G V I D E.
o %,
A Trcatife concerning the
Which.as the Ifraelites CloudjCondufts
us frora Mgjpt to Canaan . whereunto wee
muft take heed, as uiito a Light that fhineth ia
a darke place, till che Day dawne,and the Daj*
{larrc arilc in our hearts.
That Reverend , Learned , and Godly Minifter
of Chrift lefus, R o B E R T B o L T o N, Bache-
lour of DivJnitie , and late Preacher of
Gods Word at Broughten in
loKM 5. SO, 21. 'I^i,'^
Every one thatddth tvill^ hateth the light ^ neither commeth to the light, il^ SC*-
lejl hti deeds ptottld be reproved, :1^,«.^
But he that doih the truth, commeth to the light , that his deeds may '^^*^
be made manife^. that they me wrought in God, i^T *'^
LONDON, #»&•
Printed by E, Purjlow , for Rafha Harford^ in
Quccnes- head- Alley in Pater-NoFter-Rgw, at
the Signe of the Gilt Bible, 1^34.
IohnCkve 5 Eiquirc , one of
his Majcfties lufticc fthe Peace
and j^HorumySic. for the Couatie of
ۥ C '9ollheth encreafe of Grace and Peace
/» C H R I s T , htre ^ and eternaff
Ghry hereafter^
Right W orshufvll,
*Ot H Law and well
approoved Cuftome
hath long eftablifh-
cd it,That the Hcire
ftiould fuccccd in mi-
Verfum jusdefmSti^^vid
have inccreft, title,
the pofleflions and rights of the party dc-
ccafcd : yea, they adde alfo, chat bdrediw
(a i) tranfit
*04lj. a?.
^Ihe Spiflle Dedicatorie^
tranft cum onere , the Inheritance cannot be|
fevered from the troubles and incumbran-
ces that goe along with it. Vpon which
ground jfeeing it hath pleafed your worthy '
Father, Sir Thomas Cj^e , (who is now at
reft with Chris t ,whicn is * exceedin^y
fane more better than all other excellencies
the Lord had here graced him with) with
much favour and wiliingncflc to undertake
the Patronage of thefe Pofthumous Wri-
tings in his life time 5 my earneft defire un-
to your Worfhip is^Cwho are ^atrub^res
ex ajfe, andj doubt not, but alfo ^fecundum
promifionem) that you would adminlfter in
thefe,as a parcell of his goods and chattels,
(as they call them) and iiicceed in the pro-
tedionof them : That as the memorie of
your natural! Father is preferved and ho-
noured in themJo the honour and glory of
your fpirituall may be promoted and ad-
vanced by thefe.
Befides which premifles , I hope that
the very Name of that worthy and faith-
full. Minifter of Ie s V s Ch R [ s TjMafter
Robert !BaHon (j5iM«<?eeV«, that late bright-^
ftiining Starre in the Firmament, of ouj;
Church :
l^he EpiUle T>edicatorie.
Church ; a man bc3db well knowne and
approved of you , as being a neighbour
Miniftcr, and fo greatly renowned for his
Learning and Labours in his former Wri-
tings , amongfl: all them that have read
them 5 that they may acknowledge it to
be more truly laid of him, that was fome-
cimcs fpoken oi^riflotle, * That his very
Pen was dipt in Vnderftanding , and all
kind of Learning was the Inkc that hee
wrote withall, in regard of that profound
wifedome and refined knowledge and elo-
quence that flowed from it : ) I fay, I am
confident, that his very Name will make
an cafic way for his Writings unto your
Worftiip 5 who for the care and cndcvour
to advance the glory of God,and to further
the welfare and edification of his Church,
and for the love to godly and painefull
Minifters , and the godlinelle profefled,
preached ,and praftifed by them,and many
other gracious endowments wherewith
the Lord hath enriched you,have the love
and admiration and high eftimation of all
thofe that fcare God , that know you, or
have heard of you,
(a 3) This
The EpMle DeJicatorie.
This confidence iNtth CKiboldened me
to prefcnc thefe enfuing Trcatifcs unto
your Meditation, and Patronage ; befee^
ching the Lord of his mercie to fanftifie
them to your owne and the Churches be-
nefiCj and tobleffe jour felP- and all yours
with alt fpirituall Bleffings in hea-
venly things , in I E s V s
Tour WorJlAps humbly dclnMcd^.
in aU holy endeato'^rs^
■ ; ■ '■ Cv;c;,
'tV^ ' A^T ?"
Good Rbadbr, ,- . „
Cannot denicy But that the Arguments
handled in theft three foUo^ing Treati-
[es^are common ^ and the ordinarie fub-
jeH both of man) Sermons and printed
_ _ _ _ Bookes in thefe dayes : yet t»ee knotv^
that the commonelf Meates doe yeeld the molf tvhole-
fome nourijhment , whereas netv-found J>ijbes doe but
clogge thefiomackeyandjii^ the body with unwholefome
humours, B ejides, if the found andnerv manner of hand-
littg common things may commend them y (as it ever
■^aid) then / hofe^ that this fVorh mU he tvelcome
unto thee. Thou knorveB tveil^ I doubt not ^ thejingu-
lar dexteritie of this Reverend and able -^iniBer of
1 E s V s C H R I s T , ^) his formenvritingSj in hand-
ling the Scrifturey hojv hee fhetved himfelfe (as Paul
exhorteth Timothy, 2 Tim.2 . 1 5. ?o be) a Work-
man that necdeth not to be afhamed, rightly di-
viding the Word of Truth. Onely underfiaitd not
by the right dividing of the ivord^ thefubtle and curious
• (^ a) chopping
* XWlSj KiW»J.'.
h6)fV, quid [it.
To the Re ader.
chopping and mincing of the fVord hy Dichotomies, Divi'.
[ions^And Sub'divifions^^too ordinarie in thefe dayes) hut
(as the meaning of the fvurd is^ and the Syriacke verfion
conjirmes it) to handle and preach the word aright, i. as
M, Beta expounds it well . For the Doarine ic fclfc
to omit nothing that makes for the clearing of it;
to adde nothing of his owne,to diminifli nothing,
to mangle nothjng,to wreft nothings laftlyjto con-
fider diligently what the capacitie of the hearers
is able to bearc, and whatfocver may tend to edifi-
cation y or, as learned Fuller expQunds it, to fet open
or make plainc as it were the right way of the
Word of Truth • So this mrthy Author hath done . he
hath traced out and opened the right way of truth and ho-
linefie out of the holy Scriptures^
His Writings 1 mayjuftly commend for three or four e
notable excellencies (to name no more.)
Firft , For their clear e difcovering offinne^ and their
exaBfiarching and fif ting of a Chriflians heart,toplucke
off the wizard of all forts ofHyfocrites, and to bring tg
light, and lay open to the eyes of the World, By the Touch-
jione of Truth,their counterfeit andunfound Graces, and
I to find out the endieffe trindings and labyrinths ofjjpiritu-
all guile infelf-deceiving hearts. This he doth excellently
by the cleare light of Gods word,Mch hath an admirable
vertue this tray, Heb. 4.12. beinga difcerner of the
thoughts &: intents of the heatt.and putting a cleare
difference betrveene the freciom and the vile.
Secondly/or the Stile,as beingfuU of divine eloquence^
hit Lips and Pen dropping abundance of the feveeteB of
that word, trhich if fweeter than the Honey or the
dropping Honey-combcs, PfaL i^ . lo.
To the Reader.
Thirdly^ The Author being amsn fttveliverfed in an-
cient Writers of the Primitive times , thou mayejipnde
in hisBofikes (nofmall tafte vchereofyou have in this ) a
much better ufe made ef their Labottrs^ than is made by
many Diijines ; feeinghehath proved abundantly outef
them thejlriB pints of fanBipoation, His Quotations
indeed in thefe lafl^feeme notfs numerom as in his frece-
dent f^srkes : the reafen is^ becaufe in thefe/or the mo ^
fArt^the Authors are onelyquned^ their mrds net f re-
duced^ as not having fome ofthem^ and the reji not of the
fame Edition • fb thaf his Referenda lUt^lc helped us t9
his intended Matter,
Fourthly^ I may not omit that (which in other }Vriters
is commonly accounted blame^rvorthy, but inhimafingu-
lar excellencies and commendable) his long digrejjions
from his fnaine matter in hand* proceedings I conceive^
out af the abundance of his hearty and long experience in
Gods fvayes : as thofe that by long travelling in a way^are
well acquainted with it^canfinde out all the by-wayes and
blinde paths about it ; which our Author hath excellent^
ly done ► SOj that b-^ his digreffions out of the erdinarie
Road, he is more likely to jet a wandering Soule into the
right way againe,
Now^for the preventing or removing ofallprejudi-
cate Opinions which ma^ arife concerning thefe enfuing
Trcatifes^(as though^Strumfet-like^anyBaflardly Brood
unlawfully begotten^fhould be fathered and fajlened upn
fotrulySeraphicaU and Bivine a Pen-man) this I can
more than promife (verbo M iniftri ) That there is no-
thing in them^ f&r matter or manner^ either fhuriow^ or
furreptitiouf ; nothing but what is qenuine^ and the Au-
thors owne • the immediate ifae of his working Brain e^
I a^d
To the Reader.
And flowing from his orvne Je kftie Pen, fvhich way he a ;
feafonahle advertifement unto thee for the future ^ from
rrhom and which rvay thou art to exfe^^ufon the further
ferufailof his fcattered ManufcriftSywhat elfe jhall (pe
deemed tecrthy to befolilbed^ andfipuhlijhed. If there
be any thing in that Mehu here prefented to thy view
that likes not thee^ becaufe not like the Author , failing
for depth oflearning^or varietie of eloquence . hlame not
him deceafedy (who being dead^yet f^eaketh) but impute
it to the fubftitutedfurviving Midwife^that had not lei^
fure fuff<^icnpy U If dug come to iheSirthy to attend its
bringing forth, I meane/ny jelfe ^ who for the multitude
of diftr anions and pr effing occafionsyfince thefe Writings
mre intrufled to me^ asalfofor the imperfeBneffe and
defeB of the CeppieSy could notfjpendfo much time and
paines in the exaB perufing^lijhingyand perfeBing of it
as Ijbould and would have done : vhich mufi be the Afo^
logie to plead for pardon. But yet I hdve not beene^an-
ting to cull out fuchfjpare houres as I could y to bring this
tvorke to light yand to prepare it for the Prepy as alfofor
thy vietv and benefit • MchyJhopey thou wiltjindey by
the due and diligent reading and praBifing of
* it, ffijich f commend unto thyfelfcyand
tf^yfelfcywith the f^orkeyWtto the
Lords Sif^ffg,
Thine iaChriftlcfus,
C. C.
Tbj Word it a Lampe unto myfia , and a
Light unto my ^aths.
V all other parts of the holy Bible,
this Booke of the Pfalmes^ (penned
for the moft part by David , the
fwcet Singer of Ifrael^ and a man
after Gods ownc heart) is ftuftand
fiird with greateft plentie and varietie of preci-
ous LefTons and inftru(3:ions unto cternall life.
The choice and flower of all things profitable
and comfortable for the right courfe of a Chri-
(b) ftian
Tbe Concents
and the be-
nefit of the
Pfdoics in ge- j
neraU* j
Of the 119.
an particular.
1 of ic.
The Saints fure
ftian life, is therein bricfely contained, and very
ifiovitigly and feelingly expreft. In them we may
be acquainted with the Majeftie and Myfteries
of God, with the Sufferings of Chrift, withun-
faincd Repentance, unwearied Patience, fpiritu-
alj Wifedome , and wonderfull Courage of the
godly man, and true Chrillian. In them we may
behold the terrors of Wrath, and the anguiflies
of an affli(i;ted Confciencejthc comforts of Grace,
aind great I^eliveraDces, the wpnderfullworkcs of
Providence over this World , and tlie promiled
loycs of that World which is to come. In a
word, all good nreceffarilyto be either knownc or
done, or had, is plentifully, as out of a rich Trea-
furicjreveard and ofer'd unto us in thcfe heavenly
Songs of David. » H Ci i V x)
Amongft which, this ii^. Pfalme (apart of
which I have now read untoyow) is, as it Were, a
precious Icwell,X)r,deare Cry ftall • wherein wee
may fee theright temper and ftate of true godli-
nefTc, and fincer itie, the markes and properties of
all true worfliippers of God,the zeale and affe6^i-
ons of all faithfull ChriftianSjthe very lively Ana-
M>mie and laying open of a good and gracious
This whole Pialme doth confift of 1 1 . Parts or
rPortions of Staves, or Craves, even juft fo nMwy
as there be Lettas in tlie Hebrew Alphabetyand
every Portion containeth in ittight Verfes j and
every Verfe of every Portion, or Staffe , begins
, with the fame Hebrew Letter. The wliich fpeci-
all and extraordinarie penning aad difpofing of
and perfetuall Quide,
the P^lme,doth declare and fee out unto us chefe
thref things ;
1 ' The diligent intention of mind, and care-
full meditation of the Author5in the framing and
2 The precioiifncflc and worth of the matter
contain'd in it j in that it pleafed the Spirit of
God to deliver it in choice and fpeciall order,
5 A defire and purpofe, that it might more
eafily be Icarn'd by heart, and committed to me-
moric , and often and came ft iy meditated and
thought upon,being fei dovirne unto us in fo faire
and eaje order of the Hebrew Letters.
This PartjOr Portion, which wee have now in
hand, is the foureteenth ^ and doth containe in it
many worthy and gracious Leflbns for our in-
flrudion *i>d devotion in heavenly thmgs,propo-
fed unto us out of the pradice and Chriftian car-
riage of this holy Prophet,and Man ofGod^David^
a perfeft patterne of all true zealc and pietie.
In the thirteenth Portion , immediately going
before^-D^wVhad delivered fpecially two things.
Firft, How by his love, reading, ftudy, and me-
ditation in Gods Word, he had attained moft ex-
cellent knowledge,wifedome,and underftanding;
fo that thereby he was become farre mere wife than
hu enemies '^ that is, than Ssul and all his pditike
Courtiers and Counfellors of State. Hee had
tnsre mderfiandiftg than his Teachers^, than the great
Dodiors,and Rabbins 3 for all their dcepc Lear-
ning being not fan(aificd unto them. He under-
ftood more than the grave and ancient men,for all
(b2) the
Three Leflens
CO be learned
Two things
obfcrvable in
How David
became viitet
than his cne-
True wi^dotnc
to be had only
from and in
the Word.
The Reafon.
Bccaufc oihct
wifdomc pro-
vides only for
the body, but
this for the
The Saints fare
the worldly vvifcdome and great e5(pcricnce they
had gathered in many yeercs, and through len<yth
of dayes. Where,by the vtay,takc this Leffon.
There is no wit or policic,not all the Lcarnino-
in the V\'orld, or worldly wifedonae, can make a
man truly wife, (that isjwife unto falvation) but
onely a povi'erfuli and working knov^'ledge out of
the holy Word of God.
The Reafon is : Becaufe all other wifedome
doth onely provide for the Body, for a t^^mporall
happineflc in this life , for a few and evill dayes
and leaves the Soulc ina ilnfull and wretched c-
ftate, fhortly^in rheday of Vifitationjtabe over-
taken and fearefiilly confounded with ftran^c a-
ftoniiliments, horrors, and defpaire - andhereif-
ter,wofully to be tormented amongft wicked De-
vils in the Lake that bcirnes with fire and Brim-
ftone for evermore. But wifcdome out of the
Word of God doth fo furtiifha mans Soulc with
Grace, and all holy Vcrtncs , that in dcfpj<Tht of
all creatures, hec may live comfortably in this
Vale of teares, and iaendleflTc joycs in the W.QfId
to come. --f "7o- ?id'/d v.'orKr ;
Now (I pray you) tell me, whether is truly the
wiferman; hec, that for an inch of time makes
much of his VT retched Body, that nuift Hiortly
rot in the grave, and be devoured of WornncSjand
turned intoduft ; but in the meane time lets his
immortall Soule,thatcan never di"e,{inkc into the
Dungeon of everlafting woe and miferie : or hec
which by taking found and faving couniell and
direction out of the Word of God, and how-
andperfetuall Cjuide.
foever he be hated and ncgle(5lcd of this vaine
WorId,yec ycclding cheaietull and conftantobe-
dicnce chercunto^provides unfpeakable comfort,
reft,and blcffcdneflc both for Body and Soule,
through all etcrnitie ?
Secondly, In the fecond part and fourc laft
Vcrfes of the former Portion , Duvid. fcts dotvne
the fruit, ufc, and benefit which fprung from his
divine knowledge. It fwcetncd his heart with
much comfort,and found contentment,and chea-
ted him with ;o) unf^edkable, and gkmut^ amidft
all croites and difcomforts j ic bridled and re-
ftrained him from ever^ evillvfaj ; it kept and prc-
ferved him inthe paths of righteoufnelTc ^ ic bred
in him a hatred and loathing of the wayes of error,
falfchood^and hypocrifie. Where, by the way, I
would give you this other LelTon,
We muft labour and be furc that we draw our
knowledge in Gods W^ord into pradice,adion,
andexercife; othcrwife,it will not onely be un-
profitable and unfruitful! unto us, but indeed
bring upon us a greater and more fearefull con-
demnation. For, He that htrres hU Majiers wiU^
and deth it not , ^all he bcAten mth man^ ft^ifes^
Luke 12 . 47. All our knowledge is in vaine , ex-
cept by the power of it our inward affedion^ be
faniSlified, our words feafoned with grace, our
ad^ions and convcrfations guided with fpiritaall
wifedome and unfained (inccritie.
After DAvid had thus, in the former Portion,
I layddownc unto us, and confefled what excellent
j knowledge he had got out of tlie Word of God,
I . (b3) and
He fets downc
the fruits of
hie kaowiedge
\ P«.x.8.
All our know-
ledge muft be
The fourc-
ccench Part
The Saints fure ]
, and the precious fruit and benefit he had reaped
and enjoyed by it : Now,
In the firft Verfe of this prefent Portion, hee
makes, as it were, a proteftation and profeffion,
that he is wholly and onelyenUghtened and led
in all his vvayes by this holy Word of God, as by
a Light or Lantcrnc : The brightnefle thereof
doth'not onely bring him into the vvayes of righ-
teoufnc(!e,and blcffed cftateof Chrirtianitie,but
doth alfo condud and guide him in all the paths
aijd particulars of his life and anions, in all the
parts and pafTages of his fpcciall calling: For be
faith , Thy w&rd u a Lamfe unto wy feet ] that is,
whereby I fee and difccrne the way to Heaven,and
the narrow path thtoi^igh the Kingdome of Grace;;
and A Light unto my paths} that isj a guide to diredt
me in every particular ftep,lt every turning, that
{o I may kcepe a ftraight courfe , and the readie
! way to the Kingdome of Glory. '♦' -• ■ '^^ ->"^" ^
That Davidh^d thus wholly yeelded and rcfig-
: ncdup himfelfe to be guided and governed by
I the glorious Light of Gods holy Word,appeares
intheVerfes following,
I Firft, in F'eyf, \o6. by a folcmne Oath and fa-
i cred rcfolution tokeepeGods righteous judge-
ments, and an unfained and conftant purpofe to
perfonne the fame 5 / havejwome^ and willprfQrme
itjtbat I fvi^ keepi th righteeui judgements,
Secondly,in yerf.ioy. by his patiencieand fuf-
fcrance of wrongs , difgraces , and affftic^tions, .
which the wicked and prophane World heaped
ppon him , for his profefS^n of holineffe and fin-
and perpetuall (juide.
ceritie. For, except he had loved and fcillowed
the Light of divine Truth, vvhenfocver the fire of
per fecu t ion and tr ib u lation^bccau le of the V\ ord,
had beene kindled agamft him , hee had fhrunke
backe and fallen away , / am affliSed very much,
quicken me, O Lord, according to thy fVord,
Thirdly 5 in Verf. io8. by the offerings of his
mouth, and calves of his lips ; that is, the fpiri-
tuall facrifices of prayers, thank fgiving, and gra-
cious Vowcs for Gods fervice, which with a free
and fervent rpirit,and earneft defire of acceptati-
onj he continually offered unto the Lord ; O Lord
I befeech thee,accept the free-tvitl o^erings of my mouth,
and teach me thy judgements.
Fourthly, in f^erf.io^ji lo. by his ftedfaftneffe
and (licking to the Law and Word of God,
though hee was befct and ftrongly incompaffed
with lnares,with dangers, and with death it felfe:
HUfouieivas continually in hi^hand-^ that is, hee was
ready and refolved every houre rather to part with
his lifcjthan with a good Confcience , to fhed his
bloud, rather than to forfake the Truth and Com-
mandements of God : My fiule u continually in my
hand^yet doe 1 not forget thy Law : The tricked have laid
afnareferme^yet I erred not f rem thy Precepts.
In the two lad Verfcs,uponthe former reafbns
hee concludes the Point • That his heart and in-
ward affe(5tions do dcarely embrace Gods blcfTed
Word, as a moft rich and lading Inheritance, as
his fweeteft and grcateft joy ; and,thaj hee bends
all the powers of his foulcjand beft endcvours", to
. be led with,and to follow the Light thereof even
I (b 4 ) "nto t
1 Tm.€.if»
Slit iMiVes
and aa hypo-
yerf. lou
guided by the
Word in aU
A natural!
m»n not at aU.
1^ he Saints fur e
Oi In pars'.
unto the end , untill it bring him teimmortalitic
and Light^thAtnomAn can at tame unto : ■ Thy teHi-
monies have / taken m an heritage for ever ^f or thj are
the rejojci?ig of my heart : I have inclined my heart ta
fer forme thy Statutes alrray, even to the end.
Thus you fee in gencraJl the meaning of this
Before now Idefcend unto particulars , and
come to gather Notes (everally from the Verfes
in order, let vs take notice,! befcech you, (for our
inftruvftion and examination of ourovrnefoulcs)
of fixe notable markes , and fignes , by which a
true Chriftian may be difcerned from a Tempo-
rizer- a fincere ferver of God, from a carnall
The firft I gather out of the firft Verfe : Every
fonneand fcrvant of God doth with humilitie,
chearcfulneiTe, and. obedience, yeeld and ftibmif
himfelfe tobe wholly and onely dire^cd and gui-
ded by the Light of Gods Word,in all his wayes,
both generally,of Chriftianitie,and particularly,
of his fpeciall callings as I>avid here did. But
the naturall man , that is not yet entred into, or
acquainted with the ftate of Grace,is led and gui-
ded in his courfes onely by the Light of Rcafon,
and worldly Wifedomc 5 by good Meanings,
without ground and warrant out of the Word •
by a blind and ignorant Devotion; b^y the Mul-
titude, Examples, Cuflome of the Times, and
fuch like blind Guides: But if he take any advice
a^d dire(i^ion out of the Word of God , it is but
in part, by halfes^and for a timei .
A fecond
and perpetual I ^uide.
A fecond arifeth out of the feeond Vcrfe;
Every Child of God doth not oncly promifc,
vow, and purpofe to forfake and abandon all his
knowne finnes^to watch carefully and confcrona-
bly over all his wayes, to delight in and to fort
himfelfe with godly and gracious companie, to
have a xt^^tdi to all his CommandementSjand to
kccpehis righteous ludgements; but hee doth
alfo truly arS throughly performe it : hec goes
through-ftitch with his fpirituall affaires, and
with conftancie and courage walkes in a fetlcd
courfc of Chriftianitie. But the unregeHcrate
nian, not yet foundly feafoned with the power of
Grace j howfoeverhe hath fometimes good mo-
tions and purpofes arife in his heartjto forfake his
former evill waycSjand to fall to godlincfl*} how-
foever in thfc time of Sicknefle , of fome great
ludgemcntj^orwhen his Confcience is terrified I
by the Miniilerie of the Word,whcn he icrioufly
tainkes upon the day of his death , and; of that
great and la ft ludgcmentjOr the like ; hee makes
Vowes with himfelfe, perhaps^ that hee will be a
new man,and change his courfes : But when he is
once out of danger againe, when he comes to the
point, and pradice, he is not fo good as his wordj
he doth not pay and performe his former Vowes
and purpofes y hee is prefently choaked againe
with worldly Cares,and drowned in earthly Plea-
fuTCS ; And fo-all hhgoodn^Jfe is as amorning Ckud^
and as the morning Dvaiv it goeth avi^y.
The third maifke lyeth in the thirdVerfe: Eveiy
Child. of God dodi with contented patience,-
He pcrfDcmcs
all his Vowes.
An unrcgcnc-
race man doth
He patiently
IbfFcrs perfc-
cution for the
The carnal]
fpare* him'
rtrf. 108.
He is frequent
in praying aod
The other not.
l^he Saints fure
vvithftroogdependance upon Gods providence,
with rejoycing in his fLiftbringSjbcare and endure
many miferies and prelTures layd upon him, for
his profcflion and pra6:ice of finceritie. He well
knowes out of the Word of God , and fceics by
his owne experience, That all Mch mil live godl^
in ChriB isjuf^ jhaU fujfer perfecution , 2 r/w. 3 .12.
And therefore he makes up his account with the
World, and is at a point witk all that is under the
Sunne . hce is per fwaded, that aH the affliBioAs tf
this life are not mere tvcrthy the glory nhich fhallbe re-
vealedyKom,%,iZ, ^--1
But the carnall Cofpeller he thinkcs it is good
fleeping in awhole skin 5 he lookes fora Gofpel
of eafc, for a foft and fiikcn fcrvice of God j for a
Church (as one fpeakes) aS offelvet. And thcre-
fore,rather thaahewill fuflfcrany lo(Ie,orvvor{ing,
any diminutionordifparagement in his outward
ej[tate,in his reputation, wealth, and worldly hap-
pinefTe, he will make jhifrvracke efagood CgnfciencC'^
he will yeeld to the^orruptionsof the Times,and
with the greater part, reft and repofe hinifelfc
peaceably and pleafantly upon his Bed of eafc,
and carnall fecuritie : never confiderin?;, that the
CrofTeis the Chriftians triumph^ that Chrift
himfelfewas crowned with Thornes ^ and, that
wee muH through man"^ afliBions efrter into the King-
dome ofHeaven^ AB, 14. 2 2 .
A fourth marke may be gathered out of the
fourth Verfe : The prayers and prayfings of God,
m the mouth of Gods Child, are frequent, free,
and fervent ^ bat with the carnall Gofpeller, they
and per^etuall (juide.
are very rare, coldly and formall. The Rcafon is^
Cods Child is veryfenfibleof his corruptions,
^d wants, hee ftill longs and gafpes for more
grace , with a fpirituali taftc he (vveetly relilTieth
Gods great mercic and goodnefTe unto hinti ^ he
hath the love of God and the fpirit of prayer
fhed into his heart by the Spirit of Adoption ^
and therefore his heart is as full as the IVtoone, of
godly motions and mcditationsjwhich likea con-
tinuair Spring fends out groane? and fighes un-
utterable, many zealous and faithful! prayers and
thankfgivings unto his gracious God with a free
and feeling aifecaion. But the carnall Gofpeller,
becaufchis underftanding was never enlightened,
his heart never truly humbledjhis affedions never
fan(^ified; becaufehc hath no fence of hi? wfet-'
ched eftate^nor prcfent feeling of gracc5nor found
hope and aflurance of happincfle in Heaven- why,
therefore be hath no great mindjOrheartjOrfift to
prayer; hee hath no great delight, or exercife, in
this holybufinefie : and if he doe pray (which is
but feldome,and coldly) it is but lip-labourjand
loft labour, becaufeitiswithout faith, and fee-
ling; for fa(Tiion,cuftome, or company, becaufe
he was fo taught in his yoitth ; or that he fuper-
ftitioufly thinkes, the very worke wrought, and a
number of prayers folcmnely faid over, will fan-
^f^ifiehim. ' 3 ibv
A fifthmarke may be gathered out of the ffxr
and feventh Verfes : The Child of God doth not
onely pafle through with patience, for the pro-
feffiOnof ^ods truth and finceritiCjIefTe and
The Reafon,
Fcrf, 109,110..
He will lofe
hivlife for
A teraporanc
A Child of
Ged counts
the Word his
reatcft Trca.
The ReafoB,
The Saints fure
riourmiferies.; as lofTe of goods, lofTe of friends
and reputation with the World, (landers, dif gra-
ces, and wrongs : butheealfo W^/i^Af/o»/5 (as it
were) continuaUy in hishsnd^ as David\\Q.XQ fayes
oFhirafclfe-,-^readie (if need be, and the times
fo recju ire) even to fhcd bis bloud vndcr the Svvord
of Perfecution, or to lay dowrne his life in the
flames, rather than to diilionour fo merciful! a
God, to betray his holy Truth ^ or, by his back-
fliding and falling ^way, to hazard that Crowne
of Glory,whichby thecycof faith hehathalrea-
diein fight. But the carnall GofpcIIcr, in time
of peace and plentic,whilc he lives quietly,and at
eafe, without croflfe or trouble, infaireand Sun-
fliine dayesj may perhaps be a ftout and peremp-
torieProfeflbr, but hee ever (lirinkcs in the wet-
ting J he pulls in the head in the fieric trial I : ever,
when trouble or ferfecmion commeth , bccaufe of the
fVord, by and by he u offended.
The fixt marke is gathered out of the two laft
Verfes : The Child of God holds his Word farre
more deare than any precious Trcafure, than the
richeft Inheritance , than * great Spoyles , than
*th9ufands of Gold and Silver : It is the joy of his
heart; and therefore it inclines and inflames his
affedions with love and zcale to doe Gods will,
and fulfill all his Commandcments. And no mar-
vcll though the true Chrifliian find moft found
and unconceivable delight in the Word of God,
the Doi^rine of Heaven : For by ic, he is borne a-
new, and made hcire of Heaven ; by the Light of
it,he fees his Name written in the Booke of Life,
and perpetuall Quide.
never to be raced out by man, or Dev ill ; all rhe
fvv'eec and gracious promifes of falvanon and
comfort revealed in ii^ arc lure bis owne : So that
thence he knovves5and is perftvaded undoubtedly,
that after a ^cw and evill dayes fpcnt in this mifc-
rabl'e life, he iliall remalne aod rcigne eternally in
the glory of GodjOf Ghrift IcfuSjthe bleiled Spi-
rit.and thcholy Angels. JBut it is othcrvvife vi^ith
the carnall Gofpeller ; for what focver 1 new or
proteftation hc; makes tothe contrary, yet indeed
in his heart,affedicms^and pradice^hee preferres
his pleafures, r;cbes,and profit, before hearing of
Gods Word, fandifying his Sabbaths, and obe-
dience to his Commandements. And no mar-
veil; for bccanfe hcc yet never lived the. life of
faith , butisarheere ftranger to the myfterie of
godlinefle,hce hathno trueintereft nor found af
furance in the joyes ofanother World- and there-
fore feeds oncly and fills himfelfewith tranfitqrie
and earthly contcBtfnents. ij ?rioioOiq fiorn utr.
Novj^ I bcfeech you ( beloved' in Chriftlcfus)'
let everyone with finglenefie of heart and fincc-
ritie examine his owne Soule, and the fpirituall
ilate of his Gonfcience^by thefefignesand marks
which I have now delivered to you, out of the ex-
ample and prceedencie of the Ghriftian afre(5li-^
ons and holy difpofition of David, a fandVified
man, and a principal! patternc of pierie and zealc
for all faithfull ones. Kmrvyou not (faith the A po-
ftlc) that Jefm ChriJi ifin you , except )ou he repro^
hates ^ So undoubtedly, if lefus Ghrift be in
you, if you be of Davids ftampe and temper, that
A Chrjftian
man hath fuch
affuraHce in
the good
things of the
world to com?,
that he can ca
fily moderate
as touching
earthly and
It \s otherwifc
And why ;
T^he Saints fure
is, alrea«lie pofleffcd of the (late of grace, and
marked ouc by the Spirit of fandification/or the
glory that fhall be revealed; you doe find in fomc
good meafure thcfe markes and Hgnes of an holy
man in your fclves,
1 That you are enlightened and guided by
the Word of God in all your way es.
2 That you have not onely good motions and
purpofes for a zealous and conftant fervice of
God ; but doe faithfiiny,with (tnceritieand inte-
gritie of heart pcrforme the fame.
3 That you futfer joyfully and patiently zi-
fliiSions and difgrace in the World, for the te-
ftimonie of Gods Truth, and profcflfion of fin-
4 That you freely and faithfully , with much
feeling and fervencie of fpirit, offer day ly prayers
and prayfes unto the Lord.
5 That you had rather part with the deareft
and mod precious things in this life $ nay, life it
felfe, than leave the fervice of God, and the tefti-
monie of a good Confcience.
6 That you have more comfort and delight in
hearing, reading, meditating, conferring of, and
applying unto your ownc foules the holy Word
of God , than m the treafurcs and glory of the
whole Earth.
Such markes as thefe you muft finde in your
iclves, if you ever mcane or hope to finde true con-
tentment in this life , or the comforts of Heaven
Now I come to a mere fpeciall and particular
and per^etualL^uide.
confideration of every Vcrfe in order; and thence
to gather flich Notes and Do brines , as may beft
inftru A us in the way to Heaven.
Firftj-D^f/V tells us in the firft Verfc; That Gods
pyord is A Lmterne to hif feet, and a Light unto his
paths : Which,that you may better uaderftand, I
will tell you thcmeaningof the words, and cx-
plaine unto you the feverall tearraes.
Firft, the ^'ord may be taken three wayes.
1 For the fubfl-antiall Word of God , the fe-
cond Perfon in the Trinitie, ith, i,i. In the Begin-
nifig was the fVord^ and the tverd was Ged^
2 It may be taken for the written and founding
Word ; as it onely ftrikes the earcj and informcs
the ttndcrftandingj bat it is not convey edjiieirher
finkes it into the heart by the powcrfull afliftance
and fandified concurrence of Gods Spirit, it be-
ing not prayed for to the converfion and fan(5lifi-
cation of the whole man. And fo the Word is
heaid and underftood of inany,that fhall never l^e
faved, but returnes unfruitfull.
5 It may be taken for the working and effedu-
all Word,as it is thepaferef Cgduntojalvatiin . as
it is rightly underfVood, applyed unto the heart
and Confcience, podeft of the thoughts and affe-
dions, and pradifcd in the life and converfation.
This Word thus underftood, inlived, managed,
and powerfblly applycd by the Spirit of God,was
a Light unto Davids fteps ^ and fo is a guide unto
the paths of all true Chriftians,to the worlds end.
That you may undcrftand how the Word is a
Light, you mwft confiderj
r That
rrr/Tr Of. ex-
cakes three
For the fub-
The written
and lounding
The effeauoil
What is meant
by Light?
Johni, 4j
3/tf<.f. 14*
P«:w,4.ig, .
Chrift •rigi-
Miniftcrs, mi-
The Saints fttre
1 That Chrift is called Light , /oh, i . 4. The
Miniftcrs are called the Light of the WorId,/W4f .
5. 14. The faithful! are Lights^ PhiLi.i^^ 16,
The rvay of the righteous (faith Salomon^ Prev,^, r 8.)
fhineth as the Light^ that jhineth more and more vnto
theferfeH day. The Word of God is alfo called a
Light ; as in this place. But firft,
Chrift is Light ofhimlelfe, and originally • he
is the Fountainc and evcrlafting Spring of all the
Light of Grace and Glory, both in Heaven and
Earth ; Hee is called, 77?^ Sunne of Right eoufne/e.
The Sunne, you know, hath his Light rooted in
his ovvne faire Body, and receives that from none
other • and with that, hee enlightens the Moone,
the StairrcSjthc Airc,the Earth, & all the World :
Even fo the blcfted Sonne of God, the Sume of
Right eoufne/e^hath in himfelfe5and from himlelfc,
the Light of all Wifdome and Knowledge, Mer-
cie and Comfort 3 and from him floweth and
fpringeth whatfoever Light of Glory is revealed
unto his bleflcd Saints and Angels in Heaven, or
whatfoever Light of Grace is fhcd into the hearts
of his fonncsand fcrvants here upon Earth.
2 The Preachers ©f the Word arc Miniftcrs
and Meflcngcrs of this Light ; and therefore are
but Light minifterially. They axe ax the starrer^
and fo they are called , Rev, r . 20.; They receive
all their Light from the Sume of Right eoufneffe^
Christ I e s v s , and cither doe or fhould con-
vey and caft their borrowed beamcs upon the
earthly,cold, and darkfome hearts of the people
of God, that they might turnefrem Darhenefe
and perpetuall (juide.
to Light , from the fower of Sathan unto God , AB^
26, iS.
3 The Word is Light inftramentally ^ which
being powerfully fan dified unto us for our falva-
tion , and being holden out unto us by a confcio-
nable Miniftcric,is as a Candle or Torch,to guide
us through the darkneflfc of this WorldjUatoour
4 Laftlyjthc faithfull are Lights SuhjeBivs-^
bccaufc they receive this Light into their Vnder-
landings, (whereby they fee the Wonders of
Gods Law, the Secrets of his Kingdomc, and the
great Myfteric of Godlincile , and the way to
Heaven i) into their Confciences , (whereby
they have their ilnfull mifcrable cftate by nature
difcovcred unto them , and the way to Chrifl for
rcmedie and falvation 5 ) into their affe^ions,
(whereby they arc enkindled with zeale for Gods
truth,honour,and fervice,) into their adlions^and
converfation, whereby thej jhine as Lights in the
fVorld^ amid a naught ie and crooked generation^PhiL 2 .
1 5 , And after the Sunne of KighteottfaeJJ'e once a-
rife in their hearts, like the Sunne in the Firma-
ment 5 they fhine more and more in all holy Ver-
tues , unto the ferfeB day , untill they reach the
height of Heaveii,and the full glory of the Saints
of God.
In the third place, [By Feet] is meant his mindc
and under {landing , his affeifiions , thoughts,
actions, his whole hfe,all hiswaycs. All tbefe
in David ^ were guided by the Light of Gods
(c) Laftly,
The Word
The falthfufl
arc the fub-
jeds of this
Phi!. u if.
What is meant
by FecU
The Saints fnre
The meaning
ol KbeV«fc.
T)M. i'
'Laftiy, by Paths, are meant every particular
ftep^every turning and narrow palTage in his fpc-
ciall calling. For this Liglit,tiie Word of God,
doth not oncly guide a mans feet into the way ofpeace^
and put him in the right way to Heaven; but alfo
goes along with hiai^iniightcnsand dire As every
ft.epjthat his ieetdoe uot ilide. It 1 j infornries him
with fpirituall wircdo;ne3 that hee laves hold on i
every occafion for the glorify mg of God,defcries |
every little {inne,and appearance of evill , difpo-
feth every circumil-ancc in his a(5i:ions,vvith agood
confcrencc,and warrant out of Gods Word.
This then is the raeaniag of this Verfe. David^
the man of God, had the Word of God working
powerfully upon his foulG,ias a Light ; that is^
As a Lampe is to the life and fafetie of the body,
in darke and dangerous places • fo was this Light
to the life and falvation of Davids foule, in the
j l^arkenefre of this Wotldyandl'hadow of death t
I ^^ guide hl> feet and paths ; that is,his mindjaffedi-
j ons,thoughis,adions,his whole lifejali his wayes,
and every particular ftep and pafTage thereof.
I This Verfe being thus underftood, let us now
com e't6 gather fome LelTons and Dodrines for
Thefirfi Aiall bethis!
There is no man can hit the way to Heaven, or
walke in the paths of Rightcoufnefle, through
tlieKingdonne of Grace in this World, unto-the
•Kingdome of Glory in the World to come , ex-
cept he beinlightcned, informed^ and intruded
j in the holy Word of God.
'];;:.. The
and perpetuall (juide.
The fecond Note wee gatheroutof this Verfe,
(Lall be this ;
The Word of God is a Light, not onely to 1>oU:, 2.
guide us into the way to Heaven, and inftrud us
inourgencrallcallingof Chriftianitic^ butalfo
to leade us along in a courfe of godlineirc,and to
dired us particularly inour fpeciall calling.
I will Hrft follow the former Dodrinc; which
in {k:\w words, and plainely, I thus propcife unco
No man can at firfl finde the entrance, or after 1 T)oU* 1.
hit the way to Heaven, except he be enlightened
and led along by the holy Word of God. For
Davidy as here wee fee, a man of great worth, and
underftanding , otherwife excellently and extra-
ordinarily qualified j could not find out,orfolIoA'
any other Guide50r direction to Heaven,but onely
the Light of Gods Word .
The Reafons of this Dodrine, may be thefe
which follow.
The firft may be taken from the infufficiencie 7^^/o» i.
and inabilitie of all other meanes, to bring us to ^^ "^^^"^
TT ^ I meanes can
Heaven : as, I br,ng us co
I All the greatcH Learning and deepeft know- ; Heaven,
ledge in the World,will ftand us in little ftead in N^^t humane
this bufineffe : Otherwife it had gore well wiih j^^^''"*"^'
many ancient Heathens and Philofophers of old, I
who fadomed as deepe, and reached as high in |
the depths and myfteries of all humane Lear- 1
ningand knowledge, as the light of Reafon and !
ftrength of Nature could pollibly bring them: |
And yet they were utterly ftrangers to the life of I
(c 2) gracej_
Epb,x, II,
X C»ii»io%
' ■
Not worldly
The wifedome
of Gods Book,
Sc mans brain,
ftjnd atoddcs,
I wivh an ever-
■ iafiingoppo-
" finoniRom.9,7.
\* 1 Cor.i.i'^.
The Saints fure
grace, aad without God in the fvorld, fvhen they prO'
fefed themselves to be mfcy they became fooles , faith
Paul^ Rem, i, 22. They were putfed up with a
little vainc-glorious knowledge here upon Earth,
and got them a Name amongft men: But^alas,
what was this? When as for the want of the
Light of Divine Truth , they loft their Soules in
another World, and their Names never came in
the Booke of Life, where is the wife ^ (faith
Paul in another place ) t^here is the Scribe I where
is theBij^uter of this World i As if hee fhould
have faid : All the knowledge of the greateft
Dodors and learnedeft Rabbins in the World,
without Grace, vanifheth into -nothing , into
vaine-glory , cmptinelTe, and aire • nay, eafts
them with greater horror, and confufion, into
the Pit of Hell. Every mm (faith leremie) is-
a BeaFl by his onne kfwwied^e , Dyio Qlu^-'^D V2J
^en, 10. 14. Except, befides all other know-
ledge, he be enlightened from above, and have
that Divine krxowlcdge fan v5l;ified unto him, hee
can come no neerer the happinefle of Heaven,
than a very Beaft.
2 Worldly wifedome and policie is fofarre
from making men wife unto falvacion, that it is
notonely ftarke foolirhneflfewith God and good
men, but it doth ftrongly fet it fel'fe and is at en-
mitie againft God. Therefore, faith God ; / mlf
deFJ^roy the mfedome of the tvife^ and will ca^ avay the
underfianding of the prudent^ ♦ i Cor, i . i^ . ^hitophel
vyas fo wife even in the affaires of Kingdomes,and
bu fineffe of S tate,that the comfellwUchhe comfel/ed
and ferpetuall Cjuide.
in thefe dajes , rva^ like as one had asked comfell at the
Oracle of God'y and ycc ail this great wifedonae in
the end ended in extreme folly : for upon a little
difcontcnt and difgrace in the WVorld^hefadled hu
A^e^And vvent hsme unto hu Citie^ andfut his houfehold
in order ^ and hanged himfelfe^ 2 Sam, 1^,23,, ^17.
2 3 . Although the end of all worldly wifedomc
be not fo fhamefull in the eye of the World , yet
undoubtedly it is moft miferable and wofuU in
the World to conic, except their wifedome be
fandified and over-ruled by the Light of Gods
W^ord. Carnall wifedome can neither preferve a
man from death^nor prepare him to die blcflcdly :
it cannot (lay his Life from going, neither can it
ftop the Curfe from comming 5 it cannot deliver
him from damnation in the World to come, but
rather encreafeth the gricvoufnefTc of his punifh-
ment : for in this life it hath kept pofTellion a-
gainft heavenly vvifcdorae, it made him uncapa-
ble of all good inftru6tions,it made him impati-
ent of any rebuke, and held him in ignorance and
difobedience all his life.
3 No good meanings or intentions, without
knowledge and warrant m the Word of God, will
ever ferve our turne for falvation ; nay, indeed
they arc abominable and hatefuU in Gods fight.
Howfoever, thoufands deceive themfelves in this
point. Fz>zah had a good meaning,in 2 Sam, 6* 6,
when hee put his hand to the Arke of God, and
held it ', for the Oxen did fhake it : but notwith-
ftanding,the Lord was very wroth with yzzah^and
God fmote him in the fame place, and there hee
(C3) died.
1 5rf?w.i7«»3«
Nfoe gooi
2 Sm,€%6*
Not will-wor-
The Saints fare
died, lames and /c/?^ had good meanings , when
they called for fire from Heaven to conlumcthe
Samaritan, that would not entertaine Chrift ^
but lefus rebuked them, and told them , they knew
net ofrrhatffirit they rrere^ Saul, in i Sam. 1 5 . had a
good meaning, when he fpared ^ga^^und the bed
of the Sheepc, andof the Oxen, to facrifice them
unto the Lord ; but notwithftanding Samuel tells
him, that hehaddsne wickedly in the f£ht of the Lord, I
and that the Lord had rent the Kingdome oflfraelfrom
him that day, Peter had a good mean ing , when in
loh.i^, 8. hewouIdnotfufferChrifttowafhhis
feet 5 but lefus anfwered him, and told him, ff i
rrajb thee not, thou fhalt have no fart mth me. Good
meanings then are wicked miflings of the true
ferviccof God, except they be guided by know-
ledge, warrant, and ground out of the Bookcof
God. Let noman then tell of his good meaning,
if he be ignorant in the Will and Word of God -,
for certainely it will never Itrvethcturne, it will
never hold out in the Day of Ch rift lefus.
4 No will-worfhip, or will-fervice, or volun-
taric Religion, as the Apoftlc calls ic J 07.2.23,
which is forged and framed out of a mans owne
braincj humour, and conceit, without ground or
warrant in the Booke of God 5 though it be per-
formed with never fo glorious a fhew of zeale and
paincs,yet it is not any way availeable for our fpi-
rituall good,andctcrnall happineffe: nay indeed,
it is moH odious in the eyes of God, and ever ly-
abletoa very high degree of his wrath and ven-^
and perpetuall (juide.
I KJHg.\S,iZ.
Baals Prophets, i iCzV^j- 1 8.3 8. were fo hot and
haftie in thejr wilUvorfhip, that they cut themfelves
mth knives^ and launcers^ tilt the bhud gujhedout ufon
them. The Papifts they whip themfelves , they
vow Continencie, perpetual! Povertie, and Regu-
lar Obedience ^ and yet is the profeflion and pra-
dice of bothjbloudie and idolatrous. When the
lewcs woriliipped God after the devifed fafLions
of the Gentiles , though their meaning was to
wor{hip nothing belt Godjyet the Text (dXih^they
worfhifped nothing but Dezjls, Deut. 32.17. And i veut.i%.ii,
God there proteftSjthat therefore afire was kindled
in hif wrath^ that fhould burne unto the bottome ofHeliy
and fet on fire the foundations of the mountaines. So
hated of Almightie God is all fervice and wor-
fhip devifed by the wit and will of man , without
warrant in the Word of God.
5 Laftly, not the Word of God it felfe in the
Letter, without the fpirituall meaning, and the
finger of Gods Spirit to apply it powerfully to
our foulcs and confciences , is any fufficient rule
of life^or able to bring us into the L ight of Grace.
This appeares in Nicodemm^ who was a great Do-
dor in the Law, and the Prophets, a chiefe Mafier
and Teacher in Jfrael ; yet vvas a very Infant and
Idcot inthepovvcrof Grace,and myfterieofgod-
lineflTe. For all his learning in the Letter of the
Law, he had not yet made one ftep towards Hea-
ven; for hce was not ODcIy ignorant of, but had a
very abfurd and grofie conceit of the new birth •,
which is the very firft entrance into the Kingdome
of Grace. For when Chrift told bim, hee could
(c 4) not
Not the Word
it lelfe in the
Letter, with-
out the mea'.
Try: 4.
ReafoH 1,
The Word
worket rege-
out whicb,no
What regene-
ration is "i
1 P£?.i.i3.
The Saints fure
not be favcd, except hce were new borne, hee
ftrangely and fooliihly rcplyes -^ Hor» can a man
be bornCj which is old i Horv can he enter into his mo-
thers JVomhe againe^ and be borne ^ Thus .you fee,
there can no other meanes be named, or thought
upon 5 not all humane Knowledge, nor worldly
Wifcdomc , nor good Mcanhigs , nor Will-
worlhip 5 nor the Word it felfe in the Letter,
which can Icade us into the wayes of Righte-
oufnefTc , orbrinp; us unto Hetven ; but onely
the Light of Gods holy Word, holden out un-
to us by a profitable Mioifterie, and the power
of the Spirit.
A fecond Reafoa ofmy Do-firinc may be this ;
No man can ever fee the Kingdome of God, ex-
cept he be borne againe, except he be a new crea-
ture, anew man , as is plaine in Chrifts words
unto Nicodemw, For our new birth, or regene-
ration, is the ncceiTarie pafTage from Nature to-
Grace; from prophancneffcjto finceritie : It is
that whereby wee are wholly fandificd and fet
apart unto God, from the finfnll corruption of
our natural! birth , and the evill fruits thereof,
to ferve God in out whole man , both body,
foule, and fpirit. Now you muft conceive, that
this new birth mufk neceflarily fpring from the
immoY.uU Seed of the word of Gcd\ for fo it is cal-
led, I i'r^.1.23. ^^ is the Seed of onr.new birth,
falvation , and immortalitie. And you may as
well looke for Corne to grow up in your fields
without fowing, without calling any Seed into
the furrowcs, as to looke for Grace to grow up
and per^etuall (juide.
in your hearts, or to rcape the fruit of holmelfe,
evcrlafting life ; except this immortall Scedjthe
Word of God, be firft caft into the furrovvcs and
fallow ground of your hearts , and be there re-
ceived with reverence and attention, nouriilicd
vyith prayer and meditation, and frudlifie in your
lives and conveifations. Hence it is, that Gods
Word is called, 7k JVord of Saltation, AB, 13.
2 6. The fVord of Grace ^ AB, 14.3. The Ji^nrd of
Life y Phil. 2. i6- '^he Power of God unto Salva-
tiotty Rom, 1,16. For there is no power of Gracc^
or fpirituall life , to bee had ordinarily upon
Earth , or falvation and eternal! UCq to be hoped
for in Heaven ; except a man be enlightened
with the knovriedge, and enlived with the power
of the holy Word of God. There is no en-
tring into the Kingdome of God, except a man
bee new borne 5 except hce bee firft renewed in
his fpirit , foule, and body :. And there is no j
new.birrii, without the * immortall Seed , the
Word of God. And therefore, without know-
ledge and dire<ftion in the Word, of God , no
falvation. j
The third Reafon of my Do«f^rine, is this : The [
Word of God hath only the power and propertie '
to fearch into and to fanctific the whole man,even
to the inmoft thoughts and the fecret cogitations
of the heart. All thedevic<isand imaginations of
mans heart lye without the walke of humane ju- '
Aice,.and cenfure; novirord or writing of man is-i
able to bridle them, or bring them within com- .
paflTe ;- no Law of Nature^or Nations.can affright I
" or !
* Sec Vstringt
I Cor. 4. 15,
The Word is
fie the whole
a Car,io,i.
The Word is
faid to be live-
ly in three re-
It quickens.
It lafis for
It difperfcrh i-t
felfcjand fear-
cheth into c-
very part of
the foule.
7be Saints Jure
or reftrainc the frecdonic and wanderings of
thoughts ; oncly the Word of God can amaze,
Icarcb, and ranclifie them. The treaponr ef our rr^r-
fare (faith Paul) arc net carnally but mightte through
Gcd to caH dcttne Holds • cajling donne the imagina-
tions ^ and ererji thing that is exalted again]} the knov^
ledge of God^ and bringing into captizitie every thought
iKto the obedience of Chrtft^ 2 Cor, 10.4,5. The ivori
of God (faith the Apoftle to the Hcbrev^es) is lively
andmightie in operation^andfharper than any ttro-edged
fnord-^ and entreth through^ even to the dividing afun-
der of the foule and the f^irit, and of the joints and the
marrort^and is a difcerner $fthe thoughts and the intents
cf the hearty Heb,^. 1 2 •
The Word of God may be faid to be living or
lively inthree refpeds.
1 BccaufCjWhereas we naturally live under the
fhadow of death,and in the darkeneflc of finne^it
quickens us with a new and fpirituall life , ic
chcares and comforts us with heavenly Light.
2 The Word may be called Living^becaufe it
fclfe is immortall,and laftcth forever; as doth the
living and eternal! God,the Author of ic. .
3 But moft efpecially , and agreeably to the
place in the Hebrewes, it is called lively^ bccaufe
it enters with great power and fecrct infinuation
into every part and power both of foule and body :
So that as our life is fcattered and difperfcd into
every little part, and lead veinc in us, and we fcele
it both in paine and picafurc ^ even fb the vcrtuc
of the Word of God pierceth into every member,
into the moft fecret and hidden Clofet of the
and perpetuall (juide.
heartj either to breake and bruife with terror and
aftonilTiment-the very bones, & crufh the {inevves
of the flnFuJl fonle , or to fill them with marrow
andfatneflbjand to rcfrefh the atfedions of the
truly penitent with joy unrpeakable,and glorious.
God tells us in lerem^^ that his Word is like j?/'^ ^
and therefore it can eafily infinuate into all the
creckes and corners of our corruptions j it can
fully and clcarely enlighten our ConfcienceSj^^nd
difcover unto us the fmfulncflTc of the moft lur-
king and fccret thoughts.
Thus you have this firft Dodrine plaincly pro-
ved and confirmed unto you.
No man can at firft findc the entrance, or after
hit the way to Heaven , except he be enlightened
and led along by the faving knowledge of the
holy Word of God,
No other mcanes, which the power of Nature,
Wifcdome, Learning, or the whole World can
affordjwill fervcthe rijrne in this bufinefle of Sal-
vation. It is the Seed of our new birth (as I told
you^) there can be no growing of gracc,or reaping
of glory , without it ; It hath oncly power to
fhakc5ran(acke,and fearch intethe inmoil fccrets
of the heart: It onely can fandifie us both in- ^
wardly and outwardly , both in foule and body, .
both in thoughts and actions . without which, •
both inwaid and outward holineflPe, no man fliall
ever fee the face of God,
Now Icome unto the Vfes of this Do^rinc.
