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iSil' * -THE
J H &
L A M 23 £:
In a Sermon preached to the Honorable
Hou(e of C o m m o n s,
At their late iblemne day of Tharikfgiving, June rj.
'•■■ i^43.forthedifcoveryofadangerous,defpsrate,and
bloody Deligne.tcnding to the otter fubvcrfionof the
PurliMimt , and of the famous City olLamtoH.
By Stephen Marshall, B.D. and
Vifanof FimhiggftlA'mBjftM.
Tublijhed by orier^that Houfe.
Revel 17.4.
Cumt hither, Mi I vtttjhew thee the judgment eflbegrett where.
Printed for Sam: Ma h tnd Sa m:Ge Liiiiiwn
in Paall Chdreh-yard. I 64 3.
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Houfe of Commons, now aflenv
blcditlPARLIAMENT. •' , ..
Honorable, and Beloved,
!e Wy Kjm and Prophet David',.
required that, thi frayfes of God
fhouU he fimg upon Well tuned
Inftraments j, mi fame 'Pfahnet
ihich himfelf compofed to that' fur- ■
P°fi, be ft)ki Michtam, golden Tfalms-, as being full
of precious and chafe treafure. Such could I have wiped'
might the tnftumcm hint beat, andfuch the Song
efPraifeand Tbankjgiving , to haie celebrated the
' goodnejfe of God; for thk late Hxmderfull preferVati-
on of your Honorable AflemWy, and the famous-,.
and.TMrlhfC«y';'bothl>hofe ruini Teas flatted and
deftgned by flicked andunreafonable men. 'But you
tuere (leafed, not onefy to defigne to thisfef»ice,a Tfeak .
and untuned Inftrument, ( though mfcCrackt, as
. Malice, and Slander hath bruted it abroad ) but alfo
417413 -
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i ne cpuuc uccucatury.
to injynthe pubhfbingifthu Jong ofThaHkjgiMblg,
Tebich is full of peak and 'mtptrfett Notes- Mi to
this Utter task, Ittat ( IconfeJJe ) farre more unwil*
ling then to the former ; as being tonfcious unto myfelf
how few conceptions could he brought by me to any
fitch maturity, as might render them meet. to become
thejianding Monument of Jo great 4 Mercy, and ft
.' happy a Day, Tthichu TKtrthy to be ffgMVm «t Mar-
ble, rather then to be written on Paper, and with let-
ters of gold, rather then with ink : But in the fur-,
fiance of your (jmmands I have date >r, and .atjUtd
' SL f ™ ft"* fa" dingf, vt"d tn "e mrftrengh would permit
ckii rag !ht me to deliver in publike ■ llemg refoh/ed to deny my
^"fomc in"' felf, andtodonotlping thatrmy hinder me from being
STS'ufc ^at I am^idjhall always dejire to remain,
Yours wholly in the fitviceof Chrift
.and his Church,
Di g ,t,^ by Google
the Honorable Houfeof Com-
m p n s, on the 1 5. of lune 1 6 4 5. be-
ing the day of their publique
E Onorable tnd Beloved, werethe ftrength
I of mybody, and my furniture of wif-
t dome, Iearning,and grace, in any degree
j* anfwerable to trie ferviee of this Day,
I could not but exceedingly rejoyce, in
being called tothis work, in this place, at this time.
For having been lately reftored from the gates of
death , what greater mercy could I wifn , then to
praife God in the great Congregation * and having .
been reported over the whole Kingdom, to have al-
tered my former judgement , concerning this juft
caufeof the Parliaments Defcnfive Arms : yeathat
thehorrour of my guilt, in adhering to.this Caufe,
had diftra&ed me, and made me mad, can I look up-
on it otherwife then as a great and publike taking off
this reproach , by being called to emcifemyjjoor
talent, inxhat AflemWy which -is the whole King-
dom by Reprefentatiori, andat ikktimt } tobeafur-
*■ B therer
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Defignes ofthofe that-would deftroy you i Burl
fear, left this which-is (b many wayes aravour tome,,
. mould prove your lolle through my weakneffe, which-
would net permit me to ftudy much in private, anct I
fearwill difable me in the publike delivering that
little which God hath brought to my hand 5 yet this
doth encourage me, I have -abundant experience
of your Candor, and I know that both with G od and
nun, where there isfirfi a willing »M«^,(efpeciaIly in a
i Cor a m. (Jay & fcrvice ofThank{giving^V is accepted according
to what a man hath, and net according to that he hath net*
Yea, I have one encouragement more, that Gods
providence hath directed me to fuch a Text, which
is not' onely fu tabic to our meeting , and fervi ce, but
f& really intended by the Spirit of God, for your
time and work, that the very reading of it, ( though
. an hour together ) might exceedingly affe£ you, if
once you have the true meaning, of itj which Text
you mail finde. written in.
, RiT,B,t. iyv3,4> readalfowr.i-. T
TMTcxt.. ycrte-t*. And I fawns it were a fe4fifgla{fe mingled
with fir e^artd them that had gotten the viftory ever the
Reaft^andovtr his Image jmd over his Mark,<tndover
the number of ' his Name 3 fiand enthe feaof glajfe, La-
ving the harps of God.
'3> A nd tbeyjtmgthcfe»gofMefes,theferv4ntof God,
and the fengof the Lambe^ faying, Great and marvel*
. lent art thy works, Lord God Almighty „■ jnpandtm
, /are thy W4yts,thw Kingof Saints.
4; Who
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A Sermon at the late ^hankfofoittg
waves, firft generally, in the fifteenth Chapter, fe>
'condly more particularly ,in the fifteenth Chapter.
In thegenerall defcription of them inthis fifteenth
Chapter, we have firft the circumftance of theplace,
where this Vifion was fcen, whence thefe Angels
came, that is, heaven .- Ifaw kmtberSgne m to&ve&,
verfe i. that is, the true Church, whereof Ghrift is
King,oppofed to the iwU, wherein Antichrifi reigns,
as beyond all doubt, may be cleared out of the fourth
Chapter ofthis Book, whichisthe Stage of all the
Afocdyptlcill vifions. Secondly, -we have the things
themfeives,orthe marvellous Agnes whkh were feen
in this place, and they are three .
Firft, The hebaviwoftbetr^eChiirebofChri^dff-
xhigtbistim if the pouring oat if the viaSs y vcr.2,i^.
'■ Secondly^ Thedefcriptionbfthey«'Ot>f»^^,f^e
aeffrmtms who wett tq pom out theft vialls, their
sharat^auMUfcatiofu, and furniture, chcy erne tut of
tketmpUiatithedi* furekntt .white linnen^ and hiving
tHkir treats girded mtk gotten girdles } Habit* & f **-
8* fitcerdotxti orntti, like the Prieffsof God,E&eb.
44.17, j8. pure worfliippers. - '-..'
Thirdly, A defcription ofthe' Chircb, Preference
to Ckriftsirefewccvntb it, his mning,mdprftehingit y
though afteV. a more dark manner, vorf.8. The Temple
»**ffUedmtb'fmzk,jbmibcgionef God, and from
bis pernor; <£t. alluding to Gods rating pofleflion off
*h*Tabernaclej f lead. 40. 34. and of Solomons leim
pfe, 1 King, fe to, 11*' The firft ofthefe I am to deaf
witbatthistime,VE f Tht Msviem of the Church d»-
nog tkti time cf t£eptmrpi$ oattke +i*Us. Wherein
oMerve twdthingsi firft/iw/awjverfe 1. ftcondly,
™»*«i ) ver^>,44 Thdriftateji/«r^ 4t were 4 ft*
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beforttbe bmrattletioufeof lommms.
$f glaffe mingled toithfre, and them that had gotten the
vt&ory over the &e*ft> tjfc* ft and on thejeaofgLaffc, hi-
ving the harps of God. This kiotglaffe, or cryftall, is
delcribed Chap. 4. 6. placed before the Throhe^lu-
ding to the great Laver r orSeain Solomons Temple,
wherein the Priefts were to waih themfelves from
their uncleaBneflcs , whenever they approached
nigh to the Altar of God to offer facrince; onely
that was made of braffe, this of a more pure andfr<*».
parent ntetall ; In this Laver the Reformed Churches
had lately been waihed from the foulnefle , and pol-
lutions of Antichriftianity, out of which they had
newly efcaped , hawing gotten the viiJon over the
Beaft, and over his Image, and over his Mark, and over
the number of his Ntme^ and being clcan'fed in this La-
ver, ( though-mingled with fire , whether of conten-
tion, or otherafflidtion, Idifpute hot ) they ftahd up
on the brim of it, with the harps af God in their
hands, w\thin^mntn^Mffr4^e^^thtlCi^\im^ R .
Bpon the bariks of the Redr&a,( thorow which they 5 "
had lately paffed, and ink been baptized onto God )
ringing a fong of praifc fir their great deliverance
from Pharaoh and hif HooJft, who periftjed in the pur-
filing" of them * This was theincohdiiioii, and their
pofture , a deliver ed^danfed condition, a fraifefuH
fofture. Secondly ,eheir work, diiringthe time of the . -
pouring ontthevialfe,theyrangan=™^u« a triam^
fhanffing^Cantiam gratuhtorinm &ettckarijt?esnH\-
afongorpraife indthinkrgiving; wherein obferVe
twotbingS;firft,theT;^ofthe Song, The Song of
Mofes, the fervant of God, and the fong oftheLamb :
Secondly, the fubje&tnatter of the Song, Great tn£
marvel 4rttfowtrki,Urd<UdAbmigtyy&Ci > V
ti The;
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The title: ¥lrft,the fong of ifofes the fervour of
God.f.c.fuch a Song, and upon fuch an occasion
as Mofetmd Miriam and the reft of the Ifrulifcs fkng
unto God when they had parted through theRed fca:
2Jy.and the fong of the Limb: we have many Congs of
the Lamb recorded in this Booke-, cap. 4. 1 1 . The* Art
worthy Lordtoreceive glory, and honour, andf ewer, &C.
istheconftantfongof the whole Church of Ghrift;
cap. 5. 0. the iame quire fingsaww^^tothei^w^
when hee had taken the booke to unloofe the Scales
thereof; cap. ir. 17. the fame Church fings another
farof prayfeupon therefuirectionof the two wit-
aefles,and the fall of the tenth part of the great City,
We give thee thankesO Lord God Almighty j&c. cap.1.2.
