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ATreatife concerning the Sacra-
ment of the Lords S v p p e r.
which, as aGlaflcor Touch-flone, clearly
"difcovers the triall and truth of grace ^ requi- •
lice CO be looked into daily ; chiefly before W5
come to the Lords Table.
By the bte Revercndj Learned, and Godly Miniftcr of
Chriftjcfjs, Robert B.Uofi, Bachelour ofDivinity,
and fomecimes Preacher of Gods Word
at inu^htta In Narthsvipka-jhi'S'
iCOR. 13.5.
Examine yeur (elvef, i» hit her yon be in the faith. Troveyom
otfTteftives. Kmwj/ee notyonr on^ne felvef^hotp that Jejas
Cbrijl if injoH^exccpyee ine reprobates ?
Printed by Ame GnffUt^ for Kapha Harford^ in
Q^cenes-head-alley in Pater Nejfer KotP^
at the figne of the Gilt Bible. 1634.
^ .* »^-
j« ■■''•. '-'=4
jelft'^ennching examinatiom
iCoR. 11.^8.
Let a man therefore examine himfelfey
andfo let him eat of this ^read, and
drinke of this (^up.
He blefled Apoftle Saiftt i»rf»/ ha-
ving in the former part of this
Chapter unto the 17. verfe, ad-
vifed and admoniihed the Co*
rinthians of a convenient and
comely carriage in their out-
ward habits, at their holy meetings and pub-
Uke aflTemblies, the whole and fumme whereof
confifts in thefe twopropofitions :
1. A man pray ing or prophecy ing ought not
to cover his head^ verfj*
2. It is uncomely for a woman to pray unto
God uncovcredj^er/Ti 3.And after added reafons
IT B promi-
The Saints
promif^uouliy tor [hem bucii^ buc more i-or the
latter part. He proceeds from the 1 7. verfxmto
the end to areproofcand reformation of fome
abufes, difordersand incongruities which were
growne upon them, and crept in amongft: them
in the celebration of the holy Sacrament of the
body and bloud of Chrift.
In verf. 1 7. there is a tranfi tion or pafTage unto
the reprehenfion and corredlion of the abufes
about the Lords Supper, by a correftion of the
Preface to the former part. Hee commended
them in the beginning of the Chapter for re-
membring and keeping the ordinances hee had.
delivered unto them 5 hmmverf 17. hee denies
ihcm their former praife, beeaufe their publikc
meetings were hurtful! and o^enfive^ not peace-
able and profitable.
In verfiS, He reproves them mbr^ generally
for their diflentions and divifions at their mee-
tings, for (chifme and fingufarity is the fountaine
androotofalldiforders, enormities andconfii-
(10ns in the Church. He proves this reproofe by
areafbnfrom th^greatertoriielefle, mmrf i^.
The/emffphe here^fjafrhii^amoK^ym. No mar-
veil then though' there beichifraes and diirenti-'
iOns. 'And in the fartie verifehe (hewes the end of
herefies, that the profeffion of true €hrifHans||
nav be more manifeft andigi^tious. ^
Hee dtffeends in^^ierf 20* to a more fpeciall
cenlure and reprehenfiort of their pro&nation
:6f •Ihe'Doirds Supper : Of which tLicywereguilty
-irsyr. ' S i. Tliey *
felfe4nrkbing examination.
1. They (brtedthemfelvesintofadions, and I
companies as they favoured and friended each
other 5 and every man tooke his owne (upper
2. Someweredrunken,asappeares5e;^^'yr2 1.
lnverf.22. he addes reaibns of his reproofe, j
I, FromtheindecencU. It were farremoreconve- j
nient they (hould have their fealts and banqaets |
privately at home, than publikely in their holy \
aflemblies. -/t] ,r \
2. Prom the deformity : By this meanes they ]
made it plaine, that they defpifed the Church of
God, which is a foule and hatefull thing.
3. From theimquHy : They brought fliame
and ^riefenpon their poore brethren.
Thefe difbrders thus ript up, and reproved for
reformation and amendment, he recals them to
the firftinfVitution, that (b they may follow the
Lords example in this (aacd bufincfie. He teach-
eth them fourc things, mrfi 3.24.2 5.2^.2 7.
Firft, the m.wner and0)io» of Chrifts inftitu-
tion : He tooke the bread, gave thanks, brake it,
and gave it them ^ and fb proportionabiy of the
Secondly, the mifleiy fignified by this holy rite :
This Bread and Wine, thus broken and powred
out, fignified and fealed thebruifingof hisbo«i
dy, and fheddingof hisbloudforrheremiffion;
offinnes. I
Thirdly^l^^/'f^s^^of this inftitution and cele-|
bration of the Lords Supper, e'er/24,2 5,2^. that j
is, the remembrance of the Lords death untUlhe com- j
B 2 Fourthly,'
The Saints
Fourthl/j The fearful! danger, and certaine
damnation which theyincurre who receive this
holy Sacrament unworthily : thejf areguiltj of the
My andblouiof thhord.
Now in this 2 8. v^f, which I have read unto
yoUj he teaches and tels them how they may re-
ceive it worthily, by a particular and pcrlbnall
examination of themfelves. .
In verf,!^. He labours to perfivade and enforce
this holy duty of examination, by the miferies
and mifthiefes which enlue upon an irreverent,
unpreparedjand unworthy receiving • even tem-
porall plagues, and everlaftingdamnation^with-
out repentance and amendment. r-^'^
That much ill followes upon unworthy recei-
ving, hee proves by the event and experience
amongft themfelves, verf^o, Heeconfirmcsthe
ftme by the equity of divine juftice,?;^^/^ i . It is
juft with God that thefe fhould be judged with
(everity and rigour, whodoe not examine, juc^e,
and reforme themfelves .
But in 'verf,'^ 2. there fbllowes a mitigation and
confblation, from Gods endiind purpofe in in-
fliding temporal! judgements to all fuch as have
grace to make a right and fandifiedufe of them.
They are fent upon them that they fhould not
be condemned with the world. He concludes the
Chapter with charge to amend both abufes, and
tels them how.
I. They muft tarryand flay one for another,
that they may comfortably communicate iogz-
2. They
/elfe4nriching examination,
2 . They muft make their fcafts at home, and not
mix them with the LordsSupper3^^/34. where
he alfo refume s the motive and reafon ufedj verf
2 p» taken from the fearfull and dangerous effedt.
And promifeth the reftifying of other things at
You fee with what coherence and connexion
theTifAr^rtandsinthe chapter. Examination be-
fore we come to receive the Communion, is the
meancs to make us worthy receivers ^ whereby
wee e(cape guiltinefle of the bloud of Chrift,
plagues and judgements, both temporall and
eternalljand blefledly partake of all the comforts
of grace, ^nd tafte of heavenly glory.
-'- .But 'before I come to the do&rine rifing
hence, 'I will acquaint you with the cuftome
, . of the Church at that time in receiving the
Lords Supper, out of fbme of the ancient Fa-
thers, which report the fame to us, elpecially
^ ■ oiit o^Itifike Martyr :> and tertnUiaft,
In thofe times, and this infancie of the Churchy
fay thofe ancient fathers , Chriftians upon the
Lords day, were wont to meet in feme place(for
at that time they had not yet Churches) for the
publike exercife of holy duties and fer vices.
Andfirftof allthey offered up (upplications
and prayers for the ftate, profperity and enlarge-
ment of the Church, for Kings, Magiftrates, and
Ministers of State and Juftice • for thegenerall
goodof the^.vo^ld, and peace upon their times,
andf)eciall> forGcds graces and bleffings upon
thofe who were then bap tized.
B ? Praters
IChe Saints
Prayers being ended, they (aimed one ano-
ther with an holy kifle 3 which Paul mentions.
Then the commentaries of the Apoftlesand
Prophets were readjaccordingas the time would
permit. ?'•;;
After the Minifter made a Sermon to the
people, and did exhort them to godlineffe and
That being done, they all rife^indpowreout
their prayers agairiej io 'j;tji:i3iifi^: t) : jl-' 3.)
Thele being fini'fliefdv bread and wine was
brought forth, which the minifter taking, hee
broke out with interition of voice,, into the,
praifes of God and thankfgiving, and thepeoplej
with cheerful! acclamations did anfwer, AmeTU
Prefently upon this , the Deacons miniftred
the Communion to thofc that were prcfent^ and
it was brought to thofe who were abfent.
And thus ferre it was much after the inftituti-
on and ordination of Chrifl:,excepting fbme few"
After all this was a colleftion of almes for
the releefe of the poore, the ficke, for widowes
and Orphans, Prifoners and ftrangers.
Thus hxxGlujim Martyr^ which lived at Rom 5
and it is like this was the manner of the Chrifti-
ans at Rome.
But it leemes out of this place of Vaul^ and by
Tertullians Apologetically in the Churches of Ajia
znd Africa^ there was fome addition to the U-
felfe-inncbing examination.
For thcfe iacred bufinefles being ended 5 both
th€ rich and poore, comfortably and cheerfully
together, fate downeto a fealt (fuch refediom
were called Love fiafts (^^yiirtu) frugally and mo-
derately prepared, anl provide j out of theii
coiledions, and there they refrefhed thenifelves
with Chriftian conference, and godly Pfalmes
and So»f^s,
It may be they had refpe^t herein to the ex-
ample and imitation of GhriJJ5,,wijJ<^a4:iSu^pjSJ
inftituted this Sacrament . ;:-r • v-j o -.'! s. ,
It may be they laboured hereby to be like the
Jewes and Gentiles. The Jewes ended their ^-
critices with feafts. , The Genciies were wont to
,hav€ riotous bancfuets in their Idpll iGhiirches.
Chriftians perhaps of tho(e times thought fitto
follow the fafliioajj bi^t to avoid the (inj abufes,
andexcefle... *'. ■- yjiri-M ■■ - /■'vo!:! .-''.'(y-i
But S4ta» quicjcly broke in ambngft tlicm'^
empoyfoned their holy exerci(es with rior, ailcr
exxeflej and turned their feafts of Charity ioco
Fadions, Schtfmes, and lealoufieis. For Xome
held uponFaulyibme upon Petety ipmt upon
And thefe feverall fadions laboured lip.prevent
one another upon the Lordsday... * .\0 <\ » ; -,
..^ ^yhofeth^ccamefirftnot flaying for the fed*,
received by them{tlv€5. And after they fell ^;
.their feiifts 5 VVhich they provided too riotouf-
, ly and luKur ioufly ^ fo that foroe anwDngft them
•weredrunke apfi theiebeingfpeciel^^of the ti-
l^dierfori^ theipopifcl were: exc^luided, and hungry. I
1^ :r Thar
was a type of
T'he Saints
That Vaul might root out and remove thefe
wretched abufesand difordersj he prefcribes un-
to them this Iioly duty of examination, asafpe-
ciail and foveraigne prefervative againft unwor-
thy receiving.
Let A man iheref ore examine kimfelfi^ faith he, 8cc.
Out of which words I would (pecially teach you
this leflbn.
Examination and triall of our fel ves is a need-
full dnty to be performed and praftifed of every
one before hee receive the holy Gommunion.
Examination is neceflary before we come to the
Lords Table.
The triall of ourselves before we eat of this
bread, anddrinkeof this cup, is by expreile com-
mandement, every mans precife duty.
The Scripture is plentifulland pregnant in this
point. Before the entring and undertaking the
exercife and performance of any holy duty or* re-
ligious (ervicejWe ought to prepare and addrefle
our lelves, by narrowly fifting and examining
our (elves, our foules and conftiences, that we
may bee profitable and fruitful! partakers of
Gods bleflings in all facred bufinefles. So to
thispurpofe, 2 Ghro»,^$,6.^Erckf,$.lam,'^,^o,
pfaL/{, Ppil, I ip.5^. ihaieconfideredmyvpayes^ and
turned mf feet u»io thy tefltmonv^ (?<//. ^.4. Let eve-
ry man prove his owne worke.
Now as in all other holy excrcifesfome pre-
parative is neceflary for the more fiicceflefull
working of Gods (pirit upon our foules hy them ;
fo efpecially In this high and holy myftery of the
Ielje4nrkhwg examination.
Lords Supper, a more (peciall and particular ex-
ijmination is required, as appeares by t his place of
the Apoftle. For by it we make our felves either
guilty of the bloud of Chrift, or have our ioules
vvafht from all guiltinefle by that precious bloud.
There we either drinkeourfalvation ordamna-
don. Itisthefeaft, at which whofoever wanteth
his wedding garment (hall be caft inroutter dark-
neflfe. It is a feale which confirmes and conveyes
unto every man either a curfe or ableffing, either
a crofTe or a comfort .
Reafbns of this dodrine, and to ftirre and ex-
cite us to theperformance of this ncceflary duty,
for this time may be thcfe.
Firft, (uch !s the dulnefle and deadnefle of
heart (bmetimesj even in the befl*, that exce^ t it
be ftirred up , and furrowed as it were with a
(harp iand feverc excu/Iion and inquifition into
the irmoft (er rets, and moft hidden and lurking
thoughts, with an exad and impartiall examina-
tion of the ftate of theibule : It will be very un-
fit to receive with comfort and bleffing cither the
immort^ll feed of the Word, or the immediate
feale of the Spirit. The heart mufl: bee wrought
atrefh, new moulded, (bftncd and mollified by a
thorow in-fight and fearch,and with the renuing
of repentance and faith, if wee looke it fhould
receive fweetly and comfortably the divine im-
preffion of that heavenly Scale, and holy Sacra-
ment. It mult be tried by the pure Word of God,
I if we would have it fitted to be the (eat for the
1 facrcd Diamond of (andifying grace. For this
\ C blefled
Mac. M. IV)*
SUUti fiqal! I'lr
quefa^tt etra
alUtn ctramin-'
fudtrity alteram
cwn dieraper
tetim eommi-
fuaiy ntctfjeefi
fiquis tamgn &
fangnmem DO'
gatur, utChri"
ipfein Chrifio
Cyril, in loan.
* communicatio
mum In cbrifto
fuiiy & ab eo in
cum homo faiiM
ipfe templum [u-
um preprio (pl^
vit. Orijoigitwt
^he Saints
bleiied focxiof the Lords Supper upon an Unpre-
pared hearCjis as a (eale prcft upon a ftone or W7,-
ter, it leaves behind it no print nor ftep, no ^^af-
(age or imprcflion of grace or holinefTc.
Secondly, the bleilings and comforts which
we receive and enjoy, by rightly examining our
felves, (the ppoyto vportky receiving) are unfpeak-
able and glorious.
For he that after a found and fanftified prepa-
ration, pertakes the myfteries of the Lords Sup-
per v/orthily , receives into his fouleChrift, a;nd
his holy fpirit, * with all their blefled effefts^
extraordinary motions andftirringsot heavenly
delight, and fpirituall ^oy, farre palling the capa-
city and conceit c^ all riaturall men • the very
Well-fpringof endleflelife, and well- fare both
of foule and body. Hee (hall ftde by the body
and bloud facramentally prefented the ve y
fafte of eternal! life, and vital] power of fiving
grace, fweecly feeding and filling every veine^
power and paflage < f the (bule unto immortality.
His fbule is as certainly pardoned and purged
from the guilt of finne, as if the precious bloud
of his gored fide were diftilling even now afrefh
upon it. In the wounds of his Redeemer all his
ritnfanau parti- ^^^^^^^^^ and infirmities arc for ever buried from
l'ipmu^y"&Deo i thefight of God, and (earch of Satan ; So that
uniiifamus. (
Chtifii myficritimt^ : Omnes mm in ipfo fan^ificamwfi ul igitur inttrnoi & Deum^HgU'
let unirtty qi<a. .jvis co/porc fimul & an'ma di^amus,medt(in tamm adivvenityCMfi'id patruyt^
patmtutfute congriitnttm : Sn9 tnm corpore credentei per Cowmumnem Ptyfiicambemdi-
censy &fecHmy & inter mi ummnos corpus efficit. i^a cmmetSy qui unius fanUi cwpcr'ii
umntinuf2» ChtifioHain.funt, ab bac uaturali unmc^iienos^aiabit ? CyiUmlvb.bb.ii,
c»p.i6.^od convenit (wn iUo Jpfiol/^ i C«r.i 2.T3 ,
felfe4nrichwg examination.
though there bee diftradtions, tremblings and
feares on his owne fide j and for all Satans envies
and oppofitions contrary to this happineflej hee
ftandsas free from the guikinefle and curfe of
finne in Gods account and divine imputation, as
Adamht£oxt his fall, as any Saint or Angell in
Heaven, nay, as Chrift Jefiis himfelfe, blefled for
ever^inanholyandfoberfenfe, for he is a lively
member of his my fticall body ^ hee is wafiit as
cleane from finne, as his bloudcandoe it 3 he is
as juft as his righteoulbefle can make him. j
If thou come then to this holy Table, vsrith a'
true, broken, penitent5humblejrepenting& pre-
pared heart, thoumaift be as fully and certainly
aflured of the enjoyment and pofle/Iion of
Chrift* and all the glorious benefits of his meri-
torious paflion, asif hispretiousblouddideven
nowgufta out afreih upon thy polluted fbule5
and that now with his glorious hand hecfhould
reach unto thee through thectouds,'thecom-,
forts of heaven, and a crowne of immortality.
Thirdly, the omiffion and negled of this du-
ty by which we might become worthy receivers,
brings upon us lamentable and wofuU danger
and damnation, as appeares by this place. For he
that rafhly and rudely rufhes upon this holy my-
fterie, and fb receives, unworthily, is guilty of j
the body and bloud of the Lord, a horrible guilt,
a fearfiill impiety. To be guilty of wicked and
finfiill bloud, is able for ever after to make the
ftouteft heart to quake and tremble, and to melt
awayivith feares and faintings, like the leaves of
C 2 the
I "
The Sam f
the forreft which arc jfhaken with the wind. But
to (hed innocent bloud,addes yet further weight
to the burden of conlcience, and to the wrath of
God,- what height of horror then, and depth of
hell may he expeft, which hath this hand in fpil-
ling the guiltlefle and precious b'oud of Chrift
the Sonne of God. The burden of his bloud lay
heavie upon the heart of inJaf ^ It preft him
downe from the Gallowes to the bottome of
hell, Mattk 27. 3,455. It lies full heavie untill
this day upon the whole Nation of the lewes,
according to their owne curfed wiib. Mat, 2725.
There is no man 1 afTure my felfe, but both
with mouth and heart will deteft andabhorre
the barbarous crueltyj and unfpeakable malice of
thofe wretched villaines, the murcherersof th^
Lordjefus 5 who with mercileffe fury fcourged
him, fpat in face, crowned him with thornes,
nailed him to the crofTe, and thruft him to the
heart with a fpcare. Af d yet if a man deceive
not hib owne heart, hee may clearly fee, if hee
come to the holy Sacrament irreverently, un-
preparedly, and unworthily, hee is in fbme fort
and (t'n(ea (hedder of Chri :1s bloud :^ heeisbro*
ther in iniquity to thofe hatefull and abhorred
mifcreants, and partakers of their bfoudfhed.
A^(/it if not ignorancz^ good meanings company^ fi^
lemmtyofthetime^ or eommomeffeofthefinnt^ that
mil excursus in this cafe^ or free Hspom this horrible
guilt. Many of che lewes did in their ignorance
crucifierhe Lord of life, i:»i^2^.^4.uf5f.3.i7.
And the Corinthians in this place, had no
JelfeAnrish'mg examination.
doubt, very good meaning when they received
moft unworthily, yett ey were not hereby di(^
charged from the guilt of Chrifts bloud. Nei-
ther will acuftomiry, formalij or perfundory
preparation fcrve the turne in this point, or free
us from accc fTarinefTe to the death of Chrift, and
obnoxioufhclTe to the plague of that bloudy fin.
.A Pharilaicall wafhingof the out fide of the cup
and of the platter, will not make way for the wa-
(hing of our (bules from the guilt and polutions
of fin, by that favingand fanSifying bloud (acra-
mentally offered unto us in this holy myfterie.
As for example ^ Many thinkethey have well
and worthily quitted themfelves, and made a
foodly and glorious preparation , if for (bme
rawles, grudges, Jealoufies and diflentions ri-
fen betwixt them, they feeke/or a fruitleffe and
formal! reconciliation with their neighbour,
thoug^inthe meane time they make no (earch,
examine or take any notice of the great dif-
ference and fearfull breach betwixt God' and
their owneconfciences, or feekeby repentance
and humiliation to be reconciled unto him, who
is able to caft both body and foule into hell fire.
It is I confefTe a neceflary duty to be at charity
with all men, and to feeke for reconcilement
where there hath beene falling out, and ftrange-
neflfe, before we prefiame to come to the Lords
Table ^; but except there be befide a narrow and
fincere (earch into the ftate of the ibule^a cafting
up of our accounts betwixt our owne confciences
and the Tribunall of Heaven i a true hearted
An ordinary
deccic among
many ignorant
pcenndi gravari
magii dico Eu^
cbarifiU penep-
rificari. Idem dt
* Mutet vitivt
qui vultaeciftrt
vitam. Ndmji
ad judicium ac-
cipmvUam^ &
magh eJi ipfa
corTtimpiturj &
tur^ A'sgSerm.
Dom.i .Advent.
The Saints
purpofe not to continue in any one knowne (in,
* an inward, humble and impartiaJI trialJ and
preparation of our (elves, to the worthy recei-
ving of thofe (acred fealcs of our (alvation, the
former is butformall, fruitlcde and Phariiaicall.
It is (aid moreover in the Text, that ffe that
eateth(i»ddrmketh unvponhily^ eat el h anddrink^thi'is
mne damnation* As foone as he hath received the
Sacrament, he is prefently guilty of high treafbn
to the Majeftie of Heaven, for murthering the
Sonne of God. With the wretched (bnne of per-
dition hee (wallowes downe the bread and the
deviU together 5 and may (ay to hell, thou art my
p6rtion, and to the kingdome of darkne(re, this
day have I taken poflTefJion of thee, becaufe I
have had my hand in the death of my Saviour,
and in (pilling and trampling under foot that
precious blond which (hould have laved my
(bule. As a man that drinks downe ranke and
deadly poy (on, without a pre(entcounterpoy(bn
todrive it from the heart, and expell it out of the
body, cannot poflTibly e(cape temporall death :
So certaine it is,a man that receives this heavenly
food unworthily^ turning it into a (pirituall poy-
(bn imto his (bule, by the diftemper of his pro-
phane and unprepared heart, cannot poflibly
efcape damnation and death, except by the (b-
vcraigne antidote of repentance, reformation,
and amendment of life, hee flee unto the Lord
upon the knees of his (bule for compa(iion and
pardon, and by his after (incerity and obedience ,
labour to make amends for (b horrible and hate-
ful! rebellion. Thirdly, ^
1 felfc'-mriching examination.
Th&dlyjbefides acceflarinefTe to the death^and
guiltinefTe of the bloud of Chrift, and drinking
ofcertaine damnatioHj as is plaine in the Text";
the haft nil. g and heaping upon them all outward
croflesj and temporal! plagues, both upon bod v
and conlciencej goods and good name, and even
dccjth it fclfe, are the juftlotand payment of un-
worthy receivers, and prophaners of this holy
Sacrament. For thiscaule, faith ?<«»/, many are
weakeand fickeam.ong you, and many fleepe,
verf.^o. Every finne makes us juftly liable to any
f>lague or puniQiment ^ bur unpreparednefle and !
unworthineffe in comming to the holy Commu-
nion, hath a fpeciall and particular power to pull I
downe upon us, violently and fearfully, worldly
croflesj temporall plagues, and untimely death.
Even the beleever and true Chriftian, if for
want of a right and reverent eftimationanddi-
fpofition towards the Sacrament of reconcile-
ment towards God and men 5 of due examinati-
on and preparation of his owne (bule, come un-
worthily (for ibhe may) may (though by faith
in Chrtft he be freed from eternall condemnati-
on) yet bring upon himfelfe many corporall out-
ward plagues J as weaknelle, ficknefle, and death.
But the unregenerate and unbeleever , which
withan evill and impenitent heart rufhes unto
this holy banquet, who is ever an unworthy re-
ceiver, while he fb continues, maybefide's thefe
lookc for eternal! condemnation both of foule
and bod V. For inhimprophanationof this ho-
ly Sacrament begets hardnefle of heart, dead- 1 miHei
n'laeo pcior-ejl
(iui pecoat'i fibi
confciui atctdh,
^he Saints
' ' ■ H I II I I ■■
neffeof (piric, unablenefle to repent, fotha: af-
ter he hath received, he becomes twofold more
the childe of hell than he was before.
This may ferve then in the firft place to
terrifie and affright all ignorant, prophane,
and unworthy commers to the Lords Table.
Let them in the name of God tremble and ftep
backe, and not prefume to * approach or prefle
unto this heavenly banquet.
I. If they doe, they defperately throw their
ownepoore foules upon the (harpeft points, and
keene edges of Gods fearfoU plagues and judge-
2 .Looke to it whofbever thou art^Ifthou come
unworthily, unpreparedly, irreverently, and
unfandifiedly, thou openeft the gates of hell a-
gainfl: thee, thou makeft way , and giveft the
raines, to all the powers of darknefie, with all
their rage and fury to rufh headlong upon thee,
and to take further and full pofleflion both of
(bulc and body.
3. Thou wilfully fearefl* thine ownecon(ci-
ence with an hot iron •, thou hardnefl: thine heart
like the nether Milftone 5 thou recciveft Gods
curfe under feale.
4. When thou talrefl: with thine unhallowed
hands thofe holy figces , thou renteft againe,
and riveft afunder thy Redeemers clofed wounds,
with a (pearc againe thou pierced his facred fide,
indtgnef rati j
et^it corpatis & faagumis DiOunl , iws vtbemtnum ac urribiSus iftdtcaum per rt'/ctUio-
nem cx^rmturdimduitf ^ui mnducat indigne^ judicium fbi nranducat, Bafil.ferm.i.de
Ffc. 1,
* si In lege vetc-
ri lates msf!t$
M-'tt'TpM (OS pO'
ftlie fu?itt qui
iemere ad eaftt-
en accedunty
qu€ tsb komim-
ins Jennifcan-
lur^fjuid dicen-
tantum ac tale
fjiyijeiiitm te-
Qui'iQ ini>n
mijiti e(t aliquid
U^fiplii fecutidun
tanio graviiu
9C tcrribiliuf e(i
IH anifxa impu-
turn csYpiM Chri-
st Utfterecon-
tingtre, quam
fit accedere ad
ros daenie Apo-
^eloy itaque qui
Ivlfe4nrichwg examination. I 17
aiid wringeft againe with Icwiih cruelfjj both
fbiile and life, from the Lord of Life.*
5, When thou letft dovvne the Bread and
Wihe, thou fwallo weft therewith SaraOj bloud
guilcinefle, and thine owne damnation.
6. And thou departed this holy placej liable
and open to all flich evils and miichiefes upon
the face of the earth, asa mandefticuceeitherof
grace div'ine may commit^ or unproteded from
above endure.
7,. And fc) by thine unworthy receiving many
times more thechilde of hell than before, o ; • b
Afecondufemaybeforadmonirion^ andad-
vertifement to all 5 that they would carefully
and confcionably try and examine therafelves,
according to thecounfefljof thie Apoftle, whe-
ther they be fitguefts or no> and worthy recei-
ver^3 before they prcfume to come & fit down e
at the Lords Table. Which that you may doe
with comfortand profit, I will acquaint and in-
rtruft; you. what you ought to doe , and what,
(hould be your carriage beforeyoucome to bee
partakers of the holy Sacrament of the body
and bloud of Chrifh
r. An examination and tri-
alJof ourfelvcs.
2. Premeditation.
Examination which fitteth.and prepareth a
rpan to receive worthilyjis an holy worke of the
foule, ^whereby it cafteth its eye, and reflefteth
' upon k felfcjand fb looks through it felfe, makes
D an
For a fit preparation!
hereto, three things .
dre fpecially confi-
lapvof-nuiit in-
fiii prodiorcfn
CQstra cos qui
ftdcn Ks tit ^'to-
que fis reus cor-
poris c^ fofim
nii Cbrijii j ]Ui
fufcipU anrrKa
poll tot btnefida.
Chryfof}. Horn.
60. ad pff.Aii'
What tKjs cx-
amuuiion is.
Wherein ic
nrhe Saint i
an cxaft forvey and fearch into every comer,
and takes a true fcantling andeftimateof ks fpi-,
rituall eftate.
Firftj by this godly exercife of examination, ;
a man by the touch ftone of Gods Word, which
is as pure as the filver tried in a furnace of earth,
fined feven fold, doth try whether his converfi-
on be (bund and faving, or copper and counter-
feit ^ for none can worthily receive this Sacra-
ment, or have any intereft in the bleffings there-
of^ but a true Chriftian 5 buthee that is con ver-
ted from nature to grace, from prophanenelfc to
piety, from his finne toa (anftificd courfe 5 but
he that of a prophane and camall maoais made an
holy andanew creature. ioi; coo 1 .
Secondly, inthisworke 'of examination, hee
muft finde in himfelfe thofe (pirituall endow-
ments, and Chriftian vertues, the individuall
companions of a found converfion, which are
onely able to fit and enable him with worthi-
neffe, profit, and comfort, cocome tothe Lordi
Table. They arc thefe ?< f'*
Firft, Knowledge.
Secondly, Faith.
Thirdly, Repentance.
Fourthly, New Obedience.
Fifthly, Love.
Sixthly, Sincerity, apurpofe of notljlngin,
or giving liking or allowance to any finne.
Seventhly, An hunger and thirft after this
eavenlyfooi and unfained eameft defire un-
to it. ^
-.►r - A f
-10>. Viii.j
j felfe Enriching examination. .
Thirdly, hemuft revifethefefavinggiks and 1
Chriftian graces, and confidcr how they waxor
waine, fadeorflouriOi, languilh, or are in life,
that fbhe may proportionably prepare and apply
ipirituallprefervativcscwreftoratives. Butcfpe- ,
daily that he may (b compofc and addrefle them
towards this holy and heavenly banquet, that
every one of them may receive addition, en-
CTeafinent, and particular vigour thereby.
Fourthly5in this glafle of examination he doth
di(coverand defcry what ipots and ftaines have
light upon hislbule, what wounds or breaches
have beene made upon hisconfcience, what in-
firmities or frailties, what omiflionsor relapfes,
or new fals, have growne upon him fince his laft
Upon which difcovery he pre(ently proftrates
and powres out his Ibule before the throne of
grace and mercy, with groanes and (ighs, for re-
conciliation with God, for ref^itution into his
favour and protcftioUj for his former peace and
comfort of coniacnee,he renues his faith and re-
pentance for them ^ for every new finne requires
anewadbothoffaich and repentance ; Andfb
prepares his truly humbled (bule to receive the
alTurance of the remifiion of findes, fealed unto
him by the bloud of Chrift in the Sacrament.
Firft, for converfion. It is that holy and hap-
py change wrought upon us , by the effefhaall
concurrence of the outward miniflery of the
Word,and inward working of the fpirit 5 where-
by5of naturalljCarnalljandprophane men, we arc
D % made
Notes of true
l^a J5.7.
fzcch.iS II.
-^ Joh 3^.
Mich. 6.8.
I JqImi.4,
1 Pct.i.x.
made fpirituall, holy, and new creatures 5 and
from the dominion and darknelTe of fin and Sa-
tan , are tranflated into the Kingdome of grace,
and into the light and liberty of Gods children.
Now a man may by fiich marks as thefe trie
and confider whether hee bee truly and fonndly
converted, or no.
If he hath turned fnam Satan in all finnes,and
turned unto Godin all duties. J raeane it thus ^ !
If he hath left all grofle finnes, as Lying,Swca-
ring,U (ur7,Drunkennefie5Uncleanne(re,& (uch
like, inpraclifeandaftion 3 and all frailties and
infirmities,at leafi: in allowance and affedion, fb
that with watchful! refiftance, andeameftgpoa-
nings of fpirir, he ftrive and pray againft them,
and be humbled & kept in awe by rhem^ and that
he performe obedience to all Gods Commande-
|menc?j though not inperfeftion and height of
■dea;rce5 yet in truth and fincerity of heart.
if he be willing in all his ptirpofcs, defires, en-
devours, andadions, to (et himfeife in the pre-
fence of God, and in them to be wholly, unre«
fcrvedly, and entirely guided by his Word.
If he can without (ervile trembling, Or pro-
phane (enflefhefle, fee the flavifbmiferyof the
wicked in this point 5 with an holy comfort and
humble triumph thinkeupon death, the Law,
that great judgement hell, and thofe cndkfle
If he lovingly hunger and thirfVafterfpirituall
nourifliment, and growth in grace by the Word,
Sacraments, Chriftianconference, by a profita-
Phil f .
jelfe'-inricbing examination.
bleand fincere fantStifying the Sabbath, and allo-
ther godly cxercifes, both publike and private ,
If he love truly, and heartily long after thecom-'
ming of Chrift,and love fuch as are true GhrifVians,
and that becaufe they make conlcience of (inne,
and ferve God with iinglenelTe and fincerity of
heart. If choudcfiieft thar thy love of the brethren
fiiould bee unto thee an infallible marke of (piritu-.
all life : Firft, let the principall objed of thy love
be, his Chriftianity andgraces,notgiiine,pleaiurej
roorall or naturall parts, or any by- re fped.
Love all the Saints^ He that lores not ajl,
loves none aright, yet this takes not away degrees
of love.
1. Either for excellenqr of grace.
2. Or eminency of refpeds.
Love them at all times ; as well in adverEtyjdii-
grace^temptation^ficknefle^c. J P10.17.17.
If his chiefe delight and btft comfort be in ho- ' ^
ly dutiesjind heavenly things^and that he infinite-
ly preferre them before gold, hor.ours, pleafures,
yea, the wtole world .
^If hee would not exdiange bis prefent ftation,
though never fb bafe^poore, andneglededinthe
world, yet accompanied with the ftate of grace^,
and Chriftianity, for the moftrich, and glorious
eftateof thegreateftraan upon the earth, where
there is nothing biar prophanenelTea and unregene-
ration.If this whole great world about us were tur-
led all into gold. honour, and pleafures,yet in ref-
ped of the comfort of grace , it were dung, vanity ,
nothing, D3 If
-• 1
Self. 10,,
Kott\6 II.
The parts of
T^he Saints
If he would not be in the ftate and cafe hee was
before, ( though hee then thought that good e-
nough ) for any worldly good, for tenne thoufind
If hee bee truly humbled with confideration of
the long time of his prophanenefTc and impeni-
tency , and very fbrry hee began no (boner, nor
made greater hafte into the royall and glorious
ftate of Chriftianity.
If thofe finfull pleafiires and vanities bee moft
tedious, irkefbme^ and diftaftefull unto him^
which formerly he purfuedvvith greedinefTej and
delight. As for example, if as before hee had
much delight and contentment in good fellowfliip,
and in fuch company as paft the time in idle
mirth, and prophane (potts 5 (b now hee cannot
endure and abide fuch (infull Io(Ie of time, and
prophane companions ; but if hee fall amongft
them, he is our of his owne element, ftd anddif-
content, and after humbled with repentance for
fuchrelapfes. . ihit.
If hee mourne for the abhoaiinations of the
times, grieve 3t the wicked cour(es of others, and
be very glad and heartily joy full; when godline(re
and finceritygets the npper hand, and when any
one IS converted.
If to the pov/er of hisgifrs.atall occadons^he be
ftill plotting, working, and labouring theconver-
fion of others with zeale and (incerity 5 efpecially
thofe that are neareft about him, any way depend
upon him, and belong to his charge.
The parts of converfion are two s
Eph.a X,
1 Fee. 2. 24*
felfe-inrichwg examination.
Mortification ordying unto finnc, which is the
continuall Jeflening and weakning of thepnftice
and power of finne.and hboureth all it can to dead
the very root J and dry the fountaine of originall
Vivification, or living to righteoufnefTCj which
is a continuall renewing and quickning to all
holy duties, and appeares in a conftant, fincere,
andfruitfulldefireand endevour to doe well, re-
covering it felfe againe, after flips, fals^ and re-
"^r hus in the firft place we are to examine and try
whether a converfion be wrought upon^ and whe-
ther it be true ^ found and (aving or no.
For no man but a (bund convert, and true Chri-
ftian, can be a worthy receiver. For as that body
is onely fit to receive nourifhmentiwhich hath in
it, life, naturall heat , and power of digeftion,
that it may therewith be filled, fed and refrefhed.
(ono man ought to eateat the Lords Table, but
hee alone which is already infpired with fuper-
naturall life, withfpirituall heate, and the power
of grace, that fo that divine food may finke into
the foule,' to..chcere, ftrengthen, and enlarge it
with comfort , confidence, and delight in hea-
venly things. If the daintieft and wholfomeft
meat fhould bee put into the mouth of a dead
man, it would putrifie and rot ^ (b if this hea-
venly food bee received into a prophane heatrt^it! b/blpciS m-
brings forth nothingbut hardneffe, deadnefTe.and j ^oene body,
damnation. . , ^ . ^ ^ . incoonefpiric
* Baptiune indeed is the Sacrament of our in- iCor.u.15.
by one fpirit
I Cor.^.»i.
o: other graces.
l^he Saints
II I I ■ ■
corporation iiicoChriftj of our initiation andin-
vefting into the glorious ftate of Chriftianity. But
the Lords Supper was ordained to maintaine^con-
tinue, andconfirme fpirirualiJife, and the power
oFgrace already planted in the heart. By the great
work<e of regeneration fignified by baptifme, wee
arewaftied, wearcfanftified.wearejuftifiedinthe
name of the Lord jefus, and by the Spirit of our
God. Bur by the Lords Supper we.grow in (piritu-
all ftrength, we lay better hold by the hand of faith,
upon the merits and mercies of ChriO, wee fcele
more fbundly and fenfibJy the power and verjje
of hisbloud, wee fee moreclerely, and are more
fully and feelingly afcertained of the forgivenelTe
of finnes^ our confcience difquieted with (ome
frailties and infirmities fince our laH- receiving, are
fweetly appeafed by thebloudoftheLambe, our
inward peace, and f^.iricuall joy is the greater. We
gather hold, and winne ground againfl our cor-
ruptions, and the power of finne, and become
more chcerefull, fincere, and univerfall in ouro-
Thefc bledings may be expe^ed, where there
isfpirituall life, and due preparation before, but
plagues and judgements arc the portion of unrege-
nerate and prophane receivers.
Secondly, in this holy bufinefle of examinati-
on in preparation, wee muft enquire within our
(elves for thefe graces, the infeparable and in-
dividuall companions of a found converfion :
r. Knowledge. 2. Faith. 3. Repentance. 4. New
obedience. 5. Love. .6. Sincerity. 7. A right
/elfe-inriching exam'manon,
and loRgirig defire of that heavenly food. If
wc® finde not theft holy graces in our felves,
wee are not fbuodly coaverted, nor fit gaefls
for the Lords Table. Let ns- therefore never
refluntili v/ee feelethefe divine and favingven
tues fpring. up incur hearts, and flDurifli in our
life andadions. Lecus v/ith fincerity-,con(Gience
ands^eale, ufe and exerciie a'l thofc good and
gi'jcious meanes and motives which God hath
ordained and appointed, for begetting and be-
ginning them in us, as prayer, importunity with
groanesand fighs, the Word read and preaehed,
conference and meditation, godly company, of-
ten remembring our death, that dreadful! day of |
doome, even at hand ^ and the eafeleflfe, en Jlefle, . I
andremedilefle painesof hell, and fuch like. Bur
if we doe find them in usj though mixed with
muchweaknefle and infirmity, with many frails
ties, wants and imperfeftions -yet if they bee -
ther^ in fincerity and truth, if they bee joyned
with a full purpofe, and conn:anc refolution to
abacdon the allowance of every infirmity, and
urterly to cafhier the pra(ffife of every grode
finne, we may by the grace of God, with com-
fort, profit, and certaine expedation of a bleP
fingi come to the Lords Table, that there wee
may flrengthen our faith, confirms our gracesjin-
flameour zeale^increafe theafluranceof thefor-
giveneile of our finnes, and of Gods favour 5
s:row neater and neerer into fellowfhip with
Chrift, an 1 communion with the Saints.
If our graces be true, though weake and full
The Saints
of wants 5 wee are not to feare, or forbeare to
come to the Lords Table, but rather make the
greater haOe to that (pirituall refedion. He that
feeleshimfelfe wcake, diftempered, fickly, hath
moft need of a Phyfitian. The Lords Supper is
principally intended and provided for the hun-
gry fbule, the broken heart, the bleeding corifci-
ence, the man that is weary and heavie hearted
for his finnes, and moft fcnfible of his frailties
and imperfedions. Chrift calsuntoiall them to
come unto him, which are wearie and (ore la-'
den, and men moft capable and fir ro receive
fpirituall refireftiing and comforts of filvation.;
Heetelsus, lJfl{,^*iS, that heewas (en t that hee
might heale the broken hearted, and that hee
might fet at liberty them that are bruifed. It was
foretold of him, that hee ftiouldnot breakethe
bruifedreed, nor quench the fmoking flax, till
he bring forth judgement unto viftory.
Jfa man bee truly converted, duly prepared
and J3ofleft of thofe graces I now named, though
not in that height and perfedion as hee de-
fires, but with adherence of wants and infirmi-
ties; yetif4ice finde them in hirafelfe in truth
and fincerity, if hee heartily defire, and undif-
femblingly endevour and labour after increafe in
goodnefle and obedience, neither waxing worfe,
nor ftanding at a ftay, but daily getting ground
of his corruptions, hee may and ought to come
unto the Lords Table, that he may receive fpi-
rituall ftrength and fecurity, for his crowne of
Jelfe'inriebing examination.
Thcfirft of thefe graces, which every worth)
and fit receiver mutt neceflarily finde in him-
felfe, is :
Knowledge. Of the neceflity, difference,
parts, and mea/ure of which I have fpoken gene-
rally in another^Sermon.
This knowledge is arightunderftanding, and
(bund apprehenfion of fupernaturall principles,
heavenly rayfteries, and divine truth necelTiT)
tofalvation. And this atlcaft muft bee a know-
ledge of the fuiidamentall, princJpall, moft ma-
terial! , and neceflary points and principles of
the Chriftian faith.
Such as are:
I. Of Gods Majeftie. 2. Our owne mifery.
5, The mcanes of remedy and recovery. 4.The
nature, ule, and end of the Sacrament.
Of Gods Majefties we muft conceive, as the
facred and faving light of his pure and holy
Word, (hall guide and informe us :
Thatheisone, infinite, invifible, andindivi-
fible eiTence, and three truly diftind perfbns
the Father begetting, the Sonne begotten, the
holy Ghoft proceeding from the Father and the
That he is the omnipotentCreator andcon-
ferver of the whole world, and all things there-
in ^ the fearcher andfeer of all hearts and fecrets.
Moftholy^ moft mercifull, moftjuft, almighty^
everlafting, without beginning or end ^ prefent"
in all places 5 the (peciall protedor and portion
ofhischildren^&c. Knowledge of this point
Triallof our
5 1
t>ik«pag, loi,
The Saints
may ceacw us 5 1. Reverence and av/tuiiKhc lu io
dreadfull a^Majeftie. 2. Adoration and admira-
tion of fo infinite excellencic. 3, Love of (b great
and immeafurable goodnelTe. 4. Securefull re-
liance and repofe upon his almighty power.
Secondly, wee muft have a cleare fight and
knowledge, a right fenfe andfeelingof ourinoft
miferable, finfull and accurfed ef tare by nature 5
and that thus :
Firfl, wee mufl: know and aknowledge, tliat
every man and woman, by nature, and in them-
^Ives, and without ChrifV, is a very ftranger and
enemy to God, the childe of wrath, heirc of
everlaftingperdition 5 enwrapped anJ incorpora-
ted into the accurfed communion with theDe-
vill and uncleane rpirits,c^/^^.i.!! i.
Every one naturally hath his underflanding
full of blindnefTe, finfulnefle, vanity, pride, fol-
Jy^conceitednefle, errours, curiofity, and many
fuchlike diftempers. His will full of wiltulnefJe,
frowardne(re,rebellion,and inconformity to the
holy will of God. His affeftions full oi wilde-
neffe, fory, and corifufion. His thoughts full of
earthJinefle, filthinefle, and fenfuality. His me-
mory ftored with polluted notions,and the men-
ftruous reliquesof foule abominations.His heart
ful! of deadneile,deceitfulne(le,and iron finewes.
Hisconfciencefullof bitings and ftingings, de-
filed, and uncomfortable. And befides, every
member of the body is inflavcd to (inne and Sa-
tan, Kom,i. 1 3. His eyesare full of luflfull wan-
drings. His eares full of obfcenc. liftnings, &c.
JelfeAnricbing examinaUon.
Thus every one naturally lives the life cf hell in
all the powers of his fbule^ and parts of his body.
And he hath a root and fbuntaineof originall (m
fticking faft in his bowels, which Aill feeds & fijs
his body of death, or rather life of finjwith con-
tinual] iupply of new poyfbn, and heJlifli vigour.
Out of this made of ipiritiiall miferieipring
naturally all plagues, judgements, and curfes,
both in (ouleandbody^bothiniliislife^indeath,
and in the other world, i^i'f r^.r-crr-or^n;-:!" '
In this life hereby we are fubjed and liable to
inadnefle, tcrrours, and ftrange aftonilhments
in mindc^ To all infirmities, difeales, and tor-
tures in bddy. To lolle, wrongs, andoppreffion
in goods, and our temporall eftate. To (landers,
difgraces, and reproaches in our good name. To
difcontentments and difcomfort in wives, neigh-
bours, friends, children land pofterity. So with
what an armic of curfes every wicked man is
dogg'd, Z>«#. 2 8 . In death they are to have their
poorcandhopeleflc (bules torne and rent wirh
much anguirii, and painfull horror, from their
finfull bodies, with a delpairfull, comfortlefle,
or {enflefie divorce. They are upon their death-
beds to lie like wilde Buls in anet* as Efay (peaks,
foil of the wrath of the Lord. And in tise Mor-
ning thoHJljaltCau xfould Oodit wete Evettj and at the
E'venthonJhanjajyWmddGcditvpere Morning^ df*c. \
But in the world to come come the height and
complement of all wofolnelTe : Not onelyan
eternal! fcparation and cafting away from the
_ - prefence i
The Saints
prefcnce of God, and the fruitibn of thofe glori-
ous and unutterable joyes, but alfb endlefle vexa-
tion and torment with the devill and his angels :
With infinite horror and anguifh arifii^ from
the full feeling of the whole and unquenchable
wrath of God, which like a bottomlclTe Sea, will
(wallow up the bodies andfbulesof all impeni-
tent finners.
Befides this knowledge oi mansmifcry, and
natarall corruption in generally we muft take no-
tice 6f thofe (peciall particular finnes which have
found any haunt and harbour in our fbules t and
foundly, ferioufly> and fenfibly conceive of and
confidcr thfeiatolierable curie of God due unto
usfbrthefame. :> :;:>':'' ^^rj?.
Laftly, we muft know how this great mafle of
mi(erablc mankind was plunged into this accur-
fed ftate of damnation and dczth.Adam and Eve,
our firft parents, created in the beginning of the
world, planted in Paradife by the hand of God,
-and placed in fullpoffeffion of allholinelfe, and
true happineflfej did unhappily by the breach and
tranlgreffionof Gods commandcment aboUt the
forbidden fruit, diProbe anddif-inveft all their
potterityof that glorious eftate, and caft us all
into this gulfc of linnc, and guiltinefle of darh-
We were all h^y inMaf» while he {lo6dup<s
rfght in obedience to Gods commandements in
Paradife, andftiould have beeue inhcritoursof
hisperfedions and felicities. And he was a glo-
rious creature before his fail. The Fathers call
'■.q ')]"/:■ him
felfe^mriehmg eocamination.
himashe\ra$ in that eftate, the Cedar of Para-
di(e, the Pifture of Heaven, the glory of the
Earthj the Governour of the world ^ and the
Lords owne Darling and delight. But he being I
the father of all men, and fbuntainc of all gene-
rations following, did fiiftaine the publike per-
(on of mankinde, both in his innocencie, and al-
(b in his miferie, in his telicity,and in his fall^and
therefore we being all in the very moment of his
fall in Adam loynes, did both ftand and fall witli
him 5 we were both happy with him in his per-
feftion, and helplefle with him in his perdition.
Neither (hould this fccme ftrange and une-
quail that we Ihould finne, and finke into mifery
in Adams loynes, being yet unborne. For the
congruity and equity of it appearcs many
By the example of Ahrsham^ in whom Levi is
(aid t® have paid tithes to MeHffedecke^ which
was not borne fomc hundred yeares after^
Of fielecca^ who having two (brines in her
wombe, is (aid to have two Nations, Cm-i 5.25.
Out of the fifth to the Rom4m^(ox even as the
righteoufheflcof Chrifl is r€ckoned to tho(e that
bcleeye in him^ althongh they never did it, be-
caufe they arc one with Chrift^ (bthefinneof
Adam is reckoned to all his pofterity , becailfe
th^y j^^ye.ifi Iiiip^;apd qf;hip8>- Jind one, with
' t By the congruity of nature, for cbmmonly the
iLeproufie, Stone, Gout, and other di(ea(es, are
ihc msancs of
T^he Saints
—in "
derived out of di(caled bodies of the parents up-
on the children. The flaviih and viilanous edatc
oi the father is conveyed unco the pofterity .
By tlie courfe of humane juftice and equity of
ftate. If Ibmc great Perfbnage or Noble man
(hould offend by the hatefull aftof treafon, a-
gainft the Majeftie of an earthfy King, it is
thouglit juftj that his poflrerky be both d^ifinve-
fted of all titles of honour and nobilityj and dif^
inherlred of his lands, and temporall happineffe.
j Hqvv> much more ihould thi^-curfent of ju(lice
I hoId> ; and haVe his icoarfe/ivhen high tre^fbn
I is contrived and committcfd^ by a #6rrne and
wretch, in rdpe^b, againft the infinite Majeftie
\ of Heavenjandthe goodnefle Q>fGod Alrnighty.
fMay mtAda^s fihrte be ^^ )\\^\% nay-infinite-
ly more juftly imputed unto us^ as our UnhQs un-
' Knowledge of thi^ pamefbould beget in us 5
[ li.Aienfeof'ourmiftry. ^M\imt\vtf, 3^. Hea-
' viheartedneffe for ourfinfull andaccHf(ed efVate.
4. Reftleffegroanes and loggings for relecfe and
reco\'eryv> .•^rioijs '1 ov^i ^vafloji 1) iil d ,pit > v
Nowinal!hffdplace\^ehTurf bee aVfjiainted
witih the rnfi^anes of remedy arid recot^ery, out of
that (if nfulkftd ^Gcurffed cftil^ wherfeln^vir^ Tie by
nature.- i j-hSi i.v\v\^^ iluw orio D^i^vorii '■][:.:>
In this pdirif we muft ^Ad# vvhb ?s abl^ to fe-
dtemeusfrom liiine^Saran, hell^^nd cvefHfling
'confciencej and i fart*e mc)te glorious happih^e
. ..,.thaa .
felfe4nriching examination.
than wee loft in Adam, And alio the way and
meanestopurchafeintereft in this blefled Redee-
mer, and to partake of thole comfortable benefits
and bleffings which belong to eternall life.
Firft for the former point, our redemption and
recovery from oar finfulnefle and curfednefle, de-
pends wholly upon, and isonely performed by the
fecond perfbn in the Trinity, Chriftjefiis the one-
\y fonne of God*
In whom we muft rightly conceive and confi-
der his perfbn, his office, his benefits.
In hisperfon ^ His Godhead that makcth the
Perfbn, and his man-hood, which hathlubfiftence
in the perfbn of the God-head, are confidf rable.
As touching his God'head,he is the only na^urall
Son of the moft high and eternall God his Father,
his Word, Chsrader, and Iraage,Godcoefrentiall>
and coequall with the Father and the hoi v Ghoft.
As concerning his Manhood 5 Hce aflumcd in-
to the fellowfhip of perfon, mans nature ; Hee
tooketohimfelfeabody, and reafbnable foule, by
the incredible operation and infinite vertue of the
Holy Ghoft, Lnki 1.3 5 . fo that he is God and man
in one perfbn 5 and that was necefiary for the ac- ,
complifhment of our redemption.
Hee was man, that hee might be fiibjed to the j
Law, fulfill itj and beare the punifhments of our i
tranfgreffions of it ; He was God, that he might i
make the obedience of his life^ and miferies at his
death, meritoriousfor our falvation.
He was man, that he might fuffer, die, and (bed
hisbloud. He wasGod^ that mi^t breake op(m
E the
Aft. 4.1 J.
. I Joh.1,7.
Pfal 1.(5.
the barres of the earthy and conquer death, and rife
Had he becne God alone, {atisfadion could not
have beene made to divine juftice, which muft bee
performed in the fame nature which oflFended :
And if he had beene onely man, he could not have
applied unto us the power of his pallion, or made
his fufFerings effeftuall for us, for this is the worke
of the fpiritj which he gives unro us, as he is God.
Secondly, there muft bee aright under ftandlng
of the office of our Redeemer, in which reQ)eft he
is called Chrift, that is Gods annointed, becaufe
theFather did confecrate him to the office of a Me-
diatour, and did furnifh him with all meet gifts
for that purpofe, loh. <^. 2 7. ^<^ . i o. 3 8 .
There are three parts of his Mediatourfliip :
Firft, the propheticall part, whereby hee revea-
lethandpubliQieth the whole will and counfell of
j God his Father, as concerning mans (alvation.
I His Prieftly ftinftion, whereby he works the full,
I compleat, and through fiifficienr meafure and merit
of our Redemption ^ in his holy conception; righ-
teous life, and bloudy.fuffering upon the Croile.
Laftly, his royall and Kingly part^ whereby he
mightily efFe6i:sallthisinus,by the in ward opera-
tion of his fpirit, powerfully applies it unto us, and
by an outward divine politie^ whereby heeaileth
his Church till the laft and great Judgement.
In a third place we ought to take fpeciall notice
of thofe benefits which l{)ring up unto us out of
a bottomleflb fountaine of Grace ; In which re-
fpcdheiscalledjefus 5 they are infinite, unfpeak-
e'lnriching examination.
able, and glorious , every one of them worth a
world of gold, yea, ten thoufand worlds.
They are thele;
Participation and union with Chrift^ whereby
we are ingratfed into him, and become one with
him. Or it is that mutuall inward hold, which
Chrift hath of us, and we of him, in fuch fort, that
each pollefleth other by way of fpeciall intereft^
propriety, and inherent copulation.
Reconciliation, whereby we are delivered from
the wrath of God, the enmitie of creatures, and
flavery to Sacan^ and happily reftored into Gods
favour and proteftion, and fo certainly preserved
in fafety, from the hurtful! fury of creatures, the
rage of Satan^and powers of helljthe^ftones of the
field (hall bee at league with thee, and the beads,
d<c,Iob 5.21922,25,24. We (hall fleepe, and none
(hall make us afraid, tevit.16,6. lob.11,19. Wee
(hall not be afraid of evill tidings, PfaL 1 1 2 . 7.
Remidionof finnes, whereby our polluted and
wofull (bules are freely and fairly wafhed for ever,
difcharged and enlarged from thcftaine, guilt, pu-
nishment, and raigne of finne, by the bloud-fuffe-
rings and foveraignty of our blelfed Saviour.
Imputation of righteoufnefle, whereby our fins
are laid upon him 3 and his obedience counted
Interceflion , which comprifeth in it three
things.Prefentation of himfelfe before his Father,
as Mediatour and facrificer of himfelfe, fbra full
fatisfadion for our finnes. An engaging of him-
Telfe to his eternal] Father, that by his grace wee
I E 2 being
Wc are hereby
freed from the
rainion of fin.
^ 4
iX J©h.|.i.
being partakers, and fcnfible of fb great mercies
and merits, will with care and confcicnce avoid
finnCj and labour to keepe our felves unfporred
and blamelefle amidft a naughty and crooked ge-
neration, that (b we be not grievous andburden-
fome to fb gracious a God. Laftly, an effufion of
hisintcrceflbry fpirit upon ourfbulcs andconfci-
ences, which kindles in our hearts^ godly defires,
and good purpofes^ for the avoiding of finne, and
keeping a good conlcience , and many bitter fighs
and heavie-heartednefle, for the bewailing our re-
lapfcSj frailties, and infirmities.
Acceptation to eternall life, whereby wee are
deemed worthy an immortall crowne^ and end-
leflTe joyes, for Chrifts worthinefle.
Adoption , whereby of velTels of wrath by na-
ture, and firebrands of hell, we are become chil-
dren of God by grace, and heires of Heaven.
Sanftification, whereby wee die to finnCj and
live torighteoufnefTe ; Which though it be unper-
fedinthislifej and therefore accompanied with a
combate berweene the flefh and the fpirit • yet we
have fpiritui^ll armour provided, and after death it
(hall be perfected with height of purity, and fuf-
nefie of all holinefTe.
Corroboration, whereby w€ are preferved from
falling from that eftate wherein God hath placed,
and dotli uphold us , and the comforts of godli-
nefle ^ and by the power of his might are confir-
med, rtrengthened, and ftablilhedin the way to
Glorification-j whereby we are made partakers ,
__^ of I
felfe4nrich'mg examination.
of thofe endlefle and urtutcerable joyes^ which nei-
ther eye hath feene^ eare hath heard, nor the heart
oF any man conceived, and which none bnitGod
knowethj and hee who doth enjoy tkem. This
knowledge we muft have of our Redeemerj of his
Perfbn^ office, and benefits.
Now furthermore it is required, that we be ac-
quainted with themeanes how we may gaine and
get right and intereft in this our blelTed Redeemer,
and unfearchable riches of his grace. Efj?ecially
fich Chrift with his merits doe not belong to all
men, but to afittk flocke, and that thcgreateft
part of the world, and even of thofe that live in
the profelTion of true Religion (halltecei ve no be-
nefit by him.
The fpirit of the Lord Ie(u$ by his infinite power
doth knit us wixh a reall conjunftion unto ChriO,
by the meanes of a true and fruitfbll faith, where-
by wee are infpired and endewed with ipirituall
life, and all the bleffings of Heaven ^ God the Fa-
ther is as it were the fountaine of this life, Chrill
is the Conduit, the Word the Pipe, Faith the hand
that opens and tumes the Cocke, the beleeving
heart the Cifterne which receives and enjoyes this
water of life, wherein it is a Well of water (prin-
ging up into everlafting life, M.4.14.
The Spirit of God by the power of the Word
preached, creates in our hearts this faith, which is
an holy gifrof God, whereby the fbule is enabled
to apprehend and apply Chrift particularly , as
hee is (et forth and offered in the Word and Sa-
ans come <o
* The Sacra-
ment of the
Lords Supper
Is not ordained
td be a bare and
naked figne, or
puts Us in mind
of one that is
abfcnt, but to
Rom- 4, J I.
Lord doth verU
upon us, and
confirmc and
make furc to us
the benefit of
his paflion.
T'he Saints
This )uftifying faith ever brings forth a zealous
and unfained love to God, his (ervice , people^
Word and Sacraments 5 and an univerlall & fincere
repentance and amendment of life prefent, and a
willingneffe and longing to die, in hope of a better
life : But of faith and repentance more largely
The knowledge of this point (hould bring forth
in us :
Firft, Thankfulnefle for the great worke of our
Sorrow for our (innes, the true caufe of Chrifts
Comfort in his Paflion and Obedience.
A cheerfiill obedience to the precepts of the
Gofpell, faith and repcfitancc. ^
Thus farre of the knowledge of Gods Majeftie,
our owne mifery, and the meanes of recovery.
Now in a fourth place wee muft be acquainted
with the natures ufe, and end of the Sacraments.
The two Sacraments, Baptifine and the Lords
Supper: The firft of incorporation and ingraffing
into ChrifV, whereby wee are enrolled into the
number of the houftold of God, and of the Citi-
zens of the heaven ly lerufalem.
The other of our further growing into Chrift,
and ftronger confirmation of the covenant of fal-
vation, and grace towards us, whereby our fpiritU"
aM life is revived, quickned, and increafed in us.
* Thefe Sacraments I fay are fignes to repre-
fent, feales to confirme, and inftruments to con-
vey Chrift, with all the benefits of his pa/Son^
felfe-inriching examination.
and bleflings of Heaven unto every bcleeving
They ferve as bonds of obedience to God,
ftrid obligations to the mutualiexercife of Chri-
ftian charity^ provocations to godlinefle, preler-
vations from finnc, memorials of the principall
benefits of Chrift.
This latter, the Lords Supper, is the fecond Sa-
crament of the Gofpell, wherein, by afacramen-
tallufe of Bread and Wine, thofe that are already
ingraffed into Chrift,are nourifhed,and grow with
(pirituall life, and in the (late of grace.
The fignes and outward matter of this Sacra-
ment are. Bread and Wine : The things fignified,
areChrifts body crucified, and his bloud powred
out. Aboutwhich conceive this Analogic:
The bread pafleth thorow many injuries, much
alteration, cutting downe, threffing, grinding, the
parching heat of the Oven, before it can bee fit
food : Sotheblefledbody of Chrift was pitifully
bruifedand rent with drops of bloudy (weat, with
fcourges, with nailes, with thornes, with a ipeare,
before it could be a fit facrifice for our finnes.
As bread hods the body, fo Chrift in the Sacra-
ment ftrengthens the fbule.
Asbread drives away tiaturall hunger, fb Chrift
As bread is given to the hungry andpoore, (6
Chrift effeftually to the broken heart, to the con-
trite (pirit, and to the hungry (bule.
As the wine is prefled out of the grape when it is
. E 4 moft
The Saints
moft-faireand flourifhing :; (b was Chrifts bloud
out of the veines and heart of his moI\ (acred bo-
dy^ iti the ftrength and flower of his age.
As wine quencheth natiirall thirft, chccreth and
maketh glad the heart of man ^ lb Chrifts bloud
quencheth fpirituall thirft, refrefheth and comfor-
teth the fbule.
As wine is to l)e given to them that have griefe
of heart, Trov. 7,1.6, So Chrifts bloud onely to
thcmvvho are heavie hearted for their finnes.
As wine begets good bloud, boldnefle, and
ftrength of body^fb dothChrifts bloud in thefbule.
Furthermore, in this Sacrament foure a(Stions ia
theMinifter, and two in the receiver are confide-
rable, and fpccially to be taken notice of :
The vifibleand outward aftions of the Mini-
fterdoereprcfentjthefpirituall, eternall, andin-
vilible adions of ©odtheFather^ for the good of
Firft, his taking the bread and wine into his
hands, doth fignifie and reprefent God? fealing and
fettjng a part of Chrift for the great worke oir Me-
diation betwcene God and Man.
Secondiy,hisbleffingofthe elements, whereby he
doth defignc and fanftiHethem to be a Sacrament
of the body and bloud of Chrift, doth fignifie and
reprefent the fending of his Sonne in the fiilneffe
of time to performs and execute the office of a
Mediatpr, unto which he was before ordained.
Thirdly, the-breaking of the bread, and the
powring out of the wine, doth fignifie and repre-
lent the bitter pallion and (uflFering of our Savi-
/elfe4nricbin^ examination.
ouFj and the trickling and ftrcaming downe of his
bloud from all parts of his body to the ground.
Fourthiyj the giving of bread and wine to the
communicants, doth fignifie and reprefenc the of-
fering of Qirift to all, even hypocrites, but the
giving him onely to true Chriftians.
The tsvo aiftionsin the receiver hath- the/eflg-
Firft, . his taking of bread and wine into his
hands, doth fignifie and reprefent his apprehenfi^
on of lefiis Chriff by faithj but more generally.
' Secondly, his eating the one, and drinking the
other^andibdigeftingandconcodling them, that
cheygrov^r into the bod>% doth fignifie and repre-
sent the effeduall, particular, and (peciall applica-
tion of Chrifl:unto our fbules^ that our true fpi-
rituall, rcall union and participation with hini^may
become more neare and fcnfible, .
LafHy5we muft know the end of the Sacrament,
which is manifold;
"Firfi:, the principal] end is, the remembrance of
the death of Chrift, which he commanded unto
us athrslaft parting from us ; and therefore that
ought to ftrcke fafi: in our n?.inds,and to renue con-
tinually in our hearts, frefh and feeling ftirrings
and motions of compallion & rendernefie. For the
lad words of a departing or dying friaid, doe be-
get and ftirre up deepeftimpreffions, and dearefi:
affedions^iH lovingandtenderhearts. If we read
of hisdeathaiidpaflion, that will ftirre and firike
ourhearf s wi th fome feeling and fympathy of nity
and eoHjpaflioa ^ but if wee have it powerfully
The Saints
and paiijonatdy preached^, it will affett us more
fenfiblyjbut if we lay it yet nearer to our hearts and
let it immediately worke upon our minds by me-
ditation, it will yet more forcibly prevaile upon,
andpoflefleouraffedions. But to have, asitvyere
rcprefentedbeforeour eyes a vifible crucifying of
Chrift ^ the bruifing of hisbody, and (bedding of
hisbloud, doth farre above all breed moft tender
and companionate melting and bleeding , in a
(bule (enfible of finne, the truc^caufe of all thefe
This laftreprefentationj divine wifciome made
choice of as a (trongeft means and motive to conti-
nue and keep frefli the remembrance of his death.
God the Father after that great deluge and fear-
full drowning of the whole world, left the Raine-
bow as a remembrance to mankinde of their falva-
tion and deliverance from water. And whcii he had
extraordinarily and fiipernaturally fed his people
with Manna from heaven, he commanded and cau-
Ced a pot full of it to be prcferved in the Arke, as a
memoriallof fb great mercy. Wee being happily
freed from the devouring floud of fin by the bloud
of Chrift, are put in minde thereof by Baptifme.
And being nourifhed with the heavenly Manna of
Chriftsbody^ have this high and holy myftery of
the Lords Supper left unto us, to continue the re*
membrance oi his death and paffion.
By our participation in the grace, fruit, and effi-
cacie of his body and bloud, we grow into a neerer
and ftronger union with Chrift, and partake my-
ftically, yet traly^ invifibly, ycareallyof amore
I Cor 10.
fetfe-tnricbing examination. [ 4;
inward fellowftiip with the perfbn of lefus Chrilt.
as well in that he is man as God.
' Befides the ftrengthning and knitting fafter our
blefled union with Chrift, this holy Sacrament i
apowerfull meanes to maintaine and increafe an
holy Communion of Chriftian deareft and ever -
laftinglove amongft the Saints^ the true and living
members of Chrifts body.
Hereby wee lay furer hold by the hand of faith
upon the merits and (ulferings of Chrift, we feek
more foundly and fenfibly the power and vertue
of his paffion, and are more fully and feelingly
afcertained of the favour of QqA^ and the forgive-
nefle of our finnes.
Fifthly, at this holy banquet, our confciences
difquieted with fbme frailties, infirmitiesj andre-
lapfes, fince our laft receiving, (a renovation of
our repentance and faith preceding) are (weetly
appealed by the bloud of the Lambe. Our inward
peace and Ipirituall joy is increased. Wee gather
hold and winne ground againft otir corruptions,
and the power of finne, and become more cheer-
full, fincere, and univerfall in our obedience.
Knowledge of this point (bould ftirre us op ^
With reverence, preparation, and thirfting, to
come unto this high and holy myftery, where (b
many glorious blellingS' are offered, and to bee
Eve r ro be guefts at this holy banquet, when, or
how often foe ver it fliallbe prepared for us.
Thus farre have I pafled thorow the foure
.points, I. Of the Majeftieof God* 2 Ourownc
I . mifery
Mark^ of ra-
ving and fan-
ctifying know-
job.'; <»
Col 3.J.
T~ he Saints
mifcry. 3^ The meanes of rem.^dyand recovery.
4. The nature, ufe and end of the Sacrament. A
right knowledge of the fubftance of which, is at
leafl nee elTarily required of whomfoever comes to
the Lords Table.
I will end all about this firft grace of knowledge
with fome marks and norcsof a faving and fanfti-
fying knowledge^that a man may be able to try the
ftateof his foule in this point. For though know-
ledge bee the ground-v/orke of all (pirituall buil-
ding, and neceflary to (alvation ^ yet if itbenot
(anctified toa man, it ferves but to increafe his con-
demnation. And you may know it to be (aving and
fandifying, by thefe marks : A glorious Lampe of
faving light J and quickning power of fpirituall life,
is planted in every mans heart that profits by the
miniftery of the Word, and in the myftery of the
Gofpell,/^(5?.2^.i8.E;?^e/5.8. iVet.i.p.
