of the
Foure laft Things,
Death, Judgement,
Hell, and Heaven,
fVith his
and Notes on lufticc
' Nkolls his Funerall.
Together with the Life and Death
of the ^Authour.
Fubliniedby £. B. And re- viewed, with
^^'^^ i^l^^^ Maiginall Notes,and an Alphabeiicall
^^^^^l|\^^^ Tabic added thereunto.
^^¥9 (jE^,M% Hereunto is added the Sermon at M.Bohons
I It^lll^ ^?f^'>^^ FmeraU, hy M. Nic. Eiiwick.
The fourth Edition.
H'^i<'4 Printed h George Millir,
% '^^?Wf ^'^^ ^T^eHing in the Black- Friers, i djp.
[^ C'Sehe'd ah Imaft enth s Tber' u naite
\he Verfcf itinsjThat B e t t o u s gbofi tan pta'ut : T» Htev'n h'sroKe,
Rare Books
r^ H fij '
^ /rz^^^^fiC^^/^^^-^ ^^y^/-/<c . ■
E S Q^V I R E,
Qne of His Majefties luftice of
TPeace and QuorHm, for the
County o£3\(j)rth^
It was the dcfirc of this Reve-
rend Author, when that * furious
mcflengcrofdeathfirftfcizedup- * A^man
on his fpirits,giving him no more '*^'^*
intcrmiflion , than what would
lervc for fome feeble preparati-
ons againfl: a Nerf Snetnnur.i^TX I would in cafe he died,
( which afterwards lamentably fell out ) frame an Epi-
^Icto this Workc which hee had then made ready for
' " "a the
Thh Epistle
the Prcflc ; and dedicate it ( in his name ) to yoitr
>(■ rufiice'Ni' felfe , as a pledge of his avowed thankcfulnefle for
colls, as grave thofe many favours hce received from that Religious
andkarneda, and Renowned * J v d g e , his Noble Patron : and
^^ingdTJeel ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ' ^^^ immediate heirc and fuccef-
jO]/edin the age lOUr.
it held hint. This requeft from him (that would deny me nothing)
I knew not how to vvithftand,though 1 vvr'ong'd my fclfe
in the acceptance ; as to draw a /i^e in that VVorke,froin
which fo rare aWorke-man bad taken off his le irncd and
eloquent pen. ButyetanecefTiry lay upon mc; for he de-
fired in his fickneffe, that by this Dedication it might ap-
peare to the world how mu.h hee honoured your fclfe
and family^ which firft preferred him.
It was no fmall joy to his heart to fee that fpcech of
God himfelfe fulfilled upon your H&njg , Thefe that he-
X Sam. 2. 30. fi our Ttfe I wili honour. It is fit the world fliould know
(that it may blufli and mend) to what cminency of place
* Q^ipecunia the meerc merits of /»/?/c^ T^colls in that fhort race of
& l.ii-^itioni- Yiis life raisM him unto. Called hce was by the Writ of
faTerdTtr& ^r'^"* E LI Z A3 ST H tohz Serjeant at La^ : He
inagiftiacus was by King lAMES made SerjeAnt at Law to
ambmnt, his Prince H 8 N RT His eldel^ Sonne : luigeoi the Com-
poeaa dcporta- mon Pleas,and Chancellour to our (now) Gracious Sove-
nonis eft prs- j-ajg^e ^ when hce was Prineeoi Pf^ales, But that which
deam^im. " truly ennobles his memory , and makes me call to mindc
Jttflice of Vjhzx. our Fleta reportcth was the honour ok Judges a-
FeaieaniqttO' bout King ETf fV 4RT> the the firft'x dayes : Hee had
Tum , luftice and held all thefe places 7^c prece. nee * prech, neepra-
r^rmLT^ «i<?. I am not afraid to engliOi it , for I well know the
Knhh of the ^^"'^ 0^ it : He ntithsr begged them^ nor bought them , nor
shire, Wgh gave fo much as a Nerv -ye arcs -gift for them,
sheriffe of the The like I can truly fpeake of your fclfe ; Thofe dig-
County. nities which have beenc caft upon you in your ownc
* Honor fugi- ^Q^j^j^py /^,^^^ [,g was taken to glory) which arc neither
tur,feq8:mcm ^^^ nor meaue : they came to you; you lued not for
fugit. them j*vou fought them not: Nay , you degraded your
felfc of one of them(a thing not uruall)by making carncfl;
fuit to be out of the Cominiffion o^Oyer and Terminer ,
after youbad a while indur'd it.
From hence (" as 1 have good ground to coftceive }
would this worthy Authour have mounted you up on
Eagles wings to the Throne oftheHighcft, who hath if3y40. 31.
done thefe and greater things for you , and have preft
upon you large and high performances. Jf ever there
were a time for Righteons Men that are in authority to
fliewthemfelves , the time is now come. MeaneChri-
ftians , their very pcrfons and adions arc by the abound-
ing of finne become a very P Arable of Reproach ; A com-
pany of Blocke-heads, as a melancholy 'Divinecih them. If
thofe therefore that are in place fhould now be filent , k
is pitic but their breaths flaould bee ftopt for ever. I have
obfcrved it long , and not without wonder , (looking Dcoenercs an-
upon former times) that inthefe dayes fuch a fpirirof imostimoi
feare and faintneflc hath poflcded the hearts of holy arguit.
Men, that they darcBotbeccouragiousinthecaufc of rral. 145.5,4,
God. It is noftrangetbinpforamantobeefearefulliii ^"i^.^^'^^'^^"
theD^r^ : But when fuch a light (liines upon us from aut e(feV"fii»-^
heaven , as that our eyes are even'dazcUed in the behold- mas, (i ad hoc
ing of it ; now to be timerous , now to be faint-hearted vcntum eft, ut
in a good caufc for fcarc of mei; , or any fuch ignoble re- pe'ditorum
fped : is monftrom cowariiz^. What is there in the """^^ at.^j in-
face of man , made of the fame mould , toffed to and fro mcfcamus.
with the fame vanity, refoluble into the fame Clay ; that cip Lib. i.
wefhould feare it? What is outward preferment, to £/>//?. 5. «J
the loflc , or ce rtaine hazard of a good confciencc ? for, ^^""^
they are rarely kept together : what are mockings, rcvi- j^'^l^'j"' 3 Ab-
lings, reproaches, imprifonment, ^c. to godly men } but ,Ti,iitcs c hri-
deeper imprcffions of ftridtcr holineflc, and the very fti:utiionmi-
marks of the Lordleftu, ns terrcaot ,
The name of ChriftUn is a name both of Hon^ftr and "^c ciudatus
Valour^ and begets better fpiritsthan either R^man or ^^^ncam"
Grecian ; let OlfachiaveS and other Atheifis fay what ^yl] i^ j]
they will : which of their ftories ever made mention of cap. 6.
a 2 fo
£xod. i8.
* Or,able men,
in the laft nun
9,1 8.
fo valiant an army, as that Nohle Army of Martyrs, men-
tioned in the eleventh Chapterto the Hehrewes > How
can they want fpirit that derive their courage from no
lelTe Author than the Lion of the Tribe oflnda. Nay , it
were no hard matter to prove , ( might I recede from an
Epiftlcjto purfuc a Common place) That no man can be
truly valorous ; but he that is truly religious.
Asthis Courage ought to be in all that feare God : fo
fpecially in thofe that arc Magiftratcs , and fit in the feats
of Jufticc , the very Tribunals of God hiinfelfe : for
them to be daCtardly and fcarefuU, is to fliamc their Ma-
fter. Give rate therefore leave , by fome warrant from
the Author, in yourpcrfon (whom I cannot but com-
mend in this particular) to preffc this vert uc upon all
that beare rule in their Countrey. It is part of the Sjfence
of a Infiice ofTeacc , to be a man of Courage. The coun-
fell of lethro to Mefes , was , to make onety fuch to bee
Magiftrates ,as were men of-*' courage , fearing God, <^c.
Wherein the Spirit of God preferre's the daughter before
the mother, and Fortitudf before the Feare ef g D ,oi
which it is the effedl , becaufe it is more confpicuou* in
the eyes of men : For the feare of God is a thing hidden
in the heart , but that which drawes it forth and makes
it iiIuftrious,is that valjur and high rcfo'ution of fpi-
rit by which it worketh. Almighty God makes this
good bv an example of his owne choice. For when hec
had appointed lo/fttia to fucceed c^o/<r/,and had mighti-
ly fnpportcd his mind with arguments of his owne afli-
ftancc and prefence with him, he requires nothing clfe of
Jiim , but to be firo^g ind of a good courage , with many
iterations of the fame thing in fuch phrafes as thefe , 'Be
firong And tf A food courage , he very couragistu , be net a~
fraid^ he not difmaid: And , as if there were no other ver-
tuedefireable in a Magiftrate , the people ( in accepting
him for their Captaine) require of him no other conditi-
on but this , Onely beftrong , and of a good courage. And
the Law of this Land* wMch in this , a^ in tnoO; other
Dedicatory,^ _
things , is parallcll with the Law of Cod , ( as I couW
flicw) would onely ha\ c tbofc Infiices cj 'I'eaee , which
arc the iroft * valiant men of the County. *Stat,i^.E.z»
I fpcakc not this to exclude all thofc requifites of wif- ^^^^'^Jj ^^J
dome that ought to bee in the holicft and mcft valiant ^ "^
men. I may fay in thefc tinr.es as the ApoRle faid of ano-
ther vcrtuc yThere u great recdsfwijdcme. The children Heb. xo. jtf.
of God ever have bccrc , ftill arc , and ever may bee the
wife ft men upon earth. Let an unwifc world thinke
what it lift. I meane not that wifdome (falfly fo called)
whereby a generation of men to fave their skmncs , han-
dle a good caufc like a Venice'gtap , loath they are to
doc any thing that may offend great pcrfons with whom
tfcey would con~)ply ; or expofc themfelves to any dan-
ger or lo0e. ( The very wifdome which caufed Frartcid
Sfira to defpairc.) This is rather cunning or craft : or,to
lirke them together in the language of the Apoftlc ,
^ A chunitig crsftiKep , it is not wifdome. Truewif- b Eph. <|. 14.
dome in the morall Schooles of Philofophy , and in the
purer Schooles of Divinity , is that Queene of virtues,
which, like the foulcin the body, givcth life and' infor- c Anima eft
mat ion to all the reft , commands all the affedions , regu- tota m toto,8c
lates all the aftions of mans life,ard adds an aftive quick- ^°*^ '" 1"^^*"
ning power , to every virtue , to every faculty in man , ^^*P^"^*
dirc^ing them to a blefl'ed i0uc. So that a wife man
is a valUnt man , 2jufi man , a tetuperate man , an khmble
man, &c. But hec that i$ addid^ed to any vice , a fcr-
vant to any luft ; frohd^ angry , arf'^iticw yfearefn//, cove- <j ArlfictU 6,
teus , ^€. is in all found Morality and Divinity a very Ethic
foole : Solu6 z'ir boKUs ( faith that great ^ Phylofopher ) Et folus pru-
revera efi prttdens , Ctte/y agccdman ^ at^ife mafi. Am den^ revcra eft
King Sa/officn tr.zkcs this Phi/ofcf>hys,ood7)hir>ity, Pre, ^'J floSi &""
34. Verf. 4. fVifdcftfe is tec high for afoole : by whom impiudentcs
throughout the Freverbes hee meanes a wicked man, funtmali.
Therc^isaconncxioninthe virtues, the way to bee »»/^, Keck-fjf ^-
is to he ge^d , and the way to be cohragictu , is to be »«/> . ^^^'^^ i^^- ^-f*?*
A Wife mzn f^ftrctigi ttndA wan ef k*>t>i» ledge ffaith Sale- |^^^ JJ^ j^
a 3 «f^»}
The E p I s t l e
mon) encreafeth P;rength, From all which it is cafic to
concluic , and hard to be gain-faid , that a cowardly per-
ion , let him AvcU never io big , let him ca ric his creft
never fo high , is neither wife nox gooi. The wicked flee
Prov. tS. I. Tvhen no ntAn ptirfneth,but the righteous are bold 04 a, Lyon,
The kitidly venting of thole two afFcclions of Anger
and Lov^hath made meclong 'wwX-iss argument, and rani
now bee ray excafe. That of Anger , at tlie prefent dege-
neration of mens mtndcs from t!?at noblencfTeof- fpiric
that was wont to bee 'w\ the fcrvants of G o d : the
other of love to you , in encouraging you to as high
refolutions as ever j though hee bee tAksn aivaj that was
to you as LMofes to lo/i^nah, your tutoar in your youth ,
your fingular inflrn^or by his powerfull Miniftcry in
your after-yeares : and ever your friend till hce went
hence , and was feene no more. Amongft thofe many
fpceches of his , which in his ordmary conference
palTcd from him by weight, and not by number j I will re-
fume one ill your hearing moft fitting my purpofe : /»«<;-
eencj and independency (faidhe) make the bravefi fpirits.
And it cannot be otherwife : for , that mans heart which
is upright with God, and depends upon him alone , is
of invincible courage , and becomes like the fpirit of
Martin Ltt^her , who, when ncwcs was brought to him
that both the Empcrour and the Pope threatned his
In vita Lu- ruine , anfwered thus in fliorc , bu- very ftoutly ,
'thcri. Contfmptns eJi a me Romanm faror c^ fervor , Ifcorne
Pfal. ii8. ^. ^fjg ^^^^ ^^^ cp^^g can doe : like that of Tf'avid , The
Lord is en my ftde , I will notfeare wh^t man can doe
unto me e. ^\ ,..
What you heard him fpcakc, you fawhim praflicc.
ladg. 8.2 1, pqj. ^ I may fay of him as was faid ofgideon , Sf*ch at the
mm if ^feis huftrength : hee was one of a thoufand for
jfiety and courage , which were fo excellently mixed
with Tvifedome , that they who imagined mifchicfe a-
gainft his Miniftcry (for, no other occafion could they
ever finde againft him than touching the law of his Go d)
were never able by all thdr plotting to doc him any Dan. 6. j.
more hurt, than onely to (hew their * teeth.
And although hec bee now gathered to his Fathers, ^P(al. 37.1t.
yet he ftill fpeakes to youinthls exce/IeKt Treatife, of
which hee died in travel! ; encouraging you thereby ftill
to doe worthilj m Ephratah , and to hold on in thofe good Ruth 4. 1 1.
wayes of piety which you have ever loved. The very
Heathens could fay that a good man i^as n puhlike good : x?"^^'^ *''*'<'
but a good Magiftratc is much more; for, hee hatha g^y«'<=''*>*-
price in his hand to doc good , and is armed with power
and authority to bring it to paflc. Thefe times have
need of fuch ; up therefore and bee doing : put on
righieofijtte^e , and let it clothe you, and let J v s t i c e Job ip. 1 4,&c.
bee to you as a robe and a diademe ; to breakc the
/awes of the wicked, and to pluckc the prey out of Regiumeft
their teeth. And although tbcfe kindc of ircn will for cum bene' fecc-
this very thing piirfue you with envy , hatred , re- ^"^ "^J^J *
proachcs , &c. You need not care ; for , their teeth are
broken , and they cannot hurt you. Envj doth ever
attend goodnefe ; though not as a companion , yet as a
thing which deggs it at the heeles. / confidered f faith Ecd. 4. 4.
Salomon) fvery right rvorke , that for this a man is en-
vjed of his neighbour. This is your comfort ( and it is a
great one) a Goi> and the ^ K i n g fhall honour ^pfalme 91.
you for well-doing : Hee that ioveth pftrenejfe of heart , 14, 1 f, &c /
(though for this he be fcofFed and jeer'd at in the world ) ^iUfct him en
yet (faith Salomon) for the crace of his Zips the Kinjr Jhall ^^.^ \ ^^'^'"^
iee his c friends/ & J r ■ I J kehath r^no^ne
■' my name, Crff.
/ will deliver
him and honour him , <S!'c h Prov. 21, 11. c I hold a good lu/lice of Peace in his
Countrcy to doe Met as good ferviee^tu hee that waits upon Mee in My Prity Chamber,
and as reu y wi/l 1 hee to reward him : For, I account him at capable of any honour, of-
fee or frejerment about My Perfon, as well as any Courtier that U neere about Mee.
King Iamb'x Speech in Starre-Chamberjune 20. 1 616,
3 4 I
Tub Epistle
I will hinder you no longer from reading this excellent
Trgatife which propcily belongs to you , bci )g the
ground-workc of two Sermons preached before you ;
the one at the Funeralls of that worthy J v d g i your
Unkle, mv moft dearc Father in lavV , fivho ii I honour
in the dufl) the other in the timo of your Shire valtry : I
will therefore 'nd all in the prayer of this Authour , and
the laft words that ever he fpakc to you in this world •
The blef sings ef Abraham , IJaac , and Jacob be Hpon the
heads of ToH ijoHr fVife and j^htUren for ever^
Tour loving hrotber I
4nd very friend ,
Ehold here a Poft-humus : a Child
brought ir^to the '^orli after the
Ownc Father '^as taken out of the
'9Porld. A Fofter. Father is thereupon required
for it ; but certainly more for cufiome^than need.
Such "SffJts the Owne-^Father-^ as it is commendA"
tion enough for th^ Child to fay ^1 his is rhe child
offuch a Fsithcr. And fucb is the Child, as for its
ownefake it mil find good entertainment j^hough
the Father of it '99ere unknowne^
A diftinSl narration ofthe life and death of the
Author you baye truly and punctually (as becum*
mechfuchan^rration) premifed.
All his Works doe/hew that he was full in what
be undertooke : fo fully as he leases fcarce any
thing ( if any thing at all ) for another Author to
addyvmre than he hai hdone^to what he hath done,
Hee hadarvery fearching and dicing gift :
T^hereby he ypos able to anatomize andlay open
tbefeyerall parts and neryes of the points ^hich
be handled^ and to fetom pertinent Jignes:^rulesy
meanes , and motinues thereabout.
His exprefsion of bis mind bj fit ypords and
The Life and Death
phrafes "Soas anf'Soerablctohis tn*vnetion. Both
rvery c opioids , ful} of^vmety.
Take for inftance this enfuing TreAtife : the
mainefcopeyif hereof is tofurnijha Chriflian a*
gainUthe eruiilday.
Ihereinyou may obfer<vef how yonthe one fide
hedifco'vers thefalfe means yphich mofl ufe ; and
how , on the other fide he ren^eakth the true
mcanes that are offingular ufe to the end inu «-
ded lyea.andhoyp he inforceth the fame mth rea-
fon upon reafon , the better to demo^ftrate the
equity of the point -^ hov? alfo he inferres all forts of
Vfes thereupon ) as Reprehenfion, Exhorta-
tion, Dircdionj^^^Confolation 5 and final-
ly , ho"^ hee takes occafion from thence of an eX'
ceeding large difcourfe upo the fourc laft things,
which (to life his oypneyvords) have been ever
h olden very material! and of fpeciall mo-
ment to make us (by Gods bleiling) more
humblejUnworldly^provident and prepared
for the evill day. Thofe foure heads are^ Death,
To add more to what hee hathfet cut there a*
bouts , '^ere to powre ^ater into the fea, Firfl
readyt ben judge • andthe Lordadd his blefsing.
5^^^^.^^^ Hat one age may tell ano-
ther , that the memori-
all of the jufl: Ihall bee
ever blefled , when the
perfons and names of
thofe that are other-
wife minded Ihall rot and vanilh away^ It
hath beene the pious cuftome of ancient
and later times , to commend to pofterity
the eminent graces of the Saints depar-
ted. Famous arc thofe Panegyricke O-
rations made at the fombes of the Mar-
tyrs in the Primiuvc times ; when as their
perfecuting Emperoursjpriding them felves
in their .lamentable Deaths , have left no o-
The Life andT>eath
ther noyfe behind them , than the loud and
long continued cries of /pilling their inno-
cent bloud.
Memorable alfb are the Funerall Orati-
ons of the two Gregories , Nyffen and Na^i-
an9:jsn on ^afil the Great : And in later times,
to give a few inftanccs , ( for the number in
this kinde is infinite ) M.elan6thon and Came"
rarms wrote the life of Martin Luther j luni-
tis the life of Vrfine i Ben^^a the life of Calyin ;
Antonms Faiifs the life of Be:^a j lofas Simler
the life oi Peter Mmyri2Xi6. DMumphrey the
life of our nioft renowned Jewed,
This manner of honouring the Saints is
warranted by Gods ownc example^ who
(for ought is revealed to us) tooke order for
Mofes buriall , digged his grave , covered
him with molds ^ and made for him that ex-
cellent Funerall Sermon exprefled in the
firft Chapter of IoJhuab» And that all- wife
God who fwectely difpofcth all things ,
thinkes it needfull thus to grace his owne
people, that hce may hereby uphold their
fpirits amid thofe many preffures, fcornes,
of Viy. Bolton. ?
other miferics which rhey endure of the
world , meerely for his fervice j bee they o-
therwifc never fo wife ,juft , mcekc, peacea-
ble, and unrebukeable amongft men : Wir-
neffe thofe many terrible perrecutions(men-
tioned in Ecclefiafticall Stories) againftthe ff«/^' h^/-
Chridians, though harmleflJe and innocent 5 ' "^ ^'
though they prayed for their Empcrours,
and God did miracles in their armies by *
their prayers,* yer for this onelycaufe, that
they honoured Christ, and called them*
felves Chriftians , (fo odious was that preci-
ous name untothciradvcrfarics) they were
put to the extrcmcft tortures that the utmoft
inventions of cruelty and rage could devifc
againft them , as lu^in Martyr and TertuBian
in their learned and eloquent Apologies for
them doc amply dcmonflrate : this caufed
Adrian the Emperor to ordaine,that thence- Eueb. nn ^.:
forth none of them Ihould be appeached ^*^'^*
barely for that name jUnlcffe they tranfgrcf-
According to thcfc examples^and for the
very fame caufes, I have adventured to
publifli to the world , the life and death of
The Life and Veath
this man of God , the Authour of this
Workc J now a Saint in heaven. I confcffe his
worth & pares deferved rarhcr an advance-
ment by fome fuch eloquent Orators as I
mencioncd before , thaa a dcpreffion by my
pen i but yet a pearlc may bee (hewed forth
as well by a weake hand, as by the arme of a
gyant, Ilhall doe no more. And let his ownc
worth and workcs praife him in the gates, (
knew him from the beginning of my youth,
being my firfl: Tutourin the Vniverfitie of
Oxford, and my felfc one of his firfl:
Schollers, and from that time tothc day
of his death, being above fevcn and twen-
ty yeares , none knew him better , or loved
him more 5 our familiarity was fuch, that
( alluding to tbatbetweene P^/and Timo-
zTim. I. 4. fij'^lmay fay, 1 knew his dodrine, man-
ner of life, faith,charity, patience ^ and now
vvil only relate what I have heard and feenc,
wherin I will not exceed the bounds of mo-
defty or truth,
A^ To begin with his birth . \ obfervc that
HU birth. throughout the facred Bible, and writings
on theperfonsof holy men , their places of
c?/M;. Bolton. 5
birth arc ever remembred ; G o d loves
the very ground his fervants tread on: Ithe
Lord fbaU count ( fay cs David ) when bee p^^j^ g^. ^^
numbmb up the people, that this mm ypas^
borne there i whereas of other men there
Iball b^e no remembrance of them , they
fliall have none to lament or bury them, but
(hall bccaftforthas dung on the face of the
earth ; fo that I may fay of them^ as was faid
of Pope Boniface the eight, famous for no-
thing but his wickedncffc^ intraw Vulpes ,
regnaw Leo , exiipit Canis y the Prophet
Da'vid renders it thus in plaine Englifli.
They fpend their dayes in mirth ^andfuddenlygos
do'Sfne into beS,
Hee was borne at Blacborne a towne of -
good note in Lanc^/Ijire on Whitfunday, cam. Brit pag.
Anno Domini i'j7i. His parents being not of ^^**
any great mcanes , yet fiading in him a great
towardlineffc for learning, deftinatedhim
to bee aSchoUer, and ftrugled with their
cftate tofurnilh him with neccflaries in that
kind, apprehending the advantage of a fin-
gular Schoole-Mafter that was then in the Mr.Yate$=
Townc, Hee plied his booke fo well, that in
The Life andT)eatb
ftiort time he became the bcft fchollcr in the
fchoolc : and no marvcll j for , hec had
thofe fix properties of a fcholler noted by
Ifocrates and others , which concurring in
one, thruft up learning to a very high ele-
1. He was (Evjuiif) ofexcellcnt parts and
abilities of mind^and of a found conflitucion
of body.
2. Hee was ( ^tw/z^r ) of a very ftrong me**
mory i 1 meanc fuch a memory as was no-
tably aduated by his ready and quicke un-
dcrftanding. For , (as Phylofophers ob-
fcrve) that memory which tends to admira-
tion, being of a quite differing temperature
from the underftanding , inclines rather to
folly 3 and becomes the ground of that Pro-
verbe, The greateftCUrkesarenQtal'VPayes the
mfefi men,
J. He was ( zMk^^ ) a moovcr of doubts
and queftions j this was ever an evident
lhVci. 46. fignc of learning i by this our bleffed Savi-
our approoYcd His learning amongft the
Do(flours in hearing them and asking them
(jueftions: So did the Queenc of 5*^^410
King Salomon, A dunce feldome makes
doubts i but (as Salomon faith of a foolej al-
waies boaftcth and is confident.
4. He was ( <P'^ouA^r,i j a fpcciall lover of
learningjit was alwaies his delight to cxer-
cife himfclfe in fludies , and would not en-
dure any avcrfions from them , as fliall bee
hereafter (hewed.
5. He was (>'^5:tcw) a. very laborious pain-
full ftudent,as (hall be more largely ilie wed,
for it is worthy imitation.
6, He was ( ?'^"J'-^°« ) a great liftner after
the fayings and Speeches ai others, and haih
been often obierved to beonly ahearer^and
to fit filei t himfelfc , unleffc hec was urged
with fomc importunity 5 and the things hee
heard , hee fuffered them not to bee loft (if
they were of worth) but alwayes put them
downe in a booke which he particular y kept
for that purpofe.
He continued long at Schoole^and came 6»
not totheVniverfity till aboutthe t' ventieth uuiiuHesin
yeare 01 his age. Hee was placed at Oxford leige.
in Lincolne Colledge under the tuition of Mr,
Randall^ a man ofno great note then, buc
b after-
8 Thiftife anclT>eath^
afterward became a learneol Divine and
godly Preacher at London. In that Colledgc
heefellclofe to the ftudies of Logickc and
Philofophie , and by reafon of that ground-
work of learning he got at fchoolcand ma-
turity of yearcs, hec quickly got the ftartaf
thofcof hisownetime, and grew into fame
in that ifoufc. In the middcft of thefc his
ftudieshis Father died, and then his meanes
failed , for all his Fathers lands fell to his el*
dcr brother now living : but thiscrofleby
Gods providence prooved a great advan-
tage to him for his growth in learning,
though it put him to monftrous paines of
body and mind ; for now wanting meanes
to buy him bookcs , he borrowed of his Tu-
tour and others the bed writers on Naturall
and Moral! Philofophy,andthe Politickes,
and read them all over, and abridged them
all in his note books, which arc now to bee
feene , and then returned the books to their
owners. Nay j fuch a defire bee had to at-
taineaperfe^ioninthethings hee i1:udied>
that though hee was very well skilled in the
Greeke tongue^ yet chat hee might attaine an
exaulncffe in ir^ he did with intolerable pains
write out with his owne hand all Homer , (or
H^(?^lamfure)forihaverecneii (though
long fincc) in a fairc Grccke cbarader 5 for
hec wrote that language better than hce did
cither Englilh or Latine^ and asking him the
reafon of his paines, hee told mc,it was only
that he might accent perfcdly J his brought
him to iuch a readineflcj that hce could with
as much facility dijcourfe in the publike
Schoolcs (for he was a famous difputant) in
the Greeks tongue, as in the Latine or Eng-
lifli; ana in them all, hec wrote and (pake
Stiloimptrati rio^ as Lipfins cals it, <vi:^ a high
and lofty ftile , which was (o familiar to h im ,
as that he could not avoid it in ordinary con-*
From Lincolne CoQedgehce rcmooved to y,
Brafen-Nofei For, by the Pounders of that ^n brafen-rfft
Houfe moft of the Fcllowfliips therein were °' ' ^^'
ordained for Lancafl?irc and Ckefi?ire men,but
commingiothat Colkdge, having butfcw
friends, hce ftaycd long without: aFellow-
(hip ; about which time (that I may not bu-
ry in filciicc the charitable 9i&$ of fuch fnen
b 2 whom
I o Th^ife and Death
whom their learning and piety have made
eminent) it pleafed M. D. Bret , knowing;
hisdeferts, and perceiving him to languifh
for want of meanes , moft bountifully to
contribute for his reliefe 3 and by his an do-
A man of fin- thcrs bouHt ie , with fome /mall ftipends hee
for learning and had fot his Lcdiuresin that Houfe, hee was
^*"'^" upheld until] he had got a Fellowlhip, which
fell out about the thirtieth y eare of his age ,
at which time hee commenced Mafter of
Arts 5 and then by the Fxcrcifes hee perfor-
med in the Houfe and abroad , being Re-
gent Maftcr he grew into fame , and was ftill
fucceffivelv chofento b^ Reader of the Le-
duresof Logicke.and MoralljandNacurall
Philofophy,(as by the Statutes of the Houfe
they were appointed to bee read) which hee:
performed (b ftridly , and with fuch exa^t-
neffe , as that hee got credit and applaufe
with the beft, but fome envy with his fucce f-
fours , that by his example were now provo-
ked to a more frequent and painfull reading
of them , which were feldome and fleightly
performed before. And fuch was his e-
fteemc in the Vniveyfitic for his publike dif-
ofMy^ Bolton. II
putations , which hcc ever performed with
fuch readinefTe and acutenefle of fpeech and
wit , and fuch profoundneffe of learning,
that when hee wasaMaftcrofArtsbutof .
fmali {landing , hee was chofen by the now
Lord Arch'BiJhop of Canter hurie , Vice^ChanceU
lor at King Iames Hi^ firft comming to
that Vniverfity,to bee one of the difputants
before the King 5 andtoreade in Naturall
Philofophy in the publikeSchooIes.Bcfides
his knowledge in Logicke and Philofophy,
wherein be excelled , he was alfo well ftudy-
cdintheMetaphyficks and Mathematicks,
and in all Schoole-Divinitie , efpecially
in Thomas Aquinas^ which he had read over
once or twice , and had exadly noted him
throughout,as raay appeare in his notes.
But all this while (or for the moft part) 8.
though he was * very Icarnedjyet he was not ^ ^ ^^^
good 5 hee was a very meane fchoUer in the ^^Ay •/to,<w
fchoole ofChrifiihe drew no religious breath irenseus. That
from the foylc he came,& his matter like an nSs ©mni-
ill feeds, man fowed the tares of Popery ia ;'^^'^°fp^^^^^^
moft of his fchoJlcrs: this manner of cduca- ^q^-
tio made him more apt to tread in any path
b J than
12, The Life andT>eath
than that which was holy 5 hee loved Stage-
playesjm'^f anddiceyhe '^as a horrihlefwearer
and Sahbatb-breakeri and boone- companion 3 and
was ever §!ad (as 1 have heard him fay) of
CbriUmas-holj'dayes ^znd marvellous mclan-
cholie when they were ended, hee loved not
goodnefle nor good men, and of all forts
of people could not abide their companie
" that were of a ftri6i: and holy converfation ,
fuchhce would fetch within the compaffe
oi Buritans^ thinking that by tbatlawleffe
name he had deprived the ipjo faBo both of
learning and good religion. Such agenerall
fcorne hath this degenerate age put upon
the wayes of G o d, that the name of P«-
n^^» which is truly and properly the name
^Eufei.HijfL of the 'proud hcrcfic of No'vatus ^ or
ui^:^. r. els of the " vile fed of the AnabaptiUs , is for
\!^:Z l\^' want of feekiag redreffe by our Ecckfiafticali
EA2IAIK0N x^^^^j, become the honorable nickname of
the bcft and holieft men. This wretched hu-
mour Mr. Bo/fo« further difcovercd at Cam*
bridge , for being thereat a Commencement y
and meerely carried with the fame of Mr,
Perkins y went to heare him preach, whofc
ofW^ Bolton. j^
plaine but very found and fubftantiall
preaching meeting at once in him with a
curious palate and unfandified heart » quite
turned his ftomacke againft that good many
thathethoughthim (tofpcakcinhisownc
phiafc ) a barren empty feHoyo , and apafsing
meane fchoEer. I have heard many of late
(much of Mr. Bohons temper in goodneflc
at that time, but inferior in learning) fpeakc
the like of Mr, Perkins j but the eminent
learning of that man (fanaou* ' abroad as l.'^^^'^f
well as at home ) is lo farre above their ^^ipmus theo.
reach i that to traduce his worth is to quc" ^|/'pS'.i.
fjfiv« their owne. And that late learned ' Bi- ^dD^/jbhotm
fliop of Salisbury in the defence of his Jji^repiytoBi-
bookeagainlhhe cavils of Dr. Bi/hop^ hath
in many places amply commended his lear-
ning* So that the precious name of Mr. Per-
kins fhall like an ointment powred forth ,
fill all the quarters ofthis land with a frelh
and fragrant fweetneffe^ when nothing (hall
furvive of his Detra6iors , but their unfavou-
ry and unlearned fpight againft fo holy a
mani And Mr. Bohon himfelfe when God •
changed his heart ( which I will next write
b4 of)
1 4 The Life and Death
of) hcc changed his opinion of Mr. Perkins ^
and thought him as learned and godly a
Divine as ourGhurch hath formany ycarcs
e Hems but enioved in fo^ young a mao : But 1 pro-
Iictle above *o ' ' </ v» £-
yearesoldwhe Ceeci*
he did. ^j^g^ ^^^ ^^g ofBrafen-NofeCoIledgeM
Hiiconver[m. had familiar acquaintance wiihonc W.An-
dertonh\s Countrey-man,and (braetime his
Schoole f cUo w, a very good Scholler 5 but a
flrong Papifl, and now a Popifli Prieft , and
'f He was for oncofthe* Icamedeft amoHgft them* This
^'ii J G "Sr ^^^ ^^'^ knowing the good parts that were
mmthed An- in Mr.B(?to»,and perccivingthat hcc wasin
' tt^2^hlt^ fome outward wants^ tooke this advantage,
and ufed many arguments to perfwade him
to be reconciled to the Church of Rome and
to go over with him to the Englilh Semina-
ry ,telling him hec fliould be furnifhed with
all neceflaries^and (hould have gold enough
( one of the befl arguments to allure an un-
liable mindeto Popery) Mr. 5o/w» being
atthattimcpooreinmindeand Purfe, ac-
cepted of the motion j and a day , and place
was appointed in Lancai^hre^ where they
fhould meet 5 and from thence take (hip-
of M'.Eolton. ' 15
ping and be gone. W.^olton met at the day
and place , but Mr. Anderton came not , and
{o hee efcaped that fnare^and foone after re-
turned to Brafen'Nofe^vjhete falling into the
acquaintance of one Mr. Feacocke Fellow
of that Houfe , a learned and godly man ,
itplcafed God by his acquaintance to frame
upon his foule that admirable workcman-
fliip of his repentance and convcrfionto
etcrnall life, but by fuch away of working
as the Lord feldomeufeth but upon fuch
ftrong veffcls which in his fingular wifdome
hee intendeth afterward for ftrong in-
counters , and rare imployments. The
firftneweshee heard of God was not by a-
ny foft and ftill voyce , but in terrible tern-
pefts and thunder, the Lord running up-
on him as a Gyant, taking him by the necke
andlhakinghim topecces, as hee did lob;
beating him to the very ground > as hee did
Pauly by laying before him the ougly vifagc
of his finnes which lay fo heavy upon him ,
as hee roared for griefe of heart, and fo af-
frighted him, as Ihaveheardhimfay ,hee
rofc out of his bed in the night for
lob if^.ver.ii,
ij. 14.
J 6 • The Life and Veath
very angui(h offpirit. And to augment his
fpirituall tnifery, face was exercifcd with
fowlc temptations , horribilia de Deo , terribi^
iia dcfide^ which Luther called Colaphum Sat a-,
n<Q > for as he was parallel! with Luther in ma^
ny things ,as i fhalllhew anon^ : fo was he in
thefc fpirituall temptations which were fo
vehement upon Luther ^ that the very ve-
nome ofihetn drankc up hisfpiriis , and his
w MdSd bodyfeemcd dead,* VtneccalorynecfangiiiSy
nee fenfi^ , nee ^ox fupcreffet , th^z neither
fpecch/enfcjbloud or heat appealed in him,
as lufias Jonas that was by and faw it,report-
ethofhim: but this Iharpc fit of Luther s
lafted but for one day, but Mr. Boltons conti-
nued for many raoneths, but yet G o d gave
him at length a bleflcd iffuc , and thefe grie-
vous pangs in his fpirituall birth produced
two admirable cfFcds-in him (as well as in
Luther ) which many times enfue upon fuch
hard labour^ an invincible courage andrefo-
lution for the caufeof God, in the which
he feared no colours,nor the face or force of
any; fecondly, a Angular dexterity in com-
forting affli^ed and wounded fpirits , as
" (hall
e?/M^.BoJcona 17
(hall bee likewife further (hewed.
Vpon this hee refol ved to enter into the i o,
• AIinifl:ery,and about the thirty fiftycare of ^^-^l"'"
his age was ordained Minifter, after which
he wholly applyedhimfelfetothcworkc of
the Miniftery , and improoved all his lear-
ning and time to that excdlcnt end : A little
while after he was in the Miniftry^he was by
meanes madeknowne to Mr. luflicsNlcollsy
at that x\mQ Serjeant at Lan> , who obferving
thecomelineflcofhisperfonand the ftufFe
that was in him , had it alwayes in his
thoughts to advance him , and about the
thirty feventh y eare of Mc. Boltons age , the
pcrfonage oCBrou^btonia Northampton-fhire
falling void, hee did by my hand fend foir
him from the Vniverfity to his chamber at
Serjeants Inne^ and prefentedhim to that li-
ving, at which time Dr:,K.ing late Bifliop of
Lo«^(?» being then by accident at the ludgcs
chamber, thanked him for Mailer Boltotty
but told him withal! , that hee had depri-
ved the Vniverfity of a fingular Ornament;
Then did hee put out his firftbookc.co.ntai-
nlngAdifcourJioftruehappmJp^ which hee
1 8 The Life and Death
dedicated to Serjeant Nicolls his Patrctti*
which for thegodiincffcof the matter , and
eloquence ofthe ftile therein contained,was'
univcrfaily bought up , and divers have con-
feffed, that at firft bought it out of curiofity,
forfomefweet reh(h in the Phrafe, tobke
C H R 1 ST to boote and thereby tooke the
firfl: beginning of their heavenly taft,
lU About the fortieth yeareofhisage^for the
belter fetlingof himfelfein houfe-keeping
upon his Perfonage, heerefolved upon ma-
riage, and tooke to VA^ife Mrs. Jnrie BqyfesL
Gentlewoman of an ancient houfe and wor-
(hipfuU family in Kenf j towhofeearehcc
conamittedihe ordering of his outward e-
ftatc , hce himfelfeoncly minding the ftu-
dies and weighty affaires of his heavenly
calling, in the which for the (pace of twen-
ty yeares and more , hee was fo diligent and
laborious, that twice every Lords day hee
Preached , and Catechized in the After-
noone, in which Catechifme he expounded
the Creed and ten Commandements in a
very exad Planner i And upon every Holy-
day, and on every Friday before the Sacra-
of M.^. Bolton. 19
ment hee expounded fomc Chapter, by
which nieanes he went over the greater por-
tion of the Hiftoricall part ofthcOldand
NewTeftament. And in them alias was well
obferved by a learned and grave * Divine ^M.Eftwick
that preached at his Funcrall, hee prepared ^^/JmeZuT
nothing for his people but what might have
ferved a very learned Auditoryjand in all his
preachings , hee ftill aimed next to the glory
of God atiheconverfionoffouleSjthevery
crowneand glory of a good Minifter at the
appearing of that great day : and herein
G CD wonderfully honoured his Miniftery
in making him an aged Father in C H R I ST ,
and to beget many fonnes and daughters
unto righteoufneffe ; for I may truly fay^ma-
ny hundreds were either abfoluiely conver-
ted , or mightily confirmed , or Angularly
comforted in their grievous agonies by his
Miniftery : for he had fuch an art in this kind
of relieving afflided confcienccs , which
hee acquired, partly by great paines and
iuduftry in fearching into that skill,but chief-
ly by that manifold experience hee had
inhimfelfe and others ^ that he wasfought to
20 The Life and Death
farrc and nccre,and divers from beyond the
Seasdcfircdhisrefolutionin divers cafes of
Confcience , which was the oncly caufc that
made him put forth that lad learned and
godly Trcatife of his, which hee ftiled; /«-
fir unions/or a right comforting affiled conjci-
12, And though in his manner of preaching
hcewzsa Some oi thunder ^ yet unto bruifed
recdsandthofc that mourned in fpirit J hec
wasasfweetabonncot Confolarion as ever
I heard, and with a very tender and pitifuli
heart powred the oylc of mercy into their
bleeding wounds, Hec (as was faidof Ltt-
ther ) was a mighty oppofire to the Divcls
kingdome, and had a Angular skill to dif-
cernc his fleights and that cunning crafti-
ncflc whereby hee lies in wait to deceive.
He ever thought thar there was no fuch way
to caft downe the lirong holds of Sathan,
and to batter his kingdome, than (after the
fteps ofiobn the BaptiU ) to lay the axe clofe
totherootof finne, and to (ct it on with
fuch power , as that the Divell and all his a-
gents were not able to reflft it« By this means
of M^.Bokon* zi
hcgotgroundofSatan and wafted his king-
dome ^ mi ^here'S^ere^aily added to his Mm-
flerylmh whofe hearts x&ere fjftned thereby. liviA
in all his SermonSjhee everufedto difcover
thcfiJtbineflcof (innc, and to prcQe rery
powerfully upon the confcience the duties
of Sandification.in expreflion whercofthree
things were remarkable in him,
I Such courage and refolution of fpirit
as is fcarcely to bee found in anyc 1 am per-
fwadedthatinthecaulcof God hee could
have bcene contented with Martin Luther ^
totiits mmdi odium tf impetum fu^irtere ^ to
ha^e undergone the hatred and ryiolence of the
Tiohoie world, v^hcrcby hee gave fuch vigour
unto the truth hee delivered , that it pierced
betweene the very joynts and the mar-
2. Impartiality j he would fparenone in
was to deliver his Mafters will, with whom
was no refped: of perfons.
J, His wifdome^ as he was of high cou-
rage , fo was it excellently tempered with
vvifdome^defcried in thefe foure things.t Jn
^^ The Life and Death
all his denunciations againft finne , he nevec
perfonated any nian whereby to put him to
ihame , unleffe his own inward guihines cau-
fedhira to apply it to himfclfe. 2, He would
never prcffe upon the confcience the guilti-
nefle of finne 5 or other ftri*5t point , but hce
wouldfortifieitby Scripture, by the ancient
Fathers, (in which hce was ripe and ready )
and the concurrence of the beft Orthodoxe
Writers , to ftop the mouth of all flanderers
vekic^oroftoomuch precifeneffe, % When
hce had fearch'dtheconfciencetoihevery
quicke ( as hee would doc) hee ever offered
Christ in all his beauty and fweetneffc , and
powred it forth upon the confcience v\ith
fuch a torrent of Eloquence as would have
melted the hearts of any , but thofe which
obftinatcly rctufed the voice of that power-
full charmer. 4 He would alwaiesprotcfi: un-
to his people,that it was a f rouble & grief to
him to preach againft their finsjhe delighted
not to vex any of their cofciences, he (hould
be glad the cafe was (b with them , that hee
might only preach the riches of the mercies
of^i\ Bolton. zj
in Christ all his day cs^ But he knew no
other way to pull them out of the fnarc of
Satan and ftate ofdarkenefTethen the way
hec tooke,without drawing the horrible fin
of Bloud-guiltineffe upon his foule.
But that which made his preaching more
illuftrious , was that burning & (hining light
which appeared in his life and convcrfation
in tbefe five particulars.
1. HisPiety,whercinIneednotfaymuch, « Euerteca
forthatfccondbookeofhis concerning ^i-fuVhoSm
regions for '%>alkwz with God, were framed ^"^"^""^ <ti3"»
oucof the pious Meditations of his owne chufti^no-
hcart^as a guide for himfeUe for the ordering femp«"mm
of his ftep^s in the waves of riohteourncffe,^-;:^,.
which hee fo ftridly obftrved tbrouehout ['^'^^^'"'jjf^ 3.
the courlcof hisiiic that (aliowingtohim deMcraic
his frailties and * infirmities , which the ho- ^^^^.64!^'
licfl men while their fiefh is upon them (hall ^f"^°;"n
r vitam inveniri
not be freed from) hee could not bee juftly p°^« <i'""^»^s
J, ^ ,, Aft finccriminc;
taxed by anyjno not his very enemies (if hee fine pccwto
had any fuch ) of any groffe and ' fcan- J^verTcx^f!
dalousfinnes fincchisfirftconverConfrora'^'^'^T^'* -
agit lit Pcccatu
them. And no marvell if hee attained to^onhabeat,
fuch a height of holincffc when he was lifted non"acdpiat"'
c up "^
24- T^he Life andDeath
up thither by the wings of prayer. His con-
fiant courfc was to pray fixe times a day,
twice by himfelfc in private , twice in pub-
lique with his family, and twice with his
wife. Befides 5 many dayes of private humi-
liation and prayer ever before the receiving
of the Communion, and many dayes be-
fides, for the miferies of the Churches in
France and Germany ^ ^c^ which hce perfor-
Trja faciunt nacd with fuch ardency of fpirit ^ that as was
ora^o?mTdi- hid o{ MoTm Luf her ^ HseufedfuchhHmility
as in the prefime of almighty G o jy^bu^fuchfer^
tAtio, tenta-
tio. Luther
Thii Author ruency and faith ^ as if bee had beem talking 'S»ith
tn tbcm au. bis friend. And God heard his prayers* for,
to the comfort of his foule, a little beforehis
^ wiki he deaih^he heard of the * mighty vi<5tories ob-
tun filly and jaincd bv the King of S-^peden a^ainft the
finely called / \ n *n /-hi
Magaaii'aDii. Empcrour, to theaitonilhment of all thc
world 3 that thofe eyes which now behold it
with joy jdo fcarce believe themfel ves in thc
fruition of it. When the Lord (faith thc
pfai.iafi. I. Pfalmift) turned againe the captivity of Zion^
-^ee rpere like them that dreame. So indefatiga-
ble were the paincs of thi^ godly man in his
private devotions and pubUke prcachingji
(?/M^ Bolton. 25
that being advifcd by Phyfrrians for his
healths fake , to breake offthe ftrong intcn-
tionsof his ftudies , hee rcjcded their coun-
fell, accounting it greater riches to enjoy
Christ by thofe fervent intentions of his
mindejthen to rcmitthem for the fafcguard
ofhis health .* Much like the fpcechef that
famoufy learned Dr, Reynolds to the Dodc rs
of Oxford, comming roviiitbiminhislad:
fickcne{re(conira(9:ed mecrcly by his excee-
ding paines in ftudie , by which he brought
his withered body to a very <r^-'.^M>y ) who
carncftly perfwading him the t he would not
ptrdcre fubjlantiamprcptcr accidentL'^i, e. toloje
bis life Jorkarning^ he with a fwcet fmile fine-
ly anfwered out of the Poet, Nee propter rvi' ^"^"''*'-
pam *viyendi perdere c^ufas^
Nor jet for bye of life lo/e that dare 7,
Which is the caufe lli^e ^myinduftry,
2. For bis Gravity5he was of a very come- GrivUy.
lyprcfence, hee had a countenance fo fine-
ly tempered with gravitic and aufteritic ,
that hcc in a manner commanded refpcd
fromothcrs) in fb much that many forbarc
to fpcakc or z& unfeemcly things in his prc-
C2 fence,
i6 The Life arte/ "Death
fence,that would not have bccn^ fo modcft
in other company : Such a Majcftie doth
grace imprint upon the eouDtenances of ho-
ly men , that they draw refped: from the
greateft ; this made thofe perfecuting Em-
perors to feare the very faces of thofe poorc
Chriftians that appeared before them ;
And this caufed Conflantme the Great fo to
socTAtet lib. I. honor the countenance of Old Paphnutius ,
^•^» though disfigured by the lofle of his eye ,
that hec did often for his dehght kifle the
hallow of that eye which was loft for the
caufe of Christ. So true is that of Salo-
mon-i wifdomecaufcth the face to fhine, and
the rigour of the countenance to bee chan-
zcaie. J . Hce was very Zealous for G o d , not
onely by the power of his Miniftery in con-
verting many, wherein God had wonderful-
ly bleiTcd him , but in any publike or private
good that tended to the booour of G o d, to
whofe glory he wholly facrificed himfclfe &
A trut ^T7u. all his ftudies , which I can the more fafcly
■fou^hfnlt ^'' affirmc, in that I know tee hath divers times
himin"^^ refufed preferment from fome of rheNobi^
e>/M^ Bolton. ly
lity and Prelates of thisKirgdome , and for
no other caufe in the world, but that hcc
might not be divorced from ihatCountrey
where his Miniftery was fo much embraced
and wrought fo good effects.
4. But zcalcis oft of fuch violent motioB, wi/hme.
that as the ancicmPhilofophers fuppofed of
ihcprmmn mobile, that if the motion thereof
u^erc not finely cooled and allayedby the
coelumCbriftallinum next to it , it would [tt all
theOrbs on fire j and therefore the zeale of
this Reverend man was alwayes tempered
with fingular Wifdome and difcretion , for
though in all his Sermons he preft mightily
upon the confcienceof his hearers, who ma-
ny times like babes childifhly wrangled at
the breads which (hould nourifh them , yet
were they never able to rcfift the authority
by which hee fpake , fo that fofthe fpace of
zz yeares, being the whole time that his
Lamp of light ihined in Northampton Shire,
his dodrine was never drawne into queftion
either for error or fchifmc: fo ftudious was
hee ever of the unity and peace of the
Church of England which hee dcarely
c J Joved,
i8 The Life and Death
loved that none could juftly quarrell with
him^butPapiftsand other Sewlaries, as alfo
others that were corrupted with error or
clarity, 5- Laftly for his Charity 5hee was ever u-
nivcrfaliy bountifull 5 butefpecia-lly hce ex-
ceeded in thofe publikc diftrcffcs of Germa-
ny > France , Bohemia^ i^fc, and to thofe that
flood in true neede: for the enabHng of him-
felfe hereunto, I have heard him often fay
( & he made it evident to m e) that ever fince
he was Minifter of Bm^^/;/^?;;, he fpent every
yeare all the rcvenewes of his Perfonagc
(which was of good vale w J in the mainte-
nance of his family and av^s of hofpitality&
charity 5 And that the eftate wherewith God
hath bleffed him otherwife,was meerely rai-
fed by that temporall eftate he had at firft.Lct
them therfore of his own coatefrom hence-
forth ceafe to traduce himjwhom they never
did nor dare to imitate. I am fare theTowne
of Broughton will ever have caufe to bleffc
God for his charity ; for when that lamen-
table fire was among them , September 21.
Anno Domini 1626, befidesthe many pounds
ofy[}» Bolton. 2p
hee fpcnt out of his ownc pttrfca hee was a
chief e mcanesihat by the only fupply of the
Country without any Letters Patents from
above their houfcs which were burnt downe
unto the ground were all new buihjand their
outward cftatcs liberally fuftained and up-
held. Nay fuch was his charity, that though
Tome of his owne towne had not onely flan-
dcred his Miniftry , but wronged him in his
tithes, yet hee put it up, and never called
them to quertion as hee might , nor ever had
any fuite with them all bis day es. SothatI
may for conclufion fumme up all this in that
wittie commendation of N^^/<^«^^« on Bafil
the Great f Hee thundredinhis DoCtrine •, and ^'I'l^l^'J^'^''
lightnedinhis con^verfation, M'^'^-
This ineftimablcireafureitpleafcd God . M«
to put in an earthen veflell, and about the «»^ iw!*/
beginning of ^^^f^wfor Iaft,bcgan to brcakc
it by vifiting him with a §}Ufirtan ague • a dit
cafe which brought C^Z-rm to his end , and
by the judgement of the beft Phyfitians, by
rcafon of the long and grievous paroxy fmes
whereby itafflids , is ever deemed mortall
unto old men ; and fo it appeared to him ,
c 4 for
lo The Life and T>eat/:)
for perceiving after two or three fits that it
maftered his ftrength , hee patiently fubmit-
tcdtoindure, what by ftrugling hee could
not overcomcj And called for his Will which
hee had made long before, andperfeding
fome things in it^hcc caufed it to be laid up,
and afterwards wholly retired into himfelfe
quitting the world, and folacing his foule,
with the meditation of the joyes of heaven ,
which he had provided to preach to his peo-
ple, for having compiled an elaborate di(^
courfc, dequatuor Noyifsimis, of the foure
laft things, Death, Ivdgement, Hell
and Heaven, an argument that fome Ic-
fuites & Friars have bungled in , and having
finilhed the three former, told them that the
next day he would treat of Heaven ^ But the
day before being Saturday hecwasvifited
with ficknefle 5 and never preached after.
God thenpreparinghimfor the fruition of
thofe inexplicable joyes which hee had pro-
vided for his people in contemplation.
His fickeneffe though it was long and
fharpc , yet hee bare it with admirable pati-
ence, for he (aw Him that is inyifibk^ and his
c/M^. Bolton* 51
whole delight was to bee with Him, often
breathing out fuch fpeeches as ihefe whiles
the violence and frequencie of his fits gave
himanyintertniffion. Oh ^hen mQ this good
houre comes when JhaU I bee difjohed^ when
(had I bee mth Christ? Being told that
it was indeed better for him to bee dif-
folved, but theChurchof G o d could not
roiffc hin) nor the benefit of his Miniftry.To
which he thus fwectly reply ed withD^i'i^; ^-Sim. ly.
Jfi (haUfinde favour in the eyes of the Lord bee * ^ ' ^ *
ypill bring mee agme and/hen^ mee both it and his
habitation , but ifother'9Pife , loe here lam , let
him doe '^hatfeemeth good in his eyes, &eing
asked by another, whether hee could not be
content to live if G o d would grant him
life, hec thus anfweredj I grant ths life
is a great bkfsing of God, neither y^ill I y^e-
gleB any meanes that may prefer<ve it, and doe vuam Uhuu
heartily dejiretofubmit fo G o d s '^illi But of ZoTeTln'deji^
the two J infinitely defre to bee dijfoli^d and to '^^"'^'
be 'SPitb CHRIST.
In the time of his fickeneflfe there x^^
came many to vifit him , but bee admit-
ted none but his intimate friends^ ufiig a
;i The Life and Death
V - — ' ■ ■ ■ —
firme^ecem '' ^P^^^^ ^^ * Szitit Augufiwe , wHo dcfircd ten
quim cxiret ^ daycs bcforc hcc died, none might come to
bis p°oft5avk him , that hce in that time might the better
r^SeVo. fit himfclfc for God. But to thofe that came
ingicdeietur, (q \^[^ ^^ p^yg yg^ y podlv aod wifc cxhotta-
nifi ijs tantum ^ O J O J
horis qubus tionsfuting to their callings and conditions,
medici adjn*/- •! ii*t i nt<i
fpiciendumin- lot although his Dody was waued with con-
c"mci mfl tinuall fits towards the Clofeof his life, yet
retmrefeaio, ^[5 undcrftanding and memory wereasa-
vatiim ac f - ^ivQ and quickc as in the time of his health.
omlTiuioteai. Hcc cncoutagcd thc Minifters that came to
llllhluPok ^^^ i ^® t)ce diligent and couragious in the
fid.devit. vvorkeoftheLoRD, and not to let their fpi-
^^^ ' rits faint or droope for any afflid^ioh that
(hould arifc thereupon. To all that came to
him J he bad them makefure ofChriftjbefore
they came to die , and to lookc upon the
world as a lump of vanitvi He thanked God,
for his wonderfull mercy to him in pulling
him out of hell , in fealing his Miniftry with
the converfion of manyfoules^ which hcc
wholly afcribed to his glory.
ly. About a wecke before he died, when his
filver cord began to loofen, and his golden
bouletobreake ; Hee called for his wifcj^and
M— — !■■ ■ — ■ ,1 ,■ ,.| 9m
of M^. Bolton^ 5j
defiredhertobearehisdiffolution , which
was now athandjwithaChriftian fortitude,
a thing which he had prepared her for by the
fpacc of twenty ycares, telling her that his
approaching death was decreed upon him
from all eternity^and that the counfell of the
Lord muft (land, and bad her make no if.y^^.
doubt but Ihee fliould meete him againe in
Heaven ; And turning toward his * children * He had five
told them , that they (hould notexped hec f,]t!lZifom,
fhould now fay any thing to them , neither d^^^i^ten,
would his ability of body and breath give
him leave, hee had told them enough in the
time of his fickneflc and before , and hoped
they would remember itjand verily believed
that none of them durft think to m eete him at that
great Tribunal! in an mregenerateftate. About
twodayes after, divers of his Parilh com-
ming to watch with him,he was mooved by a
friend that as hee had difcover*d to them by
his Do(5trine , the exceeding comforts that
wereinCHRisTjheewould now tell them
whatheefekinhisfoule. Alas {{zx^hc) doe
they lookefor that ofmee now that '^ant breath
and power to fpeake^ 1 ha ue told them enough in
3^ The Life and Death
my Miniftry : But yet t'^gi'Ve you fatis faction ,
lam by the '9oonderfull mercies of God asfu3
of comfort as my heart can hold^mdftek nothing
in myfoule but Q'yiKisr ypith xohom I heartily
defireto bee .^ And then looking upon fomc
thait^Jvcrcv^ceipm^^tsiidiOhyf^hat a deale adoe
there is before one cm die !
i3^ The night before hee diedj when the
doorcs without began to bee (hut, and the
daughters of Muficke to bee brought low ,
and hee lying very low with hi3 head, ex-
peding eyery moment when the wheele
ihould be broken at the Ciflernc, yet being
told that fomeofhisdeare friends were then
about him to take their laft farewell ^He cau-
fed himfelfe to be lifted up,and then like old
Jacob boyipinghimfelfe on his beds-head, after a
*Aiuiiiceoj f^w gafpings for breath , hee fpakeinthis
Teact in m anner. lamn&'9p draw in f^ on apace to my dif-
Noitlihamp- n i r r t1
ton Slue, folution , andam jujf in the Caje of * Sir lohn
"^eto^TclT " Pickering, Holdout Faith and Patience.your
hul fc^"' "' ** ^^^^^ mllfpeedily be at an end: And xhen/ba-
phrafe ofth cc j^jy^g (/;^^ all by the hands^prayed heartily ^and
world vvas not '< particuUrlj for them , and dcfired them to
^orta/ofhim. « ^^/j^yj^^ 0^ /;^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^q beareinmindc
" « yphat
te*^ ■ - I
o/M^.BoJtom 55
•^ ■9phat; he bad formerly told them in his Minifle-
'« ry , protefting to them , that the doBrine Tiphich
*« he had preached to them for thefpace of twenty
^^yeates^'^af the truth ofG o Dj as, hejbould an^
^^ fiver it at the T^ribunS of Chkist^ hifire
« "Schom hee fjould (Jjortly appear e. This hec
ipaie when the very pangs of death were
upon him. Whereupon a very dearefriend
ofhistakinghim by the hand, and asking
him if he felt not much painc, Truly no (faid
hce) the great eft ifeele is your eoMband^ AnA
then fpeaking to bee laid dowse againcjhce
fpakeno more umill the next morning wli en
he tookc his laft kaveaf his Wife rnidChiU
dren, prayed for them and bleflcd them all,
and that day in the afternoons aboutfirc of
the cIocke> being Saturday the 17 day ofD^-
cembery Anno Dom^ 1 6 5 ?i, it^the LX'*^* yearc
ofhisageyeeldeduphisfpiritto God that
gave it , and according to his owne ipeech
celebrated thertpnfuingSabbathin thjE:King-
dome oi Heaven, Thus in the fpace of fif-
teene weekcs wasthefirftand raoft glorious
lightput out mBrot^hon.thsLt ercihattowne
injoycd or tiiat many ages w(il tcJidcr againe
The Life and Death
And thus have you Cgood Reader) the
Life and death of this very learned and god-
ly man trucly fet forth : If any man (hall
contradid any thing that I have written of
him i I (hall not bee carcfull to anf wcr him :
For,ifhebegoodjand well knew ,Vr. Balcony
hcewill not have the face to objed : if hec
bee * bad, 1 hold him not worth anfwering :
Khallonelyfay to him in the language of
Tacit t^Sydidicit tile mdedicere^iff ego contemner e^
He hath taught his tongue to (peakeiH and
I have learned to contcmne it.
There is onelyoneobjcif^ion which I will
anfwer and no more) which began to bee
muttered in his life time, and is now likely
to make a lowder noife,if it bee not put to fi-
rhis preaching twice a Sabboth is more
than needsjhalfe of it is hut prating: And Mi-
niftersundertheGofpell may take more li-
bertic, and arcnottiedtofuchprecifenefle
and feverityoflifeas he ufed.
to bee long in anfwering it : The former
part of this obje&ion this learned Author
* Contri Sy- -
morfv^rn noti
eft remedium.
of M^. Bolton* ^y
in his Book« of Walking yoith God, and in
bis Epiftle to his laft Booke dedicated to
that religious noble Knight^Sir Ri^ben Carre^
both by reafons and the conftant pradice
an dprcceprs of the ancient F^^/?irrx, preach-
ing twice a day , fometimes every day , hath
abundantly and unanfwerably confuted,
I will onely add two examples of later times,
ihcone , of renowned Cal'^in (the glory of fn vha catv,
Jiisage) who F^reached or Leisured almoft S'^ c^>/ea.
every day , and fome dayes twice , which ^'^^'
Preachingswcrefoexcellentjthat they were
the matter of thofe laborious and learned
Cowfw^^r^nVjof his upon the Bible, which
occafioned Dr. R^w^/^i aptly and truely to
call him do^ifsimus ilf fidelijstmus Scripture
interpresy the moft learned and faithfull ex-
pounder of Scripture. The other, of our
moft precious leweU^ who was a very fre-
quent and conftant Preacher, and haftned
his own death this way: f or^riding to preach
at Lacock in Wilt Ihire^ a gentleman that met
him perccivingthc fecbleneffc of his body ,
(which hce had wafted out in inch ^pint uall
labours) advifed him for hii hcaltls lake to
:58 The Life and Death
rcturne home againc. To whom this godly
Bithop by way of allufion to that brare
{pccch oi^Fefpaiianxhe Emperor thus excel-
lently rci^\ycdjOporte$epffcopum concionantem
* oportet im- wj^ri, which in the * ftorieof his life is thus
ftnmc°m moti. cnghfticd, if bsc0mmeth befiaBiPjopto dieprea-
♦z).HM«/)fcreyfgntly after the Sermon heewas by reafon
B,'/we//. of fickncffc forced to his Bed , from whence
hee never came off, till his tranfladon to
For the latter part of the Objedion tou-
ching that prccifenes of life that was in him
and which ought to bee in the Miniflers of
God, Let him that objcdeth but well read
and minde thofe ftrid precepts of the Apo--
I Tim. 5. ftlc PauhoTimothy and Titus ^ the examples
of primitive times and thofe precife injun-
dions for the Clergy that arc difperfed
,, „ throughout the whole body of the Canon
cbrietucqux LaWjand to comcneererhomcm the Fro-
defbr, vinciall Conftitutions of Canterbury , But ef-
TiSri pccially in thofe excellent reformed Ecclefi-
"^ ? afticall Lawes compiled by the two and thir-
suph. M ctn-ty CommiUioners (whofe names I have
"'•"""• fccnc
mam omnes
c/M*Boiton* ^^
under * J[?"»g Edward the fixchi owne ^^^ g. s*.
tandappoincedbyhim for the purgatron Ro^ cotton.
of that toulc body of the Cannon Law) deformitas in
and I doubt not but hcthat/ocbjeaeth r'Xm't
will cither be afliamcd of bis ill t^npue, or "pf^^ff^^^^-
hisilMlfe, ^^'^^^ hone.
Thefc laft Laws were by Royall Autho- cu/Smifcet
rity printed in the Moneth of April! /mm cdSLm
Di^»ii»M57 uand are ar this Day fforoueht '"»*^"'^f<io
IknowjAuthenticke rules and Canons a- iatorib«s.item
mongft the Clergy: Oneof ihcfe Lawes glfdiemio^nlg
touching Miniflers, I will recite in the !L"^i°emTdT.
proper words of the La^, Islon fitit ccmto^ !"f ^ "^»^'««
tores ^non aleatoresy nonauctipes^ncnrvcnatoresy 'fdem inteicf.
nonfycophanu, nonotiofi^ autfupimjcdjacra- q'fot'nqueT.
rumtiterarumUud'ijSy^ prddicationi rverk i5f Ticndo^^und
or^tiofiibus pro Ecdefiaad Dom invm dili- ^^odM ^ ^e
genUrintumbent^ReforJegum EccLBS»r/^. Tinu^j.ujh
dc EccLEs.t'* MtniJl.Cap, /\,Fol. 48.
Nay thatCouncell or rather Con^irac) of /«^e5 ^;,of.
Trent, ^sBi/hopIe-^eUczUhM^hkh I may 3"^;^^ ,er.
%,as was faid oikhacitps. that the hatred ""-"^'^^J 7'-
' ' neat coiifpaa-
of the Prijcillian hereue was all the virtue ^'°"<^'" '^tam
he had : So all thegoodneffe ofthisCoiin- iium"^", j^."'*
cell chiefly confided in the reformation
d of
4.0 The Life andT)eAtb
of the badneffe of the Clergy, flearefaow
precifely it fpeakes in it owne Language,
Nihil eft qudd alios magU adpietatem tf Dei
cultumajfidutinftrMt^quameorumyita bfex^
emplum qui fe diyino minifterio dedicarunty isfc;,
€}uapropterJic decet omninb clericos tnfortem
Domini yocatos Vttam worefque [msomnes eom-
ponere^ ut habitu^geftu^ ineejiujfermone alijfque
omnibus rebtis nilnijigra'pejmoderatum^isf reli^
gione plenum priC feferant : leyia etiam deliBa^
qua in ip^s maxima effentyeffugiant^ut eorum <i-
hiones cunRis afferanpofemrationem^ i^c% Sta-*
tuitfanSia Synodus^ut qu<e alias afttmmU Pon-
tijicibiisisf kfacrisConciiijsde Clericorum*vh-
pay boneftateycultu doBrina^ retinendiy acjimul
deluxUyComeffationibtfSy cmtreifyaleiSj aequi"
» vetcres bufcun^crminibtfSy necnon */ecularibtfs nc
ftoTc'rumdirm g^^^ /«^^>«^^ ^opiofc ac falubtiur fancita
epifcopum, c^ui fucfunts eadcm inpofterum iifdemposniSyrvel ma-
lem mag.fti:t. jonbtfSy orbitrio Ordmaftf mponendis objer-
Xamfuna?- "VMUT I Yiec appeUatio executioHembanc qu^ad
Jt'^'fentTb ^^^^^ correkionempminet fu^endoPy Cone.
ofEctofum.no. Ttiden.feff izXapA.
^4l\if\\l^* If any man have any more Objefti-
ons againft this reverend and gracious A u-
tbor, F will give him no other anfwer than
our Saviour did to that cm\o\x% §lueflieni[ly Luk.10.3r*
G$eibu and do kkemf e^And f make no doubc
but that al thefe Cavils againft hi(n(for they
can be no other)\\ ill by a fweet and facred
exchange be rcfolved into earned contenti-
ons after that happineflTe which he now en-
joyes at his right hand where is> Fulnefe of
f 5j
ftefd Rctder,
I S other -Works «f this incomparaWe jixtthcttr.hxYz
their fcalc/o in fpccial this Fo/^-i-tfwiw.hislaftand
hf&w&tk oaTkejaure la/f tlfmgs. Nofooncrwss
it put to publicke view, but prefently icwa«takca
up,and r«*d with imich contcat. \ AippoJc ihafurc
thatmuchwiong would be done bot"h to the de-
ccafed Author i^ni alfo to futvivmg iica<fcrf jtf impreflion (hould not
beaddedto iinpieflion,{oIongasitisfomuch defired. In this third
imprcflion I have taken the belt care I could, to have the whole
Woik revicwedmet for alteration of any part of the juihort matter
or Method (For who dares offer to alter tliat which fuch an Ape/ks
hatii begun and finifhed) but for a more ready finding out both
of the pnnci pall points appertaining to themainc fcopcof thisTre*!
ft/e,and alfo of other very ufefull and profitable paflages which arc
here and there, even every where on fundry by-occafions, infcrted.
For the Author vyi\$ j'«!/ of matter. He was well furniftcd for any
peintjthat on the maine or on the bicfas we fpeak)fell out: and an-
fwerably he tooke occafion to vtnt himfelfc, and at large to handle
what he obfervcd to bemoft needful! and ufcfuUjInftancchis Trca-
tifc of iif<jrrfa^c,pag. 46,47, Sccofhcarealy and earthly /fly,pag. f^.
acc.Of /ai/^,pag.64,&c. and of fundry other points, whereupon he
&ls,Now that none of his precious pearles may be loft, but rather c-
very profitable point be diftinftly obfervcd-by the Reader,thc Heads
of them are pointed out in thcMargm;and that what ercry one <noft
defireth to rcad,!nay be more readily foijnd out,an MbhAUticaU In-
dex is herunto ai>n-:xcd.Thetis alfo in thised.tion added, more then
inl the focnie r, a pious & powerful 5'erwJ9i» preached at theFnnerall
of this Worthy ^4Uthor^ which drewabiindancc of ceaics Jjom the
eyes of the then prefent >^«i/tf«rf,and may yet fiuther worf c on the
Readers thereof, I commend all(good Reader)to thy courteous ac-
<eptancc,and to G o D s gracious bkfiing.
G. M.
M . B O L T O N S
Jff tha day Jba/I thts Jong he fung in the land of
'^^ ludah^ &c.
E have here in this Chapter, rheSimme
Firft, k ConfiUtton (ox oftheChap^
Gods people in the time of ^^;.^
their captivity. The Summe
whereof is this: Though all
things feeme to threaten ru-
ine, and tend towards confu-
fion; yet the ifTue will be,that God will moft mer-
cifully refcue and relieve His owne 5 who after-
wards, will not onely themfelvcs acknowledge
B and
and magnifie His miraculous hand in their prefcr-
vationandfuppoit, butalfoflirre up others to re-
ly wholly upon that mighty Lord, that never
did, or ever will faile orforfake any that put their
The Parts of truft in Him. In the fcven firft Verfcs.
the Chapcr Secondly, An Infimtion^or Injiru Bion^ How the
godly fhould carrie themfelves in the time of crof-
fesandchaftifementsj and what difference there r
is betweenethem and the gracelefTe in fuch Cafes.
From Ver.y. to the end.
In the firft Part we may take notice, and into
our confiderationthefe three Points.
I. Provifion of a comfortable Seng for the
people to carrie withthem5asit were into Captivi-
ty, and the fiery Triall 3 that in themidft of their
prcfTuresthey might beeafedand refrefli'd with a
conccipt, that the Day would come, wherein they
fhould joyfully fiiig the fong of enlargement and
falvationjVer.i. Though when they fate dervne
if the rivers of Bahjlon, their hearts would not
(erve thcmtoiingany Songofzion^ but fellafun-
der in their brcfts like drops of water, yet aflTured-
Hmforrvttts ly, all Go D s faithfull Ones, who believed His
are (weetned. prophet and Promifes, would in the meane time
fecrctly fwceten their forrowes and fuflfcrings,with
a patient expedation of this happy Day, and hea-
venly mirth.
2. TheSoDgitfelfe,Ver.i,2>3. Wherein wee
may confider, i. The Time, when the Song fhall
The ciuTcUs be fung ; I» that Day ] which w-e may underftand,
^'y- I. Hiftorically, literally, typically, of the Ifrae-
lites deliverance out of Baby lon,and the miferable
flavery thereof. 2. Anti-typically, of thcblef-
fed enlargement of G o d s E le<9: out of the fnarc
and bondage of the Divell. 3. And myftically
alfo, (as fome Divines thinke)of the joyfiill corn-
mi ng ofChriftians out of fpirituall Babylon, Rev.
17.5. and from under the tyranny, of Ancichrift.
4. Complementally, of gathering the Saints out
ofthis vale ofteares^and from the eager purfuit of
thatgreat red Dragon,and the powers of darknefle,
into lerttfdem which is above, where they fliall
joyfully fing triumphant Hallelujahs in the higheft
heaven foreverandever,(7/i/.4.2 5. 2. The Mat-
ter of the Song • which is. Salvation^ Ver. i . Peace,
Vcr. 3 . Holy Compar^y , Ver. 2 . P ure pleafurc, com-
fort, found contentment,^^ .
3. An Exhortation, or exhortatory Apoftro- inheemeHu h
phctotruftin/^W^^. And there is added, for ''"JJ/^ '>» Jeho-
ever-^ left upon Gods delay ,andrefpitingreliefe, ^^ *
we iliould dcfpaire or have recourfe unto the arme
offlefh, Rcafons to enforce this exhortation are
three, i. In Him is ^^ch^f^x ru^esfecalorum, c-
verlafting ftrength,Ver.^ Arockofeiermty^upon
which we may for ever fwectly and fafely reft and
rcpofe our felves,amidft the many furious ftormes
and boifterous waves of this troublefome world.
2. He is able to tame, take downe, and trample irl
the mire, the in^folency and pride of the moft ra-
ging perfecutors, Ver f. 5. Andtoraife His, though
never fo low and languifliing, tofctthem upon a
Rockeoffafetyand falvation for ever, and to give
them the ncckes of their enemies to tread upon,
Vcrfe 6. 3. Hee yveig^js and ^watches over
B 2 ' the
the waycs of thcj»/?, Verfey. See Uremie 1 7.7.
Now whereas the Prophet in the firft place
doth fumifh the people of Go d before-hand with
a ftrong counter-comfort and cordiall againft their
faintirgs in the fornace ofaffli(flion,we may thence
PTdvijiQn to be Do cr, Jtis an holy wifdom!', andha^fy thingyU
male a^ain/t trcafureupccmfcrtahlefrovifionagainfitheDdy
theeviUday. ofcaLimty.
' It is good coun felly md aklejfed csurfe, tofioreuf
comfort agofnfl the evtllDay .
He that gathereth in Summer, (faith Salomon) k 4
fonneof under fan dng : But he thatfleefeth in Har-,
n/efiis a fonne of confufim, Trov. 10.5. If not by an
immediate fcrnre,yet by a warrantable analogy and
good confequent this Place will beare this Para-
ph rafe.
M'lfcVtt^t ofCe- That man which now in this fliire and feafonabic
^uy tn quiet. Sun-fhineof his gracious vifitation is lull'dafleepc
with the Sy ren-fongs of thefe fenfuall times upon
the lap of pleafure ; fwims downe the tempori-
zing torrent of thefe laft and lewdeft dayes with
full faileofprofperityandeafe, againft thefecret
wafts and counter-blafts (as it were) of a reclaim-
ing confcience, as thoufands doe, to their utter un.
doing for ever; mif-pends his golden time, and
many goodly opportunities of gathering fpirituall
M^tnnay ingrafping gold, gathering wealth, grow-
ing great, greatning his pofterity, clafping about
thearmeoffleih, fatisfying the appetite, and fer-
ving himfelfe : In a word, he that while it is called
Today,x\xm^s not on Gods fide^ and by forward-
neflcand friiitfak^ire in-bij^^bl^lTed'^^yeisi'trtf^
fures up comfort and grace dgairift his eftdin^
houre, Hiall m6ft certainly tijyqn'Risb^d of d«#h,
and ilUiminationof c'onfeicne^,' find ttothiftg M
horrible con&fidn ai^d fckrtf ,; tiaireanfef^ ^^tt&di
and infuppoitable bcivineSe oirMstti'hh foiife
maH prefently downc intx) the; kin^dome of dari-
ncflc, and bottomc of the burnifi^Iake, ttefdto
Ke everlaftingly in terttpeftuoui" and ffcf^/'tjdfc
mcnts, the (ling and ftrength.wheirdof doth ilbS
oncly furpafTe th6 pens and t6ngues of Men ;Jnd
Angels, but the very conccipcofthofethatruffej^
them, which if amanknevv, he would not indurS
one houre for all the f>leafares often thoufand
worlds: His body (the pleafing and pampering
whereof hath plunged him kiro fhch a fea<i^f cala-
mity and woe ) mull dcfcend into the houfe of
death, nn habitAtion of blaekflelTe and^i'iii^lHli !i6
downein a bed (rf'a6^&ndi'(^teiiddle^^^^Wi:^^
wormes^ guarded and kept fiili fdre by tfifc Prince
and powers of darkcnefic tf^iro theiudgememiffhe
great Dd) /sand then the whole manmurtbecotne
the wof^ll obje^^fthe ektr(*ttii^^ahddveiiaft^'
ingnefle of that fferd^ft ind un«^uenchab]e wrath,
which (like infinite rivers of brimftortc) will feed
upon hisfoulc and fiefh, without rem(^clie, e^e,
Bm tfet feftpp/'ftiaflj'WHiefr r^ fijnY- Bemjhtof^et^
mers day of his miferable and mortall life,gathers t^&£<^ *^
grace with an holy grecdineflfe, plies the noble Z****^*^
tradeof Chriftianity with refolution andundaont-
cdncffe of fpirit, againft theboiftcrous current and
B 3 cor-
6 .>|>REPARAT10H
corwjption^ c^f the tiinesj^ groW$ in gojdlin elFe^'
Gods favour, andfruitsofgoodlifc; purchafes
and pTcfervcs (though with the lolTe of all earthly
delights) peace of confcience, one of the richeft
ticafures and tareft^jcwcls that ever illighcned and
made lightfQme the heart of man in this world : I
fay chat man, though never fo contemptible in th c
eyes of the worldly- wife, though never fo fcoror
fully trod upon, and overflowne by the tyranny
and'^fwelling pride of thofe ambitious felf-flatte-
ring Gyants, who, like mighty winds, when they
have bluftered a while, breathe out into nai^ht,
fhall moll: certainly upon his dying-bed meet with
a glorious troupe of bleflrc4 Angels ; ready and re-
joycingto guard and condocfl his departing Soule
into his Majlersjoy . His body fhall be prefervcdin
thegrave by theall-powerfull providence^ as in a
Cabinet of reft and fweeteft,neepeA pcrfumediiy
the buriall pf our bleffed 5sa Viohvji:^ until! the
glorhM4 apf earing ef the gnat Q^o p^ Andthen^af-
ter their. Joyful left re-union, they flball both be
filled^and (liine thorow all eternity ,'w4^h fuch glo-
ry and bliffe, which in fweetenefte aijd excellency
doch infinitely exceed the poflfibility of all.hur
*^*J'J|8'^'[>raaneor Angelicall *conceipt.
u&nT^ czllr't Thus y ou fec in fhort, what a deale of confufi-
fnfficit ilia fu- on that miferable man heapes up for his precious
ITs'^anu'fmt ^^^^ ^^*^"^ "^^^ Day of wr^th, which: fpcpds
{audia ; An-
{clorura choris intereflc, cum bsatiflimis fpiritibus gloriae cpnditeris afliftcre,
prxfencctn Dei yultinn ccrnere, iucircumfciiptuna lanvp yidcrc, nullo
Biorcjs metu aiBci, incorruptionis perpe(ux munere Istari^ ^$. Grt^^r. Hom.iJ.
thefpan of his traftfitory life after the waies ofhis
owne heart:andhow truly he is a fonne ofunder*
(landing, who in the few and cvill daiesoffhort
abode upon earth, trcafures up grace and fpirir
tuall riches againft the -dreadfull winter night of
For I would have you underftand, that by ^om- jf^at pfviji^
•/•/Lands, livings, or large ' polTeflions ; I meane , RiiUt,
•Hot weahh or riches : Alas ! Thefe mil not profit in -^
the My of wrath, Pro v. 1 1 .4 . They certainely make
themfil'vts wings y and in our grcatefl: need, wiil/r^
<0svdj as an Eagle toward heaven^ Prov .23.5.
- I meane not filver or go Id : they fliall not he able
te deliver in the day of the Lords wrath, Zefh. i . 1 8 .
Will he cfteemc thy richest no not gold, nor all
fthe.forces ofiftrength57i'^,36.ip.
-' : I meane not top of honour, or height of Place t x houutu
<this' (.'without religion) ferves onely to make the
downfall more deiperate and remarkable. They
arerais'donhigh (faith the very Poet) thattheir
ruine may be more irrecoverable. But what do I
meddle with the Poet < the Prophet is plaineand
^peremptory againft the pride of ambition : Thy
tcrrihlenefe hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine
heart : O thou that dwellejliij' the clefts of the rocke,
that houldeft. the height of the hill: Though thoufhotdd-
eft wake thy neft as high as the Eagle ^ I will hr ing thee
downef-om thence, faith the Lordjcr.^g ,16, .
I meane not the arnie of flefh, or Princely fa- 3 favour 1 9f
vours. Afluredly, that man which gratifies great '"^*
Ones to the wounding of his coftfcicncc by the
B 4 formal]
formallilavcry pfbafeiieflfe and infinuation, or 0-
ny ill, pfficc^ oF ambitiovis: fcrvitude in -fcates of
irreligious poli!?yi injuijicc, cruelty, turning Turk
_3ij«l, itiiai|tor ^O; th<^ f hattrufted !bim,&e, fhalKitc
iaft reci^iycncvo^Ker rccompienceof fuch abliorred
villany , when divine vengeance begins to take
hini in hapd, than that which juftly fell upon /c^^
( in the extremity of hi^sanguifh and forrow) ftcm
the dhi^cfriefisandsUmi (^4^^^.27.41 'If ever
great men, or earthly Potentates did take their
Mattering flaves outof thehandsof G o d at that
higi^e^ ^ribunall, or were able to free a guilty
foule froip eternall flaiiies> it were fomethingco
grow: rich, and rife by yile accommodations, and
(crying their turnc in the meane time. But fuch
a man (hall ccrtaincly ( is the day of his laft ahd
greatcft need) bee caft with horrible confufion
of rpirit, and iji^curable griefc of heart , upon WoL
fui rufull complaint* and cry out wh^n it)isto6
late : Had I beenc 4s carefuf tofirve the G on of he a-
*veH, as my greaf (J^dJierm e4rth 'j he had never lefi
fnet in f»y gray hdres. Favours ofgteatncflfe may
follow a man in faire weather, and fhinc upon his
face with goodly hopes and cxpecStation of great
things; butrnftipwracks even of worldly things,
where allfinke$, but the forrow to fave them 5 or
cfpecially upon the very firfttempeft offpirituall
diftrcffe, they fteere away before the Sea and
Wind, leaving bim tofinic orfwim; without all
poflibility of helpe pr i^fcue, eVeojto the rage of a
wounded confcience,' ^nd gulfe (many times) of
that defpcratc madnelfe, which the Prophet de-
fcribcsj /J4 . 8 . 2 1 ,2 2 , He paUjret hjmfelfe, and cur fe
bisKmg and his God, md looke upward, t^ndhe
Jhail loch unto the earth : and hchold trouble ofrd
ddrkmfiejdimnejfe ofAngmjhj and hejhalLbedrwen te
darknefc^ . .
By comfortablcProvijion therefore, I mean trea-
furcs of a more high, lafting, and noble nature.* irhat ^rovifi-
:.T;hc bleflings of a better life, comforts of godli- Z.^jf'*"^
'JQCjffe,. graces of falvation, favour ^nd acceptation
with the higheft Majefty,&c. They arc the riches
of heaven onely which we fhould fo hoard up,
md will ever hold out in the times of trouble, and
Day'bfthe L o r i) a wri&h.. Amongft which,a
found faith, and aclcare confcience are thcmoft
pecrclefic and unvaluable jewels 5 able by their
native puifTanec, «and infufed vigour, to pull the
very heart .( as it were ) cut of Hell, and with
cormdencc and conqueil: to looke even Death
and the Divell in the face. T here is no darkeneflfc
fo defolate, no croffe fo cutting, but the fplen-
dor ofthcfc is able to illighten, their fwcetncfTc to
mollifie. " i Ml ;
So that thebleffed counfcll of C h r 1 s t, iAUt. mu.6. 1 9,t«»
^.ip,2o. doth concurre with, and confirmethis fxpounJed,
Point: Lay not up fir your felvestreafures upon earth,
when nwth 4ndr»ftdi>th cor ruft 'j and where thecves
Ifreaketherorv and fieaU, Bui lay up for your fehes
Sreafures i» hennjen, v>here neither moth nor ruji doth
corrupt, and where theeves do not hreake thororv^ nor
By moth and ruji thofc two greedy and great
devourers of gay clothes, and ghftering trcafures,
^** ^"""i? *^ *^^ capitall vanities upon which worldlings
^tbingt!^ ^ dote, and two greateft inchauntcrs of mortal!
men, are infinuated and fignified unto us all
thoTe iron teeth, znd devouring inftrumentsof
mortality, by which corruption eaccs into the
heart of all earthly glory, waftes infenfibly the
bowels of the greateft bravery, and ever at length
confumes into duft the ftrongefl finewes of the
moft ImpcriallSoveraignty, under the Sun. The
Lord of Heaven, hath put a fraile and mor-
tal! naturCi, a weake and dying difpofition into all
worldly things. They fpring andiflourifh, and
ent? ui ^^^' Even the greateft and goodlieft Politique
aeTaita fccuii Bodles that ever the earth bore, though animated
corrimat, puU with the fcatchittg fpirit of profoundeft Policy;
unt^ NamTum ftfcngthencd with the refol'ution and valour ofihe
ftaieinhisflo- Hioft conquering commanders, fighted with Ha-
ribusriiumun. glc eyes oflargcft depth, fore-fights and comprc-
rcpentina foi- henhons of State, crowned with never lo many
tuna turbatur: warlicke profpcritics, triumphs, and vidorious
aut feftina, & atchievemcnts, yet (like the naturall Bodyofa
omnia deem- , 11/. 1 • -, r 1
bantc morce man ) thcy had ( as it were ) their Inrancy, youth-
conduditai. fullftrength, mansftate, old age, and at laft, their
SgJIfi g'^ave. We may fee (D^.2.35.) thegloryand
cu!i, quxqua- power of the mightieft Momirchies that ever the
blandiumur- ^"" ^^^^ fliadowcd by Nebuchodnc^^^rs great I-
fed" amator'es magejfink iuto the duft, and become like ^^(f cbAfe
fucg , cito of tie Summers tbrefhfftgfloores, uvonzwindy day*
cipiunt. Greg.in t.RegCap.ix.
Vnto aU'Dojttinions God hath ftt their periods : tvho, though }:e hath ^iventa man
the f^nowleJge tjthofi wiyesiy which ({ingdomes rife andfali tyet hath left himfubjeSl
ttnto the ajfe£ltont r^hich drait> on thefe fatai (banget in their times appointed^ Sr Walter
Heare a wife and noble writer fpeaking to this pur-
pofc, though for another purpofe : Who hath not ^^^^*,";
§hfervedy what labour , what pra^ice,feri HyhlBnd-fhed,
d/td cruelty, the Kings And Princes of the world have
undergone, exercifedytaken onthem,and committed-^ to
make themfelnjes and their ifues M afters oft he world ? ''^'^ .""*J^ •(,'*'
%^nd yet hath Babylon, Perfia, Egypt, Syria, Ma- f* ^I'He worii
cedon, Caithage, Rome, and the reft, no fruit, fort'jhmss tbt
flower, grafe or leafe, f^nngr^g ufon the face of the f£'lZ'J
tarth, ofthofe feeds: No, their very roots and ruines do
hardly remaine, ^Uthat the hand of man can make^
if either over-turned hy the hand of man 5 or at length
kyftanding and continuing confumed, Whattruft
then or true comfort in thearmeofflcfh, humans
grcatncfle, or eanhly treafares-^ Whatftrengih
or flay in fuch broken ftaves of reed ^ Inthetime
of need, the Worme of vanity will waft and wi-
ther theihall, Yiktlonahs gourd -^ and leave our na-
ked foiUcs to the open rage of wind and weather -y
to the fcouiges and Scorpions of guikineflc and
feare. It tranfcends the Sphere oftheira(9:ivity,as
they (ay, and'paffeth their power to fatisfiean im-
mortall foule, to comfort thorow the length of e-
ternity ; either to corrupt or conquer any fpirituall
adverfaries. For couldft thou purchafe unto thy
felfe a Monopoly of all the wealth in the world 5
wcrt thou able to empty the Wefterne parts of
gold; and the Eaft of all her fpices and precious
things; fbouldeft thou inclofe the whole face of
thecarthfromone end ofheaven to another, and
fill this wide worlds circumference with golden
heapes and hoards of pcarle; diddeft chou in the
mcane time fit atthc ftemc, and hold the reincs in
thine hand of all earthly kingdomes, nay, exdlt
thyfelfi at the Eagle, 4tt(i fet thy nefi among the flats ;
nay, Vikcthc Juftofthe.msrmng advance thy Throm
even above the flanres o/God • yctallthefe, and
whatfocverdfc thou c^nft imagine, to make diy
tbtgZif^T worldly happincflfe compleat and matchlcfle ,
gMd ut the would not be worth a button unto thee upon thy
/^"'^ bed of death, nor do thee a halfe-pcnny- worth of
good in thehon'ourof that dreadfull time. Where
did that man dwell, or of what cloth was his coat
made, that was ever comforted by his goods,
greatneffe, or great men, in that laft and (brcft
conflid i In his wraftlings with the accufadons of
confcience, terrors of death, and oppofitibns of
heU i No, no : It is matter of a more heavenly
metall, treafures of an higher temper, riches of*
nobler nature, that muft hold out and heipe in the
diftrdfes of foule, in the anguifli of confcience, in
the houre of death, againft the flings offinnc,
wrath of G o d, and lafl: Tribunall. Do you think
that ever any glorified foule did gaze with delight
upon the w^edge of gold, that tramples mdterfoot
the Sun,and lookes All-mighty God intheface^
^htlefouit No, no: It is the focicty of holy Angels, and
blefled Saints, the fweet communion with its dca-
reft Spoufe, that unapproachable light which
crownes Gods facred Throne, the beauty and
brightncfleof that moft glorious Place, the fiii-
ning Body of the Sonn e of God, die beatificall
fruition of the Deity it fclfc, the depth of Eterni-
ty, and the like evcrlafting Fountaincs of ffirituali
ravi{hmentand joy, which orcly can feed and fill
the reftlcfle and infinite appetite of that immortaJl
Thing with fullncffe of contentment, andfrclh
pleafiires, world without end.
Thrice blefled and fweet then is the advice of ^^^ .»«'»'^ '*
our Lord and Maftcr J e s v $ C h r i s t> who tlilgTbeimtl
would have us to turne the eye of our delight, and things above,
eagerneffe of affedion, from the fading gloffe and
painted glory of earthly treafures; wherein natu-
rally the worme of corruption and vanity ever
breeds,and many times the worme of an cvill con-
fcience attends; the one of which cats out their
heart when wee expe(5t an harveft j The other
feizes upon the Soule in the time of forrow, and
finks it into the loweft hell : And as Men of Gc d,
and Sonnesof Wifdome, to mount our thoughts,
and raife our fpirits, and bend our affedions to
things above 'j which are as faire from diminution
and decay, as the vSoule from death ; and can bee
no more corrupted or (liaken, than the Seat and
Omnipotcncy of G o i> furprifcd. For, befides TUferme u-
that, they infinitely furpafie in eminency ofworth ^^^xt things
andAveetneifeofpleafure, the comprehenfion oi^'^''^^''^'''''
the largeft heart, and expreiTion of any Angels
tongue; they alfo out- laft the daycs of heaven,
and runparallell with the life of God, and line of
Eternity. As we fee the Fount aine of all material!
light to powre out his beames, and fhining abun-
dantly every day upon the world withoutweari-
ncire5emptinefle, or end; fo, and incomparably
more doth joy and peace, glory snd bliflc, fpring
and plentifully flow every moment with frcfh
ftreames from the face of the Father of Lights upon
all His holy ones in heavenjand that evcrlaftingly .
O blelTed then (hall we be upon our beds of death,
if (following the counfell of our deareft Lord,
who ihed the moft precious and warmeft bloud in
His heart to bring our foules out of hell) wee
treafure up now in the meane time, heavenly-
hoards which will ever happily holdout, aftock
ofgrace,which never flirinks in the wetting, but a-
bidesthetriall of the Spirit, andtouch-ftone of the
Word in all times of danger, and Day of the
Heavenly trea- Lord: even that accurate,circumfpe<5l, and prc-
jurt, q\£q walking,prefled upon us by the Apoftle, Eph,
5.15. Though peftilently perfecuted and plagued
by the enemies of G o d in all ages : And that pu-
rity which Saint lohn makes a property of every
true-hearted ProfefTour, ilohn^.-^. So much op-
pofed and bitterly oppreftby theworldj and yet
without which none of us (hall ever fee the face of
God with comfort. If while it is called To Day^
we make our peace with His heavenly Highneflfe,
by an humble continued exercife of repentance :
byftanding valiantly on His fide; by holding an
holy acquaintance at His mercifull Throne with a
mighty importunity of prayer, and godly conver-
fation above'; by ever offering up unto Him in the
armesof our Faith (when he is angry) the bleed-
ing Body of His owne crucified Sonne, never
giving Him over, or any reft, untill He beplcafed
to regifter and r enroll the remiffion of our finnes
in the Booke of Life, with the bloudy lines of
Ch R I s T s Soulc-favingfuffcrings, and golden
chara(^crs of His owne ctcrnall love. If now,
before we appeare at the dreadfull Tribunal! of
the ever-living God, (and little know wewhofc
tui'ne is next) we make oui- friends in the Court of
Heaven : the blejfed K^ngels, in procuring their
joy andlove^ by avifible conftancy in the fruits,
tearcs^and truth of a found converfion. The Sfi-
tit 9f comfort by a ready and reverent entertain-
ment of His holy <jM9tions and infpirations of
grace : the Sonm And Heire of the King of glory,
the Foundation and Fountaine ofallourBliflejin
this world and the world to come : from whole
meritorious bloud-fhed and blefTed mediation a-
rifeall thofe flouds of mercy and favour, which
fcfrcfhourfoules in this vale of teares ; and alfo
thofe unknown bottomleiTefeas of pleafure, peace
and all unfpeakable delights, which will fuper-
aboundand.overflow with new and frefli fweet-
neffefov ever and ever in the Paradifeof God.
Blelfed are they, that ever they were borne, who ^f'^, *f»c/'
have already got him their Advocate at the right chrT/t^o
hand of His Father. For, be/ides many other Mvocate.
glorious priviledges thereby, in all their exigents
and extremities, they may be everwelcometo the
Seat of mercy ^^l\dhc[urctofipccd. If a man had a
fuit unto the King, itwereaconifoitable and hap-
py thing to find a friend in Court. But if the \
Kings fpeciall and choifeft Favourite 5 nay. His
owne only Son wci*e his Interceflbur 5 how confi- )
dent would he be to prevaile and profper, to con-
quer his oppofites aiw crowne his defircs ^ Why
then Ihould any poorc Chriftian be difcomfoncd
andcaftdowae: nay, why diould he not be 'ex-
traordinarily raifed and ravifhed in- fpirit with
much joy full hope, and fwcecaflurance, when he
throwes himfeife downe at the Throne of grace j
iich thed-earefl: Sonne of the eternal! G o d, the
Hcire of heaven and earth, the Mediator of the
great Covenant of endlefle falvation is his Advo-
cate at the hand of His Almighty Father in the
moft high and glorious Couit of Heaven ft
Wherefore when an humbled foule, and trenp-
bling fpirit is fore troubled, and almoft turned
backefrom hispurpofe of prayer, and proftration
at the foot of heavenly Majefty* by entertain-
ing before-hand a feeling apprehenfion of his
owne abhorred vilenefTe, and the holy purity of
Gods all-feeing and fearching eye, tvhuh cannot
looke on iniquity ; let this confideration comfort
and breed confidence, that Jesvs Christ the
Sonne of Q o d s love doth follicite and tender the
fuit, who out of His owne fenfe and fympathy of
fuch like troubles aind temptations, dothdeale for
us with a true, anaturall, and a fenfible touch of
j^ J compailionateneffe and mercy. Shall that bleffed
Lukc*23.34. Saviourof ours call and cry for a pardon to His
Father, for thofe which put Him to Death ; who
were fb farre from feeking unto Him, that they
fought and fuck'd His bloud ; and fhall He fhut His
cares againft the groanes of thy grieved fpirit, and
heavy fighs of thy bleeding foule, who values one
drop of His bloud at an higher price, thanihe
worth of many world^f It cannot be.
Thus that faying of Sdomonj and this counfell
ofC H n I s T makes good the truth of the PoIrCj
which jnay furthef appearc by thcfe Reafons.
I. Taking this counfell berime, and hoarding' "Rm/o»^ /or
up heavenly things in this harvcft time of grac€, llt^^uftlHioi,
mightily helps to alTwage the fmart, mollifie the ut aUaies the
bitterneflc, and illighten the darkncfTe of the cvill ^"^'^ '^ '^'^''
Day. It is foveraigne, and ferves to take the vc-
nime,fting and teeth out of any croflc, calamity,
ordiftrefTe ; and fo preferves the heart from that
raging hopclefTe forrow, which, like a devouring
Harpie^drics up^dilTolves, and dcftroyes thcbloud,
fpirits,and life of all thofe who are deftitute of
fuch a divine Anti'dote. What vaft difference
may wee difcerne betweene lob and Itf^as ; Bazid
and K^chitofhel, wthedayes ofevill't The two men
of G o D being forma*ly enriched with his favour
andfamiliarity,fo behaved themfelves, the one in
the fhip-wracke of his worldly happineife, the o-
ther in the hazard of his Kingdome, as though
they had not bcenc troubled at all : The Lord Jot.i. .
gave , and the Lokd hath taken away, faith lob,
when al 1 was ^oncbleffed be the n^ne of the Lord.
ifl flail find favour in the eyes of the Lord, faith j^sam. ij. if.
DavrdyHe will bring mee a^aine, andfhew me both it, i^.
and His habitation, ButifHeethusfay-,lharve no de-
light in thee : behold, here am 7, let Him doe to mee, at
fecmeth gcod unto Htm, But the fpirits of the other
two falfeand rotten-hearted fellowes in the time
of trouble were fo overtaken, nay, over -whel-
med withgricfe, that they both hanged thcm-
3. This holy providence before hand may l^Vr'""'
C happily
happily prevcnr agrear dcale of rcfUeiTe impaticn-
CV; reprobate fear ^.torlomediftraaions of fpirir,
h\"ir.g to the caves, crying to the mountaines,
boodelTe rclymg upon :he arme of flelTi ; Curfmg
thar Kmgajtdtkcir G o DjdfidI^k:figup:rj/-J,\:oai'
in^ou-v.ith h'vfco'.s sroanes; Who amon^ ia jhall
^5i-'^- d^i:-x::i :''?■: ai-. -^rmr fire f Whe among us JhMl
drc^eH xpuhth: tverijifiinghitrning? drc. All which
defperire re rr ours and rumultuations of confci-
cncearewontto furprize and feize upon unholy
and unprepared hearts, en>ecially when Gods
hand is fin.-.^!v :-,r.i:nn?!2Cj.b'v uDonthem.
^:.'^- ',:ry 3 . And wee rinll heereby excellently honour
t.fz tX^t. 2^ 4 advance the glory of ProfelTion ; when it iliall
appeare :o the v.'orld, and even the contrary-
minded are enforced to confctTe; that there is a
fecret heavenly vigour, undaantednefTe of fpirit,
■and noblenelTe of courage which mighnly up-
holds the hearts of holy men in thofe times of
coafuhDn and feare, when theirs melt away with-
in :h e .T. like v." ^: e r . 2 n i ^c -t^' the he:irt of a rvsmm tn
hir f.i^'£f. WorlaLnss v.'onder and gnalli the
teeth heeiea: : When they fee,as Chn fcfteme xxuly
fels us, :he Clirifrian to ditfer from them in
this; tha: hebesresall crofTes couragioully; and
v;i:h the v/ings ' as it v.-ere )of faith, out-fores the
height of ail hjr.ane miferies. He is like aRocke,
iocorporated into J e s v s Christ, the Rocke
.$f etCTTury, ftill erect, inexpugnable, unihaken,
though moft fjrioufly afTaolted with the tcmpc-
ftuous waves of any worldly woe, or concurrcflt
rage of all itifemall powers. But all the imaginary
man- hood of graccIcfTe men doth ever in the day
of diftrsffc cither vanifh into nothing, or diflblve
4 . Expreflion of fpirituall ftrengtli in the time ^.uan iucou^
oftrouble from former heavenly ftore, is a nota- ragemcntto
ble meanes to move others to enter into the fame °[ ^"'
good way, and grow greedy after grace ; to draw
and allure them, to the entertainement and exercife
of thofc ordinances, and that one necefary things
v;hichonely can make them bold and unmovea- '
ble like Mount Zlon in the day of adverfity. I have
knowne fome, the firft occafion of whole conver-
fion, was, the obfervation of their ftoutnelTe and '
patience under opprelfions and wrongs, whom
they have purpoiely perfecuted with extremefl
malice and hate. So bleffed many times is the
brave, refolute, and undaunted behaviour of
Gods people in the time of triall, and amidft
their foreftfufFerings,that it breeds in the hearts
of beholders, thoughts even of admiration and
love, nay a defire of imitation, and turning on the
other fide. When they reprefent to the eye of
the world their ability ropaffe thorow the raging
flames of fieiy tongues untouched, to portcfle
their foulcs in peace amidft fcorpions , thorncs,
and rebels, to pafTe by bafeft indignities from
bafeft men without wound or paifion, to hold up
their heads above water in the moft boifterous
tempefts, and deepeft feas of danger, to triumph
over all ad verfary power in the evill day 5 I fay,
by G o D s blefling, this may make many come in
and glorific G o d > marvelling and enquiring,
G 2 whence
whence fuch invincible foititude, and bravcneffc
of fpiiit fhould fpring; concluding with iV/t^tf-
chad^e/^r : Surely, Thefervants of the mofi high
God. And fo at length their affcdions may be fo
fet on edge after the excellencie and amiablencfTc
of J Esvs Christ, who being The mighty
G o D, zndThc LyonoftheTrik of Indah, doth a-
lone-infpire all His with fuch a Lion-like courage^
that they may ferioufly and favingly fcek His face
and favour; faying with thofe, Cam,$.p. What is
thy Beloved more than another Beloved, O t hoi* fair efi
among women f — That wee may feeke Him with
thee. Whcntheybehold fuch a deale of Majefty
and mirth to fhlne in his face whom they make
the marke of all their fpitefull rage and revenge 3
their teeth with which they could have torneliim
inpeeces, may water; and they induftrioufly de-
(iretoknow, what that is, which makes fuch a man
fo merry in all eftates .
The folly of y^j^ j^ This may fervc to awakcn and rc-
ticm that take ■' n 1 r n "^ 1 1 rr
BO thougbtfor* prov€ all thole lecure and carelcfle companions,
tbedayofrecfio- who, if they may enjoy prcfcnt contentment, and
""'^' partake in the meane time of the profperity and
pleafurcs of the times, wherein they tumble them-
felves with infolency, luxury, and eafe ; take no
thought, make no provision at all againft a day of
reckoning, provide no food againft a foule day,
treafure up no comfort againft the Lords com-
ming, prepare no armour or aid for that hft and'
drcadfullconfli6^ upon their beds of death. Alas
poorefoulcs! Did they know and feelingly ap-
prehend what a deale of horrour, aftoniftiment
and anguilli dogs them continually at the heclcs,
ready and eager after a few dales of filthy end fu-
gitive plcafures, to fcizc upon them like travailc
upon a woman with child, fuddenly, unavoidably,
apdin greateft extremity, and that fointollerable,
that they lliall never be able either to decline or
endure, the verywcakeft biting of the never-dy-
ing worme, or the Icaft fparkle of thofe everlalt-
ing flames; they would thinke all the dales of their
life few enow to gather fplrituall ftrength againft
that fearefuU houre. Nay, fome are fuch cruell Heapm of
caitifs zn^Cannihals to their owne fo'ules, andfo Jj^'lyTf '"^
accurfedly blinded by the Prince of darkneffcthat rft<nh.
inftead of comfortable provifion, they heape up
wrath againft the day of wrath 3 Inftead of grace,
Gods fivour and a good confclencc, peace,
joy,andrefrefliingy^^w;/;if frefeme of the L o r d,
they lay upfcourges, and Scorpions for their na-
iled foules and guilty confclences againft the time
andterrourofthe Lords vifitation. For, let
them be moft affured ; allthelr lies, oathcs, rotten
and railing fpeeches ; all their covetous, luftfull,
ambitious and malicious thoughts 5 all their
fwaggering and furious combinations againft
Gods people, fenfuall revellings, jovlall mee-
tings^&c. \mh:i\\,TVhe^ their feare commeth asdefo-
Ution , and their desirui^hon commeth as a whirle-
windjYiVQ fo many envenimed ftings, run into their
finfull foules, and pierce them thorow with evei-
laftlng forrow. Alas ! What will the fonnes and
daughters of pleafure do then ^ And all thofe fpl-
rituall beggcrs and bankerupts who have greedily
C 3 hunted.
hunted, all their life long after thcfe mortall
things of this life, as if their foules had beenc
therein immortall; and utterly neglected thofc
The terms »f things which areimmoitall, asiftheir felves after
prepare7}er'^^ the wotld had becnsbut nfiorcall c What doc you
thar account, think will betheir thoughts upoi th* very firft ap-
proach of the Pore of death , to which in the
meane time all winds drive thefiif Fall fad, and
heavie thoughts (Lor d thou knowcft) then at
leifurg enough to reflect feverely upon their for-
mer folly, though formerly beaten from them by
their health and outward happineffe, and will pay
themtotheutcermoftforall the pleafing pafTages
oftheir life part. Othentheyfliill lie upon their
lafl: beds like Wt Id Bids in a net ^ full of the furj of the
Deu,i8. d7. I^ o R D ; And in the morning thej jhJi fay^woM
God it were even , and at even thejjl)a.llfaji would
God it were mornings for the feare of their heart
nvherewith thej jh all feare, and for the fight of their
ejesy which they fjdll fee. Then ( though too late )
will they lamentably cry out and complaine:
What hath f ride profited m ? Or what good hath r:ches
rvith our vaunting brotight us ? t^Uthof things are
faffed arvay like afiadowj and as a Fofle that hafieth
by . ^nd as a [hip thatpafth over the waves of the
water, and when it is gone by , the trace thereof cannot
ht found : neither the ^a^h-w ay of the keele irt the^
fpdves . Or as when a bird hath flow ne thorow the air e,
there is no token of her way to befo^md, but the light
Aire being beaten with the froke of her wings andpar^
ted with the violent nelfe, and motion of them, ispajfed
thorow, and therein afterwards noftgnt where fhc went
u to hcefdimd. Or Uke as whm marrow Is jlwtat a
marke, itpdrteth the aire, rvhtch tTWnediattly commeth
together dgdne 3 fo that a. mm cannot know where it
weni thorotv : E'yenfo we tn Uke manner ajfoorte as wee
were borne Mg^^ to draw to our end^andhadm jigne of
vert tie to (Jjew : but we cort fumed in our owne wicked,
neffe. For the ho^e of the ungodly u like dufi, that is
klewneawaj With the windy like a thin froth that u
driven away with the (lor me: like as the f?make which
iS differ fedhere an^ there with a tempejly and fafeth
Awa'j as the remembrance of 4 g»e]l that tarrieth but a
day. ]f a Minifter who labours induftiioufly all ^.%'-^\f^^
his life long, to workc upon fuch as fit under him {"I iMr^auh-
every Sabbath 5 Of which fome all the while pre- juii Minijiw.
ferreromcbafe luft before the LordJesvs:
other^will not out of their formality to the for-
wardnefTe of the Saints, do what hcc can, or prefTe
hcthcmneverfopun^uallyand upon purpofe; I
fay, if i: were pomble, that he might talke with a-
ny of them, fome two houres after they had becnc
in hell : Oh ! How fliould hce find the cafe altered
with them •: How would they then roare, becaufe
they had dif-regardedhisMiniftery:' What would
they not give to have a grant -from G o d, to try
them in hearing but one Sermon more < How
would they tcarc their haire, gnafli the teeth, and
bite their naiks, that they had not liftened more
ferioufly, and taken more feniibly to heart thofc
many heavenly inftrudions, fpirituall difcoveries,
fecret (but well underftoodj intimations, thac
their ftate to G o D-ward was ftarkc naught, by
which hee fought; with much earneftnefTe *and
C 4 zealc,
zcalcjcvcn to the wafting of his bloud and life, to
favcthc bloud of their foulest And yet for all
'Dejpi^en of ^^is you Will not be warned in time , charme the
their miHi{iers chormers ft^.ver fimfcly : Butfomeofyou fit here
iefcrtbed. before US fiom day to day, as fenflclTc of thofc
things which moft deeply and dearely concerne
the etcrnall ruine , or welfare of your precious
foulcs, as thefeates upon which you fie, the pillars
youlcane unto ; nay, the dead bodies you tread
.upon: others looking towards heaven a farre off
and profeffitig a littlcT^if before us as though they
were right and truly religious; md they heare our
Izck.jj. 51, rvordsjhitt they will not doe them: For with their mouth
J** theyjherv much love , but their heart goeth after their
covetoufieffe. Andloe^ wee are unto them y as a very
lovely fong of one that hath a plea fant voice, andean
flay well on an inftrummt : For they heare our words y
but thej do them not. They arc friends to the bet-
ter fide, may go farre, and even fuffer fometimes in
good caufes,&c. But let us once touch them in
point of commodity, about their inclofures, im-
moderate plungings into worldly affaires^ detain-
ing Church-dues , ufury , and other difhoneft
gaine , and bafe niggardifc ; If out of griefe of
heart for their fliaming Religion , expofing the
Gofpellof J isvsChrist toblafphemy,and
hardening others againft Profeffion, wee meddle
with their fafhions, their pride , their worldly-
mindednefle, and conforming to the world almoft
in every thing, favc oncly fomc religious formes;
Ifwecprefiethem more particularly upon danger
of damnaiion to more holy ftri(ancirc, prccifeneffe
and zeale, knowing too well, by long obfeivation
and acquaintance, that they never yet pafTed the
peifedions of formall ProfefTours , and fbolifh
Virgins : Alas / Wee then find by too much wo- ^ormaii Pro-
full experience; ifchcy politicJcly bite it not in, ^^^'"^^'
that this faithfuU deahng doth marvcloufly dif-
content them, and thefe frcciotts Balmes do breakc
their heads with a witneffe , and make the bloud
runne about theireares ; whereupon they arc wont
to fall upon usmorefoule, ( fuehtruc Pharifes are
they) than would either the drunkard or good-
fellow,the Publicans and harlots do in fuch cafes:
they prefently fwelling with much palTionate heat,
proud indignation, difdaineand impatiencytobe
reform'd, have recourfe to fuch wcakc and carnall
cavils, contradi(5tions^ exceptions, ex cufes,and ra-
ving ; that in nothing more doe they difcover to e-
very judicious man of G o D,or any who doth not
flatter them, or whom they doe not blinde with
therr entertaincments and bounty, or delude with
painted pretences, and art of fceming, their for-
mality, and falfc heartcdnefTc. K^ndyet, as they
are charaderiz'd, Tfi.^y,!. They feeke the Lord
dMly J and delight to know his wayes y as a nation that
did righteoufnejfe^ and forfioke not the ordnance af
their God; they aske of Htm the ordinances of
jufice : they take delight in approaching to Go ni
They may have divine Ordinances on foote in
their families, cntertaine Go d s people at their
Table s,/i/? and afflifi their fotiles upon daies of hu-
miliation, as appeares in the fore-cited Chapter
Vcrfe 3. Beare the word gladly, with Her&d-y and
with muchrefpecfl and acceptation oh[€Yve\}ci^m^^'
fengcr, &c. But they will nor ftirre an inch fur-
ther from the World, or nearer to G o d, fay what
he will, let him preach out his heart , as they fay.
They will not abate one jot of their over-eager
purfuitafterthe things of this life, or wagge one
footoLiroftheunzealous plodding courfeoffor-
mall Chriftianity 5 no, nor for the Sermons, per-
haps of twenty yearcs , and that from him who
hath all the while laboured faithfully fo farr to il-
lightenthem, as that they might not dcpait this
life with hope of heaven ; and then with the fool/ fh
Virgmsjhll ( utterlyagainft all expe<5^ation, both
ofthemfelves and othersj into the bottom IcfTe pit
of hell. O qttkmmulti eumhac ffend ^nrncs labores,
dx bdUdtfcendunt [ How many (faith one) goe to
hell with a vaine hope of heaven ; whofe chiefcft
caufe of damnation is their falle perfwafion, and
groundlefTeprefumptionoffalvation ! Well, be it
cithertheone,orthe other-, the befotted fenfua-
lift, orfelfe-deludingformalift, could wee fpeakc
with them upon their beds of death (their confci-
- ences awaked) or the day after they were damned
in hell 5 wee fliould find them then, though in the
meane time they fuffer many fowre apprthcnfi-
ons to arife in their hearts againft US;, in a much al-
tered tune and temper. Then would they with
much amazedncffe and terrible fearc , yell out
thofe now too late hideous complaint^ : Wee poles
count edhii lifemadne/e, (^c , wee we arte dour felves in
the way ofwickednefeanddejlrnthoni (^'C. What hath
fride profited us, ^c. Then would they curfe all
dawbers, and juftifie all downc-right dealers ; con- ^['J^^^'f^lT
tempt of whole coimrdl, would now ciit in peeces
their very heart-ftrings with reftleffe anguifli and
horrour, and mightily flrengthen the never-dying
wormc; whereby the enraged foule will thruft
itsownchands>asit were into its owne bowells,
and teare open the very foiintaine of life and fenfe
to feed upon it felfe. For, the worme of confci- irhat is the
cnce (fay Divines) is onely a continuall remoife ^j'^^ojcon^
and furious reflexion of the foule upon its owne ^'^'^'^^'
wilfull folly;and thereby the wofull mifery it hath
brought upon it fclfe.