10. upon Michaels vi&orie over the dragon, there is
another Stngo? praife, Novels come ftlvatio*, sndtkc
Kingdom of 'our God,anithefmer of hit Chrift t Sic.
cap. 14. ^.there's uNcwSongfung before the rhione
which no man could learae, but the hundred forty
and fbure thoufand which were redeemed from the
earth: Now whether this Song of the 'Lamb be the
Song which thole harpers fang, or whether,and hew
farre it iscompofed out of the reft of the fongs recor-
ded in this Book, is necdfcfle (as forne Interpreters
doe>toenquire, becaufe we have the matter of the
Song layed downe in fo many words; it is fuifirienc
chat it's therefore called the Song of the Lamb, bc-
caufeit was inditedby the Sprit of the Lamb, »nd
tends to advance thegtay of the Lamb their Siviour
and Deliverer.
2. The matter of the Song: which divides id felis
intotwo fartf. i.lhcChitrehescenfefioneftknmre
*f theftwtrktsvthkh GkriftoUth in m ■ ftmrifigM tk
■ . 7 .. [em
Digitized _____ J
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A Sermon at the late Tbankfghm?
alls,and you Hull finde noyfhme and grievous fores
upon them melj that have the mark of the St aft , the
drinking of bloud,thefcorchiag with heat,the gmvr-
ingof their tongues for painc, the htingdeflroyed
with hailftones,&c.All thefe light ml] oponthe fol-
lowers of the BtififhewtrjhipcrstfikBcaft,thcking-
dome of the ««/,& therefore let none feareany hurt
ft 6 tlitfe judgments which Chrift is mm inflicaing,but
^ fuch as either fecretly or openly harbour any oi'Ami-
• drifts Kmrftdftuff whichmuftbedeftroyedi<tit be
I befcechyou,your fpeedy otretocaft out ofthisNa-
tion and Church all thofe reliques .which -are the oyl
and fuel that feed the flamt which burnes amongft
us: God calls you him to rework, and will be with
you while you fet your hearts and hands to doe it;
anddocitfe«fi/jr,itmaybeit isone Caufe, whyfo
many breaches are made upon you, becaufe you have
no more.vigOBJufly attempted it inihe frft flue-, and
feat not that ye flrotddtheroyZ»/iiif«ny,or/Zragfl&CT
i f^^^J»%beleeveit,tnacpartythathath drank
of the whores cup, and is in love with herabominati-
ons,will never itafiiftaat^mviiGlriftfiifirtiKm to
•ww*re» theworke committed to your hands; they
may and (hill deftroy theoifelvm, bringtdgche cur-
feswritteninthis book upon jhttruelves, aadtheir
'. pofterltie, as Acim dMby hiding the Babylonifli
garment iantrwedja of gm iniisitntj jbutthe Jurd
mltit mtkyn, therefore goon and profper. ■" •
i.Qbferee:Tfcat howeittr kthe-pMatingoutof'
AionjCftr^nfeth Acj«a^ieV<-*»j*jof inflruraets
cMrmringont ofrhc ToBjfeaad fahd fortte amiki
yectliew<!ifcB«faiDedtQC«^,«4)K.,jj««ffl M ^ w <,
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
ixfortmmurMe ttmje of (
vettuivK r^workes.juft arid true are»jS')iwayes,ri>)t
judgments arc made manifcft : Many worthy and ex-
cellent inftruments hath Chrift dined up and em-
ployed in this Service, many famous and learned Di-
vines., many excellent Nobles , many illuftrious
Kings, Queenes, and Princes, many grave Senates,
and Parliaments, (amongft whom 1 doubt not Your-
felves will one day be recorded) have put their hands
to this worke, to make this harlot defolate, and na-
ked, to eat her ftefh and burne her with fire-, for Gtd
hath put it in their hearts t» fulfill hit mil : but they
conferre nothing of their own to the work, they are
but his inftruments, his b»w and his battle-axe, meer
dead tooles, who receive all their efficacy and opera-
tion from his hand who ufcth them; their prefence
addes no ftrength to him, their abfence makes the
work no more difficult to him-; And therefore let .not
our faith & comfort ebbe and flow. with the increafe
' & wane of humane helps. Let us not therefore thinke
the work will foonerbedone, becaufe ftrorig is our
hand and armeofflein, nor that we are therefore like
to lofe the caufe, becaufe our helpes prove either
weake or treacherous ; the viall now pouring outis
the Lerds work,and he will fee it done,doubt ye not.
i.oblerv. That all the time of Chafes pouring
out the yialls of his wrath upon Antichrift, mould
be a j«/»/tinK to the Church of Chrift ,al thofe daies
ihoulibe daysof-PoriJOjdays of thakfeiyings though
they ftand upon a fea mingled with are, they (houl<t
have the harpes of God in their hands, and Hallelu-
jthsin their mouths, becaufe Chrift is judging the
great who«i.and avenging the.bloud of his fcrvants
«t her band. Although Ube ft difpofed by Chrift,
C that,
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
io AStmtnMtHtotelitMltlgnmtg-
that during the rime of the vialls, his Churches hive
much bhterneffe, andthe Tayle.of every, .ftorme in
fome degree lights upon them, yet muft they over-
look their own fufferings,and be filled with joy for
the judgments executed upon Chrift's, andtheire-
nemiesv and not deferretheirprayfcs till their deli-
verances be compleat, but upon every new. delive-
rance to them, and upon every new judgmentupon
- the enemies, have their mouths filled with new and
renewed (bogs of prayfc and thankfgivings to God,as
wedoe this day.
Thefe & many fuch like general obfervations from
the words are obvious to every eye, & very feafona*
bleandfuitable tothe mercies celebrated this day, I
defire that they may hot lightly be palled over in
yourthoughts.tnough Ifhall lay nomore ofth6,pur-
poling to confine my fptech to one only observation,
which indeed is the very \fym of the Text,the burden
of the fong,and to apply it for the fame ends and uiis
for which it is here reeordedby the Holy Ghoft:-w&.
ar.w.fe"' ' Themrl "> l >fC , > ri fii*< i tt>»»»£>i*thtvi4ll,tfl,it
T ^ t *rmbjnttkin£mngtimtiif til /tmthrift mdlds fit-
hmn.ttcgrtif tnd«m<lerfiilt, fit to be WTought by
him atxtfnbt ii tilt LorAealAlirlighjyftfi n/Hfmv,
*tllbtm»gi#UCmg<fSai*is.'. '-'■':"■
Firft,theyafctf»«l Works whether ofMetty,
or Judgment aresreat , when they are the eficU
eichettsf great) wiftooiae in' their eSWivUKe^oroF
greatpowef in^helrproducllonV ■:
• Secondly, worH ire [»4to«//«b, wiMw/agWUm
a threefold rclpeA: firft, fuch as are rare and un-
afuall, which ftldome happen, thefe draw mens eyes
after them , and maie men woBderw them. ■ • Se-
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
before t?% honorable Houfe of Qommons. i\
condly, fuchasaremjexpe&ed, which come prater
$ent 7 thingswhich nobody would think tocome to .
paffc. Thirdly and chiefly? things are wonderful!,
which are beyond our compreheraion , whereof wc
cannot fee thecaufes, whofe height and depth can-
not be meafured, fuch as nothing but the power of
an infinite and Almighty God can bring to parte.
Thirdly, £/i*/?: jWayesarejult, when they are
according to a right rule-, and wayes pf judgement,
( of which my Text ) are then juft, when they are ac-
cording to the nature, fcinde, and degree of the, finnes
againft which they are executed. TBou art righteous, Re?ei.i& $>£■
Lord, becaufe thou hafi judged thus- for they have fhed
thehloudofthy Sums, and Profhets, and then haft gi-
ven them blond to drink , for they are worthy : Even fp
Lord Cod Almighty, true And righteous are thy judge-
Fourthly, [ True : J Wayes are then true,when ac-
cordingto Covenant, whendofte according to what
was foretold; and thefe wayes become * King of
Saints:, other Kings often deal unjufily* bearing the >
fword* to execute wrath upon them that do well,
ftrengthening the hands of them that do evill, coftr-
dernnlng the righteous, and acquitting the wicked,
and often untruly breaking their Oaths, felfifying _
their Covenants % but this Ktng efSaints doth fo ma-
nirefthis righteous judgements, that h&peopfe ftttll
bfc able to fay, Accotdingto their, deeds, and accord-
ing to his Word, W& relayed fury to hUidverft- I6a, «''' 1
riesfecompenfe to his enemies % and his enemies (though
with gnafliing of teeth ) mall acknowledge with
, AdoM&ek* As we have dene, fo hath Gad done untouX. j U( f g .i, 7 :
-i. Now tbatCmifts judgements, hitherto manife-
:**'•■ - Ca fted
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12 A Sermon at the late Thankfephg
T$c HoBr. fted in the pouring out the visits of his wrath, in
ctnjirmed. thusfarre deftroying this great Amichriftian enemy,
j, are thus great .andflwwto/w, thus juftzndtrue, may
£/«»/?*«»,. eafily appear to every carefull Obferver of the
Church-ftory inthele parts of Chriftendome, this
taft Century of years, fince this work hath been in
hand; Theparticular inftances are too many to be re-
lated in a Sermon, I fhall mention onely fome few
things, which as fo many continued threads , have
run through this whole peeceof his workmanifhip *
firft, in &tgreatnt8e > ixi&#>MthrMtttf[e- 1 fecondly,
. * in the t ruth y and rigmewfiuffe ojf them.