Firft, if it beget humility and lowlincfle of
minde • for the more the true Chriftian knowes in
the Wofdof tiuthj and the deeper hee wades in
tho(e heavenly and facred my Aeries, the more
clecrly hee fees his owne blindenefle, vanity, in-
ward filthineilc, and naturall corruption : As the
n;ore light is let into a fluttifti and filthy houfe, the
more the foulnefle and lothfbmnefle of it isdilco-
vered, and appearcs to the eyes ^ fo the further he
p;rowe3 into divine knowledge, he knowes better
his owne mifery, Godsdreadfull Majeftie, divine
indignation, and juft vengeance againft fin, more
largely 8c fully how many waies he offends againft
fo raercifulk Father 5 how farre fiiort he comes in
felfe^-inricbing examwatton.
holy duties, and in obedience to his pure and un-
defiled law. All which where there is grace, are
pregnant and notable matter of humiliationj dc-
jeftion, and of taking downeour proud hearts. It
is in this cafe as it is in humane knowledge of na-
ture and Philofaphy, of Arts and Sciences, the
deeper skill, the profounder learning, if there bee
an addition of that gracefulland bafhfull vertue,
the morallifts call modefty, the lower and humbler
opinion of a mans felfe, and a more diltruftflill
conceit of his owne worth an J fufficiencie. The
reafoHj the more he kaowes, the more doubts, dif-
ficultieSj fcrupleSj and perplexities are dilcricd un-
to him, aod arife in his minde, which make him
more timorous and fearfull in his profeffion^and to
thinke Ehafc becomes farre fliortof thathe (honld
be, though hee goe farre before thofe that thinke
themfelves already excellent. Hence it isthatgrea-
teftSchollers are notalvvayes of mo{\ words, be-
caufe they ktiow how many wayes they are (ubjed
to erronrSj miftakings, and juft cenfure, and there-
fore chufe rather to lofe the reputation of dif^
Gourfe, than to difpleafe and enforce their owne
humble conceit and diOruftfulnelFe of fufficiencie.
Itislbinfbme Ibrt in divine knowledge of fu-
pernaturall principles, and heavenly myfleries,
where there is grac: amext. The further we looke
into the booke of G d and the higher Scho'lers in
Chrifts SchoolCj the more lowly minded, and the
more humbly conceited we are of our felves. The
rcafbniSj theftrongerand cleererfighted weareto
looke into the cleare Chryftall of Gads Booke, the ,
The more hee
knowes, the
to dffitbc.
A fccond mark
of faving know*
of Lcar.p.i6,
The Saints
more fyots and ftaines we (ee in our fbules, more
purity in his Majeftie, more milery in our owne
nature • and therefore by the power of grace being
fbrrowftill for the pollutions of our (bules, feare-
flillof his Majefty, and fenfible of our owne mi-
iery, we willingly entertaine hurailitv^ and a lowly
conceit of our (elves. Oneccrtaine markethenof
favingknowledgefhallbethis ^ If moreskilfullin
Scripture, the more humble in our owne conceit.
A fccond marke of iaving knowledge flialj bee
this 5 If it be drawne into pradifl, and joyned with
converfion of the heart from finne unto God, and
with reformation of life from evill to good^ for a
found changeof the heart and life ever accompa-
nies laving knowledge. Knowledge without obe-
dience and (incerity, is fo farre from being (aving
and available to (alvation^that it haftneth and dou-
bles our damnation. Small reafon have men to be
proud of their knowledge without pradife 5 for
though for a time they make it ferve their turne
for a fhew and a flourifli, yet in the end it will end
inforrow and curfes, for they increafe the hard-
nefle of their heart, the guiltinefTe of their con-
(cience, and the number of their ftripesand dam-
nation in hell, according to the meafure of their
formall and fruftlefJe knowledge. There are many
bafe baftardand degenerate ends of knowledge,
which prophane men propofe to thcmfelves, and
finally red upon : As pleafure of curiosity ^ quiet
of refolution 5 refining andr^ifirig of the fpirit^
victory of wit ^ faculty of difcourle ^ gaine of pro-
feflion 5 ambition of honour and fame 5 inable-
felfeAnriching examination.
ment for bufinefle and imployment. But the Chri-
ftian muftmakethcendof his divine knowledge,
pfadifeof holinefle in his owne lifcj andconver- ,
fation and inftruftion of others in the wayes of j
God, if he would make it profitable and faving to '
himf^lfe. Kftawledgevpithdutthfe enisis but aflritm-
pet or Curtifan^ kept omly fir feftfuaUpkafyre^affdJiK''
fttUlufl^ not for fruit and children. It puffes up our
proud nature with more pride and felfe-conceit^
but neither begets life in (bules, holinelTe in our
lives, nor found hereof immortality hereafter. '
If we know out of the Word of God (and wee
ought (b to doe) that every man who will bee in
Chrift, muftbeanew creature, but notwithftan-
ding lie in the common courfe and corruptions of
nature^ follow thecuftomes of the world, and the
current of the time : Why then our knowledge in
this point is not (aving, but ferves to incrcafe our
condemnation. ^^3ni..)j:j
If we know out of the lad ofthe Ke^eUtion^ that
all that either love or makes lies, (hall bee barred
everlaftingly out of Heaven ^ and yet continue to
cozen, deceive, and circumvent with fmooth
talke, and lying tongues : why then our know-
ledge is not faving, but ferves to increafe our
If we learne out of He^.13.4. that whoremon-
gers and adulterers God will judge. And yet wee
foake our felves in luftfull pleafuresi, and fbule un-
cleanncfife. Why then our knowledge isnotla-^
vine;, but ferves to incrcafe our condemnation.
If any man know, (as every man ought) that no
'\ covetous
2 Cor.j.17.
The Saints
coYccuUS man Ihail inherit iheKingdv me of God
iCor.6.io. and yet greedily and inHiciably root in
earth, and the fading and tranfitory pelfe thereof,
as though heefhould never die, as though there
were no joyes, no immortality in another world
to be looked for, and fought after ^ no happinefle
but in vanilhing riches^, which fliall not profit in
the day of revenge, biit will take them ro their
wings like an Eaglejand flie into the heavens,were
a man able to heape his gold to th^Aarres, to en-
clofe the whole face of the earth from one end of
heaven unto the other, to purchafe a Mono, oly of
all the wealth in the world 5 yet upoa his death
bed all connot profit him ; they cannot procure
one drop of mercie, orone jot of comfort ; why
then let him know, that his knowledge is notfa-
ving, but (erves to increafe his condemnation.
If any man know out of 2ech, 5. 3. that the
curfeof God will cut off thefwearer^ as well on
this fide as on that, and yet retainc ftill one oath
or other ; let him know that his knowledge is not
laving, but (erves to increale his condemnation.
If any man heare and leameoutof 7/4; 5. 22.
a fearfull woe denounced again ft them that are
mighty to drinke wine, and ftrong to powre in
ftrong drinke ^ and yet be exceffive and riotaus that
way :, Let him know, that his knowledge is not
(aving, but ferves to increafe his condemnation.
If a man heare and learne, ler, 17.3 7. That a fire
(hall be kindled in the houfe of the Sabbarh-brea-
ker, and fiiall devour it, and fhall not be quenched,
and yet continue to prophanc it at his plcafure, for
felfe4nriclmg examinauon.
pleafures^ profit, or worldly bufinefle ^ Let him
know that his knowledge is not faving, but ferves
to increa(e his condemnation.
If a man know out of Makch- 3.8.9. That the fa-
crllegious perfbn fhall be cnrfed wi. h a curfe 5 that
is, with a horrible curfe, with a double curfe, and
yet detaine Gods portion either forcibly, or frau-
dulently ^ Let him know that his knowledge is not
faving,but ferves to increafe his condemnation.
If a man know out of Pp/.*i5. Thit thofe fhall
not dwell in the Lords Tabernacle, or reft in hi&
holy Mountaine, who hate not vile perfbns, who
give their money to Ufiiry, and yet is guihy of
both ,5 Let him know hisknowlcdge is not faving;
bwrierves ro increafe his condemnacioa . . :
If men knew the worthy praftife of the Saints
, of oldj In teaching then* children and families, fe e
Ge».iS*i9' Iofu.24,1'^, PfaLioi. and yet have no
praying, no catechifing, no holy government in
their houfes ^ Let them know that this know-
ledge is not laving, but ferves to increafe their
Thus let. 3 man examine his knowledge of Gods
Word thorowout, and account it fo farre faving
as it is working, and drawne into pradife.
Thirdly, it is edg'd and eneao red with a longing
defire, and infatiable thirfl after more. For the
true Ghriftian not refting in the hifloricall, for-
mallj and artificial! knowledge of nnregenerate
men, and hypocrites, wherein there isnoiweet-
nefle, notaOe, no comfort, butdivinginto the my-
(ticall knowledge of the myfleries of falvation,
F which
A third matke
T'he Saints
which the {piric of God doth reveale to faithfull
Chriftians, doth there finde and feed upon fiich
heavenly fwectneflej fuch rich and glorious com-
forts thatheeis never well but whenhee is dig-
2;ingdeeper into this celelViall Mine, and wading
further into thefe holy (ecrets of faving know-
ledge.If a childe but once fpie any part of thcjew-
ellinthe fathers hand, or but have a glance at it,
J hee will never reft and be at quiet untill he (ee it
wholly, and have it in his owne hand. It is (b with
I babe in Chrifl** after the {ant^ifying^irit of God
hath once opened his eyes, and but (hewed him a
glimfpe of thofe heavenly jewels of divine know-
ledge, he is foravilhed with the unvaluable beau-
ty thereof, that he will never be at reft, untill hc-fce
made further, and fiilly partaker of thofe rich and
(aving treafures. The reafbn why (^ndiified men ;
fo zealoufly and ferioufly feeke and labour after
ejrowth in knowledge, is becaufe they are perfwa-
dedof theneceflity of it, and arc fenfibleof what
danger they are in, and how wide they lie open to
the deadly blowes of fearfull temptations, and Sa-
tans fiery darts, without this fword of the fpirit,
knowledge in Gods Word.
If a man had a cruell and implacable cnemie,
that had defperately and refblutely (worne his
deathj and to this end fliould ftill dogge him at the
heeles, at any advantage to runne him thor6w,and
to imbrew his hands in his bloud, how careful!
and watchful! woukl hee bee to furnifh himfelfe
compleatly with weapons, and skill to defend his
naturall life, and to repeli the fury and rage of fb I
• bloudy I
felfe-inriching examinatm. i 51
bloudy a foe. Why Satan that mortall and immor-
tall enemy to mankinde, hath vowed the cverla-
fting death of every fbule, and therefore to this
endfollowes every one at the heeles, with all his
fiery darts and policies of hell, at every turne to
wound their poore naked and ignorant fbules to
death 5 how earneftly and eagerly then ought eve-
ry one tofurnifti and fit themfelves with skill and
knowledge in God Word, which is the fword of
the Spirit, that they may both ward his blowes,
anrf wound his head, by the faving power of this
weapon, and lanftified ufe of this fling, every true
Chriftian is enabled to cut off the head,and knocke
our the brainesof that huge Holofernes^ and great
GoUah of Hell. But every man or woman that wants
this faving knowledge oi.t of GodsBooke, ftands
a; the devils mercy and devotion ^ even as a poore
helplefle Lambcin the bloudy paw of a Lion ; or a
filly Wren in the ravenous paw of a Kite. And the
mcrciehishellifti malice will ihew, is condemna-
tion mcrcilciTe, even flames of etemall fire, and
endlefle woe in the bottomlefle pit. Pitifull then
and fearcfull is the cafe and condition of many ig-
norant people, who bleffe and content themfelves
in their ignorance,and if they be told that they be
wholly in the power and pofleflion of Satan, by
reafon of the ignorance that is in them, they will
(ay prefently, they defie the devill and all his
works, and they will fpit at him in figne of defi-
ance ^ and yet poore fbules while they lb conti
nue,they are the devils flaves,whom he leads blind-
folded and hoodwinked thorowhis kingdomeof I iCor.4.4.
F 2 darkneffe'
TTbe Saints
darkneUe here on earth, towards thepitof ever-
lafting deftru<^ion. Little weighs hee luch weake
defiance, Wjhen their owne ignorance gives chein
the lie 5 he Jittle regards fuchvaine pro reflations,
and 'die words, fo long as he wounds their foules
at his pleafurCjand (ticks them thicke with his fiery
dv^rts; What is.a man better^ which being-naked in
the field flgainft a fierce'andcompleatly armed ad-
verfary, gives him bigge words, and tels him hee
defies him, and the worft hee can doe 5 while in
the nxeane time his enemie works his will upon
bijm, and takes away hh life ? Satan is the ftrong ar-
med m^Dj all ignorant perfons are ftarke hakcd^and
quitebaroofallfpifituall armour, they fet him at
light, arid give him ^oule woriSv but in the meaue
tiiiae the devillwoilnds their foules ro death* • ylh
'J .'.Yea, but will theyfay.v^cTeeleno fucb wburids^
neither doe mad men and drunkards, though they
be daft] t and wounded mortally, in their fits and
fury fteleany ilich hurt -^ but when they come to
ithem(elves it may coft them their life. Soigno-i
rant wretches being befotted with ungrounded
good meanings, and befide themfel ves in fpirituall
matters, and fenflefle by their Lethargic of igno-
rance, feele not thbfe feariy impoyfonedblowes^
and deadly wounds, that come thkke and three*
fold upon their foules ^ but when upon their death
beds they fhall come to themfel ves, and have their
cbdlciencesopenedj and their wretched efi:ate re-
vealed iinto them, they ; (hall feeje the fmarc, and
bieed Unto everlafting death. A' holy greedinefie
after^ahd acontinuall growth in knowledge, is one
.,;.).. ,4.: ) :■ fpeciall ,
felfe-'inriching examinamn.
fpeciall markethen that our knowledge is faving.
" For it is an undoubted charafter of all graces^
" where they are in foundnefle there they are
" growing. If we have once tafted how fweet the
"Lord isj there will be adefireto increase more
'^ and more. There iflues from out the Sanduary
waters^ even waters of life, EzecL^y. fee their in
crea(e : Firft to the ankles, then to the knees, then
to the loynes, afterwards a River that no man
could pafTe. The trees growing by this Riverjbring
forth new fruit, according to their moneth.
Fourthly, Saving knowledge is difFulive & com
municative of it felfe.It is in the (bule of a Chrifti-
an, as the Sunne in his fpheare : It is firft glorioufly
illuminated within itfelfe. Secondlyahedothnot
confine &,keepe his light within his owne (aire bo-
dy jbut he hurlesiton every fide,round about every
way, he cafts his light upward, and fo makes all the
heavens bright & beautifull about him.Thirdly,H€
throwes his beames downward upon the earthjand
there begets herbs, grade and flowers, fruit-trees,
and all the beauty and glory of the earth. Fourthly,
Nay yet he pierces further, and with his heat hee
Aides and infinuates into the bowels of the earth,
where there is any the leaft creeke and paflage,and
there engenders all manner of metals, filvcr, gold,
and precious ftones. Fifthly, Nay yet fijrther, he
glides by the fides of the earth w^th his unrefleded
beames, and makes all thofe golden fpots, the
ftarres, in the oppofitepart of the skie. Sixthly, It
is (b greedy of doing good, that it ftrikes thorow
the firmament in the traniparcnt parts, and feeks
1 F 5 as
1 Pct.j.j,::
A fourth triall
of our know-
as it were to beftow its brightnefle and beauty be-
yond the heavens, and never reftraincs the free
communication of his influence and glory, until!
it determine by naturall and neceflary expiratioB :
So that he makes as much of his light, and doth as
much good with it as may be. Even ib the (acred
light of divine knowledge in the fanftifiedfbule
of a true Chriftian ^ he doth not inclofe and mo-
nopolize his knowledge^ he doth improve indeedj
but not cnclofe ^ he doth make much o£, but not
monopolize his knowledge.
It labours after it owne particular illumination :
Firft, to inlighten thofe that are round aboHt him ;
to teach and inftrudi: his family, if hee be mafter of
a family, his wife, his fervanrs, his children, in the
wayes of godlinelTe, and doftrine of falvation.
Secondly, hee defires, and delights to acquaint
his kindred^ his friends, his acquaintance and fami-
liars, with thofe comfortable leflbnsandwholfbme
inftruftions, which hee himfelfe hath learned out
of the Booke of God.
Thirdly, even amongftftrangcrs hee watchetfa
opportunity, and takes occafion toinfinuatefbme
good talke of heavenly matters, that (b his know-
ledge may be fraitfuH, and workingfor his mafters
advantage in all places » in all companies 5 nay h© is
Willing, if (b they will, that the very oppofire and
overthwart, and thofe that oppole themfelves
againft goodneffe, and Gods truth, may bee bette-
red and reclaimed by his admonition and reproofcs
out of the Book of life.Nay,and bcfidesall thisjit is
edged with an endlcfle defirc of doing more good
felfeAnriching examination. i 55
ftilL For it is a true principle in Chriftianity :
" Ths peformances of Gods children by the grace
"of God are many, their endevours more, their
" defircs endiefle.
Thus iaving knowledge is ever (preading, moft
liberall and prodigall of it felfe, (hining round
about where it is^ and working all the good it can
in all places.
Knowledge in unfandified men, as it isunfaving
to themfelves, (b it is many times unprolitable to
others, either becaufe it is unexercifed through
idlenefle or humour^or becaufe it is not (cafbnably,
wifely, and powerfully applied to theeonfcience,
for want of fpirituall experience,' or becauft
through nicenefle and curiofity , and that they
would not make themfelves cheape, it is kept and
concealed, like Ibme rare and precious Jewell in a
casket, tobcefhewedonelyatcertaine times, to
fome (peciall perfbns, vainglorioufly to purchafe
credit,and breed admiration^but every godly man
holding the converfion of others thecrowne of his
credit, and the comfort of his knowledge, is ever
free-hearted, open and liberall that way : When a
necefEty is laid upon him by reafon of his charge,
or where there is hope or opportunity of doing any
good, or when he finds himfelfe to have a calling to
fpeake ; heavenly treafurcs of laving knowledge
in the heart of godly man, have a quite contrary
power and property to earthly riches hoarded up
in the coffer of a covetous man. Thefe commonly
beget in a worldly man niggardlinefle, greedineffe
of grafping more^ robbing others, and engroffing
F4 allJ
Ifa f.J.
•^ The Saints
all. An earthly minded man if he onceenrer upon
the violent torrent of oppreffion, presently with
a fv^/ift and headlong courfe hee is carried with
full/aik, even over a Seaof bloud of the poore,
thefatherleffeandopprcfled, (b that at length hee
may finde an habitation without neighbours, and
dwell by himfelfe upon the earth. If he once bee
flelht with cruelty in this kindefor gathering of
riches, hee is as holdfaft in keeping, asunconfcio*
nably in getting. If he once beginne to grindc the
faces of the poore, hee'le never ceafe untill hee
pluckeoff their skinnes, teare their flefh, breakc
their bones^ chop them in peeees for the chaldron,
and eat the very fleOi of Gods people, as the Pro-
phet (peaks. A covetous griping of this tranfitory
I pelfe, doth bring forth feich a thirfting dropfie of
engrollingall, that the owners would rather loie
their (buleSj than part with their riches. Butcon-
trarily ,the lafting riches of (avir^ knowledge,doe
ever bring with them a longing and readinefle to
beftow them ortall commers, and to open their
fountainestoaH drawers, and to enlarge their (pi-
rituallpaftures for the food of fbules, and for the
(heepc of Gods pafture. A heavenly minded man
ever keeps open houfe forinftru6lion in heavenly
things fpirituall banquets. The lips of the righte-
ous feed many, fii th sdomon^ Vrefo. 10.21. &15. 7.
The lips of the wife fpread abroad knowledge 5
" , herefbever knowledge is faving, and in (bund-
nefle, itisas new Winein veflels, defifousto vent, .
and that not vainglorioufly to purchafe the idle
flime, and infc(^ious breath of prophane praifes,
felfeAnriching cxammMion.
but to workefpiri mall good, and for the conver-
fion of others.
A fifth marke of faving knowledge is, if ft beget
reverence oF that great Majeftie, and love to that
holy truth it kno\ves&: apprehends in the V\'ord.
Except with an vnfained and zealous affeftionwe
love God, his Word and truth, his Sacraments^ his
Sabbaths, his fervants, all the knowledge in the
world will doe us no good. Knov/ledg^ of it felfe
puffeth up the heart, and make it fwell with con-
tempt of his brethren^but with love it buildeth up,
anJhelpethto convert our brethren. Theblefled
Apoftle S* P^^/z/vilifies 6c difallowes all knowledge,
power, or prerogatives whatlbever, which are not
aduated and (anftified with love,, i Cor. i ^ i ,2 . If a
man were (eene into the depths, (ecrets, [and my-
(lerics of all knowledge, if hee were able to convert
whoIcNations^ if he were fb mighry in miracles,
that he could remove the ftony rocks, and flurdy
mountaines, there is a(Sive power. If he were not
only able to endure difgrace^lolTe of goods.banilh-
ment, imprifbnment, but al(b duri-t facrifice his
bloud in the flames,, and render up his body to be
burnt, for the profeffion of the truth ^ There is
power pafJive. Jf he had not onely the eloquence
of all theOratourson earth, but even the tongue
of an Angell 5 all were nothing, if the divine flame
of love were not kindled in the heart, to feafon
andiaiiftifie them all, which onely makes us pre-
ferre the glory and (ervice of God, before all
riches, and the whole world ; and to love and
efleeme a true Chriftian farre more dearly than
A fifth
tiiall of
i Cor. 8.1.
n^he Saints
allunrcgenerace men^ chough never lo neere unto ,
us in kindredj or great in the world. And it is both ■
reafbn and Religion we fliould (b doe • for one
Larkc is worth a choufand Kites ^ one true Chrifti-
anj though never fopoore and trampled upon in
the world, isfarrc more worth than all thepro-
phaneGallants.and unfandified ones in the world,
though they revell it never (brichlyj in their lands^
wealthj and large revenewes 5 or raffle it in their
honours, titles^ and worldly reputation ^ This vaft
difference betweene neglected finccricy, and ho-
noured prophanenefle 5 we may clearly fee in the
Bookeof God ; and therefore if our knowledge
befandlifiedj it will beget proportionable affcfti-
on and love.
A (econd grace which every worthy and fit re-
ceiver muft find in himfelfe, is ;
Faith. I meanetrue and juftifyingfairh, afpiri-
tuall lewell, of un valuable price, the very ftaiFe
andlifeof ourfbules, the root and foundation of
all true comfort, both in life and death, without
which it is impoffiblc that cither our receiving the
Sacrament, our offering up our Prayers, Almes-
deeds, hearing the Word, or any other fervice,
though in it owne nature, and by it felfe never fo
good or necellary, (hould either be acceptable and
pleafing unto God, or comfortable or profitable or
to our felves.
This favingand juflifying faith I thus define 5 It
is a (upernaturall gift or grace of God, infpired by
the holy GhofV, whereby the humble fbule being
inlightned with the knowledge of the doftrine of
felfe'inricbing examination.
' falvation andaflenting thereunto, is enabled to lay
' hold or to rely on the meritorious juftice cfChrift
and all the glorious benefits of hispaffion^ as be-
longing particularly to it felfe.
This wondcrfull and holy grace is thus wrought
and engraven in the heart.
Firft, there is a mollif) ingand manuring of the
heart, that it may be as it were furrowed and fitted
for this pretious (ttd of life and divine impreiTi
Ion. And that thus:
' I. Firft.by the miniftery of the Wordjthere muft
knowledge be planted in the underftanding both
bf the Law J the powerfull application whereof
begets legal! repentance.a necellary preparative to
t!ie infufion of faith, andoftheGofpell, afeafb-
nable apprehenfion of the gracious promifes and
comforts, which drawes on evangelicall repen-
tance, whereof beginncs the life of faith 5 what
meafore of divine knowledge is at leaft neceflary
in this ea{e, I have heretofore figniticd. It is the
very firft ftep and foundation ftoneof all fpirituall
builtiing,andof the way to heaven. Wofull then
and fearftill is their ftat^ that live in ignorance,
without the miniftery of the Word, or that profit
not by it: they take the very ready anddirei^way
to deftroy their ownefbules. • •
♦ 2. Secondly, The heart muft give full alTcnt,
and be cffedhially perfwaded, that thofe divine
principles were revealedfor the falvation of man-
kinde, and that they are moft true.thc very fecrets
of heavcDi and divinely infphred. This a(fent and
perfwafion is called Hifloficall faith , or faith of
knowledge. 5 ►Thirdly
Fide J quid al'md
eft quam vd'A
Dei copiiiio ?
fide enm cogni'
liofiiy teftatur
pnoH credit it
noH imcUiguU.
Credere eft (um
(fentiofje cogi-
'ie Precltft. San-
^•^, ut bommi
credibilia prcpe^
nantur tfecundoy
Ifenfui crcdtntii
odea qua prtipO'
I 60
^he Saints
3. Third!/, The law beginnes ro workc upon
the confcience, and wound the f ule by a cleare
dKcoveryjand wide opening of our many ulcerous
and ugly fecrer corruptions^ all the vanities of our
life, and particular finnes/and by afFeding and
preUing the heart with a thorow fenfeand feeling
of the fierce wrath ofGod, ready to breake out
in unquenchable flames of vengeance and heavie
againfi: every finne we have committed.
4. Fourthly, The heart is ftrickcn thorow with
fearc and trembling, it is broken and bruifed quite
into peeceswith terrour and rcmorfe, it is preg-
nant of griefe and fbrrow, and mournful] beyond
the mourning of a Dove. For a man in this cafe
finds and feeles himfelfe to bee a moft hatefull
and accurfed creature, embondaged and enthralled
to the flavery and endlefTe conFufions of Satan and
KelI,of damnation and death.
Thus farre the heart hath beene in preparing
and fitting for that rootof all graces, that flower of
Paradicej and plantof Heaven, an holy and (aving
In the fecond place, marke howitfpringsupin
the mournfull and humbled heart.
The (bule of amah being thus bruifed and bro-
ken, and rightly prepared with the terrours and
dejeftionsof theLaw, is now truly and fealbna-
bly fitted to receive the (weet and precious oyJe of
the promifes of the Golpell, and con^rts pf ia-
vinggrace* '•-'! ■:rri i-^. t "* v :*;-t:^!tr-c /'^h--
1 i Firft then, the poore foule , as you heard be-
> fore^ Jbeing quite overwhelmed with waters of
i '
felfeAnriching examination.
anguifh and fbiTow, and flicking fait in the deepe
my re of feares and terrours, beginnes to looke
about for comfort and fiiccour ^ none is to be found !
in any creature, no gold nor filver, nofriendsnt^r \
Phyjiicke will doe him any good ^ no man or An- i
gelJ,oranycreature,canadmini(leranyreleefe.For I
Angels, in refpectof thofepure eyes which cannot j
behold iniquitiejand are now faftned upon irsfoule j
pollutions, are chargeable with folly and vanity ^ |
the heavens are impure, and the ftarres'uncleanc in
Gods fight. No man can deliver his brother, nor
make agreement unto God for hira/or it coft more
to redeeme a fbule i;\\t mull: let that alone for ever.
At laft it happily cafts its eye upon that infini te Sea
of Gods mercy,which glorioufly ftreames through
the bleeding wounds of Chrift Jedis, upon every
truly broken and contrite hea,it • it fettles andfa-
(tens it.iight ftedfaftly upon our bleifed Redeemers
as he is hanging upon the CroiTe^ftrugling with his
Fathers wrath for our finSjand cry ing at laftjt is fi •
nifhed.It greedily catches hold on in a ferious con •
fideration, and comprehends the wholegracious
dodrineof the covenant of life and falvation. It
confidersallrhe proclamations of mercy and par-
don in the Booke of God 5 as that in 7/^.55.1. //^j
everyone that thiyfleth^ comeyee to the vpaUrs^andyse that
have nofilver come buy and eat : Come Ifay^ hu v mneand
milh^without fiher^mdwHJ^oHt mofiey*knd that out of
Chrifls owne mouth, Mattk 11.28. Come nntome all
yeeihat are imary^ and 1 r»UleajeyoH^ &c» ^ ^,. ? ;
2. Secondly, after a full and thorow fight and
confideration of the great worke of our redemp-
tion, .'
^l , The Saints
tion, andot ail the gracious promiies of life, che
diftrefled foule beginnes ro thinke this with it
felfe ^ that though my cafe be vvofull and accurfed
by reafbn of finne, yet by the mercies of God it is
recoverable ; though my finncshemanyandhai-
nouSjyet in Chrift lefus they are pardonable.Only
itnowcafts about how it may have part in thefe
mercies, andintereftin his paflion. In thcfe cafes
it receives great comfort from fuch places as thefe,
LhJ{,^» 1 8. Mat, 1 2.2 o.
3. Hereupon in a third place it beginnes to hun-
ger and thirft after the precious bloud of Chrift,
farre more greedily and infatiably, than ever the
panting Hart after the Rivers of water, the gapirg
ground for drops of raine, or any condemned man
for the pardon of his life. It would give ten ihou-
fand worlds, ten thoufand lives, for one gu(h of his
bloud^ to wafh away its guilt and flaine, Ipots and
pollutions 5 for one drop of mercy to qtiench its
thirft^andrefrefh its agonies.
4. Hence in a fourth place ftrong cries.and pray-
ers,and fupplicationSjgroanes Sc fighs unutterable,
with fuch importunity and panting, that at lafl it
cafls it ftlfe upon Gods tender mercies in Chrifl
lefus, it throwes it felfe with (bme comfort and
confidence into the bleeding 8c blefTed bofbme of
its Redeemer, as he is hanging and holding downe
the head upon the Crofle : It hides it felfe fweetly
and deeply in his (acred wounds, and gored fide,
from the eager purfuit of the wounding Law, the
rage of Satan, and the ftingings of itsowne con-
(cience. And now by tins time the bowels of Gods
felfe-inricbing examination.
tendered compadions beginne to yearne within
him r He who never knew how to brcake the brai-
fed reed^ or quench the fmoking flax, takes the
panting and weary foule by the hand, receives it
into mercy, grace, and favour, takes ofF the bur-
then of its finnes^ knocks off the bolts of terrour
and remorfe, bathes it in the (bveraigne and faving
bloud of his owne deare Sonne, and accounts it
pure, juft, and anfpotted, for lefus fake.
Thus faith hath beene breeding, and is brought
3 . Now in a third place behold it flourifhing and
growing in the heart.
After that faving faith with unexpreflable groans
and fighs, and ftrong cries, hath laid faft hold
upon the bitter and victorious pa/Iion of Chrifl:,
and all his meritorious juftice, and lb purcha(ed fa-
vour^ acceptation, and remiffioniaf fins ^ i.It pre-
lently rcturnes this bleiTed mcflage, and comforta-
ble n ewes unto the foule ^ that it is certainly par-
doned, juftificdj and mofl: undoubtedly entitled
by the everlafting covenant of grace^ even frefhly
(ealed with the bloud of Chrift, unto a crowne of
immortality, and endlefle joyes of heaven. This
being done, it is filled with joy unfpeakable and
glorious^ and with peace that pafieth all underftan-
dinty : But after it come to it felfe out of thefc
ftrangecxtafies, and excefleof (pirituall pleaftres,
itfoberlyconfiders what great things havebeene
done for it, what extraordinary love, and infinite
mercy hath bcene (hewed unto it 5 2. And there-
upon prefently addrefleth it felfe to Evangelicall
repentance 3
T^he Saints
repentance^ to bewaile heartily allhisfinnes, and
former wrecchednefle of life, not fb much for feare
of Gods vengeance, and the punifhment of iinne,
as he did in legall repentance, but efpecially grie-
ving with godly (brrow, for having fo vilely and
rebellioufly grieved and otfended to gracious and
loving a Father ^ and Co doth refblutely abandon
the pradice of every grofTe finne , and at leaft
throw out of his heart and affeftions, the liking
and allowance of every the leaft infirmitie : 3. And
for ever after (etdes himfelfe toholineffeof life,
fincerity of hearty a good conlciencej and an uni-
verfall and true hearted obedience to all Gods
Commandements : By growth in which, and by
fenfe, obfervation, and experience of Godsipeci-
all favour and love unro him in the courfeof his
Chriftian life, and new obedience : His feith re-
ceives continuall life and ftrength, untill it come
in fbme good meafure towards that height of aflu-
rance, and fulnefle of perfwafion with the bkC-
fed Saints of old ^ that he is able to (ay with holy
David^ IvpUlnetfearethoHih the earth be mffvtd^ and
thongh themountams becaft ifnto the mfddeft of the Sea :
though the vpaters thereof rage and be troubled^ and the
f^ioHntaimsJJjake at thefnrges fthef me^ Pfal. 4 ^. 2 ,3 .
Though Ijhould walk§ thdrotf the valley of thejhadovoof
deaths IwHlfeare m evilly for thou art mth me ^ thy rod
andtl^y flajfe they comfort me^ pfaLi'^.^. And with
lob '^ oh that my words mrenovp written ! Oh that they
}»erevpritteneven'tnahooke ! And graven with an iron
fen in tead^or infton for everFor-iamfure that my Re-
XdeemerJ^vethy and that hejhallk the lafl uponthe earth.
'.;■ 'V :, . And
felfeAnriching examination. ] 6^
A»d though after mpklnr^^x)Porj;iesdeftrC}thh body ^yct
Jhall I fie God in wyflrf^ : WhomlwyfelfefijaU fee, and
0twe€ifesjhul'lbeldold^ a*^d erne other for me^ though my
rdnts ar9 confumed mthin me^ lob 19.21^ &c. And
chap, 1 3 ,verf 1 5. Loe^tldough hejlay me.^et mill trufl in
/^^/». Andwich blefled Saint P^^/, K^w^.S.^S. lam \
'perfr>paded that mlther deaths e^c. Thefe hig'h refolu-
tions of heaven, and noble elevation of fpirit, are
the very natural! iflue 8c prodnccments of a ftrong
faith. Which if we wouldattaine or prcferve^ wee
muft watchfully looke unto our hearts, lives, and
confciences, that they bee pure, unfpotted, and
tender, we muft cake heed of relapfes, and warily
prevent fals into finne. For we (ha J findcour faith
td ebbe ind flow, much after the decay or in-
creafe-df our holincfle of life, and finceri ty of
Thus I have briefly opened to you thenature,
breeding, birth, and growth of faith. And the ra-
ther^ left you deceive your owne hearts with falfe
Faiths 5 Imcanefaithsunfufficientto (alvation, or
wander in the by-paths of excefle or defects of
I. For firft there bee many kinds of faith, of
which none will ferve the turne for falvation .
T. There isanhiftoricallfaith, whereby a man
is endued with knowledge of the Word, and is 1
certainly perfwaded in his heart that it is moft true, \
and divinely infpired ^ this isfb farre from being ' ftith.
faving faith, that the Devill and his Angjels cxcell |
many men herein: For wheras many men are quite |
ignorant of the Word, and many have but little
G ' know- '
The kinds of
Fabh of mira-
T^he Saints
knowledge, and give bur wcake aflcnc to the truth
thereof 5 the devils know much, certainly beleeve
it, and yet they doe more, tkj fiare a/fd trembU^
2 , SecondlyjThere is a faith of miracles ^ which
is an inward perlwafion of the heart, wrought by
Ibme fpeciall inftinftof the HolyGhofl:, in fomc
men^ whereby they arc truly perfwaded, that God
will ufe them as inftruments to bring to pafle fbme
ftrange and extraordinary thiags. This hach no
power forfalvatron, it is common, and communi-
cated both to the eledt and reprobate indilFereot-
ly : Iifiof was endued with this po^er, and had
Ws part herein as well as the reft of the Apoftles.
Aad we (kQ^Manh.j,ii .Many worker^ of miracjes
ihallbe reje&ed atthe laftday. Many ^itbChrift,
will fay unto me in that day. Lord, Lord^havewc
not by thy name prophefied? and by thy name caft
out devils ? and by thy name done many great
works > Andthenwililprofefle to them, I never
knew yoUj depart from me yc that worke iniquity.
5. Thirdly, there is an imaginary faith^ which
deceives and damnes thoufand: And that is a ftrong
and bold perfwafion, withoutall truths ground, or
warrant, that Chrift is their Saviour, that they
have part in his paflion, and (hall undoubtedly be
favedj when indeed and truth there is no fiich mat-
ter : And therefore it is no true perfwafion, no
true faith, but a vaine prefumption, a ftrong delu-
fion, a trae counterfeit of a true faith. And this is
threefold :
Fifft, when men and women living in ignorance,
j felfeAnriching examination.
without all faving knowledge, upon fuch princi-
ples as thefe 5 that they meane well 5 that they doe
no man harme 5 that they pray morning and eve-
ning^ build a bold and blinde perfwafion, that they
have as good part and right in Chrift, as the beft of
them all 5 whereas indeed they lie enthralled in the
invifibJe chaines of damnation, and are meere
Grangers to the life of Godj by reafon of the ig-
norance which is in them. For knowledge in the
Word of God, is the ground-worke and foundati-
on of all fpirituall building 5 without it there can
no true faith be had, no repentance, no new obe-
diencCj no faving graces at all in thislife, or falvati-
on in the world to come.
Secondly;, when men entertaine and fettle in
their heart a flrong and bold conceit, that Chrlft
belongs to them with all his benefits , and ytt
nufleand harbour in the fame hearts a liking and
allowanceof fbme finnesin themfelves 5 at leafl
a purpofe to continue in one f\veet finne or other,
wherupon depends their honour, wealthjpleafureSj
and worldly happinefles 5 and will not be fiibdued
by the power of the Word, to t thorow change
of heart, and a found amendment of life. Thefe
men thinke they have a reach beyond the Moone,
and are wifer than all the Chriflians that ever
were, which could never finde.fbfmoothandea-
fie a way to heaven : For they fiicke ftill at the
brefts of pleafure, and feed upon voluptuoafnefle,
vanity, and worldlinefle, as the Hoiileech upon
corrupt bloud ^ they ruffk it in the vanity and glo-
ry of the world 5 they joyne houfe tohoufe, and
G 2 land
faith tf three
Rora 10.14.
The. Saint i
land CO land, by oppreilion and violence -or con -
rinue in one open finne or other, and yet vainly
nourifti hope of ialvation in themfeive&5 thinke
they are in the ftate of grace, and have asibunda
crult in Chrift Jefus, as the pureft and precifefl:
amongftthem all 5 but they ^very foulyandfeare-
fully deceive their owne poore fbwles, and llrive
for impoffibilities , to bring two ends together
which will never meetjfinfull pleafores upon earth,
and endlefTe peace in the world to comeJ The faith
of" chefe men is but imaginaryand countcfeit^ fbrit
is everthe property of true and laving faith, tho-
rowiy to purge the hearc; and to refbrrae the life
wholly ; to exprefle it feife, and toappeare fruitful!
aridlively^iathclexiercifes of invocatbn and true
repentance, of lincericy and obedience.
Thirdly, when men conceive a bold and ftrong
perfwafion, chat Ghrift is their Saviour, and yet fee
light by the miniflrery of the Word & SacrameAts^
embracing the ufe and following the ^xereiie of
them onely at their leifure and pleafure, fbfarre as
their worldly commodities, and camall content-
ment will give. them leave 5 bur not with hungry
fpiritiia 11: appetites, ?and humble fubriiifliofl to the
power thereof. The faith of the^ meii is but i'
vaine prefumption, and counterfeit conceit. For
juftifying faith is ever conceived , cheriihed and
conftrmedy by a* right religittusy conftantj and'
powerfoli'uieiand exercife (^ihe,W^fdandSadr3»'
ments.The Ccedi of b wcake faith, (if it be true'>and
jufliifying) fbwen in the heart by che Holy GhoiK
doth grow by little aiidiitrie to aiixong faith and^ I
^h-:d--- ••-D""^ "": fullf
felfe4nriching examination.
full afliirance ^ but ever by a zealous and profitable
purfuit of the meanes of grace and knowledge,
preaching, reading, prayer, meditation, confe-
rence, ufe of the Sacraments, finging of Pialmes,
confcience and faithfulnelTe in our calling, merci-
fulnefle to the poore, &c. He that hath true faith,
will ever have both an eye and heart to thefe holy
meanes, thefe godly exercifes.
, 4. There is alio adead faith^which is to be found
in many profeflbrs^and thofe that make great (hew
of forwardnelTe in Chriftianity : When men have
good ftorc of knowledge, follow the Word and
Sacraments with diligence, are able to difcourfe
with underftanding, and dexrerity of points of re-
ligion, have goodrefpeft to the Commandements
of the firft Table : But in dealings with their bre-
thren they (hame their profeilion, deny the powder
of Ghriftianfty, and plainly fliew that their faith
is without life, and their life without the fruit of a
juftifying faith ^ their fecret and clofe convey-
ances for enriching themfelves unlawfully, and en-
largingtheir eftates by extortion ard oppreffion,
doe cleerlydi (cover the deadneife of their faith,
and death of their foules in finne.
5. Fifthly, there is a temporary faith, which I
may thus defiue :
It is a generall grace of God' wrought in the
hearts of fbme formall profelTors, by the minifte-
rie of the Word founding in their eares, and by an
inferiour operation of his fpirit, whereby their
minds are in fbme meafure iulightned and deligh-
ted with the Word^ whereupon may follow (bme
_____ G g kinde
The Saints
kindc of converfion, a fhadow of true regenera-
tion, feme outward reformation of life, fb that
they may be in their owne conceit well perfwaded
ofj and fecured about their fpirituall eflate, and
thatthe beft difcerning fpirits can hardly without
very neere converling with them, and long
triall, difcerne and diftinguidi them from found
This faith deceives thoufands, becaufe they
thinke it fufEcient for (alvatiqu, when as it will ne-
ver ferve the turne^or hold out in the day of triall,
in the day of vifitation, when the confcience will
ftand upon ftrid tearmes^ it will melt away into
feares, howling, and end in horror anddefpaire.
And that men may more (ecurely reft and repofe
themlelves & their foules in this temporary feith,
as on a fpirituall Bulwarke^ and fore foundation,
though indeed it be but grounded in fand^Satan he
cunningly gilds 8c burnilhes it over with his ange-
licallglory^and makes it as faire incolour,and ftiew,,
and outwardnefle of (bme fruits^ as is that other
Ipcciall, (aving, and juftifying grace of true faith 5
fothat theyappeare to be as like, ascorneonthe
houfe top, or amongft ftones, and that which
fpringsup in a rich and fruitfull foile, they agree
for the time in colour and frefhnefle. But marke
the difference which time and triall brings upon
them ^ the one fprouts up fuddenly, flourilhes faire
andgreenefora while, but after the heat of the
Sunne beating upon it, it dries away^ dies, and
comes to nothing : But the other being feft rooted
in a good ground, and watred feafonably with the
felfe4nrichmg examination.
dcvf of heaven, growes in ftrength and beauty, {
rich and frwtfull, ripe for the harveft, ready for the )
barne. It is juft fo in temporary^ and (aving faith 5 1
the former (eated fuperficially in the braine, flou- 1
rifhes a while in piety and zeale ^ but if once the
heat of perfccution come, and rife uponic, vex-
ation, difgrace, difcountenance^ lofle of goods^
fome maine hazard of temporal! happinefle • why
then it beginnes to languifh and decay^ to draw
backe from former forwardnefTe, to pull in the
head for feare of precifcnelTe, and to fall backe to
the common fafliions of the world, and formal]
profeffion of the time : But this other being rooted
in a good and honeft heart, by the fpeciall and ef-
feftuall operation of Gods (anftifying ^irit, and
watered by the plentifull and powerfiill fhowers of
aconftantandconfcionablc miniftery, and cheri-
fhed continually with the holy food of the Lords
Supper, with fervent and feeling prayer, Chriftian
conference, meditation, and a good conftience in
all things,doth grow and gather (pirituall ftrength,
and in def{)ight of wicked and flanderous tongues,
Cwhich fcorch farre more fiercely than coales of
Juniper) of all ftormesand tempefts, either rifing
out of naturall corruption, or railed by Satan, or
ftirred up by the world, and (corafuU prophane-
nefife, it ftands upright, and brings forth much
blelled and glorious fruit, with patience and con -
Left you deceive your owne hearts and fbules in
this point, I will tell you how farre this temporary
faith hath power, and may prevaile in working ^
G 4 Firft,
The Saints
Firft, fome mcafurc of inward illumination. Se-
condly, fbmekindeof converfion. Thirdly, fome
degrees of regeneration. Fourthly, fome outward
reformation and obedience, or outward holinefie^
and it is utterly infufficient for (alvation.
Firit, By the power of temporary faith a man
may be thus farre inwardly inlightned.
1. Hee may be inftrudted by the Holy (jhoft in
the underftanding and knowledge of the Word
preached to him. And whereas naturally men know
not the things of God, walke in the blindnefle and
vanity of their minds, embracing errour fcr truth,
darknefle for light ; he may hereby be fo farre in-
lightned, that hee may fee and acknowledge the
truth of Religion, diftafte errout s, difcerne (uper-
naturall principles, and bee acquainted in fome
good meafore with the revealed will of God,
2 Peif .2. 2 o. Mmh.'j. 1 2 . Matth. i o.i,
2. Secondly, Hee may approve and afTentnnto
the divinity and truth of the Law, in the revelati-
on of the finfull ftate of naturall corruption, and
theaccurfed ftate of plagues and judgements due
unto finners. And unto the truth and certainty of
the promifes of ftlvation revealed in the Golpell,
and (hining in the face of Chrift Jefos.
5. Thirdly, He may have a kinde of perfwafion,
a confufed truft, a glimmering hope, that he hath
part in the promifes of grace, and that Chrift is his
4. Hee may bee endued with ability in expoun^
ding, and with formal I wifdome and skill in apply-
. ing the Word of God to the converfion and falva-
' tionpf others. 5 . He
felfe^inrichmg examination.
5. He may have inward delight and content
ment in the miniftery of the Word^and fome love
and affedion to Gods meflengers.
6. He may fblace himfelfe with the (weet and
comfortable confideration of Gods rich mercies
towards his children, in Chriftlefiis. Such as are
thole which I have heretofore reckoned unto you.
I. Incorporation into Chrift. 2. Reconciliati-
on. 3.RemilIion of finncs. 4. Imputation of
righteoufnefle. 5. Interceflion. 6. Acceptation
to eternall life. 7. Adoption. 8. Sanftification.
^. Corroboration, 10. Glorification.
7. He may tafte of the powers of the world to
come, He^. 5. That is, by a meditation of the laft
judgement, the future refurredion, the en^llefle
joyes of heaven , the unconceiveable torments
of thedamned, may drive him to fome good mo-
tions and purpoles for throughnefJe and conftancy
in fincerity ^ but they laft but fo long as untill his
tcmporall happ'nefle and worldly contentments
be croiTedj interrupted^ or mainly hazarded. Or
thus, he may tafte of the powers of the world to
come ^ hee may have a delightfull glimpfe and
glance at eternall life, and the glory of another
world ; but it is but a tafte, he is not fed and filled
with it. For his once looking at a crowne of* glory
above, he hath many thoufand delightfull glances,
and longgazings, upon his gold and filver, lands
and riches, plea(ures,profits, and earthly comforts.
But upon whofe heart foever a found juftifying
faith hath feized, hee hath his converfation and
whole comfort there, with great gladnefle and
As Uerei.
Pfal. Ii^tioj-
TZ'^ Saints
longing ^ he looks from thence for a Saviour ^ (b
that this prelent life is not (b deare unto him ^ but
he holds it out in his hands to all perfecutions, to
finifh the (hort courfe he hath here, with joy and
clearnefle of confcience.
Now in a (ccond place you are to conceive that
this temporary faith hath power to worke fome
degrees, and fome kinde of change and converfi-
on. For degrees of converfion, lee my Sermons on
this Text 5 ThyWardisali^^t to mjifiet^ andalau-
Be fides, a morall change from notorioufhefle to
civilitie 5 and a fbrmall change from civill honefty^
to an outward profeffion of Chriftianity and per-
formance of cxternall duties : And an inward fpc-
culative change, in refpeft of generall graces ; as
inlightning by divine knowledge^ and a rejoycing
in the underftanding, for thofe heavenly myfteries
revealed : I (ay, befides thefe there may by the
power of a temporary faith fuch a change bee
wrought, as is called in Scripture, the uncleane Ipi-
rits going out of a min.MauL 1 2.43. A flying from
the pollutions of the world,2?e/. 2. 20. A wafhing^
2 Vet, 2.22. A fandification by thebloud of the
Teftament, Heb a 0,29, And a participation of the
Thirdly, a man furniflied with this temporary
faith, may attaine (bme progreiTe and degrees 5 may
(cramble at in fome meafore, and have fome fhiat-
tering in that great worke of regeneration 5 as I
confider it, and have heretofore propofcd it to con-
fill: of thefe five parts ^ Knowledge, Legall contri-
felfe^inmhing examination.
1. Fir ft for Knowlegde. He may attaine a great
and large undcrftanding in the Scriptures, and
Word of truth, as I told you before ^ hee may ap-
prove and acknowledge it 5 confeffeit, and make
profefiionof it 5 ftand out for it for a time, and
defend it 5 asdid J»</<^xtheTraitour, and Iff IrOff the
Apoftata, and yet both reprobates.
2. Hee may have the Ipirit of bondage, Ro^f.
8. 15. which is a certaine gift of God, whereby
a man doth difcerne the right meaning, and ju-
dicial! ufe of the Law in himfelfe, concerning his
fearefiillfinfullcftate by nature, and Gods jufi in-
dignation and certaine vengeance due vnto him
for his iinnes. Hence fprings legall repentance and
contrition, fearesandterroursof confcience, pric-
kingSj andhorrours, at the confideration and fee-
ling of Gods wrath and vengeance for finne. Falix
trembled^A&a/^. 2 6, from hence may proceed many
good thing?.
I . He may confefle and acknowledge his finnes,
and the Lords righteoufnefle. So did Vharaoh^Exod.
^.27. AndIud4S:>Matth,2y»^^j^.
Hee may bee grieved and forty for his iinnes,
I Sam. 24'17 Matth,2y,7, He3.12.17.
3. With humiliation,fafting,teares and prayers,
he may fue and feeke for reconciliation, remiilion,
and bieffing. When Eliah reproved Ahal^ for his
idolatry, and threatned him from the Lord^ it is
faid 'j Whe» he heard tliefevpordf^ he rent hh clothe fj and
put (mfac^ckth upon Um^ andfafied^ atfdwefftfoftljiy in
toksn of m^urmtfgy i King. 21. '2 7, 2^. Efanfonght
Or rather
the faille of
bondage »
The Saint f
tk bkfmg mth tearef^ Heh,i2, 17.
4. He may defire the prayers of the godly, to
be delivered from the wrath of God, and venge-
ance of finne. So did Pharaoh, and SimonMAgus^
Exod.io. 17. J^,^.2/{. Hemaywifh, being aiBi-
61:ed with the terrours of hell for his finnes, to die
thedeathof the righteous, and to partake of the
happinefle of the Saints. So Balaam opprefled with
the feare of Gods judgements, prayed thus 5 ob
that I might die the death of the righteous^ and that my
laft end might Belik^ his^ "Numb, 23.10.
Thefe two firft fteps, knowledge and legall re-
pentance, which are onely preparatives, not eflen-
tiall parts of regeneration. A man with tempora-
ry faith may be intirely pofleft off : Now further,
he may enjoy fbme fcamblings, (hadowes, and re-
femblances of the three following elTentiall parts
of regeneration.
I. Firft for faith. Though that true^foand, and
juftifying faith, that holy, fpeciall, and pretious
grace, be peculiar and proper to Gods children on-
ly^ which after a thorow bruifing and breaking of
the heart, with piercing groanes and fighs doth
clafpe faft about the bloudy (ufferings^ and meri-
torious obedience of Chrift lefus, and with a
powerfull and particular application, appropriate
them to the truly humbled fbule, and then after-
ward brings forth unfained and (bund repentance,
true hatred to all iniquity, an utter cefTation from
the pradife of all knowne groflc finnes, a detefta-
tion, difallowance, anddifaffedion to infirmities 5
and that becaufe they grieve, offend, and difbo-
felfe-^nriching examination. I
nourlbmercifull a God. A thorovv fanftification ■
of all the powers of the fbule, inrefpefl: of parts, ,
though not to the height and excellencie of de-
gree, and laftly, a fincere, univerfalJj and con-
ftant obedience to all Gods Commandements.
Though this faith I fay be onely found in men tru-
ly converted, yet a reprobate may by the power
of a temporary faith, and by the generall light of
the fpirit have.
Firft,an overly apprehenfion of the excellencie
of Chrift lefiis, and the bleffcd ftate of thofe that
are made partakers of him by faith, hee may fee,
what is the comfort of remiflion of finnes ^ of a
confcienccfprinkledwith the bloud of Chrift 5 of
free accefle with confidence unto the Throne of
grace. Hee may have a fenfe in his heart, whereby
he perceives and feelesthe excellency of Gods be -
nefitSj notwirhftandinghe doth not enjoy them.
Secondly, He may have a-kinde of perfwafion
that Chrift is his Redeemer. This-may be gathered
out of 2 P^/. 2. 1, where fbme falfe Prophets are
(aidtodeny Chrift that bought them, becaufe for
atime (faith a worthy divine) they prbfefled them--
felves tobe redeemed, and wer^ alfeperfwaded in
a generall fort that he had bought them, yet here-
in they failed, that they did not truly apprehend
the merit of Chrift, and apply it home and efFe-
£hially to themf elves, with a thorow change of
heart, and fincere amendment of life*
2. A fecond evidence or fruit of regeneration,
is fanftification, an holy worke of the fpirir, by
wfeich the whole man, body janid ieule^ and fpirit.
Or rather a
fruit of regc-
l^he Saint f
is enlarged from the reigne and tyranny of finne
iindSatanj and enabled through the fpirit of Chrift
to defire and delight in godlinefTe , and good
things, and therein to vvalkc aud continue to the
end. This is peculiar to the true Chriftian ^ but
yet by the power of temporary faith, which is in-
(ufBcient to falvation, a man may atchicve (bme
(camblings at (carterings of his blefled worke : He 1
may put on (bme good afFedlions, though not to '
him, becaufe they are not fanftified by fpcciall
grace, yet in their kinde, and fo farre forth as we
can judge.
. For example :
' Love to God, as he is an excellent good^authour
of his profperity and temporall happineflc, and in
fuch like refpeds. Bur thisaffedionisnotlincefe
and faving, becaufe it is not principally, moft
dearly, and without other refpeds faflned upon
God, as a mofl mercifull Father in Chrift lefus,
from all eternity.
loy in the Word, preaching, prayer, and the
happy ftate of the righteous. The ftonie ground
receives the Word with joy, Mai th. 17, 20. Herod
heard lohn Baptiji gladly, Markz 6. 20. l^umb. 23.10.
d" 24.4.5.
A defire of the prayer s of good Chriftians ; Pha-
raoh defired Mofes and Aaron to pray for him, Exod.
9.^7. S^imof^ MagHs dtdxtd Peter to pray for him,
that none of the things which hee had fpoken
againft him fhould come to pafTe, .^5?. 8. 24.
A reverence to Gods melTenger : Herodknomu^
lohnto be a juft and holy man, feared and rcvcren-
ced him, Mark^ 6. 2 o. Zeale
felfe-inriching examinamn.
Zeale for the Lord of hods ; Come with mcand^ee
the zeak that lhav,i for the Lord-:, fzithlehuy iKwg-i^i.
1 6. and yet he departed not from the finnesothis
fore-fathers, xior regarded to vpalk^ mthe Law ofth:
tordGod of jfraelmtb all his hearty verf 3 1.
Many good purpofes to follow the guidance of
the fpiritj and a courfe of fandlificationj but dif-
grace danger, endangering temporall happinefle,
orfbme fuch crolTe and temptation doth quickly
da(h and blaft fuch holy motions, and good begin-
nings^ as it was with the ftony ground.
3. Evangdicall repentance is the third efTentiall
part in the great worke of regeneration. And it is
a worke of grace arifing from a true faith, and god-
ly fbrrow, whereby aChriftianturnesfromallhis
finnes, unto God and true godlineffe, with con-
ftancie and delight therein. This is peculiar and
proper to Gods childe, but an unlandified man by
the power of temporarie faith, may make a pretty
(hew herein. Forbefides morall repentance,which
isdgrieving for having offended againft honefty,
hemayinforae degree Theologically repent, and
bee fbrrowfull and heavie hearted 5 i. for having
offended again ft piety, although not fb much in
zeale for the offence and difpleaiure of God, as for
feare of the danger and punilhment of linne.
2. Be(ides this (brrow for finne, hee may rurne
from his finnes of words and outward adions^
but the heart continues full of foule pollutions,
andacageof alluncleane birds. He maybeginne
toreturnein fbule with fome change of the in-
ward powers and faculties thereof 5 from igno-
. The Saints
(ranee to knowledge, from the vice to inward ha-
bits/rom ftarke blindnefle in the myftery of falva-
tion, fofbmegenerall lightnings of thefpirit^ He
may leave the praftife of many finSjthough he can-
not truly hate them, for conicience fake, and the
love of God. Nay in a word, he may forbearc and
forgoe all finneSjfave his fweet delightflill darling,
and boibme finns. Herod reverenced loh/^ Bapt^^
heard him gladly, reformed manythings^ Markc6.»
20. onely hee would not part with his (weet finne
of luftfullpleafqres. Agrippa could almofl: beper-
fwaded to be a Chriftian, but not altogether, A&,
26.2S. Kaaman defireth the Lord to bemercifull
to him in one point, 2 Kmg. 5. 1 8. he could not re-
(blve to leave his place of honour with his mafter 5
only he W9nldbe re/pitedandfparedinone finne.
The young man in the Gofpell wanted but one
thing tofave his foule^ Mark: io»2i. theabando*
ning of his worldlineffe and covetou/nefle^ but
that was his (weet finne, he would rather part with
Chrift lefiis, than with his riches. Thus by the
power of temporary faith many may be free from
drujikennefle^ lying, fwearing, oppreflion^Scc. on-
ly retaining the foule and hatefu!l finne of un-
cleanncfle. ^' Many may be chare jrovi all other groffe
^^ finnes^ omly fufferingtheir hearts to bee exercifid in
^^ coveteufmjje^ ^c,
4. Laftly, temporary faith hath power to worke
an outward reformation of life, a forward profef^
fion of great holinelTe, fbme fruits of piety, and
branches of obedience, and fometimes fbme no-
table undertakings for the advancement of Gods
felfe-inriching examination.
truth, and furtherance of gcxxi caufes ^ favour,
countenance, ^ndrciped to godly Minifters, and
good men. ! ^T?- -rr,-'. ; hoor; .-:
A man hereby may doe all things outwardly
which true Chriftiansdoe, and may lead fiich a life
hereupon earth, that although he doe not thereby
actaine heaven, yet his pajnes in hell may be lefle,
as appeareth by our Saviour Chri ft, Itlhall beea-
^itxioxtyrus and Sjdony forsodomeand Gomorrhe,
than for Capermum^^nd other Cictes unto which he
came, in the day of Judgement, MattL 1 1 . 20. 1 am j
perfwadedchat thofe who have utterly wanted the
wanted the miniftery of the Word^ and thofe who
having enjoyed it, have joyed in ity and have in
fbme meafiire fubmitted thcmfelves to it, fhall
have fewer ftripes, and lefie torment in hell, than
thofe who having it long (hining bright upon
them, have flill lien fl-arke frozen in their dregges,
and utterly blinde in matters of heaven ^ and thofe
who having beene often wafht with many plenti-
ful! fliowres from heaven , have flill continued
Blackmoores, fcornfull and rebellious t© grace and
Hemay aflemble with the Saints of God to ho-
ly exercifes with frequencie and fbrwardnelle, hee
may holdcorrefpondence^and talk of good things,
fweetly confiilt, and mutually communicate fccrets
with them. Such falle-hearted friends it feemes j
D4vtdh^, PfaL 5 5. 1 5,14. 5»# it wasthott, faith the
Prophetj my compan'on^ tnypnk^ and mm mnefa-
miliar frieni : Wttook^fneHconn^elltogtth&r^ andvpalr \
kedinthhoufeofGodasfriendf. 1
H While \
The Saints
Afahs heart
was perfeft.
1 King. I J. 1 1,
See Vnct M<ir-
While he enioyes, the company and conference
of godly Minifters, and good Chriftians, he may
doe many good things ^ favour and countenance
the beft men, and for the time^ andinfomefbrt
/ ftand for Gods glory, and good caufes 5 as J»{^ did
in the dayes of lehoiada the Prieft, iKmg. 12.2.
iCbron,i^,i6. And H^oJ v^zt much better for
lohff Baptiftf company ^ but when it came to the tri-
all, and they were left to themfelves, they were
both naught. '
He may difcourfe eloquently and pathetically of
God5of his will and proriiifes^reprove the impiety,
prophanenefle^ formality, and coldnefle of others ^
withallegations and proofes out of Scripture 5 he
may cenfure & condemne the ignorant and dumbe
Minifteryjand boaft himfelfe tobeof God,aS/#^^
didj and yet himfelfe vvas hollow hearted/ 2 Chroft.
1 3.4.P. 10. I King,i 5.3. Hee may be hot, refolute,
and peremptory sigainft idolatry, as /^p the King
was, 2 chran. 1 5 .4. i ^. d^ 1 6, 10.12 .and yet he vext
the iProphers and Minifters of God, and was mer-
cilefle to theSaints, and fb not found hearted, as
appeared on his deathbed, cka'ver Vr^v, ir. 20.
thinks it was but a fit of frowardnefle in Afa^ to
cafl the Prophets into prifbri : But BarHmeHsAn-
drea^^ urgeth him as I have done. Yet i Khg,\^.
It feemes he was an honeft man. but howfbevcr the
thing is true. Take therefore Uhu for inflance.
Hemayhave (lirringsand flrivingsin his heart
and confcience, when he is tempted by Satan^ and
entifed byhisowne fenfuall corruptions, to the
committing of any groffefinnc^ fo that hee goes
, .*/-^' ' . '■' ■ " about!
felfeHnrichmg examination.
' — — __^ — ^
about It with (bmc feares, diftaftes, and grudg
ings of heart. Pilatev/SLS troubled in minde before
he paft fentence upon Chrift, And tierod was grie-
ved when he (aw loh» Baptift was to die.
When his confcicnce checks him, or the mini-
ftery of the Words frights him with judgementj
afcerthccomiffionof afinne, he may repent and
confefleit. So did /W^/ humble himfelfe with fa -
fting and iackcloth.So did ^ Wjyell and cry as Efiiu
did. But it is not with true feeling and hatred of
finne, andbecaule they grieve God. i'j j. : lii?:
Hee may die fairely and meekly like a Lambe,
without any feares, or violent temptations, with
fomeformall good fpecches,tomake his departure
more Chriftian-Iike, ''and yet be of the number of
**= thofe5that hav e no bands in their death, P/^.73.4.
but goe down fuddenly totheir grave,7(?^2 i.that is,
(wectly, mildly & eafily, not tormented with long
ficknefle, or aftonifhed with feares of confcicnce 5
they both meane the wicked. Thefe things a man
may doe 5 thus farre a man may goe by the power
of a temporary faith, and the general! graces of the
fpirit. Why then beloved before I pafle out of this
point, if reprobates may attainefo great and ex-
cellent things 5 as knowledge of the my fiery of
Chrifl 5 apprehenfion of his cxcellencie 5 fbme
worthy gifts of the holy Ghort 5 rejoycing in the
Gofpell, many powerfiill effefts of the world to
come 5 fume kipde of repentance andconverfion 5
(bme good affeftions to Gods glory and Mini-
flers^ reformation of manyfinnes :^ and outward
holinefle 5 and yet for all this have no part in the
H 2 falvation
The Saints
ftlvation of the Saints, nor be truly regenerate to
a lively hope in. Chrift Jefiis, what need have wee
if we have any care to be (aved, to fift and fearch
to the bottome our cozening and deceitful 1 hearts,
and to examine and try thorowly whether we be
in the faith, whether Chriftjefusbeinusor no?
If men endued with great knowledge, fome grace
oi the (pirit , and outwardly reformed in their
lives,may yet have no part inthe firft rciurreftion ,
where (hall appearethe ignorant, the wilfully pro-
phane, the ftubborne rebellious to godly courfes,
andgood inftrudions ? What (hall become of the
fwearer,the dmnkard,the unclean perfbn,the icor-
ner, the Ufurer, the worldling ? If the formall pro-
feflbr^thecivill honeft man cannot be (aved, where
ihall the defperate fwaggerer,and notorious (inner
appeare>If many (hall feeke to enter into the King-
dome of God, andjhall not be ahk^ Luk, 13.24. what
(hallbecomeof thofethat runne as fall from it as
they can, that root in the earth, hunt after the
world all their life longhand never fb much as once
looke up to heaven^ or entertaine one thought of
attaining the joyes and glory thereof? Many thou-
fands of poore (bules moft fearefully deceive
themfelves in this pointy about the (pirituall eftate
of their foules. How many doe not with thatglad-
ne(re heare, with that reverence refpe^fl, with that
reformation of many things follow the Miniflers,
andminifteryof the Word, as Hertfdd\dloh»Eap'-
tift ^ How many have not halfe that zeale for the
Lord of Hofts, as Ufm had ? How many never
humbled themfelves with fafting, or mourned in j
felfeAnriching examination.
fackcloth for their finnes^ as Ahab did ? How many
doe not with halfe that care and crying (eeke a
blcfTing^as did £/^;^5(whoyet was rejeded of God.)
Hee went to his father, hee fell upon his knees^
he yelled for very griefe • he was afhamed he had
fbJighcIy, and at luch a low rate palTed away his
birth-right_, and bleflings of heaven -^ he wept and
fhed teares. I fay how many have not gone halfe
fo farre in thefe points, andyetthinke all is well
with them, thinke they are forward enough in the
profeflion andpradife of Religion, and make no
doubt of heaven hereafter ? But deceive not your
felves beloved in the Lord lefus ; The power of a
temporary faith, though unfiifficient to falvation,
may bring forth a faire fhew of Chriftianity and
conuerfion 5 a very caft-away may goe farre in ma-
ny things, as you have heard.
As concerning the Word, hemayheare it, un-
derfland it, aflent to it, rejoycc in it, pradife fbme
duties commanded by itj and yet all the while but
the favour of death unto death to him.
He may goe farre fh faith, beleeve the truth and
power of the Word, beleeve thepromifes, beleeve
Chrifi died for finners, yea, and hope he is one of
them that ChrifV died for 5 and yet have no part or
Hee may goe farre in repentance : For hee may
confefTe and acknowledge his finnes^ he may feele
pricks in hisconfcience, havefbrrowinhis heart,
and teares in his eyes for them 5 hee mayproroife
and purpofefbr a time to amend, yea and make re-
flitution and §tisfaftionfor wrongs done^he may
H :? have
85 I The Saints
have great penfivenefle and terrour after fomc hor-
rible £id, for feare of (hame, law, punifhmenr,
hell fire, &c. as hadl^^/, Cainej Saul^ Efau^ aM^
and fuch like, and yet come fhort of (alvation.
[ Hee may goefarre in outward fhcwof anholy
and upright life ^ hee may bee a juft dealer 5 an
ordinary goer to Church 5 a good pay-mafter ^
areleever of the poorc ^ abountifullhoufe-kce-
per li and yet at lall: be turned into helL Why then
beloved brethren, it very deeply and neerely
ftands every man upon, to inquire and try whe-
ther his converfation bee counterfeit orcurrant 5
whether his converfation bee but formally and
faireinfhewonly, oriincercand truly Chriftian.
And never (uffer his eyes to fleepe, nor his eye-
lids to {lumber ^ never to reft and be at quiet, or
topleafe himfelfe in any grace or fervices 5 until!
comparing them with thofe attainable by the re-
probate, hee finde himfelfe to goe beyond them^
aid to afcend to the pitch of truth, and finceri-
tyin all his wayes, which no caft-away canpof^
bly comprehend, or ever attaiueunto. Elle un-
doubtedly in the day of our vifitation , when
our conlciences ftiall ftand upon ftrifttcarmes
with us, whether we have beene formall profef-
fbrs, or trae Chriftians 5 we (ball fhrinke in the
wetting. And then when it is too late^ discourage-
ments and feares will ceafe upon us in an unfeafo-
nable time 5 and our fiire foundation will bee to
lay when the rainc falleth.and the flouds come,and
the winds blow, MattL 7. 2 <?, 27. A great many
men when they fall downc upon their bed of laft
felfeAnriching examination. j 8 7
fickneffe, are like them which commit thcmfelves
to the raging and tempeftuous Seas in a rivcn^fhip.
There converfion is not founds and the ftrong
operation of the Lords fanftifying (pirit but hol-
low and by halves : Their faith is not true and (a-
ving, but only a bold prefumption^ and bare con-
ceit, thatthey have a true and (aving faith.
Many in their lifetime are contented togoca
good way with godly men toward heaven, asOr-
p./ A went with her filter K»M 5 (heewent farrein
fhew^ihe leaves her Country5{he travels alongjfhe
weeps as well as Ruth ^ but in the end a few words
and realbns perfwade Sc prevaile with her to turne
backe.So there are many walke on prettily in (bme
meafures and degrees of faith, repentance^conver-
fion and converfation for a while with good com-
pany^ but when they meet with fomecrofles^when
they are utterly to forfake their merry company all
their finfblf pleafiires, and their fweet finne, and to
be abridged and fcanted of their temporary hapt
neile, a few camall reafons^ irreligious friends or
familiars^ a confideration of the cuftome of the
times, and example of the greater part, doe cafily
coole their forwardneUe, and hale them backe to
their former plodding courfe of formality and
good fellowfhip. But all true 'Naihmeh:, all right
Ifraelites, all thorow Chriftians, are like relblute
Ruth^ after they have once given their names to
God, andtafted of the glorious comforts of true
Chriftianity, and a good confcience, come what
come can, they ftandfaft, andftickeby it ; though
thebloudy fangs of cruelty bee faftned upon the
H 4 very
Ruth. 1. 7. 1 4,
Ruth 1. 1 ^.