And in the firft place,it may ferve for confutation
of the Papifts5thofe greatcmpoyfoners and mur-
Vfe I,
of Papifty*
whokeepe the
"Word in an
The Saints Jure
therers of infinite foules of men. Is the Word of
God as a Lampe,and a Light, without which wcc
cannot fee the firlt ftep^ or fet one foot aright to-
wards Heaven ? Why then, finfull and peftilenc
is their pra^flicejwho hide this blefled Light from
the people of God,in an unknowne Tongue ; and
by their bloudie Inquifition, damme up the holy
Fountaines of heavenly Truth , which fliould
fpring up in every mans heart unto eternall life ;
Whofe cruell and craftic Religion (forjbloud of
Princes, and curfed Policie , are the principall
fupporters of Poperie) teacheth them to blind-
fold and hood-winke the poore Laitie in forced
ignorance, left they fhould know Gods will, or
any way to Heaven, but theirs 5 which indeed is
the right,dire(Sl,and defperate downe-fall into the
Pit of Hell : So that millions of foules live no
lefle without Scripturcs,than if there were none ;
and wofuUy walke in this World, through darkc- 1
neffc of finne,fliadow of death,and ignorance both
of God and his Word , unto endleffe and utter
darkeneflfe in the World to come. The Prophet
David tells us,in PfaLi^, That the Lam of the Lord
is ferfeBy and giveth tvlfedome unto the (impk : The
Commandements of the Lord is fure^ and giveth light
to the eyes. In this place hee telis us. That the
Word was a Lampe unto his feet, and a Light un-
to his paths. Chrifthimfelfe,/<?^;/ 5. 3 p. bids us.
Search the Serif tures : even all, without excepti-
on ; fo many as looke for eternall life. Not
lightly, and at leifure to reade them , but with
diligence to dive into them ; for fo the word fig-
and perpetuall Quide.
nifies in the Originall : To fecke for the right
knowledgCj and true fenfe of them , as for Siher^
and to fearch for it as for Treafures, The Noble-
men of Berea, JB, 17. 1 1. fearched the Scriptures
dayly , whether thofe things were fo^ that trere preached
mte them. Saint Peter , 2 Pet, i. 19, calls th«
Word of the Prophets , a Light^rrhich fbineth in &
darke place , to nhich weefljould take heed. But the
Pope, and his Fadors^ teach other LeTTons. The
Catholikc Church ( faith one of their chicfc
* Champions, out of the Counccll of * Trent )
forbids the reading of Scriptures by all^without
ehoifCjOr the publike reading, or finging of them
in vulgar Tongues. The wife will not here re-
gard (fay the Rhemifts in their Preface to their
Teftament) what fomewilfull people doe mut-
ter,that the Scriptures are made for all men. And
foone after, they refcmble the Scriptures to Fire,
WarefjCandlcSjKnivcSjand Swords ; which are
indeed needful!, &c. but would marreall, if they
were at the guiding of other than wife men: And
this i's indeed one of their principallreafbns.
Many abufe the Scriptures by ignorance, infir-
their owne deftrudion r therefore they are not to
be read of alI,withoutchoifc,
I anfwer ; they might as well reafon thus :
M^ny men abufe Meat and Drinkejby furfetting
and exceffejto thedeftrudiion both of their foules
and bodies : therefore men areto be deprived of
Meat and Drinke. Some men are infeded with
the Peflilcnce, by drawing in corrupted and em^
^poy foned
/^<^.I7. II.
a. ?et,i, 19.
* SeS. de Verh.
At CatboUca
abufed by che
error, heicfie.
So may Meac
be abufed,
and the Aire
itifcfted :
yet they are
not to be ta-
ken 3V. ay.
^ev. 1 8.
The Saints fure
poy foned aire : therefore the aire is to be taken
away, and removed . But as thofe men which are
deprived of Meat and Drinke, prefcntly languifli
and pine away, and die a tcraporall death ^ and
thole that enjoy not the benefit of the aire , arc
prefently {ki^o-d^ for want of breath : even fo, all
thofe that want the fpirituali Food of their foules
outofthc Wordof Godjand the holy infpirati-
ons of his good Spirit builded thereupon • how-
foever they be fat and flourifliing m their outward
eftates5yet they are full leane and lanke in their
foules 5 and if they fo continue, mufl needes die
an etcrnall death, and peridieverlaftingly. Let
us then learne to deleft and hate the bloudie P^-
licie of the Synagogue of Rome, which cruelly
keepcs from many thoufand Soules that blefled
Light of Gods Word, which fhould lead them
to eternall life. They indeed pretend other Kea-
fons ; But the truth is, if the Word of Truth
(liould be permitted and publifhed toall, there
would be old runningout of Babylon* all their
Pompe and Policie would downe j their fliame-
full luglings and Coufenages, their flrong De-
lufions and Impoftures would be laid open^in the
fight of the Sunne. The Princes of the Earth,
that have fo long beenc drunken with the wrath
of her cm poy foned Wine,wouId no longer.com-
mit Fornication with her. The Merchants would
buy no more her Wares ; but would ftand afarrc
off from her, for fcare of her torment, weeping,
and wailing. Nomarvcll then, though the Pa-
pifls labour might and maine , and to this end
maintainc I
and per^etuall (juide.
raaintaine a blotidie Inquifition,^ fuppreffe this
Light of Gods V\'ord,leftit fnoulddifcover their
darknefre,and haften their deftrudion.
A fceondVfe, is for terror, feare, and amaze-
ment to all them that doe not \i\^ and delight in
the Light of Gods holy Word, but yet are wal-
king in the darkenefie. of ignorance, antl in the
fhadovv of death. The whole fVorld^ and every man
in particular, Vj^j in d'arkeneffe ; that is , in igno-
rance, under finne -^ and fo fubjed and lyabie to
damnation and etexnall,4ea.th» There; is no way
to come out of this ftate of Darknefre5Damnati-
on, and Death, but by the Knowledge, Light, and
Minifterieof theVVord. Hence it is, that ^^.
2 (5. 1 8* it is 7»W/ charge, and hee is fent to this
purpofe, po open, the eyes efmen^ that they might turne
fnm Darknefe to Light. And Pml himfelfe, Efh,
5, 8. fpeakes thus unto the Ephefians 5 Tee tvere
once D^r ken e^e^ but m0 yee are Light in the Lord ^
walk eat: Children af the L ight , O ut of i Pet . 2 . y ,
it appcares, that all Gods Children are called out
of DarkenejTe into mArvellew Light, Why then ,
fearefnll and m ft vy retched is the ftate of all
thofe,vifho by. the Light and knowledge of Gods
Word are riot traniflated and guided out of this
DarkenclTe.; For, as in Darkenefie,
I There is much feare, *tiorror, and diTcoai-
fojtj a man cannot enjoy the light foiK-n^e of
Heaven, the cpxi fort of the creatures, the com-
pante of men ^ Even fo ignorant men, not en-^
lightened vvith faving knowledge, are utterly
without,ail ho|>e of Heaveii|tthey have.no fight
Of lerror to
them tbac de-
light not in
Gcdi MjQt^,
.y.is>3 tn
The ftate of
shofe that are
in DarkcnciTc,
He is in fcar«#
He knowes
not whith«r
hs goest
The ftatc of
igaerant oncn*
The Saints fure
or tafte of the endlcfle joycs thereof j they have
no companie or conference in heavenly matters
vt^ith true Chriftians ^ they have bo comfort or
intereft in the Covenant of Grace^or Promifcs of
Salvation : But Feare, Horror, and Dcfpairc are
moft jaftjy trcafurcd up for them againk the Day
of H'rathy and »f the declarapiott of the jttft ludgement
z He thdt n>dlketh in the Darkeptejje ( faith Tohn)
knorveth net fthither he g^eth : He cannot difcerne
his way 3 he fceth not what is behind, or before
him ; he cannot de(cry or difcovcr the dangers
which are round about him : But efpecially, if
the wayes through which he pafleth, be flipperie,
fteepe, and rockie, full of pits and holes, he is in
danger at every ftep, byfome grievous fall, to
crufh his body, bruife his bones, or breake his
neckc. It is juft fo with every one that lives in
ignorance of Gods Word,and Truth • he cannot
poffibly difcerne the way to Heavenjamongft the
many by-paths of iniquitie ; he cannot judge in
fpirituall matters betwixt right and wrong,good
and cvilI,Light and DarkcnefTejChrift and BelUl^
prophaneneflc and finceritic 5 though there be
behind him, a Life fpent in much wickedneflTc,
Icvvdnefle, and ignorance; before him,Defpaire,
Hell, and eternall Damnation ^ about him, the
World, with a thoufand baites and plcafurcs, to
intice and intanglc him in finne 5 Sathan , like a
roaring Lyon J readie every houre to feize upon
his Soule, and to tearc it in pieces, while there is
nonctohclpe; all the creatures armed, and in 2
and perpetuall (juide.
readinefle, with whole Armies of Plagues, and
Vengeance, to be revenged upon him, for disho-
nouring God, by ignorance in his Word ; Yet
hee fees none of all this. Hee neither knowes,
fceleSjOr fufpctSis thefe many dangers^with which
he is incompailtd ; but goes on plodding, with
ungrounded confidence, and wicked fecuritie, in
the way of wickednefiTe and deftrudion : hee paf-
fcth , with much defperate boldnefle , through
many dangerous and fcarefuU wayes 5 wherein,
at every ftep, he wounds his Confcicnce wi th one
finne or other in the meane time, and at length
falls hcadIong,and fuddenly, body and foule, into
the Pit of Hell. This is certainely the miferable
and wofull ftate of all thofe that live in fpirituall
Darkenefle,andare ignorant in Gods Word,and
the wayes of godlineffe. It may be they may
flatter, pleafe,and pcrfwade therafelves,that their
cafe is good enough ^ that, when they heare of
Heaven, and thofe everlafting plcafures at Gods
right hand,tbcy thinke notwich (landing that they
fhall come thither at length ; though they know
never a foot of the way, take no direction by the
Lightof Gods Word, nor fet oneftcp, by new
obedience , towards that place of bleiTednefTc.
But indeed and truth they doc very feare fully dc
ceive and over-fhoot themfelves : And their cafe
is juft, as if a man fhould fall afleepe upon the
edge of fome high and ftecpe Rocke -^ and there
dreame, that he is made a King, attended with a
glorious Traine of Nobilirie; furhiihed with
furaptuous Pallaces,and ftately Buildings , en-
(d) riched
The Saints fure
richcd with the Revenues , Soveraignetie , and
Plcafuresof awholeKingdome ; But upon the
fuddcn, ftarting upland leaping for joy, falls irre-
coverably into the mercilefle and devouring Seaj
and fo lofeth that little comfort,\vhich he had in
this raiferablc life. Many w^retched men lye and
fleepe and fnort in ignorance and fpirituall blind- j
nefle ; thinking, that skill in the Bookc of God,
and points of Religion , belongs onely to thofc
that are Booke-learned . entertaining much vainc
hope of falvation , vtrithout all truth or ground ;
But vrhen upon their Death-bed^their Confcien-
ces are awakened by the finget of Gods juftice,
out of the llumber of rinne,they then too late find
and fee, that all was but a Dreame ; for they fud-
denly fall and finkc intodefpairejhorrorjand end-
lefTe defolation. The ftate then of ignorant men,
though perhaps they little rhinke upon it,or rake
it to heart, is moft fearefull in this life , and will
be moft horrible hereafter. In this World ; be-
caufe they are unacquainted, and untaught in
Gods Troth,points of Religion^and way to Hea-
ven ^ they neither know their owne mifcrie , the
great my fterie of godlinefrc,or mcanes to falva-
t ion ; a nd th ere fore live as aliens from the Common-
rrealth of Ifrael^ firangers from the C6ve»ant of Pro-
mi fe ^ withoHt hope^ and rrithmt Cod in the JVorld:
Which is a mifcrie of all miferics ^ Thej are con-
demned alreadie : For as it is, fohn 3.18, Ne that
beleeveth not in him^ is alreadie condemned. And
Saint /*/?»/ faith, ^<?w. 10. 14. Horvfha^theybelecve
in him^ofrvhom they have not heard \ and horv fha// they
and perpetuall (juide.
heare^ without a Preacher i So, that without know-
ledge in Gods Word, there c^n be no faith ; and
without faithj there is no falvation. You may
further fee a notorious Linkc of many wretched
mifchiefesj which arifc from ignorance , Efh, 4.
1 7, 1 ^ J 1 9 . Vanitie ofmind^ and darkeneJJ'e of under-
ftand'mg arc naturally in all men ; for wee arc all
ftarke blindc, and utterly dead, in refpejfl of mat-
ters of Heaven, and Ipirituall affaires. From
thence comes, grolfe Ignorance of God, and all
godlinefle ; and this Ignorance,if it be not remo-
ved anddifpelled by the Light of Gods Word,
is the root and caufe ot ftrangeneflTc from the Life
of God : Hardnefle of Heart • Searcdnefle of
Confciencc , and want of Feeling ; an itching,
wantonnefle, and eagerncfle to finne j a commit-
ting of any finne, without remorfe, occafion be-
ing offered; an unfatisfiednefle and greedinefle
in the purfuit of (infull pleafures, and in fulfilUng
the luH oftheflejjj^ the luB of the eyes^and pride of life,
Thcfc are the bitter and poy foned fruits of Igno-
rance, and want of knowledge in the Word of
God, and way to Heaven. And what is 10 be ex-
pected hereafter, appeares 2 The^, i . 7, 8, ^ . The
Lord lefus tviU jhew him felfe from Heaven ^ mth his
■michtie Angels , inflaming fire , rendring %'engeanfe
j unto them that dee not know God , and vrhich obey not
i the Gof^el of our Lord lefus Chrift 5 irho fhall he ptt-
j nifhed mth everUfting perdition from the pre fence of
\ the Lord^ andf-om the glor-^ of hk potver. Seeing
I then thecomming of the Lord will be fo terrible
i and fearefull to the ignorant , fo that they fhall
1 (d 2) defire
The fruits of
I lih.i.i^.
zT^?. 1, 7,8,9.
The Saints fure
deiirc the Mountaines to fall upon them , that
they might hide themfelves from the fierce vvrath
of the Lord, and not behold his fearefull coiinte*
nance; and that they (li all wifh full many times,
they had never beene borne ^ how ought every
man^ which lives vi^ichout the Light and know-
ledge of Gods holy Word , feare and tremble ?
And yet, God knowethjhce cannot conceive the
thoufand part of iJiofe horrible torments which
the ignorant and wicked perfons endure for ever.
For as the heart of man cannot comprehend thofe.
blelled and glorious joyesjwhich God hath pre-
pared for thofe that love him 5 fo the woe, tor-
ments , and endleffe vexations , which fhali be
poured with wrath and vengeance upon the head
of the wicked, infinitely paiTe the underftanding
of man : None can conceive how horrible they
are, but onely he that feelcs them . It very deepe-
ly then concernes you (Beloved in Chrift lefus)
as you tender the evcrlafting good and happinefTe
of yoarowncfouleSjto labour by all meanes to
be infrru^ted and inlightened by the holy Word
and Torch , to leade you through this Vale of
TeaTes,and World of Darkenefle^ to the blcflTed
fruition of the moft glorious and everlafting
Kingdome of Heaven* Otherwife, if you will
needcs continue in ignorance fti*ll,markc what is
your wofull (late and condition : howfoeveryou
may fceme to fhine outwardly, to the eye of the
World^orinyourowne conceits, in pleafures,in
plentie, incivill honeftie,in outward miith,and
^ other I
and perpetuall Cjuide,
Other worldly contentments; yet, in deed and
truth, your life is a life of darkenellc. The g^d
9f this florid, the Prince of DarkeneJ^e^ hath blinded
the eyes ^fyour mindes^ that y)ur Fnder standings are
not onely darkened ^ hv\t j9u are Darkencfj'e it felfe^
£fh,^,8, Yourvvorkcs arethe workes of Darke-
neflc, your way is the rvay of DarkenejTe -^ you are
fettered and enchained /-i the forrerof Darkenejfe^
Colof.i, 13. InthedarkenelTeof croifes and af-
flictions of this life , you (liall be without any
glimpfc of true comfort and rcfrediing from the
Lord ; upon your Death-beds, you rtiall meete
with nothing but darkenefle of defpaire and hor-
ror: in the Grave, Sathan will guard you with
the Barrcs of the Earth, as in a Bed of hopejcfle
Darkeneile, untill the Judgement of thc^great
Day. And that Day will be unto you, a Day of
wrath y a Day of trouble and heavineffe^ a Day of de-
firuUion and defo/ation , a Day of Clouds and black-
neJJ'e: as it is, Zeph, r. 15. And at the laft, you
arc to be cart:, body and foulc, from the prefence
of God, and joyes of Heaven, into utter Darke-
ncflc , there to be tormented amongCt wicked
Devils, for ever and ever. This is ccitaincly the
ftatc of all ignorant men , and thofe that will
not be enlightened with faving knowledge out
of his Word : There is nothing to be expcfled
of them j but Darkeneile, Sorrow, Defpaire,
and Horror.
A third YCc of thisDodrinc , mayferve for
admonition to all thofe, who by the Light of
Gods Word have alreadie found and are cntred
(d 3) into
CO take the
Word for cur
»— —
The Saints fure \
into the tvay to Heaven; that they would fuffer
themfelves with humihtie, obedience, and con-
ftancicjto be led along in a courfe of fanvaificati-
on, by the holy guidance and diredion thereof;
that they would fhine dayly more and more in
all Chriftian vcrtues, exercifes, and duties. For
it is the propertie of all thofe which are become
new creatures, who are wafhed from their finnes,
fandifiedjand new-borne by the immortall Sc^d
of the. Word, and the Spirit of Grace, to long
after, and earneftly dejire the fine ere Milke of the
fvgrd^ that they may grow thereby in knowledge,
comfort,and new obedience. A new-borne Babe
will be plcafcd and fatisfied with nothing but
the Pap J not Gold5Pe3rles5 or any thing elfe will
I content it : even fo a new-renewed Soule doth
j ever hunger and thirft after the facred and fmcere
\ Milke ef Gods holy ff^Qrd^ as Saint Peter calls it,thar
j it may dayly gather ftrength in grace • otbcr-
r wife, as the Child, fo it would languifTi, pine a-
way,and die. He that growes not, and goes not
forward in grace, had never true grace. He that
fakhfully labours not to feed his foule with fpi-
rituall food,never paffed the new birth. Thervayof
the right eow (faith Salomon) fbinethjs the Light ^that
jhineth more and more unto the perfeB Day^ Prov, 4.
; i3. for if the Day-ftarre of faving knowledge
i once appcare untt> a man,and the Sume of Righte-
oufnejj'e arife in hU heart ^ they never fetjUntill ihey
biinghim unto that glorious Light above, that
no roan can attaine unto. He proceeds and pro-
xies in the great my fterie of godlineflc, in Mih^
and Perf email (juide.
tepentance, and (inceriticj he growes fromvcr-
tuc to vertue , from knowledge to knowledge,
from grace to grace , untiirhee become a ferfeB
man in Chrt^ lefw. It may bCjas the faireft Siinn^
may fometimes beover-caft, and darkened with
Clouds^ and Mifts ; fo the hoIinefTc of a godly
man may be over-clouded and difgraced fome-
times, by falls into a (inne, upon infirmitie, igno-
rance, heedlefneflejOr the like : But, if he be fo
Overtaken ^ after his paffing through forrow and
gricfe of heart for the fame, and his riling againe
by repentance • hce fhines farre more brightjy
and pleafantly both to God and man,in {iuceritic
and all holy graces j he afterwards runnes a more
fwift and fetled courfe in the race of fandificati-
on. So that ordinarily all Gods children fhine
as Lights in the fvorld, in the midB of a n aught ie and
crooked generation ^ being once inlightened with
faving knowledge • and they ftillwaxc brighter
I and brighter, imdil at laft they come to fhine
as the hrightnejfe of the Firmament, and the Star res
I in Heaven , for ever and ever, Looke to it then,
I befcech you : whofoever hath alreadie given
his Name unto Chrift,tafted of the good Word
of God, and received into his foule fomc glimp-
fes of heavenly Light j let him be fure to fol-
low hard towards the Marke, for the Prize bf the
high calling of God, in Chrifi: lefus : Let him
fet his bed defircs, affevftions, and endeavours,
to grow and proceed in all holy knowledge, in
the Light of Gods Word, and chearefuU obe-
dience unto the fame. For ir is a fpcciall note
(d 4) and
£^&.4' X|«
■Plbi/.t. I J,
Jfid. 38. 8.
lejh, 10. 12.
The Saints fare
and raarke of a man that is truly rcIigioLis,to gos
forwafd,and encreafc in grace and under ftanding:
Heemuft be like the Sunnc , which, rifing in the
Eaftjcnlargeth his glorious light and iieat,unrill
he reach the height ot Heaven. But5as one well
notes ; the true Chriftian muft not be WkeHc-
zel'jahs Sunne, which went backward ; If a man
back-flide, waxe worfc, and fall away from good
beginnings, he addes weight unto the wrath of
God, and doubles his damnation : Hcc muft not
be like lojhuahs Sunne, that ftood dill. It is fo
farre to Heaven, and the way fo narrow,fo rough,
and full of dangers and diificulties,that he which
(lands at a ftay, will light fFiort : The Bridc-
groome will be cntrcd in, and the Gate fhut, be-
fore he come. Hee that hath fo much grace,that
hccdefires no more, did never truly dell re any:
And he that endeavours not to be better, will by
little and littlegrow worfe,cind at length become
ftarke naught. He therefore muft be like David<s
Sunne,thar great and glorious Gyant of the Hca-
vcns^that lih aBridegroome comes out of his Chamber^
andas aChamfion rejo^ceth to rmme hif KA€e^ One
grace in Gods child, begets another ; and one
holy adl: ion, performed with finccritic of heart,
doth inflame his aifc(51-ions with love and zeale,
with courage and rcfolutionj to undertake moe,
and to goe through-ftirch with all the affaires of
God, and good caufes. For he alone knowes the
invaluable worth, and incftimable price of hea-
venly lewels; and therefore he is ravifhed with,
their b^autie,and grooves unfatiableinhis defires
and perpetual I ^u'tde.
and longings after tliem. He is ftillroylingand
labouring in the Trade of Chriftianitie,for more
gainc of grace, encrcafc of comfort, and further
aflurance and fecaricie of the joycs of Heaven.
Sith hce hath alreadie tafted and {qA upon ccle- \
ftiall and fpiricuali food, h.e findes in that fuch i
unutterable fweetne(rc,and pleafant rellidij that ]
hec for ever after hungers and thirfts after it. If j
then yon would be afiuredjthat you arc in theway I
to happincflc , be fure to be led on by the Light I
of the Word in all heavenly kno.vledge/pirituaiiJ
wifcdome,and holy obedience. |
A fourth and laft Vfe of my Doflrinc, is for in- |
ftrudion to all ; whether they be naturalijOr fpi- j
rituall 5 ignorant, or inftruded in the Word of
God: Tlaat tliey make it their chiefe andprinci-|
pall Chriftiancare, zeaIoufly,and confcionably, I
andconftantly to heare, attend, and underftand
the holy W'^ord of God - and to be guided and
conduiS^cd by the Light thereof in all the paffagcs^
ofthcirlife,andvvayes of their Gonvcrfation.
X And in this point,! willjfirft,laydovvne unto
you certainc Motives, that may induce and ftirrc
you thereunto*
2 CautionSjOr Caveats,to fore-arme and fore-
warne you of Lets, and Temptations, that ra^y
with-draw you there-from.
5 Laftly, fome needfull inilrudions for your
righ t carriage therein .
One Motivcjto ftirre-«s up to a reverend regard
and attention, in hearing the Word of God j to a
love and liking of the heavenly knowledge therein.
rfc 4.
The Word is a
I ^id efi autem
^ Scriptura facra,
■ nlpqu^tdam Epi-
\fiola OmntpoteH-
fi^mfmm? Greg,
Epiji. lik 4.
I T/w.j.iy.
Simi >.
T^he Saints fure
contained, and to a found and fincere pradice
of it, in our lives and convcrfations,may Dc this ;
I be Word of God is, as it were , a» Epilik or
Letter (as one of the Fathers calls it) written from
God Almighie unto us mirerablcmcn,publi(hed
by his owne Sonnc,fealed by his Spirir,wirneiTed
by his Angels, conveyed unto us by his Church,
the Pillar and ground of Truths confirmed with the
bloud of millions of Martyrs, which hath alrea-
die brought thoufandsof foulesto Heaven^and
fills every heart that underftands ir,and is wholly
guided by it,with Light and LifejWith Grace and
Salvation. Now let us imagine a man to have a
Letter fent unto him but by an Earthly King, or
fome great Prince in the World ; wherein hee
fiioutd have a Pardon granted him for fomc capi-
tall Crime, and high Offence , whereby hee were
lyable to a terrible kind of death ; or wherein hee
fliouid be fore-warned of fome great and immi-
nent danger hanging over his headjand readie eve-
ry houre to fall upon him ; or,wberein hee fhould
have afllired and confirmed unto him, under the
Kings Scale, fome rich Donation, or great Lord-
fhip. Now I fay , if a man fhould receive but a
Letter from fome high and mightie Potentate
upon Earth) wherein any of thcfe favours fhould
be conveyed unto him ^ how reverently would he
receive it ? how thankfully would he accept of it ?
how often would he readc it ? how warily would
he kecpe it > how highly would heefleemc of it ?
Why, in this royall and facred Letter fent from
the King and great Commander both of Heaven
and perfetuall Cjuide.
and Earth, all thefe favours, and a thoufand more
joyes and comforts, are conveyed unto every be-
Jeever and pra^lifer thereof. In that, we are fore-
warnedjlcft by our ignorance,impietie,and impe-
nitencie, wee fall into the Pit of Hell, and evcr-
lafting horror : In that,we have promifed and per-
formed unto us the pardon and rcmifTion of al 1 our
finnes, whereby wee juftly (land guiltie of the fe-
cond death,and the endlclTe torments of the dam-
ned. By the vcrtue of itjwc are not onely comfor-
ted with grace in this World, but fhall undoub-
tedly be crowned with peace,gIory,and immorta-
litie in the World tQ come. Such a Letter as this,
hath the mightie and terrible God,moft glorious
in all Power and Majcftie, who is even a confu.mwg
And4£'i-ottrhgfire ; fent unto us miferablc men, by
nature wretched and forlorne creatures, Du ft and
Afhes : why then,with what reverence,cheareful-
nefle,and zeale, ought wee to rcceivejreadcjbeare,
marke,learne5underftand,and obey it ?
A fecond Motive, may be the precious,golden,
and divine matter which is contained inthcBooke
of God, and that true and ever-during happineffe,
towhich it onely can bring us. There is nothing
propofed and handled in the Word of God, bur
things of greateft weight,and highcft excellency t
Asjthe infinite majefty5po,ver,and mercy of God 5
the unfpeakable love and ft range fufeings of the
Sonne o£ God, for our fakes ^ the mighty and mi-
raculous working of the holy Spirit upon thd
{bules of men. There is nothing in this Treafury,
but Orient Pearks^and rich lewels^aSjpTOnifesof
The inatrer
contained in
and precious.
HeK s. »4«
iPt;.!. 13.
lob 31. I.
The Saints fare
grace, fpirituall comfort, confufion of fmne, the
triumph of godlines,;efrcilung of wearied foulcs,
the bcautie of Angels, the holine (Tc of Saints, the
ftate of Heaven,ralvation of finnerSjSc e verlaft ing
life. What Swine are they,that neglcding thefe
precious Pearles,root only in the Earth,wallow in
worldly pleafures,feede upon vanities, tranfitorie
trani,and vanilliing riches,vvhieh in their greateft
need will take them to their rvings^likean Eagle^rndfiie
into theHeavensl^c^xditSyXho. Word of God is only
able to prepare us for true happineflTe in this worlci,
and to polTefle us of it, in the world to come. It
only begets in us a true,inth:e,and univerfall holi-
ne (lb; mtheut trhichy none jbaff ever fee the face ofGod^
Or the glory of Heaven: for it is impofIibIe,hereaf-
ter to live the life of glory &:bleflednes in Hea«ren,
if we live not here the life of grace and finccrity,in
allour waies. It is called the immei'taU Seed jocca^re
it regenerates and renewes us both in our Spirits,
Souks^and Bodies : ineurSpirits-^that is,in judge-
ment,memory,& confcience : in our Souies-^that is^
in our will and affedtions ; in ourBodies-^that isjin e-
very member. If the Prince of this world hath not
blinded the eyes of our minds, andthatwebenot
reprobats,as concerning falvation,it only is able to
inlightcn our underftandingSjto re(5lifie our wills,
to fan^ftifie our hearts,to mortifie our aife(fi:ionsjto
Ctt Davids Doore before our lifs^that tre offend not trith
our tonguex'j to (ct loh Doore before om eyes^that they
behold not vAnit'j'^ to manacle our hands & feet with
the cords and bands of Go Js La\v,that they do not
I walke or worke wickedly : nay, and it is able to
' furnirti
and perpetuall ^ude.
judged by the
furnifli and fupply us with fufficiencie of fpiritiT-
all ftrengtb, to cantinue in all^thefc good things,
andinagodlycourfevntothe^d. And if we be
once thus qualiSed, wc are rightly fitted and pre-
pared for the glory that is tobe revealed. As be-
fore, this holy Word did tranflate us from the
darknefleof (inne, into the light of grace ; ir can
now much more eafily , with joy and triumph,
bring us, from the light of grace, to the light of
immortalitie,and everlafting pleafures at Gods
right hand.
A third Motive maybe this : Wee muft be
judged by the W^ord of God at the lail Day, lf\ We muft be
any man (laitn Cnriit, /ch. 12, 475 4<5.) heare my
mrdS) and beletve not^ I judge him not \ fori came not
to judge the JVorld^ but to faze the World : He that re-
fufeth me^ and receiveth not my nords, hath one that
judgethhiw'^ the Tvsrd that I have f^oh^^it fhall judge
him in the laH Day, Whenfoever wee fliall come
to judgement^ and appeare before Gods Tribu-
nalf, (and wee little know how neere it is) two
Bookes lliall be Jayd open unto us ; the one, of
Gods Law 5 another, of our owne Confcience :
The former, will tell us what wee fhould bave
dobe ; for the Lord hath revealed it to the World,
tobe the luleof our faith, and of all our anions :
The other, will tell us what wee have done 5 for
Gonfcience is a Regifter,Light,and Power in our Conrciencc^
Vnderftanding, which trcafures up all our parci-
ciilar adions againft the Day of Triall ; difcovers
unto us theequitie5or iniquitie of them ; and de-
tetminesof them, either with us, or againfr us .
what it is.
The Saints fure
Now we muft not take any exception againft the
firll: 5 that is, the Law of God : For the Law ef God
(faith J) avid , Pfal. 1^.7.) iiferfeB^ comerting the
[bide : The tejiimonie of the Lord is Jure, and giveth
mfedome unto the jimfU, Wee cannot again ft the)
fccond • that is , the Booke of our Confciencc : ]
for it was ever in our cwftodie and keeping ; no I
man could corrupt it ; there is nothing writ in it,
but with our owne hands. Now, in what a terri-
ble fearefull cafe will a man be at that Day, wh«a
he (hall fee the Booke of God layd opea before
him J in the Light whereof hce (hould have led
all his life, and by which he is now to be judged ;
and yet know himfelfe to have had no knowledge,
but to have beene a meere ftranger in it ? Though
the great things of the Law were many times pub-
lifhedand preached unto him, yet hce counted
them but as a fflrange thing. Every mans Confci-
ence is naturally corrupt, defiled, and uncomfor-
table ^ andcanendure anddigcft rcafonabic qui-
etly the rage of difordcredaffe^ions, many vile
corruptions, and finfull actions : and therefore,at
the laft Day, when it fhall be awakened, opened,
examined , it will bring forth nothing, but the
Worme that never dyes, ftrange confufion, and
condemnation ; except it hath bccne formerly in
this World enlightened, purged, and fan^lificd
by the Word of Grace, and the Bldud of the
Lambe. Moftaccurfed thcnjand forIorne,wiIl be
the ftate of every ignorant man,whcn he fhall ap-
pcare before the ludge of all the World : When
he lookcs upon his Confcience,hc (hall finde no-
and perpetuall (juide.
thing but guilt,and horror : when upon the Law,
and upon the Word of God^after whichhe lliould
have lived^and by which he muft npw be judged 5
it will be to him but as afealed Boole • bee will fee
nothing but his owne ignorance, blindnefTe, and
ftrangenefle in it : And therctore,all the Plagues
and Curfes denounced in it again ft ignoranr,wic-
kedjand unrepentant finners, (hall be his portion^
in the Lake that burncs with fire and Brimllone
for evermore. This ought then to ftirre up every
raan, with all care and Confcience, to ftore him-
fclfe, while he hath time, with faving knowledge
and holy obedience uRto that Word, which muft
be his ludgeinthe laftDay: Nay, and let him
take heed unto his feet, and looke unto his beha-
viour, when hee enters into the Houfe of God :
For in that Day he muft anfwer and be countable
for every Sermon that he hath heard^and for every
Lcftbn he hath bcene taught out of the Booke of
God : If they have not enlightened his under-
ftanding, they have hardened his heart ; if they
doc not now reforme him_,they will hereafter con-
found him ^ if he doe not pro-fit by them, he iliall
be fure to be plagued for the negle6t of them j
For Gods Word is unto every man thariiearcs k,
either the favour of life unto life^ or thefazour of death
unto death : It is a tm-edged Smrd-^ it either kills
the finnCjOr the foulc, it muft and [haUfroffcr in
thetvorke ferrvhich it is fent. God will rayfe glo-
ry, hee will winne honour unto bimfclfc, from
every man. If hee cannot be glorified, by his
hcc vtrill glorific his
converfion, and falvation
A fearcfUn
thall befall the
net heavers
and pradifers
ef the Word.
T^he Saints fure
ovvne Name, in bis dcfervcd overthrow, and juft
A fourth Motive may be ; That horrible and
fearefull puni("hment and deflradion, which at
lengtli will cercaincly befall all negligent aiid
contemptuous hearers , and thofe that pradife
not the power thereof in their lives and convcrfa-
tions. f-yhefotver (faith our bleflfed Saviour) fhall
mt receive youjor heare your words • whenyee depart out
of that hufe, or that CitiCy jhoke 'off the duj) dfyour
feet: Truly I fay unto you^ it fhall be eajierfor them of
the Land &f Sodome and Gomerrah , in the Day of
ludgement^ than fir that Citie, The infamous abo-
minations, the damnable and crying finnes of the
Sodomites are knowne unto all : Who hath not
heard of thofe flouds of fire and Brimftone,
which fwept them away, as the hatcfulleft crea-
tures that ever lived upon the Earth ? How rufull
then, and how lamentable will be their condi-
tion, who are lyable and fubjetfl to more horrible
plagues than tbefe ? Wee (hould therefore con-
(ider, that the negligent, irreverent, and unprofi-
table hearing of the Word of God, is a finnc of
a farre greater weight, and more fearcfull confe-
quence, than we ordinarily imagine. W^hen wee
heare theMiniQers,and EmbalTadours of God,
delivering his mind, and revealing his W^ill unto
us,out of fuch places as thefe,we are to conceive,
that in a necrerand more fpeciall manner, wee
ftand in the prcfence of the great God of Heaven
and Earth, who is clothed with infinite terrour,
power, and majeftic 5 and thereafter, we ought to
and perpetuallCjuide,
proportion ourbehavioiir and carriage, with rc-
vercncejhumiliryjand obedience to io great a pre-
ience. Earthly Princes will not endure concempc
anddifgraceat their fubje^ts hands .* They can-
not abide to have their Majeftie and authority
lightly fee by, their lawes and commands to bee
neglected and troden under foot : Why then
fhoiild the Lord of glory, of jufticeand power,
bearc fuch indignities at the hands of finfull men,
which are his moil abjed vafTals, and contempti-
ble creatures ? Certaine it is, if wee weigh aright
the great ncfTe of that God , before whom wee
ftand5andourownevilcneire5 weclliould hold it
moH juftjifhe fhould prefently in the place where
weftand, punifhand plague our fleepinelTe, tal-
king, wandting thoughts, and irreverent carriage
at hearing his Word , with fome fudden and
n>arkablc vengeance5to be a fpedaclc & example
unto others, for ncgle/3:ing fo great falvation. It
is Gods great mercy that fuch plagues and judge- '
ments arerefpitcd, fufpended, and deferred • for i
even all the cwrfes in the booke of God doe natu-
rally, dcfervedly, and inthecourfe of Gods ju-
fticc, belong unto the negligent hearer, and M-
obedient unto the Word of God, ^Uthefe curfes
(faith Mdfes Deut,2S.^9.)fha^come upon thee and
furfue thee^ and overtake thee, tiff thou be defiroyed^ he-
caufe thou ohyefinot the zoiceof the Lord thy God,
I come now in the fccond place to the tempta-
tions and lets whereby a man may bee hindered
from hearing the Word of God, profiting by it,
and a con^fcionable pradbifing of the fame,
(c) The
from profiring
by ihe Word.
Some thinke
the Word to
be but a hu-
mane policie«
A re moving of
The Saints Jure
\ v'l: may &ec
\ difcemed by a
I propGrjnatu-
\ ra'ii,andinlic-
I rcncMajtftie
j from all bui
' mane writings
] aridimitatory
irapofturcs oF
Satan ; fuch as
iv the Alc^ton
The highcft in iaipicty, and moil: liorf ibie, is a
fp'ec of Atheidncj which Satan fuggells into
worldly men, whereby they wickedly, and very
blafphemoufly think e, that the facrcd Word of
God, is bat a politike invention and devifc to
kecpc men in awe and order, in Cities and fo
cieties, and to prefcrve them from wildnefTe and
outrages. But I would gladly know whofewcrke
arid invention it is, if it be not Gods Almighty ?
It if net manf .• For itdiredly and ftrongly op-
pofcrh • againft the flreamc of his fenfuall de-
lights, and earthly pleafurest It curbs his mod
defired contentments, and croflTcth the natural!
bent of bis aftcvlions.
It is mtSAtam : For he in all -ages hath fiercely
and furiouny fci himfelfe againft it - and it is the
engine that batters and beats downe his king-
domcof darkncfTei
His not anj ^ngch^ or other creatures : For the
vvoncierfull power of Gods Word, is farre above
the reach and capacity of any creature ; tranfccn-
dent to alt created underftandings, and fini*-e
cdmprclien{ion.Ee(tdes,the famous miracks,tjie
! many vi (ions, the true fore-telling of thijigs to
co.»e,the inward, lively and effe^uall workings
upon the foules of theeled, and many other fin-
gular and faered markes &chara^ers of divinity
ftarapcd upon ir,.dorh plainly (l-^ew,. that it is the
alone holy invention of Gods divine, pure and
infinite underftanding, and revealed to the world
for the. inlarging of Gods gloryj and the falva
and per^etuall Cjuide.
tion of many a thoufand foules 5 for the confu-
(ion of the kingdome of Satan, and juft con-
demnation of the children of hell. Take heed
then in the name of God, that you give not en-
trance or entertainment to any fuch fearefull blaf^
phemous temptation, whereby the love and zealc
to Gods Word may be cooled, or you grow leflfe
careful! in purchafing and pradifing the knovi'-
ledge and power of it. I his let layes hold onely
upon men of a reprobate fenfe, and thofe that
are already marked out for certame damnation.
A fecond let and hindcrance fromhearing the
Wt^rdof God, is recufancie, the cozenage and
im pollute of Popery. For fuch is the wicked-
ne fie and cruelty of that fu perdition and myfte-
ry of iniquity, that it labours might and maine
tokeepe all the n-orldclofe prifoners in the dun-
geon of darknefTc and ignorance, and for ever to
deprive them of the light of the GofpelL-The
prophane profefTors of this bloudy Religion,
hold ignorance to be the mother of devotion^and
a very dangerpus thing for fimplc people to pry
into the Booke of God. And fo they doe more
fafely and fecurely feed their followers with their
owne damnable principles of treafbn, rebellion,
difloyalty and difohedience to lawfull Kings.
So they lead ignorant people which way, and as
farre as they will ig thekingdome of darknefle^
eventobelecve that blowing up of whole ftates,
and killing of Kings, are very glorious ads, and j
merit thebrighteft crowne of immortality, andj'
thehigheft feat in heaven. Ihope in the Lord!
(c 2 ) there
Let 2.
Recufancic .
Let ;.
Hardnefl'c of
heart, andde-
jn finning.
The Saints Jure
againft cbis.
there is none of you, but with all his he^rt hates
and dcterts this bloudy, murthcrous, and Idola-
trous generation • and will by no mcanesfutfer
his right eye of knowledge in Gods Word to be
put out by thcfe curfcd Ammonites.
Addchcre another let, which is Scparatifme,
A third let and hinderance, is the height af
hardneflc of heart, and molt damned delperate-
ncffe in fmning, when men are become fo greedy
of fulfilling their finfull pleafures , that they
drinke up fenfuall delights like water,dravv on ini-
quity like cords ofvAmtie^ andfinne as mth cart-
ropes: For then they beginnc to fay with them-
felvcSjCvento God himfelfe5with them in '0^21.
I 4j 1 5 . Depart from w, for we dejire not the knowledge
ofthyv^ajcs. who if the -^Imightj^ that rre fhmldfcrfe
him ^ and rrhat profit jhoiild we haze if n-'effjould pray un-
to him ? And with thofe to whom Ifaiah in his
fifth Chapter denounceth a fearcfull woe ; Let
himr/iake^eedy lethimhajien his nerke, that we may
fee it^ and let the cout^feilof the Hoi) one of Ifraeldran>
neare and come^ that tree ma^kncrv it. Men that are
poflefTed with fuch a rebellious and fcornfull fpi-
rit as this, neither much care for God or his
Word, threats or prom ifes, judgements or mer-
cies, heaven or hell. No raarvell then though
they fet light by Gods minijlers, and feekc not
forinflrut^ion in holy knowledge, and heavenly
wifdomCo That wee may be preferved from' this
horrible and dcfperate cafe , and fo fearcfull y
hardning our hearts againft the Woid of 1 ife aod
" falvation,
and perpetuall Cjuide*
Talvation, we muft be very carefull and watchfull,
that wee give not way, pa (Tagejand entertainment
to wicked thoughtSjand the firft {infull motions :
for in this manner^ a man proceedes to the height
of finne, and a reprobate lenfe. There firft ari-
fcth in his Heart an idle and wandering thought
of fome unlawfull thing ^ as of Luft, Covetouf-
neffe. Pride, Malice, prophaning the Sabbath,
Cozening, and circumventing bis Brother 5 and
fuch like. Secondly, it begins to allure, entice^
and confcrre with the Will. Thirdly, the Will
doth, as itvrcre, take it by the hand, and is tick-
led,pleared,and dclig;hted with it. Then foilowes
j Confent : Confent fets the affedions on foot,
and plots the accomplirhmcnt and practice of
iitj and finnepra(5lifedwith pleafure, brings Cu-
ftomc. Cuftome fharpens a mans wir,aHd makes
him looke about, how to excufe it : From excu-
{ingfinne,heegrowcs to defend it : Defence of
finne, makes him obftinate,and refolved to conti-
nue in it : ObftiRatenefTe begets boafting^and glo-
rying in it. And if a man once become impudent^
and take a pride in {inning,there prefently follows
a brazen Brow, and whorifh fore-head, an yron fi-
new in the necke,a heart as hard as the nether Mi 1-
ftone,a feared Confcienccjand a reprobate fenfe.
Thefe are the fteps^by which a man rifeth into the
Scatof tfee fcornefull : And upon the top of thefe
ftayres, Sinnc fits in the greatcft triumph and fo-
veraigntie 5 and banifheth out of a mans heart,
allfeare of God, love to his Miniflers^ and zeale
unto his Word.
(e3) A
The degrees
ia finne.
A motion to
The Will ind-
A reprobate
The Saints fsire
Let 4.
A conceitjibat
mens Lawes>
3akes hold of,
and will con«>
derane oncly
notorious fin-
This Lci is
A fourth Let and hinderance from hearing
Gods VVord,and yeelding entire obedience unto
it, is a very peftilcnt and policike conceit, which
pofTeiTeth the hearts of very many^ whereby they
are perfwaded^That Lawes divine arc but like hu-
mane or mens conftitutions : As thefe execute
none, but chiefe Malefadors ; fo thefe Decrees
of God will at laftcondemnenonc^but infamous
and notorious llnners. And therefore, if they be
but pettie Oifendors, or onely maintaine but one
fweet linnc in themfelvcs j if they be not of the
worft fort, though they be not fo forward hearers
of Sermons , fo Scripture-wife , or hold fuch a
ftrid courfe of holinefle in their converfation :
yet they thinke with thcmfelves,their cafe is good
enough , and that it will goe well enough with
them at lail:. Hence it is, that they are cold, and
carelc{re,in efteeraing of hearing,and conforming
themfelves to the Minifterie of the Word. But
let no man deceive himfelfe i The deftru(9:ion of
the negligent hearerof the Word of God,and the
difobedient to the Gofpcl of Chrift lefus, fliall
be as the dcRmdiono(*S oclowcy and farre more
grievous. He that lyes and delights in any one
knowne finne, of which his Confcience is con-
vided, is in a fearefull cafe, fvithout faith^ it is im^
fojft^ie tofleafe God : and , fvithdut holinefi^ no man
fhaUfee the face of the L»rd, And none hath either
faithjOrholincfle, without faving knowledge out
of Gods Booke, Without the New-birth , and
continuance in grace unto the end, no man fhali
be faved t And, fincere obedience to a conftant
and per^etuall (juide.
and confcionable Miniftcrie of the Word , is a
meanes both to beget, nourilh, and continue fa-
ving grace. And, let mens conceits be what they
vvili ; as fure it is,as God is in Heaven,not one jot
or tittle of all the Plagues and Curfes regiftred in
Gods Law, but (liail be feverely executed upon
all ignorant and unrepentant Tinners , and poured
upon the hairie fcaipe ofallfuch as gee onfiiU in their
A fifth Let and hinderance of hearing the
Word of God , is an excellive and imttioderarc
delight, and an eager and earneft purfuit of the
finfull pleafures of a mans fweet finnc. * By a
mans fweet finne, I meanc that,which his corrupt
nature hath fingled out, and made fpeciall choife
of, to follow and feed upon, with greateft delight
and fcnfuall fwectneflfe 5 which, by cuftome and
continuance, hatk taken deepcft root and fureft
hold in his heart: uponwhichjall his affe<5iions
and defires are carried with iliarpeft edge, heat,
and headlongnefle • and to which, hee makes all
occafions and circumftances/riends and acqu'ain-
tancCj Religion and Confcience, all the powers
both of foule and body, and outward eftate, fer-
viceable and contributorie, as to that which
chiefcly rules and reignes in him. This fweet
finne,in fomc, is WorldlinefTe, Earthly-minded-
ne{Ie,and Covetoufnefle : In"others5itis Volup-
tuoufneffe, Lnft, and Vncleannefle • Pride, Plea-
fures, DrunkennefTe, or fuch like. Now cercaine
it iSjCarnaI!,prophane,and unregenerate men,doe
, many times prefcrrc the pleafures of their fweet
(e 4) and
TfaLii, &1.
Let ^»
An eager pur-
fuic of a mans
fvvecc finne.
* What is
meant by a
fweet finne.
tptif (tut fiigitk"
fui invemtuf :
quin ab aliqus
fc nemo tantie
fan£liiatii ejl,
quln ad anum
aliquod pBUit'
turn, quam ad
fit, Cart.p,ii6x,
3iAt}f. x%.
Lu]{e 1 4.
The Parable
of the greac
Supper fer our
by j.circam-
I 1
The Saints Jure
and moft delightfull finnc, before the comforts
of Gods Houfejthc Congregation of the Saints,
and the precioiifnefTe of the Word preached.
And therefore , howfoever they may ordinarily
come to Sermons, (though it be rather for fafhi-
oPjand of cuftome, than with heartie and true de-
votion ) yet if fome fpcciall gaine and profit be
to be layd hold upon at that time ; if fome ex^
traordinaric pleafure, feafting, paftimejand com-
panie be then to be enjoyed -, they make no Con-
feience to turnc their backes upon the Houfe of
God, and the Minifterie of the Word,even upon
the Sabbath day tfo, for a little finfult pleafurc,
or worldly contentment, wretchedly abandoning
Gods holy Ordinance, and the neceflaric meanes
of their owne falvation.
That many men arc thus wickedly hindered
from hearing the Word of God , appeares in
Math. 22, and Luke 14. The glorious magnifi-
cence, and rich comforts of heavenly Gheare in
the H6ufeof God, are notably fct otit unto us
there, by divers circumftancesjin the Parable of
the great Feaft. Firftjit was a Wedding Fcaft;
which ufually is full of joy, comfort, and great
folemnitie. Secondly , it was made by a King ^
and therefore, like unto himfclfe, Royall, 2nd
Prince]y5in plenfieandvarietic.anfwerable to his
State and Greatnefle* Thirdly, it was made at
the Marriage of a Kings fonne* which would
make it yet farre more/umptuoiis,full of pompe,
and noble entertainment , than if it had beene
for, a fcrvantj friend, or ordinarie perfon, .
and fer^etuall (jwde.
By all tlii5,is m€ai>t the Miniftery of the Word,
and Gofpel of Chrift lefus ; wherewith every
faithfull man is feaftedj made Gods fonne, and
married to Chrift himfclfe for ever, in righteouf-
nejje and in judgement , in mercie and in compajjion.
This Feaft being in full readinefle. Servants are
fentour, to invite Gucfts : But forall the glory,
com fort, and magnificence prepared for them, in
"this Wedding,and Royall Feaft ; many refufe to
come^and make excufe : One faith j he hath bought
a Farme^andmuji needes goe to fee it: another hath
bought five Toke ef Oxen^ and goes to prove them :
another hath married a pvife^and therefore he cannot
ceme : another is bufied about his Merchan^dife,
buying and felling, and can hardly fpare fo-much
Thus one finftjll delight or other, profit, plea-
rure,companfe,orthclikej doe many times flay
and hind erprophane and worldly men from hea-
ring the Word of God, and from this fpiritnall j
and heavenly Feaft in his Houfe •, whereby their I
foules might be fatisficd,^ it were mthmarrovp and '
fatnejfe^withxht comforts of grace, anda tafte of
the joyes of Heaven. It is very ftrange, that any
man fliould be fo bloudie and cruell to his ovvne
foule ; thatjwhereas by the breaking of the W''ord j
of Life unto him in fach places as this, he might
have it furnifaed with fpirituall ftrengtb,towards'
cvcrlafting life : yet for fome earthly pelfe, and
temporall plcafurejabfentinghimfelfejhe fuffers-
it to ftarve in ignorance and prophancnefte ; the
immediateand certaine palTages to eternaldeath.
Let i
What i J meant
by it.
i«J^f 14.18.
PM^. J.
A countcr-
Gods Houfe is
the Prcfencc-
Chanober of
the King of
Chrift is there.
The Spirit is
, 4
The Angels
are there.
I C^.li.lo,
^he Saints fure
Let a man imagine with himfelfejVThen he pur-
pofes and refolves to abfcnt himfelfe from a Ser-
mon, that hee layes, as it were, in the one Scale of
the Weights, the glorious Majeftie,prerence,and
honour of God 5 the comfort, happmc{re,and fal-
vation of his owne Soule ; and in the other, a
little wretched pleafurc, or profit; and fo futfers
this miferabje Vanitie to weigh downe fo infi-
nite a Ma jeftie.
For, fir ft, Gods Houfe, where his Word is
faithfully preached, is, as it were, the Prefence-
Chamberof the everlafting King of Glory, Here
he fits in a Chaire of Statc,with more fpeciall and
eminent Power and Majcftie, as anciently he fate
betweene the Cherubins.
Secondly, Chrift himfelfe is here prefent; For,
fvherefoever tw9 or three are gathered together in hk
Name^ he is in the midB of them, A nd fo he is faid.,
t& walke in the midH of the feven golden Candleflicks ;
and with fpeciall power and providence to dire(fl
and guide thefe holy Exer^ifes.
Thirdly5theholy Spirit of God is prefcntjin
our Aflemblies ; plentifully {hedding into the
hearts of the faithfull, the rich Treafurcs of Wif-
dome and Grace.
Fourthly, the blefled Angels of God arc here;
as appearcth, i Cor. 1 1 . lo. not onely to doc fer-
vicc unto the Lord, unto the Eled, and unto his
Minifterie ; but alfo^aftera fort, tofolace and re-
joyce themfelves in the beau tie of Gods Houfe,
and in the Myftcrics publiflied in the Gofpel ; as
appeares, I Pet, 1,12,
and perpetu&ll (juide.
Fifthly, Gods holy Saints here prefent them-
fdves ; in whom , aH our delight and comfort
ought to be : for they onely are truly excellent,
aJlyed unto Chrift,and heires of Heaven.
Laftly, here alone ordinarily are to be had Blef-
fings,Life,and Salvation; for the Word preached
is the ordinarie meanes to beget the unconverted
unto God ; by inlightcning their eyes , opening
their eares, foftening their hearts, planting faith
in their foules, and holineffe in their convcr rati-
ons : fo that,of the children of wrathjthey become
the Tonnes of God. Hence it is, that it is called,
a.Minifieric gf ReconciliatioH , of Peace -^ a fV&rd of
Grace ; of Sahmorty and of Life,
If a man be alreadie converted, and in the ftatc
of grace, he may receive thcfc Blelliags by it : It
is a povverfull meanes of the Spirit,
Toencreafe his knowledge in heavenly things,
and the affaires of the Soule •, by dayly clearing
his judgement from ignorance and error, by in-
forming it with fpirituallwifedome, and all ne-
ceflaric truths,and needfull knowledge.
To adde ftrength,and vigour,and encreafe unto
his faith j that hee may grow and proceed , from
the infancie and vveakeneffe in Chriftianitie, to
tallncfle and perfedion in Chrift.
To prefervehim from lukc-warmenefle, world-
lineftejand fecurltie ^ to recall him from his wan-
fettle,comfortjand confirmehim in a godly conrfe.
To prevent his falJs^and rclapfes • becaufe by it
hee is furnifhed with Cliriftian armour, again (1
The Saints arc
The effea of
the Word to
the unconver*
zo. 3 1,
The bencHc of
ic CO Converts!
7c encreafetk
their know*
Their faiiK
It prefervcs
them from
it prevents
It rccoYers
ihetn arighc
in all thcic
The Saints fure
temptations*^ he is refolved in all doubts,and ca-
fes of Confeience 5 he is admonifhed of aH croo-
ked vvayes,occafiGns5and down-falls to iniquity.
To reclaime him from back-flidings r to rayfe
and recover him out of falls^and to reftore him to
his firft lovcj by difcovcring unto him the foulc-
nefTe and danger of finne, the power of his oivnc
infirmities, the bitter root of Originall finnc, the
peftilentandimpoyfoned fruits thereof 5 and by
dayly urging the bleffings of true repentance,and
the prad:ice of a good Confciencc.
