Mediator of the new covenant, as procured for the persons
covenanted withal, all the good things comprehended in the
promise of that covenant ?
I will not farther press upon this prevarication against
Christian rehgion, only I would desire all the lovers of
Jesus Christ seriously to consider, whether these men do
truly aim at his honour, and advancing the dignity of his
merit, and not rather at the crying up of their own endea-
vours, seeing the sole cause of their denying these glorious
effects of the blood of Christ, is to appropriate the praise of
them unto themselves, as we shall see in the next chapter.
These charges are never to be waved by the vanity of
their sophistical distinctions, as of that of impelration and
application, which though it may be received in an ortho-
dox meaning, yet not in that sense or rather nonsense where-
unto they abuse it ; viz. as though Christ had obtained that
for some which shall never be imparted unto them, that all
the blessings procured by his death are proper to none, but
pendent in the air for them that can or will catch them : where-
upon when we object, sthat by this means all the efficacy of
the merit of Christ is in our own power, they readily grant it,
and say it cannot otherwise be. Let them that can receive
these monsters in Christianity, for my part in these following
contradictory assertions, I will choose rather to adhere to
the authority of the word of God, than of Arminius and
his sectaries.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
* He made him to be sin for 'The immediate effect of
us who knew no sin, that we the death of Christ is not the
might become the righteous- remission of sins, or the ac-
ness of God in him ;' 2 Cor. tual redemption of any;' Ar-
V. 21. Diin-
* He loved his church and * Christ did not properly
1 Sic efficacia meriti Christi tola penes nos stabit, qui vocationem alioqui ineffi-
caceru, cfficaceni reddiaius ; sane, fieri aliter non potest. Rem. ApoJ. p.. 93.
S. S.
gave himself for it, that he
might present it unto himself
a glorious church, not having
spot, or wrinkle, or any such
thing;' Eph. v. 26, 27.
' God was in Christ re-
conciling the world unto him-
self;' 2 Cor. V. 19.
* When thou shalt make
his soul an offering for sin,
he shall see his seed, he shall
prolong his days, and the
pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in his hand;' Isa.
liii. 10.
' By his knowledge shall
my righteous servant justify
many, for he shall bear their
iniquities ;' ver. 11.
' Christ was once offered
to bear the sins of many ;'
Heb. ix. 28.
* By his own blood he en-
tered in once into the holy
place, having obtained eter-
nal redemption for us ; ver.
* He hath reconciled you
in the body of his flesh,
through death to present you
holy and unblamable;' Col.
i. 22.
'Whom God hath set forth
to be a propitiation through
faith in his blood, to declare
his righteousness for the re-
mission of sins, &c. — that
he might be just, and the
justifier of him that belie veth
in Jesus ;' Rom. iii. 25, 26.
Lib. Arbit.
die to save any one;' Gre-
* A potential and condi-
tionate reconciliation, not ac-
tual and absolute, is obtained
by the death of Christ;' Cor-
' I believe it might have
come to pass that the death
of Christ might have had its
end, though never any man
had believed;' Corvin.
' The death and satisfac-
tion of Christ being accom-
plished, yet it may so come
to pass that none at all fulfil-
ing the condition of the new
covenant, none might be sav-
ed;' Idem.
' The impetration of sal-
vation for all by the death of
Christ, is nothing but the ob-
taining of a possibility there-
of; that God without wrong'-
ing his justice may open unto
them a gate of mercy, to be
entered on some condition ;'
Rem. Coll. Hag.
' Notwithstanding the
death of Christ, God might
have assigned any other con-
dition of salvation as well as
faith, or have chosen the
Jewsfollowing the righteous-
ness of the law;' Grevin.
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
'Who his ownself bare 'Why then the efficacy
our sins in his own body on of the death of Christ de-
the tree, that we being dead pends wholly on us : true; it.
to sin, should live unto righte- cannot otherwise be;' Rem.
ousness, by whose stripes Apol.
we are healed ;' 1 Pet. ii. 24.
Of the came of faith, grace, and righteousness.
The second part of this controversy is in particular concern-
ing grace, faith, and holiness, sincere obedience to the pre-
cepts of the new covenant, all whose praise we appropriate to
the Most High by reason of a double interest. First, Of the
merit of Christ which doth procure them for us. Secondly,
Of the Holy Spirit which works them in us. The death of
Christ is their meritorious cause, the Spirit of God and his
effectual grace their efficient, working instrumentally with
power by the word and ordinances. Now because this would
deprive the idol of his chiefest glory, and expose him to open
shame, like the bird ' furtivis nudata coloribus,' the Arminians
advance themselves in his quarrel, and in behalf of their dar-
ling, quite exclude both merit of Christ and Spirit of God
from any title to their production.
First, For the merit of Christ : whereas we affirm that
God blesseth us with all spiritual blessings in him or for his
sake; Eph. i. 3. amongst which, doubtless, faith possesseth
not the lowest room ; that he is made unto us righteousness,
and sanctification, and redemption ; he was made sin for us,
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him ; that
he is the Lord our righteousness, and glories to be called by
that name'; and whatever he is unto us, it is chiefly by the
way of merit ; that to us it is given uTrep xpiaTov, for Christ's
sake to believe on him; Phil. i. 29. where vTrcp xP"''^ou is
plainly referred to '^i'^oTai, ' is given ;' as if the apostle should
have said, Christ is the meritorious cause of the bestowing
of those good gifts, faith and constancy unto martyrdom
upon you ; when I say we profess all these to be the pro-
p€r and immediate products of the passion and blood of
Christ, these turbulent Davusses come in with a prohibition,
and quite expel it from having any interest therein.
'There is nothing more vain,** nothing more foolish,'
say they in their apology, ' than to attribute our regenera-
tion and faith unto the death of Christ; for if Christ may be
said to have merited for us faith and regeneration, then faith
cannot be a condition, whose performance God should re-
quire at the hands of sinners under the pain of eternal dam-
nation.' And again, ' If faith be the effect of the merit of
Christ, it cannot be our duty.' No ? Suppose then that the
church should pray that it would please God, for Christ's
sake, to call home those sheep that belong to his fold, not
as yet collected ; that he would grant faith and repentance
for the merit of his Son to them that are as yet afar off,
were this an altogether vain and foolish prayer ? Let others
think as they please, it is such a vanity as I desire not to be
weaned from, nor any one else I believe, that loves the Lord
Jesus in sincerity. Oh that Christians should patiently en-
dure such a diminution of their Saviour's honour, as with
one dash of an Arminian pen to have the chief effects of his
death and passion quite obliterated : if this be a motive to
the love and honour of the Son of God, if this be a way to
set forth the preciousness of his blood by denying the effi-
cacy thereof, in enabling us by faith to get an interest in
the new covenant; most Christians in the world are under
a necessity of being new catechised by these seraphical
Until when, they must give us leave to believe with the
apostle, that God blesseth us with all ' spiritual blessings in
Christ;' Eph. i. 3. and we will take leave to account faith a
spiritual blessing; and, therefore, bestowed on us for Christ's
sake ; again, since our regeneration is nothing but a purging
of our consciences from dead works that we may serve the
living God, which being done by the blood of Christ, as the
apostle witnesseth, Heb.ix. 14. wewill ascribe ournewbirth,
or forming anew, to the virtue of that grace which is pur-
* Nihil ineptius, nihil vanius, quam regenerationem et fidera, merito Christi tribu-
ere, si enim Christus dicatur nobis meritus fidem et regenerationem, turn tides con-
ditio esse non poterat : quam a peccatorlbus, Dou:i sub comminatione mortis asterua
exigent. Rem. Apol. cap. 8. pag. 95. Si tides sit eifectum nieriti Cbristi iiou po-
test esse actus ollicii nostri : idem.
chased by his blood, ' that precious blood it is which re-
deemeth us from our vain conversation ;' 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. by
whose efficacy we are vindicated from the state of sin and
corrupted nature wherein we are born.
The Arminians have but one argument that ever I could
meet with, whereby they strive to rob Christ of this glory of
meriting and procuring for us faith and repentance ; and that
is, because they are such acts of ours, as in duty and obe-
dience to the precepts of the gospel we are bound to per-
form ;'' and this they every where press at large, usque et us-
que, in plain terms, they will not suffer their idol to be ac-
counted defective in any thing that is necessary to bring us
unto heaven. Now concerning this argument, that nothing
which God requireth of us can be procured for us by Christ,
I would have two things noted. First, That the strength of
it consists in this, that no gift of God bestowed upon us
can be a thing well pleasing to him as being in us ; for all
his precepts and commands signify only what is well pleas-
ing unto him that we should be or do ; and it is not the me-
riting of any thing by Christ, but God's bestowing of it as
the effect thereof, which hinders it from being a thing re-
q uirable of us as a part of our duty, which I shall consider
hereafter ; only now observe, that there being nothing in us
by the way of habit or act, from the beginning of our faith
to the consummation thereof, from our new birth until
we become perfect men in Christ by the finishing of our
course, that is not required of us in the gospel, all and every
grace, whereof we are in this life partakers, are by this means
denied to be the gifts of God. Secondly, Consider the ex-
tent of this argument itself: nothing whose performance is
our duty can be merited for us by Christ ; when the apostle
beseecheth us to be reconciled unto God, I would know
whether it be not a part of our duty to yield obedience to
the apostle's exhortation? If not, his exhortation is frivolous
and vain; if so, then to be reconciled unto God is a part of
our duty ; and yet the Arminians sometimes seem to confess,
that Christ hath obtained for us a reconciliation with God.
The like may be said in divers other particulars, so that this
argument either proveth that we enjoy no fruit of the death
of Christ in this life, or (which is most true), it proveth
h Rem. ApoK ubi sup. Corvin. ad Moli. cap. 28. sect. 9.
nothing at all: for neitheri the merit of Christ procuring,
nor God bestowing, any grace, in the habit, doth at all hin-
der, but that in the exercise thereof, it may be a duty of
ours, inasmuch as it is done in us, and by us. Notwithstand-
ing then this exception, which cannot stand by itself alone
without the help of some other, not as yet discovered ; we
will continue our prayers, as we are commanded, in the name
of Christ : that is, that God would bestow upon us those
things we ask for Christ's sake, and that by an immediate
collation, yea, even then when we cry, with the poor peni-
tent, ' Lord help our unbelief,' or with the apostles, * Lord in-
crease our faith.'
Secondly, The second plea on God's behalf, to prove
him the author and finisher of all those graces, whereof in
this life we are partakers, ariseth from what the Scripture
affirmeth, concerning his working these graces in us, and
that powerfully, by the effectual operation of his Holy Spi-
rit : to which, the Arminians oppose a seeming necessity,
that they must needs be our own acts, contradistinct from
his gifts, because they are in us, and commanded by him :
the head then of this contention betwixt our God, and their
idol, about the living child of grace, is, whether he can
work that in us, which he requireth of us : let iis hear them
pleading their cause.
* It is most certain,*^ that that ought not to be commanded,
which is wrought in us : and that cannot be wrought in us,
which is commanded : he foolishly commandeth that to be
done of others, who will work in them what he commandeth,'
saith their apology. O foolish St. Prosper,*^ who thought
that it was the whole Pelagian heresy, to say, 'That there
is neither praise nor worth, as ours, in that which Christ
bestoweth upon us :' foolish St. Augustine,* praying, * Give
us, O Lord, what thou commandest, and command what thou
wilt :' foolish Benedict, bishop of Rome, who gave such a
form to his prayer, as must needs cast an aspersion of folly
<^ Ulud certissiinum est, nee jubenduni est quod efficitur, nee eflicienduin quod
jubetur, stulte jubet et vult, ab alio fieri aliquid, qui ipse quod jubet in co efficere
vuit. Rem, Apol. cap. 9. p. 105. a.
•i At exigua coiiclusione pene tu totura Pelagianuni dogma confirmas, dieendo,
nullius iaudis esse ae raeriti ; si id in eo Christus quod ipse donaverat pr<etulisset.
Prosp. ad CoUat. cap. 36.
* Da, Domine, quodjubes, et jube quod vis. Aug.
M 2
on the Most High;* ' O Lord,' paith he 'teach us what we
should do ; shew us whither we shoukl go, work in us
what we ought to perform :' O foolish fathers of the second
Arausican council, afRrming,s ' that many good things are
done in man, which he doth not himself, but a man doth no
good, which God doth not so work, that he should do it.'
And again, ' as often as we do good, God worketh in us,
and with us, that we may so work.' In one word, this makes
fools of all the doctors of the church, who ever opposed the
Pelagian heresy, inasmuch as they all unanimously main-
tained, that we are partakers of no good thing, in this kind,
without the effectual powerful operation of the almighty
grace of God ; and yet our faith and obedience so wrought
in us, to be most acceptable unto him ; yea, what shall we
say to the Lord himself, in one place commanding us to
fear him, and in another promising that he will put his fear
into our hearts, that we shall not depart from him ; is his
command foolish, or his promise false? The Arminians must
affirm the one, or renounce their heresy : but of this, after
I have a little farther laid open this monstrous error, from
their own words and writings.
'Can any one,'*" say they, 'wisely and seriously prescribe
the performance of a condition to another, under the pro-
mise of a reward, and threatening of punishment, who will
effect it in him, to whom it is prescribed ? this is a ridicu-
lous action, scarce worthy of the stage :' that is, seeing
Christ hath affirmed, that 'whosoever believeth shall be
saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned ;' Matt.
xvi. 16 whereby faith is established the condition of sal-
vation, and unbelief threatened with hell : if God should
by his Holy Spirit, ingenerate faith in the hearts of any,
causing them so to fulfil the condition, it were a mere
mockery, to be exploded from a theatre as an unlikely
fiction : which, what an aspersion it casts upon the whole
gospel of Christ, yea, on all God's dealing with the children
f O Doraine, doce nos quid agaraus, quo gradiamur ostende, quid efficiamus ope-
rare. Ben. Pap. in Concil. Legunstad.
s Multa in honiine bona fiunt, qua? non facit homo : nulla vero facit homo bona,
quaj non Deus prastet, ut facial. Consil. Arau. 2. Can. 20. — Quotiesenim bona ani-
mus, Deus in nobis et nobiscum, ut operemur, operatur. Can. 9.
h Anne conditionem quis serio et sapienterpraescribetalteri, sub proraisso prfemii
et poeniB gravissimaj comminatione, qui earn, in eo cui pra?scribit efficere vult, lisc
actio tola ludicra, et vix scasna digna est. Rem. Apol. cap. 9. p. 105. a,
of men, ever since, by reason of the fall, they became una-
ble of themselves to fulfil his commands, I leave to all men's
silent judgment. Well then, seeing they must be accounted
aavarara, things inconsistent, that God should be so righ-
teous, as to shew us our duty, and yet so good and merci-
ful, as to bestow his graces on us : let us hear more of this
stuff: 'Faith and conversion cannot be our obedience,' if
they are wrought in us by God,'^ say they at the Hague : and
Episcopius,*" ' That it is a most absurd thing, to affirm, that
God either effects by his power, or procureth by his wis-
dom, that the elect should do those things that he requiretli
of them/ So that where the Scripture calls faith the gift,
and work of God, they say it is an improper locution, inas-
much as he commands it ; pi'operly, it is an act or work of
our own. And for that renowned saying of St. Augustine,'
that * God crowneth his own gifts in us, that it is not to be
received without a grain of salt :' that is, some such gloss
as wherewith they corrupt the Scripture : the sum at which
they aim is, that to affirm, that God bestoweth any graces
upon us, or effectually worketh them in us, contradicteth
his word, requiring them as our duty and obedience : by
which means they have erected their idol into the throne
of God's free grace and mercy ; and attribute unto it all the
praise due to those many heavenly qualifications, the ser-
vants of God are endowed withal, for they never have more
good in them, no, nor so much as is required ; all that they
have, or do, is but their duty : which how derogatory it is
to the merit of Christ, themselves seem to acknowledge,
when they affirm, that he is no otherwise said to be a Sa-
viour, than are all they, who confirm the way to salvation
by preaching, miracles, martyrdom, and example : so that
having quite overthrown the merits of Christ," ' they grant
* Fides et conversio non possnnt esse obedientia, si tantum ab aiiquo, in alio,
efficiantur. Rem. Colloq. Hag. p. 196.
'' Absurdutu est statnere Deum, aut efficere per potentiam, aut procurare per sa-
pientiam,ut elect! ea faciant, quae ab ipsis, ut ipsi ea faciant, exigit et postulat. Epis-
cop. disp. pri. 8. Tliess. 7.
• Apol. cap. 9. ubi. sup. — Deum dona sua in nobis coronare, dictum hoc Au-
gustini nisi cum grano sails accipiatur, neutiquam est admittendura : idem. ibid,
p. 115.
"" Atqui dices, sic servalores nostri essent omnes (eodem scnsu quo Christus),
saltern ex parte qui praeconio, rairaculis, luartyriis salutis viam, confirraant; esto,
quid turn ? Idem. cap. 8.
US to be our own saviours in a very large sense;' Rem.
Apol. fol. 96. All which assertions, how contrary they are
to the exprfess word of God, T shall now demonstrate.
There is not one of all those plain texts of Scripture, not
one of those innumerable and invincible arguments, whereby
the effectual working of God's grace, in the conversion of a
sinner, his powerful translating us from death to life, from the
state of sin and bondage to the liberty of the sons of God,
which doth not overthrow this prodigious error. I will con-
tent myself with instancing in some few of them which are
directly opposite unto it, even in terms.
First, Deut. x. 16. The Lord commandeth the Israelites,
' to circumcise the foreskin of their hearts, and to be no more
stiff-necked ;.' so that the circumcising of their hearts, was
a part of their obedience, it was their duty so to do in obe-
dience to God's commands: and yet in the thirtieth chapter
verse 6. he affirmeth, ' That he will circumcise their hearts,
that they might love the Lord their God with all their
hearts :' so that it seems, the same thing, in divers respects,
may be God's act in us, and our duty towards him : and
how the Lord will here escape that Arminian censure, that
if his words be true, in the latter place, his command in the
former is vain and foolish, ipse viderit, let him plead his cause,
and avenge himself on those that rise up against him.
Secondly, Ezek. xviii. 31. * Make you a new heart, and
a new spirit, for why will you die, O house of Israel?' The
making of a new heart, and a new spirit, is here requii'ed
under a promise of a reward of life, and a great threatening
of eternal death ; so that, so to do, must needs be a part of
their duty and obedience : and yet, chap, xxxvi. 36. he
affirmeth that he will do this very thing, that here he
requireth of them ; ' A new heart also will I give you, and a
new spirit, will 1 put within you, and I will take away the
stony heart out of your flesh, and give you an heart of
flesh ; and I will cause you to walk in my statutes,' 8ic. In
how many places also, are we commanded to fear the Lord,
which when we do, I hope none will deny to be a perform-
ance of our duty ; and yet Jer. xxxii. 40. God promiseth
that he will put his fear in our hearts, that we shall not de-
part from him.
Thirdly, Those two, against which they lay particular
exceptions, faith and repentance, are also expressly attri-
buted to the free donation of God : * he granteth unto the
Gentiles repentance unto life;' Acts xi. 18. and of faith di-
rectly, ' it is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God ;' Eph. ii. 8.
To which assertion of the Holy Spirit, I shall rather fasten
my belief, than to the Arminians, affirming that it is no gift
of God, because it is of ourselves : and yet this hindereth
not, but that it may be stiled, * our most holy faith ;' Jude
20. Let them that will deny, that any thing can properly be
ours, which God bestoweth on us : the prophet accounted
them not inconsistent, when he averred, ' that God worketh
all our works in us;' Isa. xxvi. 12. They are our works,
though of his working : the apostle laboured, though it was
not he, but ' the grace of God that was with him ;' 1 Cor.
XV. 10. He worketh in us koi to ^tXuv, koX to IvepyeXv, ' of
his good pleasure ;' Phil. ii. 13. and yet the performance
of our duty, may consist in those acts of our wills, and those
good deeds, whereof he is the author : so that, according to
St. Austin's counsel," we will still pray, that he would be-
stow what he command eth us to have.
Fourthly, 1 Cor. iv. 'Who made thee differ from another,
or what hast thou, that thou hast not received V Every thing
that makes us differ from others, is received from God :
VA'herefore, the foundation of all difference in spiritual things,
between the sons of Adam, being faith and repentance, they
must also of necessity, be received from above. In brief,
' God's circumcising of our hearts,' Col. ii. 11. 'His quick-
ening us when we are dead,' Eph. i. 1, 2. ' Begetting us anew,'
John. i. 23. Making us in all things, such as he would have
us to be ; is contained in that promise of the new covenant,
Jer. xxxii. 40. ' I will make with them an everlasting cove-
nant, that I will not turn away from them to do them good,
but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not de-
part from me :' and is no way repugnant to the holy Scrip-
ture, declaring our duty to be all this, that the Lord would have
us. And now let all men judge, whether against so many
and clear testimonies of the Holy Ghost, the Arminian rea-
sons borrowed from the old philosophers, be of any value :
the sum of them all, you may find in Cicero, his third book
n Petaraus ut dct quud ut habeamas jubet. Aug.
De Natura Deorum : * Every one,'o saith he, 'obtaineth virtue
for himself: never any wise man thanked God for that; for
our virtue we are praised, in virtue we glory, which might not
be, were it a gift of God :' and truly this in softer terms, is
the sum of the remonstrants' arguments in this particular.
Lastly, Observe, that this error is that which of all others,
the orthodox fathers did most oppose, in the Pelagian here-
tics : yea, and to this day,^ the more learned schoolmen stout-
ly maintain the truth herein, against the innovating Jesuits.
With some few of the testimonies of the ancients, I will shut
up this discourse :'^ ' It is certain that when we do any thing
we do it,' saith St. Augustine, ' but it is God that causeth
us so to do :' andin another place;"^ ' Shall we notaccount that
to be the gift of God ? because it is required of us, under
the promise of eternal life ? God forbid that this should seem
so, either to the partakers or defenders of grace:' where he
rejecteth both the error, and the sophism wherewith it is
upholden. So also Ccelestius, bishop of Rome,^ in his epis-
tle to the bishops of France : * So great,' saith he, 'is the good-
ness of God towards men, that he will have those good things
to be our good duties (he calls them merits according to the
phrase of those days) which are his own gifts: to which pur-
pose I cited before two canons, out of the Arausican council :'
and St. Prosper in his treatise against Cassianus the Se-
mipelagian,' affirmeth it to be a foolish complaint of proud
men, that free-will is destroyed, if the beginning, progress,
and continuance in good, be said to be the gifts of God : and
so the imputation of folly, wherewith the Arminians, in my
first quotation,5,charge their opposers,being retorted on them,
by this learned father, I refer you to these following excerpta
for a close.
" Quia sibi quisque virtutem acquirit, — neniinem de sapientibns unquain dc ea
gratias Deo egisse, propter virtutem enim laudamur, et in virtute glorianiur, quod
non fieret, si donuni esset Dei, non a nobis. Cicero De Nat. Deor.
P Alvarez, disput. 86. ubi Aug. Thorn, alios, citat.
1 Certum est nos facere cum facimus, scd iile facit nt faciamus. Aug. de Grat. et
Lib. Arbit. cap. 16.
■■ Neque id donum Dei esse fateamnr, quoiiiam exigi aiidivinius a nobis,
praemio vitffi si hoc fecerimus obiato? absit, iit hoc placeat particibus et defensori-
bus gratise. Aug. de Prsedest. San. cap. 20.
'Tanta est eiga homines bonilas Dei, ut nostra vclit esse merita quaa sunt ipsius
dona. Coelest. Epist. ad Ep. Gal. cap. ly.
' Non enim conturbat nos, superbienliuin inepta quferiraonia; quia Liberum Ar-
bitrium causantur auferri : si et principia et profcctus, et perserantia in bonis usque
ad fiaem Dei dona esse dicantur. Prosp. ad CoJIat. pag. 404.
s. s.
'Circumcise the foreskin
ofyour hearts, and be no more
stiff-necked;' Deut. x. 16.
' And the Lord thy God will
circumcise thy heart, and the
heart of thy seed;' chap.
XXX. 6.
' Make you a new heart,
and a new spirit, O house of
Israel ;' Ezek. xviii. 3 1 . ' A new
heart also will I give you, and
a new spirit will I put within
you ;' chap, xxxvi. 36.
* If you will fear the Lord
and serve him, then shall you
continue following the Lord
your God ;' 1 Sam. xii. 14.
' And I will put my fear
into your hearts, that ye shall
ilot depart from me ;' Jer.
xxxii. 40.
' He hath wrought all our
works in us ;' Isa. xxvi. 12.
* He worketh in us both to
will and to do, of his good
pleasure;' Phil. ii. 13.
* He hath blessed us with
all spiritual blessings in him;'
Eph. i.3.
* To you it is given in the
behalf of Christ to believe in
him;' Phil. i. 29.
* The blood of Christ purg-
eth our consciences from dead
works, to serve the living God ;'
Heb. ix. 14.
Lib. Arbit.
*This is most certain, that
thatoughtnottobe command-
ed which is wrought in us : he
foolishly commandeth that to
be done of others, who will
work in them what he com-
mandeth ;' Rem. Apol.
* It is absurd to affirm that
God either worketh by his
power, or procureth by his
wisdom, that the elect should
do those things which God
requireth of them ;' Epis-
* Faith and conversion
cannot be acts of our obedi-
ence if they are wrought by
God in us ;' Rem. Col. Hag.
* That God should re-
quire that of ^s, which him-
self will work in us, is a ri-
diculous action scarce fit for
a stage ;' Rem. Apol.
* That saying of Augus-
tine that God crowneth his
own gifts in us, is not easily
to be admitted;' Ibid.
' There is nothing more
vain and foolish, then to as-
cribe faith and regeneration
to the merit of Christ ;' Idem.
Whether salvation may he attained without the knowledge of, or
faith in, Christ Jesus.
I SHALL shut up all this discourse concerning the meritori-
ous cause of salvation, with their shutting out of Christ, from
being the only one, and absolutely necessary means, to bring
us unto heaven, to make us happy : this is the last pile they
erect upon their Babylonish foundation, which makes the
idol of human self-sufficiency, every way perfect, and fit to
be sacrificed unto. Until these proud builders, to get mate-
rials for their own temple, laid the axe to the root of Chris-
tianity, we took it for granted, that there is no salvation in
any other, because there is 'none other name under heaven,
given unto men, whereby we must be saved;' Acts iv. 12.
Neither yet shall their nefarious attempts, frighten us from
our creed, nor make us be wanting to the defence of our Sa-
viour's honour, but I shall be very brief in the consideration
of this heterodoxy, nothing doubting, but that to have re-
peated it, is fully to have confuted it, in the judgment of all
pious Christians.
First, then. They grant salvation to the ancient patriarchs
and Jews, before the coming of Christ, without any know-
ledge of, or faith in, him at all : nay, they deny that any such
faith in Christ, was ever prescribed unto them, or required of
them. * It is certain that there is no place in the Old Testa-
ment,* from whence it may appear that faith in Christ (as a
Redeemer) was ever enjoined, or found in any of them ;' say
they jointly in their apology: the truth of which assertion,
we shall see hereafter : only they grant a general faith, in-
volved under types and shadows, and looking on the promise,
as it lay hid in the goodness and providence of God, which
indirectly might be called a faith in Christ : from which kind
of faith, I see no reason why thousands of heathen infidels
should be excluded. Agreeable unto these assertions are the
dictates of their patriarch Arminius, affirming,'' ' that the
a Certuni est locum nullum esse, unde appareat, fidera istam, sub Vet. Test, prae-
ceptam fuisse.aut viguisse. Rem. Apol. cap. 7. p. 91.
b Consideretur oranis descriptio fidei Abraliae, Rom. iv. et apparebit in ilia Jesu
Christ! noil fieri mcntionem, expresse, sed ilia tantuni iinplicatione, quani cxplicare
cuivisnon est facile. Aniiin. Gavisusestviderenatalem Isaac.qui full ty pus mei. Idem.
whole descriptionof the faith of Abraham, Rom. iv. makes
no mention of Jesus Christ, either expressly or so implicit-
ly as that it may be of any one easily understood;' and to the
testimony of Christ himself, to the contrary ; John viii. 56.
' Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it,
and was glad:' he answereth, * He rejoiced to see the birth
of Isaac, who was a type of me ;' a goodly gloss corrupting
the text.
Secondly, What they teach of the Jews, that also they
grant concerning the Gentiles, living before the incarnation
of Christ; they also might attain salvation, and be justified
without his knowledge : ' For although,'*^ saith Corvinus, ' the
covenant was not revealed unto them by the same means that
it was unto the Jews, yet they are not to be supposed to be
excluded from the covenant (of grace), nor to be excluded
from salvation ; for some way or other, they were called.'
Thirdly, They are come at length to that perfection, in
setting out this stain of Christianity, that Berlins,*^ on good
consideration, denied this proposition, * that no man can be
saved, that is not ingrafted into Christ, by a true faith :' and
Venator to this question,*^ ' Whether the only means of salva-
tion, be the life, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension
of Jesus Christ,' answereth, ' No?' Thus they lay men in Abra-
ham's bosom, who never believed in the Son of Abraham ;
make them overcome the serpent, who never heard of the seed
of the woman ; bring goats into heaven, who never were of the
flock of Christ, never entered by him the door ; make men
please God without faith, and obtain the remission of sins,
without the sprinkling of the blood of the Lamb ; to be saved
without a Saviour, redeemed without a Redeemer ; to become
the sons of God, and never know their elder brother ; which
prodigious error, might yet be pardoned, and ascribed to hu-
man imbecility, had it casually slipped from their pens as it
did from some others ;^ but seeing it hath foundation in all the
•^ Gentes sub veteri testaraento viventes licet ipsis ista ratione qua Jud^is non fuit
revelatum : non taraen iade continuo ex federe absolute exclusaj sunt, nee a salute
praecise exclusi judicari debent quia aliquo saltern modo vocantur. Corvi. defens.
Armin. ad Tilen. p. 107.
•1 Nego liaiic propositionem ; nemineni posse salvari, quam qui Jesu Christo, per
veram Kdeiu sit insitus, Bert, ad Sibrand. p. 133.
e Ad banc qusstionem an unicavia salutis, sit vita, passio, mors, resuirectio, ct as-
censio Jesu Chrisli ? respondeo, non. Venat. apud Fest. Honi. et Peltium.
f Zuing. profes. fid. ad reg. Gal.
grounds of their new doctrine, and is maintained by them, on
mature deliberation,^ it must be looked on by all Christians
as a heresy to be detested and accursed. For, first, deny the
contagion and demerit of original sin ; then make the cove-
nant of grace to be universal, and comprehend all and every
one of the posterity of Adam; thirdly, grant a power in our-
selves to come unto God, by any such means as he will ap-
point and affirm, that he doth assign some means unto all,
and it will naturally follow, that the knowledge of Christ is
not absolutely necessary to salvation : and so down falls the
pre-eminence of Christianity, its heaven-reaching crown
must be laid level with the services of dunghill gods.**
It is true, indeed, some of the ancient fathers, before the
rising of the Pelagian heresy, who had so put on Christ, as
Lipsius speaks, that they had not fully put off Plato, have un-
advisedly dropped some speeches, seeming to grant, that di-
vers men before the incarnation, living fiera \6yov, ' according
to the dictates of right reason,' might be saved without faith
in Christ ; as is well shewed by learned Causabon in his first
excercitation on Baronius : but let this be accounted part of
that stubble, which shall burn at the last day, wherewith the
writings of all men, not divinely inspired, may be stained. It
hath also since (as what hath not), been drawn into dispute
among the wrangling schoolmen ; and yet, which is rarely
seen, their verdict in this particular, almost unanimously
passeth for the truth. Aquinas* tells us a story of the corpse
of a heathen, that should be taken up in the time of the em-
press Irene, and her son Constantine, with a golden plate on
his breast, wherein was this inscription : ' Christ is born of a
virgin, and I believe in him, O sun, thou shalt see me again in
the days of Irene and Constantine.' But the question is not,
whether a Gentile believing in Christ may be saved, or whe-
ther God did not reveal himself and his Son, extraordinarily
to some of them? For shall we straiten the breast, and
shorten the arm, of the Almighty, as though he might not do
what he will with his own. But whether a man by the con-
duct of nature, without the knowledge of Christ, may come
s Atlic. of the Church of Eng. art. 18.
h Nihil magis repugnat fidei, quam sine fide salvum esse posse quenipiani homi-
num. Acost. dc indo. Salu. Proc.
> Aquin. 2. Sae. q. 2. a. 7. c. Christus nascitur ex virgine, ct ego credo in eum, O
Sol, sub Irenae et Constantini teinporibus iteruni me videbii.
to heaven : the assertion whereof, we condemn as a wicked
Pelagian, Socinian heresy ; and think that it was well said of
Bernard,'' ' that many labouring to make Plato a Christian,
do prove themselves to be heathens.' And if we look upon the
several branches of this Arrainian novel doctrine, extenuat-
ing the precious worth and necessity of faith in Christ, we
shall find them hewed off by the two-edged sword of God's
First, For their denying the patriarchs and Jews, to have
had faith, ' in Christum exhibendum et moriturum,' as we in
him, 'exhibitum et mortuura/ it is disproved by all evangeli-
cal promises, made from the beginning of the woild, to the
birth of our Saviour, as that Gen. iii. 15. 'The seed of the
woman shall break the serpent's head;' and chap. xii. 3. xlix.
10. Psal. ii. 7, 8. ex. with innumerable other, concerning
his life, office, and redeeming of his people : for sui'ely they
were obliged to believe the promises of God.
Secondly, By those many clear expressions of his death,
passion, and suffering for us; as Gen. iii. 15. Isa. liii.6 — 10,
&c. Ixiii. 2, 3. Dan. ix. 26. but what need we reckon
any more ? our Saviour taught his disciples, that all the pro-
phets from Moses, spake concerning him, and that the sole
reason why they did not so readily embrace the faith of his
passion and resurrection, was because they believed not the
prophets ; Luke xxiv. 25, 26. shewing plainly, that the pro-
phets required faith in his death and passion.
Thirdly, By the explicit faith of many Jews, as of old Si-
meon ; Luke iii. 34. of the Samaritan woman who looked for
a Messias, not as an earthly king, but as one that should tell
them all things, redeem them from sin, and tell them all such
things as Christ was then discoursing of, concerning the wor-
ship of God ; John iv. 25.
Fourthly, By the express testimony of Christ himself;
'Abraham,' saithhe, 'rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it,
and was glad ;' John viii. 56. his day, his hour, in the Scrip-
ture principally denote his passion : and that which he saw
surely he believed, or else the father of the faithful, was more
diffident than Thomas the most incredulous of his children.
Fifthly, By these following and the like places of Scrip-
^ Dum niultum sudant nonnuUi, quomodo Platonem faciant Christianum, se pro-
bant esse ethnicos. Bern. Epist,
ture; 'Christ is a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world;'
Rev. xiii. 8. slain in promises, slain in God's estimation and
the faith of believers ; ' He is the same yesterday, to-day, and
for ever ;' Heb. xiii. 8. mider the law and the gospel ; ' There
is none other name under heaven given unto men, whereby
they must be saved ;' Acts iv. 12. Never any then, without the
knowledge of a Redeemer, participation of his passion, com-
munication of his merits, did ever come to the sight of God :
no man ever came to the Father but by him : hence St. Paul
tells the Ephesians, that they were without Christ, 'because
they were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel ;' Eph.
ii. 12. intimating that God's covenant with the Jews, included
Christ Jesus and his righteousness, no less than it doth now
with us : on these grounds, holy Ignatius' called Abel ' a mar-
tyr of Christ,' he died for his faith in the promised seed ; and
in another place,"" ' all the saints were saved by Christ, hoping
in him, and waiting on him, they obtained salvation by him.'
So Prosper also," ' We must believe that never any man was
justified by any other faith, either before the law, or under
the law, than by faith in Christ, coming to save that which
was lost.' Whence Eusebius contendeth," that all the old
patriarchs might properly be called Christians, they all eat
of the same spiritual meat, and all drank of the same spiritual
drink, even of the rock that followed them, which rock was
Secondly, If the ancient people of God, notwithstanding
divers other especial revelations of his will, and heavenly in-
structions, obtained not salvation without faith in Christ;
much less may we grant this happiness without him, to them
who were deprived of those other helps also : so that though
we confess the poor natural endeavours of the heathen, not
to have wanted their reward ; either positive in this life, by
outward prosperity, and inward calmness of mind, in that
they were not all perplexed, and agitated with furies, like
' napaJo&eij y£, TaJv Sia p^pnTTOv avat^ovfjiiViiv, awo tou aShX tou JiKaiou. Ignat. Epist-
ad Epiies.
'" rtiivTE; ouv aj/ioi li/ p^pitTTM sa-oi&na-ttv, IXwiVaVTEj li; aurav *af at/Tov ava^wEivavTS?, 5^'
auTou a"a)Ti]jittj 'irvxov. Epist. ad Phil.
n Non alia fide queraquani hominuiu sive ante legem, sive legis tempore, justifica-
tuiii esse credendum est, quain hac eadeiu qua Dominus Jesu, &c. Prosp. ad ob. 8.
o Onines ergo illos qui ab Abraham sursum versus, ad primum homiuera, genera-
tiouis ordine conscribuntur, etsi non nomine, rebus tamen, et religione Christianus
fuisse, si quis dicat, non niihi videtur errare. Eus. Histor. eccles. lib. 1. cap. 1.
Nero and Caligula; or negative in the life to come, by a di-
minution of the degrees of their torments; they shall not be
beaten with so many stripes : yet we absolutely deny, that
there is any saving mercy of God towards them revealed in
the Scripture, which should give us the least intimation of
their attaining everlasting happiness. For not to consider the
corruption and universal disability of nature, to do any thing
that is good {' without Christ we can do nothing') ; John xv. 5.
nor yet the sinfulness of their best works and actions, the
sacrifices *of the wicked being an abomination unto the
Lord ;' Prov. xv. 8. ' Evil trees cannot bring forth good fruit,
men do not gather grapes of thorns, nor figs of thistles ;'
Matt. vii. 16. The word of God is plain, ' that without faith,
it is impossible to please God ;' Heb. xi. 6. that he, 'who be-
lieveth not, is condemned ;' Mark xvi. 16. that no nation or
person can be blessed, but in the seed of Abraham ; Gen. xii.
and the blessing of Abraham, comes upon the Gentiles only
by Jesus Christ ; Gal. iii. 14. ' He is the way, and the truth,
and the life ;' John xiv. 6. none comes to the Father but by
him, he is the door, by which those that do not enter, are
without, * with dogs and idolaters ;' Rev. xxii. ' So that other
foundation (of blessedness), can none lay, but what is already
laid, even Jesus Christ ;' 1 Cor. iii. 12. In brief, do but com-
pare those two places of St. Paul ; Rom. viii. 30. where
he sheweth, that none are glorified, but those that are called ;
and chap. x. 14, 15. where he declares, that all calling is in-
strumentally by the preaching of the word and gospel ; and
it will evidently appear, that no salvation can be granted unto
them, on whom the Lord hath so far poured out his indig-
nation, as to deprive them of the knowledge of the sole means
thereof, Christ Jesus. And to those that are otherwise minded,
I give only this necessary caution, let them take heed, lest
whilst they endeavour to invent new ways to heaven for
others, by so doing they lose not the true way them-
S. S. Lib. Arbit.
' O fools, and slow to be- ' There is no place in the
lieve all that the prophets Old Testament, whence it
have written : ought not may appear, that faith in
s. s.
Christ to have suffered these
things ;' Luke xxiv. 25, 26.
* Abraham rejoiced to see
my day, and he saw it, and
was glad ;' John viii. 56.
' By his knowledge shall
my righteous servant justify
many, for he shall bear their
iniquities;' Isa. liii. 11: see
the places before-cited.
* At the time they were
without Christ; being aliens
from the commonwealth of
Israel, and strangers from
the covenant of pioraise, hav-
ing no hope, and without God
in the world;' Eph. ii. 12.
* There is no other name
under heaven given unto men,
whereby we must be saved,
but only by Christ ;' Acts
iv, 12.
'The blessing of Abraham
comes on the Gentiles by Je-
sus Christ;' Gal. iii. 14. ' He
that believeth not is con-
demned;' Mark xvi. 16. 'With-
out faith it is impossible to
please God ;' Heb. xi, 6.
' Other foundation can no
man lay, but what is already
laid, even Jesus Christ;' 1 Cor.
iii. 12.
Lib. Arbit.
Christ as a Redeemer, was
either enjoined or found in
any then ;' Rem. Apol.
' Abraham's faith had no
reference to Christ;' Armin.
•The Gentiles living under
the Old Testament, though
it was not revealed unto them
as unto the Jews, yet were
not excluded from the cove-
nant of grace, and from sal-
vation;' Corv.
* 1 deny this proposition,
that none can be saved that
is not ingrafted into Christ
by a true faith ;' Pert.
*To this question, whether
the only way of salvation, be
the life, passion, death, resur-
rection, and ascension of Je-
sus Christ, I answer, No ;' Ve-
Of free-will, the nature and power thereof.
Our next task is to take a view of the idol himself; of this
great deity of free-will, whose original, being not well known,
he is pretended, like the Ephesian image of Diana, to have
fallen down from heaven, and to have his endowments from
above ; but yet, considering what a nothing he was at his
first discovery, in comparison of that vast giant-like huge-
ness to which now he is grown, we may say of him, as the
painter said of his monstrous picture, which he had mended,
or rather marred, according to every one's fancy : ' hunc po-
pulus fecit,' it is the issue of the people's brain. Origen*
is supposed to have brought him first into the church ; but
among those many sincere worshippers of divine grace, this
setter forth of new demons found but little entertainment :
it was looked upon but like the stump of Dagon, with his
head and hands laid down before the ark of God ; without
whose help he could neither know, nor do, that which is good
in any kind : still accounted but * truncus ficulnus, ixiutile lig-
num;' ' a fig-tree lop;, an unprofitable piece of wood ;' 'incerti
patres scamnum facerentne ?' The fathers of the succeeding
ages had much debate to what use they should put it; and
though some exalted it a degree or two above its merits, yet
the most concluded to keep it a block still : until at length
there arose a stout champion,"^ challenging on his behalf the
whole church of God, and like a knight-errant wandered from
the west to the east, to grapple with any that should oppose
his idol ; who, though he met with divers adversaries," one
especially,** who in the behalf of the grace of God continually
foiled him and cast him to the ground, and that in the judg-
» Hieron. ad RufF.
*> Pelagins: Dogma quod — pestifero vorauit coluber sermone Britaiinus. Prosper,
de ingral. cap. 1.
« Adfuit, exliorlante Deo provisa per orbeni, sanctorum pia cura pafrnm. 1. Pes-
tciu subeuntem prima recidit, sedes Roma Petri. 2. Non segnior inde, orientis recto-
nim cura emicuit. Synod. Palest. 3. Hieronymus libris valde exccilentibus hostem
dissecuit. 4. Atticus Constantinop. 5. Do re S^inodi Aricanas. Prosper, de ingrat.
<i Concilium cui dux Aurelius ingcniumque Augustinus crat. Quern Cliristi gratis
cormi uberiore rigans, nostro lumen dcdit n?vo. Prosp. ibid.
ment of all the lawful judges, assembled in councils/ and
in the opinion of most of the Christian by-standers/ yet by
his cunning insinuation, he planted such an opinion of his
idol's deity and self-sufficiency in the hearts of divers, that
to this day it could never be rooted out.
Now after the decease of his Pelagian worshippers, some
of the corrupter schoolmen, seeing of him thus from his birth
exposed without shelter to wind and weather, to all assaults,
out of mere charity and self-love built him a temple, and
adorned it with natural lights, merits, uncontrolled inde-
pendent operations, with many other gay attendances. But
in the beginning of the reformation, that fatal time for idol-
atry and superstition, together with abbeys and monasteries,
the zeal and learning of our forefathers, with the help of
God's word, demolished this temple, and brake this build-
ing down to the ground ; in the rubbish whereof we well
hoped the idol himself had been so deeply buried, as that his
head should never more have been exalted to the trouble of
the church of God ; until not long since, some curious wits,
whose weak stomachs were clogged with manna, and loathed
the sincere milk of the word, raking all dunghills for no-
velties, lighted unhappily upon this idol ; and presently,
with no less joy than did the mathematician at the discovery
of a new geometrical proportion, exclaim. We have found it,
we have found it ! and without more ado, up they erected a
shrine, and until this day continue offering of praise and
thanks for all the good they do to this work of their own
And that the idol may be free from ruin, to which in
himself they have found by experience that he is subject,
they have matched him to contingency, a new goddess of
their own creation ; who, having proved very fruitful in
* Dixit Pelagius, quis est niilii Augustinus ? Universi acclamabant blaspheniantem
ill episcopuin, ex cujus ore, dominus univcrsfe Africa, unitatis indulserit felicitatem,
non solum acoiiventuillo, sed ab oinni ecclesia pellendura. Ores. Apologet. pag. 621.
de Synod. Palest. Pra; omnibus studium gerite iibros. S. August, quos ad Prosp. et
Hilar, scripsit, memoratis fiatribus legendos ingerere, &c. Epist. Synod. Byzac.
^ Imo noverunt, non solum Romanam Africanamque ccclesiara, sed per omnes
mundi partes, universse proniissionis filios, cum doctrina hujus viri, sicut in tola fide,
ita in gratia; confessione congruere. Prosp. ad Ruffin. Augustinum saiictaj recorda-
tionis virura pro vita sua, et meritis, in nostra communione semper habuiraus, nee un-
quam bunc sinistrsesuspitionis saltem rumor suspexit. Coelest. Epist. ad Gal. Episcop.
These I have cited to shew what a heavy prejudice the Arminian cause lies under,
being professedly opposite to the doctrine of S.Austin, and they continually slight-
ing uf his authority.
monstrous births, upon their conjunctions, they nothing
doubt they shall ever want one to set on the throne and
make president of all human actions : so that after he hath
with various success, at least twelve hundred years, con-
tended with the providence and grace of God, he boasteth
now as if he had obtained a total victory. But yet all his
prevailing is to be attributed to the diligence and varnish
of his new abettors, with (to our shame be it spoken) the
negligence of his adversaries : in him and his cause there is
no more real worth than was, when by the ancient fathers he
was exploded and cursed out of ijie church : so that they,
who can attain through the many winding labyrinths of cu-
rious distinctions to look upon the thing itself, shall find
that they have been like Egyptian novices, brought through
many stately frontispieces and goodly fabrics, with much
show of zeal and devotion, to the image of an ugly ape.
Yet here observe, that we do not absolutely oppose free-
will as if it were nomeii inane, a mere figment, when there is
no such thing in the world ; but only in that sense the Pe-
lagians and Arminians do assert it. About words we will
not contend: we grant man, in the substance of all his ac-
tions, as much power, liberty and freedom, as a mere cre-
ated nature is capable of. We grant him to be free in his
choice, from all outward coaction, or inward natural neces-
sity, to work according to election and deliberation, spon-
taneously embracing what seemeth good unto him. Now
call this power, free-will, or what you please ; so you make
it not supreme, independent, and boundless, we are not at all
troubled. The imposition of names, depends upon the dis-
cretion of their inventors. Again, even in spiritual things
we deny that our wills are at all debarred, or deprived of,
their proper liberty ; but here we say indeed, that we are
not properly free until the Son makes us free. No great use
of freedom in that wherein we can do nothing at all : we
do not claim such a liberty as should make us despise the
grace of God,s whereby we may attain true liberty indeed,
which addeth to, but taketh nothing from, our original free-
dom. But of this, after I have shewed what an idol the
Arminians make of free-will, only take notice in the en-
trance, that we speak of it now, not as it was at first by
B Homo non libertata giatium, sed gratia libertatem, asseqiiitur. Aug.
N 2
God created, but as it is now by sin corrupted ; yet being
considered in that estate also, they ascribe more unto it
than it was ever capable of. As it now standeth, according
to my formerly proposed method, I shall shew ; First, what
inbred native virtue they ascribe unto it, and with how abso-
lute a dominion and sovereignty, over all our actions, they
endow it. Secondly, what power they say it hath in prepar-
ing us for the grace of God. Thirdly, how effectually opera-
tive it is in receiving the said grace ; and with how little
help thereof it accomplisheth the great work of our con-
version : all briefly, with so many observations as shall suf-
fice to discover their proud errors in each particular.
' Herein,''' saith Arminius, ' consisteth the liberty of the
will, that all things required to enable it to will any thing
being accomplished, it still remains indifferent to will, or
not.' And all of them at the synod ; ' There is,'* say they, ' ac-
companying the will of man, an inseparable property, which
we call liberty, from whence the will is termed a power r'
which, when all things pre-required as necessary to opera-
tion are fulfilled, may will any thing, or not will it ; that is,
our free-wills have such an absolute and uncontrollable
power, in the territory of all human actions, that no in-
fluence of God's providence, no certainty of his decree, no
unchangeableness of his purpose, can sway it at all in its
free determinations, or have any power with his highness,
to cause him to will, or resolve, on any such act as God by
him inteudeth to produce. Take an instance, in the great
work of our conversion : ' All unregenerate men,"" saith Ar-
minius, * have, by virtue of their free-will, a power of resist-
ino- the Holy Spirit, of rejecting the offered grace of God,
of contemning the counsel of God concerning themselves;
of refusing the gospel of grace, of not opening the heart to
him that knocketh.' What a stout idol is this, whom neither
the Holy Spirit, the grace and counsel of God, the calling-
•> Libertas Arbitrii consistit in eo, qiioti homo, posilis omnibus requisilis ad voien-
dum, indifferens tauien sit, ad volt-nduiii vel nolenduiii hoc vcl iilud. Arrain. art.
perpend, pag. 11.
' Voluntatcin comitatur propiietas qu^daui inseparabilis, quam libcrtatem voca-
nius : aqua voluntas dicitur, potentiaquie positis omnibus prierequisitis ad agendum
necessariis, potest velle, et nolle aut vellc t-t nonvelle. Ramon, in act. S^'nod. pag. 16.
k Omnes irrcgcniti habent Lib. Arbit. et potentiam Spiritui Saiicto rcsislendi j
eraiiani Dei oblatani re[)udiandi, consilium Dei adversus se contenmendi, evange-
lium gratia; repudiandi, ei qui cor pulsat non aperiendo. Armin. artic. perpend.
of the gospel, the knocking at the door of the heart, can
move at all, or in the least measure prevail against him.
Woe be unto us then, if when God calls us, our free-will be
not in good temper, and well disposed to hearken unto him :
for it seems there is no dealing with it by any other ways,
though powerful and almighty. ' For grant,'' saith Corvinus,
' all the operations of grace which God can use in our con-
version, yet conversion remaineth so in our own free power,
that we can be not converted ; that is, we can either turn or
not turn ourselves :' where the idol plainly challengeth the
Lord to work his utmost, and tells him, that after he hath
so done, he will do what he please ; his infallible prescience,
his powerful predetermination, the moral efficacy of the
gospel, the infusion of grace, the effectual operation of the
Holy Spirit, all are nothing ; not at all available in helping
or furthering our independent wills in their proceedings.
Well, then, in what estate will you have the idol placed ?
' In™ such a one, wherein he may be suffered to sin, or to do
well at his pleasure,' as the same author intimates. It seems
then, as to sin, so nothing is required for him to be able to
do good but God's permission ? No ! For the Remonstrants'*
(as they speak of themselves) ' do always suppose a free
power of obeying, or not obeying, as well in those who do
obey, as in those who do not obey :' that he that is obedient,
may therefore be counted obedient, because he obeyeth,
when he could not obey ; and so on the contrary ; where all
the praise of our obedience, whereby we are made to differ
from others, is ascribed to ourselves alone, and that free power
that is in us. Now this they mean, not of any one act of obe-
dience, but of faith itself, and the whole consummation there-
of. ' For° if a man should say, that every man in the world
hath a power of believing if he will, and of attaining salva-
tion, and that this power is settled in his nature, what ar-
' Posilis omnibus operationibiis gratije, quibiis Deus in conversione nostri uti pos-
sit, nianit taiiien conversio ita in nostra poteslate libera, iit possimus non convcrti,
Itoc est, nosniet ipsos converterc vel non convertere. Cor. ad Bog. pag. 263.
™ Non potest Deus Lib. Arbit. integrum servare, nisi tam peccare homineni sine-
ret, quani bene agere. Corvin. ad Molin. cap. 6.
" Semper Remonstrantes supponunt liberani obediendi potentiara, et non obedi-
endi ; ut qui obediens est idcirco obediens censcatur, quia cum possit non obedira
obedit tamen, et e contra. Rem. Apol. p. 70.
" Quod si quis dicat omiies in universum homines, habere potentiam credendi si
rp!int, et sa'.utem consequcndi : et hanr potenliam esse natur.-^ hominum divinitus
t'ollatuin, quo tuo argumento eum confutabis.' Armin. Antip. pag. 372.
gument have you to confute him,' saith Arminius trium-
phantly to Perkins.
Where the sophistical innovator as plainly confounds
grace and nature, as ever did Pelagius. That then, which the
Arminians claim here in behalf of their free-will, is an abso-
lute independence on God's providence, in doing any thing,
and of his grace, in doing that which is good. A self-suffi-
ciency in all its operations, a plenary indifferency of doing
what we will, this, or that, as being neither determined to
the one, nor inclined to the other, by any overruling influ-
ence from heaven ; so, that the good acts of our wills have
no dependance on God's providence as they are acts, nor
on his grace as they are good ; but in both regards pro-
ceed from such a principle within us, as is no way moved
by any superior agent. Now the first of these we deny unto
our wills, because they are created ; and the second, because
they are corrupted : their creation hinders them from doing
any thing of themselves without the assistance of God's
providence, and their corruption, of doing any thing that
is good without his grace, A self-sufficiency for operation,
without the effectual motion of Almighty God, the first
cause of all things, we can allow neither to men, nor angels,
unless we intend to make them gods ; and a power of do-
ing good, equal unto that they have of doing evil, we must
not grant to man by nature, unless we will deny the fall of
Adam, and fancy ourselves still in paradise; but let us con-
sider these things apart.
First, I shall not stand to decipher the nature of human
liberty, which perhaps would require a larger discourse
than my proposed method will bear : it may suffice, that ac-
cording to my former intimation, we grant as large a free-
dom and dominion to our wills over their own acts, as a
creature subject to the supreme rule of God's providence
is capable of; endued we are with such a liberty of will,
as is free from all outward compulsion and inward neces-
sity, having an elective faculty of applying itself unto that
which seems good unto it, in which it is a free choice, notwith-
standing it is subservient to the decree of God, as I shewed
before ; chap. iv. Most free it is in all its acts, both in re-
gard of the object it chooseth, and in regard of that vital
power and faculty whereby it worketh ; infallibly comply-
ing with God's providence, and working by virtue of the
motion thereof: but surely to assert such a supreme inde-
pendency, and every way unbounded indifFerency, as the
Arminians claim, whereby all other things requisite being
pre-supposed, it should remain absolutely in our own power,
to will, or not to will, to do any thing, or not to do it, is
plainly to deny that our wills are subject to the rule of the
Most High. It is granted, that in such a chimerical fancied
consideration of free-will, wherein it is looked upon as
having no relation to any act of God's, but only its creation,
abstracting from his decree, it may be said to have such
a liberty in regard of the object ; but the truth is, this di-
vided sense is plain nonsense, a mere fiction of such an es-
tate, wherein it never was, nor ever can be, so long as men
will confess any deity but themselves, to whose determina-
tions they must be subject: until then, more significant
terms may be invented for this free power in our nature,
which the Scripture never once vouchsafed to name, I shall
be content to call it with Prosper,? 'a spontaneous appetite
of what seemeth good unto it,' free from all compulsion,
but subservient to the providence of God. And against its
exaltation to this height of independency, I oppose.
First, Every thing that is independent of any else in opera-
tion, is purely active, and so consequently a god; for nothing
but a divine will can be a pure act, possessing such a liber-
ty by virtue of its own essence. Every created will must have
a liberty by participation, which includeth such an imper-
fect potentiality, as cannot be brought into act without some
promotion (as I may so say) of a superior agent ; neither
doth this motion, being extrinsical, at all prejudice the true
liberty of the will, which requireth indeed that the internal
principle of operation be active and free, but not that that
principle be not moved to that operation, by an outward
superior agent ; nothing in this sense can have an indepen-
dent principle of operation, which hath not an independent
being : it is no more necessary to the nature of a free cause,
from whence a free action must proceed, that it be the first
beginning of it, than it is necessary to the nature of a cause,
that it be the first cause.
P Lib. Arbit. csl ici slbi platitrt; si)oiitancus appiliUu. Trosp. nil Collat. cap. 18.
p. 379.
Secondly, If the free acts of our wills are so subservient
to the providence of God, as that he useth them to what end
he will, and by them effecteth many of his purposes, then
they cannot of themselves be so absolutely independent as
to have in their own power every necessary circumstance
and condition, that they may use, or not use, at their plea-
sure. Now the former is proved by all those reasons and
texts of Scripture I before produced, to shew that the pro-
vidence of God overruleth the actions and determineth the
wills of men, freely to do that which he hath appointed ; and
truly were it otherwise, God's dominion over the most things
that are in the world were quite excluded ; he had not power
to determine that any one thing should ever come to pass,
which hath any reference to the wills of men.
Thirdly, All the acts of the will, being positive entities,
were it not previously moved by God himself, in whom we
live, move, and have our being, must needs have their es-
sence and existence solely from the will itself, which is
thereby , made avTo ov, a first and supreme cause, endued with
an underived being : and so much to that particular.
Let us now, in the second place, look upon the power of
our free-will, in doing that which is morally good, where
we shall find not only an essential imperfection, inasmuch
as it is created, but also a contracted defect, inasmxich as it
is corrupted. The ability which the Arminians ascribe unto
it in this kind, of doing that which is morally and spiritually
good, is as large as themselves will confess to be competent
unto it, in the state of innocency ; even a power of believing,
and a power of resisting, the gospel; of obeying and not obey-
ing ; of turning, or of not being converted.
The Scripture, as I observed before, hath no such term
at all, nor any thing equivalent unto it; but the expressions
it useth concerning our nature and all the faculties thereof,
in this state of sin and unregeneration, seem to imply
the quite contrary ; as that ' we are in bondage;' Heb. ii.
15. 'dead in sin;' Eph. ii. 3. 'and so free from righteous-
ness ;' Rom. vi. ' servants of sin ;' ver. 16. 'under the reio-n
and dominion thereof;' ver. 12. 'all our members being in-
struments of unrighteousness ;' ver. 13. Not free, indeed, un-
til the Son make us free ; so that this idol of free-will, in re-
spect of spiritual things, is not one whit better than the other
idols of the Heathen. Though it look like silver and gold,
it is the work of men's hands : it hath a mouth, but it speaks
jiot ; it hath eyes but it sees not ; it hath ears but it hears not ;
a nose but it smells not; it hath hands, but it handleth not;
feet, but it walks not; neither speaketh it through the throat:
-all they that made it are like unto it, and so is every one that
trusteth in it. O Israel, trust thou in the Lord, &c. That
it is the work of men's hands, or a human invention I shewed
before. For the rest it hath a mouth, unacquainted with the
mysteries of godliness, 'full only of cursing and bitterness ;'
Rom. iii. 14. 'speaking great swelling words;' Jude 16.
" great things and blasphemies;' Rev. xiii. 5. *a mouth caus-
ing the flesh to sin ;' Eccles. vi. 5. * his eyes are blind, not
able to perceive those things that are of God, nor to know
those things that are spiritually discerned ;' 1 Cor. ii. 14.
'eyes before which there is no fear of God;' Rom. iii. 18.
'' his understanding is darkened, because of the blindness of
his heart;' Eph. iv. 18. 'wise to do evil, but to do good he
hath no knowledge ;' Jer. iv. 22. So that without farther
light, all the world is but a mere darkness; John i. 5. He
hath ears, but they are like the ears of the deaf adder to the
word of God, 'refusing to hear the voice of charmers, charm-
ing never so wisely ;' Psal. Iviii. 5. being dead when his voice
first calls it ; John v. 25. 'ears stopped that they should
not hear;' Zech. viii. 11. 'heavy ears that cannot hear ;' Isa.
vi. 10. a nose, to which the gospel is 'the savour of death
unto death;' 2 Cor. ii. 16. ' hands full of blood ;' Isa. i. 15.
and fingers defiled with iniquity ;' chap. lix. 3. feet indeed,
but like Mephibosheth, lame in both by a fall, so that he
cannot at all walk in the path of goodness : but ' swift to shed
blood, destruction and misery are in their ways, and the way
of peace they have not known ;' Rom. iii. 15—17. These and
divers other such endowments, and excellent qualifications,
doth the Scripture attribute to this idol, which it calls * the
old man,' as I shall more fully discover in the next chapter:
and is not this a goodly reed whereon to rely in the paths
of godliness ? a powerful deity, whereunto we may repair
for a power to become the sons of God, and attaining eter-
nal happiness ? The abilities of free-will, in particular, I
shall consider hereafter ; now only I will by one or two
reasons shew, that it cannot be the sole and proper cause
of any truly good and spiritual act, well pleasing unto
First, All spiritual acts well pleasing unto God, as faith,
repentance, obedience, are supernatural; flesh and blood re-
vealeth not these things ; ' Not of blood, nor of the will of the
flesh, nor of the will of man ; but of the will of God ;' John i.
13. ' That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which
is born of the Spirit, is spirit ;' John iii. 6. Now to the per-
formance of any supernatural act it is required, that the pro-
ductive power thereof be also supernatural, for nothing hath
an activity in causing above its own sphere, *nec imbelles
generant feroces aquilas columbse :' but our free-will is a
merely natural faculty, betwixt which, and those spiritual
supernatural acts, there is no proportion, unless it be ad-
vanced above its own orb by inherent habitual grace. Di-
vine theological virtues, differing even in the substance of
the act from- those moral performances about the same
things, to which the strength of nature may reach (for the
difierence of acts ariseth from their formal objects, which
to both these are divers), must have another principle and
cause, above all the power of nature, in civil tilings and ac-
tions morally good, inasmuch as they are subject to a na-
tural perception, and do not exceed the strength of our own
wills : this faculty of free-will may take place, but yet not
without these following limitations : First, That it always
requireth the general concourse of God, whereby the whole
supposition, in which free-will hath its subsistence, may be
sustained ; Matt. x. 29, 30. Secondly, That we do all these
things imperfectly and with much infirmity ; every degree
also of excellency, in these things must be counted a special
gift of God ; Isa. xxvi. 22. Thirdly, That our wills are de-
termined by the will of God, to all their acts and motions
in particular; but to do that which is spiritually good, we
have no knowledge, no power.
Secondly, That concerning which I gave one special in-
stance, in whose production the Arminians attribute much
to free-will, is faith. This they afiirm (as I shewed before)
to be inbred in nature, every one having in him from his
birth, a natural power to believe in Christ and his gospel :
for Episcopius denies, ' thaf any action of the Holy Spirit
n An ulia actio S. S. immctliala in mciitcm nut voUmlalem, ncccsfniin sit, aul in
upon the understanding, or will, is necessary, or promised
in the Scripture, to make a man able to believe the word
preached unto him :' so that it seems every man hath at all
times a power to believe, to produce the act of faith upon
the revelation of its object, which gross Pelagianism is con-
First, To the doctrine of the church of England, affirm-
ing that a man cannot so much as prepare himself by his
own strength, to faith and calling upon God, until the grace
of God, by Christ, prevent him that he may have a good
will. Artie.
Secondly, To the Scripture, teaching that it* is the work
of God that we do believe ;' John vi. 29. * It is not of our-
selves, it is the gift of God ;' Eph. ii. 8. ' To some it is
given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven ;'
Matt. xiii. 11. And what is peculiarly given to some, can-
not be in the power of every one; ' To you it is given on the
behalf of Christ to believe on him;' Phil. i. 19. Faith is our
access or coming unto Christ, which none can do, unless
* the Father draw him ;' John vi. 44. and he so draweth, or * hath
mercy, on whom he will have mercy ;' Rom. ix. 19. And al-
though Episcopius rejects any immediate action of the Holy
Spirit, for the ingenerating of faith, yet St. Paul affirmeth,
that there is no less effectual power required to it, than that
which raised Christ from the dead, which sure was an ac-
tion of the Almighty Godhead. ' Thatwemay know,'saith
he, ' what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward
who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the
dead;' Eph. i. 19, 20. So that, let the Arminians say what
they please, recalling that I write to Christians, I will spare
my labour of farther proving that faith is the free gift of
God ; and their opposition to the truth of the Scripture in
this particular is so evident to the meanest capacity, that
there needs no recapitulation to present the sum of it to
their understandings.
Scriptura proraittatur ad hoc, ut quis credere possit verbo extrinsecus proposito, ne-
gativam tuebimur. Episcop. disput. privat.
Ofthepoweroffree-uill, in preparing us for our convenion unto God.
The judgment of the Arrainiaiis concerning the power of
free-will about spiritual things, in a man unregenerate,
merely in the state of corrupted nature, before and without
the help of grace, may be laid open by these following po-
First, That every man in the world, reprobates and
others, have in themselves power and ability of believing in
Christ, of repenting, and yielding due obedience to the new
covenant, and that because they lost not this power by the
fall of Adam. 'Adam after his falU'^^saith Grevinchovius, 're-
tained a power of believing, and so did all reprobates in him.
He did not lose"" (as they speak at the synod) the power of
performing that obedience, which is required in the new co-
venant considered formally, as it is required by the new co-
venant, he lost not a power of believing, nor a power of for-
sakino- sin by repentance :' and those graces that he lost not
are still in our power; whence tliey afhrm, * that'' faith is call-
ed the work of God, only because he requireth us to do it.'
Now having appropriated this power unto themselves, to be
sure that the grace of God be quite excluded, which before
they had made needless, they teach.
Secondly, That for the reducing of this power into act,
that men may become actual believers, there is no infused
habit of grace, no spiritual vital principle, necessary for them,
or bestowed upon them, but every one, by the use of his na-
tive endowments, do make themselves differ from others :
' Those things'* which are spoken concerning the infusion of
habits, before we can exercise the act of faith, we reject,'
* Adamus post lapsiim potentiam cicdendi relinuit, ct reliqui reprobi etiani in
illo. Grevinclio. ad Ames. pag. 18j.
b Adamus noii aniisit vires earn obedicntiam prreslandi, qiise in novo federe cxi-
iritur, prout puta ea tonsideratur fornialiter, hoc est, prout novo foedere exacla est,
iicc potentiam credendi amisit, nee amisit potentiam, perresipisccntiam, ex peecatu
resurgcndi. Rem. Declarat. sent, in Syn. p. 107.