2. This may ferve fo ftirre up all the fonnes The benefit »/
and daughters of wifdomc to hoard up with all ho- ^^^^y^"^ '''^'
lygreedinefTeJnftead of earthly pelfe, tranfitory
toyes and fliining clay, the rich and lafting trea-
fures of divine wealth and immortall graces. For,
thefe heavenly jewels purchafed with'C h r i s t s
bloud, and planted in the heart by the omnipcrcnc
hand of the Holy Ghost, will (iuno comforta-
bly upon our foulcs with beames of bleflfednefle
and peace? ?.n:iid all the miferies and confufions,
the darlcnelTe and moft defperate dangers of this
prefent life ; nay, in the very va//ey offfjc Jlhtdow of
^(C'.W/, their fplendour and fpirituali glory will not
onely diffolve, and difpell all mifts of horrour
which can poiTibly arifefrom theapprehenfionof
hell, the grave, thofc laft dreadfull par^s, or any
other terrible thing; but alfo illighten, conduct and
carie us triumphantly thorow the abhorred con-
fines of the King of fe Are upon the wings of )oy,
aad in the armes of Angels, to umffroachdle light,
unknowne plcafurcs, and cndlefTe blifle. It may
^^^°aj '* ^'^ ^^^' ^^ y^^ ' ^^^^ ftandeft upright without any
*^^' ' ' changes , unftir'd in thy ftate by any adverfc
ftorme/uppofing thy mountaine ^ojhong,t\\dz thou
flidt never bee moved. Thus long perhaps the
Almighty hdth beene voith thee : His cmdle hath
finned upon thy he<ui, and His patient providence
reftcd with all favour and fuccciTe upon thy Taber-
nacle-j fothat hitherto thou had: fceneno daycs of
forrow -J but even wafliedthj fleps with buttery and
the rccke hath forvred thee out rivers ofoyle j^c. Yet
forallthis, the day may come, before thou die,
that thou mayeft be ftript of all, and become as
pooreas/^^, as they fay, by fire, robbery, fureti-
fliip, fliip-wracke, thcdeftroyingfwordjdefolati-
D" lion m ^"^ of war, or by the hand of G o d in fome other
mentum^ ever- kind ; Even, A day, an honre, a moment ( faith one )
tendis domi- is enough to over-turn' the things thatfeemed to ha r- c_j
fiat°q''x ^adi^ ^^^^^Joundedand rcotedin adamant : Labour there-
maminis ere- fore induftrioufly before-hand fo to furnifh and
abu^"cff'-T'^'' ^<^rfi^^^hine heart with patience, nobleneffe of
Lix, ^cafaub.' fpint, Chriftian fortitude*, the mightineffe of lobs
faith, C^^. 15. 15. And his man fold integrities,
Cap,^i. That iffuch an eviil day fliould come up-
on thee ( and who can looke for exemption when
he lookes uponlobs affliction ) thou maift with an
unrepining fubmifllon to Gods good provi-
dence and pleafure, take up his fweeteft refolution
Jub. 1. 1 1. and repofe : Naked came lot^t oftny mothers rvombc,
and naked fh all I returne thither : the Lo -r t> gave,
and the Lord hath taken away, blejfed bee the name
9fthe Lord. Though, as yet, by a miracle of
B E f ORE ' DE A T H. ^
rareft mercy, calmenefTe and fcrenity reft upon the
firmament of our ftate 5 yet who knowcs how
foone, efpccially, fith many of Go d s dearelt
fervants beyond the feas have lyen fo long m
teares and blond, fome difmaU cloud and tempe-
ftuousftormemayaiifeoutofthe hellifh foggs of
our many hainous finnes and crying abominati-
ons, and breake out upon us,andthat with greater
terrour, and farre more horribly, by leafon of the
unexpedednelTeandour prefent defperate fecuri-
ty : Though the Sun of the Gofpell, and glory of a
matchlefft Miniftry fhineyet full faire among us
in the Meridian of our peace and profperous daies,
yet little know wee, how foone and fuddenly it
may decline and fct in a fea of confufion, calamity
and woe: And therefore hoard up greedily in the
meane time, and while the Sun ihines,arich trca-
fury of faving knowledge, grace and good life;
thatifneedrequire,thoumayftthen refolutely re-
ply with bleffed Paul againft all contradidions and
temptations to the contrary : / am ready not to h:e Aflsai.ij.
hound onelj, hut alfo to £e for the name of the Lord
J E s V s : Though at this prefent thou doeft per-
haps with much fweet contentment enjoy thy
God comfortably, and His pleafed fice ; many
heavenly dewes of fpirituali }oy, glorious re-
frefhings, and aboundance of fpirituali delights fall
upon thy foule from the Throne of mercy every
time thou con^meft neare Him ; Thou canft fay
unto thy Deareft out of thy prefent feeling, / am can.6.ij.
my Beloveds y and mj Bdoved is mine, and in fonK
good mcafurc kccpc a part with the Saints of old,
in fuch vicfkorious and triumphant Songs as thefe :
lob. 1^ 2j,»4, Q^ f^^f ^y words were now written, ohthdt they were
frinted in a booke ! That they were graven mth an
iron^enAndleadtn the rock for ever. For, I know
pril.46. »,>, that my Redeemer liveth, (^c. Wee will net fearer
though the earth be removed : and though the moun^
tMnes bee carriedinto the middefl of the fea : though
the waters thereof roare^ and be troubled, though the
mountaines Ihake with the f veiling thereof Selah. /.
1.0m. s 3 8 . amferfwadedthat neither death nor Ufe^ nor K^ngels ,
nor frncifalitiej nor powers, cjrc^ Yet for all this
that oncly wife God of thine may hereafter for
fome caufe feeming good to Himfelfe, and for thy
good, with-draw from thee the light of His coun-
tenance, and fenfeof His love, and leave thee for a
time to the darken effe of thine one fpirit, and Sa-
Meanei for fif tans foreft temptations, &c. Ply therefore in this
teufer^"'^ ^* profpcrity of thy foule all bleffed meanes s the Mi-
'"■'^ * niftry, Sacraments, Prayer, Conference, Medita-.
tions, humiliation-day es, holineffc of Hfe, cleare-
nefle of confcience^ watching over thy heart,
walking with God, fan6lified ufc of affiidions,
experimental! obfervation of Gods dealings
with thee from time to time, workes of juftice,
mercy and truth, &c. Thereby fo to quicken,
fordfie and fteele thy faith, that in the bittereft ex-
^ tremity ofthy fpirituall diftreffe, thou maift bee a-
blc to fay with lob, Though He flay me, yet will I truji
in Him, lob, 1 3 . 1 5 • A thoufand croffes moe, cala-
mities, and troubles may over-take thee before
thou takcft thy leave of this vale of teares : It wiH
bee thy wifdomc therefore now in this calme to
provide for a ft orme j trcafurc up out of G o d s
Booke many mollifying medicines and fove-
raigne antidotes againft all flavifli and vexing fore- gJTz)^" tw^-
thought of them in the meane time, and their bit- eth hu.
ternelTe when they fliall come upon thee. Thou Jn^b^ '^'
maiftbeairiiredjifthoubeea fonne^thy heavenly ifals.^^^&c^'
Father will ever corrcdthee 51.' Never kf ore 'ir^ 27.7*8.
there be need-: and alw ayes in 2, ^ Pf'/fdomc^. :^^^'^^^^'^\}^'
5. *^ (Jiieajure, 4. ** Lovc^ ma tendermjjc^. i.Cor. 10. ij.
5. For * a moment onely. 6. To *" try thee-^ what "*i'rov.j.i2.
droffe of corruption, and what found metall of RevT^^^9!'fra.
grace is in thee. 7. To s purge out finne. 8> To 6i.9.'Vh.ioi.
*» refine thee, and make the vercues of Christ in Ji^-'-Hof.ii.
thee more fliining and illuftrious. 9. To * ftirre A'nd^'l^j'/ii.'
up, quicken and increafe all faving graces in thy iT.Ands4.11.
foule. Of which fee my Expo/ition upon the 26. V2kuo^'< sc
Chapter of 7/i. Amongft all the reft, Faith ever lo^V.&uj.
becomes moft famous by afflivftions. Witneftc ^^^^^O'-^'-
thatcloudofwitncfrcSj^^^. ir. 10. To ^ make And/7.16. '
theeblefled. 11. To'favethec. 12. And Hee icr.j.n.Mic
" will be ever with thee in trouble. 13. He "will ^'^f' ^
deliver thee. 14. Nay, and never was Gold- pfiime. 66.10.
Smith more curious and precife to watch the very Proverb. 17.3.
firft feafon, when his gold is thorowly refined and [i^" | f ''*
fitted for ufe, that hee may take it out of the for- « id. iis.And
nace^'than ourgratious Go j> ^ waits in fuch ca- p; And 27.9.
fcs with an holy longing, that Hee may have mer- pr^uT^^ej.
cy upon thee and deliver thee. But howfoever, or '■Dan.u.jf.
whatfoeverbefals thee in this life, thou muft upon f ^^'^^^lach.
■' r 1J.9. I. Pet. I.
* Ioh.iM.Rom5,Ja4,f.ira.z6.j>. Iam.i.2,?. ''Iob.j.17. lam.x. tz.And f. rt.Pfal*
94.1a, * I. Cor. 1 1.5 1. t.Cor.4 17. •ir.i 41.10,1 1. And 4 J. 2 - Pfal.91.1j, "lob.j-
i?.i9,PfaIj4.i7,iS,ip And jo.15. Andpi.i j. *Ifa go. 18,
ncceffity ere itbe long,lic gafping/or breath upon-
thy dying bcd,an(i there graple hand to hand with
the utmoft and concurrent rage of all the poweys
^ of darkntfle, and that king of feare attended with
his terrours : and therefore let the whole courfe
Hmv to prepare of thy life be a confcionable preparative to die
aiainfi death, comfoixably : Suppofe every Day thy laft , and
thereupon fo behave thy fclfc both in thy generall
and particular calling, as though thou fhouldcft be
called to an exa(5t account at night for all things
done in the flelh, before that laft and higheft Tri-
bunall; In' all thy thoughts, words, avftionsand
undertakings in any kinci, fay thus unto thy felfe:
would I doe thus and thus, ifl cerrenly knew the
next houretobe my laft : In a word, fo live, thafi
upon good ground thou maift bring D^ids un'a
daunttdboldneftetothy bed of death : Though I
walke through the valley of the jhadow of de^hj IwiH
feare no evilL
speciau prtpa- Here, upon this fcafonable occafion, give mee
tames. leave to commend and tender unto youforae fpe-
ciall preparatives, rules, motives and meanes to
furnifti before hand, andtofortifie your fpirits a-
gainft all future evils, and terrible things that are
t. Preparative. j, Treafurcup Hchly and abundantly before
Get iatience. ^^^^ ^^^ precepts, pradicc and experimental!
rhe benefits 9 f fweetneifeofpatiencc^thatmoft ufefull and precis
ji4tience. ^^^ vertue, which may fervc (when time ferves) as
a fovcraigne antidote, to abate, and abolifti the
fting and venimeof all croJnrcs,affli(aions5 and mor-
tall naifcries j and as a comfortable cordiall to
fupport and hold up thy heait in the bicterneflc
and extremity of the foreft.
Mighty and miraculous was theworke of this iobspatieHe<.\
glorious grace in blelTed loL By its heavenly -'.nd
invincible influence upon his humble foule, it did
not onely utterly extinguifh (which was a very ad-
mirable and extraordinary thing ) all that defpe-
rate anguifli and flaviih gricfe, which fuch variety
and extremity of greateft miferies, that ever be-
fell any mortal I man, would have naturally bred
in the hopelefTc hearts of impatient worldlings 5 * Quanta ad-
leall of which is many times enough to drive verfus eum ja-
them to dcfpaii-e and fclfe-deftrudion ; but alfo ^"^^ ""'^^^ •
* enabled him with the fweeteft calmnefTe of a Si'tT wrmen-
wcll-compofed and unfhaken fpirit, even to blefTe ta? jaaura re*
the L o R D his God for taking from him thefe fl'^jf ^''numer
tranfitory things, of which he was the true Pro- rone"'^foboii/
prietary, and which in much undeferved mercy orbitis irroga-
He had lent unto him fo long. The Lord gave, cenfJi^Domi!
C faid he ) and the Lord hdih taken arvay ykle^fed be nusj & in hbe-
the nam of the Lord. "^ ^^'" *^'"-
■^ or: Ncc Do-
minus repent^, ncc Pater eft. Accedit vulncru n va'ftitas,& tabefcentes,ac defluenies
artus rermium vjuoq^ edaxpctna con/uniit,ci;*c. Nectamen /o& giavibus & denfis
conflidatiombus frangitur,quo mTnus inter illasanguftias & preffurasfuas Dei bene-
diftio viiflricc patientia prsEdicetur. Cyprian. ie bono Pa kntU,
Nihil in Dotno remanferat, omnii in uno idii peiieruntj quibns opulentus pauIo
ante videbatur, Subito mendicus in ftcrcore fedet, a capite ufqj ad pedes vermibus
fcatens. Quid ifti miferia miferius? Quid intcrioiefoelicitatcfcelicius ? Perdideiat
omnia illaqux dcdcrat DBVs/ed habcbat Ipfum qui omnia dedcrat DEVM*»-»Ccr-
tc pauper eft, certc nihil habet. Si nihil rcmanfit,de quo thefamo iftar gemmae laudis
Dei profcruntur? — O virum piitrem, & integrumj O ^oedum & pulchium; O vulnc-
ratnm & fanumjO in ftercore f. dentem3& in coelo rcgnantcml j4ug.de TeTap.Ser.io<} .
With what infinite, implacable indignation, 2)*'^''*/^
aild bloudy rage would ^/'^»^Af railing have rent
D in
Elies patience.
in peeces the heart of many a gracelcffe King! And
yet Davf^ by the helpe of this holy vertue, pafTcd
on along patiently without woundjOrpalTion.
That heavy newes which was fo horrible, that
it made both theeares of every one that heard it,
tingle, brought by Samuel to £// immediately
from Gods ownc mouth, might have made
many an carth-worme to have run mad with the
very fore-thought of fo much mifery to come :
But good old patient Eli ;whcn he had heard it all,
fweetly ejaculates : It u the Lo kd: Let htm doc
i.Sam.3.18. vphatfeemeth him good.
The taking away of two fonncs at once by a
fudden and violent death, with vifible venge-
ance from heaven, and in the middeft of amoft
horrible finne, is naturally matter of forrow
which cannot be expreft, and extreme/!: griefc :
yet KyiAYon in fuch a cafe having learned confor-
mity of his ownc will to the divine pleafure of the
oncly wife Go d ; when il/^y^-^ told him that the
Lord VDOuld he fantfifed in them that come nigh
Bimy and before all the people He vpould hee glorifed -^
He held his peace : K^nd Aaron held his feace. So
quieting his heart becaufe God would have it
fo. See further for this purpofe, 2.Sam,^.i'^yi6,
By thefc few precedents you may eafily per-
ceive what fingular and foveraigne power patience
hath to pull the fting, and extrad the poyfon
out of the moft grievous calamities and grcatcft
But now on the contrary : Impatiency andun-
Lcvit, 10.3.
pleafednefTe with Gods providence in fending *j^lll'^^l\i
both good and nil, ( yet evcrinlove,andforour "^^ropomon^St
good 5 For ^ what foane ish:-, whom the Father cha- ^uji expeff as
fiemhmt? ) doth more affii(ft us than all oar affli- ^/f^f^l^
dions. Theftormcof Go d s wrath breakes out god. what?
fometimes upon the outward ftate of fome greedy (^^j^^ iob)axil\
fretting mammonift, andhejuftly fmiteshimfor go'u^d aT^t'hc
his wicked covetoufneflfe and diOioneft gainc, per- iiand of Go o,
haps in the height andhotgleame ofhisprofperi- ^"^ ^ccdyH*
ty andthriving, by fome fudden vifible confump- vili^cap.i. 10.
tion, or fecret wafting curfe : He ( as fuchcove- ''.^^^s* ^'^^'c
tous wretches are wont ) takes on extremely, farrc nuiuT,"ut pi"-
beyond the rage of the maddeft bedlam. Hee vis mtmiatio-
ftainpesand ftares ( as they fay ) roaresand raves, "^|^'" ^°<^ ^^'
gnafheth his teeth, teare; his haire, bites his nailes, q'jia g dT r s
almoft like a damned foulc,that hath new loft hca- fligeiht om.
ven ; untill at length the DivcU lead him to lay ^;^^ ^f^;^^
violent hands upon himfelfe. Now, are notthefe (ins dubio que
felfe-vcxing tortures farre more terrible than the "^" fl^gdiat,
taking away of histranfitories c' Is not the cutting ^^^ deTemp
of hisownc throat incomparably worfe than the senn.io^.
croffe i A bird that is intangkd amon^ft lime- * '^''}> '"'^'S"
o D u.irisr Querela
twigs, the more fhe ftirres and ftruggles, the more & indignauo
ihe is made furc, and doubles her danger : A ^re- n»iai>udquam
pining reludation, and angry ftriving ( as it were ) fu^t^^^niMl*
to get out of Go D s hands, doth everenvcnime mm tamexaf-
and exafperate the wound, and m akes us t en times P^";^^ fervorem
worfe, and more mift?rable, than if we fairely and fercndlimpati-
entia. Omnis
indignatfo in tormentum fnHm proficit. Sie InqucoS fcra dum jadat, aftiitvgit ; fie
aves vifcnm, dam trepidantts excutiimt, plumis omnibus illmunt: nullum tarn arftum
eft jugum,quod non minus laidit ducentem, qu.\m rcpugnantem. Uniim eft Icvamen.
tuna jnalomm ingentium etiam pati, & neceflicatibus fuis obfequi. Quid igitur mar-
bo corporis, animi morbum addcre ju/at, teqj mifeiiorem faccre muimurandoj&c,
D 2 patiently
patiently fubmitted to his omnipotent and moft
merciful! will. Neither doth want of patience only
iir.patiency em- mightily enrage a crofTc, but italfo embitters aU
titnn aHcom- our Comforts. Thcbarcomifldonofa meerecom-
fmf, plcment in Mordecai did not only fill Hamms proud
heart with many raging diftempers of hatred, ma-
liccrevenge, foolifli indignation and much furious
difcontenrment; but alfo turned all the pleafurc,
and kindly relifh in his counly pleafures, riches,
honours, offices, extraordinary advancements and
royallfavours, into gall and worme-wood, ^nd
Heflcr. ?. 1 1. Haman told them of the glory of his riches jandthe muL
*' ' ^' titude of his children y and all th things wherein thc:^
King had promoted him^and how he had advanced him
' above the Prin ces andfcrvants oft he King, Haman faid
moreover^yeaEjlher the ^ueenedtdlet no mm come in
With the King unto the Banquet that fJ?e had prepared,
but m) felfe, and to morrow am J invited unto her alfo
with the King, Tet all this availeth me nothingyfo long
as I fee (J\^lcrdecai the lew fitting at the Kings gatz^ .
Whereas novj Davidy a King, as I told you before,
by the benefit of this blefTed grace, did not fuifer
his Princely fpirit to be un- calmed at all, no nor by
the traiterous and moft inrollerable reviling of a
dead dog, and his bafeft vaffall.
^Preparation. 2. Keepe offchy heart from the world, in the
wlX. "^^^ greatet affluence ofwealth and worldly profperi-
Mifchiefes of ty. Earthly-mindedneflfc ever fharpentth and
*!2i*''*' keenes thefting inail diftreflfes. It gives teeth to
the crofTc to eat Ou^t the very heart of the affli<5led.
Had not Job beene able to have profefTed, that in
the height of his happinefTe he was thus affeded :
jflhave made ge^ldmy hope, or have [did to the fine I^.ii.a4.
goldy Thou art my confdence : iflrejoyced kcaufemy
wealth fvof great, and kcaufe wy hand had gotten
fMtch : [_Herc "fky Divines, fomcthing is under- •Hicfubaudi©.
ftood,as^/?'^^4W,£henl€tnieperi{h, orthclike] dy"^P^-^*"i*°v
//b / heheldthe Sun when ttjhfncd, or the Moone rvalk- ^^^^g^jn he
ing in hrtghtneffe : ^nd my heart hath hcenefecretly ^ lob.j i .i<s.
enttced, or my mouth hath ktp^ my hand : -^^-Thcn [^^'^TxpofuT-
pjould / have dented the God that ts ahovt. If 1 rant, quafi lo-
grew proud, puft up, or p leafed my felfe with the ^"^ P'^i?^"*^-
^••/i . 1-1 .^ r 111 1 1 '^'Jr, fc Solem
ghftermg brighrneae of my earthly abundance, let & i^^^^^^ ^^^
it be {o and fo with me: I fay, except M^ heart adora{rc:quia
had beenc thus « weaned fi-om the world, when as '^XiJ yaSe
yet he wallowed in wealth 5 hee had never becne uiicata erat ,
ableto hold out in thecvill day^and tohavc borne prsrertim in
ib bravely theruinc offorich aftate without re- ferdfenfusv?-
pining. But now churliih Nabai, whofc affe<5tions rus quidem cd,
were notorioufly nail'd to the earth; though per- ^^^^^fnenioco
haps once or twice ayeare he made a joviall and convenit:/.?^!
frolicke feaft, as other cunning worldlings are hk voiuit niii
wont to their good-fellow companions, upon pur- ['{'"& "^"jcm
pofe to procure and preferve a Pharifaicall reputa- juxta fcrmo-
tlon of bounty with fome flittering dependants, "^""^ i"^'"
and for acloaketo colour their covctoufncffe and {f^™ ^o "q'^S
profcflus cii/c
nulla fuperbia & arrogantia liBoralTc, &c. Calvin in loc. *Si laetarus fum. in-
tuit, mulcts mih» affluentibos undiqj divitijS, Ij recond:di nurum in puivercm, fi
fpem in pretiofis lapidtbus habui, Hxc ille. Propteie.i nee quum ercpta quidena
omnia fubitb eflcnt, turbatus eft ; quippe qui p sfentibus non deleftantur, &c,
— -Qtjas omnfs ob res mecumipffi plerurrK^; admiaiifoleo, quare in montem Dia-
bcilo vcfiic, cxercitationcs iftiBS iion ignorantu tot tantofq, advcifusipCumcpgitafle
JaboKs. Cor igitur ilii vcnjt in fT^wntcm-? TiuciiLentfluna xieiite beftia nunqitao*
Tolct defperarc nftoriamj qaod ad r ondemnationetn noftram fpe^at : nam illc nun-
quam, utdixi, noftram «lefperat ptrdicionem : nos defalnte noftra fxj^^iiis defpcra-
»u$. ChyfHam.iJ^inMai.
D 3 cruelty
cmelty 5 yet he ivas of a flinty bosome in fefpe(S^
of doggcdneffe and extreme niggardife, tfpecially
towards Gods people, and his hean by excefllvc
< looting there, was turned wholly into earth ; and
therefore in the evill day, ft diedwUhn him, and he
mTl^l ^^^^i hecame as ajlone. To keepe off the world in a fit
may eiicptof. ^-^j^j^^^^ that it do thec no deadly hnrt, and un-
M tUngs he- doc thee quitc^ keepe ftill frefh and ftrong in thy
lowarevaniiy, thoughts a tine eftimate and right conceiptofthc
rcs^ifm Ji"? ^ mutability of all things here below, and thine
Cinis, puivisj owne mortahty. In their beft condition and high-
fumus,iimbr3, eft conflutnce, they are but i^Vmity : Wefhall
flos/omnkim,' ^^"^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^Y folidity 5 or that good -or
fabuia,ventus*, coHifort which we ftill with much eager purfuit
hilTml T' ^"^ ^^^^^ exped ard' labour in vainc to extra<a
au-rens, & fi fromthcm : butupon triallandtruft in them, they
quid iftis infc- will ever prove empty clouds, broken ftavesof
'JT^EpY'^ad *'^^^> *Applesof Sodom, Wells without water.
Heh Horn 9. And wheu.wegrafpe them moft greedily, wcem-
inquiramus, fi bracc Hotliing but fmoke, which wrings teares
Fun^Via prlT. iiop- ,iqur cycs, VX'^ .vaiufticth^into nothing.
fcntis'vitae prg- -,; •n- 7 •': • • T-fi^iTr^T hfn -n.-.or/'f ^ i' 1
clara? Divitis, gloila,p6(entj3, m?gnum exiftimari abhominibi'S ? Stdtidcbis nihil
illis cffe inceitius.-— Et ficut videii ncju t in roti, quae ccntiriiovcfptuv, aliqua
pars ejus, eo qwcd crebra ciicumferentia, fempcr fumma fiunt ima, & ima fumma : ita
& noftiaruni icium impetusdum continue vcituntiir fumma facit iifima ,Kt vidcrc
licet in divitijs, potentijs,& alijs. Nnnquam enim in eodcm ftatu manentjftd ftjtiper
inftabilcSjHuminum fluxusimitantur. JdemHcm.de Nomine Jbram.
• PomaGomorrhxapulchraquidcmfimt, fed cum franguntur, inyagum pulvercm
>* things be- ^, Vexation of fpirit. Bcfidestheemptineflfcand
BtkHtJ-^iriT abfcncc of that imaginary felicity which we hunt
after in them 5 there is alfo the preferce and plen-
ty of much mifcry and hearts griefe, which the
fliwes of pleafure, atid lovers of the world little
lookc for, wheel they at firft refolve to fell their t Anacreon
foulesforfuchtranfitorytraOi. Divmasinvmijil? f^'^^^^^'f^';
( faith one ) Reqiuem perdldtfli. Had thou found nnus,ciim per
riches ^ Thiu haft loft thy reft. A man that will dms nofte.
be rich, takes no more reft, thanoneuponaracke, PJ°Set;red-
orbedofthornes; like ^ o//?*«<^''^^» vvith his five didit ea, inqui-
Talents, ftili diftraa:ed with worldly thoughts, cns;nontanti
1 . II -1 -1 J r „ efle quanta ip-
and concinually prickt with cares and teares. foiu.m nomine
3. They cannot fadsfie the foule. Gold can no cura (aborarct.
more fill the fpiritof aman, than grace his purfe. ^fi'^^s^'l^^
Betweene heaven and earth, fpirits and bodies, camet fimft
foules and filver, there is no proportion. And tUfouie.
therefore no earthly excellencies, nocarnall plea-
fures, no worldly treafures are fit matter, or a full
objed^, for fuch an immateriall, immortall and
heavenly borne-being to feed upon with any pro-
per delight, true comfort, or found contentment.
Not all this great materiall world, or greateft
mafle of gold canpolTibly fill the mighty capacity
and immeafarable appetite of this little fparkeof
heaven breathed into us by the infinite power of an
Almighty hand. A man may as well fill a bag
with wiiedome, as the foule with the world ;
a cheft with vertues, as the mind with wealth.
4. They cannot helpe in the evill day. Tkir Mor hsipe w.
Moud ( faith the Prophet ) (hall ke poivred 014^ as the evill day.
dttfl^ and their flelh as thz dmg : neither their ^=P'^'^'»7,i^
filver nor their gold fh^tH hee able to deliver them
in the daj of the Lords vorath. Put a man
into a pang of any painefull maladie, and bo-
dily toiture i as into a fit of the Stone, Strangury,
D 4 8 dcepc
8 Mo torture of 6 dccpc Mclarichoty, Gout, ChoHcke, or the like:
boJy like unto It Jet fomc incurablc devouring Ulcer, Canker, Ele-
Z/ttTilu. phanti3fis,the Wolfe^the ^ pltca, &c. take hold up-
1 iri BulSyalfeare-^^^fiefs fi/Jpicianii, difcotitetits are fwaUo^ved up (3*ilroTci>ned tnthWBmi-
p.is,r^/i Irijb iea^ibii Oeenvt ^^mifery^MJo a^apyfninH hroof{S.Thu u theiiuintejieceofhu--
mam Uiherfnj/- all other difeafesrvhatfoe'vcr are hiitfiea bningsto Melanehoy in extent,
Ty the pith a] them all. ^ndamelanch9l)/ min h that true i^to<ni:tUQi\sivbiihulfou/idto
C^azh:'Cus,thctrtie Thius^rthefeboisDel! arejiilby a l^ulter devoured^as Poets feigner and
fo doth Linus Gir ildiis interpret it ,tf anxietifs ,an.LthofegrJpi»g cares In all other jnata-
diesrvhatfoe.er ive'eel^far h^lp: If die/ or an arm d^c /' rouih any d^/Ieperntureor ttou U
or that we b.^^e atty ordinary difea/eydbaiie all things xvhatfoever ^ree defire help ^health
aprefcnt recovery, if by aty meanespojftb'y it may be procured. IVe will freely fart rviih all
our other fuh fiance, endure any mifery^drinli bitter potions, ; wallow tho,e di/iafljuil pills ^
[uffer ourjoynts to be feared^ to he cut off-, any thing for future health ; fofiveet,/o deare,fo
precioM above all other things in the tvorldU lije:hut to a melamhtlicfi man^nothingfo tedi-
o:ii'-,nothtng ft odtouA; that which tkeyfo carefully fee 1^ topreferve^be abhors M alom.fj int$»
lerable are Jba politer: Barton ©f Melan.pag. 27 4. ^^ mofi loatbfome and horrible .Hfeufe in
the haire Unheard of in former times ,ai lVlorbiisGalIicus,cr Sudor An^hcuSibred by m9'
dern luxury '^exceft.:it feiicthJpcgaUy upon wonteniandby reafon of a vi/coas venimoiu
lu.nauryglues together (as it were) the haire oj the headwith a prodigiouii ugly iafpHcation
and intan'ilement:(<)Metim€S tailing rhe forme ofagreat fhal^ej/bmetimes of many lijtlefer-
fents:fuU ofnafiineJfe,vv'mi: taid noyfhmefmell: ^nd that which it mofi to be a^imiredy
ar.dnexer eyifaw before ^pricked wifh aneedle, they yeeldbloudy drops. And at the ^r^
^reading oj thit dre 'dfuU difeafe in Foland^all that cut off this horrible and fi^aliie-b^irt,
lofi their eyes, or the humor falling dctwnnpon other parts ofthebody,tortttr'dtbemextre)ne-
ly. Heare my Author, that learned aadJamoM Profeffour of Phyficl^ in I'A^ur, Hcrcnlct
Sixoniiinhit ownwords'. Plic3,cttagjkitinatio,veljnvilcatio4u«(iam piloium ex hu-
mido, vilcido, lento .ic glutinsfo Nuncpiimuin per uiiivcrram fere Poloni^ragraira-
ti:r ; imo veto per qnafdartj Gcimanix partes divagatiir.— Msxhriam pai?cm foerni..
nas invadit Eos eciamqui p&rriginem capitis^quam Tulgus tineam vocat, medicamcn-
tis repercutientiisus rep reflaant ; Prjecerca foeminas, quae menfttuis tern pori bus non
fatis purgantur.- — Quisnon novum, mirabilc, & horridum putet cipillos ex propria
natura phnos, demiffbs ac fimplices, momento tcmporjsfpontefuafubcceloadro-
dum frigidoincrifpari, pauIo poll ehgi, involvi, atq;indi{rolubilitcrcon)nngi, varias
fccipere figuras, qnandoq; maximicujufdamanguis, aliquandopluruim & minoruin
fcrpentum, undiq; vermcSj fpurcitiem foetorcmq; redolcre : QuoJq; omniumraiaxi-
mumeft, & .ifeculoinauditum, acu pcrpuiKftot.vcl transfixes fanguincm cftundere.
— Expertumcft, qui talcs fafciculos impUc.Korum pcratflc inter fe crmiumderaferinr,,
cos oculis capi, aut defluxibus ad alias partes corporis graviffimc torqueri. /t began
firfi not manyyeares 4go in Poland. It is now entredinto many parts of Germany, ^nd
methinlis, eur r/ionflroiu Fafljioni/ls, both rnale andfemale i the one '.or nourifbifg their
horrid bufhes of vanity ; the other for their mofi unnaturalland cur fed cutting their haire,
fbould every home feare and tremble flefi tley fhwldbrin^ it upon their ew-ne heads^ and
Armngfi us in this Kjn^dome. On
on any part of his Body ; and let him tell m,ethen,
what accouBt he would make of all thelmperiali
Crowncs upon earth, attended with the height
and utmoft of humane felicities :' Or wha* com-
fort could he take in the riches, glory and plea-
fures of the whole world < Or whateafe andre-
frefhing can large poflTcfirnns, fumptuous build-
ings,pleafanr walkes, princely favours^dainty fare,
choifcft delights, or any thing under the S un, af-
ford in fuch a cafe <: The very pricke of a needle,
or painc of a tooth for the time, will take away the
tafte ofall carn:ll contentments, and pleafurc of
the worlds Monarchy. If the Lord fhould let
loofe the cord of thy confcience, and fct His juft
anddefcrved wrath a worke to enkindle flames of
horrour in thy heart, what helpe couldeft thou
have in heapes of gold, or hoards of wealth < Re-
Hiembcr Sfira» They would be fo farre from
healing the wound, or allaying the fmarr, that
they would yet more horribly affiid thy already
enraged fpirit, and turnc them even into fiery
Scorpions for thy further torment. Let thylaft
ficknelTe feize upon thee^ and then fay ( forthe
houre of death, as they fay, is the houre of truth )
whether all the gold and goods in the world can
any more deliver thee from the Arrefl: of that in-
exorable Serjeant, than can an handfull of duft •:
Nay, whether then the extremity of thy fpirituall
sffiidlion, and anguifli of foule, will not be an-
fwerable to the former cxcefle of thine inordi-
nate affcdion to earthly things, and delights
of icnfe,i Or fuppcfcthou fliouldeft befurprifed
^ by that laft and great dav,whicli the Lo r d in mer-
cy hafl:en;tiow vile thou then refcue thy free-hold,
when the whole Frame oFche world is on fire *?
Thingi hu^ ^^ ^}^ cannot pofllbly lead us beyond this
ttirnity. lite, or exceud to eternity. If we lee a iervant rol-
low two gentlemen, we know not whofe man he
isjbut their parting will difcover to whether he be-
longs; When death fliall fever the owner from the
world, then will riches and rcvenevves, orEces and
honours,ftately buildings,andall outward bravery
cleave to the world, and leave him to the world to
come as poore a vvorme and wretch, as when he
firft came into this worldrand therefore they are all
the worlds Heire-loomes,and none of his : Even as
Abfeloms mule went away, when his head was faft
in the great Oake,and fo left him h mging between
heaven &earth,as awofullfpedacleof mifery and
fhame to all beholders: So will all their wealth
and worldly felicities deale with their moft gree-
dy ingrofTers, and deareft minions upon their dy-
Proy.23.5-. ingbeds. Thejwillthenmoficertenly{2i^Sdom9n
faith) wake thetnfelves wings, and flie away as an Bo-
gle toward heaven : And leave their now forlornc
former favourites to the fury of a guilty confci-
I«r.t.ij. cncefor their Ci\rCc(\ for fikm^ the Fount iune of li-
ving waters y all their life long, and hewing them out
fuch cifiemesybroken cifiernes that could hold no water -^
norhelp indieevill day. Weall ftand atthe doorc
of eternity jif death but once open it naturally or vi-
olently, or by any of his thoufand thoufand waies,
we are prefently ftript of all, and immediately en-
ter upon it, either that of cvcrlaftingplcafurcs, or
theotherofcverlaftinepaines.Andthcrfoieitwill f<»'«f'^'e»'#r/J
be our wildome in tilt I ncr.n time to value worldly ^^rice.
vanities at no more than their c\vn pricey and indu-
ftrioufly to ply all meanes which may enrich us
with heavenly treafures of that divine ftampeand
lafting tc mper, which may attend us rhorow all e-
tcrnity . And as all thefe things here below are thus ^••**''» ^fonaiitjf
mutable and fugitive, fo thy felfeart mortalland
fraile. A creature as it were but of one daies lading, j j^^ ^^ ^^^
like that • Flower and Bird which (as naturalifts re- meiocaiii's,cu!
porr)receivethcir being and birth in the mornings jus vua & pui.
but wither and die at night. Thy abode upon earth '^.^scd &X
is like a vanifliing^vifion of the night, a flying luais ad H.p-
drcame, thevery dreameofafliadowj&c. This pan™fluvium
•^ •' clt,ncnicrovi-
os difta, quae B on ultra diem vivitj fed czdcm cmnino luce, qua Uicem inchoat,
finit, moncntiqjSoli comrHoritur : codem d.e, pucu, juvcnis, fenisatatem expciia
mane nafcitur, mciidie & viget, vcfpcri coBfcncfcic & moritur. Animalculohuic
/iniillimaeft huniana vua. Ad fluviiim ilia eft f-cipcti.6 fliientis tcmpciis, fed &
voiucris dt magis quam avisulla, ycl lagitta,& l^pc omnisfuz pompse dicmuni»
cum', terminum habttj fKpchoram, fsepc paulopiodudiius momemum. Quid evg6
annos medjtnmur & faecula, fjepc' bicvicris Xvi ciusm flcrcs ant floium uirbiaj aut
fi quid umbra v^niuSj bievius. e/£rcrnif.Prodr€.Pag-\o. ^ Optimc lobm : Et qui
eum, inquit, vidcrantj diccnt ubi eft ? Vclut fomniiiin avolans non invcnieturj
(^fomniarc mamfiimum, vobrc ctlenimvim) tranfjct {icut vifio codurna. Vita quid
eft ? FloscftjfuniVJStftjUnibn cf,& umbra: iimbia,Bulla, ruIvis,Spuma,Ros,Stil-
lajGlacics tft .- Jiidis arcus dcficicns ccreus, furculus pertu!us/u:onola domus,cinis do*
lofuSj dies vernuSj Aprilis cor.ftant filmiss, unicus tcfiiidinis tinnitus eft ; Hydriafra-
6^a,fontisiotaj ijraneraum tela, maris omtula^vihs ft puin, folftitialis herb2,brevi$fa-
billajvcliicus, fcmtilla^triftis nebula, vcfica vento plcnajtutulansad folem columbula:
YJia, vitrnm lencrriinum, folium Icvrfi mum, filum fiibtilifllmum, pomum auicum
eft, (ed intus putridum, &.'c. Si njhil eft i-mbra, die quid umbrje fomnium ? Sex-
ccnta milk talia de tita humsna rc6fc pronunci.irtur. Mibi omnium. rcftifTmevi-
denturdixiflc, qurvitam \ocznt Somniumtimbrxlre'vijfmiim. C ompendior«nd>
caaius ; vita tft
. . r . Scmnuf-BuHa^ f^itrumyGlacief,Fl'js,Fahvla,F($f}um,
Vitaprasfcns figura «.ft & dectpiio, ficaf' mnijs ml u i.iffert ; Ergo mens ca eftpueri-
lis, quae ad umbra* fpc^at, defomnijS fupcibit, &iebus fliixis alhgatur. Chryf.in
. fwift tide of mans life, after it once turncth and de-
clineth, ever runneth with a perpctuallebbc and
falling ftreame, but never floweth againe : Our
leafe once fallen/pringcth no more 5 neither doth
the Sun or the Summer beautifie us againe with
the garments of new leaves and flowers, or ever
after revive or renew us with frefhneile of youth,
and former ftrength. Not onely ^rf/<?«?w (Ecclef,
I, ) makes us in this refpedmore miferable than
the Sun and other foule-lefTe creatures 5 but even
the Poet alfo by the light of natural I reafon
(whom I urge onely to make Chnftians, mindlciTc
of their owne mortality, afliamcd, who have
thoughts of heaven and eanh, as though eternity
were upon earth, and time onely in heaven) tels us
CdTuitui. that. Soles occidcre ^ redtre fojfunt : Thus in
Englifli 5
The Sun maf fet and rife :
But we contrartrv'fcj
Sleepe After onejhort light ,
An everUftmg night.
Which we muft onely undcrftand of returning 3-
ny more to lifeand light in this world. Nay, in a
word, lay thy (cI^q loaden with the utmoft of all
earthly excellencies and felicities in the one fcale
of the ballance,and vanity in theother, and vanity
will weigh thee downe. Take heed therefore of
trufting to the world in the meane time,left it tor-
ture thee extremely in the time of trouble.
^.Preparative, $- Take heed of weakening in the meanc
ffreaiienmtthy ^jme , and unnccdTarily over- wearying thy
^*^' fpirit:
X. By
1. By calking forc-thotght of future evils, *^ttvghtsof
which forty to one may never fall our. Many men ^T^en'^tke
lamperfwaded, (fuch is the naturall vanity of our ^?'^'f.
minds) do morevexc themfelvcs withfearcand
fore-conceipt of imaginary evils, which never be-
fall 5 then they have juft caufe, to take on and
trouble their hearts for all Other true, reall,a(5luall
troubles, which fall upon them. Thus many
times do men torture themfclves vainly with im-
moderate feare of forreine invafion, home-bred
confufion, change of religion, the fiery triall,
burning at a ftake, diftradion of mind, furprize by
the Plague, Small Poxe, Purples, Spotted Fever,
diftrcffe and going backward in their outward
ftate, lofTe of fome child they love beft, deftrudi-
on of their goods by fire, robbery, fliip-wracke,
the frownesof greatntfle, hurt and revenge from
thofc that hate them, hardneffe of heart, failing of
their faith, fpirituall defertion, overthrow by
temptation, defpaire of G o D s mercies, fudden
death, difcomfortablc carriage in their laft fick-
neflc, the ^.t/^ of f tare himfclfci what (hall be-
come of their children, when they are gonc,&c.
By thcfc and millions mocof fuch caufelcfTe and
carking fore-imaginations, the very flower and vi-
gour of mens fpirics may be much emafculatcd,
and wafled wofully. A godly care to prevent
them by repentance and prayer ^ and a careful!
preparation by mortifying meditations, and
Chnflian magnanimity to beare them padently , if
we be pl.t unto it, is commendable ard comforta-
ble : but in the mcanetimc to unfpirit and mace-
crojfes we4^c»
tbe ^irit.
re mariage'
rate our felves with much diftruflfull mifery and
needleflfe torture about them, to our hindrance,
diftraflion ani difcomforcin any budnefTes of ci-
ther of our callings, or any wayes, unchearefuU
walking; by flivi(h pre-conceipcs to doubleand
multiply their flings, and to fuflPerthem fo often
before they feize upon us, is both un-nobleand
un-necefTary : moft unworchy the morall refolu-
tion of a meerenaturall man, and the generous fpi-
rit of an honeft Heathen; much more- the invinci-
ble fortitude of any of Christ s favourites,
and heires of heaven.
2. Selfe-creatcd crofTes, that I may fo call
them. For fo it often is, that many maried cou-
ples, governours of families (to inftance there) ha-
ving the world at will ( as they fay ) and wanting
nothing that heart can wifh from Gods hand for
outward things : and yet ( I know not how ) by
rcafon of pafliDn, covctoufneflfe, pride, waiward-
nefTe, frowardneffp, or fomething, they mutually
embitter their lives one unto another'with much
uncomfortablenelTe, difcontentment and jarring.
I would advife all fuch ( and there are many and
many fuch abroad in the world ) pundually and
impartially to examine their confciences; whe-
ther fuch fccrct fins as thefe,of which they take no
notice, may not be the caufes of it.
I. Matching, as being not mooved principally
and predominantly with poitioUiparentagcperfo-
nage, beauty, luft, riches,lands, flattery, friend-
(hip^greatneffe of family, forced perfwaiions y Pa-
rents covaous importunity, or fome bafeand ir-
religious by refpecfi and gracelefTe grounds . This
the Apoftle C3\\€ihw4rrjfrfgff9 the Lor d ; that is,
for noby-icfpc^l, but inthefcare of G o d, 1 .Cor,
J»39* Without which all matches arc milerable,
though they fliould be made up with hoards of
wealth and heapes of gold as high as hea-
ven, crowned with honours tranfccndcnt to the
ftarres. The bafeneffe^folly and iniquity ofthefe
times is not more vifible and eminent in any thing,
than in making, or rather marring of marriages.
How often may we fee by ordinary obfervationa
little golden glue to joyne faft in the deareft
bonds, pearlcs and clay < And filken fooles to ca-
rle away fufficiencies above their woithlc/re
weight in richeft jewels ^ The world is ftarke mad
in this Point. But they are rightly ferved ; noble
miferies and golden fetters are fit enough for fuch
couples. For from this bitter root of a covetous, Mifchiefes «f
carnall, ambitious, orany wayes unconfcionable ""^"^^^ "^^<^^"
choice, fprings a world ofmifery and mifchiefe^
overthrow and ruine of great houfcs, fcandalous
divorces, unlawful! feparations, diflionour^ diftur-
bance, jealoufies, adulteries, baftardife, braw-
lings, mutuall exprobration of each others infir-
mities, deformity, portion, parentage, or fomeo-
ther cutting and netting matter of difcontent • fin-
full diforders in families, ill education of children,
&c. And, without repentance, ofterafewand
wretched daycs tedioufly worne out with much
irkfomneffe and heaits-breake, lyingtogethere-
vcrlaflinglyinthelakeoffire, there banning each
other with much defperatc hoitour, and many bit-
ter defpairefull gnatogs of teeth, that ever they
entred into that eftate.
carnaHUvein 2. Predominancy ofcarnall love. Which may
vttrtage. ' ^^ juftly pumflied with many fits offrowardnefTc
and falling out, from fuch fmall occafions and
light grounds^ that the Parties may well perceive,
that the correding hand of G o d is in it leading
thera thereby to the fight and notice, to remoric
and reformation of the brutiih fenfuality and fin-
fiilnefle of their matrimoniall affci^ion ; which
fliould ever be re;5tified by reafon, and fpiritua-
liz'd with grace. Manage is rather a fellowfliip of
deareft amity, then disordered love. And love
and amity are as different as the burning fickc heat
of a fever from the naturall kindly heat of a
healthfull body.
immt^eftahufi 3. Immodeft or immoderate abufe ofthcma-
«jmartage, jiage. Which, though it lie without the walkc of
- humane lawes, yet divine jufticcdoth many times
defervedly chaftife it with variety of vifitations
upon themfelves, families, outward ftate, good
name : with mifcarriages, barrennefle, bad chil-
dren, giving them over to unnecefTary diftempers
and ftrangeneffc in their carriage one unto another,
and other fuch like difcomforts and crolTes.
WhichCthough they may alfo befall Gods chil-
dren for other ends, yet) let all guilty cou-
ples in fuch cafes conceive, that they fall upon
them for fuch fecret fenfuall cxorbitancies and
HegkHofholy CXCCflc.
t'i'iS*' 4- Want of a comfortable communion in
prayer, godly ccnfeience, mutuall coBpmunica-
tion of their fpirituallcftate, and how they (land
to G c D wardjdaiesofhiimillstion, helping one
another towards Heaven, and that joyiull forc-
rhoi ght of moft ccitaine meeting together m the
everlafting manfions of glory, joy, and blifle
above. Such divine fellowfliip would incredibly
fweeten thatdcarcft indilTolublc knot, and make
that ftate a very earthly Paradifc to thofc fcvr -
black Swannes,that love forw€etly?.ndgiacioiiny
% Ignoi'lnce, orncg*Jgencein the right un- Nciie^^fm*-
derftandirg and pradifing both of the com- J?^**'"'** '**'
mon and fevorall duties pertinent and pro-
per to that eftafc. In all other Aits, Profcffi-
ons, and Trades of life, the Pra(^irioners de-
fire and endeavour to be ready in, and ruled by
the precepts and direiflions thereof; but as con-
cerning this great myftery of man:iging the ma-
risgc-liate with wifdome, confciencc and com-
fort, the moft are ns ignorant in thofc Treatifes
which teach their Duties (of which there are
many excellent ones extant) as they ai« bafely in-
folcnt in clownifh frowardneflc, or imperious ty-
ranny, to create agrcatdeale of needlcflfe difcon-
tcnt and mifery, both to themfelvcs ^nd their
4. Hclpe alfo wee may have for the Point 4 Frcp:irative.
in hand, even from the wifer Heathen. Who ^^'^!ic^''
GiX of the very light of nature and grounds,
of reafon, did learne and labour to moliifie and
affwage the flinging fore-thoughts of ill to come •,
H and
»ridcnt«r')m. aid to ' pr^pircfor a more cafic and patient paf-
gr'^v.orT""''' ^^g^ thorow thciti, by cntcrfaining a rcfolution
— Pr^cmedita. beforc handto lookc for 35 no uncouth thing, any
lio futuiorum calaM/jCrofTcor cafjalcy, incident to mortality,
Toi^n'^zdltn- ^"^ ^^^ condition of man 5 an^ if they efcap'd'
tu.Tu/f ^xfi.
Hi.f. Qiioniim multiiti poteft prorifio animi,& pratpintio ad minuenduTTj dof orctn
fiiat femper omnta homini hum.\na meditaca. Hx: eft ilia praiftjns & difim f»pien-
*'*• — Nihil ad in jraci Ctim accident : Nmil,antscjmna cveiurat, noa e/cnirc pofle
iihiixzti. /Jeu Ihid.
Nam qui hxc audita a dofto meminiflfc/n viro,
Futurasmecum comtncntabar mifcriis:
Am mortem 8cerbara,autcxilij moeftam fagam,
Aut fcmpcr aliquat/ molcm meditabac mail :
lU fi qua invc<aa diritas cafu fot cr,
Ne mc imparatam cuia Uceraret tcpcns. Earlp'J
Quimobrem omncs^cutn fecundat funtmaicirnc, turn maxim^
Mcditiri recumGportet,quo pafto advcrfara arrumnim fcrant:
rencl.n,damna,cxilia pcregrcrtdicns femper cogitet :
Aut filfj peccntum,aut ui^oris mortemjaut morbum filiz ;
Coir.munia cfle harc,fieri poflTe : ut nc quid ammo fit novu n ;
Q£icqiiid prxter fpcm eveniat ctnne id dcputare eflc in lucro Terent.
"Divines alfo boU thit premutation and preparation butnp$n better grounJi, an Ihy
tie rule: ofgracCt very power'^uU t9 enable us topajfe more patiently tlorov crofes rvien
they come. ■ ' ' /.'
IVHncveroita prxmcdkatiiscxcrcitirusq; fucrat, ut ad omnia ingcnti an mo per-
fliterit; ad totius fub(lanta;-,& tarn multaram reram lafioram, ad filiorum amanfli-
mum obitum,ad iJxoris-afi"cftum,ad acctbi coiporis ulcer3,ad in}uft,i amiccrum oppro-
biia, ad ancillatuii conteipptunratq; fcrvorum. Clryj in Mat Horn j*.
Nu!lu'> fit cafuSjqurrT\nonrriCditatiotua pcrvcniat.: rullus fit c fas qnitc imps-
rA*umnremat: Pioponc nihil effe quod tibiacciderc non pofljr. Bern tk interiori
Mens folicitax'itcqu^m agere qund libct inc'piat, omnes fibi, qms pati poteft
contLnr.clias propanat; qu^tenus Redcmptoris fui probra cogitmi, ad advcrfa fe
piafparer. Qjx nimirum vcnicnti-itanto fortius excipitj quantole cjutiuscx piarfci-
tntu aimavit. Quicnim improvidus ab advcrfitate deprelicnditur, quafi .ib hoilc
tiormlcfls invcnitur, cumq; cinitt inimicus necu, quia non repugnant m pcrforat.
Nam qui mala imminentiaper folicitudinem pcrnot^tj hoftiics incurfuJ quafi in iiv.
<:d jj yigilans expcftans : &indead viftoiiam valentir accingitur, nndc ncfcicns
tleT.ehcndiputabatur. Solcrter ergo animus ante aftienis fuse primoidia, cunAa de-
bet advcrfa mcdirad . ut fcmpcr hxc cogitani, fcmpcr contra base thorace paticntix
munitus. & qviioquid accidcrit. providus fupcrct ; & qnirquid oon a(;feCcrit, lucrum
patct Grel.^forM^ ycap It.
B^Ft).RE D EATH. jx
tlicm,roho!dit ag£ne and advantage, and as it
were, an exemption from ordinary frailrie, and
common mifcrie of mankind. If they fell upon
them, thcbitrcrncflc would bee much abated b/
their former preparcdneffe and expc(5lation. BiM:
wcwhoprofcfTeChriftianity, and to whom the chrt/iiaHsiave
Bookeof God belongs, have farre more fove- ^X^^%^^'^^;Z
raigne antidotes to allay the fmart, more facrcd {heMc$aidb4^^
and furer meanes to mitigate and take off the fury
of feared future evils ^cvcnthe7*'r^Ww^s^ of Go B,
many ^xceedihg great dndfredous frMtifist con- ,
firmed with the oath of the Almighty, 2^d fealed
with the bloud of His Son. Every one of them is
farre more worth (though the worldling thinkes
not fo) than all the wealth and fwcetncfft of both
the JHdics. God ufi^thfttHjwhomHnotfuferysff
to he tempted above th4t yoc* are ahU: hut wtil with the
temptatioff alfo make a way t9 efcapejthatjemay be <e-
hle t9 beare it, i Cor,i 0.13. ike Offerings efthxfre-
fcfit time are ji$t worthy to bee tompared with theghry
whifh fhdllbercvealedi/fs^fRem.S.iS^t^lltmpgs
worke together fir go$d to than that love G d , Vcrfc
28. He that (^ared not his owne Soit, but delivered
Him tfp for m all. How (hall He not with Him alfifiee-
ly ^ive U4 all things ? - Verfe 3 •» . Wk€» thou fajfeB
through the waters y I will be; with thee 5 and through
the rivers y the) jhall not 'overflow thee: when thou
walk eft though tbefre^ thou fhalt mt be bmrnt-^ neither
fhall the flame kindle upon thee, J fa. 43 . 2 ^drc If thou
truly fcare Go d, feare nothing that fhall hereafter
fall upon thee J temptation, triall, difgrace,
diftrcflc in outward things^ the face of man, fiery
E 2 times.
U iPK^Pk^^^lUH
tittit^, (Tangcr ftorh ttieri Sr 'TMycfs, t)tzt\n Ik fclFc,
or whatfocvcr cap bfe inugincd moft formidable
to flefli and MoutJ.For aflRiitdly.Hc that is dffl/cf^d
mth the in all thy afflf^ms, will ever fortifie thcc
with faifidentfirength before-hand, uphold thee
with His all-powcrfull preTencein the middeft of
them,and at length moft glorioufly deliver thee ia
dcfplte of. ^1 hell, and tlic whole world.
f frtforativt. ' 5. Jcis, corafottablc to confi Jet ; that God
G07>wii^f^' ftcvci' puts His fcrvantsto fuffer, but He furnifli-
nijb thee ivith eth them with fpifituall fufficiency to go thorow.
Xrin^ub^t^'' IfHei*neanetob4-ngthce to theft-lice, He will un-
"^^ *' dovfctediy'giveffiee ao'J/^^r/jT/ftrength. IcisHis
fwecte'ft method and mercy, firft to fit His chil-
dren With divine ability and anfwerable endow-
nients,and then fbtft them on wor1<e ro do or fufFer
any .thing for His fake. He fufFcrs fbme to become
extraordinary objects, and the fpeciall aime of ex-
trfemeftmalicejrpitefull railings,and al thekeeneft
iri-ow^es of lewdeft'tongnes;^ when Hec hath fird
htrti fii*ft whh fo mtrch .Chrrftran magnanimity
and' nbbleh^e of fpiric, that he -is able to pafTc by
thcmoft fcurrill gybe of the impureft drunkard,
ortliedifdainflill frowne of the pro-iddft Hainan^
without wouttd or palllon; and doth refolvedly
"and bravely x:bntemne all contumelies andcon-
tempts for his confcicncc : taking them as Grdvones
and con firmationsofhis conformity to th(i Lo^d
C H R I i T : othcristo.'be afflic^d with variety of
worldly croffes, whofe heart Hec hath already
happily crowned with comempt of the world:
^ foracto be excrci$'d with ficrc<:ft 3ffault5,and Sa-
* ' ■^'V' tans
tan$ ficricft d<ns, li^ving bccnc formeriy bro^bt
upinthcScho®leoftcroptatip,n$: others to b|teK?
pofcd to the fury of Popifli flames, when He hsttk
lb inflaRJcd their hearts with the love of the Lor d
J E fi V ? , that they dare undauntedly look the blou-
dicft perfecutorin thcface. The prudent Com- '
mandcr makes not choice of frcfli- water or white-
livered fouldiers (as they fay) for any hot fer\'icc
or high attempts but of Vetcrai>s, an<} thofe of
greatcft experience and mod spprooved valour:
A difcreet Schoole-Maftcr gives not the longtfl
ieflbns and hardefttasketo dullards and blocke-
heads,but fuch asiire of prcgnantpft wits? j»nd b^ft
capacity : the und^rtoding f rmourer tries )f>pt
common An?itics with Musk«"-6x)r, but thmc pf
Proofe. TheskilfuII Lapidary doth npc trie the
render Chryftall or fofter fioi^s by tb? ftiddy ^nd
hamtr^^rj but the Adajp^Jnt, whicbis readier to
brmrctbGh^deftironoT Oeelc- tb^ q^f cMH^JS-
bandwan threficth »et thcftdei mth 4 th^-fhi^gtn'" iQ.zS.t7.
ffr,H7>*P^ \ neither twmth a cm-^M( (4^}^ th Ci^JWh-
min : But bcAts cut th fides xvith dfi^e^4nd the
cummin wh 4red. Ffir his God (faick the Pro^
fhcx.)d9th injimiihimt9 difcret:0n^ and dothtedch
i^/^^.Now if the L o k p ^fUofs^v/hpi^ vKmderfi^l
in cottjifelLAndexcellent in vf$rkin^y give this difene-
tionandwifdometofraile man* Himfelft is infi-
nitely iTiorc mercifully wife, toproportion and fit
His trials to the ftace and ftrcngth of His Patience;
fingling out His valianreft fouldiers for the ftrong-
eft encounters • His bcft fchollersj for the largeft
IdTons; His cboifeft Armour^ fpr the hjghcft
B 5 Proofe ;
Proofc; His hardeft Adamants, far the moft
fteclyAnvill; the raofl couragious Chriftians,"
fortheforefl:confli<5l5: His abled Followers for
^bXlnaif^'^ excraordinary fcrvtce and Tuiferings. K^braham
the Father of the faithfull, and FrienJ of G o » •
Joh,i\\^ juftctl !Tiia upon earth j Bavid.x man ifter
Gods 'ownc heart ; P/<'</,abounding in the riches
of grace, snd the rareftrevdations: I iliy, thefe e-
mitient Champions thus highly favoured, and he-
roically lilted, were put to it indeed, as appeares
in divine Story. The Lord in mercy did firft
infufe an invincible mightineffe of fpirit and much
Hm Athana ^^^^1^0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ of thofe threc Chri-
fiiis woifumi- fti^f^ Worthies, ^thanaftm, Chr^foflomt^^ and
^'i- i/*/^tfr; before H;^imployed them in Hisfoglori-
per^ex'*Jnn^ ous fcrvice, and expo fed them to the rage of fo
vaiie affliatis, ^ many implacable perfecutions in their fcvcrall
d'em'tum""' ^S^^' ^^^ ^'^^^ ^ ^^^ atfwords point (I mcane the
totum "oiieii- Sword of the Spirit) with the whole world : The
tis loipeduin wholexvorld aga'nfl: K^thandJl^tSy ^r\6i AthA^dft'^ a.
fcusquoqj ad imreftig.nnduoi cum conduiSisquxrerctorj dclituit. Tahtas moUj •rit
C H a, I s T I confodcre fsrvum ; vu omnis Impcrij vis advetfus unii h homineaa;
«iui DiuM habebat defcnlbiemcommoverctur. Pi-oduus tanncn per ancili iTiiquaB
ciminiftribat, exdominorim fuoritii jiilTaj-qui \mc\)xa% AtbaMfio pr3ep--raveiant,di-
vino admonitus Spintu,ca nofte qua cum coajprehenderevcnic banc miniftrijauftigic,
J«>2(ra«a ^rc H R t s T I J 4 ? . " .^v^ . ■^' • -
Currcrear Cirj/^/^'j/TW/iappcilare MartyrCfnquitotin)iiri}s,tot contimelijS, tot
affliftionibiis, nee ad trnp.ttiehtiam pcrpclli, ncc a propaganda Chrifliani pictate
depelli potint. Non pcccul'uscft ficmijfed calucnnijs onni fecuri acutioribus ndn
fcrncl iiluj eft. Hoc pixmi) yir optimus pro tarn prsscUris in Eccltfiam merit s retu-
lir p.ii- E'Jifeopos Oithoioxosj & Tub ImperAt.oie.Chiiflrta'no. In vita Chryfttfi.pe*
Era'in Hhoierocl ■'".''"".. ' " "' •
Quisnon pu-a(retttffJer«>j|iO tanto cnnftaruni oduj,' Sc invidia, cui totus "pcuf
mundiH tu{id[i3bita;-,ecijmilk cujiis p^idibiis Itn^K'rMoret olun co^cl/armir ccmccs
fubjicrrcnon ;iid,U na,J'tes Q;:cubitarii.n ? Sec. BrightMi)iCap,$'A^c
ry; UAlfeanhundrcd_y€/tresfpefitindoubtfulltridl, ub ^-^agJ^.
which of the ttvo in the end ivould frevoiUy thejidc^
which had all) or els the Part which hadnefrtend^ bui
G. o D and D eat h : the 0»e, aD cfendeur ojhts im0-
cenc) 5 the other, the fimjher of all his troubles. After
thcChurchof G o d, (hunted likea Partridge on
the mountaines by the Airian Bifliops) wofully
wafted and wearied, had laid downe her head in
the boforae of this blc£ed man ready to breathe
out her laft, he had never quiet day. Heare ray
Author: Bythefpacccffxear?dfortyyeares,fiomthe "jf^S.^'i^
time of his ccnfecraiiert, to fuccced Alexander K^vch- % > .
3ifiep dfAlexandria.till the lafthoureofhis life in this
world :t hey nCoerfujftrd him to enjoy the c$mfort of a
feaceahkday. The fecond was a n:iighty Thunder- Wow chrfT*.
cragiirfl the corruptions ofthe times 5 feared not ^Xl*^** ^*''"'
the race of the greateft. woman in the world, arm-
td. as well with might, as enraged with malice, (I
.'mcp.v\<:EKdoxia the EmpreiTeO but told her un-
dauntedly of her raging, "dancing;, perfecuting " i^annes pe«
:cruelty,&c. Bcfidcsaworld of wicked oppofiti- [.'ij^condo-
ons, infidiations and envy -, (for by downe- right ncm in eccI«-
dealino in his Minifteiy, he had di^wne upon him ^^"^ '^"'""
thehai^redof« all forts, Court and Clergy,&c.) ot'ci.um "eft":
Hewas divers times filencedjdeprived and banifli- Herodias ^ic-
ed. But he was fo much honoured of Gods peo- 7'' }'^fi'"''^'
ple every where, that when became imoTauro- ^ai ;. demi
faltare pcrgit:
dcruo caput Joh^iinis in difco acciperc tjUisrit. Secrat. Ulfi. Eccl-l,b.6. cap. i6.
• Pcccats t.intJ feverit.-'.te aroucbat, ac (i ipfc ctiam per injuiiam lae^us cil^t: & om-
niurr ord nnm deli6ta magna dicendi libertatc taxab.K : ita ^uidem, at ctiam Du-
'cu^:\(^EJttrop'ij & Gaim) imbipfiuslmptratoris errata reprelicnderet. — -Omnespro-
pcmodum orJiiicsin fe concitavit. Llerici & Auiici occulte fuas & ipfi operas
adjangebi^nt. Ofta.nd Hifi.Eecl.cent. ylib. i .cap 6,
E 4 filfCtA,
» ubi auccm ^uodancc of Chfiftians, weeping and wailing
mc^ppa^ia moftbictcrly for his banifhinent, ^nd faid, PT^dt
provmciam vc- jfj. had hccft/yctter thot the ^anhadkene def rived of
fSlu'iTFa! htrlfght, mddlher ^^Ur) turmd into dxrkentif^,
irum diori.-. th^n that the motith <7/Cbryrofto:ns fhould he floft
maruTi ^iwcs from fredthing. In the laft banifhin :;nr, by reafon
cffimdentjum , of the b:irbarou5 ufagc andimmanitics of the foiil-
*aentiuQo,co ijicrs that Icd him aloHg, ^ hired for tha?- purpofe,
r nos ^tt He fwealy and bldTcdly breath'd out his laft. But
cfci yidebmtj howbrxvely he bore,and with what invincible di-
jlicebanq; to- -^ refolution hc paflTed thorow thefe indignities,
fe,SiSoirAdi. oppreikorts, and cixiell wrongs, we may well pcr-
c$ fu3s retrax- ceivcby hisownc words to another baniflied Bi-
filquat^!'^" ft^op I'Whenlw^ driven from the Cit^i.nmeofthcfs
OS IdhamHi ta-
cnit Epifi.t^ f Militos ^aefcfti pisetorij, qui illnw dcducfbanr, non Jifiimiilabant
fibi promifla primia magnificaj {i /ohannes m itinere moirretur. Icaq, Rj€«fibns rrL
bus pcrimbres^pcr atHus, fine uUa tctriger'tione coipiifculi dunfliiTiUfMiiCf pertuUt.
I.rafm.inviti Chryfofiy f Etenimcgociima civitate fu^.-.iei-j nihil hoium curabam,
fed dtoebaai intra mcmct ipfum : Si 'quidcm vulc Regina me exiiJetr, agat inexili-
Um. DoiiiNi eft UrtA (s" pieMni^ey-a Etfi v»\lt {ccarc, fecct.Idcm pflus e(l 4:
Mptiai Si vultin pcla^us mitterej/on* rccordibor : Si villc in caminum injifcrc, idem
paffi Turn tret illi pun. Si me fcris vylc objiccrr, obji.iat : DinieUs in 1 cun Iconi-
bui0b;e<ih record; bor. Si mc lapid^.rs vult,lap;det me: Sephsnum b^bco primum
Martyrem focium. Si & capet tollcic viilr, tollat : Ivabco focium Johannera BiptU
ft Am. Si &fubflantiaTnanfenc,aiiferat Hui'jA exivi de utcro matru>KuJui eiiamabtii.
h\t idmonzt jtpqftgliu^Er^ txtbwhunitnibjn plMtrtm,ftr -ui C h R i s t i s/r^ m«n
a^'iiH. Armat me & Z)<iv»*f,«ii*:ens Loqatbar nraai Regihtitf ^ itan confunJebst. Khil-
ca ^mdcmadveifiis nrc confinx-eiuntj & dixcrunt, quod ad ccmmum©ncni non |e-
;uuos rcccpcrim. Ei fi quidcm hoc firci, enpungatur nomcn mcnm ex Albo Epiftopo-
ram, & noarchbaturin Libro Orthodoxae Fidci : Quoniam cccc fi talc c^iUd admifi,
abjiciat mc eriatnC k a i s t v s e Regno fuo. Si ameni pergant hoc mihi objicere Sc
e«nrcnd«rc,Dcponant Si Favlnmy qui poftquim ceenavit, totamdomum Iwptizavit.
Df ponant &Cwsi stum Ipfum, ^ai poftqoarn ccriiatum eft, Apollolis Comm-o*
t>i©ncm dedit. Duunr quoi c»m mulif re dormiycrim : Exmrc me,& invcnictis mem-
fcf«r«m VD'iOTxim mortificatiowtm. Scdh^c omnia per nvidiamexcog.triuBt. lotan'
nt: efcaljCjrUco Epiftepi txuli- Tom.^. Bpift.^,
^lutme mV. ylet her ham^j wf; The earth is the Lords ^ Vnhi^i,
and the fullncfle thereof: JfJhemlljLet her faw me
nfuffder :\{mh fuffertd thefimejffl:e mUJet her cafi
memtd the feaj I wllrcwcmbsr Joriiih. iffhe wUt, let
her cafi me into a burning pcry fornace-^er amcKgft wild
ieajis • the three Children 4;?^ Daniel rvere fo denU
Withjffle mlljtet her Ji one me or cut offtmne head 3 I
have then S.5?f^/^^«andtheBaptift m-j hlejfedcom-
fanions.IfJJje mlljlet her take awaj all my fHbfiar.ce :
Naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and na-
ked fliould I retume thither. The Apfile tels me^lfCzi i.io.
I yetplcafed men, Ifhould notbcthcfervantof
Chris T,i^ndYy^n6.ev<mrageth me, faying: I
it^H ffeahtofthy tejiirmnits alfo he fire Kings, md will ^^"''* " ^ ^*
ftot hee ap?amed. The third is the thiixl i^/jr.i^ of How Liuiicr
later times, I meapebleffed Luther: Who by the ^*'^'"^^"^
invincible might ot his hcroicall fpirit, and one of
the grcatcft courages that ever dwelt in humane
brcaft,didfuftaineand fubdue the hcllifli rage of
that Man of Sinnc, and allhisbloudy Emiilaries
and Agents 5 ftooduprightandiinfliaken, likean
unmooveable Rocke> againft all the tempcftuous
ftormes and fwelling feas of the moft furious per-
fccutions that ever were rais'd by the powers of
hell againft mortall man : and did fo iliakc th€ '
kingdomc of Antichrift, that fincc that tinK,
the moft glorious light of the Gofpell,and rcfurre-
iftion of Saving Tmth hath broken out upon, and
bleffed th« face of Chrift^i>d©nie, that did ever
fhine upon earth, or was feenc amongfl: the fonnes
^ mcn.Hc3xin was hcc like unto K^PhmitBm.ks
' invitisjiabd' hcoppofcdthcvv/m^/^^/o X«if/'^rthc wholc jifft$~
^bL pI'Iz/Ta" ^^^il^^^^ world 5 and they both in defplte ofall ad-
tiunaims V vcrfary malice, both from Man and Divell, ^gavc
uithtius.mbi- up blcfTedly their happy foules in peace into the
^piUcU^^^mi^^' boforac of J E s u $ C H R I s T J whom they had for-
Morte (X hac merly fei ved fo faithfully,and for whofe fake they
H^^ahfio!^'- ^^^ glorioufly fuffcred fo much. Thus ypu fee,
^thaJafmsp^A wheii Go d fingles outand defignesany of His foe
muiupiiciac^r- fomc fpcclall fervices, and extraordinary fuffer-
v'rrihLTEc- i"§S' Heeverfurniflieth them before-hand with
dcfr* Doao- fingularity of gifts, and fufficiency offpirituall a-
rmi fufiinuiflc biUtic to go thorow, and ftand to it to death. But
tili'ma mme HOW on the Other {ide,He will never hnakeAbm-
ex hac vita ex- fedreedynox. qf*€»ch [moktfig flAxejlfti,a[2.T^.h\Mv^\\\
ceffit: civil ab ^yjQi^ gather the Lambs with his arme^and carrie them
finem (iii Epif. '^ hii bofomc ,and gcntlj had thofe that are wtthymn^y
copatus Alex- /jQ.4o.ii.Imakcnodoubt,butthatinQueencii/4-
fii'^^P^cEfumbt '■^^^ ^^^^s He mercifully hid many a good foulc
qaidragint.i from the implacablc fury of thofe Popifh ?r,eymng
icx annis: ad jYnlves : who, thoush thev wcrg in afavin^ ftate,
vcriusqucm to- * , / / t t • f ^ t^r ^
ti;s penc oibis ^^o.ioved the LoYiH j-Bsus f^JiJiice/(ty,£pfjeJ. 6. 2/^,
eonfpimvit. yet thcy wanted ftrength to ftand in the faceof tlie
D aLr^eS) fi^^'y f^'^pcfts ofthofc times.
eum violcnta niorte ex hoc mundo exturb.ue potuic. Ofisnd H't/l Etsl ccnt.^ I % c.i6,
> 6,?reparativc. s. BcwJire left sny earthly contentment cn-
^digbt la/^'up 'croachupon,cmpaire, and eat up thy delight in
thj> delight, in hcavenly things. But let thy fpirituall joy ever ut-
hcaveniy tbtrgi rcrly over-wtigh all humane mifcries, and over-
top incomparably all worldly pleafurcs. And
'Diference he- ^^crc is good rcafon for it : In refpcd. Of the
tyvtxt ihc ob- I. ObjeA. The matter, whereupon earthly joy
i'f/ %ZtZ ^"^^^ feed,isbafe and vile, filth and fafliions, ga-
deiight. ' ' ming
ming ond good fcllowfliip, reijellin^^ and in our
daics, even roaring, luft and luxury,&c.and otiicr
fuch froth and fooleries, the very garbage of hell;
at the beft corne, wine,oYle,eold, ^rcarne(re, offi- * Nch.s.io.Bs
CCS, honours, high roomts, Prmceiy nvonrs,&c. jcyijthe l-ri>
as tranficory as an hafty head long torrent, ^Jhadom^ ayturptniih.
a lhipy2 b:rd, an dtrorv , a Poft thathafieth by^ or if you ^^l'^,^ \.a^ti
can nanrte any thing of fwiftcr wir.g, and fooner in Heaven but
gone. But the objc<5t about which fpirituall joy is ^h^'e^^^'fdtkerc
exercifed, is "^Jehovah bleffed for ever, " His eartb^'tha"^^^
free and everlaftinglovc,/' the light of His countc- ^(fire kfides
nance,His r fweet name, ^ That ournamesare writ- ^^f^. 'Hoi. 14.
ten tnheavert,mQ *Son of his L or<?,His Perlon,vvhoie thei.ijrceiyj^T,
glory,beauty, amiablcnciTe, fweetneflc and excel- i ^-i^ihave lo.
lency is fomething fhadowed (but infinitely ihort) 11 e-veri^\w
by outward beauties, C^^/. 5. 10. "^ The preciouf- /o-te. mul^o^
ncfTcof His meritorious bloud, ^ exceeding great I'./I^^H*"
and precious Promifes, •* pardon of finnes, y Exod.^4' V
• Christs glorious ima^e (liining in our foules, ^^^ Lo ri>,
' eternity or unconceiveable joycs. q^^ „^j^,_
^ fuU and gracious, (s'c.^'Lvk. 1 1-:^, ~- But rather rejoycghtfaufeyour names are rvnt-
ttninbeave».*Co\.i.ii.Cioi'ii^<tyet'7rni<ni'n. " Zach ij.i. In ih.it day thireJh.iS te
a foiintaine opened, Cfe^ 2. Pet 1-4. d lu 40. 1,1. Comjortyeuorr/jert ye,<(sr'c — Her
iniqtitry ir pardoned.' Eph.4.24. 7'^f «fw man after G o xy is created in r'.^hteiufneffk
0nd true httittejfe *Pfil 16.11. Intiyprefenceisfuiimjtttf joy^at thy right kiKd there
4rt ^Ica/iires for evermore
2. Of continuance. Eaithly joyisHke t^c^ Tyfercn^^ he.
tracklin^ of themes und:r a f^t,^ fudden blaze with itnuance ' of
fomeHoife, butfoone extindl, and comes to no- (^^rtiy a^d.
thing. The triumphing »f the wicked is jhcrt, md]oy of ^^^^^'^{>'>5 "'•
thehjfomtebut forAm9inmtJohi6.%.'^\\i{'^\x\x.\\'^\
joy is likcthe/r^ upon the ah or 5 it hath ever fewell
to feed upon, though wcdo not ever feclc it. ^ The " ^^ -^^ '4-^7.
*PfaI ji.ii.
'Earthfy jcy em
Xarfhlyjfj ti»-
fn for hiyfy dn-
9f corn all jvy
Conn All joy
mixed rpitb
Ha carnalljsy
Kmgdcvae of Go d if righmufneffe^ Mtdfeace, out
jej mtffc Ho t Y Ghost.* 7%e ranfemed ^ tht
Lord jhall retiirneAndcimetd Zienwithfmgiid»d
ev'CrUsHng jej ufonthetr heads : theyJhMUif*a;^ejey
andgUdntjfej and f&'row and figking jhdl Jiie dwdj,
k Begl/idtn the hcviv,afjdreJ0yceye righteous : dftd
fh$utf9r jtf dlyee thst are ufrtghf i» heart
5. Sincerity. Earthly joy is cruelly embittered
with many flavifh, dinging and invcnimcd mix-
tures and marrc-mirths : but Go v gives joy to tijc
uprig tit heart, and no fonow with it.
4.Efte(fls.CarnaIl joy utterly unfits fey all holy
imploymcms ; but rpiriti,ull joy is to the faculties
of the foulc, a$ oyle to the joy nts cii the body 5 k
makes quicke, adive, and excellent for the dif-
chai'gc of any divine duty.
5, Calling to mimd, carnalljoy ib the cvill day
torments extremely, and turnes it into gall and
worme-wood : but remembrance of thoic fwcc-
tefl: glimpfcSjand heavenly deawes of fpiriruall joy
which were wont to fliine into, and rcficfli our
humbled fouleswhen we were confcionabiy bu^
ed in the waies and work of the Lor D,will fervc
as a precious cordiall, to rc-comfoit our fpirits m
fadder times, and furcft pledge of their moft ccr-
taine returne in due time.
6. Spirituall joy isniany times much enlarged
intitacs of tribulation: But the heart of the wicke4
is forrovvfuU in laughter,and troubled with melan-
choly amidft their greatcfl: miah.
7,Spirituall joy is ordinarily moft free, full, and
at the highcfi: in folitarineile, foliloquies, and the
BEFOUE death; . 6\
"moft retired exercifes of the fouler but carnall
joy and" want of company are forthc moft pare in-
compatible. And it is kept in that poore little Ay-
inglife it hath, by good-fellowfliipj and Icnfuail
■ ^S.Cainall joy ever ends in bitiemefTe, fpirituall ffllfj^^i^^'^^
in blelTednclTe. As the rivers of frefli water run
their courfe with an hafty cuiTcnt to fall in the fak
Sea^fothepofting Son of all worldly pleafures
aftera fliott g4earae,and vainc gliftering/cts in the
Ocean of endreiTc forrovv.
7. Make thy peace with Go d upon sood y'^^epamhe.
•ground in the meane time, and ^racioully walkc -^ub gq^.
with him by a rule and daily diredion. Watch o-
ver thine heaiT with extraordinary induftry. Mor^
tifie thy members which ale upon earth; pride,
choler, covetoufnefTe, felfe-love, hankering after
thefalhions,&c. Strangle thy lufts, ftand at the
Swords Point with thy moft beloved finne. Beare
■thy yoke fiom thyymth^dxid 'exercife thy fpirituall ' ^"^^ "^^^
armes every day; Get a habit of heavenly-mind- fu,n"^er«lt*
cdnefle and holy familiarity with God afore- £]uomod6 aiu
feand; and then lliall we holdup our hi^nds and ^^"'^ ^". "'^"■
our hearts with boldneffe and undauntedneffe of tnt^sc '"c!u-p'!
fpirit in the evill day. The firongefi andfiduteft crea- (-"^is? Quis un-
turcs (faith a godly Divme, preflfing thisPoint) .^orabTniT.
te addtfcentiji
i«i Palxfira corrc^oratuspotuit inOlympicii, excclfo, .icmagnoanimo adycjfaiium
aggreJil' An nonopottct cpotidie luJtari atqj currcic? Nonne videtls eoi quos quina,
><ertarainum athlctas appelbntjqtiBm nuUum fottc rehifbtorem rcpcreiint,ad faccuai
arena plenutti, vtrcs fuasexcitare —- Hcs imitari ftude- — funtcnim muhaqns ad
H«n«sr-»t>>cmincic3nt, muha qu^e concupifcciuiae flammam inccnduBt. Infuigc
igitur contra paflione*, vinCiS ammi labores, at corporis quoq*, I.iborcspoflisperfeirc,
Aft AJTMdef thofe things whieh art cOfftrary to thir
ndttrcsj wh'ch other creatures mver fs weake, feare
not, hetng of the [mm nature. No more fearefall crea-.
ture thai^afjlh flying at the fhaJow of a man., yet it
fiares not the Ocean Sea^ becaufe of its oxvne nature and
acquaintance : which Liens, and thepo.'ttefi creatffrct
feare — A p:eef e feare s not his Jhep heard, by rcafon
of ac(\fimnianceyVchomyet the heart andthe wolfefcan:
Whatfoevcr isflrangc ardunacquaimed^ts futreftdl.lf
we acquaint oar fives v&ith G o n , and walke with
Him (vs H is friends, -^ve j]j all have th:r»orehold»(S)vitk
Hiffij when wc have moft rccrd of Him. In a word,
Tit.iit, be wciy temper a' ey honejiyholj. For, thcmoiccon*
fcionable thou haft formerly been, the IcfTc power
will the crofiTehave when it comes. It was the fay-
ing of a reverend man, where finnc lies heavy, the
erode lies light ; and conrr.irily, that heart is like
to be tnoft 1 ightfome in a ftormc,which hath beea
theholieft in a calme,
n.FreparaTive, 3^ PofTcfle thv mind betime of many mortify*
Bee Jilted Tfitb • • ^ j j- • /i i •
meditariw: a- ^% motivesand meditations to maltcr tlie immo-
f^inji: death, derate feavc of death, ihtkingpfterrourj and then
thou wilt be able with f^tre more patience and rc-
folution todigeft all petty troubles and miferies in
the meanetime. For which purpofe pondei upon
az,i-nfi death. I- There IS almoftno man, but he hath fuffer'd
morcpainein his life, than ordinarily he (hall paflc
>»'d "'"J"^'' thorow in death. The pangs cf death (faith M.^W)
in^ cat .pig. ^g often leffethanof the toeth- ache.
2. The covenant of G o d is of force with us,
as we lie inthc duft of the earth, c^4r.22.3 1>32.
3. Our
5. Our union with Christ holds ftill, Ci//. r.
iS.AsthcHypoftaticall cIid,whcnC h r i s t Jay
in the grave.
4. Death is but a/?<rr/f, iThjf.2,1^. l^c7s j,
5.'"Chri$ts death hath taken away the moirc mono-
fting, and fwcet ned it to al 1 His, Heh. 2.15. b jt, Gre^or in
6. It is but a fturdy Poitcr, opening the Dooie * ^^^ ^"^ "'
of Eternity,and letting us into Heaven: A rougher
paiTageto cternall plcafurcs.
7. lushutViVc the fa^efatv'jeAt cerneints thcjt
griund^ dftd dying i that it maj l}rlngup afterrvards
more gloriou fly. , loh. 12.24.
8 . It is but a Departing e/tt cfthu world unto the
p . It is call ed in the Old Teftameot,!-// gather^
ingte their Fathers,
• I o./4^^^ made nothing of it. Jnd ifraelfaid uff^
to Jofeph: BeholdjdieyGen.^Z. 2 r . And when Jacob
had wade an end of commanding hufonsj he gathered
nf h PS feet into the hcd.andyeeldedupthe ghoji yond rvai
gathered unto his people,
9. Let us trim our lamps betime, I raeanc 9-^^*^*'*'^'
try our fpirituall ftates : for there are many fooliHi [j^/j^^jj''"
virgins ; and many thoufands, who for want of a
truerouch-ftone and found trial 1 this way, find the
pitof deftrudtton to have fhuc her mouth upon
them irrevocably and for ever, before they will
acknowledge themfelves to be wide of the right
way to heaven. I have beene often upon thisar- m^ j ■
j^umcnt, atthistimeldefirc oncly todifcovcrthe about fluh!^
dclufion of ifac grcatcft part by an imaginaiy
f:iith, and of undcrftanc^'ngand worldly-wifc men
by a temporary faith, and that in fliorr.
)^Jan(i of Por the firft fort; thcfc fourc Dcmaunds may
the begimiing ef cafily difcovcr and dcftioy the vanity of their fpi-
f}}eir jaiih. xku^ll fclfc-coufcnagcand foule-deceic.
I. Aske them how they came by their faith,
when they begun to believe, 5:c. and their ordina-
ry anfvvcr will be this,or the like : fVs cannot tell .■
we arenoj; fuch K^tlnijls or ft fr of hunt y hut rveehave
Relieved ever fince rve fvere borne^j : wee have ev:r
trujledin C h r i s t > nitd made account sfHtm ou eur
^naphatleare S4viour : WenevtY dottked, but that He which m^tde
js a people of ^y " ^^l^ hav€ mtrcj on us , (Ire. But now rhcfc
no undeiflan- poorc deluded ignorants arc in the mcane time
Hc^twlrmadc ^^^^r^ ftrangers to any vvorke of the fpirit of bon-
rhcm,wiU n'A dagc, andpangsof the new-biith, which would
have mercy on have taught them with awitncffc to have rakjeti
tkir * formed notice wh'at a mighty worke and admirable
thcdi , will changethc glorious Sun of faving faith is wont to
STr^'^i? "° ^'^"^^ wherefoever it comes. They could never
I. ■ "' ' ycifcnCibly and hcmi\y cry, Wee are unckane, wee
are uncleane ; we a.rcjtcke, we are hfl, we are hea^
vy laden ^ we arc undone, we 6\c, we aredamn'd ;
cxccpiyj^ dnn\zc of the wa^er of Irfej wafh in that
Fomta^n^ opened fsrfinne andfr nncUannejfe-, and
have a blciTed part in the Paffion and purity of
rii hhth ani^ Esvs Christ, Src. Whereas hdw the
mi}kk-£e. ^^^^ believer can tell you readily and experi-
mentally, that he was fird enlightncd, convinced
:Mid terrified with lighr, fenfe, and forrow for
Hr^n - :, aixl fo on, a--' you (hall End it T.^firuct. for
comfort, afjii^.Confc.fa^.yi^. &feq. But cfpe-
cially faire fall one good token : ever when jufti-
fying fakh is infurcd, there is athorow-fale of all
finne. The Fear! e of great f rice will never bee had,
except all be fold ; which is a matter fo remarka-
blc,and makes fuch a miraculous change in a man,
that it cannot chufe but be ftrongly remembred,
and withgreateftaflonifliment, and that even for
ever, both in this world and ^the world to come,
Senfuall pleafures and bofome (innes arc notori-
oufly nail'd and glued to a carnall heart ; they arc
asneereanddcareuntoit, as the moft dainty and
delicious meat to the paktc , Wickedr*effe iS^ixth.
Zophar) is fweetinhis n2outh, hec hides it under hii Job ie.it,
tongue-^ he ff ares it yondfdr fakes itmt -, hut keefts it
fiill in his mouth : not onely as ordinary gar-
ments, but as the moft coftly jewels, and richeft
chaine ; Pride ( faith Vai-idycomfajfeth t hem abttit ds rfal.7 5 ^^*
achaine-^ n^olence cover eth them as Agarmtnt : as
the verylimbesofthc Body. M&rtife therefore^
(^^dkh. Paid) pur members tvhich are uf en earth : for- C0I.3.S.
nicatien, imcleaneneffe, i nerd: nate affect on ^evi II cm-
cttpfcence, covetoufneffe : nay, and as the moft ne-
ceflary and noble parts, the right eje, and the r/^^/
hand', If thy right eye offers dtheeifidth C h n i s t)
flucheitouty and cafin from thee: — \^ndif thy \j4t.j.i9,j
right hand offend thee, cut it offhand e aft it from thee:
yea dearer then very life it fclfeto fleiband bloud :
For -wee may obferve and fee too often fuch
fonnes of pleafure>andikves of luftto have no joy-
in this life, after they have loft the joy of this life.
Hence itis, that many times the wretched world-
ling being robbed one way or other of the very
F life
life of his life, his wedge of gold and hoards of
wealth, makcsancndof hi'-nfclfe: that the wan-
ton mining of his luflfu!! aim r and mxh defircd
choife, fiadsno plealurc iithis iik; but cuts off
himfelf by a violent and uncimjly death:that Achi-
tofhel being difgraced and ovotop'din a Point of
Policy, the crovvne and pride of his worldly hap-
pineflc, put his houQiold in order, and hang'd
himfclfe. Well then, if it bee thus, that parting
from carnallpleafures be aspaincfull and vexing,
as if a man fliould pull the meat from our mouth,
the chaine from our necke, clothes from our
baclcc,thelimbes from our body, the right arme
from our (houlder, the eyes out of our head, and
astheloffc ofour life; that happy foule which
bids adjeu cverlaftingly to all earthly delights,
muft needs take extraordinary notice, and be able
for ever to give a ready and mofl: fenfible account
of fuch a mighty change and marvellous worke.
a. 7>cc*it. 1 , Askc them, how they keepe their faith : and
hlut%fpiJ' ^^^y ^^^^ ^^^^ y^"' ^^^y ^^^^^ G o d, they are not
faith- troubled about it. They finde no fuch fcruples,
doubts, diftrufts, fcarcs, jcaloufies, tcrrours,
temptations, dcfcrtions, wantSjWeakeneflTcs.c^f.
as fomc precifcr fcllowcs, whoftand fo much up-
on their profeflion, ftridneffe, conference, and o-
ther fingularities above ordinary, fo much talkc
of, and take to heart. They fee no fuch neccfldty
of running after Sermons, fo much reading, pray-
er, poring upon precife bookes, rccourfc to Puri-
tan-Minifters, Humiliation-daies,c^r. They can
Wicvc quietly , follow their bufincffe, and goc to
Heaven without fomuchacW. Nay, they arc fo
farre from being troubled in any of ihefe kinds,
ibatifany?.morgft tbtni betroiblcd in mindjSnd
extraordinarily vifited with fpiritaall diftrcfTej the
portion many times of G o p s dearcft children 5
they prefently plcale and applaud themfelves,that
they are free 3 and conceive and pcrenipcorijy
conclude that thesffliificd is an hypociitc, hath
beenca rrcrehaincus (inner then others, ormed-
led too much with Scripioire-bufinefTcs and d'
with miuchadoe, difhculty and * doubtirgs. He is ■^ ^«' -^^
as care full and covetous (if it kc pcfiibkjtoprc- fTau'^lvcr
ferveardfave thisPearle, as the worldling his f^row,it is
^old. For this purpofc, he paflTcth tborow many *ti"uii'thLc
Jbieard bitter ccntTds with the fieiceft alTauJts ieiievingcbn-
and fieritftdartsoftheDivcll^ (for hee knowes /''^"'^^'iff''
full well, thst that is the arme and power of Gob fliH^dlw'
unto us, for all lound comfort and fpirituall well- trarinife tu
beine, ard therefore he is mofl furious to weaken ^^"^f/jf^'^'g
US there) wuhinnnite game- layings and temptati- hehaibafittng
onsofcur inbred infidelity, native ignorance, dif- /-*''* J ^^ff^i
fidence,wifdomeoftheflefh, ourownc fenfeand 7/nothiig^'
feeling, and aw^orldofoppofitions continually. Hm,iut/e(-
He is driven many and many atimc to the Throne C^''""'^'.*".
- _ -1 in « Down Chnft.
of Grace with prayers, teares, and Arorgeft warfcap4z.
wraftlings for auxiliaiy forces, and renewed
flrength. O how often doth he refort with extrc-
meft thiift, and dcarcfl longings to all the blef^
fed Fountaines, that feed his faith 5 the pcrfon of
C H & I s T,His meritorious bloud,thc Promifcs,
F 2 Gods
G ® .& s frccft love. His fwecteft nam? ; the cove-
nant oFgracc,all th^ Ordinances, thofe 0»es tf 4
tJ79nfaiidj who arc able to difcovcrboth the depths
oftheDivell, and the myftcries of Evangelicall
mercy ^ti^i:. and forallthis is glad many times to
fay urjro his G d ; Though 'Thrt jldj ms^ jet mil I
jT)b I J. I J. frufi in 7htt : Lord,/ heUeve^ helpe Thou mine nn-
M«:k. j,.,4. ygi^^f^^^^^ The difference then ftandsthiis: They
hDldit the eaficft thing^of athoufand; biit hee
finds it the hardcft matter in the world, 77? he-
5 . TJeeeit. 5 , Aske thcm,what it hath wrought uponthem :
5^;^'""'" ef and they cam or give an account of any alteration
toany piarpofe^orfandification at alL Imaginary
Faith ii but an idle/^.fi, a naked Notion, a meerc
fancy, a groundleffe prefumpcion and true drearaej
and therefore it is not adive or produdiivc of any
reall effeiflSjOr true religioufneffe. But now faving
iTuits «if With faith doth ever beget a bledcd change inthe whole
man,body,foule,rplrit,cal]ing, company, conver-
iCor.5.17, fation,&c. //4/'?7 manbein Qmn tr/hseis anew
creature : old things arepaffed away, Beheld all things
are new. It is ever attended with thofe three great
workes of grace.
i,vniver/a.u j An univerfall repentance and returnc frona
epefttanfe. ^n fj^s : ftona groffeones in praftice and action;
and^from the moft unavoidable infirmities at leaft
in allowance and affcdion.
i.vniverfaa 2. An univcrfall fan6fcification in all the parts and
sansipatm. powers of body and foule^ though not in height of
^ . ^- dee;ree,yet without exception of pirts.
QbtdieitcL 3. An untvcrfall obedience toall G o d s com-
mands ;
marids; though not to pcrfc<5tion, yet infinccrity
and truth ; and with an heavenly train e of glorious
graces : lo'ue-hofeyverttieJkyiCwled^ejUmferanceifdti- » P«- »• J j^-
f nee jgcdlinejfe, brotherly kindnejjcj charity , j>)i , pace^ ^'^^^ 5 • * *a * ^
long-[uffering,gentlemffe,goodneffe,m€ehiijje,^Q. . /^,
And even in the ioweft cbbe and greateft weak- weaiie/ffiitb.
nefle, it is ever wont to difcoveritfelfe at leaft by
poverty offpirir, hungring and thirfting after righ-
leoufnefle, ftriving againft doubting, bitter com-
plaints for want of former feelings, induftrious
feekingto be fetled in belceving,earneft and gree-
dy longing after grace, highly prizing the L o k d
J E s V s, and preferring Him infinitely before all
theplcafarcs, profits and felicities of this life, rc-
folving rather to die tentboHfand deaths, than to
returnc any more to folly 3 felfe-deniall, con-
tempt of the world, care to fearch out the finne
that may poflibly hinder comfort, and be rid of it,
continu^ll watchful Incflc and holy jealoufie, left
we fhould be deceived,and faithful] labouring to
fubdue corruption. ^ 2)^^?/?.
4. Fourthly^ askc them. How they prize the L{zhte)eeme
ob)e<Sithcy apprehend imaginarily 5 for it is no fj^lJ''^''^^''
better : and iris but thus r If you were afelc to aif-
fure them o( w^allowing in all worldly pleafures
with conftant health, and immortality upon earth:
they would with all their hearts ,part with all their
hopeof heaven hereafter: For they are yet buc
carnall, though felfe- confident. But now the di-
vineneffc and excellency of fpirituall delights
which juftifying Faith doth extra^a from fHc Ob-
jects about which itisexercis'd, doth fo*aflt<5i arid
F 5 ravifb
tavifli the heaift of the trueBdiever ; that wdf adi-
vifcd, incoldbloud^ and out of temptation, hcc
hold« all the corpoiiU felicities of ten thoufanci
worldsjCven world without end,.in compoi'ifon ^
thcm>.but as droile, and dungf and duft in thebaic
knee. Our pa^it in the perfon of C h n i s t, with
the purehafes of His dearcft bloud, and poUeiHon
eft he Deity bleflcd for ever by His meancs, dot
more than infinitely cranfcend the utmoft of ail
earthly contentments-, ms'd above the highell
poflibil ity, by the moft invcmive and ftrongeft i-
Hiagination^ and to be enjoyed thorow athoufand
Knffsm a Tlic fecond fort,> which are a generation of
jr«^9Mry/dwi n^oreundcrftandingmert ;. flsand thus for cheirfpi-
idkuallftatc, andchiisfcarefuHycourentlieirownc
fouksy and come flioit of falvation : They- aflfay
indeed to be religious, give up their nampcs to Pro-
ife(fiofl> and wouW goc to; heaven with all their
beam, (b farre as the way holds, with enjoy*-
mentof temporall happinefTe : and therefbre,tbc)r
ni-fl^thcnifclves with an artifieiall habit of t;dking
well ; take part in>all companies with* the better
fidtfj follow »nd frequent Seimons^ withfgood
foiwardneflcj kt up prayer and other rdigiout
exereifesin their families 5 put thcmfelvcs upoa
daies of humiliation ; Icavenaany {innes> do many
1^ things, hold aounivcrfell outwacd conformity toi
? '' aUthc ordinances ^divine Duties at theinftancc
ofthe. Mniftery. And if chcy be of ability, counte-
nance godly Pfeachcrsjftand for them, and cntw-
Kiiac them ioK>tI*eir -houfes wkh itmcb ^t^&iQh
iwrcncfTe and bomity^ efpeciAlly fuchas(ipcrliaps)
by rcafon of too raMchi^barky , utwcquaii^tededfe
withtbtirwivf ;$, iQthficfTc to bcc 3ccoBii^.toO
prOvgmaticall and rough, oi- fomething comply
with them in afalfc concept. of their rpirituaft
yfc\lhcmg,&c. Bm ppcflcthem further, o^ fJ^"'fJ^,T
andbcfid^s alkhis, to thcheart and life^^eli- «tfnw8«»M^
gion^^o the power and pith of ^odlinefTc, crticify-
ing of their Gorrijptions^ftrangling their kfts, mc-
itcring their palfioHs, pamRgwith aUfinnc, uftfa-
ihioniBg them -to ^hc times, abandoning for-ever
their darlii^g plejifurc,t!ci?iall of themfelves^coj^.
tempt of the worlds liailywalkingiwith G o D.^dc-
light ia the. w^ rf^dint^e, an holy .kecpifig'<rf-rfic ic^ 5 1 .
L o « D s day, fruitfulneflTe in alLg^od woi4c4S>}i»
ving,byfaith> an uncowardly opjXDfekm ^totht
iniquities, of the ^xcfcnt^jc^. which^(th*dy *^^H
know)\f ill be nccelfarity acGonipaniedwi^i J^fun-
kdrds j&f*^, caiUag;s of ibc ijafeft^ ^ifeoimwnanec
from uiigpd ly^greatneflfc, .thc:D<torI«k^cadlteft -ciw
mi^ ^jotkmgj^mfiffi ^tumf oi*3i«iHr,-fec. .^ theft, aai 18.11.
you u tike them A^Mkc dead on the neft^ «s ihty
fey. Thefcare haid lpc«^c% v€tj haifft, gr^iftg
gind ungeatcfull to tliek cares, atid-jgoc ^to th^Tir
very hearts: ^n^tberefbrc^l^llf^dtms^as^t^
preifif\g more preeifenefc you may as-well i»e-
mooyeamounraineof brafifc with yourlittlefin-
gcr, as ftirre them an inch. Say what you will,
and preach out your heart, (astheyfay) they will
no further. Thus farre as they goc already, fhall
cither fcrvc their tarnc for falvation, or they will
F 4 venture
venture their foiilcs with thoufahds that are worfe
than thcaifclvcs. They pitch upon a fafe, wife,
moderate and difcrcet temper of religion, as
they conceive and call it, and neither dcfire, or
endeavour to goe any further, or grow any bet-
ter. Abire day mends them nor (as they fay)
and a foule day . paires them not. As they are
peremptorily confident, the Pearle will be had
at their price ; fo they are conftantly peremp-
tory never to become more precifc. And
if it fall out fometimes, that they meet with
fprne faithfuU man of God, who hits right
upon their humour ; difcovering the infuffici-
cncy of their prefent fpirituall ftate, for future
happinefle; and perfwading them upon anc-
ceflity of falvation, to an univerfall refignati-
onofthemfelveswith unrefervedneffe and zealc
Co all the world, and will and waies of Go dj
they arc wont to put it off thus, or in the like
manner : Tf^e man is dgotdmAn, and of good farts,
§ntwhom I love welly butdlittle too hot, too hoijhrotu
undroughy and fmckes too much uf4nf red fenejfe and
farUculariz.mg mem (pirituall ftates 3 that is all his
fault .\ Imufi confeffe. Jam offuch a nature anddif-
fofition, that I jhall he more moved with milder Ser-
mofts, and calmer cariage in the Pulpit: I doe not fee
hm this iMinifteriall feverity and roi$ghnef[Lj,
^ Jhnrpnepdfrefresfej and (uch fearchingms^andfe- * '^riiya iit
rempory cenfitringmens fiate to Go i^-ward^ddthfo i^^^^t {^J^^l
vtuchgoodf^C* cL'TOT^i&i.
My whole JDifcourfe ofirueHapfineJfe is a touch- jf^!"".' ' ^ ■ ,
ftoneand looking glafTcfor a trial 1 and difcoviery fh'ip?y,Vwe^
oftheunfoundncfreandfpiricuall felf-dcccic: and {y^cutiirgij/iof
^ therefore thither I reniit them. ^"?Socfa
wicdiciis, qui
bill vuU mcdcrijamaris ucuiir pharmacis, ita obdurari, praefra^ij-stq-, contumaces ho-
mints duris & fcvens verbis arguendi funt : malo enmi nodo malusquarcndus eft
cw'-'itvis, Megander in loc
Ut caro qux callo obdwruit non facile accipit vibices plagarum,nifi impiobis & crc-
bris iftibus : ita animus .iflattus pcccatis, non commovctur correftionc njfi fevcra &
acii,/</e«J ihii.
Hasc vchementia & fevcWtas, quam hic^ TauM in Paftorc reqmntjnon vac.it omni
irl ! quem &Chri stum mvafiflc Evangchfh tcttis cik^Mart. 3 5 .
Haecautem juftaeftj& piaira.quam Scripturaj vocant ZelHm DeIjCUiti fitiracundia
aijioic Dei & pictatisexcitata; qualis Christvm invafir cum ncootiatoies ex-
pulite DomoPatrisrui /oj.z. ij.
Hec loco non alicnos dicit/cd domcflicos i^tcoMgucnAoiThesphylaUAnLdc
Neqj alienos folum hictaxat Fauliciy fed eos nominatini' qui C h r i s t o no-
men dcderant Cahin.inCap.i odTit,
Tor ofadothrtythofe wbicbgive their names it religion, and are unfeundat the heart-,
root :tf>ho many times alfo moji j carefully andfcandilouflyjhame their Frojejfion, (^ eaufh
thegoodrvay to be eviUfpolien tfihy their worldUnes, pride, fa/hions,ili tonguednes.pajftis,
upiry, detaining Church duesycowardline/fe in good caufes, impaticncy of Minijletiall re-
froofe,rfit cro/e the Inthcir comodityrfirangenes ofappareB, ixtimate correfpondece tvith
the pTophanejSccirreli^ioufnes »j their fervants andfoSowersySccare to he fearchedtho-
roiftlyyandmofi feverely cenjuredithat they may befaved at the length, truly humbled Cbri"
fiians indeed^and not onely in their 6wn cenceipt,andfucb as Govsvtuld havetkem.
10. A ferious and fruitfull meditation upon ^° P^epara^
thefoHrelaftthings> hath becneeverholden very Me%ta!e o't on
matcriall,and of ^eciall moment, to make us (by the foun\afi
Gods blciTing) more humbIe,un-worldly,pro- '*^"^^*
vident and prepared for the evil] Day. Give me
leave therefore, to fclc(5l and propofefome profi-
table Confiderations thereabouts, and Conclufi-
onsthcnec, which may fervetp mortifie our aflfe. .
iaionsto-thcwarid, ^takcioff the -edge and wgcr-
flcfTcin purfuic after catrhly tbings 5 wollific, mi.
make Ht our hearts for a more cafie .cnttaf»C!<::, and
cfll^uail cnterramcnient ofalliaving iimprctllons,
and morions of t he Word and Spirit, for our fpii i-
tuallgood; tbatmti.ncsofterronr, weinay ftand
lilce ij^ioum ZfOf*, ruamoovcable and magmni-
«>M»Vfa^eT^ff About D a A T H, Confidcr ;
**'^' I. Thatallthc plcafures, trcafures, and cora-
forts of this life, wife, children, goods, gv>ld,
great friends,. lands, livings, poflelRons, offiecs,
honoui's, high roomcs, brave firuations, fure pro-
fpe(5is, fu mptuous bui Id ings, plcafant wal kes, and
even the world itfelfe, upon which- thou haft loft
fo much labour, time, care, thoughifullnclTe, and
^ doted fo long, holding a divorce, as death itfelfe,
cos a/tcTanI ™^ft ^^^ uponthe ftroke of death, * which not
Toca 5 p<»<iaiy- hcavco and earth, or any created power, can .any
iEfcuiri. waycs polllbly prevent, divert, or adjoume, be
HippoCTa. fuddcrtiy, utterly, and for ever left, never mcvrc to
& Gaicaos beiiaindcd,medl'dwith,t>r enjoyed in this world
ce^rjubeV nen OT thc wotld to come. Whm vur breath gmh forth^
hi onanei vel
boruhrw ann stu s apponcot^ultra quam veUtDEvr f-JbarmacojioIia exIwutisSjiuvmn
3c.ua)QncS gUni^sut yiram extemli-Sjtimen tciminos^i^iii prjetcun iion prQtcn3nt,noa
promciyebfs Caurus Cs5qiiaiinim'veVig, yiti&pcnctila <»mni»<fecli»»e3<morhart>.T» pumci-
pi]i obllcs,,num?ruui.n.- cr»ljwB ru>t> angeUs. pprcSjVQTcjUjjroges, njhil ^gjs \ wta? tuac
termini jam conUitutifunt^ncc unqiusn, (;]uicqiu4 reOftiis) piJtxcxiti potcmnt- —'■Qi-
boiu:Tj libi prxAanriflimotam copiaGt8c fcle^« j viTiiflQrctD'b<ba«5.iiumqiiaMilabo-
rcs nifi ad fanitatcm j tantoin ftjmnt caj»ias,miat»tum^Lexi/irchiatrtKiim,S'ra.t»9.r»-
letudinis pofcit,Adnn;ncrm«<arieas-& algeas^ 'nibiIormiriwS^~n>9r»aliseris$.&>ubi vtUB
tuc mctam conrigeiiSjage, r^Ieiic rebus nu!Dani$,& ad rctioaeoi teddKidaal tc para :
Tribunal tc vocat.
O F I>E A T H. 75
and met retttrrNrtB mr rarih^ aM. ou^thoitghu fcrffh .•
Even rhr thoughts' of the gitcatrft Ptinces, and!
mightieft Moirardis- upon eaith, who happiljr
Hiay haveinthrir heads wh^le common- wealths^
and the afTaiies^of many kingdoracs. r»t mtyaur
mtfttn Princes (S^aih King Dav/d) nor in th:finn& Pral.i46.j,4.
efman^ inwhomthenis m helfe, H if breath g^ith
firth^ f)eere>uynnht^hiseardxyin that very day hi f-
thmghisprijh. And thet'cfoTe Ictirbcc chy wif- ^f« leaned
dome, to rent and weane thine affedions fromthr i'^'^Q^^^^^^l^
wodd with an holy refblure violence in the meanc vivcns , <jux
rime: ^DifdaineandTcornctorct thincheart up- P^[J^ moucm
on thofc things hcre> which thou canfb noc, diou) p^tes. Diffial"
nuift not have in. the fecond life. And there is: f^.i^'O impof-
goodreafonforit. For they are all (as Ifaidbe- ^^ P;^;
fere) at the bed, and in the height: i.Butr^w- fmacur boms,,
ty. And 2. Vexatiin of f^;ru. ?. They can- j^/""'''^^ J i^*
not farisfie the foule. 4. 7 hey will net frofit in jii,'c^^'„^,aucm
the day of revenge, 5. They reach notroeccinity. i^'^cat, uc de.
^. There is no man foairured ofhis honourjWealrh ^ -1'^^ jp[,*'|"^"
crany worldly thing, burhe maybe deprived of utm unT^&i.
them, the very next moment. 7. Thou needs to ^". caelooio,i-
i^arenowant: There Un$maK^M\C^Tiisr)that Tr 'ZTrV)'
hMh lep hmfeiOr brethren ^cr fifierSyCr fathers, ormt- on'Dom ca^.
ther, or w fey er children^ or lands for rfkj fake and the ^^
Gefpeh ; Bat he [hall receive an hundred fold mw in
this tlmeyhufcs-andbrethrcn^ andfifiers y and mothers ,.
4fid childreniond la^, mthferfectttfons-, aid in the
ivorldttr come eterfj all (ife. Ofeternalllife, thepoinr
is ciccre : But how fliall they helb manifoldly re-
munerated in thig life :• fc^ v.J^
I. Iathcfkmekind^,rometimes> andxstrrtTTfVSc le^e'f^war'd
* 25 arergpforde^L
Mar. 1 0.2 i., 3 p.
" n6 OF DEATH.
\ ■ - _
as they fay, \^haham,^t God s command, left:
his comtreyJiindrediandfathersheufe:2LVid hewas af^
terwards (as you know) crowned wirh riches and
honour abundantly, and became agreat and migh-
ty Prince: Job for the glorifying of G o d, and
confounding of Satan, bore patiently sand blefled.
God for the lofTe of all ; and how richly was he
after repay ed with a large and fingular addition,
and excellency of goods and children. "*" Valen-
timdn the Emperour was put from his place of
*Fcrtur luiia- command in the armVjbv /«to, and baniiliedfor
mm cum turn. c r^ ■ x. c j
mam impciij the prorcmon or C h r i s t : but arterward was
Romam adm:- called backe from banifhment, and with much ho-;
vJentinim, Hourand applaufe advanced to thc height of the
qui piaefcdus
cohortis erat, ex Albomiljtum qui in cxercitu Joviniani vocab.mtiir, GJCcmiiTe. &
perpenio addixifle exiho: fimnlationc qiiidcm c^ub>l rnilites fibi fubjeftos, cum"
contra hof^es pugnandumefiec, paruira comraod ^ inftiuxeratj fed rcvcra bine indu-
duseft, Ciim lulianu/i adhucin Gillia, qux a<] occidentcm foletii vergit, xtatcm
ageiet, adqnoddam delubtum ivitfacrificatum : fimulq; cum eo fuk ZfalentiniatHti,
Nam Romanis vctuscrar mos, iit prxfcdi militumjqui Joviniani & Hcrculianivoca-
bantur Impcratoicm proximo a tcego pra;Iidij causa fequcrentar. Valentinianus
autem cumenetlimen dclivbri tranfgrcfliirus, &faccrdosritu Gcntilftio viridcsoliva:
iimufculos rr.adtfaclos manu tcnens, incrocuntes illos afpcigcret, gutta in fuam ve-
ilcmdehpsa, segic admodum &gravitcr tiilir. Chnftianus enim crac, & proptcrea
fjcerdotccn, qui ipfun aqiu afperfcrat, & convicijs adoritiir. Aiunt prctcrca
^€um etiam Imperatore luliano infpeftante tantum veftis fur cum ipfa gutta excidif-
fe, abjccifleqj quantum gutta madcfccerat. Unde luViania ci admodum incenfus,
iiacufqj non multopoft Gondcmnavitcxilio, utnimiium Melitinam, uibem Arme-
RJceperpetuo incolcrer, causa quidcm (Jmulata, quoi milttes (Jbi (ubjcdos ncgl:-
genter admodum gubernaffec. Noluic cnim vidcri propter rcligionem ullo cum af-
ficere incommodo, nc indc ant martyris, aur confeflbris honosilli tribucretirr ; fi-
quidem luc dccaufaalij? etiam Chnftianis peperccrat, quia videret cosex pcriculo- .
rum ftifccptionc (uti i'upra demonftratumicft) turn gloriam fibi confequi, turn reli-
gionem ac fidem C H a. i s x i vehcmenter confirmarc. Ac fimul ut impcriuni
Romamim Joviano delatam eft,rfte t^alentinianui ab exilio Hldeam rcvocatus, mor-
tuojam foi tc /uliano, &confilioab extrcitu & his qui turn primes magiflratus gc-
rcbant, inito, omnium fufHagijs Impecitor deligitur, StxofnJiifiQrjEccUfiift.Lib.S.
• \ , Impcdalf ^
OP X):EATH. 77
— ' '■ - '
Irapcriall dignity. The ApolH es forfakirg ail for
C H R I $ T s fake, had afterwards for one ^ poore
cottage, the houfcs of all the faithfull Chriftians in
ihc world, to which they were far more welcome,
than ever atiy7/4W4» was to his proudeft palace;
and fo all godlv Miniftcrs in all ages ever Rnd hear-
tier entertainment, amongft the HmtfJ-jmldefFrnth,
(truly fo called) than ever any natural! father,?no-
thei-.^{ifter or brother could poilibly affoordj be-
caufe, as yet they can fee no beauty in the image of
Christ in others, oi* in their feet who bring The benefit ef
glad tidiPgs.nor love fpimuully. ^. 'r^^u,,
. 2. Or in equivalence; by ** contentment, which po%iim dc-
doth incomparably both in fweetncife and worth mi rehqu flint
furpafle & ova-weigh all worldly wealth.Witnes fiJeii'o' dTmu"
that worthy reply of the moft famous Italian Mar- eiant apcrtx ,
qucffc,GaleacfMCaracc!oluf (having left the rich ^ailX c"nr
andplcafant MarquefdomeofVico,allImpcriall hjbeiet domll
Popifh, Princely, Courtly favours, and other pro- "^s- omnefqj
portionable felicities attending upon fuch humane poftoiVfuot-
fuHm fruftum & ncccfTariaferebaRtjUt rede Paulm fcripfeiit,iCor.6. lo. Ap'jftolos
cfle tanquam nihil kabtntes,^ tamen omnia poJJUentes S c ubi oaurn patiem.uiiam ma«
tremjpAiiculos fracres, & fororcs icliquerunt, alibi centum fidelcsinvencrunt,,q(ii pa-
tcrnOjmateino,& fraterno animo eos profecutifunt. fiiTnton Evanr.Ca^. i j i.
•> Ctntuplaigitiir ifta, hoceftmulto plura animus rccipit, non centupio modo^
fed infiaitOjiriajore turn voliiptatc utens raodicis illtj, quxcunq j ad v.'tam prxfentcm
in perfccutione D o m i M v s dcdent, quantilibettribulationibiis circunditus, quam
ante cognituni Ev.ingeliuraj ufus fwcrat ijs, qua: rtliquit, Bucer.in Cap ig. Mattb.