The Saints
very face ot their innoccncie j and they be trod and
trampled upon with the feet of pride and malice,
even unto duft 3 nay, though the Lord himfelfe
fhould kill them, yet would they truft in him, and
ftand faft in the truth and grace they have recei-
ved. They will none of their former pleafUrcs,
and finfull courses, they are diftaftefull, irkfbme,
and tedious unto them 5 you cannot hire them or
hale them to lie, to fweare, to be drunken^ to com-
mit filthineflcj to prophane the Sabbath, torunne
to their fportsandpaftimes on that holy and blef-
ledday, which we ought to conlecrate wholly, as
glorious to the Lord : Or the like in the whichper-
haps formerly thev have lien, and taken delight.
They will forward with godly men, and a good
conlcience, whatfoeverbetheiiTue : And (peakc
to them, as Rffth to Naomicy Whithey yon goe ImU
goe^ aniwherzyou lodge I mil lodge j c^c .
if ea, but carnall realbn and prophane men have
bv this time fome grumblings and repiningsrifein
their hearts, and they iay within themfelves, here
is a tart, harfh, and auftere point indeed ^ here is
fowre, defperace, and uncomfortable dodrine 5 a
man may goe fo and fofarre, have fiich and fuch
graces, and yet be a caft-away, and yet be damned.
God forbid. Let us have mercy, comfort and lal-
vation preached unto us ^ Let usheare how Lot^
Davidy sahmjf^yPeter:,*ndothevSd\nts of God, for
all their fearefull falswerereftored to mercy, and
vcffels of (alvation. Let us heare of the theefes
convcrfion upon the erode, and how his repen-
tance, though at laft caftj ferved his turne.for hea-l
felfe-inrkhing examination. 8p
veDj and not fuch cutting^tart and terrible doctrine
as this, &c.
I anfwer. Nothing hath beene delivered in this
point, but that which hath fiire and everlafting
warrant and foundation out of the Word of trurhj
and binfecondedby the (bund judgement;sof the
beft divines. It may, and (liould be uncomfortable
to prophane men, to fuch as are drunke with pre-
fumption, profperity and Security ^ to thofe that
are defirous to fave their Ibules, and yet are refbl-
ved to continue in finne ^ to fuch as will needs have
a paradiie of pleafiires here, and a heaven of joyes
hereafter^ toaltformallprofeflbrSj carnallGofpel-
lers, and halfe Ghriftians. But it is farre better for
(tich to hearethe vov'ce of terrour and judgement
out of the Law of God, to terrifie and rcforme
them in the meane time, than hereafter to be tur-
ned into hell with that voyce of vengeance - Coe
yee cur fed hto everlafting fire* It is farre better for
them to heare of damnation tor their humbling
here upon earth, than to endure it everlaftingly to
their horrible confufion in the world to come. As
for the true Chriftian, this makes his heart dance,
leape for joy within him 5 when he finds himfelfe
by thefandifying grace of Gods fpirit, pofTeft of
thofe fpirituall graces of which no reprobate can
poflibly be partaker 5 when he fees chat true hear-
ted (incerity is in hii^ inward parts, that impartiall
hatred of all finne that carefull refped: and univer-
(all obedience to all Gods Commandements^which
are infallible marks and charadters which diftin-
guifh him from formallChriftians, and all Hrates of
-. unrc?ge-
The Saints
unregeneration. And further, outof coniideraci-
onof this point, his holy and happy (bule cannot
chufe but melt, and relolve into praifcs and thank-
fjlnefle 5 that the great bounty of his gracious
God, and the power of hisfanftifying (pirithath
carried him beyond the reach and pitch of all re-
probates and unregenerate men ; though thou-
(andsof* them being gulled by Satan, and beguiled
by their owne cozening and deceitfull hearts,
thinke they are farre enough in goodnefTe and
grace forlRilvation, and need no more for the at-
tainment of heaven.
Laftly, when he duly and ferioufly weighes how
farre a reprobate may goe^ what graces and per-
feftionshemayattainCj howneare he comes unto
him ^ it makes him more zealous, carefull and dili-
gent to make his eledion (urc by fincerity and ho-
linefle ^ to hie fafter towards the marke, for the
price of the high calling of God in Chrift Jefus^
to prefle on more eagerly to the ftreight gz re, and
and with greater violence to lay hold on the Kint?;-
dome of Heaven. My doftrine then is fuch as it
ftiouldbe 5 If it be a cutting corrafive tothepro-
phane, and comfortable cord iall to the Chriftian.
Many wickedly prefume to finne with the Saints
of God, but they never repent and rife againe with
them. The fals and infirmites of the Saints are
mentioned in Scripture, not to encourage us with
confidence and prefumption ro finne, but to make
us walke warily, and to workc out our falvation
with fcare and trembling.
ti?/ fell of infirmitie, and no doubt it coft him
^ many I
felfe^inricbing examination.
many a grievous pang 5 and befides, Gods fierce
judgements and fearfull plagues ftill haunted that
inceftuous feed. Looke upon David^ crying in his
ftrong agoniesa and anguifh of fpirit^ pfal. 3 8. his
finne was as fire in his bones^ that made him goe
crooked : He had not a good day for a long time,
but the gricfe and horror of his finfiill pleafiires
made him cry out. You may (ee in that Pialme.that
he bought his finne full deare. Veter wept bitterly^
•nd no doubt with zeale in his calling afterward
made a glorious mends for his fall of infirmity, ac-
cording to Chrifts threefold charge, but thou, &c.
Salomons retraftation and repentance may bee
feene in Ecclefaftes, As for the example of the
theefe ; firfl:, the Lord knokt but once by one Scr-
mon, and he repented 5 thou haft heard many^and
art yet hard hearted.
Secondly, this is an extraordinary, and but one
example in all Scripture. A King (bmetimes pardo*
ncth a malefador at the place of execution, wilt
thou therefore, 8cg.
Thirdly, this example is onely for true peni-
tents, &c.
Fourthly, the other theefe, though he (aw with
his eyes Chrifts precious bloud (bed upon the
Crofle for the finncs of men, 8cc.
Fifthly, It was a miraole, with the glory where-
of our Saviour would honour the ignominie of
the Crofle, We may almoft as well expeft a (econd
crucifying of Chrift, as fiich a fecond theefe.
There may another objedion bee made, and a
doubt arife out of the point formerly delivered ^
This theefe
Chrift, when
all the world
denied him «
DiliC of Rcpcn-
Pfalm \7»
Pfalm.; J,
The Saints
for it mayfeeme very ftrange, that God will be-
, ftow fuch excellent graces upon, reprobates, who
I have no true intereft in the everlafting covenant
of mercy and peace, no part in the Lambe, no ti-
tle or right to the glory of heaven. It will bee
thought, that they are jewels for the cares, and
bracelets for the arraes of Gods children alone,
and not to be throwneamongft fwine.
I anfwer ^ It is done efpecially for thefe caufes :
Firft, that the glory of Gods goodneflemigh!^
fhine the fairer, and more brightly in the world,
and among the fbnnes of men. The whole world
is thicke embroydcred,and every where befet with
a wonderfull variety of prints and pafJages of
his goodnefle and bounty. Every creature in forae
meafure or other doth tafte of his liberality. In
this great volume of nature round about us, wee
may run and read the deepcimpreflions and large
charafters of kindnefle and love^ which his merci-
full and munificent hand hath made in all places,
in every leafe, page and line of it. Now as out of
the bottomleiTe Sea, ^nd unexhaafted fountaine of
his owne goodnefle, he caufeth his Sun to fhine as
well upon theurrjuft as the righteous ^ his raine to
fall as well upon weeds, thiftles and thomes, as
upon herbs, flowers and ftuit trees. So many times
hedeales large doles of temporal! happinefle^ and
generallgraces, as well unto the reprobate as the
trujeChriftian. Hisdeare, everkfling and (peciall
love belongs oncly unto his eleft : But in generall
graces aud temporary love, that I rray ^o call ir, he
is bountifull many times, even to the reprobates^
felfe4nrichmg examinamn. i p^
As they are content tofervehiminraanythingSj
(b hee is willing to conferrc fbme bieffings up-
on them. But as they will not part with their
Aveetfinne, and their whole heart for his iiervicc,
which he doth fpecially require ^ (b he will not part
with falvation and eternall life unto them^ which
above all things they ought moft to defire.
Secondly, thefe gifts and graces are beftowed
on the reprobates, efpecially for the good comfort
and benefit of the eled ; For all things in the
world belides the eled, are for theeledlsfake, as
the eled in a more excellent and eminent manner
for Gods glory 5 and all th ings worke tog-ether for
their good. The very temptations o£ Satan, the
u(eor lode of the creatures, tjierage of the (cor-
ner, the cruelty of the perfecutour, the moderati-
on of the civill honeft man, the illumination of
the formall profeflbr, affliftions and croflTes,, nay
their owne finnes and infirmities ; all thefe^ and
every thing el(e in the world makes one way or
other for the good of Gods children 5 nay, the
worldlt felfe ftandsonely untill the number of the
Eledbe accompli(hcd ; For when the laftof Gods
chofenbee once called and fitted with ^raccfor
heaven, it will prefently flame with fire, the trum-
pet will found, and we (hall all come to the judge-
ment of that great day. God therefore many times
inlightens the reprobates with many gifts of
the (piritj and common graces^, that thofewhom
he hath defigned to (alvation, may bee the better
by them. To this purpofe in the Apoftles time in
the Primitive Church J there were many common ;
I Cor.t>.
The Saints
gitcs ^ as the gitc ot knowledge, the working of
miracles, the word of wildome, the power of hea-
ling, the di(cerning of fpirits, the diverfitie of
tongues , the interpretation of tongues, to all
which if there were not addeda juftifyingfruitfoli
faith, a true love to God, his Word and (ervice,
and to true Chriftians, the gifts of regeneration,
a dying to finne, a rifing up to newnelle of life^the
grace of hearty prayer, comfort in diftrefle, and
{uchlike, which be infallible notes and marices of
eleftion ^ I fay without thefe the former common
graces did not (ave the owners, but onely ferveto
edifie others, and to inlighten the eleft in the way
to heaven. I doe not doubt but ever fince in the
Church, and at this day, as God by his Almighty
hand doth bridle and curbe the fierce and bloody
rage of perfecutors, and cruell prophancnefle,that
his children may live peaceably by them 5 and as
by his reftraining fpirit he breeds a moderation,in*
genioufiicfle, civill honefty, and juft dealing in
others 5 that they may injoy their owne, and 1 ive
comfortably in refped of worldly matter. So I
doubt not but he doth furnifti fbme with many
worthy and excellent gifts of his inlighming fpirit,
though they want fanftifying grace ^ that there-
by the Eleft maybe furthered in fpirituall matters^
and guided in the wayes of falvation.
Thirdly, their endowment with thefe graces
make them more inexcufable. For whereas the
Lord vouchfafeth them knowledge, fbme faith
and joy in his Word, many notable gifts, a glimfpe
I of the glory of heaven, and a tafle of the powers
I '■ of
•rr-iinrrr-T-i - -i~i"
felfe^inricbing examination.
of the world to come, and yet for ail this they will
not be drawne on to be thorow rclblute, and true
hearted for Gods fervic^, and fervants -^ but ever
when their ehiefe carnall contentments are called
into queftionjthey ftart afide like a broken bow ^ I
fay they doe herein cleerly judge themfelves un-
worthy of everlaO:inglife.,/^(^. 13 .45.andmakethe
fentence of ecemall condemnation more than moft
juft againft them.How will they be confounded and
alhamed at that great and fearfuIJ day, when it (hall
appeare before men and Angels , that the Lord
in this life gave knowledge and profe/Iion of his
truth unto them -^ let them have feme taftes of the
glorious comforts of his children, and the unfa-
ditig treafores of eteraainife • and told them by
the Minifters^ of his Word, if they would utterly
and refblutely weane and withdraw their affefti-
ons from the world arid earthly pleafores, andfet
their hearts upon things above, and become notal-
moft,but akogechef Ghriftians •, they fhould moft
certainly hereafter drinkedeepe and large of the
Wellof life, and River of endleflepkafure : Yet
for all this, wretched and wilfull men , they would
not part with the pleafures of one bofbme (rnne or
other, which they hadprefentlyin pofTedion, for
heaven hereafterj though they had the Word and
promife of Almighty God for the performance of
it in due time.
Thus ferre of faith rnfofficient to falvatroHjWith
which thoufands content anddeceivethem(elves.
2. Now in a fecond place I am to acquaint you
with feme by-paths about faith ^ which except
•'■'•' they
Bypaths In
faith to be ta-
ken heed of.
,^ •
^be Saint f
they be takenheed of, and carefull/ avoided, will
lead us into mifery andconfufion.
I. The firfl: ftands in excefle, it is credulity. Ma-
ny though they be meere worldlings, flaves unto
pleafurcs, (old unto finne, and fwim downe the
current of the times, laden with corruptions, and
many finfiill vanities, yet they will needs threape
kindneffe upon God : They would gladly bee
thought to have faith in ChrifV, aud hope of lalva-
tion, though they were never humbled for their
finnes, their hearts never broken and bruifed with
t€rrours of the Law, and remorfe of confcience 5
though they never repented, never (pent tcare for
their lewdnefTe paft, never once groaned or fighed
under the burden of their corruptions,yet they pe-
remptorily perfwade themfelves that they (hall be
(avedatlaft ^ and when all comes to all^ that God
will be very loth tocaft away any of his creatures,
and to turne them into Hell.But except we be flark
AtheiftSjand beleeve not the truth of Gods threat-
nings ^ or blalphemous milicreants, to thinke that
God is as man, that he fhonid lie, we may allure our
(elv cs that the mck^dflmll be turned into hell^ and all the
people that forget God^Pfal. 9.17. As thefmokevanifieth
(faith Davii)foihalt thou drive them avp4y -^ aud as wax
meltetJ) bejvre thefirej f)Jballthe mcl^d perifi at theprc'
fence of God^ PfaL 6^.2, Behold^ fai th Malachie^ chap,
4. 1 . the day commeth thatpjallburne as an Oven, and all
the day that commethjhallburne them up, faith the Lord
\ efhofis, andjhall leave them neither root nor branch,
i And God himfelfe thus Ipeaketh by the fame Pro-
felfe^ inrichmg examination. i p 7
phet, chap. 3 5. Imllcomz neare to puto )udgtmtntt
anilmll be afmft mimffe againflthe Sooihfajw, and
againfi th adulterers ^ and agatnfl faljefneearers^ and
againfl thofe that wrongfully l^epe backe the hlrelwgs
wages y and vex the widow and the jathtrhjje^ and op-
prejje the fl^anger^ andfearenot t/ie^ faith the Lord of\
H /?/. And how terribly the Lord will comeagainll
all thofe which goe on in their wickednefle, and
fecure rhemfelves in their finfull prosperity, ifaj/
tdsiis/chap.66,i$^i6. Behold faith hee^ the Lordml/
come withfire^ and his chariots like a wh:rlewindj that he
may rtcompence his anger with wrath^ and his indignati-
on with aflame of fire. For the Lord will judge wiihffre^
and with his fword all flejh^ anitheJJaineofihe LcrdJfM/l
bemUny, Addethat, iTheJf.i.^^^,
Let no man then with a groundleflejprefumptu-
0US5 and tco credulous conceit, bee too bold and
build too much upon the Lords mercies ; Let no
man threape kindnefTe upon him againfthis truth
and juftice revealed in his Word. For it is a truth
farre more firme, than either the pillars of t!he
earth, or poles of heaven ^ (For heaven and earth
ihall paflTe away, but not one tittle of Gods V\ ord,
until! all be fulfilled.) That to e'veryone that difobeyes
the truth, and oheyesunrighteoufmjjei there fl' all bee in-^
dignaiion and wrath, Tribulation and angmfl:)fldall hee\
upon thefoule of every one that doth eiill 5 of the lewfirfl^ }
and alfo of the Grecian^ Rom, 2 . 8 5 p . ^ <^^ ^>'<?« blejfe ;,
-himfelfe in his heart' andfay, I flail have peace though /'•
waike after the flubbornneffe of mine owne heart : The
Lord willnot bee merciJHil unto that ma»i &c» Deut,
Mirton three •
foldSc. ofaiauj
7 he Saints
It any (ay, I will goeon in my (inneand yec noc
bee damned^ is as if hee fhould (ay, I will dfinke
poy(bn and not be choked ; I will goe ifito a plague
houfe and not be infeded 5 I will cad my (elfe in-
to the bottome of the River, and noc be drov/ned.
2. Another by-path ftands indefeft, and that
is infidelity : Upon this extreame^ upon this rocke
of ruine thoulands runne daily, and da(h their
(6uIesand(alvationtopeeces. It is a (ecret diftruft
of Gods promi(espropounding happinefie to man,
relying himfelfe on the mercy of God in ChrHt.
This diuruftfull humour, faith a worthy Divine,
hath alwayes reigned in the mofl: of all the men in
the world, doth at this day^ and will doe as long as
the world en Jureth- The grofle hypocrite iJtain-
ted with this leproiie, qKq how durft he for repu-
tation and advantage, making glorious proteftati-
onsand goodly (hew for God and godlinelTe, with
his mjuth and outward profeflion ^ deny them
utterly, and their holy power, in his heart, life^and
the carriage of his affaires ? The Epicure hath
drunk deeply of this poy(bn,eire how were it poi^
(ible that he fhould prefer a fewbitter-fweec plea-
fures for an inch of time, in this Vale of teares,be-
fore unmixed joyes through all eternity, in the
glorious manfions of heaven. The worldling is in
great meafiire polTefl of this evill heart of unbe-
\cQ^Q ^ Heh.y.12. for were hee truly and thorowly
perfwaded of the truth of Gods^ Word, of the cer-
tainty of endlcfle paines, and everlafting joyes,
how were ic polTible that for a little earthly pelfe,
which he heaps and hoards together, with much
felfeAnriching examination.
anxiety and anguifli of heart, keeps together with
many feares and jealoulles, parts from (and per-
haps he knowes not to whom) with much forrow
and repining ^ liay, that for a little flich earthly
pelfe he fhould fell his immortall (bule to damna-
tion and hell.
But above all others the defperate & prodigious
Atheidsof our times (inke dec[ jft into this hell
of unbeleefe : For infidelity is their profeffionj
and (corning of godlinefle the trowne of their re-
putation. They drinke Co deepe and fo long of
renfiiall vanities 5 and del]:)erate prophanencfle ^
thejiarefoflirioLifly inflamed with heatof luftfull
pleafures, that at length they become ftarke raging
tuadin fpirituall matters, ib that they flie in the
very face of Divine Majeflic, challenge God Al-
mighty^ and bid defiance to his Word : For they
(ay within themlel ves, even to God himfelfe, with
them in loh 2 1.143! 5. Depart jrom v.s we defircKot ihe
kfiiwledgeoftlyrt'a^esWhois thcAlmghiy that iprefwuld
Cerjebim^ Andvphat profit Jliionldreec have if rreeJJjould
prajtmto him / Andwiththofetowhom i/^inhis
fifth Chapters denounceth a fearefull woe 5 Let him
ff/a^e fveed Jet him hafie/f his v(^orke that npe p/ayfeeit^ and
kt the connfdlof. the Holy one ofjfracl draw nteve and
come ^that j!pe /^/ayk»on) it. And whenGod tels them^as
it is Malac^. i -^^Tourn^ords have beznfioM agaitiflr^ie ^
Theyanfaer. vphat have vpefpokenagainfl thee .<? God re-
plies and Csyes^Tehavefaidit is invaim toferve God-^
and Tfhat profit is it, that npe have f^pthisCommande"
ments & thatr^e vpalk^d humbly before ihe LordofHofts^
Thcfe and the like^ are the hateful! blafphemies of
I 2 unbelee-
l^he Saints
unbelcevlnghearts.That we may decline this dan-
gerous and delperate by-pach, and happily pre-
ferv^e our felves from this fearfull infidelity, and
ranke poyfbn of damned Atheifme, we muft bee
zealous and careful! to kecpe our undeftandings
light with divine knowledge^ Our faith in life, and
vigour with uprightnefle and integrity of life 5 our
hearts ever guarded with watch and ward againft
evill thoughts, and luftfull entifcments ; ouraffe-
ons fetled, and delightfully feeding upon heavenly
things 5 our confciences ftill awake, tender and
fenfible of the leaf): finne. For if we give way once
unto finne, and let loofe our deceitful! hearts to
range and rove at their pleafures 5 if once we give
the raines to our corrupt affedtions^we fliail be car-
jried headlong thorovv athou^nd crooked wayes
of vanity and iniquities, until! we be thrownein-
tp this irrecoverable dungeon of unbeleefe. Satan
car\tinually fuggefteth lewd conceits ^ our owne
concupifcence, that impoyfoned fountaine^ bub-
leth up evill thoughts, if they finde the leaft en-
tertainment in our hearts ^ they prefently breed
delightjdelight tollethoiiconfent, confentbcger-
teth adion,adion brings cuftome,cuftomegrowes
as it were itlto nature and neceffity ^ thence an iron
finew fprings in the heart. Hardnefie of heart is an
accurfed foile, fit for feeds of Atheifme , an J the
bitter root of unbeleefe ^ fuch poyfbnous weeds
rake root quicklyjand grow f ankly in a hard heart.
Let us then in tlienaaae of God rake heed how we
liften to the lure, or play witli the baits of finne^
for Satan by tlie aid of our rebellious flefh will {6
take I
felfeAnriching examination.
take occafion and advantage to heave and hoift
us up into the chaire of the fcornfoll. And that by
thefe degrees and afcents 5 for thus the infinuative
poylbnof finne doth fteale upon us.
1 . At the firftj to an honert difpofition, fear full
to ofFendjand formerJy unacquainted with wicked
courses, and lewd companions ^ finne feemesex-
treamly hatefull, diftaftefull, and untollerable to
bee borne. Such an one perhaps will be much vext
andaftonifht, when by the cunning of Satan, the
confpiracieof his owoe corruptions, arid thecoun-
fell of bad company, he is firft overtaken with
(bmefoule finne.
2. Secondly, After chat he hath beene twice or
thrice againe enfnared in finnes fenfiiall pleafui es,
by cafting himlelfe upon the occafions, and
amongftlewd companions, itlofethfomethingof
vreighr, it doth not prefle him (b importably, and
intollerably as it did before. It isyethcavieunto
him, kit not horrible.Hc is fbmething ftd after the
commiffionof it, and melancholike ^ but he is not
neare (b heavie hearted or wounded in confci-
ence as he was before.
3. Thirdly, by u(e, cuftome and continuance in
finne, itgrowes to be light 5 fo that he never takes<
it to heart ^ hee futfers not his confciencc to
checke him for it any more , but carries it away
fmoorhly and eafily, like the adulterous woman,
Pr<7Z^.; 0.20. u>ho eatethj and mpeth her mouthy and
faithjhe hih not finned.
4. Fourthly, after hee hath banifbcd remorfe,
and brawnedhisconlcience^ heegrdwespaftfee-
I ; iing
The Saints
ling : He is utterly deprived of judgement in di{^
cerning the fbulnefle 5 of underftanding, in ac-
knowledging the accuriednefle ^ and of fenfe ihap-
j prehending the guiltinefTe of ftnne. Though a
thoufand deadly blowes light upon his fbule , and
many a mortal! wound ftrike thorqw his conici-
ence, yethe feeles no (mart, he is never the worfe
in his owne conceit. He is like a man in a phrenfie,
who though he be grievoufly tormented with his
difeafe, yet he f eelesno paine, but dieth laugh ing-
lyir Seaman that is gone thus ferre, though hee
(eefinnemoft hainoufly, yetheisferrfleffe of his
\ fpirituall mifery, and dies in finne with delights, .
I 5. Fifthly; When Satan hath once put Do.§s.hot
J iron, and feared his confcicnce^ hee more fully,
labfblutely and entirely fwallowes downe the plea-
Ifures of finne. He delights in doing evilL, as salo-,
mofpipGdks;¥mf,i^ 14. and exceedingly rejpyceth
ifitiK^ft VilQ perverfiiefle.. ^ -: i J ;,i ix; 1'
'■''^. Sixthly; This cur fed deligfirin'finnelKgets
liftill frefli ddires, and unfatiable greedinefle to
jlheape finne upon finne^.. When he is once paft fee-
j ling i and feeds upon (enluall and finfull iweetnefle,
Without any- ^eckeyremorfe, or biting of con-
ifcienGe - why then he gives himfelfe untowan-
ItOHiieife "to worke all'uncleannefTej- even, with-
^reediriiflei • He cm^ot fieep^ except hhitth 'ct6mmlt\
f»M'B!f\Jkep^'' dep^mh'ekccpti fe caujejomstocfally
.J. Seventhly, He defends finne^ heglorie&and,
^6af^s?nh5i5^htt^fOltVeBdlions/By thistkne hee
toatl*i'^(«teniiim ^ fok-head of' brafiei^.4&4.. icr I
IV'}' .. . '-^ that/
felfeAnrichingexamination. ) loj
that he becomes one ofthe devils Prodors, to plead
for the works of darknefle ^ and one of the Charn-
pioHS of helljto fight in defence of prophaneneffe.
Now unhappily at length deceitfuInefTe of finne
hath accompliftied the meaftre of hardnefle of
heart. Out of which being turned into marble
or adamant, it carves a blacke and curfed throne
for the (eat of unbeleefe, that there it may rage
and raigne, and bid defiance to the Majeftie of
God Almighty, and to his holy truth. For from
this evill heart of unbeleefe, doth immediately
and naturally (pring, a departrngavpayfrom the living
God, Take heed brethren, (aith the authour to the
HcbreweSj chap, 3. 12. Lefl atanjiime there be in any
of you J an evill heart ofunbekefe^ to depart avfayfrem
the living God, He therefore that hath climbed up
thus high upon thefe hellifti ftaires^ beginnes now
to di(claime God, and all intereft in him, to deny
the truth of his promifes, accounting them no-
thing bnt faire pretences, and of his fearefull
threatnings palling by them, with fearelefle con-
tempt, as though they were nothing but vaine
Scar-crowes, terrifying and fraying none bur fome
fimplefcllowes, and religious fooles 5 and (b fall
quite away from Cod J and even Ipfofa&o^ as they
fty, in the very ad of renouncing God, hee de-^
prives himfelfe utterly of all poilibility of blef-
fings from him, and receives at the fame inftant
under feale, as great a meafure of Satans curfed
malice, as his corrupt heart is capable. If any fub-
jed fhould notonely traiteroufly and perfidioufly
difclaime and abandon his-foveraigne Liege Lord,
1 4 but
T^he Saints
but al(b devote himfelfe, and fvveare his lervice to
his firli Maftcrs mortall and profefled enemie 5 you
know he doth incontinently caft himlelfe from ail
thole lands, offices, pofleflions and commodities,
which he formerly enjoyed, while he continued
in allegeance to his former Mafter. So juft is his
cafe, who by infidelity fals away from the God of
heaven. He then utterly deprives himfelfe of all
polfibility of any manner of bleffings, belonging
either to happinefle or holinefle. Hee can neither
love, feare , honour or obey God from whom hee
looketh, for neither good nor eviil;, neither re-
ward nor punifhment.
I have (laid the longer in difcovering this by-
path, becaufe certainly a great part of the world is
fearfully tainted with a fpice of Atheifme,and pof^
(eft of a great meafure of infidelity andunbeleefe.
For \i men did certainly belecve the truth of Gods
Word, that he will recompence and reward every
man according to his workes, as his blefled fpiric
tels us by Saint Vaul, Rom, 2.^, 7,8. to themvphotjy
continuance ia npeU dsmg ftek$ g^ory, and honour, and
immOirtaUty , eteymUHfe : But unto them that are con-
ttntioHs anddifobey the truth, and obey unrighteoufneffe^
indignation and vpratL I fay if men beleeved this,
how were it pollible that they durft follow every
one the vanity anddevifes of his ovyne heart, and
lie in the common falhions aad corruptions oip the
world } (bmt in lying, (bme in fwearing, feme in
drunkcnneflc, (bme in undeannefle, fbme in Sab-
bath brcakinea fbme in worldline (le, j(bmeinll(u-
^ ry andoppreJffion 5 in one or ocher fiich worke of
felfe^wriching examination. \ 105
darknefle 5 fith the end of thefe without repcn- j
tance and amendment^ is mod ceitainjyj if webe-
leeve the Word of God, everlaftingwretchedncile
and damnation both of body and fbule^ in the lake
that burnes with fire and brim ftonc.
A third by-path isdifpairfulnelTe. 1 know de-
{paire is properly and diredly oppofcd to hope
and not to faith : But I handle it herejbecaufe when
a man is humbled and caft downeby theterrours
of the Law, and with a broken and bruifed heart
fighing, and ibrrowfull in his legall repentance ^
if he mifle of the right path that leads to the rich
mercies of God, and precious promifes of {alva-
tion revcaledin theGolpell,ard (hiningin the face
o{ Chrift Jefus.. he may be fearefully (wallowed
up and drowned in the gulfe of defpaire. Now
prefiimption, though it be a contrary courfe to-
ward damnation, and quiteoppoiite to that which
is by defpaire ^ yet it is thedire(a and hye-way
that leads to defperation, when men in the day of
their vifitation, and time of grace^ are called opon
by the loud cries and earned: invitation of the Mi-
nifters , to leave their immoderate love of the
world, and (Tnfullcourfes, and to lay faft hold in
time upon grace andialvation ^ and yet for all this
as the deafaadder ftoppeth his eares, and will not
heare the i%ice of the enchanter, though hee bee
mofl: expert in charming^ 'Pp?/. 5 8 . becaufe thereby
he would not be reftraincd from difperfing his
povfon : So they will not entertaine the powerof
the Word into their hearts and affedions, though
never fo often and inftantly urging unto it, left
The Saints
I thereby they Ihould be Itaid in their wicked and
j worldly courfes, terrified in their confciences, and
abridged of their pleafures -^ but theygoe ftillon^
flattering themfelves in their profperiryjas though
ic were a certaine and infallible argument of Gods
favour, whereas there is no greater plague under
heaven, than toprofperintheworld, andyetbee
prophane ^ then profperity without grace. They
finfully and fearfully prefume upon Gods merq^,
either by blefling themfelves with aconceit^ that
for all the 'judgements denounced and thundered
out againft themjyet they (hall have peace, though
they continue in their ordinary courts, or by per-
fwading themfelves, that calling upon God, or cry-
ing for mercy at the laft houre will ferve their
turne^ and fatisfie for all their former rebellions.
I (ay, fuch men as thefe when they have runne
their race of lecurity, refufed fo many offers of
grace, and reached the height of prefumptioHj
they are readied to fall headlong into the pit of de-
fpaire. For the time may come upon luch, that
prefumption of Gods mercy having loofed the
raines to outrage in finne, and continuance in im-
piety and impenetencie, having waUed and quite
worne out the time of'grace, their minds maybe-
come fo reprobate, their confciences^fb (eared,
their (bules (b frozen in the dregs arfinne, and
their hearts lb hardned with the deccitfulnefle
thereof, that God will not be mcrcifull unto them ^
(b that though they (hould weepe and lament with
Efau ^ make reftitution of ill gotten goods with
ludas 5 rent their cloaths, and put on (ack-cloth
felfe-inriching examination.
wich Ahab ^ pull the men of God to comfort them,
and pray for them with S^<nl'^ yet all will not ferve
theturne ^ they refufed grace when it was oifered
by the miniftery of the Word, and urged upon
them by the loud cries of Godsmeflengers ; and
therforc they can now have no mercy, no blefling,
I though they feeke it with teares, as Efan did 5
though they throw their fearfuil and piercing cries I
into the avre with hideous groanes and veilings. |
That this is Gods courfeholdenwithprefumptu- j
ous finners, appeares plainly in his Word 5 Becaufe |
lha'2^ecalkd^amiye';reffffed^ I fiave firetched out mwe j
kmd^ and mmwoitUre^drd. ll^njljall they call upon \
me;hut I will not anjmir -^ thy fhaUfeel^ me early .but they
^allnotfindeme^ Prov.\.'i.(\^r%. The Lord by the
Prophet /J^.calsthe people to weeping and mour-
ning for their finnes ^ but they utterly feareleffe
of Godsthreatnings, fell to (porting and feafting,
!to joy and gladneffe, whereupon the finne became
unexpiable^ I^ay 22. Surely this tniquity JImU ni4 bee
purged fromyoH, tUlyeedie faith tlie Lord God of Hofis,
But the fpeciall place i&, Ecsf^^. 2 4. 1 3 . Becaufe (fai th
iGod to Jerufalem) I mould have pffrgedthee^, andthoi^
Xfiafi not pwged^thoujlmlt not be purged ^fullhave cdufed
'mynpmthtolightnpontke. See to this purpose, Ljtk.
1^.41. Thus refufing to be reformed in the day of
•grace,' abufing Gods loving kindnelTe, patience,
'lonsi-fuffcring, and forbearance and prefiiming up-
on his mercy againft the truth of his Word, and
fgiory of- his juftice,- make W£ty- for utter rejeftion
land defpaire in the diiy o^ rrbubie and heavinefTe.
!He that in the flower of his age, and flourifhing
The Saints
\ ot his outward eftate^ doth ruffle it in his vanides,
'. and runne on in his finneSjprefuming that the great
j Sea of Gods mercie will at length wa(h away all ^
! and the unvaluable price of Chrifts bloud-fhed
jwill difcharge the (core of his tranfgreffions ,
i though never (b many.may in the day of his vifita-
ition, inthedayof mine and perplexity, by Gods
* ' juft judgement be wickedly perfwaded, that his
fins are greater than can be pardoncdjand that that
i infinite mercy will not remit fo much as his leaft
! (infull vanity. We may fbmctimes take notice by
1 wofull and lamentable experience, that (bme ha-
I ving runne along and finful! race, inadefperate
i contempt of the meanes of their (alvation, in pre-
i fumptuous impenitencie , making Gods mercies
i a motive of rebellion againft his Majeftie, when
I once God beginnes to let loofe the cordof iheir
Pfal.jo.xi. j eonfciences , to (et their finnes in order before
j them, to place their fecret finnes in the light of his ,
pfai.jog. countenance^ and to bend the brow of divine ju-
ftice againft their prophane and bold prefiimpti-
I ons, they prefently defpaireof Gods merry^ and
j their ownefalvation, they give over their foules
I as alrea-ly condemned 5 and are like that abomina-
ble Ufiirer, who having fiiftained fbme lolfe in his
goods5by and by bereaveth bimfelfc of his life al(b 5
and (b (bmetimes grow to phrenfie and madneffe,
or fort unto themfelvcs fearefiill and rufiill ends^
and violent death, fo wretchedly like filly fifh, lea-
ping out of the frying pan into the fire^they throw
themfelvcs f om the hell of confcience, into the
hell of wicked devils. As we defire then to decline
felfe-inricbing exmination.
thefe wofull miferies, aid feare to fail into this
dungeon of de(pa'' re : Let us in the name of God^
in this acceptable time of repentance^ turne uato
theLordjandtotrueholinciFejfrom our ignorance,
prophanenefTe^ worldlinefle, coldnefTe in Heligi-
on, and all other finnes. In this day of our graci-
ous vifitation ^ letus (ubmit our (elves with humi-
lity and obedience to the power of the Miniftery
of the Word, andafruitfull pradife of the fame.
Beloved in the Lord lefus, this is your day, this is
your Cctd. time, as you love yourowne {bules, fuf-
ferthe immortall feed of the Word to finke into
the furrowes of your hearts, and there tofruftifie
andflourifb, that it may grow from the Herbeof
Grace, to the Eare of Glory. Now lay up and
flore your felves with heavenly and fpirituall trea-
fures 5 you know not what want, what ftormes or
tempefl-s may befall you hereafter : And rhey will
be fure to holdoutagiinftthe defblations of the
whole world, againft wind and weather^ want and
poverty y even againft the ruines both of Heaven
and Earth •, they will never faile yoUjbut laft ever-
laftingly. Take heed of prefuming too much of
Gods mercies :• It is thatwide and wofull fnare by
which Satan tlrawes a great part of men into his
Kingdome oT darkneffe. Hee that here makes God
all of mercy, 'fotodifhonour him more fearefully, .
and without remorfe, all his life long, fhall mof^
certainly hereafter moH: Juftly findehimtohim,-
felfe all of j if^ice, that Co he may glorifie his truth,
in receiving the wages of fiJch wiifull impietie.
But the chiefe thing I v/ould fpecially advifeand
no 1 Th^ Saint T
periwade you to in this poinCj is this ^ When it
Hiall pleafe the Lord byanefl'cduall application
of the Law, to bring upon your fouks true fbrrow
) and contrition^ true reirorfc and conipunftion for
all ycur finnes ^ I would then have youtobe very
waricj and looke unto your fclves^ for you fball
then have two wayes offered unto you ^ you may
either follow ////dz/ to the Gallowcs ; or you may
tra^t the Lord lefus, blcfTed foreverbyhisbloudy
drops unt-o the Crofle : that is, you may either
finkeundcrtheburdcnof your finnes, and fb de*
fpiiire ^ or lay fall hold upon the Sonne of God, and
fobefavcd. In the name of God take heed, when
fpirituall affliftions of ibule, and terrours of the
Law fhall feize upon you,to worke you to remorfe
and repent ancCj be (ure to take the right way ^ be
not afraid, becaufc of the Word of truth ^ ifor af-
furedly in fuch cafes to the truly humbled and bro-
! ken heart, Chrifl: Icfas opens hisarmesfarre wider,
{ for comfortable embracement ^ the bowels of
I Gods merciesdoe rowle together, to fhew compaf-'
I ffion with farre more tendernefle, than ever the
I deareft mother to her fweeteft childe. Oh take
j heed of thathatefull andgriflygulfeof defpaire;
doe not fb farre gratifie the enenik of God ard
man ^ doe not fb much wrong thofe yearning bow-
els of Gods tendereft compailions,* which never
broke any bruifed reed. Be not fb cruell unto.
yourfelves, as to flop the botfomleffe and bound-
lefieSeaof Gods mercies from your owne fbules.
\ Oh be not fuch Lions and Tygers in your owne
! houfes 5 be not fuch butchers of your owne bowels,
1 I as
htfe-inrichmg examination <
as CO ceare, devour, and ftrangie your poore iouies
wkhendlefTe and irrecoverable Ibrrowes 1 Ohiie-
yerneverdefpaire of Gods mercies. Jc is thoughr
that Juhs did more dilhonourGoJ indefpairin^
of his merciesj then in betraying of his Sonne ^
thatdefperate c:<?//? did more grievoufly oftend in
Hiving, my finne is greater thin can be pardoned,
then by murthering his brother. Doe not then fb
farre violate and vex the everiading truth, and fiire
promifes of our gracious God, as to deny mercy
ioabr7tiftdfpnt^ and contrUe heart -^ a facrificefarre
more {\yQQi and pleaungunto him, tha^t the beafts of
aihojtjavdhih, and tcfi iho/rfapul Rhersofojk. Doe
not, O doe not trample underfoot that unvaluable
bloudo of fuch a gracious and everlafling Saviour,
by thinking it infufficient foryour falvatlon.Chrifts
bloud w^ii^ied even them that ftied it, A6f,2. upon
their repentance, what foule then fb (iained with
(inne, which being truly humbled, and truly pe-
nitent, it w^ill not purge and pardon ? It is a nccef-
faryftep towards (aivation and heaven, (as I have
often told you, and itismofl-tiue) tobethrowne
downe by the power and terrors of the Law, into
forrow & anguiOi of hearr^ into remor/e and com-
punclionofconfciencepwitii a thorow light ofyour
(inneSj and fenfe of Gods jult indignation againft
finners. But afcet you have beene brought upon
your knees with the heavievveight of \ our (] noes,
after your fbules have melted into teares of true
repentance, and cloven even to the duft of loweft
humiliation : Oh then take heed of liffning to the
bloudy temptations of that roaring Lion, that is
n^he Saints
then molt bulic lo draw you to defpaire. Doe not
by any meanes wound the wounds of your (bule,
or afflid the affllftions of yourconfciences, with
refufing to be comforted, and vvirb diftruft of re-
covery : But prefently by the hand of faith frame
a plaifter of Chrifts precious bloud^ and apply it
clofe to your broken and bruifed hearts : The wi-
der woundsj fbrrow for finne hath made in your
foules, the more plentiful! ftreamcs of the /oft and
foveraigne oyle of the comforts of the Gof: ell,
and promifes of peace fliall be fure to clofe up your
fores : Sooner muft God deny himfelfe, which is
impoflible 5 fooner muft he difi obe himfelfe of the
brighteft beame of his glory, and of the faireft
flower in his garland of Majeftyj which is h'n mer-
cy, before he deny pardon lo the truly penitent,
or refufe to give ea(e tothofe that are heavie laden
with their finnes, and weary of the burden -^ or
ceafe to meet on the way, and fall upon the necke
of what loft childe foever, which returnes unto
him with truth of repentance, fincerity of heart
and found amendmentof life. If it pleafe the Lord
once to touch your confciences with true reftiorfe
and forrow for your (innes , and to afFed your
hearts with a perfed hatred and loathing of your
former vanities, and wicked courfesj bee notdif-
mayed toappoach the throne of mercy and grace,
for with the Lord is plentifull redemption, and
with our God is ftore of endlefle compallions.
Though your former lives have beene fo rebelli-
ous, wretched and accurfed, that you are able to
lookebacke upon a Catologue of finnes, as bkcke
JelfeAnriching examination. i 1 1 j
as hellj as red as bloud, as foule as Sodowz^ yet if 1
now in this time of grace you will faithfulJy turne |
unto the Lord, afllircdiy you (hall findeeafe, unto '
your panting hearts, and cverlafting peace unto i
your troubled (oules. if a man be divorced from his ■
mje. andjliibzcor/tz another mms.fi^allhretnrtteagdim
ufitoher,flwttldmithe land be defiled thereby .<? Put thou
haft plaid tl}e rohore mtb many lovers^ and yet returftet/n-
tor/;ejaiththeLordjer*i, i. Hence itappeares^that :
though our pollutions be many, our abominations ,;
hatefullj our vowes and promifes unto him often
broken 5 yet upon our unfained repentance he is
ready to receive us . But above all others me thinks i
there is one place in 7/^ 55»7j8,p. which is able to |
put life and frefh vigour into the moft defpairing i
(bule ^ and to refrelh the drooping confcience of
the truly pcnicent, with farre more comfort, than I
this whole great world w ere able to doe, if it were '
wholly turned into gold, honours or pleafures ^ '
nay, than ten thoufand worlds, if there were (b j
many. Letthemckedforfah^ his wayes, (faith God by 1
the Prophet in that phce)and the unrighteous his own
imaginations^ and turne unto the Lord^ and hejf?att have ,
mercj upon him-^and to our God for ht is very ready to for- \
give : Formythotfghtsare not ax your thoughts^ nor my
vpayes asyourwayes^faith tlie Lord:Btft as high as the hea- '
vens are above t he earthy fo high are ttty tpayes choueyour
wayes and ffjy thoughts above your thoughts, Yo« muft
conceive the meaning thus^that the Lord there la-
bours to draw his people to the fountaines of
grace, and to drive them from diftruftfulnefle, by a
conlideration of his oranfcendent and unlimited j
K mercies. ^
^I he Saints
mercies. It kemeithat they reafonedthu-^j or in
the like manner within themleU'es -^ Wee have
beene fb wretchedly rebellious, and have (bgrie-
voufly finned againft the Lord, that there is no re-
turning Dnto him, there is no hope of pardon.
What faith God, will you meafure my mercy by
your raercie ? Why there is as great oddes be-
twecne my vvayes and your wayes^ my thoughts
and your thoughts ; that is, betweene my mercy^
and your conceits of my mercy, as there is diftance
betweene heaven and earth ^ they areas farredif-
ferent, as the utmoft ends of the world are dlftant
one from another. Men many times are fo unap-
pealable , and implacable in their anger, that no
(ubmiflion, no fatisfadion will \tinne againctheir
favour and afFcftiqu ; But God almighty of ano-
ther temper, though a man have traiteroufly and
rebellioufly ftood out long againft him, even
againft the honour of his Majeftie, and power of
his Kjngdomejyet he hath ev^r a pardon ready^and
mercy in (lore, if that wretched rebell hath grace
tofubmit himfelfe with true humiliation, and to
riie for it with tcares of unfained repentance.
What a man is there, that having his fonne cruelly
murthered, would be reconciled unto the party, or
ever reft fatislied untill hehadhisbloud^ yet our
gracious God {(b farrc is his excellent mercy above
atSiumane conceit) even fought by the Miniftery
of Pf/^r, /^(5f."2. CO be reconciled unto the bloudy
murderersof his owneonely innocent Sonne. Af-
ter they were pricked in their hearts^ and arnended
their lives, hee faved them by the bloudof the
..fr{ Lord
felfe^nrkking examination.
Lord ieflis^ which had fpilled his bioud.Why thcDj
if there be any droopiog and diftrefled confcience
amongft you -if there bee any fbule that is truly
humbled w* ththe fight and (enfe of his finnes, let
him (hake himfelfe from the duft, and delie de-
fpaire. Oh tiow foire a thing is mercy in the time of
anguiihand trduble ! It is likeaclbud of rain c that
commeth in ch€ time of drought 5 if he will goe
onwifh the gpcait worke of regeneration, which
' the Lord hath happily begunne ittbim 5 if hee wr'W'
truly hate thofe linnes thatiHdw;(^>^Jeve bis hearty :
if he will faithfully forfake ihem, and amend his
life, my fbule for his hce fhaJl be faved. And Wefc
the finnes of his former vanity as great as the hu-^
geft mountaines 5 asmanyinritfmberaB?th§ (ktids
on the Sea (bore, g^redasfcitrkti^m the VVordof j^^^*^^^^>^'
life and truth I dare adure him, they fliall become
as vphite as the driven ffjovp, and as though they had
never becne. Were his fbule all crimfbn red with
the bloud of men , as ManajfesVf^% 5 witb the bloud
of (bulcs, with the bloud of the Saint?, as was
Vanls 5 with the bloud of the Sonne of God, as
was theirs, AU, 2. yet it (hall bee as faire as the
brighteftSun-beame, andas the wings of a Dove,
which are covered with filver, and his feathers are
of yellow gold. lam perJRvaded by this time fbme i
mans heart doth leape and dance for joy within
him, at the difcourfc and difcovery of this immea-
(urable bounty, and thefe rich and golden Mines
of Gods infinite mercie, that hath no part in them
at all ^ whole conceit that thefe comforts belong
unto him, is buclike a poore mans drearae of gold, 1
K 2 which *
T'he Saimi
which endethin wane and misery. For Imufttell
j^oq, tha^ I dare not for my life promife fo much as
one drop of this mighty Sea ol mercy to any pro-
Iphaneman^ toanyimpeRkentperfbn> to anythac
^oesoniqhis finnes : Ifljould fbftrengchen the
hands of the wic.edi juftifie the unrighteous, and
blefc where God dqthcurfe. This halme belongs
onely to broken and bruifed heart3 5 thefe fofc
and precious oyles are never vouchiafed but to
contrite and wpund^ Jpirics 5 thefe jewels and
pe^les aife the wee penitent*, peculiars and the
portion of thor(e on^iy that feare the Lord, oitii
tfemy^(ttkuw&ifdxi.if4^66.2, LectbemiiJ the same
Qf;(5Qdtake-?h^m *ndwearecb(?Ep, let rhcm^feed.
\ipm\ %MM themfclwes with the^ glori<c«^ com-
fort^, for they are theijE^^aod a thouland moe ; yea,
all the mercies of GckI, the uovaluable price of
Chrifts bjoudftied, and all the joyes of Heaven
af e their^&f qv^. But if there be any now. chat in;
itbis tiiiie'of grace will not fubmii? themfcives to.
the powejf and p radfci (e of the Word, vw II not pare
vvitfi thei? worldlinefle and earthly vanittea, ^^ill
not forfake their fwcetfinnes, and take part with
godly Cbri£Han$i, hut will aeeds goe on In irheijf
own^ wayes, and flUl wander in theby.patha of
iniquity ; £ have not a word of comfort -for any
(uch notonedropof all thofe merties belongs un-?
jtothem ^ hut except they repent and amen -i their
|liv€s^ they mav daily, and hburiv aped:^ afire U^
WndlcdiuGocktirraihyWldchJhdUburf^ w$H t>herh»^ta^/ii:
lofhell and fiallc^nfumeihtearth with Urixcreafi^ md
» ; , : For
felfeAmiching examination.
For as God is all mercy^ and meere bowels of com -
fire to every rebellious wretch, and will certainly
at length wou^d the hairie pate of km that TPalketh in
hisfmms. Thus farrc of fai ths infufficient for fal va-
tion, and of by-paths about faith 5 which except
we take heed of, may lead us to much mifery.
Now in the neict place I come to propolefbme
markesandnotesof atruejuftrfying faith, where-
by I would have every man to try and examine
him(elfe and his (pirituall eftate in this behalfe,
and by which the true Chriftian may di(cerne and
diftinguilhhimielfe from all fancies, andinfuffici-
encies of other faiths^ and from the power and
perfedlions of temporary faith,
I. Firft, We may know our faith to be /bund
andfaving, if we finde in our felves that prepara-
tion of the heart for the infufion of faith, that
breeding and (pringing of faith in the heart, and
that blefTed birth of faith, which I have formerly
largely laid downe unto you 5 and to that end efpe-
cially, that you might not be deceived v/ith falfe or
infufficient faiths.
By the Miniftery of the Word (for that is the
onely powerfoll, principall, and ordinary meanes
of begetting the precious grace of (aving faith, I
fay ordinary, becaufe (bmetimes ic pleafethGod
to worke by other meanes^ as by fecret motions
and infpirations, by private reading, conference,
inftrudtion, exhortation, by miracles, by crofles
andafBidions in our parents, friends, goods, and
good name 3 by great humiliations, and want of i
K 3 worldly
Mstksof fa-
ying faith.
Of this fee In
the beginning
of this dif-
courfe of faith.
The Saints
worldly comforts : Nay, perhaps fbmetimes by
cemporall bleflings, extraordinarily and ftrange-
ly beftowed upon men. But commonly God is ne-
ver wont to worke miraculoufly and extraordina-
rily when the ordinary meanes may bee had 5 and
moft of the(e are rather meanes and motives to
humble and prepare us, or oncly tohelpe forward
the worke of grace. And therefore I (ay by the
publike Miniftery of Gods holy Word, which the
Lord hath left and appointed, as the principall and
ordinary meanes to plant faith in the hearts of
mQx\^Kom. i o. 1 4. i Cor, i . 2 1 .There is ever wrough t
firft in the (bule that is to be (andified with faving
faith, a knowledge of that finfulnefle and curfed-
neffe by nature, then upon a fad and (erious confi-
deration of this point, it is broken and bruifcd,
with true rcmorfcjterrour and compundion. Af-
ter by confeflionof its' vvretched pollutions, and
condemnation of it ftrlfe ^ it is brought to an holy
liefperation, whereby it whollv renouncetb, dif-
cbim f s, and dilavowes it fclfe, as unworthy of life,
orbreathjorbein^ \ nay, by region of its former
lewdnefle and rebellions, even worthy of ten
fhoufand damnations in hell fire with the devil!
and his Angels. Thus when it is at the toweff, by
the mercies of God, itbeginnes to lift up its eye
upon the gracious promifes of (alvation, and life
revealed in the Gofpell, and fhining mofl- glori-
oully in the face of Chrift lefus.Then at the length
out of the darknelTe of deepeffc difcomforr, and
fpirituall heavinelle, begins to fbine fbmeglimpfcs-
of comfort 5 (bme little hope of pardon, mercy
felfe^nriching examination. \ 119
and recovery, becaule it fees that the bloudyfuf-
fcririTis of ChriO, are a plainer fbveraigne enough,
and fufficienc to hcale all its fores. Whence imme* |
diately ari(ah in the heart, a hungry defire and I
longing third: afier the mercies of God, and me- I
rits of Chrift lefus. At laft with groanesand fighs j
unurterablCj with prayers and ftrongcries, itcafts
it felfeupon rhofc yearning bowels of companion, •
rhit are ever ready tobinde np the broken heart, I
and upon ourblelTed R.edeemer5all gorie-red with j
fu.ferings for our finnes. i
By fach preparations and pangs as thefe, (aving , Gaij.z^.
faith is fhed into the (oule : But other faiths come
eafily, forrhey are either butmeere fancies, and
bare conceits of faith 5 as the three kinds of imagi- !
nary faich I told you off", or eife only floating in the |
braine, as the hiftoricall and the dead faith : Or '
Iit;htly come, lightly gone, as temporary faith ^ (b |
that ufually they enter, and are entertained, with- 1
out any very (enfiblc change, or great alteration, |
either before their comming, when they are con- j
ceived, or afterward. j
Thus in the firft place wc may try whether our j
faith be true, by confidering the degrees and fteps i
by which it growesupinus. It comes not idlely j
and eafily, lightly and inlenfibly, but by the power j
of the Miniftcry, by a fight and fenle of our finncs, j
by an apprehenfion of Gods wrath and indigna- ;
tion due to us for the iame ^ by much true (brrowj j
remorfe, and heavinefle of heart, for grieving and
offending God , by our former vanities, lewdnefle,
and rebellions, by anhnngring and thirfting after
K4 the^
Thcfccond J
tt iall of faving
ficion of the » J,
^he Saints
themercyandgraceof God inChnftJelus 3 farre
more lovingly, than for any worldly good ; thefe
are the tore-runners of a-true and fruitfull faith.
2. Secondly, Growth in ftrength, and a daily
(pringing up towards height of afllirance, and ful-
nefleof perfwaiion, is a found marke of a faving
faith. Other faichs commonly ftand at a ftay, or.
elfe flourilh falre and frefti for a while, but after
decay and die ^ or elfe they grow oaely in a pe-
remptory boldnelTe, and groundleife prefiiraption,
not in a true appreheniion^and feeling perfwafion
of Gods love and favour, and of the certaine par-
don and reraidion, of their finnes ^ but true and
juftifying faith grow es from a graine unto a great j
tree 5 from a little purling ftrcame -toa mighty tor-
rent ^ from a fpaike into a flame, being blowne by
thefpiric of grace^ increafed by the waters ifluing
out of the Sanftuary, and cheriftied with the dew
of heaven. It is weake at the fir ft God knowes/ull
of many doubts and <liftradions, nay^fcares and
tremblings 5 but after long experience of our owne
fincerity, godly life, and good confcience, after it
hath beene well exerci/cd with continuance and
conftancie in the nieanesof grace and knowledge,
by azealous and fruitfull hearing of the Word ^ by
reading, conference, meditation, prayer, u(e of
the Sacraments, finging of Pfalmes, publike and
private humiliations, faichftilnefle in bothcallings>
mcrcifiilnefle to the poore, &c. It growes up in
time^ and by leafure, to be a ft^ong faith. Let us
look^into the ?p/. 23. for theilluftrationsof his
Uruth 5 Whe^ the great (hepherd of our (buLes,
» our
klfe4nriching examination.
our blefled Lord and Saviour Cliriftlefus, by the
call and cry of his Minifters^hath brought us home
from our finfuIlwandringSjinto his fold ; and after
led us along into his green pafturesjand ^Qd us plen-
tifully with the precious food of his Word, with
meditation in heavenly things, with comfortable
conference, and converfing with godly Chridians,
atter hee hath (weetly many times refrefht us with
the pleafant Rivers of waters, with peace ofcenfci-
ence, with joy in his holy (pirit, with comfort in
erodes and diftrefles, by telling us fbftly and ie-
cretly with an inward voyce^ and (acred infpi ration
of hisfandtifangfpirit, that we are certainly his,
and affured of his everlafting favour. After he hath
often reftored and revived our fbules from dead-
nefie and difcomforts, which the heavinefle and
rebellions of the flefh bring upon themjand taught
and trained them long in the paths of righteouf-
nefle ^ why then after this long experience of Gods
fpeciall love and favour, and exercife in the com-
fortable paflages of Chriftianicv and holinefle,
fakhbeginnes with an humble triumph, and holy
confidence,, thus to revive in our hearts : The
Lord lefus is moft certainly my true Saviour, my
ftrong Mediatour , and (hepherd of my foule.
Whence fprings three right noble and vidorious
conclulions ^ the iirft is this : : I ammofl: affured I
(hall never want any thing whidi is good either for
my body or foule : Though Lhavc but lictkofchis
worlds wealth, yet that little I have I hold in ca-^
pi/e, by the right of my Redeemer 5 1 enjoy it with
agood conscience and inward peace, and I know
The Saints
it is that pittance and portion allotted unto me by
Gods eternall providence, whereby 1 am firtcft to
glorifiehim, and fave mine ovvne (bule. Thericli
men of the worlds and- the opprcfling Glints of
the earth, have greater abundance I conft-fTc, they
revell it infblently in their revenues and large pof-
feflions, they ruffle it in their riches^ row in gold
and filver, and h3%- e more than heart can willi f, but
they are IHll in poverty and want, bccaufe th.ey
want a contented minde, they are udirpers and in ■
traders upon their goods and lands, becaufe they
have no part in Chrift ^ their riches are (hares unto
themj to intangle them in pride, covetoufneflc,
cruelty and opprefiion^ their worldly wealth on c-
ly fats them againft the day of (laughter. The fe-
cond is this^ in the darkfbme and dilmall valkyesof
death, IwHlfeanuofte evitt-^ that is, come what come
can ^ the anchor of my hope, the rocke of my com-
fort ftands fure. Though the heavens (hould flame
with fire, the aireroare with hideous thunder, the
earth tremble with dreadfoll earthquakes, the wa-
ters of the Seas rage^ and (hake the mountaines
with their (urges : Though tyrants Ihould threaten
fword and fire, fcorners forae and grinde their
teeth, prophaners fcoffeand raUe, friends (hrinke
backe, and fall away 5 though heavie afflidions
(hould light upon my body, goods or good name*
yea, though the griefly face of death were before
mine eyes, yet I am refblvedjW/;?? hatt h fixed •, by
the grace of God I (hall paffe thorow them all.and at
la(t lay hold upon that glorious Crowne, that I am
(ure is mine owne, and is already paid for by the
felfe-inricbing examination.
precious hearts blond of my deareft Redemer.The
laftconclufionisthis 5 DouhtkJJekindneJ[fe and mercy
fiaUfJ.owm: for ever 5 that is, 1 am aflured of con-
tinuance and perlevcrance in grace, unto the end
of my life, and of endlefl^e glory afterward through
all eternity. Though I be (bmetimes troubled with
doubts, and ftagger with temptations, yetlmake
no doubt of deliverance outof them, but will ever
reafbn with God out of many experiences of his
fpeciall favour, and everlafting love to m^ (piritu-
all comfort^ as David did in a temporal! conflrd.
When it was objeded unto him that hee was no
match for GolJah:) too little to enter the lifts with fb
great a Giant ^ Tkon art mt able Qzithsanl^ fogoe
^ga'mfl this ?hilifti//:e to fight mth him : fir thou Jrt but
a bo) J and hee is a man of war re from his youth. Well
(ai th David, i haveflainea Lion and a Beare^ heretofore
by the mercies of God, and why tknJIwuU I feare
this Hvcircumci^ei Philfiim .«? the Lord hath delive-
red mee out of the -pan) of the Beare^ he mil deliver me
cHt of the hand of this Philijfim. So though Sa-
tan, that ftrong armed nun , throw at mee his
fiery dai ts of ditlradions, doubts and feares, about
the certainty of my iah^ation, and continuance in
the faith, even to the wounding and vexing of my
(buleforthetime; yetlamafTured (andlwilldie
in the place before I part with this pcr(\va(ion) that
that mercifull hand which hath formerly fb many
times rcftored me againc from fuch dumps, to my
former comfort, and Ihewed mee againc the light
of his favourable countenance, will undoubtedly
fez mee apon my feet againc, and refrefli my heart
I Sam 17.
The Saints
againc, with a doubled aflurance, and a riidre glo-
rious hope of evcrlafting life. Though (bmecimes
I want feeling and fenfe of Gods favour^ and my
faith dotIT not worke in mine heart with that
quicknefle and ftirring as itwaswont, but that I
am poilelled with much deadnefle of (pirit, and
heavie-heartednefle, and that for the time my
(bule is fore difquieted within me 5 yet as a woman
that hath once certainly felt thechilde quicke and
ftirring in her wombc, though after it lie quietj
and without motion for a time, yet (hee is afTured
by Gonfideration of ks former moving, that (heis
with childe : So though my faith fometimes want
'feeling, yet by the experience of former holy wor-
kings and ftirrings in my foule, I am afliired that I
am ftill the childe of Godjand that the everlafting
treafures of (aving grace arc hid and lodged in
mine heart. Thus it is the marke and property of
a true juftifying faith, to grow in ftrength, by ma-
I ny experiences of Gods mercies andfavour, and
I by a zealous, faithfoU and confcionable purfuit and
pra<fli(c of godly exercifcs, and good duties, and
by a -long and conftant following of the holy
meanesof increaiing grace and fanftification. But
by the way I rauft tell you, that the moft ripe, and
ftrong, and flourifliingfaith, may fometimes bee
fore weakned, wounded and ecclipfed. Faith holds
it height of per fwafion, and fulnefle of allurance,
while we preferve andmaintaine thefervencieof
ourfirft love, fincerity in our hearts, innocencie
and uprightneffe in our lives. But if we grow cold
in our profeffion, neglediveof holy duties/elaple
felfe-inriebing examination.
into fome old finne of our iinregcneration^ or bee
overtaken withfbme open {candalousfall ^ we fhall
■finde onr faith alfb to faiie, and to take abruife.
Nay, fometimes our gracious God^ that he may try
how w€ will ftick andcleavefaft anro himjthoiigh
we want feeling of his favour,, and how wee will
traflr in him, though he kill us : Nay, out of his (e-
eret wifdome, and invifible purpofe^ (uffer our
faith for awhile to draw in her beames of comfort,
and to lie without fenfe or motion in the heart for
a.(eaibnj but markc the difference ; The beft of
the other faiths, which is the temporary, as it is
but planted in the forraall profeflbr by an inferiour
working of the fpiritjand is never through and en-
tire in findlification, fb by the oppofition of the j
worlds with /bme ftrong remptationsjor fbmc kind j
of perfecution,ic may be totally darkned and utter- |
ly quenched ^ lb that thofe who have formerly byi
the force of temporary hith beene friends to the
Gofpell, made a good fhew of forwardncflej
brought fonhfom fruits, may utterly fal away from
thofe generall graces, embrace this world wholly^
with Dimasj as the onely and beft heaven they
ever looke for, and become {corners of fincerity
i and godly Chriftian*!. But found and faving faith
can never be either finally or totally loft, it is ne-
ver quire and utterly quenched and abolifhed
in any true Chriftian. It may fuifer a particular
eccHpfe ; it may in fome meadire, and for a time
be dimmed, as it was mDavid^ Pfal 51. Buf in due
time it breaks forth againe, anc^ fti'ne«^ more cleare
and bright in the truly humbled and penitent foule.
Thethi dmark
of faring faith.
TT^i? Saint f
To conclude this point then , and property of
faith ; Saving and juftifying faith, as ail other (an-*
dtif) ing graces, and as the whole way of the righ-
teous, P^ov.^.ip, after i r once rife and peepe up in
the heart, it (hines as the light of tfie Sunne, That
fims won a^dnjon nnio the perfiB dayy It may bee
overcaft with fome clouds of temptations, dark-
nedfometiraes in this body of death, which wee
carry aboutus, dimmed by our fi ailties and infir-
mities^ hid from us for a while, by an unadvifed
fall into (ome/canddious fintie. But as the Sunne
for all the clouds and miOrs whichobfcure his light,
flicks ftill faftinhis fphere, and at length diipels
them, and fhines faire againe : So fairh^ though
(bmetimes (haken and overfhadowed, yet ftill
ftands faft in the (bule, breaks forth at length beau-
tiiull and bright, and at lafl: when the day of this
life is ended, fets (wectly in the Sea ofendlefle
I joyes, and light that no man can attaineunto.
3. Thirdly, it is proper and peculiar to faving
faith, topurifietheheart. God purifieth our hearts
by faith, AB. 15.9. Other faiths may purge the
underftanding from ignorance, the tongue from
railing and bitternede, the outward a(!iions from
grolTe and notorious iinnes, but they all leave the
I hejjrt at large, to range and rove into a world of
I idle and earthly thoughts, of prophane and fruit-
lefle imaginations, llnregeneratc men will aft a
thoufand finnes in the thoughts and imaginations
of their hearts, without anyehecke orremorleof
conlcience. They fuffer their hearts to bee excr-
ci'fedincovetoufnefle, in filthincfle, in ambition,
lelfe-inriching examination. | u 7
in malice, in world! inelTe^ a world of wickcdnefTcj !
withoutany great horror or f^ruplCj fith they are
butvanifhing and invilible thoughts ; But where
the working and purging grace of faving f^iich,
hath feizeJ upon^ and feafoned the heart, there a
zealous and watchful] care is had, there confcience
is ever made of the devifes and defires of the
heart. Though no eye of man, noijand of h umane
juflice, noinftrument of death can difcover^ cen-
(ure, or reach unto the fecret 6c llnf ull motions and
imaginations of the heart, yet fith they are good
open tothc all- feeing eye of God^ moil: hateful] in
his fight, liable tohishigh di^leafure, grieveliis
fpiritj and weaken the power of grace, every truly '
fandified man^doth fet himfelfc with (peciallcarej
and all good confcience, to bridle and bring them
under, to reprefle a'l wicked fti rr ings of the heart,
and mainly tooppole againft all luftfull^proud, co-
vetous^ ambitious, malicious, or what other irre-
gular or exorbitant thoughts (bever, the formal!
profeflbur, the halfc Chriftian, is ever more trou-
bled and grieved with anopenfinne that doth dis-
grace and fhame him in the world, than with plot-
ting much wickednefle, and acting many polluti-
onSj in his lecret and invifiblethoughts. But the
found Chriilian is fbmetimcs more vexed, forha-
vinggiven way to fome wicked conceits, and wan-
d tin grmaginat ions of his heart, then for outward
frailties and infirmities. For itgrieves him to the
heart, that fiih God hath ranked him amongft
the number pf true Chriftians, and that hee is
fo accounted by the befV men, yet notwithftan^
The Saintt.
ding he Ihoutd be io tarre tainted with that hate-
[(ulliinneof hypocrifie,, as tothe eyeofmen, to ;
beunreprovablc, and yet to grieve fb goodafpi-
rit, and offend lb gracious a Go.^, by the fintull
wandrings and rovings of his thoiiglits, which,,
though no man fee, yet the icarcher of all hearts, "
and the undefiled purity of Almighty God, doth
right heartily hate and abhorre. Let us then trie
the truth of our faith, by the change and holinelfe
of our hearts. If our inward afedions, and inmoft
thoughts be purified, then it is a ccrtaine fignethe
power of faving faith hath beene there. Th defire oj
the.righieousis omly good , i^ith Salomon^ VrcvA 1.23.
By nature the imaginations of wans heart areomljei^iU
continHally^Gen.6.'). Yet after the hear the purified
by faith,his defires are onely good. But becaufe no
man is fb abfolutely good and fandified in this life^
wemuftunderftandit thus. The maine ftreames
of his defires, the courfe and current of his heart
istogodlinelTeand goodnefle, though fometimes
his corrupt nature, and Satans boyfterous temp-
tations ^ doe unawares and violently carry his
thoughts another way. His inward and fecrer plor5
andprojefts^ are commonly fpent for the letting
forward grace, and Gods glorie. But if fb be, that
out of the reliques and roots of in-bred corrupti^
on, which is never utterly abolifhed untill death,
there pafTe him fbmetimes^ and fprout up, rafh and
unruly wifhes and defires, after he comes to him-
felfe, and takes notice of thcm^ he fends out ma-
Iny other zealous and fervent after them, fbr hu-
miliation and pardon, and purging of his heart.
Whereas 1
Jelfe Enriching examination.
Whereas unfanftified hearts are ordinarily work-
ing for increafing wealth, and enlarging temporall
happinefle^ or eJfe are worfe occupied. And they
are not vext with any conceit or confcioufneUe of
the idle vagaries , and prophane wandrings of
thoughts, but hold it a point of too much purity
and precifenefle, to bee fb ccnfbrious and fevere
over the frecdome of imagination. n^^
4. Fourthly^ Wee may know our faith to bee
(bund aad (aving, if it bring forth a true and tho-
rovv Evangelicall repentance. LegaJI repentance,
morali repentance, a hollow and balfe repentance,
feare and forbearance of (bme finnes for feare of
puniihment in outward things, or for the love of
God onely, as he is good unto him, may befall the
reprobate. But tobewaile our firmes from the bot-
rome of our hearts, becaufe they are finnes, and
for confcience lake to loath and hate all iniquity^
becaufe itis an eye- fore and heart-fore to our gra-
cious God, andmoft loving father in Chrift Jefiis,
to crufh the h'^ad of original! corruption , and
breakethe heart of our fweetfinne ^ to part from
all grolTe finnes in adion and pradife, and all frail-
ties and infirmities , at leaft with difafFedion,
prayer, humiliation, and repentance : Thcfe and
the like are the fruits and ilTues of a true and jufti-
fyingfaiih. For no man can truly, fincerely, and
thorowly dcteft and abandon all his former lewd
courfes, the fenfuall plealuresof this life, and his
fweetfinne, before he beafTured by a found and
lively faith of Gods marvellous mercy towards
hiraj intheforgivenesofallhisfins in Chrift. For
L if
A fourth triall
et faving faith.
frcntumcfi fa-
nittmitcy fa-
ter tfuam tiibil
eft, quod borjum
fity af^euntiatli
cmftat in fide-^
e£c fundatemy
non enm fsuft
dtborbofna malm
fru£iuifme :
qua non exftdti
fnccditf Hiiiis
noH eft : {Sie
temia.) Ai.g.de
The Saints
if once his comforrable favour fhine and be ilied in-
co his heartjhe eafily and immediatlymeks and re-
[(blvesintotearesof fbrrowand griefe for former
j rebelh'onSjand makesunfained and refblute vowes
[ for ever after by Gods grace to throw one of
i his heart and life thofe Toads and Scorpions ,
rhofe vanities and foule pollutions, which kill his.