■ c Fides vocatur opus Dei, quia Deus ipse id a nobis fieri posfnlat. Rem. Apnl.
cap. 10. pag. 112.
^ Ea quw de babituuni infusionc dicuntur, ante oinnem fidei actum, rcjitiuntiii a
nobis. Ei)i5t. ad Wal. p. 67.
saith the epistle to the Walachians. ' That* the internal prin-
ciple of faith, required in the gospel, is a habit divinely in-
fused, by the strength and efficacy whereof the will should
be determined, I deny,' saith another of them. Well, then,
if we must grant that the internal vital principle of a super-
natural spiritual grace is a mere natural faculty, not elevatf^d
by any divine habit; if it be not God that begins the good
work in us, but our own free-wills, let us see what more goodly
stuff will follow. One man, by his own mere endeavours,
without the aid of any received gift, makes himself differ
from another : ' What*^ matter is it in that, that a man should
make himself differ from others? There is nothing truer;
he who yieldeth faith to God commanding him, maketh
himself differ from him who will not have faith when he com-
mandeth.' They are the words of their apology ; which,
without question, is an irrefragable truth, if faith be not a
gift received from above ; for, on that ground only, the apo-
stle proposeth these questions, 'Who made thee differ from
another ? or what hast thou that thou hast not received ?
and if thou hast received, why boasteth thou as if thou
hadst not received?' The sole cause why he denies any one,
by his own power, to make himself differ from another is,
because that wherein the difference consisteth, is received,
being freely bestowed upon him. Deny this, and I confess
the other will fall of itself. But until their authority be
equal with the apostles, they would do well to forbear the
naked obtrusions of assertions so contradictory to theirs ;
and so they would not trouble the church. Let them take all
the glory unto themselves, as doth Grevinchovius : 'I make*
myself,' saith he, 'differ from another, when I do not resist
God and his divine predetermination, which I could have
resisted. And why may I not boast of this as of mine own?
That I could, is of God's mercy (endowing his nature with
such an ability as you heard before) but that I would, when
e Principium interniim fidei a nobis in evangelio requisituni, esse habitum quen-
dam divitiitus iiifusuin, cujus vi ac efficacitate voluntas determinetur ; lioc negavi.
Grevinchov. ad Ames. pag. j2\.
f Quid in eo positum est, quod homo discriminare seipsum dicitur? Nihil verius,
qui fidem Deo praacipienti habet, is discriminat se ab eo, qui Deo praecipienti fidein
habere non vult. Rem. Apol. cap. 14. pag. 144.
e Ego meipsuni discertio, cum enitii Deo ac divinaj praedeterminationi resisfere
possem, non restiti titmen, atqiii in eo quid ni liceat milii tanquam de meo gloriari ?
quod enim potui Dei miserentis est, quod autem volui cum possem nolle, id niea?
putcstalis est. Grev. ad Auies. p. 'i:)3.
I might have done otherwise, is of my power.' Now when,
after all this, they are forced to confess some evangelical
grace, though consisting only in a moral persuasion, by the
outward preaching of the word, they teach.
Thirdly, That God sendeth the gospel, and revealeth
Christ Jesus unto men, according as they well dispose them-
selves for such a blessing. ' Sometimes'' (say they in their
synodical writings) God calleth this or that nation, people,
city, or person, to the communion of evangelical grace,
whom he himself pronounceth worthy of it, in comparison
of others :' so that whereas, Acts xviii. 10. God encourageth
Paul to preach at Corinth by affirming that he had 'much
people in that city' (which doubtless were his people then,
only by virtue of their election); in these men's judgments*
' they were called so, because that even then they feared God,
and served him with all their hearts, according to that
knowledge they had of him, and so were ready to obey the
preaching of St. Paul.' Strange doctrine, that men should
fear God, know him, serve him in sincerity, before they ever
heard of the gospel, and by those means deserve that it
should be preached unto them! This is that pleasing of
God before faith that they plead for; Act. Synod, pag. 66.
' That'' preparation and disposition to believe, which men at-
tain by the law, and virtuous education ;' that * something
which is in sinners,' whereby though they are not justified,
yet they are made worthy of justification :' for"" conversion
and the performance of good works is, in their apprehension,
a condition pre-required to justification;* for so speak the
children of Arminius : which if it be not an expression, not
to be paralleled in the writings of any Christian, I am some-
thing mistaken. The sum of their doctrine, then, in this par-
'' Iriterdum Dens banc vel illam gentcm, civitatem, personam, ad evangclicne gratije
conimunioneiTi vocat, quam ipse dignani pronuiitiat comparative, &c. Rem. Decla-
rat. Sent. Synod.
' lili, in qiiorinn gratiam, Dominiis Paulum in Coriiitlium niisit,diciinfur Dei po-
puliis, quia Deuni turn tiiuebant eique, secundum cognitionem quam de eo habe-
bant, serviebant ex animo, et sic ad prwdicationem Pauii, &i.c. Cor. ad Molin. 3.
sect. 27.
•' Per legem, vel per j^iarn educationem vel per institutioncm — per hajc enini lio-
niinem prseparari, et disponi ad credendum, planissimum est. Rem. act. Synod.
' Praecedit aliquid in peccatoribus, quo quamvis nondum justificati sunt, digni
efficiantur justificatione. Grevin. ad Am. pag. 434.
"' Tenendum est, veram conversionem prnestalionemque bonorum operum esse
coiiditionem prserequisitam ante justificalionem. Filii. Arm. praef. ad cap. 7.
ad Rem.
ticular concerning the power of free-will, in the state of sin
and unregeneration, is. That every man having a native in-
bred power of believing in Christ, \ipon the revelation of
the gospel, hath also an ability of doing so much good, as
shall procure of God that the gospel be preached unto him;
to which, without any internal assistance of grace, he can
give assent and yield obedience : the preparatory acts of
his own will, always proceeding so far, as to make him ex-
cel others, who do not perform them, and are therefore ex-
cluded from farther grace : which is more gross Pelagian-
ism than Pelagius himself would ever justify; wherefore,
we reject all the former positions, as so many monsters in
Christian religion, in whose room we assert these that
First, That we being by nature dead in trespasses and
sins, have no power to prepare ourselves for the receiving
of God's grace ; nor in the least measure to believe, and
turn ourselves unto him. Not that we deny, that there are
any conditions pre-required in us for our conversion, dis-
positions preparing us in some measure for our new birth or
regeneration ; but we affirm that all these also, are the ef-
fects of the grace of God, relating to that alone as their
proper cause ; for of ourselves, * without him we can do no-
thing;' John Kv, 15. * We are not able of ourselves to think
any thing as of ourselves;' 2 Cor. iii. 5. much less do that
which is good : in respect of that, every one of our mouths
must be stopped, * for we have all sinned and come short of
the glory of God ;' Rom. v. 19. 23. 'we are by nature the
children of wrath, dead in trespasses and sins ;' Eph. ii. 1.
Rom. viii. 9. Our new birth is a resurrection from death,
wrought by the greatness of God's power. And what ability,
I pray, hath a dead man, to prepare himself for his resur-
rection ? Can he collect his scattered dust, or renew his pe-
rished senses? If the leopard can change his spots, and the
Ethiopian his skin, then can we do good, who, by nature,
are taught to do evil ; Jer. xiii. 23. we are all ungodly,
and without strength considered when Christ died for us ;
Rom. v. 6. wise to do evil, but to do sood, we have no
strength, no knowledge. Yea, all the faculties of our souls,
by reason of that spiritual death under which we are de-
tained by the corruption of nature, are altogether useless in
respect of any power, for the doing of that which is truly
good ; our understandings are blind or darkened ; * being-
alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance that
is in us, because of the blindness of our hearts ;' Eph,
iv. 18. whereby we become even darkness itself; chap. v. 8.
So void is the understanding of true knowledge, that the
natural man ' receiveth not the things that are of God ; they
are foolishness unto him;' 1 Cor. ii. 14. Nothing but con-
founded and amazed at spiritual things, and if he doth not
mock, can do nothing but wonder, and say, * What meaneth
this ;' Acts ii. 12, 13. Secondly, we are not only blind in our
understandings, but captives also to sin in our wills ; Luke
iv. 18. whereby 'we are servants to sin;' John viii. 34. free
only in our obedience to that tyrant ; Rom. vi. Yea, thirdly,
all our affections are wholly corrupted, ' for every imagina-
tion of the thoughts of the heart of man is evil continually;'
Gen. vi. 5. While we are in the flesh, the motions of sin do
work in our members, to bring forth fruit unto death ; Rom.
vii. 5.
These are the endowments of our nature, these are the
preparations of our hearts for the grace of God, which we
have within ourselves. Nay,
Secondly, There is not only an impotency, but an enmity,
in corrupted nature to any thing spiritually good. * The
thino-s that are of God are foolishness unto a natural man ;'
1 Cor. ii. 14. And there is nothing that men do more hate and
contemn, than that which they account as folly. They mock
at it, as a ridiculous drunkenness ; Acts ii. 13. And would
to God our days yielded us not too evident proofs of that
universal opposition, that is between light and darkness,
Christ and Belial, nature and grace ; that we could not see
every day the prodigious issues of this inbred corruption
swelling over all bounds, and breaking forth into a contempt
of the gospel, and all ways of godliness. So true it is, that
the ' carnal mind is enmity against God; it is not subject
unto his law, neither indeed can it be ;' Rom. viii. 7. So tliat.
Thirdly, As a natural man, by the strength of his own
free-will, neither knoweth norwilleth; so it is utterly impos-
sible he should do any thing pleasing unto God. ' Can the
Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots ? then can
he do o-ood;' Jer. xiii.23. 'An evil tree cannot bring forth
good fruit/ ' without faith it is impossible to please God ;'
Heb. xi. 6. And ' that is not of ourselves, it is the gift of
God;' Eph. ii. So that though Almighty God, according
to the unsearchableness of his wisdom, worketh divers ways
and in sundry manners, for the translating of his chosen
ones, from the power of darkness to his marvellous light ;
calling some powerfully in the midst of their march in the
ways of ungodliness, as he did Paul, preparing others by out-
ward means and helps of common restraining grace, moral-
izing nature before it be begotten anew by the immortal seed
of the word ; yet this is certain, that all good in this kind, is
from his free grace, there is nothing in ourselves as of our-
selves but sin : yea, and all those previous dispositions
wherewith our hearts are prepared by virtue of common
grace, do not at all enable us to concur by any vital opera-
tion, with that powerful blessed renewing grace of regenera-
tion whereby we become the sons of God. Neither is there
any disposition unto grace so remote as that possibly it can
proceed from a mere faculty of nature, for every such dis-
position must be of the same order with the form that is to
be introduced, but nature in respect of grace is a thing of
an inferior allay, between which there is no proportion ; a
good use of gifts may have a promise of an addition of more,
provided it be in the same kind. There is no rule, law, or
promise, that should make grace due upon the good use of
natural endowments. But you will say, here I quite over-
throw free-will which before I seemed to grant ; to which I
answer : that in regard of that object concerning which now
we treat, a natural man hath no such thing as free-will at all,
if you take it for a power of doing that which is good and
well pleasing unto God in things spiritual, for an ability of
preparing our hearts unto faith and calling upon God, as our
church article speaks, a home-bred self-sufficiency, preceding
the change of our wills by the almighty grace of God, where-
by any good should be said to dwell in us, and we utterly
deny that there is any such thing in the world. The will
though in itself radically free, yet in respect of the term or
object to which in this regard it should tend, is corrupted,
enthralled, and under a miserable bondage; tied to such a
necessity of sinning in general, that though unregenerate
men are not restrained to this or that sin in particular, yet
VOL. v. O
for the main they can do nothing but sin. All their actions
wherein there is any morality, are attended with iniquity,
' an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit ; even the sacrifice
of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.' These things
being thus cleared from the Scripture the former Armi-
nian positions will of themselves fall to the ground, having
no foundation but their own authority ; for any pretence of
proof they make none from the word of God. The first two
I considered in the last chapter, and now add only concern-
ing the third. That the sole cause why the gospel is sent
unto some and not unto others, is not any dignity, worth,
or desert of it in them to whom it is sent, more than in the
rest, that are suffered to remain in the shadow of death, but
only the sole good pleasure of God, that it may be a subser-
vient means for the execution of his decree of election. 'I
have much people in this city;' Acts xx. ' I thank thee, Fa-
ther, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these
things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them
unto babes ; even so. Father, for so it seemed good in thy
sight;' Matt. xi. 25, 26. So that the Arminian opposi-
tion to the truth of the gospel in this particular, is clearly
S. S.
' Of ourselves we can do
nothing;' John xv, 5.
' We are not able of our-
selves to think any thing as
of ourselves ;' 2 Cor. iii. 5.
' We are by nature chil-
dren of wrath, dead in tres-
passes and sins;' Eph. ii. 1.
* Faith is not of ourselves,
it is the gift of God ;' Eph. ii.
' Who maketh thee differ
from another? or what hast
thou, that thou hast not re-
ceived 1 and if thou hast re-
ceived, why boastest thou, as
if thou hadst not received ?'
1 Cor. iv. 7.
Lib. Arbit.
' We retain still after the
fall, a power of believing and
of repentance, because Adam
lost not this ability ;' Rem.
Declarat. Sen. in Syn.
' Faith is said to be the work
of God, because he command-
eth us to perform it;' Rem.
' There is no infusion of any
habit or spiritual vital princi-
ple necessary to enable a man
to believe ;' Corvin.
'There is nothing truer than
that one man maketh himself
differ from another: he who
believeth when God com-
s. s.
' If the leopard can change
his spots, and the Ethiopian
his skin, then can ye do good
who are taught to do evil ;'
Jer. xiii. 23.
' Believing on him wiio
justifieth the ungodly;' Rom,
iv. 5. ' Being justified freely
by his grace ;' Rom. iii. 24.
' I thank thee. Father, Lord
of heaven and earth, that thou
hast hid these things from the
wise and prudent, and hast re-
vealed them unto babes ; even
so. Father, for so it seemed
good in thy sight;' Matt. xi.
25, 26.
Lib. Arbit.
niandeth, maketh himself dif-
fer from him who Vv ill not ;'
Rem. Apol.
' I may boast of mine own,
when I obey God's grace,
which it was in my power not
to obey, as well as to obey ;'
' True conversion and the
performance of good works,
is a condition required on our
part before justification ;' Fi-
lii Armin.
' God sendeth the gospel
to such persons or nations,
that in comparison of others,
may be said to be worthy of
it;' Rem. Apol.
Of our conversion to God.
How little or nothing at all it is that the Arminians assign
to the grace of God, in performing the great work of our
conversion, may plainly appear from what I have shewed al-
ready, that they ascribe to our own free-will ; so that I shall
briefly pass that over, which otherwise is so copiously deli-
vered in Holy Scripture, that it would require a far larger
discussion. A prolix confirmation of the truth we profess,
will not suit so well with my intention, which is merely to
make a discovery of their errors, by not knowing the depths
whereof so many are deceived and inveigled.
Two things in this great conjunction of grace and nature,
the Arminians ascribe unto free-will : First, A power of co-
operation and working with grace to make it at all effectual.
Secondly, A power of resisting its operation, and making it
altogether ineffectual : God in the meantime bestowing no
grace, but what awaits an act issuing from one of these two
o 2
abilities, and hath its effect accordingly. If a man will co-
operate, then grace attains its end ; if he will resist, it returns
empty. To this end they feign all the grace of God bestowed
upon us for our conversion, to be but a moral persuasion by
his word, not an infusion of a new vital principle by the pow-
erful working of the Holy Spirit. And, indeed, granting this,
I shall most willingly comply with them, in assigning to free-
will one of the endowments before recited, a power of resist-
ing the operation of grace ; but instead of the other, must
needs ascribe to our whole corrupted nature, and every one
that is partaker of it, a universal disability of obeying it, or
coupling in that work which God by his grace doth intend.
If the grace of our conversion be nothing but a moral per-
suasion, we have no more power of obeying it in that estate
wherein we are dead in sin, than a man in his grave hath in
himself to live anew, and come out at the next call. God's
promises, and the saints' prayers in the Holy Scripture, seem
to design such a kind of grace, as should give us a real in-
ternal ability of doing that which is spiritually good ; but it
seems there is no such matter : for if a man should persuade
me to leap over the Thames, or to fly in the air, be he never
so eloquent, his sole persuasion makes me no more able to
do it, than I was before ever I saw him. If God's grace be
nothing but a sweet persuasion (though never so powerful),
it is a thing extrinsical, consisting in the proposal of a de-
sired object, but gives us no new strength at all, to do any
thing we had not before a power to do. But let us hear them
pleading themselves to each of these particulars concerning
grace and nature. And,
' First, for the nature of grace : God^hath appointed to save
believers by grace, that is a soft and sweet persuasion, conve-
nient and agreeing to their free-will, and not by any almighty
action,' saith Arminius. It seems something strange, that the
carnal mind being enmity against God, and the will enthralled
to sin,andfull of wretched opposition to all his ways, yet God
should have no other means to work them over unto him, but
some persuasion that is sweet, agreeable, and congruous unto
them in thatestate wherein they are; and a small exaltation it is
a Dcus statuit salvare credentes per gratiara, id est, lenem ac suaveni liberoque
ipsorum arbitrio convenientem seucongruam suafionem, non per oranipotentem acti-
oaem seu motionem. Arrain. Antip. pag. 211.
of the dignity and power of grace, when the chief reason why it
is effectual, as Alvarez observes, may be reduced to a well di-
gested supper, or an undisturbed sleep, whereby some men
may be brought into better temper than ordinary, to comply
with this congruous grace. But let us for the present accept
of this, and grant that God doth call some by such a congru-
ous persuasion, at such a time and place, as he knows they
will assent unto it. I ask whether God thus calleth all men,
or only some ? If all, why are not all converted ? For the very
granting of it to be congruous, makes it effectual. If only
some, then why they and not others ? Is it out of a special
intention to have them obedient? But let them take heed, for
this will go near to establish the decree of election ; and out
of what other intention it should be, they shall never be able
to determine. Wherefore,'' Corvinus denies that any such
congruity is required to the grace whereby we are converted,
but only that it be a moral persuasion which we may obey if
we will, and so make it effectual. Yea, and Arminius himself,
after he had defended it as far as he was able, puts it off from
himself, and falsely fathers it upon St. Austin. So that as
they jointly affirm/ * they confess no grace for the begetting
of faith to be necessary, but only that which is moral ;' which
one of them interpreteth,'' to be 'a declaration of the gospel
unto us.' Right like their old master Pelagius ; ' God,' saith*
he, ' worketh in us to will that which is good, and to will that
which is holy, whilst he stirs us up with promise of rewards,
and the greatness of the future glory, who before were given
over to earthly desires, like brute beasts loving nothing but
things present, stirring up our stupid wills to a desire of God,
by a revelation of wisdom, and persuading us to all that is
good.' Both of them affirm the grace of God, to be nothing
but a moral persuasion working by the way of powerful con-
vincing arguments, but yet herein Pelagius seems to ascribe
•> Corvin. ad Molin. — His ita expositis ex mcnte Augustini, &c. Arniin. Antip,
de elec.
<= Fatemur, aliatn nobis ad actum fidei eliciendum necessarian! gratiam non ag-
nosci quam moralern. Rem. act. Synod, ad art. 4.
^ Annuntiatio doctrinae evangelicae. Popp. August, port. pag. 110.
« Operatur in nobis velle quod bonum est, velle quod sanctum est, dum nos terre-
nis cnpiditatibus dcditos nnitorum more animalium, tantummodo pra-sentia diligen-
tes, futursE gloria; magnitudine, ct pra>miorum poUicitatione, succendit : dum revela-
tione sapientiiB in desiderium Dei stupentem suscitat voluntateni, dum nobis suad-*
omiie quod bonum est. Pelag. ap. Aug. de grat. Ch. cap. 10.
a greater efficacy to it, than the Arminians, granting that it
works upon us, when after the manner of brute beasts, we
are set merely on earthly things ; but these, as they confess,
that for the production of faithj^t is necessary that such ar-
guments be proposed on the part of God, to which nothing
can probably be opposed, why they should not seem credible ;
so there is, say they, required on our part, a pious docility
and probity of mind. So that all the grace of God bestowed
on us, consisteth in persuasive arguments out of the word,
which if they meet with teachable minds, may work their
Secondly, Having thus extenuated the grace of God, they
affirm, * that^ in operation the efficacy thereof dependeth on
free-will,' so the remonstrants in their apology. 'And to speak
confidently,' saith Grevinchovius, ' I say'' that the effect of
orace in an ordinary course, dependeth on some act of our free-
will.' Suppose then that of two men made partakers of the same
grace, that is, have the gospel preached unto them by the
same means, one is converted and the other is not ; what
may be the cause of this so great a difference ? Was there any
intention or purpose in God, that one should be changed ra-
ther than the other? No ! he equally desireth and intendeth
the conversion of all and every one. Did then God work
more powerfully in the heart of the one, by his Holy Spirit,
than of the other ? No : the same operation of the Spirit al-
ways accompanieth the same preaching of the word. But
was not one by some almighty action, made partaker of real
infused grace, which the other attained not unto? No: for
that would destroy the liberty of his will, and deprive him of
all the praise of believing. How then came this extreme dif-
ference of effects ? Who made the one differ from the other,
or what hath he that he did not receive ? Why all this pro-
ceedeth merely from the strength of his own free-will, yielding
obedience to God's gracious invitation, which like the other
he might have rejected. This is the immediate cause of his
f Ut autem assensus hie eliciatur in nobis, duo in primis necessaria sunt. 1. Ar-
gumenta talia ex parte Dei, quibus nihil verisimiliter npponi potest, cur credibilia nou
sint. 2. Pia docilitas aniniique probitas. Rem. decla. cap. 17. sect. 1.
g Ut gratia sit effica-ic in acta secundo pendet a libera voiuntate. Rem. Apol.
pag. 164.
'' Imo ut contldc-utiusagam, dico efFectum gratise, ordinaria lege, pendere ab actu
^'luo arbitrii. Grevin. ad Ames. p. 198.
conversion, to which all the praise thereof is due. And here
the old idol may glory to all the world, that if he can but get
his worshippers to prevail in this, he hath quite excluded the
grace of Christ, and made it nomeu inane, a mere title, whereas
there is no such thing in the world.
Thirdly, They teach, that notwithstanding any purpose
and intention of God to convert, and so to save, a sinner not-
withstanding the most powerful and effectual operation of
the blessed Spirit, with the most winning persuasive preach-
ing of the word, yet it is in the power of a man to frustrate
that purpose, resist that operation, and reject that preaching
of the gospel. I shall not need to prove this, for it is that,
which in direct terms they plead for; which also they must
do, if they will comply \\\i\\ their former principles. For
granting all these to have no influence upon any man but by
the way of moral persuasion, we must not only grant that it
may be resisted, but also utterly deny that it can be obeyed.
We may resist it, I say, as having both a disability to good,
and repugnancy against it; but for obeying it, unless we will
deny all inherent corruption and depravation of nature, we
cannot attribute any such sufficiency imto ourselves.
Now concerning this weakness of grace, that it is not
able to overcome the opposing power of sinful nature, one
testimony of Arminius shall suffice, * It' always remaineth in
the power of free-will, to reject grace that is given, and to
refuse that which followeth, for grace is no almighty action
of God, to which free-will cannot resist.' Not that I would
assert in opposition to this, such an operation of grace, as
should, as it were, violently overcome the will of man, and
force him to obedience, which must needs be prejudicial unto
our liberty, but only consisting in such a sweet effectual
working, as doth infallibly promote our conversion, make us
willing, who before were unwilling, and obedient, who were
not obedient, that createth clean hearts, and reneweth right
spirits within us.
That then which we assert in opposition to these Armi-
nian heterodoxies is, that the effectual grace which God
useth in the great work of our conversion, by reason of its
' Manet semper in potestate Lib. Arbit. gratiara datara rejicere et subsequciitem
repudiare, quae gratia non est oninipotentis Dei actio, cui resist! a libero honiinis arbi-
trio lion possit. Armiu. Antip. pag. 243.
own nature, being; also the instrument of, and God's inten-
tion for, that purpose, doth surely produce the effect intend-
ed; without successful resistance, and solely without any
considerable co-operation of our own wills, until they are
prepared and changed by that very grace. The infallibility
of its effect depends chiefly on the purpose of God, when by
any means he intends a man's conversion, those means must
have such an efficacy added unto them, as may make them
fit instruments for the accomplishment of that intention;
that the counsel of the Lord may prosper, and his word not
return empty. But the manner of its operation, that it re-
quires no human assistance, and is able to overcome all re-
pugnance, is proper to the being of such an act, as wherein
it doth consist. Which nature and efficacy of grace, in op-
position to an indifferent influence of the Holy Spirit, a me-
taphorical motion, a working by the way of moral persua-
sion, only proposing a desirable object easy to be resisted,
and not effectual unless it be helped by an inbred ability of
our own, which is the Arminian grace, I will briefly confirm,
having premised these few things.
First, Although God doth not use the wills of men in
their conversion, as malign spirits use the members of men
in enthusiasms, by a violent wrested motion, but sweetly and
agreeably to their own free nature; yet in the first act of our
conversion the will is merely passive, as a capable subject
of such a work, not at all concurring co-operatively to our
turning. It is not, I say, the cause of the work, but the sub-
ject wherein it is wrought, having only a passive capability
for the receiving of that supernatural being, which is intro-
duced by grace. The beginning of this good work is mere-
ly from God ; Phil. i. 6. Yea, faith is ascribed unto grace, not
by the way of conjunction with, but of opposition unto, our
wills ; ' not of ourselves, it is the gift of God ;' Eph. ii. 8.
* Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, our sufficiency is of
God;' 2 Cor. iii. 5. 'Turn thou me, O Lord, and I shall be
Secondly, Though the will of man conferreth nothing to
the infusion of the first grace, but a subjective receiving of it,
yet in the very first act that is wrought in and by the will, it
most freely co-operateth (by the way of subordination) with
the grace of God ; and the more effectually it is moved by
grace, the more freely it worketh with it. Man being con-
verted, converteth himself.
Thirdly, We do not affirm grace to be irresistible, as
though it came upon the will with such an overflowing vio-
lence, as to beat it down before it, and subdue it by com-
pulsion to what it is no way inclinable ; but if that term
must be used, it denoteth in our sense only such an uncon-
querable efficacy of grace, as always and infallibly produc-
eth its effect. For, 'Who is it that can withstand God ?'
Acts xi. 17. As also it may be used on the part of the will
itself which will not resist it ; ' all that the Father gives unto
Christ will come unto him;' John vi. 37. The operation of
grace is resisted by no hard heart, because it mollifies the
heart itself. It doth not so much take away a power of re-
sisting, as give a will of obeying, whereby the powerful im-
potency of resistance is removed.
Fourthly, Concerning grace itself, it is either common
or special; common or general grace, consisteth in the ex-
ternal revelation of the will of God by his word, with some
illumination of the mind to perceive it, and correction of the
affections not too much to contemn it ; and this, in some de-
gree or other, to some more to some less, is common to all
that are called ; special grace is the grace of regeneration,
comprehending the former, adding more spiritual acts, but
especially presupposing the purpose of God, on which its
efficacy doth chiefly depend.
Fifthly, This saving grace, whereby the Lord converteth
or regenerateth a sinner, translating him from death to life,
is either external or internal; external consisteth in the
preaching of the word, &c. whose operation is by the way
of moral persuasion, when by it we beseech our hearers in
Christ's stead, * that they would be reconciled unto God ;*
2 Cor. V. 20. and this in our conversion is the instrumental
organ thereof; and may be said to be a sufficient cause of
our regeneration, inasmuch as no other in the same kind is
necessary; it may also be resisted in sensu diviso, abstract-
ing from that consideration, wherein it is looked on as the
instrument of God for such an end.
Sixthly, Internal grace, is by divines distinguished into
the first or preventing grace, and the second following co-
operating grace ; the first is that spiritual vital principle, that
is infused into us by the Holy Spirit, that new creation, and
bestowing of new strength, whereby we are made fit and able
for the producing of spiritual acts, to believe and yield evan-
gelical obedience ; ' For we are the workmanship of God, cre-
ated in Christ Jesus unto good works;' Eph. ii. 10. By this
God gives us a new heart, and a new spirit he puts within
us ; he taketh the stony hearts out of our flesh, and gives us
a heart of flesh ; he puts his Spirit within us, to cause us to
walk in his statutes ;' Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27.
Now this first grace is not properly and formally a vital
act, but cansaliter only, in being a principle moving to such
vital acts within us. It is the habit of faith bestowed upon
a man, that he may be able to eliciate and perform the acts
thereof; giving new light to the understanding, new inclina-
tions to the will, and new affections unto the heart. For
the infallible efficacy of which grace, it is that we plead
against the Arminians, and amongst those innumerable
places of holy Scripture confirming this truth, I shall make
use only of a very few, reduced to these three heads.
First, Our conversion is wrought by a divine almighty
action, which the will of man will not, and thei'efore cannot,
resist : the impotency thereof, ought not to be opposed to
this omnipotent grace, which will certainly effect the work,
for which it is ordained : being an action not inferior to the
greatness of his mighty power, 'which he wrought in Christ
when he raised him from the dead;' Eph. i. 19,20. and shall
not that power which could overcome hell, and loose the
bonds of death, be effectual for the raising of a sinner from
the death of sin, when by God's intention it is appointed
unto that work? ' He accomplisheth the work of faith with
power ;' 2 Thess. i. 11. It is 'his divine power, that gives
unto us all things that appertain to life and godliness ;' 2 Pet.
i. 3. Surely a moral resistible persuasion, would not be thus
often termed the power of God, which denoteth an actual
efficacy, to which no creature is able to resist.
Secondly, That which consisteth in a real efficiency, and
is not at all, but when and where it actually worketh, what
it intendeth cannot without a contradiction be said to be so
resisted that it should not work, the whole nature thereof
consisting in such a real operation. Now that the very es-
sence of divine grace consisteth in such a formal act, may be
proved by all those places of Scripture, that affirm God by
his grace, or the grace of God, actually to accomplish our
conversion: as Deut. xxx. 6. 'And the Lord thy God will
circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, that thou
mayest live.' The circumcision of our hearts, that we may
love the Lord with all our hearts, and with all our souls, is
our conversion, which the Lord affirmeth here that he himself
will do : not only enable us to do it, but he himself really
and effectually will accomplish it. And again, ' I will put my
law into them, and write it in their hearts ;' Jer. xxxi. 33. 'I
will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart
from me;' chap, xxxii. 39. He will not offer his fear unto
them, but actually put it into them and most clearly ; Ezek.
xxxvi. 26. * A new heart also will I give you, a new spirit
will I put within you, and I will take the stony heart out of
your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh; and I will
put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my sta-
tutes.' Are these expressions of a moral persuasion only?
Doth God affirm here he will do, what he intends only to
persuade us to ? and which we may refuse to do if we will?
Is it in the power of a stony heart to remove itself? What an
active stone is this in mounting upwards? What doth it at
all differ from that heart of flesh that God promiseth? Shall
a stony heart be said to have a power to change itself into
such a heart of flesh, as shall cause us to walk in God's sta-
tutes? Surely, unless men were wilfully blind, they must needs
here perceive such an action of God denoted, as effectually,
solely, and infallibly worketh our conversion ; ' opening our
hearts that we may attend unto the word;' Acts xvi. 14.
' Granting us on the behalf of Christ to believe in him ;' Phil,
i. 29. Now these and the like places prove, both the nature
of God's grace to consist in a real efficiency, and the opera-
tion thereof to be certainly effectual.
Thirdly, Our conversion is 'a new creation,' 'a resurrec-
tion,' ' a new birth.' Now he that createth a man, doth not per-
suade him to create himself, neither can heif he should, nor
hath he any power to resist him that will create him, that
is, as we now take it, translate him from something that he
is, to what he is not. What arguments do you think were
sufficient to persuade a dead man to rise ? or what great aid
can he contribute to his own resurrection? Neither doth a
man beget himself, a new real form was never yet introduc-
ed into any matter by subtle arguments. These are the
terms the Scripture is pleased to use concerning our con-
version : ' If any man be in Christ he is a new creature ;'
2 Cor. V. 17. 'The new man after God is created in righte-
ousness and holiness;' Eph.iv. 24. It is our new birth; 'Ex-
cept a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
God ;' John iii. 3. ' Of his own will begat he us with the
word of truth ;' James i. 18. and so we become born again,
*not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of
God, which liveth and abideth for ever ;' 1 Pet. i. 23. It is our
vivification and resurrection; ' The Son quickeneth whom he
will,' John V. 21. even those ' dead who hear his voice and
live;' ver. 25. 'When we were dead in sins we are quickened
together with Christ by grace ;' Eph. ii. 5. ' For being buried
with him by baptism, we are also risen with him through
the faith of the operation of God ;' Col. ii. 12. And blessed
and holy is he that hath part in that first resurrection ; on
such the second death hath no power, but they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a
thousand years.
The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life
a ransom for many. Matt. xx. 28.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to
thg riches of his grace. Eph. i. 7.
My Lord,
It is not for the benefit of any protection to the ensu-
ing- treatise, let it stand or fall, as it shall be found in
the judgments of men ; nor that I might take advantage
to set forth any of that worth and honour which, being
personal, have truly ennobled your Lordship, and made
a way for the delivering over of your family unto pos-
terity, with an eminent lustre added to the roll of your
worthy progenitors, which if by myself desired, my un-
fitness to perform must needs render unacceptable in the
performance ; neither yet have I the least desire to at-
tempt a farther advancement of myself into your Lord-
ship's favour, being much beneath what I have already
received, and fully resolved to own no other esteem
among the sons of men but what shall be accounted due
(be it more or less), to the discharge of my duty to my
Master Jesus Christ, whose wholly I would be. It is
not all, nor one of these, nor any such as these, the usual
subjects and ends of dedications, real or pretended, that
prevailed upon me unto this boldness of prefixing your
honoured name to this ensuing treatise (which yet for
the matter's sake contained in it I cannot judge unwor-
thy of any Christian eye), but only that I might take
the advantage to testify (as I do) to all the world, the
answering of my heart unto that obligation which your
Lordship was pleased to put upon me in the undeserved,
undesired favour, of opening that door wherewith you
are intrusted, to give me an entrance to that place for the
preaching of the gospel, whither I was directed by the
providence of the Most High, and where I was sought
by his people. In which place, this, I dare say, by the
grace of God, that such a stock of prayers and thank-
fulness as your heart, which hath learned to value the
least of Christ in whomsoever it be, will not despise, is
tendered to and for your Lordship, even on his behalf
who is less than the least of all the saints of God, and un-
worthy the name which yet he is bold to subscribe him-
self by,
Your honour's most obliged servant
in the service of Jesus Christ,
John Owen.
There are two rotten pillars on which the fabric of
late Arminianism (an egg- of the old Pelagianism, which
we had well hoped had been long since chilled, but is
sit upon and brooded by the wanton wits of our dege-
nerate and apostate spirits), doth principally stand.
The one is, That God loveth all alike, Cain as well
as Abel, Judas as the rest of the apostles.
The other is, That God giveth (nay is bound ex
debito so to do) both Christ the great gift of his eternal
love, for all alike to work out their redemption ; and
vires credendi, power to believe in Christ to all alike to
whom he gives the gospel : whereby that redemption
may effectually be applied for their salvation, if they
please to make right use of that which is so put into
their power.
The former destroys the free and special grace of
God, by making it universal. The latter gives cause
to man of glorying in himself rather than in God ; God
concurring no farther to the salvation of a believer
than a reprobate. Christ died for both alike : God
giving power of accepting Christ to both alike : men
themselves determining the whole matter by their free-
will : Christ making both saveable ; themselves make
them to be saved.
This cursed doctrine of theirs, crosseth the main
VOL. V. p
drift of the Holy Scripture, which is to abase and pull
down the pride of man, to make him even to despair
of himself, and to advance and set up the glory of God's
free grace from the beginning to the end of man's sal-
vation. His hand hath laid the foundation of his
spiritual house, his hand shall also finish it.
The reverend and learned author of this book, hath
received strength from God (like another Samson), to
pull down this rotten house upon the head of those
Philistines who would uphold it. Read it diligently,
and I doubt not but you will say with me, There is such
variety of choice matter running through every vein of
each discourse here handled, and carried along with
such strength of sound and deep judgment, and with
such life and power of a heavenly spirit, and all ex-
pressed in such pithy and pregnant words of wisdom,
that you will both delight in the reading, and praise
God for the writer. That both he and it may be more
and more profitable, shall be my hearty prayers.
The unworthiest of the ministers of the gospel,
Stanley Gower.
Christian Reader,
Unto such alone are these directed. If all and every
one in the world in this gospel-day did bear this pre-
cious name of Christian, or if the name of Christ were
known to all, then were this compilation very impro-
per, because it is distinguishing ; but if God distin-
o'uish men and men, choose we or refuse we, so it is,
and so it will be, there is a difference; a diiFerence
which God and Christ doth make of mere good
This book contends earnestly for this truth against
the error of universal redemption. With thy leave I can-
not but call it an error, unless it had been, it were, and
while the world continueth it should be, found indeed,
that Adam and all that come of him, in a natural way
of generation, are first set by Christ the second Adam
in an estate of redeemed ones and made Christians ;
and then they fall whole nations of them, and forfeit
that estate also, and lose their Christendom, and thereby
it is come to pass, that they are become atheists, with-
out God in the world, and Heathen, Jews, and Turks,
as we see they are at this day.
The author of this book I know not so much as by
name : it is of the book itself that I take upon me the
boldness to write these few lines. It beings delivered
unto me to peruse, I did read it with delight and profit :-
with delight in the keenness of argument, clearness and
fulness of answers, and candour in language ; with
profit in the vindication of abused Scriptures, the open-
ing of obscure places, and chiefly in disclosing the hid
mystery of God and the Father, and of Christ, in the
glorious and gracious work of redemption. The like
pleasure and profit this tractate promiseth to all dili-
gent readers thereof. For the present controversy is
so managed, that the doctrine of faith, which we ought
to believe, is with dexterity plentifully taught; yea, the
glory of each person in the unity of the Godhead about
the work of redemption is distinctly held forth with
shining splendour, and the error of the Arminians
p 2
smitten in the jaw-bone, and the broachers of it bri-
dled with bit and curb.
When on earth the blood can be without the water
and the Spirit ; can witness alone, or can witness there
where the water and the Spirit agree not to the record ;
when in heaven, the Word shall witness without the Fa-
ther and the Holy Ghost ; when the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost, shall not be one, as in essence, so
in willing, working, witnessing the redemption of sin-
ners ; then shall universal redemption of all and every
sinner by Christ be found a truth, though the Father
elect them not, nor the Spirit of grace neither sanctify
nor seal them. The glory of God's free and severing
grace, and the salvation of the elect through the re-
demption that is in Jesus Christ (which is external, or
none at all) ; are the unfeigned desires and utmost aims
of all that are truly Christian. In pursuit of which
desire and aims, I profess myself to be, for ever to
serve thee.
Thine in Christ Jesus,
Richard Byfield.
If thou intendest to go any farther, I would entreat thee to
stay here a little. If thou art, as many in this pretending
age, a sign or title-gazer, and comest into books as Cato
into the theatre, to go out again, thou hast had thy enter-
tainment ; farewell. With him that resolves a serious view
of the following discourse, and really desireth satisfaction
from the word and Christian reason, about the great things
contained therein, I desire a few words in the portal. Divers
things there are, of no small consideration to the business
we have in hand, which I am persuaded thou canst not be
unacquainted with, and therefore I will not trouble thee with
a needless repetition of them.
1 shall only crave thy leave to preface a little to the point
in hand, and my present undertaking therein, with the
result of some of my thoughts concerning the whole, after
a more than seven years' serious inquiry (bottomed, I hope,
upon the strength of Christ, and guided by his Spirit) into
the mind of God about these things, with a serious perusal
of all which I could attain, that the wit of man in former or
latter days hath published in opposition to the truth; which
I desire according to the measure of the gift received here to
assert. Some things then as to the chief point in hand I
would desire the reader to observe. As,
1. That the assertion of universal redemption, or the ge-
neral ransom, so as to make it in the least measure benefi-
cial for the end intended, goes not alone. Election of free
grace, as the fountain of all following dispensations, all dis-
criminating purposes of the Almighty, depending on his own
good pleasure and will, must be removed out of the way.
Hence those who would for the present, * Populo ut placerent
quas fecere fabulas,' desirously retain some show of asserting
the liberty of eternally distinguishing free grace, do them-
selves utterly raze, in respect of any fruit or profitable issue,,
the whole imaginary fabric of general redemption, which
they had before erected. Some of these make the decree
of election to be antecedaneous to the death of Christ (as
themselves absurdly speak), or the decree of the death of
Christ ; then frame a twofold election," one, of some to be
the sons, the other, of the rest to be servants ; but this elec-
tion of some to be servants, the Scripture calls reprobation,
and speaks of it as the issue of hatred, or a purpose of re-
jection ; Rom. ix. 11, 12. To be a servant in opposition to
children and their liberty, is as high a curse as can be ex-
pressed; Gen. ix. 25. Is this Scripture election? Besides,
if Christ died to bring those he died for unto the adoption
and inheritance of children, what good could possibly re-
dound to them thereby, who were predestinated before to be
only servants? Others ''make a general conditionate decree
of redemption to be antecedaneous to election, which they
assert to be the first discriminating purpose concerning the
sons of men, and to depend on the alone good pleasure of
God : that any others shall partake of the death of Christ or
the fruits thereof, either unto grace or glory, but only those
persons so elected, that they deny. Cui bono now ? to what
purpose serves the general ransom? but only to assert, that
Almighty God would have the precious blood of his dear
Son poured out for innumerable souls, whom he will not
have to share in any drop thereof; and so in respect of them
to be spilt in vain, or else to be shed for them, only that
they might be the deeper damned. This fountain then of
free grace, this foundation of the new covenant, this bottom
of all gospel dispensations, this fruitless womb of all eter-
nally distinguishing mercies, the purpose of God according
to election, must be opposed, slighted, blasphemed, that the
figment of the sons of men may not appear to be ' truncus
ficulnus, inutile lignum,' an unprofitable stock ; and all the
thoughts of the Most High, differencing between man and
man, must be made to take occasion, say some, to be caused,
say others, by their holy-self-spiritual endeavours : ' Gratum
opus agricolis,' a savoury sacrifice to the Homan Belus, a
sacred orgie to the long bewailed manes of St. Pelagius.
And here, secondly. Free-will, ' amor et delitiae humani
generis,' corrupted nature's deformed darling, the Pallas or
* T. M. Universality' of fiee grace. '' Coinro. Amirald. 6cc.
TO THE readp:r. ccxv
beloved self-conception of darkened minds, finds open hearts
and arms, for its adulterous embraces ; yea, the die being-
cast and Rubicon passed over/ eodevenere fata ecclesiae,' that
having opposed the free distinguishing grace of God, as the
sole sw^orn enemy thereof, it advanceth itself, or an inbred
native ability in every one to embrace a portion of generally
exposed mercy, under the name of free grace. ' Tantane nos
tenuit generis fidvicia vestri V This, this is universalists' free
grace, which in the Scripture phrase is cursed, corrupted na-
ture. Neither can it otherwise be. A general ransom without
free-will, is but ' phantasise inutile pondus,"a burdensome
fancy ;' the merit of the death of Christ being to them as an
ointment in a box, that hath neither virtue nor power, to act
or reach out its own application unto particulars, being only
set out in the gospel to the view of all, that those who will by
their own strength lay hold on it, and apply it to themselves,
may be healed. Hence the dear esteem and high valuation
which this old idol free-will hath attained in these days, be-
ing so useful to the general ransom, that it cannot live a day
without it. Should it pass for true what the Scripture af-
firms, viz. that we are by nature ' dead in trespasses and
sins;' &c. there would not be left of the general ransom a
sherd to take fire from the hearth : like the wood of the vine,
it would not yield a pin to hang a garment upon, all which
you shall find fully declared in the ensuing treatise. But
here, as though all the undertakings and Babylonish attempts
of the old Pelagians, with their varnished offspring the late
Arminians, were slight and easy, I shall shew you greater
abominations than these, and farther discoveries of the ima-
gery of the hearts of the sons of men. In pursuance of this
persuasion of universal redemption, not a few have arrived
(whither it naturally leads them) to deny the satisfaction
and merit of Christ. Witness P. H. who not being able to
untie, ventured boldly to cut, this Gordian knot, but so as to
make both ends of the chain useless. To the question. Whe-
ther Christ died for all men or no? he answers. That he died
neither for all, nor any, so as to purchase life and salvation
for them w 'rav ttoiov as. ettoc <f)vyev epKog oSovtwv ; shall
cursed Socinianism be worded into a glorious discovery of
free grace ? Ask now for proofs of this assertion, as you
might justly expect Achillean arguments from those who
delight uKivnTa kivhv, and throw down such foundations (as
shall put all the righteous in the world to a loss thereby),
' Projicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba,' i;7r£^07K:a /xaratorrj-
TOQ, great swelling words of vanity, drummy expressions, a
noise from emptiness, the usual language of men who know
not what they speak, nor whereof they do aflBrm, is all that
is produced : such contemptible products have our tympa-
nous mountains. Poor creatures, whose souls are merchan-
dized by the painted faces of novelty and vanity ; whilst
these Joabs salute you with the kisses of free grace, you see
not the sword that is in their hands, whereby they smite you
under the fifth rib, in the very heart blood of faith and
all Christian consolation. It seems our blessed Redeemer's
deep humiliation in bearing the chastisement of our peace,
and the punishment of our transgressions, being made a curse
and sin, deserted under wrath and the power of death, pro-
curing redemption and the remission of sins, through the
effusion of his blood, offering himself up a sacrifice to God,
to make reconciliation and purchase an atonement, his pur-
suing this undertaking with continued intercession in the
holiest of holies, with all the benefits of his mediatorship, do
no way procure either life and salvation, or remission of sins,
but only serve to declare that we are not indeed what his
word affirms we are, viz. cursed, guilty, defiled, and only not
actually cast into hell. ' Judas betrayest thou the Son of
man with a kiss V See this at large confuted, lib. 3. Now
this last assertion thoroughly fancied, hath opened a door
and given an inlet to all those pretended heights, and new-
named glorious attainments, which have metamorphosed
the person and mediation of Christ, into an imaginary dif-
fused goodness and love, communicated from the Creator
unto the new creation ; than which familistical fables, Cer-
don's two principles were not more absurd, the Platonic
numbers, nor the Valentinian iEones,*^ flowing from the
teeming wombs of nX^jpajjua, Aiwv, TiXeiog, BvOog, St^r), and
the rest, vented for high glorious attainments in Christian re-
ligion near fifteen hundred years ago, were less intelligible;
neither did the corroding of Scriptures by that pontic
vermin Marcion, equalize the contempt and scorn cast upon
them by these impotent impostors, exempting their whispered
c Iren.l. 2. c. 6, 7. 14, 15, &c. Cle. stroni. 3. Ep. Hasres. 31. Terlul. ad Valen.
discoveries from their trial, and exalting their revelations
above their authority. Neither do some stay here ; but * his
gradibus itur in coelum,' heaven itself is broke open for all :
from universal redemption, through universal justification,
in a general covenant, they have arrived (' baud ignota lo-
quor') at universal salvation : neither can any forfeiture be
made of the purchased inheritance.
Quare agite, 6 jiivenes, tantarum in rnunere lauduni,
Cingite fronde comas, et pocula porgite dextris,
Comraunenique vocate Denm, et dare vina volentes."'
March on brave youths, 'ith praise of such free grace.
Surround your locks with bays ; and full cups place
In your right hands : drink freely on, then call
Olh' public faith, the ransom general.
These and the like persuasions I no w^ay dislike, be-
cause wholly new to the men of this generation : that I
may add this by the way : every age hath its employment
in the discovery of truth. We are not come to the bottom
of vice or virtue : the whole world hath been employed in
the practice of iniquity five thousand years and upwards,
and yet aspice hoc novum, may be set on many villanies ;
behold daily new inventions. No wonder then, if all truth
be not yet discovered. Something may be revealed to them
who as yet sit by. Admire not if Saul also be among the
prophets, for who is their father ? Is he not free in his
dispensations? Are all the depths of Scripture, where the
elephants may swim, just fathomed to the bottom ? Let any
man observe the progress of the last century in unfolding
the truths of God, and he will scarce be obstinate, that no
more is left, as yet discovered. Only the itching of cor-
rupted fancies, the boldness of darkened minds, and lascivi-
ous wanton wits, in venting new created nothings, insignifi-
cant vanities, with an intermixed dash of blasphemy, is that
which I desire to oppose. And that especially considering
the genius (if I may so speak) of the days wherein we live,
in which what by one means, what by another, there is al-
most a general deflection after novelty, grown amongst us ;'
some are credulous, some negligent, some fall into errors,
some seek them ; a great suspicion also every day grows
* Virg. J£n. viii. 273. et seq.
« Quidam creduli, quidam negligentes sunt, quibusdam mendacium obrcpit qui-
busdani placet.
upon me, which I would thank any one upon solid grounds
to free me from, that pride of spirit, with an Herostratus-like
design to grow big in the mouths of men, hath acted many
in the conception and publication of some easily invented
false opinions. Is it not to be thought also, that it is from
the same humour possessing many, that every one of them
almost strives to put on beyond his companions, in framing
some singular artifice ? To be a follower of others, though
in desperate engagements, is too mean an undertaking.
Audef allquid brevibus Gyaiis, elcarcere digaum,
Si vis esse aliquis: probitas laudatur et alget.s
And let it be no small peccadillo ; no underling opinion,
friends, if in these busy times, you would have it taken no-
tice of; of ordinary errors you may cry.
-quis leget haec ? nemo hercule nemo,
Aut duo, aut nemo.''
They must be glorious attainments, beyond the under-
standing of men, and above the wisdom of the word, which
attract the eyes of poor deluded souls. The great Shepherd
of the sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, recover his poor wan-
derers to his own fold. But to return thither from whence
we have digressed.
This is that fatal Helena, a useless, barren, fruitless fancy,
for whose enthroning such irksome, tedious contentions
have been caused to the churches of God, a mere Rome, a
desolate dirty place of cottages, until all the world be
robbed and spoiled to adorn it. Suppose Christ died for all,
yet if God in his free purpose, hath chosen some to obtain
life and salvation, passing by others, will it be profitable
only to the former^ or unto all ? Surely the purpose of God
must stand, and he will do all his pleasure. Wherefore elec-
tion, either with Huberus, by a wild contradiction, must be
made universal, or the thoughts of the Most High suspended
on the free-will of man. Add this borrowed feather to the
general ransom, that at least it may have some colour of pom-
*' In tam occupata civitate fabulas vulgaris nequitia noii invenit. Sen. Ep. I'i'O.
? Juv. Sat. i. 74.
h In the text I Iiave not altered the Author's punctuation. The quotation is from
the beginning of tlie first Satire of Persius.
O Curas horainum ! 6 quantum est in rebus inane !
Quis leget haec? Mill' tu istud ais? neino hercule nemo
Vcl duo, vel nemo. — [Editor.]
pous ostentation : yet, if the free grace of God work effec-
tually in some, not in others, can those others, passe d by in
its powerful operation, have any benefit by universal redemp-
tion ? No more than the Egyptians had, in the angel's pass-
ing over those houses, whose doors were not sprinkled with
blood, leaving some dead behind him. Almighty, powerful,
free grace then must strike its sail, that free-will, like the
Alexandrian ships to the Roman havens, may come in with
top and top-galiant ; for without it, the whole territory of
universal redemption will certainly be famished ; but let these
doctrines, of God's eternal election, the free grace of con-
version, perseverance, and their necessary consequents, be
asserted, ' movet cornicularisum, furtivisnudata coloribus;' it
hath not the least appearance of profit or consolation, but
what it robs from the sovereignty and grace of God : but of
these things more afterward.
Some flourishins; pretences are usually held out by the
abettors of the general ransom, which by thy patience, cour-
teous Reader, vv'e will a little view in the entrance, to remove
some prejudice that may lie in the way of truth.
First, The glory of God, they say, is exceedingly exalted
by it, his good will and kindness towards men abundantly
manifested in this enlarg-ement of its extent, and his free grace
by others restrained, set out with a powerful endearment.
This they say, which is, in effect, all things will be well, when
God is contented with that portion of glory whicli is of our
assigning. The prisoners of the earth account it their
greatest wisdom, to varnish over their favours, and to set out
with a full mouth, what they have done with half a hand, but
will it be acceptable to lie for God, by extending his bounty
beyond the marks and eternal bounds fixed to it in his word :
change first a hair of your own heads, or add a cubit to your
own statures, before you come in with an addition of glory,
not owned by him, to the Almighty. But so for the most
part is it with corrupted nature, in all such mysterious things
discovering the baseness and vileness thereof. If God be
apprehended, to be as large in grace, as that is in offence
(I mean in respect of particular offenders, for in respect of his,
he is larger), though it be free, and he hath proclaimed to all,
that he may do what he will with his own, giving no account
of his matters, all shall be well, he is gracious, merciful, &c.
but if once the Scripture is conceived to hold out his sove-
reignty, and free distinguishing grace, suited in its dispensa-
tion to his ow^n purpose according to election, he is* immanis
truculentus, diabolo, Triberio tetrior, (horresco referens).'
The learned know^ well where to find this language, and I will
not be instrumental to propagate their blasphemies to others.
' Sideushomini non placuerit, deus nonerit,' said Tertullian
of the heathen deities, and shall it be so with us? God forbid,
this pride is inbred ;' it is a part of our corruption to defend
it. If we maintain then the glory of God, let us speak hin is
own language, or be for ever silent. That is glorious in him
which he ascribes imto himself. Our inventions, though
never so splendid in our own eyes, are unto him an abomina-
tion, a striving to pull him down from his eternal excellency,
to make him altogether like unto us. God would never allow
that the will of the creature should be the measure of his
honour. The obedience of paradise was to have been regu-
lated ; God's prescription hath been the bottom of his accep-
tation of any duty, ever since he had a creature to worship
him : the very heathen knew, that that service alone was
welcome to God, which himself required, and that glory
owned, which himself had revealed that he would appear
glorious in it. Hence, as Epimenides'' advised the Athenians
in a time of danger to sacrifice, S'et^ Trpocr/jKovn *to him to
whom it was meet and due,' which gave occasion to the altar
which Paul saw bearing the superscription of ayvworw ^fw 'to
the unknown God ;' so Socrates tells us in Plato,' that every
god will be worshipped t(^ fxaXiara avr^o apecTKOvn tqottio ' in that
way which pleaseth best his own mind;' and in Christianity,
Hierome sets it down for a rule, that ' honos praeter manda-
tum estdedecus,' God is dishonoured by that honour, which is
ascribed to him beyond his own prescription : and one wittily
on the second commandment, * non imago, non simulachrum
damnatur, sed non facies tibi,' assigning to God any thing,
by him not assumed, is a making to ourselves a deifying of
our own imaginations. Let all men then cease squaring the
glory of God, by their own corrupted principles, and more
Naturasic apparet vitiata uthoc majoris vitii sit non videre. Aug.
'' Laert. in vit. Epiraen. Plato de legib. lib. 7.
corrupted persuasions. The word alone is to be arbitrator in
the things of God, which also I hope will appear by the fol-
lowing treatise, to hold out nothing in the matter in hand
contrary to those natural notions of God and his goodness,
which in the sad ruins of innocency have been retained. On
these grounds we affirm, that all that glory of God which is
pretended to be asserted by the general ransom, however it
may seem glorious to purblind nature, is indeed a sinful
flourish, for the obscuring of that glory wherein God is de-
Secondly, It is strongly pretended that the worth and value
of the satisfaction of Christ, by the opposite opinion limited
to a few, are exceedingly magnified in this extending of
them to all; when, besides which was said before unto hu-
man extending of the things of God beyond the bounds by
himself fixed unto them, the merit of the death of Christ
consisting in its own internal worth and sufficiency, with that
obligation which by his obedience unto death was put upon
the justice of God, for its application unto them for whom
he died, is quite enervated and overthrown by it, made of no
account, and such as never produced of itself absolutely the
least good to any particular soul ; which is so fully manifested
in the following treatise, as I cannot but desire the reader's
sincere consideration of it, it being a matter of no small im-
Thirdly, A seeming smile cast upon the opinion of uni-
versal redemption, by many texts of Scripture, with the am-
biguity of some words, which though in themselves either
figurative or indefinite, yet seem to be of a universal extent,
raaketh the abettors of it exceedingly rejoice. Now concern-
ing this I shall only desire the reader not to be startled at
the multitude of places of Scripture which he may find
heaped up by some of late about this business (especially by
Thomas More, in his Universality of Free Grace), as though
they proved and confirmed that for which they are produced,
but rather prepare himself to admire at the confidence of
men, particularly of him now named, to make such a flourish
with colours and drums, having indeed no soldiers at all;
for, notwithstanding all their pretences, it will appear that
they hang the whole weight of their building on three or
four texts of Scripture, viz. 1 Tim. ii. 5, 6. John iii. 16, 17.
Heb. ii. 9. 1 John ii. 2. with some few others, and the am-
biguity of two or three words which themselves cannot deny
to be of exceeding various acceptations. All which are at
large discussed in the ensuing treatise, no one place that
hath with the least show or colour been brought forth by
any of our adversaries in their own defence, or for the oppos-
ing of the effectual redemption of the elect only, being omit-
ted ; the book of Thomas More, being in all the strength
thereof fully met withal and enervated.
Fourthly, Some men have, by I know not what mispris-
ion, entertained a persuasion, that the opinion of the
universalists serves exceedingly to set forth the love and
free grace of God; yea, they make free grace, that glorious
expression, to be that alone which is couched in their per-
suasion, viz. that God loves all alike, gave Christ to die for
all, and is ready to save all if they will lay hold on him :
under which notion how greedily the hook as well as the
bait is swallowed by many, we have daily experience; when
the truth is, it is utterly destructive to the free distinguish-
ing grace of God, in all the dispensations and workings there-
of. It evidently opposeth God's free grace of election, as
hath been declared, and therein that very love from which
God sent his Son ; his free' distinguishing grace also of ef-
fectual calling must be made by it, to give place to nature's
darling, free-will : yea, and the whole covenant of grace
made void by holding it out no otherwise but as a general
removins: of the wrath which was due to the breach of the
covenant of works ; for what else can be imagined (though
this certainly they have not, John iii. 36.) to be granted to
the most, of those all, with whom they affirm this covenant
to be made. Yea, notwithstanding their flourish of free
grace, as themselves are forced to grant, that after all that
was effected by the death of Christ it was possible that none
should be saved ; so I hope I have clearly proved that if he
accomplished by his death no more than they ascribe unto
it, it is utterly impossible that any one should be saved.
• Quid dignum tanto ?'
Fifthly, The opinion of universal redemption is not a little
advantaged by presenting to convinced men a seeming ready
way to extricate themselves out of all their doubts and per-
plexities, and to give them ail the comfort the death of Christ
can afford, before they feel any power of that death working
within them, or find any efficacy of free grace drawing their
hearts to the embracing of Christ in the promise, or obtain-
ing a particular interest in him, which are tedious things to
flesh and blood to attend unto and wait upon. Some boast
that by this persuasion, that hath been effected in an hour
which they waited for before seven years without success.
To dispel this poor empty flourish, I shall shew in the pro-
gress that it is very ready and apt to deceive multitudes with
a plausible delusion, but really undermines the very founda-
tions of that strong unfailing consolation which God hath
shewed himself abundantly willing that the heirs of promise
should receive.
These and the like are the general pretences wherewith the
abettors of a general ransom do seek to commend themselves
and opinion to the affections of credulous souls, through
them making an open and easy passage into their belief, for
the swallowing and digesting of that bitter potion which
lurks in the bottom of their cup. Of these I thought meet
to give the reader a brief view in the entrance to take off his
mind from empty generals, that he might be the better pre-
pared to weigh all things carefully in an equal balance, when
he shall come to consider those particulars afterward in-
sisted on, wherein the great strength of our adversaries lies.
It remaineth only, that I give the Christian reader a brief
account of my call unto, and undertaking in, this work, and
so close this preface. First, then, I will assure thee it is not
the least thirst in my affections to be drinking of the waters
of Meribah, nor the least desire to have a share in Ishmael's
portion, to have my hand against others, and theirs against
me, that put me upon this task. I never like myself worse,
than when faced with a vizard of disputing in controversies.
The complexion of my soul is much more pleasant unto me
in the waters of Shiloah.
Nuper me in littore vidi,
Cum placidum ventis staret mare.™
What invitation there can be in itself, for any one to
lodge, much less abide, in this quarrelsome scrambling terri-
tory, where, as Tertullian" says of Pontus, ' omne quod fiat
"> Virg. Buc. Eel. ii. 25. " Ad Mar.
Aquilo est,' no wind blows but what is sharp and keen, I
know not. Small pleasure in those walks which arc at-
tended with dangerous precipices and unpleasing difficulties
on every side.
Utque viam teneas, nulloque errore traharis ;
Per tamen adversi gradieris cornua Tauri,
Haeraoniosque arcus violentique ora Leonis."
No quiet nor peace in these things and ways, but conti-
nual brawls and dissensions.
Non hospes ab hospite tutus,
Non socer a genero : fratrurn quoque gratia rara est.P
The strongest bonds of nearest relations are too com-
monly broken by them. Were it not for that precept, Jude
3. and the like, of 'contending earnestly for the faith once
delivered unto the saints,' with the sounding of my bowels
for the loss of poor seduced souls, I could willing engage
myself into an unchangeable resolution to fly all wordy
battles and paper combats for the residue of my few and
evil days.
It is not then (that I may return) any Salaraandrian com-
plexion that was the motive to this undertaking. Nei-
ther, secondly, was it any conceit of my own abilities for this
work, as though I were the fittest among many to under-
take it; I know that as in all things I am less than the
least of all saints, so in these I am
Abler'' pens have had within these few years the discus-
sing and ventilating of some of these questions, in our own
language ; some have come to my hands, but none of weight,
before I had well nigh finished this heap of mine own, which
was some twelve months since and upwards. In some of
these, at least in all of them, I had rested fully satisfied, but
that I observed they had all tied up themselves to some cer-
tain parts of the controversy, especially the removing of ob-
jections, neither compassing nor methodizing the whole ;
whereby I discerned that the nature of the things under de-
bate, viz, satisfaction, reconciliation, redemption, and the
like, was left exceedingly in the dark ; and the strong foun-
« Ovid. Met. ii.79. P Ovid. Met. i. 144.
1 Vindic. Reden)pt. by my reverend and learned brother M. John Stalham, Mr.
Rather. Christ drawing sinners.
dation of the whole building not so much as once discovered.
It was always upon my desires, that some one would under-
take the main, and unfold out of the word from the bottom,
the whole dispensation of the love of God to his elect in Jesus
Christ, with the conveyance of it through the promises of the
gospel, being in all the fruits thereof purchased and procured
by the oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ ; by which
it could not but be made apparent, what was the great design
of the blessed Trinity in this great work of redemption, with
how vain an attempt and fruitless endeavour, it must needs
be, to extend it beyond the bounds and limits assigned unto
it by the principal agents therein ; that arguments also might
be produced for the confirmation of the truth we assert, in
opposition to the error opposed ; and so the weak established
and dissenters convinced, — was much in my wishes. The
doctrine of the satisfaction of Christ, his merit, and the re-
conciliation wrought thereby, understood aright by few, and
of late oppugned by some, being so nearly related to the point
of redemption, I desired also to have seen cleared, unfolded,
vindicated by some able pen ; but now after long waiting,
finding none to answer my expectation, although of myself
I can truly say with him in the Comedian, * Ego me neque
tam astutum esse, neque ita perspicaceni id scio,' that I
should be fitfor sucl* an undertaking; the counsel of the poet
also running much in my mind,
Sumite materiam vestris, qui scribitis, sequara,
Viribus : et versate diu, quid ferre recusent
Quid valeant humeri.''
Yet, at the last, laying aside all such thoughts, by looking
up to him who supplieth seed to the sower, and doth all our
works for us, I suffered myself to be overcome unto the work,
with that of another, ' Ab alio quovis hoc fieri mallem quam
a me : sed a me tamen potius quam a nemine :' ' I had rather
it should have been done by any than myself, of myself only,
rather than of none;' especially considering the industrious
diligence of the opposers of truth in these days.
Scribunt indocti doctique
Ut jugulent homines, surgunt rle nocte latrones:
Ut leipsum serves non expergisceris.'
Add unto the former desire, a consideration of the fre-
quent conferences I had been invited unto about these things,
' Hor. ])e Art. Poet. ver. 38. * Her. Epist. lib. ii. Epist. i. 117. lib. 1. Epist ii. 32'
the daily spreading of the opinions here opposed, about the
parts where I live, and a greater noise concerning their pre-
vailing in other places, with the advantage they had obtained
by some military abettors, with the st,irring up of divers emi-
nent and learned friends, and you have the sum of what I
desire to hold forth as the cause of my undertaking this task.
What the Lord hath enabled me to perform therein, must
be left to the judgment of others; altogether hopeless of
success I am not ; but fully resolved that I shall not live to
see a solid answer given unto it : if any shall undertake to
vellicate, and pluck some of the branches, rent from the roots
and principles of the whole discourse, I shall freely give
them leave to enjoy their own wisdom, and imaginary con-
quest : if any shall seriously undertake to debate the whole
cause, if 1 live to see it effected, I engage myself by the
Lord's assistance, to be their humble convert, or fair antago-
nist. In that which is already accomplished, by the good
hand of the Lord, I hope the learned may find something for
their contentment, and the weak for their strengthening and
satisfaction ; that in all some glory may redound to him
whose it is, and whose truth is here unfolded ; by the un-
worthiest labourer in his vineyard,
J. O.
In general of the end of the death of Christ, as it is hi the
Scripture proposed.