Interim fuas exhilarat Deus, ut illis pluris fit, longrq; fuAvius t^intJUim boni
quo fiuentuv, qaam fi extra Christym illis affluercs immcnfa bonorum
copia. Calvin, /bid' CentuplicialKaTcyraTiheio-ia'ct. i e. Qnae centics tanti flntjnem-
pe quod ad rcium ufum, Sccoramoda hujus ttiam vitx attinct : fi ^nodoilla non ex
copijs & cupiditate noftra fed ex D e i naftri voIuQtate, (qu3B una eft ccrti<]]ma
bonorum Rcgulp) metiimur; adco ar fideles inmeuia ttiam e^tftate hu us pr mif-
fronis evcntumfentiant. Itaq; pcrndiculus erat lnliar>ut iHc Apoftata <^.mvn Ivmc lo-
cum cxagitanS5qujercrcni centum ctiani uxoics habiniri elkni rhiiftiani, BifO-in
€a^ lo.Marci,
greatneffc for the Gofpcls falcc)to a wicked Jcfuitc
templing him with a great fumme of gold, to re-
« Tie nfc of tui ne out of Ziori to Sodomcfiom Geneva into Italy ;
^,'^'of^"* ^t ^ Lettheir money ferjh with thef9t,r9h9efieep:eallthe
'rnkkmrt^uefe ^^^^ in the world, mrth one daies feckty with Jisiis
of Vico in tU Chris t, and His Ho l y Sp i r i t. I make no
^^kTcaLz doubt but to any of our learned and holy men,
exiles for Christ in Quccne M dries time, of
whom many after returned, and received an hun-
dred fold according to the later of the Tcxr^h-owne
head and the Gfjj>eirm Gcvm^nyy.duv\ngt\\sth[ou'
Lofe ofiepirais dy five yeares, were irfinitclv more fweet and
Tecm>pcnce.i ^^^^ ^^^^ g|} ^^^ Bifliopricks of En o L A N D with
with a.iinasnce i r ■ » /» • i
9' fpirifuaUi. Stwjcfiftjon totbe ftxc i^rticles.
d Foredidt.ut 5^ £ven in ''an overflowing and tranfcendent
inn-ecJi)setiam • /r t 1 i_ j j
pcrfecution:- manner,m a prefiea and heaped, and even over-m-
bus cf.ntuplj larged meafure by fpirituall joy, peace of confci-
fi.it fceiiciorcs, ence,contentment of foulc, m.ore fimiliarit v with
<ju:m unquam ^ . . , -r r^ "^ ' cr
antd, qui Go D, nearer communion With Jesus Christ,
Chbistvm fuller aflfurance of His love, and our portion in
rxcommodTs Him,more fenfibk experience ofHis all fufficien-
antepofuennt cy, extraordinary cxercifc of faith, fwccter cafte
Idem Ibid
Ecce quiieliqueiit purcm,& clcgcritfibi fatrcm BiTMjitTsoei p!us,qiiani ccnta-
pluniconftitrcccp»flc.?i;'<:— Qji tcliqirciitfratretn, ut habeat Chkistvm fratrtm,
nonnc mclior crit ci c^u-m centum frtifs ? -— Si dimirtir fubftintMin, ab omn bus
diligitur, ab ornmbushonoratur, ;i quibufdati autem& timetur. Nam icfc Devs cui
fetndidit, d'it (i gr^tiam coi im omnibus : Nonnc mdiRsefiei hoc, qiiam u'uvirfa
ten:'} incertus Author in Mat. Horn j ?.
Ne quis fnfp ceturqaod diftjm eft folis cosgrucrc Difcipulis: di'at.K promiflioncm
ad omncs qui fimiha fnciunt ; H ibebunt cnim pro crmlibus cogn mSjfamiliar'r.'tcm
& fratcrnitueir. cum Deo; pro agris Paradifomi& pro Upideis xdibus fupcrnjm Hic-
rur<:lem,8f c Tbeophytaif in Cap. i g.Mat,
Q^^Tivis pios feiTiper )n iiocn-.undo pcrfccutioncsmaneant, & quafi eorumtergo
crux adliafrcatjtam dulcc timcneft condimcntiim gratia Dit, quae jpfosc^fl^'leratjUt
illorutn conditio rcgijiadellcijs optabilior Qi.Cslv Ihid.
-in the Promifes, clofer cleaving to the Word,cIea-
rer fight of divine excellencies, 'heartier longing
for heavenly joyeSjC^ir.One drop of which fpiriru-
all rcfrefliing dcawcs diftilling upon the foule even
ingreate'^ outward diftreffe ; one gHmpfe of fuch
glorious inward joyes Hiining from the face of the
Sun of falvation into the faddeft heart in the dar-
keft dungeon^doth incredibly furpaflc ail the com-
fort which wife, children, wealth, or (in a word)
worldly good, or raortall greacnefTe can pofHbly
4. Or in pofterity 3 by a very remarkable,if not thir^po^cri/y
miraculous providence and care for them. Confi- rvho loje arji
dcr for this purpofc, that G o t-fcaring Prophet^ '*^«<^>''Goi>-
2 Ktngs 4. who upon the matter, and in the taic
meaning, denied himfelfe, and forfooke all for
Gods f'ikc. (^ For he doth fo alfo,who preferres • Rei mjucrc 3.
the glory of G o ©, the Gofpell, the caufc of '"i" "^ propter
Chr i^T,andkeepingof agoodconfcicnce,bc- ,"Tr7fiv^p"oju
fore any, or alleaithly things 5 holding faft un- ter ' ch ri.
fainedly arcfolution, if he be put to it, and times tJ^^ ' ^^
require really and adually to leave all for p^ponc'/oL^,
Christ.) Thisgood man might have '"applied n.bus, scfupa-
himfelfe to the prefcnt, ferved the times, fought "'^"^ira^'^cfl^'
the Court, and f -.teat lejaifels Table with her o- charum pc(ftol
ther temporizing trencher-chaplaires. But it is " "<^^i''o, ut .1.
faid in the Text, that he feared tkLcn d, and fo ^^ ^^^^^
difdained, and abhor'd to gainc by humouring rua rdm^jue-
grcatncffe, to grow rich and rife by bafenefle and, 'f qu^ntumvis
O c? J chara, quajnoi
alliciunt,aut ctiam cogunt.ut aliquiJ faciamnsj quod tit contra ejaJ gloriam Afufc.
' Colligemus ex hac panpertatc viriim lUum fuiife confbntcro in vera & fa na rtli^i-
oac : quiali dcficcre voluiffct.ad cultu-n /eiabclu^Sc im^ijvco-.s^xi^tui & julls facui-
tatef ei ns>a dcfuiil'ent- Fet.Martjn he,
flattery .And therforc did chufe rather to die a beg-
ger,to leave hi«ftvifcin dtbc&expyfehis children
to the bondage of cmell creditouis,rhanany waics
to make fhip-wrackc of a good confcience^or con-
fent and concurrctothe adulterating of Go d « fm-
cere and purer worfliip. But innrk what followes :
rather than the wife and children of fuch a man,
who preferred Gods glory before his owncpre-
ferment,fliall fuifer wantj rhcy muft be relieved by
a miraculous fupply , as appearcs in the ftory .
^ l«al name y~. • j „ /• / • ^r
give^for lofe 5« Or m good s fJ4me 5 which ts rather ti
ofgood^, &c. het chofcn than grzat riches, faith Sdomen, For
InTrS/V^ inftance, compare together Bradford zxi6, Bonner,
name) kar jh ill The name of that bldfed man fhall bee of moft
not bee cut of. dcarc and glorious memory to all that love sur
pJol.ii.i, Lord Jns Us Christ wfi:?ccrity-,\\m\\\}r{\s
■• tisare CiUin fccond comming : and it is like we (hall looke up-
hifa, be ore his . ^^ . . ■ i i i r
commetary up- tyrsmQueene Manesume^ with thoughts or ex-
on the fir/i to traordinary fweetneiTeand lovein thc next world
Ecfi ^ neqi tu thorow all ctemity. But now the remembrance
piaufum ihe- of that Other fell ow, who (like a blood-thtrfty
no'tcib ^D e"J '^yS^'^) made fuch horrible havockc of the Lambs
contentas neqi of Chr I sT,{liaIlbe had in amoftabhortedj exe-
mihi propDti. crable, and everlaflin^ deteflation. The name of
Ts 'Irrarc! ^^^^ fore-named noblc MarquefTe, ^ who left and
C^od tamcn
cognitu utile eflac ffu^u'rfum,non ptorfus celandifimt LE<florcs. Homi««m primaria
familia natum, honore & oplbusflorcntera j nobiliffima & cafti^i nn t?) ore, numc-
ros.-i fujole, domeft.'ca c^u ete & con cord la, totcq; vitx ft'tu bc.umn, aln6,utia
C H R I s T I c.iftra aiigraret patni (efliflc : D.tioacm feailcia & a(rcpn:.m,lautum
Paciimonium, cotnmodim non miniiS, quam voluptuofam h-bitationem neglexiiflcj
Exmff: fplenJorcnidomeiUcum ; Patrc,conjuge„hbeiiSjCognatis,?.fSnibusCefc pri-
and loft all with a witneflTc for the Gofpcls fake,
{hall be infiaitly more honored of all honeft men,
fo long as any one heavenly beame of G o d s e*
ternall truth (hall fliine upon earth, than his uncles
P4f//the fourth, orall that Rope of Popes from the
firft rifing to the finall mine of that Man of finne.
Nay,thcirs (hall rot cverlaftingly; but his fhall re-
flourifli with fweetncffe, and frcfli admiration to
the worlds end.
2. That,todye,is but to be once done; and if wee MencUthm
crrcinthatonea(5tion, we are undone evcrlafting- '"'^^'
ly . And therefore have thine end ever in thine eye.
* Let all our abilities, bufineffes, & whole being in ^ in cima«
this life^lct all our thoughts,words5a(ftions,rcferrc ^"''^l™ ^'^''"5
tothisonething,which(asitfhallbewellorillen- "^" ^^^^ '
ded) is attended cither with endlcfTc plagues, or
pleafurcs ; with eternity of flames or felicity.
providentia; in.
ime,qu3B am-
plius quaoi fc»
mel fieri nc»
cftfeunt. ubicunq; p€skpfu3fuerit,aAum«ft : uniis error multatrahit crrotum mil-
lia. HjBcruio mortis eft J unicus in ea error, infiaitos trahet eirorci; Hlc remeler-
Mflf-'jactermim eft peniffc.
Lamachos Centwri'^, admiflt empris increpabat militcm, qui ut culpam dilaeref,
dfinceps nil talc admiffiirumfepromifir. Cui Csntucio: In bvllo, inquit, Boae vir,
non licet bis peccare. fltitarch iriLacont
In mort€,eheu, nee vel femcl quidem peccare licet. Nam hoc talc peccatum eft ir-.
rcYOcabile. Semel niortuus cs, fsmper mortuus es . femel male mortuus cs, femptr
damnacus es. Hanc moitctn corrigcie,hanc danaaationem cxcutcre, per omnetn «t€r-
nitatem aon poteiis.
3: That thoumaift looks upon thy laft bed, Tmmtf
to be full fotcly terribly alfaulted by the king of '^**^**
fcare, accompanied with all his abhorred hor-
rours,and flinging dread ; by the fearefull fight of
allthyformerfinnes, arrayed and armed in their
griflicft formes, and with their ficrccH flings;
G with
82 O FJD EA TH.^
with the utmoft craft and cruelty of all the powers
of darkcncflc, and the very powder-plot of the
prince of Hell, that roaring Lyon, who hath indu-
ftrioufly laboured to devoure thy foule all thy life
long -y with the terrour of that juft and laft Tribu-
nall to which thou art ready to pafTe to reckon
preciicly with Almighty God for all things
done in the flcfli. What manner of man ought
thou to be then in the meane time : in all holy
* Cavcamus ^^^.^ fore-caft and cafting about to give up thine
T>ferre.Quoi account With comtoit at that dreadtull houre <i Be
hominum rail {q f^^rc from "^ deferring repentance in this Day of
nar^ob"cau- vifitation, and putting off till that time 5 (For
Cimmaie fini- how cauft thou poflibly attend fogfcat 3 bufinefle,
«u:.t, quiA di- when thou art befet with fuch a world of wofull
mfcTffeiTnda! workc, and hcllifli ra^c:') That thou fliouldeft
Quid crafti. in this day, like a fonne of wifdome,. con-
ren'dmvTi.iiua ^^^^^Y P^Y ^^^ improove all opportunities, occa-
tu2 deft nas ? fions, offers, every moment, Miniftery, mercy,
Cnihnus dks motions of the Spirit, checks of confciencc, cor-
Hodiemus'fft! tedtions, temptations, drc, to .ftorc thy felfc
Hodie quaefo, richly with fpirituall ftrength againft that laft en-
^r^^^'^'d'a^'" counter, and of higheft confequence, either
Scft.crTs^ for cternall happineife, or unconcciveable hor-
aut perendie rour.
nl' *:^I, 4- That thy body, when the foule is gone.
death made Will be an horrour to all that behold it; a moft
foathfome, loathfome and abhorred fpeclacle. Thofe that
loved it moft, cannot now find in their hearts to
looke on't, by reafon of the griefly deformedneffe
which death will put upon it. Downe it muft into
a pit of carions and confufton, covered with
W3rmes,noi: able to w ig fo mich. as a little fiig?r,
to remoDvethevernlns chit feed and gaiw upon
its flefli ; and fo moulder away in:o rottennefTcand
duft. An i therefore let us never for the temporary,
trandcory eafe, pleafure, and pampering of a rui-
nous,and rotten carkafle, bring everhfting mifery
upon our imniortall foules. Let us never,f)r a little
fenfualUiliDrt and vaainiing delight flowing from
the th ee filthy puddles of the /«/? of the fie jh, the
lu^ofthee^CyandthefrjJeofUfe, drowneboth our
bodiesand foules in a dungeon, (hall I fay, nay ina * ^.^. .
boy ling '^fea of fire and brimftone, where we can difcamusVi'^
fee no banks ,nor feele no bottome. cuia vidna'nof-
fc, quae faciJlc
caveCjqui prs.
Yidet. Non pji'Lim intcreft c tena fpc»5les naufragium paffi njntj& irrcpirabile, quot-
quat ad orcu n p.^cipitati luat j nee in portiim unquam pcivenicnt. iEtcrnicatis ivx*
neuna mare,caceer xcemus hos aauhragos jam fcpeliyit.
5. That when the foule departs this \[£c, it ^l}^^^ "^^P^^-
1 • • t -^ 1 ,,<-. '^* carte! no-
carries nothing away with it, but grace, Gods thin, but grace
favour, and a good confcience. The Sunne of all with tt.
worldly greatnefTe, profperity, and joy then fets
for ever : Even Crownes, Kingdom^s, Lands,
Livings, and all earthly PofTcflions are ever-
laftir^ly kft. And "^ what will an immortall *si confc/cntia
foule, deftitute of divine grace, doe then:' Then fit inqumata,
wdl that now newly-feparated foule, finding no '"^'^ . "^^'^"^
fpirituall (lore or proviiion laid up in this life a- condirL,necm
gainft the evill day, with anirkfome and furious condcorefoU-
tii eft leperire :
Omnia acerba,
Fellea omnia : Et quo profugias ? Ad Djiim? Hoftis eft. Ad confciemiam ? Carnifex
eft.Ad coelites r- Often'i fun:. Ad focios? Augebunt ci'uciatus. Ad delitias Si. volupcates?
Confcientiam magis inquinabunt,&c.
G 2 reflvifiion ,
84 OF DEATH._^
reflexion, lookcbaeke upon all its time fpent in
the fiefli; and beholding there, nothing but abo-
uninations, gwkinelk- and finne ; Prefently awakes
the nevev-oyirig worme which having formerly
had its uicvith flopt with carnall delights, and
mufl'd rp with outward mirth, willnowfeedup-
jvhat t}.c{md- on it with bonoi'f, angui{b, and dcfperate rage,
iie{peciai/io Wcr!d v^ithout end. O then, kt thefc precious,
ion^ ajer. ^^^arc, evetkfting things breath'd into our bodies
for a (hort abode in this Vale of teares, by the
AH powcrfull God, fcornc with infinite difl
dainc, to feed r.pon Earth, or any earthly things j
which ?.rc no proportionable obje<5l, either fox di-
vinencfTe, or c^uration, for fo noble a nature to
neftle upon. But let them ply and fat themfelves
all the dayes of their appointed time, with their
proper,native,and celeftiall food : i^t thatgre^
Suffer made by a King at the marriage of a Kings
Sonne, X?^^'^ 14.1(5. (jyfatth. 2 2.2, And therefore
nauft needs be moft magnificent and admirable :
At that FeaH of fat things y that Feafl of wines on the
lees ; of fat things fidUf pMrrorv^, of wines on the lees
rvellrefinedylfa.2^.6. The founder and furniflier
whereof is the Lord of Hofts. He that made
Heaven and Earth, makes it, and therefore it
muft needs bee matchleffe and incomparable :
At the Well-head ofWifdomes richeft Bounty^
who hath kilied her heajls, mingled her wine, and
fitrnifheAhtr table, Prov.9.2. In and by thefe and
the royalleft feaftthat can be imagined, are fha-
dowed, but infinitely fliort, and reprefented unto
us^ but nothing to the life, all thofe inexplicable
divine dainties,delicates, fwectnefTes 5 thofe graci-
ous quicknings, rejoycings and raviflimentsof fpi-
rit5 which God iniiKrcy is wont ro communi-
cate and convey thorow all the ordinances and
meanes of grace to truly humbled foules, for a
mighty incieafe of fpirituall (Irength and invinci-
ble comfort,
O how delicioufly may a heavenly hungry
heart feed and fill it felfe ; i . In the powerful] Mi-
niftry unfolding all the facred fcnfc and rich mines
of G o D s own meaning in his blelTed Book. 2. In
the precious promlfes of life, by the applications
and exercife of Faith. ^. In the Lords Supper,
by making the L r d J e s v s furer to our foules
every time 5 and every time by feafting afrefli up-
on his body and blood fpiritually,with exultations
of deareft joy, and fweeteft glimpfes (as it were)
of eternall glory. 4. InfruitfuU conferences and
mutuall communications of gifts, graces^ prayers,
duties with Gods people, which the Lord doth
ufually and gracioufly water with the deawes of
many fweet and glorious refrefliings and quick-
ning, muchincreafe of Chriftian courage, and an
holycontentationin the^Wjv^y. 5. In meditati-
ons upon the my ftery of C h r i s t , the miracles of
mercy upon us for our good all our lifelong, and
the eternity of joyes and blilTe above. 6, Upon
the Lor D s Day, when fliowers of fpirituall blef-
fings are accuftomed to fall from the Throne of
gcac^ all the day long, upon thofe who fincerely
endeavour to confecrate it as glorious unto him.
7. Upon thofe foule-fatting dales of humiliation 5
G 5 which
and^^mw which who ever tried ^cither fecrctly, private!^
n^any tiio,.' ot puWikely 5 either by him felfe alone, with hisc
^'nds of cha- yoke-fellow, in his family or congregation, and
, rprkvcr""d- ^^^^^^^^ ^° ^ extraordinary, according to the
mirabie, gioii- extraordinarinefTe of the exercifc :'
ouSjind extra-
ihings ; Ofpublikc thusfpeakcs a learned Dodor. To Gods gUiy^ mdtotht
/lopping of our adverfaries mouthes,the Papifls (whoy^noTv nor rvhat the trueexercife of
fafting ineanethjit is to be achjierelcdgcd. that hetvfueverive have not bcenefo frequent ta
thU exercife, aiwere to be ivifhed, yet notnpith/andifig, upon diverfe fublihj occajions
there have beene publi\e Tafts ohferved and lo'.emni\ed among tu with good and happy
juccejj'e: ^i fir example i/tt tie time of the f^reatFlaguct Anno 156J. After theenat
£arth-qua\e, i\nno I'i 7^. After intelligence bad of the Spanijh /nvaJioH, Anno i^SS./n
. the time of the great Famine, Anno 1 5 9 6. & 1 5 9 7- ^nd notv of late in thU time of the
Fefiilence Anno 1603 Befidet he private and fecretjaftingofthefaithfuHi ti it bath
fleafed Gov to move them^either by private, or publil^e occafiom. D.Downam now
Bifliop in Ireland, The Chr;Hians banduary.Scfl. 54,032.54,
Nay^Hcare King Charles Hlmfclfe giacioufly acknowledging G o d « ex-
traordinary goodneflcin hearing ourprayeis in publikc Fafts blcflcdly appointed by
His owne royall Command : ^ni whereai thegreite/l confidence men have in God
arifeth, not onelyfrem HiiTromifey hut from their experience Uf^eivife ofHisGoodnefTe
you mu/i notfaile often to re-call tc the memoiy of the people tvith thanl^efuffneffe, the late
ffreat experience ree have hadoj Hugoodnejfe towards ta: For, the three great and u/uag
judgements which Me darts downs upon difobcdientondunthanf^efuU people, are Pt/lilenct
Famine and the Swtrd.The Fe/lilenee did never rage more in thii l^ingdme then of late *
And God »asgraciou/7y pleafedin mercy to beare tie prayers, which rvere made tmtl
aim 5 and the ceafingofthe /udgement nvtn little lejfe than a miracle The famine threat-
ned nt thii pre fentyeareyand it mufi have foUotvedy had God rained detpneHii anger I
little Itnger upon the fruits of the earth. But upon our prayers ibejfayed that judgement
' andfent utablejfedfeaf»n,and a mofl plentifuU Harvefi^^c, luftruftr^nj dueafd from
8he Kings moft. excellent Ma)eftie,^c.pag penult.
About the laft JvdgembnT, Confider, The terrour »f
I. How * cuttingly, and how cold the very Cheists cs^
Er^CightohhcSo/tofmancofnmingffi the clouds <?/ S"fc/'' ' ^
BeAvenrvithpower And great glory , will ftrike imto *Notaqa3
thine heart, who haft refufed to tume on His fide, p^^^^onnTJ
and take His part all the time of thy gracious vifi- ant ^imp^obl
ration. Then wilt thou begin with exrremeft ^c obfiinau
griefc and bitternelTc of fpirit to figh and fay gi"nam',neU
within thy felfc : Oh! He that I now fee fitting pe non pri,^$
downe upon yonder flamine white and ^lorious '^"^I" ^f^I^
-^t -IT r-P ^t ■ t perlcquun fu.
Throne, IS that J E s V s C H R I S t, ^/-^^ mighty erinr, ac tum
G o D, the Pr/W<?(?/P^^f^, that fweeteft Lambe, quidemcogcn-
whofe precious bloud was powred out as water ^""^ ^"' ^ ^''.'^"^
upon the earth, to Jave ha -people jrom thcrfinnes, one maxima
And He it was who fb fairely invited and wooed &^uporcj &
me (as it were) by His faithfullefl McficngerSjand confciencix m!
intreatcd mcwithtermes of dearcftlove, all my tffabiii, cum
lifelong, but even to leave my lufts, and bid the cem^Hbi ^"'^''
Divell adieu ; and He, even He, would become ftimi eum, qui
my all-fufficient and everlafting Husband; and ^'^'^. in^iignis
now asatthistimehave fct animmortall crowne rnnf^.n^'^^'^r
of blifle and gloiy upon my Head with His owne ifta. Nemo efl,
all-mighty hand. 'But I alas! (like a wilfull defpe- fi^ "''J'i'^ ^^-
rate wretch) did not onely neglect fo great /ahafio^^ quem ^[ntct- fe-
firfake mine owne mercy y'2Lnd fo judge jny Jelfe unwor- '^'f > cum inbc-
thypf everlafting life: but lalfo (abloudybutcher ""ctu^^o/iocu
to mine owne foule) all my few and evil! dayes, Johm cap.s.
bafcly and bitterly oppos'd His blefTed kingdome; "^'''^P^g J ^ »•
the purity, power, and holy precifenefle thereof,
as quite contrary to my carnall heart, and that
current of pleafures and worldly contentments
C 4 into
into which I had dcfpcratly caft my felfe: I indeed
wretchedly and cruelly againft mine owne foule,
perfecuted all the meanes which fliould have fan-
(ftified me,and all tlic men which iliould have favM
me. Happy therefore were I now, if I could increat
the greateft Rock to fall upon me,or be beholding
»Rev.6.i 6. to fome mighty mountaine to cover me ; there to
lie hid everlaftingly ^ fiom the face of him that Jltteth
en the Throne^ andfi^om the wrath of the Lamb, O that
I now might be turned into a beaftjOr bird,or ftone,
or tree,or aire, or any other thing I BlefTcd were I,
that ever I was borne, if I could now be unborne :
That I might become nothing & in the ftate I was,
before I had any being ! Ah that my immortall
infern^akTTu' ^^^^ '^^^'^ "^^ mottall, that I might "^ die in hell,
ilincbit uhi eft and not lie eternally in thofe fiery torments,which
flctus&ftndnr I fliallnever be able either to avoid, orabide! Let
ufuUtm jamf- us then betime in the name and feare of God, kifTe
tatio& Voeni- the Son left he be angry at that Day; and fo wee
tcntiafineuiio perifh evetlaftinply.
ijCmedio; ubi * ' ' '. mu -
cfl v'Cimis illej^uinon raoritm',5c ignis<{ui nuncj^uartrcxtinguitti^uhitnorscjiixutar,
&noninvenitu'. Quire in inferno mors qwxntur&iioninvcnitnr ^ C^i.aquibiis iii
hoc feculo vi:a ofFertU!,& noluntacciperc,in inferno qujeriint niorcem,.&non poteriint
inrsnue. U'ni critnox line die, amaiituda fiuedulce^ine, oblcuritasfiac lamine,&c,
u4iigufl:JeTemSeTm i-^-i-. .
Hotp t9 ad' Let US now, while the day of ourvifitation lafts,
^dtitTchrifi hdoxctheSunhefet upon the Prophets, addreflfe our
felves unto him: i .With hearts burdened and bro-
ken with fight of fin,aiid {cr\k of divine wrath,3//?^.
11.28. 2. Prize him infinitely and above all tfre
world, M4f. I :? .45. 3 .Sell all, part with all fin, /^/af.
Out of Egypt quite,leave not an hoofe behind,^;if.
10.25. 4.Take him as our husband & Lord,wher-
by we hecome the fins ofGod,loti,i,ii.y.Ti(hhisyoh
nfon usy andk/irnetobe meeke and lowly, Mat, 1^.2%::*
6. Enter into the n^^j, which is caiedtk ivay ofhoU.
fjefejfi.^^iS' y.And.thcreconutiueProfcfTorsbf
the Truth> and of thepbwer of the Trnthj and of
the power of the Truth in truth .:' (for otherwife>
thou mayefl: be a Profefibr, and perifh eternaii^ :)
That Chri ST may ownethee,at^th5tDa^vMafiy
profefle the Truth, dud not tlie power 0^ rfiiaertfthi
fome profcfTe both) the' Tpotkam' th tj)m;Ci^bfib,
but are falfe hearted. Where then Mthe m>n-pi^ The /iris ac-
fcflbur appeare < Nay thePerfccutcr o-i-yhts^-. count of tUiafi
tfhich isjfokm /^nwfi emer^ luthti^ip^-i ^ ^]i4V^rro I day,
fhi^jthe highefl & laft Tribunal, which c^nmv^t deniy, cUaniy,
be.appeal'dfrom,6i:rep-eal''dtt1ifefr(t>giveahekai0 'l"fadfj^P''%
acDountvof alithingsdonein-stbe fli^flr,^ VJ^^ dy^i^^jt "^fargj J^"^
thoil^^tofi^teeJicasjr^-.rvWpt^fbf^^tfeyti^ (xtrasrdwarie
every gtaJndfc'ofthineicy^, . 'cvcrpi^mitm i^^lhy ^^'atrj^
thiiejieyeryQniifliQofaaylioly dut^jorgoddde^d, t^cat me; ^
every adionthcu haft Eindertakeii/^ith'a'ihStedr- ^
^titc enitii Of iVstnt t'eftibus txtc'tnh) {uoo«{tiua,tt onVncm I'tiam yi^OiW-.-ldcmiiidm
tem,vcl bonavel mnlaomnitusievel.intur.H/Va/1 /»J 2)d;;,7. ' '; *f ■ - ■•
. <^3edain igrtuc yss ttftlntettigtnlia, tfPwHtf j Tjlfel^^ft ''ttbieit-f^-'cf ^ilj fuai vtF^dna^
yel oiaLi-aiacta iamcmoniam^ fevoc^Jittiv^ ei:iff&Ms iftniitii'tniri' celeVffate eeriisiittir:
ucaccufet,vcl excufetfcicntiacunfcientiaiTi: atqjita fimulCfomncs 6c?^fi«»QU j^icem
tVT.y^u^36Ci'vk.7}etltk^o.Cap.i4. - ■ -- - ' '''- ' -- ■> i'--i c-i- - < ■ • ■-
- Ncceffeigiturnon enCJUt^nanife^at(ofi«(v0cefenGbili icF>umalhii';^ftd fetis crir^fi
menti cepexifeijtctii*,^ itiinif fftetar*. Bugo^f^lfdrftHLjb. i xleaniwa -tap. Vi'i -, • ' ■ " ' ' '
- : : i<t' horf judidp Set ^jpektib libr »f tim, fc.tfotifde'titiartjni/Gliibiis feeritd' 8i<fehlciiti
imiverfotuRrfibi i^Gs& <J2temiahotefc*fft,facientc koc ritWtflHihs JLibH Vrt^vevbi
rcincarnatr.BoWiBrevi/o.U/J I. _ ' - . \
' i ' cumfcanccs
cumftances thereof^ every office thou haft borne,
andthcdifchargcofit ia every point and particu-
lar: every CO inpany thou haft come into, and all
thy:behavi(5ur there : every Sermon thou haft
heirdjcvery Sabbath thou haft fpentjcvery motion
ofthe fpirit which hath bin made unto thyroul,(^r.
Take account of Let US then, while it is called fo day, call our felves
^hlfd.'^^^^^^^' ^o account, examine, fcarchandtry thorowly our
heait$,lives,and callings,our thofights,words, and
deeds; let us arrHgne,accufc, judge, caft and con-
dcmne our felves : and proftrated before Gods
Merc J 'Seat y with broken and bleeding affedions,
lowlineflc of fpirit, and humbleft adoration of His
free grace', upon tlic fame ground with the y^ra.
mites y I Kin. 2 0.51 .We have heard that the kings ofthe
koufe oflfrael are menifullKmgs : let us I pray thee,puf
fack^cloih on ojir loins , androfes on our heads, and go cut
/#; the King of I fratl-^fer adventure he wiUfunje thy life,
^fPA&^^ 'Let US therefore give our mercifull G o d no
• Hinc fide rcft, untiU we hayje fued out our pardon by the in-
^'"'^ d^bu'^ terccffion ofthe Lord J e 's v s,c^f. And then
fn " fudicjum! we fhall §nde the reckonings made up to our hand,
quum enim in and ' all matters fuIly anfwcfed before-hand. And
ifthac vita pel- (^hich isa Poiut of unconceivcablc comfoft) He
lententiara ju- \ . u » i r i
ftificationiste- that was our ^ Advocate upon earth, and pur-
Aafunt & ab- >>>.»» li .
lataj & ultiinum illud judiciufn c6in%ina«'f)€ri$j & rnanifcftatio ejufdem fcntcntiae j
non f ffet confenianeum, ut ialuccaswfcnuo tum tempotis pioferamur. ^mef.Mfdul.
* Qui raodo eft Advoeatus nofter,ipfe tunc erit Judex noftcr. • Si habcres cau-
famapud aliqaem judiccm agendam, & inftrueres Advecatum efle, fufccptus ab Ad-
vocate, agcret caufamtuamficutpoffct; & fi non illam finiflfct, & audircs ilium in
judicio f cntur«m,qttantum gaudcres,quja Ipfe potuit efle Judex tuus,qui fuit paulo an-
ti Advoeatus tuus?— — Quia Adyocatum praemifinms,fecuri Judicem vcnturumfpc-
xGm\xs. AugufiMTemp.Ser,iig.
J- chafed
chafed the 'pardon with His ownc hcarts-bloud,
ihallthenbcour Judge; . ^J^J"^^
3. That all the bcaftly ana jjr.pure abominati- day oj judge.
6ViS of thine heart 5 all thy fecret finnts and do- '"/"^•,
fet-villanics, that no eye ever looked rpon, 'but tim«TajSdi
that which is ten thoufand times brighter than the ommbus. ipfe
Sun 5 fliall all then be ^ difclofed and laid open be- \^^^^^^^^ , '^
fore Angels,Mcn,and Divels ;. and thou ilialtthen i"Ccto!p!o!
and there be horribly,uni verfally , and cverlafling- ced's, videds :
ly alhamed.Thou now ads perhaps fecurcly fbme ^"^^^.1'^^":*
hatefuU and abhorred worke of darkneffe, and videtteV Lu-
wickedneffenottobenam'd, in thine owne heart, •'^^'"^ cxtiinfta
oroncwayorotherinfccret, which thou wouldft (ublifYmtis"
not for the whole world, were knownc to the vidette.incorl
world, or to any but thy felfe, or one or two of ^^'^'^'"*y^*"
thy curfed companions curbed by their obnoxi- nmeriiiumcd
pufncfle: butbewellalTuredin thatDay, at that cma eft, ut vi-
grcataffize, thouihaltin the hct .of heaven and ti"endo oftui
pcccare vis,quaei:e ubi tc non videat, & fac quod vis. Hein de Verb VDomSerm. 16.
** Ini'jmtates tua: omnibus populis nudabuntur, & ciin^tis agminibus patebunt uni»
verfa fcclera tua, nen foliim afluumiVeium cogitatioiium, & iocutionum, Multa veio
tunc vcnieht ex improvifo, quafi ex rafidijs, quse, mod© non vidts, & forfitan pluia &
ter?ibiliora bis (ju:e vides. Undiq; erunt tibi angufliae, hinc ci;unt accufantia peccataj
trcmenda juftitia, fubtus patens hoiridum chaos, defupcr iratus Judex, intus vermis
confcientia', foris ardensmundus. Bern.de confc- ad fin. Scioqucd anima tam ama-
ram, non aequc fcrt mcmoviam, fed cogamus eam,& conflringamus. Melius eft nunc
cam ipfa morderi memotiajquam per illud tempus, fupplicio. Si nunc peccatoium fis
mcmor^ & ea continue proferas. &pro ipfis depreceiis, cacit^ delcbis: fi nunc vera
fucris oblitus, tune & inyitus coram cmm mundo commonefies : ipfis in mcd:iim fe fe-
rcntibusySc coram oftcntantibu$,& amicis,&inimicis,& An^dis.Clr)i/:ad Pop Jntioch.
Horn, 41. Cumhosrclinquatj&captosAngeli quidam invitos trahantj flclachrymis
perfufos,& dcorfum taccntcs in gchcnna: flammas, pniis coram toto termrum orbe
ad dcdccus produ&os 3 quantum dolorem ^S^ puc?s ? JderaHom.j^^. de trcmendo
Judic^ die.
Penfant fanfti viri quanta fit ilU vcrecundia ineonfpcftu tunc humani generis. An*
gclorwn omnivm Archangelorum^j confundi.
earth,: be laid out wiithy colours to thine eternall
confufion. Never thcrfore go about, or encourage
thy felfbto commit any fin, becaufe it-is mid-night
or thatthe doores are lockt upon thee 5 becaufe
thou art alone, and no mortali eye feeth thee, nei-
dierisiitpoffiblc tobc^deveal'di (And yet Imuft
tell thee by the way ,fecret villanies have and may
be difcoVered, i. In fleepe. 2. Out of horrour of
confcienoe.or intimeof diftraifiiion.) Foivfuppofe
-itbeconceakd,and ly;e hid in as great darkneflcjas
;it was coramittedjuntill the laft and great Day: yet
then fhallit out with a witnefTcand be as legible in
thy forc-Jiead,as if it were writ with the brighteft
ftarres, ortlie raoft gliJlcFiag Sun-beame upon a
The terrdr of
^ Though the
- . 4. In what awofull cafe thy heavy heart will
be,and with what ftrangeterrour, tremblBrtg, and
defperate rage, it muft needs be poflfeft, and rdnt
in pceces, when thou fhalt heare that dreadfull fen-
tencc of damnation to eternall torments ^nd
horrour, pronounced over thine head: Bepdrt
fentenctbe pro- fiomme ^thou curfed wretch into everlafting frey
nouHceJ gcHe- ^f^^^edfir the Divell and his angels : . Every word
reprfbatem/i breathes out nothing but fire and brimftone, ven-
ta^eittohim^ geauce and woe, bites deeper, and terrifies more
[elfe with inp- ^ *
nite anguifljoj^pint by pdrticulAr application. Qu^citlsafcholaflicis, utrumufta gcnc-
rali fentcatia, & eledi tccipiendi fint in coelutn, & reprobi conjicieAdi ingehennam.
Sane fie videtur, quia non nifi genecalis a Mattheo fentf ntia adfertur. Tatnen dixerit
aliquiSjOpus effe,utfm {ingulisfenTentia dicatur,quia & prsemiorum & poenaium certi
emat gradus.Ad hoc pleriq, refpoadent, fcnfibili quidem voce pronunciatijm iii fen-
tentiam gcaeiolein : fedeaoijquia.pirticulatiai omnflsf<:iant',quanmm'prJCmium,quan-
tavc pcjeaa maneat ipfos, id cujufq; menti cfT; repicsfcmandum, ita ut ejufqe mahifefta-
tionis non minus j^erta altjsfiituca func judicicc/quarn fi fingulij fua dkerctur fcntcn-
than ten thoufand Scorpions ftings. To ^/eparP
from that glorious prcicncc were hell enough:
but thou muft alfo goe with a cur/e : not onciy [o,
but intojf^"^ .• and that muft be evcrUfitngj fed con-
tinually with infinite rivers of brimllone.r.nd kept
ftill in flame and fiercenefle, by the unquenchable
wrath of the moft juft God, thorow all eternity.
And in that horrible dungeon and fiery lake, tliou
fhalt never have other company or comforters but
wicked Divcis, and they infulting over thee ever-
laftingly with much heUifli fpite, and ftinging ex-
probrations, for negleding fo great falvation all
thy life long; and lofing Heaven, for fomc bafc
luft, and! believing their lies. If the drowning of
the old world, fwallowing up oi Korah and his
compliees> burning up of Sodome with brimftone,
were attended with fuch terrours, and hideous
cait^cri^s : How infinitly tranfcendenr to all pof-
fibility of conceipt, exprelfion, or bcliefe,will the
confuiioHs and tremblings of that Day be ; when
fomany millions of menfljall be dragg'd downc
withailltheDivels of Hell, to torments without
end, and paft imagination. There was horrible
fcryking,when thofe five filthy cities firft felt fire
and biimftonc drop downc upon their heads;
whenthofc rebels iaw the ground cleai/e 4 finder ;
^nAthemfelves arfdall theirs gee down qui eke into the
fit'j when all the fonnes and daughters o^^dnrrt
found the floud rifing and ready to over- flow
themall at once: But the moft horrid ciy that e-
v^rwas heardjoreverftiallbein Heaven or Earth,
iBthis worldyOithe Worldtoconie,willbc then,
^Bcid caeiitji ..Vii^rn ill th^ forloms coidefliird rcprobitcs, up-
noiico^uoa oar^a:-ri:eg->M,}iill b^ violeitly and unrcfifta-
fci njc puci- biy h.ilcrJ dj.vi:: to H.41, and palled prcfently
ta.i icTtpc-r fr^T^ rh:^ DTcf^acenoc oaelvof themoft glorious
ad u lau -nif^- OoD^t'ic LoRD J E s V s , A.figds,ana all tnebleiled
racioa^in He Oa^s, buc alCj of their Fathers, Mothers, Wives,
tcTL^t Husbands, Children, Sifters, Brothers, Lovers,
tu- jud. cun FnendsAcq.iaintaice;'^ who (hall then juftly and
videanc vindN dcfervcdly abandon them with all deteftation &
fua^iIvoMmtTn dcrifioi: andfjrgetting all nsareneflcand dearcft
fa't^uine pec:a obligations oF nacurc, ndghbour-hood, alliance,
mam Miiini g j^y thin^,rei,iyce in the execution of divine tuftice
Deuj omacOj; in thcit cvcrlaftng Condemnation. So that no eye
bom habibuu of G o D otman (hall pitty them;neichci'fball any
ims''' "qudci teares, prayers,proiiiires, fuits, cries, yellings, cal-
pietate u.ibcac ling upon tocks and mountaines, wifhcs never to
dciJacieiipoe- havc bcene, ornow tobemadcnothing,&c. bcc
^'^feim Isim- then heard or prevaile in their behalfc , or any ono
iuui.ca.p*z in Heaven or Earth be found to mediate or fpeake
urn s"!naos^fc- for them ; to reverfeor ftay that feai'cfali doome
ipfos, om lefcj; of etemall woe : but without mercy, without ftay,
fcelerij fjcios with 3Ut any fatcwell, they (hill be immediately
tionibus dc^/o- ^^^ irrecoverably caft downe into the bottome-
vcbant paren- lefTepitjofeafelefTe, endlslTe, and remedileflfe tor-
tcTi fii us, him n^ents, which then fliall finally (hut her mouth up-
filia, banc ma- onthem. Oh ! What then will be the gnawin^s
ter execrabi. pf the never-dying worme; what rag -of guilty
tx dTcT"* confcienccs; what furious defpairej whathorrour
nofq; & ipfa n of miud ; what diftraitions and feares ; what bitter
^^"^"^ Th^' '^^' ^^^^^"S backe upon their mif-fpent tine in this
miedi<ais°on?- Wv:)rld 5 what '^ banning oftheir brethren in iniqui-
rabit. ; ty • what cutfing the day of their birth 5 and even
OF H EL L^ 95_
blafpheraingof G o d Himfdfe blefTed for ever;
what tearing their hairc and gnafliing of teeth 5
what wailing and wringing of hands 5 what defpe-
rate roaring; what hideous yeHing, filling heaven,
sndeaiThjandhelld"^. No tongue can tell, no
heart can thinke ! Be fore- warned then ,in a word.
To thirftjlong and labour infinitely more to have
Jesvs Christ intheraeanctime,fayinthe
Miniftery to thy truly humbled foule ; lam thyfal-
njAtion ; than to be Poffeflour (if it were pofrible)of
all the riches, glory and pleafures of moc worlds,
than there are ftarres in heaven.
About Hell, Confider,
I. ThePaine oflolfe. Privation of Go PS glo- ^fL^^^l'J
rious prefence, and eternall fcparation from thofe
cverlafting joyes, felicities and blifTe above, is the
more '^^ horrible part of hell, as Divines affirme. ^ Pana damnt.
There are two parts (fay they)of hellifli torments; ^^u dhin^ vi-
I . F^»e ofkffi 5 and 2 . Pai„e offenfe .■ but a fcnilbk ttuC^nl
and ferious contemplation ofthatineftimable and fuppi,aorum
unrecoverable lofife, doth incomparably more af- f"'""'"'" f^^
fli^anunderftanding foule indeed, thrn all thofe ZTmm punire
punifhmcnts, tortures, and cxtr em eft fufferings of poteft.Narauu
ff^t^ff^ vUere Dciim,
^^"^^' jplifiima bca-
titiido eft. Ita,
Dcum vUere nonpojfe, maxima damn.itorum poena eft, c qua incxplicabiiis in eorum
voluntate nafcitur triftitia.
• Inter fnpplicia omnia hoc foturum eftfiimmiim, mriximurnqj a Conditoiis afpeftu
veil brcvi morula detineri.Si jam ab eodeni exclufus (is xteraum. Hoc tibi tormentum
crit infandum prorfus & inexplicabile.
It is the conftant and concurrent judgement oi^^^2t)b<^fhe
the torment in led.
96 OF HELL. ^
♦ A Deo aba. thc anti Gilt '^ Facha's, that thc tormcnts and oaife.
lieaan ac fepi- rics of luayhels, coiHJ farrc ni3rt,arenoch!ng,to
""'^°^^'^"^* th-nlKit:ing out everbftingly from the kingdoinc
vmicii ; firut of heaven, and unhappy banifliaient from the bea-
oaiiojuce.eii tificall vifion of chc moft foveraigne,only,& chic-
ik! &tnimat f^ft Good, the thrice-glorious lehvah, blefTcd for
viti privjtii ever. For, by how rauch the degrees of infinite
^fi^Afct ^^' %^^^ ^^^ happincs in Go d, exceed the finite wic-
z!mhiplgzu kednefie and mifcry of men : by fo much greater
incoLribiiis is the forrow and griefe,(being rightly conceived)
aul'c^r'ta^ for the iolTe of that, than for the fenfe of this. Af-
mca licet quis furc thcnthy fclfe before-hand, though thou little
innumeraspo. thinkcfoin the mcane time, the IolTe but of the
"le ml Xet, 1^^^ ^ayc of that Sun-like refplendcnt Body, wc
quale lUa foeii- fhould havc in Heaven ; but of a tafte of thofe o-
na^^a'chnft^ vcr-flowing rivcrs of pleafure, and un-uttcrable
odio hab"n° bliflfe of that happy foule which Ihould dwell ia
Audire, mrcio fuch a Body ; but of one foot-breadth of the
'^Antitlh^Hin p^vcmcnt ofthe Empyrean Heaven, to which the
^7'miki9oiii9 Starry Firmament is but aPorch> or out-houfc;
^omnia vcr5 b^^j q^q hourcs Company with all the crowned
piicu"fupe"al Saints, and glorious inhabitants of that happy
bit,Dcum non placcj but of onc glauncc upon the glorified Body
^^^ ofjE sv sChri sTibutofoHcglimpfeofthat
in potcftatc unapproachablc Light,and lehfivahs face in gloryj
habuifti obti-
nerc. Beru.de inter, 'Domo.Cap.iB.
Videtur una tantummodo poena cfle, combuii. Si vcro aliqais diligcntcr expendat,
duplex hoc inveniteflefupplicium. Qih cnim ingehcnnauritur & cGclorum regnum
prorfus amittic : quae cercc poena majoc eft, quatnciusiatuSiUcflammaram. (Inyfdfi,
iuMat. Horn 14^
Intolcrabilis quidem res eft etiam gehenna : Quis nefciat.flc fupplicium illud hor-
libilc } famen fi mille aliquis poni.it gehennas, nihil tale diftmus eft, quiUc eft a bea..
tat illius gloria bonoic repelli, exoTumq; effe Chrifto, & audice ab illtt : sen nori
I fay, the lofle but of any one of thefe would be a
far dearer and more unvaluable lofle, than that of
ten thoufand worlds, were they all composed of
pureftgold, and brim-full with richeft jewels.
What will it be then (thinke you) to lofe all thefe,
nay, the full and abfolute fruition of all heavenly
excellencies,beauties,glories,'pleafure$ and perfe-
dions,and that eternallyrl know full well that car-
nail conceipts and worldly-wife men will wonder
atthis 3 for, having no fight but by fcnfuall eyes,
they cannot poifibly apprehend, or will by any
meanes acknowledge any fuch thing. Eagle-ey'd
they arc, and fharpe-fighted enough into things of
earth; yet blinder than a mole (as they lay) in be-
holding any fpirituall or celeftiall beauty. But had
Vfchut thccycs of Aufiwj Bajllj C/jry/oflome, and
fome other holyFathers,Cand why fliould not ours
be clearer and brighter, confidering the greater
fplendour and illuftrioufnes of divine knowledge
inthefetimesOwefhouldeafily confeflfe that the
farre greateft, and (indeed) moft unconceiveablc
griefe would be, to be fevered for ever from the
higheft and fupreme Good : and that a thoufand
thoufand'rentings of the foule from the body , were
infinitely lefTe than one of the foule from God.
Nicofif^atus in JEli/m,hin-\M£c being a cunning arti-
fan, finding a curious pcece of worke, and being
wondred at by one, andask'd, whatpleafurc hec
could take, to ftand as he did, ftill gazing on the
pidure, anfwered •: Hadft thou mine eyes, my
friend, thou wouldeft not wonder, but] rather bee
ravilhcd, as lara, at the inimitable art of this rare
H and
5^8 OF HEL L.
*si vcro id non ^qJ ad mire d pcece. '^^ It is propoitionably fo in the
S^7mon(tr.i'- prcfcnt Point.Orwcre wevouchfafcd but OHC mo-
re, nihil eft ment o^Patds heavenly raptui'e, that we might fee
omnino mi- |^^^ ^ gUmpfe of that infinite glory, and drinke but
cnim noviinus one drop ot tholc cver-lpringing Fountames of
illoium Bcati- joy; tiienfliouldwefrcely acknowledge and fcclc
mfoZ^urin." ^1^^ ^^'^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^y^ ^"^^ ^^^-t all I fay comesfar
foelicicit'em (liort of what wc {hall find.
quoq; de eotu
atniUionefcire pofltmus.Cxtenim PuH/^,qui ift.icompant, certiffimc novItjCjuoniam
cxcidere a D:i gratia omnium fit profedo mifenimum. Nos autem hoc tunc abfquc
dubio difcemus, cum expcrimento ccepenmus doceii. Sedilhid ut ne pariamur faxis 6
bcnioneFili Dci,ncqjexpctiamuiintolei-abileilluil, hortcnduinqj fupplicium, quam
grandefit: Namqaammalumiltoium bonorum portioneprivarij aperce qiudem cx-
primfnon potcft, Chry[. ibi.L
Loofenot kfi- If it be fo then, that the loflTe of the prefencc of
laiJFdlA. God, and endlefle pleafures be fo painfull, irreco-
verable and ineftimable ; and that it hath beenc
many times made manifeft unto you by Scriptures,
Fathers, reafons, convincing,familiar, eafie refem-
blances; and the fame alfo appearcs, and may be
clearely concluded by the third exhortation be-
fore the Sacrament in the Common-Prayer Book;
to wit,that living and lying wittingly and willingly
in any one finne agalnft confcience, robs us of all
thefe infinite cver-during, unutterable joyes, and
beatificallvifion, and fruition of Go n himfelfefor
ever : I fay,fith it is both thus and thus : Let every
one of us in the name & feare of G o d ,as wc would
not for a few bitter- fwcet pleafures, nay, fome-
timcs one vileluft in this vale of teares for an inch
of time,lofe unknowne delights thorow all eterni-
ty in another world, with an unihaken invincible
rcfolution oppofc all forts and ^Skiis of fin, with
OF HELL. 99_
all motions, enticements, and temptations there- •stfimultige-
unto : Let us hold with holy Chryfepmc,'^ That n is nXum'" n.-
worfeand a, more wofall thing to offend Christ, than premnm atquc
to k vexed with the miferies of hell. Let us profefTe "l^i'^up"^^'"-*
with Anfelme: ^ That ifwe jhould feethe hatefallrjes of ccnfeo,'(ic aflL
fm on the one fide jandthe horror of hell on the other, and '^"^ p^^dicabo,
muft necejfardj fall into the one, we would rather choofe dTc^^ cbTftum
he II than fin. « It is reported alfo o^Edmundhis fuc- offedcic, quam
ccfTor 5 that he was wont to fay : J will rat her leape S^i^^"^^ ^^'^^
t r t 1 t 1 t z'' vexari, 2 dan in
into the per J lakej than knowingly commit anjftnne a- Mat. tim zj.
gain (I G o D c Let us refolve with another of the An- ^^ h- . . .
tieiits; Rather to be tome i n peeces with wild horfes^ "S' '""^>»"i"'c
than Wittingly and wilitngly commit ayiyjm. Sec for clorem,& illmc
this purpofe twenty curbing Ccnfiderations to keep "I'^^eminfer-
froni Cin.Inftr.fir comf.afflttf. Confcpag, i o 8- nectS'^lfi
illorum habc-
rem immGrgi,priu» me in infernum mcrgcrcm,quim peccatiiai in mc immittcrem.Mal-
icm eniai piirus'a pjccato & innocons gchcnnam intrare, quamfcccati fordc pollatus
coel mum legna tenerc. Anfelm.ilefinHituJ.cap. i j> a
,* Potuis,ajcba4:, in aidentcm rogam inIilu;rOj(juan ulluai peccatuin in Dcutn com*
mifcro. Jn marg,
' 2. ThePaineoffenfe. The exri'emity, exquisite- ^f^etommstH
neffe and eternity whereof, no tongue can poflibly
cxprcfre,or heart conceive. Confider before-hand,
what an unfpeakeable raifery it would be (and yet
it would not be fo much as a flea-biting to this)
to lye everlaftingly in a red hot fcorching fire, de-
prived of all poflibility of dying, or being ever
confum'd 1 I have fomewhere read of the korrid
execution ofaTraitour in this manner: being na-
kedjhe was chained faft to a chaire of brafTe or fom
other fuch mettall,that would burne moft furioufl
ly, being fil'd with fiery heat ; about which was
H 2 made
loo OF HELL.
* T rannis ^^^^^^^^ ^ "eighty fire, thatby Utcle and little caufed
prifca vfx ac^r- the chairc to be red and raging hot, fo t latthe mi-
biorcs cruciA. ferablc man ^ roared htdeoufly many houres for
ih, tuin'^^vt extremeft angiiifli, and fo expired. « But what ati
vum flA-ninis horrlblc thing had itbintohaveUeninthvatdread-
tradcrc, icnte £yjj tormcnt cteraallv: and yet all this is nothing.
Ignis fuppliciorutn ultitnumj graviffimun, Sed 6 mitctn gehennam, 6 ccmpcritW
flammasjvclmillicsvivumcombuii 1 Feralishajc fentcmia: millc haras col craic flam-
mas, captivis iafei-oaim longcclemencior videretur, quam fircojamjan pledtcndo
vitae fiat gratia.
« Tormentam hortibilc proifas, nee verbis cfFabilc, homiiicm ignc cminus ac lente
admato tribus horis toircci vivum. QiKjdnam igUur tormcntum,6 DavSj^uim infan-
d»iin,quamincomprehcnruna, nondudSjtrefve hcias, nonunumalccrumqj'diem, non
anaum,antiofq«e mille,fcd astemitate tota (-|ua2 tamen nanquam tota erit) & corphs
&animamuii,nccunquamcotnbuci 1 Hic vox & veibadeficiunt.
rire of heU For^iftheblackfireof hell be truly cofporall and
^tiertrT ^""^ ^^^^ properly jasfome of the Fathers fuppofe^yec
i Ignis in- it is fuch (fay they) that as far pafleth our ordinary
fernaiis & no- ^o^teft firc, as ours cxceeds the ^ fire painted up-
qiuntum"**dif- o^ the Wall. And it muft be fo, I meane, as farre
ferunt, &pri- furpaflfe- our moft Euious ordinary fire, immcafu-
mbquiicm u- ^^[^ unconceivably in decrees of heat, and
Noft«i- ignis nerccnclicor burning. . For,thc one was created
Augufiino ^•' forcomfortj the Other purpofely to torment; the
ftriiu^nitcr one is made by the hand of man 5 the other tem-
verus. Difcri- pctcd by the angry arme of almighty God, with
'"^" • tifrfi- ^^^ ^crrib^c 2^^ torturing ingredients, to make in
mUitlldovcra:', moft fierce and raging, and afitinftrumentfor fo
ac piaa: flam- great and mighty a God to torment evcrlaftingly
"ouicquidhk fuch igipcnitent reprobate rebels. It is faMtobc
leurit, fabuia frefandy'cHatth,2'y.£^i, //i.30.33. as if the all-
cf, jocuscft:
quicquid hicpatetis, metiflTimus ludxis eft: igniiim umbra fimt igncs noftri ad ilia
inferorumincendia; pcenas quas hk depcndimaS- idici* (iiw, ad ilia nunquam dc*
gtiura tormcma.
OF HELL. loi
powcrfull wifdomcdid ddibcntte, and (as it were)
nt downc and devifc moft tormenting temper for
that moft formidable fire : the one is blowne by
an zicry breath ; tht other by the angry breath of
the great God, which burnes farre hotter then
ten thouftind rivers of brimftone : T^e pfU thereof i^^^ ,^j,
( faith the Prophet) isfremdmuchweody tit breath
tfthe Lord, hkcA flreame ofbrtmflene, doth kindle it.
What (oule doth not quake and melt with thought
of this fire,at which the very di\ els trembled There if heit-fire Ue
is HO proportion betweene the heat of our breath, ^Hf^^^^i^*'
and the fire that it blowcs. What a fcarefull fire s**Dice^m qui-
then is that which is blowne by a breath diifolved ^'-"^ ^"^ ^"^^^^
into brimftone ^ which a greJt torrent of burning f "fjiduis^^^
brimftone doth ever mightily blow ^ Niti conveni-
If it be g metaphoricall, as K^ufiin feemcs fome !"^^'' '■^^p°""
*■ J J d(.ji cernercm,
talem fuiffe illam flammam, qB-iIe$ oculi quos Icv^vit, ^Layirurn viHit, qualis lingua
cu'i humorem cxiguom defiJeravit inhindi, qualis digitus La^ariy de quo id fibj fieri
poftuiavit, nbi nmcn crant (Inc corponbus anims . jipg lie Civil', Dei. Lib. 21.10.
Metaphonce loquitur dc exitio rcproborum, quod fatis aiioqtii complcdi non
poffumus, qHcm itlmodum nee beatam, Scimmortalem vitani pereipimus, nifi luh fi»
guris quibjfdaTi ingemo noftro accon^modatis adnmbrctur : inde apparct quamin-
cpti & ndiculi lint Sophiftae, qui de iiiiuJ: igrws natuia 8t sjualitatc fubtilias difle-
runt,atq; in eo cxplicando varic fe torquent. Explodcndz funt craflz hajufmodi i-
maginationeSjCumfigurat^ Prophctamljqui ihtelligamuSj&c. Cat. in/fa c.io.vuh
Quodigni ciucundos dicit miper metaphoiicam cffe locutionem admonui : idq;
ex membio adjundaapeiti liquet. Neq; cnim fingendi funt e terra & vermes, qai in.
fidelium ccrda arrodant, /Jem in Cap (>6.v ult.
Qni asternum lUum igncm, mataialcm & elcmcntarcm fingunt ; 'n^turse fnferi-
©liSj & fiiperioris 5 tcmpuns.& sRcernitatis modumconfundunt. Cum enim nihil
materintum & ph . (icHm capax (it proprietatum hypcrphyficaruirij fieri non poteft, ut
corporeusiinis, qucm Pontificij Schobfticorum au<ftorit?.tc freti, (nam Patrcs hie
dubitant.'r loquuntui ) in tartaioflatuuntj ^ternitat s (it capax — Ad liafc, cum idem
ignis fit par.itus Diabolo & hominibus impijs, Mat.aj 41. Ignis aurcm corporeus
non pofUt agereinfpiritum ; planu.n (it, ianis imagine fpiritualefiipplicium adum-
brari.-.-Porr6 nulla omnino caufa eft, cur ibi ftatuatur i^nis corporeus, cum vermis
morfus^ quo mentis asfluna fi juraii d )ccnt Scholaftici, ignis iiftioneoi longc cxuperetp
«ipfor«na fentcntia. TiLadbucOrthodoxSyntag^Pag t.Cap.('^-
H 3 where
102 OF HELL.
^ -I,
where to intimate, and fbmc modcrnc Dirincs
are of mind : and as the goU^ ffearles^ndfreciom
ftones o£ the waM Jlreets and gates of the heavenly
Jerufalem {Eev.ii,) were mctaphoricall 5 fo like-
wife it fhould fecmcthat the fire of hell fhould alfo
* Sdend ^ figurative : And if it be fo ; it is yet fomething
Scrip tutam res ^^s, that is much more terrible and intolerable,
fitiiri focBii t For as the Spirit of G o d, to (hadow unto us
"rfymK; the glory of heaven, doth name the moftpretious,
& imaginibus excellent and glorious things in this life, which
adumbrate fo- notwithftanding come infinitely fhoit 5 fo doth
ad^durcS! ^^ intimate unto us the inexplicable paines of hell,
Icftia gaudia, by things moft terrible and tormenting in this
rerumpix iian- vvorld,fire,brimftonc, ^r. which yet are nothina;
jucundiflima- to hcllifh toiturcs. Whether therefore It be W4-
rumtypisjita terUU ot mtUfhorically I purpofenothere'todif■
«^^a?^""?e• P"^^' ^^ ?^^ ^howt to determine : neither is it much
lum triftiffi- material! for my purpofe. For, be it whether it
"'Tffi * ^" ^^^^' ^^ is infinitely horrible and infp.fferablcber
mibracuiisT Y^"^ ^^^ compaffc of conceipt,and above the rejch
vermc,igne/e. either ofhumaneorAngcHcall thoughts. It doth
nebrisjftridorc ^^^ onely cxceed with an incomparable difpro-
ni& caiiginis, portion all pcflibility ot patience and reiiltance ;
ftagno fuiphu- but alfo evcn ability to beare it 5 and yet notwith-
hs*2^P*ing"re" landing, it muft upon ncccffity bc bome fo long as
Uem. ibilem. G O D is G O D .
* Curioforuni imo furioforum igncm Iiunc contcntionis gFadio, ultri quam fas
eft,fodere. Nos, aciilcatis fubtilium qujcftionum tricis, apinifqj tanqa'.m i^gyp-
tijspedicdis in Sophiftarum finurelidis, in banc potjus curaoij toto peSore iRCum-
bere decetjUt ignem ilium fidci fciuo ertinguaraus j. nc qiialis fit^ tandem expeiiatMir.
Aittortura /o- j^^q |j^ ^ word.all tha^ I intend to tell you in the
ftthsp not com- - j ^ ^',^^
OF HELL. io3_
•oint at this time. ^ If the fcverall paines of all the ^, *! ^°^^ J**
difeales and maladies mcidcnt to our nature, as of tare, quiquii
the ftone, gout, colickc, fh'angury, or what other unquam iii«-
youcanname,moftafflia:ingthebody:nay>and add fum, 'cnldST,
befides all the moftexquifiteand unheard of tor- miferandam [
tures, (and if you will, even thofe ofthe Spa».'fi In- ^^^^^^^ ""'f^
^m^tiotf)-which ever were or fhall be infli(5lcd upon qJd 'ib Vtbc
miferablc men, by the ' bloudicft executioqers of condito f«va
thegreateft tyrants, as that of him in the brafen cTuJJSt^'^ex.
chaire mentioned beForcc^r. and colled them all cogitayit^quic-
into one extreameftanguilh^and yet it were nothing ^"id ad ufque
to the torment which fhall for ever pofTcffe and Sm fiviffimo,
plague the * leaft part of a damned body .' . And i^m Hominun
as for the foule : let all the griefcs, horrours and vTnTe""" '""
defpaircs that ever rent in peeces any heavy heart ; hoc autcm om.
andvexcdconfciencej asof//i!<i//#f,^/>/n<,&c. And "*^ ^ veiw ia
let them all bee heaped together into one ex- tJ^'^cum xtl^
tremeft horrour, and yet it would come infi- nitate damna-
nitely ihort to that dcfperate rage and reftleflc '°'^"™ compo.
anguifli, which ftalleternally torture the leaft and ch^f^}'mopw.
loweft faculty ofthe foule ! What then doeyou ci.imabit:H2c
.' omnia qux hie
patii«ur,merus ludus ac rifus Innt, fi cum illis fupplicijs in. contentionem veniant.
Pone, fi libet, igncm, fcrrum, & beftias, & fi quid his difficilius; attamen *ncc
umbra quidcm fum iiKc ad ilia toimencs. . — Nonne videmuj tcrrenos militcs princi-
pibiisf;rvienres, quomodbligant, quomodb fli^ellant, quomodo per/odiunt coftas
q-iomodo faces tormentis adhibcnf: fed hxc omnia Indicia, & rifus ad fupplicia!
Chyfoft ad Psp. Aatioch.Hom. 40. rr* •
» (.anjideT here aUtbs horrible torturer ia/filfeJupon Chrifiians in the Primithe timet:
That man in the braien chme, RaviUa 5 torments ; French flory^ pa^ 1194. AU the
monfiroca cruelties thirove the Turli'Jh Story : the fiery andbbudy mrferies fxecutedupan
our blejfed Martyrs i 1 Qt^eene ^\^\ ics time : the barbarous and prodigious dutcheriet •/
the *!panijb Inquifition^rfhich lie Poet brings in as the fourth Ftiry.
'^Becaufe all the mer'jhers of the h.ly and powers of the fjule have beenemeapons of
»»ri^hteou/::e/re,r^anfbjUhep!azuedin all the parts of the body,andJaculties of the foule
by that horrible inflrwnent ofhelHfh torment j called h^ C h r i s t. Fire prepared for
the Divell and his angelsj Mar.i?.
H4 thinke .
104 OF HELL.
thinkwilbcthetorment of the whole body^ What
wil be the terrourofthe whole fouled Here both in-
vention of words would failc the ableft Oratour
upon eatthjor the highcft Angell in heaven.
A m^iMfe Mt Ah then, is it not a madncffe above admiration,
'»*« "••^^'^ and which may juftly amaze both heaven and
^'^' earth, and be a prodigious aftonifhrrent to all crea-
tures, .that being realonable creatures, having un-
dcrftanding like the Angels of G o i,, eyes in
your heads to fore-fee the approaching wrath,
hearts in your bodies that can tremble for trouble
of mind, as the leaves of the forreft that are flnken
with the wind,confciences capable of unfpeakable
horrour, bodies and foulcs that can burne forever
in hell 5 and may (by taking leflTepaines in the
right w iy, then a drunkard, worldling, or other
wicked men in the wayes of death and going to
hell ) efcape evcrlafting paines ; yet will fit hcere
ftill in the faceof theMiniftry with dead counte-
nances, dull earcs, and hard hearts, as fenfleffe and
unmooved, as the featcs you fit on, the pillai-s yoa
ieancto, and the dead bodies you tread on, andne-
verbcfaid, (as they fay) never warn'd, untillthe
fire of that infernall lake flame about your cares !
O monftrous madneffe and mercilcffc cruelty to
your owne foules ! Let the Angels blufh, heaven
and earth bee amaz'd, and all the creatures (land
aftonifhed at it.
TU angutfif of 3. When fentcnce is once irrevocably paft by
w'/Srlie'^ that high and everlafting Judge, and the mouth
TmepfffJse! of the bottomlefle pit hath (hut it felfe upon thee
winhthat infinite anguifli and enraged indignation,
OF HELL^ lof
tl^ilt takeon, tearc thy hairc, bite thy nailcs, nJiqufd.f^^,
gna(h thetceth, dig furioufly into the very roun- tu fcmper o«j-
taineof life, and ( ifit were poiribIe)fpit out thy ^^J^^
bowels : bccaufe having by a miracle ot mercy luc, ,am lue
bccneblcfTcdallthy " life long in this glonoufly najuims. En
illightencd Golhe-r^ with the faireft noone-tidc of "^^^^^
the Gofpell that ever the Sun fa^v, ana either did- cum tamen is-
deft, or mighteft have heard many and many a s^J^j^J^'^^^'^
powcrfuU and fearching Sermon; anyonepaf- '^J'''^^^^^
faecwherof(ifthouhaddeftnot wickedly and wil- vitjs. Enpcr-
fuTlyforfakenthineownmeixy and fufoed Satan d^^^^^^^^^^
inabafeandbeaftly manner to blindtold and baffle p^rdadifti rcg-
thee) might have beene unto thee the beginning mmi:Potiiiircs
ofthc ncw-birth,and everlafting blilTe: yet thou^n fl^^d^vo:
that refpe(a a moft accurfcd wretch, diddeft paflc luiflis: brevi ac
over all that long day of thy gracious vifitation, ^^^
like afiff^e rr ^au^ker ofconfufm^w ithout any pier- ,,^,,,^ ^.^i pa-
cing or profitat all ; and palTedby all thofe goodly ra0cs mojd
ooffl-rs and opportunities, with an inexpiable neg- J°lX'c,p^ro
camis vo'uptatula, piofpuic3, Smomemnnca obkaatiuncoU immenfag fendidjfti
voluptatcj.NimirCm tua tibi earo.q i.im coelum charior erat Sentis lam quas dclicias
fcftatus fucris ? Predixi,monui,vcliicavi. Scd adum cgi, nihil profeci oleum & ope-
rarti perdidi. Nunc vindico, nunc fpcs & res abs tc fcgregant^Tcd ma folms culpa En
i..npunmme ut deleaatiunculasp-'uxillo temponsretuures, perdidifti omnia. Piocul
nunc .^ tc honores, thefauri, voliiptates beaterum ; ad qii?.s orams tibi via mterccpu
eft. Wxc tibi tormenta libidincs tnaj pararnnt, in hos igncs tua te praiapuavit incon-
tinentia ; tinmillam hilarcm/ed bievem jnfaniam, nuRcluisXterno luau. Ddpera-
t floras ParadiG gaudijspiivntum ? Tu ipfe tepnvaftl. Acac.rbiffimc do cspcren-
ne ccrUftc epulum negle^um ? Tu ncglcxifti. -. Diftlrendo & negligendohiic fpon-
tc inuilti coe-us & amcns, hie nunqu.^.m exituruj ampiins. Nulla hic lihertas, nulla
falus. Defpcra ccntics, fex centics, dcfpera miUies, artcrn^.tn defperaturus, ctcrnum
momurus/& ad morcetn nullisfieculis proventurus< * Here lactvabit cor damnato-
rum quod graciam millies oblatam itcufarunt milHcs. Inde in fupfos furenter exar-
dcfcent ni-fcri, & affiduo fibi ipfis iH^nbrcm hanc cantilcnam occincn: ; o tempus
rerum omnium preriofiffimum I 6 dies 6 hora? plufquam aurex, quo cvanuiflis ^tei-
numnonredimtael Noscceci &cxcordes, obftcuais cculis & aunbus Iibidme ti«c.
bamus, & mutuis nofmet cxemplis trahtbamus ad intciituir.
105 OF HELL.
JJ^°J\^^""/_ le(a and hornblc ingratitude; and To now lieft
fccaninwcfal drowned and damn'd in that dreadfull lake of
gitabit, quia britTiftonc and fire, which thou mighteft havefo
fimS'^fp'a'i^: eafily and often cfcaped. p This irkfome and fu-
tcmpoiis non fious rcflcdion cf thy foulc upon its ownewilfull
ia?o*& S ^^^^y' whei-by it hath fo unneceilarily and fottiflily
biiihis Ton^i loftcverlaftingjoy, and muft now live inendlefle
privari nosin- woc, wiU vcxe andtorrtute more then thou canft
ctl>7«3far pofrxblyiniagine^continually gnaw upon thy heart
H9SI.77, "With remedilefle and unconceivable griefe ; and
Eft qui dc- in a word, even make an hell it fclfe.
eS miliia Phi-
lippcorum zC-
fcqui potiiilTet adeanda h^rcditatc, fed illc ignaviffimus caufx Cnx indormijtj itaq-
hxrcditatcm tarn opttlentam neglcxitj jamq ; talibus ferae poenitenti« furijs agitatur,
ut ipfe fibi itnmincat, velut ipfum difcerptmiis. Et nontiunquam mors i nde violent*
fequitur. Haud aliterdamnatorumquilibetfeipfumficallatrat : Potuiflem ; auxilia
non decrant, vocabat, PotaiflemjEhu ! Potuiflem j fed nolui. A fummo bono cxclu-
itffimus fura in omnc aemmj& ufq; in xrernum non videbo lumen, qaia nolui vidcre,
Scntirc tamo fc bono privatum effe, & qtiidem fua culpa inexplicabilis, infandus erit
ilolor mcerorqj
tb^^'da ^ tff ^ ^ ^^^"' having y cf zfricein thine hand, to get w'tf.
fface. ^ dom^yX.o go to heaven,lay it out with all holy grec-
dinefle, while it is called T«>^jf, for the fpirituall
and eternall good of thy foule ! Improve to the ut-
moft, for that purpofe, the moft powerfuU Mini-
ftry, holicft company, beftbookes, all motions of
Gods Spirit,all faving meaneSjcJ*^. Spend every
day,pa{fc every Sabbath, make every prayer,heare
every Sermon, thinke every thought, fpeake every
word, do every adion^e^c. As though when that
were done, thou wert prefently after to pafTe to
Tudgement, and to eive up an exad account for it,
and whatfbever els done in theflejh,
nm-mmnt a Thatthe cooceiptof the eTerlaflingneJnfeof
tnilefc. ^ ^\^^
OF HELL^ 1^7 ^
the torments, when they are riow already kii'd . ^
upon the foiile, and hopelefncfie of ever ccm- Ke^graauJ
ming outof hell, will be yet another hell. Ifthou aftiucie lupre*
once come there , ^ and there mo ft certainely muft ^^^ ^^Idi^^-
thou be this night, if thou dkft this day in thy na- hcie "mo &
turail ftare, andnctnew-borneslfay then (fotcr- pl"mis vos
ribly would the confideration of eternity toiturc forJifan' m"!
thee) that thou wouldcft hold thy felfe a right gendi flam-.
' happy man, if thou mighteftendure thofc horri- "^^^'•
ble paincs, and cxtremcft horrours no moe milli- faicem conce!
onsofyeares, then there be fands on thefeafhore, dereturuc are.
haires upon thine head, ftarres inthe firmament, "®^"* ^"'^P^*
rr -1 i_ J t . , . ' am tnons ex*
grafle piles upon the ground, and creatures both in toiierctur am-
heaven and earth. For, thou wouldeftftill com- pfitudinc ter-
fort thy felfc incredibly with this thoight.-c^^ f^ft-gSuS
mi fery mil once hanje mend. But alas I This word amngcns, ex
^ Never will ever rent thine heait in pceces with ^"°* P°p"""
much rage and hideous roaring ; and give ftill ^n^^^^ SJo-
new life to tbofe infufferable forrowes, which in- l^ns avkub
finitely exceed all cxprelfion or imagination. Let a°f/°^°"/'J"*
us fuppofe this great body of the eaith upon eftdecimJS
which wetread to be turned into fand, and moun- "« arenuia?
cainesof fand to be added dill, untill they reach ^oft dtaum
unto the Empyrean Heaven, fo that this whole centum anno-
mighry creation were nothing but a Tandy moun- r""» "^'He, aii-
^ ' ^ "^ am arcnulas
unhif deci-
mam part cm, & pari modoaliamatqjaliam, ita«t Tpatio dccies centum railliuman-
noiurn, tantum unicum arenulas unuis granum de monte illo anenofo miniieretur .•
qup.m Ixti, quam abcrcs ciTcrxiui, quod poft ultimano faltcm mentis totiusablatio-
nem, d.imnationis noHrx finem aliquem habetemus.
*" Ab, vcl mufcae, vel culicis punftiunciila, fi tamcn fit aetcrna, quam incxplicabilia
cruciatus pronunciabitur ? Quis igitur horror cxercebit damnatos, vel ob unam
hancj fed affiduam cogitationem) Hie ignij «t€rnJim fetendus, hicululatiisatcr-
aumaudicndus, hichoxrorfempiternus.
taine :
xo8 OF HELL.
fainc: let us then further imagine a h"ttlc wrento
camebut every hundred choufandth y^are,and ca-
' Damnati Hc away but the tentii pare of one graine of that
^on "^'^"1"'" imnicafui-able heape of fand ; what an innumcra-
Sdccem^mul blc number ofycircs would be fpcnt, bcfoj-ethac
libus anno- World of fiind wcrc all Co fetcht away ^ and yet
rial, adjiciea- y^^^ andalas that ever thou waft borne I Wht^n
tur centum i , « i- r • i z' • »▼ i*cn
itiillia,pofth«c thou haft hen lo many yeares m that fiery lake, as
centum miiha, all thcywould amount to, ''thou art no nearer
myriadcf'T commidgout, than the vcry firft houFc thou cntcr-
milliones quot ■''
iftfirmamentoruntftcUje, &inlittaie maris arenae. Poft qua? lonoiffima annonim
fpatia, quafi nihil depoenis noftris accifum cflet, fie itcrCim ab initio piti tormenta
incipiemas ; atqj ita fine interruptioae, fine fine^ fine modo, volvctur affidue noftro-
rum tormentorucn rota.
Ex quo poll flint jjerf c3f, Totus orbii animantcs,
Aude numero compledi Aer atomos volantes,
Stellas czlijftrllaj roris, Pilosfcr3B,pecus villos,
llndaiaqueifluoris. Vertex horainum capillos:
Guttas imbris pluvialis, Addelittoiis arenas,
Floccofvelieris nivalis Addc graminis verbenajj
Qupt funt vere novo flores, Tormyiiadcs annotutn
Quot odoreS,quot colorcs, Quot ntomenta faeculorumi
Qupt vinaccos AutiHTinus Hcusadhuc A:crntas
Poma legit & vicrtumnus; Foituj fugit k damnatis.
Quoj jam grana tuUt sftiis,
Frondes hi cmis tcmpcftas.
Metire fcmel, iteriim f«pius : poft decern annorum milliones, pofl: ccntuns mille my»
riadum annoruai, polt decics centies millena millia milloramai>n©rum; nccduHS
finem, necdum medium, imenonduma^rtr/ji/tf^ttprincipiumdefign^fti.' jungead
ilia omncs hominum & Angdoium cogitaiiones, omnes motus & mutatiOHes qua-
rumvis rerum creatarum: addc his arenulas, quotnon poflcnt miUenanimteirarum
vaftifllino finucontineri : coUigc deniqj in uaiin) omncs numcros Arithmctirx
quadtatos, cubicos quofvis : nunc imple his num^ris volumma chartarum hincad
fuprcmoscoe!-?su{que,non^um e/£^^er«fV(if« durationem menfusej, tar turn abcft, ut
fiseme.nrus, Quamdiu igituv durable ®^rtrwi/<«j Semper. Quando finietiir ? Nun-
quam Quamdiu coelura erit caelum j Q^amdiu jnferi erunt inferi ; Qaimdiii De v*
crit DeVs, tamdiu durab.t ^teinitas .• tamdiu coc'um bcabit Sanftos ; tanjd lU im-
piobostorcjusbantinfcii. Nequasfo, moleftior fis quxrendo : Apprcbendcfaltemjfi
contbrehc^dercnon potei.
O F HE L L. 109
cdft in. Now, fuppofe thou fliouldcft licbut one
night gricvoufly abided with a raging & of the
ftone, collicke, ftrangury, tooth-ache, pangs of
travailcc^^. T hough thou haddeft to hcipe and
cafe thee a foft bed to lie on, friends about thee to ^Sumamus
comfort thee,Phyritian.s to. cure thee, all cordiall "3°^'!;^^'":
and comfortable things to affwage the paine 5 yet cmis, aii)fvJ
how tedious and painfull, how terrible and intole- fodicamibus
rable would that onenight fceme untothee^ How Smn°cm aut
wouldcft thou toffe, and tumble, and turne from quam • ink-
one fide to another, counting the clock, telling the ^^"^-^ cakuio,
hourcs, efteemmg every minute a " moneth, and gra, tocmuiu
thyprefentmifery matchleffeand uniupportable ^ busaut dend-
» What will it be then (thinkefl chou) to lie in fire Tj^tvle;'!
tibus, rurba.»
tam exigiraus.Qulm haec talis nox longa,& Inftat hebdom3dis,aut menfis cfl ! Q_uid G
anno toto fie inter doloies jacendum,quid fi annis ccntum,quid fi Hiillc annis,fi fex aut
decern tnilUbusannorum ? Quid fi atternum & fine fine ?
* lt.wuldpr<>ove an extreme mifery (oi itfecmes) to lie etemalfy upright, and never
fiirre-i^venuponabetiofro/es: whatrpouUit betbeit^ to fit for ever in that fiery chaire
meHtioned hejore? Bat then above aU degrees of comparifon,ivbat wiUtt he to roare ever-
laflinglyinhcUifb flames IHeatemy AuthortMtmim rac legeie^nec fiae admitatione/u-
iJBTc hominem jqui ^teinitatem animo fie pcrfpcxciit : Quis mortalium eft^aiebat ipfe
fecum,qui quidem fanx mentis fit & ratione utatui-, qui regnum Gallia»,HifpaaiaJjPo-
lDnia:,regna fa»c opulentiUIma fibi vendieet ea padionCjUt qgadraginta conrinaos an-
nos inlcSulo rofis ftrato,coq; molliffitno refapinus jaccat? Et licet foifannondefutu-
Tos fitjqui ad banc conditionem defccndat j is tamcn non totum tricnnium (res cetta)
fie dccumbet, quin abrumpat & dicit : finite, fiirgam; malo carere regnis, non dicAOi
wibuSjfed omnibus, quam fie continue, licet moliiflime jacere, vd decern tantiim an-
nisjnccduaifiginti^aut triginta, vel uti paiSio g€bat,annis quadraginta.Itane res (e ha-
bentjUt nemo fanus repcriatur, qui uttriplici regno donetur, triainm vel quadraginta
annis didVa legg decumbere velit ? (^\tn ergo coeca^quam funofa dt infania^ob lacerum
Kj!«,obtrc$aviculas,obcrepundiaviliflimaj illud petulanttr fubirc periculum, &tale
dcfignare facinus,ob quod in candente crate, in ferctro flanameOjnoft. iolis quadragin-
ta, non quadringintis,nec quatuor raillibus,Ced nee quater ccntcnis millibus, fed ostcr-
mim torquearij fiirijSj k mortaIes,intemperatiflimis agimur,nin jam mature, & in rem
noftiamfapimus. In molliffirao ledo jacere,fed fempei* jacei-c,& xtecHa.'n jacere, fup-
plieium foret inexplicable. Quii jam omuium apadinicr^j fupplioior urn erit cumulus
ac congeries f«rau4abili£[ima ? .
iio ^FHBLL ___^
fiRiLbniw"^ and brimftone, kept in highcft flame, by the un-
cm om.eTtQ, quenchable wrath of Gqd,. world without end >:
pcrpctiai audi- whcrc thou (halt have nothing about thee but
retotcenteno- j^-ij-kneflTe and horrour, wailing and wrinpina of
rum millium , , - ^ ... W n p o '-'*
harribihiHmos hands, y dclperatqyellings and gnafliing of teeth :
mugitus, plan, thinc old Companions in vanity and fin to ban and
penndrif men ^^^^^ ^^ce with much bittcrnciTe and rage ; wicked
boves aifentur Divcls to infult over thee with hellidi cruelty and
ym, am lira- fcome; ths ncvcr-dying worme to feed upon thy
pidi canes catc- ^ , i n n c ir ^ ^ ^ . •'
nas rumpeie foule and fleth tor cvcr and tor ever. ^ O Eternity 1
luftmtur, ncc Eternity !, Etcmity-l
poifirit. Fiiiga-
miis quofcunqj
auiiumauciitus,clamorcshominum,latratus canum,1upor«m ii!u!atiis,rnuoitus boum,
rugitus leonum, aUaru;>i beftiaruai fremitus, frjgorcs nub.uni, dffjcdusaqeiarnm, &
quicquidinamoemimaufibus fingi poceft i ah quam id r-inac nihil eft aJ Orcim nx
plebisdcfpcratiffiiTium HctUin, ciijus aiiiflaiium eft ft idoi' dciniiirn.
* O ccecitas humans gentis nullis fat lachrymisdcplorand-i I Ex omnibus tcmplo-
rum Pulpitis clamatur, ^ternitas, ^ternitas, ^rernitas. Nos nihil ominus praffenti
ducimur voluptate. Adco pciirc fu.ive eft.
Q£!S exprinaatquid (ic jetcinJtas ? Quis concipint quid fit /Eccrnitas ? Eft'tlrruai
pcrpttuuni Sam, quod prjeccriro caret & futuro.Eftcirculus, cujusccntmm femp^ijCir-
cumfcientianunquam.Cogito mille annos, cogito tot annoiun millii quot funt mo-
menta/eupunfta in tototempore acondito munioufq; ad ejus coarumm3tionem'j&
dc artermtate nihil habeo O e/fccrnitas I Quis potent parefle ®/£:ternicati in tormcn-
tis ? Etfumus tormcntiipforum afcendct in fxcuU/^culorumi^poc i^^.Q^ia eft in [^ecula
feculorum i Volodicerc,& nefcio diccre, lUud tantilm fcioid ipfurn cfle,qood D E v s
{"olu* fya la^iiitaie ami>it & complcflitur,
Benotwearied Sithit isthus then, that Upon the little inch of
v/dfefff '" *" ^'^^^ ^^ ^^^5 life,depends the length and bredth,the
height and depth of immortality in the world to
come : even two eternities ; the one infinitely ac-
curfed,the other infinitly comfortable- lofTeofe-
verlaftingjoyes, and lying in eternall flames; fith
never ending pleafures orpainesdoe unavoidably
foUowthc well or mif-fpending of this fliort mo-
ment upon earth ; with what unwearied care and
watchfulnefTe ought we to zncndth^tOffe/^eceJfary
thinx all the d^es of our appointed time, till our change
jhaucome? How ought we as fir angers and pilgrims
to ahfiainefromflefijly lufis ? What manner offerfins
mght we to be in all holy conquer fatten and godlinejfe ?
How thriftily and induftrioufly to husband the
poore remainder oFour few and evil! daies for the
making our Calling and Election fare: In a word,with
whatrefolution and zeale to do orfuffer any thing
for ]esvs Christ:' "^ With what induftry and ^Q^,idagis
deareneffe to ply this monient,and prize that cter- mifcr, penre
-jj.^ I vis :" F.icillimo
""y ' jftudimpendio
fier : horula
unajimo vcl unlca partt horulsc j iino momcnto vel anico per iram vel libidiiiem pa-
.tras,qiiod asternum Jolcas.
Hie ferio cogitandum : Itanc homines eruiiti, & humano fenfu fanfli accufantur,
judicantufjdamnnntur ? Qiiid mini fitt mifcro ? ^rgo animutn quantis poffiim in^*
duftriis cuiabo.Alii fe/uamq; ciiticulam curcnt ccrernitatis obliti,vigeanr,f1orcant,cia3
forfan cini> & faviUa.Hos ego mores nihil mororjbanceooYiam non ingrcdior,nam &
alium vise terminum (\\\xxo.
Concerning the joycs of Heaven,
Let n:iee tell you before hand, that the excel- 3"^^ excc/Zacy
lency, glory, and fweetnefTe thereof, nomortall mterAbk."^
heart, finite braine, created underftanding can
pofTibly conceive and comprehend to the life.
I. PWtelsus, I Or.2.p. Ih2it neither eye hath
feenCj ver eare heard, neither heart of man cmceived
the incomprehenfible fublimity and glorious my-
fteries of that heavenly wifdome, and inexplica-
ble divine fweetnefle revealed in the Gofpell :
(For I take that: to bee his naturall immediate
• meaning)
meaning;) How tranfcendently (then) unutterable
and unconcciveable isthe complement, perfecti-
on, the reall a<5luall, and full fruition of all thofe
Evangclicallmyfterious revelations, accomplifli-
ed to the height in the higheft heavens thorow all
eternity^ ,Where we lliall enjoy the face and bea-
tificall prefence of the moft glorious and all-fuffi-
cienc Go d, as an objecfl. wherein all the powers
of our fouler will be latisfied with everlafting de-
The eye of maa hath feene admirable things :~
Coafts of Pearle, Cryftall mountaines, rockesof
^MaufiUu.'n. diamond, Golden mines. Spicy Ilands^^^r. (fo
Maufaii regis Travailerstalke, and Geographers Write.) * Mati-
Carix fepuU j0lmTomb€,I>iames Temple, the Egypt an ^ Pyrami-
teraTa' ux^re ^^■y>2ind all tlicwondersof the World,
extruaum^tan. The earckfeath heard the moft delicious, exqui-
nifi°r^tu'"T fite, and ravifhing melody. Such as made even
intei- feptem Alexander the Great tranfported with an irrefi-
©tbis miracuh ftablc pang of a pleafing rage as it were, and de-
nim!'"'^"'' lightfull ' dancing of his fpirits, that I may fo
»» Maximae {■pQ3,'kc,'^ Bxtl/reeconvhiOyScc.
hujus generis
in Agypto fuifle memorantur circa Mcmphim ftrufturx ex quidcatis lapidibus admi-
tandx/aftigiatae ultra omncm excclfitatcm,qnr manu fieri poflet,&c.
' Spiiitus qui in corde agitanc,trcmulum, & fubfultantcm recipiimt aerem in pedus
& indeexcitanmr: A fpintu mufculi movemur,&c, StaligExercit. 20 z,
* Cardan. SuitilM 13.
Mans heart can imagine miraculous admirabi-
lities, rareft pecces, worlds of comforts and
ftrangc felicities. In conceipt it can convert all
the ftones upon earth into pcarlcs, every giafTc
pile into m vnvaluablc jcwcil, the dufl into filvcr,
the Tea into liquidgold, the aire into'cryftall. Ic
can clothe the earth with farre more beauty and'
rweetnefTe^than ever the Sun fawit. It can make
every Starre a Sun, and all-thofe Suns ten thoufrind
times bigger and brighter then it is,yhr. .. f . , -j..
And yet the height and happinefle of Bvangdi-
call wifdome doth farre furpafle the utraoft
which the eare, eye, or heart of man hath heard, .
feene, or can poifibly apprehend. And this fo
excellent h'ghtupon earth difcovering theiheftin
mable treafurcs of hidden wifdome in Ch r i s t,,-
is but as agraine, to the richefl: golden mine, a'
drop to the Ocean, a liitleglimpfe totheglory of ;
the Sun ; in refpe^ of that fullnefle of joy herea^ ' -:
ter,andeverlaftingpleafures above: with what a
vaft difproportion then doth the inimaginablc ex-
cellency of heavenly blifTe'furpalTetjjpl tranfcend
the moft enlarged created capacity ^ Infinitely^in-
2. Our gracious Go d in his holy anfcarcha- ojh^aveniast
blc wifdome doth referve and detaine from the at fuu revealed
eye of ourunderftandingsafullcomprehcndonof .
thatmoftgloriousftate above 5 toexercifeinrhe
meane time our faith^ love, obedience, patience,
^^. As afatherfhewesfometimes, and reprefents
to the eye of his child, aglimpfe and fparkle (as
it were) offomcrich orient Jewell, to make him
love, long, pray and cry for a full fight of it, and
grafpingofitinhis ownehand: So our heavenly
Father in this cafe. If celeftiall excellencies, and
thofe furpafling joyes, arifing principally froin
the vifible apprehenfion of the purity, glory and
I beauty
beauty of G o d, were ckirely fccns aad fully
knowne, even by fpeculation, it would bcc no
ftrange thing, or tiiankfworthy for the naoft Iior-
aard'^uichr?- ^i^le Beliall, "*■ to become prcfently thcholieil
tu^cT Juftitir', Saint, the worlds greatcft minion, the aioft moiti-
tanta jucundt- fiddoi^n. But Inthis valc of tcaies we muft live by
tas lucis scter- r;^;^l, ^
veritatis, acq; fajsientias;, ut^tt.xmfi nan licei'ct amp\iu3 inea.manerc, qiiam«nius
dicimora, prepteiliocfelum innimerabilesannihujusvitx pleni dclic^jS & circciiTi-
fluentia tcmnocaltum bonorum reft6,rnmt6 ] j contemnercrjr. Au^flAt Lib. Arb,
How fmiU ca^ 5 . It IS a fruit of our fall with K^dam, and the
^I'Smijau!^ condition of this unglorificd morLall ftatchcrc up-
on earth, tokmw but in fart : From which our
knowledge above fliall diiFer.,as the knowledge of
a child frqptthat of a perfed man : as knowledge
'^°induci in t^y'^l3ffc>lforaappTeheniionofthe reallobfjejft:
nubes,pcnetra- askuowledgc ofa plaine fpccch, from that which
>e in plenitudi- |s ariddie-f-f/^./^^^^^^ (faith "^ or\Q)iHthefieart;Uy
?rrum ^z^'TZ M'eSytomoummtothe clmds, to.fitrcethtsfitlnejfe.ef
ritatis abyflbs, Itghty^oSreoke mf^this 'hoPtomcUffe defpkof^^kry ,or H
&lucem habi- ^^^eitm that tmapfroachahk bright mft : This is nc-
biletn^ncrtem- firvedto theUfi Day ; whfi Christ J e s v s
poris eft hujus jhaIlprefentU'$.glvmu4AndfuretoHuFnthermthfiitt
nee corporis Id .0,^^ QV wrmUc.
tibi in noviili- u ,
mis refer vatur,
cum te mihiexhibucro|;lorit)rum non'habeatcjnmacHlamautrujgana, aut aliqiiid'im-
jufmodi. Bern SufiT Cant. Strmi^.
Tbegiory ofhea :, ' 4. 0'urii?id^rftand»ngs upon necelfity muft bee
imTdwUhout fupef-nktural'ly irradiated and illightcned withex-
fupernaturau traordifiary enlargement anddivincnefTe, before
iUumnation. . -..^
we canpolfibty comprehend the glorious bright-
ncfTe of heavenly joycs and full fwcctnefife of cter-
nall bliffc. It is irapoiTibk in this life for any
mortall braine to conceive them to the life, as to
compare the heaven with a fpan, or containe the
mighty Ocean in a nut-fhcU. The Pfnhf§fher
could fay ^ that as the eyes of an Owle arc to the
light of the Sun, fo is the Iharpeft eye of the moft
pregnant wit to the myfteries of nature. How
ftrangely then would it beedazeled and ftmcke
ftarkebhndwith the exceffive incomprehcnfiblc
glory and greatnefTeof celeftiall fecrcts, and im-
mortall light ^
But although wee cannot comprehend the
whole, yet wee may confider part. Though wee
cannot take a full draught of that over-flowing
fountaincof endlcfle blifTe above, jwt wee may
tafle 5 though we cannot yet enjoy the whole har-
veft, yet we take afurveyof the firft fruits. For,
the Scriptures to this end fliadow unto us a
glimpfe, by the moft excellent, precious and de-
fireable things of this life.
Thus much premised •, let us (for my prcfenc
purpofe) about the joyes of Heaven, confi-
der 5
I. ThePhce,where God andallHisblefTcd ^^ePiateof
ones inhabite eternally. eremaugury.
But how can an infinite God bee faid to dwell
in a created heaven ^
God from all eternity when there was f^**^°^ ^^
nothing, to which Hee might maoifeft and
make knownc Himfelfe is not faid to dwell
I 2 *any
^ ^f ^or the * ^y where, eitherto have beene out of Himielfe,
pace ofGoD or in any thir^, bm onely in Himfelfe, He was
before the yporu therefore an heaven to Himfelfe. But when Hee
'ntt7wifdmeo- pleafcd He created the world ; that in fo large and
m&rta// men goodlv a Theater He might declare and conveigh
rli^uSr His power, goodneffe and bounty, fome^vay or
can it limit the Other, to ^11 creaturcs. Efpecially, Heepi^pared
/eattf infviite ^-^is glorious heavcn wee fpeake of, not that it
^tbarZfZl niightenclofe or enlarge His happinefle: But that
power it (cff can Hec. Hlight uufpcakably beautifie and irradiate it
HffSe «"/» ^^^^ unconceiveable fplendour of His Majefty
Himfelfe, tPho»i and Glory ^ and fo communicate Himfelfe beati-
no rnainituk fically to all the ElccH:, Saints and Angels, even for
laim^.'^^SAV. cvet and cver. I faid, not that it might enclofe,
RawieghLib. conci'ude and confine Him: For, He is' as truly
^'^j^'^\ J withoutthehcavens, asHeisin them: And Hee
Noneftqiiod . , , . ..,..,. _, ^ » "^ ix^.^
<]iixras ultra, IS whercno«fiing IS With Hmi, He was when nd-
ubi erat ante- thing vvas, and then Hc vvas,vvhere nothing vvas
fi^pTr'iter bcfide Himfelfe. ^f/^^(??^^ Creatto?, there rv as ^ro-
ipfuoi nihil e- perly,»^/><^^ when nor where, hut onely an incom-
lat, ergo m fe- ■prehcnfihU perfection ofmdivifible immenfity mdeter-
le ^conM Lib.\ ^^0* ' ^^^^^^^ wouldftHl bee the fame y though neither
cap.6, heaven nor earthy nor any thing in them fhonld any
f.ccm dTH ^^^^^^' "^ ^^^ ^^ ^^y ^^^fi f lace Him mthoHt the
calum & ter-
raoi, ubi liabi- J ~ ■':.| ';-
:ai)at :* In Se habitabat, apvii SeVabitabat, & apuJ Se eft Dev«, Aug. in Pfal,iii,
Ante omnia Dbvs crat folusip^e Sibi & muitdus, &• locus, & omni>i. Sclus
atitem ; quia nihil extnnfecu5 przterlUum. Tertuliajvcr^ut Praxean, nonpraculab
* Eft De vs itaubiquPjiunon tnntnin omnes hujusunivcffi partes permeet, fed
ctiamimmenraillafpatiaquaj furttfupracoelbs (quje/t natuvas infinicate) penctret:
nonrameh cxittimes D E y m ibi^de, tinquarnin loco poiitivorcpjetivrjfcd.tantum
per immcnfitatepi eflentis. Sitjlachiiis 2)e D £ o. q,<5.
Heavcnsy^to death Himmth any imAgrnarj ffaceyor
give the check to His trnmenfity by any far ale II di fiance
localt He is faid to be without the heavens, in as
miichas His infinite ^//^w^ cannot be "^ contained heamn/th
intheiT.jbut nectffarily containcs them. Heeisfo heaven of bea-
without them^ $r (if ^o»wtU) hepndthcmj that albeit '^'^'^^ <^'^«"»^
1 r 1 11 1 1 1 -r^ ■ 11 ccntaiKeThec-
d ihoujditdmoe veorlds were heaped itp by Hts aU-porver' j |^„^a 3
full hand each above 0ther,and all above thL<tlIejhculd ^ . „
byvertueef Histnfimte Eiicnce, not by jree choice of jixi miferPSed
will cr mutation of ft ace J be 4^ intimately cosxiflcntto ubinoneft?
ever^ part of them, as He now is to an-i part of this ha- /^'^'°/ ^^ *^'^'
ven and earth we mjoy, Inalober lenle, * Bernard fundior, lat.oc
faith true 5 Nufquamefityttbi^ eft : He is no wh^r^ ^^r'-a, man dif-
becauTe no place, whether reall or imaginary eai^ qVam'eft, &"it
comprehend or containc Him : He is every whereby biquc cfl-^Quii
bcc^ufe nobody, no fpace or fplrituall fubftance "^'^ ^^.^^ "^^''
can exclude His preience, or avoid the f^eaetration tur loco. Berm
(if I may fo fpeake)of His Effence, mihUoi 3 6j,
This glorious Empyrean Hea^ven (where no- ru ghty »/
thing btit light and blejfed immortality J tJo f})adotv of thehigheftUoj,-
matter for t cares, difcontentmentSy griefs , and up-
cfmfortablepafions to work e upon, bf^t4ll]0.f, tran^ml-
lity andpea^e, even fur ever and ever doth divefl) is
featcd * above all the vifible Orbs, and Starry Fir-
mament. SccI>eut./^,S9^^ iQ.i^JoJh.2.ii,Prov,
* There ii a place beyond that flaming HiU,
* From vple/ice the ft arret their thin appearance Jhe J,
A place beyond a't place, yvherc never ili
Noiimpure thought rfofi ever larh^vrsd:
Eut Saintly H€t$cs are for ci erfaid
T^ l^epe an ev(r'ft/iiifg Sabbaths re/f.
Stilt w#'>^ ilatyofith^ tbey are/iiS p9£e^^
Enjoying but one joy, hut $ne ofa&joyes befi.
Flftchcr C H R I » T s Viaory,p3g.2.StA
1 3 af.j:
i.^.dr 7,69* ^p^^f^'io, 2 Cor. 12, r, where it is
called the third heaven,
rbt tiree hear I . The firft is that whole fpace from the earth
WW. to the Sphere of the Moone i where the birds flie 5
whence raine,fnovv,haiIe, and other Meteors de-
fcend, See6'^;?.7.ii. Pfal.H.S, Ma^^.S.^o.Deut,
2 S .12. C^Ut»6, 26. where they are called ri 'TnrwA
2. Thefecond confiftsofall thevifible Orbs.
See GenA.i£^.^i'^, where he calls the whole m
fifitiiMt,Expaftfio^y Firmament, Heaven. And in this
Hee placeth the Sun, Moone, and other Starres,
Df»M 7.3. Within this fecond Expanjlonv/c com-
prehend three other Orbs, reprefcnted to our
knowledge by their motion. Of which fee * Etf-
ni.'qJiaero:/''^*'*' Tabic, atpag,p4.
pinio eft de-
cern tantum
effc ccelos mobiles ! nempe fcptcm cotlos Plinctaram, Cotlum Stellaium, Ceeltttn
iw Chriftallinum, Scprimum mobile. Vcmm mihi valdeprobibilisvifi cftrcccntioiurn
-M^ithcmaticorum fentcmia, undccim effc coelos mobiles ita ut inter firmanientu-H,
& primum mobile, pro unico CoeloChriftaliinOjduplcx coe lumconftituatur Nam-
que pro unico mom trepidationis, qui Coelo Chriftallino ttibuebatur, qucra adr.itti
non poflc demonftrant : ponunt dupliccm motuii libratioHis; altcrum abOrtu ad
Occafum, & e contra, qaemtribuuntneaa: fphcrai. Alteram a Septcntrionc ad'Au-
ftiumj& e contra, quern dccimacSpbcraJ aflignant. His additur undecima Sphxra,
feu primum Mobile Deniqj Theologi prxtcr Coelo$ mobiles, admittuiu luprcnmai
Coelum immobile, quod Empyreum appellant, quod fit fedcj Bcatorum, 2)« CceU*
3. The third is that, where G o d is faid
fpecially to: dwell; whither Christ afcen-
dcd, and where all the blcffcd Ones ihall bee for
No * natutall knowledge can poflibly be had of j"*« H^ffl^
ibis Heaven : neither any heipe by hvmane arts, r/^" **'*
Geon^erry, Aiithnieticke, opticks, Hypcthcfcs, *Ncqjcx fenfu,
Philofcphy;^<r. To iljighten us thercur.to. For, ne'^-?^"^^,"^'*''
it is nciiberaipc(5lable nor moveable. Hence it is an?'"d,Bn&a
that J rijlfit I g^thc moft eagVeyed into the miyftc- ^I'^ja". Ted ex
ries of nature of all Philoibphcrs, and whom they 5°np!2* ' ^"
call Natures Secretdry j yet faid, that beyond the vdationc no-
n^OGveablc Heavens, there was neither body, /r^r bi$.aaott«c.
* time, nor f lace, nervdcuitm. But Gods Booke »ovj^^-nW,
affiires us ofthis heaven of happinelVe, and Houfc «cA' xiviv, ik
of G o D , above all the afpci^abk mooving Orbs, '^'l''^^'' ^"^
And it is the biggcil: and moft beautiful f Body P9-
ofthe whole creation, incorruptible, unmoovca- lf\i!i^%lh$
ble, unalterable : wholly (hining with the moft fewv**. .
exquifite glory and brightneffe of pureft hght:
whcrein,as in a confluence of all poffiblc felicities,
Je hovah,God bleflcd forever, doth famili-
arly and freely communicate Himfelfe to be beati-
fically feene, and fully enjoyed face to face of all
the elc(^, humane and Angelicall fpirits for ever.
Where the glorified Body of J esvsChrist
fliines with unconceiveablc fplendour above tlic
brightneflc of the Sun,^r.
This place moft excellent replenlfhcd with
tifiofe unknown pleafures which attend everlafting
happineircjwhere God, blefTed forever, is fccnc
face to face, is made admirable ad illuftrious by its
bigneife and beauty.
Gueffe the inimcafurablc magnitude, and beau-
tifiillfignes of it,
.T 5 I 4 1.B7
Heaven agteut ,i. By itS * dcfCTPptkm, ^ifT^.^t. It !S tdlcd
^'^"^* Statum Vcif.io. by an excellerKry, 7/Mi grea- Cy, ^c,
Rcdcfix comi- Which if it bc immediately meant (as many learn-
nuuTi a fuo ed andliolv Divines wotild have it)ofthc2lorv of
tempore luom- , ^, \ , . . 117°"^,
nem ufc]^, xtcr- the Chui'ch here O'l earth, wheii both Jewrs 2nd
nitatem de- Genttles flull be happily tinircd inro one Chriftian
mfL^f^o- Body and Brother-hood, before C h m s ts fe.
phctae icfiias cond comming, it is no leffe pregnant to proove,
& Eiechid^ ^j^^j. j|^g Hcaven of Heavens is a place moft glori-
cuTnSi^oivnix oiis above all comparrfon and conccipt. For, if
iRx v.nicinin. thevcbeluch goodlinefiTe, amplitude, beauty and
cUit^vd^de majcrfty in this Militant Church; how infinitely
foio' coeio, fed wiU this bsauty bc yet more beautified, and all
de utrov, ii- thisgloryglodfied with incredible additions in
Toffi-u!" «t dl- the Church Triumphant ^ If there be fuch excel-
bcjnt I vciu 11 lency upon earth,what may -we expeft in the Hea-
^^^^-^'^ ^°'^'^- vcn of Heavens^
ratione. Nc^uc
enmi omnia ^
' qux dc EccUTu funtjCa-etiahixle calointelligi poflianttNeque'nciffi*! omnia, qu« dc
CcelojCa ad Ecciefiam accomaindari qi'.eunt.
Butye are too^ferve, that it irnot the purpofe of the Holy Ghost to fet forth
tie juji andfuScdmpaJfc of the Heaven'y lem/slem : ( For it is intneafur^bk to our ca-
facity) hut by tbi! great msafure, Htgi-^ah-m.-i^it tpere^ firm to/ieic] thcUrgene^
thereof. GyfJkd iTpon Rev.Cap. z\.
1h heaven many 2. "By thofe many ^ fjifd-ifio^s prepared for
tnhahit^nn^^^^^ many thoufand thoufands of glorified Bodies after
ones funt m the laft Day, /<?^?; 14.2. Brfides the numberlcl^cj
coeiis, qua: fuf- numbefsof blciffcd Angels; the prefent inUabi^
frinf'ci>ants<>f thofe heavenly Palaces.
picndis : Tirft
vii'tus eft in afcenfvona C H n i s t i,ad pratpanndum loat^Ti irifinitisctiam mundis,
aediim omnibus homimbusqu: in lioc uno mundo iilnt. Sad cJadfaelft wi hominibus
jpfis qui defimt fibi, nequc ctedunt la illutn fanguinam ^lO prxparatuur^nGtbis ilia aa
ccx:\\s\oc:i. RaltsteM lohanXap I ^,
5. By the incredible djftancc from the earthto '/V^fi^i ^^
theStarry Firmamcor. Ifllhould here tell you ^eV^
the fevcrall "^computations of AOronomcrs in * Mathcmatid
this kind, the fliinmcs would feeme to exceed all caiSX^
poflibilityof beliefe. And yet befidcs, the late Cm fiimamenf
learnedll of them place above the eiglu Sphere, " 'r.cuentcs,
wherein allthofe glorious lamps {hine fo bright, is^^T^e^miU
* three moving Orbs more. Now the Empyre- luna Gcrma-
an Heaven comprehends all thefe, howincom- ^'"^i, j/„'^ ^
prehenfiblethen muftits compaflTe andgreamejOfc Kofetu* nun-.e-
EccelTarily be ^ rat 65457 500.
A^c jgitiiri
^antum dtcis
jlflr(Aoge^ctKtro tenx^ ad ccelmn o^avum, fat frmamtntum vulp appeL'aiUfa^ M-
(icnii&m. <»
Vuljjb inteivalliim dicitnrcoHriacri'Diatpirttos terra: IOC40"
Terras vcro Dfnmttro tiibuuntur parres mo, Unicuig; parci mrlliaii 6i. Qux
duftaintoti:m Diamcrrum conficiuiu fummam milliaiioium 7440 Qnj numeriis
muUipUcatus per 10040 ". ^^i^cndit (iiflantiim teirae ab orbe oftavo, n<:mpe
7470^ 180. milliaiiorum. bes Cafinan.Ouranogra.
Beit jo, that the adventure of Mathematicians intlis Toint b(etQ$ auhciotu andfe-
remptdiy:<incithattbejubUmity,andhDTivjnanymksitfidijianty camot be certainely
l^oronc : ytt you mujl needs betif rty Autkorc mind : Dubitan non porelt magnarn efle
Expanf) cttlellisintercapcd'jiem &c alticudinem ; Jicjuidem, id teftadir cum vifusipfe,
turn paflim facia Scriptura: Idh i f.S. dtcunciucoeli altifitmi , ivico^j^iaiuitas coru.n
cftimpervcftigabiliSjSc alticudo hominiinfcwwhUis. idem ibi.i,
* Maginus tfos the m^^mhy h-.s adn^ir.aiile mt pf. latter times added a te^th move-
able Redveri : fi that^m-fffjhere 4r'i three moveable Beaveris above the Firttuinent,aieur
Mdfters i«/itdr/)r<>fejJJc«i<eji!tfcct« "beeiMagmiisHiiJS rhcor»c^ues. Euftachius foilowc*
hMii,DlcMuado & CcelQj-pag,^^,/^. , ..^'-^ '. o -'
4. Bycon{jderitig,whataIargcExpan{ion and ^^^ mmenfify
knmenfity the mighty L o r d of Heaven and li^vM.^^
earth is like to chufc for revealing His glory inthe
highcft and moft tranfcendent manner to all His
nobleft creatures; infinitely cndear'd unto Him
by the bloudy death of His deai'eft Sonne, even
the Sonne ofhU love, thorow 5II eternity. Who
doth all things like Himfclfc : if He love, it is
with a free, infinite, and crernall love : if Hcc
worke. He makes a world : If Hego out with our
Holh, the^«;>{hall/^;><^^/Y/if need bee, and the
Storm mn{xfighi : if Hecomeagaiift a people. He
will make His fword dcvoureflejjj, and His arroivcs
dr'inke yioud : ifHe be angry with the world, He
brings a floud over ihe whole face of the earth. If
HefctHis atfedion upon amortall worme, that
trembles at His Word, and is weary of iinne 5 He
will make him a King,give Mm aParadife,crownc
him with eternity : ifHe builds a houfe for all His
holy Ones; it muft needs be a None-fuch-^ moft
magnificent, ftately and glorious, farrc above the
reach of the thoughts of men.
^h'b"'l%f ^* W^'^^ afpacious and fpecious inheritance;
%gH. '*" what a rich, fuper-eminent and fumptuous Pur-
chs^fc and Palace do you thinkc was the precious
bloud ofche Son of G o d by its inelHmable price
and merit, able to procure at the hands of His Fa-
therjfor His Redtemed^
r/?k^4'^^' Let us here alfo lay hold upon foitie confidcra-
iteavca. tioHs, whereby wee may behold (at leaft) fomc
little glimpfes of the admirable glory of its light.
"^ ^^' ^'^f"''^"' I . To fay nothing of that glorious projedion
^y?jo p.i dp. 2^(jtf3n5fy(|gri of ^chereall Iighc,both oftheSun
ut in mil- and of thc Starres, of the fix magnitudes, which
' p^^,rur'""t by Aftrologicali computation, conftitute * three
V>;ncris, aut
Mercurij fyJcra, nee computcmus ftellas novc«n,qu2s obfcuras, aur <^uin<jucj qius ru-
fc:5s appcll.intjvel ncbuiofas ; nullo ctiam aumcro Uabeamus inGnitis alas^quos Text*
oi^mer»nc arunoies.
hundred Suns at the leaft, (whence arifcth a mafTe
of {hining beauty) upward into the Empyrean
Heaven; which Patriciti^ endeavours induftri- "Nihil te-
oufly toproove; I fay, topalfe ir byasaeround- "l?*-' ''**^ ^'^i
, rr ^ -1 \ r f • alkvciaie, vcl
Icfle » conceipt 5 let us take a Icantlingjas it were, , .ficun dcbeo.
andeftimateof the incomparable brightncfle and Njvi interim,
fplendourof the higheft heaven; by that which ^^T;^ ^^^
Orthodoxe Divines foberly tell from Pev.21 . and iua, fup.emum
other places; to wit, that it is verm oxu//.^of, whol- ^«'"'" /^^F'"-
}y light, not like the Starry Firmament, be- n!um"fubnm.
fpangl'd here and there with glittering fpots ; but g nc novae
alias it werc,onc ^ great Sttn, From every Point ^•f'«/«>'»''-
powringoutabundantly whole rivers, as it were, Dicuur; uon.
of pureft heavenly light,^<:. Hence with allufion ^gt^ so'.e ^
to brightcft things below ; it is faid to have a wall ^;;,^^;'; ^^'^
ghr'iA T>ii il-
luflrat f4.w; (^
Lucernaejmefi ^^ntis. Quid Fiinc riMPptiici :> Dc fentcntia lohanitii : ^UliaKi ij/^e
lucemcxleflUglorU ; aliamSolh d^' LunxiNonopui cjfeSile (ait) ^ Z,M»(i.'N.*.gat jo
eft fydcrcje liicis Opponitur ci affirmatiodiv.nas lucis &.gIonolx, qu3E progufcitur
a D I I gloria & Agno Filio Dei. /bid.
Neg^ urbs ifia eger Sole, O'c,^ Non negat, qiiin Scl & Lina in firriamento fiium
rctcntura funt iHtncnjrrd .nitfupremuni lUud coelun,long' piaelbntiori liicefplcndcie,
ncc opu» habere tali Sole & Luna. Gloria inquit Dei if^Ticitttv-rh, Difcrimcn facie
inter JTo^cti'gloiiam Dei, & inter (pai quo ipfa urbs illuftratur, Gloria Dsi majcUas
eft Dei, hixq; ilia, Deitas iplius, quam inhabitarc Dbus dicitur. Ea omnibus eft
iinacccffa3& corporcisoculisinvifibilis. Abhacmajcftare veto pro bencplacito volun-
tatis Dbt, lumen creatum proficifcitur, quo tota urbs fplendct : & quo eledis ctiam
communicatOjcflSc.t DEVS,ut ipfum plene,& quafi facie ad facicm cognofcant 2an(b»
deCee!obeat».Cap ^.
* Goelum Beatorum eft imprimis lucidiflimum, coq; vcrns oKvfji.'Troi : Hoc eft to-
»«m &omBi ex parte luminofumaclplendjdum. Non enim eft l)>;ut firmamentum
rarijs ornatum ftellis, eoqj ahbi lucidum : alibi veto non ira lucidum, (cd totum eft
ji[€ljacidum. Eft enim perinde atqj fi totum fit quidcm Sol. maximus^ & omnia fuo
ambitu corapleftcns.Ncq: lux ilia eft fimilis luci ftellarum,neq} etiamejufdem gene-
R«. Sed eft lux vere divina, licet areata ; idcirco quia lux eft alterius generis, & lux eft
glorir, noa penetrat hue ad nos ufq;: oculistamcn cwporeis faturo fecWo a ncbw
vidcbitw. Idem /hid.
124 ^P HEAVEN,
o^Tdfper, hiv.ldingofgoUya^£oundmon of pracfOfii.
i!ico:r>|n- Jto.^ssjand gates otp^arles. Being clearc as Cr/flaili
cftclmasx-er! fl^i^i^g^^k^ wwto gUffc '^ tranfparcrtt mbrightndTe
na : ubi viao- 35 a molten looking ^W*^- ^* ^^^y be> thofc places
ria,ubivcnr.i3, may alf® ill latitude of fenfe intimate and include
ubi faaS' ^^^s glorious vifible light I fpeake of, CoUJf. 1.12.
ubi VIM, libi PfaL^6,p, iTim.6,16.
xteinitas. 7): AncientDivines alfo cipprehcndcd this glorious
ohhoyv brave, bcauty and brightnefTe in the blefTcd heaven.
hoTv bcauT'fuU, The etemdl City (faith * i^uBm) is tttcomparahly
\Z imertg, bright and beauttfull I whcrethert wvictarj y -verify,
hotff ^gorgeo-ji', digmty yft^fCHtyJife, eternity .
havv a tmrrable
a City i! thi^ .' For,iftltgite; he of p?arlc, and the flrtets of gull ; lien Tvhatare tie
inner roome; ? IVhat are the diiing chambers-, Andrvhat are the lodgirgroomei I O
horv tinfpeah^able is tie glory of this iity,that Kings jba.Ut\)rfa> dotvm tter Cranvmsjinii
Scepters before it^counting all their pomp and glory but a* dufl in refpeU of it > jSnd the
raaznificence ani pompc ofaUthe Potentates of the earth fl)aU here be Hi I dotvne. ^nd
albeit none of the iQr^s andMobks of the Gentiles ni'if^t be adnvtedinkojheold Jem-.