Firft, thefe works have beengreat and wonderfull
for the iittde : When the Amichriftian Empire
which at firft was contrived with that wifedome,and
underpropped with that ftrength, ruling even the
fouls and conferences of men, and had prevailed fo
Jarre, that all the Kings and States of the World
were fo. drunken with the Whores Cup, that they
not onely khTed her well-favoured face, but as fo
many brute bcafts lay at her foot-ftooll, proftituting
all their power and ftrength unto the Beaft, and un-
der her command , making warre even againft the
Lamb himfetf, and helping to drink the bloud of his
Saints, none daring to queftion the truth, or rather
divinity of her Commands, fo that (lie could gio-
rifie her felf, and fay in her heart, tjit'wagtteefh
M*dfb*lifieiuf0rrm$ now char fuddenjy^ ft ihould
be put into the hearts of moft of the Muroptan States,
to hate this Whore, to endeavour to make herdefo-
late and naked, to eat her fleffi, and bum her with
fire, how grest la&marve&iu doth this fpeak die
work .for-the hide of Hi Who but the Lojd-God Al-
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before the .hmorable HoujeoJ Commons, "xi
. mighty could do this i ft is certainly the Lords doing)
andmufl be marvellous in oar eyes.
Secondly, if wc confider the time, which our Lord
Chrift was pleaftd to makechoyce o£ for the effeft-
ing' theft great works, they will appear yet more
wonderfull; even when his Church was at the loweft,
when he farv that their power was gone, and there was Deut ' il - i& '
none jbut up or left , when the enemy was come in like a
flood, andnomantoliftufaftandardagainft him^when cfi, y-i^fc
he [aw that there was no heifer, even then put he on righ-
teoufne(j'e as abreafl-plate, and an helmet of falvation
upon his head, and the garments of vengeance for his
cloathing. Who can be ignorant! of theft things i
who knows not the lowconditionof Germany, when
Luther firft appeared, thongh onely againft the noto-
rious abtife of the Popes Indulgences, andother lux-
uriant branches of his f yrannicall afurpation i info- >,,
much that a Btfhpp wHhinghim well, yet desiring Crawtiu
' of iiicceiTe, coumaled Hah (as the Story reports) '"*"
after this manner yFrater,fr'attr t obi m.CeHamsjr •die,
Miferere met Dem. To thy beads Frier , thoumltdono
good in this work .-Far the .people of Germany wereat
that time fo bewitched with the. foreeries of the
Whore, and fo enthralled taher power, that ( as that
.proud Cardinall too confidently boifted; they were f>'^*"«
j-eadyat the Popes command, for the redemption of C ar &*d 1 '*
their fouls * to have, eaten. graffe avdhay^ more pecu-
dnm r after die manner of brtse Beafts. Andwas not
theChiirch iaitther Cwntrtes&slavr ; namely,at the
firft appearing of Zningtiws, and oecolamfadmsi in
Helvetia , of Calvin, Virct, and FareU, in France %
Cranmer, Latimer, Sidley, iefpcctally,) Bilney, and
TyndaU, in England 1; Hamilton, Wif chart, Kfu», and
C 3 others.
Agnized by Google
14 - # oertnon az m um tuamfgtvtng
othcr« J in5w//i»i. ? atthattime ;) wheninawotd,thc
whole Church might have taken up that complaint,
Ezefc. 37. 1 1. 0*w bones are dried, our hope is loft, we are
cut off for our parts, then did oar Lord Chrift '»«'
r£#r graves , and caufe them to come up out of their
graves, and made them live, and ftand op ttpontheir feet,
an exceeding great army 5 this alfomuft needs beac-
knowledged, to be the work of* the Lord God Al-
t mighty, who is mnderfuUin connfeS, and excellent in
working. '
And as the kihde, and time, fo thirdly, the con»
fidcration of the meanes, and inftrtmcnts, renders
them yet more wonderfuV.\ to effect great things by
weak meanes", is an argument of great power and
ftrength ; That the waits of Uric ho mould fall at the
udg.>aj.i4- ifajl of trumpets of rams horns ^ that a Cake of barley
bread, tumbling into the hoaft ofuidtan, fhouldceme un-
to a tent, and [mite it, and overturn it, that the tent Jhould
lie along; that C«fe«» and three, hundred men, with
lamps and empty pitchers, fhould overthrow the
wholehoaft of Mid/an, whocameasgraflioppersfoc
multitude, they and their Camels being without
number-, that a woman- flmldcomp*§e.a man, xweak
woman nibdue a mighty man; thefe are New things,, asthephrafe there is: Behold, thtLordhath created*,
new thing in the earthy woman jhaU compare a. man,ejrc
And yet this you (hall fee, was no new, but Gods
ufuaU, andconitant courfc, which he takes in this
work, pouring out thefe Vialls of his wrathi upon
this potent enemy, by the miriiftery of moft weak,
tnd contemptible inftrumcntJ-r pulling his Church out
of the dungeon of Supeiftmon, by^old-fcaft clouts,
jer.38.t1. tnd rotten rags, as once Efadpicfcbih$.£tkioj>ia#.<&&
;' ~ the
Agnized by Google
otheriww/f.r, anapiaveltns, newly crept out of their
fuperftitious Cells, the fifjt Engineers that battered
the walls of this great Babylon ? who were they but
the pwrer , & meaner firt of peop!e,that at the firft joy-
ned with the Minifters^O raife the building ofRefor-
mation i few dfthePr*#«j, and Nobles, putting their Nth !•*•
necks to the work of the Lord ; or if any did, yet
the Divine Providence fo ordered it, that either they
were fuddenly taken tff, as the Duke of Saxony, and
Landgrave of Heffen, by imprifonment-, or irnma-
turely taken away, as Edward the fixth, by death -, or
moremir&ufottfly preferved y as Queen Eli&aketh^too-
man,'m England .and King J 4?* j,a entitle, in the be-
ginning oi Reformation in Scotland; and although
in the progrefle of the work, many Kings and Prin-
ces have ftood up as nurfing Fathers, yet Mill we may;
obferve,. that the greattfi t kings have been done by
them, from whom leap coula be expected * as ( not
to trouble you with more inftances) the almoft incre-
dible, and ftntflge proceedings of the late vi^orious
King of Sweden will abundantly teftifie, who as »
comemptible : PrmCe, | ctbffirigthe-.54/»V**yi'*i, entred
Germany^ with notawlve 'five, bt fix fhtufand men 1 ,
amlaw^/««ilffairiof : NtoHy^
had before hii death, alrnoft brought to nothing that
mighty Houft of Anftria, 'thought by many, tdbe
the Sun gtvingiight ~*.nd- influence t6- tfec Ahriclirif
lUanwond^upon wfckft the fourth ViaiivvastoDeReTri.K
poured iota.' I might, I fay, give you many other in*
fiances* this i ihfty iulfiee: God will "(■ you may be
eonfideiit )ln time make alt the w6rld know,* that
this grew Ir^c;^$grwAr^^hriftk^^reifour,
,4 • A Sermon" (**>« Thnkfemng " •
Swains »>»*« AW., Without tana whelp.
. h«wokteVov«tto»^^W:.For.fwe
obfer«bu?thi«oiDSSOf this King of Saints, if we
tS minhisfoot&ps, inthisgrearwoAof exe-
Kjicumiu. s es, march! ng bef brehispeo-
V«4» fl«m, yet always working in fuch wayes, and
SichTmaW, as' that fitft, hit mm ft U have
Soughthe.rf.W^*<*^butth«rrum,« W
WWel ( annnlikely way of deliverance ., ) and in
ftch waves, fecondly, astothe «*w,have everfce-
, rned mod MdaMW* to.teit own purpofo.and
SS to the Church, Cod Mfenngthem to
• lavthePltfforthcir own ruin, to dig a pit for their
owndefauffion, andn^i^tte wavsbphmm-
iended for the Churches ruin., to be the greateft
^oftheirdeUvewce as.funy«ndckarly,« .
. »a,S:pic*provedthe:ex*lt*ipn of the fw,-and
Sg ^anItheroine^d;deftru«onoflumfelf
ofdSSe: Tbede^iceof cM^thftfifth^
inherit theDuke of ^xwr.&to keep the !«««
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
of JbjpM in perpetual! imprisonment, thereby intra-''
ding utter mine to the Proteftant party in Germany,
was the very occafion of the confederacy of SmaU
cald, which almoft drove Charier out of Germany '•
andeftablifiied, the Proteftant party inthcliberty of - .,
their religion. The Maflacre in France, in -which pSt,
were -deftroyed within the fpace of thirty dayes,( as * Aw
the Hi (tori an reports it ) above feventy thoufand <?afejk -
Proteftant fouls, proved ( ye know ) a means,within
aftiortfpace, to double and treble, if not quadruple
their numbers in that Kingdom^ and procured them
publike Edicts, and Cautionary Towns, for the li-
berty, and fecurity of their Religion, which before
they had not : .The cruelty and tyranny of the Sfam- -
ards in the Netherlands, ( one of whofe Deputies,
Duke D'Mvd, boafted that he put to death, fix and
thirty thoufand Huge/tots, and Proteftams ) hath
been thegreateft meanes to prevent the fwelling of
his intended Monarchy, and increafe the freedom and
ftrength of the Proteftant party, not onely in the five
United Provinces, but in all theie parts of Europe.