\ (oule and grieved fo good a God. That fenfe and
j eeling of Gods favour is a notable and ftrong
I meanes to beget thorow griefe, and unfained bor-
row for finne, appearcs Ezcc. ^6,26, Sic. Imllalfo
kliver you from all your filthimUty and I mil call for
corne^i ^^i ^^^^ incnafeit, and lay no famine uponyou.
For I vpif I multiply the fruit of the trees ^ andtheincreafe
of th fid is, thatyeefhidl hare no more the reproach of
famine among th heathen : (You muft under ftand,
(that under the abundance of temporall bleffings,
he concludes fpirituall comforts) And then faith
j he, thenfhallyee rememhryonrovpneippich^dwayes^ and
I your deeds that ivere not good^ and Uoall judge pUr felifes
\ wortfy to fiave htenedeflroyed for your iniquities^ and for
: yourabotmn itionf. Bat a more fpcciall aad pregnant
i place for my purpofe, is Zee. 1 2. i o^ 1 1. Ipoure. faith
I God, upon the houfe ofDai^id and upon the inhabitants of
j leru^dem^ thfpirit of grace andcfcompapon , and they
\(haUlook§ upon me vphom tlxy lyavepierced._,andthey Jhall
[lament for him^ as one moufAeth for his only fon^4»d be
forty for Urn, as one is for ry for his jirft borne. In that
] day fhall there be a great mourning inlerufakm^ as the
' mourning of Hadadrimmon, inthevaUey of Megiddon.
When once thefpirit of grace by a livdy faith hath
certified our troubled and trembling hearts of
jelfe4nrichirig examination. \ ni
Gods favour in forgiving our finnes, when once
V7e be afluredj that that fpotlefle and (acred bioud
was rpilt particularly for our pollutions 5 v^hy then
onely vi^ith truly wounded (pirits , and grieved
(bulefjdo we begin to looke on him whom our fins
hive pierced , then doe we hartily hate our former
gracelelTe rebellions^ which by the eye of faith we
fee, were the whips and nailes, the thornes and
(peares that vext the Sonne of Go J. When once
wee fbundly beleeve that his precious bloud was
Qied for our finnes in particular, then doe we fhed
thofe true teares of compundion and fbrrow,
which are indeed the fbules hearts bloud, and the
wine of Angels (as Divines call them) right plea-
fing unto God, and joyful! unto Heaven, Until!
we have a true perfwafion fetled in our hearts, that
wee are certainly redeemed from the powers of
Htl!, by thedeachof Chrift, wee cannot for our
lives truly hare all linnejasit is finne for confcience
fake, and for the love of God, wee cannot before
abandon both i ( j praftife and allowance 5 our earth-
ly mindednefle, and worldly vanities, with the
conftancie and ifttegrity of theSaintsof God.But
when we once have clalptour hand of faith upon
that glorious Crowne in Heaven, which is fure our
owne^ andfealcd unto usbythebloudof Chrift:
Why then, and not before, are we content to ufe
the world, as though wc ufed it not ^ then our va-
nities beginnetovanifh, our former pleaiure^ to
beunplcafant ^ then beginne wee to difaffeftour
earthly afFeftions, to dillafte the taftelelTe revel-
lings of good fellowfhip 5 then the fwcetnelTc of
L 2 finne
of (aving faith.
Ncque enim
baiient in (i i)li-
qt4i(i inpi(iit'ue^
f^fii jufiiiia re
Rom 4.I.C.4.
The Saints
finne is turned into gall, and the glory of the whole
world to the eye of our faith, appeares to be no-
thing but dung, vanity, nothing,
5. Fifthly, Saving faith is the root and fountaine
of fandification, and therefore if we finde our
felves to be fandified^ we may be aflured that wee
(avingly beleevc, iCor,.6.ii» Itisraid3/4^.2<5.i7,
1 8. that Vaulv/SiS Cent fo open the eyes of mcn^ that they
might turnefrom dark^ejje to light ^ and from the poxver
of Satan untoGod^ that they might receive for givemjje
ofjinnes^ aniinheritance amo^gthem which are famli'
fieiby faith. True and juftifying faith doth ever be-
get ia him whom it pofleflethj a fanffcification of
all parts, both in (bule and body, though not of
perfedion. By this holy worke of fandification,
a man fhall finde himfelfe as farre differ from what
he was before, as a Valley from a Mountaine, the
ftrait from the crooked, the foftnefle of fle(h/rom
thchardneffe of flint, the nature of water, from
thefabftance of Diamond For it makes a great
change and alteration in the powers and faculties
both of (bule and body, in all the parts and pa(^
(ages of this life. His underftanding is iniightned
with knowledge in the great myftery of godiinen&,
and in the fecrets of Gods Kingdome, which are
hid from the wife, and men of underftanding, and
thegreateft part of the world, Af<7^ 11.2 5. His will
is now bent to the beft things : His memory, which
before was like a Seive, and let out the water of
life as it was powred in, is now a ftore-houfe for
heavenly treadires. The ftreameo: his affedions is
turned from the world, and purfuit of picalures,
felfeAnriching examination.
' ' ' I ' ' I ' " I •" I I r 111
towards Gods glory, and good caufes, from the
'joyes and contentments of finne, into a hatred;
feare and forrow for them. His heart is weaned
from all her temporary pleafing lufts, and fallen in
love with eternall pleaiares^ and heavenly things.
His confcience ispHrged, and become watchfoll
todifcover^ andfenfiblctofeelethe approach and
prickings of the leaftfinne. His hands are wafhed
from corruption and bribery, from violence, and
the bloud of the poore. His eyes are rcftrained
from luftfull wandrings, fi*om beholding vanity,
from greedy gazing upon the wedge of Gold, and
his neighbour Nahoth Vineyard. His eares are
ftoptagainft enticements to finnCgflanderous tales,
and filthy talke. His lips are filenced from pro-
phanenefle, obfcenitics, bitter speeches, and idle
jefts. His feet are fettered by the power of grace,
from running any more after thepompe and plea-
fores of vaine-glorious worldlings, carnall entice-
ments, earthly de fires, deceitfull and unccrtaine
hopes, from wandring in the crooked wayes, and
accurfed by-paths of vanity and fin ne, from trea-
ding any longer in the eaflefleandendleffeMaie
of worldlinefle, covetoufiieffe, and earthly-min-
dednefTe. Such fteps and prints as thefe wee may
finde in our {bules and bodies, if thefpirit of grace
hath (anftified them by the power of laving faith.
Every leverall part of holinefle, and f^iriruall
branch of fanftification, is a figne and marke of
the finCerity of onr faith, as the goodheflbof t he j
Mt,andf\veetneflc of the ftreame, drivers the
foundnefle of the tree, and the purity of the Wdl:
L^ If
The Saints
It faving knowledge, love to Chriftians, feareof
Gods dreadfull Majeftie, zeale for his glory, obe-
dience to his win, refped unto all his Commande-
ments, reverence to his Minifters, )oy in his pro-
mifts, humility under his chafticements, a fpiri-
tuall hungring after the Sacrament, a fincere long-
ing for his Sabbaths, an earneft wifliingand wai-
ting for Chrifts comming in the clouds, and fuch
other fpirituall graces dwell plentifully in us, and
cxprelTe them(elves fruitfully in our lives and con-
verAtion s 5 then afluredly the root of life, and
fountaine of all other graces, a lively faith is fea-
ted in our (bules. But if thefe fruits doe notap-
peare, our faith is not a Jiving tree, planted by the
Eli vers of Godsbleflings, but adeadftocke, onely
gilt and vemifhed over with fome gliftering
(hewes, like the glowing and (hining of rotten
wood. If we would try then whether our faith be
true andjuftifyingorno, there is no better touch-
ftone, thanthefcverallfruir sand branches of fin-
dification : Let us runne over fome of them brief-
ly ..and with uprightneffe of confciene^, compare
theiJiwithojirprefentdifpofition. i. Doe wee fa-
crifice our whole hearts, confecrateouraffedions,
devote owr thoughts, renting them refolutely from
earthly pleailitres, and<his valne world; to doe tin*
to God faithfully and fincerely, the beftaddut
moft fervice wee can ? 2. In refpeft of eloriy-
ing God, and hoping a gjo^ c»njcknce in oil iUmt^
2 CorA . i is . Doe we fcorne with an holy Contempt,
a 'I prophane fcgffes and centres, all difcoon te-
nancy of Bicn^ and the uttcrmoft rage ©f perfe-
' cutine
r I ITT — p [— ^^^— ^— — — ^— — ^— ^— ^— — , III I
felfe-inrichwg txamination. i i jy
curing tyraats, 3 . Have we fb caft up our accounts
with the world, and are wee at that point with
all things under the Sunne^ that we iraw chearful-
lyaddrefle and bend our (elves with chearfulneflc
andjoy to the purltiit o^ the price of thhi^hcallifig
ofGoiinChriftlefuf .<? 4. Doe wee heartily grieve
Tor and bewaile our finnes paft, not for any world-
ly lofle, feareof punilhmeiit, orftiame they have
brought upon us, but becaufe with a long and au-
dacious provocation, they have grieved and offen-
ded our gracious God, and unhappily reftrained
and elbanged us from his grace , favour and fa-
miliarity > 5. Doe we loath and hate our prefeht
corruptions, efpecially thcrfe which fticke clo-
feft unto our bolbmes, and with (enluall fweet-
nefle cleave fafteft unto our corrupt nature ?
6, Doe wee indifferently and impanially with
zeale and truth of heart, cndevour ard fet our
felves tomortifie and abandon every finncj though
our worldl) reputation bee never fo deeply enga- \
gcd, our temporall happinefle never fb ftronglyl
enchained, our carnall aff^ftion never fb much '
endeared unto it ? 7. Doe wee avoid and for- j
beare with no lefTe care and confcience, thofe wic- i
ked courfes, which lead unto gaine and glory in
the world, than thofe which are accompanied with 1
(hame and punifhment ? 8. Doe wee not onely J
performe ihofe holy duties, and embrace ihofe '
fpitituall graces, which purchafe credit and com- j
mendation amongft men, and in rhe world, butj
alfb rhofe which are entertained with lowrirg and i
difcountenance, and perfecuted with difgrace and j
J L 4 fi'ight?^
* A fixth triall
of faving faith
Marsfidei cbA-
tio : credn in
' Chriftutsfae ope-
ra Christ \Htvl -
dem tHom dile-
bit a^io : n»fi in-
curvet itrtcnum
9pui, qiicm fides
qui dUis te in
Cbrifto minere^
' tmhuiavily &
SernSirm.14, .
T^he Saints
(J>ighc? ^. Doe wee ftiJlfobmicourlelves toihe I
will of God, as it is more and more revealed unto
us by the Miniitcry of the Word, though it crofle
our former cuftomes and worldly deiires ? and doe
we reft contented with our prefent ertate, becaufe
moft: certainly it fals unto our lot by Gods good
[ pleafore, and everlafting providence? io.Doewe
delight in hearing, meditating, and conferring of
Gods Word ? and doe we ftandto the profeffion
and pradife of it, not only when it is good cheape,
and brought home unro our doores, but alio when
ft is deare and very coftly ^ 1 1 . Are we willing and
r^folved, faveonely that wedefiretoglorilieGod
longer, and to provide more comfort again ft that
day for any pleafure wc take in the world, to re-
(igneupour foules at any time into the hands of
God, and to meet our Saviour in the clouds ? If we
doe thefe things ? If this be our prefent difpofiti-
on? If we finde thefeand other fruits of (andifica-
tion in ourfelves, our foules are moft certainly iea*
fbnedand favedby a true andjuftifying faith,
* 6, Sixthly, Saving and fanftifying faith ever
workes by love. Gal. 5. (5, 2 ?eu 1.5. i Tim. 1.5. /f
pure heart, a good confcknce, faith uttfamd 5 and a
true hearted ChriiHan love, ever goe hand in
hand. If wee would bee afTured that our faith is
found, we muft feele kindled in our hearts, an ho-
ly flame of moft deare and fpeciall love.
Fird, towards God, who of his owne firee mer-
cy, hath fealedunto us by the blond of his Son, all
the prerogatives of the Saints upon earth, and the
bleiied inheritance of the mofl^lorious and ever-
lelfeAnrkh'mg examination . \ ^7
lafting Kirigdome of Heaven. A fenle of whi:h j
extraordinary goodneffe , makes us prefcrre his
glory, before any worldly goodj the fweetneileof
hfe_, or (alvation of foule. Untill our foules bee in-
lightned with (aving faith, and the eyes of our un-
derftanding unlealed to fee into, and to apply un-
to our (elves the myfterie of our particular re-
demption, wecannot looke into the rich treadiry
of GodsbottomleiTcandboundieiTegoodnefle and \
bounty unto us ^ we cannot behold the beauty and I
excellency of (b great Majeftie, which are fpeciall ]
occafion, matter, and motives, firftj to ftirre up
and kindle in us an holy love : The branches and
rifings of which facred flame are thefe :
I Fir(V, When we are certified by a li v^ely faith,
of our reconciliation with God by the death of
Chriftle/uSj which is the Conduit-pipe^ thorow
which all comforts and graces doc fweetly flow un-
to us 5 we bcginnne to love God for his love and
goodnefle unto us, according to that, ilok 4. i^.
Therefinrpe love Cod ^ kcaufilxlfyvedusfirfl. Forcer*
tainlynomancaTifbundlyand fincerelylove God
with true zeale, and without by-refpeds, untill he
be pcrfwaded in his ovmc heart, that all his (Ins are
remitted, an 1 that he is eternally beloved of God.
But then every bkding of God is as itwerebel-
lowes, to blow the fire of our love to a bigger
flame. Then wee begihne to confider with mel
tings of fpirir, and pangs of deareft affedlions ,;^
what an infinite mercy of God it wasj. that wee
were not cut off before our calling and converfi-
bUj in the time of our open difbbedience and re-
The Saints
bellion_, ia the daves ot our lintuli vanities and
fraile delights.
2. We wonder at the ftrange patience of our
merciful! God, in that it hath plcaicd him to cover
and conceale from the eyes of the vi^orid, many
hatefull abominations donebyusinfecrer, andte
keep us reputed as unfpotted and blameleflc before
men^ when as we have defer ved for them t0 have
hem made an aflomlhmefit and hi^ing^ and bj^spord to
all about us ; nay, perhaps to have beene hanged up
as fpedacles of (hame and horror to the whole
world, of example and terrour to all poflerity.
3. But we fpecially faftening ourconfideration
u^x>n that happy and holy workeof our new crea-
tion, to the everlafting glorious admiration of his
grace and goodnefle, we muR how by the mighty
power of his fand^ifying (pirit, hee hath pulled us
o tof themouchof that devouring Dragon^ attd
fnatchedufas brands out of ikfrCy to make us (larrcs
in Heaven. What a marvellous mercy, kindnefle
and bounty is this 5 thinke we with our (elves that
wee (hould bee fingled out by the power of the
Word, and marked by the hand or Cod for/alva-
tion, xyhen many hundreds ab^^ut us are never bet-
ter for the Word all their life long, and at length
perifli everlaftingly. That wee which heretofore
have beene perhapsas miferable, blinde, and pro
phane as the worft, (hould now be walhed, beian-
(3:ified,bejuftified5 InthenameofthctordJe^w^ and
byihtfpnt of our God 5 (hould oee now like a few
cleare (ighted, amongft a throng of blinde men^
Like the portion of lacoh in Egypt, fairely inlight-
felje'-tnricbmg examination.
ned, when the Gountrey round about is covered
with darknefTe, Like Gideon i fl^ece^ atom npatered,
with his fpeciall and faving bleflings^ pchikthe reft of
i he earth is dry ^^nd deftitute of his grace^that isjthat
whereas true Nathamh, found Chriftians are very-
feant, and thinly fcattercd, like the berries, after
the (baking of an Olive tree, two or three in the
top of the utmoft boweSj and foureor five in the
high branches ^ here one or two in a family, there
three or fbure in a Viirage ^ yet now by the mer-
cies of God we are of their number.
4. From hence we rife in our meditation to con-
fider and wonder at the WelUfpring of all our
happineflc 5 our elei^ion and choice to be heires of
Heaven, out of Gods free mercy, and onely deare
love, befi:>re we were borne, nay before the world
was made, even from all eternity : And hereupon
our hearts fpring and leape within us fbr joy
and comfort, to thinke, that as a woman, which
loving her childe while it is yet in her wombe, br-
caufe it fpranj^e out of her Ioynes,doch much more
fweetly fmile upon it when it is borne, and (he em*
braceth it in her armes : So if God loved us before
we had ^ny being while we yet lay hid in the great
lumpe, andunfafhionedMafleof man-kinde, be-
caufehe had chofenus to be vefTelsof honour for
hisroyall Palace of Heaven ; hee will much more
dearly Screnderly handle us,and lull us inhis armes
of mercy and compaflion, and hide us under his
wings of proteftion and power, now when we
arenew borne by the (pirit oftheLordJeftis, ard
that hee hath (damped upon us hisowne image of
77^ Sainu
holincflej andjeakdus wHh hjsjfmt.agaiHfi the daj of
redempiiotf, Thelc and many other bieffings, graces
andcomfortsfiovving from them, knit our hearts
faft and nearly unto him, after we be aflured by a
true faith, and the (pirit of adoption, that they
are certainly our owne. But no unregenerate man
is really and truly partaker of theft fpiiituall pre-
rogatives, and therefore cannot truly and fincerely
loveGod. This then is thefirft branch of divine
love, when wc dearly and affedionately loveGod
for all thofegood things hee vouchsafes unto us
through Chrift. He that hath not a (en(e andtafte
of thcfe things by a found faith^ commonly loves
God principally for his profit, and prolpericy in.
the world, not much unlike in this point to a little
childe, that (ayes his prayers onely that hee may
breake his ^SiH,
2. Afecondftaireand rifing of our love, is to
love him for all tho(e beauties, excellencies, and
eternities ; all that incomprehenfible Ma/eftie^
purity and glory, which hee infinitely andeter-
! nally poflefleth in hirafelfe ^ (bme glimpfes, (ha-
1 dowes and refemblances of which, hee hath Icat-
i tcred and difperfed amongft his creatures. Wee
j are not to love<jod onely for the good wee have
; received from him, even in heavenly things, but
alfb for his owne goodncfle. and for that great Ma-
jeftie, and unapproachable light, which encompaf-
feth him in the heavens. Hence it is thatfuch a zea-
lous pang of fervencie in thiskinde, and fuchan
unquenchable thirft of (anftifving Gods Name,
and the advancement of his Kingdome, poflelTed
Ielfe''inrtchin2 examination.
the bleflcd (pints of thole two men of God, McfjCs
wdPatfl, that forgetting rhemfelves, they deliied
rather to be blotted out of thebook§oflife^ and to le ac-
cwfed^ than God (hould not be glorified.
3. A third branch and beame of thisfpiriruall
flame, is when we fo ftrongly love God, before
and above all other things ^ that we love nothing
in the world but for his fake. 1. Hence it is that
trueChriftiansimploy their love unto theirchil-
dren,ra'.her in planting grace in their hearts, and
in making them Gods fervants^ than in^purchafing
for them large pofTelfions^ and making them great
upon earth. 2. They love their friends and fami-
liars, not for advantage, plealure, profit, or world-
ly reputation, but mofl: dearly^ becaufe they love
God , and have his image of grace and fincerit y fh i-
ning in them. 3. They love their healthy not be-
caufe they are enabled thereby with more eafe and
contentment to purfihe the world, and more en^
tirely to enjoy the vanities thereof ^ but becaufe it
brings them vigour unto their bodies, andliberty
unto their minds, to ferve God more chearfully
and comfortably, both in their generall and parti-
cular calling. 4. They love richesjhonours, know-
ledt^e, the countenance of greatnefle, high places,
and the like ^ not that they may ruffle ir, and do-
mineerein the world, opprelfe and proudly over-
looke their brethren ^ but that they may be the
fVronger towirhftand ungodly oppofitions, that
they niay give the more enlargement to Gods glo-
rv, and furtherance to good caufes ^ that they may
pcrforme moe good works, doe more good unto
% Sam.^.tx.
The Saints
I good men, and more honourable fervke to the
Majeftie of Heaven. 5, They love the Word, and
the free and fruitfull paflage of it, not oncly be-
caufe it brings outward peace, and worldly happi-
neffe, but becaufeit glorifies Gods Name, anden-
largeth Chrifts Kingdome 5 fils Heaven wiih
Saints, and the earth with good Chriftians. Thus
in a man (andified with {aving faith, the love to
creatures, and all other things^ is ferviceable and
fubordinate to Gods glory.
4. A fourth ftep and ftaire of our love to God,
is tohateour felves for love of him : That is, to be
content to loofe our goods, our friends, our liber-
tie, our lives, rather than to betrav his truth and
glory, in not ftickingtoit, and ftanding for it.
The fpirituali heat of this divine flame doth beget
in the heart of the true Chriftian, an holy con-
tempt of prophane (cofFs, railings, (landers, dif-
graces ^ it makes the nobleft (pirit, whii^h naturally
is moft impatient of contempt and contumelies,
todigeft wi: h patience the fpightfull bafeneso^the
prophaneft abjeds, and the railings of the proud.
This love burned in the breft of David^ when hee
thus anfwered his fcomful! wife Micha//^ I mil jet k
more vile tha^ thus. Even Majeftie it felfe.ftooped
to the moft difdainfuUcontempt for the glorifying
of God ^ and fubmitted his Crowne and Scepter
to the (come and cenfare of the meaneft for his
(ake. This Jove was hotter in the hearts of many
Martyrs, than the (corching flames about their
eares : This alone fuftained them amid thtfircruell
torments, and edged them on even with their dea-
felfe-inriching examination. |
reft bloud tollackethe fire, and quench the thirft- |
ing rage of perfecutours. Their bodies were like
curs, their ftrength was not the ftrength of llones,
their limbs were not oF fteele, nor flefh of brafTe, ^
they were fenfibleof paine and torment as well as
we;^ but the heat of Gods love within them, did
with fach a powerfuil vigour fo wholly pofTefle
their fbules, that it more prevailed to comfort
them^tban the flames of lire were able to confound
2. After that faving faith hath planted this fer-
vent love of God in our hearts, it ipreads and im-
parts it felfe to the creatures, with due refpecT:,
merciful] ufage, and moderate delight in them, as
wherein appearefbme prints and (liadowes of the
beauty^ jwifdome, power and glory of God. But
efpecially to men, becaufe they are knit unto us
with a nearer bond of brotherhood by creation,
and beare about them the Image of the fame Crea-
tour ; but moft dearely of all to true Ghriftians,
and^anftified men, becaufe they are fellow mem-
bersof Chrifts body, and co-heires with us of the
(elfe (ame KJngdome.Hereupon it is that Paul Gal.
6, 1 o.bids us doe^oodJiftto all mcu-hni efpeciai/j to fUm
of the houfiold^ffalth. And ih^iDa'vid tel sus,Pp/. 1 6.
3 . That aUhis delight m tlif holy ones vp 'ich are here on
earthy avdchkfl) inthofe th^t excell in vertue. This love
of the Saints and godly men, is a manifeft marke
of faving faith, and aninfilible figne of true re-
generation. The fptrit of God hath pointed it out
as a ftrong demon flration, and propofed it as a
touch-ftone for trial] in this point. We know faith
The Saints
Ttfhfy I Jr;/>.] 14. ihatvfice are tranjkted fi^om death U
lije^kcaufe wclo've the brethren. If any man can hearti-
ly and (incerely vouch(afe his beft and kindefl: af-
fedionsto a true Chrtftian, for thiscaule onely,
he being Gtherwifeaftrangeruntohim, rhathee
fees the living graces of Gods fpirit Qiiiiing in him,
and manifeft iignes of true and nnfained godii-
nclfe. Ic is a good argument unto him chat he him-
felfe is a true ChriRian, and that thofe (ame graces
are f^ated in his owne (bule, \yhich he (b much fets
by^lovesand reverenceth in another.
5. Thirdly, a maniandified by faith, doth onely
truly and rightly love himfelfe, but in another
meafure, kinde and manner, than prophaue men :
I For they make Idols of themfelves 5 their love to
I God, to his Word, to their kindred and neigh-
j hours, mud: ever yeeld and (iibmit to the love of
! themlelves.They cannot for their hearts love hear-
\ tily a true Chriftian^only for his god!inefre:,It may
I be they mayafFed him for his gifts, bccaufehee
I dealesjuftly with them, becaufe of Ibme natural!
i bond of kindred or alliance, or for that they en)oy
I outward blellings by living with him: But ever for
j his profeffion&pra&ice of fincerity,they hold him
i too precife. In deed and truth, ail their loverefts
j within theirowne bofomes^ and is cunningly and
fecretly fpent upon themfelves ^ Gods glory, (alva-
tion of (buIes,good of others, are ferved at fecond
hand, and in reverfion after them{elves,and their
owne finfull pleafures.In a word,the unregenerate
man loves onely himfelfe, in plotting and provi-
ding earthly comforts, and temporal! IiappinelTe in
felfeAnriching examination.
this life 5 love of all other things, and all other
loves in him^ are (wallowed up in the torrent of
this felfe love, as lefler Rivers in the Sea. But it is
farre otherwife with every one, which by a fruit-
full and working faith is afliired of Heaven ^ for
he loves himfelfefoj that he loves God infinitely
more, with the deareft pang of his beftandftron-
geft atFedic«i , hee Iwcetly embraces ^very true
Chriftian ^ he loves all other things with relation
unto God, and rcfervation of his glory. His love
unto himfelfe is reftified and <iireftcd unto true
happinellc 5 not mif-lpent in furnifliingand filling
himfelfe with worldly wealth, and earthly plca-
fiires, for the body only,^ but is fervently imploy^d
in fitting his immortall fbule with grace, that it
m.!^y live eternally hereafter in the glory of heaven.
4. Laftly^That (peciall and impartialllove which
(prings out of nature, orfbmekinde ofneernefle,
as to wife^children^kindred/riends, familiars, and
where there is no grace, like a great Riv^r, many
times ovcrflowes the banks of moderation, difcre-
tion^ and reafbn, is happily feafbned and fandli-
fied by faving faith, and made thereby more fer-
vent, comfortable, and faithfull.
I.! No man can truly love his wife, but the true
Chriftian,and(anftified man ^ he may love her bo-
dy, her beauty, her wealthjher birth, her friends,
the outward comfort and contentment (he brings
with her, Sec. But he loves not her (bule, for hee
neither made his choice principally for grace, nor
being matched, doth chiefly wifh and worke her
(pirituallgood, doth not grow with her in (aving
\ M graces
The Saints
graces^ andholinefle of life, nor walke with her
hand in hand towards the Kingdome of Heaven.
He loves her not for that (he was put into his hand
by Gods providence for his portion, for perhaps
he had oneiy an eye and aime at her portion^ pa-
rentage, perfbn, andfome other by-re(pefts. He
loves her not, as Chrift did his Spouft, and as Paul
exhorts, Ephef. 5. 25, with afincere, chafte, and
ipirituall love, that he may beget more and more
holincfle andfincerity in her^^ prefcrve her un-
(potted of the corruptions & abominations of the
timejand prepare her for Heaven, that as they have
f lived together in the nearefl: bond, and deareft
love upon earth, Co they might raigne and rejoyce
together everlaftingly in the (econd life. This is
not the care and conscience of the unregenerate
man towards his wife, and therefore I fty he doth
not love her truly. He doth not love her becaufe
{hce is all glorious within, enricht with true and
lafting graces of the fbule, but becaufe (hee is
outwardly deckt in body, that muftrot, and feed
the wormes, and becaufe (hee (ervcs his turne for
outward comforts, and is his fellow helper for thri-
ving and flourifhing in the world. 2. Neither doth
any unfandifiedman truly love his children 5 Hee
may love them as they are the fruit of his loynes^
the lively images 8c representations of his perfbn,
the hope of his pofteiity, the lines of hisbloudj
the arches of his houfe , and pillar of his name
and family, andinfuchlikerefpedts : but he doth
not burne with that truly Chriftian love towards
them ^ which begets a zeale and care to plant in
felfeHnriching examination. i i ^7
them the true fcare of God, (aving knowledge,
the power of Religion, and ihat one uccejfary thiftg-^
the graces of falvation. He is Ipurrcd on by his na-
tural I afFedion to toy le and tire oat himfelfe with-
out meafiare or end , to heape and hoard up for
them earthly treafures, but he is cold and careleffe
in providing for them durable riches 5 that Pearle
of high price, and a Crowne of immortality. And j
therfore he loves them afFeftionately^but not con- 1
(cionably, kindly, but not Chriftianly. 3. Neither }
can any ungodly man love truly his friend^ he may j
be linked to him in a ftrong Sc boyftcrous bond of 1
Good-fellowfhip, he may fticke unto him in fbme
defpcrate attempt, even to the (hedding of his
bloud; hcmayaffcdhimfor advantage, for plea-
fore, for profit, for a time, for his faire conditions,
for his good nature, his civill carriage, morall ver-
tues, gifts of knowledge 8c wifdome, noblenefTe of
(pirit, longacquainrance,and the like ^ But he can-
not poffibIyfaften& knit his fbule unto his friends,
as the foule of Jonathanv/ds tied untoihcfouleof
Davf d:,th3it is,in the feare ot God,in an holy league
for the keeping of a good confciencc, ftandingfor
Gods truth, and the advancement of his glory, in
that golden knot, and noble tye of Chriftianity.
The knot of thatdcareft love betwixt David and
Ioaatha»y was tied by the Spirit of God 5 they were
as it were (worne brothers in good things 5 they
made a covenant, i Sam, 18.3. (for they loved the
one the other as their ownc foules) that they
would for ever fticke clofe together in the beft
things, in defpight of all adverfary, rage and ma-
M 7 lice.
The Saints
Sec Burton of
lice, and the cruelty and corruptions of: the time,
the vanity and abomination of Sauls Court. The
Pame therefore of this affedion was a fparkc of
Heaven^nev^ertobeputout orquenched^ after it
was once fee on foe 5 but of that laft ing and divine
temper, that it was to burne in their breft with mu-
tuall zeaie and fervency upon earth, and to blaze
everlaftingly with Seraph icall heat in the heavens
afterward. The dearneife and ftrength of this holy
lovebetweene Davfdmdl(?»at^»y^ndro ofChri-
ftian afFe(5bion amongft godly men, appcares by
chedeareftpangSj and pallionate meltings of D<i-
z'/V/ heart, for the death of loftalhaft^ 2 s am, 1,16,
Wos is me for thee^ fai th he, »!^ brother lo»ath4n : Pfofl
fvpeet hafi thou beem u»lo tne : thy love H»t0 me waf rvm-
dsrfftlly papngthtkvtoft^omen. The loveof a wo-
man, by realon of the tendernefle of heart, and
the exceffeof paflion in that (ex, is moft longing,
paffionate, and fervent^ yet nothhig to the love of
lomthitt to D^md^ nothing to that flame of Ipiri »
tuall affedion, kindled by the Holy Ghoft in the
hearts of true Chriftians one towards another : For
all other love is e?jthly, natural], finite, mixed in
the meane time with many feares, diftaftes and
jcaloufieSj with much unquietnefle, interruptions,
and ren-IclTe longings ^ lometimcs it is furious,
ibmetimes faint, (bmetimes weakncd and weary
with the free and eafie enjoyment of the thing be-
loved 3 (bmetimes it i&afflified with defpairc, by
refiftan€e and difficulty ^ {bmetimes ftrangeled
with ftings of jealouHe, left it be defrauded and
wronged by partnerfhip, and participation, at the
felfe4nriching examination.
beft it is but a bi tter-fweetj and at laft ever ends ei-
ther in endlefTe divorcej or in bannings and cur-
fings of each other in hell for their neemelTe of un -
landiified love upon earth.Or if they be both con-
vertedjthey ever after hate and abhor their former
wickedloveof good-fellowfhip, and enter a new
holy league^and (acred bond of Ghriftian love. But
fpirituall Iove,betwixt two Chriftians, is of a more
fweet and loving difpofition, of a more laftingand
heavenly nature. Their deare embracements in
godlinefle, and many kinde offices in Chriftianity,
areenterchanged andexercifed betwixt them, be-
caufe they fee and know that they are both, i. chil-
dren of one Father 5 2. Brethren of Chrift lefus 3
3. Begotten againe by the fime(pirit ^ 4. Borne of
thelame immortall feed of the Word 5 5. Nouri-
(hcd with the fame fpirituall food ^ 6, Of one
houlhold of faith ^ 7. Pilgriroes and fellow- travel-
lers towards the fame cvcrlafling home ^ S.Soul-
dicrs under the fame colours, called to the felfe-
famehoper 9, And co-heircs of the glorious King-
dome of Heaven. And therefore if once true affc-
ftion grounded upon grace, feize upon their
hearts ^ if once their two flreames of fandified
love, fpringingoutof the fountaine of their love
towards God, meet and joyne themfclves in an
holy and Chriflian fellowlhip, they grow bi^er
and bigger in fincerity and ftrength , towards a \
great torrent^ untill they both fall at laft, and bee
fallowed up in that bottomleiTe Sea of end-
lelTc love, and higheft happinefle in the world
above. The love then of the true Ghriftian, is
M z onely
The Saints
onelytrue and worthy embracemenc.
As for the love of unregeneratc men to their
friend, though they be never (b wife, rich, or ho-
nourable, it is idle, vaine, and tranfitory^ not
worth a points end for any found comfort the
Chriftian (hall ever enjoy by it, (aveonelyin that
it may be a meanes or occafion to worke good up-
on them, or give countenance and encouragement
unto him in his calling. 4 . Laftly, neither doth any
un(an£i:i(ied man love truly his kindred ; heemay
have with them merry meetings, fet feafts, ex-
change of carnal 1 contentments, but to the bond
of nature, there wants the linke of grace, and
therefore there is wanting that faving and facrcd
knot that is wont to tye together the hearts of
godly men, (b laftingly and lure, that no crofie or
milcrvj nomanordevillj nor time, nor yet eter-
nity can ever untye. His affedion may bee hot to-
wards them, becaufe of the fame bloud^ but a mu-
tuall intereft in the bloud of Chrift, is that which
feafbns and (an(^ifies all naturall affedions.
5. Onely faving faith is able to beget love unto
our enemies, Mattk 5 .44.
Thus farre I have told you what love faving
faith begets in the hearts of true Ghriftians to-
wards God, the creatures, the godly^ themfelves
and to others, as fliall be led with nature, and
neernefle reditiedby Religion. I have but given
you a tafte, and yet I have ftayed the longer upon
che point ^ becaufe there are many, when they
heare of faith rporkiag by Imte ^ they prefently appre-
hend and conceive it to be no more butreleeving
felfeHtiriehing examination. i 15 \
thepoore. When they are taught that they muft
joyne good works to their faith, they prefently
thinke^that only almcs-decds are them.Whereas if
a man ihouldfeedthepoonmfhallhtfgoddsyi Cor.i^,
and yet want a true hearted 8c zealous love to God^
his Word^ his Minifters, his fervants, his Sacra-
ments, his Sabbaths^ hisKingdome, his comming,
See. it would profit him nothing.If aman were ne-
ver fo famous $c glorious for his almes-deeds^ and
fhould not have a due refpedt, and (incere obe-
dience to all the daties, both towards God and
man, enjoyned by the Gommandements, they
would ttand him in no ftead at the day of triall.
And yet the(e men harbouring fuch odde opini.
ons,and idle conceits, by reafon of their ignorance,
are wont to vaunt and braggc much of the times of
Popery, what a world of good works^ and open
houskceping were in thofe dayes^and thinke with-
in themfelves, that they onely live worthy their
profeilion, that love is onely lodged in their bo-
fomes, and that they have dipt the wings of cha-
rity, to keepe her at home with them, when as flie
isflowneaway from themoft places and parts of
the world befides. Awd whence rile all thefe glo-
rious conceits, becaufe they give now and then
(bmething more liberally and bountifully to the
poore. And that:
I. Perhaps which they give is but part of the
price of the bfoud") for by indofurc they drive
them both out of their houfes, and from the Mi-
ni^-lerie) both of thebodies and ibules of the poore.
It may be they got in byopprcflionj extortion or
M 4 ufiirya
The Saints
ufliry , by grinding the faces of the fatherkje^ and tearing
thefiejh of the people of God, And fo wretched men
thinke to appeafc God, by giving part of their
robberies in almes, and goe about as it were to cor-
rupt him with prcfents, and call him to take part
of thefpoiie.
2. Or perhaps they pervert and pollute all their
good works and almes with Pharifaicall hypocride
and vain-glory, not freely and cheerfully parting
with them, with a fincere defiretoglorifie God^
icor. r o. 3 1 . and fo they utterly lo(e their reward^
3. Or perhaps they give hand over head, with-
out any difference of parties, or fpirituall dilere-
tion : They doe not with an holy careconfider,
where their gifts may bee beft beftowcd, what is
fitteft to be given, how much is meet for them to
contribute, and in what manner they fliould per-
fbrmeir, being ftrangers to that precept and prin-
cipal! of the Apoftle, forever to be ftridly obfer-
ved in all offices of love, works of charity, and
alnaes-deeds, Gal.6. Dot good imio all men, hntefpect-
alljtothemofthe ho-fjhold of faith, Perb^ips they are
free-hearted in upholding (bme old iiipcrllitious
cuftomeSj fbmc prophane (ports and paftimes, but
very cold ineontributionstogodlyufesa and good
caufes. In fuch cafes a little is wrung from them,
with noleflc adoe, than if a diftrefle of a fine or
amercement were to; be cxaded and extorted from
4. Perhaps for alh the charity they bra^s;© of,
they inwardly hate a true Chriftianj as a fePow
klfe^inricbing examination.
troublefbme, and too preci(e And they refped
onely aiideftcemc the good opinion and kindc af-
fectation, of good-fellowes, as they call them, and
merry companions, tiolding it an oncly way to
winne love, to make themlelves popular in pra-
difeof fbme plaufible finnes, in (landing for old
corrupt cuftomcs, whichever pleafethe moft part
' and common (brr, inyeelding liberty for iicetiti-
ous courfes, to them that live under them^ and
about them, in procuring impunity to difordercd
perfbns, and taking part with Satan andprophane
men , againft the courle of fincerity and good
Ghriftians, which is a cruell mercy, and murdering
5 . It may be having knowledge, found faith , fin-
cerity of heart, a good confc ience, are wanting to
their good ivorks, and then their almes-deeds are
no better unto them (though in ihemfelves good
and neceflary) ihe^ the cnitwg off of a dogger tmh^yand
the efferingof Smnts hhnd. It is fcrre eafier for a man
to part with thefuperfliiity of his abundance than
to part with his (weet finnc, and the (enfiiall pJea-
(tiresof this life. Hence it is thatthe hypocrite
(braetimes (efpecially if he have any hope thereby
to nppeafe the wrath of God,' and fitisfie for his
finnes) is content to give any thing to the fervice
of God, fave himfelfe, fave his heart and affedi-
ons, which are the worlds^ Mich,6,6, " He would
«' be at any coft, he would (pare no charges to pur-
*'' chafe two HeavenSj one on earth; and another in
. the world to come : He woull give any thing to
• redeemehisfinncsj if hemighthaveadifpenfation
Arsons 4.
T^he Saints
to continue in Unnc. In this point hec would not
Oand upon any worldly good, though it wrre<i
thnfand Kammes, or ten thonjami Riven ^ cyk : Nay,
he vvou.'d give his firft borne for hii tranfgrefiien 5 even
thefrmt of his bodyjor thefmne ofhisfouk. He would
be exadt and unreproveable in all outward fervices,
?fal.%o. But though he fhould give thefe, and the
whole world befidesj if it were his owne ^ though
hefljould give all that he haih to thepoore, and his body to
be burnt : Yet without love unto God, exprcit in
yecldingtothe power and pradifeof his Word^
and ChriftianafFedion to godly men, becaufethcy
kcepe a good Gonfcience, and labour to (ave their
(bulesj all were nothing. It is the heart, and the
finceriry thereof, which is a (acrificc, and (ervice
well pleafing unto God.
I have interpofed this point no way to hinder
thereleevingofthepoore, or toftop the current
of bounty and goodneffe, in well di^fed minds,
God forbid. I had more need in thefe ftony and
flinty times, in this age of cruelty and oppreffion,
to ftrike at with the rod of judgements, the rockie
hearts of wicked worldlings,and covetoas Cormo-
rants, tliat fbme fprings of mercy and compaflion
might breake out, that they might cafi their bread
upon the waters i left they periQi in the Lake of fire.
I had more need to minifter a (harp potion, com-
pofed and nangled all of plague* and woes, to the
enclofing, ingroffing, and opprefling Cannibals of
our times, that they might caft upagainc the poorc
ilsat thfy havejivalloiped dotfne, and tktfltjh of Cods peo-
pkwhichthey have eaten 5 left the raft of that Gold
felfe^nricbing examination.
and Silver which they have heaped up upon the
ruines and defolations of whole families, be one
day afmft mtneffeagait^ them, and eat their jfejh as it
Tperefire, I had more need to ftrike through their
loynes v/ith terrour and trembling, v^ith that fear-
fall woe, i/^.5.8. Wo^. u»to them that; )ojm houfe to
houfe and lay field to field ^^c, with that in the Vrov,
14.;} I. He that doth a poore man wrongs blafphe-
fMethhis Mak^r ^ (b we read in the great Bibles 5 and
moft terrible to this purpofe is that (though Apo-
cry phallj yet moft true) Ecdttfi ^.22,2?. Tl.'e bread
of the needfdlis thelife of ihepoore, he that defraude h
him thereof is a nmrtnerer. He that tah^th away his neigh -
hours living, Jtayeth him. It is feconded and confir-
med by Smitlohn, a Canonical] writer, i loh.^A 5 .
Whofoefvcr hateth Ins brother is a man -flayer. And what
greater meafure of hatred, what more cruel! man-
ner of murther can there bee devifed, than to fet
him upon the rackej thanby oppreflion,'^ufury or
extortion i^ to plucke off his slqnne, to teare hisfleffj
from his bones ^ tobreke his bones, and chop them in
peecesas for the pot, Mieh.^,2,'^. A man hadfarre
better be prefently knockt ith* head^ than by ki-
furc and languifhingthus pineaway.There are two
wayes yon know of putting out a Lampe, either by
blowing it out, or by taking away the oyle which
fhould nouriOi and feed the flame ; So a man may.
either be (uddenly ftabbed and thruft thorow, or
having his living and 11 velyhood, by little and lit-
tle pluckt from him, linger for a while in a con-
(umptionofhisftate, untill he quite pine away in
want and mifery. This latter murthering of men
Jam. 5.
The Saints
is craftily and cruelly prafti(ed by the enclofing
and opprcffing Giants of our times, they doc not
knocke them downe in the ftreec, and ftrike them
dead as they meet them, that were farre moretol-
lerable and merciful!, and there were law againft |
But by racking their rents above reafbn, or rai-
fing their fines beyond mealure, or wearying them
by one tricke or other, out of their ancient poffef-
fions, they wring their penfivcfbules from their
hunger-ftarved bodies. Kaboth died more happily
and eafily than the opprefTed andenclofedof our
times, which is a kinde of death^ as farre more
cruell and tormenting than the former^ as hanging
in chaines alive, than beheading. Who would not
hate and abominate with the highefi: ftraine of in-
dignation, that bloudy tyrant which fhould torture
an innocent man, upon (bme engine of vexation,
with a lingring torment, onely upon purpofe to
make his paines' more painfull, and fhould onely
adde life unto his death, that he might die more di-
ftrefTedly ? And yet in cfFed many cruell Land-
Lords deale thus with honeft men, though not for
thirft of bloud, yet for greedinefTe of gold.
If the times then bee fuch, I had infinitely,
andathoufand times rather be a Prodlor to plead
for the poore, than once to open my mouth
ae,ainfl: them. And therefore whatfoever I have de-
livered in the former point, was only to meet with
a falfe opinion, and common errour of men,
who ever when they heareof charity,faith, work-
j ing by love and good workes, conceive there-
: ty_
felfe^nricbing examinat'iGn.
by nothing but almes-deeds. Which indeed in
themfelves are good and neeefljr/^ and -ftiidtly
.commanded of God Almighty, Ecclef. 1 1 . i . i joh»
3«i7c molt plea fing unto him, 7/^.58.536,7. And
highly rewarded by him, Prm). 19-17, Ink. i6.p.
Jf they bee ourowne lawfully and confcipnably
come by^ given with a heart purged by faith from
an evill conlcience, and dead .works,^ with fpiritu-
all di(cretion in preferring the Saints in all favours
and furtherances^ with feafenableneflej compaffion
and chearfulnefle; they are a precious feed fowne
upon earth, tlie crop whei'eoffhall hereafter bee
glorioufly reaped in the Heavens. But if an holy,
■ flame of divine love to God, his honour^, truth and
fervice ^ to jJil good things, godly exercifes, and
true Ghriftians, be not firft kindled in the heart,
by the fanftifying fpirit 5 if there be not a refped
to all Gods Commandements, a delightin all holy"
duties, and hatred to all finnes ^ all our alnaes-.
deeds, all our good Works arc/Unto. our fclvcs ut-
terly unprofitable. Thele ought to be done pro-
portionably to our ability, and the other graces to
be polTeft in.liacerity, if welooke for faivation, A
good man muftnotonely apply feis hand,Butprin-
cipally his heart to the exercife of well-doirlg.
There is the royall feat of divine love,and the holy
olF-fpring of a fruitful! faith, which givcth life and
acceptation to all good aftions, without which
the largeft doles, and moftglorious hrgeflcs, are
butcmleafbnedandunfanftificd (acrifices. Befides
the confutation of a common errour 5 the point
fcrvcs to comfort pooreGhriftians, to whom tlus
The Saints
hard world denieth wealth. For love (the faireft
and lovelicft ifliie of a faving faith) is not placed
with money in the purfe, but planted with love
and kindnelTc in the heart.
Canft thou mourne with diftrcfled Chriftians,
and unfainedly afFeft thy heart with fbrrow for
their griefes > Canft thoulpcake comfortably un-
to an afflided confcience, and refrcfh a broken and
bruifed (pirit? Canft thou pray heartily for the con-
verfionof thy moft enraged and implacable cnc-
mie, and grieve at their rebellions and foule-mur-
thering ftubbornneflc ? Doft thou labour upon all
occafionSj by inftruftions, admonitions, feafbna-
ble reproofes, to draw others out of their igno-
rance and blindnefle, iecurity and finnes, to faving
knowledge, and into the waycs of God ? Why
then thou art very rich and glorious in almcf-decds,
for fothou doeft good to the fbulesof thy bre-
thren, one of which is farrc more worthy than the
bodies of all men living. Thou fo cnricheft thy
brother with heavenly trcaftircs , and (pirituall
almes, which arc much more pretious^ and pre-
ferred before any good dced^ or comfortable re-
leefejCxercifed and conferred upon the body : The
very Schoolmen being witneffes, Durdndutlib.j^,
dA^.q.'jXon^ule^^Cafliga.folare^remitteifer, ora ^ is
better than, Viftto^poto^cibo^redimo^^Ugo^cMgo^cendO'
To conclude this point, true and juftifying faith
doth' ever in the firft place kindle in the heart a
zealous & fervent love to God, and all godlinefle ^
then to our owne (bules, whereby wee are ftirred
up to fiirnifti them with all laving graces, then
I to
felfe-inriching examination. \
tochefbules of our brethren, that they may bee i
brought to everJaftkig happinclTe^ then to their }
bodies and lives, that we may refrefh and relceve [
them, according to their wants, as the Lord (ball j
make us able j after to all creatures, as we (hall fee !
and obferve, to the power, wifdomc and glory of*
our gracious God to fliine in them.
\ 7. Seventhly, Forfaking the world, is a fure
fignc of a faving faith. For no man can poffibly
rent his affeftion from the world ^ his (weet
'finne, and earthly vanities 5 untill his fbule have
received by the hand of faith from the (pirit of
God 5 an aurhenticall affiirance of art immoridl
Crofcm in tJk. Heavem 5 fealed unr o him by the pre-
cious bloud of the fbtinc of God. Every man natu-
rally is greedy of joy and ccntentraentj and farre
more holdfaftof prefcnt comforts, though wcake
andtranfitory \ then appehenfive of unfeene fu-
ture happinefTes^ of which he hath no found and
c^rtaine hold , though excellent and ; endlefle.
Hence it is, that natural! men being in prefent tafte
and pofleflion of worldly plealures, and very fenfi-
bJc of their fenfu all 9f^ttinQ^Q^ and wanting faith
and ailurance of that everlaftingblefTedneflc abovc^
with much greedineffe, and the (Irong torrent of
theifaffedions, follow and puriue the prefenf,and
will not part with theworld,becaufe they know no
other Heaven, they are allured of no other happi-
nefle. Howfoevcr they may pretend and proteft:
to the contrary, yet indeed and truth, both in af-
fedionand pradii(e,they preferre the world before
God, earth before heaven, time before eternity,
figne of faving
\ .
ido I The Saint f
a wedge of gold, before a Crowne of Glory. The
heart of man ever forts and purchaleth to icfelfe
feme ftay or other of fbme kinde of comfort,
though it be hxxta br^k^nflaffedfreed, whereon to
reft and repofe it fclfe ^ it muft have fbme faccour
and refuge in time of ftormes, though but under i
naked tree 5 it will ever take fome ^nduary,,
though but ill fbme rotten and ruinous hold,
againft erodes and conrradiftions. The heart of
the covetous wan ueftles itfelfeupon gold, while
that glifters in his cheft, it leaps and dances ia his
breft : Thoagh he be abhorred both of God and
man, though he be reproved of the Minifter, and
curfed of the poore for his oppreffion, ufury, ex-
tortiorij hard-heartednefTe^Scc. yet when becomes
' home and finds his bagges and bondsfafe,, he bJef-
feth himfelfe in his heart againft what judgements
and curfes (bever to the contrary. With his golden
, wedge hee eafilycutsafiander all doubts^ reafbns,
; arguments and objections which can bee brought
againft him. Hee pleafeth and applauds himfelfein
■ his prefent plenty againft all cenfiures andcontra-
1 didions whatfoever. '^ The (eat of honour is the
; ^' ambitious mans Heaven. Though hee bee vext
with the indignation of good men, with thccon-
I tempt of inferiours, with thwartings of competi-
I tors, envies of compeeres, ;ealou(ies of Princes,
I and a thoufand moe ftings and diftempers ; yet he
[bin Heaven.and well enough in heart, while hee
j may dominecrc, and be adored above others. The
I gracelcfle wanton canbeare away well enough the
fweakningof his body, the wafting of his goods,
{ the
felfeAnrichingtxamination. i \6i
the lofle of friendsj and ftaine of reputation^ Co
chat hee may fwiniftily wallow in the fbule and
brutiQi pleafures of uncleannefle. Thus every un-
regenerate and earthly-minded man is ever wed-
ded unto the world in one curfed vanity or other, \
untill he be even rent from it by the power of (a- j
ving faith : In which if he be once mainly croft^ he
isprefentlyoutof the world, at his wits end, and
without all comfort. If the covetous man bee tur-
ned out of his tieafiiresjhow neare is he toa de/pe-
rate phrenfie, or (bme accurfed end } If the proud
a(pirer bee ftript oi his honours and officeSj and
thrown from his high place, how weary is he of the
world ?4iow piodigall of his life ? how impatient
of the company of raeni"? Infinite are thewayes,;
vanities, and crooked by-paths, in which wretched
men tyre themfelves in vaine. They fweat in fin-
full courfes, and are faft glued to the mire and mud
of the earth, becauiethey want a found afiurance
by (aving faith, of better things in the world to
come. But if a man be once by faith per(v\^aded of
Gods favour, and have his eyes opened to fee what
great variety of holy and heavenly delights may
be enjoyed in rhe ftateof Chriftianity, in compa-^
rifon of the moft glorious revelling of the richefi
worldling 5 if hee be once foundly and (aviHglyj
affiired, that after a fewdayes of vanitie^ and anj
inch of raiferable time, he (hall live everlaftirigly
with God, the holy Angels, and blefled Saints,ana
in that ftate, and in thofe facrcd manfions, where
nothing but light and blefled immortality, no fha-
xlow for matter ofxeares5di(contentmea«$,gr^fe$j;
N and
1 i6i I
The eighth
ma kcoffavingj
7 he Saints
anduncomforcabie pallions to worke upon s, buc a Jl
joy^tranquilky and peace, even for, ever and ever
doth dwell 5 liay if he be once thns perfwaded and
aflured, how willingly doth he bid the world fare-
well > How refolntely doth he caft out of his af-
fections all greedy thoughts, and exceffive defires
ofearth and earthly treafures^HoW" clearly doth he
fee and acknowledge that all things here are tranfi-,
tory, vaine, and icoie flitting away? If heonce fa-
llen the eye of his minde, inlightnedwith the&-
credbeamedf anholy and (avnigfeich, upon the
unvaluable precioufheflej'and cverlafting beauty
of the Crowne of glory ^ it is not the glifteringof
Gold, the fplendounof princely thrones, the glo-
ry of the whole world, can after give hi many true
comfort, and found con tenement : For then he is
as Eagle-minded, as he is Eagle-eyed, and fores
alofc in his meditations towards the Sonne of righ-
teoufrieffe, and feafts already uponthofeendteife
pleafures at Gods right hand. HefufFers no more
his hope and affedions to ftoope fo low^ as to feize
upon the flies of this world ^ or the wide capacity
of his foule to be filled with wind, and emptindfe
of worldly vanities. Then onely are we willing to
(hake hancb with the world, when by the hand of
fai th we have laid hold upon the joy es of Heaven ,
8 . Eighth ;y,the conflict betweene the f )irit and
theflefh, is a notable mairke of faving faith. Un-
fauYifiedmsn are for ch« mal: part mecre %an-
s;ers to the troubles oF conicieuce.. S^can like a
mighcyGi mt,and an imocrions tyra{it,keeos them
Ja hisdiiWttes, without an/ great noi(eor ftirre,
' withou
/elfe4nriching examination.
without any concrolement or contradidion. But
if once this Itrong man^ which hath before quietly
raigaed is the heart, and fit m the conll ience, bee
dikrmed^ and diipoileft of his holds and haunt
by the fpirit of the Lordjefiis, and the power of
faving faichj then beginnes this fore and laftiog
combate betwixt the flefh and the (piric.Satan then
doth not oncly faimfelfe rage like a madded and
roaring Lion for re-entry, but dothalfbOirreupa
civiliandi. ceftinewarreinamans owne bofome,
which neverendeth untilldeathjUntill the old man
be quite exlinguiftit and aboIi(ht in him. and the
new man after many reftlefle oppofitions 8c fierce
graplings conquer and be crowned. But left you
deceive your (elves in this marke of a true&ith,
you muft conceive &: know, that there may be ma-
ny inward tumultuous ftirres and ftrifes, even in a
prophane and unregenerarc man. In fbme the tor-
rent of tin is fo headftrong and violent, that it car-
ries conlcience reafbn, reputations the headJong
tyde of the afFeftions along with it^ without any re-
fiftanceorreludiation at all. Thefe ht^efildthem-
fgive: to tvat k^ mck^dnes-jthj Ci^mmitji» wUhgne^nelJe,
tkjdriff^ ypimquiiy Uk^wifttr, and feed on earthly
pleafores , as the Horfe-Ieech on corrupt bloud.
There may in him be a combate and contradidiom
Firftabctweene reafbn and afFedion. Realbn many
times may dift^afte and ftand againft that which af-
feftion doth furioufly urge upon him. In this fight
realbn overcame in many heathensjin Reptlus.
12. Betweene natural! confcience, and natural!
pafioDS : * As mfif^t^ the light of his confcicnce
N 2
of Confciencc,
checkt '^g-'*»-
13e Saints
checkt and fnub'd him from paffing Sentence upon
Chrift ^ but fcare of C<ep/* Ipurred him forward to
condemne him^
3. Betweenea defire of preferring his reputati-
on unftained in the world, and a delight in fbme
open infamous finne : As when a man will needs
be an Ufurer, an Oppreflor, a Drunkard, a Swea •.
reror the like, and yet would gladly be accounted
an honeft man amongfl: good ChriiHans^
4. Betweene the feare of fome (peciall remarka-
ble vengeance from above, and a purpofe to conti-
nue in the pleafiires of (bme (ecret; fweet, abomi-
nable finne. SccFosHx^ Ali.i^,verf,2'y,2 6.
5. Betweene purpofetolive the lifeofworld-
linefle and pleafures, and a defirc todk the death of
the righteous, S ee Balaam^ Numb, 23.10.
6. Befides fuch like conflids as thefe in unrege*
nerate men, thebeftof them may moreover by
the general! aid, and hiferiour workingof the ipi-
rit, ftrive againft all outward finnes for a time^and
(bme grofle finnes all their life long. BiK bccaufe
they are not inwardly and throughly fanftified,
because they doe not with conftancy and refoluti-
on hold out in combate againft the finnes of the
time, becaufethey doe commonly nuzzle in^ their
boibmes, fome one pl'eafiircfull, honourable, ot
gainfull finne or other, they are not Chrifts Gora-
batants and Chamoions in that great and fharpe
conflid betweene the flefh and the fpirir, which I
make an infallible and individual! marfce of a jufti-
fiedman. This in the childe of God is fierce, ani-
verXall, cooftanc : It is not for a flouriih, but to the
^__ (her'ding
felfe-inmhing examination. ] 165
(bedding of bloud. It is not the playing of a prize,
for reputation of vaIour,but for lifeanddeath.Jtis
not for the dilplanting of one finne, or two^but for
the utter dii-ceptring and dil- throning of all fin,
though it cannot bee utterly ban i(ht out of mor-
tall bodies. The fpirit in this fight is ever fb farrc
conqueror, and vidorious, that it filers not the
fleih to raigne and domincere. It may fbmetimes
by the auxiliarie forces of Satan be brought upon
his knees, but by anewfupply of grace it is ftill re-
frefht and fumiflit for a re-encounter. It will not
yeeld to auy treaty of peace for all the worlds me-
diation. It will admit of no parly ^take no truce^ or
liften to any termesofcapitulationjbut is ftill (wea-
ting,and tolling, and in bloud to the knees/or the
caufe of heaven, and in thequarrellof falvation.
And if it cannot fb fubdue and keepe under the re-
bellious flefh as it fhould.and dothearneflly defire,
it mournes and grieves, it wifhes to bee delivered
from this body of death, and buckles fafter and
neereruntoit felfe the whole compleat Chriftian
armour. When the flefh tickles and flirres, and
tempts to the re-enjoyment of the fenfuall pica- j
fures of fbme old finne, or goes about to enfharei
the Chriflian in the bonds of iniquity, the fpirit
ordinarily fuggefts (ecretly untohisheart fuch mo- i
tions and meditations as thefe : Miferable man^ |
what goeft thou about > what thoughts dofl: thou \
now entertaine > Doe not thofe eyes, which arc-ten
thoufand times brighter than the Sunne, fee the i
fecrets of thy heart ? Art thou fearlefTe and hard- '
ned againfl Gods judgement ? Hafl thou not here- j
- N 3 tofore '
j i66
T^he Saints
tofore iek the ftings and bitingsof finne ? Forget-
it[\ thou thy vocation ? Wilt thou fo deceive the
opinion of good men, who thinkc that thou art a
Chriftian ? Why wouldeft thou trouble the peace
of thy conicience againe ? Why wouldeft thou fill
againe thy faith with doubtings.and thy heart with
deadnefle ? Why wilt thou grieve ike go$i jpiritof
Goi^ h) which ihot* artfea W u»to the day ofredemptiofK
and gratifie Satan thy mortali enemie ? Wherefore
wouldeft thou bring a (candall upon thy profelfi-
on, and fadnefie upon the Saints } Is this the pra-
ftice of Gods people, and the way to the King-
dome of Heaven ? Art thou aflared, that being fal-
len thou fhalt rife againe > Art thou (urc, after (b
many thou(and forbearances, God will be patient
ftill ?* For a little fi nfull pieafurCj mingled with bir-
terneffe and vexation, wilt thou diflcttJe and dif-
joynt, yea, turne otfthe hooks the whole frame of
thy fandification > For a little bafe and bruitifli
delight of fcnfe, wilt thou lofc the benefit of thy
former integrity, peace of confcience, and the
hearts of good men ? wilfully bereave thy (elfc of
Gods favourable countenance, divine protedion
and guard of Angels > Wretched man, bee not fb
cruell and mcrcilefle to that un valuable Jewell,
thine owne immortall foule,&:c. By fuch (ecret
andfacred eloquence as this, the (pirit doth often
curbe and fnaffle the heat and headineffe of the
fleOi, and ftopfiiddenly a man that is on gallop to-
wards finne. But if fbmetimes the (pirit doth not
fb thorowly prevaile , but that the Chriftian by
violence of temptation, and the cunning enti(e-
felfeAnriching examination. j i6j
menrs of his owne corruptions be at unawares fur-
prized and overtaken with fomc finne, yet it doth
notwithftanding more deadlily bate it afterward,
with more ftrongvowes and relbJutions abjure it,
and refift it with greater care, il:rength:> and watch-
fulnefle ; Sothat ever at length God gives a com-
fortable iiTue one way or other in this Chriftian
combatCj andatlaft moft certaine vidtory. If it be
(b then, that thou feele the combate betwixt the
fieOi and the fpirit within thee ^ and after that
Gombatc, comfort by the vidory of the fpirit over
the flefla ; then afluredly faith hath gone before,
God himfelfe is the man of warre, and the fpirit of
the Lord Jefus hath deflroyed the power of dark-
nefle within thee.
p. Ninthly, The Spirit of prayer doth ever ac- iThcnimhmark
company faving faith. If a man feele this fer- lof^^^i^s^^i^^-
vent anclflirring, and faithfully exercifed in him,
with groancsand fighs, and flrong cries ^ hee may
undoubtedly aflure himfelfe that heis (andified by
faith. As for unregenerate men ^
1 . Some pray not at all, for they are fb ftrongly
and fbttifhly ignorant in all matters of Heaven,
and (o fenfleflTe and unapprehcnfive of their finfull
and accurfed flate, that they never conceived or
utteredgroanes, or word unto God, either for the
removall of any corruption, or fupply of any
grace. In a cold formall faftiion their bodies may
be prefent at publike prayer, but they cannot re-
member the day when ever they powredout their
ibul^s in private, before th^ throne of grace^ or | Piai.144;
prayed with their families.
i .. . N4 2. Others
The Saints
2. Ocherii there be, who arc men of gr^ac un^
derftanding for worldly bufinelTes Jolly v/i(e men,
and able to diicourfe largely and readily of other
matters, and can tell their tale before whomsoever,-
as well and wifely asthebeft ^ and yet they have
not the hearts to conceiue, the wildome to con-
trive^ or the tongue to deliver two or three /fen-
tences in feeling and fcafbnable prayer, before the
Throne of God : They cannot for their hearts,
for their lives hold out a quarter of an hours m
ripping up their hearts, and laying open their fpi-
rituall eftate before God, in a conceived pray^n
They u(e fbmetimes upon occa(ion tobreake out
into fo.Tie (hort wiQies 5 as Lord have mercy upon
us ^ God be thanked for all his bleflings ^ God fend
u«the light of Heaven 5 the Lord fend raine, if it
be his will ^ and (uch like ; Bun as for longer diP-
ceurfe, or fet exercifes in prayer they thinke it
onely belongs to Minifters and SchoUers, men
converfantinthe Scriptures, and holy paflagesof
divinity. Miferable and wretched men, it is onely
the want of the feeling of your miferable ftate,
and (pi? ituall wants, which makes you want words
to powre out your fbules in fervent and hearty
prayer unto God Almighty, and to enlarge your
felves in an holy and comfortable conference with
him. There is not the molt unlearned or fimple,
but if the Lord once inlightenhis conlcicnce by
the power of the Law, and affeft his heart with a
true tafte of heavenly (vveetneffe, hee will finde
words enow toexprefle the wants and grievances
of hishungry and humbled (cftile: For the Spirit
Jislfe-inriching examinatton.
of God givech utterance, openeth theiipSj andun-
tics the krings both of heart and tongue, to all
thofewhomhe faniSifies by (aving faith, and in^
dues with a figh t and (en(e, true fbrrovv and hatred
of finne. Let us fuppofe that the mo t ignorant and
fimpleman, fhouldby fome mercilefle enclofing
Land-lord, bee turned out of doores, fb that hce
had no where in the wide worldto hide his head,
either forhimfelfe, wife or children. Now in this
ca(eanddi(comforta friend comes unto him, and
telshim, there is an honeft religiou? Gentleman,
will without all faile bcl'tow a better thing, a richer
Farme upon him;,if he can fiifficiently bemoane r , is
cafe, tell his tale, and lay open his mi(ery and want
before him ; Doe you thinke this man, though
never fb fimple and ignorant^, would lofe it for af-
king > Or would he come onely bluntly and briefly
thus ? I pray you fir give me this Farme ; No, un-
doubtedly without any helpe or learning, hce
would finde plenty > both of reafbns and words,
with many moving tearmes , and paflionte elo -
qiience, to unfold his drftrefTedflate, and roflirre
up compaflion : He would tell him the flory of his
hard and cruell ufage by his former Land-lord-
how heehactfirfb railed his fines, then reared his
rents, toyled and worne out both him and his
teameinhisfervices and carriages, laboured long
with many hard conditions, and unchriftian ufage,
I to vex and weary him out and at length had quite
! turned him out of all, and had cafl him into the
wide and hard hearted world ^ fo that that little
(lay thachis fither. Grand- father, and all hs pre-
lyo I
The Saints
deceiTors had quietly aad peaceably enjoyed upon
a reafbnable rent, time out of minde, was now
qalce pulled away, and rent from him by the hand
of violence and oppreflion : And therefore upon
the kiices of his much vexed and broken heart, he
begs and entreats that he would be good unto him,
el(e he, and his wife, and his many poore children
are like all to goe a begging ^ for the world was
never lb hard^ the hearts of men (b flinty, and cha-
rity (b cold. If it would pleafe him to give him
faccour, and a refting place, in this his grcateft di-
ftrelTeandmifery, heand allhis (hould be bound
to prav for him, and doe him their utmoft (ervice
faithfully, fo long as they lived. Want of earthly
neceflaries^and defireof temporall commodities,
would enforce and furnifh the fimpleft man in the
world to fpeakc thus, or in the like manner, and
perhaps with many moe, and more effedhiallper-
{\vafionS) fit phrafes, proverbs 8c moving fpeeches.
How much more then, if he had fenle of his (piri-
tuall miferies & wants, and (bund hope of the glo-
ry of Heaven,would he find words enow, with fer-
vencie of fpirit, to (ue unto the Lord of Heaven >
fith he may be more bold with him, and iooke for
morekindnefTe and compaffion at his hands, than
from the moftmercifull Land-lord upon earth, if
there be any left.
3. Some others there arejpooreignoraFtfbuies,
that Evening and Morning doe prophanely poft
over the Lords Prayer, the Creed, and perhaps the
ten Commandements , thinking that they are
thereby fandified and bleft, and that that is fiifii-
felfeAnriching examination. 1 7 1
dent feruicc, fuit, andieeking unto God. Buc bc-
caule they are ignorant and unexperienced in the
true nature, and right pradt ke of prayer, and only
mumble over a few good words coldlyjcuftomar^',
and {uperftitioufly, without all feeling, faith^or h-
ving knowledge ; It is but only lip-labour, and loft
labour, nayj hatefull and abominable before God ,
they Hiurt therefore doe it reverently, as on their
kneesin private^or with their faroilie^devoutly and
pioufly with faith and repentance ^ and laflly, con-
ftantly with zeale andearneftncfle , endevouring
withall to lead an holy and an honefHite^ boh
toward God jand towards mtin.
4. Others there are, who if they be vexed with
fbme outward croiIes,as ficknes, poverty.dilgrace^
or with inward afflidions, a? terrour of conlcience,
fearfulIthoughtSjfeare of death^or when Gods pub-
like executioners are abroad, the plague, £imine or
fword 5 then they thinke of approaching unto the
throne of grace. Infuch extremities they fall to
their prayers anddefire more neere acquainrancc
and familiarity with God. We may fee this in the
Mariners with Imai^ ch.i,-^. But if once the (lorme
be overblowne, and the fword of vengeance (hea-
thed againe, they are as propbane and praycrlelle
as they were before, and grow quite out ofac-
qaaintarKC with God againe, and utter (Grangers
to all holy conference with him. And while they
were in the vaine and humour for prayer, they
onelyaymedattemporallbleflings, and at the re-
moval! of prefent judgements. If they glanced at
heavenly things, it was onely for defire of the
The Saints
Crowneot iifcafcertheplcafures of this life ^ but
not for love and longing afcer rhofe fpirituall
graces and holinefle of life, which lead thereunto.