C\\cixi, yet aft the Gentiles that believe Jhall be admitted into ibis wew Jeiufaltm," <J»^
made fi'ee'Deni/ons thereof for e^'er. Dzntv'pcinthcKcv.
J might tei'lyou bereofmany other probable Jtngularities about this celejliaJl palate,
'land that from the hand offomegodiyand learned Divines : To wit, [That tins tbirJ
Heaven is notpenetnblc by any creature, whereas the other two arc paffable by ihc
gvofTeft Bodies, fo that it is laid to open to the very Angels, Job, i ^i Who, though
they b? able t^ penetrate all things under it, yet are they no mote able to enter that
Body, than they are topafl'c into oneanothcrsnatufcs. Hence it comes to pafTc, tha,t
the third H:aven gires vvay to Ans^els, foules and bodies of men to enter in by ntiira-
c\z : God making way by his power, where nature yeeJds no padage. For,it is with-
out povcr, and cannot poflibly extend or contraft it fclfe into alarje or ftraiter com-
piflTc. That, TernuTj hoc & fiimmum cteUm, in medro non cfi coipus fol.dum : fed
incftauraalicjriisca-leftisqnx fupplet defcftum aeris corporibits glerificatis : In qjia'
crfi port nonfnntjjn nobis tamen pori cmnt, in quibuserit hxc natura caeleftiori.qna:
criTTi aeris viccm Tuppiebit ad fermoaenn. Jn coelo cnim ufuri fumus Hcbi sea lingua :
I. Nim natura ibi redibir,quae primitius hanclinguam tenu't. 2. Confufio Ingua-
rijm !Tnl;di(5tio fuit. And this aura cotlcftis (fay they)JbaU in:iintaine Vfs ettrnaUyj, a>^d
ie anfaterablc to our con^ittition, even at this ayre is,(3'c'\ But at I would ny fclfe by
itameanes confidently entertaine, fowiil I never ebtrude upon oihcrsany thirginthis or
avy other divine point t hut that »hly which iigronnded (cither direUly and immediately,
«rbjrooJandfiiWidconfeiU£iice)upQn Gods fure Word.
if the ft vehtch kcofiiiemrJed {faith Sajil) be CAHinto
fitter darknejfe -^ it is evident that thofe which walked
fverthy cf Gob, h^ve their reft wfuftrcele Hi nil light.
2. Bcfides the fupcrcxccllency of its native Ju- ^h highnefe
{lre,that I may fo fpeak,this blefTcd heaven wil yet gifrifcMy*
•be made infinitely more illuftrious and lefplen-
dent by all the moft admirable and amiable (hining
glory of that deareft ravifhing objecfi:, to a glorified
eye^the glorified Body of J e s v s C h r i s r.In
refpe(5t of the beauty and brightn elTe -whereof, all
fyderiall lightisbuta darkfome mote^and blackeft
mid-night. See A/4?. 1 7. 2 .
3. Adde hereunto the incredible and unfpeaka- ^.^^ fpjendour
bleTplendour of many millions of glorified Saints, ums!
whofe bodies alfo will out-fhine the Swn.Stc Mat,
i^.^^.Phil.S'2i. I>an.i2»^. Who arefaid tofhine
as the hrightnejfe sfthe Tirmnment^ as the Stars .pan,
12.^. Js the Sun^Mat,i^./\.^. To be like Christ
Himfelfe,r<?^;? 3 . 2 .And to appeare with ff/m inglo-
Now, what a mighty and immeafurablemvifle
of moft glorious light will refulc and arifc from
that moft admirable illuftrious concurrence, and
mutuall ftiining reflexionsof the Empyrean Hea-
ven more bright and beautifull than the Sun m his
ftrength,the Sun of that facred Pallace, and all the
blcffed Inhabitants^ All which every glorified
eyefhallbefupernaturally inlarged, enabled, and
ennobl'd to behold and enjoy in a kindly and com-
fortable manner with ineffable delight and ever-
laftingneffe ! ruhrighnefe
4. If the porch and firft carry be fo ftately and '/gods pe-
glorious, ^"^^-
glorious, gariiiihed and bcfpangl'd with fo many
bright ihitiing Lights and beautifull Starres ;
What workitianfliip and rare peeces, what majc-
ftyand incomprehcnfible excellencies may wee
cxped in the Palace of the great King, and the
heavenly habitations of the Saints and Angels ^
* How full of beauty and glory are the chiefe
roomesand Prefence-Chnmberof the great and
royall Monarch of Heaven and Earth <!
Meditate oh ^ ^^^^^ ^^^'^^^ infinite fweeteft delight may eve-
tbegi9ry&fhei. ry ttuly gtacious foule, bathe it fclfc before-hand,
^m even in this vale of teares, in the delicious and ra-
vifliing contemplation of this moftglorious Place,
wherein he hath an eternall blisfull mvinfion moft
ccrtainely purchafed and prepared for him alrea-
dy, by thebloud ofjEsvs Christ! Let us
therefore (as an holy Divine would have us) fpend
many thoughts upon it ; Let us enter into deepe meditd-
tiom oft he inefitmahle glory of it: Let us long untillwt
come to the fingering and foffepon of it : even as thc^
heiri longethfor his inheritance, — Let mfirinjeand
flraine to get intothU golden Cities where Jlreets, walls
and gates, and allis gold J all is f Carle : nay, where
fearle is bnt as mi remand dirt, and nothing worth, o
whMfooles are they, who deprive themfelves wiOingly
efthisendleffegkryfirafew (linking luHs I o what
madmenarethey, who hereavethemfelvesofaroomein
this Cttte ofPearle,for a few carnallpleafires ! o whaP
bedlams and hurnane heafs are they ; who Jhut them -
felves out ofthefe everlafiing habitations, for a Uttle
tranfitory pelfe ! what intolerable fits and fenfeleffh
wretches are all fich, who wilfully barrc them/elves
mi^fthis VMce effi^finke^leafurejferthejhortfiumon
ofivorldlprafh andt rifles?
2. In afecond place, let us take notice of fome ted"beIveH^
names, titles <md epithets attributed to heavenly
joyes, etemailgbry, which may yet further re-
prefent to our relifh their incomparable fweetnefTc
and excellency. They arc called,
1. AK(f7gdome.Maf.2^,2/^,Lukej2,^2. Now ^^^K^ngdome
a Kiiigly Throneis holden the top and crowne of
all earthly happineffes ; the higheft aime of the
tuoH eagerand reftlefle afpirations and ambitions ^f^^j, j^^^ ,j^^
<)f men. A confluence it is of riches, pleafures, ohferved rvkxt
glory, all royall bravery, or what mans heart can ^'^'^^^^yp^^/^^^r
wifhfor outward welfare and fehcity. "^ What findjmeit^%l
teres aad ftratagems, what murders and. mif- K'>g,f (^Pnn-
chiefes, what mining and c-ounter-mining, what ZulmL^lom,
snyileri©ii5 >plQts and machiviiian depths, what exercife.iytai^^
•fttaoge -^ventures ande£ifions fometimeseven ^^{themo'com'.
of bloudyifeas, no catch a Growne <: WitneflTe ilemfeive" and
LanuficrBViJ^T,erk€,nSiYVi\\ habitable parts of the their ij/Ues Ma-
^ixh, which from time to time have become i%"{l^i°[!^
!blou^ cook-pits iin this kind.
2. AnBeavedyKirfgd9me,MaLj.2i.Andi^,^. ^Kt^^dl'm'^'^
toiintimateithat itfurpaueth in glory and cxcellen- ^
cy all earthly kit5gdoa3es,.asfarre as heaven tran-
foendethearth^ndxunconceiveablv more.
3. rJie Kmgdome cf Got,, U^s 14. 2 ^ A ^ go'^J'^'^''''
Kingdomeof G o d s ownc making, beautifying
andi)ileiGLng; who doth all things like Himfelfe,
-asi faidbdfQite: repleniibed and (Inning with Ma-
jeftyy.pkafures and ineffabk felicifti^^^bcfeeming
theigioiious .'Rcfidencc of the King of Kings.
4. An
4, An inherit 4, ^w Inheritance^ (^dh 20.^2. Notatene-
^'*'"^' mentatvvill, to bzc polTdfeJ or left at the Land-
lords pleafure : but an inheritance fetled upon us,
and fealeduncousby tlie deareft and higheft price
that ever was payed^which will be as orient, preci-
ous and acceptable, after as many millions of
yeares, as you can thinke,as it was the very firft day
it was po wred out and payed .
4. ^gimm 5* k rich md gionofis inheritance^ 'Ef he f,\,\%^
inberitance. pit fot the Majefty and mercy of Almighty G o n
tobeftow ; the unvaluable bloud of His Sonne to
purchafe, and the dearely Beloved of His Sode to
6. Thtitihed' 6. Kw Inheritance of the Saints h light ^ Cohjf,
tance of saints, i. jj. Every Word founds a world of fwect-
7'jd» iHcorrup' 7. knlnheritanccincorrupible^andundejiled^and
ttbie inherit ace. that fkdeth not arvay^ I Pet.i,/\.. There can never
poflibly be the leaft diminution, much lelTe any
aboliflimentofthe ie-aft glimple of heavenly glo-
ry. But all bliffe above willbeasfrefh and full in-
numerable yeares hence,as at our fift entrance, and
fo thorow all eternity.
8. A crome. ^ • <-^ Crovme of right eoufne(fe^ 2 Tm,^. 8 .Fair-
ly come by, and full dearely bought. A Crorvneof
life^ lam. i . 1 2 . A Crowne of glory .^ 1 Pet. 5.4. Glory
itfelfe,iJ(7»^.9.2^. Nay, an exceeding ex^:eedtnge-
ierna^ waight of glory ^ 2 Corinth, ^.ij. Which
Crownes, Kingdomes, Pearles, Jewels Feafts,
4i*c. do but weakely fhadow out unto us. Afoper-
Uttvetranfcendent Phrafe (Qiith one) fach as is not to
he found in all the Khetoricke of the Heathens ^hecaufe
_— — — ^ . ^ . — . J ' _ _ _ ' ■ ■ ■ iw n.
they never m^t^offuch^thewe^ner whhfuehdfpmt^
9. Fuineffcofjop everUfiin^ fk^fires^Pfalie, ?• ^»^«/e •/
1 1 . o^ fivfft fimmg river ^j^tmevf ^f)^e4fr9%s^ ■^^*
pJal.^^^X yi^ycty Jfijsif.Q,^^^^ Ma-.
:?. In'atliircIplacc^Uetiis .confide the l'>€auty gienfiedhd^et,
and blcflcdncflTc o^gloiified Bodies. .Cu^CuZ Z'
I doe not here cunouily Gng.mre with w cipiat quiT^u^
ScJ^oalc-men 5 whether t^e.^lpry of the body "'"^"'•^^jj
doth fpring originally out. oTxav-blcflTcdiaeffe ^ud bdTinTuvcn'
bcawtifull excellency ofthe jrpu.Ie,a;id fo redounds tatc,-tiamG u.
aponxhe body^by ^<:ommQd cpiiftant in^uence, "j^^^VSt
as {^qtiiff as thmiis^ <)d",.(\vbichIa;^therfoHow) habum-iK, -fi
chat thofc.exccUcat endowments ^nd heavenly ante eft d^fan-
fplendours are on|^nally aad di%ofitively im- ^(rf/.o^JLjl!
planted by Go p s hand in the reformed body, ti.caf^.i^.
or.clyperfc^^edand gfluated .(as it were) by-tlW . "^'"^ *"*
Glorious loule;, ^5 ^QAmmturc i!.ipp,aicxh. 5>.ure I ^c^nicmnt ef-
am in general!, they fhall be made U^z ihegloriatu ^-j «iam fccuU
WvefC H K I , ^,m>t.i,ri. AnatlMtishappi. tT'hotf„t
nelle and honour enoughs inexplicable, tupe^cmi- j-ivemutetn. /-
nent. •'fw '*^^-
Bcfides their freedorac from all defers ajcid im^ oiuie*^ "11m
ptrfc(Slions, Qifeafcs and difterapers, infirmities n^-g^' corpo-
and deforn[iities, "^ raaimedneffc and monflrous 'liTS fuwi
cr.iiir, vcl futuri eiant ia juvenili attatc. li^m IhU C4pi6,
Qliibus omnibus pro noltro modulo con^deiatis & tia«5tatisjh3cc fumma coniicitur,
ut in rcfurrctftione jcarnis in xternum eas menfuras habeat c jrporum magnitude, quas
babcbatjpcificicndx live pcifefte, cujufcunqj iadit.icorpou ratio )avcmutis,in mein-
broium quoqi ©mnium modulis congruo dccoic ferramr. {biiLCap 20.
^U the bo.Ue! of the Ele^fhillarife in thatpcrfci^ion of nature^ vheremti they ff^taU
hare attained ky their mimaii temper aniconfiitution^ if no impediment bad hindered :
tMil in that vi;:our of 0,?^e,t}:at aperjeH man is at about three and thirty yeares oUl^acb in
their proper fexe. 5o Cml^ feme worthy Divine^ wliofc nam? 1 forgot to note when X
♦poke his Saying.
K fliapes 5
fhapcs, 'infancy, ot Becrtpitneffe of ftature^ ^c.
From want of mcatc, drinke, manage: tfor wcc
fliall hcL'kethe Angels of Go d in hcave/J, CHatth.
22.30. ^c^AlhunxiJ'rto mfre, neither thirfi any
ptdrejRev.j.16. of (Iccpcj for there fliallbccno
wearying of the body, or tyring the fpintsj for,
• Aftrnerc wc flnll Uvcby the all-fufficient Spiiit of <S o d,
licet fanitatcm ^j^jch ncvcr nccds refrcfliing: of phyfickcj for,
Tigae^&im- we fliall cn joy * perpetuall impregnable health:
fnutabiiem, ac aglorificdbodycannotpodibly bc diftempcrcd;
fbrr/utfncffa- cithcrby inward contrariety of elementary qua-
biii quadam lities 5 or any outward contagion, orhurtfull im-
duiccdine fua- pj^cfllon: of aire; to cooleour heat, or keepe us
b^inem^'^K- ftom ftifling : of clothes ; for, we fliall be clothed
pleat, &omne pfjfh long vfhtte robes of immortality, Revq,g,
?n°fc vuS- w^^c^ ^^^ never bee wornc out 3 bat fliall be fo
dinis, mutabi- bcautifull and glorious \ that like the Sun, we fliall
litatisjtut lac- bebcft adorned,whcn we have no other covering,
nem^^u^^^^^^ butourownc rcfplendcntMajefticallbrightneirc:
re queat, pro- of Sun^ for the glory of Go D P)dl illigken that
cul arccat, atq; fjg^^gftl^ city^mt\ thc LamBefball be the light thereof,
feht "e/w?/i- Rev.21,2^. Of any thing; for, G o n/W/ beunti
tvdiCaf 54- m K^ll inAll^iCor.i'y.2^,
, \ fay, bcfides an cverlafling exemption, and
fhe ivt^ilut- pririlcdgcfrom all ils,paincs,miferies 3 our bodies
vM. fliall be glorioufly crowned with many pofltive
prerogatives, raaiYellous excellencies, high and
heavenly endowments.
uimmmaiity. ^' J^^^f^rtalitjy i Or. 15. 54. Glorified bodies
can never pofTibly die. They fliall laft as long as
Goi> Himfclfe, and run parallel! with the loj-
gcft line of eternity. In which rcfpcd alfo, our
condition is a tboufrrd times more hsppy and
gloricusjthanif wcbad {\ocd f^ill with K^dam in
his innoccncy and felicity. If fo, he could but i Js^TJ^"
have convcjghed unto us bodies immortall *fitcr.- quadiifaxiam ;
ua Hfn mme^iif (X Hyfcthji^ zsihcy fay 5 that is, ^^®
endowed onely with power of rot dying, if fo tia'' Tom'Sl
and fo : but now they fhall be immoitall impcte»- abfoluta , sc
tikmoricndi, thatis.fhinc for ever in the hieheft T.*"'*: ^'*'.'*'
licavens with impoflibuity or ever p^riliiing. mortaiitatcm
faakct, I Tiai.
6. 16.
2. Impotcntia moricndi cxgrati^i cmtioais: 6c AngcU & anitn* bumsox Sknt
J Impotcntia rroriendi ex gratia donis fie ««Inm neviim, terra nova^ corpora
kcaterum immortal, tatem liabebunt
4, potcntianon moncndiexalitjaa Hypothcfi, licet in fefit mortak. Sic ko«»o
ante p^^catam crat immortaliscoipotejCX Hypstbefi oaionis ewaaasma sriginalncr
pcifeda, imraort-Ii.
2. jHcnrupibUnefey i drinth. 15. 44. 54. »'f«*<w''«5*'*'*°
For, every glorified body (hall for ever bee ut- **-^*'
tcrly impafliblc, and urviraprefllonable with
any corruptive quality, a^ion, or alteration.
Whether, i. By the power of fomc pecu-
liar glorifying endowment implanted in the
body, or redounding from the foulc upon the
body for that purpofe: Or, 2. From an ex-
quifite temper and harmony of the Elemen-
tary qualities freed everlaftingly from allpofli-
bility of any angry contrariety and combatc :
Or, 3. Which fccmeth moft probable and
approovcd by the learned'ft Schoole-men ,
from an exadt fubicdion of tlic body to the
foule, as of the foulc to G od : I fay, whjs-
K 2 ther
1^2 OF Hfi^AVEK.
thcr foor fo, T dot* not hett ertqnirc Gt Con-
tend ; butlcavc.all alterations in this kinde to the
curious difquifitions of fuch idle and ill-cxcr-
cWd Divirfc^. The* tcftimony of Go d s^ nc-
vctverringSpitit' (in xtc cited place)- is more thaft
infinitely , fafficient to aflTurc every Chriftian
hearc^ rhat our railed bodies, reformed by the*
All-mighty giofiou^ hand if Go b? fltall never
morcbe expofed' to violence or hurt from any
cxtcrnall agent: or obnoxious to the leaftdifpofi-
tion cowards any inward decay, putrcfadion or
difTolution. , i ,
5i?ff/c»«r* 3*. Po^c^cy, I Cm'ftth.i^./^^, Our foules
are in nature , fubftanee , and immateriality
like the Angels of God; One of which killed
ia one night an hundred fourefcore and five
ihoufand, 2 Kings ig.^^. And therefore little
' know wee, • thougii the edges, ex<sfflleacy. and
excGutions iiiay be dul'd and drown'd in,ouf
h^avy, frailc, finflill bodies, of what, might and
power they may be originally. But then, when
to the foules native flrengch?, there is an addi-
tion of gliorifyiflg vigbur, and Go us- migh-
ty Spirit* more plcntifull inhabitation 5. and
it fhaii aJfo^ put oa-abody, which brings with it,
beiidcs- it^ owHc peculiar inherent power, an
exa<9r ferviccablencfFe and fufliciency aptcd.
and apportioned to tkc' foules hig^hcft abilities^
and executions ^ "^ how incredibly powerfull and .^ * i" fmuro
mighty may we fuppofe a Saint in heaven Ihali be^ prSav"^u^
tus crit, ut etiani fi velit, teiram commovere poffit. Anfelm ie fmilitu.l Cap. 5 2.
Vcriim prxftabunt vinbiis, quicunq; fupernis vinbus airocianciircivibus, intan-
tutn, lit nuUatenns iHis quifqinm oblifteie valeat, vel {i moveudo quid, aut ever*
tendo volueiit, aluo ftatu qiiin lilico cedar. Ncc in co quod dicimus majori labo-
rabunt conntu, quain ncs modoin oculoium noftrciummctu. Ne qu^fo fimili-
tudo ilia Angclorum noftro cxcidat ab animo qaam adcpturi fumus in futuro ^
quJteniisfiinhacfoititudine, autin hisqua: diduri rumusad excmpiumnon oceur-
rit, vel ipfa per qmm Angelis adcquabimiir, ad ca comprobanda profit. Si igituc
inqiiibus Angeios valcre conft.-'.t^ nolh-a nh lominus fortitude valeat : nemincm
autism quidiibicet puto cxiftere, Angclos cnqu3E volunt fungi forritudine. Cum igi-
tur Iimiles eis fuenmuy, nunquan iMibeciUiores ilisciimiis. Scd fortaflis qusic-
retnliquis, quid nobis tunc illi fortitudo piKil.^bit, curn (ingulis tamconvenienter,
lit con veil cntius nequcant ubiq; difpofitis nihil immutandum, nihil evcrtendum,
niliil ftatucndiim lit. in quo vires fuas exerccre poftic ^ QjU' hoc dicit, paucis nobif-
cuni quid in hujiifniodi habeat ufus humanus aiter.datj & vidcbit qtiianonfemper
tmnibusqua; hnbemus, & quae nos habere non paruin gaudemusactu utimur. Sicuc
verbi gr.uja, ipfo vfu potcibte aliqua nonnuUaiiim kicnria rerum, & multis in
hunc moduni : fie & tuncde qua agituifortitudinc erit. Sola namqj poflcflio no-
bis grata ent, &ey.ulftio grandis : licet in actu ncquaquam fit ncccflaria nobis
cuntfliSj ut didum eft, in fuoftntu convenient rlocaris. Hxc cadcm quxftio, Aaut
tie velccttatc, autde aliqua bcatitudinis partium movctur, hac foUtionc, finonap-
tiorem Icftor invcneric.Colvatur ihld.
4 . Sfirimdlncfe^ i Cor. 1 5 . 4 4 . N Ot that our b o- 4. Spiwualnef.
dies fhall be turned into fpirits, but imployed fpi-
ritually, Ormore fully thus: ^^. . * Corp«
I . Becaufe they ihall be fully poflefled with the gioriofum per-
"^ Spirit, which dwellincr primarily and above '^^'"^^ movcbi-
^ , ^^^ Spiritu
Dei •• ficutmoveturab anirna : non quod anima tunc fit cefiacuvamovere autagere :
fed quod ipfi quoq-, plena fpiiituali luce, & pcrfedione corpus fpiritualitcr tuac mo-
vebit,ut cibojpotn, ',e[litu,aerc,calorc nulloindigeat amplius. Par.
Excitatur corpus JpirituJ,k ] H oc eft vitam & Effe fuum non tarn habcns ab anima
ifta cjulqj ficultaribus naturalibiis : (Q^^n^^iJ^^ etiain turn eadcm hscc anima
noftra coiijTingctur cum eodcm ipfo coipo'C noftro, & per cam etiam ram vircmus)
tainen corpus quod excitibitisr, non tam habtbit vitam Sc Ede fuum ab ca quam a
SpirimiUo C H R I s T I , quia ita ut fie loqunr, ani:.nabic &, animarn iftam & corpus
jftudjUttotus homojloriofusinlbar ipfius C H R i s T i confpiciendus fit Kalloc in
K 3 meafure
meafure in C h r i s t our head, is communica-
ted from Him to us His members 5 Co that then
we fliall no more live by our animall faculty, nor
need for prefervation of life, mcate,drinkc, ifleepe,
clothing, phy/icke, or the former naturallhelpes.
In which refped they ceafe to be naturall bodies,
being freed from thofe animall faculties of nou-
rifliing, increafing, and multiplying by generati-
on. They {hall no more live byvertue of food
and nourifliment thrice concodled : firft, in the
ftomach, &c. but fhal 1 be fpirituall and heavenly,
living without all thefe helpes, as the Angels in
heaven do*
2. Bccaufe they fliall in all things become fub-
.„-l'miVrvi- je^tothe Spirit of God; and be wholly, per-
cnsnon incon- fccftly, and willingly guided by him, with a fpiri-
gvue carnaiis, tuall,Angelicall,moft abfolute,and free oSedirnce.
tui fervrens^'rel ^^ thefpritferving theflejl) may not unfitly he called
fte appelLuur carnall-fethebodyobediemtothcfifdeiSiiih. "^ Jujlm)
fpintualis:non ^^^My termd fpiritudl.
quia m Ipjritu o y Ji
convertetui-jficut nonrmlli piitant j eo quod fcriptum eft : Scminaiur corpM anmale,Te-
furgtt corpM fpiriluak : Sedquia fpiiitui (umma & mirabili o'otemperandi facilitate
lubdetui-j ufq; nd implendam immortalitatis indiflblublis feciinffimam voluncatcm
oinni molcflir fcnfu, omni corruptibilitate Si taiduKG dciraifta. Non folum cnirn
nonerittale, quale mmc'tft in optima valetudinc; fedncc tale quidem qu.ilefuitm
priniis hominibus ante peccatum. Qui licet nioiitiiri non eficnt^nifi pcccaflentjnlitrcn-
ris tamen nt homines utebaniur, non rpiiituihaj fed adhue animalia corpoia gcilan-
tes. ©cCJ W.Dei Lib.i^.Capio.
Non potcflas, fed egeftas cdcndi ac bibcndi talibus corporibiis auferetur. Vrdc &
fpiritalia erunt, non q uia corpora ellc dcfifttnt, fed quia fpiritu vi vificantc fub(iftent.
^crufs'an- 3- ^y ^'^^^^" of their ^ aaiveneffe, nimblcncffe,
aom rcfurget agility : whereby they fhall be able to moove from
fpiritale, quiii
velocitate^levitate^pcifpicuitatefjjuiwbus eiit i^q\\i\c.ldemTom.9p.z.Mihipa£ 1084.
tus carm
place to place with * incredible rvviftnefTe and * ^^""^ ^^^a
fpeed; not being at all hindrcd by their weight. muragi'iia,''"It
K^n heavy Itimfe ef had, thatfii^kes now to the hot. Sol, peifpicua.
tome, beim ivire-drawm as it werehy the workman tn- ^T^^'" *^'^° ^
1 r '^ r 1 11 r /r • i n- \ niin niincam-
to the forme of a boatj wUl jwimmej ( laitii <^tiftin : ) mus ab Oricn,
And jhdll no: God give that ability to mtr bodies, ^^ '^ Ocdden-
vohich the Artificer hth to the lead ? &c. nT perven"°i
tamcitOj tunc
illud coipus illuc pervcnire poteiit. Ibid,
Sed vclocitas cjua; pulchiitudme non rainuJ amatar tanta nos comitabf tur, utip-
fis Angelis D e i squj celerss fimus, quia coelo ad tenas & cconrcrfo dido cit/iis
dilabuntur. — <.Hu;Us ':]Uoq; vclocitatis exeinplum in r^idio SoIjs licet intuen, qui
ftatim oiroSole in pl.ig;i (Dricuc-li pertin j t iifq; ad ultima plagse Gccidcntahs, uc
in CO perpenda.inis non tfli impofiibile, qiiod dc noilra dicimus futura velocitate:
prxfcitVn cum rebus uiimatis foleat .-ncHc: major velocitas, qu;\m jnammatis, Huic
ctiaai Radio Solis llmiie cxcmploni velocitatis liabemus in nobis. Radius quippco-
culonirn noftj-ornm i;i fublevationc palpebraru n ufq; ad ccflum pcrtingit, & ifius
earum totusm (emccac integer ledic. Anjelra defitailitud Cap. 5 1.
Here fome of the Schoolemen moove an G^orifedbodies
.idle unnecefUny qiieftion : to wit ; Whether '^nyplLesatltl
glorified Bodies moove from -place to place in an in- tnfiatit,
ftanr ?
For they may well know out of the Principles
in Philofophy, and Rules of found reafon, that
it is utterly impolfible^ and implies contradidi-
That a body fhould in an infiant be in many places at
But if a glorified body moove from place to
place in an inftant : it will necelTarily follow that
the fame body is in an inftant. In termjro a qm, locis
intcrmedijs ^termino ad qt^cm fimtd ; in the begin-
ning, middle, and end of the ipace, thorow which
it pafTcth at once ^ which is more than utterly
K 4 impoflible.
impoltlble, and quite deftroyesthe nature of a true
I would rather interpret thofe words of o/»-
fitn 5 [_Certe ubt volet ffir it m^ibi prot/nus erit corpus >
the body will prefently be there where the foulc
would have it] of extraordinary fpeed, andincre-
* Corpus diblyfliorttime; o^^//?/?.^ cals it * impercepible.
Yeiu ° iTtTm- So that I doubt not, but that a glorified Saint ^c^^
pore, fed im- ring to be in fuchor fuchaplaceathoufand miles
P^'^"^"''b[evi- <^^t)^ft^^* ^^"^^ very firft bent of his will that way,
V^crnsuppim would be there in an "^ incredible lefle time, than
3 pagA^-'^^^' thou wouldeft imagine.
* But mt in
an inftantxOi Aquinas hU argument demon/lrates unanjrcerahly thus.'Jn mom locali fpa-
tium & motiis &tempus iimul diviJuntur, ut deinnnftiativ.- prubauii in 6 Phyd'c.
Sed fpatium quod tranfit corpus gloriofum perfuum rnotum, cftdivifibilc : Ergo &
motHsdivifibiliseft, & tempus divifibile, inftansautena nondividitur. Ergo&tnotus
illc non eric in inftanti. Ibid. Sedcontra]
Bellarmine thn errs in hU Aft ojWeU- dying travJI^itei into Englijjj hyO E pag.i i f .
faying: The Saints having the gift of agility can in a moment pafle ftom place to
place — from Eaft to Weft,&c. {if he fpeake properly )
^.Thegioryof 5, Glory, 1 Corimh,i$.^^, The bodies of the
bodies inbesv?^ Saints in heaven fhall be palTingly beautiful!, fhi-
*omnis cor- Two things (according to "^Auftin) concurreto
Sn Xti- *^ conft«ution of beauty':
urn congruen-
tia, cum quadam coloris fuavitate. — Proindc nulla erit deformitas, quam fecit
incongrucntia partium : nbi & qux prava funt cotrigentur : & quod minus ett
quam decet, undc Creator novit, inde fupplcbitur : & quod plus eft qii.\m dccct,
materiae fervata integritatc, dctrahctur. Coloris ponbfiuvicasijuantaci it, ubi jufti
fulgcbunt ficut Sol in regno Patris fui ? Z)c Civif De i Cap 1 9.
I ExceHentpro' i. A dueand comely proportion-, an apt and
^nbeavfn. congruent fymmctry and mutuall correfponden-
cy of all the parts of the body: or in a word, well-
2. AmiablenelTe of coloiir3a pleafing mixture tPerfen colour,
of thofe two lively colours, of white and red. I add
a third.
3. A chearefull,lively,lightfome afped. When sMveiyajpe^.
thetwo former materials (as it were j are pleaiant-
ly enliv'd and. actuated by a lively qricknefTe and
modeft merinefle of counrenance. Wheretfoft,
(f;iith the Moralift) it U not the red and white, which
giveththelifcand prfcBion cf beaut j: hut c?rtain€^
j^arklmg notes. and touches cf at?:' ab!e ci.ecrfulnejje ac~
comfanjing the fame . In hcau^y ( f lith another) that
of favour is mere than that ofcolcur-^andthat of decent
^ ■pleafingmot'on-,morcthan that cf favour. T^ hat is the
hef-part of beauty ywhrch a piiJure cannot exfreffe^ ^c.
Allthefeconcurre in eminency and excellency . ,
inglorihed bodies. ofexceilcnms
1. An exquifit feature and ftatute, beau- j?^'<"''i^^''^^
tified by Gods owne blelTed all-mighty hand,
with the utmofi: of created comlinefTe, and match-
lefTe proportion.
2 . Not onely fweeteft mixture of livelieft co-
lours, but alfoa bright fliining fplendour of cele-
ftiall glory.
^. And both thefe aduated to the life, prefer-
ved in perpetuall freflmefle and oriency , and
quickened ftill with new fupply of heavenly
a,5tivenefre and amiablenefle by a more glorious
foule j (for, if the brightnefle of the body fliall
match the light oftheSunj what, doe you thinke,
will bee the glory of the foule ^ ) and by an
*ytaninia infinitely more ^lorious foirit, which fhallplenti-
iftadum cxei- r 11 j*. j n • i t f r ^
cet fiinaioncs fuUy ^ dwell m them both tor cvcr.
fnasin corpore
impertitei colotCin & totam banc cxtera.itn corporis gloiaim • Ita turn cum D E v «
eric omnia itiomaibuSjSpiiitus Oh risti in nobis [labitanSjinduet corpora noftia
glorioSlfi na, quibuftji qualitatibus, RoUocin/jhr^in. Cap 5.
Amplification AmpUfie the glory of our bodies in heaven
hoTcitfeave. from fuch places asthcfe : Da^.n^i. OiUt.is.^5'
Phil ^,20j2i.Coly^,^.
From which the ancient Fathers alfo thus collcifl
and affirme ;
micant'bisl^. ^/ rvc JhouU Compare ( faith ^ chrifoftome ) ourfu^
lisradijs futu- ture bddks evcn with the mof gliflering kames of the
ra nobis corpo- Sun-^wc j})aII yet U^j mth'm^^ totheexpnf^mofthc^
ra contuleri- ,, r 1 ■ n ■ 1 £ J ' J '"— ^
mus, nihil ta- excellcmj of their jhmtng glory.
men pro illius
fpfendoxis dignitatc explicabimus. Sermde ml/ericordid.
* In iiid fi- Thebeautj ofthejufl in the other life ( laith "^ o/;?-
"^"uin do''^ )^/?»? ^^ullbeeqmlltothegloryofthcSHn, though fe-
faftorum Solis *venfild brighter then now it is.
putchritudini ,
qui feptemplicitcr, quam modo fit, fplcndidior eiit, adsequ.ibitur. Vnde fcriptutn
eftjFul^cbiinc jiidi, ficut Sol in confpc(Su Dei . 2?e fimlhui Cap.so.
* Hujiis j-^jg J*- hrtghtncffe ofaglorifcd body doth a^farre ex-
m claritas ran- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^i ^ ^^e Sun oHr mortdl bddy .
turn Solem ex-
cellit, quantum Sol in claritate noftrun corpus praecellit. jlpui Auffijl Tom.^.p.z.
-: Then fliall the righteous fhine forth as the
Sunne, in the Kingdome of their Father]
Not ( faith "^ Chnfoficir.e) bccauje they ft: all no^ fir- * ^««c /«/-
pafet/je brightnepof the Stm ; but^ becaufc that be- %ut\d in
betngthe mofi ghttenngthnginthe %vcrlcl.j lee fakes a rigm fatru
refemblafjce thence towards the exfrepng cf their in- ^Z^^^^i^f^^^^
COmf arable glory. amfplcndorem
ron fupera-
bunt ; ka quntido nihil fclgen'.ius Sole vidernus, proptcrea re apcitiflima nobis ad
cxprimcnJurn ufiis eit. In liSat.Homi^ /)- 6/
But hov/ can th-re be fo mi;ch beauty afid de- ^'orifedejes
lightFull amiable nfpfd: in fuch intenfive and ex- ^^'^^^-^^ ^'
traordinary biightnefTe c' Or what plcafure can
we take in beholding fuch extremely bright and
Ihining bodies ! Sith wc find by experience, that
there is fane more content and delight in looking
upon a well-proportioned objecfi:, beautified with
a pleafant mixture of colours, than in feeing the
Sun, though it fhould not fo dazle, and olfend the
For fatis fa (5li on herein, wemuftknow, that the
* glorified c3^c fhall become impalfible, elevated *Neq,ineo
farre above all mortall poilibility, and fortified by '°^°^i^"^cnd'
an heavenly Vigour, to apprehend and enjoy all ce- forte a nimio
lelftiall light and glory with much ravifhing con-^^P'^"'''°^^ ^^'
tentment and inexplicable delight. & '^ -"Jj ** "."Jj]
beati erunr, ac
per hoc impafl;bilcs & immortales ; qui cnim luminc glor/ar confortabit oculos.
mentis," nc vidcntcs Devm facie ad facicm^ opprimantui a gloria, jdem etiam date
imp-.iTibiluatiS confortabic ocalos co;pons, nt Gne laefione cernant non Solem
unuaij fed innumcrabilcs.
Secondly : that omnipotent mercifull hand of "'^^ hrigiMms
God, which will raife our bodies out of the duff, >^^ ^«^^'^*-^^-
and refcrm.e them anew, can caufe light and colour
to concurre and confift in excellency, in glori Red
Thofe things which according to nature can
confift togithcrj the one or both htrngmgradu
remijfo, ( as they fay ) abated afthar height, can by
divine powerconfift togi:ther/>^r4^« imenfipmo
fux fpecieijin their excellencj : but it is fb with light
and colour according to nature : ergo^ ^c. as
W ^^.^'^' * Durandu'S one of the acuteft Schoolemen makes
* Corporis good by arguments. Whether (hall colour or
gloria natu- lightbefeene:' "*■ Why notbothin amoftdelici-
ram non tol- j • i t
let fedpcrfici" ous admirable mixtute cf
ct : unde color
qui debetui* corpori ex natura fuanim parcium, remanebit in eo, fed ftipcraddetur
claritas ex gloria animx. Si(?ut etiam videmus corpora colorat.i ex natuia fui, Sol:s
fplendore reluccrcj vclcx aliqua alia caufa excrinfcca, feu intrinfeca. ^quin. Sup-
In noftifucis fimul ftant color &lux, upapparct ad fcnfum, & (ic videcur qiiod
virtute divina corpora gloriofi poflunt limulefle coloiaca & luccntia. 'Din.Lib ^
Z)//?.44.i; 8.
Theexercifesof Hccrc the Sccolemcn according to their wont
the fenfes in do curioufly inquire, difcufTe and determine the
eaven. manner of the a(5ts5exercife and obje(5ls of all the
fenfes. They fay not only 3 i . That the eye fliall
delightfully contemplate C h r i s t 3 glorious
body, the fhining bodies of the Saints, the beauty
of the Empyrean Heaven, &c. 2. The eare
di'inkeup with infinite delight, the vocall harmo-
ny of Halelu-jahs, Sec. But alfo audacioufly un-
dertake to define without any good ground or
found warrant, many particulars about the other
fenfes, not without m.uch abfurdity, andunfpiri-
tualneffe. But let it be fuificientforus, without
©*F HEAVEN. 141
fcarching beyond the bounds of fobricty^ro know * i" '^^.^ t""-
for a cercaine that every fenfe fhall be filled with datioquxdani
its fcvcrall {insularity and excellency of all pofli- mtfiahiiis bo-
blc *- pleafure,and pcrfedion. & mcftnr Jii!
Jiilccdmc fm"
totof CDS Jnenarrab;li abandantia fatiabit. Quid dixi totoi ? Oculi, aures, aareSj os,
manus,guttar,corcy, operitions and originall of
^im omnes QUr OWnefouleS,(:J'^. In a word, all things* know-
in hac vrti non ^U!^
Mtilitcr aiaant, *^*C»
tama in futura
Tita bonis cnt, ut eoram qn* fcirc volueriitt, nihil fit quod ijnorcnt. Bonuj enim
perfcfti quae Dbu» eft fapientia rcplebitur, earnq, face ad ficicm imucbitur,
«|aatndurn ita perfpexcrit, creatara? totius naturam vidcbit, qis in D E a mch*
AS quam in feipfa conduit. Tunc ctemin juUi cunifla faciit quat D t v s fecit (ci-
«ncla,tam caquas pixteriw, quani ca qu« poS.-Bodam fuac fiwura. jinfelm, de fi'
Cumclediamiqiiospatrcsinillaaiterna hzrcdftitc viierint, eisincognftf pervifi-
onem non erunt, quos ia opcre femper novenint. Quia cnim illic omncs communi
claritate Db v M confpiciunt j quid eft, quod ibi nefcianc, uU fcientetn omniafci-
unt !> Greg/DialtgLib.^.Cap.is-
Neqjfola vilio Dfi i fanfiis hominibus in ccelo promittitur, f€detiam omnium
Krum,quas fecit Devi. Hie quidem in terrisccrnimus per I'enfun videndi, folem,
&lunam, &ftelias, & terras,& maria, Scfluaiina, & ani-nanna, &aibarc$, &; me-
talla. Scd mens noftra nihil oiwuinbcernit ; i e. nullam fubftintiam crcitam peiftftj
novit, non differencia$ elfentiales, non proprietatcs, non vires, ac ne animam quident
fuam homo videtjfed more coecorum palpindo tffeCta, 8c difcurreudo per rationem
aliquidcognitioaisacquirit. Quale ergogaudiumerit. cum mtelligsntia noftrarcvc-
lata facie manifcftevidebitnaturas ommum reium, difF^rentias^ proprietates, virej?
Et cum quanta exultationc obftupefcer, cum viJebit exercitum Angelorum innume-
rabilem, auorsm nuUus cum alio m fpecic conveiiit, & diftcrenuas omnium & fin^n-
loium pcrlpicHc intaebitur ? 7)e ittern Fxlicit Vh ? Cap.*.
Whem»e fbufl i^titrt G o & m beaven,i»e fijaUin Hiial^naw the manner of theworli
e^ Creation, the myjferiei »ftbe vxtrl^e oj owt KeJemption : jfea,fo muth f^o»leJge as a
creature canpo^ibly conceive andeoinprehmdofthe Creator andHu worths , P.P.
HoTvGovfbaa ^, Wc fl^ii be bcatifically illightned with a
^eaven.'^^ *'* clcare and glorious fight of G o d Himfclfcwhich
About which the Schoolcmcn audacioufly dif-
courfing,fall upon ditfcring conccipts.
I. Son^iefay, God lliall then be knowncby
a 5/>^r/^rcprclcnting the divine EiTcnce: and by a
Light dfglcry clev sting the iinderftanding by afu-
pcrn-ituiall ftrergth.
2. Others, 1 hat the divine Eflenccfhall be re-
picfcnted to the glorified undcrftanding, not by a-
ny 5/'^rw,bi;t immediately by itSelfe; yet they
alfo require light ofghry to elevate and fortifie the
underftandirg by rcafon of its weakenefTc, and in-
finite difproportion and diftance from the incona-
prehenfible Deity.
J, Others hold, that to the clearc vifion of ^"^SS^a.
God, there is not requiredai'^tf^/<?j reprefenting j.i.
the divine EfTcnce, asthefirft fort fuppofe; nor
any created light elevating the imderftanding, as
the fecond fort think : but onely a change of the
Baturall order of knowing. It is fuificient (fay
they) that the divine Effence be immediately rc-
prefcnted to a created undcrftanding. Which,
thorgh it cannot be done according to the order of
nature,as experience tels us : (For, we fo conceive
things ; firft having pafled the fcnfe and imaginati-
on.) Yet it may be done according to the order of
divine gracc,^^.
But it is fufficient for a fober man to kn©w, that
k heaven wc (hall fee Jim fact to jasc.
15 J fUHfraUKo^es
FV :^C S%ALL 3\(^ TES
Upon my Patron, Sir Augustine
'/l/LD h^iil N 1 c o L L s Knighr, Judge of
i^kwio^ ' tke C6mm$» Pleas,
*hZ^^J' ^7 ^^^ ^^^^ ^ y°"^ ^^^^ leaves, I will bee bold
mdtrlte!^ ^' ^* rrwke benefit of the inftant occafion, becaufe it
is very (eafanably coincident with the Point'; And
pj-cflfc frona that the praif^iceof this lart mortify-
ing motive. Thcfcartificiall formes of fadnede,
and complementall reprefentations of forrow in
blacks, and mourning weeds, arc nothing for my
purpofe: neitherdoldcfire to ftirucup or renew
m my man thoughts of heavineffe, or griefe of
heart, which hce might conceive and liourifli by
reafon of fome particular intereft in the bounty,
love, perfon, and worthy parts of the departed:
mwy times men arctoo forwatd and overflowing
in thofe tender offices, and laft demonftrations of
naturall affe(aion. And therefore my counfell in
fuch cafes is ; that wee fhould fhevv our felves
Chriftiansr.and bythefacred rules of Religion
ever prevent that unfeafonablcncffc and exceflfe,
which many times with a fruitleffe torture doth
tyrannize over thchopcleifc hearts of mcere natu-
rall men.
Ptthiikciofe; ThcPointthatl would principally prcfTc, and
tobeiaidto ' pcrfwadc unto, is a Chri(Han and compafllionatc
harr. takirg to heart ,the publike lofle,that every one of
ns may upon thac ©ccafion bee truly humbled in
upM fudge "t^icoMs, 15 j
himftUe.and bctte. cd in his own foulc. And I tell
you truejefpccially inthcfc timcs,this loiTc is great *
He was a reverend and learned Judge, a Prince, /u/^he Nicoib
andagreatMan inlfrael: nay arGod upon earth, p^aff- .
for fo are Judges ftiled by the Spirit of G o D,Pfal. a'e/fiom'' %
S 2.^. Though he be departed this life like a man, o-wne cename
and fallen as one of the Princes. J;;;;/* ' ^^
Butthele are nothing y they arc but bare titles in /imoiy ahevz
refptdofany true worth. excepthn. t
He was really remarkable, afid renowned for ^^^oii^ich/
very fpeciall judiciary endowments,and fufficien- th-ni^eminmy
cies; and thofe sided and attended with many wor- '^J^^'J""^^ '/ ^'^
thy additions of morality, and fubordinate abili- ofhupoj'ejjiom.
lies. Asfirft, Itmayb^eafe-
1 . Such calmneffc in his afFcdions, and modera- ^f; J^^^'^;^*
tionof his pa{fions(as I never faw)cven in his ordi- things fomz-
narycariagc. He might have been amirrour(mc *^^"g p^jfio-
thinks)in this point even amongft the exadeft Mo- ^uZTtbe i^e!^
ralifts. And they fay, that appeared moft eminent- Mediramn m
ly in his publike pafTages and executions ofjuftice. ^'^■^"'^
And how needfull a virtue this is to a Judiciall
PlacCjthofc may bcft conceive, who either feele,
or but confider what a cruell and intolerable thing
it is for an ingenuous man to ftand before a ]udgc>
who is pre>udicately and paflionatelytran {ported
with anger, malice, or hatred againft the party to
befcntcnccd. p^,^.
2. Patience to hearethe bafcft, both parties > all hzlring caujip,
diey could fay. And unwillingneflfe to lend his care
to the one,without the o^ers prcfcncc.
5. A greatand happy memory. tisppy mmsty.:
4* Singular fagacity in fearching and diving in- ^^i<i^'iy»
Tuner d. Notes
tothc fee retcft and utmoft circumftancesCfofar «
was poiUble) of the caiifes thj?t came before him,
th.1t he might give the more righteous judgemenc
TitifvinefeiH 5« A mai-vcllous tendcrneire, and pitifull cx-
thvciu/e of adnefle in his inquifitions after bloud. Holding,
"" ontheonefide, the hfe of a man very precious:
and ycr, on the other fide, perfvvaded of the truth
and tcrrour of that place, Numb,^ 5^3 3 . For hlotid,
that de filet h the land, and the land cannot be clean fed of
the blotuithat isjhed therein, hut hy the bloudof him
that fj}edit. But yet allthcfe, \vhatfoevcr you ap-
prehend, in my conceipt had not beene much
worth, tliough good in their owne nature ; nei-
ther (to tell you true) fliould I have fo much as
nam'd them, had they not beene aided (as it were)
and managed with three other moft noble and nc-
ceflary vertues, efpecially in thcfc times, which
adimcd them (as it were) and gave them their life
and luftre.
Love of inte- I . A lo vc to integrity, the right and truth in all
grity. hisjudiciallcourfes,which (foranythingi know,
or could ever heare) no man living upon juft
ground can or will contradi(5l.
•Deteffatmof 2. Withaconftant and refolutc hcart-rifing a-
hrHieTy gainft bribery and corruption ; the curfed banc of
all goodneffe, honefty, and good confcience,
wherefoe'er it comes. And to this, that high
place he worthily held about the Prince, can give
royall atteftation : where hec qualified fees to his
owne lofTe; and protefted his refolution, and all
pofifible oppofition to all offers for offices, with
thisreafon; hee would have them come in clcarc-
ufon T/iJgg Y>lico\ls» 155
handcdjthatthcy might deale honcftly in their pla-
ces. And his owne followers, to whom hce gave
a chai ge at his firft entrance to a j udiciall place^that
they fliould not meddle, nor make any motions to
him, that hemight be fecur'd from all appearance
of corruption. And,asl am credibly inform'd,his
ordinary reading of great letters, and rejc(5tion of
gratuities after judgement given.
3. With a noble and unfhaken refolution, and op^ofnbn a-
mighty oppofitionof Popery: and that without iZthfr^lT^
rcfpe^ or feare of any greatnefTe, as wee have evi- iuptms,
dent demonftration. Now of this wee need no
further teftimony (though there be very pregnant
and plentiful! befides) than the prefcnt triumph
of thePapifts; and barbarous infultaticns of that /, y .
bloudy andmarderousgeneradon. Andefpecial- ou^^^^-^^--^^'
ly in yonder Countrey of Lancafliire, and thofe
Northerne Parts ; where hee fliooke the pillars of
Popery more vaUantly and fuccefTefully^ than any
thcfe many yeares. Officers in thofe Parts ob-
ferv'd, that in his two orthree yeares, hce convi-
^ed, confin'd, and cdnform'd moc Papifts thc^^n
were in twenty yeares before. And that laft
charge he gave at Lancafier in his laft Circuit but
one,(for I meddle not with the laft of all) for law-
learning, earntftnefTc and excellency againft Po-
pery, prophanenefte, non-refidcncy, and other
corruptions of the times, and for the extraordina-
ry heaitning and encouraging all good men and Eneouraging
godly Minifters was fuch, that lam perfwacled, go^'yMmi/im,
it will beremembred with dcarencfte and love,
while any honcft man that heard i c or heard of it,^
ij^ FumctaII N&tes
is alive in thofe Parts. To go no further then: and
this I now fay, I fpcakc of him as he was grovvne
in his htter time j and ouc of hope he would have
continued: and Ifpcake it alfo in compailion of
mincownecountrcy; which I know by coo good
cxperiencchow piiitiiUy ithes bleeding undcrthe
infolency of Papifts, and multitude of Priefts : and
then I fay, the redemption of the life of fuch a
Judge;in fuch times as we livc,for the good of fuch
a country,if we go no fuirher, if that had confi ■ cd
with Gods pleafure, had becne worth a Kings
ranfonie. ^
""S^'°"^"* ^ ^^y ^^^ things thus together upon purpofc
" '^'^ ' to aggravate the lo&, that a compailionat e confi-
deration ofthegreatneffe thereof in thofe refpcdts
Ihavetoldyou, may be as powerful I in begetting
a godly and profitable forrow and taking ic to
h^'ait in all truly religious and loyall hearts: as-I
know rcjoycing in his fall will create in the in-
folcnt fpirits of the enemies to God and the
King, (I mcane the Papifts) barbarous infultations
and triumph. I am pcrfwaded, if we getasmuch*
humiliation out of the fenfe of a true lofle, as the
Papiftshardning and obduration by apprehenfioa
of their imaginary gaiae, we (Irall make a good ufc
of his death. lam a little more earneft, becaufcl
perceive the Papifts begin already to calumniate
and (lander,
Lo/e 0/ txcd' Here is yet another Point of profitable confidc-
knt men apre- vationfrom the prefent occafion. When any wor*
jtSilera.'"^ thy man in a S rate, efpecial ly who tikes a faithfull
difchargeof his place, and the publike good to
upim Judge Nicolls . 1 5 7
heart, is cut off by the hand of G o d ; itis in a
Chriftian jcaloufie, and out of fpirituall wifdomc
to beholden as a prcfage of fome more fcarefull
gcncrall judgement to fuccccd. I have my ground,
//i.3. i,2,3,&c. And therefore my counfell is,
and intheprefent cafe for one, when any good
Patriot which in fome high place like a ftrong .
Pillar oppofes the corruptions and Popery of the
-times: or any faitl^ifull Paftour, which by his pray-
ers (like zc^ofes) ftands in the gap againft the in-
dignation of G o D, is taken away 5 that we take
it to heaiT, as a CMemento, to make our felves rea-
dy againft an evill day. And to tell you ray mind,
I am much afraid fome heavy thing is preparing
for us, our finnes are growne to fuch a height. I
am no Prophet, northc.fonne of a Prophet ^ yet
out of a comparative contemplation of G o d s
proceeding with his owne people in all former
ages, I cannot but concurre with the judgement of
a great Dodor delivered in an high place: The /^^^>^pag*«>
finncs of this Land arc come to that elevationjthat nJjinne'svf
there is fcarcc left any roome for the mercy of tha lani
God tohelpc us.They are even full ripe for His
revenging Hand. Tohisfoure reafons I add two
moye : his arc taken, i. From the greatnefTc and
crying of the ftnncs, which are very horrible 5
Athcifmc,whoredome, Sodomy, bloud-flied, op-
preffion, fuyes he; I add pride, drunkennelfe, u-
fury,5dc. 2. From the generality of them. AH*
forts arc wrapt in them. 3. From their impu-
dency 5 with brazen browes, and whorifli fore-
heads they out-face the Suru 4. From their i:n-
Funerall Nctes
WonhiiS tA^ea
theymni Lord
patiency of admonition and reformation : they
growfo upon us, that all the Pulpits in England
cannot beat them downe. Adda 5^ from 2 Cfjre;t.
36.1 f'. And a 6^ from ifi-S- 1,2,^. &feq. I
meanethe dropping away of many worthy men;
and few take it to heart, or confidcr that they arc
taken away from the evill to come. Wc have loft
many a godly man within this few yearcs. The
Princes Court was not many yeares fincc dif-
rob'd and bereft of one of the nobleft men that c-
vcr trod upon Engl i ill mould, be (Ides other noble
ornaments, his eminency of grace made him fo.
For, Chriftian Nobility is beft and trueft, where
God Himfelfe is topofthckin, and Religion the
root ; in regard whereof all the refl (I meane that
of riches,birth,lcarning, or morality) are but (ha-
dowcs andfliapcsof nobleneflc. And the other
yeare, a very worthy 'Doctor, and triumphant
Champion againft the Giants of Rowe. Againfl:
whom they have fincc fentout an illiterate libell,
cal'd^Whitc dy'd Black; fit for the foule and black
mouthes of fuch railing R/tb(ljAk:hs, And now of
luJge Nicollj, late, to fay no more, of a Chanccllour of rare and
remarkable integrity in his Place. I have not yec
done, and yet the time is done: onely a' word or
two therefore, and fo I'lc make an end.
And yet let no man think, that lam come hi-
Either iofinooth andmollificany faults or
FauHs mt to he
frailties ; any fils or infirmities ; any perfonall
finnesor imperfe(5tions that might be in this great
Man. I dare not go about to cover them 3 that's
H^on ludgt Nicolls.
not my office i I kave that to the precious bloiid of
the Son of Go d, and tender-hearted mercies of
our gracious Father. I would rather in this point- -
advifeo-rcat men to walkc warily. For,their great-
• ncfle makes their fins greatcr,and their mightinefTc
will make them mightily tormented, except they
ftand conftantly on G o d s fide. Height of Place
ever adds two wings unto fin : Example and Scan-
dall s whereby itfoares higher,and flies much fur-
ther.^ Ifthc Sun bcecclips'dandobfcur'd; athou-
fand cyesgaze upon it : a Icfo Starre may be dark-
ned,and no -.nan take notice.
2. Ortofaftenuponhimanyfalfepraifesina lf/X%,
flattering funeral IPanegy rick. I darcnot dawbc nt^^^anyj
foraworidofgold. Himfelfeabhor'dthatj And
not long before his laftfickneffe complained much
acainft flattery, as a j^ricvous iniquity of the times.
^3. Grtomakeafolemneand foimall narration ^r.'^J^r
of all his noble commendable parts. When I un- t\>% iivi»g.
dcitookc this bufinelTe firft, I ftudied onely, and
bethought my fclfe,how I might fpcake m.oft pro-
fitakly , and make the beft ufe ofthe prefcnt occa-
fion to my living Auditors. And had I not found
pregnant matter for th^t purpofe, I had not beene
here this day. And therefore for conclufion, and
as the laft and beft fervicc I can now doe unto hira>
to whom I owed as much as any man alive : I will
labour from the occafion to workc fomc heavenly
good (if Go D fo pleafe) upon the hearts, prc-
fcntcd here this day as n felecf^cd and choice num-
ber of his worthieft and dearcft friends. And to
this end give mc leave to fingle out, and propofc
° f0£
Funerall Notes
mte^r'tty in
difpofing EC-
Keftiitttion to
the Ckurcb.
for imitation^ fome worthy and noble parts of hisr
and only tliofe which I conceive may be moft fea-
fonable and fucablc ro the exigency of my Audito-
ry. Ajid I mud alfo crave the aid of your loves unro
him,& thofe foftned thoughts of mortality which
are wont to attend thefe timesjthat I may convcigh
and commend them to your liking and pradice-
with more fucceffc and ftronger imprellion.
And the firft I fliall commend unto you,is,
I . His {ingiilar integrity and honourable pur-
pofe in difpofing thofc Ecclefiafticall Livings he
hadin his power. And in this Point I my iclfc C2X\
fay more than any, who tafted decplieft of his
worthy dealing this way. When I never fought
after, asitis famouflyknowne, nor thought up-
on any fuch thing, he fcnt fbi'me, and bcftowed
that which I prefently enjoy moft freely. Which,
though every Patron ought proportionably to
doe, yet the horrible corruptions abroad m' the
world in fuch cafes, doe (as it were) by akind of
Antipeiiftafis make a duty atranfccndent vercue.
And this was. not all. Though incrochments iip-
on the Church belike the breathes of the fef 5 a
thoufand to one never retume : yet did he reftore
to a farthing all that which had a long time beenc
dctain'd from the Church 5 and parted with- it
raoft freely; though hee had as much wit and
.power as any other to have continued it fo, if,
he had plcas'd. And I faid Ecclcfiafticall Livings,
though I inftance but in ones bccaufe I partly
knew hispurpofe for the reft. For, he gave mc
hiiufclfe this mcflage to as worthy and reverend a
rfon ntf Patron. 16 1
man, as I know unprefcr'd in this Land 5 that if he
would come unto him, he would give him the
firftthat fell; and for no other reafon in the
world, but bccaufe he heard he was a reverend and
worthy man. Now lay thefe things to the pra- smonieaS^ra^
dice ofthe times, wherein there is fuch finfull and ^^fi^'
Simonicall packing together, compacfling, fecret
covenanting with the party or friends for prefenc
money, orafer gratifications: fome part of the
tithes, or hisowne muft be referv'd to the Patron,
or he muft be the Farmer at his owne price 5 or
pin a wife upon the fleeve of the Parfon, as they
contemptuoudy Fpeake, (a bafe alfo and unworthy
refpecf^) or the like fuch wretched combinations
to helpe one another towards Hell : my difac-
quaintance muft cxcufe my ignorance in the
tcarmes: andthentellme if this was not a noble
part in him worthy the imitation of the beft. J am
perfwaded in this Poinr,he might be a patterne not
onelytoallhereprefcntwhomit might concerne,
(though ] look uponthe faces of fome who have
d^" alfo very nobly this way) but to all the Pa-
troR inEHGLAND. Be pleas'd then you that ^^« '«;^'c/«
lov'd him to tread in his fteps herein 5 and the ra- "■' '
ther becaufeyour unconfcionablenefle in fo high
and important a point forthe glory of G o d, and
the good of the Church, may not only bring upon
your owne heads, your houfesand pofterity, the
curfeof G o n in the mcane time: but alfo a
company of poorc foules caft away by reafon of
your corruption, againftyou at that laftand great
day : who will then cry o!ic upon yoy before the
M face
j^j FunerallJ^etes
face of God, Angels and men; that you were
the men who for a httle bloudy gaine pur upon
them an ignorant, idle difToIuce, non-rcfidenr^ or
fome way unfaithfull Minifter; (For, it is too com-
mon, that thofe who enter corruptly , deaJc iincon-
fcionably in their places) whereby they mufl now
perifh everlaftingly j whereas if you had been ho-
ned and uncorrupt, there had been hope they might
have liv'd in the endltfTc joyes of Heaven. And
what a vexing cry in the cares of all facrilegious
Church-robbers 'iVill that be of a damned wretch
in hell ; when he fhall complaine everlaftingly,
that his foule had been fav'd,if fuch a man had not
been SymoniacalL
^JavdkVth 2- Wis forbearing fravell upon the Sabbath in
i^R D 4 day. his Circuit. Whereby he wan a great dealc of ho-
iK)ur to his name over all this Kingdome 3 pre-
vailed in the fame with others of his owne reve-
rend ranke ; and by his example (as hath bccRc ob-
ferv*d) wan much encouragemcntjincreafe and re-
gard to Religion in thofe Countries thorow which
he paft. I would I might fo much prevail^irh
you, as that upon this occafion you would b^on-
tenttotakcneerer to heart a more holy and hca-
cw/cietice in vcnly fpcndiflg of the Lo R D s Day. Not onc-
^L^'Xfd!^' ly in forbearing fin, the workes of your calling,
idlcncllcjvaincfports; this k but onely flying c-
vill, and privative good; butalfoto ply with con-
fcicncc and reverence all G o d s holy Ordinan-
ces > prayer, reading, finging of Pfalmes publike^
ly and privately; the Word preached fpccially,
<onfer€nce, meditation) and the like: and to feed
upm Jud^e Nicols. i«5?
and fatis fie your prepared and hungry foulcs with
all that fweetnefre,comfort5and fpirituall ftrength ;
which they arc wont to convcigh into humble
hearts upon Go d $ holy Days ^his alfois doing
of good and pofitive pictie. For, a thoufand to
one, a conftant keeper of the Sabbath is found-
hearted towards G ^ d : and as great odds, a com-
mon Sabbath-breaker (howfoever he may de-
ceive his owne heart ) is intruth and triall a ftran'
ger to the power of grace, and life ofgodli-
3. His patient yeelding, and fubmififion to pri- suimifmto
vate admonition. A vertue, ordinarily as farre out ^]IJ^^' '"^**'
with great menjas flattery is familiar. Yet in him
foasltell you. Something there was, to which
hisprivateaffc;5tion was very much endear'd ; and
his reputation thereabout in the refpc^ of the
world was alfo entangled in forae more publike
engagement. And yet when I in zeale ^nd love to
his foule and falvation, prefl upon him in private
as a Miniftcr of G o d , and in the humbleft manner
I c<|jid, tendering myreafons againfl his refoluti-
on 5 after he had well thought upon*t, it never
went further, all was dafht for ever. Yet let me
tell you, he had formerly given me encourage-
menthereuntoi intreating me once in private, to
deale plainly with him. And now I am griev*d at
heart, I did not more in this kind. Now I would
toGoD, you would imitate him in this alfo j
cfpecially you that are great ones. Alas! You'lc
give the Phyfitian leave to tell yon* the difeafes of
your body 5 the Lawyer to (liew you any flaw
M 2 that
^^ VfOfimyV^ttotL
" that is in your ftate: your Horfc keeper to tcU
you the furfits of your horfc: ray, your Huntf-
manthe furranccs of your dogs : and fliall onely
the Miniftcr of G o d not tell you your foules are
bleeding to everlafting death i Now God
H'.uflrym ^. His taking hls high placcto heart. Imeanc
Sr^r'^''"^"' his extraordinary induftry and indefatigableneffe
in his judiciary imployments. His paiaefulncfle
this way waswondcrfullcve-^ after his lal\ ficke-
neffe had feaz'd upon him. If I fhould report un-
to you the particulars from eye witneflfes, you
would n)arvell. And I rathernamcand commend
this unto you, becaufe the contrary is caufc of
great mifery in a Common- wealth. Oh it is la-
mentable, when men mount into high roomes on-
ly in a bravery, and vanity, and defire to be ad-
or'd above others: or follow the execution of
. r their places, and adminiftration of juftice, only
l^u^n[b-^h as a Trade, withan unquenchable and unconfcio-
^i^esforgaine nablethirft of gainc; which juilifies the common
refemblance ofrhc Courts of Juftice to the B|^ij
whereunto, while the fheep flyes for defence in
weather, he is fure to lofe part of his fleece : when
cunning heads hunt after greatneffe and promoti-
■ on, purpofely to execute the lufts of their owne
hearts, and attaine their own. ends. Oh! this is
the curfe and cut-throat ot worthy States : the
bane and breake-ncck of all honeft government.
Formalities ofjuftice without a reall care and con-
fciencetO'fearch the truth, and deale uprightly,
dobutfervetofmotherinnocency and right: and
uf$n Judgt Nicolls. 1^5
that which was neceffarily ordain'd for the com-
mon good, is through fhamcfuU abufc made the
caufe of common mHery. J would all the Magi-
ftrites in the Countrey were my hearers in this
Point; I would hence intreat them with all ear-
neftncflc and contention of Spirit, as they love ci-
ther G o D or their Countrey ; that they would
with all noblcnefTe of a free fpirir, and clearehefle
©fagoodconfcicnce, take their Places of Juflice
tohcrait; be adive, confcionablc, rcfolute^ not
onely formall and cyphers ; hunters after praift
and plaufiblenclTej that they would abominate
even all appearance of bribery and partiality to
the pit of hell : that they would not be angry with
us when we preflc and perfwade theiji to found
courfes againft the Papifts, and dejection of Ale-
houfes )Upon which point His royall Majefty, lan^
the worthy Judges fo much beat 5 and when all's *
faid, are the finkes and fources of all villanyj&c.
otherwife, howfoevcr they may pleafc thcm-
felves with the common applaufc : it were
better the Common- wealth had never kn®wnc
them. '
5. His refoluteftelTc againft rifingby corrupti- Mvaneement
on and bribery. Whereupon (a$ I have heard) nfUhm bribery
when he was firft prefented to that place of ho-
nour about the Prince, it pleafed our gracious So-
veraigne toftilehim the Judge which would give
no money. A bleffed thing it were, were this
heart in all. Then {hould we not have vines, olive-
trees, and figge trees wkhcr away ia ol^fcurity,
and brambles brave it abroad in the worlds We
M 3 fhould
«- I
i66 Fu/teraU Nttfs,(i'c,
ihouldnothavefcrvancsby infinuation and bribe-
ry clioic onHorfe-backjWhcn Princes like fervants
"walkc upon theground. And this worthy Part ia
H' m, was a very convenient Companion, and nc-
ceiTary Confcquent as that was of the former. For
He never belecve,that a man which purpofes from
his H[eart to.be fuchfjll in a publicke Charge^will
ever be very forward inan ambitious purfuic of it.
The illiminationof Nature taught the heathens Co;
and thcifore they coademne it by a law Je ambitu.
Hunting after one hie roome evea morally is moft
unworthy a Maa of honour and worth, and Hec
cannot better ex prefTe His infufficiency,and weak-
neflfc of Spirit, who is tranfported with an impo-
tent and impatient Humour this way. But now if
to this ambitious bafeneflc there bee an addition of
bribery, it makes the matter a great dealc more
* vile, and difhonourable.Of thishatcfuU Merchan-
dizing,befides other infamies and iniquitics,which
mingle with it,it is commonly faid,That He which
liveth in grofle/cUeth by retailc. And therefore if
a Man would continue truly Noble and Wor-
thy, comfortable in His confcience,and faithful! in
His Place, if Hcbcadvanc't, ht him either rife
fairely, orctfethankeGo D,and be content with
His prcfent ftation.
t^fjuhlr4> 6. An cafinefTe of acceflfc, affableneflTe of car-
%iiy, riagc: A faire,,loving, kind deportment towards
all. J never fa w a man of fuch worth and great-
neflc lookc more mildly upon a raeane Man in my
life. And yet with fo grave a prefencejthat ncithcf
the wchori^ of his Perfon^ nor due attributions
ufon Judge Nicols . 1 6j
to His Place rccciv'd any difparagcment or diminu-
tion. I omit not even this, becaife even in this alfo
He might have beene a notable Precedent to talcc
downe the haughty imperious carriage of many a^
broad in the world of tarre more inferiowr Worth
and Ignoble birth. For amongft all the degenera- g^c «<»):/ •%
tions of our gentility \ (I fpeakc not of all, we have ad £acm*
many truly fo called and woithy Gentkmcn)from
that true NoblcnciTe and Ancient Worth, which
dwelt formerly in the Gentle brefts of Englifh
Nobles, this is not the leaft ; That they thinke to
beare downe all before them with an artificiall ^f-
fcded impetuoufneffe, as it were of Countenance j
a difdainefuU negled and contemptuoufncs in their
Carriage, with a kind of outbraving and brow-bea-
ting of their Bretheren, As though brave Apparell
andabiglooke were demonftrations of a Noble
Spirit, whereas very often they only guild over a
worthlcfle, weake and gracelcs Infide. As amongft
Profeffors of Religion, Hee's the bcft Chriftian,
which is moft humble : fo in the Schoole of Mora-
lity hec hath beene holden the trueft Gentleman,
which is moft courteous.
7. Hishappineffcin having Religious Follow- ReUgiout m-^
crs. Follow Him alfo in this. Heetaftedthe f^i^'inu-
fruit of it in his laft extremities; Forbeingcaftby
Gods Providence upon that Place in the Country
where He had not fuchmcanes, and oppomnities
for thofc laft comfortable Spiritual! Afi'ftances,
which a dying man would aefirc : They were
both ablcand did pray with Him to the Occafion,
and prcfent necdTities^whercwithhc fceaicd to be
M 4 much
1^8 Ftmerall Nous^(^c,
muchaffcded,and fpoke feafonably unto Him out
of the Bookc of G o D. Whereupon ] muft tell
you 5 (Let as many prophanc fcorncfull Spirits
gybe orgnaih the Teeth at it, aswill) Thofe Fol-
lowers of His whofoever they vverc,call them Pu-
ritanes,or what you will 5 Howfoever they might
miffe in fome complcmcntall circumftances, by
reafon of thofe amazements and griefc which fate
fte/li upon their Heaits for the lofTe of their fo No-
ble a Lord, yet they did Him in thofe laft Agonies
more true fervice and Honour then all the fwaggc-
ring Good-fellow Serving men will doe their Ma-
ilers unto the worlds end : Let them follow you,
as long as you will,
tioveofpmer- ^' ^ right conceit and commendation of pro-
fuupnathing, fitable and confcionable Sermons. He hath beene
often heard of late times reply thus or in this fence
to contradi<5lions : ] cannot tell, faies He, what
you call Puritanicall Sermons 5 they come ncercft
to my Confciencc, and doe Mee the moft good.
This ofall the reft, I had purpos'd to have prcft
moft upon you. If you were but thus aflfeded, ta
fay theleaft ; you would begin to looke towarils
Heaven.But J have already trefpaft too much upon
your Patience. And therefore I conclude this
Point with that of PW, fhil./\ s 8 . Fm^U'j , Ixt*
yj o'.-J mnr'
LE3\(T' Assises^ ^Jnno
At J\(9rthampton^ before Sir
H« Majefiies luflkes of A^i[e,&c*
TEXT. iCoii.Chap.I.Ver.25.
Far Brethren, you feeyeur calling, hew not mAny
wife men After thefleflh ftPf many mighty, not many
noble are called,
H E blefTed Apoftle Saint rbc coimne*,
Paul pcrceivingjthat his prea-
ching, and plantation of the
Gofpcllof C H R I s T recei-
ved ftrong and mighty oppo-
{itionintheCityofCm>?^/',d corinti itfctv-
Ufancious Marc Towne, feared ^^^
bctwccnctwo Scas^thcifij^^^wand lmm,^A£o fit
for commerce with otha* Nations, full of wealth,
knowledge, gloiy and the reft of caithly excel-
lencies, labours in this Chapter to abafe, and di-
(honour the pride, and vanity of all humane great-
nelTe, and to advance the ncgle»^ed Myftery of
his Heavenly Do<^rine,and the glorious power of
downe-riehc preaching, which the great men a-
mongft them efteemed fooliflineffe, yet indeed
fuch as by which the Lord of Heaven and
Earth favcth thofe thacbeleeve. And hee fo farrc
acquaints them with the counfellofGo d in the
point : that he gives them to underftand that upon
the m atter,whereas thnoble, the mighty ^and wifi^
after the fie flu with all the bravery and fclfe-confi-
dencc vanifh and pcrifli : Meaner men of lower
ranke,and more contemptible are converted. In
the words I read unto you hee appealcs to their
owne experience in the point,and bids them lookc
about,and view well, the workc of the Miniftcry
araongft them, furvcy, and fearch throughly that
foodly flourifhingbody of the Church, which he
ad there created, and colleded by his eightecne
months prefence, and paines : and they fhall finde,
that not many wife nfttr theflefh, nor mighty, nor m-
hie, gave their names unto Christ, or be-
came profeflbrs of the Gofpell. Butthe fbolifh,
and weake things of the world carry all away in
matter of falvation, and entertainemcnt of
C H R I ST. He renders two Reafonsinthe Uer-
fes following : i. That the wife men of the
wo rid may be confounded : 2, And that God
himfclfcblcffcdfor ever may have all the glory
A SERMON. ' ^ 171
The words then being plainer Npt tnany mfe mat
dfter theflefh , mt many mighty , mt m4Jiy mble arc^
sdUedy I build dirc(aiy, and naturally this point
«pon them: Fev;> greai men goe to BtAven : Or "DoUr'tne,
thus. Gnat men are feldemt good, I here under- %"*^'^^l ^^''
ftand grcatncffe according to the world ; In re- "^^'^
fpea I . Of exGcllent learning. 2. Worldly weakh ^^^^^'^'^ ^'"^'
and height of place. Both make mighty, nay many "
limes gold is the more powerfull commander.
5. Worldly honour and nobiUty, 4. Worldly
GreatncfTe in any of thefe kinds is rarely accom-
panied with goodnefle/ew fuch great men as thefe
arc called, converted or ever come to heaven. J fay
Few : for I find Divines, both Ancient, and Mo- ' i" Loc.
dernc upon this Text, to make iV(?rw4»y, and Fet^ n^^'tpkuTs
cquivolent : * PrimaJius,andxyif9felme,C4lvipj and damnantw .-
f>ifc4tOI^^ ita nee omnci,
•' qui e vul^o
fnnt.falvantur. Scd qui agnitionc fuar inrfignitatis humiliantur, reverentcrfc fubj'iciunt
vcrbOjdcChnftummEvaugelioamplcauncur; Hi r<lwntur, five fint ex pnmoribus,
five ex vulgi faecc.Sed lUud fieri in plunbiis ex vulgOain paiicioribus verb cxfapientibuil
Chriftns af!irmat. *
For proofe of the point :
Firft by Scripture :Looke upon fuch places as
I. (^'tatth', 11.25, 16, i^t that time J e s v s '^^^ «»»m«.
MMfvereJ, andfdd, I thanke thee o Father, Lord **^*"''*'''
ofheaven and earthy hecaiifetho'A haft htd thefe tkngs
ftim the mfe oftdfrtde: t, and haft revealedthem unto
labes. Evenfr, Fathr,firfi ti ftemei'geod in thy
fight- Christ who knew full well the bo-
fome of his Father, calti i_^ Wis eye ferioufly upoa
the condition of his followers, and fruit of his
Miniftcry ; and feeing the Scribes, Pharifecs, and
great ones of the world,n6t onely not entcrtainc,
and countenance, but out of their proud and pro-
phane malice difdaine, and eontemne rheglorious
Gofpell, and divine Meilages he brought from
Heaven ; and a company ofpqore fifhcrmen, and
fome few other neglcded underlings with an holy
violence lay hold upon his Kingdome : He brake
out into this thankful! acknowledgement and ad-
niiration. Ithmkethee^ Fat her , Lord of BeA-
, vcn and earthy bee mfe thou hafi hidthefe things frtm
the wife and f rude Jit ^arid revealed them to babes : And
then afccnds to the wdl-head, and firft moover of
all his Dealings withj and differences amongft the
Sons of men j the facredand unfearchable depth
of this ivJhidct BerJeplacitum, the goodfleafure of his
mil : Even fo Father, for fo it feemed good in thy
fight. In an humble adoration of the infcrutable,
and immutable courfes whereof we muft finally,
and fully reft with infinite fatisfadion, filenccd
from any further fearch,and carnall curiofities, by'
that awful I checke, and countermaund of Paul .•
Ilom.9.20. Nay but C^ian^ vfho art thou that ref lie f againfl
GOD? Flefh and bloud hath in alj ages grumbled
and repin'djkickt and cavil'd aboutthis point 5 but
ever at length by meafuring.this deepcft Myfteric
by the line of humane reafon, and labouring to fa*
thomethisbottomeleflcfea by the pride of their
owne wits, they have become wretched oppofers
of the grace of G o d , We behold the Sun, and
enjoy die light> as long as we look towards it but
tenderly, and circumlpcdly : Wee warme our
felves fafely, while we ftand necre the fire.Butifwc
fccke to outf ice the one, or enter into the other, we
fonhwith become blinde, or burnt. It is propor-
tionably in the prefent point.
Heere by the v^ay from our Saviours words Grumble not at
wee may extiaa: a foveraigne Antidote againft ^^f^'J/^^^J^
thofe temptations, and difcontcnted leafonings
which are wont to arife in our hearts fometimes,
when we fee thofe great ones of the world, who
looke fo big^and carrie their heads fo high, not
onely to carry all before them, to wallow, and
tumble themfelves with all bravery and ap-
plaufe in the glory, wealth, andpleafurc of the
world , to fwimme downe the current of the times
with full faile, and profperous winde, though ma-
ny times againft the fecret murmur, and counter-
blafts even of their owneConfciences. In a word,
inthefe worft times to have what they lift, and doe
what they will : but alfo lay about them with the
fift of wickcdneflfe, and fcourge of tongues, to
trample if it were poflfible the Jambes of
Christ even into the duft, with the feete of
malice and pride, by a plaufible tyranny, and aide
ofthe times iniquity to keepe them downe ftilJ,
and ftill in difgrace : hunting them continually
with cruelty and hate like a Partridge in the
mountaines, as the Pharifecs did C h r i s t : I
fay when we fee this, let us never be troubled and
take offence : let us never be grieved or grow dif-
content or out of heart. But pitty them, pray for
them, and poflelTe our owne foules in patience, and
peace. And after the preccdcncie of our bleffed l^J/'' ^''^'
love to thee.
lohn 7^.47,48.
Zxttmple of
^reat ones
dra»ei ma'y
Mat.7. 29w
Luk.4. 38.
Saviour, goe in private, and fay : / thanke thec^
O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth j becaufe thou
hafi revealed zhcWiydcrks of Christ, and fc-
cretsofthe faving way to mc a poore wretch,
and wormc, trodcn under foot as an object of
fcorne, and contemptible out-cafl, and haft hi^i
them from the rvrfe, and the noi/le^ and the mighty .♦
from the boy fterous Nimreds, and proud Giants of
the world. Even fo Father,forfo it feemed good in
thj fight. And there ftaying a while, ever magni-
fie, admire and adore with lowlieft, humbleft and
moft thankeflill thoughts that deareft and drcad-
fuU Depth of G o D s free and incomprchenfibic
love which made thee to dijfer. Which is as it were
the firft ring of that golden chaine, Rom,S> 2p, 30.
which reacheth from evcrlafting to cverlaftin'g,
and gives being, life, and motion to all the mcanes
that make us eternally blefled. Out of the rich,
and boundleflctreafury whereof, came that inefti-
mable Jewell Jesvs Christ bleffed for c-
vcr, and by confequent, all thofe Heavenly happi-
nefles which crowne the glorified Saints through
all eternity. For Jo God loved the world j thathc^
gave his onely begotten Sonne, that rvhofoevcr heleeveth
in him Jhould not ferifl), bt4t have e^erlafitng lifc^y
Toh.^, 16.
2. lohnj.^j,^^. Are yeealfo deceived^ hare
any of the Rulers, or Pharifees belecvedon himf
Here the chiefe Priefts and Pharifees boyling
with much envie and indignation aeainft
C H R I s T s preaching, ( for he prczchcd tvith
fower^ Mid mt ai the Scribes) And becaufe the peo-
pkfo flocked after him, (for there followed him ^^'^''^^'
great multitudes of people ) had Cent oi'ficers to
apprehend him, and bring him before them.
Who when they came to him, and heard him
preach , they were fo ftrucke and aftonifhed with
the moft piercing Majeftie of his Minifterie, that
they had no power to lay hands or hold upon him
at all. Upon their returne, thefe great men ga^
thcred together in counfell againft him; like fo
many morning Wolves thirfting eagerly for his
blood, calls haftily, and impatiently unto them,
before their officers could fay any thing: W^j
have ^ecfiOtbrmght him ? They doe not examine
them about his dodrine, or inquire whether he
be guilty or no : but like unjuft, and tyrannicall
wretches they labour to lay hold upon him ,
though moft innocent, to ftop his mouth, and
make him fure. But the officers anfvpered : Never
wa»[pake Itke this maff» Whcrupon the fpirit of
prophane malice being yet further enraged in
them, they reply : K^re ye alfe deceived ^^ What^
At e you turned Gofpellcrs too:* Will yec alfo
gad with the giddy multitude after this new Ma-
^Qt.&C': And then being frighted leaft they fliould
fall from them, goes about to take them oS with a .
veryfoolifliarguracBt, faith r^<f^^/74^ ( though fil^f^hclfh
the Minor would be true, and is thefincw of my
proofe ) Have any of the Rulers or of the fhmfees he- fnit tiindeth
leevedorthim? Alas' No. They arc fo blinded '*«»^'"'^-
withanopinion of their devout, and deeper lear-
ning, fopuft up with the pride of their high pla-
ces, fo fwolne with fclft-conccitcdnciTc of their
owne formes and falfe gloflfes, and fo poffeft with
prejudice againft the fpiricuall and heavenly Dod^-
rineof C H r i s T.'tiiatthe very PuUicavs and Har-
Mat.2i. 31. lotsgoeimo the Kingdomz efGon before them: That
iswhentliey goe not.
jie ivord And thus it is in all ages of the Church : There
mi'^''' is a Lea-jre I will fuppofe. To which many of
the meaner fort efpecialiy, refort for fpirituall
food, as to the Market for corporal!. Some of
which happily wrought upon by the faving in-
fluence of that Miniftery, begins to blefTe God
for the benefit, and magnifie his mercy for fuch
meanes: but fome By-ftanders, like peftilent op-
pofitesinterpofe; yea but which of the great men
of the Countrey come to it, when do you fee any
of the Nobles, Knights, or Gentlemen there i
No, alas ! They are afraid of hearing of their
finncs, being made Melancholicke, and to be tor-
mented before their time: and therefore they moft
wretchedly ntglecifo great fdvatiort, forfake their
owne mercies, and judge themfclves unworthy
ofeverlaftinglife. Bosvling-greenes^ gaming-hou-
fes, horfe-races, hunting-matches : Their curs,
and their Kites : their cock pits, and their cove-
toufncfTe, 01' fomething doe too often eat up and
devoure that blefTedfat, and marrow oftime, thofc
golden, and goodly opportunities, which God
in great mercy affords them in the Miniftery, to
make thcii pe> ce with him before they goe into
Repmanc, too ^^? P^^' /"^ ^'^ ^^^^"^ '^^ J^^'-^' l^' O"^. ^ourc
late. wncrcot-, to ncarc but one Sermon after the irreco-
vcrublc day of vifitation is pail and expired, they
would be content to live as prccifcij and morafi-
cdlyascver man did upon earth (o long as the
world lafts, but it fhall nor be granted. A rhoii-
fand worlds will not purchafe it againe. And be-
fid cs,w hen your foules fhall (ben furioufly rcflccfl
upontheivownewil full folly in this refpe<5^, and
the woefull mifery they have brought upon them-
fclves thereby : it will (harpen infinitely the bi-
tings of the never-dying worme, and torment
more horribly than ten thcufand Scorpions flings.
Remember this ( I pray you) all ye that forget God:
before that wrath be kindled in hisbofome agaiaft
you, which will burne unto the very bottome of
Hell, and fet on fire the foundations of the moun-
taincs : before Hee gird about Him thofe arrowes
which will cirwke bhud^ and that/ivW which will
eat fleP',md come agaifffi yct*{?.sthc Prophet fpeaks)
like a beare robbed of her rvhelpes, and rent the very
caule ofyoi4rhearts-,mdtearejottinfeec€Sywhefi thereis
ncm to helper,
^. Nehem, 3. 5. But their Nobles fut n$t their Heh<i.j.j.px-
neckesto the werke of the ho k d. Others (as you pomded
may fee in that place ) were induftrioufly bufic in ^^ch^^fto
building up the wals, and repairing the holy City, gochbingf.
for the wonted worfhip and iprvice of their G o i>,
but the Nobles would do juft nothing. And thus
it hath beene in all times , - and is juft fo in our
dayes. Meanc men many times contribute very
liberally, andftrrc above their ability to the pro-
curement and maintenance of a profitable and
powerfull Miniftiy ; but the rich, worldly- wife,
and gentlemen thereabouts, will not part with a
N penny
penny for any fuch holy purpofe. Such great men
asthcfe will by no meanes put their ncckes, their
power, and their purfcs to any fuch blefTed worke
of the Lord: though it be for the ere(5^ing of the
KingdomeofJ esvsChrist amongftthem;
for the illumination and refrefliing of a darke and
barren place with the light of the GofpelI,and wa-
ters of life, where both their ownc foules, and
many more about them are ftarving and bleeding
to cternall death for want of heavenly Food and
minifteri.all helpe. Nay, too many of them de-
taining the Churches Patrimony, will neither re-
/lore it to the proper native ufe and end : nor
(which is very lamentable) parr with a little porti-
on of a large revencw in that kinde towards a com-
petency. Before you receive encouragement to
go on in this courfe with comfort, I pray you pro-
cure us (from your partakers,if there be any fuch)
Anfwcrs Co thofe many learned Treatifes extant
upon this argument, and(for any thing I know) ut-
terly unanfwered : cfpecially, M^ Bepyiardsy
D. Sclatersy and D* Fields. I know well fomc
excellent fpirits of late meerely out of the graci-
ous freenelTef of their truely noble difpofidons, to
their great honour, and adorning profcflfion, have
given backeto the Church for ever ( I meane no-
thing about buying in Impropriations, oneof the
moft glorious workesin that kinde(for any thing I
know ) that ever was undertaken in this King-
dome) divcrfc Church-livings, fomean hundred
pound fer amnm, fome fix or fevcn fcore, fome
threcfcore,fomc morcj fomany as anaounc to the
value of above feven hundred pounds ycarcly. But
I muft tell you alfo^thcy areonely.fuch as you mif^
call Puritan-gentlemen ( for I neither heare nor
know of any other that ftirs this way)and how few
fuch are to be found in a Countrey, every ey e fpi-
rirually illightened may clearely fee, and heartily
bewail e. ForJ mcane none but fuch as are(in true
fearch and cenfure) Gods bed fcrvants^^nd the
Kings beftfubjeds.
I come in a fecond place to make the Point ap-
peare yet further by reafons. And firft,fuch as are
peculiar to the feverall forts of greatncfTeMlI which
(once for all)I undeiftand Cuchfecuua'um mundum,
fecundum hominemjecundum e^nsm,accorMng to the
rvorldj^ccordingtewaniaccordingtotheflefli. i r rj
And firft for excellency of learning underftood ii^^^^^ ^^^^
ftill afta* the flcfli, implied alfo by the Apoflle in
this place : as appeares by the former words :
where is the S crikly? Where is the Di/puter of this
mrld? Where are the learned Rabbins of the
Jewe^^ Where are the profound Philofophers
of the Gentiles 1 Let us takenoticc that learning
of it felfe is ,a very lovely and illuftrious thing,
which made Mnea4Silvim in his Epiftle to St^if
7?iUfjdDvi\iCof^uBri4y(zy,lftheface even ofhtt-
mane learning could be feene^it is fairer and more heatt-
tifu II then the UHorning or the Evening-fiarre. But
notwithftanding bent the wrong way, and fpent
upon private and pernicious ends, it becomes the
fowleft fiend the DivcU hath upon earth, and his
mightieftagcnt todoeaworldofmifchicfe. No Dcgencrado
corruption is worfc tbafi of that which is beft ^p^^^'fA'"**
N 2 mif-
mif'imployed.-lt is of vvofullconfequence, propor-
tionable to its native worth. And the longer and
more profperoufly it is imployed as an inftrument
of all,and in the fervice of Satan ever the more pe-
ftilently, which is for my purpofe, doth it harden
and enrage the heart againft nil means of graccthe
Bafe endi in powet ofgodhnefTcjand poflibility of converfion.
jieki.^ ham- Secondly, men of this world for the moft pare
^^' inthc atainemcnt and excrcife of learning and
knowledge propofe to themfelves, and finally reft
upon many baftard, bafe, and degenerate ends:
asjplcafureofcurioiity, quiet ofrefolution, refi-
ning and raifii>gthe fpirir^ability of difcourfe^vi (fi-
ery of wit, gaine of pyofeflion, ornament, and
reputation, inablementfor imploymcntandbufi-
The true ends of Thuswhereas variety and depth of know-
leamrg. ledge fhould properly and principally ferve to
prepare5fit,and fiirnifiithe foulewherein it is feat-
ed : Firfi:, fora higher degree, and a greater mea-
fureoffandification in it felfe; Secondly, to doe
God more excellent and glorious fervice :
Thirdly, ro doe more nobly in E^hratha^ and bee
moreftmousin Bethlehem: I meane, by an edi-
fying and charitable influence to illuminate and
better all about them ,* The moft learned men
havethefe worldly ends, and comply exadly
with the world : hunting onely after by their
knowledge, and afpiring towards (as their utmoft
aimes)certainerecond prizes: asthough they la-
boured onely by their learning to finde ( as one
laics well:) amtch xvhereupntorefi, afearching
and a refllejfejftrit : or 4 tarrafifir a wandring and
variable mind, to rvalks up an.d dorvne rvith afaire pro-
jpeif : or a tower of ft ate, for a^roudrKitidto raife it
kl/e nvomor a fort or commanding ground for ft rife and
coritcntion : or a pop for profit or f ale : and not a rich
ftcre-hufc for the glory of the Creditor ^ and t he reliefc_j
of mans esiatc. And fo by the abufe and mifapply-
ing of it, they put theii great engine, very power -
full cither for excellency of good,or excefic of ill,
asittakes, into theDivels hands for the enlarging
and advancement of hiskingdomc; andturnethe
cdgeofittothe dangerous hurtoforhersrand fo by
confequent and by accident, it prooves a mighty
barre to kccpe Christ and His Kingdon>e out of
their hearts.
Let me in a word by an inftance intimate unto
you the traines and temptations to which they cx-
pofe thcmfelves, the fn^res and cuifes which they
incurre, who bend their abilities of learning, clo-
fing with the corruptions of the time, to raife and
enrich themfclves:thc two maine ends of the moft
in thefe covetous and ambitiousdaies.
Firft, there is a plant in the nurceries of litera- ^"f^c^l^^^^f'^
turcofgreatexpetoionand hope: which being
watered, and warmed at the well-heads of Acade-
mical! learning,and with the fruitfull heat of Pole-
mical! cxcrcifes and agitations in the Schooles,
wherein the true worth and excellency of a Schol-
let confifts, growes lipe and becomes remarka-
' He; fo that hee heares after him in the flreets a fe-
cret murmuring : This is the wan : Dignum eft mon-
ftrartcr cJ* dicier Hif elf: Now by this time he be-
N 3 gins
gins to reflsifi with the eycof fclfe-lovc5and many
vainc-glorious glaunces upon his perfonall worth
and publikcapplanfe: and then cafts about what
conrfcto take. Gods principle and path is : Jc
is better to be good, than great 5 religious, than
rich : And therefore He would have him imploy
and improove all his naturall and acquired en-
dowmcntsj all the powers and poflibilities of bo-
dy and foule upon His glory and fervicethat gave
thera, and where they are more thaa infinitely
due. And that when the good hand of divine pro-
vidence fhall bring him to any place for the exer-
cifeofhis gifts and mini fteriall imployment, hcc
would there fpehd himfelfe(like a fhining and bur-
ninglampe) in the illumination and falvation of
Go n s people : and fo hercz^cv Jhins as the bright-
neffe of the firmament in the highcft heavens, and as
thefiarresfor ever and ever .^zy , (faiesthe Divell)
that's a rowre,ftriA,precire way : Jt is not meet,
that fuch admired cminency of learned parts
fhould bee confined to fuch obfcurity, that fuch
rare gifts and depth of knowledge fhould bee loft
upon high flioes, and amongft a number offudc,
ignorant, and uncapable clownes: and therefore
hce labours to raife his fpirit to higher hopes: and
would have him plunge prcfently into the current
of the times ,and become fomc body in the world.
Hereupon (his heart already raviflitwiththeplea-
fing apprehenfion of worldly glory and humane
greaEnefre,rcprcfented by Satan in the moft allu-
ring formes to his ambitious imagination) hcc rc-
folvcs fcarcfuUy againfthisownc foulc, to follow
the ftreamc, to ply the prcfem ,and plot all mcanes
and waies of preferment: after which ordinarily
every ftep towards an high roomc, or to bee hafti-
ly rich, is a fnare and curfc unto hinn : and there-
fore at the height, hcc muft needs bee holdcn fail
in the clurchesof Saran. He now begins upon all £^',3^^^^^ ,r
occaiions to difclaimc all things that tend to pre- hi^b alvanw
circntflrc,and in his deportnient drawes nearer to »*»'•
goodfellowfliip ; he remits and interrupts his care
and conftancy in ftudy, and ftudies how ro under-
ilrand the world, negotiate for advancement, and
humour the times: He merily derides 'DoEHnt^
and v[et as thc;^ fccffingly call it : all edifying
plainenefTe zndfficltfhfieffe of preaching : and now
he digs with much adoe perhaps a whole quarter
ofayearcinrothe rottendung-hillsofPopifli Po-
ftillcrs, and phantafticall Friers, and from thence
patches together many gayiih and gaudy flircds of
painted babies, and frothy conceits and tricks of . , .
wit ; and at length comes out with a fclfe-feeking semons.
^Sermon: juft hkc that difcourfc which King
Jams s compares to a cor ne- field in harveft, pc-
ftered with red and blew flowers ; which choakc
and eat up all the good graine.For,hc well knows
this is the way to ingratiate himfelfc into the
times and gntific thofc great ones who defire
farre more to have their eares tickled, than their
confciences toucht^ and would rather have pil-
lowes fowed und«r their :*rmc-holes by fueh de-
ceiving daw bcrs, that they may lie more fofrly
upon the bed of fecurity 5 than the keenc arrowes
of righteoufncffc and truth faftncd in their fides
N 4 by
by Gods faithfuU meflengers to drive them to
finceriry: and yet after this, hee muft fcrve his
time in ferving the times : and through many mi-
feries of fecular martyrdome,as Teter Blefenfu cals
it,and many fhipwracks of a good confcience, by
bafcneiTejflatteringjattending, depending, and un-
doing his foule. At laft(ifhc die not in the purfuit,
as many have done ) bcfides all thefe precedent
miferable meanes,by prefent fimony, or fome o-
ther vile fervices : hee comes into fome high
place, or at leaft becomes a negligent non-refi-
dent, orinfatiablepluralift. Which wicked] en-
trance being accompanied with G o d s curfe, his
heart already fo hardened,his minifteriall ftrength
and vetne of learning fo wafted and dried up by
difcominuancc, defuetude, and worldly dealings ;
having now attained his ends, hee drownes him-
felfe over head and cares either in fecular bufi-
nelTes or fenfuall plcafures to muffle up the
mouthof his horribly guilty confcience : cries
downe preaching, oppofcth the power of god-
HncfTe and fo becomes rather a wolfe than a flbcp-
Kichenhaiie i In a fecoridplace.The rich Worldling alfo is in
t e ivorcL. ^-wocRilIcafc this way,as appeares by Chris f s-
6wncwords,cJW4f//>.ip.25>24. which is further
confirmed by cafting our eyes upon Luke i6.i/^,
and iTim.6.9» Luk.iSnig, ^^ndthe Pharifees
whichwere covetom heard aH thefe thtn;^s , and de-
rided him. And what heard they from Ch ri s t ^
ThatitwasimpoflTibleto fervc Go d and Mam-
mon.Sothat there are fome pafTagescvcr Tn a faith-
full and fearching miniftcrie, which covetous
worldlings dcridcjand will pot down with by any
meancs^butrefolutely reject in their carnall wife-
dome as veryfoolifb, unneceffary»p]jecife, and no
waiestobe given way unto. E-fpecially fuch as
thefe. I. That they muftrcftorewhatfoever they ^^ardnJt s<7.
have any waies gotten, or.dctaine wrongfully and ^(?«f.
wickedly. 2. That they niuft rathe?: themfelves
ftarvc, and leave their children in be^ery> than
put their hands to atiyunlawfull waycs or meanes
ofgetring: fo much as to tell a lie, ^tf-. 5. That
godllnejfeis greaf game, and that it is incomparably
bettertobereligious than rich, good than great,
4. That there isa life of faith which will kcepe
a manrin fweet contentment in any eftatc,
fhoulcth?^. bee, never fo poore. 5. That 7^^
was truly richer with Christ alone^than wlien
b^fom lie.was loaden with aboundance of thicke
clay . 6, That riches arc nothing, Proverhes 2 3 . 5V
Wihthoufet thine eyes ufon thaP whichis not^'j.'Xh.m.
they rauft leaveall for C h r i s t.B. That if they
part with all for him, they fliall bee recompen-
ced an hundred fold in this lij?.. 9, That if
they had no lecompence at all in this world,
yet the reward that they fhall have in the
world to come, willbcca fup'eraboundant recdrfi-p
Notwithftanding thefe fatisfa<5lory^nd uncon-
trollable principles, they mil k rich in the Apo-
ftles fenfe •, after they have gottert a golden heapc,
will bccmorc rich ftill : and therefore are cSifily
tcmptcdutito, and taken in the fnarc of that cxc-
Az^-y-->6^>— crabte
185 '-a-SBRMON.
crable ani moll abhorred crddfe of ufurf. ]n the
rfmy taxed. ^^^^^i^ whcrcofthcy ftill negotiate with the Di-
vell, and receive all their incrcafc at the Divclls
bands: and therefore how is it poifiblc they
ihouidturnfconGo D s fidc^ And that ufufers
trade with the Divell,and have their ufurious mo-
Haw. F#/t. ney from him. Heare the judgement of the
mm,i7p^.u churchofEH g l a t^ d, to whieh ordinarily all
Miniftersfubfcribe; rertly fi mmj m wcriAfi^
themfclves by ufurjy&c They Joavc thetrgctds if the
Vivels gift. Heare alfo the judgement of the State
even of the King, the Nobility, ^nd the whole
Bpdy-of the Kmgdome in Parliamcntj and in that
Stkute whence ufurers take very falfly fome en-
couragement, as though it were allowed; which
is moft untrue. Thefe are the words in ihc Begm-»
tyEiilcap.s. niilg of the Statute : Forjtfruch^AS u/t^fkm^
firhidden ky the Uw of Co i>iU dfme^AnddmJtA-
blc ^c,
^angtr^fbigh * VhirdIy,thoughanhighplaccbc holdeninthe
^ . falfeopinionofvainemen,the oncly heaven up--
on earth : yet in truth^and upon tiiall, by acci-'
dent it prooves S5tans fureft hold to hamper ihern
ln4iis ftrongeft and moft inextricable fnares,untill
he tumble them hence with a more defperare and
headlong downefall into the pit of hell . For, as
thofe of tr ueft woith are ever timerous, and moft
retiring in fuch cafes 5 lo the word men ordman-
ly arc moil ambitious and afpiring. Gonfider for
V the puipofc the usambitious modclty and mag-
^^"^^'' nanimityofthc olive-tree, fig-tree, and the vine:
butthe bafc and worthlcfrebrambk,adry,cmpty,
fapleffc kex and wce4i,apr and able only to fcratch,
ccare,and vexc, nnuft needs be up and be hoi/cd in-
to an high roome,and domihecre over othci's.Mcn
of mod proftitutcd confciences arc for the moft
partthemoft pragmaticall prowlcrsafter undefer-
ved preferments-'and the only mentofervc ihem-
{c\vcsvijs(jrwodff, (as they fay) into offices, ho-
nours, and places of advancement. For,thcy,want
honeft wit to conceive and fore-fee the waig/it of
thecharge,and confcience to difchargc it faithful-
ly .Now then, where there is a concurrence of cor-
rupt times,a wicked wit,a wide confcience, and a
vaft gluttonous defire to domineerei What will
not be done to attaine their ends f They will not
fticketolie, difltmble, breake their words, for-
f\veare, machiavellize, prai^ife any policy or
counterpolicy to honeftie, rcafon, religion,to flat-
ter, raife afadHon, humour the times, fupplam
compeiitors, gratifiethe Divell, doe any thing.
We may proportionably conceive the malignity
of inferiour ambitions by the monftroufneffc of
higher afpirations.' Ntixvwhc hath iHt ohferv^d
(faith that learned Knight in his freface t$ the Hifiery,
of the X90fld) x$hdt labour^ fracticeyfertB, hh»d-Jhed^
and cruelty the Kings and? tine es eft he Vf9rldhavt un^
dergene, extrdjed-, taken en them t$ make themjelves
and their iffites mafterstfthe world? — oh bj what
fUts.hy pfhasferfwearings^hetrxyingSyOffrepcns, im.
prijonments, t^rtures^pcyfintngf, and under what rU^
fomofStAt€yandf9litickefmhtiky hofve thefe ftrt-na^
med Kings, (^c. By this time thcfe men by thcfc
mcancsare mounted ( I will (uppoie ) on horfe-
1^8 •>. A S.£S.MON,
* • hackeufldhavTleftmany Brihccs "vfralking iis fcr-^
vants upon the earth : And folly is ict in great
dignity. And what then c'Then do they begin fo
to fwell with pride, untill they arc ready to burft
sgaine with over weening of thcic owne worth,
(elfc-opinionandfelfe-eftimation : and to toylc
cxcreaftiely with revcngfull inward indignation a-
gainft all good men : whofc hearts ( as they con-
ceive) and their confcicnces tell them (there was
juft caufc) did rife againft their growing great and
ri(ing. Being -thus empoyfoncd at the firft en-
trance with pride, felfeconcciptednefTe, preju-
dice, revengcftjll jealoufies, and other exorbitant
and bafc diftcmpers,they begin to confider and rep
folve how to behave themfelvcs in their new pur-
chafed place. Andwee muft know there is too
Nemo 'iiru much truth in that principle of policy in Tacit tu .• ,
•um^flaaTtF"'" ^^"^^^^j <^^^ ^^ ^^ hjghroome wrmifdly, a^td »/»-
qux fitum b®- worthily : hut he excrcis'dhis^orver andauthortt y wic-
c*cu1"h7?'^" ^^^h^^^^'^i^fih' They therefore pitch pvefently
"/>^.4i7.* ^ * upon fuch conclufions as thcfc; Wee will plea-
fure our friends, though wee prey upon the pub-
h'ke, or pinch fome peevifh precifc feliowes,
whichcan well bearc it : we will plague our ene-
miesjweemuftabove all, manage matters with a
fitcorrefpondency to accomplifh our owne ends 5
cfpeciallyto enrich our felves, raifc our kindred,
make way to rife hi^cr5andgreaten our poficri-
ty 3 wcmuft looke big, and fomctimes amaze the
multitude with fome ads of awfulincfic and ter-
rour,to procure and preferve fefpcd/eare, and all
attribut ions proper to our place : and let mec xcU
you by'thc vvay 5 Beethat fufpedhthhisowne wcrtb,
or other mem opimsn^ thinking that lejje regard is had
9fhispcrfori, thdn hee belscves is due to his place, holds
itgoodiobc'jtofpcnd all the force of his authority in
furchdfr,:g the name of 4 fever e man . For^ the affelUd
fo^rentffeofav aim feUorv doth many times refemhlc^
the gravity of one th^t is wifcandihefeare v?herin they
live which are fuhjecf to opprejstony carries a flierv of
reverence to htm that does the rvrmgiat leaf it firves
to dazzle the eyas of underlings , keeping them from pry-
ing into the wcaken^feof ftfch as hAvejurisduHon over
them-^ crc, Beiidcall this, menin great place arc
liable and exposed daily to moc and Wronger temp-
tations, th:m men of lower ranks.Honour> wealth,
worldly reputation, earthly favours, c^'<^. are Sa-
tansfnarestocntangleandtiethem fafter to their
fooles paradife and admired folly ; and as golden
fetters, to chainethem unmoveably to their noble
Secondly,great men are for the moft part (and flattery danger
it is oneoftheirgreateft miferies) foinclofed and
bcleager'd wirh"flatterers>the bafeft of riavcs,with
fycophants, falfe- hearted followers, felfe-feckersj
c^r.that very hardly (if atall)can any honcft man
ox^mhMl Micaiah haveacccire,conic nearcthcm,
or at any time bee heard with patience^ cfpccially
either to tell them the truth,or wifely and humbly
reprove them for their faults.
Thirdly ,thofe that are verft in ftory ihall findc
many and many a time this property put upon
men in high place ; to bee throwne into the grave
or from their grcatncffc, is both one to them. For
Great ones lilft
Mallear cadcrc
quatn Ioc» ce«
ipn . ASERMON.
firftjthey fo delight in domineering, and dote up-
on their high roome as their deareft Idoll : And
withall they know full well, that as in narurall pri-
vation there is no returnc to habit, fo it is very
rarely feene in the privation politique,and point of
prefermentithat they would even rather die, than
DC dejeded.
Lay now thefct\vo points together: and count
all the fnavcs from which poorer and private men
byreafonoftheir meaner condition arc happily
exempted: And no marvell though not many migh.
^jjcither in heapcs of wealth, or height of places ,
be converted jor goto heaven.
wofUiy wife. In the fourth place: whataftrong hold for the
dtmdangeroM powers ofhcll, and mighty barre to keepe out
grace, worldly wifedorae is ; may appeare by ta-
king notice of the nature of it, and fo of its noto-
rioufly peftilent properties. This wifdome of the
flcfbfpringing from the principles of carnall rea-
fon, and precepts of humane policy, and recei-
ving continuall influence and inftigation from that
old wily ferpent to go on ftill in his and the worlds
wayes,doth witha proud difdainfullnelTe and im-
perious contempt fcornc the great myfteries of
godlincfTc, fooliflincffe of preaching, fimplicity
of the Saints, and fociety of the brother-hood:
croffcth dire dly and contradid:s the counfell and
commands of G o d s spirit, in all motions to
good, and matters offalvation: accounts in good
carnefthoIineflTc hypocrifie, fan(5^ification fingu-
larity ,profcflion and praiftice of finccrity precife-
ndTcjthe great things of G o d s Law as a ft range
In all Its confultations concludes ever
thingspleafingtoflefhandbloud, and ends atllaft
with extremcft folly and utter contufion. Wit-
nefTe t^chttophd jwho was wife enough to fet his
houfein order, and yet wanted wit to refcue his
©wnc life out of his ownc hands: he was curious to
provide for his family after his death, and had no
care at all to preferve himfelfefrom erernall death:
was not this a madneffe even to m:r^.cle,zs Divines Amentia ufqj
fpeake-f Hee got him home to his houfe, purhis ^^^ F°^'S "™-
houfliold in order, and hanged himfelfej ^nd is tSamaz-^j.
hanged up in chaines as a dreadful 1 fpeitacleto all
pofterity,forallworldly-wifemento take wam^
ingbytothe worlds end. ^ ,
The Spirit 01 G o d intimates unto iis the pe- ^ouniel
flilencie of its properties, lames ^. 15, It is,
Firft, Earthly, Secondly, Senfuall. Thirdly, Dl-
Dfveliijl) : for, it imitateth the Divell in plot-
ting and contriving mifchicfeandruine againltthe
glory of i G o D s Majefly, and Miniftry of his
Word. It tafts of his helhfli wilinelTe in clofe
conveyances and fccret infidiations,for the under-
mining, ftipplanting, and confounding of the paf-
fageoftheGofpell,and plantation of grace in the
hearts of men. Satan ( you know) is ever fierce
and furious, when hefpiesbuttheleaftglimpfeof
Gods truth, or fparke ofgracetopeepe out and
breake forth at aoy time, or in any place. When
the glorious fun-ftiineofthe Gofpell did in thcfe
latrer times of the world (according to thePro-
TphcdcinthcMe^eUtms) arifcouc of thed^rkc-
IFcrWy w'tfei
fomc mght,and dangerous fogs of Popery ;,and be-
gun gratioufly to inlightca many thoufand foulcs
which lay indarkcacfe, and under the fliadow.of
dcarh, with vrbat flrangc and prodigious rage did
the great Dragon prcfently afcend out of his bot-
EfeRi ef the Sin€c that time what furious martyring of the
^V^lf/-^'^"' Saints, what horrible murthering ofKings, what
^j ''^"' bloody MafTacres, what invincible i^rmadoeSy
what heliifli powder-plots, what devouring of
Maityrs, by thatblood-thirfty monfter the 5pa-
nifh Jnquificion, what hatefull imprifonings^what
defpcrate confpiracies, whatadeale of hell hath
vext and rent the face of ^/^r/j/c^, and fliaken the
pillars ofthis part of the world; as though all the
fiends in Hell, and whole armies of thole damned
/pirits were broke loofe, to caft the Chriftian
world into a new Chaos of darknefTccombuflion
andconfufion.And ail this hath bcene the Divcls
doings ofpurefpight and malice againft the light
ofthe Gofpcll,& power of the Word .The Pope,
Jefuites, and their wicked adherents have bcene
indeed the inftruments and executioners of all
thefe bloudy miferies,but Satan himfelfe was the
piincipall agent. The curfed influence of all this
wrath and rage was infpir'd from hira, and every
particular and circumftance ofal! thefe mifchiefcs
was firft plotted in hell,bcfore they were adlcd up-
on earth.
pmy againft 2. In GUI' ownc Kingdome alfo his fpitc and
%tlT^ ^ malice againftthclight of the GofpcU hathbecfle
notorious and trai3ccndcnt fince the Word of
The Gun^fftf.
truth hath grownc powcrfull amongft us. With
whar ft range fury and malice hath Satan bcftlrrcd
himfcUVWhat a deale of dcatc and innocent blou4
did that red Dragon drinke up in Q^enc ^Maries
time i For five ycavcs fpar cthc fire of pcrfccutioii
did flame in thisland,and the facrcd bodies of out
glorious blefifcd Miiiyrs were facrificed araidsthc
mercilcfTc fury thereof: Afterward what a blackd
andbloudy catalogue of moft hatefull and prodi-»
giousconfpiraciesdid run paralell with that gol-»
den time of Qjecnc Elizabeths Ufc,that (now)
glorious Saint of dearcft racn:iory i But in all this*
hcllifh rage the Divcll never played the Divell in.
deed, untill he came to the Gun-powder-plot;thaC
was fiich a piece of fervicc againft the light of the 4e7pkt>
Gofpell,as the Sun neveV faw before; the fons of
men never heard of,hell it fclfe never hatcht. Since
Satan fell from heaven, aad a Church was firft
planted upon the earth, there was never any thing
in thatkinde which made the Divcls Malice more
£amous,G o d s mercies more gloriousjthat Prieft
Q^Kome and his bloudy fuperflirionmore odious;
or that caft fuch a (hame and obloquie upon the in-
nocency of Chriftian Religion. And all this was
the Divels doing of pure fpite and malice againft
the glory of the Goipell,the power of the Word,
and the Saints of Go d .] fay he was the arch-plot-
ter and firftmoover of all thefe mifchicfes. The
Pope, and lefuits, and their curfcd confederates
were indeed his inftruraents, executioners and a-
gents, asweewellknow,andforae of the Prieft s
themfelves confeflfe.J^r ^odL^.A^^^.fag. 199.
O Scarce
Scarce was that blcfTcd Quecnc and incompara-
euzTbht?' l^le Lady warme in her Princely Throne; butSa-
tanfetsonthePopcP?/^^«/W/^, hee fends from
Msmetwo Popifh Priefts, miortort^nd Wehhe with
a Bull of excomniunication^ whereby the fubjecSls
and people of the Kingdome were in a Popifli
fenfe difcharg'd and alToird from their allegiance,
loyalty and obedience to her Majefty . They fol-
licit the two rraiterous Earles of the North, Nor-
thumberland zxid WertmerUndi tobeethc executio-
ners of this bloudy Bull, which indeed was the
fountaine and foundation of all the fuccecding
horrible plots and barbarous treacheries. See^
JSellst^rtatomy cfp6pij})tyramy, whisEfift.T>edic^
a little booke callea The executmer ofjujlice in
JEngUndy^c. I pray God now at length turne
thofe Popifli murderous hearts from whetting any
moe fwords to ilied the bloud of the Lord s an-
nointed : orreturnethefharpe fwords from tiie
point with a cutting edge on both C\dcs, even up
to th« very hilts into their owne hearts blond. (>
Lor D 3 let the King flourifh with a crowne of glo-
ry upon his head, and a Scepter of triumph in his
hand, and flill wafli his Princely fcerc in the bloud
of his enemies.
Rage cgdinft 3 'This fpitcfull rage & furious oppofition of Sa-
the pmejfuu tan agaiuft the power of the word,appeares alfo by
Mimfiay. jjjjjjy experience in thofetowns & parifhcs, where
by the mercies of G o D,a confcionableMiniftcry
is plantedibefore,while Satan ruled and raigned a-
mongft them, by his wicked deputies, ignorance>
prophancneSjPopifh fupcrAitions, finfull vanities,
lewd fportSj prop hanation of the Sabbath, filthi-
ftefTcdrunkcnncfTcand fuch other accurfed Purfc-
vams for Hell : Why then all was wcll,all was in
quiet and in peace. O then that was a merry world|
and as good a Towne for good-feHowfhip,as was
in all the Countrey. And no marvelhwhcn a ft rong
armed man kecpeth his Pallace,thc things that he
poflTefTcth are in pcuce^Luh 11.21. WhileSatari
fits in their hcarts> and rules in their confciencesj
hee fuffcrs them to have their fwings in their furi-
ous vanities and wicked plcafurcs, without any
great difhirbancc or contiudi<5lion. And com*
monly hec never fets prophane people together by
theearesandat odds, but when his owne King*
dome may be more ftrengthenedjand their foule j
more endanger'd by diffention, than by their par-
taking inprophaneneiTc, and brotherhood in ini-
quity. Let it not fcemc flrange then, whcii
townesaad pariflics where confcionablc meancs
are wanting, live merrily and pleafantly; for,
they walkctogetherin the knot of good-fellow-
ihip, through the broad way, they follow the
courfe of their owne corruptions, and fwing of
their corrupt ai!edions, and fwim dowoethe cur-
rent ofthctimes^andareatSatansbeckto do him
any defperateand notorious ferviceat all affaies,
in all pafTages ofprophaneneiTe, and offices ofim^
piety and rebellion; but bring amongft fuch a
powerful! Miniilcrie, which takes a right courfe
forthcplantation of grace, andfalvation of their
foules ; and then marke how fpitefolJy and furi-
oufly Satan begins to beftirre himfelfc 5 befides
O 2 his
his ownc malice and machinations, heeprcfcntly
fets on foot and on fire too all that belong unto
him in hisinftigation. They band and combine
themfelvcs with gieat rage and indignation a-
gainft the power of the Word, and the faithful!
meflengers of G o d . They fret,and fume^picke
unRecefiary quarrels, raile, flander, and indeed
foame oii filthily their owne fliame, in difgracing
thctruthof G o d without all truth or con fcie nee :
and if Satan fpies any poore foule amongft them
to bee pulled out of his clutches and kingdome of
darkcnefTc by the preaching of the Word, he pre-
fently fets all the reft upon him as fo many dogged
curres, or rather furious wol ves(for fo our bleffed
Saviour makes thecomparifon) upon a harmeleffe
lambe 5 he whets (like fiiarpe razors) all the lying
and lewd tongues in the towne, and tips them with
the very fire of hell 5 fo that they pleade for ppo-
phanenefrc,prophaning of the Sabbath, and many
finfull fooleries and vanities in all places where
they come. Hee makes thofe who have a little
more wit, hisclofe fadors and under-hand-dea-
lers: for that (lands not with Sacans policy, and
the reputation of the worldly-wife, that rhem-
fclveslhouldbeeopenadors in childifh vanities,
and profes'd enemies to the Law of G o d : they
do him fuflicient fervice by being fecrct patrons
and protedors of impiety, counfellers and coun-
tcnancers of the works of darkeneife : hee fils the
siadttsa^ainfl mouthcs of the ignorant with flandcrous com-
PM frw6 itg pijjj^fs and cries, that there was never good world
fince there was fo much knowledge : that there
was never more preaching, but^ncvcr Icfle work-
ing : whereas (poore) foulcs they never yet knew
what grace or good worke meant, or fcarce good
word : but their naughty tongues, and hatred to
bee reformed, are true caufes why both the world
and places where they live, are farrc worfc. Thofe
that are defperately and notorioufly naught,hcin-
forces and images like mad dogSj Co that they im-
pudently and openly barke at, and with their im-
poyfoned fangs furioufly fnatch at their hurtlefTc
hand which would healeaad binde up their blee-
ding foules : they arc like dogs barking at the
Moone 5 for, Gods Minifters are ftarres in the
righthandof Ch R I s T, ReveLi.i6, If they
would doe them any deadly harmc, they muft
plucke them thence 5 but let them take heed
how they be bold and bufie that way, leaft at laft
they take a beare by the tooth, and awake a flecp-
ing lion.
