Treasure "Room
YfcO^*^ ^:i5
HappincfTc. '
Scrmofts in Oxfird, and at Pauls Crfiffcj .
By Robert Bolton, Bachclour in Diuinity
Oi'finiBer of Cods Word at Broughton in North-
hampton Shirc^ .
Tliefi^th Edition, corredcd and amended,
Vvitha Tablethaeunto annex. d.
2.C0R. 13.5.
?r9.'^ejortr fifties whether J ce Art in the (dnh:examintyour
p:lti€s : knowyee not jour onvnefclnes^ how thdt lefus Chrifi is
in yen, except yte be reprobate; f'
ty^r LONDON,
Imprinted by lohn Dnrvfon. for Thomas Werner, an^
are to be fold at his (hop ar the great North
doore c f Pauls Church.
I 6 5 I. ,
t?^3X^OOD PATRON, SIR Avgvs^
;? Ti NE N I c o L s J Knight J Sericantatthc
, LsiW^thi ^Icrtcm comforts of Grace hcre^tffd
L ? 'T the ble^edne^e of imimrtditj here After.
!r, I hailing been often and
much lollicited with variety
and iteration of ftrong im-
portiinity^to piibhfh awd let
padc into the eie of thisccn-
forious world,the[c,the very
firft fruits andeffaies of mine
imployment and buGneffc
in the Miniftery ; did appre-
hend and imbracc this feafbn v^ith better conient-
mcntj and with mote checiefiilneffe addrcffc and
compofemy felfe thereunto j becau(e 1 did fee op-
portimitie offered thereby^ to let appearc abroad
iny thankefiill acknowledgement of your refpe^-
fullj and more then ordinary fauour vnto mecj and
apublikcteftimonieofyour worthy and exemplary
integritie, in difcharging ycur hands, and faithful-
ly diipofing that portion of the Church's patri-
mony committed to your truft and confciencc. An
afF4ire(thoughinthefedefpcratcIy finfull times, fear-
fully andaccurfcdly abufed)of high and waightycon-
fequcnce^and of great powerjasitfhall bcdilchargedi
^ 2tf7l2,T A 2 with!
7 he EpiH/e dedicatory.
/p»ile hit
goods} yet
fpoyledmc j
Bitt ye fay^
hdue wee
foiled thee?
In tythesO"
Te dre cur»
enrfe t for ye
httue fpoiled
me^ eucn
this tfhole
Mai. 3.8.9
with confciencc,or coiruprionieither further ro ruinc
our Church, and bring it to morcmifery and dcfola.
tion,ortorepaircandadu3nceirto better ftare, and
more happinciTc. For mine own parciciilarjit hath fo
pleafcd God to guide your heartin thisbufineffe. and
to blcile me with hisprouidence^thac wheras too ma-
ny Patrones now adaycSjCithcr by detaining Sacriic-
gioiifly Gods portioii, againft all gronnds of equity^
both diuinc and humane ; or by furnifliing Church-
liuings SimoniacaHy and corrupttyj doc certainely
pull vpon their owne heads,loHlcs and bodies goods
and pofterityjan heauy and horrible'^^curfe ; andfhali
thereby make their account to be without fauour at
the laft day .• and whereas many worthy men ( after
they haue wearied and wafted their bodies and
mindeSj their fpirits and patrimony in ftudy, and
worneoutthcit hopes with long and tedious expe-
d^ition, purfuit, & dcpendancc) com.c at length with
muchadoCjtonogreatmattersjandwhenallis done,
it is well if they efcape all galling and gailiof confci-
ence, fuch is the Grange iniquity of the times .''yet I
fay, (o worthily haue yo u dealt with mee, and fo vp-
rightly in the Churches caufe, that vpon your owne
firft motion you fcnt vnto mee^ to accept the place I
now enioy from you ; and offered meea faire, a free
and comfortable paffage to the exercilc oi my Mini-
ftcry abroad ( which next vnto the faluation of mine
owne foule, 1 hold moft deare and precious ) when I
neither fought after, nor thought vpon preferment.
This your rare and lingular bounty, did at thevery
firft afFc<5l me with a fecret fence of an extraordinary
obligation^ for all inward affedionatcflcne 5 and
'The EpiHie T)edicatory.
wichadefircof reprcfenting it in fomcvifiblcformt
of outward tcftificaiion. But when 1 did (after) fur-
ther confidcr^firft, how that Sacrilcdge and Simony,
that damned couple of cryir.g(inne55 like two raue-
n.>us H-irpies^afid the two inlatiabledaughtcrjof the
H^rf-lcech, had (eaz'd euen vpon the heart of our
Church, ready to rend and tearc in pceces her very
hcart-ftrings^and to fucke out the inmoft blood, and
laft life of our dearcft Mv:)ther : when 1 looked aboiie
me in this famous Vniucrfity, where 1 haue liued,and
faw many reuercnd and learned men, full of the light
of diuine truth and of the water of life jable gloriotif-
ly and combrtably to illighten and rcfrcfh many
darkc places and dry foules in this land -ready to ex- ^
pire and powre out their foules in the bofome of this
ihci r famous Nurfe •, not brought vp by her to dye at
her breHs^ut ( if they might haue honcA and lawful]
paffage^ ready andaddreft to enlarge Chri(\s King-
dome abroad, and to oppofe with all their power, a-
gainft the bloody torrent of popery, and rage of An-
lichrift : Laftly, when I weighed widi my lelfc mine
ownenatutall declination and rcfolucd vnfitncfTe, to
makea noifc and ftirre in the world for preferment, I
did findcjthat as thefeconfidcrat ions did before giuc
Ifmall hope of changing my flation ; fo now they
jwcre.of power yet further to dotiblethe imprcfSon
of your worthy and extraordinary goodntilc vnto
me, and freshly to renew the thankfuJl deuotions and
apprchcnfions of mine heart. Out of which hath
fprung in me a thirff ing earneflncfTe and contention
of fpirir,to returnc vnto you,for ihefe tcmpcrall fa-
uours (fo farre as the nature oi that high miniftcriall
o A >.. ^ ^ ., A 3. funaion.
■ '~ -".-^ ■■ — — ■ — i—^. . — - — . — ^^- — — -
^he Epi/lle dedicatory.
fuiKaion, wherein I ftand, (hall guide me ; and the
power of niy poore ability can reach) the Blcffings
of Heaucn,and comforts ci a better world.To which
end, I here prcfcnc vnio you this Treatife^ which I
haiie intended to be(fo far as my gracious God hath
giuenmc vnderftandingin the poynt ) as it were a
looking-Gbflc or Touchftone, to whomfoeuer it
(hall pleafe to take thorow notice thereof, for the dil-
cerningand trying, in fome good meafure, whether
he already bcoftlie number of thole few which truly
Hue the life of God, and vnder the Scepter of his
Sonnejor lie as yet enthralled m the inv^(lblc chaincs
of damnation and death, and vnder the large and
powerfull raigne of Siran. For lam perf waded, that
in this glorious noone-tide o{ the Gofpell, many
thoufandsdecciuenotonely the world, and others,
but cuen thcmfelues and their owne foults, about
rheirfpirituallftate: thinking, ifihcy findcin them-
felues a frecdome from grofic and notorious (innes^
fa ireneffe of conditions; ciuili honefty,a formal] pro-
ftfE 311 ofChriftianity, outward performances of re-
ligious feruices, that then their cafe is good enough
for Heauen : though there bee wanting the fauing
power of inward ran(5iification, and the truth of a
found conueriion : though they bceftrangcrsto the*^
great myftery of GodlineiTe, and difacquamted with
a confcionable and conftant courfc of Holineflfe in
their Hues and anions. But we mufl conceiuc that
otier and befides thefe degrees ofgoodnefle, with-
which millions of men content and deceiue them-
fclucs ; yea, and quite beyond, and vtterly without;
the compaffeof all worldly glory, all vifiblc pompe,«
I a mmroa
The Epijlle dedicatory.
the moft admired greatncflc and fufficicncy vpon
earth, for which a great part of the world exchange
the cucrUlling happineffc of their foules , there is a
paradifc of Chriftian comforts, a Royall Pecuhar, a
vidiorious Simplicity, a neglcded Innoccncy, a mar-
uelioiis Light, an invifible Kingdomc, an Heaucn
vpon E jirh- which I call the ftate of GracCj and labor
in theenfuing Dilcourfc to diffcrcncefrom all perfe-
dionsandfufficienciesattakieablein the ftatcof vn-
regeneration. I meddle not purpofcly with the noto-
rious finncr :for (mcthinkcs) in thefe dayes of light,
there rhould none fo wiirully and deepely inwrappc
himfclfe in darkcncfle ♦, but that in his cold bloud,and
more lober confideration , will acknowledge and
conftflc, that the ftate of notorious finfuInefTej is the
ftate of wretchednefleand of death. And that there is
no hope for the Drunkard, the Swearer,the Lyer, the
Viurer^the Vncleane perfon^the Sabbath-breaker>the
Sacrilegious, Siraoniacall,and (inncrs of fuch infa-
mous ranke^but a fearefull looking for ofiudgement,
and, without repentance and forfaking their ftnnes,
an eternall reparation both from all pcffi':>iliiie of
grace, and (bund comfort in this life 5 and from the
fruition of the ioyes and hleffedneffe of heauen here-
after. I therefore endeuour and defire to come necrer
andcloferto mens confcicnces-, and to tell them, that
out ofa conceit of their morallhonefty^and outward
religioufncfl'e, they may per(wade them(elues that
they arc rich and cncreafcd in fpiriiuall ftore, and
haueneed of no more for the attainment of heaucn*,
when in deede and truth,as concerning the power of
fauing grace and (incere exercifc of religion^they are
A 4 wretched.
'The EfiHle T>eiicatory.
wrcrchcdjand miferable, 3ndpoorc,and blind, and
naked. In t^icfc lukc-warme times, many there are,
who with the fruits ot a temporary faith, and fomc
lig'u of the generall graces of the Spirit, make a faire
fhew., and win good reputation for their fpiiiruall
ftatCjboth with their owii hcatf, and with the world;
abroad ; when to the eye of heauenly wifdcme,ar.d m
truth^theyarc butonelvBlszing-ftarrcs, and canhl)
minded, not fixed in thefaine fiim3mcnt with the
Sunnc ofrighteoufnelTc, nor of an heauenly ftampt .
And if they rife not higher in their afff^ions and
conuerfarion from earth and earthly vanities, when
their rooteleffe graces fhall bee withered and wafted
jaway,their fall will be fuddcn and fearefulljand theft
former vanifhing flalTies of vainc hope for future hap-^
pines, will be turned into horror ^and cxtrcmcft mile-
rics of defpairc. Mod behoofefull then is it for euery
m3n,in time,to fcarch and examine himfclfe, whether
Chrift lefusbe in him or no. And it is one of the wor -
thicftand noblcft imploymcntsofthefode, to reflect
vponit felfejand with an vndazclcd and vndiffcm-
blingeyc ihorowly to try and dcfcry clearely it own
ftaic.'whcthcr it bi Already wsflicd with the blood of
Chrift, and enlyued With a fnpernaturall vigour and
life of grace ;or yet lie polluted in it owne blood and
vnder the power of the fitft death. I wonder how any
man can be at reft and quiet, vntill hebeafliired and
fecured in this poynt, fith vpon it depends his euerla-
fting cftate in another world I Nay, (ith cucn in this
world, euery vnregenerate man, let him be otherwifc
neucr fo great, or adored aboueothcrs,ncucr fo abfo-
liicein all other exceliencies andpcrfe^ions whatfo-
' euer i
The Epifi/e dedicatory.
cuer^yet being outofthcftatcofgracCjts a very limbc
ofSatan, acbildofdarkencflc, arid one of the family
of Hell. The wrath and vengeance of God, all the fu-
ry of the kingdomc of darkcnefle, the rage of all the
creatures ( though he litdethinkevpon It) arc euery
houre ready andaddreflto feizcvpon him, asa tray-
tor and rebel to the highcft Maiefty, and to drag him
downe into the bottomc of Hell. Whereas the ftate
ofmieChriftianf, and Gods faithfull ones, is moft
comfortable and gloricjus ciien in this life, in this
vale oftcareSjandinthefe Tabernacles of clay. For
theircomfoTts are not fadii g and earthly, fpringirg
out of rhe fin full pleafures and tranfitory glory of the
^rorldjnotfaftnedvnto honours, grcatnc&e and pof-
feffionsi to thcincreafc of Come, and Wine, and
Oylcbutthey are of a right noble and hcaucnly tem-
per, framed and emplanted in the far(aifiedfoule by
the Spirit of all comfort- and therefore euerlafling
and vncor.querable,able tokeepc a man in heart and
refolution againft the malice and cruelties of all ad-
uerfar ies 5 of afl creatures. They onelyaretruly and
foundly perfwadcd by the (weetc & fccrct tcftitnony
of the Spirit, and by the cuidence and experience of
theirowne holy life- that after theapproching, and
much longed-for period of a few and eijill daycs,thcy
fhallraigne with<Jcd Almighty, the holy Angels &
glorified Sain ts,in vnutterable and cndlcflc pleafurcs
&r euer and euer : and therefore eadly and refolutely
{'with much indignation and contempt ) ouet'looke
and throw out oftheir hearts all worldly thoughtfijL
nesjall exceffiuc defircs of earth and earthly vanities 5
all reft ledeafpirations after tranficory honours, the
The Epijile Dedicatory.
nobicmifcricsofthis wretched life, They alone hauc
faftncd the eye of their minds, illighcned from aboue
with failing faith, vpon the vnualuable precioufncde,
andlaftingbc:juty of i heir immor tall crowncs in bea-
iien J and therefore all the glittering and golden rc-
prcfentationSjwith which the flattering world hath
formerly deceiued and dazelcd their eyes, appcarc to
be nothing but darkenefle anddcfolations.Theii glo-
ry('indeede) here vpon earth doth not coiifift in out-
ward pompe and ftate; it doth not Hiine to carnall
eyeSjit is vndifcernable to the (harpeft fight of world-
ly wifedome and policy: but inwardly and v^ith fpi-
rituall fflireneSjtheir diuine graces make them fo tru-
ly honourable and loucIy,that fcmwhere in Scripture
they are called the glory of God,and are as deare vnto
him as the precious ball and apple of his owne eye.
They are info high eftecme and account with An-
gels,that thofe exccllentcreatures with much ioy and
alacrity become their Guardians,and(eruiceable vn-
to them with extraordinary care and tcndernes. All
the creatures groanc, anddefiretobedeliuercd into
their glorious liberty •, and in the meane time, with a
(ecrctand infenfible reuerencc, they adore the facred
charafterofdiuinity that is ftampt vpon them. All the
Saints acknowledge them to be more excellent then
their neighbors,of the houfc-hold of God and hcircs
of hcauen. Nay,the wicked themfelues, many times,
arc confounded, and ftand amazed at the height ot
fpiritand refolution that poffefTeth their hcartsjand
at the fober and vndaunted maicfty that fhines in
their faces. This, and a thoufand times more then
this, is the blisfiiilftatc of Gods children cuen in this
l^be Epijlle T^edicatory.
life. Howioeuer they be nrgleded and trampled vp-
on by the world and wicked men; yet in the iiidgc-
mentofGodhimlelfejthe blcfled (pirits, and all men
of true worth indeed, they arc the only Angels vpon
earth, and the royal! citizens ot this kingdcme of
Grace. The profccution of th is point would be ccm-
forcabie, buclolfiiouldbemorc tedious. No more
but this ihcrcioreat this time : Certainc it is, if a man
were 'crowned with the royal! (l^te> and imperiall
command of ail the kingdomcs vpcneanhj if his
heart were enlarged to thevrmcflof all created capa-
city, and filled with all theexquifice and vnmixed
pleafures, that the teach of mortality, and mofi am-
bitious curiodtie could pcffibly deuifc; and might
( without interruption anddiltali ) enioy them the
length of the worlds duration jthey were all nothing
to thccnioymenc of the precious and peerelefic com-
forts of the fUte of Grace, but euen foranhourc. I
fpeal^c the truth, I vfe no Hyperbole, the Spirit of all
comfort, andconfciencesof all trueChriftians bea-
ring me witneflfc. Good Sir, let me humbly entreate
you with a proportionable zealeand fcruency, to en-
cline and enlarge your sfFvdions tothepurfuit and'
pra(3:ife of fo excellent and glorious an happincffe.
Which that you may do, I will continually proftratc
and powrc out my foule in prayer, before the Throne
of Grace and mercy : And reft
T0ur mrfhfps to be comman-
ded euer in tht Lord lefus^
HriHfAii'.Thii D'ifcourfe;iPphich
i^owfiandsjo clojetcgether^AS
deliuered hi fiue fcuerall Ser-
monsjifut allu a mofi tftdickus
a^dintellfge^t Auditory^ ther-
fore there {■s a continu:inie of
msLtter^ coherence^ AnAjlile, I
must entrerite thce^$ut ofthwf
ingenuotis difcretion^ to diliingm^ the fUces v^here they
voerepre^cht^as tku^hAlt findethe direclisn ofmyjpeech
and feme partic$iUr afflicatinns more tidtHrAlly and ne-
ceffariiy fvithindiui dud refer erne Appropriated therunto.
The reAfens wlj I Jpent the Tnofl (f my meditations^ afid
Jffckefff long m def crying And deciphering theftAte cffor-
mAlihypecriJle {for therein I hAue trodAUmeihing vn- ■
ceuth a^dvnu/uall pAthJare thefe:
Firji^ I conjidered tljAt in this fid light of the GofpcH^
a great number of men AppUud £ffd content themfelues
with A ffipe'/ficiAttgl/^t^ringofa fcrm.ilx profefidfiy out-
ward cenformity to the Mrnifterie cf the wcrd^ And
fame fAlfe flafhes cf^n vn found pcrfvoAfion that they are
in the reAdy and right way toHeA»en i when as indeed it
hAth not inwardly illigbtenedtheir vnderftunirngs with
fauing knowledge heated their affeBions k- it h true z€Ale^
fubdued their fin fu^ thougjots^Andnoyf^me lufii rvith the
To the Reader.
fowfr of grace ^ nor foftned and Jrr/j^ified the/r hearts
to yeeU d cheeyefnti^ fineere, and vniuer/aU ohedsenct^
thsrenHto. '~^itd fo After a fe^ miferah/e dajes^pent in
Aprofj;erQii4 f ecurity^thsy fall into thsiawes of heli^ be-
fore they m'drnjl Any fuch mater 5 and the pit of dejlru-
5iton fljuts her mouth wo them, be fare they know and ac-
knowledge their broken and bankerftpt-ftdte in fpiritftaU
thin^^s, I therefore dejire and endcttour to arvxke th m out
of their gold'/n dreame of im 10 inane futHrehappi^efp'^
that tvsth open eyes they way fee their prefent J^iritualpo-
H^rtv^andfo betimes prenent iht 2if\Q,Qt tocoir.c. J hope
in the Lord^ .inJ. -iv/Pa heartily^ that bj a dtfpafionate rnd
thorovp pentja'i of this Treatife^they mxy take lOmcfca/H
//»v of their orvne csfite rvtth God-^anA entrifig a (eriom
and impartiiiife:trch And examination of their confcien
ces^ difcoiter and retieale themfelues vnto them^eittes-y
and fo if they bel&ng vnto the enerUHmg ccuenant oj
grace^ fiep for ward i/sto the flateof grxue^ the paradijc
of true chriflixnityj and pra^ife of holinejfe , tioat their
de^re and precious Joules rnjiy bee faued i/ftheday ofthe^
Lord lefus.
Secondly y 1 didconceiue^ th.it there is a threefold c»rd
three mxine and capttall caufes^that violently hale downt
vponvs from Heauenmtny bothcorporali and fpiritaali
plagttes ; and binde themfaB to the boxvels^and principail
parts of this Kmgdome '^and doe daily more and more ri-
pen the iusi tvrath of God ^ for the powring cat of his UH
vengeance vpon this fin full Nation, ihey are thefe : Firfl^
the overflowing torrent j and vnbridled rage of many cry-
ing finnes^fearefnl ahominations^MA defper ate prophane-
ne(fe,Seccndly^A fen fib le declination from their Jirjl Icue^
and decay of zeale^ euenin Chriflians, Thirdly^ a Ittke-
To the Reader.
vptirr^eneffe andyvAfit ofthorownelfe and pncerity infor-
^»all profejfbrs,
'SAs for the fir (I : By cur horrrble jinnes And hAtcfaU
ingratitude for mercies without meiijure^Andnnraculous
Aeliuerances^ wee grow (o heau/e vpon the Lord^ that rve
preffe himywdthe howeis of his tender eft dJfnpAffion^zs a
cart is preffed that is full of llieaucs ; (o th.it it is impof-
fiblejyttt that jh^rtly^ ( vf>itPjout greAthur/tiliatiofi andge-
ner&\l repe^ta^cejwe fh^uld wreft out of bis h^tids t he vi-
als of his Uft vcrath^and force him to come again fl -vs rvsth
the bee feme o fitter defolatiorf^ It is to be feared (^fogris-
uous A»d endleffe is the impiety and impenitcncie of this
land J that his forbearance in the meaneti -nc^ is mt for a-
ny hope he hath of vs {for what good hath a durable and
extraord/furji plague done vpo,'i vs ? ) but onely by reafon
df the crutU and implacable tnfokncie of our enemies • be"
caufe Ik is loth to make vs a prey t» the v&olues of Rome^(^ \
matter of triumph to fuch a msrciles and murthercU'S ge-
neration. Who knoKves^ but that the Match had reached
vnto the Powder^ had not the Lord ( outof thebottom-
leffedepth of his vnlimited mercies) lay d hold vpon his
orvne Argument} Dc\ii,p., 26 ly . I hauciavd^ I would
fcatcer them abroad, 1 would make thsir remem-
brance to ceafc from amongO. mcn^fauc that I feared
the fury of the eremy, left their adiierfaries fhculd
wax proud Lefl his and our aduerfai ies^ithcfe breathing I
deuilsjhe GuK-piwder PapiftsjfhoaJdtoo proudly and bar' '
barouflv hweinfultedintheruinesofhispevpley^and the
hanffljment of his glorious Gofpel, the Lord giuevs vh-
derftanding hearts to confider thefe things in time^ lefl he
come vfou vs votth h^ vcrath^ neuer mere to be appeafed^
and tear e vsinpeeus^ vehen there is none to help-e. May
To the Reader.
any man dciue away an hungry Lyon in the wood?
Or quench the fire in ftubble, when it hach once be-
gun to burnepMiy one curncagaine thcarrow that
is ("hot of a (Irong Archer ? ]f the Lord once whet his
glittering fxvord'y and his hjind take hold on iudgement^
Tvithpar-pfs to root o»t a jtnfttU. and rebeUicus nation j
there is no pawer orpfiltcy^no malt/t(tde of mentor magnifi'
cenfe ofStaie^ m armo;tr of the mighty^ or arme of fiefby
fhili cfisr ye able t9 gi»e anyfucour^ reliefer ^ or eUlme-
Concerning the fecond : Certaine it is^ that our hie f-
fings of feace^ an.ijlrength of St ate ^ breed {by accident)
m:ich abatement offorwardneffe^ and z,-; ale ingodlineffe^
fecret indemtim ^and coCdnejJe euen inmany true Frofef-
fors^carelefneffe in obferatng their vfayeSyrvearineffe and
vmheerefulneffe in doinggood, and performing holy du-
ties ^vnpreparednes in eomming to diutne feruicest religi-
ofis exeictfes.md the Lords T.xbie-^pghtneff'e and v^apro-
fitablenejfe in prayer ^medttation^chrijtian conferences^
daily ex amin.it son of their confciencer^ negleB of opportu-
nity in vfiinnmg their brethren vnto the fear e ofGod^and
of working vpon^ and preuailing with their kindred, ac
q^.tintaHcefimiliurs and families^ Thm wickedly and
vnthank fully turn we the mercies of God into occafions o-j
finn;^ andfuffer cur temporal' htppineffe to xvafl and con-
fume our fpitit:t tlbleffmgs, /*ndthe more wearefecwec^
in our outiv irdfi-as^the m re heart 'ejfe we are in the fer-
uiceofGod^andtheaffuresofthelifetocomc* But let vs
looke 'vnto it : for as the lowder and crying finnes of this
Land^are the great andflrong cart-ropes ; fo vndoubtedly
the fe{as leffer cords) haue their part s and fome power in
\ drawing vjfon vs heaaic iudgemeniSy and in preparing
To the Reader.
further vengCAncey except rte Amevd^ And returmtH mr
iirft loue. Would u God^ pffAfwe would keepefrejhmour
minds but this cue ^onfider At/on : TkAf the Jame Gvdy
which ( AgAinJi the ejcpe^Atiou hotb of heduen And CAtth^
of Rome tPtdhe'i^ tfdeuHf And ?Aftjis ) turned cur feAres
And amjtxiementf At thedeAthof that glorious SAtnt^ the
Ute Qhfenz^ , tnto (Afety^ And a fure foundAtion^ ^ the
moji hAppie fuccefim ofourgrAcicus SouerAfgnc^ , dnd
hii KoyAil feeder j CAn ( out off hit tufl iudgementfor our
vntkinkfulneffe Andfecurity^ intheverji turningofAm
hjtndAnd chjtng of An e)C^)oL]h all our hopes ; dndfbut
vp the whole Bvdy of this ff^itr^jbing Kingdomeim th^^
pa of irrecouerAhle defiruSfien, ItbAd heene dctte^ had
Faux fired the Powder tAnd who knowes whAt thofe hu -
fie And bloody he Ads Are euennow hAmmermg in thc^
fAme kinder ? Be fides theft two now ment/cned, there it
Another cApitAU CAufeof GodsheAuie difpltAfure ^ whicft
though it MAke nogreat noife, nor he much tdken notice
of vpon earthy yet it is much loAtbed $f God Almighty^
And cries loudtn heauen for vengeAnce vpon vsiH is a
luke-wArmeneffe yAnd vnx^AfoufneffeyAC^td And CAfeteffe
mediocrity tn/pirituall nutter t^ And {as it f^ere ) a neu-
trAlity betwixt motor iom finfulneffe And fauingfincerity,
IVben men(p?rh4ps)with dt/igence;wi/lingneffey Andfor-
WArditeSyfubmit themfeluesto the heAringoftheword^tst
fubordinMte the power AmdprACiitetheredf^o their eife^^
honour s^and worlltytoutentments'.whenibey willneedes
hold An otttwArd eorrefpondence with the wortd^ And jet
inwArdly miint.iine Andmunfb hope of ffluAtion in
tbemfeluesi^hen they ftrsine their wits^Andjfrineiopsr'
tAke both of the tontfor table fAuonr of Gody Ai$d corrupt
fAp9ions of the times^ bah of the pUgfnres of their
S Jwe^
ToiJthe Readei*.
fwtctfi»He^ And thejweetneffc of the tr ue peace ofcmfci-
eme^ which Are as tncmrent as two par/illei /snes^aud as
iifCompMible tisUght AuddArkenc£e, Thefe men^though
{in the worlds opwi&H) fhey he nf anil I hovefl carruge^of
mfiderafe f^iyiti^tnd^fA fi Ay ed temper m reiigioKytnd{in
their ovo/te cemeits ) rich and en riclicd . *-» iid want no-
thing ^ yet indeed they are mcere jiimeUngs ^^.and fiarke
Megger J />? refpelivf-the Hue riches^ And Ufling treAfu/es
q/ fAuifiggrace-^A»d in J he very cafe of thoJe{except in the
'\meAHe time they bsty <>//6/>»go'd, garments, and oyle )
xvhith^Allmaer [eeChrtfi {efus in his kingd^yn to their
comfort : fox AiT»en,rhc faithtull and true wuntfle h^th
yawed it^that be will fpue fuch out of his mouth 5 A/id wi-
fheth much rAther that they were key-cold^ then fuch for-
md ChriflMs'Mis jpseth imports thus much: I had rather
fou-were Pagans And Infidels^ then Pr»fef[oHrs without \
^eAle^Novp mf chiefs andjpecia^ Aime ii(with all humble -
^hmtfion to better iudgments^e^ thecenfure of the Pro-
^tts)uUf 0^ the ft Ale f the fe me n-J^ecAufeihe fides thar
feArefuUdejceuUng ofiheir-ewnfoules^indp Articular cer"
Saine d^tmrn^io^^ifthey fo continne')thty mtghttly incenfe
the Lords wrath againji this Uud^with an tn^enf^ble and
vnacknowledged promcatton'^^xd manly baz.srd the con-
' Unuwce ofhisgUrioHS Gafpel amon^U vs^ it is commm-
lyconceiiisd indeed ^both ofthemfelues^ and of the world \
thAt ifjthey be mmAllyhoneft, ayid outv^ardly ci)nformahle\
toi}x^ Minifttry of the W or d^ fo ths.t they be hurtle fje And !
i»m.C£nt in re fp]e^ of humane iufl/ce ; that t.heytare Aif((i\
kmw^ot how)hirmelefjc and^utltleffc before tijc Tribu^ 1
na/lcfCod, 3m theBuangelifi tels vs^ Jhat.that vfehicji j
is highly eftcemed among men, is abornination mi|
fthR%h: of God :C/lndGod 'htmftlje iyjfaia^, Phat
To the Reader.
his thoughts arc not our thoughts, neither arc his ^^*-5J
waies our waies. For certAinely tkeftate of lake^vsitrme^
neffs^andferm^Uty ;« rgligionJfowjocHer U may be full of
\9orldly ap^Laufe andh.ippmes^(j;' bexre arvAy the bell vp-
OJf ea: th \yet it is ^ bHrdenfome and batefuU vato God^
as luke-voArm water ^or the mofi lothfome f>otitff to the »/'
ccfl [io?uacke'.And doth svith a more »aturali importunity,
the/i other jinners^kmcke at the gates ofdiuiae iujlice^for
the remjffall of cur cJindleJlickey And the glory of his Gof-
pell from Amongft vs, All kinds of fins According to their
nAture^mcafnre ^ ripetiejje ^h Am proportion A\iy ApArt(^
'hand in dravoing dc-wne all wduner of pidgues vpon the
fonnes of men : but this h.itb a pecnliar And predominant
power w (}A (lent ng thatpArticuUr (^greAteftcf AUtudg-
«*f;^//,thcfani!!KO£ the Word. For God cAnmt endure
vpfthout fjjc^id^indignAttm^ that his Word^vehich is his
power vnto falHAtun^ jhoftld raeiuefuch limit Ation And
prefcription from mens wifedome^that itjhonldworke no
farther njpcn them^ nor beget -more change And hcljpejfcy
then may con (i ft voith the emoyment of their x^orldly con-
tentments^reputAttcHy^jrthepleAfures of their belouedJUf.
llecA/jOt Abide ^h At men{difcontentedwitb thcftrAJtnes:
of the gate ofgrace^ And impatient of aflri£l conrfe of god-,
4inefJe)jho»ld Ubeurtojindottt^ And follow another voay td
keAuen^then thAt which is fAn^ifiedbyhis werd^d'whielf
■hath And muft be troden by aU thofe that wilieuerfee the^
Lord, Knowledge and pro fel?icn of Gods truth^ without^
l/anSiifaation and t^eale^Are but means in the meane time
I to put out the glory oflfrAel^^ will here After but encreafe
the number offlripes^andadde waight vnto endleffe tor-
mentJn the nAme of God therefore let all luke^warme And
formalChriftiAnsbe contented to take not tee cf their flate.
[.y. . g 2 ansi
To the Reader.
And be fere the Summe goe dtnvtte fitter the Prophets^ fnfer
their hearts to be thorowfy heated rv/th trme zeaU-.andhe^
fides their outtp*rd reformation^dr gemrali light mngs of
the Spirit ^0 enter taioe that fetiili fauing^jr fartiii^ing
grace ^tvhich enely an [aue thetr fettles^ and prepay e them
for the glory that is to be reuealeJr Lefl noxv at length { for
he hath borne with vs mtracMiohJfy)oHr tnf} Gcdcaufe our
Sunnc to goc downcai noonc, and darkcr.tfic to fur-
prize vs in the clcare dzyiLefl he root vs out ofthisgcod
Land^ as a fruit teffe nation ytnrne vsouf of our houfis oj
peace^as the 'vnworthieji^^ vnthankfuUeft peop/e vnder
^4«f«5 andlct out his vineyard to other husband-
men, which will deliucr him the fruits in their fea-
fbr.s,Andthe more feeure and fear teffe we be(4s we were
neuer more ^the more fudden (jr ineuitable it like to be our
furprizaii and defiruBson^ for at Gods mercies are then
mtfi magntfied^ when they releene theextreTw/imifery^
andfbine into the depth ofdifcomfort and darkenes^when
all other he/pe is "Jtterly de (paired of'.fo bis iudgements are
moftgloriim^when theyjlrikeat the height ^ top of pride
and impenitency'^ while they thinke themfelucs mofi fute^
and with greatffi confidence repofe vpon thearme-offlefh,
andpolicie of man*.
The third reaf on andmotiue.why I infiH'fo lortg in the
point offormaU hypocrtfie^was taken from the Condition of
mine jiuditouts\who being of deepest vnder flandtng^ are
naturally aptefi^and flrongliefi temtted^to mtflike and vn
derualue the my fiery ofgudimefje^nd to deceiuethetr own
foules in the high point of/aluation^For men of greatejl
nobleneffe and pregnancy offptrit^of m>fh rich and vni-
nerfaU endowments ofmind^ without the power of grace ^
and afaniftfied humil/ty ( the fairefi branch fprirging
To the Reader. .
theme ^And the trne crowne ofchriBiamty)arc readieft to
make an idoil of their great fufficieney^nvith a difdiinjuU
petHdice to pjiffe h the fimpltcity of the Saint s\and cut of
£1 fluttering conceit of their own hearts to thinke their ff i-
rituaUjUte oi good as the beji^ and rnofl hleffedfrem God,
when as yet they haue no fart tn the fiirt rcfiirre(5ti6.F^r
when they fipid themf elites far abone others in al other eX"
cellencies^ and what foeuer remark&hk vporth the^crld
takes [feci all notice of\ they conceiue alfo^that in apnpor'
ti enable congruity {as indeed it fhc«ld^e^) they areinfe-
riiur to none in thofe facred apprehenficas cfheauen^ and
tAfle of eternal life jy on this confideration^l rvas bold^out
of A ChriHian iealoufie^ to treat on this argument^ being
perfwaded of their great wifedome and gracious bnmiUty
to ItHen to any heanenly mejjage^ which might either dff-
couer orpreuemfpirituall danger*
Thine i» ChriU ^^f^i
Robert Bo it on.
Psalm. I.
1. Bleffedisthem^, that doth net nalki'mthecoHnfeUof
thewicked,nor ftaied inthe^'aj ofjinttcrs^ nor fit in the
feate ojthefcornefuU,
2. 'But hus deltght ii in the Larv »fthe Lord, and w his Larv
doth he medttatc day a>id night.
Here is no greater encouragement,
orftiongcrmotiuotoftirre a man
to an csgerandeariieftpurfuitcof
the mtanes, then to propofe vnto
him an end wherein at length his,
heart may repofc; as in a conair-
reucc of all comforts and content-
ments. Towliich, there is no pof-
fibility of attainment, but by pure-
nefie of heart, holineffe of life, conftancic in courfeoffaii
dification, which onely Icadc vntothe ftce, and prefence of
Godjw here, and with whom alone is the higl^ft perfedion
ofbliflcja rintroHnfinitepleafures, the ^^llofIife,and end-
Itfle reft of all created defires. For the capacity of mans
foule cannot pnlTibly bee filled with the fumciencie of any
creature; no not with a world of creatures : for they are all
nothing to the wortli of a mans foulCiChrifthimfelfchauing
preferred it ia valuation, fVhatJia/litfrafitapuin, thtnghi^
B 4 Jhould
o/ Difcourfe of true ^appineffe.
Pfal.p*. 12
Pfal. I2f.i
Mat. i^ i$ , fhould'^ittnethe "^hole yaorldy tf hee lofe hU o^ne foule i And
thercforecannenerbe fret from motion an.dvexatioarvntill
it reach vnto (either in certaine hope, or acJ^uall fruit ion ) an
obiedjifiii'aitejas well in cxcelle icy of .lature, as dar. ♦•.ion of
time, B'elTed then was the wifcdomc of the Difpofer of
theft hcaiicniy fbngs ofDattid; \vhcther it x^'ashimfelfe, or
Ezi^a, orwhomrociiei, in that heeprenxcd this excellent
P{alme,as a preface to all the reft ^ wherein is prnpofed,and
comprifcda ma'tchicflc happincfTc, whereby thcgr^dly man
may eucn in this life flontiili /*% a Palme tree, and grow like
A Cedar %n Lebanon ; lefreJlicd contLiiaiiy with riuers of
ioycs,and comforts, (hed into his heart by the fpirit of God:
and may ftand like mount 2ion, vn-aftcnifhtd andvnicmo-
uedj at that great and fearefiill day 5 whenthe wicked fhall
call forthemountainestoconerthem,and wifhthey had nc-
uerbin.What ingenuous minde would not be inflamed with
zeale,totheproiecution of thofemeanes which rt^c vnto
an end as full ofhappinefle,asthe Siinne is full of light, and
the Sea of waters ? What heart not pofTefTed with an iron (\- ,
new, would not thir ft, and loi:^ after found and vndiftem-
bled fincerity ; euen as the Hart brayeth after the riuers of
water, and as the dry ground gapeth for drops of raine ? fith
by it alone we purchafe, and put on an vnconquerable refo-
lution, ifliiing fiom anafllirance of being in Chrift^d from
theclearenefle ofa good confcience, whereby we may walke
tutn as bold oi Lyons, thorow this valley of teares, amid the
mcrcilefle vexations of prophane men , nay weemay »<«%
vpon the Lion and \Afbe, the jottyig Lyon and the Dragon reee
VMy tread vnder feet e -^ and hereafter bee fure to bee iatisfied
with thefulnes of ioy in the prefence of God, and with plea-
fures at his right hand for euermore.
This happy irlti is heredefcribed vnto vs by maay argu-
Firft, are laid downe his mai'kes and properties, ncgatiue,
and aflirmatiue, in the two firft verfes.
Secondly, his happineffe isliuely fit out b^ a fimilitude,in
the third verfe.
IHuftratcd I
P(alpi.i J.
o/ Difcourfe of true hapfineffe.
Il'urtracdbyan oppofition of themiferie,and vnhappy
condit ;on ofthe wicked, in the fourth and fift verfcs.
Concfpded with the caufts of them both, to wit, ofthe
happi" ife of the godly, and vengeance vpoii the wicked Jii
the laftverfe.
Tht negariiie properties m the firft verfe arc three: Hee
deth not walks in the connfell ofthe wicked i He doth not Jf and in
the way offmmrs , Hee deth not [it tn the feat e of thefcarnefii//;
amplified with a threefold gradation in the perfons, a(5lions,
andobiecls ofthe actions. The gradation in the perfons, the
vrtcked, ftnners, and fcornefull, implies allfoitsof vngodly
men. The gradation in the adions, >p^/'^,j?<«W, and/f, all
manner ofcommcrce and correfpondcnce with them. The
gndation in theobieds, thtcomftll^wHy, and feate, all kind
of iniquity j inward corruptions, or outward impieties.The |
whole verfe laboureth with an emphaticall exaggeration, to }
fct downd*liis blefTed forbearance of finne, and communica- \
ting with finfiill men. '
Thefecond verfe containmg his imployment in pictie, j
feemtthto anfwcr in oppofition, the three negatiues, with j
three aiTJrmatiues. Hu delighting tn the La^ of the Lord, is |
oppofed to the connfell ofthe wicked, HU medttatton, and ex- '
erctfe tn the Law^ to the ^aj of finners . Day andmght : there
is his conftancy and habit,oppofed to the feate ofthe Icorne-
Why then, let the prophane and flattering world (ay what
It will i let fen(uall, and vufandificd men ludge as they Lift.
That man, a.id that man a'one is truly, and euerlaftingly hap-
p}'. That vralketh not tn the eounfeil ofthe wicked ; that is^ that
doth not delight in their vaine imaginations, finFullatfedi-
ons,luftfulldefires,rpeculatiuewantonnefle. Jn their proud
and fwelling thoughts; which conceiue mifehiefe, and bring
forth a Iie;chaffe,and bring forth ftubble; the wind,and bring
forth the whirle-wind.That doth net partake with their im-
potent paiTions, vnhallowtd policies ; their exorbitant, and
indired proieds, for their plcafures, honours, and profits.
Whofe ibule defircs not to come into thefecrct <)f their cru-
o^ Difcmrfe of true hafpnefp^
ell confultations, and malicious defigaemcnts. In a word,
whofe heart hateth, and abominateth all venom of inward
poUiition, that h^th citlicr foiintaine or feat in any power of
the fbule.
Xhatflandeth not in the waj of finners : That is^ that brca-
keth.not into open profaneneflc ; that imitateth not their
aflions,and coiuerfation.Whofj m^ )Uth is not full ofbitter-
nefTc and lying • wlr^fe lipp.s arc notinfeflcd with thepoy-
(onofAfpwSi whofe hands are not full of bribes aid fe'.fe-
liiDod; whofe feet are not fwift to run after milchiefe, vanity,
and I vwd companions.
ThAt Jitt^tb not in the feate of thefcornefnlL That is, that
confinethnothimftlfetoche chair j of iniquity; tl^at con-
firmcthnothimiejfe in his malice and hardncilc of heart;
that doth not makeamockeof finne, and itftwith thefa-
cred Word of God ; that doth not dired the poyfonous ar-
rowes of a fritefull tongue, euen at the apple of Gods owne
eye, his dearcfl S-aints and feniants. Thar, with the fcomer,
doth not dare the hi»heft maicfty of the Almighty, to whet
his glittering fwordjandtake hold on iudgement ; to put on
his habergeon of rightcoufliefle, and the garments of venge-
ance for clothingifaying as it is lfa.5 . i <?. Let htm makfjpced.
let bintbafien hus ^orke^thmt we mai feett:AHdlet the counfcll oj
the holy one of Ifrael drd^ neere^ and come, that wee ncaj k»ovr
Thus far his forbearance of finfull j.dio:is. Now followes
hispra(5licein adlions of piety.
Bm hu delight is in the Larv of the Ltrd : that is, the whole
dodlrinediuincly infpired,is the very ioy ofhis hcart,and de-
light ofhis foule. It is fweeter vnto him then hony , and the
hony combe.Ic i^ more precious vnto him then gold,yeathrn
much fine goId.Hf is more worth vnto him then heauen and
earth. And when the heart is once enkindled with lo!ie,there
thcimaginationimbraccthwith deareft apprehenfion ; the
thoughts are impatient of any other obicd; all the powers
of the foule are vnited in a ftrong cndeuour for the attaine-
ment. The whole mind muftneedsbcpoflefl with medita-
o^ Difcat^rfe of true h alpine ffe.
tion. If bee delight in the law of the Lord, hcemuftnjeeds
meditate therein. And this ftruency of the heart,cannot pof-
I fibly bee inclofed within the compafie of the breft : it will
fprcad it felfc in fpeech and adions : as is plaine, Pfal. 37-30.
Thf mt fifth of the ri^hteoHS will fpeak^ of wifedome, and hU
tongMetvrU tdkeofiuJ.^tment, Thercafon fbllowes, "For the
Law of hii God u in hi* hearK And Pfalm. i ip. 16 j. My
fottle hath kept thy Tefimomes : for I lone them exceedingly.
And this lone, delight,nieditation, and exercife in the law
cf God, ofthis happy man, is not as a morning cloiid,and
as the morning dew, before the Sunwe : but like the light of
the Sun, that .ffiineth more and more, vnto the pcrfed day.It
is not for a ftait, for feare, vpon reftraint, for reputation, for
aduantage ; or to eouer the terrors ofconfcicnce,for a while^
with a few flafhes of deceiueable comforts, out of fomc mif-
applfed promifes in the word of God •• but it is out of a free
refblution, and with vndaunted cox\{{zwcy^day and niaht.
Butgiue mekaue,! beftech you, before I procecoetothc
explication of the reftjor dedudions of dodrines from thefe
paiticiL'ars ; to propofe vnto you this eencrall Dodrine,
which hath his ftrength from the body of the Pfalme, and
the maine fccpe of the Spint of God .
There is iw the Booke of God propofed and offered vnto
vs, an happinefle, ftanding in opposition to all the vainc feli-
cities, which ancient Philofbphers deuifed out of ttieir decpe
fpcculations ; or pcophane men frame out oftheir corrupt af-
R'dious : not confifting in pleafures, riches, honoius, great-
ntfTc i inciuill honefty, formall hypocrifie^orthe whole, pof-
fibilitie of nature : but in fupernaturall grace, and the blefled
confeqnents. ' ^
The M hole boo)\C o^ Scc/efiajiesy Salomens (acred retra-
dalionSjisalargeand fbund dcmonftration of this DoL%ine.
Salomon u as fonne vnto the worthieft King that cuer fway-
cd Scepter vpon-carth jand hee was predeceflbr in the royall
line vnto the Sonne ofGod ;.aHd fo matchlefle for nobilitic,
if true happinefle badconfiftedtherdn. HcwasKiog ofie-
nrialem, theXady of the woxid, the, perfcdion of beduty,aiid
Kyf Bifcourfe of true happneffe.
EccIeC 2.1
1 the ioy of the whole earth. Hee gaiie iiiuer as itoiics, and
gaiie Cedars as the wilde fig-trees, that grow abundantly in
i theplaine. He built himhoults, and planted Vineyards. He
prouided him men-fingers, and women-fingers i and the de-
; lights of thelonnes of men. VVhatfociier his eyesdefired, he
I Mdth-held it not from them, and with-drew not his heart
from any ioy. For wii'edome and vnderihnding, heehada
large heart, euen as the iand that is on the fea fhore. In f jje-
culatiue knowledge, he excelled the wiledome of all the
, children of the Eaft ; and all the wifedomeoft/^m^. Hee
was able to difcourle from the Cedar tree that ism Leba-
I non, euen vnto the Hyfbpc that fpringeth out of the wall.
I In wifedome of policie and gouernement, there was none
like vnto him before him, neither after him fliall arile the
I like vnto him. So that Salomon was the moft fit and abfo-
I lute man that eucr lined, both for abilrtie in vnderftanding,
[abundance in poflelTion, and defire in fearching to take
an exad: meafure, and thevtmoft extent of the worth and
(iiiJiciency of all creatures : and to raife from them the beft
contentments they could poflibly affoord. Yet when he had
wearied himfelfe in the variety of paflages of this life ; and
in the Booke of .^c£-/^/^/<?/, becomes a publike pcnitentia-
rie to the whole Church, and to all pollcrit)' -y fee hiS iudge-
ment : he vtterly difauowes and difclaimes them all, as mi-
ferablc comforters, as meere fliadowes and dreames j vvher-
in there is no more matter of found comfort, then there is
light inthegrcatefldarkenefle, ortafte in the white of an
eggc. He fayes d^ laughter , Thou art mad i and of toy ^What
pithii thatthoudoefl? And whereas wiledome aid know-
ledge, are the moft incomparable treafu»es this tranfitory
world hath ; he faith,that in the multitude ofvpiftdome is much
^iefe:andhee that increafeth k^(nvledge,mcreafeth forrow.
And of thefe, and all other things vnder the Sunne ; yea, and
if to the glory of all created natures, were an addition often
thoufand excellencies, that neuer man faw or enioyed i
hee had pronounced of them all, in refpeft of true happi-
neffe, and diuided from the grace and feare ofGod, and a
o/ Difcourfe eftrne happhufe.
/an<f^ificdhcart;thatthcy arcall vanity. And if he had ftaycd
thcre,it had bccnc v dl; thatargtics but a palTiuc impcrfeAi-
cn,and a vvtaktm fft of being \\\ the things themfeUies ; but
they are vexation of ipirit. Nothing in themfehics, yet full
ofpowcr and ^ftiuitic, to inflidl vengeance and vexation
vpon the fpint of a man. The {pint ofa man being found in
fincciity, aiidfLCoridtdwithagood confcience, is able to j
^^earr out his infirmities, andallthcmiferies incident to his
nature ; It is able tcpaflc by,, with a refolutc and contcnteci
patience,the 1\ ing imputations of the prophaneft malices
It is able, by tlie grace of God,to encounter with the terrors
of dcath,and the Rat efiilnefle of the grauc : yea, to endure
with a gracious humility, euen the prefencc of God and An-
gds at that great Day. But a wounded and an afHidqd fpi-
rit, who can btare ? if the eye be darkc, how great is tn»fi
darkentflt?iftlie (pirit ofa man,which fhould rtfrefli all the i
faculties ofthtloule with comfoi table chetrefulLielfe, andt
Hllthc whole body with a liuely vigour, bee it Iclfc woun--
dcdwith vexation andterrourj how comfortlcflc ts that ;
man ? If his ftiength were the ftrenglh of ftoncs, and hij \
flcflipfbrafTp j yet would theteitnent of a bitter af Aided •
fbule grinde him^ to. powder ; and mdt, a$ the dew bcf<wc ;
thcSunnc, whattbeutr hce accounttth ftrongcft, andmoft
powtifulltorclceue hishcauinefl'e; :it would tume all his
choifeft and dearedpleaiurcs into wormcwood aud bittcr-
ncflc. And this vexation, with 'whicb riches, honours, or
what otl-.ervaiiitydefireablciii this life doth affiid the vn-
rcgcnei ate heart, istwofold : Inthevery purfuiteofthcm is
muchanguifh, many gricuances, fearts, iealnufies, diigra-
Gesintcrruptioiis,,dilcontentmcnts. Butafia: tljc vi^atidli-
Hedeiiioying^thcja, folio wes the fting of confcience, that
u illcutrlaftingiy vc^i^edicioule j which is the very carneft
,pf the fire of hell ; by which a man dotlr-eiqjficl W' ith vncon-
cciutablc horrour, the coiilummation of the wrath of God,
(whicbburncthfarrc hotter, and more vnqucnchably,then
any firCj tl)ough augmented with infinite riucrs, of brim-
Itoac (tQ bee pow I cd ypon his body and Icule foreucrmore.
o^ Difcmrfe oftrtte kappmeffe:
in the world to come. How then poflibly can there bee a^y
happinefle in thefe vexations? Wherefore Saio/mnhaimg
prooued the negatiiic part of my dotftrine, concludes thepo-
/Itfucin the laft chapter • That to feare God, with reucrent
regard tokeepc his commandements, is the onely way to
bepaffefl: oFtriie happiiieffe^ to find peace ofconfcienccand
aflfuraace ofchefdiioiirof God. For leta man^ while lie will,
in this world of vanitie, either fport himfclfe in the foftand
greene way of failing: plcarnres ; or plcafe himicife in the '
glorions miftries ofhodoiirs and high places ^ or tirehim-
{elfe inthetoylcsof iiifjciablegi-ecdincflre ; or braue it in
hisoathcSjblafphcmies, andftrengthof powring inftrong
drinke; or tread the fearefuU and dcfperate path of cf^tir
ttmipt ofthe power of Reiigioivhe-tnith ofGod,an9 fincc-
rity of his Saints : all the while, when hce is at the beft, he is
but as the raging fea, that cannot reft. For Co Iftiah com
paresthe wicked. Chap. 5 7.20. Thefca, you know, is not
onely many times toiled and tumbled vp and doWne wjth
windesaiid tempefts ; but euer inwardly difquietcd, e«cn
with her ownc motions, cafting vp continuaH mire and
dirt vpon the fliore, and brtakir,g into foame her proudeft
wanes againft the rockes: Euen fo the heart of that man
Avhichhathrepofed hisaffec?lions vpon the gloiy oFthislifc
is not onely many times difquieted and call downe with
outward crofles and occurents ; as withlofie of fricnds,di{-
countenance of great Ones, difappointment of his hopts
and preferments ; with wrongfull railings, and disgraces;
with looking vpon the day of his death, and vengeance vp- '
on the wicked; with dirturbers of his fccurity in his plea
fures and dignities : but isalfb, befidcs the reltlefle tbmire |
of his confcience, euer from within, foaming out his owne
iliame, the diflionour of Godj arid the vexation of his bre-
thren. But it is not fo with him that holds the feare of God
forliisfurcfllancfluaryjthat hath refolued to refigne vp him-
felfeinholy obedience to the will of God. His heart is like
the vpperpait ofthe world, which is euer fiill of ierenitic,
con(bincie,and brightncflcj be the aire below neuer fo trou-
o^ Difcfii'rfe of true happmeffe.
bled with flormes-and thundtrs j or the earth with commo
tions and tumults : For let there be about him the dcuon-!
nngrv.ordf)£ the Tyrant, the confuming flames of perfecu-j
tion, the kcene i-aiws of lying tongues, the moiithes of Ly- '
£>ns, the crutll. combinations of his enemies ; nay, let the
earth he moued,iind Itt the mcuntaines fall into the middcft
ofthefcaiyethisheait sioyfull, patient, refolute, andcon-
tentcd. . .
Biitto defcend mox£ fpccia'Iy to the particulars of the nc-
gatULiepait of mv Docfl rine : let mce adde to the many and
ftrong reafonsofthe ancient Philofophcrs, and late Schoolc-
4nen (againU pleafures, riclies, and hoix:urs ) thcfc three ;
which uiU for eiicr vtteriy diiablethem for cjaiming myi
ihew of intert fl in mans happincfle. .
Fixfl, they cannot poHibly fill the vnlimitcd defirc of the
foule. Foraltbiough the trearLires,the greatnent, the delights
of a'l men Jiying, were in the prcfent poflcITion of one : yet
fciuewhat befidesj and aboue all this, there would fti.llhee
(ought, and earneftly thirfted for. Nay it s certainc, if pne
man were not onely crowned with the foueraignty of ail |
theKingdomesof the earth, butbeiide«, were made Com- 1
Unanderof the motions oftheSunnc, and the glory of the j
Stands ; yet the'reft'eiTe eye of his vnfatisfied vnderflanding, j
would peepc and prie beyond the heauens,for fome hidden
excellenc\', andfiippofed felicity, which the whole com-)
pafleofthis created world cannot yeeld. So vnquenchaHc
is-the thirfl of mans foule, vntill it bathe itfelfeiiithc Riuer
of Hfc, and in the immeafurable Ocean of goodnefTe and
wifedome. So impolTible is ity that this material! wjprld j
w ith all her pcrfedions, ihould bee a-proportionable qbied '
tofopredousaaatujejor that fo diuine a fpai4ie fhould.y
ccafe rifmg .an 1 afpiring, vntill it iojT^e it f<Ife to that i
infinite f.anxc ofglor^ .aadinaiefty, from whence it ^i;i);: if- j
fued. • ' , ■'
. Secondly, they cannot fecure the confcience dHirefTed
'-withthcappr.tjbeflfioaof^hewTatliofG.od, or preuent his ^
judgements. Memcra^leis thjt laorrible auMzeineat, that!
t z
o^ Bifcourfe if true h/npfmefe.
Daa. 5. 6.
furprifed the heart of ^r//^evr, amid hisgreateftiolities.
Melting he wa« in pleafures, and delicioufiiefle i (olacing
himfeifeamongft his wines and poncubints j caronfingin
the golden and filucr veflcis of the Temple. But when there
appeared fingers ofa mans hand, which wrote ouer againft
theCand!efticke,vponthep!aifterof the wall ( a remtm-
brancer vnto his confciencc, howcontemptuoufly, andfa-
crijegioufly hce had diflionored the higncft Maiefty ; and
that the vials of Gods heaiiie vengeance were ready to bee
powrcd vpon his head j all the ioyes ofhis royall pompe va-
niflied as the Ihioke : For then the Kings ciur^enaHee was
chaMfed, andhU thoughts trouhUd him,/» that the iojnts tf
hti Itjnes Tvere loofed, and hu kfffct fmote one againfl the 0-
thcr. And now, one pang ofhis wounded conicicnce did
much more torment him, then the kincdome,maieft:y,gIory,
and honour, which he recdued from his father Nebnchad-^
ne;czar could euer comfort him. So, I doubt not, but many
times,thehtaitsofmany.gIorious Ones in this life, that are
not in trouble like oflier men ; butlpread themfelues as
greene bay-trees,; wTien they heai-e the ceitainc iudgemcnts
of God,denounced out ofhis booke by his Minillers,againft
I thofe finnes, to which ( by lung cuftome and vowed refolu-
i lion jthey'haue faftened their aSc iHons, becaufe thereon de-
pend their pleafures, honoius, ftarcs, reputations, contented
paHling the time, or the like : 1 fa/,that many times ( except
theirconlcienccs bee feared vp with a liot iron, againft the
day of vengtance,andtheii their cafe is vnfjieakably vvofull)
their hearts tremble, euen as the trees of the forreft, that are
(haken with the windc: Amid their laughing, their hearts
areforrowfiiU:Oriftheir mirth be entire, it is but /ike the
noyfeofthethornes vtuler the fot. Thorncf vndcr a pot, you
know, make a great crackling, and a noy{e for a little time:
they blaze faire and bright, but are fuddenly extindt, and
brought to nothing.Neither are thofe cold comforters ^le
to quench Gods fiery ieloufie, when it breakes forth in
plagues and iudgements againft a finfkll people. Wimefle
the Prophets; Zephan.ckap. i . 1 7. 1 8. Their Uoud ftall he
' fo)^^
<_xf Df fetter fr (ftrtf€ haf^ne^.
pC3»red4>MMduft,a)uitheirjlifl> as the dung. N either their fl-
utr^ mr their gold Jhallkee able to deltuer them in the day of
the Lords wrath^ htt the whole land Jhall bee deuoured by the
fireofhisiealoujie, Ezech. 7. ip. Their ftluer and their gold
coMnotdtliuer them m the day of the \\>rMh of the Lord: they
fl^allnot fatisfie their feules, neither fill their bowels ^for thit
mine ii for their tmcjuitie. Obad- 4. Thsugh thou exalt thy
Jelfeasthe £agle^ and make thy nefi among the fiarres^ thance
will I bring thee do wtte, faith the Lord. It \s not then any
wedge of gold, or height oFpIace, can priiiilcdge, or prote<ft
v$ ; when our finnes are ripe, and ready to take the flame of
Gods fierce wrath and indignation.
Thirdly, they cannot ftretch thctnfelucs vnto eternity .For
there arc no contentments of this life (whether they lye in
honours, richt s,plealiires, friends,or the like) let them be ne«
iier fb many in number', fo potent in the world,or in our own
perfwafions, io exempt frOm mixture ofdircomfort;that can
pp0ibiy bring v$ further, then our death-bed. It may be for
ifew ^ wrctchtxi daies of our life,they haue detained vs in
a fodes paradife, yet full of Vipers and Scorpions; it may be
they haueleftfomeobfcure prints ofvnfound ioyes in our
pafTages : but then, at their tarewell,they arc vtterly difpoy-
I Jed of their wcakc, and imaginary fweetnes j and ai'e whoiy
'. turned into wounds,andwormewood, into gall and vexati-
on. Theylcaiieaftingindeedein the confcicnce, thatneacr
Aks^xxt themrfclues die all at our deaths, and lie downc w^h ^
ysinourgraucs. Why then, when tiie immortall Ibule, be-
it^g diflodgcd from this tabernacle of day, iliail now be-
gin to enttrthe confines of eternity ; what fliall cbmfoitit,
! through that endleffe duration ? Forif itlooke backe^o tills
inch oftimCjWhich '^ confumed in vanity ,it may aske-* W||^
I haue 1 been troubled about many things ? Why haue I ciii-
fjuictedmy fdfrin vainc ? Why haue 1 inlblently infiilted (>
j.uer innoccncy, and accounted fincerity madnes? WTiat hatB
;.|>ride profited mc ^M what profit hath the pompc of riches
|bit)ughtmc? And it maybe anfwered: All thoje things are
' fa(JedawayliJii^Afhad»rryatid as A Poafitbt^fAJfeth bj:as afhiy^
1 C tloM
o/ Difconrfe of true happinefje.
that pajfethottifr the rvAftes ofths iv4ter^ which rvh en it it gone
h , the trmce thereof cannot he foH/td, neither the fath of it in the
fjfids : or as a Ltrd^ that flieth thnrow the atfi and r>o wan can
fee any token of her pajfa^e, bnt onelj heare the nnjCe ef her
xvinqs, bearing the light ind, parting theajrethroughtheve-
hemcncjofher ^otnayand^yi^thon pjakjig her ■^•tni^s, tvhereas
af.er;rardnotokenofher^\iy can he f*«»<^. I fthen the expira-
tion of all Worldly comforts be itioftecitaineajid ineiiitable,
at the fiirtlbtft at our departure from this life j it is inipolfible
there fhould beany abfoluteioy found- \\\ them : for there is-
wanting the very life and accompliniment oftnu happines,
aflurance of pcrpttuity , ImagiiiC tliereforc a man to be abu'i-
dantly encompafTed tucn with all the del ires of his heait;
let him wafh his paths with butter j and let the rocKe powrc
him out riucrsofoylej kthimheape vp filueras tlic duft,and
gold as the mire in the ftrctts ; let him decke himfelfe with
maiefty and excellency, and airay him'tlfe with beautic and
glory ; let him drinkc v^p the pka-iuesof this world in as
great abundance as Behemoth the riuer Jordan.; yet- all is uo'
thing, hiinf elfe being couered with corruption,and mortal i-
tiejandthefruitionof them with vanity and change. One
generation pafleth away, and anotlier gene-ration commetlv,
He muftatleugth ne-ceflarily makerefignation ofall into the
hands of a new fucceirion : and he Oiall take nothingavvay.
when he dies ; neither (hall his pompe or pleafiU'es defcend
after him.Yet if a man befides an entire and intcntjptcd pof-r,
le/Iion ofhis worldly contentments ; which is neuertobec
looked for in this life^for^as lo^ {pcakes^fVhi/e hisflefhtdvpon
hiniy hee Jhall ieeforrovpfull ^and while hisfotde iiin htmyitfhaU
mottrne ; yet,I fay ,if befides he were able to extend his life to
many milliais ofyecrcs, the matter werea Httle more tdc-
rablc. But alas, the life of a man atthemoftis butahand-
breadthjor a fpan long; and thiat which makes it much m^rc
miferable, he knowcsnot in what part of that fhort i panne,
how fuddenly,orhf>wj(bone he (hall be cut off from the land
oftheliuing; and goe, and (hall not retume, euenvnto the
landofdarkenefle,aiid (haciow of death, '^otthereioycing of
L^ Difeourfe of true hapfineffe.
thervkkfdts fhorty and the toy ofKjfocritesii but <« moment.
Though his exceHencie mount vp to the heauen, and his head
reach vntothe clouds : yet fhtdlheperifh for euer, Itks hUdttng^
andtheytvhichhauefeenehim, Jhallfay, vohere ii he ^ Hee fhall
fiee a way as a dreame ,and they pj all mtfinde him, and/hall pajfe
a'xayvsavifion of the night. So that the eye which hadfeene
him^Jhalldoefo no more ^and his place jhall fee htm no more. And
in this rerpe(f\, mans condition \^ far inferiour to other crea-
tures. One generation pafTeth, & another generatio fiiccee-
deth: but the earth remaineth for eutr.The Sun fecmcs euery
night to lie downe in a bed ofdarkneffe ; but he rifes in the
i morning, clothed with the fame glory and brightnefle ; and
reioyceth as a Giant to mnne his conrfe:^/// man(Ca.ith lob)is
ficksyand dieth^and manpertfheth,and wher u he? tAs the waters
pajfefromthe/ea,and/ts the flood decay eth, and dryeth vp ; fa
manfleepeth, and rifeth not :for hee fhall not "^^ake againe, ner
heraijedfromhtsfleepe, till the heauen be no more.
To let therefore thefe wretched vanities pafle ; as vnwor-
thy to be infifted on thus long. For howfocucr, the worldly-
minded man, wanting vtterly the eye of faith, and hauing
his eie ofreafbn dimmed with mifts,thatrife from his tumul-
tuous and fiery paiHonSjgrofTe ignorance,and wilfull malice,
(fothat he only looks vpon the honours,riches,and pleafures
ofthistife, with a carnall andfenfuall eye) may feemetofec
in them fome glimmerings of happinefle,and thei-eafter con-
forme and propoition his de{ires,endeauours,and proiecfls •,
becaufe he hath his portion only in thislife:yetcertainely,thc
truly generous mind may clearely,outofthe very apprehen-
fion ofnatiu-c and light of reafonjdifccrnethem all to bee no
better then a broken Itaft'e of reed^ whereupon if a man leane
it will go into his hand, and pierce it,yca,and ftrike his heart
too thorow with many fbrrowes; and that in the time of
trouble, they will all proue but as a broken tooth,and Aiding
foote. To let them therefore pafTe, and die and perifh,! come
totwo other branches of the negatiue part; ciuillhoneiHe,
and formall hypocrifie.
Thefe indeed are the tvvo great engines, by which In this
C 2 full
Chap. 1 4.
i^ jyifeonrfe 6 f true hafpmffe.
fill! light and glorious nooticticte of theGofpdl ; theprincc
of this woi-iddraweth many miHtrititdcs mto hrs fnares iir
tfesr life, aticJ into chsinesof daiicnf flein (iTelJfe-to coipc.
Swc«tnefl[e of natuiv,lo'icli»ie(fc ofdifpofition,fairenefrcot
eonditions, a pleaiing afJ-abilitic in carriage and conucrtati-
onjativnlwaycdvprigiirnesinciiiiHaflions, aird iitgotiati-
ons with men, make a goodiy fliew- Bat if th; re bee an ac-
ccflion of profeliion of the Gofpell.of oatwa^-d performance
ofreiigioiisexercifesofrome correfpondcncc with the fet-
nants of God; why then the matter is ftricken dead: There is
Ithepcrfcdion. Whatfoeuer is abone, is proitd hypocrifie,
vaine glorious fingularitie, phantaftickc piedfene(ie ; when
(God knowes)there may be z\ this,and yet no power of Re-
Ugion,no life or grace,no trae happine{le,!io hope of eternity.
To the demoiiftration of which point beforel prpcee4e, let
■HiepretKnt two obiediions.
Firfr, I deny not, bur thatmorallvcrtiioiifncfle is good,
and excellent in it felfc j the outward performance ofrcHgi-
oiis duties, and the exercif e ofthe mt anes of €)ur cosiuerfion-
are necefliry.But if moral vertaoufneffc wercable to ptrt on-
the greateft magnificence and applade, that euer it ancient-
ly enioyed amongfttbe precifeft Romanes; wherby it might
worthily draw into admiration and iuft ch»llcngt',ei]eh thelb
times of Chriftianitic : yet in rcfpei'^ of acceptance with
God, and conformity to his will ; and being not guided and
landified by llipernaturall grace, it is but at the beft the ve-
ry filthinefleof amenfljiioiis clout. And outward aftions
of Religion, be they performed with as glorious a fhe w and
vndifcernableconiieyaiice, asenerthey were by the moft
formallPbarifejyct feuered from a found and faiictified haitj' i
(the fountaijne which giues life,fwcctnes,aiid acceptation to
all outward fen&es ) they aie but all, as t"he cutting off o^ »
Pogs necke,and the ofttring of S wines bloud.