Ijy the end of the death of Christ, we mean in general,
both first, that which his Father and himself intended in
it; and, secondly, that which was effectually fulfilled <nd
accomplished by it. Concerning either, we may take a brief
view of the expressions used by the Holy Ghost,
For the first. Will you know the end wherefore, and the
intention wherewith, Christ came into the world ? Let us ask
himself (who knew his own mind, as also all the secrets of
his Father's bosom), and he will tell us, that the Son of man
came to 'save that which was lost;' Matt, xviii. 11. to re-
cover and save poor lost sinners ; that was his intent and
design, as is again asserted, Luke xix. 10. Ask also his
apostles, who know his mind, and they will tell you the
same. So Paul ; 1 Tim. i. 15. ' This is a faithful sayino-, and
worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the
world to save sinners.' Now if you will ask who these sin-
ners are, towards whom he hath this gracious intent and
purpose, himself tells you ; Matt. xx. 28. that he came to
give his life a ransom for mani/ ; in other places called its,
believers, distinguished from the world ; for he gave him-
self for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present
Q 2
evil world, according to the will of God and our Father ;
Gal. i. 4. That was the will and intention of God, that he
should give himself for us, that we might be saved, being
separated from the world ; they are his church ; Eph. v. 25
— 27. * He loved his church, and gave himself for it, that
he might sanctify and cleanse it, with the washing of water,
by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious
church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but
that it should be holy and without blemish.' Which last
words express also the very aim and end of Christ, in giv-
ing himself for any, even that they may be made^fV for God,
and brought nigh unto him ; the like whereof is also as-
serted. Tit. ii. 14. ' He gave himself for us, that he might
redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a pe-
culiar people, zealous of good works.' Thus clear, then, and
apparent, is the intention and design of Christ and his Fa-
ther in this great work, even what it was, and towards
whom, viz. to save us, to deliver us from the evil world, to
purge and wash us, to make us holy, zealous, fruitful in good
works, to render us acceptable, and to bring us unto God,
for through him * we have access into the grace wherein we
stand ;' Rom. v. 2.
The effect also, and actual product of the work itself, or
what is accomplished and fulfilled by the death, bloodshed-
ding, or oblation of Jesus Christ, is no less clearly mani-
fested ; but is as fully and very often more distinctly ex-
pressed; as first, Heconciliation with God, by removing and
slaying the enmity that was between him and us : for when
*we were enemies, we were reconciled unto God by the
death of his Son ;' Rom. v. 10. God was in him ' reconciling
the world unto himself, not imputing their sins unto them ;'
2 Cor. v. 19. yea, he hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus
Christ; ver. 18. And if you would know how this reconcilia-
tion was effected, the apostle will tell you, that 'he abolished
in himself, the enmity, the law of commandments consisting
in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain, one new man,
so making peace. And that he might reconcile both unto
God, in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity
thereby;' Eph. ii. 15, 16. so that he is our peace ; ver. 14.
Secondly, Justification, by taking away the guilt of sin, pro-
curing remission and pardon of them, redeeming us from
their power, with the curse and wrath due unto us for them ;
'for by his own blood he is entered into the holy place,
having obtained eternal redemption for us ;' Heb. ix. 13. ' he
redeemed us from the curse, being made a curse for us ;'
Gal. iii. 13. ' his own self bearing our sins in his own body
on the tree ;' 1 Pet. ii. 24. 'we have all sinned and come
short of the glory of God ; but are justified freely by his
grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ ; whom
God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his
blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ;'
Rom. iii. 23 — 25. for 'in him we have redemption through
his blood, even the forgiveness of sins ;' Col. i. 13. Thirdly,
Smictification, by the purging away of the uncleanness and
pollution of our sins, renewing in us the image of God, and
supplying us with the graces of the Spirit of holiness : for the
blood of' Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered him-
self unto God, purgeth our consciences from dead works,
that we may serve the living God;' Heb. ix. 14. yea, 'the
blood of Jesus Christ, cleanseth us from all our sins;'
1 John i. 7. ' by himself he purged our sins ;' Heb. i. 3. ' to
sanctify the people with his own blood he suffered without
the gate ;' Heb. xiii. 12. ' he gave himself for his church to
sanctify and cleanse it, that it should be holy and without
blemish ;' Eph. v. 25, 26. Peculiarly amongst the graces of
the Spirit, ' it is given to us' virlp xpiarov ' for Christ's sake
to believe on him;' Phil. i. 29. 'God blessing us in him,
with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places;' Eph. i. 31.
Fourthly, Adoption, with that evangelical liberty, and all
those glorious privileges which appertain to the sons of
God; 'for God sent his Son made ofa woman, made under the
law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons;' Gal.iv.4, 5. Fifthly, Neither
do the effects of the death of Christ rest here, they leave us not
until we are settled in heaven, in glory, and immortality for
ever, our inheritance is a 'purchased possession ;' Eph. i. 14.
' And for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testa-
ment, that by means of death, for the redemption of the
transgressions that were under the first Testament, they
which are called may receive the promise of eternal inherit-
ance ;' Heb. ix. 15. The sum of all is; the death and blood-
shedding of Jesus Christ hath wrought, and doth effec-^
tually procure, for all those that are concerned in it, eternal
redemption, consisting in grace here and glory hereafter.
Thus full, clear, and evident, are the expressions in the
Scripture concerning the ends and effects of the death of
Christ, that a man would think every one might run and
read ; but we must stay : among all things in Christian reli-
gion, there is scarce any thing more questioned than this,
which seems to be a most fundamental principle, a spread-
ing persuasion there is of a general ransom, to be paid by
Christ for all, that he died to redeem all and every one, not
only for many, his church, the elect of God, but for every one
also of the posterity of Adam. Now the masters of this
opinion, do see full well and easily, that if thai be the end
of the death of Christ which we have from the Scripture as-
serted, if those before recounted be the immediatey?'w/^s and
products thereof, that then one of these two things will neces-
sarily follow : that either, first, God and Christ failed of
their end proposed, and did not accomplish that which they
intended ; the death of Christ being not a fitly proportioned
means, for the attaining of that end (for any cause of failing
cannot be assigned), which to assert, seems to us blasphe-
mously injurious to the wisdom, power, and perfection of
God, as likewise derogatory to the worth and value of the
death of Christ; or else, that all men, all the posterity of
Adam, must be saved, purged, sanctified, and glorified, which
surely they will not maintain, at least the Scripture, and the
woful experience of millions, will not allow : wherefore, to
cast a tolerable colour upon their persuasion, they must,
and do deny, that God, or his Son, had any such absolute
aim or end, in the death or bloodshedding of Jesus Christ ;
or that any such thing, was immediately procured and pur-
chased by it, as we before recounted; but that God intended
nothing, neither was any thing effected by Christ ; that no
benefit ariseth to any immediately by his death, but what is
common to all and every soul, though never so cursedly un-
believing here, and eternally damned hereafter, until an act
of some, not procured for them by Christ ; (for if it were,
why have they it not all alike?) to wit, faith, do distinguish
them from others. Now this seeming to me, to enervate
the virtue, value, fruits, and effects of the satisfaction and
death of Christ, serving besides for a basis and foundation,
to a dangerous, uncomfortable, erroneous persuasion, I shall,
by the Lord's assistance, declare, what the Scripture holds
out in both these things, both that assertion which is in-
tended to be proved, and that which is brought for the proof
thereof; desiring the Lord by his Spirit to lead us into all
truth, to give us understanding in all things, and if any one
be otherwise minded, to reveal that also tinto him.
CHAP. n.
Of the nature of an end in general, and some distinctions about it.
The end of any thing, is that which the agent intendeth to
accomplish, in and by the operation which is proper unto
its nature, and which it applieth itself unto, that which any
one aimeth at, and designeth in himself to attain, as a thing
good and desirable unto him, in the state and condition
wherein he is : so the end which Noah proposed unto himself
in the building of the ark, was the preservation of himself
and others, according to the will of God : * he made an ark
to preserve himself and his family from the flood, according
to all that God commanded him so did he.' Gen. vi. 22. That
which the agent doth, or whereto he applieth himself, for
the compassing his proposed end, is called the means, which
two do complete the whole reason of working in free intel-
lectual agents, for I speak only of such as work according to
clioice or election : so Absalom intending a revolt from his
father to procure the crown and kingdom for himself, * he
prepared him horses and chariots, and fifty men to run be-
fore hitn;' 2 Sam. xv. 1. and farther, by fair words and gloss-
ing compliances, ' he stole the hearts of the men of Israel ;'
ver. 6. then pretends a sacrifice at Hebron, where he makes
a strong conspiracy ; ver. 12. all which were the means he
used for the attaining of his fore-proposed end.
Between both these, end and means, there is this relation,
that (though in sundry kinds) they are mutually causes one
of another : the end is the first principal moving cause of the
whole ; it is that for whose sake the whole work is; no agent
applies itself to action but for an end, and were it not by
that determined to some certain effect, thing, way, or man-
ner of working, it would no more do orie thing than another.
The inhabitants of the old world, desiring and intending unity
and cohabitation, with (perhaps) some reserves to provide
for their safety against a second storm, they cry, 'Go to, let
us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto
heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the face of the whole earth;' Gen. xi. 4. First,
They lay down their aim and design, and then let out the
means in their apprehension conducins; thereunto, and mani-
fest then it is that the whole reason and method of affairs,
that a wise-worker or agent according to the counsel pro-
poseth to himself, is taken from the etid which he aims at,
that is in intention and contrivance the beoinning; of all
that order which is in working. Now the means are all those
things which are used for the attaining of the end proposed
(as meat, for the preservation of life ; sailing in a ship, for him
that would pass the sea ; laws for the quiet continuance of
human society) : and they are the procuring cause of the end
in one kind or another, their existence is for the end's sake,
and the end hath its rise out of them, following them either
morally as their desert, or naturalli/ as their fruit and product.
First, In a moral sense, when the action and the end are to
be measured or considered in reference to a moral rule, or
laxv prescribed to the agent, then the means are the deserv-
ing, or meritorious cause of the end : as if Adam had con-
tinued in his innocency, and done all things according to
the law given unto him, the end procured thereby had been
a blessed life to eternity : as now the end of any sinful act
is death, the curse of the law. Secondly, When the means
are considered only in their natural relation, then they are
the instrumentally efficient cause of the end : so Joab intend-
ing the death of Abner, 'he smote him with his spear under
the fifth rib that he died ;' 2 Sam. iii. 27. and when Benaiah,
by the command of Solomon, fell upon Shimei, the wounds
he gave him were the efficient of his death ; 1 Kings ii. 46.
In which regard there is no difference, between the murder-
ing of an innocent man, and the executing of an offender ;
but as they are under a moral consideration, their ends fol-
low their deservings, in respect of conformity to the rule,
and so there is xaafxa fiiya between them.
The former consideration, by reason of the defect and
perverseness of some agents (for otherwise these things are
coincident), holds out a twofold end of things. First, of the
work; and. Secondly, of the workman : of the act, and the
agent; for when the means assigned for the attaining of any
end, are not proportioned unto it, nor fitted for it, accord-
ing to that rule which the agent is to work by, then it can-
not be but that he must aim at one thing, and another fol-
low in respect of the morality of the work : so Adam is enticed
into a desire to be like God ; this now he makes his aim,
which to effect he eats the forbidden fruit, and that contracts
a guilt which he aimed not at. But when the agent acts
aright and as it should do; when it aims at an end that is
proper to it, belonging to its proper perfection and condi-
tion, and worketh by such means as are fit and suitable to
the end proposed, the end of the work and the workman
are one and the same : as when Abel intended the worship
of the Lord, he offered a sacrifice through faith acceptable
unto him ; or as a man desiring salvation through Christ,
applieth himself to get an interest in him. Now the sole
reason of this diversity is, that secondary agents, such as
men are, have an end set and appointed to their actions, by
him which giveth them an external ride or law to work by ;
which shall always attend them in their working whether
they will or no. God only, whose will and good pleasure is,
the sole rule of all those works which outwardly are of him,
can never deviate in his actions, nor have any end attend or
follow his acts, not precisely by him intended.
Again, the end of every free agent is either that which he
effecteth, or that for whose sake he doth effect it; when a
man builds a house to let to hire, that which he effecteth is
the building of a house, that which moveth him to do it is
love of gain. The physician cures the patient, and is moved
to it by his reward : the end which Judas aimed at in his
going to the priests, bargaining with them, conducting the
soldiers to the garden, kissing Christ, was the betraying of
his master ; but the end for whose sake the whole undertak-
ing was set on foot, was the obtaining of the thirty pieces of
silver : 'what will you give me and I will do it ?' The end
which God effected by the death of Christ, was the satis-
faction of his justice, the end for whose sake he did it,
was either supreme, or his own glory, or subordinate, ours
with him.
Moreover, the means are of two sorts. First, Such as have
a true goodness in themselves, without reference to any far-
ther kind ; though not so considered as we use them for
means : no means as a means is considered as sood in it-
self, but only as conducible to a farther end; it is repugnant
to the nature of means as such, to be considered as good
in themselves. Study is in itself the most noble employment
of the soul; but aiming at wisdom or knowledge, we consi-
der it as good only inasmuch as it conduceth to that end ;
otherwise as 'a weariness to the flesh;' Eccl.xii. 12. Second-
ly, Such as have no good at all, in any kind as in themselves
considered, but merely as conducing to that end, which they
are fit to attain, they receive all their goodness (which is
but relative) from that whereunto they are appointed; in
themselves no way desirable, as the cutting off a leg or an
arm for the preservation of life ; taking a bitter potion for
health's sake, throwing corn and lading into the sea to prevent
shipwreck ; of which nature is the death of Christ, as we
shall afterward declare.
These things being thus proposed in general, our next
task must be to accommodate them to the present business
in hand ; which we shall do in order, by laying down the agent
working, the ineaus rcroiight, and the end effected, in the great
work of our redemption ; for those three must be orderly
considered and distinctly, that we may have a right appre-
hension of the whole, into the first whereof avv ^tio we make
an entrance in.
Of the agent or cMef author of the work of our redemption, and of the
first thing distinctly ascribed to the person of the Father.
The agent in, and chief author of, this great work of our re-
demption, is the whole blessed Trinity ; for all the works
which outwardly are of the Deity are undivided, and belong
equally to each person ; their distinct manner of subsistence
and order being observed, it is true, there were other sundry
instrumental causes in the oblation, or rather passion of
Christ ; but the work cannot in any sense be ascribed unto
them : for in respect of God the Father, the issue of their
endeavour was exceeding contrary to their own intentions ;
and in the close they did nothing, but what the hand and
counsel of 'God had before determined should be done;' Acts
iv. 28. and in respect of Christ, they were no way able to
accomplish what they aimed at, for he himself 'laid down his
life, and none was able to take it from him;' John x. 17, 18.
so that they are to be excluded from this consideration. In
several persons of the Holy Trinity, the joint author of the
whole work, the Scripture proposeth distinct and sundry
acts or operations peculiarly assigned unto them, which, ac-
cording to our weak manner of apprehension, we are to con-
sider severally and apart : which also we shall do, beginning
with them that are ascribed to the Father.
Two peculiar acts there are in this work of our redemp-
tion by the blood of Jesus, which may be and are properly
assigned to the person of the Father. First, The sending of
his Son into the world for this employment. Secondly, A
laying the punishment due to our sin upon him. The Fa-
ther loves the world and sends his Son to die. ' He sent his
Son into the world that the world through him might be
saved ;' John iii. 16, 17. ' He sent his Son in the likeness of
sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the
righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us;' Rom. viii.
3. ' He set him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his
blood;' Rom. iii. 25. ' For when the fulness of time was come,
God sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the
law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons ;' Gal. iv. 4, 5. So more than
twenty times in the gospel of John, there is mention of this
sending ; and our Saviour describes himself by this peri-
phrasis, 'him whom the Father hath sent;' John vi. 39. and
the Father by this, ' he who sent me ;' John viii. 16. So that
this action of sending is appropriate to the Father, accord-
ing to his promise that he would ' send us a Saviour, a great
one to deliver us ;' Isa. xix. 20. and to the profession of our
Saviour, ' I have not spoken in secret from the beginning,
from the time that it was, there am I ; and now the Lord God
and his Spirit hath sent me ;' Isa. xlviii. 16. hence the Fa-
ther himself is sometimes called our Saviour; 1 Tim. i. 1.
' according to the commandment Oeov awrfipog I'lfxiov of God
our Saviour :' some copies indeed read it, Oaov koL aisJTxipoQ jjjuwv
* of God and our Saviour ;' but the interposition of that parti-
cle /cm, arose doubtless from a misprision, that Christ alone
is called Saviour. But directly this is the same with that
parallel place of Titus i. 3. kut liriTajriv tov nojTripog -t^fXMv
3'fou, 'according to the commandment of God our Saviour;'
where no interposition of that conjunctive particle can have
place, the same title being also in other places ascribed to
him, as Luke i. 47, 'My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Sa-
viour.' As also 1 Tim. iv. 10. ' We have hoped in the living
God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that
believe ;' though in this last place, it be not ascribed unto
him, with reference to his redeeming us by Christ, but his
saving and preserving all by his providence. So also Tit. ii.
11. iii. 4. Deut. xxxii. 15. 1 Sam. x. 19. Psal. xxiv. 5. xxv.
5, Isa. xii.2. xi. lO.xlv. 15. Jer. xvi. 8. Micah vii. 7. Heb.
iii. 17. most of which places have reference to his sending
of Christ, which is also distinguished into three several acts,
which in order we must lay down.
First, An authoritative imposition of the office of Media-
tor, which Christ closed withal, by his voluntary susception
of it, willingly undergoing the office wherein by dispensation
the Father had and exercised a kind of superiority, which the
Son, though in the form of God humbled himself unto; Phil,
ii. 6, 7. and of this there may be conceived two parts.
First, The purposed imposition of his counsel ; or his eter-
nal counsel for the setting apart of his Son, incarnate to this
office; saying unto him, 'Thou art my Son, this day have I
begotten thee ; ask of me, and I will give thee the nations
for thine inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for
thy possession ;' Psal. ii. 7, 8. He said unto him, ' Sit thou at
my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool ; for
the Lord sware and will not repent. Thou art a priest for ever
after the order of Melchizedek;' Psal. ex. 1.4.' He appoint-
ed hira to be heir of all things ;' Heb. i. 2. ' having ordained
him to be Judge of quick and dead;' Acts x. 42. for unto
' this he was ordained before the foundation of the world ;'
1 Pet. i. 20. and determined 6pi(r9dg, 'to be the Son of God
with power ;' Rom. i. 4. ' that he might be the first-born of
many brethren ;' Rom. viii. 29. I know that this is an act
eternally established in the mind and will of God, and so not
to be ranged in order with the other, which are all temporary.
and had their beginning in the fuhiess of time, of all which
this first is the spring and fountain, according to that of
James, Acts xv. 18. ' Known unto God are all his works from
the beginning of the world ;' but yet, it being no unusual
form of speaking that the purpose should also be compre-
hended in that which holds out the accomplishment of it,
aiming at truth and not exactness, we pass it thus.
Secondly, The actual inauguration, or solemn admission
of Christ unto his ofHce, ' committing all judgment unto the
, Son;' John v. 22. ' making him to be both Lord and Christ;'
Acts ii. 36. ' appointing him over his whole house;' Heb.iii.
1 — 3. which is that anointing of the most holy; Dan. ix. 24.
God ' anointing him with the oil of gladness above his fel-
lows ;' Psal. xlv. 7. For the actual setting apart of Christ to
his office, is said to be by unction, because all those holy
things which were types of him, as the ark, the altar, &c.
were set apart and consecrated by anointing ; Exod. xxx.
25 — 27, &c. To this also belongs that public testification
by innumerable angels from heaven of his nativity, declared
by one of them to the shepherds ; * Behold,' saith he, * I bring
you good tidings of joy, which shall be unto all people, for
unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord;' Luke ii. 10, 11. which message
was attended by, and closed with, that triumphant exultation
of the host of heaven, ' Glory be to God on high, on earth
peace, towards men good will ;' ver. 14. with that redoubled
voice which afterward came from the excellent glory, * This
is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased;' Matt. iii. 17.
xvii. 5. 2 Pet. i. 17. If these things oug-ht to be distinguish-
ed, and placed in their own order, they may be considered
in these three several acts. First, The glorious proclamation
which he made of his nativity ; when he ' prepared him a
body;' Heb. x, 5. bringing his first-begotten into the world,
and saying, * Let all the angels of God worship him;' Heb.i.
6. sending them to proclaim the message which we before
recounted. Secondly, Sending the Spirit visibly in the form
of a dove to light upon him, at the time of his baptism; Matt.
iii. 16. when he was endued with a fulness thereof, for the ac-
complishment of the work, and discharge of the ofiicewhere-
unto he was designed; attended with that noise, Avhereby
he owned him from heaven as his only beloved. Thirdly,
The crowning of him with glory and honour, in his resurrec-
tion, ascension, and sitting down ' on the right hand of Ma-
jesty on high ;' Heb. i. 3. setting ' him as his King upon his
holy hill of Sion ;' Psal. ii. 7, 8. when * all power was given
unto him in heaven and in earth;' Matt, xxviii. 18. 'all
things being put under his feet;' Heb. ii. 7, 8. himself highly
exalted, and ' a name given him above every name that at,'
&c. Phil.ii. 9. of which it pleased him to appoint witnesses
of all sorts, angels from heaven, Luke xxiv. 4. Acts i. 10. the
dead out of the graves. Matt, xxvii. 52. the apostles among
and unto the livino-. Acts ii. 32. with those more than five
hundred brethren, to whom he appeared at once ; 1 Cor. xv.
6. Thus gloriously was he inaugurated into his office, in
the several acts and degrees thereof; God saying unto him,
' It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant, to raise
up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel ; I
will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest
be my salvation unto the end of the earth;' Isa. xlix. 6.
Between these two acts 1 confess there intercedes a two-
fold promise of God ; one, of giving a Saviour to his people,
a Mediator according to his former purpose, as Gen. iii. 15.
* The seed of the woman shall break the serpent's head;' and
' the sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, till Shiloh come ; and unto him shall the
gathering of the people be;' Gen. xlix. 10. Which he also
foresignified by many sacrifices, and other types, with pro-
phetical predictions; ' for of this salvation the prophets have
inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the
grace that should come unto you, searching what or what
manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did
signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that should follow ; unto whom it was reveal-
ed, that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister
the things which are now reported unto you by them that
preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent
down from heaven, which thing the angels desire to look
into ;' 1 Pet. i. 10 — 12. The other is a promise of applying
the benefits purchased by this Saviour so designed to them
that should believe on him, to be given in fulness of time,
according to the former promises; telling Abraham, 'that
in his seed the nations of the earth should be blessed;' and
justifying himself by the same faith; Gen. xv. 6. But these
things belong rather to the application wholly, which was
equal both before and after his actual mission.
The second act of the Father's sending the Son, is the
furnishing of him in his sending with a fulness of all gifts
and graces, that might any way be requisite for the office he
was to undertake, the work he was to undergo, and the
charge he had over the house of God. There was indeed
in Christ a twofold fulness and perfection of all spiritual ex-
cellencies. First, the natural all-sufficient perfection of his
Deity, as one with his Father, in respect of his divine na-
ture : for his glory was * the glory of the only-begotten of
the Father;' John i. 14. ' He was in the form of God, and
counted it no robbery to be equal with God;' Phil. ii. 6.
'being the fellow of the Lord of Hosts;' Zech. xiii. 7. Whence
that glorious appearance, Isa. vi. 3,4. when ' the cherubims
cried one to another, and said. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of
hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of
the door moved at the noise of him that cried, and the house
was filled with smoke ; and tlie prophet cried. Mine eyes have
seen the King, the Lord of hosts;' ver. 5. even concerning
this vision, the apostle saith, ' Isaiah saw him and spake of
his glory;' John xii. 41. of which glory Iku'wcte, he as it were
emptied himself for a season, when ' he was found in the
form or condition of a servant humbling himself unto death ;'
Phil. ii. 7, 8. laying aside that glory which attended his
Deity, outwardly appearing to have neither form, nor beauty,
nor comeliness, that he should be desired ; Isa. liii. 2. But
this fulness we do not treat of, it being not communicated
to him, but essentially belonging to his person, which is
eternally begotten of the person of his Father.
The second fulness that was in Christ, was a communi-
cated fulness, which was in him by dispensation from his
Father; bestowed upon him to fit him for his work and
office, as he was and is the ' Mediator between God and
man, the man Christ Jesus;' 1 Tim. ii. 5. not as he is the
Lord of hosts, but as he is 'Immanuel, God with us, as he
was a Son given to us, called Wonderful, Counsellor, the
Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace,
upon whose shoulders the government was to be;' Isa. ix.6.
It is a fulness of grace, not that essential, which is of the
nature of the Deity, but that which is habitual and infused
into the humanity, as personally united to the other ; which
though it be not absolutely infinite as the other is, yet it
extends itself to all perfections of grace, both in respect of
parts and degrees, there is no grace that is not in Christ,
and every grace is in him in the highest degree ; so that
whatsoever the perfection of grace, either for the several
kinds, or respective advancements thereof, require th, is in
him habitually by the collation of his Father, for this very
purpose, and for the accomplishment of the work designed;
which though (as before) it cannot properly be said to be
infinite, yet it is boundless and endless : it is in him as the
light in the beams of the sun, and as water in a living foun-
tain, which can never fail ; he is the candlestick from whence
the 'golden pipes do empty the golden oil through them-
selves,' Zech. iv. 12. into all that are his : ' for he is the be-
ginning, the first-born from the dead, in all things having
the pre-eminence ; for it pleased the Father that in him should
all fulness dwell ;' Col.i. 18, 19. in him he caused to be ' hid
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge ;' Col. ii. 3. and in
him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead (rwjuartKwc, substan-
tially or personally ; ver. 9. ' that of his fulness we might all
receive grace for grace;' Johni. 16. in a continual supply. So
that setting upon the work of redemption he looks upon this,
in the first place, 'The Spirit of the Lord God,' saith he, ' is
upon me; because the Lord God hath anointed me to preach
good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the
broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the
opening of the prison to them that are bound ; to proclaim the
acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our
God; to comfort all that mourn;' Isa. Ixi, 1, 2. And this was
the anointing with the oil of gladness which he had above
his fellows ; Psal. xlv. ' it was upon his head, and ran down
to his beard, yea, down to the skirts of his clothing;' Psal.
cxxxiii. 2. that every one covered with the garment of his
righteousness might be made partaker of it. * The Spirit of
the Lord did rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and under-
standing, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of know-
ledge and of the fear of the Lord ;' Isa. xi. 2. and that not in
parcels and beginnings as in us, proportioned to our measure
and degrees of sanctification, but in a fulness, for ' he re-
ceived not the Spirit by measure;' John iii. 34. that is, it
was not so with him, when he came to the full measure of
the stature of his age; as Eph. iv. 13. for otherwise it was
manifested in him, and collated on him by degrees, for he
' increased in wisdom and stature, and favour with God and
man;' Luke ii. 52. Hereunto was added all 'power in heaven
and earth, which was given unto him;' Matt, xxviii. 18.
* power over all flesh, to give eternal life to as many as he
would ;' John xvii. 2. Which we might branch into many
particulars, but so much shall suffice to set forth the second
act of God, in sending his Son.
The third act of this sending, is his entering into cove-
nant and compact with his Son, concerning the work to be
undertaken, and the issue or event thereof; of which there be
two parts. First, His promise to protect and assist him in
the accomplishment and perfect fulfilling of the whole busi-
ness and dispensation about which he was employed, or which
he was to undertake. The Father engaged himself, that for
his part, upon his Son's undertaking this great work of re-
demption, he would not be wanting in any assistance in trials,
strength against oppositions, encouragement against tempta-
tions, and strong consolation in the midst of terrors, which
might be any way necessary or requisite to carry him on
through all difficulties to the end of so great an employment.
Upon which he undertakes this heavy burden, so full of mi-
sery and trouble : for the Father before this engagement, re-
quires no less of him, than that he should ' become a Saviour,
and be afflicted in the afflictions of his people ;' Isa. Ixiii. 8, 9.
Yea, that although he were ' the fellow of the Lord of hosts,
yet he should endure the sword that was drawn against him,
as the shepherd of the sheep ;' Zech. xiii. 7. treading the
wine-press alone, until he became red in his apparel ; Isa.
Ixi. 2, 3. yea, ' to be stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted,
wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniqui-
ties : to be bruised and put to grief, to make his soul an of-
fering for sin, and to bear the iniquity of many ;' Isa. liii.
to be destitute of comfort so far as to cry, ' My God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?' Psal. xxii. I. No wonder then
if upon this undertaking, the Lord promised to make 'his
mouth sharp like a sword, to hide him in the shadow of his
hand, to make him a polished shaft, and to hide him in his
quiver, to make him his servant in whom he would be glori-
fied ;' Isa. xlix. 2, 3. that though 'the kings of the earth
should set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together
against him, yet he would laugh them to scorn, and set him
as King upon his holy hill of Zion ;' Psal. ii. 2, 4. 6. though
the builders did reject him, yet he should 'become the head
of the corner,' to the amazement and astonishment of all the
world; Psal. cxviii. 22,23. Matt. xxi. 42. Mark xii. 10.
Luke xii. 17. John iv. 11. 2 Pet. ii. 4. yea, he would 'lay him
for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-
stone, a sure foundation;' Isa. xxviii. 16. that whosoever
should fall upon him, should be broken, but upon whomso-
ever he should fall, he should grind them to powder. Hence
arose that confidence of our Saviour in his greatest and ut-
most trials, being assured by virtue of his Father's engage-
ment in this covenant, upon a treaty with him about the re-
demption of man, that he would never leave him nor forsake
him; 'I gave,' saith he, 'my back to the smiters, and my
cheeks to them that plucked off the hair ; I hid not my face
from shame and spitting ;' Isa. 1. 6. But with what confi-
dence (blessed Saviour), didst thou undergo all this shame
and sorrow? Why! ' The Lord God will help me ; therefore I
shall not be confounded : therefore have I set my face like a
flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. He is nearthat
justifieth me ; who will contend with me ? let us stand toge-
ther : who is mine adversary? let him come near to me. Be-
hold, the Lord Godwin help me; who is he that shall condemn
me ? lo ! they shall all wax old as a garment ; the moth shall
consume them ;' ver. 7 — 9. With this assurance he was brought
as a 'lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before the shearers
is dumb, so opened he not his mouth ;' Isa. liii. 7. ' for when
he was reviled, he reviled not again ; when he suffered, he
threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth
rightly ;' 1 Pet. ii. 23. So that the ground of our Saviour's
confidence and assurance in this great undertaking, and a
Strong motive to exercise his graces received, in the utmost
endurings, was this engagement of his Father upon this com-
pact of assistance and protection.
Secondly, Of success, or a good issue out of all his suf-
ferings, and a happy accomplishment and attainment of the
end of his great undertaking. Now of all the rest this chiefly
is to be considered, as directly conducing to the business
proposed, which yet would not have been so clear without the
former considerations ; for whatsoever it was that God pro-
mised his Son, should be fulfilled and attained by him, that
certainly was it, at which the Son aimed in the whole under-
taking, and designed it as the end of the work, that was com-
mitted to him; and which alone he could and did claim upon
the accomplishment of his Father's will. What this was, and
the promises whereby it is at large set forth, ye have Isa. xlix.
'Thoushalt be my servant,' saith the Lord, 'to raise up the
tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel ; I will
also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayestbe
my salvation to the end of the earth. Kings shall see and
arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is
faithful :' and he will certainly accomplish this engagement;
* I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the peo-
ple, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate he-
ritages ; that thou mayest say to the prisoners. Go forth; to them
that are in darkness. Shew yourselves : they shall feed in the
ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. They shall
not be hungry neither shall they be thirsty; neither shall the
heat smite them, nor the sun : for he that hath compassion on
them shall lead them, even to the springs of water shall he
drive them ; and I will make all my mountains as away, and
my paths shall be exalted. Behold, these shall come from far;
and, lo, these from the north, and from the west ; and these
from the land of Sinim;' ver. 6 — 12. By all which expres-
sions, the Lord evidently and clearly engageth himself to his
Son, that he should gather to himself a glorious church of
believers, from among Jews and Gentiles, through all the
world, that should be brought unto him, and certainly fed in
full pasture, and refreshed by the springs of water ; all the
spiritual springs of living water, which flow from God in
Christ, for their everlasting salvation. This then our Saviour
certainly aimed at, as being the promise upon which he un-
dertook the work ; the gathering of the sons of God together,
their bringing unto God, and passing to eternal salvation ;
which being well considered, it will utterly overthrow the
general ransom, or universal redemption, as afterward will
appear. In the iifty-third chapter of the same prophecy, the
Lord is more express and punctual in these promises to his
E 2
Son, assuring him, that when he ' made his soul an offering
for sin he should see his seed, and prolong his days, and the
pleasure of the Lord should prosper in his hand ; that he
should see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied: by his
knowledge he should justify many ; that he should divide a
portion with the great, and the spoil with the strong ;' ver.
10 — 12. He was, you see, to see his seed by covenant, and to
raise up a spiritual seed unto God, a faithful people, to be
prolonged and preserved throughout all generations ; which
how well it consists with their persuasion, who in terms have
affirmed, that the death of Christ might have had its full and
utmost effect, and yet none be saved, I cannot see ; though
some have boldly affirmed it, and all the assertors of universal
redemption, do tacitly grant, when they come to the assign-
ing of the proper ends and effects of the death of Christ.
The pleasure also of the Lord was to prosper in his hand :
which what it was he declares, Heb. ii. 10. even bringing of
many sons unto glory ; 'for God sent his only-begotten Son
into the world that we might live through him •,' 1 John iv. 9.
as we shall afterward more abundantly declare. But the pro-
mises of God made unto him in their agreement, and so con-
sequently his own aim and intention, may be seen in nothing
more manifestly, than in the request that our Saviour makes
upon the accomplishment of the work about which he was-
sent, which certainly was neither for more nor less than God
had engaged himself to him for : ' I have,' saith he, ' glorified
thee on earth, I have finished the work which thou gavest me
to do ;' John xvii. 3. a,nd now what doth he require after the
manifestation of his eternal glory, of which for a season he
had emptied himself; ver. 4. clearly a full confluence of the
love of God, and fruits of that love upon all his elect, in faith,
sanctification, and glory ; God gave them unto him, and he
sanctified himself to be a sacrifice for their sake, praying for
their sanctification, ver. 17, 18. their preservation in peace,
or communion one with another, and union with God ; ver.
20, 21. * I pray not for them alone' (that is, his apostles),
'but for them also which shall believe on me through their
word ; that they all may be one, as thou Father art in me, and
I in thee, that they also may be one in us ;' and lastly, their
glory ; ver. 24. 'Father, I will that they also whom thou hast
given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my
glory which thou hast given me.' All which several postu-
lata, are no doubt grounded upon the fore-cited promises,
which by his Father were made unto him : and in this not
one word concerning all and every one, but expressly the con-
trary ; John xvii. 9. Let this then be diligently observed,
that the promise of God unto his Son, and the request of the
Son unto his Father, are directed to this peculiar end of
bringino; sons unto God. And this is the first act, consisting
of these three particulars.
The second is of laying upon him the punishment of
sins, everywhere ascribed unto the Father. ' Awake, O sword,
against my Shepherd, against the man that is my fellow,
saith the Lord of hosts; smite the Shepherd, and the sheep
shall be scattered;' Zech. xiii. 7. What here is set down
imperatively by way of command, is in the gospel indica-
tively expounded ; ' I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep
of the flock shall be scattered abroad;' Matt, xxvi.31. * He
was stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted;' yea,' the Lord
laid upon him the iniquity of us all;' yea, 'it pleased the Lord
to bruise him and to put him to grief;' Isa. liii. 4. 6. 10. ' He
made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might
be made the righteousness of God in him ;' 2 Cor. v. 21.
The adjunct in both places is put for the subject, as the op-
position between his being made sin, and our being made
righteousness declareth. * Him who knew no sin,' that is,
who deserved no punishment ; * him hath he made to be sin,'
or laid the punishment due to sin upon him ; or perhaps in
the latter place, sin may be taken for an offering or sacrifice
for the expiation of sin, ajxapria, answering in this place to
the word DNDn in the Old Testament, which signifieth both
sin and the sacrifice for it. And this the Lord did ; for as
for Herod, Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people
of Israel, when they were gathered together they did nothing
but ' what his hand and counsel had determined before to be
done;' Acts iv. 27, 28. Whence the great shakings of our
Saviour were in his close conflict with his Father's wrath,
and that burden which by himself he immediately imposed
on him, when there was no hand or instrument outwardly
appearing to put him to any suffering or cruciating tor-
ment; then ' began he to be sorrowful, even unto death ;'
Matt. xxvi. 37, 38. to wit, when he was in the garden with his,
three choice apostles, before the traitor or any of his accom-
plices appeared; 'then was he sore amazed and very heavy ;'
Mark xiv. 34. that was the time in ' the days of his flesh,
when he offered up prayers and supplications with strong
cries and tears unto him that was able to save him from
death ;' Heb. v. 7. Which how he performed the apostle de-
scribeth, Luke xxii. 43, 44. ' There appeared an angel unto
him from heaven strengthening him ; but being in an agony,
he prayed more earnestly ; and his sweat was as it were
great drops of blood falling down to the ground.' Surely
it was a close and strong trial, and that immediately from
his Father, he now underwent ; for how meekly and cheer-
fully doth he submit without any regret or trouble of spirit
to all the cruelty of men, and violence offered to his body,
until this conflict being renewed again, he cries, * My God,
my God, why hast thou forsaken me V And this, by the way,
will be worth our observation, that we may know with whom
our Saviour chiefly had to do, and what was that which he
underwent for sinners, which also will give some light to the
grand query concerning the persons of them for whom he
undertook all this. His sufferings were far from consisting
in mere corporal perpessions and afflictions, with such im-
pressions upon his soul and spirit, as were the effects and
issues only of them ; it was no more nor less than the curse
of the law of God, which he underwent for us ; ' for he freed
us from the curse by being made a curse ;' Gal. iii. 13. which
contained all the punishment that was due to sin, either in
the severity of God's justice, or according to the exigence of
that law which required obedience. That the execration of
the law should be only temporal death, as the law was con-
sidered to be the instrument of the Jewish polity, and serv-
ing that economy or dispensation, is true ; but that it should
be no more, as it is the universal rule of obedience and the
bond of the covenant between God and man, is a foolish
dream. Nay, but in dying for us Christ did not only aim at
our good, but also directly died in our stead ; the punishment
due to our sin and the chastisement of our peace was upon
him : which that it was the pains of hell in their nature and
being, in their weight and pressure, though not in tendence
and continuance (it being impossible that he should be de-
tained by death), who can deny, and not be injurious to the
justice of God, which will inevitably inflict those pains to
eternity upon sinners ; it is true, indeed, there is a relaxation
of the law in respect of the persons suffering, God admitting
of commutation ; as in the old law when in their sacrifices
the life of the beast was accepted (in respect to the carnal
part of the ordinances) for the life of the man ; this is fully
revealed and we believe it ; but for any change of the pu-
nishment, in respect of the nature of it, where is the least in-
timation of any alteration ? We conclude then, this second
act of God, in laying the punishment on him for us, with
that of the prophet ; ' All we like sheep have gone astray, we
have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath
laid upon him the iniquity of us all ;' Isa. liii. 6. And add
thereunto this observation, that it seems strange to me that
Christ should undergo the pains of hell in their stead, who
lay in the pains of hell before he underwent those pains, and
shall continue in them to eternity, for * their worm dieth not,
neither is their fire quenched.' To which I may add this di-
lemma to our universalists : God imposed his wrath due unto,
and Christ underwent the pains of hell for, either all the sins
of all men, or all the sins of some men, or some sins of all
men. If the last, some sins of all men, then have all men
some sins to answer for, and so shall no man be saved ; for
if* God enter into judgment with us,' though it were with
all mankind for one sin, 'no flesh should be justified in his
sight: if the Lord should mark iniquities who should stand?'
Psal. cxxx. 3. We might all go to cast all that we have,
* to the moles and to the bats, to go into the clefts of the
rocks, and to the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the
Lord, and for the glory of his majesty;' Isa. ii. 20, 21. If
the second, that is it which we affirm, that Christ in their
stead and room suffered for all the sins of all the elect in the
world. If the first, why then are not all freed from the pu-
nishment of all their sins ? You will say, because of their un-
belief, they will not believe : but this unbelief, is it a sin or
not? If not, why should they be punished for it? If it be,
then Christ underwent the punishment due to it, or not :
if so, then why must that hinder them more than their
other sins for which he died, from partaking of the fruit of
his death ; if he did not, then did he not die for all their sins.
Let them choose which part they will.
Of those things, which in the work of redemption are pecuJiarhj ascribed
to the person of the Son.
Secondly, The Son was an age?7t in this great work, con-
curring by a voluntary susception, or willing undertaking,
of the office imposed on him ; for when the Lord said, ' Sa-
crifice and offerings he would not, in burnt-offerings and
sacrifice for sin he had no pleasure ; then said Christ, Lo, I
come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy
will, O God ;' Heb. x. 17, 18. All other ways being rejected
or insufficient, Christ undertaketh the task, * in whom alone
the Father was well pleased;' Matt. iii. 13. Hence he pro-
fesseth that * he came not to do his own will, but the will of
him that sent him;' John vi. 38. Yea, that it was 'his meat and
drink to do his Father's will, and to finish his work ;' John iv.
34. The first words that we find recorded of him in the
Scripture are to the same purpose, ' Wist ye not that I must
be about my Father's business ;' Luke ii. 49. And at the close
of all he saith, ' I have glorified thee on earth ; I have finished
the work which thou gavestme to do;' John xvii. 4. calling
it every where his Father's work that he did, or his Father's
will which he came to accomplish, with reference to the impo-
sition which we before treated of. Now this undertaking of
the Son may be referred to three heads : the first being a com-
mon foundation for both the other, being as it were, the
means in respect of them as the end ; and yet in some sort
partaking of the nature of a distinct action, with a goodness
in itself in reference to the main end proposed to all three ;
we shall consider it apart : and that is.
First, His incarnation, as usually it is called, for his taking
ofjiesh and pitching his tent amongst us ; John i. 4. His ' be-
ing made of a woman,' Gal. iv. 4. is usually called his ivaap-
Kwcng or incarnation; for this was the mystery of godliness,
that ' God should be manifested in the flesh ;' 1 Tim. iii. 13.
thereby assuming not any singular yjerson but our human
nature into personal union with himself; for, ' forasmuch as
the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself
likewise took part of the same, that through death he
might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, tlie
devil;' Heb. ii. 14. it was the children that he considered,
the ' children whom the Lord gave him ;' ver. 13. Their par-
ticipation in flesh and blood moved him to partake of the
same ; not because all the world, all the posterity of Adam,
but because the children were in that condition, for their
sakes he sanctified himself. Now this emptying of the
Deity, this humbling of himself, this dwelling amongst us,
was the sole act of the second person, or the divine nature in
the second person, the Father and the Spirit having no
concurrence in it, but by liking, approbation, and eternal
Secondly, His oblation or offering himself up to God for
us ' without spot, to purge our consciences from dead works ;'
Heb. ix. 14. ' for he loved us and washed us from our sins in
his own blood ;' Rev. i. 5. ' he loved his church, and gave
himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it ;' Eph.
v. 25, 26. taking the cup of wrath at his Father's hands,
due to us, and drinking it off, 'but not for himself;' Dan.
ix. 6. for, for our sakes 'he sanctified himself;' John xvii. 19.
that is, to be an offering, an oblation for sin ; for 'when we
were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the
ungodly ;' Rom. v. 6. This being that which was typified
out by all the institutions, ordinances, and sacrifices of old ;
which when they were to have an end, then said Christ, ' Lo,
I come, to do thy will.' Now though the perfecting or con-
summating of this oblation, be set out in the Scripture
chiefly in respect of what Christ suffered, and not so much
in respect of what he did, because it is chiefly considered
as the means used by these three blessed agents, for the at-
taining of a farther end, yet in respect of his own voluntary
giving up himself, to be so an oblation and a sacrifice, with-
out which it would not have been of any value (for if the
will of Christ had not been in it, it could never have purged
our sins), therefore in that regard, I refer it to his actions.
He was the ' Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the
world;' John i. 29. the Lamb of God, which himself had
provided for a sacrifice. And how did this Lamb behave him-
self in it? with unwillingness and struggling? No, he opened
not his mouth; "he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before the shearers is dumb, so he opened
not his mouth ;' Isa. liii. 7. Whence he saith, * I lay down
my life, no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of my self ;
I have power to lay it down, and 1 have power to take it
again;' John x. 17,18. He might have been cruciated on
the part of God, but his death could not have been an obla-
tion and offering had not his will concurred. 'But he loved
me,' saith the apostle, ^and gave himself for me ;' Gal. ii. 20.
Now that alone deserves the name of a gift, which is from a
free and a willing mind, as Christ's was, when he loved us
and gave himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God
for a sweet smelling savour ; Eph. v. 2. He does it cheerfully,
* Lo, I come to do thy will, O my God;' Heb. ix. 10. and so
* his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree ;'
1 Pet. ii. 24. Now this oblation or offering of Christ, I
would not tie up to any one thing, action, or passion, per-
formance, or suffering ; but it compriseth the whole economy
and dispensation of God manifested in the flesh, and con-
versing among us, with all those things which he performed
in the days of his flesh, vi'hen he offered up prayers and
supplications, with strong cries and tears, until he had
fully 'by himself purged our sins, and sat down on the right
hand of the Majesty on high ;' Heb. i. 3. ' expecting until his
enemies be made his footstool :' all the whole dispensation
of his coming and ministering, until he had given his soul a
price of redemption for many ; Matt. xxvi. But for his en-
tering into the holiest of holies, sprinkled with his own
blood, and appearing so for us, before the majesty of God,
by some accounted as the continuation of his oblation, we
may refer unto.
Thirdly, His intercessio7i, for all and every one of those,
for whom he gave himself for an oblation ; he did not suffer
for them, and then refuse to intercede for them ; he did not
do the greater, and omit the less. The price of our redemp-
tion is more precious in the eyes of God and his Son, than
that it should, as it were, be cast away on perishing souls,
without any care taken, of what becomes of them afterward :
nay, this also is imposed on Christ, with a promise annexed.
* Ask of me,' saith the Lord, ' and I will give thee the na-
tions for thine inheritance, and the utmost parts of the
earth for thy possession;' Psal. ii. 8. Who accordingly tells
his disciples, that he had more work to do for them in hea-
ven ; * I go,' saith he, ' to prepare a place for you, that I may
come again and receive you unto myself;' John xiv. 2, 3.
For as ' the high priest went into the second alone, once every
year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and
the errors of the people;' Heb. ix. 7. so ' Christ being come
a high priest of good things to come, by his own blood
entered once into the holy place, having obtained for us eter-
nal redemption ;' Heb. ix. 11, 12. Now what was this holy
place whereinto he entered, thus sprinkled with the blood
of the covenant, and to what end did he enter into it? Why,
* he is not entered into the holy place, made with hands,
which is the figure of the true, but into heaven itself, now
tc^appear in the presence of God for us ;' ver. 24. And what
doth he there appear for ? Why, to be our advocate to plead
our cause with God, for the application of the good things,
procured by his oblation unto all them for whom he was an
offering ; as the apostle tells us, ' If any man sin we have an
advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the righteous ;'
1 John ii. 1. Why, how comes that to pass ? He is a propitia-
tion for our sins; ver. 2. His being iXaafxog a propitiatory sa-
crifice for our sins, is the foundation of his interceding, the
ground of it ; and therefore, they both belong to the same
persons. Now, by the way, we know, that Christ refused to
pray for the world, in opposition to his elect; ' I pray for
them,' saith he, ' I pray not for the world, but for them thou
hast given me out of the world ;' John xix. 9. And there-
fore there was no foundation for such an interceding for
them, because he was not tXatrjuoc for them. Again, we know
the Father always heareth the Son ; * For I know,' saith
he, * that he heareth me always;' John xi. 42. that is, so to
grant his request, according to the forementioned engage-
ment ; Psal. ii. 8. and therefore, if he should intercede for
all; all should undoubtedly be saved; *for he is able to
save to the utmost, them that come unto God by him, see-
ing he ever liveth to make intercession for them ;' Heb.
vii. 25. Hence is that confidence of the apostle, upon that
intercession of Christ, ' Who shall lay any thing to the
charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth ; who is he
that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is
risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also
maketh intercession for us ;' Rom. viii. 33, 34. Where also
we cannot but observe, that those for whom he died, may
assuredly conclude he maketh intercession for them, and
that none shall lay any thing to their charge ; which breaks
the neck of the general ransom, for according to that, he
died for millions, that have no interest in his intercession,
who shall have their sins laid to their charge, and perish
under them ; which might be farther cleared up, from the
very nature of this intercession, which is not a humble de-
jected supplication, which beseems not that glorious state
of advancement, which he is possessed of, that sits at the
right hand of the Majesty on high ; but an authoritative pre-
senting himself before the throne of his Father, sprinkled
with his own blood, for the making out to his poeple all
spiritual things that are procured by his oblation ; sayixSfg,
* Father, I will that those whom thou hast given me be where
I am ;' John. xvii. So that for whomsoever he suffered, he
appears for them in heaven with his satisfaction and merit.
Here also, we must call to mind what the Father promised
his Son, upon his undertaking of this employment ; for there
is no doubt, but that, for that and that alone doth Christ,
upon the accomplishment of the whole, intercede with him
about, which was in sum, that he might be the captain of
salvation to all that believe on him, and effectually bring
many sons to glory. And hence it is, having such a high
priest over the house of God, we may draw near with the
full assurance of faith, for by one offering he hath perfected
them that are sanctified ; Heb. x. 13. But of this more must
be said afterward.
The peculiar actions of the Holy Spirit in this business.
In few words we may consider, the actions of that agent,
who in order is the third in that blessed one, whose all is the
whole, the Holi/ Spirit, who is evidently concurring in his
own distinct operation, to all the several chief or grand parts
of this work, we may refer them to three heads.
First, The incarnation of the Son, with his plenary as-
sistance in the course of his conversation whilst he dwelt
amongst us ; for his mother was found Iv •yaorpi \\ovaa, ' to
have conceived in her womb of the Holy Ghost ;' Matt,
xviii. If you ask with Mary, how that could be, the angel
resolves both her and us, as far as it is lawful for us to be
acquainted with these mysterious things; Luke i. 35. 'The
Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the
Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing
which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God.'
It was an overshadowing power in the Spirit, so called by
an allusion taken from fowls that cover their eggs, that so
by their warmth young may be hatched; for by the sole power
of the Spirit was this conception, who did hicubarefatui, as
in the beginning of the world. Now in process as this child
was conceived by the power, so he was filled with the Spirit,
and waxed stronger in it, Luke i. 80. until having received
a fulness thereof, and not by any limited measure in the
gifts and graces of it, he was thoroughly furnished and fitted
for his great undertaking.
Secondly, In his oblation, or passion, for they are both the
same, with several respects, one to what he suffered, the other
to what he did with, by, and under those sufferings ; how by
the eternal Spirit he offered himself without spot unto God ;
Heb.ix 14.whetherit bemeantoftheofferinghimself abloody
sacrifice on the cross, orhis presentation of himselfcontinually
before his Father, it is by the eternal Spirit. The willing offer-
ing himself through that Spirit, was the eternal fire under this
sacrifice, which made it acceptable unto God. That which
some contend, that by the eternal Spirit is here meant our
Saviour's own Deity, I see no great ground for : some Greek
and Latin copies read, not as we commonly, irvevixaTog
ai(i)viov but TrvsvfxaTog ayiov, and so the doubt is quite re-
moved ; and I see no reason, why he may not as well be
said to offer himself, through the Holy Spirit, as to be 'de-
creed to be the Son of God, according to the Spirit of holi-
ness by the resurrection from the dead;' as Rom. i. 3. as also
to be 'quickened by the Spirit;' 1 Pet. iii. 18. The working of
the Spirit was required as well in his oblation as resurrec-
tion, in his dying as quickening.
Thirdly, In his resurrection, of which the apostle, Rom.
viii. IL 'But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from
the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised Christ from the dead
shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by his Spirit that
dwelleth in you.' And thus have we discovered the blessed
agents and undertakers in this work, their several actions
and orderly concurrence unto the whole, which though they
may be thus distinguished, yet they are not so divided, but
that every one must be ascribed to the whole nature, where-
of each person is in solidiim partaker. And as they begin
it, so they will jointly carry along the application of it
unto its ultimate issue and accomplishment, for we must
* give thanks to the Father who hath made us meet (that is, by
his Spirit) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in
light; who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,
and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son, in
whom we have redemption through his blood even the for-
giveness of sins ;' Col. i. 11 — 13.
The means iised by the fore-recounted agents in this work.
Our next employment, following the order of execution, not
intention, will be the discovery or laying down of the means
in this work, which are indeed no other but the several ac-
tions before recounted, but now to be considered under an-
other respect, as they are a means ordained for the obtain-
ing of a proposed end, of which afterward. Now because
the several actions of Father and Spirit, were all exercised
towards Christ, and terminated in him, as God and man, he
only, and his performances, are to be considered as the means
in this work, the several concurrences of both the other per-
sons before mentioned, being presupposed as necessarily
antecedent or concomitant.
The means then used or ordained by these agents for the
end proposed, is that whole economy or dispensation carried
along to the end, from whence our Saviour Jesus Christ is
called a Mediator ; which may and are usually, as I mentioned
before, distinguished into two parts. First, his oblation ; Se-
condly, his intercession. By his oblationwe do not design only
the particular offering of himself upon the cross, an offering
to his Father, as the Lamb of God without spot or blemish,
when he bare our sins or carried them up with him in his
own body on the tree ; which was the sum and complement
of his oblation, and that wherein it did chiefly consist ; but
also his whole humiliation, or state of emptying himself,
whether by yielding voluntary obedience unto the law, as
being made under it, that he might be the end thereof to
them that believe; Rom. x. 4. or by his subjection to the
curse of the law, in the antecedent misery, and suffering of
life, as well as by submitting to death, the death of the cross :
for no action of his as Mediator is to be excluded, from a
concurrence to make up the whole means in this work.
Neither by his intercession, do I understand only that hea-
venly appearance of his in the most holy place for the ap-
plying unto us all good things purchased and procured by
his oblation ; but also every act of his exaltation conducing
thereunto, from his resurrection to his sitting down at the
right hand of Majesty on high ; 'angels and principalities and
powers, being made subject unto him.' Of all which his re-
surrection (being the basis, as it were, and the foundation
of the rest, * for if he had not risen, then is our faith in vain ;'
1 Cor. XV. 13, 14. 'and then are we yet in our sin;' ver. 17. 'of
all men the most miserable;' ver. 18.) is especially to be con-
sidered, as that to which a great part of the effect is often
ascribed ; for he died for our sins, and rose for our justifica-
tion ; Rom. iv. 25. Where, and in such other places, by his
resurrection the whole following dispensation and the per-
petual intercession of Christ for us in heaven is intended ;
for * God raised up his son Jesus to bless us, in turning every
one of us from our iniquities;' Acts iii. 26.
Now this whole dispensation, with especial regard to
the death and bloodshedding of Christ, is the means we
speak of, agreeable to what was said before, of such in ge-
neral. For it is not a thing in itself desirable, for its own
sake, the death of Christ had nothing in it (we speak of his
suffering distinguished from his obedience) that was good,
but only as it conduced to a farther end, even the end pro-
posed for the manifestation of God's glorious grace. What
good was it, that Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gen-
tiles, and people of Israel, should with such horrid villany
and cruelty gather themselves together against God's holy
child whom he had anointed ? Acts iv. 27. or what good
was it, that the Son of God should be made sin, and a curse,
to be bruised, afflicted, and to undergo such wrath as the
whole frame of nature, as it were, trembled to behold ? what
good, what beauty and form is in all this, that it should be
desired in itself, and for itself? doubtless none at all. It
must then be looked upon, as a means conducing to such an
end ; the glory and lustre tliereof must quite take away all
the darkness and confusion that was about the thino- itself.
And even so it was intended by the blessed agents in it, by
'whose determinate counsel and foreknowledoe he was de-
livered and slain;' Acts xii. 12. 23. there beino; done unto
him, * whatsoever his hand and counsel had determined ;'
Acts iv. 34. which what it was, must be afterward declared.
Now concerning the whole, some things are to be observed.
That though the oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ,
are distinct acts in themselves, and have distinct immediate
products and issues, assigned oft-times unto them (which I
should now have laid down, but that I must take up this in
another place), yet they are not in any respect or regard to
be divided or separated, as that the one should have any
respect to any persons, or any thing, which the other also
doth not in its kind equally respect : but there is this mani-
fold union between them.
First, In that they are both alike intended for the ob-
taining and accomplishing the same entire and complete
end proposed ; to wit, the effectual bringing of many sons
to glory for the praise of God's grace ; of which afterward.
Secondly, That what persons soever the one respecteth,
in the good things it obtaineth, the same, all, and none else,
doth the other respect, in applying the good things so ob-
tained ; for ' he died for our sins, and rose again for our jus-
tification;' Rom. iv. 26. That is, in brief, the object of the
one is of no larger extent than the object of the other; or,
for whom Christ offered himself, for all those, and only
those, doth he intercede ; according to his own word, ' for
this cause I sanctify myself (to be an oblation), 'that they
also might be sanctified through the truth ;' John xvii. 19.
Thirdly, That the oblation of Christ is, as it were, the foun-
dation of his intercession, inasmuch as by the oblation was
procured every thing, that by virtue of his intercession is
bestowed; and that because the sole end why Christ pro-
cured any thing by his death, was, that it might be applied
to them for whom it was so procured. The sum is, that the
oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ, are one entire
means for the producing of the same effect, the very end of
the oblation being that all those things which are bestowed
by the intercession of Christ, and without whose application
it should certainly fail of the end proposed in it, be effected
accordingly, so that it cannot be affirmed, that the death or
offering of Christ, concerned any one person or thing, more
in respect of procuring any good, than his intercession doth
for the collating of it, for interceding there for all good pur-
chased, and prevailing in all his intercessions (for the Fa-
ther always hears his Son), it is evident that every one for
whom Christ died must actually have applied unto him, all
the good things purchased by his death ; which because it
is evidently destructive to the adverse cause, we must a little
stay to confirm it, only telling you the main proof of it lies
in our following proposal of assigning the proper end, in-
tended and effected by the death of Christ, so that the chief
proof must be deferred until then. I shall now only propose
those reasons which may be handled apart, not merely de-
pending upon that.
Containing reasons to prove that the oblation and intercession of Christ
to be one entire means respecting the accomplishment of the same proposed
end, and to have the same personal object.
Our first reason is taken from that perpetual union which
the Scripture maketh of both these, almost always joining
them together, and so manifesting those things to be most
inseparable, which are looked upon as the distinct fruits and
effects of them: * By his knowledge shall my righteous ser-
vant justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities ;' Isa. liii.
1 1 . The actual j ustification of sinners, the immediate fruit of
his intercession, certainly follows his bearing of their iniqui-
ties. And in the next verse, they are of God so put together
that surely none ought to presume to put them asunder ; 'he
bare the sin of many (behold his oblation), and made interces-
sion for the transgressors ;' even for those many transgres-
sors whose sin he bears ; and there is one expression in that
chapter, ver. 5. which makes it evident, that the utmost ap-
plication of all good things for which he intercedes, is the im-
mediate effect of hi s passion, ' for by his stripes we are healed :*
our total healing, is the fruit and procurement of his stripes,
or the oblation consummated thereby. So also Rom. iv. 25.
' He was delivered for our offences, and rose again for our jus-
VOL. v. s
tification:' for whose offences he died, for their justification
he rose : and therefore if he died for all, all must also be
justified, or the Lord faileth in his aim and design, both in
the death and resurrection of his Son ; which though some
have boldly affirmed, yet for mypart I cannot but abhor the
owning of so blasphemous a fancy. Rather let us close with
that of the apostle, grounding the assurance of our eternal
glory, and freedom from all accusations, upon the death of
Christ ; and that because his intercession also for us doth
inseparably and necessarily follow it. * Who,' saith he, ' shall
lay any thing to the charge of God's elect (it seems also
that it is only they for whom Christ died) ? It is God that jus-
tifieth ; who is he that condemneth ? It is Christ that died :
(shall none then be condemned for whom Christ died ? what
then becomes of the general ransom ?) yea, rather who is risen
again, who is even at the right hand of God ; who also mak-
eth intercession for us;' Rom. viii. 33, 34. Here is an equal
extent of the one, and the other ; those persons who are con-
cerned in the one, are all of them concerned in the other ;
that he died for all, and intercedeth only for some, will
scarcely be squared to this text, especially considering the
foundation of all this, which is ver. 32. that love of God, which
moved him to give up Christ to death for us all ; upon which
the apostle infers a kind of impossibility in not giving us all
good things in him ; which how it can be reconciled with
their opinion, who affirm that he gave his Son for millions,
to whom he will give neither grace nor glory, I cannot see.
But we rest in that of the same apostle, ' When we were yet
without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly;. so
that being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from the
wrath by him ;' Rom. v. 6. 9. The same between the oblation
and intercession of Christ, with their fruits and effects, being
intimated in very many other places.
To offer and to intercede, to sacrifice and to pray, are
both acts of the same sacerdotal office, and both required in
him who is a priest, so that if he omit either of these, he
cannot be a faithful priest for them ; if either he doth not
offer for them, or not intercede for the access of his oblation
on their behalf, he is wanting in the discharge of his office
by him undertaken. Both these we find conjoined (as before)
in Jesus Christ. 1 John ii. 1, 2. ' If any man sin we have an
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he
is a propitiation for our sins :' he must be an advocate to in-
tercede, as well as offer a propitiatory sacrifice, if he v.'ill be
such a merciful high priest over the house of God, as that
the children should be encouraged to go to God by him.
This the apostle exceedingly clears, and evidently proves,
in the Epistle to the Hebrews, describing the priesthood of
Christ, in the execution thereof, to consist in these two acts
of offering up himself in, and by the shedding of his blood,
and interceding for us to the utmost ; upon the performance
of both which, he presseth an exhortation to draw near with
confidence to the throne of grace, ' for he is come a high
priest of good things to come, not by the blood of goats and
calves, but by his own blood he entered into the holy place,
having obtained for us eternal redemption ;' chap. ix. 11, 12.
His bloody oblation, gave him entrance into the holy place
not made with hands, there to accomplish the remaining part
of his office : the apostle comparing his entrance into heaven
for us, with the entrance of the high priest into the holy place,
with the blood of bulls and goats upon him ; ver. 12, 13.
(which doubtless was to pray for them in whose behalf he had
offered ; ver. 1.) so presenting himself before his Father that
his former oblation might have its efficacy : and hence he
is said to have O7rajoaj3arov hp(i)(Tvvi)v, because he continueth
forever; Heb. vii. 24. So being" able to save to the uttermost
them that come unto God by him; wherefore we have bold-
ness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus ;' chap. x.
19 — 22. So then it is evident that both these are acts of the
same priestly office in Christ ; and if he perform either of
them for any, he must of necessity perform the other for
them also : for he will not exercise any act or duty of his
priestly function in their behalf, for whom he is not a priest.
And for whom he is a priest, he must perform both, seeing
he is faithful in the discharge of his function to the utmost,
in the behalf of the sinners for whom he undertakes. These
two then, oblation and intercession, must in respect of their
objectsbe of equal extent, and can by no means be separated.
And here, by the way (the thing being by this argument
in my apprehension made so clear), I cannot but demand of
those who oppose us about the death of Christ, whether they
will sustain that he intercedeth for all or no ; if not, then
s 2
they make him but half a priest ; if they will, they must be
necessitated either to defend this error, that all shall be saved ;
or own this blasphemy, that Christ is not heard of his Father,
nor can prevail in his intercession ; which yet the saints on
earth are sure to do, when they make their supplications ac-
cording to the will of God; Rom. viii. 27. Besides that of our
Saviour, it is expressly said that the Father always heareth him ;
John xi. 42. and if that were true, when he was yet in the way,
in the days of his flesh, and had not finished the great work
he was sent about, how much more then now, when having
done the will, and finished the work, of God, he is set down
on therighthand of Majesty on high, desiring and requesting
the accomplishing of the promises that were made unto him
upon his undertaking this work : of which before.
The nature of the intercession of Christ, will also prove
no less than what we assert, requiring an inseparable con-
junction between it and its oblation ; for as it is now per-
fected in heaven, it is not a humble dejection of himself,
with cries, tears, and supplications ; nay, it cannot be con-
ceived to be vocal, by the way of entreaty, but merely real,
by the presentation of himself sprinkled with the blood of
the covenant, before the throne of grace in our behalf. 'For
Christ,' saith the apostle, * is not entered into the holy place
made with hands, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the
presence of God for us;' Heb. ix. 24. His intercession there
is an appearing for us in heaven in the presence of God, a
demonstration of his sacred body, wherein for us he suffered.
For (as we said before) the apostle in the ninth to the Hebrews
compares his entrance into heaven for us, unto the entrance
of the high priest into the holy place, which was with the
blood of bulls and goats upon him ; ver. 12, 13. Our Sa-
viour's being with his own blood so presenting himself, that
his former oblation might have its perpetual efficacy, until
the many sons given unto him are brought to glory. And
herein his intercession consisteth, being nothing (as it were)
but his oblation continued. He was a Lamb ' slain from
the foundation of the world;' Rev. xiii. 3. Now his interces-
sion before his actual oblation in the fulness of times, being
nothing but a presenting of the engagement that was upon
him for the work in due time to be accomplished, certainly
that which follows it, is nothing but a presenting of what ac-
cording to that engagement is fulfilled, so that it is nothing
but a continuation of his oblation, in postulating by remem-
brance and declaration of it, those things which by it were
procured. How then is it possible, that the one of these
should be of larger compass and extent than the other? Can
he be said to offer for them for whom he doth not intercede,
when his intercession is nothing but a presenting of his obla-
tion in the behalf of them for whom he suffered, and for
the bestowing of those good things which by that were pur-
Again, If the oblation and death of Christ, procured and
obtained that every good thing should be bestowed, which
is actually conferred by the intervening of his intercession,
then they have both of them the same aim, and are both
means tending to one and the same end. Now for the proof
of this supposal, we must remember that which we delivered
before, concerning the compact and agreement, that was be-
tween the Father and the Son, upon his voluntary engaging
of himself unto this great work of redemption ; for upon that
engagement the Lord proposed unto him as the end of his
sufferings, and promised unto him as the reward of his la-
bours, the fruit of his deservings,every thing which he after-
ward intercedeth for. Many particulars I before instanced
in, and therefore now to avoid repetition will wholly omit
them, referring the reader to chap. iii. for satisfaction : only
I shall demand, what is the ground and foundation of our
Saviour's intercession, understanding it to be by the way of
entreaty, either virtual or formal, as it may be conceived to
be either real or oral, for the obtaining of any thing, must
it not rest upon some promise made unto him? or is there
-any good bestowed that is not promised ? Is it not apparent
that the intercession of Christ doth rest on such a pro-
mise, as Psal. ii. 8. 'Ask of me, and I will grant thee the
Heathen to be thine inheritance,' &c. ? Now upon what con-
sideration was this promise and engagement made unto our
Saviour? Was it not for his undergoing of that, about which
' the Kings set themselves, and the rulers took counsel to-
gether against him ;' ver. 3. which the apostles interpret of
Herod and Pontius Pilate with the people of the Jews, pro-,
secuting him to death, and doing to him whatsoever the
hand and counsel of God had before determined should be
done; Acts iv. 27,28. The intercession of Christ then, being
founded on promises made unto him, and these promises be-
ing nothing but an engagement to bestow, and actually col-
late upon them for whom he suffered, all those good things
which his death and oblation did merit and purchase, it can-
not be but that he intercedeth for all for whom he died, that
his death procured all and every thing, which upon his in-
tercession is bestowed, and until they are bestowed, it hath
not its full fruits and effects ; for that which some say, viz.
that the death of Christ doth procure that which is never
sranted, we shall see afterward whether it do not contradict
Scripture, yea, and common sense.