Who that hath read the Scottifb Story, is ignorant KMXHi
that the ArchbHhop of St. Andrews cruell burning of sc*.
of Mr. George rVifihart, conferred much to theKe- ******
formation of that whole Kingdom ? The time would
fail me, totdl you of the defperateConfpiraciesof
the Pricfts, and Jefuits in England, all the time of
Queen Elizabeth, of the Powder-treafon, arid their
unwearied Machinations in other States and Church-
es, and howconftantly the Lord hath turned them all
to the advantage of his Church, and to bring mine
and deftru#ion upon the .contrivers of them. And
if anyof you: have not had time, or means> toob-
D fervc
'* Digged by Google
them, the gram part openly oppofingthera, fcarfe
one fourth, part of the Kingdom owning the Cacufe, '
how-often were they a their wits end, when fome
unexpected door was opened to them ■; And were
not all their works wrought! for them, by thcrtve,
cnuhftmi amimgoltiarauma' Were not the
boolof Servite.and the hook of Canons, fent,.and
■ obtruded upon, them from Iitglotf, the nctftm of
their late (nereis i was not tbecyraimic of a few of
their PreliKs, a means to unburden them of their
■nhtU PrtUcfT and when they woma* muehfhvirjjp
in fttaitsy a* the 4fiwfi«raMiKlbe«H*ay and Jtnew
not oveMiighc,, what wonld heroine of them the
next morning, trumconfhmtly fonts .i£/«r4 icfttnu
Plot or other, of their: manses, brake out, which
gavethenvan out-gatetoeftape: And.eyettfohath
■ Goddealtw«rb£ff5£wft^,.lris;worlrannjngftu5isoi*:
the; j^j^ warn, and.woof. The great mercies
which weenjey, the^reacdclivefances we have-late-
ly received) front what nhigJihmi have they come?
to what a very *faw^£w^rwerewebrougiir? Our'
lUtrtf aIraorWwaUawe»np,andtiiriiBd' imvf mcr} ;■
oatBtUgten m<>fvpcrj^Bd)Jrmimat»ft»i> and eva)
ttittUhJ rememirei mm nr Imzftati : airdby wjiar
wfy&|*w»fir, hecosmnetb me not to fpeafc much hv
yenf ownprefenee-, Your ftlves taow Txan fiitful,
' ' the
D, g ,t,^byGoogle
befmmMntoabie'tJhujwf'. (jp
the eyes «f your adveriartes ; they looking upon
you «&MJ&*:'/«tf andim company did wponNthemidh Nehem.4.j.
and his builders, and with like from uttering the
fame reproaches.* what da theft feeble lews, will they
fmrtijte ihemfetves, mU theynuke mxjtdm * d*y, miff
tbejrtmvt the fanes out §f the heaps tfntbbijh ? evert
that which they build, if a f$x go upi he Jkaff even &re4k
dmn their jtenemtU. And wellmay you take up the
builders complaint t, Hear o tmrGod^ for we ire 4t{jri-
fed\ and yet lby~ fuch Vc&r/fl* hreien veffe&s hathtfte
t Lord hitherto delivered us : And which is ftill mere
.mmJerf*ll,Xto thegloryof Godbe it ipoken ) our
*$reateft deliverances We been more promoted by
- the cimning, treachery, and violence of the enemy,
■ then by the tbrefight, vigilanty, and'ftrength of our
,■ heft fiends : The Prelateslate Cawwwand AtfAjpur-
rTOfelycomrived for the perpetuating of their Hie-
■ rarchy,and their other treacherous and malicious.en-
deavoursagainftthe State, joyntng with the P*pij?Sj '
and with them labouring to turn all hub coafufion^
rather then faltering theleaft abatement of theirfor-
mer wide and tyranny, have helped thus farre to-
wafduhe taking them aw#y both rjtf -.and bunch 5
The multitudes of calttmniesyind reftmehesyC&ik. upon
the Parliaments ioft proceedings, Pgki"g their
Authority, flapdehMgihcit intentions, mijfairffytiiMr
«heira&ions, have tbev riot (throuah the goodncne :
- of :Him who f nefen/eth tfitmjr m the firtfi eftthgm)
been an occasion of making their Authority, '£riwi-
ledger, intentions, dciions, clear as the. Sun at noon
day> And> to iaftantena' further,' chis fete bloudy,
and mischievous Defiga, in wtiich-thisHoaorable
Senate, this ramoos Citic, and withtheniour lives,
- •■■ 15 a ' religion,
Agnized by Google
' >Jg,ivi4.
religion, laws, and liberties, had undoubtedly been
made a prey to their mercileflc rage, and fury,, the
Lord hath not onely brought to light, without any
foiefight,orwatchiulneireofjnww, but made tho/e
that were the contrivers* to be the difcoverers, their
ovfiievidenceyxndconfepon being the thread which
lets you into the depths, and labyrinths of thole
counfels, which they had digged deep to hide, if
poflible , even from the eyes of God nimfeKV and
thereby giving you a great opportunity (theLo,rd
in mercy teach you to improve it ) to advance the
r lerj of his Name, ( for the prefent, putting a ne_W
long ofpraife into^your mouthes ) A prof < fbr ywr
faithtoixay u^on^for time to <come, (the Lord bath dc-
' tivcred) and mU deliver)- A further advantage, to
break the power of the malicious y and ungodly then ;
anda warning to you, toheware of neuters^ and fc-
cret falfe friends, who though they take fweet coun-
: fell together withyo\\, and freak pu fair, bdtevetbem
not, for there art feven abominations in their hearts.
And by all this ye arc (I fuppofc ) fully {atisfied that
theft works of our. Lord God AUtughty are as mar-
veHow for their manner^ as before yon have heard
they were for their time, kinde, arid m^rmninu^ mrk~
tmiigkt mi of Aarknefie, caufihgeyen the experience
ofthc-Church, in thele later ages,cleaily to interpret
Samp forts, riddle , Oufrof\ tfa eater tame forth meaty and
, wtyfthe firong came forth fweetneffe^ and . making all
thebloudyand cruell cmettdmems.of the Antichri-
ftian enemie, in the more hurtfull and dan*
gerous tothc : Churchi then his was to fhereurtafin>
; when hej-iimc.-hhn wkh hisfword, and initeadof
t kiUinghmr, opentd an incurable impofthume, and
^vedhisUfei • Secondly,
Digged by Go'ogle
hforetb^hnwabUffoufe offcomtm, %i
Secondly, as they arc great and wonderfull, foaS
. evident is it, that they are juft, dad true -■ the £ j*flic*}
of them is celebrated, chap. 1 6. 5. Thou art righteous,
Lord,beeaufe thou haft judged thus .■ and chap. 1 8. 6 .
we finde the Angel calling upon the Church, Reward
her nsfhehath rewarded youi double unto her double* ae-
.carding unto her work $ in the cub which Jbe hath fitted*
fill to her double 1 how much Jhe hath glorified her [elf,
and lived delicioufty^ fa much torment , and farrow-give
her. Oin> whatexac^baHanceshathChrift propor-
tioned, and. weighed out, gall and wormwood, re- r
proach and flume, bloud andruintothefe enemies,
making them to drink of the fame cup which they
had before reached to his fervants ! Theyhzd grie-
voufly affliZlediht bodies ofthe Saints of ChrMLand
now behold upon them, npyfomt and grievous fores : Rml.itf.*."
They had' drunk the blond of the Saints and Prophets,
-tndnowfcehotd rivers and fountains of Mouit given V «-J: * ■
themtodrink. They hadth.eir 4 i;<£#j, tokill heretites
and Lollards, (as they, called them) and now in £/*£-
land 3 and among the Netherlands, it's made capital!
for the Tefuits and other Incendiaries , and Factors
•fbrtheWnort,tobe found amongft them. They bad
.burnt theworlhippers of Chrift, and how behold,
tbemfelvettfiorched'wfth fire and great heat. They had ver. ? ..
before deprived theSaints of she light ofthe Scrj-
pjtures,and.naw- behold, the peafts. Kingdom over- '
foread with darftneffeSo that-they gnaw their tongues
forpaitli Thus you fee the King. .of. Saints, rendring
according DO that rule -of 'fifkict-y t Eyi for .eye, breach tevir.14.jw.