Secondly, I doe nothterc by any meanes purpofe the dif^
xxxmfbrt of that man, whofefbuk is yet wraftline with the
grieuonsaftiidions aid terrors ofconfcicnce, in the foretra-
ueliof his new-birch:! wilh vnto himthe fweeteft comforts
K^ Difcourfe of true /jappmefi.
that either he in his deepeft agonies can defire, or the bowels
of Gods tendered compaiTions are wont to powre into bro-
l<en and bleeding hearts; and that the ioyfull light of hisSa-
uioiirs countenance may break Ctfborth vpon his cloudie and
droopingconfcience, withftrre greater brightnelTetheii e-
uerthecleereft Siinne vpon the fece of the earth. Neither
doe I purpofe the difcouragemcnt of him who bath happily
pafled the fcarefiilhbut neccffaiy pangs ofremorfe for (innesj
and hath already (^by the grace of God) laid hold vpon the
meritsand merciesof Chrift,by ati\:e/!ioiigha weakc faith.
I wifh that his fbule ( as a n€vv-borne babe in Chrift) may be
touched with the fmootheft hand of them oft wife and cha-
ritable difcretion ; and that it may beenouriftied with the
fvveeteft milke ofthe moft gracious and comfortable pro-
mifes. I euer cfteemed it moft bloody crueltie to quench
the fmoking fiaxe, or breake the bruifed reed,or to adde for- \
row to him whom the Lord hath wounded ; and therefore
rather infinitely defire to turne the fm.oking fiaxe into a bur^
ning fire of zcale ; to refrefti the wedke and wounded heart,
with foftcft oyleof Gods deareft mercies ; to make the
bruifed reed a pillar of brafle, that it may ftand ftrong, and
fureatthe day of try all. Whereupon, I pronounce out of
moft certaingrounds of Gods eternall truth, vntothe weak-
eft faith, iftrue and found; that the gates of hell, with all
thefiiric and malice ofthe prince and power's fof darke-
ncffc, ftiall ncucr preuaile againft it. That neither Angels,
nor principalities, nor things prefent, nor things to cojne,
iicr depths below, nor heights abouc, nor the creatures of
tennethoufand worlds, fliall euer bee able to worke a re-
paration of it from that infinite loue of God, which firft
planted it in the heart; or a difiuncflion of it from Chrift,
which infpires It continually with life, fpirit, and motion.
It is not difference of degices and mealure, that takes a-
way the nature and being of it. A fmall drop of water is as
well and truly water, as the whole Ocean : a little ^arke is
as truly fire, both in eflence and quality, as the mightieft
flame ; the hand ofa little child may receuie a Pearlc, as vfdl
C 3 _as
o^ Difcourfe sftrue hapj^mejje.
Pro. 17. If.
as the hand of the greateft Giant, though not hold it Co
ftrongly : a vveake feith may be a true Bfth, and foa fauing
faith,asweliasthe fuH pcrfvvafion and height of aflurance.
Thisonelylinuftaduifeinthispointj that ifthisgraine of
nviftard-feed, watered with the dew ofgra^e, grow not to-
waids a great tree : if this fpai-ke, enkindled by the Spirit of
God, fprcad not into a big flame : if this fmall oliealurc of
faith be not edged with a longing feruency after fiilnefleof
perfwafion, andlecondcdwithanaiTiduousandferious en-
deauour after more perfediotti it was no found and fauing
feith, but onely a counterfeit flicw, and a deceiuing Sha-
dow. But yet for all. this, I cannot (without a woe) Ipeake
good of euill,and euill of good: I muft not put darkeneflc for
Ught, and hght for darkentfle : wife Salomon hath taught vs,
that hee that iu^i^nh the ■mck.ed, and hee that condemneth
theiuft, euen they both are an abomination to the Lord. And
therefore I muft tell you, that a man may bee great in the eie
of the world, andintheiudgement of the greater pait for
his ciuill honefty, and fblemne performances of outward
duties of Religion ( to which many thoufands neuer at-
tained )and yethimfelfe be not onely a ftrangerfrom the life'
of God, and right happinefle, and holden faft vnderthepo-
wer and tyrannie oftne firft death : butalfo by accident, be-
ing puftvp witha conceit of an imaginary perfedion, be-
come a violent oppofite to the power of Religion and true
godlinefTc. The reafoft whereof may be this : Our coritipt
nature ( as in matters of vnderftanding and opinion ). wor-
keth in cuery man a too too much loue of his owne inuen-
tions, and conclufions ; ail oppofition inflames the aftc-
^on, andfetsonfootethewit, to findcout arguments for
their proofe, lefthcfeemeto hauebeenetooweakofiudge-
ment in framing them, or too inconftant m not defending
them: euen foalfo in matters of life and conuerfadon j and
the more plaiifible a mans courfe is^ and the more glori-
oufly it is entertained of the world, the ftrongerismsrc-
foktion to continue in it, and the more impatient hee is
of allcontrolement and contradi(^on. So that morall ho-
o</ Difeourfe of true hapfineffe.
nefty,and outward religioufhefle, being in themfeliies good
and ncceflary, and a goodftep to Chnftknityiyetby acci-
dent are many times aftrongbarreto keepe men from the
power of godlineflc and vnrained finceritie. Becaufe, when
they conCid&r their preftnt cmirfe is in good acceptance
with the world, and that it may we'lconiift with the free
enjoyment of their honours and pleafiires, at leaft arifing
from their beloued and (ecrct finnes, they willingly and pe-
remptorily reft and repofe vpon it ; contented with a proba-
,ble errour of being in the ftate of grace, and with a plaufible
paflage vnto etemall death. And the rather, becaufe they
know full well, if they (hould ftep forward vnto fbrwarcv-
ncffein Religion, and that inward holineflfe, without which
they (hall neuer fee the face of God, they fhould not onely
raife vp againft thcmfelues many thundringtempefts, of the
worlds infolent, falfe, and fpiteftill cenfures ; biit alfb euen
from thcbottome ofhcII,many difturbances and fearfiill ten-
tations. For I am perfwaded, while a man lies fecure in the
courfe of vnregeneration, if the deuill can procure it, he iLall
enioy his hearts dcfire, he fhall bring his enterprifes to paiTe,
and not fill into trouble like other n^cn. Hee oncly then be-
gins to beft jrre himrclfe,whcn a man begins to ftirre towards
grace ; or that by histraines, hee hath brought him tofome
point ofaduantage, to fome dead lift,to his deaths-bed ; that
he may haue a full ftroke at his deftruflion, that he may fud-
denly and certainely fwallow him vp, body and foule ; and
then he payes him home with a witncflejfor cither through
fenfelefneffe, or defpaii*e,he finkes him downe irrecouerably
into thebottome of hell.
Thefe two obicdions thus preucnted ; I come to the
proofeofthe point in hand. And firft, thefe reafons follow-
ing may demon ftrate, that he which reaches but to ciuill ho-
nefty, comes fane lliort of being mChrift, and confequent-
ly,oftniehappinefre. '
Firft, fome of the Heathens ( out of thoft weake notions
and inclinations to vertuouinciTe, which corrupted nature
conftjfcdly imprinted in their mindes ) attained a great mea-
C 4 fiirc
me yntnti |
mn f9ttr4t'y
tmaut td
1 ret ittfiiti^i
fidtc hd-
e^ Di^courfe of true hafpirte[fe.
fure of morallperfedion.This EUgte the 'Hiftoiian giues of
the Romane Cato. Cato tvas a man rehich dtd oinimate the
fAire (peculatiue in:age of vertne W-tth Ituclj executions and
fra^ife^ GeodneffevrM [o habitually incorpora'ed into hit ho-
nefl mmd^that he did gosd,not for reJpeSs and referuedlj^ but
becAufehe could pojfihlj doe no othsrvptfe. Im^artiaU indi^eren-
cie WAS the rule ofhii anions j and being f-ee from the corrupti-
ons of the time, hee was the fame man, and had a fee com-
mand ouer his ■pajfons^ both in time of acceptation and dtfgr^.ce,
Itisfiiithef reportedofjF<«^w/>^, thatamaa might Iboner
I ttirriethe fun from his courfe, thentofvvay Fabnctus^ by re-
fpeds )rrofnhoncftandingcniiDusdealing.And yetailtfjefe
excc'lletlcies of morality are iiiftly and truly caifured by Di-
uinity,tobebut ^ glorious fm ,beaut%ftdl abominations . Aufm,
* that great difputer, and worthy Father, confirmes it vnan-
fwerably jcfpecially from that ground in the Epiftictothe
^Hcbrcvjes'.fytthoutfaithttisimpofpble to pleafe God. Let a
mans workes bee in Qiew naicr ib good, fo magnificent, fo
charitable j except the heart be purged from dead workes
byaliueiyfaith, and pure from an euill confcience, he is but
a painted fepulchre, or whited wall. But yet take this by the
vvayjifthefc Heathensf in thetwilight ofreaf6)'jecamc fuch i
admirable lights of vprightneffe and honefty ; and yet Chri- •
ftiansinthefedayes( whqi all the beames of ChriftsbKffed
Gofpelarerhiningandfliead round about them ) continue
ftill in darkeneffcjcold and frozen in prophanene 111 and fecu-
rity ; ccrtainely, as it fhallbc eafier for Tjrus and Sidon at the
day of iudgcmeiit, then for Coraz,in and Bethfaida -, fo it fliall
be eafier for many Heathens (^hough to them impoflible)
thenfofthofeChriftians, that pafle not them in vertueand
integrity. Cato sLiid Fabrtcir^ at that day fhall rife vp againft
many luke-warrae Profcflfors of our times, to their etcrnall
fliame, confufion, and condemnation. ' "' ' '
Thefccond reafpn is grounded vpon the words o^^aint
f ««/, t Corinth. 2. 14. Thenatnrall man perieiueth not the
mffsefthe Spirit of God -^ for they are fool i/bnejfe vnto htm
ither can he k»ow them, becaufe they are jpiritHally dtfcerjied*
exf Bifcourfe of true hap fine ffe.
In this phcCyhy (datura// man ) is not meant onely the carnall
and fenlua!! man, fwiniflily wallowihg in vanities andplea-
Iures:butasthe bell: and fbiindeft Interpreters conceiiie it,
cuen a man confidered with the wholecompafle of the reafb^
nable fou'es poiTibilitie And mans reaConablefouIe, by that
ftrtTJgth it yet rctains(iince it was by God iuftly difinherited
ofalllpiritual patriaiony,for ^<a!'^w/rebellion)m*ay purchafe
fbme kind ofperfecflion.Firftjiii itfelfe it may be excellent,if
endowed with a fharpe wit, a quickeapprehenfion,a ftrong
mind, a piercing iudgment,afaithfullmemory,a more mode-
rate wili,and milder aft-cdions. But if by indnftry aud Art it
ftunilli and fill tuery feuerailfecultic with thofe ornaments
and qiiaiities, of which they arc naturally capable, the perfe-
dicn is much more admirable. And yet befides thefeexcel-
lenciesin it felfe,itmay iLineglorioufly toothers,itmaygoe
further;' & inablcitlelfeby ad-ion,experienceandobferuati-
on,with fuch an vniuerfall wildom,-that it may not only be fit
and qua! 1 ficd for notable oiJices of Ibciety and entercourfc in
politike Bodies, but alfo reach vnto that depth offorefight,
and large comprehenfion of circumftances, that it may bee
Worthy imployment ih aftaires of State, and in thedircdion
and guidance of whol kingdomes. All thefeperfedionsmay
concurre vpon the roulc,and yet it remaine ftarke blind in the
myftcries of SaIuatioi7. Imagine them all ioyntly in oneman,
and inthehigheft degree of ptrfedion and excellency, of
w'hich vnfandificd morality is capable, and let them be ne-
uer iomuch admired^and flattered of the world; yet without
the fait of grace to kafon them,& the life of faith to animate
them, they are but as gay and rich attire vpon a leprous bo*-
die ; as iewtls,chaines",tod bracelets, vpon a dead and rotten
carcafe. Let no linan then deceiue his owne heait; h^may i)iee j
enriched with^iingularpregnancieof all the faculties of the
foule, h'j- maj^Bfe ftored with variety ofthechoifeftandpro-
foundeft Icarrting,heemay exprefle in^dion and ciuillhone-j
fty theabfolftteportraiture«f AnfiefJe/morzilveituGS f hee?
may be a^^blitikt zsJilHtophei'^hefecounfeU^ ^hkh hefoufp-]
filledmthojed^yes^ wat'like' as ont^ had^k^d l^iunfeil at the
\^ Difiourfc of true happiruffe.
- >.i:v.tZ.t
Oracle of God :znd yet without {upernaturall illumination,
and the diwinc graces^ of faith, lo«e,zea!e, fincerity,rpiritua II
wi(domea fandificd contention of fpiwtjin making towards
God in all kind of duties; which only put a man into poflefTi-
on of true happineSjand fit him for ablefledaflbciation with
God,Ajigels,and holy men; I fay,without thefefupernatuiall
graces^ he cannot onely not perceiuc the things of the Spirit
of God, but ( which is an horrible and fearefuU curfe ) euen
cfteemethem fooliflinefle.
The third reafon fliall bee taken from the example ofNi-
codemm^ lohn 3 . Nkodemns, I am perfwaded, was an honcft
and an ingenuous man ; T am fure he was a great man, and a
Teacher of Ifrael ; yet when he comes out of hisciuill hone-
fty and natiirall wifedomc, to reafon and confer with Chrift
about the Valuation of hisfouleand eternall happinefle ; he is
ftrangely childilh and a meerc infant. For when Chrilttels
h\m;,Sxceft a man bee borne ugaine^ hee cannot fee the ^iigdome
of God y he replies : How can a man be borne which ii oldl Can
hg enter into bu mothers W9wbeagaine and be bdrne ? A reply,
which may breed an aftonilhment in all that fhall cucr reade
thisftory vnderftandingly vnto the worlds end •• nay, it
(eemcs to feeme ftrange to Chrift himfelfe, by his interro-
gatiue admiration afterward ; Artthon a Teacher of Ifraell,
and kn^^efl not thefe things ? And no maruell; for who woi ild
thinkjthat one of the bell of the Pharires,a ruler of the le wes,
aprofeft Dodor in the Law and the Prophets, and oac care-
full to faue his foule, (hould bee fb grolTcly and palpably ig-
norant, in a moft materiall and necelfary point of faluation ;
cfpecially, hauing many times, no doubt, read it in CMofes
and the Pmj^ets? Amongft many places, he might fee,Ezec.
3d. 26, 27. moft clcarely laid downe the great and glorious
worke of our new birth: ^w^ heart alfo will Igtue you^and a
nrfvjpirit wtillfHt wtthin you^and I wUl take the jl any heart out
ofyoHrBody,andlwilgitte you a heart offefhy t2^r.But when he
comes from teaehing,and reading of this and the like places,
tobcc examined in the pradile and experimentall feeling of
thefe graces of regeneration vpon his owne foule j why, hee
o^ Difcourfe of true haffpinejfe.
talkesofa man that is old, entring againe into his mothers
wombe : from whence he fliould certainely retume with a
doubled pollution and corruption of nature; and once more
the child ofSatan then he was before. But fo it is,where the
heart is not fcafbned with fauing grace; let the vtiderftan-
ding be ncuer f o great with fwelling knowledge, theprafli-
call powers of the foulc neuer fo pregnant with wifcdomc
and policy ,andperfeded with moral vemies; yetthereis «o-
thingto bee cxpe(?ted from that man in matters and myftc-
riesoffaluation, but daikcnefle and blindndTe, child iflinefTe
and (hipiditie.
Fourthly the young man in the Gofpcll may bee a fit in-
ftance for our prcfcnt purpofe. He was vnreproueable in the
externail iufticc and outward obfenianccs of the fecond ta-
ble, wherein ciuill honefty doth principally confift^ but how
farre he v\ as fi cm inward (andification, the ftate of grace^
and happineffc ot Gods children, appearesin theftory. For
when the facrcd and powtrfull words of our blefled Sauiour,
had infinuatcd into the ftcrctsof hisfoiile,andftmcke at his
fwectc finneofcouetoufiiefle \ the yong man isprefently caft
into a fit of melancholy. Chriftistooprecifea Preacher for
him, he cannot digcft fuch a ftnd aixl feuere courfe : he will
not abandon his pkafures of worldlinefTc, his Palaces, his
poflelTions, to follow Chrift the Lord of heauen and earth
in tliislife, though he affuie him of the rich treafutcs of eter-
nall blcflcdnes in the life to come : ^hen the young man heard
thatfaynig,hee '^'cTtt mvayforronfuil : for hee hadgreatfoffeffi-
ons. W hereby we may lee, that a man may be ciuilly honeft
and vncenfurable in outward workesofiuftice,and yet har-
bour and nourifli fome clofe corruptions,and fweetefinnc in
his heart • from which rather then he will part, hee will lofc
hispai t in Chrift, the bottomlefle fountaine ofendlefle ioyes
and comforts,and his portion of vnualuable glory in the new
This point being thus manife ft, for conclufion Iwilllay
downe certaine differences, betwixt the rightcoufndfe of
feithand fandifk;ation,and the righteoufncffe of ciuill hone-
o^ Difcenrfe of true happmeffr.
ftie, thataman may haucfome dire flions to examine his
foulea'id confcicnceinthis refpeif^.
Fiiftjthe fountaineand originaUoFiighteoufnefle of faith,
is the ran(5lifying Spirit of God;I call it the fan ?>if v'i:ig Spirit
becaufe the Spirit ofGod may by a generaU influence con-
curretotheillumiuation of the vnderftanding withknovv-
ledge,a id a ciuill reformation of the will euen in the vnrege-
nerate:butthe fandifying Spirit,by the miraculous operatiue
oflauing grace, doth purge and mortifiethe inmoft affeili-
ons,pIant iufliifying faith in the heart,renevv al the powers of
the {bule,andreinueftthem(in fome good meafure) with the
bleffed image of holineiTe and integririe wh ch thev loft i i
Ad^m. Butthecaufc and fo'intaine of righteoufiiefl'eof ci-
uil'honefty, may beegoodnefleof conftitution and ingeau-
oufnefTe ; whereby a man may not be fo apt and inclinable to
notorious (inncs, or want of trials and prouocationSjOr fcarc
pf lawes and temporall punilTiraents, or defire of i epuration
andrifing, ora vainehopetoftayGodsiudgements for in-
ward corruptions by ciuill outwardnefle, or at beft, tbere-
ftraining Spirit of God .• by which hedothonelyrepreffethe
fiiriesand outrages of the wicked, and reduce them tofome
moderation and honefty, for the quiet of his Elecft, andcon-
feruation of Kingdomes. For if God did not puthishooke
into the noftrils of prophane men, and his bridle into their
lippeSjCuery one ofthem('fith eucry manhathin his corrupt
nature the feedes of all finnes that eucr haue, are, or may bee
committed)! fay euery one of them might become a crutil
Senacherii>,z railing Shemei, a traiterous Indas, a bloody Bon-
ner, an hellifh Faults, fierce Woolues and Lions againft the
filly and innocent Lambes of Chrifts fold.
Secondly, righteoufnefl'e of ciuill honefty in outward
;idions, may make a colourable pretence of pietie and vp-
• rightnes ; but indeed hath many lecret relations to pleafures,
to friends,to profit, to preferments, to reuengcmen-tjto paiTI-
onsjpartialities and euents,and fuch like by-refpeds ; not ea-
■^y di(ccr:, jble, but by him whofe eyes are teiine thoiifand
times brighter then the Sunuc. But righteoufntftt of faith
K^ J>ifcaurfe 9 f true hapfmefe.
hath in all acflions,forthe maiiie fcopc and principail cnd,thc]
glory and honour of God : and if iiifiimitiG doeiometimey
diftainethcm with fbme mixture aad adherence of refpcfb,
("for who can fay, My lieait is cleanc?eucn the pureft a flioiis
are mixt with fome fpice of corruptions ; ) it workes in the
faithfljUfbuIemuchgriefcjforrow, (triuing agalnft, repen-
tance and humiliation.
Thirdly, righteoiifncfle of faith,doth labour watchfully,
religioufly, and confcionably in that particular cailingj
wherdn Gods prouidence hath placed a man, and in ail the|
parts and Ipeciall duties of godlmefle and obedicnce.Kut ci-
uillhonefty wanders in the generalities of religion ; and ma-
ny times in impertinenfjvnfetled and vnlimited courfcs.
Fourthly, righteoufnefle of faith doth ftriue with greateft
earncftneffeandcontemion of fpuit for fpirituall comfort,
and a good confcienee before God. But ciuill honeftie is
flrlly and finally fatisfied with credit and plaufiblcn.Qea-
mongft men.
Fiftly,ci8ill honeftie makes no great confcienee of fmal-
ler finnes ; as lying, lefTcr oathes, gaming, prophane ieftiug,
idlendfc, paftime on the Sabbath day, and the like. But
righteouTnefle of faith hauing a I'enfible feeling of the heauie
waightof fin, from thofe anguiOies which the confcienee
felt Sl fore the infiifionoffaith; and being Itill ftung witha
check c and 1 mart for all kind of tranfgrefiions, doth feafona-
bly aiid proportion^ly hate and make refinance to all
knowne linnes. ; ' ■:■■:;-■' \ •-) :
Sixthly, ciuill'l^oneftie dolfhnotvfeto m^e oppofition
againft the finnes of the tifAc, but is euai willing to be car-
ried with the ftrcame onely vpon more faire and probable j
tcarmcs, then notorious fmfulneflc; and therefore will goc
on,andencourageamaningodlycourles, and goodcayleSj
vntill hemeetc with,eithera wound to his ftate,adifgraceto
his perfon, a difturbance to his pleafiu'es, an imputati<Mi to
his forwardnc{re,,ia ftop to his preferments, lofie of friei^s,
imminencie of danger, or any ilich crbfle and difcou-
i-agementiand then it teacheth him to ftep backc, a§ a ma?
K^ Bifcottrfe of true happineffe.
ready to tread vpon a fcrpent, and to ftart afic^e like a broken
Bow. Bat righteoiilhefle of faith dotlifbnd out for the ho-
noiu- of God, and ordinarily goes tl^orow-ftitch, in good
caiifes ; come what come can;cro{res or caliimniations,good
report or euill report, men or diuels. For it is compleatly ar-
med with confidence of future happineiie, and hath fixt the
eye vpon the crowne ofimmortahty ; which if heaucn and
earth confpired, they were not able to pull it out of his hand,
thatreferuesitin theheanens, for all thofe that fight a good
fight, that keepethe faith,and runne with conftancy the race
The next point of thencgatiue part of my doflrine,is for-
mallhypocrifie. Which that you may more clearelyvnder-
' ftand, confider with me three kinds of hypocrific: priuy hy-
pocrifie,grofre hypocrifie,formall hypocrific.
Priuie hypocrific is that, by which a man makes profeffi-
on of more then is in his heart. And thi&fometimes doth
mixeit fclfeeuen with the faireftand moft fanftifiedaiflions
of Gods deareft children j and doth Iboneft infinuate into a
heart ftored with the rich treafures of true godlinefle. For
Satan, if he cannot detaine a mans fbule in notorious finfiil-
nefle, inmeereciuill honcfty, or formality, but that by the
' (acred infpirations of Gods good fpiritjit is pulled out of the
mouth of hell^from the flaaery of finnc, andcourfes of dark-
nes, into the gloricxis light and liberty of Chrifts Kingdome;
he is inraged with fierce and implacable furie, and doth euer
certaincly with eager purfuit perfecutc that foule, both by
hisowne immediate malice, at^ by the crucll agencie of
prophanemen. And if fobe he cannot procure a Icanda'.ous
relapfcintogroffefinnes ; yet that he may in fome mjadnv
workethcdifhonourofGod, andthediicomfortofhisno-
bieft creaturcthc two mainecnds of all the policies of hell,
heedoth latx>ur to diftaine the pure ftreames of diui le grace
in the foule puddle of our cormpted nature; andatlealt to
faftenthe (pots of priuie hypocrific vpon. the belt afbions-,
apd the very face of innocencte.This hypocrifie(as Itakeit)
anYeth from fpiiitMall pride. For when a godly man, by the
o/jf Difcdurfe 6ftrue hap^ineffe.
oreat woike of regeneration is become woTtf <rArc<>^^«', then
his nei^hbour';3i% indeedt hee iacomparably is, howlbcuerthe
u'orlds eftimation beotherwife.-Btcanfe the one \s^ as yet, a
limme ofSatan,receiuing from him the curled infiiience of
foule pollutions, ofvnckanctTe, and lyitig, of malice and re-
uenge, of piide and profanenefle, &c. The other is alieady a
bleflcd membei of Chrifts myfticallbody, continually \\\{^\r
red with holy motions and the hfc of grace. The one lies
polluted in his own bloud,incompa{red with the menftru-
ous clouts of loathfome corruptions ; of all natures, except
onely the Liuclland his angels, the moft wretched and-
foriornc ;ofthe family ofhelljheire of horrour and defola-
tiou :The other by the immortallfeed of the pure and povver-
fiiirWoid of God, IS vcoA'&fartaker of the dtttine nature ; clo-
thed with the rich and vnualuable robe of Chrifts iuftice ;
guarded with an inuiricibletroopeofheauenly Angels ; iuft-
iy intituled to a Kingdome of vnconceiueable gloric, and
picalures more then the ftai res of the firmament in number.
The one isa wrongftill vfuiperof theriches,hcnors and pre*
ferments of tliis lifejfor which hereafter he muft be condem-
nedtochaincsof etcmall darkentfle, and dungeon of cnd-
Itfle miftrieand confiifi.on : the ether, whiles he continues
in this world, h a righjffiill owner and pofleflbr of the earth,
and all the creatures andbkftings of God ; and when hee
departs hence,lie ftiall be made a glorious inhabitant of thofe
iacrtd fHanlions, where conftant peace, vnmixed ioyes, and
bkfltd immortality eueti for eucr and euer doedwcll. Which
great difference when the godly man pcrceiues, and his own
pruogatiues, hee is filled with a ftrange and ioyfull amaze-
meot and admiratit;n of his ou^ne happinefle ; which Satan
Iteing, who is perfcdly experienced in all aduantagcs and
opportunities for fpirituallaflaulrs; and working vpon the
rehques of mansproud nature, doth cunningly draw him to
aduance abouethat which is mtete wirhm himfclfe, inliis
owne opinion, the Worth cthis owne graces aodvertucsi
Whichthar he may conucy andreprcfent to the' vieW of the
wondAvithan excellencie proportionable to hisownouer-
Pro. 1 2. x^.
X PeM,4.
o^ Difc^urfe oftrite kappfntf/e:
weenirag conceit, he is forced to admit the fecretand infenfi •
ble poyfon of priiiic hypocrifie j wiudi he doth more eafily
at the firft enteitaine, becaafe the peftilencie and bittenieile j
thereof is not ditcernable by reafon of the predomiuaiKie
andfweetneiTeofthefrelliprefcntgiacesof Gods Spirit in
hisl<HiIc. Butwhenbyafflicflionsordifgiaces, byfomc ck-
tr'taovdii/iarytetitation or particular chcckes from the Mini-
iicry of the Word,thc vgltnefl'ecjf it is diicou^rcd tphis corn
fcicDce J he for cuer abhorrcs it, as a coniliming canker, that
would fretoiit the very heart ofi^ace,andextingLiilh the Ufe
of (inceritie ; and therefore with mach humil iation and fer-
ueocie duth pray againft it, firiiicagainft it, and by the mer-
cies of God preuaile againil it.
This kind of hypocrifie belongs net to my prcfent pur-
pofc ; onclybytheway let me giue adnertifement to the
childe of God{foi to him onely J fpeakc in this point, to the
end hemAy keep his heart vnblameable inholinefle, and pre-
fcrue the true rcljlh and found ioy of good ailions entirej,
and vndiftcnipcred ) that hee would ftrongly fence his heart
with a gracious and vnfaiiied humilitie, againftpriuie pride
the mother of this hypocrifie j as ag^inft aclofe, vndenni-
ning^nda raoft dangei oiis encmie j and the more ferioufly '
anciwatchfullyforthefe reafons; partly drawne from the
nature c^thc fin :and partly from the ftate oFhis foiiIe.From
thenatijre of the fin;
Firft, other fins grow from poyfonous and pefi:ilent
roetcsi as Adultery, homidlenefTc J Faclion, from dilcon-
tent ; Murther/rommahce; feftingout of the Word of God,
fromaprophane heart; the Killing of loulcs, from Non-r.fi-
denciej Enuie and flatteric, from a bafe and vnmanly weakc-
nefle ofminde ; Violent ambition, from a diftmftfliliindc-
pendcncie vpon God ; Scorning of godlinclie, from a repro-
bate i'enic : but this fin fpringeth from a feire and vnfiifpe-,
(fled fountaine, euen from 2xale, godly dutifs^^ and goodj
aflions. ,., .
Secondly, other groffc finnesfpread themfclues vniuer-
fally ouer the whole corrupt made of all the ioimcs of men ;
K^ Difceurf^ of true happinefe.
jbut this doth fingle out the chofeii of God, aiid takes vp his
feare in the fan(5lified foule.
i Thirdly, this finne doth vnauoidably winde it fclfe into
ihe heart of a man, vvithaflie and peculiar kindeofinfimia-
t-ion, For when a godly man for a good adlion or inward
grace doth feeme to difdaime pride m his confcience, hee
may be proud that he is not proud, euen of his humilitie,and
that he is abletodelcrie his prideand corruptions more then \
others can doe. So eiiditfTc are the mazes of Satan s circular
lourthly, there is no depth of knowledge, nomeafureof
grace,noeminencieof zeale can be exempted from hazard
of furprifall, by this laft and moft cunning encounter of Sa-
tan by priuy pride. P^^z/At hat great inftrument of Gods grea-
teftgloric, in whom there was amatchlerte concurrence of
diuine g'ace?, and variety of all manner of affliclions, no-
table mcanestokeepethehiartofmanin humilitie; yetlefl
he fhould be exalted out of meafure through the abundance
'of reuelations,there was giuen vnto him a pncke in the flefh
'the mcflcnger of Satan to bufltt him.
Realbn§ taken froin the flatc of the regen-erate fouIc, are
thefe :
Firft, let the bcfl and moft mortified man turne the eye of
his confcience from the fruitlefle and dangerous fpeculati-
onofhisowneworthinefle; andfaftenita while vpon his
corruptions and infirmities, vpon his many deficit ncics in
religious duties and executions of his calling, wants, and
weaknefles in prayer and inward deuotion, his dulnefle and
vncheerefulnefle in religious exercifeSjhisomilfioas of ferui-
cesand otcafions fortheinlargingofthe kingdom of Chrifl,
his cold and fbmetimes cowardly piofecution of good cau-
fes, his now and then {linking from a bold profeflion of fin-
ceiitie» for feare of the vaine and wretched imputations of
worldiingSj&c.and out of this confideiation,hee will bee fo
fane from iQS{: conceitedni-lTe, and a pajtiall ouerualuiug.
of hisowne gifts and veitues, that hee will finde much mat-
ter and iuil caufeto renew his repentance, to fland vpon
D his
o^ Difcourfe 6 f true happineffe.
his'guard againft fpiiituall pride, to continue and increafe
fiis humiliation, to double his zcale aiid rcfolution fbrthe
glorifying of God, and fiibduLig his owne fecret corrup-
Secondly, let him confider, how before hiscalling he mar-
ched furioufly and defperatclyvnder Satans colour^, in the
nurfciteofpkafiires, vanities and worldly honour^; With
iKiw refbliicc Iiatrcd aiidconti.mpthc oppofed againft (ince-
ritie and ''aumg g'ace, as againft. ntedelefle precifeneflc and
folly; how fcarekfty and how farre he ran in the paths ofini-
quitie, and the finftiU paHages of the kingdome ofdarknefte j
where no reward was to be expe(5led butfliame and mifcrie.
But after it pleaied the Lord to place his Angdl in the way
to ftop the torrent of his impieties, & tofct hisfacred Word-
bcforc his eyes, as a glorious light to dired: him in the waie^
ofrighteoiiiiieflc: let him remember howoFi'^n hee hath
ftartcd afide for falfc & imaginary ftares; how oft^ n hf haLh
fturabled euen in the euenparh, through his owne heedlc-
neflqhow often he hath ftood ftill in his way, cither gazing
onthe painted and lying glory ofthe world, or liltening to
the allurements and deceitfull charmes of his owne fieOi :
Nay,how fcmetimes he hath been inforced to retire by fome
cunning traine and malicious ftratagem of Satan. So tliat
( fince his conuerfion ) he hath but runnc faintly and flowly,
and wonne little ground in the grace ofgodlineffc , although
there be fet before him theprice of the high caliing,the high-
eft aduanccment of the foule,fulnefteof ioy,and the precious
trcaliires of immm talrtie. And if hedemurre a while foundly
vpon this point, hetnay for euer feare left a felfe-Hking of his
owne excellency, be iuftly plagued with a Icandalous fall
into fome groffc iin ; which befides it owne particular fting,
will vnto his great difcomfoit a wake the old finnes of his
vnregeneration ; likefo many fleeping Lions, with open
mouthes to chaige afrefti vpon the conlcience with new ter-
mors and fearefull vexations.
Thudly, let the godly Chriftian looke vp at the liberall
and mercifuli hand ofOod, whi<:houtof the bottomlcffe
K^ Difcourfe of true happneffe.
depth of his owne bountie hath reached vntohim, whatfoe-
uer gifts he hath ; whether of bodie or minde, of honours or
outward pofle/T/ons, of nature or grace • and bee {hall finde
faiTC greater reafon to be continually grieued and humbled,
that the bright and vnfpotted bcames of Gods fandifving
Spirit, are foully darl<enedand lefll-nedin his body of death ;
then to be exalted in his owne conceit, m that it hath pica-
led God of his mecre and free mercic to illighten the darknes
of his heart ; without which fupematurall illumination, hee
llifuldhaue lined in blindnefle and miferably vntill death;
and after this life beenecaft out into vtterdarkencfTe andrc-
medilefle defolation.
Fourthly let him taKe heed how he harbors and nourifhes
' this viper of fpiritu.ill pride in the bofom'." of his foule; left it
takingvufeafoiiablehcateand warmth from his zeale, en-
' danger the whole frame of his new man : Either by perfwa-
1 ding him to imhracc iomc groundleiTe (ingularitie of vn-
warrantablc opinions ; which by reafon of his vertnes will
fprcid more plaufibly, & byconfequent moredangeroufly.
For a perl'wafion of intcgritie is not onely a mntiueto roote
an opinion deepely in a mans owne apprchenfion; butalfo a
meanes to make it more currant and paffible withthe admi-
rers of his graces. Orelfe this fpirituall pride may (by Gods
iuftiiidgcment)ciiaw vponhima deadncfTcof hcait, a dul-
nelfe of zeaie, an intermiflion of operations of grace ; which
the child of God doth infinitely ;nore ftare,thcn any afflifti-
on or crolTe that can polTibly befall him from prophane men,
either vpon his body, or ftate^ or good name.
Thefc- realons may iuftly uvx)ue tiiery faithfull Chiiftian,
.with much carnellnefle and prayer to labour after, and fcttl.e
lurcly in his heart, a true and vudiflembl d humilitie ; as the
onely fcueraigae meanes to preierue the life and vigour of
his graces in his owne foule, their fruitand benefitto others,
their bleding and acceptation with God : and W'ith the
M'atchfulleft eye of his fpirituall vviftd3me,to hold in perpe-
tuall iealoulie the cunning flcights and windings of this in-
finiiatiue (inne of priuie pride; that both io pellilcnt a canker
D 2 may
{^ Difcourfe of true happineffe.
may be kept outoftlie foiiIe,and the pafTagemay be floptto
priiiie hypocrifie ; with^vhich,! told you befoie,Satan doth
cndcLiour with might and maine to difcomfoit and difgrace
the aflions and exercifes,cucn of the childc of God.
The fccond kinde of hypocrifie is grcffc hypocrifie ; by
which a man profefieth that which is not in his heart at all,
and fo dcceiues others, but not in his owne heait. And this is
moft proper] yhypocrifie:fir the Greek word o;TOHftTH;,fig-
nificth a ftagc-player ; wiiofoinetinies putttth on the lobis
and maieftie of a Prince, himfelfe being of abafc and ncg-
lededftate : Orthegraaitie and wifcdome of a CounfcUcr,
himfelfe being ofroguilli and difibiute conditions : Some-
times he reprtfentcth a chaftand modeft Ipuer, his owne life
beingapraflife ofvncliannefib : Sometimes he afTiim.tha
goodand honcfl: vocation, his owne being a.cuilcd and vn-
wariantable. Euenfuch is the grofil hypocrire vpon the
.ftage ofthis \voi;d,a very painted icpu'chtrand vchittd vval.
glorious indeede in outward falliions and ibkm.nues, in
lliewcsand reprefentationsto the eye of the world • butif it
werepofiibleforaman tomakean exa:!: inqnir.e into the
clofe and hidden pafiages of his heart, he fhould finde many
blackeand bloody proiefts, for compaiTing reuenge euen
vpon furmifed oppofites j many ambitious. fKps L=:uilt vpon
flattery anddifl'cmbling, bafentfle and bribery for his rifing
and preferments • many IH.iging {warmes of fiery lufts and
impure thoughts, which are either fpentin fpeculatine wan-
tonnefle and the adulteries of the heart; orelfc forfcare of
the worlds notice, brcakeout only intoaftrange and fea-et
filthinefle. In a word, vnder the vaile of his out ward religi-
onfnt^c, hee fhould lee a perfect anatomy ofthe infinite and
deceitfiill corruptions ofthe heart of man, and many plan- i
fible and politique conueyances to bleare the eyes of the
world i howfoeuer wretched man vpon his owne fillie and
fbrlonie loule htc certainely diawes an exceeding waightof
vengeance. This kinde ofhypocrite is more miierabie, and
of IdTe hope then the open finner.
Firftjbecaufe he finneth againft the light of his confcience,
^ Difeourfe ef true hapfineffe.
which manntr of finning makes him incapable of faning
graces For how can that heart, which tonatura'lhardneffe
j'addetha voluntary obfirmation in finnc, and refiftanccto
godly morions, receiue the foft v ning and fkn(5lifying fpirit of
God ? How fhould thofe vnruly afte(flions be tamed by the
I power of Rehgion, whopleafe themfeliies, and hold it their
I greatefi glory to feeme moft moderate outwardly, when
inwardly they boyle moft intemperately in luft,pride,malice
I contempt of zealous fimplicitie, and in. other fouleft pollu-
ItionsPHow fhould the brightneflfe of wifedome fliincwhere
the windowesof the fouleare itut clofe, wilfully and vpon
fetpurpofe ?
Secondly, byreafon of the fhininglampe of an outward
i profeHioPjhowfbeuer he want the oyle of grace in his heart,
[ hecfo dazlcs the eyes of mcn,that he barres himfelfe of thofe
J reproofesandwlioiefome admonitions, whereby the open
I finner is many times confounded and amazed in his confci-
cncc, humbled and caftdowne in himfelfe, and happily re-
claimed and conuerted.
Thirdly, all piiblike reprehenfions and aducrtifements
from theMiniftery of the Word, although they be as fo ma-
ny loud crits founding in his eares, to awake him out of the
dead (lumber of hypocrifie ; hcc either interprets to proceed
from fome particular malice, or indifcreete heate ; and fb
pafl'es them ouer with a bitter and peremptorie cenfure ; or
clfeout of the pride of his heart hee pofteth them ouer from
himfelfe, as not infamous or notorious in the worlds opi-
nion, and transferres them vpon the open finners ; being
afliired that in the iudgcment of others, whom hee blindcs
and deludes by his Art of Seeming, they belong not to
Fourthly, he is iuftly obnoxious to an extraordinary mca-
ftireof Gods hatred and indignation. For euery ingenuous
man out of the grounds of moialitie, holdeth in greateft de-
teitation, a doubling and difftmbling companion; as a fel-
low of extreamebalendle and fenrilitie, moil vnworthy to
bee entertained, eithec into bis inward affcdions and appro-
Dj bation,
o^ Difcourfe of true hap^ineffe.
bacion,or outward femices and imploymentsj how much .
more the Gcd of heauen and earth, who leeth clearely into
the inmoft clofet of the heart ? For hell and deftrudlioiiare
before the Lord, how^much more the hearts of the fbnnes of,
men ? I {ay, how much more mu ft heeneedts double his infi-
nite hatred ofiiaae againii: the double iniquity ofhypocrifie.'!
how mud his (buleabhorre that wretched creature, which
bearesthe world in hand, and makes a {hewvntomen, that
heftands for God, and his honour and ilruice ; but indeed is
aclofefaiflor for Satan, hisowneplcarures, and the powers
ofdarknefle? And as the hypocrite is fubiecl to Gods extra-
ordinary hatred • fo is hee liable to an extraordi ^.ary weight
ofvengeancc : Forwhehthe wrath of the Lord is once i i-
kindled againilhini,itispowred out like fire, & burneseucn
tothe bottomeof hell. Hisfeare commeth iikeanhoiribk
defblation, andhisdertruclioniikeavvhuiewi de. Terrors
flialltake him as waters, and atempcft lliall carrie him
away by night : And fb certaine are tbeie plagues, that a.^
though the hypocrite were alfcadyturnedintoa Dcuill, or
into the very fieiie lake, it is laid in the Goipell, ofnthcr fin-
ners, that they llial I haiie their portion with the hypocrite,
where Ihall be weeping and gnaihing of tteth-
GoodLord, it is ilrange andfearefiili, thatfo noble and
excellent a creature as man, endued with reaibn and vndcr-^
ftanding like an Angeii of God j hauing (befidesthe pre-
cioufnefleofthehoiy Booke of Gcd;tho(e great and vniucr-
lallmotiues, the immortality of thefoule, the reiiureflion
of the deadjthcioyes ofthe kingdome of heauen,the endkflc
paines ofthe wicked, which except he be a damned Athcift,
hee dothcertainely beleeue^ and whereas hee mjght line on
earth with vnconquerable comfort, and fhine he.reafi.ejas;
the brighthefle of the firmament ; be a companion of Saints;
and Angels, and ftand in the glorious prefeuceof the high-;
eft Maieitie for eucr and euer : ).'et for all this, will euen wil-i
fully againft the light of his confcience, and with the cer-,
taine knowledge of his heart, by hisgrofle hypocrilic, 1^>
£ret abominations and vncleanue{le,priuie piiadiles for fbme
' WTetched
(_x/ Difcourfe of true haj)fimffe.
wretched plcafures and preferments, make hinifelfe in th^
eyes of God ( howfociier he dectiue men ) a very incarnat^
deuillvpon earth; and after this life, inlHy hcape vpon his
body and fbuic, all the horroiirs and dcfpaires, tortures and
plagues, which a crea ted nature is capable of'
Oh that the hypocrite would conllder thefe things in
time, leit the wrath and fierie iralonfieof theLord breake
forth vpon him (uddenly and ineuitably, like (brrowes vpon
a woman in tra:ieif, and teaie him in peeces when there bee
none that can dcliucr him .' Well may hee carric the m.atter
fmoothlyforatime, aid by hisiiiglingdilTImulationcaft a
I mift about him, and iiiwrap himfelfe in darkencfle fi'omthe
I eye of the world j yet kt him know, that in the mcanc time
j his finncs are writing by the hand of Gods kiftice, with the
pointora Diamond, in the rcgil];er of his coniciencc ; and
I whenthcirnum'^erandmeafureis accompliilicd, the Lord
will come ag^vinll him, euen with whole armies of plagues
and vengeance, as againft the moil hatefull obieft of his re-
uengiig Juftice j the mod ba(e and vnnaturali Oppohte o£
fopureaMaielty, and the mofl: notorious and tranfccndcnt
iniirument of Satans deepeft malice.
This kinde of hypocrite belongs not to my prcfcnt pur-
pofe ; and therefore i It aue him ( without found and timely
repentance) to fom.c ftrange andmarkableiudgement, euen
in this lif : Or if he pafle theie few dayes honorably and pro-
fpcroiifl 7 (as it is many times the lot oftlie wickcd,):tt him.
expccl vpon his deaths-bed the fiery darts of Satan, cmpoy-
foned with heiiilTi ma;ice aiid cnielty,to be faftened deepely
in hisfou'e; and fuch pangs an4Anguilli of conicience, tliac
will poflcfTc him of hell before hand. Or if hee dcpait out of I
this wor.'d without f enfe ofhis finne,or e'ife at the befl, with
forne formall and pc-rfu i6torie. lliew of pcnittncie ; yet let I
his heart tremble for the feart s that it Hiali fearc at the great
and terrible day of the Lord: u hen the vizard of his hypo-
crifie ilia I certainely be puUtd otf his face : and hee afliamed
and confounded in the prcfence of the blefildTrinitie, of
Angels, andaJthe men that euer were j a id irrecouerably
D 4 abandoned,
o^ Difcoarfe of true Jrap^ineffe.
abandoned from the face of God, and from the fruition of
his ioyes, to themoftconfuming flame of the fire of hcll,and
the lothfcmeft dungeon of the bottomleflepit.
The third kindc of h5pocrifie is formaUhypocrifie, by
which a man doth notonel}' dccei'.ie others with a fhew of
piety and o:it\vard forme of Religion j but alfohis owne
heart, u ith a falfc conceit aid per( vvafion that he is in a hap-
pie f tate, when as in truth his I'oule was neuer yet leafoned
with rauinggrace,and the power of ReUgion. Andlbefeech
yon roarkemc in this point :itis ofgreateii confcquence to
euery ontforalbundtrialland examination of the flate of
his confcierice, whtthei he yet Hue the life of God,and itand
in the ftate of grace, or lie enthralled in the fetters and flaue-
rie of lln and Sata:i.For herein I rauft tell you how far a man
may proceed in out ^vard profeflion of the Truth, in (uper-
naturall decrcafe of (infulneffe, in fome kindes a id mcalurc
of inward graces, and yet come vtterly (hurt of truehappi-
ncfle; and without an addition of the truth of regeneration
and a found conuerfion, (hali be cut off for cuer from all hope
of immortality, and fhall neucr bee able to ftand firme and
fureintheday of the Lord lefus.
Fora more perfpicuous explication of this point, conceiuc
with me thof e pc rfedions which may btfalia man,as yet vn-
regcnerate and in the ftate of damnation.
Wee may fuppole in him , firft, all thofe gifts which the
poflibility of nature can conferre vpon him, all ornaments
of Arts arid knowledge, of wifedome and policie : notoncly
that which is purchaled by experience, oblcniation, and iin-
ploymentin points of State -but alio the fpirit of gouern-
ment,asi'^?//had» Tothefewee may adde gentknelTe, and
faireneffe ofconditions, anexaflnefleof ciuillhoneftie and
moralliuftice, immunity from grofleand infamous (innes.
And thiis farrethc Heathens may goe ; And thus far wc pro-
ceeded in our laft Difcourfe. But inthcfe times of Chriltia-
nity, a reprobate may goe farre farther then ciicr the molt
innocent Heathen that euer liued could poffibly ; though
ibmcofthem were admirable for their milde and mercifoU
o</ Difconrfe of true happinejfe.
difpofition, fome for their vertuous feueritie, fbme for inte-
grity oflife, feme for conftancic and refolution in goodneflc,
fome for preferringthe vnfpottcdncsof their life before moft
exquifittorturcs.For toall thefe he may addea glorious pro-
fe/IionoftheGoipell, a ptrformanccofall ontu'ard duties
and exercifes of religion, many workes ofcharity and monu-
ments of his rich magnificence. Nay,befides allthis,hemay
be made partaker of Ibmc mcaiiire of inward ilIumination,of
a foadow of true regent ration ; there being no grace eftedu-
ally wrought in the faithfulI,w'htreofa refemblance may not
be found in the vnregenerate. This laft point will moft clear-
ly appearc vnto you out of the 8. of Luke^ and the 6* to the
In the eighth of X^^^,the hearer refembled vnto the ftony
ground, is the formal 1 hypocritej who there is faid to btleeue
foratime,and therefore by the inward,though more general
and inferiour working ofthe Spirit, may hauea tcmporarie
faith begot in him. In which faith we may confider thefe de-
Firft, hee may beeiKlued with vnderftanding and know-
ledge in the word of God.
He may be perfwaded that it is diuinely infpired, and that
it is moft true. i
He may fee clcarely by the Law of God, the grieuous in- 1
rolerablencfie of his finnes, and the heauie iudgements due
vnto them.
He may be amazed and terrified with fearefull horror and
remorie of confcience for his finnes.
He may giueaflcnt vnto the couenant of grace in Chrift, as
moft ccrtaine and fure;and may conceiue,that Chriftsmerits
arc of an mualuable priccjand a moft precious reftoratiue to a
He may^ perfwaded in a generalitic and confiifed man-
ner,that the Lord will make good his couenant ofgrace vnto
the members ofhis Church ; and that he will plentifully per-
forme all the promifcs of happinefTe vpon his Children.
Hcemay be troubled in minde with grudgings and diftra-
y^ Difconrfe of. true happine(fe.
d-ions, withrcludation and fcmpks before the commiiTion
ofiinne,oiit of the ftrength of natiivall confcicnce, fecondcd
with a rtruikapprcheniion ofdiniiic vengeance, but efpeci-
allyilh'ghtricd with fomi; gh'mmcrings of this tcmporarie
faitli.Miich a dee was there euen with PiUte^mw^ird trouble
and tergiut rration,hcfore he would be brouglit to giuemdg-
mentonChrift. //<fW was forry, before he beheaded lohn
''Baphji, Ai'jdthcfe n-iei), I hope, were farre iTiortof the per-
fLrtions attainable by the forma:! h}pocritc,
Aftera fin comm'ited, befid .s the outward formes of hu-
miliation, by the power of this temporary fa'th, he may be
inwardly touchedand affedc-d with lome kind and degree of
repentance arid lorrow ; Imcanenot onely that, which is a
preparatiue to deipaire and hcUifh horror, but which may
Ibmetimespreucntttmporaliiadgcmcnts, as in Acf)ahj2i\-\A
withaflumberingand luperficiall quiet, fecure rhc confci-
ence for a time. AikI from this faith mayfpringfruites:Some
kindandmearuieofhope,loue,patience,aid other graces. Jt
is laid in the Euangelifts, that that hearer (which we caU the
formal! h}'pocrite)receiucs the word- with ioyj whence may
be gathered:
Firfl, that with wiilingneHe andcheertfu'ntirc,heeinay
fubmithimlelfcto the miniftcry of the Word.
W.thforwardnefll and ioyfulntffc he may follow and fre-
quent Sermons. 4
With a di-'courfe ofihe fuft'erings of Chri{l,he may be mo-
iied euen vato tLores for companionate indignation ; that ic
gloriousand iiiiinite innocciicie Oiould be vext with all man-
ner of indig'iit'csa'id tcrments,for thegroffe andAvLfuli im-
pieties of fi.ifull men.
Hemayloueni d reuerence, giue countenance and paD'o-
nagcto thv Minifters, whom he heares with gladitfll.Vor ic
is the nature of man, to be Kindly and loiiingly afKcted ynto
him that brings him a meflageof ioy and comfort.
. He ma}' cdeemc the neg!ig£nt,or no hearers of the Word
ofGod asprophaueandof fe.ared confcienccs, which doe
not otiely abandon the neceflarie meanes of faluation, but
o^ Difcoiirfe of true /j^ppincjfe.
that they may with more feciirity and abfoIutenefTereape in
this hTe whatfenfiial pro fir or pleafiire focuer the world yee-
deth,endaiourtobatn{lha!id extingiiifh all though c aiid no-
tice of heauen or holiiiefle.
The Word ofGod by this temporary faith & other gra-
ces may wcrke iijch a change in him, as is called the vncleane
(pirits fxoinn e:tt of a man rMat. I 2.43 . A flji?tgfrom the foll^ti-
ont cfthe-vpoyld:^. Ptt. 2. 20. A.'^aPjing-T 2. Pet. 2. 22. And
may haiie fiich power vpoii him,that he rnay do many things
thereafter. Herod is faid to hane reaerenced lohn, t» haue
heard htm gladly ^ and to hane done m.tny things: Marked. 20,
TotlKieforiih'rcration, ai id becaiifc we are hereafter to
confidcr their diftlrences from a true, entire and vniuerfaii
fan6lification;vve may addc thole iiue degrees incident to the
reprobate: Heb. 6.
Firlljhe may be iliightned in his vnderftanding,with fomc
glimpfes of hcauenl\' light.
Secondly he may hauc lome tafte in the heart of Che hea-
uenly gift=
Third!)', he may be made partaker ofthe holy Ghoft, the
author and fonntaine of all gi aces.
He may in feme meafureenioy the good Word of God,
the glorious inftrnment of the conuerlion offonles. 1
He may hant fome tafte and feeling eutn ofthe powers of
the world to come. -;
Nay, and htiidcs all tliefc, that which nailes him faft vnto
formaiiiie, ai^d makes him with contentnient to walke in a
plodding courfe of outu'ard profeilion, is a perfwafion that
he is aaeady in the way oFlite, when as yet he neuer entered,
no not the very ftt p vnto it For indeede he may bee per- '
ivyaded (though from fa' fe and miftakeh grcunds)that he is
rich in hcauenly things,and hath need of nothing ; and that
he is already poflcflcd ofthe Kingdom of gracc,and intituled
totheKingdomeofgioryi and yet bee moll: wretched and
mifcrable, and poore, and b lind, aiid naked : His ftate in this
cale being not v nlike the dreame of a poore or hungry man,
\^hich in his fletpe filleth himleife with variety of dainties,
v^ Difcotirfe tf true happineffe.
or tumbles himfelfamid his rich treafures and heaps of gold :
but when he a waketh, behold, hee is faint,his foulc longcth,
andheembraceth nothing but emptinefle and aire 5 yea, and
befides, the very imaginarie fruitio.i of his fuppofcd happi-
neffejWhen he isa\vaked,enaeaftth his languirfiing, & dou-
bles the fenfe of his neceHfities. Euen (o the formall hypo-
crite in this life dreams much of cofort to come, makes f iire
ofheauen,thinks himfelfthe only man,his//of f watf eoae^eiar,
as the Apoflle calles it^his forme ofGoMweJfe in his co nceit,is
theonely true ftateoflaluation ; whatfoeuer is (hortof him,
when vpon his deaths-bed heawaketh, and hath hisconfci-
ence illightened,and his particular fins rcuca-.cd vnto him, in
fteadofcatchingaCrowncofg!ory,vvhichhe hath vainely
pofleft m his hopefLiIlfecuritie,he grafpeth nothing but feare
and amazement, anguiOi and forrow. Yea, and now his for-
mer falfe perfwafion ofhis happy ftate enlargcth the gulfe of
1 his defpairc, and makes him more fenfible ofhis prefent and
Ivnexpedcd miferies
j Giue me leaue, I bcfeech you, to enlarge this point and to
acquaint you with fome reafons of this perfwafion. For a
falfe perfwafion of already being in the Itate of grace, is a
barre that keepes tho- ifands from the ftate of grace indeed.
The good fpiritofGod (you know) dothperfwade cuerie
regenerate man by a fwcetand filent inipiration,out ofa con-
fidcration of an vniuerfall change and fanf}:ification,and pre-
/tnt finceritie in all the powers and paits ofhis Ibuleand bo-
dy,andcalling,that heismoftcertainely in the ftate of grace,
and heire of hcauen. Whence fpring perpetually whole Ki-
uersof vnfpeakeable comfort, that moft then refrcfii his
foule, when he is necreft to be oucr whelmed of the maine Q-
cean ofthe worlds bitcerneffe and prtfTures.
Inalyingrefemblance to this facred worke ofthe holy
Ghoft in the hearts ofGods children, Satan, left he be wan-
ting to his,puts on the glorie of an Angell of light ; and infi-
nuateth into the imagination ofthe formall hypocrite fome
flafties of comfort and conceits that hee is in ftate of grace,
(^ Difcourfe oftme hapfincffe.
•and iLall be faued. VV hence- iCfiies a ciirfedfecurity,a wretch-
ed oppofition to more fincerity then hee i^ides in himfelfe,
aflumberandbenummcdneflc of confcience, an impatien-
cy of hailing hisformalitie cenfured by the minilkrieof the
Word; a neglecll-of a more found fearch into the ftateof his
foiile. For Satan(in his Angelicall forme):e!s him,thatmorc
ftridneffe and puritic is but onely a proud hypocrifie and
pretence offiich as affv. (ft a tranfcendencie aboue the ordina-
ry degrees of holintflej and bids him take heed of being too
biifieandpragmaticall in taking notice of eiiery fmail cor-
ruption and infirmitie: for tendcrnefle of confcience, and a
too nice apprehcnfiuentfle of cuery little fin,wili vncomfor-
tably enchaine him to Melancholy , Vnfociablenefie, and
fome degrees of dtfpaire. And hovvlbeuer ((aith Satan) feme
Preachers of prcciicr humour, out of their vnhaliowed zeale
an<i cenlbrioLis aufteritic, breath out nothing againft thee
but fire and brimftone, indignation and wrath, damnation
and horror; yet take not tliele things to heart, but let fuch
ptrcmptor} cctnminarions pafleas malicious thunder-bolts,
difcharged from too fiery f pirits, begot by mdifcreete heate,
anddiredcdtopnuateends. Thus this wilie Serpent -cries
peace, peace vnto his foule ; when(God knowcs) there is no
peace towai'ds, but noyie, and tumbling of garments in
blood, and burning and d.uouring of £re. The ccnfcience
indeed may be afleepe for a while, like a fierce wildljtallga-
thcring vigour and puilfance, that being awaked by the hand
of God;at the apprcch of ficknes or death, may more impla-
cably rend, deuoure and torment for euer.
But I come to the grounds of this perfwafion, I told you
before, that the Spirit of Gcdafllues his Children that they J
are in the ftate ofgr ace,out of a confideration of an vniuerfall
fincerity in ail their wayes-But Satan for his children hatho-
therrca(bns, \^ hich Iconceiue to be fuch asthefe :
Firfl:, the formall hypocrite is notably confirmed that his
ftate is good, when he compares himfelfe with thofe which
arc more finfiill : as Murtherers, Adulterers, Drunkards,
Prophaners of the Sabbath, Vfurers, Sweai'crs, Lyers, le-
«^ Difeourfe of true happineffc
iters out ofrhe word of God, and feilovves of llich notorious
rank e. But if(befides the difclaiming ofthefejhis confcience
be able to informe him of his ciuill horK;ft\', external! iufticc,
feme workes of charity, ^x. Why then,the matter is put out
of allcontrouerfie, and he prefently canonized a Saint in
his ownc conceit. You may fee his pi fture in the ei ghteenth
of Luke : O (jod, I thanke thee, that I aw net as other men
are,extoni.aners,vmuJi, adulterers, orMthii Pul^/ic^n, There
is his exemption from common prophanenefle. Ifrjf trvice tn
theweeke, J gine tithes of all that Ipojfeffe .-There is his out-
ward iuftice and religious folemnities. But you mud not con-
ceiue that the formall hypocrite doth proclairae this in pub-
like, with fuch grofle and palpable oftentation : Nay, ( per-
haps ) when it arifeth, hcc lets it not reft long in his ownc
thoughts, left by this vanity his vertueslofe their grace, and
he his comfort. But certaine itts,aconlcinufiiefleofhis being
free from infamous impieties, ofhis moraU honcfty, perfor-
mance of out ward duties of Religion, and fome inward, in
fomc meaiure ( though not vniuerfally, nor to the degree of
the children of God ) isone ofthe beft grounds Iiee hath for
his afllirance of being in ftate of f aluation. Parallel to this of
Luke, is that, Prou. go.verl" 12. There u a generation that
are pure in their orvne conceit^ and yet are not rvajh:d fr^m
their fi/tbineffe. That is, they imaginetheirtempcrof ilehgi-
on, their pitch of holinefTe, their formall Chriilianity, tohe
the very right path to heauen : when indeed they were neuer
truly humbled with a (enfe and fight of their fius, out of th^
lawandludgementsof God. They were neuer acquainted
with the pangs of confcience in a new birth,or thcmvfteries
offaluation:biit within are full ofhoUow-hcarccdnefle, .'uke-
warmenefre,and imich bittcrnefle againft tiiie godiinclfe and
the power thereof
The fecondreafon whereby the formall hypocrite is mo-
ued to thinke his ftate to be good, and the way of hislife to
beenght, is a preiudice which he coiiceiucs from the impu-
tations which the world layeth vpon the children of God :
moll as ace Pride, Hypocrifie, Singularitie, Melancholic,
o^ Difconrfe of true hap^ineffe.
Simpiicirie &: tlie like. But before I defcend to thele partial
lars, giiiemeeleaiieto piopole vntoyou the foimtame and
ground of them, which I take to bee that great and eter-
nall oppofition which is natura:lly betwixt liglit and dark-
nt ffe; the hfe of grace, and a death in finne;linceritie and
prophanenefle ; the children of God, and the wicked.
Ciods children, you know, in this world Hue as llieepe a-
mongwolues: In the ftormie times of the Church, their
perf ecutoi^ arc indeed euen wolnes in the tuenit^g, for their
iniatiabiecrucltie,and vnquenchable thii'ft, in drinking vp
the bloud of the Saints: And i-n the Halcyon dayesandfai-
rc ft times of the Church, yet they hauc thofe which will be
p] ickes in their eyes, and thornes in their fides. If they can-
not vexe them in a higher degree, yet they will bee fure to
lay on loade with ha/e indignities, difgiaces, flandcrs, and
iyiig imputations. And their hatred is ofthatftiange na-
ture and quaiinc, that it is diicharged euen againft the
goodnefle of the godiy, their zeale, their forwardneffc in
gainlt its proper obied:. This is plaine in leremie: leremie chap. i<.
neither boi rowed on vfuric, nor lent on vfurie ; he w as free , lo.
fi-cm all colour of giuing oftence, or doing wrong: Nay, his
gracious heart was vvholy melted in ccmpalT'On, that heel
wiilied that his head were full of water, and his eyes a foun-
taine of tears, s, that heemight wcepe day and night for the
dcftruCtions of his people. And yet of that people eueiy one
contended againft him ; there was not a man but heecurfed
him. Thecnely reaion was, bccaufe whatloeuer the Lord
/aid, that he faithfully fpokc, and kept nothing backe, but
lliewcd the m all thecounfell of God. Ix. is yet more plaine in
D^iutdy rfalm. 38. 20. They nlfe that renard em/lf&r good,
are mine adHerffi/neSjhecfiHje I follow goodjieffe. The word
there ii\ the Originall infinuateth f uch an extreme and dead- ■» Jl jQ'^i:?^
ly hatred, that from thence comes the Deuils name, Satan.
Sothathowioeucrthis enmitie betwixt the world and the
chiidien of light, be many times bridled by the reftraining
Spirit of God, iomctimes by the ingenuoufnefle ofthe wic-
o</ Difcettrfe of true happii^effe:
kcd, or their mDrall vertue or policie, or fome by-rcrpe<5t, or
by accidentbee turned into lone; becaufe by the prefence
and prayers of the Godly, they many times efcape iudge-
ments and receiiie blelTings. Yet, I fay, hovvfociicr it bee
thus bridled, in it felfe it is more then ordinary ornaturall.
and hath in it fome degree and mixture of heUifli virnlencie.
Ordinary hatred expires inthedovvne-fallof his aduerfary ;
Nay, any one of generous mind( out of the intereft hce cha-
lengeth in the common ftateofhama!iityJ vviUcominiferate
the diftrefPj and afBidion euen of his p,reateft and bafefl: e-
nemie; but much more of one of noble fpiricand cmifKnt
worth, and more then that, of onethat hath followed him
with all oiliccs of kindncfie and loue : yet the flame of this
hatred is fo fierce and fo fet on fire by hell, that it is not ex-
tinguished eucn with the bloud of his fuppofed Oppofite,
but barbaroufly fports in his mileries, and with iniblencic
tramples vpon his dcfolations.This appeareth cleere'.y in the
Cxampleof /)4Wt/, Pral.35.i5. Bi^t in mine advrrfity they re-
ioyced, att A gathered themjclues together : the abietls a^cmbled
theitij'eiues agHtnfi me,ani I k>?e-tp Kot ; they tare me andceafed
not. Who without indignation can thinke vpon thefe lewd
companions, and baft drunkards, that with the fal(e fcofl-jrs
at bankets gnafhed their teeth, and cruelly inlulted ouer the
milery and difgrace of that man, that was a man after Gods
ovvne heart, of incomparable excellcncie, and lb kindly afft:-
ded towards them, that when they were ficke, hee clothed
himlelfe with alacke, he humbled hisfoule with fa{Hng,and
mourned as one that mourneth for his mother? You lee then
the fountaine both of the greater fiouds of bloody perfecuti-
ons, and the lefier ftreames of inferiour vexations , as flin-
ders, raylirigs, and falle imputations. To feme particulars
whereof [ now come :
Firllfor Pride. Itismoft certaine that Pride truclyfo cal-
led, vs, the mofl: ptftilent and incompatible Oppoiitethat
Grace hath : and therefore he that is moft fanflified, mofl
fights againft it. Forbcfides that, this fiery dart is deeply
impoyloned in our corrupted nature, Satan kno wcs cut of
K^ Difcourfe of true happnefj^.
his own experiencejhowto manage it with notable eannibg j
and he fblloWesthis weapon with fticheagernes iand conn-
dcncCjthat'aftcr it is broken vpon the fliield of faith,yctHec
labours with might and maine to faften fomefplinter or o-
ther,eueninthefoiiIehurabIcdforfin, and'vowed vnto the
f eriiice of God, as Itold you in the firfV part of priiiie hypo-
crific. Butlappealevntothe confciences of the children of
GodjWhether many times the world doth not interpret that
to be pridein their afHons'& carnage, which isnothingelfe
buta-gracious freedome offpirit,,ari(ing froma confcioufnej-
of their innocencifand independencies whei-cby they ai'^'in-
ablcdto ftand vrithxxmi'age againft corruptions and the ilns
of the time,- to fbllbwgood caiifes with boldneffe, with refo-
lution to defend aknowneand warrantable truth, and indeed
to prefcriethe faluation of their foules, before the gaining of
the whole world. Innocerrciemakes them as bold as Lyons :
The mck^d flee vehen none fwrjiteth ; Intt the riqhteoHi are^
hold oi a Lion: And their wanant is oiitofiia-K 5 1 . vci-f. 7. 8;
Hedrken vnto meeyee. that ]^oi»rightem^ne^«i the people^ in
ivhoje hearf-ii my Lan>. Teare jet not tbr reproch-of men^ nei^
ther he ye afraid of their rebukes. Tor the^moth Jh(tll eeite. them
vp like a garments and the worme JhaU' eate them' like fvooH:
hutmy righteoufnejfe p^aU h^efor ewr; andmy^ falftatioK jtonu
generation to generation, Indepcndencie hold? thcir hearts
vpright in all their a(5lions, thatthey are neither Av aid awry
by partialities, or. fecretrelationsta wrong ends. I meatie
not indepcndencie in refped: of lawes, gouernment; antho-
rity,cl]arity5vnity with the Church ortne like, I meane no
fijchindependencic : butinrcfped ofbafcnefle, f?attery,corr
ruption, temporizing, indircd profcaition of their honours
and preferraents,&c. which are fetters ofSatan,by which he
confines many to a wretched flauerie eiieniathis life; and'
(without repentance) Ito endfeflb mifery hereafter.