Farther, What Christ hath put together let no man pre-
sume to put asunder; distinguish between them they may,
but separate them they may not. Now these things con-
cerning which we treat (the oblation and intercession of
Christ) are by himself conjoined, yea united John xvii. for
there and then he did both offer and intercede ; he did then
as perfectly offer himself in respect of his own will and in-
tention, ver. 9. as on the cross ; and as perfectly intercede
as now in heaven, who then can divide these things, or put
them asunder? especially considering that the Scripture
affirmeth that the one of them without the other would have
been unprofitable; 1 Cor. xv. 17. For complete remission and
redemption could not be obtained for us, without the en-
tering of our high priest into the most holy place ; Heb.
ix. 12.
Lastly, A separation and dividing of the death and inter-
cession of Christ, in respect to the objects of them, cut off
all that consolation which any soul might hope to attain by
an assurance that Christ died for him ; that the doctrine of
the general ransom is an uncomfortable doctrine, cutting all
the nerves and sinews of that strong consolation which God
is so abundantly willing that we should receive, shall be af-
terward declared : for the present I will only shew, how it
tendeth upon our comfort in this particular ; the main foun-
dation of all the confidence and assurance, whereof in this
life we may be made partakers (which amounts to joy un-
speakable, and full of glory), ariseth from this strict connex-
ion of the oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ; that by
the one he hath procured all good things for us, and by the
other lie will procure them to be actually bestowed ; where
by he doth never leave our sins but follows them into every
court, until they be fully pardoned and clearly expiated ; Heb.
ix. 26. He will never leave us until he hath saved to the ut
termost them that come unto God by him ; his death with
out his resurrection would have profited us nothing, all our
faith in him had been in vain ; 1 Cor. xv. So that separated
from it, with the intercession following, either in his own in-
tention or in the several procurements of the one or the other
it will yield us but little consolation; but in this connexion it
is a sure bottom for a soul to build upon ; Heb. vii. 25. What
good will it do me to be persuaded that Christ died for my
sins, if notwithstanding that my sins may appear against me
for my condemnation, where and when Christ will not
appear for my justification? If you will ask with the apostle,
* Who ishethatcondemneth? It is Christ that died ;' Rom. yiii.
34. It may easily be answered ; Why, God by his law may
condemn me, notwithstanding Christ died for me ! Yea, but
saith the apostle, ' He is risen again, and sitteth at the right
hand of God, making intercession for us;' he rests not in his
death, but he will certainly make intercession for them for
whom he died, and this alone gives firm consolation ; our sins
dare not appear, nor any of our accusers against us, where he
appeareth for us. Cavilling objections against this text shall
be afterward considered, and so I hope I have sufficiently
confirmed and proved, what in the beginning of thi-s chapter
I did propose, about the identity of the object of the obla-
tion and intercession of Jesus Christ.
Objections against the former proposal answered.
By what was said in the last chapter, it clearly appeareth,
that the oblation and intercession of Christ are of equal com-
pass and extent, in respect of their objects, or the persons for
whom he once offered himself, and doth continually intercede,
and so are to be looked on, as one joint means for the attain-
ing of a certain proposed end: which, what it is comes next
to be considered ; but because I find some objections laid by
some against the former truth, I must remove them before I
proceed, which I shall do as a man removeth dung until it
be all gone.
The sum of one of our former arguments was, that to sa-
crifice and intercede belong both to the same person as high
priest, which name none can answer, neither hath any per-
formed that office, until both by him be accomplished.
Wherefore, our Saviour being the most absolute, and indeed
only true high priest, in whom were really all those perfec-
tions which in others received a weak typical representation,
doth perform both these in the behalf of them for whose
sakes he was such.
An argument not unlike to this I find by some to be un-
dertaken to be answered, being in these words proposed,
* The ransom and mediation of Christ is no larger than his
office of priest, prophet, and king; but those offices pertain
to his church and chosen, therefore his ransom pertains to
them only.'
The intention and meaning of the argument is the same
with what we proposed, viz. that Christ offered not for them
for whom he is no priest, and he is a priest only for them,
for whom he doth also intercede. If afterward I shall have
occasion to make use of this argument, I shall by the Lord's
assistance give more weight and strength to it, than it seems
to have in their proposal, whose interest it is, to present it as
slightly as possible, that they may seem fairly to have waved
it; but the evasion, such as it is, let us look upon.
'This,' saith the answerer, 'is a sober objection ;' which
friendly term I imagined at first, he had given this reason,
because he found it kind and easy to be satisfied : but reading
the answer, and finding that so wide from yielding any co-
lour or appearance of what was pretended, that it only served
him to vent some new, weak, false conceptions, I imagined
that it must be some other kindness that caused him to give
this objection, as he calls it, so much milder an entertain-
ment than those others, which equally gall him; which hear
nothing, but this is horrid, that blasphemy, that detestable
abominable and false, as being indeed by those of his per-
suasion, neither to be endured nor avoided: and at leno-th I
conceived that the reason of it was intimated in the first
words of his pretended answer which are, that ' this objection
doth not deny the death of Christ for all men, but only his
ransom and mediation for all men.' Now truly if it be so, I
am not of his judgment, but so far from thinking it a sober
objection, that I cannot be persuaded that any man in his
right wits would once propose it; that Christ should die for
all, and yet not be a ransom for all; himself affirmino-, that
he came to 'give his life a ransom for many;' Matt. xx. 28.
is to me a plain contradiction. The death of Christ, in the
first most general notion and apprehension thereof, is a ran-
som. Nay, do not this answer, and those who are of the same
persuasion with him, make the ransom of as laro-e extent as
any thing in, or about, or following, the death of Christ ? or
have they yet some farther distinction to make, or rather di-
vision about the ends of the death of Christ ? as we have had
already; for such he not only paid a ransom, but also inter-
cedeth for them, which he doth not for all for whom he paid
a ransom. Will they now go a step backward and say, that
for some he not only died, but also paid a ransom for them,
which he did not for all for whom he died ? Who then were
these that he thus died for? They must be some beyond all
and every man, for as they contend, for them he paid a ran-
som ; but let us see what he says farther, — in so easy a cause
as this, it is a shame to take advantages.
' The answer to this objection,' saith he, ' is easy and plain
in the Scripture, for the mediation of Christ, is both more
general, and more special ; more general as he is the one Me-
diator between God and man ; 1 Tim. ii. 5. and more special
as he is the Mediator of the New Testament, that they which
are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance;
Heb. ix, 14. According'to that it is said he is the Saviour of
all men, especially of those that believe ; 1 Tim. iv. 10. So
in all the offices of Christ, the priest, the prophet, the king,
there is that which is more general, and that v.'hich is more
special and peculiar.'
And this is that which he calls a clear and plain answer
from the Scripture, leaving the application of it, unto the ar-
gument, to other men's conjecture, which as far as I can con-
ceive must be thus : It is true Christ paid a ransom for none
but those for whom he is a mediator and priest ; but Christ
is to be considered two ways : First, As a general mediator
and priest for all. Secondly, As a special mediator and priest
for some. Now he pays the ransom as a general mediator.
This I conceive may be some part of his meaning, for in it-
self, the whole is in expression so barbarous, and remote from
common sense, in substance such a wild unchristian mad-
ness, as contempt would far better suit it, than a reply. The
truth is, for sense and expression, in men who from their
manual trades leap into the office of preaching, and employ-
ment of writing, I know no reason why we should expect.
Only it can never enough be lamented that wildness, in such
tattered rags should find entertainment, whilst sober truth is
shut out of doors; for what I pray you is the meaning of this
distinction, Christ is either a general mediator between God
and man, or a special mediator of the New Testament? was it
ever heard before, that Christ was any way a mediator but as
he is so of the New Testament ? A mediator is not of one, all
mediation respects an agreement of several parties, and every
mediator, is the mediator of a covenant ; now if Christ be a
mediator more generally, than as he is so of the new cove-
nant, of what covenant I beseech you was that? Of the co-
venant of works? Would not such an assertion overthrow the
whole gospel? would it not be derogatory to the honour of
Jesus Christ, that he should be the mediator of a cancelled
covenant? Is it not contrary to Scripture affirming him a
surety (not of the first, but) of a better Testament? Heb. vii.
22. Are not such bold assertors fitter to be catechised than to
preach ? But we must not let it pass thus, the man harps upon
something that he hath heard from some Arminian doctor,
though he hath had the ill-hap, so poorly to make out his
conceptions ? Wherefore, being in some measure acquainted
with their occasions, which they colour with those texts of
Scripture which are here produced, I shall briefly remove
the poor shift, that so our former argument, may stand un-
The poverty of the answer as before expressed, hath been
sufficiently already declared : the fruits of Christ's mediation
have been distinguished by some, into those that are more
general, and those which are more peculiar, which in some
sense may be tolerable ; but that the offices of Christ should
be said to be either general or peculiar, and himself in rela-
tion to them so considered, is a gross unshapen fancy. I
answer then to the thing intended, that we deny any such
general mediation, or function of office in general in Christ,
as should extend itself beyond his church or chosen. It was
his church which he ' redeemed with his own blood ;' Acts
XX. 28. his church that ' he loved and gave himself for it, that
he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water and
the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious
church ;' Eph. v. 25 — 27. they were his sheep he laid down
his life for ; John x. and ' appeareth in heaven for us ;' Heb.
ix. 26. Not one word of mediating for any other in the Scrip-
ture. Look upon his incarnation ; it was 'because the children
were partakers of flesh and blood;' Heb. ii. 14. not because
all the world were so. Look upon his oblation : ' for their sakes'
(saith he, 'those whom thou hast given iBe')* do I sanctify my-
self;' John xvii. 19. that is, to be an oblation, which was the
work he had then in hand. Look upon his resurrection; 'he
died for our sins, and rose for our justification;' Rom. iv. 26.
Look upon his ascension ; ' I go,' saith he, ' to my Father and
your Father, and that to prepare a place for you ;' John xiv.
Look upon his perpetuated intercession ; is it not to 'save to the
uttermost them that come unto God by him?' Heb. vii. 25.
Not one word of this general mediation for all. Nay, if you
will hear himself, he denies in pi in terms to mediate for all ;
*For I pray not,' saith he, 'for the world, but for those whom
thou hast given me ;' John xvii. 9.
But let us see what is brought to confirm this distinction;
1 Tim. ii. 5. is quoted for the maintenance thereof. ' For
there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man,
the man Christ Jesus ;' What then I pray? What will be con-
eluded hence? Cannot Christ be a Mediator between God
and man, but he must be a Mediator for all men ? are not the
elect, men? do not the children partake of flesh and blood?
doth not his church consist of men? What reason is there to
assert out of an indefinite proposition a universal conclu-
sion ? Because Christ was a Mediator for men (which were
true had he been so only for his apostles), shall we conclude
therefore he was so for all men ? , Apage nugas,' but let us see
another proof which haply may give more strength to the
uncouth distinction we oppose, and that is 1 Tim. iv. 10.
• Who is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that be-
lieve;' had it been, who is the Mediator of all men especially
of them that believe, it had been more likely : but the con-
sciences, or at least the foreheads of these men ; is there any
word here spoken of Christ as Mediator? Is it not the living
God in whom we trust that is the Saviour here mentioned;
as the words going before in the same verse are? and is
Christ called so in respect of his mediation? That God the
Father is often called Saviour I shewed before, and that he
is here intended, as is agreed upon by all sound interpreters,
so also it is clear from the matter in hand, which is the pro-
tecting providence of God, general towards all, special and
peculiar towards his church ; thus he is said to ' save man and
beast,' Psal, xxxvi. 6. avS'pwTrouc Kcix ktt/vjj auxreig Kvpie ren-
dering the Hebrew yti^in by (ruxreig, ' Thou shall save or pre-
serve.' It is God then that is here called the Saviour of all,
by deliverance and protection in danger, of which the apo-
stle treats, and that by his providence, which is peculiar to-
wards believers ; and what this makes for a universal media-
tion I know not.
Now the very context in this place will not admit of any
other interpretation, for the words render a reason why, not-
withstanding all the injury and reproaches wherewith the
people of God are continually assaulted, yet, they should
cheerfully go forward to run with joy the race that is set be-
fore them, even because as God preserveth all, for in him
we live and move and have our being ; Acts xvii. Psal. cxlv.
14 — 16. so that he will not sufler any to be injured and un-
revenged ; Gen. ix. 5. So is he especially the preserver of
them that do believe, for they are as the apple of his eye ;
Zech.ii. 8. Deut. xxxii. 10. So that if he should suffer them
to be pressed for a season, yet let them not let go their hope
and confidence, nor be weary of well doing, but still rest on
and trust in him. This encouragement being that which the
apostle was to lay down, what motive would it be hereunto,
to tell believers that God would have those saved, who nei-
ther do, nor ever will, or shall believe? That I say nothino-
how strange it seems that Christ should be the Saviour of
them who are never saved, to whom he never gives grace to
believe, for whom he denies to intercede; John xvii, 9. which
yet is no small part of his mediation whereby he saves sin-
ners. Neither the subject then, nor the predicate proposition
(he is the Saviour of all men) is rightly apprehended, by
them who would wrest it to the maintenance of universal re-
demption. For the subject He, it is God the Father, and not
Christ the Mediator; and for the predicate, it is a providential
preservation, and not a purchased salvation that is intimated ;
that is the providence of God, protecting and governing all,
but watching in an especial manner for the good of them that
are his, that they be not always unjustly and cruelly traduced
and reviled, with other pressures that the apostle here rests
upon : as also he shews that it was his course to do, 2 Cor.
i. 9, 10. * But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that
we should not trust in ourselves, but in God thatraiseth the
dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and doth de-
liver us, and whom we trust, that he will yet deliver us ; for
he is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that do be-
lieve.' If any shall conceive that these words (' because we
hope in the living God who is,' 8cc.) do not render an ac-
count of the ground of Paul's confidence, in going through
with his labours and afflictions, but rather are an expression
of the head and sum of that doctrine, for which he was so
turmoiled and afflicted, I will not much oppose it, for then
also it includes nothing but an assertion of the true God
and dependance on him, in opposition to all the idols of the
Gentiles, and other vain conceits whereby they exalted them-
selves into the throne of the Most High. But that Christ
should be said to be a Saviour of, 1. Those who are never
saved from their sins, as he saves his people; Matt. i. 21. 2.
Of those who never hear one word of saving or a Saviour. 3.
That he should be a Saviour in a twofold sense. (1.) For all,
(2.) For believers. 4. That to believe is the condition whereby
Christ becomes a Saviour in an especial manner unto any,
and that condition not procured nor purchased by him; that
this I say,is the sense of this place 'credatJudoeus Apella;' to
me nothing is more certain, than that to whom Christ is in
any sense a Saviour in the work of redemption, he saves them
to the uttermost, from all their sins of infidelity and disobe-
dience, with the saving of grace here, and glory hereafter.
Farther attempts also there are to give strength to this
evasion, and so to invalidate our former argument, which I
must also remove.
* Christ,' say they, ' in some sort intercedeth and putteth in
for transgressors, even the sons of men, yet in and of the world,
that the Spirit may so still unite and bless those that believe
on him, and so go forth in their confessions and conversa-
tions, and in the ministration of his gospel by his servants,
that those among whom they dwell and converse might be
convinced and brought to believe the report of the gospel^
Isa, liii. 12. as once ; Luke xxiii. 24. as himself left a
pattern to us; John xvii. 21. 23. that so the men of the
world might be convinced, and the convincers allured to
Christ and to God in him; Matt. v. 14 — 16. yea, so as that
he doth in some measure enlighten every man that cometh
into the world ; John i. 9. But in a more special manner
doth he intercede, &c.'
Here is a twofold intercession of Christ as Mediator :
1 . For all sinners, that they may believe (for that is it which
is intended by the many cloudy expressions wherein it is in-
volved) : 2. For believers that they ma^ ^e saved, it is the
first member of the distinction which we oppose, and there-
fore must insist a little upon it.
First, Our author saith. It is an interceding in some sort.
I ask in what sort? Is it directly or indirectly? Is it by virtue
of his blood shed for them, or otherwise? Is it with an inten-
tion and desire to obtain for them the good things interceded
for, or with purpose that they shall go without them ? Is it
for all and every man, or only for those who live in the out-
ward pale of the church? Is faith the thing required for them,
or something else? Is that desired absolutely, or upon some
condition? All which queries must be clearly answered, be-
fore this general intercession can be made intelligible.
First, Whether it be directly or indirectly, and by conse-
quence only, that this intercession after a sort is used ; for
that thing interceded for is represented, not as the immediate
issue or aim of the prayer of Christ, but as a reflex arising
from a blessing obtained by others: for the prayer set down,
is that God would so bless believers, that those amongst
whom they dwell, may believe the report of the gospel. It is
believers that are the direct object of this intercession, and
others only glanced at through them : the good also so de-
sired for them is considered, either as an accident that
may come to pass, or follow the flourishing of believers, Kara
<tuju/3ijj3(k:oc, or as an end intended to be accomplished by it.
If the first, then their good is no more intended than their
evil. If the latter why is it not effected? why is not the in-
tention of our Saviour accomplished ? Is it for want of wis-
dom to choose suitable and proportionable means to the end
proposed, or is it for want of power to effect what he in-
tend eth ?
Secondly, Is it by virtue of his blood shed for them, or
otherwise ? If it be, then Christ intercedeth for them, that they
may enjoy those things which for them by his oblation he did
procure : for this it is to make his death and bloodshedding
to be the foundation of his intercession ; then it follows that
Christ by his death procured faith for all, because he inter-
cedeth that all may believe, grounding that intercession upon
the merit of his death. But, first, This is more than the as-
sertors of universal redemption will sustain ; among all the
ends of the death of Christ by them assigned, the effectual
and infallible bestowing of faith on those for whom he died,
is none. Secondly, If by his death he hath purchased it for
all, and by intercession entreateth for it, why is it not ac-
tually bestowed on them? Is not a concurrence of both these
sufficient for the making out of that one spiritual bless-
ing? But, secondly. If it be not founded on his death and
bloodshedding, then we desire that they would describe unto
us this intercession of Christ, differing from his appearing
for us in heaven sprinkled with his own blood.
Thirdly, Doth he intercede for them that they should be-
lieve, with an intention or desire that they should be so, or
no? If not, it is but a mock intercession, and an entreaty for
that which he would not have granted. If so, why is it not
accomplished ? why do not all believe ? Yea, if he died for
all, and prayed for all, that they might believe, why are not
all saved? for Christ is always heard of his Father; John
xi. 42.
Fourthly, Is it for all and every one in the world, that
Christ makes this intercession, or only for those who live
within the pale of the church ? If only for those latter, then
this doth not prove a general intercession for all, but only
one more large than that for believers ; for if he leaves out
any one in the world, the present hypothesis falls to the
ground. If for all, how can it consist in that petition, that the
Spirit would so lead, guide, and bless believers ? and so go forth
in the ministration of the gospel by his servants, that others
(that is, all and every one in the world) may be convinced
and brought to believe ? How, I say, can this be spoken with
any reference to those millions of souls that never see a be-
liever, that hear no report of the gospel ?
Fifthly, If his intercession be for faith, then either Christ
intercedeth for it absolutely, that they may certainly have it,
or upon condition; and that, either on the part of God or
man. If absolutely, then all do actually believe ; or that is not
true, the Father always hears him; John xii. 42. If upon
condition on the part of God, it can be nothing but this, if
he will or please, now the adding of this condition may de-
note in our Saviour two things. 1. A nescience of what is
his Father's will in the thing interceded for : which, first,
cannot stand with the unity of his person as now in glory;
and, secondly, cannot be, because he hath the assurance of
a promise to be heard in whatever he asketh; Psal. ii. 8.
Or, secondly, an advancement of his Father's will, by sub-
mission to that, as the prime cause of the good to be bestow-
ed, which may well stand with absolute intercession, by virtue
whereof all must believe. Secondly, Is it a condition on the
part of those for whom he doth intercede ? Now I beseech
you what condition is that ; where in the Scripture assigned ;
where is it said that Christ doth intercede for men that they
may have faith, if they do such and such things ? Nay, what
condition can rationally be assigned of this desire ? * Some
often intimate that it is, if they suffer the Spirit to have its work
upon their hearts, and obey the grace of God.' Now what is
it to obey the grace of God ? Is it not to believe ? Therefore it
seems that Christ intercedeth for them that they may believe.
upon condition that they do believe. Othersmore cautiously
assert the good using of the means of grace, that they do en-
joy, to be the condition upon which the benefit of this inter-
cession doth depend. But again, first, What is the good using
of the means of grace, but submitting to them, that is believ-
ing, and so we are as before. 2. All have not the means of
grace to use well or ill. 3. Christ prays that they may use
the means of grace well, or he doth not. If not, then how can
he pray that they may believe, seeing to use well the means
of grace, by yielding obedience unto them, is indeed to be-
lieve? If he do, then he doth it absolutely or upon condition,
and so the argument is renewed again as in the entrance.
Many more reasons might be easily produced to shew the
madness of this assertion, but those may suffice. Only we
must look upon the proof and confirmations of it.
First, Then, the words of the prophet, Isa. liii. 12. * He
made intercession for the transgressors,' are insisted on. Aiis.
The transgressors here, for whom our Saviour is said to make
intercession, are either all the transgressors for whom he
suflTered, as is most likely, from the description we have of
them ; ver. 6. Or the transgressors only by whom he suf-
fered, that acted in his sufferings, as some suppose? If the
first, then this place proves that Christ intercedes for all
those for whom he suffered, which differs not from that which
we contend for. If the latter, then we may consider it as ac-
complished; how he then did it, so it is here foretold that
he should, which is the next place urged, viz. Luke xxiii. 34.
* Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, they know not what
they do.'
Ans. The conclusion which from these words is inferred
being,* therefore there is a general intercession for all that they
may believe,' I might well leave the whole argument to the
silent judgment of men, without any farther opening and dis-
covery of the invalidity and weakness ; but because the ablest
of that side, have usually insisted much on this place, for a
general successless intercession, I will a little consider the
inference in its dependance on these words of the gospel, and
search whether it have any appearance of strength in us. To
which end we must observe.
Secondly, That this prayer is not for all men, but only foi-
that handful of the Jews by whom he was crucified; now
VOL. v. T
from a prayer for them, to infer a prayer for all and every
man, that ever were, are, or shall be, is a wild deduction.
It doth not appear that he prayed for all his crucifiers
neither, but only for those who did it out of ignorance, as
appears by the reason annexed to his supplication, 'for they
know not what they do.' And though. Acts iii. 17. it is said
that the rulers also did it ignorantly, yet that all of them did
so is not apparent, that some did is certain from that place,
and so it is that some of them were converted as afterward ;
indefinite propositions must not in such things be made uni-
versally. Now doth it follow, that because Christ prayed for
the pardon of their sins, who crucified him out of ignorance,
as some of them did, that therefore he intercedeth for all that
they may believe ; crucifiers who never once heard of his
crucifying .'
Thirdly, Christ in those words doth not so much as pray
for those men that they might believe, but only that that sin
of them in crucifying of him might be forgiven, not laid to
their charge: hence to conclude, therefore, he intercedeth for
all men that they may believe, even because he prayed that
the sin of crucifying himself might be forgiven them that
did it, is a strange inference.
Fourthly, There is another evident limitation in the busi-
ness ; for among his crucifiers he prays only for them that
were present at his death, amongst whom, doubtless, many
came more out of curiosity to see and observe, as is usual in
such cases, than out of malice and despite ; so that whereas
some urge that notwithstanding this prayer, yet the chief of
the priests continued in their unbelief, it is not to the pur-
pose, for it cannot be proved that they were present at his
Fifthly, It cannot be aflPirmed with any probability, that
our Saviour should pray for all and every one of them, sup-
posing some of them to be finally impenitent : for he himself
knew full well what was in man; John ii. 28. yea, he knew
from the beginning who they were that believed not ; John
vi. 64. Now it is contrary to the rule which we have, 1 John
V. 16. * there is a sin unto death,' &c. to pray for them whom
we know to be finally impenitent, and to sin unto death.
Sixthly, It seems to me that this supplication was effec-
tual and successful, that the Son was heard in this request
also ; faith and forgiveness being granted to them for whom
he prayed; so that this makes nothing for a general ineffec-
tual intercession, it being both special and effectual. For,
Acts iii. of them whom Peter tells, ' that they denied the
Holy One and desired a murderer ;' ver. 14. ' and killed the
Prince of life;' ver. 15. Of these, I say, five thousand be-
lieved ; Acts iv. 4. ' Many of them which heard the word be-
lieved, and the number of them was about five thousand.'
And if any other were among them, whom our Saviour prayed
for, they might be converted afterward. Neither were the
rulers, without the compass of the fruits of this prayer, for a
great company of the priests were obedient to the faith; Acts
vi. 7. So that nothing can possibly be hence inferred for
the purpose intended.
We may, nay we must, grant a twofold praying In our
Saviour; one, by a virtue of his office as he was Mediator; the
other, in answer of his duty, as he was subject to the law;
but yet those thino^s which he did in obedience to the law as
a private person, were not acts of mediation; nor works of
him as Mediator, though of him who was Mediator. Now as
he was subject to the law, our Saviour was bound to forgive
offences and wrongs done unto him, and to pray for his ene-
mies, as also he had taught us to do, whereof in this he
gave us an example ; Matt. v. 44. ' 1 say unto you love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate
you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and per-
secute you;' which doubtless he inferreth from that law. Lev.
xix. 18. 'Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against
the children of thy people, but shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself;' quite contrary to the wicked gloss put upon it by
the Pharisees : and in this sense, our Saviour here, as a pri-
vate person, to whom revenge was forbidden, pardon enjoin-
ed, prayer commanded, prays for bis very enemies and cruci-
fiers; which doth not at all concern his interceding for us as
Mediator, wherein he was always heard, and so is nothing
to the purpose in hand.
Again, John xvii. 21. 23. is urged to confirm this general
intercession, which we have exploded. Our Saviour praying
that by the unity, concord, and flourishing of his servants,
the world might believe and know, that God had sent him.
T 2
From which words though some make a seeming flourish, yet
the thing pretended is no way confirmed. For,
First, If Christ really intended and desired that the whole
world, or all men in the world, should believe, he would also
no doubt have prayed for more effectual means of grace to
be granted unto them, than only a beholding of the blessed
condition of his (which yet is granted to a small part of the
world), at least the preaching of the word to them all, that
by it, as the only ordinary way, they might come to the
knowledge of him. But this we do not find that ever he
prayed for, or that God hath granted it ; nay, he blessed his
Father that so it was not, because so it seemed good in his
sight; Matt. xi. 25, 26.
Secondly, Such a gloss or interpretation must not be put
upon the place, as should run cross to the express words of
our Saviour, ver. 9. ' I pray not for the world ;' for if he here
prayed, that the world should have true, holy, saving faith,
he prayed for as great a blessing and privilege for the
world as any he procured, or interceded for, for his own.
Thirdly, Say some, the world is here taken for the world
of the elect, the world to be saved, God's people throughout
the world. Certain it is that the world, is not here taken
properly, pro mundo continente, for the world containing, but
figuratively, pro mundo continento, for the world contained,
or men in the world ; neither can it be made appear that it
must be taken universally for all the men in the world, as
seldom it is in the Scripture, which afterward we shall
make appear ; but may be understood indefinitely, for men
in the world, few or more, as the elect are in their several
generations. But this exposition, though it hath great au-
thors, I cannot absolutely adhere unto, because through this
whole chapter, the world is taken, either for the world of
reprobates, opposed to them that are given to Christ by his
Father, or for the world of unbelievers (the same men under
another notion), opposed to them who are committed to his
Father by Christ. Wherefore, I answer.
Fourthly, That by believing, ver. 21. and knowing, ver.
23. is not meant believing in a strict sense, for a saving com-
prehension and receiving of Jesus Christ, and so becoming
the sons of God ; which neither ever was, nor ever will be,
fulfilled in every man in the world, nor was ever prayed for ;
but a conviction and acknowledgment, that the Lord Christ
is not, what before they had taken him to be, a seducer and
a false prophet, but indeed what he said, one that came out
from God, able to protect and do good for, and to, h s own;
which kind of conviction and acknowledgment that it is often
termed believing in the Scripture, is more evident than that
it should need to be proved, and that this is here meant the
evidence of the thing is such, as that it is consented unto
by expositors of all sorts. Now this is not for any good of
the world, but for the vindication of his people and the ex-
altation of his own glory, and so proves not all the thing in
question. But of this word world afterward.
The following place of Matt. v. 15, 16. (containing some
instructions given by our Saviour to his apostles, so to im-
prove the knowledge and light which of him they had, and
were farther to receive, in the preaching of the word, and
holiness of life, that they might be a means to draw men to
glorify God) is certainly brought in to make up a show of
a number, as very many other places are ; the author not
once considering, what is to be proved by them, nor to
what end they are used ; and therefore, without farther in-
quiry may well be laid aside, as not at all belonging to the
business in hand, nor to be dragged within many leagues of
the conclusion, by all the strength and skill of Mr. More.
Neither is that other place of John i. 9. any thing more
advisedly or seasonably urged, though wretchedly glossed,
and rendered, *In some measure enlightening every one that
comes into the world.' The Scripture says that Christ is the
true light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the
world, * in some measure,' says Mr. More. Now I beseech you
in what measure is this? how far, into what degree, in what
measure, is illumination from Christ? by whom, or by what
means separated from him, independent of him, is the rest
made up? who supplies the defect of Christ. I know your
aim is, to hug in your illumination by the light of nature,
and I know not what common helps, that you dream of, to-
wards them, who are utterly deprived of all gospel means of
grace, and that not only for the knowledge of God as Crea-
tor, but also of him as in Christ the Redeemer. But whe-
ther the calves of your own setting up should be thus sacri-
ficed unto, with wresting and perverting the word of God,
and undervaluing of the grace of Christ, you will one day, I
hope, be convinced. It sufficeth us, that Christ is said to en-
lighten every one, because he is the only true light, and every
one that is enlightened, receiveth his light from him, w-ho is
the sum, the fountain thereof. And so the general defence,
of this general ineffectual intercession is vanished ; but yet
farther, it is particularly replied concerning the priesthood
of Christ, that,
* As a priest in respect of one end, he offered sacrifice,
that is, propitiation for all men ; Heb. ix. 9. 26. John i. 29.
1 John ii. 2. In respect of all the ends, propitiation, and
sealing the New Testament, and testification to the truth,
and of the uttermost end in all, for his called and chosen
ones ;' Heb. ix. 14, 15. Matt. xxvi. 26. (What follows after,
being repeated out of another place, hath been already an-
Alls. First, These words as here placed, have no tolerable
sense in them, neither is it an easy thing to gather the mind
of the author out of them, so far are they from being a clear
answer to the argument as was pretended. Words of Scrip-
ture indeed are used, but wrested and corrupted, not only
to the countenance of error, but to bear a part in unreason-
able expressions. For what, I pray, is the meaning of these
words, he offered sacrifice in respect of one end, then of all
ends, then of the uttermost end in all ? To inquire back-
wards : 1. What is this uttermost end in all? Is that in all,
in, or among all the end proposed and accomplished ? or in
all those for whom he offered sacrifice ? or is it the utter-
most end and proposal of God and Christ in his oblation ?
If this latter, that is the glory of God, now there is no such
thing once intimated in the places of Scripture quoted ;
Heb. ix. 14, 15. Matt. xxvi. 26. 2. Do those places hold
out the uttermost end of the death of Christ (subordinate to
God's glory)? Why in one of them it is the obtaining of
redemption, and in the other, the shedding of his blood for
the remission of sins is expressed ? Now all this you aflirm
to be the first end of the death of Christ, in the first words
used in this place, calling it propitiation, that is, an atone-
ment for the remission of sins; which remission of sinsand
redemption, are for the substance one and the same, both of
them the immediate fruits, and first end, of the death of
Christ, as is apparent; Eph. i. 7. Col. i. 14. So here you
have confounded the first and last end of the dtath of
Christ, spoiling indeed and casting down (as you may law-
fully do, for it is your own) the whole frame and building,
whose foundation is this, that there be several and divers
ends of the death of Christ, towards several persons, so that
some of them belong unto all, and all of them only to some,
which is the irpCjTov ipivdog of the whole book. Thirdly,
Christ's offering himself to put away sin, out of Heb. ix. 26.
the place for the first end of the death of Christ, and his shed-
ding of his blood for the remission of sins, from Matt, xxvi,
26. to be the last. Pray, when you write next, give us the differ-
ence between these two. Fourthly, You say, ' He offered sa-
crifice, in respect of one end, that is propitiation for all men ;'
now truly, if ye know the meaning of sacrifice and propitia-
tion, this will scarce appear sense unto you upon a se-
cond view.
But to leave your words and take your meaning, it seems
to be this, in respect of one end, that Christ proposed to
himself, in his sacrifice, he is a priest for all, he aimed to
attain and accomplish it for them, but in respect of other
ends, he is so only for his chosen and called. Now, truly
this is an easy kind of answering, which if it will pass for
good and warrantable, you may easily disappoint all your
adversaries, even first by laying down their arguments, then
saying your own opinion is otherwise ; for the very thing that
is here imposed on us for an answer is the to KpivofXEvov, the
chief matter in debate ; we absolutely deny, that the several
ends of the death of Christ, or the good things procured by
hi sdeath are thus distributed as is here pretended. To
prove our assertion, and to give a reason of our denial of
this dividing of these things in respect of their objects, we
produce the argument above proposed, concerning the
priesthood of Christ ; to which the answer given is a bare
repetition of the thing in question. But you will say divers
places of Scripture are quoted for the confirmation of this
answer. But these, as I told you before, are brought forth
for pomp and show, nothing at all being to be found in them
to the business in hand ; such are Heb. ix. 26. John i. 29.
For what consequence is there from an affirmation indefinite,
that Christ bare or took away sin, to this, that he is a priest
for all and every one in respect of propitiation? Besides, in
that of John i. 29. there is a manifest allusion to the pas-
chal lamb, by which there was a typical ceremonial purifi-
cation, and cleansing of sin, which was proper only to the
people of Israel, the type of the elect of God, and not of all
in the world, of all sorts, reprobates and unbelievers also.
Those other two places of Heb. ii. 9. 1 John ii. 2. shall be
considered apart, because they seem to have some strength
for the main of the cause ; though apparently there is no
word in them that can be wrested to give the least colour
to such an uncouth distinction, as that which we oppose.
And thus our argument from the equal objective extent of
the oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ, is confirmed
and vindicated; and withal, the means used by the blessed
Trinity for the accomplishment of the proposed end, unfolded;
which end, what it was, is next to be considered.
Some precious connderatums to a more particular iiujuiry after the proper
end and effect of the death of Christ.
The main thing upon which the whole controversy about the
death of Christ turneth, and upon which the greatest weight
of the business dependeth, comes next to our consideration,
being that which we have prepared the way unto, by all that
hath been already said. It is about the proper end of the
death of Christ, which whoso can rightly constitute and
make manifest, may well be admitted for a day's-man and um-
pire in the whole contestation ; for if it be the end of Christ's
death, which most of our adversaries assign, we will not
deny, but that Christ died for all and every one ; and if that
be the end of it which we maintain so to be, they will not
extend it beyond the elect, beyond believers. This then
must be fully cleared, and solidly confirmed by them who
hope for any success in their undertakings. The end of the
death of Christ we asserted in the beginning of our discourse,
to be our approximation or drawing nigh unto God, that be-
ing a general expression for the whole reduction and reco-
very of sinners, from the state of alienation, misery, and
wrath, into grace, peace, and eternal communion with him.
Now there being a twofold end in things, one of the worker,
the other of the work wrought, we have manifested how, that
unless it be either for want of wisdom, and certitude of mind
in the agent, in choosing and using unsuitable means for the
attaining of the end proposed, or for want of skill and power to
make use of, and rightly to improve well proportioned means
to the best advantage, those things are always coincident ;
the work efFecteth what the workman intendeth. In the
business in hand the agent is the blessed Three in One,
as was before declared ; and the means whereby they col-
limed and aimed at the end proposed, was the oblation and
intercession of Jesus Christ which are united, intending the
same object as was also cleared. Now unless we will bias-
phemously ascribe want of wisdom, power, perfection, and
sufficiency in working unto the agent, or affirm that the death
and intercession of Christ, was not suitable and proportioned
for the attaining the end proposed by it to be effected ; we
must grant that the end of these is one and the same, what-
soever the blessed Trinity intended by them that was effect-
ed ; and whatsoever we find in the issue ascribed unto them,
that by them the blessed Trinity intended. So that we shall
have no cause to consider these apart, unless it be sometimes
to argue from the one to the other; as where we find any
thing ascribed to the death of Christ as the fruit thereof, we
may conclude that that God intended to effect by it, and so
also on the contrary.
Now the end of the death of Christ is either supreme and
ultimate, or intermediate and subservient to that last end.
The first is the glory of God, or the manifestation of his glo-
rious attributes, especially of his justice, and mercy tem-
pered with justice unto us. The Lord doth necessarily
aim at himself in the first place as thechiefest good; yea, in
deed that alone which is good, that is absolutely and simply
so, and not by virtue of communication from another: and
therefore in all his works, especially in this which we have
in hand, the chiefest of all, he first intends the manifestation
of his own glory, which also he fully accomplisheth in the
close, to every point and degree by him intended, he mak-
eth all things for himself; Prov. xvi. 4. and every thing in
the end must redound to the glory of God; 2 Cor. iv. 15.
wherein Christ himself is said to be God's ; 1 Cor. iii. 23.
serving to his glory in that whole administration that was
committed to him. So Eph. i. 6. The whole end of all this
dispensation, both of choosing us from eternity, redeeming us
by Christ, blessing us with all spiritual blessings in him, is
affirmed to be the praise, the glory of his grace ; and ver. 13.
'that we should be to the praise of his glory.' This is the end
of all the benefits we receive by the death of Christ ; for * we
are filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus
Christ unto the glory and praise of God;' Phil. i. 11. which
also is fully asserted, chap. ii. 11. 'That every tongue should
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father.' This the apostle fully clears in the ninth to the
Romans ; where he so asserts the supreme dominion and in-
dependency of God in all his actions, his absolute freedom
from taking rise, cause, or occasion to his purposes, from any
thing among us sons of men, doing all things for his own
sake, and aiming only at his own glory. And this is that
which in the close of all shall be accomplished, when every
creature shall say, 'Blessing, honour, glory, and power, be
unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb
for ever and ever;' Rev. v. 13. But this is avafi(pia(5i]TaTov.
2. There is an end of the death of Christ which is inter-
mediate and subservient to that other, which is the last and
most supreme, even the effects which it hath in respect of
us, and that is it of which we now treat ; which as we before
affirmed, is the bringing of us unto God. Now this though
in reference to the oblation and intercession of Christ, it be
one entire end, yet in itself, and in respect of the relation
which the several acts therein have one to another, it may
be considered distinctly in two parts ; whereof one is the
end, and the other the means for the attaining of that end ;
both the complete end of the mediation of Christ, in respect
of us. The ground and cause of this is, the appointment of
the Lord, that there should be such a connexion and cohe-
rence, between the things purchased for us by Jesus Christ,
that the one should be a means and way of attaining the
other ; the one the condition, and the other the thing promis-
ed upon that condition, but both equally and alike procured
for us by Jesus Christ; for if either be omitted in his pur-
chase, the other would be vain and fruitless, as we shall af-
terward declare. Now both these consist in a communica-
tion of God and his goodness unto us (and our participation
of him by virtue thereof), and that either to grace or glory, ho-
liness or blessedness, yojV/i! or salvation. In this last way
they are usually called, ya/i/t being the means of which we
speak, and salvation the end ; faith the condition, salvation
the promised inheritance ; under the name o^ faith we com-
prise all saving grace that accompanies it; and under the name
of sa/uflfio/i, the whole glory to be revealed; the liberty of the
glory of the children of God ; Rom. viii. all that blessedness
which consisteth in an eternal fruition of the blessed God.
'SV'ith faith go all the effectual means thereof, both external
and internal ; the word and almighty sanctifying Spirit; all
advancement of state and condition attending it, as justifi-
cation, reconciliation, and adoption into the family of God ;
all fruits flowing from it in sanctification, and miiversal holi-
ness ; with all other privileges and enjoyments of believers
here, which follow the redemption and reconciliation pur-
chased for them by the oblation of Christ. A real, effectual,
and infallible bestowing and applying of all these things ; as
well those that are the means, as those that are the end ; the
condition, as the thing conditioned about ; faith and grace,
as salvation and glory, unto all and every one, for whom he
died, do we maintain to be the end, proposed and
the bloodshedding of Jesus Christ; with those other acts of
his mediatorship, which we before declared to be therewith
inseparably conjoined ; so that every one for whom he died
and offered up himself, hath by virtue of his death or obla-
tion, a right purchased for him unto all these things, which
in due time he shall certainly and infallibly enjoy ; or which
is all one, the end of Christ's obtaining grace and glory with
his Father was, that they might be certainly bestowed upon
all those for whom he died, some of them upon condition
that they do believe, but faith itself absolutely upon no con-
dition at all. All which we shall farther illustrate and con-
firm, after we have removed some false ends assigned.
Containing a removal of some mistakes arid false assignations of the
end of the death of Christ.
That the death, oblation, and bloodshedding of Jesus Christ,
is to be considered as the means for the compassing of an ap-
pointed end, was before abundantly declared ; and that such
a means as is not in itself any way desirable, but for the at-
taining of that end ; now because that which is the end of
any thing must also be good, for unless it be so it cannot
be an end (for bonum etjinis convertuniur) ; it must be either
his Father's good, or his own good,orourgood, which was the
end proposed. That it was not merely his own is exceed-
ingly apparent ; for in his divine nature he was eternally and
essentially partaker of all that glory which is proper to the
Deity; which though in respect of us it be capable of more
or less manifestation, yet in itself it is always alike eternally
and absolutely perfect. And in this regard at the close of
all, he desires and requests no other glory, but that which
he had with his Father before the world was ; John xvii. 4.
And in respect of his human nature, as he was eternally pre-
destinated, without any foresight of doing or suffering, to be
personally united, from the instant of his conception, with
the second person of the Trinity ; so neither while he was
in the way, did he merit any thing for himself by his death
and oblation ; he needed not to suffer for himself, being per-
fectly and legally righteous ; and the glory that he aimed at,
by enduring the curse, and despising the shame, was not so
much his own, in respect of possession, by the exaltation of
his own nature, as the bringing of many children to glory,
even as it was in the promise set before him ; as we before
at large declared. His own exaltation indeed, and power over
all flesh, and his appointment to be Judge of the quick and
the dead, was a consequent of his deep humiliation and suf-
fering; but that it was the effect and product of it, procured
meritoriously by it ; that it was the end aimed at by him in
his making satisfaction for sin, that we deny. Christ hath a
power and dominion over all, but the foundation of this do-
minion is not in his death for all ; for he hath dominion
over all things; being appointed 'heir of them, and upholding
them all by the word of his power ;' Heb. i. 3,4. ' He is set
over the works of God's hands, and all things are put in sub-
jection under him;' Heb. ii. 7, 8. And what are those all
things, or what are amongst them, you may see in the place
of the psalmist from whence the apostle citeth those words;
Psal. viii. 6 — 8. And did he die for all these things? Nay,
hath he not power over the angels ; are not principalities and
powers made subject to him ? Shall he not at the last day,
judge the angels; for with him the saints shall do it, by
giving attestation to his righteous judgments; 1 Cor. vi.
And yet, is it not expressly said that the angels have no
share in the whole dispensation of God manifested in the
flesh, so as to die for them to redeem them from their sins ?
Of which some had no need, and the other are eternally ex-
cluded. Heb. ii. 16. ' He took not on him the nature of an-
gels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.' God set-
ting him 'King upon his holy hill of Sion ;' in despite of
his enemies, to bruise them and to rule them with a rod of
iron; Psal. ii. 9. is not the immediate effect of his death
for them; but rather all things are given into his hand, out
of the immediate love of the Father to his Son ; John iii. 35.
Matt. xi. 27, That is the foundation of all this sovereignty
and dominion over all creatures, with his power of judging
that is put into his hand.
Besides, be it granted (which cannot be proved), that
Christ by his death did procure this power of judging;
would any thing hence follow that might be beneficial to the
proving of the general ransom for all ? No, doubtless ; this
dominion and power of judging is a power of condemning
as well as saving; it is all judgment that is committed to
him ; John. v. 22. He hath authority given unto him to exe-
cute judgment, because he is the Son of man ; that is, at that
hour when all that are in their graves shall hear his voice,
and come forth ; they that have done good unto the resurrec-
tion of life, and they that have done evil to the resurrection
of condemnation ; ver. 28, 29. 2 Cor, v. 10. Now can it
be reasonably asserted, that Christ died for men to redeem
them, that he might have power to condemn ? Nay, do not
these two overthrow one another? If he redeemed thee by
his death, then he did not aim at the obtaining of any power
to condemn thee ; if he did the latter, then that former was
not in his intention.
Nor, secondly, was it his Father's good. I speak now of the
proximate and immediate end and product of the death of
Christ, not of the ultimate and remote; knowing that the su-
preme end of Christ's oblation, and all the benefits purchased
and procured by it, was the praise of his glorious grace ; but
for this other, it doth not directly tend to the obtaining of
any thing unto God, but of all good things from God to us.
Arminius, with his followers, with the other universalists of
our days, affirm this to be the end proposed, that God might,
his justice being satisfied, save sinners, the hinderance being
removed by the satisfaction of Christ; he had by his death a
right and liberty obtained, of pardoning sin upon what con-
dition he pleased : so that after the satisfaction of Christ
yielded and considered, * integrum Deo fuit' (as his words are).
as it was wholly in God's free disposal, whether he would save
any or no, and upon what condition he would, whether of
faith, or of works, God, say they, had a good mind and will
to do good to human kind, but could not by reason of sin,
his justice lying in the way ; whereupon he sent Christ to
remove that obstacle, that so he might, upon the prescribing
of what condition he pleased, and its being by them fulfilled,
have mercy on them. Now because in this they place their
chief, if not the sole, end of the oblation of Christ, I must a
little shew the falseness and folly of it ; which may be done
plainly by these following reasons.
First, The foundation of this whole assertion seems to me
to be false and erroneous, viz. that God could not have
mercy on mankind, unless satisfaction were made by his Son.
It is true, indeed, supposing the decree, purpose, and consti-
tution of God, that so it should be, that so he would mani-
fest his glory by the way of vindicative justice, it was im-
possible that it should otherwise be; for with the Lord, there
is neither change nor shadow of turning; James i. 18. 1 Sam.
XV. 29. But to assert positively, that absolutely and antece-
dently to his constitution he could not have done it, is to
me an unwritten tradition ; the Scripture affirming no such
thing, neither can it be gathered from thence in any good
consequence. If any one shall deny this, we will try what
the Lord will enable us to say unto it ; and in the mean time
rest contented in that of Augustine ; though other ways of
saving us were not wanting to his infinite wisdom, yet cer-
tainly the way which he did proceed in, was the most con-
venient, because we find he proceeded therein.
Secondly, This would make the cause of sending his Son
to die, to be a common love ; or rather wishing that he
might do good, or shew mercy to all, and not an entire act
of his will, or purpose of knowing, redeeming, and saving
his elect, which we shall afterward disprove.
Thirdly, If the end of tlie death of Christ were to acquire
a right to his Father, that notwithstanding his justice he
might save sinners, then did he rather die to redeem a liberty
unto God, than a liberty from evil unto us ; that his Father
mightbe enlarged from that estate, wherein it was impossible
for him to do that which he desired, and which his nature in-
clined him to, and not that we might be freed from that con-
dition, wherein, without this freedom purchased, it could not
be but we must perish. If this be so, I see no reason why Christ
should be said to come and redeem his people from their sins ;
but rather plainly to purchase this right and liberty for his Fa-
ther. Now where is there any such assertion, wherein is any
thing of this nature, in the Scripture ? Doth the Lord say that
hesenthis Son out of love to himself or unto us? IsGodor are
men made the immediate subject of good attained unto by this
oblation ? Rep. But it is said that although immediately, and
in the first place, this right did arise unto God by the death
of Christ, yet that that also was to tend to our good ; Christ
obtaining that right, that the Lord might now bestow mercy
on us if we fulfilled the condition that he would propose.
But I answer that this utterly overthrows all the merit of the
death of Christ towards us, and leaves not so much as the
nature of merit unto it ; for that which is truly meritorious
indeed, deserves that the thing merited, or procured and ob-
tained by it, shall be done, or ought to be bestowed, and
not only that it may be done. There is such a habitude and
relation between merit and the thing obtained by it, whether
it be absolute or arising on contract, that there ariseth a
real right to the thing procured by it in them, by whom or
for whom it is procured : when the labourer hath wrought all
day, do we say now his wages may be paid, or rather now
they ought to be paid : hath he not a right unto it ? Was
ever such a merit heard of before, whose nature should con-
sist in this, that the thing procured by it might be bestov/ed,
and not that it ought to be : and shall Christ be said now to
purchase by his meritorious oblation, this only at his Father's
hand, that he might bestow upon, and apply the fulness of
his death to some or all, and not that he should so do ? To
him that worketh, saith the apostle, ' the reward is not due
of grace but of debt ;' Rom. iv. 4. Are not the fruits of the
death of Christ, by his death, as truly procured for us, as if
they had been obtained by our own working? And if so,
though in respect of the persons on whom they are bestowed
they are of free grace, yet in respect of the purchase, the
bestowing of them is of debt.
Fourthly, That cannot be assigned as the complete end
of the death of Christ, which being accomplished, it had not
only been possible, that not one soul might be saved, but
also impossible that by virtue of it any sinful soul should
be saved; for sure the Scripture is exceedingly full in declar-
ing that through Christ we have remission of sins, grace and
glory (as afterward), but now notwithstanding this, that
Christ is said to have procured and purchased by his death
such a right and liberty to his Father, that he might bestow
eternal life upon all, upon what conditions he would, it might
very well stand, that not one of those should enjoy eternal
life ; for suppose the Father would not bestow it, as he is by
no engagement, according to this persuasion, bound to do: he
had a right to do it, it is true ; but that which is any one's right
he may use or not use at his pleasure. Again, suppose he had
prescribed a condition of works, which it had been impos-
sible for them to fulfil, the death of Christ might have had
its full end, and yet not one been saved. Was this his com-
ing to save sinners, to save that which was lost? or could
he upon such an accomplishment as this pray as he did,
' Father, I will, that those whom thou hast given me, may be
where I am to behold my glory V John xvii. 24. Divers other
reasons might be used to evert this fancy, that would make
the purchase of Chi'ist, in respect of us, not to be the remis-
sion of sins, but a possibility of it ; not salvation but a salva^
bility ; not reconciliation and peace with God, but the open-
ing of a door towards it : but I shall use them in assigning
the right end of the death of Christ.
Ask now of these, what it is that the Father can do, and
will do, upon the death of Christ; by which means his justice
that before hindered the execution of his good will towards
them is satisfied? and they tell you, it is the entering into a
new covenant of grace \vith them, upon the performance of
whose condition, they shall have all the benefits of the death
of Christ applied to them : but to us it seemeth that Christ
himself, with his death and passion, is the chief promise of
the new covenant itself; as Gen. iii. 15. and so the covenant
cannot be said to be procured by his death. Besides the na-
ture of the covenant overthrows this proposal, that they that
are covenanted withal shall have such and such good things,
if they fulfil the condition, as though that all depended on
this obedience, when that obedience itself, and the whole
condition of it, is a promise of the covenant ; Jer. xxxi. 32.
Which is confirmed and sealed by the blood of Christ. W§
VOL. v. U
deny not, but the death of Christ hath a proper end in re-
spect of God; to wit, the manifestation of his glory, whence
he calls him his servant in whom he will be glorified ; Isa. xlix.
And the bringing of many sons to glory wherewith he was
betrusted, was to the manifestation and praise of his glorious
grace, that so his love to his elect might gloriously appear,
his salvation being borne out by Christ to the utmost parts of
the earth, and this full declaration of his glory by the way of
mercy tempered with justice ; ' for he set forth Christ to be a
propitiation through faith in his blood, that he might be just,
and the justifier of them that believe in Jesus ;' Rom. iii. 25.
Is all that which accrued to the Lord by the death of his Son,
and not any right and liberty of doing that which before he
would have done, but could not for his justice. In respect
of us the end of the oblation and bloodshedding of Jesus
Christ was, not that God might if he would, but that he should
by virtue of that compact and covenant, which was the foun-
dation of the merit of Christ, bestow upon us all the good
things which Christ aimed at, and intended to purchase and
procure by his offering of himself for us unto God, which is
in the next place to be declared.
More particularly of the immediate end of the death of Christ, with the
several ways whereby it is designed.
What the Scripture affirms in this particular, we laid down
in tlie entrance of the whole discourse ; which, now having
enlarged in explication of our sense and meaning therein,
must be more particularly asserted by an application of the
particular places (which are very many), to our thesis as be-
fore declared, whereof this is the sum : 'Jesus Christ, accord-
ing to the counsel and will of his Father, did offer himself
npon the cross, to the procurement of those things before re-
counted, and maketh continual intercession, witli this intent
and purpose ; that all the good things so procured by his
death, might be actually and infallibly bestowed on, and ap-
plied to, all and every one for whom he died, according to
the will and counsel of God.' Let us now see what the Scrip-
ture saith hereunto, the sundry places whereof we shall range
under these heads.
First, Those that hold out the intention and counsel of God,
with our Saviour's own mind, whose will was one with his
Father's in this business.
Secondly, Those that lay down the actual accomplishment
or effect oi his oblation; what it did really procure, effect, and
Thirdly, Those that point out the persons for whom Christ
died, as designed peculiarly to be the object of this work of
redemption in the end and purpose of God,
For the first, or those which hold out the counsel, pur-
pose, mind, intention, and will of God, and our Saviour in
this work. Matt, xviii. 11, 'TheSonof man came to save that
which was lost;' which words he repeateth again upon an-
other occasion ; Luke xix. 10. In the first place, they are in
the front of the parable of ' seeking the lost sheep ;' in the
other, they are in the close of the recovery of lost Zaccheus ;
and in both places set forth the end of Christ's coming, which
was to do the will of his Father, by the recovery of lost sin-
ners ; and that as Zaccheus was recovered by conversion,
by bringing into the free covenant, making him a son of
Abraham; or as the lost sheep, which he lays upon his
shoulder, and bringeth home ; so that unless he findeth that
which he seeketh for, unless he recover that which he cometh
to save, he faileth of his purpose. Secondly, Matt, i, 21.
Where the angel declareth the end of Christ's coming in the
flesh, and consequently of all his sufferings therein, is to the
same purpose, he was to save his people from their sins.
Whatsoever is required for a complete and perfect saving of
his peculiar people from their sins, was intended by his
coming • to say that he did but in part, or in some regard
effect the work of salvation, is of ill report to Christian ears.
Thirdly, The like expression is that also of Paul, 1 Tim.
i. 15. evidently declaring the end of our Saviour's coming
according to the will and counsel of his Father; viz. To save
sinners ; not to open a door for them to come in, if they
will or can ; not to make a way passable, that they may be
saved ; not to purchase reconciliation and pardon of his
Father, which perhaps they shall never enjoy; but actually
u 2
to save themTrom all the guilt and power of sin, and from
the wrath of God for sin, which if he doth not accomplish,
he fails of the end of his coming; and if that ought not to
be affirmed, surely he came for no more than towards whom
that effect is procured. The compact of his Father with
him, and his promise made unto him, ' of seeing his seed,
and carrying along the pleasure of the Lord prosperously ;'
Isa. liii. 10 — 12. I before declared; from which it is ap-
parent, that the decree and purpose of giving actually unto
Christ a believing generation, whom he calleth ' the chil-
dren that God gave him ;' Heb. ii. 13. is inseparably an-
nexed to the decree of Christ's ' making his soul an offer-
ins: for sin,' and is the end and aim thereof.
Fourthly, As the apostle farther declareth, Heb. ii.
14, 15. ' Forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh
and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same;
that through death he might destroy him that had the power
of death, that is the devil, and deliver them who through
fear of death,' &c. Than which words nothing can more
clearly set forth the entire end of that whole dispensation
of the incarnation and offering of Jesus Christ, even a de-
liverance of the children whom God gave him from the
power of death, hell, and the devil; so bringing them nigh
unto God : nothing at ail of the purchasing of a possible
deliverance for all and everyone; nay, all are not those chil-
dren which God gave him, all are not delivered from death,
and him that had the power of it, and therefore it was not
for all for whom he then took flesh and blood.
Fifthly, The same purpose and intention we have, Eph.
V. 25, 26. ' Christ loved his church and gave himself for it,
that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of
water by the word ; that he might present it to himself a
glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such
thing, but that it should be holy, and without blemish.' As
also, Tit. ii. 14. ' He gave himself for us, that he might re-
deem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a pecu-
liar people, zealous of good works,' I think nothing can be
clearer than those two places ; nor is it possible for the wit
of man to invent expressions so fully and lively to set out
the thing we intend, as it is in both these places by the
Holy Ghost,
Sixthly, What did Christ do ? * He gave himself,' say both
these places alike ; 'for his church,' saith one; 'for us/ saith
the other; both words of equal extent and force, as all men
know. To what end did he this? 'To sanctify and cleanse it,
to present it to himself a holy and glorious church, without
spot or wrinkle,' saith he to the Ephesians; 'to redeem us
from all iniquity, and to purify to himself a peculiar people,
zealous of good works,' saith he to Titus. I ask now, are all
men of this church ? Are all in that rank of men, among
whom Paul placeth himself and Titus? are all purged, pu-
rified, sanctified, made glorious, brought nigh unto Christ ?
or doth Christ fail in his aim towards the greatest part of
men ? 1 dare not close with any of these.
Seventhly, Will you have our Saviour Christ himself ex-
pressing this more evidently, restraining the object, declar-
ing his whole design and purpose, and affirming the end of
his death ; John xvii. 19. ' For their sakes I sanctify myself,
that they also maybe sanctified through the truth.' For their
sakes ? Whose I pray ? ' The men whom thou hast given me
out of the world ;' ver. 6. Not the whole world, whom he
prayednotfor; ver. 9. 'I sanctify myself.' Whereunto? To the
work 1 am now ooing; about, even to be an oblation. And to
what end? iva koi avroi wcnv r^yiacrfiivoi Iv aXri^sla, ' that they
also may be truly sanctified ;' that 'Iva there (that they) sig-
nifies the intent and purpose of Christ, it designs out the
end he aimed at, which our hope is, and that is the hope of
the gospel, that he hath accomplished ; * for the Deliverer
that comes out of Sion, turns away ungodliness from Jacob;'
Rom. xi. 26. And that herein there was a concurrence of the
will of his Father, yea that this his purpose was to fulfil the
will of his Father, which he came to do.
Eighthly, And that this also was his counsel is apparent ;
Gal. i. 4. ' For our Lord Jesus gave himself for our sin, that
he might deliver us from this present evil world, according
to the will of God and our Father;' which will and purpose
of his, the apostle farther declares, chap. iv. 4 — 6. ' God sent
forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law, to re-
deem them that were under the law, that we might receive
the adoption of sons;' and because sons, our deliverance from
the law, and thereby our freedom from the guilt of sin ; our
adoption to sons, receiving the Spirit, and drawing nigh unto
God, are all of them in the purpose of the Father, giving^
his only Son for us.
Ninthly, I shall add but one place more, of the very many
more that might be cited to this purpose, and that in 2 Cor.
V. 21. * He hath made him to be sin for us, that knew no
sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him/
The purpose of God in making his Son to be sin is, that
those for whom he was made sin might become righteous-
ness ; that was the end of God's sending Christ to be so,
and Christ's willingness to become so : now if the Lord
did not purpose what is not fulfilled, yea, what he knew
should never be fulfilled, and what he would not work at all
that it might be fulfilled (either of which are most atheisti-
cal expressions), then he made Christ sin for no more than
do in the effect become actually righteousness in him ; so
that the counsel and will of God, with the purpose and inten-
tion of Christ by his oblation and bloodshedding was to fulfil
that will and counsel, is from these places made apparent :
from all which we draw this argument ; that which the Fa-
ther and the Son intended to accomplish, in and towards
all those for whom Christ died by his death, that is most
certainly effected ; (if any shall deny this proposition, I will
at any time, by the Lord's assistance, take up the assertion
of it). But the Father and his Son intended by the death
of Christ to redeem, purge, sanctify, purify, deliver from
death, Satan, the curse of the law, to quit off all sin, to make
righteousness in Christ, to bring nigh unto God, all those
for whom he died, as was above proved. Therefore, Christ
died for all, and only those in and towards whom all these
things recounted are effected : which whether they are all
and every one, 1 leave to all and every one to judge that hath
any knowledge in these things.
Secondly, The second rank contains those places which lay
down the actual accomplishment and effect of this oblation;
or what it doth really produce and effect in and towards
them for whom it is an oblation. Such are Heb. ix. 12. 14.
' By his own blood he entered in once into the holy place,
having obtained eternal redemption for us, — the blood of
Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without
spot to God, purge your consciences from dead works to
serve the living God.' Two things are here observed to the
blood of Christ; one referring to God, ' it obtains eternal re-
demption ;' the other respecting us, * it pnrgeth our con-
sciences from dead works :' so that justification with God,
by procuring for us an eternal redemption from the guilt of
our sins, and his wrath due unto them, with sanctification
in ourselves (or as it is called Heb. i. 3. ' a purging our sins'),
is the immediate product of that blood by which he entered
into the holy place, of that oblation which through the eternal
Spirit he presented unto God. Yea, this meritorious purg-
ing of our sins is peculiarly ascribed to his offering, as per-
formed before his ascension ; Heb. i. 13. * For when he had
by himself purged our sins, he sat down on the right hand
of the Majesty on high ;' and again, most expressly, Heb.
ix. 26. ' he hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice
of himself,' which expiation or putting away of sin by the
way of sacrifice must needs be the actual sanctification of
them for whom he was a sacrifice, ' even as the blood of
bulls and goats and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the un-
clean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh ;' ver. 13.
Certain it is that whosoever was either polluted or guilty,
for whom there was an expiation and sacrifice allowed in
those carnal ordinances, ' which had a shadow of good things
to come,' that he had truly, first, a legal cleansing and sanc-
tifying to the purifying of the flesh; and, secondly, freedom
from the punishment which was due to the breach of the
law, as it was the rule of conversation to God's people, so
much his sacrifice carnally accomplished for him that was
admitted thereunto. Now these thino-s beino; but ' shadows
of good things to come,' certainly the sacrifice of Christ did
effect spiritually for all them for whom it was a sacrifice,
whatever the other could typify out, that is spiritual cleans-
ing by sanctification and freedom from the guilt of sin,
which the places produced do evidently prove. Now, whe-
ther this be accomplished in all, and for them all, let all that
are able, judge. Again, Christ by his death, and in it, is
said to ' bear our sins :' so 1 Pet. ii. 24. ' His own self bare
our sins ;' where you have both what he did, ' bare our sins,*
avi)vayK£, he carried them rp with him upon the cross ; and
what he intended, ' that we being dead unto sin, should live
to righteousness;' and what was the effect? ' By his stripes
we are healed :' which latter, as it is taken from the same
place, of the prophet where our Saviour is affirmed to 'bear
our iniquities, and to have them laid upon him ;' Isa. liii. 6.
11. So it is expository of the former, and will tell us what
Christ did by ' bearing our sins ;' which phrase is more than
once used in the Scripture to this purpose. 1. Christ then
so bare our iniquities by his death, that by virtue of the
stripes and afflictions which he underwent in his offering
himself for us ; this is certainly procured and effected, that
we should go free, and not suffer any of those things which
he underwent for us. To which also you may refer all those
places which evidently hold out a commutation in this point
of suffering between Christ and us ; Gal. iii. 13. ' He deli-
vered us from the cvu'se, being made a curse for us ;' with di-
vers others which we shall have occasion afterward to men-
tion. Peace also and reconciliation with God, that is, ac-
tual peace by the removal of all enmity on both sides, with
all the causes of it, is fully ascribed to this oblation ; Col.
i. 21, 22. ' And you that were sometimes alienated and ene-
mies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he recon-
ciled in the body of his flesh through death, to preserve you
holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight;' as also
Eph. ii. 13 — 16. ' Ye who were sometimes afar off, are made
nigh by the blood of Christ, for he is our peace; having abo-
lished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of command-
ments, that he might reconcile both unto God in one body
by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby.' To which
add all those places wherein plenary deliverances from an-
ger, wrath, death, and him that had the power of it, is like-
wise asserted as the fruit thereof; as Rom. v. 8—10. And
ye have a farther discovery made of the immediate effect of
the death of Christ, peace and reconciliation, deliverance
from wrath, enmity, and whatever lay against us to keep us
from enjoying the love and favour of God ; a redemption
from all these he effected for his church ' with his own
blood ;' Acts xx. 28. Whence all and everyone for whom he
died may truly say, * Who shall lay any thing to our charge ?