for breach, tooth for tooth $ fnU meafure, Jhaken together Lukc 6 ^
and 'running osier, EccleHafticaU.hiftorie-is fullof u ' *
iniUnceS) whkb-f peak home to our purpofc in this
~ D 3 particular,
Agnized by Google
aftcrthcy wereall poured out, Uhn heard the wye
Chip. '***• if „„£ papfe i0 & aivaft ftyin^ffalletttjah.falvatrM,
and gtoj, and honour, md fewer, unto the Lord^ttr Ged t
for £ True"} and rigitetmtxre his judgements, for M
hath judged the great whtre\vthkl\ tO'iinderftand,you
maft know, that thftfe Viatls were put up long ago by
v Chrift,
■ , D,g,t,zcd by Google
eeprtim.wrrmaptmoufeff commons.- ij
Chrift, and laid' upis feorc widv him, undftalcd ttp-
anting hit treaft$r^s y and Written in, a book v and not ;
onely fb,.biit the Counterpaixofchis book was feiMy
and. figmffcJ< fy bis AngetjOmaBistfsrvant lehn, attfjjJJei 1 ,^*
the ^^OEtimeofchcirbegiimingjaiidthewhole' '.■'
feries of tbair zc<am$iftmERt; fartim, asid-f&A>' :
matter, mtmw r Mii&mafwr i ex.i&\y reprcfentedto'
himj whereof many things are already coinetf#our -
knowledge, being fiilfilted juft adamtfiim dfttdyf-'-
feos, according totfceftaodard"of the Revelation-, and
although fome things concerning ehcinterpretation
of thefe plagues, andottles, remainyet dark unto us,
beingnot fully aceomplinieti, yet When alt thefe vl-
alls fhall once be poured ouev the wftpte Church'
ftiailbeable to fay ofthem, as ufbuab did, in another
cafe, of thebleffitngs : tmknmtbatifWeitttbinghatb
failed ef all the gawd, things which the Lord your God
$akc ctnetmng ym,-. *tt atz tot»r te ftp, *nd : notmc
thin^kath failed - r Sanotuw dref of fill thefe vialls
hatli fallen to the grwttd in^vain, not a plague fail-
ed, but all have accowipliihed the things for which
they were fent y writethem do WJj Thifedrtthe &ue RcYci.ig.?*
JoyiwgFff GcdL
If you would know fornereafon, Wny : Chrift ^de-
lights toproceedafterthismannerjin the :deftru£Hon
of this enemy, Iaafwer,
I'm*, becau&this enemy is*he mailer-piece of all Re*[° n
the Devils workmanfhip , the Bragotfs darlings to ■ i«
whom he:hath delivered over his fimrowdhk ' Stive, R«^*i-»-
hkthrme asddrgmty-^ whatever Beelzebub, prince of
the Devils, arid the whale Concliffveof heltcotiid in-,
vent, a4Lhathb*eftiorufodinto thiygrand AdverFa-
ryj.theie was never yw State frame* in tfcer world
Agnized by Google
24 ". <-"■ *^ $»w«i at th Ute Tbanfajgiying,
by tbcwit and ait of man, more wifely ewtrhed,
and fhttedy more powerfull, and forcible, to fubdue
the whole world unto it fclf, by claiming a Jm divi-
ww, laying- a foundation for mmebediente in mens
' . conferences, and having in it fumcient to nourifti all
H. t!h s . mens affections, and to fit every mans humour, that,
f. ij- each fancte may be fatisfied, and each appetite find*
wha((o feed on iyea what ever may prevail with any
man, is there to be found; wealth for the covetous^
honour for the ambitious, learning for the ftudious,
great employment for metald fpints, multitudes of
ceremonies for the fuperftitious, gorgeoufneffe of
ftiows for the vulgar and fimpie,mrracles for the cre-
dulous, prayers for the devout, works of piety for
thecharitabIe,voluptuoufneffe for the diffolute, par-
dons for the faulty , difpenfing with all rules for
men of lawlefTe conditions , with what ever elfe.
might allure the Nations to drink of the Whores in-
toxicating cap* Neither hath the Devils cunning.and
power more appeared in the frft contriving of it,
then after, in the upholding ofit, in all ages ftirring
up men of excellent and rare perfections, conftantly
and diligently to put in execution all his counfels,
and devices, to hid in thofe who are already caught
in their fnares, to allure others, and to-rveaken and
undermine all oppoicrs, how great andpotent foeverj
It is therefore well becommingthe wiledom and po-
wer of this King of Saints, to grapple with this.
Bcaft,*afterthismanner,*thatin the things whereof he HMrftroudyHemightfbmhim&ftoked&vchlm.
Secondly, this enemy hatn been the foreft and
heavieft Adverfary that ever the Church of Chrift
bad in the world: Nebuchadnezzar of oldi and the,
Agnized by Google
3,g,t,zcd by Google
> TtaiU.9. ,rii,nliqrfmift44,{tltq- mu mrf hm trjtH f*yt,
Rtrd.1j.14. hri*lMtto»»*it'iumitf:itowfiyadii*»iti
trttdttia < \mw*Kvmtfolt\H&Msi>t owi fcilow-
ci«l»*e)ap««bteiMlwv«<ibyhi | R'. «wltfinw»
^»tth;yw«rtevaiw wM ci l » hp iit A»*w*>WyeMjf
bulimy UvlifitftHiTtn HwtfBn &a»irt of apt
wovedmM^cBaJUwiblotKlyiilMnwy of tf«s wftv
ftwttwfp»ceef<A«t»/«riw<fr<rfyM»> bw*bi*
flail &8* jofnnji why the J&ogof Sites ftoald
pwesii thus fewrely wdArasgely,, ic nH«{»g tbift
gRSiaHatv«rfIliinwU«Md nas(t > .»NfciagWHMb
IfalflyftigHh.: '.,■.,; ;-,,-.„•■■ ?■.'.. V.V- ''-V
Hftikem. ThusyouhswttewKbsftbedoSfimjifBUjjaxI
ttasrtly (fwnoftftnuri.* ro»«»iji»*F tftu Sunt*
w$r fetes- 1» ti»B!i(*^hiw ufe wU*h'jmrftMk'tw>
1, . Eisfti, t^»wii^iWiirje4>wooAto *♦>*«»,
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
table and betoroi) tot raugmuMixt to your »a<Sri«e
)m^iif^K»imiUeBi itiniit At*pM**ird> 'HextU-
IrmjfnK*! MMimtsvtgnmt bW work* of C«*.
tam,ivtaio( iha/t^t iumct, the worte of rt W iWn
Mfegecst bud .'»rf»J5* it>pKigkt>*u^Ufl,a»tlut
ijtumkxfm-iinbtDiybGi «te works oft*s Lord to-
WMdttoCft6ri*,isHegr*ijgM>four I»»r1 »nd King
ia*KiS««<«r/«r-,>r«lll!g rHS *^r«iStli««tickl<ir?of
stteSreMMSs,.**! «ft»»ita>*i»X» taetljMg '■<« pet'
o» <he Pe»ws^icfr^ap<^sth^ S K wwtte
«ra»dir of Ar\g8fc«rkS^J«tM *ond« of Stars 9
Mus iiljtofiiioff fertitutallf tttoft ■*«* trwUghrt
o»i<bfto«i««s«f'<r«i*i-gM«.t(l(4 wOMdirfiff, «rrd
ittKKteis*«fcMin>bai«1»irig : tli*triifaftrfcrn)i»d
mobjeftfit, ftf<*75w'btgB*i«»*fse*t ) uti m-
dttrfwirftttM wifMt «r4 agr*«tt*ir fl*ditg*M
tars, fcfiftfi dH!ra^«(*^dlrrto***inrt«
l(*%irteef^9<Sf tadoradlDKo, theielmterwe
M«»»tMWfch«»fi»rtfid«ii^#a*», A Poet of
iW«ll»paih - rfRo(li»tey*e# » tttofetrfS.^WKn*
wk&mmioafifrot « KftHe^, aflietf wWitHr«tht
l»rue«f <*lsop*tk pwirtnwrtei » frettielbte rjf
w^i«im*tow l <nR<Sfi!rJ«*llft idwfacedW die
*«(gSlrflM»»clrt AefctMBWflH' tbelr Warts w«flt
<■■•'. E> when
by Google
mhai'iKftmf^fiyttiA&omai tin* jhewond^ntof
Chrift arenot cakeosoticeof: ChriuYs perfon j offi-
ces , adrniniftTOions »r* tea bale things for them
tobufie.taeietboiiglits.ahftiiti they: can fee. nothing
!buc trivial!' matters!, and- sot; worth thaw neticein
themali.yea they Wonder- at therri who cap (pend
their time in. tin' Study.of the Scriptures, and the
meditation or thefe works of Chrift. But thefe men
(HlhateveKheyitkink ofthemfclvesjni/i«/yl beaHs,
uttntll and brutifli perKlnsi, tadl nay 1% of the
things they are To take widyts Chrift to the Difciples
who were fo affected with the ftones & goodly buil-
ecu c thV;T>iBple ) 4«tM«»iM&W**«M»<»r'
So thefe riches, theft buildings, this power and au-
thority,this great man inhiscouwrey>rhcfe«hings
I fay, bytpo much regarding, whereof niftny loie
their foojes^what (hall they alf be ere ;loogfi Heaven
and «Wtt (lallbo oniu*,and wha? (hall ihefsrthiogs
bethenf *nd I mayifurcher :fojr oftbc «W* Who «3-
mire thefe thisgSj.that they are greater vaniticsthen
therhjngsjbey. wooderat-, ; Who..JB*ying4HMJiart«ll
fcuksjlyqib^pmakslf&rfsh* djvi(»sw»rt, «ntderr
tions worthy only of ; God , (b»v3d yet.thus bafely
proftjtute and ahafe thefrMHv*Sjtc»d Vance » thing of
«othing,w^«a^#A«^c#inw,a^W,hBtrt mi*
taken wfoCir!%^te*w&,%imri/l J «A<ritiliiigf
appear tothoratobebuHoyesandfoHy., a*, own got
up on high nee* the Heavens , be hold shewtOTut
asarttttle foot. ^£»/j»obt*rye4 thJMiftre«s>»
*wftlft» 'iat f9, long* be, was iMnwgff timt-iitl
wa,)^pfhc^i»efeih«thc^btJhcitBiji. ( )f(i (< j ! s<«^
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
KWrtftiWiitaHwfiAlflVltgiiitefy preferring TM)
before the *»*/«; but after his cinvtrfton he took no
pleafure in that .*«*«'where he foundnot the Name
of Jtfiui Ohthcrefcre that you would j*>ure out your
hearts i» the tend* ofthefe things, that the wondet-
n^waycfOirift'J governing inhft Church'tnight
takeup rractheJeaft part of your thoughts. Haw he
hath kept this bulb, burning, and yet not cohfiiraed-,
hcwftrangeitwasthat a few Frfherrtrth ihorrld by
preachingaAd fufferinf, like feme conquering y</<x-
a*6r, fobduethe Nations, Think of his ftrar%e
courie.permitringanAraichrift to Lord itabovea
thoufirnd years, in the world, foas-ro fubdiie the
woilcV wholly- tO'Klsyoake , firircring the KMgs-to
giW lip theirGrowns JjSteptetsto him, prdftitiit Wg
their power at his feer-,and vrbansata/i thought him-
felfefaftrc^BtQcodtinuethe Church in this con-
dition for, enr,xhac then* filly fWonke (houldfe
hinifclfagainftritt world, and inSihort time refcaea
great partof it fr3undcrhrj.yoa*. Another tim'e,eorrie
ffi fl^ ti <^i/« yKO^M W * y «Vwbftpfd'*tie ..