For many wi(h heartily for the goale of immorta-
lity, but they will not take painesj and to\ le them-
fclvcsinthe race of ChriUianity. Ihtf defire to
behappy in the world to come, but notto be holy
and righteous in this world. They would gladly
partake of the joyesof Heaven^ but not with con-
dition of forfaking their earthly pleafures.
5 . Others there are, a kinde of out-fide Chri-
ftiansj who left of the beft (brt they fhould bee
thought ftarkc Athcifts^and prayerlelfe raifcreants,
they are content for themoli part to fuffer prayers
to be read Evening and Morning in their houfes,
efpecially upon good dayes,and when they are nor
too full of worldly bufinefle.But this holy bufinefle
is performed with (uch irreverence, coldnefle, and
inJevotion, perhaps by fbme inferiour, not of the
Mafcer of thefamily (who is ever the Prieft in his
o w ne houie) that knowes not how to fpeake to the
prefent and particular wants, neceflities, and oc-
cafionsof the family. I lay, it is done in that for-
mal! and fruirleflefafliion, that It may plainly ap-
peare that the fpirit of prayer is not in their houfes,
nor the power of grace in their hearts, but that
good and holy prayers are fouly prophaned a-
mongftthem, and ^turned intocurfes and judge-
ments, fervingonely to confirmc them inoutward-
nefle and formality, not with any fervcncie, to
drawdownebleflings from heaven, or to fupply
their poverty and wants in spiritual] things.
6, Laftly
fetfe'tnrtcbmg examinatton.
6, Laftiy, (bme unfandified men there are^who
mightily deceive even true Chriftians in this point
of prayer, i. They are fuch as either havebecne
brought up amongft good Chriftians, and godly
exercifes ^ and fo thereby like thofe which walkc
much in the Sunne, though about their bu fine iTeSj
yet receive fomc fwarthinefl^ thereby, by often
hearingandobfervingorhersjand being (bmetjmes
put unto pradice themfelves, grow into a habit of
honeft praying, though irbee but by rore, and
without fech'ng and power on their owne parts.
2. Or they may be formall profeflbrs, who for
the time of their temporary faith and profeflrjon3
and while their joy in the Word^ and love to the
Minifters, ftirreup (bme fudden and fuperficijil
flaftrintheheartj mayfbmetimesmakeafaireand
goodlyfliewthisway, but in them worldly occa-
fions, time, temptations, feare of bein^ reputed
tooprecife,6cc. willcafily interrupt and wafte all
zeale^ ability, and exercife in that holy affaire. Bm
moftof allfome Minifters may much deceive in
this^ point even the beft difcerning fpirits for a
time, if their readinefTe and dexterity in prayer be
onely taken notice of : For by reading books of
feeling, fandified, and confcionable divinity, by
imitating thofe who are truly zealous in prayer,
and by applying themfelves to gi ve fatisfadioUjand
winnc the opinion of (bme godly Chriftians, up-
on whom they fpecially depend for ad vantages,re-
putation, and by-refpcfts, they may competently
and cunningly fumi(hthem(elves, with a formal!
method, and outward forme of (incereandiandi*
outivard good
of God can doe
by grace, the
fame maya wic-
ked man doc
th ongh pride,
as concGivea
p.ayer, &c.
l'e'l(!us vpon
cIjC SeriTKin in
the Mount,
FcrvcKcie in
prayer of thiec
T'he Saints
tied prayer 5 and they may give artiticuil lifb and ^
adion unto it in the delivery : As we fee Orators
doe to their inventions. O the dt^pth of hypocri-
fie, and the choufand windings^, turnings, and de-
ceits of mans finfull heart ! Thefe may feeme out-
wardly more fervent in prayer than (bme of Gods
faithful! fervants. * In which point, left wc be dc-
ceivedi let us conceive three kinds of ferveiKic^
and three kinds of coldnefle. There is,
T. A natural! fervencie. Some men out of their
ftirring and quicke temper and conftitution, ut-
ter and deliver things with much heat, life and
2. An artificiall fervencie, when men by art
and induftry learne and hhoxxr to animate and en-
live their conceits and words, with pleafing, fir,
and moving adion.
. 3. Spirituall fervencie, when a /acred flame and
holy zeale is kindled in the heart and affedions, by
Godsfandifyingfbiritj whereby a man doth fee-
lingly and powerfiilly, with fenfe, experience, and
conlciencc, throw out the longings and fcrventap-
prehenfions of his heart. This laft is peculiar to
the Chriftian, the other may be fonnd in unfandi-
There may alio bee conceived three kinds of
coldnefle :
I. or difcretion 5 out of which a man may be
(oft and (bber in fpeech jbur weighty in his adions,
and powerfull in his exhortations.
3 . Of compledion ; when a man findified and
zealous in heart, arrd yet by reafon of his naturall
lelfeAnricbing examination.
indifpofidonj andeoIdniTeof conftitution, cannot
exprefle himfelfe outwardly, with halfe that zeale^
heat and fervency as he doth defire.
3. Of ungracioufhefle ; when a mans ibulc is
(b frozen in the dregs of finne , that he is fearfully
poflcft with a dulnefle and benummedncflc ot
heart, with d^^adnefle and drowfinefle of fpirit.
Now certaine it is, that fome unregeneratc men
by the aid and power of naturall and artificial! fer-
vencies may outwardly carry a fairer (he w of zeale
in the delivery of their prayer, and other holy in-
ftruftions, than fomefanftified men, who by their
nacurall indifpofition and coldnefle of completi-
on, arehindercd from exprelling outwardly all the
holy gracious heat that lies hid in their hearts.
Thusfarre,and in theft cafes the ftate of qnregencr
ration doth commonly partake of prayer : But that
holy grace and powerful! fpirit of prayer which
ever followes faving faith , and doth fweetly
fiiftaine the hearts of all Gods children in thegrea-
teft diflrelfeSj is another kinde of matter.
True Ghriftians doe not onely makeconfcience
of prayer in publike alfemblies, with the congre-
gation of the Saints, and in their private families
at home ^ (for thus/arre hypocrites and unregene-
ratc men may be drawwe : X but they have alfb ma-
ny carneft and hearty groanings, many deare and
precious conference?, much (weetand comforta-
ble communication with their graciousGodinfe-
crer. Nay, and befides their devotion at publike
prayer, thetr care in praying with their famines,
and their zeale in private prayer betwixt God and
n^he Saints
chenifcives^even incorapanyj Ne/je*v.2.4.and amid
the affaires of their caLing, they have many fud-
deB and fervent ejaculation?, upon every ftirring
of finne, and lefler aberration in their thoughts,
wordsj or carriages. Theyhave many broken fighs,^
and fpirituall (alliesjdarted out fuddenlyjand borne
of the prefent occafion, whereby with an inward
andinvilible fervencie, thev burnc upthefudden
(proutingsofmany fecret lufts.theyrcpell thebarty
aflaults of many (iidden temptations and entice-
ments, abandon and abominate many fearefull
thoughts starting op in their hearts, before they
be aware, which for their horriblenefle and hate-
f ulnefle, they are alhamed to utter toothers. They
have many feaet, fuddenjandinvifiblefpringings
and liftings up of the heart. in praifes and thankful-
neflTe, upon the receit and fenfe of every bJefling
and mercy, even for comfortable thoughts which
come into their owne hearts, for gracious fpeeches
which proceed from others, for many remarkable
palTagesof Gods providence, and bleflings in their
ordinary bufineflesand affaires of their calKng.&c.
Now to thefe two latter branches and praftifes
of prayer, to wit, in iecret betwixt God and a
mansfelfe, with many zealous wreftKngs, and ho-
ly importunities, for removall of corruptions, and
fupplyof grace^ and within a mans owne heart,
abroad in company, or amid his bufinefle, as oc-
cafionandneceflityis offered, with many fodden
fervent ejaculations to the throne of grace, with
many earnefV deprecations, and praifeftill exulta-
tions of fpirir, extemporall , and occafioned by
felfe-inrichihg examination. ] ijj
outward ocurrents, or other feafbnable objejS:?,
ofoed either to the minde or eye ; I fav to thofe
two pradifes of prayer, in a feeling and a fruitfuJl
manner, llnregenerate men are meere llranger? ;
It may bethey may have now and then ar fblemne
times, in fet places, perhaps upon fuperftirious oc-
caffonSj certaine fhort formall wjfhes, but when
they come home they areheartlefle cold, and per-
fundory, the off- springs of forme arid CLflome,
not of zeale and feeling. It may be now and then
they may catch a prayer booke into their hands,
when they have nothing el(e to doe, upon fbme
droufie melancholicke day, when (bmc grievous
crofleoraffiidion is upon rheiv family, when rhe
Sarramenr is towards. Sec, and there they may po^
over fbme cetaine prayers with artificial! action;
but to doe this with inward eeling and power of
the (piritjor ef ecially to be abletopowreout rhe
fbule in private before Go'^j with truefehfe offpi-
ritu.j}| wants, and of the weight of corruptions,
in that forme anci phrafe which groanings and mel-
tings of fpirit doe in. "ite and frame, is above the
ordinary reach and ftraine of the fl-are of unrege-
nerarion. I)' fbbe an unregenerate man being ur-
ged and moved by the Miniftery of the Word, to
this holy d»ty of private prayer^ and particular
conference betwixt God and himfeife, fhould fet
himfelfe to it forfome few turns,he could not pof^
fibly for his life hold out and continue. "For either
''praying will make him leave finning, or finning
'* will m:'ke him leave praying. Either bee will fb
turne Chriftian.andbe happily endued^acquainted
O a^d
The Saints
\ ' III
and excrciled with the precious grace of prayeijor
• clfe h€ will fall backe to prayerlefhefle, a wretched
; marke of agracelefle man. For heaity prayer unto
f Godinfecrct, cannot poffibly fpring from a heart
thitmaintaines&nuzlesin it felfc noyfbmclufts,
grofTe hypocrifiCj hatred to bee reformed, fomc
fecretfweetfinne, or a purpofe to goe on in any
lewd cour(e. A fet holy conference and converfing
wich God in private, and a delightfiill continuance
inanyoneknownefinne, cannot confiftandftand
together. They are incompatible, incapable, and
impatient oi Ibciety and cohabitation. A mans
prayer is to no purpofe, if he have a purpofe to lie
in any finne again ft his confcience. And what heart
or hope can he have to continue in prayer unto
God, time after time^ which ftiil in the meanc
time doth willingly and wilfully, withgreedinefle
embrace and fnatch at all occafions'^ tore-infeft
and pollute againe his fbule in the (enfiiall plea-
lures of his (weec finne* Certainly his continu-
ance in finne will quickly make him weary of pray-
ing, for he will be afhamed to open his mouth un-
to God, or to lift up his eyes unto Heave n , fith he
fees cleerly , and his owne conlciencc tels him, that
he but dallies and diflemblcs with that Almighty
Mi/eftie, before whom he ftands. For whereas a
little before in his prayer hepromifed obedience
and reformation^ prcfently after performcs no-
thing but rebellion and contempt ^and whereas he
r defired to bee purged and pardoned by the bloud
of Chrift, when he comes once into his old com-
1 pany, or is by any occafion tempted to his former
felfe^nriching examination.
vanities, plcafures or profits, hee pre(ently treads
under foot that precious bloudas a vile thing, bf
hiswillfull, refolute, and delightfnll running into
the fame finne. That ftv ingof David doih quickly
coole, and quench in him, all afFeflion to prayer,
PfaLeS, 1 8. // J regard mckedmJle in mine karty ike
Lord mil not hearetffe. So that efpeciaJIytheunrege-
rateman faints and faiJes in this point of prayer,
to wit, in powiingout his (bule in private before
God5with groanings and fervencie. But thechilde
of God, who is (andified by a found and faving
faith, and by the power and verrue thereof afTu-
red that God doth love him, and will grant kis
requefV, is excellent, and fervept, well acquain-
ted, and much converlant in this moft holy and
comfortable exercife of priviate prayer betwixt
God and hisowne fbule : He cfteemes it, and layes
hold upon it as thefurcf^and fatefl Sanctuary in all
hisdiftreilcs. His heart is Aveetly endeared unto
it, as the worthiefl: and noblefl jewellof all his fpi-
rituall endowments. His heart would even burfl j
forheavinefle, amid the variety of prophane and j
hcllifh vexations and cruelties, were it not dill re- •■
vived, fuftained, and refrefhed by an hearty and
holy conference with God, and with committing
his csofe, and caftinghimfelfe upon his providence j
by prayer. There is not a Chriftian but he is now 1
and then raged againfl by the world, roared at by
Satan, railed upon by prophane men 5 not onelyj;
great men, andihofethatfitinthegate, doe info- i
lently trample upon hisinnocency, but even drun- 1
kardsand bafe companions rent and reare his good \
O 2 name '
name with lies and fldndcrs, and lay things to his
charge many times which he never did, hee never
knev7. Now in this and the like cafes recoarie unto
God by prayer doth eafe his heart with joy un-
{peakable and glorious. When he heares what fal(e
tales and hatefiill lies are wickedly devifed and
fpread abroad of him, what cruelties and di(graces
are plotted againft him, he prefcntly cafts downe
himfelfe before the throne of grace, as didHcze-
chiah and David in like cafes, 2 King* 19,'PfaLy,
and there he receive fuch a refrefhingh^at of found
comfort, that the whole Sea of malice andbitter-
nafle which that roaring Dragon throwes out of
his mouth, or all the poylbnous fpighr of fcornfull
prophanenefle can never overwhelmeor quench.
He is there certified and latisfied by heavenly in-
rpirations, (for heavenly inrpirations from above/
and our hearty groanes, and holy defires alcen-
ding up, are as fo many Angels of cntercourfe and
commerce bstweene God and us) I iayheisther<^
afTured rbat all hii fufTefkigs and wrongs for
Chrifts fake, adde weight and glory to his crowne
of life.and that at length in defpightofall contrary
power and policy. His HghkoufmffePM be brought
fm'tb as the light, PfaL^y, a»d Bs^ Jttd^emeht as the^
nooneday. ■"' ' • ' • ' ■
Againe, when the true Chriftian is overtaken
with any infirmity by the rebellion of theflefh or
dragged by the violence of temptation, into fbme^ i
(candalous finne, he would not want the ufe and'
aid of the Ipirit of prayer for any worldly treafiire.
For after any (uch fearfull fall or relapl^, he finds
fetfeAnrichmg examination.'
hi mfelfe prefently in a very wofull and hcavie cafe,
for he hath thereby turned from him Gods favou- I
rable countenance, divine protedion, the guard of I
Angelsj and the good will of the creatures. God I
may jaftly upon it call him to a reckoning for all
his former rebe.'lions, draw his fecret hatefull pol-
lutions into the fight of the Sunne, and be re ven-
8:ed upon him in the open veivvof the vvorldi for
his moft hidden abominations. He feesbefides^that
by this finne he hath weakned and wounded many
particular graces in himlelfejinward peace, fpiritu-
all joy, cheerfulnefle in godly exerci(es5Confidence
in prayer, zeale in reproving others, boldnefle in
his wayes : Thefe things I (ay the childe of God
fees, andfeeleSj andfeares, after a relapfc orsew
fall into finne : Now in this cafe the comfortable
grace of prayer is more worth unto him than the
whole world : Hee prefently jals inro hisgroanes
andfighsj and ftrong cries, for reconcilement and
reftirution into Gods favour. Hee dare not many
times for his life ftirre from the place of his guilti-
neflcj untill hee have throwne downe himfelfe be-
fore the Majefty of God, and by the power of j
prayer laid holdupon his mercy feat, wreftledand i
ftruglcd with him for anew bleffing, for remiffion j
of that finne, and foby confequent for the retnrne I
of his favourable countenance, re-acceptance un-j'
der the wings of his protcftion^ removall of his i "
judgements^ and reftitution to former peace of,
confcience, inward joy, and all other comfortsof , i
godiinefle. And by the grace of God his faichfuU U
and fervent prayer prevailcs for theattaiflment of j!!
^3 ''-^
The Saints
(6 great mcrciesj and for the viccgmplifhrnent of
fo excellent things, being joyned with (bund re-
pentance, true hatred, and a relblute purpofe a-
gainft that finne for afterward.
Infinite moe are the bleflcd fruits and employ-
ments of this holy grace of prayer, in the whole
courfe, ard various paflages of a Chriftian life,
which no unfaithfiill man doth, or can poflibly
know, feele or enjoy. The fpirit of prayer doth
worke in the heart of a (bund Chriftian many fe-
cret exultations, fpirituall raviihments , ftrong,
though filent cries, Ex$d. 14. 15. pallionace mel-
tings, unutterable ^roanes^zealous longings, which
are riddles, and ridiculous to prophane men, but
the Paradife and prerogative of Qods children.
This blcffed fpirit of prayer ftirred powerfully in
Hannah^ when (he fpake in her heart, moving only
her lips, her voyce being not heard, i Savhu
This fpirit polIeffedH«S(?/^4/l, artd the Prophet
ifaiah, the fonne o^Amot^ when they cryed to hea-
ven in their prayers againft satte'^herib. 2 chro»^ 3 2.
20. Such was the heat and fers^cncic of their
hearts, that their (uitsand (upplications pierced the
heavens, an.f pre(ented themfelvcs with an holy
importunity, and humble violence in thepre(enc^
of God.
Th!s(pirlt of praverfet fuchanedejeandarden.
cieupon Davids atfe^tons, that his foule opened
it (elfe with an onfatiable grccdineCe after grace,
asthci^rflylani. The earth wee know being fcor-
ched wkhalongdrought, doth open it felfe with
rifts and crannies, and greedily gapes towards
felfe4nriching examination.
Heaven, as though ic would dcvourc the clouds for
want of moi fture. , A femblable fpif iiuall thirft ri-
(eth in the heart, throughly heated with the zea-
lous ftirrings of the ipirit of prayer.
This fo meJted the hearts of the Ifraelitesj Lam.
2. 1 $r. that they paoprgd out their foukt Iks ^^^f"- be-
fore the face of the Lord. To conclude the point,
the gracious fpirii, and fpirituall gr^ce of prayer^
doth many times make requefts in thofe hearts
which are jun^ijiedhji faiths Hof^. 8.t ^. vfiihgroams
andfighs^ whkhc&nmi h txptjjed^ and is ever a cer-
taine and intallible marke of a (bund and favitig
I o. Tenthly, comfort in diftf efle, joy in tribu-
lations, glorying in aft ifi'ions, give norable tefti-
monics and aflurance of a juftifying faith. Bdng }*«
flijied by faith, faith Faul KW/.5.1.&C. befidcs peace
with god,accefre unto hisgrace^ hope of his glory:
H'ealfo re)oyce ta tribulation, k^Tfpwg that tribulation
brin^ethforthpatience^ and patience experience ^ andeoc-
perience bope^ and ho'^e maketh not apamed. By the
powcrof this faith the Apoftles, Aci.'y^^i, ke)of'
ced that they tfierecdrmtedtporthy to fuffer rebuke for hit
Name. Untiil a man hiye made God his Patron,
rent his earthly and groveling affeftions from
worldly pleaiures, caft himfelfe with humility, pa-
tience afld contentment upon divine providence,
committed his (bule unto him, as unto afatthfuU
Creator, which hee cannot doe for his lire^ until!
by the hand of faith hee hdth laid hold upon the
Crown e of life 5 I (av until then hce cannot finde
true and found comfort in hisdiftrefles. Then only
Tlie tenth
naaikcof (a*
ving faith.
1 i84-
TT)€ Samtt
IS the ibule armed againft all adverfiry power^able
to erufh and countermand all erodes and contradi-
dion, whenitHath fweetly and ftrongly repofed
k felfe upon the comforts of Heaven ^ and the
joyes of another life. If wee faften our affedions
to any earthly excellencie, they will ftill be in tor-
ture, anguifhanddefpaire, as itihallvanifh, alter,
or die ^ but if once we plant oar refuge above, and
our comfort in a fweet fruition of God, and a fee-
ling apprehenGon of his prefence, it will eafily
overmatch any worldly fbrrow, hold out againft
the mines both of Heaven.and Earth, being infi-
nitely above all cafiialties, and utterly without all
uncertainties. This happinefle cannot befall any
unregenerate man, becanfe without faith hee can-
not bee aflbred of any better ftace after this life
than he prefcntly enjoyes,
: And therefore when he is mainly crofTed in his
worldly courfts, he is utterly caft downe and com-
fortlede. It may bee while chiefe carnall content-
ment is not fliaken or hazarded 5 while hee may
freely enjoy his fweetand darling finne, hee will
lioldout reafbnable well againft other miferiesand
IafHidions 5 but if once he be croft in the crowne of
^ his worldly comforts, and in thatparticuiar which
he makes his heaven upon earth ^ hee is presently
put of the world as they fay^ and weary of his li fe.
Hee i& heartlefle and hopclefle in matters of r ca-
ven, and therefore when his earthly ftay is gone,
heftampsandceareshishaire, hee raves and rages
like a forlome and comforrlefle wretchrFor exam-
ple J the CQvetous man can well enough wade^
felfe-inricbing examination.
thorow other croifes^ while he hath the wedge of
go'dtogaze upon ^ but deprive him of that, and
how neare is hce to madnefle, making himfclfe
away, defpaire^ orfbme other hell of difcontent ?
The ambitious man, while heeglifters in bravery
and precedencie, can make a (hift to (catter and
difperle the mifts of melancholy, and inferiour
vexations, butturnc him out of his golden fetters
of greatnefle in the world, and hee hath no joy in
fhe world ; he rather makes choice of anyconfo-
fion, than difcontinuance from! honour and high
place. See Haman cro(b in his expeftation of
worldly refpeft.H^y?. 5. 13. And LatonusX\\\i% there
is no comfart in croiTes unrofaithlelfemen ; Every
kindeof affliftionftingshim, but if it light upon
theirchkfe worldly comfort, it even ftabsthem
to the heart , but if upon their minde it turnes
them as it were into, hell upon earth ; For what
more raging torment can there be, than the biting
of a guilty confcience, without the balme of faith >
Thefphitofa fpian will fitftaine his otiisr wfin/nties ^ but
aTS^oimdedfpiritvfhocanbeare* Bleflcd then is the pre-
cious grace of taithj. which after it bee once plan-
ted in the heart, puis out the fting of* every crofle
and affliftion that befels the true Chriftian and
fweetens all their bitternefles, with the onely at-
tention, and certaineexpedtation of future glory.
It alone can turne the tremblings and terrours of
confcience into triumphs ^ the fcoffes and flanders
of a fpightfull tongue, into a crowne of comfort -
Io(ie of friends or goods, intoalonging after ever-
lafting riches.^ and. the company of the Saints ^
Theater of
Gods judgc-
T7;^ Saintf
weaknes of bodyjand want of w ealch,into ftrcngth
of foule, and plenty oFfpirituall graces. What tor-
rent of finite 8c worldly croflcscan fwell (b high,
which the hand of faich clafped about an imrnor-
tdllCrowne, cannot divert or drie up } What bit-
tern efle, what gall can fpring either out of the bot-
tomeof hell, or oat of the depth of a prophane
fcornfuU heart, which the fweet fruition of (piri-
tuall comforts by the power of faith cannot digeft >
ThisaflTures the childe of God amid his triall and
temptation, that never Goldfmich did fo watch
over his Gold in the fire that it wafted not, as his
graciousGod tends upon him to give him a comfor-
table iflue and glorious deliverance induefeafbn:
That he caft him into the fire of afflidi-ion, not to
burne and confurae him, but to fine him,and make
him more orient in his fight ^ even as the Diamond
by often and much rubbing is more bright & beau-
tifiill.That this is the beaten path to heaven, which
all the glorious Saints have troden before him,
and all the fonnes of God muft follow him in to
the worlds end. That thus he is made conform ble
unto his head Chrift Jcfiis, and ^tttd for the fpirtt
and glory of God to refi tepo n hiffti r Vet, 4. 1 4. That the
Lordmll never lay more upon him than he l^allheM to
beare 5 and howfbever that all the affli&ions of this
pref e fit life ^ are ^^(4 nearevporthy of the ^lorj which is to
be revealed. That the wholebodyof the Commu-
nion of Saints fend outprayers and groynes for his
deliverance out of what calamity foever.Such con-
fiderations as thefe being apprehended by the
power of faitbj doe mightily and {eafbnably com-
lelfe-inricbing examination.
forcrhe true Chriftian in all diftrefTes andafflidi-
ons whatfbever. And therefore I make true and
found comfort in diltrefle, a fpeciall marke of a
(aving faith.
But againft this point it may be objefted :
Firft, If itbefbj that (uch a deale of comfort
be the portion of true Chriftians, and that in trou-
bles and diftrefles too 5 how comes it topaffethat
good fellowes and prophane men arc many times
more merry and pleafant in their carriage and con-
verfation than Gods children } and that they can
drive away their melancholy heavie-heartednefle,
their dumps and dilcomforts, with merry compa-
ny, pleafant fports, and the revellings of good fel-
lowfliip, whereas tho(e which you call true Chri-
ftian55and - odsfaithfullones, by their ftriiSnefTe
and preci/enefle abridge themfelves of many
worldly comforts, and doe not laugh fb heartlyj
live (b merrily, or enjoy the world (o chtcrfuUy as
others. '
1 anlwer ^ Thereis a rvaphat feemeth right ^nd plea-
fant/^ <* prophane maffj but thi- ijfues thereof arc the
r»ay&s of death. Even in laughing the Ixart is ferrovpfull ,
i»dtheend of that mirth is heavinejffe, Frov. 1 4. 1 2, 1 3.
i- llnfanftifi^d men take not finne to heart, chey
put farre from them the evill day ^ they make no
confcience of their company, and prophane pa-
ftimes, they make a covenant with death, andan agree-
ment mth hell ; and therefore no marreU thou h
they rejoyce in the face, make a great bulling in
the world, and with their boyf^erous and imperi-
ous ruffling, out-fwagger andovei>top others ^ but
•_ poore
Sec Syd-Jcs
/ij^oU.^. a.
See ivhiUky
Rcdcmp. of
T^he Saints
povjrc iULiieSj ifoeir rejcycmgis dfjdjjff the face:, andfu>p
in the heart '^ they have fmiiingcountenances^ but
bleeding confciences. A comforrable heart, and
coQipoled countenance, may bee Iweet compani-
ons , when inward joy and loud laughter may
dwell farre enough afiinder^ amidil their pleafant
(porrs, andgreateftdelighrSj they are many times
twitcht and ftung with inward bitter gripings, and
fearfuUflaQics of helliQi torment, e/peciallyatthe
remembrance of their death, ^nd of the judgement
to ceme.
It is their property and pradice indeed, becaufe
they want all inward and (bund conlforts in their
miferies and affliftions, to flie unto outward mirth
for eafe and refrefhing, and to remove the di(com-
forts of their hearts by worldly delegations. So
^^»/ called for muficke when he was troubled with
an evillfpirit. When CamwsiS caft into the hell of
confcience, his nephew T'^W was faine to invent
mufick, that he might have fbmefolace in outward
things. To this purpofc carnall men when they
feele terrour of confcience comming upon them,
and feare defpaire ^ they u(e their times, their
friendsjtheirfamiliarsjtheir meat. their driiik with
all thepaftime can bee devifed to rejoycethcm-
(elves withal!. They caft themfelves into merry
company, that they may put away their dumps, as
they call them. But wretched men, for them to run
to prophane playes, tafteleffe (ports, outward
mirth, merrv company, to drive away melanchiv
lyand heavie-heartednede for (innc ^ '' Is as if
'^ for the cure and remedy of the tooth-ach, a
Jelfe-inrictnng examination.
'■^ man fhould knock out his braines ^ or when he is
**ftungwith aWafpc, ftiouldrub the (ore with a
"nettle^or as ifa fbolifh patient, when hefeeles no
" eafeby Phyfickjfhoiild run ro witchcraft ^ eras if
**^ a man would cure a fore finger by cutting off the
" arme 5 or as if he would cure the blemifli of the
^*^ eye-fight, by pulling out the eyes 5 or as if hee
^' would quench thirft by ginng poyfon to drinke 5
*^^or astofave a man from drowning inaboyfte-
«^ rous tempeft, he would caft him out of the boat
"into the Sea.' Remedies farre more poylbnous
'and pedilentiill than th^ malady, for theyeithcrt
plunge them deeper and more defperatcly into
the dungeon of melancholy, or el(e drawonely
over a skinne, that the feire may rankle and fe-
fter lender more dangeroufly. ^hus though' they
fteere ip the face^ and Jboke bigge in lbs World,
certaine if is there is riofbimd comfort, or wvt>ard
peace toihmch^d : And while they procure carnall
contentments for their mournful! foules; and ia^
hour to uphold their heans with outward m?rrK
and finfull pleifitres^ they apply a Venomous plai-
ner to their (ore, drinke ftrong' and fan''<e poy-
fon for a medicine, and prop up their roofe wiih
butn^ng fire-brands. , It isnbt fb with the Saints of
God, ^d thofe that arei fanftificd by fatrh; They
have indeed (and in that refped are blelTed and
happy) many motions, caufes and occafions of
(adneflcj which good^f^owes are not acquainted
with, or take to heart. • They are man^'ti mes trou-
bled and diftrefied in their thoughts' with their
owne finnes> with the finnes of others, with the
j iniquities
Were ic not for
fisne, what
(houjd make
fad the heart
of aChriftian?
n^be Saints
miquidesof the times^ with the afflictions of the
Church) with doobts about fbrae cafe of confci-
ence, which byreafon of the prefent Creadon is
to be (uddenly refblved upon, with care for a right
and confcionabledifchargeofthe duties of their
calling : For fbme fecret temptation or enticement
Suddenly fuggeftcd, for fbme wicked thoughts ari-
fingln their hearts, or fome pfophane^ ofFenfive or
unprofitable fpeech, which hath unadvifedlypaf^
fed him ; or other gestures or adions which may
bee fcandalous. But CidnefTe ancF folemnefTe in
thefe caf^s^ and for thefe caufes, begets in their
heart joy unffieakablc arid glorieus, inward peace,
and heavens of comfort ^ whereas prophane revt 1-
Jngai.^nd finfull delights^ breeds melancholy in
the- mindevheavinefTe in the heart, andihevporme
l^^^W^\?r<^/eJJ, in the confeifence of wicked men. Is
not that forrow a thoufand thoufand times more
fweet) which is intermingled with glimpfes and in-
ilifion of heav^nry light, and endlefTe joyes, than
that, joy which is mixed with the gaule of guilti-
neffe, and flafhes of hell fire > The unhallowed
difports, and loud laughters of prophane men^ arc
rruficke for hell, and the devils wakes. But every
tcare of atruc Ghriftian heartily and feafbnably
fhedin Gods daufe, orforhis owne corruption, is
farre more worth than a Kings ranfome, for the
Lord preferves that in bis owne bottle, as a Jewell
of Heaven. Let noworldlingthen braggeof his
mirth, or godly man complaineof his monrriing
(brrow^ For hee thatfonref in tearejfiaU reapem]ey:
And he that hath his heaven of worldly pleafures
, ;. ______ ^^re,
fcJ/e-inriching examination . I i p i
here, (liall be (ure aF hisheJI of cndlefTe torments
hereafter. BefideSj this is a (peciall priviledgc of
Godschilde, that though all the world (hould for-
fake him, and he fliould be mainly crofl: in his chie-
feft eauhly contentmentSj yet this one conceit
of his being an heire of heaven^ and in Gods fa- j
vour, doth infinitely more comfort him, than all.|
outward mirth, or the fovreraign^y of the whole |
earth can refrelh a diftreflcd worldling. Let no !
man then plead for the pleadire of good- fellow- j
(hipj {oi thereis ndpeace^ [aith my God^ to the wkJ^J*
Let no man take offence at the oarward troubles
of the Chndhu, fur ihs cffd of t/jat /yvaff) vvhofbever-
ihchCi is peace.
It may be objeded (econdly, that many wicked
men, which have not (b much as a ihadow of fa-
ying faith, no fparkeof grace, or any tafte of the
true feare of God^ are fomctimes very bold/eare-
lefleand confident in great diflFefles, lore afflidi-
ons, and intollerable tortures , and therefore it
leemes they carry comfort and cheerfulnefle in
their hearts, which begets fueh ftrange patience
and confidence m their countenance and cariages.
I anfwer ^ That confidence in aliiidions and
vexations which appeares in the countenances and
cariages of unfan^tified men, doth not fpring from
any true and found comfort in the heart, or from
the blefled infpiration of Gods holy ipirit, as it
doth in faithflill Chriftians^ but from other odde
caufes, orfalfe grounds.
I . In fome^ from an affeftion of an opinion of
I undauntednefle of fpirit, and high rcfolution. It is
r reported
The Saints
repoiccaot an irilh iraicourj that wnenhclayin
ftrange anguifhon the wheele, an engine of cruell
torture^ with his body bruiled, and his bone bro-
kenj he asked his friend whether he changed coun-
tenance at all or no 5 (b caring as k leemes more for
an opinion of defperate maalinefle, and uncon-
querablenefle of his tortures , than for the moft
cruell and extreatneft rtnting and vexation of his
body. '
2 . In (brae, from a conceit pf the morall good-
nefleof their cau(e for which theyfufFer. But this
patience proceeds not from any inftind of Reli-
gion, but from the power of morall vertue, and
fuch may bee called morall Martyrs. Tfiere were
many of them anciently among the heathens. It is
ftoried of a certaine Captaine, who had longman-
fulh' and worthily withftood Dionyjtus the Tyrant
in defence of a City, that he fuftained with great
patience and height of fpiritj-the Tnercile(?e fury
of theTyrantj ahdall his cruelties. Firft-, the Ty-
rant told him. that theday before he had caufed
his fbnne, and all his kinsfolks to bee drowned :
The Captaine looked bigly upon him', butanfwe*
rednorhingbutthisj that they were more happy
than himftlfe by the {pace of one day. Afterward
he cauled htm to be Oripped. and by his executio-
ners to be taken and dragged thorow the City in a
mo*tharbaroiisand hateful! manner, xruelly whip-
ping him. and belides, which is the utrnoft zv.d up-
Oiotof indi8;nities, throwing at him ourragious
■ir\d difdainfiill Speeches : Notwithftanding all
wbichj the Capraine as no whitdifmayed, fhewed
felfeAnmhingtxAmination. \ 192
a conftant and refoltite heart 5 and with a cheerfull
and bold countenance went on ftillJoudJy recoun-
ring the honourable and glorbus caufe of his
death, which was, that he would never confcnt to
yeeld hisCountrey into the hands of a crueli Ty-
rant. Such power (bmetime had morall verc.ie,
and love unto an honeft caufejto holdup the hearts
of heathens, amid moft cxquifitc paincs, and
bloudy tortures.
g. In ibme, this confidence in diftrefle doth
arife out of a defperate hardnefle of heart. It is to
bee feene in fome notorious aiyilefaftors , whoft
hearts, a long continuance in prophane villanies, a |
furiouspurfiaitofbloud and outrages, and the jult
car(e of God upon them,hath fo enfrozen and em-
marbkdjthat they arc fcnfiefle & fearlefle of what-
fbevcrcan befall them. So that though they bee to
pafle thorow the ftreets as (peftacles of (hame and
mi(erie, as hatefull monfters, and the reproach of
mankinde, to be throwne into a dungeon of dark -
nefle and difcotofort, and there to be loaden with
cold irons, coldnefle and want 5 from thence to
bee hurried to the gallowes, that fhamefull and
much abhorred place, from which, without ex-
traordinary repentance, they are immediately to
fall into the fiery Lake 5 yet I fay fci all this, out of
a defperate hardneCeof heart, they feeme ftill to
be1n heart, and beare them(elves very boldly and
confidently in tlieir countenances and cariages., O
the bottomlefle and unfathomed deceits of our
rorrupt hearts, and the murthcrous furie of the
P 4. In
1^ he Saints
4. in Ibme it may fpringe from falfe groundsj or
groundlcffe per^afionsof being in Gods favour,
and the ftate of grace. And this may beibmetimes
informall Chriftians, inthegreateftof diftreflcs,
upon their death-beds : Out of confideration of
their former life, which hath not beene ftained
with any great notorioufiiefTe, cw infamous (inne;
Out of their inveterate prejudice, anddilftafte of
fincerityj as of too much prcci(eneffi:_, and per-
haps by the unleafbnable comforts of ffeine onskil-
fcill, andunfincere Minifter, which minifter com-
fort unfeafbnably, or the like, in that laft extremi*
tie, (the Lord not revealing onto them the tin-
(bundnefle of their (piritaall eftate, and the rot-
tenneffe of their hopes) they may bee cheerftiH
and comfortable^ but God knowes without any
juft caafe, or true ground. Their counterfeit com-
fort in this cafe doth as farre differ from that of the
true Chriftians, as an imaginary dreameof Gold,
from reall pofleffion of Gold.
5 . In others jafurious milgroanded and unwar-
ranted zeale, an impudent and peremptory con-
ceit, that rhey fuffer in the caufe of God^ and for
the glory of Religion, may b^et great boldnefle,
refducion atid cheerfiilnefle amid the tourouTsof
death, and in theprefence of their torturers and
executioners. This unhallowed filrypofreffcd ma-
ny heretikes of old apon this felfe ground ; the
Donatifts in the fonrth Century after Chrift, fuf-
fered death mod: couragioufly. And fo likcwi(e
did the Heretikes calkd Euphemtie, which for the
naultitudcof their fuppoled Martyrs, would needs
felfe4nrkhing examination.
be called M^r/;mfflf. It appeares aifa inHiftories^
thatTurksj and Tartars, and Moores^ both fight
and die moft refohitelj, for the blafphemous op\-
mon^ o^ Mabcm^U And how the AfTafins, that
were a ieft erf" def perate catrthroats^ which would
adventure defperately to cft^atch [whomibever
their General! would command them to murther,
died oftentimes moft conftantly, and with un-
dauntednelTeof fpirit .^ and this they accounted a
(peciall point of Religion. But ^fpeciaily at this
day thePopifliPfeodomartyrs, indeed true Trai-
tors, are ftarke mad with this foperftitious rage.
^TheyM drinkc deepeof the empoyfoned Cup of
ih^ahon^atiotts of the vekon ofBahyton^ who is her
(ejfe already drunk§ mth the Mond of Saints , itad
mth the bloui of the Martyrs of lefm 5 and then
they grow fierce and furious in greedinefle and
thirft after the temfxirall bloud of Kings, and of
whomsoever withftands their accuriedfuperftitioDj fj
by plotting, and many times ading treafons, Pa-
ricides, empoyfonings, mines of whole Nations,
blowing up of Parliaments, barbarous maflacres,
and a world of bloudy mifchiefes^ which caft a
(hame and ftaine nponthe innocencieof Chrifti-
an religion ^ and alfo after the fpirituall bloud of
foulest by infefbing and empoyfbning them with
thdixdoBrines of devils : At laft they come to Ty-
burne, or fome other place of juft execution, and
!then they will needs beare the world in hand, they
are going towards Heaven to receive a Crowne of I
• Martyrdome.They will (ecmc already to triumph^ f
to contemne tortures, to trample upon the tribu- 1
P 2 nals i
Epipba, Her.Zv
A Brownift
told Mr. i»f.
and othcrSjthat
he bad more
comfo; rafter
his forbearing
our affemblie?,
and abftaining
from herring
the Word with
had before.
A lightning of
Satans Angeli-
call glorymight
ip((j The S aims
nalsof juftice, tokiflethe inftruments of death, in-
figne of bleflings prefently to be enjoyed, to throw
out many refolute and rejoyciBgfpeeches among'
the people, as though they had one foot in hea~
ven already, when alas poore blinded and mifgui-
dedfoules, in this wilfull and deiperate abando-,
ning their lives, upon a groundlelTe and gracelefle
conceits that they (hall purchafc a CrovvTieof Mar-
tyrdome ^ they are like a poore wretch; which ly-
ing afleepe upon the edge of an high and fteepe
rocke, dreamesthat he is made a King, attended
with a glorious traine of Nobility, furniflied with
(umptuous Palaces, and (lately buildingj inriched
with the revenewes, Soveraingty, and pleafures
of a wholeKitigdome, but upon tifc (udden (t^r-'
ting up, and leaping for )oy, fals irrecoverably in-
to the mercilefle devouring Sea, and (b in lieu ofhis
imaginary Heaven and happine(ie, kils him(clfe,
and loo(eth that little comfort he had in this mi(e-
rable life. That accurled and damned paire of in-
carnate devils, the Engli(h Fanpkesyand French Ra-
villiac^ the one after that in the Popes cau(ehee
had embrued his hands in the (acred bloud of a
King (for by his murderous hand, the royall bloud
of the late French King, is yet frcfh in the (beets
of ?mi) the other after hee had done his be(l, or
rather his worft, to blow up at once the glory
power, wi(clome5 the Religion, peace and poftc^
rity of^ the moft renowned and vidorious dare
under the Heavens, were both prod igioudy bold,
confident and peremptory. But was this courage
/ thinke you, in(pired into them by them by the lio»
I of
felfe4nriching examination. i ip y
oftketribeofJuda^ already rriumphaat in the Hea-
vens, or by that roaring Dragon of the bottom-
lefie pit ? A man of an irapartiall underftanding
anddifcerningipiric, would (carcely wifh a clearer
demonftrdtion of the truth, and Orthodoxnefle of
our Religion, thantomarkethe. difference of the
ends of oar blefied Martyrs in Queen Maries time,
and of thofe Popifli traitors which are fbmetimes
executed amongfi: us. They feeme both bold and
cheerfull towards their ends, but in thePieudo-
Martyrs at Rome, it is (b enforced, formall and
artificial! ; Their prayers are (b unhearty, plod-
ding, and perftindory, their carriage (b unlike the
Saints of God, and without thole feefing elevati-
ons oi fpirit , which are wont to fill the /bules
which are ready to enter into the joyes of Heaven,
that aman feen into the myftery of godlineffe^ and
acquainted with the power oF fandification, mjy
clearly fee their comfort in thefe cafes to be of no
higher ftraine than moral! relblmion, and Urong
conceit of herefie can reach unto. It is othe» wife
with the true Martyrs of lefus, that have their in-
nocent bloud fpiltby the purple whore of K^as??,
as we may fee and feele in that glorious Martyrio-
logie of our Saints which were flaughtered in
Queene Afarksvme. They had (iichanholyand
humble Majefty in their carriages, fuchadcaleof
Heauen, and fbberun -auntednefTe in their faces,
fuch fpirituall ravifhments and joyful! fpringings
inthgf hearts, luch grace and powerful! piercings
in their (peeches, fuch zealc and hearty meltings
in their prayers, fuch holy triumphs, and heavenly
P 3 exultations
T^he Saints
exultations amid the flames, that it was more than
manifeft both toHeavcnand Earth, to Men and
to Angels, tliat their caufewasthc caufe of God,
their murtherer that fnanefjixne^ their bloudthe
(eed of the Churchjtheir (bales the jewels of Hea-
ven, and their prefentpaflage the right and ready
way to that unfading and moft glorious Crowne
of Marcyrdome. That which in fidion wasfathe^
red upon father Campion^ was. moft true of every
one ofour Martyrs^ that every man might (ay with
heavie heart that ftood by^Here fpeaks a Saintjhere
dies a Lambe, hereflowes the guiltlelTe bloud.
Thus you have heard what counterfeit com-
forts, what falfe caufes, and (andy foundations
there may be of boldnefTe, confidence and cheere-
fulne(Ie in mifcrics, a69idicms and diftrefles. But
the comfort which in the(e ca(es (prings from a
(bund and faving faith, is ever true and fare, of a
(bber and (anftified temper, enlived with the holy
warmth of the light of Heaven^ mingled with a
true tafte of everlafting pleafiires, fupplied conti-
nnally with fre(h ftreames/rom the bottomles and
boundle(re Sea of all and endlefle comforts. It is
not enforced, formall, artificial!, furious, de(pe-
rate, mi(ground'^d, ambitious, in the face onely,
orforafpirt, (uchmay be found in reprobates. It
were nothing worth if ftrangers might meddle
with it ^ if men, or devils, or the whole world
could take it from us : If it were fuftained onely
by any created power^ or arme of fleflk This
pearle, this Jewell, is of an higher price, and^more ,
noble ftampe, than the (tate of unregeneration
I <
felfe'inriebing exam'mation.
can poffible purchafe or comprehend. It hath
its feat a (andified fbule 5 for its fountaine , the
(pirit of comfort ^ for its foundation , the fa-
vour of God 5 for its warrant, the promifcs of
AfTftn, tlMtfaiihjytt andtrnzmtrnfft ^ for its objeft,
a Crowne of immortality ^ for its continuance,
the prayers of all the Saints ^ for its companions, a
good confeiencc, inwardpeace^joy in the Holy Ghoji ^
for its end and perfbdiioTiypt/mffe cf]oy^ andpka-
fures at Gods right hand, for evermore. In a word, the
Chriftians comfort in diftrefle, rifingfrom an afTu-
rance of Gods favour through Chriftjand of e verla-
fting happinefle, by a true and fruitfull faith, doth
as fill differ from all the vaine and,counterfeit com-
forts^ the unhallowed and groundlefle confidences
of what unrcgenerate men fbever, as the reall poA
feffion of Gold, from an imaginary dreame of
Gold : As the true and natarall grape, which fils
and glads the heart, from the painted grape, that
onely feeds the eye : As the apples of £</?», from
tho^QO^ Sodom y which being faire to the fight, if
touched doe turne to duft in the hand : As a flrong
and mighty Oke,rooted deeply in thecarth.which
no ftorme ©r tempeft can difplant or overtume,
from a ftatfc or flalke fhicke lightly into the
ground, which every hand may fnatch away, or
blaft of wind fupplant and overthrow.
Thus farre of the marks and notes of a found
andftving faith, by which if a man beedifpolcd,
and fet his heart toit^he may eafily (ee,and clearlv
judge, whether hee be endued and fanftified with
a true and joflifying faith, or fouly deceive his
P 4 o\vne
The Saints
ownc heart, about his fpiri mail eftate, in conten'-
tinghimfelfewichfomefalfe faith, or that which
is infiiScisnt to falvacion. Yet becaufe a tempora-
ry faith may goe farre, makes a goodly fhew, and
deceives thoulands, I will fingle it out, and ftt
downefome markes of difference in /peciall and
particular betwixt it, and faving faith, though
all the former marks delivered before, diftinguilh
a jufti: ying faith from all other kinds of faiih what-
soever. ■: ,;v:-v:i".
I. Firfl; amanfandHfied by (aving faith v^ll fuffer
no (in to raigne and rule in him, he will not lie, and
live with delight and willing consent in any one
finne whatfoever, though never fb pleafureftilJ
profitable, or refpeftfull in the world. Whofoeveris
ho^mofGodJtniaethfJot^ (on this faftiion) neither caa
iefinm^ becaufe he ishorr^ of God, (aith lohn^ lEpifi^
5.9. that is^ with purpose, pleaftKc, andperfevc-
rance : ^^Hee doch not walkeorlieinfinnej hec
doth not ferve and obey it. The realbns are 5
; I. TijefeedofGodreff/ameshi'ihif^,iIoL'^i^.that
is the hoi V fpirit by a (acred and (andif^ing power,
doth wound. the head, and breake the heart of
finne, doth fo farre mafter and fubdueit, that it
bcares no mare fvvay and foveraignty over him. By
hishoiyfireheburnesupamans lufts^ and blowes
up the holds of his- fweec- finne, aiid.wrefts the
•) cJlC. ffjfi! -^frrV- ' ?l'/i ''i;f{ !
nobii cbniim ad^nflifattkneir^ mc iritdlius tfi propter pTfcuta m^rai Si fnimhu credo, quomodt
j ,Utdiinid,p> quo iUffrrtHlii mertc m?Si hac tredf^qu^ IIU ad ]s^l(icatmerA minmfurrexityquo-
m.d'i'iHi.ljiuk f'acitt'lHfilfi(iiiir^oe6iChr\HHi tantHmmodb, ^ui nevatn tm>>i()itinplo nfur-
reCiloniiipfufufct^ftunt, &ve^tjht»]^^itjte., atque m^maiuindumentaviUitcakfammoxtu
a^jiciuMiy ttc. Or/g adRbmt qu,i,(aj),^_ * ybi re^nat ^rofojitumpecfofulif iijifidncitiPLiflti(or-
Markes of dif-
ference be f.vixt'
ravi;»g and tem-
po, my faith.
Ezech iS-ar.
Jam J. 10.
Ezcch. 18.10.
Math. J.I 9.
Si coHf.-rnxeri-
«/? jttliiua cjf
in naiUa-evha
amlukrntu ^
fecundu] ifliLam
rcxii nubuChri-
(l!44 a:ljufiifi<.a-
Uiin:m ;ioftri»fti
(f vt /rjndum
tenm hominem
tum aUibiii ftiii
fed in ihjuliinn
vivim'My audio
dice} t quod n/a-
dntn r if in exit
Jelfe-mricbing examination*
Scepter out of the hands of naturall corruptionj
fb that there is no reigning and domineering of
linne inafandifiedman.
2. H^ that hittkhrs hope '^ that isj which by a lively
faith groweth into aflurance and certaine expeda-
tion of feeing God, purgeth himfelfe as hee ispwe.
Every manmuft be a Puritan in thlsfenfe, if hee
v^ill bee faved. Hee muft pull the reines out of the
bands of finne, and fuffer the power of grace to
wade and confiime his rebellious corruptions.
5 . Hee hath refpe&toaU Gods CommandemtfiU :
Alihislawesanhfonh'mj as D.^^^ifpeaks of him-
fclfc, rfaL I S.verf 2 2,-* y,. And therefore heedorh
not nourilh and nuzle willingly and delightfulJy
any finne in his heart and life, againft the light of
hisconfcience, and fight of his Commandements.
Hcemay finne of Ignorance, yea, of knowledge,
and with Ibme kindeof willingnfelTe too fbmtimes, j
for I take the place in li^Jmnoi to bee underflood |
fimply of the ad of finning, but of the tenr.ur,
courfe^ and race of mans life 5 ib that he doth not
Hie, continue anddelightiii anv one finne : He dorh
not fuffer it to reigne and rule in him, it doth not
keepe him in bondage or flavery to his lufts, for ik
feed of G(fd, his fandifying (pirir, and the power of
grace remaifieifihim ^ which narrowly watch over
the rebellions of the flefh, and ftand at ftavesend
with every corruption : And if ar any time he be
overtaken with fome infirmitic, or by the furious:
craftinefle of Satan, and the finfull infinuation of
his owne flefh, be dragged back e to fbme old finne
of hisunregeneration^ they never fuffer him to be
The Saints ^
acquiec, or enjoy himfdfcj untill bygroancsand
figh?5 and ftrong cries, hee hath turned the mcrci-
full Sun-fliine of Gods favourable countenance to-
wards him againe^ untill hee hath deprecated his
judgements and curfes due unto that finnc 5 untill
he be received againe under the wings of his pro-
teftion, and refblved upon a more zealous and
fanftified carriage af'-erwards. Anduntillby humi-
liation,repentance,and breaking his heartjhe hath
difmift thit, and all other finnes with morcfpe-
ciall loathing and deteftacion. This power then
and privilege then hath faving faith in every man,
whole heart it hath fully pofleft, and thorowly (an-
ftified, that it de-thrones, throwes downe, and
difcepters finne from its former raignc and Sovc-
raignty. It inspires the true Chriftianwith a gra-
cious refolution,nevermorctogivcany quiet har-
bour, or delightful! entertainment to any one
finne, againft any of Gods Commandements. And
if he fall vpon infirmity, it pre(ently begets a thoa-
fand times more griefe and (brrow, than the plea-
fures and (enfiiall (weetnefleof the fin was worthy
and furnifhes him with more care, watchfulneflc,
zeale and forwardnefle, for the time to come after-
But the former profeflbr, who contents himfclfe
with a temporary faith, and bath no more fandti-
fication than the power of it can conferre upon
him, is many times difcernable and fcandalous by
one outward groflc finne or other, as worldlineile,
fweariug, uncleanreffe, ambition, Sabbath-break-
ing, prophanenefle, oppofition to finccrity and
felfe-inriching examination.
true Chriftians, or the like. Or if he be arefuUto
! remove (iich notorious and infamoas finncs, from
the fight of the world, and out of the eyes of
men^ yetmoft certainly heeever rctaineth, yea,
maiutaineth inhimfelfe onefweetlipneororher,
perhaps lefTe markable and more fecrer, (both wit-
tingly) bccaufe heemay know and willingly, be-
caufe he refuieth to obey againft (bme one Co.i>
And commonly hee makes no confcience of lef-
fer finnes, and fmaller olfences, as idle jcfting, ga-
ming, fmalleroathsa lefTer bribes, 6cc. but rather
gives allowance unto them in his owne jcdgf-
ment, by his owne example , and by bolftring
others up in them. And howfoever he doth fbme-
timcs out of his worldly wifdome conceale him-
felfc, and not utter what he thinks in that point :
yet hee hath at lead: a fecret diflike and diftafte
of thorow fanftification, as of too much precife-
neflc. To (ay all in a word, laving faith doth bani(h
the uie and pradice of all grofTe finnes^ and breeds
atleaft an hatred, difal owance and refiftance of
whatfbever frailties -and infirmities. But tempora-
ry faith cannot poflibly bring a man out of conceit
with all finne ^ it cannot breake the heart of his
darling pleafures, or make him take part heartily
and entirely with the beft Chriftians, in that h<jly
and comfortable worke of mortifying every cor-
ruption, though never fodeare andfiveet toflefh
andbloud, which troubles their inward peace,
grieves the good fpitit, or wounds the confcience.
Though by the power thereof he may goe farre in
Seac/(f.Pw 13.
Alecoad diffe-
raving and tcm-
^he Saints
ouc wara reio ma; ion^and would gladly be thought
to be in the right way, yet (bmewhat or other is
ever behinde, which either for pleafure, or profit,
oreftimationsfakehewillnot part with ; there is
(bme pleafing bolbme finneor othet^ which if it
were poflible^, hee would even carry with him to
2. Secondly, A (aving faith doth cverfandtifie
theinmoft, and moft lurking afFcftions, ihefecrec
purpofes, dcfires and imaginations of the heart.
It at firft ftirres up, and ever after raaintaines that
fore and invifible fight betwixt the flefh 'and the
fpirit, betwixt the fanftified part of the foule, and
theunregencrare. It begets a care and conscience
in the true Chriftian of keeping the laft Com-
mandement, which is the ftireft touch- ftone to
try the truth, and foundnefle of our converfion,
whether it be copper and counterfeit^ or currant
and fubftantiall ^ for it tries the reines, cenfures
and bridles idle^ wandring, and irapert'nent
thoughts, the evill motions, lufts and ftirringsof
the heart, vvhatfoever they are. Hence it is that
the fanftified man hath ever an eye to his heart,
and is very much troubled about his thoughts. For
he labours that his (ecret conceits and inward de-
fires be as well approved before God, as hisout-
wfrd converfation and carriage before men : He is
as k)th and fearfullto offend God, and grieve his
good fpirir, in his heart, which no morralleye can
ree,s9in his word and adrions, which are open and
liable to the cenfure and inrerpreration of the
world. It gOc s as much againft his heart to commit
fclfe-'tnricbing examination.
finneinhisfecret chamber^ as in the fight of the
fight of the Sun ne. Hee knowes full weW, and is
perfwaded in his heart, that without vvafhing the
hcartthere can be nofilvatioHjWithout the change
and chart icy of the thoughts^ ani truth in the inward
partt, there is no true repentance : Jemfak^f, faith
lenmiey Chap.^.i^. Wajh thine heart pom nick^dnejjt:,
that thou fnaifl hee faved : How lo?fgJljall thy va'me
thoughts rmaJm within thee .<? I f all the world befides
(hould approve and applaud uSj if not a man upon
earth were able to fay unro us Co much as blacks
thine eye : Yet if our hearts were not upright be-
fore God, we were but -damnable creatures, hol-
low-hearted prpfeflbrSj and glorious hypocrites.
The true Chriftian confiders thiSjand (ubmirs him^
felfe to the worke of Gods grace, in (andtifying
the defires and thoughts of his heart. Hee hath
much trouble and toyle^ and indeed a kinde of
holy trade in governing the heart, and managing
the thoughts, in which the unregenerate man hith
no skill. Hee labours to keepetheir fountaine pure
andcleere, to fetch their warrant our of ihe Word
of God, that they may hold correfpondence and
conformity to his will ^ he ever looks which way
they tend, that their marke and end be Gods glory^
and the benefit of his Church and people; If ary
thoughtsftartupinhis heart, which are not thus
qualified and iandified^he prefently takes them to
heart, drives againft them^ prayes againft them,
repents for them, and is humbled by them - And
their is a mvrtery in this refi;iment of thought?, of
which it coneernes the Chriftian to take Ipecull
T^/je Saints
nocice, left he wrongfully accufe himfelfe or Sa-
tan, lel\ hee unnecelTarily afflld and torture his
jowne fbule, if they bee none of his ovvne, orroo
; fleightly regard them, if they be the brood of his
Ho'v to diftin- inbred concupiicence. It is to diftinguilh and di-
guiiiiSatans (ceme betwixt the devils fuggeftions, and the evill
frfm^^heeviii niotiotts of a mans ownc heart. The. grow upon
motions of our US by leifure, from outward ob)efts abroad, or
ownchcarts. fpring out of ourmemory ; But the other breake
in^upon us abruptly, when wee are wholly full and
poiTefled of other meditations, without occa^on
given , either by outward occurrenrs, or former
difcourle of the minde, anel when we little thinke
of any fuch matter. Sinfull thoughts of ourowae
come upon us enticingly, by allurements, bait?,
and infinuations ^ but Satans fuggeftions rufti in
violently, forcibly and furioufly, they are throwne
into our imaginations like a flafli of lightning,
with fuch an unavoidable impreffion , that they
M. M* cannot bee prevented by any wit or ftrength of a
man. I have knowne fbme which have beene fear-
ftiHy vexed and aflonifhed in heart, with horrible
land blafphemous thoughts, which were Satans
; owne immediate injedions, and terrours even to
nature it felfe : but when tey have beene told and
taught that they were none of theirs, and that if
i they did hate, abhorre, and withftand them,a?thc
I pure fpight and malice of that fiend of hell, they
I fhould never beiraputedunto them asthcirfinnes,
! butfet upon Satans (core, who ^by right is cbarge-
I able with them, both for horrour and punifhment 5
; and that even our bleffed Saviour himfelfe was
I tempted
lelfe-inrivbing examnation.
tempted m the like maTraer, but was free irom
finnej becaufe he withftood the temptation, and
repelled the tempter : I fay, after they haye beene
thusinftrtu^ted, they have received g ear cafe and
comfort. Much blelTcd hearts ea(i\ and fpirituali
contentment doth accrew unto a man, upon nar~
-row watch-over the heart : Much inward peace, fe-
renityand joy^istobe enjoyed by fufpitioufhefle,
experience and exercife, in difcovering, repreG-
(ing, and preventing the mutinousand tumultuous
JliiTesin the thoughts and imaginations ; An holy
care and wifJome for which parpofe is infpired
onely, and planted in the fbule by the power of a
iaving faith.
For it is farre ot^erwife with the formal I profef^
four, whichis no farther acquainted with the my-
fterie of godlineffe, and fecrets of landittcarion,
then temporary faith can lead and inlightenhim.
He may proceed farrein outward reformatioPjand
make a goodly tew of Chriftianity in his words
and adions. Hee may outwardly forbeare grofle
finnes, and performe religious (ervices, and bee
an out-fide Chriftian without cenfure, exception^
orreproofe ; But heeverfailes in hisrefpe(a and
obedience to the laft Commandement, inhispra-
dice hee ftill appj:ovcs that devillilh Proverbe,
thought is free. Hee is nobody in that great fight
for fpirituall life ot death betwixt the flefh and the
■(pirit. He is unfeeneand upexercifed in that trou-
bldbmc and invifible regiment of the commoti-
ons and imaginations of the heart. Hee will per-
haps ftartle and make a ftand ata greifly prodigion,
fiiving and
nrhe Saints
thougiit of tiealon, acneifmcj murder, adultery,
blalphemiCjUfur/jOppreffionjand fuch like.but or-
dinarily without any great Temorle or checke,
h e fufFers his heart to runne riot into a world of idle
wandrings^ efpecially to fpend many frefli (ucceffi-
ons of mi.lions of thoughtSjWith unwearied purfuit
of pleafing errour, in the endlefle Maze of earth-
ly-raindedneflTe, luftfolnefle, ambition, and allpaf-
fages for the advancement of his temporall happi-
nefTe, and attainment of earthly pleafures.
In a word, a manfanaified by faving f nth, hath
as well an eye to fee the thoughts of his heart, as
the Gutwardnefle of his carriage^ hee makes his
aduall finnes his outward frailties and infirmities,
as bloud-hounds to trace out his originall corrup-
tion, and the hidden root of his rebellions, and
there he lirikes, and wounds, and mortifies. But
where the faith is but temporary, there care may
be had of words and adions, but the heart is not
much medled with. It may perhaps be curious in
pruning and lopping the outward luxuriant bowes
and branches of finne, whicharean eye-fbretothe
world, and Scorpions to the confcience ^ but it
wants power to digge unto rheroot whic h lurks in
the heart and will^ to take notice of invifible
thoughts, which neither breed difgrace among
men, nor as yet fting with (enfible remorfe.
.3. Thirdly, there is one ipeciall marke of diffe-
rence betweenc (aving.and temporary faith, poin^
ted at by the fpirit of God in the parable of the
Sower, and the divers grounds, MaitLi^,Mark:^
Liik^ 8. and may be thus thence gathered.
felfe-inrichwg examination. j 2 op
The temporizing Chriftian, who hath no more
fpirituall power, and Chriftian refolution, than
temporary faith can powre and put into him, will
not by any meanes pafTe thorow the pikes for his
proteffiori and proceeding in grace. Me is not able
to endure any hot brunt of ftrong temptation,
great diigrace, worldly oppofition, or fmarting
perfecutioo, for his taking part with true Chrifti-
ans, and the pradifc of fincerity. While the way'
is paved before him, and the Sunn efhinesfaire and
bright, he will goe on merrily with Gods children,
and march forward perhaps with as good (hew of
courage and undaun- ednelle as thebeft • but if he
once meet with fomcboyfterous florme, that beats
againft his hcc ^ if the world on* c beginne ro
lowrc upon him for his forwardnelle :^ if his way
grow roughs crooked at id thorny -^ if he be raged
and railed againfl" for his fingularity in fanci:ificati-
on, and perfecuted with fpightanddifgraceforhis
profeffion of grace ^ he then prefently beginncs to
(linke and drawbacke, to leave his former com-
panion5, true Chriftians, to finke or fwimme ^ he
for(akc5 them, and flies from them, as from the
ruines of a falling houfe. For it isever the property
of this kinde of Profeflbr, when it comes to the
rr all, to the point and pinch, topreferrehisowne
p^^rricular before the glorv of God, the publikc
good of the Church, and the fpirituall affaires of
Heaven. His temporary happineffe , and chicfe
carnall contentment is ever more dearc unto him
than the comforts of holinrlTe, and thefiire pro-
mifcs of a better life : Hee chufes farre rather to
Q^ fleepe '
Hce chofe ra
ther lo venture
his loule upon
Gods judge-
ments, with the
hazard of crcr-
then to fo! ia'<"
the flafuresof
The Saints
lleepe in a whole skinne, than with a goodconfci-
ence. Hez-tf^^ although hce reverenced lolm^ heard
him gladly, and did many things after his preach-
ing, yet when his chiefecarnall contentment was
inqueOion, for the (urc feeling of his fweet linne
of laftfall pleafures, he cutoff at once tohn Raptifis
head, his courfe of former profeffion, his heart
from grace, land his hope from Heaven, andibule
from lalvation. The young man in the Gofpell
went on a good while in outward unblamcable-
ncffe, but when hee perceived by the words of
Chrift, that hewas to (uffer his heart no longer to
be exercifed in covetoufnefle, that his greedy af-
: fedions which were faft glued and nailed unto die
earth, were to be rent thence, and repofed in Hea-
ven, he prefcntly turnes his backe upon Chri/V Je-
fus. Heaven, and cverlafting happinelfe, Niatmn it
feemes was content to goe along with the Prophet \
in many things, and to be good in aM other^ onely
that hoQOurable place he held with his Ma»t«r ,farc
very neare his heart : Heeis rather willing to for-
feit all his other integrities, an linnocencies, and
eeldings unco goodnefTe, and to venture himfelfe
though without all warrant or ground, upon the
mercies of God, than not to bold his height of
phce and honourable re fpeft with his Mafter. In
thefe peaceable and flourifhing times of the
Charch many thoulands fw.^rme amongft as of
fitch kinde of profellbrs. The glorto^is noone-tidc
oftheGo(belI fhining npon them through thefe
dayesof peace, duth alirr'e war me and heat their
hearts, fb that they fall in love and hking with the
felfe^inriching examination.
truth and power thereof: They fort and ranke
themfelvcsamongfttrueprofeflbrs, they fettleand
frame themlelves to the holy bulineiles, and noble
trade of Ghriftianity. But wretched men, they are
not able long to hold out, they are quickly tired and
weary in the waycsof God. The Word is not well
rooted in them, their faith is but temporary, their
converfion unfound, there is ever one grand un-
mortified corruption or other, onebofome finor
other, which ftill wa(ics and devours the buds of
zeale, and bloflbmes of Heaven, as they (prout ■
and ipring up in their hearts or adiony. Either He-
rods pleafurcjorthe young mans "pxo^t.oxJSlaamam
preferment, kils and cuts the throat of all grace, \
when it fhould come to proofe in them, and con-
founds the power of Religion, that it can neither '
thorowly (andifie, nor finally fave them. Some-;
times they will goe^cU forward for a time^ and
breed gooid hope, and great expedation in good ;
ChrifHans, of their comming on in the wayes of
godlineffe : But when they finde by experience
that fiich courfes as thefe finde no favour in the
world, bringupon them an imputation of precilc-
nelTe, caft them from the countenance of carnall
fi-iends, amongfi: the number of pboreneglefted^
Chriftians, may much hazard their temporall hap-'
pinefle, and ftill frcfhly vex them with one trod-'
ble or persecution or other : They fufFer therli-
(elves cowardly to be vanqniflied with fiich carnall
fearesof flefliand bloudasthcfe : They caft their
crowne from them, and the glory of their former
profeffion is put outj all their time formerly (pent
The Saints
in godiineffe is loft. They hereupon bcginne to
renounce that goodnelfe which before they (ea-
rned toembrare ^ to forfake thetellovvfhipofihe
SaintSj with whom they were wont comfortably
toconverfe ^ to negledl the duties of piety, where-
in, not without fbme joy,: hey have beene former-
ly exercilcd ^ rogrov\rftrange unto God and good
men; tocaftoffthe care of their families, which
perhaps they were wont to inftruft Ihave knowne
(ome, who onely by the power, lam perfwaded
of a temporary faith, have beene very forward in
•Ul religions exercifes, for a good time hath with
great diligence and profit, both publikeJy and pri-
vately heard and read the Word, ere^ed a godjy
order of prayer, and other family exercifes in
their houfes, and yet afterward by Ikf le and little
the world got (a powerfully within them , and
earthly cares fb choaked tlifm that thev caft ah
bchinde them tranipled thefe holy pearles and
jewels whi h formerly adorned tht-mj under their
feet, and turned wholly carnall, covetous and pro-
phane world iingSj
VVorldlineflc, and feare of being accounted too
precife now a day cs ordinarily blaft and beat batke
the fruits andforwardnefleof a temporary faith.
Thus you fee the true temper and conftituti-
on of a temporary faith : It hath not the heart and
Dower to ftand to it, and goe thorow ftitch in the
caufes of God, and the affaires^of fincerity • it dare
nocaddrefle and addiftit fclfetothatftridcourfe
of hglinefle, which onely fks for the ftrdghtway
to heaven, for fcare of troubles, dilgracesand per*-
1 Gcutions, But
felfeAnriching examination. ) 212
But faving faith is of a farre more powerfull and
undaunted dilpofition, andordinariiy infpiresihe
true Chriftian with a truly noble and Lion-like
courage, fb that in the caufe of God he feares no
colours 5 hce will forward by the grace of God,
with all good confcience in his holy profeffioUjand
praftice of fircerity againft all adversary power ; |
Slanders, difgraces, and contempt are as fewell to ^
incrcafe the flame of his zealcjas matter to enlarge 1
the joy and inwardcomfort of his hearty as meanes |
to fet and (ettlc the Crowne of Chriftianity fafter ,
upon hib head. His faving faith is ever feated in a ;
good& hontft heartland therefore he brings forth
fruit wirh patience. If he profper in the world,
he is rich and latfen with variety of froics, of holy
duty, and good deeds -^ like a dangling fruit-tree,
in a fat and fertile Ibile. If he be croff in the world, }
and caft into the f urai^e of affiidtions, yet he fends
out at the laft the pleafing perfume of Chriftian
patience^ like a fweet Pomander chaft in the hand,
or frarkincenfe throwne into the fire ; heeever
brings forth the fruits of piety or patience. When
atthefirft heewent about his fpirituall building,
he kt himdowne before, and counted the coft.