S£condly,hypocrifie is many times by tHe world Vniuftljr,
laidynto the charge ofthe children of God; Damd^ii liis*
full px)rtion m this,impiitation,asa{)p^eajtthin manyPfthnes:^
The caules for this time r conceiue to Be two j
E The
o^ Difcourfe ef true hap^ineffe.
Tbefirftmay bee fufpicioufiiefle, an argument euer of
worthlefncfle and impotende. For infuiJicicncieis moft ap-
prehefifiue and iufpicious.I know there is a godly kaloufic,
andaieaIoufieofftate;butImeaae that fufpition which is
oppoled as an extreme to that imperfec!!: vertiac, the Mora-
lifts call immimity from fufpitionj by which a man dothcaft
the wotfb;^(fi:ions and affedions of another in his owne
moulcl,aod thinks cucry man obnoxious to all theinfirmities_
he finds in himfelft.Htnceit is,thathe which indeed is truly
aahypocrite,andneuerpafled the pcrfedion of the Pharife,
doth moft confidently brand the childe of God with that
name: hoping thereKyt^xgiuefome pooreiatisfafUon tohis
owne thoughtSjthat would gladly reft i n a formality jand no-
tice to the worldjthat how foeucr there may be pretences,yet
indted thtre is none be tccr then himfelfe.
The iccondcaiife is difabiiity, and blindnefTe in the na-i
turallmanofdiicerning and acknowledging the operations
of grace. Forletamanbeothcrwire neuer lo emineHtly or
rniuerfally qualifiedjyet without the expci ience of the pbw-
erofgodlinefTe v^pon his owne foule, lie cannot fee, he will
not be perfwadcd ofthe aflions of grace in another man;
and therefore intetprets them to be nothing but hy pocrifie,
and oncly pretended, vaine-glorioiifly to gaine an opinion of
more then ordinarie pietie. What the conceit of an vnrege-
nerate man \s ofthe f tate of grace, is plaine out ofthe confe-
rence of our blefledSauiour and iV^f<?<5/fw^. Nicodcmiu wa.s
a great Rabbi m Jfraell,a famous Doflor in the Law and the
ProphetSjin which no doubt he had many times read the do-
ctrine ofregeneration : yet when becomes to bee examined
ofthe power and pradlife ofit.he holds the newl)iith(with-
out which no man can euer fee God)to bee as impoITible, as
for an old man to returne into his mothers wombe and bee
borne againe.Euenfuch is the iudgement of otliers in his
ftate, ofthe firuites, ef}-e(fls and courlcof fanflification. And
th^rfore I maruellthatany child of God willafHicfl his fbule,
haiiedownethe head, or remit one iot of his zealeid good-
neflcforvniuftcenfuresinthiskinde: fith hee knowesthat
natural I
o/ Difeourfe of true happneffe.
nanirall men though neuer fo wife, (b learned, or glorious
(HithexvorldjWantfpiritiiallftate, and therefore cannot rd-
lifh the fmits of the fpitit , are blind and cannot lee or iudgc
of the h'ght of grace, are in darkencffe and cannot compre-
hend it. '•':■''',
Thirdly the fbriTiallhy-pocrite doth fettle himfelfe'witli
morcrefoluedncfle in his opinion of bein^ in ftate dPgracc,
when [lee fees the world account the children of God but a
ccmpanicoffclIoweSjWho, out of a proud fingulanty, di-
( uide themfclues from the common falLions and aiftomes
|ofthcworld,notconfidcring,thatif euerhe meanc to lane
^ I his foule, he muftbtefingular to in holincfle and faniftifica-
' I tion (for r meane not in vnwarrantable opinion, orfeparati-
\ on from the Church.)Excepthis righteoufi:e{feexceedc the
I righteouf leife of the Scribes and Pharifes, what lingular
■\ thing doihhee? that is,except to his ciuill honeftieandoiit-
• I ward performance of religious dutics,theic be added a fingu-
Jarity of iauing grace^and except befides ^1 other ornaments
of miiid,ifit were polliblejpoflcft m full perfecflion, there be
yet moreouerinfpired that bleflcd and precious vigojirthat
quickens him to eternali b'fe, he cannot enter into thtJ King-
dome of heauen.
This note of fingularitie hath in all ages beene imputed to
thole, that with a good confciencc haue laboiired to kcepe
themfclues blameklTe and pure in the midfl: of a naughtic
and crooked generation. ^tfW<af('laith 7/^w^,chap 8.veilii8.
I attdthe chjldremvhomthe Lordhath giuen me, art as ftgnes
andyvonders m Ifrael, by the Lrrd of Hafifyn^hichdrvelleth in
MoHKtSien.it had been no wonder, had they been onely as
fignes and wondersamongft the enemies of God, and na-
tions ofviicirajmciii on; but that they Ihouldbefignes aiKi
w:ondtTsiu ifrael ,' God hadchofen iiim but one little vine-
yard ^riongft all the fpacious foitefts ofthe eaith;out of the
gloryofalltheKinedomesof the world he hadchofen him
( but on eh^dfuUbf people; and- yet ui that vineyard, hiS;
if^hfuliOatsarebutas the hemes after; the fhaking of an^
I Oliue tree, two or three in the top ofthe vtmofl boughsjand
1 E 2 foiu'e'
-fc — ^^^^i- *
o^ Diftmrfe of trtte happineffe:
foureoi' ^ue in thehigh branches. In that little people, his
.children are but as che fir ftfmites : fothat euen b Ifraell they
^rebecooreas monftersandrpedacles of lattiazement. Then
fo it is indeedjtbat a man drawne out ofthe darkncfle of this
world, and illighcned with grace, is like a ftarre new created
in theskie, that di awes all ^e world to gaze vpon it, N ay,
&hedrawsnot onlysthteies of men tpoaHiin, bnrisan cie-
-fore vnto them. For thus fpeaketh the wicked ofthe righte-
ous man; Wi{d.-2,j^,i^. Jt gneH<?th w alfo ta Jgake vpen him^
^ftr-hiO'ltfe (M not. like otlrcr mef)s:hii <i»ixsjes art of another fajhioti.
■J^i^QWt^th iw M (>$i^^rdfyfahsd-i}eiPtthdrd^eth htnifilfe fronu
Mii^vfAj^s Ai from fisthitiejfe _i4Krc<fmmeftdcth iireaflj/ the /otter
e*td offbe-tf^si,a/id-ina^eth tfrnt God ii hid Father.
I^ourchly, the fbrman hypocrite is weil pleafed with his
[pfieTent ftatc^ and very vn willing to embrace moreforward-
-QeiTcjb^aufeit is rcoramonly thought, that the ihteofa.
true Chriftian indisede, 'is la life fall of vncomfottablenenbj
melancholy^ aufteritie,and fedneffe. The heart of man is na-i
turally greedy of ioy and contentment, ami is either weake-!
'ly ®r ftronglyrefreflied, according to the vanity (orfoundnes
jof the coaxfoitin wJiich itTCpofech, hut it muft either enioy
it in feme kinde and meafure, or it will walteandconfumeit
ielfe. Hence it is, thatthofe who want in ward and Ipirituall
ioy, arifingfrom theteftimony of agood confcicnce, from|
an afluranee of remifTIonofthcir fiiines and thefauowr of
God, huntafter worldly contentments and canmll ioyes. At
homein their awnc hearts they finde little cuojfort, rather
much terrour,iftheir confciencesawake; and therefore they
(ecke to reftefh thcmfelues amidtheirtreafLires,honours and
4ports;asPIayes, in Taueracs, with merry company, and
rmany other fiich miferabic comforters ^ nay, they had rather
he neceffarily imploy ed then folitary, not fomuchto auoidc
idlenefleasbitings of confcicnce. yea,fome bad rather ceafe
to be men, then that their confciences fliould awake vpon
diem jand therefore they labour to kccpe it afleepe, and to
I4rowne (arrow for finne, with powring in ofilrongdriake.
But let them lookc vnto it, thoogh it^ff ^iwwf/'/Mpw///^ yet
Kyi Djfcourfe of true happneffe.
lecretlyandinfenfiblyitftrengthens the rage, and Oiarpens
the fling ofthe Worme that neuer dies, againft the day ofj
their vifitation ; £01 in the ^(faith * Salomon) it rpillhitelike '
a, Serfent^and hurt Irke a Cockatrice.
This outward and worldly ioy, becanfe the children of
God doc not purfue ; becaiifc they will not relie vpon
thoi'e broken flaues of reed, they are efteemcd the onely
melancholikeand difcontented men. But I marucll when, or
with \\ hat eyes the worldhngs look vpon the faithfull Chri-
ftian I
It may be, while hec is yet in the {ore trauell of his new-
birth, and humbled vnder the mighty hand of God with af-
fiiclion ofconfcience for his fin.lfro,then they fhouldknow
that men muft mourne for their finnes,as one that mourneth
for his onely Tonne : and be foity for them, as one is forry for
the death of his firil borne. There mull: bee in them a great
mourning,as themourning of Hadadrimmoyj, in the valley of |
Megtddon : as it is ZAch, 1 2, f i . And this forro w is a bit fled
forrow, for it brings foorth immortality. And eitherthem-
f clues muft haue a part in it,orthey fliall neuer bee made par-
takers ofthe flilnesofioy at Gods right hand, What though
the Child of God lie fcr a night in the darkenefl'e of forrow
and weeping fcr his finnes ? marke a while,and the day will
dawne, and a day-ftarre will arife in his heait,that will neuer
fet, vnrill it hath condufled him vnto the light that no man
canattainevnto : ThcSunneof righteoufnefle willprcfer.tly \
appeare, and will dry away his teares, and with eucr-Iafting |
light will fliine vpon him for cuermore. )
But it may bee the worldlings take notice cucn of the i
whole courfe and beft ftate ofthe Child of God, and yet can I
(eenothif^grJiercin but vncomfortable ftriclnefle, and fad;
aufterity. But then I muft tell them, they looke onely vpon
him with carnalleyes and dcceiue themfelues : forfo indeed
he doth not appeare a boy fterousiV/Awc^, ordiffolute Ruf-
fler,amidthe vanities and delicacies ofthe worM ^ that h 'toX
Satansreuellers, who hauingf milingcountenances,but blee-
ding confciencesi glorious outfides, but within nothing but
E 5 rottennefle
L^ Difcourfe of true hap^im^e.
rottennefle and prophanenefle , much laughing when the
heartislbrrowfull. But if they wore able with illightned
eyes to pierceinto the inward parts of Gods Childe, they
ilioiild lie within, Hope already fcaftingvponthcioyes of
eternity : they fhould fee Faith holding fait the writings, by
whicluhe kingdomeofhcauen is conuey td vnto his foule,
fealcd with the precious blood of the Sonne of C^od j that
not ma;i nor deuill is able to wreft out of its hand ; They
Inould fee the white ftone mentioned in the Reuelation,
wherin there is a new name written, which no man knoweth
iauing he that receiueth it* Whence fpringeth fuch a ftrong
comfort and high refblution in the aftaires of heauen, that no
fword of the Tyrant, no flame of cruelty, nor the combinati-
onof heauen and earth fliall euer bee able to amaze, abate, or
Fifthly, the formall hypocrite doth more confidently
continue in a felfe-likiwg of his owneftate. though the ftate
ofvuregeneration j becaufe hee feeth thofe that ( befides his
outward forme of Rehgion ) are indued with an inward and
vnfeined fincerity in all their wayes, to be reputed but as the
oft-fcouring of all things, the fimple fcllowes and precife
fooles of the world. They haue indeed been fo accounted in
allages. For the hearts of wicked men being fluft with pro-
phanenefle and earthly pleafures, being (welled with ambiti-
on and worldly wifedome, ealily bring foorth pride and
contempt: And therefore they looke a farre off at the Chil-
dren of God, as at fellowes of bafe and negle(5ted condition,
oflow fpirits,of humble reibIutions,of weake minds,vnable
to manage aftaires and occurrents for their preferments, of
no dexterity to plant themfelues in the face and glory of
the world i when (God knowes)ifthey could be perfvvaded
that there were no heauen but vpon earth ; and that the po-
wer and exercifeofgodlinefle were nothing but an vnnecef-
fary precifenefle ; if they would enlarge their confciences
proportionably to the vaft gulfe of the times coniiptions j
if they durft make a couenant with death, and an agreement
with hell, and put the euiil day farre from them ; fure they
cxf Difeourfe of true hapfineffe.
might out-ftep many of theft great Ones in their Proiefls o^
policie,an(ithe precedencies of the world: but fith they can-
not, they dare not, they will neiier by the grace of God bee
fo perfwaded; they arc well content with their continnall
feaftj a good confcience; while the others are fatted with
their wine and thiir corne, and their oylc , againfl: the day of
flaughtenAndthen at that day they wil change their minds:
Forgoe,! befeechyoiijintothc fanfliiarie of the Lord, and
vnderfland their end ; they are now vpon the ftage of this
world in their fiill glory ^ but wcrethey as mighty as Leuia-
than, as cruel! as Dragons ; could they rcare their honours to
the height of the clouds, nay, aduance their thrones aboue
befide the ftarres ofGod,yetthey mufl: down, they haue but
onepartto p'ay, they mull make their beds in the duft ; and
then when they arc once difroabed of their greatnefle and
gIoiy,and ftript naked of their honours and preferments,and
without all mitigation by worldly comforts, left vnto the
full rage of a flinging confcience ; then they change their
note, and alter their iu dgements, and figh for gnefe of mind,
and (dLj within themfclucs : Th^fe are they whom wee fome-
timchad m derifion,and in a parable of reproach : wcfooles
thought their life madnefle, and their end without honour.
How arethey counted among the children of God, and their
portion is among the Saints ! Therefore we haue erred fi'om
the v/ay oftruth,andthe light ofrighteoufhefle hath not fhi-
ned vnto v- s,and the Sun of vnderftanding rofe not vpon vs ;
we haue wearied our felues in the way of vvickednefTe and
deflmclionjand we haue gone thorow dangerous wayescbut
we haue not knowne the way of the Lord.
Biit here by the way I mull giue this caucat, left I be mi-
j ftakcn in thisiaft point, or that which followes :I doenot
diuide ( by neceflary and ineuitablediuorce)greatnefle aixi
godlineffc, holinvlTcand high' places ^ God forbid:! make
bctwixtihem no other oppoiition then Dauid doth in the
75. Pralme, himftlfe being moft holy and molt honourable.
I rachcr infinitely dcfire to infiame the noble and worthy
Ipiritsof ail thole whom the Lord hath aduaaced in gifts, in
E 4 ^greatneflbj
t^ Difcenrfe of true happmeffe:
greatneffCjin honours, in gouernment, or any kind of prece-
ckncie aboue their brethren, to a proportionable excellen-
cic of zealeandfancflification. For certainely as power ,poii-
cie,authority,being abiifcd, and not fan ctified to the owners,
become in the rneane time, ftrong pillars for the fupporting
of the kin^dome ofdarkenefil-,pe[l:ilent inftrumcntsofmach
mifchiefe, and hereafter fhall bee ibundlypaied home with
ananfwerable degree oFextraordii;»aiy vengeance, horrour,
and torment : fojgreat wiftdomj,great kno vvicdgt',great iio-
nours, bei.ig imployed impartially, rcfolutely, and vnrefer-
ucdly, in folliciting and furthering the cauils of God, in
ftrengthening the cold and languifhing ftateofhis Religion,
in refreshing the heaits of his Saints, vvhich ordinarily are op
prcft and difgraced by the crudciei- ofp'ophane men,proc'jre
in the meant time,great honourtohis gieatname,gr^atgood
vnto his Church, gnat ioy vnto his Angels, great comrort
vntothe roulesoftheowncrs;and faireii^' biigliter crowncs
of glory to their heads m the world to come. A nd io 1 come
to the
Third rcafon, whereby the formall hypocrite doth falie-
ly perl wade himfelfe to Dein the ftate of trne happinefle and
faluation : and that is an outward happinefie and lucceflc in
worldly matters,much plejity andprolperit)' in his outward
ftate. Fo thus hee reafonsin his owne thoughts, and playes
thecunning Sophifter to deceiue hisowne feu e. The Lord,
thinkes he with himfelfe, hath maaieiloufly encreafcd me in
riches and honours, Ik; hath ftrangely continued vnto mc my
health and hearts defires; The iecret influence of his blel-
fing hath frill followed and profpered mee in all my bufi-
neffes and affaires ; therefore doth heconclude, vndoubtedly
lamprotededfrom aboue, my ftate is the ftate of grace,
thefe many louing fauours muft needes argue, that I am in
high fauour with God, and thefe outward blelTings are
fignes that my ieniices are landifiedand accepted of him^
But in the Schooles we ftiould tell him, that this is a fallacie
anencanfa. For all outward happinefles areforfpcciall rea-
fbns, and by particular indulgence more often, and very
' plentifully
i^ Bifcourfe of true happmeffe.
plentifully in this world vouchrafed to the wicked aixl pro-
phane.This appeares,Ier. 1 2,v^v{.i.2.JVh(refore doth the vay
of the vptcked prcjper ? Whj Are all they in neaiih that rebelli'-ufly
tranfgre^e ? Thou hafi ^lar.ted them^ ^.ndthej haue taken roote •
they grovr and bring foorth fiuite. Mai. 3. 1 5. Suen they that
' VI orke vickedncj[e are fetvj)^a)id they that tempt Gcd, yea they
are dcltuered, lob. 21.7, &:c. therefore doe the vricked liue
andrvaxe olde, andgrovo in -wealth f Thetrjeede is (fiahltjhedw
their jlaht niih them^af-'d theiy generation before their eyes. Their
houfes are peaceable, and the rod of God i^ not vpon them. They
fendfoorth thei^ children iikefbecfe^ and their fans darKe. They
take the Tabret and Harpe^ and retoyce m the fmnd ef the Or-
gans. Let him therefore, that thus concludes the happinefTe
of his foule from his worldly profperity,k^o^v• and confidcr,
thatas the end and reward of thegodly and wickedisdiftb-
rentin place and nature f the one being the higheft hcanens,
andthehigheftaduancementofthe foulc^ tothcfulneffe of
glory and bliflc ; the other the loweft hell, and the very ex-
tremity of the greatcftmiferies and vexations, which a crea-
te, d nature can poHibly endure •• ) So experience of all times
tcacheth vs, and heauenly luilice requiicsa contrary manner
ofpaflage and proceeding to thefe ends.
The wicked in this world doe eafily runne vp without rub
or interruption, many times with acclamation and applaufc,
all the golden fteps of honours and preferments; but vpon
the higheft ftaire they find the moft flippcrie ftanding, and
the top oftheir earthly felicitie is the raoft immediate and
certainedefcent vnto theirgieatell: downfall. They are roy-
ally mounted hetre vpon earth, and giUop fwiftly ouerthe
faireand greeneplainesofplentie and pleasures ; but at the
end oftheir race they are ouerturned horfe and man, and
tumbled headlong into the pit ofdeftrudion. They fairely
glide outrthe leaof this world with flill faile, with much
calmcnefffcandferenitie, and richly laden; but in the brigh-
teft Sunftiine, andwhentheyleaftfulpedit, theyfuddeftly
and without recouerie, finkeinto thegulfecfdarkenefleand
K^ Difcourfe of true hapf)im(fe.
But it is iuft otherwife with the children of God, for they
many times in this their pilgrimage, ftickefaftiathe mirie
clay ofpoutrtieand contempt ; fometimes they are inclofed
euen in a horrible pit, as Dauid fpeakes, of fcare and terrour
of confcience for their finiies. They are by the u'ay compa-
nions to Draj^onsand Oftriches, they walke among Rebels,
thornes, and Scorpions, that rent and tearc,andfl:ing them
with many opprelTions and cruell flanders. Neither is the
danger in the way all i they haue perfecutors which are
fwifter then the Eagles of the heauen, who piirfue and hunt
them vpon the mcuntaincs euen like Partridges; and lurkc
for them in the wilderncfle, as thofe that lie in waite for
blood. Nay, yet befides all thefe vexations from the world,
theimmediate malice of hell raiieth manytempcfts often-
tationagainft them, and fometimes euen all the wanes and
floods of God himfelfegoe oner their heads.This is the way,
the race, andtheeucningof Gods children in this world;
but ioy comes in the morning, their end is peace, their re-
ward is a bright mof ning-ftarre, their haiien is endkfl'e hap-
pinefi'e and hfe eternal!.
The reafons of this contrary ftate and condition of the
wicked and godly in this life,may be thefe.Firft>forthe fiou-
rilliin?, of the wicked.
One reafbn may be, the notable cunning and policie of Sa-
tan,in plotting and contriuing the profperity of thofe, whom
hepercciuesand hopes it willininare,&: in whofe harts it be-
gets hardiies,pride,infoIency,and forgetting of God- For we
muft vndcrftand, that the deuill euer proportions his traines
and tentations mofl exadly, euen at a haires breadth, to
the tempers,humors,anddifpofitionsof mcnJf he meet with
an ambitious and working ipirir, he is wellenough content
to lighten him the way to hell, with fome ray or beame of
allthat great glory of the world which hee offered Chiift, if
hee will fall downe and worfhip him . Little cares hc,fo that
hqinaykecpea manfaftinhisholdvntill theday ofexecuti-
v on,whether in the meane time hee lie in a lower dungeon of
dilcontented letiredneffe, cr in the golden fetters of ibme
' more
i^ Difconrfe of true iMfpinejfs.
inore honorable ferukiide and glorious miferie. If hee meete
with a bafe and earthly-minded feIIow,that preferresa h'ttle
tranfitorictraih before the precioufnefle of hisovvnefoule,
and the lafting trcafures of immortalitie ; why,hee can eafily
prouide a golden wedge, and caft in his way to inrich him •
hcc can compafTe for him, though by bloody meanes and
mercikflc enclofurc, ^Naboths vineyard to inlarge his pof-
fellions.For all is one to him,fohe keepe him hiso\vn,vvhe-
: therby wantand poueity hee driue a man to impatienci",
murmaringand independencie vpon theprouidence of God j
or by heaping vpon him abundance of wealth,ar,d filling him
a full cup of rcmporall happincffe, hee caft him into a deepe
fleepe of caniall ftcurity, and a fenfekfnefle in all matters of
fandification and faluation.
Sut whereas Satan hath found by much experience, that
fuch as are fenced with riches and honours, doe many times I
falfely afllime vnto themfelues a conceit ofgreatntfle and i
goodnefle, of protedion and immunitie from dangers j ^o \
that they are more fearelefle of the iudgements of God, be- ;
caufe they are not plagued like other men ; more carelcfle of i
floring themfelues with fpirituall comfort againft the day of
vifitation, bccaufe they are in the meane time plentifully en-
•compafied with worldly contentments; more regardlefle and
negiediue of the miniftry ofthe Word, bccaufe they would
not willingly betoimented before their time; therefore, I
fay, hcefollowes with more hope and better iuzQt& this
tentation by profperity : And the rather, becaufe erodes, af-
flidionsandheauy accidents, are many times liuely inftru-
clioPiS and compulfionsto bringa man tothe knowledge of
God and himlelfe ; to abandon all confidence in earthly
things, and to embrace the molt comfortable and heauenly ,
ftate ofti ue Chi idians. W hereforc if any man be content to
ffand for Satans kingdcmc, either byopenandprofeflim-
pietie, or by cloie conueiances ard iccretpradices andcon-
niuencyjhe will be Jure to prepare, incline and difpofeall oc-
cafions, mtancs and circi;mftanccs for his aduancement into
reputation with the world. And how potent he is \\\ thefe
(^ Difcourfe of true haj>pneffe.
cafes, you may conceiue, fithhefwaycs the corruptions of
the time, fith he rules and raignes m the hearts and aftedions
ofthe moft men ; and is eucr the arch-plotter in all Smionia-
call, indirect, corrupt and vnconfcionable confultations and
Thefccond reafbn ofthe flourifliing ofthe wicked in this
Iife,is their large & vnlimitcd confciences: For if a man once
haue io hardned his heart, by often grieuing the good Spirit
of God, and repelling his holy motions , ifhee haue once fo
darkened the eie of his coufcienccbyofcring violence to the
tcndernefle, and negleding thechcckes thereof, that hcecan
tiow entcrtaine and ciigcft without fcruple or reluftation, a-
ny meanes, thouglTiieuer fo indired ; any condition, though
neuer fo bafe ; any aduantagc, though ntuer fo vnconfciona-
ble or diHionorablc i it will be eafie enough for him to thriue
in the wcrldand raife himfelfe.
For whatjl pray yo'.i,Avere notthcPapifts now able to do,
whohaue enlarged their confciences like hel ? aVjthey haue
ftretchtdthem beyond the whole coriipaiTe of all helliOi
darkcneffe, eueninto a vault of their owne; what, I fay,
were not they able to doe, except they werecountermanded
by that irrefragable, eternall,and particular Decrrc of God,
thdX Baby I o}tmui\ now downeasirrecouerably, as the great
milflone in the Reuelatton C2.{}iw\'ih violence into the fea?
Why certainly they were able by thJr policies & principles,
notonely to re-eftabliilitheu' former Antich rift ian tyrannie,
but to caftthc who'e Chriftian world,nay,this and the other
vvcrid, &: the whole frame of nature intocombuftion, darkc-
nefle,andconfufion. And no maruell ; for thcle fellowes con-
fciences can v^-ithcut rtmorfe digefteuen the lacrcd bloun
of Kings, and {wallow down€ with delight the ruincs aad
dcfblations of whole kingdomcs. 1 heir bloody liiperftition
hath fo quite and fcarefully extinguifhtall fenie ofcommon
honeftie, and put out the light oFnaturallequitie, and the
common notions of right and wrong ; thaJt they broach w ith
boldfaces the curfedpoyfon of Equiuocatioi), thedeuilsold
impofture in Oracles, a very ftraight pailage to damned
i^ Difcmrfe of true happineffe.
Atheirme,andthe diflblutionof all humane fociety ;'that to
themthebreadhbfthelawcsofGod, ofnature,and nations,
is meritorious, and woitby canonization; ^f it (erueany way
to the aduancement of their execrable idolatry, to fhercpai-
ring of their decaying J?«^^7^<^, and to rearc their Itti/iaft I-
dsli.thePrtefiofRome^ yct a little higher abouc all that is
Inthis refpecflthen, tliat the wicked dare enlarge their
confcieiicestothevtmoft bounds of any pleafiire, gaine or
preferment, they haue great aduantage'for the engroffing of
all worldly happineffcjand may eaflly purcliaiea Monopoly
ofwithly profperity.'Out ofthis widencs ofconfciencejpro-
ceed much mincing and excufing, many interpretations, fa-
uourdble conftrudions, a4id diftindlions of finnes. As for
example, that Vfiirie is of two forts, biting, and toothlefle;!
when all kinde of Vfurie is peftilent, and moft certainely
damned in tlieBookcofCod. That Simonie is cither buy-
ingthe gifts of the holy Ghoft, or buying Church-Uuingsj
as though this latter were not fo fcule and enormous. When]
it is able in lliort time, to bring a curfe and confufion vpon
the mofl: glorious and beftfetled Church in the world. That
oflye$,fomeareperniciou>s, fome are officious, and for a
grcatergood ; when as encn the learned Schoole-men, who
are far enough from precirene(re,hold eucry kind oflie to be
a fin indifpenfablejwhe as A»flin that worthy father & great
difpnrer, admits not a lie for the faluation of a mans loule,
which is far more woiththen the whole world; N^y,when
a man isnottotclla liefor the glory ofGod,asitappcareth,
IcB 1 3. then which there can be no greater good.Of Oathcs,
that fome arc greater and more bloody ; fome are lefTer, or-
dinary and more tolerable ; as though cuflomc and com-
monnefle made thefe latter excufable, and vnpnnifliabl^
when as the plague of God hangs continually oncrthchead
of what fwearer foeuer, ready euery houre tofcaze vpon
him, and finkehim downe into the bottome of hell. The
flying booke of Gods curfe and vengeance fliall enter into
the houfe of the fwearer.and Ihallnotonely cut- hied off,but
Chap, a J.
K^ Difconrfe sf true happineffe.
ihall confume the very timber thereof, and the flones therc-
of.Ncirher doth this plague reft within priuatc walle.s,but it
waftes the glory and profperity of whole kingdomes. Be-.
CAtife ef 0£f.thes{{z.''j^leremie^ the land moHrneth, and the
fleafant places of the vfildemeffe are dried vp: nay, if it were
;j po0ible that the breath of the fwearer iliould reach vnto tl>c
heauens,it would tiien ftainc the glory of the ftarres, and rot
thofefaire and imniprtall bodies, it isinfedled with fucha
canker and peftilencie ; and ^o imniediatly ftrikes at the face
of Almighty God. Many other fiichlewde diftindlions of
linnes there are,framed and followed by the fenfiiall,grecdy,
andambitioi« aff-l'clTiionsof prophane men j that they may
more pltafingly tothemfeliies, and more plaufibly to the
w^orld, compafle their ends and defires. No maiuell then
thoHgh they haj^ie the wicked world at will.
The third reafon of the flouriflimgof the wicked, is, be-
caufe ihcy are men of this world j and therefore they haue
oneiy their portion and full felicity here. Their heauen is vp-
on earth : their pleafurcsin their life time with the rich man
intheGofpeil. For as the euerlafting coucnant of inward
peace,grace^ndglory,ispeculiarly cofirmed to the children
of the Spirit ; fo, maiy times in great meafnre the temporall
promifes of outward happineflcsare performed vpon the
children of the ficlh. When God had eftabliflicd vpon ifaac
the euerlafting promifes of .one, mtrcy, and bleftednes : yet
he was content to make 775«W a great man vpon tarth. Con-
£erntng Ifmael(^ faith he to Ahrah^.m^j I hauePjeard thee • I9, 1
h.AHe.bie^ed him, and will make him pmtfhil, andtvfH mnltiply
himexc^edinglj.TTvelHe ' rinces Jhall hc\heqet ,and In'ill make a
great Natisn. of him.
JF9iirtHy,andIaftly, the profperity of the wicked makes
Jt^vminare.inejfairable> and their damnation more iiift be-
• foxc the , Ixibunaii oFGod. For it is iuft with h im to bring a
:gfjcattr.ine;a,Uire of tribulation andanguilli vpon them, in
lyhom his many fauoarsand -ouing kindneftes haue brought
fi^fthjynthank.fuine?&. rebellion; 6. that wrath is moft iuftly
jraa|jii^e|^Yj>oa tl;ieirneads, which by, deipiliug theriches of
Ux^ Difconrfe tftrue haj>pme(fe.
hisboimtifulnefTe, and patience and long fufFcrance, leading
them to repentance, they haue heaptvp as a trcaiurevnto
•themfeluesagainfttheday of wrath, and of the declaration
oftheiiiftiudgemcnt of God.
You haue heard the rcafons of the happine (Te of the wic-
ked in this life :but it is not fb with Gods children. For they
'^muftmoumein this vale of teares while the world reioy-
ctth. And as the wicked are fild and fatted with, worldly
happineffeandplentie, againft the day of wrath • fb Gods
children muft be prepared and fitted with afflidions,forthe
glory w hich iliall be reiicaled. They are fliortly to become
inhabitants ofthat great and glorious Citie, whofe founda-
tions are precious ftonts, whofc gates are MargariteSjWhofe
ftreetes are pure gold, as the fiiinmg glaflej-they muft bee
companions of the blefled Angel s,andftand in the prefence
ofthat great and facrcd Maieftie; and therefore in this life
they miift be caft into the Lords ftirnace, that in the fire of .
afflidion they may bee more and more purified from earth- i
linefleandcoiruption; andfo with holinefle and humilitie ;
prepared for that high pcrfedion of heauenly beautie, gloric i
and biiffe. Let euery godly man then with comfort and be- f
nefit vndergoe thofe crofles which the->Lord layeth vpon !
him : for they are vnto him as looking glades, wherein God
fees his faith and depcndance vpon his proudience j the
World his patience and conflaiKie ; himfelfe the {pots of his
fbule, his decayesofgracc, the breaches of his confciencc,
hisncglcdofthedutiesofbis calling, bis coldnelTe in reli-
giousferiiices, his fall from his firlt loue : So that by them,
God is pleafcdand glorified, others edified and inftrufted,
himfelfe humbled, rccouered by repentance, and more fan-
Ihaueftaicd long vpon the thirtl rtafon of the formaU
hypocrites falfe perl wafion of being inflate of grace. The
rcafon is bee? ufeciuiil hcneflie, performance of outward
duties ofReligion, and worldly profperitie faceting tc^Cr
ther in an vnrcgenerateman, many times breed a very ffrong
conceit ofhis being the child of God j and an obfiinate im-
(^ Difcourfe of true happmefe.
patiency o€hearkening' and ftepping forward to grace, or
anyfiirriier perfedion. I come now to the fourth reafon,
whereby the formall hypocrite doth felfely perfwade him-
felfetobeeintheftateoftrue happinefleand faUiation, and
that is :
A mifconceit ofGodsIuftice,and a ftrayningatid racking
of his mercy beyond his truth and ' promife ; fo making the
way to heauen broader then the Scripture hath made it, and Ij
himfclfemore blcfled then he is indeed. Mans heart is natu-
rally empoyfoned with pride and hypocrifTe, and therefore
is hacdlydrawnehcartilytoacknowledgethe horrible vgli-
ncsof his finnejor thatGods proceedingagainftit with fuch
waight' of vengeance ififequall. Hence comes much indiil-
genccand partiall cenflutng of our owne finnes,transftrring
themvpon allui-ements, occafions,circnmftances,necefTitie
and the like : much leflhiingand impairing Gods iuftice, but
amplifying his mercies, euon to theiceuring of vnwarrantar
ble courfes. Adam immediately aftcr-his fall fliifteth o0iis
finne vpon his wife;nay,heis fo blindin fpirituall uidgement
ofdiuinepuritic, that rather then hewillcrieguiltie,he will
fafteaithefeiiltbyconrcquent vpon- God himfelfe: Thevfo-
Oen 3* I »■ ftMrti faidl he, whtchtheH.ga*iefl'to be ivtth me, Jhee geute mee of
theTji^0i(»id Idid e*(te. So gladly would fenfuall men per-
fwadethemfelueSjthatcithertheir finnes defernc not fb ftrid:
account and great indgemenrs j or that God dothexercife
to.Q much rigour in infliding them. Forout of their worldly
wifedomethey meafure andefteeme the vnfpotted and infi-
nite Ocean of the iuftice of God, by the finite, muddieand
itQpij:fedftreame of humaneiuftice. Lawes aadconftituti-
onsof ftatesaad kingdom^s are bridles to airbe and mode-
rate our corruptions, that wee become fociable and peacea-
ble.} but they- ait offonely from the Body politicke by finall
exccutioiijthofethat are of notorious and defperate condi-
ticnpjrach as arcThe«ies, Muithercrs, Traitors and the like.
A-vei^ proportionable conceit, lam pcrfwadcd, of diuine
lufticeandcoraminationsintheLaw of God, Iiirkesin the.
hearts of many-5 they thinkcthatthofefinnes thatarife ine-
^ uitably
o^ Difcourfe of true hafpneffe.
^litably out ofour corrupt nature, or that are committed by
ft rong tentation, or that are leiTe pernicious, are, I know
not how naturally pardonable ; and that if they bee oF the
ciuillcribrtjifthey be outwardly conformable in their lines,
and harbour good meanings and intentions in matters of
Reh'gion, though they nener trouble themfelues vvithmore
ftridncfle, and a courfe ofrandification,yet theythinke that
.'God will be mercifull in the .end, and that it will \goc well
»cnou^h with them , and that onely feUovves of infamooi
'note, liich as are Swearers, Liers, Vfur.ers, Adulterers and
fthe like, fliall be excluded finally out of hcauen. But I would
jhaue thefe men know, that though the Sea of Gods mcrcie
ibe bottomlefle, though the promifes of grace be many and
precious ; yet not one drop of all that great fea, not oil€ iot
^ofall thofe gracious promifes, belongs to any, {aue onely
vnto him that groanes andfighesvndertheheauie waight
jand burthen of his finnes; that is of a broken and contrite
'heart, cbattreniblcsat his Word, that vndlffefnbledly for-
frowes and repents for all his finnes, forfakes them, and re-^
fignesvphioifelfe in holy obedience to all his Conlmande-
ments. I would hauethem know, that he is as infinitely iuft,
:as he is infinitely mercifull, and willas certaincly pbwre al!i
the plagues and curfes in his bookevpon the impenitent fin-;
ner,as he will performe all his promifes of grace to the fajth-"
full Chriftian. V ".
The fifth reafon whereby the formal hypocrite dotfa jfalfly
perfwade himfclfe to be truly happy, and(fo by confequent)
that keeps him fhortofthe ftate ofgrace,may be this;Wheii
by fbmegood motion of Gods fpirit ftiired vp in hiniby the
preaching of the word,he begins to fetandaddrefie himfclfe
to a fandified vfe andcxerciieofRch'giouj'and to a faithful!
and conftanc courfe of true holhicfle indcecje., heiprefentjy
meets with a fore and ftrong oppofitioofey l^is ownanward[
corruptions, by tentations ofSatan, and vexations from the
world I which hepercciuing, andbeir^very fenfible of fuch
fiidden diii[Rrhat%ce fixMa hif for^inej:; .f^ct^^/tie, pe:xf>y^q
'' himfcljfe,thit tbepafiagetiJbgraqc isiiot-fpifpugli ju]d &
F flerous
o</ DifcGurfe uf true /jappmeffe.
flcrous;and therefore retires and rcpofeth himlelFe vpon his
fbrmall Chriftiapitie, as the beft ftate he fees any poflibilitie
of attaining vnto. Biitif hcwilHaue his foiilc, he mull: ac-
knowledge & fceleby his owne experience the truth ofthat
faying of Il'ai. 59. IJ. Hee that refraineth frof/t eutU, fTitiketh
htmfelfe a -prej. For what child of God is there truly coiiuer-
ted, who at the very firft ftep out of the world, and the vani-
ties chereof,met not with many croflesand difcouragements?'
He knowes, and may remember fiill well whofoeucr hcc be,
how his owne flefli fretted when it felt it felfe fnafHed and
guided by the Law of the Spirit} how by making confci-
enccbf(inne,he laid himfelfe more open to the aduantages,
wronpsand rnfultation s of his enemies ; how the compani-
on^ of his former lewdnefl'e and iiiiquitie railed and raged
againft him, as againft an Apolbra from good fellowlhip
and high refoUition. And Satan, thathemiy giueedge and
vigour to all thefe vexations, hv; bufily beftirres himfelfe,and
caUs,about to hinder our conuerfion. While a prifoner lies
in a dungeon fall: in fetter5,the lay lor is quiet and lecure; but
ifhe once knocke off his bolts, brcake the pi-ilbn and efcape,
there is prefently a tumultuous clairiour in the houfc, the
Country is raifcd, and hce is folio vyed with Hw and Crye :
Eucn fb while \ve lie quietly in the captiiiity of finne, vndcr
the chaines of eternal 1 death, hee neithei* difquiets himfelfc
nor vs.- But ifby the mercies of God we be once enlarged,
and fetfoote into the liberrie and light of grace: why then all
the powers ofhell are prefently inarmcs and vprore, and
tv^th^uch malice and fur ie the in ftniments of darknciVc are
fttonfooteto regaiuevs into his kingdome- This point ap-
p^ares in the fifth of the Canticles : Our blefled Sauicur is
there faidto ihnd at the doore and knocke, being full of the
precious dew and drops of diuine grace, and waiting pati-
ently inthecoldanddilrkeneireofthc night- but yet we fee,
what adoe and ftirre there is with the Chriftian foulcbefore
fliee can get out of the bed of pleafures andvanitie; the
fweetneife of finne arid fenfualitie had fo deepely pofleft and
bewitbhcd her, that by her excufes and delaycs (hee hazards
K^ Difeourfe of true hapfimffe.
(o, great faluation and happineffe, tendered vntohcr by her
Spoufc. Yea, and at lengi:h,aFter fhe is refbliied to renounce
Her plcafures, and in fome good meafure hath conquered
her inward corrLiptions,(b that iLec opens the dooie and fol-
lowes Chrift ; befides other troubles and encombrances (hee
findes abroad, the very watchmen that fhould haiie told her
the way and dire(fled her after her fpoure,euen they fet vpon
her,and fmite her, and wound her, and take away her vaile.
Enery man thenthat will come vnder the banner ofChrift,
and haue part in the conqucft, muft,,, together with the new
man, put on a Chriftian courage, both to tame and repreffe
the i-ebel! ions of his owne fiefh, and to withftandandrcpell
! allaults and perfccutions from abroad,
I The fixth reafan, wherby the fbrmall hypocrite doth felf^
ly perfwadc himfelfc to be in fta-eof true happinefTcjmay be
an obfemation of the death and iinds of other men ;whofe
iiues, he perfwades himfelfe coi '50 fhort of thole perfedions
and degrees of goodncfle he fin les in himfelfe. As if he take
notice of a notorious finnei*, w^io vpon his deaths-bed by a
perfunflorie {hew of penitencie, and fome formall eiacwla-
tions for mercic & pardon, makes the world beleeue he dies
aSaint.Orifheobfeructheendofan honeft ciuill man, yet
neuer acquainted with the power of grace, to bee quiet,
peaceable, and confident, without impatiencic, feare orde-
fpaire^ he prcfently out of a comparatiue examination of his
owne ftate,( which he findes not onely free from notorious
finnes, but befides morall honefty,graced with outward re-
ligioulhes ) I lay, he prefently conceiues his owne workes in
refped of theirs, to be workes of fupererogation y his owne
life ceitainely to be without all exception, and fo himleife
without all danger of damnation. And this conceit is nota-
bly confirmed, if there follow Ibme glorious and flattering
Panegyricke of funeral! commendation. For then he holds
ihealTuranceofhishappinciretobefealed vnto him by the
mouth of the Minifteriand lb with refolution and ubflinacy>
ftickesfaftinthisprerentftate,andwillnofnrther. .
Miftake me notin thislaft point, belouedinChrift lefus:
F 2 ^^ For,
*But let
no man
I felle prc-
I fumptu-
. oufly vpon
j this com-
out COR(i>
the condi-
tion: for
lit if thus
I in the text:
Sitr tfthe
dtlbU finu
thdt he hath
dnte, and
kfCfe nil my
ftdtutei, *nd
doe tbdt
which U
tdwfuU dnd
right y bee
liuey 4Hd
fhdU H»t diti
t^ Difcenrfe of trut hap^ineffe:
^or.firfljdocnotgoe about to confine the bound lefle and
Unlimited mercies of God, nor abfolutely to exclude repen-
tance from the deaths-bed. I know that precious truth regi-
ftr^d mEtechiel: * At Wartime foeuer a Jtftner, ^c. like a
Pearle in a Ring,and a ftarrc in his Oi-be, fhines,atnongft ma-
ny other gmcious promiftfs in the Booke. of God, with (p-S'
ciaH coiniblt, vnfpcakabk and glorions, vpon the darkened
and drooping fouleofeuery true penitent, at what time ioc-
iier.But yetthisi fayVn this pointy That any raanthat knows
and isacqnainted rightly and tmelywitli the narrowntfTe of
'theWfaytoheauen,the nature of Gods i'iTlice, the cunning
fldights ofSatan, the diiJicultie of true repentance,how fear-
fully mans heait is haitiened by cuilome and continuance h
finne jhe would not deferre his repentance to his old age, or
deaths-bed for ten thoufand worlds. I addethis .• That
Asafuddendeathinrefpedoftime; or a death, where-
in appeares much impatiencie, fiercenefle, and vncomfor-
tablc behauiour, by reafon ofthe qualitie of the difeafe, or
fome extraordinary tentation for thetim?, or that God will
bee fo glorified, by iuftlyhardningthe wicked, may bee the
waty to euerlafting happineffe : lb a lingring, patient, and
lamb-like death, may bee a paflage to endlefle woe and mi-
ferie. For that great iudgtment is to parte vpon ourfoules,
not according to the ftrangeeft-edls and fymptomes of our
ficknefTcjUot according to the fhoit moment and violent paf-
fions of our death ; but according to the aflionsof our
health, the former aftedtions of our hearts, and the generall
Secondly, I would by no meanes beetoo bufie or vncha-
ritablein my iudgement vpon thofe, which haue already
ftoodorfalnctotheirov/nemafter. But as I efteeme that
crueltie and malice moftlauage and vile that isdifchargcd
vpon the body, or good name ofthe dead; fo I would hane
alfo a charitable conceit follow the foulc ofthe departed, ib:
farrc as Ipirituall wifcdome, a good confcience, diuine truth,
the glorie of God,thc (afctic ofthe foiiles of the liuing, will
giuc leauc : But no further. 1
, ThiEdlyJ
K^ Difcourfe of true hapfmeffe.
Thirdly, neither doe I miflike or condcmne Fiinerall Ser-
mons ; I could rather wifli, that asthe death of his Saints li
precious in the fight of God, fo, that it might be glorious in
the eyes of men. I could rather defire,that the iuft praifeSjand
true finceritie of the child of God were publiflied euen by
ibmcSeraphicall tongue; that botli the glory of his graces
might pafle along and lliine bright to all pofteritie ; and that
fuch a fire of zeale for imitation, might bee inkindled m the
hearts of all the hearers, ( efpecially the prefent occafion ma-
king their mindes more capable of perfvvafion)that they paf-
fing thorow the fame courfe of holineflc, might at length ht
made partakers of the fame happincfle with the Saints of
God. . '...■: r/./ji-!;.;.i
Only m thefe cafes I would haue that fpiritupll difcretion>
truth, and confciencevfed, that neitherthe godly bee iuftly
grieucdandoftendcd, the wicked heartnedand hardncd in
their coiuies,and faHc conceit ofhappineflc; nor the faithftil-
nes and fincerity of the Miniftery difgrlced and fcandalized.
Thus fiire I haue laid open vnto yoihthe Itate of formall
hypocrifie : in which may concurre immunitie from notori*
oiislinnes,allnaturallandmorallperfcdions, admirable va-
rietieoflcarning,policie, and all other acquired ornaments '
ofthe minde : an outward performance of all duties of religi-
on, fbme mcafure of inward illumination, reft mblance and
fhadow of the whole body of true regeneration, and a per-
fvvaf:6(as you haue now laft heardjof being in fratc of giacc.
Euen thus farre a man may goe in the profellion of Chriftian
Religion, and yet be a ftranger from the power of faith, and
from the lifeof godlinefle, I now come by rtafons and ar-
guments to difabie itinthofe points which haue notbecn^
touched, for challenging any interefl: in the true happineflc
of a man. And firft to prouc,that a performance of outwai'd
duties of Religion, without the power of grace vpon the
fbule,andan vniuerfallfanflification in allthe faculties there-
of, cannot produce any {^ouwdi comfort in the heart, or accep-
tation with God. •
Myfirftreaibn is that Principle generally receirted ijvtith
F3 aU
(_xf Difcourfe §f true hap^ineffe.
all fchooleDiuines; and very found and Orthodox in true
Diuinity. The iniquitie,defccis,or exorbitancy of any paiti-
cular, of one circumftancc makcch an adion euill : but an
abfbluteintegricie of ail concurrents- is required to make a
good workc acceptable to God, comfortable and profitable
to a Chriftian : The end muft be good, the glory of<jodi the
action it leife in it ovvne nature muit be iuPc and warrantable,-
the circumftances honeftandfeafonable; the meanesdircd:
and lawfull j the fountainc, the heait,{incere and lan^f^ified. If
this laft be wanting cfpecially, though other wife it beni^uer
fo glorioufly conueyed, iieiier fo wifely managed, of neuer fo
goodly a (hew to the eyes of the world j yet it is not onely
marred and defaced, and no aftion of grace, but odious and
abominable in the fight of God. TheMoralifts by the light
of nature faw a truth proportionable to this, euen in the
adions of vertue: The truth and worth whcrof they did ccn-
fure and efleeme, not by the bare outward adion, but by the
inward, free and independent vprightnefle of the mindc;
And therefore to an aftiontruely vertuous they required a
refolued knowledge, an irrefpediue and aduifed freedomc
offpirit, a conftant and eafic habit of the minde, an entire
louetothefairenefl'eof vcrCue. So that whatloeuer honeft
adionsfprungfrom pafTion, huaiour, feare, refpecfl, ambi-
tion or the like jthey accounted vertuous and good, onely
by accident and occafion, not inwardly and eflentially :
Whereupon they hold, that many great and honorable at-
chiuements of ancient Worthies amongft the Heathens,
howfbeuer they vrere admirable in the eyes of men, andbe-
neficiall to the publike State ( for Ibmetimes out of fomt
fiidden cleuation of fpirit, or pang of vainc-gbry, they
were euen prodigalloftheir lines and blood, for the good
and deliuerancc oftheir Country : ) yet to the authors and
adlorsthemfelucs they were not the true workes of ver-
tue, but of ambition, andadefire of immortall fame> It is
cuai fo in the higher adions of grace and religion: Befidcs
the outward performancCjiGod requires finctritie of lieart,
aadtratfa in the inward parts, to make them graciais and
(_x/ Difeourfe ef true hapfineffe.
acceptable. And hovvfoener other-vvife they may purchaf^
themanameamongftmen, profpcritic in the world, fomc
lefTe torment in hell, and procure good viito others ; yet ex-
cept they proccede from a faith vnfaintd, and a pui'e confci-
encCj to the Chriftiansthemfelues, in refped^of ail heauenly
happineiTcjthey arc fruitleflc and vnprofitable.
Myfccond proofc is out of the 5. o'c'WI'SLt.th.Sxcepjour
nghteeiifne^e exceed thertghteeufne^e of the Scribes and Pha-
\rifies^je p^allr^ot enter into the klKgdozne ef heauen. The out-
I ward righteoiilhefre of the Scribes and Pharifies was ft-
! moiis in thofetimes, and much admired : So that if God did
I not principally refpe(5t the heart; if that were not true in the
I 16. of Luke ; Thiit ivLich U highly ejreemed amonq^ mem^ ii
\fiborMmtioKin the fight of god-, they might not onely hauc
carried away the gailand for piety on earthy but haue iuftly
Ifccmedto liaiiebeene the onely hcires to a crowne ofim-
{ mortality in the heauens. For beiides their forbearance and
f proteftationagainftgrofrerfianes, Muithcr, Theft, Adulte-
1 rie. Idolatry ,.and the like • they were frequent and folemne in
I prayers/aftings, abiel-dtcdes; and that withfarre greater
I llri.1:nefreand demotion, then the religious a-ftions of for-
I mall h) pocrifie are performed in thefe times of the Gofpell.
\ Befidcs, [ doubt not but many ofthem were perfwaded, that
I their way v\'astht way of life, and that they \\"ere iw the
I ftate cftru.e happintflc: And yet for all this, except wee ex-
! Qzcd.^ their righteoufncflc^the ipeech is peremptorii-,we llial
I not enter into the kingdome of hcauen.For we fee in the 23.
ofMath£^v,whatachaine of curfes, out of the moaih of
ourblcfledSauiovir, did iuflly draw them into the bottome
of hell.
Thirdly, this truth is manifeft out of the dov%ineofthe
Prophets : Efav i . Mich. 6. Hag- 2. Pfalra. 50. and many o-
ther places. Whence arifcth this conclufion : That the prin-
cipal!' and holicfl exercifes, the moft folemne and facred
{anions of religion, without fmceritie ai>d fan:li1ication o?
j heart, are but a.s the cutting oft' a Dogs necke, and the ofte-
f ring oirlwines blood. Their lacrifices,oblations,ar;dir*:eni€j-
1 F 4 their
o^ Difcstirfe of true happmelfe.
their new Moones, their Sabbaths and folera le feafts were
thingscomraandedby Gods owne month, yet where they
were performed with impure and prophane hearts, hee tcls
them, that his Ibuk hated them, that tlicy were a burthen
vnto him, and that he was wcaiic of them. For if the Lords
contentment had hnally reftcd m the worke wrought, a;id
not chiefly refpeded the inward aft'cdion of the worker;
had hee required onely theceremonialladion ofiacrificing,
andnotthefpirituall conformity of the heart to his wili:
why, he had notneedetodefirefacrifices ofthem,norexpc-
dedfiipply from their hands; as appcareth in that facred
androyallconteftationof Godwith his p'eople, about the
queftion of his worfliip, Pial 5 o. IrviJi not refrone thee for thy
facrifices ( {aith God ) »r thy hwnt offerings, that haue not
heene continually before mee, I will take no Bnlhckc cut of thine
h9Hfe,or Goats out of thy folds. For all the heafls of the forrefl
are mine, and the heafls on a thoufand hills, I k^ovc all thefowles
onthemoHntain£s,andthen>ild beafis of the field are mine. If
I he hungry y I n ill not tell thee : for the world u mine, and all
that therein u.jVill I eate the flejh of BhIs ? or drinke the hloud
ofGMtsfH^y, if wee coniider God in his abiolute foue-
Taigncty, andeflcntiall glory, aienthatistrueof the moft
fandified works of Gods Child,which is in lob 3 5 .y. If thou
^erighteouSywhat giuefi thou vnto htm? or What recetueth hee\
at thtne hand I And that o^Damd,^£d\. 1 6. 2 . CMy well-doing
extendeth not vnto thee. For what can that httle fparke of ho-
linefTein vs( which doth iirft too, proceed from him, and
is onely darkened in our corruptions) adde vnto that infinite
Glory, and Maiefty, and Light, that no man can attaine
vnto; with which he hath incomprehenfibly lien encompaP
fed from all eternity? O jely it pleafeth him of his infinite
goodnefle,and out of a gracious defirc of our {aluation, to
accept our fincerity though mixt with imperfe6lions,and to
crowne his owne graces in vs. Where then (hall appeare the
bare outwardnes of hollow-hearted Chriftians? Jf theheart
bee wanting : what magnificence or glory of out ward ferui-
ccsfhall be able to dazle his fight, whofe eyes are ten thou- 1
. ^ ^ find!
Kyi Difcmrfe of true hapfinejp.
^nd times brighter then the Siinne, and fees clearclyour in
mofl thoughts ? Whereveith /hall We come before the Z W, or )
what /hall v\e offer vnto him ? fViUthe Lord hee ^leafed with
ten thonfands cf Rams, or v ith ten thtn/and rtHcrs of Ojle .'
ShaUrve giue our firfi borne for our tranforcffton, euen the fruit
ofoHrbodte^for the fin of our foule ? No ; thoiTgh wcc gauc all
that U'e had to the poorc, and our owne bodies to be burnt :
nay, ifit were podible, thatby curmeanes we could vindi
cate tl)c fovks of all men now liuing from the iawes of eter-
nall death ; }et all would profit vs nothing, except our hearts
be firft purged by faitli, pure from an euill cbnicience, and
pofleftofa found and conftant: one to God, his Word, or
honour, his truth, and feruants.
let this then bee the conclufion to this point : Though a
man were a morall Saint, an /"ingcll amoiigO: the Pharifes,
abiblute in al! other perfed:ions; yet without the inward po-
wer ofgiacc to ginc the m life, hee isbut a fpedacle of com-
miferation to Angels, and to men; eu'jn as that bodie is,
which adorned with fundric other exquilite beauties, wan-
teth eye-fight, the chiefeil: grace that Nature hath in that
kinde to beftow. Or as a cunning Organift, skilfull in the
outward touch of his Inftrument, yet without windinfpired
cannot poflibly ftrikethe care, or picafethe heart with any
melodious noife : fo though his anions bee flourifhcd ouer
with a faire tindure of out ward religioufnefle, and heeexadt
in morall honefly; yet without the breath and life of grace in-
fuiedy there can bee no true fpirituall harmony in his aftedri-
ons, words, or conuerfation, tliat either will beget found ioy
and ipiritiiall delight in thcfouic,orbe pleafinginthc earesof
Almighty God.
You lee then, belr)ued in Chrift Icfus,that the performarr-
'cesofoutvvard duties ofReligion, euen the beft, fuchasare
Prayers,hcaringthe Word ofGod,receiuingthe Sacraments,
Almef-deedes, and the like, though they be good in them-
feIues,commandcdcfGod, neceflary to bee done of eueiry
Chriftianiyetifthtiy beediuided from inward landificati-
on and finceritie of heart, are lb lairehom putting vsinto
iw// Bifeourfe ef tr»e hafpineffe.
poflelTion of true happineffe, that they are odious and abo-
minable in the fight of God.
! Itold you in the beginning, if you remember, that bcfides
■ outward rightcouiiiefle, the formall hypocrite maybcleeue
for a time : and therefore by the inwai d,though more gene-
Tail andinferiour working of the Spirit, may bauea tempo-
ral ie faith begot in him : and this faith may bring forth fome
■fiuites, and fomekindes of inward graces. But that all this
', ccmes ("hort of faluatiou, appeares in the parable : For there
'the hearer compared to the ftonie ground, which I call the
I formall hypocrite, is one of the reprobate heans vpoa
\ whomthe Word is not the power of God to faluation As
for thcfcfiue degrees added out ofthefixth to the Hebrues,
of which I told you thefoririall hypocrite may bee partaker ;
it is manifeft out ofrheram<; Chapter, that they come fhoJ't
oftheftate of grace. For a man but fo furnill-ied, may not
onely fall backe to a worfe, and more ordinary ftate of a re-
probate,buteuen to the depth of all impietie and apoftafie.
He may not oneiy bauehisnieafure of inward illumination,
all his lighter ioy and comfoit in Gods Word quite extin-
giiiOitj but become a wiifuU and malicious fcomcr of true
godanefll. He rnay not onely grieue, and quench the fpirit ;
but he may triad vnderfoote the fonne of God, count the
blo'.idcftheTtrramentasan vnholy thing, and dcjpite the
veiy Spirit of grace: fo thatit may be impoiTiblc thathee
fiiould be rer.ucd sgainc by repentance.
■ Jnthelalrp.'ace Itold you, that bciidcsallthefe the fbr-
mail hypocrite mighi entertaine a perfwafion of his being
in the flateoftnie happinefle i and io with contentment and
fecr.ritiewalke in the path that leadesto eterna.!! death : but
hoAv weake and falfe the reafons and motiues to this perfwa-
fion were,I haue beforelargely deliuered- Jt rcmaines there-
fore, thatlihould now lay downecertaine markesand pro-
perties ofdifference, betwixt the ftate of fonnall hypocrifie
andfaiiinggrace : buti nruft referre a large profecution and
diflindtrcatifeofthcm to feme other place and time. Yet at
this time by the grace of God, I fliall deliuer fo much, that
f^ DifcoKrfe o^true /jappmejTe.
any mantlisc willdeale feitbfully with Jiis owne confcience.- 1
aiid follow mce withaBtendo:i to the end, may in feme good ]
meafurc be informed, whether he lie yet in their.adow of I
di2r:horliuein:hc iifeof grace. Some difference then, firil, |
inayariie.outofthedirciav.-^ion of the degrees and workings !
of taith. Which that you may better conceiue, you muft re- '
member three iorts of faith, HircoricalljTempcrar/^Sauing, i
or ir.ftif)-ir:g faith-
Hiiloiicali fai.h.is net onely a knowledge of the Word of
I God,biit alio an aiVcntof the heart to the truth of it.And this
is of two if rts:either Infiiicd, which is wrought in vs by the
i illightning fpiiitof Gc<i,and flayiiig it felfe vpon his autho-
rity : Or AcquircdjWhich is produced by the light of reaibn,
diicourfe, a ^d created tefnmcr;}-.
The latter IS to be found in the Diuels; for theybeleeiie
and trembk : And in the Papifts ; fcr their fidth is no better,
according to theireroonds and priiKip'es. My rcafon isthis
briefly ;foi I will doHucr my felfe ofthis point in a word.
The ieluites by thciiiuglinghauc caftrhemlchies into a cir-
cle about the faith of the tn:th, ai:d diuinitie of Scriptures;
and that is this :Aske any Papiltinthislandjhowhebeleeues
ScnptiiietobcthcWordofGrd,anddiuinely infpircd : he
will anlwcr, bccaufc the Church deliuereth it fo to be. And
uhybtleeuethheethe teftimony of the Church? Becaufe|
it is'.nfaliibly guided by the Spirit. And bow doth that ap- i
iptarc.'P.ecaiiie it is lb contained ia Scripture, as in John \6.
The Spirit rrtil leaae jon tnte aH truth. And hew fhall wee
know this Scripture of Iah», to bee the Word of God, and '
jdiuinely icfpired? Btcaule the Church deliuereth itfo to
[ bit jandfo they mull ncedes nmne round in this circulff-
Now I would propofeto the Papifts, the choice of thefc
three; one of which thcymi:!!: of neceflitie accept: Firfr,
whether they will mnne lound in this circle, and waxe gid-
dic, and fall, and linke into that pit, wherePoper)- was fir ft
hatcht ; or they will brcake the circle atthe authority of the
Scriptures, and fo by confec^uent, they mufl fall to cur fide
exf Difcourfe oftrne hiifpineffe.
a id the truth;or they will breake it at the t^sftimonie of the
Churchnndfoall their faith, as T told yoi), muft needcs bee
only acquired, becaiifc it depends on a finite and created j;e-
ftimo!iy, and confequently comes farre lliort of laluation . I
doubt nor, but the Papifts will acknowledge and approue
that difference betwixt infiifed and acquired faith confcn-
ted vpon by the Schoolcmen .- That inftifcd faith relieth
immediately vpon an incrcated authoritie, but acquired,
vpona finite and created tcftimonie. I know the IefLiites,a
kind of men iafpired with a tranfcendency of Antichri-
flian impoflure, labour bulily to palTe plaufibly and hand-
fomely out of this circle : but if their fliifts be throughly flf-
ted, and they followed with force of argument : it is ccr-
taine, they will either bee driuen into the circle againe, or
cnforcedtoftartoutattheoneofthofebrca:hes I told you
of. Becanm, one of them,aftcr he had long tired himfelfc m
thiscircle,andatlaH:bythehelpe of Greforiw de Val. and
former leluitcs, got out, but with fliamefull abfurditie and
inconuenience ; inapoore reuengeto relieue hlmrelfe,hce
threatens vs with another circle : and fo writes a Treatife de
Circulo C alkimjlico jhnt very weak ely and falfely ; as might
beedcmonfliatedeuenout of the founder Schoolemcn, in
thcirqueftion of the laft rcfolutionof faith. But I intended
no difcourleofcontr(uicrfie, but oflanflification ; and thcr-
forel procecdc,andtake the foimall hypocrite along further
towards the ftate of grace. For befides knowing and aflen-
ting to the truth ofGods Word by an hiftoricalT faith, hec
may by the vertuc ofa temporary faith, adde three degrees
nioe.Thatis;Hemaymorcouer profefle it in outward fer-
uices of Religion : He may inwardly reioyceinit: He may
bringfoorrhfomekindeoffruite. Butthcfe things areone-
ly found in hiF8,fo long as they doc not mainely crofle, but
are compatible with his worldly peace, wealth, liberty,and
other delightfull contentments. Here therefore 1 mufllcaue
him; and acquaint you with thofe Workings and degrees
of (ailing faith, which qualified, asI{hallproporcthem,are
peculiar to Gods childe ; and fodiftinguilTi anddiuide the
K^ Difcenrfe of true haffimffe.
regenerate man, from the ftate of fbrmall bypQ€-rific, They
are thefe :
A feeling and fpecial I approbation of the word of life,and
promifesoffaluation : a moft feruent expetition and thir-
ftingforthcenioymeiitofthem :aneffeduall apprehenfion;
a particular apphcation ; a full perfwafion ; a delight and ioy
thence nfingjlbnnd, and vnconquerable.
That you may v ndcrftand thtfe, you muft conceiue, that
the fbuie of Gods child, comming frefh out ofthe pangs and
terrors of his new-birth ( a miftcrieto the formall hypo-
crite ) humbled vnder the mighty hand of God, by a fight
and Itnie of his finnes,lookes vpon the whole body of diuine j
truth, as vpon a precious iewcll,wherein Chrift and his gra-
cious promileslTiine vnto him efpecially,asa ftonieof inefti-
mable worth and valuation ; whereupon with a peculiar
dearenefle he fets fuch a liking, that with it he holds himfelfe
an heireof heauen ; without it a child of endleffe perdition.
Hence foUowes an expetition and defire of it, enforced with
groancs vnutterable ;and a gafpingfbr it, as the drieand
thirftie ground for drops ofraine. Thirdly, he apprehends
itwithafaftandeuerlafting hojd. Fourthly, hee applies it
clofely and particularly to his owne foule. Fiftly,he is tru-
ly and fiilly perfwaded by Gods good Spirit, out of a con-
fideration of his vniuerfall change, that it is his own for
euer. Laftly, hee lies downe in peace that paifeth all vnder-
ftanding.- Hee is filled with ioy, that no man can take from
him : Hee delighrs in the grace apprehended, as in a trcafure
farremore deare vnto him then the glory of infinite worlds,
or life it felfe.Froin the power and workings of this inward
grace, fpring outward a(!l:ions, both in his generall calling,
ofChriftianitie, and his particular vocation ; which by the
mercies of God are faithfuH,^onftant, vnifprme, impartiall,
refolute, vniuerfall, comfortable. Whereas thofewnicharc
produced by the more weake and inferiour degrees of tem-
porary faith, incident to theformall hypocrite, are weake,
wauering, many times interrupted, variable; guided much
byoccafionsandthetime,forcedby hope or fearej fwayed
v^ Difcourfe of true hafpineffe.
hy fccret refpcds to priuate ends, and woridly content-
But thefe more inward markes ofdifH^rencc, howfoener
by a fvvecte and gracious experience they bee felt, and ac-
knowledged ofthechildcofGodj yet generally, and to the
vnregenerate, they are hidden my fteries, and vndifccrnable
to the brighteft eye of the naturall man. Therefore I will
come to thofe markes of difference betwixt the ftate offor-
mall hypocrifie, and fauing grace, which are more outward,
ftmiliar, and more generally ,and eafily difcemable^ of which
one may be this,
The power of grace doth beget in a regenerate man, a
watchfulnefre,care and confcience of fmaller offences, of fe-
cret finnes,offinfull thoughts, ofappearances of euill, of all
occafions of finne, of prophaie companie, of giuing inft of-
fence in indifferent aflions,a^ d the like : \\ hereasthe formall
hypocrite taketh not fuch things as thcfe much to heart, but
tit her makes no confcience of them at all, holding it a point
ofprecifenefTeto be tooconlcionable ; or elfe proportions it
to feme his ownc turne, or to giue fatisfa^ion to others.