It is God that justifieth, who is he that condemneth? It is
Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is even
dt the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for
us ;' Rom. viii. 33, 34. Which that they are procured for all
and every one of the sons of Adam, that they all may use
that rejoicing in full assurance, cannot be made appear ; and
yet evident it is that so it is with all for whom he died, that
these are the effects of his death in and towards them for whom
he underwent it; for by his being slain, ' he redeemed them to
God by his blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people,
and nation, and made them kings and priests unto our
God ;' Rev. v. 9, 10. For he ' made an end of their sins, he
made reconciliation for their iniquity, and brought in ever-
lasting righteousness ;' Dan. ix. 24. Add also those other
places, where our life is ascribed to the death of Christ, and
then this enumeration will be perfect; John vi, 33. 'He
came down from heaven to give life to the world ;' sure
enough he giveth life to that world, for which he gave his
life ; it is the world of ' his sheep for which he layeth down
his life ;' John x. 15. even that he might ' give unto them eter-
nal life, that they might never perish;' ver. 28. So he ap-
peared ' to abolish death, to bring life and immortality to
light ;' 2 Tim. i. 10. as also, Rom. v. 4 — 10. Now there is
none of all these places but will afford a sufficient strength
against the general ransom, or the universality of the merit
of Christ. My leisure v/ill not serve for so large a prosecu-
tion of the subject as that would require, and, therefore,
shall take from the whole this general argument. If the
death and oblation of Jesus Christ (as a sacrifice to his Fa-
ther) doth sanctify all them for whom it was a sacrifice ; doth
purge away their sin, redeem them from wrath, curse, and
guilt; work for them peace and reconciliation with God ; pro-
cure for them life and immortality ; bearing their iniquities
and healing all their diseases ; then died he only for those
that are in the event sanctified, purged, redeemed, justified,
freed from wrath and death, quickened, saved, &:c. But
that all are not thus sanctified, freed, &c. is most apparent;
and, therefore, they cannot be said to be the proper object
of the death of Christ. The supposal was confirmed before,
the inference is plain from Scripture, experience, and the
whole argument (if I mistake not) solid.
Thirdly, Many places there are that point out the persons
for whom Christ died, as designed peculiarly to be the object
of this work of redemption, according to the aim and purpose
of God ; of which, some we will briefly recount. In some
places they are called mami: Matt, xxvi.28. 'The blood of
the New Testament is shed for many, for the remission of
sins :' and, ' by his knowledge shall my righteous servant jus-
tify many, for he shall bear their iniquities ;' Isa. liii. 11. * For
the Son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister,
and give his life a ransom for many ;' Mark x. 45. Matt.
XX. 28. He was 'to bring many sons unto glory, and so was
to be the captain of their salvation through suffering ;' Heb.
ii. 10. And though perhaps the word ma//j/ itself be not suf-
ficient to restrain the object of Christ's death unto some, in
opposition to all, because 7nau^ is sometimes placed abso-
lutely for a//; as Rom. v. 19. yet these ma iii/ being described
in other places to be such, as it is most certain all are not,
so it is a full and evident restriction of it; for those many
are the sheep of Christ; John x. 85. 'the children of God
that were scattered abroad ;' John xi. 52. those whom our
Saviour calleth, 'brethren;' Heb. ii. ll.'the children that God
gave him, which were partakers of flesh and blood ;' ver. 13,
14. and frequently, those ' who were given unto him of his
Father;' John xvii. who should certainly be preserved : the
sheep whereof he was the Shepherd through the blood of
the covenant ; Heb. xiii. 20. his elect ; Rom. viii. 34. and his
people ; Matt. i. 21. Farther explained to be his visited and
redeemed people ; Luke i. 68, 69. even the people which he
did foreknow ; Rom. xi. 2. even such a people as he is said
to have at Corinth before their conversion ; his people by
election ; Acts xviii. 10. the people that he suffered without
the gate, that he might sanctify ; Heb. xiii. 12. his church
which he redeemed by his own blood'; Acts xx. 28. which he
loved and gave himself for; Eph. v. 25. the many, whose
sins he took away ; Heb. ix. 28. with whom he made a cove-
nant ; Dan. ix. 24. Those many being thus described, and
set forth, with such qualifications as by no means are com-
mon to all, but proper only to the elect, do most evidently
appear to be all and only those that are chosen of God, to
obtain eternal life through the offering and bloodshedding
of Jesus Christ. Many things are here excepted with much
confidence and clamour, that may easily be removed. And
so you see the end of the death of Christ, as it is set out in
the Scripture.
That we may have the clearer passage, we must remove
the hinderances that are laid in the way, by some pretended
answers and evasions, used to escape the force of the argu-
ment drawn from the Scripture, affirming Christ to have
died for many, his sheep, his elect, and the like. Now to
this it is replied, that this reason, as it is called, is weak and
of no force, equivocal, subtle, fraudulent, false, ungodly, de-
ceitful, and erroneous ; for all these several epithets are ac-
cumulated to adorn it withal. (Universality of Free Grace,
page xvi.) Now this variety of terms (as I conceive), serves
only to declare with what copia verborum the unlearned elo-
quence of the author is woven withal ; for such terrible
names imposed on that, which we know not well how to
gainsay, is a strong argument of a weak cause. When the
Pharisees were not able to resist the spirit whereby our
Saviour spake, they call him devil and Samaritan. Waters
that make a noise are usually but shallow. It is a proverb
among the Scythians, that the dogs which bark most, bite
least. But let us see * quid dignum tanto feret hie responsor
hiatu,' and hear him speak in his own language, he says
* First, this reason is weak and of no force, for the word
man^ is oft so used, that it both signifies all and every
man, and also araplifieth or setteth forth the greatness of that
number; as in Dan. xii. 2. Rom. v. 19. and in other places ;
where man^ cannot, nor is by any Christian understood for
less than all men.'
Rep. First, That if the proof and argument were taken
merely from the word maiiy, and not from the annexed de-
scription of those many, with the presupposed distinction of
all men into several sorts by the purpose of God, this excep-
tion would bear some colour; but for this see our arguments
following : only by the way, observe that he that shall divide
the inhabitants of any place, as at London, into poor and
rich, those that want, and those that abound, afterward affirm-
ing that he will bestow his bounty on many at London, on
the poor, on those that want, will easily be understood to
give it unto, and bestow it upon, them only. Secondly, Nei-
ther of the places quoted prove directly, that ma?i7/ must ne-
cessarily in them be taken for all. In Dan. xii. 2. a distribution
of the word to the several parts of the affirmation must be
allowed, and not an application of it to the whole, as such :
and so the sense is, the dead shall arise, manv to life, and
many to shame : as in another language it would have been
expressed ; neither are such Hebraisms unusual, besides per-
haps it is not improbable, that many are said to rise to life,
because, as the apostle says. All shall not die. The like also
may be said of Rom. v. 19. though the many there seem to
be all, yet certainly they are not called so with any intent to
denote all, with an amplification (which that many should
be to all, is not likely) ; for there is no comparison there insti-
tuted at all, between number and number ; of thosethatdied
by Adam's disobedience, and those that were made alive by
the righteousness of Christ; but only in the effects of the sin
of Adam, and the righteousness of Christ, too-ether with the
way and manner of communicating death and life from the
one and the other; whereunto any consideration of the num-
ber of the participators of those effects, is not inserted.
Thirdly, The other places whereby this should be confirmed,
I am confident our author cannot produce, notwithstanding
his free inclination of such a reserve; these being those
which are in this case commonly urged by Arniinians ; but if
he could, they would be no way material to infringe our ar-
gument, as appeareth by what was said before.
'Secondly, This reason,' he adds, 'is equivocal, subtle, and
fraudulent, seeing where all men and every man is affirmed
of, the death of Christ, as the ransom and propitiation, and
the fruits thereof only is assumed for them; but where the
word many is in any place used in this business, there are
more ends of the death of Christ, than this one affirmed of.'
Hep. 1. It is denied that the death of Christ, in any place
of Scripture, is said to be for all men, or for every man, which
with so much confidence is supposed and imposed on us, as
a thing acknowledged. 2. That there is any other end of the
death of Christ, besides the fruit of his ransom and propitia-
tion, directly intended, and not by accident attending it, is
utterly false; yea, what other end, the ransom paid by Christ,
and the atonement made by him, can have but the fruits of
them, is not imaginable ; the end of any work, is the same with
the fruit, effect, or product of it : so that this wild distinction,
of the ransom and propitiation of Christ, with thefruits of them
to be for all, and other ends of his death to be only for many ;
is an assertion neither equivocal, subtle, nor fraudulent.
But, — I speak to what I conceive the meaning of the ])lace.
for the words themselves bear no tolerable sense. 3. The
observation, that where the word many is used, many ends
are designed, but where all are spoken of there only the ran-
som is intimated, is : 1. Disadvantageous to the author's per-
suasion, yielding the whole argument in hand, by acknow-
ledging that where many are mentioned, there all cannot be
understood ; because more ends of the death of Christ, than
do belong to all are mentioned, and so confessedly all the
other answers, to prove that by many, all are to be under-
stood, are against the author's own light. 2. It is frivolous,
for it cannot be proved, that there are more ends of the death
of Christ, besides the fruit of his ransom. 3. It is false, for
where the death of Christ is spoken of as for many, he is said
to give his life a ransom for them; Matt. xx. 28. Which are
the very words where he is said to die for all ; 1 Tim. ii.
6. What difference is there in these, what ground for this
observation? Even such as these are divers others of that
author's observations : as his whole tenth chapter is spent
to prove that wherever there is mention of the redemption
purchased by the oblation of Christ, there they for whom it
is purchased are always spoken of in the third person ; as, by
all the world or the like, when yet, chapter one of his book,
himself produceth many places to prove this general re-
demption, where the persons for whom Christ is said to
suffer, are mentioned in the first or second persons ; 1 Pet.
ii. 24. iii. 18. Isa. liii. 5, 6. 1 Cor. xv. 4. Gal. iii. 13, &c.
Thirdly, He proceeds, 'This reason is false and ungodly,
for it is no where in Scripture said, that Christ died or gave
himself a ransom but for many, or only for many, or only for
his sheep, and it is ungodliness to add to, or diminish from,
the word of God in Scripture.'
Jiep. To pass by the loving terms of the author, and allow-
ing a grain to make the sense current. I say. First, That Christ
affirming that he gave his life for many, for his sheep, being
said to die for his church, and innumerable places of Scrip-
ture witnessing, that all men are not of his sheep, of his
church, we argue and conclude, by just and undeniable
consequence, that he died not for those who are not so. If
this be adding to the word of God (being only an exposition
and unfolding of his mind therein), who ever spake from the
word of God and was suiltless.
Secondly, Let it be observed, that in the very place where
our Saviour says, that he gave his life for liis sheep ; he pre-
sently adds, that some are not of his sheep; John xx. 26.
which if it be not equivalent to his sheep only, I know not
which is.
Thirdly, It were easy to recriminate ; but.
Fourthly, 'But,' says he, * the reason is deceitful and er-
roneous, for the Scripture doth no where say, 2. "Those many
he died for, are his sheep (much less his elect as the reason
intends it). As for the place, John x. 15. usually instanced
to this end, it is therein much abused; for our Saviour, John
X. did not set forth the difference, between such as he died
for, and such as he died not for ; ''or such as he died for, so and
so, and not so and so, 'but the difference between those that
believe on him, and those who believe not on him; ver. 4,
5. 14. 26, 27. One hear his voice and follow him, the other
not. *^Nor did our Saviour here set forth the privileges of all
he died for, or for whom he died for so and so, but of those
that believe on him through the ministration of the gospel ;
and so to know him and approach to God, and enter the
kingdom by him ; ver. 3, 4. 9. 27. ^Nor was our Saviour here
setting forth the excellency of those for whom he died, or
died for so only, wherein they are preferred before others ;
but the excellency of his own love, with the fruits thereof to
those (not only that he died for, but also) that are brought in
by his ministration to believe on him; ver. 11. 27. ^Nor was
our Saviour here treating so much of his ransom giving and
propitiation making, as of his ministration of the gospel, and
so of his love and faithfulness therein, wherein he laid down
his life for those ministered to, and therein gave us ex-
ample, not to make propitiation for sin, but to testify love
in suffering.'
Rep. I am persuaded of nothing, but an acquaintedness
with the condition of the times wherein we live, can afford
me sanctuary from the censure of the reader to be lavish of
precious hours, in considering and transcribing such canting
lines, IS these last repeated. But yet seeing better cannot be
afforded ; we must be content to view such evasions as these,
all whose strength is in incongruous expressions, in colerent
[in incoherent] structure, cloudy, windy phrases, all tending to
raise such a mighty fog as that the business in hand might not
be perceived, being lost in this smoke and vapour cast out to
darken the eyes, and amuse the senses, of poor seJuced souls.
The argument undertaken to be answered, being that Christ is
said to die for many, and those many are described and de-
signed to be his sheep ; as John x. What answer I pray or any
thing like thereunto is there to be picked out of this confused
heap of words which we have recited ; so that I might safely
pass the whole evasion by without farther observation on it,
but only to desire the reader to observe, how much this one
argument pres=eth, and what a nothing is that heap of con-
fusion which is opposed to it. But yet lest any thing should
adhere, I will give a few annotations to the place answering
the marks wherewith we have noted it ; leaving the full vin-
dication of the place, until I come to the pressing of our ar-
guments. I say then. First, ''That the many Christ died for
were his sheep, was before declared ; neither is the place of
John X. at all abused ; our Saviour evidently setting forth
a difference between them for whom he died, and those for
whom he would not die, calling the first his sheep; ver. 15.
' Those to whom he would give eternal life;' ver. 28. Those
given him by his Father ; chap. xvii. evidently distinguish-
ing them from others who were not so. Neither is it material
what was the primary intention of our Saviour in this place,
from which we do not argue, but from the intention and aim
of the words he uses, and the truth he reveals for that end
aimed at, which was the consolation of believers.
Secondly, ''For the difference between them he died for
so and so, and those he died for so and so, we confess he
puts none, for we suppose that this so and so, doth neither
express nor intimate any thing that may be suitable to any
purpose of God, or intent of our Saviour in this business, to
us for whom he died, he died in the same manner and for the
same end.
Thirdly, ''We deny that the primary difference that here
is mf'de by our Saviour, is between believers and not be-
lievers, but between elect and not elect, sheep and not sheep,
the thing wherein they are thus differenced, being the be-
lieving of the one; called healing of his voice and knowing
him, and the not believing of the other : the foundation of
these acts being their different condition, in respect of God's
purposa and Christ's love, as is apparent from the antithesis
and opposition which ye have in ver. 26 and 27. * Ye be-
lieve not, because ye are not of my sheep, and my sheep hear
my voice.' First, There is a distinction put in the act of be-
lieving and hearing (that is, therewithal to obey), and then is
the foundation of this distinction asserted, from their distin-
o-uished state and condition, the one being not his sheep, the
other being so, even them whom he loved and gave his life for.
Fourthly, '* First, It is nothing to the business before us,
what privileges our Saviour here expresseth, our question is,
for whom he says he would give his life, and that only. Se-
condly, This frequent repetition of that useless so and so,
serves for nothing but to puzzle the poor ignorant reader.
Thirdly, We deny that Christ died for any but those who
shall certainly be brought unto him by the ministration of
the gospel. So that there is not 'a not only those whom he
died for, but also those that are brought in unto him;' for he
died for his sheep, and his sheep hear his voice ; they for
whom he died, and those that come in to him, may receive
different qualifications, but they are not several persons.
Fifthly, "^ First, The question is not at all, to what end our
Saviour here makes mention of his death, but for whom he
died, who are expressly said to be his sheep, which all are not.
Secondly, His intention is to declare the giving of his life for
a ransom, and that according to the commandment received
of his Father ; ver. 18.
Sixthly, *^ First, The love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ,
in the ministration of the gospel ; that is, his performing
the office of the Mediator of the new covenant, is seen in
nothing more, than in giving his life for a ransom; John xv.
13. Secondly, Here is not one word of giving us an ex-
ample, though in laying down his life he did that also, yet
here it is not improved to that purpose. From these brief an-
notations I doubt not, but that it is apparent that that long-
discourse before recited, is nothing but a miserable mis-
taking of the text and question, which the author perhaps
perceiving, he adds divers other evasions which follow.
'Besides,' saith he, ' the opposition appears here to be not
so much between elect and not elect, as between Jews called
and Gentiles uncalled.'
llep. The opposition is between sheep and not sheep, and
that with reference to their election, and not to their voca-
tion. Now who would he have signified by the not sheep ?
Those that were not called, the Gentiles, that is against the
text, terming them sheep, that is in designation, though not
as yet called ; ver. 9. And who are the[called ; the Jews ? True,
they were then outwardly called, yet many of them were not
sheep ; ver. 26. Now truly such evasions from the force of
truth as this, by so foul corrupting of the word of God,
is no small provocation of the eye of his glory. But he
' Besides, there is in Scripture, great difference between
sheep, and sheep of his flock and pasture, of which he here
speaketh ; ver. 4, 5. 11. 15, 16.'
Rep- First, This unrighteous distinction well explained
must needs, no doubt (if any know how), give a great deal
of light to the business in hand. 2. If there be a distance to
be allowed, it can be nothing but that the sheep who are
simply so called, are those who are only so to Christ, from
the donation of his Father ; and the sheep of his pasture,
those who by the effectual working of the Spirit are actual-
ly brought home to Christ, and then of both sorts we have
mention in this chapter; ver. 16.27. both making up the
number of those sheep for whom he gave his life, to whom
he giveth life. But he proceeds ;
* Besides sheep, ver. 4, 5. 11. 15. are not mentioned, as
all those for whom he died, but as those who by his minis-
tration are brought in to believe, and enjoy the benefit of his
death, and to whom he ministereth and communicateth
Rep. 1. The substance of this and other exceptions is,
that by sheep is meant believers ; which is contrary to ver.
9. 16. calling them sheep who ai'e not as yet gathered to his
fold. 2. That his sheep are not mentioned as those for whom
he died, is in terms contradictory to ver. 15. * I lay down my
life for my sheep.' 3. Between those for whom he died, and
those whom he brings in by the ministration of his Spirit,
there is no more difference, than is between Peter, James,
and John, and the three apostles that were in the mount
with our Saviour at his transfiguration. This is childish
sophistry to beg the thing in question, and thrust in the opi-
nion controverted into the room of an answer. 4. That bring-
ing in, which is here mentioned, to believe and enjoy the be-
nefit of the death of Christ, is a most special fruit and bene-
fit of that death, certainly to be conferred on all them for
whom he died, or else most certainly his death will do them
no good at all. Once more, and we have done.^
* Besides, here are more ends of his death mentioned, than
ransom or propitiation only; and yet it is not said only for
his sheep, and when the ransom or propitiation only is men-
tioned, it is said for all men. So that this reason appears
weak, fraudulent, ungodly, and erroneous/
Rep. 1. Here are no word mentioned nor intimated of the
death of Christ, but only that which was accomplished by
his being a propitiation, and making his death a ransom for
us, with the fruits which certainly and infallibly spring
therefrom. 2. If more ends than one of the death of Christ
are here mentioned, and such as belong not unto all, why do
you deny that he speaks here of his sheep only ? Take heed
or you will see the ti'uth. 3. Where it is said of all men, I
know not, but this I am sure that Christ is said to give his
life a ransom, and that only mentioned where it is not said
for all, as Matt. xx. 28. x. 45. And so from those brief anno-
tations I hope any indifferent reader will be able to judge,
whether the reason opposed, or the exceptions against it de-
vised, be to be accounted weak, fraudulent, ungodly, and er-
Although I fear that in the particular I have already in-
trenched upon the reader's patience, yet I cannot let pass
the discourse immediately following in the same author, to
those exceptions which we last removed, laid by him against
the arguments we had in hand, without an obilist; as also an
observation of his great abilities, to cast down a man of
clouds, which himself had set up to manifest his skill in its
direction. To the preceding discourse he adds another ex-
ception, which he imposeth on those that oppose universal
redemption, as though it were laid by them against the un-
derstanding of the general expressions in the Scripture, in
that way and sense wherein he conceives them ; and it is,
that those words were fitted for the time of Christ and his
apostles, having another meaning in them than they seem to
import. Now having thus gaily trimmed and set up this
man of straw, to whose framing I dare boldly say, not one of
his adversaries did ever contribute a penful of ink; to shew
his rare skill, he chargeth it with I know not how many er-
rors, blasphemies, lies, set on with exclamations, and vehe-
ment outcries, until it tumble to the ground ; had he not
sometimes answered an argument, he would have been
thought a most unhappy disputant. Now to make sure that
once he would do it, I believe he was very careful that the
objection of his own framing, should not be too strong for
his own defacing. In the mean time how blind are they who
admire him for a combatant, who is skilful only at fencing
with his own shadow; and yet with such empty j anglings as
these, proving what none denies, answering what none ob-
jects, is the greatest part of Mr. More's book stuffed.
Of the distinction of impetration and application ; the use and abuse there-
of; with the opinion of the adversaries upon the whole matter in controversy
unfolded ; and the question on both sides stated.
The farther reasons whereby the precedent discourse may
be confirmed, I defer until I come to oppose some argu-
ment to the general ransom : for the present I shall only
take away that general answer, which is usually given to the
places of Scripture, produced to wave the sense of them,
which is (papfittKov iravao^ov to our adversaries, and serves
them as they suppose, to bear up all the weight wherewith
in this case they are urged. They say then, that in the ob-
lation of Christ, and concerning the good things by him
procured, two things are to be considered. First, The impe-
tration, or obtaining of them; and, secondly, The application
of them to particular persons. The first, say they, is gene-
ral, in respect of all ; Christ obtained and procured all good
things by his death, of his Father; reconciliation, redemption,
forgiveness of sins, for all and every man in the world, if they
will believe and lay hold upon him ; but in respect oi appli-
cation, they are actually bestowed and conferred but on a
few, because but a few believe, which is the condition on
which they are bestowed : and in this latter sense are the
texts of Scripture, which we have argued, all of them to be
understood ; so that they do no whit impeach the universa-
lity of merit which they assert, but only the universality of
application, which they also deny. Now this answer is com-
monly set forth by them in various terms and divers dresses,
X 2
according as it seems best to them that use it, and most sub-
servient to their several opinions ; for.
First, Some of them say, that Christ by his death and
passion, did absolutely, according to the intention of God,
purchase for all and every man, dying for them, remission of
sins, and reconciliation with God, or a restitution into a
state of grace and favour, all which shall be actually bene-
ficial to them, provided that they do believe. So the Ar-
Secondly, Some* again, that Christ died for all indeed,
but conditionally for some if they do believe, or will so do
(which he knows they cannot of themselves); and absoUitelif
for his own, even them on whom he purposeth to bestow faith
and grace, so actually to be made possessors of the good
things by him purchased. So Camero, and the divines of
France, which follow a new method by him devised.
Thirdly, Some'' distinguish of a twofold reconciliation and
redemption ; one wrought by Christ with God for man, which,
say they, is general for all and every man. Secondly, A re-
conciliation wrought by Christ in man unto God, bringing
them actually into peace with him.
And sundry other ways there are, whereby men express
their conceptions in this business, the sum of all comes to
this, and the weight of all lies upon that distinction, which
we before recounted, viz. that, in respect oi impetration, Christ
obtained redemption and reconciliation for all ; in respect of
application it is bestowed only on them who do believe, and
continue therein : their arguments whereby they prove the
generality of the ransom and universality of the reconcilia-
tion, must afterward be considered : for the present we han-
dle only the distinction itself, the meaning and misapplica-
tion whereof I shall briefly declare, which will appear if we
First, The true nature and meaning of this distinction,
and the true use thereof: for we do acknowledge that it may
be used in a sound sense and right meaning, which way so-
ever you express it, either by impetration and application,
or by procuring reconciliation with God and a working of
reconcilation in us. For by impetration, we mean the meri-
> Camero, Testardus, Amiraldns. ■> More, with some others of late.
torious purchase of all good things made by Christ for us,
with and of his Father ; and by application, the actual en-
joyment of those good things upon our believing ; as if a man
pay a price for the redeeming of captives, the paying of the
price supplieth the room of the impetration of which we speak,
and the freeing of the captives, is as the application of it.
Yet then we must observe,
First, That this distinction hath no place in the intentmi
and purpose of Christ, but only in respect of the things pro-
cured by him ; for in his purpose they are both united, his
full end and aim being to deliver us from all evil, and procure
all good actually to be bestowed upon us ; but in respect of
the things themselves, they may be considered either as pro-
cured by Christ, or as bestowed on us.
Secondly, That the will of God is not at all conditional in
this business, as though he gave Christ to obtain peace, re-
conciliation, and forgiveness of sins upon condition that we
do believe. There is a condition in the things, but none in the
will of God ; that is absolute, that such things should be pro-
cured and bestowed.
Thirdly, That all the things which Christ obtained for us,
are not bestowed upon condition, but some of them absolutely:
and as for those that are bestowed upon condition, the con-
dition on which they are bestowed, is actually purchased and
procured for us, upon no condition, but only by virtue of the
purchase. For instance : Christ hath purchased remission
of sins, and eternal life for us, to be enjoyed on our believing,
upon the condition of faith ; but faith itself which is the
condition of them, on whose performance they are bestowed,
that he hath procured for us absolutely, on no condition at
all ; for, what condition soever can be proposed, on which
the Lord should bestow faith, I shall afterward shew it vain,
and to run into a circle.
Fourthly, That both these, impetration and application,
have for their objects, the same individual persons ; that look
for whomsoever Christ obtained any good thing by his death,
unto them it shall certainly be applied, upon them it shall
actually be bestowed ; so that it cannot be said, that he ob-
tained any thing for any one, which that one shall not, or
doth not, in due time enjoy. For whomsoever he wrought
reconciliation with God, in them doth he work reconciliation
unto God. The one is not extended to some, to whom the
other doth not reach. Now because this being established,
the opposite interpretation and misapplication of this dis-
tinction vanisheth, I shall briefly confirm it with reasons.
First, If the application of the good things procured, be
the end why they are procured, for whose sake alone Christ
doth obtain them, then they must be applied to all for whom
they are obtained ; for otherwise Christ faileth of his end and
aim ; which must not be granted. But that this application
was the end of the obtaining of all good things for us, ap-
peareth. First, Because if it were otherwise, and Christ did not
aim at the apjylying of them, but only at their obtaining, then
might the death of Christ have had its full effect and issue,
without the application of redemption and salvation to any
one soul, that being not aimed at ; and so notwithstanding
all that he did for us, every soul in the world might have pe-
rished eternally : which whether it can stand with the dignity
and sufficiency of his oblation, with the purpose of his Fa-
ther, and his own intention, who ' came into the world to save
sinners, that which was lost, and to bring many sons unto
glory,' let all judge. Secondly, God in that action of send-
ing his Son, laying the weight of iniquity upon him, and
giving him up to an accursed death, must be affirmed to be
altooether uncertain, what event all this should have in re-
spect of us. For did he intend that we should be saved by it?
then the application of it is that which he aimed at, as we
assert. Did he not? certainly, he was uncertain what end it
should have; which is blasphemy, and exceeding contrary to
Scripture, and right reason. Did he appoint a Saviour, with-
out thought of them that were to be saved ? a Redeemer, not
determining who should be redeemed? Did he resolve of a
means not determining the end ? It is an assertion opposite
to all the glorious properties of God.
Secondly, If that which is obtained by any, do by virtue
of that action, whereby it is obtained, become his in right
for whom it is obtained, then for whomsoever any thing is by
Christ obtained, it is to them applied; for that must be made
theirs in fact, which is theirs in right. But it is most certain
that whatsoever is obtained for any, is theirs by right, for
v/hom it is obtained ; the very sense of the word, whether you
call it merit, impctration, purchase, acquisition, or obtaining,
doth bespeak a right in them, for whose good the merit is
effected, and the purchase made. Can that be said to be ob-
tained for me, which is no ways mine ? When I obtain any-
thing- by prayer or entreaty of any one, it being obtained it
is mine own ; that which is obtained by one, is granted by
him, of whom it is obtained ; and if granted, it is granted by
him to them for whom it is obtained. But they will say it is
obtained upon condition, and until the condition be fulfilled
no right doth accrue. I answer, if this condition be equally
purchased and obtained with other things that are to be be-
stowed on that condition, then this hinders not but that
every thing is to be applied, that is procured; but if it be
uncertain whether this condition will be fulfilled or not, then.
First, This makes God uncertain what end the death of his
Son will have : Secondly, This doth not answer but deny the
thing we are in proving which is confirmed.
Thirdly, Because the Scripture perpetually conjoining
these two things together, will not suffer us so to sever them,
as that the one should belong to some and not to others, as
though they could have several persons for their objects, as
Isa. liii. 11. 'By his knowledge shall my righteous servant
justify many ;' there is the application of all good things, ' for
he shall bear their iniquities;' there is the impetration ; he
justifieth all, whose iniquities he bore. As also ver. 5. of
that chapter ; ' But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our
peace was upon him, and by his stripes are we healed;' his
wounding and our healing, impetration, and application, his
chastisement and our peace are inseparably associated. So
Rom. iv. 25. 'He was delivered for our offences, and was
raised again for our justification.' So Rom. v. 18. 'By the
righteousness of one' (that is, his impetration), 'the free gift
comes upon all men to justification of life,' in the application.
See there who are called all men, most clearly ; Rom. viii.
32 — 34. ' He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him
up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us
all things? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's
elect? It is God that justifieth, who is he that condemneth ?
It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is
even at the right hand of God ; who also maketh intercession
for us.' From which words we have these several reasons of
our assertion : First, That for whom God gives his Son, to
them, in him, he freely gives all things, therefore all things
obtained by his death must be bestowed, and are, on them
for whom he died ; ver. 32. Secondly, They for whom Christ
died are justified, are God's elect, cannot be condemned, nor
can any thing be laid to their charge ; all that he hath pur-
chased for them must be applied to them, for by virtue thereof
it is that they are so saved; ver. 33, 34. Thirdly, For whom
Christ died, for them he maketh intercession. Now his in-
tercession is for the application of those things, as is con-
fessed, and therein he is always heard ; those, to whom the
one belongs, theirs also is the other. So John x. 10. The
comino; of Christ is, that ' his mioht have life, and have it
abundantly ;' as also 1 John iv. 9. Heb. x. 10. ' By which
will we are sanctified,' that is the application ; 'through the
offering of the body of Jesus, that is the means of impetra-
tion ; ' for by one offering he hath perfected them that are
sanctified;' Heb. x. 14. In brief, it is proved by all those
places which we produced, rightly to assign the end of the
death of Christ. So that this may be rested on, as I con-
ceive, as firm and immoveable, that the impetration of good
things by Christ, and the application of them, I'espect the
same individual persons.
Secondly, We may consider the meaning of those who
seek to maintain universal redemption by this distinction in
it, and to what use they do apply it. Christ, say they, died
for all men, and by his death purchased reconciliation with
God for them, and forgiveness of sins; which to some is ap-
plied, and they become actually reconciled to God, and have
their sins forgiven them; but to others not, who therefore
perish in the state of irreconciliation and enmity under the
guilt of their sins ; this application, say they, is not pro-
cured nor purchased by Christ, for then he dying for all, all
must be actually reconciled, and have their sins forgiven
them and be saved : but it attends the fulfilling of the con-
dition which God is pleased to prescribe unto them, that is,
believing which, say some, they can do by their own strength,
though not in terms, yet by direct consequence: others not,
but God must give it; so that when it is said in the Scrip-
ture, Christ hath reconciled us to God, redeemed us, saved
us by his blood, underwent the punishment of our sins, and
SO made satisfaction for us, they assert that no more is
meant but that Christ did that which upon the fulfilling of
the condition that is of us required, these things will follow.
To the death of Christ indeed, they assign many glorious
things, but what they give on the one hand, they take away
with the other, by suspending the enjoyment of them on a
condition by us to be fulfilled, not by him procured; and in
terras assert, that the proper and full end of the death
of Christ was, the doing of that, whereby God, his jus-
tice beino; satisfied, mio;ht save sinners if he would, and on
what condition it pleased him; that a door of grace might be
opened to all that would come in, and not that actual justi-
fication and remission of sins, life and immortality, were pro-
cured by him, but only a possibility of those things that so
it might be. Now that all the venom that lies under this
exposition and abuse of this distinction may the better ap-
pear, I shall set down the whole mind of them, that use it,
in a few assertions, that it may be clearly seen what we do
'First, God,' say they, 'considering all mankind as fallen
from that grace and favour in Adam wherein they were created,
and excluded utterly from the attainment of salvation by
virtue of the covenant of works, which was at the first made
with him, yet by his infinite goodness was inclined to desire
the happiness of them all and every one, that they might be
delivered from misery and be brought unto himself; which
inclination of his they call his universal love, and antecedent
will, whereby he would desirously have them all to be saved,
out of which love he sendeth Christ.'
That God hath any natural or necessary inclination by
his goodness, or any other property, to do good to us, or any
of his creatures, we do deny: every thing that concerns us
is an act of his free-will and good pleasure, and not a natural
necessary act of his Deity, as shall be declared.
Secondly, The ascribing an antecedent conditional will
unto God, whose fulfilling and accomplishment should de-
pend on any free contingent act or work of ours, is injurious
to his wisdom, power, and sovereignty, and cannot well be
excused from blasphemy ; and is contrary to Rom. ix. 19.
'Who hath resisted his will?' I say.
Thirdly, A common affection and inclination to do good
to all, doth not seem to set out the freedom, fulness, and di-
mensions of that most intense love of God, which is asserted
in the Scripture to be the cause of sending his Son; as John
iii. 16. ' God so loved the world that he gave his only begot-
ten Son ;' Eph. i. 6. ' Having made known to us the mystery
of his will; according to his good pleasure, which he hath
purposed in himself;' Col. i. 19. ' It pleased the Father that
in him should all fulness dwell;' Rom. v. 8. 'God com-
mendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sin-
ners, Christ died for us.' These two I shall, by the Lord's
assistance, fully clear, if the Lord give life and strength, and
his people enconragement to go through with the second part
of this controversy.
Fourthly, We deny that all mankind is the object of that
love of God, which moved him to send his Son to die. 'God
having made some for the day of evil;' Prov. xvi. 4. ' Hated
them before they were born;' Rom. ix. 12. 'Before of old
ordained them to condemnation ;' Jude 4. ' Being fitted for
destruction ;' Rom. ix. 22. ' Made to be taken and destroyed ;'
2Pet.ii. 12. 'Appointed to condemnation;' 1 Thess.v,9. 'To
go to their own place ;' Acts i. 25.
Secondly, ' The justice of God being injured by sin, un-
less something might be done for the satisfaction thereof,
that love of God whereby he wouideth good to all sinners,
could no way be brought forth into act, but must have its
eternal residence in the bosom of God without any effect
That neither Scripture nor right reason, will enforce nor
prove an utter and absolute want of power in God to save
sinners by his own absolute will, without satisfaction to his
justice, supposing his purpose that so it should be, indeed
it could not be otherwise; but, without the consideration of
that, certainly he could have effected it, it doth not imply
any violating of his holy nature.
An actual and necessary velleity, for the doing of any
thing; which cannot possibly be accomplished without some
work fulfilled outwardly of him, is opposite to his eternal
blessedness and all-sufficiency.
Thirdly, ' God therefore to fulfil that general love and
goodwill of his towards all, and that it might put forth itself
in such a way as shoidd seem good to him, to satisfy his
justice which stood in the way, and was the only hinderance,
he sent his Son into the world to die.'
The failing of this assertion we shall lay forth, when we
come to declare that love, whereof the sending of Christ was
the proper issue and effect.
Fourthly, * Wherefore the proper and immediate end and
aim of the purpose of God, in sending his Son to die for all
men was, that he might, what way it pleased him, save sin-
ners, his justice which hindered being satisfied, as Arminius ;
or that he might will to save sinners, as Corvinus ; and the
intention of Christ was to make such satisfaction to the jus-
tice of God, as that he might obtain to himself, a power of
saving upon what conditions it seemed good to his Father
to prescribe.'
Whether this was the intention of the Father in sending
his Son or no, let it be judged ; something was said before
upon the examination of those places of Scripture, which
describe his purpose, let it be known from them whether
God in sending of his Son intended to procure to himself a
liberty to save us, if he would, or to obtain certain salvation
for his elect.'
That such a possibility of salvation, or at the utmost a
velleity or willing of it upon an uncertain condition, to be
by us fulfilled, should be the full, proper, and only imme-
diate end of the death of Christ, will yet scarcely down with
tender spirits.
The expression of procuring to himself ability to save,
upon a condition to be prescribed, seems not to answer that
certain purpose of our Saviour in laying down his life, which
the Scripture saith was 'to save his sheep,' and to 'bring
many sons to glory,' as before ; nor hath it any ground in
Fifthly, ' Christ therefore obtained for all and every one
reconciliation with God, remission of sins, life, and salvation,
not that they should actually be partakers of these things,
but that God (his justice now not hindering) might and would
prescribe a condition to be by them fulfilled, whereupon he
would actually apply it, and make them partake of all those
good things purchased by Christ.' And here comes their
distinction of impetration and application, which we before
intimated, and thereabout in the explication of this assertion
they are wondrously divided.
Some say that this proceeds so far, that all men are there-
by received into a new covenant; in which redemption Adam
was a common person as well as in his fall from the old,
and all we again restored in him ; so that none shall be
damned, that do not sin actually against the condition
wherein they are born, and fall from the state whereinto all
men are assumed through the death of Christ ; so Borreus,
Corviniis, and one of late, in plain terms, that all are recon-
ciled, redeemed, saved, and justified in Christ, though how
he would not understand (More, p. 10). But others, more
warily deny this, and assert that hy nature roe are all dtUdren
oftvrath, and that until we come to Christ, the wrath of God
ahideih on all, so that it is not actually removed from any; so
the assertors of the efficacy of grace in France.
Again, some say that Christ by this satisfaction removed
original sin in all, and by consequent that only : so that all
infants, though of Turks and Pagans, out of the covenant,
dying before they come to the nse of reason, must un-
doubtedly be saved ; that being removed in all, even the ca-
lamity, guilt, and alienation contracted by our first fall,
whereby God may save all upon a new condition. But others
of them (more warily) observing, that the blood of Christ is
said to ' purge all our sins;' 1 John i. 8. 1 Pet. i. 18. Isa. liii.
6. they say he died for all sinners alike, absolutely for none,
but conditionally for all. Farther, some of them affirm that
after the satisfaction of Christ, or the consideration of it in
God's prescience, it was absolutely undetermined, what con-
dition should be prescribed, so that the Lord might have re-
duced all again to the law and covenant of works ; so Cor-
vinus. Others, that a procuring of a new way of salvation by
faith was a part of the fruit of the death of Christ. So
More, p. 35.
Again, some of them, that the condition prescribed is by
our own strength, with the help of such means, as God at
all times and in all places, and unto all, is ready to aflTord to
be performed ; others deny this, and affirm that effectual
grace flowing peculiarly from election is necessary to believ-
ing. The first establishing the idol oi free-tuill, to maintain
their own assertion, others overthrowing their own asser-
tion for the establishment of grace. So Amiraldus, Ca-
mero, &c.
Moreover, some say that the love of God in sending of
Christ is equal to all ; others go a strain higher, and main-
tain an inequality in the love of God, although he send his
Son to die for all, and though greater love there cannot be
than that whereby the Lord sent his Son to die for us ; as
Rom. viii. 32. and so they say that Christ purchased a greater
good for some and less for others ; and here they put them-
selves upon innumerable uncouth disthtctions, or rather (as
one calleth them) extinctions ; blotting out all sense and rea-
son, and true meaning of the Scripture : witness Testardus,
Amiraldus, and as every one may see that can but read Eng-
lish in T. M. Hence that multiplicity of the several ends of
the death of Christ ; some that are the fruits of his ransom
and satisfaction, and some that are I know not what; besides
his dying for some so and so, for others so and so, this way
and that way, hiding themselves in innumerable unintelli-
gible expressions, that it is a most difficult thing to know
what they mean, and harder to find out their mind than to
answer their reasons.
In one particular they agree well enough, viz. in denying
that faith is procured or merited for us by the death of
Christ ; so far they are all of them constant to their own
principles ; for once to grant it would overturn the whole
fabric of universal redemption; but in assigning the cause
of faith they go asunder again.
Some say, that God sent Christ to die for all men, but
only conditionally if they did and would believe; as though
if they believed, Christ died for them ; if not, he died not, and
so make the act the cause of its own object. Other some,
that he died absolutely for all, to procure all good things
for them, which yet they should not enjoy, until they fulfil
the condition that was to be prescribed unto them ; yet all
conclude, that in his death Christ had no more respect unto
the elect than others, to sustain their persons, or to be in
their room; but that he was a public person in the room of
all mankind.
Concerning the close of all this, in respect of the event
and immediate product of the death of Christ, divers have
diversly expressed themselves; some placing it in the power,
some in the will of God; some in the opening of a door of
grace; some in a right purchased to himself of saving whom
he pleased ; some that in respect of us he had no end at all,
but that all mankind might have perished after he had done
all. Others make divers and distinct ends not almost to be
reckoned of this one act of Christ, according to the diver-
sity of the persons for whom he died; whom they grant to
be distinguished and differenced by aforegoing decree ; but
to what purpose the Lord should send his Son to die for
them, whom he himself had determined not to save, but at
least to pass by and leave to irremediless ruin for their sins,
I cannot see ; nor the meaning of the twofold destination by
some invented. Such is the powerful force and evidence of
truth, that it scatters all its opposers, and makes them fly
to several hiding corners ; who if they are not willing to yield
and submit themselves, they shall surely lie down in dark-
ness and error. None of these, or the like intricate and in-
volved impedite distinctions, hath itself need of; into none
of such poor shifts and devices doth it compel its abettors;
it needeth not any windings and turnings to bring itself into
a defensible posture ; it is not liable to contradictions in
its own fundamentals, for without any farther circumstances,
the whole of it in this business may be thus summed up.
God out of his infinite love to his elect, sent his dear Son in
the fulness of time, whom he had promised in the heginning of the
world, and made effectual by that promise; to die, pay a ransom
of infinite value and dignity , for the purchasing of eternal re-
demption, and bringing unto himself, all and every one of these
whom he had before ordained to eternal life, for the praise of his
own glory. So that freedom from all the evil from which we
are delivered, and an enjoyment of all the good things that
are bestowed on us, in our traduction from death to life, from
hell and wrath to heaven and glory, are the proper issues
and effects of the death of Christ, as the meritorious cause
of them all; which may in all the parts of it be cleared by
these few assertions.
First, The fountain and cause of God's sending Christ, is
his eternal love to his elect, and to them alone; which I shall
not now farther confirm, reserving it for the second general
head of this whole controversy.
Secondly, The value, worth, and dignity of the ransom,
which Christ gave himself to be, and of the price which he
paid, was infinite and immeasurable, fit for the accomplish-
ing of any end, and the procuring of any good, for all and
every one for whom it was intended, had they been millions
of men more than ever were created ; of this also afterward :
see Acts xx. 28. ' God purchased his church with his own
blood ;' 1 Pet. i. 18. ' Redeemed not with silver and gold, but
with the precious blood of Christ;' and that answering the
mind and intention of Almighty God; Johnxiv. 31. 'As the
Father gave me commandment, so I do.' Who would have
such a price paid, as might be the foundation of that eco-
nomy and dispensation of his love and grace which he in-
tended, and of the way whereby he would have it dispensed.
Acts xiii. 38, 39. ' Through this man is preached unto you
the forgiveness of sins ; and by him all that believe are jus-
tified from all things, from which ye could not be justified
by the law of Moses.' 2 Cor. v. 20, 21. 'We are ambassa-
dors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we
pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God ; for he
hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin ; that we
might be made the righteousness of God in him.'
Thirdly, The intention and aim of the Father in this great
work was, a bringing of those many sons to glory, viz. his
elect, whom by his free grace he had chosen from amongst
all men, of all sorts, nations, and conditions ; to take them
into a new covenant of grace with himself, the former being
as to them, in respect of the event, null and abolished ; of
which covenant Jesus Christ is the first and chief promise;
as he that was to procure for them all other good things pro-
mised therein ; as shall be proved.
Fourthly, The things purchased or procured for those per-
sons, which are the proper effects of the death and ransom
of Christ, in due time certainly to become theirs, in posses-
sion and enjoyment, are remission of sin, freedom from wrath
and curse of the law, justification, sanctification, and recon-
ciliation with God, and eternal life ; for the will of his Fa-
ther sending him for these, his own intention in laying down
his life for them, and the truth of the purchase made by him,
is the foundation of his intercession, begun on earth and
continued in heaven ; whereby he whom his Father always
hears, desires and demands that the good things procured
by him, may be actually bestowed on them all, and every
one for whom they were procured. So that the whole of
what we assert in this great business is exceedingly clear,
and apparent without any intricacy, or the least difficulty
at all, not clouded with strange expressions, and unneces-
sary divulsions and tearings of one thing from another, as is
the opposite opinion, which in the next place shall be dealt
withal by arguments, confirming the one and everting the
other. But because the whole strength thereof lieth in, and
the weight of all lieth on, that one distinction we before
spoke of, by our adversaries diversly expressed and held
out, we will a little farther consider that, and then come to
our arguments, and so to the answering of the opposed ob-
Of application and impetralioii.
The allowable use of this distinction, how it may be taken
in a sound sense, the several ways whereby men have express-
ed the thing, which in these words is intimated; and some
arguments for the overthrowing of the false use of it, however
expressed, we have before intimated and declared ; now see-
ing that this is the ttqwtov ipevdog of the opposite opinion,
understood in the sense, and according to the use they make
of it, I shall give it one blow more, and leave it I hope a dy-
ing. I shall then briefly declare, that although these two
things may admit of a distinction, yet they cannot of a sepa-
ration ; but that for whomsoever Christ obtained good, to
them it might be applied ; and for whomsoever he wrought
reconciliation with God, they must actually unto God be re-
conciled. So that the blood of Christ, and his death in the
virtue of it, cannot be looked on (as some do) as a medicine
in a box, laid up for all that shall come to have any of it,
and so applied now to one, then to the other, without any
respect or difference, as though it should be intended no
more for one than for another; so that although he hath ob-
tained all the good that he hath purchased for us, yet it is
left indifferent and uncertain whether it shall ever be ours or
no ; for it is well known, that notwithstanding those glori-
ous things, that are assigned by the Arminians to the death
of Christ; which they say he purchased for all, as remission
of sins, reconciliation with God, and the like ; yet they for
whom this purchase and procurement is made may be damn-
ed, as the greatest part are and certainly shall be. Now that
there should be such a distance between these two.
First, It is contrary to common sense or our usual forai
of speaking, which must be wrested, and our understandings
forced to apprehend it. When a man hath obtained an office,
or any other obtained it for him, can it be said that it is un-
certain whether he shall have it or no? If it be obtained for
him, is it not his in right, though perhaps not in possession?
That which is impetrated or obtained by petition, is his by
whom it is obtained. It is to offer violence to common
sense, to say a thing may be a man's, or it may not be his,
when it is obtained for him, for in so saying we say it is
his : and so it is in the purchase made by Jesus Christ, and
the good things obtained by him for all them for whom
he died.
Secondly, It is contrary to all reason in the world, that
the death of Christ in God's intention should be applied to
any one, that shall have no share in the merits of that death.
God's will that Christ should die for any, is his intention,
that he shall have a share in the death of Christ, that it
should belong to him ; that is, be applied to him, for that is
in this case said to be applied to any, that is his in any re-
spect, according to the will of God ; but now the death of
Christ, according to the opinion we oppose, is so applied to
all, and yet the fruits of this death are never so much as once
made known to far the greatest part of those all.
Secondly, That a ransom should be paid for captives,
upon compact for their deliverance, and yet upon the pay-
ment those captives not be made free, and set at liberty.
The death of Christ is a ransom ; Matt. xx. 28. paid by com-
pact for the deliverance of captives for whom it was a ran-
som ; and the promise wherein his Father stood engaged to
him, at his undertaking to be a Saviour, and undergoing the
office imposed on him, was their deliverance (as was before
declared), upon his performance of the things on that the
greatest number of these captives should never be released,
seems strange and very improbable.
Thirdly, It is contrary to Scripture, as w^as before at large
declared. See chap. x.
But now all this our adversaries suppose they shall wipe
away with one slight distinction, that will make, as they say,
all we affirm in this kind to vanish, and thatis this. It is true,
say they, all things that are absolutely procured and ob-
tained for any, do presently become theirs in right for whom
they are obtained ; but things that are obtained upon condi-
tion, become not theirs until the condition be fulfilled; now
Christ hath purchased by his death, for all, all good things,
not absolutely, but upon condition, and until that condition
come to be fulfilled, unless they perform what is required,
they have neither part nor portion, right unto, nor possession
of, them. Also, what this condition is, they give in, in sun-
dry terms, some call it a not resisting of this redemption,
offered to them; some, a yielding to the invitation of
the gospel ; some, in plain terms, faith. Now be it so that
Christ purchaseth all things for us, to be bestowed on this
condition, that we do believe it; then I affirm, that, first.
Certainly this condition ought to be revealed to all for whom
this purchase is made, if it be intended for them in good
earnest ; all for whom he died must have means to know
that his death will do them good, if they believe, especially
it being in his power alone to grant them these means, who
intends good to them by his death. If I should entreat a
physician, that could cure such a disease, to cure all that
came unto him, but should let many rest ignorant of the grant,
which I had procured of the physician, and none but myself
could acquaint them with it, whereby they might go to him
and be healed, could I be supposed to intend the healing of
those people? Doubtless, no. The application is easy. Se-
condly, This condition of them to be required, is in their
power to perform, or it is not. If it be, then have all men
power to believe; which is false. If it be not, then the Lord
will grant them grace to perform it, or he will not. If he
will, why then do not all believe? why are not all saved?
If he will not, then this impetration or obtaining salvation
and redemption for all by the blood of Jesus Christ, comes
at length to this, God intendeth that he shall die for all, to pro-
cure for them remission of sins, reconciliation vnth him, eternal
redemption and glory, but yet so, that they shall never have the
least good by these glorious things, unless they perform that,
which he knoivs they are no way able to do, and ivhich none but
himself' can enable them to perform ; and which concerning for
the greatest part of them, he is resolved 7iot to do. Is this to
intend that Christ should die for them, for their good, or
rather that he should die for tliem to expose them to shame
and misery ? Is it not all one, as if a man should promise a
blind man a thousand pounds upon condition that he will
see. Thirdly, This condition of faith, is procured for us by
the death of Christ, or it is not. If they say it be not, then
the chiefest grace, and without which redemption itself (ex-
pressed how you please) is of no value, doth not depend on
the grace of Christ, as the meritorious procuring cause
thereof; which, first, is exceedingly injurious to our blessed
Saviour, and serves only to diminish the honour and love
due to him. Secondly, Is contrary to Scripture ; Tit. iii.
5, 6. 2 Cor. V. 21. ' He became sin for us, that we might
be made the righteousness of God in him;' and how we
can become the righteousness of God, but by believing, I
know not ; yea, expressly saith the apostle, ' It is given to
us for Christ's sake, on the behalf of Christ, to believe on
him ;' Phil i. 29. * God blessing us with all spiritual bless-
ings in him ;' Eph. i. 3. Whereof surely faith is not the
least. If it be a fruit of the death of Christ, why is it not
bestowed on all, since he died for all, especially since the
whole impetration of redemption is altogether unprofitable
without it ? If they do invent a condition upon which this is
bestowed, the vanity of that shall be afterward discovered ;
for the present, if this condition be, so they do not refuse or
resist the ineans of grace ; then I ask, if the fruit of the death
of Christ shall be applied to all, that fulfil this condition of
not refusing or not resisting the means of grace. If not, then
why is that produced ? If so, then must all be saved, that
have not, or do not, resist the means of grace ; that is, all
Pagans, infidels, and those infants, to whom the gospel was
never preached. Fourthly, This whole assertion tends to
make Christ, but a half mediator, that should procure the
end, but not the means conducing thereunto. So that not-
withstanding this exception and new distinction, our asser-
Y 2
tion stands firm, that the fruits of the death of Christ in re-
spect of impetration of good, and application to us, ought
not to be divided, and our arguments to confirm it are un-
shaken. For a close of all, that which in this cause we af-
firm may be summed up in this. Christ did not die for any
upon condition if they do believe, but he died for all God's
elect, that they should believe, and believing have eternal
life ; faith itself is among the principal effects and fruits of
the death of Christ, as shall be declared. It is no where
said in Scripture, nor can it reasonably be affirmed, that if
we believe, Christ died for us, as though our believing
should make that to be, which otherwise was not, the act
create the object, but Christ died for us, that we might be-
lieve; salvation indeed is bestowed conditionally, but faith
which is the condition is absolutely procured. The ques-
tion being thus stated, the difference laid open, and the
thing in controversy made known, we proceed in the next
place to draw forth some of those arguments, demonstra-
tions, testimonies, and proofs, whereby the truth we main-
tain is established, in which it is contained, and upon which
it is firmly founded, only desiring the reader to retain some
notions, in his mind, of those fundamentals which in gene-
ral we laid down before, they standing in such relation to
the arguments which we shall use, that I am confident not
one of them can be thoroughly answered before they be
Argianents against the nniversality of redemption. The two first f rota
the nature of the new covenant, and the dispensation thereof,
1 HE first argument may be taken from the nature of the co-
venant of grace, which was established, ratified, and con-
firmed, in and by the death of Christ, that was the testament
whereof he was the testator, which was ratified in his death,
and whence his blood is called ' the blood of the New Tes-
ment ;' Matt. xxvi. 28. Neither can any effects thereof be
extended beyond the compass of this covenant ; but now
this covenant was not made universally with all, but parti-
cularly only with some, and therefore those alone were in-
tended in the benefits of the death of Christ. The assump-
tion appears from the nature of the covenant itself, described
clearly Jer. xxxi. 31, 32. ' I will make a new covenant with
the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah ; not ac-
cording to the covenant that I made with their fathers in
the day that I took them by the hand, to bring them out of
the land of Egypt ; (which my covenant they brake, though
I was an husband to them, saith the Lord).' And Heb. viii.
9 — 11. ' Not according to the covenant that I made with
their fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to lead
them out of the land of Egypt, because they continued not
in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, saith the Lord ; I will put my laws
in their mind, and write them in their hearts, and I will be
to them a God, and they shall be to me a people ; and they
shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his
brother, saying, Know the Lord ; for all shall know me from
the least to the greatest.' Wherein, first, the condition of
the covenant is not said to be required, but it is absolutely
promised ; * I will put my fear in their hearts.' And this is
the main difference between the old covenant of works, and
the new one of grace, that in that the Lord did only
require the fulfilling of the condition prescribed, but in this
he promiseth to effect it in them himself, with whom the cove-
nant is made. And without this spiritual efficacy, the truth
is, the new covenant, would be as weak and unprofitable for the
end of a covenant (the bringing of us and binding of us to God)
as the old. For in what consisted the weakness and unpro-
fitableness of the old covenant, for which God in his mercy
abolished it? Was it not in this, because by reason of sin
we were no way able to fulfil the condition thereof, ' Do this
and live !' Otherwise the connexion is still true, that ' he that
doth these things shall live ;' and are we of ourselves any
way more able to fulfil the condition of the new covenant ?
Is it not as easy for a man by his own strength to fulfil the
whole law, as to repent and savingly believe the promise of
the gospel ? This then is one main diflference of these two
covenants, that the Lord did in the old only require the con-
dition ; now in the new he will also effect it in all the fede-
rates, to whom this covenant is extended. And if the Lord
should only exact obedience required in the covenant of us,
and not work and effect it also in us, the new covenant would
be a show to increase our misery, and not a serious impart-
ing and communicating of grace and mercy. If then, this be
the nature of the New Testament, as appears from the very
words of it, and might abundantly be proved, that the condition
of the covenant, should certainly by free grace be wrought
and accomplished in all that are taken into covenant, then no
more are in this covenant, than in whom those conditions of
it are effected. But thus, as is apparent, it is not with all ;
for ' all men have not faith,' it is of the elect of God. There-
fore, it is not made with all, nor is the compass thereof to be
extended beyond the remnant that are according to election.
Yea every blessing of the new covenant being certainly com-
mon, and to be communicated to all the covenantees; either
faith is none of them, or all must have it if the covenant it-
self be general. But some may say, that it is true God pro-
miseth to write his law in our hearts, and put his fear in our
inward parts ; but it is upon condition : give me that condition
and I will yield the cause. Is it if they do believe? Nothing
else can be imagined ; that is, if they have the law written
in their hearts (as every one that believes hath), then God
promiseth to write his law in their hearts. Is this probable.
friends ? is it likely ? I cannot then be persuaded, that God
hath made a covenant of grace with all, especially those who
never heard a word of covenant, grace, or condition of it ; much
less received grace for the fulfilling of the condition, without
which the whole would be altogether unprofitable and use-
less. The covenant is made with Adam, and he is acquaint-
ed with it; Gen. iii. 15. renewed with Noah, and not hid-
den from him. Again established with Abraham, accom-
panied with a full and rich declaration of the chief promises
of it; Gen. xii. which is most certain not to be effected to-
vi^ards all, as afterward will appear. Yea, that first distinc-
tion between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the
serpent, is enough to overthrow the pretended universality
of the covenant of grace ; for who dares aflarm that God en-
tered into a covenant of grace with the seed of the serpent?
Most apparent then it is that the new covenant of grace, and
the promises thereof, are all of them of distinguishing mercy,
restrained to the people whom God did foreknow, and so not
extended universally to all. Now the blood of Jesus Christ
beincr the blood of this covenant, and his oblation intended
only for the procurement of the good things intended and
promised thereby, for he was the surety thereof, Heb. vii.
22. and of that only ; it cannot be conceived to have respect
unto all, or any, but only those that are intended in this co-
If the Lord intended that he should, and by his death
did, procure pardon of sin, and reconciliation with God, for
all and every one to be actually enjoyed, upon condition that
they do believe, then ought this good will and intention of
God, with this purchase in their behalf by Jesus Christ, to
be made known to them by the word, that they might be-
lieve; 'for faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word
of God;' Rom. x. 4. 15. For if these things be not made
known and revealed to all, and every one that is concerned
in them, viz. to whom the Lord intends, and for whom he
hath procured so great a good, then one of these things will
follow ; either, first. That they may be saved without faith
in, and the knowledge of, Christ (which they cannot have
unless he be revealed to them), which is false and proved so;
or else, secondly. That this good will of God, and this pur-
chase made by Jesus Christ, is plainly in vain, and frustrate
in respect of them ; yea, a plain mocking of them, that will
neither do them any good to help them out of misery, nor
serve the justice of God to leave them inexcusable, for what
blame can redound to them, for not embracing and well using
a benefit, which they, never heard of in their lives ? Doth it
become the wisdom of God to send Christ to die for men,
that they might be saved, and never cause these men to hear
of any such thing, and yet to purpose and declare that un-
less they do hear of it and believe it, they shall never be
saved ? What wise man would pay a ransom for the delivery
of those captives, which he is sure shall never come to the
knowledge of any such payment made, and so never be the-
better for it? Is it answerable to the goodness of God to
deal thus with his poor creatures ? To hold out towards them
all in pretence, the most intense love imaginable, beyond all
compare and illustration, as his love in sending his Son is
set forth to be, and yet never let them know of any such
thing, but in the end to damn them for not believing it? Is
it answerable to the love and kindness of Christ to us, to as-
sign unto him at his death such a resolution as this ; I will
now by the oblation of myself, obtain for all and every one,
peace and reconciliation with God, redemption and everlast-
ing salvation, eternal glory in the high heavens, even for all
these poor miserable wretched worms, condemned caitiffs,
that every hour ought to expect the sentence of condemna-
tion ; and all these shall truly and really be communicated to
them, if they will believe ; but yet withal I will so order things,
that innumerable souls shall never hear one word of all this
that I have done for them, never be persuaded to believe,
nor have the object of faith that is to be believed proposed
to them, whereby they might indeed possibly partake of
these things ? Was this the mind and will, this the design
and purpose of our merciful high priest? God forbid. It is
all one as if a prince should say and proclaim, that whereas
there be a number of captives held in sore bondage in such
a place, and he hath a full treasure, he is resolved to redeem
them every one ; so that every one of them shall come out
of prison that will thank him for his good will ; and in the
mean time, never take care to let these poor captives know
his mind and pleasure ; and yet be fully assured, that unless
he effect it himself it will never be done ; would not this be
conceived a vain and ostentatious flourish, without any good
intent indeed towards the poor captives ? Or as if a physi-
cian should say, that he hath a medicine that will cure all
diseases, and he intends to cure the diseases of all, but lets
but very few know his mind, or any thing of his medicine ;
and yet is assured that without his relation, and particular
information, it will be known to very few, and shall he be
supposed to desire, intend, or aim at the recovery of all ?
Now it is most clear, from the Scripture and experience of
all ages, both under the old dispensation of the covenant,
and the new, that innumerable men, whole nations, for a long
season are passed by in the declaration of this mystery ; the
Lord doth not procure that it shall by any means in the least
measure be made out to all ; they hear not so much as a ru-
mour or report of any such thing. Under the Old Testa-
ment * in Judah was God known, and his name was great in
Israel, at Salem was his tabernacle, and his dwelling-place
at Sion;' Psal. Ixxvi. 'He shewed his word unto Jacob, and
his judgments unto Israel; he hath not dealt so with any
nation, and as for his judgments they have not known them ;*
Psal. cxlvii. 19, 20. Whence those appellations of the Hea-
then, and imprecations also, as Jer. x. 25. ' Pour out thy fury
upon the Heathen that know thee not, and upon the families
that call not upon thy name.' Of whom you have a full de-
scription, Eph. ii. 12. 'Without Christ, aliens from the com-
monwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of
promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.'
And under the New Testament, though the church have
confirmed her cords, and strengthened her stakes, and many
nations are come in to the mountain of the Lord ; so many
as to be called all people, all nations, yea the world, the
whole world, in comparison of the small precinct of the
church of the Jews, yet now also Scripture and experience
do make it clear, that many are passed by, yea millions of
souls, that never hear word of Christ, nor reconciliation by
him, of which we can give no other reason ; but, ' yea, O
Father, because it seemed good to thee;' Matt. xi. 25, 26.
For the Scripture, Acts xvi. Ye have the Holy Ghost ex-
pressly forbidding the apostles to go to sundry places with
the word, but sending them another way, answerable to the
former dispensation in some particulars, wherein 'he suffered
all men to walk in their own ways ;' Acts xiv. 16. And for
experience, not to multiply particulars, do but ask any of our
brethren who have been at any time in the Indies, and they
will easily resolve ye in the truth thereof.
The exceptions against this argument are poor and frivo-
lous, which we reserve for a reply. In brief, how is it revealed
to those thousands of the offspring of infidels, whom the
Lord cuts off in their infancy, that they may not pester the
world, persecute his church, nor disturb human society? How
to their parents, of whom Paul affirms, that by the work of
God they might be led to the knowledge of his eternal power
and G odhead, but that they should know any thing of redemp-
tion or a Redeemer, was utterly impossible.
Containing three other arguments.
If Jesus Christ died for all men, that is, purchased and pro-
cured for them, according to the mind and Vv'ill of God, all
those things which we recounted, and the Scripture setteth
forth, to be the effects and fruits of his death, which may be
summed up in this one phrase, eternal redemption ; ihen he did
this, and that according to the purpose of God, either obso-
liitely or upon some condition by them to be fulfilled. If ah-
solutehj, then ought all and every one, absolutely and infalli-
bly to be made actual partakers of that eternal redemption so
purchased : for what I pray, should hinder the enjoyment of
that to any, which God absolutely intended, and Christ ab-
solutely purchased for them. If upon condition, then he did
either procure this condition for them, or he did not ? If he
did procure this condition for them, that is, that it should
be bestowed on them, and wrought within them, then he did
it either absolutely again or upon a condition. If absolutely,
then are we as we were before ; for to procure any thing for
another, to be conferred on him, upon such a condition, and
withal, to procure that condition absolutely to be bestowed on
them, is equivalent to the absolute procuring of the thing it-
self. For so we affirm in this very business, Christ procured
salvation for us, to be bestowed conditionally if we do be-
lieve, but faith itself, that he hath 'absolutely procured without
prescribing of any condition. Whence we affirm that the
purchasing of salvation for us, is equivalent to what it would
have been, if it had been so purchased as to have been ab-
solutely bestowed, in respect of the event and issue. So that
thus also must all be absolutely saved. But if this condition,
be procured upon condition, let that be assigned, and we will
renew our cjuccre concerning the procuring of that, whether it
were absolute or conditional ; and so never rest until they
come to fix somewhere, or still run into a circle. But on the
other side, is not this condition procured by him, on whose
performance all the good things purchased by him, are to be
actually enjoyed? Then, first, this condition must be made
known to all, as arg. 2. Secondly, All men are able of them-
selves to perform this condition, or they are not ? If they are,
then seeing that condition is faith in the promises, as is on
all sides confessed, then are all men of themselves by the
power of their own free-will able to believe : which is con-
trary to the Scriptures, as by the Lord's assistance shall be
declared. If they cannot, but that this faith must be be-
stowed on them and wrought within them, by the free grace
of God ; then when God gave his Son to die for them, to pro-
cure eternal redemption for them all upon condition that they
did believe, he either purposed to work faith in them all by
his grace, that they might believe, or he did not ? li he did,
why doth not he actually perform it, seeing he is of one mind,
and who can turn him? why do not all believe? why have
not all men faith? Or doth he fail of his purpose? If he did
not purpose to bestow faith on them all, or (which is all one)
if he purposed not to bestow faith on all (for the will of God
doth not consist in a pure negation of any thing, what he
doth not will that it should be, he wills, that it should not
be), then the sum of it comes to this: that God gave Christ
to die for all men, but upon this condition, that they perform
that which of themselves, without him they cannot perform,
and purposed, that for his part, he would not accomplish it
in them. Now if this be not extreme madness, to assign a
will unto God of doing that which himself knows, and orders
that it shall never be done, of granting a thing upon a con-
dition, which without his help cannot be fulfilled, and which
help he purposed not to grant, let all judge. Is this any
thing but to delude poor creatures ? Is it possible that any
good at all should arise to any by such a purpose as this,
such a giving of a Redeemer ? Is it agreeable to the goodness
of God, to intend so great a good as is the redemption pur-
chased by Christ, and to pretend that he would have it pro-
fitable for them, when he knows that they can no more fulfil
the condition, which he requires, that it may be by them en-
joyed, than Lazarus could of himself come out of the grave ?