wo«der&o£ t hefe tw w thtteiaft-jtdrt, irt Mngland'ind
Sc «iWy ponder thewftrlourlyiirtiyirMAf tmds tb>-
n^miM^p^mitrfMai'uiir-ffiSt Thrr* yet
tobe.adttiiredinhij Saints ncthdUaflJday, feed yoar
hearts aadraife them fometimes witrtfome of thefe
thoughts /Sometimes with ethers) untill they burnt
wjtjusyott.; ok tut m'in*mt:i<>atiuicl-"Kt\meiii-
tWwteyethe&.tbingssanddtBgritJ to*ear*1hwn,
,•>..;/ . ~ ■'.; Ej ■ but.
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
}Q A Serum -tt <*8 M* 3S*tty$i)wg;. 5
prove yo«rfolw*p«ri<»»iwitti#tt«gpa<»vJ'jfi'*«'7».!
it is iradc ttumoce of mm*, Midaf one •whtfcttKr
: aBd'of^^n^w, Pftl.*»,i*« <* crtniitetbuor
:hU wajns > M su <Kofien of Btaift', tUs'kaM'to
fliew arx himfelfc. Wfwder&ll •<»}«**, oonSlfiiMd
fetvtt, »nd fp«»k.of tkijft thiggBMhinkwirKiKw
with (he SatMs ,wd glorify thrift inHewwi ,«**
, not b»v« di(j>ofili»Bsl)«ufi"<J«*a>»li«iMlt. the gtew
•we-cw. whilcwe live h*««n»lithi? r •ttcHfttcav
WK<i»Oyif.»« oMeWe'nonlMfc^hingstilttiowlofejf
' -jt^YaguH) hems will »«fc<rat«*r mowwawejtJ fl&,««'«p«W*»*#«(»(^r 4 mU(ftihis} l ai[i
S9f «tein tfa«fc fluikSi n&hu. ntxmco ant «$>*»>
fisg&iutea)? ^itMaMWa^oMnkwttMiiikigMtMiiMid
imtfWmfi^Uifmt.fmifot yowbttajr art**
DifWTOlWsducy^arittier-i : r, ..;; ... -n
. Fuft,Ktat^iMhe*^«9Ma>ri£.iEj«ni«t«b
^^MMUrMpi tab motet *rfww&lou
■ iwnt^Thi^W? ibOtrt wltich wc M COKtwaoi*,
gj&*+c iMfm *t»*urlBiBK, I w w m l 'j ilV uili is oUTfyf-
mwWwf^ thr'lhtiiaiWtMCicerfiapeJw. -
SnaxMtty.lWtwil^itteqSimirjft/*. «s*i f».
*W T«* One L<Hd urnb.ftrvtd.iml! mwM
4W^Mt%«MWb*tbeSHs<te^. t»*» fcnowtefei* <*f
,w* 4Hhmv atm&saaMta&mvtHispmt-
• ' : '." 4 ' nefle,
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
.»gW$<(**«ro r *MJ5»!F9 ! ' , »raw»'' ji
onfeftoiB Jus wwdft&U MMMU bo* ««dloW
HBflflgflwi»n»li«»ia ; <i bjt* JiaaraWgt of am**
|^WW<i»»t«». ! *l»*pW6*i iftatoiMWmiicu.Mii
ftf<WgJy<WMl!« fojou540» *ts Wmfcbog ofthe
nine in his wondcvfull works, captivate the ionic
C^iMWGl* '''"I ' '" '•• ' ; - ' ""';•■'■ ■'
ifm&*i*i "*"» 0°d ft* »* ban*** wtauw »f
**, m Chfift M##jtfaM,»iaiiftllMtl»iim, ■ .
^ ) is^I^I«tJ»»ii^,f«»*A«r^i<«l««ri«.! > .(.
ftalUAi oithkm WW **'•*#, •ww.MittVHp
M.QME»««^ljJiflw6ioB ) .an<itlMiii»flt««'«g =
rf((^^!fSa(o«A'^^'¥»M«nitwi*tto*, -'•
Uritth****, *jtf^;ihv^»hy**^,«*i»
alMwa&rttei <**•»» •fr"*'^^™*"'*^
(tbcyaref/fy enemies that all, upon the fmmugunt
■ r-r 'of'
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
^ ax tmt 1 xwnwjigfywjj > *
of every vislljtaflafc' '» V«*ty«^;^a*l>ouf ttP
K Kttinanythlii^-fc»K; : c)ffelKbn«r*> : <!)«r>tteai<-
ons, & makes us. with unwearied dMigeftce to fearch
out, whatfoever is /wtofr in it v much more fliould it-
lore, where themoK we (haiy?Mf i the more wMhalt.
iwoifa-iand rtie more we wonder; therflofeflnltwe-
hetmr Go'd,and£ffKrourfelves*, the Hiore we fMr .
theTe cordialls, the more fatctnej! (tnii We draw from i
them. .- ) •:- '>'■ ■ ■'■ ■ ' -■ ". ; ■_■■'- "
- Qltherefore, that Chrift would open' our eyes;'
that we might fee his wonders in their iuft dimenfi-'
obs , in the wifdeme, fmer , frithfulDejfc igrctimQe,
jufiice, and truth, ihining in them^ that' thofe things
- might be glorious, and excellent in rtw'-eycs; which
are mean and common in the eyes of •fferj, that wet -
might be abletoanfwerfuchasfcenofuch thing in
them, (with the Painter, who being much taken
With a piece, though teeming plain, yet of excellent
workmanlhip, copne (gwrantly Islting Mm, what *
worth: he &wiin that poor pebec >o friend, cuddfi
thtuCte.mlhmf ejes, the* muldft be rtvijhedpithit^
And that our mmtbs might be filled with prtijis all
t,r«daylotig, eTpcdaUyiiponi*« day,purppfelyfet
»»«tt%;us, thankfully totccord trie gredtiudwer* .
derfri.tmkli tbetrm mdrtgthtm judgements, tftm>
Xing ef Sams ;~ll\diUveri%gMfrimttifhwtfuRf»<ird,
ii>.m»g» mfito,t>fammtH>rifc. up ■drutfl ui,iH
fwtp making ibek mi fdutf-.wrtiiii>i< uptnthtir-mn
htdd, tmfixg tlte)»:. toifiskidmHHl hit pit iehiii
til) mid'; '"the nil wbicklhej bid, is their ear) felt
{«&*,. And &> nuichipr thcfitftiUfe ) the Ufeitf
4d*ur*im< ':..:.• c (j 1 ' .'Ki tr.v; 1 .-ire".;; >r'\ 3-t :.;!•,
■ ' The
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
3,g,t,zcd by Google
Excellency-, to fefve him with a Angular, feparttr,
incommunicable fervice, and is fo commonly in the
Scriptore taken forthe wMe doty , which we owe
imtohimv thusto fear God} and totakebimibr wr
Gott&km, is all one,; Cf». 31. 53. lacob forxxzhy the
/«r of his jather //*«, that is, by the G«J of his &-
thcxlfue* Ifai.8.12,13. Neither fear yetheir fear,
that is, ferve not their geds, fanitifie the Lord of
Hoafls, and let him be your fear, that is, let him be
your Gsdabne. £ hnAglortfiethy Name, "} thy Name,
rhatis,i/y/f/£ thy Divine Majeftv* and to g Ivrifit
this holy not meant by making him glorioas,
or by adding luftre, or excdlencyto him/ which be*
fore he had not, for who ever hah given nm$ km t
But to glorific him is, to tcknowledge his excellency*
vadglory, todo-unto him, what may become his glo-
rie, to fet np and exalt feis glory. To ftur him (than)
end glerife hisName, as the half One,is to tcktitw-
ledge Bis Divinity, to vton him *m their onety Lord and
Mingy and f renouncing alt other falfa ChriftSjand
. Mediatours,)to^#f<tnemfeIves io&mhivtnlme,
and worfliip him with a fingular/eparate, mcaramu~
R*cat.e<l-w<>rrt)ip y ( his jealbufic admitting no Corri-
vaH,,f*«* is none hlptr tbe lsri\ neither mall any
partake with him in his glory )abfohitely, eminent-
ly* to do to him themfelves, and to provoke others
xp dOj as becemmeth his Excellency. This is the dirty
whichthe Church here engageth herftlf unto, and
is,itttruth,thewhole of Chrifttmity, thefummeof
•M, t^everiaiftHngGofpeH.wiuchdieATKeLflyingtho.
row the jnidfVof heaven, was to preach tatbem that
Agnized by Google
andtongue, and peopie, faying with tloudvoyce, rear
Cod, and give glory to him, and worjhio him that made
heaven and earth, that is,/f/w Chrifi alone, \>y whom CoLt'.t',
aU things were created, and by whom all things con-
fift. And this is the duty t Honoured and Beloved)
which I defire to prefle upon yourfelyes, eventhtt
you would be good Chripians inyoUr beans, andin
your lives, in your private places, and in your pub-
tire {landings 3 to engage your felves with aU your
tmght, mthaHpur authority, to advance the ghrnef
Cbrift, as the redeemed of the Lord, as true Suhje&t
to this Stag of Saints, to offer up as a living facrifice
what cveryou have, or arc, to his fcrvice, in advan-
cing his Caufe, his Worfhip, his Church, doing ic
yourfclves, and promoting it in others: Tothisend*
I iball, firfl, give you a few quickning Motives, tp
ftir you up, to make you ready and willing to your-
flays andfcomdly, tell you what the Lord expeefs
It your bands.