And in forbearance offinnes, he hath an tipeciall eye onely
at thofe that may notorioufly difgiace him in the world, en-
tangle him in danger oflaWjOr vex his confcience with lome
extraordinary terror,
Letthofethen examine themfelues at this markc ; who,
howfoeucrfliamekcepethemfromvncleane praiflifts. and
grofTcrac^soffilthinefle ; yet inwardly boyle in fpcculatiuc
wantonneffe and adulteries of heart. Tbbfe, who howfbc-
uer their indired meanes fpeed not for mounting them-
felues to high eftate J yetfpend their befl thoughtsall their
life long,iiiproieifling and contriuijTg, as though they were
borne to aduailce themfelues, and not to honour God in
their callings. Thofe; who though they doe not enclof e, op-
prefle andgrind the faces of^thepoore jyet haue their hearts
exercif ed in couetoufnes. Thofe, who though they haue for-
\ fakcnfome finnes,yet maintaine in themfelues one knowne
fwcetcfiniie: Thofe, who though lawes,and feare of danger
o^ Difcottrfe iftruehafpimjfe.
reftmine from railing with open monthesagainft ourState,
yet harbour iccret repining.s,murmiirings, vnthankeftilnefTe,
and difcontentmests. Euen a contemptuous thought of a
King, or lawfiill authority, is a fmne of high nature : and me
thinkes ( for the miraculoufnefle ofthe difcouery ) is paraU
j leld in Scdefmsles^ to the bloudiaeffe of aduall murthcr.
I That Kvhch hath vetngs ( faith the Preacher ) /haJi declare the
Laftly, let thofe examine themfclues at this marke, who
offer themfeluGs to thofe finftilloccafions, breeders of many
ftrangeand fearefullmifchicfes, I meanc prophane andob-
fccne Playts. Pardon mce, beloued, 1 cannot pafle by thofe
abominable fpedlacles, without particular indignation : For
I did euerefteeme them (fince I had any vnderftanding in
the wayes ofGod ) the Grand empoyfuiiers of grace, inge-
nuoufneflc, and all manly refolution : Greater plagues and
infsdions to your foules, then the contagious peftilence to-
your bodies : The inexpiable Ikine and diflionour to this
famous Citie : The noyfome Wormes that canker and blaft
the generous and noble buds of this land ; and doc by a (lie
and bewitching infinuation, fo empoyfon all feeds ofvertue,
and fo weaken and emafculate all the operations of the
foulc, with a prophane,if not vnnaturall diflfoIutenefTe i that
whertas they are planted inthefe worthy houfes of law,
to bee fitted andinabled for great and honourable adions,
for the publike good and the continuance of the glory
andhappinefleofthisKingdome; they licentioufly diffblue
into wick^^ vanities and pieadires : and all hope of their e-
ucrdoing good, either vnto God, the Church, their Coun-
try, or cwnt foules, mclteth as the winter yce, and floweth
away as vnprcfitable waters. Thefe infamous (peiftacles are
condemned by all kind of ibund learning, both- diuine and
humane. Diftindions deuifed for their vpholding and de-
fence, may giue feme fhallow and weake contentment to
partial! and fenfuall aftedions, poffeft with preiudice: but
how (hall they bee able to latisfie and feciurc a ronfcience
leafible oialia^feAraKce ojeuill? How can they preferue the
I incli-
Chap. lo.
# Thedtrd
dejinire fof.
■fentittdm y
C4f. i«
Deuc 12.5.
i^ Difcourfe of true happinefe.
iiiclinablendte of our corrupt nature from infeflion, at thofe
Sc'hooles of /ewdnejfe 2i[\d Sink^t «fa/l fins ^:[S (^to omitDiiiines,
•Coimcels, Fathers, Moi-alifts, becaiife the point isnotdireA-
ly incident ) euen a* Politician calleth theai. Alas.' are not
our wretched corniptidns raging and fiery enough, being
left to themfelues difpcrfed at their naturall liberty; hut they
muft bee. vnited at thde accused Theaters, as in a hollovv
glaflCjtofet on flame the whole body of our naturall viciouf-'.
inefle at once;andto inrage it fijrther with luft,rtercenes, and
'eften:iinatcnefle, beyond the compare of nature ? Doth any
jman thinke it pofliblcthat the power of fauing grace, or the
'pure Spirit of God can refide in his heart, that willingly and
j with fuUconfent feeds his inward conaipifcence, with fuch
I variety offinflil vanitiesand lewd ocrafions; which the Lord
himfelfe hath -pronounced to bee an AbomwattonmViQ him?
I How can.any man that ieuer felt in his hcart,cither true loue>
or feare of fb dreadfiill a Maiefty, as the Lor^d ofhcaucn and
earthjCndureto beprefent, efpecially with dehght and con-
tentment, at Oathes, Blafphemies, OofcenitieSjand the abu-
fiilg fometimes of the moft precious things in theBookeof
God, (whereat we {Lould tremble)to moft bafe and fcurrill
iefts ? Certainely euery Child of God is of a right noble and
heroicillfpirit J artd therefore is moft impatient in hearing
^ny wrong, indignity, or difhononr offered to the Word,
Nareie, or glory ofhis Almighty Father.
- A fecohdmarkc of difference may be this; The power of
(aUiiig^ric€ doth iiibdiie and fdudifie our affedions with
a confti6nable and InoXy moderation ; fo that they become
feruiceabldto the glory of God, andfora more rcfolute car-
riageofgoodcaufcs, and zealous difcliarge of all Chriftian
duties. But the bridling of pialTions in the formall hypocrite,
is tiot fb much ofconfcience; as ai tificiali, politick e, for ad-^
\ uantlagc, and by the guidance of morall dilcretion : fo that if
they fcj? tempted by llrong occafions, and violent obiedts,
tbcynmnytiniesbre2k«out,to the di(honour of God, the
di/gtace of a Qif ^aiiprofellton, andthc dlfcoivsry 6f their
hj^poCDJfie.i {j.i:ficjv;g
(^ Difcourfe of true happme(fe.
Let eiiery man then examine himfelfeat this marke, and
with a (ingle eye and vpright heart tal< e a view of his affedi-
ons ; \\ hcther his ioy bee in v^ard and fpirituall.that is, in the
aflurance of Gods fauour,in his vvord,in his childrenjin pray-
er, and a continuall pradifeof godlineflc ; or outward and
carnalljthat is, in the attainementofgreatnefle and worldly
pleafureSjin the increafc ofhiscorn,andwine,andoiIe. Whe-
ther he loue the peace of confcience farre more dearely then
the fiuonr of men,or his ownc life.-Whether he be more zea<-
lous for the honour and praife of God,then his owne : Whe-
ther he be more afraid of fecret finnes, then open (hame ; of
offending God, then outward affliftipns; Whether he be
moj e angry m the caufc of Religion, and concerning Gods
glory, or for his owne priuate wrongs. And fo thorowout
thereilofhis aftedions.
letthe fierce anddefperatc Gallants cenfider this point;
which vpon euery light occafion, and termes of dif gracc,are
rcady,o!Jtof agraccles and vngrounded opinion of declining
cowa'dize, tofheath their fwords inthebodyoftheir bro-
ther. And let them aflurc themlelucs, that the meekc and
mcrcifull Spirit of God will neucr confift with fuch bloody
and vnramed af^cdions j his holy motions will notcome in-
to their fecret, neither will his fauing grace be ioyned with
their afftmbly. For in their wrath they will kill a mas, and
in their felfc-will they will deftroy the Image of God. Cur-
ftd bee their wrath, for it is fierce ; and their rage, for it is
Oh, that they would but mark e and forefee, into what an
incuitable and eridlcfle maze of certainc mifery and venge-
ance they enter, when they enter into the field, vpon either
oSer, or acceptance of chalerge ! ; t they bee flaine, they are
acctflariesto their owne vntimely raiuther •• They violently
and wilfully pull thanfelues fiorntheiandof theliuing, to
theabhoiTcd regions of dt at h : they cruelly and irrecout-
rably rend their owne pooie loules from time of grace and
repentance. They extinguiili ail hope of pofterity ; and per-
haps their Ijoufe aud family dctcruiines in that bloody adt
G But
o«/ Difcourfi of true hap^ineffe.
But that which is the accomplifliment of all mif cries and
terrour they iuftly fall ii=itothe hands of the lining God, who
will certainely iudge them after the manner of them that
Hiead their owne bloud^ and will giue them the blood of
wrath, and ofiealoiific. And whereas they looked to Icauea
name behind them, it lliall rot away with as vile dctcfhrion
■as their carcafes in the graue • The mtmorUll of the tufi ( faith
Salomon') Jhall be ble^ed^ bnt the name of the ^•'icke^pJAllrot. If
it doc liue,itrhaU line to their lliamc and infamy. For I dare
fay this boldly ; There was neuer any man rightly informed,
either in the principles of nature, or in the gracious way to
heauen, in thefobcr paffages of morrality, or in the iufticcof
ftateand policie, or acquainted with the faircnefle of true
honour, that euer gaue any allowance, or euer will, to the re-
putation of manhood, falfdyfo called, purchaicd m prinate
quarrellinthe field. This is then all they get: for theloflc
of foule and bodie, of heauen and earth, of name and polte-
ritie,they onely gainethe damned applaufe of deui!s,r\vagge-
rers,and wicked men.
But ifit fall out otherwife, that they be not kild, but kill;
mark what befalles them; they depart the field drunken with
blood, as with new wine : and therefore they (hall be fure at
length to be filled with drunkennelTe, and with forrow,eucn
With the cup ofdeftruilion and trembling;they fhall drinkc
of it dcepeand large, and wring it out to the very dregs. For
prefcntly after the murther committed, they haue Caines
fearefull marke ftampt vpon them : The furies of confciencc
and cries of blood,lliall ^r euer perfecutethem with rcfllefle
liorrour : As they cloathed themfelues with rage like a rai-
ment, fo fhall it now come into their bowels like water, and
■finke like oy le into their bones. In the mcane time they fliall
liucinthehellofconfcience vpon earth, and expcd euery
houre to be tumbled into the hell of wicked deuils for euer-
tnore in the world to come.
Let me then in the nameand feare of God aduifc them ; i^
they would win an opinion of true valor indeed,if they looke
fbrany portion in the mercies of God, or honour amongfl
K^ Difeourfe of true happneffe.
his Saints, to fettle and compofe fuch wildaftedionsby the
Word of truth ; totiirncthegrcatneneofthcir courage and
gallantnefle of Spirit, to the flibduing and conquering of
their ovvnecormptions ; and to the wrafHingagainftprinci-
pahties and powers, againft the worldly goiiernours, the
princes of the darkeneffe of this world,againfl fpiritnall wic-
kcdnefles, which are in the high places.This fight isChriftian
and conragious indeed,the vidory is glorious, the reward is
A third note of difference may be this, : Euery Childe of
God by the power of fauing grace, doth hunger and thirft
[after all thole mcancs God hath ordained, or offers for his
I furtherance in thewaytoheaucn, and for his comforting
land confirming in a Chriftiancourfe; and doth make a ho-
ly vfe of whatfoeuer is either publikely or priuatelylaide
vpon him for his amendment : and therefore he continually
profits and proceeds m fancflification by his Word,his iudg-
mcnts and his mercies: by the exercife,obferuation andfeiiTe
ofwhichjhee growes fenfible in heauenly knowledge, faith,
humiliation,repentance,thankefiiInefle,and all other ipiritual
graces. Bur the formall hypocrite doth fo farre take notice
and regard of them, as they further his temporall happineflc;
and as his neglect ofthcm, by confequent thrtatncth danger
and ouerthrow to his outward worldly frate.For the prefent
perhaps, he is moued with the hearing of the Word of God,
with the terrour of liis iudgements,whilethey lie with fom-j
extraordinary waight vpon himfelfe or the whole land,*
and with the fwcetenefleof his mercies, becaufethey fecure
him in his profperitie. But thel'e things finke not into his
foule with the power of mortification, to the deltroying of
his finfuU aftcdions, and the Ihaking off of euery knownc.
BelouedinourLordand Saaiour Chrifl Icfus, let vs eue-
ry one of vs(I bcfeech you^try himfelf faithfully by this note
of difference : And the rather, bccaufe our gracious God
hath moil plentifully and incomparably vouchfafed vs in
this tandallmeanes to bring vsvntoheauen- Hee hathvifi-
G 2 ted.
exf Difc»ttrfe of true happineffe.
Chap. 15
tedvs with his word, hisiadgemcntsand m:mes, totlie a-
ftonilTiment of the whole world. Now let vs co.i{ider,whe-
thcr as they haue bred admiration in men and A:igcls;ro they
haue brought faluation to our owne foiiks.
Firft, for his Word : Fv^rthefe fifty yecres, you know, he
hath fpread out his hands all the day long ; he hath fent all
his feriiants, the Preachers of his Word, riting vp early and
fending them, faying : Retnrne now euery man from his
euill wayes,and amend your workes.Let vsthcn examine our
felues-in this point. Hath this glorious Gofpell which hath
fo long {hined bright in our eyes, and founded loud in our
eares;hath it,I fay,been mighty in operation vpon our foules,
in planting in them the power of true god inefil ? Doe wet
daily grow more Ibu.id by it in the knowledge of the truth ;
and ice more particularly into the way and whole courle ot
Chriitianity ? Doth itcontinually build vs vp more ftrong- j
ly in faith, repentance, and holy obedience to all his com- \
raandements ? Why then bleflfed is our cafe: forthis power-
full expeiience in our foules of daily growth in godlinefle by
the Word, is a notable marke vnto vs that we are in the flate
of grace; atid fo all the blelTings in the Booke of God belong
vnto vs,and pleafures moe then the Itarres of the firmament
in number. But if otherwife(which is rather to be feared,)ifj
we haue either beene no hearers, or but now and then, as our
worldly commodities would giue vslcaue ; or hearers onely
of forme and faihion, not of zeale and confcicnce to profit
by it, and yeeld obedience vnto it; or onely hearers and no
doerSjWhy then we may affure our lelues,we are yet fhort of
the flatc of grace ; and marke what will bee the end both of
vs and the whole land •• it mull needes be the fame with that
oflud^i and UrHfaUm (for they were as well beloued of God
as eucr Englmd can be:) G'(3f,faith God wMo Itremj,(joe and
teUthe menof lHda,and the irJoaifitants of lerufaLew, I haue
fentyoH AllmjfertiAnts the Prophets, rifng vp eare/j, andfen-
dtMgthem; i'utj/ouvpou/d not incline your e Are, you would not
obeymee • therefore thus faith the LordofHofisy the God of lf\
rak: Beh»ldylmUbnng vpon Iuda,and vpon all the inhabitants]^
\^ Difcourfe of true haffineffe.
pjlerufalem,edlthe eHillthat Ihatiefronounced agamfltheyrtj ;
Imlldoevnto thiihoufe^ -whereupon fnj name is called^ Vfherein
aijdj/etrftft, fvs I hane donevMo Shilo^ I vcill caflthem oMtof\ ch*D t
mj fight : And I) ill mdkf thu City a curfe vnto all the nattons
cf the earth. And the Lord was lb vnrcmoiieable and fctled-
ly refolued vpon this point ( fith he had To long preached vn-
to them by his Prophets, as he hath done vnto this Iand,and
it would doc no good, ) that he bids the Prophet meddle nt)
more, for he would neiier heare him againe : Therefore
( faith he ) thonjhalt not pray for this people, neither lift vp cry
or prayer for them^ neither entre^te mie, for I will not heare
Theiudgements vpon this land hauebeene many and
fearefull ; t doubt not, but wee haue fcene with our eyes, c-
uen thofc which are very neerc fore-runners of that great
and terrible Day ofthe Lord. Wee haue feene ftrange and
prodigiousapparitions in the ayre : we haue had vnheardof ,
plots and pradlifes againft our State. Our land hath long
and extraordinarily groaned vnder a fore and durable
plague, which hath ftuckeclofe to the bowels ofthisCitie.
Thefea bath broke out of her bounds, and fweptaway ma-
ny as righteous as our felues: wee haue feltfuch extremitie
of heatc and cold, of which 1 thinke thefe parts ofthe world
aie not naturally capable; focertaine it is that the fiiigeref
God hath beene in them. The poorc of the Land cuen now
gricuoufly figh>and pine with a prefent famine. Let vs then
examine our iclues in this point. Haue wee laid all thefe
iudgements vnto our hearts ? Haue we beene truly humbled
by them ? Haue we by a diligent fearch taken notice of our
finnes, and grieucd for them,and abandoned them? Haue we
mourned and cried foralUhe abominations that are done a-
mongftvs? Why then blefled is our cafe, our flate is the
ftate of grace ; wee fliall be fure to be^ markediaad.fralcd in
the fore-heads, by the Angell of God for hisfemants, before
the vials. of finsill dcfolation be powred vpon tjhisKingdorr^c.
But ifothqr wife ( which is rather to be feared ) if hec hath
fmittcn vs,and we haiie notforrowed ^ if heehath correded
G 3 vs
ex/ Difcomrfe of true ha^^ineffe.
vs for amendment,and we are not betccredjbut rather worfe
and worfe i we may affure our (elues we yet want a gracious
marke,and eft'cd of the power of true godlinefle ; and markc
what will be the end both of vs and our whole land; it can
be no other then thatofhisowne people. And thus he dealt
with them by his iudgements, eucnasa Phyfician with his
patient. A rhyfician,while there is any hope of recouery in
his patient j he vfcth the benefit of all the rules of Art, all va-
riety of meanes, prefcribing diet, letting blood, mioiftring
pils and potions ; but when hee once perceiues the naturall
heater^beefo detaj'ed, and ftrcngth of naturcfpenr, that
..his Phyficke will worke no more good vpon him, but rather
•Haflea his ruiiie then his recOuery ; hee then It^aues hfim to
the pangs ofdeath,a!iddifroIution of foule and body. Euen'
fbdeales God with his people, while there is any hope of
repentance, beevifitsthtmby all kinde of caftigations, all
mannferofpuniijhments: But'when all fenfc of Religion, all
heateofzcale, and life of grace, haue lb vtterly forlakenthe
hearts ofmen; that they are rather broken then bowed, ra-
ther hardened then humbled by his Judgements j hee giues
them oner to their owne luft confufion. Heeleauesthem fi-
nally ( ncuer more to bee entreated) to lamentations, mour-
nings, and woe ; to the fearc, to the pit, and to the ftiare : to
the Lyon, the Wolfe, and the Leopard. Thou haftftricken
vthem(£Qxth leremy) but they haue mtforrowed :■ thou hafi csn.
fwnedt^iem^but they h^tie refufed to receive' cprreni'o»: they
haue made their faces harder then a ft one, tmd' hauerefujed t6
returne. where fore a Lym out of the forrefl p,MjUy them^, and
\aWolfeofthe ^Hldernesjhalldejlroy them: a Leopard Jha/itvatch
'Ofter their Cities, emry one that goethent thence jfhak be tome
M'fe^HeSy beeahfetheirtrejpajpesdre mdny^and their rebellions
\areencreafed. This courfe of Gods proceeding inhisiudge-
«ierttSi wemay fct molt-cleercPj^in the4. of Amos. Hee firfl
gauc them cleanncfTeofteeth in all their Cities, and fcarce-
ncflepfbrcad in all their places ; and yet they retu-rned not
viitohim -.Heewithheldthe raine frem theal, when there
wcfeyetthrccmonethstorfieharueftjfo chat two orthrct
oi* Difeonrfe of true hapfmeffe.
Cities wandred vnto one Citie to drinke water, but they
were not fatisfied ; and yet they returned net vnto him. Hee
fm^tethem "vvith blading & mildevv^their gardens and their
vineyard s,their fig-trees,and their oliue-trees did the Palmer
VVorme deiiourc: and ;>etth'jy returned not vnto him. Pefti-
lence he fentamongftrhera after the manner of Egypt : and
yet they returned not vnto him. Therefore ( faith the Lord )
thiis wHn doe vnto thee, O Jfraei. Heefpeakes after the man-
ner ofa man, in whom iuft indignation ftops paflage vnto
I fpeech j and who wants words to exprelOfe the horriblenefle
ofthepunifhrnentsheepurpolestoinflid : Therefore thus
{ and thus will I doe vnto thee O Ifrael, euen ibas hee threat-
j ned in the beginning of the Chapter : The dayes Jhali come
XvponyoH^ that yon fhall bee taken away Tvnh themes, and your
fefierityivith fijh-hookes. As if hee fliould haue laid, I will
make no more triall by iudgements ; I will now doe a thing
in Ifrael, whereof whofoeiier fliall heare; his two eares ihall
tingle ; yea,and all his heart-ftrings (hall tremble,'! will now
fweepe you all away with the bceiome of vtter deftrudion.
This is certainly now iuft our cafe : (Fortocrypeace,peace,
where there is no peace towards, is wicked, and to no piir-
pofe: to bring conceits andfmoothiiigstothis place," Will
neuer feme the turne ; either for the dilcharge of our confci-
tnceSjOr the faciing of your foules ) I fay,this [$ iuft our cafe ;
wte are enen already Come to this laft point and period. By
our many impieties and impenitcncie, wee haue brought our
gracious God to that qiieUion in the i.' of Ifay, wherefore
Jhouldjeeheefmitteuany msre ? for ye fall away more And more.
Orratherto thisconclufionin the 4. o'i AmaitThereforethm
vtll ldoevmothee,0 nation not worthy to be loued. He hath
made triall by f b many Iudgements,and f o many tim^s, and
^li in vaifie;that the very next iudgementvve may i^^\y fefti'c
aiidexpeel, without tmeand timely repentance, will euen be
the beefcme of vtter defolation.
As th^ iudgements vpon this land haue beene great and
fearefoU •, To many and wonderftiilliaiie beene his mercies
vj^dnvs, and fuch I am pcrfwaded, as greater the Siiaae ne-
G 4 uer
L^ Difcourfe of true kxp^ineffe.
uer(aw,norfoi:incsofmenenioyed. I willonely namctwo
which cannot but be frefh iiicucry mans memorie : The con-
tinuing of our peace, at the death of our late Soueraigae of c-
ucr glorious memory- And our deliuerance from the Gun-
powder Trcafonj of which two,when firft euery man heard,
me thinkes he fhould haue beene afraid, left he had been in a
drcame : as itisfaidoftheIfraelites,Pfalme, 126. rvbentbe
Lord broHght Againe the cfiptimfj of Siottj nveewere Itks them
that dreAtne, Both that,and thcfc our bleflings were things
(b incredible, and beyond all expectation:
You know, a little before the Qucenes death, the wifefl:
were at tlicir wits end, and euery one ftood amazed and a-
ftonifhcd for the feares his heart did fcare. The lefuites
from beyond feas infolently infuked ouer vs, audtoldvsin
their bookes, that this Kingdome would lliortly become a
prey to the greedy ambition of all the neighbour nations ;
that huge cloads of blood hung ouer our heads, and would
melt and diflblue at the Qucenes death. But it was neither
fo, nor fo. They are the falie prophets of the Reaft in the
Rcuelation, no maruell though they lied : For heethatdwels
in the heauens laughed them to fcorne, our gracious God
badcheminderifion. And when Deuils and Papifts looked
andwillied, that this land fliould haue beene clothed euen
with blood and fire, as with a garment ; out of the infinite
depth ofhis vnfearchable mercies, he couered it with peace,
ioy, and happineffe, euen as the feas arc couered with wa-
In the Gun-powder Treafbn, thenccVcoFour whole State
both of Church and Common-wealth, the glory of this fa-
mous and flourifhing Kingdome,Cthe hope of pofterity )Was
laid (as it were ) vpon the blocke : The inftrument of death
was lifted vp by the damned inftrument of the Popes malice
and cruelty, hee was euen ready to giue the mortall ftroke :
and had not the AngcUof theLord ftepped in, in the very
nicke;badnotour merciftiUGod, by his moft miraculous
Iaadimmediateprouideace, potto his helping hand, when
our cafe was deipfrate,and all hope paft, be had cut oft'&om
^ Vf'
Ly/ T>ifc0urfe of true happmeffe.
vs the roote and the branch, the name and the remnant, the
fbnne and the nephew. Our land that before was asthe ^ar-,
den of Eden, had bcenc by this timeadefolate wildernefTc :
Oiir Chorch which was before a harbour of Saints,had been
by this time a poole of Snakes; I meane,an habitation oPPa-
pifts. The faire body of this Citie, that before was enlyued
with matchlefle glory and worth, {hoiild by this time haue
becna rentanddifmembred carKaflesand that which is worft
of all, thencglededandforlornelimmes, infjjired with the
dodrine of dsiiils.
Let vsthen examine our fellies in this point. Haue thefc
inccmparablebkflings melted oui* hearts into teares uf re-
pentaiKC and thankftilneffe ?Haue thefe cords of loue drawn
vs neercr vnto our God in all knowledg,lone,and obedience?
Why then we may afliire our fclues ofa good teftimony,thai
our fouks are feafoned with grace- But if it be quite other-
' wife : If thefe great and vn^eftrued mercies haue bred in vs
a more frozen coldnefTein the feruice of God, a more pre-
fumptuous lecuritie,and a founder and fweeter fleepe in fin:
Jffince our miraculous deliuerance, vnparalkldbyall Nati-
ons,times,and ftorics ; there hath beenc amongft vs no kflc
prophaning of Gods Name and Sabbaths then before, no
lefle pride and drunkennefle, nokfleoppre0ion and vfurie,
no leffe vnckanneiTe and vnconfcionablcneffe in o ur callings^
no kflc ignorance in the Word of God, and backwardnefle
in the wayes of holinefle, no lefle contempt of godlinefle
and godly men : Nay, i fall thefe gather head and heart,morc
ripencfleand rcadinefletoreceiue the flame of Gods fierce
and laft wrath; If there bee rather, a fenfible decay of the
feare of God,of zcale, and true fincerity amongft vs : IfPro-
phanen€fle,Athei(me,Popery,andaluke-warmenc(re in Re-
]igion,like a mighty Torrent, ruQi in violently vponvs dai-
ly more and more, and fearefiilly preuaile and domincere in
moft places : Why then ( you are a people of vnderftanding)
Ikaueittoyourownc confciences, toconfider what muft
needs flioitly befall vs, except vjtg*ther ourjeluety before the
decree cvmefoorth j vnlefleby fpecdie humiliation and vnfai-
c^ Bifcourfe ef trtte happifuffe.
ned repentance, wee preuent (6 great and fearcfuU iiidge-
ments. And the rather, becaufe wee may afilire our felues,
while the DcuilH? in hell, and the Pope at Komcj theFriefts
and lefuites, thofe notorious and tranfcendent inftniments |
ofblood and death, will be working in th€ Vaults of darke-
nefle for the conftifion of the children oflight^the fubucrfion
of thcKingdomeofChrift, and by conftqucnttheruine of
our Church and Common-wealth. Little know we^, what
fearefull and hellifli plot may be euen now in hatching and
hammeringjor how neei e it is to the birth,while we aremoft
iecure; And for vs in the meane time,without repeDtance,and
rooting out idolatry ,to depend ftill vpcn immediate ajid mi-
raculous difcoueries and deliuerances^is at the lead an vnbal -
lowed and defperate prefiimptioji.
Ica'iinot follow diftincHily at this time, any more differen-
ces betwixt the ftate of lauing grace and formall hypocriiie.
For conclufion therefore onely,I will acquaint yeu more ful-
ly with the effects of fauing grace, and follow in few words
the trace and fteps of the Spirit of God in the great worke
of regeneration 5 that thereby euery man may examine his
conlciencCjiudge him lelfe,and trie what his ftateis.
The working and propertie of this fauing grace and true
godline0e, vouchfafed peculiarly aiid onely to Gods Chil-
dren, which doth tranflate them from darkcnefle to light,
from the corruption of nature, to a ftatc offupernatnrallblef-
fednefle, you may thus conceiuc and vnderftand- It is like
Icauen ( for fo the power of Gods Word is compared m tJit
Gofpell ) it is of a fp reading nature : Fir ft it feates it fclfe in
the heart ; after, it is drfperfed oucr all the powers and paits
bothoffoule and body; ouerallthe aflions anddutiesof a
man whatfoeuer : It foftncth andchangeththe hcait : It pur-
geththeinmoft thoughts: It awakes the conlcience, and
makes it tender and fenfible of theleaft finne : it fanCtifies
the afte(flions : It conformcs the will vnto the will of God:
Itillightensthe vnderftandingwith fauing knowledge.- It
ftores the memory with many good leffons, for comforts,
inftrudions, anddiredions in a godly life : It feafons the
Difcourfe oftrtfe hn^pneffe.
fpcech with "race : It (b reflifies and guides all a mans
actions, thatthev proceed from faith, they are warrantable
out of Gods Word, they arc accompli i"ht by good meanes,
and wholy dirededto the glory of God- Nay, yet it fpreads
further, and kindles a defireofzealc for the faiuation of the
foules of others, efpccialiyofallthofe that any way depend
vpon vs : So that the Childe of God doth euer embrace all
meanesand opportunities for tbc communicating of his
gi-acesand comforts, and the bringing of others to the fame
liateof happincffe with himfelfe.
Let then ( I bcfeech you ) eiiery mans confcience goe a lit-
tle along with mee ; andlecrcdy, but faithfully anfutre to
theft few interrogatories, which I ILall propofe very briefiy
and plainely, that euery man may eafily vnderftand. Haft
thou felr'by thine ownc experience the great workeof Re-
generation and change wrought vpon thy foulc? Hath the
powerfiillWordofGodjby the inward,ipeciall,3nd eftedu-
all working of bis Spirit, broken and bruifed thy hard and
ftony heart ? Hath it pierced and purged the very clofeft and
moft vniearchable corners thereof? Hath it humbled it with
the fight of thy finaes,and ienfe of Gods iudgements ^ Hath
it filled it with fearefull terrours, compundion,iemorfe,and
true forrow for thy life paft ? Hath it after quieted and refre-
fhed it with a furc'faith m Chrift lefus, and a delight in hea-
uenly things? Hath it mortified thy inward corruptions,
and broke the heait of thy fwectc finne ? Hath it planted a
holy moderation in all thy aftecflions ; that whereas hereto-
fore they hauc been enraged with luft, with immoderate an-
ger,with ambition, with infatiable dcfirc for the inlargement
ofthy wealth, poflelTions and grcatnefle,and with hatred of
Gcdideareft leruants and their holinefle? are they now in
flamed with zeale for Gods honour,truth,and feruice ; with
a feruent loue vntothe Lord and his Saints ; with Chriftian
courage, tooppofeagainft thefinnesofthctime, to defend
goodnefle and good cau fes, to contemne the lying flanders
andprophane Icoffes of worthlefle men ? Hath it begot in
thy willan hunger and thirft after the fpirituall food ofthy
Lx/ Difceurfe eftrt^e hAffincfe.
foiilej the Word and Sacraments ^fo that thou haddefl ra-
ther part with any worldly good, then not enioy the incom-
parable benefit of a confcio.iable and conftant Minifteric'
Are thy thoughts, of which heeretofore thou Iiaft made no
great confcie lice, butletten them wander vp and downeat
randome,wickedIy,idleIy,and wantonlvjare they novv,I fay,
bounded within a facred compafle, and (pent vpon holy
things, and the neceflarie affeires of thy honeft and lawftill
callin§?Isthy vndcrflanding informed,and acquainted with
the myfterie of faluationAvhich the world,and the wiiemcn
thereof, account nothing but madnefle and folly ? Is thy
memorie, which hath heeretofore beene ftuftcd with trafh
and toyes, vanities and follies, now capable and greedic of
diuine knowledge ? Arc thy words, which heretofore haue
beene fuUofprophanenelfeand worldlinefle, now direifled
toglcrifieGod^andto giuc grace vnto the hearers ? Nay, yet
further befides this inwaid renouarion of the faculties of thy
Ibule ; hath the power of grace fandified all thy outward
actions? Doft thou now order(in euery particular)all thcbu-
finefles of thy vocation religioufly, confcionably, andby di-
rc^iion out of the Word of God? Art thou inwardly afteiled
and faithful! in the performance of religious duties? as in
hearing the Word of God, in fandifying the Sabbath, in
Prayer,and the reftPDoft thou now hearethc Word of God,
not oncly of courfe and cuftomc, but of zealeand conlcience
toreformethyfelfebyit, and to Hue afterit?Doe not the
\yeeke-daycs duties and worldly cares, drowne thy mind on
the Sabbath ; but that thou doft the whole day entirely, free-
ly, and chcerefuUy attend the worl"hip ofGodPDoft thou
cxercife daily with frnite and feeling, Prayer, that precious
comfort of the faithfull Chriftiatis ? Thou being conucrted,
doft thou labour the conueriion of others,efpecially ofthofe
which are committed any way to thy charge, and for whom
thou mull giue a more ftrid account ; as if thou be a mafter
of a family, doftthoupray witiuhem, and inftru^them in
thedoilrincoffaIuation,and wayes ofgodlineffefDoft thou
now not oncly fticke at,and for bcare great and groife fiuncs ?
o/ Difceurfe oftru^ ha^pinc^e.
but doft tfiou euen hate the garment fpotted of the fie/h, and j
all appearance of euill? Dcth the tcndcmcs of thy confciercel
chccl^ e chce for the leaft finnes, and make thee feareftili
to offend, though it bee but in a uandring ccgitaf ion ? Af-
ter eucry fall into infirmities, ait thou careful to renew
thy repentance, andlearne wifedome and watchfulncffe to
auoide them afterwards ? Doeft thou feelc thy ftlfe profit,
grow, aixiencrcafe in thefe fruits and efFwds of grace ) And j
haft thou fuch a gracious tafteofthe glory of God, and of e-
ternall life, that thou art euen wiling and defirous to m.ete
thy Sauiounn the clouds; not fo much to bee rid out of
thcmiferies of this life, as to bee freed from the heauie bur-
then of finne, which hangs en fo fafr, aid toenioy hispre-
fe-nceintheheauersforcutr? In a word, as thy foulc giues
iWcy fpirit, and motion to thy whole body, and eucry part
thereof; doth th.c Spirit of God eucn (b inlpire thy foule and
body, and all thy aflions with the life of grace ? Why then,
thouhaflpafltheperfedionscfthe formall hypocrite, and
artpoflefl: of the ffate of true bleflednefle ; thou art then hap-
pie that cucr thou waff borne; thy way is certaiwely the way
oflifc : And lean adure thee, and I dare boldly pronounce
It, that thou art already vtteriy out of the reach of all the
powersofhell : Satan is chained vp for euer doing thee any
deadh hurt : All the creatures are reconciled vnto thee, and
at league with thee : Thou haft filled the Angels with ioy at
thy conuer/ion,they will for euer guard thee: Thou flialt
neuermoi^ be afraid for any euill tidings. Though theearth
bcmoued, and though the mountaines fall into the middeft
ofthefea, thy heart fliail abide firong, vnlLaken and com-
fortable: When thou falleftdovviic vpon thy bed of ficknefTe,
thoufhaltfindenomortallpoyfonin thy fiefh; no fting in
death 5 no darkencfle in the graue;no amazement at that
great and feare full Day. For all the merits and fuflPerings of
"Chriff are thine ; all the comforts of Gods Children are
thine; all the blelTings in the Booke of God are thine ; all
the ioyes of heauen are thine J euen all things are thine, and
thou art Chrifls, and Chrift is Gods. Onely ftand faftinthe
\^ Diffourfe of trttc hafffihcffe.
faith J cyuitthy fdfelike a man,and be ftrongiglrd thy fword
vponthythii^hj buckle faftvntothee the whole armour of
God ; ride on, becaufe of the Word of Truth ; and the Lord
thy God be with thee. Brcake thorow for a while with vn-
daunted courage, the bittemeffe of the worlds malice ; the
keenerazours of impoyfoned tongues; the teare s and ted. -
oufnefTe of a few and wretched da»yes; for thou art neerer the
price of the high calling, then when thoufirftbeleeuedft;
Shine more and more in ftith, in patience, in loue, in know-
ledge, obedience, and all other Chriftian graces, vntill the
perfc(fl day, vntill thou reach the height of heauen, and the
fullgloiy of the Saints of God.
I now proceed more diftindly to other markes of diffe-
rence, betwixt the ftate of grace and formall hypocnfie.
Some notes of diflindlion for my purpofe may bee raifed out
of thofe places of Scripture, which Ipropofed, for to ac-
quaint you with the kinds ofperfcdion,& degrees of good-
ncflej whereof a man as'yet vnregenerate is capable,and may
be partaker.
In the 8. nfLt^ke, the hearer refembled vnto the flonic
ground, is the formall hypocrite. Hee receiues the word of
God with ioy, as doth the faithful! Chriftian, though not in
the fame meafure. But heere is the fpeciall point and marke
that difference th the one from the other. The Word and faith
in the formall hypocrhe haue norootes •• The}' are not deep-
ly and foundly rooted and planted in his vnderftanding, con-
fcience, thoughts, affedionSjand anions.
Firft, they are not rooted and faftcned in his vnderftan-
ding, by thofe two facredand gracious habits,wh;ch arc cal-
kdby the Apoftlc,CoI.i,9.ffo^ia & owtjtvts ;Tvewf<ocl<x«:Hea-
ucnly knowledge, orfpeculatiuewifcdomeinthe myfteries
of faluation and fpirituall prudence, or a fandified vnder-
ftanding in pradicall afi-aires of the foule. Thefe two, as
I conceiue,for diuine reuelations, and matters of heauen, an-
fwere in a proportion to thofe two intelleduall habits, Sa-
pient'ta and Pr$uientta, mentioned by <iArtflotle, Eth.6. for
natiiiaIItiuth,andciuilladionfe. i'4;;f«rM, you know out of
i^ Difcfurfe cftrue fmpfiitejfe.
the Sdioole^s, is a worthy habit compounded o^inteUigentta-,
which isanaturall light and ability of apprehending and ac-
knowledging fpecuiatiire principles, the foundations and
fountaines of all humane knovvkdge:andof J'f/^;>f/^ ; which
is an habituall and exadl knowledge of all ncccflarieconclu-
fions and dcdudions, by the force of rcafon, ai-id labour of
difcourfe'thenceifTuing, and grounded thereupon. But Pru-
dentia, though it be feared m the vnder /landing; yet it is pra-
dicall in refped ofthe Obied and the end ; and is the ibue-
raigne& giiideofallothervertucs.lt doth euer amid the ma-
ny varieties, vncertaintieSj&paflages of humane adions,wilc
ly ,and honeftly confultand aduice,iudgeandrefolue;manage
and execute.Euen iuftfo,thefc two heaucnly habits, aof U &
ertu/effi5;rv6e//u*')«>f,heauenly wifdom,and fpirituall prudence,
fhtd into tucrlandifiedvnderftanding by the fountaine of
grace, are bufied and cxercifed about fupemattirall truths,
and matters of eternall life. Bythefirft, the child of God
hauingthecyesofhisminde opened and illightened, doth
leethegreatmyfteryof faluation, the fecrcts ofthe King-
<lome,the whole counlel,& the wonders ofthe law of God ;
Hee doth know what the hope is of his calling, and what ,
the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saints: heej
comprehends wj-iat is the breadth, and the length, and the'
depth, and the heighth. By thefecond hee is enabled with
a iudiciousfinceritie to deliberate and determine in cafes of
confcience ; in the perplexities of tentations ; in all ftraites,
ambiguities, and dixJicultics incident to the confideration
and carriage ofaChriftian j and with fpirituall difcretion to
guide andcondudall the actions of grace, and euery particu-
lar, both in his generalland fpeciall calling. This explicati-
on premifcd, I come to tell you, that the Word of Gcd doth
not take fure and laftingrootejdoth not dwell plentifully in
the vndtrftandmgof the formall hypocrite,by thefe two di-
uine habits.
Firft, there isa right noble branch of diuine knowledge
and heauenly wifedome, fpringiog out ofthe myftcry of re*
:generation j in which, as 1 take it, the formall hypocrite is
(^ Difcdurfe of true happneffe,
for the moft pait vtterly ig'iora-it.He knowes not that darke
and fearefwU pafTagCjWhich leadesfrom the vanities and cor-
ruptions of nature, and out of the dominions of darkenefle
atid death, through ftrange terrors and torments of foule, in-
to the rich and glorious happinefle of the ftate of grace, and
Kingdome ofChrift. He knovvjs not the varicrieand power
oftentatio:is;the caures,degrees,the wofull confequcntsand
recoueries of fpirituall defcrtions, relapfes and decayes of
grace. He hath no skill in the nature, fymptomes, and reme-
dies ofafflidedconfciencesiin thefccrct workings and right
vfes ofaffliclions, infirmities, fcandals, and dilgraces. Hee is
not acquainted with Satans transformations into the glory
of an Angell; with his Bxtfif, and mpx£[tty as the Apoftic
callcth them : that is, his depthes, his profound plots and
contriuanccs, moulded by malice aid fubtiltieinhisowne
Jatge vnderftanding ; ftirnillicd with the experience of our
corruptions, and the fucceffe of his many tentations for
forfiethoufands of yecres managed with all the crafts and
policies of the moft darke and hidden corners of hell. Hce is
not acqnaintedvvith his (ji.i^o$i\<xi asthey are called, f;>^'^6.
• I i.his exquiHtc methods,in the wily conueyanceof hisftra-
tagtms a.'dir/fiiiations; in orderinghisafTuiitsand difchar-
ging hi . fietie daits. How fomttimes he keepes, as it werc,.a
method of nature, in itrikiiig at the roote, and labouring to
ftoppcor poyfon the fountaine of fpirituall life, which is
Ftuth : that To the fruitcs of godiinefle may wither, and the
I ftrcamcsof diiiine grace may drie vp. Satan knowes full
well, that the liuely or languifhing exercife of other inward
graces i the cold,or zealous performance of all outward du-
ties,depend vponthe weakcncsor ftrength of our faith: And
therefore if he perceiue,that(b}' a fi ec and vitall operation of
a ftrong faith ) our zealc, our hopc,our patienccour faitlrful-
ncfle in our calling, and other graces bee maintained in their
heate, vigour, and excellencie; hee labours mightandmaine
to weakcn,fhake^ndbcatedowne our&ith,a!id that by fuch
Firit, by fuggeftlng to the ctjildc of God, a confideration
L^ Difcourfe of true hafpneffe.
orthcfloiirilTiing of th-e wicked, how impericuflvand prof^
pcroufly they domineereand reutll it in the world;hov\/ they
iprcadthemftluesIiKe agreencBay tree, and bring their en-
terprifesto pafre:while himfelPe iyestrampled vpai by their
infolencies, opprclTions and prophane cenfures ; while per-
haps he lingers and pines vnder ibme heauiecrofle and long
vi/itation ;and for all his prayers, his groancs, his patience,
yet findesfmallcomfort,no deliaerance,for ends bcft known
vnto his heauenly Father jfb that hce may outwardly euen
perirh in histroiibks. Thisisa flircwd tcntation, andinfome
mea(iirepreiiaiIedagainftD<«W; it madefo tall, and well
rooted a Cedar to ftagger : nay,this tempcft had neere ouer-
tiirned him;this blow had wounded hisfaith to death,had he
not in good time ftept into the Sanftuarie of the Lord, and
vnderitood the end ofthcfe men ; How fuddenlj they are de-
firoyed, perijhed, ar.d horribly confumed : and confidered how-
fbcuer the godly be vext with men or diuels, for the dayes of
their vanitie in this miferable world; yet it ener goes well
with them at the laft.
A ll'cond meaneSjby which Satan endcuours the weake-
ning of our faith, is this: Heecurioufly obfenies all feafons
and adiiantagcs ; and therefore if hcc fpie our mindes to bee
ouercaft with fome cloud of me'ancholy, the Icate many
times of vnneceffary diftrufls and ftares ; or to be call down
with fome fad and heauie accident, and worldly difcomfort j
hee prefently afrefh rcpreier;ts vnto the view of our confci-
encc, the many and great finnes of onr vnregent ration iti
their fulkil lliapc ; that io by their renewed horror,he terri*
fying and affrighting vs, may raile new doubtings and a*
mazementSjand inlbmemeafureloofenthe hand and hold
A third \vcapon,by which hee ftrikcth at our faith,T take
to beone of his ownt immediate fugg4 ftions,,and that is this :
While the heart of a godly mail is ret'rcthing it lelfe fweetly
andplentcoiifly with an afliirance of his: fiiture- happineffe
and eternall enjoyment of endielfe ioyes.in heauen :• Satan,
that out of his cruell malice he may mixc fomeiicliilli poy-:
H foa
Pfal. 7j.
of Difcotarfe §f true /yappme/fe,
(on with theferiuersof comfoit, labours to cafl: into his
mindejeaenfome thoughts of impoflibilitie of thepeifor-
naanceofthcpromiresoffalimtionjand of the attainement of
that excellent waight of glory: and would gladly make
him thitikeit incredible that hee (liould euer bee crowned
with immortalitie ; or bee fo glorioufly partaker thorow all
eternity of vnifpcakableeomfortsaboue. This tentation, a.s
Itakeit,doth not much difqniet the formal! hypocrite, or
any vnrcgeneratcman. Forbecaufc his perfvvafionof hap-
pinefTetocomcisfalfeand mifgroundedjand that hee hath;
nofoundafllirance of hcaucnj Satan is too wily to i'uggell
vnto him doubts and cliftraflions of this nature. But wherc-
foeuer it lights, it is of fearefull con fequcncci and therefore
not to bee debated vpon by the thoughts, or dil'puted with
Satan i that is not the way to conquer this tentatioii; but fud-
denIy,andrefoIutely tobeeiepdd by the power of prayer;
and out ofan holy contempt offobafe and lying malice, to
bee caft as dung vpon the face of the Tempter. So that the
faithfull Christian forall this, may maintaineandpoflelTehis
heart in patience, aud vnconquerable comfort out of thefe
two confidcrations^
Firft, if hee bee a diuell and prince of hell, as Gods childe
feelesfenfiblyandcertainelyby this prefentmimediatefug-
geftion; why then vndoubtcdiy there is the glory of infinite
Maieftyin heauen, Angels, Saints, boundlefle and endlefle
bkfledneffe of euerlafting time«
Secondly, he is to confider, that in the dayes of his fcciiri-
ty and worldlinefTe, no fuch fcmples arofe in his thoughts :
And therefore it is only a malicious tricke of the enemy of al
tnie comfort, to defcate vs of our heauen vpon earth, our af-
furance ofheauen in the world to come.
A fourth way of weakning our faith, is this : If Satan, by
taking(in the nick) the tide of our frailc and impotent affe-
dionsjby cafting vs vna wares vpon occafionsand allure-
ments; or by the fiidennefle, fubtiltie or violeiKe of fome
tentation, be able to hale vs againe into fome grofie and
icandalous finne ; to which, by reafon of our naturall diipofi-
o^ Difeourfe of true hapfimffe.
tion and cuftomc, wee were often, and mofl: principally ob-
noxious before our calling: why then,from thence he drawes
and enforccth vpon vs difcomfortable ,. and faith-killing
conclufions. He prefently infers vpon fuch relaples ; that we
hauedeceiuedourowne Ibules, that our holinefle indeed is
but hypocrific, that our faith is but temporary, and our con-
uerfion counterfeit .• Otherwife the grace of God would bee
fujficient for vs, and the power of hisfan(5lifyingfpirit,
would atthe Icaft fo farrercftraine vs,bridleand mortifieour
corruptionSjthat we fliould notbrcake out againe, and back-
flide into a (info much loathed and repented of Otherwife,
as our fweet, and mafter-fin in the time of our vnregenerati-
on made the decpefl gafli, the wideft gap into our confcien -
ces/o if we were indeed in theflate ofgrace,we fhould moft
carefully and tenderly clofe vp that wound,and be mod vigi-
I lant and Ibllicitousinfencingand fortifying that breach be-
fore any other. By this meanes Satan many times giues a fore
blow to our faith, and breeds much lieauinefTe and dif com-
fort in the foulc.
Thus Satan in his tentations, fometimes proceedes by a
method(as it v.'ere)ofnature,in ftriking at faith,theroot and
hcartof our fpirituall life. But if he bee not able to faflen his
iierie darts vpon the fhield of faith,.why then he takes a con-
trarie courfe and methcd,as it may beft fit his aduantage, and
mpre.cade infinuation. For he attempts the dulling and di-
minifliingofour zeale,and forwardncfle in Religion, ando-
ther fruits ofj&ith, and inferiour parts offauv^ification. And
that by liich meanes as thefe •
One weapon, by which he labours to woutid our feruen-
cie,and faithfolnefleui duties of liolinefTe, and tO' hmderthc
entireexa'cifc of the graces of fan^Hfication, is ptofperitie
aad freedome from dilcomforts and mileiic. For if hee once
e/'pievstobc encompaded with worldly peace, reputation
amongft mcn,honours,and oiJices, plenty of wealth and pre-
ferments ; he is euer then in good hope ( by the helpe of the
naturallaptncs of worldly happines to enfiiare and intanglc)
to beget in our hearts, worldlinefTe and fecuritie, tlie . two
H 2 gicat.
v(^ D$fcoi(rfe oftme hii^pnefje
§reatanddangei-ous conilimptions of fpirituall life. For i^
worldUiiefleoiice take poficiTion of our hearts, it vvaftes by
little and little ourioy inheaiienly things, our comfort in
thecommunion of Saints, our longings for the incompre-
lienrib[eandcuer!aftinghappine{lc:itbani(lieth all thoughts
of the worth of our foulcs, of the fpirituall ftate of our con-
fcience, of the vanitie and change of this prelent life, of the
glorious rifingagaine of our bodies, andtheimmortalitie of
the fecond life: and in ftead thereof fiUeth vsvvirh earthly
cares, with feares, iealoufies, griefe,hopes, wiflies, indepcn-
dance vpon the prouidence of God, and a thoufand plat-
-fomnes for the encreafement and fecuring of our outward
-felicitieandfecuritierlt makes vs.infenfible of Gods iudge-
• ments, of our falling from our firft loue, of the danger whcr-
- in we ftand: It makes vs put ftrre from vs the euill day; and
tothinkeourmountaineiblirongjthat wee Oiall neuer beej
mooned, but continue iw our happy ftate, and dye in the
Secondly, hee feekes to weaken our praflife ofgodlinefTe,
by faftening vpon vs vncheerefulnefle,and vnprofitablencfle
in the meanes of the prcferuation of grace. For if he can once
make vs cold and negligent, or oncly formall, and curfone in
the daily examination of our conferences, in hearing the
Word of God, in the godly exercifes with oiu- fchollers or
families, in publike prayer,orour more priuate ftriuing with
God by groanes and fighes, for t he fiipply of fome grace or
remoueail of fome corruption ; then there eucr fbllowesa
languifhing and decay of the life of grace, if we but perfun-
ctorily rcceiue the heauenly food into our vnderftandings ,
and being hindered by diltraflions, carelefiiefTe or worldly
cares, not digeftit by meditation and conference, and by fpi-
rituall exercifc of feruent prayer comiey it into the feucrall
parts of our foulesjour new man will quickly fall into a con-
Thirdly, hee doth notably dull and darken our holineflfe.
and finceritie,Jiiy calling V* vpon vngodly and prophanc
companie :whicn hathjl know-not,what fecrec and bewitch- 1
___- i"gr
o^ Difcourfe of true happmffe.
ing power to transforme others into their own falLions
and conditions ; and to make them (bmetimes to condemne
theirFormer fbrwardnefTe and zealein the fe^uice of God.
For as the fecdcaft into the earth,dravves vntcJ'it felfe by lit-
tle and little the propertie of that fcilc,whercimto it is tranf-
ported, vntill at length it becomes like that which doth
there naturally grow :fo thefpiritsand manners of men com-
monly conformethemiclues tothofe,with whom they ordi-
narily conucrfe. Lamentable then is their cafe, bafe their
refoIiition,a!idmiftrablc their comfort; who for aduantage,i
fadion,forcfight and hope of future gratifications, or any
other by-rcfpecl, plunge themfelues into fuch companies,
ivhere perhaps they may enioy many plealanr paflages of
wit, let and aitiiiciall difport and palling the time; dire-
dion in their worldly aftaires, combination againft the
power of Religion, and the true Profellbrs thereof: but
where they lliallfinde no fiirtheranccmtheway to heaue%
no comfort in heauenly things, no encouragement to pie-
ty, no counfell in tentations, no confolation vpon their
deaths-bed. O how much better were it, for thefcfew and
wretched dayes,tolbrtandfolace themfelues amongft the
Saints of God, w'ith whom they jnight fliine as glorious
lightstogetherinthc earth, and hereafter in the heauens a-
boue the brightnelle of the Sunne for eueimore ; rather then
prophanelytolport themfelues in LMeJhech, and for a fea-
fon proudly to ruffle in the tents of Keday, where there is
no light of grace, no ioynt expedation of etemitie ; but
darkeiiefleoflinne, andlliadow of death i Miftake mee not
in this point : I would not haue men goe out of the world, or
become SefAufts. I would rather haue them, if they will
vnderftaod P^^Waright bee made all things to all men,, that
they might by all mcanesfauelbme: That is, I would haue
the children ofCod not be wanting in any offices of kind-
nefle or pittie ; but to yceld and communicate -themfelues
'^o farre, as dutie,chautie,humanity ,neceflitie of their gene-
tall or paiticular calling Ypon good warrant, and i-uft occa-
jfion may challenge and exact at their hands. But as for a free
H 3 and
\^ Vifcoitrfe of trne happmelfe.
and full communication oFthc fecrets of their foiilc> of their
deartftaft-edioiis, of their fpiritiiaH eftatc, of their ioyftil-
left and beft expencc of time; I would haue that only vonch-
fafed and coMucied into the faithfiillbofome of a rriieChri-
ftian,and confined to grace, as its pecuhai- and principall Ob-
ied. L';t their goodncfle, and good deedes fpiead without
limit ; but their delight T\d intimatej^eflc, is to be reftiained
and appropriated to the Saints that are on the earth, and to
thetruely excellent, which are onely the godly. Hence it is
that Gods children are many times cenfured formorofitie,
ynfociablcneflc, difdainefulneffe of fpirit , and oppofition
to good fellowiliip ; when God knowes they can find no
taftcinthewhitcofanegge, no ftrengthin a broken flafFe
of Reed, no comfort in the men of the world, who haue
their poition in this life ; and therefore they ^vould not
part with their Paradife of communion of Saints, or com-
fortable communication with God in their folitarinefTc,
forthecompanyof Kings, and a world of camall content-
Fourthly, Satan doth fomctimes workeafoule decay of
grace, and exercife of godlineffe, by putting into our heads
fomc inordinate plot and fbrccaft, for preferment and great-
nefle. For if hee can once fet our thoughts bufily on foot for
proied:ingandcontriuing( with excediue defire, ambition
andgreedinc{le)rome honour, oiljcc or high place; why
then,farewel zeale;farewe/ taking part with Gods children j
farewell an vnfhaken refoUition, in itanding for the honour,
truth, andferuiceofGod; anda Chriftian courage in repro-
uing fins. For then we mufl line refemedly; we muft be con-
tent to part with our liberty, and bee depriucd of our felues:
Wee mufl labour to fatis fie and accommodate our felues to
the humours, pleafurcs, and paffions of men. In a word, our
whole carriage muft hold a neceffaric and cxa(fl corrcfpon-
dencc with the menandmeanes that arc able to promote vs.-
^ f©r fo vncertaine and irregular are the reuolutions of mens
\ ftuours, that many times, ifa man but miffe, or miflimc one
I'Ccremonicor circumftantiall obferuance, it is enough to cafl
cxf Difcottrfe of true happnejfc.
him o^iand vtteilycafliirehim from his hopes & ends.Moft
miferablc and feruile is their life, that thus forfake the ftrong
tower of their faluation, and clafpe their hand of faith about
thearmecFfierh. For they docnotonely bertaue themfekies- 1
ofthatwoithyfrecdomeoffpirit, which an honeft Heathen 1
would not exchange for his hfe : but alfo as they grow into a ;
habit of feruitude and bafe engagements vnto men ; fo they j
grow into a flauery vnto fin, and bondage vnto the corrup-
tions of the time. And the higher they rife into faubwr with
prophanegreatncfle and poIic)',the deeper they finkeintothe
miferies of bafencfle and flattery, and the high diipleafure of
Ahnighty God :and at length, if they attaine their ends,
( for fometimes they die in the tedious profecution of fome
vndefcrued dignity ) they double their difcomforts, and en-
crcafc their account. For commonly where the purfuite and
purchafe of any honor and preferment hath been bafc and rn-
diredjthcre the dilcharge and execution is formall, vain-glo-
rious, andvnconfciouable. ;
Thus you lee a fecond method of Satan, whereby he goes ;
about to kill the fruits of faith; & to caufcifnot an vtter cef- 1
fatioDjyct much wcaknes and interruptions in the operations
of grace. }
Many moefuch depths and proceedings he hath in tentati- '
ons.Asforexamples: l
If he mccce with notorioufly wicked men ; as Drunkards,
Sw«. arerSjV nek ane perfonSjand the like ; he tempts the m to
Atheiiine, a reprobate fenfc, contempt of Gods woriliip
andferuice, and to the great offence. To defend their lewd
and gractlefllcourfcs; to glory in their <^\y:j^^, and in their
dexttritieofmaking others drunke with the fameiniquitie.
He ftickles and flrikcs thebaigaine betwixt them, and death
and hclljand cnters(as it were )bondfor the performance of
thecpuenant: Hte tempts them to fcorning-; and by their
feoihngs and railings, in fome fort, to the defpifing, of the
Spirit of grace in the children of light i which is a foule figqc
of a feared, conlcience, and a fearefullpreparatiuctufmne
againft the holy Ghoft.lhefe are Satans ftandard-bearers ;
H 4 and
(^ Difconrfe oftrm hdpfineffe.
and therefore he infpires them with extraord'hiary boidnelTe,
and defperatencflc in fiiinirg ; and tcacheth them to march
furioufly in variety of rebellions againftthe Maiefty ofhea-.
If hemeete with honefl: cinillmen, hee labours to per-
fwadethcm, chat iiift and vpright dealing with their neigh-
boursygood meanings and intentions in matters of religion,
are the very life of the (eniiceof God, and a (IiiJicient way
to heauen: And to concciiie,{inne and finctritie to bee no-j
thing elfe but morall veitnes and vices; the power of fantfli |
fication,to be nothing but good education ; the pra^lifc of
godlineffe to bee nothing bucroberandhoncrtbehaiilour ;
and tlie whole miftcry of Chriftianity, to bee o:ielyagraiit
andilayedciiiility; And the much adoe about faithflill a;id
confcionable preaching, to bee onely die hnmourof fome
odde fellowcs, that would bee accounted fingular aadiera-
I f he meete with formall hypocrites, who bcfides immu-
nitie from grofle Cmi\cs^ and their ciuillhoneftic, are carefull
andfalliionablein the outward duties of religion, yet fhort
of a found coinierfion: he labours might and maine' to fet-
tle in them an opinion, that the (late of regeneration is no-
thing but precileneflb and purita<iifmc ; that fauing fincerity
and a true pra.^iceofholiiieirj isonelyatraifcendent/af^^j
<:onfiftinginpureabfl:radion,concciuedinthe irregular and
ftirring heads of fome bufie and pragmatical! fellowes,
fhadowedondy with a number of fairel"hewes and preten-
ces, but really exiftent and a fled no where. And that they
may more fecurely and oblHnately reft vpon this perfwafion,
heefumillieththemwitha notable art of mifconceiting and
mif-mterpreting the aflions of grace i and of making, byo-
dious exaggerations, a little hole m the coate of a found
Chriftian, as wide as hell. Hence it is that I>«<^ is many
times made ({5oit with, and merrily iefted vpon by them,
withthefalfefcoftersat their feafts and banquets ; and hath
things laid to his charge withmucIiconfidcncc,but without
allconfciencc,-whichfG odthou knoweft ) hee neuerknew-
o^ I>ifcourfe oftrtte hAfpne^e.
'Hence it is, tli^-rtiany times rhofe aftions, m whicli, for the
truth and vprightnedie of his heart, and the iuftnefTe and in-
nocencyof his caufCjhe dare appeale to the tribunal I of God,
(theimpartiallfcarcheroftheinmoft thoaghrs,and feuere re-
ncngerofall falfehood ) y et are racked by vile and bafe mif-
conftrud:ions,and interpreted to be the workes ofdarknefle
and deceit. And if they take a godly man but tripping in
fbme lefler error in his carriage, and that perhaps but forged
in their ownewilfull mifconceit; they thence raife matter,
not only of triumph and infultation,but( which is much more
fearefull) ofchearitig,app!auding,and confirming themfelues,
in their prcfent wretched ftate.
But if Satan meete with a man, that by the grace of God
isalrcadie entied into the pangs of his trauell in the new
birth, and with forrow for his fins is f mitten downe into the
place cfDragons, andcouered with the flradow of death ^
then hee eagerly ftriues to ftiflethe new man in the wombe;
and byprcfentingtohis view the vglie vifage of his many
and outragfous traufgrcHIons, thccurfeofthelaw, and the
wrath of God( which hee yet makes more grizly and fierce
by his owne hellifli malice,)co plunge him into the bottom-
leflegulfe of irrccoucrable horror and defperation. But if by
"the mercies of God he finke not, but betimelay holdvpon
the iuftice ofChrift, and that boundlcflc companion, which
neuer knew how tobreake the bruiiedreede, or quench the
fmoaking faxe 5 but holds a broken and contrite heart faire
moreprecious,thenthelacrificeofthe beafts onathoufand
mountaines,and then ten thoufand riuersofoyle : why then
hee ftands like a great red Dragon m his way, at the very firfl
entrance into theKingdciTie of light, and profefHonof fince-
ritic, aud caftsout of hismouth floods of perfecutions, vexa-
tions andoppofitions] that fo he may ouerwhelmt andcrufh
him before he come to any growth or ftrengch in Chrifl;,and
a full comprehenfion of the myflery ofgrace. And to this
endhefetsonfoote, and fire too, and whets with keene ra-
zors many a lewd and prophane tongue, tofcofte, difgrace
and difcouiage him in hi^ narrow, butbkfledpafiageto im-
o^ Difcoarfe §f true hApf)ine^e.
niortaIity,by repmachcs,flanders,exprobration of his former
life: by odious names of Hypocrite, Singularift, Puritanc,
a fellow of irregular confcience and ftirring humour, of
a factious and contradidiousfpirit, and fuch like. Butif hee
alfo pafle thcfc pikes, and thefe Oiarpe rwords(for fo Daaid
calles fpightfull tongues, )out ofa confideration of that truth
in Panli Euerj one that\\>itl line godly in Chrijl lefiu, fjallfuf-
ferper/ecnnon; and that in the calmeft time of the Church :
amongft many other, he fliall be fure at the leaft to bee conti-
nually {courged and vext vj'ith ftrife of tongues : for euerie
faithfull Chriftian knovves by good experience, that eucr
now and then, as hee lliall (lirre in a good caure,fl:and againft
the corruptions of the place w- here he Iiues,with confcience
andfaithfulnefle difcharge his calling;he fhall prcfently hauc
the ipirit of prophanenefle to fliein his faccwithbrutidi and
implacable malice and infolencie : but yet, I fay, if he be able
with his Lord and Sauiour to endure this fpeaking againft
of finners j and to efteeme it, as it is indeede, his crownc and
comfoit : why th^n Satan cafts about another way ; and hee ,
labours fometimes to faftenvpon him fome vnwarrantable
opinions thereby fcandaloufly and vnneccflarily to difquict
him, to defraud hmiof an entire fruition ofthe comforts of
holinefl'e, and to hinder and interrupt him in the profecuti-
onofhis glorious feruice of God. Sometimes to puffe him
vp with afclfe-conceit of his ownecxcelkncic, feeing hi-nj-
felftaduanced as &rreaboue the common condition of men,
and the richeft and happicft worldling j as hcautn aboue
earth, light abcue darkcncffejCndlefle happinefle abouc eter-
I nail miferie: that fo, as the Apothecaries ointment by a dead
j flie, his goodadionsar.d fpuituall graces, may receiue ftaine
' andinfedion by priuy pride : of the; natui'e and remedies
I whereof I haue before difcourled. Thefe and many others be
the tentations ofa babe in Chrift,and fitted to the infancie of
But if Satan meete with a ftrong man in Chrift, he tempts
him by thofe two methods I told you of before ; fometimes
by wafting his zeale, fometimes by wcakuinghisfaith,anda
cxf Difecurfe of trtte hapfmeffe.
tlioiifand inoe« Amid which infinite varicty,he is for the moft
I fwitcoiiflant m one point ofpolicic, and that isthis:Hec(Mi-
iccaleshisgreateftfurie, his moil dtfperate afTault vnto the
Iaft:He referues his fiereft darts,his dcadliefl: poyio,his fliar-
pcftfting,hisGunpowdei-pIot, vntiilhce mettev.s on our
deaths-bed. Wherefore,beloiKd in Chrift: Iefus,we had need
' cuery man to be ftrongly and Ibiindly prepared and armed a-
gainft that great and lail encounter with Satan : vpon which
depends our euerlaftingeftate, either in the ioyes of hcauen
or paines of hetl. Oh .' at that day, ( and we little know how
neere it is } it is not our deepc reaches and vnfathomed poii-
ciesandproie(5ts, the countenance and patronage of great
perfonages,oiir merry and pleafant companions, or the plu-
rality of liuing.s and preferments, that can yeeld vs any com"
fort or afliftance in that terrible and fearefuU combate. Nay,
though we now little thinke vpon it,all the worldly content-
4ncDts,that wee haue either diredly purchafedjor vnconfcio^
nably imployed, hec will then turne vnto vs into Scorpions
ftings, and Wormes of confcience . Onely at that day a good
conlcicnce will hold out as armour of proofcj which, as it
hath beene on earth a continuall feaft, fo then it will be vnto
vsa great aad euerlafting /^^^/f"*? for euermorc.
By this time you eafily perceiue,and I am very fenfibleof
the digreffion 1 haue made : but I haue done it, onely to giue
you a tadc of that part ofdiuine knowledge about thcdepths
ofSatan, and fpirituall ftatc of fandified Ibules and afriifled
confciences ; which I take to be Gods childs peculiar,and in
which the formall hypocrite hath little skill or exercife. For
thedfepeanddiuineponderations of this nature vpon thefe
pointSjdoe not much take vp or trouble his mind and medita-
tions, it is a precious knowledge, abftradled by an holy ex-
perience from the pradiie and aflions of true and found re-
generation; and therefore it is tranfcet-identtohismofthap- '
py natuiall capacity, to the depth of his worldly wifedome,
and to the greateft height of his fpeculations, though other-
wife neuerlb vniucrlall and profound.