When heatfirft entred the fpirituall warfare, un-
der the colours and conduft of ChrifV Jefus,againft
this world of wickedneffe, and the kingdome of Sa-
tan, heetooVecounfell, not with flefti andbloud,
but with the fpiri t of truth, how he might become
conqtierour, and therefore he is not onely already
relblved, in peaceable times to digeft with pati-
ence lefTer and inferiour miferies and vexations,
eftate diftin
guilhed from
the fecond fort
of formaU piro
The Saints
for his profeifion and pra<!ti{eof fincerity, as lofle
of goods, lofle of friends and reputation withthc
world, (landers, disgraces and wrongs, nick-names
of Puritane,Precifion, Hypocrite^ contempt, dif*
countenance, and oppreffion, and (uch like ^ but
I hee holds his (bule as it were continualiy in his
I hand, as D<«'/</fpeaks ofhimielfe, pfal, 119. 109*
! ready if need bee, and the times require, even to
flied his bloud under the fword of the Tyrant, or
I to lay downe his life in the flame?, rarfier than to
' dilhononr fb mercifuil a God, to betray histruth ^
or by his back -Hiding and falling away, to make
(hipwracke of a good con/cience, and hazard that
Crowne of Glory, which by the eye of Faith hee
hath already in fight. Thi5 high refblution and
noble courage fiving faith piits into the heartsof
thofc whom it dandifies, that in rh e caiafe of God,
their Oiriftian warfare, and under the coloors of
Chrii>3 they may Oandtoit like mm, paiflemaT!-
fully thorow the pikes, conquer andbecrowtied.
How then wiHyou diftinguiflia Chrifriinseftate
from the £>cond fortof formallprofeflburs,/jy/rti
Thus ^ The formal 1 profeflbr, after his falling
off/ rrfumes his former profeflion, wirhout any
remorfe, refolution for more forwardnefle, watch-
fulnelTe, revenge upon himfelfe and thofe marks,
2 Cflr.7.11. in a cold dull manner. Sec. Whereas
Gods chjldc after a relap^ , upon recovery and
retnrne, weepes bitterly with Peigr, and labours
wkhdnuble ditigeRce, and redoubled zeale, to re-
I compencc and redeeme his former failings, &c.
/elfe4nriching examination.
They may, I confefTe fometimes be faint-hearted
and retire upon weaknefle and infirmitiejas did Pe-
ter, and other Saints of Godj but after they come j
• to themfelveSj and have taken breath, they returne
into the field and fight, with redoubled courage, I
more eager heat, and refblute valour , to make
amends for liich default and defeftion ^ they are
content to undertake any extraordinary adven-
ture, to fight in bloud to the knees, with an holy
dcrperateneffc , (as prodigall of thole lives they
have ftained with revolt) to flie more fiercely in
the faces of the adverfarics of God, and enemies
of their fbules.
Saint Ferer upon infirmity (a Fearefull fall) deni-
ed his Saviour, but how manftilly afrcr, and vido-
rioufly did hce enter the lifts againft the whole ^
kingdomeof darknefle^and a world of Paganifme ?
what worthy fervice did he after in the Church of
God, and how glorioufly at laft did he (ealc the
truth which he had taught, with the facrifice of his
bloud ? BIcffed Cramnet^ that glorbus Martyr,
flunkebacke a littte, and upon infirmity, being en- !
chanted by Popifti Syjens^ fiiblcribed to feme
points of their hatefuil herefies : But with what
p^c^sof zeale and penetency was hec after reven-
ged upon himfelfe, by thrufting that unhappy
hand firft into the flame, wich was the inftrument
of his ft)ule relapfc ? Thus though GodschiJde may
fometimes ftumble, and take a fall in his race of
Chriftianky,yet when he is got up againehe makes
amends with a more liire footing , and fwifter
courfe toward the Goajc of immortality. Let us
0^4 ^ lookc
The Saint i
looke 1 pray you into the Booke of God, and wee
ftiall trad his Saints in many holv paflages of this
noDlenefle offpirit, unconquerablenefle ofcou-,
rage, and height of refolution againfl: temptati-
ons and oppolitions implanted in their fouJes, by
the (pirituall powerjand facred infpirations of a (a-
ving faith. Ever when their owne carnall content-
ments and temporall happinefle came intoballance
with Gods glory, and a good con(ciencc, theyre-
fignedup themfelves, and laid weightonthe Lords
fide : They did hold that their light afflidons
which were but for a moment, were moft unwor-
thy to hold (cale with that more than moft excel-
lent and eternall weight of glory which was to be
revealed. Ever when their owne particular and
private welfare came into qneftion with the cau(e
of God/ and publike good of the Church, they
were at a point to take part wirh Heaven and holi -
nefle, againft the temptations of fiefh and bloud,
and allcontrary infernal] powers 5 againft whatfo-
ever finite and created adverlary. As a man in a
trance hath all the powers of the (bule fo faftned
.?pontheprefenrobje6i-, that hee is carelefTe and
nnapprehenfive of all other occurrents or events :
Sorheir faiiftified foulesbya (aving being pofleft
of the eafneft of immortality, fb ftrongly and
fweecly repofcdupon the favour and protedion
of God, upon the contemplation of Heaven, and
thofe endl- fle |oy ^s that worldly crofles, di(graces,
Crbwnes Kinstdomes, pleafiires , vanitic?, bad no
power to poflefTe them, or counrerfway them. Mo^
fis was mightily tempted with the power and
'£;•>;■■ - pleafure
felje-inrichmg examination, \
pkafures of a Kings Courc^ he might have ruffled j
ic amongft the proudeH-, and overtop in refpedi: !
and honour, themoft filken and glittering Cour-
tiers ; He might have rowed in wealth and plenty, !
and wallowed in (ofteft delicacies, and courtly da-
liance : Nay, hee might have lived in the meane
time ennobled and em "aradifed with the tide of
young Prince, and thejonne of a Kings daisgktr ^ not
without hope of being crowned at length with the
Soveraignty and comrnand ofa Kingdome. Strong
temptations, povverfull enticements 5 and yet
blelTed man, by the power and perlwaffon o'" ia-
vine;fairh, Hee chofe rather I0 {uffr aivcrfiymtbihe
psopk of God ^ than to m]oy the pkafures dfjin^efora
fiafofiy efieeming the rtbuk^ of Chrifi greater riches thau
thetreafures of ^gypt ; forhebadrefpeSt to the recofH-
pence of the revpord. k Crowne ofimmortaiicy was in
light to the eye of his faith, which was more deare '
and precious to him than the power glory and j
Majeftie of all the Kingdoiies of the earth, (ith
they ftoodupontearmesof prccedencie, and the
one muft needs carry it away. His private tempo*
rallhappninelTeftoops and vailes bonnet, fubmits
and yeelds to the glory of God, and publike good
of the Church. Jonathan was fhrewdly aflaulred
withtheauthority, Majeftie^andfrowningsof the
Kinz and his father, upon the very point of JofTe,
or gaine of a Kingdome, to breake off his Chrifti-
an love^ and couries of grace with David : then
\vpis Saul angry mthlonath^n-^ and faid unto hm-^ thou
fonne ofth'- wicked rebeltious woman ', doe not iknoxfi that
thoiihafi chofen the fmne ofljhaitothy c&nfujion und
Xi8 ^be Saints
fljame of tlyy motkr ? for aslongasihefoNne oflflmli-
vethupon i'keafth, thufljaltnet keftdlifl:ed^ nor thy
Kingdom:, &c. But for all chis^ chough the piercing
and paffionate words of a father fhould ftrike
deepe and home into the heart of his childe,
though the wfoih of a Ki»g be lik^ the roaring of a Lion ,
and as mtffengers of death ^ Proz\ 19. i ',. C^"* i6. 14.
Though the princely throne of a King be the top
and crowncofall earthly happinefTcs ^ yet in the
caufc of God fomthan is rcgardielTc, and fearelefle
of them allj hee flinks not backe, nor fdrkiks a
haires breadth from a good confcience, and de-
fenc e of a good man ^ hee is not carried away with
theglory of a KingdomCjand beauty of a Crowne,
but having his eye fixed upon the goodnefle of the
cauft, andinnocencicof the party, with an holy
rcDlurion, iican(wers Kisf^xhtrKmg Saul^ti»dfaid
unto hi m^ WjjereforeJhaU hee die ^ vphathath he done^
I Sam »2o.'^2. Hereupon the King plaid the Lion
indeed, out of his rage and defperate madnefie he
cafta {peare at him to hit him. So omragious is
the fury of prophane malice againfl: goodnefle,
and good caufes, that it devoures naturall affefti-
on, common humanity, difcrction, reafbn, wif-
dome, and all manlinefTe, and turnes all into gall
and rage againft good men : But in loftathan, a fenfe
of Gods favour by his (living faith, and of that
comfort hee conceived by (landing for D^^iin-
nocencie, and Gods glory, did takeaway alirafle
of earthly contentments, even of the fUectnefle
of dl Courtly pleafures, of the countenance of
a father, the favours of a King, of a Crowne and
felfe-inriching examination.
Kmgdome. Hight Koble alfb, and Heroicallwas
the courage and cmxd^o^oft Afichmh inthecaufe
j of God : He had againft him the King, the Cour-
tiers, and the whole Clergie, foure hundred Pro-
phets, topleale the King^ conipired in judgement
againfthim. The Courtier tliat was (enc to fetch
him before the two Kings, fee upon him by the^
way with powerfull infinuations, and perfumed
eloquence J as ftich creatures are wont, to draw
him to the Kings humour, and the bent of the
fal(e Prophets : Hee told him , tkat the words of
Prophets dzdared good unto the Kwgmth otm accord-^
and therefore prayed him that he alfo would fpeake
good : Mkliaiah anfwcrshim with are(blution as
high as Heaven, and out of a Seraphicall pang of
burning zeale for Cods truth and glory : Now as tk
Lordlheth^ faith he i whatfoever the Lord faith u»to we,
that mlijfpeak^. In this point he was at a point, and
rcfblute, hee neither cared for King nor Ke/ar, for
Prince or Prophet, for preferment or puniOimenr,
I fb« frowninqjs or flatterv, for man or Devill : That
me(1ap;e which the Almighty had put into his
moDch muft forth, though it bring upon him a
worl ! of miseries, a flandcr of fingularity fordi/^
Jeniing from ill the other Prophets, o fiifpition of
difloya'tie, for croffing fb peremptorily the Kings
pleafure, boihfmti^fg vfith thefiftofmchpdnejfe.and
fcorcUngsvptihtmcoaks of Juniper ^ that Js fcornefull
tongues/rom his fellow Seers for oppofing agalnft
their lying fpirit. Though it threw him into a dun-
geon^tberetobefed with bread c£ afflidion, and
' water of afflidlion., until! hee had fully felt the
\ Kin'.iJ.
The faints- -
whoie weigHt, of chat implacable indignation,
which the fury of an enraged and prophane King
was like to charge and inflid upon him.
Queene Hefter that blefTed Lady^ by the power
of her holy faith, and the godly perlwafion of
Mordeeai^ put on a higher courage than is ordinarily
incident to her (ex, and more zeale than is com-
monly found in high places. Atfirft (hee itooda
littleoffj as feared with the defperatencHeof the
attempt, and danger of the Law, that did peremp-
torily upon paine of death command the contrary^
but after (hce had throughly demurred upon the
point, and had her ChrilHan courage fc ton edge,
and her zeale thorowly heated with the feafbnable
and paffionate admonitions of Mordecai^ for the
good of the people of God, fhee grew atlaftto
this moft noble and refblute conclnfion 5 I will
(faith fhe) goe in to theKiog, which is not accor-
ding to the Law, A/iJiflpeHfi Ipef/fi. I will fland
to it J I will goethorow in the cauleo^ God, and
throw my felfc upon his providence, andifj^enp^
1 perffi. But not Co toperifh, is many times everla-
flingly to perifh, and to perifh fb is eternally to be
faved. Thus was fhe refblved in a good caufe to
venture her honour in the Court, and favour vAth
the King, her liberty and life, or whatfbever was
deareft unto her in this world. And when the gol-
den Scepter was holden out unto her, and fhe was
admitted into the royall prefence, and might have
received at the Rings hand the halfeof his King-
dome, yet negleftiveof alltemporall happineffej
and her owne particular, fhceonely asked the lives
I of I
Jelfe-mnehtng examinatton.
of the people of God. I need not dwell on this
Doint, theblefledBookeof Godisthicke embroi-
dered with variety of glorious Marcyrdomes-;
hloudy fufferings, ftrange adventures, and noble
acls which the Saints of God endured^ paficd tho-
rowj attempted, and happily atcheived , by the
power of (aving faith : A compendious regifter
whereof we may read, Hek 1 1. When he had runne
over a royall and vidtorious Catalogue.the Apoflle
concludes thus ; And what fhall I men jay ^ for the
tmefvouldk toojljortfor me to tell ofGedeon . of Ba^al^^
anief Sampjon, and of lephte^ and alfo of David and
Samnd andofxhe Prophds^whlch through faith fubdued
Kingdomes, vorough righteoufnejjeyobtaified tlye prof/ii- .
fes ftuppedshe mouths of Lions . quenched the violence of\
fire efcdped the edge of the fword^ of weake wen made \
ftto^g^ waxed vdiant z> batielL turned ta fiighi the \
armies of the alian^ts, &c. To conclude the point , we Tl^e properties
m.^y tr:i(^ temporary faith by che/e three prints and ^fit^^'"'"'^'''^'^
properties: \
1. Irflill leaves one fweet finne, one branch of See anofhcr
natural! corrup. ion, one fecretludor other in life '^'^'^'''^nce,
or heart, in the affedions or aftions, unmeddled
2. It cannot thorowly and inwardly purge and
fan(5ifie the thoughts, imaginations, and purpo£*
of the heart.
3. It commonly hath not power to goe rhorow
ftrong temptations, fmarting perfecutions, and ha-
zard of temporall happinefle, for profeffion of fin-
cerirv, the qrlory of God^ and .keeping of a good
conlcienee. But-
I. Saving
Gouge pa^. 240^
221 , T^he Saints
1. Saving faith doth ever (b farre (ubdue all
finnes.thac it fuffers none to raigne andbeare fway
irt him vi^hom it fanftifies.
2. It e\'er thorowly in fincerlty, though not ab-
(blutely, that is, in the height of degree, purifies |
the heart, and (andifies the thoughts anddefires
which (pring thence. So that the true Chriftian
fcares, prayesagainft, and repents for finfull ima-
ginations, as well as wicked aAions.
3. It commonly leads us with good comfort
and courage, thorow whatfoever miferies, flan-
dets, difgraces, erodes, per fecutions for the profef-
fion andpraftice of fincerlty.
Thus farre of the three more particular and (pe-
ciall markes of difference betwixt faving and tem-
! porary faith. But yet I cannot get out of this point,
the matter is of fo great weight and confequence,
; for thoufands deceive themfelves, and walke on
\ fecurely in the wayes of death, becaufe they doe
i not thorowly and fubftantially try and tonfider
j what their (pirituall eftate isinthisbehalfe, whe-
\ ther they be (bundly built upon the rocke by fi-
ving faith, and (b (hall be certainly faved 5 or elfcj
by feme flafhes of temporary faith, flourifli onejy
for a while in outwardnefle and formality , like
come fcattered in ftonie ground , and fo when
their finnes are ripe (hall be throwne into the fire
of hell, except in the meanetime they come on
forward from outward forme of Religion, to in-
ward feeling, and become of almofV, altogether
Chriftians. You ranil: here remember that I told
you before, how temporary faith can worke :
,^ I, Some
Ielje4nriching examinatkn.
I, ^omemeafurepf inward illumination,
3. Somekindeof converfion.
3 . Some degrees of regeneration.
4. Some outward reformarbn.
I will onely point at in a word, (bme differences
betwixc (avingand temporary fairh^ in thefe foure
points :
I. Firft, for inward illumination^ Itfliouldnot
trouble us, nor(eeme rtrange, that a reprobate by
the power of temporary faith, and generall grace
of the fpirit, (hould be (bme times in great mea-
fure inlightned and endued with divine know-
ledge and other apprehenlions of Heaven : For it
is a truth deare in Divinity, and common in expe-
rience, that there mav be the ^jr't of illumination^
cjeitreriry of judgementj plentifull knowledge of
ikc truth, the light of the Ipirir, as Divines call ir •
where there is vv^ting to thefe, the (pirit of fan-
dification, inte^ity of confcience, the life and
loveof goodneffe, and ihe li,j,ht of laving fairh.
God is trae and good, wee lofl his image of truth
andgoodne(Iein/4^</w ^ weemuft either have the
light of truth (hedagaineinto ourunderilandings
by thefpiritofilluminadon, and thelifeof good-
nefle re-in(pircd into our hea; ts by the fpirit offan-
fiification, or we cannot be faved. We rnufl: have
two wingSjthe on'^ rf Fruthjthe other of goodnefle,
if we would /bare aloft unto theSunne, andibve-
raigne Sea of all truth & goodnefle, God himfelfe ^
and bathe ourfelves in his ever lifting bliflfe. But
many certainly have but the one wing, that of
knowledge^and therby make only a faire fluttering
upon I
Hov farre a
may goe.
Fl'.f^, k may
have a great
meafiire of in-
ward i^u.».ina-
tIon« 1
Of Oivlultjf,
H'he Saints
upoiieaici), and many godly otters^ as though, if
need required5and if they were on wing,wcre able
CO flie high enough for cternall happineffe, whereas
upon their dearh-bed^when indeed they are put un-
to it, they finde themfelves hdlfeunfurnifliedj and
utterly unfit ^r that laft and longeft flight towards
the Sunne of righteoufheflcj ar d that one wing of
knowledge which they (hould then ufejs unhappi-
ly entangled in Satans Lime-bufheSjand fo they are
fearfully made a prey unto the powers of^^arkncfle.
That illumination onely, and generall graces, will
not ferve the turne in that great day, appeare?,
Matth.-j^^i, Many (faith Chrift; vpHlfaj unto me in
thatdaji Lord, Lord ^ havevpeenothythylslameprcpke'
ckd^andbytkyNaf^e caftout DerHs .<? andhytlyy tslame
dom txany great vpurks ^ And iitn mil Jp'^'ofijfe nnio
them^ Ifneverk^evpyoitjdepartyepomme yethatvpork§
imquity. The fame anlwer node ubt. will Chrift
give at that day to many learned Papifts, andocher
great Dodors, who will thus cryunrohim, Lord^
Lordy have wee not written many great Volumes,
CommentariesonthyBooke. cafesof conlcience^
courfes of Schoole Divinity^Storiesof the Churcfi,
Controverfies and dilputations ^br the defence and
good of the truth ? To many formall Preachers ,
which will thus crv unto him, Loyd^terd^ have we
not done thee fervicc by a long and diligent pcb-
liOiingtheGofpell, in opening to the world the
myfferiesof Hilvationj by many Sermons in great
Auditories^and famous places upon wh^ch we have
fpcnttheutmoOofonr wits^ thebeO* of our rea-
ding.allour skill in the tongues whatfoever might
felfe4nriching examimtion.
1 iif
bring porape and glory to thy truth ? To many
hollow-hearted profeflbnrs, and out-fide Chrifti-
ahs, which will thus cry unto him, Lord.Urd, have
wee not beene diligent hearers of thy Word, have
not wee loved, reverenced and countenanced the
minifters, havewce not read the Bible, and many j
good books , becne acquainted with points and j
principles of Religion, and able todi/courfe of
matters of falvation ? In a word, the very fame an-
fwer will be given to all ofwhat fort, degree and
condition focver, whofe hearts are not feafoned
with goodnefle, and (anftified with (peciall grace,
though otherwife they had enclofed and empaled
within their owne braines, the variety and pro-
foundnefleof all learning .^ though they had pur-
chafed a Monopoly of all knowledge ^ though
they were able to difpute with the depths and fub- \
tilties of the Schooles, dive into all fecrcts, and\
Jpeak^ withihetongues of men andAngeh ^ If fince- 1
rity and ftndification be not added to our inward \
illumination and knowledge, thefe latter will but j
increale our ftripes, and double our damnation.
That you may fbundly and thorowly trie and exa- j
mine your foules in this point, and clearly difcerne
whether your inward inlightning with knowledge
be (andified by faving faith, or elfe onely the fruit-
lefle flafhes , and idle glittering of a temporary
faith : You muft call to minde, and confider the
markes of (aving knowledge, which I have for-
merly delivered. At this time I will onely adde
twomoe. ^
I. Knowledge in the formallprofcfTour^ which
R goes*
Two other
marks of fan-
Sec Gcrfttt:
The Saints
goes with a temporary faith, is like lightning, it
dazles perhaps the eyes with aftoniihment and ad-
miratioTi of tho(eexcellencics and Majefties which
it apprehends and beholds in theBookeof God:
It commonly biafts the heart with pridc^ infolen-
cie, and felfe-lovc ■ it flaihesout upon others buc
foddenly and feidomejfor vaine-glory, andMarka-
blenefle. In the night it may iniighten the way for
a ftep or two, and a little (pace, but not round
aboutj but with continuance^ that is, it may guide
us out of the darknefle of finue^ into obedience
of foms of he Commandemcnts , and for a time,
j but not of all, and with conftancy. But knowledge
1 fandificdwith(aving faith, is like the light of the
j Sunne ^ it cheerfully opens rheeyesof the foulc,
that with comfort and reverence, with love and
praisfulnelle, tliey m^y feed upon the particular
fweetnefle of the great mvftery of godlinefle. It
hears the heart and fiffettk>m with trae, kindly,
and diicrect zeale : ft lends ouc its beames fcafona-
bly and continually, for the iniightningand refor-
ming of others : It lighrens the Chriftian out of
all the darknefle of finne, and crooked by-paths,
and guides hiai into the holy paflagcs of all the
CommandcmenrS:, and thorow every particular
ftcpof hsiife.
2. Secondly, Knowledge in the formall pro-
feflbur, which goeswith a temporary faith, is like
the fpeculative knowledge of a Geographer. This
is purchaled without any great tfiile or travell,
without feeling; or experience, onely by reading,
relation and difcourfe. Hee fits ina dry chamber
JelfeAnriching examination.
and looks upon a faire Map and therewith a plea-
(anteafe, and delightfull fafetyj doth behold the
rotks ami freights, and dangerous padages, with-
out darger or difbefie 5 he feedshiscon<:eitupon
the wonders of forren Countreyes, and the new
found world , with the reftleffe Pinnace of his
piercmgdifcourfe 5 hee flies over the moft boi itc-
rous, huge andrempcftuous Seas, with the (peedy
wing of his nimble wit ^ hee runnes over the
woody Mountaines, the fruitfullPiaines, the ffa-
tioas Forrefis, the fpicie Gardens, the pleafant Ri-
vers, the rich and golden MineSjOr whatfbever t'le
whole earih hath besides, wonderful), markable,.
and magnificent ; But all this is bur onely in con-
ceit and conremplar ion, wifhoutr tall paflage, and
vifible enjoyment. Juft foch is tht knowledge of
the formall profeflbur, itftandsmon-ir^difcourfe
and (pecolation. It beholds afarre off the Ma/e-
ftic and Glory of Heaven, the wonders of Gocfs
Law, the Myftery of Salvaticjn, the troublefbme
Seas of temptations, the Paradift of Chriftianity,
and many other holy paiJages of Di vinity, but it is
without toylefbme praftife, feeling experience,
and (trong imnreffion. But knowledge in the true
Chriftian, is like the experimental! knowledge of
a traveller : He doth not onely bv his reading, hea-
ring and conferring, fill his bratne with know-
ledge, and his tongue with dilcourfe of Heaven,
and thofc endlefle joycs ^ but with the eye of faith,
hee elcerly (ees them, and (enfibly ftcds upon
them by the power of his hope. He doth not onely
I with an idle iftonifhment, and imaginary fruition
1 R 2 gaze
2i8 i The Saints
gaze upon thewondetsofGodtljiw, and (ccrets of his
Ringdomc, buc with the key of his (aving and (an-
ctifying knowledge, hee unlocks and opens them
wide, dives into theirdepths with fruitfull medi-
tation, and by a full infight^ and reall enjoyment of
them, makes them familiar untohim,and his coun-
(ellours. He takes not onely a gencrall fiirvey of the
great ray ftery of godlineflejbut by the (pirit of wif-
dome and revelation given unto him by the Father
of Glory, Eph. 1. 1 7. He is able in fbme good mea-
|{iiretomearure^/je^/^i&^5 thebreadth^ thekf^thaud
depth of it, Hee doth not onely quietly fitting at
home, or {landing fafe upon fhore, behold the fu-
rious rage, andtempeftuous Seas of temptation in
other men 5 but himfelfe is tolFed and turmoiled
with them, and by the grace of God paffeththo-
row them. He doth not onely heare of the fwe
pangs of the new birth, and of the ftreight paf-
fage lo the Kingdome of Heaven ^ but himfelfe
travels with that fpirituall fbrrow, and treads that
narrow path. He doth not onely reade of the gol-
den Mines, Chri-ftall Mountainesj fpicie Ilands^
the coafts of Pearles, Rocks of Diamonds 5 1
raeane the unvaluable treafures, royall preroga-
tives, and glorious comforts of Chriftianity ^ &at
himfelfe is inriched and invefted with themj and
filshisfbulc with their fpirituall fweetnefTe.
As concerning thefe degrees of illuminatioa, at-
tainable by the power of a temporary faith, which
I formerly propofcd, they may aH con fill: without
the power of grace^ and be found in the reprobate.
I -will give an inftance in two of the beft and the
. hig heft.
Stc' C^fuA of
SpanUli cruel
felfc4nriebvig examination. i up
highcfl: 5 and difference them from the ftarc of
fandifi cation.
I I have told you before, that the fbrmall pro-
feflbur, by the pov/er of a temporary faith, may
(bhce himfclfc with the fweet and comforta-
ble confitieration of Gods rich mercies towards
his children in Chrifl: Tefus. And wholly pof- j
fefle himfelfe of them m conceit, as a man doth ;
himfelfe of gold in a dreame, A^atth.y.2 2,Matth,
2 5. II Rtv ?. I y.lfi.6')*'^. But thuSjand in thisfenfe, ,
It is as if a man looking upon another mans Or- ;
chard, richly laden with all kinde of fruit, beauti- j
fied with variety of faireft and (weeteft flowers,
full of all pleafures and delicacies, and out of a
melancholy conceit (hould fuppofc them to be his
owne, and thereupon (houldplotandpiojeft with
himfelfe, how to the bcfV advantage, and with
the mofl fweetneffehemighr difpofeand enjoy the
comforts and commodities rhereof:; fb vainly plea-
fing himfelfe with an imaginary fruition of other
mens happinefJe. It is otherwife with the true
Chrifl:ian : His comfort in the merits of Chrift,
mercies of God, androyall privileges of Heaven,
is li ke that of the owners of fuch an Orchard, who
is rightly entirulcd unto ir, and juftly poflefi of ir,
and doth truly ^and really at his pleafare taf>eand
feed upon the fruit and pleafures thereof. Or thus ^ I
A man many times, when hec hcares an eloquent '
andpaffronatedifcourfe of (bme nohle or worthy
ftorv, full of pleafant paflages, and joyfiill acci-
dents, doth all the rime of the nanation, put on
asitwere the affedions, refolutions, triumphs -of j
^ R 3 thc^
Degrees of U-
ln>) inacion at-
tainable by a
^T he Saints
the adiorsj lees his minde riinne along, partaking
and fymparhizing with theva iety of occurrents,
and doth in conceit and imagination wholly pof-
(cWc himfelfe oFall the happinefle, glory of fiic-
cesftill acchievements : Such onely is the comf rt
theformall profeflbur hath in the prerogatives of
the Saints : But the true Chriftian is as it were a
party and ador in fuch a ftorie 5 he truly and really
iightSjConquers, and is crowned.
2. Secondly, I have told you before that the
formall Profcflbur bv the power of temporary
faith may tajfe of tbepower f of the worii to comz, of the
heavenly gift and of the ^oodWordo^Goi : But marke
the difference ^ The formall ProfefllDur doth onely
tafteof the fweetnefleof Godsmercie. the com-
forts of godlineile, andthefiving grace of Chnft
in t^e Gofpell, that is, they have fbme lirtlc glim-
merinp(5 fuperficiall delights, andconfufedappre-
henfion in the blellings of Heaven, in the wa' es
of falvation, and of the joves of the world to
come. But the true Chriftian dorh feed and fill
himfelfe with them , hee doth dail\' and hourly
ktd uDon them, by their ftrenajth and vigour is in
fpiriniaii health fat and flourifhing in all fpirituall
graces. The form 11 Profeflbnr doth tafte them,
but when he (hould let them downe fordigeftion
and nourifliTient , his prophane heart doth ftill
(title and choake them, and the (weetnefle of his
bolnntte finne dorh «f ftfiones breed a loathing and
dTftifte.Bur the true Chriftian doth not onely tafte
themij but with manv (w»:'cr a' d iecrct confblati-
OHS receives them into the bowelsof his heart, and
felfeAnriching examination.
bofonie of his (bale, by the power of his fpirituail
lifcj and the vitallheatof hisfanftifying (pirit doth
digeftthem, and ib is ftrengthned and nonrilhed
by them unto eternall life. To conclude this point 5
A maine ditference betwixt the formall Pr feflbur,
and true Chriftian, in the point of knowledge in
Gods Word, is this 5 The childe of God dorh
wholly and entirely fobmit and refigne up him(e Ife
tobeguided, direded an ^ governed; both in the
purpofes and defircs of his heart, and in the a(!^ions
andcourfe of his life, by th.it holy a^d divine truth
which is revealed, and he? apprehends out of the
Booke of God, by the power and light whereof,
when his confcienee is once convinced either for
the leaving of any finne or thepradi/ing of my
holy duty, he yeelds with hum'iity- and obedience,
though itfliould abridge him ot hispleafure.^ pro-
fit or worldly re(peds, and that wirhoutany mm-
cinc:orfhiftingby diffiiic^ion and reffridionjlim'-
tation exception^evafion.falfe glofIe,orparti.<ll in-
terpretation. But the formall Profeflour, howfb-
ever he may yeeld in many things, yet when his
(weet finne, his maine worldly contentment is
cenfured and controlled by the miniftery of the
Word ; when the knowledge and light thereof
doth difcoverthe deceit of his heart, convince and
confound his confcienee, in that refpeft he flrugles
and flrivesagainfV it. Hee would ghdly forger his
knowledge of thar point, hee labours to finother
and put out that light ; hee would have no har-
ping of thar faring : For he is refblved, and at a
point, not to leave the finne of his bofbmej hy no ,
R 4 meaqes i
ixF. M.
Di^rcflion of
the unlawful-
ncflccf Vfury.
The Saints
meanes to part with his darling pleaftire, and yet
he would not in diredt tcarmes, and peremptory
oppofition, ftand again ft the certaine and revealed
truth of the Word of Life : Whereupon he beats
his braines^and ftraines his wit, to find out one ftar-
ting hole or other ; hee leames toniift and Ihield
himleife by (bme idlediftinftion,vaine exception,
falic interpretation, carnall realbn, that hee may
thereby fi de (ome eafe and contentment in his
owne h^art, againft the conviction of his confci-
ence, and Ibme plaufiblc pretext to iatisfic the
world fcM- his continuance in (bme finfull content-
ment, which the world doth condemne.
For example ^ If his finnc be Ufuryjto whichjby
reafbnof thefweetnefic ofgaine, his greedy hu-
mour is endeared^and he therupon be prciTed with
the 1 5.Pp^wherein the Holy Ghoft doth make it a
marke and note of a found Chriftianjanda Citizen
of Heaven, not to give out his money to uduie ^
and teacheth us, that we muft wholly abftaine and
defift from the pradife thereof, as ever we hope to
reft in the Mountaine of Gods hoIinefTc ^ he la-
bours pre/enrly to fatlsfie the world, and to iave
him(elfe by one iVifc or other ^ perhaps hee v/ill di*
ftinguifh of uiiiry, and fay, that biting ufury in-
deed he approves not, but he fees no recfon why
toothleffe ufury may not be lawfull.
But wretched man. he is to know that this is a
covetous and carnall diftinction, there is none fuch
tobe found in the Scripture. The words arcplaine
and peremptory in that 15. pjal//je '^and Ezcchkl
without diftin^ion or limitation^ fjpeaksthusj He
Jelfe-tnricbing examination.
that puf^eth forth 1o Vfury, ortak^thinvreafz^ fhaU htz
live ^ Heef hall net live, hee pall die the deaih^ and his
blQuipallheupon hini^ chap. 1 8. verf 1 3. Befides, Ne-
^eki, which fignifieth biting, is the common and
ordinary name whereby all lifiiry is fignified in the
Hebrew congae ^ therefore this word dath not di-
ftinguifh one kinde of IKuryfrom another, but
ingenerall fignifieth that allTKury is biting. The
money which is lent for gaine, is called Nofloek . that
is, which biteth, becaufc when it is repayed it bi-
tethjJindasit vveregnawethaway (bmc part of the
borrowers fabftance for an over-plus or gaine to
the Creditor, which is called N^^i?i^ asitwetethe
bit : So that certaine it is, all llfury in it owne na-
ture is biting, becaufe itbitethorfhreddethaway
fbme of the borrowers fubftance. And although
perhaps the borrower, by reafonof his wealth,fee-
ieth not his biting, or elfe licketh himfelfe whole
by biting of others, or by accident is not fenfibie
of the fmirt of it •, yet Ufury is a gaine which is
bitten and fhred away from the borrower, and that
either to his lolTc, or cathe hinderance of the
common ^veafth; whofe common profit in all con- j
rracl> is e(f)ccially to be regarded. Let a man then )
in the Name of God take heed how hee hazards
his cverk'ling falvation, upon fuch a weake and 1
wrctchei.l diftindion, forbitingis individual! and
eflTentiall, both tothenamsand nature of U'ury;
It ever bites and ftings one or other lefle or more^
either the borrower, or the common-wealth : Ei-
ther like a Wolfe, in the Evening, it fucks out the
life, the bloud;> and the marrow of a poore man 5
Compare D:«;.
T^he Saints
or a Curre Dogge, it fiiarches out a peeceoutof his
wea'th ; or a Wafpe it ftings him one way or other
in his eftate. Or it may be he will bring an excepti-
on outof Exod y 2.? 5. & Levlt,2 5.3 $. that Ufiiry is
forbidden towards the poore,and thcrfore it is law-
fuli towards the rich ^ bur this evafionis frivolous^
for Deut. 2 3. 19. there is no mention of thepoore
but all Ufary is forbidden towards a brother, whe-
ther he be rich or poore, meaning by brother^ any,
eirher Ifjaelite or Profelite^ or z.%(^kmens Akxan-
d-mi^fpGsks, ifM^vhov i ouoymiiiovA. And in the other
places of Scripture ,asPp/. 15. Pro,2 ^<»Ezech 1 8.2 2.
all llCary and increase is abfbluteiy, a d generally
wichojt condition or limitation forbidden 8c con-
demned in the(etwopIaces,^/z;.£x«;^. 2 2. and levit.
2 5 mention is made of the poore 8c needvjbecaufe
the Commandement of loane is efpecially made
for their good, and becaule Ufury ^s exa-^cd from
them, isafinne more grievous and hatefpll. But if
we may thus conclude from hence, we may nor
take Ufury of a poore man,therefore we may take
it of the rich, then by the fame reafon wee may
conclude wrong is not to bee done to the poore,
j tothe widdow, the fatherlefiTc: or ftranger ^ there-
\ fore wrong may be done to the rich, to the married
wife, to the children that have their parents living,
! to thofe who be not ftrangers ; Or when Salomon
faith, rob not the poore, becaule he is poore, wee
might inferre therefore thou raaifl: rob the rich
becau(cheisrich : But the Lord oftentimes when
he fpeaketh againft the fins of the fixth and eighth
Commandcments.maketh exprefle mention of the
lelfe^inriching examination.
I poore and helplede, becaufeali wrong, violence5
j robbery and oppreflion cxercifed towards them,
I are very grievous, and indeed crying llnnes. And
' notonely in that refpeift doth the Lord fbmetimes
j mention the poore & needy in the prohibition of
Ufury,but alfo becaufe thole onely who have need
have juftoccafion to borrow : And as the needy
have moft occafion to borrow, Co are they mo'f
fubjeft to theoppreffions, injuries, cruelties of the
wealthy ^ for as wee commonly fay, the weakefl:
goestothe wals, and where the hedge is JoweO,
there every one gocth ovcr.This anRver I have re-
ceived from a worthy and judicious Divine,
Or perhaps hee will relie himfelfe upon theopi
nionof moderne Divine?, whofeeme to give al-
lowance toLlfury : For any fhew or (hadowof
defence will fervethe turneto fatisfie anunrege-
nerate heart, when it is refblvedlv devoted and
endeared to a finnc. But this is buta weake and
poore prop to venture the weight of his lalvation
upon. Why doth he not to the private judgements
of tho£' few , oppole the judgements of many
more worthy and learned men in this age, the te-
ftimonies of all the learned in former ages, both
Ghrin-ians and Heathens^ the cenfures of Coun-
cels, theauthority of the Wordof God. But in-
deed and truth he very fearfully deceives himfelfe,
even in this ftarting hole to ^ for thofe few Di-
vines which feeme to allow it, doe by nomeanes
approve that Ufury which isufually ora(f>if-d in the
world. But they deale with it, as Phyfitians with
poyfbn, which by mingling and compounding ity
make I
of Lying.
or Siraonk;
7 he Saints
make ic whulfome Phy lick 5 they 16 qualifie it with
conditions and limitations, that it ceafeth to be
Ufury ^ and upon fuch tearmes there is not one a- ,
mongftathoufand but would rather flic CO any kind
of lawfull negotiation and employ mcnt of his me-
ny, than venture upon llH-iryfo qualified and cir-
cum(cribed. See their conditions D^tt-*^*;?. 2 47. who
hath excellently Sc exadly dt^li in this point. Thus
theunregenerateman will fhu^fle and fhifc againft
the power of the V\'ordj the light of divine truth,
and the checke of his owne con'cicncc, for the
maintenance and defence of that finne^ whatfbe-
ver it be, whereupon his chiefe catnall content-
ment, and temporall happinede doth depend 5 and
will admit no fitisfaftion to his exceptions, be-
caule he hath refolvcd to continue in it. If lying be
his fin, and hee heare it cen/iired and condemned,
Prov»i2.i2, c^S.i-j. Toh,S.^^. ColoJ/.-^.^Ep/j.^.i 5.
Pr^.13.5. hee will prefently haveadiltittdionat
hand, and tell us, that there is two kinds of lies,
one malicious, whence fprings hurt and mifchiefe,
and another officious, w hich may be for the g:ood,
fafety and deliverance of himfelfe and his neigh-
bour^ andtobacke hisevaGons, he will urge the
infirmities and failings of the Saints, that with
(bme kinde of pretext and plaufiblenefle, hee may
continue inthepradifeof that abomrfiation, for
fb is itftiled by thefpifit of God, Trov.ii-i2,7he
lytng lips are ahomfmtii>n to the Lord ; but every lie is
naught, fee my difcourfe of true happineife. If his
finne be Simony, and Simon Maguf hanged up be-
fore him as a ipcdacle of terror and aftonifliment,
Jislfe-innebing examination. \
hee will prcfendy labour to hide hirafclfe in one j
ftarting hole or other, and will have his herefie im-
pjy no more but a conceit, that the Holy Ghoft j
might bee bought and (bid, as though the buying
and (elling the office of the charge of (bales, were
a tolerable thing, and not to bee branded with the
hatefull name of damned Simonie.If his lin be Bri-
bery, and he told out of the I'y^Vfalme.ihzi ablli-
nence from rewards is made by the holy Ghoft, a
note of the righteous which (hall be faved. And
out of P/p^'.i 7.2 3. that taking of rewards is an un-
doubted raarke of the wickedjwho if they continue
in this (in^fhall be condemned 5 he will tel lyou pre-
(ently that his rewards are but gratuitieSjand (igni -
fications of thankfulne(re ^ not confideration for
the thing, not tainted with corruption.or the hate-
full brood of curfed Bribery : But this diftinftion is
not able to faveand prc(erve Gebazi .• Belidesthe
woes andcur(es upon his (bule, from an everla(ting
leprofie upon him(elfe and all his pofterity. If his
(innebee inclodire, and hee heare that dreadfull
woe, ifa.'S'S* thundered our againft him, fFoe unto
thetn that \oym houft to hjHfi^ and lay fiild to fidd^ & c.
And that in EccUf :? 4. He that tak^th amay his migh-
hours Imng^flaytth him ,W^it\\ that horrible cur(e and
confu(ion upon /^^^/^ and /^y^Mj for taking away
N<?^^/^/ Vine-yard : He will pre(ently lay hold up-
on one (hift or other 5 perhaps hee will tell you
that you muft conceive that there are two kinds of
enclofings ^ Firft one^ when a cruell and mercilede
Land-lord, without rfiercie 8c con(cience, without
any juft caufe or rea(bn, tumesout his. Tenants at
Of Bribery.
Of Inclofare
T^he Saints
the expiration of their Leales, laves land to land,
lovercurnes tillage, depopulates, plants beafts
where men hive been^, &c. This he will tell you
he detefts, the reafbn is, hee had the poHcie to goe
about it more plaufibly. Secondly5another is when
a Towne by joynt confentand preccftation, that it
is for the good of all poore and rich Land-lords
and Tenants, whether by Leafe or Free-hold^ is
enclofed , hee fees no reafbn but this is reafbnable :
But by his leave, befides that by woflilland lamen-
tabfe experience we finde them in conelufion and
ilTue both to prove ftarke naught, even this latter
feemcs unlawfiall for thefe rcaibns : Firft, though
it (hould make for the good of one Towne, yet it
endangers, and endamages the publike ^;ood, to
which a private raufteveryeeld andfubmit. In a
naturall body, a limbe is rather to be cut off than
the whole body (hould be hazarded. We muft hotd
a proportionable difcretion in bodies politique.
And in this cafe the puWike good is much hinde-
red and hurt, becaufe by that meanes (for if ic bee
iawfull for this or that Towne fo to doe, the fame
reafon will ftand good for others) Markets would
be unfurnifhed of come, and what then would
become of Cities and incorporate Towncs, for
Merchants, Tradefmen, and others of the like
ranke and fafliion of life ? And that Markets would
be left naked, is too cleare ^ for after men had felt
j the fweetneiTe and gainfulnelle of Pafture, and
I thatityeeldedmo e commodity, with much cafe
1 and lefle charges, they would Till no more than to
j finde their owne houfe, they would neither plow
I nor
hlfe4nrichnig examination,
I nor ibw themfelves, nor kt their land co fu-h ab
i would Till it, and fbby confequent bring a dearth
j upon the land, which is one of Gods plagues, and-
publike executioners of vengeance, Ezech. 14.13.
They would pull Gods ownc fcourg^e out of his
hand, and lafh their brethren with unnecefla-
ty poverty and want, who are farre better ihan
2 . It is a meanes to cafi: unneceflarily many peo-
ple out of a To wne, for with the decay of tillage
their rervlceabieneHc oeafeth -^ one ihepherd will
almoftferve their turne^ hereby God is mightily
diOionoured : His people are devoured which is
his inheritance, asthe Pialmiftteachethus ; Aske
me,faltkGod, atid IvpUlgivi iheepeoi'k for thine r-ihe-
ritance^ and th uttermofl parts of the utrth for ihy pof-
fepM, Pfal.i.%, But inclofures ro enlarge their
owne inheritances, by the bloud and ruincs of an-
cient Tenants and inhabitants, they deftroy and
lay wafte this the inheritance of the Lord^ where
God hath beeiie prahed with many mouthes^ 2 Cor,
I. u. Thtxcv^^ S^hnteb-o^ks^ Ziimyandlim, and
lOte, and jotheruncleane birds make thdrnefts.
Or at beflr, the Minifter mav preach unto the wals,
and onely a fewinclollires. Hereby alfb the glory
of thcKingisleflenedand obicured : I^themulti-
tudeofthpeopleisthehomurofaKing:, fiich Salomon^
and forw Ant of people CQmmtth thdtfirti&lon of the
Fri«ceiPro.iJ^i2^-AndEcckf'^.$,he tels us^thatthe
King confifteth by the field that is tilled, fo that
decay of tillage,the curfed broodof bloudy inclo-
fures^ and depopulation, are the very cut- throats
nChe Saints
ot Majeltiea and conhifion of ibtes Imperiall.
5. Itcurtalsthe maintenance of the Minifters,
which chiefly ftands in corne. What fhall become
of the Parfbn, when there comes a rot of (heepe.
4. It prepares the way to abhorred (bllitude, fo-
iicarinelTe and depopulation, it opens the bloudy
floud-gates of covetoufnefTe and oppreffion^which
(weeps away whole Townes, whatfoever at firft
maybe pretended and protefted to the coiatrary.
The cruell Land-lord fpies a Clofe which lies con-
venient to be added to hisDemeancs 5 admit his
neighbour it if he will, yethe will give double the
worth but he will buy him out : (for God forbid
that hce fhould ufe him as Ahab Siud lezahel (X\dNa-
bcfth.') And this bloudy thirft of adding land to
land, being once on edge, (as we fee by wofull ex-
perience) will not bee qnenched, untill hee bee
drunke with the bioudof the opprefled.
5. It doth monftroufly and unnaturally exchange
men for beafts ; It turnes out men to bring in
fheepc 5 whereas the image of God in one man, is
farre more worth than all the ilieepe in the world.
And God tels us by Ezechid^ thdihejhcefeofhis pa*
fiureare wm.ELfich.'^^.'^i, Neither is the exchange"
uponcquall and proportionable tearmes 5 beafts
are received into ricn and fatpaft:ures5 butreaib-
nable men, who beareGods image, are theirbre-
thren^and better than themfelvesjare turned out to
graze upon the Common ^ nay ^the Common and
all is encloied^Sc they are cruelly caftinto the wide
and hard-hearted world, and (b linger and languifh
away in bittcrnelfe of griefe, mitery and want ^
felfe4nriching examination. j %a\
a death as far more mercilefle than prefent murde- '
ring, as hanging in chaines alive is than beheading. |
Hence icistharftichoppreding Cannibals arefaid prai.i4.4
toeatupGodspeophas a man vpoM eat bread, to Cwd' I
lovp ftp the foore.Toplftcl^offtheirsklm from thcm^ and\
iheirflepfromtheir bones '^ tohreah^iheir bones ^ andclyop \
them in teeccs aspr the pot ^ and as ffejh mthin the Chal"
dron^Amos. 8 . /{Mick 32.3. .
6. Inclofiireisafoulename, anhatefallandodi- (
ous thing, and of ill report. The wounds are yet |
frefhbleeding,vvhchinclo(iire hath made, and the j
teares yet ftand in the eyes of the opprc (Ted, and 1
the dead carkafles of poore and hunger-ftarved
foules, lay not long fince bleeding and groaning in
thofe paftures which were inclofed with bloud and
wrong : Thofe wretched Caitifes jnftly indeed pc-
riOied in their rebellion, vet as Chrift faith, Luk^ 1 7.
IVoe be unto them by whom the offence commeth.Now the
Scripture teacheth us that wee fliould doe fuch
things as arehon'ft, and of good report, prozid/ngfor
honeft things^ not onely before God^ but alfo before me»^
abjiaimngfromaU appearance of evilL And therefore
if inclofurcj were not it felfe inclofed with op- j
predion, bloud and wrong ^ if there were no more
in itj but onelv that it is fo odious, and of (b bad re- 1
port, yet I doe not fee howanyChrifHancouldl
praftifeitwithagoodconfcience. Why, but may! ^^^^
nor all thefeinconveniences,or rather michiefesjbej ^
avoidedjif before they beginne there be a refolute f
and joynt proteftation, that tillage (hall notwith-j
(landing bee upheld, andthe poore not hurt?
That was done, and (uchfaire. pretences were
S made^^
The Saints
madcj as 1 am credibly and Chriftianly in formed^
there where thirty three ploughs, are now brought
to the great difhonour of God,and the deft rudtion
of his people, totheintollerableleffening of the
glory of the Kingjand the inexpiable weakning of
the ftrength and fi newes of this famous and renow-
ned Kingdome. Befides, I appeale unto wofull ex-
perience in this Countrey, raoft infamous for this
bloudy finne, whether the(e and many more mif-
chiefes have not dogged inclofure at the beeleSj
and whether the Inclolbrs themfelves have nor
beene ftrangely haunted by the markable curfe and
vengeance of God. Andimaginefor atime they
fbould hold out tillage, vet what bands or chalnes,
wtnat fetters of iron would hold the greedie world-
ling or if him^ his fiicceeding pofteriry, from ma-
■kingthe beft advantage of theirowne. Afrcr they
had felt the Avectof pafture, an I private gainer
little would they care for corne, or the publikj
good. And chey would eafily learne (for there are
enow Dodorsof this craft) that there is more pri-
vate adv^antage i i grazing and breeding, than in
husbindrvand rUbg?, by a great deale.
Why, but what lay you to the indofcireof La/^-
cafhrre dtnd chfiire. Ejjex Harijordflnre^ Devo^Jkire^
and fuch like wood -land Countreyes ?
I fiy therein the beg^inning if rhe Woods had
not beene encivofed they cou'd not have beene
preferved, and (b as it may f^eme, the enclosures
there of necefficy have ev<?r (irvce beene continued.
Befides, there every Lorddiip is charitably devi*
dtd amoHgft the Tenant?, tillage alfb in moft of
felfe'inricbing examination.
their Clofes maintained, and Townes nothing dif-
1. Againe, I fee not why ancient inclofures
fhould be condemned, which turned bare and bar-
ren pafturesjheathy and unprofitable ground, into
FruirFull tillage, and there planted Tenants, to the
enlarging of the glory of the Kingdomc and Gods
inheritance, as hath becne done in fome of the
ihircs above named.
2. It isthegreedynewdevifed inclofiire which
is hateful! unto God and man, which digges into
the bowels and bloud of the poore.and when they
are (wallowed up quicke, isquick-ifetwith the ru-
ines and dcfolation of their families, and with
rheirdead and devoured carkafles. I fay that inclo-
(lire is juftly damned unto the gates of Hell, which
Champion and fruitfoll (biles, being good arable
ground, to pafturc, (othat where heretofore there
hath beene competent living for many poore men,
it is now all greedily ingroffed into the ha^nds of
one man and in (Vead of one hundred or two hun-
dred perfons that had their livings there^ n, they
are no more reaf^nable creatures left but onely
two or three fhepherds, fo that many poore men
more righteous than themfelves, are utterly un-
done and overthrowne \^ their e(bte, and in their
reputation, in their wife & childrenjand in all their
poHierity . God al(b is thereby highly difhonouredj
while his inheritance, and the people of hispa-
'^ure are dealt with (bcraelly, and unchriflianly
(cattered, impaired, and caft out from the f^ce of
the earth. Violence is offered to his providence,
S 2 when
The Saints
when mankinde is wafted for the benefits of a few
.in this kinde. God in the beginning hidAdamdind
Eve increafe and nmlHpl^^ a»d fill the earth j that is,
with men, with the image of God, with the pre-
cious feed of the divine generation -5c not to feeke
(as the Prophet faith) hy joining houfe to houfe^ and
land to land, tobe alone upon the earth, -ffe''5» If fome
preiidcnts of depopulation fhould bee generally
followed and imitated, Gods people, and his in-
heritance would be quite banifhed and rooted out
of the earth, and onely a few Glants^^onnesofAnak^
and inclofing Zanznmmins would bee left in the
world. Againe, if his finne bee fwearing, and hee
threatned' out o^ Zacharie ^ that the flying -bool^e of
Gods curfeh out againft him, and that every one that,
fvpeartth jhall hetcnt off^ as vodl on this fide as on that.
And out of the third Commandement, 'that the
Lord mil not hold him guiltleffe that taketh hisNa r.eiu
vai'!e. I . He will prefentiy fall to mincing the fin,
and exc ufin^ him(elfe:Perhaps he will toW you that
his cullome is not to fwcarc by God. or any bloudy
oaths, buronelv by his faith, or t'oth, by this light,
by this bread, or fiach like lighter and trifling
oathsjand he hopes there is no/iich great offence in
char, and that wee are not eyed to fuch ftridnelTe
and precifenefTe in our words. Yes, but wcc are by
the words of our blefied Saviour, and every one
who hath given his Name unto Chrifl will make
.confcienceof it ^ Swearenotatall^ faith he, neilher
ly Heaven^ for it is the throne of God ^ nor yet by the
I Earth, fir it is his foot -fl'oole^ neither by leru^dem^ for it
\ is theCity of the great King 5 neither Jhalt thou fr3>eiire hy
I ihive
felfe4nriching examination, i z^5
ihm had^ for thou canfi not mak^ one haire ri>hite or
blacl^, iW<?//^. 5.34^35. Saint James yf\th zcaleand
earneftneflc doth iccond his blefled Lord and Ma-
rt er, Um 5.12, Before alliUngs^ faith h e, my brethren^
fvpeare not^ tteitUr hyUea'veny nor iye^th, nor by any
othroath^ butletpuryea beeyea^ and your nay nay, kfi
yonfallinto temptatrov. 2 . Or perhaps he will excufe
thatj by telling you that his are not properly oa ths,
but fome kinde of odde phrafes , and harmlefle
Speeches, GodfineeGodfwill, Gods bodikins^ Ber
Lakins, Feiks, Ffikins, bymyFeiks, bymyFei-
kins, by my truly, by Cocke, by my Fey, ber La-
dy, and fuch like. Bat ignorance andfuperftition
are the parents of fuch bafe and blafphemous
fpeeches. Men are naturally (enfible of the hor-
rourof bkfphemingGods glorious Name, and yet i
they have (b inured their tongues tofwearing, and
ufedtofill up their {peeches with oaths, that they
cannot quite leave them, and therefore they
childiftily and idlcly labour to hide iheirblafphe-
mies firoaa God, by curtailing and mangling the
vi^ords and (yllables. But what is this but lewdly
and audacioufly to jeft with holv things, and to
mocke the mighty Lord who wiil not be mocked 5
as though he regarded the pronuntiation and out-
ward found, more than the oath it felfe ^ or for^
bidding with a terrible commination, his glorious
Titles and A ttibutes to be vainly named, fliould be
content to have them nick- named in fiich a foolifh
and ridiculous manner. 3. Or it may bee hee will
plead cuftome, and fay, howfbever bee hath got
a naughty cuftome of fvvcaringj which he cannot
S 3 leave^
T^he Saints
leave^ ycthedifallowes it inhiailelfe, and when
he ov^erfhoots himfelfe that way, he prefentJy cries
God mercy. Why but doth he indeed (crioufly and
(bundly grieve at the heart, for (b vexing and vio-
lating Gds glorious Name ? Doth hee truly hate
and detefl: that wicked cuftome ? Why then un-
doubtedly hee would relbluteJy and earneftly ikt
himfelfe againft it ^ hee would fet a watch and
ftrong barre before his lips, hee would-by little
and little unwinde himfelfe out of that wicked
cu(l:ome -^ and the Lord by his (aving and fandi-
fying grace would give moft certaine (ucceflc to
fuch holy defires, and godly endeavours ; yea, but
he hath no fooncr rapt out an oath, butheeaskes
God forgivenefle. Hatefall bypocrifie ! firft toflie
with blafphemies at the very face of God Almigh-
ty^and as much as in him lies, with Woudy oaths to
teare the precious body of Chrift lefiis in peeces,
and cruelly to crucitie him afrefli, and then hope
to make amends with a fained, formall and heart-
lefTewifh. Is that prayer like to plealc God, or to
recurne with fruit and bleffing into his bofbme,
which he makes with a purpofe ftill to offend, and
and when he defires pardon as a priviledge, by ver-
tue whereof hee may more fecurely goe on in
(inne ? Is there like to be anyfbrgiveneflewhenit
is onely coldly craved with the lips, and thofe full
of blafphemies, and red with the bloud of Chrifir,
the heart in the meane timebeing unfmitten with
griefe and (brrow, and unrefblute to leave /b hate-
fall a linne > Were a man for every oath to lo(e a
joynt, orforfeit a pound, he would qaickly learne
felfeAnrich'tng examination.
to breake off his cuftome of fwcaring. Shall the
prcfervation of a rniferablc body^ and trandtory
pelfe be more deare unto us than the Majcftie of
God, the glory of Heaven, and the endlefle hap-
pincffe of our ownc immortall fbules : Befides, by
the lame plea may not any finnc keepe polTeflion >
May not thellfurer, the Drunkard, theXhccfe,
the Whoremonger, the Sabbath breaker, 6<c. al-
leage that they have fb long followed their finnes,
that now they cannot forfake them ? But let no
man deceive himfelfe, for aflurcdiy cuftome and
continuance in finne doth mightily increafe the
punifhmentof finne. 4. Or perhaps be will pro-
tefl", that though hefweare nowandthen, ycthe
thinks no harme, and all that while he hopes well.
But hc.is to conceive, that out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth fpeaketh, MaitLi2*-^^ii^. If
a mans words be prophane, undoubtedly his heart
is polluted 'j if he blafpheme God with his mouth,
bee cannot bleflc him with his heart. There may
Ibmctimes be faire (hewes outwardly, when the
heart is corrupt, but ever when the out-fide is
naught, (I meane the words and anions, there ever
the in-fide is farre worfe, (I meane the heart and
affeftions.) Suppofe (bme lewd companion (hould
day after day raile upon the King, with many foule
and traiterous termes, and beingcalled in quefiiion,
{hould anlwer^that he thought none ill in his heart,
what earthly Prince would (b be fatisfied ? What
reafbn then is there that the Majeftie of Heaven
(hould admit of fuch an excufe ? 5. Or it may bee
hcwillfayheefweares nothing but truth, andhce
S 4 hopes
Jam 5,14.
The Saints
hopes all that while hee may fvveare. But otir blcf-
fcdSavioar faith no 5 and his holy Apoftle Saint
Jams. Ordinary truths are barely to be affirmed,
without addition of oath, orprophanation of his
glorious Name. They tell us m the places fore ci-
ted, that in our ordinary communication tve mteji one-
ly ufe yea, yea, nay^ vay^ for vphatjoever is more than
tkjh commeth ofeviU^ indeed from the Devill.
6. Why but perhaps hee will fay, except I (weare I
(hall not bee belecved. Admit that, it were ftrre
betterhe (hould never be beleeved while the world
(lands, than diredtly, and againft his knowledge
to tranfgrefle the Commandement of our bleflc?d
Siviour, who hath forbid him to fwcare in his or-
dinary communication. Weare not to lie, to fteale,
to murder, to be drunken to winne credit, neither
indeed in ordinary communication tofweare, t- at
we may be credited. If wc forbeare in this caic, we
purchaie comfort to our conlciences, byourobe-
dience to Gods holy will ^ and thofe who out
i ofcauflefle fLifpition miftruftour words, doedif-
cover their owne lurking corruptions, and pra-
c^ifes of fahhood ^ for none {o ready tofufpeft
tinknowne evill in another, as he who is guilty to
himfelfeof hisowne naughtinefle. But the way to
be credited without fwearing, is to be true of his
♦■ongue^ unbfameable ia his converfation 5 let him
be a Chriftian, and all good men will tieleeve him
without an oath 5 while he continues prophane I
will bee loath to truft him in any weighty affaire,
whether he (wcare or no, except he be (bme one
morall Puritan^ amongft an hundred unregenerate
Jelfe-tnrubmg examination. \ 249
men : Amongft the faithfull then oaths need not>
and amongft the prophane they profit not. 7. Yeas
but yet farther, perhaps hee will alleage thathee
makes noculiome of itjas (wag8;erers and fcorners
doe, but only now and then in hJs choller and paffi -
on J when he is Qy vexed by others, that a man can-
not poffibly forbeare. Why, but what a gracelefle
unto wardnelTe is this ? becaufe a mortal! man rphofi
breath isinhis ;??o/?/f//,angers hiai,will he fiercely fiie
into the face of Almighty God, who is able, and
may juftiy, while the oath is yet in his mouth,
flrike him f^arke dead, and turne him into Hell
amongft the bannings and curfings of wicked De-
vils. Becaufe another man treads upon his toe, or
troubles him in (bme toy or other^ will he dit his
tongue red, by his blafphemous and bloudy oaths,
in that precieus bloud which (hould (ave his fbule ?
Becaufe another man pricks him with a pinne,
crofles him m his pleafures^ or hurts him in a trifle,
will he hazard hisfalvation, and wound hisowne
(buie unto everlafting death ? prodigious mad-
nclTe! ienfieire ftupidity \ 8. Oritmavbehewill
ftiroud himfelfe under the patronage of (bme great
men, who many times foulydifgracethemfelves,
aiad highly difhonc)Ur God, with fbme one or other
fet and fblemneoath, and prophanation of Gods
gloriousNarae ^ as now and then ungracloufly to
grace their fpeech, and wickedly to give weight
unto their words, without any fueh urgencie or
nece^ty, they ufe to come out with ^j^^'^C?^?^, or
fbme (uch like unfeafbnable and unfandtified
^eecheS) which hardens fbme^ and gives great of^
The Saints
fence unroothers : And hee willtejlyou befides,
that it is growne now adayes the common falhion
of the world, and almofl: the general! cuftome of
all, and that there is (carce a man to bee found (a
few {criipulous and precipe fellowes excepted, and
thefe doc as ill) bnt he will at leaft now and then
rap out an oath. But we muft not follow worldly
wife men, the multitude Si ceiftome of the world, !
in matters of Heaven, and the affaires offalyation ^
rhouffjaltmt, faith God, fd'orp a muliiinit io dot
evilly Exod 25.2. And Vaul tels us, mt man) mfe men
after tkfiej}}, mr many mghtj/y nor rrfanj noble are called^
I Cor. 1.2(5. And Chrift lefus fpaice thus unto his
Difciple?, /tf/j.15. Tee are notoftkvoorld, hut I have
chdfeftpueHtoftkvporld. Followers of Chi ift, and
fafhions of the world, are fworne enemies. We are
frriftly commanded not to fafhion our felves like unie
ihisvporld, Rom, 12.2. But we muft be pure and blame-
lejfe and as lights mtke world ^ intbeniHfiof anaugh-
ty and crooked generation, Phil, 2.15. If we would hit
the right path to Heaven, we muft take Chrift le-
fus for our guide, Heis thenpay the truth, and the light,
loL i4.^.andnot follow unfandified greatnefle^the
multitude 8c fafhions of the world : NowChrifts
dired and peremptory charge is, freare not at all^
A^atth.^ g-j. to wit, in our ordinary coramunica-
i tion. p. Nay, yet farther, (forthefhiftsandftar-
i ting holes of hollow hearts, for the defence and
i maintenance of their fvveet finne, vvhatfbever it
' be, are infinite and cndlefle) perhaps he will labour
i to fhield himfelfe with fbme fhew out of Scrip-
ture^ a defperate and gracelelle pradife, by wre-
i fling
(elfeAnriching examination^
fting Gods owne holy Word to^veaken and wound
his glory .and to make way (or fin^bnt nocvvithftan-
dingto thcpurpo(e,itmayhchewiIliir^e/>j^L^3.
II. All thatfaeare by himJlaU re'pjce i» hm. Dent, i o.
20, And ihoufidt fe^re the Lord thy God^thoujhdt ferve
him, thoufi:ah cleave imtohim 4^dj\:alt jrveareLj h's
Kawe. lanlvver^ as Satan for conqueii: over Chri/},
(b all his followers ufe many times to vvred: Scrip-
tures to theconfufion of their (bules : In that place
of the Pfalme^ by f\veanng by the Name of God, is
comprized the whole worfhip of God by a figure, a
part being taken for the whole. Now fvvearingj
which is there meant, is indeed part of Go Js w r-
(hip '^ hence it is that Icreme faith chap.^.. 7 .Thoufialt
fvpeare the Lord Hvzth^ m tyuth^in ytdgefjient^ a»dm
right eoHJ'neffe. i. But this is to bee done in high
weighty and extraordinarv matters onelv, concer-
ning in (peciail manner the ^lory of God , the
maintenance of his fervice,Word and truth. 2 . In
cafes of hazard, either of our neighbourSj or of
our owne lire_, livelihood, or Chriftian reputation,
and the like, and then when all other lawful!
meaneSj reaibns and arguments are wanting to
cleare a weighty and neceflary truth. :^. And to
that end, that God may be, i. glorified in the ac-
knovvlcdgement of his omniprefence , omnifci-
encCjtmthjJuftiee and power. 2. For the mainte-
nance of truth and juftice, in things (ecretand un-
knov/ne ^ 5, To put an end to all doubts andcon-
troverfieSjHe^.^.i^. 4. For the common good of
m^nkinde, both of our neighbours and of our
leives. 4. And for the manner^ it muft be done in
The Saints
truhi^ in]ud'^emtni., and in rigLteoHjfjeJJey as lereme
bids, and ever with a religious rcfped, and aw-
Full reverence to that glorious and dreadfullMa-
jeftie, the ilipreme Judge of Heaven and Earth,
whom we call to witnelfe as acertaine Patron of ail
truth, and fevere revenger of all falfliood : Thus,
and in this fenfe an oath is a part of Gods worfhip.
But that fwcaring which is ufuall in our ordinary
communication, is the Devils (ervice, and to bee
ranked amongft the bannings andblafphemiesof
Hell : And he that opens his mouth for defence of
it, is of a feared confcience^ and Pro6tour of the
powers of darkneffe. Thus alio underfland that
place in DeHteronomk^ with all other to that pur-
pofe, as £>?;?/. ^. I g. 1/^.^5.1 6. /(?f .4.2. //i. ip. 1 8. c^
48.1. But againft fWcaring in our ordinary com-
munication, fee MattL 5. 34,35. Urn, 5.12. You
fee what a (huffling and fhifting there is vfhen a
man is wedded to a linne, and will not fufferthe
Minifl:ery r/ the Word to mafter his corruptions,
nor is willing to fubmit hirafelfs with hamility
and obedience to the Scepter of Ghrift, and the
Soveraingty of hisfanftifyingfpirit. And if there
be Inch variety of fhifts and excofes for the finne of
fwcaring , wherein there is neither pleafure nor
profit, what pleading, what fweating will there be
for the defence of pleafiirefullj gainiull, andafpi-
ring finnes. Our late and learned Soveraigne hath
told us in his booke to his fbnne, that oaths are but
an ufe, and a finne cloathed with no delight nor
gaine, and therefore faith hee, more unexcufable,
even in the fight of men 5 other finnes commonly
Horn 15,
like a condem-
ned malcfaftor
Jetfe^inricbing examination.
have (bmepleafingbait, (bme ftrong enticement :
feut an oath hath no motive from fenfe/nofenluall
allnremenr, it is all Devill, ranke, entire, malicious
Hell. And as concerning the curfed eftareofa
(wearer, blefledc^r^j^^/ss^^, a worthy Authourjtels
uSj that he is like a rheefe condemned to die 5 the
oath is no fooner out of his mouth, bur thefcn-
tence of eternall damnation is pafJcd upon
him, for the Lord hach protefted. He mil not hvU ^ theuaiiowes
hmgnihle[;ethattaf{ethhisJSlaf/iemz'ame 5 and if the
Lord hold him not guilrlefle, who canfavehim
from eternall death ? Vengeance indeed is not prt-
fenrly executed alwayes, but Jet him know, that I
the longer hee is refpitedandrcprived, themore |
Itripesand greater plagues are preparing for him, -j
except in themcanetimeherepcntandforfakehis
finne. If then there be neither pleafure nor pro- 1
fit in f\vearing, and the flate of a (wearer fb de(pe-
rate and forlorne, and yetfuch fhuffling and fhif-1
ting for upholding it, you may con^effure how j
loth an unregencrate man^who hath no alTurance of j
Heavenbyajuftifying faith, will be to part with |
other both delightful! and gainful! (innes. Hence
it is, that yet farther, bc(ides diftinftions, excep-
tions, and many other evafions and (hifts, ra'rher
than the unregencrate man will yeeld to be guided
by the Word of truthjagainfVthefenfuall pleafures
of his heart, he will turne the point of Gods owne
weapon againft him(eife, by oppofing one place
of Scripture, with his owne fahc i^loiTc^ and private
(enfe, 3gainft the true meaning aad natural! power
of the Word in another place ; Asforexample, if
. - there
AKfiOt ^aU^fUVy
quod at) tmt ad
dathfr ^uedefi
The Sainss
there beurged againft hisformaiity.coldnefleand
luke-warmnede, that Ephef. 5.15. Tal^heedtkref&re
^ lhM)'ee r^all{e precifeljj it is cranllated circumjpiiily^
',buc the word in the originall will wellb aiethe
former^ and that i ld\^.'j. Every vidn ihatha h'.'ope
oi {^t'mgGod^purgeih himjelfeas heispure ^ that is,
in matter of iar.dilication and holincfie of life,
mu!^ be a Puritan, .ind that of oar Saviour Chrift
to his Apoftles, loh. 1 5. 10. Tteare cleave or prrrc,
btttKotall'^ asif hcfhouidhavelaid, ye arc all pure,
(fo (b;»^«£)/, the word in the originall (ignifies)
dircdly (I meane ftill in lincerity of heart, and
holinefleof life) fave onely one, and h is a devtlly
loh 6xjO' that was jW^j*. x^/^t^.^. 'Nat'pareyee chare
or pur?:, C^or the word that fignifies pure isul^d
th ere agajne) through the wordvpbicb I hamfpoken yn-
toyoH ; whence appeares, that if the Word worke
powerfully and con(cionably, and by the {an6i:ify-
ingfpiritof Chrift, it makes men pure in hoi in e(ie
of atfedions, and unfpottednefTe of life ^ I (ay if
the fbrmall profeflbur be urged with fuch places as
thefe, rightly underfVood, and in their true (enfe,
they will much gall him, nettle andftinghim, and
hec will ftartle at the name of Puritan and pre-
cileneffe, and prefently come upon you with fiich
places as thefe, with a lenfe to (erve his owne hu-
mour, and to maintaine himftlfe in a plodding
courfe of formal] Chriftianity , the places be %ch
as thcfe ^ T ere is a gemratiofi that are pure in- their
0BS>ne concdt^ and yet an not vpa{hedfrom thdrfilthimfle ,
?/•<«>. 30. 1 2. Here will he fay is a place for you that
arc fb precifc and pure^ (b finoular and Scraphicall,
klfe-inriching examination.
thac an ordinary courfe of life, anda reafonable fer-
vice of God will not ferve your turnc, but you
muft bee perchc up Jike a proud Peacocke^ in a
ftrainc and flare of holinefle above your fellowc?.