Moil abfolutely to guide and condud: him in
thewayof righteoufnefle, and whole courfe of
Chriftianitie . to furnifh him with zeale and up-
rightneflTe in all holy duties and ferv ices of God ;
with faithfulnefife and confciencCjin the difchargc
and executions of his calling^with holy mcditati-
onsjwhcn he is alone^with harmlelTe behavior^and
Light ofgood example in companyjandamongft
others^with wifdome andcare,ever intirely to fan-
difie the Sabbath, and to teach and pray with his
family. Marke now,I befcech you^ fith the Mini-
ftery of the Word is ever graced with fo glorious
•prefence,and fuch incomparable bleffings as I have
now reckoned up unto you;he that turnes his back
upon a Sermon/orthe injoying of profitjpleafures,
paftimCjCompanie3feafl:ing,or any other worldly
and by-refped^ he wilfully forfakes the falvation
of his ownefoule, he cafts behind him all thefe
happy blelfings and comforts, tendered unto him
by the Miniftery oftheWord- he throws himfelfe
defperatcly out of the prefence of God Almighty,
- Chrift
and perpetual! (juide.
Chrift Icfus, the Holy Spirit, his blefled An-
gels, thecongiegation of Saints, into the power
and clutches of Satan, into the company of wic-
ked and prophane men, upon the juft indignatio-n
and revenge of all the creatures, upon the wrath
and curfc af God, and the iTiipwracke of a good
eonfcience. Take heed then Ibefeechyou, how
you bee drawne by any worldly affaires from the
, hearing of the Word, efpecially on the Sabbath
day, left thereby you make it plaine, that you
preferre your ownc particular, before the glory of
God 5 earthly gaine, beforea Crowne of immor-
tality ; a little vanifhing pieafure, before the
endleiTejoycs of heaven ^ and that yee yet lie and
delightinonefwcetfinne or other, which keepes
3:\\ faving grace oiit of your foules.
A fixth let and hinderance from hearing the
Word of God, arecertaine prophane and unwar-
rantable perfw-afions and conceits, which are en-
tertained and harboured in the hearts of igno-
rant and wil full people.
Some of them thinke \inth themfelves that
there is no fuch great need of following Ser-
mons, and frequenting holy afiTemblies, efpeci-
ally if at the fam-e rime they be not ungodly bu-
fied and exercifed at home 5 and therefore they
askc ; What can we not fave our foules^and come
to heaven, unlefTe wc trudge and trot fo often to
Church ? Have we not the Bible, and other gooj
bookes at home to rcade upon ? Can we not pray
and praife God at home ?-
They might as well as ke ; Canvreenothavea
Let 6,
Carnall con-
ceits and ob'*
May wc not
be favcd with-
out hearing
the Word
preached ?
dz 1
The Saints fur e
l«Io more than
without low-
ing, or live
without foodc
QhieH. 1*
preaching is
not To necei-
Ic is a figne ot
u gracrlcfle
hca' t to ]oath
the heavenly
harveft unlefle wc have a feed time, and rainc, yea,
both the former and the latter raine ? Or can
we not live except we have meat ? Certainly no.
No more can any man be truly finftificdandfa-
ved, nor live either the life of grace here, or
exped the life of glory hereafter, unlefTe he fol-
low the ordinary meanes appointed and fandi-
fied by God for his falvation ; Except he fubmit
himfelfe to that policy and order which God
with great wifdome hath eftablilTjed in his
Church. Would a man be taken for a good fub-
'}t(k^ who fliould pcevifhly oppofe himfelfe a-
gainft a law agreed upon and commanded by the
King and State, for the great good of the Com-
mon-wealth ? God himfelfe hath appointed a
publike Miniftcry in the Church 5 Paftorsand
teachers for the gathering of the Saints, and all
that belong to life • and is it fit that any private
exercife fhouldcrofle Gods publikc ordinances ?
No; It is both inconvenient and wicked, and
Gods blefling is never to be looked for, upon any
action and exercife, though never fo good in it
felfe, if his wiil be not obeyed.
I, but fome will fay ; It is good indeed fomc-
i times now and then to heare a Sermon ; but what
needs fo much preaching, and Sermon upon Ser-
mon 5 Would they have us Saints and Angels
upon earth > ^
Wretched is that manwhichisweary of the
Word of life. And hee hath no true tafle of ho-
ly things, which loaths this fpirituall Manna,
though never fo often reigned from heaven.There
and perpetuall (juide.
isno.favingand true knotv ledge of God in that
man, who dedres not to grow in grace, and in the
knowlcdgeof the Lord JefusChnlL Would vve
not think e him mad and dillra^ed that ilioiild
thus reafon againft his ovvne life ? I hope I have
eaten meat enough heretoforcj and furnifliedmy
felfewith fuflicientftrength, fo that I now need
no more, and therefore Ivvill neither eat nor drink
more while 1 live. Even juft fodoth he reafon
and plead againft the life of his foule, who com-
plaines of too much preaching, and too man-y;
Sermons. D^i'/W^thatblefled King^and holy Pro-
phet, who was advanced both in knowJedgeand
holinejOfe, above the ordinary reach and pcrfedi-
on of men, and lived as an Angell upon earth;:
yet.he acknowledgeth himfelfc greatly to ftand
j in need of ftirring up , by meanes ordained, of
I God for that end. As we may gather our o^Pfal,
84. and in many othcrplaces. Inthac Pfalmehe
makes amoft grievous and mournfull cornplaint,
that he is debarred and banifhed from all a cce fie
unto the publike worHiip and fervice of God-
holding himfelfe in this lefpe^t moremiferable
than fome of the brultcreatures, which had liber-
ty to build theimefts, and lay their young neare
the Altars of the Lord ; which benefit he could
nox.now enjoy. Now if this man of God fo lon-
ged and laboured after the meanes of grace and
comfort,, what ought thofe to doe, who are of
little or no faith ; who are but Novices and pet-
ties in the Schoole of Chrifl; who arc but babes
in Chriflianity, or utterly without^race?
T^he Saints fur e
object. V
checs had no
preaching, yet
Their con-
ftiall be eaGcc.
to bicffc God,
who bath
deak more
with w •
I, but our fore- fathers (will others fay) were
never troubled with fo many Sermons, and yet
we hope they are well, and in Heaven,
Our fore-fathers wanted the meanes, and that
full glorious Noonc-tide oftheGofpcU of lefus
Chrift, which we by the grace and mercy of God
enjoy. And therefore whofoever of them peri-
jfhed without thcmjiTiall certainly be beaten with
fewer ftripes, than thofe that fhut their eyes
againftthefaire and blefTed Sun-fhine of Gods
holy truth, which is flied roundabout us, and //
it be hid, it if hid o^ely to thofe that ferijh, inrrhont the
God of this fforldhath hlifided the eyes of their minde,
Befides, if itfo pleafedthc Lord in his juftand
fecret judgement to fuffer fomc of our fore-fa-
thers to live and die under the tyranny and dark-
nefle of Antichrift 5 how much are we bound to
blefTeCod, that we arc borne and brought up in
the light of the Gofpell ; and what hcavic
plagues and great damnation doe wee bring up-
on our felves, if wee negled or defpifc fo great
I, but yet further, (will fome fay) wee have li-
ved fomeof us fortie, fome thirtie, fome twenty
yeares, without (b much preaching, and yet have
holdcn good credit and reputation in the world,
and profpered inourwaycs, would you now have
1 us fo forward in running to Sermons?
I Strange it is to fee how wife the fimpleft are in
' matters ofthe world, aboiu: their temporall ftate,
jbuthowfimpie andblinde the wifeft worldlings
are in the affaires of Heaven, and about their
and perpetuall (juide.
ereatcft, fpirituall, and eternall good. Let us
luppofe a man to have lived long in a poorc Cot-
tage, and novr at length to have fome great and
rich Lordfliip befallen him j doe you thinkehec
would reafon thus : Why,I have lived fome thir-
tie or fortie yceres now alreadic in this low cftate
with good contentment, and credit, amongft ray
neighbours ; and therefore here I will reft, the
reft of my dayes 5 I am too old now, to change
my former eftatc ? Would fuch a foole as this,
befoundinawholeCountrcy ? And yet many
Countries aic fall of fuch fooles, in refpcd^ of
fpirituall advanccment,and the falvation of their
foules. Me thinkes, thofe that have long lived in
ignorancc,and blindneftcjfhould rather conclude
thus : Have I thus long and fo fearefully lived
without God in the World, without knowledge
of his Truth, faith in Chrift, and Confcicnce of
my wayes ? Oh, then it is more than high time
now at length to awake out of fleepe,and to open
mineeyes,and to imbrace this glorious Sun-fhine
of the Gofpel,which the Lord of his great mercy
hath brought unto me, that fo I may be enlighte-
ned to eternall life.
As for profpering in the World, that is no
marke of a good foule ? nay, it is commonly the
Let of the wicked, not to be plagued like other
men,but to bring their enterprifes to paftc, Pfalme
7 3 . Nay, yet further : There is no greater CurCe
can befall any man, than to profper in the World,
and be out of the way to Heaven.
I5but(will others fay) to the attaining of eternall
(f) life,
OlfftS, y.
What needs Co
much adoe ?
The whole du<
tie of man is
foone learned.
not fo foone
T^he Saints fur e \
lifcjwhat needs fo much adoe/o much preaching, !
teaching and praying with our familics,vvhich are
fo much and fo often urged upon us ? When all
comes to all, this is the fumme and end of all j To
feare C(^d^ and Iceepe his Comtnandemcnts • 7 has rve
kvc God Avove aUyOndgiiv neighbours our [elves: And
we hope \re can doe this,without all this adoe.
To feare Godjand kecpc his Commandements,
(which is the whole ducie of man,as the Preacher
fpcakcs in his laft chapter)arid to love God above
alljand our neighbors as our felvcs j {uf&n Mch han-
geth the rvhole Law and the P/ophets^as Chrift tells us,
^Ath.i 2 .) are indeed foone fpoken,but not fo ea-
fily,truly learned ; and moft hardly, ftncercly pra-
difed* Is it enough,thinkeyou, to make a man a
good Carpenter, or Mafon, to fay ; That^tbat is
foone learned ; and, I know as much as the heft
workman can teach or tellmeiTo buildan Houie,
is nothing but to lay the foundation, to reare the
walls,andcoveritwithaRoofe.? Is it enough to
make a good Husbandman,tG fay^I know as much
as the bed Husbandnnan can teach me ; for Hus-
bandry is nothing elfe,but to fowe and reaper Is^
it enough to make a good Preacher,to fay; It is no
fuch great matter, to make a Sermon • I know as
much in that point, as the befi; Scholleramongft
them can tell me:To preacb^is nothing clfe but to
expound the Textj-^ather I^o^ftrineSjand make ufe
and application to the hearts & confciences of the
hearers? But it would be long before thcfe id Ic and
craptie vaunts would build Houfes,{iIl Barnes,or
and perpetuall Cfuide.
fave Soules. There is farrc more required to thefe
bufineflTcSjthan ro'.There is to be undergone much
toiJeand IaboMr,much care & troubIe,expence and
excrcifejbeforc any of thefe workcs can be rightly
accompliflicd. It is even fo in the great workeof
falvationj^d the attainment of Heaven.The ftate
of gracc^and trade of Chriftianitiejis not focafily
purchafcd &pra<5lifcd. There goes more to faving
of a foulcjthan bold & ignorant brags; than to fay^
If that be all,I hope I can quickly and eafily learnc
to love God above aWjU my neighbor as my fclfe:
For before thefe^there goes many thingsjaSjknow-
ledgc of Gods wrill, and Word . a thorow sicw of
our owne mifery & corruptionsjin the glaflc of the
Law ; ftrange agonies, and fore pangs in the ncw-
birth^and forrow for finne^refrcfhings and coolings
by the mercies of God,and merits of Chrift.faith,
repentancc5fan;f^ification,a blcflfed & holy change
in the vrhole man,both body/oulcjand fpirit. And
then follows new obedience^ which confifts in the 1
uprightneflc and finceritie of our owne hearts j a
confcionable and charitable carriage toward^our
neighborsjand a zealous conftancy in all religious
duties and right fcrviceof God.: which muftbe
univerfalljin refpCifi of the objedjthat is,we muft
walk in all his Commandements: totalljin refpci^
of the fubjed; that is,we muft ferve him in all the
powers of our fbulcjand parts of our body . in our
thou2htS5WOrds5and anions : Inall which things,
and holy courfes, if a man be not particularly in-
ftfu£l:ed,cxpericnced,&: pradifedjhis love of God
and his neighbour is but in word and tongue, not
(f2) in
Thiflgs requi-
red, before a
man can lore
Cod or Buo.
vice to CoA
muftbequall" (
Hcd. '
love CO Cod>
The Saints fur e
A triall of our
love to cue
ObjtSt* 6*-
Tumults and
quietnefle and
naenc accom'
panics youc
m deed and truth. Aman,ifheb€difpo(cd,may
quickly perceive and difcerne tbc truth or hollow
Ocfle of his heart in this point. God hath ftraitly
commaflded an entire fan^^ifieationand keeping
holy of the Sabbath. Let a man then confidcr, if
be fuiferhimfelfe to be drawne away from holy
EKercife on that day,by pleafures,profit,paftimc,
corapanic,cafe,idlcne(Ic, or other worldly occafi-
ons; why,thcn he preferres mccrc vanities,and the
dcfifes of his owdc heart, before the glory and ho-
nour of God^and fo doth not love G<!kI above all.
The true love of a mans felfe,doth chiefly 5c prin*
cipally confift in fumifhinghimfelfewith faving
know ledge, ficceritic of heart,godlincfIe of life,a
good Confeieoce,and fpirituall comfort,againft
hcc come to Judgement. Now , if hee love his
neighbour as hiraftlfej be is not ftill talking with
him of worldly matters ; but efpecially labours
with him for his eonvcrfion, entertainment of
grace, and cncreafe in godlincfle. If thefe be not
his eares,both for himfelfeand his neighbour, he
truly loves neither. Thus may a man examine
himfelfc through all the Commandemcnts in
particular^ and fce,whetherit be fo eafle to love
his neighbour as himfelfcjand God above all.
Ijbut where there is fomuch prcaching,there is
much difquietnelfe and dilcontentment ; formtn
are abridged of their former ancient^ pailimes,and
pleafureSjand urged unto more ftri(^neffe of life.
When as all was well before, in much quiftneffe
and peacc,the preaching of the Word breeds new
flirres and contrary affe(Sl:ioiis in men*.
and perfetuall (juide.
No marvell, though there be mueh ftruggling
andftriving, great noyfe and ftirre, before the
flrong man in the Gofpel can be di (farmed and dif-
poflcfTcdof his Holds 5 that is, before Sathan,
having long reigned in the hearts, and fat in the
Confciences of ignorant and prophane men, will
be caft out, by the Preaching and Power of the
Word. This con qucftcofts full dearej it will not
be had, without the loflfe of our deareft delights ;
without fhedding the very hearts-bloud of our
beloved and bofoinc-finnej which fleili and bloud
vfiW not yeeld untOj without biowes and bloud-
fhcd. You may afllire your relfe,where the Light
of Gods Truth begins once topeepe out,and the
power of grace to workc, for the driving away
darkneflfe^and fubduing prophaneneflTc ; you fhall
be fure ever there to have three fierce and implaca-
ble enemies, and oppofites, to ftart up; Sathan,
wicked meH,and a mans owne corruptions.Wbile
men lye in finne, ignorance,and unaerthe fliadow
of death, Sathan lets them alone, meddles not
much with them,never troubles or difquicts them,
but procures them all temporall happineflfe, and
earnall contentments,thatcan be; (for he knowes
full welljif they fo continue,they are fure his owne,
and children ofendlefleperditionOBut if once,by
the power of the Word , they be enlarged out of
the flavcrieof finne and death, and lay hold upon
falvation,and the glorious libertie of the Samts ;
why then he begins to beftirre himlelfe like a mad-
ded ^ enraged Lion,and labors with allhis malice '
and policie to hinder and da fh fuch proceedings.
(fs) And
Tfcerc is good
reafon for ir.
Sathan hi H'
ders chcWord.
So doe wicked
And a mans
owne corrup-
ilfa/fo. 10.34.
Jj^.4i. iS,
The Saints fure
The Gofpcl is
ot troubles,
but mens cor-
And in this Confpiracie, heejoynes untohim*
felfe wicked and reprobate men, to ray le, revile,
and rage againft finceritie : Ijand bcfidesja mans
orvne corruption, and finfull flefhjdoth fret and
fume, when it feeles it felfe curbed and fnafflcd
by the Law of the Spirit.
The Gofpcl indeed is a Gof^el of Peace : But
of what Peace ? Of Peace with God, with good
menj and a mans owne Confcience ^ of the Peace
that fajj'eth ali underftayidwg: But iteverproclaimes
open warre againft wickednefle, prophaneneffc,
and corruptions J it will have no peace with im-
pietie, carnall fecuritic, and rebellion unto the
Lavves of God. Hence it is,that our Saviour tells
us in the Gofpel, that he came not to fend Peace intd
the Earth'^ but rather,Fire,Debate,and the Sword :
that is , Wherefoever his Word is publiflied
powerfully, and confcionably5with fruit and ef-
fcd upon the foules of his ele»$b ; there, by acci-
dent (as they fay) it ftirres up much rage and bit-
ter oppofition againft Gods children. For, as
there is no true inward peace unto the wicked 5
fo5in this World, there is no outward peace unto
the righteous ; but commonly they are M\\ cx-
ercifed with one cr ofte and tempration,or other ^
either the Devill, or wicked men, are ftill plot-
ting orpradifingmifchiefe and miferie againft
But you mu ft conceive, that thedifquietneflTes
and troubles that arifc at the preaching of the
Word, are not caufed by it, but by mens corrup-
tions . Would any man thinke^ that Saint P»ul^
and perpetuall Cfuide.
3f*f&. 13.4, U
or his Preaching,were in fault, becaufe there was
much adoe , and an hurly-burly almofi: whercfo-
cvcr he came ; and not rather rhe wicked Infidels,
which could not endure to have their finnes re-
proved ? Neither the Sowetjnorthe Sct^^^ath.
1 3 . are to be blamed^that it doth not profper and
fru^ifie- it is the ground that is onely in fault:
which is cither ftonie, or thornic, or barren ; or
elfcjit is the envious manjthat foweth Tares: The
Sowerdothonelyhisdutiejand the Seed is pure
and precious ; it is mens corruptions, and pro-
phane hearts,that caufeth all the ftirre. Amongft
foure kinds of Grounds, there is but one at the
moft (as appcares in the Parable of the Sower,
Math,i^,) in which the iramortall Seed of the
Word takes root, profpers,and fruiJiifies : Onely
the good and honeft heart profits by Preaching ;
to all others, it is the frvour tf death unto death:
And whom it doth not hwmblc , it hardneth •
whom it makes not fo mecke as a Lambe, and
like a little Child in humilitie, it makes as fierce
and furious as a Lion , againft the power of grace
wrought in others, and againft the profeflion and
pradice of finceritie. No marvell then, though
where the Word of Truth begins to beare fway,
there be many times much adoe,and refiftaiKe by
carnall and prophane men.
I, but (will fomc fay) this Word is brought
unto us by weake and frailemen 5 fometimes by ■ brought ro us
thofejwho arc of notorious and infamous life and j by wcak/omc
converfation : and therefore wee have lefie heart kS^mcnT'*^'
to belecvc and obey them. If wee had the Word
(^4) P^^-
'The Word is
Anfw* U
Ic is Gods
?peake tou&
bymen,iike to
our ielves.
Exoi.to, 1$.
It is his love
lo to honour
10 make men
iiis Ertibsffa-
The Saints fure
publifhed by an Angel, or an Apoftle, or fome
more excellent and povvcrfull mcanes,and Em-
bafTadours, wee fhoiild more eaiily and willingly
hearejbelcevc^jand obey them.
It is Gods great mercie unto us, that it plea-
feth him (ofarretocondifcend to ourinfirmitic,
as to open unto us the richTrcafures of his hea-
venly Word, by men of the fame condition and
frailtie, and fubje<fl to the fame paflions with our
felves. Hce might hy terrible and aftonifliing
Voices, out of LightningS5Thundcrs,and Earth-
<^uakcs,able tobreake thehardeft Rocks,and ftony
Mountaincs, (as he did in the giving of the Law)
force u s to obed ience ; Oi* he might fend h is Ao-
gels, armed with power and puiflfance, to execute
prefent vengeance upon all thofc which doe not
prelently fubmit themfelvcs to the Scepter of his
Chrift,and Soveraigntie of Ms Word. But in
great mercie and compaifion unto us,hce chufeth
rather to teach us by a ftiH and foft Voice ^ by a
more fairejfamiliarjand fit inftrudtion forus-even
by fuch as our felves^ of ourowne nature, fraiitic,
and condition.
Herein he ihewes his great love unto us,in that
he vouch fafeth to put his fearefull and glorious
Word into the mouth of a mortall and finfull
man. What an honour and advancement is it
unto mans nature, unto mankind, that ihe high
and miglitie God of Heaven and Earth (hbuld
fingle them out for fo glorious a fervice ; fandii-
fic their Tongues, to deliver his good plcafure,
and newes of falvation unto the fonnes of men ?
and perpetual I Qaide.
That bee rhoiild acquaint and put thetn in truft
with fuch high myfteries, and heavenly matters,
of fo foveraigne and faving ufe, both to thcm-
felves and others ?
But it may be, befides conamoa frailtie and
infirmitie , the Minifter and Meflfcnger of the
Word is of lewd and prophanc life , and con-
If he be, more is the pitty; thefeandallofthe
Minifterie is the greatetjand his owne damnation
more fmarting and terrible. See Pfal, 5 o . i ^, 1 7,
&G. But notwithftanding, the prophancneffe of
the Preacher is napriviledge to the hearer, either
of negligence or difobedicnce. He that turnes his
eare from^earing of the Law truly f reached (though
by a Pharife) even hif prayer u ahomnal^ki Proif.i 8.
p, Hee that def^ifeth the Word^ fhall be defireyed^
Prev, 13.15. Hes that obeyeth not the Smne^ in bis
Minifters lawfully fent, though not fandified
thcmferves, ffoali mt fee life ^ but the wrath ofGed
ahidethenhim, Chrift himfelfe, in the Gofpel,
bids-his followers to obferve and doe whatfoever
they were bid by the Scribes and Pharifes^which
fate in Mefes Chaire ; but not to doe after their
works; for they faid^and did not. Every Minifter
is to be heard,reccivcd,and foIlowcd,fo farre as he
followes and delivers to the Church the Truth of
God,and Dextrine of the Apoftles. For therein he
is an ^ngel of the Lwd of Hoftsy and Eniba[fadour in
theflead ofChriH. And all the parts of the Mini-
fterie in his- hand (he following the Word) toll
as certainely be accompiifnadj as if an Arigei, or
I 7i;«4i^.
The Miniftcrs
is n© privi-
Jcdgc of 4if-
the Word,
Ishn 3. 3^t
A/yu^, 23.2^3.
2 Cffr.^. zjo
Luke 10. 1 ^.
^ he Saints fare
Chrift from Heaven fl\ould prefently and po-
tently execute them. If hee denounce Judge-
ments againft finne , it is as if the voice of God
himfclfe fhould be heard from Heaven ^ as if the
Lion of the Tribe of ludah fhould roarc. If he
pourc the Oyle of comfort into a wounded and
diftrefTed Confcience, it is as fureand certaine;as
fofcand fweec to the bclewng foule, as if the
Angels fliould comfort him, as they did Chrift
in his Agonic; or,as d Chrift himfelfe fhould
mercifully reach out his glorious hand, through
the Clouds, and binde up his broken heart and
bruifed Confcience with a Plaifterof his owne
precious Bloud. Ifheeinftrud, admonidi, re-
prove, exhort, pcrfwadc, from ground and warrant
out of the Word ; it is all onc,as if Chrift him-
felfe fhould doe it : who hath faid 5 He that heareth
y9u^ heareth me.
Let-men therefore pretend what they will ; if
they will not heare, beleeve, and obey the Lord,
fpcaking in the Minifterie of the Word, though
the meanes and Meffcngers be never fo bafe and
vile,fraile,weake,and finfulL Let an Angel come
from Heaven, a Devill from Hell, or a man from
the dead ^ yet would they not beleeve. For, if a
man were truly humbled , hee would tremble at
Gods Word,of whomfoever hee heard it. If feee
had a fpirituall tafte, hee would relirti the hea-
venly food , whofoever miniftred it. If hee had
Gods holy Spirit, hee would know and acknow-
ledgehis Sword, which is the Word of God, in
whofc hand foever he faw it. And until] he have
this I
and perfetuall Cjuide.
this fpiritja fpiritaall taftcjand an humble heart,
hcev^ill not belecve,cfpccially with effe(a, fruit,
and pradicc, let him pretend whatfoeverhewill •
neither Angels^nor men ; dead,nor living- A-fofes^
nor the Prophets ; Peter^uotPauly not Chriftjnsr
Godhimfclfe; if the one were living againe up-
on EarthjOr the other would be pleafcd,orit were
poflibkjto fpcakc immediately to him.
For conclufion of this Point,let us know5That
the Minifterie of the Word is Gods Ordinance j
which dependeth not upon the wor thine (Te of him
who delivereth it ; neither is it made void and un-
cife^uall,by his weakencflcand wickednefle: but
it hath it vertue/orcejand power from the blefling
of God, and from the inward operation of his
Spirit; who applyeth it to the hearts and confci-
encesbf men, and thereby illuminates their un-
derftandingSjbegctteth faith in them^and all fan-
<fiifyingand faving graces.
I, but (will fome fay) it isaverywcarifome,
tyring, and tedious thing, to be tyed to the hea-
ring of fo many Sermons , to meditate of them,
conferreof them with ourneighbourSjteaeh them
our families,and pradifethem; which are urged
upon us,as neceflTarie Chriftian duties.
It is a ftrange thing, and fora cafcg that fome
men will not be perfwaded to take halfc ^o much
paines togoe to Heaven,and cternall Reft, as ma-
ny thoufands to goe to Hell, and everlafting tor-
ment. How many tyre and torture themfelves
with catkc and care, with much toyle and travel],
to heape iip thofe riches,which in the meane time
See Dewnmi
ObjeQ, 8,
This courfe is
Many will nbs
take fuch
paines ro goe
others doe to
goe to Hell.
The Saints Jure
are matter of much vexation unto them . and
hereafter will be witneffes againft them, and eace
their fle(h as it were fire j as lames fpeakes ? How-
many fpcnd their wits, their fpirits, their time,
that they may become fome-body in the World,
and climbe by indircd and unlawful! meanes,
and fteps untothofe hig^h places, from whence
hereafter they muft be hurled with greater confu-
{ion,and a more fearefull downe-fall, into the Pit
of Hell ? How many wafte their wealth, weaken
thcirftrength, confume their marrow, fill their
bones with rottenncfl[c,and their bodies with diC-
eafes, with luft and uneleannefle, with following
the fvhorijh mmany whofe faths lead mitd the dead-^
with tarrying long at the Wine, and pouring in
of ftrong Drinkc : for which,at length,they {hall
be fure to be filled with drunkennefle, and with
fbrrow, even with the Cup of deftrudion, and
trembling • they (hall drinkc of it deepe and
large, and wring it out to the dreggcs ? How un-
wearied have Idolaters ever beene in the wicked
worfhip of their falfc gods ? And many Here-
tikes, in the falfe woriTiip of the true God ? In
thrufting towards Hell, they neither fpared cofl,
nor charge J lofre,nor labour: They have beene
prodigall both of livcs,and living 5 of bloud,and
children. You know, amongft the lewes , fome
mingled the rufull crycs of their deareft children
with Muficke and melodic, left they fhould be
moved tocompaffion, while they were caft into
the fire,to be burned up in facriiice unto the Idoll
Moloch, Scribes and Pharifcs compaffe Sea and
and perpetuall (^uide.
Land, to make a Profelytc, Baals Priefts lanced
and cut their flelli before their Idoll, untillthe
bloud gufiied out. The blinded Papifts at this
day whip themfclves, wafte their goods, and con-
fume their bodies with wearifbmc Pilgrimages^
to fee fome counterfeit Reliques , and rotten
Bones, or to vifir accurfed Idols, and PopiQi
Saints : Nay, fome of them tranfportcd with a
more bloudie rage, and furious fpirit of Anti-
chrill, fuffer as it were with fenfclefnefle, with
defperatc and damned boldneffe, moft horrible
andexquifite torments, for butchering of Kings,
for which they hope to merit Heaven,and to (ayle
througha Seaof Royall bloud to the Haven of
endleffc reft ; though indeed and truth, they juftr
Jy light rhort,and finke, before they arc aware,
into the deepeft Lake of the hotteft fire,and moft
confuming flame of Hell. Now,I pray you,niall
thefe (ervices of Sathan be followed and purfued
withfuch heat and eagerncflfe, with fuch paines
and patiencie of all miferies and vexations - and
fhall not the Lords owne Ordinances,and the true
worfhip of the true God have power to make us
ftepout of our doorcs with patience, and plea-
fure, to beare the Lords will revealed unto us, to
receive falvation to our foules , and a Crowne of
immortal itie to our heads ? Can fome be con-
tent to toyle day after day, fare hard, bre^ke thc^r
fleepe, eate the Bread of carefulneffe , and all to
heape up a little wealth 5 perhaps, with the loflfe
of their owne foules, and- fometimes they fcarce
know for whom 3 an4 fhall not wee with joy and
7he Saints fure
There was ne-
ver good world
fiace preach-
chearcfulncfle paffe through holy Exercises, for
the enriching ofourfoules, wherein true and la-
ding comfort is onely to be found, and whereby
we may lay up for our felves Treafurcs in Heaven,
durable RichcSja Bag that cannot wax old,a Trea-
fure that can never failo, Pr$v. 8.18. Lnk, 12.33,
unmixed joyes,endle{Te pcaccjand blcfled immor-
talitie,prefently to be entrcd upon after death,and
then to be enjoyed forever and ever? Shall rebelli-
ous Super ft itionjand the Do(i^rinc of Devilsjand
killing KingSjharden the Papifts againft any crof.
fes,and tortures ; and fhall we be tyred with the
peaceable Exercifes of found & faving Religion?
God forbid. In whomfoever the true love of God
and Chrift hath taken up the heart , there their
Gofpel, and Word, and fervices are fweeterand
more taftfull than all outward delights. Little
touch of ReIigion,or fenfe of Salvation hath hee,
that comes unto with unchearefulnefle^and ftayes
with wcarinefle at the Miniftefie of the Word.
I5but(will fome fay) it was never good World
fince fo much preaching came amongft us ; when
there was Icffe preaching,there was more plentie:
and therefOre,it feemes,there is little good in it.
Since this new Religion was on foot5(for fo Come
ignorantly and malicioufly call it, though it be
as old as God himfelfe, whofe cternall Truth it
is • as old as the Patriarks and Prophets,as Chrift
and his Apoftles ) there hath beene (fay they)
more fcarcitie of all things, more Plagues, Fa-
mines, ftrange apparitions, extremitie of (eafoHs,
and other ludgcments, than ever our fore-fathers
and perpetual! ^uide.
favVjOr heard of. HofpicalitiCjChaririejPaftimesj
and Plentie were banifliedwith the old Religion^
for fo they ^all the bloiidie and idolatrous He-
refie of Popcrie.
This hath ever beene the complaint of Idola-
ters^and thewickedjagainfttheTruthof God; as I
it isnow of the papifts &: prophane men amongft |
us,agairiil: the glorious Light of the GofpeJjthat j
iliines round about us. When Ieremy^chap.4.i^, had
reproved the levves, and denounced Gods ludgc--
ments againft them for their Idolatry,they anfvver
him thus,in verf, i6, * The word that th$u haftffoken
unto m in the Name of the Lordy we mil not heare it of
thee . but rve will doe vphatfoever thing goethoi*f of cur
mouth : aSjto burneincenfe to the ^ueene of Heaven^and
tofoure'out drink-offerings unto her^as me have dene^both
n>e and our fathers^ our Kings -and ottr Princes^ in the Ci-
ties of ludah^and in theftreetes of lerufalem ; for then
had ne plenty ofviBitals^ and mre vceU^ and felt no etilL
But fince n>e left off to burne incenfe to the ^neene of
Heaxen^ and to pure out drink-offerings unto her^ we
have had fcarceneff'e of all things^and have bin confumed
by the ftford^and by the famine. The very fame com-
plaint was made of the wicked Heathens and Infi-
dels^ at the firft plantation of Chriftian Religion
among the Gentiles. * Tertullian^ an ancient Fa*
ther, tells us in his rime; If there were any inun-
dation and overflowing of Tibris,a great River in
Rome 5 if there were any extraordinarie and un-'
couth Hayle, or Froft, or any other miferie or ca-
lamitie; all the fault was prefexitly laid on Chriilj
This hath al^
wayes bcene
the complaint
of Idolaters.
befccch you ;
for it is the ve-
ry language of
the Papifts at
ihii day.
Vid.Catv, in
2tr, 330.
and the Chriftian Religion.,
Our Tiiocs dc-
feive greater
than tho for-
mer Tiroes of
Ignorance, for
^ee reafons.
7he Saints fure
It appeares alfo by ^»/?/», another ancient Fa-
ther, in his 1 a 2. Epiftlc, that there vrere wicked
complaints and murmurings againfl the Chrifti-
an Faith, in his time 5 the Infidels were ftill cry-
ing, that before theDodrine of Chrift was pub-
lished to the World, mankind was not vexed and
diftrefled with fo many troubles and garboyles.
To whichjtbe good Father doth there excellently
anfwet; Out of Luke 12, 47,48. eafily, faith he,
may they thence take their anfwcr : Thi fenant
thut knew mthU Mafters mU^ and jet did commit
things tvorthy of firipes^fhaU h beaten mth few firifes'^
but he that knew his Makers wiffyond prepared not him^
felfe^ neither did according t§ his wili^ \haU be beaten
with manjfiripes.
Hence then may wee clcarely fee the reafon
why our Times, in all reafon, fliould be more vi-
fited with ludgcments , than former daycs of
1 Becaufe that the Light of the Goffel it come
owongH us ; and many love Darkneffe rather than that
Light ^becaufe their deeds are eviU:for every man that
doth eviA^hateth the Light ^ neither commeth to the
L ighty leh his deeds fhould be reproved,
2 Becaufe the Gofpel is not fo thankefully
received and entertained ,as fo excellent a Bleffing
and precious a Treafure ought to be.
3 Many that heare it, live not after it : Per-
hapsjonely make a fhcw of godlinefle j but deny
the power thereof, in their lives and converfati-
ons. So,that negligence and difobcdience to the
Word of God, is the true caufe of thofe Judge-
men rs
and berpetualKjuide,
ments and mifericSjwhich are wickedly &: wrong- 1
fully pretended to bee a caufc why they have (o !
little care to attend and obey it. |
As for Hofpitality in the time of Popery, it Popifli Hofpi-
didnot fomuch fpriiTe from the truth of Reli- "J'7'"?<3n
* *^ , wiiac grouiids,
gion, as
I. From a fupcrRitious opinion of redee-
ming their {innes, and purchafing Heaven by
2-, From an excefTive cheapnefTe of all things,
by reafou of the fcarcity of money.
3 . From the fuperfluicie of the vvealth,riches,
lands and impropriations, the price of the bloud
offouIcSj which Monafteries, and other religious,
: or rather fupcrfVitious honfeSjhad immeafurably
! and unconfcionably ingrofTcd and gotinto their
hands. And when they had ingrofTcd the world
tothemfclvesjCasonefayes) they feemed liberall Simi.e*
in giving fomething ; like unto fomevaine-glo-
rious thccvesjwhich having robbed wealthy Mer-
i chants, bedow fome pence upon beggers.
I As for works of Charity : Cerciineitis, and a
: reverend and learned man of our Church hath
I proved ir, and it will more clearly appeare here-
j afrer ; That the charjtaile benevolence, honntifuliUl/e- Our times
, ralitie^ Ja^^e expences in bujld'i^g and enlarging C el- ^ may compare
: ledges^ and creSling Hujhitah^Libraries^ Free-fchooles^ works of cha-
\ar.d manj other mrhs of charity^ and fruits of faith ^ rity.
\fince the light of the Gof^ell began to fhine amongfl m^ \
ma-^ compare mth^ ifnotfarre excellalfj time of the like i
or longer continuance in any age.
As for greater dearth & higher price of all things 1
The reafons
of the higher
price of things
The Saints Jure
now, than in former times,it is a cleareand plaine
cafe, that the rcafon is ; that the great ftore and
plcntie of trcafure which is nralking in thefe
parts of the world, farrc more in thefe ourdayes,,
than ever our forefathers have fecne in times paft.
Who doth not underftand of the infinite fummes
of Gold and Silver which are gathered from the
Indies^ and other Countries, and fo yearly tranf^
ported into thefe Goafts ? And this is eonfeft to
be the true caufe of the fame iinancient dearncflc
of all things, even in other Kingdomes alfo,
where Popery is profefJed. One Bodin, agrest Po-
lititianef FrancCytehuSy that the common feoplearc
much deceived^ nho thinke that the f rice of Come^ Cat-
teUy and ethernecef arte Sy fhouid hold the fame rate it
didoftld. They doe not under Jf and and confider^ that
the ffice of things is more if J ten farts {{^\t\\ he) than
it iroi arJcientljy by reafon of the plenty at^d abundance of
Gold and siheryVphich is brought out of the JVeJi Indies
int$ Europe^ tr-hereby it comes tapaf'e that mone^ is kfe
efteemedy far flenty of any thing leffens the ejlimati-
mof it.
Be fides, for oirrowne Countrey,wife men have
obfervcd another particular rcafon. For (fay
rbcy) immediately after our coine, in the time o*^
King Henry the eighth, the prices of all thing<;
generally among all forts of people rofe ; for that
they thinke, that the alteration of the Coine was
the chicfe and principall cau(c of an univcrfall
dearneffe of things. And why ourEnglifb Coine
being reftored by our late Queene, that blcffed
Saint of glorious memory, to its former purity
and perpetua/l (jmde.
and perfe<5tio% the prices of all things fall not
backc to their old rate, they give fiifficienc
As for paftiraes, Playes, and other fearefull
prophanationof the Sabbath, it is a good figne
the power of grace is there planted by the Word,
from whence they are baniflied and abandoned.
They are fit plcafures for Papifts, which have no
i comfort in the joycs above 3 and well agreeing to
I the darknefle of fuperftition. But the light of
I the Gofpell difpcls fuch vanities, and Gods chil-
dren have all their plcafures in holy exercifes up-
on the Sabbath day.
This laft objediion then of Papifls and pro-
phane men j That the world is worfe fincc there
was fo much preaching, is idle, vainc, and fri-
Many fuch like conceits, pcrfwafions and ob-
jections as thefe, which I have now reckoned up
unto you, there are abroad in the world, and in
the hearts of prophane men, by which they arc
hindred from hearing the Word of God, with
that heart, zealc and diligence as they ought.
Now I come to acquaint you with fomc flights
and temptations of Satan, whereby belabours to
bereave us of the blcffings and benefits of profi-
table hearers, and to hinder the effeduall wor-
king of the Word in our confciences and con-
Afirfl-plotand prad^ice of Satan, is to keepe
men from diligent hearing the Word; I' he can-
not that way prevaile,in a fecond place he labours
(g2) to
Satans ffeiclicft
to hinder the
effcduall wor-
king of che
He would keep
thciB from the
^4. j
The Saints Jure
Or elfc hinder
the power of it
flee kecpcs
themffoiu at-
I tending.
I * In this depth
I be ufcs to HU
I our minds
I with barren
to make men
poll off re-
proofes, and
apply them
all the while
to others.
He fills our
minds cither
with worldlyi
©r cllc with
to make the Word in vaine, fruitljefFejand unpro-
Ktable unto them. And that hce doth^by fuch
mcancs as thefc :
I If by the grace of God \vc brcake chorow all
lets and fnares which might withhold us from
holy aflemblies, and hearing of the Word • then
Satan, that I'e might make it unetfediiall for our
converdonand falvarion 5 firft, labours to workc
in us a negligent carelefncfle and heedlefnciTcj in
liftningto thofe things which are delivered, and
that by a kindc of heart lefnefle in holy things^
by dulnefle of fpirit, drowiincffe, flecpinelle,
gazing about, talking , or fuch like. And fuch
[liearers as thefe,are never a whit moved or affe-
cted with the Word preached, but remainc in the
fame ftateas they were before. There is neither
paflion or imprellion wrought upon them for the
prcfcnt, nor any thought of ic, profit or practice
t ^ But if he cannot fpced this way,but that we
rouzc up and addrcffc our felves to heare the
Word of God, as deflring vt^ith care and good
confcience to pront thereby: Why then, inafe-
cond place, hce feekes by allmcancs to ftll our
heads and hearts with idle mullngs,and vvandring
thoughts, which may diftrad and fleale away
our minds from attending to the W^ord. And
that he doth, either by offering and fuggcfting
to our confideration and memory, the vTOTld,aRd
the vanities thereof, as cur atfairesand bufiiicfTe,
our profits and preferments -^ thofe pleafurcs and
delights wherein our corrupt affedions finde
and perpetual/ Cjuide,
tnoft fenfuall fwcetneflc : Or, i( this will not pre-
vailc 3 by cafting into our niindes very craftily
and cunningly,things which in their owne nature
may be good, hGnciT,and religious : But becaufe
they are thought upon out of due and convenient
time, they deprive us of the profit of the prefent
holy Exercife 5 which ought for the time, onely
and wholly to take up our mindes.
If this yet wfll doe no good ; but that wee
marke diligently and attentively , all the while,
what the Miniftcr delivers unto us from Qodi^ for
our good : why then, in a third place ;
1 In fomc,he makes it uneffeduall , by nou-
lifhing in them a negled of reading the Scrip-
tures,and ignorance in the Principles of Religion;
fo that though they attend never (b well,and itarc
the Minifter in the face 5 yet they underftand not
the Sermons they heare. Let the younger fort
therefore, to prevent this mifchiefe , acquaint
thcmfelves with the Scriptures from their youthj
by the example of Tiwothy^ 2 Tim. 3.15. Salomon,
Prcv,'^!, ijC^'r. Samuel^ i Sam. i. 24. See alfo
Pf^L 119. Prov.z. I. And let the miferic upon
Elies Houfe, terrific negligent and indulgent Pa-
rents ; fee 1 Sam, 2. i, 2. S'c. In this depth, the
Word is either buried as it is brought forth, or
dies at the Church doore.
2 In othersjhe earncftly endeavours utterly to
extinguiiTi andabolifli all thought of it; quite
to drive and banifh it out of their headsjfo foone i
as they have heard it. And that thus : If mens
hearts be hardned through u bcleefe,or cuftome
(g3) in
Some under-
they hcare.
avvay iatne^li*
The Saints fure
in finning, and like the High-way in the Parable
of the Sower i then the Evill one comes imme-
diately, and catcheth the Seed of the Word fo
fooncas it is fowen, and ftealeth it out of the
Smih, heart. As we may fee many times Birds hovering
greedily after the Sower , to fnatch away the
Come, before it be covered with Earth, or take
root in the ground ; even fo Sathan5the ravenous
Crow of Hell, waites all opportunities to pecke
up the Seed of the Word out of the hearts of
men, before it finke into their affections, or fru-
(Stifie in their conver fat ions. Or othervvife,!f the
Or the World World hath ftolne mens hearts out of their bo-
fteales away ^^gj^ (q tj^at they have no hearts left within them,
for matters of Holinelle, and Heaven; but are
wholly fetupon Gaine, and exercifed in Cove-
toufnefle : then needes not Sathan much to be-
ftirre himfclfe ; he knowes full well, that worldly
'mtt^»t,i^. I Cares will prefently choake the Seed of the
Word. As foone as the Sermon is heard, and
ended , and they turned their backes upon the
j Church , there comes immediately into their
heads whole fwarmes of earthly thoughts , and
they are prefently plunged over head and cares
into the cares and plottings of earthly bufinefles.
So that thefe men,whom Sathan conquers by this
temptation, never meddle with meditation, con-
ference, or ta Ike about the points handled by the
Preacher, by which the Word of God fhould he
better, as it were, digefted, and prepared for pra-
(^ife. Nay, they have no delight at all to heare
others repeat the Sermon 5. but are very vvcarie of
and perpetuall (fuicie.
the place and companie, and never pleafed, untill
they bring them back againe unto talke of world-
ly matters and prophane difcourfes.
If this yet will not ferve the turne^but that the
Word gets within a man , and workcs upon his
' under (landing ; fo that by his diligent hearing of
it, meditation, and conference, he furnifhes him-
felfe with competent knowledge in the Bookc of
Godjand Divine Truth: why then5Sathancafts
about another way ; which is, to make him to
content himfclfe with a bare fruitlefle know-
ledge, without pracfiifing the power of it in his
life and adionsj to reft contented with an abilitic
to talke and difcourfe onely upon points of Reli-
gion, and places of Scripture, without inward
fandification, and fubduing the will and aflfedti-
ons to new obedience, and fincere exercife of
Chriftianitie. So that, for all his knowledge, he
neither meddles with Convcrfion, nor mends in
his Converfation.
He labours here, firft, to hinder his Converfi-
on,by planting in his heart a prejudice and dif-
conceit againft,
1 Preaching the Law.
2 Diftinguifhing feverall eftates of unre-
generate men , Math» 1 3 . the three Reprobate
3 The differencing the Children of God,and
the Children of the Devill, by fpeciall markes
and notes, Math,$, Pfal. 15. dfc.
4 Prefling the Doctrine of Chrift , of freeing
in at the ftrait Gate^ Luke 13.24. ^ 4, 2 S. And
(g 4) gathe-
He labours co
kcepe them
from pradi-
He would Ho«
icr their coti-
Tcriion fundry
See rates, fag.
Broad, pag, 100
them rcfl in a
partial! refor.
Severall un-
found chan-
Truth is ihe
tr.ucft Touch-
Tcncc a true
convert from
all Aates oi
lioR. See
The Saints fur e
gathering from Scripture thofe which fliall be fa-~
vedjintoa fliort fumme.
5 And by making him make God all of
And mending in his Converfationjby motives
unto prcfumption.
If this will not prevaile, but that a man endea-
vours to draw his knowledge into prad^ife, and
fettles himfclfe with care and confcience to rc-
forme his former wayes and courfes of iniquitie r
why then Sathan plots and pradifethjWithaUthe
cunning and policie he hatn^ to make him reft in
a {light^fuperficialL,and partiall reformation • ta
content himfelfc with an unfcftind^or unfaving
conver fion. For5by the way.I mdft tell youjtherc
may be. many converflons, changes, and a-lterati-
ons in aman.from worfe to better^and yet he nor
truly fancfliiied, not become anew creaturCj nor
poffefled of the ftate of grace, and glorious com-
forts of true Chriftians.
1 He may be changed^ from a notorious fin-
ncntoacivili honeftman : whereas he hath beene
before furious, and defperate in lewd courfes, hee
may grow more fober and moderate in his carri-
age 2 And yef, for all this , continue in his-igr
norance , and a mecre.ftranger to the wayes of
2 Prom civill honcftie, he may paife on to a
formal! Chriftianitie , and become an outward
ProfcfTor ; and outwardly doe,and performe reli-
gious ferviccs : and yet lye in hrs {inneSjand want
the power of inward fan<f^ifitation.
3. Yet
and perpetual! Quide.
3 Yet furrhe^jby a gencrall paver of rheWofd,
and inferior working of the Spirir5he may in feme
fort be outwardly refomnedj and in fome meafure
inwardly enlightened 3 hee may have underftan--
ding and joy by the Minifterie of the Word, and
may doe many things after it, and forfake many
finnes. Bcrod is iaxd^Mark, 6, to have reverenced
lohn^ to have heard him gladly, and to have done
many things : And yet for all this, hee may come
I fhoft of a found conversion j if hee fuffer fome
maine corruption, fome one fweet finne, or other,
to reigne in him, which hee ftill.feedes upon with
delight, and fenfuall fwcetneflej if hee doc not
wholly and entirely rcfigne and give vp himfelfe,
his fpirit,fouleand body to the Lords fervicc,and
to picafe him in all things- and with repentance,
and refolution,forfake all his knowne fiones. For
this is a certaine Rule and Principle with •^Di-
vines 5 That true turmng unto God^and the advifedand
mlihgremainingin the fraHice of Any ane evilly nhich
is difcovered to a mans Confcienct^ hy the Light of Gods
fFord^ to be afime^ cannot fland together,
Thefe changes a man may have, and thus many
pafTages, from worfe to better ; and yet the great
and glorious worke of regeneration not wrought
upon him. For where there is ji found convcrfion,
and through- reformation , there a man is wholly
fandified,and {tt apart unto God,from the flnfuU
corruption of his naturall birth,and the evil 1 fruits
thereofjtO'ferve God in his whole man,both body,
fGuIe,and fpirit. He fhakes hands with all finnes,
he fells all for the precious leweil of the Gofpel -
* See Htaon.
f.158. Marbury
in his Sermon
atP.C. "Dod
upon the Co-
p.io.T>liie,p 19^.
True Watch,
Fruits of a true
T^he Saints fure
he regards not finnc in his heart,buc hath a regard
CO all Gods Coramandements.
Now fith Sathan^hat old Serpent,knowes full
vrell, that it will never ferve the turnc for a man to
part but with part of his linnes ; that his cafe is
fearefull enough,whatfoever good,or good deeds
fccmc to be in him5if he yceld not to the worke of
the Holy-Ghoft , for the leaving but of any one
knownc finne,which fighteth againft the peace of j
his Confcience ; he knowes,thac he hath haunc
and hold enough in a naans Confeience, and af-
fcdiions i that hce hath fufficicnt intcfeft and
claimetohisdamnationjif he can but keepe his
fweet finne in heartland alive in him. And there-
fore,when any by the Mfnifterie of the Word is
moved to fettle and addreflTe himfelfe to a refor-
mation of his wayes, and to redrefle his former
wicked life 5 he puts in,might and mainejtopre-
ferve in his vigour^and fovcraigntie,one fecret dc-
lightfull finnejOrotherjat leaft,in the heart and
affedion of him, that goes about to reforme him-
felfe : He fingles out one corruption, or other, to
which hee findes a man moft addid^ed ; and this
he concealeSjand fenceth with all the policie that
he hath , that if by any meanes it may cfcape un-
rcpented of,unmortified,and unmedlcd with.
Thus he dealt with Herod : Herod^ by the prea-
ching of /o/7»,reforroed himfelfe in many things •
but Sathan made fure to keepe him his owne, by
that one finne of Inceft. Naamdn the Syrian, no
doubt,beIeeved,and followed the Prophet in ma-
ny things • but he dcfired ont\y ^that the Lord vould
be I
and perfetuall (juide.
hemercifuU unto him^ when he mnt into the houfe ef
Kimmoft. The young man in the Gofpel , in his
outward carriage was unreprovable ; but that one
fecret ficne of worldlineffe, baniiTied him out of
the prefence and Kingdome of Chrift. In this
point, Sathan labours to perfwade men to deale
with God in the forfaking of their finnes, as ^ha-
nias dealt with the Apoftle^in parting with his
Money. It was a cuftome,you know, in the Pri-
mitive Church , becaufe of the ncceflltic of the
Times ; that many, out of a zealous and extraor-
dinarie love unto the Gofpel, fold their Lands,and
brought the price, and laid it downc at t]ie Apo-
ftles feet. Ananias amongft the reft,would necdes
(eeme as forward 5c zealous in this glorious workc
of Charitic, as any other : He fold his Lands in-
deed,and brought in the Money,and tendered it at
the Apoftles feet 5 but yet fecretly, fufpcding
Gods providence,and doubting lefthimfelfe,per-
haps,.at length fliould be brought into want, hce
kept backe one part of the price of his Pofteflion 5
making fhew notwithftanding,tohave brought in
all. So it is in many,by the malice of Sathan,and
bewitching enticements of natufall corruption,
in the forfaking of their finnes. In a true Conver-
fion indeedjwhen a man is about to buy the Pearle
of great price & unvaluab'e worth in the Gofpe],
the Dodrinc of Salvation, the Way to Life, and
Graces of Gods Spirit; he makes an iinivcrfall
fale of allhis finnes ; hefelieth (as the Text faith)
all that he hath: not fome piece of his fiDfullPcflef-
{ion,buteven the very whole Lordfhip, the entire
The Saints fure
Inheritance. But it is othcrwife with thofc whom
Sathan inveagleth, acd enfqareth in this point.
Hec is well enough picafed, that they {hall feeme^
to be as forward in the reformation and amend-
ment of their lives, as any other r and indeedjthat
they fhall be reformed in good part , and carry
fbme love and a^dion toward the Word,and Mi-
nifters ; fo that he may keepe hold and poflTeffion
but in one corner of the heart: For he knowes,that
that is enough to keepe the whole man, body and
foule,his owne. If he can ftay but one finne unfold,
he knowes the man continues ftilijby the courfe of
divine Law,a bondflave of Hell. By one little hole
a (hip will finke into the bottome of the Sca.The
llab of a Pen-knife to the heart, will as well fpeed
a man, as all the Daggers that killed C^far in the
Senat-houfe.The foule will be ftrangled with one
Cord of vanitiejas well as with all the Cart-ropes
of iniquitie; onIy,the more finsjthe more plagues,
and fiercer flame in Helhbut he that lives and dies
impenitent in one,it will be his dcftrudion. One
dramme of poyfon will difpatch a man • and one
reigning finne will bring him to endlclTe woe and
mifcrie. Let us take heed therefore,whcn wc goe
about reformation of our felves, left we be furpri-
fed & overtaken by this malicious craft of Sathan.
Let us refolve upon a through-reformation^which
is only and ever undcrtaken,w ith a purpofc not to
hold on in the willing pradice of any one knowne
iniquitie,or finfull courfe. Which,when we Hiall
carefully &earneftly go about,Sathan will be fure
to fet upon us,as Pharoah did upon Mofes and ^aron:
and perpetuall Quicie.
when the Lord had commanded them togoe
three dayes journey in the Defarr, to doc fervice
and facrificc unto him, that by all meanes hee
mighthinder them in this holy bufinefTe.
1 . He would have them tofiay in (he Und^ and to doe
facrifice there. Nay {[aith ^^&fes) it is not meet to
doe Co ; for then wee lliould offer unto the Lord
our God chat which is abomination unto the
Egyptians ►
2. Sith this would not then ferve, but that
they would needs out of the Land' Tmllletpngoe
(faith Pharaoh) that yon may Jamjice tothe Lord your
God. in the mlderneffe 5 but gsenetfarre arvaj. But
Mofes would yet none of this, he would not abate
a foot of the journey the Lord had appointed.
3 . Why then (faith Pharaoh) if you wi-11 needs
goc f© farrej am. content your men fliall goe^bur,
as itisfittcft, your children l"hall ftay at home.