Doth it beseem the wisdom of God to purpose that which he
knows shall never be fulfilled ? If a man should promise to
give a thousand pounds to a blind man upon condition that he
will open his eyes and see, which he knows well enough he
cannot do ; were that promise, to be supposed to come from
a heart pitying of his poverty, and not rather from a mind to
elude and mock at his misery ? If the king should promise to
pay a ransom for the captives at Algiers, upon condition that
they would conquer their tyrants and come away, which he
knows full well they cannot do, were this a kingly act? or
as if a man should pay a price to redeem captives, but not
that their chains may be taken away, without which they
cannot come out of prison ? To promise dead men great re-
wards upon condition they live again of themselves ? Are not
these to as much end, as the obtaining of salvation : for men
upon condition that they do believe, without obtaining that
condition for them? Were not this the assio-nino- such a will
and purpose as this to Jesus Christ ? ' I will obtain eternal life
to be bestowed on men, and become theirs by the application
of the benefits of my death, but upon this condition that they
do believe; but as I will not reveal my mind and will in this
business, nor this condition itself to innumerable of them, so
concerning the rest I know they are no ways able of them-
selves, no more than Lazarus was to rise, or a blind man is to
see, to perform the condition that I do require, and without
which none of the Pood thino;s intended for them can ever
become theirs : neither will I procure that condition ever to
be fulfilled in them ; that is, I do will that, that shall be done,
which I do not only know shall never be done, but that it
cannot be done, because I will not do that, without which it
can never be accomplished.' Now whether such a will and
purpose as this, beseem the wisdom and goodness of our
Saviour, let the reader judge. In brief, an intention of doing
good, unto any one, upon the performance of such a condi-
tion as the intended knows is absolutely above the strengtli
of him, of whom it is required (especially if he know that it
can no way be done, but by his concurrence, and he is re-
solved not to yield that assistance, which is necessary to the
actual accomplishment of it, is a vain fruitless flourish, that
Christ then should obtain of his Father eternal redemption,
and the Lord should through his Son intend it for them, who
shall never be made partakers of it), because they cannot
perform, and God and Christ have purposed not to bestow
the condition, on which alone it is to be made actually theirs,
is unworthy of Christ, and unprofitable to them for whom it
is obtained ; Avhich that any thing that Christ obtained for
the sons of men should be so unto them, is a hard saying in-
deed. Again, if God through Christ purpose to save all if
they do believe, because he died for all, and this faith be not
purchased by Christ, nor are men able of themselves to be-
lieve, how comes it to pass that any are saved ?
God bestows faith on some, not on others. I reply, is this
distinguishing grace purchased for those some comparatively,
in respect of those that are passed by without it? Kit be,
then did not Christ die equally for all; for he died that some
might have faith, not others ; yea in comparison, he cannot
be said to die for those other some at all, not dying that they
might have faith, without which he knew that all the rest
would be unprofitable and fruitless ; but is it not purchased
for them by Christ, then have those that he saved no more
to thank Christ for, than those that are damned, which were
strange and contrary to Rev. i. 5. ' To him that hath loved us,
and washed us with his own blood, and hath made us kings and
priests unto God and his Father,' &c. For my part,! do con-
ceive that Christ hath obtained salvation for men not upon con-
dition if they would receive it, but so fully and perfectly that
certainly they should receive it; he purchased salvation, to be
bestowed on them that do believe, but ^N\i\\?i\ faith that they
might believe. Neither can it be objected, that according
to our doctrine, God requires any thing of men that they
cannot do, yea faith to believe in Christ : for, first, commands
do not signify what is God's intention should be done, but
what is our duty to do, which may be made known to us,
whether we be able to perform it or not : it signifieth no
intention or purpose of God. Secondly, For, first, the promises
which are proposed together with the command to believe ;
they do not hold out the intent and purpose of God, that
Christ should die for us if we do believe, which is absurd ;
that the act should be the constitutor of its own object,
which must be before it, and is presupposed to be before we
are desired to believe it: nor, secondly, the purpose of God
that the death of Christ should be profitable to us if we do
believe, which we before confuted ; but, thirdly, only that
faith is the way to salvation, which God hath appointed : so
that all that do believe shall undoubtedly be saved, these
two things, faith and salvation, being inseparably linked to-
gether, as shall be declared.
If all mankind, be in and by the eternal purpose of God,
distinguished into two sorts and conditions ; severally and
distinctly described and set forth in the Scripture, and Christ
be peculiarly affirmed, to die for one of these sorts, and no
where for them of the other, then did he not die for all ; for
of the one sort he dies for all and every one, and of the other
for no one at all. But, first, there is such a discriminating
distinguishment among men by the eternal purpose of God,
as those whom he loves and those whom he hates. Rom. ix.
11, 12. Whom he knoweth, and whom heknoweth not. John
X. 14. ' I knowmy sheep.' 2 Tim.ii.19. * God knoweth who are
his.' Rom. viii.29. 'Whom he did foreknow.' Rom.xi.2. 'The
people whom he foreknew :' ' I know you not ;' Matt. vii. 33.
so John xiii. 18. ' I speak not of you all; I know whom I
have chosen ;' those that are appointed to life and glory ;
and those that are appointed to, and fitted for, destruction,
elect and reprobate, those that were ordained to eternal life,
and those who before were of old ordained to condemnation;
as Eph. i. 4. ' He hath chosen us in him.' Acts xiii. 48. ' Or-
dained toeternallife.' Rom.viii.30. 'Whom he predestinated,
them he also called ; whom he called them he also justified;
and whom he justified them he also glorified:' so on the
other side, 1 Thes. v. 9. God hath not appointed us to wrath
but to obtain salvation : ' Appointed to wrath.' Rom.ix. 18 —
21. ' He hath mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom
he will he hardeneth : thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth
he then find fault ? for who hath resisted his will ? Nay but,
O man, who art thou that repliest against God ? Shall the
thing formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made
me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the
same lump to make one vessel to honour and another to dis-
honour?' Jude 4. ' Ordained to this condemnation.' 2 Pet. ii.
12. 'Made to be taken and destroyed:' ' Sheep and goats;'
Matt. XXV. 32. John x. passim. Those on whom he hath mercy
and those whom he hardeneth ; Rom. ix. Those that are his
peculiar people and children according to promise ; that are
^ot of the world, his church, and those that in opposition to
them are the world, not prayed for, not his people ; as Tit. ii.
14. John xvii. 9, 10. passim. John xi. 51. Heb. ii. 10 — 13.
Which distinction of men is every where ascribed to the pur-
pose, will, and good pleasure of God. Prov. xvi. 4. 'The
Lord hath made all things for himself, even the wicked for
the day of wrath.' Matt. xi. 25, 26. ' Father, I thank thee that
thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and
hast revealed them unto babes ; even so, O Father, for so it
seemed good in thy sight.' Rom. ix. 11, 12. 'The children being
not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the
purpose of God according to election might stand, not of
works, but of him that calleth ; it was said unto her. The
elder shall serve the younger.' Ver. 16, 17. ' So then it is not
of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that
sheweth mercy ; for the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even
for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might
shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared
throughout all the earth.' Rom. viii. 28 — 30. 'Who are called
according to his purpose ; for whom he did foreknow, he did
also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,
that he might be the first-born among many brethren : more-
over, whom he did predestinate them he also called ; and
whom he called them he also justified ; and whom he justified
them he also glorified.' So that the first part of the propo-
sition is clear from the Scripture ; now Christ is said ex-
pressly and punctually to die for them on the one side,
for his people; Matt. i. 21. His sheep; John x. 11- — 14. His
church; Acts xx. 28. Eph. v. 25. As distinguished from the
world; Rom. v. 8,9. John xi. 51, 52. His elect; Rom. viii. 32.
34. His children ; Heb. ii. 12, 13. As before more at large ;
whence we may surely conclude, that Christ died not for all
and every one ; to wit, not for those he never knew, whom
he hateth, whom he hardeneth, on whom he will not shew
mercy, who were before of old ordained to condemnation, in
a word for a reprobate, for the world, for which he would
not pray. That which some except, that though Christ be
said to die for his sheep, for his elect, his chosen, yet he is not
said to die for them only ; that term is no where expressed,
is of no value ; for is it not without any forced interpreta-
tion in common sense, and according to the usual course of
speaking, to distinguish men into two such opposite condi-
tions, as elect and reprobate, sheep and goats ; and then
affirming that he died for his elect, equivalent to this, he died
for his elect only? Is not the sense as clearly restrained as
if that restrictive term had been added ? or is that term
always added in the Scripture in every indefinite asser-
tion, which yet must of necessity be limited and restrained,
as if it were expressly added ; as where our Saviour saith,
I am the way, and the life, and the resurrection ; John xiv.
He doth not say that he only is so, and yet of necessity it
must be so understood, as also in that. Col. i. 19. * It pleased
the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.' He doth not
express the limitation only, and yet it were no less than blas-
phemy to suppose a possibility of extending the affirmation
to any other : so that this exception, notwithstanding this
argument, is, as far as I can see, unanswerable : which also
might be farther urged by a more large explication of God's
purpose of election and reprobation, shewing how the death
of Christ was a means set apart and appointed for the saving
of his elect, and not at all undergone and suffered for those,
which in his eternal counsel he did determine should perish
for their sins, and so never be made partakers of the benefits
thereof. But of this more must be spoken, if the Lord pre-
serve us and give assistance for the other part of this con-
troversy, concerning the cause of sending Christ.
That is not to be asserted and affirmed, which the Scrip-
ture doth not any where go before us in : but the Scripture
no where saith, Christ died for all men, much less for all and
every man (between which two, there is a wide difference, as
shall be declared) : therefore this is not to be asserted. It is
true, Christ is said to give his life a ransom for all, but no
where for all men ; and because it is affirmed expressly in
other places, that he died for iiiany^ for his church, for them
that believe, for the children that God gave him for tis, some
of all sorts, though not expressly, yet clearly in terms equi-
valent; Rev. V. 9, 10. It must be clearly proved that where
all is mentioned, that it cannot be taken for all believers, all
his elect, his whole church, all the children that God gave
him, some of all sorts, before a universal affirmative can be
thence concluded : and if men will but consider the parti-
cular places, and contain themselves, until they have done
what is required, we shall be at quiet I am persuaded, in
this business.
Containing two other arguments from the person Christ sustained
in this business.
For whom Christ died, he died as a sponsor in their stead,
as is apparent, Rom. v. 6 — 8. ' For when we were yet with-
out strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For
scarcely for a righteous man will one die ; yet peradventure
for a good man some would even dare to die. But God com-
mendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sin-
ners, Christ died for us.' Gal. v. 13. ' He was made a curse
for us.' 2 Cor. v. 21. * He hath made him to be sin for us.'
All which places do plainly signify and hold out a change
or commutation of persons; one being accepted in the room
of the other. Now if he died as the sponsor or surety of
them for whom he died in their stead, then these two things
at least will follow : First, That he freed them from that an-
ger and wrath, and guilt of death, which he underwent for
them, that they should in and for him be all reconciled, and
be freed from the bondage wherein they are by reason of
death : for no other reason in the world can be assigned,
why Christ should undergo any thing in another's stead,
but that that other might be freed from undergoing that
which he underwent for him : and all justice requires,
that so it should be, which also is expressly intimated, when
our Saviour is said to be tjyvog, ' a surety of a better testa-
ment;' Heb. vii. 22. that is, by being our priest, under-
going the chastisement of our peace, and the burden of our
iniquities ; Isa. liii.5 — 7. ' He was made sin for us, that we
might be made the righteousness of God in him ;' 2 Cor. v,
21. But now all are not freed from wrath and the guilt of
death, and actually reconciled to God, which is to be justi-
fied through an imputation of righteousness, and a non-im-
putation of iniquities ; for until men come to Christ, ' the
wrath of God abideth on them ;' John iii. 36. Which argueth
and intimateth a not removal of wrath by reason of not be-
lieving. He doth not say, it comes on them as though by
Christ's death they were freed from being under a state and
condition of wrath, which we are all in by nature; Eph. ii. 3.
but jUiva ^it remaineth' or abideth : it was never removed: and
to them the gospel is a savour of death to death, bringing a
new death and a sore condemnation by its being despised,
unto that death the guilt whereof they before lay under.
Some have indeed affirmed that all and every one are redeem-
ed, restored, justified, and made righteous in Christ, and by
his death : but truly this is so wretched, 1 will not say per-
verting of the Scripture, which gives no colour to any such
assertion, but so direct an opposition to them, as I judge it
fruitless, and lost labour to go about to remove such excep-
tions. (More, p. 45.) Secondly, It follows that Christ made
satisfaction for the sins of all and every man, if he died for
them; for the reason why he underwent death for us as a
surety, was to make satisfaction to God's justice for our sins,
so to redeem us to himself; neither can any other be assigned :
but Christ hath not satisfied the justice of God for all the
sins of all and every man, which may be made evident by
divers reasons. For,
First, For whose sins he made satisfaction to the justice
of God, for their sins the justice is satisfied, or else his satis-
faction was rejected as insufficient: for no other reason can
be assigned of such a fruitless attempt ; which to aver is
blasphemy in the highest degree. But now the justice of
God is not satisfied for all the sins of all and every man,
which also is no less apparent than the former : for they that
must undergo eternal punishment themselves for their sins,
that the justice of God may be satisfied for their sins, the
justice of God was not satisfied without their own punish-
ment, by the punishment of Christ; for they are not healed
by his stripes, but that innumerable souls shall to eternity
undergo the punishment due to their own sins, I hope needs
with Christians no proving. Now how can the justice of God
require satisfaction of them for their sins, if it were before
satisfied for them in Christ. To be satisfied, and to require
satisfaction that it may be satisfied, are contradictory, and
cannot be afiirmed of the same in respect of the same ; but
that the Lord will require of some the utmost farthing is
most clear; Matt. v. 26.
Secondly, Christ, by undergoing death for us, as our
surety, satisfied for no more than he intended so to do. So
great a thing as satisfaction for the sins of men could not
accidentally happen besides his intention, will, and pur-
pose; especially considering that his intention and good
will, sanctifying himself to be an oblation, was of abso-
lute necessity to make his death an acceptable offering.
But now Christ did not intend to satisfy for the sins of all
and every man ; for innumerable souls were in hell under the
punishment and weight of their own sins, from whence there
is no redemjjtion before, and actually then, when our Sa-
viour made himself an oblation for sin. Now shall we sup-
pose that Christ would make himself an offering for their
sins, whom he knew to be past recovery, and that it was ut-
terly impossible that ever they should have any fruit or be-
nefit by his offering ? Shall we think that the blood of the
covenant was cast away upon them, for whom our Saviour
intended no good at all ? To intend good to them he could
not, without a direct opposition to the eternal decree of his
Father, and therein of his own eternal Deity. Did God send
his Son, did Christ come to die for Cain and Pharaoh,
damned so many ages before his suffering ? ' Credat Apella?'
The exception, that Christ died for them, and his death would
have been available to them, if they had believed and ful-
filled the condition required, is in my judgment of no force
at all. For, first. For the most part they never heard of any
such condition. Secondly, Christ at his death knew full
well, that they had not fulfilled the condition, and were ac-
tually cut off from any possibility ever so to do ; so that any
intention to do them good by his death, must needs be vain
and frustrate, which must not be assigned to the Son of God.
Thirdly, This redemption, conditionate if they believe, we
shall reject anon. Neither is that other exception, that Christ
might as w^ell satisfy for them, that were eternally damned
at the time of his suffering (for whom it could not be useful).
z 2
as for Ihem that were then actually saved (for whom it was
not needful), of any more value. For, first, Those that were
saved, were saved upon this ground, that Christ should cer-
tainly suffer for them in due time, which suffering of his was
as effectual in the purpose and promise, as in the execution
and accomplishment. It was in the mind of God accounted
for them as accomplished : the compact and covenant with
Christ about it being surely ratified upon mutual unchange-
able promises (according to our conception); and so our Sa-
viour was to perform it, and so it was needful for them that
were actually saved : but for those that were actually damned,
there was no such inducement to it, or ground for it, or issue
to be expected out of it. Secondly, A simile will clear the
whole : if a man should send word to a place where captives
were in prison, that he would pay the price and ransom that
was due for their delivery, and to desire the prisoners to
come forth, for he that detains them accepts of his word and
engagement; when he comes to make payment, according
to his promise, if he finds some to have gone forth according
as was proposed, and others continued obstinate in their
dungeon; some hearing of what he had done, others not,
and that according to his own appointment, and were now
long since dead ; doth he in the payment of his promised
ransom intend it for them that died stubbornly and obsti-
nately in the prison? or only for them who went forth?
Doubtless only for these last : no more can the passion of
Christ be supposed to be a price paid for them that died in
the prison of sin and corruption before the payment of his
ransom; though it might full well be for them that were
delivered by virtue of his engagement for the payment of
such a ransom. Thirdly, If Christ died in the stead of all
men, and made satisfaction for their sins, then he did it for
all their sins, or only for some of their sins. If for some only,
who then can be saved? If for all, why then are not all saved?
They say it is because of their unbelief they will not believe,
and therefore are not saved. That unbelief, is it a sin or is it
not? If it be not, how can it be a cause of damnation ? If it
be, Christ died for it, or he did not. If he did not, then he
died not for all the sins of all men. If he did, why is this an
obstacle to their salvation? Is there any new shift to be in-
vented for this? or must we be contented with the old ? viz.
Because they do not believe : that is, Christ did not die for
their unbelief, or rather, did not by his death remove their
unbelief, because they would not believe, or because they
would not themselves remove their unbelief; or he died for
their unbelief conditionally, that they were not unbelievers.
These do not seem to me to be sober assertions.
For whom Christ died, for them he is a mediator, which
is apparent ; for the oblation or offering of Christ, which
he made of himself unto God, in the shedding of his blood,
was one of the chiefest acts of his mediation. But he is
not a mediator for all, and every one, which also is no less
evident, because as mediator he is the priest for them, for
whom he is a mediator : now to a priest it belongs as was
declared before, to sacrifice and intercede, to procure good
things and to apply them, to those for whom they are pro-
cured, as is evident; Heb.ix.and was proved before at large ;
which confessedly Christ doth not for all. Yea, that Christ
is not a mediator for every one, needs no proof: experience
sufficiently evinceth it, besides innumerable places of Scrip-
ture. It is, I confess, replied by some, that Christ is a me-
diator for some, in respect of some acts, and not in respect
of others ; but truly this, if I am able to judge, is a disho-
nest subterfuge that hath no ground in Scripture, and would
make our Saviour a half mediator in respect of some, which
is an unsavoury expression. But this argument was vindi-
cated before.
Of sanctificalion, and of the cause of faith, and the procurement thereof
by the death of Christ,
Another argument may be taken from the effect 2indjruit
of the death of Christ unto sanctijication, which we thus pro-
pose. If the blood of Jesus Christ, doth wash, purge, cleanse,
and sanctify, them for whom it was shed, or for whom he was
a sacrifice ; then certainly he died, shed his blood, or was
a sacrifice, only for them that in the event are washed, purged,
cleansed, and sanctified ; which that all or eveiy one are not,
is most apparent, faith being the first principle of the heart's
purification ; Acts xv. 9. and all men have not faith ; 1 Thes.
iii. 2. it is of the elect of God ; Tit. i. 1. The consequence,
I conceive, is undeniable, and not to be avoided with any
distinctions. But now we shall make it evident that the
blood of Christ, is effectual for all those ends of washing,
purging, and sanctifying, which we before recounted ; and
this we shall do, first. From the types of it ; and, secondly, By
plain expressions, concerning the thing itself. First, For the
type; that which we shall now consider in the sacrifice of
expiation, which the apostle so expressly compareth with
the sacrifice and oblation of Christ : of this he affirmeth,
Heb. ix. 13. that it legally sanctified them, for whom it was
a sacrifice; for, saith he, 'The blood of bulls and goats, and
the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to
the purifying of the flesh.' Now that which was done carnally,
and legally in the type, must be spiritually effected in the
antitype, the sacrifice of Christ, typified by that bloody sa-
crifice of beasts. This the apostle asserteth in the verse fol-
lowing ; ' How much more/ saith he, ' shall the blood of
Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself with-
out spot unto God, purge the conscience from dead works
to serve the living God?' If 1 know any thing, that answer
of Arminius, and some others to this, viz. that the sacrifice
did sanctify not as offered, but as sprinkled ; and the blood
of Christ, not in respect of the oblation, but of its applica-
tion, answereth it, is weak and unsatisfactory ; for it only
asserts a division between the oblation and application of the
blood of Christ, which though we allow to be distinguished,
yet such a division we are now disproving, and to weaken
our argument, the same division which we disprove is pro-
posed. Which, if any, is an easy facile way of answering.
We grant, that the blood of Christ sanctifieth in respect of
the application of the good things procured by it, but withal
prove, that it is so applied to all, for whom it was an obla-
tion, and that because it is said to sanctify and purge, and
must answer the type which did sanctify to the purifying of
the flesh. Secondly, It is expressly, in divers places, affirmed
of the bloodshedding and death of our Saviour, that it doth
effect these things, and that it was intended for that pur-
pose ; many places for the clearing of this were before re-
counted. I shall now repeat so many of them, as shall be
suflficient to give strength to the argument in hand ; omit-
ting those which before were produced, only desiring that
univp:rsal redemptioiv. 343
all those places which point out the end of the death of
Christ, may be considered as of force to establish the truth
of this argument. Rom. vi. 5, 6. 'For if we have been planted
together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the
likeness of his resurrection; knowing this that our old man
is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed,
that henceforth we should not serve sin.' The words of the
latter verse yield a reason of the former assertion in verse 5.
viz. That a participation in the death of Christ, shall cer-
tainly be Accompanied with conformity to him in his resur-
rection. That is both to life spiritual, as also to eternal ;
* Because our old man is crucified with him, that the body
of sin might be destroyed ;' that is, our sinful corruption and
depravation of nature, are by his death and crucifying, ef-
fectually and meritoriously slain, and disabled from such a
rule and dominion over us, as that we should be servants
any longer unto them : which is apparently the sense of the
place, being it is laid a foundation, to press forward unto all
degrees of sanctification, and freedom from the power of sin.
The same apostle also tells us, 2 Cor. i. 20. that, ' all the
promises of God are in him yea, and in him Amen, unto the
glory of God by us:' yea and Amen, confirmed, ratified,
uncharjgeably established, and irrevocably made over to us;
now this was done in him, that is, in his death and blood-
shedding, for the confirmation of the testament, whereof
these promises, are the conveyance of the legacies to us, are
confirmed by the 'death of him the testator;' Heb. ix. 16.
For he was ' the surety of this better testament ;' Heb. vii. 22.
which testament or * covenant, he confirmed with many,' by
his being cut off for them ; Dan. ix. 26, 27. Now what are
the promises that are thus confirmed unto us, and established
by the blood of Christ? The sum of them you have, Jer.
xxxi. 33. whence they are repeated by the apostle, Heb.
viii. 10 — 12. To set out the nature of that covenant, which
was ratified in the blood of Jesus ; in which you have the
summary description of all that free grace towards us, both
in sanctification, ver. 10, 11. and in justification, ver. 12.
Amongst also these promises, is that most famous, of cir-
cumcising our hearts, and of giving new hearts and spirits
unto us ; as Deut. xxx. 6. Ezek. xxxvi. 26. So that our whole
sanctification, holiness, with justification and reconciliation
unto God, is procured by, and established unto us, with un-
changeable promises in the death and bloodshedding of
Christ; ' The heavenly or spiritual things being purified with
that sacrifice of his \ Heb. ix. 23. * For we have redemption
by his blood, even the forgiveness of sins ;' Col. i. 13. ' By
death he destroyed him that had the power of death, that is
the devil ; that he might free those who by reason of death,
were obnoxious to bondage all their lives ;' Heb. ii. 14, 15.
Do but take notice, of those two most clear places, Tit.
ii. 14. Eph. V. 25, 26. In both which, our cleansing and
sanctification is assigned, to be the end and intendment of
Christ the worker, and therefore, the certain effect of his
death and oblation, which was the work, as was before
proved ; and 1 shall add but one place more, to prove that,
which 1 am sorry that I need produce any one to do; to wit,
that the blood of Christ purgeth us from all our sin ; and it
is, 1 Cor. i. 30. 'Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.' Of which
because it is clear enough, I need not spend time to prove,
that he was thus made unto us of God, inasmuch as he set
him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood; as
Rom. iii. 25. So that our sanctification, with all other effects
of free grace, are the immediate procurement of the death of
Christ. And of the things that have been spoken, this is
the sum, sanctification and holiness, is the certain fruit and
effect of the death of Christ, in all them for whom he died,
but all and every one are not partakers of this sanctification,
this purging, cleansing, and working of holiness ; therefore,
Christ died not for all and every one, quod erat demonsti^an-
dum. It is altogether in vain to except, as some do, that
the death of Christ is not the sole cause of these things; for
they are not actually wrought in any, without the interven-
tion of the Spirit's working in them, and faith apprehending
the death of Christ. For, first. Though many total causes of
the same kind, cannot concur to the producing of the same
effect; yet several causes of several kinds, may concur to
one effect, and be the sole causes in that kind wherein they
are causes. The Spirit of God is the cause of sanctification
and holiness ; but what kind of cause I pray ? Even such a
one as is immediately, really efficient of the effect. Faith is
the cause of pardon of sin ; but what cause ? in what kind ?
Why merely as an instrument, apprehending the righteous-
ness of Christ. Now do these causes, whereof one is efficient
the other instrumental, both natural and real, hinder that
the blood of Christ, may not only concur, but also be the
sole cause, moral and meritorious, of these things? Doubt-
less they do not; nay they do suppose it so to be; or else
they would in this work be neither instrumental nor efficient;
that being the sole foundation of the Spirit's operation and
efficience, and the sole cause of faith's being and exist-
ence. A man is detained captive by his enemy, and one
goes to him that detains him, and pays a ransom for his de-
livery, who thereupon grants a warrant to the keepers of
the prison, that they shall knock off his shackles, take away
his rags, let him have new clothes, according to the agree-
ment, saying, Deliver him, for 1 have found a ransom ; be-
cause the jailer knocks off his shackles, and the warrant of
the judge, is brought for his discharge, shall he or we say,
that the price and ransom which was paid, was not the cause,
yea the sole cause, of his delivery ? Considering that none of
these latter had been, had not the ransom been paid; they
are no less the effect of that ransom, than his own delivery.
In our delivery from the bondage of sin, it is true there are
other things, in other kinds, do concur besides the death of
Christ, as the operation of the Spirit and the grace of God,
but these being in one kind, and that in another, these also
being no less the fruit and effect of the death of Christ,
than our deliverance wrought by them, it is most apparent
that that is the only main cause of the whole. Secondly, To
take off utterly this exception, with all of the like kind, we
affirm that faith itself is a proper immediate fruit and pro-
curement of the death of Christ, in all them for whom he
died; which because if it be true, it utterly overthrows the
general ransom, or universal redemption ; and if it be not
true, I will very willingly lay down this whole controversy,
and be very indifferent which way it be determined, for go
it which way it will, free-will must be established, 1 will
prove a part by itself, in the next argument.
Before I come to press the argument intended, I must
premise some few things ; as,
1. Whatever is freely bestowed upon us, in and through
Christ, that is all wholly the procurement and merit of the
death of Christ : nothing is bestowed through him, on those
that are his, which he hath not purchased, the price whereby
he made his purchase being his own blood; 1 Cor. vi. For the
covenant between his Father and him, of making out all spi-
ritual blessings to them that were given unto him, was ex-
pressly founded on this condition, ' that he should make his
soul an offering for sin ;' Isa. liii.
2. That confessedly on all sides, faith is in men of un-
derstanding, of such absolute indispensable necessity unto
salvation, there being no sacrifice to be admitted for the want
of it, under the new covenant, that whatever God hath done,
in his love sending his Son ; and whatever Christ hath done
or doth, in his oblation and intercession for all or some, with-
out this in us, is, in regard of the event, of no value, worth,
or profit unto us ; but serveth only to increase and aggravate
condemnation : for whatsoever is accomplished besides, that
is most certainly true, ' He that believeth not shall be damned ;'
Mark xvi. 16. (So that if there is in ourselves a power of
believing, and the act of it do proceed from that power, and
is our own also, then certainly and undeniably, it is in our
power to make the love of God, and death of Christ, effec-
tual towards us or not; and that by believing we actually do
the one, by an act of our own : which is so evident that the
most ingenious and perspicacious of our adversaries have in
terms confessed it, as I have declared elsewhere.)"^ This being
then the absolute necessity of faith, it seems to me that the
cause of that, must needs be the prime and principal cause
of salvation : as being the cause of that without which the
whole would not be, and by which the whole is, and is ef-
3. I shall give those, that to us in this are contrary
minded, their choice and option, so that they will answer di-
rectly categorically, and without uncouth insignificantcloudy
distinctions, whether our Saviour by his death and interces-
sion (which we proved to be conjoined), did merit or procure
faith for us, or no ? or which is all one, whether faith be a
fruit and effect of the death of Christ or no ? And according
to their answer I will proceed. If they answer afiirmatively,
that it is, or that Christ did procure it by his death (provided
always that they do not wilfully equivocate); and when I speak
» Display of Arminianisra.
of faith, as it is a grace in a particular person, taking it sub-
jectively, understand faith as it is the doctrine of faith, or the
way of salvation declared in the gospel, taking it objectively,
which is another thing and beside the present question ;
although by the way, I must tell them, that we deny the
granting of that new way of salvation in bringing life and
immortality to light by the gospel in Christ, to be procured
for us by Christ, himself being the chiefest part of this way,
yea the way itself; and that he should himself be procured
by his own death and oblation, is a very strange contradic-
tory assertion, beseeming them who have used it. (More,
p. 35.) It is true, indeed, a full and plenary carrying of
his elect to life and glory by that way, we ascribe to him,
and maintain it against all ; but the granting of that way was
of the same free grace and unprocured love, which was also
the cause of granting himself unto us ; Gen. iii. 15. If I say
they answer thus affirmatively ; then I demand, whether
Christ procured faith for all for whom he died, absolutely,
or upon some condition on their part to be fulfilled ? If ab-
solutely, then surely if he died for all, they must all abso-
lutely believe; for that which is absolutely procured for any,
is absolutely his no doubt ; he that hath absolutely procured
an inheritance, by what means soever, who can hinder that
it should not be his ? But this is contrary to that of the apo-
stle, * all men have not faith,' and * faith is of the elect of God ;'
Tit. i. 1. If they say that he procured it for them, that is,
to be bestowed on them, conditionally : I desire that they
would answer, bona fide, and roundly in terms — without equi-
vocation, or blind distinctions, assign that condition, that
we may know what it is, being it is a thing of so infinite
concernment to all our souls : let me know this condition
which ye will maintain, and en herham amici, the cause is
yours. Is it, as some say, if they do not resist the grace of
God ? Now what is it not to resist the grace of God ? Is it not
to obey it? And what is it to obey the grace of God ? Is it
not to believe? So the condition of faith is faith itself. Christ
procured that they should believe upon condition that they do be-
lieve: are these things so? But they can assign a condition
on our part required of faith, that is not faith itself: can they
do it? Let us hear it then, and we will renew our inquiry
concerning that condition, whether it be procured by Christ
or no. If not, then is the cause of faith still resolved into
ourselves, Christ is not the author and finisher of it. If it be,
then are we just where we were before, and must follow with
our queries whether that condition was procured absolutely,
or upon condition : depinge uhi sistam.
But, secondly, if they will answer negatively, as agreeably
to their own principles they ought to do, and deny that faith
is procured by the death of Christ ; then,
1 . They must maintain that it is an act of their own wills,
so our own, as not to be wrought in us by grace, and that it
is wholly sited in our power to perform that spiritual act;
nothing being bestowed upon us by free grace, in and through
Christ (as was before declared), but what by him in his death
and oblation was procured : which, first, is contrary to ex-
press Scripture in exceeding many places, which I shall not
2. To the very nature of the being of the new covenant,
which doth not prescribe and require the condition of it, but
effectually work it in all the covenanters ; Jer. xxxi. 32, 33.
Ezek. xxxvi. 26. Heb. iii. 8.
3. To the advancement of the free grace of God, in setting
up the power of free-will, in the state of corrupted nature, to
the slighting and undervaluing thereof.
4. To the received doctrine of our natural depravedness
and disability to any thing that is good : yea by evident un-
strained consequence overthrowing that fundamental article
of original sin.
Yea, fifthly, to right reason, which will never grant that
natural faculty is able of itself without some spiritual eleva-
tion, to produce an act purely spiritual; as 1 Cor. ii. 14.
Secondly, They must resolve almost the sole cause of our
salvation into ourselves ultimately ; it being in our own power
to make all, that God and Christ do unto that end, effectual ;
or to frustrate their utmost endeavours for that purpose ; for
all that is done, whether in the Father's loving us and send-
ing his Son to die for us, or in the Son's offering himself for
an oblation in our stead, or for us (in our behalf), is confess-
edly as before, of no value nor worth in respect of any pro-
fitable issue, unless we believe, which that we shall do, Christ
hath not effected, nor procured by his death, neither can the
Lord so work it in us but that the sole casting voice (if I may
SO say) — whether we will believe or no, is left to ourselves.
Now whether this be not to assign unto ourselves, the cause
of our own happiness, and to make us the chief builders of
our own glory, let all judge. These things being thus pre-
mised, I shall briefly prove that, which is denied, viz. that
faith is procured for us by the death of Christ, and so con-
sequently he died not for all and every one, for all men
have not faith : and this we may do by these following
1. The death of Jesus Christ purchased holiness and
sanctification for us, as was at large proved, Arg. the eighth.
But faith as it is a grace of the Spirit inherent in us, is for-
mally a part of our sanctification and holiness, therefore he
procured faith for us. The assumption is most certain and
not denied ; the proposition was sufficiently confirmed in the
foregoing argument, and I see not what may be excepted
against the truth ot the whole. If any shall except and say
that Christ might procure for us some part of holiness (for
we speak of parts and not of degrees and measure), but not
all, as the sanctification of hope, love, meekness, and the like,
I ask, first, What warrant have we for any such distinction,
between the graces of the Spirit, that some of them should be
of the purchasing of Christ, others of our own store? Se-
condly, Whether we are more prone of ourselves to believe,
and more able, than to love, and hope ? And where may we
have a ground for that ?
2. All the fruits of election, are purchased for us by Jesus
Christ; for 'we are chosen in him;' Eph. i. 4. as the only
cause and fountain of all those good things, which the Lord
chooseth us to, for the praise of his glorious grace, that in
all things he might have the pre-eminence. 1 hope I need
not be solicitous about the proving of this, that the Lord
Jesus is the only way and means by, and for whom, the Lord
will certainly and actually collate upon his elect, all the fruits
and effects or intendments of that love, whereby he chose
them : but now faith is a fruit, a principal fruit, of our elec-
tion, for, saith the apostle, ' we are chosen n\ him before the
foundation of the world, that we shotild be holy;" Eph. i. 4.
Of which holiness, faith, purifying the heart, is a principal
share. 'Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them also he
called ;' Rom. viii, 29. That is, with that calling which is
according to his purpose effectually working faith in them,
by the mighty operation of his Spirit, ' according to the ex-
ceeding greatness of his power ;' Eph. i. 19. And so they
believe (God making them differ from others, 1 Cor. iv. 7.
in the enjoyment of the means) 'who are ordained to eternal
life ;' Acts xiii. 43. They being ordained to eternal life, was
the fountain from whence their faith did flow ; and so the
election obtained when the rest are hardened ; Rom. xi.
Thirdly, All the blessings of the new covenant are pro-
cured and purchased by him, in v/hom the promises thereof
are ratified, and to whom they are made ; for all the good
things thereof are contained in, and exhibited by, those pro-
mises, through the working of the Spirit of God. Now con-
cerning the promises of the covenant, and their being con-
firmed in Christ, and made unto his, as Gal. iii. 16. with
what is to be understood in those expressions, was before
declared. Therefore all the good things of the covenant are
the effects, fruits, and purchase of the death of Christ. He
and all things for him, being the substance and whole of it.
Farther, that faith is of the good things of the new cove-
nant, is apparent from the description thereof: Jer. xxxi. 33.
Heb. viii. 10 — 12. Ezek. xxxvi. 26. with divers other places,
as might clearly be manifested, if we affected copiousness
in causa facili.
Fourthly, That without which it is utterly impossible
that we should be saved, must of necessity be procured by
him, by whom we are fully and effectually saved ; let them
that can, declare how he can be said to procure salvation
fully and effectually for us, and not be the author and pur-
chaser of that (for he is the author of our salvation by the
way of purchase), without which it is utterly impossible we
should attain salvation ; now without faith it is utterly im-
possible that ever any should attain salvation. Heb. xi. 6.
Mark xvi. 16. But Jesus Christ (according to his name) cloth
perfectly save us; Matt. i. 21. procuring for us eternal re-
demption; Heb. ix. 14. being able to save to the uttermost,
them that come unto God by him ; Heb. vii. 25. And there-
fore must faith also be within the compass of those things
that are procured by him.
Fifthly, The Scripture is clear in express terms, and such
as are so equivalent that they are not liable to any evasion;
as Phil. i. 29. It is given unto us, vinp xi^'^^^" ^^ ^^^^ behalf
of Christ, for Christ's sake to believe on him. Faith or be-
lief is the gift, and Christ the procurer of it; ' God hath
blessed us with all spiritual blessings in him in heavenly
places;' Eph. i. 3. If faith be a spiritual blessing, it is be-
stowed on us in him and so also for his sake ; it it be not,
it is not worth contending about in this sense and way; so
that let others look which way they will, I desire to look to
Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith; Heb. xii. 2.
Divers other reasons, arguments, and places of Scripture,
might be added for the confirmation of this truth, but I hope
I have said enough, and do not desire to say all ; the sum of
the whole reason may be reduced to this head.
If the fruit and effect procured and wrought by the death
of Christ, absolutely not depending on any condition in man
to be fulfilled, be not common to all, then did not Christ die
for all ; but the supposal is true, as is evident in the grace
of faith, which being procured by the death of Christ, to be
absolutely bestowed on them for whom he died, is not com-
mon to all, therefore our Saviour did not die for all.
We argue from the type to the antitype, or the thing sig-
nified by it, which will evidently restrain the oblation of
Christ to God's elect. The people of Israel were certainly,
in all remarkable things that happened unto them, typical
of the church of God ; as the apostle at large ; 1 Cor. x. 11.
Especially their institutions and ordinances, were all repre-
sentative of the spiritual things of the gospel, their priests,
altar, sacrifices, were but all shadows of the good things to
come in Jesus Christ ; their Canaan was a type of heaven ;
Heb. iv. 3. 9. as also Jerusalem or Sion ; Gal. iv. 26.
Heb. xii. 22. The whole people itself was a type of God's
church, his elect, his chosen, and called people ; whence as
they were called a holy people, a royal priesthood, so also
in allusion to them are believers ; 1 Pet. ii. 5. 9. Yea God's
people are in innumerable places called his Israel, as it is
farther expounded ; Heb. viii. 8. A true Israelite is as much
as a true believer ; John i. 47. And he is a Jew who is so in
the hidden man of the heart. I hope it need not be proved,
that that people as delivered from bondage, preserved, taken
nigh unto God, brought into Canaan, was typical of God's
spiritual church, of elect believers. Whence we thus argue.
those only are really and spiritually redeemed by Jesus Christ,
who were designed, signified, typified by the people of Israel,
in their carnal typical redemption (for no reason in the world
can be rendered, why some should be typed out in the same
condition, partakers of the same good, and not others), but
by the people of the Jews, in their deliverance from Egypt,
bringing into Canaan, with all their ordinances and institu-
tions, only the elect, the church of God, was typed out as
was before proved. And in truth it is the most senseless
thing in the world, to imagine that the Jews were under a
type to all the whole world, or indeed to any but God's cho-
sen ones, as is proved at large ; Heb. ix. 10. Were the Jews
and their ordinances types to the seven nations, whom they
destroyed and supplanted in Canaan ; were they so to Egyp-
tians, infidels, and haters of God and his Christ ; we con-
clude then assuredly from that just proportion, that ought
to be observed between the types, and the things typified,
that only the elect of God, his church and chosen ones, are
redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Seing a continuance of ar()nnientsfrom the nature and description of the
t/iiiig- in hand: and first of redemption.
That doctrine which will not by any means suit with, nor
be made conformable to, the thing signified by it, and the
expression literal and deductive, whereby in Scripture it is
held out unto us, but implies evident contradictions unto
them, cannot possibly be sound and sincere as is the milk of
the word ; but now such is this persuasion of universal re-
demption, it can never be suited nor fitted to the thing it-
self or redemption, nor to those expressions whereby in the
Scripture it is held out unto us ; universal redemption and yet
many to die in captivity, is a contradiction irreconcilable
in itself. To manifest this let us consider some of the chief-
est words and phrases, whereby the matter concerning which
we treat, is delivered in the Scripture. Such as are redemp-
tion, reconciliation, satisfaction, merit, dying for us, bear-
ing our sins, suretiship, his being God, a common person, a
Jesus, saving to the utmost, a sacrifice putting away sin, and
the like ; to which we may add the importance of some pre-
positions, and other words used in the original, about this
business; and doubt not but we shall easily find, that the ge-
neral ransom, or rather universal redemption, will hardly suit
to any of them, but it is too long for the bed, and must be
cropped at the head or heels.
Begin we with the word redemption itself, which we will
consider, name and thing. Redemption, which in the Scrip-
ture is \vTp(i)aig sometimes, but most frequently airoXvTpwmg,
is the delivery of any one from captivity and misery by the
intervention \vt/jov of a price or ransom ; that this ransom
or price of our deliverance was the blood of Christ is evi-
dent, he calls it XvTpov, Matt. XX. 28. and avr/Aurpov ; 1 Tim.
ii. 6. That is, the price of such a redemption, that which
was received as a valuable consideration for our dismission.
Now that which is aimed at in the payment of this price, is
the deliverance of those from the evil wherewith they were
oppressed, for whom the price is paid ; it being in this spi-
ritual redemption, as it is in corporal and civil, only with the
alteration of some circumstances, as the nature of the thino-
enforceth. This the Holy Spirit manifesteth, by comparing
the blood of Christ in this work of redemption, with silver
and gold, and such other things as are the intervening ran-
som in civil redemption ; 1 Pet. i. 18. The evil wherewith
we were oppressed, was the punishment which we had de-
served ; that is, the satisfaction required when the debt is
sin ; which also we are by the payment of this price deli-
vered from. So Gal. iii. 13. ' For we are justified freely by
his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ ;'
Rom. iii. 24. * In him we have redemption through his blood,
even the forgiveness of sins ;' Eph. i. 7. Col. i. 14. Freejusti-
fication from the guilt and pardon of sin, in the deliverance
from the punishment due unto it, is the effect of the redemp-
tion procured by the payment of the price we before men-
tioned. As if a man should have his friend in bondag:e, and
he should go and lay out his estate, to pay the price of his
freedom that is set upon his head, by him that detains him,
and so set him at liberty ; only as was before intimated, this
spiritual redemption hath some supereminent things in it,
that are not to be found in other deliverances; as,
VOL. V. 2 a
First, He that receives the ransom cloth also give it,
Christ is a propitiation to appease and atone the Lord; but
the Lord himself set him forth so to be ; iii. 24, 25.
Whence he himself is often said to redeem us ; his love is the
cause of the price in respect of its procurement, and his jus-
tice accepts of the price in respect of its merit ; for Christ
came down from heaven to do the will of him that sent him;
John vi. 38. Heb. x. 9, 10. It is otherwise in the redemp-
tion amongst men, where he that receives that ransom, hath
no hand in the providing of it.
Secondly, The captive or prisoner, is not so much freed
from his power, who detains him, as brought into his favour :
when a captive amongst men is redeemed by the payment
of a ransom, he is instantly to be set free from the power
and authority of him that did detain him; but in this spiri-
tual redemption, upon the payment of the ransom for us,
which is the blood of Jesus, we are not removed from God,
but are brought nigh unto him ; Eph. ii, 13. Not delivered
from his power, but restored to his favour : our misery being a
punishment by the way of banishment, as well as thraldom.
Thirdly, That as the judge was to be satisfied, so the
jailer was to be conquered. God the Judge, giving him leave
to fight for his dominion, which was wrongfully usurped,
though that whereby he had it, was by the Lord justly in-
flicted, and his thraldom by us rightly deserved ; Heb. ii. 14.
Col. ii. and he lost his power, as strong as he was, for striv-
ing to grasp more than he could hold. For the foundation
of his kingdom being sin, assaulting Christ who did no sin,
he lost his power over them that Christ came to redeem,
having no part in him, so was the strong man bound, and
his house spoiled.
In these and some other few circumstances is our spiri-
tual redemption diversified from civil, but for the main, it
answers the word in the propriety thereof, according to the
use that it hath amongst men. Now there is a twofold way,
whereby this is in the Scripture expressed ; for sometimes
our Saviour is said to die for our redemption, and sometimes
for the redemption of our transgressions, both tending to
the same purpose ; yea both expressions as I conceive, sig-
nify the same thing. Of the latter you have an example,
Heb. ix. l5. He died slg awoXvTpioatv Trapafdaaewv ' which
say some is a metanomy, transgressions being put for trans-
gressors ; others, that it is a proper expression for the paying
of a price, whereby we may be delivered from the evil of our
transgressions. The other expressions you have Eph. i. 7.
and in divers other places, where the words Xvrpov and a-no-
\vTpov do concur ; as also Matt. xx. 28. and Mark x. 45.
Now these words, especially that of avriXvTpov, 1 Tim. ii. 6.
do always denote by the not-to-be-wrested, genuine significa-
tion of them, the payment of a price, or an equal compensa-
tion in lieu of something to be done, or grant made for him
to whom that price is paid. Having given these few notions
concerning redemption in general, let us now see how appli-
cable it is unto general redemption.
Redemption is the freeing of a man from misery by the
intervention of a ransom, as appeareth. Now when a ransom
is paid for the liberty of a prisoner, is it not all the justice
in the world, that he should have, and enjoy the liberty so
purchased for him by a valuable consideration ? If I should
pay a thousand pounds for a man's delivemnce from bondage
to him that detains him, who hath power to set him free,
and is contented with the price I give ; were it not injurious
to me, and the poor prisoner, that his deliverance be not ac-
complished ? Can it possibly be conceived, that there should
be a redemption of men, and those men not redeemed ? that
a price should be paid, and the purchase not consummated ?
Yet all this must be made true, and innumerable other absur-
dities, if universal redemption be asserted. A price is paid
for all, yet few delivered ; the redemption of all consummated,
yet few of them redeemed. The judge satisfied, the jailer
conquered, and yet the prisoner enthralled : doubtless uni-
versal and redemption, where the greatest part of men perish,
are as irreconcilable as Roman and Catholic ; if there be
a universal redemption of all, then all men are redeemed ;
if they are redeemed, then are they delivered from all misery,
virtually or actually, whereunto they were enthralled, and that
by the intervention of a ransom ; why then are not all saved ?
In a word, the redemption wrought by Christ, being the full
deliverance of the persons redeemed from all misery, wherein
they were inwrapped, by the price of his blood, it cannot pos-
sibly be conceived to be universal, unless all be saved : so that
the opinion of the universalists, is unsuitable to redemption.
2 A 2
Of the nature of reconciliation, and the argument taken from thence.
Another thing ascribed to the death of Christ, and by the
consent of all extending itself unto all for whom he died, is
reconciliation. This in the Scripture is clearly proposed
under a double notion : First, Of God to us. Secondly, Of us
to God : both usually ascribed to the death and bloodshed-
ding of Jesus Christ; for those who were enemies, he recon-
ciled in the body of his flesh through death; Col. i. 21, 22.
And doubtless these things do exactly answer one another ;
all those to whom he hath reconciled God, he doth also re-
concile unto God, for unless both be effected, it cannot be
said to be a perfect reconciliation. For how can it be if
peace be made only on the one side ? Yea it is utterly impos-
sible that a division of these two can be rationally appre-
hended : for if God be reconciled, not man, why doth not
he reconcile him, seeing it is confessedly in his power, and
if man should be reconciled, not God, how can he be ready
to receive all that come unto him ? Now that God, and all,
and every one in the world are actually reconciled, and made
at peace in Jesus Christ, I hope will not be affirmed. But to
clear this we must a little consider the nature of reconciliation
as it is proposed to us in the gospel, unto which also some
light may be given, from the nature of the thing itself, and
the use of the word in civil things.
Reconciliation is the renewing of friendship between par-
ties before at variance; both parties being properly said to
be reconciled, even both he that offendeth, and he that was
offended. God and man were set at distance, at enmity and
variance by sin ; man was the party offending, God of-
fended, and the alienation was mutual on either side ; but
yet with this difference, that man was alienated in respect
of affections, the ground and cause of anger and enmity ;
God in respect of the effects and issue of anger and enmity.
The word in the New Testament, is icaraXXay//, and the verb
KUToWaaaoj reconciliation, to reconcile, both from aXXaTTUj
to change, or to turn from one thing, one mind, to another ;
whence the first native signification of those words, is per-
mutatio and permutare, so Arist. Eth. 3. t6v (iiov Trpog fxiKpa
Kcp^Tj — KaToXXaTTovai, because most commonly those that are
reconciled are changed, in respect of their affections, al-
ways in respect of the distance and variance, and in respect
of the effects, thence it signifieth reconciliation, and to re-
concile ; and the word may not be affirmed of any business,
or of any men, until both parties are actually reconciled,
and all differences removed in respect of any former grudge
and ill will. If one be well pleased with the other, and that
other continue aKaToWaKTog inappeased and implacable,
there is no reconciliation. When our Saviour gives that
command, that he that brought his gift to the altar, and
there remembered that his brother had ought against him,
was offended with him, for any cause, he should go and be
reconciled to him, fully intendeth a mutual returning of
minds one to another, especially respecting the appeasing
and atoning of him that was offended. Neither are these
words used among men in any other sense ; but always de-
note even in common speech, a full redintegration of friend-
ship between dissenting parties, with reference most times
to some compensation made to the offended party. The re-
conciling of one party and the other may be distinguished,
but both are required to make up an entire reconciliation.
As then the folly of Socinus and his sectaries is remarkable,
who would have the reconciliation mentioned in the Scrip-
ture, to be nothing but our conversion to God, without the
appeasing of his anger and turning away his wrath from us,
which is a reconciliation hopping on one leg ; so that dis-
tinction of some between the reconciliation of God to man,
making that to be universal towards all ; and the reconci-
liation of man to God, making that to be only of a small
number of those to whom God is reconciled, is a no less
monstrous figment. Mutual alienation, must have mutual
reconciliation being they are correlata. The state between
God and man, before the reconciliation made by Christ, was
a state of enmity, man was at enmity with God, ' we were
his enemies;' Col. i. 20, 21. Rom. v, 10. hating him, and
opposing ourselves to him in the highest rebellions to the
utmost of our power. God also was thus far an enemy to
US, that his wrath was on us ; Eph. ii. 3. which remaineth
on us until we do believe ; John iii. 36. To make perfect re-
conciliation (which Christ is said in many places to do), it
is required first, that the wrath of God be turned away, his
anger removed, and all the effects of enmity on his part to-
wards us. Secondly, That we be turned away from our op-
position to him, and brought into voluntary obedience. Un-
til both these be effected, reconciliation is not perfected.
Now both these are in the Scripture assigned to our Saviour,
as the effects of his death and sacrifice. 1. He turned away
the wrath of God from us, and so appeased him towards
us, that was the reconciling of God by his death ; ' for when
we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death
of his Son ;' Rom. v. 10. That here is meant the reconciling
of God, as that part of reconciliation, which consisteth in
turning away his wrath from us, is most apparent ; it being
that whereby God chiefly commendeth his love to us, which
certainly is in the forgiveness of sin, by the aversion of his
anger due to it ; as also opposed to our being saved from
the wrath to come, in the latter end of the verse, which com-
priseth our conversion and whole reconciliation to God.
Besides, ver. 11. we are said to receive rriv KaraXXayriv this
reconciliation (which, I know not by what means, we have
translated atonement), which cannot be meant of our recon-
ciliation to God, or conversion, which we cannot properly
be said to accept or receive ; but of him to us, which we
receive when it is apprehended by faith. Secondly, He
turneth us away from our enmity towards God, redeeming
and reconciling us to God, by the blood of his cross ; Col.
i. 21. To wit, then, meritoriously, satisfactorily, by the way
of acquisition and purpose, accomplishing it in due time,
actually and efficiently by his Spirit; both these ye have
jointly mentioned, 2 Cor. v. 18—20. Where we may see,
first, God being reconciled to us in Christ, which consisteth
in a not-imputation of iniquities, and is the subject matter
of the ministry; ver. 18, 19. Secondly, The reconciling of
us to God by accepting the pardon of our sins, which is the
end of the ministry ; ver. 20. As the same is also at large
declared, Eph. ii. 13 — 15. The actual, then, and effectual
accomplishment of both these, * simul et semel,' in respect
of procurement by continuance, and in process of time, in
the ordinances of the gospel, in respect of final accomplish-
ment, on the part of men, do make up that reconciliation,
which is the effect of the death of Christ ; for so it is in
many places assigned to be : ' We are reconciled to God by
the death of his Son ;' Rom. v. 10. ' And ye, that were some-
time alienated, hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh
through death;' Col. i. 21, 22. Which is in sundry places
so evident in the Scripture, that none can possibly deny re-
conciliation to be the immediate effect and product of the
death of Christ. Now, how this reconciliation can possibly
be reconciled with universal redemption, I am no way able
to discern ; for if reconciliation be the proper effect of the
death of Christ, as is confessed by all, then if he died for all,
I ask ; First, How cometh it to pass, that God is not recon-
ciled to all ? As he is not, for his wrath abideth on some ;
John iii. 36. and reconciliation is the aversion of. wrath. Se-
condly, That all are not reconciled to God ? As they are not ;
'for by nature all are the children of wrath;' Eph. ii. 3.
And some all their lives do nothing but 'treasure up wrath
against the day of wrath ;' Rom. ii. 5. Thirdly, How then
can it be that reconciliation should be wrought between God
and all men, and yet neither God reconciled to all, nor all
reconciled to God ? Fourthly, If God be reconciled to all,
when doth he begin to be unreconciled towards them that
perish? By what alteration is it? In his will or nature?
Fifthly, If all be reconciled by the death of Christ, when
do they begin to be unreconciled who perish ; being born
children of wrath ? Sixthly, Seeing that reconciliation on
the part of God consists in the turning away of his wrath
and not imputing of iniquity; 2 Cor. v. 18, 19. which is
justification rendering us blessed ; Rom. iv. 6 — 8. why, if
God be reconciled to all, are not all justified, and made
blessed through a non-imputation of their sin ? They who
have found out a redemption where none are redeemed,
and a reconciliation where none are reconciled, can easily
answer these and such other questions : which to do 1 leave
them to their leisure, and in the mean time conclude this
part of our argument, that reconciliation which is the re-
newing of lost friendship, the slaying of enmity, the making
up of peace, the appeasing of God, and turning away of his
wrath, attended with a non-imputation of iniquities ; and
on our part, conversion to God by faith and repentance ;
this I say, being that reconciliation which is the effect of
the death and blood of Christ, it cannot be asserted in refer-
ence to any, nor Christ said to die for any other, but only
those concerning whom all the properties of it, and acts
wherein it doth consist, may be truly affirmed ; which whe-
ther they may be of all men, or not, let all men judge.
Of the nature of the satisfaction of Christ, with arguments from thence.
A THIRD way whereby the death of Christ for sinners is ex-
pressed, is satisfaction, viz. that by his death he made sa-
tisfaction to the justice of God for their sins, for whom he
died, that so they might go free. It is true, the word satis-
faction is not found in the Latin or English Bibles, applied
to the death of Christ. In the New Testament it is not at
all, and in the Old but twice; Numb. xxxv. 31, 32. But
the thing itself intended by that word, is every where as-
cribed to the death of our Saviour; there being also other
words, in the original languages, equivalent to that, whereby
we express the thing in hand. Now that Christ did thus
make satisfaction for all them, or rather for their sins for
whom he died, is (as far as I know) confessed by all that are
but outwardly called after his name, the wretched Socinians
excepted, with whom at this time we have not to do. Let
us then first see, what this satisfaction is, then how incon-
sistent it is with universal redemption.
Satisfaction is a term borrowed from the law, applied pro-
perly to things, thence translated and accommodated unto
persons ; and it is a full compensation of the creditor from the
debtor. To whom any thing is due, from any man, he is in that
regard that man's creditor, and the other is his debtor, upon
whom there is an obligation to pay, or restore what is so due
from him, until he be freed by a lawful breaking of that ob-
ligation, by making it null and void ; which must be done,
by yielding satisfaction to what his creditor can require by
virtue of that obligation : as, if I owe a man a hundred pounds.
I am his debtor, by virtue of the bond wherein I am bound,
until some such thing be done as recompenseth him, and
moveth him to cancel the bond ; which is called satisfaction.
Hence, from things real, it was and is translated to things
personal; personal debts are injuries and faults ; which when
a man hath committed, he is liable to punishment. He that
is to inflict that punishment, or upon whom it lieth to see
that it be done, is or may be the creditor, which he must do
unless satisfaction be made. Now there may be a twofold sa-
tisfaction: First, By a solution, or paying the. very thing that
is in the obligation, either by the party himself that is bound,
or by some other in his stead : as, if I owe a man twenty
pounds, and my friend goeth and payeth it, my creditor is
fully satisfied. Secondly, By a solution, or paying of so
much, although in another kind, not the^same that is in the
obligation, which by the creditor's acceptation stands in the
lieu of it; upon which also, freedom from the obligation fol-
loweth, not necessarily, but by virtue of an act of favour.
In the business in hand, first, the debtor is man, he oweth
the ten thousand talents ; Matt, xviii. 24.
Secondly, The debt is sin; 'forgive us our debts;' Matt,
vi. 12.
Thirdly, That which is required in lieu thereof, to make sa-
tisfaction; for it is death, 'in the day that thou eatest thereof ;'
Gen. iii. 'The wages of sin is death;' Rom. vi. 23.
Fourthly, The obligation whereby the debtor is tied and
bound, is the law; ' cursed is every one,' &.c. Deut. ii. 7. The
justice, Rom. i. 32. and the truth of God ; Gen. iii.
Fifthly, The creditor that requireth this of us is God, con-
sidered as the party offended ; severe Judge, and supreme
Lord of all things.
Sixthly, That which interveneth to the destruction of
the obligation is the ransom paid by Christ ; Rom. iii. 24, 25.
God set him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his
I shall not enter upon any long discourse of the satisfac-
tion made by Christ, but only so far clear it, as is necessary
to give light to the matter in hand. To this end two things
must be cleared : First, That Christ did make such satisfaction,
as whereof we treat, as also wherein it doth consist. Se-
condly, What is that act of God towards man, the debtor,
which doth and ought to follow the satisfaction made. For
the first, I told you the word itself doth not occur in this bu-
siness in the Scripture, the thing signified by it (being a com-
pensation made to God by Christ for our debts), most fre-
quently for to make satisfaction to God for our sins, it is
required only; that he undergo the punishment due to them :
for that is the satisfaction required, where sin is the debt.
Now this Christ hath certainly effected, for * his own self bare
our sins in his own body on the tree;' 1 Pet. ii. 24. *By his
knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, for he
shall bear their iniquities ;' Isa. liii. 11. The word Nii'i nasa
also, ver. 12. arguing a taking of the punishment of sin from
us, and translating it to himself, signifieth as much, yea all,
that we do by the word satisfaction ; so also doth that of
avy]viyKEv used by Peter in the room thereof: for to bear ini-
quity in the Scripture language is to undergo the punishment
due to it ; Lev. v. 1. Which we call to make satisfaction for
it, which is farther illustrated by a declaration how he bare
our sins, even by being 'wounded for our transgressions, and
bruised for our iniquities ;' Isa. liii. 5. Whereunto is added in
the close, that the chastisement of our peace was upon him,
every chastisement is either vovBeTiKrj for instruction, or ira-
padHjuariKri for example, punishment and correction. The
first can have no place in our Saviour ; the Son of God had
no need to be taught with such thorns and briers : it must
therefore be for punishment and correction, and that for our
sins then upon him, whereby our peace or freedom from pu-
nishment was procured.
Moreover, in the New Testament there be divers words and
expressions concerning the death of our Saviour, holding out
that thing which by satisfaction we do intend; as when, first,
it is termed irpo(T(j>opa, Eph. v. 2. irapidbOKev tavTov Trpoa^opav
KOI Ovaiav an oblation or sacrifice of expiation, as appeareth
by that type of it, with which it is compared ; Heb. ix. 14, 15.
Of the same force also is the word ascham DWH Isa. liii. 10.
Lev. vii. 2. ' He made his soul an offering for sin,' a piacular
sacrifice for the removing of it away, which the apostle abun-
dantly cleareth, in saying that he was made afiapria ' sin it-
self ;' 2 Cor. V. 21. Sin being there put for the adjunct of it,
or the punishment due unto it : so also is he termed iXaa^ioq,
1 John ii. 2. Whereunto answers the Hebrew chitta, used
Gen. xxxi. 39. niiorm 'D3S 'ego illud expiabam.' Which is
to undergo the debt, and to make compensation for it, which
was the office of him, who was to be Job's Goel ; Job xix. 25.
All which and divers other words, which in part shall be
afterward considered, do declare the very same thing which
we intend by satisfaction ; even a taking upon him the whole
punishment due to sin, and in the offering of himself, doing
that which God, who was offended, was more delighted and
pleased withal, than he was displeased and offended with all
the sins of all those that he suffered and offered himself for :
and there can be no more complete satisfaction made to any,
than by doing that which he is more contented with, than
discontented and troubled with that for which he must be
satisfied. God was more pleased with the obedience, offering,
and sacrifice of his Son, than displeased with the sins and
rebellions of all the elect. As if a good king should have a
company of his subjects stand out in rebellion against him,
and he were thereby moved to destroy them, because they
would not have him reign over them ; and the only son of
that king, should put in for their pardon, making a tender to
his father of some excellent conquest, by him lately achieved,
beseeching him to accept of it, and be pleased with his poor
subjects so as to receive them into favour again : or, which is
nearer, should offer himself toundergo that punishment, which
his justice had allotted for the rebels, and should accordingly
do it, he should properly make satisfaction for their offence,
and in strict justice they ought to be pardoned. This was
Christ, as that one hircus aTroirofxTraiog, sent-away goat, that
bare and carried away all the sins of the people of God, to
fall himself under them, though with assurance to break all
the bonds of death, and to live for ever. Now, whereas I
said that there is a twofold satisfaction, whereby the debtor
is freed from the obligation that is upon him ; the one being
solutio ejiisdem, payment of the same thing that was in the
obligation ; the other solutio tantidem, of that which is not the
same, nor equivalent unto it, but only in the gracious accep-
tation of the creditor ; it is worth our inquiry, which of these
it was that our Saviour did perform.
He, who is esteemed by many, to have handled this ar-
gument with most exactness, denieth that the payment made
by Christ for us (by the payment of the debt of sin under-
stand, by analogy, the undergoing of the punishment due
unto it) was solutio ejusdem, or of the same thing directly
which was in the obligation; for which he giveth some rea-
sons; as. First, Because such a solution, satisfaction, or pay-
ment is attended with actual freedom from the obligation.
Secondly, Because where such a solution is made, there is
no room for remission or pardon. It is true, saith he, de-
liverance followeth upon it, but this deliverance cannot be
by way of gracious pardon ; for there needeth not the inter-
ceding of any such act of grace. But now, saith he, that
satisfaction whereby some other thing is offered, than that
which was in the obligation, may be admitted or refused ac-
cording as the creditor pleaseth ; and being admitted for any,
it is by an act of grace; and such was the satisfaction made
by Christ. Now, truly, none of these reasons, seem of so
much weight to me, as to draw me into that persuasion. For
the first reason rests upon that for the confirmation of it,
which cannot be granted, viz, that actual freedom from the
obligation, doth not follow the satisfaction made by Christ;
for by death he did deliver us from death, and that actually,
so far as that the elect are said to die and rise with him, he
did actually, or ipso facto, deliver us from the curse, by being
made a curse for us ; and the hand-writing that was against
us, even the whole obligation, was taken out of the way and
nailed to his cross : it is true, all for whom he did this, do
not instantly actually apprehend and perceive it, which is
impossible ; but yet that hinders not, but that they have all
the fruits of his death in actual right, though not in actual
possession, which last they cannot have, until at least it be
made known to them. As, if a man pay a ransom for a pri-
soner detained in a foreign country, the very day of the pay-
ment and acceptation of it, the prisoner hath right to his
liberty, although he cannot enjoy it, until such time as tid-
ings of it is brought unto him, and a warrant produced for
his delivery; so that that reason is nothing but a begging
Tov tv apxr). Secondly, The satisfaction of Christ, by the pay-
ment of the same thing that was required in the obligation,
is no way prejudicial to that free gracious condonation of
sin, so often mentioned. God's gracious pardoning of sin,
compriseth the whole dispensation of grace towards us in
Christ, whereof there are two parts : First, The laying of our
sin on Christ, or making him to be sin for us, which was
merely and purely an act of free grace, which he did for his
own sake. Secondly, The gracious imputation of the righte-
ousness of Christ to us, or making us the righteousness of
God in him : which is no less of grace and mercy ; and that
because the very merit of Christ himself hath its foundation
in a free compact and covenant : however, that remission,
grace, and pardon, which is in God for sinners, is not opposed
to Christ's merits, but ours ; he pardoneth all to us, but he
spared not his only Son, he bated him not one farthing. The
freedom then of pardon hath not its foundation in any de-
fect of the merit or satisfaction of Christ, but in three other
things. First, The will of God, freely appointing this satis-
faction of Christ; John iii. 16. Rom. v. 8. IJohn iv. 9. Se-
condly, In a gracious acceptation of that decreed satisfaction
in our steads, so many, no more. Thirdly, In a free applica-
tion of the death of Christ unto us. Remission then ex-
cludes not a full satisfaction by the solution of the very
thing in the obligation, but only the solution or satisfaction
of him, to whom pardon and remission are granted : so that
notwithstanding any thing said to the contrary, the death of
Christ made satisfaction in the very thing that was required
in the obligation : he took away the curse by ' being made
a curse ;' Gal. iii. 13. He delivered us from sin, ' being
made sin ;' 2 Cor. v. 21. He underwent death, that we might
be delivered from death, all our debt was in the curse of the
law, which he wholly underwent. Neither do we read of
any relaxation of the punishment in the Scripture, but only
a commutation of the person"; which being done, ' God con-
demned sin in the flesh of his Son;' Rom. viii. 3. Christ
standing in our stead, and so reparation was made unto God,
and satisfaction given, for all the detriment that mio-ht ac-
crue to him, by the sin and rebellion of them for whom this
satisfaction was made. His justice was violated, and he 'sets
forth Christ to be a propitiation for our sins, that he might
be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus;'
Rom. iii, 24, 25. And never indeed was his justice more
clearly demonstrated, than 'in causing the iniquity of us all
to meet upon him.' His law was broken, therefore Christ
comes ' to be the end of the law for righteousness ;' Rom. x.