And if a man but fweare now and then, and refrelb
himfelfe araongft good fellowes, travell a little up-
on the Sabbath, dice, feaft, and dance it at times
of the yeare^ as it hath beene the cuftome time out
of mindcj and the like, he is preiently cenfured
among!\ you to bee prophane^ as though they
would have us tobee Angels upon earch, and^hat
fleOi and bloud could endure luch ftriclnefTe and
precifeneire. Such a paraphrafc as ihis would hce
have of the place, whereas indeed the very edge
of the Text doth light upon h is ovvne pate^ and cut
the throat of thecarnall gofpeller : For it takes
hold upon dich which yet lie polluted with their
owne bloud , wallowing in the dunge, (fo the word
(ignifles in the TcA't) of their owne naturall cor-
ruption , utterly without the power of inward
fandificationj and yec thefe wiil needs perfwade
themfclvcs, that though they be not fb forv/ard as
others, yet they hope forfilvation as well as the
precifeft ; Oc though they com inue in fbmc groUe
finne, asinSv/caring UncleannefTe, Ufury, Sab-
bath-breakine - Oppreflion. Ignorance, neglect
oftheMinin-eryoFcheWo'd worl ■liDe&jhatred
;^{ Godschi'dren or fome fuch like, and yet they
nourifh a conceit that their ftate is good enough
^or Heaven, and that they may well enough goe
*or s:ooH Chriftians. '^ For, thinke they with
'themlelvres, we have a good catkin other things
to I
-.— 1
The Saints
^^ ro (erve God^ ic is buc this one thing in which vve
^*^ offend, and we are bur flefh and bloud, we can -
^^not be Angels upon earth, there is no man but
'^heliesinonebofbmefinorother,6cc. Thus ma-
ny profeflburs of Gods truth thinke themfelves to
be good men, and without exception, when in-
deed and truth they are very prophane, and in the
ftate of wretchednefTe and damnation. Ifhee be
beaten from this place, hee will perhaps lay hold
on that lfa.6 5. 5 . Stand apart, come not neare to me, for
1 am holier than thou, 8cc. See (aith he, how God
himfelfe reproves and threatens fuch fellowes who
will needs be more holy than other men , they mdfl:
be tk Chrifiiam^ and oth^rmtn gooi-fiHoms-^x.'bky
muft bcthehretfuenj and allbefides prophaae ^ they
onely muft be fincere and confcionable, and others
formalifts, andcarnallgofpellers. They cannot be
content with prayer and preaching in publike, as
others are, but they muft have family exercifes, as
they call them : They cannot onely bee content
to forbeare grofler finnes^ as Adultery, Drunken-
nefle, Ufury, and fuch like, but out of their pre-
cife humours, they muft make confcience of ly-
ing in )eft, and petty oaths, when a man meanes
noharme, honeft recreation of the Sabbath, dan-
cing upon holy day es, when wehavenothmg elfe
to doe, gaming for our owne money, merriments'
amongft good fellowes to drive away the time, ab-;
fence from a Sermon now and then, at fbme wakes'
or feafts,and fuch like trifles, not to b? flood upon._
This is his corrupt gloflc, and inconfequent infe-
rence upon the place^ but wretched man, hee doth;
felfeAnriching examination.
noccontfder that the Text may jurtly and fitly be
returned and retorted upon his owne head/or here
are meant proud Pharifies, and Imperious Hypo-
crites, which out of a felfe-love of their owne car-
nail wildome, and (uperftitious conceits^ are im-
patient of controlmcntandreproofe, bythemef.
(cngers and Minifters of God ^ and thinke they are
wiftrbytheirnaturall policie, and more holy by
their will-worfhip, and civill honefty, than thofe
they call Puritans, for all their knowledge in the
Word of God, and with all their fincerity^ the
fimpler'lbrtbf thefemcn, if rheybe reproved for
finne, as theft Hypocrites were by the Prophet,
as for (wearing, prophaning rheSabbathj idleneflfe,
ignorance, and the like ^ their anfwer is common-
ly, (in fenfe and fiibftance, the fame with theirs in
the Text) what have you to doe with u5, we hope
we have asgoodaconlcirncetoGodasybu^ you
will doe wor(e your (eJfe now and then, meddle
with yourownc matters, we are better men than
I omit here the Expofition which fbme lear-
ned Divines give of this place, very probably,
which carrieth no fliew nor found any wayes to*^
wards their falfe glofle, that's this, when the idola-
trous and rebellious Jcwes were wickedly facrifi-
cingin their Gardens, and onhighhils, and under
every greene tree, as their corrupt cuftome was,
the Prophet would come unto f htm, andfrom the
iroutbof God ccnfure and reprove their wicked
and abominable (acrifices and fervites, but they
being foperftitioufly and fbttiQily wedded to
T their
) ^57
T^he Saints
their will-worfhipj (as the Papiftsarc atttis day)
thought themfclvcs hereby more holy than the
true (ervants of God, and would endure no re-
proofc and mcdiing with to the coRtrary, and
therefore when the Prophet came, they would bid
him i^and off, not bee too bufie^ nor meddle with
them, if he did,thcy would fpetd him,they would
fanftifiehimwirhawitnefle, they woulddifpatch
him, even facrifiee him, as they did their bcafts,, Co
bloudily and cruelly minded were they towards
If this place then will not fadge and fervc the
tiirne, rtmaybeebeunllturneyou to that E^ckf.
7.iS.^a»iyz^tfV*x«?*rA3bet€laithhe the wiCeman,
after ionge^emnce in rhe worki,atid paiEng tbo-
[row many courfes and wayesoflife, being now
i growne wife.and moderate,and ftaycd in maners
i of Religion, bldsvtsmftto bi)t^ ffs^rmttch 5 nottoo
I piecile, too ftrift, too imgulaaf, aot ftill to have
I one tcicke ot otfeet above, o<tes^, but to-holdithe
jhye-way, and to doe as our betters, andraoftmen
j doe, 82c* In chi&Commentafy u^niir^nraderftand
1 by the wajy , by precifenefle, CtnB^m^&, sndr fingUr
! larity, howfbevcrkce may deceive hi5^owne hcarc,
and pretend totbewocldhemeanesifincecity, ho-
i Imefe, andEndafication. Bfcit the tr\iie meauing of
i the place as Icalceir, maybe this.- k may either be
: under ftood' in ire(pediro€ pdicicj, andesiecunon g^
i juftice;, thusbe not ovec much, in chat lenfe as ura
jfay^benotteoliberd^weniean iadeed^bc>ni» pro-
'1 digall 5 beenot too merci&il, wJien'a maa. pleads
j for imputtity of propiianneflCi, and pardon of ma<^
'^ lefadors.
felfe4nrkhing examination.
lefac^lors, or fpares idolaters, as Saul did Agdg,^ that
isj bee not cruel), bee not bloudy to your owne
(bules, to the good of the Church, to tne glory of
God, in (paringand Speaking for them, in foolife
pity, whom the Lords bids root our, {o hen not ]ufi
overmuch^ that is, by (landing too ftridly ever to
the liccerallfenfeof the Law, and in all cafes with-
out putting ditference, by urging fevercly every
circumftancc, be not too rigorous, too extrearae. It
is a common laying; extremity of luftice, isexrre-
mity of wrong, be not then foftriat laced in mat-
ter of luftice, as not (bmetimes in extraordinary
cafes to moderate and qualifie extremities, with
equity and confcionable difcretion. Or thus, in re-
fpedof fpirjtuall maters, and the (ervices of God,
be not juft over much, thatis^ fith God hath wife-
ly and fufScicntly laid downe his will and pleafiire
in his Word, and given us there gracious and (pi-
ritual 1 rcles and diredions for our lives andcon-
veriation, let us not of a /uperftitious conceit or j;
opinion of merit, finde out and frame unto oar j
(elves will-wbr(hip$, and (ervices which have no I
warrant out of the Word -^ away with works of (u-)
pererrogation, pilgrimages, hermitages, and all j
unfandified vowes 5 and io the Text (hikes a- all j
Pharifes, lufKciaries, will- worfhippers, felfc-con- j
ccitedferversof God, though thev take never (bj
great paines^ the wkkcd take morepainestogoe'
to Hell J than the godly to goe to Heaven and that I
whether they talre the extreame of ftrid foperfti-
on upon the right hand, asyotj may f^ here, or } ^^^ ^^^^^
thcothcr extreameof Rotorioiis finfblncfle upon ipw 13.15.^.44
2 (Jo \ The Saints
the left hand ^ fo though they bee never Co padeac
of tortures, or exaA and exquifice in their (elfe«
devifed (ervices ^fuch were thofe wretched Jewes,
who mingled the rufull eyes of their deareft chil-
dren with muficke and melodie^, left they fljould
bemovedtocompaflion, while they were to bee
CJiik inrothe fire to bee burned up in (acrifice unto
1 Sara.i y. the. Idoll Molo/:. Such an one was Saul;, when hee
fpared the beft of thefhecpeand Oxen forfacri*
fiee, againft Gods Comraandement. Such were
Ba^ Preifts, who lanced and cut their flefh before
their IdoIU until! thcbloud gufliedout. Such were
the Scribes and Pharifes, who compafle Sea and
Land tomakeaProlelice. Such at this day are the
blinded Papifts, who out of a fuperftitious conceit
of merits whip themfelveSjWafte their goods, con-
fume their bodies with wearilbme piljgrimagesj
to fee (bme counterfeit relieves, and rotten boney,
or to vific accurfed I<iols, and popifh Saints, Such
are all filch as conceitedly ail^d, and unwarranta-
bly purfije any kind offuppofed juftice & hoiineffe
above or befidcs the faaed and fufficienc Word
of truth. I doe not fee but the Text may extend
tgboth (enfeSj for itcenfuresall exrefleof juftice,
intharfenfeas you have heard. If he be given to
the world, and earthly minded, and thereupon
preiTedwith iCor6.io» where itisplaine, That no
eovetous man (hall inherit iheKingdomeofCoi* And
with th2.ilam, 5. ^ That tk rnftof his gold and fdver
ihaUront day he a mtnejfe ugainfi him, and fhaU eat hi/
fk/h asitwerefire. He will come upon you with that
iTfm*y%*lf there beany that provideth not for hit <mne^
fetfe4nricbir)g examination.
a»i namely for them of his houjl^old^ he demeth the faith,
and is voorfe tha» an Injiddh And it is true indeed,
rightly underftood. But not oneiy the worldling
docb, bat the true Chriftian, except hee bee very
wary, and keepefrefh in his conlideration the un-
fading and lafting trealures above, may beare him-
(elfe too bold, and build too farre on that place, to
thedilgraceof his prcrfeiTion, diHiini(hinghisl()i-
rituall comfort, and lelTening his joy in heavenly
things. It is true, I e is worfe than an I/tjidell.rfiho pro-
vides not forhisfamilj ^ but he muft doe it conlcio-
nably, honeftly, lawfully ^ hee muft not deceive,
wrong and opprefTe his neighbour 5 he muft not
gather wealth together by ufury, oppreflion or
cruelty ^ by ftealing, cozeningjor violence 5 by ga-
ming, lying, falfhood, or by any indired mcanes,
and unlawfull courfe ^ for he quite croflcs & over-
throwes the meaning andpurpofe of Gods Spirit
in that place 5 (b hee brings Scorpions and fire-
brands into hishoufe, (brrowes and miferies, and
thewcrme that never dieth^ into his owne confcience 5
crofles and curf: s upon his outward ftate, plagues
and woes upon his children and pofterity , for
whom hee Co wickedly heaps up his unrighteous
M.immon. The curfc of God doth ever one way
or other follow ill gotten goods, and his vengeance
doth hunt the covetous man to conftifion.It may be
the worldling fees an end of his wealth even in this
worldj^tbat which is ofotten wrongfully & wicked-
ly, being to the reft like a dead flie in a box of pre-
cious ointment, or a fparke of fire in the thatch, it
fets on fire, waftes & confumes fonscdmcs ercn in
T 3 fliort
He gives wings
Angels which
have been long
cojped up in a
^fhe Saints
fhoTC rpace, all a mans other wealth. As the Par-
tridge lay th eggeswhichJJ)ehatchethnot^ (aith leremie^
he th:4 gettei h riches^ a 'id not by righ f ^ Jhall kave them
in the m J deft of his dayes^ and at his end JIM be a joole ,
ler. 1 7. 1 1. Or it may fallout, that he may toyie and
tire hi mfelfe with much vcxationjand heart-eating
care, in greedily hoarding up riches, kecpe them
with much feareand trembling, part from them
with greife and, Temporalium amor quantum afficit
cum h£ret poJfep&^ lantum quum fubtrdHtur nrit dolor ^
Gregor. anguifh : and,
1 . Either leave them to thofe who will (et at li-
berty and enlarge thofe golden heaps which have
formerly beene confined and imprifoned, andfafl:
k:pt with iron bolts andbarres, according to that
Vrov. 28.8. He that increafeth his riches by vfttry andin-
!e/eft, and (b indeed by any unlawful) m?anes, ga-
there th for him that will be tfiercifullto thepoore^ JPm;.
13.22. lifb ly i6^ij.
2 . Or after they may be fcattere^ and confiimed
byftran9:ers, or the/ know not whom, acco'ding
CO rh at, Ec. kfS.i Tl ere is an evill whiih Ifavp under
theS 'nne^ and it h wuch among men : 'Afnanton>hom
Go I hath given richs ^ nd teafures^ and honour, and
A? want'th no'hini^ for hisfouk of all that it dejireih ^
httt God glveth him not power to eat thereof ^ hut a
(irange man Jhall eat it up \ this is vanity^ and this is
a*f ez'ill (tck^ejfe. And that I'falm. 59. 6, Ecclef^. 8.
3. Or the V may brqneat^ them to thtiir children,
and the rarfe of i!I gotten good> cleavins: unro
theiii, thj'fkay melt avpoy in their hands, arfnjw before
jelfeAriYiching examination.
the Sume 5 according to that Ecck^. 5. 4 ^,7 here is an
evilljick^ejjethat ihavefeem under the Sunne, tomt^
riches rejervedfir hurt to the owners therei^f^ andthefe
richesperiflo by evilltravell^ andhcbeget1etha[vnne and
in his hand is nothing. But howfoever, whether ill
gotten goods profper orprofper not in the hands
of the owner, or his pofterity ^ atTuredly ihe plague
and curfe of God doth cleave unto his fbule, and
continually haunts and hunts ihatmantodertru-
dion, who enrichtth himfelfe by wicked and
wrongfull meanes, except betime he repent found-
\y^ amend his life, and make reftitution. Heeihat
hath opprejffedthepooreand reedy ^ or hath (pfykd by %-io-
lence^orhathnot reftored the fledge ^ or hath given jo th
upon ufury^i or hath tak^n increafi^ (the fame reafon
isalfoof all indirtdVardunlawfi P getting) yZtf///?e
live^Hefl all not live feeing he hath dom all 1 hefe abom^
nations, he fl all diethe deaths and Us bloudfl.allbeupon
him £4^^^.18.12,13. And rake this by the way, the
more a man profpcrs in his outward fhre, by ill
gotten goods, the greater curfe doihfiirely cleave
unio his fc)ule5and more fearefull vengeance abides
him for afterward. They and their pofterity may
profper, Pp/. 17. 14. but marke the cur(e that
cleaves unto them, They are men of ihe veorld, and
have thei^' portion in thit l^e„ Ard as a man is not to
provide for his family by any unlawfull or indired
meanes, neither is he to doe ic, though his raeanes
be juft and right, with a greedy, earthly, and co-
vetous heart. If a man take no wicked courfe to be
wealthy, but that his meanes bee warrantable
out of Gods Word, yet if hee goe about it with a I
T A worldlv *
i6^ '
The Saints
worldly minde, diftruftfull of Gods providtnce^
and enamoured upon earthly things , and the
wedge of Goldj he cannot looke for Gods bleffing
either upon hirafelfe^ or upon hib goods. Theiamc
j .4/><7^/^ that (aithj He thatprcroideth »ot for Ins family ;
lisvporfethananlnfideU'^ bids us in another place »J9
this vfoMasthotigh we ufedH not:, for the faflnon of this
vfiorldgoeth'avpay. If the wealth of this world come
not upon us as upon other men J we are not by any
meanes to labour with greedy minds, or unlawfull
meanes toenrich our felves, but ftrongly to uphold
our hearts, in conferring with ftich places as thefe^
Better isa llttkmth thefeare of the terd, th(m great
treafnre and trouble theretfith, ?rov. i^.i6, that is,
withfeare, care, fbrrow, and a guilty confcience.
Afmall thing unto the righteous^ is better tha^s great
riches to the melted and mighty, Pfal. 37. i^. for the
wicked and mighty with their great wealth, and
large Revenuesjare fatted againft the day of flaugh-
ter, while the righteous with their little pittance,
are fweetly Sc comfortably led along to evcrlafting
happinefle. We muft not meafure and eftimatc the
comfort of riches by their heaps and hoards, but
by Gods bleffing, and the comfortable ufe of
them. A little gold is more worth than a great
deale of Led ; A fmallpearle over-valueth a huge
rockeof flint : A Barne full ofwHDod is not fo much
worth as a box foil of Dlaraonds : That foiafl
which the true Chriftian enjoy es, with the blef^
(ing of God and a good confcience, is infinitely
more worth and precious, morcfwcct and com-
fortable than all the treafures of the wicked, or
jelfe-inricbing examination^
theweakhoF the whole world. Ifhee beeaman
that hath' his fweet finne ftill beat upon by the Mi-
nifterie of the VVord^ but will by no meanes yeeld
and fubmic to the power thereof, for ail the judge-
ments and certaine vengeance denounced sgainft
him, and be thereupon urged with thofe terrible
places againft fuch men. Dent, 2p. 1^,20. Ifaman
hare ihi veords of this curfi, and bkjjehm^'elfe in his
heart, faying^ I Ball have peace, c^c. Tie Lord i»ill;2ot
h ntercifuU unto that man^ but then the wrath of the
j Lord J d^c, ler 1 8. i f . Speal^ thou therefore unto the
! menof ludahy^c, I prepare a plague for you ^ andpnr^
^ pofea thing againflyoH:^ returnepit therefore every one
from his evillroay^ and make your roayes andyeur wor^s
good-^ but they faid defperately^ furely we will walk^ after
our ovpne imaginations^ and doe every manafter the flub -
bornnefje&f his mch^d heart ^c^c. The judgement fol-
io wes, v.if. Ivpillfcatter thefnmthan Baft wind before
the-enemie^ ItPfllfJ)evi> thm ihe backjtnd not the face in the
day of their ckjlrttUion. And Pf 5 9. '^.Standnp Lord
God of Hoftsy tJjou God ofjfrael, to viftt all the heathen,
and be not mereifull tmto 1 1: em that offend of malicious
wick^dmffe. If he be urged I fay with fuch places as
tkefe, whereby it appeares, that God doth in (pe-
ciall manner, with particular wrath and indigna-
tion, i^thimfelfeagainft theraj whodoe wittingly
and willingly goeon in (bmeopen/infamousjand
lewd CGurie, though their ftate be many times laid
open totheirfaces by the Miniftery of the Word,
he will prefently fhieldhimfelfe with that much
abufed sindv^refted place which isufually readbe-
fore confeffions At'a>kattimeCoe^er, &c. taken our
Ptrliirti Graine
T^he Saints
01 Ezech. 18.21,23. But if wee Itrioufly confider
rheccnditi nsnecedarily required andexad^edby
God on the finners parCj they are well able to cook
che courage, and ftop the current of any obftinate
prefumptuous wretch, that therefore in the meane
time goes on in his finne, becaufe God ibmercifull
at any time :, The place runs thus in the Text, and
requires this condition ^ iftk wicked vriU retnrm
frot^ all hiijim that bee hath committed andl^epeaHmj
Ratifies, and doe that vohich is Lvpfull and right \ hefiall
furely live a»dfiall not die : All his tranjgre^iens^d^c.
Hence it appeares plainly, that il: a man will chal-
lenge any right part or interelt in this preciou? pro-
mi ft of grace and mercy, hee muft leave all his
finnes, andkeepe all Gods ft-atutes, for thefeare
principles laid downe in the bwfl: Divines in the
dodtrine of mortification.
1. Firftj a man can have no peace in his con(ci-
ence, that favoureth andretaincthanyonefinnc
inhimfelfeagainfthis confcience. 2. A man is in a
damnable eftate, whatfoever good deeds feeme to
be in him, if heyeeld not to the worke of the ho-
ly Ghofl-, for the leaving but of one knowne (inne,
which ti^hteth againfi the peace of confcience.
^. So long as the power of mortification de-
ftroyeth thy finfull affeftions as they rife, and (b
long as thou artunfainedlydifplea(ed witha'l fin,
and dofi mortifie the deeds of the body b^ the fpirit^ thy
cafe is the cafe of fil vation. -^ q , -oc} 7 i :
4. Every Chriftian (hoald carry in his heart a
conftantand refolved purpofe nottofinneinany
thing, for faith, and the purpofe of finning can ne-
ver (land together. ^5. A
le/fe-innching examination. i6y
5. A good confcience ftands nbc with a purpofe '.
of llnningj no not wich an irrefolurion againfl:
dine^pfaLi i^.i.Thefeand the like fayin,^s which
tocarnall cares tafteof too much ftridnelTe and fe-
vericy^ Ipt'wg and have their ground and warrant
from this pace, in the Prophet, which is fo much
and feareTully abufed by a prophane and unhal-
lowed interpretation^ to prefuniption, (ecurity,
and defperate continuing in finne : For to an im-
partial! and fincere underftanding the fenfe is
cleare, and the place pregnantly fhe\?es, that if
any man would have his firmes pardoned, his heart
purged 3 himfelFe poflelTed oF the ble/Iings of
grace, and right to the creatures , he mull not leave
fo much as hisfweet finne unmortifiedjUncruflied,
and uncaft out, hee muft returne from all his fins ;
nay, and befides'hemuft keeue allGodsft^tutes.
thtuJJjould I not bee confounded faich David^ r^heyjl
hitvorejpe&unioaUthyCommander/ieKtf. Though we
cannot perfeftly and exadly in the ftate of morta-
litv fulfill the law of God, yet all that arefandi-
fied and Gods true fervanrs, with fincerity and firr-
gienefle of heart, refped, fcare and ohev all his
Commandements.If thou then upon this ground,
whofbeverthou^rr deferrethy turning m to Cod
untill thy deaths bed. Job 2 7.8.9. i o. tell mee tht n
how thou perf jrrneft the condition, and leviveft all
thy finnes. for t^^en then they leave thee, ^a*^;'^/^-
rurus e. .<? /fuh egifti femte^tram, eo tempore^ ntto d^ pec-
care votnfli : Si mt vi vis agere posniteniUm^ ipfam
tuttc qudndoHccare nonpoies pec cat a ie dimfermt) non
fn ilia. And what fpace flialt thou have to purcha(c
Balone of G'l-
4^g. toM.10.
The Saints
conatorc by keeping all Gods Scacuces, whentfiou
art piefently going to judgement, for thy many
breaches of his Lawes^ and rebellions to his Maje-
ftie ? Thus I have given you a tafte, how the for-
roall Profeilbur, who hath no mortification, doth
ufc to (hift by diftinftions, exceptions, excufes,
carnall limitations , falfe GloflTes, oppofing one
place of Scripture in his owne fenfe, againfi: the
true meaning of another, and the like. And as hee
doth ftillopp fe againft the power of Gods truth
in one point orotherj (efpecially that which ftrikes
at his fweec finne) eicher by profefTion, opinioHj or
praftife, or in all, or at leaft in the laft;, fo com-
monly you Ihall ever finde him not (b well afFefted
to that holy part of divine truth, which thunders
out Gods juft judgement againft finners, and
therefore his applaule and voice ever goes with
thofc Prophets n>bo ctypeace, peace, and which fill
the eares of fooles with fpirituall flatteries, and
ftand all upon pardon, mercy and compafiion, but
asforthem thatdeale faithfully with Gods Word,
and feelingly with mens confcienccs, whok^epem-
thing hacj^ fi^om them of all the couufell of God, bu t fol-
low the right method of faving fbules, fanftificd
by the holy fpirit, and praftifed by the Prophets,
Apoftl^s, and all Gods faithfull Minifters, which
is fir ft to wound and bruife by the terrours of the
Law, and then feafbnably topowreinthe loft and
faving oyle of grace ^ I fay his heart and affedions
are not toward fuch as thefe, becanfe he is not wil-
ling to heare of plagues and judgements for finne ^
he is (etled and refblved upon a plodding forraall
felfe-ttirichmg examination.
courfe, wedded to the pleafure? of Ms fweet (inBC,
TtnA therefore would not willingly be diiquieced,.
and caft into melancholy, by being put in minde
of tbo(e endleffe torments and vexations^which
are prepared and preferved for all hollow-he>.7rced
and halfe Chriftiaas. ^ he fiouriilieth in his outvv.ird
eftate, pro(pers in the world, and makes a taire
griftering in outward profeffioHy and therefore it
gals andftings him to the heart toheare of ftieh
like places as thefe ^ lab 2 o. 5 ,^5 7. Tbe)oj'ofkj^p9Mt's
is but a momenta, ilmfghbij zxcdknck motrnt up to the
Hcaveft, and his had mtchtmio the clonh^ jet pall hee
perijh for ever like hisdung^ d^c: Pfal,ii»6. Vfott the
mck^diheLorimllrmm fnares^fire and htimflom^ and
ftorme tempefis^ this is the portion of their cup^ lobS.t u
Can a-rufi) grdvf vpithoftt mire ^ or can the graffe grovf
T^khoutroater} tlioughitwere yet greenejetjlj. U it rvi^
ther before any other herhe -^fo are-fhe^pnthsof allthst for"
^tGod\ /4nd the l^ypocrices hope pjallierlflj'^ Br confi
dence4lfoP)aUheeMtfifj and hhtrufiJljaHbeasikhouft
of tkfpider ; befljall leane upon his houfe , but itfiall not
fiand^ hefjali hold him pft by it^ y?t fljall it not endure.
This vexctb him ro yhehi^artv that whereas he is
richly and ftronajly clothed and encompafTrd witH
wealth and worldly reputation, yetnotwirhfi-an-i
din2,he mud fhortly perilli, etenlil^ his m^ne dungei
And whereas in the world hee goes for an honefl:
and civill man, and forgone that is moderate ?,nd
fober m Religion, onely none of the precifer fort ^
yet in the dav of triall, all the confidence and hope
which formality and outwardnefle in Religion
bath planted in his hollow heart, fhall prove unto
U I W J B )
The Saints
him hi 4sa Spdersweb, '^ Tht. houle of a Spider
" cannoc rtay amun by the way, which is falling
''frotnth?top)of anhoufe : N cither can civiilho-
" nefty, or outwardnclTe in Religion flwe thefor-
mali PfofelTour from (inking into the bottome of
f* Hell, As judgements againft finnes lie in the
Booke of Godjhe doth not openly grnmble againft
them, for that would fecme to talte* of blafphe-
pjous Athcifme, yet what (ecret repinings he har-
bours in his heart, Godknowes^ but when Mini-
fters prefle them out of the Pulpir, and urge them
upon the con fcience, there hec thinks he may be
mofe boIH than with the Booke of God, and there-
fore then he cries out of too much judgement, of
too much preffing the Law, of too raochfeverity
4fldimperioufnciie over mens confcience and dri-
ving them todefpaire. But let him conceive and
underftand, that never any man that belonged to
God, and to his cverlaftiog covenant of grace and
mercy, was driven utterly fVom God, into the Hell
of de^aire, by urging the Law, and Gods juft
judgement againft finne : It may bring them into
feares and amazements of heart, into anguilhand
horrour of confciencc for their finnes, and (b it
(hould, and (oGod would have 5 that is the very
blefled way which leads unto the glorious comforts
of theGofpell, and the Paradife of true Chr iftia-
nitv ^ but it never did, it never can caft anyone
that belongs to God, either into Cah^ cafe, orlu-
</>#^ his Hell. Befides, Ifpeakeenlyformineowne
experience ^ I have knowne many good Chriftians
who have much complained of thofe who preach
fe I fe^inriching examination.
io mercifullj^and ccmfortably (as fome call it) y?///
crjwg peace. peace y&s of mea that do tio good ifi their
Miniitery 5 but much encourage prophanenefie;
aadaddeflresgih ftnte the hand of imquHy ^ but I fie-
ver heard anV true Chriftian rightly inforrned^
finde fault wkhfcafofableurgmg the hm, fuch
find-faults are commonly ever obnoxious them-
felves^ and galled upon the fore, and tlierefore
they kicke and fpurne at the pun and nndefikd Idtfi
efOod, and bis faithful! raerfengers, when as in-
deed it is their ownecormptkjn5 sfnd hatred to b^
reformed, which breeds all tfeelr n&i(€?fy andirti*
paticncie of reproofe. I ipeake not this to Jcrftifie
a«d ^ve allowance unto affy iifffealbnal>l^ teri^ify*
ing o(my creft±'Uflgcon(cieQGe,poWf ifigth^ V«^^e
of Gods wrath into any bTutfed heart jOfa^plyifig i
bking corira)6ve toa bleeding ibule. As I dare- not
fpcakc peace or promife pardon to any pro-
phane man, or ittipeiwCenc (Inner, (b I iriiMce-fy
deiirc to poure tih^ fofteflroyky ^riddearieft'prCH
mifes of grace and mercy, vmo e^ery broken asd
wounded heart, fo as^promifes^of falv^ttion toa
worldling-y are like /wiW;* toa^frnk ^ fo^erfburs of
the Law to a/ man tiuly humbled, are ^sfik^mi*^
Summdf^ mdmiKPi^ar&t^, botti unfeemly andun-
feijfenabic. But untillaffiifiibee co-founded and
caflrdowneirrhimielfe^ mA truly humbled^ ;jf/!^«f
Godsmi^nyha&d, with %h^of hisf firtnes, ind fenfe
of Go(fi wfatliv by a powerSlll aipplicatidn of the
Law;;: GJUtr dfwkac ccsflfeiettce ^ €6ifimttndement
can a Manb^er of rfrefiffol^ holy im& fuft God, mi-
nIftciniO'MriiiComfortaf falvadon, or any hopeof
i Heaven?
■H— attc ^m I i t » ii i fc TriBCg .)c^a=^gJ
The Saints
Hcuvcii .'' whac gfOLiiid, what warrant is there tor
(hch daubiag-i mth fucb untemf^redmorter .<? or what
good comes therby to the party ? or comfort to the
Preacher ? Oh! could wehearenowthofewofull
cries and yellings which many fbrlorne and dam-
ned foules willcaft upon the^ces of their faichkfle
Teachers, at that laft \nS dreadfull day, telling
them that their picafing preaching hath beene the
occafion to bring them into the pit of Hell, that
their daubing hath beene the caufeof their dam-
ning ;&c. then would we change onr minds, and
bebeft plcaled with the moft (earching Sermons.
Suppofe a man in danger and doubt about the ftate
of his Lands, fhould come to a Lawyer to receive
information and inftruftion thereabouts, and he
perufifig andfearchingthorowly his writings and
evidences, and finding them very unfound, and
his t'ltle and claime unto them very infufficient,
yet notwithftanding tcls.him, becaufe hce will
notcaft him downe for the prefent, and difconrage
him, or rather becaufe he hopes to^aine by him,
that his caufe is good enough, his title (bund, his
right unto them without exceptions, and fbdif-
miileth him with much joy, hope, and comfort ^
hereupon he foUowes a long and tedious fuit, with
good confidence, and hopefull expedation ybat
when all comes to all, and the matter to the triall,
his titles prove ftarke naught, and fb he doth not
oT^ely lo(e his lands, but alfo his whole fVocke, and
all his other goods are quite and unneccflarily fpenr
upon arotten caufe : Doeyouthirtkefuchdealine
as this would make any thing, either fox the credit
felfe^inriching examination. i xy?
of the Lawyer, or the comfort of the Client? Had
it not beene better ibr both fiJes there hadbeene
faithfull and plainc dealing at firft > Or imagine
one ficke of a confumption (hould come unto a
Phyfitian, and defire him ro tell him truly what he
thought of his difeale, whether it weic recivcrable
or iucurable, if there were no hope that he might
prepare himfelfe for another world and compofe j
hisfoulereligioully forHeaven^If it were curable
that he might fet himfelf toa rourfecfPhyfi k:,and
hope for his former health ; and he knowing from
infallible grounds and rules of art, that there were
no poffibility of recovery, yet to pleafc him for the
prefent. and to make way for his owne advantage,
tels him there is no doubt to be made, but he may
recover if He will be at the charge 5 whereupon he
fpends all that hee hath upon the Phyfitiar, and
goes thf »row much anguifh and painc^and at length
when all is gone, both body and fubftance fucked
dry, hee is uncomfortably It ft to the pangs of
death, and rhecertaine period of his long and un-
neceflary Iangui(hing . Had it not beene better
thinke you for the conscience and Chriftian repu-
tation of the Phyfitian , and both for fbnie ,
body and goods of the patient, that the truth had
beene told at the beginning ? It is fb in the prefent
cafe about fpirituall matters ^-mens fpiriruall
cftates are to be discovered by theMinifteryof the
Word, the (bundnefle or (ardinef?e of their hopes
for Heaven iruft there appcare. It is the part and
officcof theMinifler, out of the Law and Booke
of God, to refolvcmen of the right or rottennefTe
V ot
The Saints
oftheir tide and intcreftj to thaccveriaftinginhe-
' ricance above. Now whether is better thinke you,
both for the eonfcience and comfort of the Mini-
; fter, and the endlefle good of the hearersj that he
I (hould deale faithfuliy in this weighty and impor-
I tant point ; that he ihould tell the forraall Profef-
llbur, and luke-warrae Chrifiian/that except hee
I come on to the forwardnelieof the Saints of God,
{and embrace their fineerity, the Lord will raoft^
certainly j^ea? him mi ofhU moitih: Thecivillhof-.
Ijijen: mais- thatif heoncly confient him(elfe there*'
■; with j there are many of the Heathens m^re hone ft?
;'.tha4i.hiaifelfe already in the fiery Lake ^ the Anm"
likardj, the coverous, and (b othei? notorious fin^ ■
\. that (b by the mercies of God y if they bdong
|Unro Q-^d, they may iii^er the Word of Life to
•iinke into their inward fbules, to-fotren their
j hearts, tofandifie and fave both their bodies and
jifcules. I fay, whether ia it better for a Miniflcr
I thus to deaie faithfully in tke holy bufinelFes of
! Godj and plainly with men in fb high and weighty
!' point, asths endlelTe damnation and falvation of
! thfiirfonles, tfrh^ fomf^pilis'infes wtderthelr elbov^zs-^
5 hif cryingpact, peace^ ami fn^hiHg^pkafiffga-ndfime^
rixgthmgf^ put them into a foolrsParadife, and
^oundJefl^ perfwafion of ih e fbundnefle of theic
fpfrituall eftate, whentndeed and" truth thereisna
fuch matreF : So that whca the day of trial! comes^
Com€%alfitfp§n4hemfiid4c»de^n*iii«ii^ at irav^^knp^ '
^fhawomanvfikh Mdn , a»i ihey-fhall mt efcape ^ and
thcathcylofe»0£onely tkekfoules, and an ever- ]
I^lfe-vmchmg examination .
laiting inheritance in Heaven, but alio much vaine
hope and expeftatJon, which by reafon of thcun-
faichfulnelTe and tinfincericy of their Miniilers,
they entertained and feed upon all their life long.
The Preacher is the Phyfitian of the foules of
men, is it cither confcience or honefty thin ke you
for him to tell a man that his (bule is in (piriruall
health, when it is certainly bleeding ro everhfiing
death ; Were it not farre better truly and plainly
to acquaint him with his difeaie and danger, that
(b (b he might ieeke for remedy and be (aved, than
either by didembling or filenee, tolethiraperidi
in his finnes, and (6 himielfe incurre the horrible
guilt of fpirituall bloud-(hed ? The Surgeon who
onely drawes over a skinne^ while the wound in the
meane time doth dangeroafly rankle and fefter in-
wardly, either wants skill, or honerty., or both.
Where is the confcience and (piricuall wifdome o^
that Prophetj IVho cries peace^peace^ volje/t there is nd
fedce^ lerem 8. 1 1. Jf^hopaSni over mth th tmiempered
mortero^ {pirituali'flatteries,the already pai^^tedse-
pulcher^ the glorious hypocrite, vphen as vpithin there
Is nothing but rottemejfe and confnfion ? Yea, bur
howfoever are judgements fealbnable flill ? muft
ftill the law be urged ? muft we heare continually
of our finnes ? In every Sermon muft the fwearer,
the drunkard, theufurer, thc^ wanton, the world-
ing, the ignorant , be damned into the pit of Hell >
Ts there no timefor peace ? What peace? faidlehu to
lehoram^ in another cafe, vphik ifte xphoredcmes of thy
mother lezebell, a»d hertvUchcnffts, are yet ia great
nnmher ? So may liay.in this point, what peace
" V 2 would
The Saints
would you have when there is no peace towards
bi4t»oif<' and tHmbl'mf^ of garments in blond^ a»i bur-
mng.anidevounngof fire ^ What peace ? while ma-
ny crying abominacions, as gr'm ding ths faces of the
poa/e, tl&ry, DrunkennefTc, Swearing, llnclean-
nefTe, IgnorancCjand the like, with brazen browes,
and whoriQi fore- heads, even out-face theSunne^
and rebeliiouily band chemfelves againflrtheMa-
j'^ftie of Heaven. If you would not heare of your
finnes continually, continue not in your (Tnnes^
in worldiineffe, uncleanncflejluke-warmncflejpro-
phaneneflc, and prophaning Gods Sabbaths, 8cc.
untillthedeadflcQibe confumed, corrafives muft
bee applied ^ while finne reignes it muft bee re-
If the Law bee dillafirefull unto you, rent and
breakeyour ftony hearts, that they may be fitted
for the precious oyle of grace, and comfortable
promifesoftheGo(pell. Was knotunfeaibnable
fori/^/^Ainhistime tocry^ woe againft Inclofers,
I fVoe unto the^pt tb it joyne houfeto houfe^ and lay fiddto
\field, &c. chap, 5. 8. Againft carrowfers, Woe unto
them that an mighty to drinkg whCj and to them that
anftrong to povpre in ftrong drink^^chap 5.32 A gainft
the proud and the drunkard, }Voe to thi cmvne of
pride^ the d/*unl^arh of Ephraim^ for his glorioHs beau-
ty fhaU be a fading flomre^^ d^c. chap. 28.1. Theyfhall ke
trodden Hffderfooty even the crowneandtheprrdeof the
drunkards ofEphraim^ '^^'^fl Was ic not unieafona-
blefor£2i<r<r^/ff/totell his people, that if any defiled
his neighbours wife opprejfed thepoore and needy ^ ga^e
forth upon ufury^ ortookeincreafe^ hejhonldnotlrve, hut
• fiould
— — —*—— ^ ■- 1 -I 1 1, 1
felfe4nriehing examination. i ^JJ
fhoulddk the deathy and his blond (hould bee upon him ^
chap. 1 8. Was it not unleafbnable for leremy ro
threaten Jerufakm immediately from Gods owne
mouth, that ifth^woddnotjan&ifie the Sabbath day^
the Lord vponld handle afire in. the gates tliereof^ and*H
/hould devoure the Taloces oflerufak w^ anditjlwuld not
be quenched, cbap,i7,2'j. Was it not unfeafbnable
for Zephanie to pronounce a woe againft the pollu-
tions of his time, the contempt of the Word, the
cruelty of great men, the lewdnefie of the Pro-
phets ^ ^t^e^J^i/M^e, to her that is filthy to that cruell
Citie, /he heard not the voice, Jhe receivednot corre&ion,
fhe trufted not itt the Lord^ fje drevp not mare to her God»
Her Princes within her areasroaringtions^ her Judges
areas Wohesin the evening^which leave net the bones iill
the morrot»*Her Prophets are light and wicked per fons.^her
Priefls have foUuted the San^uary^ they have wrejled the
tavp^Zeph.'^* Was it not unfeafonablc for /l/<?/<;J;/>
to bring the words of God to his people ^ / r^ill
comenearet0youto]ndgewent^ and Iwillbeafaiftmt-
neje againft the Sooth'fayersj and againft iheadjilterers^
and againft falfefta^rarerSy and againft thofe that wrong-
fully keepe back^ the hirelings wages ^ and vex tloe widdew
andthefatherlejfe, and the ft ranger, andfearenot wee^
faiththeLordofHofls^y Malach.'},K. Was it not un-
(eafbnable for Saint lan/es to tell hard hearted men, i
that iherefiaUbe condemnation wercileffe toUm that^
Jheweth not mercy ^chap. 2 . 1 3 . To bid rich men weepe and
howle^ for their miferies thatJlM come upon them^ chap*
5. 1 . For Saint ? anl to tell wanton s, thai whoremon-
gers and adulterers God will )udge^ TJeh, 13.4. To tell
thofe that doc the works of the flefli, fuch as are j
• V 3 mckmnejfe^
^be Saints
j^WT— ■ — " ■ I II ^-^ ^_^— .^___^_^
uncleamejje dr»nh^nmjje^ hamd^ andptcblfk^^ that they
fiall mt itiimit the KingdgmtofGod, Oal.'^. Totejj
th e i gnoran t that the Lord Jefus willjkepp him filft from
Heaven mth his mightj Angds^ in^arfnngjire^ ^e,
2 Theff,i,S, To tell ill prophanemen to their faces,
that u»to them that are contention ^ and difobey the
truth, and obey unrighteoufKeffe fhaUbe iftdignatimattd
wrath, trfbffl tion andaxguifhjha/lbe upon thefmk of
e'very watt that doth eviU, oftkelewfirfti andaljooftJje
Grecian. Kom,2,'^^9» Was ir not I fay unfeafonable
for thefe bklTed men of God in their times to deale
thus faithfally with Gods people, with whom
rheyhadto doe, or publifhing unto them f^npA^^
connjell of Gedy and his juft decrees againft -their
hatefall finucs, that fothey might doe their befl:
to drive them untoGod, and bee fure to free their
owne (bules from the guilt of the bloud of fbules>
And (hall not the (ame holy pradife of Gods Mi-
nifters be (ea^nable now in thefe times, efpecial-
ly when finne is a thoufand times more finfall ?
For our time^ave received all the pollations and
abominations which the courle and current of all
fbnner ages hav^e carriedinto the (mke of fin,which
is now a thoufand times more full and filthy than
ever it was before. There was never roor« and
more cm^W Indofing never more and more hate-
ful! Caroling never more and more abommable
Pride, Opprelfion, corruption in all Eftates, Ufii-
ry, Druokennefle, Uncleancicfle, Mercilefheflcto
the poore. Ignorance in the common people,
contempt of the Mi oi rtcryjn a word, there was ne-
• ver more HeU upon Earth, never (b large a harvef^
Jelfe4nriching examination.
for Satan 5 And yet weenmtt crypeace^ weemuU
preach no judgement, as if it were fit toproclaime
pardon to open and profefled rebels, as though
that fword of Gods Judgements , which couid
hardly wound finne m the Cradle, were too (harp
and (trong to encounter it being growne a Gyant :
As though they were lit Trumpeters for the Lords
warre, which would not or durft noryZ-ejy ihpeopl
their tran[gre([\otis^ andihe kojtfe of Jacob ihrnjinms.
As though thcMinifters of che(c times were not
the Embafladors of the (ame moft holy and ;uft
God/had not taken xht fame oath of everlafting
enmitie againft the Prince of this vcorld-^ had not the
Qmc faordffftlie Spirit^ to vpouud tie hJrie ^calpe^f
everfouethat gBesoninhis tvick^dne^e ;, were nor fijr-
nifliedwith the fame mighty hammer ofhis Word,
to brcake in peeccs ftony hearts ^ and the (ame
fymtxxdMvfe^^mtocaft dijwfte firoftg holdt-^ had not
the lame crying finne and hatefull corruptions to
cry againft and confound x^ and were not as it were
to ftand at the ftavcscnd with the whole world, as
well as the Prophets of old, and all Gods faithfoll
raeflcngers in ages paft. Wretched men who con-
troll, prefcribe unto, and limit Gods wifdome, a*
bout the manner and method of working upon
their corruptions , croffe the course of all thofe that
ever fet rhemfelves confcionably totheconverfion
of fbulcs, and will needs be carried to Heaven on
beds of Downc. Thefe men would have have a fu-
garandidlken Gofpell, a Church of Velvet, they
would feed. onely upon manchpt .and Masna, and
tread upon Violecs and E-ofesImcanCathey would
V 4 be
They wcuM ar-
rive at Heaven,
withoHt falling
by the gates of
Hell : mat is,
and joycs of
Life, witheuta
broken fpjrir,
28o \
be new bomesWkhout the pan gs of the new birth
8cc. And wretched Minifters, who either for want
oFskillj of courage or conicicnce, that they may
pleafe, be plauQble, or for preferment, (both men
up in their finnes, either byfilence, or preaching
pleafing things, whereby they futfer them to pe-
rilh in their finnes, and thcmfclvcs are guilty of
the bloud of their foules, Ezech. 3 3 ,
Some faid , a Divine call thofe that open the
Law, and denounce judgement, Englifh Dodors^
and the mofl infufficient agents Chrift employes in
hisMiniftery : But they are indccdthemoft glo-
rious and magnificent workmen that God exerci-
fethin his Harveft ^ for by affrighting and aftoni-
fhingthe confcicnces, they may recall men from
their evillcourfes, and from the jawes of the De-
vil I, by begetting in them remorfe and true for-
row for finne, and-prepare them for falvation, and
the glory which is to be revealed.
Thus have I largely hid downe the humour and
pradifc of the formall Profeflbr, when his deceit-
full heart is difcovcred by the light of divine truths
and hee is prcfTed with the power of the Word,
againft his fweet finne, or that maine worldly con-
tentment, upon which h€e hath inordinately rc-
pofed his heart, aifedions and chiefe delight :
He is refbl ved not to part with it; (neither indeed
can, untill it pleafe the Lord (bundly to convert
him, and thorowly to fanftifie him) andyetbe-
caufe hee makes confcience of fbme of his wayes,
I goes for an honeft man, is good in many things, he
/ would net willingly for one default forfeit all his
I other
[elfe-inricbing ^^mination^
ocher.integricies • he is both to loferhe benefirand
rewarclof the reft of his goodnefle, and therefore
he ftraines the utmofl: veine of his wit, to devife
(bme flii ft by diftindion, limitation, exception^
falfegloffej private and partiilHnterpretation, op-
pofing in a wrefted fenie one place of Scripture
againrt another, or the like, thatfo he may blunt
the point of the (vvord of the Spiric, left by woun-
ding and vexing hiscon(ciencetoomachj heebe
difturbed and difquieted in the enjoyment of that
(endiall contentment, in which his chiefe worldly
happineifedothconfift ; He (hatch eth greedily at
every (hadow and colour of excule, that hee may
fbme way comfort his heart againft thcchecksof
his confcience, and with more hearts-eafe waike
on in a fooles Paradifc, towards the pit of deftru-
dion, and endleffe woes of another world. But if
he can finde no ftarting hole from the light of the
Word, nor furnifh himfelfe with any plaufible
iliift or excafe (for this cunning befals but few, and
thofe of better underftanding, and more policie)
why then this is his courfe, he (brfets fb immode-
rately, and drinks (b deepeof thefenfiiall pleafures
ofchatbofbmefinne, to which hee is lb wedded,
that he cafts his confcience afleep,and /o goes on at
all adventures, and throwes himfelfe upon Gods
mercies, without all ground or warrant, with fuch
conceits as thefe, that he hopes he fliall doe as well
as others, who are farreworle than himfelfe; that
God no dbubt win be mercifuH to one firine ^ that
alibis other good parts and good deeds will coun-
tcrvailc and make amends for one infitmity, (fbr fa
28i I TThe^Sainu
he will call it and conceive of it, chough it bee a
grofle and grievous finne) that one finne will not
require lb great repentance, but chat it may be well
enough done upon his dcach-bed, and iuch like.
To conclude the whole poinc 5 cheformall Profef-
for wich his temporary faith^ doth ever ling N</4-
;5i!?^;??/note ^ But therein the Lord ktnercipU unto thy
fervafit'j that is, in this or that (weet finne, in one
camall contentment or other, which hee cannot
leavCj he will not forgoe : Perhaps he is no Swea-
rer, no Lyer, no Adulterer, no Drunkard ^ he is a
frequenter of Seruions, a favourer of the Mini-
, ftery, and doth many things thereafter^ hut as for
jUfury, his eftate doth much depend upon it, hee
I knowes not otherwaycs how to provide for his
! children, the Lord moft be mercifiill r nto him in
i that point. Perhaps he is no llJurer^no Opprc{!?)r5
: nor outwardly infamous with any notorious finne,
but as for the fenfuall pleafures of uncleannefle,
I and luftftiU fweetneflc of whoredome and fomi-
I cation, and adulteries of the heart, they hurt no
bodybuthimfelfe, and are fo inbred and naturall,
j the Lord muft bee mercifull to him in that point.
I Or it may bee hee is not (b haunted with noy(bme
\ luftSj or much given toany outward grofle finne,
i but as for a ftrid courfe of holinefle which Precifi-
onstake, that hee cannot digeft, he muft now and
then fpend h's time amongft good fellowes, bee
knowes not otherwife how to pafTe the time, nor
to pafle away his dumos and melancholy, the Lord
J muft be mercifull to him in that point.
Thus, though outwardly hee make feire (hew,
Ictfe-innching (ixamination.
yet there is ever ooe thing of och er behinde, which
for pleafure of profir^or elHmations fake, hee wilJ
not pare ^ there isone unmonified corruption or
other, which, if ic were podible, hee would even
carry with him to Heaven. But the man that is fan-
ftifi-'d by fiith, doth whally relignc uphimfelfe
to bee reformed and ruled by that holy Word,
which hath a'ready powerfully converted him,
and wherein Go.;J hath given hisWordj that if he
erklwttetht endheP:di he-^aved ^ hee hath refie& t&aU
Cods Commafiikments , aU bi4 L,avces are before him ^ as
bee (hall receive light and inftrudtion from the
V\' ord of truth • he is willing ro leave any finne, of
whieh his conlcience is convinced rather than to
fall into the rerrours of a feareflill heart, or cisfa-
VGur of God^nddanger of damnation , he isready-
to perforrae obedience to all, or any one of Gods
Commanderaenrs , though not in perfe(^ion of
degree, yet ever with truth of Ifeart ^ hee is affe-
ftcd to the Word of God, and cgmes to the Mini-
ftery thereofwith the fame mindjfubmiilion 8c re-
16Iution,as did Cormliw with his friends & family,
A^' io«?3. Nono therefore are vpe all here preftnt before
God, toheare all things tfsat are commanded the of God,
As did the I(raeIires,E;c(?.]^.8. All that ik Lord hath
commanded Hs^ x»e vptU doe. Efra chap. 7.10. Though
while his flefh is upon him, and hee remaines in
his Tabernacle of clav. hee cannot bee freed from
frailties and infirmicks yet by the grace of God
he doth not lie and continue delightfully and wil-
linglv in any one grofle finne, which is difcovered
to his confcience by the light of Gods holy Word,
-Matth. 54.^3
C»»^er Amt.
T^he Saints
the favour otGod, and peace ot conic ience, are
farre more (vrcet and deare unto him, than any
earthly pleafure or profit. Thus farre of the diffe-
rence betwixt faving and temporary faith, in the
point of inward illuminarionj and about know-
ledge in the Word of God.
2. Secondly, For converfion by the power of
temporary faith, forae kinde of change may bee
wrought upon a man. Thefe alterations may bee
found in the ftate of unregeneration. i. A change
from notorious finfulnefle, to civill honefty.
2. From thence he may proceed to a formall pro-
fe(fion and outward performance of religious ex-
erciles. % . Yet farther, he may be in fome meafure
inwardly inlighrned and endued with generall
graces ^ there may bee thefe converlions and no
falvation :
1. Amorall change from noto-
rious converfation, to a (bber and
civil! cariage.
2. A formall change, which is
an addition of an outward profef^
fionof Chriftianity, tomorallho-
Theremaybe nefty.
thefe conver- 3. A mentall change, whereby
fions and no^^thenaturalldarknelTeoftheunder-
ftanding is in fome meafure difpel-
led by a generall light of the Spi-
rit, fo that infbmething more than
an ordinary manner,for the flate of
unregeneration there is a tafie of the
Imvsnlj light of the good Word of God;,
felfe-mricbtng examination.
and of the powers of the world to cor/je^
4. A. temporary change^ Rich an
one as in Scripture is called the«??-
cka&e fyirits going ffitt of a man^ Matth.
12.43. Avvalhing, iPeti^iz,
But where there is juftifying faith, and the fa-
ying power of the fplric, there is a Hipernaturall,
full, univerfall, thorow converfion of the whole
man, fpirit, fbule, and body, from Satan, finne,
and earthly delights , to Gods (ervice , holi-
nelle of life^andloveof heavenly things. There
is a turning from grofTe finnes in aftionand pra-
ftife, and at leafl: from infirmities in allowance and
affedion, to oSedience to all Gods Commande- j
ments, though not in fulnelTe and pcrfedion, that
cannot be while we are covered with flefli, and in I
Tabernacles of clay ^ but with truth and upright- j
nedeof heart, which is the infallibleinward marke I
of true Ghriftianity. There is an abolifhing by
little and little, of t'e accurfed imageof Satan in
finne, prophanenelTe, and corruption, and a re-
nuing of the image of God, in faving knowledge,
righteoufnede, and true holineiTe, both in heart
and life. This true (bund Chriftian converfion^
which is the worke of Gods ran<fi:ifyingfpirir, and
cveracompanionof juftifying faith isdifcernable
and differenced from ail partiall, insufficient;, hol-
llow5halfecofiverfions, by ics integrity, fincerity,
1 growth and corhftancie.
Firft, this change is ever with integriry of all
parts and powers both of (bule and body, though
z84. I J he Saints
no power or pare hach it full power and abfbiuts
perfedion of ran6;ification, nor can have in this
Kfe 5 yet every power and part in every true Chri-
(iian hath its part and meafure of lanftification, by
this happy and holy change : He is changed whol-
ly^ univerfallyjin hisfpirit.fbuleand body.
J . In his fpirit ; that is, in his 5
I. Underftanding : This before being ar the
beft but gilded over, and guided with fomc glim-
merings, and general! light of Divine notions and
apprehenflons 6f Heaven, but fluffed with much
pride, prephaneneffe, vaine-glory and vanity, is
now inlighrned with a cleare in-fight into the ray-
ftery of godlinefTe, and with that particular faving
I knowledge which is attended with humility and
I holinefTe.
i 2. Judgement: This which before being whol-
ly pofleft with errour, crookedneffe and perverf-
nefle , wa^ wont to put daykyejjefor light, and light for
darl^effe, (anftification for fingularity, zeale for
precifenefle, andholinefJeforhypocricy, to yiflifie
thevricJ^d, andcondemnt the jufi-^ is nowfurnifhed
with (pirituall difcretion, to guide himfelfe in the
right path, amid infinite crooked wayes of vanity
and iniquity, and with the fpirit of difcerning,
that he can discover the power of grace in other
men ; fbthat no longer he accounts fan^bification
preci(enefTe, or that which they call good-feliow-
(hip fit for a Chriftian.
7, Memory : This which before was water^ to
receive, p.n "1 entertaine^and marble, roretaine and
I keepethefrnitlefle imprefliions of vanity and folly,
^ but
JelfC'-inmhing examination.
I but as a Sieve ro the water of iife, and all godly lep
fbns, is now greedy of (avirrg knowledge, and de-
firous to forget thofe monftrous finfiili notions
which he treasured up in the dayes of vanity.
4. Confcience : This which before was full of
fearfiilnsfreorbenammednefle, and hearclefle to
i all holy things, is nov; awaked and refrefhed with
fenfe and feeling of Gods mercy pardoning its
finneSj endued with a gracious difpofitionrolpi-
rituall exercifeSj and tendernefej fenfible oFthe
leaft iniquitv.
2. Inhi6SouIe:thatis,inhis
1. Will ; This is, which before was weddled to
I the liberty of the Hefh, to the lufls of men, a»d the
Ipruie &f Iffe, is now weaned from all her temporary
ipleafing vanities, and fallen in love with eternall
pleaftires, and with things of Heaven,
2. Affections : Thefe which before were carri"
ed wichaahveadlong torrent upon theworldj and-
purfiiitof pkafures,. doe now turn c their ed^Q and-
eagernefl^ towards Gods glory, good caufes, and a
crowne of life. They were the mod fierce and furi-
ous agents for the (bveraingty of the flefhjbucnow
their luftfulne^eiscrucified, their inordinateneffe
and evilneffe mortified.
g . The Defires ind Imaginations of the heart ;
Thefe which before were without bridle^ checke,
feare or limit, are now turned bv the laftCom-
mandetneht, controlled by a tender confcience^
kept! HI awe by a ajn/ideration. of Gods all- feeing
•eye, and confined within art holy compaSe 5 from
their idle, impertinent, and prophane wandrings
and vagaries. 2. In
28eJ ^he Saints
I ■ —
7. InhisBody : Ihat is, hiseyes, his cares, his
tongue, his feer, his hands, and all the parts there-
of ^ As before they have becne windowes to let
in whole troopsof vanitie"^ andnoyfbme luffsjin-
ftruments of iniquity, and executioners of many
covetous 5 cruell itmbitious, and luftfull defignc-
ments of the foule, (b now they arc become as
Centinels to difcry the approach of finne 5 well
appointed addreft to doe the wi II of God ^ fet a^ art
and fandified for the fervice of the New Man. The
whole bodvjwhich before was a cage ofaUnnckdnt
hhds^ andafpih^oj fttmc^ is now become a (pirituall
TempkforthelivwgGodj and an hahitaitonjor ihholy
2. As a (bund and faving coverfion is ever with in-
tegrity of all the powers both of (bale and body 5 (b
it is al(b with fincerity a(wellinthe inmoftatfe-
dions^as in the outmoft conver(ation 5 in the heart
as in the life ^ in thcfecret purpo(eSj defires, and
conceits , as in open carriage 5 in the thoughts
and imaginations, as in the words and anions, j^e
dejire of the righteorfs , faith Salomon^ is ondy good Pro.
1 1 1 . 2 3 . lerufalem^ (aith leremie^ "Dpajl} tkiftehdirtfrom
vpkkedfiejJe^ilsitthoHmaipbefaved'^ bono long fl: all thj
mck§d thoughts nmaim wh bin thee .<? c bap 4*4. fVbe»
their hearts, faith Paul of the Ifradkes^Jhall bee tur-
ned to the Lord ^ thtintbevailefl.allbetak^navpay^ 2 Cor,
3.15,1^. The heart muft be fandtfied, before we
can (avingly fearch iniothewonhrsofGodstaw, and
(ecretsof his Kingdom,though the mind be as full,
3S the Moone with variety and depth of know-
iedge^yet except the heart be thorowly heated and
. (bftned
felfe-inricbing examination.
fofrned with the fanftifying beamcs of the Sunneof
righteoufnejfc:, f here can be no falvation. Our con-
verfion is never current and compleat, until! truth
be planted in the invpard parts^ vrLich is athwgmth
Godmttchfit by.
3. A found conyerfion is fcene by growth in
grace and godlinffe, which is ever an unfeparable
companion of fpirituall life. Unregenerate men
either grow from worfe to worfCjOr Rand at a ftay,
or at beft grow in a fhew of godlincfle, or fbrmall
Chriftianity, which is like the growth of cornc :
It hath not root inanhonefi and good heart, ^ndthcre-
fore can never attaine ripenefle for the Lords
Barne. Butif once the Firregrowin theplaceof
the Thome, and the Myrrh tree in the place of the
Nettle, (for fo as I take it , Isaiah (hadowes the
powerfoll and plentifull worke of grace, under the
Kingdome of Ghrift) that is, after that by an holy
and happy chan^ein fpirit, (bule and body, wee be
tranjUttd from dark^ejfe to lig^-i, and that the (eed
of grace Ipring up in that heart, where the root cf
Mtternejffehsithnotgcowne : There and then is an
increajingmththeincreafmgs ofGod^ CoLi.ip.agorng
on from firmgth toflrength^ tiUnre appeare hefire God in
Siony TfaUZ^y, Agrcmngup unto full holineffe in the
fare of Gody 2 C^r.-j. i. This growth in grace and
godlinefle, after albundandfavingconverfion, is
compared in Scripture 5
I. Tothc growth of a nevp borne haheffntoaperfeli
man. i CorAi^.Epb,^.!^. i Cor»i,i2, i ?et,2,2, 2 Fet^
g.i8. If a childe fucice the mothers brealh, and
prolpersnoc thereby, itnever comes roproofe, but
X weares \
The Saints
weares away srs they fay. If a man grorp mt ingrace^
afidin the k^dvpkdge of our Lord and Savhxrlefuf ChHJi,
by thefincere milk^ of theWord^ he is but a changling,
none of the noble and naturall brood of that immor^
tali feed. If wee fhould fee a man of many yeares,
and yet in ftature, ftrength, and wit, no bigger
than a childe, we (hould account him a Monfter in
nature : Hec that growes not in knowledge and
godlinefle, is a Monfter in grace, and indeed no
gracious man.
•* 2. To thehying faft in a race, wherein a man
gets continual I ground J and if he fall by the way,
he takes (urer footing, and runnes fader afterward.
P</»/ forall his extraordinary perfeiftionsaand fpiri-
tu.dl excellencieSjtels us, ihiX he forgot that tphichvpas
hehlnde^ and en^evonred Inmfelfe unto that vphichtoas be-
fore^ and foU(ra>ed hard toippard the market for theprkeof
the high calling ofOodin Chrifl lefus^ Phil. 3.13,14.
3. To the growth of c orne in a good and fruit-,
full follej M-irl^ 4. which Hrft peeps above the
ground, then growes unto a blade^afcer to an care,
at length is ripe, and ready for the Barney fo doth
the immort all feed of the Word profper, and come to
perfedion in the good and honefi Ixart of the tnte
4. To the rifing of the Snnne, which after Hap-
peare in the Eaji, (hines more and more, mih more beauty^
md^rength, unto the Nome tide of thdt^^ Prov,^.iS.
So-after the facred li^hr:oF!B;race, and day-ffarre of
(avino; knowledge, fprungnpin the hearty they ftill
fpread brighter and farther untillthey reach the
height of Heaven, aini full gbry of the Saints of
God. :_ ^ 5. To
felfe-inmhing examination. j \%q
5. To theprofpcring of a tree, v^hichis fafieted
by the Rivers of water, P/ir/.i . where there being con^ J
tinuall (upply of fap and moiftureait faireiy growes,
and never failes oFfrunmduefeafo^. So after a man
be tranfplanted out of the Ki gdome of darknefle,
f»ty the hmftofGod^ then is 4 Paver^vphofeftreimes mil
glad his heart, and feed him ftill with the fap of
grace, a«d ipirituall life, untill at length hee bee
happily brought to taftc that tree of life, and im-
mortality, which is planted fy the pure River of wa- -
terffUfiy which proceedeth out of the throne ofGod^ and
oftkeLantke the righteous^ USih David, fhallflourijh
like 4 BJmetree^ audjJ^all grew Uk$ a Cedar in LebanoH^
Pfal.91* SuehasbefUntedinthe kmfeoftke Lerd^fhall
flouri/h in the Courts ofmr God^ thefJf:>aU ftill bring forth
fruit in their 4ge, the^flallbefat andflouriflmg. But by
thewayyoumoftonderftand, chat for all this the
ch^ldeof God, and die true convert, hath hisin-
firmitiesand faintings, he may tumble, and fbme-
times take a fall in his race of Chriftianity, hee
I may now and then be flirewdly ihaken withfbme
ftormc of temptation, and have his light Some-
time darkned with the frailties of his owne flefh,
but conceive a!(b, (chough it bee aMyftery to the
ftranger, and Parable to the prophane) that even
thefe things further the growth, and increaie (pi-i
rituall ftrcngthinafandified man. That God ^^^
"briMgsJigk mt of dar^ffe, winncs him glory out of
hell, and honour from Satan ^ tprnes^lfo thefrail-
tiesand infirmities of the Saints to the comfort of
their foules, and their increafment in grace, by
working thereby in them a greater hatred of their
X 2 finfall
ipo 1
The Saints
finfull corruptions^ more earncft longings for the
comforts of godlinefTejmorc refbhite zealc in {lan-
ding for Gods glory, to make amends for their for-
mer fall 5 more narrow watchfiilnefle over their
way es for afterwards. A ftrong man may fall into
fits of an Ague, but after he hath thorowly reco-
vered, he (hall findc himfelte ftrongcr, and in bet-
ter health. He that runncs in a race may take a fali^
but he looks better to his footing, and runnes fafter
afterward ^ theSunncmayfomctimesbeovercaft
with a cloud, but it Chines more pleafantly and
brightly, after it hath recovered a cleare Skie
ac;aine. A tree hath its Winter, but it then gathers
ffrength and life, that it may fpreadandfprout out
more fiiirly and fruitfully in the Spring time : It is
even (b by accident, and bv that grace of God,
which turmsdl things to the heft 4$ them thatfean Hffty
in the fils and infirmities of the Saints. For they
are thereby more feared and frayed fromthe Lures
and baits of finne, lay furer and ftronger hold up-
on the cpowne of life, and convert the poyibnof
their natural! corrupctoa, into a prefervative to
keepe them in the waycs of God. Satan intends
to foile him by the fall, but it fares with him in this
cafej as if fome defperate wretch (hould furioufly
runne at another man with his fword and difpatch
him quite, but quite againft his purpofCjheemif-
(erh the vitall parts, and hitsonely fome Impo-
fturae, fo letting out that foule and poyfonous
matter, which would otherwifc have beene his
death.^^ At th? throw of every fiery dart, Satan
defires CO wound the foule ta death, but Gods
felfe^nriehing examination. \ 291
childe cither takes it upon xhtjljiddoffaith^ and fb
defeats his fury, and declines the hurt^ or if by the
treachery of his owneflefti it faften upon him, and
vex him forawhile, yet being pulled cut by the
hand of true repentance, it drawes after it fbme j
foule corruption ^ which otherwife would have 1
dangeroufly rankled andfeftercd inwardly. This^
ipo'mtis^i peark mt fir fiipm, or any prophane man,
for fb it mil be trampled in fk mire^ and pe rhaps mi -
nifter occafion and encouragement to bee more
filthy flill'^ but onely for him that knowes the wayes
of God, and is learned in the great myftery of
godiineCe, hee knowes the worth and right ufe of
it, and is not wont to abufe the rich mercy and
grace of God, to a graceleffe prefumption and
boldnelTe in finne- But certaine it is, the fals of
the Chriftian even furthers their growth in godli-
neffe by accident, and by the grace of God, and
growth in grace, after a manbe converted, is a fure
(igneof a found converfion.