Eitft, consider what great and wondcrfull things Motives
Cm Loxi- hath already done for you,and how little yo* j,
have feared, and glerlfcd his Name to this day :
Who of you can count the great, and righteous deal-
ings of tlie Lord towards you, notonelyas youare
men, grcat,orrsch,learned,6v noble-, nor oncly as you
are Chrifianx, redeemed, called, juliifed, fanlfificd, by
this Kingof Saints, though all, andeveryofthefe
mercies^all loud upon you for this duty 5 but I mean,
*s you are a Parliament, whit great (*>ȣ* he hath
donefor you, in reference to this fery ice, wherein
he hath lately employed you. Hath he not carryedjoA
ixhisbtfome' hath he not kept youtstht afplttfhis
qtt aAnSafUfMUritb tperher-j»*g,^readiihae-
.-,-: , ; Fa hriad
• jtmmn ttthtlattl MnkjgVmg
n*?." jitht btrd>*ttrx Iwb frtfervtil jm Howconftanriy
.•.-.■■•■■ hath lie dtkHxtul, and hitherto- ^fcfintfW, allthe
Mo»pts.ol your enemies, fuffering ru mtftwefiiar
(elves bcleeve, ahains former EatUaYaenrenpanU
Wl Gods- dealing towards you, and all this while
(let *» (peak freely) how litik hare yon dons fat
his honour, and glory* I.tnow yoncdiftraftiwu
havcinnawjidibly hindered much of what might
(and I liope eHiwoqld ) havebeen done. But fay
I inthisday-of youttlitalifgiviBg Jif yon baiiDrin-
(mitcly bebindehsnd.yjith Ibis kord-GodAJinif-h--
ty, with this King of Saints i if yes havo*otocdi»
them • Hatb.henot often filledyonr htarts with fw,
and your purfes with money, and youliicetHTthritty
..,., , .1 cbJaaWK b»V« n^«d4v*ay^fat*bauY* Ha»n£you =
,, »ot checked hiftprovidmcesjrioe iiaptoiai his AG*
veranecsjuid the*dvanrageswlath Gadhathputi*.
to your hands ' orifcyour -hearts, at any trnwy have
been raifcda littleihavetlsey n« preflntijabMEat
»,deadlow ebbagiin/ haveyoiihoraooeaboin'to
UU»goodneu%«*th>Ci«iiMbaadarues< fcy fovis
VU.tet.7t. Ian£kim*lthifu,ivm lUtbt Hifeti tToruai*jantl
!»fer» he-hath idejiveasd you? :EfpeciaHy, hajJeuoa
aaasy of yoa ,d«4on«jH«d his Hatae, ran&grirjrMl
his Spiijtbyf your fiftrulllivea, b7 hrciting not into
things ewreaeily fcandalottsi doing the 'dmilUmiri\
wbife you proMfe yout (elves tohettre ■Eorifr jGr-
*^i?l«jBt^yM ) tluLot<l'willaw«iwayas
. .« V " ' , ftnve.
Di g ,t,^ by Google
ranee: when HtMtti *«>y « t it* Jtlivtrtda, peof
knowes how to fay /, alt itli-ser iha» lumtrt,-
hicms ItowtoiriHx thmlnifrr their Iniquity , ti
mgtviitkiM »)> >*»(** hvubifitor atrnj-ht tk
fori longtime hah feerfled uqweariable in vratel
ihgowi-amKidiinkfull people , will prove weary <
repenting, anttifl (trad of dying , 7 Arer ftwe »*n
»m»i, imtttiBiutltSm, wilt Htihceni fweare,
mil tvtrum ttnr.rvtruirtitlxm ,-»vtratrjnkim , x
tjmd»mfttk*plmirt*mhtgii*ffiik Its/Hi
(ailing ,. effkre , arid'wori , wherewMi God and his
jfcople W« trotted y«t> it this titftt,*)* with* wkfc
a^iMdwya^UponyoUtofcaferfie tort, and
gk»i&hi»INime^Mpreen*#4 : faWHleiB'ofyaur
d»wfome»dep«*Janpphiy«h.; the glory ■of Chrilt;
the eftablifhinent-of this Qmrch and Kingdome-, yea
rJie*etfuwor'a)10»riReirf(^e 4 i«gf««e'rfle»fBre,
isJfl<gfeMpRrteofo1hitte^uOToyoit.Yoii ire in part,
iht #»*f Altgi/rf Wh» are to jpoartoue the viall-
ofiheWrttfrofGed v who*eaid'«heieter#ntii««* : t
tfU>i*tnM<?etat)k<t)» f*n lnJ<mnlimi<ii>,y»vfK£
*rt*a*of6od;ho!yancfpore. » )»* tiimijjee ibM' ]tl ,
ho»til»<*<fltettolleTM. ; H<modr«e and befcned;
rtoW*fc«*»nablei thing vfeWi^ ttffee tfceifW* c/
(^lrrett(ie«h4*«i*»ti*!<»»y iftmm) how-tocom-
foKablcathing wc^d it be to the people- of God, ,
thc*t**rtSjiuiaprelewyoa eTcrycfcy at-thcthvone
Xeligim'tlm Rftrmtn or Religion, inouia/w re-:
ligion? thmfuch as are called lo/iwhe Kihgdome,
(houldM^ the Kirujdomtfthat in the grief oftheir.
fpirits,they (hould be compelled tofay, O Lordf;
l an theft mi* Jaw *»? ill it JM» it) Sott, fMifb ittmi*
the firitts cf Asktkn. Hpw,di(honourable would it
b«,rtptonlytpj«< , but to the ■King if Saipti, whOj
ufetli you, that they who hate the worke youare
about, (hould hate it the moreen regard of your wic-
ked Uvcs,w.ho are intruded with it? That they (hould
have occafion to fay of ypii , asAmirath the great
%mkt faidofthe Chriftiovt, who brake their league;
and Covenant with him, (and therefore fped accor-
dingly) O Ilfiu! art thtftthyChripam? \i thOubeefti
a God,as they prorefle thee to be,reveneeth« impie-
ty upon them : So ythtn japiftt and Athtifti$ndi\ich
as hate religion and reformation, when they (hall fee
the deformity of your iives,flmll fay ,o Ufu*\ urtthtfe
thy Xf/srw^jfarethefe the Angels that mud pour out.
the vials of thy wrath; Oh belovedido nps with Elia.
fonnes, occafion, men to sbhone ihiswork of the
Lord; far he it from you ; But let the' office you art
called unto, the placeypu arc fet in, the worke,and
the dignity, of the work , ingagc you to glorificthe
name of Chrift , that both his work may. profper in;
vc«rhan<feapdyow(eVesfe;«<hibh : (hedWo««hei
Lord for ever. But ifyou will not hearken to nttjet
me iadly (peak it are as a City fet upon an
hU!,yopar)d, yoiir.wiiyes aijejooket) upon by»B rajah.
• ... ' j X and
■ v D, g ,t,^byGoogle
■ttcFifyou hinder the worke by ybiir liv u , whic
ybur ijftce calls you tofmher^ it were better you h&in
<v'tr beenhrn itttethewerld. Them that honour Chri!
he will honour, and them that cldpifc him, fhalli
lightly efteemed; yea he knowes how to mate ufc
you, and your gifts, to promote his caufe, and to c
ftroyyou for the iniquity of your lives , as many
ihbfe who forwarded the building of the arkc, yet ]
rimed inthc waters.
■ Thirdly, confider how loud this dtyes deliver -4
cries iifyoureares to ingage ybur {elves to fear eh.
zn&glerife his name , who hath wrought this gr
farvatioii for were a wafiefiill expence ojti
loinfift upo the particulars ofthis. late bloudydef
in this Aflembly •, (though in ethers ufefull) All
light we have about incomes from you. The m
J rear and high hands which were Engaged ih it ,
ibtJltyof the eontrrvaerce,? he neerneBe; of the i
tfutioA, tie 'woefull conferences -, and' the bio
fruits which rauft needs have iflucd. from it ;
good handof God hVcruftiirig this cockatrices e
Wfore if bra&outt&bea fiery flying femem, a
rtiingstobepubHlhedahd'tobe jpread abroad
Jrher Congregations -, But to you I lhall only be
taetnbiwccr of : thus much r That you knew
your neer approaching danger,and that had this
chefoilS and oloudy contrivance tookene^ma
you had been at your long home, erethistime
the reft of this Honourable Affembly, hfchert
mtuprcfervers of our liberty , had" bcene mad)
Parliament of P*rU,tht greatefl: inftruments «
Xingdoines flavcry and vaffA'tUp for time to
But the Lord was awake when we flept , ant
' " . 0,9,1,7^ by Google
thecdlvto oraife him r,«3„T^_TLST£ 1 ™2
fo^and expefls from you.anilbcfwcbyou byS
We^todnwthewl^KiiJdQSk withS- S
£M* pfGodiHwS^^SC
doae, Wfiw wtwttdefig.Mdl^^^
Agnized by Google
htfmthhmcftMeHmfitif Omninf. 41
ofcen^edjandbrbught under the curfe of God;
if you perform not this foletnn Covenant s Think
how horrid. a thing it.Willprove.yfbranyof youto
ftandas ftrjurtd men before God, in matters of fucfi
confluence ■, Shall he break, his Oath .(laid God-of a E«k.<7.if.