Now as concerning other parts ofdiuine knowledge,and
K^ Difc9urfe eftrne hAfftne[fe,
other points of religion .; hee may bee fumilTied with ftore of
raraand excellent learning, in Fathers, Schoolernen, Coni-
mentaries, Controiierfies ; he may bee en ^ued with (ubrikie
in difputing and defending the truth of God : yea, and in re-
fohiing cafes of confcience too, fofarreasa forraal' obfcma-
tion,and Popifli Dodors can leade himTor their refolutions
inthatkinde,areoneIybu{ied about cafes incident to their
Antichriftian Hierarchic ; about perplexities arifmg out of
their will-worlliip andbloodic fuperltition, and determina-
tion of fome particulars in the commandements, which may
fall within thecapacitieof an vnregenerate man : buttheir
profelTion, I meane the Papacie, cannot poflTibly reach vnto
the heart of godlincfTe, themyfterie ofregeneration,andthe
fauing power of the life to come. Nay, yet befides this, the
formall hypocrite may be made partaker of fome degrees of
thefpiritofilhimination,in vnderftanding, and interpreting
thebookeofGod, for the good ofhis Church and children,
For I doubt not, but maily haue much light of iudgement,
thathaue little integrity of confcience; and areinfpired with
the fpirit of illumination for the good of others, that haue
no part in the fpirit of fancflificationand ibund conueriion for
their owne happinefie.But yet me thinks there may bee con-
ceiued fome difference betwixt the childe of God, and the
formall hypocrite, in the very fptculation and knowledge of
Gods truth, and in apprehcnfion of things diuinem the vn-
derftanding : Which 1 take to bee fuch as thefe,
Firftthe light of diuine knowledge in the formall hypo-
crite, dothonelydifcharge his beamesandbrightnesvpon
others ; but neuer rcturnes and refleds on his owne fouleto
an exa(5l difcouerie of the darkeneife of his owne vnderlbn-
ding, the difcrdtr ofhis aflfjdions,the flum-ber of his confci-
ence,^the deadnefd of his heart :bat entry childc of God is
■cncrinfomv^mealiire, both a burning and fhining Lampe;
he IS both illightned and inflamed inwardly in his owne vn-
derftandingjheart and affedions; and alio the brightueflc of
ihisChriitianvertues,areeuer difperled and working Vpon
others. Whcriifocucr he liaes hee Ihinesas alight, amid a
, naughty
o^ Difc»urfe of true happmejfe.
naughty and crooked generation, inthe fight and cenfure ofi
God, the blefled Angels, and good men ; though to thel
iudgtmentof thevvoild, andeyeofprophaneneflchi.s glo-
rious graces euer did, and cuer will appeare to bee nothing'
butdarkencflcanddifiembling. You may concciuc this dif^
ference thus : The ftin-bcames (you knovv)are not oncly caft i
and /"bed into the inferiour Orbs andaire;bnt arc firft roo-l
ted in the Sunne, and doe inwardly and vniiierfally fill with
light that faire and glorious body : It is other wile in the
Moone ; for howfceu'.r fliee rcceiue light, for the cheering
and comforting other bodies, yet fhee remainesdarke with-
in,and m refped of her lelfe,it f crlies only to make her f pots '
more confpicuous. It isiuft ih in the point we haue in hand :
The light of diume knowledge in tlie child of Gcd, dcth not
onely iLinc vponthe foules oFothers for their inflijijcflion &
refrefLing ; but doth firft ftilly illuminate his owne, though
nottoanexcellencieofdegree,forthat is relerucd for hea-
ucn ; yet to a pcrfedion of paj ts, of which onely onr morta-
lity is capable. But in the formall hypocrite howlbeuer it
may fometimesdifpell ignorance and errors from the mindes
ofothers J yet within hec is darkenefie in the Abftrad in re-
iped of fauing light, as is euery vnregenerate man, Ephef.
J. 8. And his li^ht of knowledge in refped of himfeifclcrucs
onely to make his finnes more foule and finfiiU, Ins damna-
tion more iuft, and hirafelfe more inexcwfable. For^<f<? that
k>to^es hid maftersyviU^ and doth it not, Jhall be beaten with ma-
ny finpes.
Secondly, the knowledge of diiiine myfteries in Gods
child,is entertained and enioyed with a peculiar kinde of
fweetnes;with an imprefl^on of incomparable ioy andplea-
fure : It is farre fweeter vnto him then honey, and the honey '
-combe : Hee hath more delight in it then in all manner of
riches : It is moreprecious vnto him then the gold,yea then
much fine gfold : It begets and (lirresin him flagrant dcfircs
andaftedionfscorrcfpondenttoits precioufneffe and excel-
lencie. But it is not fo with the formall hypocrite ; for his
«arthly-mindedneflre,by whichhis aftedioiis are ( as it were)
kA Difcmrfe gf true hafpineffe.
glued vnto thefarhionsofche world ; if bee were fenfible of
it, would tell him that it is many times not fo f weet vnto him
as his plcafures : His clofe couetoii(htflc,or other vnconfcio-
nablenefle inhisca^ling, if his confcience were illightened,
would informe him, that many times it is not fo dcare vnto
him as gold.
Thirdly the child of God hath an humble and gracious re-
fb!ution,afweeteandwiUingfubmiiTion euer mixt with his
diuineknowledge, of being maftcred, guided and goucr-
ncd by it ; though againft the violent bent of his owne
inclination, and the current of the time : but the fbrmall hy-
pocrite,(ifhe dcale faithfully with his owne heart}may feelc
mhimfelfeafecret fubordination and fubie(!T:ibn of his vn-
derftandingthercin, to his wcalth,honourSjand worldly pre-
Fourthly,in apprehcnfion ofdiuine truth in th« formall hy- ,
pocrite, the power of naturalldifcourfe, and light of reafon
1 beares thechicfeft fway ; and therefore he ftickes(as it were)
in the bone and barke, ingeneralities, and vncertaiwties : but
in the child ofGod,thefacred illuftration of Gods fpirit doth
1 plentifully concurre; and therefore he is able to pric into,and
pierce the narrow and pith ofGods holy truth, the particu-
lar vcines and fauing fenfe thereof
I come now to the other habit,which the' Apoftle calleth
<rtu/ecrj5;rvEc//Met)««,fpiritualprudencc,by which the Word &
faith take no roote in the vnderftandingof the formall hypo-
This habit, I told you, is a fpirituall prudence,or a fandi-
fTedvnderftandinginthepradVicaliafiaires of the foule;by
which a regenerate man is inablcd with a iudicious fincerity,
to deliberate and determine in cafes of conl"cience,in the per-
plexities oftentationSjin all {lraits,ambiguities, and diiiicul-
ries incident to the confideration and carriage of a Chriftian;
and with fpirituall difcretion to guide and conducfl all the
adions ofgrace,and euery particular both in his general! and
Thiswifedome (as I take it) is an attendant vponiuftiry-
o/f Difconrfe of true happmejfe.
ing faith, and onely and infcparably annexed vnto faiiiiig
grace; and tliereforctlie formal I hypocrite, though I place
him in thehigheftperfeaion that is attaincable in the ftate
of vnrcgeneration, is vtterly vncapable of it, and a meere
ilranger vnto it, as be is vnto the life of God.
By this holy wifedome, Damd, Pfaline i ip. verfepp. is
{aid to be wifer then his adiierfanes j that is, then Sau/, and
all his politicise States-men, then his teachers, then the an-
cient. Ifwircdomewerelolf,methinkesitflioiiIdbe found
amongft Politicians (the Oracles of imperiall depths and
fecrets of State ; the pillars of Common wealths and King-
doms:) amongft profound Doctors and Rabbins(the fathers
of knowledge and learning : Jamongft the ancient, whofe
age is many times crowned with ripeneflc of iudgement,
with varietie of experience and obferuation. And yet by this
vwjzvig 7ivetfjwi]»xj),fpirituall prudence ( for thefame word V- uvlf^it'
fed there by the Septuagincs,which the Apoftle hath, Col. i . retg Toug
p )Daftidfkrre furmounteththem alljin refpedof which,thc St^avKoi'
flower and quinteflence of all their wifedome and poll- Tas/nectt-
cies, was nothing but glorious folly and profound fimplici- »?X8U
tie. Hence it is that many a poore foule, illiterate andneg- '
leded, proudly pafled by, and many times trampled vpon I
with dil'grace and vexation, by worldly wife men ,• yet li-
ning vnder a conilant and confcionable Minifterie, is infi-
nitely more wife then the greateil; Clerkes, and learnedeft
Docflors; bothingiuingcounfellandaduice in fpirituall af-
faires, an din conducing dieirowne fouleSjin thefe ftrange-
ly prophane and defperate dayes, thorow the ftraight way to
Hence then you may fee a cleere difference. The formall
hypocrite,fo farre as naturall wit, goodncffe of education,ci-
•uill honeftic,moralldifcretion, politicke wifedomecan in-
lighten and Icade him, may mannage his ad:ions and affaires
with exadnefle and reputation, glorioufly, and without ex-
ception in the fight and iudgement of the world. Nay, be-
fides, fometimes by an addition offbme inferiour and more
tgenerall graces of Gods Spirit, beemayfct vpon them fuch
<^ Difcmrfe of true kippmeffe.
an outward gliftering, that they may dazlethe eyes of the
bcft: difcerning fpiricand deceiuehis owne htarc with a falfe
peifwafionjthat theyaiethe true anions ofpietic, and plea-
fingvntoGod. Butouerandaboue all thefe, (which isne-
uer to bee found inthevnregenerate) there is inthevnder-
fhnding of the child of God, a more excellent and fuperiour
vigour, thatinfpireshisaflionswitha high and more hea-
uenly nature ; thatbreathcs into them the life of grace ; that
guides them with truth and finglenelTe of heart, and finceri-
tie in all circumftances, to the glory aad acceptation of
God, the comfort of his owne confcience, and good of his
brethren. There isafarre cleerer and brighter eye fhiiiing
in the foule of euery regenerate man, in refpefl whereof, the
faireftlightsof all other knowledge a:id wifcdome are E-
gyptiaa darknefle; which doth euer faithfully defcrieand dif-
couer vnto him the ftraite though vnbcaten path to immor-
talitie, thoro wall the paffages or particulars of his life: It
reucales vnto him the wifeft and mod confcionable refolu-
tion in all fpirituall debateraents ; the beft an<l fitteft feafons
of reprouin^ finnes and winning foules vnto God ; many ob-
Ifquities ofa^lions, iniquitie of many circumftances j the
1 ight vks of his owne afrliflicns, difgraces, and in fimiities,
which the formall hypocrite cannot poilibly difcerKe, be-
caufe he is ftarke blind on this eye.
AmongiV infinite, I willgiueoneinftance of the gracious
workings and powerofthisdiuine habit.
Let vs imagine an euill report or falfe (lander to bee vn-
iuftly raifed ( and without ground ) vpon the formall hypo-
crite, though it feldome bcfalHhch; for commonly pro-
phanemenare more 'countenanced, better coiiceiued and
(pokenofbythe greater part, and by great mjn,then they
deferue. Yet if it fo fallout; this or the like is his bchaui-
our : Hee perhaps proclaimcsand prot.fts his cleerenefie in
the cafctoo ambitioufly and impudently ; not with that hu-
militieand ipirituall dilcretion : Hee pleaCth and applau-
dethhimfelfeiahisinnocencic, for this particular, boyfte-
roufly, and witKcIamour J which perhaps fecretly breeds a
■ more
i^ Difcourfe of true hopbine ffe.
more generall PhariTaicall felfe-conceit of the reft of his
wayes : He angrily contefts with the iniqiiitie and ingrati-
tude of the world, for cafting fuch bafe indignities & afpcr-
fioiisvpongoodnefleandvcrtue :Hee would gladly bcare it
out braudy, and make others thinkc that hee pafleth it with-
out wound or paiTion ; but indeede hec inwardly chafes and
fretSj andismuchgrieuedandgauled with Worldly forrow
for it : the reafonis,his reputation with men is dearer vnto
him then the glory of God j his chiefeftgood and comfort
in this world, isthe worlds goodopinio/j of him. Butin ill
this, hceisfofarrefrom workingany/pirituall good out of
St, that hecratherentertaincs a fecrct encouragement to bee
that indeede which the world cenfiires him to be, then for a
bare concealed confcience of his innoccncie, to debarre him-
{d^c of a full fruition oftheprefent times.
But let vs now on the other fide, conceiuea Child of God
tc bee wickedly and wrongftiUy flandered : for it is properly
his lot and portion in this life, to beeioaden withlewde and
lying cenfures, with vniuft and odious imputations •, fome-
timestohaucmanygrieuous things and fearefiili abomina-;
tions fatlieicd vpon him,without all fenfe, honefty,or proba-
bility ; which he neuer did, hee neuer knew. And if once ill
reports railed falfely vpont he godly, bcon wing they flieas
fwift as the Eagles of the heauens. Deuilsare fpcedie Dro- 1
mcdarics to carry fuch newcs : They prefeiitlypafletlioiow |
Tancrnes and Ale-houfeSjCitie and Country, Gathand A{1
calon : they lunne farre and w jde,as currant and authcuricall, '
vnderthe Broad-feale of good fellowfhip ^ neuer more to be \
•controlled and reuerft, vntillthematterbee brought before j
thathigh and euerlafttng Judge. But markc, I pray you, the
carriage of- Gods Child in thefe cafes: he doth indeed fwe-et-
ly and comfortably enioy theconfcioufnefleofhis owiie vp-
lightiKifle ; though his adiierfaries bee neuer fo potent ot
cunningto threape him down,yet vntill he die,as lok /peaks,
hte will not takeaway his innocencie from himfelfe. When
the fharpe and empoy fbned arrowes of bitter malice si^ ca-;
lumniationscoxne thickeftvponhiajj euen»witb haile-ihot,
I his
Chap, t^-
«^ Difeottrfe of trttt happimffe.
his truly noble, and diuinelyrefoluedioule is infinitely fatif-
/led with that in loh; Behold now, my mtHejfe is in the heauen,
and my ncord « on high. Yet he doth labour to cleere himlelfe
ft)fiuTe,asthchonourofGody the fatis&dion of the godly
and danger of iuft fcandall require.
But the gracious considerations and holy pracl^ife, which
( in thdfe afflictions of his good name ) fpirituall prudence
principally miniftcrs and (uggefts vnto him, are fiich as
thefe :
Firft, hee confiders, that howfbeuer hee be innocent from
theflander, yet the finger ofGod is in it, as it was in direct-
ing the dogged malice of curfedvy^iw^, vponthe royallpcr-
ibn ofDantd j and therefore he gathers, that the Lord would
thereby giue him notice, thatfome other things in him are
amifle : that fome fecret corruption, by which his blefled
vSpirtt is grieued, is to bee f ubduedand mortified-, that fome
grace is to bee repaired ; fome of his wayes to bee amended :
perhaps his languifhing zeale is to bee reuitiedand inflamed;
his heart, much duld with the contagious prophanenefTe and
formality of the times, is to bequickned, and more enlarged
for Gods fcniice ; repentance and humiliation for fome for-
mer finne, not thorowly repented of, or in partrefumcdjis to
be renued. Perhaps the Lord hath thereby an holy purpofe
to reucale vnto him, theomiflionof Ibme duties in his cal-
ling, or fome fmaller faults ( yet fcandalous) whereof before
hewasnotfeniible. Or it may bee, to preuent fome finne to
come,eitherthatwith which he isfelfely charged ; or fome
other to which his fraile nature is more inclining. Or laftly,
/ by this experienceto prepare him with courage, and fiirnilh
( him with wifedometocomfort others in the like cafo^orto
glorifie his name by patience, in Ibme more publike and no-
torious difgrace and vexation to bee indured in this kinde.
Hcereupon the Child of God doth prefently make a priuie
ftarch into his foule, doth narrowly lift the ftateof his-con-
fcience; and after due and impartiall examination, feelingly
.and faithfully addreflehimfelfc to prayer, praftife ofthefo
eoQfiderations,aiidreforinationofwhat hcfindsamifle.
i^ Difcourfe cftrue hafpmjfe.
I op
Secondly, this outward crolTe vpon his good name by
ftlfe furmifesandfHfpicions, makes him retire into himfelfe;
and more fruitfully and chcercfully to cnioy all his inward
comforts, his hope and delight in heauenly thines, the aflu-
rance that his name is written in the Booke of lire; which no
malice of men, orpolicieof hell is euer able to blot out. It
makes him with more feruent and greedy attention to liften
for the trumpet of that lafl: and fcarefu!! day;more longingly,
and with fixed ej'es, to wait for the Lord lefus in the clouds;
who, as hee will puniOi a!! prophane Oppofitcs to holincfife
with euerlafting perdition from the prefencc of the Lord and
from the glory of his power:(b vndoubtcdly,with the bright
neffe of his comming,he will then at the furthefl:,before men
and Ai 1 gel Sjbring forth his lighteoufnefleas the light,andhis
iudgcment as the noone day. •
Thirdly, by the mercies of God, for any fuch wretched !
and lyiiig flander, hee is not i'o call downc with worldly fbr-
row, hte doth not (b ftrre gratifie Satan and malicious men, !
as to ioync hands with them for the affii£ting of his owne
fbule,withneedlcflc difcomforts, or difcouraging himfelfe |
in his calling: but rather hee raifeth matter of comfort, en- j
couragcment, andreioycing. For thereby hee is made more '
like and conformable to his Head Chrift lefus ; ivbo endured
the cropland fuch peaking Againfiof ftnners, anddefptfedthe
Jhamefor the toy that whiffet before htm. He hath thereby more
waight and degrees added to his blefledncfle ; more malli-
ntfleandbrightnefllto his Crowne of immortality: 'B/ejfed
areyee (iaith Chrill) "when men reutleyou mdfxy aU manner »f
euiUagaiy.fi you for mjf-.ke faljly^reieyce and he glad, for great
uyourre'^aydinheauen. Anatherefore in dcfpite of malice
and fairiiood, he runs on ioyfiiUy in his race : and hauing the
attcflaticnefacleereconlcience, the acclamations of Saints
ai]d Angels, hee little cares for the barking of dogs by the
way ; but followes hard towards the markc, for the price of
the high calling of God in Chrift lefus.
Suchasthefe, are the thoughts and behauiour, fpirituall
wifedome acquaintsthc Child of God with j when his good
^ 2 name/
Lxf Difconrfe of true hapfineffe.
name is wronged, & wounded with flanders & falfe reports.
I conclude the whole point : The knowledge and pra<5li-
call wifedome about heauenly matters in the formall hypo-
crite, are dull, coId,pIodding,formaII, feruiceable, and fubor-
dinate to his worldly happinefle. His knowledge is /joffOiJif
niyvvxrices, a f ot-me of l^oiv/ed^e^Kom'2. 20. His piaciice is
fxoffctrie lv9t€tiAi,aformevf£odlinir(fe,2.Tim. 3.5 . All isforme
and ovt wardnefTe : they are not deepely and foundly rooted
in him by fanc^ifying grace : not inwardly infpired with fu-
pernaturall and fpiriniall life. But diuine knowledge in the
Childe ofGodjis calledthcSpiritofReuelation,Epnei.i.i7.
his praclicall wifdome is fpiritaall,Corof". i.p.that is,qiiicke,
a(^iue,fcnient, zealous, ftirring; not into irreqularities and
exorbitancies,as worldly wifdom many times mifconftrues,
butagainft the corruptions of the times ; and working out of
all aftionSjOccafions, and occurrcnts(euenoutofmifcries,
flanders, and infirmities ) fomc glory vnto God, Ibme good
vnco his children/orae comfort vnto his owne foule.
I ffow proceed w to tell you, that the Word of God is not
Footed in the confcienceofthe formall hypocrite 3 which is
the hearer refembkd v*nto the Itony ground
The whole and entire worke of confcience, as you well
know, out of the Schooles, confifteth ina praclicall Syllo-
gifine : The propofition arifeth out of the (Tumif)\7ii,m habit
of pradticall principles, and generall fountaincs of oura'fli-
ons: The affumptio is properly 9twtU^(Ji; confciemtA^zn zdLW-
all application of our knowledge to this or that particular
ad or obiecH:. Whence folio wes, the immediate and necefla-
rie iffue and oiSce of confcience ; to teftifie, in ref pcil of
things fimply done or not done: In relped: of things to
bee done, either to excite and encourage, or to reftraine
and bridle : In refpedl ofthings done well, or wickedly,to
cxculc and comfort, or accule and terrific. For example :
The otu/r»pfa-<5, which is, as it were,atrcafuricofrulesand
leflbnsfordiredion in ouradions, propofeththe iniquitieof
a lye euen out of nature. <iArijiotle condemnes it, Eth. 4. 7*
X9tf 9MT0 a tl (^ •^wioSjfdvXcy Mt '^tKTof,^ lic is (lark naught
(^ Difcourfe of true happneffe.
anddircommendable.Thefounder Schoolecnen demonftratc
eucry lye ( though it bee oi}icious,and for a greater good j to
be again ft nature, and indifpenf able. Natures purpofeisfru-
ftiated, and her law tranfgrcft,when fpcech& words,\vhich
fhec intends to bee eucr the true mcflengers of the conceits
andapprehenfionsoftheminde,areabured to falfehoodand
equiuocation. But this praflicall principle of not lying, how-
foeucr it be cleere in nature, yet it receiucs further illuftration
from the Bookc of God. Therefore the propofition may bee
thus framed:
Euery Iyer (hall bee baiiiOied from the holy Mountaine of
the Lord, Pfal.i 5. atld fhall bee barred out of the new leru-
falem for euermore, Reuel.22.1 5 .
The confciencc of the Iyer doth afliime and tcU him : But
Ibaue thus and thus lied for aduaiitage, and greater good:
Then it followes :
Therefore I muft bee baniflied from the holy Mountaine.
of the Lord, and barred out of the new lerufalem for euer-
more : Aconc'ufion of condemnation and terrour :
Such isthe arguing of confcience for things paft : But thus
it workcth about things to be done :
Let vs imagine a man to deliberate with himfclfe, whe-
ther he fliould be Non-rcfidentorno. His habit of pradicali
principles ( ifhee willdcale faithfully with hisownefoiile,
efpecially by the hcipe of the honefter Gafil]:s)may ydelde
him matter enough 01 It of nature again ft Non-refidencie, as
might cafily apptare if the point were incident. But fith the
cafeis cleere, Ezech. 33. hee may thus frame his pradicall
Syllogifme :
1 he Non-refidcnt muft anfwer for the blood of ch^fe
'foules, which by hisvnconfcionable and vnwarrantableab-
: fence, & ncgligcuce in his charge, haue perifhed in their fins.
But fith I know not how Iboue I fliall come to indgc-
ment, my poore ibulc ftiall not appearc before my bleffed
Satiiour, red with the blood of thole foiileSj for which his
precious blood was died :
Theiefoirel wiUnotbcNon-refidciiu You fccheerea re-
I 3 ftraint
K>4 Difcourfe of trtte happineffe,
ftraint from Non-refidencie, that bloodie gangrene, that
( with lemoiTelefTe greedinefle ) eates and deuoures the pre-
cious follies of men.
Tin's rhort explication of the nature of conscience thus
premifed, you may cafily conceiue with mee thus much ;
Accordingly as the praflicall vndcTftanding of a man is
furnillied with principles and rules forguidiiighisai^lions,
according to the nature ofthem, andfoueraigntie they hold
m the conicience, fuch and thereafter commody is his life
and acflions.
I except the groflc hypocrite ; for hce finneth againft the
knowledge of his heart, and light of his confcicnce : There-
fore the found of feare is already i;i his cares ; and in his
profperitie the dcftroyerrhall come vpon him. Hee belee-
ueth not to returiie out of darkencflc, for hee fceth the 1 Word
before him. Affiidion and angui/h fhall make him afiaide :
They fhall preuaile againft himjas a king ready to the battel!.
God (hallrun vpon him, euen vpon his necke; and againft
themoftthickepartofhisihield : becaufe hce hath couered
his face with faliehood, and inwrapped himfelfe in a cloud
The point then muft bee exemplified in other fbits of
Firft, the notorious finner(by reafonof his delightfiill
conucrfing with the wicked, and cuftome inthewoikcsof
darkenelfe ) doth obfcurc,fm other, and in lome meafiire ex-
tinguiihinhisconfciencc, not onely the light of fupernatu-
rall truth, but of nature too : Therefore hce runncs headlong
( without rcftraint or bridlc)inco dcfperat- villanies and out-
ragious rebellions. Hce drawcsin finne with cart-ropes, and
workcth all manner of vncleanneffe with greedinefle : Hee
u bound with hiijtnnes, and couered with im^uittes, of a feld «
hedgedinyvith lfup3es,Mtdthe path thereof couerfdW'ith thornes.
^ hereby no man may traueli. It is Jhnt vpy and u appomted to hee
Secondiy,thePapifthee entcrtainesandtrcafures vpfor
o^ Bifconrfe of true hafpmffe.
his pradlicall principles, the bloody DidaresofthePopcof
R^nte, that nian of nnnc, ar.d Vicegerent ofSatan; which are
ibfarrefroairetciuingftrcngth or warrant, either From na-
ture, or diuiie truth, that they hild ftiong contradidionand
eternalloppofitiontoboth : and therefore his confcienceis
enlarged like To^het. For it can without fcniple or remorfc,
nay, with hope of heauen, and a brighter Crowne of glory,
digcft eucn the facred blood of Kings, and fwaiiow downc
with cafe the ruines and defolations of whole Kingdomes-
Heecan meritoiioufly butcher his brother in the ftreets with,
prodigious cruelty, as in tkat horrible maflacre at PArii.
Hce can I edifpenfed with, and difchargcd from caches, and
truth of fpcech, the nectflary and Ibucraigne inftruments of
all iullice and fociety amongft men . He may exped: canoni-
zation for blowing vp of Parliaments, and tearing in ptcccs
thcroyail limbes of the Lords Annointed, and the itrong Ci-
ncwesof the woithicfi State vndcr heauen : and after laile
towards the Pcpifli Paradice, which is indeed the pit of hell,
thorow a fca of innocent blood, without any check or coun-
tcrblaft: of confcience.
Thirdly, the ciuill hont ft man hath his * confcience infor-
med with rules of naturallhoncfty, and gtnerali notions of
light and wrong, and theewith contents himlclfc. And
therefore he frames himleife withiobcr carriagt,faire condi-
tions, iuft and -prightdeaiig towards men j lo tliat hce is
well fpoktn of, a!id reputed by the world a ^ood n. ichl.oui ,
albbtr wife man, ot haimtitfTe bebauiom, no mcdicr, a
peaceable man : and thefe are excellent, if not Icutrcd, but
leruictableto true piety and 'aning knowledge. Peace is a
precious tl-ing. if it may be puichaed aid polleft without
imp.ach and preiudicc to holindle andsgohdconlcience-
Foil'^\\ peace^'iihall mcn^Hiidhflineffey XVitkont Vi'hich no nun'i
pyaU fee the Lord, Ptaccand holineilc mufr goe together: It'
otherwiie, it is an holy peace to bee at \ra.rc wiih ihe c^r--
1 uptions ofthe time : and to be at peace w itb fin, is to war* e
againftCodandhisownefoule. ButtJx^ Wertly ciu»!l ho-
ncft man, by his praclicall principles, is led no ftuther, but
. ^ 4 to,
mny take
for the ha-
bit ofpra-
fticall prin-
ciples, 3S
ciatM :B4.
K>i Difcottrfeoftrtie happmelfe.
to the executions of morallhoncfty; as for inftriK^ionin hea
uenlymyftcriesand diuinc knowledge, he doth not much
meddle with, care for, or feeke after ; but onely for company
Foiuthly, the forma! 1 hypocrite, befides thediretflion of
naturall light in his confcience, doth intereffe and acquai^it
himfclfe with pradticall principles out offiipernaturall truths
and the Word ofGod, for the performance of religious du-
ties and feruices ; but he puts them iapraflicc with referua-
tion, with his owne exceptions and limitations : Hee is only
lb farre guided by them in his life and conuerfation, asthey
are compatible with his worldly happinelTe ; And therefore
in thctime of perfecution, as it is in the Parable, hce falleth
away. Butbyperfc'cution you muft vnderftand, notoncly
the fiery triall and ftriuing vnto bloud ; but alfo inferiour,
and not fo fmarting afflictions andtcntations ; as it is clcere,
if wee compare the three Euangelifts in their narration of
the Parable. Jt is many times, dilgraces, and contii:ncIics
for his profc(Tion, difpleafure and difcountenance of great
OneSjthehazardingoflumt profit and prefermentjthelolTe
offticnds, and fauour of the world, or the like, that makes
himflinkeandyeclde, and defperateiy to cafl: himfelfcinto
the current of the times, there to Iwimme with others for a
wbile,with fulHaile ofoutwardprofperityjvntii hcdrownc !
himfelfein perdition, and finke fuddenly into thegulfeof
cndlcfTe woe and miferie. Hence it is that Matth. 13.31.
hee is called wyoaxaipfj, a Temporizer: Hee is not thorow,
found, relblute, and trup-h'jartcd for godlinefTe, good cau-
Ccs, and good men* For many times, when the honour of
God i s put(as it werc)in the one Icale of the ballance, and his
owne contentment in the otlier;hce fuffcrs fome worldly
profit or pleafure, the gratification or fatisfe^ion offome
great man; thepiu-chaic of fome Fellow fhip. Benefice, or
ipirituall dignity,( forfometimes it prooues perhaps as deare
asapurchalcjthe greedy defire andpurfuit of fome vnde-
IferuedoiJice or honour; theenioyment of prophane com-
;pany, or coherence with worldly wife men j the pleafure of
o^ Difceurfe of true happmejfe.
fbme fccrct and fweete fmnc, or iiich like j I fay, bee fiifters
thefe to weigh downe the exceeding waightofheai'.enly
blifle, the vniia!uabletrearnreofagood confcience, and the
infinite glory of God. Which is ihangely jni/ciabici fith
all the world, wifdome,povver,excellency,and whatfotuer o-
therhappinefTeoFman, allthehigheflandgreateft trcafnres
and glory vndertheSunnc, without the ftare and fauourof
God, if they were put in the waightswith vanitic, vanitie
would waighthem ali downe. So thought D^WjPfal. 62, •«.,k«,j-\
The children of men are vamtte^ the chiefs men are lies : to Uj • yij^ onejy
themvfotia ballame, they are altogether lighter then Z'amtte\ tncnthofe
itfelfe, I tbataren»o
l3ftly,the Child ofGodjbefidesthe better and more fpe-
ciallapprehenfionsofnote, ftores bis confcience, histrea-
furic ofpradicall principles, with many facrcd and {ailing
IcfTons and rules out of beaucnly truth and Gods holy
Word; butfo,thatin his practice ofthem,hc ftands not vpon
tcrraes of pleafure,profit, or preferments ; but doth wholly
and entirely refignc vp himfelfe in obedience and humilitie,
to be guided and gouemed by them, without reftridion or
euafion in his thoughts, affedions, and adions, thorow the
whole courfe of bis life. Therefore, Luke 8. 15. the bearer
compart d vnto the good groHnd,(vjhich is the Child of God,
to whom in all my Diicourfel oppofe thcjlonjgroHndy'whkh
I call the formall hypocrite)is faid to be of an honefl and good
heart : that is, downe-right for godlinefle and good men^
without hoUowncfTe, faintbeartednelfe, or flinking. Hee
makes Chriflianitieasit werehistrade,he fweatesandtoiles
ill it, as the en^ for wbich be was creat&d, and placed in this
world : And as he rect iues the word of God into his honcft
a'ld good heart ; fo there hetrealiires it vp,and keeps itfaith-
fu!I.Thc word in theoriginall isxa^ix^ffcHc keeps it,though
it be with much diilicultie, ftiaigglingand colludation with
hisownccorruptions, the tcntations of Satan, and vanities
of the world; who cunningly confpire and labour ioyntly
to plucke it vp, and wreft it from him ; and hee brings foorth
jrmt with patience. He yeelds no ground, though be meetea
Oif Difcourfe ef true hai>^inc(fe.
5 5>
j I-yoii in the way, or a Tyrant in the face.. In the day of triall
; and encountring with clangers and vngodly oppofitions, hee
Oirinkes not •, but ftands fafl:,and fuffcrs himfelfe rather to be
oiicrflowne,then to bee carried downe the ftreame of the Cm-
nill faOiions and wicked wayes of the world. Hee knovves
full well, howfoeuer hee goes now on his way wtcpi:ig,yet
hee carries precious (qcAq j and therefore tl)e time will come
Oiortly, that hcc fhali doubtlefle come againc with ioy, and
bring his fhcaue'? with him. Croflts, difgraces, and tribula-
tions, may begtt in the formall hypocrite, fainting a' d dcfc-
d:ion : but in. Gods Chiide they bring foorth patience, expe-
rience, hope, and refolution. Euer when hee enters conliilta-
tion with himfelfe,whether God muft bee obeyed and glori-
ficdjor man plcafed and fatisfied; hee is quickly refblued out
of that in Ifa. 5 1 . 1 2. /, euen I, am hee^ that comfort jeu. who
art thofi, thut thoujhouldcfifeareamortallmun^ and the fonne of
rt^an^vphtch fljallbee made m graffe : zAndforgettefr the Lord
thy maker, that hath fpredout theheauens^ and laid the fonnda-
tions of the earth ? He confiders theheauy iudgcment dtter-
mined,and rcftrued forali fcarfiiil raen,aU fpirituail cowards,
and faint-heartcd in the Ch.riftian warfare ; who more fcare
men then God, and for their fauour and countenance, part
with the protecl^ion ofthe A!mightie,and the comforts of a
good confciencc : Th^y fliallbcepuniihtd rpith v-hlecHe^s,
^Hth the abominable, ^'t h mttrtherers and rphoremongtrs, Wtth
idolaters and liers,in the L^kc' Which burneth XMthfire aidbrtm-
fione^rohich isthe fecond dcath^ Ivcuel. 218.
You may now cleerciy conceiuc the point I hauc in hand ;
how the Word of God is not rooted in tl:e conlcience ofthe
formall hypocrite. The ordinary inttlligeiiccrs to his con-
fcience, are examples, cuftome, opinion, worldly wiiedome,
common preiudictagainft a llrid: courl'e of fanftificatioui
precedencie and prajtiieof greater men, for true gocd/.edV,
many times ouerprized, and mif-valucd by the worlds falte-
ring ccnlure ; the common natuiali notions of right and
wrong' But iPvponlbme extraordinary .good motion, by
guidance of diuine rules, hee fometimes crofll the can ear of
"': the
c^ Difcourfe of true hapfimffe.
the times, enter a profcilion of finccritie, and Ibme corre-
{pondence with Gods Children, it is but fof a tpirt, an cflay*
j like a morning cloud, and as the morning dew. For as foonc
ashisferuour in religious affaires, and furtherance of good
things doth once by the furie of hell, crueltieofprophane
men, malice of the world, enkindleand ft-irrevpagainllhim
(f fay, not onely a ficrie triall.but euen foine fmarting heat of
lefler perfecution, f bme railing aad flaiiderons tongue,which
fcorcheslike coaiesofinniper) adifconceitav.d dereliction
in his friends and old acquai itancc, difgrace vvith the world,
difcountenance of Grtatntfle, vnlikeiihood ofrifing and
preferment ^ if it onceraife againft him ftormes of iealoufies,
j enuies, and moleftations; why, then he is gonc,he flinkes and
] flarts alide like a broken bow. All his former good motions/
purpo'es, andendeauours, melt as the winter icQ^ and goe a-
way like the morning dew. For the formal! hypocrite euer
when hee fedesdifturbancein his prefent fecurity, internip-
tion of his former contentments, hazard of his temporall f e-
licitie, hee begins llrongly to fufpeifl himfelfe of too much
forwardneflejofvnfeafonableand prepofterows zeale, ofdi-
ftcmpcr, and indifcretionm matters of Religion ; andthere-
fbrcgiuesbacke, andfallesaway into his former plodding
couile of forma! itic; and that perhaps without any checke
of confcicnce : But if any fcruples and reludation arife in
his h.art,outof his worldly wildomc,he interprets this yeel-
dingtotlictimeSjtobebut an ordinary and pardonable in-
^rmitie, and therefore notwith (landing flatters and deceiues
him out of the Ihte of grace, and acquainted with the glo^
rious comforts of found and fauing finccritie.
But the f acred light ofGods holy truth, is babituatedand
incorporated into theconfcience of Gods Child j and is the
oyiqIj and conftant rule and liquare, by which, with all humi-
litie, vprightnefTe of heart, a free, entire fubmilfion andobe-
dieace vntoit, he frames all histhoughts,afiedlions, and adi-
ons. And in this light, he^walkts with a Ittled conflancic
and grounded refbicition, through poueitie and opprefTion,
K^ Difceurfe a/true happittejfe.
Contumelies and contempt, (landers and indignities, good
reporter ill report. For hee hath his eye ftill faftned vpon e-
teraity; he hath the Crowne ofglorv already in fight ; the in-
cftimableprecioufneffeandeuerlafting beauty whereof, ra-
uiOiethandpoireflfethhis tnicly free and great heart, with
fuch a longing and fcruencie, thatheeisat a point with all
that is vnder the Sunnejthat he doth not onely contemne,pa-
ticntly endure, and vanquilTi allafperities and diiiiculties;
but cuenwith reioycingentertaineand embrace (if the tyran-
I ny of the times fu requirc)the vtmoft,that malice and cruelty
jcaninfliifl vpon him. There is no other confideration or crca-
j ture,either in heauen or earth,can f eparate him from the lone
^ of God in Chrift Iefus,or from his glorious feruice in al good
And as the Word of God is planted and rooted in the con-
fcience of Gods Child, for his direflion and conftancie in the
wayes of godlinefle : fo is it alfo there faftened for his forbea-
rance of finnes, by thefe three properties ; which are not to
be found in the formal! hypocrite :
Kemorfe for finnes part,by which hee is faued from rclap-
fesand backflidings.
A prcfcntfenfiblenefle ofali manner of finnes,whcreby his
pre(ent integrity and vnblameablcnes, is happily preferued.
An habitiialltendeincfle, by which ht-isarmed and fenced
againft the corruptions of the time, vnconfcionable coiv-fes,
aixi conHiiiilion of finnes to come.
Jn remorfe for fins paftj comprize a more full knowledge,
an vniuerfall reueJation of his finnes, by the light of Gods
Word,and power of his Spirit:and that both in extenfton and
i^r^-w//^^^, both in number and grieuoufncfle : a fcnfeand fee-
ling of them in their true waight, as they arc able to finke
hitndowneintothebottomeofhcll. Muchforrow and an-
goifli, for the ftaine and guiitineffe they hauc left behinde
them i and for that they prouoketo iuft wrath, fo louing and
gracious a God. Andlaftly, a loathing of them, fo that hee
neuercafts his eyesbacke vpon them, but with an addition
ofanew and particular dctefbtiaa. Hee ueoer eaters medi-
K^ Difc^rfe of true ^4ppwefff.
tation ofthe foiile and halnous palfages of his former Iife,j
but with fhame and horrour. Euery fbkmne leuievv of his
time ofdaikntfTe and vnregcnciatiQn, makes the wound of
his rcmorfc to bleede afiefli.
By fenfiblenefle, I vndet (land a quickeand prefent appre-
henfionand feeh'ng of euery fin; whether itbe pubhkcor pri-
uate,opcnorfecret, incur {clues or others, as well in our
thoughts & aftedions,as in our words & adions ; in our gc-
nciall or particular calling, more grofie aiidiiifamous.or flips
and fcumblingSjfcandals, and appearances ofeuill.
HabitualltenderneflCjis a gracious temperSc difpofition otj
the confcitnce, whereby it is apt to be gaulcd & fmart at the '
fiiit entcruicw with the iniquities of the time, and at euery
occurrence ofcorruptions and all vnconfcionable attempts.
Thefe propeitics of tendernefie, aptnefieto fmart,eafinefle
to bleed atthe appreheniion and approach of fin, are peculiar
to aconlciencc illightiied,randificd,and purged by the blood
ofChrift; ntuer incident to the beflnaturall confcience, or
furnifhed with thechoyceft notions and perfe^ions ofciuill
honefty and formality : for thefe are neuer fo ftrait laced, but
can let down, at the leaft,without diftafte or check,common
(ins,le{fcr euils, thegainefiall and honourable errours,and ob-
I liquitics of the time.
Hence it is,that all prophaneand vn regenerate men,want-
ing the curbe of a fober and fandified confcience, haue e- ,
iier mfinite aduantage, for getting the ftart and precedes- 1
cicjiin <:oiTjpafTing the comforts, glory, and preferments of
the world. Forthey,whentheatchieuementofany honour,
happinefll, or high place is on foot,aduife prefcntly with the
ordinary informers, and counfellors of their confcience, cu-
ftome, example, multitude, worldly wifedome,thefway of
the times; and iuchiike : but with the Word of God and
godly Chriftians, onely fofarreasthey docnot crofl'e their
ends, and contradid: thofe plots and contriuances, which
they haue laid for their aduancement into high roomes,
-And thus they may paffe with r^.afbnablcquietncfle, without
grudging orgrieiiingofa confcience ib guicjcd thorow a
mf — ■ ■ ~ r— ___
i^ Bifcearfe of true hap^inelJe.
thoufaiid corruptions and indire^ions, bafcnefTc, flatteries,
finfullengigements, vn warrantable coiirfes. Any of which,
int fhouidinccte with a confcienceonce foandlv frit^hrcd
With horrour of former fimies, (bftned and fandlified by the
blood of ::he Lambe, would not o:ieIurubbe'off the skinne
andgauleitjbutmakeit blecde to death. But worldly men
are at a point, they miift and will enioy the world ; for here
they hauetheir portion and heanen. They efteeme it their
greateft happinefle to bee ad niredand adored aboLic others ;
and therefore venture vpon whatfoeucr vnlawfull andindi-
re.'l procurements, which may bring them to high places;
rather then they will bee deft atcd and difappoinced in the
purfuit of worldly happinelTe, they will thoraw, whether it
bethicke or thin, right or wrong, force or fraud, ftaine of re-
putation, or wound ofconfcience ; Simony or flattery ,friend
or foCj all is one ; though in the mcane time they ftrike their
owne poore fbules thorow with many forrowes; though
when they arc moft glorious in their owne conceit, and in
the eye ofthe world ; in the iuft cenfure of God, Angels,and
found Chriftians they bee moft vile and contemptible; and
indeed in this fecming fun-fliine of worldly prolperity, they
treafure vp vnto themfclues ftrange feares and aftonifliments
fhares.fireandbrimftoneandftonny tempcfts againft their
latter end.
Itisotherwife with Gocis child in (iich affaires : He ftill
takes counfell and direftion at the Oracle of Godi with Cor-
nelnts roixAMxioUy to heareor forbearc whatfoeuer is there
commanded or forbidden; andiofbllowes the comforts of
this world, onely fo farre as it will giue him leaue, warrant,
andaHRftance. But ifhee bee to enter any cornipt courfe, or
parte thorow any vniulHi:able meancs, for the attainment
ofhispurpofc and preferment; there prefently comes into
his mind fuch coniiderations asthefe: Hce conceiues with
himfclfe, that the paflagcintoanvplaceofoilice or honour
(by corruption) is euerarrcnded with the curfe of God ; and
fb no true comfort to bee expeded in theenioyment & exe-
aition i That the reft efle humour,and proud fpirit of ambi-
K^ Difcourfe of true ^appmeffe.
don, eucr haants and pofleffes men oFIeaft worth, and worft
conlcience : That hee wliich triicly ftares God, neuer dcfires
height ofplace for the glory or gainej but onely with a (b-
berindifftrcncic, thither inclines and carries his aftedions
at id hopes : and thatwi:htrenibhngatthe waightinefTe of
the charge, where it pleafeth diuine proiiidencc by honeft
and lawful! meancs to plant or tranfplant him, for the im-
ploymcnt of his talent ; and where hec may moft glori/ie
God, benefit the"Chui-ch, and keepeagood confcience. He
thinkes vpon the vanity and miferie of all things wee cnioy
in this world j ofthat ftrid and great account hec muft very
ihortly make vnto the Lord, and fudge ofall the world ; of
the length ofthat eternity, through all which is vnauoida-
bly to becendured an cuerlafting cftate, either in the ioyes of
heaucn, or paines of hell. Out of fiich thoughts as thefe
iprings his truely noble and Chriftian rcfolution ; that he had
rather want preferment while the world ftands, and end his
dayes in a retired and innocent obfcurity j then by cafting
himfclfe into the common fafhions and corruptions of the
world, forfeit the fruit and comfort of his former integritie,
wound hisconfcicnce,and feme the time: Tliat heeisfarre
more willing to endure any afflidion or dif grace with Govls
J children, then to enioy thcpleafures of fin, and glory of the
world for a feaf on.
Inowcomein the third place, to tell you that the Word
of God, is not rooted in the thoughts of the fbrmali hypo-
crite ; which is the hearer refembicd vnto the ftony ground :
and thence rlfetha very notable and moft fpeciall ditference
betwixt him a.id thechild of God cruely poiTeftofthe glori-
ous rtatc of Grace.
Ai»d I bcfeech you markc mee in this point. For the
tlioughts ofa man doe farre more cleerely, and impartially
diiti:.gLiilh the poxver of fanflification from the ftatc of
formality, then wcrds,a'1:ions, andalloutwaidnefle pf car-
riage. For in theft (many times) is much cunning and en-
foIcement,artificialla^dfaincdbchauiours ; counterfeit and
fbrmali conueyances, dilguifements, and hypocrifics.Thcy
. are
122 ( i^ Difceurfe eftrue hafpneffe,
areliabletothelawesof merjjOpen, andobuious to thceye
and iudgement of all ; and therefore fcarc of punilliment, re-
proch, and bale reputation : nian3e,and fpecch of the world;
hopeof rewatdandridng; defire of maintaining a good o-
pinionforhoncftyand rcHgion; of holding fome gainefuU
eoherence with Gods children; are of great power to re-
ftrainethem,andtokccpc them within good compafle and
moderation. So that a mans words and anions may bee faire,
ingenuous, and honourable ; whole thoughts arc bafe, pro-
phane and abominable. But thoughts are the free, immedi-
ate and inuifibleprodudions of the heart, ncuer taken with-
in the walke of humane' iuftice; by their naturallfecrecie ex-
empted from mans moft priuiefearch, and all executions of
State. Their abberl-ations are oncly cenfiirable by thefearcher
of all hearts J no eye pries into thefe fecrets,but that which
is tenne thoufand times brighter then the Sunne : And therc-
forc millions of thoughts,many thoufand formes of imagina-
tion i'pring continually out of the hearts of men; which
without fearc or maske, without reftrarnt or referuation,doe
vndiflemblingly rel'emble and reprefent the true ftate and
difpofition of the heart : S^ that from them wee may be cuer
f lire to take infallible notice javh ether the heart as yet onely
worke naturally, in framing them in its owne finfull mould,
and feeding them with confent and delight; or elfebee
taught awd guided by a fupernatiirall power, to compofe
themaccordingtothelightofGodsWord,and holy moti-
ons of his landifying Spirit.
Let vsthen confider, whatdeepe rootethc Word of God
doth take, and whatipeciall foueraignty it doth exercife m
the thoughts of a fanaiiied man ; whereby he is cleerely dif-
ferericcd from all ftates of vnrcgeneration 5 euen thatoffbr-
rBallhypocrifie, which I place m a degree aboue ciuill hone-
fty, and in the higheft perfedlion attainable by an vnrcgene-
ratemaw. Wee will then for our prefent purpcfe conceiue
thcleiiifforencesbetwijctthechildof God, and the formall
hypocrite in this point of thduglits.
. -Fii!^}^ reiped <^^heir;r)ii£in:e,fi>x»is,& muiH.er'of working
K^ Difcourfe of true happneffe.
Streames doe refcmbk and exprefTe the nature and pro-
pertie ofthofefoiwitaines whence they fpring: fo ordinari-
ly, rhou^ts and imaginations follow the temper and con-
ftitntion of the heart, wherein they arc moulded. I fay, or-
dinarily : for as wee doe not pafle our iudgementsof the
depth ofariuer, or quah'tyofthe water, when by fuddenncs
of inundation,or incurfion of neighbour brooks,it is grownc
into a torrent, and become muddie for a while : fo neither
arc wee to cenfureor take meafurc of our thoughts, by.focae
vncouth motions,andextraordii'»ary ftitrings wefometitncts:
feelein them ; butaccording to the ordinary current and ge-
ncrall fway, they commonly hold and exercife m our hearts,
Forfomttimes,euen thevnregcneratemay haue good pur-
pofes and inclinations towards fincerity, earneft longings
for the happineflc of the Saints, and the heauenlincs of their
latter end ; fome flalLes of comfort and perfwafion, though
from falfe grounds, that the fpirituall ft^/s^ of their foule is
fafe and found; but fiich thoughts as thefe in fuch men, fpend
their life in their birth ; as they arife, fo they glide and paffe
a:way without all fruit, true comfort, or profit to their owne
foules. On the other fide, the calm^iiefle and feraiitie of fan-
dified thoughts in a good Chriftian, may fometimes be fou-
lydifquitted and interrupted; either by fome iudden erup-
tion of the relikes of our owne finfull nature,by violcRt inua-
Hon off bme enticing obied from abroad, or by the maljci-
pus, and immediateiniedions of Satan. But becaufe. fiicb.
thoughts as thefe oppofe againfl the generall and fetled pur*
pofc of Godschildjhe well knowes out of his fpirituall wife-
dome and holy experience, how to repcll and bridle them;
how to repent ofthcm^ and pray agsiniUhtm jhow tQ; bjee':
humbled,and batercdby them, in fctting a ftrongfrguarc^
and moie narrow watch ouer his heart for afttf wai'd, left he
be vnawaresfurprizedthe fecondtime.,
Siththerefcre the heart of a notorious finijer is hardneffe
it felfe ] for befides naturallobduration, it isyet^rther, and
more fearefuily liapdned^by. a defpcrate extinguifhn;ieiit of
;thofe IdTer fparkcsofageneralhn<:lin^tiQa to ciuiil bouefly;
K ■ by
Kyi Difcdurfe af trne happiftgffe.
by a long cuftoiiie in tl di{k>Uite courfe, by the contagious
Company of lewd and gracelefle companions, by thccurfe
ofGod vpon his wilftilT continuance in finQ£;thercfbte I iay,
his thoughts are all continually, and relohiedly finne, and
that in a high and honi[)le degree : Wickednefle hath fo tn-
wouenitfelfe into his heart, that within he is vtry corrup-
tion. And whereas amongft all other comforts of lift, fl.epc
doth moft fweetely feede and refrefh nature; yet the liumour
of finne is farre more naturall vnto him, ai'.d more domi-
nant in his affedlions, then defire of flecpc/V ke cannot fleefe
exceft hee hath done eftiU'. and 43ti fleefedepArteth, except hfe
caHfefun^etdfall, He imagineth-mtjchtefe vpon hii bed, Pialm.
3 ^.4. When be is compafled with the fearcs and darkcnelle
ofthenight, an image and repi"eientation of his graue, and
ofthehorrourofthatgreatDayj when bis minde is r^. tired
from worldly affaires, the noileand tumult of me;i, when it
is moft a(fliue,powerfull,& fitted fordiuine contempIatiDn;
euen then are his thoughts as blacke as hell, and dcepciT: in
the workes ofdarkenefle ;then is he plotting and contriuing
mifchicfe: how to compafTehis pleafures, and accomplifh
the Iuft;^ofhis heart, whereto crowne hirafclfe with frelli
Rofe-buds^; by what meants to fet forwat d the trade of
drunkcnne{re,and to enlarge the number of Satans renellers ,
that with more contentment and company hce may leaue
fome tokens ofhispleafures, and fwaggcringin eucry place :
how to fupplant his brother, opprefTe his neighbour, grieue
and difgrace Gods feruants j indeedc, how to become an ah-
^folute villaine vpon earth, and the fouleft fiend iw hell.
You fee what are the tlioughts of the notorious finners
\ obdurate heart, which h fiiU ofhardnefle, as the Moone of
light i and therefore mforced, as it were, to empty and dif-
chargeit (elfe of lome ftoninefre,by transfufing an iron finew
into the necke, aiad a brazen brow into the face. Neither
iudgement nof-mcrcy will bend and encline him to grace:
no admonition or miniftry of the Word,wil make him blufh
at his open and profeft impiety. Sothat his lieart doth not
onely greedily eiitertainc, what lewdncfTe doth ordinarily
Difcmrfe of true happmejfe.
rpring from the corruption of nature, and isfuggeftedby o-
thers ; but being paft all fence, both of fhamc and finne, be-
comes one of the diuels new inuentors,andfets the thoughts
bufily on w«rke for the dcuice of ftrange villanies and mif-
chiefes, and for addition of new formes,., Millions, and cir-
cumftances of finning.
No better are the thoughts of thegrofle hypocrite, ano-
I thVr.Kind of fmner,but fully asfoule and abominable. For if
'^ e could lookc into his hearr,though his outward life be or-
dered fmoothly and ciuillyj yet we (hould fee within,a bloo-
dy flaughter-houfeof malice,Gruelty and reuenge; an hatefull ^
ftewes of impure imaginations and adulteries of the heart,
a forge of much mifchiefe,.of furious and fiery i-age againft
the power of grace, an infatiablegulfe of greedy defires foi'
wealthand riches, for vndeferued refped: and reuerence in j
the world; indeede,a cage ofailvncleane and rauenous birds. [
Hereisonelythedift-crence;the notorious fmner dares a-fl 1
and execute the abominations ofhis heart in the light of the |
Sunne : but the grofTe hypocrite would gladly fmne vnlcene, '
and goe to hell with as little noife and notice of the world as
may be ; and therfbre he drawes a curtaine ofcoozenage and
hypocrifiebetwixtthc fight of the world and foulenefie of
his finne. In the hearts of^/?^^ and /<f«<<^<?/ was nothing birt:
blood and murder, couetournefle,opprefHon,andmercilcffe
enclolure ; onely vpon the vgly vifages ofthtiefoulc. fiends,
they puta vizardof afafl, formallwitntfTcs, and legallpro-
ofceding. The ordinary thoughts then of the groffe hypo-
crite ai c the fame, as vileand hellifli, as thofe of the notori-
ous finner. Nay hee doubles his iniquity, ardaddeswaight
tothevengeancepreparingforhim; in that heel trainee the
vtmofl veincof his wit, and founds the depthof his damned
policie, to clothe them with faire pretences, and colourable
£hifts,asthey paffe andprtfent themfelues vnto the world in
wordsand adions ; and in that hee labours to feeme a Saint,
But the thoughts ofthe formall hypocrite ; for with him I
am fpecially todcaIc,(I hauc onely added in this point, thfe
^ * • noto-
I Xing, 21.
t«/f Difcdurfe of true happmejfe.
notorious (inner, and grolTe Hypocrite, for fiirther diftinfti-
on aiid illu Oration)! fay,h is thoughts, as they comecertaine-
ly fhort of true fandification, fo they art ftrre better theii
thefenow mentioned. For weefuppofe his lieart to bcfeafo-
ned with goodneffe of nature and ciuill honefty ;tohaue ta-
iled of the gcnerall graces of Gods Spirit, and infomefort
ofthe powers of the world tocome;& thcrfbre his thoughtsl
are more feire, ingenuous, fober and moderate, then tnofe
foule and hatcfijU Ones cf the notorious finner, and groffc
hypocrite. His heart will rife, andbeaftrightcd withfugge-
ftions of infamous confequence and markable horrour ; as
thofe of Athcifme, Cruelty, Drunkcnneffe, Adultery, Here-
(ie and fuch like : but notvvithftanding, bccaufe it is not loft-
nedandrandifiedbyfpcciall grace, ( without much fcruplc
or confcience ) it will let the imaginations loofe to much
idlenefle and vanitie, to many fruitlefle conceits, i mpcrtinen-
ciesandprophanewandrings;but efpecially into the cnd-
lefle maze of worldly cares and earthly-mindednes. For hec
doth in feme fort in his pradife approue aud iuftifie that
wicked and peftilentprouerbe xThonghts are free .-They are
free indeed, in refped of obnoxioufiies to humane iuftice, iu
refpedofdifcouery^nd danger from any creature ; but the
eye and vengeance <:)f heaucn takes firft andfpeciall notice
ofthcm, and holds them puniijhable, as the principals, and
chiefe plotters of all tranfgreflions. Words and adions arc
as it were finnes at fecond haiid,the very firll life and ftefhcft
vigour of all ill is immediately receiucd,and inipired into the
thoughts. Hence it is, that Peter aduifeth Stmon CMagus, t»
^YAJ ^od, if it vpsrefojjible, that the thoughts of hu heart might
beforgiuenhtm: as though there lay the greatcft guilt, and
deepeftftainc before God.
By the way before I pafle to the thoughts of Gods child,
obferue one fpeciall marke of dift'erence in this point, be-
twixt the true Chriftian,and forraall hypocrite.
The formall hypocrite doth euer harbour and mainetainc
in himfelfe,one fweete pleafing bofome finnc or otherjas vo-
luptuoufnes, worldlirjeiTc.a grecdie purfuit of temporall fe- 1
c// Difcoi/rfe of trite happineffe.
Hcity, anexcefliuedcfireofgreatncsandnotc in the world,
anoppofrtion to fincerityj a delight in good fellowfliip, or
fome ftich li-ke carnall contaitment, or fecretfinne, on which
his mind moft runs , whereupon the bcft and the flower, the
feiuency & deareneffe of his thoughts are fpentiGods Word,
honor,andferiiice,checksofconfcience, motions of the Spi-
ritjtniniftery of the Word,admonitionoffr.'ends,faluation of
f bule(by an Ynreafnnable and inconfeqwent difcourfe of his
fenfiiallrealon) all are made fubordinate and feruiceable to
thisldolh To which with much delight hee daily facrificcth
the nobleftand immediate workesaiid ifllies of his foule . As
forthe ftate of his confcience, fpirituall affaires, care of hea-
uen, that One neceffk-fy thing -, thcfe things take vp his
thoughts but at reuerfion, by ftarts, by accident ; and when
they come into the heart, their entertaincment is very cold
and ftrange, their abode fliort ; aiid while they ftay, they arc
apprehended andcnioyed Vvith much wearintfle and weak-
nede. Iconccinethistobcthe reafon : Hee hath a full tafte
and prefent fceliw^ of the plcafures of his fweete finne ; hee
hath fenfible and certaine poflelTion of worldly content-
ments, but no reall and found afliirance by failing faith, and
his forfaking all finne, of the ioyes and comfcatsabouej and
chereforedoth greedily follow and £QtAQ ypon the prefent,
with confent of his erring iudgemcr-t, delight of heart, the
btflofhisafteclions,andmoftof bis thoughts. Apd as for
hereafter, hth he is confcious to himfelfe of an hoheft ciufll
life, of a ioL ei foi mall carriage in the affaires of religioUoand
that he is not infamous with any notoriounielTe in the woi Id;
but as good as the beft, a few precirefelIowesci/"purer flraine
oncly excepted, whofe pretence and ptpfenipn dfjext'ra<t)rdi-
nary fancPaty, is nothing (ia<hiscoricut)but hiimolWand \hy-
pocrifie j k therefore,! iay/or h.reaftcr tefet^ himfdfe at all
aduenturesvnto the mercy of (jod, and to-thcJot and.cbn-
dition of many thoufands which are i;| th^^l^me cafe" arid
I'tatcwitiihimfcife. • ^".'.'" •'• '--^ ■ -^^ ■■•--■ i .. -^
But it is otherwife with- Gods child :3^6r by the'powef t?f
fandifymg grace, as hte hath alfo mortified all othf r : fo
•-• K 3 fpeciatly
%^ Difcdiirfe of trtte happifte/ff.
fpecially hce hath broke the very heart oFthe fwcete finne of
his vnregeneration. And as in a befieged City, where the
grcateft and moft dangerous breach is made, there the inha-
bitants concurrc with chiefeft ca-re, and higheft refolution,
tofortifieand make refilLince: euen Co fitb hec knowcs and
feeles, that before his calh'ng, bis delightfiiU and darling finne
mofl: fearefiilly wafted his foule, and v/oimded his confci-
ence, heemakes fure to employ his thoughts with fpcciall
edge and indignation, to countermine, prcuent, refift, abo-
Biinateandabandon all thought of that (:nne: And now by
thegrace of God, fith the heart, the fonntaine, is purged
and fandificd, the ftreame and hcate of their intent Jon
and delight is carried another way. For hcchath found that
rich and ineflimablc Trea/krc in the Gcfpell ; and there-
fore he /^///«i7?/M?^^^ hath; hee psrts with cncry pleafuiT;
hecaftsoutof his conceit whatfoeuer hath beene formerly
deare and precious vnto him; and lets all his thoughts, with
loofe rcines, greatcfl: ioyfiilnefle, and ofteneft meditation
rurnie after it, and fweetly refrefh themfelues with the glo-
ry and comfort of it. If a man vpon the way fliould findc
fbmeprecious orient pearle, hardly could heekeepe his eyes
from gazing vpon it C his excefle of icy would eafily com-
mand and confine the fight to Co rare and hopeful I an ob-
iefl:,) vntillhecmeetewith fbme skiWall Lapidarie, or come
whete he might thorowly bee acquainted with the worth,
and fijjlyenioy the wealth ofit: Euen fo, after a man by the
ilh'ghtned eye of the foule, aad the hand of fauing faith,
oncefeaze and lay fure hold vpon the pearle ofgrefi.t price,
the grace of Gods Spirit and eternall life; the heait is pre-
fcntlyfb filled with loue and admiration, that for efter after
itfpcndsthemoft,thcdcareft,andthenobleft thoughts vpon
it : and they once fct on foote, are fb cheered and raui-
flied with the heauenly beauty thereof, that they follow
with continuall encrcafe of femencic and longing ; yntill
theycome vntothecleere vifion and fiill poflefTion ofit, at
thcrighthandof Godjinthcendlcfrcioyes of the world a-
K^ DifcoHrfeoftruejafpteJfe.
The thoughts then of a trae Chriftian are of a farre more
heauenly temper, diuine nature, and higher ftraine^^then the
largeft heart ofthe Left vnregenerate man can, or doth pof-
fibly comprehcnd.Theformallhypocrite may hauehis minde
worthily bufiedin points of deepeft learning, in the myfte-
riesofState, and affaires ofKingdomes, in the belt and high-
eft confiderations, which nature, art, morality, or poh'cy can
aftbord jnay, he may fometimesentertaine into his thoughts
with ioy,thepromiies of grace, thehappinefle of the Saints,,
the ioyesofheauenandthe like; though thcfe haue neuer any
root or long refidence in him. But that tfee Word of grace
niouldib implant it felfe into the inner man,that the thoughts
fliould neuer bee fo well or welcome to the heart, as when
they are wadirg in the great my ftery of godli'^e0l", and with
an holy wifedome plotting fbi- the iniargcment of Chrifts
glorionskingdome, in himfclfe and others: That it (liould 1
make all other difcourfes cf the minde fuboidinate and cou-
tributary to iixh heauenly meditations; and to this end fetj
bounds and limits to themiiiionsof imaginations that daily j
arife, and ered an holy regiment amongft them ; I %> this is j
thcfpcciallprerogatiueofafandifiedman. For hee alone, be- |
caufe ofhis truth, fincerity and vprightnes in the inner paits^ j
make sconfcicnceofidlcjvainc, and wandringthonghts, C of;
whichtheformall hypocrite, either takes no notice atal^,or
not much to heart. ) He is as muchcaft downe, vext and gric-
ued with their diforder and exorbitancy, as with the errors
and infirmities of his words and adions ;and therefore cfta-
blifiacth (as it were)a gracious gouernment amongft them, to
kcepe out conFufion,idIencs,ai:d rebellion..Hee confines them
to a reuerent and feeling meditc^tiorf vpon Gods Word and
work cs, to a care of conlcionable managing.the.afFaires^ of hi-s
calling jonelylometimeSjbutfparingly with many cautions,
exceptions, andfeafonableneSjletting thcmout tohoneft re-
creations. Whatfoeucr thought is wandring without this
compalTe, or within it vnfincere, is finfull : fothatif heeiake
any ftraggling, without theie limits, any entifcrs to vanities
& impertiue.ncies,any obtrudersand diftmbers of fo happy ii>
K 4 ward
\^ Dtfcmrfe oftrnt happweffei
^^zxd peace J It€ preflntly appr<^her»ds them by the watchfiill
<^yeof his fpi-rituall wiftdomc i examines them by the law of
God, arraignes them in theconiirtory ofan illightncd coii-
fcience, and fociits them oft' in time by tlie power of grace,
and fword of tlie Spirit ; that is, by oppoftng againft them at
the fif ft rifitig in the heait(b\' prefent repentatice jpraycr,and
after- watchfiilnefTc ; hee blelildly rids himfelfe of the mife-
rics,anddiftra?ftion of prophaieand troubielbme thoughts.
That this is no Idfa^ I now propofe vnto you j howfoeuer it
beefotoeiiery vnregcneratemaii, and fo when he heares it,
heconceiuesof it; for little knovves hee what adoe eucry
child ofGod hath with his thoughts; I fay, that this is no
Idea, or idle abftra;flion,appeares pregnantly and pkntifally
in Dauids^vufiice; who for alltheilrong enticements, or-
dinarily incident to the pleaftires of a Court, and natural
liberty of Princes ; although the cares and waight of a i
Kingdome lay vpon him, and that his Royall innocencie
was ftill haunted and aflailed with fuch inoiignitics and
vcxations,whichmightaimofthauefwayed the bleftcdand
quiet thoughts of a glorious Angell to diftraflion anddif-
contentment ; yet for all this,the Law of God did ftill princi-
pally take vp his heart, and that^**; and mght, Gods Word
and workes, hisftatutes and iudgt^ments, were meate and
drinkc vnto his minde, and his meditation continually, as is
more then plaine in many places of the 1 19. Pfalme.O^.faith
hee in the i^,ponionyhort> /oue I thy La'^ \itis my meditation
contimaliy. So vnexpreftable heere was his pang of holy
louevnto Gods Law, that heeprefixetha paiticle of zeale,
and extraordinary paffion : Oh (faith hee : ) And where the
heart hath once tmely and fixedly fetits loue, there all the
thoughts feaft themfelues with dcareft apprchenfions,and
withgreateftimpatiency of all other imployment. This is
the very cafe then of all Gods feruants j they meditate on
the Word of God moft contentedly and continually, bccauie
they loue k l^re before and aboiie all earthly things j and
fodearely doe they loue it •, becaufe in it with fpeciallfecu-
rity are cooiiey ed vnto them all the rich treafures of mercie, 1
o^ Bifceurfe oftrmha^neffe.
rcmiffion offinncs, fpirituall comfort, and ctcrnall life, and
particularly fealcd vnto them by the fpiritof the fame word,
iy^/i^wtfw con firmcs this worthy pracfliceoiu his father, by his
tcftimony, Vvo-Ji.^. The thoughts of the i>.'fi are rieht^ tudge-
ment Qiiujlice ; for fbthe v.ord Signifies in the Onginall ; ^ttt
thefpihttle dtatces of the 'kicked are deceit. Th-e thoughts of all
vnrcgencrate men are commojily, either rooting ia the earth,
or drowned in pkafures, or runningafter prefennentj or ran-
ging vp and dovvne idly and pFophai:i€ly, or fruitlcfly me-
lancholike : or iffometim^s they glance, or fettle them/eliies
vpon good things, they are ftill as a menftruous clout, and
abomination to the Lord rbccaufe their consciences are not
renucd, their hearts purged, their perfbns fan^iired ai/d ac
ccpted. ^i\t the thoughts of eiiery chiJd of God are ordinari
\y working forthe maintenance and finthering of Gods glo.-
ry and good caufes ; for procuring true good to their bre-
thren, elpecially in fpirituall things; for increafing grace in
thcmfelues,andthcirftore of comfort againff the day oftri-
ail, And if io be(which fbmetimes befalles the beft ) they be
croft by finful motions in themfelues,or f iiggt flions of Satan \
yetbytheirfurprizingandfuppreflingthemat the very firft
rifingand aflault, and by prefent repentance, they are vn-
doubtedlyeuer pardoned vnto them in Chrift ieiijs.