Thus you fee what a ftirre the Divell keepcs wiysatm/o
when hec is like to be driven from his hold by the /?w" <^g<iinfl
power of the Word : and how he playes the Di- '*^ ^^^'^
veil indeed, when the light of the Gofpell begins
tofhineina placewhichhimfelfe hath long kept
in darkeneife and errour by thofe twofold fiends,
ignorance and prophanencfTe. Perhaps at the ve-
ry firftrifing of tha: glorious Sun of the Word of
life unto a people that hath fat in darkneflfe and un-
der the (hadow of death, it breeds onely aftonifli-
ment and amazement , they are for a while onely
dazcUed with the glory and beauty of fo rare and
cxtraordiaaty alight, but when after fome little
O5 fpace
-fpacetheybe thorowly heated, and it begin to
burnc up their noyfomelufts. to gall their guilty
confcitnces, to fling their carnall hearts, to vexe
and difquiet their covetous alFcdions^then begins
all the ftirre.and^atanto play his part: the fud-
deninflidionofawound is not fo very painefull,
and while it is greene it is not fo grievous, but af-
ter, when it comtsto be fearched in cold bloud,to
have tents put into it, and corrofives applied, then
i: goeth to the heart : When thefword of the Spi-
rit fir A ilrikes the carnal! heart, it may perhaps
beate away the blow reafonablc well; but if the
Chyrurgion of the foule, I meane the Minifter of
the Word follow his cure faithfully, and open the
wound wider,as hefeesneed,applyfpirituall cor-
rofives to eat away the rankenefle of the ficfh, and
the poyfon of finne,then begins the prophane man
(if the Lord give him notgracetofuifer his foule
to bee faved) to rage and rave with the fmart of it
and perhaps with malice and furieto flie into the
face of his foules Phyfitian.
Seethe humour of prophane men againft the
power of a confcionable Miniftery,/f?.44.i5,^f.
o4'(J/ji3.8.andCap.i4.25c5"^.andVcrfeip. and
Cap.i6.ip.and Cap.i7.5.and Ver. 32.and Cap.
19.2p.and 24.5.
spite againfi pi- This fpite and malicc of Satan againft fincerity
etji injamtiies^ and grace is to be fecnealfo in private families ; if
the governours of the houfe, the children and fer-
vants be all prophane(as it is very true of very ma-
ny in moft places ) then they are palling well met
for matter of Religion > and were there nothing
amongft them to breed diffcf ence and difTerition,
but Gods ferviccthey would never fail ouc^for
they arc all content to heare no mGre^ormore of-
ten of the affaires of Heaven, judgements ix)r fin,
thewaiesof G o Djand reformation of their life,
than they mull needs: they arc all willing and for-
ward to prophanethe Sabbath, inonekindeor o-
ther; fomeby abfcnting themfelves from the
houfeofGo D ^fome by worldly talke all the day
long, fonTiCby idleneffe, fomeby finnefull fports,
(^c. They arc well content to lie downe at night,
like wilde beafts in their dens, without lifting up
their hearts together utito that merciful! God
which hath prcferved and pro fpered them all the
day: torifeupalfo in the morning, prayerlefTe,
or only with formall prayers. They all joyne in
malice againft the Miniftery of the Word, in flan-
derous lies againft the mcflengers of G o d, in
b ife and reviling fpeechesagainft the profeffours
ofChriftianity. The reafonis, they are all pof-
fcfTed with the fame fpiric of prophaneneffe, love
of pleafures, hatred tobeereformedjand carnality
of heart. But if it once pleafe the Lo r d to plane
grace in the heart of the Mader of the family 5 (b
<thathee begin to plant in his houfe reformation ^
houfholdinftru^tion, prayer, fandification of the
Sabbath, and other holy orders, and godly exer-
cifes3then prefently begins the DivcU to ftir in the
hearts and tongues of their prophane fervantsj
they begin to bee furioufly impatient of fuch' pre-
cifeneife , ftridneffe , and reftraints (for fo they
wickedly and wrongfully call the pleafures of
O 4 grace
grace and way to Heaven) they can by no mcancs
digcftfuchnewfafliions; theyi not be troubled
with giving account of Sermons ihcy hearc:
thcyM have their recreation on the Sabbath, that
ihey will : they'l not be mew*d upat homejwhcn
other mens fervants are at their fports abroad, &c#
Nay perhaps even their owne children ( except
the L o R D fcafon them with the fame grace)may
grow ftubborne and rcfradtory, and very rtbdli-
ous and difobedient to the beft things ; fo t hat in a
holy fcnfe.C h r i s t s words may be there tru-
ly verified, c^/rfMo.34,35. Thus was fzealous
J>4a'/W troubled with the vanity of a fcornefull,
proud, and propbane wife, i,S,Am. 5.20. K^hd
with a bloudy brother. Gen. >f..8 . Ucob with a pro-
fane £/4», Cen.ij,/^!. ifdac with a mocking Tjh.
ptael : And many a gracious hean: in families
where grace beares not fway, with the IcwdncfTe,
malice, and ungodly oppofitions of thofe among
whom they live.
Mfiotu parets o r if it fo fall out that the power of grace feize
%tZ'^'''' on the heart of a fervant or fonne, fo that he begin
HtrMajiers to bee fenfible of the ignorance, diforders,pro-
phanenefTe, and finfull confufions of the houfc
where he dwcls : defiresto fpend the Sabbath as
Chriftians ufe to do : then prefently begins Satan
to put rage into the heart, and frownings into the
face of the father or mafter of the family ; he then-
takes on, tells him, that fuch prccifcneile is not for
his profit, hee'l have no fuch inferiour fellow to
be a reformer of his family s hec'l not be control-
led and contradidcd in his owne houfc? hcc'l go-
vcrnc his people in the old fafhion as his father did
before him^cf ^. fo that there is no longer biding
for that new convert under fuch a crabbed mafler>
without a very great dcalc of patience. All this,
and a thoufand more mifchiefes are the blackc
broods and bloody effeds of Satans malice a-
gainfl the power of the Word, andtheplantatioft
God HimfelfeistheGo d ofpeace,CHRi jt Jrnpimperfm
Jbsvs the Prince ofpeace,and the blelTed Spirit ''"'f'^^^^f'''^
is the fountaine of peace,that paflcth all underftan-
dingjtheholy Word is the Gofpell of peace, the
faithful! Miniftcrs are the MelTengers of reconci-
liation and peaces the Saints of G o d are the •
children of peace: TheDivelland the rebellious
corruptions of prophane men are in deed and truth
the true caufes of all thefe ftirs and ftrong oppofi-
tions, which are raifed any where, at anytime, any
waies in the cafe and caufe of Religion. The fault
Jconfeflc, and imputation of troublefomenefTc is
laid upon Gods children by the lewd tongues
of graceleflc men. See Jrr.i 5.10. utterly without
caufe. I KfHgs 18. ij,K^^s 24. ^^drc butthefc
and the like are lies hatch'd in Hell, and managed
by the malice of camall men. And that was moft
true, which the blcfl'ed Prophet of G o d Elijah^
3nd the holy Apoflle Saint fatd anfwered in fuch
cafes, X Kings 18.18. ^^Bs-i^, 13, 14. and Co
proportionably may all Chriftians anfwer all pro-
phane wretches amongft whom they live : It is
you and your prophane families, yoi'r proud ig-
norance, hatred to be rcformcd,malice againft the
Miniftry,&c. -vvhkh* trouble 7/5'4^/,'arefhd true!
caufes 'of all DifTentions and difquictneflc, and
bring upon ^us aU thefe plagues and judgemcncs
which any way tialiCt us. A godly Miniftcr ftands
at ftaves endwith all theworld, and harh the moft
^ ,..■ -a enemies of any man. He muft warre rtor only with
have jsanj/ene- dcfpcrate I waggerers and notorious iinners,but al-
nies, fo witliciviU honcft menjfoi mall profcfTors, coun-
terfeit Chriftians,unfound convcrcs^relapfcd crea-
tures :d"<r,
t^age again/} . 5 .Laflly,That particular perfon, whom it plea-
piousper/om. ^^g the L o R D to fanaifie and fet apart for his fcr-
vice, hath good experience of Satans fury and
rage againft finceririe and grace; there is not a man
that pafTeth out of the powers of darkenefiTe and
Satans bondage,by the power of the Word^buthe
prefently purfues him farre more furioufly, than
ever Pharaoh did the ifradnes, to recover and re-
gaine him into his kingdome. See my difcourfe of
%mcus7unl • Thus I have given you a tafte of the Divells
right hind. malicc and machinations againft the light of the
Gofpelh the power of Gods truth, and the
Miniftery of the Word ; now you muft under-
ftandthat worldly wifdome is his very right hand,
neareft counfcllor, and chiefeft champion in all
thefe mifchievous plots and furious outrages a-
gainft God and goodnefte. This hath bcene
more than manifeft in all ages ofthc Church : In
thofe great Politicians, the Scribes and Pharifeesj
in the States-men of Rome : in our times, and a-
niongft: us daily* worldly- wife menjth.it are only
guided by cnrnall rcafon, they imploy theinwit,
their power, their malice, their friends, their un-
der- hand dealings, their policy snd their purfes
tocunklTeihey be too covetous; to hixnder,ftop>
difgrace^sndflander the palTage ofaconfcionable
Miniftery and the Mcflcngers of Almighty G o d,
of whom the Lo r d hathfaid, Touchnotmrnean- -
nojnted^an^ de m^ Profhets mhdrme. Pfalme 105.15.
They ever imitate and follow to a haires breadth
their Father the Divell in malice and pradife a-
gainft grace and good m.en; except fometimes
they forbeare for a time for advantage, for reputa-
tion, orfuchotherby-refpedsand private ends:
except naturally they bee extraordinarily ingenu-
ous, and ofvery lovingandkind natural! dijpofi-
tions ; or bee reftray ned by feare of fome remark-
able judgement, from perfecution of the Mini-
2. As worldly vvifedome is divelliili, as Saint f^or% »'(^'
lames cals it, and ever mixed with a fpice of Hel- "'"^ '^ ^^^^ ^
lifh malice jsnd virulencyagainfttheKingdoraeof
■C H K -I s.T : fo it is alfo Ciirthly^ for it mindes
onely earthly things,and though that cafls beyond
the Moone for matters of the world, yet it hath
not an inch of fore- caft for the Vv'orld to come:
But though a man bee to palTe, per haps, the: next
c]ay,.nay the next houre, nay the next moment, to
thatdreadfullTribunallofGo d, and to an un-
avoidable cverlailing eftate in another world,
either in the joycs of Heaven, or in the paines of
Hell, yet it fo glues and nailes bis hopes, de'lir-es,
projcds, andi:cfolutionsfo tranfitory pelfe, and
things of this life, as though both body and foule
at their difTolution, fliould bee holy and everlaft-
ingly rcfolved, and turned into earth, duft, or no-
To give you a taftc of this earthlinefle of
worldly wifcdome, give mee a worldly-wife man
if^atuungtpro' I . Put him into difcourfe of the affaires of the
i^iyuTjhJi "^^^^^^ andthebufmeffcof his calling, and you
Uofinbun^n^ fhall finde him profound and deepe in this argu-
ment, abletofpeakewellandtotheporpofe; ific
were a whole day, and that with dexterity and
checrflilnefle : But divert his difcourfe a littlcjand
turne him intotalke of matters of Heaven, of the
great myftcry ofgodlinefle, the fccrecs offandifi-
cation.cafes of confcience,and fuch like holy con-
ference, and you (hall finde him to bee a very in-
fant, an ideot : it may bee, hee may fay fomcthing
of the generall points of Religion, of matters in
conrroverfie, of the meaning of fome places in
Scripture: but cometoconferre of pradical I dWi-
nity,experimentall knowledge, palTages of Chri-
ftianity, and pr3<3:ices of grace, and you fhall find
him,and hee fhall fhew himfelfe to bee able to fay
juft nothing with feeling and comfort : many a
poorencglcded Chriftian, whom in the fpirit of
Gifdainefulnefre,and out of the pride of his carnall
wifedome,he tramples upon with contempt, and
would fcorneto be'matcht with in other matters :
yet would infinitely furpafTe him in this cafe 5
quite put him downc> th^c he would have nothing
2. Let
J. Let him come tofomc great pcifonagewith ^^,^/, ,«
a fuit, to inrrcate his ravour and countenance, or to temr petition
give him tlianks for fome former good tuine : and ^enthun God.
he will be able to fpeak wcll^plaLfibly.plcafingly,
perlwafively,snd le^- fonably ; 6in- put him to pray
in his family unto Ahnighty God for the par-
don of his finnes, and a crowne of life, for the
remoovall of damnation aiid an cverlafting curfe 5
to powre out his foule in thankcfullnefle for e\Try
good thing hce en joycth ( fcrhee holds all from
Him) andfuchawifeman ( which is ftrangeand
fearefull) in a bufineffe of fo great weightjWill not
bee able to fpcake fcarce one wife word without a
$, Comeintohisfamily,examinetheftateof ZSuLr^
his houfe, you fliall find all things in good order, 'denithmtUir
every affaire marihallcdanddifpofed for the beft /"«'"•
advantage,a provident fore-caft,and prefent pro-
vifionofthingsneccffary fori heir bodies: Every
one bufie in their feverallimployments, and care-
ful] in theworkes oftheir calling : butfearch alfo
into the eftate of their foules, what heavenly food
is min fired for theii fpirituall life, how the Sab-
bath is fandified among them, how it ftands with
them for houfliold-inftruiSlions and family-cxerci-
fes.^r. And (God knowcs) in that regard, that
way there is noprovidence at all, no care, no eon-
fcicnce about any fuch matters.
Walke alfo amongft his husbandry; you fliall rr«rW/i'^f^
find his arable carefully dungcd,iillcd and fowne: ^bZy^ tetur
his paflurcs well mounded, iTankt and trencht; his i^a» ^intuan,
trees pruned, his gardens weeded, his catrell
-ao6 • A SERMON.
. - . ■ : — . ■ . — , ■»■ •
TratchfuUy tended : but inquire into the fpirituall
husbandry at home in his owne confcience, and
you (hall find his heart overgiowne with finne, as
the wildeft waft with thirties and briars ; no fence
to keep the Divell out of his foule, many noyforac
hifts growing thick and ranke, Ukc fo many nettles
and brambles to be cut down and caft into the firej
fo that his fillieft lamb and pooreft pig is in a thou-
fand times more happy cafe,than himfelfe theow-
ner^and well were he if his laft end might be like
theirs, that is, that hisimmortall foule might die
with his body: but that cannot bej except in the
meane time he repent, and renounce his carnall
reafon, hee muft be dcflroyed with an everlafting
perdition,from the prcfence of Go n,and from the
glory of His power.
m'rf'c'ire for ^' Confider His care and afifeaion towards
S«r IhliJens Hls children; youfhallfindethattobe all earth;
tm^nan than for whereas perhaps with farre lelTe toy le and tra-
qinMi^aii vailcbythemerciesof Go D, by teaching them
the feare of G o d , inftrud^ing them in the waies of
godlinelTe, reftrayning them from prophanenefle,
and prophaning the Sabbath, by his owne exam-
ple of piety and godly converfation, hee might
plantgracein their hearts, andprovideacrownc
of glory for their heads hereafter: yet (wretched
roan ) hee doth not onely wickedly flegle(S thefe
meanes of everlafting comfort : but with too
much worldlineflc, variety of vexations (and per-
haps for his very wickedneffe that way, if there
were nothing elfe) with the great danger of his
owne foule J hchcapesupforthcm thofe hoards,
that will hereafter hcapc coalcs of v^rigcance on
their heads 5 and purchafcs and provides for them
thofcgreenepafturesofa profpcrous flncc in this
world wherein they are fatted for the fame flai'gh.
ter, and thorow which they prophanely paflfe into
the pit of the fame endkfle deftrudion with him-
5. Aslce his judgement about the Sabbath, and ^'fj^'f ^i,^
ordinarily you flial 1 finde his rcfolution to bee this^ sJLtb.
that hce fees no reafon but mens fervants and chil-
dren may enjoy fome houres of recreation and
fport even upon the Sabbath, efpecially with ex-
ception of times of Divine Service : what would
they have us to do, (will heefay) or what would
they make of us ^ I hope they doe not looke wee
fliouldbe Angels upon Earth : they know we are
but flefli and bloud .It is too true indeed,this cavil-
ling againft the keeping of the Sabbath favours full
ranklyof flefli and bloud.
God out of the aboundance of His ownc
goodneffe, and comp2ffionate confidcration of
our weakcnefTe hath allotted and allowed unto us
fix dayes for our ownc biifincfTe, and refcived but
one to be confecrated in fpeciall manner, as glori-
ous unto Him 5 ajid yet wretched men, th ey muft
needs clip the Lor d s coyne,encroach upon His
fan<5lified time, and unthankefully and accurfedly
fpend thofe holy houres in which they fhould
treafure up knowledge and comfort againfl that
fearefull day,inidlentfre, worldlincffe, and pro-
phane paftimcs, whereby bcfidts the particular
curfe upon their ownc foulcs, they many times
draw many miferics and plagues upon the place
where they Uve.This reafon is carnall indced,this
wifedome is earthly with a wirncfTe.
Addanotheroutof/'«^.i2. 39*40.
Thus you fee worldly vvifdome in all that coiv-
fultation and carriage inclines unto the earth,pro-
vidcs ever with greatcft care for the world, and fa-
vours rankly offlefliandbloud.
fmlZfuT ^ • ^^ ^^ SiKo fenfmH : for, ir doth fenflcfly pr^-
me/enfua . £^^^^ ^j^^ plcafures of fcnfe and pleafing the appe-
tite, before the peace of confcience and fenfe of
Gods favour. It provides a thoufand times bet-
ter for a body of earth, which muft (hortly upon
an unavoidable necelfity, feedc thewormes, and
turne to duft; than for a precious immortall foulc,
the immediate ilTue of Go d s Almighrineflfc, and
which can never poflibly die ; It doth with grea-
ter fwcetneflc and hold-faft, relifh, apprehend and
enjoy the furious delights of fome bofomc-finne,
which it hath in prefent purfuit, tafte and pofTeiS-
on5than fpirituall graces, Gods favour, joy in that
blefTed Spirit, andacrowneoflife hereafter; for
which it hath Gods Word and promife, if ic
would be wife to falvation. In a word : it doth
fo highly preferre a fewbitter-fweet pleafures^for
an inch of time in this vale of reares^ before un-
mixed and immeafurable joyes thorow all eterni-
ty in the glorious maniions of heaven : Is not this
wifedome ftrangely nailed and glued unto fenfe,
and ftupidly fenfeleffe in fpirituall things, that
though many times fore-told and fore-warned by
the Miniftcry of the Word, yet will needs for the
temporary fatisfaifiion of its carnall, covetous, oc
ambitious humour, with filthy vexing, tranfitory
pclfe,withvaniry5dung, nothing, run wilfully and
headlong uponeafelelle, endlefTe, and remedilefle
tormenrs in the world to come ^ And that which 4
isthe juft curfc and plague of worldly wifedome,
(thisfpirituallmadnelTe commonly called) it is
confident that it doth wifely, and takes the beft
way, and thereupon becomes incorrigible and
obftinate : For there is more hope ofafoole^ then of
himthatisrvifeinhis o^vne conceift, Prov* 26. 22.
hndijTh&ttghthou jhoitldefl if ray afookin a mi>rter,yet
will not his fool iflmejfe depart from him\ Prov, 27.22*
How fearefullthen is his cafe, that to his worldly
wifdomejoynes confidence in his waies ^ But the
day will come that hee'l fee and bewailerhe vanity
of his wifdome, and the truth of his folly, and that
with bitter gticfe and horrible anguiflieven in hell
fire,asit is notably fee downe in the book of f^rif
dome Cap. $. VmlZth,
But the Word which heere in Iam;s is rendred ^"x'^'^/l «>
Senfihill, isthcfame which is ufed, 1 Corinthians S^l^'vil^^^-nt
2. 14, The nattitiill man receiveth mt the things^ o^-fjrn«V/,i
So that worldly wifedome is In that fenfe natu- w^'^^U^v'^-^
rail: that it can neither rcliili nor receive the ^XiTy%lm
things of the Spirit: itc^nno: poflibly conceive reujiwb not
and comprehend the immediate meanes and my- ^^ritu^ tbiags
fteries of falvation : let a man otherwife be never
Co faire and comely in body, never fo proportio-
nable^perfonable, or goodly tS looke upon, and in
the eye of others, yetifhimfelfe wantcyes (the
P inftru-
SenTmU tthat
inftmmcnts of light, hcc cannot polTibly behold
and gaze upon with delight the goodlineffe and
glory of this great frame of the world about him :
he cannot fee the brightnefTc of the Sun, the beau-
•wty of the earth, and the dclightfome variety of the
creatures : fo a worldly-wife man though hee bee
never fo gracefull for his other parts, never fo ad-
mirable to carnall eyes, or mightily magnified by
his flatterers or favourites: yet wanting the faving
fight of G o p s fandlifying Spirit, and the eye of
fpirituall undcrftanding,is ftarke blind infpirituall
matters, and cannot poffibly behold the rich Pa-
radifeof the kingdome of grace,thcfecrcts of San-
£l:ification,and the incomparable glory and excel-
lency of Chriftianity. This wifdome of the flcfb
ferves the worldling ( liketheOftrich wings ) to
make him to out-run others upon the earth and in
earthly things 5 but can help him never a whic to-
wards heaven : nay, is rather like a heavic mill-
ftone about his neck,to make him finke deeper in-
to the bottomleffe pit of hell.
The rcafon why thefe great politicians and joF-
lijgeVidfim ly wife men ofthe world (as th^y are called) for
vporidiivgi. all theif depths and devices, with all their wit and
windings, cannot underftand one title ofthe
things of G o d, is, becaufethis fpirituall know-
ledge is hid from them. For fo faith our Saviour
Christ, Map. 11.25. Igf've thee thankes o Father ^
Lord of Heaven and Earth, hecmfethou haft hid
thefe things fromthe wife and men $f under fandtng,,
gndhafirevealidthilnuntohahes. And this reafon
our Saviour rcndretb why hcc fpakc to world-
lings in parabks and to his Difciples plaincly> he-
€aufetothefe itwasgiijen to kmw thefecretsofth^^
kingdome ofheavenM^ to them it was not given. And
indeed it is juft with G o D,;Chat,
i.Sith they when the glorious Sun of the Word frorUiings
of life ihines furely upon their faces, doe wilfully f "JJf ;^/-^'*
fhuc their eyes agakift it,that He fhould^ftrike chena ^w^rd.
ftarkc blinde, fothat for matters of falvatien they
fliould grope even at noone-day, as the blind gro*
pethindarkenefle, and fturablcth in the darkcft
2« Sith they depend on their owne policy, n'orUiwgs dt*
depths, and turning devices, God juftlyturnes 5^^/p"J^"
them loofeto follow the fwing of their carnall "*" ' "^
teafon 5 and fuffers them to lie and delight them-
felves in the fenfuall mifls, and felf-conceited foo*
Icries and vanities of their own naturall wifdomc :
while the Moonc lookcsdire(5lIy upon the Sunne>
from whom fheborrowes her light, (bee is bright
and beautifull, butiffheonceturneafide, and be
left toiler felf,(hc loofesall her glory, and enjoycs
but onely a fhadow of light w hich is her owne: fo
while men with humility and teachablenefTe turne
their faces toward the Sunne of RighteoufnefTe,
ChristJesv s, and thofeStarres which he
holds in his right hand, the faithfull Minifters, to
receive from them illumination in heavenly
things^andinftrudiion in the waies of G o d ,G o d
doth gratioufly vouchfafe unto them the glorious
light of faving knowledge: but when they turne
their backs upon Him, betake themfelves to their
owne plots and projeds, devices and policies, and
P 2 feekc
fecke dcepeto hide theii counfcll from the Lord:
then they are juftly left to the darkfome giddineffe
of theii;^carnall rtafon, and walke towards feare-
fulnelTe and horrour, thorough the windings and
turnings of their worldly wifdome.
ivorinings ^' Becaufe they are proud of their earthly poli-
proud oj their cy>the Lo r d Will not givc them ptudc^ce in hca-
oivnsmt, venly matters.-becaufe they are wife in their owne
concciptSjthey are juftly given over to follow the
deceitfulncffe of their owne hearts : with an impe-
rious difdainefullnefle, they fcorne the fimplicity
of the Saints, and therefore they arc juftly blin-
ded, to thinke the way es of their falvation foali/h-
HiethetfLrl 4- Worldly men make an IdoU of their wifdome?
:ifi/dme. both in refpe(5t that they wholy repofe themfelvcs
upon it, for their provifion and protedion, and be-
caufethey fecreily defire to be admired & adored
for it^as men of extraordinary endowments,and o-
racles of difcretion and policy; andit may be,thac
they are fo by their favourites and flatterers i buc
they muft give God His Word^ and good men
leave to ccnfurc them truly and juftly to be the no-
torioufeft fooles upon earth, becuufe they are in-
fants and ideotsinthe matters and myftcries of fal-
vation. Now I fay >becau{e they make an Idoll of
their wirdon:ie,GoD and this earthly Dagon can-
rot polTibly dwell together in one foule5but in his
juft: judgement fufFers them with fuch doting de-
votionjfelf-conceittofacrificeuntoit, that they
want both underftanding and hearts to do him ^ny
acceptable fervice^
This naturall and fenfuall wifedome being thus
hood- winked from all heavenly light by G o d s
juft judgement, and by the pride,piejudice,wilftil-
ncffe, felfenefTeofchc owner doth proporrion and
meafure all its conceipts,and confiderations of Re-
ligion and religious men by the unfound and fen-
fuall principles of our corrupt nature, and by the
falfe fcantling of carnall" reafon.
We may fee this carnality of worldly wifdome
in cenfuring fpirituall things in Nicodemus^ loh.'^.
See alfo a carnall conceipt of worldly wifdome in
my Difcourfe of true ^appneJfe^ip2g.$S,s9-
Hence it is alfo that wee fiad it to be a con ftant ^^ridihgi mif-
I 1J1 T • cent art true pt'
property or a worldly-wile man to conceive or ^ty^
cenfure a zealous profeffion of G d s truth, and
found pradlce of fincerity, to be nothing but hy-
pocrite and humour, anaffedation of angulari-
ty, precifene{re,andakindofodnefrefrom other
men. The reafon is, when he lookes upon him-
felfe in the flattering glaffe of felfe-conceipt^ hee
judges himfelfe to be a very jolly fellow : thinkes
he within his owne heart; I go for a fufficient man Qu'Tq; in alio
in the world : the beft make good account of me : ^Z^nT >>&
I am well beloved of my neighbours : my fuflfici- quod non ha-
cncv for wifedome, moderation in Religion, civi- bet.neccurat:
i. V • • A /r • J f • 1 That ivhtcb he
lityforcarnage,jultnelle in dealings With men,are ^^^^^ „^^ ^^^
both knowne and w ell fpoke of by the moft : and feife , or doth
what would you have more in a man <: Hereupon, "'^^ e/ietme, kee
r i_' A- 11 r r 1 • ^ accounts fubet'
outofthispraaicallfurvey of his owne counter- puy, an idle
feit worth, and becaufe hee is ftarke blind in fp iri- quality, a meere
tuall matters, and t he affaires of Heaven, hee pre- f£iftcinanoi
fcntly concludes, whatfoeverzeale, (ingularities tier,
P ? of
ofgrace and fpirituall excellencies are luppofed
by fome kind of men to be in others, efpecially , if
they be of lower rank and Icfle account for world-
ly wifedome than himfelfe, to be nothing but on-
ly outward fhewes, pretences and hy pocrifics : he
isfurnifliedin his owne conceipr with a compe-*
tency,ifnot an extraordinary fiifficiency of natu-
rall and morall endowments : and he never felt ei-
ther the power ofgrace, neither can pofifibly fee
or acknowledge thofe holy operations in others:
and therefore hee cannot be perfwadcd, but he is
fully as good as the precifeft of them ( for that's
the language of prophanenefTe againft grace) and
that there is no worth worth naming, or any true
reall goodnefle in thofe they now call Chriftians,
over and befides that which hee iindeth in him-
5. Concerning greatneffe of nobilityjunderftand
that by Nobles I meane both the greater and leflc
Nobility ,according to T>.Smiths diftindion in his
Commoji-r^ealeofEn g l a n d. Andthis double
Nobility is of diverfe forts, i. Perfonall, 2. By
6, There isyet another Nobility, whichis Di-
vine and fupernaturall in regard whereof all o*
ther kindes whatfoever are but fliadowes and
lliapes of Noblemfle.Here God istopof thekin,
and Religion is the root. Thefe arc truly and the
onely Noble indeed, and fo accounted by King
D^-y/^/, though of no account in the World at alL
How rarely is the glorious Image of the Lord
J E s V s (which oncly creates this cxcellencie)
' ' feene
Nobility grea-
A SERMON. '215
feenefhine in their foulesj or fhew forth it felfein
their holy canverfation, who glider in outward
glory, and are lifted up above others by eniinency
of Noble birth, orindulgence ofhighell favours.
Such Noblemen and Gentlemen are black fwans,
and thinly fcatter'd in the firmament of a State, e-
ven like ftars of the firft magnitude. For,faith my
Text, Net mmj Nohl^^^ Sec,
And that no maivell, for many reafons. And ^HfJeducated.
yet I Vv^ill not heere trouble you Jn telling how mi-
ierably and extreamely ill thofe who bee better
borne are ordinarily educated. Alas,they arc too
often brought up in ignorance<, idlenefle, cxcefTive
purfuit of fports and vaine things: in drinking,
carnall loofenelTe, riotous exceflc, in fenfuality,
pride, prophanation of the Lords Day ; In
ftrange fafliions, healthing^gaming, good-fellow-
f^ip: in frequenting Playes, thofe grand impoy-
foners of many hopcfull plants, with univerfall
prophane, unnaturall difToluteneffe melting un-
happily the vigour of their fpirits into effeminate-
nelfe, lightnefle and luft. Andalmofteverina
conftancoppofitionto the good way, the power
ofgodlinefTe, and ftri(5lnclle of the Saints, who
arethe ordinary objeds of their greateft difta(l,je-
fling and fcorne : and whereas they (of all others)
have beft meanes,largefl: maintenance, mofl time,
capacity, and pregnancy of wit, and other encou-
raging advantages, whereby they might become
excellent fchoUers of eminent abilities, proporti-
onable to their precedency irj birth : yet for want
of a confcionaWe care in their cducation,of choice
P 4 for
for godly and worthy Schoole-mafters, Tutors,
Teachers, CGnforts,Miniftcrs,and reftraint from
the coriuptions of the times ; and by reafon of
their perverting and empoyfoning by the fore-
named youthfull aberrations, or rather exorbi-
tancies. They pafle through thofe famous nurce-
rics of learning and law, without any materiall im-
prelHons of Academicall worth, or wifedome of
State. At length returning many times unto rich
inheritances, and faire eftates, and then refleding
wpon their loft time with late repentance, and fin-
ding in themfelves neither any^competent fuffici,
cncies to ferve their Countrey, or to little pur*
pofe, and very poorely ; nor any folid flock of
ibund learning for their working fpirits to bee ex-
ercis'din,and feed upon with contentment: they
refolvedly languifh and diflblvc into idlenefTe and
pleafures, as though they were put into the
World, as Leviathan into the fea, to take their
paftime therein. And foat laft in refped: either
of perfonall worth, or the publike good, they
become but unprofitable burdens of the earth :
and by their exemplary ill expence of time, if
not farrc bafer trickes; the very banc of the
Countreyes that bred them, and great dishonour
tothefamiliesthatownethem. Tor affureyour
felves,to bee well borne, and live like an humane
beaft, is a notorious blemifli to a noble Houfe:
and let never any bee fo vaine, as to brag of their
birthjcxceptthcy be new-borne; this honour of
birthCfaith Charron)mzy light upon a vicious man,
Neither will I here take up a complaint of the ^^^,7;^, -^^^^
much lamented degeneration of our modernc No- Gentry degencf
bility and Gentry (I ever except the truly worthy ^^^^'
and noble)from even the civill worthineire5milita-
ry valour> and noble deportment of former times.
Now a daics, ifa man Icoke big, be firil in thefa-
Ihion, fliake his fhag-haire inaboifterous and ruF-
fian-likc m-anner>carrie himfelfe with a difdainfuU
ncglc(5tand proud bravery, and with an afFe<5led,
and artificiall haughtincfte of countenance, out-
brave others, and brow-beat his brethren, better
than himfelfe, he is the man. But alas ! How farrc
'diflantisthis, and degenerating from true gcne-
roufnefTe, and that fweet amiable courrelle and
affability which was wont to dwell in the gentle
breafls of the ancient Englifh Nobles ^ I am a-
fraid if wee goe on, our pofterity will finde in the
next age the bafeft generation of Englifli r/iat e-
ver breathed in this famous Kingdome. Sir
Walter Rarvlergh, I confefle in his excellent Work
having difcourfed and difcufTed of this Queftion,
whether the Bomam could have re(5tificd the
GveaZLy^lexmJerj makes good in a fecond place Lib^pag,i6t
tothemarchlefle honour of this Nation, chat nei- (^M-
thcr the Oliacedonun, nor the Roman fouldier
was of equall valour to the Bnglijh, But when
wercthofetimes^ When his Father fent to the
Blacke Prince, fighting (as it were) in bloud to the
knecs,and in great diftrefre,this mefTagc ; Let him
cither vanquifli or die. When VVarwickc^,Bed' «/^. of Trance^
ford^ and that famous Talbot, and fuch other p«^.»5«.
yiiftorious Englifli Commanders with their va- .
liant armies walked up and do wne FA-^/^f^^ like fb
many invincible Lions. But oh the mighty,and un-
conquerable manhood and magnanimity of the
ancient Englijh ! Whither art thou gone^and where
art thou buried, that wee may vific thy Tombed
But I fay, to let thefe paffe, I onely lay hold upon
that which is moft pregnant and pundluall to my
TmaJ'^wnp. . ThcfeiV^^/^y iu my Text, and ordinarily inall
tationi. times fwallow down fo many baits from the divels
hands, are fo furrounded with variety and ftrength
of temptations : fo ill brought up, and fo vainely
puft up with infolency and felf-eftimation,becaufe
they are lifted up above others:They are fo limed
with inextricable infnarements, by pleafures,
riches, honours, eafe, liberty, earthly fplendour,
bravery, applaufe of the world, and pride of lifej
that commonly, by fuchtimeas they come to the
ftrengthof body and mmdacorruft ajfethon obtains
its full ftrength and height, and hardneffe in their
hearts: And then,and by that time,in what danger
they are for falvation, you may perceive by well
weighing the condition of this divcllifli engine,
and its curfed companion, which I am wont to de-
fcribe thus :
Corrupt affim- It is the ripened and aduated ftrength and rage
9n\de}ned, of Originall corruption that furioufly executes the
rebellious didates of the Divell, and dcfperare
proje(5ls of Mens fenfuall hearts : ftands at defi-
ance,profefres open hoftility againft grace, good-
neffe, good men, good can es, and all courfes of
fandificution^ feeds upon fo long, and fils it k\^c
fofiiU with worldly vanities and plealures, that
growing by little and little incorrigible^and hating
to be reform'd, it breeds, and brings foorth(asits
naturalliflue) defpaire, honour, and theworme
which never dies.
And this corrupt afFedion is of it felfcjand natu-
rally, Firft, iintameabkj Secondly, infatiablej
I. Untameable. The heart ofman is naturally ^° ^^'^^''^J^'
ofthehardtft flinr,hcw'd immediately our of the ^Jl\r7atieTQ
fturdy and ftubborne rock of the race of k^dam, change the
Itsownecorruption,thejLiftcurreofGoD upon t'l^k^ri/
it, and the accurfed influence of hellifli malice, fill grace from God
it fo full of ironfinewes, and of fuch adamant and ^"^^^
prodigious hardncffe, that no crofTe or created ° '^^'^^^^
power, not the fofteft eloquence or fevered
courfe^ nay,not the weight cf the whole world,
orthe heav'neiTe of Hell, if they were all prelTed
upon it, could pofTibly bend and breake it, make it
yeeld or relent one^bt from it obftinaie and out-
ragious fury in it owne wayes : this is onely the
worke of the Holy Ghoft,with the hammer of the
Word. The ftubborne ifraelitcs were heavily
laden with.an extraordinary variety of moft grie-
vous erodes and affiidions : there was nothing
wanting to m.ake them outwardly miferable^ and^
no miferyiniiided upon them, but upon purpofe
to humble and take downe their rebellious hearts.
StQlfayi,'$y6,'j. How the Prophet paints out to
the life the rufull and diftrcffefull ftate of their
frefh-bleeding defolations : Thewholehead (S2i\th
he j i^fickeiandthe tvhok heart is heofvy ,&c. For the
place is meant, not ( as fome take it ) of their fins,
but oFtheir forrowes. But all the blowes and pref-
fures were fo farre from fofcning their hearts, that
they hardened and emmarbled them more and
more. when foreiMihihc Pvophei)J])OuUje he finite
tenanj moye^feryefallawaj more and morz^?
chnfissermont What Created power can poffibly have more
little toTou^ht power upon the foules of men, than the facred Scr-
«,i the imes, ^^^^ of the Son of G o D , whojpake as never mm
Jpake .? And yet i hefe deare intreatics and melting
invitations which fvvcerly & tenderly flow'd from
that heart,which was refolved to fpil that warmcft
& inmoft bloud for their fakcs,moved thofefliffe-
necked ]ewes ncvct ^jov.lerufalemjlentfdlew, faith '
hcjtvhkl kiHesftk Prophets,^c.Mat,2^,'^'j, Ifaiah
that noble Prophet, whofe matchleffe eloquence
furpaflfeththe capacity ofthe largeft created under-
flanding; and to which the powcrfull elegancies
of prophane writers is pure barbarifme,fhed many
ana many a gracious and golden fhower of fofteft
and fweeteft eloquence upon a finfull nation and
rebellious people,which was fruitlefly and vainly
fpilt as water upon the ground, or loft upon the
hardeft flint : many a piercing and powerfull Ser-
mon had heefpentamongfl: them to the wafting
of his ftrength and fpirits 3 which yet was to them
as an idle and empty breath, vanifliing into no-
thing,and fcatter'd in the ayre. The Lord (as He
fayes Himfelfe)madc his mouth as a (harpe fword,
and Himfelfeasa chofcn fhaft 5 and yet that two-
Cap.40.4. edged fword was full often blunted upon their
hardeft hearts, and his kccnc arrowcs difcharged
by a skilfull handjfcbounded from their flinty bo-
fomcs,asfhaftsflioragainftaftonewal]. And that
made that Seraphicall Oratourjthe unmatched Pa-
ragon of facred eloquence, thus to cowphincj/ay
^^j,/!^.! have laboured in vaine^ I have J^em my
ftrengthin vaineidndfor nothing.
A courfc ofextraordinary fevcrity and terrour pharaohhard^
was taken with Pharach-^ he was not only chaftifed «f^ oihtm.
wi' h rods,but even fcourged with Scorpions ; and
yet all the plagues ofJEgypt were fo far from pier-
cing and foftning his hard hearr^asthar every par-
ticular plague added a feveral iron fincw^and more
flintincs to his already ftony heart. And as the heart
is naturally thus hardened towards godlineffe, fo
alfo hollow towards the godly: See Sauls carriage
towards David, No materiall weight can more
crufli the heart of man, than braying in a morter 5
and yet faith Salomon, Prov. 27.22. Though thew
jheuldefi bray afcok.z defperste finner, a rebellious
wretch, in a mcrter amongjl wheat braced with a pe^
ftfl:>jct will not hiifoolijlmes J:\is finfullnes,whicn is
xhcgx^dXcik^depart frcmhim^no more than the skinne
from the Blacke^morCiCr thef^otsjrom the Leopard by
Shame an old obftinate beaten finner with his Nothing moves^
horrible ingratitude^ (how him the ugly face of his «« ^^'"^ *f«'''«
hainousfins, tell himofthelofTeofthehappinefle
ofHeavensaffright him with the feare of hell and
damnation : in all this hee is like a Smiths anvill
that growes harder and harder for all his hamme-
ring. Laftlyja dam.ned fpirit,though he lye in the
Idwcft dungeon of utter darkncflfe, laden with t hat
222 ASERMON. ,
burden of finne, which preft downc a glorious
Angell of light and all his followers from the top
of Heaven into that loweft pit, with the full
weight of the unquenchable and everlafting wrath
of G o D 3 with all the heavy chaines of that infer-
nail lake 5 and with that which ( meethinkes ) is
farrc worfe and more cutting than many hels, than
ten thoufand damnations, even with defpaire of e-
ver having eafe, end or remedy of chofe moft bit-
ter, everlafting, intoUerable hellifh torments : I
fay,though a damned foulebe thus laden,and thus
heavily preft downe with all this curfed weight,
and hainoufnefTe of Hell ; yet he is ftill as hard as a
ftone.So certain it is,that no curfe,or created pow- .
cr,nor the fofteft eloquence or fevereft courfe,
not the weight of the whole world or the heavines
of hell; if all were preft and laid upon the heart of
a man; could poflibly breake that ftubbornefTe, or
tame that rebellion. This is onely the worke
ofthebleffed Spirit with the hammer of the
The hard hear- Thls hardncfTe of heart had attained a ftrangc
tedaejfe of man height evcn in the worlds infancydnto what a pro-
f-m hujaU, Jigious rocke is that growne now then by length
of time,info many ages,fith every generation fince
by invention of new finnes, and addition of hai-
noufnefTe unto the old, have every one added
thereunto a feverall iron finew, and a further de-
iT^t. What a heart was got into Cdins brcaft,
whowasfirftcut out of the ftony rocke of cor-
rupc man-kind 5 remorfcof itcdding the guilt-
lefTe blood of his murthcrcd brother, which was
able to have n^elted an adamant into bloody
teares, mooved hi«i never a whit. Nay, the prc-
fenceof Almighty Go d, at which the earth pral.114.7.
trembles J the hiUs melt like wax,wh:chturneththc^ ^1"^'*%
rockeintowater-pcleSi an^theflintintoafeuntahieof "^ ' ^ '
Jv^^^(asI>4^'/i^pcakes) yet made his ftony heart
relent never a whir. Nay, yet further, Gods
mighty voyce immediately from his own mouth,
which hreakes the Cedars iandjhakes the wilderHejfe^y
which was able with one word even in a moment
toturnethc whole World into nothing, and the
fonnes ofmen as though they had never beene;
'yet (I fay) this power full and mighty voyce did
notatallamazeor moUifie the unrelenting ftub-
borneneffe of this bloudy wretch : but in a ftrangc
dogged fa(hion he anfwers God Almighty even
to His face. For, when Go d mildly and fairely
asked him what was become of his brother ^be\
he anfwered, / cannot tell : Nay, further, as
though hee had bid God goe looke, hec faith,
K^m Imj brothers keener ? Where take this note
by the way 5 Let not Chriftians think much to re- Gen.4.^.
ceive dogged anfwers and difdainfull fpeechcs •
from prophane men : you fee how doggedly this
fellow anfwers even God Almighty: TheDjfciple
is not above his Majter,nffr thefervant above his Lord:
It is enough for the Bifcifle to be as the Majter and the
firvant as his Lor d:if they have called the M after of the
houfe Beelzebub Jjow much more them of his houfijold j*"
iU^r^Mo. 24,25. »t L I J
Whataftrangcftonyhcartlodged in the brcaft f/^**^'^^*
ohhety tint Pharaoh} WhentheProphet(ir/^^/
l3.)cncdtothealrarof/^r^^/?4;»,0 altar altar, the
altar clave prefently afunder at the Word of Go d
in the mouch ofthe Propher-,biit this mighty ham-
mer ot the Word, (/fr.23.29.) with ten miracles
„ aaveten mighty ft rokes at P^<ir4^^j heart- and yet
tbut impudent could find noentrance,couid not pierceit. Let no
perfbns are no manthen thinkc it ftrange to fee many Hubborne
mremoved. ^^^ rebellious wrctches run on in their courfes,and
rage againft the waies of G o d , though they have
both the Miniftcry ofthe Word of Go d to rc-
claime them, and be many times fingled out parti-
cularly bythe hand of God withfome fpeciall
judgement/or the abatement of their fury. For,
the rebellioufnes of mans nature can never pofllb-
lybee tamed,corruprafFedion can never bee con-
quered, untill the heart wherein it fits inrhron'd,
be cruflit and broke in peeces : and this hardneffe
ofheart can never bee mortified, no created -pow-
er can poiTibly pierce it, untill the Almighty Spi-
rit take the hammer of the Word into His owne
hand • that by His fpeciall, unrefiftable power He
may firft breake and bruife it, and after by fprink-
lingitwiththebloud of Christ, diflblve it
into tearcs of true repentance,that fo it may be fof-
J^rn'mmr ^ened,fanaified,and faved. And let no man mar*
producetb veil, that the powerfullcft Miniftery doth produce
[corners. by accident the moft peftilent fcorners, cruel-
left perfecutors, and men of moft raging carriage
The War} againft the meanes of their falvation^ for thefc
M<i\ts the dead jcafons.
mrcto/}inke. ^^ ^Fromthc naturc ofthe glorious Gofpell
'A SERMON. 225
of Je sjf s Chr I $T,the Sun of righteoufnesAvhieh
fhining upon one that hath fpiricuall hfe,will more
revive and quicken him : but in one dead in finnes
and trefpafTes, caufes him to ftinke more hatefully
before the face of Go D and man.
2. From the cruelty of Satan: who laiesmore saunhoU0irs
burdens and heavier chaines upon him that the ^""^^ ,^^'^'",'J^i
Minifters labour to pull out or his inares. ay,<zv.
2. VnfAtiable, Corrupt aflPcclion is unfatia- corruption m-
ble in all its fenfuall purfuits^for theempoyfo- J**'^-*^'^-
1. Fountaine of originall pollution is hot- ort^inaUpoUw
tomleflejrciHefTe, and ever working 5 it fends out '^"^^-IP^^"^'
uncefTanily frcfli defires, new longings, and more
greedincfTe, for the grafping, engrofling, and de-
vouring of earthly delights and carnall 'plea-
2, When the heart ofman for fakes the blefTed ^'^'^ '« H^'«
2.ndhound\c(CcFoumaJffeofUvwgwaursi of which pttftottm"fe
if it fliould drifike heartily and fincercly, and every
drop fhould be in it a well of water Jpri/fring up to <?-
verUHing Itfe-^znA digs unto it earthly p'ts ; wher-
outto fuck the muddy and troubled ftreams of va-
nity and fenfuall delights 5 then G o d in his juft
Judgement makes thofe pits bottorales.that they'l
hold no water; fo that it (liall fceke and never be
fatisfied : it fliall toile and tire out it felfe in waies
of wickedncfTe and deft ruction, and fliall never
find end and reft; but in endleflc woe and reftleffe
torments. IThuf ''''''
5. Never was jay lor fo jealous over his prifo-
ncrs,as Satan is watchfull over every wicked man.
CL And
Sat nmhmen And therefore Icaft he fhould wax we^ry of his
infatiabkinfm way to hell,hc failes not by a fecrct accurfed influ-
ence to fill his finfull heart, with an unquenchable
thirfl after pleafuresofthe earth. And he doth not
only put this unfatiablethirft into the foule ofa car-
^ nail man ; but alfo by his jugling and art of impo-
flure^he guilds over fenfual objeds with lying glo-
ry jand a deceitfuU luftre,and puts a violcnt,ftrong
inticing power into worldly vanities^thatthcy may
continually feed his greedy appetite withfreili fuc-
ceflion, and an endlefTe variety of fenfuall fweet-
nefTes. Satan himfclfe is infinite in malice againft
the majefty of G o d . He drinkes up fin, and de-
voures iniquity with as infatiable grecdincfTe, as
Behemothxhtnytt lordan,
Satan hath lis Of all thofe huge mountaines, the numberlefle
hand imvery number,andpurplc feas offins and tranfgrcflions,
M which have at any time, any where, by any crea-
ture been committed fince himfelfe firft fell from
heaven unto this houre,or fhall be from thence un-
till the day of doomCjOr from thence everlaftingly
in hell,by bannings,curfings,and defpairsamongft
thofe damned fiends r I fay, of all thefe fins Satan
is guilty one way or othenand if he might have his
willjhe hath malice enough to make an infinite ad-
dition bojih in number and hainoufnefiTe. Where
onefint>^is committed, he wiflieth there were ten
thoufand.He would have every finfull thought be
a firi of Sodomy: every idle word adefperateblaf-
phemy^every angry lookja bloudy muither,every
frailty, a ciying fin : every default, a damnable re-
bellion. Now as Satan himfelfe is thus infinite and
infatiable in the wayes of darknefTc ; fo doth he in-
fpire every limbe of his with a fpice of this finfuil
greedinelTe,and reftlclTe purfuit of their owne wic-
ked waies.
Togiveaninftantof trembling and terrour in ^fwearer tbat^
this kind,and of Satans merciles malice that way. I f/ipekiL^ill
knew a man which in his life time was given to that oathi.
fcarefuU blafphemous fin of fwearing, who com-
mingtohisdeath-bedjSatanfofild his heart with
a madded and enraged greedineffe after tha^ (moft
gainelefTe and pleafurelelTc fin) that though him-
felfe fwore as fall and furioufly as he couIdjyetCas
though he had been already amongfi: the bnnnings
and blafphemics of hell) he defperatly defir'd the
fianders-by to helpe him with oathes, and to
fwearc for him. Incredible rage,prodigious fury \
Now if Satan be able to beget fuch infatiablencffe
ahcr fin wherein there is no profit or delight at all;
how fiercely andfearcfully will he enrage carnall
men in the purfuit of gainfulljpleafurefulljand ad-
vancing fins c*
You fee then how the unfatiablenefTe of corrupt
affection fprings out of the fountaine of Originall
naughtinefle/rom the juft curfcof Go Dand malice
of Satan.
It is cleare and evident by ordinary experience, ^^r^h i'^^'f -
and obfervation in the world, with what infatisfi- •'^'^^ ^"^*^'*' '^'
able defire and greedincfi^e,corrupt affedion doth
feed upon that fenfual ob/e6l,and earthly pleafure,
upon which with fpeciall apprehenfion, and de-
lightfull tafte,it feazes and fets it felf e. . ^
I. If it fall in love with honour and high tmT'^^"^^'
0^2 roomcsi
loomcs^ it begets ambition, which is an unfatiable
thlrft after glory 5and a gluttonous exceilive defirc
after greatnefle.
^tionpor,. Qf ^jj other vicious paflions which doe pofTeffe
^ the heart of man, it is the moft powerfull and un-
^ conquerable. Asitisfuperlativeandtranfccndent
in itobje(5land afpirationsjand feated in the high-
efhand haughtieft fpiritSjfoisitrefolute and def-
perate in it undertakings, furious and head- flrong
inits purfuits and profecutions.
Ambition ven- It IS ventrous to remoove any let, and hardned
trous. £q J ^jj meanes 3 many times without remorfe or
teares, it takes out of the way by fome cruell con-
trivance, their deareft friends, and tramples rhe-
neereft blood,as we fee ordinarily in the Turkifli
Emperors,to get up into an high place^and grafp an
Imperiall Crowne,
Ambition ma' It is vi(5borious ovcr all other affedions^and
^mm^" ^^^' mafters even the fenfuality of luftfull pleafures, as
wee may fee in many great men of the Heathens,
{Alexander, Scipo, Pom^ey^ and many others j
who being tempted with the exqi'jifitncfleand va-
rieties of choifeft beauties^yct forbare that villany,
not for confcience fake , or for feare of G o d,
whom they knew not; but leaft thereby they
fliould flop the current of their vi(5lorious atchie-
vements^and obfcure the glory of their remarkable
>j«ji;.,"« n.»j. It preferres a hi^h roome in the world before a
m upon life, temporall lircs yea, and eternall lire too. How
many great mens hearts have burft, at the difplea-
fed and frowning countenance of a King ^ How
many cither by defperate pradifes or their ownc
violent hands have brought themfelves to untime-
ly ends,bccaufe they were impatient of the lower
places they had formerly enjoyed, i^chitophel,
when he was like to loofethe reputation and ranke
cf a Privy Counfellor,fadled his AflTejWcnt home,
put his houfe in ordcr,and hanged himfclfe. How
many daily run great hazards, to domineere for a
while in their undeferved dignities f And prepare
againftthc day of wrath, by an unconfcionable
purchafingofhigheftroomesamongft the fons of
Laftly, it is uncapable of fociety,and fnarpened ^^^'l^onmuid
by the injoy ment of that it defireth . Give roome
to Cdfar, and hce'l ambitioufly purfue the Sovc-
raignty ofthe whole world : Let ^^lexander con-
quer the whole world, he'l aske for mocjiet thofe
be fubduedshe would climbe towards the ftarres,
ifhe could afpire thither, he would peepe beyond
the heavens. Fcr the froud and dmhitiot^ man en-
largeth his defire like hell^andis as death. and cannot he
jQ?Af/^^;C^^.//4^.2.5.Who can fill the bottomlelTe
gulfe of helljor ftop the infatiable jawes of death f
neither can the greedy humour of a haughty fpiriC
be fatisficd.
Letaconfidcrationofthat Crowne ofendlefle Hsavenacoun*
joy and glory, which the Chriftiart hath in purfuir^ ^er-poyfonto
beuntohimacountcrpoyfonto uphold his heart '*^^'"**-
in comfort and contentment againft the vanity
and venome of fuch endlefle ambitions ; and if
men be fo infinitely vcntrous for an earthly crown,
which (asoriefayes) if we well weighed with
0^5 what
injat table.
in bafefi hearts,
walies an heU
on earth.
mafies men neg'
kSl themfelves
whatfeares,jealou{ies,cares,infidiations, &c. it is
thick fet,if we found it before us in the way wc
would not take it up. I fay then^how eager fliould
we be after the glory of Heaven c*
2.. If coirnpt affedion fail in love with riches,
and the wedge of gold,it begets covetoufne/Te^ the
vileft and bafeft of all the infedion of the foule.
As ambition haunteth the haughtieft fpirits, fo
covetoufnelTe lodgeth in the moft dunghill difpo-
iition, it turncs the foule of man,that noble and im-
mortall fpirit into earth and mudrwhereasit might
live in Heaven upon earth, and by holy meditati-
on, by a fweet familiarity and acquaintance ( as it
were)with G o D,and converfing abovejand in that
cverlafting Heaven of endlelTe happinefTe hereaf-
ter. It lies in Hell upon earth,and by reftlefle tor-
ture of unfatiable greedinefTe, makes way by it
rooting to dekend into the hell of wicked Divels
in the world to come. This devouring gangrene of
greedineire,to get riches^doth not onely by a moft
incompatible antipathy,keep out grace and God s
feare s but alfo by it venomous heat waft and con-
fume all honeft and naturall afFe(5lion, both to man
and beafts,to parents^kindredjfriendsjand acquain-
Nay^it makes a man contemne himfelfe body
] and foule, wilfully to abandon both the comfor-
table enjoyment of this fhort time of this prefent
mortality, and all hope of the length of that blef-
fed Eternity to come, for a little tranfitory pelfe,
which he doth never enjoy or ufe; except it be for
ufe, which enlargeth his covetous thirftas mighti-
ly,as it brings forth mony monftroufly .
Beiidcs,covetournes picrccth thorow the foule covetoufneft
with a thoufand tormencs,and the riches of iniqui- ^"xatlT''
ty ingender in the heart of man many tortures, en-
vies and moleftations^as their proper thunder-bolt
and blading.
And of all other vile affeaions it is moft fottifli- ^'^'c[°infh
ly and fenflefly unfatiable, Ecclef ^,2, Tor jhow is '"* '"
k polTible that earth lliould feed or fill the imma-
terial! and heaven-borne fpirit of a man ^ It cannot
bc:and the Spirit of Go d hath faid it fliall not bej
Ecclef,$ .9. He that loveth JilverJI^aH not be fat is fed
witfjfilverjScc. Hence it is, that the deeplier the
drowfie heart of this covetous nian doth drinke of
this golden ftreame^the more furioufly it is infla-
med with fpirituall thirft.
Nay, it is moftccrtaine, that if the covetous ^^^fo^rncj^g,
man could purchafe a monopoly of all the fiiSdeftres
wealth in the world 3 were he able Co empty the »'<^^'
Wefternc parts of gold and fiiver^, and the Eaft
of pcarles and jewels; (hould he cnclofe the whole
face of the earth from one end of Heaven to the o-
ther, and heap his hoards unto the ftarres : yet his
heart wouldbeas hungry after more riches, as if
he had never a penny, and much more : Such is
Gods curfe upon that man which makes his gold
his god.
And this infatiablenedein the covetous man be- coveicH^t.efc
gets cruelty and oppre{fion of others^and perpetu- '^^^P^ "^^'^y
al want of contentment and comfort in that he hath
already .Sweetnes of gainc makes him many times
drink the blood and eat the flefli of theopprclfed.
Qjt He
He begins firft (if he be of power and place) to
grind thefaces of the poorc;then to pluck off their
skins, then totcarc their flefh, then to breake their
bones,and chop them in peeces as flefti for the por,
and at lafl: even to eac the flefli of G o d s people.
That is; firft to weary them out with peity wrongs
and extraordinary occafions, to vexe them with
new conditions, and unconfcionable encroach-
ments : and at Lift to wring their penfive foules
from their wafted and hunger-ftarv'd bodics^with
• extremity of opprcflion, and cruelty of covetouf-
covemfnejjfe And that which is a juft curfe upon the covetous
»ever mtm. j^^p . j^^ jg ^y^^ infinitely more tormented with the
want of that which he doth immoderately and un-
necefrarilyde{xre,then contented and comforted
withtheenjoymcntofthofe things he doth pre-
fcntly pofTefTe.
Ambition and The ambitious man,if he be difgrac'd and over-
Z^J^arl^f^ top'd by any grand oppofite and counterfcjdioniff,
or derided, and revil'd with bafcrand inferiour
contempt, or negleded by omifljon of fome due
obfcrvanceand ceremony of ftate: he (Ifay>)is
more grieWd,if he want grace/or fome fuch little
default in the attributions of his place,and want of
complementall refpedt in that meafure,and of fuch
menashedefires,thenhehath glory and pompe^
in his higheft place.This is cleare inffama/f^thou^h
he was compafled and crown'd with fuch undefer-
' vedand extraordinary precedency and pompe>
yet this one Jitle thingihecstufcMor^ecai would not
bow the knee and do reverenccto him at theKings
gatc,did utterly marre and diflweeten alJ the other
excellencies of his new advancemenr,and extraor-
dinarinefTe of the Kings favourjSee Heshr 5.10,11
12,1^. Ar^d Bamm teld his wife and friends efaU his
gl6ry,(^c.Eut Allthis{{2\x.\\ hc)dot/j nothing availe me
as long as I fee Oil or deed the lew fitting at the Kings
gaie^. As it is thus in ambition,and in great men
that aregracelelle; they many times take more to
heart(outofthe pride of their hearts) the want of
fome one eircumftantiall obfervancejand of reve-
rence from fome one manjthen they heartly enjoy
all the other glory of their place : fo it is alfo with
the covetons man 3 though already he hath more
then enoughjyet fome greedy wifh of a new addi-
tion doth more torture his heart, then the rowing
amongft all his other wealth can rejoyceit.o^/'rf^, * ^^'"S ^^'4.
though he had already in his hand the riches^glo-
ry3pleafuies,and foveraignty of a kingdome, yet
after he had caft his covetous eye upon poorc iV^-
hdths vinyard which was neare his Palace,his heart
did more affli(5l and vex it felf with greedy longing
for that bit of earth.then the vaft & fpacious com-
pafTeofa kingdome could counter-comfort. He
could take no joy in the beauty of a crowne, and
largenesof hisroyall command^becaufe his poorc
; neighbour would not deprive himfelfe and all his
pofterity of the inheritance of his fathers, which
his anceftors had enjoyed time out of mind.
For a counterpoyfon againft the greedy gan- Meditations^ '»
grcnc of hoarding up riches^coniider in what ftead root m ear-
thy riches will ftand thee upon thy bed of death, "'*-'"^-^^'
confidcrthat fpecchofapoorc diftrefTcd woman
afflidled in confcicnce, whom J heard thus fay in
thcagony of her grieved fpirit : I have husband,
goods^ andchildren,and other comforts s I would
give them all the Treafures of the Earth if I had
them,and all the good I (h ill have in this world or
in the world to comejto feele but the leaft taftc of
the favour of G o d in the pardon of my finne ;
Ihe would in this cafe with all her heart have given
the warmeft and deareft blood of her heart for
one drop of C h r i s t s blood to doe away her
Voiuptuoufnes If corrupt affeif^ions fall in love with worldly
infatiabie. pleafure, fuch as are furfeiting and drunkenncflc,
chambering and wantonnefTe, luft, and unclean-
nefife, unlawfull {ports «nd recreations, it begets a
Grange furious thirft and heat in the carnall appe-
tite, which cannot be fatisfied, butlikethetwo
daughters of the horfleech, which cry ftill, give,
givej which is fet on fire by Hell: and therefore
it is as unfatiable as that bottomlefle Infernall pit 3
every tafl: of fenfuality ferves as fewell to increafe
the flame and fury of concupifcence. We fee it
in drunkards, who by drinking doe not quench
their thirft,and fatisfie their appetite, but by their
immoderate fvvilling both increafe the burning
thirft of their bodies and inraged intemperance of
their minds. We heare it o^vjanzonSyWi fiome 2.
Come let m enjoy the fleafures that are frefent,^c.
Let us crorvne our [elves with Rofes before they wither,
let there be rio fleafant meadow which our luxuriouf
nejfe doth not fajfc over ; letm leave fome token of our
fleafurcin every f lace, for that isonrfortion^andthis is
eur lot. Every Carnal i ft fceles it in himfelfe after
once he hath given the reins to his concupifccnce :
heislikeaftrong man running headlong downe
a fteepe hill, though he would never fo fainCj he
cannot ftay himfelfe, but runne ftill fafter and fa-
ftertill he breake his neckatthebottorac : If once
he fuffers the fountaine of originall pollution
which naturally flowes^3iit of his rocky heart, to
have that free and full courfe : it will fhortly ga«
ther in its palTage many ftrong and heady ftreames
offtubbornenelTe and rebellion untill by growing
by little and little in ftrength and fwiftneffe, it
fwell into a mighty and furious torrent, fo at laft
fall with fearefull noife and horrour into the gulfe
ofinecoverablemifery. In a word^after the heart
of a man be fet upon any fenfuall delight, it feeds
upon it as greedily as the hoifleech upon corrupt!
blood,it will burft before it gives over. It will by j
nomeanes part with its hold untill it either bee
broken with the hammer of the Word, or burft
with the horrour of defpaire. It drinks fo deepe
andlongoftheempoyfoned cup of carnall plea-
fures,untill the L o r d fill it unto its brim,full of
the cup of wine of his indignationjand bid it drink>
be drunken, and fpue and fall,and rife no more,/^r.
25.27. Mditati
A counterpoyfonsgainft this greedy wolfc of gainfi voilptu^
devouring earrhly delights; confider that at our oufnejfe.
conv ^xC\ov\,M tit amurgdudia^rtOft toUuntur jBeAvcnly
fucceed carnall J0j€S : SQcUckfon of lujl^Fatth^ fag,
340,341. ^^^^ . r .
4. If it fall in love with rcvcrge, it begets a bafe tmlf '*"'*'
a cruell and vvolvifh difpoficion, and an unnaturall
thirft of blood; of all the finfull paflions of the
foule, d<ifire of revenge is the n:\oft bafe and cow-
ardly : it ever breedes in the moft hateful! and
weakeft minds. And of all kind of revenge,that
is moft execrable and deadly, which(like a (crpent
in the greene gra(re)lies lurking in the flatteries and
f awnings of a fliering face,which kifTes with Jud^vsy
and kills W\xS\loAh: entertainesa man with out-
ward formes and complement, and curfefie,
but would (ifitdurftor might) ftrike about the
third ribjthat he (hould never rife againe : When
a mans words are to his neighbour as foft: as oylc
and butter, but his thoughts towards him cora-
pofed all of blood and bitterneffe of gall and gun-
Revenge inha- ^^^ ^^ commonly fee that the bafcft and
fefi mindi, moft worthlelTe men are moft malicious and
revengefull.'fcldome doth it find harbour in a wcl-
bred and generous fpirit : but as thunder, and
tcmpcfts, and other fearefull motions in the aire
doe trouble onely and difquiet thofe weaker fraile
bodies below, but never difturbe or difmay thofc
glorious heavenly ones above : fo wrongs,difgra-
cesand wrongful! ufages doe vex and diftemper
men of bafer temper and conditions.-butthe caufe*
lefTe fpite and prophanc indifcretions and chil-
difti brawles of fooles, wound not great and high
fmrevengeT Above all Others, thetrueChriftian which is
onely of a true noble fpirit, contemncs, fcorncs,
and difdaines to be revenged uponany,t hough
his undefcivedly bafeft and greateft enemy :
I .He is completely fordfied with the armour of saimt fuppor^
proofeofhisowninnocencyagainftthemaliceand '^'^ ^.^'^ ^*5'J
mifchicfeoF wicked mcn^and comforted continu- Ifaulef'^
ally with that inward fpirituall feaft of a good con-
fcience iigainft all the lies and (landers of lewd and
fpitefuU tongues.
2. Hee leaves them to bee fcourgcd of their ^'a/V* leave
owne confciences for their cauflcffe ill-wils a- -^a-^'^^^ll^^lli^
gainft him, and wrongfull dealings : then which, 'J^ne con[!ienee
(except they repent and be reconciled) there
is no more certaine and fevere revenger and exe-
cutioner, no fcourgcsjnofcorpions can foLifli and
torture a man, as his owne foule and guilty confci-
3. He is kept in awe by an holy feare from pre- s<i^^^^ »"«>'■«
fuming to take vengeance out of Gods hands: It ^^'^^^i,^^'^^^^
is one of G o d s royall grerogativesjwe miift not
meddle with thar, or inc roach upon ii^V engeanc^^
is mlm-, I mllrefaj ity faith the Lord, Rem.12,
ip. -
4. He will not pollute fo farre^ and defile the saint ftptli mt
glory and nobleneffe of his Chriftian refolurion, f^ZZilbTai
as to be mov'd and difquicted with the rage of any hjng revenge,
dogged D(?f;^ or railing Shimei.}yy procuring tcm-
porall puniilimcnts to the fpirituall afPtidions : and
outward vexations to the inward wofull mifery of
the foule of his prophanc malicious oppofite : ex-
cept he fee it probable, that by fufiering juftice to
have its courfe,the party may be humbled,and o-
thers terrified. •
5. He
s i shv p ti ^' Heknowes out of his Chriftian policy,
eTce tahjreveg that a couragious and undaunted infenfibility in
fuffering injuries, is the way to tame and flop
the rage and fury of thewrongcrs^and to make
them to returne and rebound wholly like heavy
blowes upon their owne pates. For, a prophane
malicious man cannot be poiUbly more vext^than
to fee himfclf dired particularly his hate and con-
tempt againft his fuppofed adverfary^a goodChri-
flian_,and yet hee is able to beareit away without
woundorpaffions nay with reputation and com-
As revenge is bafc, fo it is bloody and
unquenchable, and prodigioufly thirfty that
way : I will give inftance in the moft revengeful!
wretch (lam perfwaded ) that ever lived : It is
reported of a man, or rather a * monfter of cJ^?/-
lai»2 in Italy : when he had furprifed upon the fud-
den one whom he dead lily hated, he prefentlyo-
verthrew him, and fetting his dagger on his breaft,
told him ,hc would prefently have his bloud, ex-
cept he would renounce, abjure, forfwcare, and
blafpheme the Go d of Heavcn^which, when that
fearefullman (toofinfully greedy of a miferable
life) had done 3 in a moft horrible manner he im-
mediately difpatch'd him, as foone as thofe pro-
digious blafphemics were out of his mouth : and
with a bloody triumph infulting over his mur-
dered adverfary, as though his heart had
bcene poffeftof all the malice of hell, he added
this horrible fpeech : oh ( faith he ) this is aright
Revenge U
lib.s c, 6,
nobler and htroicdl revenger , which
doth not
onely de^ri've the hody oftemfOraB life^ hutvftng
alfo the mmortall fiule to en die ffe flames everlafi-
3. D^^^r4/^.- corrupt afFeaion is ftrangelyde- cortupti^H u
fpcratcto run headlong upon the damnation of hel, deiperareto the
for a little earthly delight ; if we fhould fee a na- Z''"'^' _
ked man in Tome furious moode, as prodigal! of
his temporall life, run upon his owne fword, or
throw himfelfe from fome fteepe rocke, or caft
himfelfc into fome deepe river, and teare out his
owne bowels, we fhould cenfureit prefently to be
averydefpcrarepartandruefull fpe^f^ade: what
fhallwefayofhimthem who thorough the fury
of his rebellious nature, to the endlefle deftru^i-
onofthelifeof hisimmorfall foule, doth defpe-
ratly throw himfelfe upon the devouring edge of
Gods fierccft indignation: upon the iharpeft
points ofall the plagues and Gurfes in his Booke,
and into the very flames of everlafting fire : It is
^veryfearefull thing, to fee a man bath and era-
bruehis hands in the blood and butchery of his
owne body,and with his murderous blade to take
away the life thereof but of how much morehor-
rour and wofulneiTcis thatfpecf^acle, when a def-
perate wretch with the empoy foned edge of his
owne enrnged corruption, doth cut the throat of
his owne deare immortall foule,fo that a man may
track him all his Hfe long, by the blood thereofin
the finfull paflTages of his life,untill at length he be
ftaik dcid in finnes and trefpaffes, for how can a
foule all purple red with wilfull fhedding its owne
bloodjlookefor any part in that prctious bloud of
tffi^'^otleslJInbe^ Nay, afTuredly fuch bloody
ftubbornnes and felfe-murthering cruelty will be
paid homeatlaft, by the fevere revenger of fuch
curled defperatneflfe. He will judge fuch' a man
afcer the manner of them that flied their owne
bloudjand give him the bloud of wrath and of jea-
Lorditisprodigiouflyftrange and lamentably
fearefull, that fo noble and excellent a creature as
man, prince ofall other earthly creatures, by the
priviledgeofreafonandenlightned with the glo-
rious beame of underftanding, nature fhould be fo
furioufly madded with its owne malice, and be-
witchedly blindfolded by the Prince which rules
in the Aire ; as, for the momentany enjoyment of
fome few glorious mifcries^bitter-fweet pleafures,
heart- vexing riches, or fome other worldly vanity
at the beft,dcfperatly and wilfully to abandon and
caft himfelfe from the unconceivable pleafures of
its joy full place where Go D dwels^inro an infinite
world of everlaflingwofulncfTe. For let a carnall
man confider in a word his prodigious madneffein
this point.
fThata dejpe- He might not onely in this vale of teares bee
'^ileshhnfei/ef foffcd with a peacefuU hearr,which is an incom-
parable precioufneffefurpalling all created under-
ftandings: For I dare fay this, I know it to be true:
One little glimpfeofHeaven {bed fometimes into
the heart of a fandificd man, by the faving illumi-
nation of the comforting Spirit, whereby he fees
andfeelcs, thatindefpightoftherage ofDivels,
and malice of men $ lecfinnc and death, the grave
A SERMON.' 241
and hell do their worft,his fouk is moft certainely
bound by the hand of Go p in the bundle of the li-
ving,and that he fhall hereafter everlaftingly inha-
bitc the joyes of eternity : I fay this one conceit
being the immediate certificatoftheSpirit of truth
doth infinitly more refreili his affeflions.-and aflPedl
his heart with more true fweetncfTe and taftefull
pleafure,then all carnall dclighcsjand fenfuali deli-
caciecanpoifibly produce, though they were as
exquifite and numberlc{re,as nature, art, and plea-
fure it felfc could devifcjand to be enjoyed fecure-
ly as long as the world lafts. Befides this heaven
upon earth, and glorious happinefTe even in this
world, he mi^ht hereafter goein arme with An-
gelsjfit downc by the fide of theblefTed Trinity a-
mongft Saints and Angels,and all the truly worthy
menthat ever lived, with the high^ft perfe(5^ion of
blifTcendiefre peace5and blefTed immortality : all
the )oyes, all the glory, all the blifle, which lies
within the compafle of heaven, fliould be powrcd
upon him cverlaftingly.-and yet for all this he doth
not only in a fpirituall phrenfiedefperatly deprive
himfelfejand trample under foot this heaven upon
earth, and that joy full reft in heaven, world with-
out end:but alfo throwes himfelfe into a hell of ill
confcience here,and hereafter into that hell of Di-
vels ,which isa place of flames,and perpetuall dark-
neffcwhere there is torment without end, and paft
The day will come, and the Lord knowes yj^ ^^^g ^j- ^^^
how foonc, when he will.clearely fee and ac- fperatefinnen,
knowledge with horrible anguifli of heart, his
R ftrange
ftrange anddefperatemadncflc. SceWifei.$,2,(!rr^
For after the moment of a few miferable pleafures
in this life be ended, he is prefently plunged into
the fieiie lake ; and ere he be aware, the pit of de-
ft rudionfhiitteth upon him evcrlaftingly : and if
fie^f foments oncc he find himfelfe in hcll,he knowesthere is no
stu ejie. Redemption out ofthat Infernal] pit; then would
he think himfelfe happie,ifhe were tofufFerthofe
bitter and intolerable torments no moc thoufands
ofyeares,thcnthere are fands on the Sea-(horc,
hairs on his head, ftarres in Heaven, grafle piles
on the ground,and creatures both in Fleaven and
earthiforjhe would ftill comfort himfelfe at Icaflr
with this thoughtjthat once his miferie would have
an end ; but alas,this word, ^^ever, doth ever burfl:
his heart with unexprelTible forrow, when he
thinks upon it:, for, after an hundred thoufand of
millions of yeeres there fuffered, he bath as far to
fufFer,as he had at the firft day of his entrance into
thofeendleffe torments: now let a man confider,
if he fhould lie in an extreme fit of the ftone ; or a
woman, if fhe fiiould be afBide d with the grievous
torture ofchild -bed but one nighty though they
lie upon the foftcft beds, have their friends about
them to comfort them, Phyfitionsto cure them,
all needfull things minift red unto them to afTwage
their paine y yet how tedious,painfull,and weari-
forac would even one night feeme unto them^
how would they turne and toifethemfelves from
fide to fide,tcUing the clock,counting every hourc
as it paffeth, which would feeme unto them a
whole day^ What is it thcn(think you)to lie in fire
andbrimftone> inflamed with the unquenchable
wrath of G o d world without end i Where they
fhall have nothing about them but darknellc and
difcomfort,yellings and gnafhing of teeth: their
companions in prophanenefle and-v^nity to ban
and cuvfc themrthe damned fiends of he! to fcourgc
them and torment them : defpaire and the worme
that never dies,to ktA upon them with cverlafting
If carnall wretches be fo defperate, as wilfully fTc oug^ to he
to fpill the bloud of their own foulcs.-let us fet light r^g^^^ fJS^
by the life ofour bodies ,if the cruelry of the times
call for it^ for the honour of the Saviour of our
Let me give one inftance of dangerous fnares Me^fapnm
wherinfuchasthefeare ordinarily entangled and hardy left.
holdenfaft,from which inferiours are for the moft
part free. Let us comcintoatowneorcountrey-
village, and we fliall find all the reft not fo exorbi-
cantjbut cnterinto the Noblemans, Gentlemans>
or Knights houfe, ( if there be any there ) there
fhall wee find a ncft of ncw-fangl'd fafliionifts ;
naked breafts^and naked armes, likebedlams/aith
that excellent and learned Gentleman, in his Oyle pa,,!©^.
ofScorpions, Buflies of vanity in the one fex,which
they will nor part with (faith c^/4r^«/7) untill the
Devill put a candle into the biiih : and cut haire in
the other,ftirsagainft the Ordinance of G o D,and
nature in both: & many other fuch d^ormed^loth-
fome and prodigious fafhions, cenfured by that
ftinging and flaming place againft fafliion-mon- .
gers,2'4f^.i.8.And thefe are the more pernicious,
R 2 be-
becaufe it were many times more eafie for us of the
Miniftery(I fpeakeout of fome experience) to un-
dercakeby Gods h\c{\ing{c £ter/.< par fi>f^, as they
fiy)rhe driving of an impure wretched drunkard,
from his beaftly and fwinidi fin, which would be a
very hard taske, then to draw fuch as delight in,
and dote upon thefe miferable fooleries, from the
abhorred vanity of ftrange fafhions : nay, and
though fometimes they would be thought to look
towards religion.
And thus I have done with the reafons peculiar
to every fcverall fort of greatnefTc ; I now come to
thofe which are common to them all.
Great ones cne- j. All the great ones according to the flefh in
pfai.24,4. Jiny or tnele kmds; I lay, ye are alias yet deadly e-
Mat.5.8. nemies from the very heart-root to the profeflion
Heb.i a. I4- ^^^ pradifc of the holy men, without which ho-
linefiTc we cannot fqe Go D : you cannot indure to
Good Puritans be Called puritaus; much IcfTe to become fuch.-and
«Cf S'i«"cf i yet without purity, none lliall ever fee the face of
b K«, p>«c God with comfort.
^x^rr^rnt, ^ Miltakeme not. I meane L> h r i s t s ygM^oty
xX^IVt^tL Ch R I s T s puritans,and no other, » i^/^^.j.S.b lohn
Y>«i'<i> Aste'Miica I ^.11. and c 15,3.
up.i.pag.isi. Secondly, I meane onely fuch as BellarmimL^
intimates,when hecals King Jam e s puritan : for,
hefo calls him, faith D. Harkmt againfl Carrkr,
becaufe in tl^ firft bookeof his BafdiconDoron^ he
sffirmesjthat the religion proftfTedln Scotland was
grounded upon the plaine words of the Scripture :■
And againein his fecondbook, that the reforma-
tion of Religion in Scotland was extraordinarily
wrought by Go o.Gratious nnd holy fpeeches (as
you fee ) with men of the world arc puritanicall.
And ifa man fpeak but holilyjand name but refor-
mation. Scripture, confciencc, and fuch other
words which fting their carnal hearts,it is enough
to make a man a puritan.
Thirdly, Imeanetheveryfamcjofwhom Bi-
fhop Downam one of the greateft fchollars of cither
Kingdome, fpcaks thus in his Sermon at Spittle,
called {^hrahams Try all : And even in thefe ti?nes ^H- 1 ^^
(faith he) the godly live amongH fuch a generation of
rmn)(vs that ifa man doe but labour to keepeagcod con-
fcienceinany meafure^ ahhough he meddle not with
matters of St ate ^or Difcifline^or Ceremonies ,{^0^ for ex. ,
amfle^ifa tji^inificr dHigcntly Preach, or in his f rea-
ching feeke to profit rather then to pleafe, remerabring
thefaytng of the i^pofiky If I feeke to pleafe men
lam not the fervant of C h r i s t. Gal. 1. 10.
or ifa pri'vateChriftian make conference effwearing,
faniiifyingthe Sabbath J jrequenttng Sermons ^ or ah-
Hainingfrom the common corruptions of the time) hc^
jljallflraightway be condemned for a Puritan, andcoti-.
fequently be lejfefavouredthen either a carnall Goj^el^
ler^or a clofe P apiftj(jrc.
Fourthly, I meane none but thofe whom the
Communion-Bogke intends iotiiat paffage of the
prayer after Con^efCioniThat the rejt of our life here-
after ma'j be pure andhdy .
Now thefe come by their purity by preaching
theWord.Now faith Ch m s T,ye are x.t9^,?.*^cleane ^Z^cf^'^
by the Word which I have fpoken unto you, loh^
1 5. 3. The Word muft firftillighten^convincejand
R 5 caft
caft them downc : fo that out of fight of fin, and
fenfe of divine wrath, being weaiie, ficke, loft,
wounded, bruifed, broken-hearted, (thefe are
Scripture phrafes) and thereupon cafting their
eyes upon the amiablenelfejcxcellencic and fweer-
ncsofthe Lord ]e svs,andthe Al-fijfficiencieof
his blood to cure them, rcfolve to fell all, to con-
fcffe and forfake all rheir fins,not to leave an hoofe
behind: and then taking him offered by the hand
of G o D s free grace,as well for an Husband, Lord,
and King,to love,ferve,and obey him,as for a Sa-
VI ov Rto free them from hell. They put on with
the hand of faith the per fed puritie of his imputed
righteoufnefcattendcd ever with fome meafure of
inherent puritie, infufed by thefandifying Spirit,
and after entring the good way, their lives are ever
after pure and holy.
FuritansaU Thefe are Ch R i s T s KctU^oh and the Puritans I
meane. And thefe men of purity fome never meane
to be : nay,they heartily hate the very Image of
J E 8 V s Ck R I s T in them, they fpeakc fpirefully a-
gainftthem. D avid \v:is not onely the drunkards
fong , but thofe alfo that fate in the gate fpake a-
gainft him : they are your fr^nfcke/md matter of
your mirth 5 lamyotdr muficke, faith the Church in
the perfon o^Icremy^Lam^^.They w'ill many times
call upon a roguifli vagabond at your feafts ro fing
a fong againft them, whom they fliould rather fee
in the flockes 5 they are rranfported,and inwardly
boy le with farre more indignation and heart- rifing
againft their holincfre,purity3precife walking, and
all mcanes that lead tbercumo, though cnjoyned
waies hated'
upon paine of never feeing the face of Go d in glo-
rie: thenmore fimple,poorer, and meaner men, Heb.12.r4.
and that's a reafon ihey ftkke fafter in the Divels Matif.^'a!'
clutches then they , and that few of them are called, lohn J j,
converted,and faved,according to my Text. Eph j .1 r .
Secondly, ye that are thus the worlds favou- iroruymfe
rites,are verie loth to become fooles s and there- '^^'>'/«"^^*
fore in the meane time lie iockt full faft in the Di-
vels bands, and cannot cfcape except ye be fuch. I
fpeakeaverie difpleafing thing to worldly- wife
men, but they are the verie words and wifdomeof
the Spirit of GoDyiCor*-^.iS, Let no man deceive
himfelfe : ifanj wan among y ou feemeth to be tvifk^
in this rvorld^ let him become a fooU, that he may bez^
Let no man deceive himfelfe; fuch caveats as l^pl^^^kd/
this are wont to bee premifed when men out of
their carnall conceipts are peremptorietothe con-
trarie,and would venture their falvation (as they
fay) that it is not fo. Sec Ephef^.e. iCcr.6,g.
<j^/4^5,2. And did not moft of your hearts rifea-
gainft thefe words of mine ( you mufl: become
fooles, or never be faved) untilll brought Scrip-
Give me here leaved pray you) to intimate in a ^ ^^^ j.,^^^
fewinftances the meaning of the place, and the d^ut^be^m
truth of your falfe and fclfc»couzening hearts in
obnoxioufneffe to the point. Suppofe a mcflfenger
of Go D {hould dcale faithfully with you, and tell
youjthat upon the Lords Day you muft not fervc
your fclvcs^and your owne turnes, in idlencfTctra-
vailing, fports, gaming : in any earthly bufineffe,
iR 4 01
or mif-imployment whatfoever : but fpend that
whole blefTed Daie,wholly andonely in fpirituall
refre(liing,hcavenly bufineiTesjdivine worfhip and
holy duties : in meditation upon the creatures fpi-
ritually,upon the great worke of Redemption and
Refurrec^ion of C h r i s t: and upon tha-r everla-
fting reft above: ofall which the Chriftian Sab-
bath is a remembrancer unto us, in both publike
and private praier, reading, finging of Plalmes,
hearing Sermons, confcrcncc.e^^. and in rumina-
ting? and (as it were) chewing the cud upon Scrip-
ture points. I {zy-rttminatc {a^s it were) and chew the
cud: fov jit is the very phrafe of the Church oi Eng-
land in the Homily for reading Scrtpures, And
thofe reverend and godly men which compcfed
them, expreflfe the benefit thereof emphatically :
Thus run the words^ Let m ruminate (of the Scrip-
tures {c,^ that we may have thefweetjuyce^Jpir/tuall
effect, marrow jh^njy kernell^ tafie, comfort ^and con jO"
lati&n of tkem. I fay,fuppofe ye were thus preft,
would ye not prefently out of your worldly wife-
dome and impatiencie fo be fo fnafH'd at>to be tied
al the daie to fpiritual exercires,and reftraind from
ordinarie recreations,conceive of it,and crie out a-
gainft it as a puritanicall noveltie, and fooliili pre-
cifeneffe^ Becaufe you mention precifcnesandno-
veltiej couId(as I am wont,and to makeyou with-
out excufe) appeale unto, and implore the aid of
antiquitie,which will utterly take offfuch afperfi-
ons. And here (were it incident and feafonable) I
were able to procure Counccls and Fathers:,and o-
ther authorities concurrently to teftiiie and take
my ail
my part^that upontheLoR d sDayitvearetorecreate
cuyphes mly with (}irituAll delights : onely then to
plie divine bufinefres,and to do thofe things alone
which belong to ourfoules falvaticn. Heare their
owne words.
We ought upon that T>z.y^Solummodo [prnttuli-
htis gaudijs rcplcri. Concilium Parifienfe. {^nno
Tantumdi'vinis cultibm ferviamus. Auguft. de
Temp.Serm.2 5 i»5tf// divino cultui vacemm. Idem
£a^ tantufnfaciat qu£ ad amm£ falutcmfertinent,
Hieron.in Cap.56.ira.
Nay the whole Church of -E«f /Whath this 60
yeeres and above complied exaSly with antiqui-
tie in this point in the Horn, $f the f lace /tnd time of
frayer : Thefe are the words, G oD S people fietf/d
nfethe Sunda-^ holtly, and re si from their common and
daily hufnejfe: and alfo give themfelves wholly te hea-
venly exercifes of GODS true religion andfervicc^*
And yet for all this, you are fo wife in your owne
conceipts; ye will none of this faving folly, you
arc no fuch foolesjas after fo long libertie to fall ta
any fuch" ftri^ntife.
Secondly,fuppofeaMini{ierfhouldcouniellyou semont tok&
whenyou come home from thehoufe of G o D,to ^^^^^"^'^^ °"'
take your Bibles,and calbcth your wives and chil-
dren to the comparing together, and conferring
upon thefe thiiigs which were taught : That the
husband (lioukl cxad of the v/ife, and the wife ask
of the hufband thofe things that were there fpoken
3nd read,or at Icaft fomeofthemrThatyou fhould
fa this law to your felvcs to be kept inTiolably,
and not only to your felvcs,buc alfo to your wives
and children:that you would fpend that one whols
Day of the whole weekjWhcron you meet to heare
the Wordjin meditation of thofe things which are
delivered; I fay now in this cafe, your carnall wif-
dome would refolutely condemne fuch counfels,
as concrarie to the counfel ofgreathoufcs,as a way
to become a By-v/ord to the whole Countrie, and
as favouring too rankly of a foolifh ftricfbnefTe, and
needleffe (ingularicie. And yet this was /<?//W'e«^^'^r-
^^,wife,holyadvife above twelve hundred yeeres
ago:For in giving the counfell,! have butrendred
Chrjfojlome word for word in divcrfe places. Htf«;.
5 in Mat. In Efh.Serm. i o. Horn. % ,in Iom,B$m, 5 . ad
Famify duties of Thirdlyjf Preachers fhould prefTeyou to plant,
piety. and preferve Family Duties in your houfe. Prayer,
and reading Scriptures, evening and morning,
linging of Pfalmesjef ^.and you of grcateft meancs
may beft fpare time for fuch blefTed bufineffes.
Would not yourwifdomesthinke this more then
need: Andthatitwouldbea foolifii thing, and
much againft your profit, to rob your felves, and
fervantsoffomuch time from your worldly af-
faires^ And yet here] could produce foure or five
Fathers above a ihoufand yeares ago, preffing this
point^and pundluall for my purpofe. Befides j^m-
^r<?/^ quoted in myhookc fiftvMttg with Gtd,fAg, ^^ tcatius
e'jMcs^rcoihcrVaihctSfBaflfOrf^effjChryfiflomc^y cffe potent,
C^Uru/imc^. 1"am m teir^
'^ "^ . • tnpudium An-
gelorum imi-
tsrijtnox orto die aJ prccationcspropcnntem, bymnis & odis vcneran Creatoiem
8cc.B.tfi! Epi/^i. '
Doicns & admoncrs, atq.formara ofiendenSj& tunc filijs fiii'-, & tunc omnibus
nobis in pcrpetuum 5 ut confcftimdiluculoex nodis icqiue exfuroentcs ; nmeomnc
©pusjvel veiburtijante orane colloquium, vel convcntioncir., piimjtias lefurrcdionis
noikix Deo exhibeamas m (liiccris omtionibus, uq-, prccibiis, in matutinis deprecati*
onibuSjatq; gratiarum zCtiombusfir'gin lib. 1 ./« ljb.fol,7.
Ainenfa nonadUdiitn, fsdad depiecationem vcitamur, ne biiKis animantibiis
finaus inagis bruti, Novi foie muho<,quid3mnant ea,qu:E nunc dicuntur,veliiti qui
novam quandam & miram confuetudinem invcham concionandi 5. At eeo maeis
damnabopiavam cohfuetudincm, qua? nunc obtinuit. Ercnim quod poftcibum &
menfam non ad fomnum oportcat irc^nec ad eubile, fed oportcJt cibo pieces ac divi-
narum Scripturarnm Icdionem fuccedcic, maniftftiu? declaravit ipfe Chnftus qui
quuin immenfammultitudincm accepiffetconvivio in defcrto, non rtmifit jllos ad
leduin,autfomnam, fad ad audiendofcimonesdi vinos inYitavic.C/!rj/yo//.co«c.i«2?e'
Nccfoliim vobif fufficiar quod in EccleGa divinas leftioncs ^dits ; fed cjiam \r\
domibus vcftiis, nut ip(ilcgite,rut alios k rentes req^uiritej&libeatcrauditc,^a£iiyj=,
de Tem.Scrm 5 5 pag. 177'
Fourth Ivjf you were moved by til eMinifterie, ^ .. .
to reftore everie halre pcnnie tliat you have any ^
waies at any time got wrongfully or by any wic-
ked meanes,or that you dctaine unjuftly from any
man: And then cafting your ele backe and con-
fidering. How you are growre hdflily rich^ and by
what waies you are come to a great deale of
Wealth, fliouid find veiie foule wcrkes : would
you not force your fclves by a ftrong counter-plea
of carnall realon, not t© belecve the point, and
thinkcit extreame ni^idncfTe at the inftanc'e^ and
prating ofaprecife companion^ which undcrftands
not the world (for fo or in the hke manner would
you fpcake) to part perhaps with a good part of
youreftate^ Andyai^sfjufims Rule of above
^ twelve harrdfed yecres {landing, and confirmed
concurrently by all Divines to this day> is. That
JV(?;? telltturfeccatum nifireHittiatur ablatumi^^oxc-
ftitution, no remilHon. And ourowne Church tels
us in the fccond exhortation before the Commu-
nlon:Th:xt without read/ ftejfe to make refiitutiony and
fatisfatfionfor wrongs done, the Sacrament as often
as you come, doth nothwgclfc but increafe jour dam-
Thus might I pafTe through all the points of
Sandification, and pafTages of holy life : And all
the great men in the World, either in Learning,
Wealth, Nobility, or Wifcdome according tothc^
fleJJjy would paflfethefeccnfures upon them, and
cntertaine conceits ofthem proportionable to that
oiNicodemm about the New birih.They will not
become fooles in the Apoftles fenfe : And there-
fore they are foakt, and faft fettered in the gall of
bittcrnefle^and bond of iniquity 5 and that above
Gtzatmttan Thirdly, AUyegreatonesoftheworldin the
fouie-coufeners. fenfe ] have faid. As ye are very wife in your own
conceits,and it may be truly Co according to the flefh^
fo you are fclfe-conceited and foule-coufeners a-
bout your fpiriruall ftate. For you think e all bet-
ter then you, too precife, and all worfe then you
too prophanej and your felves onely to have hap-
pily hi: upon the golden meane, and pitch'd upon
that well tempered moderation in ReIigion,wber-
by you may enjoy temporall happineffe here, and
cternall hereafter. S leepe ma whole skime (as they
fay ) and with a good Conlcience : Live the life
ofpleafurcs, and dye the death of the righteous. ^
Whereas to be fo conceited, istheveiy comple-
ment and perfedion of folly : And the very fame
attempt as to make two parallel lines to meet. You
thinkc ye have a reach beyond the Moont : To
lieinfomefweetfinne, andyet to nourifli in your
felves fome hope of falvation. To have two two Heavens.
Heavens, one in this World, and another in the r^'^'^^r^^'eard of.
World to come, which was never heard of: to
wearetwoCrownesof joyes; whereas Je s v s
Christ himfelf had the firft of thornes. But alas I
Beloved, ifyoubefaved in this condition, you
muft have a new. Scripture, and there muft be
found our another way to Heaven,than any of the
Saints ever went fince the Creation, or ihall do to
thcend of the World. Andrherforewemay fay
of you, as ^rttilian fome where of fome deluded
with an over-weening conceit of themfelves. That
they might have frooved excellent Scholkrs if they
had not hecne foprfwa^ed already /So if you did not
thinkefalfly, your felves fafe already, you might
be faved. But while you thus hugge the golden
dreameofyour miftaken ftates to G o D-wardlikc
the Pharifeesj the very Pttblicans and Harlots Jhall
goe into the Kivgdome of Heaven before jou^tJiL at. 2 1 .
Fourthly, you that are great in the world in the no7pmer{uU '^
foure fore-named refpcds,and meant in the Text; preacUng.
cannot poffibly downe with, and digeft downe-
right dealing, and thefeoUfhne(feoffreAching,2S it is
called, Verje 21. And that "utterly undoes you.
You like well enough, nay and much approve,and
applaud fuch Sermons as King Ja m e s cenfureSj in
the redforis fifhis direciiens for f reaching, &c,vjh\ch
he there cals a lighrjafFci^cdjand unprofitable kind
of preaching,which hath beene of lareyears( faith
he)takcnup in Court5Univerfity5Citie3and Coun-
crie, whereby the people are filled only with
tiirie fiouri{hment,&c. and I warrant you,not efpe-
cially hating to be reformed or dlfquieted, for
thefearenot wont to difcovcryour confcienccs,
nordifturbyouinyour prefent courfcs, they ne-
ver terrifie you with any fore-thought ofthe cvill
day, neither torment you before the time;but now
let a man come with thefoolijhnefcofpreachingy by
which it pleafed God (faith the ApoftIe)/<?^i/c-»
themthat bekevcj, witlidemonftration of the Spi-
rit, and of power, and come home to the confci-
ence.'if he fuffer not Satan to revell in the blood of
yourfoules without refi (lance, nor fee you poft
furioufly towards eternall fire, but will tell you
that the pit of hell is a little before you; In a word,
if he take the right courfe to convert you, and (hew
you therefore onely your fpirituall miferie, that
you may be fitted for mercie,c^^. O fuch a fellow
is a dangerous man, a terrible and intolerable
Teacher, able to drive men to diftradion, dc(.
paire, felfe deftrudion s hee breaths ouc nothing
but damnation, and his fearching Sermons are as
fcorching as the very flames of hell ! Fit phrafes
for the Divell himfelfe, railing in a drunkard, or
fcoffing//^w<if/againftfaithfulneffein preaching 5
and if you know where or when fuch men preach,
(and It may be you entcreaine fome intelligence
forthatpurpofeto prevent the torture) you will
^ not, you dare not hearethcm for your hearts, ex-
cept you cannot decline it for ftarke fhamej or for
atimeortwotofatisfieyourcuriofi ies: but as S. .
Paul faithjyou become their enemies>becaufethey
tell you the truth.to which truth not to have lifte-
nedinthis day of your vifitation, will hereafter
(when it is too late) torment yoamore then tenne
thoufand fierie Scorpions ftings, and gnaw upon
your confcienccs with unknowne and everlafting
horrour.Alas!Beloved,whatmeanc you^You wil
give your Phyfitiafl leave totel you the diftempers
ofyourbody : the Lawyer to difcovcr unto you
any flaw in your deeds : your horfe-keeper to tell
you the furfets of your horfes: nay, your huntfman
thefurrancesofyourdogs.'andfliall onely the Mi-
nifter of G o d not tell you that your foules are blee-
ding to eternall deaths Prepoftcrous and prodigi-
ous incongtuitie !
Ifit be thus then, that ofall the feverall forts of ^^
great men mentioned bcfore(by reafon that they oigat 'ones to
arebefct with fuch varierie of fnares, entangled in finve the more
fo many temptations, fo much taken up by the >'* **<»'v«m-
world,and for other reafons rendrcd alreadie) vc-
lie few are called, converted and faved^my coun-
fellinaword unto all fuch, is C h r i s t s own
word, Luke 1 3 .24. Strfve to enter in at thefiraitc^
^4r^,laie violent hands upon flcfh and bloud,ftran-
gleyourlufts, contend and *wraftle as for the * Ay^vin^,
fearland in the Olympian games, to which the
word fccmes to allude, become fooles in the
• worlds
255 A SERMON^ ^
worlds ccnfure,that you may be wife in the myfte^
ry of C H R I s T ,be little & vile in your own eftcem,
that you may bee great and gracious in the eyes
of Go D. In a wordjfubmit yourfoulesto thefword
of the Spiiic,and fooliflinelTe of preaching, (as the
Apoftlecalsit)that you may be wrought upon fa-
viugly^and brought into the gocdrvay, and that by
fuch works and waies as thefe.
tltifhZl ]t7o Upon which before I enter, give me leave to
good tiu Gods give you an account, why at this time I labour ra-
ivord hjndeiy therto worke upony our confciences for your per-
woriison t em. (-qq^ij converfion,tnan as heretofore to tender un-
to you counfcis and confiderations for a more
confcionablc deportment in your feverall publike
places. When I well weighed with my feife,the
truth of that principle and pofition in Hooker, That
it is mfecttliar conceip, but a matter of found ccnfc'
qnence^ that all duties are by fo much the better pr for-
medy by how much the men are more religion, from
rvhofe abilities the fame proceed: And finding by ex-
perienceof all ages, and moft of all in thefe worft
and woefull times, that men of publike imploy-
ment and in high places,untill there be infufed into
their foules by the Spirit of grace an internall fu-
pcrnaturall principle and divine habit to work by,
untill aliquidCvi r i s t i (as they fay) be planted in
them by the power of the Miniftery, they cannot
poflibly bee univerfally thorow, and unfhaken.
Some flrong affedion, feare, favour, or fome
thing, will make them flie out and failc in fome
particular very fowly. Upon exrraordinarie
temptation ihey will fervc the times, and their
m, own
own turnes:for,a!as!as yet their fpirits are not ftccled
with that heavenly edge,and mighty vigour,as to fee
rot to be ovei flowen with it. I fay upon this ground
Ihaveadvifedlychofenro alTay and follow this way
at this time:for,if once you turne on the Lords fide
in truth,y Gu are won for ever to an invincible conftan-
cie,and confcionablenes in an uniforme^regiilar, and
religious difchargc of your publike dutiesrand wil e-
vcr holdfaft without partialitie5Cowardlines>or feare
of mans face,that brave and noble refolution, Vtfat
juflitia/uAt ccelumMi heaven and earth be blundered
together with horrible confufionjbefore I make fliip-
wrackof a good confcience,orbe any waies drawn to
do bafcly. Being incorporated into the reck of .eter-
nitie Jesvs Christ blefifed for ever, you will ftand
(like unmoveable rocks) againft the corruptions of
the times,and ail ungodly oppofitions;and never be-
fore. For in the meane time (fay Minifters what they
will) you v;ill not be moved 5 but you heareour difc
CQurfes of a faithfull difcharge of your places, as ye
would heare a very lovely fong of one that hath a
pleafant voice; they leave no more imprelHon upon
your confciences, than a fwcet leffon upon the Lute
in the eare^when it is endedj for,then both the vocal I
and inftrumentall fweetnesdifTolve into the aire, and
vanifhinto nothing; Itis too truly fo with our Ser-
mons upon your foules,Heare your charader in Gods
ownewords unto the Prophet, They comemtothee,as e*<^^'33«3t.
the people commeth^andtheyfit before me as ?nypc0ple,and^^
they heare thy words ^ but they will not do them 5 for with '
their mouth they jhew much love, but their heart goeth af-
ter their covetoufneffe : andloey tho^t art unto them, as
a very lively fong of one that h ath afkafant vorce,^ can
fUy well on An inUrument: for they hcarethy rvcrdsy hut
Deut I they do them not. Let us lift up our voices never To high,
' ' ^* orcrie never fo lowd: and rell Judges,Ti^4f they ought
not to be afraidofthefacecfman^for the judgement is
Go D s: that in judgemenr/Z'^j' ?nufl mitherrefpechhe
Lcvit.i 9. 1 5. ^erfon ofthefoore^dor honour the -per fin of the mighty • chat
they fhould nor onely hold their hands from grofic
Lanquet.chron* bribes with Epammondas, \vho{^s the ftory tels us)re-
J9/.J7. * ' fufed great prefentsfenc unto him, although he was
pfal poore/ay ing ,7/7^^ th^ng were good, he would do it with-
Pag*i4*4. out any bribe.,hecaHfigood:Jfnot honefljoe wouldttot do it
Bribery extendi for al thegoods in the fvorld,h\.\t they muft alfo be ofAu-
toaff0 tons, j^^^^ judgement ,that not only monie, gold and filver
or prefenrs(asthey call them) are bribes,but the guilt
of bribery alfo may be juftly imputed,evento any ex-
orbitant affection, which fwaies a man afide from an
ioipartial execution of juftice ; as love, feare, hatred,
anger, pufanimitic, worldlines, dcfirc of praife & ap-
plaufcjwhich isAufiins inflace.&c.Thatthey beware
of bringing morebloud upon the Law by fparing the
Num.3533, fpiilcrofbloud. For hlood'JakhGoD)itdefleththe
land dr the land cannot be clean fed of thehlood that isfhed
therinibut by the bloodofhim that jhed it :\\\2.i they muft
not look upo the caufes which come before them on-
ly through the fpedtacles of a favourite, &c. and tel ju-
ftices of Peace,that they muft be true hearted patri-
ots, and not fcrvers of rhemfelves, and their ownc
turnes: that they muft be ferioils, reall,and gravejnon
only formall 5 not cyphers,not unnobly light in their
behaviour on the Bench : that they muft ever aime at
the publike good, and never at their owne particular
^nd private cnds.chatthcy fhould difdainc & fcornat
any time to combine ladioufly,or for a petty bribe to
uphold a rotten caufe, a peftilcnt ale-houfe, or lewd
companion; and ever joyne \vi h an unanimous mag-
narimitie to honourGo d3<&: do their countriegood.
And tell the Lawyers,that z/'d)' fbeuU not make hafi Lawyers faults
tdberichSox^o (2x1X1 Salomon jthcy JJiall net Be innoccHti ^^^'^ '^°'
nor fwallow down gold toogrcedily,leaft it turnc to
gr .veil and the gall ofafpswirhinthem; and they be
enforced to vomit up the riches(as/?^ fpeakeih) they job.io. i j .
lave heaped together fo haftily, either by rcmorfe &
rcilitution in the mean time^or with defpaire and im-
penitv Hi: horrour hereafcenthat to oppofe & wrangle *
againftagood caufe, or undertake the defence of a
bad^areboth equally moft unworthy the very moral
vertue of an honcft Heathen^ that they muft not learn
- to fpin out the caufes of their Clients from Termc to
Termejand wire-draw their fuits untill they be utter-
ly undone; that they fhould not now be taking inftru-
dtions from their clients, when they fhould them-
fclvcshere in the houfe of Go d be inftru^ed to the *
kingdome of heaven;had they this morning received
a meffagcfrom the Almighty, that at nightthcy fliould
appeare before that high & everlafting ludgeto give
an account for all things done in the flefh; if they be
not Atheifts or Papifts, O with what eagerneffe and
violence would they have attended, addreft,and ap-
plied themielves r o the prefent opportunitie! & liitle
do we know what the evening may bring forth. For,
aflure your felves, there is no manfoafluredofhis
richesjor life, but that he may be deprived of one or
both the very next day or hourc to come. y^^^^^ y^„;^^,^
And tell the jurors ai^d lworn-mcn,tha: they fliould
rather die then draw the bloud of any mans lifc,livc^
S 2 lihood
lihood^or good name upon their own confciences^ci-
ther by acquitting the guiky, or hurraying the inno-
cent. H§re(had I tiine)I would intimate unto you a
myfticall, but tnifchievo'is packing fonecimes in
choice of jury-men. I have kcn{ I fpeak of that which
was long{ince,and at a Seflfio is)romc of the choiceft
drunkards in aCountrie chofen for thac fervice.Now
is it not a pirifall thing that Country bufineffes fhould
be put into the hands of fuch as labour induftrioufly,
' and with equall cunning,to plague an honeft man^and
deliver a drunkard.
on whom the J ("^y ^q^^ ^i\ ^his while, we thus difcourfe unto
pmrfur" yoUjcarneftly endeavouringjand with a thirfty dcfire
to doc you good, and dire(^ you aright, and by a di-
vine rule in the feverall duties proper to your places,
we do but plow in the rea,and fovv in the ayreCas they
fay)excepttheimmortalireedoftheWord hath firft
moulded you anew,and ye be brought hj tkfooUfj)-
nes cf preaching out of the wax m SunintoGoDs blef-
fing,and from the fools paradifc of worldly wifdome
into the holy path of fincere profeilours, and there-
upon prize and preferre the peace of a good confci-
cnce before all the gold in the Weft,and preferments
inthe world 5 which bleflfcd change from nature to
grace, is wrought by fuch ftirrings of the foule, and
foot-ftepsofthefpiritasthefe; lend me, I befeech
you, (while J parfe along them)fomthing more than
ordinary attention.-for J know they wil fceme ftrange
things to all fuch great ones as are intended in rny
Text, and thofe who live at reft in their pofTeflfions,
and have nothing to vex them. The naturall ftoutnes
of their fpirits will difdaine and fcorne to ftoope to
fuch uncouth humiliauons, and this mighty change.
And the more they are men oftheworld, and wife
according to the fledijthe greater repugnancy and
reIu<5tationfliall they find in their affedions againfl
thefe fpirituail workings, which makes the point
good which was proved before. Bjl yet without
them in truth and cife<5t(l define not die meafure and
degree,Go d isa mod free agent) they can never
become either gratious mentor good Miigid rates.
They muft upon neceflity become fuch fooles, or
they can never be wife unto falvation.
1. If any of you then v/ould come out of Satans „ ^n ,
clutches mto the armes orC h r i s t ,he muit be ilhgh- wtbfin.
tencdjConvinced and caft down with fighr,fenre,and
trouble for (inne,as in my art of comforting afflided
confcienceslhave fliewed.
2. The point may teach us not to bee greedy of ^^ „gf ^..^^j^
greatnelTejnorhuntambirioufly after high roomes. ofgnatnej/i.
' 5. The point may ferve as a foveraigne antidote a- ^^^^ ^^^ ^j,
gainft all difconrent orfretting, when we fee men o^gainfi tie
the world carry al before the,&c.We may enta'tairi woMy.
an holy indignatio to fee folly fet in great excel! ecy,
fo many fervant^ on horfe-back,and Princes walking
as fer vants upon the ground . But I am prevented by
the time from profecuting thefe two latter Ufes. Let
me briefly fay two things more,and I have done. rh guilty to
I .The firft concerning what I have faidj have fpo- apply repmch^
ken much (as you have heard^my Text naturally and
diredly leading me therunto)of the truemiferieand
fpiriruall madnes of all great men in learning,wealth
nobiHty,wifdom according to the flefh.Leaft any be
unjuftly angry and miftake,or cauflcfly grumble and
gainfay,letme take up the words of the ancient holy
Father Sahimm about a thoufand ycares ago in ths.
- ■ S_3 _^ JU^c
like cafe.He having imparl liilly diicoveredthc hor-
rible impieties of the noble & rich men in thofc coi"-
rupttimeSjtels them by the way,and it is iriy jad: apo-
logy at this time./ ^<>«<>/( faith \\Q.)f}cakthusofany,^ut
ortiyfuch as know theje things to betnthemjcives. iftbtit
cOfikkncts bejree^ nothing that I f^y tends io their defba-
ragement anddifgrace: butifthq know themfelves to he
■ gmlty, let them know alfoy that they ar::n(itmj words hut
.their oxvne confitences which 'uexe them. A*d in another
place hus- Sith I/peake not theft tkngs ej all^ hut thofe
who arefach^none ofyott ought to he angry at .ill which fin,
dethnothimjelfto beotmoxtoti^-^leafl t her by hemakehim^
fel/efeeme,a^id be fufpe^c'dto be of the 'number of ihofe thai
are naught. Rather let jo many m being gudlle(je and truly
noble yAbhorre filch unworthy courfes , be angry with them
who disgrace the numc cf nobility by their bafc andw^eked
behaviour ': becauje although others he much worfe and
fcandaliz/dby them, y etc (feci ally they brnga gr-at d<^alg
ofpameand dtfhoKOur'4tfoa thoje rvho tire ofthef,menvble
ranker. Take notice by the ^ay,that by rhe Fathers
wordsjthofemenare much to'oblame,whogo about
CO dawb over the diforders.and fmo her upcbe fcan-
dalousexorbirancics of delinquents in their own pro-
feiHon, or to bee concurrents for their deliverance
from deferv'd fhame &pu' iHiment.To giveinffance
iai Minifftn in the higheft caliing: A Minifl^r which fals to drun-
tohee wfl/ fe kennesand alchoulc-hauntingjAiould rather be pub-
.ereiy^umjl^cL ji^ely (ham'd and ccnfurcd, than a fellow of an infe-
liour calling We do not honour the Miniftrieby ha-
ving our hads in helping out fuch,bur by difclaiming
and not owning themjwel may we by fo medling in.
currefufpicionofobnoxioufncfle: but never bring
credit to our fo holy a calling, I knew a Knight did
'' [pen^nce^
penance ztPaals-Cro (fey but at the fame time I heard
that many of his rankc in the City laboui'd to have .
him dif-knighted firft, before he fo pubhkely difgra-
ced their Order. Me thinks all well-minded fhould
be fo minded.
2. The other is to my Lords the Judges. My reve- 'Dutks of
rend and noble Lords, give me leave to clothe the ^U'k"'
thoughts of the Country in a word or two.We much
rejoyce in you,and bleite G o d for yoii,as men of tin-
gular & known integrity, fpecial friendsiothe Gof-
pellofjEsvs Chr I sT,and a great honour and hap-
pinclTe to thefe parts, and heartily pray that wemiy
hold you ftill : and therefore my intreaty unto your
Lordfhips is, that you would couragioufly advance
forward,and do like your felves,& nobly ftill.Draw
oiit your drcadfuU fwords againft the torrents of Be-
lial ,asl^4i//Vcalsthem,which even threaten a deluge;
andbeyourfclvcsas mighty torrcnf^, armed both
with juft and holy lawes,and the godly refoIu:ion of
your own noble fpirits,to beareback,and beat down
the common, crying^and r:iigning fins of our Coun-
try. In a word, be unto the opprefled& innocent as a
refuge from the ftorme, but as a terrible tempeft up-
on the face of every humane bead, and fon of Belial,
And O that you could help us,that Gods people ^if^fi -^^^
might not perifh fi-o/want of bread : is it not a pitiful! ^'^^^"'
thingjthat in fuch a deare yeare fpecially,it fhould be
almoft as hard a worke to get downe a wicked ale-
houfe,as to win Dunkerke ? That Maulfters fhould
fnatch(asitwere)the grainefrom the mouths of the
poor in the market placc,to uphold thefe hel-houfcs,
thefe nurcericsofthcDivell5thatMagiflrates fhould
be fo unmerciful], j^s neither for Go d s fake, nor the
2($4 A SERMON.
Kings fake, nor the poores fake,nor their owne foules
fake to take the utmoft penalties for blafphemies,alc-
'houfe-hauntingSjdrunkcnnefle and prophanations of
the Lords Day ^ And were it not an honourable
courfe,and worthy to have an univerfall contribution
over the Country to pull down fomething the excef-
five prizes in market-townes for the poorc therea-
bouts,during this extremity^ But I leave it to your
Lordfhips charitable wifdome to do the beft you can
poflibly;that the bloud ofthe poore this yeare be not
added to the already crying- fins ofthe kingdome,to
haflen Gods judgements upon us,and our long fince
defervedruine.Andinthemcanctimeyou need not
fearethe face ofthe proudeft DIvell, whether incar-
nate^or in his own fliape. For,while you thus advance
Gods glory,and truely honour the Kingjaffure your
felves,thc hearts, and tearcs,and prayers 'of all good
men (hall be for you, and yours fhall bee the
crowne and comfort 3 when all prophane-
nefle and prophane oppofites to the good
way^all the enemies ofGo D,and peft-
ilent packings and complotments
ofthe Divels agents againft
Gods people^ fliall be
buried in Hell.
« 'H O fi* O^ Ji <& JS)
where you (hall finds f» before the number
it coGccrnes the Meditations, and f before
. the number, is for the Funcrall Sermon.