King) andb'e delivered? Shall he efcape that doth theft
things? O Beloved, It tsafearfuU thmr . (in fuch ca-
fes efpecially ) to fall into the hands of the living God,
to whom you have appealed, and whole vengeance;
if you wilfully faiL, you have invocated upon your
own heads.
■- Lay therefore yourhands upon your heart, and
think what your purpofes and Refolutions are in
thefe few.thiogs, which 1 fhallmenriorcto you. ''
Tirft, forwhati»./*f( whatreiUforrowhaveye. t,
in your -hearts, 'for thole fins which you call God to
wirneffib-you are thus forry for < Howgricvousis the
remembrance of them, hiw intolerable do you feel
the burthen of them.; or do you take Gods Name in
vain, calling him to witnelfe of she forrow for thole:
.things which heinaws you -take pleafure in? Think
what ahfwer you . will make-to this. .
■■ Secondly 'WhfttiK your Refolutionsyi^f«»M«i ,
«»k. Yoi know what bjafphemies, what prophahe- !
ncflcs, what undeannefles, you have hitherto lived
in-, what icreligioh and libertinifme your fclves and.
families, have hitherto been guilty of, elfe yon
would never, have' admowledaed, your lins to have
deferves thefe judgements) Now I demand, what:
yourefblve todorortiraeto.come; Doyoupurpoiei
to.goonin your old ways -,lle that was -unjufi, to be
no other purpofe, but to kad f be Kingdom a dance,
G t»
Dig,t,^ by GOOgle
JSemm tt the late Tl»tnkfgm>%
to go before them in the formality of ifervke, with-
out changing your Leopards foots, or your Black- -
moors skins; or in truth, be you refoived, being
changed by the renewing of your rainde, to become
new creatures, to ferveChrift irlnewneiTeof fpirk,
that Chrift alone may reign as Lord and King here-
aftcr,bothin your hearts, and lives, and families, as
Ii/badi did, when he bid the Ifraelites choofe whom
they would ferve«for himielfhe was refolvred,though
he went t% dm, He and his family would ferve
the Lord.
Thirdly, as you are TirliMmaa mot, what are
your ptirpofes concerning your faithfotncfle to
Chrift, andthe Caufe of Chrift, and his Church
committed to your hands i If you mould altogether
foil, deliverance will come another way, the Gates
of Hell {hall never prevail againft the Church of
Chrift;. But are yercally five the Church
2nd Kingdom, though your felvesihauldperifliif*
the attempts or do you intend' undorfrffawiof be*
agfitfmfot Cbrifl, to drive a trait SuStim lid
Anticbrijt, to betray Religion and Liberty i or to
trade-in both the Indies, to hate aftockgoing on
both (ides,, that you may five yourowrtfhto, which
fide, fbever win or lofe, to five your own-skin, what-
ever beconreof the Kingdom • Likea ceaaifi Ja^Mt
of Stntu, (of whonal have leadiinthetfwir^iHi-
feory) who lived among the cfe^?«w, andkept.cor-
ntfpondencewkli thexw*-, who was a pAUu «w-
jtifftr tf Ckrif) but a ficrtt citcmuifidtiak , that
that VnrUjb nurt. migftt; fene-hiaiv if need wete ;
Have any of von fach canning device*,' tcvptocnrtp
enttnaH fafsty with the anainriitao^ yourfints f
'«'.' r ' ■' Honoured,
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befbrtththmrahkHoufeofCmmms. 4*
Honoured, and Beloved, I hope better things of yon
all, though I thus (peak, I hope you purpofe accor-
ding to you r Covenant, and what God requires and
expe&s at your hands, to flick clo/e to Chrift and
his Canfe, to fink and fwim with the Church, and -
Caufeof Chrift, with finglenefle of heart, and un-
wearied refolution5,tocarryonthewcH:k of God, to
value your (elves onely as his Inftruments, and let
him do by you, and with you, what is good in his
own eyes.
And for youf EncoWragimtnt, let me fpeak a little \ , vfi'of
of the third U(e, which the Church here- makes of Enconrtp-
,, thefe great txi&msrvettottt , thefe;**/?, and top waves,, «w»f.
and judgements of this King of Saints, which is a
PripktticiM Prognojiication, and foreieUing of what jkaU
further haffdi et$n the pitting out of every via/l •, and
that is.more and more people, and nations mail come
in -and fubmit to Jefu$ Chrift $ the Nations fhaS come
and mrjhtp before thee, for thy judgements are made ma*
nifejt : And this inables me for your comfort,to help
youto ananfwerof the moft dipcnlt qaeftion, ana
moft ferplexing thwghtjtbst I am perfwaded is inthe
heart of moft men living at this day, W*. God hath
caft our Lot in very perplexed times,all the banks are
broken down, all Gods judgments feem to invade us
at once, and GodsadminiftraticflitotheKingdomis
fuch, that the wifeft man cannot guefle, by Gods _>-
dealing to day ,w.hat he intends to do with us to mor- ^- • ' ''
row % Somt'rmes the J L6rd enables 1 X hxrtdfut of onrt% ■■
to chv&thi/HfandsohHi enemies* Sometimes *■*&•; .
tudisotours &tt^asattfoft>dingofateafsvbtntwtc
fnrfm them-, Sometimes wfc have At^ttftruments
imexpttfcdly r^yy^rYandt^veryufefuilmeii . r~ "
G: are., > : s$
■■'- . ■■ ' \a
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44 'A Sermon <tf tfo late Tfew^owJ ,
| are taken off,, and hofefuS men prove -tteacherom i,
^Sometimes the Lprd teems to intimatefas in a Cock-
pit ) that one fight frail end the buiineflc, one way or
other-, othervvhiles, all things are fet as if there
would be a lengthening out -of tnefe unnaturall wars-;
untillthe Cities and Countries are utterly fpoiled,
and the LaneV wafted without inhabitant; Nowin
thefe calamitous times, every mans thoughts run,a$
Djb. i.ty. Nebachadnezzars , with deilre to know what fhoitld
come topafe hereafter, and to demand with that Saint,
Dwi;8.ij. Hewlong itjhollbc to the end of thefe froubles y and all
P&1.74.9. complain, .that there is-w Prophet to tcHmbowlong y
. neither can I blame them as curious,who are modeft-
lyfolkitc4isto know what wili be the event of thefe
.'things, fey even the Prophets and holy, men of God
1,,! . heretofore, fearehed diligently to knmwh&y.dnd'what
manner of times the Hah Chofi intended,vfhenhe fpake
pf the fufterings -of Chrift, whether in hisP«yw, or
in his members. Now my Text gives ( I fay ) a/*W/*-
pory anfaftr, to this difficult Queftion, ,and I under*
take ( without fear of being csa£\xrtd y tobemfe above
jvhat, is written } to tell you what mil be the iffue.and
tveniofa&thefcmnblcsi. ■ ' "-"■...,
' .' AU Protettant Writers do agree> thatTve are under
the pouring out 1 of fbme one or more of thefeleven '
vialls i Some-think the fourth viall isnowpowring
put upon the Sun of the Antichriftian world-, Qthers :
the fifth, iipon the \ throne of the Bead $ there are^that
think.we are come as farrcasthcim viall, and the
Iriver Euphrates is drying lip.; I will not determine
which of them it is, itisfufficient, ( which of them
' foevei: it be) my Text aflures me the event fhall be
this, which is the event of every vial}, Antuhrifls
" ' t* rt
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hefire- the fatorabte Boufe of Commons. ^^
pmjbaU he weakned, and tht Church if thrift JJiaShe
ftrengthened; Something in every viall may afflitf
thcChurch, but incurably wounds the Bead .. Astlie
'[even Trumpets were fo many degrees ofthe deftrueti-
. on of the Heathen Empire, fotne feven via/Is arefo
many, degrees of the deftru&ion and ruin ofthe An*
tichriftian Empire s and his worth ydur obfervirig,
that all the time,, the whole twelves hundred and-
. threefcore years of Antichrifts reign, Chrift always
had 'an army of Saints, to warre agaiaftthe Beaft, a
. competent, number of witnefles,. who loved not their
.lives unto the death', But all the while of Antichrifts
fifing, and triumphant reigning, the event-of every
confti^,(^ '{c\x(&ev/f^,tb^%ha Beaft grew hig^her, zna
the Church fell lover ,the Papacy prevailed over all
that rofe up againft it, fo that the Church in the end
was hardly to be found vifibleupon Ac face of the
earthi.Butit is far otherw.ife in his declining f/»«,the
timewhe'n the viak are pouring out .every one of th£
plucks part of his fleece 5 one of them ftrips hirh of
this Kingdom, anotherof that-, oneof them.wea-
kenshis Tempoiall, another his Spkituall Jurifdi-
cltion* He is under the vials, as;H<w4»beforeJ/*rif* £fl ^?' , J-
t ai , having once begun to fail, he can never more prevail
againft them, untulia the end { the feventk viall 'be-
ing pouredout upon the whole power of darkneflc)
!the whole Church triumphantly fhouts with a'.loud
. voice, It if done, there is an utter efid of tfoisenemy.
So that I dare fpeak it as confidently as I beteeve the
Revelation to be divfne Scripture, and the meariing .'
of it thus fane made known to the Churches, that
what viall foever is now powring out, the iflue will
be, That Antichtift fhaU lofe , md Chrift. jbitU gain t , ■
G 3 Andk.
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