3. Our offence and disobedience was to him distasteful; in
the obedience of Christ he took full pleasure; Rom. v. 17.
Matt. iii. 16. Now from all this, thus much, to clear up the
nature of the satisfaction made by Christ, appeareth, viz. it
was a full valuable compensation, made to the justice of
God, for all the sins of all those for whom he made satisfac-
tion, by undergoing that punishment, which, by reason of
the obligation that was upon them, they themselves were
bound to undergo : when I say the same, I mean essentially
the same in weight and pressure, though not in all accidents
of duration and the like, for it was impossible that he should
be detained by death. Now, whether this will stand in the
justice of God, that any of these should perish eternally, for
whom Jesus Christ made so full, perfect, and complete satis-
faction, we shall presently inquire, and this is the first thing
that we are to consider in this business. Secondly, We must
look what act of God it is, that is exercised either towards
us, or our Saviour, in this business. That God in the whole
is the party offended by our sins, is by all confessed ; it is
his law that is broken, his glory that is impaired, his honour
that is abased by our sin ; * If I be a Father,' saith he, * where
is my honour ?' Mai. i. 6, Now the law of nature and uni-
versal right requireth, that the party offended be recom-
pensed in whatsoever he is injured by the fault of another:
being thus offended, the Lord is to be considered under a
twofold notion. First, In respect of us, he is as a creditor,
and all we miserable debtors, to him w^e owe the ten thousand
talents ; Matt, xviii. 24. And our Saviour hath taught us
to call our sins our debts ; Matt. vi. 12. And the payment of
this debt the Lord requireth and exacteth of us. Secondly,
In respect of Christ, on whom he was pleased * to lay the
punishment of us all, to make our iniquity to meet upon
him, not sparing him,' but requiring the debt at his hands
to the utmost farthing ; God is considered as the supreme
Lord and Governor of all, the only Lawgiver, who alone had
power so far to relax his own law, as to have the name of a
surety put into the obligation, which before was not there,
and then to require the whole debt of that surety : for he
alone hath power of life and death ; James iv. 12. Now
these two acts are eminent in God in this business. First,
An act of severe justice, as a creditor exacting the payment
of the debt at the hand of the debtor ; which, where sin is
the debt, is punishment, as was before declared ; the justice
of God being repaired thereby in whatsover it was before
violated. Secondly, An act of sovereignty or supreme do-
minion, in translating the punishment from the principal
debtor, to the surety, which of his free grace he himself had
given and bestowed on the debtor ; * He spared not his own
Son, but delivered him up to death for us all.' Hence let these
two things be observed. First, That God accepteth of the
punishment of Christ, as a creditor accepteth of his due
debt, when he spares not the debtor, but requires the utter-
most farthing. It is true of punishment, as punishment,
there is no creditor properly ; for, * Delicta puniri publico
interest :' but this punishment being considered also as a
price, as it is, 1 Cor. vi. it must be paid to the hands
of some creditor, as this was into the hands of God:
whence Christ is said to come to do God's will, Heb. x.
9. and to satisfy him, as John vi. 38. Neither indeed do
the arguments, that some have used to prove that God
as a creditor cannot inflict punishment, nor yet by virtue
of supreme dominion, seem to me of any great weight. Di-
vers I find urged by him, whose great skill in the law, and
such terms as these, might well give him sanctuary from
such weak examiners as myself; but he that hath so foully
betrayed the truth of God in other things, and corrupted his
word, deserves not our assent in any thing, but what by
evidence of reason is extorted. Let us then see what there is
of that, in this which we have now in hand. First, then. He
tells us, that * the right of punishing in the rector or law-
giver, can neither be a right of absolute dominion, nor a right
of a creditor, because these things belong to him, and are
exercised for his own sake, who hath them, but the right of
punishing is for the good of community,'
Ans. Refer this reason unto God, which is the aim of it,
and it will appear to be of no value ; for we deny that there
is any thing in him, or done by him primarily for the good
of any, but himself: his avragKua or self-sufficiency will not
allow, that he should do any thing with an ultimate respect
to any thing but himself: and whereas he saith, that the
right of punishing is for the good of community, we answer
that ho)fium universi, the good of community is the glory of
God, and that only ; so that these things in him cannot be
Secondly, He addeth, ' Punishment is not in and for it-
self desirable, but only for community's sake ; now the right
of dominion, and the right of a creditor, are things in them-
selves expetible and desirable, without the consideration of
any public aim.'
Atis. First, That the comparison ought not to be between
punishment and the right of dominion, but between the right
of punishment, and the right of dominion ; the fact of one,
is not to be compared with the right of the other.
Secondly, God desireth nothing, neither is there any
thing desirable to him, but only for himself: to suppose a
good desirable to God for its own sake, is intolerable.
Thirdly, There be some acts of supreme dominion in
themselves, and for their own sake, as little desirable as any
act of punishment : as the annihilation of an innocent crea-
ture, which Grotius will not deny but that God may do.
Thirdly, He proceedeth, ' Any one may without any
wrong, go off from the right of supreme dominion or credi-
torship, but the Lord cannot omit the act of punishment to
some sins, as of the impenitent.'
Ans. God may by virtue of his supreme dominion omit
punishment without any wrong or prejudice to his justice ;
it is as great a thing, to impute sin where it is not, and to
inflict punishment upon that imputation, as not to impute
sin where it is, and to remove, or not to inflict punishment
upon that non-imputation : now the first of these God did
towards Christ ; and therefore he may do the latter.
Secondly, The wrong or injustice of not punishing any
sin or sins, doth not arise from any natural obligation, but
the consideration of an affirmative positive act of God's will,
whereby he hath purposed that he will do it.
Fourthly, He adds, ' None can be called just, for using
his own right or lordship ; but God is called just for punish-
ing or not remitting sin ;' Rev. xvi. 5.
Ans. However it be in other causes, yet in this God may
certainly be said to be just in exacting his debt, or using
his dominion, because his own will is the only rule of jus-
Secondly, We do not say punishing is an act of domi-
nion, but an act of exacting a due debt, the requiring this
of Christ in our stead, supposing the intervention of an act
of supreme dominion.
Fifthly, His last reason is, ' Because that virtue whereby
one goeth off from his dominion, or remitteth his debt, is li-
berality ; but that virtue whereby a man abstaineth from
punishing is clemency ; so that punishment can be no act
of exacting a debt or acting a dominion.'
Arts. The virtue whereby a man goeth off from the ex-
acting of that which is due, universally considered, is not al-
ways liberality ; for as Grotius himself confesseth, a debt
may arise and accrue to any by the injury of his fame, cre-
dit, or name, by a lie, slander, or otherwise. Now that vir-
tue whereby a man is moved not to exact payment by way
of reparation, is not in this case liberality, but either cle-
mency, or that grace of the gospel for which moralists have
no name ; and so it is with every party offended, so often
as he hath a right of requiring punishment from his offender,
which yet he doth not. So that notwithstanding these ex-
ceptions; this is eminently seen in this business of satisfac-
tion, that God as a creditor doth exactly require the pay-
ment of the debt by the way of punishment.
The second thing eminent in it is, an act of supreme so-
vereignty and dominion, requiring the punishment of Christ,
for the full complete answering of the oblation, and fulfilling
of the law; Rom. viii. 3. x. 4.
Now these things being thus at large unfolded, we may
see, in brief, some natural consequences, following and at-
tending them as they are laid down. As, first. That the full
and due debt of all those for whom Jesus Christ was respon-
sible, was fully paid in to God, according to the utmost ex-
tent of the obligation. Secondly, That the Lord who is a
just creditor, ought in all equity to conceal the bond, to sur-
cease all suits, actions, and molestations against the debtor,
full payment being made unto him for the debt. Thirdly,
That the debt thus paid, was not this or that sin, but all the
sins of all those for whom, and in whose name, this payment
was made ; 1 John i. 7. as was before demonstrated. Fourtli-
ly. That a second payment of a debt once paid, or a requiring
of it, is not answerable to the justice which God demonstrat-
ed in setting forth Christ to be a propitiation for our sins;
Rom. iii. 25.
Fifthly, That whereas to receive a discharge from farther
trouble, is equitably due to a debtor, who hath been in ob-
VOL. v. 2 B
ligation, his debt being paid; the Lord, having accepted of
the payment from Christ, in the stead of all them for whom
he died, ought in justice, according to that obligation which
in free grace he hath put upon himself, grant them a dis-
charge. Sixthly, That considering that relaxation of the
law, which by the supreme power of the lawgiver was ef-
fected, as to the persons suffering the punishment required,
such actual satisfaction is made thereto, that it can lay no
more to their charge for whom Christ died, than if they had
really fulfilled in the way of obedience whatsoever it did re-
quire; Rom. viii.32 — 34. Now how consistent these things
(in themselves evident and clearly following the doctrine of
Christ's satisfaction before declared) are with universal re-
demption is easily discernible. For, first. If the full debt
of all be paid to the utmost extent of the obligation, how
comes it to pass that so many are shut up in prison to eter-
nity, never freed from their debts ? Secondly, If the Lord as
a just creditor ought to cancel all obligations, and surcease
all suits against such as have their debts so paid ; whence
is it that his wrath smokes against some to all eternity? Let
none tell me that it is because they walk not worthy of the
benefit bestowed, for that not walking worthy is part of the
debt which is fully paid, for (as it is in the third inference)
the debt so paid is all our sins. Thirdly, Is it probable that
God calls any to a second payment, and requires satisfac-
tion of them, for whom, by his own acknowledgment, Christ
hath made that which is full and sufficient ? Hath he an after
reckoning that he thought not of? For, for what was before
him he spared him not; Rom. viii.32. Fourthly, How comes it
that God never gives a discharge to innumerable souls, though
their debts be paid ? Fifthly, Whence is it that any one soul
lives and dies under the condemning power of the law, never
released if that be fully satisfied in his behalf; so as it had
been all one, as if they had done whatsoever it could require?
Let them that can, reconcile these things. I am no QEdipus
for them, the poor beggarly distinctions, whereby it is at-
tempted, I have already discussed. And so much for satis-
A digression containijjff the substance of an occasional confer enct
concerning the satisfaction of Christ.
Much about the time that I was composing that part of the
last argument, which is taken from the satisfaction of Christ,
there came one (whose name and all things else concerning
him, for the respect I bear to his parts and modesty, shall be
concealed) to the place where I live, and in a private exer-
cise about the sufferings of Christ, seemed to those that
heard him to enervate, yea overthrow, the satisfaction of
Christ ; which I apprehending to be of dangerous conse-
quence, to prevent a farther inconvenience, set myself brief-
ly and plainly to oppose : and also a little after willingly en-
tertained a conference and debate (desired by the gentle-
man) about the point in question ; which being carried along
with that quietness and sobriety of spirit, which beseemed
lovers of and searchers after truth ; I easily perceived not
only what was his persuasion in the thing in hand, but also
what was the ground and sole cause of his misapprehension :
and it was briefly this, that the eternal unchangeable love of
God to his elect, did actually instate them in such a condition,
as wherein they were in an incapacity of having any satis-
faction made for them ; the end of that being to remove the
wrath due unto them, and to make an atonement for their
sins ; which by reason of the former love of God, they stood
in no need of, but only wanted a clear manifestation of that
love unto their souls, whereby he might be delivered from
all that dread, darkness, guilt, and fear, which was in and
upon their consciences, by reason of a not understanding of
this love, which came upon them through the fall of Adam.
Now to remove this, Jesus Christ was sent to manifest this
love, and declare this eternal good will of God towards them,
so bearing and taking away their sins, by removing from
their consciences that misapprehension of God and their
own condition, which by reason of sin they had before ; and
not to make any satisfaction to the justice of God for their
sins, he being eternally well pleased with them. The sum
is, election is asserted, to the overthrow of redemption. What
2 B 2
followed in our conference, with what success by God'a
blessing it did obtain, shall for my part rest in the minds
and judgments of those that heard it, for whose sake alone
it was intended. The things themselves being, first, of great
weight and importance, of singular concernment to all Chris-
tians. Secondly, Containing in them a mixture of undoubt-
ed truth, and no less undoubted errors, true propositions, and
false inferences, assertions of necessary verities, to the ex-
clusion of others no less necessary. And, thirdly. Directly
belonging to the business in hand, I shall briefly declare and
confirm the whole truth in this business, so far as occasion
was given, by the exercise and debate before mentioned ; be-
ginning with the first part of it concerning the eternal love
of God to his elect, with the state and condition they are
placed in thereby ; concerning which you may observe.
First, That which is now by some made to be a new doc-
trine of free grace, is indeed an old objection against it : that
a non-necessity of satisfaction by Christ, was a consequent
of eternal election, was more than once, for the substance of
it, objected to Austin by the old Pelagian heretics, upon his
clearing and vindicating that doctrine, is most apparent. The
same objection renewed by others is also answered by Cal-
vin, Institut, lib. 2. cap. 16. As also divers schoolmen had
before in their way proposed it to themselves, as Thom. 3.
g. 49. a. 4. Yet notwithstanding the apparent senselessness
of the thing itself, together with the many solid answers,
whereby it was long before removed, the Arminians at the
Synod of Dort greedily snatched it up again, and placed it
in the very front of their arguments, against the effectual
redemption of the elect by Jesus Christ. Now that which
was in them only an objection, is taken up by some amongst
us as a truth, the absurd inconsequent consequence of it
owned as just and good, and the conclusion deemed neces-
sary, from the grantaig of election to the denial of satis-
Secondly, Observe that there is the same reason of elec-
tion and reprobation (in things so opposed, so it must be);
'Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated;' Rom. ix. 13.
By the one, men are ' ordained to eternal life ;' Acts xiii. By
the other, before of old ' ordained unto condemnation ;' Jude
4- Now if the elect are justified, and sanctified, and saved.
because of God's decree that so they shall be, whereby they
need nothing but the manifestation thereof; then likewise
are the reprobates, as soon as they are finally impenitent,
damned, burned, and want nothing but a manifestation there-
of; which whether it be true or no, consult the whole dis-
pensation of God towards them.
Thirdly, Consider what is the eternal love of God. Is it
an affection in his eternal nature as love is in ours ? It were
no less than blasphemy once so to conceive ; his pure and
holy nature, wherein there is neither change nor shadow of
turning, is not subject to any such passion ; it must be then
an eternal act of his will, and that alone; in the Scripture it
is called, ' his good pleasure ;' Matt. xi. 26. ' His purpose
according to election ;' Rom. . ix. 12. ' The foundation of
God;' 2 Tim ii. 19. Now every eternal act of God's will,
is immanent in himself, not really distinguished from him-
self; whatever is so in God, is God : hence it puts nothing
into the creature, concerning whom it is, nor alteration of
its condition at all, producing indeed no effect until some
external act of God's power do make it out. For instance,
God decreed from eternity that he would make the world,
yet we know the world was not made until about five thou-
sand five hundred years ago. But ye will say, it was made
in God's purpose ; that is, say I, he purposed to make it,
so he purposeth there shall be a day of judgment, is there
therefore actually a universal day of judgment already?
God purposeth that he will, in and through Christ, justify
and save such and such certain persons ; are they therefore
justified, because God purposeth it ? It is true they shall be
so, because he hath purposed it, but that they are so is de-
nied. The consequence is good from the divine purpose to
the futurition of any thing, and the certainty of its event,
not to its actual existence : as when the Lord in the be-
ginning went actually to make the world there was no
world, so when he comes to bestow faith and actually to
justify a man, until he hath so done he is not justified. The
sum is.
First, The eternal love of God towards his elect, is no-
thing but his purpose, good pleasure, a pure act of his will,
whereby he determines to do such and such things for them
in his own time and way.
Secondly, No purpose of God, no immanent eternal act
of his will, doth produce any outward effect, or change any
thing, in nature and condition of that thing, concerning
which his purpose is, but only make the event and success
necessary in respect of that purpose.
Thirdly, The wrath and anger of God, that sinners lie
under, is not any passion in God, but only the outward
effects of anger, as guilt, bondage, &c.
Fourthly, An act of God's eternal love which is immanent
in himself, doth not exempt the creature from the condition
wherein he is under anger and wrath, until some temporal
act of free grace do really change its state and condition.
For example, God beholding the lump of mankind in his own
power, as the clay in the hand of the potter, determining to
make some vessels unto honour, for the praise of his glo-
rious grace, and others to dishonour, for the manifestation
of his revenging justice, and to this end suffer them all to_
fall into sin, and the guilt of condemnation, whereby they
became all liable to his wrath and curse; his purpose to save
some of these, doth not at all exempt or free them from the
common condition of the rest, in respect of themselves and
the truth of their estate, until some actual thing be accom-
plished, for the bringing of them nigh unto himself; so that
notwithstanding his eternal purpose, his wrath in respect of
the effects abideth on them, until that eternal purpose do
make out itself, in some distinguishing act of free grace,
which may receive farther manifestation by these ensuing
First, If the sinner want nothing to acceptation and peace,
but a manifestation of God's eternal love, then evangelical
justification is nothing but an apprehension of God's eter-
nal decree and purpose : but this cannot be made out from
the Scripture, viz. that God's justifying of a person, is his
making known unto him his decree of election, or man's
justification; an apprehension of that decree, purpose, or
love. Where is any such thing in the book of God ? It is
true there is a discovery thereof made to justified believers,
and therefore it is attainable by the saints, * God shedding
abroad his love in their hearts, by the Holy Ghost that is
jj-ivenunto them;' Rom. v. 5. But it is after they are 'justified
by faith,' and have peace with God ; ver. 1 . Believers are to
give ' all diligence to make their calling and election sure :'
but that justification should consist herein, is a strange no-
tion. Justification, in the Scripture, is an act of God, pro-
nouncing an ungodly person, upon his believing, to be ab-
solved from the guilt of sin, and interested in the all-suffi-
cient righteousness of Christ; so' God justifies the ungodly,'
Rom. iv. 5. by the righteousness of God, which is by the
faith of Christ unto them, Rom. iii. 22. making Christ to
become righteousness to them, who were in themselves sin ;
but of this manifestation of eternal love, there is not the
least foundation, as to be the form of justification, which
yet is not without sense and perception of the love of God,
in the improvement thereof.
Secondly, The Scripture is exceeding clear in making all
men, before actual reconciliation, to be in the like state and
condition, without any real difference at all \ the Lord re-
serving to himself his distinguishing purpose of the altera-
tion he will afterward by his free grace effect. ' There is
none that doeth good no not one ;' Rom. iii. For ' we have
proved that Jews and Gentiles are all under sin;' ver. 9, 10.
All mankind is in the same condition in respect of them-
selves and their own real state, which truth is not at all pre-
judiced by the relation they are in to the eternal decrees.
For every ' mouth is stopped, and all the world is become
guilty before God;' Rom. iii. 19. vwo'^ikoq, obnoxious to his
judgment. ' Who makes thee differ from another, or what
hast thou that thou hast not received;' 1 Cor. iv. 7. All dis-
tinguishment in respect of state and condition, is by God's
actual grace ; for even believers, are by ' nature children of
wrath as well as others ;' Eph. ii. 3. The condition then of
ail men, during their unregeneracy, is one and the same ;
the purpose of God concerning the difference that shall be,
being referred to himself. Now I ask, whether reprobates in
that condition lie under the effects of God's wrath or no ? If
ye say no, who will believe you ? If so, why not the elect
also ? The same condition hath the same qualifications ;
an actual distinguishment we have proved there is not :
produce some difference, that hath a real existence, or the
cause is lost.
Thirdly, Consider what it is to lie under the effects of
God's wrath, according to the declaration of the Scripture,
and then see how the elect are delivered therefrom, before
their actual calling. Now this consists in clivers things; as,
1. To be in such a state of alienation from God, as that
none of their services are acceptable to him ; ' the prayer of
the wicked is an abomination to the Lord;' Prov. xxviii.9.
2. To have no outward enjoyment sanctified, but to have all
things unclean unto them; Tit. i. 15. Thirdly, To be under
the power of Satan, who rules at hie pleasure in the chil-
dren of disobedience ; Eph. ii. 2. Fourthly, To be in bond-
age unto death ; Heb. ii. 14. Fifthly, To be under the curse
and condemning power of the law ; Gal. iii. 13. Sixthly, To
be obnoxious to the judgment of God, and to be guilty of
eternal death and damnation ; Rom. iii. 19. Seventhly, To be
under the power and damnation of sin, reigning in them ;
Rom. vi. 17. These and such like are those which we call
the effects of God's anger. Let now any one tell me what the
reprobates in this life lie under more? And do not all the
elect, until their actual reconciliation in and by Christ, lie
under the very same ? For, first. Are not their prayers an
abomination to the Lord ? Can they without faith please
God ? Heb. xi. 6. And faith we suppose them not to have;
for if they have they are actually reconciled. Secondly,
Are they not under the power of Satan ? If not, how comes
Christ in and for them to destroy the works of the devil ?
Did not he come to deliver his, from him that had the power
of death, that is, the devil? Heb. ii. 14. Eph. ii. 2. Thirdly,
Are their enjoyments sanctified unto them ? Hath any thing
a sanctified relation without faith ? See 1 Cor. vii. 14.
Fourthly, Are they not under bondage unto death ? The
apostle affirms plainly that they are so all their lives, until
they are actually freed by Jesus Christ ; Heb. ii. 14. Fifth-
ly, Are they not obnoxious unto judgment, and guilty of
eternal death ? How is it then that Paul says, that there
is no difference, but that all are subject to the judgment of
God, and are guilty before him? Rom. iii. 9. And that
Christ saves them from this wrath which (in respect of
merit) was to come upon them? Rom. v. 9. 1 Thess. i.
Sixthly, Are they not under the curse of the law ? How are
they freed from it ? By Christ being made a curse for them ;
Gal. iii. 13. Are they not under the dominion of sin ? God
be thanked, says Paul, ye were the servants of sin, but have
obeyed, &c. Rom. vi. 17. In brief, the Scripture is in no-
j^hing more plentiful, than in laying and charging all the
misery and wrath of and due to an unreconciled condition,
upon the elect of God, until they actually partake in the
deliverance by Christ.
But now, some men think to wipe away all that hath
been said, in a word ; and tell us, that all this is so, but only
in their own apprehension; not that those things are so in-
deed and in themselves : but, if these things be so to them,
only in their apprehensions, why are they otherwise to the
rest of the whole world? The Scripture gives us no differ-
ence nor distinction between them: and if it be so with all,
then let all get this apprehension as fast as they can, and all
shall be well with the whole world, now miserably captived
under a misapprehension of their own condition; that is, let
them say the Scripture is a fable, and the terror of the Al-
mighty a scarecrow to fright children; that sin is only in
conceit ; and so square their conversation to their blasphe-
mous fancies: some men's words eat as a canker.
Fourthly, Of particular places of Scripture, which might
abundantly be produced to our purpose, I shall content my-
self to name only one ; John iii. 36. ' He that believeth not
the Son the wrath of God abideth on him :' it abideth, there
it was, and therfe it shall remain, if unbelief be continued :
but upon believing is removed. But is not God's love un-
changeable, by which we shall be freed from his wrath? Who
denies it? But is an apprentice free, because he shall be so
at the end of seven years ? Because God hath proposed to
free his, in his own time, and will do it : are they therefore
free before he doth it ? But are we not in Christ from all eter-
nity ? Yes, chosen in him we are, therefore in some sense in
him. But how ? Even as we are ? Actually a man cannot be
in Christ until he be. Now how are we from eternity? Are
we eternal ? No : only God from eternity hath purposed that
we shall be. Doth this give us an eternal being? Alas, we are
of yesterday, our being in Christ, respecteth only the like
purpose, and therefore from thence can be made only the
like inference.
This being then cleared, it is, I hope, apparent to all, how
miserable a strained consequence it is, to argue from God*s
decree of election to the overthrow of Christ's merit and sa-
tisfaction ; the redemption wrought by Jesus Christ, being
indeed the chief means of carrying along that purpose unto
execution, the pleasure of the Lord prospering in his hand ;
yea, the argument may be retorted KaTa.Toj'^iaiov, and will hold
undeniable on the other side ; the consequence being evident
from the purpose of God to save sinners, to the satisfaction
of Christ for those sinners ; the same act of God's will, which
sets us apart from eternity for the enjoyment of all spiritual
blessings in heavenly places, sets also apart Jesus Christ to
be the purchaser and procurer of all those spiritual blessings,
as also to make satisfaction for all their sins : which that he
did (being the main thing opposed) we prove by these ensu-
ing arguments.
Being a second part of the former digression. Argumeiils to prove
the satisfaction of Christ.
If Christ so took our sins, and had them by God so laid and
imposed on him, as that he underwent the punishment due
unto them in our stead, then he made satisfaction to the jus-
tice of God for them, that the sinners might go free : but
Christ so tookandbare our sins, and them so laid upon him,
as that he underwent the punishment due unto them, and
that in our stead : therefore he made satisfaction to the jus-
tice of God for them. The consequent of the proposition is
apparent, and was before proved ; of the assumption there be
three parts severally to be confirmed. First, That Christ
took and bare our sins, God laying them on him. Secondly,
That he so took them, as to undergo the punishment due
unto them. Thirdly, That he did this in our stead.
For the first, that he took and bare our sins, ye have it,
1 John i. 29. o a'/pwv,'' &c. 'who taketh away the sins of the
world ;' 1 Pet. ii. 24. 6c avtvrjyicev, 'who his own self bare our
sins in his own body;' Isa. liii. 11. '?nD' i<in ' their iniquities
he shall bear,' and ver. 12. \i:m ' he bare the sin of many.'
That God also laid or imposed our sins on him is no less ap-
parent ; Isa. liii. 6. 'the Lord j?>JDn made to meet on him the
iniquity of us all ;' 2 Cor. v. 21. ojuaprmv £7rot7jo-f, ' he made him
to be sin for us.'
a Aufert. susttilit. tulit.
The second branch is, that in thus doing, our Saviour un-
derwent the punishment due to the sins which he bare, which
were laid upon him ; which may be thus made manifest : Death,
and the curse of the law, contain the whole of the punishment
due to sin ; Gen. ii. 17. mon DIO * dying thou shalt die,' is
that which w^as threatened. Death was that 'which entered
by sin ;' Rom. v. 12. Which word in those places is compre-
hensive of all misery due to our transgression : \vhich also is
held out in the curse of the law, Deut. xxvii. 26. ' Cursed be
he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them :'
that all evils of punishment whatsoever are comprised in
these, is unquestionably evident. Now Jesus Christ, in bear-
ing our sins, underwent both these, for ' by the grace of God
he tasted of death ;' Heb. ii. 9. By death delivering from
death ; ver. 14. he was not 'spared, but given up to death for
ns all;' Rom. viii. 32. So also the curse of the law. Gal.
iii. 13. 7£vojUEvoc Karapa, he 'was made a curse for us,' and
tTTiKaTctpaTog, 'cursed.' And this by the way of undergoing
the punishment that was in death and curse : for by these it
pleased the Lord to bruise him, and put him to grief; Isa.
liii. 10. yea ouk E^aVaro, ' he spared him not;' Rom. viii. 32.
but 'condemned sin in his flesh;' Rom, viii. 3. It remaineth
only to shew that he did this in our steads, and the whole
argument is confirmed.
Now this also our Saviour himself maketh apparent; Matt.
XX. 28. He came Sovvai rrjvi/zu^rjv avrov Xvrpov uvt\ ttoaXwv,
' to give himself a ransom for many ;' the word avri always sup-
poseth a commutation, and change of one person or thing
instead of another, as shall be afterward declared ; so Matt,
ii. 22. so 1 Tim. ii. 6. 1 Pet. iii. 18. 'He died for us, the just
for the unjust.' And Psal. Ixix. 4. ' I restored or paid that
which I did not take,' viz. our debt so far as that thereby we
are discharged ; as Rom. viii. 34. where it is asserted upon
this very ground, that he died in our stead ; and so the several
parts of this first argument are confirmed.
If Jesus Christ paid into his Father's hands, a valuable
price and ransom for our sins, as our surety, so discharging
the debt that we lay under, that we might go free ; then did
he bear the punishment due to our sins, and make satis-
faction to the justice of God for them (for to pay such a
ransom, is to make such satisfaction), but Jesus Christ paid
such a price and ransom as our surety into liis Father's
hands, &,c. Ergo,
There be four things to be proved in the assumption, or
second proposition : First, That Christ paid such a price and
ransom. Secondly, That he paid it into the hands of his Fa-
ther. Thirdly, That he did it as our surety. Fourthly, That
we might go free. All which we shall prove in order.
First, For the first, our Saviour himself affirms it ; Matt.
XX. 1 . 28. * He came to give his life Xvrpov a ransom or price
of redemption for many;' Matt. x. 45. which the apostle
terms avriXyrpov, 2 Tim. ii. 6. a ransom to be accepted in the
stead of others, whence we are said to have deliverance dia
TriQ airoXvTpwaewQ, ' hy the ransom paying of Christ;' Rom.
iii. 24. 'He bought us with a price;' 1 Cor. vi. 20. which
price was 'his own blood;' Acts xx. 28. compared to, and
exalted above, silver and gold in this work of redemption ;
1 Pet. i. 18. So that this first part is most clear and evident.
Secondly, He paid this price into the hands of his Father;
a price must be paid to somebody, in the case of deliverance
from captivity by it, it must be paid to the judge or jailer;
that is to God, or the devil : to say the latter, were the highest
blasphemy: Satan was to be conquered, not satisfied. For
the former, the Scripture is clear: it was his wrath that was
on us; John iii. 36. It was he that had shut us up all under
sin ; Rom. iii. 3. He is the ' great King to whom the debt is
owing ;' Matt, xviii. 23. 34. He is the only ' lawgiver that
can kill and make alive ;' James iv. 12. Nay, the ways whereby
this ransom-paying is in the Scripture expressed, abundantly
enforce the payment of it into the hands of his Father. For
his death and bloodshedding is said to be vpoa^oga and
^vaia, 'an oblation and sacrifice ;' Eph. v. 2. and his soul to
be nDlz;i< a sacrifice or offering for sin; Isa. liii. 10. Now
certainly offerings and sacrifices are to be directed unto God
Thirdly, That he did this as surety, we are assured Heb.
vii. 22. He was made 't'-yyuocj a surety of a better testa-
ment : and in performance of the duty which lay upon him
as such, * He paid that which he never took ;' Psal. Ixix. 4.
All which could not possibly have any other end, but that
we might go free.
To make an atonement for sin, and to reconcile God unto
the sinners, i-s in effect to make satisfaction unto the justice
of God for sin, and all that we understand thereby. But Jesus
Christ by his death and oblation did make an atonement for
sin, and reconcile God unto sinners ; Ergo,
The first proposition is in itself evident ; the assumption
is confirmed, Rom. iii. 24, 25. We are justified freely by the
ransom-paying that is in Christ, whom God hath set forth to
be iXacTTripiov, a propitiation, an atonement, a mercy-seat, a
covering of iniquity; and that ug tvdei^iv rrig diKaioavvri^, for
the manifestation of his justice, declared in the going forth
and accomplishment thereof. So likewise Heb. ii. 17. He
is said to be a merciful liigh priest, dg to iXaaKia^ai Tag afiap-
TiaQTox) \aov, ' to make reconciliation for the sins of the people,'
to reconcile God unto the people ; the meaning of the words
being tXacrKEffS'aj tov S'eov Trtpt twv a/napTKov tov \aov, to recon-
cile God who was offended with the sins of his people ; which
reconciliation we are said to receive ; Rom. v. 1 1. (the word
KaTaXXayr] there, in our common translation rendered atone-
ment, is in other places in the same rendered reconciliation :
being indeed the only word used for it in the New Testament.)
And all this is said to be accomplished St kvog S/icatw^aroc,
by one righteousness or satisfaction that is of Christ; (the
words will not bear that sense wherein they are usually ren-
dered by the righteousness of one, for then must it have been
Sm StKattujuaroc tov hog.) And hereby were we delivered from
that, from which it was impossible we should be otherwise
delivered; Rom. viii. 3.
That wherein the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus
Christ whilst he was on earth doth consist, cannot be rejected
nor denied without damnable error: but the exercise of the
priestly office of Jesus Christ whilst he was upon the earth,
consisted in this, to bear the punishment due to our sins, to
make atonement with God, by undergoing his wrath, and re-
conciling him to sinners upon the satisfaction made to his
justice. Therefore cannot these things be denied without
damnable error. That in the things before recounted, the
exercise of Christ's priestly office did consist, is most appa-
rent; first, From all the types and sacrifices whereby it was
prefigured ; their chief end being propitiation and atonement.
Secondly, From the very nature of the sacerdotal office ap-
pointed for sacrificing ; Christ having nothing to offer but his
own blood, through the eternal Spirit. And, thirdly. From
divers, yea innumerable, texts of Scripture, affirming th€ same.
It would be too long a work to prosecute those things seve-
rally and at large, and therefore 1 will content myself with
one or two places, wherein all those testimonies are com-
prised, as Heb. ix. 13, 14. ' If the blood of bulls and goats,
&c. how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through
the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God?' &c.
Here the death of Christ is compared to, exalted above, and
in the antitype answereth, the sacrifices of expiation, which
were made by the blood of bulls and goats : and so must, at
least spiritually, effect what they did carnally accomplish,
and typically prefigure, viz. deliverance from the guilt of sin
by expiation and atonement. For as in them the life and
blood of the sacrifice, was accepted in the stead of the offerer,
who was to die, for the breach of the law according to the
rigour of it; so in this of Christ was his blood accepted as
an atonement and propitiation for us, himself being priest,
altar, and sacrifice. So Heb. x. 10. 12. he is said expressly,
in the room of all old insufficient carnal sacrifices which
could not make the comers thereunto perfect, to offer up his
own body a sacrifice for sins, for the remission and pardon
of sins, throuoh that offering of himself, as it is ver. 19. And
in the performance also do we affirm, that our Saviour under-
went the wrath of God, which was due unto us. This, be-
cause it is by some questioned, I shall briefly confirm, and
that with these following reasons.
First, The punishment due to sin, is the wrath of God ;
Rom. i. 18. 'The wrath of God is revealed against all un-
godliness;' chap. ii. 5. 'The day of wrath and revelation of
the righteous judgment of God;' Eph. ii. 3. 'Children of
wrath;' John iii. 36. Jesus Christ underwent the punish-
ment due to sin ; 2 Cor. v. 21. ' Made sin for us ;' Isa. liii. 6.
* Iniquity was laid upon him;' 1 Pet. ii. 24. ' He bare our
sins in his own body on the tree.' Therefore he underwent
the wrath of God.
Secondly, The curse of the law, is the wrath of God taken
passively; Deut. xxix. 20, 21. But Jesus Christ underwent
the curse of the law ; Gal. iii. 13. ' Made a curse for us; ' the
curse that they lie under which are out of Christ, *\vho are
of the works of the law ;' ver. 10. Therefore he underwent the
wrath of God.
Thirdly, The death tliat sinners are to undergo, is the
wrath of God : Jesus Christ did 'taste of that death,' which
sinners for themselves were to undergo ; for he died as 'our
surety;' Ileb. vii. 22. and 'in our stead ;' Matt. xx. 28. Hence
his fear, Heb. v. 7. agony, Luke xxii. 44. astonishment, and
amazement. Matt. xiv. 33. dereliction, Matt, xxvii. 46. sor-
row, heaviness, and iiiexpressible pressures.
That doctrine cannot be true nor agreeable to the gos-
pel, which strikes at the root of gospel faith, and plucks
away the foundation of all that strong consolation which
God is so abundantly willing we should receive : but such
is that of denying the satisfaction made by Christ, his an-
swering the justice, and undergoing the wrath of his Father.
It makes the poor soul to be like Noah's dove in its distress,
not knowing where to rest the sole of her feet; when a soul
is turned out of its self-riohteousness, and beoins to look
abroad, and view the heaven and earth for a resting-place,
and perceives an ocean, a flood, an inundation of wrath to
cover all the world ; the wrath of God revealing itself from
heaven against all ungodliness, so that it can obtain no rest
nor abiding, heaven it cannot reach by its own flight, and to
hell it is unwilling to fall; if now the Lord Jesus Christ do
not appear as an ark in the midst of the waters (upon whom
the floods have fallen, and yet is got above them all), for a
refuge, alas what shall it do ? When the flood fell there were
many mountains, glorious in the eye, far higher than the ark,
but yet those mountains were all drowned, whilst the ark
still kept on the top of the waters. Many appearing hills
•and mountains of self-righteousness, and general mercy, at
the first view seem to the soul much higher than Jesus
Christ ; but when the flood of wrath once comes and spreads
itself, all those mountains are quickly covered ; only the
ark, the Lord Jesus Christ, though the flood fall on him also,
yet he gets above it quite, and gives safety to them that rest
upon him. Let me now ask any of those poor souls, who
ever have been wandering; and tossed with the fear of the
wrath to come, whether ever they found a resting-place un-
till they came to this. God spared not his only Son, but
gave him up to death for us all ; that he made him to be sin
for us ; that he put all the sins of all the elect into that cup
which he was to drink of; that the wrath and flood which
they feared did fall upon Jesus Christ (though now as the
ark he be above it, so that if they could get into hira they
should be safe); the storm hath been his, and the safety shall
be theirs ; as all the waters which would have fallen upon
them that were in the ark, fell upon the ark, they being dry
and safe ; so all the wrath that should have fallen upon them
fell on Christ, which alone causeth their souls to dwell in
safety ? Hath not, I say, this been your bottom ? Your foun-
dation ? Your resting-place? If not (for the substance of
it), I fear you have but rotten bottoms. Now what would
you say, if a man should come and pull this ark from under
you, and give you an old rotten post to swim upon in the
flood of wrath. It is too late to tell you no wrath is due
unto you ; the word of truth, and your own consciences
have given you other information ; you know ' the wages of
sin is death,' in whomsoever it be ; he must die on whomso-
ever it is found ; so that truly the soul may well say, Bereave
me of the satisfaction of Christ, and I am bereaved. If he
fulfilled not justice, I must; if he underwent not wrath, I
must to eternity. O rob me not of my only pearl. Deny-
in*'- the satisfaction of Christ, destroys the foundation of
faith and comfort.
Another argument we may take from some few particu-
lar places of Scripture, which instead of many I shall pro-
duce ; as first, 2 Cor. v. 21. 'He made him to be sin for us.
who knew no sin.' He made him to be sin for us ; how
could that be ? Are not the next words, he knew no sin ?
Was he not a lamb without spot, and without blemish?
Doubtless he did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.
What then is this, ' God made him to be sin?' It cannot be
that God made him sinful, or a sinner by any inherent sin ;
that will not stand with the justice of God, nor with the
holiness of the person of our Redeemer. What is it then?
' He made him to be sin who knew no sin?' Why clearly, by
dispensation and consent he laid that to his charge, whereof
he was not guilty. He charged upon him and imputed unto
him all the sins of all the elect, and proceeded against him
accordingly. He stood as our surety ; really charged with
the whole debt, and was to pay the utmost farthing, as a_
surety is to do if it be required of him; though he borrow
not the money, nor have one penny of that which is in the ob-
ligation, yet if he be sued to an execution he must pay all.
The Lord Christ (if I may so say) was sued by his Father's
justice unto an execution ; in answer whereunto he under-
went all that was due to sin, which we proved before to be
death, wrath, and curse. If it be excepted (as it is) that God
was always well-pleased with his Son, he testified it again
and again from heaven, how then could he lay his wrath
upon him ?
Ans. It is true he was always well-pleased with him, yet it
* pleased him to bruise him and put him to grief.' He was al-
ways well-pleased with the holiness of his person, the excel-
lency and perfectness of his righteousness, and the sweetness
of his obedience ; but he was displeased with the sins that
were charged on him, and therefore it pleased him to bruise
and put him to grief, with whom he was always well-pleased.
Nor is that other exception of any more value, that Christ
underwent no more than the elect lay under ; but they lay
not under wrath and the punishment due to sin.
Ans. The proposition is most false ; neither is there any
more truth in the assumption. For, first, Christ underwent
not only that wrath (taking it passively) which the elect
were under, but that also which they should have undergone,
had not he borne it for them ; he delivered them ' from the
wrath to come.' Secondly, The elect do in their several
generations, lie under all the wrath of God in respect of
merit and procurement, though not in respect of actual en-
durance ; in respect of guilt not present punishment ; so that
notwithstanding these exceptions it stands firm, ' that he
was made sin for us, who knew no sin.'
Isa. liii. 5. * He was wounded for our transgressions, hes
was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace
was upon him, and with his stripes he was healed.' Of this
place something was said before, I shall add some small en-,
largements that conduce to discover the meaning of the
words. ' The chastisement of our peace was upon him ;' that
is, he was chastised or punished that we might have peace,
that we might go free ; our sins being the cause of his wound-
ing, and our iniquities of his being bruised; all our sins meet-
voL. v. 2 c
ing upon him ; as ver. 6. That is, he bare our sins, in Peter's
interpretation ; he bare our sins (not as some think by de-
claring that we were never truly sinful, but) by being wound-
ed for them, bruised for them, undergoing the chastisement
due unto them, consisting in death, wrath, and curse ; so
making his soul an offering for sin. He bare our sins ; that
is, say some, he declared that we have an eternal righteous-
ness in God, because of his eternal purpose to do us good ;
but is this to interpret Scripture? or to corrupt the word
of God ? Ask the word what it means by Christ's bearing of
sin, it will tell you, his being smitten for our transgressions;
Isa. liii. 8. His being cut off for our sins ; Dan. ix. 26. Nei-
ther hath the expression of bearing sins any other significa-
tion in the word ; Lev. v. 1. ' He that heareth swearing and
doth not reveal it, shall bear his iniquity.' What is that, he
shall declare himself or others to be free from sin? No doubt-
less, but he shall undergo the punishment due to sin, as our
Saviour did in bearing our iniquities. He must be a cun-
ning gamester indeed that shall cheat a believer of this foun-
More arguments or texts on this subject, I shall not
urge or produce, though the cause itself will enforce the
most unskilful to abound. 1 have proceeded as far as the
nature of a digression will well bear. Neither shall 1 under-
take at this time the answering of objections to the contrary;
a full discussion of the whole business of the satisfaction of
Christ, which should cause me to search for, draw forth, and
confute all objections to the contrary, being not by me in-
tended; and for those which were made at that debate, which
gave occasion to this discourse, I dare not produce them, lest
happily I should not be able to restrain the conjectures of
men, that I purposely framed such weak objections, that 1
might obtain an easy conquest over a man of straw of mine
own erection ; so weak were they and of so little force to
the shaking of so fundamental a truth, as that is which we
do maintain so of this argument hitherto.
Of the merit of Christ ; with arguments from thence.
A FOURTH thing ascribed to the death of Christ is merit, or
that worth and value of his death, whereby he purchased and
procured unto us and for us, all those good things which we
find in the Scripture for his death to be bestowed upon us ;
of this, much I shall not speak, having considered the thing
itself under the notion of impetration already ; only I shall
add some few observations proper to that particular, of the
controversy which we have in hand. The word merit is not
at all to be found in the New Testament, in no translation
out of the original that I have seen ; the vulgar Latin once
X edidiS. promeretur ; Heb. xiii. 16. And the Rhemists to preserve
the sound, have rendered it pronierited. But these words
in both languages are uncouth and barbarous, besides that
they no way answer EvapeaTsirai, the word in the original,
which gives no colour to merit, name or thing; nay, I
suppose it will prove a difficult thing to find out any one
word in either of the languages, wherein the holy Scripture
was written, that doth properly and immediately in its first
native importance signify merit; so that about the name we
shall not trouble ourselves; if the thing itself intended there-
by be made apparent, which it is both in the Old and New
Testament. As Isa. liii. 5. 'The chastisement of our peace
was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed ;' the pro-
curement of our peace and healing was the merit of his chas-
tisement and stripes ; so Heb. ix. 12. Sta tov iSiov alfiaTog
alojviav Xvrpwaiv tvpafievog, ' obtaining by his blood eternal re-
demption,' is as much as we intend to signify by the merit of
Christ. The word which comes nearest it in signification,
wehave Acts XX. 28. irspitTtoiriaaTo, 'purchased with his own
blood ;' purchase and impetration, merit and acquisition,
being in this business terms equivalent; which latter word
is used in divers other places; as 1 Thess. v. 9. Eph. i. 14,
1 Pet. ii. 9. Now that which by this name we understand
is, the performance of such an action as whereby the thing
aimed at by the agent,is due unto him according to the equity
and equality required in j ustice ; as, ' to him that worketh, the
2 c 2
reward is reckoned not of grace but of debt;' Rora. iv. 4.
That there is such a merit attending the death of Christ, is
apparent from what was said before ; neither is the weight
of any operous proving it imposed on us, by our adversa-
ries seeming to acknowledge it no less themselves. So that
we may take it for granted (until our adversaries close with
the Socinians in this also). Christ then by his death did
merit and purchase for all those for whom he died, all those
things which in the Scripture are assigned to be the fruits
and effects of his death. These are the things purchased and
merited by his bloodshedding and death ; which may be re-
ferred unto two heads. First, Such as are privative; as, 1. De-
liverance from the hands of our enemies ; Luke i. 74. From
the wrath to come; 1 Thess. i. ult. Secondly, The destruc-
tion and abolition of death in his power; Heb. ii. 14. Thirdly,
Of the works of the devil ; 1 John iii. 8. Fourthly, Deliver-
ance from the curse of the law ; Gal. iii. 13. Fifthly, From
our vain conversation ; 1 Pet. i. 18. Sixthly, From the pre-
sent evil world; Gal.i.4. Seventhly, From the earth and from
among men; Rev. xiv. 3, 4. Eighthly, Purging of our sins ;
Heb. i. 3. Secondly, Positive ; as, first. Reconciliation with
God ; Rom. v. 10. Eph. ii. 16. Col. i. 20. Secondly, Ap-
peasing or atoning of God by propitiation ; Rom. v. 25.
1 John ii,2. Thirdly, Peace-making ; Eph. ii. 14. Fourthly,
Salvation; Matt. i. 21. All these hath our Saviour by his
death, merited and purchased for all them for whom he died ;
that is, so procured them of his Father, that they ought in
respect of that merit, according to the equity of justice, to
be bestowed on them for whom they were so purchased and
procured; it was absolutely of free grace in God,- that he
would send Jesus Christ to die for any ; it was of free grace
for whom he would send him to die ; it is of free grace that
the good things procured by his death, be bestowed on any
person, in respect of those persons on whom they are be-
stowed. But considering his own appointment and consti-
tution, that Jesus Christ by his death should merit and pro-
cure grace and glory for those for whom he died, it is of debt
in respect of Christ that they be communicated to them.
Now that which is thus merited, which is of debt to be be-
stowed, we do not say that it may be bestowed, but it ought
so to be; and it is injustice if it be not. Having said this
little of the nature of merit, and of the merit of Christ, the
procurement of his death for them in whose stead he died,
it will quickly be apparent how unreconcilable the general
ransom is therewith. For the demonstration whereof we
need no more but the proposing of this one question, viz. if
Christ hath merited grace and glory for all those for whom
he died ; if he died for all, how comes it to pass that these
things are not communicated to, and bestowed upon all? Is
the defect in the merit of Christ, or in the justice of God?
How vain is it to except that these things are not bestowed
absolutely upon us, but upon condition ; and therefore was
so procured, seeing that the very condition itself is also me-
rited and procured; as Eph. i. 3, 4. Phil. i. 29. hath been
already declared.
Fifthly, The very phrases of* dying for us,' ' bearing our
sins,' ' being our surety,' and the like, whereby the death of
Christ for us is expressed, will not stand with the payment
of a ransom for all. To die for another, is in Scripture to
die in that other's stead that he might go free; as Judah be-
sought his brother Joseph to accept of him for a bondman
instead of Benjamin, that he might be set at liberty; Gen.
xliv. 33. And that to make good the engagement wherein he
stood bound to his father, to be a surety for him. He that is
surety for another (as Christ was for us, Heb. vii. 22.) is to
undergo the danger that the other may be delivered. So
David wishing that he had died for his son Absalom, 2 Sam.
xviii. 33. intended doubtless a commutation with him, and a
substitution of his life for his, so that he might have lived.
Paul also, Rom. v. 7. intimates the same, supposing that
such a thing might be found among men, that one should
die for another; no doubt alluding to the Decii, Menecaeus,
Euriolus, and such others, whom we find mentioned in the
stories of the heathen, who voluntarily cast themselves into
death, for the deliverance of their country or friends : con-
tinuing their liberty and freedom from death, who were to
undergo it, by taking it upon themselves, to whom it was
not directly due : and this plainly is the meaning of that
phrase, 'Christ died for us;' that is, in the undergoing of
death there was a subrogation of his person in the room and
stead of ours. Some, indeed, except that where the word
inrtp is used in this phrase, a& Heb. ii. 9. ' That he by the
grace of God should taste death for every man ;' there only
the good and profit of them for whom he died is intended,
not enforcing the necessity of any commutation. But why
this exception should prevail, I see no reason, for the same
preposition being used in the like kind in other causes doth
confessedly intimate a commutation; as Rom. ix. 3. Where
Paul affirms that he could wish himself accursed from Christ
virlp Twv adeX(l)UJv/ for his brethren,' that is, in their stead, that
they might be united to him ; so also, 2 Cor. v. 20. v-rrsp
Xpiarov TTpialitvofxtv 'we are ambassadors in Christ's stead;'
so the same apostle, 1 Cor. i. 13. Asking, and strongly deny-
ing, by way of interrogation, fir) IlauXoc larav^M^r] vwlp vfiiov,
'was Paul crucified for you?' plainly sheweth that the word
vTrep, used about the crucifying of Christ for his church, doth
argue a commutation or change, and not only designs the
good of them, for whom he died : for plainly, he might him-
self have been crucified for the good of the church, but in
the stead thereof he abhorreth the least thought of it. But
concerning the word clvtI which also is used, there is no
doubt, nor can any exception be made, it always signifieth
a commutation and change, whether it be applied to things
or persons; so Luke xi. 11. o^tc avrX Ixdvog, ' o. serpent in-
stead of a fish ;' so Matt. v. 38. ocpOaXfxhg avrl ocpOaXfiov, ' an
eye for an eye;' so Heb. xii. 16. and for persons, Archelaus
is said to reign avri HpwSou rov TruTpog, Matt. ii. 22. ' in-
stead of his father.' Now this word is used of the death of
our Saviour; Matt. xx. 28. 'The Son of man came' Souvai
Trjvxpvxnv avTov Xvrpov avrl ttoWwv, which words are repeated
again; Mark x. 45. That is, to give his life a ransom in the
stead of the lives of many ; so that plainly, Christ dying for
us as a surety, Heb. vii.22. and thereby and therein bearing
our sins in his own body, 1 Pet. ii. 24. being made a curse
for us, was an undergoing of death, punishment, curse, wrath,
not only for our good, but dii-ectly in our stead : a commu-
tation and subrogation of his person in the room and place
of ours, being allowed and of God accepted. This being
cleared, I demand, first, whether Christ died thus for all ?
That is, whether he died in the room and stead of all, so that
his person was substituted in the room of theirs? As, whe-
ther he died in the stead of Cain and Pharaoh, and the rest,
who long before his death were under the power of the se-
cond death never to be delivered? Secondly, Wh ether it be
justice that those, or any oftheixi, in w^hose stead Christ died*
bearing their iniquities, should themselves also die and bear
their own sins to eternity? Thirdly, What rule of equity is
there or example for it, that when the surety hath answered
and made satisfaction to the utmost of what was required in
Ihe obligation, wherein he was a surety, that they, for whom
he was a surety, should afterward be proceeded against?
Fourthly, Whether Christ hung upon the cross in the room
or stead of reprobates ? Fifthly, Whether he underwent all
that which was due unto them, for whom he died ? If not,
how could he be said to die in their stead? If so, why are
they not all delivered ? I shall add no more but this, that, to
affirm Christ to die for all men is the readiest way to prove
that he died for no man, in the sense Christians have hitherto
believed, and to hurry poor souls into the bottom of Socinian
The last general argument.
Our next argument is taken from some particular places of
Scripture, clearly and distinctly in themselves holding out
the truth of what we do affirm : out of the great number of
them I shall take a few to insist upon, and therewith to close
our arguments.
The first that I shall begin withal, is, the first mentioning
of Jesus Christ, and the first revelation of the mind of God
concerning a discrimination between the people of Christ,
and his enemies ; Gen. iii. 15. ' I will put enmity between
thee (the serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and
her seed.' By the seed of the woman is meant the whole body
of the elect, Christ in the first place as the head, and all the
rest as his members ; by the seed of the serpent, the devil,
with all the whole multitude of reprobates making up the ma-
lignant state in opposition to the kingdom and body of Jesus
Christ. That by the first part, or the seed of the woman, is
meant Christ with all the elect is most apparent : for they
in whom all things, that are here foretold of the seed of
ihe woman, do concur they are the seed of the woman (for
the properties of any thing do prove the thing itself) : but
now in the elect, believers, in and through Christ, are to be
found all the properties of the seed of the woman; for, for
them, in them, and by them, is the head of the serpent broken,
and Satan trodden down under their feet, and the devil dis-
appointed in his temptations, and the devil's agents frus-
trated in their undertakings : principally and especially this
is spoken of Christ himself, collectively of his whole body,
which beareth a continual hatred to the serpent and his seed.
Secondly, By the seed of the serpent is meant all the re-
probate, men of the world, impenitent, unbelievers.
For, first, The enmity of the serpent lives and exerciseth
itself in them ; they hate and oppose the seed of the woman,
they have a perpetual enmity with it, and every thing that
is said of the seed of the serpent belongs properly to them.
Secondly, They are often so called in the Scripture ;
Matt. iii. 7. ' O generation of vipers,' or seed of the serpent;
so also, Matt.xxiii.33. So Christ telleth the reprobate Phari-
sees, 'ye are of your father the devil, and his works ye will
do ;' John viii. 44. So again, the * child of the devil ;' Acts
xiii. 10. That is, the seed of the serpent ; ' for he that com-
mitteth sin, is of the devil ;' 1 John iii. 8. These things beina:
undeniable we thus proceed. Christ died for no more than
God promised him unto, that he should die for; but God
did not promise him to all, as that he should die for them,
for he did not promise the seed of the woman to the seed
of the serpent, Christ to reprobates, but in the first word of
him, he promiseth an enmity against them ; in sum, the seed
of the woman died not for the seed of the serpent.
Secondly, Matt. vii. 33. ' I profess unto you I never knew
you ;'_Christ at the last day professeth to some he never knew
them; Christ saith directly that 'he knows his own whom
he layeth down his life for;' John x. 14. 17. And surely he
knows whom and what he hath bought ; were it not strange
that Christ should die for them, and buy them that he will
not own, but profess he never knew them? If they are
bought with a price, surely they are his own ? 1 Cor, vi. ult.
If Christ did so buy them, and lay out the price of his pre-
cious blood for them, and then at last deny that he ever
knew them, might they not well reply, ' Ah Lord ! was not thy
soul heavy unto death for our sakes ? Didst thou not for u»
undergo that wrath that made thee sweat drops of blood ?
Didst thou not bathe thyself in thine own blood, that our
bloods might be spared? Didst thou not sanctify thyself to be
an offering for us as well as for any of thy apostles? Was not
thy precious blood by stripes, by sweat, by nails, by thorns,
by spear, poured out for us? Didst thou not remember us,
when thou hungest upon the cross ? And now dost thou say,
thou never knewest us ? Good Lord, though we be unworthy
sinners, yet thine own blood hath not deserved to be de-
spised. Why is it that none can lay any thing to the charge
of God's elect? Is it not because thou died st for them? And
didst thou not do the same for us? Why then are we thus
charged, thus rejected? Could not thy blood satisfy thy Fa-
ther, but we ourselves must be punished ? Could not justice
content itself with that sacrifice, but we must now hear.
Depart, I never knew you ?' What can be answered to this
plea, upon the granting of the general ransom, I know not.
Thirdly, Matt. xi. 25. ' I thank thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes ;
even so, O Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.' Those
men, from whom God, in his sovereignty, as Lord of heaven
and earth, of his own good pleasure, hideth the gospel; either
in respect of the outward preaching of it, or the inward re-
velation of the power of it in their hearts, those certainly
Christ died not for. For to what end should the Father send
his only Son, to die for the redemption of those, whom he
for his own good pleasure had determined should be ever-
lasting strangers from it, and never so much as hear of it,
in the power thereof revealed to them. Now that such
there are our Saviour here affirms, and thanks his Father
for that dispensation, at which so many do at this day
Fourthly, John x. 11. 15, 16. 27,28. This clear place,
which of itself is sufficient to evert the general ransom, hath
been a little considered before, and therefore, I shall pass it
over the more briefly. First, That all men are not the sheep
of Christ is most apparent. For, first. He himself saith so,
ver. 26. ' Ye are not of my sheep.' Secondly, The distinc-
tion at the last day will make it evident, when the sheep
and the goats shall be separated. Thirdly, The properties
of the sheep are, that they hear the voice of Christ, that
they know him, and the like, are not in all. Secondly, That
the sheep here mentioned are all his elect, as well those that
were to be called, as those that were then already called ;
ver. 1 6. * Some were not as yet of his fold,' of called ones, so
that they are sheep by election and not believing. Thirdly,
That Christ so says that he laid down his life for his sheep,
that plainly he excludes all others. For, first, He lays down
his life for them as sheep; now that which belongs to them
as such, belongs only to such. If he lays down his life for
sheep as sheep, certainly he doth it not for goats, and
wolves, and dogs. Secondly, He lays down his life as a
shepherd ; ver, 11. Therefore for them as the sheep : what
hath the shepherd to do with the wolves, unless it be to
destroy them ? Thirdly, Dividing all into sheep and others,
ver. 26. he saith, ' He lays down his life for his sheep ;' which
is all one as if he had said he did it for them only. Fourthly,
He describes them for whom he died by this, his Father gave
them to him ; ver. 29. as also chap. xvii. 6. ' Thine they were,
and thou gavest them me :' which are not all, for whatsoever
the Father giveth him cometh unto him, and he gives unto
them eternal life, and they shall never perish ; ver. 28. Let
but the sheep of Christ keep close to this evidence, and all
the world shallnever deprive them of their inheritance. Far-
ther to confirm this place add Matt. xx. 28. John xi. 52.
Fifthly, Rom. viii. 32 — 34. The intention of the apostle
in this place is to hold out consolation to believers in afflic-
tion, or under any distress ; which he doth, ver. 31. in gene-
ral, from the assurance of the presence of God with them,
and his assistance at all times, enough to conquer all oppo-
sitions, and to make all diflSculty indeed contemptible by
the assurance of his loving-kindness, which is better than
life itself; if God be with us, who shall be against us? To
manifest this his presence and kindness, the apostle minds
them of that most excellent, transcendent, and singular act
of love towards them, in sending his Son to die for them,
not sparing him, but requiring their debt at his hand ; where-
upon he argues from the greater to the less, that if he have
done that for us, surely he will do every thing else that shall
be requisite. If he did the greater, will he not do the less ?
If he give his Son to death, will he not also freely give us
all things ? Whence we may observe ; First, That the greatest
and most eximious expression of the love of God towards
believers, is in sending his Son to die for them, not sparing
him for their sake, this is made the chief of all. Now if
God sent his Son to die for all, he had as great an act of
love, and hath made as great a manifestation of it to them
that perish as to those that are saved. Secondly, That for
whomsoever he hath given, and not spared his Son, unto them
he will assuredly freely give all things ; but now he doth not
give all things that are good for them unto all, as faith,
grace, and glory ; from whence we conclude, that Christ
died not for all. Again, ver. 33. he gives us a description
of those that have a share in the consolation here intended,
for whom God gave his Son, to whom he freely gives all
things, and that is, that they are his elect; not all, but only
those whom he hath chosen before the foundation of the
world, that they should be holy ; which gives another con-
firmation of the restraint of the death of Christ to them alone,
which he yet farther confirms, ver. 34. by declaring that
those of whom he speaks, shall be freely justified and freed
from condemnation ; whereof he gives two reasons : First,
Because Christ died for them. Secondly, Because he is
risen and makes intercession for them for whom he died,
affording us two invincible arguments to the business in
hand. The first, taken from the infallible effects of the
death of Christ. Who ohtdl lay any thing to their charge ?
Who shall condemn them ? Why? what reason is given? It
is Christ that died. So that the death doth infallibly free
all them from condemnation for whom he died. Secondly,
From the connexion that the apostle here makes between
the death and intercession of Jesus Christ ; for whom he died
for them he makes intercession, but ' he saveth to the utmost
them for whom he intercedeth ;' Heb. vii. 24. From all which
it is undeniably apparent, that the death of Christ, with
the fruits and benefits thereof, belongeth only to the elect
of God.
Sixthly, Eph. i. 7. * In whom we have redemption ;' if his
blood was shed for all, then all must have a share in those
things that are to be had in his blood ; now amongst these
is that redemption that consists in the forgiveness of sins.
which certainly all have not, for they that have are blessed;
Rom. iv. and shall be blessed for evermore; which blessing
comes not upon all, but upon the seed of righteous Abraham.
Seventhly, 2 Cor. v. 21. ' He made him to be sin for us,
that we might become the righteousness of God in him.' It
was in his death that Christ was made sin or an offerino; for
it. Now for whomsoever he was made sin, they are made
the righteousness of God in him ; ' by his stripes we are
healed ;' Isa. liii. John xv. 13. ' Greater love hath none than
this, that he lay down his life for his friend.' Then to in-
tercede is not of greater love than to die, nor any thing else
that he doth for his elect; if then he laid down his life for
all, which is the greatest, why doth he not also the rest for
them, and save them to the uttermost.
Eighthly, John xvii. 9. 'I pray for them, I pray not
for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for
they are thine ;' and ver. 19. * For their sakes I sanctify
Ninthly, Eph. v. 25. ' Husbands love your wives, even as
Christ also loved his church, and gave himself for it;' as Acts
XX. 28. The object of Christ's love and his death is here
asserted to be his bride, his church, and that as properly as
a man's own wife is the only allowed object of his conjugal
affections. And if Christ had a love to others so as to die
for them, then is there in the exhortation a latitude left
unto men in conjugal affections for other women besides
their wives.
I thought to have added other arguments, as intending a
clear discussing of the whole controversy, but upon a review
of what hath been said, I do with confidence take up and
conclude, that these which have been already urged will be
enough to satisfy them who will be satisfied with any thing ;
and those that are obstinate will not be satisfied with more.
So of our arguments here shall be an end.
Things previously to he considered to the solution of objections.
1 HERE being sundry places in holy Scripture, wherein the
ransom and propitiation made by the blood of Christ is set
forth in general and indefinite expressions ; as also a fruit-
lessness or want of success in respect of some through their
own default, for whom he died, seemingly intimated ; with
general proffers, promises, and exhortations, made for the em-
bracing of the fruits of the death of Christ, even to them
who do never actually perform it ; whence some have taken
occasion to maintain a uruversality of redemption, equally re-
specting all and every one ; and that with great confidence,
affirming that the contrary opinion cannot possibly be re-
conciled with those places of Scripture, wherein the former
things are proposed. These three heads being the only foun-
tains from whence are drawn (but with violence) all the ar-
guments that are opposed to the peculiar effectual redemp-
tion of the elect only ; I shall (before I come to the answer-
ing of objections, arising from a wrested interpretation of
particular places) lay down some such fundamental princi-
ples, as are agreeable to the word, and largely held forth in
it, and no way disagreeable to our judgment in this parti-
cular, which do and have given occasion to those general
and indefinite affirmations as they are laid down in the word,
and upon which they are founded ; having their truth in
them, and not in a universal ransom for all and every one ;
with some distinctions conducing to the farther clearing of
the thing in question, and waving of many false imputations
of things and consequences erroneously or maliciously im-
posed on us.
The first thing that we shall lay down is concerning the
dignity, worth, preciousness, and infinite value of the blood
and death of Jesus Christ. The maintaining and declaring
q{ this, is doubtless especially to be considered ; and every
opinion that doth but seemingly clash against it, is exceed-
ingly prejudiced, at least deservedly suspected; yea, pre-
sently to be rejected by Christians, if upon search it be
found to do so really and indeed, as that which is injurious
and derogatory to the merit and honour of Jesus Christ. The
Scripture also to this purpose is exceeding full and frequent
in setting forth the excellency and dignity of his death and
sacrifice, calling his blood, by reason of the unity of his per-
son, 'God's own blood ;' Acts xx. 28. Exalting it infinitely
above all other sacrifices, as having for its principle ' the eter-
nal Spirit/ and being itself 'without spot;' Heb. ix.l4. Tran-
scendently more precious than * silver or gold or corruptible
things;' 1 Pet. i. 18. Able to give justification from all
things, from which by the law^ men could not be justified ;
Acts xiii. 28. Now such as was the sacrifice and offering of
Christ in itself, such was it intended by his Father it should
be. It was then the purpose and intention of God that his Son
should offer a sacrifice of infinite worth, value, and dignity,
sufl&cient in itself for the redeeming of all and every man,
if it had pleased the Lord to employ it to that purpose; yea,
and of other worlds also, if the Lord should freely make
them, and would redeem them. Sufficient we say, then, was
the sacrifice of Christ for the redemption of the whole world,
and for the expiation of all the sins of all and every man in
the world. This suflSciency of his sacrifice hath a twofold
rise. First, The dignity of the person that did offer and
was oftered. Secondly, The greatness of the pain he en-
dured, by which he was able to bear, and did undergo, the
whole curse of the law and wrath of God due to sin ; and
this sets out the innate real true worth and value of the blood-
shedding of Jesus Christ. This is its own true internal perfec-
tion and sufficiency ; that it should be applied unto any,
made a price for them, and become beneficial to them, ac-
cording to the worth that is in it, is external to it, doth not
arise from it, but merely depends upon the intention and
will of God. It was in itself of infinite value and sufficiency
to have been made a price, to have bought and purchased all
and every man in the world. That it did formally become
a price for any, is solely to be ascribed to the purpose of
God intendino- their purchase and redemption by it. The
intention of the offerer and accepter that it should be for
such, some, or any, is that which gives the formality of a price
unto it ; this is external; biit the value and fitness of it to
be made a price, ariseth from its own internal sufficiency.