Nay. (faith Mofes) we will. got mth our -^Ottngandmth
our old J rrith aurfonms a^d with oar daughter s^, with our
Shecfe and whh our CattelirvilLwe^ie,
4. Well (J^it\\ Pharaoh) I will yceld fo farre
unto you, your children (liall goe with you to
ferve the Lord, onely your fbecpe and your Cac-
tell fhall abide at home,
Na^) (faith Mofes) our Catteli'alfo fljallgoeii;ith nf.
There ]hallmt am hoofe be left.
Now when all this would not doe, when Mofes
would not accept of any capitulations, conditi-
^ons,reftTi(£lions, or limitations in holy bufineffcs,
and the fervice of God, (for he was at a point, re-
folute, he would not \ta.\t fo much as an hoofe be-
Satan deales
with men, as
fha/aoh did
with the
The Saints /^re
See Broade.pag.
hindc.) Now, I fay, when all the enticements and
policies o£ Pharaoh would not prevailc to k-epe
Mofesitom fervingand facrificing unto God, and
that precifely andltrii^ly, according to his OA^nc
appointment and commandement, but that to
this end, at length he wrung himfeh^eandallthe
Ifraclites, out of the bloudy teeth of this perfe-
cuting Wolfe; why then //74r4o/7armes him felfe
with rage and fury, with fix hundred chofcn cha-
riots, and all the chariots of -^gypt, with fifty
thoufand horfmen, and two hundred thoufand
footmen, as a lewifh Hiftorian writes, purposing
with bloudy thirft todevoure at once, andfwal-
lowupquicke, even allthelfracUof God : But
you know the conclufion was • the Lord of Hea-
ven gave a mod glorious deliverance to his owne
people, wherein his bottomlefle goodnefle, and
infinite mercy {hall fhine clcare and bright for
ever, in all generations of the Church upon
earth, and through all eternity in Heaven : But
upon their enemies he brought fuch a ftrange and
terrible confufion in the Red Sea; which may
ftrikeaftonifhment and trembling into the heart
and loynes of all prophanc perfccutors of godli-
nefie to the worlds end, and amaze the veryma-
licioufeft fiend in hell, while that Kingdome of
Even iu ft thus doth Satan deale with all thofe
whodcfire to bee condu<5led by the light of the
Word, out of the JBgypt and flavery of igno-
rance, (inne, prophanenefle . and who arc refol-
V€d fiankly and freely to give themfclvcs, foules
andperpetmll (juide.
and bodies, to Gods ferviccjflnd toentcra fetled
courfeof holinefleandfandification; hec ufeth
all meanes and policies to keepe and detaine
them in his Kingdome of darknefle. If he can-
not hold them in his chiefe palace and Court as
It were, where finnc cfpccially raignes a;id re-
vels it, yethewillfo farre hamper them, that at
leafl they ftill hover upon the confines and bor-
ders of the Regions of death. If they will needs
bee medling with rcforaiatioH of their finfull
\vic^^ and that he cannot helpeit^ but fomcthing
muftbedoncjhe is content to yeeld unto them
upon fome termcs or conditions, that they call
him not quite out of their confciences, but fulfer
him to fway and raigne in their hearts, by fome
1. If they will needs feare God, he (lands not
much upon it, but that they rray doc it outward-
ly, and in profeffioflj fo that they will continue
in ^gypr, within the Kingdome of darknelTc,
and lie ft illin their finnes, and under thefhadow
©f death,
2. If this will nor content them, if they will
not reft here, bur will nc eds out of the Kingdome
of darknclTc, and dominion of death, why he is
not much again ft it, but that they may goe the
halfeway; that is, he will fuflPcr them to forgoe
and forbeare the outward practice and perpetrati-
on of many finnes,fo that inwardly their heart and
affeftions harbour, nourifh & embrace them ^\\\
and feed upon with a fenfuall and delightfull re-
membrance,the finfull pleafures of iniquities for-
merly committed, li
Sacan would
with men la
their conver*
9^ The Saints fare
3. If theydefire and cndevour to became new
men, both inwardly and outwardly, to befanj^i-
fied inactions and affedlions, to ferv^God both
in foLiIe and body, he will yet yecld fo fiirrc, that
they mayberidoffomcfinncs both in hcartand
pradice, as perhaps of finnes of cuftome ; but
then he will be a fuitor and folicitor unto them,
to retainc other iinucs, as perhaps finnes of na-
ture. For example: It may be they may both for-
bears the outward pradicc, and alfo inwardly
loath fwearing, drunkcnnefTe, and other fuch like
fmnes of cuftome • but they will nuzzle in the
bofome of their affcdions, pride, luft, anger, and
fuch other finnes, the naturall birth'as it were of
original! corruption.
4. But if they alfo conquer thefe, wh/thenhe
tempts them mainly to continue at the leaft in
worldlinefTe. "^ For this in many mens hearts hath
greater pov/er, and beares more fway than nature,
or natural laffcsffcion. He will fecretlyfiiggcft un-
to them, that upon an eager and exceflivepurfiiit
of gaine and riches, depends their life and lively-
hood, their credit and reputation, their content-
ment and happinefic in the world ; fo that per-
haps at laft of all,, after all this, they reft and fi?t-
tlctbemfi^Ives upon finnes of advantage, asufu-
ry^ oppreffion, iinlawfuU and exceffive gaining,
earthly-mindednefte 5 ferving the Times, and
fuch like.
5. Butif bythegrace oFGodanybe fobLcf-
o^'kc/'^/'/Wr. fed from God above, as refolutely topafietho-
Fiorv.%.fm. j.jQyy all thefe traincs and temptations, and like
* Fcure Infal-
lible marks of
11 Calking:
I Siiaiinei
bov/els to the
the Saints, or 1
any rruly
3 Too much
bufinellc in
the w«rld.
4 Inj'jftice, or
uHnpof inju-
liousor indt"
ri-fVccurfes of
gcccirg wealih
See wiaid).
and perpetuall (juide.
flrong Sam[ons^ breakc through all tfeefe Cords
and Cart-ropes of iniquitie and vanitie ; fo that
they will not yeeld an ynch to that cruell Pharaoh
of Hell, nor leave (o much as an Hoofe bchinde
them, in his Kingdomc of Darknelle : why then,
this fpirituall Pharaoh prefcntly armes himfelfe
with all the crafts and policies of Hell, with Le-
gions of Fiends5and Princes of the Darkenefle of
this World J with all his malice, againft the falva-
tioa of the foiiles of men • with the fire and furi-
ous rage of prophane wretches ; with the fharpe
fwords and impoyfoned arrowes of lying and
flanderous tongues j and with all other advanta-
gesjwhich either the loweft Hell5or the wide wic-
ked World can afford. And thus appointed, hce
purfues and perfecutes, with bloodie and impla-
cable furie5all thofe who have efcaped out of this
captivitie, farre more eagerly and envioufly than
c\'CT Pharaoh did the Ifraelites : That either hee
may bring them backe againe into his bondage,
or elfe take them quite away , and deftroy ihem 3
that they may not attaine the full Light of the
Saii;ts,nor doe long fervice unto the Lord, And
certainely, if all the power of Hell, the ftrongeft
temptationSjthe fcourge of tongues,the V\'^orlds
malice , the fbightfull fpirit of prophanenelle,
the frownings of friends, the fcornefull infolen-
cies of enemies, the curfcd and enticing cryes of
our old companions ; if wicked men or damned
Devils be able to prevaile, he will be furc to ftay
them, before they enter into the ftate of grace^
and true bleflcdiiefle. But yet, if a man put on
( h ) Pauls
; '^ Sec j^.ij.io.
T^he Saints fur e
P4«/.f armour, in Efh, 6, Davids royall courage,
PfiiL^' ^* ^ofes iprinccly zcale,and truly Chri-
ftian valour, that he mil not have a hoofe behinde •
that is, that he will not leave one corruption un-
mortificd, one atfcclion unfan^lificd, one rebel-
lious adion unreformcdj one knovvnc finne un-
repented of, and unforfaken • one holy dutie
unperformed, one Commandemcnt unobeyed:
Why then, hee may looke for a more glorious
fpiricuall deliverance , than Mo[es had a tem-
poral] : Hell, and confufion, (hall fvvallovv up
all his * enemies • but into his heart, in the
mcanc time, fliallbe flied and plentifully pow-
rcd comfort, joy, and peace-, and upon his head
fhall a Crowne of immortalitie flourifh for ever
I have flayed very long upon the fifth plot
and pradicc of Sathan , whereby he labours to
make the Word heard , unpowerfull and unef-
feduall for the falvation of our foules : For, I
know, it is much and often excrcifed, and with
great fucceffe 5 and by it, he prevailes with very
many. When by diligent hearing of Gods
Word , faithfully urged upon them , they are
driven, and doe addrefle themfclves to a refor-
mation and amendment of their finfull lives ^
he mightily endeavours to hinder, difquiet, and
interrupt them in it; to make it a reformation
unto them but in part, and by halfes ; unfotind,
and unfaving : So that, it may be, they may for-
fake finnes of Cuflome, as Lying , Swearing,
DrunkenneiTe , and fucii like- but keepe finnes
..JPI-I.-L ... ' I!. ■
and ferpetuall Quide,
of Nature , as Pride, Liift, Anger, and the like :
Or, it may be, they may forfake both thefe two
kindes of flnnes, and yet kecpc finnes of Advan-
tage j as OpprclIioD,unlavvfLiliGaining,grinding
the faces of the Poore, ferving the Time, and
fuch like ; Or, they may leave all thefe, and yet
keepe finnes of Companie ; as, idle and vaine
Talking, fikhie leading, rayling again!]: and flan-
dering their Neighbours , uncharitable judging
and cenfuring their Brethren, and the like. It
may be, they may be carefull in their generall
calling of Chriftianitic • but carelelTe and uu-
faithfull in thofe particular places and callings,
wherein God in his providence hath fct them :
Orcontrarily' they may be of Chriftian beha-
viour abroad, and in publike • as at Sermons,
and in the Church ; but unconfcionable at
home, and in their private families • never tea-
ching, or praying with them: They may fceme
zealous in the Commandements of the firft
Table, and about the fervice of God • but in
the fecond , and towards their Neighbour , un-
merciful! , unconfcionable , and uncharitable :
Or, they may deale juftly and honeftly with o-
thers, but be utterly voide and deftitute of the
knowledge and feare of God : They may bee
outwardly reformed, but inwardly full of hol-
low-hearted neflfe , and hypocrific : They may
leave all other finnes, onely keepe one behinde ;
which is called a mans ftveet, delightfull, and
If Sathanx:an prevaile with ^.man any of thefe
(hi) wayes,
^T be Saints fure
Sathan would
hinder perfe-
wayes,hce keepes hin his owne : for bee that is
foLindly converted, jnlliticd, and fandified in-
deed , mud needs be out of love with every finne,
with the whole courfe of iniquities and with fin-
cerity and chearefulnefTc embrace the entire body
of Chriftianiiiej andhavearegard to. all Gods
6 Now i come to a fixt Height and ^^qsKq. of
Sathan, whereby hce labours to make the Word
fruiclcfic and unprofitable unto us. If hccannot
ftay us in our reformation, but that we will needs
through , and caft away all finnes ; why then, hee
feekes by all meanes to hinder our continuance,
and conftancic. If the Seed of the Word be re-
I ceived with joy^nd fprijig up for a time ? that is,
! be pra6lired for a while 5 he rayfeth up fomc per-
\ lecutionjtribulatioHjOr crofTcs, whereby it is pre-
fentlyblafted, withers, and comes to nothing.
j Theuncleane fpirit may for a time goc out of a
1 mattjand walke throughout drie places ; but if it
! be poUiblCjhe will rcturne with feven other fpirits
worfe than himfelfe ; and the end of that man, is
worfe than the beginning. A man may flye from
the pollution and filthinefTe of the World, as it
is, 2 Pet. 2, 20* butby the policie of Sathan, hee
may be tangled againe therein : He may be wafli-
cd (as it is in the fame place) for a while, and yet
after wallow againe in the myre of linne: He may
be endued with an inferior fandlification of the
Spirit, Helf, 10. 2<?. and yet after, by the malice
of Sathan, tread under foot the Some of God : Hce
may have a genciall participation, of the Holy-
and perpetuall Cfuide.
Ghoft, Heb,6.^. and yet after a time fall avray,
to the ver;^ deffiting of the SfiriP of Grace^ I fpeake
not this, as though that any once^ffedualiycal-
led,truly fandified,pofrcfledof the ftate of grace,
and enrolled among the Saints, can polTibiy be-
come a caft-away ; it cannot bee; forifonc^by
the power of fpeciall grace, a man be built upon
the Rocke ; not the Gates of HelI,not all the pow-
ers of Darkenefle, nor ftrongeft aflaults of Satan,
fhall ever prevaile againft him. Heaven and Earth
fliall fooner be removed, than any of Gods fer-
vants. For if Gods eternall Decree of Elcdion
be unchangeable i if his Covenant beevcrlafting,
and inviolable; if his Truth cannot change, nor
his Mercie faile, nor his Power4kc weakened j i(
the (acred Scale of the blcffed Spirit lliall ftand -,
if the precious blood and fervent prayers o{Chrifi
I Ufui can prevaile 5 if his Scriptures doe not lye,
and deceive; if his fandiifying Grace cannot die,
and perifh •, if Hirafelfc cannot ceafc to be : then
undoubtedly, if a man be once his, he is his for e-
ver ; if he be once truely his fervant upon Earth,
be fliall for ever hereafter be a glorious Saint in
Heaven. My meaning therefore in this point, is
oncly this : There is a glimmering Light of the
Spirit, fome manner of tafte of the fweetnefle of
Chrift, a kind of change, which may be wrought
in a man by the preaching of the Word, and yet
he not truely and conftantly converted, but may
by the malice and policie of Satan be repofleflfcd
by unclcane fpirits, and repolluted with the fil-
tliinefle of the World.
(hj) Thus
betwecne a
falfc and fa-
vjng change.
The Saints fure
Thus wc may difcerne this changeable change
(that I may fo fpeake) and the faving change of
Gods fervants : Ifjafter we have given our Names
to Chrift, and begun to profefle and pradife (in-
ceritiejVve pafle on,and continually grow in grace,
and ftand for Gods honour and ferviccjagainft all
ccmmers, friends or foeSjIofle or difgracCjOppref-
lion or {landers, men or devils ; why then,undoub-
tedly,we have the fanvSlifying Spirit of God,and
faving grace ; which makes liis Children like
Trees betwixt the Rivers of Waters, fruitfull in
goodnefle, and as bold as Lyons, in good caufes.
Butjif after wee have begun welljWee lookc backc
with Lots Wife ; if wee fall in love againe with
thofe finnes whi^ wee have forfakcn j if Rubbes
and Crofles inthe Worldjwill turne us out of the
way to Heaven ; and our righteoufneffe be but as
the Morning Deaw,whieh a little heat of Pcrfccu-
tion will dric up : vyhy then, our change was
changeable, and not that of Gods children. The
Seed of the Word, which wee received with joy,
was never deepely rooted in good and honeft
I hearts • wee were onely temporarie Converts, not
new creatures • temporizing ProfefTors, not true
Ghriftians ; and our End is like to be worfe than
our Beginning -and oar Plagues more,than if we
bad never begun.
Let every man take heed then, in the Name of
God, left by the traines and temptations of Sa-
than he be turn'd backe againe from any good
courfe; left afterhe be waihed, he wallow againe
in the myre of worldline(re,and worldly vanities;
andperfetuall (juide.
and after hee hath efcapcd the filthincfle of the
World, left he be againe entangled therein. Let
us beware of longing after thofe finneSj which we
begun in fome meafure to reforme j let us not luft
againe after the flefh-pots of iEgypt, like the Is-
raelites, after we be in fome good fort enlarged
from the bondage of finne, and tyrannic of the
hclW^Pharoah, LotsW/ik being delivered out
of Sodome,was furprifed with a fenfuall remem-
brance of the pleafures and vanities of the place
which fhee had Ich, of the cafe and profperitic
whicli (hee there enjoyed ; and fo look'd backe
upon it : But (hee was therefore prefently turned
into a Pillar of Saltv^^^^. 19,26. there forever to
be a monument and fearcfull fpe^ftacle of Gods
terrible judgements againft all back-fliders. If
the uncleane fpirit be caft out of a man by fome
degrees of reformation, and good beginnings of
amendment of life, and have after leave and hber-
tie to returnc 5 he brings with him feven Devils
worfe than him(elfe,and makes a man farre worfe
than he was before. Much better were it for any
man never to have knowne or ftept into the way
of righteoufnefife, than afterward to turne from
theholyCommandementof God, and out of a
courfeof Chriftianitie. It is a fearefull Curfc,
to continue in hardneffc of heart , prophanenefle
of life, and finfull courfes ? But to leave them for
a little, and to finke backe againe, is to have Gods
Curfe bitter againft rhcm, if they repent not^ and
the fire of Hell made more hot for them. Firft,
(icknefles are curable j but relapfes are very dan-
(h4) gerous,
H(b.^» 49^1
The Saints fure
gerous, if not irrecoverable. If a man (as it is
Ueh. S») ^^th once beene enlightened^ and theft faU
atvay , it is impoj^ble to be renewed by repentance, 1
know that place principally to be undcrftood of
the highelt de^reeof Apoilaciejand falling away*
but hec that falls away from any good courfe, and
good beginnings , fails towards that irrecovera-
ble fall, and makes himfelfe more uncapableof
repentancc^han if he never had been enlightened,
or ftept into the way of Truth : And it is juft
vvith God, to punirhfuchwith a reprobate fenfe^
and hearts that cannot repent.
It then decpcly and neerelyconcerncs us • for
once wee have felt the fwcetneffc of Grace, and
tA^ed of the Powers of the world to come-^ to drinke
deeper of the Waters of Life, and to fol^ hard
towards the mar ke^ for the price of the high caUingof
God in Chril} lefw.. When wee icklt any good
motions and purpofes arife in our hearts, let us
labour to follow them, to nourifli them, to blow
them up, to m,ake a^fire of them 5 left they onely
but make a flafh, and pafle away as the Lighr-
ning. Let us put them in pradife with zealcj
and conftancic, that we be not as the unfaithfull
WatcrSj which in the Summer are dryed up • or
as th&.dcadTrees, which perifh iti Winter: but
thatvve remaine whole andXoundjpweandper*
fe^,as the living Watersand Olives of the Lord,
that ever (hcd forth their fweetnefle and fatncfle.
Let us make a Covenant , even a Covenant ( as
the Scripture fpeaketb) of Salt^ durable^nd per-
pettiall, with the Lord, to live before him in
and perpemall (juide.
liolinsfle and righteotifnelTe all thedayes^^our
life ; For to him that goes through with his ho-
ly bufinefle, thdii fights the good jight of FAithyfrn-
jbeth hif fojtrfeyand overcomes • to him, and to him
alone, (hall all thofe glorious BlefTings be per-
formed, which are promifed in the firtt Chapter
of the Revelation ;. To eate of the Tree of Life^Mch
is in the midB of the Paradifr of God ; Not to De
hurt »f the fecond DtMh ; To eate of the MmtiA Mch
is hid ^ and to have thevphite stone of Fi^orie given
him J To have fower given him to rule over Nations^
and to be lightened rvith heavenly hrightneffe, like the
Morning, Starre ; To he clothed mth white array ^
(that hy with heavenly Glory) W to have his
Name cmtinued in the Booke of Life ; Tc have 4
miliar made in the Temple of Cody (that is, afirme
and unmoveable place of eternall Glory ^ ) To
fup with ChriB^ and to fit rvith him upon his Throne
for evermore. Thus fliall hec bee honoured and
clowned with the excellenoie, fulne{Ie5and varie-
tie of all glory, joy, and happincflTe, who enters
with finceritie, and couragiou fly ends his Race
of Holincfic , and conquers in his fpirituall
Fight. But al/feareft*l^meHy(askiSyJRev,2i.S.)
who flinke backe for feare of Men, or love of the
World, or to ferve the Times • all faint-hearted
n>en in the Lords Battailes, and that fall away
fi'om good beginnings ; they fliall be puniihed-
i»ith unbeleevers^ mth the ahominable^ mth Murthe-
reri and fyhore-mangers^ mth Idolaters and Lyars^ in
the Lake which hurnes rvith fire and Brimftons-^ which
^ the fecondDeath,
. 7 But,,
'^ev, li
Hcc ftrives, if
, hce cannot
I make tbem to
fall totally and
I finally, that
Khey may fall
partially, and
as frequently
as be can.
Sathans poli<
The Saints fure
7 But,if by the grace and mercie of God, we
quit our felves like men J and hold on comfortably
andconftantly in a fetlcd courfe of godlinedej
yet/or all this,Sathan hath not done ; though he
can doe us no deadly hurt, yet he will ftill doe his
worft ', for his craft and ipight is cndleflc. If he
fee there is no hope of bringing us backe againe
into his bondage, or making us any more vafTals
and flaves to finne ; yet he will labour to lay ftum-
bling-blockes in our way, to bring us upon our
knees : now and then, to turne us out of the right
path J fometimesjeven toover-turnc us with fomc
greater and more dangerous fall j hce will lay his
traines to intrap and intangle us, if it be poffible,
infomeold fwect finnc: Which, that hee may
bring about, hee will u(e the benefit and advan-
tage of cuftome, bccaufe before our calling, wee
have much pradiifcd it ; of the frailtic of our
owne corruptions , becaufe they have moft de-
lighted in it • of our old companie, bccaufe wee
have formerly ofteneft committed it with them.
He will leave no opportunitic, advantage, or cir-
cumftance omitted,and unaflayedjto hale us back
into one or other fpeciall finne, of our unrcgene-
ration. If this will not ftop, hee will follow all
occa{ions,enticcmentS5and temptations, the ride
of ourowneatfed^ionSj theftreameof rhc times,
i^ by any meanes hee can caft us into fome groffe
and fcandalous finne. Thefe are Sathans plots
and pra(5fcifes againft thofc,who hold on inacon-
ftant courfe of holinefTe : if they will not bee
brought to tumble themfelves againe in the myre
and perpetual! (jmde.
of finne,and finfull pkafures,yet he will doe what
hec can , now and tncn , to (pot and ftaine their
Chriftian lives with (bme grieuous fall,or other ^
that ft), to his utmoft , hee may bring upon them
Gods disfavour,and angry countenance, difgrace
and difconceit araongft their brethren, difcom-
forts and feares of heart within themfelves. But
if a man, firft, by keeping frerti in his mindc the
uncertainties and vanities of this vaine World ;
fecondly, by careful! and continuall watching
over his dcceitfull heart ; thirdly , by exercifing
and pra<liifing with diligence and delight, all ho-
ly meancs of preferving grace,and ftarving finne •,
as reading,hearing,conference, meditation of the
Word of God 5 Prayer, publike and private j
with himfelfcjand with his family ; fourthly, by
declining prophanc, unprofitablejand unchriftian
corapanie , and acquaintance 5 and frequenting,
with joy and fruit, the fellow {hip of the Saints :
fifthly, by an humble entertainment, nouridi-
mentj and pra^fiice of the good motions of the
Spirit : fixtly , by a dayly examination of the
ftate of his Confcience,and reparation of the de-
eayes of Grace : feventhly, by his godly jcalou lie-
over little finnesjand prefent renewing repentance
after every flip. I fay, if by fuch meanes as rhcfc
(which are notable prefervatives againft the poy-
fon of finne) a man fence himfelfe from groffc
and fcandalous falls ; orelfe, if by the politikc
malice of Sathan, and weakenefiTc of his owne
fle(h,he be overtaken with fome fouler finne ^ and
yet notwithf^anding, befides pangs of gricfcjand
againft finne,
whereby Gods-
children keepe
frona grofle
l^he Saints fur e
The good that
they get by
their falls*
angiiiflaoffpirit, for grieving his gracious God,
hee looke better to his feet, and run fafter in the
Race of fandification after his fall - if his falling
into finnc teach him thefe good leflbns, which in
fuch cafes are ordinarily learned of all true Chri-
ftians; for allthingSjCven* finnc it fclfe,makes to
the beft in Gods Children.
1 Hee Icarnes by his fall, to diftafte his pride,
and felfe-conceit, to let fall his Peacockcs traine,
and defpaire of his owne ftrength.
2 To depend only upon God, the Word of hi j-
Grace, and the power and perpetuall influence of
his Spirit, for his ftanding upright in the wayes
of Rightcoufnefle, and prefervation from moft
fearcfulland dangerous downe-falls.
3 To cling clofer about him • to clafpe fader
hold with the hand of faith upon the glorious
PaflSon and meritorious juftice of Chrift; with
muchheartinefleandzealetofeeke and fue unto
him for his fpeciall aide and afliftancc againft Sa-
tans temptations, his owne corruptions, and out-
ward oceafions of finne.
4 To blu(h and be afhamed of himfelfe ; for
that he having had his (bule wafhed with the pre-
cious blood of Chrift, and having received fo
great favour, mercy, and pardon at the hands of
God, yet hath wretchedly and unthankfully defi-
led itagaincj and fo wofully and wickedly abufed
his extraord inary love and kindneffe.
5 With more refolute vow, proteftation, and
practice, to renounce and abandon Satan ^ with
more perfect hatred, and dcteftation, to loath and
abhor re
and per^etuall Quide.
\ abhorre all manner of finne • the Garment f^otted
6 To become watehfull,and wife ;^ by taking
rpeciall notice of all the motives, temptations,
meanes, occafions, baites, allurements to that
finne y into which hce fell 3 for the aypidiog and
declining of it afterwards. r:? > i; ^^-.
7 To thinke charitably of other men,th3it fall,
and are fiuidenly overtaken in any offence • not to
be too eager, hot, and cenforiousagainft them-
but out of his owne experience, to give them
comfort, inftru(fi:ions,and.diredions, and to la-
bour to reftore them with the fpirit of meeke-
neffe. Now, I fay, if a man be either foro»-armed
and fenced (as I fa id) from falls ; or elfe,after his
fall, weepe bitterly, repent fincerety, watch after-
ward more carefully, walke more zealoufly • and
out of his fpirituall wiredome,make thatufe and
benefit of his fall, as I have told you : then hce
may have comfort, that Sathangets no great ad-
vantage tliisway.
8 Like a fierce cruell Dragon, fich he cannot
devoure the Womans Child fo foone as ever it is
brought forth ^ that is, he cannot repoHefieand
reigne againe in a true Chriflian and regenerate
man, brought forth by the povverof the Word,
in the Wombe of the Church ^ he therefore ca-
f^eth out of his mouth, after him, flouds of out-
ward crolles and vexations. If he cannot wound
him ir>his foulc,yet he will vexe him in his body,
goods, and good name : if he cannot hinder him
of Heaven, he will give him little reft or quiet
I Ibejj: 5. la.
He fends forth
fioiide of per-
fecution and
affliftion after
aesiJnft af-
From Cods
Decree, the
example of
the SaintSjand
th«5 Sonne of
The Saints Jure
Rm.i. i8.
From the gra-
cious cftcfl* of
affiidions, for
our good.
ijpon Earth : if hce cannot bring him into dif-
gracc and disfavour with God, he will be fure to
ray ft him hatred enough, malice, and difcounte-
nance amongft men ; He will doe his worft^to fill
and Joade him with all outward difcomforts and
difcouragements ; as povertie, fickneflc,{landcrs,
fcoffings, raylings, reproaches, contempts, and a
thoufand other pcrfecutions^
But in fuch cafes as thefc,letevcrychildof God
comfort,refrerb5and hold himfclfc in heartjcheare,
and ecu ragejby fuch confi-derations as thefe.
Firft, it is a Decree of Heaven , rcfolved upon
and ratified by the Lord our God, confirmed by
the experience of all the Patriarkcs and Prophets,
of the Apoflles and profefTors of Chrift, of all
the Saints and fervants^ nay, and of the Sonne of
God himfelfe; {.hat, through many tribulations wee
mjiH enter into the Kingdome of Heaven, So often
therefore as wee fliall fee any raiferics or afflidi-
onscomming towards us, for our profelTion of
finceritic,and righteoufncire fake ; let us acknow-
ledge them to be as fo many moft certaine and in-
fallible markes, that we arc in the right way to
Heaven : through which, if we but vvalke a little
further with patience, we fhall defcryaCrowne
of Glory, which is ourovvne forever; of which,
all the afflidions and preflfures of a thoufand
Worlds arc not neere worthy.
Secondly, though by this meanes,by thefc out-
ward crofTcs and afflictions, Sathan difchargcth
upon us the very gall of his bitterne{rc,the poyfbn
of his malice, and arrowes of his fpight ^ yet, by
«» ■■..p ,1 Mt I I I , ■ . I I, . ■■ ,. 11. ,. I I, „
and fer^etuall (^uide^
the merci'fnll and Aedicinall hand of God, they
are returned upon his ovvne head , they ftrike
through the heart of rinne,and become as preci-
ous reHorativeSjtorepaire in us the decaycs of fpi-
rituall life : for in Gods children,ciofles and affli^
(^ions have thefc worthy effe^ and workings.
I They ftart us out of our fecuritie, carelef.
neflcjand coIdnefTcjWhich by little and little may
grow upon the beft : They breed in us a conceit
and fenfeof our owne wants, and the neccflitie
of Gods providence and prote<fVion : They adde
Oyle unto the flame of our firft love, put life into
our religious exercifes, and power and Ipirit into
our prayers,
2 They curbe and controule the pride, info-
lencie,and impatiencie of our nature : They coole
and kill the heat, headlongneffe, and intemperan-
cic of our affed^ions : Tbcyvyeakea indeed the
whole old ^<j/4»* inns, with all his lui1:s,concupif-
cence, and venome ; but give ftrength to the new
man,with all his godly and gracious motions^holy
and heavenly a<fiions.
3 They make us with indignation to fpit in the
very face of this vaine, deceitfull, and flattering
\A^orld;the temporall loveofwhich,is theetcrnall
loflfe both of bodies &: foules in the other World;
They happily weanc us from the love of it, and
make us willing to part with her paps ; to bid all
her enticements adiew, and" to trample under feet
the fading pleaflires & vanities thereof; they make
us to teare our groveling hearts, and rent our dull
affedions from the Earth, to which they cleave,
They make us
To contetane
ihc World.
To fee further
iotothc my-
flcrie of god-
The Saints fure
and are glued To faftjand to lifpUp both our heads
and hearts to Heaven, and to the glory which is
to be revealed, longingly to defirc the comming
of Chrift, the Life that lafl:eth,and to be clothed
with our Houfejwhich is from above.
4 Laftly, they are as (harpe and precious eyc-
falves, to cleare and enlarge the fpirituall fight of
our foules, too much dimmed and darkened with
earthly duft, and with gazing too long on the
painted glory of the World ; that fo wee may
fee further into the great myfterie of godlinefle,
deeper into the malTc and dunghill of our owne
corruptions and frailties, wider upon the vanities
of the World , and higher into the happinelTe of
Heaven, and that great Beautie, Glory, and Ma-
jcftie above ; They ferve unto ys as fowre Sawces,
and bitter W^ormewood, to bring us out of love
with our fweetfinnes , and to breed a diftafte in
our mouth againft tranfitorie delights : They are
as rharpe pruning-knives , to lop and cut away
the excefTcs, vanities, and unnecedarie cares that
grow upon us 5 and Co to trimme us5that wee may
bring forth more profitable, pleptifull, and fairer
fruits in godlinefle and Chriftianitie.
Thus Sathan is difappointed in his plots, and
policie ; his malice makes a medicine for our
foules : hee purpofeth and hopes, by cro.Tes and
afflidlions to turije us backe,or make us wearie in
our courfe of holinefie •, but by the mercy of God,
they become as fpuvres, to prickc us forward in
Our Chriftian Race ; and as hedges to kcepe us in,
ftomvvandin-irgoutoftheway. ]r
Though Satan
and his inftiU.
inftruraeiKto i
afflia,yetGoi '
is the princi-
pal! Agent,
who wHl order
aU forchcir
andperpetualKjuide. . ijj
Now, in a third place; That Gods child may
not too much be ca{ldowne,orput out of heart,
for erodes and perfccutions rayfcd againft hina
for a profefTion , and the prafticc of finceritic.
let him confiderjfhat howfocver Sathan and wic-
ked men be the inftruments , and executioners,
which malicioufly procure, and immediately iii-
flidtmifcries and vexations upon the children of
God •, though they be the meanes to lay tortures
and torments upon their bodies,cro(Tcs and loffes
upon their goods and outward eftates, fpots and
impreflion and cruekie upon the face of their
harmcledc innoccncie, (landers and difgraces,
imputations and ftaining afperfions upon their
reputations and good names j fomctimes terrors,
temptations,and amazements upon their minds :
Yet in all thefe, our gracious God hath the chic-
fcft ftroke, a principall hand, and the greateft
fway j he dircds, limits,and moderates the rage
and furie of all our enemies,vvhether they be De-
vils or men, as it pleafeth him • and ever certaine-
ly to the fingular good of his children, if they be
patient and faithfull. Mijerie (faith lob^rhap.'^.e,) /^^ J-"^*
tommeth not forth of the Duft , rtfither doth affliBions
faring out of the Earth, Neither indeed , princi-
pally and originally from Man , the Lord of the
Earth 5 nor from the Prince that rnles in the
Aire j nor from the Hoft of Heaven: God him-,
felfc is the chiefe commander, guider, and di-
rc(5ler of all vexations , and ill of punifhment
tl at befalls any man ; and infti^s it, for our
finnesand corruptions, upon the reprobates, as
(i) appeares
The Saints fure
appearcs in Fharoah^ for their further hardening
and confufion ^ upon his eled, for their convert
fion and corrc(^ion.
Let ns thenjin all our fufferings and afflidions,
ftirred up againft as for fticking to finceritie,and
keeping a good Confciencc^ lift up our eyes to
the mightie Lord of Heaven and Earth : who,by
the ftrong Arme of his Omnipotencic^holds faA
in a Chaine,Sathan, that raging Lion, and great
GoItAh^ that hce cannot ftirre one Linke further
than hce wiM give him leave 5 hee cannot goe a
haires breadth beyond his Commiffion : Nay
and that which hee is fuffcied todoe , makes one
way or other for our farre greater good. Let us
confidetjwhat a loving and tender-hearted Father
hath us under his corredion 5 and holds in his
hand the furie of Sathan, the malice of men, the
power and particular ftings of all creatures, as
Rods and Scourges.to refbrme and amend us ; to
keepc us in a courfe of holineflfe, and in the right
way to Heaven. His fatherly love and tender-
heartedhefle unto his,and fuch as feare him, doth
indcarenefle and unchangcablenclle as farre fur-
pa (Te the mofl: corapaflionate bowels of any earth-
ly fathcr,as God furpafleth man 5 and, an infinite
nature, a finite creature. The.kindnefle of a mo-
ther to her child, is nothing to that love which
God bcarcth to a true Ghriftian-. ^ mother mxj
forget her childj and not hdt^e compa^n rfon the fonne
ofhermmbe. But God neither can, nor will for-
get him. The ftonie Rockes and Mountaines
j fticke faft and fure unto their foundatiojns ^ but
I Gods:
and perpetuall (juide.
Gods love to his child, a farre furerand founder.
Ths Mount aines jhall remove^ and the Hills IhallfaS
domie (faith God by Ifaiah) but my Merch fbali
net depart from thee . ?ieither fball the Covenant @f
my Peace fall av»ayy faith the Lordy that hath cowfa^m
on thee. Can any man ftoppe the courfe of the
Sunne, the Moone, and the Starres ? Can hee
change the Seafons of the Day and the Night >
No more can any creaturCjOra world of creatures,
ftoppe and turnc afide the ftreamcs of Gods end-
Jcfle mercies and favovirs to his faithfull fervants.
If yo'A can change (faith God by leremie) if yon can
change the courfes of the Sunne , and of the Moone^
iind of the Starres 5 if yon can breake my Covenant
of the Day^ and my Covenant of the ^ight^ that there
fhoM not be Day and Night in their feafon • then
may my Covenant be broke unto JDavid^ my fervant j
then will I m^ off aU the Seed of Ifrael : ler, 3 1 .
3 3 . You may therefore make furc of it 5 every
fandlificd and fincere man is eVcr in Gods fight,
for his good and prclervation ; hcc is graven upon
the palme of his hand^ hcc isfetasa Signet upon his
arme , and as a Seale upon his heart, God is ever
farre more fenfible, tender, and compaflfionate
of the fighes, tearcs, and miferies of his chil-
dren, than any man can be of the pricking of tie
prccions ball and apple of his owne eye. Wee
have his Promife, fealed with the precious bloud
of his ownc Sonne, bound with an Oath 5 That
fo, ^^ tw9 immutable things^ tvherein it is impofpble
that God fhould lye^ wee might have firong confolation 5
That, hee wiU never faile andforfake hif -^ Ihatyhee
( i 2 ) wiU
ler.it. fi.
I Co^,lo,il'
The Saints Jure
ed Ar.teiikii'
\ \\1iy x'ftcv/k-
ited hjtc and
i pciiccute
j ^pdly.
ui/i never lay more upon then?^ than hee mil make them
able to bcare, Hce gives them comfort in all their
afflidions, deliverance from them, and benefit
by them. In all Mo-ibles, hce mod: ccrtainely
eirbcr quite frees them, or gracioufly prcfcrves
tben'sjn them ■ fo farre as is beft for his giory^and
' their good . and ufefuU for the Church, and his
other children.
' Let no child of God then be difmayed or
difcouraged for a-ny crofles, {landers, orperfe-
eutions , which befall him for bis profelfion,
and pra<aiceof hoIineflTe and finceritie. Though
Sathan hath his worke in them, and prophane
and wicked men a part • yet our gracious God,
fo loving and tender-hearted a Father, hath the
principall ftroake and chicfc finger in rhem :
Saihans worke, and end is , to vexe and di[-
It is evermore the i^orhe of the Devili , ( fa^th
one of the * ancient Fathers) that hee may rritl
Ljcs teare the firvants of Gc^^and by falfe Opnions
fj^rcdd. concerning them , may defame their glonom
rami 5 that frch as are bright in the li^ht of their
Oivne Confidence ^ may be darkened and difgraced by
the reports of others.
Wicked and prophane men, bccau/e they arc
in Darkencffcjand their workes arecvill,thcy can-
not endure the children of Light, and their holi-
ncffe of life. For this is the root and fountaine
o^ all their malice and crucltic ^ as appearcs,
I M. 3 . T 2 . Cain flew his brother ; and veherefoye (lejr
h him I Becaitfi; his crvne tr&rkes rvere eviUy and his bro-
and perpetual/ Cjuide.
then good. Hence growes and fprings all the furie
and rage, all the wrongs and llanders, which are
wont to be layd on true Chriftians ; They are
hated even for their very goodnefle, and becaufe
they will not rnnne with the wicked unto the
Came excelTe of riot : They are filled with con-
tempt and reproach, with the mockings of the
wealthy, and dcfpightfuInelTe of the proud, be-
caufe they will not fweare, fwaggcr, lye, poure in
ftrongdrinkCjprophane the Sabbaths, follow the
fafli ions and corruptions of the Times. In a
word, becaufe they will not be prophane in this'
World, and damned in the World to come.
And befidesjl know not how,wicked menthinke,
that by the commonneile of finne, their fmfull
courfes become more commendable ; and, that
the multitude of offenders makes them more ex-
cufable,and their offences pardonable. It ii the
comfort (faith an ancient * Father) of evill mcn^ to
carpe at the good '^ thinkings that bj the great number
of offendorsy the guilt of their faults is dtminiJJjed and
But Godsworke and end, in all falfe reports
un/uftly rayfed againfl: his children, and in other
crolTcswhatfoever; is to ftirrc up and revive in
them zcalc, devotion, and faith fuInetTe, in pray-
ing, prayfing, and fcrving him ; topurgcoutof
them the droffc and rclickes of (bmc old finne ^
to humble them, and to bring them to a true de-
ny ing (jf themfelves 5 totrie their faith,paticnce,
and conftancie ; or for their greater good, one
way or other.
(i3) A
lP«/.4 4«
■ JcYonH.
Go(Js aimc in
his childrcns
Affli<^'ons are
no ftrange
The Saints
have gone
before us.
Hc^.1 1,3^537'
Nay, Chrift
The Saints fure
Afoiuthconflderarion^whercby the mieChri-
ftian may be kept in heart and comfort againft all
croiTes and calumniations which hec ihall meetc
with Jn bis courfc of holinefTcand fanftificarion,
is^this : It is no ftrange thing that doth befall
, himjWhcn he is perfccuted for fincerifie ; but the
very beaten way to Heaven, trodden by all ftich
fect,as ever walked in faith and obedience, ^iel
begun in this Cupof Perfccution5and vexation,
for his fervice to God, to all thofe who would
give their Names to Chrift, or fight under his
: Banner to the Worlds end. The Patriarkcs and
' Prophets, and holy men of old , followed and
pledged him : They were tryed b'^ f no c kings and
fcourgings^bj bonds and imffifonment -^ they n>ere flo-
ned^ they rvere hen-en afunder^ they rrere temftedy they
I iverejlaine with the frord ^ they war.dered up and dotvne
' in Shecfes-skins^and Goats-skins ^beingdeHitute^ af-
fiiBed^and tormented ; whom the i-Vorld was f^ot wor-
1 thie of-^ they wandered in fvildernejjes ^ and Dcnnes^
and Caves of the Earth, Nay,, Chrift lefus him-
felfe,the Sonne of God, and ourbleffed Saviour,
drunkcdeepeand largeof this Cup^ it was the
! Baptifme wherewith he was baptized. His Apo-
ftles and Difciplcs followed ; they endured all
I the bloudie and mercileffe cruelties, which fierce
and firrious Wolves are wont to infli»fl upon filly
and harmelefTe Sheepe : for they were fent out
into the World, as Sheepc amongft Wolves,
There come after, and drinke of the fan»e Cupj
millions of blefted m.en and women, under the
I prinaitivc Perfecutions i Of which, fomc virere
and perpetuall (juide.
icalded, fome burned, fomebroyled, iont han-
ged, Ibme beheaded, fome throwne downe froin
rockcs upon ftakes, fome ftabbed in with forkes,
fome racked, and tome in pieces , their tongues
cut out, their eyes bored out, their fiefh twitched
oif with Pinfons, womens breRs (eared otf with
hot yrons,pricked under the naylcs with Needles,
and a thou fand more wayes torreicntedjwith as
great varietie andexqui(itenefrc,as politike ma-
lice could devife, and propbane crueltic execute.
If wee pafle along from thence , even to thefe
Times j yea,and if our eyes were fo enlightened,
that wc could lookeupon the ftate of Gods chil-
drcnjand their way to HeaveUjeven to the Worlds
end; we fhould ever be able to trace them along
by the teares of Brine, and bloud, which are pow-
red out and fpilt for the profefTion of Gods Truth,
and pradicc of holincfle. This then is, was, and
ever will be, the lot and portion of all tliofe who
are fitting and preparing for Heaven. They are
ever pcrfccuted one way, or other. If by rcafon
of the miidc and peaceable Times,they fight not
unto bloud, and pafle the fierie Triall 3 yet they
fliall have their troubles, oppreilions, and difgra-
ces^ at Icair, they fhall be ever fure to be payd
home with the fcourge of tongues : they fliall be
leaden with flandcrs,and falfe reports , they fhall
be made a gazing-ftocke, a by-word, and Tablc-
ralkc; a fcornc, reproach, and derifion to them
that are round about them : as Burid was, PfaL ^M?^
79, 4. Which being fo, why fhould not a com-
mon cafe, in the caufe of God , breed a common
(i4) comfort
Affliftions arc
they worke a
weight of glo-
1^ be Saints fur e
coinfoic in true Chtiftiaas ? Why flioiild a^ivy
oF chcm thinke much todrinkc of the fame Cup,
that tlic deareft Saints and foulcs , now blcfTcd
with the Lord , have begun to them in •, and of
which, all chat will be favcd^ even to the lad day,
mufl: tafte,and follow > Why fliould any man,
cLAt truly loves God, or loo*kes for the joyesof
the other World, fecke ordefire a priviledge a-
bove all the children of God,that ever were ; and
evenabove the Sonne of God himfelfe, Chrift
lefus ? Mod unworthy is hee of the glorious
comforts of Grace, of the inward Peace,that paf-
fcth all underftanding, and of that Glory which
is to be revealed •, who, for a flandcrous tale, a ly-
ing tongue,a reproachful! tearmc,or the fcare and
faceof anymortall man,{linkcsbackfroma bold
profclTion of finceritie, and. from the true fervicc
of the living God^.
In fufferings and afflidions for Gods can fe,
there is not onely matter of patiencc5but even oc-
cafion of glory. They arc like ftarres m the fore-
head, honourable maimcs, conformities tolcfus
Chrift, Liveries of a Ghriftian fouldier;
Fifthly, Icr him confider, that his momentanie
crofTcs and afHi(5iions caufe an exceeding and
everlafting weight of glory. Let his vexation be
never fo grievous, his perfccu tors never fo great,
and mightie ^ neither they,nor thac,can la ft long.
For the life of man^and all the glory thereof,dorh
paffcaway like aShipin the Water, whofe tra6^
cannot be fccneagaine;- like an Arrow through
the aire,or a WeaversShutclathrough his worke ;
and perpctuall Quide.
* Aj many
times ihey
arc. SeeDawW,
like a fading FlOA^cr, fuddenly plucked up and
withered; like GrafTCjIikc Snioake,like a Dreame,
HkcaB^Libbleof the Water. Though a Chnftian^
therefore be never fo deepcly plunged into * mi-
feries, he fhall abide but a while undcrthe waters
of afHiiliorr; the day of redemption cannot be
farreofF. Though he iTiouId paflTe through the
rccth of wilde Beafls, upon the fword of the Ty-
rant,through the flames of firc^though his braincs
riiould bedaiTit againft the walls, his limbcs lye
fcattcrcd in the ftreets,3nd his bloud runnc downe
every channell ; yet fliall he, ere it be long, glori-
oufly fife againc, in defpight of all the powers of
Darkenefle, and bloudincflc ofcruell men. Hee
fhall entirely be reftored, by the mightie and im-
mediate hand of God ; hec fhall be clothed with-
Light; and immortalitic; his bloud l"hall be re-
venged, and all teares rvifcdfrom his e^es-^ and there
riiall be fet upon his head a Ciowncof evcrlafting
joy, peacc5and happinefie.
Sixtly, comfort unfpeakable, and glorious,
may fpring up in the heart of Gods child, amid ft
his fulferings for the caufe of God, out of a con-
fidcration, Thar in all affli^Hons, without excep-
tion , Chrift fuffcreth with him, Paul was the
mirrourand miracle of all Chriftians, for the va^
rietie and gPorioufnede of his futferings ; you I
may fee a ftrangeand unmatc-hableCaralGgue of;
them, 2 Cor. ii . 2 3, &c. He was in ftripcs above \tcorai.23,&c.
mcafure, plcnteouflv in prifon, in- death ofc. Of
the lewcs, five times received hee fortie ftripes,
fave one 5 he was thrice bcaten^with Rods, he was
Chrift doih
paihizc With
his children in
See ifa.e^.ft
»" ■■
The Saints fure
once ftoned, he fuffcred thrice fhipwracke -, night
and day was he in the deepe Sea : In journeying,
he was often ; in perils of Waters , in perils of
Robbers, in perils of his ovvne Nation, in perils
among the Gentiles, in perils in the Citie, in
perils in the WildcrneiTe, in perils in the Sea, in
perils among falfe Brethren -, in wearineife, and
painefulnefle; in watching often 5 inhungcr,and
thirft 5 in fallings often ^ in cold, and in naked-
nefTc. Yet all thefe, and what other crofTcs and
affli(5tions befell him,he calls and accounts them
the fufferings and afflidtions of Chrift. N'ow ({aith
Paul, Col. I, 24.) now rejoyce I in my fufjerwgs for
you J and fulfill the reB of the affliBions of ChriB^ in
Jnyjlejh^ for his Bodies fake, trhich is the Church. And
2 Cor. 1.5. As the fujferingx of ChriB abound in m^
fo our confoUtion aboundcth through Chrift, Lazarpif^
in all his povcrtie, contempt, {ickncflc, fores, or
what other miferies , fuffered nothing wherein
Chrift was not partaker of his griefe and forrow.
So fwect and bleffed a confent and fympathie is
there betwixt Chriftjthe Hcad,and all true Chri-
ftiansjhis members; that fo long as the great my-
fterie of that myfticall Vnion ftands true and
fure, (which is for ever) all holy men, and fervants
of God , in all their fufferings for the Name of
Chriftsprofeffion of his Truth,and pradlice offin-
cer'tie,niall liavc Chrift himfclfe partner and par-
taker of their miferifs •, which is able to rcfreHi
the licavieft heart^in the grcatcft extremities.
I laveftaycd long upon this point j to wir,
how Sathan labours might and maine, by erodes
and perDetuall Quide.
and fl iRQcrs , to difcoiiragc Gods child , and to
(lop his courfe inthcvvayes of righteoufnefTc ^
and in laying dovvne fome comforts againft them :
becaufe thoufandSjat tkc very firft entrance,or af-
ter fome fniall continuance, are vvofully turned
backe from gracc,and {inceritie^by temprations^
reproache«^,'?nd rroiibles ray fed againft them ; by
their ownc rebellious flefhj.Sathan , and pro-
phane men.
Now, in a ninth place, if all this will doe no
good ; if the heat of perfecution inflame the
zcale of the true Chrirtian j if reproaches and af-
fli(5lions be fb farre from daunting and dulling
his forwardnefle, that they fet an edge upon his
alfedions, and addc ftrength to his refolution, in
proceeding in the glorious ftate of Chriftianitie:
Why then, the la ft fleight and temptation of Sa-
than,to hinder the fandifying power and fuccefle
of the Wordjand to make it fruitleile and unpro-
fitable, is fpirituall Pride* which, by his malici-
ous cunning, and helliHi Alchymie, bee extraf^s
even out of his graces and vermes ^ out of fuch
fwect flowers, he rayfes poyfbn : and fith he can-
not keepe goodneffe utterly out of the foule, he
ufes it felfe as an inftrument,to weaken & wound
it felfe. For when a man is moft endued and en-
riched with extraordinaric gifts, holy graces, and
fpirituall ftrength ; Sarhan feckes moft buHly to
makehimprowd of them, and to puffe him up
vrith an over-vveenins conceit of his owne worth;
that fb him felfe may lofe the comfort of themj
his brethren the fruit of them,and God the glory
\ of
Satan hinders
the working of
the Word,by
fpiritual Pride.
Pride may
srifc in Gods
From a confi-
iieration of
! their ^'ritiled-
Priviledges of
ihe godly.
The Saints fure
of them. This fpirituall Pricle,is th-c fame in our
corruptions and finfuUafFedtionSjthac the Shirt
is in our Clothing -^ that is to fay, it fits the clo-
feft unto us,and is laft put off: it u the trhite DeviH
(as a worthy Divine calls it.) That ilnnc doth
lyejandinfenfibly infinuarc it fclfci and Jurkes
amid our graceSjand good a(5lions,as a dead Fly
in the Apothecaries Oint-mer>r. It is, as it were,
Sathans laft inrrenchment, which hce holds the
longeftjand with moft refolute anddefperatc per-
tinacie, and is hardlyeft driven out ; much fpiri-
tuall wifcdome^a great meafure of humilitiCjand
the whole Armour of God is required to this
combate. For he is fo cndlefTejand cxercifed in
the point ; that, if we be fo humbJe,that he can-
not make us proud of any thing elfc, he will la-
bour to make us proud even of our hurailitie- and
pioudjthat wc are not proud of our gifts.
Except a Chriftian continually and carefully
watch ovcrhisheartjand guard itwithhumilitic,
and a lowly conceit of himfelfcj this privfe Pride
may fteale upon him, before he be aware.
And firft, it may fpring out of a confidcration
of the excellcncic of his cftatCjand the varietic of
his peculiar blefTings, and fpeciall priviledges,
which the ungodly men neither can, nordoe en-
joy. For when he is once tranflatcd from Dark-
nefle to Light, from, prophancncffe to finceritic,
from Nature to Grace j out of the Dominion of
Sathan, into the Kingdome of Chrift, by the
great worke of regeneration : hee is prcfently
made partaker of the D i'jjine Nature^ 2 Pet . i ,4 . hee
and p^rpetuall (juide.
is entitled, by the fight of the Sonne of God , to
an inheritance mwartali, and un defiled ^ and that fa--
deth not anay , referred in the Heavens for him,
Whi'e hec is thus looking upon himfelfe, pof^
feflfed of this happineflfejand planted in this glo-
rious Paradife, Sathan is feeretly blowing the
coales of his hidden corruption, to enkindle and
rayfe there-out an over-weening conceit of his
owne worth, and to puffehim up with pride of
his owne gifts and graces . whence may enfue
two foule and hatefull inconveniences : For fo
hee may grow by little and little to juftifie him-
(clfe too much, whereby Gods glory may be
leflened and darkened ; and to defpife his Bre-
thren, whereby his exercife of charitie may be
This fpirituair Pride may occafionally, and
by accident, fpringcutof agodly and gracious
carCj.to keepe and preferve himfelfe unfported
and undefiled in his happy and glorious ftate of
gracfjand regeneration, Forwhile he is caftmg
with himfelfe, and.concluding upon fome found
and fubftantiall courfe of holinelTe and obedi-
ence in the waycs of godlinefle ; Sathan labours
might and mainc,todrawhimtoa (ingularitieof
unwarrantable conceits and opinions •, that by a
tedious and unneceflfaric purfuit and poileflfion
thereof, he may keepe him cold and uncomfor-
table in the pradiee of the chiefe and fnoft ma-
terial! duties of Chriftianitie ; and to make him
place the height of Religion, and heat of zeale,
in continuall conference and moil peremproric
From I'ncir
tare, to keepe
Againft repa-
ration from
our Church.
The Saints fure
defence of fome groundleflc fancies* from wheflcc
Sathan bufily ftrivcs to toll him out, to fepara-
tion. Which courfe of fcparating from , and
condemning our Church, in the judgement of
our fincereft Divines, is fuUof pride,contentiofl,
and confufion.
For firftjcertaine it is,our Church,in that nioft
exguifite and worthy confeffion of Faith contai-
ned in the Articles of Religion ^ doth hoid and
profefTc all fubftantiall points of Divinitie as
foundly^as any Church in the World, none ex-
cepted, neither in this Age, nor in the primitive
times of the Church.
Secondly , it hath communion with, and tefti-
monie of all other true Churches,
Thirdly, in it are to be had the mcancs of fal-
vation, in a powcrfull and plcntifull manner : and
in the bowels thereof, even they that goc out of
our Church, if they be truly converted , received
that precious and bleffed vigour, which is able to
quicken them to eternall life.
Fourthly , a Church may be a true Church,
though it (hould have (pots, and blemifliesj
though there be fome Swine and Dogges in it.
In S, Pauls time, the Corinthians were called the
Church of God, i Cor, 1. 1, 2. And yet, at that
very timejwcre fome in an Herefiejfome in Inceft,
fome that had not repented of their filthinefTe,
2 Cor, 1 2 . 2 o, 2 1. The like may be faid of the
Churches of Afia5^a'.2. 3.