Things above differ from thing! bilow, i j .
Account See Reckoning,
AdamsfaU made capaci/j/fmaU. 1 1 4.
Adfocatc Christ. If.
Benefiti thereof. Ibid,
AdmiieG 00% love to thee. 174.
Admonition private tveU talien. t ^| .
Adrancemcnis iU effeQi, 1 8 j .
Affablepefle WW/ feith gravity . 166.
AfFcflions corrupt defined. 218.
Ah-hdufei burtfuU. 265.
Al\ mufi die. 7 4-
Amhhionand covetoufiteffe compared 1^1
AwbitioDunfatiable. ztj.
Ambition abafe end of Uarnirg. 18 1,
Aoguini. ^ee Torment, a»^ Hdl.
Ai^Mvmcc of pardon to begotten. 90.
A fTu ra nee 0/ C H R I s T f begotten, fi%,
Atbanaftus haw fitted to croffcs. 54.
Attendants Religions, ley.
Bcatificall vifim. m 4.
Beatitude offnule in heaven. 141.
See Heaven, i'ce Glory.
Beauty efglorifisd bodies. 1*9.
Beauty vaine- mi 2.
Sefore- haadgtt grace.^.
Things Below raife mind above, x j.
Difference betwixt things below and 4h
hove. I J .
Things Below fdwe. s 8.
Thirgs Below T^ex. j 8.
r^cy cannot fat is fie nor helpe, 39.
r^cy exrc«<i nor /o eternity. 42.
Blood cafes require pitty. 154,
Boiy of C mi ST glorified. I2f.
Body Wij^e loath fome by death 8*.
Bodicsglorified, beautifuH, 1 25.
Bodicsgl9rified,iinmorta/I. JjOy .
Bodicfglorified but in one place at tnce. i j s"
Boi'icfglorie in heaven. 156.
Bodics^ropflT-^/flMirt fce^ifeTi. 13^.
Bodic! co/ewr i« heaven 136.
Bodktlivcly afpeQ in heaven. 13^.
Bodicsyaw^iry exceGencies inheaven. 136.
Bribcrie</erey?dJi/e. 1^4,155,258.
Bi-ightncfTc o/fcigbe/? fce^jt'cw. I 2 2.
Brightncflx »/Ch r istsg'orifiedbOify.ll^
BnghcnciTc ofg'orified Saints. 125.
Brightncflc of G o ds pre fence. 115.
Brigfitncfle horvjeene inheaven. 1 3 9.
Cains i&ir^ &f ^trf. 122.
Capacity yw*i^i^ Adams /a^. 1 141
Carnall /ot'c «j mariages, 48.
Carnallyo}'- ^o.
T Clian^c?
The Index.
Changes f« beexfttftd. z9.
Christ 99r Advocate, i f .
Ch r I » t s fee ondctmrning terrible t$ the
Ch Ri ( Ts glorified body, laj.
Cnv.iirs Strmms littlewovght onIt»ts.
Chrkts jforitftM prefcnce thele/i. / 3 9.
C hrift 1 a vA better antidotes then heathen, j i .
Ciiiyfoftonne homfittedtv crojfet. 5 f .
Churches i«y. i.
Comfort tube fought for futnre- ?o.
Covafom embittered by impattencjfy 36.
Comforts f» death. /, 8.
ConfcicBCC fcer »«rwe. 27.
Contentment, benefit of it. 7j,
Contiih defcribed. i6p,
Coireftion ^ God. »i.
Conxi^xotibainc tofoule. 1^9,
Covctoufnefle ho» pointed out. t^^.
CovctoufncflTc i/Hyi/idi/e. 130.
Covcroufneffc and ambition c»iopared~%it
Covctoufneflc cheelied, f ii»
Comagt Of ainfi death^ f^6.
Cicinon of mant m i.
Ci oflTcs (life-created, H- 4^-
CroScs fitted to Sainti, 54.
Crovwie of heaven, i ^9 .
Daraacds d»^i/&/ar negletfirfggrace, 104.
Day <f eviU provided againfl y^.
©ay ofrecf^oning negleifed, to .
Day of vrathy ii.
Day of grace iet not flip, \o6.
Dead /o ie nournedfor moderately, i S 1.
Dcai »o/ »o beprayedjor, f aS.
Death tal^et aUoftay, 74.
Death hir once, 81.
Dctihi terrort, 8 > ,ti.
Death «tfi(i£X the body loathfimCy S3.
Dea t h fa^c; not grace from thefouU, 8 j.
Death caAMor be avoided, f6.
Death »of to he feared^ fx 5.
Death notfimpfy deftred, f iB.
Death an immediate pajfage toChri/,/ 1 7
Therefore deftred, j 26.
Deatli /« be oft meditated on* f is*
In Death »Jb<»f (omfortt,fiB.
Death tvhat itjreethfrom, f^x.
t>caihof good Minijters to bee loomed,
VfetarifitfgfroM the jytt^efUiniJlertt
Dcfcnc not repentance, f 11.
Dchght J'K loy
Delight in heaven^ m j.
D'fpairc hov prevented, 17.
Defpifci « ofMiniflen who, 24,
Bilcord akfrom impieta, 10 j.
DifiolmioD of vorldhitp fhewedyii,
Drjomc at lafi day terrible^ 9 a.
Douhts rejolved in heaven, 1 44.
Dti^onmfceHtoutofthepitt 19a.
tanh]ymindednejfe,^6. .
Earthly and heave{y delights hoyv dijfery'it.
Icclcfiafticall UvtngsimeU di^ofed, i6«.
Education ivorfi oj befl borne , z 1 5,
EVics patience, 34.
Encouragcmeni how given to othert ,19.
Engtaod endures much for the Go^eU, ip a
Ertortrefolved inheaven, 144.
Evi!l day provided againfl , 4.
Jn Evill /^fl)* »o btlpe in the world, 3^,
'Eyesglorified impaffihle, ijp.
Example of great onti, 1 74.
Faith not weSdtfcerned, c 3.
Faith ma)/ bee f^norpne in birth andgro»tt^
Faith mixedwitbfeares^66^
Faith carefully l^ept iy beltevers, 67.
Faith to/ft /rwVr, 68.
Faith /fcott^t wcaj^ iAri/rw/rf,^9.
Faith highly pri^eth things beleevtdj 6p.
The Index,
Uithttrnf^rsry hnffane itgteti. 70.
Faith tcmfrao invhat tt fines jhort, 7 » •
Faitbjtf «f */«»*««« a/"CHRiiT,/3 z.
YzXUfnuui, Ml.
Families pwn* ^ifed,i9^-
Family duties •ffi9ty,%'i<s.
Fathers te/^imMtes r»by produced, 147-
Favouit tfMenimw iruiiiege, 7.
Fafhionswew, hardfylejt, 14?.
Fault! «af r* fcc fmothered, i s 8.
IitcefheMwarfethenayf otUr, 100.
Flattery <ftfrJg"Wf, 189.
FurniturewJfi> Cod fupcUnf 3 f i.
FuncralUemwf/fwitfW^i ' T9-
Future «»»f<wr to be fought, j o.
Future efJiOf^ (5«>» they wtai;^en.tbe ^int,^^.
Gentry. 5^^^ Nobility.
Glorified ioij^«/CH«rsT fco»*rrgiM if .
Glorified Sdiwff iw bnght:, 115.
Glorified i?»^/«JWWji>rr<8Z?, I5O.
Glorified e>cnwfd/;*/e, M 9.
Glory oj heaven vhy net revealed at juU,
G]o\y grcatefi intthit ^Uce, uj.
Glory ofhighefl heav$n, 117-
Glory tf heaven to be mditatedcrij 116.
Glory o/fce</rcJ i» AwfC", ^ 3 <5.
God hovf in a p'acCi M5'
God fcw» fee rorre^i fc«j ? i •
God fufficietitlyfurHiJIjethhis, fi-
CoD« <r<ire ofSaimpoflerityj^.
QoDs lave t0 thee t^he admired^ 174-
Gofpcllper/cf«fe«iw EngUnd, 19^.
GriccbejoTehand ufefuM^ 5.
GTiccwithUuIeindeaihj 8j.
Grace Tw^/c^cf^ worJ^jf <»>fgMi/& w ie^?. 1 04.
GxActietnQtJlipy i®^.
Grace o?2«(>' cfcaw^cffc »ww i'<'<*r^ 119.
Ciirityrpiih afai}UneJfe, 166.
Great o«ef muft firivefor heaven. 2 5 f .
Great on*x/w»/«-«^t^'^'"f ' ^ 5 -3 * 5 }•
6rcat owsfddtaitgAid, 171.1^^.
Great o«w fo be prayed f4r, 1 75.
6reat duatv many ajttr them , 174.
Great on«J bacl(ivardt9go$d, 177 t^l^.
Gre»t ones tilietaf^ffyi&f.
Gan-p^vdcr phtj 19}.
Heart cJbx^e^ ^ ^4ce Hf€^,tM9'
Heart ef Pharaoh hard, 22 1 ^a 13 .
Heart hardnednot mruedt it 1.
Heathens vertues to be obfervedy 49.
Heat he as not fmh antidotes as ChijtUw,
Health T^dwe, m ro.
H«aveM excellency umtt$rahley 1 1 r.
HcAvcn'gloiy ivhy not revealed tofuM, 1 1|.
HcaTCD Ughefi borpgloriOM, 117.
HcaTCQsrfcree, 1 1?.
Heavens I?/gfcey? excellency, 119.
Heaven bath many Inhahitantty ito.
}icivcm htghefi imraenfityyiii,
Hcarens wor/je, iiz.
Mctiyciiihrightnejfe, laz.
Hcavcns^/oryrok meditated My ii^«
Heavens m/er, 117.
Heaven »fca/- i^?M^ ojKs^^dont^ 1 27.
Heaven »fctf^ i^ind of inheritance 128.
Heavens crowwe, 128.
Heavens ^e/ig-^r, m^^,
Heaven<cxfc<5fc«_y, w 19.
Haa vcn a counteipoife to ambition, 429.
HeavcESft370, never heard of yi^^.
Heiver.ly treajure, 14.
Benefit thereof, 27.
Heavenly t(m' differ from earthly, $8,
Heavenly fcojfcf, 156.
Heavenly /citifJ, 141.
Heavenly /erufalem, ra 2,
H ell /o i?c avoided to the ttttermofiy 1 10,
HcWspaine ofloffct 95.
HcllsrffrffjeH?f,99 ,
Ue\]$ fire TCP srfe then a^y other, 100,
Hell torments the greutefl, 102,103.
Hcil torments moveall but madmtny i»4-
D z Hcl'
The Index.
Hell torments endle^Ci io6,z4».
Helhborrour. f 41.
Higheft.See Heaven.
Hoard o/> ^irituaSpro^ifton. 17.
High ^/(jcef ufedforgainc hurtfuffj 164.
Highp/dcef <»nger«;<i.l85.
Honour 'Foine, m if.
Honours hovtfruitUJfe.j. .
Humane learning hath difficulties. i^i,
Xehorah f [le trufted in three, inducements
thereto, Ibid.
Icrufalcmfccd'yc»/y, »» ^.
lewcs ///i/e »r(»«gfcr ^>' Chrifisfermons,
lllnmination /iipernaturalt to comprehend
heavenly glory. 1 1 4.
\tt\mcn(iij of heaven- tti.
Inamortality ofgUrifiedbodies 1 J o.
Immortality ojfoules. f lo.
Impatiency wor/e then any crojfe. 34.
Impatiency imbitters conrforts. }6.
Impious endures norpiom. 200
locoriuption ofglorifedbodits.i 3 1 .
Indufiryrn caUing. 1^4.
InhabitaRts»2a»}'7n<&e4ve;i. iso.
Inheritance »Z»<a^ in heaven. izS.
Invocation of Saints unlarofuU. f6o.
Jobs patience. I i.
loy of heaven nvhenee it arifeth, w» 7.
loy earthly and heavenly bow differ. i^i.
loy carnal. 60.
loycs infinite loofe not for vaniiy.^Z.
lu'dgemcnt lafi, terrible. 163.
Sec Lafi.
ludgcE their virtues, i jj.
Judges their duties. j6 3 ,
Kinodomeof heaven fet otit. IJ7.
K ngdomc of God. 1 17.
Knowledge of Saints in heaven, 1 4 « .
Knowledge ^owe another in fceavcrt. 144.
ff^fcar /iin^ o/Knowledge. 149.
Knovy ledge 0/ y4»gefy ^ heaven, i jo.
Knowledge «/GoD tHbeav^n. 1 50.
'L2& judgement terrible.Sy.
Laft dayes firiCl account. ig,
Laft idy dtfcovers aU fecrtts. 91.
Laft doomes terror. 9*.
h&viycts faults. 259.
Learning humane bath diffitutties.n^.
Learning abufed. 179.
Learnings /rue e»//.i8o«
Lifejiortncd a benefit./ 6.
Life her evaine, « 10.
Longings ojfou'e. 84.
Lords </i»y /o if l^ept confcionahly. 1 6a.
Lords day hare efteemed hy loforUlings.iQj.
Lords day hov to be (pent. 2 47.
Loofe not eternity for vanity. 9 8,
Loffc of^oods recompenced..7$.
Loflc /b fce/7. 9 5 .
'LofCcspublil^e to be laid to heart, i j 2,
Loflfc ofifpOTthy men aprefage.i 56.
Love carnall in mariages. 4 8,
Love of God to thee to be admired. 1 74,
Lucher bow fitted to crojfes. 5 7,
Mad tpho not moved ypith heMfire 104.
Mariagc undu'y undertal^en. 46.
Mariage carnaU. 4.6.
Mariagc immodeflly ufed.^t,
'Mux'ugt duties Kcg/efi^eJ.48,49.
Matches unmeete. 47.
Meditate onheavees glory. \x6.
Meditate on SeTmons.%^9.
Meditate oft on death. / 3 5.
Meditations againfi death 62.
Meditat.on onjoure laji things. 7^.
Mctaphorica'i^rc f» fccili?,rlf wor/f.io J.
\A iniftexs defarturtagreat lojfe. f <> 5,66,
l&'ira^exine^rleSedwfodt afi».2i,2^.
}A\ti\(ke\% to be encouraged, f 5.
'^MmWtngooi have many euemieSiioz,
Miadhts bad to be punijhed 262.
lAiaiReTspowerJuUmaligy:ed 194.
The Index,
MiBifter* efieem of theirfeoflesvelfare.fso
Minifters life propahlcf $ i.
Mini&iii convert fouUs. f5i'
Mini ftcis refiraine corwftions.f 54.
Miniflers»?«r/ijicrcZi^Mero/i»n./5 5.
Miaifl crs difcsverfecret finsfS 6.
Minifters revof-j men into the right >r<y.
Minifters iacreafe grace, f s 8.
M inifters/>rocMrc t/ej75»^./ S 8.
Miniftcis departure not lamented hy Many.
UiaiRciS povoerftiUhated by rnavy-f^^-
Winiftcrs »fcen /fccy «iJe f« ^e lamented f6z
Wxaificxs to be highly priied. f66.
MinxRexitobeprayedjarr. f 67.
U'xnxRenpaines to be regarded, f 6U
Minds earthly dangerom. 3«^.
Moitalityof man. 43.
Mortality jj/r/t>r leaven, f 9*
Mortall men not to be depended on. ff.
lAomnittg for 4ead moderate. i$z,
My&encsdeepe f^nowncrin heaven. 1 44.
"Nivne good for lojfe of goods. 80.
Negka hfgracereor\% angttifh in heM.iOj^,
New fafbiom hardly left. 14 j.
UohWity difiifiguifhed. 2.14.
Nobility y«rn»<2mrdi5f 114.
Nobility degenerate. 117.
"Cobles fubje£l to mavy temptations. ix8.
Opportunity to be takca. 14.
Oppofitionsfii^aJ»y? (orruptions.i 5 $,
Oiiiexihov encouraged. 19,
Paine ojh/e in heft. 9 «.
Pardon be ajfured of. 90.
Patience her benefits, jt.
Pjtienceo//afc. H-
'[>tncncc of 'David jj,
faticncc from fijort life, f i j.
Patrons iff, much hurt. 161.
Tharachshardheart. 221.
Peace »i/fc God tobel^pt. 61.
Vcopictvithout a Vafiyr gsjheepe.fi.
Pious wof endured by impioM. 200.20a.
place hQ» God in /Mi y.
Place but ene at once for gloriftd bodtM.
Places high dangerour I«y.
Plcafure unfatiable-it^.
VlcaCurtsof this life vainej mg.
Poflctity of Saints caredfor fyQoD> 79*
toxeticy of Saints in heaven. 13a.
VtziCcifalfe not to be given. 1 59^
Pray y\otfor the dead.f m.
Tray continually- f 3 1-
Pieachmgpomerfufftoielifaed, 16B,
Preaching much pandered. 196.
Preparatire. See Ptovifion.
Preparation. SeeProvifion,
VnvAieadraonitionveUtahytn. 1^3.
Profcflion iew^^Jcci. 18.
Profcffbrsjdrwd//. i^.
Prov ifion apainfi the evrS day. 4.
Prcvifion Tvhat fruit lejfe. 7.
ProvifioB rfhat mofi comjortable. 9.
Provifion {pirituaUto be hoarded.^?'
Prorifion again (l death, l^.
Provifion -with Qovfuficient. 51.
Provifion <zgd/M/? CHtilsrs fecoudtom-
mirg. 88.
Vv.h\\\iicloJfestobeldidtoleart. iji.
Purgatory re/«fe^-/ 18,12.
Puritans^oo</. 144
Puritans fcojp made. 24?.
Pufitansdiw<2yei hated. »4^.
Reckon mth tfyfelfe before hand.g*.
Reckoning to come not thought of. 20.
Reckoaing day terrible to tt>hom.z%,
Rcckoniwg at the laji dAyfiriff..S^.
T 3 Rcpent.inc?
Tht Index.
Jepcntaacc to be f^eedily renmei, / 1 j .
Repentance /MAj^e, I J tf.
*cftitution, 151.
^cRittttioatothe Church, 1^9.
Re ..
I^ichcsvjine, w 14.
R.ichesfc(»»>_^«i//e^j 7.
Riches c&t^^e rJ&e fTor*/, 1 84.
Rich men regard Mt Semens ^ 18 j.
Sabbath, j'ec Lords day.
Sacriledgc, 178.
Saints fittedfor tryaUi 54.
Saints potency in heaverty ij«.
Satlsfaftion «mc i« things below, 3 9.
Satan tahji foftines a^iinfi the Wri^i^j
Satan hu band in every fin, ti6,
SezCon for grace to be t alien, f 1.
SciConvfdoi/iggrace to be talien,f6^.
Seerets difcoveredat lafl day, 9 1 .
Security w quietneje dangerous, 4.
Sences bew exercifed in beaveng 140.
Szn^aall wifdome, zo8.
Senfualln'^dfff is, tcp.
Sermons to be meditated on, 249.
Sermons funeraH for the living, i^9»
Sermons felje /eel^ingf i8?.
Sermons not regarded by rich men, 185.
Sermons »/ C H r i s T wroaght little $n
leYveti »20.
Short life agroundofpafience,fi y.
Simonicall^mfi^i/ef , 161.
Sincerityj/ j6.
Smne in the befl on earth, f^a.
Sinners rclat deprived of, %o 4.
Sinners end f ear e full, 241.
Sotrowcsfxpeernedi i.
Soule infefieiwith corruption, 159.
Soiilenogoodby rvorldly things, 1 1.
Soule boypfatisfied, Ibid.
Soulc caries grace after death. 85.
Soulc/«ngr»gr, 84.
Soulcs Meditation, m 20.
Souks beatitude in heaven, 141,
Souks immortality, fto.,
Souks^eepe not, fxi.
Soules immediatly after death fie GoJ,fu.
Spirit not to be weal^eneJ, 44.
Spirit how 'wea\ened, 4 $.
S^irituall pro-vifion to be hoardeiup,\7,
Spirituall ejlate to be tried, 6 j.
Spirituslls 4 recompence 9f lojfe of tempo-
rals, 7S,
SpirjtualneiTc of Saints in heaven, ij}.
S\^zdLttisdeftre belpe /cfweare more,zif,
Temporary ^f/i&, 70,71.
Temporals lofi recompence Hfith ^iritu^
Teftimonies •/ fathers tphy produced, I ^7
Thstnkes for redemption, fS7.
Thoughts of future eviUwealien^irit,^^:
Torments ojbelt, 99.
Torroent in heUnot fogteat as Uffe,g^.
T oumtms none fo great at in heSf loz.
Totmcnts in hell endlejfkf 106,243,
Trcafurc ietf-ucw/K} *4'
Benefit thereof, 27.
Trials fitted to Saints f 54.
Truftiw Jehovah, 3.
Vaine-glory (hcc\ed, f io
Valuation of world, 4? .
Van:ty of all worldly thingf, lo.
Vanity of things below, J 3.
Vimty may loofeeternity, 98.
Vmitf.ofplca/ures,(^c m^.(^c,
VilianbeatificaU, m 4-
Voluptuoiilntfle unfatiable, 154.
See Plcafure.
yCuiy taxed, iSc.
VValke in the way to heaven rather then en-
qaire after the glory of it, 149.
Wuch [firituall, f J4.
Weaken not i^irit, 44.
The Index.
Weakcnet! hov the Ifirit 4 j.
Weaned be from thetvorld, 7^.
Wicked tremble at chrifts commirtfy S7.
Wicked onesfhaffnotbevitb Chrtfi^ /30.
Wife tvoTldlyjoilifih 247.
Wifdomc tvorldly AangnoHiiis^ '
Wifiome worldly divelijb , 191.
Wifdomc worldly in Satans right hand,
Wifdomc wwW/y U earthly, 105.
Wfdonac worldly /enftkiUjzei,
Woidiightly efieeoted, 176.
Word cheated ly riebti, 1 84.
Word why opfofed^ 1 97.
Word how tt ptdiicetl fcemert , 224,
Word makes dead morefiinJit, »24,a2^.
Word onwhomf«werjuM, ZQO,
Wodd vaine, ra iz.
World to he kl^^t off, 3 6.
World haw tob^vc^iiei,^^^.
World te weaKedj'rem, 7 5.
World wht leave be» rewivrded^ 7 y,
WerUsdtffolulknhttrJht-tred, 11.
Worldlings not to be en-vied. 1 7 <•
Worldlings how profound, lowjhafffiv,
Worldlings itfae no ^irttvaU l^MiPiedj^ey
Worldlings »/)i^f<7^4/;fy? thefTordi an.
Wotlilmgs iiel>end on ewnewtt, zii.
Worldlings mifcenjure true piety, 21 j,
Woildly /i'M|,x fame, j o.
Woildly /fciw^i Hotgoodto/oule, 1%.
Wor[d\y great nejfe, 171.
Worldly wi/dome danger Ota i 150.
Worldly wifdome divelijb, 1 » i .
Sre Wifdomc.
Wormc of confcitncej 17*
Wiat J) Jbctf^r^^ aguinft d«^ 0/wratIii 2 2.
The one in the time oftheShrevalty
of Sir Erafmus Dryden Baronet.
The other in the time of the Shrcvalty
of Sir Henery R$binfin Knight,
By R»krt Bolton Bachelourin Divinityjatc Miniftcr of
Broughton in Northampton-Jhirc,2nd fomctimcs
Fellow oiBrafen-nofe Collcdge in Oxford,
Printed by George tJiitHerdvfeWmg in the Black-
HE ancient Impcriall
La wes gave to an Oyer'-
feeroUWiUynotonly a
protection over /f, but
an Adionfor i^,in cafe
ofabufe. If I had not
had this intereft in theAi/?»;/7/of thisAuthor;
y ct as a ""Fidei Commijfaritis to hiai,and fpc^
ciallyintrufted by him for the publiSiing
thcfe two Apfe Sermons^ I durft not but
performethistrufttomy deare friend. I
ncedc notaffurcthei^^^i^r, that thcfe Ser-
A 2 mons
PM Aimmfii
Tutor. l.i.%.u
*Eft We cujiu
•vel reliGum
Ant.l^oherg. in
f^ocab, utriu/^
To the Reader^
monsarc irucly his owac, for whca hec
Ihallobferve hoy they arc cloathcd and
a^parrclled hee wHl quickly difcover who
w4s their Father. Bellies, there ace hua-
drcds^of people yet living who heard him
preach them, andean with race futficiently
atteftatethcit legitimation^ But I cannot
fay fo for fome other Sermons that are au-
dacioufly vented under his name.^ox I mufl;
fay, that i he /^jaft^ called ih^XarndJlProfef-
yir^printed for R^Da'^lman^xS^M none of
Mafter Bolton Sjneither ^oadmateriam^
nor quoad formatii, as they fay in Schoolcs.
I goe notabouj: to qiicftion it, or to draw
any partie into punifbment, and therefpre
Iwill not ventilate a queftion in the Ci'vill
l?Je^mtit, LoTHfyV/hctha'^A^iodedoIoydQrh not lie in
thtscafcil only note theinjurie and protefl;
In the former Workes of this Author
you may obfervehis Eloquence for God ;
in thisfor bis PnfJ^^ in vindicating the So-
veraigntie of Kings^zs the immediate Ordi-
nance o£Gq;1> againft thoTe proud ufurpa-
tions upon them by that Mj« a//»»£j>and
iniextaHing Pictie, whrcfe is then fee inthc
higheft place, whcn.it wifely rules and di -
reds in t^Qheans and ypayes oirighteoits Go-
I will fay no more of this Worke, nor of
the Workeman, for neither he nor it ftand in
need of my praife,ic onely contents me that
I have lived, to fee himliveagainejto per-
forme his iJpi//, to execute his frwiif commit-
tcd/rome^thoughit might have beene bet-
ter done by another if hee had fopleafedj
The law ofreafon and right pardons fomc
aberrations in the Worke where there is a
ncceflityofOe^/w^, and 1 doubt not but a
hying Reader will pcrforme this right to
mee, that am content thus to expofe my
felfe for his fake. From any other I exped it
not i it being a common humour with men
that live at ^^^^.tocenfure other men, as
toobuliethQU^ they workefor ihQ puhltkc^-y
of whom I may fay, as Erafmr^ fpake of ^rafm cou.ds
the Friersin his time, They aremore thea '" ''^'^"^^'
men at their meatc, and lefle then wo-
A 5 men
To the Reader.
men at their worke. And as 1 contemner
the flouts of the one , fo J c<n;et the
good will and defircs of the other.
Let mce enjoy this and I
have done. ,
Middle Temple^^
' ' ' ' - —
when the right eons are in authority the people rejoyce:
hut vpheH the wicked beareth rule, the people mourner.
VcnastheSunneinthe fpring by
his bcames and influence, doth
revive and quicken with new
beauty of life, as it were, things
hercbelow, makes the face of
the canh to flourifh afrefli and
fmilejthebirds to fill the aire
with much melodious fweetneffe, and fo propor-
tionably all other creatures in their fcvcrall kinds,
lying within the Sphere of his fpringing warmth,to
enlarge themfclves into exultations and mirth, fo
a good man graced with Authority, doth marvel-
loufly refrcfh all gracious hearts.
But as a bitter tempeftuous ftorme, doth with
itsunrpfiftableimpctuoufnefreand violence, beat
dowrie,and tcare, deface, and bruife : So a Shehna,
oxUaman, unworthily mounted on horfe-backe,
and haled by the cords of corruption, againft the
haire into fomc high place, undoes all by his do-
o^» i^fffeSermm.
mineering,faftens the bloody fangs of cruelty and
bare upon the face ofthcfairefe vertues ; an^,<vhkji
is an inexpiable villany, makesthc hearts of honcft
men to bjeed. And, tl^twhkhis meq^zUmir^
chiefe, fets the fonncs ofBelial on foot 5 and caufes
goodfellowes (astheycail them,) I mean e bre-
thren in iniquity jAlc-houfe hunters,drnn3(ards,and
fuch refufe and riffe raffe of the Divell, to lift up
their heads.
It is incredible to confider what a deale of hurt
is done, and mifchrcfc many times wrought in-
fenfibly and unobfervedly 5 when a wicked wit
and wide confcience welds the fword of Authori-
tie. For it iseafie to a man fo mounted, by Lcgall
{[eights, and pretence of deeper reach to com-
pafle his owne ends, either for promotion of ini-
quity, or oppreflion of innoccncy. For the lat-
ter 3 there is fomc truth in that Hyperbolicall
fpeech of a great t^^oraliB, Let any man frefent
■me, faith he, with the mo ft excellent and hUmeUftfLj
a5fion^ I wUloppofe it with fo mciom and bad inten-
tions-, all rvhf chpall carry a face of likelihood. W hat
may he-doe then, who bcfides the habituall malice
of his owne heart, and wit at will, hath power
and a pretended myfterie of government, to plague
a man w ith in this kind ^ Efpecially {ith he knowes
himfelfe backt with that principle in policy. // is
notfafe fo to reverfe iranfa^ions of State, though taifj-
ted perhaps with feme manifeft imprefions ofrmfcof'
fiAgeanderrmr. Woe therefore tothofeempoyfo-
nedftirrops, by which fo many fuch fervants rife
aloft and climbc fo high ; I jncanc bribery, fi-
*^n Afife Serwm.
inony, flattery, temporizing, bafe infinuations, and
fuch viicmeanes;ButI hope this Gangren of going
into offices. Benefices, and high roomes by cor-
ruption's not unhappily crept into this famous and
flourilliing State ; which if it ihould, it will eate fo
farre into the hearts and finevves of the State, that
no wit of man can forefce, into what bafenefTe and
degenerations this noble Kingdome would fall in
the next age : It would be the caufe that many
vines,olive-trees,and fig-trees fliould wither away
in obfcurity, and brambles brave it abroad in the
world,wallow and tumble themfelves in the plea-
fures, fplendour, and glory of the times. But \tt
fuch alone,this is their day : When they have blu-
ftered a while like mighty and boy fterous winds,
they breath out into naught. Their breath is in
their noftrils, flop but their nofe, and they are
dead. Their big words arc but as avainefoame,
&c. Ifthey be not humbled in their place, and re-
pent, and turnc the edge of their fword the right
way, there is a day comming upon them, wherein
they fhall eate the fruit of their owne way, and be
filled with their owne devices.
I have intimated now upon purpofejwhich way
I would go upon this latter part ofrhc vcrfc ; When
the wicked heare ride the people mcuyne : Becaufe
I fliall not be abk at this time to reach it with a full
difceurfe, Ircturnc to the fifft branch, wherein I
will reft.
when t^e righteous are in Authority, the people re-
joice. In thefe words vvc may behold Migiftracy,
Authority, Sovcraigi^ty, like a precious Diamond
B fct
t^n Apfe Strmm*
f^tin gold, I meane retting upon a righteous man,,
fparkling out, as its proper effcia, amiable, noble
,and fvvecccft affedion, that ever feaz'cl upon the
heart of man, joy, contentment, a pleafant Aveer-
ncfTcofmind. Markc therefore three points in the
propofition. Firft, Authority, SecondIy,its proper
fubjed, A righteous man, Thirdly, rejoycing, its
native and kindly effed.
Soveraignty is facred in it felfe; Authority
evcnabftraded,is orient and illuftrious. Aray,and
r<p»*efentation of that great Majcfty above.
It alfo ennobles thefubjed that receives it,witb
atemarkable fplcndour, and a kind of divine cha-
rader. 1 have laid you are gods, PfaL 2 8 . 5. That
is^firftjby Analogy, fecondly, Deputation5thirdJy,
Participation. For you well know that befides that
Imperiall Majefty, which is originally and indivi-
■dually inherent in the pcrfon of a Monarchical!
Soveraigne, there are alfb by derivation,or depu-
tation,fome markes and imprcffions of that prince-
ly endowment ftampt and fhiningin the i^c and
prefenceof every fubordinate Magiftrate, which
Hqu, makes them venerable, cfpecially thofe who give
life and vigour to the execution of their places,
with the noblenefTe of a free fpirit, and clearenefTe
of 2 good Conlcieficc.
Lattly,it ihining in its proper fubjedja righteous
man, the true Sunne of Soveraignty, it difpcls
fadnefTc of heart,in which all objeSs of lightfome-
ticfle fire drowned. The fpirit of a man is broken, as
Sdomen faith, Pf(?.i 5.13. As the beauty of a Pearle
is^iffolved invincgcr^^nd begets joy in a worWcf
i^n ■4f^fi Sermon,
people, which is one of the richeft and moft royall
donation,, which this wide world can afiford, nay
and that which makes the effecft more excellent^
this afFe(5tion of joy is by warrantable propriety,,
and true intereft, onely peculiar and proper to ho-
neti and holy hearts. This Jewell is onely for fuch
gracious and golden Cabinets. No wicked or un-
regenerace man hath any truecaufe at all to re-
joyce, laughjOr be meiry . I will make it plaine in
a word, even to the fcorner. Suppofe a great man
convicted and condemned for treafon, going to-
wards the place of execution, a mile off 5 let there
atablebefurniftied all along with variety of dain-
ties, let him tread upon violets, and rofes, cloth oi
Arras5cloth of gold,or what you will 5 allthe way,
let him be attended on both fides with moft exqin-
fite muficke, and honourable entcrtainements 5 doe
you thinke all this will make him laugh heartily,
carrying this in his heart,that he muft loofe his head
at the miles end ^ I trow not. As farre Icffe true
caufe haft thou to laugh, whofoeverthou art, that
goeft on impenitently in thy finncs^ in fwearing,
drunkenneife, bribery, covetoufnefTe, pride, icor-
ning godlinelTcorany other way ofdeath,as3tem-
porall death is eafier thenendleffe torments, for he
is but going to loofe his head, and thou art going
towards hcil.
Now then IcoUedt in the firft place this Do-
Dod. Gcvervment is agocdly thing, J)o0,
I conclude it thus out of the Text by good con-
fequcncc. Whatfocvcr is illuftrious in it felfe,
B 2 en-
i^n Apfe Sermon,
ennobles the fubjedt wherein it re{ides,and is atten-
ded with fuchan excellent eflfcd, '.is a noble, glori-
ous and goodly thing. But Soveraignty50r Autho-
rity exercifed (forfowefindcitinthe Text, and
therefore I call it government) is fuch and fo,
therefore it is a goodly thing: my Dodrineisihe
conclufionofaCategoricall Syllogifine, wherein
See Ratvleigh
page I ^ I.
Sec whites
Sermon at
Pauls Croffe,
page 18,
^ See Moulines
book of Faith,
SceUim alfo
upon Pfal. 1x4
fomething in the Text is the medium-^ therefore
foundly colle(fted.
I proceed to the Reafors.
Firft reafon ; U receives the prime honour, and
excellency from Gods owne infticution. Bymee
Kings raignet and Princes decree luflice ; By mez^
Princes rule and Nobles ^ even all the Judges of the^
earth. Pro.S.i5,i5. ThereisnofowerhutofGo d.
The powers that be are ordained of G o DfRom,i^,i,
"*■ Sothatitis Gods royall, and goodly creature.
And if it were vifibleto our bodily eyes, it would
farreout-fliinethefaircft, and moft gliftering Im-
perial! Crowne, that ever fate upon any C£fars
head. It is fo foveraigne, and certainely from
G o D., that in cafe of Antinomy, that is, when
Authority countermands where God hath com-
manded; we mufl refufethe will,but ftill reverence
the power of alawfuU M^^giftrate.
Ifthefword ofSovcraignty, the exercife, and
execution ofpower be bent againft G o D,wemun:
lay hold upon the Apoftles principle : Whether it be
right in the fight of G o n to obey you rather then
•G o i9^judge yee. And good reafon, G o d is a
Creator, man a creature,andin his hands arc onely
life and death : but in G d s , Heaven and Hell.
Kyln Afife Sermon.
Benveene the Creator and creature there is no
proportion, no comparifon. Phylofophy tells us,
thatbetweene fomethingand nothing there is an
infinite diftance, the two ends, (if I might fpeake
ofinfinite things,) of which immeafurable diftance
can never be brought together, but by an infinite
being. Nothing can produce fonriething of no-
thing, but an Almighty nature. And therefore as
there is an infinite diftance betweene fomething
and nothing, fo there mufc alfoneedsbcan immea-
furable difproportion betweene the Crea-
ting power, and that fomething created of no-
thing. And fo by confequence the excellency,
power, bindingneffeand Sovcraignty of the Crea-
tors Law niufl: needs furpaffe and tranfcend above
all degrees of comparifon, and meafure of propor-
tion that of the creatures.
You that are converfant in all p.irts of divine 2.
learning, and all thofe that are employed in the in-
comparable worke of the Miniftery, ought to en-
deavour thereafter. For Minifters had never more
need of learning then at this day 5 confidering with
what variety and ft rength the truth of Go d isop-
pofed onall fides, by Atheifme, by Popery, thas
Hydra of all herefics, and other braincleflc exoibi-
tancies about matters of Religion. I fay thofe that
looke into Cafuifts and Schoole Divines, know
how many degrees and kinds of lawcs they make*
Firft, There is the Law eternal!, refident in the
pure, glorious, infinite mindc of God, wliich is
that order which God before all ages hath fet
downe withhimfelfc, for himfelfeto doe ^11 things
B 5 by.
8 i^ff Afifi Seymti^^
by. Sccondly,then the Law of Nature. Thirdly,
then the Law of Nations. Fourthly, then Humane
Lawes. Thefirft,is^heclearc fountaine ofallcx-
cclIencies,order,and equity, as pure as G o d him-
feUe : thefe Jaft paffing thorow the polluted chan-
nel! of mans braine, are capable of muddineffe, im-
perfedion, and infirmity. Who doubts then, but
when we fpy thefe laft muddy ftreames to crofTe
the current of divine Law, we muft have recourfe
unto the well-^ head.
Divine Lawes do binde the confciencc primari-
ly, as they fay, properly , and by themfelves. God
is the L o R D of the confcicnce, and onely able
todamneandfavethefoule, for the breaking or
keeping of his Lawes ; and therefore he alone hath
an abfolute and foveraignc power to bindc the
confcience. If humane Lawes, even that are jtilf,
doe any way binde, it is by the power and precept
of divine Law. See Rom. j ? . i , (^cA meane meerely
humane. For that is falfe which Bellarmine hath
pe laictSj Cap. 1 1, Par. ^.th^t every jufl: Civill Lav/,
is either a conclufion or determination of the di-
vine^orall L^vjJumus as all along in his Anlmaci'
njerfiom, fo here, he hath alfo nobly conquered
and confounded him. And therefore as we would
prefcrre the keeping of a good confcience, be-
fore the deeping in a whole skin, and the feare of
him, which can aeftroy body and foule in hell fire,
before him that can onely kill the body, let us
cleave unto the Commandements of G o Dyagainft
the conrradi(aions ofthc whole world.
Yet notwithftahdingthe mil^imploymcnt, and
Kji^ 'A&fe Stamm,
the errour in the cxeicife of it. Authority \% il iM
venerable in the original!, nnd to be reputed <]>cds
creature; elfe had Daniel newer fpoken thus to
Nebuchadnez^itr , an ungodly King and fcoarge^'^'^-*'j7.
of Nations > Thott (0 King) an a King of ,
Kings, for the G O D of Heaven hath given thee
a Kingdomc^ power , and flrength, and glory .
And hence it is alfo, that K^tipin^ that renow- '^^G'^'^i^ate
ned Father tells us, Hee that gave Sovereignty to ^'^'^***
Au^i\{iws^gave it a^fo to Nero. Hee that gav: ?>
to theVQ^'p^Sxms, Father and Sonne, fweetefi Empe-
rours, gave it alfo to Domitian that blotidy monfier.
In a word (faith he) He that gave tt to Chriftian
Conftantine, ^^4T^tf7> alfo to Julian the K^pofiata.
That infinite wifedome of G o p, which hath di^
ftinguifhed his Angels by degrees 5 which hath
given greater and lefTe light and beauty to heaven-
ly bodies, which hath made difference betweenc
beafts and birds, created the Eagle and the Flye,
the Cedar and the fhrub, and among ftones, gi-
ven the faireft tinifture to the Ruby, and the
quickeft light to the Diamond, hath alfo ordai-
ned Kings, Dukes or Leaders o^ the people,
MagiftrateSj Judges, and other degrees amongft
Secondly, Government is the prop and pill.?r ^t^foni^
of all States and Kingdomes, the cement and
fouleof humane affaires, the life of fociety and
order, the very vitall fpirit whereby fo many mil-
lions of men, doe breath the life of comfort and
peaces and the whole nature of things fubfifl. Let
thchcaitinamanfurccafc from the cxcrcife of its
lo K^n Afi(e Sermon,
principality and prime motion, and the whole bo-
dy would prefently grow pale, bloudlcfTe and livc-
IcfTe. If that glorious Giant in the skie^ fliould re-
tirehis light into himfelfe, and through alangm-
. filing faimneiTe ftay his -courfe, and the Moone
fhould wander from her beaten way,whom God
hath appointed rulers over day and nightjthe times
and feafonsoftheyeare would blend themfelves, '
by difordered and confufed mixture. This goodly
frame ofthe world would di(rolve,and fal into con-
fufion and darknelTe. Proportionablyjtakc Sove-'
raigntie from the face ofthe earth, and you turne it
into a Cock-pit. Men would become cut-throats
andCanibals one unto another.Murders^adukeries,
incefts,rapes, rcberies, perjuries, witchcrsfcs, blaf-
phemies^all kinds ofvillanies,outrages and favage
crueltie, would overflow all Countries. Wc fliould
havea very hell upon earth^and the face ofit cove-
red with bloud,as it was once with water.
'Ru^on 3 . 1 hirdly,It giveth opporrunitie by G o d s blef.
fingjforthe free exercife^and full improvement of
all humane abilitieSjto their utmoft worth and ex-
valour, policies of State, religion ; all Arts and ex-
cellencies thrive and flourifli with much happinefle
and fucccfre,under the wings and warmth of a god-
ly government. Some fliadowes of thefe notable
and worthy effecf^s appeared, even in the Heathe-
ni(h Statcjas in that ofthe Romnnes^xo what a match-
lefTe noonc-tide of earthly glorie and greatneflfc j to
what an incredible and uncomparablc height of
humane felicity did that people afpire, by mana-
*^n A fife Sermon. \ j
ging their myftcries of State,and guiding the raines
of their commanding power, by afaire, ingenious,
and noble hand,and that out of the mecre illumina-
tions of reafon, and principles of narurall policy^
But I muft tell you by the way, they were notably
alTifted inthislmperiallrife,by their ftrid: and fe-
verelawcs againtt thofe two grand impoyfoners
of the ftrongeft, and moft flourifhing States,
firft,3ribcry,fecondly, bafenefle in comming to Sec Go^»f»jc
high roomes.They had many hvjesdiaml>ftu, ^ de R9.Leg'p.i6i,
fecunijs repetundi^. If a Senator were found to have
ufed unlawfull mcanes for the attaining of any O f-
ficeihc was to fuffer ten yeares banifhmcnt, and fo
proportionably of bribery. No Kingdome under
heaven harbouring thcfe two cut-throats, can ftand
long without bafenefie or ruine.
If Government then hath fuch power,and works
fuch wondersin Pagan Kingdomes, what heavens
upon earth,what worlds of happinefTe by Gods
mcrcie,miy be comfortably expeded, when ir is
feafonedand (inewed with the truth of Religion
and power of Chriftianity, which is thechiefeft top
andwell-fpringofall truevertues,evenasG o d is
of all gooci things. For all other ornameqts and ex-
cellencies of Nature, Art, PoUicy, are as but a
dead and liveleffe carkafTe, except they be anima-
ted and quickned with the true feare of G o d, and
religious forwardnelTe for hisglory. Nay, a gracc-
leflc Magiftrate is a grievous plague, for when he
folio wes the publike adminiftration of Juftice, on-
ly as a trade, with unquenchable, and unconfcio-
nablc third of gaine, and attaining his owne ends,
C being
I2 ^» ^Pfi Strmn,
being not in heart perfwaded that Juftice is G o » $
owne worke, and himfelfehis Agent in this bufi-
• nefTe ^ the fcntcnce of right, Gods owne vttd'{6t'^
and himfelfe his Minifter to deliver it, formalities
ofjiifticedobutfcrvetofmoother right, and that
which was neccffarily ordained for the common
good,is through fhamefull abufe^made the caufe of
common mifcry, which is too manifcft by too ma-
ny wofull experiences.
See B4£<wi 4^' But now for inftance of thofe happy fruits and
vacmenupi '» excellencies, fpringing by G c d s blcfTrng out of
Government /aniflificd by the cflfcifiual and power-
full Majeftne of true Religion. I will go no further
then our own State, fincc that peerelefTe Princefle
Queene Elizabeth, of Avceceftand deareft
memorie, the happieft inftrument of Go d s glorie
of her fcxe, fincethe moft bleflfcd Virgine: I fay
fince (he rofe into the Imperiall throne, what a
dcale of glorie and light, admiration and honour,
what miracles of unparallcd deliverances and pre-
fervations,have crowned this famous Hand. To fay
nothing of temporall felicities, for which purpofe
inftance might be given in fome of all proferfions
and ftatiops : as for depth and variety of learning,
gravity arid unfwaedneffc upon Seates of luftice •
height of military valour, largeft comprchenfions
of ftate-wifdome, excellency in all other kinds of
worrh,as admirable and renowned,as ever trod up-
on Englifh mould. Onely take an eftimate, and
fcantUng of fpirituall happineffe, more properly
incident to religious governments, by that fpeech
ofa great man in our State, Jfthe ehtfe 4nd heli,
K^n Apfe Sermon » 15
faith he, ofthofe observations ufm Texts of Serif ture , ^^
vehtch have kene made M(^erfedly in Sermms mthiit ohdvafce-
thisyourLMajepies lland of great Brttaine^ by thejpdce mcnt of Icat-
of tbefe forty ycares and mere, had beenejetdawneimi ^"ng^* "
cofitimance,it had beenethe beH rv»rke in Divinity^
whtch had heme written fwce the K^pofiles time. And
thence conclude that happy confequent, the crown
and excellency of all truly worthy States. How ma*
nybkfled fouleshavebeenefent to Heaven, and
what a number of crowned Saints have bin created
by fuch a confcionablc Miniftry,as was in all that
time, and what a time it was of both temporall and
fpirituall felicity, you may read from King James
his noble pen: Greater blefings if f D , faith he, ^irJf/'''''
greater outwardpeace.and plenty , greater inward pe/tde
mthfprituallandcelepall treafnres,were never hea-
ped upon my great Britatne, then have beene fmce^
my great Britatne beame, great inthegreateft andchis-
feftrefpeBofall'^ tfimtfacemy great Brit aine hath
Jhakmiffthe Popes yfike^drc .Youkcinihonvihax a
goodly thing Government is4.Now la us come to
the Ufes of this Dodrinc 5 and in the firft place k
ferves forconfutarion.
Firft5Confutation and confufion of all oppofites f^fe 1 ,
to Govern ment,efpecially the underminers and un-
dcr-prizers of Regall Authority, the fbunfaine of
fubordinateandinferiour Magiftracy.
Now to nullifiethcnothingnefreofthe phfan-
ticke bedlam Anabaptifts arguments, (they are fit-
ter to be out of the number of men, and driven out
of the border of humane nature,thcntobe difputed
with) for abolifhing Magiftracy,und€r,lknow not,
C 2 what
i^n Apfe Sermon,
Sec Sdaters
Aflifc Sermon
See BeSarmine
Ub.i.de Laic'u,
Bel de Rom.pd-
tif.l I .a 7^rt.
Fnttrea Frin-
cipitus fceculu'
ah hominibiis,
^fti ^ jure
gent iu 71.
And in his
bookc againft
Barl^.y ,Arnoux
upon the 30.
Article of the
lion: calls the
power of Ma«
giftrates, an
humane law,
Greg.de f^alen.
di^ 1^.10 de
art Siautem.
Nam ut re£le
2), Thomoi jus
^ominij vet
trodu&ue(i jure
what Chriftian pcrfe^ion, as a tranfient Mo-
faicall ceremony, would not bee worrh the
while 5 1 rather choofe at this time to deale with
thePapift, amorcfubtileand plaufiblc adverfary
inthepoinr,and in that regard morepcftilent.
And here in the firft place, letmepoin: you to
the foumaine of thofe Popifli fulminarions and
firc-workes, which have moft unworthily beaten
upon,and blaftedthelmperiall and Regall Throne
of Chriftendome : and the firft mover, as it were,of
that bloody Sphere, which the man of finne hath
turned upon the face of r»r5/j(?, andtorncand rent
itinarufuUmanner. It is this.
That the power of Kings, Princes and Magi-
ftrates,is not ordained by the divine Law of God,
but an humane ordinance.Thisteachcth Bellarm'me.
And they all hand over head, draw this cun-
ning and cut-throate conclufion, for fo it proves in
theconfequcnts outof thcempoyfoned fountaine
of * Aquinas,
Their reafons for this point are as weake as .wa-
ter, and flie but with one wing.
Thofe of beft fhew are thcfe, which I refute in a
Firft,Hc that was firft King in the world, to wit
iViwr^^,madchimfelfe King by force, not by the
ordinance o^Gon.ErgOj^c,
SolJXhQ Antecedent is falfcj before NimrodtV^-
thcrs and heads of Families were Kings,Pricfts,and
foveraigne Princes of their Families. For after the
floud men lived five or fix hundred yeares. Then it
was an eafic matter for a man to fee fifty, yea a hun-
Kyin Apfe Sermon. 15
dredthoufand perfons of his poftcrity, over whom . „ . ,.,
he cxerciled paternall powcrjand by conlequence, deckmii cap.
foveraigne power 3 then when there was no other -'■^ art ad con.
forme ofaRealme upon the earthy to which chil- ^^'nlr,'! n
dren, their iervantsbemg added, one ramily alone \o.an. i.z?j-
made a great common-wealth. Likewife in K^bra- mmumts'pre-
/'rfwx time, when mans life was much fliortenedjie duaaexjme^'
was called by the Hethites, a mighty Pnnce,Gen.7.^, humanoerqjt
6.and he took out of his family 518. Soiddters to the ZrMum'de
wane ^G en .14,14.. - pre gentiaii,
Againe,how could mankind be maintained, and i^odefijui hu^
the world ftand for 1 55 6.years5without Soveraign- '"^*^^^
ty and Authority of the Magiftrate ^
Then to the confequent I fay thus much, if a
ftrange Prince ihould invade a Kingdome^ they do
well to defend themfelves, and if the ufurper bee
flaine,he is juftly punifhed, but if he conquer, and
the ancient profeffours be quite cxtinguilhed, and
then the whole State concurre upon him, and
fweare fidelity to the new King,then wemuft think
that God hath cftabliflied fiich a Prince in that
Kingdome. Then I fay that the people ought to
yeeld to the will of G0D5 who for the finsof Kings
and of their people, tranfpofeth Kingdomes, and
difpofeth of the iflues of warre.
Secondly , but S.P^/e^ cals obedience to Kings,an oBjeSf,2.
humane ordinance,: Pet, 2.1^, Ergo ^drc.
Sol. It is fo called not in refpe6^ of the fubftance ^^^'
of government and inftitution,and Caufaliter (as the
Schooles fpcake; but in refpccft of,tirft,the fubjci^
wherin it is feated/econdiyjorthe objed wherup-
on it is fcatcd,thirdly ,to the end to which it is dire-
C 5 ded
i^n Apfe Sermm*
See A\wm
z.c©l p(>. X 5 J I
was preached
tefore Kmg
ntA j.yearcs,
dedjorjfourthlyjthcfcvcrall formes or meanes by
which ix. is attained.
The queftion is not, by what meanes, whether
by hereditary fucccifion, oreledion, or any other
humane forme,a Prince comes into his Kingdome,
but whither by the ordinance of God weought te
obey him,when he is eft^liflied J hope the Pope is
hoifted into his chaire of peftilencc,by the elc(^ion
of the Cardinals or worfe meanes,and yet that hin-
ders notour adverfaries from holding it a divine or-
Thirdly, Yea but there is no expreffc comman-
dement fct down by Go d to obey Henry yOt Lewis t
ov lames jov "^CfurkSiOx to acknowledge this or that
man more then another to be King.
SolMo^ befottcd and infatuated Sophiflry !
By the fame reafon Bellarmineis not bound to be
an honcft man,becaufe there is no particular and ex-
prefTecommandenicntin Gods Book, thati?.^.
ought to be an honcft man.
Neither is there any fpeciall charge from God,
that Btllarmine muft obey ?auI the S . yet I hope he
holds himfelfe {vk))tdi unco him by the Law of
GoD^thoughno exprcffe word faith, this or that
King rules by me,y et know thcrfore that that Scrip-
ture which faith, Bjme Kings mgneS2Axkiz\{oj by
me King lAmn raigrres, that precept which bids us
hcmm ihtKtng^i F^/. 2. 17. Binds usalfo to honour
King Urms^ox generall rules in Go d s Book,whi-
cher about precepts, prohibitions,orpromifcs, bind
aod belong xq partiodar perfons without naming
them,aQd particulars are ncceiTaftily ,and pcrfonally
contcined in the univerfals. Firft>
\^n Aftfi Seamon, 1,7
Firft,Now this falfe foundation being thus Jaid
inthedifgrace a i J abafeaient of fecular Soveraign*
ty,as they call itimarke the progrcfle and bloody
Second I yjHence they have proceeded and d-a-
red to rob, and bereave Imperiall thrones, and the
crowned Majefty of Kings of that native reverence,
due attributions andobHgations ofState^ which di-
vine ordinance,and pureft times appropriated unto
Thirdly, They have beeneheartned to fly even
inthefaceof Majcfty,and with unhallowed hands
to decrowne the Princely heads of the Lords an-
nointed.Thac great o^W^<?;? in this ftreine of rage SceHi/?.ofth«
and pride, hath fet his foot upon the very necke of ^ouncdi of
Emperours,and fpurned off tlieir Crowncs with "'^'^3'4.
Fourthly,they arehardnedCprodigious and exe-
crable villany ! ) even to kill,and cut the throats of
Kings ; upon this bloudy ftairc they now ftand^ha-
ving lately revealed it in the royal blood of the two
laft Henries of Trancz^.
] have difcovered and already done with the
foundation which they have laid for a 54^^^of con-
fufion and bloud.
Now for their fecond affront upon Soveraign-
xy^ feeafele(5kd Catalogue of unworthy and bafe
afperfions caft upon Kings Crownes by Cardi-
nal 1 Bellarmine^ and purpofely collc(5ted by his ^S'S*-
Majefty, towards the latter end of his \ moft Royal!
Letmcalfohcreinavirord tell you, how that
K^n Aftfe Sermon,
P.i InflMar.
Trcatife,</c /«•
Ibid cap i pag
\^ ^ijcif. prop-
ter htecEt b^c
fententia. Et
propter h'^sc jjt.
m is" ikcrtta.
*SeB. bacfcH^
Cap ?.ye5.
ilyinto eiu£ri^
fag.zMb.^ ca
deinde ob'ifciei
Ibid.c z ibid.
late famous CaCuift t^zari sis ^hdxh handled the
Emperour inthis kind.
This fellow teaches, that the jurifdi(5tion and
power ofthe Empecour, hath irs being, cxiftence
and dependance, (they are his ownc words,) from
the Pope o^Rome. And upon this occafion tels us de
faBo, how many Emperours the Pope hath depo-
fed. "^^That the Pope is he who firft gives right and
power to the Ele<5tors to choofe him,and then him-
felfeannoincSjConfecratespandcrownes him fo e-
That the Emperour is but the Popes minifter, e-
lc(5led by him for the defence of the Church. So
that in another place,he faith,thc Pope> if itpleafcd
him, might cfeate two Emperours in the Church
equall in power ; one to govcinc in the Eaft part
ofthe Church, the other in the Weft. And there-
fore having propofed this queftion : Whether the
power ofthe £mperour be from God, the Bifhop
of-X<?»?^j or the people: heconcludes. But certain-
ly, faith he^ by the common confcnt, of moft of
the Dodors ofthe Law, efpecially Pontificall, it
is the received opinions,that the jurifdidion and
power ofthe Emperour depends immediatly upon
the Bifhop o^ Romcjsxid. how proves he that, thinkc
youf' Even thus.
It was faid to Peter ( faies he ) FeedmyJIjeefcj-j
not thefe or other, but abfolutely and fimply, my
fheepe, and therefore all : but the Emperour
is a Sheepe, Er^o^ ^c. And in the fame place,
hee makes alfo Kings and Princes amongft
the aumbej: of fheepe.; and by confequcnt con-
*^n Aft fe Sermon. ip
eludes their fubjc(5tion to the triple Crowne.
Nowthefeareftrangepaflfages againft theEm-
perour, confidering that '^ C?Wi:«rfr^>?^ the Popes *<z)aiipgtonp.
creature in his Digreflion, now effaced out of the ij-Mfinem.
Originall by the Inquifition.
Tells ViSjthat aforetimes ytheeleciion of the Top did
not fund good whhotit the confirmation of the £mperor,
nay , faics he, the Popes in all their Bulls y Privi ledges
and Grants ,exprejfed the date^ in thefe firmall mrds,
(fuchan one our Lord the Emperour raigning.)
Neither hinders it, faith he, that thou fay, The
Empire hath his being from the Romiih Bifhop,
in rcfped of thofe things onely which are Spiri-
tual! : For it is contrary; the Bifliop of Rome hath
received the keyes of both Kingdomes,both terrene
and celeftiall ; and it is conformable to the Popes
owne words, Si xt us the fifth, Imeane in his Bull
againft Henery the third of France. For he there
afiirmes,that he hath obtained fupreme power over
all the Kings and Princes of the whole earth, and
all people, and Countries, and Nations given him ;
not by humane but divine Inftitution. They are See Barclay de
the words of the Bull. And agreeable to the Do- P^t^ft^te ?apce
(flrine of Thomas Bozi us, one of the moft execrable '^sccapfp.ll!^
flatterers, that ever the Pope had : who teacheth. See Barclay de
Omnem vim Regiam^^c, ^cl'^^'Jft'
Upon this point and principle, t^lexander the
fixthgave the Weft-Indies to the Spaniards, and
the Eaft- Indies to the Portugals,pl3cingthe Me-
ridian which pafleth by the Azores for their li-
And upon the fame ground Piusthe fifth depriv/pd^
D Queene
Kyfn Apfe Sermon»
SteMouiines Q^cuc Elf z,ahtth of EftgUffd, of her Kingdome,
book of Faith, and gave it to PhfliP the fecond of Spaine, as Azo^
Marclaiuiloeo rim tcllS US. •_
«mf<». But of all in this point, for a true Jefuiticall
c,UMb t.pag. ftraine, Father Binet fliall take it to him, for fayes
he, (markeitwell.)
It were better that all Kings were ki lied ythen to re-
njeale aconfepOff:a.nd he takes his ground from that
rotten foundation^ fo derogatory to Kingly pow-
er, refuted before. Becaufe^ (akh hcy the' porver of
Kings u ordained by humane lawes, but Confej^ion hy
divine law. You have it in Caufaubons Epiftle to
Eudiemin'm A- Fronto Due £ ffs t\\c]cCuitc. Now here isafweet
S!i^'S'^?««- piece of worke ; It were better that all the Kings
lextraaa.de' inChriftendome had their throats cut, then that
!>*»/>. fpeakes a kusvifli fcctet, or atraiterous plotofai='^«A;,or
purpofe. RaviUacke confefTed to a Sodomiticall fTiaveling*,
Sec Mmiins fliould be difclofed^ Here is a true brat of the bloo-
Book€ of ^y ;^hore, a fellow of the right Ignatian ftampe.
a"bp-547. Thirdly, Now the third violence and villa-
ny they offer to Kingly power, and Princely
Thrones, is the decrowning and dethroning of
And to this end the Pope doth pcftilently abufe
that noble and glorious Engine of the Church,
Excemmum cation^ which in it native ufe, ought to
bedifcharged upon the hairy pate of every wretch,
that goes on rebelliouflyin his fin, and hates to be
reformed ^ upon the Drunkard, Whore- mafter.
Swearer, If furer,Bribe-taker, and fellowes offuch
infamous ranke,and vidorioufly to beate do wne the
Bulwarks ofthe Divcll. But he now makes it ferve
t^n Apfe Sermon, 2 1
his turne,to tumble downc into the duft the Impe-
rial! Crovvnes of Oithodox Princes. Whereupon
his Majefty tells them,in his Royall Anfwcr toCar- p-^c 177.
dinall P.errcny That the facredheads of Kings ^are mort
churlifllyy uncivilly andrig&reufly handled, then thc^
cemmen hoods of the meaneft churks.
For excommunication fliould vexenonein his
temporall State. That fpirituall fword^ (fay our
Divines) deprives of fpirituall rights,that concerne
the kingdome of heaven,deprivesnoneof his civill
rightSjWhich he hath as a member of civill fociety.
And that learned and famous Spalatenfis^ a man ^'^^sdatm
throughly verft in Popifli Dodlrine, fayes 5 For ci- ^^^^\ ^^^^^
vill and humane commerce, no excommunication TUensynt.pi.
canhinderit3 and our Ecclcfiafticall Conftitutions /'^87.flrM6.
runinthefameftraine. The excommunicated per-
fonfhall not be excluded from civill negotiations, ^^ccUfiafi. jf'
and ufuall bufinclTe^by which things neceffary to excomnunka-
humane life are fupplied. ^ J.^sr^*'''*
Now,fhall not a private perfon be hurt in his out- ■'''
ward eftatc by excommunication, and fhall a King
loofe all < Here is a pure Popifh mercy indeed.
I need not trouble you with any Popifh Authors
for proofe of the point ; this traiterous tenent of
depofing Princes, is every-where current in their
Schooles '. they are fo farre from being afhamed of
it, that every fliaveling infuksin the Catalogue of
dejeded Crownes ; the Popes pradifc muft now
prove the principle,and hisfad:,his right.
To this very purpofe Azorius tells us, f. i Jnfi,
mcrMB, i o cap,2.Sedl. Hxc fenteiatia,'] That Gregory
the fcvcnth depofcd from the Empire ffe^ery the
D'2 fourth
L>df$ Apfe Sermon,
if 1 1,3^^ ^^^_ iowxth* Alexander the thitdyFrederick the firft./;;^^-
rcAed ^^ar.by f^w^thcthitd, oM(^thc fifth. Innocent xho. fourth,
aetfaiw Frederick the kcond»Clemsnt the fixth . "^ i^f rvAf the
See in the fame r -^u
fence Grfgm. lOUr^*!*
MdevaUom j I willoncly here juftific that which a little be-
^^"i'^* ^'*^' ^^^^ I ^did 0^1^ quinas, where I called him the
5e<f/ j^/«/o fountaine of much Popery and rebellion ; I fay
probatut. And againe of rebellion alfo. For all the Schoole-fpi-
Rompl'nt c.s, ^^^^3 (their works are hke fpiders-webs ; they alfo
fuck, feed upon and vomit venome,) have fucked a
great deale of poyfon in this point, from his pofi-
tion 22,q.i2. art. 2» which is this.
As pone as a Prince is denounced ex commuriicate fer
Afoflafie-^x^^o fado, his fubjeSh 'are freed from his So-
qjeraignt^ , and abfolved from the Oathofallegeance^ bj
which they were bound unto him.
NowhisScholicrs^^^/Vfj-, zndValentia tell us.
See advance-
ment of lear-
fteps of the
Saints and his
holy predecef-
for$,yet it is
Sec Blac{»els
MS -4.
* Whatfoevcr
Gregory prete-
deth to the c6- that not onely totall Apoflafic, but partial! alfo, as
f "^h ^"^"^h ^" h^'^^^^'^s ^^^^ meant; fo that any Proteftant Prince
hefreads in the ^^ ^^^^^ interpretation is here concluded.
But mark, I pray you, the finew of this mans Af.
fertion.He firft brings againft himfelfe the authori-
ty of v^w^r^?/^, telling us, that Chriftian Souldiers
true that sigi- obeyed even lulian the Apoftate: he might have
thIswi%iK' added alfo an excellent fpccch of ^/#« to the
fidi Pope liiat fame purpofe in Pfil 1 24. quoted by me before^He
tode ^7 ^"'"'^'^ -alledges other good reafonsbefidesj but when he
Emp?°our!"^ comes to refolve and define, he overthrowes all
This Pope ex- with 3, Sedcontra Gregcriusfeptintusj^ Gregory the
H^'^'lu'^ fcventh is of another mind : and he quotes^him out
Anno ioj6. ofthe puddic of the Popifh Canon- law, Decret,
SttFitidiib.s, iPar.2,cap.i%,^,6,cap.NosSa»^forfim,2
f^n Apfe Sermon. 23
And who I pray you, was this Gregory the fe- f^^^"^^^^
venth^ it was Hildet?rand,ihc fcourge of Empcrofs,
thefire-braad of warrc, thcfcorneof hisage. So
that a bafe Pope, being a party, and in his owne
caufejfctting his foot upon the necke ofHenery the
fourth, muft countervaile and over- weigh the au-
thority, of Gods Word, twooftheworthieft Fa-
thers, that ever former times enjoyed, Reafon,
Confcience, Nature, grounds of common fence,
every thing,any thing- for he is a Pope forfooth,
and therefore an infallible Vicar upon earth.
Fourthly, At length,in the fourth place, they are .^
arrived at the very height of that prodigious and
tr an fcendent rage, that m akes it very pr obable,that
the Pope is that purple whore arrayed in fcarlet co-
lour,iv^'y.i7.4.and drunken with blood,i/fr.5. And
it is more then a miracle,thatChriftian Kings fuffer
that bloody bead to fit fo long upon the fcven hills:
they arc now come, I fay, firft, to the killing of
Kings,fecondly, to teach the killing of Kings,third-
ly,to defend the killing of Kings; For that laitftar-
ting hole, and evafion of Cardinall Ferromus, and gge the Kings
other Jefuites is ridiculous. That they kill not kings anfwer to Per-
in EJfe:h\xt firft they un-king a King, and then kill a ^^atf '**''*
King,when he is not a King but a private perfon^up- See aifo m«u-
on this very point King Tdmes breaks out mofl juftly '^^^ ^ookc of
outofaRoyall indignation of his noble fpirit, 6 ^^^a^i^jf'
hell-hounds, O diabolical! wretches, O infcrnall
monftcrs !
And tells them, that incomparifon of their reli-
gion and holinelfe, all the impiety that ever was
pra<5tifcd among the Infidels, and all the barbarous
D 3 cruelty
24 K^n Apft Sermsn.
cruelty that ever was perpetrated among the Canni-
bals,may palTe hence-forth in the Chriftian world,
for pure clemency and humanity.
It is not enough for that man of fin, and ftigmati-
call ftrumpet,to be drunk with the bloodjCfor fhe is
faid,5fx'.i7,4. and 6, both to be arrayed infcarlct>
and to bee drunk with blood) of the dcareand
precious foules of many thoufands of her own chil-
dren, who being by her conceived, and brought
forth in fpirituall adultery, and after nurft up, and
nuzled in ignorance and fuperftition^have lived and
died in Popifh darknefle. But fhe is alfo thick-cloa-
thed with the crimfon and crying blood of infinite
Martyrs of J £ s v s 5 nay, and now in her dotage, be-
ing growne a deformed Hag, and left by moftof
her lovers, flie labours to repaire the decaiedncfic
and ruine of her painted beauty with the richncfTc
ofherattyre, fothatflieisnot now content onely
with garments of bafer and inferiour die, but of late,
is new clad, even with a robe of blood Royall,
deeptly, and double-dyed in the facrcd blood of
Indifplayingthis whore in her bloody colours,
I might tell youof thofe Seas of blood, which fliee
hath furioufly fpilt in her drunken humour, and
powred upon the face oi Europe, almoft all in our
I might,I fay, enlarge thefe points, but I will at
this time onely hold me to the prefent, and^eliver
myfelfcin a word.
In the firft place that they kill Ki ngs 5 it is cleare
in the eye crf'^U Chriftcndomc : I will go no further
K^n Apfe Sermon, 25
then the prcfcnc age? and the frcfh bleeding memo-
ry of fuch dolefull a^ts. Two of the laft Kings of
France, //e;?r)i the third and the fourth, fell from
their Iraperiall Thrones by the bloody knives of
Stxtif^ the fifth excommunicated and depofed Sec mouIw
Henery xhcthnd^2.ndx\\cv lames Clement a Jacobin ^^^^^ o*" F-^ith,
committed thathorrible Parricide upon his Royall Sg? aXVp
perfon. loVenon^pug,
^ Ravillacke was the other Affafin, who rendred ^^"^-^B^-^-
this reafon for his monftrous and horrible attempt.
That King Henery had a defigne to warr with God,
becaufehc had adefigne to take arraes againft his
HolinelTe, who is God.
Now befides how greatly did they thirfl: after the
Virgin blood of the late Priticely Elizakth, with a
prodigious variety of murdejous complotments:
hadnotthefilver line of her much honoured life,
beene hid inthe cndlelTc maze of God ^ bottomc-
\t{^Q mercy, thofe bloody Romifh hunters, had ma-
ny and many a time laid her honour in the duft.
Nay, but for a miracle of the fame infinire mer-
cy , they had torne King lames in pieces, his nobJc
Queene, the Roy all limbes of thofe two fvyeet and
orient Princes, and that Princely ftarre that now
fliines fo faire in Bchemta, by their powder-mine.
There was no want at all of Popifli malice, pur-
pofc, utmoft endeavour, to have fpilt all this Roy-
all blood,a$ water upon the ground, and therefore,
lalfot^ke allthefe noble Princes> as direA and
proper Inftanccs for Popifh King-killing.
Yca,but thofe (may feme fay) were but onely ob]e^*
K^fi Jpfe Sermon,
Sec the Kings •
Anfwer toPer-
r(in,pag.^. and
Moulins bookc
otFaichjp J4^
* Francis de
Verrona in his
Apology for
lohn Chafiell.
* Mariana ds
Rege <S' Regis
Jn/^ittitionty j
lib. I. cap. 6,
fomedifcontentcd perfons, which our of fome
defperatc pang aded thcfe bloody Ailafinates,
ProfelTion it fclfe^and Popilh religion is not to be
charged with fuch exorbitant out- rages.
Nay, but they have mard all for that; and left no
roomefor any fuch reply.
2. And therefore Imufttellyou in the fecond
place, that their learnedeftProfeflburs and greateft
Do(5tors, blui re their bookes with thcfe bloody
liDes,and teach this moft abhorred Trade of King-
killing,and murdering Princes.
BeHarm'me^ Becanmt Smre::^ Eudmimn, loannes,
with other like monfters;(3"f. are fuch bloody Do-
ftors of the fcarlct Whore.
But above all, me-thinkes "*" Francis dererronay
and Mariana.zxt the moft mercileffe Mafters of this
execrable Arc, as I fhall Ihew you in another
Yea,but yet for all th's,thefearebut private Do-
(ftors^and may erre.
3 . Well therefore,in the third place, (for I char-
ged them with that alfo,) I muft tell you, that
King-killing is approved and applauded by their
tranlcendentDo(5lour, which is virtually and emi-
nently all the Popifti Dodors in the world, ever
aflfifted with the unfallible fpirit of deceiving, and
being deceived ,the Pope \\im{t\h,Stxtm the fifth,
gave thankes unto G o d in open Confiftory, for
the horrible affafinate perpetrated by James Cle^
merttfUTpon Hemry the third oi France.
But was not that Oration publifhed by the Pro-
teftants, purpofely to cafl fuch a bloody afpcrfion
upon his HolincfTe. I
*^n Aftfe Sermn. j 7
I tell you no, it was put out by the Papifts, and
printed at P arts, hy Nicholas Nivelle.znd RoUin Jhi- Fauh^^'f^i,**^
€rry,mxh approbation of their Do(ftors, Boucher, de See the ^opcs
Crf//,and Ancelin, and doe you think he would not q? "J-"^,^";^,?
have approved Faux his fire-work, if it had blowne i,ng fufcher"
up the Parliaments if not why fuffcrs he (74r;?ff and pfovedby k.
oUcorne, powder-miners, both by books and pi- AlS^toper-
(flures falcable under his nofe in Rome,^o be enroled rmipag i zi, '
in the Canon of holy Martyrs "f but the old Fox is "i«
wily enough, not fodired^jand heartily, to com«
mend amifchiefcuntill it be done.
The Powder-plot was of the nature of thofc
h^Si^udi nunquam lauda/$iurmfi per-acfa.-zsTacitus
fpeakes. You fee then at length, by wliat degrees
thefe Romifh Locufts are fallen foule uponGo-
vcrnmenr5upon all Imperiall, Regall and Princely
power. So that at this day, to the inexpiable
fhame and diflionour of the whole Chriftian
world,they teach, a(5b,and approve, the bloudy kil-
ling of crowned Potentates.
Which things fith they arc thus 5 you are an ho-
nourable,wife and worthy Auditory^ I fay no more
but this.Me-thinks it is an aftonifliment beyond the
comprehenfions of nature, rcafon. Religion, Poli-
cies of State,- that fuch an intollerable generation,
fo odiousjboth to heaven and carth,for abominable •
Idolatry,fo vifibly infamous,both to this and the o-
ther world ,with many capitall charaders of blood,
fo endleffe & implacable in their ragcfull defigne-
ments againft the crowned Majefty of the Kings
Throne,fo prodigious in their plots,that they have
caftan inexpiable and cverlafting afperfion upon
E the
2g ^n, Apft Sermon*
thcinnocency ofChriftian Religion, fiich furious
AfTafinsand Incendiaries/or murdering ofPrinces,
butcheries of peo;:)le, and fisring of States ; fo inra-
ged,evenlike Woolves in the evening tofwallow
us up quick ifthe rime did ferve^ T fay^th^tfuch, in
fo Orthodox a Church and noble a Scatc,(hoiild by
allowance, toleration, connivence, or remiffcnelTe,
befuffered to receive increafernent and mulciplica-
tion,both in number &infolency,to the great dirho-
nour of Go D Almighty^The continual! ve^cation of
Gods Children and good fubje^s, andthemoft
Certaine hazard of the whole Eftate, and the
peaceable fuccelTion of the Kings pofterity.
And the moreftrange it is forthefe three reafons.
Firft, What conceit do you think out of the con-
gruity of Popifh principles, is it likely they hold of
this forbearance,and what thankes do they returne
to the States undoubtedIy,to think chat it is infatua-
ted for their fakes, and that the hands of Juftice are
manacled by G o d s over- ruling providence, that
it cannot be executed fo fully and freely upon fuch
alovingjholyjand unbloody generation.
Secondly, They daily do their utmoft at home,
and abroad ,to crofle King/4;w^/ his Princely Ad-
monition unto them,in his firft fpeechinthe Parlia-
nient;w herein he admoniflied the Papifts^that they
would not (o farre prcfume upon his lenity,as there-
upon to think it lawfuU for them to increafe their
number and ftrength in his Kingdome, whereby if
not in hia time, yet at leaft in time of his Pofterity,
they might be in hope to eredtheir religion againe.
Thirdly, If the day Hiould come they have fo
f^n A fife Sfrmon, 2p
long looked for,(but I hope in the L o r D,all their
eyes (liall drop out of their holes with confufion
and rottennclfe, before they fee that day.) They
would queftionkfle lay hold u^ponV erromnjis wool-
vifli and bloody *conclufion;efpecially being ani- *^^ P"^^''^!
mated thereunto by the example ottheMaflacre: tingofmakmg
Refolution of Pope Vrbane^CatK 23.^.5. Can.Excom. away herencks
mumcatorum.'~\ We efteeme them, (faith he) not to be ^^^^^^^^'^^^^
murtherers^rvho being foffeffed with z,cale oft eir mo- gives allow-
ther,the CathoUque Churchy azainfi thofe that are ex- ^"" ^"^ ^^.^"^
■ J n 111 1 n r t / tocverypnv.tc
commum catca,jbaU happen to kt 11 any of i hem : ana by ^^^^ ^^ murder
the edge of their owne PopffI) blood-thirpneffe, really the iieretickc
ensagerd^ by fained conceits of their pretended per- h!m"mS^K4
fecution. Decree of the Parliament of Paris : That de venohe. con-
it (hould be lav/full to flay all the Hugonotsjwhich J^amm in
by publicke order was read every Sunday in every ^/.uclaftett.
Parifh. And therefore to tell you in one word, the Hiftory of the
^ndwhy at this time I have flood fo long upon this ^''""'^'^°g
^oint. It is to aske you this queflion, at clofc, whe- ^^'^^'^' ^ '
ther it be not now true and honourable mercy, (for
God forbid, that I fliould pcrfwade any cruell
thing,) nay, and I he contrary, extreme cruelty to
the State, to execute exadly, juft and holy lawes
upon fuch a generation : and let every one be judge
that heares me this day, if he be not a party in that
bloody fa(5^ion; or hanker that way. And yet one
word morc,and I have done. I know Parfms in bis
miferablc fhifting bookc about Equivocation,
againfl Do6lori^^r?(?;?. p^^ ^j^ „. ^
Cardinall Perromus, Bellarmim in his Apology Anfwer.p.!"!*^
againfl the Kings Monitory Prefacc>and o' hers up- ^^^ ^a^nfis hij
onwbofc foreheads the whereof i?<?«r^ hathftam- ZTZr'''
E 2 pcd ^'^* '
K^n Apfe Sermon .
See how vvc
arc cleared,
,4Hticoton,p.6 }
Anfwer to cer-
lous papcrSj^a.
EUenfis in hfs
anfwer to BeU.
Anfwer to
Kings Anfwsr
to ftrroriypag.
pcd her marke of PopiHi impudency ; charge the
Proteftants,and Reformed Churches, with thefc
bloody palTages : but in fo doing, they deale with
us as an impudent ftrumpct with an honeft woman;
and as Vencs dealt with Tullj\Verres himfelfe wasa
very notorious theefe, and knew that Tw/Zy had
muchagainft him in that kind; and therefore, he
veryknavifhly and impudently calls T'«//y, a true
man, and that noble Oratour,iheefe firft: Itisjuft
fo in this cafe.
But above all,heare King Tarngsin the point; we
glory ,(and well wemay,)chatour Religion affords
no rules of rebellion 5 nor allowes and grants any
difpenfation to fubje^ls for the oath of their AU
leageance ; and that, none of our Churches give
entertainement unto fuch monftrous,and abomina-
ble principles ofdifloyalty.
And as concerning Ifmm- Brutmy whom they
objed : his Majefty anfwers. That he is an Author
unknowne, and perhaps of purpofe parched up by
fome Romanift,with a trick of wily deceir,t'0 draw
thereformed Religion into hatred with Chriflian
If we were in the fa me predicament with the Pa-
pifts this way : how comes it to palfe, that our En-
glifh Popelings have madefo many bloody affaults
againft thefacred perfonsof Queene Eliz.abeth and
King lam^S'y and the Protcftants of J'/^;?^^ having
farre better opportunity and more power, have ne-
ver ftird rebellioufly againft their Kings ; of whom
King lames thus fpeakes : icottldncveryet learnt hy
Any godd and.tr m mtelligence, that in France thofe of
K^n Apfe Sermon. ^ 31
the Religion tooke armes at any time againfi their King,
muchlejfe thcn^ offered they^to hfttcher or blew him up
mth ^^m'pO)vJer.
Ihavethusfarredifcovcred in the firftUfethe
moft peftilent oppofites- and cut-throatcs of Go-
vernment and Kingly Majcfty, at this day in Chri-
ftendome. I ncTW come to a fecond Ufc.
If Government be fuch agoodly thing, as hath f^fe 2,
been proved before^then all that heare me this day,
and every mothers child in this Land, I fay, we are
all bound tobleffe God upon our knees, and to put
it as afvvcet perfume into our daily facrifice of
thankfgiving, for being bred and brought up under
foblcfted & happy a Gov£rnment,in the Sun-fliine
of the Gofpell, and under the wings of J e h o v a h .
What ftaid or reftraincdthe Omnipotent arme of
G o Djfrom creating any of us,and planting us upon
earthjin the unhappy daies of Qaeene Mary, when
we might either have beencdam.ned or burned, or
in the bloody times o^Lancafier, and Tork-, or when
the mills of Popery, and infolent domineering of
that man of fin, enthralled under the moft grievous
yokeofmiferable bondage, both the Crowne and
confcienccs of this Kingdome.-or fomc Pagan5Tur-
kifh, or Tyrannicall Government, or neighbouring
Popifli Countreyj or ( which alfo had not bccnefo
comfortable,) in the perfccuted, or Schifmaticall
parts of the Churchc'it was nothing but Go d s own
mecre mercy,rerpiting and remitting our being up*
on earth,to better and more blcfled times & place;
It was that and that alone, which ordered and ap-
pointed our lot of living herein that golden knot of
E s time.
5 2 t^»Apfe Sermon i
timcas it were, and the very Diair ond of the ring,
of that happier rcvolutionjfincc Ch r i s t s daies, I
meane in the moft orient and comfortable breaking
out of God s holy truth, from under the cloudesof
Antichriftian darknefTe : and in this little nooke of
the world,where the Gofpell fliines with fuch glo-
ry, truth and peace, and under the* kindly warmth
Quecne £/i^«- and influence of two the moft glorious Starres that
Kin^ umcs. ^^^^ moved,or gave light in BngUnds Hcmifphere.
What beafts arethey then,that daily do their ut-
moft to bereave and rob us,both of G o d s blcfling,
and this warme Sunne : and hale downe all they can
with ftrong cart-ropes of iniquity, the vengeance of
God upon the face ofthis noble and famous King-
dome^ and fuch are all the wicked amongft us, and
thofethat hate to be reformed; Ale- houfc- hunters,
pot-companions,good-fellowes,drunkards, arcthe
mofl peftilenr, and curfed canker-wormes, that
gnaw at the very heart, and finewof the glory and
ftrcngth of the State, and likeaud.;cious and outra-
gious Giants even wraftle withl^eaven; and by
powringinof ftrong drink, labour might & maine,
Sce/y3.i?. r, topuU downcthefull violsof Oods fierccft wrath
upon our heads. And thcrfore if there be any Juftice
of Peace, which is a lecrct fupporter of any rotfen
Alc-houfe, he is a great plague to the place where
he dwells,whcther it be Towne or City.
The crueil Ufurer is the cut-throate of the Coun-
trev where he kennels. See what adealc ofcom-
pafllim-leflre miferies and confufion, a company of
fuch catcrpillcrs brought upon the infant Replanta-
tion of the new rctyrncd Jewes, iV^^. 5 .2,7. The
i^n A ^tfe Sermon, 55
fwearer, andtearerof Gods glorious Name by
his blafphemous breath> gives wings to the flying ^^'"-^ -»5'
book of Go D s curre5and is able to blaft the beauty
of the moftfruitfull Land, and flourifliing pfofperi-*
ty, Becaufeoffrearir};^, faith far. C/yaf>. 1^410. The
Land momneth^ the ^leafm fUces of the rvildcr-
nejfe are dried uf.
"^ Theprophaneralfoof Gods holy and glori-
ous Sabbath,is an Incendiary ;7/>w/Jip///;/i?^^f4;'te g^^^^^
to »?^,faith God ,Ier. ij.ijjo hallow the Sabbath daj% 1 7^ 1 8. '
then will I kindle afire in the gates of lernfakw, andtt
fiali denjonre the Pallaces thereof y and n fijall not k
qaenched.'bki^^d be Go d therfore that hath put yeC
into the heart of my Lords the Judges,to be fuch an
honourable prefident to the whole Countrey, of
forbearingthe Sabbath. I am perfwaded they may
juftly make men of inferiour ranke fouly afliamed.
Ignorant, diffolute, and difordered Minlfters,
caufe G o D to cry aloud for the deOroyer, <^/lye
heafis of the field Ss^^^^ G c d ^tfa. $6,9 -come to devour e^
yea all ye beafis in thcforreftjjis Watch-men are blinde^
The Bribe-taker, or man of gifts, (as he is called
originally in the fourth verfc of this prefent Chap-
ter,) (hakes the very Pillars, and maftcr Timber of
the Kingdonie : but he that receives gifts over-
throwes it 5 ordinarily, bafcneffc in comming to
high places,and bribery,are fworne brethren.
"Neither muft you conceive,as Father Aufiin ex-
cellently admonilheth in Pfal.i^. fage 144. That
onely money, gold and filver, or prefentsj as they"
call them, arc bribes , but the guilt of bribery alfo
may be juftiy imputed, even to any exorbitant affe-
54 ' ^^ -^pr^ Sermon.
^ion, which fwaycs a manafidc, from the impaiti-
all execution of Jufticc : as love, feare, hatred ^c^r.
dt fire of praire,and applaufe, for that is Jujlms in-
ftance in the fore-cited place : Forexamplc/.he par-
ty hath grear,and many friends,and therfore if rhou
leane a little that way, thou (halt be honoured with
many thankfull acknowledgements, and flattering
cntertainements: or on the other fide, the party is
poorc, and if thou be impartiall, it will light heavy
on his his fide;and then the Countrey will be ready
to cenfure ihee,as no friend to the poore.
Now in thefe cafes, if for fuch refpcds, thou en-
cline either to the right hand, or to the left hand 5
thou pcrverteft Jufticejsnd juftly encurres the cen-
fure of a corrupt Judge.
Forheare Gods charge in thecafe,Zfi//>, 19.15.
Tefiall not doeunjuftly in Itidgemcnt : Thou fhalt not
favour the ferfbn of the poorcy nor honour the per fin of
the mighty: hut thmjh alt judge thy neighbour juftly .
-P///«^^ perhaps could wafli his hands of bribes,but
notofCHRisTs blood. Thatcryofthejewes, if
thou let this man go.thouart not C.tfars friend, ftri-
king cold unto his heart, and fwaying him awry,
was equivalent to a bribe,and fli ill caufe him to be
condemned, not only as a cruel], butalfo asa cor-
rupt ]udge.The Judges ofi/r^^/ who fentenced Na-
^cf^ to death,were nor corrupted with downe- right
bribesjfor any thing we know, but there was fome-
thing equivalent ; lezahel ruled the roaft at the
• Court,and was potent cither to advance, or deject
them,which brought them to the bent of her bloo-
dy mandate, and Nabotks blood upon their owne
heads. Mockers
Mockers and roifurersofthe lairhflill Miinftcrs,
(you would littlethinkeit) draw G o r» s flaming
wrath upon a people without remedy, fee % Chr^/i,
36,16, " -1''.. .:;v.,rj::n'r • .vid
Spirituall cov/ards, and thofc who hiving given
rheir names to Religion, are fallen away from their
firfl: Iovc,arc the fpeciall men to remoove our Can- See Rcyci.z.y.
dleftick, and put out the glory of Ifrael.
ScornefuU perfecutors^ of G o d s people, as
though they were the very filth of the worlds and
the of-fcouring of all things, the plagues of the
simes, and the troublers of ifrael, whereas in
truth the world is nqt worthy ofthem, they arc the
very chariot and horfe-men o^ ifrael •, they are the
onely jewels,ftarres ,Sunnes, Saints, Angels of the
earth : for their fakes, and fafety alone, theSunoe
holds out his'glorious unwearied courfe; the earth
fprings, and is over-fpred with fuch beauty and
fwceineffei the ay re infpires her lively and rcfre-
(liirg breath J that great and reftlcffe body of the
Sea^ kcepcs within hei bounds ^ States and King-
domes turne not into confufions of blood, in a
word,the world ftands. If their number were once
made up,this goodly frame would fipme about our
eares.I fpeakenotfor any whitcd Tombes,fuperci-
iious Pharifees ; but I fay , fuch are very peftilcnt in-
ftrumcntsto betray f.nd expofe aKingdome to the
ambitious rage of forraine Nations, and fyry of
their enemies, whether they vexc and perfccutc
Gods people by fire,faggot, fword,power,purfe,
pollicy in their hearts and affedions, by their
conguesjoay^brow-beating^a eontradcd fore-head,
F . a
2^ ^An Apfe Sermon,
a foure countenance, and fleering face, and other
fcorncfull geftures,are perfecutions in G o d s in-
^cc E^c* . ly. jgj,pjgtation, and (hall be paid home proportiona-
bly. The mercilefTe inclofcr, befides beating the
poorc to pieces, and grinding their faces, pluckiiig
ofFtheir skins from of them, their flefh from off
their bones, breaking their bones, and chopping
them inpieces,as for the Por,as it lSjMic4h^,2j^ He
alfo robs the King of his honour, and the State of
its ^rcngth)F or in the midtmde of people is the Kings
honottr jhuf in the want of people is the dejiruyiionoftke
Prince, Pro, i/^.tS.
But above all the fhcdder ofblood,fetche:h the
very live-blood out of the heart of the State, and
doth impreflc fuch a bloody ftaine upon the face of
the Kingdome,that cannot be raz'dour, but by his
blood that filed it. ForHoodSmh. God himfelfe, it
defies the Land, and the Land cannot he clean fed tf the
blodd that is jhed therein, hut hy the blood of him that
fljedity.Nnmkii^.'^^, •
For your fakes my Honourable Lords, fcave I
purpofely inftanced in fome of the common, and
crying (ins of the Countrey, hoping inthe Lord,
you will helpe us all you can. Bur know alfo, that
all foits of (inners, and haters to be reformed , are
the Divelscurfed Enginers,to undermine andruine
the State •, and inkindlers of that fiery indignation
inthebofomeof God, which if it once begin,
wiUburnc unto the bottome of Hell,//<»/l4.T,
fVheti the rigfueom are in authority , thefeofle tejfiyce:
but when the wicked heareth rule , the people mourne.
Have heretofore upon the fame
folemne occafion, obfcrved
from the firft point, this Do-
(itrine. Government is a goodly
thingy I proved it, and applycd
ir. Only give mee leave,before
I fall upon thefecond poinr,to
add a word or two to the firft
Ufc of the former Dodrine, which fell dirc(flly,
and with full edge upon the Papifts,the moft pefti-
kntoppofitcs and cut throates of Government,and
Kingly Majefty, at this day inthe whole Chriftian
world. For they teach (as I then (hewed at large,)
that the power of Kings,Princcs and Magiftrates,is
not ordained by the divine Lsrwof God, but ail
humane ordinance; out of which fountainc have
iffued all thofe Popifh fulminations and fire-
works,wbich have moft unworthily at one time or
F 2 other.
Conn, oi Trent
pag7Ti aid
* IbU pa.; 6^.
As you may
Againft Ferron
The fecond
other, beaten upon, andblaftedall the Imperiall,
and Regall Thrones of Chriftcndome. Nay, a fel-
low in the Counfell of Trent, did fiercely labour to
confute that palTage of de Ferrieres Oration : That
Kings weregiv en hy Go d 5 as hercticall, andcon-
dermcd by the Extravaga/^t o^Boncface the ei^ht 5
Vnamfan5tam~\ thic they are not from God ,but by
mediation of his Vicar. Thus it was in that Con-
vendcle of fcarlet Fathers. The RomiOi Locufts
did very feriouOy, "^ as appeares, obtrude i ?. Arti-
cles forthe reformation of Princes, all paring from
Imperiall Crownes, to patch up the mofl unjuft
ufurpations of their fliavelings. i will trouble you
with one or t wo,that you may take notice how jufb-
ly King /47»^^ out of a pang of Royall indigaation,
after afurvay of that mofl grievous yoke ofmifera-
blc bondage, to which the Crownes of Chriftian
Kings,are made to ftoope by that man of fin. That
Go D in whofe handsthe heart of Kings are poyfcd,
and at his pleafure turned,as the water-courfcs,that
mighty G o d alone, in his good time, is able to
rouzc them out of fo deep a flumber,and to take or-
dcr(their drowfic fits once over and fhakcn off with
hcroicall fpirits,) that Popes hereafter fliall play no
more upon their Princely patience, nor prefume to
put bits and fnaflcs in their noble mouthes, to the
binding up of their mighty power with weakc
cords of fcruplcs, like mighty Bulls led about by
little children with*afmall twifted thred. Thus
fpeakes his Majefty in his Anfwer to the French
Cardinall ; for which book, and that other premo-
nition to all Chriftian Princes cfpccially^the ages to
Apfe Sermon. 39
come Hiall call him bleflfed : I fay, the childe un-
bornejfhall blciTe King lAmes his golden pen,which
hath given fuch a blow tothatbeaftofi?/?/^?^, that
howiocver they may have fomc lightning before
their finallruinc,bythemcrciesof Go d, he fliall
never be able to (land upright upon his foureleggs
One of the Arcicles is this.that the Ecclefiafticks
fhall not be forced to pay taxes,gabels;,tiths, paffa-
ges, fnbfidies, though in the nameof gift or loane,
citherin rcfpedof the Church goods, or of their
Another isthiSjthat neither the Emperour,Kina;s, "'^* °'„'^^
. ir nil iT-i-<-K Counccll ot
or any Prmcc whatiocver, (hall make Edicts, or Trent p.770.
Conilitutions in what manner foever, concerning
Ecclcfiafticall caufes, orperfons, nor meddle witb
theirpcrfons, Caufes, Jurifdicflions, or Tribunals,
The reft alfo found the fame way, and all tend to
the "^ {having of Imperial 1 Crownes 5 but thefc two * ^^^^P-^V*
arefufficicntto reprefcnt to the weakeft undcrftan-
ding, theunfufferable indignity and villany offered
toRegall Soveraignty by thcfe Antichriflians, fich
in thofc Kingdomes where the Pope doth tyran- .^
nizc,and dominccre^almoft the * third part of fub- a^om^^u
jcv^ sand Territories are Church-men and Church-
Nay,morc then this,fi:om the ground of that fel-
lowes reply to the fore-named paffagc of^<f Ferric^
res Oration,conccrning the Articles for the refor-
mation of Princes,! do not fee how any true Papift,
either Ecclc{iaflick,or Laick,can poflibly be a true
F 5 fub-
40 Thepcend
porrifubefe fubjcd to any monarchicall Soveraigne r my rca-
fTomni dna- ^^" *s this at this time. Bone face the eight, guided(as
ne creature de- they dreame & damnably lie,)by an infallible fpi-
!f!wT' '''"' rit,pronounceth r eremptorily in the fore-cited Ex-
e'pr>muncia- trava^.u^amjanuamj that it is altogether or the
mxsyomninoejfe neceflityof (alvation to befubjedto the Pope of
fahuis. Extra ^^^^' How then IS it poffibie, that any one of thofe
cap.vnan fan- mighty fwatmes of ftinging '^ Locufts, and bufie
^'ober^^^''' wafpesjwhich lie at eafe in the bowels of this King-
See aifoBe/y. dome, ready and addreft, when time ferves to ciJt
de Ecci miiit. the vety heart- firings of it, fliould be a found fub-
Noftmautem' J^^ ^^ ^^"g CharUs^ fith upon paine of damnation,
fenter,tia,pag. and as they would befaved in the Roraifh Church,
^*\^*ainft p ^^^^ "^"^ ^^ abfolutcly fubjed to a forraine, Anti-
rott^pag » sT chriftianjandfometimcsSodomiticall, and Aihei-
^ fticall Prieft, of whom, (asthey '^fay) hcimme-
CoLecliJJ ciiatly holds his Crowne, and who may for many
775. ' '^ cau(es,depofe,and butcher him ^ B eliar mine n^mcs
Set Mortons f^^T)^ ^ffl^^^ ^^^ Princifis. One of them is ; If he
fui Beu.pa.ii. ofter injury to the Pope,who many timcs Will com-
plaine without caufejfo that if King cMes perhaps
fhould refufe to kiife his curfed toe, (a thoufand
times more worthy to trample upon his triple
• Crowne)he might lie open to the bloody ftrokc of
fomc Clementy or Ravil/ac : Nay, and had not
Namnon viJe- ChristJesvs giyenthis powerto that holy Fa-
'^aJjui'/efut therjfaithrhcGlofTator upon the fore-named Ex-
cum rtvenmia travaganty{i^xod\o\om blafphemy I )he fhould have
io^uir)„ifi uni. becne undifcreet. Thefe are the words/or he would
UmvtaLT notfeemcto have been difcrcet to the Gods,(that
teii^mffht,nui I may fpcakc with reverence,) unlefTe he had left
hecomnu one only fuch Vicar behind himfclfc, who could
'*'^*'* have done all thefe things. Be-
Apfe Sermon, 41
Befides,thcRomi(h Locufts falling foule upon
Government, upon all Impcriall, Royall, and
Princely power; bydebafing the originall of it,
by difrobing it of that native reverence, due attri-
butions and obligations of State, which divineor-
dination, and pureft times appropriated unto it; by
teaching,aaing,and approving the bloody killing
of crowned Potentates, as appeares before. There
is another monftrous engine of Popifli impofture,
hammerdinthc headsof thofe hellifli firebrands,
which if it were generally entertained, were able
in (hoTt time, to cut in pieces and dififolve the
finewes,and cement of all humane fociety,! meane
Equivocation, and mentall refervation. Many
cunning ihifts and cvafions have dicy coined from
time to time, to ccufen the State, and delude the
Magiftrate, in their oaths and anfwers before our
juft Tribunals. They have vainely laboured to
dawbe over and ftill their confciences againft their
lies and per juries,fometimes, firft, by the fuppofed
benefit of popifli difpcnfation. 1, Sometimes by a
wicked conceit of our Magiftrates incompetency,
3 .Or pretended unauthenticallnclTe of our Bibles in
Englifli, upon which they fwcare. Fourthly,butat
this day, they reft moftupon this laft Jefuiticall
ftratagem, which was wont to be confined to
Couns of Juftice and more publikc cafes; but
now the Popifli Cafuifts,by their Conclufions, be-
o\n to convey this damnable Dodrine, and accur-
ftdpoyfon of mentall refervation, into the com-
mon paflages of ordinary negotiations, and con-
vcrfation *mongft men.
L M2 The fecond
Now I come to the next point, the lubje(5l of
Soveraignty, a righteous man, whence Ibiiefly,
and plainely ground this point.
V0cK 7hefe that rulefhculdbe right e^tu : or thus ; Men
in Authority fheuU be righteom men.
That you may underftand a right,what I meane
by righteous, take notice of a double rightcoul-
neffe, firft, imputed; fecond, inherent. Inherent
two-fold,firft,morrall5 fecond,reIigious.
By imputed, I meane the glorious juftice of
Jesvs Christ, purchafed by his blood, and
obedience, and imputed as his owne, molt fure
forever to a truly humbled (inner, wherewith
being richly and compleatly arrayed from top to
toe, as with a Royall and everlafting Robe, he
ftands thereby acquit, juftified and accepted at the
ftridteft Tribunallof the ever-living God world
without end, and fo ij^jo facio, (as they fay) be-
comes ever after a favourite to the mighty Lord
of heaven and earth ; one of his jcwcls,as the apple
of his owne eye, the dearely beloved of his foule, a
Royall Diademcin his hand, (for fo are G o d s
Children,though vilified by the v7orld, yet ftiled
in the Word.)
This righteoufneifc is required in Rulers, and
fuch as are placed above their brechrcn,to wit, that
themfclvesbe reconciled unto God in Jesvs
Christ: For fenfe of this alone is able to be-
get that right noble, aijd well-compofed temper of
fpirit, thofc high and unfliakcn rcfolutions, which
oncly are fit to make a Magiftrate, and create earth-
jygods, as Judges arc callcd> Ff4l,S2.i,6, With-
A fife Sermon, 4^
out this fight eoufncflTe, affuredly whatfocvcr faire
pretexts and reprcfentations to the contrary, may
dadeand deceive the worlds eye, yet all is rotten
at the hcart-roote. And in the executions of their
places, though they may carry things fmoorhly
and palliate with much art and policy, yet quefti-
onkflc, in cafe of ft rong temptation, greatadvan-
tage, rifing, and enriching themfclves, gratificati-
on of fome great one,hazard of temporal happines,
(^cxhty will be exorbitant and yeelding,and at the
beft, but fof mall. The cry of that happy foule,
which leanes, and hath taken up his tverlafting
refting place,upon the rocke of eternity ,is conftant,
and ftill the fame in all cafes and caufes. Let right yt ^atjaftUia,
bedone,and a good confcience difcharged, and ruote^iium.
then come what come will. Let me not onely
loofe my place and the favour of the times, but let
even the heavens fall, and they will, all is one to
me 5 by the mercy of G o d 1 (hall ftand upright
under the mines, and re|oyce in the teftimony of a
good confciience, amidft the confufions both of
heaven and earth. But to fpeake in Scripture phrafc
(for the other was the fpeech, even of an honeft
Heathen.) Ever, when {landing on the better fide,
and keeping a good confcience, threatneth danger
and difgrace^he growes into HeHers happy refolu-
tion: well, whatfocvcrcomesof me, I will take
Gods part, and if I perifh, I perifh. But not to pc-
rifli fo,is to perifh everlaftingly : and foto perifh,is
to be eternally faved.
But now on the other fide, he which hath not
made his peace with Go D^nor hath any part upon
G good
I ^ i^m— T "* — " • II > ■ - I ■ ■ ■ ■ I
^ - 7ht fecond
goDd ground, in the Pcrfon, PafliDi, and promifes
of Christ, will moft ccrtaincly, cfpecially
in ftormy timesj and fuch trialls which fearch whi-
thcrhebeftceletothebackeor no, manifeft and
makcplaine by his prac^ife, that in the height of
his counterfeit courage, his heart did hold in ear-
neftthatpeftilent principle^ It is betrer to fleepe
in a wholeskin, then with a good confcience. If he
be put unto it indeed, (for alas) hd heavenly
ftrengthasyct,dothftcelehisrpirit,he will warpe,
windc-ouc one way orother^and fhrinkc in the wet-
Againe, it is a caufeof great comfort,and matter
of much joy to havca favourite to the higheft Ma-
jefty, and one whom God accepts gratioufly in
his Sonne, to fit ina high place, and beare fway o-
vcr others. It is agoodly fight, right pleafing un-
to God, applauded ofAngcIs, amiable and admi-
rable in the eyes of all good men. And thrice hap-
py is that people, which breathes under the influ-
ence of fuch a bleflcd Authority,and all thofe who
arc judged, ordered and over-ruled by him, be hee
Judge, Juftice of Peace, Minifter or Magiftrate in
any kind, whom G ® d owncs for his fervant,who
entered into his office. Benefice, Bifliopricke, or
any other publickc employment, in Go d s Name,
and not by bribery, fymony, fiatery, temporizing,
or any other bafc and unblelTed meanest and after-
ward in every palTagc of his place, aimes principal-
ly at Go o s glory,and not at his owne particular^to
advance the Kingdomeof Christ and not his
kindred and outward cflate.
Apfe Sermon, 45
And it is tht better with them, and they arc the
more bleflcd , befidcs many other> in thefc two re-
Firft, He that growes into familiarity with
God, by the favour of Jbsvs Christ 5 bcfidcs
anuniverfali and impar^all integrity in the mana-
ging and difchargc of the particulars in his publikc
calling, may comfortably, and with a good con-
fcienceprcflc daily to the Throne of grace, and
bring down abundance of bIcflings,bothiipon him-
fclfe,and thofe that are under him. He doth not
onely watch over his owne heart, but alfo wraftlc
with God continually by prayer, for himfelfe,
that he may notdifparage thcMajeftie of his place,
byanypcrfonalllightneffe, or make his perfon o-
dious,by partiality in his publikc deportment; that
he may neither poyfon his people by any fcanda-
lous example, or plague them by private revengcj
that he neither IcfTen his Authority, or loofe good
mens love by fervingthe time, or fervileyeelding,
or fwel over the banks of patience and moderation,
with felf-will fowernes,and unfcafonablefcverity.
In a word, that he may doe juft fo as G o d would
have him ; and therefore begs not onely generall a-
bility, to weld aright the great body of his publick
charge, but alfo,fpcciall direfi:ion,and rcfolution in
every feverallaffeirc which paiTcth his hand, that
it be ever carried faire, and ncver^crookncd to his
owne ends: For his peoplcj that he may ever prc-
fcrre his peoples fpirituall welfare, before the
wealth of the whole world.
"Now, whether doe youthinke, were it more
p z ^3ppy,
45 The fecund
happy, and comfortable living under that Mini-
ftcr, Magiftratc, or man of Authority whatfoever,
who thus acquaints hinfifelfc with Go d, and walks
with him as with his friend, or under that fel-
low who is an alient, and meere ftranger to any
fuch precifemyfterieand mightof prayer, who ne-
ver thought with comfort of comming tothis place,
it being empoyfoncd unto hini, (as he knowes
full-well himfelfe, though he tell no body, j with
bafeneffct)rindiredion, never aimed fo much in
the difcharge^of it, at G o d s glotie,and thegood
of his people, as at his owne particular; his ri-
ling, enriching or revenging ; is fo farre from d\{^-
charging Samuels dutie, m conftant praying for
thofe committed to his charge, that he -prayes
not even in his owne family conftantly, nor in pri-
vate to any purpofe, was never feelingly humbled
for his owne fins, or the abominations of the King-
dome in any day ofhumiliapion.GivemeanAngell
upon earth, and an incarnate Divell, afaire coole
fhaddow under a goodly tree in a fweltering heate,
and a fcurvie thorny-bufli, to which the poore
fliccpe never flies for fuccour in a ftorme^ but loo-
feth fomeof her fleece, a fliowre ofraine in agreat
drought upon the new mowne-graflTe, and the
fcorching Sun upon a dry parched heath, an obadi-
dh:,2X\dzShel?mj Gods dearling and the Divclls
drudgcand you have made the difference.
Secondly^Confider the difference of the Kings
eye, I tneane in refped of anger, and amiable-
neflTe, caft upon a defperate Traitour and his nea-
tcft Favourite 5 pfoportionably, but with infinite
Afife Sermon. 47
more loathing or liking,thc afpe(5t of G o © s pure
eye is diverfified, looking upon an enemy to the
power of GodlincfTe and profellion of the Saints,
and that happy one who hath made his peace with
him, and is cloathed with the righteoufnefTe of his
Sonne: that glorious eye of hisj^vhich is ten thou-
fand times brighter then the Sun, and cannot look
oniniquicy,dothca{l downe a dircd perpendicular
ray, as it were^^pon every wicked man, without
any diverfion or refradion ( that I may fo fpcake)
of its fierce edge, and fiery pointednefie 5 andther-
forefeeshimin his colours, a very vile, finnefull,
curfedloathfome heart: , (though hefeemero him-
felfe, and the great of the world, a brave and jolly
fellow) abhorred of G o d and man, heaven and
earth, and by confequent as an o\>)t&. of infinite in-
dignation and hatred. But he ever lookcs upon his
ownc Child, through the meritorious futeringg
and fatisfa(5tionofthe Sonne of his love, in whom
allhisdifcontentsagainft him are done away and
drowned for ever,and fo beholds him fuch, and
fo lovely,as the bloud and righteoufneffe of Ie s v s
Christ hath made him. Even as to a man look-
ing through a red glalTe, all the world appeares red
andorientinhiseye. So to the eye of G o d the
Father, looking from his throne of mercy upon a
godly man, through the bleeding wounds of his
bleffed Saviour, he is rendered, and reprefented
.righrfaire and ruddy, deeply impreffioned with an
iieavenly die of acceptation and grace. Now tell
me,whither a people be likcr to profper under him ,
uponwhomthemightyLo-RD of heaven looks *,-
miably,or angrily^ G3 2. By
48 Thefecond
2. By morall righteoufnesjincane allthofe per-
fc(5^ions and poflibilitics of civill hontfty, and up-
right dealing, attaincablc by the light of ratiirall
iinderftandingjgencrall notions of right and wrong,
and pradife of morall prcceptSjinlargedjimproved,
and husbanded to the hcight^hcrcby many ancient
Heathens went farre,and did many admirable snd
excellent things, even fuch, and fo wonhy,
that may juftly make the heft of our mecre civil 1
honcff men hang dowrn their hcads,and be horribly
For inftance.
Tahricius^ that famous Jloman, was fo precife,
that (as it is reported of him) it waseafier to tu rnc
thcSunne from his courfe, then to draw FabriciU'S
from juft and honcfl dealing. King Pyrrhu6 could
with no gold or gifts, no not with promifc of the
fourth part of his Kingdome, poflfibly corrupt this
man j and yet how many miferable men in this ve-
ry mid-day of the Gofpell will be eafily drawn by
a fecrct bribe,office,honor>preferment, fome earth-
ly favour,todo villanoufly, to betray a good caufe,
a good man, and a good confcience, to fliame him-
felfe for ever, grow odious to G o d and man, and
In thefe difTolutc and formall times, would it
nor be deemed to draw towards too much ftri(5t-
neffe, if a Miniftcr ihould prefTe this dutic upon
Lawyers 5 that every timebfcfore they goe out of
their doorcs to plead at the Barre, they fhould
proftratcthemfelvcsin private, and befides other
paffages, pray uoto God, that he would fo guide
Apfe Strmoff, '. /^g
thcirtongues that day, that they may fpeakc no-
thing but advifcdly, and to the purpofc. And
yctPmV/<f^ that famous Oratour of Greece, who
fbrthcexcellcncicofhiseloqucncie, and mighd-
neffeofhisfpeech, was faid to thunder, and ligh-
ten a: the Birre, oaK of the very principles of na-
ture, and naturall fenfc of a Dcitie, ever before
he went to pleade a caufe, (as Plutarch tells us
inhislife) increated his gods, thacnot a word
fhould ftll from him befides his purpofe 5 which
he pradifed no doubt, out of confcience of Platoes
principle in Tit;». That in all things we goe about. Sit Hotter, fa,
Gods hel pe by p ray er is to be c raved . In the ad- ^^
miniflration and execution of Juftfce, many of
them, though led only and inlightned by the con-
dud of reafon,vvere cxtraordin irily exad and of ad-
mirable integritie.
Zaieucf^s made a hvfthzt every adulterer fhould Sces*.jvaher
loofe his eyes, his fonne was firft taken in the fad ; ^^^'i^ Hb. z
leaft that law fliould be vioIated,he was content to rf."^!^^ c,
part with one of his own cyes,and his fon was puni- ^dieg. rui,'
(hcd with the lofTe of another. ^SoTcbrc^
Cambifes King of P^r/?/<,having deteded the cor- plg^^, ^'"'
ruption of a ludgc in his Kingdome,commands him
to be put to death,his skin to be plucked offi and
fpread upon the judgement Seate as a Carpet, his
fonne to fit in the fathers throne fo adorned, that he
and all poftcriti? might feare for ever to pervert lu-
aicc^ and to deale untruly in judgement.
The Mgypian Kings foleranely and ufually p^,^]^.
prefented this oath tp their Judges : Not to fvvarve
ftara their confciences, what command foever
50 . Tht fecond
they fhould receive from themfelves to the contra-
The Roman laweSjCalled the lawes of the twelve
^pLm!^^' Tables, fo often magnified by r«iZ^, appoints,
<i/E(nniitA?au' That if aludge, or any other in Cy^uthority fir that
iM his love to p^ypje, flwuldtake money in thefoint of adrntni Bring
^^^Pnamibds IuHice,hejhoulddiefortt . ifanyjJwuUkarefalfc^
alfo D.p. 5.7°' -aiitneffe^he fhould be throrvne downe from the Tar pet an
And alfo that ,J^' ^ -^ ^
'Dnxd Infer- Thus you hcarc in a tew particulars,that Morall
w«s RcguA Epi, jighreoufnefTcguided only by the light of narurall
Dedtcat, conscience goes far re, and yet it coracsfarre (liorc
of that righteoufneflfe required by my Textjand in
Chriftian rules,it is many waics defcdive.
Firft> There wants a right root,Faith in I e s v s
Ch R I s T, and therfore all its prodndions, famous
atchicvements, and excellencies were ililed by the
Fathers, butbeautifuU nbhominations, having no
better grounds, then felfe-Iove, vaine-glory, rules
of policy, natuiall notions at the beft, they all wi-
thered and came to nothing.
Secondly, There wants fpeciall grace, as the
foule and life, to quicken and fan(5^ifie it in every
paffage,and paiticular circumftance, to Chriftia-
nizc itjthat I may (o fpcakcand crowne it.
Thirdly,thcre wants fupernatural principles and
divine light to irradiatc,cnkrge, and fortific it.
Fourthly, There wants the right end, Gods
glory. Liberty, and immortall fame, (faith Auflin)
were the aime in the A(5^ors of thofe admirable
things amongft the Rimancs. Adde then thefe, and
Apfe Sermon. 51
Thirdly, religious rightcoufncfTe, whichever
ftrikes the ftrokejdoth the deed, and goes through
flitch indeed, in all comfortable Chriftian govern-
ment. It onely ftcercs aright in all publicke em-
ployments, flards upright in all ftormes, and is
flecletothebacke. Either there muft be an addi-
tion of Religion to reafon, piety to policyjCounfeJI
out of Gods Book to the light of natural] confci-
cnce>fandified righteoufncflc tocivillhonefty: or
as the preferred party himfelfe though otherwife
of never fo good parts, never fo univerfally and ex-
cellently enriched with all endowments of^all
kinds, naturall,morall,politicke, learned, is but as a
dead man, a rotten carrion fluck over with flowers^
foccrtairely with whatfoever outward flouriflies
and formalities he may fecme to dazle the eyes of
underlings ; he will poyfon his placc,by preferring
hisowne particular and private ends, by putting
fometimes hatcfull bufincfTe into good language,
for hisowne advantage and further advancement,
and ever by temporizing, rather then hazard his
temporall happinelTe.Heare what judicious Mafler
Hooker did happily let fall from his pen to this pur-
pofe.So naturall (faith he,)is the union of Religion
with ]uftiGe,that we may boldly dceme there is nei-
ther, where both are not. For how fliould they be
unfainedly jufl, whom .Religion doth not caufeto
be fuch,or they religious which are not found fuch
by the proofe of their juft acflionscT If they which
employ their labour and travaik about the publick
adminiftration of Juftice/ollow it onely as a trade,
with unquenchable .and unconfcionable thirfl of
H gaine.
^2 ^^' fecond
gainc,bdng not in heart psrfwided, that Juftice is
G D s o wn work ,aid thcmfcl ves his Agent i n this
buiinc(re5 the fcntence of rightjGo d s own vcrdi6fc,
and thcmfelves his Priefts to deliver it, formalities
of]i.ifticcdoba:ferveto rrmother right, and that
which was neccfTirily ordain<?d for the common
good, is through (]i;imcfLill abjfe made the caufc of
I^ote, common mifcry. It is no peculiar conceit, but a
matter of found confeqirence, that all duties are by
fo much the better performed, by how much the
men arc mote religious from whofc abilities the
fame proceed.
i.By scriptuie. This explication thus premifed, Tcome to con-
firme the point.fiift by Scripture.