Giuc me lcaue,Ipray you, to illuftratethis varietieand dif-
ference of thoughts (which I haue now largely laid.downe
vnto you)inourfelues, for the neerei: preiTing of our confci-j
ences,and that in the matter of Eleflions, |
let vs imagine a notorious finner to haue a voice and
handinfiKhbulinefTe: his very firft thoughts would bee to
haue no thought at all of Oath or Statute, of confcicnce or
honef be, of honour of his Colledge, or good of the Church :
but would refolue out oftheprophane principles of hisvaft
confcicnce, and by the benefit of alargeacccptionofcha-
ritiejtobeeindifferentfbrallcoramers. Onely in his choice,
hee would haue an eye to the m^ine, that theftate of good
fellowfhip fhould take no difparagement or cjiminution ;
iand therefore hee would moft carefully caft about with
o^ Difc$ttrfe if true ha^^me(fe.
I world is
I come to
I that wrec-
[chcd pafle
land height
' emen ho-
ncftie and
ny times
by the
i of Purita-
hnnfdfc by all meanes, to dcfcate and preuent the purpofes,
andtoftopthcpaflage efpecially of all Puritanes. You muft
I know by the way, tliatthefe are a very dangerous kinde of
men, able to blow vp whole houfes, by their too fieric zeale
jagainilidlenefle, drunkennefTe, other lliamcflill corruptions,
clofc and politicke carriages of many rotten and vnconlbiona-
ble caufes a:id the like. For by * Puritanes in this place, I
onclyvnderftand them, (for euenfuch are fo branded ) who
makcconfcience of fludy, and Religious education of Schol-
lers ; who arc ready eucr, and rcfolute to vphold goodnes in a
Houfe,though they be cruflit, dilgraccdanddifoiiiced : who
out of a gracious and ingenuous frcedomc of Spirit, will bee
their o wne men in EIedions> and other Collegiate fcru icesj
and Rot fuffer their consciences to bee ltd. hood-winkt, to
«ferue other mens humours and priuate ends; whochufe ra-
therin a ncglef^ed flate, fweetly to cnioy the continual! feaft
and perpetuall paradife of a fincere heart, true and inward
comfort J the fociety of Gods feruants , then for many times
I full dearely bought fauours and ojJices, to enthrall :&\6. vio-
1 lence both their iiidgemcnts and aftedions, to line rcferued-
ly, vnder a maske,andata haires breadth for all cccafions and
obfcruances ;ro wearing out ahttle'raiferable tiiTie in a glo-
rious a:id countenanced flauery. In a word, wIto of the two,
would rather iaue their fouks, then profper in t\K world.
Now fuch fellowes as thefe,thitikcshe with himielfc, which
feeme, as it were, by an hypocritical! Momfolte^ to hauc cn-
groft all (inceritie, honefty and good confciencc, mu^t btc
keptout; or ifby forQedifaftertbcycreepeiaamongft vs, be
curbed and kept vnder, elfe {hall not wee iway atid domi-
neere. Hereupon all the labour of his wit, and toile of his
thoughts wouM bee, to plant a thornc, where a vine ihould
grow J and to burthen thefe facrcd and honorable Manfions,
defigned onely for gracious and golden wits, with leadtn
drones, and fwarmes ofworthlefie and witleffe creatures.
Secondly, the thoughts of the grofTe hypocrite in this
waightybufmesofEledions, would be as vtterly void of all
confcionablc, andingenuous confiderations, as the notorious
C-xf Djfeourf$ of true haffweffe.
finners.Firfl,h€ would comunewith his own couetous hesrt,
«(forcommonly vvorldlinesisthemafter-fin in the groflehy-
pocritcthcrefore I foHow the thoughts lifing thence ) hee
Vj/ou!d within himfelfccaft a greedy & rauenouscye vponthc
ccndirionofall the competitors for the place j andatlen^h
conciude,& be fi:«re to Tcazevpon that party (let his learning
or honefty be what it would)vvhere in al likelihood he might
make thericheft prey, and lucke out the greateft aduantage:
Either purchafe a great friend, ftrcngthcn hisfa(5lion, gratifie
his ftuourites, receiue a present bribe, oreire,which is a iecret
but a finfull policy, by weighing circumftances, marking in-
fiau3tion?,and former carriages, expecl the largeft after-grati-
fication^ ciole and indued; confideraticni?, and the moil: li^Q-
ralINew-yeresgifts,(for in thcrn ccrtainely {bmetimes lurkes
I corruption.)Thefe things thus thought vpon, 'there folio wes
' now in him an addition to the iniquitie of the notorious fin-
ner. He is not content to bee thus ftarke naught, but hemuft
double his fin by Teeming good j it is not enough for him to
bee thus curfedly peft-ilcnt to the place where he Hues, but hee
muftenlargethemifchie^ by putting ona vizardofpietie: He
tliercfore in a fecond place would btate his braines, how hee
might varnifli ouerthis villany, with moft probable and fai-
reft pretences. The bribe muft come in vpon other termes,
with other circumftances, then the groflenes of that vile fin is
Wont to be conuaied ; hee thinkes how hee may deale openly, |
and in the eye.ofthc world with men, without all fiifpition,
while the matter is carried vndcr hand by fubtile, mediate,
and moft exercifed agents in the goodly affaires of abomina-
ble corruption. Laftly, he is much troubled in mind, how for
all this he may continue a good opinion with good msn^ and
giue fatisfadion to thole, whom hedccciues by his iecming ;
' but by much pradife he makes this reafonableeafie j for poli-
ticke hypocrifie hath fo many taccs, turnings & euafions, that
it can tooeafily infinuate with, and fatisfie vnfufpiciais, inno-
cent and charitable finccrity. He can tell them of fome depths
in the my ftery of gouernment, which euery precife vnderling
cannot comprehend j that fbme liberty and dilpenfation muft
1 be
\^ DifcsHrfe'eftriie happinelfe.
bee giuen to ftatute-difcretion, agaiiifl: the bare letter, and
ftriel msanii-yg of the ftatiite ; that wee Hue not in Ptatoes
Co maion- wealth, or A^oores Eutopia, but m corrupt times, in
the very confluence of all the Cms of former ages ; and there-
fore it is vtterlyimpoITible to kecpc a mans felfc fopaflingly
pure from all fpice ofcontagion ; that fomctbing mull needes
be yeelded to the time, elfe there is no lining, at leaft, no pro-
fpering in the world. Thus the grofle hypocrite is euer as
thougWtfuIl for outward plaift.ring, as fecret plotting.
Thirdly, let vsconceiue what would bee the inward dif-
courfe and workings of the heart m theformall hypocrite,
about dir^X)fing his voyce in Ele^Hiions. Histhoughts inthefe
cafes perhaps, would not be extremely bafe, nor groftely wic-
ked: it maybe, he would bcabletocleerceuen hisconfciencc
and inmoft conceit; much more to wafh his hands from the
hatcfuU and crying finne of downc-right bribeiy. This hor-
riblc3ies is onely for notorious finners, and grofle hypocrites.
Nay,outoffomefuddenpangof higheft refolution, that m^
•genuouliTefle of nature or morall honefti-e can produce, hce
mighttake heart to anfwere and withftand thefuits and im-
portunity of Greatnefle and great meanes: ontiy with this
refolution, fo that his prefent happines bee not thereby main-
ly hazarded,nor hope of his ftiture preferment ccrtaiaely cut
off. For we muftfliliholdthis principle concerning thefor-
imall hypocrite; if bee beebroughttoa iumpe, he wiilaier
make euen Gdds holy Word, confcience, religion, defires
and intreatics ofGodly men, and all to yeeld and ftoopc to
the worldly comforts he prefently cnio)es j'but vpon as faire
tcrmes,andwithasplaufibleeonueyanceas may bee. It may
' fVbejhcwillbegoodiamanythings^andoutwaidlvinall; but
-fay the Prophetswhat they will, hcemnlHnto the houic of
J?«»wi?«,GodmuftbemerGifullvntohim in one thing or o-
tber: heeis fhort of the. ftatc of grace, and by confcquent,
feathfoHiadandreallafliiranceof heauen aboue ; and therefore
heewillhaue fomc fwectnesinthcmeanetime,hee willenioy
fonteiliadowCatlea(l:)ofoncheauenor other vpon earth. So
d^^cifweliippofcfnehan one to takea view in his thoughts
\^ Difcsurfe of true happine^e.
13 ?■
cf alt that ftand for a p!ace,he would refoliie for goodnesand
hone{}y,fo fan c as the fecurity & lafety of his maine content-
ments would giue him Ieauc;fb farasthc light of reafon, and
gh'mmerings of gent rail graccfs were abk to leade him : but
bccaufe he is ftill too refpediue of his ownc particular, wants
theeie offpirituall dircrcticnjandfuftlrshisconfcienceto be
cooled and countermanded by worldly wifedomeihe may( I
grant)byconftraint,occafionalIy, or by accident, confent and
concur vpon the worthieft-but ordinarily, for meere loue of
religtoufi^efle, he doth not make within hisowne heart,
a free, vnpalTionate, impartiall, fincere and confcionablc
choyce. For let him otherwife bee neutr fo wifeorhoncft,
yet he is a meere ftranger to the myftery oPgcdIincfle, vttcr-
ly vnapprehcnfiue of the fingular and fupcrnaturail opera-
tions cfthe life of grace , and therefore cannot dif cerne be-
twixt relolute finccritie, and true turbulency : whereupon
it may often come to pafle, that by a promilcuous confulioii
ofthefetwo moft different fpir its, he may(ro much as in him
h"cs)repell farrethc befl, to the vn6tiable wrong of the
party, and the vnualuable loffe of the houfc which fiiould
enioy him. There is one point fuithcr in dehbcration of
this nature, in which hee would iumpe with the notorious
finncr ; In aduifing with himfclfefor a fitman,ifby the way
his thoughts fbould beccrofled, with a man of knowne,pro-
feffcdjand praftifed forwardncfle in religion; hee would
pafl'ehim ouer with contempt and indignation ; for thus
would hee thinke with himfelfe : If fuch arellow come in a-
mongftvs, wee fliallhaue all moulded anew after the ftrid
modellofhis irregularconfcience; wee fhouldbe troubled
with newt: ickes and creOions,forthe encreafment of ftudy
and reformation of manners; hee would be ftilHbnding and'
iiriuing for an Ideal and abftra^iue purity in Elediions, and
MO t:her affaires oftheCoIledge ; fo that our former quietneflc
andpeacewouldbemuch dil-fweetned with his tarCnefle,
and too much precifeneflfe. Thus would hee bee as hot and
heady againft the power of grace, as the notorious finncr.
For though there be many diftercnt degrees of ilnelTe, of
tet interjnre-
tAriy vel
multoSj yel.
( Mdgnif )
(^ Difconrfc of tri^e hAi>f)ine(ft.
vnregeneratemen ; fomeare farre more fobei^ tolerable, and
moderate then others, yet all commonly agree in this,
that they are bitter and implacable Oppofitesto the profeP
fion and pradice of foiindand failing fincerity. Gods faith-
full Ones euer were, and eiicr will bee Stgnes a'ld Wonders
euenini/r^f'/zlfa. 8. 1.8- LMof^fters vnto the ^ great men of
the ^orld^ as Dauid VJ2iSyPpilme Jl- j' Afcerne, refroch,and
derijion to them that are raund about them^ 'Tptl. 79. 4. They
fhall euer be accounted men of an odde falliion, and fiiigu-
iar carriage from ©iher men. Wifd. 215 .precife, humorous,
hypocriticallandthelike.Miflakemenot; I apologize net
for any vnvvarrantable opinion tending to Separation jit is
onely iandification, true and vndiffembledholinefle, with-
out which none fliall euer fee the faceof God, or glory of
heaiien, which I ftand for, and intend in all my Difcourfe.
But by the way let mee tell you this, in this generall and
ioynt confpiracy of allkindesof naturall men, againftthe
fpintuall jftate of true Chriflrians, and the foueraignty of
Gods fandifying Spirit in thenii the met reciuill honeft man,'
and foi-mall hypocrite ( as I take it ) are tranfported with
more fiercencffe and rage againfl them, then the groffe hy-
pocrite, and notorious finner. Thisltaketobeethc reafon;
the groflehypociite, he finneth againftthe light of his ownc
conrcience,and with the certaine knowledge of his heart;
and therefore doth not much enuic and grudge the righte-
ous rnan his exceHency aboueliis neighbour, and fa'uation
of hisfcAile : The nororious finnerin hk more fobcr mood,
and cold blood, will confefle himfelfc to be out of the way,
promif e and proteft amendment; or atltaft refcruesin his
heart a rcfolution to repent when he is old: but the mcerc
^iuili honcfl man, and the formall hypocrite thinke their
owneflateto bee as good as the beft; and whatfoeuer is
more, and befides that which they finde in themfelucs, to
bee but needlefTe precifcnefle, and affedled fingii'arity ; and
therefore are many times gauld andgrieued, that tht truly-
gracious and confciojiablc carriage of Gods fcruauts, doth
cenfiueand condcmne their outwardneflc.and formality in
L^ Difeourfe of true hapfmeffe.
religion ; and makeit p!ainc!yappcare,that their cafe(' with-
out found conuerfion and imbracement of finceritie) is the
ver/ ftatc of wretchedneffe and uf death.
But now fourthly and laftiy, in Eledions, the thoughts of
God.sChiIde,inwhofe heart alone the Word of God doth
chieflyrulc, and is deepely rooted, would bee thefe or the
like. Inthefirftplacetherecomesintohisiliinde a reuercnt
feare of that God, who hath mercifully aduanced him to his
place, wherein hee expedeth conftitnce and faithfulnelTe;
Heconfiders that folemneandiacred oath which hce takes
(in the fight of him who feethall hearts and cogitations ) for
a refbluteand vnfwayed vprightneffe in the diipofing of his
voyce- that vpon the integrity or vnconfcionablenefle in
Elcdions, depends the raifery andconfufion, or happinefie
andflouridiing of an Houfe. Hee further calleth to minde
out of his ex.perience, that commonly thofefellowes who
thruft into IbcietieSjOiIices, and high roomes, by fhuffling
and violence, by faction and prepofterous fauour, by cun- j
ning or corniption, become pernicious and difhonourable
to the places where they line : they are ftill thornes in the
fidcs,artd prickes in the eyes of all thatloue grace and good-
ncfle: they eitherturnc idle, trnely factious, or notorioufly
fcandalous, by mif4pending the vnualuable precioufnefleof
thtir golden houres, in TauerneSjAlc^houics, or fome other
courle of good-fellowlliip, tx) the inexpiable and eternall
diilionourofthofeHtfft!^/, of which they iLouId bee orna-
ments. And when they haue done much hurt and mifchiefe
here, they arethe onely mentobargainc for, buy, or com-
pare by indire<ft and finifter dealing. Benefices, and fpiritu^
all promotions abroad: of which being pofTeft, they either
by vnconfcionable and cruell negligence, and Non-refi-
dence in their charge, betray the fbules of their people to
wildacfle and barbarifmc, to ignorance prophaneneffe, or
Poperyiorelfebyaprophaneand vnhatlo wed handling of
Gods word, by daubing with v ntempercd morttr, as the-
Prophet fpcakes, fo ftrengthen the haiids ofthe wicked,
ithat they cannot ruunie from their wicked way es, and kill
\ . the*
a a.
K^ Difceurfeeftrue happmejfe.
the heart of the righteous i and make them fad, whom the
Lord hath not made fad ; and the brufed reede is quite bro-
ken, and the fm^king flax vtterly put out. Now thinkes the
Child of God with himfelfe, outof hisfpirituallwifedome,
Ifdichanoneastheferhouldbeechofcn by my default and
faint-heartednefle ; I fliould in fbme fort and meafure bee
iuftly guilty, and anfwcrable before that high and euerlafting
Ibidge,of the many miferies and mifchiefes,vvhich ordinarily
enfue vpon fb vnhappy a choycc. Hcereiipon (after a ma-
ture and impartiall furuay of all circumftances confideFa-
ble in the party, the ftatute and whole bufirefl'e) hefingles
oiithimvvith lincerity and fingleneffe of heart, whom in
'conicicncehee thinkes moftiuilicient; and there he ftickes
I with a truely Chriftian and vnfliaken relblution, pitchtby
the very power and ftrength of heaucn : and come what
j come will, tempefts,or fairc weather ; preferment, or po-
uerty ; threataings,or flattery ; policy, orperfwafion ; pri-
uateimportunities, orfrowningsof GreacnclTejhec is at a
point, infinitely rather to keepe a good confciencc and (aue
his foule, then to cnioy the prcient, and gaine the whole
world. For he well knowes that the day is at hand,t uen that |
great and fearcfull Dap when the confciouiiiefle of one gra-
cious ailion,performed with vprightnes of heart, will breed
more comfoit,then the glory, riches. and Ibveraignty of the
whole earth.
To conclude this point: As vnregenerate and fandified
thoughts differmuch in tlieir workings euen about the lame
Obieds :io there aie fome, which are Gods childs peculiar,
w.'th which the fl:ate of vnregeneration is vtterly vnacquain-
ted. They are fuch as thefe :
Firft, thoughts full of feae and aftonilliment, all hell
and horrour, which rife out of the heart, when it is firft
llricken with the fenfe of Gods wrath acthe fight of his
finties. Thefe are fcorched, in. very many, euen with the
flamesof hell in their conucrfion.- They burne fometimis
the very marrow out of their bone^, and tiune the beft
moyflure in them into the drought of Summer. No.
: •; ^ print
K^ Difcourfe of true happneffe.
I ^^9
'*pnntorfcarreofthe{ewoFiiII and wounded thoughts, ap-
pcarc in the heart of the formall hypocrite. This hell vpon
earthjisonly paflTed thorow by the heires ofheaue, whilethe
children oFhell hauecomnwnly their heauen vpon earth.
2 Secondly, ^thoughts compofed all of pure comfort,ioy,
heauen, immortality, the (weet and lonely iflues ofthe Spirit
ofadoption. Thefe flow onely from the fountaine of grace,
andfpringvpinthat {oule alone, which hauing newly paf-
fed the ftrange agonies, andfbrepangsof the new-birth, is
prefently bathed m the blood of Chrift, lulled in the bofomc
of Gods dcareft mercies j and fecured with the feale, and fe-
cret impreHIon of his eternal! loue and facred Spiritjnot only
from the rage of hell, but alfo ofan cucrlaftingaud royallin-
heritance aboue. Oh the heart ofthe vnrcgenerate man is far
too narrow, bafe, and earthly, to comprehend the vnmixed
pIcafureSjthe glorious SunChine of thole bleffed and ioyfull
thoughts, which immediately follow vpon the ftormcs of
feares and terror, ordinarily incident to 3 fotuidconuerfion ].
3 Thirdly, thoughts of fpirituall rauifiiment, and vnuttc-
rable rapture, f^afhes ofcternalllight,raifed fometimes in the 1
hearts ofthe Saints,andoccafionaIlyinfpircd by the Spirit of
all and endlefie comfortjwhich with viKonceiueable amaze- ^ .
mcnt and admiration feed vpon, and fill themfclucs with the j \q ^f, 'ay^
ioyes of the {econd life, in fuch an vncouthextafieandex-lwith an
cefie,as is fan e aboue,and without the compafle and conceit holy a
of all worldly comforts, the tongue ofAngels, or heart of ^^^"
man. In this point, I appeal e to the confcience ofthe true f^inj^g \
Chriftian, ( for I know full well that all my dilcourre is a pa-
rable, and paradoxeto the prophane ) whether hee hath not
fometime,as it:were,a fca ofcomfort rained vpon his heart,
in a fv;eetclliowre from heauen; and fuch a (enfibletaftcof
the cuerlafting'pkafures, by the glorious prefcnce ©fin wai'd
j of a truely
humbled and brolten heart, already healed, and fvvectcly clofed vp withthebloudof
Chrift: whereas in others, they commonly either workc butahalfe conuerfion, are
expelled withoutward mirth, or- end in dcfoairo." Imeanethofe blcfieU flirringsof
the heart, vnfpeak able andglorious, whepthcfeakofrenaiflionoffinncsis firftfetva-
to the foule by the Spirit of adoptioiu
L ioy
rl doe not
the ftate of
from all
and terrors
encc for
onely make
it a priui-
ledge of
Gods chif-
di'cn, to'
paOe quite
them inta
the fpiritu-
all plea-
fures, and
the King-
dome of
looke backc
vpon the
skars and
prints of
thofe for-
kA DifeGiirfe of true happiffe/fe.
Jioy and peace, as ilTVice bad the one fijote in hcaiicn already,
anid with the one hand had laid hold vpon the crowne oflife-
efpcc'ally after a zealous heate, and feeling ferucncie inpraiei :
after an entire, gracious, and profitable ^ndificationof the
Sabbath; at thetimeoffome great and extraordinary huinili-
ation er teftained,and exefcifed with fruit and fiiKerity; when
jheehath fredily wtthdcepcft groanes andfighcs, and new
jftniglingsoffpirit, renewed his repentance, vpon occ^on of
re^apfe into fbmc old, or fallintoibnaenew/imei when the
impoifoned arrowesof cruclUnd fiery tongues, pointed with
malice,policy,& prophanencfle^come thickeft v.pon him .and
yctretiringintohisowne innocent heartjlie finds nocaiifc of
filch mercilefle vexation, but defence ofGods truth, and prc-
feflionofholinefle. 'Nay,(bmeti«ics vpon the deaths-bed, to a
' fbiile confcious ofan v*prigl«t & vnlpottedlifi.!,the ioics of hea-
nenprefcntthcmfeluesbeforethetimej (fb longing a fympa-
thy is there betwixt the life of grace & endlefle glory. ) Such
jlike ioyfnll fpringings, & heauenly elenations of"heart as the^c
Iwhich I hauc now mentioned, are thctnie Chri[khnspecffUar;
<no firanger can meddk with them,no heart can conceiuethem
but that which is the Temple ofGodspin-e and blefled Spirit.
I Thus ferre of the diference of their thoughts, in relped
of thcirnatiu-eand nianner of working: Now in a fccond
jplace, Gods child is notably diftcrenced from the formall hy-
|pocrite,by the fealbnablenes of his thoughts, and their vvholy
(eruingthe time-
In a body of befl^nd exaftcfl:conflitHtio!i,the fcnfes arc
quicke and nimble, and i'harpliefbdifceme-, with gr«iteft life
and vigourapprehend their obi€(5ls, and are mofl fenfibly af-
fe(fled, or aifpleafed with thcfr coniieniencc or antipathy :
Euenfoin a heart of true fpirituall temper, feafoned and foft-
ned with tlic dew of grace; the thoughts are z^iae, ready and
addreft with 2cale and contentment to encliiie and apply
|themfelues to the condition of the times, and variety of oc-
cafions offered for fome holy vfe, to the bettering of the foulc
and the enlarging of Gods gIory,Inthe time of fafts and fack-
cloth : if G(x& iudgements bethreatncd out of the Pulpit, or
.., executed
K^ Difesurfe of true haffinefe.
executed from heauen; when the Church weai-es her mour-
ning wccd^finccrity droopes, and the godly hang downe tlieir
heads; in Inch blacke and difmall dayes, they are impatient
of all temporall comfort, they willingly put on fadnefle, to
entertainepenitencie, humiliation, and iorrow :but they are
clothed with ioy and lightfomnefle, when mercy and falua-
tion are wifely and feafonably proclaimed, out of the Bookc
oflifc ; when Religion fpreads and profpers, and diuine truth
hdth free paflage; when whole States haiie efcapcd the bloo-
diePapifts Gunpowder, and the royall brefts of Kings their
empoyfoned kniucs, and in fuch like ioyfull and happy times.
Thus the thoughts and inmoftaffcdions of Gods child haue
their changes, tlicir fewerall feafons and fuccelfto! is, as it plear-
feth the Lord to offer, or execute mercie oriudgement out of
his Word, or in the world abroad. But the thoughtsof the
formall hypocrite, though they llifterindeedc many alterati-
ons, and diftradions about earthly obieds ; they ebbe and
jBow with difcontent or comfort, as his outward ftatcis fa-
uourcdorfrownedvpon by the world : yet fpirituall occur-
J!ents,oblcruablewichdeuotion and reutrence for the good
ofthefoule, haue no great power to worke vpou thtm. Sar
credtiracSjordayesof afflidion, arc not wont, to make, any
-itteWmpreHion, or to breed extraordinary ftirrings, and mo-
tions in them. Let judgements blaft,or mercies bleifea King-
dome; It t Gods Word finde fmooth and euen way,or rubs and
oppolitioniletprophancneflc be countenanced, or (inceritie
cheriflicd, hee takes no thought i;fo hec may fleepe in a whole
skinne,aDdkcepc entire his worldly comforts, his thoughts
continue heauy, dull,, and formall. Hee may con forme and
coniort with the times in his outward gcllures, words and
adionsibut ordinanly his thoughts admit no chai^ge,4^ue
onelyfofarre ashi^priiiate ttmrorall felircitie is-endangerSd
hy publikc iudgtments, or enlarged by {howres of mercies
and bkilings from heauen. I cannot. enlarge this poywt-at
this time; onely I wiilgiucoiie inftaiicein their diftlreni^i^of
thoughts vpon th^ Sabbath day.
1 he Sabbath day is, as it wei*> tbe/rfirr-^ of the foule,
\. L 2 wheix-
cxf Difc$nrfe of true happme/fe.
wherein it fliould not onely repaire and furnifh it (elfe with
new rpirituall ftrength, with greater flore of kaovvIcdge,grace
and Comfort : biitalfo feaft with its heauenly friends, the bleC
fedSaints and Angels, v p on thofe glorious ioyesand happie
reft, whichnaieriliallhaiie end. Euery Child of God there-
fore, which hath already a reall intcreftin that eternall reft,
makes not oncly confcieaccof ^w>7^^« e^tje>>fAyes,feeking hli
o)^'fie^il/fjpeaki»^ a vAifteWffrd on that day :bat aifo in Ibme
good meafure makes it the very ^A^^f of his heart, the loue
and comfort of his inward thoughts, fo that hee may confe-
crnte it as gloriowtothe Lord, Hee doth not oncly giue quiet
and ceftation to his body from worldly bufineflc, and vvorkcs
of his calling ; but alfo empties his head, and disburdens his
thoughts ofall earthly cares,'thatfo they may wholly and en-
tirely intend the holy motions of Gods Spirit, and fpend
themfeluesin godly and extraordinary meditations, fitting
thefeaftdayof the foule, and the Lords holy day. This is
the defire,longing, and cndeauorrofhis heart, thus tofancfli-
fiethe Sabbath; and if at any '.ime hee be turned awnefrom
this vprightncfle by compatiy, or his owne corruptions,hee is
after much grieued and vcxt with it; repents and prayes for
more zeale, confcience, and care for the time to comC. But
the formall hypocrite, howfbeuer hee may on that day for-
beareaiKi abftainefrom his ordinary fins,labours, fports, and
idlenefle jhowfbcuer hee may outwardly exercif e and execute
all dutiesandferuices of Religion; though indeede more of
ciiftome and for falliion, then with heartie and true deuo-
tion :nayj he may haueother thoughts on tliat day, bitt onc-
ly fbfarre, as the bare folemnitie of the time, and the greater
Prefencc can alter them : yet I dare boldly lay it, no formall
ijy|pocrite,no kinde of vnregenerate man can po/Tibly make
JpeSabbath his delight, as is required, Ifa. 58.13, And which
isprefuppofcdto make vs capable of the bleftings following
iothe fame place: Thenjhdt thou delight iff the L»rdy and I wt/l
make thee 1 9 moHntvpta the high places of the earth, And feede thee
ViPttb the heritage of laco^thjf father : far the month of the Lord
hath^0ksn4t. Hee cannot 'for his lifefequeftcr'hi* thoughts
L^ Difcourfe eftrue hapfineffe.
at all, not citcn on that day, from worldlineffe and earthly
pleafures, to diiiine and facred meditations. Doe what hec
can, he cannot beate and keepe them off from worldly Ob-
ie(fls • they will notleaue their former haunts, or be refbrained
from plotting, or pleafiflg themfelues with wecke-day biifi-
lord, it is ftrangethatthefouleofa man, fo nobly fumi-
fhed with powers of higheft contemplation ; being fo
ftrongly and fenfibly pofleft with confcioufneflc, and con-
ceit of its owne immortality ; and hauing the reftlefife and.vn»-,
(atisfieddefiresofitswide capacity, neuer fild but with the
Maiefty of God himftlfe, and the dory of an immortall
CrownCjfhouldbefioch a ftranger to neaucn, the place of its'
birth and euerlafting abode ; that vpon that day, whereon>
( as vpon the golden f pot and Pcarleof the weeke j the Lord
hath flamped his owne facred Sealc of inftitution, and ib-
lemne confecration for his owne particular feruice, and fpe-
ciall honour;, yet, I fay, vpon that day it cannot fettle and
continue its owne thoughts and motions vpon thofc vHmixcd
andbleffed ioyes, and the way vnto them; without which
it (hall bee euerlaftingly miferable, and burne heercafter in
that fiery lake, whofe flames are f^d with infinite riuers oT
Brimftone, and the endleffe wrath of God for euer and e-
Now I pray youtell mcc^ when wee Hiall haue raigned'
heereaftcr many millions ofyeeres in heaucn, what thoughts
willremaine oFthislittie inch oftime vpon earth I When wee
hauepaffed rhorow a piece of eternity, where will appeare
the minute of this miftrable lifcj and yet our thoughts and
aftedions are fo glued vnto the world, as though etermtie
were vpon caithj and /;«wonely in heaucn? You are men capa-
ble of worthicft aiad hightft eleuationsoF fpirit, I befeech/
you, rcfume this meditation at your leifure; mee thinkcs it
fliouldbeeabk'tobreede thoughts of a farre more noble and.
heaueilly temper, then ordinarily arife and are uoiirifhed hi
Buttofoiiowmy^purpoier.Ccrtaineit is^ not the bed vn-
L 3 regenerate
K^ Bifceurfe of trne happiffeffe .
regenerate man can endure an entire and cxaci iantflifiwti-
on of the Sabbath ; it is not a lubilceto their hearts, and the
ioyof their thoughts: for tliry cannot abide to lia-'.ie their
mindesftay Jong in a feeling meditation vpon fpirituall af.
fiitres, vpoit the examination oftheii-foi-mcriife, the ftate of
the odier world, the fleights and tentations of Satan, the day
j of death, the tribwnnll of h£aucn,andfuchhke. For though
J the befl of them may haue a perfvvalion rtf their being in the
[ ftate ofgrace, as I haue lai-gely prooued heeretoforc; ytt fith
it is wrongly and falfely grounded, it cannot abide the learch
andtouchftone : Henceit is, that of all things they loue not
to be alone. They may pleafc themfelues well enough in fo-
HtarincfTe, vpon fome priuate bufinefle ; for the more pro-
foundplotting and contriuing worldly matters; ^ a more
fiee, but filthy exercifeofthe adulteries of the heart, and con-
templatiue fornication J tofecde vpon dull and fraitlcfle me-
lancholy^ lo let theii" thoughts wildly range, andiunne riot
into a world of imaginations ; to diucinto the myfteries of
nature, or depths of State ; but to be alone on^ly for tliis pur-
pofe, that the minde may more fully and immediately worKe
vpon the fpirituall ftate of the foule, and impartially enquire
into the confciencc jthey cannot,they will not endure it ; and
thcreforecommonly call: themfelues into one knot ofgood-
fellowfhip or other, that they may merrily palie away that
time j for an houre of which(the time of grace being once ex-
pired;) they would giue ten thoufand worlds, yet iLall neucr
beable to purchafe it againe.
But Gods Children, when they are alone, haue inward
comfort, and heauenly mattcrenough to worke vpoti : a pka-
fing contentment znd fatisfadion, arifing from an humble
and fdber remembrance of a well fpcnt life, doth infinite-
ly" more refteHithem, then all the reuellings and plealant
deuiccs of merrie companions : nay, many times in their
feafonable folitarinefle, diuine graces arc more operatiue
and ftirring, and raife inflamed motions of delight and
NowinatHrd'pIace,wearetocon(iderthat theChilde of
i:^ Difldttrfe of true happmejfe.
God is yet further vcrv mnch differenced from tlie fbrmall
Hypocrite, by his skill and dexterity in ruling ; by his
holy wifcdome, and godly iealoufic in \vatching ouer his
The heart in which Gods Spirit is^not refident with fpeci-
all grace and fanctifying power ( ho wfoeuer the w'ords may ;
bee watched ouer, and the outward adions reformed ) lyes ,
commoi^ly ftill naked and open, without fpccfaB guard; or
ferkd gouemmept; For the bell naturall man is too impa- 1
tient of ri. ftraint and feuerity, ouer the power of imagina- j
tion and freedomeof his thoughts,- they being naturally ex-
empted and priuiledged from all humane and created fo- |
ucraignty; and the vnceflantneile of their workings and per- \
petuail prefcnce in the minde, .would make the'abridgement j
oftheir liberty more fcnfibleanddidaftefall. It may beeout-i
of the naturall grounds of ciuill honefty, and fome gencrall j
apprehenfion of the power of the world to come; hce may be ■
fo fure Ibllicitous about his thoughts, that if any liai t vp of
'iiiore foule and monftrous lliape, enticing him to Ibms j
gr<^'fleand iiifamous finne, which would diigi-ace him in the (
world, or brsede extraordinary horrour in his confcicnce : .
hee prcfentiy fets again il it,, dilc'aimes, abandons, and exptis '
it. Heemay bee of experience and skillto conquer and ilip-
pr<.irc thoughts of hcr.iiip.efle, and melancholy ; although
in this point he n\iny times fcarefully deceiues himlclfe,
takingthc holy motions of Gods Spirit, inclining him to
godly iorrowforhisfinnes, to bee mclancholike thoughts,
taiding.towards too much fk'idnefle and vnneceflary dil-
comfort:SogriGuing-thc good Spiiit, awd flopping- againft
himfclfe the very h'rft and nccedary palVage to fal
Thus the fbrmall hypocrite may haue fbnictimes
part,afleighr,mifguided, and generall care and out
his thoughts: But bccaufe the depth of his deeeitftfl
andthe many corruptions that are daily and hourely
edinit, werentuerript vp and reuealed vnto him ^, ....
power and lightoflauing grace, hec cannot hold that hand
oiierhwhtarcashec ought; hce doth net- keepe a fclemne
•_ - . . . . ,^ *- . paiti-i-
{^ Difeattrfe cftrtte happtneffe.
^aitirtilar, and contiiiuall watch and ward ouer his thoughts,
whichislittlcenai^htokeepeaChriftian in found comfort
andii.iwardpeacejheehathno heart with fuch anxietie and
care to looke vnto his heart : hee doth not fo often and fcri-
oufly thinkevpon his thoughts, liolding it the laft and lead
ofa thoufand cares. But euery Child oFGod certainely makes
ithischieFeftcare,andoneofhis greafjft Chriftian toiles, to
guarde his heart, and guide his thoughts. Hee foUowcs in
fome good meaiiire ( by his p^-aflice) that holy counfcll of
Salom9tt,Vio\i.^. 23. ^Ahone aH watch and ward, keefe thine
heart. The word in the originall \s borrowed from theafFaires
of Warre. Let vs imagine a City not onely begirt with.a
ftraite and dangerous liege of cnicll and bloud-thiifty ene-
mies, but alfo within infefted with lurking Commot toners^
and traitorsto the State; how much, doe you thinkc, would
it Hand that City vpon, with all vigilant policie, to ftand vp-
x)nitsguard for prencntionof danger? It is iuft fo with the
hearti not onely Satan is euer waiting opportunity, to throw
in his fiery darts, and icnfuall Obie(4s from abroad, like
falfe Sinons to infi/:uatc themf elues ; but alfb, it feelcs ( to its
much vexation) many rebellious ftirrings within 'its owne
bowels. The tender confcience ofa true Chriftian 1$ very
fenfibleof all this danger ,• and by his owne experimental
and praflicall knowledge, hee is acquainted with the many
breaches and dcfolations made in the foule, both by thefe
open enemies, and fecret Rebels ; and therefore furniflieth
himfclfe daily with much holy wifedomc and watchfiilncfTe j
with experience and dexterity in this great fpirituall aftaite
ofguardingand guiding his heart. Wee may take a view of
thi§hisfandificdand Chriftian wifedomc in gouerning his
■ ijights, in thefe fbure points.
In a timely difcouery and wife defcatment of Satans
atagems and policies 9 whether hee dcalc by fuggeftions
taiftd from the occafions, andaduantages of his temper and
naturall conftitution ; ofhis temporall Hate, either happinefle,
or contempt ; ofhis infancy, or growth; weaknefle,or flrength
in Chriftianity ; of the condition ofhis calling, company* .
\^ Z>ifi0urfe,cftrtfehappmffi.
place where hee lines, orthe like : Or whether hec come ad-
dreft with his owne more fearefiill immediate Iwiedions ;
which he fometimes prefents in his owne likenelTe. As when
heecafts into the Chriflians minde, diflrufts and doubts a-
bout the truth ofhcauen, and of diiiinc and heauenly truth;
concerning the ceitainetie and being of all that Maieftie and
glory aboue i for fuch thoughts as thefe, are fometimes offe-
red to the moft fandificd foulc ; BerMrdcills them, f<?m^//i4
defidey horrihiltade dtHtnitate. But marke heere the carriage
of Gods Childe, hce doth not v; raftle with thefe hell-bred
thoughts,Iie fets not his natural! reafon vpon them ; for thence
perhaps would follow inclinations to Atheiftne, defperate-
neflc m fiinning,and other fearefiill con(equents : but at the ve-
ry firf} appioch, abandons ar.d abominates them to tlie very
pit ofliell whencethcy came ; he praycs, repents, aud is hum-
bled by them, and thence clcarely fees they are noKC of his;
andfoindefpiteoffnchdenihfh malice, vvalkes on comfor-
tably in his way to heauen. If Satan fpeede not in this blacke
fliape i heat other times puts on the glory of an AngcU : and
perhapsmay bring into his remembrance, euen good things,
but out of their due time, tliatheemay hinder him of fome
greater good. Asatthepreachingof the Word, hee may call
into his mmde vnfcafbnably, godly meditations, that fo hee
maydiftradanddepriuehim of the blelfings of a profitable
hearer : At the time of Prayer, he may fill his head with holy
iiiftnidions, that fo hee may coolc his feniency, and bereauc
himofthebaiefitoffoblefledanexercife. With thefe, and a
thoufandmoefuch like vexations in his thoughts, the Childe
of God is fore troubled and much cxercifed.
Secondly, another branch of fpiritiiallwifedomc in watch-
ing oner his thoughts, isbuficd about thofe finfull pleafures,
which vpon the remembrance of his former old iniquities
mayrc-infedthefbule. Foramanmay commit the fame fin
a thoufand times, by renewing the pleafures of it in his
thoughts. Though the ad be paft, yet as often as the minde
mnnes ouerthe paflagesandcircumflances of the fame finne,
.withthefame delight j fo often thefoule is polluted witha
I new
c^ DifcMrfe &f trne happmejje .
not detefia*
newftaine, imdiaden with more £Ti>ildiKfle. Wlicicos thcrc-
fcrc the fenltialUvvectnesofa mans beloucd finnes,' hath be-
fore his cailing, got fiidrftronglx^ld and haunt in his aftc(5li-
ons, that it will bee ftill afterward with baits and allurements,
^Hicftingenen the renewed htarf, ifnot to the iteration of
the groHe ad^, yetatlcaft to enioy it in thought : it dotli very
"muchbchoLietheGhildofGod, tobee\rary and watchFnllin
thispoint; Jf hce remit but a little of his hcate of zvale againfl;
iiniK, and ftriicncy ofhis firll: louc, or grow re gai<iltfls of his
thoughts, it \vill pixfently gather power and op^^oitiinitie
ferre-entrie. Heere then is tlie toile and tryall of Chriftian
wiledome and watchfulneffe ouerthe thoughts. If wlien the
foule pleafiircs offormer finnes be reprcfcnted vnto the mind,
hec hath either learned tofmother them at their firft flcaling
into the heart, by oppofingagainft them a confideration of
the many wounds, and much wafte they haiie formerly
made in his foule : Or elfe by his growth and ftrength in
grace, becableto looke backc vpon them ^vithollt delight, to
retaine them onely for renewing repentance, and to dilm-fle '
thtmwithloathinganddetelhtion: Full fweeteis the coni-
fbrf, and great the hap^iinefleofthat Chriftian, who Iwth his
corruptions fo farre mortified, and the remilTion of his finnes
iofliaiy fcaledvnto him ; that the thouglits of his former
pleafing finnes can neither tickle him withdelight and new
defire, nor affright him with * honour. For the ojic, Oh (laith
blefIcde^A(/?i>?inhis Confcnions) what Jh.^/i I reitirne vnto
mjgiracwtts God^ that [can now loehc my finnes tn tbt face^ and
w)t be afnudl Yam hecrcthe wilell Chriftian may bee cafily
plunged oner liead and-ear^si^itooJic of Satans mod deceit-
flilldepths;exceptheebevery waric : Foriuthc folitary mu-
fings upon his former finnes, to this good end, that beemay
vtterly grow out ofloue with them, andiiirtlier lothe, them,
Satan is euer ready (Tor both his craft ^^'?A malice are end-
lefle ) iecretly to addet-indcr to the.fire of his aftcdion, ^o to
inflame him with t-rell^ lone and liking of that finne, which
at that time hee moftlabourSj and liath cua' greatell rcafon
toabhorre. And the tide ofaftbclions being once 011 footc
'XU _ to\vards
(_xf Difcourfe of true happneffe.
I'towaKlsan old plcafingfinne; itisagreat mcafiire of grace
fnuftjftoptlrj tcirent of tlicrn. In watching thercfoie otier
the thoughts, tlie brigiiteft eye of fpirituall wifedome hath
i need-to intend this point, to defcric thisdepth. :-;■:.•
I Third!}', another fpe<:iall care the Childe of God Iiath in-
; guarding the hc^nrt, is to baniOi and keepe out idlenefle, va-
!; nitie of minde, melancholy, worldly ibrrow, inward fretting,
jeuill ^e/jrcs, wandring lufls, wifhes without deliberation,
[andfuch like. Hee holds a waking and iealous -eye oiier thoic:
Imany baites giid lures, which Ipring and fp rout eftfooncs.
1 from the fountainc and rootes of original! corruption ; which'
I the fi:at€ of mortality neuerfufters tobee vtterly plucked vp,
j and dried away-in this life-: He know« full well, iftliefeyong-
f Cockatrices be not cruHicd while they are in hatching; that,
]hy if wandring and wicked thoughts bee not ftifled when
they begin to ftirrc firilintlie minde, they willfirftenuenome.
the vnderftanding, the vnderllanding the will, the will the.
aftedions i the afll'dions once enraged, and hauing tlic reinest
.( like wikle horfes ) will carry a man headlong into a world of
wickednefle. Aboue all, hee makes fureeucrtohauein rea-r,
dinefl'e antl at hand, pr^lcruatiues and counter-poyfons a-r
gain fl--thebaites of tlK)te:threc grand empoilbners, the lufi of
theflcPx-^ the luji of the eyes^and the pride of life. There are theie
>maine obiccis, about which especially aduall conaipifccnce
isiinfullyexcrc-ifed,richcs,plcarures, honours: if he once let
his thoiightsclalpe about any of thde with immoderate de-
fire -and dcliglit, hee is gone. Foi- fo riclies will bring foorth,
coiietouiheflc, and couetoulnefle begets vliirie, opprelTion,
inclofut^, buying and felling oiJices and digHiries, grinding
the faces of the poore, aixi a thouiandmoe mifchiefes : It de-H
uouresallnaturallandlioneft affedions, and turnesthem in- J
to earth ; it makes kindred, friends, acquaintance, content- J
ments, feruiccable to its greedy humour : Nay, it makes a man ;
to conderane himfelfe body and foule for this tranfitorie
tralli, Pleafiires inflame luft, and bft fo emafculates all the
powersofthelbule, that its nobleft operations become bru-
tirh,it begets a w^utoii eye, a lafciuious earejobfcene talke,
kA Difcffttrfe of true hafpncffe.
filthy lefts, delight in playes, and hateful! pi(?lures, befides ma-
rty other (ecret and fearefull abominations, not to bee concci-
oed without horrour, much leflc to bee named. Honours
breed ambition, and ambition bids the foule fpeake vntoa
m^n, in the language of iV^-^^w mother ; Occidarntodh impe-
res: Bec fome body in the world while thou ftayeft heerc,
though I lie in the flames of hell euerlaftin8;ly heereafter.
Deepclythendoth itcoiicemeeuery tmeChriftian withiea-
'loufie and trembling, narrowly to v'atch and obferue the
ftrft and fecret motions ofthe heart; left hee (hoiild vna wares
bee woefully caught, and enfnared in that blacke aixl accurfed
chainc : thefirft linke of which, growcs out of naturall cor-
ruption, and the laftreacheth the height of finnc, and depth
of hell. Wemayfeefourellnkesofit :Iamesi. I4. 15. about
thebreeding offfn : and other fbure,Heb. 3 » about its growth
andperfedlion. Firft,.an idle finfull thought begins to draw,
as it were, the heart afidc from the prefence and confidera-
tion of God Aloiightie, to a fight and furuay of the plea-
fijrcsoffinne, Secondly, it hauing, as it were, the heart by it
felfc, puts on a baitc ; diures and cntifcs, holding a confe-
rence an d parley with the wilI,aboutthe fwccteneflcof plea-
fures,riches,honours, glory, and fuch like. Thirdly, the will
accepts of the motion, confentSj^ plots, and forecafts for the
accompliftiment, theaffe^ions adde heatc and ftrength, the
heart trauels with iniquities and fo at length by the heipe of
opportunitie, finnc is brought foorth. If you looke vpon the
IOriginall in Saint lafftes, ^ou will eafily gather thefe foure dc-
grees^Now further, by often iteration cf the afl of finning
with delight and cuftome, the heart is hardened ; fo that no
terK)uronudgement,noi' promife of mercy will enter. Se-
condly, itbecomesah euift h^art, and is wholly turned into
fenc, it drink esvp iniquitie Hk6 water, and feedes vpon it,
astheHorfclecchoncorruptbloud. Thirdly jitgrowes an vn-
faithfiiU heart, andthcH a man begins to fay within himfelfe,
there is no Go(i j at leaft in refpeft of prouidcnce, and eaie o-
uer the world, and executions cf iudgcment vpon finners :
'he bids him depart fromhim i andfayes to him, / dejirt not the
. k^o ^led ie
x^ t>ifci0Vrfe of true hafpine^e.
\ ^^*
k»o^'ledge of thy ^ayes ; Who « the Almighty, that I foould
fernehimf Or what profit piould I haue^ if I Jhould fray vnto
html Fourthly, followes an vtter felling away from God,
grace, and all goodntfle, without all fciife, checkc, or re-
morfc of finne, iliame, and his moft accurfed ftatcj and fo
immediately from this height of finne , into the fierccft
fiameandloweftpitofhell. Forifthefirft degree dcfeme e-
ternall death; what confufion muft befall this Babell? You
fee in what danger hee is that giues way vnto his firft finfuil
Laflly, a principall imployment of holy wifedome in
guarding the thoughts, is fpentin giuinga wife and humble
entertalnement vnto the good motions of Gods blefled Spi-
rit: and in fiirHilliingar^fupplyingtheminde with ftoreof
profitable and godly meditations. For as vnregenerate men
giue commonly eafie paflage to pleafing worldly thoughts j
butfupprefle gracious ftirringsandinclinations to godly for-
rovv, rcpentance^andfincerity ; as though they were tentations
to precifenes : fb contrarily Gods childe labours by all meanes
to ftoppe the way to the firft finfuU fcnfiiall thoughts: but
alwayesdefires,withfpeciallhnrailitieandrcucrence, to im-
brace all the motions of Gods Spii-it, warranted and groun-
ded in his Word : Hee dcarely and highly eftecmcs them,
cherirhcthand feedes them with (pirituall ioy, and thankc-
fulnefleofheart, with Prayer, Meditation, and Pradice. For
ifa man beginonce to bee neglediuc of godly motions, by
littleaixllittlehcgrieues the Spirit; at length hee qucncheth
iti atlaft hee is in danger of defpifing it; if not by profef-
fionanddiredly, yet in his pracflice, and by an indired qp-
pofitioir, in flandering and perfeaiting fpirkuall graces i\\
Gods Children. Befidcs this worthy ca-rc of entertaining
and nourifliing good motions, hee is prouidcnt to gather
-andtreafurc vp ftoreofgood matter and heauenly bufineifes,
forthecontinuallexercile of his minde :left that noble po-
wcrof his Ibule fliould bee taken vp with trifles and vani-
tie,fecdevponearth;orweareandwafteit felfewith barren
andlumpifli melancholy. Hee is much grieued and vexed,
152 I t^: D ifcoarfe ef trtte BapprfKjJe .
■■ / ^r ^ ; ;"" ;
j hee findcat any time his heart carried away with tranfir.,. .v
"elights, caniall and vnprofitable thoughts; or his minde
ttiuling impertinently, and gazing vpon the painted and va-
nilliing glory of tPic world : Especially fith there is fuch
plentifkll and precious choyce of beft meditations, obuioiis
Co euery Chriftian, able to fill with endlcfle contentment all
tlic vnderftandings of men and Angels fJ^r eiier. As the in-
comprehenfiblc glorioufiiefle of God> in the infinite beautie
of his owne immediate Maiefty> and facred attributes ; in
his Word and workes ; in his iudgementsand mercies ; in his
Church and Sacraments. The miracuIoufncfTe of our Re-
demption,, and all the comfortable and glorious paflages
rfiereof The great myfterie of godlinefle, the power of
^race, trade of Chriftianity, and courfe of fiincflification j
matter of Iwecteft contemplation. Concerning our fetues ,
there is to bee thought vpon all the aftaires of our calling, the
particulars, perplexities, and cafes of confcience incident
vnto thccq. Qur prefent vilcnefTe, and fcarefull infirmities ;
themiferiesandfi-ailtie of this life; the traines of Satan, the
terrours of hell ; that great iudgement euen at hand. In otir
fpirituall ^ate,howtopreferiieour^r/? /<?«<?, efcape felapfes,
grow in grace, keepe a good confcience, come to hcauen.
And when the eye of oiu vnderftanding is dazlcd with thofc
higher cenfidcrations, or wearied with thefe inferiour ; it
might refit ih it felfc with the fpeail^iue fruition of man)
inuifible comforts -, with vsu iety of heauenly thingf, concer-
ning the immortality of oiu: foirics, the large promifes of
eucrlafling bkifedncfie, the glorious rifing againe of our
bodies, the ioyes aud, reft of Gods Saints aboue ; and that
"whichi^theCrowneandconclufion of all, our ownc moil
certaincbliflefuU flate of happinefle and eternity in the fc-
cond worldvlf men had grace anci comfort to enlarge their
heaitstofuchnjeditationsasthefejwhat roorae woiild there
bee for earthly mindedneffe, vanities and impertinencies ;
uuichleflefor proud, ambitious,, couetpuSi,luftftill,.enuious,
Andreuengefull thoughts ?
Thus far of the care and cpnfcienceofthc true Chriftian, in
t_^ Difeourfe of true hapfineffe.
watching oner and guiding his thoughts; which is a (peciall
markc of di^eirnce from all ftates of vnrcpcneration : for
'the regenerate oncly keepc the lad Commanaement ; which
rcdifies the inward motions of the heart.
Now laftly in a fourth place, and in a word j Gods childe
is diftingutflicd from the fo«nall hypocrite, m refpcifl df the
ifllic of his thoughts.
The moil comfortable and fanflificd foule, is neuer in
iiuchpeipetuallferenity, but that it is fometimes ias it were
oucr-ciouded with dumps of heauinefle; and inwardly dif-
quieted with its owne motions, or the fuggeftions of Satan.
While this flefh is vpon it, itfliall be forrowfullj and while
it is in this vale of teares it muft reourne. There is not an
heart fofwectely and refolucdly compofcd£or heauen; biit
is fometiD)cs difletlcd with thoughts of indignation : An<f
that efpecially as appeareth by D^id^ Pfalme 37. and 7g.
When fbUie is fct in great excelkncie ; when men neither
of worth, conicitncc, or ingenuitie, «re aduanced to high
:j room.es, domintere in the world, and imperioufly infult o-
uer fincerity-^ when the wicked profper, and fpreadthem^
feiuesin ftefli pkafures and honours like greene Bay trees ;
when tlxjfe haue tberr eyes ftanding out for l^tneflc,
more then heart can wifli j to whom pride land iufoleMck
are as a chaine, and who are couercd with prophanencfic
and crueltie, as with a garment. Butheeremarke the diffe-
rence : Difcont^ntfuil diieourftsinthe minde of the fbrmall
hypocrite, either breakcout into defper^e conclufions, and
fean fall horrour, although this bee but ftldeme ( for com"
monly this kinde of vnregcneratc man hues flourifhingly, and
dyes fairely in the eye of the world ; ) exemplary, and irrcco-
uerably defpairc in this life, doth oftneft befell either tlK
notorious (inner, the mecre ciuill honeft man, o'r efpedally
the grofle hypocrite j therefore i wotild rather fay, thjft: in
him fuch difcontentfhll dcbatements , are either appcafed
by fome oppofkc conceit of ftronger worldly comfbtt; a^
bandoned by entcrtainement of outward mirth ; diuerted
by companie, pleafures, and ioyfuU accidents compoftd
^ . _M
i,5?4 ( ^^ Difceurfc of true happineffe,
J I I ■ rm\ [ - — - I r '"•" ^
by wor/dly wifedome or the like. But heaiiie- hearted"
thoughts in Gods Cfaildc, though for a while ( not vtterly
without fomeafpcrfion of diftruft^ fretting and difcontent;.
yet commonly at length being mingled with faith, and mar-
naged with fpirituall wifedome; by the grace of God, breakc |
out into fairer lightenings of comfort, greater heate of zeale,
more liuely exercife of faith, gracious fpeeches, and many
blefTcd refolutions. I will but onely giue one inflance, and
thax mDauid, a man offingular experience in Ipirituall af-
Looke the beginnings of the 62. and 73 . Pfalmes, and you
{hallfindeZ><««/^tohauebeene in a hcauy dumpe, and fore
Gonflid in his owne heart with ftroug tentations vnto impa-
ticncy.Hee recounts the ifTue of the difputcwithhimlelfe, in
the beginnings of thefe Ffalmes. tet faith he in the 73 . for all
this ^odiigoodvnte Jfrael : euen te thefurein heart. In the 62.
7f/ let diuels and men rage and combine, ^^"/^ my fouU kee^eth
filencevtito God, of him commeth tnj falnation, c^c. His many
wrongs, vexations and indignities, together with the impla-
cable malice, and impotent infultations of his aduerfarics,
had no doubt a little before muchrunne in his mindc. Let vs
conceiue fuch as thefe to haue bctn his thoughts; and that thus
or in the like manner, he communed and conferred with his
Lord, thinkes he with himfelfc ; I hauc with loweft humi-
Kty^and vprightneffc of heart refigned mine owne foulc; nay
I haue vowed, and refolued that my Crowne and Scep-
ter, my Court and whole kingdome, fiiall forcuer bee fcr-
uiceable to my gracious God, and that great Maieftie abouc.
My mindeisaeuertaielypleafedandioyfull; but when it is
gazing and meditating vpon the excellent beauty of his
glorious ^^^V?^ ; vpon bis bottomleflcgoodnefft, andimmea-
miablegreatnefle. Hiswordaud facred lawes.are better and
iflearer vnto mee, then thoufands of gold and filuer. His
Saints vpon earth are oaely my_ folacc, and their finceritic
|hcde!i^htof mine heart. For mine innocency from thofe
imputations which arechargcd vpon mee, I dare appealc vn-
{^ Difcourfe oftms bapfimffe.
totheftrideft Tribunall ofhcauen. Why then, how comes
it to paflTc, that I am become a fpedacle of difgrace and con-
tempt to heaiien and earth, to Men and Angels,to Gods peo-
ple^and that which grieues me more, to Gath and Askelon .^
Saul^ foralltheferuicelhauedoHetohim, and to the State,
hunts mc vp and downe like a Partridge in the mountaines.
Dogged Doeg, hee hath informed as,^inik Ai>ime/echfor
relieiiing mce ; and fo caufed the facrcd bloud of fourefcore
andfiiiePrieftstobefpiltaswatervponthe ground. Malice
aad furie driue mec intothe wildcrnefle ( for Lions and Ty-
gers are more mercifull, then madded and enraged propha-
nefle,) but there the barbarous Z/p^»/w/ haue betrayed mee
to the Kings J I am railed vpon, not onely by bafeand
worthlcfTe companions, by fellowes of proftituted confci-
ence and conuerlation ( that were tolerable, ) but euen Prin-
ces, and thofe that fit in the gate fpeakc againft me. Not on-
ly drunkards makefongs andiefts vpon mce, but euen great
men, with authority and imperioufnefle carry in triumph
my diftrefTf d and forfakcn innocency. Nay, and that which
is thecomplementofmiftrie and difcomfort jmine owne fa-
miliarSjWith whom I haue many times fwectly and fecrctly
Confulted, they haue alfb decetnedmee, m a, hrooke ; ^nd as the
rifiyigeftberiuers, thej/^re pajfedaWAjf. But markenowtlie
ifllie ofthis confiit!^, and inward difpnte with himfelfe.Had
a notoriou sfinjierbeene in thefe ftraits, perhaps hee would-
haue burft out ijito defpcrate concliifions and furious at-
tempts. Hada Papiftbeene heere,hee would prefently haue
had rccour/evntothc /^y^ir^j, fellowes which zvtby dffim-
mtoH refined and iirbhmated Friers, compoied all of fire,
blood and gunpowderiinfjiired by the powers of darkneffe,.
with atranfcendentrage agaiaft Gods truthjfworn folemne-
ly in the blackeft confiilory of Hell to the death ofKings,de-
folation of States, combuftion of the whole Chi iltian
world, and deftru^ti.on of infinite foules. Thefcmen would
prefently haue addreftfoms^ bloody and prodigious villaine
with a knife, poyfon or gunpowderto hane killed the Ki.^gj
and fo haue blownevp Sanl^LW^^ll hxs Court. Had a for-
M mail
5^1 I K^ T>ifcourfe of true ha^ineffe.
ttiall hypocrite beene in thiscafe.feeing thefc ci o iTes and mi-
ieries befall him ; hee perhaps would haue prefendy recoy-
led from thcfe courfes of oppofiticii, though in a good
caiife , clofed with feme great man in the Court, and C2ii\.
himfelfe into the current of the time. But marke Dauids
carriage in this point : his noble heart, Uke a glorious Siinne,
brtakes thorow thefe clouds, and ftormes of inward trou-
bles, thefc ftrong tentations to impatieiicy and difcontent ;
hee puts on more ftrength of faith and patience, and fhi nes
brighter in all fpirituallgraces; meethinkes hereacheth the
very Meiidian of all Chriftian comfort and high refbluiion.
For as you may fceiiithe forecitcd 62. Pfa!me:Hee doth not
onely fortifie his G^vne heart with vnconqucrable confi-
dence ia Gods pretention ; butalfo with an holy ti iumph,
infultsouerthe infoler.ciesof his aduerfarics, snd already
\V3i(^Llhh\s^^imCQ\Y?i:Q\.i:inthcbloodefthe\\'tcked, Hee tcls
them, they fliall bee flaine cuery mothers fonne of them,and
that, in fcarefull and horrible manner: As if a man lliould
comevpon tlic backe of a rotten and tottering wall, and
with great ftrength and fury puHi it downe : cuQn fo , wlien
they were moftfwelled with pride and prophanencfTe, the
wrath and vengeance of God, fhould like a fierce tempeft
and whirle-wind, feaze fuddenly v pon them,and hurle them
out of their place.
Now in the fourth place I am to tell you, that the Word
of God is not feated with a fandified foueraigntie, or
foundly planted by its failing power in the afi-e(n:ions of the
formall hypocrite, wWch is the hearcrrefemblcd vnto the
ftonie ground.
That nobleft and highcft power, the vnderftanding part
of the foule, as it is immateriall, and more abftraded ; fo its
operationsandftirrings are more immanent and inuifible,
aded with lefTc noife and notice ^ and therefore by confc-
quentaftbrd markes ofdiftindion ( in the point I profecite)
not fully fo fenfible to our felues, or eafilyobuious anddif-
cerncable to the Chriftians eye, ( for vnregenerate men are
meere ftrangers to fuch diicretions and acknowledge-
ments j
c^ Diftourfe of true ha^pmfe.
mcnts) as our afK^dions,aiid anions.
Our afeaions in their exercifts, and employments,beiag
much mingled with matter and matcriall obieds, and origi-
nally aduated with lifeand motion,ftom thebeate and agi-
tations ofthe heart, are nauiraliy moreaaiiie and ftirnng;
and ordinarily reprefent more feeling & vifible impreilions,
bothtoourowne (mCt and obferuation of others. Marke
therefore I pray you with rcuerence andconfciencethedif-
ferencif\g markes betweene the power offandification, and
formall profefTion which fpring thence.
Seme good aftedions euen in relation to fpirituall
things,and the affaires of hcauen, are incident vnto, and may
be found \n the ftate of formall hypocrifie ; which many
times doe not onely dazle and deceiue the eyes of the worlds
obferuatioKjbiitallbftrengthenand encourage a falfe con-
ceit of a found eflate towards God j and a good ( though
groundkfic )opinion about the high and important point of i
a mans owne faluation. But being onely butthe efteds and i
excellencies of a more ingenuous and well bred difpofition, |
oratbcfl-jthcifliies and weaker produdionsofatemporarie |
faith, they are not fo deeply implanted in the heart,with that j
vniuerfalitie, finctrity, and rootedntflfe; which Gods fan-
difying Spirit is wont to worke vponthofe foulcs wherein i
itdwels. Neither are they feafoned andenlyued with that
fpcciall vigoiM-joffauing grace, which fhculd %m^c and con-
dud their maine current,and refolued purporcs,with' cheer-
fulnefleand tniehcartedntffctothe aduancement ofGods
glory, the enlargement of Chrifts Kingdome, the refreOi-
mcnt and fuppurt of zea!e and forwardneflc ; which are
ilrangtiyindifgra-ceand difcountenance with the vvorldr'at
this day.
They are f uch as thefc;
Rcuerence, and a refpedfull obfemation of Gods
meffengcrs. Ofwhich there be two Ibrts: i.St^me arc like
thcfefalle Prophets, Ez.ech. iz,thtXQ you fl-iall haue their
Gharader; vvho out of their owne. diuimti^;an4 lying
viftous, cry peace peace vnto tii'e';eQn(ciences^orvafejy
JJ iTj
(^ Difc0urfe of true happineffe.
men, when there is no peace towards, but vengeance and
horrour is their naturall portion ; apply lenities and cor-
dials to the ranking and feftred fores of carnall hearts,
whereas, by the hvily rules of that great Art of fauing foules,
the cine rather requires Corrafiues and Cauterizations; for
want of Confcience or courage, applaud and fecure the
great Ones of the world, in thevnbleffed funfhine of their
outward glory, and vnfanftified grcatncffe 5 whereas {hares,
fire andbrim{lone,and ftormietempeft is ready to be rained
vpon their heads, and vpon the hairie icalpe of euery one,
which goes on in his finnes. Who, in ftead of ftriking home
vnto the heart of prophanenefTe, with a powerfull and parti-
cular application oftliat two edged fwordjfow pillowes vn-
^der mens elbowes, with the ynpiercuigrmoothntiTe of their,
generall heartlefle difcourfes ; againft thecunent of diuinc
truth, and concurrent experience of all that euer went to
( heauen, enlarge the ftraighter gate, and ftrow the way to life
with Violets and Rofes,delicaciesandpleafures , feed many |
hollow hearts with falfe hopes, fill the eares offooles with
fpirituall flatteries ; and many times fcarefully fiourifii ouer
with their vntempcred morterofallmercy,the crying finnes
of the time, and plaufible cruelties of great men. LaftIy,who
mixing witli their heauenly meflages, thcprophanepartiall
diftempers oftheirowne angry paHions, and their paiticu-
lar mifeonceits ofthe wayesof God, make fad the hearts of
the righteous and fincereProfeflbrs, whom the Lord hath
not made fadj by a proud intrufion into the Throne of God,
cenfiire their hearts; and many times audacioufly proclaime
thofc to bee hypocrits, hard hearted, too prccifc, or the like,
whom the Maieftie, and raercifull Tribunall of God, the
Word of life and truth, their owne confciences,and the mu-
tuall acknowledgements of difcerning Chriflians acquit
and iuflifie : but towards the wicked and Good-fellowes, as
they caUthem,they docnotonelyputofFfuch paflions, and
peremptortnefTe ; but fortheir fake and fccuritie, they cnen
bercaue the fword ofthe Spirit ofits ec^e, finne of its fting:
the Law ofits curfc,that dreadful! day ofterror,hdl of dam-
K^ Difcourfe dftrue hafpncffc.
nation and God of his iuftice : by Weflfing where hcc curfes ,
and promifing a Crowne of life to carnal! liuers. They
^r<'»^/'^<^( faith the Prophet) tht hands of the ^icked^ that
^oeeJhoMld not returnefrem hii Vptcked Vpaj, bj promifwg him
life. For want ofcxperimentall skill in the myfteries of fin-
."cerity (out of a fretting indignation againft the faithflilnefie
'of their fellow Miniftefs, and for vvardnefle of the Saints, or
flattering fuggeftionoffome lying Spirit) they many times
ipeake peace and pleafing things to thofe hearts, which:
arefo fane from being enkindled with kindly zcale, and
the fire of the flame of God, that they lie drowned in Teas
of gall and bitternefle againft grace, and godly men. For
you muft know, that the common conceit of thefc men is,
thatciuillhoneftmciiareinthe ftate of grace, and formal!
profeflburs very forward, and without exception : but true
Chriftians indeede, arePuritanes, Irregularifts, exorbitants,
transcendents to that ordinary pitch offbrmall pietie, which i
in their carnal! comprehenfions, they lioldhigh enough for
hcaucn.They either conceit them to be hypocrites,arld (o the
only obie(?ls for the exercife oftheirminifteriaI!ieuerity,and
the terrours of Godjor elfe though the Lord may at laft par-
don perhaps their fineuIaritieSi and exccfles of zcale; yet in
the meane time they aif-fwceten, and vexe the comforts and
glory of this life with much vnneceflary ftridnefle and
Now ofall others, fachProptiets as thefe efpccially, are
theonely men with t!ie formal! hypocrite ; exadly fitted,
and futable to his humour. For ho wfoeuer they may fome-
timesdeclaimeboyfteroufly againft '"grofTe and vifible abo-
minations, and that is well, yet they are no fearcbersjinto,
orcenfurersof the ftdte of formality : and therefore doera-
thcr fecretly and fiiently encourage him, to fit faftervpon
that landy foundation, then helpeto draw him forward to
more for waidnes, and the faluation of Chriftianity. Though
they may beeableto fit, and furnifh his care and vnderftan-
! ding witth the aflfe^ed excellencies of choyfcf Hnuentions;
j yet they want pjowcF> or wilJ^ or confcience, or refoiution,
' M 3 or
\^ Difcottrfe of trne happineffe.
or fomething, to diuide betvveenethe foiilc and th^ ipirit,
the ioyntsand the mai'row,andtherfore their vifionstohim
are vifionsofpeace;hc bkffcs himfelfc in his heait,aud hopes
to be faued as well as the piecifeft.