Fifthly, though outward profperitie, worldly
honour, and picntie, be rather the lot of falfc,
heretical 1,
r^^i^fagfc^aBs yfa 4y>i* <» J"*BH ' ■ ■ mk » w im i^i
and perPetuall (juide.
hercticall^nd Apoftaticall Churches,thanan in-
dividuall and neceflary mark of the true Church;
yetjif unto our unparallel'd Peace, both for dura-
; tion and entircneile, wc adde our many and mira-'
culous dcliverancesjftrange defeatnaents^and pre-
ventions of Popifli Plots ; of their Bulls, Con-
fpiracies, and hoftile Invafions • of their Powder,
Poyfons^aggers, Dags, and all manner of exe-*
crablcattctnpts,machinations,and underminings,
which either Hell could devifc, or that dcfpertte
and bloudy Fadion adventure upon,and manage:
I fay, if all thefe be put together,and well weigh-
ed . it is impoUiblc, but that wee fliould therein
fee, acknowledge, and adore the fpeciall finger of
Gods holy providence, upholding his owne Arke
amongfthis owhc people^ and painting out to
all the World,. the truth of that Church , upon
whole fidcjand forwho^ fafctie and glory hee fo
mightily flands. This moft extraordinaria grace
and favour of Divine affiftance, having not in one
thing, or two, fhewed it felfe, nor for fome ^q.w
dayes or yceres appeared ; but in fuch fort, fo
long continued , our manifold finncs and tranf-
greffions driving to the contrary : What doth it
elfe importjOr what can wee leffc thereupon con-
clude , than that God would thereby tell and
teach the World, That the thing which hee blef-
feth, dcfcndetb, and keepeth fo ftrangely, can-
not but be of him , and his faving and faaed
Truth ?
Ill doe they then, who tranfported with a pang
of fpirituall Pride, abandon, forfake,and feparate
ii8 1
The Saints ff*re
from our Church , as though Gods true worniip
and falvation were not there to be found. You
fee how Sathan by fpirituall Pride may carry and
caft a man,from a fetlcd and found courfc of ho-
linefTe and {inccriticjupon the dangerous Rockes
of fingularitie and feparation. But underftand
me aright5what I mcanc by fingularitie. I meane
that onely which arifeth out of privic Pride, is
upholden by felfe-will, and obftinatenelTc, and
many times ends in feparation • and hath neither
ground nor defence from found judgement, fpi-
rituall wifedomCjOr true tendernefle o^ Confci-
cnce, joyned with humilitie, and wiilingnefle to
be rightly informed, I meane not fingulariticjin
rcfped of holincflc and unfpottcdncflc of Vi^c^ in
rcfpedl of difference and diftance from the flnfull
fafliionsof the times : For in this fenfe, every
man that will fave his foule, muft be fingular.
Hence it is, that our Saviour asketh his follow-
ers, in Math.^, what fingular thw^ they doe ^ if they
doc but as the Publicans doe ? As if hee fliould
have faid : You that will be Chriftians, muft be
of a more heavenly temper, and higher ftraine,
j than the moft men , and the greater part of the
I World: You muft be {ingular,and fhineas Lights
amid a naughtie and crooked generation. Hence
is it^ that Gods children ever were, and ever will
be, Si^^^es and fVondcrs^ Miracles and Mm^ers^ in
the opinion and cenfure of moft, among ft whom
they h'vc • gazing ftockes, both by reproaches
and afflidions, Heb,io. 35. Beydd (faith If^Uh^
;p.<,is. I Cha^,^, 18.)/ And the children whom the Lord hath
and perfetuall (juide.
given mt^ are asfigrtes and as mnders in Ifrael^ hy the
Lord of Hd^s, trhich dweUeth in Mount Sion, I am
become (faith David) as itrvereamonjleymto many^
(or, to the great men of the World, as fome ren-
der it) PfaLji.j, And in another Pfalme, PfaL
7^.4. 1-vee are a ref roach to our neighbours ^ even a
fcorne and aderijlon unto them that are round about m.
But efpecially you may fee in m[d. 2. ( though
the Booke be Apocryphall) what is the counfell
and conceit of the wicked about the oddenefle
and fingularitic of the Saints : Let in defrau^the
right eom (fay the wicked) forheeisnotforourpro^t^
and hee is contrarie to our doings ; hee checketh u^ for
offending againii the Law , and blameth a^ as tranf-
grejjbrs of Difcifline 3 hee maketh his boaB to have
the knowledge of God^and hee calleth himfelfe thefonne
of the Lord: Hee is made to reprove our thoughts. It
grieveth m alfo to ieoke upon him : for his life is not
like other menSy his traces are of another fajhien 5 hee
counteth m as baBards^ and hee mthdraweth himfelfe
from our tvajes , as from filthineffe 5 hee commendeth
greatly the latter end of the juB , and boaHeth that
God is his father.
Thus, as Gods children and godly men arc in-
deed more excellent than their neighbours; and
fingular, in refped of their fandificati^n and lln-
ceritie : fo they arc fcorned and reviled by the
World 3 and the greater part of men , as odde
felloweSjand fuchas muft have wayes by ihcm-
felves, and a tricke above others. They arc poin-
ted at, as matter of fcorne and contempt ; they.
are fet up^ as markes of flander and oppreffion ^
(k) and
?[aU 71. 7.
Gods children:
arc buc few.
The Saints fure
and gazed upon, as ftrange creatures, fvee are
made ( faych Panl^ i Cor, 4. 9, meaning hini-
k\^Q^ and other of Gods faithfull fervants) a
gazhig-jtocke unto the fVorld , ar;d tp the Angels ,
and to men. And no marvcll though it be fo :
For, befides that all prophane acd unregencrate
men arc naturally incagered, and iiTragcd with
implacable malice and hatred againft Gods
Children 5 they are, in all places , but ^q\y in
number ; which makes them more noted, and
pointed at.
That they are but (tw 5 befides many cer-
taine demonftrative Reafons out of Scripture;
it may thus plainely appeare : as a good Divine
tells us.
Firft, let there be taken from amongfl: us,
all Papiftsj Athcifts^and fcorners of godlinelTe,
and Religion.
Secondly, let there be removed all notorious
and infamous evill livers ^ as Swearers, Drun-
kards, Whoremongers,Vrurers, Worldlings, De-
ceivers, proud perfons, prophancrs of the Sab-
bathj Gameft:ers,andall the prophane and igno-
rant multitude.
Thirdly, \ci all thofe be pafTed over, that are
but onel^ civill honeft men,and meddle not with
any profelfion, or praiSife of holinelle . without
wbich^no man mufi: fee God.
Fourthly, fet a fide all giofife Hypocrites ; who
for advantage, or by- refpeds, are outwardly reli-
gious, but inwardly corrupt, hollow-hearted, and
abominable. .
• Fifthly,
■ ii
and perpetual! Qwde.
Fifthly, let there be forted out and reje<5bed
all carnall Protcfl:antS5formall ProfelTorSjback:-
flidcrs , cold and iinzealous Chriftians • who
falfely thinke , that they may both enjoy the
World, and a good Confcience too^ liveplea-
fantly on Earth, and yet favetheir foulcsatlaft;
and , that it is not neceflarie to hold any fuch
ftrid courieof hoIincfiTe, to come to Heaven.
Let all thefe kinde of men, I fay, (all which in
one meafurejOr other, are in the Hate of death,
^ud under the power of Sathan ) be fepar^ed
and {"hoaled out ; and how many doe you thinke
will remaine amongft us, found, fincere, fairh-
full,and zealous profeflbrs, and pra(5tifers of fa-
ving Truth, the power of Grace, and holy Obe-
dience to all Gods Commandcments? For fuch
onely are Gods fervants,and in the ftate of Grace.
Let a man come into any Towne,Village,Citic,
or Corporation, and let all fuch men as are be-
fore mentioned, be removed ; and how many
fhould he findc of thefe laft ? They would cer-
tainely be thinne fcatteied, and like the Grapes
after the gathering of the Vintage, two or three
in the top of the upmoft boughes, and foure or
five in the high branches. Singularitie then of
fan(Slification , is no fruit of Pride, but an in-
feparable marke and neceffarie ftate o^true Chri-
I con^e now to a third ground , whence Sa- \ 5
than may rayfe a temptation to nrivie Pride : Sathao tempts
\X71- "^ • r • f r 11 I J -I- • t- toPride,bya
When a man is taithrull, and diligrnr, m^he diftafiingofa
difcharge and executions of his civill callincj. manspartico-
- (k2) ifec/-""-s-
The Saints fure
From Gods
Examples in
, hee may caft a conceit into his head, that fnch
bare5earthly3 and worldly imploymentjand fpcn-
ding his time, is difgracefiiU and derogatorie to
the providence of God , and his Chriftian liber-
tic 5 and, that it hinders him in his calling of
Chriftianitic,and duties of Religion. Whence
may follow dangerous efifeds of Ipiricnali Pride;
quite leavings ornegled, difcontent or diftaftc
of his civill calling. And fo his heart and af-
fections may bee put quite out of order , and
dcdkive themfelves, in the very maine point of
making towards Heaven,
Sathan , by his fubtill malice , may workc
out matter- and occafion of fpirituall Pride ,
from the fpeciall providence of God , condu-
cting the Chriftian the beft and the neereft way
to Heaven. To give example, in fome parti-
I When God, out of his great wifedome
and mcrcie , humbles him with afflidions and
prickes , the fwclling of his Pride • when hee
cuts and loppes away his vanities, excefles, and
fuperfluities , with fome vifitation , or other ;
and fills him with bittcrnefle in this life, to the
end hee might long for the life to come : Why
then, Sathan labours mightily to kindle in his
corrupt nature a flafh of fpirituall Pride, that
hee may drive him to grumbling and impatien-
cicj and fo make Gods fatherly corrections and
chaftifements fruitleffe and unprofitable to him ;
wiiich in Gods childrei;i fliould ever vvorke amend-
ment and comfort* |/^ /
and perpetuall (juide.
2 W ben the true Chriftian lookes about him
in the World, and fees the wicked (prcading
themfelves like grecne Bay-trees, in worldly
plentie, and pleafiires j Sathan liere thrufls in,
and labours to caft into his minde a conddera-
tion of his ownc ?7orth ^ and thar,ho\v in refped
of the vvickcd5hc farre niorCjand rather, deferves
the fruition and enjoyment of the creatures, and
benefits and comforts of this life ; bccanfe all
wicked men are but ufurpers , and intruders-
himfclfe being a true owner, by the right 'of
Chrift lefus, Lord of the whole Earth ; And
that, whereas he ftands for tlic glory, fervice, cau-
fes, and children of God^ the wicked labour for
nothing more , than the difgracc and ruine of
goodnefle, and the upholding and enlargement
of the Kingdome of Sathan. From fuch con-
ceits as thefe, mixed with fpirituali, liec eafily
drawes him on to fretting and repining at the
profperitie of the wicked men , and puts him
into one of Dazids fits, and pangs, P/4/.73. 12. pp/.7j.x»;
Lse (fayth hce) thefe are the mcked ^ yet frojj^er
they ahray , a^d encreafe in riches : Ccrtainely , /
have cleanfed my heart invaine^ and n^ajhed my hands
in innoccncie. Or, at leaft, brings him to que-
flion with God ; as it is, /er, 12. O Lord^ if/]ier,ii.i
diffute mth thee , thc^ art rightecsu ^ yet let mee '
talke nith thee^ of thy lud^emcnts : wherefore doth
the vay of the nicked projfer ^ Jfhy are^ali they in
wealthy that reheUtoufly tranf^rejje ^ Thou ha si flan-
ted the^y and they have taken root 5 they grovD^ and
bring forth fruit ,
(k 3) 3 When
The Saints fure
3 When the Chriftian doth prefently feelcj
or after call to minde Gods great mercieSj graci-
ous preventions, ftrange protedion, wonderfull
deliverances , againft expedation , and beyond
hope , vouchfafed unto him in his dire(5i:ion and
conduction towards the glory that is to be revea-
led ; then doth Sathan bufily blow the Bellowed
of his corrupt nature with the poyfonous breath,
of his belli Ai malice , that fo hee may puffe him
up with fpirituall Pride, and exalt him out of
4 When he beholds and obfcrves fome fud-
den deftrudion, or fearefu II judgement, to over-
take and ferze upon his enemies j Saihan may fe-
cretly follicite him, out of a fpice of fpirituall
Pride, to applaud and pleafe himfelfe in the ru-
ine and miferic of hisadverfarie ; which,be{ides
the tainture of impietie, taftes deepely alfo of
inhumanitie, and is quite crofle and contrarie to
the pradiice and proteftation of holy lob^Chaf, 3 1 .
In that Chapter , hee imprecates and invocates
upon himfelfe many fearefuU CurfeSj if hee hath
done fo, or fo. Let mine ^rmt (faith he) fall from
mj jhoulder-bUde ^ and let wine arrne he broken from
the bones ^ if I have done fuch and fueh things.
And after followes ; // / rejojjced at his defiruBion
that hated me 5 »f tvas moved to joy^ vrhen eiill came
tffon him 5 orif / have fuffered mj mouth toj^eake eviU
of him^ er to utter Curfes againji him.
5 When the Chriftian is fadly and heavily
mufing upon his many troubles and diftreflfes,
which many times come thickc and three- fold
' upon
and perpetuall (juide.
upon him, as faft and boifteroufly, as one wave
overtakes another ; (b that he findes one vexation
to be ftill a ftep unto another : Sathan then hee
puts in, and feeing the feafon advantageous for
his feats, and infinuatrons5Workes what he can to
make him take on; and out of a proud conceit
of bettcrdefervings,tobewearic of waiting the
Lords Icifurc . and out of theanguiflies and ago-
nies of his heart,to willi and defire death, efpeci-
ally to be rid and freed from ihofe crolTes and
calamities, which unworthily haunt and perfe-
cute his innocencie. Holy lob was ftrongly af-
faylcd with this temptation , Chaf, 3 . when hee
crycd and faid : Let the cIaj perijh therein / mu
boYne '^ani, the night ^rrhen it was faid, there is a mAn-
chiU cQnmved^ (^c. And fo was the Prophet foftah.
Chap, 4. Therefore now (faith he) O Lord, take 1 be-
feech thee^my life from me • for it is better for me to die^
than to live,
6 Sometimes, when the Chriftian is eroded
and difappointed in his expedationjGod yi\{'^\')
and fweetly diverting, moderating,and difpofing
all things to his owne glory,and to the true good-
of his children (though they doe not prefently
fcc,and acknowledge it;) Sathan fteps in,and by
the fecret and infenfibic poyfon of privie Pride,
labours to fugged unto him,thatheis prejudiced
and difgraced ; that fo by his inward fretting,hee
may make it plainely appeare, that hee preferres
his owne particular credit, before the glory of
God. Thus was lonas tcmptedjin Chap,^. Fearc-
full deftrudion was denounced by him from
(k4) God,
The Saints fure
their abilities
and giics.
1 Godjagainft theNinivites : They put on fack-
. elorh, humbled them felves, and repented j God
ftayes his hand,forbcares his IudgementS5which
were proclaymcd by lonah : Therefore X fayth
i the Text) that cliff leafed' lonah exceedingly , affd
hee rras angrie 3 and. hee prayed unto the Lord^ and
fajdy (jfc.
When hcc begins to obferve, and admire him-
Satfaan roakci ^jf^ £qj. ^^^^^ fpcciall acceptation in Chriftian
men to pride • r 1 • u-i- • r x-n
iheicfeivcs in companic^ forliis abilities to pray, conterrCydii-
cover temptations, and the Devils depths • to
preflean holy precirenefle,and mortifying points,
&:c. Oh then, too often a wide gap is opened in
his deceitful! heart, for the Devils wild- fire of
fpintuall Pride. So that many times,an humble
I (ilent foulcdoth quickly out-ftrip fuch an one,
! doting dangcroufly upon his prefcnt perfcdions,
in the fubftanrialls of Chriftianitic.
I ThuSj and many raoc wayes , doth Sathan. la-
bour by privie Pride, to,vvcaken the power of
Grace,and eificacieof theWord- to ftaineand
difgrace the befl Graces and godlieft a<5lions; to
• grieve the good Spirit,andcoo]e their firft Love,
' even in Gods children ; after thatjby the heipe of
God, they have ftrugglcd through other tempta-
tions , and obtained much fpintuall peace and
Ghriftian perfcvlion in the do^rinconalvatioo,
and v\'ayes of godlinefle.
Before I palTe from t}>is point,! wou!d*propofc
fome remedies againft this fwelling fpirituall
maladie of privie Pride^and fome foveraignecon-
j.fid€xatioQS3,J:o kecpc downa the Chriftian. iisatr, V
1 andii
againft fpiri-
and pernetuall Cjuide.
and to prefcrve it in the fvveet and peacefull ftate
of a gracious hiimilitie.
Fir ft then , let every Chriftian, VTljcn hce ftrfl
. feeles any over-weening conceit5or proud perfvva-
fion of his ownc worth , and fpirituall graces ,
ftealing into his heart ; lift up the eyes of his
mindcjin a divine meditation, unto thofe brigh-
teftandpureft eyes of God Almightie-. which
are ten thoufand times brighter than the Sunne,
and purer than puricie it icl^c : fo that they fee
the Icaft and fccreteft infirmitie in its true and
native foulenefle, and before them,ourbcft righ-
teoufncflTc is as a menftruous clout. If he found-
lyand fincerelycntertainethis coniideration, it
will fo humble himjand keepe him under, that lie
will rather be affrighted and furprizcdvvithfeare
and terror, for his many frailties and infirmities,
than be lifted up with a conceit of his graces^and
fpirituall endowments.
When hee begins once proudly and felfe-con-
ceitedly to gaze upon that little fparke of holi-
neffc hee findcs in himfelfe ; let him prefently
turne backe the edge and eye of this dangerous
fpeculationjUpon the iafimte puricie and endleflfe
perfe(5lion of God Almigbtie^ before whomjthe
Cherubins and Seraphins , the Ctowne of Gods
workemanfhipjand the glory of creatures, doe
hide and cover their faces , as not able to behold
and endure- the perfect brightneflfe of his moft
pure and undefilcd Majeftk. In whofe fightjthe
uaftaiaed fplendoqr of the Heavens, and the glo-
rious beautie of the Starres are uncleane, and
Medicate up-
on Gods pure:
Vpon Gods
infinite per-
lob zy.t«
Ipb 4* i8«
Itb tU4i^*
Compare thy
; iclfc with o-
jther Chnfti-
. ans.
The Saints Jure
foule • darkenejQfe, and deformkie. The Sunne,
the faireft Body in the World, made all of beau-
tie and brighcnefle 5 if it were put neere unto that
unacccflfibie and incomprehenlible Light, which
encompalTeth the Lord of Heaven, it would va-
nifh away as a darkeforae Moat, and Lumpc of
Yanitie. Nay, in refpei!^ of God , thofe divine
and heavenly creatures, the blcfled Angels, pure
and immatcriall rpirits,are chargeable with folly
and vanitie. Behold^ he found no jtedfaHnefe in his
Saints ; jif<«, the Heavens dre not cleare in his fight,
Hotv much more is man abominahle andflthie^ which \
drinketh iniquitie like water .^ /(?^ 1 5 . 1 5, 1 6» What
art thou then, wretched man, that carried: about
thee a Body of death ? Shall not his excellencie
make thee afraid, and his feare fall upon thee?
Behold (faith Ub) he mU give no light unto the Moone^
and the Starr es are uncleane in his fight : How much
more man^afVorme*^ even the fonne ofamanyMchif
but A fVorme ^ Behold^ he found no ftedfaltneffe in hit
fervantSy and laid foil j upn hif Angels : H$t» much
more in them that dtfeU in Houfes of Clay^rvhofe foun-
dation is in the Dufi^MchfhaU be de Browed before the
^oth ^ Thefe confiderations are able to con-
found and caft downe below the Earth, and Duft,
the greateft admirer and applauder of himfelfe,
for his graces, good anions, and fpiritual} pcr-
When the Chriftian is tempted to a proud
conceit of his fpirituall fuificiencies 5 let him
compare himfelfe with other Saints of God :
which (perhaps) having becnc leflc finners than
and perpetmll Qtifde.
himfclfe, in the time of their unregeneration •
and having lelTe meanes, parts, occafions^and en-
couragements to glorific God : yet exccll him
inzcale, faR(5^ification, and the fervice of God.
?tf»/,that great Do6lor of the Gentiles, and glo-
rious Angell npon Earth, for all his fpirituall
bleflfings, and incomparable graces , cryes out,
Rom.'j, 24. Oh rvr etched man that I am , vcho fhaU
deliver me from the Body of this death ^ David^ a
man after Gods owne heart, and a fpcciall royall
Mirror for varietie of fpirituall excellencies, is fb
farre from being proud of his graces ; that hee is
every where complaining of the burthen of his
fmncs, fpirituall povertie and want, and the mi-
feries of his foule : There is no health in »*jflefhj
(faith he) Becaufe of thy dif^leafure -^ neither is there
any relt in my hones ^ by reafon of mypnne : for my mc-
kedneffes are gone over my head, and are like a fore bur-
then^ too heavie for me to beare. For his reputation
in the Worldjhe tells us ; that he teas a worme^ and
no man 5 a very fcorne of men^ and out-caH of the peo-
ple. In all times , the beft Chriftians have ever
beene moft fenfible of the weight of their finncs,
and corruption of their nature ; and from thence,
entertained a lowly conceitof them felves. Where
there is the greateft meafure of fantflification,
there is ever the greateft: humilitie. If thofe then
that be indeed in the higheft favour with God,
leffer finncrs than our felves, and moft fanjffcified,
be of an humble and lowly minde, of a meeke and
quiet f^irit , fvhich is before Cod a thing nsuch fet by^
I Fit, 3, 4, let us take heed how we be proud
Compare rfiy
:felfc wichGods
holy Law.
— . 1 - - ■ - . — . ■ ■ .^^ — ^^
^e Saints fure
of tbofe graces j which,if we lookc for Gods blcf-
fing upon them J and comfort from them, muft
bring forth in us humilitie and thankefulncfTe.
Let him compare, and examine 5 and mcafure
himfclfe, hiswayes, andwork^s, by the Law of
God J andheefhall there findc much matter of
humiliation, repentance, fcare, and trembling,
with continuall fupply in abundance miniftred
unto him : fo that there fnall be no roome left
for any proud and over-weening conceit of 4ny
good thing in him. That cled VeiTclIjand great
Apoftle, after he was regenerate, (for the unrcge-
nerate feelc no fuch ftrife ) found fuch a vaft and
wide diftance betweene the Law^and his owne af-
fe<Stions,and beft workcs ^ that for horror thereofj
hccryedout; Ohmiferabkman^thatlAml What
fpirituall good then is there in any of us, mifera-
ble wretches, wherein we fhould glory ? Let our
beft workes be as glorious as we can imagine, let
them be performed with never fo great intcgritie
and refolution,cover them with grace,derive them
from the Holy-Ghoft,dippe and dye them deepe
in the bloud of Chrift,put upon them all the rich
attire, and Papall magnificence, with which the
Church of Rome hath inverted them 5 yet to the
pureft eyes of God, and in the cleare Cryftall of
hisundefiled Law, they appeare to be foulc,and
fpotted' impure, and like a menftruous clout*
The mcafuring then of our fclves by the Law and
Word of God, is a notable raeanes to kecpe us in
humilitie, and to make us rvorke oup our frhatm
with feare and trembling.
andpeyfetuall (jaide.
Let him confidcr, vvhacafonlc and wretched,
what a damned and an accurfed creature hee had
bcene^ had not his gracious God, out of the un-
fearchable depth of his infinite goodnefTe and
mercie, fingled him out to be his fewfUHt upon
Earth, and a Saint in Heaven. It was onely Gods
free mercie, that before all eternitie, by the great
Decree of his esernall cledion , marked him out
for Heaven and endlcflc joyes, from amidft the
huge mafle of all mankind. It was the fame,that
after caufed him to fend his owne and onely
Sonne, out of his owne Bofbme, and height of
Majefty^that with his deareft and precious bloud,
hee might redceme his Soule from the fnares of
Hell, into which hee was fallen, by ^dams fall :
which indue time, by the inward, fpeciall, and
effeduall power of his unfpotted Spirit, called
him into his Kingdome of Grace, wafhed him,
juftifiedj and fan^ified him, in the Name of the
Lord Icfus. ElfCjOtherwifejhadnotthefeever-
lafting and unconceivable BlefTings beene caft
upon him, by Gods free mcere mercie, without
all caufe or motive from man, or any other crea-
ted thing, out of his infinite Selfc j his cafe had
beene unfpeakably wofull : For he fhould have
lived in this Vale of Teares,wirhout*God,with-
out Grace, without Comfort, without Confci-
•ence; in Sinne,in Darkeneire,in Prophanenefle,
in all Spiritual! Miferies ; And after the clofure
and period of thefe ferv and evil/dajesyhe fhould
have beene endleflfely divided apd abandoned
from the joyes and comforts of Gods prefence,
Confidcr what
thou badft
had left thee
^rhe Saints fure
Confidcr ibc
fcarfuU efFcds
of Fridc.
inchaincd without all redcmptioiijto defpairc and
horror, and the hateful! feUovvfhip of the Devill
and his Angels : and (that which is the extremi-
tieandnpfhot of all hellifh mifcric) hcelliould
have hadiihc fierce and horrible wrath and ven-
geance of God poured in full meafnre upon his
body and foule • which would have fed upon
them J as fire doth upon Pitch and Brimftone/or
ever and ever. Out of thefe confiderations, mec
thinkes a man fhould rather with humilitie and
thankefulneflfe admire and magnifie the mercies
of God, that hee is not alreadic a Fire-brand in
Hell 5 than any vvayes be puffed up with any
worthinelfe inhimfelfe, or dote upon his owne
When a Chriftian is tempted to fpirituall
Pride • let him deepely and thorowly weigh with
himfelfe,what fearefull inconveniences and dis-
comforts will enfue, if hec give way to fuch
temptations: For fo, many follow, in the courle
of Gods juft judgement, upon fpirituall Vanitie,
and Pride* dullnefle, and deadneflc of heart; a
reftraint of the influence of the Spirit; a dimi-
nution and leflening, or a (lumber and ccfTation
of the operations of grace, a cooling of zeale,and
falling from the firft Love. Or, when hee fees us
fo prcfumptuoufly to trufl to our ftrength , and
ftay our felves with our owne ftaffe . he may quite
give us over, in fomc great temptation, to fome
grofle finne j fo that we may take the foile in the
ConfliiH:. And then, if wee once be over-taken
with the old fwcet finne of our unregeneration,
and perpetual I Qmde.
or be cnfnared with Tome ne^v notorious tran-f-
greflion • wee muft of neceilitie, to our great dif-
comforr, enter againe the agonies of Soule, an-
guilTi o^ Confcience, and horror of Hell ; wee
muft enter combate againe with all the powers of
DarkenefTe* wee muft have our regeneration, re-
generated ; our new-birthj new-borne . and the
precious bloud of the Sonne of God, as it were,
(hed for us againe. Wee turne thereby Gods fa-
vourable countenance from us, and the hearts
andaffedionsof trueChriftians : wee put againe
a (ling into our ovvne Confciences, and weapons
into the hands of Sathan, to vexejWOund,and tor-
ment us : wee barre and bereave our felves of
Gods gracious protevSl ion, of the guard of An-
gels, of peace of Con(cience, of joy in the Holy-
Ghofl-, of boldneffe in ourwayes, of reconcilia-
tion in the creatures, and of all the comforts of
godlineffc. Asa man tenders the prefcrvation
of his Soulcjfrom all thcfc fpirituall miferies^
let him take heed of entertaining a proud and
over-weening conceit of his ovvne graceSjgiftSjOr
good anions.
Let him conrider,that the more fpirituall gifts
and grace? he hath received from the free mercie
of God, the more will be required at his hands.
Me thinkes,this fhould coole and allay any fwcl-
ling conceit, or proud perfwafion, that may arife
in the heart 5 and not futfera man to play with
themjanddote upoa them,or give him any leifure,
with an over-weeningand felfe- conceited flatte-
rie,togaze upon themjOr to applaud and admire
The more a
man hath^tbc
more he is ac-
couaublc fox.
%[ he Saints furt
tkem in himfelfe,as though they were his owne 5
but rather,vvith all vigilancie and folicitoufnefle,
with all care and good Confcience, to occupic
and imploy them for his Mafters greaceft advan-
There is no gift or geod thing in any man,
either of Nature or Grace, of body or minde, of
wealth or honour, of reputation orauthoritic in
the World 5 but he muft give fhortly a ftri^fi and
exa(5t account of the ufagc and imployment of
it, before the impartiall and uncorrupted Tribu-
nal! of Heaven : And the more excellent his gifts
and endowments have beene in any kind, he fliall
in proportion be anfwerablc, and countable for
the more. If the Lord hath enlightcned,heated,
and infpired any one with much faving know-
ledge, with a great mcafurc of zeale, with a high
Chriftian courage,and refolution • he lookcs and
experts for great gaine of glory unto himfelfe,
manyfpoyles and conquefts over his enemies, a
blazing and exemplarie brightncfTe, in holineflc
of life* muchbcautie andluftre to the Church,
much good and comfort unto Chriftians : For
much is required of them, to whom much is
Let a man then not labour to make himfelfe
gloriou's,by thofe graces which are none of his
owne 5 but how, by glorifying God with them,
in humilitie, faith fuInelTe, and finceritie, and by
improving and making the beft of them, for the
Owners advantage, hee may make a comfortable
account at that great Day, I
Thus 1
and ferj^etuall Quide.
Thus farrc I have propofed unto you fomc
Motives, to quicken and ftirre you up to a con-
fcionable and conftant hearing and under (landing
of the holy Word of God ; and acquainted you
with many (leights, lets, and temptations, which
Sathan ufually cafts in our way, to hinder us
Now, in a third place, I will lay downe unto
you certaine rules, directions, and inftrudions,
for your right, holy, and ccnlcionablc carriage,
behaviour,and importnient,in and about the hea-
ring of Gods Word.
^hat the holy Word of God may be unto yojj
the Word of Grace, the favour of Life unto Li^Q^
of power unto fan deification and falvation 5 you
mui): looke carefully and confcionably unto your
preparation, before you come 5 unto your car-
riagCjwhile you are there ; and unto your beliavi-
Firft, for Preparation.
I am perfvvaded, the want and negle£l of a due
and profitable preparation, is thecaufe that thou-
fands receive no benefit or blefiing by the Word
of Life • but that the Sermons they heare,are re-
giftred,as in a Table of Remembrance, before
God, as fomanyvvitnefiesagainftthem, for their
more fearefull confufion and greater condemna-
tion at the Day of Accounts.
I For hence it is,that to many it is the favour
of death unto death ; becaufc, before they come,
they doe not addrclTeand prepare chemfelves for
fo glorious a Prelence, and royall EmbaflTage
(1) ' from
requited co
profitable hea-
For wane of
the Word be-
comes to men,
The favour of
death unto
As Seed in
the high way
The Saints fur e
Men arc ma^e
bat onely for-
mal! by it.
I from the King of Heaven : though they heare it
uvith their outward cares , yet it hardens their
hearts^makes thetp inwardly more peevifhjgrum-
bling,(Uibborne,rebellious,and refradarie to the
power thereof 5 and prepares and ripens them for
more heavie vengeance. It is of it feJfe the Word
of Grace, Salvation, and Life; a bleffed prefer-
vative againft Sinne and Death, Damnation and
Hell : but by accident, if men doe not reverence
it, tremble at it, andfubmit themfelves to the
power of ir,it is a ftrong'Hammcr,and Iron Scep-
ter, to harden their hearts more and more, like an
Anvile, or Adamant ^ and at length, to breake
them in pieces likea Potters VeflTclL Though in
it ^cXkyh bea faviag and wholefome Medicine;
yet men of a rebellious and ftubborne humour
and temper, turne it into Poyfon.
a» To fome,this holy Word,by reafon of un-
preparednelTc, is but as the water fpiltupon the
ground , and the breath of the Minifter fcattered
in the Aire ; If you call them to an account, af-
ter Sermon, how they have profited; they are as
VTordleiIe,and witle(Ie,and indeed as gracelefle in
rcpetitionjas i^ they had bcene deafcjafleepcjin a
tranccjor ftarkedead all the while.
3 Odiers,by their ralTi and prophane ru filing
into the Houfe of God , without all premedita-
tion, reverence, or regard of that holy bufinefle
they goe about ; become hearers onely, of forme
and cuftomc. forfafliion and companie. It may
be, they may heare, attend, and underftand what
is delivered 3 but it breedes no more reverence.
and perpetuall (juide.
Some become
itnprefTion,©! fpirituall reformation, than an or-
dinarie Talc, or humane difcourie : As though
that holy toyle , and facred breath , were fpenc
onely to entcrtaine the Time, and bufie mens
eares for an Houre ; and, not as Chrift tells
Paul , To Of en their eyes^ that they might turne from
Darkenejfe unto Light, and from the power of Sathan
unto God,
4 Vpon fome, the Judgement and Curfe of
xomming without ConfciencCj and due prepara-
tion, doth fo farrc prcvlile, and hath fuch power,
that they become fcorners and raylers againft
thcMinifter,orhis Dodrine, or both ; at every
Sermon they catch fomething,that they may ca-
vill atjdepravejand calumniate : And fo,wickedly
and wretchedly oppofc their difcourfe,wit,and
fpirit of contradidion againft the face of Hea-
ven, and heart of Divine Truth. They wrangle
and repine (in deed and truth, whatfocver their
pretences or proteftations may be to the con-
irarie ) againft that Great Majeftic, whofe Mef-
fage it is » againft that Holy Spirit,which fliould
fan(^ifie them ^ and the Word of Grace, which
fhould fave them.
5 Others there be, even of good hearts and
affedions, Profeftbrs, and in fome good meafure
pradifers of the power of godlineftc ; yet be- |hearteX
caufe they are carelefle and ncgledivc of this
ncedfull Chriftian dutie of preparation, are pof-
fefled with much deadneiTe of heart, and dull-
neflfe of fpirit, at thofe holy Exercifcs. Their
zeakjand fcrvcncie, which fliould be quickened
( I 2 ) and
Others are
cold and dead*
^he Saints fure
and inflamed at every Sermon, is dulled and be-
numraed with rcnfelefncfle and fatietie : They
doe not (q tremble, or are caft downe with Di-
vine Comminations and denouncements of Gods
Iwdgements againft finne, or fo refreflied with
the gracious promifes of Life, and Salvation,
as they ought to be ; They doe not enjoy and
reape the thoufandth part of that delight, com-
fort, and benefit as they well might, by the Mi-
niftcrie of the Word, becaufe their hearts arc
not purged and prepared : They doe not with
that chearefulncfle receive, with that fweetncffe
lafte and rellifh, with that life and vigour dif-
geft the Food of Life : The eye of their minde,
for want of premeditation, doth not fo clearcly
fee and difcerne the infinite beautie of that fa-
cred Majeftie reprefcnted unto them , or that
glorious grace fhining unto them, in the face
of C H R I s T I E s V s ; Their hand of Faith
doth not with that feeling, and faftnefle^ lay
hold upon and clafpe about, the rich Treafu res
revealed in the Gofpell.* In a word, they be-
reave them fclves of much good, blcfring,coiTi~
fort, and growth in grace, which they might
and ought to have , by hearing of the Word,
for want of due preparing , and difpofing the
heart thereto.
This dutic of Preparation then, though that it
be not much thought upon , or ordinarily pra(5li-
fed ; yet it is of great necefTitie and fpeciall ufe
for all thole, which looke for benefit or hleffing
by the preaching of the Word»
and per pet ua U Guide.
There i? no great Affaire , or of weight and
confequence, eyther in Nature or Art, in ncceffa-
rie bufineflcs and civill Negotiations, or in mat-
ters of ComplementjCeremoniejand Enterviewj
but there is required fome bethinking preparati-
on and prx-difpofitions, for the more happic and
fucceflTcfull accomplifhrnentjexecution^and per-
formance : howr much more in the affaires of God,
matters of Heaven^bufineflTes of et^rnitiejand fal-
vation of merrs foules ?
The Ground muft be manured and prepared
for the Seed, if wee looke it fhould frudifie and
profper : how much more fhould our dull and
dead hearts bee ftirred up^ and furrowed, as it
were, with humiliation , reverence , and repen-
tance ; that by the grace of God , and the fan-
(fHfying power of the Spirit, it may lodge and
take deepe root in them, andfpringup to eter-
nal! life ?
The Body muft be fitted with a Preparative,
and thehumours,as it were, gathered unto a head,
if wecdefire the Phyficke fhould worke forcibly
and kindly,andrid us of their noxioufneffe, and
I fuperfluitie ; how much more ought our Soules,
: with an impartiall and narrow inquifitionj to be
fcarched and layd open , before they receive the
Water of Life, and fpirituali Manna ; that fo
j they may more feafonably and foundly be waiTi-
' cd and purged from corruptions and iraperfecfli-
ons, prcfervcd in fpirituaH health, and prepared
for cternall life ? 1
The Ground muft be layd, and fome imperfe A !
( 1 5 ) Draughts,
Preparation ,
requifite in
civill affaires,
m-uch more to
the hearing of
the Word,
The Saints fur e
-" - " — ■ ■ - — — ■■ ■ III ■
DmughtSjShadoweSjand refemblances prcmifcd,
before a Pi(!^ure can be done to the Life, or a full
proportion and lively reprcfentation pourtrayed
or prefcnted to the eye ^ how much more ought
the ground of our hearts to be fitted and prepa-
red 5 that by the preaching of the Word , the
Image of Chrift Icfus may with a lively and frefh
imprefTion be ftamped upon them ?
Were a man the next day to goe about a bufi-
neflc that mainely concerned eyther his life, or
livelyhood 5 the ftateof his Lands, or danger of
his life: Would not his mindc be troubled be--
fore-hand ? Would it not breake his fleepe the I
night before > Would he not be mufing, and
plotting 5 by what meanes he might worke out
his deliverance, and fafetie ? what behaviour and
carriage might be fitted, to winne favour and
grace in fo weightie an afipaire ? How much more
ought wee, before wee intrude into the Houfe of
God J where matters of our grcateft and highefl
intereft,are propored,handled,and debated by the
Miniftcr of the Word j even life eternall , and
evcrlafting eftate in another World ? I fay, how
ought wee to thinke with our felvcs,how wee may
make our foules fitteft to underftand and accept
the Covenant of Grace,to receive the Seale of the
Spirit, and to get afTurance of that glorious and
royall Inheritance in the Heavens >
Nay^yet further,even in matters of complement
and cnterview, theri^ is wont to be preparation,
cfpccially if the prefence and perfons were the
and ferpetuall ^uide.
fofephy when he was fent for to goe before King
Pharoahy hee iTiaved his hcad,and changed his ray-
ment, becaafehee was toappearc before fo high
and royall a pre fence.
Queene He^er durft not pre fife into the pre-
fence of King ^hajbiterofhy before fliee had pre-
pared her felfe.
How much more ought wee to fit and prepare
our felves, bafe and miferable wretcheSjWormes
and aomen,as wee arc, with fcare and trembling,
when wee come into the Houfe and prefence of
the mightie Lord of Heaven and Earth ; before
whom, the Seraphhs hide their faces, the Nations are
as a dr6f of a Bucket^'and the inhabit Ants of the Earth
^ Grajfe-hdpfers : efpecially, fith there hec offers
and tenders unto us enlargement from the Have-
rieof finncj purgation from our pollutions, and
a Crowne of life, upon that condition, that wee
repent, forfakc all our finnes, and refigne up our
felves in fincere and humble obedience unto all
his Commandemcnts ?
Inducements we have,and Motives many,both
from Preccpt,and Pradiice, in the Booke of God,
for the performance of this Chriftian dutie of i precepts ouc
Preparation. | °^ ^^^ w«rd
Take heed to thy foot (fayththe Preacher) ttheH ; °^'^'j
thou entereft into the Houfe of God^and he more neere EuUf.^,17,
to hearCj than to give the facrijice of fooles 5 for they \
knort) not that they doe evill, ; I -
Before thou fet foot into the Church, to heare
the Word of God , be fure to fettle thy affedi- 1
ons, that thev be fober, moderate, and fandified,
(I4) fit
Motives to
The Saints Jure
Before wee
hearc, our
hearts muftbe
I qualified wiih.
fit to entcrtaine the Word of life, aivJ falvatioa 5
let thy heart be feafoned with , fird, SoftnefTe j
fecondly^Humilitie; thirdly, Honeftie- fourth-
ly. Faith ; fifthly, TeachablenelTe.
Firft, if thou doe not preferve thy heart tender,
foft, and flexible, the power of the Word will
not make.any fuch print or deepe impreffion upon
it •, all holyadmonition$,reproofes,andinftru6ti-
onsjvvill be unto thee as Anowes fliot againft a
Stone wall.
Secondly , wee muft bring with us aa humble
heart, to the hearing of the Word 5 for, tk Lord
rejijls the frond^and gives grace to the hiimile. Them
that be meeke^mll he guide in judgement^ and teach
the humble his may. The proud heart is fo fwelled
with the winde of vanitic and vaine-glory , of
felfc-lovc,and over-weening conceit, that there is
left no roomc in it for the precious Treafure of
faving grace. If it eyther be putFed up with a
conceit of knowledgCjOr a pcrfwafion of holinelTc
enough,oraboifterous pcremptorincfTe againft
the power of the Word ; the Water of Life will
be unto itjbuta^ Water poured upon a drowned
man ; or as a Seale thruft upon Watcr,which will
r'cceive no impreffion. A lowly heart, broken
and bruifed with Confcience of finne, is a fit
Seat for the mightic Lord and his faving graces.
Thirdly, wee muft come with a good and ho-
ncft heart , which hateth all corruptions, both in
it felfe,and others • which hath no delight in any
finfullpleafures, or wicked vanities ^ which hath
andper^etuall (^uide.
no manner of purpofe to live and continue in any
one finne what foe ver 5 but is readieand refolved,
though it be much cumbred with itowne corrup-
tionsjthe Worlds enticeraentSjand Sathans craf-
tiflelTe ^ yet to ferve and pleafe God, in all the
wayes of his CommandementS) and that fincere-
ly and continually. All profitable and fruicfull
hearers have fuch good and honeft hearts, and arc
refemblcd by the good ground,.Z,M^r 8. 15. But
that is^a wicked and finfull heart,and not fit to be
wrought upon by the MiniAerie of the Word,
which purpofeth and refolvcth to cherifh and
maintaine butany one finne whatfoever..
Fourthly, our hearts muft be feafoned with
Faith 5 otherwi{e,it will not finke and foake into
them with power and profit. The old lewes
heard the Word , but it profited them not^ becaufe
it tvas not mingled with faith in thofe that heard itj
//f^.4.2 . The fearefuil threatningsand thunder-
bolts of the Law, by Faith receive an edge to
woundj.and pierce and ftrike through our foules,
witharaazements and trembling. And Faith it
is, that animates and infpires the promifcs of the
Gofpel with fuch a fovcraigne fweetnefie, and
powerfull comfort ; that they are ablc,not onely
to rayfe and revive us from the depth and extre-
mitie of remorfe, and feare 5 but alfo to put us
into a Paradifc of fpirituall plcafures,and pofTef-
fion of Heaven, as it were alreadie. But if the
Word light upon a faithlefle heart, it dyes, it
does no good.
Fifthly, wee muft bring with us into the Lords
T^he Saints fure
Sanduarie^tcachable and hearing hearts jthacvr ill
willingly and readily open thcmfelveSjto receive
the Lord of glory, with whatfocver hee fhall re-
veale unto us out of his holy Word. Sacri^ce and
burnt offerings (Cay th David) thou muldeH not ^ but
mine eares haH thou frefared. As if hee fliould
have faid : Thou haft boreil new earcs in my heart,
that I can now reverently attend untOjrightly con-
ceive, and with an holy grcedinefle dcvourc the
myfteric of grace.
With fuch hearts as thcfe, muft wee come to
the hearing of the Word, if wee looke that it
fhould be unto us a Word of power, falvation,
and life ; and not to be of the number of thofb,
chat offer the facrifice of fooles,and yet know not
that they doe cvill.
Many there are ccrtaincly, which offer thcfe
foolifh facrificcsj I meanc,hearcrs,withoutcare
and confciencc : Who, if they come into the
Houfc of God, and vouchfafc their prefencc in
the place, and lend their eares to the Preacher for
the time^ they thinke themfelves prefently jolly
fellowes, for matters of Religion; and that they
are fan(aified,as it werc,by the Worke wrought,
and their onely prefence in that holy place : when
as yet the Word hath had no more power, nor
wrought more alteration upon them , than upon
the Seats where they fate.
And that which makes thefe fooles much more
miferable,and foolifh, is this ^ They hotp not that
they doe evili: as it is in the Text. They thinke
their cafe good enough, that they are in the right
1 and perpetual/ Quide.
courfeofChriftianitie; and that no more is rc-
quired,for tpatters of Heaven : when as,in refpe^ii
of faving grace, they are wretched, miferablcjand
poore; and hlinde^md nxked,
Befides this place of the Preacher^ the Evange-
lift S. Luke^ Chap.S,i2. bids us , tdke heed how wee
heare. And good reafonjin a matter of fuch great
weight and confequcnee. For there is not a Ser-
mon wee heare, but wee muft be Countable for it
at the Day of our Visitation. God is countable
unto us for every haire of our head ^ is it not rea-
fon, wee fkould be countable to him for thofe
precious LefTons he reacheth unto us by the Mi-
nifteric o^ the Word ? AlTuredly, there is not a
Sermon , which wee have heard fruitleflely, and
without profit^ but it will be a fhrewd and fore
vvitnefle againft us at that Day.
Befides thefe Precepts,wee finde much pra(S^ife
in the Booke of God, of this holy dutie of Pre-
paration 5 when any facrcd bufincfle was to be
Mofes could not approach fo glorious and fa-
cred a Prefence , or tread upon the ground, made
holy by fo great a Majeftie as the Lord of Heaven
and Earth5before he had pit offhis[J:ooes. Neither
ought wee to prefume or prefTe into his Sandua-
rie, where he hath promifed his Prefence in a fo-
iemne, fpeciall,and powerfuU manner, and is rea-
die to fhowcr downe his bleilings of falvation
into all truly humble and prepared hearts^ before
wee have fnaken off and caft from us all earthly
incumbrances,.and fecret corruptions,all dulceffe
Inftances for
the praftice of
Tie Saints fhre
and deadneflc of heart, whith makes UMinworthy
and nndifpofcd to (land upon fo holy ground,
and utterly uncapableofall that heavenly Wife-
domCj and holy inftrudions unto erernall life,
that are there taught, and tendred unto us • nay,
turne the bleflings of the Miniftery into curfes
and condemnation unto us.
When lejhuah was to make a ftrong and lading
impreflion in tffe hearts of the Ifraelites ( whom
after the death Q^^ofes^ht condu(5led to the pro-
mifed Land)of the power and providence of God
for his people, by that miraculous parting of the
Waters of Jordan^ for the tranfportation of the
Arke* hee commanded the people to fanflifie
themfelves, to prepare, and compofe their hearts*
to admire and reverence with greater intention
and amazement, that omnipotent Majeftythat
wrought fuch wonders for his chofen : For hearts
emptied of worldly thoughts, and fan(5lified by
heavenly meditation, are fitfubjcdsforworkes
of Heaven, and divine imprcillons. How much
more ought we to prepare our foules, before wee
come into the Sanduary of the Lord ; fith there,
they are either to be hardned for the Scepter of
deftru6tion , and made ready for the flames of
Hell, if wee doc not prepare our felves, hearken,
and obey : or elfe, to be foftncd and fan^ificd
with faving grace, and fitted for a Crowne of
Glory; if with reverence, humility, and obedi-
ence, wee fubmit our felves to the power of the
Word ? There, if wee be unconverted, the great
j and miraculous worke of the new-birth is to bee
' wrought
and perpetuall Cjuide.
wrought upon them ; if wee be new-borne, they
are to be fed with the fpirituall MannajUnto ever-
The fame ft^nah^ when the excommunicate
and execrable thin'gvvas to be found out, and put
from amongft them ; which was the caufe, they
could not ftand againft their enemies ; he com-
manded them to landifie themfelves , that the
Lord might profperand poure his bleflings upon
that necedarie and weightic fearch and inquifi-
tion. How much more ought wee to prepare
our felves , before wee ftep into the Houfc of
God ; {ith there is to be diicovered and caft- out
ihofe hateful! finnes that fearefully incenfe Gods
wrath.againft us, and make us weake in the Lords
batrailes , and not able to ftand againft our fpiri-
tuall enemies, the corruptions of our owne flefli,
the enticements of the World, and temptations
of Sathan >
Before the facrifice, and anointing of David
King of Ifrael, /jhai and his fonnes were fandi-
flcd : How much more ought wee to be prepired,
before wee come before the Lords Prophets, and
Embaftadours . that there wee may be anointed
Kir'gs and PrieHs unto our God ^
fojiah^ before the eating of the Pafchali Lambe,
did bid the people , not onely fandifie them-
felves , but aifo prepare their brethren : Ho\t
much more ought wee, when wee come to rhc
Minifterieof the Word, to fecde by faith upon
that true Bread from Heazcn^ rrhifh pveth life u?fto
ihe werld'^ which if wee once foundly talre with
Sa MVEt.
1 SaW.16.5.
The people,
before ihe gi-
ving of chc
The profit of
The Saints fure
belecving hearts, wee fhall not hunger, wee lliall
never thirft ?
But the mod famous and fitted place for my
purpofc, and preparation in that particular holy
bufinefle of hearing the Wordjis that in Exod, i ^ ,
I o. The people mere fan ^ifiedy and tvajhed their clothes^
and prepared themfelves f»r two dayes^ and the third
day they were readie to atpend trhat the Lord nonld
fay unto them. As in that extraordinarie promul-
gation of the Law, the people were to be prepa-
red extraordinarily ; fOjfrom proportion of that
practice, and precedencie, ordinarie prcparatioa
is necellarie for the ordinarie preaching of the
Word 5 if wee looke that it fliould powerfully
and profitably workc upon our Gonfcienccs and
affe <& ions . Their waging of their bodies^and dothesy
thetrabftinence from their wkes , and fuch fblerane
and ceremonious purifications, were typicall fig-
nifications and reprefentations unto us, that wee
(houldweane our hearts from earthly thoughts,
purge them from fecret corruptions, and bring
them faire and free, from finfull fpot and worldly
entanglement, when wee come to heare the Lord
fpeakc unto us by his Minifters.
Holy men of God were wont,addrefring them-
felvcs to prayer, to have their ejaculations, lif-
ting up of their hearts, certaine fhort prayers,
before they entred into that facred and folemne
Befides Precept and Practice in the Bookc
of God , for Preparation • the profit is great,
the benefits and blelTings that redound unto us,
and perVetmll (juide.
and fall upon us by it, are excellent and precious .
Looke in the latter end of the eleventh Chapter
of lob.
If thou prepare thine hearty and fir etch out thine
hands- torvards hm.
If iniqnitie be in thine hand^ fut it fane awa^^ and
let no mckednefje dr^ell in thj Tabernacle,
Then truly fbalt thou lift uf thy face mthdutf^ot^and
jhalt beflable^ andjhalt not f ear e^ C^r.
Preparation of the heartjis here the foundation
and firft ftep unto many glorious blellings. The
heart muft be firft prepared, before other holy
duties can be fitly performed, or Gods blcflings
In the firft place ; firfV, prepare thine heart •
fecondly^then poure it out in prayer, before the
Throne of Grace ; thirdly, then purge it from
corruption • banifli farre, and barre out all ini-
quitie ; fourthly, next, be fure to reforme, in-
ftrud,and pray with thy family, or thofe that are
about thee : Let no wickcdnefle, ignorance, pro-
phancnelTe, fvvearing, fwaggering, drunkcnncfle.
or the like, dwell in thy Tabernacle, harbour in
thine houfe, or row ft ncere thee.
And then open thy'heart , and hands • for the
Windowes of Heaven fhall be fet wideopcn,that
all manner of fpirituall comforts,all the bleflings
of peace and happineflfc, may in abundance be
(howred downe upon thee ; the rich Treafurfe of
everlafting Glory and Immortalitie i"hall be iin-
lockt unto thee, and thou fhalt row and tumble
thy felfe for ever after^ amid mountaines- of hea-
The Saints fure
vcniy pcarlesjand golden pleafures 5 through Ri-
vcrSjiiay Seasof endlcfle joyes, that no heart can
comprehend, but that which is weaned from all
worldly plcafurcs,and let apart and fandtified for
holy fervices and bufinefles of Heaven.
Then truly fhah thou lift uy thy face tPtthoutjfot.']
Though thou haft lyen among the Pots, yet thou
fhalt be now as the wings of a Dovc,that is cove-
red with Silver, and whofe feathers are like yel-
low Gold. Though thou be like the Kedarims,
which dwell in Tents,the black-Moores ; that is, I
by reafon of thy finne, fub/ed to the condemna- :
tion of God,and deprived of his glory : yet fhalt
thou be in Chrift, goodly and glorious, as thofe
that dwell in exceeding glory ,under/^e Curtames
of Salomon, Though thou be black with the rem-
nants of originall corruption, and prefcnt infir-
mities 5 though the Sunne have looked upon
thee, and parched thee with the fcorching heat
of fbrcaffli^ffion, and chaftifcments : yet fhalt
thou now fhine like the Sunne in his ftrcngth,
with the royall Robe of Chrifts righteoufnefle,
with frefh comforr,and laftingchearefulneflc.
Thou fhah be jiabk^ and [halt not feare,'] Though
the wicked tremble many times at their owne
fhadowes5and the found of a Lcafe fl7aken doth
chafe them , and ftrikc a faintnefle into their
hearts, and a trembling into their loynes • yet
thou (halt never be afraid of anyevill tidings,
whether they be forged by the fpightfuU and im-
poyfoned tongues of prophane men, to defame
and difgrace theCjOr fetched out of the bottomc;
and peife*uali ^ulde.
of Hell, by Sathai>s malice , to terrifie thee j lob^,^l z%.
though the mcflengers of miferies and mifchiefes
come thicke and three-fold upon thee, as they
did upon lob-^ though the Earth be moved, and
the mountaines fall into the mid ft of the Sea • ^^4^.^
nayjthough the whole World be on flames about
thine eares,and the Heavens be rouled together
like a Scrowie : yet flialt thou be ftable5and Hialt
not fcaTCjbecaufe thy heart is fixcd,and bclceveth
in the Lord^
Thou fhah forget thy miferie , and rememher it as Vt^f* i^«
waters that are pa^.^ Thy happinelle and comfort
(liall be fb entire and unmixed, fo abfolute and
overflowing, that the very remembrance of for-
mer miferies and terrors fhall be drowned and de-
voured in the exccflfc and exccllencic of that;
even as the travels of a woman , in her joyes for a
new-borne fonnc : Orjif it bejthat thy former dif-
comforts fometimes ftealc into thy mindc, they
fhall not be able to reft or remaine there,by reafon
of the predoniinancie of fpirituall pleafures; but
glide away as fwiftly,as the head-long ftrcameof
the moft haftie Torrent.