And fii ft take notice of G o d sowne words to
Kins David^i Sam. 23.^. The G T> »f ifradfaid,
the R&ch ofljrael fyake te me : He that ruleth over men
mffift kjuft, ruling inthefeare efc o D, And why a'
Rocke? upon purpofe to intimate,and give afTurance
of an all-fufficiency,and omnipotent arrae, for pro-
ted^on in fuch cafes : And why fo f becaufe all that
fetthcmfelvestogovernegracioufly and as God
would have them, fhallbcfure to be mightily fet-
againft by all the powers of darknelTe, all the Di-
vcls in hell5and all their wicked inftruments upon
earth. Magiftratesthat are no mcdlers, as they fay,
but only feekethemfclves, and a name, and an ho-
nour in their places, need no Rocke. The Cover- .
nourof a Corporation, who will faffer himfelfeto
be intreated, for the ere(5iing and fupporting of
thofe bloody dens of fwinifli drunkards, fchooUs
qf mifr«le, and nurcerics for the gallowes, rcfol ves
Apje Sermon, 53
to take no notice of thofe fonncs of Belial, who
belch out their blafphcmies in the ftreet, againft
that bleffed law provided in fuch a cafe, is willing
to be acccflary to all thofe fins through his whole
yeare, whichoutof cowardlineffeor connivency,
he left unpuniflicd ; I fay fuch a one is like enough
to fleepe in a whole skinne, he needs no Rocke.
The negligent and unconfcionable Minifter,
which never goes about to ftirrethe Divell in the
!gnorant,prophane, and thole that hate to be refor-
raed,but is well enough content ,that fo he may rife
and jovialize it in the meanetime^totreafure up the
bloody cries of fo many murdered foules againft
the day ot wrath, he fhall not have fo much as a
drunkard to open his mouth, or wag his finger
againft him, he needs no Rocke*
The idoll Juftice^thatonly hunts after plaufible-
neffe and popularity, and for the good word of all
the good- fcllowes about him, to ferve his owne
turne for fome intents when the time fcrves,and for
that purpofe upholds as much as he can for fhame,
or dare for law, all prophane fports, rotten Alc-
houfcs, I fay, there where the Jufticeof Peace is
milde,and the drunkard merry, as they fay, there is
mifchiefe enough, he needs no Rocke.
But now that man of Authority, who in love to
the Lord ]esvs and outof the Lion-like bold-
nefie of a good confcience, dare and will draw the
fword of jAiftice againft the proudcft NimredyiintcA
require, fets his breaft from the beginning to the
end of his yeare, with impartiality and refolution
againft all the floods of ^fV/W, bends himfelfe with
H 2 fuch
54 The fee on d
fuch an univcrfall finccre feveritcy againft all finnc,
that he is now become the drunkards fong,^^.
That mm of G o d which being fcnfible of the
horribk fin of killing foiiles, dares not burdifcover
unto his people, the damnablenefTe of their (late,
all kinds of hypocrifie, all forts of unregeneration,
the whole counlellof Go D ^and fo dwell upon their •
bofome fins with terrour, and truth, and ftill beate
upon thofe barres, with the hammer of the Word,
which kecpes them from Christ, untilltheDi-
vellbe driven out of them. (Which you know,
what a world of ungodly oppofition, bedlam rage
and railing it will raife againft afaithfull Minifter.)
The luftice of Peace which refol vcs to be feriouj.
and reall to doe his Countrcy good indeed, and to
difcharge a good confcience undauntedly without
all feare or fadion, and lookes upon blafphemers,
drunkards,whore-mafters, railers againft Religion,
&ۥ as the North winde upm rame,8cc:
I fay fuch as thefc, and in a word, all who dealc
uprightly, and rule in the feare of Go d , have need
of a Rockc, againft the rage of all ungodly oppofi-
tions. And fuch a Rocke will the God oilfiael be
unto themj all that fet againft them, fhall fet their
flioulders againft a Rocke; all their cunning and
clofe pro)e(fts, and open bafe pra(f^ifcs of all pro-
phane oppofites and underminers; the plaufible,
politicke tyrannize of thofe that fitinthe gate, all
the fcurrill, dunghill rimes and railings of deboift
5^W drunken jefters; all that man or Di veil can
any waies doc againft them, ftiall all be but like fo
many proud and fwciling wavcs,which daih them-
A fife Sermon. 55
fclvesagairiflaftrong impregnable rocke, which
the more boifteroufly they bcate againft it, the
moredefperarlyarc they diirolved,and broken into
a vainc foame or froth.
The ever glorious PrinccfTc of fweetcft,and dea-
reft memory ,Qjeenc£//^4^^/^, is a moft memora-
ble, and matchleflfe inftance of protedion in this
kind.The mighty arme of G o d was as a Rock of
braflTcto beate back from her facred & Royall per- See Raivi.vb
fon, defendingthe Gofpell of Iesvs Christ, a-i'-^^^ji-
fuch variety of murderous complotments, as no
age,orftory can poflibly parallell. Whereas onthe
other fide, that knife that could but ftrike out the
teeth of fjensry the fourth, while he ftuck to the
truth of G o D and true Religion ; upon the pulling
downe the Pyramis for their gratification, and ad-
mitting againethofe bloody fire-brands and cut-
throats of Chriftendomcthe lefuites had power to
take away his life.
Secondly jconfider that counfcll given to great
ones, P/4/.2. 10,11,12. Be wtfe n$rv. therefore yee
Kings J be inftnUhd yee ludges of the earthy Serve the
Lord With fe Are, dndrejoyce with trembling. KiJJe
the Sonne leaH he be angry .
Here Princes,Iudg€s,andall thatbearc Authori-
ty, are charged to lay hold both upon imputed and
inherent righteoufnefle,
Kiffe the Some'} entertaine and embrace Iesvs
Christ, bleiled for ever, blcedmg upon the
Crofle for your finnes and fakes, andfweetly^and
amiably offering himfclfeto all broken hearts, in
the arraes of your faith, love, and everlafting
affc^ion, H 3 Ana
56 7he(ec9rtd
And Serve the Lerdin feare'] Let the fcarcof Go d
be ever before your eyes in all places, a- all tinies,
about all afFaires,and thereupon 5 neither think,n6r
fpeake,nor do,neithci: judge,nor plead,nor bring in
vcrdld.cjrc butfb, as you would be content,whcn
it is new done,to go immediatly togive an account
of it,before the high and evcrlaftingludgcj other-
wife this Sonne whom you (hould Kifle, and to
whom all Judgement is committed,7(>/';?5,2 2. will
be angry, and if once a fire be kindled in his anger,
againllan impenitent wretch^that hates to be rcfor-
med,it will burne unto the bottome of hell, and fct
on fire the foundations of the mountaines. And
howfoever you may carry things faire to the
worlds eye in the meane time,yet afTure your fclvcs
veryfhortly, (for that day hafteneth apace,) all the
judgements, pleadings, ientences,verdids, which
have pafled againft Ibsvs Christ, the truth, any
good caufe,or agood confcience, they fhall all be
reverfcd and repealed before that Iaft,and highcft
Tribunall,in the face of heaven ai dearth, before
Angels, men, and Divels 3 and there, and then you
(hall behorribly,univerfally;andeverlaftingly iha-
med: be then advifed before hand, and in the
Nam^ of G o D ,take heed what ye doe.
Thirdly, for our purpofe, let us ponder well
thofe properties,which the Scriptures require iti a
iriati of placc^AT. 18.4 i.-DwM .1 ^.Thcy arc feven
in all ,fbure in the firft, three in the fecond place. I
fiame them not in their order • you fhall finde them
ill in the Tc3rt, Magiftrates ftiould be,
Firftj Abktmn^ apt.to fill the place with fomc
Jpfe Sermon, 57
competency of parts and equality of worth, to an-
fwer and fuftainc the heat aiid burthen of it, wirh a
fitfufficicncyof endowments, ability, aaiveneffe,
and induftry. There ever ought to be a conv^enient
correfpondency bet\vecne-=the importance of the
place, gnd the capacity of the party. It is a thou-
fand pitties to fee in a Church, and Common-
vveale,many places full, and yet fo few filled,when
there is noproportion,n3y a vaft diftance betweenc
the heightjor rather the weight of the place, and
thcwcakeneflTejWorthlefnefTe, ifnvOt thenororious
wickednelTc of that unworthy perfon, who either-
by agolden violcnce,ortempori{ing bafeneflfeshath
moft impudently thruft himfelfe into it.
Secondly, Wif€,fapent men, Such as arcskilfull
in the Theory, nature, my ftery and meaning of the
place, and Office into which they are to be prefer-
red. A man can never happily executcand fucceffe-
fully anyfunaion,office,or Art, which is not lear-
ned in the fpeculative part, before he defccnd unto
the pradicke. Is it fit,thinke you, for a man to plead
attheBarre, before he hath well ftudicd, and pro-
fitably paffcd thorow the courfe^f the Common-
law 1 1f a Phyfitian fliould fall to pradife, before
hebe skilled in Hypocrates and GaUity in the natures,
caufeSifignes,fympromes, prognofticks,and reme-
dies of dlfe3fes,he is like enough tokill all before
him.Proportionable miferics and mifchiefc, may
beexpeded , and enfue, when important places arc
preft into,and undertaken without habituall under-
(landing, and fpeculative skill what belongs unto
them. It is a pittifuU ^ihing, when a man will
58 The fecond
needs thruft into publicke imploymcnts, oncly for
the gaine and honour, and depend upon others for
Thirdly ^Truilent, So fitly rendred by luniuoj ap-
proved alfoby FataMus, th'dt^rcat ProfeflTour of the
Hebrew tongue. Theymuft notondybe Sap em,
if I may fofpeake^and it cannot poffibly be other-
wife expreft in the Englifh tonguejbut alfo Prudent y
endowed with apradicall dexterity and difcreti-
on^to order wifely all the particulars in the execu-
tion of their place. This prudcncejX^ h'ch is, as the
Moralifts fpeake,the generall Queene, fuperinten-
dent, and guide of allpther vertues, Auriga virtu-
^«»^,without which there is nothing good, beauti-
full,ficanddccent,beingfan(5lified efpecially, will
enable them, by comparing one thing with ano-
ther, by well weighing aH accidents, circumftan-
ces, appurtinances, times, perfons, places,c^<r. to
guide and manage all the feverall paffages of their
publicke charges, with wifdome, equity, and im-
partiality. It confifts principally in three things,
which arc all of one ranke 5 to confult, and delibe-
rate welljto judg^andrefolve well-, to condudand
execute well. It hath achiefe ftroke in affaires of
judicature to moderate rigour with equity.
Thatyoumaymore clearely apprehend the nc-
celfityof adding this, to the former requifitcina
good Magiftrate,take aninftance or two.
Itisnotenoi^hfor aMinifterof Go d to be a
good Scholler,and preach generalltruths,(though
IconfefTe a great deale of learning is required in
every Miniftcr of our times )I fay befidcs his fpecu-
Apfe Sermon. 5p
lative Divinity and ability to preach, he muftex-
crcife a prudent zeale to windc himfclfe by the
Word into the confcienccs and affccflions of mcn^
to convince, and cafl them downe, and fo conduci
them thorow the pangs of the new birth into the
hoJy pachj he muitlabo.urto add tothe excellency
of icsrniiig,theart of converting, elfc woe unto the
people that arc under him.
It is not enough fc r a Juft ice of Pence, to have a
good rcvenew and rich attire, and to prefcnt him-
iclfe folemnly upon the Bench every Scions and
AiTize: but he muft be skilfull in the duties of his
cflice and Statutes, fo farre as they concernc it:
ctherwife he will fit but as an rdoll,or cipher upon
thr.tTribunall, which requires agreatdeale ofun-
derftanding, andadion. Nay, and not onely fo,
knowledge in thedutiesof his place,though never
fo univerfall and exa<fl, will not fervcthe turne^ex-
ccpt he be alfoadive, and imployed. Being thus
furnifhcd with fpcculative abilities, and wifedotne
for that purpofe^hemufttake to heart the good of
the Coumrey, outof confcience ^ Iabour,and pray
for an holy dexterity, todifcover and dive into the
depth of the Divcls Agents, their combinations,
haunts,and hypocrifies^to fearch bufine/Tes that are
brought before him to the bottome, and that with
gravity and in enrneft 5 out of a fpirituall prudence
to take all advantages,3n#ftT opportunities, to fup-
prefTethefloudsof^f/M/, todifgrace agracckfle,
and honour an honeft man ; otherwife he will be fo
farre from being a good Patriot, that he may prove
a very plague to the Countrcy .There is not a more
I 00-
^o "^^^ /^^<J;^^
notorious villany, there can be no greater wrong
and greater indignity offered to an ingenious and"
free people, then to have aMagiftratc fet over
them, which adding craft to his power and skill
welds them all three to worke his ownc ends, and
pradife his private revenge from time to time upon
his fuppofed oppofitcs.
Fourthly, CMen of truth, Let them be true-
hearted Nathawels in their private and perfonall
converfation : let them prize and prefcrre the
truth in all caufes that are brought unto them, and
all matters they meddle with, before ^old ov:
friend, favourite or richeft favour.
There is a truth in things when they are confor-
mable to the divineldea. There is atruih in the
minde, when there is an adequation betwecnethe
conceit, and the thing apprehended out of the un-
derftanding. There is a truth in thetongue, when
there is an an agreement betweene the fpeech and
the thought. There is a truth in the adion, when
there is a correfpondency betweene a mans word,
and deed; letmceaddafift, fitteft for the prefenr'
to make you compleatly true. There is alfo a truth'
(letthemconfiderofitlerioufly whom it neerely
concernes,) when the verdid: anfwers exa^aiy, and
pundually tothe evidence, and the Sentence to the
true meaning of the Law.
Fifthly, Haters oj Covetoufnejfe-^ For afTuredly if
thefe Kite-footed corruptions dominecre in the
Magiftrate^allismard; thenmuft his high place,
honour, friends, favourites, fervants, dependants'
officers, all occafions, circumflances, advantages'
Apfe Sermon^ 6i
wit, poUicy, nay religion, confciencc and all, be
made to fcrve and feedc this unfatiable daughter of
the horfe- leach. Sacriledgc^thatmonftrous incon-
gruity of Lay-mens taking Tithes, andnotprea- ira.59,14..
ching to the people, Symony,Bribery, turning of
judgement away backv/ard,temporifing,betraying
the truth and good caures,felling of offices, benefi-
ces. ]uftice,iilence, (harking of under officers^^f.
are the filthy vermine, xh?x breed onely in this
Burrow. Excellent then was the counfell of "*" Ber- * f |f " "f f,
, • c 1 1 1 1 n (uoditii cre\c(K'.
nard to Bugemw-^ bo rule that the people may prof- ne<iuaquam,fed
per and grow rich under thee,and not thou wealthy «^ # ''«'^*
by them.
Sm\y, Such as feare God ■, Here is the life and
crowne5which givcsafpirituall being and gracious
beauty to all the red:, which were it poflible, a man
could pofTefTe in pcrfe(5lion, yet without this, they
would be but as matter without forme,a body with-
out a foulc,a foule without ] e s v s Ch r i s t .Nay in
this cafe the greater fufficiency would prove, but as
a fliarper fword in a madder hand, ever the greater
man without grace the greater beaft, as a good Di-
vine concludes from that P/49.20. Matt that is in
honour i and under fiandeth not^is like the beafis thdt-pe^
riji). If the feareof G o d be not planted in the
heart, to feafon and (atidifie the other fcverail en-
dowments, they will all degenerate 5 wifedome
into craft; power into private revenge; valour in-
to violence ; prudence into plotting for his owne
ends ; courage into foole-hardineffe to uphold a
fadion; poll icy into putting faire pretences upon
foulc bufincffes ; all his abilities and fufficicncics,
I 2 into
U , I J»^WI— F1I — ~
62 The fecond
into fctting forward, and fecuring his own tempo-
rail happineflTc. Ifthis holds him not in^ and fervw
bimasaload-ftarrcto fteere ftill aright, we cannot
look For an univerfall uprighcncfTe, and con^ancy
of juft dealing in any man of place; but fometimes
atleaftjefpecially in:i;nr of fome great tryall, and
when he is put to it indeed, he will flinke and fall
off. A great man, his friend, liis enemy s his feare,
cowardlincfTc^ affection^, fadion; covetoufncfle,
malice,orfomcthing will ever and anon tranfport
inordinately, and fway him.awiy. So that he will
be in great danger of turning judgement into gall,
andrighreoufneffe into hemlocke.
Seventhly,. Af^;/ well knowntyhnd that twowaies
princi pally, for the prcfentpurpofe. i. To be ho-
neft in their perfonall convcrfation ; if there be bus
any one fin that corrupts their tonfcience, ftaines
their life or difgraces their calling, to which they
give allowance in themfelves,it will not onely hin-
der and difeourage them from drawing thefword
againfl that,butalfo thefence of its guiltincfle, will
putfuch an univerfall faintneflc in the armeofju-
ftice, thatthey will be much difabled from a refo-
Intc execution of their place, andcordiall puniili*
mentoffin. 2. To rule well their ownehoufe. if
s Tim ?.j. ^ TttAny faith the Apoftle, knowethnot how to rule his
owne houfe, he rp Jhall he take arc ofthe Church ofG ovi
or indeed any publicke charge at all -f Is it fit ,think .
you,for onero be a Jufticeof Peace, who is a fwea-
rer himfelf^rc^^.and harbours under his roofe drun*
fuch amanficor like to execute wi:h any heart or
Apfe Sermon. 65
._- — . . *
rcfolution chofe excellent -adts againft fvvearing,
drunkennelTc, RecufancyjC^r. upon oftendersa-
broad^ Is it fit for a man to undertake any Minifte*
Hall charge, who is an haunter of Ale-hoiifesj a
fafhion-rrionger, anidle frllow himfclFe, and a pa-
tron of good-ftllowcSj and if he hath a family, had
never any c -ire to pny evening and morning, fing
PfalmcSjC^t? Is fuch a companion like to lift up his
voice like aTrUinpet.againft thefms of the time,
and (land at fwords point again ft the feverall cor-
ruptions, all the finfull prophanations of his Padfh,
himfelfc being anotoriojsdelinquent ^
A Magiftrate thus endowed, as the Scripture ap-
points jis a man after Gods own heart, and a ftarre
in his right hand^ he that wants any ofthefeis but a
blazing Comec.how high foever he feems to foare.
2 . By Reafons,
Thefirft, may be taken from the maine, and
principall end of all government, Regall, or fub-
ordinatc. To wit, the advancement of the King-
dome of J Esvs Chrts T,and the cherifhing
of his Children. For let men of the world which
have their portion onciy in this life, thinke^ and fay
what they lift, it is for the fakes, and fafety of the
Saints alone, whom they lookeupon fo difdaine-
fally, themfclvcs being extremely contemptible,
and wox^ldif they might have leave, trample them
into the dull v;irlithcfeet ofpride and malice,who
ordinarily become the drunkards fong, a by- word
to men,viicr then the earth, and Muficke at thcta- -
blesofgracelcflfe great ones. I fay, itisonely for
them jthat the mighty L o r j> of HCvWen, riot only
I J fupports .
Sa 7he(econd
fupportsandprefervesj all the States and Monar-
chiesjall the Comraon-weales, and Kingdonties of
the earth, but even the world it fclfe. Afluredly,
\f hen the laft of thefe Elecfted ones, whom God
hath everlaftingly loved from before all worlds,
Ihall becalled,converted,and fitted for Heavcn,the
world Hiallftand no longer, but the heavens fhall
llirivell together like a fcrole, and pafTe away with
a noife, the whole frame of this inferiour world,
fliall be turned into a ball of fire, the Imperiall
Crownes of the greateft Monarchs upon carth,{haU
flame about their eares 5 you that carry now all be-
fore you, and wallow impenitently in the glory,
<- pleafure, applaufe, and wealth of the world, fliall
tire the rockes and mountaines with bootlefle cries,
and intreaties to fall upon you, the Trumpet will
found, and we fliall all come to the Judgement of
that great, and laii day.
This ferviceablenefle, and fubordination of all
Imperiall, Regall, and inferiour power whatfoe-
vcrto the Kingdome of Christ, King /4w^^ of
famous memory, clearcly intimates, andacknow-
ledgeth in his Royall remonflrance, when hee
fpeakes thus: To that G o T>->that Kingcf Kings I de-
njote my Scepter, at his feete in all humblcneffe of
fiirity llay dcwneitij Crowne^ towhofe ferfice, as. a
woji humble homager, and VAJfall, I con fe crate all
the glory, honour, fflendor^ and lujlre of my earthly
Kingdome, And what will become of all the power
and pollicy, that oppofeth the people of Qcm, we
may fee in the fecond of Daniel ^ ver, 34,55 ,44,45 .
Thofcfourc flrongcft Monarchies, and mightieft
Aftfe Sermon, 6^
States, that ever the Sunne faw, fhadowcd by Ne-
huchadnezar^ great Image , fetting themfelves
againftthefervants of Go d, were beaten upon,
and blafted by the curfe of divine wrath, and fo
funke in their feverall times, into the jawcs of ruine,
and irrecoverable defolation. Theybluftereda
while like mighty winds with much threatning,
and impetuous rage, but prefently breathed out into
naught,andvaniilied for ever. Thatfione, faith the
Tcxtjwhich was cut out without hand, fmote the Imaj!^e
uponhisfeetCy that rvcreof jrorij and clay, and brake
them t6 peeces. Then was theyron, clay^ the hraffe^ and
fdver, and the gold, brokcnto feeces together^ and hs-
come Ukfi thechajfeofthe Summer threfldng flower , and
the wind cnrriedthem away , that no place was found for
them. And fo let all the implacable enemies of
Jesvs Christ periilitothe worlds end. 5^/4^.
Thus you fee what is the maine end of Magiftra-
cy: which neceffarily requires righteoufneflfe in
Rulers. For
A wicked Magiftrate or Minifter entering into
this place, not by Gods doorc, but by the Divels
window,asthey fay, which is ordinary with men ,^
of ill conscience ; if they be of a medling and ma-
lignant humour,fen(e of his guiltincfife in comming
inbafely, and at a backe-doore, enraging him, or
the curfe of God for his Symony or Bribery juftly
hardning his heart- it is his wont to vexe and fall
foule upon honeft men, to ftandfor rotten caufes,
totakethe worfe part without repentance all the
daies of his domineering. But if he be of a duller,
and marcunadive fpirit, and given to the world ^
65 The ficofjd
he is refolvcd to meddle as little as he may, to live
rcfervcdly, make a (hew, grow rich, and there is
anend; of vvhat temper foever they be, if they
feare not God, they are fo farre from feeking
his Kingdome,and righteoufnefTe in the firft place,
that it is leaft, and loweft in their thoughts. Nay,
doth not every fpirituaii eye fee,that I hey are upon
the matter clofc Agenrs,or publickc actors againft
" the power, and holy pi ecifencfTe of it ^ 1 heir fee-
king is thcmfclvcs, their ferving is the time, their
heaven is their high place. But now give mee
a godly man indeed, and as he would rarher lie in
the duft, alhhedaicsof hislife^ and die in ob-
fcurity, then be advanced by any wicked, or un-
worthy meanes : So being pulled into any place of
publickeempjoymcnr, hisholieftand higheft de-
{ire,and ambition is/obeas arefreiQiing comfona-
ble fliowcrin agreat droughtj to every honeft man :
but as a terrible tempeft upon the face of every
fonneof i5e//^/, and hairy-pate of every one that
hates to be reformed 5 to ftand no longer in his
(lippery place, then he may continue an upright in-
duftriousinftrumentto advance Gods glory, pro-
mote good caufes, protect good men, ever moft
willing, rathcrto part with the higheft promotioa
inthe world, were it crowned with the richesand
revenewes of all the Kingdomcs upon earth, then
with a good confcience. It was a right noble and
2)i/»eofCciif. worthy anfwcr, and exemplary o[ Benevols^ to
pagi^o. 7«j7/??/jan Arrian Emprefle, offering him prefer-
* ment to be an inflrument in fomc viiefcrvice , what,
faith he, doc ye promiiing me a higher place for a
Apfe Sermon. 6j
reward of iniquity < Take this away, and welcome,
which I have already. To that I may keepe a good
confcicncc: and thereupon threw at her fecce his
girdle,the enfigneof his honour. Thus undoubtedly
will a good confcience trample under foot the
higheft preferment, to preferve its owne integrity.
Secondly, the righteous man onely will be tho-
rowly,and univerfally refolute, for hcknowcsfull
well,and feelcs, that he cannot poflTibly have any
higher preferment then Jesvs Christ, whom
he already happily polTeflfeth in the armes of his
faith, nor any greater crolTe then a wounded con-
fcience, and therfore he dares by no meanes either
hurt the one, or hazard the other. Hence it was that
Mofes cafting the eye of his faith upon the recom-
penfeof reward,refufcd to be a favourite inPharohs
Court, and that lofeph did To invincibly withftand
the impure, and impudent follicitatfons of his
wicked5and wanton Miftreflfe 5 hcclearely forclaw
what horrour was like to feaze upon his heart,by fo
finning againft his God. Nowthereafon that the
righteous man is fo refolute ; is the fenfe of his re-
concilement >o God, and the clearenelle of his
confcience : and the caufe that every wicked man
is .a coward, and will fo conformeto the current of
the time, is his ill confcience. The wicked flee, faith
Salomon , tvhen nomanfurfueth ^ hut the righteous are
hid as a Lyon jPr 0,2^, I, The wordinthe originall
fignifies a young Lyon, which as a Lyon feares
neither man nor beaft, great nor fmall, he turneth
not away for any ,Fr<?.3 o . But as young,by the freih
and furious boyling of his abundant native heat, is
K more
7^ The fecond
more audacious, and undaunted for any adventure
then other Lyons, fo lyon-like bold, fliould every
Magiftrate be, for he muft pull the prey out of the
Lyons mouth, and refcue the opprefTcd from the
man that is too mighty for him, he muft not be
afraideitherof mortall, or immortall adverfaries,
he muft not fearetheface of man, or frownes of
grcatnefte, the lofle of preferment, prefent or pro-
mifed: he muft hold to the death, fuch principles
as thefe : Let luflice be done, and let the heavens fall^
ifjferijlyjferifh'y Should fuch a man as I flee, and be
faint-hearted? lively.hoody liberty, It fe and all for a
good cofifcicncej^c. And fo bold can a Ruler never
be,unlc(Ie he be righteous, and reconciled unto
G o D . It is the comfoct of a good confcience alone,
which is able by a fecret, and facrcd influence, not
onely to fill the body v^ith marrow, and fatnefle,
infpire the aife(5lions with acalme,andcompofed
fwectnefre,but alfo begets in the fpirit that ftrong,
and heavenly vigour, which inkindles, and keepes
in life all fuch true courage, and noble refolution.
There may be a brazen- face, and much foole- har-
dincffe without grace, but never a brave mind in-
deedjand fpirit of fteele. A wicked man advan-
ced, and hoifted into fome high place, may looke
bigge,domincere5 and give foulc words, Nay, to
be plaufible, and pleafc he may doc many good
things; ftand t6 it ftoutly a good while; but bring
him once to a ftrong temptation, or tryall, put him
upon the pufti ofthePikes,& he will prefenrly pull
in the hornes,and ftart a fide like a broken bow. He
that is a flavc to his lufts, and (laviihly fcrves the
Afife Sermon^ <jp
time, will be fure to hide his head at the rifing of
every ftorme, and ever turne true coward, when
his temporary happincfle is hazarded. And cow-
ardsnis a worthy Divine hath chara(5terized them,
are flaves to their fnperioursjfellow-fooles to their
cqualsjty rants to theirinfcriours,and wind-mills to
popular breath,not being able to any ofthefe to fay
fo much as. No.
. Thirdly, unrighteous Rulers are the onely men
to ruine a Kingdpme : wicked Magiftratcs,and Mi-
nifters are able in a fhort time to diflolvc the fi-
newes of the ftrongeft State in Chriftendome, and
to bring the moft flourifhmg Church of the world
into confufion 5 Many waies, is the meafure of a
peoples rebellion made up, and full ripe, and rea-
dy for the Side of Go d s vengeance,and beefome
of utrer deftrudion ; by many abominationsisthc
Lords indignation fet on fire againft a Nation,
but I know not whether by any more, fet Idolatry
a{ide,thenby perverting of juftice: when judge-
ment is turned away backward, and Jufticeftandeth
a farre off, when truth is fallen in the ftreet, ( Al?^s
for pitty ! where fo many pafTe by, and not put too
their helping-hand,) and equity cannot enter. D
the Lor b the righteous Judge of alhhe world, is
extremely angry, when judgement goes not forth,
and luftice is turned into gall, whenthofe that fit in
his p'ace,either judge not at all, or judge unjuftly,
punifhing the innocent, which ihould be cleared,
and clearing the guilty who (bould be puniihed.
When private men do wrong^the fin is their owrie,
it is their perfonall ofience,andthey mufi: anfwer it
K 2 with
70 The fecond
withtheirheads; but if private mens enormities
and abominations pafTe unpuniihedjbe borne with,
or boulftred out by authority 3 if the wicked be
juftified, and the juft condemned, if execution be
notdoneupon^^^^^/^ifhebefavedjwhom God
hath appointed to die, if publicke power be villa-
nouAy abufed to private revenge, profit, or pleafu-
ring of great oncs> if good Lavves be no: executed
for the protection of the innocent, and punching
ofthewicked. In a word, if publicke Tribunals,
and feates of Juftice, be any wales corrupted, if
Juftice,that glorious cement of all focieties,be neg-
Icded or perverted, iftruthfallinthe ftreete, and
equity grow lame, I fay then the offence grovves
publicke, even the (innc of the whole Kingdome^
and caufeth G o d to enter into judgement, not
with the Elders of his people, and Princes alone,
but with the whole Land, even with the State in
generall. Heare the Prophets of old, expreffing
Gods mind herein. Efayahj'yg,T/^,i$yi6ji'j, Let
us take notice, and tremble, ludgement is turned
4rvay backward, andlufiice ftandeth afarre ojf-^for
truth is fatten in the fir eete J and equity cannot enter.
Nay ytruthfaileth^ and he that departeth from evill ma*
keth himfelfe a prey, and the Lord faiv it, andtt
dffpleafedhim^that there waism judgement, ^nd he
farv there was no man , and wondered that there was
no Intercejfour. Therefore his arme brought falvatton
tinto him,and ri^hteoufie(fej it fast aim d him. For he
■put onrighteoufneffe as abreft-platej and an helmet of
falvation upon hts head, and he put on the garment of
vengeance fir f loathing, and was clad with zcale, as a
Apfe Sermon. 71
elcah, ler. ^, 2 J ytS, 29 yS 0,^1. As a cage is full of
birds fo aretheir houfofuU of deceit : He means wealth
hoarded up by diflioneft gaine, therefore they are be-
tome great, and maxen rich: They are waxen fat, they
fhine,yea,thcy overpaffe the deeds of the wicked: they
■judge not the catife ofthefatherleffe,yet they proffer, and
the right of the needy, they doe not jftdge.
shall I not ^uifite thefe things^ faith the LO RD?
shall not my foide Be avenged enfuch a nation as this?
asifhchadfaid, I will be moft ccrtainely, andfe-
verely revenged of it. k_A wonder full and horrible
thing is committed in the Land, the Prophets prophecy
falfely, and the Priefls be are rule by their meanes, and
my people love to have ttfo. ^yindwhat will you doe in
the end thereof? CAiicah ^.9, 10,11, 12. Bearer
this,Ipraf you, yeheads oftheho;ife of jacoh.^and Prin-
ces oft he hoafe cf I frael, that abhorre judgement, and
pervert alleqnity. They buildup Sion with blood, and
lerufalem with iniquity. The heads thereof judge for
reward J and the Priefls thereof teach for hire ; and the
Prophets thereof divine for money ^ yet will they learn
upon the LO RD, and fay , is not the LORD amongfi
us ? None evill can come upon us. Therefore fhaU Sion
for your fake be plowed up as afeld^ anh lerufalem jh all
become heapes, andthe mountaines ef the houfe as the
high places of the for re B,
Unrighteous Minifters alfo, as well as wicked
Magiftrates doe agreac deale of mifchife to a State,
and haften captivity. Their unjuft dealings in
their place, are by fo much the more peftilent,
by how much the condition of their calling is of its
owne nature moft excellent, Degeneratio optimi
pefma, K 3 Sec
72 7ht[econd
ScctheperniciourndTe of their unrighteous ru-
ling in two or three palTages.
Firft, when they take temporary things from
their people, but make no confcience, take no
care to give them fpirituall. The blood of thofe
foules which perifii under the unconfcionahle, and
crucll neghgence of an unfaithfull Paftour, pier-
ceththe heavens with a more horrible cry,then the
lowdeft thunder^ ableto pull downe plagues, and
dreadful! judgements upon a' whole Land, efpe-
cially, where fuch bloody floath is pleaded for,
andnotpunifhed. O but will (omefay, when the
Sermon is done : thefe are great words indeed,
fwellingphrafeSjC^r.Pr^Vm ampdl<^ & fifqtti fe^
dalia verba, No,no,thatisnotit, itisthctrue^ and
piercing fenfe of thefe honefl: words meeting with
your galled, and guilty confciences, which makes
you rage^and ftampe, and raile. I affure you if we
were able to compofe words of thunder and light-
nings, they would be rooweaketo awake a great
number outof their curfcd cruelty of horred blood-
flied in this kind.
Secondly, When Miniftcrs like thofe dawbers
with untempered mortar, and pillow- fowers un-
der mens elbowes. Ezech.i^, make the heart of
the righteous fad, whom G o n hath nor made fad,
and ftrengthen the hands of the wicked, that he
fhould not turne from his wicked way, by promi-
fing him life. As it is* in the laft verfe but one of that
Thirdly, By tampering with our Articles of
Religion, (ns found and orthodoxe, for any thing
Apfe Sermon, 73
I know, as any finccthe Apoftles times, which
make oyr Church as happy at this day, as any un-
der the cope of Heaven. If we be fo happy as to
hold them in that purity, and true fenccas we recei-
ved them of our predeceflburs, and as they came
ftreaming downeto us in the blood of our glorious
Martyrs) by labouring to put falfe glofTes upon
them, and talking of fome reconcilement of our
Church to the Romifh Synagogue, which is asim-
polfible^as to reconcile Christ unto Antichrift.
Befides the concurrent judgement of thofe un-
comparable, and renowned Divines in Q^eene
Elizabeths time,our prefcntorthodoxe Divines,and
Do(aors, apprehend aright and acknowledge the
infinite antipathy and utter impoflibility, fpeaking
thus; Romaisirreconciliahilis^ faith theBifhopof
Exeter : Light and darknefTe may meete, faith
anothcr,in the twilight,but mid-day and mid-night
can never polfibly come togaher 5 and fuch is Po-
pery ,and Proteftancy . The truth is, faith Dodor
Werfln^^ fuch is the antipathy betweenc a Prote-
flant and a Papift,as there is betwecne the two birds
in PlutarchfXht 5^^/>i,andthe M^^/;;, which will
fight eagerly alive, and being dead, if you mixe
their blood it will runne apart,and diflbciate.They
are like the two poles of Heaven, faith another,
which ftand for ever dirc<5^1y, and diametrically
If any by the way,marvcll why I meete with Mi-
nifters, let them know,
Firft, That many of my Brethren are in mine
eye, and a worthy part of this great Auditoiy .
<74 ^^^ fecon^
Secondly, That iheCivillMagiftratc may fee,
whereas we preach impartiality to them ;t we are
not partiall towards our owne Tribe. As we de-
firc to deale faithfully with them, fo we fpare not
our owne Coat. And that all the world may
know, that wee approve no Miniftery in this
Church, but that which is honeft, oithodoxe, and
Thirdly, Mini (Icrs lie diredly within the verge
of my Text. For we arc called Redours, Rulers,
and our Perfonages, Rectories,
c^T'iih . Bven honeft Politicians require rightcoufnefTe
€0^,7,1 il 5* ii^ Rulers,for many reafons. i . Becaufc they are as
it werc,earthly gods, and reprefcnt theperfonof
God himfclfe in their places of Authority, and
upontheir juft Tribunals. 2 . For the eminency of
their honour, which is due not to the man, but to
his vertue. 3. For imitation to thofe who (hall
fucceed them in their places, who will looke back
.uponthcm,aspattcrnes, and prefidents, forthem-
felves to follow, 4. For fearc of fcandall and gi-
ving offcnce,which inferiours will be very apt, and
eager to take. 5. Fortheuniverfall good of thofe
they governe, which is the end of all Authority
over others.
This point thus proved by Scriptures, and
Reafons, I come to the Ufe of it, which may be
I . For Reproofe. 2.Inftru(flion. 3. Exhortation.
The time runnes away fo faft, that I can bu^ onely
name the two firft,becaufe I defire to infift the lon-
ger, and enlarge my felfc the more upon the laft.
Apfe Sermon. j^
Firft,Reproofc to all unrighteous Rulers, Mi-
liifters, Magiftrates, or whatfoever they be. Ma-
ny now a daics runne a madding after promo-
tions, and fervc themfelves, Fijs c!r m$dis, into
Offices, Benefices, preferments, high roomes,
and being mod unworthily advanced, they hold -
it a fpeciall happincffe to have an hand over men,
farrcworthyer then themfelves. Let them alone,
this is their day, a day of domineering, and of
their foolcs Paradife, and fcrving themfelves
fenfually, but affuredly without fpcedy repen-
tance, turning on the better fide, taking Gods
Childrens ipzxi,There is a day a comming upon them, ^c h 1 1
it is neere^tt uneere, it haflcneth greatly, faith the ^^ *^' '**^
Prophet, vohen the mighty manjhall cry (fitter ly.
That day is a day of -wrath ^ a day oftrouBle^anddt-
fireJfe,adayofwafim(fe, anddefoiation-, a day sf dark*
neffey and gloomineffe, a day of clouds^ and thicke
darknejfe-y (they arethe the words of the Ho l y
Ghost,) which no earthly glory, no glittering
of outward pompe, no fliining heapes of gold and
filver, not the Prince of all the lights in heaven,nor
the whole ftarry Firmament fhall ever be able to
enlightenjorrcfreihj though.they fwell never fo
bigge with pride, and difdaine, looke they never
fo high, fliould they exalt themfelves as the Eagle,
and fet their neft among the ftarres, they {hall cer-
taincly downc with a vengeance, God (hallfud-
denly fhoote at them with a fwift arrow, it is alrea-
dy in the Bow 5 even a Bow of fteelc fhall fend
forth an arrow, that fhall ftrikethem thorow, ftiive
off their gall, ^Joh fpcakcth, throw them downe
L into
^ The fecond
imoche duft. Their pride, and their power (hall
be ovctthrowne in the turning of an hand, then
muftthey lay downe their cold carkaiTcs among
thcftonesofthepit,atthc rootcsofthe rocke,and
their poorc finfull foulcs rauft prefendy bee
prcfented at that laft, and ftnckteft Tribu-
nall, where never bribe, or bigge looke, gold or
greatncfTcbeares any fway . O then they will gnafh
the teeth, and roare, and wifli that they had lyen in
the duft all the dales of their life, and never
knowne what preferment had meant, when they
fhall finde by wofuU experience, but too late, that
to mighty men there are mighty torments prcpa-
-red,and that they (hall be horribly plagued, pro-
portionably to thepeftilent abufe of their high
places,andthofepublickemployments,into which
they have corruptly thruft themfelves without
cleare entrance^and due cal ling. Then will they
tremble f take on as wild Bulls in a net, as Jfdiah
lfa.t x.io. fpeakes,full of the fury of the Lord, and cry out
Ifa Ji*»4» ^jth thofe finncrs in ZXon^ho amengfi u^JhaH dwelt
in everlafiingfre? whoamongsi m JhaH dwell irt ever*
Ufiingburmng? The day of recompence is now
come upon them. They have had their heaven ia
this world,and therefore they muft now have their
hell in another.They have domineered for awhile
upon earth>done what they lift, and had what they
would, yet now muft they downe into a land of
datknefle, of horrour, and confufion , whence
they (hall never rife up againe. Onely repent, and
you may prevent all this 5 but doe it to day,wc
little know what fad ncwcs the evening may
Apfe Sertnon. 77
bring. If thou die in an impenitent cftate, thou
art damned cvcriaftingly : and in this paflfage I va-
lue all men alike, of what cloath fbevcrhiscoatc
be made. He that layes his foundation with firc-
worke, muft looke to beblowne up at laft, he that
doth not confefle his fins, forfake them, enter into
the narrow way, ieade a new life, ftand on
Ch R I ? T s fide, love the Brother-hood,he can ne-
ver be favcd I know not how my words be taken,
or miftaken,yetfure I am, before any man can de-
ny this to be trvie,or fay any thing againft thati have
faidjhe muft turne Atheift, and prove Scripture is
falfe, and that there is no God, no heaven, no hell,
which would be abrainclcflc and bootlcffe taske
of the moft dcfperate,and prodigious incarnate Di-
vell upon earth. ,
Secondly, For Ipftru<flion, to teach us,whenfo- n'^ 2.
ever wee have any power to difpofc of any place,
or preferment, to bcftow any office and Bene-
fice,c^<r. and whenfoc vcr we are called to give our
voices in the clcdlion of any Magiftrate or other
mantobepublickely employed for the good of
the Countrcy any way,let us ever be fure to caff
our eye upon the worthicft, and without all fearc
or favour^ ot fadiion, impartially, and rcfolute-
ly,to pitch upon him, who, as we areperfwaded
in our confcicnces is moft able, and is beft furni-
flicd with thcfe properties, which Gods Spirit
requires in a Ruler mentioned before. And \ct
friend, kinfman, neighbour, favourite, money,
letters. Land-lord, Lord, or any roan alive, fay
whatthcy wills (if thf Land-lord, or Lord, or
L 2 who-
78 The ftcond
whofocvcr take the right way, and (land for the
bcft, I'Hcke CO him,and welcome • and blcfTe God
for ^o good a guide;) Let the c jrrcnt of the times
runne never fo boifteroufly a contrary courfe, let
the event, and fucceflfe, be for thee> or againft
thee, as God would have xu&c thoufliilt have
more honour,and combrr, in doing as the Ho l y
Ghost dircds, and as an honcfl: man fliould, then
if thy voice were able to purchafc for thee, the
riches of both the Indies, or advance thee as high
as Heaven.
And furthermore confider,if thou fliouldeft have
thy hand in the preferment of any wicked, and un-
worthy man to a place, whether thou haft not thy
handalfo infomefort, inallthemiferics,andmif-
chiefes which may fallout and follow upon his ill
di (charge of the place.
. Doc you not think, (for the purpofc)if a Patron
ftiould preferrc corruptly to a living, an idle, dilTo-
lutc Miniftcrja felfe-preacher3temporizer5enemy to
God s pcople,c^f .that he fhould not in fome mea-
fure be acceflary to the blood of all thofc foules,
which (hould perifh by the default, and under the
cruell handof fuch a negligent unconfcionable fel-
low :r
j^fe ^, Thirdly,for Exhortation to all Rulers,3nd who-
focvcr take into fheir hand theraincs of Govern-
ment over other in any kind, that they would be
righteous; that they would firft,furniflithemfelves,
with Imputed, 2.Morall. ^. Religious rightcouf-
nelTe, with thofe feven-fold fore- mentioned on-
dowments in a good Magiftrate. That they may
Apfi Sermon. 79
behave themfelves, as Go d would have them,
which that they may comfortably, and confciona-
bly doe,Ietthcm take good counlcll, and amongd:
many other diredions, doe, as I now advifc ; Let
them I. Get Jesvs Christ. 2. Enter into their
places purely in Gods name. ^, Beillightncd,
direded,and quickncd to a thorow, and conflant
difchargeofthem, principally by the divine light,
and heavenly motions of Gods holy truth. "
4.Keepe ever a clcarcconfcience,both in refped of
their perfonall walking, and right managing all the
particulars of their publicke charge. 5. Have an eye
ftill upon that laft, and dreadfull Tribunall, at
which they muft fliortly give a flrid account for
allthings doneinthefleih.
But herebeforel enter upon the particulars,give
me leave to prevent an exccption,remove a fcruple,
which may perhaps arife already in fome mens
hearts,and fo dull their attcntion,and blunt the im-
prelfton of the enfuing points. What i may fome
fay, here is nothing but Jesvs Chris repute pre-
ferment ,holy truth, divine light, I know not how
manykindesof righteoufncfic, clcare confcience,
fadfore-thoughtsof thelaftday,c^r. All (for any
thing I fee)tcnding wholly to Puritanifmc 5 1 think "^ A derivative
he would haveusali fo ^ righteous,that wc fhould wracc'co'rs
CUrne Puntans,^^. o'pn; in my
Before I fpeaketothepoint, let mee tell you, TT'.^''/T
that I am right glad, that I have now mminc eye, the Septua!
fuch an honourable, noble, judicious, and under- §'""
ftanding Auditory, who I know will doe mee ^°^'4'»7»
right, were there now before mee a number of
L 3 drun-
go Thefecmd
drunkards, whore-maftcrs, dcboift fwaggcrcrs,
fcorners of Religion, fcnfuall Epcures, 5>tigma-
ticall fcurrill jeftcrs 3 O how would they take on,
ftampc, and play the Bedlams ! how they would
rage, raile, and cavill ; though by the mercy of
God, they fhould be no more able to ovenhrow
by any found reafon what I fay, then to remove
the niightieft rock, when they arc reeling- drunkc,
either with wine or malice. Now upon this occafi-
on let me acquaint you with the truth, about this
unhappy imputation, ordinarily laid by Proteftants
at large upon the power of godlineffe. Now a
SttHaxian. daies,every boiftcrous Nintrod^ impure drunkard,
fag, 5 J X. and and felfe-guilty wretch, is ready with great lage to
^°^* fliein the face of every profefTour, with the impu-
tation of Puritanifme s if he doth but looke towards
Religion, labour to keepe a good confcience in all
things, he is prefcntly a Puritane, and through this
name, many times by a malicious equivocation,
they ftrike at the very heart of grace, and power of
As M G.wcll godlineffe,at Gods beft Servants, and the Kings
sit Boy ff •ft beftfubjc(jis. Forthereisnoneof themall, but in
f^.579' their fence,with all their hearts, they would be the
ftrickteftPuritanesin a Countrey upon their beds
of death 5 I mcane,that their confciences fhould be
cnlightned, and they not fealed up with the fpirit
•of number, like drunken NahdH^ior a day of ven-
geance. But let none hecrc out of humour,malicc5
fa<aion, or miftake, ftraine, and wrcft, for I meanc
Firft, the naturall Puritane intimated, Trov,^o,
i>. There is 4 gener4tm,&c. You fhall findc
Apfe Sermon, 8r
many of thcfe,erpecially among the common and
ignorant people ; charge them wichfinnein gene- j
rail, and they will confcfTcjand yeeld : but defcend 1
to particulars, and you can faften ife^iing upon
them, they are true Jufticiaries; prefle oneof thefe
with the firft Commandement> and how he ftands
in his carriage towards it, O he is infinitely free, he
neverfervedany God, but one,c^<r. with the fe-
cond. Images, Inevcr worlliippcd any Images in
my lifej dcfiethem;C^r.They are excellently hid
out in their colours,androtheIife,by that Reverend
man of G o » Mailer D^/?r in his PlainemAns Tath. ^'^g-i^iA'^*
way to Heaven.
They are a kind of people who yet lie in the
darknelfe of their naturall ignorance, and dung of
their ownecorruption> and yet with their own tcfti-
mony, confirmethemfelvesin a great opinion of
their owne integrity.
Secondly,! meane not the morall Puritane,who
thinks himfelfe as fafe for falvation by the power of
civill honefty, as if he were already a Saint in Hea-
ven 5 whereas it is cleare^iy^^. 12.14. without addi-
tion of holinefTe to civill honefty ,and confcionabic
dealing with our Brethren, none (hall ever fee the
Thirdly, I meane not the fuperflitious Puritane,
who out of a furious felfe-love to his ownewill-
worfhip, and fencelcfTe doting upon old Popifh
cuftomes,thinkes himfelfe to be the only holy de-
vout man, and all forward profefTours prophane.
You fhall heare aknot of fuch fellowes fpeake, lfa»
^^,$XMfe »9t mere to me, fir J am hlier then then,
82 The fecon^
Fourthly, I meanc not the Pharifaicall Purirane,
charadicnzedtothelife,X»^^x8. 11,12. Who be-
ing paflingly proud of the godly flourifh of out-fide
C hriftianit3^5thinkes himfelfe to be in the only true
fpirituall temper,and whatfocver is {hort of him, to
be prophanenefre,and whatfocver to be above him
to be precifenefTe.
"Now thefe kinds are true Puritanes indeed ; for
they think themfelves to be the only men,and all
others hypocrites 5 whereas poore foulcs, they
were yet never acquainted with the great myftcry
of grace, but are meere ftrangers to that glorious
workc of converfion,pangs of the new birch, wraft-
ling with inward corrupaons,breaking their hearts,
and powring out their foules every day before
G<5D infecret, open heartedneflc, and bountiful!
doles to diftreifed Chriftians, and the poore mem-
bers of C H R I s T , felfe- deniall, heavenly-minded-
nc(fe,walkingwith G o -d^^c.
Fiftly,! meane not the true Catharills, peftilcnt
herctickcsabouttheyeareofour Lord, 253.
Set Hofi.cent.1 They werealfo called Novatians, o£ Novat/^
^pal i^llc. their Author ,but Cathari, from their opinions, and
Sec Efipu. profeition, who wickedly denied to the relapfed,
^''^' En Bid r^c^P'^^0^ ^^^^ ^^^ Church upon repentance, ^r.
^£cc!epi>b6 and called themfelves pure.
cap 41 p^g-' 9 Sixthly,! meane not the African Donatiftsjabout
StcHofxenu^ the vcareof out LoR D,35 1, whowere alfocalled,
pag^ 1 7 ? ,&c CtrcnmcmoneSy CtrcmtoreSj Verp^emant^ Mont am ft £^
Sc.Hofcent.^, j4cntenfes.
iiHipagi?* Seventhly, Not the furious Anabaptifts, of our
times, who arc as like the ancient Donatifts, as if
they had fpit them out of their mouth. Eight-
Afife Sermon. 85
Eightly, Not the giddy Separift.
Ninthly >Nor the unwarrantable Opinionift^^«*
talisy as ungroundedly difopinionated 5 I fpcake
thus,becaufe I am perfwaded,good men may dififer
in things indifferent without prejudice of falvati-
on, or juft caufe of breach of charity, or Difunion
of affedions. If I fee the power of grace founcly
appeare in a mans whole carriage and aconftant
partaking with God, good caufcs, and good
men, hefhall for my part^ be ever right deare un-
to my heart, though he differ from meein fome in-
different things.
By Puritanes,then I meanc onely fuch,as J e s v s J^^^^^^^'J*'
Christ his own mouth ftileth iojohn 1^.10 .and ,^l°ll^v iT
1 5.5 . The fame word is ufed here, but in a more f^;-^f^nKct
blclTcd fence.that Eufcbiu^ hathto defcribe equivo- *'-^"'*
cally,thecurfed Sectof theNovarians. You arc all
pure^or cleane, faith Ch r i s t, by the word which
I have fpoken unto you 5 I meane then oncly
G H R I s T s ;t«t9rtjc/, whom the powerfull worke
of the Word hath regenerated, and pofTefTed with "^^^^^^i^^
purity of heaitjholinefTc of affcdions, and unfpot- KA^ia,,^c
tednefTe of life, to whom he promifcth blefred-
neffe, A/4f . 5.8. Blejjedare the pure in heart : And to
whom alone his beloved Apoflle promifeth the '
bleffed vifion of God inglory,i lohft^,-;.
Now that the name of Puritanes (which is, as
you may conceive by that which hath bcene faid,a see Difcourfc
very equivocall terme) is put upon (uchas thcfe ofTrueHap-
in contempt, and reproach 5 is more then manifefl P^^^-f^'P^-^^i
by a thoufand experienccs,and by the teftimony of
a great Dovlor at Saint Pauls CrolTe. And yet I dare
M fay.
And I prove
it out of Bi(h.
2)«w. in ^bra-
ianii Triall,
f<*g ,7 2.
PuritaMS, Fth
ritanos incta-'
fur, at per Pur i-
tanorum latera
vulnerant VC'
Tlte ficox^d
■Hac}(a>ell a-
gainlt Carrier,
fay , the greatcft oppofites to tficfe derided waics o^
purify,if he die not like drunken Na[fal,vfon\d upon
his bed of deai:h,give ten choufand worlds,to have
lived as one of thetn. Andthroughthe name of Pu-
ritane, by a malicious eqiivocation, theyftrike at
the very heart of grace, and the power oFgodlines.
Secondly, Z add, thorow the fides of this Nick-
name> they have laboured to wound, and lay waft
the truth of oui' bleflfed Religion, as pure as any
fince the Apoftles time, ^c. Heare what I heard
Do(5lor Jbhots Profeffbiir there complaine of, at
Oxford Aa.
What Do<ftor Hackmll faith of dirrier. Thus
thoiewhom we call Papifts, he calls temperate
Proteftants, and thofe whom we call Proteftanrs>
he calls State Puricanes? M^ifi\ Dedicator.
He concludes it by good confequent, that by
Cameras aflertion, our greateft Bifhops, our wifejf!^
Gounfellours, ourgraveft Judges, andourSove-
raigne himfelfe, muft be acGounte<i Puritanes and*
not Maftcrs of Schifmes.
And now I come to tender ray counfeU to men \n\
Authority, and all thofe who are>or may be hereaf.
ter put into any place,prcferment, orpublieke em-
ployment over their brethren^ that they may go-
verne righteoufly, and make the people rejoyce.
In the firft place, let them be fureto getpofTeffi-
onof la SYS Christ, and affurance upon good
ground, thatthcAll-fufficient God is their owne.
Elfe fay,or do what ye will,men will be ambicious^
covetous,fenfuall,they will hunt after preferments,
pfofits, honours, precedency, or whatfocver will
Apifi Smnon. Sj
add to their outward happinefle. Butplant once the
eye of faith in the face of the fotile, which will ut-
terly darken with its heavenly brighthcfre,thc eyes
offence, andcarnall rcafon, astheprcfenceofthc
Sunne obfcures the ftarres, and then, and theft
aloncjand never before, we fhall be able tolooke
upon the world/et out in the gaudieft manner^with
allherbaites, and babies of riches, honours, fa-
voursjgreatneffcpleafuresjc^^.as upon anunfavou-
ry rotten carrion. For all true Converts dedrCjand
endeavour, and have in fome good meafure the
world crucified to them, as they are to the world,
Jesvs Christ embraced in the armcs of their
faith/o fills,and fatisfiesthefoulc,that To they may
pleafc him,they are at a point for any worldly pre-
ferment, except it comes fairely by good meanes^
and his allowance.
Here then it will be very feafonable to give fome
light for tryall, whet her you have J EsysCHRist
already or no, if nor,hoW to get him : fot both
which purpofes,know that thatblefTcd L o r d of
life,is brought intothefoule by fuch faving works
of the Spirit,fuch degrees, and ads as thofe, dcfcri-
bed in my book of Comforting aflSided confcien^
Secondly,Lct them enter into their Offices, Be-
ncfices,prtfermcnts, high roomcs,in Go d s name,
I raeane not by money, or any wicked meancs ; not
by Symony,Bribcry5flattery,temporifing;not by
competitours,imployment in any vileferviccj not
by any bafencfle or iniquity at all, no, not fo much
as by ambitious fecking. M 2 Nci-
«^ The fecond
Neither am I now upon aprecife point, excepc
the prodigious iniquity oi the times in this kinde re-
present it fo^thorow thefalfe glafle of commonnefTc
and cuftome^tothe covetous and carnalleyejbebut
honcft Heathens, but ingenious Turks, and that is
not much I require of thofc who profefTe Chriftia-
nity, and you will be on my fide : witnefTe,
See Tmr Mar, That famous ItdtanA^w De ambitu, amongft the
Common pia- jjncient Romanes^ whereby it was ena»5led, that if
7u0an^in/i> any man fhoald attaine honour, ormagiftracy by
and Pacm Aiv moncy ,he {hould both be punirticd with a great pe-
^om.p./ils, ciiniarymul<5t,andalfo made infamous.
T hat right noble carriage of mighty Tamerlaficz
Scythian ,and commander of the Tartars,who is re-
ported in the Turkifli Story, never to have beftow-
cd his preferments upon fuch as ambitioufly fought
them, (as deeming them in fo doing, unworthy
thereof,) but upon fuch as whofe modefty orde-
ferr, bethought worthy of thofe his great favours.
We are come unto a ftrange pafife, thatitfhould
beholden a Puritanicall point5to condemneall cor-
rupt comrhing into places of preferment, and pub-
licke charge^ fith even politick Pagans, and barba-
rous Nations, out of light of reafon, and ordinary
notions of nature,did abhorre it. And no marvell,
for befides motives of piety, and the feare of Go d,
which they wanted5even grounds of policy ,give us
tounderftand,that thisbafe, and accurfed courfe,
wasablc to become the bane, and breake-necke of
the ftrongeft States upon earth in fhort time. I leave
it to your wifdomes to weigh well in your own bo-
fbmes,what flrangc degenerations from worth,and
honour jwhatfeircfufllApoftafie from^ orthodoxe-
ncfTe, and zeale, it may being upon a Cominon-
wealeinfewyeares. /S'lhoJ.
If theworld once takein6tice, that money doth Reafon i,
the deed; men to make way for preferment, will
feeke more to get money then merit. '
- Thofe who (hould rife into high roomes in the
Common-wealth, will labour rather to furnilh
themfelves with heavy purfes,then noble parts.Mi-
nifters will ftudy more to become pragmatical!
Traders about Benefices, and other Ecclefiafticall
promotions, then compleat Divines, and powerfiiM
Preachers s and having learned the Trade, they
would heape living upon living, cry downe prea-
ching, plunge into the world, andfecularcrnpJoy-
ments,gather a hoard,hoping thereby at length to
behoified intofome higher placejef'f. which you
know were a very horrible thing, would marre all-,
and undoe us quite.
Againe,icis a common faying in this cafe : what ^afmi^
we buy by grofTe, we muft fell by retaile. He that
buyeth,faith Mornaj, is (hrowdly provoked, nay is
aftera fort openly difpenfed withall,to fell againc.
And what wofull workc and intollerable mifcry,
that brings upon a people,you may eafily guefle* ^
Thefetworeafons I have infinuated unto mee, in
the French Story, where the Author gives this ex- p^^^ ^ ^^
celknt eulogy oi Lewis the ninth.
The Realmewas corrupted with theunjuftice,
and extortion of farmer raignes,by the falc of Offi-
ces,being moftcertaine that what we buy ingrofle,
wc muft fell by rctaile. He did therefore exprefly
M 3 pro*
gg The fecof^d
prohibit thcfcfalcs, ind fupplied iuch places as
were void, according to die merit ofperfons, after
due cxaraiaation , to draw good men, and of un-
derftanding,lo apply thcmfelvcs to ftudy; other-
wife they would have beene {hrowdly tempted,
rather to have ftored themfelvcs with money then
merit, with gold then goodneiTe. Wife,and graci-
ous then,is the counfell, which the fore-named no-
• Ptfg.i J5' ble and learned "^ Morfjay gave unto another French
King,in his Meditation upon Ffalme loj.
The Princes eye, faith he,and care fhouid be up-
on the beft fort of people, to fet them in offices,
and bcftow charges upon them. He fhouid take this
courfe.Thofethat fliallaffed fuch places,hc fhouid
alwaicsfufpedi: them, their perfons, and pra<5iifes5
for ccrtaineit is, that he that very earneftlyaimeth
at an office,or Iiving,hath laid hisplotalreadyj and
withoutdoubt, he defireth it for the profit, and not
for the charge.
Sermqa J . be- Hcatc alfo what old reverend Latimer faid to this
fore King E<i- purpofe,in£^iv4r^the fixts time, and the Saint.
warjthc 6. ^ ^ ^ defend,faith he,that ever.any fuch enormi-
ty (take notice, betakes it for an enormous finnc,)
fhouid be in England, that civill offices fhouid be
bougbti and fold, whereas men fhouid have them
given for their worthineffe. And a little after^ the
holy Scripture qualifieth the Officers>and fhewcth
what manner of men they fhouid be, men of cou-
ragc,wifc,fearing God,^<?. O^iiLatimtrh^A lived
in our times 1 I am fure, if he had, he would have
beene a great honour5and ornament to our Church.
Mm X t. it.». ^gy ^ YiQ^v^ your ownc Law, and Fer Ugim amm
•'^•*- iffi
ipfemlfrls, Tbetitkis, Noneikill bfecainccJ^ficeiS'
by fuice^or forrewardjbuc upondefert. The Chan-
cdoui!, Trcafurer, or Keeper of the privy Seal-c,
Steward of the Ki^igshoufsyi^e Kings Chamber-
lane, Clarke of the Roles, the Tufticcs of the one
Banchjand of the ©thett. Barons of ciic Exchequer,
aiiid all other tfcac fliall feecalledco ofv^aiiie, nam^-,-
ormake]ufti;G^'ofPcace,c^<r. nor other officer or
Minift^r of the King, fhall be ftraightly fvvome^
for any gifc, nor brokarge, feivour nor afifeciion 3 nor
that any which purfueth by himfclfe, orbyothcr,
privily? or openly, to be in any manner of otfice,
fliall be put in^the kme ofiicc,or any other • but that
they make all fuch officers, andMiniflers of the
befljand lawfulleft men, and moft fiifficicntto their
judgement and knowledge. ,
Now blefled bcG o n for thisblefled law,hoI-
ding fuch a comfortable conformity to Qo&s-
holy Word ; complying fo exactly, wick thcgrave
eounfels of all truly learned^nd godly Divines,f he
auneient uprightnellc of morall Puritanes, I'cafoiiy
honefty, common fence, rules of naturall equity,
and neccffity of holding up States, Kingdomcs,and
humane fociety/or thecontrary overthrowesthem
alI,andcrofl[Ing direi^ly the mighty torrent of the
times corruptions.
You fee here, as in the former paflages.notonely
theviler,andbafcr, and more grolTewaics of get-
ting into places of preferment, and rifing, as by
gifts,brokage, affeiSiion, favour,^f . are forbidden,
and condemned ,but even ambitious feeking alfo,
Fophowfoever it may fcemeaflrangeparadoxe,
compared wiih the fttong corruptions of the rimes*
yet notwithftanding it is a true principle in godly
policy 5 that he which ambitioufly feckes a place,
even info doing, makes himfelfe moft unworthy
of it.
An excellent Interpretour ofujhuah, intimating
thatG o J) s extraordinary eameftnefTe^and iterati-
on of encouragements to lojhuah^ implyed his loth-
ne(re,and backwardnefcto be advanced into Mefes
roome,though he was a man of invincible fpiritjand
incomparable wifdome,lets fall upon confideration
S ^-ailmr thereof this conclufion ; That mm are lejfe mrthy of
eorum fmt in- advancement, then thefe tvhc hunt mofi eagerly after n^
dignijfmt, ^fj^^ ^fj^j^^ ^y aifibittoujly feeke an office ^ or honpttr, doe
ipfofadbo,^^ that very AEidtfcover their extreme un-
wcrthineffe^ and that of all other men^ they defcrve it
mt. Nay, the very light of founder rcafonled Ta-
merlane lo a right conceit herein, as I told you be-
fore. And Momay tells Henery i he fourth of France^
that (uch have laid their plot already,and moft cer-
tainelyfeeke the place, for their owne profir,not for
thepublick good. Excellently then doth our Law,
exclude fuch fellowes, not onely from that office,
they fo greedily gape after, but alfo from all other.
It is great pitcy, fo goodly a body fhould want a
And it muft needs be io, by that obfervation
from men of beft confcience, greateft worth, and
deepeft underflanding, and noblcft -parts, if truly
fandified unto them are moft unambitious, loth
to rife, and fcarefull ever to enter upon, and un-
dertake any publickc charge. A piodeft under-
. Apfe Sermon. pi
valuing of thcmfclvcs, (an ordinary attendance up-
on true worth) fcnfiblcncfle of the burthen, doubt-
fullncflcof athorowdifchargcofthcplace, fearc-
fulInclTe of being cnfnared,and overcome by teirp-
tations, a right apprehenfion and fore-conceit of
the great account^^^. eafily take them off from too
much forwardncffe, coole their courage for over
eager purfuit, and quite extinguifh all ambitious
heate 5 nay , many times thereupon^they draw back,
and retire. A rare thing in this age^but former times
affoord many examples.
It is reported of Father Jus^Hft,a man of more in-
comparable learning then thoufands that thinke
themfelves worthy of a Bifhopricke,that he would
runne fromthofe Cities which wanted Biihops,
leaft they fliould lay hold upon hira .
Naziafszerf having all the voices heaped upon
him, ftoutly ref ufed the advancement, and at the
length, faith the ftory, very hardly after many in-
treaties^and pcrrwafions ofthcEmperour yeelded.
Great Bajil washald into the Bifhoprkkc with
much adoe : * ChryfoHme hid himfelte,and dcfircd \^J„\^bcfore
to be cxcufed. And this their pradtife is anfwcrable ^ch^^ft. "Dz
to the principle intimated before ; That men of ho- smtAam.
ncfty, and fufficiency arc more fenfible of the bur-
ihcn^carefull of the charge,and apprehenfive of the
account, then affc^ed with the honour, or in love
with (landing in a (lippcry place.
Thefe Fathers that feared thefe great charges,
were rcfolved to preach every day, twice a day,
fomctimes thrice a day ^ and they did take to heart
aforchand that account ihcy muft give for the
N foulcs
foulcscommitted to their charge : the terronr of
xhzx<xyxnm\nmoi^S'i^l)\Chrjf6prmyHshv^, 17. For
they rvauhover ymr fitdis, as the^that mrtfi'^ivc
aecmntf makes me quake andtremDle. Ffom fuch
grounds as thefe^mcn of innocency,and true wortli,
efpccially enjoying the comforts of a good confci-
encCjand communion with Jssvs Christ, arc
well enough content to continue in a private cftate,
andwould not willingly IHrrc, except by adired
and comfortable calling, God would have them
to do him fcrvice,in a more publicke employment,
and higher place 5 and they ordinarily undertake
them with muchfeare, felfe-diftnift, and excraordi.
nary prayer. Full little doe you know5who in the
m^nc time flop the cfies of your guilty confcien-
ces with goldj good-fellowfhip or great place,
what the pleafuresof an appeafed conlcience are;
had you ever truly tafted their fwectnelTe, and
foundly fmarted with the anguifh of a troubled one
in convevfion, I dare fay you vwuldnot by your
good wills wound it for a Kingdome, for a world.
A good confcience (faith one well) is of the fame
mind with the trees in Jothams Vmhlt Judges 9. It
will not with the Olive loofe its fatneflfc, nor with
the Fig-tree loofe his fwcctneflc, nor with the
Vinc,its-winc ofchcarcfljllneflre,to have the fatteift,
and fwect eft preferments, and^ pleafures of the
world : no thougWt were to raigne and domineere
over all the trees in the forrefts. Only the Bramble
asyou^know, theraoftbafe, and contcmp'^ible, a
drie fapleflfekcxc and weed, will needs up into a
high roomc. ^cake,and wortfjldfc racOjordinariiy
Afife Sermon. ,P5
are the only, men, old cxGclkm, asthcyray,moft
adive, and pragmaticall to fcruethenifelves by
Bribesjand bafe ti'cks into Benefices, Offices, .and
other undcfcived places of preferment. For they
wanrhoncft wit to conceive &fore-fee thewai^ht
of the ch3rgC:,and confcicnce to difcharge it feith-
fully,their onelyaimc, and afpiration outof an am-
bitious itching humour, is to advance their owne
particular private ends,and although they be many
times as err.pry of all true worth, as the vaineft
Idoll, yet they defite to fit aloft, and be adored
above others.Though they may takefomc diredi-
ons,and motives from the grounds of reafon, and
light of naturali confcience, todealehonef^Jy and
ingenioufly intheirplacesjyetfor athorow univer-
fall, unfhaken ftoutneflc and integrity in the dif-
charge of them 5 let them principally be enlight-
ned, guided, quickned, by the fupcrnatuVall princi-
ples of divine truth, and diiftates of a confcience
fprinkledwith the blood of Christ, and fan<fli-
fied by fpeciall grace.
The ordinary temptations to which theprofcfli-
on of Lawyers is fomctime fiibjcift, are iuch as
Firft,Patronage of bad caufes, which they know lufim advoea.
out of their Lesdl skiU,''and in their own confdcn- '** »»/V^
ces arc rotten at the roote, and will prove naught ar mjo/uppit.
the lafl. 2.Pleading againftthe right* 5. Mercenary Greg. uom.s.
filence. 4. Wire-drawing their Clients fuites for ^'^ ^^^'^*'*
their owne advantagcufing caufes,as unconfciona-
ble Surgeons do fore legs, hold them long in hand,
not for the difficulty, but forthegaioeofthc cure,
N 2 j.T^-
p A the fecond
5. Taking unreafonablc fees. (^.Tampering about
their Law bufinclle upon the Lor d s day. 7. Re-
ceiving the fee, and not fpcakingin the Clients
caufc.Thc laft of which, I could never yet beleeve
of any : becaufc in my conceit,for any thing I know
he might as well take their fwifteft horfc, and kcc-
ncftfword, and lie by the high-waies for a rich
Ururer,or wealthy Clothier: what^ to k\\ fo much
as in them lies,toa poore man rheruineof hislive-
lic-hood, for his owne peece of gold i where is the
valuable confideration fo much talked ofc' in a pare
unvaluable is the wrong, whereas if they had not
truftedinhim, he might perhaps have prevented
the mifchiefe.
But for my purpofe to inftance in two of them,
pleading for a bad, and againft agood caufe, are
both upon the matter, and in plainc Engliih, lyine
againft the truth. "^ ^
Now if any palliate and pretend, that an offici-
ous lie, efpccially accompanied wirh fo much
gaine,is no fuch great matter. Let them looke then
upon the light of founder reafon, which inforced
the very heathen Philofopher Ariflotk to afiirme,
that a lie is x*9 auto (^oZkov, evill fer fe^ in it own na-
ture, and therefore no confideration, circumftance
or Religion can po/Tibly legitimate it 5 bur it is ftill
a bafeand loathfome vice. But principally let them
caft their eye upon Gods bleffed Book,and trem-
ble and be for ever frighted from all falfe dealing
in this kind, by fuch places asthefe,/yi.5,2o.Woe
unto them that call cvill good, and good evill,^(r.
Kev.11,%. AllLycrsfhall have their part in the
Apfe Sermon^ ^f
Lake which burneth with fire and brimftone,
which is the fccond death.
Judges may be acceflary to blood-fhed two
waics, efpecially if they doe it knowingly, and
fwftyedaway by by-rerpc(f^s.i.By condcmningthc
innocent,which is cleare,and 2, By letting the guil.
ty efcape, which appearcs by Gods owne words,
I Kmgs 20.42, Becaufe thou haft faved him whom
I appointed to die,thy life (ball be for his life^cJ*^,
And by that Advocates fpeech to a Judge in Ger-
many, aggravating the fault of a muithercr, that
had killed fixe men. No my Lord, faith he,hc hath
killed but one, you are guilty of the blood of the
other five,becaufeyou lethim efcape upon the firft
murthcr. Now in this cafe let them take a curbe,
and reftraint from confideration, that the very hea-
thens,to fhadow out their torment, didfaine hellifh
furies to follow fuch hainous offenders with bur-
ning firebrands,c^r. Butefpccially let the Book of
God bcate them off, from any tainture that way.
Amongft many others,that place, Numh. 35.33. is
able to pierce an heart of adamant, where the Spi-
rit of God tells us, that befides perfonall guilt,
blood involves, even the whole Kingdomeinthc
ftaineandmifchicfe: for blood, faith he> defileth
the Land,andthe Land cannot becleanfed of the
blood that is fhed therein, but by the blood of him
that filed it. I intend nothing in thefc laft paflages,
to the prejudice,or offence of anyJFor my part I ho-
nour the reverend Judges, and worthy Lawyers of
this Land, at this day, as one of thenobleft limbcs
of the State. And I cannot but lookcupon the
N 3 Lords
^6 l^f fecorai
Lords my Judge?, vvkh more then ordinary ^re-
fpctt, for Juflice Nicols fake, my worthy Patron,
that reverend and renowned Judge, whom Iho-
nourin the duft. And yec for all this,! muft tell you
thetruthj dealeplainely Imuftand will, from.this
place, in this place, though I fhould die in it.
Me thiL>kcs the very providence of reafonabic
men fliould move you that are Magilkatcs, in this
and other Corporations, to relieve your poore
with the forfeitures of oathes, and Ale-houfcs:
But when you have befides Gods blcflfed Law,
fo mighty againft drunkards, blafphemers; and
that King C h a r l b s alfo hath fo gracioufly
confirmed thofeblcfTed Ads provided in t-hac cafe,
tofharpenthefword, and ftrcngthen the armc of
Authority for that purpofe, you ought to be ex-
traordinarily vigilant, adlive, and confcionablc
in the execution of them, othcrwife afTure your
felves, you rob Gcd of his honour, the King of
his fervice, and the poore of their almes, and
your felves of good confciences. And this fourc-
fold cord without repentance, and quickning,
is abletobindthccurfeof Go© fcarcfully to the
confciences of thofc which ihould be faulty this
way. I charge none in this point., but onely them,
whofc confciences if they will give them leave to
fpeake out, may jufUy accufe 5 if any of your
hearts fhouldcondcmne you, God is greater then
your hcatts,and will pay you home : be not decei-
ved, nor flatter your felves with any ungrounded
fclfc conceit. It is a principle, even in morall po-
licy ,th^ an ill executor of the Lawcs is worfe in a
Apfe Sermon. 97
State, then a great breaker of them. Nottopunifh ^,. ...
anofrcnce, being under your charge, and myour pag.i^^.
power, isto commit it.
We that arc Miaii tcrs, and called Re<ftours, are
bound, knd may be ftirred up by the grounds of
common equity to feed the flockc, if we cake the
fleece; to give fpiriiuall things, where we have
temporal I.
But that dreadfull charge of PAuiioTirwthy,
1T/W.4.T. is able to trouble, and affright ever a
ChryfiJ}0i9fe,2Calvm,\vho preached everyday, aful
fuch others illuftrious lights, and earthly Angels,
forpowerfull^andplentifull preaching; what ter-
rour and trembling then fhould it put into the
hearts, (if they be not turned into rocks,) of filkcn,
feldorae, negligent, and no Preachers ^ / charge
ihee before G 0D.^{3k\\ Paul i and the Lord ]esv$
Christ, fvho JhaB judge the qmke and the dead, at
his appearing ^and his Kingdowe, Preach the Wordi be
infiant in feafon, outoffeafon, reproove, rebuke, exhort ,
mth all long frjfcri^gt ^nd Do^rine. When I
ferioufly ponder the fevcrall etfcdtuall en-
forcements ot this terrible obtefta^
tion,mc ihinkes Minifters
fbouW do nothing but
ftudy, preach,
and pray.
Preached on the XIX. day of ©^r^m^er.
Anno DomMDCXXXU at the Funerall of
M'. Robert Bolton Batchelourin Di-
vinity and (JMinifter cf Broughton in
T^jrlhawpon-Shire, ^
1M'. Nicolas Hstvvick,
Batcbelourin Dirvinky^ and/ometimes felloe of
Chrifts Colledgc in CamMgeyZnd now Mini-
fter Q^Warkton in T^rthampon-Shire.
Revifed and fomewhat enlarged by the Author, and now
at the imfortfinity offome friends fuhlijhed^
■^-fN itf
Printed by Gs OR 6 i M 1 1 1 e r dwelling in B/aci-Frierst 1 6^p,
^ght Honourable^ ^g^^ WorjInpfuUy
andbeloyed Brethren.
iF that my wcake defires concurring
with your heaity prayers^could have
prevailed with our good G o d, wc
ihould not have met at this time in
this holy place upon this fad occaflonj
youof thisParifh fhould have ftil enjoyed your faith-
full Paftor,and we of the Clergy a deare brotherrbut
the Lord, to whom it is meet we fliould all fubmit,
having fctboundsto his and to all our livcs,as to the
.fea, hither jhdtthou go and no further y hath otherwifc
difpofcd.O Brottghton^Brougkonyhowhappy haft thou
been intheblelkd Miniflery o^M-Bolton^znd if thou
didftnotfeethyhappinefle when he livM, thou art
like to fcelc it to thy griefenow he is deadj thou haft
had a golden fcafon of grace, and time was when
thou mighteft have gloried in the Lor d for fending
thee in mercy a more skilfull, a more painfuU^a more
powerfull teacher than any of thy neighbours have
had round about thee : thou haft not beene more
exalted this way above others, than thou art now,
alas, dejc<aed below them, being at thisprefcntasa
A z ftoclj
Si me* cum
vcftns valuif-
fent vota, ^c.
Job. 14. f.
Th Ct(t(''n for
People tptthut
aPafior cftjbcep
tvithout afijep'
K^ Sermon Preached
flock of flieep withouta particular fhepheard ; and if
thou hadft leave to name his fucceirpur, thou might-
eft feekefrom one end ofthc land to another in thy
choice, and yet not find in all points a mati matchable
to him 5 he was a bright and a fhining lamp, if any of
thy inhabitants doe fie in darknefie, their ignorance
is altogether inexcufable: hee lifted up his voice in
this place many ycares together like a trumperjif nny
of thy inhabitant* are not awakened out of the fleepe
of finne^ thty may now goe on more fecurely in rhis
The lop of a ^^^^ ^^^P 3 ^"^ ^^^ ^^ them^ it will be eafier for So^
gooJMmi/^er. dome znd G om9rrah 3X. the day of judgement than for
them. I pitieyour cafe {good friends j and bewaile
your loife : but why do J name your lofie ^ It is my
loffe, and a common lofie, we are all of us fliarers,
though nor all alike in this judgement. Lor d, that
thou (houldcft fuffer fuch a wretched finner and an
" unprofitable fervant oF thine as I am yet to live, and
deprive the vifible Church of fo worthy an inftru^
ment of thy glorie as M.Bdtonl Holy Father, we may
think;had it ftood it with thy holy pleafure,that it had
been good for thy Church, if his life had beenfpared
with the lofie of many of ours : he was a deep chan-
nell, in whofe jufily deferved commendations the
ftreames of eloquence which in former ages flowed
from thofe great and godly Orators, the two Grego-
rieshoth QfNa'^anz^um and Nyfa, from great Baftl
and golden-mouth'd C^?7y^/<^Wi?, fromS. i^mbrofe
and S,*^usiin, might have emptied themfelves,and
yet not over- flowed the banks: and what do I then
come hither with my dift:raded thoughts and trem-
bling heart, «vhichifeverl had any gift in encomia
4t the Funer4lhf M\Bokon,
afticall and laudative Orations have many years fincc
willingly neglected ir, and io loft it. As Gregory Nazi-
mzen fpoke of Iiis5rf/?/J have for my part as great rea-
fon to fpeake of our fomecimes deare and now blefled
M.Bolfop^:] admired him while he lived, and honoured
him in my heartjSc to fpeak of his excellencies wher-
wich the Lord had plentifully inriched him, is a bur-
den too heavy for my fhoulder5,and a very hard task
forthofe who. doe nothing els but i\\xdy Oratory: all
that / can fpeak in the praifes of this godly man/alls
fhort by many degrees of his worth, whofe memory
is precious,and fiiall be kept greene and flourifhing as
the rod o^ Aaron laid up in the Tabernacle."
^ rf®V v^f 4I& v^
P H I L. I. 25, 24. Idefire to be difelved-
|He ApoftleS.i'^/z/was in a ftrait, ordir PauUfintt.
vided betwixt two afFedions, carried
toditrercntobjeds, and they were in a-
........ ._ fort contrary 5 one way he was drawne
^^^<^i^^^ with a defire to be wit h C h r i &t , farrc
from the Philippans:^ even as farre as Heaven is from
earth 5 another way he was drawne with a defire to
continue with his beloved brethren warring on
earth , and to bee for a time farre remooved from
C H R I s T 5 the necelfi" y of his brethren did move
him to defire the lattery his great love to C h r i s t
A 3 did
o^ SerntM VrtAchtd
' did incite him to long br the former ; betwixt thcfc
two aifcdtions the Apoftlc had a confli(5t, and he was
fo perplexed, that he knew not whither toturnehim,
he knew not what to chufe. He was as iron betwixt
two load-ftoncs, drawne this way firft,and then haC
way. We read that David was on a time i» a great
i$ym.iJ^ \^. jlrMt^ but apparent were the differences betwixt the &
prelcnt perplexity of this our Apoftle, and that of
DAvtd^ Davids was in regard of cvills propofed,this
was for the enjoying of goodjhis neceflity was touch-
ing evil! which could not be avoided, but the Apo-
ftles was free and voluntary; his perplexity fomwhat
concerned himfelf,the fhunning of his own evill-, but
the Apoftles was for the good of others, which was
joyned with his own hurt. Behold here as in a per-
rpc(5live a heart truly Apoftolicall, wherein he (hew-
ed at once both great love to Ch r i s t, deflring to be
with him^and wirhall great love to his brethrcn,dc(i-
summe ^^"S ^^ abide with them for their profit.
'. * Ibeginwiththefirftofthefe, Pauls defire in re-
fped of himfclfe; wherein are obfervable three parti-
larts. I . The defire it felfe^and that was to depart or die.
2. A leafon implied of ihishis dcfire,for then hee
fbould be with Ch r i s t.
3. His cenfurc or judgement of that ellate, to bee
with Chris T,it*s be ft of ail : Let us open the words
fi'rft, and then raife Obfervationsout of them for our
ExpoJitioH, E V/ Vi*" Vv'"") *^ is word for word, havirtg 4 defire^
and \ his is Ibmewhat more than fimply to defire, for
it notcth a vehement, tamcft and continued defire,
at the Fmerall (fM'> Bolton. j
a dcfire which is in adion and working till wee have •
our ddire accompli{hed,vvheras to defire finiply may
be a fudden motion or raomentany paflion.
AVtf^vjtf*) Soraetranflate the word paifively, Ter-
iutiian renders ir recipij de panefftia,pa. ^, others to be
dirtblvcd or looied, and it is done when things raixc
and com pounded are refolvcd into their parts and
principles, now becaufethc foulc is(as it werc)inclu-
ded in the body^and cannot enjoy Christ fully till
that compofition by the body be refolved by death,
therfore doth S.Paul earneftly defire this refolution.
2 . Or it may iignifie to return,as the word is taken
elfewhere, theLo k b wiHreturnefiom the weddings Luk«»z.3(>.
which fcnfe is notdiflbnant from the fcope of this
place 5 for the fpirit being freed from the body, re-
turnethtoGoD that gave it, and what els doth the
Apoftlenowdcfire, butto returneunto Christ by
whokn he was fent to preach the Gofpcll^
3. Itfignifiethtoloofe anchor, oxzschryjcjlome
renders it,^jdK-«cSta to flit or to change our place^ and
foit*sa metaphor from marriners? importing a flic- '
ting or [aUing from the ftate of this prefcnt life by the
ihip of death to another port, to faikCas it werc)froni
one bank to another.
It is not much matcriall which reading we follow,
they all of them doe agree in the maine point and
fubftance, and doe affoord an obfervation which
might be enlarged and fet foorth with variety of co-
lours? and ftrcngt hen cd with longdifcourfes, but as
they which have a long Journey to goe, and but a
fliort time allowed them,mufl: make but a fliort (lay
in any one place,and as Painters many times ufe only
Kyi Sermm Preached
to draw out the heads and fupericur parts of men,lca-
ving all the other parts & lineaments to be proporti-
onably fuppliedby the wife beholdersj even fo muft
J at this time propound only fcmegenerall heads of
fcverall points without any large amplifications, and
leave them and the reft to your private devotions.
J)o5i. T. Death will unavoidably fur f rife m .-Which is a refo-
"Diaxh camot Jution or diflfolution of this exquifite frame of man,
be avoids . .^ j^ ^l^^ difiociation of parts united together, it is the
taking away the ftru(Sture and the f-afhion of this
i Cor.i. 5 . houfe of clay. We muf needs dtc^ and then rve are as tva-
c r ,. ter (hilt en the ground which cannot he gathered ftp a-
2 bam, 14. 14. . // ^ r «- ; / r 1 ^ t
game, as the wile woman or Tckoah ipoke to the
EccUI.8.8. King 5 No man hath power over the JJ?irit tn the day of
death, neither is there any difcharge in that warre, all
muft fight with dea:h,and death will conquer all; our
foules and bodies now met together in this nearc
conjundion, though deare friends muft be fcparatcd
each from other untill the day of the gcnerall refur-
rediom and keep them now as charily from dangers
asv>^ecan, yet will thefe earthen brittle vefTcllsbe
broken afunder, which all forts and ranks of men are
boundtolookeforat alltimcs> Surely men of low de-
■ ■'^* gree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie, tohec^
laid in the ballance they are altogether lighter then vanity^
a marvellous debafing of all men ! Let men be put in
one end of the ballance, and vanity in the other, and
the Pfalmift doth alTurc us that vanity will weigh
downe man,and man is lighter than vanity it felfe./^^
fcts out his life by comparing hisdaiestoa fwift fhip,
Lifefwift. ^^^ ^^ ^" Eagle that hafteth to the prey, yea and hee
ioh,9.z6.\.zs further faith, they are fwiftert ban a poft> then the
At theFunerAliof M.Bolton.
buds in the ayrc,thc (hips on the rea,& the fwift poft
on the land, all thefe doproclaime and preach a Ser-
mon to us of our mortality, and that this lamp many
waiesmaybe extinguifhcd 5 experience fhewcth, us
that death puts no difFerence,the young do die as wel
as the old, the ftrong as well as the weakc,the Kings
and Counfclloursofthe earth as well as beggars, the J**''^'H>'^
Phyfiriansthemfelvesaswell as their patients, and
death is haftned by infinite difeafcs, whereunto all
the living arc fubjcd, and thefe are within us, and a
thoufandaccidcntstofurtherdeath without us, and
which is the foundation of all our evils, by our own
fins, whereby we do provoke the Lor d of our lives
to anger, and do walk every day over a mine (as it
were ) of gun-powder, fubjed every moment Co be
blowne up by the Lords difpleafure : and S*Cyfrian cyprianje
excellently flieweth the declining ftate of the world, '"*"'*^
how the ftrengthofthe husband-man in the field, of
the marriner on the fca,and the fouldier in the camp is
weakenedjf4»^j videmusmpueris: and it is well for us Eenepsofjhort
that our lives are fliortned, and that our daies do not '^/i?«
ordinarily attaine to the tenth part ofthofe that lived
before the floud, and th.at both in regard of the wic-
kcd,vand the godly. Firft touching the wicked^ to re-
prefle their outrage and impudcncie in finning 5 this
Very thought that they may die cre-long, and cannot
live very long^in rcafon fhould abate their violent and
exorbitant courfes, ifthey aretranfcendently wicked
now when death is at,hand,what l^imrdds would they
be ifthey had in the ordinary courfe erf" nature, eight
or nine hundred yeares before them to live in i If
their damipipn^npwjball be mpft fjrqajd&lU how
B much
8 K^ Sermm ? reached
clryfoftomeoh. much morc ititollcrablc would it then be,the number
»n" llmny of their fins adding fuell (as it wcrc)to the fire of hell<
tofinners t9die and the Lord in juftice meafuring out to them apro-
f r''"^' S*"" portionable degree of vengeance to their fins:' hence
Qu^en^t vua willthelr accounts be fo much the eafier, and their
diuturnior, eo fttipss fomjch the fewer. And this makes likewife
fieretculpanu- ^ ^^^^ ^:^^ ^^^ exceeding comfort and good of
deBonaM^rtii. diltrelled Chriftians;innrmicies,temprations,pover-
C.4 & iongc ty,reproaches, griefeofp3(Iionfor rhcirowneandof
n"uo^"profu"f' -co'-npalfion for their brechrens miferies are a great
fet nc incre. burchen tothcm, how much Iieavier wouldit'beif
mema faceient j^^^g burdicn was to preflTc them down many hundred
idemcr/l^juf. yeares together:' this much allaies their forrowjthat
dem libri. all thcfe cvills are bur as clouds which foone ride a-
way, orasatempeftthough violent yet not perma-
Heb^io.j4. ncnt^afharpeyetbuta fhortwinter, here is our Scrip-
ture comfort, the time to beare them is but fliorr.
yfi I-. This confideration of our mortality fhould in reafon
mnfJven!*' ^^^^ "^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ Heaven for helpe that we may ef-
^ fe<5tually remember our condition : the holy fervants
ot Go D our prefidents herein have prayed to the
Lord for this purpofe: thus did U\tofes,teachmeto
pfal.^.ii. number m-j ^af^/Vi , thus did Davidywakeme L o r d rt?
^ '^^ ** 'know mine end : in their blefied fteps let us tread, and
their example let us follow ^ it is a wonder that we
iliould need to be remembred hereof, that we fhould
be fuch ftrangers in the world, but there is need of
that proclamation ftill to found in our eares, allpfl is
Efay40. • graffe,Andthebeautyoftt as the flower df the feld : were
"wc indeed as Adam was at the beginrlTng of the world
who faw no fpedaclc of death before his eyes, wee
might have fom probable cxcufc if we thought not of
at theFunerattof M.Bolton.
our departure: but what can wc a Hedge for our felvcs
when we have had the experience of all ages^ Go in-
to any part of the world, and aske them in the Pro-
phets woxds, your fathers whtre are they ? and doe they *^ ^•*'^'
live fir ever ? Even this place and this meeting doe
preach unto us our mortality. Where are thofe Epi-
cures in f/^jf, which promifc to themfelves continu-
ance in their dcfperate wales. To morrow (hall Se as thif Efay ?$.ii.
daj and much more Aboundant^ nay and which is more
abominable, doetake occaiionby the iliortnefTeof
iheii lives to eate and drinke^hecaufeto morrow they m»fi
die : Come on therfire{hy they )/^/ mfll our [elves with Efay.««. i j.
ce^Uwine^ andointmentSi andla no Rower ofthefbrin? „,.,-. ^
tafe by U6y let m crowncour jelves with rofe-bms before
they be withered, let none of us go without fart of our jollt-
tyjet m leave to\ie,iS cf our joyful Inefe in every pi ace, for
this is our portion. Thefe finners are likely to fee the
daies when they fhall wifli themfelves toads, fer-
pentsor any loathfome creatures,rather f hen men and
women,and yet as defirous as they fliall be of that ex-
change of their eftate they fhall not have it, but fliall
remaine wofull men and women for ever.
This Do(5lrine ferveth likewife for the reproofe of 2 .
thofe who negleding principally to depend on the '^vanUyttde,
immortall Go D,do fmfully relieon others which arc £;'^ '"""'"''^
mortall like themfelves s thus the Subjed: relieth on.
the Soveraigne, the fer vant on his Lord and Mafter,
the wife relieth on her husband, and the children on
their parents, and all this is done contrary to our du-
ty ^ Trufl not in Princes nor in thefons of man, and why PfaLi 16.1.
fo < There is no helpe in them : their breath goeth forth y
and they returne to their earth. Truly they arc like the
running waters, our dove, i. e. our faith can find no
B 2 reft
7fal. 145.4.
reft for the foles of her feet in aay of the fons of men,
{wchhofe is like the hsttfe of a fpider, one Iweep of Go d s
bcfome will cafily make both the objeds of their
hope and their hopes to be in the duft : it is as a bro-
ken reed to leane ons it will both deceive and pierce
them :' the whole world runs on wheelcs, look Eaft-
ward,orintheWeft, North or South, youfhallfee
nothing but inconftancyinall the parts therof. Oh
how fafe and ^apj>y then are they rvhich make the God of
Jacob their hclp^ and rvhofe hope is in the Lord their God.
Whofe hearts and eyes are fixed upon him; how hard
foever the world goeth with them for the prefenr, all
Ihall be well aflure your felves with fuch in Gods
good time ; he will provide all fhall be well, he will
helpe the husband, hee will comfort the wife, hee
will guide the fervants, hee will preferve the
goods 5 yea rather than it ihould bee undone^
(with reverence be it fpokenj he will rock the cra-
dle, they are the words of the learned (JllartyrB,
This dodrine doth check all vainglorious & proud
perfons,which NarciJfus-]i\:c,6o doic dn thcnifelves^
their own beauty,or ftrcngth,or any ornament of the
body,which may like lon.t^ his goufd in one night be
withered. Who is morcodiousin our fight than a
proud beggar^and nothing is more hat'cfull iri Go d ^
eyes than a proud man or woman, who are but rtieat
for the filly crawling wormes to fc^d upon, and if
thou^noweflnotthyfelfe,gotothe graves of thofe
which have been mofl lovely and beautifull in their
dales I in that piif^ure and glaffe maift th6u view thy
relf,theremaifi thou behold theriiyfteries of ouj'na-
turCjOs Gregory iVj^<?/? fpeaketh^and exeelltntlyinlar-
fox ARiyfage
1 GregMyff. in
\iiat^, Beati
fauptres fpiri-
tuMTM Beat.
at tkeFffff^alhf Mr.^oizon, ii
gcth this point. Haft thou not (faith he)fecna heap of
dead mens boncs^haft thou not fccn their skills with-
out flefh,a grim fpe<aaclc to behold,the very eyes be-
ing wafted and turned into ^\:{^ c* Haft thou not feene
their mouthes (as it were) grinning and iJiewing their
corrupted teeth and their other bones lie fcattered in
the grave ^ If thou haft feene thefethou haft in them
feen thy felfe: where arc the tokens of flomiftiingage^
where arethofe beautiful cheeksc* where is bloud and
colours in the lips^ whatis now becom ofthofefpatk-
Hng and lovely ey.es^ what of the comely nofe pla-
ced in the midft of the < hceksc' where are thofe locks
of haire which were wont to adorne their heads, &c,
what is become of all thofe things which do incrcafe
thy pride ^ Tell me,what dreame is more vanifliing,
what ftiadow more flitting than is thy beauty, or any
other thing whereof thou glorieft 'f
Fourthly, thofe alfo are to be reproved which arc 4»
earth- wormes, and do labour inordinately and im- ^cheelti'^^'^^
•moderatelyfortranfitory riches, which are careful!
for very trifles, and carelcflc for matters of grearcft
confequence, which toile unceflantly for an eftate to
leave to pofterity,andarc compared by Barthlemeus^
to children following butter-flies, they rauft fome-
timesgoeoutoftheway in their purfuir, they may
mi(re,and if they citch,it's but a flic to befmeare their
han ds, Naked x9e C4fhi inte thts world, and whatfoever ' ****
we have gotten here,we muft leave it all behind, for
naked jbaU rve gooutofthe world.SaladmeK t^ahometan j{n9Us Turf^i/b
the great T«r^^ may teach Chriftians a good Jeflbnj «^/^^73- -
he caufed a Proclamation to bd made by one of his
Priets, a (hitt feftned to a fpearc m manftcr of an cn-
Bj (igne.
14 Kyf Sernton Preached
(ignc, laying,thisisallthat54/4^/;;c Conquerour of
the Eaft caries away with him of all his richcs.-indccd
it is not all, they carry with them a guilty accufing,
confcicnce, which will extort from parents curfcs to
their children, becaufethat they to make them rich^
became Ufurers,unmercifiill Land-lords, deceitful!
in their dealings, and worldly minded^ wecanpitie
others in their miferies,and fhall we have no compaf-
fion on ourowne foules i fhall our o wne foules now
be vile to us,in comparifon of which al the kingdoms
of the world are but trifles^for what fhallitprejit aman
to win the whole world and to loofe hisewncfeule f or what
recommence fjall a man give for hisfotde? if the foule per-
ifliethjthen all the world is gone with us.
5 . This Do<5trine fhould teach al finners a point oi fpi-
2)e/em mtn- yituall wifdom,not to defer their repentance and fcck-
fentmt' ingtomake their peace wuhGod.the children of this
world are wife in their generation, that if they be te-
nants at will and courtefie,and certain ere long to be
thruftoutoftheirhoufts, they would looke abroad
to provide clfewhere, they would run all the country
over to get an aflfurance of an earthly houfe, and will
not thou while thoumaieft provide for the eternall
welfare of thy foule ^ if a man was hungry, and had
twenty or thirty difhesfet before him, and he knew
poy fon was in one of them, the danger of that would
make him be afraid of the reft j& thou haft a dcfirc to
live twenty or thirty yeares that in pofTibility are be-
fore thecjwhich thou maift happily livc,but in one of
them, thou knoweft not whicla, death in probability
will come to thee, fliould not this prepare thee for
death alwaics^fmenthat arc wife and have enemies,
at the FmeralhfM^. Bolcon.
C. II.
Iceepecontinuall watch & garrifons in frontier towns
for fearc of afuddcn furprifall: death continually
fhooteshisarrowes abroad; fomctimes he mortally
fmitesthofe above theejfomerimcsthofe below thee,
and thou feeft fome fall dead hard by thcc:if thou gi-
veft thy foulc to Satan in rhy life, how canft thou
hope that Go d will entertaineitarthy death^O then
why fliouldeft thou for the pleafures of unrighteouf-
ncffe for a very few daies (little dofl: thouknow how
few) deftroy thy foule for ever c do thou whip thy
foule with the lafhes of d ivine fentences to follow af-
ter Go d ,as Saint Aufim did his, when it was backe-
wardand refilled this heavenly work of thy conver-
fion, and let notthofc ?wg£ ntiganim ^ vanitates va-
matum^ohhok antient fins which did (hake his coate
and whifpered in hiseares, doftthou leave us now,
and mud we part for ever^ let not thefe bofome fins
I fay,dctaine thee in the prifon of the divell,butlhake
ihcm off as Saint Paul did the Viper, that they may
doe thee no hurt. Neither doth this concemethe un-
regenerateonly,butthofealfo which through the po- tancejpceiffy.
licy of hell have difgraced their profeHion^ inflantly
to arife from their fin by unfained repentance, a duty
praife- worthy in any, and to be pra(5^ifed by the grea-
teft men on the earth. Many heroicall vertues were in
King David^ for none is he more to be honoured then
for his repentance ; it is a goodlier fight to fee a King
on his knees feeding upon the bread of forrow, and
mingling histcares with' his drink, then to utter di-
vine Proverbs with wife Salomon : and what our Sa-
viour fpoke of watching, the fame doc I fpcake of
repentance,! fay unto youall repent, if you are in the
Renexff Repen-
14 ^ Scrmfift Preached
field, remember i^^^/, ifyouareafcafting, remem-
ber lobs children : when you goe to bed, th^c you
might holily compofc your felves to reft, that you
may commie the kcyes of your doores, much more
your lives into the hands of G o d, remember the
ntft-borneof Egypt which were flaineat midnight
by the Angellof the Lo r d: let Adulterers remem-
i Klng.16.9* bcxZimri and Cozhf^ and drunkards^ King Ela (laine
by another Zimri ; if you walk in the ftrcers, remem-
ber thofe on whom the tower of Sile fell, if your
hearts begin toturne to the love of the world, re-
member Lfits wife :that which befell tliem may befall
us y it will bethenourwifdomeby Gods grace to
prevent fin, and if we fall into fin> our next wifdomc
will be to repent of the fin we have fallen into.
6, Another duty which naturally dotharife from this
Take the oppor* Dofftfine is, to lofc HO time in doing and^in receiving
mity of doing j^j ^^^ g^^j ^^^^ ^^^ . ^j^j^ -g ^y^^ ^^y (appointed to
Gai.'j.io. workc) and how (hort this day is, the L q r d alone
Joh.^. ^Qth know,but this we know, the night commeth ivher-
f>; »<j;;c r^f? m^ri^. Shall the Sun ftand ftill for chce,as ic
did for loJJma? or go back as it did five houres for Be-
ukiah ? dee we thinke we can doe good in another
world, when we do no good to Ipcake of in this^ be
not deceived with this dangerous errour, andhurtfull
pretention of doing good hereafter, rvhatfoever fky
icclsf. 10. hindfindeth to do, do it with all thy might, and the rea-
ibn is good ; for there ism device, nor work, nor know-
ledge ynor wijdome in thegrai/v whither tho»goefi, Vainc
hope of fliture performances hath undone many: fow
thy ^tcd whiles the feed time la(ieth,if thou looke to
havcacropand harveft.Wcmay Icamc this from the
4t the FuHcraliefM.^, Bolton, 1 5
birds of the ayre, tkTurtle, the Storke, the Crane and ^^^ g^^^
he travels whiles it is light, then he knowes he is un-
der the protedion of the Lawes, the fea-faring man
he obfervcs the wind, the Smith he flrikes whiles his
iron is hot 5 nay we may learne this wifdome from
the divell himfelf, herageth and doth all the mifchief ^
he can,kcaufe his time is htjhort, Thus of doing good, P***^ "• * *•
and fo likewife muft we let no opportunity flip of re-
ceiving good, lay hold of every feafon which may
be an advantage to get heaven, to ftrengthen and in-
creafefpirituall graces, be glad if thou canft heare
the Word preached on a working day. Saint Bajll he ^J^'^J"' **
preached on a working day, and tels his Auditors ^*''^"'*
their thoughts & defires, that he would be fhortthat
they might goabout their labour. If fuch thoughts
poirclic our hearts, at this or any other time,let us re-
pell them, and remember what the holy Father there
fpeaketh, the time fpent in Go d $ fervicc is not loft,
for God (torecompence themj removes troublc-
fome bufmefie, gives promptitude of minde, or
ilrcngth of body, fends cuftomersto buy their wares,
and if he doth noneofthefe;yet(are they no- Icofcrs
by their paines, for ) he gives them a rich treafurein
Laft ly? this point may teach Gods children pa- 7«
tience in all diftrefres,and afford them found comfort j.^^^Ji'A-
in all cftates : they arc nearer heaven now, falvation time. '
now is nearer to thcra then wheij they began to be-
lieve; fin and Satan do now difquiet them, but they Rom.ij.a.
(hall not do fo for evcr.Many a one can be content to
endure hardship a few yeares, nay to be a galley ilave
C under
i6 K^ Sermin fruchtd
undcrtbc Turke fevcn yearcs, if he had aflfurancc of
a great Lordfhip after that time was expired, and
choofc rather to be a bondman upon thofe termcs,
' then to be a free man without them r cxercife Jong-
fufFering(goodChrirt:ian)thcrcranybcbut a day or
moneth5orycare, but a little tim.e betwixt thee and
the joyes of heaven. Who would not admire the
ftate of fuch a beggar, who every houre was in polH-
bility of a Kingdome < but behold a greater reward
by GoDspiomifeisduetoallhischildren, then this
earth can atfords more glorious things fliall betheirs,
I Qoti.f. then ever e^e hathfeene, or eare hath heard, $r the heart
of man can conceive^ which without all doubt by com-
parifonat leaft^are true of the joyes of heaven. Why
thenfliouldeft thou O Chriftian foulc be caft downe,
or why fhouldeft thou be in vaine difquietcdf furcly
if thou wouldeft ferioufly confidcr, that thy heavi-
neflefhall be fuddenly turned into unfpeakcable joy,
that all thy teares (hall be for ever wiped from thy
^^' ^* eyes, and thanhcCe momentary affliciions do froportio-
naHy work unto thee^m exceeding weight oj glory , thou
haft no reafon to be much dejedcd for them.
Thus much of the firft Do(f^rinc, the fecond fol-
loweth 5 but that we may build upon a good founda-
tion, we niuft firft declare the meaning of thofe
wordsonwhich we muft ground our enfuing Obfer-
H(i)» Saints tin I defitets depart andtsbe with CHRIST) Te he with
mtbcbri/f. Christ. Why^was not Saint PW with Christ^
Phil. J. ao. was not hfs cenverfatm now in heaven ? and was not
the ftrcame of his affection carried to C h r i s t ^ was
Colof.>.r. not he with him in the fpirit as with the ColopAns, re-
attheFuneraSc/M.Bolton. 17
joycingand beholding hishappincffc^ doubtlcflfehc
was. Butthis being with Ch r i s t was notthat prc-
fencc which hedefircdj itwasancercr prcfcnce, to
be where he was in the highcft heavens, and to he.
held the gUfj vphtch God the Father had given htm j ^®'^" ' '•*♦•
tleilre is the daughter of indigence and want fome %
way, and himfelfe doth plaincly tell uSjivhtlefi rveare
tn the hod-jy as now Saini Faul was, we are ahfent from i Cor. j. <.
the Lord jyou may be pleafed to obfcrve a diffe-
rence betwixt thefephrafes of Christ his being
with us, and our being with C h r i s t , it is one thing
for C H R I s T to be with us, this benefit is enjoyed in
thislife, hepromifed to be with the Apoftles, an4 Mat.t8.to.
his SuccelTors, and {o by Analogy, he is with all his
my fticall members to the worlds endj but it is ano-
ther thing for us to be with Christ 5 this honour is '
referved for the world to come, and it is a ftatc of
blelTednefleashe (poke to the theefe on the CrolTe,
this day fbalt thou he with mem Paradife, Whence I doe Luk.23.4j ,
The faithfull foulenvhenit defmeth out of thislife is DoMne^,
immediatly after death with Christ. If the foule of ^'»^*'* '"^^wc-
Paul^ why not the foule of other faithfull onesC Saint a&tai^lo
Paul Iknow, whilefthee lived, was a man indued cbrt/i,
with fingularzealcfor Christ andhohncfTeoflifc, ^^°^-'^^*i'
and exercifed with more then ordinary miferies and
perfecutionsj himfelfe rcciteth a Catalogue of many
of them, but as it is not the degree of faith, but faith
thatjuftifies, nor the meafure of graces, but the ha-
ving (aving graces in truth, that aflbres us of G o d $
gratious acceptation of us in this world, fodocthey
alfo by G o D s frecpromifc obtainc reward in hea-
C 2 ven.
1 8 kA Sermon Truched
cypr. de morta- ^^^' inftnotly upoHthc diflolution 5 as Saint Cyfrian
iitM jinemfe- fpokc toBemetriai^us^though. a blafphemous Echnicic,
'^' chat if he would at the end of his life pray to G o d for
the pardon of his fins, belceve and confefTe him, he
fhould be tranflated fub ipfa morte to immortality,
* why not •*. the foule being purged clearely from the
impurity and ftaine of fin by thecomplerion & ftate
of grace, which gets full dominion in the very mo-
ment of her departure out of the body, as Alexander
Balenfis, t>urandm, and other learned Schoolemen
havcrefolved, and it is not defined in that Church
whether the deordination of the will, and whether
virions affedions (as too much love to wife and chil-
Lib.4Mll»ii. dren) remaine in the foule, faith -E///^, yctdocwe
sea.3» ^ grant this to be true, that the more gracious any man
is in this world, the more is he now rcfpe(5led of
Go D,& the more glorious {hall he be hereafter. The
point it felf is clearly proved by the New Teftaracnt,
Rom.8. 1. There ii no condemnMion tofuch as are in C h r i s t ] e-
jigahfi Fur- s v s . None,and therfore not to purgatory paines. For
gatoiy. the name damnation extendeth to Purgatory, faith
Th.in /^,SentenJifi.^'^ . q,2 . Sixtus Senenps l.S.Anno-
tat,^'-j. No condemnation faith the Apo(lIe,yes,that
there is damnation to the fire of Purgatory, faith the
Mai0n agaxnfi Jefuite iW4/^^. Whether will you beleeve^againe,)^^ ^
\'cq^^ f *^^ ^''^'^ ?^4/-r//^^ earthly houfe of this our tabernacle jl)all be
defiroyedj we have a building net made with hands, but
etemallinthc heavens, S^chr'jfojlome rendreth e^u^ if. hy
t-Tztv when^to note the time immediatly after death, he
faith ix'^uAv not 'ihij-zv we have not I knownot after how
many years,we ihall have: which may further appcare
by the Apoftles'fcope,which was toadminifter con-
attk Furterdll ^/M'.BoIton. j^
folationtotheaffli(aed, as appearesbytheendofchc.
former Chapter, that they rfiould after death goc to
aneternall hovikyjlmmfoH mortem acquirenda, forth-
with to be poflefTed after death,as Efti^s (h^wcth out
ofP^^//^>^'^i^/w^ and Ti^^w^,whichelfc could be Lib.^jif.ti,
butfmall comfort unto them, if they beJieved they ^^^•*»
fhould be detained in a fiery prifon, farre hotter and
more intollerable then any puniOimenr in this world
can be 5 and that the foules of the faithful! were in a
ftate of happines before the Afcenfion of Christ
into Heaven is cleare, (though neither they nor the
Angels were fo happy for degree, as after the incar-
nation of our Saviour^is generally concluded, and by
cleare demonftrations confirmed;) the point I fay is
clearej build not my faith on the bookof Wifdome,
though it binds Papifls to the beliefe thereof, that
faith, the foules oft he right e ou^ are in the harids of'Q o d , Wifdome 4.
md there jhdl no torment touch them: no torment, thea ''^'^*
not the torment of Purgatory 5 but behold a cryftall
ftreame which is able to quench the flames of Purga-
tory; if a wicked man will turnefrom all hisfinnes.^che Ezck 18 22.
jlsallfurely live,he [ball not die: all his tranfgrefions that
he hath committed j]^all not be mentioned to him. How
doth he not remember, if he doth fo feverely punifh
that it paffeth the imagination of man to conceive the
greatneffc thereof ^ can there be a back reckoning for
that which (hall never be remembred < and faying,
that not a few but al his fins fliall be forgotten,will he
yet punifh them to fatisfie for any fins at all i and is it
not an cafie thing unto the Lo r tx inthe day of death Ecdef. i x-a,
to reward a man according to his waies -f Call you
this a re ward,for a good man to be thr uft into a place
C 3 of i
K^ Sermon Preached
de beaut. I,
of torments this prcfcntlifc isatimc of working,ftri-
ving,runniRg,fowing,anci godly living, after death is
the time ofrcapingjof receiving wages, garlands and
crownesj an unj lift thing it is to detainc the labourers
wages, which reafon 1 fuppofe is as ftrong againft
Purgatory, as againft thofe Armenians whom our
Advcrfarics do worthily confute^ and how is it ima-
ginable that if I he good in the old Law fuppofcd then
dcad,Went firft to torment, that they did not tremble
for fearc of deaths howcouldthey (as they did) de-
part in peace i and how is it imaginable that God
who appointed facrifices for all forts of fins and pol-
lutions,{liould appoint neither expiation norfacrifice
nor fatisfacf^ionto be made for the foules of the dead !
furcly there appeares not to us any token of any fuch
thing,and therefore we may fairely concIude,that all
the foules of the righteous then were tran dated into
a ftare of happinefte.
This Do<5lrine being thus briefly cleared, we may
from hence draw many conclufions.
Hence it followeth that the foule dieth not with the
body, astheSadducesthatpcftiferous fed amongft
thcjewes did damnably maintained for as they de-
nied the rcfurreclion and the being of Angels, fodid
they fay,there was no fpin'r, no fpirituall fubftance at
alljfaith Scaliger, ^^hxch. without all doubt, is the truth
in the judgement of ^r»to/^ 5 fogrofTc werethefc
Sadduccs in th ir apprehenfions : and as a wicked
branch of thisfortifli ftock of ^adduces there fprung
up certninc Arabians which held that the foule pen-
flicd rrgetherwirh the body, aswitneftcth Eufebiu*.
Afitdodrineibr enlarging the kingdomc of the di-
vell :
The fou'e im-
Hufeb. Ecclef,
at the Funerdll ^^r.Bolton,
vell.-butthatthcfouleis immortall myTexcprovcth,
bowclfecould it part from the body and be with
Ch r I s T^unlcffe it was a feperablcfubftance^fith the
body tsnotwith Christ till after the general! rc-
furredion^ whence is there in natural! confcience that
accLifing power for fin, that feare of wraths but from
this principle that the foule is immorralknever make
any queftion of this^when thou dieft ,thy foule which
is thy better part dicth not, but is taken out of thy bo-
dy ,as a candleout of a lanthorneiandimmediatly pla-
ced either in blifle or in torment.
Hence may we in the fecond place conclude againft
the i^mihAf tills and SocinUnst which though they
went not fo far as the S adduces ro deny the refurre(5ti-
on, yetdidthefe fantaftiques dreamc that the foule
fleepcthtill Doomesday,and i$in a ftateofincenfibi-
lity like fomc creatures in Winter,/»/e(^4.ti!l they be
quickned and revived by the heat of the Sun,fothey
of fou!es,till they be raifcd by the power of theLo r d
at the laft day^but ho^ then could Saint P/tulhe with
Christ ^but to fay no more againft thefe filly drea-
mers, I proceed.
In thethird place, that conceit alfo falls to the
groundjwhich prevailed with many oftheantient Fa-
thers and with fomc later writers, that the foules of
the righteous fee not God till thelaft day,but are kept
in ceitaine receptacles in expcdation therof. I fee
no profit to the Auditory by naming them 5 the lear-
ned if they pleafc m ay read many of their names in
Sixtffs Senenfis, But how then (fay I)could Saint Paxtl
be with Ch R I s T^this opinion is an unworthy con-
ceit condemned by the Church, as robbing heaven
tit fculej!eeps
not as the bedy,
BuUingtr ciira
Anaha I.4 e.io
' 3.
Soules departed
iMtiediatety fte
SixfM Senenh
hibLSM. lib.b.
2 2 '-^ Sermon Preached
for the prcfent of its bieffed inhabitants.
4. Fourthly, hence ah"© doth it follow, that though
clMft abfent C H R i s T as touching his divinity is every where pre-
tnbody. fent, for clfc he were not God, yet to US in this world
he is abfent as touching his bodily prefcncc. For,
what is it to be with Christ, but to be prcfent
where C h r i s t is bodily prcfent c' and againcjwhiles
iCor.y.8. wc areiffthcMy^ wee are abfent from the h o -Bi -d i the
Apoftle then was ignorant of that unhappy perplex-
ed point which fomefeemeto defend, the ubiquity of
C H R I s T s body, for howfoevcr his humane nature
(efpecially in the ftateofglory)is adorned with ad-
mirable gifts, and advanced to the highefl: dignity,
honour and domination, yet doe the natures of
Christ perfonally united remaine diftin<5k both in
cflTenccpropertieSjand operations. Yea, and the m-
felves confefTe that the divine properties belong to
the humane nature, not by any phyHcall transfijfion
from one fubjed into another,but it is only perfonali
de^pe!f7nlthri' ^"^ communicatcd tothe humane nature by the grace
fii,p. 1 2. of perfonal union infomuch that the humane na ure(as
FhiiipNichoi. thcy fay)isomniprcfentnot in being but in having,
fenti7"bminu ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ t>ut in the perfon of the word, a nd thus
chrifii,c.6, do they in words at Icaft deny what they fcem to con-
tend for.
5 . From wh encc likewife it followeth that there is no
jigaififi eurga- Popifh Purgatory ; the fault is clearely remitted,and
"'J'* fo there can be no fatisfad:ory torments required.