Hence itis,thatthe current of his beft pleafedaftedlions
rimne that way, and he heartily louestheminiftcry of thofe
men, becaufe it heales the wounds of his ConfcieiKC, if any
be, with fweete words; fufters him to walke on Bierrily,and
fearelefly towards the plagues of hell, and is content he be
damned without any contradidion. Neither doth hteonely
entertaine into hisowne thoiights, this povverlefle, fpeciila-
j tiue, man-pleafing preaching, with fpccia'I acceptation and
I reuerence : but aUb openly applauds it iii his proteftations.
I and ordinary ccnfures, with extraordinary attributions and
I admiration. Efpeciallyifit be gilded ouer, and fet out with
I gallantneffe of adion, pompe of words, exqnifitenefle of
phrafe, daborateneffe offtile, ambition of quotations, wit-
full luxuriancies of Popiili Poftillcrs ; with afteded oftenta-
rions of pregnancy of wit, variety of reading, skill in
tongues, profoundneffe of conceit, happinefle of memory,
rarenefle of inuention, and fuch other humane artificiallac-
celTions. An inuifible, vn-ambitious, and confcionable vfe
and exercife of which helps( fo farre as they may bee fanfti-
fiedly- bchooofefiili, and feafonably contributaiy to that
greateftandnobleftbufincflevnderthe Sunnc, the workeof
theMiniflery, with beft exaftnefie can poflibly bee had) I
require and reuerence in the meflengers ofGod: for I would
haue the workeof the Lord, honoured with all fuiJicieiicics
attaineable by the wit and art o-f man, or grace of God ; fo
thattheybefacrificedandfubordinatetohis gloric; fanfti-
fiedtothefouleof the owner, and ialuation of thofe that
hcare him : and not in a bafeand mercenarie manner, with a
boifterous vifible pompe, enthralled and made fertiiccable to
that, the iK)W raigning fearefull (bule-murth^iug finne of
Butfbund the depth and difpofition, aske the fenfeand
refolution ofthe Chriftians heart in the prefent point, and.
x^ Dififiurfe of true haff>imffe.
though wee bee bound to reiT.erence with proportionable
praifcfiilnefle, the graees of Gods Spirit, whether gcncrall
or fpeciall, wherefbere wee finde them ; and hold it a part
of religions ingenuity, to honour commendable parts in
whomfoeucr ; yctafTuredly f I appeale to the experience
and confcience of Gods Children ) it feeks andacknow-
kgdesitfelfe morefcundly comforted, and truely Chrifti-
ianizedj that I may fo fpeake, by one Sermon woiien and
wrought out of a feeling foule by the ftrength of medita-
tionifpiiitually fchookd in theexperimentall paflfagcsofthe
waves of God, fecrets offandification, and methods of Sa-
tan j fupportedandfinewcd by the true, natural), and necef-
fary fcnfe of the Word of life ; managed with the powerfuU
incomparable eloquence of Scripture ; and enforced with
theeuidence and power of the Spirit ; then with a world,of i
generally common-place, declamatorie difcourfes, workes j
onely of memory and reading ; not compositions, as is com-
monly conceiued, of true and iudkious learning; fpentma- I
ny times vnprofitably in the generalities, and impertinen- 1
eies of fpeculatiueDiuinity, without that Orthotomie, and '
particular infinuation into the hearts and confciences of
men ; hunting after an accurfed commendation, with felfe- {,
pkafing conceits, in the wearifome nwzes of an vnfanfti- '
fied wit I though they iLouId be fluffed with the flower and
quinteflence of all the Arts, humanities, Philofophiesjand
conueytd vnto the eare with the Seraphicall tongiie of the
highc If, and moft glorious Angell ill heauen. So apprehen-
iiue,taltefull,and holdfafl, is the fpirituall hungrie foule of
that kindly foode of immorta-Htie. Sodearely doth it pre-
ferreonefbule-fearching period of aconfcionable Sermoii,
before the glorious care-pleafing pompc of all humane elo-
Some other MefTengers God hath, of a more noble na-
tuie, and fandiiied temper • who with faithfulneflcandcon-
fciencc, with more holy and heroicall refolutions, by the
power of mortifying grace, euen againft the natarall cur-
rent of their originall pride, ftekethe glory of him that C&^a:
» M 4 them,/
{^ Difc$ttrfe oftrne hiip^inef[e.
them, and not their owne -, which is the trueft markc of a
tnic Minifter, as wehaue rcceiued it from the gracious lips
of the Lord I^s(iishifn(eIfc,M«7. i8. who heartily confe-
cfatcand addrefib with much zealefuil deuotioii, and a re-
fohied vtmoft, all the powers, and pofTIbilities of their .
foules, with their feuerallacquificions, and endowments, to;
that heauenly trade of fauing mens (bules, and letting them
forward in the way of life, as to their proper and prineipall
aimeandobied. Who not without a continuall godly iea-
loufieouer their owne infirmities, and deceitful! hearts;
nay, many times, with much feare,and trembling vnderthe
dreadful! importancy of their minifterial! charge, labour
might and mainc, to prcfcruethemfelues pure, fo firreasit
is poITible, from the bloud of a!! men, by l^eeping nothing
backc, but (hewing them nil the coiinfe!! of God, which is
reuealcdvntothtmfor their good j who by the grace of!
God, dare ( if need be ) tell a\^x\ two Kings vnto their faces, \
and all their Couitiers, with foure hundred falfe prophets;
that they are allfearefuUyand foully tranfported, and delu-
ded with a lying fpirit; and that their royalties, greatnefle
andhighroomesfhallneuerbeable to priuiledge, or pro-
ted them from the wrath of God, ifthey bee enemies to his
wayes; that confufion and vengeance will bee the certaine
condufion ofal! their imperious and boyfterous brauerics,
if they will needs difgraceand perfecutc his faithful! cJWit-
chaiat. In a word, who being fenfible of the precioufiieflc
andmaiefty of Gods (acred truth, the matter of their mef-
fage, and of the horribleguiltof fpirituall bloudfhcd, ifthey
lliould be negligent, or Non-refident ; gird their fwords vp-
ontheirthighs,rideonbecau(eof the Word of truth, and
quit themfelues like the men of God ; and who hauing their
tongues touched with a coale from the Altar, and hearts
taught experimeataily in tlieereat myflerie of Grace, deli-
uer their embaflfies from that nighcfl Maicfty, with autho-
rity and power j and notastheScribes andformall Dodors.
For you mull coiKeiue, that bcfides more general! minifte-
riall fuj^ciencies^ there is akindeoFholy art, and particular
K^ Difc&urfe of true ^appmejfe.
heauenly wifedomeofwindingamansfclfe with a prafti-
call infinuatioii, into the conlcienccs'ofmen; of working]
remorfe, and meditations of rcturnc, vpon mif-Ied and fcn-
fuall fouleSjby a feafonable application ofthe Law y of faire-
iy wooing, and winning by little and little difaflfeded
palTions, vntothe loueand plcafares of Gods wayesj of
drawing bmifed hearts and troubled fpirits, witha compaf^
fionate handand feeling heart, vnto the Wellof lift j of trai-
nim vp babes in Chrift, in the neglededand vnbeaten paths
ofchriftianitie, with fpirituall inftrudions, predidions,flnd
caueatSjforpraicntionandfafety againft Satans dangerous
infidiations of fecnritie or horroiir, fbrmalitieorexorbi
tancies of zcalc, &c. Vnto which, if the man of God doe not
addrefle his heart with vprigbtneffe, prayer, and refolution,*
heefliallneucr bee able to purchafe that comfort vnto his
owne {bule, happinefle, orinexcu(abIencflc tohisanditorie,
and that meafine of glory vnto his great Mafler in heauen ;
which one imployed in his moft immediate and deareft fer-
uice, being thchigheftaduancemcnt that oiortall creatures
vpon earth can bee raifed vnto, fliould, and is bound to dc-
fire. Admit a Phy fician to bee an abfolute Ariftotelian, Ga-
lenift,Anatomift,Herbalift, excellent in all fpeculatiae ac-
complilliment of iiis Ait; yet except hcebec furnifhed with
a further dexteritic, andinabledto take fpcciall notice of a
mans conftitution, the peccant humour, ftrength of nature,
growth ofthe diieafe, and other particular andperfonall cir-
cumftances, ordinarily obfeniable m all fucceiTcfiill cures ;
and thereafter proportion and apply his prefcriptions ; well
may he goe for a learned man, but with wife men hcc fliall
ntuer wiune the reputation of a good Phyfician. Giue mee a
Miniftcr admirable for theprofbundneffeand varietie of as
much knowledge as you will ; let him be as it were a greedy
Inclofcr, an inlatiableMonopoliftofallkiBdcof learnings,
both ancient and modcrne, ofpofitiue, textuall, controuerlc,
Caie-diuinitie, with all other {peculations of that holy Art;
yet, except hee bee further fandified with an experimental!
infight into the great myfterie of Codlincfle, and into the
o^ Difcoarfe §f true bappineffe.
»Tim X,
particularities of that heauenly Science of fauiiig foiiles ;
which ( me thinkes}is the addition of a more fpeciall fiipc-
riour vigour, that aftuating the generalities and contem-
plations of Diuinitie, giues life and foulc vnto our mi-
nifteriall function ; except hee defire with Confcience to
diuidc the Word of truth aright, and zealoufly endea-
uour to apply himfelfe powerfully to the various exi-
gents of mens fpirituall ftates; well may hce carry a-
way the credit of a great SchoUer, and famous Preacher,
with the greater part: but I doe not fee how heerhalleuer
bee able to purchafe in the hearts and confciences of difccr-
ning Chriftians, the honour and°rcuerence of a good Pa-
ftoiu*. Amongft the reft, o^ie reafoii, why in this glorious
Noonetide of peace and profcllion, wee hauefo many Prea-
jChers, and little plantiwg of grace, is,becaufe we hauefo few I
truelyskilfull,and well fchooled in the fecretpa{rages,and
praftifeofthat high and fupernaturall Arte of foule-fauing.
Becauie the Word is not handled with that confcience,fec-
ling, and af&cf^ion jbut formally,& Frier-like:for felfe-praife,
and priuate ends.
Now the ordinary conceit which vnregenerate men
generally entertaine of this fecond fort of Gods Melfen-
igcrSjisthe very fame which was habituated in the heart of
I King, is. -^^^^ againft S/ixs and CMichaiah ; of thofe prophanc
17 Scti.S. Princes againft leremj ; oi AmaK.Mh againft Amos j of
Terttillu-s againft Paulx that they are tioublcrs of Ifrael,
Preachers of terrour,Tranfgrefrors of policy,vnfittoprophe-
fie at the Coiu-t,or in the Kings Chappell,peftilent Fcllo wes,
SeditionerSjFa'flionifts, borne onely todifquiet the world,
andvexemens confcience. Whereby the way, let me in a
Word fupportand fortifie the fainting rcfolutions of all faith-
ful Minifters,& true \\Q2itttdiNathaHae Is, z^ain^ thedifgrace-
fuU oppofitions and plaufible cruelties of the times ; by aflu-
ring them of the truth of this Piinciple, in the Sclpole of
, ChriftjConfirmed by infinite experiences :that,
In thcfe day es of ours, efpecially which are ftrangely pro-
phane,anddefperately naught, in what man foeuer, the po-
Aft. 14.5,
! o/ Difeourfe of true ^appmefi.
wcrofgra-ce, Graces of Gods Spirit, vndauntcdzeale, refo*
lute fincerity, are more working, eminent, andmarkeable^
I ordinarily, the more and more implacable, outragious, and
inflamed Oppofites fliall that man finde, wbcrefoere hce
liues. But let h^m build vpon it, heisbouiid,andoughtto
bindetlie very vtmoft rage of the worlds bafeft infolencies,,
and indignitiesinay,were there charged vpo him euca whol
volumes of moft flinging inucdiiiesfand contumelies are far
greater corrafmes to generous ipmts, and doe more nettle
them, then any <^>ther outward croflesor wrongs jdeuiicd by
the exquifiteft malice, and peed with the bittercil gall of his
moft enraged Adueriary ,• jet I fayjhc is boumj to biml them
atlas a Crownevnto his head, and iojfiilly to fct, and Icale
them with prayerar^d patitiKC vpon his heart ; as io many
glorious teftimonies,and infallible aflurances,not only of the
nobienelTeof his courage in Gods caufe, and eminency of
zeale againft the corruptions of the time, heere vpon earth :
but alfo of a richer reward in heaucn^and brighter crownc of
But to the poiflt, to which I haue thought this preface a
leafonablepreparatiue: though carnall conceits doe com-
monlyout ofanaturall difconceitfulncffe, with much gall-
full antipathy, diftaftc the fincerity and powerfulncs of con-
fcionable Minifters ; yet the fbrmall hypocrite figured vn-
tovs by the ftonie ground, which I place inthehigheft
ranke of vnregejierate met?, for perfcdionsattaineable in
that ftate, may fometimes in ibme fort, euen reuerence
the leremies, CMithaiahsj and I&h» Baptifis ofthe time j I
meanc thofe men of God, which deliuer his meflage with
confciencC;and courage, with power and demonftration of
the Spirit; who lifting vp their voice like a trumpet,dare,and
doetell the peopIetheirtranfgreflions,and the houfe o£la-
cob their finnes. In fhort, who are not men-pleafers in their
I Minilfery ; but the feruants of Chrift ; which in the fcnfe of
theApo{f:le,ftandoppofitcand diftant withaflrong, cuer-
Iafting,a.nd incompatible contradidion.
For the clearing then, and refbluing the poinc,conciuc the
{^ Difc9urfe of true happineffe.
iPcc, i.tx.
diflfcrcntgroiinds, and motiucs of this formall refpeft to
godly Miniftcrs, which (prings out of the ftonie ground^and
may be found in an viircgenerate man j and that hearty rc-
iierencc towards them, which is dearly and deeply rooted in
the good and honeft heart.
The formall Hypocrite may reucrence euen Godsfaith-
fiilleft Meflengersthus, and forfiich caiifes as theft :
If hce bee bnt naturally ofmorc noble 'and worthy incli-
nations, towards the matchlefle fairenefle of the worthicft
ti uth ,• and fuffcr reafon to carry his affC(fH6ns, without pre-
judice or paitiality, vpon the trucft worth ; hee (hall find,
ciicnoutof a morall congruity, and grounds of common
fcnfe, tliat themoftrefpedfulldeuotion$,and|addi<5fi6nsof
his heart, arc due by right, and by a proportionable obfer-
uation ofdifterent excellencies, to an Ambafladour of God,
efpecially fanflified with holy abilities thereunto j as to the
onely Angellvpon earth, and nobleft creature vnder the
Sunnejandtothofefecretsofheauen, rcuealcd by the po-
wer of his minifteryjwhich are (b tranfcendent to thedepths
ofnature, and all created inuentions, that they rauiili euen
Angelicall vnderftandings with extraordinary admiration
andlonging. And truth is amiable to ingenuous apprchen-
lions,and(at the firft approach and impreflioa)po(refle them
with a fecret lonely rauifliment ; but if it bee mingled with
vifible markes ofmaiefty, and diuineneffc, as Gods troth is,
no maraell though by its ordinary attradiuenefle and na-
tiue cxcellencie, it di-aw on an addition of fome kinde of re-
ucrence from more generous mindes, though vnregencratc;
and better (pirited men, th»ugh not yet fpirituall. So that
the man, which doth ibundly vnfold thefacrcd myfteries
of that fupernaturall truth, may euen in that regard grow
fomctimes into a rciicrent eftimation with vnfandified
men; who though as yet^they want all tmc and rcall inter-
eft in thole blcfl'ed tidings of eternity and peace, which he
brings from hcaucn ; yet they regard and reuerence him for
the maieftie ofthat meflage, which he deliuers with inc^ri-
tie and power.
K^ Difcourfe of true ^ap^lffejfe.
As more cbolerickc and ciaell difpofitions, doc many
times in a very bafe and barbarous maimer dilchargc the vt-
moft of their gall j and doeeuery way their very worft a-
gainft all fincere Profoffours of grace, efpecially the power-
full Planters the-reof: fo otliers there are better borne, of
more manly breeding, and worthincfle of nature ; who doe
out of a naturallcompailionatencfle, and pang of common
humanitic,commireratcthemireriesaiid opprcfif^ons of in-
nocency, \vuereroeuer they rc<; it groaning vnder the info-
leiKiesofcrueltie and malice. And therefore fith the con*-'
fcionable Minifter is an ordinary & cminentObied, where-
on propl?anenefle,and policy jhatrcd to berefolined and con-
formall Poperie ; helland the world, doe execute the extre-
mitie of their rage and poyfon ; thefe moreimpartiall and
milder-tempered rnen, thoirgh they doe not fauour his for-
wardneflV, or concurre with him in a right conceit of falua-
tionj yet they cannot chufe, biitlookevpon him ( fovn-
vvorthily vext)with pitying eyeSsaKdmorally-tnelting incli-
nations of heart. Nay, when they further confiderin their
better mindes, that he is lb dcfpitefully load en with varietic
ofwrongs and indignities ; and trampled vpon,as it were,e-
ucn vnto duft,by the feet of pride and vnmanly inlultations,
for ne other caufe in the world,but becaufe hee labours with
fincerity and zeale, to pull the precious foules of men out of
theDeuils mouth, and the damnation Gfliclhafid when they
fecthatlie ftandson hisMafters{ide,and for the glory of his
caufe and truth, with fuch patience, conftancie,and vndauti-
tednefle offpirit ; aicnagainft his ownc particular welfare,
the countenance of the world, current of the times,and face
ofmanj they are forced to reucrencc thoie high and hcroi-
'callrcfolutionsofhis, asceitaine venerable impreflions of
Diuiniticand infufions of heaucn; though they cannot away
withtheholy ftridlneflfe of his waies,or heartily loucthe fin-
gularity ofliisfandification.
If hee bee of a more politique and refer ued deportment
greedieofpopiilariticandapplaufe, ambitious after a pro-
<mifcuousreputation,fi:oni aUfi>itsofffien J hee mayfpoma
■ ■III II III I - ^ ^ - .- * v~ -.---.■,. ■ ■ . ^ . -^- - . ■- »^
I Sam. I J.
o^ Difc&arfe ef true ha^^ineffe,
generall forme of addrciring and accomodating himfelfe
with a plcafing conuenient carriage to all humours, degrees
and profeITions,propoitionand fingle out (amongft the refl-)
an artificial! formallrefpediuenefle, to thofe faithful! Mef-
fengcrs of God, which hce knowesandacknowkdgesin
hisowrie confcience, to be truely due by the rules of.Diuiui-
ty, and royall challenge ofheauen ; but per formes onely out-
wardly, in policy,for by-re(peds,orpriuate ends ; outofthc
vaftneflc(perhaps) and vniuerfality of hispopularambition,
to wiiide himlelfe with a more plaufible infinuation into
the aftedions,andto win the good wriles, and woj d of that
kind of people alfo, which inthe worlds language arc nick-
named Puritans; but in Gods ftile are honoured with the
I Elogie of the onely excellent vpon earth, This happens
fbmetimcs,efpecially,if he line m a- vcine of goodChri-
'ftians,and where goodnefre,and godly men(if any place bee
fo blefl ) be predominant, and bearc the greateft fway.
There, becaufe otherwife hee cannot hold correfpondence
with the good opinions of the beftjhee ioynes and concuires
with tbcm ( for his credit fake ) in outward eftimation,and
countenaivcing ofthe Miniltery. Yea and befides, as I con-
ceiuc, there may bee (which may bee a further meancs to
jdrawonthisreuerence) euena true-hearted fecret defire,
Tbmetimesinvnfandified hearts, to purchase a good con-
ceit from a gracious man, although they will hy no meanes
j fympathize with him, in finceritie, either by iudgement, or
practice ; yetif it might bs enioyed, with the fenfuali enioy-
mentaftheir darling picafi ire, and were they any wayes ca-
pable ofcovicidency ; they would with all their hearts, and
fpeciall dearenefle, ( though perhaps their height of fto-
macke would difdaine, and not defccnd to the acknow-
ledgement,) embrace his warrant, and allowance for their
fpirituall ftate : and could they poITibly procure it, they
would efteemehis voyce, for eleilion into thefocietyof
Saints, the rareft Icvvell inthecrowne of all their ciuill cre-
dit, and commendations. So it is, that fometimes vnregene-
ratemen ftumble vpon the right way to true reputation.
i {^ Difeourfe of true hapfineffe. i6p
I i
•forindecde there was neiierman vpon earth had a good
f name in the right fenfe and inttrpretation ; biit it was honc-
} red with the approbation and teftimony of good mcM. I
1 would not care a pins end, concerning a tme and right efti-
i mate ©ffnyftate towards God, what ail vnregenerate men
I in the world (though ennobled with an incomparaBle con-
currence of wifdomejlsnowkdgejpolicy^greatnefTe, or what
Other remarkable excellencies foeuer) fay, or conceiiie in the
1 point: fori know they are ftarke bHixicaiid cannot fecilhey
[are in morethen zy^gypnan dxAcuL-i^c, and cannot poflibly
comprehend the inuiiible brightnefie and fpritwall glory
lof fandified men, and thrice-bleiTcd flateofChriftianity.
i But now in thiscafe,! muft tell ycnj would infinitely prefer
. the aduifcd good opinion and dif-affedion-ate aflent of the
; pooreiiiudiciousChriftian, before the fliining fauours, and
all thofc adored influences of Princely grace, which can pof-
iibly fiowfrom the glorious circle of the brighteft Imperial!
; Crown e vpo:-i earih.
Fourthly, this irppreiTion of reuerence towards the beft 4
MinifterSjthat may in fome fort for a fcafon, at the leaftjpof-
feffethe heart of the forma' I Hypocrite, may alfo fpring
from thatnaturall Ibueraignty, and powerfull command,
which the Word of God, prefl with power and confcience,
'dothexercifeouer mens confcieiKes. From the dazlinga-
ftoniflimentofthatinuifiblc piercing light of diuine truths
which doth fcmetiraes vpon thefudden,ru{li violently like
■a fiailvof lightening, from the mouth of the Mimfter,into
the very inmoftclofetsofhis hearty and there difcouer( not
without fome horrour )his moft feerct lufts,and darke hypo-
crifies. From tliat facred character of heaueniinefle, and aw-
fuU terrour, which Gods dreadfull hand doth many times
ftampe ( as it were vifibly ) vpon thofe mcn,whGm himfclfe
defigneswithfpecialladdrefle, and fandifies with Miniftc-
liall Grace, to reuealeandreprefent the myfteries of hea-
uen, and his owne great Maiefty inthat eminent and glo-
rious manner. From a, confcious comparing of his ownc
iccret guiltineflc, aud duller paffages of vn-zealonii leflc and
formality 3
K^ Difcdurfe eftrtte happimffe.
formality, with the fearching vnrefiftablenenc of their Mi-
nifterie, and zealefuU fincerityof their life. From a conceit,
thatafaithfullmanofGod, by his Minifteriall mediation,
doth ftaiid in the gappe agai]>ft the irruptions of threatned
iudgements, and deferued vengeance; and by the piercing^
key of his feriient prayer, vnlockcs the richeft treafuries of
hcanen,for the eftafion of all maner bleflmgs, comforts, and
pfotedions vpon the place where hec hues. Or at the beft,
from a fuperficiall fenfe, and gencrall apprehcnfion ofthofe
many excellent refrelliments, and glorious graces, which by
their Miniftery arc fhed into, and lliine fullfvveetely vpon
the fad diflreffes of truly-troubled foules ,• and arc comforta-
bly conucyed ( through Chrifls bloody wounds ) into the
gafpingagonies of bleeding hearts. Though that precious
blood neuer melted his mai'ble heart into teaies of true re-
pentance, nor Gods infinite mercy won his hearty afteflion
to the wayes of grace ; yet hce hath a kinde of glimmsring
hope ( but from falfe and flattering grounds ) that a Paffion
ofiuchvnualuable price, aiidblcfled ftore-houfe ofvnlimi.
ted tender-heartedneflc, Ihould neuer polTibly be {tinted, or
reftrained, before hee haue hi^ part in the purchafe, and a
tliare in thofe rich companions. Efpecially fith incongruity
ofinfrice, and probability of Gods proccedings,there is Inch
a large barueft for hell,befbre he be laid hold on. Forhisprc-
fcntperfedionsgiuchimprecedcncie before notorious fin-
ners,grofie hypocrites,mcerly ciuill honefl men,back-fliders
from profeilion ofgracc, and a world of wicked men,worle
then himfelfe.
But whence foeuer it fprings, or what grounds foeuer it
hath, this reucrenccto Gods faithfiili Meflengers, in the for-
mali hypocrite, is ordinarily turned into heart-riCng againfl
them, in thefe three cafes :
Firll, whenby diredionofthe very firfl rulein thefacred
myf teric offauing foules, and following that onely method
for plantation ofgrace, choren,& chalked out vnto vs by the
precedency and practice of the Prophets, A poflles, Chrift
hinafelfe, and all thofe happy Ones, that euer fct their hearts
L^ Difhourfe cftrtte h^ppHcffc.
Avith courage and finccritic, to theialiKtion of men ; and bc-
haued themfelucs with dcxteritie and confcicnce, in the
lords harneft j I fay, when thus, by the guidance ofan holy
^vi(cdomc,they fiifl begin to lay about thera,with the ham-
mer of tlic Law, amongft a number of ftonie hearts i and to
lay it on with a witncffc, with full weight and iteration
of ftrokes, from the befl- ftrength of a fpirituall arme, vpon
the hairiefcalpeofeucry one which hates to bee reformed :
when he fees and fecles that tlieywcild that two-edged
fworcj, with resolution and power, and fend it home, wiSt^
feardefle and faithful! hand, euen into the very center of a
fi?ared confciencc, and to the heart of prophaneneflb and re-
bellion : when hcefindesbyexperience,xhat men can hauc
no eafe or reft vndcr their Minifterie j but they are flill gra-
ting with pciicing and terrouf vpon their guilty confcien-
ces,flingi!jgtheircan]all hearts with fenfe of thofc flaming
horrours which hang ouer tlieir heads, and fo rcftlefly tor-
menting them before their time ; I lay,then and inthiscaie,
he.bcgins to coolc tlie heatc, and rebate the edge of his eiii-
mation. A diftaflfuU preiudice againil: fuch boiftcrous pro-
cecdiug,as hceconceitsand calles it, begins to luIlLe out oi
his aftcdions that former reuercnce, and hereupon you
fliallhcarehimfcmetimesoutof a jpang of formalitit^, and
lelfe-guiltinefle, breake out againli them to this (Qn9^ efpc-
cially when hirafelfe hath beenclately flung andgaJled vpon
the lore: tlioughltakefuchandfiich tobec well meaning
and ho;]efl: minded men, and can . be content to . heare them
now and then ; jxt me thinkes they marreall wttlitoo much
iudgement, and prelUng the law with that peremptorineflc
and rigour. Idoenothke that they Hiouldafliime andex--
crcife fiichfeueritieaudimpcrioufnefle ouer meiiscooicieu-
cts. Thcfc- particularapplications,andfeactiingiiugX)-tf»f
mens linnes,tafle too much ofinalice and pxiuate raienge.
I will fl:andvntoit,tliisdodriueofdiflereacir\ginea&ft)u:i-
tuallfiates ; ofperfedionsattaineableiatheJDtaie^viiir^^e-'
neration ; and :}iow.£irre.a reprobate a3a)j;go.e,a^cjLy'^^^f
d^ajntd, isafcle to driue men to defpaire. Tjfcy^fo .bicarej
N -■ - - them-j
Kyi r>ifc$tirfe of trite happineffe.
themfclues, in their Sermons, and ftraiten the way to hea-
iicn ; asthough none flioiild bee raued,but theBrethrcn,and ^
thofc Chriftiansfasnow by an excellei'cy,they call oneano-
thcr)that reach iuft the fameftraine oFpuiity and piedfenes
which they in their fancifull abftrac^ionseredaboucthe or-
dinaiy. Well, well, let them looke vnto ir, by fiich affrigh-
ting points as thefe, and dif-heartningthc people with ftar-
fiilllentencespthey may make fiich wounds in weaKe cnnfci-
enceSjthatallthe Balm in Gilead,pci haps the precious bloud
ofChriftwHlneuer after -rcHiiic, orbindc vp and cloTe with
, comfoitj&rc.
I I would not for a world of goUlgiue any iliadow of iufti-
fication, or lead allowance, tothcvnfeafonabk terrifying of
I any trcmbh'ng coifcicnce : God forbid. Jt were prodigious
cruelty to powre the wine of wrath and hoirc-nr into the
rnournfuU groaningsofa briiifedfpirit.lt were a curfed cure
' & that hand was hewed out of the hardeft rocke, which can
I endure toapply a biting corrafiue taa bltcding foule. As I
I dare notvpo penalty of anfwcrablenes for the blood oftheir
fouIes,cry,pcacc,peacCito vnholy men, w^re they gods vpon
earth ^ or promifc pardon and pleafurcin another world, to
any thatncj^fles and nuzzles hirhfelfe fenfuaiiy and fecurely in
an earthly PaTadife,wcre he an Angel ofhcauenclb I infinitly
dcfifc toconney the watmcft blood that euer heated the hart
ofChrift^thc fwc.tcft Balme that euer dropt fromthe pen of
iheblcfled Spirit,vpdnthe lacred Icaues of the Booke oflife;
"the deareft mercies, that euer rould together the relenting
bowels of Gods teiidereft companions, into euery broken
■and wounded'heart-.Toraspromifesoffeluationtoa world-
Hng,arc like honour toa foolcfo terrors ofthe Law,to atru-
ly humbled penitait,are as fnow infunrma*,and rainc in har-
ue{>,botli,bbth vnfeomely and vnfeafonablc.
And I hope all tiie wife Ambaffadours ofOod,make con-
iciencc ofa feafonable reuealing vnto the fonnes of men,
that highefl; and trafifcendetit excellcFrcie oftheir Maftcr
his mercic. Many glorious txprcflGotis and rcpref entations
whereof, purpolely ftampcdby his owne hand, doe fliine
C// i)i[c6urje bftrue ^appinejje.
mod oricijtly and vifibly, to euery vnderftanding eye, both
in this and the other world,iafinitIy beyond all created com-
preh^nfions; in all the paflages of his Booke ; in thofe ioy-
fullPa'accsofHtaLien; in the many capitall chara(5ler$ of
hisgoodncflcandboiintie^which wecmayrunneand rcade
in cueryleafe, and pagcandhne of thisgreat Volume of Na- j
ture, round about vs; in theltour-cly compafTions to his ;
creatures J ii-uhofe Angelicall guards about his chaf en; but j
principally, and farreaboue all conceit either of man or Au-
gell, inthepallionofhisSoane. And thefe three occafions:
lefpeciaily cxail from them a dilcoucrieofthisbottomlefle
I . When they open vnto their people his diuinc Attri-
butes,aiid vnfold with fobrietie the incomprehcnfibknene of
hi^s Being ; Mercie then is to march the iirfc, i'o farreand in
thatfenil-jas infinitie admits precedencie,and to take vp her
ftatc inthchigheit Throne ; as the faireft flower in his gar-
land of Ma-ieitic, the brightert ray that ifllicsoutof that vn- ,
!?.pprochablehght, thekuclieftltmmethatcrovvncs allhis I
boundkflc, immeaiui able,impcrial: glory. |
2. Secondly, i4i their ordinary dilcoueries of the dam-'
r.abltncfleof mcj-is{lates,and thole endlefle woes which are
treafurcd vp for them againft the day of wrath, they mult
wirdy mingle ibme lightnings of the Gofpell wi!:h the
thundi ingsoftht Law ; fome vks ofcomfort, wichtbofe of
confufion j luaikcs of fiuccre. PiofefTors,. wj.th theit diftin-
(5liue charadcrs of the many foits of vn regenerate men;
coi dials ofcompatlion,, withcorrafiues ofterrour. When
they are driuingdelptratefinncrs,, by their denunciations of
iudgement, towards the brinke oFdefpaiievthey muft flitad
into theij finking fouk sfome glimpfe&cf mercy , vpon Con-
dition oFamenc^nent, and hopes of pardon, in call of peni-
tencie. Hopelelle health doe curioufly a{-fii<fl themfclucs
with much aSldcd borrour and imaginarie hells-: which if
Satan onceiee,hLeplicstheaduantagcwithal;l the-cMftinei-
ics and cruelties of hell: Hce prefently by hisaccurfcd Al-
chymie, will turnethe leaft finfull vaniticintoa cryii>g vil-
N 2 lanie :
£X3(1 J4,
t^ Difc&urfe oftrtteha^fineffe.
lanie; aberrations ofyoiith, into (carlet abominations ; c-iie-
ry tranfgrefnon againft light of confcience,into fi inc againft
the Holy Ghoft. In fiich a point of fpirituall cxtrcmitie,hec
doth ftrongly liiggeft, andiseager toperiwade aman, that
though the armrs of Chrill", and gates of grace ftand wide,
open for entrance and cinbracement, vntill the Sunne of
the naMJiall life be let ; yetin this cafe, the caleisa!tercd:for
thepcriodofhis gracious day, and turne or timeofvifita-'
tiori is expired, and already paft: that though the blood of
the vnfpotted Lambe , vpon repentance, laucd euen the
foules of thofe that fpilt it^ yet it belongs not to him :
though thepromilesofiife, in the word of truth, be made
vnto vSjWitnoiitHmitationoftime, or exception of finnes;
yet hec hath no part in them, his name was neucr writ in fhc '
Booke oflif*, he is out of the decree ofeledion, he ftands re
probate vnto thecouenant of grace, &c. Miniflers then, lb j
( Hiuch as m them lies, muft meete with this malice of Satan, \
and labour by all meanes to prelerue and maintaine the life
of hope, and poITibiHtie of pardon, in heauieheaircs,amid
theirgreateft horror. If there bee no hope of being recciutd
to grace, there will bee no defiretoreturneintotheftateof
gi-ace. They muft beetaughtand forewarned, thatthere are
two wayesjout ofthe dreadful! vifitations ofconrcience,and
the perplexed ftraitsofavexedmindc : they may cither fol-
low /W/fer the curfedfl: man that euer breathed, from horror
to the halter ; and fo poaft after him out ofthe hell of a de-
fpairingconfcience5tothe hell of fire and brimftone, bur-
ning for euer before the throneof God ; which God forbid ;
oi-elfethry may trad Chrift lefus, blclTed for euer, by his
bloody drops vflto the Crofle, which is the right path, and
asGod wouldhaueit. Ifthey take the firft,athou(and times
better ncucr to haaebeene; for they diilionour the Maieftic
ofHeauenin thehighcftdegreeimaginable, by dilroabing
God ofthe brighteift beamc of his gbrie, his mercie ; and
they wilftilly aadfenfeleflydamne their foules and bodies
in theloweft dungeGi>ofthe bottomleffe pit,in the verylamc
tQomc with that incarnate dciiill the betrayer of Chrift
K^ Difc0urfe of true hafpnefft.
But if they take the fecond, they are bleft that euer they
were borne. Naier did tender-hearted mother (o fweetcly
lull her deareft infant in her bofome and ai'mes of lone after
a fall; as the Sonne of Gcd doth in fiich acafe bend his bru-
fedbody, eucn to the exprelTion of bloody drops,with loue-
lieftimbraccments and companions, to heale and bindvp
fuch broken hearts. Nay,in his ef1:een>e(this \s onely a pearle
fottrne Penitents, let no 1 wine trample vpon it, or ftranger
ttakeit vp) his precious blood is made (as it were ) more pre-
cious and orient, by coutringcrimronfinnes, if a ground be
fiiflfonndly laid with tearcs of true repePitancc. And God
himfclfcis thereby lingularly glorified, ^vbo then longs the
moft to iliew mercy, when itis neereft to be vtterly defpai-
red of. Oh 1 hce holds himfelfe mightily honoured, when a
poore foule miferably mangled, and hewed and hackt vpon,
'by Satans malice and wounds of (inne, comes bleeding and
weeping to the throne of grace, for pardon and comfort. He
cannot poHibly bee better plca(ed;hee thinkcs nothing too)
dcarc for fuch an one j were it a draught of the hearts-blood i
of his o vvne Sonne ; be it the delicious C^fanna of his deareft ;
mercies, or the moftrauifhing comforts of that blefTed Spi- '
rit. Oh ! faith he, out of a pang of that loue, which brought '
Chrifl lefus from his bofome, into the bowels ofthc earth;
Oh 1 laith he, thou a^ithdandtoffed'^ith temvefi, that haji £(3 -
naeemfort I behold ^ V'^ill lay thy jt-oms with tne CarhtiKcle^ \ 12.
andUythyfotmdation With Safhirs, and IWi/l make thy W>i»- 1
dowes of E'/xeralds, a/?d thy gates fitningflones, and all thy
borders if ^kaf am flones. That is, I will turne thy depths of
forrow, into fcas of comfort ; thy bitter teares, into fpirituallJ
triumphs ; thy former honorsinto heauens ofioy. I will fill
thy heart with thofe vnmixed pleafiues, which no man fhall I
rake from thee : thy confcience with peace that paflcth all
vnderftanding ; thy Growne of life with ("hining gbry,
which thy v-tmoft conceit cannot poITibly /comprehend. At
tiich atimc he puts on (as it were) his Imperiallroabes, his
foabes offt^e; and nfethvp with great maic (lie into his
highefl and moft glorious Throne, to grace aiid horiour,that
N 5 I may
I'] 6
kA Difc0Hrfe of true happmefe.
I may Co fpeake,that happic match and marriage of an hum-
bled foule vflCo his cfnly Son.He feafts thofe piirtrfpfritSjthc
blefled Angels, with.*K:traordinaryioy,triumphant H^llelu-
iahsy and new fongs oiP congratulation, at the folemnization
ofthoic facred iV«/»/*<«//. So naturall and plcafing to the in-
comparable fweetcneflc of his mereiftiU difpofitionjis flicw-
( ing of compadion andpardoningdf finnes.
j 3 . Thirdly-; the molt naturall and proper obie(5l of Gods
ipietic and commiftration, is a br^en and contrite fpirit.
j True penitents onely, arc perfons rightly qualified for the
pardons of heauen. And therefore the choileitand chiefeft
I leafon of all, for the Miniftcrs of -God toraine downe re-
frefliing flowers of mercy from the Ihrone of Grace, is,
when mens hearts are (as it were) cbapt;and drie with true-
hearted Ibrrow, and flieddingteares for firi^Cj forely Icorcht'
and wafted with fenfe of that deuotiring wrath, which is a
conHiming fire; and eagerly gafpe for grace, as the parcht
and thirfty land for drops of rame. Oh hevp faire a thing u
mercy in the time of anguijh and trouOleXIt it liks a cbud of
[rainethatcommethikithe time of a drought. Let the power
I ofthe Law firft breake and bruife, which is a neceflary pre-
paratiue for the plantation of grace ; and then powre in (and
(pare not ) the moft precious oyle of the fweetcft Enangeli- \
call comfort. But many, very many marrc all, with milting
this methode : either for want of (andification in them-
felues, or skill to manage their Mafters bnfincflfe; either by
rcafon of their feniing the time, or fociety with good fel-
lowes, as they call them, or the like : they audacioufly blede"
with cowardly filence, or accurfed flatteries, where God
himfelfedothcurfe: and all their -life long, purpofcly ipill
many a golden viall of the well of life, andkrgeft doles of
gracious promifes, vpoii ftonie hcartsand formall Pharifes.
'Our dcarc Redeemer, that great Minifter of the Gofpell, and
Mediatour for mercy, teacheth another leflbn, and told vs
When he was vpon earth, thatthe Lord had anointed him :
Ef*.tf i.x. whereanto ? to preach good tidings : but to whom ? vnto
Luk.4.f 8. the pGore, to binde vp the broken-hearted, to preach deli-
c^ Biftonrfe 6 f true hafpinefe.
iicrancctothe Caprfues,tO'C<'>mfoitall that mourne, to fet
at liberty them that are bruiied; to pat a fairer flame into
the fmoaking fiaxe,and more ftrength into the bruifed reed;
to take offvvith hisowne hoiyhand, the burthen from the
backe of all thofe that groane vnder the waight of their (ins,
and to corle their fainting Ibiiles with his fauing and facred
blood. Bruifed rpirits and mournfiillf bales onl>vare capable |
of the comforts of grace and diuine companions. The wife 1
AmbafiadoursofGodthcn, may be bold in this point; they ' hkCSi
hane the ir warrant vndcr the Broad Sealc of the King of |
Heauen, and commilTion from the Oiliceofliis Sonne: if |
they ([\-\diC that the Miniflcry of the Word hath wrought 1
true rcmorfc ; and that the hammer oftlie Law hath ftrucken
thorow the rebellious Icynes of prophane obftinacy, and the
iron (inewes of fenfual pride; ifthcy meet with hearts toucht
to the qaicke,and confciences ranfackt to the bottom -there,
there, let them plieit with mercies, andfweetely lull fuch
weary foalcs in the foftcft armes of tenderncfle, reft, peace, i
and allhcauenly delicacies. A concurrence of their beft eln-4
quence, feruentcft prayer,fpirituall experience, and compaf- j
donate feelir,g,is too little to comfort in fuch acafe.Letthera .
let fuch mourners in Sion ki-iow, that if they waitebut alit- .
tie with patience,Jongi.i]gs, and thofc vnuttcrable grooiKS,'
in the Word oflife and truth;they fhall haue cafe,and drinke
the ir fiis outofthc riser ofthf pleafures of God. Yet a very
little whilcjand hethat lliall comc,he will come and will not
tarrie; andwhenhee comes,he w'ill bring with him.a pardon
writ by Gods owne hand, with the blood of Chrift, and
feale itvnto their fbules by his fpeciall fancflifying power,
•witbru.<:haftrong and euerlaftingrmprelTion, that neither
man nordeuill, the ftrength olhell, or length of eternity^
,'fliall tucr be able to vnloofe.
Thcfe things ar.efo: Gods McfTengers- are Miniftcrs of
mercy, infiich points as 1 liaucpointcd at : but yet for all
thisjtheformall Hypocrite muft not carry it away fo. For
the truth is, formallProfeflburs cenfurQ with fuch feueritie,
and fretting: and with much difdaine and indignation cry
N 4 out,
i^ Difc0nrfe of true hjiffineffe.
out againfl: prdTing the Law, and preaching of iiid gements;
particular piercing apphcation, and torturing merisconlci-
eiices with amazements and fcare ; becaufe ( if a confciona-
blecourfc of preaching gocfo> currant ) they are caft and
condemned ; and if the way to heauen bee (biiarrow, (as in-
dcede itis, if Chrifl: lefus bee ofany credit with thcm)they
muft neuer come there, except m the meanetime the}' come
ontotheforwardnefle of the Saints^ and thattnie-hearted
hohnefle, without which no man (liall euerfeethe face of
God.Hence it is,that htC\d&s their ownfecret difl:afte,and rc-
ludation, they labour with much prophane and boyfterous
oppofition to bring the ftithfulleft Paftours of Gods people
into difgraceand dif-accountj as though they were fellowcs
of furious fpiritsjfonnes onely of thunder and Iightning;Do-
(flors of defpairc, and vnmercifiiUdifpenfersofdamnatioxi,
Nay, ordinarily thefe menexclaime with more difcon tent
( and clamour, againft preaching of iudgements for fiiine,thcn
notorious finncrs: for thefe many times C out of a iki\(^^ of
their guiltincfTe, and with an ingenuous acknowledgement)
confeflethemtobeciuft.'butput them off with a flattering
prefumptuous conceit thatGod is merciful! ; or referuation
to repent hereafter, or with a purpofe for the prefent to be-
come new-men, though fuch holy motions are foone after
drowned in the prophane reuellings ofgood-felIowlliip:but
the other out ofa proud errour, of miftaking their fpirituall
ftates, and Pharifaicall confidence, iuflifie themfelues ; and
would gladly perfwade their hearts, that inward aftonifli-
mentsandapprehcufionsof terrourin fuch cafes, arife ra-
ther from the diftempered terrifying zeale of the Preacher,
and vnfeafonable prefling of iudgement, then from the fting
of their guilty confcieiices, and inuifible finger of avi angry
and difpleafed God.
To deale plaincly,this is the very true caufc of their impo-
tent out-cries and complaints, tliat thefe precifer Preachers
come ftill with nothing but damnation and vengeance :' out
of their fbwre and imperious aufterity, caft nothing but
wiId-fire,brim{toBc,and gunpowder, into the confcicnces of
Lyi Difcourfe of true happmeffe.
men, and take the ready way to driucthemto defpaire :
Whereas God knovves, if they were fitted for mercy j would
they rubmitthenaturall pride of their gHilcfiill hearts, with
humility and vnreferuednes to the foiicraignty of the Word,
and fioiplicitic of the Saints ; they would with all their
hearts powre whole Oceans of fofteft oyle into their woun-
ded fbules, and fill their bruiled fpirits with a ioyfu(Iconfiu-
enee of all the precious fufferings of Chrifl,pi"omifes of life,
comforts of grace, mercies of God, and ioycs of heauen.
What comfort in the world can any Minifler haue in vexing
mens confciences,and (lauding at (bues end with the whole
world ? but that they dare not (fur the life of their fcnle) be
falfeto their great Lord and Soueraigne; and doe heartily
thirftto draw thcif brethren out of hell, and to fane their
immortall fbules out of thofe eucrlafting flames. To con-
clude the point, they caftvnto themfelues in the mould of
their worldly wifedome, a religious mediocritie; and pitch
with refolution and fecuritie vpon a meafure of profefTion
and degree of zeale, compatible with their maine carnall
contentment ; and that muft bee a competent ftiiJiciency of
holinefle for heauen, and feruc their turnc for faluation.
Which glorious formalitie, if Gods McfTenger out of a zea-
lous impatiencieagainft luke-warmenes,tranfgrcfle andcen-
fiire,and fquarc not with an exad proportion all his refolu-
tionsand applications fr©m the WordthereuntOj he fpeakes
in their fenft, cither not to the pnrpofc, cut of priuate hu-
mour, or too imperioufly.
Thefe diftempered boy fterous exclamations, or at lea^^
fecret impatiencie and fretfuInefTe againft confcionablept^
fing tlie Law, andiuft denouncement of iudgements for fin|
is a comraonmarke to the formall Hypocrite, with all foits
of vnregenerate men ; and conftant propertieof all thefons
ofv^^^rfw, while they yet lie foftly repofed vpon their beds
of pleafurc and bate to bee reformed, for liich caufes as
thefe :
I. They thinke themfelues all the while arraigned at
the barre of God. Their gauled confcicnces cry guiltie.
Difcourfe §f iruehappmgffe.
The found offeaie and cries of vengeance arc in their cares,
& their hearts ftrokenthorow(vvith flaiiifKhorror}trcm'3lc
as the leaucs of the forreft that arc lliakcn with the wind ■•
except they haue pauedthem with obftinacie and Atheifine,
and made them like the high wayes, and Satans ordinary
2. They haue no fiielter vnder the fliadow of the moftHigh
nofuccourvndcrthcwingsof Chrift, from the plagues of
God,andcurfesoftheLaw.Tbey cannot yet pleadeany pri-
Hilcdgeorprotedion by the blood «f. the Lambc, from the
poifon^ fling and cndleflie vengeance ofthofe woefiiUiudge-
ments and cutting confufions, which arc iuftlypreft vpon
then- guilty coiifciences, for their vnmortified lufts.
5 . If the whole counfell andiufl wrath of God bee fairh-
ffiUy and impartially ript vp and reueai.ed againfl them in
thiskindej.theAngelicall dclufions of Satan, and the dam-
nablenefie of their prefent condition will bee clcarely difco-
ueredvnto their confciences. For a feafonablejaad finccre
diuifion of the Word of Life and Truth,doth piercingly, and
powerfully diuide betweene the Soule and the Spirit, the
ioynts and the marrow, andneuer eitlieriuflrfiesany vnrc-
gcncrate man, or condemncs the iuft. And therefore hee
tliat refls either in the flate of notorioufiiefle, or meeic ciuill
boncfty without any addition offupernaturallandfauing
gracejor groffe hypocrifie,or Apoftacie,orluke-warme pro-
tcffioDjOrany other decree ofvnregeneratien, fhallbe fure
(if hee Hue vnder a cot?S:antand confcionable mcancs ) now
andthcntprecciue a'flirewd knockc vpon his guilticcon-
kki'^ct by the hammer of the LawJromthe handof a faith-
fiill Teacher; which cannot.chufe but goe full heauie vnto
bis heart, except it be feaied vp by the fpirit of flumber with
obduration,and. fenfclefnefleagainfltheday of venpeawcc;
and muft needs marrc his mirth, and all pleafiires of earth,
with a mofl bitter dreadful! mixtureof flamfh fcare^andap-
prchenfions of Hell.
4. Preacbing, and prefllng the Law, is principally either
fordciedliou of the heart with remorfe foi: finne, or dire- 1
L^ Difeourfeoftrue hAfpm(fe.
dion of the life by rules ofgi^ce: they can endure and digcft
i J. Thcirconrcicnccsordiiiarily are eueffreifh bleeding,
j and ftill gauled with too violent ftretching and inlarge-
j'ment, and with the hard (itting oftheir bofomc-finneat the
-^1 leaft: and theieforc they eafily grow rehidtantandrageftill,
\ when they are grated vpon by the Searching pow-er-ofan
j hoIy,and {bule-{auingfeucritie;and vexed to the qwicke with
[the particular difcouery of their hypocrifie, and digging
j into their linfuU fores. Hence it is, that many times proud
[and prcphine men faften vpon'the bc'ft Minifters, cuen for
I theirfaitlifyhuflcin Minifteriall duties, the verieft dunghill
[ in'drg!Ticies( paidonthephrafe, it cxpjeffeth nothalfe their
'; vilenefle ) and foukft inhumanities, that the moft contemp-
/ tible bafencfle, and extremeft malice eanpoHibly dcuife, or
|an ir>gtnuous Pagan think evp&n, without a great deals of
[indignation. Thoufpcaktftfalfely, iay all the proud men
) vnto bkffed leYcmie, when he e bad ended his thundring and
thrcatning Sermon againft them: Ierem.-43.2. Then jpake
'■z^zAriah the Jottne cf Hojh^tifih^ attd lohanan the fonne of
Korean, andAlltheYfoudmen, [Ajingto lerenriah. Thau lie ft „
Execrable blalphemicjprodigious viHanie :Duft and aflies,
nay, incarnate Dcuiis, to g'lue the lye, by confcquent at the
jUaft, (I fpeake it not without honour) to God Alm.ightie.'
I'And aboue others, great men ( without grace) finde preach-
I ing the Law mod painfully to their propbane hearts:becaufe
; they haue the greate ft power and pleafures, and indeed their
j portion in t-his world . Hence it was, that when lehndi lere.
1 5<5.2 5. had read three or foure leaues of thole cutting Ser-
mons of comminations, and cnrfes again ft ludaand Ifrael
I the King ftampt, and raged, and cut the roule with the pcn-
-knife, andcaft it into the fire that was on the hearth, vntill;
■ all the roule was confumed in tlie fire that was on the hearth.
I And that AmaKinh difchsrged Ames of the CoHrt, and fi-
lenced him from fpeaking any more in tlie Kings Ghappell,
I Amos 7 . 1 3 • And that, xhsx. vnhappie FeltXy when P^tul op-
.{)o{ed, and applied to his coiietous, carnal!, andcarelcfle hu-
i mour.
o/ I>ifcmrfe eftrue happine(fe.
mour a terrifying diicourfe of rightcoiifncfTe, temperance,
andiudgementtoconie,ciithim off in the current of his
rpeech,anddirmifthimvntoa more conuenient time, and
betterleafure,A6l. 24.26. So loth are prophanc great Ones
to bee troubled in confcience, and tormented before their
2. A fecond cafe, wherein this reuerence, which may
fbmetimesbee found in the formall hypocrite to Gods faith-
full Meflcngers, changethinto heart-rifing againft them, is ;
when by the fearching power of the Word, they hane fin-
gled out his bofome-fmne, and hauc it in puriuitc and chafe,
with all thofe fierce and fearefuU armies of deuouring
plagues, and ccrtaine vengeance wkich dog it at the heeles.
Hce can digeft well enough, with good attention and pa-
tiencCjthe debatementofa Controuerfie, or Common-place^
approue and applaude gcnerall di(cour{es,andvnfcarching
Sermoiis 5 efpecially if they tafte fomething extraordinarily
of fulncfle of reading, or fineffe of conceit; be made vp with
i'omc. afft;Aed mixture of choifeft humane learning, and
commend to the eares of the Anditorie, thecxceffeandex-
cellencieof fome rarer naturall parts. His heart may fomc-
timrscuendaunce and leapc within him for ioy, not with-
out foaic outward vifible reprefentations, when he fhail
hcarc the infiniteaeffeof Gods mercie j vnualuablencflfc of
Chrifts blond fhcdiprccioufneife of thepromifes oflife ; vn-
concciueabler^efle of thofe pleafures aboue, and fiich other
points of exultation and comfort, with a paffionate and
poweifull eloquence exprefled fomething to the life, and
feelingly craplified. Although fiich inward tranfitorie light-
nings in him, fpring not from the fpeciall appr^henfion of
a'lytrae; rcaUintcreft in thofe ioy full tidings ; but from the
naturall moouingnefle <if the matter, or the vanilliing flaflies
ofatemporaric faith, orthelike. Nay, yet farther, hee may
tolerate with real bnable contentment and eafe, the zealous
exagitation of other hatcfuU villanies ; the difcoiierie and
damnation ofany other corruption : fb that onely his dar-
ling pkaiiu'e be kt alone ; his mafter-fm not meddled with.
o^ Vifcmrfe of true hAffine^e.
'Let vsruppofethefinneofhis bofome, to bee the briitiiK
pleafures of viiclcaiinefle ; andtbat to him it is aa cai thiy Pa-i
I'adifCjto feet'.'! his rageffull luft \viili.greedinefle and deh'ght, (
at leaftvpon fpeculatiue wantonnefTe and adulteries oFthe
heart : Now in this cafe, if the Miniftersof God oiK'ly for-
bearetobeate vpon this point ; if they take- heede that they
touch not this lore ^ they may be bold at their pleafure, ino-
ther denunciations ofterroiir, and cake liberty (witli. his
good leaue) to purfue other finnes, with as great zeale and
deteftatioB as they will. They may tell the mercilefle Vfu-
rer that heisinfamoiyfly guilfy of that fimie, of which a con-
ucrted lew, an honeft Heathen, or tolerable Tnrke, would
bealLamedaiidremorfcfoll j'ftigmatiied hy ioynt-confent
of charitable hearts, and ftrongefl current of beft Diuinitic,
with a brand ofextraordinary hatefijlneflc,hard-heartedncfle
and cruelty: which at this day doth fLrewdly Hiake the
ftrong finewes of this g{ eat Kingdom e,- -like a Fretting can-
ker, with aplaufibleinuifiblC'Conrumptionjdcth daily wafte
the ftates, fiicke the blood, and eate the liues ofmanypoorc
diftreflcd Ones in this laiid j filstownes and Cities with vh-
profitablcperfons, and the ^Country with miferics and in-
humanities. Nay, and letcarnall rcafon, cowetoirs humours,
fupcrciiious, obftinate imperioiTfneire fret and contradidt,
rage, and reclaime as long as they will itofetafkle prouoca-
tion of Gods plagues, andconiideration ofpiety jeueii in
the fenfe of nature, and morall confcienee, it eafts anafpcr-
fion of inexpiable fhamc and dillionour vpon the ancient
glory of this incomparable Citie. It is very flrangc, that
liich rauenoiis Harpies and Vfurious Vultures ( for loeucn
Paganifme failed them by the light ofreafon ) £hould auda-
cioufly rouft efpecially on high, in the Eagles neft,this Im-(
'PcriallGroue andfe'ate ofMaieftie^IThey may tell the Drun-j
kaid,thatheisavoluntarieDeuilI, the commoa iliame of
nature, the gi eat reproch and prodigious difgrace of man-,
kindc; that by turning himfelfe into a barbell or a beaft,-
doth ( with intolerable indignity ) rwinifhlyouerturnejand
<iHanimate that noblefl thing, next vnto an Angelical! na-
lliMI I I
Pro 14.28.
Ecckl, 5*8.
t_^ Difcenrfe of true bappmejje.
ture, the vnderftandiiig power of the foule, which the hand
of God by a royall lelfe-rcfemblance hach mofl vndefci-
uedly ftamped vpoii him. And for vvhichf without timely rc-
pentance)he will turne hercafterinto the vilcft and mofl tor-
mented creature, next vnto the Diuell 6<i the damned fpirits.
1-tt him got on a whKc in his fwaggeriiig Immour, and out
of an accurfed galiaatrefle of a f corniefuU fpirit, crowne
himielfe with RGre4Hids, in this fpring of his firength to
powre-in ftrong drink ; let himdrowne hisouerhcated iiage,
hismdancholike fits, dumps of ladiicfle, indecde fometimes
the ftingirog bitingsof that gnawing- wormc,which is br( c-
diag in his confcience ( except Satanshoteiron hath feared
it vp ; ) let him, I fay, drowne thele diftempered and pec-
cant humours ofgood-fellowfliipi in Ale-houfes, Tai;erns,
the Pcft-houfcs of Players, and in other fuch fiirfous Con-
'uenticles ofboyfteroulhcfreand vanitie : yet let him know,
that if hee goe on, his day is comming ; he (liall bee lliortly
drunkewit/iawitiienejheefliallbedninke, but not with
wine; he (hall dagger, but not by ftrong drinke j he (hall be
druiike euen with the wrath and vengeance of God j and
fpue and fall, and ncuer rife againe. A number of featcfuU
woes (kand rcgiftrcd againft him by the miniftery of the
Prophets; let him tearethofeleaues out of Guds bookc, and
truth from the (acred pen of that neuer-ci ring Spirit ; or elfe
nffbrcdly they iljall all light vpon all^'mpenitent drunkards,
I Lotlicvtmollcxtr^mitieandleafbrparkeofthofe euerlafting
fiames j as fure as Godisin heaucn, cuW'cs in His Booke,
I drunkards vpon carthj.and plagues in hell. They may tell
: the depopulating Inclofefjtliat he isfai re worfe then a rob-
tingmiirthereron Shooters hill- for bc(ides the villanous
deftruilioMofGods people, and the Kings fubiccl^lsi the in-
tolerable wcakning of the ftxength, and glory of this King-
dome, in a very hie and horrible degree, (for the wifeft King
that eiicr lined bath told vs, that rhf hmottrofA King is m
thg mMltitude offeofle^ and. that the King confiJiethOj the
/f/<^/Wft>/»/W)fo that depopulation, and decay of tillage,
the curfedbroode of bloody Inclofiu-e, are very cut-throtes
o^ Difeourfe of true haffimffe.
of M2ieft:"e,andconfufion offtatesimperiall ; and I dare fay,
; fcttingafidi; the prouocation of duiine vengeance, they hold
\ a ftrong counter-motion and oppcfition? to founder policies
I of ftate, and wifcrdepthscf Monarchy- I fay.befidcsthcfc
I piiWike mifchiefes, this -mair- eating CaymbdU doth as
I farrefurpaffe the blood-fuck er by the high way, in infiidi-
on of tortures, as a Spanifli Inquifitour an ordinary hang-
man • the one difpatches a man in a moment, and puts him
outof hispaine vponthe f«dden;theothernddesIeifureand
lingring to a dying life, and liuing death, that men may f^ele
they ^\^' Certainely it were farre more mercifiill and toJe-
rablc,thatfuch oppreflTing Giants fhould knock thofepoorc
people in the heads in their houfcs, before they turnethem
out ofthcirancicnthdine; then fo cruelly expofe them to
be wafted by little and little, and by degrees to bee deuou^
red ofmifery and want: WlTichisakindcofdeath,asfa;rc
'more mcrcileflc and tormenting then the former ; ashang^
ing in chaines aliue, then beheading. They may tell tlie
Swearer, that he already fpeakes the language of Hell, and
therefore his naturall place is that infernallpit. That the
oath isnofooneroutdfhis mouth, but -hee is Kke a thiefe
condemned to the gallowes, and weiring his halter ready
tcbe hanged; fo fpeakes an holy Father, nay, in a thouland
times more cur fed cafe, for tffo fa5h^ fentence of cndlcffc
|<lcath is paft vpon him, by that highcft ludge, wliich will
holdnomanguiltlefle that takes his name in vainc«. With
what face will our defperate fwaggerers bee able to boke
Chnft lefus in the face at that great and fearefiill day ,• or
for.pardon in his paflion, fith they haue fo mafy times dyed
their tongues red in that precious blood, by their bloody
oathes; and with iteration of more then Icwifti cmelty, fo
often recrucified the glorified body of the Sonne of God
with their damned bla(pheraies ? They may terrifie the rich
Ones of the world with thoie flaming words of the Apo-
^le ; Coe t» wW, yee rich mett^^'eefe andhowle farjonrmife-
ries that Jhall come vpott yopt. tour riches are corrupt, and
your garments are mothre^teH : jcur gold md fritter it canke-
(^ Difcmrfe aftpne happineffe.
I King.
red,andthert{fl ofthemfhallbfa mtneffe agninfljou, fmdffsdl
^teyottrfljjh ^ it rv^refirf : j?e hane heaped vp trea/ur-efor
rhe Lrfi dajes.. Am^ vvith that other dreadfiilldoome,! Cor.
6.y.. No coiierov.t< man fhallGiier come into the kingdwnc
of God. They may tell thcperrcciitor.'? ofthe waycs of God,
that though in the meane time they domineere with vnap-
jTCafable inlbleneies ouer the fincerity ofthe SaintSj and
profper fora whilein the pafl[agesofl)loodjyet their damna-
tion ilecpes not, tlie Lord will Hiortly pay them home
with the bicod of wrath and bf iealoi)iie.vN<!)t long after
that (tAhib had commanded the blefied Prophet C^fichaiafi
to prilbnjthtTC to bee fed with bread of afflidion, and water
ofaftii>5lion, were the dogges ^cd with his piiucelyf though
pro}")hane)bloiid,in the poole o^ Samaria, When ty^ntiocbm
(to whole cruelty againft giacc,thcy arc all in fome degree
accurfcd Annn^pes ) was riding poait towards lerufaleni,
with bleed in his heart, murthcrin his hands, ajid threatcs
in his mouth ;eueii then th^ Lerr^d Almighty yt be G^d of I/ra~
t/ /wore him Wfth Ttn incuralfJe and inptifi^le fJogfteifo that
rheivvrmes came out t)f the body 6fthU )X'ick^d man $n abun-
dance., -and "^'h'ilcs bee '^Ai atiue^hisjleflyftHu^forpiiine and
tdrmenr, and all hii Arrrtie Was griened atrhe Jmeli. They
ihinke they cbe God worthy fei-iiicc,by fuppreflingthe po-
wer of his truth, and proFellion of zeale^bitt they are indeed
thenotorionft champions for Satan ^nd the confufions of
hell, that breathe vponiiie earth. Thus^and in this fort, may
theMiiaifter ofGodpiX)ceed,andpuifue(\vith daiuiiciations
<!>f GodsiiidgGments,and iuli indignation ) thcfeand fuch o-
thercrim(bnji(!WDminations,and crying villanies of thelelaft
and woifetimes, which doamongft vsat this day,with pro-
digious im^indeiicy, and whcrifh fore-heads very fcarefully
tuenoiitfacetheSxiniTC, andbandthemfelues with an high
hand againift the Maiefty of Heaucn : and that with the
good attention, patience, approbation, and ( perhaps )ap-
platrfe ofthe formall hypocrite. And the rather, becaufe : hec
thi»ks,thatiicitherthe<worM abroad doth ceiifurehim with
opaiinfaraieivnor fb'miTch as the conceits of the prcfent
—ni l imtm a*
K^ Difcoffrfe of true happiaefe*
hearers,by thefecretapplication/ufped himforanyfuch /irt
neithcr,it may bee, doth ht c indeeci feck the current of his
carnallaftcdionsrunncthat \vay,orth€ fenfuall additions
of his heart fb endeared to the wicked picafures thereof. .
Butcameonceto ths difcoucry and damnation ofluftful-
neflejwhich we fiippofe to be his beloncd and bofome finne;
and let that terrifying Text, Heb. 13.4. Whoremon^erj dwd
adttltertrs^ed^'iHindge, bee preft vpon his confcietice par-
ticularly, and V;' ith power; and then he begins to, iiartleand
ftirrc,andtotake on with much inward repining and di-
fta ft fill! indignation. For hee isvextatoncewiththefmait
of an iniiifible fting for that finfull pleaiiire, which is the
d^rli g of his fenfuall delights, many times much dearer
then life itfelfe;an<i if it be noifed and knowne abroad,
_ with fenfe of publike iliame ; which mainelv crofTes his am-
bitious Pharifaicallthirft after plaufibleneflc and acceptation .