Hence may appear what is to be thought of that old dis-
tinction of the schoolmen, embraced and used by divers Pro-
testant divines, though by others again rejected ; viz. that
Christ died for all in respect of the sufficiency of the ransom
he paid ; but not in respect of the efficacy of its application ;
or, the blood of Christ was a sufficient price for the sins of
all the world ; which last expression is corrected by some,
and thus asserted. That the blood of Christ was sufficient to
have been made a price for all, which is most true, as was
before declared ; for its being a price for all, or some, doth
not arise from its own sufficiency, worth, or dignity, but
from the intention of God and Christ, using it to that pur-
pose, as was declared; and therefore, it is denied, that the
blood of Christ was a sufficient price and ransom for all,
and every one, not because it was not sufficient, but because
it was not a ransom. And so it easily appears what is to be
owned in the distinction itself before expressed ; if it intend
no more, but that the blood of our Savioiir was of sufficient
value for the redemption of all and every one, and that
Christ intended to lay down a price which should be suffi-
cient for their redemption, it is acknowledged as most true,
but the truth is, that expression (to die for them) holds out
the intention of our Saviour in the laying down of the price
to have been their redemption; which we deny, and affirm
that then it could not be, but that they must be made ac-
tual partakers of the eternal redemption purchased for them,
unless God failed in his design, through the defect of the
ransom paid by Christ, his justice refusing to give a dismis-
sion upon the delivery of the ransom.
Now the infinite value and worth which we assert to be
in the death of Christ, we conceive to be exceedingly under-
valued by the assertors of universal redemption, for that it
should be extended to this or that object, fewer or more, we
shewed before to be extrinsical to it; but its true worth con-
sists in the immediate effects, products, and issues of it, with
what in its own nature it is fit and able to do, vvhicb they
openly and apparently undervalue, yea, almost annihilate.
Hence those expressions concerning it.
First, That by it a door of grace was opened for sinners, where
(I suppose) they know not; but that any were effectually
carried in at the door by it, that they deny. Secondly, That
God might, if he would, and upon what condition he pleased, save
those for whom Christ died: that a right of salvation was by
him purchased for any, they deny ; hence they grant, that
after the death of Christ, First, God might have dealt with
man upon a legal condition again ; Secondly, That all and every
man might have been damned, and yet the death of Christ have
had its full effect: as also, moreover, that faith and sanctif cation
are not purchased by his death ; yea, no more for any (as be-
fore), than what he may go to hell withal: and divers other ways
do they express their low thoughts and slight imaginations
concerning the innate value and sufficiency of the death and
bloodshedding of Jesus Christ. To the honour then of Jesua
Christ our mediator, God and man, our all-sufficient Redeemer,
we affirm such and so great was the dignity and worth of his
death and bloodshedding, of so precious a value, of such an
infinite fulness and sufficiency was this oblation of himself,
that it was every way able, and perfectly sufficient, to redeem,
justify, and reconcile, and save all the sinners in the world,
and to satisfy the justice of God for all the sins of all man-
kind, and to bring them every one to everlasting glory. Now
this fulness and sufficiency of the merit of the death of Christ
is a foundation unto two things.
First, The general publishing of the gospel unto all na-
tions, with the right that it hath to be preached to every crea-
ture ; Matt, xxviii. 19. Mark xvi. 16. Because the way of
salvation which it declares is wide enough for all to walk in :
there is enough in the remedy it brings to light, to heal all
their diseases, to deliver them from all their evils : if there
were a thousand worlds, the gospel of Christ might, upon
this ground, be preached to them all, there being enough in
Christ for the salvation of them all, if so be they will derive
virtue from him by touching him in faith, the only way to
draw refreshment from this fountain of salvation. It is then
altogether in vain which some object, that the preaching of
the gospel to all, is altogether needless and useless, if Christ
died not for all : yea, that it is to make God call upon men
to believe that which is not true, viz. That Christ died for
them. For, first, besides that amongst those nations, whither
the gospel is sent, there are some to be saved (* I have much
people'), which they cannot be, in the way that God hath
appointed to do it, unless the gospel be preached to others,
as well as themselves. And, besides, secondly. That the eco-
nomy and dispensation of the new covenant, by which all
external differences and privileges of people, tongues, and
nations being abolished, and taken away, the word of grace
was to be preached without distinction, and all men called
every where to repent. And, thirdly, That when God calleth
upon men to believe, he doth not, in the first place, call upon
them to believe that Christ died for them, but that there is
no name under heaven given unto men, whereby they might
be saved, but only of Jesus Christ; through whom salvation
is preached. T say, besides those certain truths, fully taking
off that objection, this one thing, of which we speak, is a
sufficient basis and ground for all those general precepts of
preaching the gospel unto all men, even that sufficiency which
we have described.
Secondly, That the preachers of the gospel in their par-
ticular congregations, being utterly unacquainted with the
purpose and secret counsel of God, being also forbidden to
pry or search into it, Deut. xxix. may from hence justifi-
ably call upon every man to believe, with assurance of salva-
tion to every one in particular upon his so doing, knowing
and being fully persuaded of this, that there is enough in the
death of Christ, to save every one that shall so do ; leaving
the purpose and counsel of God, on whom he will bestow
faith, and for whom in particular Christ died (even as they
are commanded), to himself.
And this is one principal thing, which, being well ob-
served, will crush many of the vain flourishes of our adversa-
ries, as will in particular hereafter appear.
A second thing to be considered, is the economy or admi-
nistration of the new covenant, in the times of the gospel ; with
the amplitude and enlargement of the kingdom and dominion
of Christ, after his appearance in the flesh ; whereby all ex-
ternal differences being taken away, the name of Gentiles re-
moved, the partition wall broken down, the promise to Abra-
VOL. V. 2d
ham, that he should be heir of the world, as he was father of
the faithful, was now fully to be accomplished. Now this
administration is so opposite to that dispensation, which was
restrained to one people and family who were God's peculiar,
and all the rest of the world excluded, that it gives occasion
to many general expressions in the Scripture which are far
enough from comprehending a universality of all individuals,
but denote only a removal of all such restraining exceptions,
as were before in force : so that a consideration of the end
whereunto these general expressions are used, and at what is
aimed by them, will clearly manifest their nature, and how
they are to be understood, with who they are, that are in-
tended by them, and comprehended in them. For it being
only this enlargement of the visible kingdom of Christ to all
nations in respect of right, and to many in respect of fact
(God having elect in all those nations to be brought forth, in
the several generations wherein the means of grace are in
those places employed), that is intended, it is evident, that
they import only a distribution of men through all differences
whatsoever, and not a universal collection of all and every one,
the thing intended by them requiring the one, and not the
other. Hence those objections which are made against the
particularity of the ransom of Christ, and the restraining of
It only to the elect, from the terms of all, all men, all nations^
the world, the whole world, and the like, are all of them exceed-
ing weak and invalid, as wresting the general expressions of
the Scripture beyond their aim and intent, they being used
by the Holy Ghost only to evidence the removal of all per-
sonal and national distinction, the breaking up of all the
narrow bounds of the Old Testament, the enlarging the king-
dom of Christ beyond the bounds of Jewry and Salem, abo-
lishing all old restrictions, and opening a way for the elect
amongst all people, called the fulness of the Gentiles, to come
in; there being now 'neither Greek, Jew, circumcision, nor
uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond or free, but Christ
is all and in all ;' Col. iii. 11. Hence the Lord promiseth to
' pour out his Spirit upon all flesh ;' Joel ii. 28. Which Peter
interpreteth to be accomplished by the filling of the apostles
with the gifts of the Spirit, that they might be enabled to
preach to several nations; Acts ii. 17. 'Having received
grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all
nations ;' Rom. i. 5. Not the Jews only, but some among
all nations ; ' the gospel being the power of God unto salva-
tion to every one that believeth, the Jew and also the Greek ;'
ver. 16. Intending only as to salvation, the peculiar bought
by Christ, which he redeemed out of every kindred, tongue,
and people, and nation ; Rev. v. 9. Where ye have an evi-
dent distribution of that, which in other places is generally
set down ; the gospel being commanded to be preached to
all these nations; Matt, xxviii. 19. That those bought and
redeemed ones amonost them all mio;ht be brought home to
God ; John xi. 52. And this is that which the apostle so
largely sets forth; Eph. ii. 14 — 17. Now in this sense which
we have explained and no other, are those many places to be
taken, which are usually urged for universal grace and re-
demption, as shall afterward be declared in particular.
Thirdly, We must exactly distinguish between man's
duty and God's purpose, there being no connexion between
them. The purpose and decree of God is not the rule of our
duty, neither is the performance of our duty in doing what
we are commanded, any declaration of what is God's pur-
pose to do, or his decree that it should be done. Especially
is this to be seen and considered in the duty of the ministers
of the gospel, in the dispensing of the word, in exhortations,
invitations, precepts, and threatenings, committed unto
them ; all which are perpetual declaratives of our duty, and
do manifest the approbation of the thing exhorted and in-
vited to, with the truth of the connexion between one thing
and another, but not of the counsel and purpose of God in
respect of individual persons in the ministry of the word. A
minister is not to make inquiry after, nor to trouble himself
about, those secrets of the eternal mind of God, viz. whom
he purposeth to save, and whom he hath sent Christ to die
for in particular : it is enough for them to search his reveal-
ed will, and thence take their directions; from whence they
have the.\x commissions. Wherefore there is no sequel between
the universal precepts from the word concerning the things,
unto God's purpose in himself concerning pei-sons. They
command and invite all to repent and believe ; but they
know not in particular on whom God will bestow repentance
unto salvation, nor in whom he will effect the work of faith
with power : and when they make proffers and tenders in
2 D 2
the name of God to all, they do not say to all, it is the pur-
pose and intention of God, that ye should believe. Who
gave them any such power? But that it is his comman,d,
which makes it their duty, to do w^hat is required of them ;
and do not declare his mind, what himself in particular
will do : the external offer is such, as from which every man
may conclude his own duty ; none, God's purpose, which
yet may be known upon performance of his duty. Their ob-
jection then is vain, who affirm that God hath given Christ
for all to whom he offers Christ in the preaching of the gos-
pel ; for his offer in the preaching of the gospel is not de-
clarative to any in particular, neither of what God hath done,
nor of what he will do in reference to him ; but of what he
ought to do, if he would be approved of God, and obtain the
good things promised. Whence it will follow.
First, That God always intends to save some among them
to whom he sends the gospel in its power : and the minis-
ters of it being, first, unacquainted with his particular pur-
pose ; secondly. Bound to seek the good of all and every
one as much as in them lies ; thirdly. To hope and judge
well of all, even as it is meet for them ; they may make a
proffer of Jesus Christ, with life and salvation in him, not-
withstanding that the Lord hath given his Son only to his
Secondly, That this offer is neither vain nor fruitless,
being declarative of their duty, and of what is acceptable to
God, if it be performed as it ought to be, even as it is re-
quired : and if any ask, what it is of the mind and will of
God that is declared and made known, when men are com-
manded to believe for whom Christ did not die ? I answer,
first. What they ought to do, if they will do that which is
acceptable to God. Secondly, The sufficiency of salvation
that is in Jesus Christ to all that believe on him. Thirdly,
The certain, infallible, inviolable connexion that is between
faith and salvation ; so that whosoever performs the one
shall surely enjoy the other ; for whoever comes to Christ, he
will in no wise cast out : of which more afterward.
Fourthly, The engraffed erroneous persuasion of the Jews,
which for a while had a strong influence upon the apostles
themselves, restraining salvation and deliverance by the
Messias, or promised seed, to themselves alone, who were
the offspring of Abraham according to the flesh, must be
considered as the ground of many general expressions and
enlargements of the objects of redemption, which yet being
so occasioned, give no colour of any unlimited universality.
That the Jews were generally infected with this proud opi-
nion, that all the promises belonged only to them, and theirs,
towards whom they had a universality, exclusive of all others,
whom they called dogs, uncircumcised, and poured out curses
on them, is most apparent. Hence, when they saw the mul-
titude of the Gentiles coming to the preaching of Paul, they
were ' filled with envy, contradicting, blaspheming, and
stirring up persecution against them ;' Acts xiii. 45. 50.
Which the apostle again relates of them, 1 Thess. ii. 15, 16.
' They please not God,' saith he, ' and are contrary to all
men; forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might
be saved :' being not with any thing more enraged in the
preaching of our Saviour, than his prediction of letting out
his vineyard to others. That the apostles themselves also
had deeply drank in this opinion, learned by tradition from
their fathers, appeareth, not only in their questioning about
the restoration of the kingdom unto Israel; Acts i. 6. but
also most evidently in this, that after they had received com-
mission to teach and baptize all nations. Matt, xxviii. 19. or
every creature, Mark xvi. 16. and were endued with power
from above so to do, according to promise. Acts i. 8. yet they
seem to have understood their commission to have extended
only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel ; for they went
about and preached only to the Jews ; Acts xi. 19. And
when the contrary was evidenced and demonstrated to them,
they glorified God, saying, ' Then hath God also to the Gen-
tiles granted repentance to life!' Acts xi. 18. Admiring at
it as a thing which before they were not acquainted with r
and no wonder that men were not easily, nor soon persuaded
to this, it being the great mystery, that was made known
in former ages, as it was then revealed to God's holy apo-
stles and prophets by the Spirit, viz. * That the Gentiles
should be fellow-heirs of the same body, and partakers of
his promises in Christ by the gospel ;' Eph. iii. 5, 6. But
now, this being so made known unto them by the Spirit, and
that the time was come, wherein the little sister was to be
considered, the prodigal brought home, and Japhet per-
Buaded to dwell in the tents of Shem, they laboured by all
means to root it out of the minds of their brethren, accord-
ing to the flesh, of whom they had a special care, as also to
leave no scruple in the mind of the eunuch, that he was a
dry tree, or of the Gentile, that he was cut off from the peo-
ple of God : to which end they use divers general expres-
sions, carrying a direct opposition to that former error,
which was absolutely destructive to the kingdom of Jesus
Christ. Hence are those terms of the world, all men, all
nations, every creature, and the like, used in the business
of redemption, and preaching of the gospel ; these things
being not restrained, according as they supposed, to one
certain nation and family, but extended to the univer-
sality of God's people scattered abroad in every region un-
der heaven; especially are these expressions used by John :
who living to see the first coming of the Lord, in that fear-
ful judgment and vengeance which he executed upon the
Jewish nation some forty years after his death, is very fre-
quent in the asserting of the benefit of the world by Christ,
in opposition, as I said before, to the Jewish nation : giving
us a rule how to understand such phrases and locutions ;
John xii. 51, 52. * He signified that Jesus should die for that
nation ; and not for that nation only, but that also he should
gather together in one the children of God, that were scat-
tered abroad :' conformable whereunto he tells the believing
Jews that Christ is not a propitiation for them only, 'but for
the sins of the whole world ;' 1 John ii. 2, or the people of
God scattered throughout the whole world, not tied to any
one nation, as they sometime vainly imagined. And this
may and doth give much light, into the sense and meaning
of those places, where the words, world, and all, are used in
the business of redemption ; they do not hold out a collec-
tive universality, but a general distribution into men of
all sorts, in opposition to the before recounted erroneous
Fifthly, The extent, nature, and signification of those
general terms which we have frequently used indefinitely in
the Scripture, to set out the object of the redemption by
Christ, must seriously be weighed ; upon these expressions
hangs the whole weight of the opposite cause, the chief, if
not only argument for the universality of redemption, being
taken from words which seem to be of a latitude in their
signification, equal to such an assertion ; as the ivorld, the
whole world, all, and the like ; which terms when they have
once flistened upon, they run with, * lo triumphe,' as though
the victory were surely theirs. The world, the whole world,
all, all men, who can oppose it ? Call them to the context, in
the several places where the words are ; appeal to rules of in-
terpretation ; mind them of the circumstances and scope of
the place ; the sense of the same words in other places, with
other fore-named helps and assistances, which the Lord hath
acquainted us with, for the discovery of his mind and will
in his word ; they presently cry out the bare word, the letter
is theirs, away with the gloss and interpretation, give us
leave to believe what the word expressly saith : little (as I
hope) imagining being deluded with the love of their own
darling, that if this assertion be general, and they will not
allow us the gift of interpretation agreeable to the propor-
tion of faith, that at one clap they confirm the cursed mad-
ness of the anthropomorphites, assigning a human body,
form, and shape unto God, who hath none; and the alike
cursed figment of transubstantiation, overthrowing the body
of Christ who hath one ; with divers other most pernicious
errors; let them then, as long as they please, continue such
empty clamours, fit to terrify and shake weak and unstable
men, for the truth's sake we will not be silent, and I hope
we shall very easily make it appear, that the general terms
that are used in this business will indeed give no colour to
any argument for universal redemption, whether absolute or
Two words there are that are mightily stuck upon or
stumbled at ; first. The ivorld; secondly. All. The particular
places wherein they are, and from which the arguments of
our adversaries are urged, we shall afterward consider ; and
for the present only shew that the words themselves, according
to the Scripture use, do not necessarily hold out any collec-
tive universality of those concerning whom they are affirmed ;
but being words of various significations, must be interpret-
ed according to the scope of the place where they are used,
and the subject matter of which the Scripture treateth in
those places.
First, then, for the word ivorld, which in the New Testa-
ment is called koo-/xoc (for there is another word sometime
translated world, viz. alwv, that belongs not to this matter, not-
ing rather the duration of time, than the thing in that space
continuing), he that doth not acknowledge it to be TroXvo-rjjuov,
need say no more to manifest his unacquaintedness in the
book of God; I shall briefly give you so many various sig-
nifications of it, as shall make it apparent, that from the bare
tisage of a word, so exceedingly equivocal, no argument can
be taken until it be distinguished, and the meaning thereof
in that particular place evinced, from whence the argument
is taken.
The Scheme.
1 Suhipctivp^ '^ -"^^'"^^ ^ Di-o ^ * ^*^'° aspectabili.
P =>ubjective^ idquevel i P'° ^ 2 Terra habitabili.
fi Collective seu Kara Travra?.
f 1 Incola- 1 w -n- . -i »• SI Quibusvis.
I X iin,u a. 2 Distributive pro I ^, ^^ w
rumidque | '^ ( "2 Multis.
<; i 1 Bonis seu electis.
Adjunct!- I 1 3 Signanter, pro ^ ,^ jyialis seu reprobis.
veratione ^ j 4 aopia-ra); seu Communiter.
L5 Restrictive seu o-m'Ep(^SoxiKa; ? ^ 1 preecipuis.
I pro I 2 Romanis.
( 1 Corruptionis undeT 1 Ipsa corruptione
I 2 Accidentium* sumitur pro < 2 Sede corruptionis
^ f_ 3 Terrenaconditione
V. 2 Maledictionis.
All these distinctions of the use of the word are made
out in the following observations.
The word ivorld in the Scripture is in general taken four
ways. First, Pro rmindo continent e ; and that, first, gene-
rally, oXwc for the whole fabric of heaven and earth, with all
things in them contained, which in the beginning were cre-
ated of God ; so Job xxxiv. 13. Acts xvii. 24. Eph. i. 4. and
in very many other places. Secondly, Distinctly, first, for
the heavens, and all things belonging to them, distinguished
from the earth ; Psal. xc. 2. Secondly, The habitable earth,
and this very frequently, as Psal. xxiv. 1. xcviii. 7. Matt,
xiii. 38. John i. 9. iii. 17. 19. vi. 16. xvii. 11. 1 Tim. i. 15.
vi. 7.
Secondly, For the tvorld contained, especially men in the
world; and that either, first, universally for all and every
one; Rom. iii. 6. 19. v. 12. Secondly, Indefinitely for
men, without restriction or enlargements; John vii. 4. Isa.
xiii. 11. Thirdly, Exegetically for many, which is the most
usual acceptation of the word ; Matt, xviii. 7. John iv. 42.
xii. 19. xvi. 8. xvii. 21. 1 Cor. iv. 9. Rev. xiii. 3. Fourthly,
Comparatively, for a great part of the world; Rom. i. 8.
Matt. xxiv. 14. xxvi. 13. Rom. x. 18. Fifthly, Restrictive-
ly, for the inhabitants of the Roman empire; Luke ii. 1.
Sixthly, For men distinguished in their several qualifications ;
as, first, for the good, God's people, either in designation or
possession; Psal. xxii. 27. John iii. 16. vi.36. 51. Rom.
iv. 13. xi. 12. 15. 2 Cor. v. 19. Col. i. 6. 1 John ii. 2. Se-
condly, For the evil, wicked, rejected men of the world; Isa.
xiii. 11. John vii. 7. xiv. 17. 22. xv. 19. xvii. 25. 1 Cor. vi.
2. xi. 32. Heb. ix. 11. xi. 38. 2 Pet. ii. 5. 1 John v. 19.
Rev. xiii. 3.
Thirdly, For the world corrupted, or that universal cor-
ruption which is in all things in it; as Gal. i. 4. iv. 1. 4.
vi. 14. Eph. ii. 2. James i. 27. iv. 4. 1 John ii. 15 — 17.
1 Cor. vii. 31. 33. Col. ii. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 10. Rom. xii. 2. 1 Cor.
i. 20, 21. iii. 18, 19.
Fourthly, For a terrene worldly estate or condition of men or
things ; Psal. Ixxiii. 12. Luke xvi. 8. John xviii. 36. 1 John
iv. 5. and very many other places.
Fifthly, For the world accursed, as under the power of Sa-
tan; John vii. 7. xiv. 30. xvi. 11.33. 1 Cor. ii. 12. 2Cor. iv.
4. Eph. vi. 12. And divers other significations hath this word
in holy writ, which are needless to recount; these I have
rehearsed to shew the vanity of that clamour, wherewith
some men fill their mouths, and frighten unstable souls with
the Scripture, mentioning world so often in the business of
redemption, as though some strength might be taken thence
for the upholding of the general ransom. * Parvus habetspes
Troja, si tales habet;' if their greatest strength be but sophis-
tical craft, taken from the ambiguity of an equivocal word, there
whole endeavour is like to prove fruitless. Now as I have de-
clared that it hath divers other acceptations in the Scrip-
ture ; so when I come to a consideration of their objections,
that use the word for this purpose, I hope by God's assist-
ance to shew, that in no one place wherein it is used in this
business of redemption, that it is or can be taken for all and
every man in the world, as indeed it is in very few places
besides ; so that forasmuch as concerning this word our way
will be clear, if to what hath been said ye add these obser-
First, That as in other words so in these, this is in the
Scripture usually an avravaKXamg, whereby the same word is
ingeminated in a different sense and acceptation ; so Matt,
viii. 22. Let the ' dead bury their dead ;' dead in the first
place, denoting them that are spiritually dead in sin ; in the
next, those that are naturally dead, by a dissolution of soul
and body; so John i. 11. He cdnne aig ra'iSia, 'to his own,' even
all things that he had made ; icai 6t iStot, ' his own,' that is the
greatest part of the people received him not ; so again John
iii. 6. ' That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.' Spirit
in the first place, is the Almighty Spirit of God, in the lat-
ter, a spiritual life of grace received from him. Now in such
places as these to argue that such is the signification of the
word in one place, therefore in the other, were violently to
pervert the mind of the Holy Ghost. Thus also is the word
world usually changed in the meaning thereof; so John i,
10. ' He was in the world, and the world was made by him,
and the world knew him not;' he that should force the same
signification upon the world in that triple mention of it,
would bean egregious glosser; for in the first, it plainly sig-
nifieth some part of the habitable earth, and is taken subjec-
tive /uEjotKwc ; in the second, the whole frame of heaven and
earth, and is taken subjective oXiKojg ; and in the third, for
some men living in the earth, viz. unbelievers, who may be
said to be the world adjunctive. So again, John iii. 17. 'God
sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but
that the world through him might be saved ;' where by the
world in the first, is necessarily to be understood that part
of the habitable world, wherein our Saviour conversed, in
the second, all men in the world as some suppose ; so also
there is a truth in it, for our Saviour came not to condemn
all men in the world ; for, first. Condemnation of any, was not
the prime aim of his coming ; secondly, He came to save
his own people, and so not to condemn all ; in the third,
God's elect, or believers living in the world, in their several
generations, who were they whom he intended to save, and
none else, or he faileth of his purpose ; and the endeavour
of Christ is insufficient for the accomplishment of that where-
unto it is designed.
Secondly, That no argument can be taken from a phrase
of speech in the Scripture in any particular place, if in other
places thereof, where it is used, the signification pressed
from that place is evidently denied, unless the scope of the
place, or subject matter do enforce it; for instance, God is
said to love the world, and send his Son, to be in Christ re-
conciling the icorld to himself, and Christ to be a propitia-
tion for the sins of the whole world : if the scope of the
places where these assertions are, or the subject matter of
which they treat, will enforce a universality of all persons,
to be meant by the word world, so let it be without control;
but if not, if there be no enforcement of any such interpre-
tation from the places themselves, why should the world
there more signify all and every one, than in John i. 10.
* The world knew him not ;' which if it be meant of all, with-
out exception, then no one did believe in Christ, which is
contrary to ver. 12. or in Luke ii. 1. 'That all the world
should be taxed,' when none but the chief inhabitants of
the Roman empire can be understood ; or in John viii. 26.
' I speak to the world those things which I have heard of
him,' understanding the Jews to whom he spake, who then
lived in the world, and not every one to whom he was not
sent ; or in Joiin xii. 19. ' Perceive ye not that the world is
gone after him V Which world was nothing but a great mul-
titude of one small nation; or in 1 John v. 19. 'The whole
world lieth in wickedness;' from which, notwithstanding, all
believers are to be understood as exempted ; or in Rev.
xiii. 3. ' All the world wandered after the beast;' which whe-
ther it be affirmed of the whole universality of individuals,
in the world, let all judge. That all nations, an expression
of equal extent with that of the world, is in like manner to
be understood, is apparent ; Rom. i. 5. Rev. xviii. 3. 23.
Psal. cxviii. 10. 1 Chron. xiv. 17. Jer. xxvii. 7. It being evi-
dent that the words, world, all the world, the whole world,
do, where taken adjunctively for men in the world, usually
and almost always denote only some, or many men in the
world, distinguished into good or bad, believers or unbe-
lievers, elect or reprobate ; by what is immediately in the
several places affirmed of them, I see no reason in the world
why they should be wrested to any other meaning or sense
in the places that are in controversy between us and our
opponents. The particular places we shall afterward
Now as we have said of the word world, so we may of
the word all, wherein much strength is placed, and many
causeless boastings are raised from it. That it is no where
affirmed in the Scripture that Christ died for all men, or
gave himself a ransom for all men, much less for all and
every man, we have before declared. That he gave himself a
ransom for all is expressly affirmed; 2 Tim. ii. 6. But now,
who this all should be, whether all believers, or all the elect,
or some of all sorts, or all of every sort is in debate. Our
adversaries affirm the last, and the main reason they bring
to assert their interpretation is from the importance of the
word itself; for, that the circumstances of the place, the
analogy of faith, and other helps for exposition, do not at
all favour their gloss, we shall shew when we come to the
particular places urged. For the present let us look upon
the word in its usual acceptation in the Scripture, and
search whether it always necessarily requires such an in-
That the word all, being spoken of among all sorts of
men, speaking, writing, any way expressing themselves, but
especially in holy writ, is to be taken either collectiveli/ for
all in general without exception, or distributively for some
of all sorts, excluding none, is more apparent than that it
can require any illustration. That it is sometimes taken in
the first sense, for all collectively, is granted, and I need
not prove it ; they whom we oppose affirming that this is
the only sense of the word, though I dare boldly say it is
not once in ten times so to be understood in the usage of it
through the whole book of God ; but that it is commonly,
and indeed properly, used in the latter sense, for some of all
sorts, concerning whatsoever it is affirmed, a few instances,
for many that might be urged, will make it clear; thus then
ye have it, John xii. 32. ' And I, if I be lifted up from the
earth, will draw all unto me ;' that we translate it all men,
as in other places (for though I know the sense may be the
same, yet the word men being not in the original but only
Travrag), I cannot approve. But who, 1 pray, are these all?
Are they all and every one ? Then are all and every one
drawn to Christ, made believers, and truly converted, and
shall be certainly saved ; for those that come unto him by
his and his Father's drawing, ' he will in no wise cast out;'
John vi.37. All then, can here be no other than many, some
of all sorts, no sort excluded, according as the word is in-
terpreted in Rev. v. 9. ' Thou hast redeemed us out of every
kindred, tongue, and people, and nation ;' these are the all
he draws to him ; which exposition of this phrase is with me
of more value and esteem, than a thousand glosses of the
sons of men ; so also, Luke xi. 42. where our translators
have made the word to signify immediately and properly (for
translators are to keep close to the propriety and native sig-
nification of every word), what we assert to be the right in-
terpretation of it ; for they render -rrav Xa^avov, which pr]TO}g
is 'every herb, all manner of herbs,' taking the word (as it
must be) distributivelj/ for herbs of all sorts, and not for any
individual herb, which the Pharisees did not, could not tithe;
and in the very same sense is the word used again, Luke
xviii. 12. ' I give tithes of all that I have ;' where it cannot
signify every individual thing as is apparent. Most evident
also is this restrained signification of the word. Acts ii. 17.
' I will pour out of my Spirit,' etti Troo-av trapica, which whether
it compriseth every man or no, let every man judge; and
not rather men of several and sundry sorts. The same course
of interpretation as formerly, is followed by our translators.
Acts X. 12. rendering iravra tu rerjOOTroSo literally, 'all beasts
or four-footed creatures,' all manner of beasts, or beasts of
sundry several sorts ; in the same sense also must it be un-
derstood, Rom. xiv. 2. 'One believeth that he may eat all
things;' that is, what he pleaseth, of things to be eaten of;
see moreover 1 Cor. i. 5. Yea, in that very chapter where
men so eagerly contend that the w'ord all is to be taken for
all and every one (though fruitlessly and falsely, as shall be
demonstrated), viz. 1 Tim. ii. 4. where it is said, that God
would have all men to be saved, in that very chapter con-
fessedly the word is to be expounded according to the sense
we give, viz. ver. 8. ' I will, therefore, that men pray,' Iv iravrl
roTTw, which, that it cannot signify every individual place in
heaven, earth, and hell, is of all confessed, and needeth no
proof. No more than when our Saviour is said to cure
TTodav v6(Tov, as Matt. viii. 35. there, is to prove that he did
not cure every disease of every man, but only all sorts of
diseases. Sundry other instances might be given, to ma-
nifest tliat this is the most usual and frequent signification
of the word «// in holy Scripture, and therefore, from the
bare word nothing can be inferred to enforce an absolute un-
limited universality of all individuals to be intimated there-
by. The particular places insisted on, we shall afterward
consider. I shall conclude all concerning these general ex-
pressions, that are used in the Scripture about this business,
in these observations.
First, The word all, is certainly and unquestionably
sometimes restrained, and to be restrained, to all of some
sorts, although the qualification be not expressed, which is
the bond of the limitation ; so for all believers, 1 Cor. xv.
22. Eph. iv. 10. Rom. v. 18. 'The free gift came upon all
men to the justification of life;' which all men, that are so
actually justified, are no more nor less than those that are
Christ's; that is, believers, for certainly justification is not
without faith.
Secondly, The word«// is sometimes used for some of all
sorts ; Jer. xxxi. 34. The word cdVd is by Paul rendered irav-
TEc,Heb. viii. 11. So John xii. 32. 1 Tim. ii. 1 — 3. Which is
made apparent by the mention of kings, as one sort of people
there intended : and I make no doubt but it will appear to
all that the word must be taken in one of these senses in
every place where it is used in the business of redemption ; as
shall be proved.
Thirdly, Let a diligent comparison be made between the
general expressions of the New, with the predictions of the
Old Testament, and they will be found to be answerable to,
and expository of, one another. The Lord affirming in the
New, that that was done, which in the Old he foretold
should be done. Now in the predictions and prophecies of
the Old Testament (that all nations, all flesh, all people,
all the ends, families, or kindreds of the earth, the world,
the whole earth, the isles, shall be converted, look up to
Christ, come to the mountain of the Lord, and the like), none
doubts but that the elect of God in all nations, are only sig-
nified ; knowing that in them alone those predictions have
the truth of their accomplishments : and why should the
same expressions used in the gospel, and many of them
aiming directly to declare the fulfilling of the other, be wire-
drawn to a large extent, so contrary to the mind of the
Holy Ghost? In fine, as when the Lord is said to wipe tears
from all faces, it hinders not but the reprobates shall be
cast out to eternity, where there is weeping and wailing, &,c.
So when Christ is said to die for all, it hinders not, but
those reprobates may perish to eternity for thefr sins, with-
out any effectual remedy intended for them, though occa-
sionally proposed to some of them.
Sixthly, Observe that the Scripture often speaketh of
things and persons according to the appearance they have,
and the account that is of them amongst men, or that es-
teem that they have of them, to whom it speaketh ; fre-
quently speaking of men, and unto men as in the condition
wherein they are, according to outward appearance, upon
which human judgment must proceed, and not what they
are indeed : thus, many are called, and said to be wise, just,
and righteous^ according as they are so esteem.ed, though the
Lord knows them to be foolish sinners : so Jerusalem is called
the holy city. Matt, xxvii. 53. because it was so in esteem
and appearance, when indeed it was a very den of thieves :
and 2 Chron. xxviii. 23. it is said of Ahaz, that wicked king
of Judah, that 'he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus that
smote him :' it was the Lord alone that smote him, and those
idols to whom he sacrificed were but stocks and stones, the
work of men's hands, which could no way help themselves,
much less smite their enemies ; yet the Holy Ghost useth an
expression answering his idolatrous persuasion, and saith,
'they smote him:' nay, is it not said of Christ, John v. 18.
that he had broken the Sabbath, which yet he only did in the
corrupt opinion of the blinded Pharisees? Add, moreover,
to what hath been said, that which is of no less an unde-
niable truth, viz. that many things which are proper and pe-
culiar to the children of God, are oft and frequently assigned
to them, who live in the same outward communion with them,
and are partakers of the same external privileges, though in-
deed aliens in respect of the participation of the grace of
the promise: put, I say, these two things, which are most
evident, together, and it will easily appear that those places,
which seem to express a possibility of perishing, and eternal
destruction to them who are said to be redeemed by the
blood of Christ, are no ways advantageous to the adver-
saries of the effectual redemption of God's elect by the blood
of Christ; bepause such may be said to be redeemed kutu
416 genilRal answers to
Triv do^av, not Kara rrjv aXriOeiav kcito. to (j)aive(T^ai, not Kara to
tlvai, in respect of appearance, not reality, as is the use of
the Scripture in divers other things.
Seventhly, That which is spoken according to the judg-
ment of charity, on our parts, must not always be exactly
squared and made answerable to verity in respect of them, of
whom any thing is affirmed; for the rectitude of our judgment
itsufficeth, that we proceed according to the rules of judging
that are given us: for what is outof our cognizance, whether
that answers to our judgments or no, belongs not to us : thus
oftentimes, the apostles in the Scriptures write unto men, and
term them holy, saints, yea elected, but from thence positively
to conclude that they were so all indeed, we have no warrant.
So Peter, 1 Pet. i. 2. calls all the strangers to whom he wrote,
scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia,
and Bithyr.ia, elect, according to the 'foreknowledge of God
the Father,' &c. and yet that I have any warrant to conclude
dejide, thdit all were such, none dare affirm: so Paul tells the
Thessalonians, the whole church to whom he wrote, that he
knew their election of God ; 1 Thess. i. 4. 2 Thess. ii. 13.
He blesseth God ' who had chosen them to salvation.' Now
did not Paul make this judgment of them by the rule of
charity ? According as he affirms in another place, ' It is
meet for me to think so of you all ;' Phil. i. 7. And can it,
ouo-ht it, hence to be infallibly concluded, that they were
all elected ? If some of these should be found to fall away
from the gospel and to have perished, would an argument
from thence be valid, that the elect might perish? Would
we not presently answer that they were said to be elected
according to the judgment of charity, not that they were so
indeed? And why is not this answer as sufficient and satis-
fying, when it is given to the objection, taken from the pe-
rishing of some, who were said to be redeemed merely in
the judgment of charity, as they were said to be elected?
Eighthly, The infallible connexion, according to God's pur-
pose and will of faith and salvation, which is frequently the
thing intended in gospel proposals, must be considered. The
Lord hath in his counsel established it, and revealed in his
word, that there is an indissoluble bond, between these two
things, so that whosoever believeth shall be saved ; Mark xvi.
16. Which indeed is the substance of the gospel in the out-
ward promulgation thereof; this is the testimony of God
that eternal life is in his Son, which whoso believeth,he sets
to his seal that God is true; he who believes not, doing what
in him lieth to make God a liar; 1 John v, 9 — 11. Now this
connexion of the means and the end, faith and life, is the
only thing which is signified and held out to innumerable,
to whom the gospel is preached ; all the commands, proffers,
and promises that are made to them, intimating no more
than this will of God, that believers shall certainly be saved,
which is an unquestionable divine verity, and a sufficient
object for supernatural faith to rest upon ; and which being
not closed with, is a sufficient cause of damnation ; John viii.
24. ' If you believe not that I am he (that is, the way, the
truth, and the life), ye shall die in your sins.' It is a vain
imagination of some, that when the command and promise of
believing are made out to any man, that though he be of the
number of them that shall certainly perish, yet the Lord
hath a conditional will of his salvation, and intends that he
shall be saved, on condition that he will believe, when the
condition lieth not at all in the will of God, which is always
absolute ; but is only between the things to them proposed,
as was before declared. And those poor deluded things, who
will be standing upon their own legs, before they are well
able to crawl, and might justly be persuaded to hold by men
of more strength, do exceedingly betray their own conceited
ignorance, when with great pomp they hold out the broken
pieces of an old Arminian sophism, with acclamations of
grace, to this new discovery (for so they think of all that is
new to them), viz. that, as is God's proffer, so is his intention;
but he calls to all to believe, and be saved, therefore he in-
tends it to all. For, first, God doth not proffer life to all upon
the condition of faith, passing by a great part of mankind
without any such proffer made at them at all. Secondly,
If by God's projfer, they understand his command and pro-
mise ; who told them that these things were declarative of
his will and purpose, or intention? He commands Pharaoh
to let his people go, but did he intend he should so do ac-
cording to his command? Had he not foretold, that he
would so order things, that he should not let them go ?
I thought always that God's commands and promises had
revealed our duty, and not his purpose ; what God would
VOL. V. 2 k
have us to do, and not what he will do. His promises,
indeed, as particularly applied, hold out his mind to the
persons to whom they are applied ; but as indefinitely
proposed, they reveal no other intentions of God, but
what we before discovered, which concerns things not per-
sons ; even his determinate purpose infallibly to connect
faith and salvation. Thirdly, If the proffer be (as they say)
universal, and the intention of God be answerable thereunto,
that is, he intends the salvation of them, to whom the tender
of it upon faith is made, or may be so ; then, first, what be-
comes of election and reprobation ? Neither of them cer-
tainly can consist with this universal purpose of saving of
all. Secondly, If he intends it, why is it then not accom-
plished ? doth he fail of his purpose? Dum vitant vitium stulti.
Is not this certain Scylla worse than the other feared Charyh-
dis'^ But they say, ' He intended it only upon condition, and
the condition being not fulfilled, he fails not in his purpose,
though the thing be not conferred.' But did the Lord fore-
know whether the condition would be fulfilled by them, to
whom the proposal was made or not. If not, where is his
prescience, his omniscience? If he did, how can he be said
to intend salvation to them, of whom he certainly knew, that
they would never fulfil the condition, on^ which it was to be
attained ; and moreover knew it with this circumstance, that
the condition was not to be attained without his bestowing ;
and that he had determined not to bestow it ; would they
ascribe such a will and purpose to a wise man, as they do ig-
norantly and presumptuously to the only wise God : viz. that
he should intend to have a thing done, upon the performance
of such a condition, as he knew full well, without him could
never be performed, and he had fully resolved not to effect it;
for instance, to give his daughter in marriage to such a one,
upon condition he would give unto him such a jewel as he
hath not, nor can have, unless he bestow it upon him, which
he is resolved never to do? Oh whither will blindness and
ignorance, esteemed light and knowledge, carry poor deluded
souls ? This then is the main thing demonstrated and held
out in the promulgation of the gospel, especially for what
concerns unbelievers, even the first connexion between the
duty of faith assigned, and the benefit of life promised, which
hath a truth of universal extent, grounded upon the plenary
sufficiency of the death of Christ towards all that shall be-
lieve : and I see no reason why this should be termed part of
the mystery of the universalists (though the lowest part)
(as it is by M. S, page 202.); that the gospel could not be
preached to all, unless Christ died for all ; which with what
is mentioned before, concerning another and higher part of
it, is an old, rotten, carnal, and long since confuted sophism,
arising out of the ignorance of the word and right reason,
which are no way contrary.
Ninthly, The mixed distribution of the elect and repro-
bates, believers and unbelievers, according to the purpose and
mind of God, throughout the whole world, and in the several
places thereof, in all or most of the single congregations, is
another ground of holding out a tender of the blood of Jesus
Christ, to them for whom it was never shed, as is apparent in
the event, by the ineffectualness of its proposals. The minis-
ters of the gospel, who are stewards of the mysteries of Christ,
and to whom the word of reconciliation is committed, being
acquainted only with revealed things (the Lord lodging his
purposes and intentions towards particular persons in the
secret ark of his own bosom, not to be pryed into), are bound
to admonish all, and warn all men, to whom they are sent;
giving the same commands, proposing the same promises,
making tenders of Jesus Christ in the same manner, to all,
that the elect, whom they know not but by the event, may
obtain, whilst the rest are hardened. Now these things being
thus ordered by him who hath the supreme disposal of all
(viz. First, That there should be such a mixture of elect and
reprobate, of tares and wheat, to the end of the world ; and,
secondly. That Christ, and reconciliation through him,
should be preached by men ignorant of his eternal discrimi-
nating purposes), there is an absolute necessity of two othe^
things : First, That the promises must have a kind of unre-
strained generality, to be suitable to this dispensation before
recounted. Secondly, That they must be proposed to them,
towards whom the Lord never intended the good things of
the promises, they having a share in this proposal by their
mixture in this world with the elect of God. So that from
the general proposition of Christ in the promises, nothing
can be concluded concerning his death for all, to whom it is
proposed, as having another rise and occasion. The Sjijra is,
2 E 2
the word of reconciliation being committed to men unac-
quainted with God's distinguishing counsels, to be preached
to men of a various mixed condition in respect of his purpose,
and the way whereby he hath determined to bring his own
home to himself, being by exhortations, entreaties, promises,
and the like means accommodated to the reasonable nature,
whereof all are partakers, to whom the word is sent; which
are suited also to the accomplishment of other ends, towards
the rest, as conviction, restraint, hardening, inexcusableness,
it cannot be, but the proposal and offer must necessarily be
made to some upon condition, who intentionally, and in re-
spect of the purpose of God, have no right unto it, in the just
aim and intendment thereof. Only for a close, observe these
two things : First, That the proffer itself neither is, nor ever
■was, absolutely universal to all, but only indefinite, without
respect to outward differences. Secondly, That Christ being
not to be received without faith, and God giving faith to
whom he pleaseth, it is manifest that he never intendeth
Christ to them, on whom he will not bestow faith.
Tenthly, The faith which is enjoined and commanded in
the gospel hath divers several acts, and different degrees ; in
the exercise v\ hereof it proceedeth orderly, according to the
natural method of the proposal of the objects to be believed :
the consideration whereof is of much use in the business in
hand, our adversaries pretending that if Christ died not for
all, then in vain are they exhorted to believe; there being in-
deed no proper object for the faith of innumerable, because
Christ did not die for them : as though the gospel did hold
^out this doctrine, in the very entrance \)f all, that Christ died
for every one, elect and reprobate ; or as though that the first
thing which any one living under the means of grace is ex-
horted to believe, were, that Christ died for him in particu-
lar ; both which are notoriously false ; as I hope in the close
of our undertaking will be made manifest to all. For the
present I shall only intimate something of what I said before,
concerning the order of exercising the several acts of faith,
whereby it will appear, that no one in the world is com-
manded or invited to believe, but that he hath a sufficient
object to fix the act of faith on, of truth enough for its foun-
dation, and latitude enough for its utmost exercise, which is
enjoined him.
First, then. The first thing which the gospel enjoineth
sinners, and which it persuades and commands them to be-
lieve, is, that salvation is not to be had in themselves, inas-
much as all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,
nor by the works of tlie law, by which no flesh living can be
justified. Here is a saving gospel truth for sinners to believe,
which the apostle dwells upon wholly ; Rom. i. ii.iii. to pre-
pare a way for justification by Christ. Now what number-
less numbers are they to whom the gospel is preached, who
never come so far as to believe so much as this? Amongst
whom you may reckon almost the whole nation of the Jews,
as is apparent, Rom. ix. x. 3, 4. Now not to go one step
farther with any proposal, a contempt of this object of faith
is the sin of infidelity.
Secondly, The gospel requires faith to this, that there is
salvation to be had in the promised seed, in him who was
before ordained to be a captain of salvation to them that do
believe. And here also at this trial, some millions of the great
army of men outwardly called, drop off, and do never believe
with true divine faith that God hath provided a way for the
saving of sinners.
Thirdly, That Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified by the
Jews, was this Saviour, promised before; and that there is
no name under heaven given whereby they may be saved,
besides his. And this was the main point upon which the
Jews broke off, refusing to accept of Christ as the Saviour of
men, but rather prosecuted him as an enemy of God, and are
thereupon so oft charged with infidelity and damnable un-
belief. The question was not between Christ and them, whe-
ther he died for them all or no ; but whether he was that
Messias promised, which they denied, and perished in their
unbelief. Now, before these three acts of faith be per-
formed, in vain is the soul exhorted, farther to climb upper-
most steps, and miss all the bottom foundation ones.
Fourthly, The gospel requires a resting upon this Christ,
so discovered and believed on to be the promised Redeemer,
as an all-sufficient Saviour, with whom is plenteous redemp-
tion, and who is able to save to the utmost them that come
to God by him, and to bear the burden of all weary labouring
souls, that come by faith to him : in which proposal, there
is a certain infallible truth grounded upon the superabundant
sufficiency of the oblation of Christ in itself for whomsoever
(fewer or more) it be intended. Now much self-knowledge,
much conviction, much sense of sin, God's justice, and free
grace, is required to the exercise of this act of faith. Good
Lord ! how many thousand poor souls within the pale of the
church, can never be brought unto it? The truth is, without
the help of God's Spirit none of those three before, much less
this last, can be performed, which worketh freely, when, how,
and in whom it pleaseth.
Fifthly, These things being firmly seated in the soul (and
not before), we are every one called in particular to believe
the efficacy of the redemption, that is in the blood of Jesus,
towards our own souls in particular, which every one may as-
suredly do, in whom the free grace of God hath wrought the
former acts of faith, and doth work this also, without either
doubt, or fear of want of a right object to believe, if they
should so do ; for certainly Christ died for every one, in
whose hearts the Lord by his almighty power works effectu-
ally faith, to lay hold on him, and assent unto him, according
to that orderly proposal that is held forth in the gospel. Now
according to this order (as by some it is observed), are the
articles of our faith disposed in the apostle's creed (that
ancient summary of Christian religion commonly so called);
the remission of our sins and life eternal being in the last
place proposed to be believed ; for before we attain so far,
the rest must be firmly rooted : so that it is a senseless vanity
to cry out of the nullity of the object to be believed, if Christ
died not for all, there being an absolute truth in every thing
which any is called to assent unto, according to the order of
the gospel.
And so I have proposed the general foundations of those
answers, which we shall give to the ensuing objections;
whereunto to make particular application of them will be
an easy task, as I hope will be made apparent unto all.
An entrance to the answer unto particular arguments.
Now we come to the consideration of the objections where-
with the doctrine, we have from the word of God undeniably
confirmed, is usually with great noise and clamour assaulted.
Concerning which I must give you these three cautions, be-
fore I come to lay them down :
The first whereof is this, that for mine own part I had
rather they were all buried, than once brought to light in
opposition to the truth of God, which they seem to deface;
and therefore were it left to my choice, I would not produce
any one of them ; not that there is any difficulty or weight
in them, that the removal should be operous or burdensome,
but only that I am not willing to be any way instrumental
to give breath or light to that which opposeth the truth of
God ; but because in these times of liberty and error, I
suppose the most of them have been objected to the reader
already, by men lying in wait to deceive, or are likely to be,
I shall therefore shew you the poison, and withal furnish ye
with an antidote against the venom of such self-seekers as
our days abound withal.
Secondly, I must desire ye, that when ye hear an objec-
tion, ye would not be carried away with the sound of words,
nor suffer it to take impression upon your spirits, remem-
bering with how many demonstrations, and innumerable
places of Scripture, the truth opposed by them hath been
confirmed, but rest yourselves until the places be well
weighed, the arguments pondered, the answers set down, and
then the Lord direct you to try all things, and hold fast that
which is good.
Thirdly, That you would diligently observe, what comes
near the stress of the controversy, and the thing wherein
the difference lieth, leaving all other flourishes and swelling
words of vanity, as of no weight, of no importance.
Now the objections laid against the truth maintained,
are of two sorts : the first, taken from Scripture perverted,
the other from reason abused. We begin with the first ; the
objections taken from Scripture, all the places whereof, that
may any way seem to contradict our assertion, are by our*
strongest adversaries, in their greatest strength, referred to
three heads : First, Those places that affirm that Christ died
for the world, or otherwise that make mention of the word
world in the business of redemption. Secondly, Those that
mention all and every man either in the work of Christ's
dying for them, or where God is said to will their salvation.
Tliirdly, Those which affirm Christ bought, or died for them
that perish. Hence they draw out three principal argu-
ments or sophisms, on which they much insist ; all which
we shall, by the Lord's assistance, consider in their several
order, with the places of Scripture brought to confirm and
strengthen them. The first whereof is taken from the word
world, and is thus proposed by them, to whom our poor pre-
tenders, are indeed very children.
He that is given out of the love, wherewith God loved
the world; as John iii. 16. That 'gave himself for the life
of the world ;' as John vi. 51. and was *a propitiation for
the sins of the whole world ;' 1 John ii. 2. to which add,
John i. 29. iv. 42. 2 Cor. v. 19. cited by Armin. pp. 530,
531. and Corvin. ad Molin. p. 442. chap. 29. he was
given and died for every man in the world ; but the first is
true of Christ, as appears by the places before alleged ;
therefore he died for all and every one. Remon. act. Sy-
nod, p. 300. And to this they say their adversaries have not
any colour of answer.
But granting them the liberty of boasting, we flatly deny,
without seeking for colours, the consequent of the first pro-
position"; and will, by the Lord's help, at any time put it to
the trial whether we have not just cause so to do. There
be two ways whereby they go about to prove this conse-
quent from the world, to all and every one : First, By rea-
son and the sense of the word ; Secondly, From the consi-
deration of the particular places of Scripture urged. We will
try them in both.
First, If they will make it out by the way of reasoning,
I conceive they must argue thus :
The ivhole world contains all and every man in the world;
Christ died for the whole world ; therefore,
» Remon. scripta s^rnod.
A71S. Here are manifestly four terms in this syllogism,
arising from the ambiguity of the word world, and so no true
medium on which the weight of the conclusion should hang:
the world, in the first proposition, being taken for the world
containing : in the second, for the world contained, or men
in the world, as is too apparent to be made a thing to be
proved; so that unless ye render the conclusion, ^/tere/bre
Christ died for that which contaifis all the men in the world,
and assert in the assumption, that Christ died for the tvorld
containing, or the fabric of the habitable earth (which is a
frenzy), this syllogism is most sophistically false. If then ye
will take any proof from the word world, it must not be
from the thing itself, but from the signification of the word
in the Scripture, as thus :
This tvord world in the Scripture signijieth all and every
man in the xvorld; but Christ is said to die for the world; ergo,
Ans. The first proposition concerning the signification
and meaning of the word world, is either universal, compre-
hending all places where it is used ; or particular, intending
only some. If the first, the proposition is apparently false,
as was manifested before. If in the second way, then the
argument must be thus formed :
In some places in Scripture the word tcorld signifieth all and
every man in the ivorld, of all ages, times, and conditions; but
Christ is said to die for the world ; ergo,
Ans. That this syllogism is no better than the former is
most evident ; a universa conclusion, being inferred from
a particular proposition, but now the first proposition being
rightly formed, I have one question to demand concerning
the second, or the assumption, viz. whether in every place,
where there is mention made of the death of Christ, it is
said he died for the worli, or on'y in some ^ If ye say, in
every place ; that is apparently false, as hath been already
discovered, by those many texts of Scripture before pro-
duced, restraining the death of Christ to his elect, his sheep,
his church, in comparison whereof these are but few. If the
second, then the argument must run thus :
In some few places of Scripture the word world doth signify
all and every man in the world; but in some few places Christ is
said to die for the world (though not in express words, yet in
terms equivalent); ergo.
Ans. This argument is so weak, ridiculous, and sophis-
tically false, that it cannot but be evident to any one ; and
yet clearly from the word world itself, it will not be made
any better, and none need desire that it should be worse ;
it concludes a universal, upon particular affirmatives ; and
besides with four terms apparently in the syllogism, unless
the some places in the ^fint, be proved to be the very some
places in the assumption, which is the thing in question, so
that if any strength be taken from this word it must be an
argument in this form :
If the word tvorld doth signify all and every man, that ever
were or shall be in those places, where Christ is said to die for
the world, then Christ died for all and every man ; but the word
world in all those places where Christ is said to die for the world,
doth signify all and every man in the world ; therefore Christ
died for them.
Ans. First, That it is but in one place said, that Christ gave
his life for the world, or died for it, which holds out the in-
tention of our Saviour; all the other places seem only to
hold out the sufficiency of his oblation for all, which we
also maintain. Secondly, We absolutely deny the assump-
tion, and appeal for trial to a consideration of all those par-
ticular places, wherein such mention is made.
Thus have I called this argument to rule and measure,
that it might be evident where the .great strength of it lieth
(which is indeed very weakness) ; and that for their sakes
who having caught hold of the word xoojld, run presently
away with the bait, as though all were clear for universal
redemption ; when yet if ye desire them to lay out, and ma-
nifest the strength of their reason, they know not what to
say, but the rvorld and the whole world ; understanding indeed
neither what they say, nor whereof they do affirm ; and now,
quid dignum tanto ? what cause of the great boast mentioned
in the entrance ? A weaker argument I dare say was never
by rational men produced in so weighty a cause ; which
will farther be manifested by the consideration of the seve-
ral particular places produced to give it countenance, which
we shall do in order.
The first place we pitch upon, is that which by our ad-
versaries is first propounded, and not a little rested upon : and
yet notwithstanding their clamorous claim, there are not a
few, who think that very text, as fit and ready to overthrow
their whole opinion, as Goliah's sword to cut off his own
head; many unanswerable arguments against the universality
of redemption being easily deduced from the words of that
text. The great peaceable King of his church, guide us to
make good the interest of truth to the place in controversy,
which through him we shall attempt; first, by opening the
words; and, secondly, by balancing of reasonings and argu-
ments from them; and this place is John iii. 16. 'God so
loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have
everlasting life.'
This place, I say, the universalists exceedingly boast in,
for which we are persuaded they have so little cause, that
we doubt not but with the Lord's assistance to demonstrate
that it is destructive to their whole defence, to which end I
will give you in brief, a double paraphrase of the words ; the
first containing; their sense, the latter ours. Thus then our
adversaries explain these words ; ' God so loved' had such a
natural inclination, velleity, and propensity to the good of
'the world,^ Adam with all and every one of his posterity, of
all ages, times, and conditions (whereof some were in hea-
ven, some in hell long before); 'that he sent his only begotten
Son,' causing him to be incarnate in the fulness of time, 'to
die,' not with a purpose and resolution to save any, but that
'whosoever,' what persons soever of those which he had pro-
pensity unto, ' believeth on him, should not perish but have
life everlasting,' should have this fruit and issue, that he
should escape death and hell, and live eternally. In which
explication of the sense of the place these things are to be
First, What is that love which was the cause of sending
or giving of Christ, which they make to be a natural propen-
sity to the good of all.
Secondly, Who are the object of this love, all and every
man of all generations.
Thirdly, Wherein this giving consisteth : of which I can-
not find, whether they mean by it, the appointment of Christ
to be a recoverer, or his actual exhibition in the flesh, for
the accomplishment of his ministration.
Fourthly, Whosoever, they make distributive of the per-
sons in the world, and so not restrictive in the intention to
Fifthly, That life eternal, is the fruit obtained by believers,
but not the end intended by God.
Now look a little, in the second place, what we conceive
to be the mind of God in those words, whose aim we take to
be the advancement and setting forth of the free love of God
to lost sinners, in sending Christ to procure for them eternal
redemption, as may appear in this following paraphrase.
' God' the Father * so loved,' had such a peculiar tran-
scendent love, being an unchangeable purpose and act of
his will concerning their salvation, towards ' the world' mise-
rable, sinful, lost men of all sorts, not only Jews but Gentiles
also, which he peculiarly loved ' that,' intending their salva-
tion, as in the last words, for the praise of his glorious grace
* he gave,' he prepared a way to prevent their everlasting de-
struction by appointing and sending ' his only begotten Son,'
to be an all-sufficient Saviour to all that look up unto him,
that ' whosoever believeth in him,' all believers whatsoever,
and only they, ' should not perish, but have everlasting life;' and
so effectually be brought to the obtaining of those glorious
things through him, which the Lord in his free love had de-
signed for them. In which enlargement of the words for the
setting forth of what we conceive to be the mind of the Holy
Ghost in them, these things are to be observed.
First, What we understand by the love of God, even that
act of his will which was the cause of sending his Son Jesus
Christ, being the most eminent act of love and favour to the
creature, for love is velle alicui bonurn, ' to will good to any ;'
and never did God will greater good to the creature, than in
appointing his Son for their redemption : notwithstanding,
I would have it observed, that I do not make the purpose of
sending or giving Christ, to be absolutely subordinate to
God's love to his elect, as though that were the end of the
other absolutely; but rather that they are both co-ordinate
to the same supreme end, or the manifestation of God's glory
by the way of mercy, tempered with justice : but in respect
of our apprehension, that is, the relation wherein they stand
one to another : now this love we say to be that, greater than
which there is none.
Secondly, By the 'world,' we understand the elect of God
only, though not considered in this place as such, but under
such a notion as being true of them, serves for the farther
exaltation of God's love towards them, which is the end here
designed ; and this is as they are poor, miserable, lost crea-
tures in the world, of the world, scattered abroad in all places
of the world, not tied to Jews or Greeks, but dispersed in any
nation, kindred, and lano-uaofe under heaven.
Thirdly, tva iraq u iricrTtvow, is to us, ' that every believer,'
and is declarative of the intention of God, in sending or
giving his Son, containing no distribution of the world be-
loved, but a directiom to the persons whose good was in-
tended, that love being an unchangeable intention of the
chiefest good.
Fourthly, * Should not perish but have life everlasting;' con-
tains an expression of the particular aim and intention of
God in this business, which is the certain salvation of be-
lievers by Christ. And this in general is the interpretation
of the words, which we adhere unto, which will yield us
sundry arguments, sufficient each of them, to evert the ge-
neral ransom ; which that they may be the better bottomed,
and the more clearly convincing, we will lay down and com-
pare the several words and expressions of this place, about
whose interpretation we differ, with the reason of our reject-
ing the one sense and embracing the other.
First, The first difference in the interpretation of this
place is about the cause of sending Christ, called here
love. Secondly, The second, about the object of this love,
called here the world. Thirdly, Concerning the intention
of God in sending his Son, said to be that believers mio-ht
be saved.
For the first. By love in this place all our adversaries
agree, i\\dit a natural affection and propensity in God to the (rood
of the creature, lost under sin in general, which moved him to take
some way whereby it might possibly be remedied, is intended.
We, on the contrary, that by love here, is not meant an
inclination or propensity of his nature, but an act (f his ivill
(where we conceive his love to be seated), o/?r7 eternal purpose
to do good to 7nan, being the most transcendent and eminent act
of God's love to the creature.
That both these may be weighed, to see which is most
agreeable to the mind of the Holy Ghost, I shall give you.
first, some of the reasons where we oppose the former inter-
pretation ; and, secondly, those whereby we confirm our own.
First, lino natural affection whereby he should necessarily
be carried to any thing without himself, can or ought to be
ascribed unto God, then no such thing is here intended in
the word love : for that cannot be here intended, which is
not in God at all ; but now that there neither is nor can be
any such natural affection in God, is most apparent, and may
be evidenced by many demonstrations. I shall briefly recount
a few of them.
First, Nothing that includes any imperfection is to be
assigned to Almighty God ; he is God all-sufficient, he is our
rock, and his work is perfect ; but a natural affection in God,
to the good and salvation of all, being never completed nor
perfected, carrieth along with it a great deal of imperfection
and weakness, and not only so, but it must also needs be
exceedingly prejudicial to the absolute blessedness and hap-
piness of Almighty God. Look how much any thing wants,
of the fulfilling of that whereunto it is carried out with any
desire natural or voluntary, so much it wanteth of blessed-
ness and happiness ; so that without impairing of the infinite
blessedness of the ever blessed God, no natural affection
unto any thing, never to be accomplished, can be ascribed
unto him, such as this general love to all, is supposed to be.
Secondly, If the Lord hath a natural affection to all, as
to love them so far, as to send his Son to die for them ;
whence is it that this affection of his doth not receive ac-
complishment? Whence is it that it is hindered, and doth
not produce its effects? Why doth not the Lord engage his
power for the fulfilling of his desire ? It doth not seem good
to his infinite wisdom, say they, so to do. Then is there an
affection in God to that, which in his wisdom he cannot
prosecute. This among the sons of men, the worms of the
earth, would be called a brutish affection.
Thirdly, No affection or natural propensity to good is to
be ascribed to God, which the Scripture no where assigns to
him, and is contrary to what the Scripture doth assign unto
him. Now the Scripture doth no where assign unto God any
natural affection, whereby he should be naturally inclined
to the good of the creature : the place to prove it clearly, is
yet to be produced : and that it is contrary to what the Scrip-
ture assigns him is apparent; for it describes him to be free
in shewing mercy; every act of it, being by him performed
freely, even as he pleaseth, for * he hath mercy on whom he
will have mercy.' Now if every act of mercy, shewed unto
any, do proceed from the free distinguishing will of God (as
is apparent), certainly there can be in him no such natural
affection. And the truth is, if the Lord should not shew
mercy, and be carried out towards the creature, merely upon
his own distinguishing will, but should naturally be moved
to shew mercy to the miserable, he should, first, be no more
merciful to men than to devils : nor, secondly, to those that are
saved than to those that are damned ; for that which is natural
must be equal in all its operations ; and that which is natu-
ral to God must be eternal. Many more effectual reasons
are produced by our divines for the denial of this natural
affection in God ; in the resolution of the Arminian distinc-
tion (I call it so, as now by them abused), of God's antecedent
and consequent will, to whom the learned reader may repair
for satisfaction : so that the love mentioned in this place, is
not that natural affection to all in general, which is not : but.
Secondly, It is the special love of God to his elect, as we
affirm, and so consequently not any such thing as our adver-
saries suppose to be intended by it, viz. a velleity or natural
inclination to the good of all. For, first, the love here intimated,
is absolutely the most eminent and transcendent love, that
ever God shewed or bare towards any miserable creature ;
yea the intention of our Saviour is so to set it forth, as is
apparent by the emphatical expressions of it used in this
place ; the particles 'so,' ' that,' declare no less, pointing out
an eximiousness, peculiarly remarkable in the thing whereof
the affirmation is, above any other thing in the same kind ;
expositors usually lay weight upon almost every particular
word of the verse, for the exaltation and demonstration of
the love here mentioned. ' So,' that is, in such a degree, to
such a remarkable astonishable height; 'God,' the glorious
all-sufficient God, that could have manifested his justice to
eternity in the condemnation of all sinners, and no way
wanted them to be partakers of his blessedness ; 'loved,'
with such an earnest intense affection, consisting in an eter-
nal unchangeable act and purpose of his will, for the be-
stowing of the chiefest good (the choicest effectual love);
'the worlds men in the world, of the world, subject to the
iniquities and miseries of the world, lying in their blood,
having nothing to render them commendable in his eyes, or
before him; 'that he gax:e' did not, as he made all the world
at first, speak the word and it was done, but proceeded higher
to the performance of a great deal more and longer work,
wherein he was to do more than exercise an act of his al-
mighty power as before; and therefore gave 'his Son,' not
any favourite or other well-pleasing creature, not sun, moon,
or stars, not the rich treasure of his creation, all too mean
and coming short of expressing this love, but his Son; 'be-
gotten Son,' and that not so called by reason of some near
approaches to him, ?LndJiUal obediential reverence of him, as
the angels are called the sons of God; for it was not an angel
that he gave, which yet had been an expression of most in-
tense love, nor yet any son by adoption, as believers are the
sons of God, but his beo;otten Son, besrotten of his own per-
son from eternity ; and that 'his only begotten Son,' not any
one of his sons, but whereas he had or hath but one only
begotten Son, always in his bosom, his Isaac, he gave him;
than which how could the infinite wisdom of God make or
give any higher testimony of his love ? Especially if ye will
add what is here evidently included ; though the time was
notas yet come, that it should be openly expressed, viz. where-
unto he gave his Son, his only one, not to be a king, and wor-
shipped in the first place, but he spared him not, but 'gave
him up to death for us all ;' Rom. viii. 32. Whereunto, for
a close of all, cast your eyes upon his design and purpose
in this whole business, and ye shall find, that it was that be-
lievers, those whom he thus loved, might not perish, that is,
undergo the utmost misery and wrath to eternity, which they
had deserved, but have everlasting life, eternal glory with
himself, which of themselves they could no way attain, and
ye will easily grant that greater love hath no man than this.
Now if the love here mentioned be the greatest, highest, and
chiefest of all, certainly it cannot be that common affection
towards all, that we discussed before ; for the love whereby
men are actually and eternally saved, is greater than that
which may consist with the perishing of men to eternity.
Secondly, The Scripture positively asserts this very love
as the chiefest act of the love of God, and that which he
would have us take notice of in the first place; Rom. v. 8.
' God commended his love towards us in that while we were
yet sinners Christ died for us ;' and fully, 1 John iv. 9 — 11.
* In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because
that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we
mio-ht live throuo;h him. Herein is love, not that we loved
God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the pro-
pitiation for our sins ;' in both which places the eminency of
this love is set forth exceeding emphatically to believers,
with such expressions as c