Thine age alfi jbaH apfeare were cleare than the ' ytrf, 17;
Neone-daj • thou fBaltfhinc^and be as the Morning,']
The Mornifigus.the^very Crowne of Time, and
the beautie of the Day • . the Poets call it, the
-'iRofie-finger'd Morning. When they labour * p%j!o^^;cTt/-
todefcribe corporal 1 Beautie to the life, and fct Mi «'#>,
it out in the beft perfection and frefheft colours
that theutmoft power and higheft ftraine of wit
and art can poflibly devifc ; they take their Meta-
( m ) phors
The Saints fure
phors and amplifications from the ruddinefTe and
brightnefTe of the Morning : And yet thou {halt
be as fairc as the Morning, with all Divine Gra-
ces , fpirituall brightneife , and beautie of thy
SoLile 5 nay , a Soule fct thicke with fpirituall
Graces , is farre more faire than the Firmament,
with all thofe Eyes of Gold, and faircft Lampes,
that fhine from it. Neither flialt thou be onely
as the Morningjbut as the Morning Sunne ; thou
fhalt rife higher and higher in degrees of holi-
neire,and ftrength of Grace,untill thou commeft
to the higheft pointof perfedion in this Heaven
upon Earthjthe Kingdome of Grace. And after
thou haft jfinifhed thy courfe^and left behind thee
the comfortable heat of thy gracious zealcjmuch
Light from thy good example, and the fweet in-
liuence of thy holy life • upon thy death-bed,
thou (lialt fett with the fwecteft and brightcft
beames of all heavenly comfort, into the immea-
furable Ocean of endlefTe joycs.
Thou fhalt he hid, becaufe thtre is hope 5 and thou
[halt di^ge Pits , and [hah i)e dotvne fafely,] Thou
fhalt be alTurcd of Heaven, and a Crowne of
Glory hereafter, that thou fhalt walke through
this Valley of Miferie like a Lyon 5 nor Devill,
nor man^ nor beaft, nor any creature,fhall affrighr
or amaze thee. Caft thine eyes, fupernaturally
enabled, and enlarged with the Light of Faith,,
^om Eaft to Weft, into the bottome of Hell,and
glory of Heaven •, and thou fhalt clearely fec5that
all is thine , by the purchafe, right, and conqueft
of the Sonne of God : Thefiones in the ftreetJhaU
and ferpetuall (juide.
peat league mth thee, the heajts of the field jhali he at
fence with thee : The creatures fhallbeall fworne
to thy fafetie 5 the pureft fpirits, the minifters of
God, (hall be thy Guardians ; Saints and Angels
are alreadie in thy fight 5 Immortalitie hath
lengthened thy dayes, and the glory of God is
before thee in a Glafle,
fvhen thou doeH take thy reB^ none jhall mal'e thee
Afraid ; ^ea^ wanj jhall wake fait unto theej] Vv^hen
the darkenefTe of the Night encompafleth thee,
thou (halt not be affrighted with terrors and ap-
paritions ; when blacknefle and {ilence5the habi-
tation of feares and aftonilliment , {hall pitch
round about thee, thou fhalt be lightfome with
inward comfort ;. when all thy Sences, the fcouts
and watch-men for difcovcring dangers, and pre-
ferving thy fafetie, (Jiall be locked up 5 his provi-
dence,that neither {lumbers nor fleepes.fhall ten-
derly and carefully watch over thee ; whether thou
die or live , whether thou fleece or p^ake , thou art the
Lords : And therefore, when thou fleepeft , thou
fhalt not be afraid ^ and when thou {leepcft, thy
{Icepe fhall be fweet : Thou [halt not feare for any | see ub j.zijai,
fudden fearey neither for-the deflruBion of the mcked,
nhen it commeth ; for the Lord jhall be for thy affurance^
and jhall keepe thy foot from being caught,
Teaj many jhall make fait unto thee,'] Thou fhalt
be fo encompafTcd with the blcffings of God, fo
protected from above, fo high in Gods favour,
that many will come for fhadow and fhelter un-
to thee:, tlieywill looke forreliefe and comfort
under the fhadow of thy wings, thy power and
( m 2 ) autho-
1^4 \
Z.u\e i^.iA'
T^he Saints fur e
authoritie {hall be a refuge and repofe for oppief,
fed and difgraced inriocencie.
Allthefcbleflings, andathoufand moe, are,
built upon a through preparation of the heart, as
upon the firft foundation ftone : Preparation is
the very firft ftep to all thefedegrces, and height
of happineflc.
But on the contraric fart, 'd a man negle^ pre-
paring his hcart,prayingunto God/orfaking his
finaeSj reforming his family J let him looke for^
nothing but Curfesand Plagues.
But the tjesofthc tricked (faith 7^^) fhallfatle"^\
and their y^fnge jhaU fcnjlj y and their hope jjjal/ be
forroivofmtnde.] They thinke,. their formal! and
CLiftomarie (ervice of God will ferve the turne-
and tkereupon, with great greed inefTc and confi-
dence, expc(5b and looke for the falvation of their
foules after this life : but they fhalivvaile, and
gaze, untill their eyes finke into their holes ,, and |
yet fiiali never be able to tailc of true comfort: '
They may crie untill their tongues cleave to the
roofe of their mouth, with the foolifh Virgins-
LordyLordy open nntous ^ -^ath, 25. but the Gate
of cverlaftinghappincfle Hiall forevcrbe fhuta-
gainft them : They may ftruggie and/nVf,by the
ftrcngth of their good meanings , and formall
Qhx'\{\iamt\Q^to enter ifvat the firait Gate^ butfhaff
nei'cr l-ejiblc.
Their rtfti^efljiiU'ferijJjJ] They have flayed'
themfelvcs upon broken ftaves of Reed, and now ,
they will runne into their hands and hearts too,
unto their vexation and horrorc.
and perpetual I ^uide.
^nd their hofejhaUbe ferrotv ofmindeJ] Their end
fli all be dcfpairejand horrible confufi on.
I have ftayed long upon the motives and in-
ducements to preparation^before we come to the
hearing of the Word^or undergoe any facred bu-
finefle ; and upon the RGcelTitic, bleffings, and
benefits of fo holy a dutie. The reafon is ^ I
would gladly ftirre you up, and my fclfe too, to
a through and conftant pradife and performance
of it : andjbecaufe the negledi and omiflion of it,
is the caufe that the Miniftcrie of the Word is
not onely fruitlefle,and in vaincjunto thoufands ;
but (which is a fearefu 11 thing ) the favour of
death unto death unto them.
I come now to the fpeciall points confiderable
in preparation , before wee prc/ent our felves in
this place to the hearing of the Word.
This preparation is an holy adion,or exercife,
which by examination of our Confciences, pur-
gation of our heartSjprayerunto Godjand private
reading the ScriptureSjmaketh our foules fit Vef-
fels to receive and entertainethc fpirituall Trea-
fures of Grace, and food of eternall Lifc,ofered
and tendered unto us by the Minifterie of the
Word 5 that fo they may be the more cifcdually
and fruitfully wrought upon, and happily fubdu-
cd to the power and pradiice thereof.
In this preparation, I confider and require efpe- j Fourc things
ciallythcfe foure things : fir ft. Examination of
the Confciencejfecondly,Purgation of the heart;
thirdly,Prayer unto Godj fourthly^Readincffe of
heart, to receive every truth*
(m 3) Firftj
What prepa-
ration is.
required in
In time of
publike cala-
,^^ I l~he Saints fure
Firftj for Examination of the Confcience.
Examination isadutie pra6lifable by all true
GhriiUans , at many times, and upon fundry oc-
It is either more extraordinarie; and that is,
either in the time of folemne Faftjand general!
humiliation, forfome publikc Plague and cala-
mitie that lyes upon the State or Church, Wee
are then ferioufly to fearch and ranfacke through-
ly our Confciences, that wee may throw that or
thofc finnes out of our affeditions, pradtife, and
allowancejwhich have their part in pulling do«rnc
thofe publike Plagues upon us.
Or, fecondly , when our family is fingled out,
and vidtcd with fomefpeciall and extraordinarie
fcourge,and judgement : and then muft we make
animparciallinquifition into our hearts 5 left we
be the Acham^\Nh\ch. by our fecret fmues provoke
Gods caufefull wrath.
Or, when our felves in a more private and par-
ticular manner, are afflided with fome fpeeiall
vexation- as, by fome maladie and miferieinour
bodies,with fome terrors and feares in our minds,
or with fome flanders,difgraces,and imputations
upon our good names ; when Gods hand is upon
us any of thefe wayes , wee are prcfently to con-
ceive,that the (innes of our foules are the true cau-
fcs of all the mifcries and croflTes which befall us
any manner of waves ; and therefore wee are nar-
rowly and exactly to enquire into our felves, ancf
to caft out our fecret beloved finnes,thofe lurking
! rebels,the breeders of all our woe,
I Befides,
When our fa-
milies are villi-
aedwiih lomc
fpeeiall judge*
Whin wcc our-
felvej are af-
Bide<} in par-
and perpetuall (juide.
Befides, examination of our hearts in thefcor
the like cafes 3 there is alfo a more ordinarie and
ufuall examination necefrarie,and required of us,
and thatefpecially every day ; that we may make
the Score of our (innes leflTe^andour account flior-
ter, againft the Day of our Vifitation ; that wee
may more entirely and comfortably preferve and
enjoy Gods favour and protection, inward peace
fulnclTe in all our affaires and paffages.
2 Before wee come to receive, and be parta-
kers of the holy Sacrament of the facrcd body
and bloud of Chrift; left by neglect and omiffion
of this dutie,we become unworthy receivers, and
fo cate and drinke our owne judgement, and dam-
nation i nay, be guiltie of the innocent and pre-
cious bloud of Chrift lefus ; which one day will
be an heavie and unfupportable burthen to our
Confciences. To be guiltie of the finfuU bloud
of prophane men , is able to make the proudcft
heart and higheft ftomacke to tremble and quake
like an Afpen leafe , and to ftrike through his
foulc', with reftlcfle horrour, and gaftly iights.
Who is able then to beare the guilt of guiltlefle
bloud ? ^^f/j innocent bloud cry ed for and pul-
led downe ftrange and defperate vengeance upon
cruell Cain, How loud then will be the crie of
the bloud of the innocent Lambe of God ? How
will it ring in theeares of God the Father? How
fearefuJly will it fill Heaven and Earth , untill
it hath brought downe Plagues and Curfcs up-
on thofe wofuU Soules , who irreverently and
(m 4) un-
Every day.
Before the S*.
Before wcc
keaie the
Word prea-
7 he Saints fur e
; The fccond
• vdutie Bcfltles
] hearing , is
I purging oi
(i our h^jts^
unpreparedly prophane fo high and holy a my-
flerie >
A third ordinarie examination 5 is before wee.
prefTc into the Houfe of God, and prcfent our
fdvcs before his Minifters and McffengerSj to be
inftrir(fted in his will from Heaven, out of his
holy Word ; left this blelTed Ordinance fliould
beaccLirfed unto us. You may fee in the Pro-
phet Ez,€ch,i^, 738. how the Lord threatens that
perfon that comes to his Minifters to enquire of
them^or to be informed by them,and yet feparatcs
himfclfe from theLord^and fetsup any Idoll in
his heart, and ftumbling-blocke of his iniquitie,
before his face . that the Lord will fct his face a-
gainrt him, and make him a fignc and a Proverbc,
and cut him off from the midft of his people.
Whence wee may well infcrre,thatit will be very
dangerous for any to come to the hearing of the
Word, without examination of his heart, whe-
ther there be any fuch ftumbling-blocke of ini-
2 Becaufe that examination of the heart, to
{inde out our corruptions, tends cfpecially to the
cleaming of it ; therefore the fecond dutie before
the hearing of the Word , is the purgation or
clca"n(ingof the heart, firft,from fmne; which the
Scripture beats much \^^pon^la?n. 1.21. Laj apart all
fjthniejj'c arid fuperfiuitie of nau^ht'ineffc ^ andyeceh'e
mih meekenijjc the ingrafted H^ord^ (^c. It is not
mccrely lay apart , but put away quite and cleanc
all filthincflc : and this is a fit preparative for the
Iieairng of the Wordjas appeares alio by that pa-
and perpetual/ (Juicie.
ralell pkcc, iPet.i, 1,2. therefore pttting away aU
malice^ ali gmle and hypocrifie^and envie^ and cviUj^eA-
kwgs^as nen'-borne babes defire thefmcere M'dke of the
werd» And there is the fame reafon for any other
finne to be put away, that there is for thefe menti-
oned. As it is with the body, when the ftomack is
foule^and clogged with bad humours, wee fliould
firft purge it, before wee fecde it j for other wife,
whatfoever we eatCjdoth but nourifli and cncreafe
the corrupt humours of the body : So it is with
the foulcjwhen it h ftuffed or clogged withfinnc;
whatfoever is heard in the Mintftery of the Word,
{liall be perverted and abufed by it,and wrefted to
the deftru(5lion of it.
It is no wondertherefore,that thofe that live in
diflblutc or fcandalous courfes,thore that are drunk
on the evening before the Lords day50r fpcnd it in
gamingjOr company kecping,orhave bin ading of
fbme foLile fmnejaiid then repairc unto the Word •
it is no wonder, I fay, that fuch goe away never a
whit the better, but rather worfe than they came.
Did you ever know any Salve fo fovcraigne, that
would cure a wound that had a fplint or an arrow-
head remaining in it ? Surely,evcry knowne finne
unrcpentcd of,hinders the faving operation of the
Word in any mans heart -, yea, it will make the
W^ord the favour of death unto a man. See to
this purpofe, ler^j, 9^1^,
. Secondly, the heart muft alfo be purged from
airworldly cares and thoughts,which may divide
^ordrawaway thehcart : Math.i'^» 22. The cares
of the World doe choakc the Seed of the Word :
T^he Sain ts fur e
er, another
Luke 21.34. The cares of this life doe furfct the
heart. NoWjas it is with a man in a lurfet, hee is
food : fo, when as the heart is furfetted with
worldly cares , it is unfit for any fpirituall food,
Youknov\rhowitwaswith^^rfA<«, Luke 10.41,
lefus faid unto Martha • Thou art troubled about
man^ things^ but one thing is necejfarie : Martha had
a clutter of many worldly matters, that made a
great noife in her head, and hindered better mat-
ters, that fhe cared not for hearing.
How then (liall they profit by the Word, that
doe jumpe out of their worldly bufinefTe, and
from bufying their heads about their ealhngs,
into the Houfe of God, to hcarc and to performc
the Exercifes of Religion ? Truly, though they
be never fo diligent in hearing , yet their hearts
will goeafter theircovetou(heflre,£;5e^/?.33.3 1,
3 A third dutie before the hearing of the
Word, is Prayer ; no good thing can be expedcd
from God, asableffing, if it be not fought by
^xaytxj>ewt»/^,j» and wee finde it layd downe as
a condition requiredjPror .2. 1,2,3, C^f. ^yfiffffc,
if thou wilt receive m^ veords , and encline thine eare
to tvifedomCy and apfly thy heart to under Handing »
yea^ if thou cryeB after knowledge, and lifteB^ up thy
voice for under Ftanding^ then jh alt thou under Band the
feare of the Lord^ and fade out the knorrledge of Ggd,
The rcafbn is, V'erf, 6, For the Lord giveth wifedomCy
and out of his mouth commeth knowledge and under-
fianding, Becaufe the Lord gives knowledge,
therefore yon muft crie for it unto him. What
is I
and perj^etmll (juide.
is the reafon rhat you do pray for your daily Bread^
and a blefling upon it ? V^hy^De»t.^,i . Man lives
net hy Bread onely , &c I I f this be fo, much more
ought you to pray forablcfling upon your fpiri-
tuall food.
Now for the particulars : Firft, you ought to
pray for the Teachers,That they may fo Ipeake^as
they ought to fpeake, CoL 4. 3, 4. fo they are to
pray for the power and peace of the Minifterie,
2 TheJ]\'^, 1,2 . Secondly, you muft pray for your
fclves 5 that through Gods afliftance you may
heare profitably, andbeblefTcd in the hearing ;
/<?/?. 3. 27. Nomancan receive any thing, except
that it be given him from above. Therefore Da-
vid prayed, Pfal, 11^.18. Open thou mine eyes^ that
I may fee the rvonderfuli things contained in thyfvord,
Ifay^S, 17. Godfayth, lam the Lord thy God,
which teacheth thee to profit : Therefore no profi-
ting by the Word,without fceking unto the Lord
for it.
Now the prophanenefle of people in this cafe,
is the gencrall caufc that our Minifterie doth na
more good : Few pray at all before they come to
ChurchjCither for the Minifterpr for rherafclves ;
nay, few, even when they are in the Church., have
any heart to joyne with the Preacher in the prayer
that he makes before the Sermon : But the corin-
plaint of the Prophet may be taken up in this cafe,
I fa. 64. 7. There is none that calicth on thy Name^ tha t
flirreth up himfelfe to take hold of thee,
4 You muft be fure to goe with an Open heart,
readie to receive every truth that God rhall teach
:'M'»nr' you
The fourth
dutie, open-
nelTe of hearc
^he Saints fure
you in this Ordinance, ^^. 1 7. 1 1 . it is ' faid of
thofe noble BcraeanSjthat they received the Word
with all readineflfe of mindc, /. readinclTe to re-
ceive every truth. And Cornelim faid, AB, 10.33.
iveearc all here frcfent (before Ged^to heare all things
thdt are commanded thee of G$d, It is well added
{that are commanded thee of God:) not what any
Minifter (hall teach, be he never fo good, or fo
learned ; nay, were he an Angell from Heaven,
yet his Dodrine muft be cxamined,<j<«/ri .8. But
when there is fuchadifpoiition in us,as to receive
both in judgement and pra<ftife whatfoever God
fhall reveale unto us out of his Word ; this is a
precious difpofition,
But, alas, the moft come to heare with pre-
judicateand fore-ftalled hearts, they beare a fe-
cret grudge, and quarrel!, againfl fome flrid
Truth, or other ^ as^againft the fancflification
of tile Lords Day, ot Family-duties, or fecret
communion with the Lord , by prayer dayly ,
I &c. And thefe imaginations feeme as ftrong
Holds J to keepe Chrift and his Truth out of
their hearts, 2 Or. 10. 4, 5. And thus men,
that in their hearing doc limit the Spirit of
God, would (if it lay in their power) fay as
thofe wicked men , ^fay^o, 10. to the Seers^fee
not • and to the Prophets , profhefie not right things
unto ui'^j^eake unto m fmooth things : And thofe
that faid fo.5 the Lord calls them defpifers of
his Word.
Thefe arc the mainc and ptincipall duties bc»
fore the hearing of the Word,
and ^erpetuall Cjuide.
Sccondly^let me proceed bricfely tothofe du-
ties that are required in the hearing of the Word;
Which wee miift the rather ftirre up our fclves
unto , bccaufe wee have naturally uncircumci-
fcd hearts, ley, 6, io» and are dull of hearing,
Heb,%, 11',.
Now the principall duties in hearing, arc five •
which I will briefely fet downegis may be.
I You mu ft fet your felvcs in Gods prefencej
whileft you arc hearing of his Word ;. and con-
fider with your fclves , that it is God that you
havetodeale withall in this bufineffc, and not
man; and that it is Gods Word, and not mans.
It is the great commendation of the Theffaloni-
ans, I Theff, 2.13.. that they received the Word
as the Word of God. This was that whereby the
Lord would prepare his people to receive the
h^w^Exed.io. God fj^ake all thefe words. And hee
not onely gave the Law,l)ut the whole fummc of
theGofpel with his owne voice, Mat.^» 17, Loe
a "joice from Heaven^fajing^ This is my beloved Sonne^
inrrhoml am well' f leafed. Yea,- it is the Lord him-
felfe that fpeakes unto you in our ^imi{k.Qxy^Litf:e
10. 1 6, So the Lord is prefent ina fpcciall man-
ner, where his Word is preached, to obferve and
markehow it is received, or delivered • and either
to blefTe or curfethe hearers, or fpeakers, accor-
dingly. So that of this and fuch like placesj it
may be faid as lacoh faid of Bethelj^JM. 2 8. i ^,1 7.
Sureljjthe Lord is inthisfUce : and, H@iv dreadfull is
thiifUcel This if rw other than the Houfe of Codyth-if
if the Gate cf Heave fj^
Dutici requi-
red in the hea*
ring of the
To fee our
felvcs in Gods
T^he Saints fur e
And trulyjthis apprehenfion of Gods prelence
in the AlTcniblies of his people, will worke three
things in us.
Firft 5 keepc us in that awfull and reverent dif-
pofition of body and minde that is meet.
Secondly, it will prefcrve our hearts from ro-
ving and wandering choughts,which are great im-
pediments of heading ; PfiL 11^.113. ihatevam
■th9ughtSy but thy Law doe / love.
Thirdly, it will make us to receive and obey
that that fhall be taught us • for fo God hath
beene wont to prepare his people, to receive his
Word ; yeajhe faid of his pcopIc,when they were
thus affcdedjDffif.i 5. 2^, Oh that there mrefuch
AH heart in them , to fcare me and keepe my Comman^
dements ahayes.
Now the want of this, is that which hinders
abundance of benefit that the Minifterie of the
Word would otherwife doe us : This is the root
of all the mifchiefe the Devill doth to poore
foules, in the hearing of the Word ; the pradice
thereof, is the fountaine of all our good . Many
gracclefle wretches there are in our Aflemblies,.
like him, Luke 18.1. that neither feared God, nor
regarded man ; thatdefpife the Church of God,
yea,contemnethe prefence of the holy Angels,
(I O>y.ii.io.) and of God himfelfe in theAf-
femblies, who hath layd fucha fpeciall charge
upon us, Lev.i 6.2,10 keepe his Sabbaths^ and to
reverence his ^4«£?w4n>; andheaddes thisreafon,
/ am fehovah.
2 The fecond dutie in hearing , is diligent
and perfetuall (juide.
attention to that wc heare ; as it is faid of our Sa-
viour Chrift, Luke ip, /^S, The peepie mre very
Attentive to heare him . or,as it is in the Originall,
they hanged on him : as i£ their eares and nundes
had becnc eyed to his tongue j there was fuch a
dependencie upon him. And that is a remark-
able place, Ezech,4.o . 4^ Sonne of man^ behold, tvith
thine cjes, and heare with thine eares ^ andfet thine
heart ttfon all that I fhaUjhetv thee. Sec what at-
tention is required : Hee bids him fet his eyes
and his eares, and his heart and all, upon that hee
fpcakes ; and not upon (bmc things onelyjbut
upon all that hee fhould declare unto him. So
Prev,£^, 20,21522. .My fonne attend untorny words^
inclitie thifie eare unto my fayings y keepe them in the
midft of thine heart ^for they are life to thofe that fade
them : i, looke as a condemned man will hearken
to the Sentence of the Prince ^ every word hee
fpcakes, being life or death : As the fervants of
Benhadad^whcn they were in their enemies power, (
1 King,2o,^^. they obferved diligently whether
any word of comfort would come from him, and
they did haftily catch it. Thus, with fuch di-
ligence and attention , fuch poore condemned
creatures (as wee are) are to heare the Word of
Now to quicken attention , thcfe meanes are
Firft , it is good to doe as they did , Luke
4, 20. They fattened their eyes upon Chrift 5
fo doe ye upon the Minifter, and fuffer them
not to wander up and downe : A wandering
The Saints /fire
A Caveat,
eye is alwayes a fiire evidence of a wandering
Secondly , ifye doe not thus, it will be a good
hclpe for thofe that can write, to note the Word,
as Baruch wrote from the raouch of leremah,
ler, 3 6, 4. This holds the mindc clofc to all that
is faid. Some objed indeed , that it hinders af-
fe<5^ion in hearing : but though it may doe fo in'l.
fomejfor the prcfcnt 5 yet afterwards ic will workc ?
more laftingaffedions upon the Word. Onely \
they that ufe thishclpc-meanes, muft be carefull ■
that they doe not prcfume upon their Notes fo,
as to neglcd the recalling of what ■ they have
heard, (as many ufc to doc ) and fo lofe all holy
aifedions, and that imprefTion that the Word
would make upon their hearts.
Thirdly, entreat the Lord to open thy heart,
as he opened L^dla's heart,^^. 1 6, 14. Our hearts
arc fhut up quite, and cannot attend unto any
thing that is good,except that the Lord opens
Obfervc then another caufe, why the Word is
(o unfruitfull unto many. Some arc like the deafe
Adders^ that flop their eares againft the voicz of
the charmer^ Pfal, 58. 4, 5. And fomc fleepers
there are, that faile in their attention , that the
Dcvill ufually roAs afleepe, when they come to
hcarc • but they that are fuch, fliould know, that
their damnation fleepes not , the Devill fleepes
not : he comes to the Afremblies,to pickeup the
good Seed that is fownc ; nay,he comes to pickc
up their foules indeed; for he cares not fo much
4nd ferpetuall (fuide.
for the St^diy but he will take your felves napping
and your foules cfpecially , and carry them to
Hell. Befidesj let them remember what befell
Eutjchus^ ^B,2o, 9yio. he flept at a long Sermon,
that lafted till midnight; but he was taken up
dead, failing from the third Lofc to the ground :
What fhall become of fuch then, that fleepe in
the day time^ata Sermon of an houre long ? And
let them alfo take heed of that jj?/m ofjlumler^that
the Lord hath threatned to poure upon the defpi-
fersofthe Word, //2i) 2^.^310. The like might
be faid of our gazers and gapers about, and thofe
that by their talking difturbe others, and hinder
themfeives : they fhut their eares,and turne them
away from God j and may juftly expcd, that he
fhall turne awayhis eares from them : as it is
threatened,/* /fli'.i. 8,^. Z4f^.7. 13.
3 You muft heare the Word with underftan-
ding and judgement ; i. labour to underftand
what wee heare : And to this end, the Minifter
muft have a fpeciall care to teach plainely, fb
as he may be underftood, Neh. 8.8. And Chrift
calls upon his hearers for this , Math. 15. 10.
Heare^and under Band: How fhould we elfe profit
by that we heare > ^B, 8.3^. VnderHandeH thou
tvhat thou readeH ( faith Philif to the Eunuch : )
fo fay thou to thine ownc h<jart j Vnderftandeft
thou what thou heareft ?
Now the meanes to underftand the Word,
are thefe.
Firft, come to the Word,with a willing minde
to learne : you know the Eunuch, ^3. 8, though
(n) he
neare with
l^he Saints fur e
he underftood not, what he read , yet bccaufc he
had a minde to learne,how the Lord provided fot
him, and what a comfortable fuccefle Philips Ser-
mon bad with him : Men love to teach willing
fchollers ; fodorh God, when we come with wil-
ling and rcadie mindcs to be taught.
iiecondly , exercife your felvcs in the truth of
God5i/e^.5.1aft. yoarauftbycontinuallurejget
your fences excrcifed to difcerne both good and
cvill: but efpecially^be well acquainted with the
principles and grounds of Catechifme 5 it is the
vvantoftbis,rhat makes men that they underftand
not what is preached : They that are not firft well
nourilhcd with Milke^wiil not be fitto receive and
digeft ftrongermeat : if the foundation be not
well laydj it is in vaine to build*
Thirdly, walkc according to Light; Pfal,iii,
TO. A goodunderjlAnding have a//they^that doe his Com,-
mandements : Then, if thou wouldeft get a good
underftanding, and know the myfteric of godli-
ne(rc5walke according to knowledge, imploy that
tittle knowledge thou haft well, and then there is
apromifc to give thee more.
Fourthly, bediligent in inftru(!l:ingand tea-
ching thy family ; If thou art fet over others,.a
tittle knowledge will cncreafe greatly, by this
mcanes. Gen, 1 8. 17, i^. the Lord faid ; Shall i
hide AYi'j thing from AhyahAm I No: And hec gives
this reafon 5 / knorc' him^ that he wiUc&mmandhis chii-
dren and his houfehold after him^and thejjhaUkeete the
wdy of the Lord, If you teach your families, God
will teach you.
and perpetuall (juide.
Well ; there are a fort of doltidi hearers, that
will hearcj and feemc to be very attentive, from
yeeres end to yeeres end , and be never a whit the
vvifcr, 2 Tim,i,j, Theheavie judgement of God
h upon many of them,that is mentioncd,^/^?/;.! 3.
14. And in them is fulfilled the Prophclie of Ifay-^
Sy hearing -^e fhaU heare^ and jluU not under Hand j
and that , Ifaj 27. 1 1. It is a fee fie of m wider-
'jfAnding : therefore he that made them^ jhal/ttot fave
them 5 and he that formed them^ jball jbew them no
4 You muft hcare the Word with affcdiion,
and delight. It is faid of Gods people in the Pri-
mitive Churchjthat they heard the Word gladly3
and of Chrifts hearers, Mark, 12.37. they heard
him gladly : And it is noted for a great figne of
grace, to heare rhe Word gladly, Pfal, i ip. i($2 .
/ rejoyce at thy fVordy as one th at fndeth great jfoyles,
David had beene a fouldier ; and ye knOvv,that
they that have lyen at the fiege of a Citie a long
rime , and at the laft take it , will rejoyce ex-
ceedingly in the fpoyle of it : therefore he rc-
joyces in the Word, as they that doe divide the
fpoyles. And truly, whereas common people
complaine of the badncfTc of their memories 5
this would be a marvellous hcipe to their me-
mories, if they would heare with delight : there-
fore David fayth , Pfal. 119. 16, I will delight
my felfe in thy Statutes , / will not forget thy yrord.
This delight he meanes will flrengthen our me-
Now contraric to this , arc a great number,
( n 1 ) that
Heare with
Hcarc with
The Saints fure
that heare without all delight , and account it
a great wearincfife , ^aL i. 13. and thofe the
dulled hoaresjthat they fpcnd in hearing. Wellj
the Lord hath ihreatned, that the Word fhall
never doe us good, unleffe that wee attend to it
with love and delight^ 2 Thejf, 2. lo, it. Be^
caufe they received not the lH>e of the Truths that
they miffht be faved '^ therefore Cod fjjaf/fejfd them
ftrongddufionsy to hleeteLyes, A fearcfuU threat-
ning, much to be confidered in thefe dayes i
For this is the reafon, that Popilli trumperies
and hellifh delufions have fueh entertainment,
becaufe God inhis jiift judgement,gives up thofe
i to fuch ftrong delufions, that love not the ftri€^
1 Truth of the Word of God.
j 5 Youmuft hearcthe Word 5 with applica-
J-tioh of it to your ovvne hearts, and lives 5 apply
i 'every truth to your felves, for your ovvne ufe and
~comfort,and terror and inftru Aion : as it is loB 5.
•laft ^ Heare thu, and know it for thyfelfe ^ carry this
l^truth home to thine owne heart : And,
j- Firft, there is no- truth of God taught 5ut
I of his Word, but it concernes every one of
t Gods people, and was intended for our ufe;
I :-Rom. 15.4. whatfoever is mitten^ is written for our
ie'arning, j
Secondly, there is no truth can be taught, to
doe us good, unleffe that wee apply it : as no
Plaifter can doc the Patient good, unleffe it be
applyed ; no meat is able to doc us any good,
be it drelfed never fo curioufly, unlefle it be eaten
and digcfled. This comparifon is applyed by the
. ^_^ Prophet
and ferfetuall (juide.
Pfopiietto this purpofe, //i. 55.2, Hearken d'dU
gently untgrne^and eate ye that irhich isgeod : imleilc
we cace it^ it will doe us no good.
Thirdly, the faith full have been vtront to apply
all to thcrafelves • as every member of the body
drawes nourifhment from the ftomacke, to make
It his owne : to which the Apoftle alludes, £f A.
4. 16. So the Difciples of our Saviour did,
Math, 26. 2 1, 22. When our Saviour had faid,
that one of them (hould betray him , they were
exceeding (brrowfuli, and began every one of
them to fay unto him • Lerdy is it I ^
And furcly, the want of this application, is one
great caufc that the Word profits not , becaufc
they belcevc it not, nor apply the Word unto
thcmfelvcs : Meh, 4. 2 . The frord preached did not
profit thcmy becaufe it tpos net mixed with faith in them
that heard it.
Now one principall workc of faith,is to apply
thofe things that arc delivered in the Word : But
this, the moft hearers doe exceedingly faile in •
cither not apply ing,or mif-apply ing of the truth 5
fhiftingoff all upon others, and taking little or
nothing to ihemfelves. As wee have a notable
example of this, Rom, i . ult, compared with Rom,
2.1. Inthe former place, the Apoftle fpeakes of
fome,that knowing the judgement of God, That
thofe that doe fuch things, are worthy of death j
yfct not onely doe fuch things, but take pleafurc
in thofe that doe tbem : yet in the beginning of
the next Chapter,you find the feme men judging
yet thinking and
("3) Fi^-i
and condemning of others
The Saints fure
The duties a£-
ser hearing.
We muft rc-
oacmhcr it.
perfwading themfelvcSj that they (being guiltic j
of the fame finnes) lliall cfcape the judgeaicntl
of God. Why ? but becaufe they apply not to j
themfelves, but »if-apply to others the things {
theyhcare. j
Many fuch hearers there are in thefe dayes, i
which are very cunning in fhifting off the threat- ;
ningsof Godagainft their ownc Drunkcnncfle^
and Whoredomejand Swearing, dec. yet very apt
to pinne the fame Word upon others. Well,
thefe arc not wife for them fclves, and all their
hearing fhall doe them no good. Thus much of
the duties required in hearing.
Now follow thofe duties that are required after
hearing. And thefe are chiefely thus,
I Wee muft be very carefull to remember
I and keepethat which wee have hca.:d,Prov,^,^.,
i My fdmie^ let thine heart ret awe my tvords : and,
; Verf, 21. ICee^e thew in the midft of thine heart,
j As a man that haih a lewell , will be carefull to
I locke it up in the fafeft Cheft hcehath , left it
j fhould be ftolne away ; Which is the very com-
' parifon of the Wife-man, Pnr. <^. 20, 21. So
■ Mary ^ Luke 2.51. lept all the [ayings in her heart :
1 and David ^ Pfal, 1 1^. 11. hid the Commande-
I mcnts in his heart ; and hce gives the reafon,
That hce might not ji»ne again [t the Lord, And
the truth is, that as meat that is eaten , if it re-
maincs not in the ftomackc , it will never doe
us good : fo the beft fpirituall food that can
be, except it be retained by us, will not profit
us ; Ln^ke 8. 15. The good Ground are they^ nhich
and perpetuall ijuide.
mth an honeB and good heart having heard the fVord^
keefeh^&c. . '
Many there are, that are verycarele(Ie of this
dutic : They thinke they have difcharged them-
felves abundantly 5 if they heare the whole Ser-
mon attentively • as though there were nothing
more required at their hands : Like our Saviours
hearers , Math,i2, 22. ivhen they heard him^ they
marvelled^ and left him^ and went their way : bu t wee
never heare more of them. So many heare defi-
roufly, and with open and greedie earcs : but, as
wee fay^it goes in at one carejand out at another 3
it ftayes not for any after-ufe, but a little prefcnt
admiration. Others heare,and the Word fmites
them a little on their Confciences, and wounds 5
and one would thinke, feme good thing would
be wrought upon them : but they goe away, and
the motion dyes. They are as men that are Sea-
fickc, whileft the Word humbles them, and
makes their Confciences to wamble within
them • but they are as whole as a Fifh , when
as they are once landed at the Church doore :
Or like unto Mettals , which are foft and ply-
able , whileft they are in the fire.; fo thefe are
in the hearing j but Aiortly they loofe all the
efficacie of the Word, and become harder than
j before.
j Well, let us in the fearc of God, hearken dili-
I gently to the words of the Holy-Ghoft,/;/e^.2. i.
That rr^ee ought to give the mere earneB heed to the
things that iree haze heard^ leHat any time wee fhou/d
let them flip, or runne out (like riven VefTcls:)
(n4) Why;
The fccond
ducic, Mediu-
l^hfi Saints fur e
Why ; what is the danger ? H9v>jhall tres efcape, if
wee negUB [9 great Saltation i
2 VVec mi\i\ medicate and ferioufly thinke
of that that wee have heard; that is more than
reniembring. There is a great deale of difference
betwixt the poflefllng of goods, and the ufing
and implayingof them for our benefit; betvrixc
the laying up of garments inour Wardrobcs,and
the wearing of them upon our backes,to keepe us
warme: this latter is done by meditation, Prov,6,
22,23. My pnne^_ hinde the Cammandemefits conti-
nuatly upon thy hearty and tie them about thy necke :
It is a phrafe of fpeech borrowed from garments
that are bound about the body 5 for meditation
bindes-the Word elofc to the heart. It is fiiidof
Mary^Liike 2. ig .thsit jhee fondercd the words of!
the Angel in her heart :. and David was frequent
in this dutie, PfaL 11^.15. f trill meditate in thy
Precepts (faith he : ) And it was Paith advice to
Timothy J 1 Tim, 4.15. Meditate upon thefe things^ \
give thyfelfe vholly to them^ithat thy projitingmay ap-
pears to alL
Ffrfl-j this is the way to make men proftc by the
VVordof God j.and that fo evidently, that all
may take notice of ii^ this is one great benefit of
the Word meditated upon, lojh., r. 8. Thai* fhah
meditate in the Boole of the Law day and night : To
whstcnd ? Thatthoiima-^eBobfifveto doe according
to all that i< writ ten therein.
Secondly,this courfe will argue unfained love,
unto the Word,P/>/, 1 1 9.97. Oh hoTP I lovcthyLarr^
it is my meditathri all the daf^
and perpetual/ Quide»
Thirdly, this will greatly encreafe our com fort
in the Word 5 and caufe us to feele much more
fweetnede in it • even as the chewing of our meat
makes us to tafte much more fwectnefTe in it.
PfaL 1 1 ^. 1 5, 1 ^. he faith ; / mil meditate on thy
Precepts J and have refpe8 unto thy vayer^ I mil delight
my felfe in thy Statutes : Meditation ever brings
Fourthly, this will greatly encreafe our know-
ledge: Pfal, up. 99. / have more under landing
than my teachers: Why ? bccaufe thy teBimonies
are my meditation.
Now, if this be required afcer hearing ; how is
it poflible that they fhould profit by the Word,
thar never fcarcely thinke of it afterwards > It is
noted of the Difciplcs, that though they had
fcenc Chrifts raightie power in the miracle of the
Loaves -^ yet bccaufe they conGdered not the mi-
raclcjtheir hearts were hardened : /. bccaufe they
did not meditate upon it , they were never the
better for ir. And thus it ufually fpeedes with
ihofe that are careleiTe in the performing of this
5 Wee muft conferre of that wee have beard,
and repeat it amongft our felves, and examine the
Scriptures about the truth of that that is delive-
red, I joyne rhem all together -for fo they may
well he, in the pra(9:iceof them. For conference,
Bav'td fai r b, Pfal, 1 1 9 . 1 7 2 . My torgue fhall j^eake
»fthy iverd^forafl thy Commandemerts are right eoHf-
neft. This was ordinarily pradifed by the D f |
ciples of our Saviour CbriftjVvhen he had caughr j
The ihhi 6aty '
after hearings ,
and RepesU
T^he Saints fure
how hardly rich men (hail be raved,4^^r^.io, 2 6,
They vere sjtomjhedoutofme/ifHreydfidfaidamong^
themfelves, H^ho then can be faved ^ So they con-
ferred about another Sermon of our Saviour,
I0K16. 17,18.
Now repetition of Semjons is efpeeially re-
quired of them that have families, to repeat the
Word unto them : Dent, n . 1 8, ip . T^ufball idy
up thcfe my trords in your hearts^ and yeujhall teach
them your children • fj^enking of them when thou (ittefl
in thy houfe : yea, it is faid to be the chiefeft thing
that the Lord had refpe<S^ unto, in giving us his
Word^and the knowledge thereof,that we might
inftrud: our families in.it. P^nf. 4. 10. Gather ye
my people together ^and I mUmak^ them hear e my words ^
that they may learnetofeare me^ and may teach their
children. And this, if it were prad^ifed carefully,
would both make children and fervants more
carefull to heare and to attend unto the publike
Miniftery 5 and better our memories, that wee
may be much better able to rctaine that which
wchcarc : and it will alfo workc an inw^d fee-
ling in us and our children, of that which we have
heard. Therefore, Dewf. ^. ^,7. it is called the
whetting of them upon our children • repetition
doth fet an edge upon their dulnefTe.
Yea further, for the fearching and examining
ofthe Scriptures, we are commanded, i ThejT, 5.
2 1 . to try all things^ and to hold f aft that which isgo§d.
And the exam pie of thofe noble Bcra?ans is com-
mended unto us, AB, 17. 1 1, 12, that fearched
the Scriptures dayly, concerning thofe things
■ »l ■ Ill-Ill
and perpetuall Quicie.
that were delivered by Pa'il'^Thtref^re maij &fthe?n
Therefore it is a grievous negled, that people
in thefe dayes are guilty of; that neither confcrre
concerning the Word, they arc aihamcd of it,
and (which is a fearefull reproach unto them) the
fVord of God is a ref roach unto them^ler.S, lo. nor
yet repeat Sermons in their families 5 they are
like Martha^Luke 1 0,41 , troubled about fo many
worldly occafions : nor yet examine and fearch
the Scriptures : Arid therefore are eafily carried
about with every winde of Do<5trincj and never
eftablifhed and fetled in the Truth.
4 Wee are to put in pra^ik whatfoever wee
heare, till that our hearts and lives are quite chan-
ged by it : lam, i • zr, Be ye doers of the tyordy and
not hearers entlj^ deceiving your Ofi'ne foitles : i, they
cozen themfelves by falfe reafonings and argu-
mentSj or by fophifticall Syllogifmes, rcafoning
after this or the like manner.
He that hearts thefford^ if a good ChriBian,
But I heart the fVord^ ^c.
Or thus :
He that hearts nct^fhaU he damned^
But / heare the word:
Therefore J jhall be faved.
But how doth this follow ? For though i he
negledt or contempt of the Word is fufficient to
condemnc a man, yet the hearing of the Word is
not fufficient to fave a man.
Well, obedience is the end of hearing, Deut,
5,1. Hcarey OJfraeiy the Statutes nhich / jfeate in
A fourth <Iutyj
i8S I The Saints fure
jioitr cares this day ^ that ye may learne them^ and keepe
them^ and doe them. The like ye finde, lam. i • 2 5.
Yea, obedience to the Word ruuft be fpeedic,
without any delaycSjOrprocrailinacionSi as it is
faid of the Cololfians, Col, i , 6. that the Gofpcl
brought forth fruit in them, from the very day
they heard ir,and knew the grace of God in truth.
And the Prophet David relolved, l^faL 119.60.
I made ha ji^ and proUn^ed nst the time to keepe thy
C^mmandements^ And this is a (ingular frame of
heart 5 becaufe the putting of the Word in pra-
(^ifc immediately, is a great advantage to the
hearer : feeing thcn,the afteftions of the heart are
quicke,and lively; which with delaycs dye, and
decay very fuddenly.
Now, alas, for the wondcrfull paucitie of fuch
obedient hearers j for very few doc pradife any
thing they hcare,leavc any {inne,ordoeany dutie:
and therefore they muft needs prove like the Houfe
bBilton the Sand • when the time of tryall (hall
come, they muft needs fall^/l/rftKy. 2 7. Againe,'
there arc many that in hearing have good motions
and purpofes 5 but ihey are like the fluggard,that
PrwL»4.5 j,34. faid,?"e^ a little flumbefyyet a little Jletfe-^ fo,becau fe
they delay, they vanifh and come to nothing : of
whom, in rcfped of their fpirituaH povertie,
it may be faid which Salomon fpeakes ;
I ^Hif povertie [hall come as one that
traielleth^znd his trant as
AH armed man,
and perpetual/ Cjuicie.
to this Treatife of the
W O R D.
Pr^ov. ,13. 12,, , ;
He that def^tfet^ th fVord^fhaUbe dejlnjad^^^ „ :
Y the 6cca{iph of which worthy IBtj
bur ChriftMri rneditatiOns be a lit-
tle faftened upon the greatneflfe of
the finne of contemning and defpi-
fing of the Word . My meaning is,
not to handle it as a Tcxt,but onely to take a hiot,
to begin to lay downe the danger of this epide-
mical 1 and ordinarie difcafe, that fo exceedingly
fprcads in thefe daycs; and then to adde fomc
meanes and dir'eiStidnSjto make us to be prepaired- 1
ly and profitably converfant about fo greaiJ knl
Grdinanceas the hearing of the Word. j
WE of this Land ( let us-now open obr
eyes to fee it ) have certainely moft
fearefully and curfedly finned againft
God, and provoked his fierce wrath againft us, by
The Saints fur e
contempt of his holy Word • by (hutting our
eyes againft the heavenly Light of the Gofpel,
which hath bcene brought amongftus ^ by not
prizing the Minifterie which we have now enjoy-
ed a long time,nor profiting by it : nay^by w ickcd
oppofingitjWith fecret perfecution at the Icaft,
andcruell mockings.
In the firft placcjconfider the crie of this finne,
and the curfes it brings , from fuch places as
thefc, . . ♦
Firft, //>. 2^, II. and both before, and after:
Andthevijionofali (faith the Prophet) is become
untd you at the irordf of a Bsske that ufeaUcL^ ^c. So
may I juftly fay ; All the vifions, revelations, dif-
covcries of the myfterie of Chrift, opening of all
Gods counfels ^ all the cxpofitions, interpretari-
ons,applications of the Miniftery of moft places,
have becne unto the moft of us ; a fearefull thing
1 fpeakCjbut moft true, and to be lamented with
teares of bloud ^ as the mrds of a Booh that isfeakdy
which they deliver to one that can reade , faying^ Reade
thif^ I pray thee : ThenjhaU he fay^ I cannot 5 for it is
fealed. And the Beoke if given to him that cannot readcy
faying^ Reade this ^i^ fray thee : and he ^aUfay^ I cannot
fjeade. That is, all the Sermons they fhall heare,
and all the heavenly Meftagcs are brought them
from God, fliall be as a fealed Booke to a learned
raan,or an open Booke unto an Ideot. They fhall
ftarc in the face of the Minifter,when he is cleare-
ly unfolding the great myfterie of godlinefle,and
fiialhnot be able to underftand him ; they (hall
have their owne Confcience unript to the quicke,
1 and perpetual/ Quide.
by the power of the Word, and fhall not perceive
it} they fl-i all have their fwect finnc difcovered,
and damned unto the pit of Hell, by evident and.
imanrvvcrabledemonftrationoutof the Booke of
God^and yet have no power to leave it : Vox the
lijm of the Frofhcts (faith the Prophet in the fore-
cited Chapter) is become umo thsm as the words cf a
Bookie fealed up. And therefore,aiI the Dodrine of
falvation, though it drop upon them as the raine,
and ftill as the deaw,lliali be but unto their hearts
as unto the hardeft rockes 5 all holy admonitions
and reproofes,as arrovves lliot againft a ftone-wall;
all facrcd LefTons offered and urged upon their
Confciences, be as a Scale ftampt upon water,
which receives no impreflion. O raofl wofuU and
fearefuU eftate !
Secondly, /fa,2 8.^. whom jbal^ he teach knowledge^
&c, Th is is not as many underftand it,That peo-
ple mu ft have alittle by little preached unto them,
but itisacurfe upon them. As if he fhould fay ;
They are nothing fitter to the difciplinc of the
knowledge of God,than infants new Iyweaned,to
receive any inftru dion. For Precept mufi be upon Pre- \
cept^&c, rerf.io, A$ if he fhould fay:They muft
be taught as little children,a little atpnce, and
have oft repeated over and over • and yet they can
I lesrne nothing to doe them good,chiefely concer-
ning their repentance, and efcaping Gods ludge-
ments : I would to God it were not too evident,
by long and dolefull experience. That our Mini-
fterie hath done lefTe good amongft the elder
fott 3 and men of much worldly wifedome , for
^ bringing
T^he Saints fure
bringing them to any found and comfortable
knowledge in Gods Word, than amongft little
lhixd\W:iEzech,i 3 . 30,3 1,32,3 3 . ^nd loe^ thou
art unto them m 4 vtr^ lovely Song of one that hath a
pleafant voice, (^c. And is it not fo with us ? That
even to fome that fceme to be friends, and to de-
light in the Minifterie, the Word is become as
if it had loft all power to turne them from their
finne,to.thc holy way • from plauiible formalitic,
to faving forwardnelTe, Heare a Charadcr of
them, /yi. 5 8 . 2 . Tet they feeke me dayly^ and delight
to knovf my wayes^as a Nation that did right eoufnejfcy
and forfloke not the Ordinance of their God : they ash
of me the Ordinances ofJuftice^ they take delight in
approaching to Ced. They may heare the Word
gladly, as iierod did , and perhaps obfervc the
Meflenger, &c. but they will not ftirre an ynch
further from {lnne,and neerer to God ; fay what
he will, let him preach out his heart, they will
ft ill hugge their bofome-ftnne,and hold exa<!ijy
their hcartlefle formes and formall fafliions in
Religion,after five thoufand Sermons ; They are
all unto them, as a lovely Song of one that hath a
fweet voice; and leave no more imprellion upon
their Confciences , than a pleafant Leflbnupon
the Lute,upon the eare,whcnit is ended.
Fourthly, ler, 23.33. ^^^ ^^^^ this people , or a
Prophet^ or aPrieH fhall as he thee^ fiyi^g^ ^^t is the
burthen of the Lord i (jfc. Nay, hath not the curfed
finne of loathing this heavenly Manna, beene
found among us ? Hath not our much Preaching
and ferpetuall (juide.
beenc accounted a burtheOja weariromeneflrcjand
a trouble ? yea, as here it was once unto the
lewes 5 a matter of fcorne, and reproach ? The
JLord complaines grievoufly, in the quoted place,
of this (Inne ; how they tooke up this cuftome
amongfl: therajConcerning the faithfull preaching
of all the true Prophets, to aske fcoffingly ; frhat
is the burthen of the Lord ^ Thus making a (come
of all the right difcoverie of their (innes,and the
found denunciation of Gods Judgement, calling
it by the name of a Burthen . the Lord chargeth
them raoft feverely, that they fhould not ufe that
difdainefull fpeech any more. Hee tells them,
how that they had perverted and abufed the holy
Word of the ever-living God,thc Lord of Hoafts;
and withall dircds them , what phrafe of fpeech
they fhould ufe, when they fpeake of his Word
fent unto them by his true Prophets ; That thus
each fhould demand,in reverence of his Majeftie :
fvhat hath the Lord atifrered ; or , ff^hat hath the Lord
jj^oken ^ And to leave off thofe reproachfull taun-
ting tearmes , Pf^hat is the burthen of the Lord ^ Or
otherwife, hee would furely be avenged of them
for this finnc j as we may fee in the denunciation
Fifthly, ley,';, 4, S, ^5 1 o, 1 1 . TruH not in lying
mrds J faying^ The Ttwfle of the Lor d^ the Temple of
I the Lord^ &c. They rcfled upon the outward
formes of Gods worfhip, without reformation.
It is juft our cafe. Many amongft us facisfic
therafelves,and thinkc it will ferve the turnc for
falvation, if they reft upon the Sabbath, hcare the
(o) Word,
The Saints fure
Word , receive the Sacrament, and conforme to
the outward exercifes of Religion • though they
abide in their rinnes,and have no acquaintance at^
all with the power of the Word , the Myftcrie'
of Chrift, converfion to God, or holy convert
fat ion.
Sixtly, 7/4. 6, 9y 10. Goe tell this feople . Heare
ye indeedj hut underftand not • fee ye indeed^ but pcr^
ceive not : make the heart of this people fat, and make
their eares heavie^ afid jhut their eyes^ le^ (^c. Oh,
this is heavic , that a Minifter fhoald be fent to a
further hardening of a people ! And yet it is juft
with God 5 and they fliail feele it on their Bed of
Death. The Thccfeonthe Croflfe was converted
with a piece of a Sermon, they are not wrought
upon after many yecres ; therefore it is ju ft with
Godj as an ad of judgement, becaufc they would
not come in, after fo long a time, to give them
over to fuch judicial] hardnefle.
Confidcr thefe things,and tremble all yec that
have any wayes ftrucke at the face of Chrift, by
contempt of his Minifterie. For the humbling
of your foules into the duft, for this horrible
finnc ; perufe in bleeding hearts, in fecret, that
blacke and bloudie Catalogue of fearefull pro-
vocations, which are ordinarily to be found in,
and certainely fet upon the Score of fuch as hate
to be reformed under a confcionaWe Minifterie.
Which made Chrift fay, Toh, 15.22. If I had not.
come and fpoken unto them^ ^c,
i^ Defpifing it; fhutting their eyes againft
that glorious Light, ercded in their faces, to
and perpetual I Qutde.
leade them to Heaven. See Math.io.i^, wh-
fbezer jhaff not receive yet^^ftor heare ymrwords^ trhen
yee depart out §fthat houfe^ or Citie^ fljah off the dufit
Here is a notable place, to affright all thofe
that are unworthie partakers of the Minifterie.
For the underftanding whereof, take notice of
chefe five points.
1 It is as if they fhould fay ; Here I have
gone a long journey, and have contradedduft
and fand by my travell, and taken a great de-ale
of paines • and loe, here I rtiake off this duft, in
witnefl[e,thatyou had Chrift offered you^and you
would not accept him .
2 To intimate unto them • I care not for
any of you, or yours , but onely I feekethe good
of your foulcs , I rcfpedi: not fo much as the
duft 5 I prize more the converfion of any of
your foules, than all yours ; and this duftriiall
vvitnefTe it.
3 They fhookc off the duft , as a witnefTe :
I will have nothing to doe with this Citie^ for
I know, the Plagues and Judgements of God will
fcizedn this place 5 as it was with Sodome and
Gomorrah; I will have no commuQion and fo-
cietie with thcfc wicked people.
4 They did fhakc off the duft, to intimate
that deftru<ftion (hould come upon them. For
it is faid , Pfalwe i. That they fhould be dri-
ven away as the duft : As that is fhakcn with
the windc, fo lliall they be with the wrath of
(02) 5 In
The Saints fure
5 In teftimonie and witnefTe again ft them :
This very duft fhall be witncfle againft thcna.