God fhould(me thinks)but mock us,if thcy fay true,
as if he fhould fay, I pardon thee thy offence, but I
will punifh thee for it, I acquit th ee of the debt thou
oweft mcbutnot of the paimcnt : but why Ihould not
at the f4(mr»&9ftA\hohon, « ^
the foulespftherightcoBS dying m fahh bccari^din*
ftantly into hcaven,as well as the foule of a man new -
ly baptised comming to that holy Sacrament in due
manner, and dying before he hath committed a new
fin, akhongh he was full offinnc before ^ there is no
queftionofthis lattcTjand why (hould there be of the
former ^ And if they cannot goto Heaven becaufb
Gods jufiice muft be fatisfiediWhat will becom of all
tl^ofe that dica little before the judgements &much
more is the difficulty increafcd in thofe which pafFc in
a moment from moitalitie to immorralitie,atthe very
comming of Je s v s Ch r i sr.But ] marvel not if Pa-
pifts do contend for this Purgatory, as being indeed
one ofthebeft fires that ever (he Pope and his Cler-
gie have had for the heating of their kitchins. For let
this be granted that there is fuch a fire, and that tht
torments there and in the place of the damned diflFer
but in duration, and there are no torments in this
world compavableto thofe in Purgatory ; let their
Preachers tell their people fuch a fuppofition as this
is, if a foule had becne tormented in Purgatory thirty
yeares, and had by an Angell a choifeeithcr to ftay 7>}fciputiu de
in Purgatory one day lor^,or toreturneintothebo- jf'»^«'^Ar.^«.
dy and do this penance a hundred yeares together, t(> ''^'^*' *
tread only on iron nailes which will pierce the feet,
to drinke gall minglrd with vineger, and to eat the
tomfeft bread, to be cloathcd with Camels haire, to
lie on the ground, and inftead of a boiler to have a
hard ftone for a pillow,the foule would rather do this
penance a hundred yeares together, then to endure in Apoc«. j.
Purgatory one day ,fairh their Preacher. Bythisand
fuch like dodrinciB,thc Gonfcfcnces of their difcip!«s
X> arc
^4 Ky( Strmm Preached
arc ftung as with Scorpions 5 and it is like a gift whi-.
Jf«.t7 «. ' 'her focvcr it turncth, it profpercth, then may they
work them Kke foft waxe by their charitable promi-
fes to apply the meanes for their eafc and reliefc out
of the place of torments. What a wofull fpcech was
foxAHipag. that of our Rfcktrd L who committed his foule to
*49. Purgatory till Doomes day.
6, Sixthly , this Dodrine ovcrthroweth their Popifh
^gainfimay. prayers for the dcad,dire(fled unto G o Dto eafe th^,
ifigfor tie dead and free them fromthepainesof Purgatory, yea and
that kind of kindncs too which many that do profeilc
the Orthodox doctrine, doe unwarrantably uic in
wordsa and further, as a more durable monument of
their miftake,dowrite upon the grave ftones of the
dt^NoT f«' ^^2^>^^ ^ ^c mercifuU to the foule ofthis dead man.
M^atat.Tab9r. For are they with Christ^ then doe their prayers
pag.x9u bring no profit to the dead, but hurt to the livings
For to fpeake thefaireft of them, i .Such prayers can
Mat.i z. 3 6, be no better than an idle vpord, for vfhich we muH give
4n account at that day, 2. They are an injury to the
dead, and do vertually imply, thatfuchas pray for
them are not perfwaded they are in happincfTe for
whom they pray. 3 . This pradtife although it might
be perhaps by fome qualification .juftifiablc in the
intention of the fpeaker, yet may it breed danger in
the conceit of the hearer, who may turne thy volun-
tary devotion to harden him in the dangerous error
of that opinion 5 if then no bencfif redounds either to
the dead, ihyfelfe, or the hearer, its beft to leave
ihofe formes of prayer which arc made for the dead.
But ignorant per fons being reproved arc bold to re-
ply in this fooliih manner, what would you have us
attheFmtirdffo/M.'Bolton. 25
fay of the dead, would you have us to revile or curfe
them ? Oh pervcrfe minds ! as though neceflitie Jay
upon you, cither to pray for them or to curfe them f
Belilcc what difplcafctn God pleafeth you pafling
well : let us fpeake of the dead as G o o s Word tea-
chcth us to fpeake of them; furc I am, it no whercen-
joynethustopray forthcm, nor furni(heth us with
the exam pic of any Saint to that purpofe,and yet were
their affe<5tions to the de^d as good as yours. Gannot
you ufe fuch formes of fpeech when you fall into ^
mention of thera, they are with God ,thcy are at reft,
they are happy ,their memorie is blefled, unlelfc you
pray for them.
But leaving now thcfc Ufcs of confutation, I come
to thofe of inftrudlion, which are indeed more profi-
table for our edification,and more futablc to this prc-
fent occafion, and the firft is,
Fcare not death(0 thou righteous foul)ovcrmuch; ^/^ ^/ /^
its one benefit we reape from the death of our blefled flfuSfm,
Saviour,to be freed from the feare of our own death; j^
death is called indeed by Btldad'in Ubythefrittceofter- 7)eatb 'wt t»
r^«r/,& by the Philofophcr,of all formidable things, ^^fearej,
the moft terribie/o it is to the wickedjOr at Icaft there lob./g.'ii]
isgood cauic it fhould be fo, for to fuch as live with-
out Christ, death is as a purfcivant fent from hell
to fetch them thither : but they that live confciona-
bly^maythinke of death comfortably, and they may
fing that triumphant fong, O death where is thy fiing ! , cor.i y.
they may take this all-devouring fcrpent without any
hurt at all into their bofomes: they that have their
debts paid, dare go out of doores, and are not afraid
to meet the Sergeants they dare JooJce on death, and
D 2 welcome
fauthim in vi-
ta Ambrofij ad
juag,i4. i4f
Miurnt not im^
moderatly ft/r
the d(aJ,
,€lry/.in locum.
wellGomehimasthc Kipg of heavens offi€er to give
tbem poflTcflion o^ an everlafting inhcrit«^nce 5 wee
feaic our friends when they have a vizour on rheir fa-
ces,but put it ofFand we rejoyce in them. Excellcnc
was the fpcech ofS.Amhofe to the Nobles of his ci-
ty,whichvvich threats and flatteries were fent to him
by the Gotrnt Stiitco, to perfwade him to pray unto
GoDforthecontiniianceofhisHfe,which when the
holy Bi{lx)p heard he anfwercd divinely, J have not
foHvcdamongft you that I am aflrimed to live lon-
ger, nor am] afraid to die, becaufe we have a good
Lord.Doubtlefle had we(beIovedbrethren)as much
faith on earth as there is joy in heaven/ we would not
be afraid of death ; this isthcnarrow paflagc betwixt
this lifeand our countrie: on thisfide the bridge we
have many troubles, many fins, many feares, mmy
temptations of the Divcl,which fhould make us think
the worfeofourlives,and very willing to leave them:
but on the other fide,we fliall be freed from all trotj-
ble,from all fin,from al moleftation of the divel,and
fhall be filled with all the joy our hearts can pofllbly
deiire.Sothat hitherto we may apply 54w/>/^A;f riddle,
Oi*t of the eater CAme forth meAt^Andoutofthefireng came
forth fweetnefe.
Secondly, this may fei ve to moderate ourexcef^
fiVe/raourning for our friends which die, we hope in
the Lo R D. Z>rf<i^/W exceeded in his farrow for oi'^-
fdpny and was there not axraufc •: He d\d not fo at the
death of the infant. Let us rejoyce, Saint Chryfojlo/m^
faith>f6r the juft bouh living and dc:!t6, becaufe they
are happy jlet us not in an unfeemely manner bewail e
them by pulling ofiPour hairesjbaring^our armes, tea-
/tttii& FuiHrdLd^W* Bolton. 27
ring our faces, or putting on mourning garments, fo
faith the fathcrsand I fay,hnppy are they which have
exchanged a bafe earthly tabernacle for a princely
Pallacc>- forrowcs for joy, and eartli for heaven 5 and
inethinkesourblefTed brother now deceafed, if he
had incercourfc with us mortal^rreacuresj would fay-
to his deare wife lying in her tearcs, children and
friends, as our Saviour did tathoiepious women thac
followed hivfVyD aught ers ofleruftiem rveepe not for mn^ LuV.s3.23.
Imt yvi4pe for your fdvesy you know my failings, my
meditations, my warchings (and know you brethren
that godly M^niftersdopurpofely watch and medi--
tate for you,when you are or would be a deep.) You
know my gricfe for my owne calamities and for the
calamities of Gods Church, and by your owne ex-
perience, you may know what fliarpc combats I have
had with that raging enemie the Divell, and what
wounds I have received in the confli(5l ; now do I
feare no perils on the land or fea, no perils in the
houfeorin the field, now am ] vidorious over Satan
and have trampled him under my fecc, and now he
hath nothing at all in mee, and now am ] crowned
with gloric, and would you (my dearc friends) be fo
unkind to me to wifh me alive againe, and to run the
former hazards ^ Kings and Queenes are willing to
niarric their daughters to forraine Princes, and never
looketofet their eyes onthcm againe,and fliould wc
mourne too much for his abfence, and not rather re-
joyce wirhhim for his happier cftate then this earth
canafford^ When /^f<?^ heard that his beloved ufef;h Gcn.4^27.
wasalive,and governour over all the Land of &gy^%
his fainting heart revived jnalefTe ought the confide-
D 3 ration
K^ StrfHon Treached
maizes n>iUin^
t9 die.
2ie$th jimptjf
not defired.
Fhrut cited by
GotefoLp i^z.
1 Cor. 5.4.
ration of the glorie of departed fervants of G o d,
checrc up our droopingfand fad hearts for them, and
excite us to dcfirc tne fruition of the fame glorie.
And this is my next point to be handled, / deftrc^^
faith S. Pattljto be dijiohedandto be with Christ.
It's the fire-fight of heavenly glory and being with
Christ ythat makes a man dcfire to die : Some men
indeed would die, becaufe there is nothing in this
world for them to cxpe6t but mifcrie and (hame, and
thefe do little IcfTcfomcdmesthen^^/J^T^r ther$cks t§
fall uf on them t that they might end their wretched
daies as lob faith, they long fir death ^and dig for it more
then for hidtreafure^ which rejoycc exceedingly, and
are glad when they can finde the grave, this motive
fwaicd not Saint Pady but onely this that he might be
WithCH R I s T.I grant to defire death {imply, as death,
is againft the Law of G o d and the law of nature,
death is our enemie^and is not from Go d creationcihy
creation, though it be truly from him ultione t6 re-
venge the fins of man, faith Florm de pr^deft: or as
others fay, itis ^xom him or din at ione, becaufe inju-
ftice he ordained death corporal las one part of the
punifhment which was due for the finne of man, and
henceourSayiour Christ himfclfe who knew no
fin at all, viewing death as it is in it {c\(c confidered,
declined it, let this cuppafe^tind fo did Saint Paul too,
we ivill»ot{(^izh he)beunc bathed, the parting of thefe
good friends body and foule without fome further
cnd^ is a grievous fepararion ; this harmelefle inno-
cent nature teachcth; and as death is further a meanes
to cut ofFall polTibility to profit others, and to helpc
the poore Church of C m r i s t with our laboursrthus
at the F/fherdll fl^Mr. Bolton. 29
piety and grace may move them to pray with Dav/d,
Lord Z^/ w^yS«/<r //V^. Thefe cautions are prcmifcd Pfal.1x9.17y.
to prevent miltaking in the point 5 but now, which is
to my purpofejOonfider death as it is a way & meanes
to bring us to the prefcnceof Ch R I ST, fo it may be
holily defiredjour Saviour Ch r i s T,who fxdjet this
ffippa/fe, faid alfo as his death was our life, / han/e a Luk.u.jo,
Bapiifme to be baftized withalh and horv am I pained till
it be accompli j\^ed? and not only I P4///,but we that are * Cor.^4.
faithfull that are in this tabernacle, de groane earneftly ,
ver.2, not fir that we rvouU be uncloathed^ but cloathed
upon, that mortality might be frv allowed up oflife-^ and af-
ter, vpeare mlling rather to be abfentfrom the bddy and
prefent with the Lor D.Its the love that a child ihould ^"•*-
be borne into the world, not the love of painc that
makes the mother dcfire thetravell in child-birth 5
excellently CahhSzintBafi I, properanti ad c^leflem pa- ^^pi </eA«»//-
triam,(^c, to him that makes hail to the countrey tm /ufiitu,.
which -is above, iheftay in the body is more grie-
vous then any paine, or any prifon : and it is faid that
Peter znd ^^ifdrew welcomed their crofTes, as they
were wont to doc their dearcft friends, and imbra-
ced them in their armcs, and faluted them with kiflcs
of peace. Ignatius encoaraged wild beads to devourc
himthat he might be bread for Ch r i s t 5 Martyrs
went to their death with cheerefuilnefle and fongs,
andtan to the (lake as to a garland, and who would > Sam. io.tz.'
with Saul hide himfelfe in thefiujfe, when he is called
to be crowned a King ^
J( Abraham fawhis day by faith vfhen he wasbut pro-
mifed,4»^ rej0y^ed,vfh2t caufe of joy muft it needs be lotut. 5 5.
to fee the Saviour of the world when he is exhibited^
If •
L-^ SenttfftiPrtAched
MSzwiilohn Bit^tifiSiXt^^c at [lis prelcncc whcft
he was in the womb e of his bleflcd mot her. Wlwc
will his glorious prefcncc cfFcd in t hcra who fliall
behold him in al his Royaltic^if the Wife men of the
Luk.1,44. ^^^ wenta long journie,and rejoyccd to fcethe ho-
ly Babe C H K I s T inchchouies what caiifc of joy
wijl it be to fee him fit in his gloric at the right, hand
of his Father, fiir above all PrincipalKi<:sand powers^
Luk.io. 14. If pfony Kings and Princes longed for that da) to fu their
Saviour nioi tall, what refemblance is fit to expreflc
the joy ofthofe that behold him crowned with glory
and immortalities it is^paifingglory to be admitted
to the fight of Ch R I $ T his flKe,andto receive glory
from the brightntfleof his Ma jcftLe,and if we were to
fufFc r torments every day, yea the very torments of
hell for a time, therby to gaine the fight of Ch ri st,
it were nothing in refpe<f^ of the reward.
yfi !• ThisDodrineflievvesusthcexcreamc folly ofull
wtckei or.es jjcentious Hvers and impenitent finners; w hen thty
chri^. lookc upon their Wicked courles, whattortnght can
they have but of hell as their juft reward c'they would
be with Christ (as they (ay) hereafter, and yet
they will not have Christ to be with them now,
and to rule over them^they wiW fbw unto the flefh,
and yet would reapeunto the fpidtjthey are ftout and
will hr-vetheirfinne though they be damned for it;
Jcr,i8..ia. wc will (fay thofe rebels in /^r^wy) xvalh after our
prvne devices^ and rve wiU every enedoe th magtndttcns
cfhis_ evill heart. Experience fiiewcthtJS that youcan-
notcrufhoyleout of flints^, nor fwea wine out of
fowcr grapes, and if you be the fecdefmen of darnell
atid cockle, yOufhali have no harvcftofwhcateor
4ttheFu»er/td^fM''3o\ton, 35
good grainej you willnot live confcionably, and yet
you would die peaceably 5 and though you fpeake
Chri ST faire,yetyou wil loofc nothing for his fakej
the chainc will make your profcflion aMd, and re-
proach will make ic alhamed : you love him well yolb
fay ^butyou willbeadvifed notto difplcafc fuch and
fuchfriends for his love 5 your fore-fight of Heayetj
hath no hands to do good works corporall and fpiri-
tuall, nor cyesto (lied tearcs for your fins and the fins
of others, nor (tomacke to abide a holy and a religi-
ous faft, nor flefh to endure this mortification and
zealous revenge, nor tongue to fpeake the language
of confcifion, and zealous, devout and faithfull pray-
ers if then in your extremities and when your fearcs
approach, you fend for us, as P^4r40^ did for c>rc/^j, ^
and never till then, and cry unto us helpe m and com- » Kmg ^-^^
fort us, as that flawed woman dX^^ to the King of
ifr^d : Wceanfwer asheedid that diftrefTed crea-
ture, if'the Lo \ D doth not helpe ym^horv jhould we? And
now by this time Uuppofeyou are brought to that
paire,that Gods fervants, whom you haveinyour
profperitydcfpifed may fay to you concerning all
your dauberswhom you then refpeded, where are
they now that will prophefie peace peace unto you?
your confciences which before were aflcepe, being
now awakened to heare the crie of your finnes , and
thefe glades formerly covered with dufl as it were,
being wiped cleare to reprefent unv o you the disfigu-
red and odions flice of your finnes ; when thefe evill
daies ftiall come upon you (as they will or that which
is worfe) you muft needs confefTe to the tcrrour of
your fouks,thar we Go d s Meifcngers have told you Gcn,4i. i».
of ihcfe things, and you would not hearc us>as Reuben '
E faid
31 ^ Sermm VrtAchtd
faid tohis brethren. Your fins which you tooke to
bcyourfriendsCasGo D himfclfc hach thrcatncd)
are fuddenly turned to be your foes, and now do ap-
Pfal.yo.zi. ^arc as a marfhallcd armycomming in a terrible
1 Kine manner againft you, and when Goo fpeakcs to your
2'^ ^^* confciences, s^^Jehu did to the Eunuchs^ who is onmy
ftde? who? tvmx.\\QyW\\\caJl yotidowne and dajh,z%\i
were, your blood againfi the wdsy and make you to he
trampled upon 5 and then can you caft your eyes no
way without horrour, if upw^irds unto heaven, they
will tell you that you'are juftly excluded our of that
happy place,if you think upon hell, the mouth there-
of (as you fcare) is open every moment to receive
you when thefc evil! daies fhail come,&c.
j^ Second Ufc of inftru<5lion is^ that we would ftudy
Gtt afurance our felves, and ranfacke our foules, and be of good
ofchrij}. grounds, and to have certaine evidence that our
change {hall be for the better: mans wifdome tea-
chcth him in Summer to provide for Winter, in
youth for old age^ if G o . d be better then the world
and heaven better then earth, and the foule better
then the body, fhall we not labour while we live to
get full aflurance of being with Chris t, as S.Pml
had,when we are dead < but here is the maine doubt,
how I (hould know and be afTured thereof.
faiihlivcrar^ Firft,ifthou art aflfured hereof, then haft thou faith,
furante of the maine and fundamental! grace, not fundamentum
chifi. quod^ that is,CH r i s t, but cm as a learned Schoole-
man doth diftinguifh, immediatly laying us upon
Ghr I ST, and as a Captaine,! fay not making the gra-
ces as heavenly Souldiers,but as bringing them forth
to fight according to their fcvcrall operations 5 thou
baft I fay a lively faith both in that di;ca ad^whcre-
at the FuntraH of M. Bolton. 3 3
byitjuftifietb, andalfobya prudent obfcrvation of
the workc of faith in thy foulq thou doft by faith be-
lieve that thou art juftificd by faithjthou haft alfo the
attendant companion upon faith, that Chrift ian hope
whereby thou waitcfi: on G o d till he accompHfh Heb.j.^.
all his gracious promifesjif wecomeagainftthe Di-
vcll as Dji/vVdid againft the Philip ne , not with fwerd^ i Sam. 17. 45.
pucldandfj^eare^but in the name of the Lord ojHofs^wQ
are furc ro conquer. If we have thefe graces and by
the ufe of holy meanes do hold them faft^how happy
are wclBltflTcdishethatbeleeveththe Lords words
to be all of :h?m true, and bleifed is he that waiteth
onhim,tillhemanifefisthetruth of his words, that
believeth by faith that G d is his Father,and expcd-
eth by hope that he fhould Ihew a fatherly atFe<^ion to
him; who believes that falvation belongs to him,and
waites by hope til he enters inro pofTelTion of it: if this
then be the blefTed frame of thy foulc,thatthou refbl-
veft and hopcft to livejand thou refolveft and hopeft
to die in the armes of thy fvvect Saviour, thou art in a
happy cafe.
Secondly,if thou haft this holy affcdion to die,and 2 ;
alTurance of being with Christ when thou art dead, ^Jurameofie-
then doft thou labour for the true fenfe and fee- »l»''^tfc«/^
ling ofthy reconciliation with God, and doft make Mary.* 5.*^'^*
thy peace with thy brother whom thou haft wrong-
ed by word or deed 5 if thou lookeft to fee the face of
Ch r I s t the righteous Judge with comfort thou wilt
abandon foolifti ftiame^and fond fclfe-love^thou wilt
make reftitutioHjand rcturne goods in thy hands to
the right owner 5 thou wilt not fuffeifincoiicupon ^^.
thyfoule, nirktthy furrmesinthyfeldt^ ary out a* lob.j!.^*/*
B 2 gdnH
1^ SermH9 Fr€j$cM
gHi?ffi thee, nor hy pr0portiim,t^e B-one andtimhr of thy
heufe to compUme of thee, ZAch . ^ . 4 .fhr this wou Id bf}n^
A cttrfe to eonfmnt them:^Qii^ wi?f often make thy xtt^-
hing even with thy Go d , for this makes friendfhip dii*
rable,if Cfi r r s t be gone, as he feemes to be at lOmc
rimeffom his children,thou wiltfeek for him forrovv-
ing ^i.^Ma.ry his mother did, and thou (halt in G o d s
good time find him in th^ Temple(as (he did)I mean
in the uFe of his holy ordinances.
Thirdlyjalwaies be vigilant and watchfulljthis fpi-
SfirUttai watch rituall watchis nothing but the carefullncfle of the
foulctokeep fpirituall graces in their vigour and a(5^i-
vity, and though God hath appointed v;^atchmen o-
ver us, yet hath he not appointed watchmen for us,
their watching is not in our ftead to give us leave to
fleepe, but it is to keepe us waking, what I fay to you J
Mar I J,? 7. fay to all, PF^^r^. And very good rcafon, Touknorvrnt
("faith our S aviour) n^hat houreyour Lord will com^^jy
Mat 14,41. ^j^j ^yj. ^^j.Qy{]g difpofirion will be foonc rocked a
fleepe by .Satan, who befprinkles the temples of our
head with his fpirituall <?//«;?;? of wicked motions and
fuggeftions, if we do not lawfully ftrive againilthem^
take heed leaft thine owne corrupt heart the greateft
enemy thou haft beguileth thee not, be prudently vi-
gilant to defcry dangers before they come, to pre-
vent all occafions whereby thy happy eftate might
be loft 3 the dumbe beaft" ,as Oxc and Mule, that are
without underftanding.will not comeneare the place
where they have efcaped danger, and fhouldeft thou
adventure to the hazard of thy foule >: in kmowledge
benotlikethehorfeandmulcj in avoiding dangers
be Itkettliem. Consider tbcDivcls policy, he is a
at the Funerall (ffM\Bokon, 35
thcefe 5 abeggar may fafely pafTe by him^his aimc is
to rob the wealthy pafTcngcr: rub thine eyes oitco,
frequently ranfacke thy heart,kcep Gods fcarc fi'dh
inthy foulc. laco'ifcodd not {]cej>e when he heard of
£faft hiscommingngaihfl hiri],zndSamf^finh2Ld little
lirtto deepcm Dalilaes hp when he heard the Phili- G^n 1%
fiins wcrecommingonhim^ delightin the fociety iud^i6.i^,io
of the Saints, good company keepes us waking ; all
thefc are foveraigne helps to keepe us fpirituaHy
Fourthly,often meditate on death, die as it were 4*
daily in the difpoficion of thy foule, and preparation tatiTnol death'
todeaih; forge: fullnclTe of dcarh makes lifecobe fin-
full, and death to be terrible as adeftroying Lyon, ^^^^^ ^
whereas the fight of favage beafts is not terrible to Mat.z4.48!
thofe that converfe with them 5 looke on death as on
the Sun inan opticke glaife, though it be faroflr,yct it
feemes neere at hind, and fo in truth it may be neerr
us, being as a pit covered with fnow into which wee
may fuddenly fill; that which many carrle in their •
rings, carrie thou in thy heart, memento meri'^ be like
to thofe that in their life time had their lepulchers in
their gardens, and places of pleafure, and that they
might be mindful! hereof,fome had dead mensskuls
before their eyes in their mofl delicious banquets 5
by fo doing, we fiiould prevent a great deale of fin,&
it would bcas abicter pill to purge out many noifome
humours, and prove that wt are truly wife, ahvaies ^"^"«P'«5'
ready fordeath: itsan excellent thing when deathap-
proachet'hjto have nothing elfc to xlo but to die.
Fifthly,it is a comfortable figne, if thou doft-hsar- cmtimau
tily pray:to Go b for this very end as the Saints of fraya,
E 3 God
B^ K^ Sermon Preached
prai 3 9.2 1. God have done : prayer is our bcft guard when wc
& 90.11., ' arcathomeand when we arc abroad J God will not
tukz.}». denieourfuitsmadein Christ his name, becaufc
this was one benefit which Christ merited for us.
Alas what elfe fhould wedo'whcnweareevcry day
for ought we know going to judgement i iliould we
not intreat the Judge to pardon us ^ (liould wc not
with fighcs and fobs cry continually unto him to be
hXT f *' *' '^^crcifuil unto us i Hier. reports in the life of Paul a
/"■• '^B ^ i . Difciplc oi Anthony the firft Monke,and that not (im-
ply for devotion, but to avoid perfecurion, that this
religious man wjs found dead kneeling upon his
knees, holding up his hands, lifting up his eyes, the
foulc was fo devout that the very d^id corps leemcd
to pray unto God, now this humble feeking to Go d
by prayer that he would make us alwaics ready foi
death, argues a foule fenfible of its owne weakencflfe
and of Gods goodnelTe.
6» Sixthly, rf thou art fincere and found at the heart,
sincmty. and walkefi with G o d in the uprightncfTe of thy
foule, and makeftthis the crowne and garland of thy
lifcwhich will never wither and detay, that thou ha-
teft all knowne fins, not the outward onely whereof
men may be witnedes, but all inward corruptions, as
Efayjy.7. hardncrfc of heart, wanton revengeful! tlwughts
and fuch like,whereof the world can take no notice,
if thou magnified Gods graces,and gracious per-
fons,and canft be content out of thy love to Ch r i s t,
to fuffer anything for Chri st, this is fincerity: I
faynotlegallfincerity, that is aperfedion too high
for us to attaine unto, nor onely natu rail and raorall
integrity ,whercby an unrcgencratc man is guided by
thelight which is inhim without hypocrifie (this
may mc very heathens have) but Evangclicall inte-
grity, whereby the perfon being accepted for
Chris T,the heart though failing in fome particu-
lar a6tions,yet manifcfts habitual I grace by a conftant
courfe (in the generall) of a holy convcrfation.
Laftly 5X0 name no more, if we are truly thankfull Thanhjt'or
unto G o D for making away for ustogoe by death Redemption
to heaven (by the death of his Son) whofe portion /'"*'« '^f*^^*
by due defert was hell 5 how Iiidith and Ejier were
magnified for procuring deliverance to their coun-
trymen from outward enemies, the Bible fliewcth :
how the Grecians honoured i=*//tw/;?//^/ the Romanc
for prevailing againft Philip o^Macedon, and proclai- P'utar, in vita
ming their Hb^rty, is regiftred in heathen ftories , ^^r^'/^/^.
with whatapplaufes and acclamations of all the Ro- R9m.ii.17,
mans, men, women, and children Conftantine was re-
ceived into that Queene of C\xxt%,EufebiHs the Hifto- EufeidibA k
rian doth relate, for vanauifhing the Tyrant MAxm- Tll^i!^.
//>/,calling him their deliverer,their conferver, their
bountiful 1 Patron, a common good thing,c^f . here
was love and thankfulnefTe we fee moft earneftjG g s
knowcsand our owne confciencesteftifie unto us this
day how far we exceed thofe Grecians and Romans
in mercies bcfto wed upon us, not by amortallman
but by our J E s V s ,nor from temporall fervitudc, but
from the power of the divell 5 if then our cries and
acclamations be to our ]e s vu conftantly,OTuwp m>Tii^,as
theirs were to their deliverers, and we can joyfully
found forth S.P4«/ Iwiwcf, death where is thyfiing—
thankes he to God who hath given as viBory tfjrough J e -
s V s Chris T w^r Lor p,thisisa good fignc of a blef-
3 8 K^ Sermon Preached
fed man; and if thcfe arc in you, I do affurc you that
your eftate is now good, and by pcrfcverance in
them, Ihalibefarrc better hereafter, and thefc will
ivh t mf ^^^^^^^ you,whenallthe comforts ofthc world will
in dLth,^ f^il^' Whatwill all fricnds,riches,and plcafures pro-
licwhen you are on your death- bed^ unlefle you have
this forcfighc of joy in Ch r i s t , you live (for ought
you know) under Gods curfe, thecurfebothof .he
Law, and the curfe ofthc Gofpell, and you can have
no folid joy in any thing under the Sun, no more then
a condemned man can have in his wealth & fore-paf-
fcd honour; but have and keepthefe fruits of the ho-
ly Spirit,and when death (hall come to thee,and take
tbee(asitwere) by the hand, thou haftnocaufe to
ihrinkefor feare.but maift fay with Babyhys flaine by
Decit4i thatperfecutor, in the words of the Pfalmift,
Returne unto thy refi mjfoulCjfor theLoKD hath heene
ketiejiciall unto thee^now my griefcs farewell, & all my
wrongs adieu, and now my foule be glad, for now
commcth thy reft, thy fure reft, thy fwect and never
fading reft ; and that which co iiforted Hezekjah on
Efay 5 8. j . his fuppofcd death-bed, 'Kermmher Lo r d how I have
walked hejore theervithan upr'ght hedrt ; thatalfo was
agrcat comfort to this our dcccafed brother, that he
could fay to mee in his laft; fieknefle, when I vifited
>^'ote, h\v[\y that he bad walked in (incerity, and performed
his Minifteriall duties (fctting humane unavoidable
defects adde) with an upright heart, andfo 1 doubt
not but God fcnt his Angcll to waite at his beds head
tocarry his foule when it patted from the body, into
i^hrahams boiome.
You have heard .(beloved) .what was Saint PWx
4t the FUfterafffi/M', Bolton, ^p
dcfrrc,that was codic; and a rcafen implied of his de-
fire, for then he fliould be with Christ: hearken
with the like Chrfftian attention fo Sain: PauU judge-
ment or cenfureof that cftate of being withCn r i stj
this is faith he far the better, or (as fome expound the
words) which is beft of all : which occafions a Que- Ogf/f^
ftion,Whetherisit better to be with Christ in his Hmulbefi
humane nature, then to be with God, whofe beatifi- fo be vitb, '
call vifion is faid to be the chiefe objed of happi- ^^"^'
ncffe 't To which I anfwer, that the Apoftle doth not .
com.pare thefe together, I mcane the enjoying of ^ *
God and Christ, as though his chiefe happinede
did confift rather in beholding the body of Ch r i s t
then the face of God, but his being with Christ,
and that eftarc in glory is compared to his being in
this prefent world, and he raentioneth Ch r i st be-
caufc he in his humane nature had purchafed this
great happineflfc for him, which confifteth principal-
ly in the vifion of divine excellency : our happineflc
is chiefely in Go D,but by Ch r i s t his merit :do we ^quh.i^u^:i
not thinke that many poorc exiles dripped out of <trtxpiec9^
their inheritance, and baniflied out of their native ''^''''^^•'•«-
foilejdodefireto fee that day, and that bleffedman
that (hould bring them out of their captivity, and fet-
tle them in their former habitations, andrejoyce in
him as the author of their happineflc^ hence I note,
^' ^ life in heaven with Christ, is fane better then ^o^rint^.
alife on earth with men, Itis better for the, wife to be Irefencftht'^
with her husband then in other company, and is it fcey?.
not much better for the Spoufe of C h r i s t to be
with her Lor d, whom flic worthily eftccmcth as the
chiefe often thoufand * this prefent life of nature is
F good
4® K>i SermnFnachid
good,the life ofgrace is far better, but the life of glo-
ry is beft of all ; it is goad fo be a babe in Ch r i s t ,it
is better to be a ftrong experienced Chriftian,but to
raignewlth Christ is beft of all; itisgoodtofigli
andfobforfiaJcisbetcertonortifieand to prcvailc
againftic, but it is befl: of all to be perFe(5lly fan(5tified,
» Sam. 1 4. 3"^ purged from it. Wc know that K^bfolon recalled
fromexilc,and not admitred to fee his fathers face in
Court,was impatient of all delayes,and foare God s
children after they are called to G d d s favourjlongto
fee their Saviour which is far better, which may fur-
ther appeare by thcfe differences betwixt thefe two e-
- ftatcs.
fhunfbe 'beii ^^ ^^ "°^ ^^'^ better to have the wayward old man in
•ne^rtk ourbofome,themoft fpitefull enemy and falfe friend,
I mcane all the remainders of corruption,the leprofie
and poifonof fin quite abolifhed then to have them
ftill in us < while we live they will be in us do what
we can, we fhall find much ignorance of G o d and
all his waies, much folly which keepeth us from ta-
king any thing to heart which refpe^eth Go d or our
felvcs, muchuncircumcifion of heart which makes
us that we cannot be holily poore in fpirit though
confciousofinnumerable motives which fliould in-
duce us hereunto, much drolfe of felfe-fufficiency
which will not let us perceive what need we have of
Gods prefence for the quickning, ftrengthening,
comforting, dirc^ing and profpering of us in all our
wayeSjthough the breath of our noftrils be not more
neceffary for our naturall being, then his grace is for
our fpirituall welfare and comfort 5 thefe evils do rc-
nue their aflfaults on us every day, and notwithftan-
at the FmeraU «/ M. Bolton. 4 1
ding we renuedaily our Endeavouring againft them,
yet cannot we get that full conqucft over them. If We
could afTemble all the Saints together, and askc them .
\vbcther'tbey were without fin, what do we thinke ^fratilTs6.
would they anrwer^whither that which Pf/4f//^ faith,
orthat which Tofm the Apoftle faiths How great foe-.
vcr their excellency was,if they could be asked, they
would cry out with one voice, J f we fay m have no fin ^' * "^^ " ^'^ *
we deceive our felves^dvd there ts ne truth in usy and
would they perhaps fay fo more humbly then truly ^
God placeth not the commendation of humility in
any part of falfity : and therefore if they fpoke this
truly, they had {in,becaufe they humbly confelTed it,
and the truth was in them^ & it they faid they had fin
whentheyhadnoneatall, they did lie.andfo did fin
in lying, and the truth was not inthem, but when wc
arein Chr i st all our fins are quiteaboliilied^and not .
tillthen^andtherforetobewithC H r i « t isfarbet-
Secondly, isitnotfarbettertobeinfuchacondi- 2.
tioDj where we fliall be freed from all troubles, raife- 'Dzaxh frecti
ries5difeafesanddifcontents,thento live in poverty, f^omaHaefef,
debts, difeafes, difgraces, difconrents and infinite
crofTes^ even thofc things often which we love the
beft> and cxpeded the greateft comforts from them
m ay p):oove our greateft croffes, or at leaft we live in
feare and cxpcdation of changes and evils to come;
now they that are with Ch r i s t are then and not till
then, freed from all thofe evils which fhould make
our life not over-plcafing to us, and they are not
onely freed from thofe evils, but fet in high pla-
ces out of the gunne-lliot and danger of them, and
F 2 there-
%^ Strtmtt freshed
Dtatl jheth
fr$m alijfare.
Death freetb
a. Tim. 4, 8.
Deaii freeth
PfaLiio. |.
therefore to be with G h r i $ t is fan-e hector.
Thirdly, is it not farre better to live in fuch ftatc
where we (hall live without feare of difplcafing our
good Goo ,and of loofing his favour, which is better
then life ic fclfe, then to live in feare of difpleafiog
him^ from this feare in this life we can never be freed
in truth, nor without great danger in our conceit, and
It is a great bitterncs to the foule to difpleafc our beft
ff icnd in the world^from thcfc fcarcs we arc fully freed
when we (hall be with Christ, and therefore to be
with Chr I ST is far the better.
Fourthly, is it not far better to be there, where we
fhallbc freed from the moleftations and temptations
of the Divell, who as he is crafty,fo is he cruell^then
to be encumbred with them^ S,Paul we know trium-
phed, m/'^;? he hadfinijhedhis courfe and fought thAtgo&d
j?^/&ragainft them,and (hall not wc^rthefe infernal fpi-
rits arc every whereabout usrwhen we are at our bcft
devotions inthc Church, one Divell or other ftandr
at eur right h^ndas at lefhtiahs, to intice usto (in> they
have no place in heaven to trouble us wlien wee are
with Christ ,and t herfore to be with C h r i s t is f j r
Fiftly,and laftly, is it not far better to be in heaven
with Ch r I s t where no fin is committed, where are
no falfe brethren to betray us, then to live in this
world which is a very peft-houfe and Sodome full of
filthincffcand where perhaps we have not one entire
good ftiend in this world i This is the condition of
them that are with Chris Tjthey are freed from that
woe oftheP/rf/w/Zj VVotismsthatlam conHrained ta
dwellia ^J^efech, and from the company of all the
4tthe Tuntrdl ofW, Bolton. 43
wickcd,and {hall fee with unfpeakable joy and com-
fort the blcflcd Angels,andthcfpiritsof all the faith-
full departed, the glorious company of Martyrs
which fliinc now much brighter then the flames
wherewith they were burned, they /hall fee the blef-
fcd Virgin Marj the mother of our Lor d, they fljall
fee the moft facred humanity of our Saviour^and his
comely face,fairerthen ihc fons of men ; and above
all this.they iTiall immediatly enjoy the glorious pre-
fence of G o d, and have a cleare {iglit of the divine
face rand confequently to be with C h r i s t isthc
Firft,ifrobewithCHRisT,isbeftofall,thcn (by ^^
the law of contraries) to be with the divells in hell is rhhmw «/
worft of allj to be borne in fin isbad, to live a flavc of beU,
finis worfe,butto die in fin is worft ofall:to live in a
deep dungeon and prifon, to be tormented with the
fight of ugly divels5& that withcverlafting fire with-
out all eafe, inter miffion and hope of remedy, what a
wofuU thing is it^ if fome have loft their wits by
meanesoffomedreadfull fight, ycaifthevcryfufpi-
tion of divcls hath caufed many men to tremble, and
thehaires of their heads to ftand upright, whatfhall
then theterrour and feare of that dark lake be, which
is full of many horrible fiends and dreadful! hcHi/h
monfters ^ the appearing oi divels in horrible (hape,
is a far greater evill then is imagined; fome body faith
(he beares the name ofCyrtfl) that one would choofc cyrii de vita B.
rather to burne in a hot fire, then endure their feare- HUronymi ad
full fight. Good Lord that any Chriftian fhould live ^^'^,^^^^^'
in the danger hereof, and yet be fenfeleffe^ what to
be a fire-brand of hell and not to be movcd^ this ftu-
F 3 pidity
44 ^-^ Serwon Preached
pidity may make our hearts to quake, end ourflcfh
fotremble,andaftoni{hourfenfcs5 O then pity your
owne fouks, pity the fowles of wretched finners, and
byallihefuffeiingsofouL- Saviour, by allthejoyes
of heaven to fetke theLoKD while he may he foftnd .- if
the danger of lin was onely to he hond-men andhond-wO'
men.zs Queene Efier faid to Ahajl-^verm ^ I wotdd have
held my tongue, or I ^\ould have beene kfTe importu-
nate with youjbut the punifhment is athoufand times
greater, and I am at this time Gods Meffenger, to
bring heavy tidings imco finners, and I will tell you
what you fliall find true by experience hereaftcrjthac
youwhoaredefpifers and contemners of G^Di Or-
dinances, formall profefTors having a fliew, not any
power of godlineffe, malicious per{ons>«S^c.(hall afcer
anttletime,yeaa very Httletime, cry out, Wo^wo,
wb. Ah what an unfortunate wretch am I, that have
loft all hopes of heaven ! time was when happineffe
was offered to me, but I ( foole that I w^s) rejc(5led ir,
now alasfliali I wecpeand waileforever.. A little Ci-.
ty as I have fomewherc read ,refiftcd tj^llexAndcr, he
lighted a torch and vowed that ifthey fubmittednot
themfclves before the torch was burnt, he would
burne their Cityinto afliss; our life is like the bur-
ning of a torch ; now mud thou yeeld up thyfclfe to
beruled by the Lord, or burne in heU,notasthatCi-
ty for a fliorttime,but for ever: the evei lading flames
of hell cannot burne out one ftaine of fin out of thy
foule: What great benefits didft thou receive of the
worldto allure thee to loofe heaven ^ and what if
thou hadft gained much riches and many pleafures,
at the FAnerall o/M ^.Bolton.
Cutlel MeU
mcf Cottinu^
ter HedtjG j.
andcnjoynedchema hundred yearesf all thofe are
gone, andallarenothingin comparifon of the leaft
torment which rhou there mud fuferj then wilt thou
cry out,oh unhappy pleafures^oh unfonunare riches,
ohmiferable time wherein I foolidily blinded my
felfc! Ethelhrgawlfco^ King fva a Saxon King in
this L-md i A ff?foDom, J op. by agodly policy won her
husbands heart from carnall delights : on a day they
had all outward folaces that heart could wifh, the
roome richly furnifhed with plate, they had fweet &
pleafant miificke and delicate cheere j (he caufed the
lame place to be flrewed with dung, and to be as
loathfomeasthey could make it, flic intreated and
prevailed with the King to repaire thether, & behol-
ding it, he mufed in his mind of the change,fhe took
the opportunity ,and thus faid unto him,where are ye-
fterdaies delights, goodcheare, and rich furniture ^
are not all fuch things as wind and vanity which paf-
feth away <! and with thefe and the like fpecches (he
drew her husband to a mortified life. Oh that this or
the like confideration could reduce the lovers of
pleafurestothe loveofthc ever-living God 1 If the
damned in hell could have but another life in this
world, nay if thofe which have but fccne them, or
ratherC as I believe in my inftance ) the ftrong imagi-
nation of fuch a terrible fight 5 I would not wonder
if they proved thegreatefl Saints on earth. Venera-
ble -5^^" tels (ashethink«,) atrueftory, of one DrL
thelme bynamc,(theman lived in NorthumbsrUnd)
who was raifed from death ro lifcjand reported v^n-
drous things which he had heard and fecne both of
joy and painc, which wrought this great eflfed (as
A/S %yi Sermon Preached
there is chronicled) that he utterly dcteited this pre-
fcnt life, and abandoned all worldly cares, chaftifcd
his old impotent body with daily failing, plunging
himfelfe in Winter feafon into the cold water, fin-
ging of Pfalmcs and devoutly praying, and when the
beholders faid. Brother Drithelme, this is a marvel-
lous thing that you can pofTibly fuffer fuch bitter and
fharp cold; marvell not (faith he) for I have feene
places colder then thefe. Let this move thee to feeh
the Lord while he may he found, the benefit of this life
you cannot long enjoy, and when it is once paft, it is
cverpaft, you cannon recover it though you had in
your power a thoufand worlds to give to rcdeeme it.
And as for us fellow fouldiers and dcarc Chriftians,
iT3^tlth 'let us hold faft thatgoodnefle which we have, let us
play themen,lct us b.e couragious,conftant5and never
weary of well-doing 5 let neither divcl 1 nor man take
our crownes away from us, never looke to enjoy a
(late which is beft of all, wihout much oppofition,
Pharaoh will purfue you with all his power to bring
youjjack into fervitade, but do you like ftout Cham-
pions rcpell the temptations of the divcll, as Gregory
Gregar.Hyfeti Nyjfen infttu^eth you. Avant thou curfed and un-
sanaoBapti, happy ctcacure, I am a dead man, a dead man loves
not bodily plcafurcs, a dead man is not caught with
riches, a dead man flandereth not, a dead man is no
lier,c^r now have F another kindeof life, and ano-
ther rule of life then formerly I had. I have learned
ro contemnc earthly things, and to fet my mind on
^fia&f I'^avenly things. That which Saint Hierem fpoke of
judgemcnt,we may apply to the joy es of heaven, let
them be painted on the walls of our houfcs, and in
at the Fu/ieraff e/hA^Bolton, ^y
every corner thereof ,that they may be alwaies before
our eyes: as Captainesdo encourage their Souldiers
to fight for their countryjlivesjprokflrion;^^^ . fo doe
I fay to you brethren, it is the Lord of Hofts whofe
batrailes you fight, it is your own falvation which is
in hazard, your enemies would rob you of grace, and
deprive you of happineffe j ifyoergivc up your wea-
' pons youarc undone and firebrands of hell,be valiant
therefore and keepe this trcafure, this pretious trea-
sure which Christ {Caiih S.Berf^xrd) did judge to Bernard fer.^,
be more pretiousthcn his owne bloody if I had kept ^fj^l""^"*
the blood of Ch -< i st which dropped from him as
he hanged on the CrolTe in aglalTe, how carefull
fhould I be to keep it ^ and muft I not be carefull of
my foule which is apretious treafurekept in an car-
then velTcIl <: if thou art poore in thine outward cftate,
and Christ be thy portion, thouart rich enough, ,
care not for outward poverty, be the Lords fervant
' now,& thou flialt be with C h r i s t hereafter, which
Is beft of alLIf thou art afflidled in thy body with any
grievous difeafe,care not for that 5 ifafflicflions work
kindly to mortifie thy finne now, thou (halt be with
Christ hereafter, which is beft of all 5 if thou art
bafely efteemed and perfecuted by wicked men,care
nor for that ; if this be for righteoufnelTe and out of a
defire to keep a good conference, thou (halt be with
Christ hereafter, which isbeft ofall. Ifthouhaft
but wcake indeavours and a litle ftrength to goodnes,
if thou ftrivcft to be better,& art a conquering thy fin,
be not daunted hereat, thou (halt be with Christ
hcrcaftcrjwhich is beft of all . And to refle(5t upon our
dcccafed brother, now haft thou happy foule that
G which
^g i^ Sermtn fnuhtd
^ which thau haftfo much longed for; thy death is
" the death of all thy defeats, & the beginning of cver-
lafting happincffcjthy faithf ullncfTe^thy integrity, thy
2cale have procured to thee acrowneofglory, now
haft thou thy fill of happinelTe 5 O blefTcd art thou
that n[iaift fee the Lord face to face, that thou maift
enjoy the happy fight of thy fweet Saviourjthou bc-
holdeft thoufands of Angels, the Aficmbly of our
firft ParentSjthe feites of the Apoftles, the tribunals
oftheProphe s, the fceptersof thePatriarkes, the
BdfiUc Baw. crownes ofthe Martyrs,3nd the praifes of all juft men
/(»t.x47. made perfcd,as Saint Ba^iI faith.
V E R. 24. N evert hekjfe te abide inthefl.jh is more
needjullfor you.
Coherence, Our Apoftle hath raadeic knowne unto us, why in
refpeift of himfclf he defired to die, and of this I have
already fpoken ; now doth he in this vcrfe acquaint
us with the reafon, why he fliould defireto live, be-
caufe his life made more for the profit and advantage
ofthePto^/>/4;f^, then his death could doe Forma-
king the way to the maine point which Idoeonely
aime at,five things are to be cleared.
JExftfition. I . What is meant by Flefli ^ the mortall body in
which the foule d wcllcth by a Synecdoche, flefh be-
ing a confpicuous part thereof.
2 .What is it to live in the flefii^ it is to live a natu-
rall life prcferved by naturall meanes,as eating, drin-
king,{leeping,c^fi wewalkcinthe flefh though wc
>Cor.i«.j. do not warrc after the flefh ; yet take him not as if he
meant to abide. alwaics in the flefli, and by a privi,
at the Funeraff of M. Bolton. 49
ledge to be exempted from death which is appointed
for all men, but he meanes deliverance fromthofe phil.1.12,
prefent bonds, and the continuance of his life for a
time to the furtherance of their faith and joy.
3, Marke here and in the former verfc that our
Aooftle fpeakcs as if his foule was himfelfejandas if
bis body was no cfTentiall part of man, this is not true
in propriety of fpeech, and therefore is to be taken
improperly by a Synecdoche, Integrifremembro^ the
whole is put for apart, & here foraprincipall part of
p<f»/, the lame trope in the like phrafes touching our
Saviour Christ, is by a kind of Appropriation cal- ?°t"l'i^' ^
11. T>.' • u /^ • • ^*- c • John 6.62,
led by Divines the Communication of properties; Adts
and thefeareufefuU termes happily invented to cleare
thefe and many obfcure Texts of Scripture touching
our Saviour.But to returne to our Apoftlc; Saint P^W
confifteth of flefh and fpirit, or foule and body, and
yet Saint P4«/ faith, for him to abide in the flefh is
more profitable for them. When hcc died he was
with Christ; how 1 not with his body, but witlv
his foule ; Saint Patd is dead and hath feene corrupti-
on. How< in body,not in foule. Saint Paulin proprie-
ty of fpeech abideth not in the flefh, but his fpirit a
principall part of Patd that is it which during the
tcrmeof his naturall life abideth in the flefh or body.
A. More ftecejfary'} This is not fpoken (imply but
comparatively, it was not abfolutely neccflary for
the Church that S. Pattl fhould live, for God could
even thefl,as after his departure he did, provide other
Inftru6tourstobuild his Church and Houfc, but yet
itwasmorenecefTary for their profit that he fhould
live then die.
G 2 5. For
JO K^ Sermon Treached
5. Forjoti] But why more neccfTaryf was knot
bccaufe his appointed time to die was not yet come:*
this is true, but perfonall. He mentioneththac which
concernes the Phtltppiam^ that they might take notice
how carefull he was for them, and how thankfnll
they ought to be to Go d for him.
My life is more needful! for you, for the furchc-
rance of your faith and piety.
Sz. I^i^ Saint Paul defire to live only for the good
ohhe Philipp fans ?
Sol, He neither faith it, northinketh it. He faith
his life was more need full for the Phrl/ppiofts, foit
was, but he faith not only for them.
^Why then doth he only namethcm 'f
Anfifv, Becaufe he only writeth to them.
f**i ^^%' Behold a pattcrne of admirable love in aShcp-
tbeu^fln^^ heard to the (beep of Ch r i s t , preferring their wel-
tbeirjheepto farctohisownprcfentglory. What Merchant (faith
fbM"£Z Ssiini Chryfifiome) having his vcfTell fraught with
«,a, ' rich commodicicsjif he could fafely arrive at a haven
would doubt to do fo, rather then be ftill toffed in
thcfea ^ What Champion would ftrive for the ma-
rt cry when he might weare the corruptible crowncf
What Commander when he might reft at home in
glory after a triumphant vi<5kory, would rather ftill
continue the fight to the hazard of his life and ho-
nourc'and yet this is S.Pmls choife5wherein he resem-
bles a woman that hath husband & children,her hus-
band is in a far country & ilie is with her childrcn^fhc
may go to him whom her foule dothchicfcly love,
and there (he fliall be abundantly provided for, but
then fhe muft leave her children behind hcr,and what
at the Fttnerall <?/M'. Bolton. 5 i
then will become of you my poore childrcn:'it would
be better indeed for me to be with my husband, but
it would be worfe with you then now it is , for your
fakes therefore it is that i ncgle<5t mine owne prefcnt
honour to do you good. Leaving this difcourfe, the
words do naturally yeeld us this Do(5lrine, which I
will handle being pertinent to our prefent purpofe.
rhclifeofafaithfull Mimlier doth more good, and Is ^o^rine 5.
more profiahie for God s people then hu de^th : This ufeTofprofi.
dothS.P^w/witnefle ofhimfelfc, yet from this par- table then ku
ticular and worthy cxamplcthe grounds and rcafons '^^''^*-
of his afTcrtion being common,and the fame in others
that they were in him, the do(^rine is generally true
of every faithflill Paftour, that they doe more good
to the living Saints while they thcmfelves doc live,
then when they are dead. The Word of Go d in the
mouthesofthc Minifters is not weake, but mighty
in operation, able to call: downe ftrong holds and
whatfoever oppofeth it felfc to it : though Satan be
the ftrong man that keeps poflfelTion, yetthc Lor d is
ftrongerandcancafthimout. See the efficacy and
wonderfuU working of the Gofpell, that Saint P^^/ Rom.i5.i^
could fay for his part only^that from lerujalem round
about unto Jllyricum, he had fully preached the Gof-
pell of C H R I s T , and of the lightening commeth out of "•*-*• *7.
tbeEdfi,andjhinethtotheWeH, and as ihQ Suns going
forth is from the ends of the heaven^ and his circuit to the pfal.x^.^.
ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof:
fo in Saint P/wij time the Gofpell wa-s come into all
thcknowne parts of the world, and brought forth
fruit,as it did amongft the Colopans i^thus did the Gof- <^°^°«-»-*-
pclL ilrangely fpread it felfc by the preaching of
G 3 Go D s ^
52 K^ Sermon Preached
Gods fervan s, even while Saint Prf»/himfclfe was
alive, and afrer the Apoftles by their SucccfTcurs as
they were Paftours ? as the fcule in the body, fo were
Chriftiansdifperfed in the world, even the Gctuli-
ans, Moor es, Spaniards, Galls, and thcBritans, the
Sarmatians alfo, Gevmanes and Scythians do believe
inCHKisT,before whomrhegatcs of all Cities arc
throwne open, and none are flmtagainft him, before
whom alfo the iron locks are broken, and the brazen
gates are opened, i.e. the hearts of very many ^ hat
were holden faft locked by the divelhare now unloc-
Tertul adver- kcd by the faith of C H R I s T , faith Tertullian, What
/fuiudtoi. inftrumentwaseverroo weaketocffe<5l Gods will^
if he tooke it in hand < though the Apoftles prcfence
was but weak^and their fpetch rude, and their words
diftaftfull and unwelcome to the world, yet did they
prev3ile,or if they had been to preach to Infants and
children notfeafoned with inveterate idolatry, it had
beene no great maftery to have brought them to the
faith of Christ, as-it was no grcatglory to the Spa-
niard, to vanquifh the lndians,when Bcrtz sihc Italian
reported that he durft be one of the 25. that would
fight with ten thoufand, nay with twenty thoufand
of that naked people : but the cafe is altered now, for
I . The Apoftles were but few for number and of no
great reckoning in the world : 2 . For the fame men
to teach a ftrange do(5trine to believe on Christ
crucified, and to be ready to laydowne their lives
for him^if they looked to go to heaven. 5.T0 preach
to the world when many ot them did fecke after wif-
zCoMo.j. dome and fecular Philofophy, as did the Grecians,
many after ftate policy and war, as did the Romans,
tk and
at the Funerall </Mr,Bolton. 5 J
and all of them trained up in a long continued will-
worrtiip, and damnable idalitry of a dccpe die, yet
the Gofpellby the preaching of it, zsC^arens rod
amongft the fcrpcn s of the Magicians devoured
them all, and brought them to acknowledge allegi-
ance to it; furely this iTiould make us cry out, as the
people did upon the proofc that Elioi made, the
LoKDheisGoDy the Lord he is God. Nowthc ^King.iS.jj.
Lor D doth this great worke by the Miniftcry of li-
ving men, and fomctimes by wcake men, that the ex-
cellency of the power may beafcribedto God and
not to man: and thus you fee in generall the great
profit which accompanies the work of the Preachers
in the plantation and foundation of Churches; let us
confidcr fome particular benefits which redound to
them which arc a(5luai I members ofavifiblc Church;
and they are cither i in regard ofthcbad,or 2 in re-
gard of rhofethat aregood,or 3 in regard of all forts
both good and bad.
Firft, I fay their life is more need full in regard of i-
thofethatare aif^aally asycc in the ftatc of unregene-
ration,and that in a double refpcdt;
Firft, to be a powcrfull meanes of converting the i.
Eled, and to bring them to all the degrees of falvati- -^'"^A^* f*^'
onrother prof eflflons do aimc at the good of thi s life 5 "^^^ "'
the Phyfician at the health of the body,the Lawyer is
for the right of his Clicnt,bu: the end of the Minifte-
ry alone, is chiefely to fave m^ns foulcs ; Vocation,
that is hy the f reaching efthe Gojjull ; Juftincation ano- i Theff.i.Lf.
ther degree of falvation, that is for Ch r 1 s t his faie
^y faith which is given by hearing the Miniftcr^Sandifi-
cation another degree offalvation in this life, is bj
Ron). 10.x 4,
54 t^ Sernton Preached
f reaching of the Word^m rtgard of dying to limthc Mi-
Mat.j.15, nif^cr iS as the Jalt of the earthy in regard of living to
righteou'lncs, its the Word of grace hy which we are fan-
% Cor.j , 8. tfifed^NhdX. had become of PaiUus Sergtm^ of Omfi-
musj of Lydia, and of many Churches if they had not
becne called to Go d by the preaching of S.PW,who
rcftoredthofe tolife/aith S.Chryfofeme, which had
llxe hundred ulcers by (in ^ bur what need linftance
in particiilarsjtheconfciencesof millions converted,
can witncflTc that Minifters have beenc their fpirituall
fathers, their preaching hath beenc the key to open
the Kingdomc of Heaven, and they are appeimed hj
EpScr4. II. God for the gathering oft he Saints .
2» Secondly,their life is profitable, if not to convert,
fiia^ncmns ^^ ^^ civilizc peopIe,and to reftraine the corruption
corruptions. of nature • even reafon and Philofophy over-ruled
SctBraimird, py/^4^^r/*/, by nature the worft of men, as Philemort
i!i,Ti; ^'' the Aftrologerconje(5turedj to conquer his naturall
propenfions to vice, and to become (as his Schollers
thought)thc beft and the mofl worthy roan that lived;
much more effeduall fure is the Word preached to
produce morall vertues, and to enable fomc to doc
raorall workes rationally, out of the fway of right
reafon, though not obedicntially with a pure intenti-
on to obey and glorifie God, preaching is a banke to
hinder the inundation of finne, and to kecpc men in
outward conformity, this keeps calmeneffe upon the
face of the Church and mankind, which otherwife
might degenerate into favagebratiibncfTc. Herod vf as
better by hearing lohft^ and reformed many things
that wcreamilTcand by their meancs they may have
many graces of the fpirit,it is the influcDcc of the fame
4t the F»n^aU$fW.^>o\ion, 5 5
Sun which ripcneth both the grape and the crab, it is ■
the fame fpiritaUo which helpeth the wickedlft their
moral!, andth^ godly inthdr fpiritmll workPSjtb^fe
Ifpeakeof may have illumination and a^fte of the
heavenly gift, and may propagate Goes truth too-
thers> as /<J/e/7j the King did all the dales of /(?^j4.'/4 2chro.i4.t1.
the high Pf iell , and Vtuah in the daies of Zaehariah * chron.26.y.
the Prophet; and who fees not that the prefence ofa
godly man doth bridle the tongues of the wicked
from wicked fpeeches, though fore to their griefe,
as /(?.^ faith, inmf ^rofperiiy the yout^g nrenfawme dnd Iobij.8,$,io
hidthcmfelves^ the Princes refidined tdlke, the NoMes
held their peace ffi'c. and the fame is reported of Cdto,
that they would forbeare to fpeake uncomely things
on the ftagc while he was prefent : and if fwearers
rap out unawares prophan€ oathes in the prefence of
a grave man, they cbecke one another, know you
not that fuch a one heard you ^ the divell dares not
fhew himfelfe a divell in his colours in the prefcnce-
of fuch a reverend man as this our brother was.
Secondly^the life of aMinifter is more rieedfull 2,
then his death, in regard of thofe that are cffedually
called. ' ' *' '■ ;'*':': ' '-■'■
Firftjbecaufe there is after convcrfion much cor- . . 5-
ruption and finnein Gods people to be mortified, dfiJilli l^l^lf
whereof they may juftly complaine as did Saint Pdul, [wne. ^""
if^^w.y.thebeftChrift-ians arc like peecesof gold,
they are too light and muft have their graittes of^ al-
lowance tomake them cxsxx^nuWhocanfaf wy heart is Pro.20.9.
cl44)H ?■■ he propofeth the point in his armour by way
of demand,making his chalcnge to all the world with
his triumphant negative^ knowing that no rnaft dutf!
H ftcp
^6 t^ SermM Preached
ftcp forth, none could juftl/ fay, lam cntirdy inno-
cent,! am as good as loughrtobcas good as the ho-
ly Law rcquircth that I ih )uld be. Private helps I
knoWjas prayer,fafting, meditation, havethcir force
to abate the ftrength of (inne, but yet the hvely two
edged fword, the fword of the Spirit in the mouthes
of Gods Minifters, hath the prcheminence, that is
Jcr. I J. 1 J. ih^fire to waji it, and the hammer to bruife a hard heart,
^^ Secondly, their Miniftery is needfull to difcover
•MwfltTs iif- (ins after renovation : there are fecrct darkc corners
c»verfei.retpns jnourhenits whicharc deccitfulh whercin wlcked-
pGil. i 9. 1 1. neflc doth 1 urk .Wh can tell how often he offends? clean fe
mefromfecretfi^'S. if unknovvne fins were in David,
who was a man of an excellent fpirif, of great iinder-
ftandinf'jand a ftric!^ examiner of his owne heart, can
Bifii injfitutio any manfay in truth he is free from them ^ Sainr Bafii
apran, advi- faith, it beco-Ties all men to acknowledge that they
tavtperfe tun. ^^^ ^^^ worthy to fpeake before the divine Majefty,
becaufe chey are finners : we are guilty of many faults
which we know nat,in that refpedtwe may fay with
our Apo'Me, I know nothing by my felfe, yet am I
not j.iftified thercby,that is, I fingreatly,bur I do not
underftand it. Hencethe Prophet faith, Whounder-
J! ands his faults i" thou wikconfeflc if thou ait wife,that
thou art a greater tinner then other men ; fo Bafil-, pri-
vate meanes fuch as are the looking into the law of
1 Cor.i4.i J. liberty, friendly rcproofes, and infirudion, and fuch
likc^ are much availeable, yet that which doth moft
lively difcoverir,isprophcfie,thatisit which unbow-
clscorruption, and beft difplaics the hidden naked-
Hci>4. II. nc^^ ef old f^dam, and which doth exceedingly ad.
vaaccche honour of the Miniftery by the praching
at the FtmeraHof M^ Bolton. y 7
of the Gorpcll,Angcls,ycachicfeAngds>as Princi-
palities und Powers have learned, what formerly
without (in they did not know, the manifold wifdome Ephcf.j.ia
of Gc T> 'in the dif^enfation of the vnfearchable riches
af C u K I ir to the Gentiles.
Thirdly, many are the ftcppings afidc out of Gao $ %•
way ,in regard of ajftuall (ins even in ihc moftfancfli- ^^^^fi^^'j^-
^cdjntrtany things we fin all, David did fo, ^nd Peter th right way^
did lb, and what fliecp of C h r i s t doth not fo i iam.3,i.
checks of confciencc, 1 know, and Gdus fatherly
chafcifements are good helps to reduce us into the
righcway^ thcoHeisourbofomcremembrancer,and '
the other is Hkc to Jonathans arrow,which hath God*
meflage in the feathers, yet neither confcicnce nor
Cfo0es have power comparable with Christ his
voycein the preaching of the Word> to procure our
revocation into Gods waics.
Fourthly, Chriftians ought to be confirmed in . . ^»
^hcir gracious eftate, yet whofc faith is fo conftant, f'^'fj""!"
that It admits no wavering i whole pa'ienceis (0 hx- gun
cdjthat it admits no daggering i the clearcft Suns of
the Church have been more or lelTe eclipfed in their
faith, their patience and their piety : of all outward
meanes to make us hold out, preaching is the princi-
pal!, that is as goads to prtcke men forward that are
undertheyoakeof Christ, thatisasy^/f tofwee-
ten them and to keep them favoury -, it is with our
hearts as with our foilc,which is not like the Land of
C<inaan^thef$rmerrainez{i€T {ccdstirx\c3t the h\\ of Mw.f.ij;
the leafe,and the latter rainezt the fpring, to ripen the
fruit Tufficed, infomuchthat Saint Hierofru living in
Canaany rarely fawraine there in luneznd luly, but «'>»■» wi^wmf.
H 2 our
jg Ot SermM frucM
our foilc though now well watered, yet except It be
well refrefhed and often comforted with drops of
rainc from heaven, will parch and wither.
7* . Laftly,to name n« more, they are notable meanes
wtlfigrlu. ^<^ increafe the vigour and lively-hood of faving gra-
cesjthey are bellowes to increafe the flame,as a fweec
rainetomakethe Lords inheritance ro thrive in
goodneffcthey arc as milke and wine, and meate to
makethechildrenof God toflioote uptotheir juft
flature^and as a ftrong gale of wind to carry their vef-
nku.ai 7)6' fei5 |.Q the dcfired haven, as Hierom faith, Vugilumfor^
titudo cUwmhs m/:itatur, though Champions fight
valiantly, yet their courage-is enftamed by the accia->
mationsoftheby.ftanders, fois itwith you5 wheff
we pray, exhort, befecch that that which you dod
well,youdp it continually, more fincercly and zea-
loufly. What good foale by experience frndeth rroij
graces excited, good motions kindled, hol^ refoluti-
ons furthered and gracious operations intended byffc
profitable Minifter ♦r -hr ^ T^niiT/i.'/;- on ,-»]if.'i be :i :r rli
Ridfo^ 5 ' The third Reafon why thrcilifb of agodly Minllfe^
MiJfleriuufe ^^ morc profitable, is in regard of all both good and'
bieiings, bad, astouching the continuance of blcflings. For
he is as Slifha faid of Eltasy and King Toafh of Blijba,
I Kinos 1 " '^^ chariots andthehorfemen oflfrael ^ he fights while
° he lives, and bends his forces againft all manner of
ixod.jLiy. fins,which make a people naked and expofethemto
the wratlvof G o d , hefiands in the hreach hetwixt thi
"^' '^'^' Uvinz^andthe dead, to avert the plartie,af%d to rndke aft
jUtonement for the people, ascx/4W»did: and doiibt-
lefTetheman of God muftbe agood part ofthofe
righteous ones for whofc fake the Sun is darkened,
and than the Mboncgivcshcr light, that the frame of
heaven apd carrh continues as we fee this day, as /«-
fimC^anyr (hew cih'^ they are a good partofthofe ^uflin Martyr
impregnable bulwarkcsagainft ail enemies, as Theo- '^^rmJk.
doret (hcwes in a memorable example when Confian-
tine the great was dead. Saperes the King oFFerfitdid
ftrongly befiege Niftl?is 5 there was a holy man of ^^^'''^ saniter.
Go D, UcohHs by name in that City, the Citizens be* /I'S.*'^"''*
feech him that he would flicwhimfelf upon the walls
of the City, and pray againft the enemies, which he
did, and the L o r d fent a cloud of flics and gnats ai-
mongft the bcfiegers, which difpeifed them. Behold
a whole City favedby themeane&of oncrcligioui
man, and hence alfo it is afigneof Gods wrathand
heavy difpleafure, and a forerunner of fanher judge*
ments, to have excellent inftruments of God taken
away,and therefore the Lor d purpofing to vifit the ^^^y ^'*
Jewesfortheiriniquitiesjthreatens to take away from EDy 57.1.
them the Judge and the Prophet 5 and the Lord
ufethashimfelfefpcaketh, Totakeavjkftk'erighteoftf:, cum attquh
that their ejes ma.y not heboid the evil to ri?;«v*,though this c'iT''er%mtk
be little laidto heart as; there is faid, Whetiwefeea revsrsmiw) <{e-
fardinertake away the wall and fence, pluckeup the '^''^/'^^"!"" '
hoifeft plants, take away the ornaments and beauty ^^^l planum
of it, and lay it open for the beafts to enter, we may murofemiu dt.
fupDofehe intendeth not to continue, but to deface '^l^ pentura:
his garden 5 10 when we lee the evident rootfteps of rum imrAnen*
God s wrath, and the fire of his jealoufie X^isir.were) ""'^ '^eifumr»
breaking out by the fmoake 5 beginning to appeare tt^ %!'um
by taking away profitable men as plants of his gar* ejf,8cc,s.Amb,
den, which hisowne right hand hath planted, we f^^^^'^i" ^ ^-
muft lay it to our hearts, as a probable token precc- ^ ' ** ^ ^*
H 3 ding
6o i^ Sermon Preached
ding a heavy judgement j by which it dcih appearc,
that the wicked do enjoy tcmporall bkflingsby the
life and prayers of a good Minifter
yfii. r/^ I . Is of Confutation to the Church of Komc,
-^gain/f invo' which do maintainc the invocatiocs of Saints dcpatr
cation of saists tcd , and fay that their favoui' with God (which we
deny not) is improved, and that their affcdionatc
notice of the peoples ncceilirics, continues greater
after death then when they were alive ; if fo,thc fpce-
dydiffolution of Saint P4»/_, had beenc as expedient
for the Churches which he had planted, as for him-
felfe, for fo(to ufe their owne language) they might
have had a new Patron in the Court of Heavcn,and it
wouldbe expedient for the benefit of the Church
militant, that the godlieft Minifters fliould die the
fopneft and the faOeftjforfo they may become more
thenApoftics, able to heare the prayers and under-
take the Patronage of many thoufands with whom
they had no commerce while they lived ; but ir was
never profitable for rhe Church to be deprived ofthe
]^h.H 1 J. godly Paftours bodily prefence in this teCp^Q ; this
Rom.'8.34. Is to rob C H R I s T of his preroga ive, fitting at the
right hand of his Father; in the Tabernacle of this
world, as was in the firft Tabernacle, we may find
Hcb.p.^,7,&c many Priefts to iraploy as Agents foruswich God,
but in the San5tum SanBorum^ the fecond Taberna-
cle, there is but one Agent who hath Royall com-
KoUo^mCoi. milTiontodcale betwixt Go d and men. I dare be
/•/.17 1 /w^. ijQij jQ fay^ that if the Angels and Saints would take
the honour that the Pope and his Clergy would give
them, they fhould all go to hell and leave the joyes
which they now have.
At the Funerall <»/M -♦ Bolton. 6 1
This paint fcf vcs for the rcproofe offuch pcrfons, 2 •
which feele no forrow for the lofTc of the ehicfe \f^^l^^%
ftayes of the Church,which are like a Dove without dahy^m^^^J
a hcan:, and like the drunkards are ftriken and. yet Hor7.11.
feele nothing, which loofc an eye and are fenfcIefFc i/r!j'j.*'^'^
in this loflTe^which have their mafter-piecesand po^s
that hold up their houfc removed, and yet lay ic nx
to heart, which have the pawncs of their peace, and
the pledges oF their pofterity taken from thc;Ti, and
regard it not : thefe mens afe^ions had need of the
fpurrejwhich haveftony h earts,and bowels of braflfe,
which are not penfive at all for the loff;; of a deare
brother, which perhaps as Siinc Aufien complaines,
can weep when he read the ftory of lyido and o^Troy,
and fuch fabulous reports, but he could not do fo for
the miferies of G o d s Churchy thefe men areas far
from fymparhytowardsthemiferies of Gods peo-
ple, as from an inward feeling of the tender mercies
of Go D to their own foules; the harder the heart is,
the worfe it is, and the word of all is hardeft to
mourne for fo great a lofle.
Thirdly,and much more doth this Doctrine con- 3*
derane their pra(ftife, that if their Paftour be a faith- "mmL^I
full teacher, one that kcepes nothing backc from kiamd
them,but delivers untothem the whole connfelUfGo © , Aas 20.27.
as P4tf/ did 'to the Bfheftdns ; if he denounccth the
judgementof the Lord againft (inners, if he laycth
theaxetothe rooteofthe tree, and launceth their
feftercd fores to the very bottome, they do even for
their workc fake, eftccmethcmas ^yihab did CMu
taidh to be their enemy, and the more he loveth
thcm> cheleireheisbelevcdofthem> and docwifh
9^ Sermon Preached .
The death of
goad. Mini ft zn
to be lamented.
Efter4 z.
from their hearts that bee might not live amongft
th€m>but calabourto niskc him. weary of hjislifc by,
vexing him, rafting ir.any times the very name of
aPricftiasaterme of reproach upon his faccj the
abundance of this Manna and bread from Heaven,
makes them to loath it and the Meifengcr that brings
it. The rcafons of both ; i . Bccaufc fuch men fccic
not their fin nor their mifery for firu r. Nor caft the
comfort, fweetnene and power of grace. j.Ndrdoc
confider that Presbyters are Gods hands to con-
vdgh graces to themjhencedo thcfcfeliowcs fcorne
them' ia their hearts,and fo have asic were a brand fet
upon.themtob^ A'>:5^ Atheifts> , irrehgious pcrfons
and defpifer-sof Christ, as that ancient and holy
Father /^^*«^//i^'phrafeth them*
,, "Foiirthlyathis^GOpiideration that the Ufe of a good.
Paftourjs more profitable then his death, Ihould put
qsinmindofad-iify tomourneand grieve for the de-
parture pf an emin<?bt fiiembetin the Ghurch:GoDjs
not like to the Per(ian Kings,?// wbofefrefcnceno mour-
ners werefii-fferedtocemey butgodly mourners arc aJ-
waies welcome to Go d . See thcpradifc of this duty
hut in one example, thedcvmtmen that buried Stefhet^,
made great lamentation over him:, though Stephen was a
Martyr^ and which wa$ his honour, thcfirft Martyr
toOj and if I well renriember^ a Martyr faith, if there he
any rvaj to heaven on h^rfehaekC) it li\by CMartyrdotne-^
yetdiddevoutmcn make great lamentation over Ste-
p^fA?. Sec the bowels ofmen indued with Gods Spi-
ritjthcyarefullofaffedtion, full of tendernciTe, fo
that the ftreames thereof do overflow the banks ^and
good reafon, they hav^ fewer friends remaining,
,i'. .and
at the FumrxUofW . Bolton. ^ ^
and fewer helps i's> fe\^cr prayers are made unto
God, and fewer remaine to whom they may doc
good,and from whom they may reccivegood. And
iiccording to this prefent occafion let us pra'<5Hffe d
duty which we Owe in regard of our deceafed bro-
ther,even to mourne : away with that Stoicall opi-
nion which allowt's flot their '^{{'^ man to (tgh or
chafige cOiWe<nance at arty crofle accident, this nei-
ther forts with religion nor reafon. No, we have
caufeall of us to mourne,notyou only of this Towne,
but your neighbours round about you, nay this
whole Country ; zvid [ay ^s E lifia to Elija^ my father,
niy father^the Chariots and the horfcmen of Ifrael 5
he by his fadings, often and extraordinary prayers*
often hathftood in the gap, and mightily wra*>led
with the LoRP to keep away judgements; and like
another £/5f4^ hath left his mantle, or Dcrcas her gar-
ments for the poore,fome godly works, the fruits of
afandified heart and braine behind him, and many
no doubt are ft ranglcd in the wombe by his death
which (hall never fee light.
Touching the beginning of his ftudies, they were Mafier^ouU
notfo commendable as could have beenewiflied, he ^omitje,
was tainted by hisSchoolemafter in his youth, and
continued a Papift in heart at Oxford certaine yeeres,
and refolved with one * Anderten his fchoole- fellow, "^ sometimes a
to have gone to the Seminaries beyond the ft a: but ^ndTS'*'
God happily crofTed that dcfignc, and cffcdurdly OrSilcti '"
calling him to the (ight of his fins, and the light of ^^'^&^'
his truthjdrew good out of that evill, andtaughrhim
fo much the more to dcteft Popery, and to difcover
bypocriiieand difHrnulation in Gods worfhipand
I in
6/^ o^ Sermin Preached
inordinary convcrfation above the ordinarie ftraine
of Writers.
How induftrious a ftudent he was in the Univerfi-
cy,his many note bookes left behind him will beare
witncfTe, and how well reputed he was for his lear-
nir^,as his other exercifes, fo his publike difputati-
ons before King Jamhs will teftifie.
But Learning is nothing, Induftry is nothing to be
praifcd before Go d without grace 5 grace hath the
prehemincnce and gives the lufter to all che reft 5 the
Lord enrfched his heart with a great meafure of
grace,hence is it that his life was unftained and with-
out reproofe 5 though he was not freed from infirmi-
ties,yet he was from crimes. '
Hence it was that he was fo laborious in his Mini-
ftery, a true ftudent he was all his dales, as appearcs
by his library though great, yet very few bookes in
it which were not read over and noted in the mar-
gent, and he attained that high ftraine of grave elo-
quence, familiar to him, fcarce imitable by any o-
thersj you were twife aweekc ordinarily fed with
Sermons and Catcchifmes, and with the Expofition
of Scripture on Holydaies which would have becnc
acceptable, wholcfome foode I am fure, to the mofl:
learnedauditoiy of the Land.
And though he was fo great a Gierke, and fo fa-
mous, yet was not he ambitious nor fought great
matters for himfelfc,and he doth bcfeechan honou-
Epwie Dedi- ^^^^^ Knight, to whom he dedicated his laft booke,
■ catory to Sir and all Others in him to doe him that fivour, nay that
Robert Carre, jighf^nay that hottour, not to conceive that he had a
thought that way.
dUheFmeraUtf M'.BoIton. 6%
His heart was fct on the right objc(5^5 and the bent
of his ftudy was for matter of Sandification, both
of himftlfe and of his hearers, for himfclfc he could
profcdc (andOihatallPriefts andPaftorscoulddo N**^^'
the hke!) he did Ifay profcffeto his comfort on his
death bed,that he never taught any godly point, but
he firft wrought it on his owne heart 5 toward* others
he was a powerful! inftrurocntto batrer \ he kingdomc
oi the divell^he was a downe-right Preacher and /pa-
red no fins, he made many an unconverted (Inner to
quake and to tremble at his difcourfes, as Felix did at
Taulsy andcaftthemintoaftrongfic of legall humi- ..
liation ; hewasan inftrum.entto pull many captives
out of Satans fnarcs, many of you can ftep forth and
fay he was my fpirituall father 5 he had a fearching
Miniftery to difcover the hidden abominations of
fin, to ihengfhen andincreafe the graces of thofe
ihatdid ftand, to quicken thofe that languiflied 5 ma-
ny have caufe to bleffc G o d for him, and de ovfe even phikmon ig.
From this fpedaclc before our eyes all of us may
•learne fomcthing for our imitation : doth any one
prophane G o d s ,ordinan(ies by a diffembled reli-
gion ^ let him forfakeit, and flic from it as from afer-
penr, (for, I fpcaketo the glory of Go d s mercy, tur-
ning his face from 3ahylcnio Jerufatem) fo did our de-
ceafcd brother; doth any one walk before God with
an I'piight heart,let him hold out to the end, run his
race and finifh his courfe both in health and fickneffe,
for fo did our deceafed brother.
A great man, great in worth is fallen in'ourlfrael,
& there will be a grea^ lofle of him,his wife fliall^nd
I 2 the
06 i^ Sepmn-^H^^M
the loflTc ofag'acious husbandj his ch ildren (hail find
the loflcofagracious father 5 hisfhccp (Inllfiad rhc
loiTc of a gracious (hepheard,wc ofthe Miniftcry fliall
find th<: lofl^qf a g|f.nycj,Ic^rneJj.& a gracious brorherj
^hedcvoiit Ctriflu^th?tdc/ue-s to ha\^e all his (Innes
uj3|bpvydk^:?ii4. 4licoycrcd, (haU fin(»l the lofTe of g
gvajGlous fou]e^(eai;ching Minifter, he that would
^havc rules tp avoid particular fins, and :o make pro-
grcifcinallvcrtijes, (hall fiadthc lofTc of a copious
and cxpcre need direcflour*, he that is wounded in
confcience fliiU findthcioflTeof a skilfull Surgeon,
who in that arc was one of a thoufand to reftore righ-
leoufnelTej thevrrtuoiis, rich, and humble poore
Chriftians that feared God, (hall findthelofliof ^
loving friend and a gracioijs fupporter^thofe that are
in wants and truly religious, (liall find (to my know^-
ledge) the \\:>{{q of a liberall reliever and comforteij,
nay poore condemned Chriftians ihall fi id th? loffc
pf acharitable inftrudaur : and what fhali I fay
moic^'the whole Land (liall ^nd the lofTc ofazealoujs
pillar and of a powerfull nrevailcr with God for the
continuance of our happiniffe: fo that all had caufc to
pray not as the dreffer of the barren fig-tree, but as
for a fruitfull tree, Lord Utitfiandoneyenre, nay ma-
ny yeares longer 5 but the j^rratcr our loflc is of him,
the greater is the gainc unto himlelfe, and as he is
crowned with glory in heaven,fo hisremembranceto
many of us,will be like that oilcfits to the Jcvves,/^ is
fweet as honie in all wQutheSy and as muficke at a hanqMt
fnlt'^ZTif ^^^^ confidcrationmay be of goodufe for Gods
Minifitrs, pcoplcjFirfl tJijat they would fct a high price on good
at the Frmerall of M'.Bohon. 67
Miniftcrs,and apr^ them afii^ular meafurc of/ove as ^.^..^ ,,^,
to fpirituall fathers, God honouring them fo highly, bighyprixa
as ioyning them with himfelfcas co~werkers in the re- » Thefl:?. »»,
generation and falvation of his people^ againft whom \^cor 3.9.
Satan and his inftrumems ^tc moft enraged : towards
fuch 1 c t the afifcdtions, of Go jp s peopi e be moil en fl^-
mc4 5 though thicir pcrfons naay be contemptible,y«c
in regard ofchcir high calling as they are Chkists
Ambaffadours they are venerable, they are deare un-
to Gob; you cannot conremne nor revc^rence chem,
but this reaches h unto heaven, and in the laft refoluti-
onrefledts on Christ himfelfe, Christ is inte- LuWio.itf.
rcffed both in the concempt and in the rcrpc(^ you
fliew towards them.
Secondly, it iliould reach them another duty, to ,,...?;, ^^^,
pray heartily to Go d for them, that Gob would prajUfou
give his rWwand his rhammim to his holy ones; this
was the prayer o^Mofes for the Tribe o^Levi : think Dcqtji.s.
of rhcmas ^ aim lams faid o^EUas, Thai thejmmen ^^^^^^^^
fubieti to likepafiotJs that you are, conceive us not to be
of Laodicean temper,/^? fandin needofmthwg-^-^c arc ^^^,1^,^ 7.
nobetttr, nor fogood as Saint PW, and yet good
Saint PW is frequent in his exhortations to the peo-
ple to pray for him ; brethren we had need of your
prayers, none more need then we: fomething it is
that Saint Patd in his prayer for the Churches, ufeth
this forme, Grace be unto you and peace, but when he
wntcszoTtmthy and to Titus, feparated for the fcr-
viceof God, bcpraycsfor Grace, Mercy ^ and Peaci^
for them. They in fpeciall manner it feemes do ftand
in need of Go d s mercy •, pray for fuch then, and for
their continuance, that they may live, be guides to
I s tl^c
^S K^ Sermoti breached
the blind,lights to them that fit in darkcncife, Tnftru-
<5i;oTS of the ignorant, and by a godly lif^ examples
to the flocke over which the Lor d hath made them
?• Get now all the good you can from profitable
liat^rLfll'^to Miniftcrs while you enjoy them, hearetheni eveiy
bereabtd frm Lords day ^as though it was the laft day youfliouW
Mini/fm, hearethem; whiles theyeares of plenty laft, ftorc
up, with good /^/'/^ provifion which may preferve
your lives if a dearth fhould come y like the (licl-fifh,
fuckeinthac moifture while you are in the waters,
which may preferve you on the dry land. When iV/-
//fef over- flowed the bankcs, the Egyptians were fo
wife, to dig pits to retaine the water to ferve their
turne, when the waterof the river returned into its
channel]. Doe thou fo for thy foule in regard of the
waters of life, ftore now thy felfe with the bread of
heaven, leafl: thou finde to thy griefe the greatneffe
of a benefit inthelofTe thereof: unwife they arc that
know not the true worth of bleflings but by -wanting
them, which wifemen had rather learne by keeping
Eufeb. Ecd them. O carry thy fclfe towards them as S^intlrena-
mfi.i.<i.c.it. j^ ^jj towards that bleifed Martyr Pelycarpm, ma-
ny yeares after he did keep frefli in memory the dif-
^\Xi2it\omoiPoljcar^w^\{\s goings out^andcommings
in, his manner of life, the (hape of his body, his Ser-
mons to the people, how he converfed with Saint
lohn the Apoftic, and with others which faw the
Lor D, he could recite what he reported as fpoken
by them,^f. fuch adcepe imprcffion in his foulc
there was lefi: many yeares after Poly car^e was aglo-
tiousi'Saint in heaven^ and I bcleeyc that this our bro-
attfjeFffwraih/Mr.Bolton, 69
there unaffc<fled gravity 5his wife carriage, and many
of his gracious fpecches are written with the pen of
an adamant in fonae Chtiftians which will be legible
in them fo long as they live.
Laftly, let us of the Clergic while we live, do all 4«
the good we can,and putfonh ourfelvcs with all la- )jg*^"/l?. ''*
borioufncffe before the day of harvcft^die gifts of the i cor. 1 1.7^
Spirit are given to profit withall, God gives thefe
minifteriall talents to this end ; and let us imploy our
calcitsto attainc this end, while we continue in this
Tabernacle, Ictus not ceafc to put men in mind of
their duty,as Saint Feter profefTed he would doe ; let 1 Pet.i.12.19
us pity the cafe of all difobedicnt pcrfons : let other
fi(hcrs, if they thinke good, fiftifor riches, or for
vaine applaiifcs 5 but let out chicfe aimc be to deliver
a {inner from the pit of dcftru(51:ion, and rather to
fpcake five words in compaflfion to fave a foule, then
fi'^e thoufand for any finifter end whatfoever; the
foule of the poorcft man is very pretiouSjand the loffe
of it cannot be redeemed with a world, it is finne that
loofeth the foule.O how unhappy are all finners,how
miferable! which would make Gods fcrvantsfhcd
rivers of teares if they thought advifcdiy thereof,
and mourne over them as our Saviour did over leru- Luk« 19 4u
faUm^ when he beheld their prcfent fecurity, and
forefaw their future ruine, ifthoubadSf knowne thefe Mat.zj.
things that c»ncerm thy pease^ how happy hadft thou
thenbeenec* let us then be faithfull and laborious,
and fo much the rather now ought we to be labo-
rious, to makeup this breach for the loffe of our
brother,if Go d enablesussthe Lor d hiajfelfe is the
he^venlj? teacher of this IclTon by a juft propor-
yo *^ Sennm Preached
tionin alike cafe, x^^efes tny jervant is dead^ now
I-pih i.a,«. therefore arife Ujhnnh — hefirortg And of agpod courage-^
this our brother G o d s fervant is ^^d.d,, let us there-
fore who doe by thegoodntffc of God remaineyet
alive in a better degree then forrnerly, be fai^-hfull in
our callings, let us be more induftrious in reading, ih
meditating, in confcionablc preaching, and in a ho-
ly walking in the fcarc of G o d> that i-b we may re-
paire what we may our great lofie by the death of
him ; and tnily we have great encouragements fo to
loih.i.<. ^^ : for as God vpos with Mofesj2x\A promifed to he
withlojhttah^hwili the fame God, if wc continue fo
doing, make the fame word good unto us, he will be
with us,ffe will never leave us myforfake tis , jind w hert
Hcb.13.5. <his (hort unccrtainc, vaine and wretched life is en-
ded ,wc arcalready afTured, that every one of us fiiaii
heare to our everlafting comfort, that blcffed fen,
tcnce. Well difnethougoed and fait hfull fervant , thou
Mat.«6 1?, ^^fi ^^^^^ faithfiill ever afevf thinp^ I will make
thee ruler ever many tfjtngs : enter th$i*
mothejcyofthy hoKB, Which he
for his mercy fake grant uftto
us aW^Amen.
M E D I T A T I O N E S ^O^
Meditationsofthe lifetocome^
|^,^g^Orcl, when thou created'ft Manas ^^
1^1 tbelaftofthy nobkftworksjihat Creation (^
thou mighteft crown him as the fdlofuan.
end and perfe(3:ionof thy work-
inanlhip. Thou madeft him a King at firft,
gaveft him rule and dominion over all th«
Creatures of the Earth, 1 hou entertained'fl:
him like a Priwt^^ by bringing him into a moft
ftately PallacCjCovered over with a glorious
ArchjCmboffcd with infinite ftuds and fpan-
gles of gold/rhou madeft him a roy all feaft
w ith all the varieties and dainties that were
on earcb.Thou placed'ft him in thy own Gar-
den where all his fenfes werefatisficd with
unutterable delights, there thou guardeft
him with innumerable Angells andpcrmit-
A tcdfl:
Meditations of
tcd'fthimtowalkcinthy owne Walk as a
companion for thy felfe^But that man might
be taught an etcrnall Icflbn of huraility,Thc
commiflion ofthat onednneineacmg the
forbidden fruifjcoft him his life and the loffe
of all his happinelTe together, and derived
ancverlaftingcurfe and corruption upon all
his pofterity, Butyetfuchwas thy excee-
dinggoodnefle^O God, that rather then
thou would ft loofe the company of fo noble
a creaturcjthou devifed'ft a means to redeem
him,and thereby to joynehim nearer to thy
felfein more glorious manfions and farrc
greater plcafures,both for duration of time
and extention of delight,
2. Glorious things are fpokcn of thee thou
The hea- City ofGody thou Mo mt Sion^ thou Heaipenly
venlj leru' jerufalem, thouC/>>' o f the great Ktng^ for by
ricb^iii. divers fuch names art thou called, Thisis
the place wherein the ^^waVw^ofdaieshath
chofen to dwell, whofcmoft glorious pre*
fence foillightneth that Imperial featejthat
the darkcft corner of Hf^-T^^w (if I may fo
fpeakeof fuch infinite brightncffc ) isfarre
lighter then the greateft fplendour of the
the life to come. j
Sunne (hining in his full ftrcngth. There arc
the innumerable company of Angels,thofe
celeftiall quires with moft melodious * ajres *^tit iantkai
continually lauding and praifing him that fuVcwaitn^t
fitteih upon iheThrone. There are thofe f«:;;f S!
numberlesnumbersof^hefpiritsofiuft and tibuntun so-
r 11 V • /• 1 I finfit ibijempef
pericdmen, outoi all Nations, kindreds muiflM hym^
and peoplejftanding before the Throne clo- /uZ7iftmTZ'-
thcd with white robes, and palmes in their f^^Xl mm,
hands, giving glory, wifedomejihankefgi- R«vei,7.9,&e,
ving, honour,power and might to G o d for
ever and ever. When we but confider what
company v;e fliall meet with in Heavcn,vvc
needenoi be curious tofearch after the ex-
ceeding joy es u hich God hath therepro-
vided for their entertainement : onely let us
content our fclves with what we read in ge-
nerallandberavi(htinthereadingofit,f/?rf^ , ccr.a^
eye hath mtjecnc-icare hath not beard ^ neither is
the heart of man able to conceive the things yfhich
God hath prepared for thofe that loye foVw.lf the
onely delight we have here be in the com-
munion with the Saints on Earth, how (hall
our delight exceed in Heaven, where w€
(hall meet with innumerable Saints that
A 2 there
there fhall bcarc us company for ever.
3. But this is not all,for that which fliall there
Beatifcall mod of all delight US, (hall bee the fight of
V/^f^'n Godjthat beatifical vifion which Aq'^ Ancients
(2^ vifi0 faciei lo much Ipcake or,to wit, the beholding of
pJrTyjentu God facc to facc^Tltat is to fay,a plaine/ull
pe'ZX^'i and familiar revelation of himlelfe to us,fo
[ujnmaDei bo. niuch as our oaturcs are capable of, a fi ^ura-
(^lumeniihi- tivckindc 01 fpccch takcH irom the di red
^ugiorficetur. Deholding ot oiie HiaQ D^ another, where-
tmef^^'^'dJe. ^J ^ ^c beaut}' of the faceis the betrcr difco-
aanturdeT)eo, vcred.and it is called the Face of G o d by a
pukher, janes phraictaKen ironi men, becaule the perfe-
decQTa,eloquiu z.. pi . , . •
duke: deika- clion oi bcauty m man or woman is in the
T:iL:'!i^ i^^^^^which chiefly dclighteth the eyes.and
adprefruenduin therefore GoD in difcovering his beauty to
'vifio vjdere US teamicsit by his F ^i^^. Hence are thofe
"jitremlbil fwcct defcfiptions by the Bride^ or her hea-
o-jioi ta CO. yenlyBnV^^roafwethroughout the Canticles
Medit. cap 7. by hi s Eycs. his Lippes, his Mouth, his Haire^
^^a,' his Teeth^isfc which all concurre to beautifae
the face of man, bucyetall fofarre (hortto
reprcfcnt nnto ns that which is fignified by
theFaceof GoDjChatrf all the excellency of
beauty in the faces of all tfaernen and wo-
tbelifetacome. 5
mcnin the world were united into one An-
gular perfcdion: yet it would not fo much
as decipher unto us oneray ofGoDs glo-
rious countenance that (hall (hine upon us
in Heaveni In his prefence({sLith the PJalmift) ifai.15.
isfuilneffe of joy j and it is the fullneffe that
makes up the joy^. Hence it is that in the
earth the foule can have no true joy^becaufe
it can have no fuInerfj,nothing in earth can
fill the dcfires of it.for when we have heaped
up never To many pleafures, never fo many
delights we ftill dcfircmore. The reafon is,
the foule hath notyetattainedthofe delights
that will fill it,nor ever will^tillit meet with
him that fils heaven and earth, and then will
it everlaftingly fill it felfe.For beyond fulnes
thereisno appct te.
But this is not all,our delight in Heaven ^^
that we (hall behold,the inexpreilible beau- The delight
ties ofGooiffuing from his glorious coun- ^/ ^^^fi"^^
tenancej but herein isthe Angularity of our '^ ^^^'^^^'
joy^thatwelhallbe wonderfully taken with
his beauty,and our foules inwardly ravtflied
with the things that we (hall behold- Let trs
refume that former inftancc, which is the
A3 oftneft
Mediations of
oftneft utcd in Scripture to cxpreflc the
joyes of Heavcn,l?/J?: of the Bridegroome and
thcBride. U ihe Bridegroome apipcsixe never
fo lovely in comelinefle of body and condi-
tion . never fo amiable in the endowijients
of minde^ y et if the aflFedions of f lie Bride be
not inflamed with a love of thcm.if (he prize
them not above all,it her heart be not thcre^
by tied to him with a condant and perpe-
tuall tycj by how much (he is deprived of
thefe, by fo much is fliee difpoylcd of her
chiefeft comfort. But here is the excellency
of our ftate in Heaven, that wefhall behold
from the face of God moft (ingular beauties
beyond w hat we are able to fpeake or think.
And which is morcjour foules fhall be conti-
nually ravilht with adelight of thenijnothing
(hall bee able to make our joyes either to
faint or to failcjfor that nothing can feparatc
betwixt God and the glorified foulcjeither
to darken thofe beames of glory fhining
upon It, or to diminifii its joyes in the frui-
tion of them. For/w«^ which made all the
batebetweene God and us we left behind
uswithourfleih, for it could not follow us
into heaven, and together with finnc wee
parted with all our mi feries, all our griefes
andfcarcs, and other calamities the wret-
ched fruits and effects therof,which the Scrip,
turetcis us (hall be there aboli(hed, when it Revci.7.'i7&
tells us ^hataU teares /had be mfedfrom ouK "'•♦•
eyes. There (hall be no matter nor caufe of
griefc in Heaven,but only of joy es unfpeak *
able and glorious.
And howcanthofejoyesbeeotherwife, ^ 5. '
when God from whom they flow isinfinite Jy'^'-^
in power to make them fo, and everlafling
ingoodnefTeandlove to them who (ball be
made partakers of them. When Chrift who
hath purchafed this glory for them, con-
trads with his Father that his children (hall
enjoy it, lohniy.i 4. Father I ml} thai; they
whomthouhaUgmnme bemtbtnewhsre lam^
that they may behold my glory ^hich thou haflgi^
yen me. As we received from hisfullnelTc a
meafurcofgracc on earth, fo (hall we an
exceeding meafurc of glory in heaven. We
fee when the Sunne(hinetb how it illight-
neth all parts of the world on which it Ihi-
nctb i how light then is heaven when every
g Meditations of
part ofit is in it felfcfarrc brighter then the
Sunj and when God whofe ey esare ten ihou-
fand times brighter then theSun there (hines
in perfect glory. A nd iherfore excellently
doth that beloved Difcipledefcribc that
/1.?Ji:/.t- place, Km/.ZnF^^23. 1 he City, fairh he,
€ura,pamara: hathuofjeed oftheSmne ( admitting it to be
totum contmcns meant ot Heaven)f7^/f /;^r of the Moon tojhine
Bern.Med!^'' i» it -JoT thegloY^ ofQod doth illrgbtcn it^and the
Lambe is the light thereof, Every Saint (hall
Ihinc ther^ like aStarrCjand (liail contribute
their light tor the beautifying of that moft
glorious place. Ojwhat light will there be
inHeavenwhcn wefliallfeefomany Suns.
Nay,GoDWouldloofe of the end of his crea-
tion of heavcn,if the Saints did not there be-
hold and enjoy infinite glory and delight.
Forheraade it not for himfelfe, (fith all
places are alike to him v\ ho fils heaven and
earth ^ ) butthercfore did hee make it with
fuch infinite variety and perfection of beau-
ty, that there his Saints might fit with him
and fing his praifcs for evermore. When
the fbule of Saint Aufiin was carried up into
thethirdheaveii; inthofe bis divine Me-
the Ufe to come*
ditationsofthejoyes" thereof, confidering
the unmixed pleafures of that places that
reft was there without Iabour,dignity with-
out fcare, riches without loflc, health with-
out (ickocflcj aboundancc without wantjlifc
without death, felicity without calamity,
and eteriiitj without vanity. But when he
had further brought into his ravilhcd mind
thofe mod melodious Ditties of the Angelss .
and delicious Songs of the Saints, andiuch
other delicate Mudcke that was in heaven^
he breakes forth into this celeftiall rapture,
Ohoyp happy /houldl he, if i might but beare^ sed^mmwM
fomeoftbofef^eeteSongsthataretberefmgin S^.1J«?2
hmouroftbebleffedTrinity, butiflmigk bee ^^^J'j^r^^^,
rvouchfafedtobe one ofthoje heayenly ^itiiri^" /lo deduiabM
'ers that mighvfingbut one Jongtothe Lord lejii^ '^'!^!^JZ6.
ChriU qfthefyeet Songs of Sion^t ytouldbe a fe^
licity too high for me.
Oh who would then fatten his delights 6.
on any pleafurc that can here be offered un- '^he vmtj
to us, whenasiheareatcft fclicitie in this , t^t
world, aweihouIdcompafleSeaandLand W
for the obtaining of it, is but like that of che
graire,whichin the morning flourilbeth and
B growcth
lo Meditations of
vantyof life, growcth Up, butin thecveiiing is cutdownc
and withered. Take a (hort furvey of the
inea,vu7fr^i- glofy of all the earth, and beginne with life
vi!^^!P:- " felfc the bed of buma^ie things, Shme for
tomagiscrefcit skitmc andaHthat ammb^th (faith M) will
trefcit, quanta hegiipe foT VIS life yZud yet what more ^fraile
Tamm^^u sd and brictle ! what tongue wantcth not words
X/aw toexpreffethe vanity of it > Adreame, a
umbraticap;en:i fliadoW) a Waft, a buble> a wind^a vapour,
taqueii mortis. • nt i \\ r \ t
Nnnc gaudeo, a tale, apolr,acloud (allof them phrafes
mttrvlgeo!jam aod fimiUtudes of holy writ) yet cannot
itX;j;: fufficientlyexpreffethe vanity ofmans life.
vor.wncjcetix * Asthc cloUi IS confumcd ({2i\ih lob) andrvci"
mifer, nunc ri- ni/heth owoy'Jo he tbatgoeth dovpne to the grays
iimmtmftt jbdU comc tip nomore. Hsfbad returne no morc^
fznt%Mt ^0 ^^ ^o^fii neither /ball hfs place knoyx> him any
na hora in uno ff^gre, . * *
neat ^ug.soii- What Is faid of Life may.-bee faid of
Mob 7.9,10. ^Healthi the very pcrfe<5tion of life, how
heahhr^ vaine and fickle that isjone example in holy
* None/} -UN ^^jj willfcrvcfora lively expreffion of the
vere/ed VAlerc . i . i it n - i
vita. vanity or bothyia that excellent itory in the.
j^BooJc^ otKing«,Cij/7.4,fet out on purpofc
as it fcemes to difcover the vanity of all
temporall happineflif A great noble wo-
thelifetocome^ it
man oiShummy who abounding ( I con-
ceive) in many outward felicities, yet wan-
tinga child which iheeefleemed above all,
refuted the Kings favour in refped of this
blcfTing it is likely the Prof bet for the klnd-
nefle (he (hewed him would have fatisfied
her defire in any thing, yet neither honour,
nor fiches,nor prerermentjUor the favour of
a King ( whith many thoufands would have
coveted) could content her, but (hee fe-
cretly asked that qucftion that Abraham as-
ked oiGoDfiLORD yiphatmltthougiyfe mee
Jith I goe childlejjh. The Prophet granted her
a fonne, never woman bare him with more
joy, when this fonne wasgrowncup, and
her joy encreafed with his yearsjhow quick-
ly was this incomparable leypell fnatcht
from her, on morning he fell f eke in his head
atfd dyed ere noone. All that pretinefTe and
beauty that was in the childe is now vani«
(hed, and all that wpnderfuUjoy ofthemo^
ther that was bound up in the life of her fon,
was now diiTolved into more fadnefle and
hearts griefe,then if ihe never had enjoyed
the benefit. j
B 2 What
Meditations of
7. Whatisfaidof lifcandhealthmay befaid
^f^\f ofall things in the world bcfidcs. LoTenop
%u! ^he-^porld (faith the Apoftlc) i. iohn i.o-. 16^
i^.nor the things inthe world. Andhcgivcs
thcreafon by fumming up the things of the
vvorldjand dividing them into 5. parts, For
aUthatisintheworlu ( fair h he) is either the^
lufi of the pfh^heluftofthe eye^orprideJflife^
and then in the next words hdHieweth the
vanity of them.5«^r/;^ yporldpaffeth away and
the lufi therofyi!fc. Butthefegeneralswilbc
better difcerned by difcovering the vanity
of thefe 3. particulars. Beauty^ Riches^ Ho^
nour^ being the lively characters and exa^l:
expreflions of the lufls of the flefbyofthe eyc^ y
Andfrideoflife^ and which arc indeed the
grand impoAors, and bewitchers of the
whole world^and oftentimes (leale away the
hearts of G o d « owne people.
B^a»/> For Beauty^ we may at once fee both th e
fewer and thcvanify of it, in that it infnared
and beguiled the ia/r^^, the wifeft, and the
flrengtji of men ; Da'vid^ Salomon and Samp-
fonjtiovf dearedid thoie delights cofl; them^
with how many affliiSions were thofe bitter
pkafures attended, infomuch as it cofl the
laft his life, the other his Kingdomca and the
firft his contentment. For from chat time to
the houre of his death jD^>/Vwas not quiee
from vvarre, from rebellion s,frora treafons,
from troubles brought upon him by his
owncbo\vc]5. Nay, Icfa man behold the
grcatcft beauty that can poflTibly bee in the
perfon of any, let the face be never fo amia-
ble for colour and favour, letthebody bee
never fo comely for feature and (hape, let
the skinne be as white as the Lilly, and em*
brodcredoipir'Sifith purple rveines*^ addc to this,
tbemoftgraccfull motion that ever was in
any creature, yet were the mind of man by
exemption of unruly affedionsi but per-
mitted to be wife, and to paufe upon this
pi eafant vanity, and but confider that if
this f aire body was fmicten from G od ^th
the boy les and botches of loby u hat an ugly
fpedlacle it would be, or what by addition
offomelittle more time it will be, when it
ftiall be withered and rivellcd together with
age, or if that be not, when it fhall be tur-
ned into a rotten carcafTe. Cenainely th e
B 3 foule
14 Meditations of
foule of man would never reft till it had
fought out a farrc more glorious delight
both for the excellency of being and lading*
neffe of continuancej and therefore mod
true is that which the wifedomc of truth
hath uttered, Favour is deceitfu{l\beauty is
piov.31.30. rjjanity^ io vaine, that the lead ague doth
change it,a imall ficknes doth wadit.a little
time doth fade it, a little forrow doth melt
and con fume iuWhen thou with nhtikes(^(^\th
pfar. 39.11. David)doeU comH man for iniquity y thou ma-
keft his beaut'^ to confume like a moth»
For Riches^ if in the obf ainement of them
wee doc but looke upon the ends oi Judas
SLndihcRicbGluttorij it might make us very
flow to covet th^m, much more to affv;d
them. For befides their vanity, that they
many are the miferies that attend upon
them, in the getting, keeping and parting
with them? But if to thefe, they begotten
with an ill confcience, and enjoyed without
godlinefTe, they are fnares and thorncs, nay
veryplaL>ues and Scorpions unto us 5 fuell
toourlufts; lets to our pray ejrs, and blocks
the life to come. 15
in our waiesofpfrty and devotion. Nofui
is fuch a canker to grace and holineflfe, as is
thefinnc of covetoufneile, ^v^jv^?*'* (an cf- mio'.'^U
traordinarydefire of heaping up riches. )
The ApoRIe Paul maketh it clearc by telling
US; TimJCzp 6.^ A o. That the i&y>e of mony
H the root o/ad e'viH^ ^bich "^hikfome iujkd
after erred from the Faith and pierced th:m^
fehe$ through mtb many forr owes. No tongue
can exprefle a worfe effecil:, and from that
cffei^ greater mifery then Apoftacy from
God, ,whichis uiually accompanied with
fearefullforrowesif not'difpaire, witncflfe
that lamentable ftory ot FrancU Spira, who
from this roote of covetouftfeffc to conti-
nue his Offices and mcancs of getting, de-
nied the true profeflion of the Gofpell,
wherein he had greatly profited, and fub-
feribed to Popery which formerly hec bad
renounced and (b fell into that intolerable
mifery ofdcfpairc of his ownefalvation.
Foi H^«(?«r and Jwfc>/(j», if examples doe '^^"^"'^
give inftrudions, as they then doe, whcii
judgements are declared upon them^ wee
need goe no further for fcarch of this vanity
1 6 Meditations of
then in Nimrod^ Nelfuc.hahe;^9iar^ Daritts^
Alexander f^far^^c. whatvaftdefircs were
in them all for iplarging their Kingdomes^
even to the clouds, what infinite care and
painestooke they for the compaffing of
thofedefiresto the haOining of their ends,
smr>ii[q,nig^ and Waiting outtheirUmps oflifc, andyet
mmftarediu: all theirplorioiis Raignes are now (hut up
wsjubpondere lu Vanity, their remembrance IS as ii they
ia£/aiLuca». j^^ j nevet becnc, nay let the dcfires of man
be filled with all the earthly glory that is to
be found in the whole world, and let his
heartcheareinitas much as may bee, yet
that it might appearetofraile man, that the
highcrt worWly happineffe is not exempted
from ihat condition of vanity, which God
and nature hath infeperably tyed to it,
?^fT f'^^^' fome crofle or mifery thai: the wifcft man
$iv stub. could never f ore- fee, inall ever attend h igh
place to make it irkfomc and uncomforta-
ble, ifnottooverthrowthe horfc and the
rider, and caft downe thei^%/0i'/^man
lowerthenthcduft Innumerable examples
might be produced to prove this out of Hi-
(loriesin all kinds : I will take but one for
the life to come. * vj
all out of the beft of them, The Boeke of
God, Haman (wee know) wanted not for
as much honourascould be heaped upon a
roan 5 Prince and people were all but as in^
ftruments to contribute to his happineffe:
and yeia (wonderful! thing) the want of a
cappefrompoorc Af{?r^^(:^j, whofe headhc
might have taken off at hispleafure marred
all his mirth ^ a filly croffe one would thinkc
tovcxea wifeman, yetGoD putfuch a
fling into it, that it did not onely quite be-
reave this proud man of all his joy, but ne-
ver left him til it caft him down from the top Mfammm
of all his honour fo low, as that his place '^^i^
could no more be found.To proceed high- p^ ey?.sen«.
cr,and as farrc as earthly felicitie can ftretch
unto, let honour and high place,and all the
outward pompe of this world bee conferred
upon zgodl) w/jff jand let this man have aki-
litie from.GoD tobeare it, fo that no whit of
Gods glorie bee loftjnor iny of G o d s gra-
ces in him diminifhed, (which rarely hap*
pens to high place) yet that the mofl glo-
tious flate of man might flill bee fubjedt to
that vanity swhicb is over ail created felicity,
C fome
i8 Meditatiom ef
fomc £«!>)', fu^iPion, ]ealoufie^ difdaine^ i^c*
orotheraccidcntlhallalwaiesactend earth-
ly glory, to make it tniferable. A better in-
ftance cannot be given then in holy Dame/^
Dia.6.4,^ . whom when that great Darius had advanced
(meercly forhis virtues without any luing
orfeekingoi his owncj above all the Prefi-
dents and Princes in his Kingdomej this ve*
ry thing wrought fuch en vie and difdaine in
the hearts oi the Princes againft him^tbat al-
though,as the fext faith , There ypas neither
Hm^ummi^ crror nor fault fomd in Daniel^ yet they nc-
'^'^"! i!'i'^i? ver reded till they had caft him from the
ciiisinperfe£fQ hei^htofhis happirtefle to the loweft pit,
even a Denne ot Ltons. • 1 o lumnie up all in
this one period, Give me a man endowed
with all the excellencies that have beene in
any fince the Creation, let him attaine to
the LearningyWifedome^ Riches and Glory ^ of
Kin^Salomoni let him be as wife for coun-
fell as Ahitophel^ let him have the meekneffe^
oiMofeSi the courage oiDanpidy the /ireng$b
of Sampfon^ the patience oi lob^thzirmocency
oiJfaacky the eloquence otPauU the beauty of
2 Sam. 1 4 »5 • Abjolou^ that ftom top to toe had no blemifh
the Ufetocome^ ip
in him, yet what \sz\\\hhhm admired rvani-
ty ? All this pompe ftiall not follow him to
the grave, the wormes and duft Ihall de-
voure both it and himi \ he Prophet Day id rfai 46.4.
makes this Epitaph for him. His breath goeth
forth-, he returnetb to his earthy in that *ver) day
his thoughts per lifj*
How incomparably excellent then is the ^•
glorie of Hcaven,where none of thcfc chan- ^P^^^P
gesihallbc, where (hall be vvondcrfullad-
vancemesu, but without Injuftice, abun-
dance of glorie, but without Envie, infinite
wealth,but without woe, admirable beautie
and felicitie^but without vanity or infirmity.
Here (hall the patient^fferings of the Saints
be amply rewarded, and all the rage and
fpite ot their enemies on earth, (hall inOead
of doing them hurt, adde much to their
cro wne of glorip,here (hall all thofe fcoffes,
thofe bitter gybes and jefts againft the pu-
ritie of Goos children, be turned with hor-
rible amazements and terrour into the
bofomes of wicked men, when they
ihall behold with anguIQi of fpirit what
they here jefted at, Jbat onelj the furs in Math ;. s.
C 2 fbirit
Meditations of
to the foitlc,
Ibi efl fwama
fislicitas, fum
ma jucunlitaiy
vera liber taa^
perfe&a chart-
tas,teterna fe-
euritas (^ fe-
air a xternitoi'
Jj^iri$/ballfie God andbehold bis glory.
Othentn/foulc, fith by thcfefew in-
ftanc es thou maift take a fcancling of the va-
nitie and niifcrie of all worldly happincffe,
raifc up thy dcfiresto thsLtbUjfed place yufbere
isfullmjje of joy andphafures for ei^ermdre^ To
himin yohom U no <variety norjJjiido'^ ofchange^
tothatcompanie which everlaftingly fing
and arc never fad.Think with thy fclfe when
thoufeeft and delighteft in th« beautie of
any creature, bee it wife ; children, houfes,
lands^to'^.thatthefeare but vanities under
theSunne* to put thee in mindcjthat true fe-
licities reach as high as Heaven, and were
they as glorious asiheSunnitfclfe,yetthey
arc not freed from clouds and darkeneffe
and many cclipfes, which Ihew their cmpti-
neficandinfelicitie. Nay, wee know not
whenw« behold them in their higheft per-
fei^idn, whether they will net turne to bit*
terneflc at the laft» Hi^^^/looked amiably
upon F/i^^z/if, yet that good Prophet wept
when hec faw hini,.aj> beholding the aboun-
dance of cvill which that goodly perfon
fhould afterwards cxecute.T/b^ ^<? U mt/atfS"
thelifetocomen ai
fiedmth feeing^ nor the e^e filled ^ith bearings ^^^^«'»- ^'
faith the wife maa. The miDrc a man covets
and hunts alter the things of this lif c^his dc-
fires are hereby more enlarged, but not his
contentmenti for the mind is not plcafed in
that it is not fatis&d.
- Get thee gone then, O my foUlcjand flie ^^
hence tq thofe celeftlall manfions w here on- condufm,
ly thou (halt finde reft, ihere^ therelhailall
thy defif cs be filled, there (hall the prefencc
ofGoorepleniQi thee with unutterable de- mtoTrme u,
lights,therc ancly (halt thou hearcf/;^i?wV^ nuulraaple^
ofjoyandgladnejfe, andfonoy and mcwmng ~;^^^
/hall flee ax;> ay i divorce thy affections from fin '^'l/^!'f!'^'
and from all the pleafures of the world
thoughnevcrfodeare tothce, and marry
them to Christ, thy gainc fliall bee great,
thy glory greater^ even life andhappinefle
for evermore. Why (hould'ft thouftay and
abide any longer here amongfl the enemies
of thy peaccjamid'ft fo many forrowes and
affli^iouspurfuing thee for thy fins? Who 'Deikatmes fi
would not forgoc a cottage togaine a King- dm cumf^cuio
domc?who would not exchange a few fraile Zntmcbfi
comforts of this life, for thofe ^^^^^^^^^ i'il^^.Z^'''
C J joyes
21 Meditatmsof
joy cs of bliffe^why wilt thou any lorgerfet-*
tie thy heart upon that which is nothing?
what arc the choifeft delights here below be-
ii g rightly ballarced other then 'vanity and
(vexation ofjpirit, Ceafe then to admire any
outward excellencies and be vvholy taken
vviththofereiplendent beauties that are in
the face of chy J>aviour, to whomere long
thou ihalt be married, and partake of that
great feaft with which hec will entertainc
thee at chat wedding d ay. Cark e and care
onely for thofe durable riches that (hall
then abide with thee when thou (halt bee
here no more.Haften and hunt after the ho-
nour and happinefle of the Saints i there is
no preferment like being in heaven, poffcffe
thy felte of him who hath beeoe thy God
from thy yourh^who hath many a time rai-
fed thee up with his comforts, when thou
haft bcene in the Va[ley oftbefi;aioyiP of deaths
•fipho hah-heeyethe portion oft bine inheritance^
and batbmaitjtiind thy lot: forfake him not
and he Will bri^jj theeto/;a«(?«ratthclaft,to
fuch honour $ as all the glory of this world
cannot reach anto^. He that made heaven
. . for
the life tocome.
for hb owBe Children, canoncly declare
thejoycs of that place ^ Returm then into th^
refl my foule^ from which thou haft long
wandered. Be content to part with any
thing on earth which thou canft not keepe,
to gaine every thing in Heaven, which thou
canft never loofe*. drowne all thy delights in
thofefweete contemplations of heavenly
bliffe, prcffe hard to this marke, ftrive for
this vidoric, fight for this Crowne>/<iy
in this world take away
Sitfatraro me-
aydefideret iliui
tota fu'v/lantia
mcayimec intrt
"Domm meijthi
per fuula,
^men. Aug»
K, .