4. Fourthly, the fbundnefie of converfion ag-
peares by the confl-ancy of the true convert , in
the courfes of graces and holinefle. Other Con-
verts, who are led by no fboner and higher guide,
than the power of a temporary faith, are in and
out, off and on, to and fro, in matters of Religion :
Sometimes they will bee forward and hot, feme-
times cold and fbrmall 5 they will come on for a
while haflily and fiiddenly ^ for come in ftony
ground will come up fboner, and grow fafler for
the time, than that in a good fbile, and they will as
quickly be gone againe 5 as fbone as they fhall finde
X 3 their
Fals, infi-ral-"
ties, a ceo the
Chriitian as a
growing Ague
to a young
their forwardnefTc mainly crofled, difgraccd, and
perfecuted, then prefently fall away^ for if once
the Stinne beat hot upon fuch corne, it dies and wi-
thers, and comes to nothing 5 there is no hold to
be taken of fcch.by true Chriftians they will fecme
to be on their fide, and beare outwardly the badge
of Chrifi", but when they eome into the field to
fight in the caufc of God, or are put unto any hot
(ervice for the maintenance of the faith, and the
Crowne of Chriftianity^ and with the faithlefle
clnUrea of Ephuimi turna thelt backs iff the day of hat^
tell: TheiRr^r;!r/«g/rfr/'ffisoneIypromi(ed n/ftohtm
that overcomes ^ but thefe many times quaile the
heart at the very firft on-fet, to the great difho-
nourof God, the (hams of their Chriftian profef-
fion, and the difcovery of their formality and
faint-heartednefle. Their courage in good caufts,
and their con verfion from ill, is as their faith, tem-
Hofj?.^. j V^^^'^y h fheirgoodnejjeisas a mornhg ehudy and as
the morning devf that goeth awaj. And of thefe un-
wind converts we may conceive two forts 5
I. Some there are, out of whom the unckane
fpirit departs for a tme, Matth. r 2.45. Andhphek^orp*
ledge oftkLordy and of tfx Saviour lefus Cbrifl, efcape
from thefihhrnejeofthenporldy 2 Pet.2»2o,Andare wa-
ffjed, verfi 2. that is, by the power of temporary
faith, they become temporary converts, and jolly
profeffours for a feafbn 5 bat their foundation not
being (ure and (mtidly laid, the Word not faft and
deeply rooted in their hearts, their converfion not
(bund and entire, the world by little andlittic doth
vfopowcrfiilly get within them, and imputation of
;, [ precifenefle
felfeAnriching examination. \ xpr
preciftnefle laid upon them by the prophane
world, fb nettles them 5 their lothnefle to forgoc
their former finfiill pleaftires (o vexes them, that
they firft begin blaif^hetnoufly to grumble within
themfcIveSjWith thofe, Malacb.^, i/^.T^ wkatpnrpofe
u it t^ferve God ^\»hat profit is it that rpee have kept his
Commandemmts , and thattve vpalksdhtmblj Before the
LordofHofts / Hereupon the usclea/fe fpirit hovers
about for re-entry, and finding way made by their
owne rebellious flefli, tak^tfi'veft ether fpirits fporfe
than Bmfelfe, a»d repojfejfeth them 5 fo they tpiththe
Dogge, returfteto their ffffffe vomit ^ theyvpallovp vptththe
Sawagaineinthemrej andagaine are tangledin thepot-
lutio»s of the world J and overcome^ and then the latter
tndisvporfemth them tJMn the beginning. And that 5
I. Firftj In re/ped of God, whofe goodneffe
and mercy, with horrible contempt, and hatefull
ingratitude, they have fhameftilly abu(ed. If a
Phyfititn with great care and diligence fhould mi-'
nifter Phyiicke, pre(cribe diet, and ufe all mcanes j
for the recovery of his Patient, and he for a little
bitterneflc of the Pils or Potions which hce is to
take, ftiould be peevifli and impatient, caft allbe-
hinde him, and unthankfully contemne and abufe
the paines and patience which is taken and endu-
red for his good ; how refblnte would (uch a Phy-
fitianbc, nevermore to meddle with fiichan im-,
patient Patient, where hee fhould lofe both his la-
bour and reputation. It is juft foin the cafe of a re-
lapfed aeature. For if a man by the mercy of God
bee brought to a tape of theheavenly gift 4f the good
Wordo^Ood^andoftkpoTPcrs oftk world to fme^zs it is
X4 Heh.6.
l^he Saints
Heb,6. If hee be pointed and put into the way ro
Heavenjtofee the glorious com forts of the Saints^
and have fpirituall medicines put into his hand to
preferve his fbuk from everlafting death, and yet
for i little bitternefle of temporary troubles, for
love of pleafuresj feare of mortall man, or the
momentany fmarting of (bme light affliftions,
throw away from him thofe holy receits, which
{hould keepe his foule in fpirituall healrh, trample
underfoot in (bme mealure even the Sonne of
God, by fbrfaking his fervice, and taking part with
the woxld^ai^ddefpght^m fbme meafurejf^e Spirit ef
gra^e. by fmothering and contemning his fecret
checksj and holy motions. I (ay it isjuit with God
that fuch a man fhould be given over to a reprobate
fenfc, and wallowing in the mud and mire of his
former fenfuall vanities, without all remorfe or
r€COvery , Ezech» 5.20.
2. In refped of Satan. If aprilbner youknow,
having broken prifbn, bee regained againe by hue
and cry, he is clapt up prefcntly in the Dungeon
loaden with bolts and irons, and of all others he is
ever a ter the narrowlieft watched, and ftronglieit
guarded. It is fb witha relapfed wretch, if having
wrefted him(elfe out of Satans clutches, and efea-
ped out of his Kingdome of darkncfic hee bee
broughtagaine to his old bent, and haled backe to
his former courfes, by the cry of his old compani-
'ons, and cor ruptibns of his owne fleflj;, then Satan
furely, who isjaylcr to every unregeneratc man,
keeps him ever after clofeprifbner, and commits
him tofeven other fpirits noOffi tha» himfilfe^ (b that n
felfe^inricbin^ examination.
fclioufand to one that man lives and dies in the De~
vils Dungeon
3. Thirdly, i.In refpCLl oFthemfeives -^ for Apo-
flates from good beginnings, revolters from pro-
feffion area kinde of Moniiers amongft Chrifti-
ans.hatefull both to Heaven and Earthjto God and ^;
Man, even very breathing Devils ; they cannot
offer a greater viilany to the Hvmg Godx^m to tafte
of thepkafurcs of Heaven^ and tike part with his
children, and after to tume Turks and Traitors to
God and good men, and therefore they are many
limes polieft with ftrange amazements, and feare-
ifulnede of heart, extraordinary evijnefleof con-
fcience, depravation of inward peace andfpiritu-
alljoy, witbdef)erate thoughtsof fomemarkable
vengeance, and other foule (pirits, which make
their cafe farre more wofull than it was at firft . For
mofl: certaine is it and true, fuch doe finde in them-
felveslcfle p>ower to doe well, andare carried with
more racing affeftions to doe wickedly, than ever
they felt be fore.
2 . Befides, in the difeafes of the body a relapfe is
held moft dangerotis, and rhe recovery more de-
fperate, tbanfrom the prime difcale. Areciduati-
on is more dangerous than the root of adifeafe*
he that fals away from goodnefle and good begin-
ning's, is in firre greater danger of everlaf^ing
death, than he that nev er knew the wayes of God,
though the cafe of both be certainly damnable, if
they fb rontinue. To conclude this poiiit, thefc
men make many times for a time, a very goodly
fheWj but after fall away, and grow notorioufly
The Saints
naught, and commonly prove atter more tercc
oppofitcs to grace and fincerity, than thole that
never made any (hewof goodncfle.
2. Some others there are of unbound converts,
who after they have once put on an outward forme
of Religion, and fbme other good things, by the
power of temporary faith, hold on in its plodding
courfeofformallChrifVianityj all their life long,
and after die that forraall death I have heretofore
defcribed unto you, but for all this their feith is
ftill temporary, their converfion temporary 5 Be-
cau(e rather than they will hazard their temporary
happincfle, thef ftill yeeld to the current of the
times, and their owne fenfuall corruptions, thongh
they never fall quite tway to their formall notori-
oufncfle, as doe the former, but eftfbones recover
themfelves untill the next time of triall, of their
chiefe carnall contentment, and fmarting pcrfecu-
tion 5 thus they are in and out, off and on, to and
fro in matters of Rel igion, never very farre out for
any long fealbn, and yet never forward enough to
(ave their (bules : The inconftant conftancic of
(uch converts as thefe, is worth nothing, becaufe
it followes and is fafhioned by the meafure of the
times : That conftancie which is a note and compa-
nion of a (band converfioujis fquared and propor-
tioned by the line and rule of the Word of life. See
what this latter conftancie is, in the third (peciall
difference betwecne temporary and faving faith.
Tfeus farre of the difference bctweene (aving and
temporary faich in point and converfion. Seethe
twelve marks of a found converfion laid downc
before. 5. As
felfe-mricbing examination.
3. Asconcerning the degrees of regeneration
attainable by the power of the temporarie faiths
and in the ftate of lukewarmnefle, you muft con-
ceive that I make five points confiderableinthe
great worke of regeneration. The t%vo firft.to wit-
knowledge, and legall repentance, preparatives,
and necelfary fore-runners^ the three laft, to wit,
iaith, fanftification, and Evangelical! repentance,
the eflentiall parts thereof;
1. Asconcerning knowledge, itmaybcplentr-
full, as well to the reprobate, as in the Chriftian.
For difference in this cafe, fee the feven marks of
fiving knowledge, I have formerly propofed.
2 . And as concerning legall repentance, it may
alfo be found in both ^ fordifference wherein,con-
fider with me foure kinds of paflagcs out of pangs
of confcience, in legall repentance and horrour for
I. Some, when by the power of the Law their
confcicnccs are prefled with the weight of their
finnes, 4ftd the xferme tliat mvtr dies, which hath
beene long dead drunke with fenfimll plca/ures, by
rfie hand of divine juftice is awaked, and beginnes
to (ling, they prefcntly fall into the moft abhor-
red and irrrecoverable Dungeon of defpaire ^ the
flaraingof eternall fire feizes upon them, even in
this life, they are in hell trpon earth, and damned
above ground ^ they are fuch commonly, who all
their life long have beene contemners of the Mi-
niflery of the Word , /corners of the power of
godlinelTe, quenchers of Gods good fpirit, revol-
rers from good beginnings and profeffion of grace,
the(e who have harboured (omcgrofle fihne, that
hive beene clo(e agents for the powers ot dark-
nefle, orpiaufible tyrants againft Gods childrenj
and their fincericy, or fuch like notorious inftru-
hientsof Satan, and infamous rebels to the Maje-
ftieof Heaven, which, firh they were fuch, God
in his ;n ft judgement futfers their confcience to lie
along time inadead fleepe, like a mighty Giant,
or a fierce and crueil Lion, gathering puiffance^
power and vigour, V might torture, rent and teare
in peeces their .ccurfed (bules when there is none
to h€l pe. the wormc that never dies which natural \y
breeds in prophane confciences bv their rnfatiable
fiirfet in finne, anitheif greed} drinking htqHityliks
vpaterj growes to fuch ftrange ft length and big-
nefTe , that taking efpecially advantage of their
weakneffe upon their deaths-bed, and their great
aftoniftiment and fearfulnefle in that laft extremi-
tie5it (uddenly furprizes them with the very flafties
of hell fire, and ftingsof everlaftinghorrour, and
(b cafts them into d^fpaire, conquers them, and
utterly confounds tnem. Then would they give
ten thousand worlds for onemorhentof that time
of grace, which they have wretchedly long abu-
(ed, for rhe benefit of the Miniftery which they
have infblently (corned, for a drop of that preci-
ous bloud^ which by their defperatevillanies, and
wilfull rebellions, they have trampled under foot 5
but no mercy, no bleffing:, no comfort then will be
had, though with prophane EfaUy they (eeke it
with teares; and throug;h their rufull and piercing
cries into thv^ aire, with hideous groancsaBdyel-
. lings,
felfe-inriching examinanon.
lingSj buc they lie tumbling upon their beds of
licknefle, and in the morning thy jay, ttouldGodit uera
6Vzning^and aiihtvening^ TOOuldGodittftre mornings
f>r thefeares of their hear is which ihey doe fear e^ and for
the fights of their e)es pchich thtydot^fee. In their life
time they were Lions againli: Godschildrcnj and
YikcWohefofihe Evenings, in vexing, perlecutingj
anddif^racing the innoccncy andfincericyof the
Saints ^ and therefore now upon their beds of
deaths they lie in a wofull plight, even iike mlde
Buls inaneti as the Prophet Ipeaks^ ifa.^i.i o.fuUDJ
thefuryoftheLord : Then they cry out with thofe
finfiiil hypocrites J 7/^.3^.14. with unspeakable
honour of heart. Who amosgusflyaU dwell with the de-
vouring 'fire / vfho among, tfs^ e^c. And there for a
while (as an carnelt of hell fire) they are feareful-
ly bated, torne and renCj with defpair^ and hor-
rour, by the furies of conlclence , and fiends of
Hell, as by fb many fierce and bloudy Maftives,
and. at lafl: hurried and dragged by them, when
there is none to helpe, into the everlafting Lake
of brlmftone , fire , and Dungeon of endleile,
eaflelTe, and remedilefle mifery. Thus the one
paflage out of the pangs of confcience, is into de-
fpaire, that Hell upon Earth, and fo forward in lo^
their ovpne place, as is faid o^luias^ which is the
Hell of wicked Devils in the world to come. Some
arelialfe devils in this life, by their -doggednefle
againft Gods children, and are never touched with
remorfe, but even turned as it were in the turning
of an hand, from railing againft good men upoa^
earth, to rage againft God for ever in Hell.
2. Secondly,
The Saints
" ~' I' Ilia I. ' II' ' '
2. Secondiyj Some triereare, who whtii incy
feele their fbujcs wounded, their hearts pnckedj
and confcienees aftonifhed with the apprehenfion
of (in, and with the Urrmrofibe Lord, by ihaxfapord
of the Spirit y which, when the Lord will, (trikes
thorowthe loynes of themoft rebellious wretch,
and makes his prophane andprond courage, lepielt
arvayliks miter, and his ftubborne heart to tremble
like the leaves 0ft he forreji, fphich areflj^hfin mth the
TPhd. I fay then they labour might and maine, to
drive away and difpell their inward terrours and
afBidlions of (bule,with outward mirth, and carnall
contentments. They take thefe fpirituall pang?,
v^hich if they were well managed, would prove
the very right palT^ge to peace of conlcience, and
a preparative t > the great worke of regeneration,
to be nothing but fits of melancholy, and tempta-
tion to precifeneffe, and therefore they make haftc
outof themy and flie unto worldly pleafures, as
phycs, paftimes, mulicke. gatoirg iBerry com{:5a-
ny, good-fellowftiip, the contentments of their
(v^'eet (innCj and fuch YAa^ mifer^bk comforters and
PhjifkiaKsdf fSfovalf^e^ that thereby for a time they
may allay the heat of their hotrour^ and coole the
rage of their guilty confciences ^ but in this cafe
Chyrurgions ufe todeale about deepe and dange-
rous wounds, which they know not well how to
heale^ they d6e not (bitch the bottomc, they doe
not put in cents, and apply corrafives, whidhwer«
the likelieft way to a found and thorow cure, but j
onely make a fairc (hew outwardly, by drawing
a skinneoB the out-fideyor pleating theirPiatients,
-- -i.-_.:.-,^ -,- by
felfe-mncbing examination.
by allaying the paine for a while, and bringing it
afleepc ^ or they doe as did thofe bloudy Ifraelites,
who while they burnt up their children in facrifice
to the Idoll Molochy provided niuficke to feed and
fill their eares, left by the rufull cries of their little
babes, they (hould be moved to compaffion, and fo
(layed in the cruell (ervice of that bloud-fucking
Idoll. Juft fo thefe wretched men finfully feeke by
outward mirth Sc worldly pleafuresgto ftop the cries
of their conlciences, while their foules are (acrifi-
cing to Saran;,& making fit fuell for the fire of Hell,
left by liftning to the cries and controlments there-
of.they fliould be ftirred up to take pitv upon their
poore immortall foules, and ftopt in the purfuit of
their fenfuall vanitiesrBut aflurcdly, while they goc
about by the entertainment and exercife of carnall
comforts, to draw a skinne onely over their woun-
ded and aftoniflied confciences, they fiifFer them
moft fearfully to fefter and rankle underneath,and
then there inwardly breeds that devouring and in-
fitiable Wolfe, which after it want the fupply of
carnall plealures upon that confcience which breed
it^ it there gnawcs, and bites, and teares, with
everlafting rury5dclpairfull horrour, anv^ the ftings
of Hell, while they labour to refrefh with worldly
delights, the fpirituall forrowes of their mourn full
and amazed hearts. They are like the man, who in
aburning Ague lets downe cold drinke eagerly and
merrilfj becaufe for the prefenr, while its going
downe, it doth marveUoufly coole him in his ex-
tremity, but after it be dovvne,the heat, th^ paine,
atid the danger are doubled upon him* So earthly
The Saints
pleafures may for ajitde while ftill the noife&rage
of an accu fi ng confcience^and coolc the heat of fpi-
ricuall anguiflb, but undoubtedly afterward 9 they
kindle (uch a fire in the bowels of thofe mi(erable
men, that will burne even tothebottomeof Hell,
and is the very beginning of everlafting flames.
But checourfewhich thefe men takepleafeth Satan
right well, he will helpe forward with might and
maine this accurfed bufineflcj of abandoning and
banifhing the pangs of confcience with outward
pleafiiresj for this is his craft and cunning in thcfe
I. .In thefirft place, before all things, if itmay
be, he defiresto keepe them unmoved by the Mi-
niftery of the Word, and utterly unpierced with
the powcrfulnefle thereof, and then like aftrong
man armed, he keeps his Palace, which is the heart
of a prophane man, at his plealure, and pofiefleth
both body and foule with much peace and qaiet-
neffe. By this firft endevour he prevailes with the
greater part of the hearers of the Word, they
heare Sermon after Sermon, and judgement upon
juc^gement, and yet in re/peft of any fpirituall
good,oraftoniQiment of confcience for their fins,
they Are no more moved than the feats whereup-
on they fit.
2. If it fo fallout that the Word beginne to get
within a man, ^ndthe fn>o ed^edfipord o£ the Law to
wound his foule withremorfe and terrour, fo that
he fees him cafl: downe with fl^iriiuall fearss^, and
with much heavinefle take finne to heart, then
doth he narrovyly watch and attend which way a
lelfer-inriching examination.
man inclines," that thereafter hee may proportion
hismalitious policy, and heJlifh pradtifes.
1. If he finde him to tavebeene an horrible (in-
ner, or of a melancholy difpofition, or much vex-
ed with outward erodes and afflidions. hee laycs
load wpon his affrighted and diflreflcd fbule. that
thereby, ^f it bepoflible, he may drive him to de-
fpaire. To this i urpofeheefbarpenstheiHngof a
mans owne confcience, and with much f})ightfull
rage ftrikes deepe and d^d^diy and impoyfoned
Oingof hisowne 5 he addes more horrour to the
already fearefull and terrible judgements of the
Law, an 1 more grieflinefle to his many hatcfull
tranfgreflions, that it God fo permit, hee may be
fure to finke him deepe enough into the Dungeon
2. But if he perceive him net to have becne ve-
ry infamous for any notorious finne, by naturall
conOttution to bee merrily difpofed, impatient of
heavie-heartedncffe, and formerly much addi-
di^d to good-fellowftiip : If hefpiehimtoftrive
and ftrugglc that he may be out of theie uncouth
pangs, andfpiriti.all ibrrow forfinne, and labour
to re-enjoy his form^-r worldly delights^ and earth-
ly contentments ^ why then he is willing and for-
ward to follow and h^d his humour, that fo hee
may marreard ftifJein the beginning that happy
worke vfgo 'ly forrvw^ mickcafffethrepetfta^ce to [il-
vatio^j vot to he repef^iedof 2 (or 7.10, A nd to this
end he duls and blunts, with all the cunning he can,
the fting o^a man? owne confcierce, and quite re-
moves hi^ owne. He procures and offers all oceafi-
Y ons
The Saints
ons of ouLward mirth ^ hec furnifties his former
good fellow-companions with pernitious elo-
quence, and ftore of enticements, to bring him
backe againe to their bent and humour 5 hee
minifters his owne delitious potions of pleafures
and(en(ua!ity5tocafthiscon(cicnceafleep againe ^
In briefe, hee leaves no plot^ no policy or pradife
unattempted to make the power of the Law unpro-
fitableunto him, utterly to fmother and confound
the firft ftirrings of grace, and todrowneforrow
jfor finne in drunkennefle with finfull vanities.
I This then I make the fecond palTage out of the
pangs of confciencc, when a man tempted by the
policy of Satan.and perverfhefle of his owne flefh
applies a plaifter of wordly pleafures, tohiscon-
(cience wounded with (pirituall anguilh, and when
it beginnes to be loud and clamorous againft him
luls it afleepe with the merriments of good-fe!-
lowlhip, or ftilsitfor a while b> dandling it (ofdy
in the bofomeof his darling finne. Fa^lix was ftruc-
ken with trembling and amazement by the power
of Pauls miniftery/or con fideration <?/ tkejuigemeftt
/tf r<?«7e,wasa very cuttingcorrafive to his galled and
guilty conlcience, and lemembranee of death is a
death and hell to every worldling and carnallifl",
death, faith the (om\t of Syrach hw bitter is t lie
remembrance of thee to a man that liveihin reflrvHh hif
poffelpo s unto t eman that hath notlmg to vex hi m^
ani'that hathprofperity in all things I Hee therefore
con^d not endure lueh difhirbance of his fenfiiall
pcacr, and his agreement with Hell Hee was impati-
ent of fach uncouth and e^straordinary pangs, and
would I
I felfe4nriching examination* i 205
would none of luch (evcre Divinity, (b full of
judgement, tending to defpaire : He bids p/^;^/ be-
gone, he was not then at leifurc to have his confci- j
enceunript, and his corruptions laid open before I
him^ h vpiUmre hmofthat amtUr time ^ and the |
conceit of a bribe, a branch of his bofbme (inne, |
did preiently drive out and drowne thofe helJifh •
flafhes, which were throwne into his heart by Vauls \
thundering out of judgements againft them. I have \
knowne fome, who lying in fearefull horrourof|
conscience for their finnes, were diverfly adviled j
and fet upon by contrary Counfellours 5 upon the '
right hand and better fide 'was the good fpirit of
God, and their Chriftian friends, and their coun-
fellandadvife was, thatthis (pirituall affliftion of j
(bule, if it were rightly managed, might prove an
happy preparative to the great worke of regenera-
tion, and therefore would have them by no meanes
looke for any comfort but from Heaven, to admit
of no plaifter but the precious bloud of ChrifV,
to chufe no other by-path^ but to flrike direftjy
thorow theftrait paffage, to the (hte of grace, and
with patience to pafle thorow the pangs of the
new birth, that fb they might be planted in the Pa-
radife of ChrilHanity, fiourip inihe houfeofGod^^ni
grow up in godlineflfe like a Cedar i» Lebanon. Upon
the left hand and worft part was Satan, and (bme
good fellowes , (as they call them) with whom
there had beene former familiarity and fellowfhip
in the wayes of vanity, and thus pleaded they for |
Baal^ and maintenance of their prophane anddif-i
folutefed^ you muft, fay they, put your felfeont j
Y 2 oV
T'he Saints
of chefe needlefle dumpSj&c plunge againe into the
current ofchepleafures 8c paftimes of the times, if
you meane to enjoy your felfe and the world with
any comfort ^ take heedin the name of God,(for (b
they fpeake, though they be the Devils Oratours,
andProdlours for rhe power ofdarknefTe) how you
entertaineany thought of a new courfc of life, or
change of your former wayeSj for (b you (hall fail
into the hands of PuritanSp and intotlie ftriei: tor-
tures and hypocriticall miferies of precifeneflc,
and then farewell all good-fellowfliip, all merry
company 5 no more meetings at paftimes. Ale-
houfeSj Tavernes, Chambers of good-fcllowlhtp 5
no more fct revellings, vying of j e(b, pleafant (in-
deed prophane) paflages of wit, which are the ve-
ry life of an ingenuous mans life. Then nothing
but a fbwre countenance,un(bciable carriage, con -
fcience of little trifling finnes, Apoftacie from all
oldcuftomes, dumps of melancholy, and indeed
a ftace not pafl: a ftep from mad neflfe and dift facti-
on. This was their infedtious language; though not
in lb many words^ yet T am fure in the fame fen(e,
not farre diiFeringfrom thefe two places,E<rr//^/. 30.
^rf 2 r, &c. and fVifd, 2.5, &c. put together, the
former being perhaps abu(^d from the true mea-
ning of the Aurhor,(forprophaneneGre doth gree-
dily fnatch at any (lie w for patronage of their plea-
(ures, out of any fhadow of holy Writ) Givemt
ovtr thy mink HKtoheavmeJJe, afd vex/toP thy felfem
thlmowm coHfifeU. the joy of the heart if the life of a
mm aniamansghimjfetsthz "prolonging of hisda^es.
Lovethmeownefouk^ and cowfort tUm hsart, drive
forrovp I
felfe-inrichmg examination.
jbrrovp farre from thee^ for fort ovp hathjlaim many^ ami
thercis m profit therein. And enr time is as afljadvvp thai
pajjtthavfaj, andajteronr end htreis no returning^ for
itisfaft fekd:, fo that no mancomwethagaine : Cowii
therefore and let ns tn]oyth pkafures that are prefect
and lei ns cheerfnllj ufe the creatHrts^ as in youth -^ let us
fiUourfehes mth co^iy voine and owtmentS:, and let noi
theflen^erof lifepajjebym •, kiuscriwrnenrfehesmth
Roje bttds afore i hey be mthered ^ let us all bee partaken
of our wanton 'e[je t, let us lea^efme token of our plea-
jureine'Deryplace^ jor this is our portion^ and this is our
lot. The party affliftcd in con(cience, liftningand
yeelding unto luch accurfed and peftiient elo-
quence as this, (forfuggcftionsof flefli and bloud,
a idfenfuall enticements iinke (boner and deeplier
into a mans heart,than godly admonitions and mo ■
tionsof thegood (pirit) caftshimfelfedefperately
againe into the current of good-felIow(hip, ftifled
the flirtings of ^odly forroro, quenched the firft
flafhesof thefpirit, and (b corny certainc knowiede
became a rotcriou? yfXttc\\.anitwcemore thechilae
hell than hvp.f^ before- And Satan no doubt, feeing
him take that way, would doe his befi: to (Hllthe
criesofhisconfcience, and to bring itafleepe, by
makinghim drunke with fin-ne : So that afterwards
I am perfwaded hee was not troubled with any
I checkc or remorfe. So it ufually fares with others in ]
the like kinde. I
3. Another paflae^e out of fpirituall terrours and
aftonifliments for finne, is into a kinde of artifici-
all, un(bund, enforced, and counterfeit peace of
conlcience. And it is thus ; Some there are, who
Y 3 when
Tie Saints
when they firft bcginne to taflc the terroursof the
Lordj and feele their (bules aflfrighted wkh un*
couch fearesj Springing partly from the gaftly and
griefly vifageoftlieir former foule pollutions, part-
ly from a drcadfull apprehcnfion of that flaming
vengeancCj^and damnod horrour, which the wrath
of God is inkindltng and preparing for all impeni-
tent (ihners, doe prefently ftop the naturall courfe
and current of their converfion, and dead the firft
motions of mortifying grace, with fomt imaginary
and violent comfort, which before it doth truly
and {ealbnably belong unto them, they wreft be-
fore their time, from fomeabuicd and mifapplied
places of Scripture, (uch as thcfe, Matth.iu 28.
SfatfL i2.ao,8cc. by a fpeculative, prepofterous,
and formal! application whereof, they doCc up the
wounds of their fbules, before their hearts be ript
and ran/acked to the quicke, their confcienccs (ear-
ched and {bunded to the bottome, and their fpirits
bruifed and truly humbled, by the powerftill ham-
mer of the Law, H»det the migky kdnd of Ged.ThtC^
men, as well as the fecond fort, arc refblvcdly im-
patient of fpirituallheavie^heartednefle, and (br-
row for (innej of the holy and (bule-faving fe veri-
ties of the (choolcof repentance, and trade of mor-
tification, and therefore poft out of the pangs of
confcience with as great irapaticncie and precipi-
tation as the former, onely more plaufible, and
with fairer, though falfe iatisfaftion to their owne
2 . Some there are who pafie outof the pangs of
€on(cience, inco fome more tolkrable couries, but
felfe^inriching examination. \ ^09
not thorowly into the ftite of grace, and commu-
nion of Chriftianity. When Satan fees that (brrow
for finne lies fo heavie upon a mans hearty and that
bitternefle otfpirit, and legall remorfe, the im-
preflionsof the fpirit of bondage doe (b unceflant-
ly (Hng him with refthfle vexations, that they will
needsat length draw and drive him to Come altera-
tion at Icaft, and worke out at length (bme mea-
(bre of amendment, then doth he bend andim-
ploy all his power and policy to make him reft and
repofe finally in (bme partiall, infiifficient, and
halfe convcrfion , and to content himfelfe with
(bme outward reformatioH, and civill amend-
ment, &c.
5. The fifth paflage outof pangs of conscience,
and horrours of legall repentance, is into the Pa-
radife of grace, and fpirituall pleafuresof Chriftia- '
nity. This'pdi^digQXScdLWtd^The pangs of the nm>hirth, I
This doth happily convey and tranfj^orr a man !
quite thorow the kingdome of darknefle, without j
diverfion, by-path, or any longer detainment in
any pleaiure or vanity thereof. By this he utterly
unwinds himfelfe out of hellifh flaveryand bon- i
dage, and failing thorow the red Sea of Chrifts i
bloud , is fafely fet on (horcin the land that flowes j
with fpirituall milke and honey. In a word, this|
doth neither plunge a man into the pit of defpaire, '
nor miflead him into the (infull delights of out- '
ward mirth, or leave him in the deceitfull maze of
an unfbund converfion, but doth work upon him a
Th€ mar'- 5 of which I have delivered in two feve-
raij_ p[aces before. Y 4 To
See the en-
largement of
theft two lalt
paflagcs, inin-
ftrudions f©r
comforting af-
You niay fee
fteps of this
paflage before,
of b; ceding of
T'he Saints
To applpsiie point to my prefentpurpofe :
Marke hence the difference betweene the for-
mall Profeflbur with his temporary faith, and hira
I that the Lord will fandifie and fave by the holy
grace of juftifying faith ; In the point of legall re- \
pentance^ commonly other kinde of men, if they
fall into any fpirituall afflidion of foule for their
fiimeSj either (inke thence intodefpaire^ or drive
it away with worldly pleafures, or flop the cry of
confciencewith anhalfeand iinfound converfion.
Amongft this third (brt we may ranke the formall
Profeflbur^ if at any time he be furprized with le-
gall forrowforhisfinnes : But in him whom the
Lord will beget againe by the immortall feed of
the Word, and the power of his fandifying fpirit,
legall fbrrow and remorfe for finne doe therefore
breake and bruife the heart, that it may be fbftncd
and fitted for the precious oyle o^ the^promifes of
grace 5 and his pangs of confcience are a prepara-
tive for the infufion of faving faith, and a pafTage
thorow fandification and Evangelical! repentance^
into the glorious flare of new obedience, and new-
nclTeof iifejfvherein after heeever walks, untill
hee happily arrive at his endlefle refl in the new
Before I pafie to the next, let the true Chrifliaji
take this Icflbn about this point,
If it fo fall out, that after hee hath pafled the
pangs of the new birth, and bee made partakers of
the firfl refiirredion, there come upon him fbme-
times new feares and terrours of confcience, let
him not therefore prefeptly with needleUe tor-
felfe'inrkhing examination.
turesvexhis foule, by Tufpefting the ftuth of his
regeneration^ or ftand aindzedandafrouiihed as
chough feme (irange thing were come unto him.
For he muft conceive, and no doubt he finds by.
his owne experience, th^t after a man hath utterly
renounced Satan and his fervice, and given his
name unto Chrift, he rauft upon necellity with pa-
tience (ubmit to variety of vexations^, as the com-
mon lot of all the Saints of God • he muft relblve
upon the truth and triall of that well knowne and
praftifed principle in the arc of falv'ation, and
fchooleof Chrift^ T/jr^;^^/>;//^<^ afftiCfmis rree mufl
enUrifHotheKwgdome ofGocL There is, God bee
thanked, fhed into the heart of true Chriftians,
together with faving gracesjthat fbveraigne power
ftill held in heart, by a lively feeling of Godsfa-
vour, which fwallowes up all their (brrowes, and
refrefheth their fbules mih]oyH»fpeakableand glori-
Qvs , and that fbmetimes amid their greateft di»
ftrefles. Yet fo it is, fb fiercely doe Satans fury, arid
the malice of prophannelTe hold them totugge it,
thatthey have fcarce a breathing while from cxei-
cifeinfbme trouble, orwreftling with fometemp*
tation. They are commonly continually in chafe,
and hunted even Ith^ a V-rtrUge in ihe mamtaims 5
cither bv Wolves m ihe evening. hloxxd'j perfecutours -^
or cruel] and currifh dogges, prophane fcorners.
Either by fuchas fit in the gate, or Drunkards that^
raile in the ftreets. Either byprofefled enemies,
or falle brethren. Either by fightings without,, or
terrours within, ontwardcrofles, or inward temp-^
tation. If they tafte butTeldome of fpirituall af-
The Saints
tlictiuus ui w^yiiUience, the> otcen drinke the
deeper of worldly croffe?. If they efcape ihofe
outward calamities which others fcele, they
feele thofe inward gripings which others ef-
cape : So truly a continuall warfare is the Chri-
ftianslifc. Now fith itisfo, lecnochildecf God
thirke it a flrange thing, or therefore unfeafona-
I bly afflid his (bule with a cauflefle fufpition of the '
truth of his regeneration, becaufc he is fometimes
revifitcd with fpeciall horrour of confciencc for
finne, or "have the feare of his former tranfgrfffi-
ons renued, and charged upon him afrefh : For it is
neceiTary many times that Chriftians, elpeciallyif
they profper outwardly, and flourifli in the wor'd,
be humbled and kept in awe by inward temptati-
ons, and fpirituall feares.
Thus the deareft and befl: children that ever
God h. d, ever have bcene dealt with, and that
lon^ aftc r their new birth.
Ezechkf) upon his death bed complaines, that the
L0rd brok^ all his boms like a Lion Even as the weake
and trembling limbs of fbme lefler and inferiour
bead are rentand crulht by the unrefiflable paw of
an angry and unconquerable Lion, (o was the
poorc (bule broken and bruifcd withterrours and
angry countenance of the Almighty. He could not
fpeaiceforthebitterBefJeofgricfe, and anguiChof
heart ^ but chattered lik^ a Crane or a Srcalloxip^ md
mourned like a Dove »
lob (aith of himfelfe, that the Lord had fit hmup as
4tpjark^ tofjoot aty and had discharge dupo^ himeJ^^oj^
fofted arrftres, the vemmevphereofdrank^ up hisfpmt,
Jclje-inricbing examination.
David begins th us, Pfal. i^oOut of the deepeplaces
hofve I called H»iothe^OLor^. He cries ojc as though
feme gaping of the earth, orgulfe of the Sea had
fwallowed him upquicke, (for fo the word figni-
fies in the originall) where there were no fcaping
but by a miracle. So cries he, and cals out of the
depths of unexpreflabie ferrow unto his God, in
the higheft Heavens, that hee would lend him his
merciful] hand, to pull him up out of the mouth
of Hell, left he utterly and irrecoverably finke in-
to the pit of deftrudbion.
This rcvifitation with terrours of confcience in
the Chriftian^ is commonly in thefe cafes :
I. If the pangs of a mans confcience in his new
birth, be not in fbme good proportion anfwerable
to the hainoufhefTc of his former tranfgreflions and
rebellions 5 If he hath bin an extraordinary finner^
and but an ordinary forrower for finne • If he hath
becne very hot in Satans fervice before his calling,
and not very zealous for Gods glory after it 5 If he
marched furiouflyin thepurfuic of earthly plea-
fures in the dayes of his vanity, and creeps but on-
ward ilowly in the wayes of godlinefTe after his
Gonverfion, why then God out of his juftice and
wifdome, upon occafion, may charge upon him
greater terrours than at fir ft, and doubled horrour
to that he fuftained before, that thereby hee may
be througly humbled, that, as it were, by this fe-
cond travel!, Chrift may more perfedily k formzd
in him, that his heart may bee for ever after more
ftronglypofTelTed with loathing and deteftationof
his former hateful! life^ and the abominations of
Job ij.i^.
The Saints
thisunrtgcneracion^ and that his zeale may now
be as hot in the caufes of God , as formerly his
fury was headlong in the ferv ices ot Satan.
2. Sexrondly, If the Chriftian by the violence
of temptation, iind the powerfull infmuations of
hisowneflefh, be entangled againe, and re-infe-
fted with fbme former fenfuall pleafurc of hisun-
regener.-tion ^ orby reafbnof thcremidionof his
care, and watchfulneife over his way es, be (udden-
ly fiirprized with fome new notorious finne ; then
may God juftly, befidcs the particular fting of the
prejfent, yjrite even many xnoQ bitter thiugs agawfl
htm, and mah^ him poffejfi the imquities of his youth. So
that thoft (innes, which in the daycs of his inward
peace he looked in the face without feare, refume
their former ugly vifages , and fright him with
ftrange amazements, and new perplexities. And
to this end dorh God fodeale with his deareft chil-
dren, that hee may more and more weane them
from the world , weaken in them the power of
finne and winne them nearer and nearer unto him-
{elfej'and thep'eadiresof HeavcH. David, a man
uncomparably exercited, and excellent in (piritu-
all experiments, and all thefacred pafTages of the
great m> fiery of godlinefle, was full well acquain-
ted with this point ofrevifitation with terrours of
confcience, as appeareth, Pp/. 5 1 . & 2 5. & 5 8. &
^o.'verfii* Hee having committed that hi^h of-
fence, and fallen into the grievous finne of adul
tfry^ at the (c^mnd and fealbnable reproofeof N<«-
than, was ftrucke by the hand of God with fpeciall
remorfe and terrour : Whereupon, befides the
felfe-inriching examination.
particular ftingand horrour of thac finne,, whole ,
armies of his former trAnigreiTions, all the finnes |
of his youth, even to his cradiej nay, his original! i
corruption, at his conception before he was borne, i
ranke themfelves againfl: him with great rage and \
fary, and with as infolent cruelty, as if they hid
neverbeene pardoned, k is in this cafe wirh the '
Chriftian^ relapfcd into fomeoJd, or overtaken
withibmenew finne, as vvithaBankroutarrefted
for debt, and throvvne into priibn, for if once,
one man hath hold on him by the backe, then
prefendy all the reft of his Creditors come thieke
and threefold upon him . How watchful! then
(houldeverychildeof Godbe over l^is way es, left
byhisfall, befides offence unto otliers, and the
highdifhonourof Godj he. bring upon hisowne
backeaffefh the weight, the Rings and ^uikineffc
of all his former rebeliionSjthe (innes of his youth,
the pollutions of his conception,, nay, the vt:ry
tranfgre (lions of his parents.
3 . Upon fbme fudden vifif ation with fbme grie-
vous finnes, or at the firft falling upon the bed of'
death, the Chriftian may have the weight of his
(innes lie more heavily upon him, and appeare
more griefly to the eye of his confcience than they
were wont. For there is a kinde of narurall power j
in (icknefTc, forrov/, darknelie, meJancholyj the 1
night, extraordinary crolTeSj the bed of death, to >,
reprefent the true number and hainoufne(re of our I
finnes, with greater horrour, and more unto the
life ^whereas profperity, ea(efulnel!e, dayes of
peace,doe rather delude the eye of the conlcience,
SceP/:!/. l?-
! & 5 1. See the
Iscoryof J^/. ^■
in mybockefor
afflided confck
The Saints
and like talle and flattering glalTes , make thole
foule fiends fceme fairer than they are indeed.
Wherefore theChriftian outwardly diRreffed, or
extraordinarily vilited by Gods hand, feeing his
finncs upon the fudden marfhalled and marching
againft him, moe in number, more fierce, and with
more fury than heretofore, may for the while be
fiirprized and exercifed with unexpefted terrour,
until! by meditation upon Gods former fpeciall
mercy unto him in fpirituall things, upon the
marks and efFeds of his converfion, upon the truth
and fincerity of his heart toward God, in the daycs
of his health ^ upon thofe eftimations and aflTu-
rances which his Chriftian friend can give him of
being in the ftate of grace^and fuch like holy helps,
hee bee railed againe from the dejeftions oSf fpirit,
and recovered to his former comfort^ and aflurance
of his intercft in Chrift, and falvation of his fbule.
Thus God dealeth (bmetimes with his deareft chil-
dren, that the horrourof their finnesmiy become
more hateful! to their afflided conlcicnces, and the
dearnefTe of Gods mercy more taflfull to their di-
ftrefled hearts. Vavii, Pp/. 3 8. being put in minde
by his ficknefTe, of Gods wrath againft finne, was
fall forely afflided in (bule, fo that hee cries out
in a rufull manner ^ ihn is mthmg found m my fiefl)
hecjufcof thimaKger -^ neitherHs there reft i» my bones
hecauje of myfinne. For mine tniquiites are gone aver my
heaij mdas ^weighty burden they are too heavy forme*
lambowed^mdcrooh^d'veryfore : Igoe mourning allth
day. For my reines are full of burnings and there u no-
thing found in f^yfleflj, I amweak»ed and fore broken.
jelfe'inncbing examination.
I nare fof the 'very gmfe of mi/,e heart*
4. Fourthly, the true Chriftian may bere-yifi-
ted wicKextraordinarytJiTOurofconfcience : For
hisowne rrialij that it may appeare even nnto God
himlelfe to the lingular gljritying ofhis g^odn^fTe^
Tl al though he ki}l htm^ yet vptll he trufl i/^ him, as hb
ipcaks. For this end, as it may feemc Ub was fee as a
marke for thearrowes of the Almighcy, and for
the terroursof God to fight againft. Or it maybe
for the terrour of others, that the world may take
thorow and timely notice, and the rebellious
wretch tremble and be confounde < at the con fede-
ration o^ that terrible place in P^/<?^ 1 Ep/fi.chap.^.
1 7, » 8 If] uigement heginne At the honfe of God^ what j
fljol-beiheendofthemvphich obey mt the GofpeUo Godl
If the righteous [ca/cely bet javed^ if Gods children
have their confeiences fcorched, as it were with
the flam-es of Hell. Tfhere fhdl theungodly audfinner
appeare. ^hur even in the bott me ofrhat fierv Lake,
and amid the unquenchable rage of tho(e endlefle
flames. Or (bmerimes for the juft hardning of
others ; as when a godly man hath lived Jong
amongrt rebels,, thornes and Scorpions^ as it is faid
EzechkldidyCk^p.2.6. Imf^ane, amid a mughty and
€reoh^d genzru^ion, of prophane llorners, profeft
enemies, plaufible tyrant^ and open railers a^ainfl:
his gracious courses .' W ho although hee fhine a-
mongft them a^ a light, yet they are fbfarre from
being thereby inlightned, informed or bettered
by fuch example, that like (b ma^y hatefull Bats
an.-f Owles, imnatieat of allfpirituall light, they
either flie from it as farreas they can^ both in afFe-
"^fhe Saints
dtion biii..i pradtile or ellefHluponit fiercely with
their envenomed clavves of fpight and n-ialice^quite
topiiroutfuihhol) light, and to dai ken the place
where they Jive. Thc-y interi ret his lincerity to
be hy pocrihej his holinefTc to be hi.rrour his for-
wardntflephanradicalncdej his fandification fin-
gularity, and indeed refoive ard combine aga'nft
him with the ungodi ones, Wrjd. 2. 12. Letmde-'
fraud the rrgbieeus.jor he is rot for our profit^ andU con^-
trary to eur doings ^ hecLecl{€thffsforoffefiding dgaif^ft
thelarv, and hlameih us as tranjgrejjours ofdijciplhe^
£<c. I fav God mayfutfer lueh a man upon his
death-bed to fall into fome more extraordinary
andmaikabledifcomfort of conCience, of which
thrfe gracelefTe wretches among whom he lives,
taking notice, are thereby defperately obfVinated,
and hardned in their lewd and carnall courfes. For
they v/anting the fpirit ofdifcerningj and feeing
Gods hand upon him in that fearefull manner doe
then moft peremprorily conclude, as thokmfe-
rable comforters upon lob:, that before times he was
certainly an hypocrite, and rherupon they become
twice more deadly advcilaries to fincerity than
were before, they are luielier barred, and (Iron g-
lier locked in their ftate of good-fellowfhip a' d
formality ;, they merriiy blefle themfelves in their
hearts rayinguntorheircompanions^thcfearethe
tnen which make fu. h fhew ol forwardneCej thefe
are the feliowrs which arelb Scrupulous and pre-
cife • you may fee now the defperate er d of ilich
hypocriticall Puritans. Thus the glory of Gods
jufticeisjuftly magnified, by making themflarke
felfe4tmching examination.
'- f:
blindCj who wilfully (hut their eyes agairift the
light of grace/ by giving them over to a reprobate
fenfCj who would not lufFer their crooked waves,
to be reproved and re(fiified by the good example
of a godly Chriftian. Thofe prophane wretches by
Gods juft judgment are for ever confirmed intheir
obftinacie and rebellions, and vvalke on with con-
fidence inaperpetuall pre judice againft the power
of ianftification, towards the pit of horrour and
endlefle defolation. That blefled Saint of God by
thofe terroursand aiflidionsof confciencc^ beCdes
glorifying God in hardning others, is more tho«
rowly fitted and refined for that glory which is to
bee revealed.
5. Fifthly, the Chriftian maybetheoftnerex-
ercifed with feares of heart, and agonies of fbule
1. That thereby he may grow into greater con-
formity with Chrift in fpirituall (ufferings.
2. That rafting (bmetime of the bitternefleof
the wrath to come, he may feare it the more, and
flie the further from it.
?. That thereby the incomprehenfible love of
Chrift Jefus unto his foule, may finke deeplier into
his heart, who for its fake and falvation, dranke
dcepe and largejand the very dregs of that cup, the
leaft drop wherof is to him fo,bitter,deadly,and in-
tollerable. 4. That by fore-times fcnfe of the con-
trary,his joy in the favour & light of Gods counte-
nance may be more joyfull,his fpirituall peace more
pleafant, the pleafure of grace more precious, the
comforts of godlines morecomfortable,&c.Or for
Z fbme
The Saints
fome other fecret and invifible end, known onely
\ to the all-feeing eye^ and managed by the glorious
providence of rhe moft wife God. Amongft other
ends whyMafter/l.G/<?^^r was Jeft a little before
his end, of the feeling of Gods favour, biic ftrange-
ly revived and recomforted with excefTe of joy,
when hee was going to the ftake^ was, thathee
might paffe thorow the flames with lefle fence of
bodily paine, his (bule being frefhly filled with
fpiriiuall plcafiire. Out of this point may fpringa
refblution of that doubtjand an anfwer to that ob-
jeftion which is fomctimes made by (bme good
Chriftians. It is this 5 how {hallthatChriftian/a-
tisfie, aflbre, and (ecure himfelfe of the truth and
fbundnelle of his converfion, who having becne
formerlv a very horrible and abominable finner.
yet palTeth thorow the pangs of his new birth with
farre more eafc^ and lefle terrour, than fbme which
have not beene halfe (b rebelliotis ^ neitheris neare
(b zealous in the wayesof goJlinelTe, as many who
have beene farre lefle finners in the day of their va-
nity > fb that remorfe'for linne, and horrour of
confcience, inhisconverflon, was not (b propor-
tionable to rhe rebellions of his. youth, and hai-
noiifhelle of his former life 5 nor his prefent
zeale for Gods glory, anfwerable to his formf tfu-
rie in the purfuit of finfuU pleafures -^ what may
be thought of iuch a man ? or what is he* to thinke
I anfvs?er, it may be moe and more fearefull ter-
rours arebehinde, and owing him for afterward.
The Lord may cake occafion upon his relapfe into
felfe^innching examination. | 221
fome oldjor fall into Ibmc new finjor in the time of
f >me outward affliftion, to renew and charge up-
on him afrefh all his feares, and ipirituall diftrafti-
ons of minde^ all his horrours and anguiflses of
heart for finne, upon a review or his dayesof va-
nity and former lewdnefle^ and that with deeper
bitingSj and more ghaftly horrour than at the
firft 5 that thereby his humbledneffe under Gods
mighty hand, may bee perfeded, the defeds and
imperfedions of his former forrowes for firine
fupplied, the great workeof mortification happi-
ly furthered '^ adeteftation of his old rebellions in- 1
creafed, (pirituall hunger after more holinefle re-
doubled, and his zeale in good caufes, and for
the glory of God, thorowly heated, and more
That relapfe or fals into finne doeoccafionally
breed gnd bring upon the Chriftian new horrour
for.oldfinnes appearesby David, pfaL^i. and or-
dinary experience of Gods children. It is the pro-
perty of the childe of God, when hisconfcience
is notoriouflv ftung with any one finne, to make
a further and moreJFull fearch and enquiry into the
whole f>ate of his confcience ^ and to afFed his
heart with a fenfibleapprehenfionof the finnes of
this whole life, and of the finfulnefle of his na-
ture : To which if the Lord adde his angry Coun-
tenance and jufV indignation, it is able to throw
him into a new hell of confcience, for thofe finnes
which he hath formerly in feme gcod meafure fbr-
rowedfor, and rep< nred of, when upon occafion
of fbme markable tranfgreffion, he looks himfelff
Z2 in
The Saints
intheChryftal! glafleof theLaw of God, for the
difcrying and wafhing away of that particular
ftaines and (pots, it dilcovers alfb againe unto him
the foulnefle and deformities of all his formerabo-
minable rebellions.
And fbme great outward crofle and trouble may
alfo bee an occafion that the weight of his finnes
may prelTe him more heavily and fenfibly, than
when they firft bruifed and broke his heart. For it
is the property -and praftife of the Chriftianjwhen
lie is deepeft in worldly diftrefles, and vexed moft 1
with the miferies of this life, then moft curioufly
and impartially to looke into, fearch, and try the
truth of his (pirituall evidences, and foundnefle of
his tide to the Kin^dome of Heaveiij that yet
there at leaft and laft hee may bee (ure of reft and
peace, and cndleffe happinefle, which Satan obfer-
ving and taking the advantage and opportunity of
his dejection of minde^ and heavie-heartediiefle,
for his prelTures in the world doth labour might
and maine to wrong his title, and weaken his hope
of Heaven, by a malitious reprcfentation of the
abominations of his youth to the eye of his con-
(cience^ which though both fbrfaken and forgiven,
yet perhaps are not loathed with that meafiire of
deteftation, whirh fuch ugly monfters and foule
fiends deferve. And therefore for his greater humi-
liation Godm^y faff er Satan to fi ft m ^rethorow-
ly, and to ranfacke his confcience more deeply^
that pa^ng againe thorowche flames of (pirituall
inward affliction, he may be the better purged and
purified from earthly drofle^ and encroaching cor-
'-_ corruptions
felfe4nriching examination.
ruptions ^ and more refined and fitted for Gods
glorious fervice here, and the glory of Heaven
2. Or it may be fiicha man for Ibme divine fe-
cret, invifible purpofe, may bee as it were repri -
ved and re (pi ted unto his deaths-bed, from any
more fpecial! and markable remorfe and tcrrour
for his finnes ^ but then he may be paid home with
pangs of confcience, and a fierce frefii aflault of all
his fins muftered 8c mar (hailed together with fuch
new (tingings and afi:oni(hmentS5which will breed
in him feares and doubts, about the truth of his
former converfion , and in refped of which all
Oirituall (ufferings for finne before, were but le(^
(er frightings and flea-bitings ; They may for a
fea(bn (bOrangely blunder and confound in him
all his former com forts of holine(re3 fincerity, and
a good con(cience ^ his faith, in Chrifi:, hope of
Heaven, and adurance of Gods favour, that hee
feeles him(elfe already almoft in Hell, he doubt
much of his ekdion. He fu(pefts his converfion to
have beene counterfeit , his former life ro have
beene hypocrifie, his company with Chriftians
to have beene for bv-re(peds :, (b that he is uncom-
parabiy more afflided in con(cience, then at firft
when he W3scalled, and lies in unexprelTable Ago-
nies, untill that God^ whofe propertie is to (hew
his mercies then greateft, when they are nearefi: to
bedefpairedof, doth in the depth ofdifcomrorc
and darkne(re (bine glorioufly upon his heart
againe with the light of his favourable counte-
nance, and everlafting compafiion : And then
Z -? when
l^he Saints
vvijcii tilt; iioraic ib once ovtr-biowne, and the
clouds dilppried. he fees clearly that he was there-
fore caft intothi^ furnace of fpiriraall.affiiftions,
that the reliques of his hateful! corruptions might
bee thorowly wrought out of him . that hee might
finally difmifTe his finnes .which hang (b h{\ on,
with more fpeciall indignation and hatred, his de-
parting (bule might clafpe about Chrifts precious
wounds J with a fvveer and ftrong embracement_,
and become more (enfible and taftef uil of tho(e
endlefle joyes, upon which it is happily entring.
3. Or if (uch a one be (brry, and iincerelv grie-
ved that heels not more fbrrowfull for his finnes,
and more zealous in holy (er vices, whv may not his
(brro w that he is no more IbrrowfuJl, and his zeale
after more zeafe,be a xepted, lerve the turne, and
latisfie that divine mercih:ill goodnefle, which is
wont ever to interpret, and take holy defires -tor
the things done, goodly affed: ions for the anions
themfelves, longings for grace, to bee very grace
longed for, i^ they be fincere, fandrified, and un-
dilTembled ? But this I now tell you is a pearle
which doth ferveonely to comfort and uphold the
fainting hearts of Gods children, in fbmeextraor^
dinary cafs, and extremity of temptations. Let
no flranp.er take it up, let nofwine trampleupon
it, thele have no part in ir,they know not the price
and precioufnelTe of it. Hee doth not loath finful-
neffe with (b great deteftation as Pauldid, nor fol-
low holinelTe with that ferventy of fpir it as did £)<^-
^U : What then > doth he hate evill truly, though
not fo vehemently ? Doth he fer ve God faithfully,
jelfe-inricbing examinatton^
though not fb fervently } why then u-ndoubted- j
Iv hee hath faving grace in the fame nature and !
kinde that thefe holy men had, tliough not in the I
fame degree and mcafure.
To conclude the rciblution of this cafe of con-
fcience • I would advife a man in fuch a cafe , to la-
bour ferioufly with his owne heart, to bring it to
that depth of fbrrow^ which may in fbme fort bee
proportionable to the height of his former fins^
and to afFed his confcience with that meaiure
of remor(e , which may in fbme degree anfwer
the out-rage of his former rebellions ; And the
more earneflly and eifeftually, becaufe a man is
very apt to flatter and deceive his owne heart with
thofe hollow, halfe, and infufiicient conve' fions,
of which I have forewarned you. And Satan is
ever ready, as you heard before^ to rranfportus by
his traines and temptations, out of the pangs of,
confcience into outward mirth, counterfeit peace |
of confcience, or an unfbund change. Lethimalfb
continually ^kive with prayer and watchfalnefle
asainft the dulnelTe of his zeale, and dead nedecP
his heart, and be fare to mike his eleftion fure, and
conver(ionf<')und, by diily growth and increafe
jn an holy fervency and forwardnefTe, for the en-
larging of Gods elory, Chrifts Kingdome and the
true com orrs of his owne foule : In a word, let
Kimvpo k' out his fahaii >nmthf'a>'e andtremhling.
Thu>>farreof ihediff rence betwixt the formal]
Profcffour and true Chriftianin the point of le-
gal I repentance, of which and knowledge, two
necefiary fore-runners and preparatives to the
T^he Saints
great worke of regenerationjan unregenerate man
may be wholly polTcfl: and partaker ^ but (b in that
fenfe, and with that diiference as I have formerly
Now as concerning the three efTentiall parts of
regener ation, to wir, laving faithjfpeciall fenctifi-
cationja nd Evangelicall repentance 5 they are
three fpeciall jewels peculiar to the Eleft, and
worne onely by Gods children. Onely the formal!
Profeflbur, by the power of temporary faith,
may marke a faire flourifli, and formall (hew of
them ^ he may put on (bme (hadowes and rcfem-
blances, (bme (matterings and outward glimme-
rings, of the(e faving and (bveraigne pearles, as
appeares in my former di(cour(e. But to their in-
ward power and vertue , to their Heaven-borne
beauty, invifible and invaluable fairnelTej the be(t
unregenerate man is a meere(tranger. For full di-
ftindion aud cleare difference in (b high 8c weigh-
ty a point, looke 5
1 . Firftjas concerning faithjthe marks differen-
cing faving falthjfromall other kinds^whetherfaKe
or infiifEcient, &c. and the three (peciall notes of
difference betwixt (aving temporary faith, and in
my former booke.
2. Secondlyj as concerning fpeciall fanfti(icati-
on. fee before in my former booke.
3. As concerning Evangelicall repentance, fee
the marks of it , which ( by the grace of God)
(hall follow in a large Treati(e of repentance af-
In the(e places named you may (ee clearly (God
felfeAnrkbing examination.
' _L J ..--- ■ ^i^- .. ' ' 1
willing) the difference in thelc three points, be-
twixt the formall Profeflbur and true Chriftian^
temporary faith, and that which is (bund and
4. Nowlaftly, as touching outsvard reformati-
on, and thofe degrees of it formerly laid dov/ne, I
yeeld and grant they may proceed from a tempo-
rary faith, and befall the formall Profeflbur. But
whatisa man better^ though he be outwardly clo-
thed with Chriftianity, and to the eyes of men
put on the glory of an Angell, if he be inwardly
lined with luftfull corruptions, and retaines flill
a devillilh difpofition in his inward parts.
That outward reformation, though never ^o
exiifiand out-fide Chriftianity, though never /b
gliftering, will not ferve the turne or fuffice to fal-
Thusfarre of that weighty and important point
concerning the differences be twixt the powers and
perfeftions of tempoi ary faith, incident to repro-
bates^ and attainable in the (late of unregenerati- I
on, and thofe faving impreffions, and holy infpi- !
rations of (anftifying faith, that fjuntaineof life, j
and Jewell of Heaven, which purs us into pre- j
fent poflefliOH e>f the Kingdomeof ^race, and by'
found evidences of the promifes of falvarion, fea-j
\^& with the precious bloud of Chrift lefus, enti- j
\\q^ us to everlading joycs in another world. S
Xhis may fuffice for the triall of our /aith, be-il
fore the receiving of the Sacrament. jl
As for the trial! of the reft of the graces former-
ly mentioned, pr7g.24.as necellarily required to a [
^ _ . right!
Sec nv/ three
Reafons In the
Difccuifc of
1 lUcHappi-
5x8 ^bc Saims
righc aad omforcablc receiving, viz,, Repeatance,
ne v/ Ooediea:e,Lo/e,8incericy,anci a lo.iging de-
firc after that heivenly food : The Aathour being
iprevented by ficknefT: and death, was hindered in
his profecution and trials of them according to his
intention. For helpe to Chriftians in the exami-
na.ioiiof thefe, they are to u(e the helpe of other
worthy Divines in this fubje*^. That which
hath beene written, I commend to
Godsbleding, and the good
of his Church,
^~"T ^ . ' i.t "
-liilOj Jiiu-
of the chiefe heads contained in this
Treatife of the Saints fc^e-enrlclmgi 8cc.
Dopiton, pag.36.
iffli&ioftt fling drftah
ihemch^d. 185.
Xhey arethe godtkspartien, 311.
\kdzm flood and fellpr/ff. 5 f .
IVhat hsew^ mfunwmcy ibid.
Bm the godly are z^ed^cdafiet
fds, 2013215.
AlmcSy on i^^r^wg pounds and
Gb]eBs* 151.
A'f^ves^ commanded ^ comtmnd^d^
qifdified. 1 57.
Momkjfc men ma) give Almes.
Apoftaies cnd.^ -worjx: iha» thdr bs •
gimk£ a^^
Avalegie betj»ee»e common and
Sueramentall Bre^d and Wine,
! "B
BAfe ends of knowledge. 46.
Benefits rfiorthy ofrecemng.
Bf rhrift. 3 5*7?«
^ paths in faith. 9 &.
B'efings temporally hup 4nd why
to be loved, 141.
'Bddneffeintht vpJched^ vi>lienceit
«"' 191.
Bribery 237.,
CAmi$lI mtnpreferre worldly
The Table.
am heavenly, 1^9.
Caupj of^admjjk ■' the goil). \ 89.
changes nn javwg and foHftd,
Thdttfjavwg, 2S5.
Chrifl^ what he //. 35.
why man. 33.
/^/^j' God. 34,
Combat e in unregencrate , jy/^^*.'-.
i.i ' 163.
In the regenerate. 165.
Coldmffe in Vrajerythreefold. 1 74,
Cof^i^ hetvpeene theflejh (tndfpi-
rit^afigneoffaith, 162.
Conditio^ of carnall men vohen
their hopes faile^ 184.
Conftderations tovteane us from
ihevfiorld 161.
Courage in Gods children, 215.
Converjion^vfibat. 1 9.
Hor»knovpne. 283.
Conftancy^afigneofit^ 293.
Jnconji4nt Converts^ of two forts.
l/^ *•'• '■'••^< -292,296.
' Covttoufnefe. 261.
Credulity. 96.
Cr^eZ/y of Land-lords taxed, i $6.
Ct^eme^ nopleaforfinne. 1^6'^
Cufiomet cf the Vrimitpve chrch
in receiving the Ssrrament* $ .
DAngir'of ^nmorthy recei-
ving. '■ ii,t45&c.
Daubing condef!ined. 272.
Degrees of Jinnr^g. ico,igi,
Dejpaire. i o 5 , 1 1 o, 1^1 1 .297.
Cenjsderations to cure it.
Difference hettpeene trro Sacra-
mms, 24525.38,39.
Differences hetweene fazii/sg and
temp frary faith, 200.221,
Elaculations, lyS,
Endiof the Sacrament, 41.
Enclofure cenjured. 1 5 5, 2 3 7jScc.
Exawinaiion before receiving, a
dutj. 8^Scc,
Wkititis. \j,
IVhereinit conjifls, 18.
Excuses for fmaring^ anfwered,
Expofition <?f Pfal.2 3.121 ,&c.
Aitk ^^at. 37-
luffifyingfaith^what, 58.
The T able.
H9VPit}iM)indgr^vfies. 59.
to 6 5.
How it is k»oi»»e* 1 1 7>^c.
HifforicallFiiitlh . 6%,
Faith of miracles, 66.
Imasimry faith of three forts,
66, Sic.
Dead Faith. ^9.
Tep^pQrary Faith defimd, 6^.
H{mit differs jromfa'ving^jo. 2 00
HoTpfarrc it goes in iUHmifsation,
Horf> it differ r from faving Faith
intUs, 22^5229.
How far it goes in cotrverfion, 74.
Mow it differs from favingi'H this,
Ho^farreimregeneration, 74.
Uowfarre in k^ovpkdge, ibid.
Jn legall contrition ^ andthefrnitt
irfit. 74.
Infaith, 77.
Infan^ification. 78.
TnEvangdicall repentance y^.
In reformation, BOj&c.
In ajherf of a hot) life, 86 .
Faith may he ecclipfed 124.
How it differs then from otJxr
Faith, 1 25.
FalhfAd2im. 30.
Fals op he Saints, r^h^ mntioued
^h Saints grove bj tU'^, . 2 80.
Forfaki.vg th i^rld a figne of
faUh. , \ 159,.
Fervency in prayer threefold. 174.
Fruits of a true faith. ^67^
Fruits of San&ifaation. 134.
Fundaimntallpoints of our Chri-
jiian faith. . 27.
GOd^whatlkis, 27.
Grace if^, commumcative.
Goodly men cannotfnm. . 200.
Glorification, ^61
Grovfith^affgne of grace, \ 53."
Afigneoffaith. 12 a*
Afigneof cenverjton. 2 2y^
Gron>th ingodlineffe compared to
divers things., 2 871.
Vmlitya companion of fa-
zing knotFledgc. 47;
IGnorance. 5J»59*
III' gotten gocds. 262.
Illumination J har^farre^ yet un-
fonnd. 72^23.229.
ImpHtation of Chrijis righteoufr
neffe. 35!
It^Mitj 98.
lmercejSio» of rfjf^lfi:,n?haf, 55 .
loyintribHlaim, a KUffeaf fafth,
' 183.
B) ivhat C0»f(deratrm itheaufid
KNowkdge itjmii atii fried,
what to dee k^^ewhe 'MczMng
cod, ibid.
What this mA^ te4ch us, 28.
IVhat to tee k^ovpne concerning
man, 28j&c.
what this vporks inns, 32.
what wee mnji l^i» concerning
Chrifi, 33.
What difpofitions this f{mdedge
tfiorki* 3 ^'
what to bee 1\not»ne concerning
the Sacraments, ibid.
what this W0rl{siniis. 43.
Saving k^v^ledge i^ pra&ic4L
Dejtrous of mere, 4958CC.
Commumcative :, as the Sunne,
ItBegdsJovi. 57.SCC.
It is miverfalL i66»
Experiment all* 2270
LTing, 226-
Love to Cods children^ hoi»
qualifiel, 2i.
Love afi^neoffiitk 13^.
Love to God^ tkegrmnddMran-
chesofit. i^S.'kc.
Lofve to the creatures^ ^f^^(i^ll) to
the go. U), 143. 1
Lov^ of a mansfdfe. 1 44%
Loi)e of friends afiial'idfice. 145.
None but Ctheir wives, 145, 146.
fan&i^djtheir children* 1 47.
men can jtheirjriends. ibid*
l<me^ titheir kindred, 150.
The ground of true love* 1 49.
Lote to our enemies a jmt of faith.
\M/insmiferybfmure» 28,
Meanes of deliverance, 32.
Martyrs, 197.
Good meanings not mak^^s good
Communicants, 12.
M earns to beget grace* 2 5 .
Meants to get fart in Chriji* 3 7.
The Table,
Mtafs^s of gract 4»i k^mpkdire.
Themeinwg of the Sacramntall
tIk Uedia^wrfliip of chfffi is of
threepafts 34.
The mercies of God difplajed,
firiU trnths anfvpend.
Ob]eWoftsoftk merry Irf: of the
vptck^d^ a/ffn>ered. 1 87.
iilfi of their courage and hold-
neffe. 191.
Tk offices ofchrijf. 34.
PEace mth onr neighbours^
not sufficient preparation
to the Sacrament. 1 3 ,
Poppers of thvforld tocome^ how
tafedlythetenfporaries, 73.
Places of Script uretfirefiedagainfl
Precifenejfe. 24.
For covet Oft fnejje, 1 54.
Forproerafiimtion, 266,
Prnjersofthe nnrtgenentte. 167.
to 174.
Private Prayer. iy%ij()'
Hotviteajethtlekart, 179 180.
Prefumpticn. 105 io6«
BoK> God deaks vithfuch. i c^ -
Preparation of th heart jor faith,
59 ^c ii7,&c.
Principles in tk doUrine of mor-
tijkatloH. 266.
Pfeudo- martyrs. 191 8cc.
PmiHcativn of the karta ftgw gf
faith. 126^200.
Per fever Off ce 4 companion of it.
Prying of judgements in preach -j
hg necejfaty. 270.ro 2 80.
Pa^ingout of theptsngsGfcBnfci-
tncefoiitevcayes. 297.
REconciliation 35.
Rejoycing cf the Vfiicktd ^
what. ' 188.
Rehpfcs to ftnne^ and tk effe&s,
Remiponofjtnnes. 35.
RegemrAiion,mih itsparts, §4.
Repentance E'^angelicall. j<^.
It is a figne of faith. 129.
ReviJ/ta ionty with feares after
con J
The Table.
cojffitrpn^ tokn it happew.
t0vph4te»d, 319. to 329.
tiepr«bat€t may have common
graces^ andwhj* . 9 2,9 3 ,
SAcramvii ofib Lords Snpftr^
fortfhom 26.
Sacrammu^ thenHmher^ natnrt^
u^ea»dends^ 38,8cc.
SanStijicMion. ^^"71-
Jfit^be thoroppjl if aJigfteoffaiiL
S4Uffs fuggeftfo»s s andmeiiotfs
of our mne hearts differettced,
SAtanscrAjtfpUhmen. 302.
Sjmony, 236.
Spirit iffhndage defcribed, 7 5.
Sprit of prayer accompamet faith.
Svaariftg. ' 244. \v{ufy.
nTHeefes coftverjtott on the
X Crojfe no ground of pre-
fumption^ 91.
tmgs rtquifite to right receiving.
Thughts ntyflbe hokt to, 205.
trials of coffverjion, 7 o.&c.
Ofl^kdge. 275 &c.
Of faving faith. 1 1 7, &c»
Of temporary, 2003&:c.
VNionmthChriJl.what, 35.
Vnmercifulnejfetaxed. 1.54^
Vmverfall change argnes conver-
jion.. 284.
Faults, in theTreatifeoftheSacrflment, efcaped at the
Prcflfej and (brae in the Goppy,
Age 1 1. line 18. iox fpst'm ficti rctdipMinkufaei. p.8tf.I.i 2 for anverfttm r»coit-
Vfrfie7i.]p,\t7Jl. II. Iciyc out ipeiLf I4J.I !5.»Iefcoutp.i J1.I.3X fotinr.it,p.\6f,
— l.ii (oTfjfigntex,p^^«vate.p.i77Li6.foTCitaiHec certaine*f\f6.l.$%.lcire9iatby
tbcnt. p.ioi 1 16. for ftrmt r. ftrmaU. p 11 6. 1. xf. for by a [awni being i.kya favmg fattb
betng.f.xx 9, 1.11 AorpfotittfProfbeur wtra's eftbe Frefbtts, ^tii.l.\6.ior which Cbam-
f'wn. x.wljt(b convex tt cbimfiott. ^.iSo.foityrtr.cryes. p. 180. i.^. for Some faidjV.Some^faitL
P.X87.I, II. for bath netfftfvfne r. lHtbntrircvpne.f,^9 1 .l>i4. iotfwner r^urtr. p.iyS. 1 3 1«
PAgi4<> 1 i2.(or admit bisneigbbMr it r. admit buweighbtur tnaj l^eefeit. p.iSj.Idi* at
(»} nt pur in this, m the Up »f the bMfe. p.t^xXio. at Cbriftunity put in this, Theythrvw
awiy tbtir md/ont likf (tjvards^ {(c, p.198 . L i o> ac vfgmr put in this, that btini awilffntd ly
tbt band of dium jn^ufi &c.
iir- oif'rff^Binii