Doe you thinke then, that their Sermons and
Catechifing (hall not ? If the dull that they ga-
thered by their paincSjVvill be witnefle- what will
all their Sermons, and praying , and fuch paines
be ? Now this finnc of defpifing the Word, is a
fmne above that of Sodome, rerf, 15. Tm/y, it
fhailbe more eafiefaK Sodome and Gomorrah^ in the Day
of ludgementy than for that Citie,
2 Murmuring againft it, /oh. 6,^1 . LuLi^.z,
3 Cavilling againft it, ^^.13. 45.
4 Contemning it,/fr.44.i (5. ^^.17.18. ^4f
wiU this Babbler fa^ .^ They accounted PjlmIs preci-
ous preaching, vaine babbling.
5 Mocking and fcorning it , 2 Chran,^s.i6,
Mi, 1,1'^,
6 Perfecuting it, Math, 10, 2 3. And fo they
become like mad Dogges throvvne into a River
or tycd up in a Chaine , which doe fnarle aCjbite.,
and tcare thofe that put out their hands to heipe,
and fet them frec; fearing,they come to torture
and to trouble them more. luft fo it is with
many prophane wretches , which lye drowned
in finnejand chained in Sathans fetters ; If a
man put out his hand , by the Minifterie of the
Word , to fave tftem from iinkino; into Damna-
tion, and to free them from the Snares of evcr-
lafting death • they rage and raylc , they barke
and bite like mad Dogges, holding themfelves
to be difquieted, difgraced, and tormented before
their time.
and perpetuall Quide.
Thus yoahave fecnc the fixe Curfes , and the i
fixe Sinnes, that the not profiting by the Word
doth bring upon a people.
2 Now, in the fecond place, let me tender to
your moft ferious thoughts fome quickening
Motives, for the ftirring of you up to profic by
the Word*
I Some taken from the Word it felfe,the Mi-
nifterie whereof you have flighted.
What then is the blcffed thing you have fo
wickedly abufcd ? It is,
1 The Word fif SalvationyAB, 13.2^. No other
Word, Or created Power, can fave your foules
from Hell.
2 T he iV9rd ef TruthyEfh, i . 1 3 . There is error
in all other Truths, whether Natural), or Morall,
or Pohticall : and goe to any Art,there is weakc-
neffc and infirmitie in the braine of man , that
there can be no certaintic J but here is all Truth,
and here is infellibilitie , you need not doubt
of any.
3 It is called the f^ofd of Ltfe^ PhiLi . i ^. All
other Learning whatfoevcr,when it hath furniilied
I you with ornaments and parts , it leaves your
I foules fiarke dead in finnes and trefpafies. But
I this hafVordofLife^it infpires fpirituali,Life,and
I brings eternall Life.
j 4 It is called a hk'^ord of Reconciliation^ 2 Cor. 5 .
j 19. Let the Sea runne nothing but Gold5and let
Heaven and Earth be turned into Gold and Sii-
j ver,and offered unto God, it could not reconcile
us. If all the creatures would lofe their being,
I ( <^ 3 ) ^^
The Saints fare
Scrip tura facta,
mfi qutedtm Epi'
fiok .Omnifoten'
turam fuam ?
be annihilated , and come to nothing; yet this
could not fave /w^^, or any one reprobate : but
the Word hath beenc a bleilcd inftruinent, for re-
conciling many foulcs to God .
5 It is, as it were, an Epiftlc or Letter (as one
of the Fathers calls it) written from God AI-
mightie unto us miferable men ; wherein hee
writes his Will and Word, and fends it to us :
the Miniftcrs are the readers of it, and they bring
the newes from Heaven. And what is the matter
of it ? Concerning eternaUlife,or eternal] death,
concerning the good of your foules. Now, if
you had a private Letter come from the King,
concerning your advancement , or your delive-
rance and forgivcneffe for fome dangerous Trea-
fottjorboth ; how would you take this Letter,
and how often would you reade it , with what:
-fv ill in gneffe of affection ? Nowjhere is an Epiftle
fent from Heaytn, to aduife you, that you are all
Traitors and Rebels againft Heaven j and yet here |
in this Letter, God offers the bloud of his Sonne,
and you may be reconciled : and will you ne^ed :
it ? This is the matter of this Epiftle ; it brings
matter of deliverance from the greareft Curfe
that can befall the creature, and the greateft ad-
vancement. •
6 It is the bottomelellc Treafurie of all high^
fwcet,and excellentcft things : The Myfterie of
thcTrinitie, the Majcftic of God, the Lo\e of
God,andof Chrift., his fufferings, the Spirits
workings, the happineffe of the Saints, and the
glory of Heaven, &C.
7 Jc
and perpetuall (fuide.
7 Ic muft be our Judge at the laft day, lok 1 2 .
48. Every honeft Sermon , is but the Word of
God unfolded ; and a bunch of Arrovves wrapped
up, and unfolded, are all one.
8 It onely can cure a wounded Confciencc ,
the greateft calamitie that ever the heart of man
was acquainted withj and that which no Arme of
fle(h,or created Power, no man or Angel, can cafe
at all.
9 In it onely arc to be had Deeds and Evi-
dences, to fliew foretcrnall Life 5 and Acquittan-
ces, for difcharge from eternall Death.
1 o It hath faved all the foules that are i-n Ucsl-
ven, ^tfw. 10. 13,
II It onely is the objc^ of divine and infufed
Faith. Humane teftimonics and authorities be-
get oncIy humane Faith : Therefore you muft
reverence this Word.
2 Some Motives taken from the moft feare-
fuU and curfed eftate of thofe who negledi: and
rejed the Mjisifterie of the Word , hating to be
reformed by it. Marke and take to heart thine
unfpeakable miferie, whofoever thou art, that de-
fpifeft the Minifterie : Take a tafte of it, in thefe
1 They are deprived by this meancs of the
love and favour of Godjthe onely fountaineof all
comfort,pcace,and glory, which is infinitely the
deareft and moft unvaluable loflc , that can be
2 Of their part and portion in the bloud of
Chrift ; one drop whereof, is incomparably more
(04) worth
The Saints fure
worth than Heaven and Ean:h,men and Angels,or
the creatures ofa thoufand Worlds.
3 Of the fatherly protcdion, care, and provi-
dence of the blefled Trinitie, the glorious guard
of Angels, the comfortable communion of the
blcfled Saints , and all the (vveet contentments
that follow thence.
4 Of the quiet joy and tranquilitie of a good
Coiifcience ; a lewell farre more worth than the
whole World , were it all turned into one un-
valuable Pearic of unvaluable price r and of all
the heavenly illuminations, cherifhrnents, and'
comforts, wherewith the Holy-Ghoil: is wont to
vifit and refreOi the hearts of holy men.
5 Of the fweet peace and true contenttnent
in this life, and of all comfortable rfght and
religious intereft to any of the creatures : For,
without a good Confcience, there was never
found joy in any mans heart, or fan\5lificd en-
joyment of any thing in the World ; and never
fhall any man have a good Confcic*tice,rhat gives
allowance to any Lu{l:,or lives delightfully in
any finne..
^ Of a Crowneof Lifejthcunfpeakablc joyes
of Heaven, that immcafurable and endleffe com-
fort that there fhall be had with all the children of
God, Pattiarkes,Prophets,Apoftles, Martyrs, all
our Chriftian acquaintance • yeajwith the Lord
himfelfc,and all Angels jwith Chrift our Saviour
and Lambejflainc for usjthe Prince of (Sloryjyea,
the Glory of Heaven and Earth, and brightnelT^
of the everlafting Lightj &:c.
and perpetual/ Cjuide.
To thefe privative confequentSj adde a ferious
confidcration upon thofe terrible iiammg placesj
Deut,29, 19^20, Prov,i, 23,24. I'fr.e* ^,10.
I Sam, 3.25. -^H. 1 3 . 4^.
By continuing thy contemptjand rejeding the
Light of the Gofpel , thou raayeft come, thou
knoweft not how foone,to finne again ft the Holy-
Ghoftjas the Pharifes did, Math. 12. 24,3 1.
For finne again ft the Holy-Ghoft may be com-
mitted as well,
1 By thofe, who although they doe acknow-
ledge and confcfle the Truth , which they doe
blaCpheme ; yet they have not yet profefled it,
or given up their names to it , as were thofe
Scribes and Pharifes : and there arc many fuch
in thefe dayes , who have not as yet given their
name to the Truth , which yet notwithftanding
being well knowne and acknowledged, they doe
2 As thofe,who have not only acknowledged
in themfelves the Truth that they blafpheme, but
have piofeiTed the fame before others5that are the
favourers of Truth; as lulianyPorfhjrim^Akxander
the Copper-fmith, and many others : of which^
you may fee Heh, 6,& 10, So, many amongft us
at this day.
3 Some taken from the furvey of thofe judge-
ments, which contempt of the Minifterie may
bring-upon the place where it is planted.
1 It may remove the CancHeliicke^and Be pla-
gued with the utter lofle of the Minifterie. Con-
{idcr,^4(^.8,34..c6' 10.13. c&* 21.41..
2 Thcv
^he Saints fur e
2 They may have Prophets, but fuch as are
fooles^ they may have men of the Spirit,but thofe
that be w/rf, Ho[,^, 7. By afoolcy is meant not a
naturallj but fpirituall foole, Prov. 1.8. /^r. 4,
22. Ifa,^, 10, By mad, is underftood not a man
out of his wit^or diftrac^ed in minde,but he that
likeamtad Dogge rageth and rayleth againft the
Truth of God, and finccritieof his Saints j which
is a great judgement.
3 They may enjoy faithfull Teachers , but
to their further hardening, as the Ifraelites did
/faiahy I fa. 6. ^, 10, Which of all other judge-
ments that God can inflid in this life,is the mod
4 By this meanes ^ they may make fad the
heart and affe^ions of their Teachers, that they
•^cannot with that chearefulneCe as they defirc,
performe the offices of their Minifteric : Which
as it difcourageth the Teachers, (and will one day
light heavie on the caufers and procurers thereof)
fo it is unprofitable for the hearers, and deprives
them of much good they might otherwife enjoy .
as appeares, Heb, 13.17.
4 Some from confiderationof thofe confu-
fionsanddefolationsjwhich it pulls with great
violence even upon whole Kingdomes. Lookc
upon fuch places as thefe : 2 Chron,-^ 6, 1 6^\^^&c,
^er,2<^,^.S'c, &Cap,'^'^,i$, Rev,6,/\.,&c,
The glorious Light of thofe feven Candle-
ftickes in Afia, mentioned in the Revelatiom^ was
long fince, for their unfruitfulnefic, coIdnefTcjand
contempt of the Word , turned into the darkc
and perfetmll (juide.
Midnight of Hcrcfie, Apoftafie, and Mahome-
tifnrie. Rome, that was anciently the glory of
the Wefterne Churches, lyes now drowned in
Superftition, foaking in damnable Idolatry , and
plunged over head and cares in the Do6^rine of.
Devils. Many ftrong and noble Limbes of the
reformed Churches in high Gerraanie have lyen
for fome yceres in their teares of bloudjgroaning
under the mercilefTe tyrannic of the bloudie An-
tichriftiansjand have wofully received the marke
of the Bea^ againc. Novir afTuredly, it was the
loathing the heavenly Manna , which made the
Lord to utter hk^oice before the Armie of the
enemies at Prague, and other places. It was
their fpirituall coldnefle , which (harpened the
I Papifts (words aguinft them ; It was their not
! entertaining the Truth, with the love and power
of it, which gave the Imperiallifts power over
3 In a third place, take fome helpes and re-
medies, to become profitable bearers and faving
; proficients by the Minifterie you enjoy* which
hath thus long beene ( it is a reproachfuU and
rufull thing I fpeake) the favour of death unto death
unto the mo ft.
I *Be perfwaded to beleeve and obey the blef-
fed Commandement of our Saviour himfelfeg
^ath, ^,32. Seeke ye firB^ the Kingdome ofGod^and
the righteoufneffe thereof ^ in the fir ft place ; a^d ali
other things ^all It added to jou. To which bee
quickened, by confidering,
I To what end wee came into this World.
Set n^stelfi
The Saints Jure
What a wofull and bewitched people are they,
who being rcafonable creatures, having an under-
ftanding Light, like the Angels of God ; having
eyes in their heads,to fore-fee the wrath that is to
come i hearts in their bodies, that can tremble as
the leaves of the Forcft,which are fhaken with the
windcj ConfcicnceSjthat are capable of unfpcak-
able horror j bodies and foules, which can burne
in Hell for ever : and yet fome have lived twcntie,
fomc thirtic, fome fortie, fome fixtie yeeres . and
yet to this day,have not learnt one found fpirituall
Le{Ibn,for the true good of their foules,either out
of the Bookc of God, the Booke of Nature, the
Workcs of God, or any other way ? Why, to
what end doe you thinke were you created, and
put into this World ? To catc, and drinke, and
ileepc ; to lye,and fweare,and root in the Earth 5
to Dice and Card, and goe in the Fadiion • to
contemnc the Miniftcrie 5 {hamefully to belye,
flander,andrayle upon Gods people, as too pre-
cife 5 to die,and then not to be damned ? A ffu-
redly, thou waft not borne, and placed upon the
Earth,for to ferve thine owne turne,to pleafe thine
owne heartjto follow thine owne waycs,to live for
avvhilehkeaBeaft in fenfuall contentments, and
then to goe to Hell. Ccrtainely , thou waft fcnt
into this World for fome other end,for (bme grea-
ter bufincfle and important affaire . even for chat
Ofje neceJiArie things Luke 10.42. to know, ferve,
and obey thy G-od,and to fave that precious Soule
of thine in the Day of Chrift ; to feeke firft the
Kingdomcof Heaven, to know and fcele the ver-
and per^etmll (juicie.
tue of Chrifts death and rcrurrc(5Vion. This, I
fay, is that One necefarie thing : All other things
are but refpe^livcly neccHarie , ^o farre as they
further this end ; ought onely to be fubordinate,
and contributoric; nay,to be accounted but drojfe
and dung^ to this, Phil, 3.10.
2 Confider, that upon this moment depends
3 what is a man profit ed^ if he fhal/gaine the tvhole
rvorld^And kfe hit mne fiule ^ Math, 16,26,
4 The difFefence of the life and death of the
Chriftian and Carnallift.
2 Take the counfell of the holy Apoftle ,
Col, 3,1^. Let the tverd of Chri^ dmll in you richly^
I By hearing it in feafon^and out offeafon^ 2 Tim,
4.2. Preachers and hearerSjare relatives. Chrifti-
an hearers in ancient times heard their Paftours
day after day.
( i) a Becaufe yeBerday me made mention of the
Theefe^ C^c, faith ^mbrofe. Which implycs his
preaching the day before,
(2) ^ Tou that were here ye Berda%(^c, Which
impiyes his preaching the day before. In another
place ; ° I fuppofe^you remcmherhoty farre ttedifcour- I deaffuifHSi&c
fed yefter day : from that v^ry pla^e Jet U6 to da) begin, I '^«l"i'^-^«^^33.
Elfevvhere he faith : ^ From rrhence tre fj>ake much c ^o'ufque he.
yeflerday. Againe •, * Tefterday ne came even to that , fi^^^° ^^'^ ^'ir'"-
yerfe^ &€, ^ Teflerdayes Sermon was frotraVted^ ^c, \ ^^^^J^lchJ.
tatem ve^ram y ex ipf« loco hfdJe fitmawm exordium. Idem iff Pfa!.:^ Cone %• ^ "onde
heTxerho die multuta locuti (umm^ Idem Expof. in Johan.pag v.. « Hsjkrno die perveKiifmits
autm bfcfit ad i^um veYfm^&e, lism in P/kl,^d . Cose. 2. f Hepnu-z fermo poua Slus.O-c,
IdemtnPfal.^By Coac.z,
Se« my Booke
of walking
with God,
Sec Cbryfe^omc
upo the place,
About which,
fee Chiyf.tom.%.
ftriiL contra Gw
Ssc Au[lin.co}tf.
Hb,6. fag.i6i.
* ^oniam he-
Jlemediede la,
ttone fecimui
Ambrof.de (an^o
l> ^i hcjlefno
The Saints fure
8 Pojleriarpifi
i'f.dmiide quo
heflemo die io'
ciiti [I'.miiSy&c,
Cane. I,
*» Hep.ernodie
Vptlbiev'iot tiA-
idem in Pfil.
fitga in meliiis
mummcm fa*
tiat : etfi enim
bsri zynudim
tsrtiiii de hdc
vehii locHtmpirrt
mreria, neque
tamtnhodiedefi- j
ncque fcrendt!,
eadtm perfua*
dere. Cbryfo^l.
4d Pcp,Antio6^'
Sec him in
at «
^ Movent me
qu'idert (fratres)
ad hum fermn-
nei» veipcrtlna
i Bd/// the great.
K jhe Utter fart of the Pfalme , of irhich wee fj^ake
yc^hrdayy'(^c. ^ TeBerday a ^oorter Pfalme was
(3) ^ Firf} therefore let m perftvade you^ that you
muld amend and abandon your Oathes : For ahhoicgh
I f^ake of the fame matter yeBerday^ and the day be-
fore that • yet notmthjlanding^ I mil mt ceafe to day,
nor to morrotv^ nor the day after that, to perftvade the
fame things. Whence it ^ppeares, that hec prea-
ched the day- before , and the day before that j
and would preach the day following , and the
' day after that.
(4) ^ Telterdayes fght (Brethren) frovohed me
to this Sermon^ &c. This Sermon was made upon
Eafter Monday • and no doubt, he had preached
(5) 1 Teherday, &c. To day tvee mU dtfcourfe
brief ely of Baptifme^ and the benefits that flow from
thence to us : although ye^erday our f^eech didflotv
more haHily from us, both becaufe the time did urge^
as alfo leaji length of fj>eech fhould beget difdaine
\ and fatietie : for the fatietie ofj]>eech is no leffe an
enemie to' the eares , than too much meate is to the
body, Thefe Orations were divine, and as Ser-
mons; and this was made on the day immedi-
ately after an holy-day. The Grecke Church
at that time celebrated thedayof ChriftsBap-
&lHMm,quib(udtt Pafch* pnpi'hm ajfeSlum viJit, pag ^%i. ' Hefterw die &f, hoi'iede
Jkiptiff/:o AC bcntfjcMi inde ad ms prorrantt/ite^brevJter di^revtut, He^ma luce ms orat'tp frte-
te>jliix-t,tuMi quia ttmpm nrgcbttt , turn ne faUidittm fatietatemque fermtnii proHxitM pareret.
Ser munis quippe fatietoi mnmims attribm inim'ica eUtquam cibtts immodicm corpori, Na^an\en.
Tom,i. Orat.no, infantum taptijmay pag, ^14.
_^{6) "If
and perpetual/ Cjuide,
j 207
{6) m If joH rememkr.inyelierdayes Serm?2^&c. 'T]~~^
Chr^fosfome in his tenth Homily upon Genefu^ \hefimwfemonc,
expoitulating with his people, becaufe they ,^^'^^^^ff^'
were fo few, tells them. That every houre of the j "b/Jt.'&S'tm,
day is feafonable to heare a Sermon ., nay , the
very night is not unfeafonable, for fiich a pur-
pofe ; urging for proofe thereof, the place I
preft before, 2 T;;». 4. 2. and Pa;ils practice,
AB. 20. preaching untill midnight. Thefeare
his words, « J^hat meancs />, that there is a IcJJe
dj^embly efyou^ te day , and not fo frequent a multi-
tude ef thofe 3 nho fUcke to us I For it is not ft rvith
f^iritftaU things as mth humane , tchich Are divided
r^ depermined times : Every time of the day if fit
for a fj>irjttta^ Sermon, And tvhat doe I fay^ the day
time ^ ^ea, if the night fhould come upon us , it doth
not prejudice or hinder f^irituaU teaching. For both
Paul rvriting to Timothy^ faid : Be inftant in feafon
and out of feafon, &c. And againe^ heare blefed
S, Luke, faying : Paul being about to depart on
the morrow , prolonged his Sermon to the mid-
dle of the night. TeU mee, I pray thee , did the
time hinder ^ Was therefore his mrd of DoBrine hin-
dered /
Auftin fometimes preached thrice *upon the
fame day. <> Doe not wonder, deare Brethren, if I
have preached thrice to daj^ God ajfliing me : There
hath happened to dai 4 fearefuU chance, ^c,
^^ ■>-'•' r peflive,&c.
Et ittnm audi bentum tucam^ dkemem i DifccflTtiras craftino Pauliis, &c. Scrmonem
produxit ad mcdiam no^em. }J»m tempm obfuit , die qu^fo ? lium propkrca dcSima
fovio mpeditm ? «■ "Nm mhemm , fratret chari/Jimi, fi hodle te> fcrmonem , Deo Alt'
xUianie perfecm, Mcidit hodil Urribiiii cafm, &t. Tom. lo. pan. a. ad fit aim m ErsmOy
Saw. 33.
•* ^tdmm^
vultyqnod m'mw
efikedie veft:r
can vent Hi «> w-
f/equetii thea-
trufft eorum qui
h'on emmuthn-
marue rei^ua^
jp'tritudes ad dc-
finita tempora
dijiindie Junt,
Sermoni ^iritn-
all omne diet
temptts idcneHm
fuerit. Etqaid
dico dhi tempui?
Neque fi vox
mgrual, ^iritw
alt do5lfin<« prie-
iiditai. 'Frop'
terea ^ Time-
then Taulm
foibtm d:!cb.i»^
Infta tcnape-
ilive, inrem-
fijttii lucii huiui
ljchm» s<iiiam
oleum duntaxat
extmeret, luccm
Minyie^eL : Ita
habet &donum
Vetera, inqmty
^fatlum efi
mne^diei unm,
Sed hi JioHri de
illavefpira fer-
moneiab hie
vif^era iam oc-
cupatiyh'tc orati-
oni mjlra fincm
impenunt. Hex-
em. Hem. I, ad
* P)ide EpifcopS
neeeffe t^ in fin-
guloi ut fie di-
cam did femen-
^Altt affuetudint
auinorum Animi
retinere poffint.
De Sace/d. l6.
The Saints fur e
Chryfi^ome in the Evening,as we may fee in his
eleventh Homily upon i 77?eJ'.5.faith hec; Eve»
as^ if any one jhould caB water on the tcieke ^ this
Candle^ orfljoM onely take away the OyUy hee tvould
fut out the Light j [o ts it xoith the gift of the S fir it.
He tookehis example from the Lampe that burnt
by him when he was preaching,and iayes* Ton may
quench this Lampe^ ^y putting in tvater 5 and you may
quench it^ by taking out the Oyle,
And great ^4/f/ alfo the like. The Evening and
the Morning (faith he) is made ene Day, Bm thefeour
Sermons concerning that Evenings now begwi from this
Evening^ doe here pur an end to ourmrds,
ChryfoBome almoft in all his Homilies upon
Genejis^ faith in the beginningof his Sermon :
Heri^ ifc, Yefierday I handled this or that^ or the
like, Sttl,Hom,y, 2, Horn, j^., '^,Hom,ij,
d^.Hom.iS, ^,Hom,i^, 6,Hom,2j, y,Hom,22,
S,Hom,'^l, p,Mom,^/^.. io^Mem,^o, li,Hom.j^^,
i2.Hom,/\.6, I2.H^W».4S. i^,Mom,^i, i^Mom,
53. i5./f(?f».54. i^.//*w.55. iy,Iiom,^6, 18,
Hom.'^y, i^.H(7^.58. 2oMom,'^^, 2i,Hom,6^,
122, Horn, 6*).
^uBin preached twice a day.
ObjeB, Except perhaps they preached every
day onely in Lent,&c. orbefides the Lords day,
but onely upon holy-dayes^and their Eves.
^nfw, Heare Chryfoftome fpeaking generally.
* It it necejjarie, that a Bifhop jhould fotve his Seed
every day^ as I ma) fo fay 5 that at the lea^^ b-j that
dayly cuHome of Teachings the mindes of his hearers
may retaine his mtrds,
and perpetual! (juide.
uiu^in hath the like. The ivord of God^ Mch is \
dajly opened unto m^ and after a fort broken to m^ is our
dayly Bread : u4nd of our bellies hunger for that Bread^
fd doe our mindesfor this,
ObjeB, If former and Primitive Times were fo
full of Preaching, ho?v commeth it to pafTe^that
our dayes will fcarce downe with twice a Sab-
bath ? Sith the ancient Fathers preached dayly,
how happeneth it5that many reputed great Schol-
Icrs in thefe Times,preach fo feldome ? &c.
-^nfvp. Firft, one Reafon may bean affe died hu-
mour of man-pleafing, or felfe-preaching ; which
is ambitioufly purfued, and mightily prevailcs
abroad in the World.
This,King Umes out of his deepe and Princely
fWjifedome, conceived to be the caufc of fomany
dayly^jcfedions from our Religion, both to Po-
peric and Anabaptifmc. He calls it a light^ajfeBed^
and an unprofitable kind efTeaching^nhich hath beene of
lateyeeres too much taken up in Vniierfitiey Citie^ and
Countrey : In vphich (faith he) there is a muBering up
of much reading^and a dif^Iajing ef their otvne rrits^&c,
The(e are his owne words, in the Reafons of his
dire<^ion for Preaching, j vo :
Now you muft know,that to the fcraping and !
patching together of the garifli and gawdie pain-
tings and unprofitable Pompe of a felfe-Sermon,
there is required and ordinarily expe(Sed fucha j
deale of curiofitie, varietie of extraordinarie con- ;
ceitSjand trickcs of wit ; that it puts the Pen-man \
to a great deale of paineSjand tortures his wit ex- ;
tremely. He dives with much adoe into the dung- j
(p) hill!
Verbum 'Dei
qmd quotidie
nobii aperitur ^
quodam mode
frmgitHYy pam
qHoiidlmm efl :
&quomedo ittim
puHcm vcntrci,fc
tflum efur'iunt
mentci. Angnfl.
H0w.4a.Ex. JO,
See InHruBioni
ofeomfirting of'
filled Confciett-
See ^ufi. Cenf.
Per'attm dd »9i
eft Rcvercndiff'.
frauem tiojirnfft
velut uni!m,de ;
tokk^&c.Greg. '
Roialiu quoque,
(fpcaking of
hui canjis^pijlo'
loi ad diverfos
dibat J Sed have
rtbiu Qccupat'ione
ianquam antfiria.
fimicr habeti di
^i,qH^ Dei flint,
ve! aU^cutmetn
zd ceSoiuthncitt
fralernie oc ds'
rr^tfikx familU'
rhatii. Voffid.de
vii. Aug.
I ThcSai?2tsfure
hill of many a Popifh Poftillcr,and phantafticall
Frierj&c. For fuch,as Tu//y faid 0^ Antheny^do mag-
no conatu magfios vuga^ Agere • they fvreac at it^vvich
much vexing anKictie: And what then? Panun'tmf
rftontes^ijfc.ihty detainc & delude the itching eares
of unjudicious hearers with a little ayrie nourilli-
mentjas the King fpeakes in the fore-cited place.
The painfulneflfe then of this unprofitable way
of Preaching; the irkcfome ted ioufnefTe of com-
mitting of it fo pundually and precifely to me-
morie 5 the fearefulneffe of deliverie, anddanger
of being out ^ vaine-glorious doubtiDg,that they
fhalj not be applauded as.they were wont- feare,
left the ncKt time they fhould lefTen their former
reputation of wit and reading, &c. 21
Secondly, another Reafon may be, bccaufd Mi^^
niflers doe not fo much meditate a«d ftudy d'ivine
and heavenly things, but trouble thcmfelves too
much in the affaires of the World. Therefore the
ancient Fathers, fpending their time,wits,and un-
dprftanding wholly upon heavenly things, diving
continually into themyfteries of Gods Booke,
and preaching dayly, were able to preach often,
and excellently : by their Minifteriall diligence
and faith fulncffejthey attained fuch a happie rea-
dindfife and habit,and fo enriched themfelves with
heavenly ftore,that they were able,as oecafion was
offered, to bring forth out of their Treafure thi)?gsnet»
' And old '^ whereupon they were enabled to preach
i fometimesupon (I'lOrt warning: So -5/?/?/ preached
I his two Sermons iipon the fixedayesworke.when
he had but that morning for medication* Sorae-
and perpetuall Cjuide.
D« Sap'JfrKO refi'
ticneSjwichoutany premeditation; Co it feemes
he preached his Tecond Sermon. And fo did ^/z-
fiitt his Serinon^upon PfaL^^, It feemes therCjhis
Brother Severus failing to comCjhe preached him-
fcife. And I have told you heretofore of a Sermon Szcadfmm in
which he made upon a fudden , occafioned by an £'^«'"='i^^'^*i3-
heavie accident. And thefe Sermons were fiich,
that they have bin thought worthy by the Church
from time to time, to be conveyed and communi-
cated to poftcrity. For in all my difcourfe,! am fo
farre from giving any allowance to idle, imperti-
ncntjOr anyway unlubftantiall Preaching ; that I
hold it a very irkfome, and loath fome, and wicked
thingjlyable to that heavie Curfc ; Curfed is he that
doth the n'orke of the Lord negligently. But let a man
be well grounded before he begin, be godly him-
felfe,ply faithfully and painefully his Minifteriall
chaxge,infeaf$ndndoutoffeafin'^ and it is incredible
to what he may attaine in the Point I purfue, by
his much exercire,and Gods bleffing upon it.
But yet fome fay,
Firft, That a man cannot preach well, under a
quarter of a yceres provifion. See the truth hereof^
in the fore-going Reafons.
Secondly, That often Preaching will make it
too cheape, and contemptible • which to affirme,
is a bafe and carnall wrangling, and confuted by
the pra <aice of the Fathers.
Thirdly, That Reading is to be preferred be-
fore Preaching.
Wee doe not denie, but that the Word read, is
the rale of hoIincfTe, may convert, the Spirit ac-
( p 2 ) companying
2 a
The Saints fure
companying his Ordinance; and therefore is to
have placc,anddue refpedin the Congregation :
but wee will not equall it to Preaching. If Rea-
dingwere more excellent, and of greater force to
convcrt,than Preaching; why are not the people
converted, that have a Reader ? To what end then
ferve Schooles of the Prophets ? Wherefore
HiOuId men ftudie the knovvledge of Tongues,
and ArtSjto divide the Word aright,andtodiftri-
bute to every mans preient necelTities ? And why
fhoLild Sathan rage more againft Preachers, than
Readers ; except the Word powerfully delivered
did not the more batter and beat downe his King-
dome ? Befides, why did not Chrifl: fend out his
Apoftles with this charge, Goe^ reade ; but, Goe^
f reach to aU Nations ^ Wherefore doth faul^xo-
nouncc a fVoe to them that f reach not the Gofpel ?
And why did hce not charge his fonne Timothy be-
fore God, to reade in feafon^and out offeafon I
Yea, but may fome fay, The ancient Fathers
were extraordinarie men, and therefore no Pat-
ternes for our Preaching,&c. They were glorious
Lights 5 and wee but Glow-worraes 5 they were
Cedars, wee but Shrubs, &c.
Let them be what they were, I as much reve-
rence and refpe(5l them , as any man alive , if wee
take truth and difcretion with us. And therefore
at this time, I will fuppofc (I fay {o^ becaufe I
doubt not, but our Age hath brought forth as
worthy Divines, if not worthier, as any of the an-
cient Fathers; ) I fay, I will fuppofe them to be
as it were Gyants, and wee Dwarfes : Yet fet a
and perpettiall (^uicie.
Dwarfs upon a Gyants riioulclers,and hcc will fee
further, and ^o might certainely wcCj but for
Slouch, Idlencfife, Worldliiiefle, Ambition, and
other fuch bafc and vile degenerations of thefe
later Times.
It may be further objeded , That there was
moreneceflicy of the Fathers frequent Preaching,
efpecially in thofe Primitive Times , for more
plentifull publifhing and propagation of the
Gofpel,&c. and fuppreffing Herefies,&:c.
Paffingly weake , and untrue. T'here is farrc
more need of much Preaching now, than in for-
mer times. For wee live in the /<t^(^^jie/, wherein
thofe ferillom times are come upon us, which Paui
fore-tells 2 Tim^^. i. &c, and wherein iniquhie
aboimdsyand the love of many tvaxeth cold^^c. Math,
24.12, And at this day wee oppofe the Hjdra of
allHerefieSjPoperie. which oppofeth even the
whole Body of Chriftianitie. Againe, their Ho-
milies areagainft Drunkenne(re,Pride,Swearing,
LuxuryjCovetoufnelTeJove of the World,Vfury,
painted Faces, falfe Haire, AngerjEnviejAmbiti-
OHj&c. All which finnes,and many more, rcigne
and rage at this day with more hainoufncfle, and
an higher hand,than heretofore.
2 Afecond meanes whereby the Word may
dwell plentifully in us, is , by a conftant and con-
fcionable reading the Booke of God, This Ex-
crcife is commanded to Kings and Captaines,
X^^«f. 17.17,18,1^. /o/)b.i.8. whomayfeememoft
priviledged, by their intanglement in many and
weightie affaires.
* Audke,0hfe'
crh, fecu'arti
vobu hiblky ani-
m^ Pbirmncay
d^c. O-rnkbu-
mtrii riQftrii in-
ycHu. F'osepor-
tibat duntixiit a
nobis inflitui^ux-
Ofti veto a vobii
Cir liberal. Nu»c
vao Satamcai
cantjonts acfal-
tationes p/<efe-
Cuciy& Ohfom-
toteiy& Chcrea-
inm duSlo^'s j
Vfdmum autem
nemo novh ulli.
Chryfi'-I in i-ad
C»lo(f. rt-cw.j.
The Saints fure
Chrifl bids the lewes, M. 5. 39. Search the
Serif tures^ as the well-fpring of eternall life. The
Holy-Ghoft commends the Icwcs of Bcrea,as
more noble than thcyof ThefTalonica, becaufe'
they received the Word with all readincffe of
minde5and fearched the Scriptures daily5whether
thofe things were fo,^^. 17. 11. SeeX>f»^. ^,7,
8j9. See many Motives to this dutie, before; It
is the Word of Salvation, of Truth, of Life, of
Reconciliationra Letter from Heaven,a Treafurie
of all excellent things : it fhall judge us,it onely
can hcale a wounded Soule ; it containesall our
evidence for Heaven, and it is the objed of divine
Faith, &c.
Nay, and becaufe the Papifts have wickedly '
dammed up this Fountainc of Life from the com-
mon people , heare the judgement and zeale of
Antiquitie, in pre/Ting this dutie.
Fir ft, heare Chrjfellome,
^ Heare^/prayjOu,aU)ee Laymen^ (faith C^f^
fojlome) get -^ee Bibles ^a Medicine for your Soules^(jfc,
7qu cafl all upon otir-jheuldeyj , Tou dught inely u be in-
ftru^ed of z^, l^ut your JVixes and Children fbeuld be by
you^ifc. But mrv adayeSj )otir Children preferre dizellijh
Son<^s and Dancings ^ even as Csokes^and Caters^and
leaders of Dances^ but none hoivss any Pfalme,
The fame Chryfo Heme ^10 ftirreup men to dili-
gent reading the Scriptures ,maketh good this a f-
fertion • There is no affliBion or mifcrie ofbod^ erfiule,
but may receive a Medicine out ofGeds Booke,
I A man heavie-heartcd, and of a fad fpirit,
(faith hee) takes the Bible in his hand j after hee
and perpetuall ^uide.
* Jpfi detralie.
bant mhi , ego
aiilem uiabani.
calawitate hit-
manoff} Haturam
pn 'rente -corn's-
num ex Scrlptii-
rii anudotnm ac-
hathmec with that placCj/'/zt/.^ 2.1 1. (^^ji^r^ thou
caft dotvnCj O mjfoule , and tvhy arp thou Jo difquicted
rvithifimei hope thou in Ged^(^c,) he isrefrclhed.
2 AnotherCfaith he)isoppre[red with extreme
povertie, beholds the wicked wallow in worldly
wealth, and floiirifh like a greene Bay-tree : But
after hee hath caft his eye upon that, Pful. 55.22.
{Ca^ thy burthen upon the Lordy and hee jhaUfu^aine
thee^^c) he is comforted.
3 Another is hunted with calumnies and inil-
diationSj &c. and no humane helpe will be had • 1 cipcreiiceat,&
the Prophet (faith hee) doth teach him what to emnhhaimviu
doe,inthefe words : ^ They did fpeakeagainflme.but \Ziabl'u7quod
/ prayed, amd'n gravcm
4 Another is forfaken even of his friends and I Xi/Si''*
kinfmen, and contemned of thofe who were mo ft hTehaJ'veaia.
beholding to him : Heare how the Prophet be- \tis,&divtfue
haved himfelfe in fuchacafe, P/./.38. 11. &c. ^^'^^
1 3 . ^C, axfcultetit ; nen
He concludes thus r * Thou hafi feene.nhenfoever ;P-«^*«'" ^*^
t ' • J 1 rr 1 ' J vematti fed &
any caiamttie doth offrejjeAmauJnovti convenient an An- . (tof„i gUy-,^ gi.
tidote he may take front the Scriptures , and all care of ^^^^ inmamfH-
thU life may be driven hach., neither jBouId we begrie- ^^l^'^i^l^poi
red for any thing tha t falls out, 7 hereforej b efeech yo «, tam emgKoJIudh
that \on troM come hither^ and diliffently attend to the Pf^'P'^^- 'ff'^fctj
^eadingof the holy Scriptures -^ notonely nr.en pu come ti,ijv{mcjnori4
hither^ but even at home take the holy Bible into WAr ftnfibii^iUe'iibHi
handstand goe reape the profit that u' in them trith great {'^^'^^ }Ju^spU
(ai'nejlnefe, A'forcover^rrhat that fenfible Bread doth utua:e enmaii-
to encreafe bodily (Irennh ^ that Beading doth to th'e T''^'-'*^f^.^.
joutet, for it tf ipintiiaH nourtjhwent^ and makes the j ,ram. Ch-ofift-
foulevigoroiu^^c, U9^.i9.mGtK.
The Saints fare
But wee mayaddc to Chryfeftomes Antidotes,
thefe 1 6. more.
1 Art thou wearie of the wayes of vanitie,
andcomming on with a grieved and forrovvfull
heart for thy finne, to meet thy deare Redeemer;
and doth the conceit of the number and hainouf-
ncfle of thy tranfgreiTions, crofle and confound
thy hopes of being received to mercy?Why then
lookc upon Patd'^ he flied the b loud of the Saints
with extraordinarie rage and furiCj^flF.p.r. upon
-^a^afeh^a man of prodigious impictie, 2 Chron,
53.^. upon fome of Peters hcarcrs,who crucified
the Lord of Life,^H.2 .2 3 . If thefe will not fer\'e
the turnejooke upon ^dam 5 who caft away h im-
felfe, and undid all, and was thc'caufe that all that
iflTuedoutofhisloineSjUnto the Worlds end, fell
into the damnation of Hell : and yet all thcfe,up-
on repentance , were received unto mercic. And
therefore, if thou canll now heartily repent, feare
no former finnes.
2 Haft thou by the violence of Sathanstemp-
tationSjthe (lie enticements of thine ownc {infnl!
nature, and the cunning infinuations of thy for-
mer bofome-finne , beene fcarcfully overtaken
with fome fcandalous fall,{ince thou waft conver-
tedjand gave thy Name unto Grace ; and upon il-
lumination of thy confcience, rcmorre,and medi-
tation of returncjthou artafhamcd to look Chrift
lefns in the facCjbecaufe thou haft fo fhamed thy
profefllon; and thou art fo troubled with horror
and conceit, that thy cafe is fingular, that thou
canft find no cafe to thine humbkdand^forrowfull
heart ?;
and per^etmlK^uide. f iij
heart ? Why then looke upon DavU^ Peter^ &:c,
tranfcendenrinftances , that thou may not finke
into defpaire.
5 Art thoii plunged into the perplexities and
fearfi>IIapprehcn(ions ofafpiritualdefcrtion? Art
thou deprived of thy former comfortable feelings
ofGods favorable countenance?Haft thou nocom-
fort in prayer ? &c. Looke upon Daz'id^ Pf. 77.
4 It may be, upon thy Bed of Death, "**■ when «SeeSathan$
Sathan will make thy finnes appeare farrc more *^^?^^ '"^^'^
ugly and horrible to the eye of thy Confcience, D°S»,/f5j!
than ever hee did before • and will perfwade thee
all he can, that all thy holy fervices unto God,and
new obedience, was quite marred with Pride, Hy-
pocrificjand by-refpe^ts ; I fay,it may be then thy
heart will quite faile theCjand thy conceit of Gods
wrathfull and angry countenance for thy finne,
may Co opprefle and confound thy fouIc5that thou
maycft fearc left thou be forfaken : Why then
thinke upon thy Saviours mournfull cry upon the
CrofTe ; -^y God^my Goi^rphy hafl thou forfaken me I
5 It may be thou art a true-hearted Nathanael^m
vvhofe fpirit there is no giiilejhates all flnnehear-
iily,both in thy fclfe and others, de/i reft and labo-
reft to pleafeGod in all things,and to keepe a good j
confcience before all things in the World^and yet
thou findeft and ^(toXz^t in thy breft many times a
hcavy,fad,and oiKhcarefull heart : why rhcn^heare
David^3. man after Gods owne heart5of a more ex-
cellent fpirit, and eminent graccs,than thou art,
complaining PfrL/^^ . 5 . ^hy an thou fo he^vlefi my
fimle^ md trhj art thoufo dif^nieted mthin me I
6 An
The Saints fur e
* See DiAf,of
6 Art thou grievoiidy troubled with the haunt
and horror of Ibme fpeciall finncj of which thou
canft not be fo eafily rid ^ and doeft thou therefore
goe mourning all the day ? Why then lookealfo
upon Daxidy Pfal, 5 2 . In fuch a cafe, he roared aU
the dajy his bones were confumed^ and his native moiflure
wAi turned into the drought of Summer,
7 Art thou vexed to the heart , and fearefully
haunted with fome horrible and hatefull injedi-
ons of Sathan; thoughts framed by himfelfe im-
mediately, and put into thee- perhaps tending to
Atheifme, or to the diihonour of God in fome
high degree, ortothedifgracc of his Word, or
felfe-deftrudiion,&c. or the like : thoughts which
thou canft nof remember, without horror- and
darcft not reveale, or name, for their ftrange and
prodigious hatefulnefle ? Why then confider,
how this malicious Fiend dealt with the Sonne
of God: He fuggcfted unto his mbft holy and
unfpotted imagination,thefepropo{itions; firft,
Murther; Make away thy feife, Math,^. 6^ fc-
condly,FalI downe and wor(l-iip theDcviIl,^iPr/.p.
What more fearefull and horrible apprehcnfi-
ons ? And yet thefcwcrc fuggcfted toour bleffed
Saviour; to him perhaps more fenfibly, tothee
more fecretly. * His pure and holy heart, un-
capable of fmnc , did rcjcd them with infinite
contempt; and himfelfe did utterly conquer^and
confound the Tempter, and that for tt^pe, and thy
fake too. And if thine hec^j^i-f^'aojainft , abo-
minate,abandon,grieve^ndt)e hpfnbled for them,
£heyfhall«g|vcrh^layd to th/charge,butfetGn
'^^ ^>- ' Sathans
1 and perpetual/ Cjuide,
Sathans Score. For all them, thou mayeft goe
on chcarefully and comfortably in the courfe of
Chriftianitic : And fo doe. And Jet not Sathan
attainebisdivellidicndbythcm j which is, to
I worke aftoniiliment in thy mindc, horror in thy
confcience, heavinefiTc in thy heart, diftradions
in thy thoughts, &c. that thereby thou maye/l
be disheartened and difabled for the chcarefull
difcharge and performance both of thy particu-
lar and generall calling. Orclfe, art thou long
after thy converfion, affanlted with perhaps forer
fpirituall pangs, and more horror, than at thy
change ? Confider Dxvidj lob^ Hezekiah,
8 Haft thou loft thy goods,or ch ildren ? Doth
the Wife that lyes inthy bofome, fet her fclfe
againft thee ? Doe thy neereft friends charge thee
falfely ? Art thou difeafed from top to toe ?
Doc the Arrowes of the Alraightie fticke faft
in thy foule ? Thy afflidion is grievous enough,
if thou haft anyof thfefe. But doc they all, in
the greateft extremities, concurre upon thee at
once? Haft thou loft all thy children, and all
thy goods ? Doth thy Wife afflid thyaffli<ai-
ons? &c. If this be not thy cafe, thou commeft
fhort of /o^j amoft juft man, and high in Gods
p Haft thou given thy Name toReIigion,and
art a ProfefTor of Grace; and art thou therefore
villanoufly traduced with manyflandcrousnick-
names,and odious imputations ? Art thou called
PuritAM^Precifiam^ Uypccrite, Uumori^^ BiffemhUr^
&c ? Why, gracekfle vrretches, when hee was
l^he Saints fure
upon EarthjCalled Chrift Iq(vis,D evil^. See Math,
10, 25. loh, 7. 20. Contcmne thou therefore
for ever, the utmoft malice of the moil fcurrill
10 A rt thou a loving and tender-hearted Mo-
ther unto thy Children, and haft thou loft thy
deareft? Why^thc blelfed Mother of Chrift ftood
byjand faw licrovvne onely deare innocent Sonne,
the Lord of Life, moft cruelly and villanouily
murthered upon the Crofte^anddic a fliamcfuU
death before her eyes, loh, i^. 2 5.
1 1 Art thou a woman, who in the time of thy
travaile art preficd with many wants 5 with want
of comfortable companicjdefired helpes,a fairer
roome,and otherworldly comforts and conveni-
ences > Why yet comfort thy felfe with this 5
That holy Virgin,which brought into the World
the Worlds Saviour, brought forth that blefled
Babe in a Stable, and laid him in a Cratch, Luke
2.7. It is very likc,farre ntore poorely,in refped
of worldly comfortSjthan the pooreft fort of wo-
men amongft us ; with leflTe comfortable helpers,
and in a lefle feemcly and commodious place, for
fuch a purpofe.
12 Hath thy Faith loft its feeling; and be-
fides,doth God looke upon thee with an angry
countenance, and is thy heart filled with heavi-
nefle and horror ? Yet for all this, let the hand of
Faith by nomeancs loofe it hold-faft upon the
precious fujferings and faving bloud-flied of thy
deare Redeemer. Thou haft before thee,a match-
lefle and tranfccndcnt precedent in this point.
and perpetual! Cjuide,
Thus cryes holy Job, having, befides his unpara-
lellcd varietieand extremitie of outward afflidi-
onSj the Aryerres of the Almightie flicking faft in
him, and drinking up his fpirics 5 Though hee kill
me^yet mil j trujt in him. Cap, 13.15. So Abraham,
1 3 Doeft thouj day after day , poure out thy
fbuJc in prayer before the Throne of Grace, with
all the earncftneffe and inftancie thou canft pofli-
bly . and doeft thou ftill rife up dull and heavie,
and uncomforted, without anfwer from God, or
comfortable fence of his favour and love fhed in-
to thine heart ? Why, yet pray flill ; afruredly,at
length thou (halt be glorioufly refrefhcd,and regi-
ftred in the remembrance of God, for a Chriflian
of excellent faith. See a patterne curare and dxtra-
ordinaric patience this way. Math, 15.23. &c,
14 Doth the World, Sathan, carnall men,
thine owne fricnds,formall Teachers,fuppofeand
cenfure thee to be a difTerabler in thy profeflion,
and will needes concurrently and confidently fa-
ften upon thee the imputation of Hypocrifie ?
Why, yet for all this, let thy fincere heart, con-
fcious to it felfe of it owne truth in holy fervices,
like a ftrong Pillar of Braffe,beat backe and rejed
with noble contempt and glorious difdaine, all
their impoyfoned Arrowes of malice and {lander
this way. Thou haft a right worthy patterne in
the Booke of God , for this purpofe, loh had
againft him not onely the Devill , his enemie,
pufhing at him with his poyfoned weapons -, but
even his owne friends, fcourging him with their
Seb 17, y,<f;
T^he Saints fur e
tongues ; yeajhis owne Wife a Thornc, pricking
him in the eye j yea^his owne God mifcrably lafh-
ing his naked foule with Scorpions • powerfull
motiveSjtomakc him fufpedhimfelfe of former
halting and hollow-heartednefTe in the waycs of
God : yet notwith (landing all this, his good and
honeft heart having beenc long before acquainted
writh and knit unto his God with fmccritie and
truth,makes him boldly and refolutcly to protcft;
That untWhe die^ he veiff never take away his inmcencie
from htmfelfe j that he would keepe his righteonfreffe^and
mtforfake it , and that his heart jhottld not refrove him
for his dayex,
15 Haft thou an iintovrard Wife,that is a con-
tinuall dropping and a pcrpctuall Goade in thy
fide ? Hcare lohcomphintyCap.i^.iy, My breath
isJirAnge to my fvife^though I entreated for the chMrens
fake of mine etrne hdy,: . b i
\6 Art thou vex^ with a prophane dogged
Husband ? Abigail^zN^\^t^zvA precious woman,
had a Nahal to her yoke-fellow.
Thus thefe patternes and precedents in the
Booke of God , purpofcly regiftred for the re-
frefhing and recoverie of hischofen, in fpirituall
or teraporall ftraits, are ordinarily propo fed in a
tranfcendent and matchleflTe degree ; that in their
greateft extremities5byreflc(fling their eyes upon
fuch examples , they may be prefervcd from de-
fpaire , have the ftrongcr confolation , and not
thinke their cafes tobecomfortlefleand fingular.
Let thefe confiderations move us to be well read in
the(e holy my fteries, and day and night cxercifed
and perfetuall Cjuide.
in reading and meditating on them. Buttoourpur-
pore5heare further what others fay in this Point.
Secondly, heare Gregorie the great.
« fVhAt is thefacred Script itre^ biit a certaine Ep^le
of the omnifotent God to his creature ^ ^nd furely, if a
manfhoutd receive nritingsfrom his Emperour^heironJd
not resiyhe rvould not be quiet joe trouldgive^oflecpe to his
eyes , unleffe he had fir If kmm:e what that earthly Empe-
rour had rvritten to him. The Emperour of Heaver?^ the
Lord of men and Angels ^joath fint his Letters to thee^
concerning thy life • ^nd yet ( my vaine-glorious fonne )
thou doefinegleB earnefily to reade thofe Letters^ Studie
them therefore^ I fray thee^ and dayly meditate upon the
ti'OrdfQfthy Creator: Learne theminde of God in the
WordofGod^shat tho^maye^ a^ire more earneBly to
et email things^ And that your minde may with greater
dejire be inflamedto the heavenly Kingdome,
Thirdly, ^ Origen teacheth^That the people fhould
learne the Scriptures without boo ke^. -V\ '-V'^VW '^v".-
Fourthly, " lereme coiinfelletli , That by dayly
reading the Scriptures^ mefhould get mfedome : His
words import fo much.
Vihhly, Read the Scriptures( faith ^ Auflin^for thdt
they were vrr it ten to the endive fhouldbe comforted.
Sixtly, * leromewntingtoGaudentift^aboutthe
education of a yong maid,would have her at feven
yceres old jand when fhe begins to blu (h^to learnc
without book the P falter'^ and until fhe come tobe
marriageabIe,to maVe the treafure of her heart the
"Books of SalomoK^thc Gof^els^Apofiks^znd Prophets,
liter Pfaltemw, & itfi^ aiamoi pkttatk I'lbrsi So^emanU, evMgelia, ApoHobSi
ObjeB, I
• ^id ifia
Scriptura^ riift
qutditn Epijfo'a
ad ot calm a fna^
& ctne ficub'i ef'
l.bi cenplitMU,&
fcTipta iam ImpC'
ratoris acciptiet,
mn ce^arett non
qulefceret fcmr.ii
ocufii mn daret^
ivjiprm qiisd^bi
Lmpefator tarc'
nm (cnp/ijfet,ag-
mviffci. Itnptram
tot Cati,T>omift:ts
h$mmH & Ange-
loiu,p7Q Vila ink
tWtfHOS EpiflolM
tranfmijity & to.'
men, glartofe fill,
eafdem EpifielM
ardenur legere
negligUStude er*
verba meditare,
Difct cor Dei in
verbis Beirut at-
dentms ad aitina
fu!p':m^ut mem
reg/ta mam'd)ui
deftdmii accen'
a. £p./if>. 4.^.84.
^ Horn. 4 jn Lev,
^ In Ecclefu.jo,
« D'lfcat PKmo'
& frophnasjfui
f Omnia tku
funt '^ plana ex
divinii Serif tU'
m, ^Mcunque
mmfeila Cunt.
pi 7ttli QiicUf
T* T<e ctvety.
Jn a. ad Tbef,
8 DomhvAptr
EvMgelia}M lo-
CHtUi efi, nen ut
pauci inieUigt-
rent, fed ut em-
net. Tlitofcnp-
fit in Scripturd,
fid nen fcrippt
popuJiSiftd pau-
(!i vix enim in-
telligum trei ho-
mines. In Pfal.
*» Coma Juiian.
itb.y.medium cir-
citer libit,
i Cui enim nm
pint menifeflay
\ qiuecunque in £-
i vangelio fcripta
funt'f^k autcm
The Sdintsfure
ObjeB, I. But the Scriptures are hard to be
underltood, &c.
■^nfrv, Heare,
(i) ChrjfoHome. ^ AU th'tngi are clear tdnd fUlne
out ef the holy Scriptures, fvhatfiever things are ne-
cejjariej are raamfeH',
(2) Jerome, g TheLerdhath fj^okenhjhisGo^el^
not that afetv^ but that aU jhould under jiand it, Plato
tvrote his tvritings, but not t« the people ^ but to a feiv ^
fcarce three underftand him,
(3) Cjrili, ^ The Scriptures are froftably recom-
mended unto ui in an eafiej^eech , that they fhould not
goe beyond the capacitie of any,
(4) A gaine^ChryfoIfome^who having faid rriiich
for often reading, and plainenefTe ofthe Scrip-
tures, concludes : ^ pyho if there^ to mhom rrhatfoever
is mitten in the Scriptures , «" ^ot manifeji } who is
thereytvho hearing, that themeekeareblejfedj the mer-
cifuU bleffed, the pure in heart blejjed^ and the like^fhaU
want a Mafter^ that he fhould learne any ofthofe things
ObjeB. 2 . But I am intangled with varietie of
bufinefTes, I have no leifure to fpend time in rea-
ding Scripture,as you advjfe : I am ftill bufied in
my TradejHuibandrVjMerchandife^iri forac high
roome,&c, I have a great charge,Wife,chiIdren,
and family to care for ; Let Schollers, Minifters,
Gentlc-folkes, &c. that have more time and lei-
fure, ply fuch buiinelTes, for I cannot.
i audiem , Beatos
ejje mites^ beam miferieordety heatoi mimdi-cordes, aeteraque hmfmod'i, defiderabit py<ec€ptoYep>,
utaliquidearumdifcatyquedicuntur. Tom.i. de La\arOy Cene.$.fag,dj6, Sec abundantly
for this pui pofe, in Polan. Sympkmd , fa§^, 38. &(,
and ferpetuall (^uide.
j4nfiv. Who are more bufied than Kings and
Captaines ? and yet they are comraanded to be
diligent readers of Gods Booke. Sec DeutAj, lo.
But ChryfoBome makes this Objedion, and an-
fvvers Ic himfelfe excellently : ^ i^hatfayeB^ thou^
Oh man ^ Is it not thy dutie to reade the Scriptures^
becaufi thou art diHraBed mth inni^merable cares ^
Tea, it is thy dutie rather than others, ^c. In which
Sermon alfo, he lets fall this confident aflertion :
"^ Neither now can it be, it cannot be,! fay, that any man
\hoM attaineuntQ falvaiion^ unlej^e he be continually
converfant in f^irituaU reading,
ObjeB.7^. Butjalas, I cannot reade,
. Anfrv, Heare then ^»*/?i« .*
* Neither let this be [undent for you, that in the
church you doe heare divine reading'^ but alfo in your
houfes, either doe you your felves reade^orget others that
can reade, and doe you mllingly hearken.
And he (litres them up to it, with thefe confi-
derations ;
(i) ra Remember, Brethren, (faith he) the faying
\ of our Lord, in trhich hee faith ; If a man fbaU gaine
\ the whole fVorld, and lofe his ome foule , rvhat mil it
I profit him }
(2) " vP'hat remaineth and abideth in a man,but
that which every one, either by reading^or praying,or do-
ing good mrkes for thefahation of his foule <^ hath layd
up in the treafure of his Confcience ^
^ Si totim mun-
dum Uieretwt homo , &c. " (i) ^id Mtem fevwanet In h&tmtie , w^ quod qmfque out
legtndo , aut Brando , aut bona, opera, facitndo , pro animx falute , in tbefauro c'onfcientia fut
recendider'it, VeTcm, Serm.SS* Sec Gregor. Jiloral. 'Dialog, lib. /^. ■cap. 14.
^ ^iddii ho-
mo 'i Hon ej3 lui
negeti/ Scriptu-
rai evUhere^quo-
niam innumtrii
curis diJfral)ori( ?
Imo tuMtn piagk
ejl quam iUo'
rum, &e. De
* Neque unqitam
fieri peie(i:non
potefi, inquam,
fitriyUt quifqttam
filutem ajjsqua-
tuft ni pcrpetuo
verfitur in le^in
one jpirituali,
^ NecfelUmvQ'
bii fu^ciatyqubd
in Eeclefid d:vi'
nas U^tiones «»-
domihm vejiru
alioi legentes re-
tor audite,
*" (i)1lecolite3
fraires , fenten'
tiam Domini no*
ftrif qua dich j
• teque trcbfo
vobis ptedicimui
mull a ante die-
hiM argumcntum
de quo [Htum lo-
quutuiif ut bis
in medio dlcbui,
fumpto libroyfCT'
mi totiy poflca.
qtiam inuScxe-
ritu,quid dieium
The' Saints fure
ObjeB, 4. But will not piiblilce reading in the
Hoiifc of God ferve the turne ?
Anfp, Bynoracancs, HesLXC Chr)fosidme :
"° Therefore often cIjc I tell *jon before-hand ^ mAn^
dayes before the argument of nhich J jhall foe^ke^thut
in the dayes in the mcane nhile^ taking a Booh -i and
tveighing the whole famme of the Tratter , after yee
have under H' cod what hath beenefaid^ andrrhat re-
maines to be faid^ you maj make yourrninde more jit
to heare thofe things nhich afterrrard jJi^al/ be decla-
and that I ahayes exhort to^ and wiUnot. ceafe
fit, quid reflet di' ^^ ^^^ ^'^) '^^''^^ )^'* ^^^ ^^^ ^^^h ^^^f^^<^ ^^^^ ^0 thofe
things rrhich are f^oken , hut alfo rrhen you jhall be at
home , yoci may dayly attend to the reading of holy Scrip-
tures . Jvhich thing I hare not ccafed to freffe upon thofe
vrho fritat^ly have talked nnth me.
ObjeB. 5. But from tins libcrtie of reading
Scriptures^ fpring many Hereiies. »
^nfrr, p The facred Scripture is not t^he caufe
of HerefieSjbutthe ignorance of the holy Scrip-
ture. Heare Chryfilfome: »
n Hence arofe fo many thoufand evils ^ fr^nt the
ignorance of holy J^yrit : Hence jf rung up fi great a
plague of Herejies,
^' Godly Bookes alfo, with which this Age
is abundantly and plentifully enriched ^muft be
diligently and profitably read,.
cendumy mcnttm
vefram inftru-
U'mem rcddatis
ad dudicfjda qme
poll dijfmmur,
Idquefemper bar-
ter, ^ ho)tarl
von dcfinam^ ut
nonh'ic uniiun
nUendatii p qn*
^icHtUur, vcrum
tt'itm cum dcm't
fueritu, ajftduz
divlnarum Scrip-
tararum UCiioni
vncctis. ^md
qiLidem d^ ^J,
qHiprivatim rr,i-
cun congtcffi.
fptt , »<?« de[ins
incu'.care. Ton?.
X. de Li^ro ,
Cone. I. pAg, 874- Sec to tliis purpofc in the An(wer to the tliird Objefilon , a little '
before' p SQePol.S)7,p!jo:-i.p:g.6o. where he proves this Aflertion. 1 'ErT«i/9i»
Tt yiupi^ 'tjun K^HJ'ioJti liic tmV jpafa'r u-ynla;» 'E>tsc/3j)' 'a jtdXXJ to"* alpi<neet'i0ytKpiin Ki/(/i«»
O'ryfoP. in pr.cfit.in Epijt. adKomamu ' Of whichjfecT^o^mfeveaTrcatircsjpjf.iS^.
ThcEpifUe.Dedicatoric to the Piadicc of Chriftianiiie.
and ferpetuall Quide.
5 Another meaoes by which the Word may
dwell plentifully in us, is Conference. See
I>eut.6*j, Luk( 2^,19- That of ^«^/» before,
pag, 210. in the fccond Rcafon of our feldome
Preaching : That oP Chryfi^ome , H'alking with
God, p4i,i/^S. Rogers fevcn Treat ifes, pag. 3 ^4.
C^r, my milking mth God, pag, S6, ^c,
4 A fourth mean«s,is Meditation. Of which.
Tec Rogers feven Treatifes,p<ig,2 3 5 . &c.
Matter of Meditation.
Wee may meditate upon any part of Gods
Word, on God himfelfe, his Wifedome, Power,
his Mercie ^ or on the infinite varietie of good
things , which wee receive of his free bountie .
|upon his workes, and judgements • upon our
finnes, and the vilencfTe of our corruption , that
wee yet carry about us 5 upon our .mortalitie,
and changes in this World . upon our mani-
fold afflidions of this life , and howwee may
in beft manner beare and goe through them ,
and the benefit thereof 5 upon the manifold
and -great priviledges which wee enjoy dayly,
through the ineftiraable kindnefTe of God to-
wards us ; upon the foure laft things, but efpc-
cially of thole things that wee have moft fpcciall
need of.
Of the thing meditated upon,confider,
Firft , The definition, or defcription.
Secondly, The diftribution, forts, kinds, or
Thirdly , Caufes cfpecially efficient , and
( q 2 ) Fourthly,
See Prafijcc
The Saints fure
Fourthly, The fruits and elfeds which it brin-
geith forth.
Fifthly, The fubjc<a vvhereii^it is, or about
which it is occupied.
Sixtly 5 The qualities or properties adjoyned.
And know, that oftentimes, in common pracStice^
thefe three, the finall caufe, the fruit or the etfed,
I the ufe or propertie of a thing , are often con-
Seventhly , The contrarie.
Eightly, The comparifon.
Exemplifieinthe joyes of Heaven • of which,
fee Ha& : In finnc 5 of which , fee PraBice of
Chriltiamtie, fag, 2^3. Vpon this occa(ion,let
us perufe , in this manner , Fafting , and the
5 A fifth meanes to -profit by the Word, is
Teaching, Praying with, and Catechizing your
children and fervants.
To which Dutie , be ftirrcd up and flreng-
thened , by
Firfi, Scriptures •, I>^»f. 4. 9, & 6. f. &
II. ip. PfaL 78. 5, 6. Ex&d, 12. 2^, 27. (^
15,14. 73/^,4,^,7,21,22. I>eitt, 6. 20^ 2I0
Secondly , By the patterne. and pra<fi ice of
holy Parents, from time to time. Confider for
this purpofe, the carriage of Abraham ^ Gen, 18.
i^. David^ Prev, 4. 4. Bathfheba^ Prov, 31. i,
Lois and Eunice^ 2 Tim, i. $0
Thirdly , By the authoritie of the "ancient
(I) Heare
^ and perpetuall (juide.
(i) UeSLTC ^uHin,
a NotwithHanding^mj deare friends^ in fg great ^ freruntamen
a difference of manners ^ andfuch abominable corriif- chaafmi.iH
tion^ governe your Houfes , goierne your Children^ tmimorum
governe your Families : ^s it behoves m to jfeake wh deujhbUi
to you in the Church , [0 it pcrtaines to you to doe\ ioYTHpteid.regite
in your. Houfes 5 that yee may be able to give a good tghefiitvi
account of thofe who are under you, Againc ^ ^ t fim.reguc fa-
pray thee^ my Brother^ I pray thee^ fhen> to all under "^'^"^' ^f^'^j-
thee , of meere good rvill^ from the leaH to the grea- 'mtpermet in
te^ in thy Houfe^ the love and faeetnejfe of HeaTen^ ' ■E"/c/?i hqai
the bitterneffe and fear e of BeU . and be thou folici-
torn and rvatchful/ y becaufe thou [halt render an ac-
count to the Lord for all thofe under thee , that are
in thy Houfe, Declare ^ charge y command, ferfwade
them, that they ivould take heed of Pride , of Slan-
dering, of Drunkenneffe, of Fornication, of Luxurie,
^nger, Perjurie y CovetoufnejTe , n-hich is the root. of
all eviU,
(2) Nazianzen, c BaB thou a Child ^ Let not
wickednejfe take advantage and occafion : Let it be en-
dued with fanBitie, and confecrated to thy fj^irit from
the very Cradle,
I know he meanes it immediatelyof Baptifme:
but by Analogie, that binds alfo to have a care of
religious education.
vobii : Sic ad
vds pnintt in
domibm vt^.rii
a^ereyHi bonam
raiionem redck-
iii de hU qui
vobii ftm fub-
diti. InPfal.^o,
^ ^tefo y ml
nibm tibi fub-
iedlii, & bm^e
vQluntatiiyin do-
mo tux a ma-
iore ufque ad
mm regni Coj-
Uslls, amari-
tiidinem & ti-
moYctfi Gehemie
anm>'cm , & de mum falute (olichm & pervigil cxiflas /- qiiia ^0 emnibm tibi fubieclU qui
in domo tu.i funl^ yntionem Domino reddes. jsnmmia , preecipe , impira, fuadc i/s ut ca-
veant fe a Superbid , a Detra£lione , ab Ebrietm , a jhrnicatione , a Uixmia, , ab Ira ^
A ?aium , a Cupiditate , qua eft rtdix omnium Pia'orim. Lib. de Saktar. Document,
pag. ^4r, ' In fans tibi c(i ? Ne anfam & occafiomm anipiat improbifas : eb infantla
fanciitate imbualfir , ab ipjis uKgnkfilii Spiritul confetrcicr. O-.at, 40. in 5. Ba^t,
'Kiafen I.
From ihe end
of their being.
Reafon r.
Keafon g.
Example of
T^ he Saints fure
Fourthly, by Reafon s.
Fird, Thy Children fprung from thy Loines,
and came into the World, to cncreafe the niim-;
bcr of Gocls people, to learne the way to Heaven,*
and vvalke in it ; not onely to uphold thy Houfe^
inherite thy Poffeffions, and convey thy Name
to future Gcnerdtions. The glorifying of our
God, ferving our Brethren in love, falvationof
our ovvne Soules, are thechiefe ends why we live
a little while in this World, Now Parents fhould
be mod folicitous to further their Children, for
the attainement of the maine end, and moft fo-
veraigne good.
Secondly , Negle6l of this Dutic, makes
Parents worfc to their Children, than to their
Beads : For,
1 They provide for their Beads all things nc-
ceflarie for them ; but in their owne deare Chil-
dren, they negIe^5l that One ntce^Arle thing.
2 They procure for, and put their Beads to all
things of which they are capable. Their Children
are capable of Grace,and Immortal itie- and they
never meddle, nor move them to looke that way,
or lay hold upon eternall Life.
Thirdly , Let the remarkable and rufull ex-
ample of £//, be for ever a keene fpurre in the
fides of (louthfull Parents, to quicken them to
this. Dutic.
Fourthly, Thou art farre more cruell than the
Odrich and rhc Dragon, and mayed be faid to
have fuckt the bredsof Tygrcs,and robehewed
out of the harded Rockcj if having brought thy
and perpetuall (^uide.
Cliildren forth into this World, limbes for the
Deviil, aad fewell for Hell-fire, thou labour not
cnight and maiue , to get them new-borne the
members of Chrift, and freed from everlafting
Fifthly, Grace onely is able to make thy Chil-
dren truly obedicntjferviceablejand cverlaftingly
chankfuil ; having now a double tye; firftjbirth ;
fecondly, new-birth. Then onely, and never be-
fore, doe they begin to pray for their Parents, to
deale faithfully m their buiinefles, not to long
for their death.
Sixtly, A confcionable and conftant perfor-
mance of this Dutic in their life time, will fill
Parents hearts full of fwccteft joy and heavenly
comfort upon their Beds of Death 5 when they
fee, by their care and zealc for their fpirituall
good, that holy knowledge and wifedome plan-
ted in their Childrcns hearts, which will bring
them after them to eternall blifTe : or howfoever,
confcioufnefle of a confcionable difchargc of
their Dutie in this refpedt , will infinitely re-
frefh them.
Seventhly, It is the way to make thy poftcritie
truly honourable , and to meet thee in Heaven.
Thofc Children which are taught by thee, may
teach the fame things unto theirs , and thofe to
others, &c.
Eightly, Thy Children ncgfe6^ed in this point,
and fb dying impenitently, will curfcthec ever-
laftingly in Hell, for thy blof die inexpiable cru-
eltic towards them in this kind.
(q4) Ninthly 5
Heafon 6.
'KeAfon 7.
%eafon 8.
* Scd p'.ctique
tojr.iuum hxc
non rcminifcnn-
tur, qui fiHos{im
abinfaiUia ex
T he Saints fure
Ninthly, Beddes innumerable finnes of thine
owne, (the Icaft of which, merits cternitie of
Heliifli torments ) thou haft juftly * fct upon
thy Score, by this unconfcionable mnrthering
negligence, the fmnes and finnefull coiufes of
thine o\vne Children 5 which will lye full hea
i^«^ -vie upon thy Confcience ^ when it jfhall be tsl-
It^tS'^ i gingly enlightened by the long provoked wrath
bulii mn audi- j of God,
tmt a iuvefiiuit-^ nan prohibetit nuda^ non sdiunt peffima, nencmcent iHicita, Ttcn admormit
tmoftmDet^ nencommimntnriudic:um6ehem<eyno» v'ua aterna mrohiim docent ; non enim
educnnt eos in difdflma , aique emdinone Domini , quid Hoit egcrunt cwam pro animahut
eorumy neque [eUciti funt p*« falute, vel ferditione filit^Yum. Huiufmodi cum mn trudimt
7}cqi4c ccftipiunt filiosfuoi f & ipforu^J nnimam igni inextingtiibili in inttoitum triduni ^ ^
Jemt iffoi in futorcmjudic'^ demefgunt'y omnia enim qu* ddiquerim filf, de patenlikts rtqni-
\unm, qui non cmdierint, ncque compuerini filios fuot. Huius tvidem cxmplum in Heli ojien-
dlinr, & in film cnn, aiq'ic in d^i alibi. Onien. in lib. Job. r .
The next mcanes, is Prayer, Prov, 2. 3.
The feventh meanes, is Pradife, See loh?t
See Miifcului
and others
upon ihe
7, 17.
8 The eight, is Experience,- See Dikeo^ the
heart, p^^.^p.
5 Be none of the reprobate ground s,/^^;^. 1 3..
of which, fee DikCy Taylor,
4 Be none of thofe, who^ invited to the Mar-
riage of the Kings Sonne, Math, 2 2 . either, firft,
wilfully contemne, f^crf,'^, fecondly, or carelefly
dif-efteeme, Ferf, 5 ! thirdly50r cruelly perfecute,
f^erf. 6.
5 Reje(fl all thoft Hellifl-i temptations, which
doe mightily keepc otf the dint and power of
and perpetnall (juieie.
the mod piercing Word • and being entertai-
ned , will caufe the Word preached to be but
as the breath of the Miniller fcattered in the
Ayre , and as Water fpilt upon the Ground ,
which cannot bee gathered up agalnc. They
are like thofe ftrong Holds of Sathan , menti-
oned 2 Cor, 10. 4, 5. which being fet up in any
heart, will blunt the edge of this fpirituall wea-
pon, that it will doe no good. They be thefe that
I In the firft place, and higheft ftraine of im-
pictie,thedepthof our corrupt nature defireth.
That there were no God : The foole hath [aid in
hUhearfythere is no God^ PfaL 1^,1. That is,hee
labours for a refolution, and perfwafion in his
owne heart, That there is no Tribunall in Heaven,
before which hee fliall hereafter be arraigned •
no Treafurie of Plagucs,and Woes in Hell, with
which he fhall hereafter be everlaftingly fettered
and enchained.
^ But if it fo be, this fpirituall foole can-
not fo aboliili and extinguifli thofe fecret no-
tions and apprehenfions of a facred and infinite
Deitic,which are naturally implanted in the bow-
els of the moft defperate and damned mifcreanc •
but that the terrors of the lafl ludgement, and
plagues of Hell , doe eftfoones vexe and bite
his Confcience with reftlelle remorfc and fting-
ings : Why then , in a fecond place , that hee
may procure fome eafe and quiet to his wallow-
ing in fenfuall pleafures , hee labours might and
maine to harden his for-hcad againft Heaven ,
T he Saints fure
to make his beart like the nether-Milftone,with
his owne Soule-murtheriug hand to put a hot
^ Iron CO his Conicience • that lo, if hee cannot
blunder and blot out of his mindcthofe naturall
imprcflions of a God-head, yet at the Icaft hee
may extinguiflfi and banifh out of his heart all
feare of that God, of his Iiidgement-Seat, and
vengeance againft finne : That fo hee may rufti
like a wilde Horfe into the Battaile/urioufly and
defperately upon all villanies and vanities,with-
out all checke of Confcicncc,and controleracnt,
I from the terrors of the Judgement to come. In
this defperate and furious mood,he joynes him-
felfewirh thcfe Gyantsof Babel^//i.5, whoout-
ragioufly reare up Towers of Treafon and dcfi-
aoce againft Heaven , and throw mountaines of
pride and contempt one upon another^ that they
may climbe up to the Seat of God, and pull him
out of his Throne, crying aloud towards Hea-
ven ; Let him mske fj^eed^ let him haBen hUvcorke^
that n>ee may fee it 5 and let the coimfeU of thejjoly
One of Ifrael drarv neere , and come , that wee ma)
how it.
3 If this will not be, and that he finde no fuc-
ceffe in fctting himfelfe againft Heaven, (f^ho
ever oppofed himfelfe again B God, and frof^ered ^ )
but that hee is crufhed and confounded with
chemajeftie and terror thereof; Why then, i:\
a third p'ace, hee faftens the fangs of his mali-
cious and wrangling wit, and the furic of his
1 rophane Athcifme, upon his true and holy
Word J And that,
and perpetual/ Cjuide»
Firft, Either by entertaining or harbouring a
reprobate and blafphemous conceit, that the fa-
cred Word of God is but a polirike invention,
and device of State, to keepe men in order, and
moderation ; to maintaine Order and peaceable-
I nefTe in Cities and Societies ^ and to preferve
the World, andmankinde, from wildncfle and
Secondly , Or by proportioning his carnall
conceit of Gods pure and undefiled Law^ to that
which hee holds of the Decrees and Conftita-
tions of men.
And ii ix be cither fb, or ^o^ it is well enough j
hee can, in the meanc time, therewith ft ill the
cryesof his Confciencc,and ftop the mouth of
that Worme that never dies, that it gnaw not too
eagerly, and fiercely, to the dif-(weetning of his
carnall contentments, and the making of his fen-
fuall pleafures more unpleafant.
Now, would it not vexe a man , to have the
meat pulled out of his mouth, hischayne from
his necke, his clothes from his backe, his limbes
from his body, his right arme from his fhoulder,
his eyes out of his head ? So it is wJth every
unregenerate man, and fuch is his torture, when
that two-edged Sword^the Wordof God,ftrikes
at his fwect linne, and fenfuall pleafures : And
therefore no marvell, though hee ftrive and ftrug-
glc, iTiifr and fhield himfelfe, by any meanes.
Nay,rhe Lnfts of the unregenerate man, are his
very life. For,as every godly man liveth a double
life* one of Grace, by the fandbifying power of
See nny difi
See Burton of
The Saints fur e
the Spirit; another, of Nature : So every wic-
ked man hath a double life • one, of Nature;
and another, of corruption, by thecurfed influ-
ence of Hell.
Nay, the fenfuall delights of the finfullman
are dearer unto him than his life. Hence it is,
(asweemay obfervc by experience) that fome-
timcs a covetous man lofing the Life of his li^Qy
theWedgeof Gold, and Hoords of Wealth,
makes an end of himfelfe. That the Wanton,
becaufe hee is rejecfted, and difcarded from the
objed of his luftfuU pleafurcs, findes no pleafure
in life J but cuts off himfelfe,by a violent and un-
timely death. That Ahitofhel being difgraced,
and over-topt in a point of Policie, (the crowne
and pride of his worldly happinefTe ) put his
household in order, and hanged himfelfe.
Nay, and yet further, the prophane man pre-
ferresthe fenfuall pleafures of his heart, before
the lofTe of his immortall Soule. For, how oft
may wee fee the honour of God , and everlafting
blefledncfle, put as it were in the one Scale of
the Ballance, and a little tranfitorie Pleafure in
the other ? And in this cafe, the unfandified
man fuffering one fweet finne or other to weigh
downe the exceeding weight of -heavenly blifle,
the unvaluable treafure of a good Confcience,
the infinite glory of God, and the falvation of his
ovvne deare Soule, in that great Day,
This groweth out of our corrupt nature ; For
wee have alljCven in the beft of us, the fource and
feeds of all finne. If the Lord fhould leave and
<w I WH.1I I .
and per^etuall (juide.
abandon us, to the full fvving and fvvay of our
ownc corruption, and not either brrdle us by his
reftraining Spirit , or blefTe us with his fandii-
fying Spirit 5 wee might every one of us become
as bad as lutian the Apoftata,who did maliciou-
fly abjure Chrift ; and as luda^yWho did perfidi-
oufly betray him. Naturally wee would wallow
in iinne , without checke of Confcience , or
controlment by the terror of the Judgement to
4 But if hee cannot arme himfclfe againft
the terrors of God, and truth of his Word ; but
that he muft needs acknowledge the one, and be-
leeve the other : Why then, in a fourth place,
with much fpight and malice, he flyes in the face
|fof Gods Minifters, EmbaflTadours, which are his
tormentors before his time : And that,
Firft , Either againft his Preaching, or againft
hisPerfon: as, too obfcure,ortoo plainfe • too
coldjortooboifterousj too particular, too per-
fonall, too precifc, too imperious • too tart, and
terrible-, too full of Judgement • tending to Se-
dition, againft the State, or the like. And there-
fore he labours, not onely with his owne heart,to
breed within himfelfe a diftafte and diftronceit
of it ; but alfo puts to his helping hand, to ftay
andftop the free courfc and current of it from
others. He cannot abide to have his fweetfinne
ftruckeat ftill, and ftill to have his Confcience
grated upon, by the Minifteric of the Word •
and therefore he does what he can, to abandon
and abolifh it. When leremm Sermonjdenoun-
. sL
The Saints fure
cing Gods Iiidgement againft ludah and Ifrael,
iverc brought unto the King , ler.^ ^.23, lehudi
had not readpa^ three or foure fides before him^ bttt
the King ftamfed And raged , hee frefemlj tooke the
Rottle^ And cut it with a Pen-knife, and caU it into the
fire that was on the Hearth , untili all the Roule ttas
confumed in the fir e^ that was on the Hearth. In the
38. o^ leremie^ when the Princes and Courtiers
were nettled and flung with the downe-right dea-
ling and holy fcveritic of leremies Preaching 5
they prefently ranne unto the King, and traduced
the blefTcd Prophet, to be a tTanfgrcfTor of Poli-
cie , and an enemie to the State. Therefore the
Princes faid unto the King : i^ee befeech you^ let this
man be f>ut to death 5 for thus he weakeneth the hands
of the men offVarre that remaine in this Citie^ ant^
the hands of all the people, ix freaking fuch wor^s unto
them : For this man feeketh not the wealth of thif
feople, but the hurt. And there you fee what was
the ifTuc.
Thus Prophanencflc and Policie doth ever in-
terpretethe Dodrineof Lifcjand powerfull ap-
plication of the Word , to be the Source and
Seeds of Fadlion and Sedition ; to be incom-
patible with the civill State, and the very cut-
throat of Kingdomes and States imperiall. Paul,
as wee may fee in the 24. of the -^Bs, for his up-
right dealing, was nick-named a Seditioner^and a
trouhler of the State, Ccrtainely (faith TertuUw) wee
have found this man a f>eftilent fellow , and a mover
of Sedition among all the I ewes throughout the World,
and a chiefs maintainer of the SeB of the Nazarites,
and perpetual/ Cju'tde,
Thus the Word of Life, and newes of falvation
from HeavcDjis many times charged with Novel- j
tiQ^ Seditionjand Hcrc(ie. But that which by the ^
conftfU(5lion-ofcamaJl conceits, may be tearmed I
Hereiie,Fav^ious5and Precife, is the very right j
waytoHeaven* I confefje (faith Paul) that after
the tray (nhich they call Herefie) fo troyfhip I the God
of my Fathers^ if c. So may many good Ghrifli-
anSjandgodly Minifters, fay in thefe Times to
the men of this World ; After the way , which
you call PrecifenefTe, Singularitie,and Fadion,
doe wee truly fervethe living God , and fave our
Secondly, Or if the authoritic and power of
his Preaching doth fo aftonifli and confound
him 3 that hee hath no heart to meddle that wa'^r,
oroppofeagainftit. yet at leaft, rather than not
be malicious, hee will difcharge his furie againft
his perfoB.
Hence \x. \%^ that a faithfull and confcionable
Minifter commonlyj wherefoever hee lives, is an
eminent marke whereat Prophancneile and Po-
licie, Malice and Crueltie, Hell and the World,
difcharge the utmoft of their rage and poyfoti,
Hee above all others, is fure to be wrongfully
loadcn with danders, difgraces, lying imputati-
ons, and all manner of foule indignities • and
many times by the bafer fort, which is- more in-
tolerable. If hee be but halfe fo honeflly care-
full, in providing for his family, as the carnall
worldling is cutfedlycarking, hee is covetous :
li powerful! in his Preaching, hee is imperious i
The Saints fure
If hec oppofe againft the finnes of the Time, hee
is fadious ; If hee be faithfull in his Minifteric,
bee is too precife,and plainc : If hee comes home
to mens Confciences , hee is too particular, and
undifcreet. In a word , if hee were Faul^ hee
fhould be a pe Silent fellow ; if C^ r i s t I b s v s,
bleffed forever (a horrible thing! ) hee fhould
be Belzebuh : For fo that glorious Lord,and blcf-
fed Servant, was nick-named and branded by the
prophane World.
Hence it is, that the generation of the pro-
phane and wicked Crue doe ever furioufly band
themfelves together, to tranfplant and r«ot out
a confcionable Minifler,whenfoevcr God brings
him amongft them. Like an unquiet and ra-
ging Sea , they continually foame out fpight-
full fpeeches, filthie and (haraefull (landers, and
lay things unto his charge^ hee never knew : That
fo , by difcouraging him in his Minifterie,
weakening his hands, and breaking his heart,
they may any wayes be rid of him : Or clfe,
by picking unneceflarie Quarrels againft him,
they labour by Authoritie, and ftrong hand , to
throw him out of his place. For their malice
againft a powerfull Minifter, is endlefle, and
It is ever the propertie of un-ingenuous pro-
phaneneife , to nate and feare a faithfull and
confcionable Preacher as ill as the Plague, and
fo to efteeme of him. This appeares, by Ter-
tttUw cenfure of ?A\d ; cenainely (faith hee) tvee
have found this man a fe^ilent feUort : When in-
and perpetuall Quide.
-deed himfclFe was a pernicious Orator, and abu-
fed his CLiifed Eloquence , to the confufion of
GoodnefTe. In the Originall, the word fignifies,
the plague. The Plague^ that great affrighter, and
terror of the fonnes of men, is not halfe fo ter-
rible and vexing, as is that man to a carnall heart,
which preaches rrith ferver and authorities and not
as the Serines and formall Doctors j and no mar-
vell. The Plague threatens but onely the feares
and pangs of a tcmporall death, and takes but
away the naturall Lifcj but the powerfuH Word,
from the mouth of a confcionable Minifter/loth
Alike to the very heart of a carnall man, the ter-
rors of Hell-fire and everlafting Vengeance,and
doth labour to bereave him of his Life of Cor-
ruption,and Pleafurcs* which, as I told you be-
fore, is more fweet and deare unto him, than his
Life of Nature.
And hereupon it is, that as you fee Towncs
and Cities bufily beftirre them felves, watch and
ward, diligently en quire,and examine paflengcrs,
to keepc out the Plague 5 fb it isthc policieand
practice of thofe places,whcre Drunkards,Swag-
gercrs, Worldlings, and prophane men fwarme,
joyntly to confpire and oand together, for the
banifhing of godly Minifters, and drivingthem
out of their Coaft. Christ Iesvs himfelfe,
trhof^ake as never any man fj^ake^ was fo u fed by the
Swinifh Gadarens • as you may reade in the fifth
of Luke,. Paul and Barnabas , that glorious paire
of worthy Pa ftors, were fo ufed by the rebelli-
ous and ftiffe-neckcd lewes, ^B, 1 3. whereupon
(r) they
"Ewf srrK ^f
The Saints fur e
they told them to their faccs,That thereby they
judged themfelves unworthic of cvcrlafting life.
Then Paul And Barnabas ( faith the Text ) f^ake
boldly^ and [aid 5 It was neceJJ'arie^ that thefVard of
God jhould have^rB beene jj^oken unto you .* But fee-
ing you fut it from ^ou^ and judge your [ehes unmrthy
of cverlafling life , loe voec turne unto the Gentiles.
TheBookc of God, Ecclefiafticall Stories , ex-
perience of our Times^doe plentifully verifie and-
confirme this Point.
5 But if fo be, this Spirituall Foole, whom
wee have carried along through fo many ftcpsof
irapietiCj cannot have his will agarnil the Prea*-
ching and the Perfon of the Minifter ^ but that
he fees the Power of the Word, which be cannoc
decline, is like continually to vcxe him, to ftxike
through his loyncs, with feare and trembling ftill:
to grate upon his Confcience for his fwect (inoe,
to difccrne and difcover the very thoughts and
imaginations of his heart ; -or that bee is mow
ingenuous and fai re- conditioned thanothcrun-
regencrate men (for fometimes fweetncflfe and
lovingnefle of naturall difpofition doth bridle
men from raging again ft the power of holy EX).
(Slrine, andfinceritie of anhoneftman: ) Why
then, in a fifth place, hce
Firft, Either refolves (as many doe) to give
the Preacher hearing indeed, and perhaps reve-
rent attention too; but with this fecret referva-
tion, That hce fhall not ftirreand move him with
all his Preaching • That fay what bee will, hce
fhall never perfwade himy that this or that flnne
4ntl ferfftuaU (juide.
is fo hainous as hce makes it 5 hee fhall never
drive him from tlic Fafhions of the Times, aad
Cuftomcs of his Fore-fathers ; hce fhall never
bring him out of conceit vrith good-fellow fhip.
So, that as the deafe Adder ftoppeth his eares a-
gainft theEnchanter^charme hee never fo wifely ^
lo (huts hee the eares of his heart againft the
Word of Life : and though it founds dayiy lowd
and ftrongly in his cares, yet will he by no meanes
ftifiFer it to finkc feelingly and powerfully into
his foule, Thofe men which reft upon this ftep
of impietic,and in this degree of prophancnefTe,
though they hearc Sermon upon Sermon , yet
arc they dill the fame men: They are Lyers ftill,
they arc Drunkards ftill, they are Vfurers ftill,
they are Swearers ftill , they arc luke-warme Pro-
fcftbrs ftill , &c, they are ftill as they were.
Though thefe linnes have againe and againe been
cryed againft, and many times reproved, and their
Confciences convinced ; yet the Word which is
preached amongft them , hath no more power,
nor wrought more alteration upon them , than
upon the Seats where they fit : Though the glo-
rious Light of the Gofpel fhine faire and bright
upon tbem^ yet they lye ftill hard frozen in their
dregs, and ftarke blindc in matters of Heaven :
Though the Hammer of the Word beat often
upon their hearts , yet it doth not breake and
j briiife them , but more and more harden and
cmmarble them, like an Anvill and Adamant:
1 Though they be waChed with many plentifull
Showers from Heaven , yet they ftill continue
I (12) blacke
The Saints fure
blacke Moorcsj and Leopards- ftill full of the
blackneflTe of Hell , and fpors and pollution of
Let thofe that ans fuch among you , in the
Name of God beware in time : forafTuredly^the
Damnation fleepcth not, the Day of Reckoning
and every mans particular Judgement is very
necrc 5 and then wc muft be ahfwerable and coun-
table for every Sermon wee have heard : Every ;
Sermon will then (land up , either to witneflTe
for us, or againft us ^ for every one wee heare,
either advanceth us a ftep neerer towards Hea-
ven, or throwes usa ftayre lower downe towards
Hell. '
Secondly, Orifhee.cannot fo fence himfclfc
againft the keeneedgeof the Word, that two-
edged Sword, which day after day is laydto the
root of his corruption 5 nor fo hide his head'fi^
the heat of that glorious and facred Sunne of
Truth , which every Sabbath fhines on his face^
but that the fharpe Arrowes of the Word of
Truth andRighteoufnefle doe pierce his heart,
and Sword of Spirit gets io farre within him,
that it ftrikes and aftoniOieth his Confcicnce :
W^hy then hec, i ,':;,' '- ■ •' ' ; -
Firft, Either ftrives and ftruggles againft it,by
fhifcing and iliiclding himfelfe with Diftinc^i-
ons^ExceptionSjExcufes, catnall Reafons, Re-
ftridions, Limitations^falfc Gloffes, private and
partiall Interpretations, and oppofing one place
of Scripturcjin his ownc falfe and enforced Senfe,
againft the true meaning and natural] power of
and perpetnall (juide.
the Word in another place, as I have told you
largely before. So wretchedly and unhappily is
hee wedded to the finftill pleafures of this vainc
World, that hee will wreft his wit, the Word of
God,or any thing, to wreft out of his heart thofe
piercing Arrowes of the Wordof Truth,fhot by
thehandof a skilfall Archer; which if he would
fuffer to fearch and finkc, would fetch out the
poyfon of his naturall corruption , mortifie his
iu ft, and fave h is fou le .
Secondly, Or if hee have not wit and under-
(landing to furnifh himfclfe fitly with probable
Interpretations, formall Diftin<ftions, and plau-
fible Exceptions , (for this abilitie onely befalls
prophane men of better parts, and more under-
ftanding : ) Why then , being refolved not to
fubmit to the power of the Word , nor to for-
fake his catnall contentments , face takes this
courfe J hee furfets fo immoderateIy,and drinkes
fo deepc of fenfuall pleafures of that bofome-
finne to which hee is fo much wedded, that hee
cafts his Confcience afleepc, drowncs his heart
in earthly delights, and fo goes on at all adven-
tures, and throwes himfelfe upon Gods mercies,
without all ground or warrant,with fuch conceits
as thefe : That hee hopes hee fliall doe as well as
others , who are farre worfe and more wicked than
himfelfe : That God, no doubt, will bemercifull
to one finne : That all his other good parts and
good deedes will countcrvaile and make amends
for one infirmitie, (for fo hee will call it,and con-
ceive of it, though it be a groflfe and grievous
(13) finne:)
The Saints fure
finne : ) That one finnc will not require fo great
icpcntance, but that it may be well enough done
onhisdcath-bedjand fiich like.
Thus I have acquainted you by ihe\vay,virith.
the fteps of impietiejand degrees of prophane-
nefTc, wherein unregenerate men, which hate to
be reformed, and refufetoyeeld up themfelves
to bee maftcred and guided by the Power and
Light ofthe holy and heavenly Word of the true
and ever-living God, doc unhappily reft and re-
pofe thenfLTelves^ to- the eternal 1 confufion both
of their foulcs and of their bodies : Which you
muft take heed of, if you would profit by the
6 Difcovcr and defeat all tllofe Snares of Sa-
than, that wee have formerly mentioned to you in
this DircOLirfc,)?<i!^.8 3. under the fourth Vfe.
7 Dejci^ and demolidi thofc two ftrotig
Holds of Sathan; fir{}jCarnaJlEeafon. fecond-
ly, Corrupt Affedion 5 which 1 thus define :
It is the adVuatedftrength and rage, of original!
pollution, which furioufly executes the fenfuall
and unrcafonable determinations of corrupted
Carnall Reafon; (lands at open defiance, and
profeile.s open hoftilitie againft Grace, good-
neffc, and good men, and courfes of fa^ deifica-
tion J fcedes upon fo long, and fills it felfc fo
full wi'th worldly vanities and pleafures , that
growing by little and little incorrigible and un-
i:ameable, it brecdes and brings forth, as it na-
turall ifTue, Defpaire, Horror^ aad the Worm e
which never dies.
and perpetuall Quide.
By Carnall Reafon , I underftand the whole
fpeculative power of the higher and nobler part
of the Saule, which wee call the Vnderftanding,
as it is naturally and originally corrupted , and
nccerly deftitute of all Divine Light 5 and doth
afterward, through it ownefinfuU working and
fenfuall difcourfe , grow wi(e in the World and
earthie affaires , but difconceitfuU and oppofite
to the wayes of God , and heavenly wifcdome,
by concluding and commending to it felfe falfe
PrincipIeSjfrom deluded fence,and deducing falic
jconclufions from true Principles, and by a conti-
nued exercife and experience in contemplation of
Earthjandpaflages of worldly Policie.
By Corrupt Affedion, I meaneandcomprife
all the adive inferior powers of the Soule, Will,
AfFediions, Sencc, as they are polluted and em-
pOyfoned in the puddle of original! corruption ^
and afterward being flefhed in fenfuall pleafurcs,
and enfierced by Sathans fuggeftionsjbecome the
furious executioners of all the finfuU decrees and
unfan<5iified determinations of the
undcrftacdingandwifedomeof thcfletlj.
8 In hearing the Word, be furc,
Firft, » TogiveedrneHheed^Hei,!, i.
Secondly^ ^ To eonfxder feriouflj^ z Tim.i. 7.
Thirdly, « That wee be not in this refpe^i:
like leaking VefTels, and have Sieve-like memo-
ries, H^^. 2. I.
Fourthly, ^ To keepe the Word with mucli
adoe, with great contention and colludation,
(r4) 9 Suffer
** N:«I». Mente
asitaiey in mmo
*, Uir»Tt vmpmf-
fuu/j(tt, Neqttan-
Teremianui iUe
Parmen0j ft ple-
num efferimrii
tMuda s'fi vU bu-
rn vocabuliy quo
line tfiagno cetta-
minepoffe ijiud
komtmfetrfm af
came, ae V'labolo
advcrfii) fpiriiu
De'^novum hejpi-
teifjy& capitalcm
ipferumbiixica, \
See Terkj^s,
The Saints fure
ScCilMarrcrv of
the Oracles of
See lbid.p»yf6,
See l^dalJi
My Wall^iTig
p Suffer the Spirit of Bondage to have its
w6xke upon thee. Conclude horror upon thy
heartj by the working of the Law, from fuch pla-
ces as thck'^^Deut.z^, i^yio^, zThcJJ', i. S^^.
10 When thy Confcience is once throughly
wounded by the preparative worke of the Spirit
of Bondagejand all thy (inneSjCven thofe in which
thou haft taken greateft delight, become heavie
and a grievous burthen upon thy heart ; then
let that heavie heart of thine receive fpirituall
warmth, rcfrefhing, and life,
Firft, By perufing the Lord lefus in all the pafr
fages of his Lomq, Sufferings, and SatisfadionSy
from his comming from the Bofomc of his Fa-
ther, untill his returning unto his right hand
againe 5 efpecially hanging upon him, bleeding
anddying^and crying under the burthen of owf
finncSjMy God,my God, (^c. and fo conquering and
C0T\ck\dln^, It ufinifBed. :■ , c
Secondly, By a feeling furvey and fure fetling
upon all the Promifes of Life, feaiedwith his
righteous bloud.
Thirdly, By cleaving to Gods fweeteftName,
which is to forgive iniquitie, tranfgrelfion, and
rinnc,£A;otff.34. ^,7.
Fourthly , By refting with all thankefull
and joyful! acknowledgement , and re je ding
refolutely all fcrupulous and fearefull injedi-
ons, upon that bleffed Myfterie of Gods free
grace, which reacheth from cverla fling to ever-
II Then
and perpetuall (^tiide.
if 5
1 1 Then ever after vvalke watchfully and fruit-
fully in the path which is called holy.
Now for continuall growing and profiting by
the Minifterie, in that new and blefTed courfe,
and for thriving by the food of the Word which
thou enjoyeft, take the fe directions, looke unto
thefe things,
Firft, Looke to the drcfllng of it 5 that thy
fpirituall Cooke be cunning, and oonfcionable.
Otherwife , it may fometimes turne into ranke
poyfbn untothy Soule, fill thee with winde, and
pufFe thee up with a caufelefle good conceit of
thy felfc 5 impaire thy fpirituall health , kcepe
thee ftinted, as it were , and at a ftay , &c. Nay,
an ill fpirituall Cooke, by his jugling Trickes,
may make thee belecve all thy life long, that thou
groweft in Grace, and (halt goe to Heaven ; and
thou arc flarke dead in iinnes and trefpaifes, and
fhalc be damned.
Secondly, The emptying and disburthening
of the Stomacke of thy Soule, of all Humours,
Paflions, Prejudice, Croifcs, Troubles, Temp-
tations, &c. or any thing that will hinder the
puritic and power of the Word from taking
pofleflion of thy Soule : even the Honey-combe,
the fweeteft thing in the World , is loath fome,
as the Wife-man fayth , to a full ftoraacke.
Thou muft bring an Heart and Head , like two
emptie Buckets , to draw with greedineffe and
/oy the Water of Life out of the Wells of Sal-
Thirdly , To procure and rayfe an Appetite
( r 5 ) before
See Chyjfofi.
See 'PjB«c\t In
The Saints fur e
5?c Otryfoft.
Tom.i. Hcw.41.
Imttto AHthorc,
before thou come : from confideration •, firft,
of its NeceflTitie : Where the Word of God
is not preached J die people periQi \ as you had
it in the former Treatife. Secondly, Excellen-
cie : It is farre more precious than purcft Gold,
dearer than thoufands oFGold and Silver. Third-
ly, SweetnefTe : It pafles the Honey jand Honey-
combe. David^ in his ablence from the meancs,
holds the Swallow and Sparrow happie _Birds.
Fourthly, Profit : It builds up the inner man,
Fourthly, The Reception of it j That iievcr
be entertained with farre more attention and re-
vcrcnce^^than if wee were hearing the mightkft
Monarch in the World fpeaking immediately
unto us, by perfonall compellation, about the
wcighfteft affaire, and neerclicft concerning us :
That it be ever heard as the Word of the mightic
and ever-living God.
Fifthly, Retention. The moRwholcfomeand
fovcraigne meat, if prefently voided, nourifheth
not at all 5 niany fall into a Confumption of
Grace^by reafon of weakeneflethisway. They
are hot and fierce to get unto a good Sermon,
and they doe well, to be carefull thereabout 5
but their forwardnc0e and fcrvencie coolcs and
expires, when the Sermon is done. They after,
have little more to doe withit,faveoiielytofay
it was a good Sermon: As, many have anunfa-
tiable appetite in deveuring meat, who cannot
keepe it for any fpace of time. The retentive
power of the Soule then muft be flrengthencd,
and ferpetuall Quide.
and exercifed, or clfc the attentive and attradiive
addcs but more dcadnefle to a (pirituall Atro-
Sixtly, ConcoiSiion. By repetition • either
in way of conference,* with our neighbours, and
Chriftian friends ; or in way of examination,
with our Wives, Children, Servants, Schollers,
or other inferiours. But principally, by that,
firftj excellent Exercifc of Meditation , which
is the very life of profitable Hearing • and the
■ want of it , the death of all good Lelfons : It
inflames the heart with a kindly heat,to pradife3
as in brooding, the Hen infpires heat, and begets
life : fecondly, and by the heat of Prayer •, that
both warmes the heart, fits the food^and bringsa
blefling upon both,.
Seventhly, Digeftion. By application 6f the
points unto our ovvne particular • by forting the
particulars of the Sermon , unto our owne nc-
ceflities • for the conquering of this Luft,ruling
of thatPafTioJi, leaving this Sinne, performing
Eightly, Tradlcc. Walking in the ftrength
of it afterward • which makes it our owne, and
keepes the Soule in health,and growth, and com-
fortable temper.
And thus wee may conftantly grow by the Mi-
nifterie of the Word ; which is the principall
publike Banquet, which the Lord hath provided
for feeding his Childrens Soules.
The Sacraments are a fecond Service.
Evenbythefirft, that iSjBaptifme, wee may
See Chrykji. h
Let us rumi-
nate (of the
and as it were
chew the cud,
that wee may
have the fweet
and conlblati-
on of tbea,
reading Scrip*
Wee muft, Ite-
quafi de utero^re-
vocare c> mmi'
rtaiey& retraSa-
re. Chrjfoflt 6r
rather the an-
certaine Au-
' thor,;»»JW<ittfr,
The Saints Jitrey ^c.
grow, not onely when wcc feelc it in ourownc
bodies 5 but alfo , when wee fee it adminiftred
unto others . And therefore, the cu ftome which
iiath prevailed in mod places , of negleding
and contemning this part of the Food of our
Soules , is to be fevercly cenfurcd, and fharpely
By the (ccond , that is , the Lords Supper ,
wee may thrive excellently, if wee follow tnofe
Dire^ions in my Preparative to it : To
which I rcfcrre you, in the fuc-
ceeding Treatife.
Fl ^l S,
Contained in this Treatife of the
Saints Gvide.
A' Vftdion to^ejojnedmth
J-^f hearing, . pag.iyp.
Afflidions no ftrange thing,
^ p.ii8. They are but fhort,
Affii(ftions rat fed by the Devils
jigainB Chrihians, lop
Antidotes again^ affltBions,
no, C^'f.
Application required in hea-
ring thtH^or d^ and why. 1 80,
Apoftates & their danger, 103
Atheifme. 50
Attention in hearing required^
174. Horv hinder ed,S/:{., Hew
helped, 175,17^
Benefits efshe mrd, ■j?^&e.
Catechififtg our families^ fref-
fed in nine Reajhns. 2 2856*^.
Carnall Reafon and cerrupaf^
feUion defined, 2/^6^&c,
The Ta b le.
Caveats, that r^ee ma^ frofit in
hearing the Word, ^^j^&c^
Carnall ObjeBions aga>inFt the
word. 6iytoZ^
Charitic among ChriHians^as
much as among Papijis, 8 1
Chxiik fiiffers with his affliSted,
Confiderations fxteenefor the
ujefuine^e of the Word. 216^
Convcrfion tried, S^
Covetoufnefle , and thejignes
of it, 96
Curksfi^^e of unprofitable hea~
ring, i9o^&c,
Curfcd is their conditif^ ^ that
are not reformed b^ the word
in fixe particulars, ipp
Danger in ahfenting from the
word, 58
Degrees in (Inning, 5 5
DcwiW fleales ai^aj the word^
S'^,S6, He hinders conver-
\ fion^Z'j, And a through re-
formation^ 8 Z^&c, He deales
with men as Pharaoh mth
Mofes. 9'^^&c.
Deareneffe of things^ why grea-
ter notv than formerly, 8 2
Delight in the word helpes me-
morie, ij^
Duties required before hearings
I45> &^» tn hearings ly-^^
&c. Aft^r hearing, 182
ECeds of Vride, 142
The End of our Creation, 2 04
Examination 5 vkcn required,
16 6^1 6-7
Examples for the praBice of
preparation, 1 5 'i^^c,
Falfe changes^ 88, S^. How
tried, 102
Frequent preaching proved out
of antiquitie, 205 ,c^f ,
Feet 5 what is meant by them,
Finall falling from grace ^ not
granted^ I o i . But partially
and frequently^ 106. The
good we get befalls, 108
Fretting at affiiBions ^ 132.
At the profjperitie of the wic-
ked, 133
The T
Grace «j of a gromng nature,
Codilymen diHinguifhed from
Hypocrites , l^y jixe markes.
The Godly fhine Brighter after
their falls p 3^
Gods Children-hut fexv, 130
Gods Law not like mans, 54
God ^ the caufe ofaUaffliBion,
113, His aime in ailiBing
his, 117
Gods love to hiSy esceedes the
creatures, 114
Hardneffe of hearty anddhel^e
again B it, 52,53
Helpes to heare the word un-
derftandingij^ 177
Ignorance It h darken effe^ 31,
The danger ^f it^ p. 3 j . /<? 3 7,
lud gem en ts of Non^frcflcients
hy the word, 48
ludgemcnts for the contempt of
it. 201 ^d/c,
Judgements nhy rather to be,
expeBed in our time, 8 o
Knowledge mujl be praBicaU^
5, Fruits of divine Know^
ledge. ibid.,.
Learning humane oncly mil not
fave, 1^,20
Lets ofnot profiting by theword.
Lif^tobe to B for God, . 12
Light, phat meant by it, 1 6
Love to God and our neighbours
tried,, SB
Many take more fainesfor HeU^
than fome for Heaven, p,75 .fo
The Matter of the word. 43
Math. 1 0.4. expounded, 15? 5
Good MQanings m^ not fave,,
M^anes to cjmcken attention to
the word, 175
Xh e Table,
Meditation reqm^te After hea-
rings 184. The Benefits of it,
1 8 5 • X> ireBionsfot it, 227,
Hitii^QisEmbaJfadours : rrhy,
MinilterSjtr/;^ theypr&achfojhl-
d-Qme, 2op
Minifteric of the fVord like the
wedding feafl, 57
The Miferie of the naturall e-
ftate, 141
The More veee have, the greater
our account, 143
Motives 3 To walke bj the rule
of the word, p. 41. w 4^.
To prepare for hearing it,i 51.
To profit by it, ipy
Obedience to the Word requi-
red, 187
Opennefle of heart to receive
thefvord, lyi
V^theSyirhat meant by them, 1 8
Papifts keepe the Word from the
Laitie^ 2 8, Tteir ObjeBions
anfrvered, ip
Peace that the Gefpcl brings
with it, 70
Perfecution to be endured for
the Word, ' 10
Pcrfeverance, W hindered by
Sathan, 100. How crorvned
by God, 105
Popidi Ho^italitie , mth its
caufes, 8 1
Pta,yctSJind praifes mujibefer-
vent,and free, 10
Prayer before the word, and for
what, 170,171
Preaching prefefd before rea-
ding, 211. More needful/
now, than formerly, 213. it
cannot be too much, 62 ^ &c.
Prefer vat ives againfl finnejioj,
Againft fpirituallPrid€,i 3 ^,
Preparation requifite before
hearing, 145. without it,
the word hurts, 145 , (^c.
The profit of it, 158, (jjtc,
what it is,and vkat required
in it, 16$
'PridQ may faring from Gods pro-
vidence, 132, (^c,
Privi ledges of the godly, 124
VtophantncfCeofMinifferf no
excufe for difobedience to the
Word, 73
A B L E*
Pfalmes. their ttntentsanst be-
nejitf.^' .« Sk\fr.-W .li^-^
Purging of the heart hefou hea-
ring , from fime and tporidly
X^iMciti6tii'ofthi htartfie-
pre h^drifig.' "' ^ • ' '152
Recufaock..' ' .^"O r^ J '■ 5 1
RcgcneratioB,»'for, ' ' • 24
Reading the fyordfrefed^uj^,
■ /:.ObjeBions again B it anfoe-
red, 224
Remcmbring theword^ a I>«-
tie, ^?2,
Repetition and Conference^awh
ther, 185518^5227
Satbans Policte, 1 06
Separatifts condemned, 12 6,
Service of God how to be quali^
fed, 6y
Siy^e>S'mnQS fb//or9 mprojitabk I
Sinne againB the Holy-Cho^^ j
■: ■ how committed, 201
^iiigularitiejw/?^*^ refuired^and
. ;. rnharmti ^ - \' ^^^^ •■ ^ "^'i *• ' . • 128
Sleeping /» the church condemn
Nathans Sleights to hinder the
r\ 0f,ords w$rke, a Sj.c^^.
Spirituall Pride, 1 2^, How it
arifeth. l2/^,&c.
SwQct fmnt^nhat it if, - 55
Things r^^f»/fe<^ to the hte of
God and men, ^j
Vndcrftanding of the Word re-
quired, ijj
Y©wcs to befayd. p
Wicked men hate the godly :
r^y* Il6yli7
T H » Table.
Wicked mtn hnd together 4-
gain^ A fowerfuU MiniHer,
Wifedome indeed^ hvt ts be
had. 3^
frmts of worldly Wifedomej4.
vehift' wfi msn, ibid.
fFarldlj Wifedome wiSmtfave
Won*: The miming rfthe
Word. \.\\'\^\-: 15
The Word nur chiefefl treafure^
12, 13, OurLi^ foBcd'
ven. ip>38
The literaffWord , without the
fi>irituaU meaning , fBfili not
ffop ui, 23
H9t» men Uhttr $a hlnnt the edge
oftheWotd^ 2^
Sffngiingsofa wicked hearty to
get the Word 6»t^ being once
got in. 144
The Word vforltes Regenermon
And San^ification , 2 4^ 2 5 .
It islivelj and fbdrpe in three
rej^cBsy z6. It is a Love-
Utter from Gody ^2^ Itfba^
judge f»5 4 5 . ItisM9t mAnSy
but Gods invention J 50, It
fronts converted And uncon-
vertedy ^9. ItmuH: dwell in
m flentifuUj^And hof9y 105,
213, fitc^ It fits every man
in aUocci^ns, 2 1 5, &c.
^i^Worfiup h4ttd ij God,
F I N I S.
i y c J .riG r ' 8
) J