'With the vvoridjand his vaincdefires for theattainement ofa '
Clu iftian reputation, anddifpenfacion to continue in a fcan-
idalousfinne; ofa good opinion from the beil men, atid a
faiiit-hcarted inconformity to the belt things; which are
t uervncapable of concurrence, or compoiTibility. A pow-
crfull Miniftery pregnant with fpiiituall penetration and i
life, and managed with the feeling eloquence offomeMwI
Baptifl^ or Sonne of thunder, uiay for a time ftirrevp and a-
muze his duller and vuzealousapprehenfions with its maie- |
ftie and diuinenefle ; (b that hee may heaie him gladly, not I
witbrutfome admiration and applaufe; refotme his wayes
in may things, afttr his religious inftruftions; and reue- |
reiicethe noblenefle of his relblutions, irr quitting himlelfe I
like a man, in his Mafters bufinefle : but let once that man of^i
God charge the edge of his fpirituallfwoid vpon thchtad |.
of his pan tc;^iiar raigning finne; and with theftarching light'
of the Word o^lii'c difcouer thatcorna-.of the bcait,w lure-
in his darling pleafiire lurkes ; and then heeis quite loft for
auylongerlouethatway.;allis vttedy mard for any more
^xipedto Minifters. ofthat.ftraine. For carnall hearts har
Uingnotme hopc.or rtall intcrcft,in.thofe fouhdand la-
" O, ftiog
u^ Difcmrfe of true happmeffe.
ftingioycsaboue5canix>t without extraordinaric vexation,
and impatiency, hear e of paitii^g from the pofle/Tion of the
prefciitplcafiiresofthatfpeciallfinnei cfpecially, to which f
by an indiuiduall pronetieflcofnaturall corruption, fenriiall
cnoice, and long cuftomc, they haue Beene longingly addi-
cted, aiAd defperatdy drowned in. A II humane defiresare na-
turally very couctous of contentment; if they doe not fee-
lingly tafte fpirituall, and that ofhcauen, they will reft vnrc-
moucably vponcarnalland earthly; if they haue it not in
the affuranceofaCrowne of life hereafter, they will in the
mcanetime, reftkfly hunt after it, and grafpe it more gree-
dily in the comforts of this life. Vponfuch occafion there-
fore, the falfe licart of tlie fbrmall hypocrite being thus pier-
ced to the quicke by a particular aiid feafby.able difcouery
ofitsfwectefmne, and vnrefblued to repent, and leaue it,
doth prefently begin to diflodge by little and little all for-
mer hking of fiich a faithfuU Phyficion of the foule, (for his
goodncffein this kindc, as all other ofeuery vnregenerate
mans is, is like the moming dew, fuUofvwcertainties, in-
conftanciesjiitefolutionsandreciduation. ) The cold com-
fort he conceiues by Rich plainc dealing, doth quickly
quench the formal! heate of his fonner affection . Tl>C infla-
med zeale of the godly Miniller, in labouring partiailarly
to cleaue his beloued finne from his bofomc by the fword
of th-e Spirit,dotheafily diflTohic his refemcd and temporary
reucrence,into hatred.malice and contempt. For it fels out
many times in this cafe, that if the c'onlcionableMcflcnger
olfGod daily digge into, and dwell vpon his confciencc in
(iichahcart-vcxinganddiflaftfull point; and Sabbath after
Sabbath, Sermon vpon Sermon,powerfu!Iy prelTchim with
the bitter fenfc and painefull cogitations of the curfednes of
his preftnt condition, for continuing in his darling delight,
being nowcleerclydifcouer^dvnto him by the light of the
Miniftery, and peremptorily damned by the booke of life :
he either tunics Chriitian vpon it, and happify pafTeth out
offormallProfefTion, into theParadife ef Grace ; which is
fomething rare, becaufe he is refolued that he is in the right
_„^ Y^
t_x/ nifeeurfi bftrtte ha^ineffe.
way already : or elfe(whic!i is more ordinary )he afterward s
prooiiesaPerfccutor; though not of Proteftancic in gene-
ralli yet ofthe power f)fReh'gion,vnder the name of pre-
cifcnefle ; and of that true-hearted holineflc,without which
no man iMlcucrfec the Lords face, vnder the title ofHy-
pocrifie. Foryoumuftknowthatainanmaybeea Patronc
offauingtruthjawdyetaperfeciitor offaatftification J a De-
fender of our doiflrine, and an Oppreflbr of finccritic; an e-
nemy to Poperie, anda friend to prophanenefle.So that cer-
taine itis ( vpon thi«ocGafion, and admifiTion ofthc iriftance
^wherein I banc rnfifted } the formall hypocrite may come at
length to that reprobate paflfe, and ragefull humour, thathee
may cuen bitterly perfecute with flanders,dirgraces,andhis
vtmoftof malice and reuengc, theconfcionablenefle of that
man,and powerfulncflb of tbatMiniftery,whiclih£ hath for-
merly heeded and reucrenced. And commonly fuch a fel-
low afterward is tranfportcd with greater fpight, and more
imaged with imaginations ofaucrfion and hate, againft the
Preachers offiacerity, and Pradifersof Grace, then Profef-
forsofGracelefnefle. For he which profcffeth the wayes of
Godfalfcly, or formally, is ordinarily more bitter, violent,
and cruell to a tme Chriftian, then Pagans and profeft Op-
pofites. Pilatewzs more pittiiiilland kinde vnto Chrift,
then ths Pharifes- Felix more fauourable and friendly to Pi^^x^^t^^
PauI, then the high Prieft. It were better bee a Gally-flatie & « j »•
to a Turke then vnder ohe Spanifli Inquifition. I would ra-
ther fall into the bauds of a fwaggcring Good-fellow and
notorionsfinner,. in a point of danger, or dilgrace j then-
ftandtothe mercie of a formall ProfefloHr, and proud Phari-
fie« Though the notorioivs finnerbee fiutherdiftantfrom
the Chriftian in degrees offome kindes of goodntfle, (hen
the formall Hypocrite ;yet many times he is not faoppofite
in extremitie of malice and height of difdaine. Amonoft
all foits ofdiftcrcnces,dif-afFcdions,andftrange antipathies;
'( which by the deferued curfe of finne, mingle themfeluci^
with the natures and negotiations of the fonnes oltyidam,)
there i^ none holds a fti'onger and more incompatible op-
^ ^ pofitiouJ
K^ B ifcetirfe of trnt happne(fe .
pofitlon aud diuorce,then that which is betwixt thofci who
with confideMcc and peifwafion' they are right, take ci'ofle^
waycs towardsthe Kingdome of Hea«en. And therefore-
the formall Hypocrite, tiiiniug Traitoiir totrae ProfpfTours^
doth many times take on. ai^drage more againft them, then
the open and infamous C^cndsr.For this latter thinkcs him-
felfe wrong, and fometimes will not fticketo confefTe itj on-
ly comforts his heart in the meane time by making Godall
ofmercie, and with a (ecrct rcferuation, and relbluuon, to
repent hereafter : but the former, being dangeroufly wife in
hisowne eyes, and pradent in hisowne fight for matters of
faluation, llormesthatanymanflioiridGenfure him forvn-
ibundnes of his fpirituall ftate;& is as refoliite he fliall gceto
heauen,as well as thepiircfiand prccifcft of them all.Whicb
grDiindlefTefelfe-conceit makes him both more miferablc-
in himfelfe, and vncapable offaiiing gracc^ for there is more
Pro ttf.w.i hope ofafoole-then of him that is wife in his ownc conceit;
'' and though thou bray a foole in a morter, yet fhall not his-
folly depart from him : and alio more malicious againft the
wayesoffincerityjandzcalefulnelleof the Saints ; becaufe
their forwardnefle condemnes his formality ; and the graci-
ous light of their holy life, clearely difccxers vnto him the
truth of his fpiiituall darkcnefTe, and<lamna£ion of his pre-
3. Thirdly, that reuercnce andrcfpeftflill carriage to
godly Minifters, which may fometimes be found in the for-
mall Hypocrite,dothgrow towardsdiflaft anddif-aftcdioii,
when they prcfle them by the powerfull fenfc,and piercing
application offome quickning Scriptures, toa "fcruencie in
fpirit, ^ purity df heart, <^ precifenefie in their walking, «* fu-
pernaturall fingularide aboue ordinaiy and morall perfe-
(f^ions, excellency of zeale, and a facred * violence in pur-
fuiteofthc crowne of life ; to an holy ftriftnefle, extraordi-
nary ftriiiing *^to enter in at the ftrait gate, and tranfcendent
eminency ouer the fGrmallgrighteoufnefTe of the Scribes
aud Pharifcs, to a ncerer familiarity with God, by prayer,
daily examination of the confcieiKe, priuate humiliationsj
<> Pral.i4;4
Mat. f .8.
c// Difieurfe of true happhfefp:.
meditation vpon the cndlcflfe duration in a feconc^Iifci tp
a narrow watch ouer the ftirrings and imaginations of the
heart,and expreffion of ^holineffc in all the paifl&ges ofboth
their callings, zealoufnefTe as a counter-poyfon to the loth-
fbme potion of*lnI<e warmnes, and to other iet and folenruie
^xerci/cs, of mortification, fandificd eleuations of feeling
lj(earts,executions<)f grace, and pradlifes of fincerity^ Points
^ndpondcrations of which natuie, arc ordinarily vntohim
h many fccret feedes of indignation and difcontentijient j
^nd many timesbreede in hi$ formall heart and Cold af^-
^ions,exafperationandefl:rangcment.; if not meditations^
4f perfeciitipn avid rciienge.Sanc5lification,precirenc;ftc,puri-^
ty, hcline(fe,ztale,ftri^ne(re, power ofgodrinefl'^,.Spirituail
men, holy Brcthren,Saints in Chrift,communion ofChrifti-
ans, Godly conferences, conceiued prayers, faniflifying the
Sabbath, f amily-cxercifes, exerciie of falling, and mor-
tifying humiliations, andfnch like; are commonly to men
of this temporizing temper, and luke-warme conftitution,
tcrmesoffecretterrour, and open taunting. Vpon fad and
fblitary aduifement with their ownc fearefijll thoughts,
they may iuftly ftrike thorow their hearts with iauifible
tremblijig ; btcaufe in their milder and fober moode to-
wards Gods children, and calmer conceits of (andifiedi
Gourfes, they muft needesconfcfle ( out of their certame
knowledge ) that thefe glorious Attributes of the wayes of
God, and honourable badges of the Saints, are the very lan-
guage ofthe holy Ghoft in the Bodke of life, and the in(e--
parable euerlafting Attributes of Chriftianity : and yet they
<inde and fcele in their owne confcicnces, that their hearts
Oandagainftthera, that they are neither true-hearted pra-
^itioners, or partakers oftliem. Andibractimes alio wiien
thefpiritofprophanefcomfulneffeagainft fincericy ftirres
ia them, cfpecially amongft their o mpanions, and conforts
in ipiritnallcoldneffcjthey villanoufl^ fportthemfelueswith
^hem, and make them the matter of their hateftiU and accur-
fcd ieftsi t^iat fb they may keepe vnder, alUhey can, in dif«e-
ftimation and contempt the faithfiillProfcffors and Pracli-
O 3 lers
^ I Pet. I*-,
y^ Difc$Hrfe of trttc happme/fe.
fers thereof, whom naturally they heaitily hate; andaUb
feemetherdjy to beare otirthe heaitlcfle fiourifhes of their
ownefcrmality with greater braiiery, Hereupi^nitis, that,
if they take the child of God but trippingin the leaft infirmi-
ticagainfl; which too (perhaps ) hcc ftriuesai?,d prayes with
many tcares and heartftill eiaculations j flipping onely in
■fome vnaduifed and precipitant pa (Tage of his negotiations
amongft men,and that (perhaps)not for wantof confciencc,
but acquaintance with thevv'of Id; not with purpofe to of-
fend, wrong, or grieuc any body; but for tirtioroufncffe of
being iiifnarcd in the coozcning traps of couctous world-
lings ; failing butintheobferuationof fome ciuill ceremo-
nie, andcomplementallobferuance, which hee omits (per-
haps ) not of iurlinefle and pride,bnt"for feare of growing in-
totoo much vncomfortabLc neereneflfe, and vnwarrantable
feruiceablenelTe to vnfandificd grcatnc'fle, orthelike ; I fay,
if they take him tardie but in iome fudi leflcr aberration,
harild at length into their knowledge by the cords of malice,
their ordinary Inte!ligenc€r,and Informer in fuch afi-aires, af-
ter much greedy watchful ncfle and curious prying into his
wayes j or bytheblafting infufurrations offomc inuenonied
fl^nderou s tongue : G then they take on immeafurably, then
they ay out and exclaime : Thefe arc your ra:n of the Spi-
rit, thefe are the holy brethren,tliere are your precife Pep
lowes, thefe are they which make fuch ("he w of purity and
forwardnefleiyou lee now what they are, when matters
come out, and their dealings are difcouered ; when It comes
to thetriall indeede, orto a matter of commoditie,^c. Are
nottheyproud,are not they malicious, are not they hard-
hearted and couetous as well as others? &c. When by the
mercies ofGod( in their fenfc) they are neither lb, nor fb:
* but fuch cenfures as thefe are very often themecreeuapo-
mions of pure malice, and the bitter ebullitions and ouer-
flo wings of their gall.
It is ftrange to fee and confider, how men of this world,
How'truely' in the ruffe and flower of their earthly profperities, plea-
tIudc«youf^ furcs and idlitics, fill their carnall hearts, enen brimmefull,
cals P*ul
<_^ Difctnrfe tftrxc hiffiuefe.
1. 193
in the(e
godly liu
fuch a ge
of men, as^
that if a
man doe
with fcornerulncCTe, difdaine, and many inragcdpreindices,
againft the holy fimplicity of the Saints, and ftridcrvvaies:
oTfaluation 1 They fweilfo big, with thtirownenatiiiall in-
bred naalice,cdged & encagred by the diuels bitter empoiro-
nedZ)o/r of contempt aud pride, that many times it burfts
out vpon the humbled opprefledinnocencies of Gods chil-
dren, like a mighty torrent, with mcrcilefle iwundationsof
'many intolerable vexations,, difgraccs and" cruelty. While
with many fccm-cftill and fcnfuall yawnings, they lie Itretch-
ing themfelues vpon their beds of luory , and fit f bftly in the
Icorners chaire, oriently crowned with buds ofRoles,.and
pleafures of gold : whilethey ftand ftrongly ftipportedby timcsthe
the armc oFflefh,in a profperouspurfiiire of their ovvnwafes, °'"^'" '""'
and merrily i wim downe the current of the time s,. with full
faileinahotg'eame ofworldly glory, they brca^ke out with
muchthundringandftormielbwrcnefle, into many boy ftc-
rousand bitter outcries againft precifenes,asthey cailit,and
prccife f€llowes,and with a dirdainfallouerlinefTCjand cenfo- 1 ^^j" "{J^^j.
rious eye, looke vpon the zealous paflf^gcsand'ftnditied fin- 1 t<j kcepea
gularities nfthe Chriftian life ; as though they .were but ex- 1 good con
orbitant inuentions arjd aflfc^arions of hypocrifie aiidhu- jff'«n"in
mour. I am perfwaded there w^as neiier poore perfeeutedk^y^*^
word,- fince malice againft God firftfcazed vpon the dsmned j though hce?
angels;and the graccsof Hcauen dwelt iw the heart of man j meddle
ihatpafl'ed thorowthemouthcs of all forts ofvHrcgeheratei not with
men, with more diftaftfiilnes,aiidgnafhing of teeth,then tl^ matters of
name of Ptirit^^m doth atthis day : which notwithihndiag jj'^f j^ne
asit is now commonly^meant^andordrnaril}' proccedsfrcm or Cere-'
the fpleen and/ pint ofprophanenefTe and gond-fcKowlhip,is ! monies ;
an honourable nickename,that 1 may fo fpeake, of Chriftiani- ( A$ for ex^
tieand grace. And yet for all this, 1 dare fay thereis sone.of 3jDple,jfa.
diligently preach, or in his preaching feeke to profitrather then topleafc,rcm6mbrii^
thefayingof the Apoftle 5 Iflfecketoplcaie men, I am notthcfcruahtef Chrift,Gat
1. 10. Orifapriuate Cbrifti^Hmnkcsccnfcrtnccoffwcaririg, fanftifyng the Sab*.
bath, frequenting Sermons, or abftainingfromthecommencorruptionjofibetifHe^
HeefballUraightwayb- condemned for a Puiitane, and cbnf. quentiy be Icfle fauo*.
redjthcn either carnaU Gofjpcllcr,©r a clofePapift, &c. DoQoi D^rvtumc in his Set-
no>Gn at Spittle, called wtf^r4ib.«vwfr/4fi •pa&7^>
U^ Difc$urfe of true ha^pneffe.
them alf, but when they fliallcomcvntotheirbeds of death,
(and God knoweshow foon the fecurefl may be arreftcdby
that inexora'i)Ie Sergeant) and are to grapple immediately
with the painefull terrors oFthe Kmg effearcymid to ftand or
fall to thedreadfull rribuaall of the lining God;before which
none fhall ener appcare with comfort,or be difmift with glo-
ry,but thofe which bring thither holinesaad fincere hearts j
I lay,there is none oFthem, though now outcfafelf^-con-
ceitedfupercih'ousinfolencie, they brow-beat their brethren
with many big lookes, and rage like imperious Lyons a-
:gainft the Lambes ofChrift • butthen, when pleafures, ho-
nours, riches, greatnefle, Friends, Phyfitions, and all other
worldly comforts befides fbrfakc them ; and theyfee in the
bittcrneffe of their vexed fjjirits, all their former earthly glo-
ry and delights of fleflb ready to Giike with them into the
graue, and to be buried cuerlaftinglyin thofe blacke and cni-
ell habitations ; but then(I {ay J exceptthc Lord fuffer them
to fall into the fiery Lake with fenfeleiTe hearts, and feared
confciences, would giue ten thoufand worlds,were they all
turned into gold,plearurcs,and imperiallCro>vnes:to change
then: former courfes of vanity ,ambition,fenfilalities, worldli-
ne{re,andgood-fdlow{}iip3mtoalifc of an holy precifenefTcj
ftridnefle,fincerity and (aluation.
Ohlxyhen theHeanens {hall {hriuell together like a
fcrole, and the whole frame of Nature flame about their
cares } when the great and mighty hils{hall ftart out oftheir
places like frighted men, and the fearefull reprobate cry and
call ypon this iTiountaine, and that rocke, to fall vpon him;
When as noDromedary pf jEgvpt,norwings ofthe morning
lhalll?ec able to carry them out of the reach of Gods re-
uenginghand^ notbp of Carmel,no depth ofthe Sea, or bot-
tome ofHelljto hide them from the prefence of him which
fits vpon the Throne,and from the wrath of the Lambe ; no
lockc, nor mountaine, not the great body ofthe whole
Earth, to coucr them from that vmtCiA^bk power which
laid thefbundatibns ofthem^ no arinc'offI<^{libr Armies cxf
Angclstoprote^them from thofe infiiiitc'nuers of brim
K^ Difceurfe ^ftrni ktppraeffe.
ftone. Which (hall bee kept in eucrlafting flame by the anger
ofGcii : when their poore and wocfulUbulesfhall infinitely
dcfirc rather to retuine into the 4oathed darkeneffe of not
beir»gi andtobeehid for encr in the moft abhorred flatc of
annihilation J then now to become the euerliuii^g Obieds
ofthat vnqiiciKhablc wrath, u hich they Hiaii be neiier able
cither to auoidc or abide; andto be chained vp bythe omni-
potent hand of God amongfl the damned rpirits,m a place
of flames and pcrpetiial) darkenes,whcre istormeiit without
end,a!id paft imagination : iray,atthatdreadfuliday, ( and
that day will coroe} whatdoeyouthinke would they giae
for part in that purity, which now they perfecute, and for
the comforts oftrue-hcartedholinefle that now they hatt?
and yet without which, as it will clearely appeare, when
matters are brought before that high and euerlafting ludgc,
none fhalleuer fee the Lord, ordwellinthe ioyes of eter-
nity >
Nay, I verily thinkc, there arc no <lefpcrate defpifersof
'Godiiiicfle,orformallOppofitesto Grace, which doe now
(outofthenaturallblindnefTeoftbeir vnderftandings, aftc-
ded pride of heait, or vnmoucable loue to earthly pleafures)
holdholincrffeto bee hypocrifie, fandification fingularitie,
pratlifcof/incerity too much precifenefle, the great things
oftheLaw,asaftrangething: but when the pit ofdeftru-
dion hathoncclliHt her mouth vpon them, and they are
funkeirrecouerably into that Dungeon of fire, woiild bee
content with all their hearts to Hue a -million of yeeres, as
precifelyaseuerSaintdid vpon earth/ I meaneit ftillinab-
flinence from linne, and zealous puifuite of the wayes o£^
God ) to redeeme but one moment of that mofl: intolerable
belli Ih tortures the fting and extremity of which they -muft
endure euerlaftingly, withoutremedie, eafe or-end.
Thusfarre I haue vvadcd in the difcouery of fbme grounds
andmotiues, whereupon the formall hypocrite may reue-
fenceand obferuc Gods faithful! MefifeHgers,- iand fome ca-
fes wherein beeordinarilygrowes by little aod little into
^difaffedion^d difeonccit j ifnotto pcrfeciitionj and boy-
- I
oi" Bifcoarfe sf true hap^inejfe.
fterous Oppofition againfl their powcrftill, fearching, a-id
quickningmiiiifterie.Now take notice of fome inducements
and reafons morepeculiar,andindiuiduaJlto tht- Chnftian/oF
that heartie retaerence towards godly Miniftcrs^. which is
dcepely rooted in his good and honeft Heart.
Gnely in a word, for feare of miftaking, and errour in the
point, let mce iiitcrpofe this premonition by the way Jn this
paflage ofreuerence performable totlie fineercfl Paftors, I
muftfbppore,and doe confider Gods childe in his ordinary
courfe of ran<;i:ificdcarriage,and kindly tcmperof his ^pid-
tnall conftitution ; the current of Chriftianitie running
eleare betweene them. For fomttirnes the purer ftreamcs of
their Chriftian lone may for a time be troubled with the
muddie mixtureoffome diftempered ouerflowing pa.Tlons^
thckinderpaflages. of mutuall refpeds one vnto another;
dammed vp by the Diuels malice i the dearer light oftheir
comfortable communion, intercepted by fome crolling
earthly interpofition of the old man.
It is clearc by too many wofuU experi-^nceSjthat difKrences
mayarife betwixt Gods dcarcft children, cipccially about
things indif&rent|wbich though they beorigii lally inherent
in the iudgcment, yet by.conllquent and iympathie they
breedc many times (exeeptth^^re be a great dta'.e of bumble
charity, and gracious humilitie on both fides ) lomc auer-
fion andcoldneflfein the affcdions. Neither lo onely, but
fometimesalfo alienation is wrought immediatly vptintbtir
affcdions, without intercedencie of diflenfi-on in Opinion.
Satan gaincs very much hy the dif union of Chriftian hearts,
and the falling out of thofe which hauegiuen their nanies
to religion i. and therefore hee leaucs no v. ay of tentation
vnattemptcd, no , helliOi policie vnpfatf^ifed toletftch at
oddes. He labours mightily, and prodigipufly preuaiks at
this day, by vexingtheir iudgemtnts with Opir.ionatiuc-
neife, lelfc-conotited {peculations, and thoughts of Sefa-
TMtioMyto driuc tht m by degreesfrora diuorce of "judgements
in fome lingular appreheafiorhs, to difafJ'eaion J from difaf-
f^dioi^to fadioiiifrom faftion,to fchifmeifrom. fchi/ine ( to
o^ Difeourfe of true hapfineffe.
fpeake in fofteft phrafe) to m^ny dreadfull di"ftcfnp(?rs .Hee
'•:grcfdilyaIf(>apprelTendsalloccafionsand aduantages todi-
i uide the hearts of rhofe, who peaceably at home iiicke the
fame immoitall Truth, and one life of Grace from tlie brcfts
jofthatbleflcd Mother which bore them; by many malici-
' ous iniedions of fccret lecdes of difcontentment, fcalou^
fics, heart-burnings, eftrangcineiir, and vnTsindndfesi v. hich
fpringing vp fometimes too faft and hie betwrxt them,
j from thebitter roots of priuie pride, vnfociable furlineffe,
impatiency of reproofe, angry emulations for the higher
feate in the conceits and confciences of the fbnvardcft
Chriftians, natural! crookedneffe^and waiwardnes ofdifpo^
fition, Melancholikefujtniles, too ambitions affedation oF
flrangenefle, fomewoi Idly matter not worrhtalki(!g of, or.
clie like, doe vnhappily grow vnto at iength.and bring forth
rbthef;^*w«f?w^«,lecds-manofaIldi{rention, too great an
harueft(erpecially ifthe world and wicked ones tak€ Jiotice)
ofillefteds and [^rnicious confe<]«cnts:ashefidcs their mi>
tuall difcomfort and difpkafingofGod : Wofnlladuantagc
to the adiierfaries of Grace and GodsTrath ; ob^rmation
to the obftinate ; Hindrance -and diicouragement to the
weake ; Sportand infultation -toScomcrs ; Table-talkc, and
matter of triumph to good-fellowes ; difgrace to the peacc"-
•full waycsof finccrity ; and griefe to more humble and bet'-
teraduifed Chriftians. The powers v^fdarkeneffe, and ali
forts of profane men cannot poiTIbly be better plealed, or the
bleifed Spirit and good men more grieued;thentofeeand
heare Gods children who fo plcadeibr,and make profeflion
offuchagloriouscommunionofloueand peace, to bee at
variance, and to cendn-e on'C another. It infinitely therefbr-e,
and raoft dearely concernes allthoie which baue giiien their
inamestofincerity, to labour eucry waytok^epethe vnity
I of the Spirit, intlie bond of peace. Neuer was there morej
'neede thatblefled Tanls earaeft and zeelcfull obfecratioir,
I Philip. 2.i»2.niouIdliuefre{hily-in the memories, and bee
'dcepely engrauen in the hearts of ail Chriftians : I therefore
lihefrijbner oftheLord^ befeechjottt that. yen %alke rvorthy ef
\ the
oi" Difcdurfe $ftrue happncffe.
j Luke
1 fpeaket in.
ehrafe )
l^ge a ^0-
tkcvocatian rtfhere^ithje are called: fVith all humhlenejfe of
mindc andmeek^neffe^ rvitb hng fujferingi forbcariKg one a"0'
tber in lone : Indettouhng to keepe the vmty of the Spirit in the
bond offeace, I neuer rcad,without great amazement, the fal-
ling out of that glorious paire of worthy workcmen m the
Lords U!imei}:^PaHUnd'Barnab.u,\<^. 15. 3 9. The matter of
difference betwixt them was not very great ; and yet it grew
to that head, andheat, that it parted thcm» iflbch two ftrong
and tall Cedars wereOiaken fo ilirewdly ; how much nccde
haue lower (Kiubs, weaker Chriftians,^, to ftand vpon their
guard and watph-Tower, againft the inbred rebellious ftub-
bomnefle of their corrupt naturei and malicious incurfions
of Satan in this kind ?.
This then is the Caiieat and premonition I would giue by
the way. In this point of reuercnce performable to godly'
Miiiifl:ers,wcemuflcon(idtr Chriftians in their ordinary
courfe of (andified carriage, and kindly temper of fpirituall
conftitution. For befidcs, that thoughts of auerfioh and
eftrangement may(moreis the pitie) be wrought vpon their
aft'cdid.is, aslhaue told youj.. both mediately by difference
of iudgement in Opinion,and immediately by worldl y mat-
ters, and Occurrents of difcontent in their mutwall nego-
tiations and dealings one with another i the faithfiill Mef-
fengcrsofGodalfomay,andmuftrometimesvpon the iuft
and vrgcnt exigencie of their chargeand calling, by exprcfle
tenour of their CommilTion,and for the impartial I difcharge
of a good confcience, growdifpleafing and diftaftefull, euen
totnofc which makeprofeilion of forwardnes and zeale ; if
they will needs giue iuft occafion by C^inioMatiueneife, iclf-
conceitediesjvncharitablecenfures, exorbitancie, or remif-
fionof zcale, inclinationsto worldlinefle, breaking off of
brotherly affedion,caureleffe wafpi(hnefle,and impatiencies
miffpendingthc precious time of Chriftian conferences in a
tedious fpccuiatiueprofecution ofCeremoniall controucr-
fies, which ihould he comfortably improued andimployed
in fwecte edifying difcourfes of (andification, repentance.
Cafes of confcience, exercifcsofmortification/fcirther mu-
c^ DifcoHrfe of true iMppneffe.
tuall difcoueiiesof th^friyltery ofgodlmefTe, and holy trade
ofnevv obedience, and other fuch paflages ofpradicall diui-
nity : By their aftedatiortofa kind of vvantonncfTe m idigi-
on fpritigiitg froni-fpirituall -pride, . dir-affe£lion to thtir Pa-
n:ours,if*rheycrGilethcir conceits in romt'grouiidkflc Opi-
nions.negled: offamily-excrcifeSjfcandalous liberty in com-
pany-keeping;and fuch other abenations and cxorbitancies
. fiofli the ftfaight j^th of Chriftianity, too much, and oftai
incident to Profeffors of Grace.
This premonition thus prefnifcd, I proceed^in a vvorrd on-
ly j to the difcouery bffomemotiues'ofreuercnce to godly
Minifters more peculiar to Gods childrenj'and the fan-flified
cfi-cds ofCpeciail and fauing Grace. Al!, or thcmoft of the
inotiucsb6forc.;Tientioned,may be found alfoin the Chrifti-
an, io that many of them are common to him witli the for-
mall Hypocrite : but in thcfe that follow, no vnrcgeneiatc
man hath cither feeling or fellowfliip.
I . Euery faithhill Minifier is to euery Chiiflian vndcr
his charge, and within the exercife and enioyment of his
Miniftcry, either a^irit^all Father^ or a j^intnall Tutor ; a
bleflcd Inftroment vnto him, dther of plantation, or prefer-
uatioit of grace -either of the firft happy infpirStion, or the
after comfortable continuance of fpirituall life : either he
hath begot him vntoGod by the mmortdl Seed, or brings
him vp in the trade of Godlineflc by the fincere milke of the
Word, if he be a babe in Chrift j or ftrongcr meate, if he bee
a confirmed ChHUian. Now what adeale of dcareft reue-
rence and inflamed aftedHon, the confideration of fuch in-
comparabJe,vnuaIuahle benefits inkindle and b^get in ^he
humbleand tender heart ofaCbriftian, none canpolTibly
conceinc aud comprehend but- a Chrirtian heart, and th^
man which know^s and ftelcs by liis owne happy experi-
ence, whatableflcd change it istobc refcued and deli-iiered
out of the Diitels bondage,anddamnation of hell, from the
curfe of finne^nd honour of confcience ; into the liberty of
thcSairtts,faiiourofGod, aff.irancedf heaaen, and theglo-
dous Paradi(eofanappeared& peaceful! fpirit j and vvhata
■ iiJM
i^ Difi$arfe of true ha^^itteffe.
iTl)e£».7. ^PpytWngit isafterward to haue his hungry and longing
rouIe,GontinualIyfedandfiIIedinthe houfcofGcxi, from
the mouth of his fpirituall Nttrfe^ with the kindly fbode of
immortalitie and M^z^zs^ithmayrd^ md fatneffe. Aioyfiill
fcnfe then of thefe precious priuilcdges and bleffings of
Heauen, in which no vnregenerate man hath citlier part ofr
fcllowfliip, isamoftpovverfull and peculiar motiue to the
Chriftian^ to obf^rue with an hearty and fandified reiierence
thofc men of God, which he acknowledgcth to be the holy
inftrumentsdiuinely qualified and defigned, for thecoiuiey-
ance and continuance of them vpon his foule.
X. Chriftians feelingly receiue into their hearts by fpe-
eiallintercftjandgrafpe with an holy greediiieffe as their
owne, in the hand of faith, all thofe rich comforts and ioy-
full tidings, which the man of God by his Minifteriall com-
fniifion,doth reach vnto them out ofthebookeoflife.Thofc
glorious promifes of immortalitie and peace,, which fpring
out of the bottomlcfle and boundlcfie fbuntainc of Gods
infinitecompa(fions, and ftreame full fairely and ©riently
thorow the bloody wounds of our bleded Redeemer, are
dirertly and naturally conueycd by the hands of fiich an holy
man, Chrifts Angel, into their fandificd hearts, precious and
paiticular Veffels purged and prepared by the power of
Grace, for fuch fpirituall infofions of heauenly glory and
light. Whereby at many Sermons they fenfibly and really
bathe their drooping and thirftie foules in the well of life,
and fweetely drinke their fill out ofriuers of the pleaf ures of
God And hence it is, that the feete of Gods faithfbll Mef-
fengersarefo beautifhll in the cyesof difcerning Chriftians,
and their powerfuU minifteries fo deare vnto :heir hearts,
thattheyentertaine them into their affecflions with fpeciall
Gal4ii4. reuerence at yJngels of Ged, nay, in an holy fenfe, euen as
Chrtft hftu himlelfe : whereas to the carnall conceits of
I fcorncfull worldlings, they appcareto be the w try filth of the
iCof 4.X3 -mrld, and off-fco«nng of all things ; becaule they haue
Inomeflagesvntothemfrom Almighty Gcd, but burthens
loUamemations, mourmngSj afitd "^ee. But now in this poiat
x^ Difeourfe of true hdffinejfc.
Can. 8.^i7.
of particular application/peciall interef]:,and feeling fruition
w"hile the Mitiifter of God is dealing vnto bumbled hearts,
I and brui fed Spirits, out of the rich treafurie of Gods infinite
•mercies, the facred ftrcames nf Chrifls precious blood, foi -
^iuenefie offinncs, comforts of godlinefle, peac^ ofconfci-
( ence, reallEarneftspf immortality, and ei:;dkfl"e p€acc,not
the beil of vniegenerate men haue any pare or acquaintance.
Oncly fome conftirtd^limmciings of fiich glorious hght,
imayibmetimesfuddcnly^like fialhesoflightciiing, glance
vpon their deceiued fbules, thorow the fa!le gfafle of a tem-
porarie faith j but it doth not reft vpon,Eor is rooted m their
hearts, liVcthe Sonne of righteoufncfle ia fandificd fbules,
I to the heating of them with that ftroiig and vidorious loue
j to the waves o^ God, which neither the whole Tea of the
I worlds malicious bitterncfle, nor all the fioods of ptrfccu-
•' tiou, f which the Dragon cafts out of his mouth ) can caer
I qijcnch ; with that found and lafting comfort, which ihines
j brightefl: amid the greatc ft darkcncfle of outward miferies;
j and that inflamed and con (iantzeale, which gathers rdblu-
j-tior.and vigour, from difgraces andvr^odly oppofitions-
j And therefore their reueience, and thankefullrefpcd vnto
Gods rpirituaii Almners cannot pOiTibly be {q> kindly,hearty,
iA\-\^ rooted. For the) are but by-ftander.s, or at bdh but fu-
t-erficiallTaiucrs of thofc heauenly Doles ; whereas Gods
children fweetly fill their foulcs with thatimmortall foode,
as ^vith the moft delicious Manna j and from eucry (ijch (ii>
cere comfortable fbule-fca ft, carry away as much by right,
as they can poITibly grafpe in the band of faith,or digeft by
the heat of their fpirituall life. A fecondlpeciallmotiue then,
to draw on a ioyful! and thankfijl reuerence from Chriltians
towards godly Minifters,is their fpcciall and particular in-
'jt::reft in ail xS\o^^gUdtidwgs of good tlnngSy whichareatany
Itimereuealcd vnto them,by the powerfuU di(coueries of the
I Gofpel of peace,andthole glorious graces that fhine vnto vs
[ in the hc^ of Chrift lefus.
3 . Euery charge and commandement from Gods bicfled I I^ip, i©.
[Spirivsright deare and precious to the humble apprehenfi- [& ny, 7».
! ons.
Phil. 2.
yerf 29.
and other
{^ Difceurfc of true hapfineffe,
ons^and embiaccmciits ofall faiKf^ificd roijles;to which they
yeeldan hearty and vnrcferiied obedience andloiic, though
not in fulncffe of perfeftion and Iieigbt of degree, ( this vn- ,
glorified ftate of mortality, a-id thefe Tnhemacles ofc'ay
arevncapableof fuch ablblutene{fe, ) yet euer with truth
andfincerityi andthat, though it directly and mainly crofle
the natiirall current of their carnall affecflions, and many
times interrupt and diftwrbe the outward peace of their
worldlycomforts : but all forts of vnregenerate men, euen
thebeft ofthcmfubmit their aftec^lions and conformity tQ-
the rules of Grace and la wes ofGod, w.th their owne fen-
fuall referi]ations,glofles, partial! interpretations of world-
ly wifedome, and eucr with a fecrctfubordination to their
chiefe camall contentment, and the beloucd pleafures of
their bofbmc finne. And therefore they doe not with that
affedlionatenefle and heedfulneflre,addi<?^ and addrefle their
hearts to the excellency and execution of the facred Dt ^aus
and DoEhines of heauenly wifedome. Now wee hauc a Pre-
cept from the holy Spirit, enforced with a zealous oblecrati-
on for the honouring of faithEil Minifters,\\ irb a very extra-
ordinary and tranfcendent dcai'encfie and degree of fingular
reuerencc and loue : i Thef. 5'. 12. \T^.(LAnd^eebefeechyoH,
brethren, to J^nwthem'^hich labour Amoni^ jopi, and are ouer
jott in ths Lord, And ndmonijh jeu : And to ( ft e erne them very
highly in loue fcr their workes fake. Then which, if there were
no other motiuc orinducemcnt in the world to a regenerate
heait,yttthis v^ry oncconfideraticnthatGod would baue it
fo, that it is a facred Iniundio.i of Heauen,were able to pro-
duce xid plant in it, a tniely-loning acknowledgement, and
I awflillobfcruation of fiich Angels of God- The which ( be-
caiifcitfpringsfrom theIoueofGod,afte(flionto his Word,
and holy inftind of an illightned Confciencc)miift needs bei
fincere,rooted, and lafl^ing. But the bell vnregcnerate hearts j
cannot pofTiblyconcciuc any fixh kindly flame of deare af- [
fedion to godly Miniftcrs, from a metre commandement of
Almighty God : and had they no other fenUble or fenfuall
ground^ or politicke By-relpe(5ls, but onely a. bare charge
' ' ' ' -■ " from
o/ Difcourfe of true happineffe.
from Gods Spirit, ( which were more then enotigh to an
humbled foule j they wou'd be euen in thcirbcft temper, and
time of temporary rtucrcnce, which I fpake of before,; but
hcartleflcand cold this way. For no vnfanctified man, let his.
pretences or profcllion be neucr ixy glorious, doth or can
loue heartily and fincerely the Maieftie of God, or iawesof
heauen ; bccaufe Gods fpeciall loue is not yet Hied into his
heart, thorow the bleeding, wounds of our blefled Sauiour ;
neither hath Iietrueandreallintereftin the promifesoflifc,
or Soule-rauilliing reuejations of his Word. But by the way,
and before I pafle out of this point, take notice of the quali-
ficafionandcharaderof thofcMinifters,tovvhom this lo-
uing reuerence is performable by the precept of the holy
Ghoft, They arefuchasare defcribcdby T'Win the fore-
cited placeSjWhere hee inioyncs fuch fpeciall loue,reuerence,
aud honourable refpeftvnto the Mj'nifters. HsUfuch tn re-
f mat ton, faith he, Phil. 2. 2p. hccmeanesfuchaS(?/'^/>^;'<3^;-
tiuw^s: And hec honours him in that Chapter with many
woitliy Epithets ofMiniftcriall excellencies, and a teftimo-
nie of much gracious worth : i . That he was a Brother in the
icrd,tbat is,a true Chriftian,and fandified man.?. His com--
panion in labour, a laborious Workeman in the Lords Har-
ucft. g. His fellow-Souldier ; couragious and refolute a-
gainfttheaduerfaries ofGods truth, and all vngodly oppo-
fitions,verf.25,4. Thathelongedafter,andlouedhisjfiocke
with a meltingcompaffionate tender-hcartednefle, verfe 2 6.
5 . That the worke of Chrift was more dcare vnto him then ,
his temporall life. In the 1. Thef. 5. 13. the Minifteriall-
worke is the loadeftone, mentioned by tlic Apoftlei which
iLoulddiawfiicba deale of reuerence and honorable regard ,
from the hearts of our headers : Efiecme them verj highlj m ,
loHsXsiith hc,for tk'ir'^syk£,sfake. And v. 1 2. he beieeches thc:
ThefaloKians totake fpeciall acknowledgement of thofc that .
laboured aiivonglUhem, and admonifhed them. Working.
Miniftersthen in fome mcafure thusqualiiied, are onely the,,
proper and natumll obicd 9f reuerent loue,and high eft. cme
fio truly iudicious & Chriftian affedions. Biefled P^^/con-
P eludes 1
Difconrfe of tru hiifpm([e.
eludes not within the compafle of this holy Iniundion ;
1. Any ignorant vnlearned Minifters ; for the Lord himfelfe
will refufe that Pneft which refufeth knowledge, Hof. 4.6.
2. No idle and vnteaching Minifters, who fcedethemfelues
with the milke, and cloath themfelues with the fleece ; but
fiiffer their fiocke to ftanic, and their poore foules to lie
wallowing wofliUy in their owne pollutions and blood.
j 3, No vuskilfiiU Minifters, whowill needs teach and can-
1 not ; but are fb hnc^iomdimdtng the fVtrdcf Ged enght :
I that they hacke and mangleitinafouleandfeareftill man-
I ner, in a prophane and pitcifnil faftiion j in handling or hea-
Efayee^a. Vi-ing whereof, euery humble (bukftiould tremble with a fe-
cret ferife, and reuerent awfulneffe of that drcadfuU and glo-
rious Maiefty,whofe meffagc it is* 4. No corrupt teachers,
who mingle with the fincere milke of the word,Popifti poi-
fbn, portions ofcarnall libertie, and the diftemperedZ)/-
^•4/^/ of their owne angry pafiions and preiudices. 5. No
Dawbers with vntempered morcer,or pillow-lowers vnder
mens elbowes, whowalkepolitikeiy,fearefulIyandrercr-
tSa.*.i4. uedly in their Minifterie. 6. No fonnes of -5^//^/, vicious
andgood-fellow-Minifters, as they call them, who are a
kinde of very vile and^ontcmptible creatures ; the kate-
fulleft obied:s to an honeft eye,of any that walke vpon eaith.
A diflblutc Preacher is the Deuill, as they (ay, in hispffnttfi-
calthk^s, athoufandtimes more pernicious and hurtfulLthen
anhundredpriuatemen, though profeding villanie in the
higheft degree.For as the excellency of that Calling is inco-
parable and tranfcendcntj fo by iuft proportion and congrui-
tie ofconfequence, degenerations in that kinde are moft exe-
crable and peftilent. Vnfauorie Salt is good for nothing,
no, not for the Dunghill. To conclude the point : Gods
charge in hisWord to haue it fb,is another powerful! and pe-
culiar motiue to a good man, to reuerence heartily and hold
in honourable reputation, an holy Minifter and man of
"SceProu. 1 4* The apprehenfions and conceits, which ordinarily a-
»p.t7« j rife in a Chriftians heart at the prcfence of a godly, and
K^ Dffionrfe eftrue ha^pnefe.
gracekfle man,are very different & contrary .Gods child can
hardly looke vpon a Ton o^ Belial with patiencc,6c not with-
out thoughts of aiicrfion & abhorrencie; bccaufe he knowes
him to be an eneraie vntoGod,andatraytortotheCrovvne
and dignity cfthat mighty Lord,his great Mafter in heauen :
(though he can heartily ( for To he ought ) pray long,and la-
bour for ( if God fo plcafe ) his conuerfion and conformitie,
tothecommuiiionoiSaintsaiKlcairresof graces.) Butthe
very faceand prcfence of an holy man is wontto producein
fandified hearts impreiTions of another nature, enen ofaffc-
dionatcnefle,honour,andloue rbecaufc he is one that ftands
ontheLordsfide,andforthecaufeof Chrift. And it ought
fo to be:for the blcffed i'pirit hath marked him for a man that
Oiallneuerperifh : Im^hofe eyes avtle ferfon is contemned i
bm hee honottreth them that fearc the Lord, Pfalme 1 5 . 4. If
then to the particular felfe-fauing graces of an humble and
honefl heart, there be yet further an addition of more gene-
ral! minifteriall endowments fandified for thefaluationof
many iandtotheperfonofapriuate Chriflian, an eminent^
publique reprcfejitation ofGodhimfelfe; I meane,if there!
be in fome blefled One a gracious and happy concurrence of
a good man, and godly Minifter; what a dcale of dearefl.
reuerenceand rcfptftiueloue is it able (by a facied and fe-
cretattraftiue power) to draw anddiftill fromthefweete
andm.elting fpiritsofthofe truly noble Ones, who know the
1 waye5ofGod,and loue his Maiefiie? Hence it was,that Cor-
j w/;«j vpon the very firfl fight o^Peter^ confidering that he
wasaquahfiedperibn, fent and fubftituted by the Lord for
thefiirtherandiiiller vnfolding vnto htm the fecrets offal-
uation,and myflcriesof heaueii,was fuddenly ffnicken with']
fuch an extraordinary rauiiliing excefle of admiration and^ A^ia»<;
loue,that he ftii downe at his fecte with tender offarre more zfi.
then ordinary rcuerence, and euen fome kinde of adoration ;
fo that Peter was glad toraife and reproue him for his tranf^
grellion, and immoderation in that kinde. This inforced
cuen a King, though otherwifc iiotfo good, yet in a cafe
of£eare aad danger, with a moumefuH heart to powreont
P^ thefe
t^ Difcmrfe oftme huppimfje.
% King.
thefe compaffipnateteares vponthefaceof the dyingPro-
phet"-<? my father,- mj father, the chariot of Ifrael , and-
the horfemesz of'thefa.me'.\lQ(\CQ\t\vzs, that the hcaits of
the Galatiafts, hauing taftcd of the hidden Manna of the
myfury of grace (which that great Do flour of the Gen-
tiles a4id Embaffadour of Chrill, had powerfully and
plentifully diicoucred,and diuidcd amongft them) were car-
ried towards /*<<«/, with that paHionate feruency of Spirit,
and excellency of vae-xpreflablelouc,that tftthad keenefojp-
i>le,thay ^ouid haue pi»ck^d oht their owfje eye s^ and haue at-
uenthefw Z'iito him. Nay, theyreceiuedhtm as an ^ngell of
God,yea^,ts Chrifi lejns, Tlius. though carnallmcnfee and
dilcerne no iuch extraordinary matter aiid myfterie in holy
Minifters ; ytt the illir^htened eyes and inflamed aSFedions
of humble Chrifl:ian,Sj looke vpon and reuercace their pcr-
fons, as men vpen whom the Lord hath unprefTcd and fliam-
pedfome remarkable charader.s ofDiuinitie, and as it were
Ibme fparkles and degrees ofMaieftie : that fo with greater
power and authority they maypubli/litothe fonnesofmcn
thefecretsofheauen, and with more vnrefiftablcneflc and
glory, execute that higheil oiHceofthe Lords Embafladors.
A zealoiis(then) and ferious cogitation, that a confcionablc
Minifterie is Gods ran(flified Ordinance for iauing of foules;
and that godly Minifters arcthe onely men marked out, and
maintained by the fupreme hand of diuinc prouidence, for
the managing of ilich heauenly bufinefle, is a very powerfuU
and pregnant motiue, to plant and preierue in the hearts of
good men, thoughts of fpeciallreuerence, and fingular va-
luation that way, forthc due honouring of that holy inftitu-
tion, and fuch publike Agents of the moft inward and im-
portant aftaires of God Almightie.
J. Many moe are the Ipeciall and peculiar motiucs,
which adde itrcngth^life, and heartineiTe, to that r efpediue
nefTeandreaercncewhicha good man beares to godly Mi
nifters, whereof the ftate of vnrcgeneration takesnotafte or"
notice ; becaufe it is ftarke blinde m the fecret and facred
my fterics of grace i and naturally viicapable,and vncomiprc-
K^Difcattrfeoftrue hapfineffe.
henfiue ofthe wifdome and vvayes cf God,in guidng a blef-
fed foule to its.endleflc reft. They are fuch as thefe : i . By
their owneexperimentall skill, andoiitof the principles of
pradicalldiainity, they are able tofpeakeinroniemeafiire,
(eafonably and comfortably to his heart, pei-plcxed and vext
with crofles and hindrances in his way to hcauen,as with
fpirituall dcfertions, vncouth importunate tentations, hor-
rour for fomc relapfe, want of prefent feelingGods faiiour ;
with doubts about the foundnefle of his fpirituall ftate, blaf-
phemous inieftions of Satan, vncheerefulncfle at godly ex-
ercifes, dulncffe in Prayer, fcarefulnefTe of a trembling and
tender confcicncc, and other fuch diftre^foll agonies and ac-
cidents, often and ordinarily incideut to fantf^ificd foulcs ;
with which vnregenerate men arevnexercifed,.and vnholy
Minifters vnacquaintcd. Helpeand comfort in which cafes,
doth infinitely indeere the panting and perplexed foule to
that One of a thotdpind, which happily hath rtfrclliing balme
inareadinefieforfuch fpirituall brufes, and canfealbnablyjobj?.
vpon fuch- occafioHS, decUre vnto mm hU rightcoufne^e,
2. By thcpowerfull and preuailing executions of their Mi-
niflcriall authority and charge, they mightily contradid
and oppofe all oppofitionsto gracf jtheprophanencflejigiio-
ranceandpopifhneffeofthat.peoplc and place where they
areimploycd; doe their vtmoft tobattcrandbeatedowne
the dtuiiskingdomc about his ?arcs,and toputicojiJing jf-
wae/s,and Satans fwaggering reuellersoutof hcartand Iw-
mour: which doth pafiingly pleafethat humble foule,which •
is truely vexed with the domineering impietiesaiid wiifuU
damnations of thofe finfull wretches amongft'whom hcc
liucs. 3, By the bleiTingsof God vpon their painefull la- j
boiu-s in the Miniftcry, they many times happily encrea{c the
number, inflame the zeale, animate the rcfolntions, andin-
fpirecontinually with frcfli heart and life, the communion
of godly Chriftiaus aboutthcm: whereby theglory-efGod,
good ca'iifes,th€; bell: men, and godly exerciles, arc kept on
footeatidflourifh. Which glorious vifible cfte:l:s of tkir
CQnfcijeEce,and faithfulnelfe, doe create and inkindle h th;;
P 3 ianitified
\^ Difcenrfe of true happ/ne[fe.
faiidified aftedlions of a true-hearted Nathanael^ a great
dealeand incomparable more Iouc,reioyciag,and found con-
tentment, then the deareft earthly deIight,or greateft world-
ly comfoit can poITibl}'. Efpec{aIIv,(ith where vn-prcaching
and vnfaithfull Minifters are, bee ^tts and obferues all holy
feruices ordinarily to rnnintoriiine anddi<grace;andin Head
thereofcie<?ted( and in rage ) both aii accurfed dominion of
ignoranceand prophanent{fe,andaconcurrentperfecLition of
(inccrity aiKlgracc.4.Nay,I am perfwaded,wcre there no o-
thcr motiueatall, this very one conceit and confidcration, ,
that the want and withdrawiiig of bis praters, aftedionate-
Ineffe, and refpedl, may be a meancs to weaken and leflen vn-
to him the powerand profitablenefle ofhisMiniftery, would
bee fuiiicient and ftrong enough to make a good manreue-
rence and loue a godly Minifter with all his heart. Where(by
the way) take notice ; that a mans prayer-full reuerence, or
prophane negled of Gods meCeiigers, may iuftly towards
him, either inlarge or flraiten their gifts,vtterance, and other
Minifteriall blemngs for his greater profit or moredifcoforr.
\ Now in the lall place : coiifider a contrary conftancie, and
rather,confirmation ofreuerencc in a chriftiaii heart to Gods
faichfulleft meffengers in thofe cafeis : wherein Itold you be-
fore, the former relped of the formall hypocrite is ordinari-
ly diflodged and turned into hcart-rifing.
Firft, for the point of prefling the Law, and preaching
I . Gods Child feeling himfclfe enerlaftingly acqii t,frced.
andproteded by the blood and mediation of the Lambe,
from the terrour of Gods Tribunall, and from the curfeand
poy (on of all the iudgements in his Book e^ can hcaieand di-
geft from a Son ofthunder, the moft teitiblc denunciations
of damnation and death againft impiety andimperi:ency,
with a pleafed and ioy full patience, with an humble and
holy tryumph. His cogitations and fore-thoughts of his
difloUition, lying in the graue, curfes of the Law, Gods
Judgement feate, that laft and drcadfull Dayj ofhell,damna-
tioii, and thofe endlcffe fiam«s are not mingled with fuch
t^ Difeourfe bftrtie hdffinefe.
I 209
feruile apprehcnfions of flaiiiili horror,asare wont to keepe
fcnfuall men and fonnes of pleafure in a perpetiiall woflill fla-
iiery,, and to plunge them into many fits of impatiencie, for
being (o tormented before their time.
2. The difcouery and denunciation of Gods wrath and
iuft indignation againftfinne, is wont to beget in fantSified
hearts, an increafe both of humbleneflljbrufedneflc-, broken-
heartedncfle, fpringing from a confideratioii of the curfed-
nefle oftheir naturall ftate, and damnableneffe of their dayes
ofvanitie : and alfo ofthankefiilnefTearifing put ofa fenfe of
their glorious dehuerance, & enlai"gement from the anger of
God,and all thofe eurfedconfequents aadconftifions which
naturally grow thence.The former whereof makes way for a
great dealcofinward peace, fpiiituallioy, more familiaritie
with God,fuitherreuelation ofheaucnly reciets,andacom- 1
fortable growth, and kindly enioyment of all graccs,&c.For
the lowlieft mind is cuer higheft inGodsBookes:The hum-'
bleft heart hath euer the grcateft fliare, and taftes the moll j
fweetnes in the comforts of godlincs,. & the fauour of God.
The other doth powerfully draw on the continuance and ad-
dition ofGodsWeiTings in great abundance and varicty.Eor
a reuercKt acknowlcdgemewt, and hearty thankefulnefle for
grace receiuedCas with nobly minded men,lb infinitely more
with the moft mercifoll God)is a right powerful! mcanes &
ftrong motiue to keepe,him gracious ftilljandboth toinlarge
and fweeten the comfortable current of hiscompalTiions and
bountie towards vs.Confcioufiiefle andfenfe of which wor-
thy cfteds, no maruell though it make the fliarpeflcdgcof
the Sword of the Spirit, fealbnably appiyed, welcome to a^
well rpiritually-tempered foule.
3. It is the property of true-hearted ProfefTours, not to
hue andlie in any knownc finne, with purpofeipIcafiiBe, a^idi
perleuerance jbutvponthediicouerie of eutry corruption
or vnlawfull courfe, to bee glad and ready to beeridhy the
bloud ofChrili and mortifying grace, ouf of Satans inui--
fible tyrannie,. euen in that particular alfo : and alfo to carry
ill their hearts aiibabitnalljfetled, and cheerefull refolution
^4: to
K^ Dffcmrfe ofirne hapfineffe.
topleafc God mail things. And therefore iPany more fearch-
iiig Sermon, 01* pierting pointdifclofe vntothem fome new
depth or fnareofSatan, vn-noced frailtic, vnacknowledged
corruption, diftemperedpalTion, or crooked by-path; the
omiirion offomedatie, or (bmc iiitermilTionof the extrcife
ofgtace, whereofthey did not fbrmf rly take notice, or haue
beenefb fenfiblcj thev are fo farre frofti returning fecret ma-
lice, or open mifchiete for fo holy a me{rage,thatthey depart
home more ioyfully and contentedly ; bicffirigthat happy
hand which came fo home vnto their hearts ; and heartily
praifingGodforthatmanofGod, by whofe Minifterie he
hath enlarged their knowledge to the vnderftanding of fome
irew needefuli dutfe, or iHjghtncd their confcienecs to the
■difcouery of fome lurking clofeiafiritiirie; by performing
j the one, or mortifying the othcr,they may happily hope and
] exped for after wards, to purchafe more comfort to their j
\ hearts,more peace to their confcienccs,moreboldnesin their
waycSjmorecheerefulne'freinthe exercifcs ofReligion more
, familiai'itie with God, and encreafemcnt of graces. For the
more exac^l and vniuerlall wee are inthe workesofmortifi-
cation,and wayesof new obedience j the more fully and fee-
lingly fhall wee tafte and partake of the plcafures ofgrace,
comforts of godlincflc, and neerer acquaintance with the
Lord of hcauen.
4 Chriftiansdefiretcprefcructhcirfoulesin puritieand
peace; and thcrcforeare well pleafedto haue the cleerc Cry-
ftall of the Morall Law the oftner prefented to the eie of their
vnderft^ndings, by the powerfuU hand of a confcionable*
Teachcy:; that vpon the difcouery and reprefentation, they
may labour to haue their fpots, pollutions, and fpirituall de-
formities wafhed away, by thefolcSonic-faaing blood of
Chrift, andtearcs ofvnfaincd repentance: and fo makethcm
appeareboth more amiable and lonely to the mercifuileye
oFGod, and more peacefbll and comfortable tothe fight and
cenfiire ©f their own cortfciences.
5 Seafonablc and fetious ponderatibns vpon the puritie
'oadexadncifeofGodscommandcmcnts, put into them by
_ ^ preaching!
vJf t>ifceurfe eftrtie ha^pineffe.
pi-eachine the Law, and application ef the ftreight line of
Gods righteous ludgcmcnts, tothe irregularities of their
crookecfliues, are very powerfullmeanes tocaft Chriftiaiis
withlowlicft proft ration of heart eueti into the <!uft, and
holy deteftarion of themfdues, which is their hii^heft hap-
pinefle vpon earth ; forit drawes the glorious Maiefty of
Heauen, with a neerer and more contented refidei?«e into
theirhumbledfoales, & make them partakers ofthatthriee
precioiispromire.-Eiay 57.15. Thus fay th hecy that f4 hi^
And excellent^ hee that tnhahiteth eternitie, rvhofeftatne is the
Hdj One : Jd^eUin the high And holy fiaee : )^ith him alfo
that Ucf a contrite And hum^'le ffiirit, to reuiue the ^irit af
the hfimble, And' te gitte hfe to them that Are cf a contrite
6 Gods Children are not woont to bearc with, or allow
themfetucs in the breach of any Commandement : and ther-
foJe^o'mc Vntothe Minifterieof the wordjWithCcrWfWre-
ioIiitionjteady toliftenwith reiiercnce and contentment;
and to fufemitwith fincerity andtruth vnto all things com-
manded them from God by his Meffcnecr. They are willing
to hauc thcivhole will andcounfellofGodrcucaled vnto
them, whether it appeare in the reuelation ofhis iuft wrath
againft finne ; whereby they may be kept in awe and ten-
demelGTe ofconfcience, in an holy fcareand obedience vnto
him: orinthecomfbrtabledifpenfation of grace and par-^
don "to true Penitents, and the humble-heaited ; whereby
they poflefTetheirfbuIes in peace and patience, in defpitc of
the vtmoflfage both ofall earthly and infernall powers and
Oppofitions. They areas well content to haue their hearts
fbmetimes foundly and fearchingly ript v^,^r^2a-\tiX.omi'
icdhy the S)^'ord of the Spirit: as to haue their confciences
refreshed with the bloud of the Lambe, oriently ftreaming
thorow the promifes of faluatioR andlife. But it is not fo
with the wicked: their heartleffc aftedions towards the
preachingand pradifing ofthe Word, are ftillmingled with
fecret exceptions againft fome points, and fenfuall rcferua-
tions of feme finfullhaunts. There iy euer one eommande-
21.2 1 t^ DifcMrfe 9f true happneffe.
ment or others which they would not willingly haue cx-
poundedjorbe vrgcd with the righteous iudgements there-
of. There is fomc fj^ine oi other, agaioR which they would
gladly finde no curfe in the Booke of God, notriallat his
Tribunall, no fiaqes in that fiery Lake. They ate paiTingly
pleafed with difcourfes of mercies, pardons, and compaf-
fionsjtl^ugh they haue no part in them ; and ftillcry out for
ths Cordials of the Gofpell: but they will not poilibly en-
dure the Corrafiuesofthe Law firft toconfume and mortiiie
rfieir corrupt fiefii, or fufttr with patience the fcuerity of
ijudgcmcnts anddiuine vengeance for (inne, to bee charged
ypon their guiltie conlcieiiccs. And no maruell, for wdcede
by a fecrct confcioufneife they findethemfeUies liable to all
thofe fearefuU horrours. Herod was conformable in many
things, and well enough content to heare lehn B^ptifi in o-
ther points : but when he laid the edge of the feuenth Com-
mandement to his falfe and luftfuU heart, it cut his very gall,
which fhouldhaue cured his guiltinefTe^ndbecaufetbat ho-
ly man laboured fo faithfully with the fword of the fpirIt,to
cutafunder the cart rope ofiniquitie, which as yet kept him
faft bound vnderthe bondage of Hell, he cut off his head.
HidPttul addreft and applied himfelfe to the humour o£Fc-
lix and Drftji/i(f^n6(ns they expcded) entertained the time,
and pleafed tl^eireares with a generail plaufible difcourfe,
and the pleafing newes of the palTions and rich purchafes of
Chrift,by his late vnualuablcbloodiliedj they had heard him
( no doubt)with greatdeligbt and grccdiacfre,and bin extra-
ordinarily rauiflit with the powerml fweetnefill of his facred
eloquence. But when that carnall couple of prophane great
Ones perceiued onc^ that that good man went f b precifely
to worke,andwith fuch ftrang ynexpeclcd refblution flruck
prefently home into the veryheart of their darling plcafures,
by oppofiug purpofely and particularly, a piercing terrifying
Sermon ofright^oHfnesjtemperancey a»d the tudgement to C9nu,
agamft their couetousjluitfiill, andcarekfTehumour^jhe was
prefently filenced and fent to pr iion . ! : , .. - j ; . ! j
thus,and for fuch caufes as thele, preaching tlielLiw^and
o^ Difeourfe of true happnejfe.
j feafoHableprcilingofGods plagues and iudgements againft
{ fiiine, is ciicr welcome to th e calme and comporedaftediorts
oflandifiedmen,and incrcafethin them cftimation, reue-
rcnce, and loue to waids godly Miniltcrs for their re(bIiition,
faithfuInefTeand vnreferuedneflein that regard .* whereas or-
dinarily it begets in'vnregenerate hearts, much vnhallowed
hcate, ragc-and paflionate difl:empers;whichtoo often break
out into thunder and Iightning,ftormes and tempefts againft
John Baftifi, CMichoi^, and thofeother Onesofathoufand
of that noble and refolute ranke.
Secondly, in the other Cafe, wherein ordinarily the for-
ma' 1 Hypcxrritcsreucrencetoreuerend Minifters, is turned
into hcart-rifing j which is vpon the particular difcouerie,
jandrcftleflepurfuitofhisbofomefinnc, by the light of the
{ Word,and ten ors of the Law, fas I told you largely before)
I IfayjinthisCafe^conceiuethusof theChriftian :
1 The finne ofliis bofome, before he was conuerted, made
j thegreateft breach and deepefl gafhinto his confciewce : in
j thetrauell of his new birth,it coll him themoft teares,forcft
) pangs, and heauiefl: groanes^fince it hath come vpon him, to
the great griefe of his heart, with the moft powerful alTauIts,
andcunningeftinfinuations for re-entric and repofledion^
and hee well knowesj that vpos re'apleinto fomeold, or
furprize with fbmc new finne, it would rcturne into^ his re-
membrance, with apparitions of extraordinary horrourand
flings of ftare ^ and will if the Lord in hislaft licknefle (for
trial!, example, or fome other ftcret end, feene and feeming
good vnto his holy wifedome ) fufter him to foffejfe the ini-
ijuities of his jcHtk, flare his affrighted confciencc in the
fece with mofl g: izly formes a:id drcadfullreprelentations
of wrath •• and therefore hce apprehends, and eftibraceth
greedily and with comfort,any matter or meditation from
the Miniflerie of the word, which may any way heipe to
terriffe, mortifie, andkeepc vnder fuch an accuiied ene-
mie to his peace, and trouVI«rr of hisfpirknall flate.And be-
fides, hce hauing by the mercies of God, mortifying grace,
and power of Ghrifjs blood, efcapcd the vengeance, crufht
Luke ;.
Mark 6
0/ Bifcdurfc eftrne hapfimffe,.
the head, and broke the heart of ic ; canhcareitpiriucd and
payed home with denunviatioris ofthofe mft plagues and
terrors, which are naturally proper thereiinto,paticntly,and
pleafedly; euen with au holy fecuritie, and fecrct humble
thankefull exultation : Where as it is ordinary with vnrege-
neratemen, to bee tranfportcd withextraordinaiy paHion
and impaticncie, efpccially otthe particular diicoucrie and
danination of their Darling dehght. Htrod gmc eare with
reafonable moderation to other reprehenfions j but when
the B Of ttfl cenfarcdwith afacrcdreutTitichi^fwcetefinne
of luftfull plcafureSjheegrew fo prodigioufly mad, that hec
choked his owne foiile witli, the bloud of that bleffcd
I man.
Thirdly, concerning points and perfwafiows tfiat prcfTc
moft;,?nd ftirre vp principally to an holy precifencSjCxcellen-
cieofzealcjbeftimprouemcnt of their graces, &c.
Gods children aic fweetly and gracioufly couetous in fuch
cafes. The bcft men canie in their hearts thehighcft mea-
fiire ofan holy indignation againft themfeiues, and deepcfl
dcteftation of their owne corruptions, impcrfc£lions, and
aberrations, from the will of God and way of life: and
their fanL^ified,aft*e<5Hons arc mpft inflamed withvnwea-
r jed defires, and rcftlt ffe afpirations after new incrcafement
ftiU, and frefli additions of grace j after a ftronger faith,
more zcale,grcater comfort, finccrer feruices, neerer fami-
liarity with God,&c. Hence it is, that the holiefl Chriltians
complainemoftpfthfeir vnwortbincfle and (J:>intuall iniuf-
ficiencics • ofthcir^dulnefle in Prayer, naughtineile of heart,
fcantnelTe of godly forrovv, vnchearcfulneflb at religious
exercifeSjVnprofitablenefTe by the Mini{lcry,vnhcaueniinefle
oftlieir thoughts, failings in their objcdience, and fuch vex-
ing infirmities eucrfooneft difcoucrcd, and mod bewailed
by thcmoft illightenedandtcndereft confciences : and that
^Ifo for the moft part they neuer meetc God in priuate vpon
their knees, but their heaitsburnevvithinthein with vnut-
terable longings and pantings, at the leaft, forfupplics and
abilities* to doc vnto their deare Redeemer, the belt and vtr
o^ Difcourfe of true /japphfe;fe.
mod: feruice they can poHibly; that they may lookehimin
tbtfacc with more comfort, Vvhen they fliall come to his(
Tribimall. The performances of Gods children by the grace
ofGod, are many, theirendeuours more ; but their deiires
endlcfle, and neuer fatisficd with their meafiire of obedi-
ence. Whereupon it fwllowes, that vpon the opening of any
freili fonctaine, by afearching Mijiifrerie, of diuiner do-
dnncs,cx9d:erpoints,and more holy precifenefle for pra-
clifc otraiiclificacionjand further perfeftion in Chi ifrianityj
theirheartsarewoont to bee comfortably inlargcd, and to
drinke heaitily. They are many times in their retired con-
templations mnch grieaed, and very angry v\'ith thcni-
felufs, that their mercifulIGcdlliouId bee fbendleflyand
and no men; and yet they fb cold, cowardly, and hcartlefle,
in thankcfull retributions offeruiccs^nd obediences to fo
gloiious a Maieftie: and therefore arc well enough pleaftd
with the prefl nig ofquickning Scriptures; that thereby they
may get more fpirituall life into their hearts, more heate in-
to their zeale, comfort into their confciences, and by the
mercies of God, more madinefle and glorie vnto their
Crownesofimmortalitie. But luke-warme Profcflburs hauc
not fo much as an heartic defire to bee more hot in Religion;
and are often much vexed to heare it plainely prooued
vnto their faces and falfe hearts, that without
more forwardneffe and 2eale,they (hill
neuer be faued,orfeethe face
F I -^ I S.
II 'i I f
I V "T O pojjibility of attaining to
LN found comfort hut by fure-
nes of heart, ho lines ofltfe^conjlan-
cie in copirfe of fantttfuation.
3 He alone u haf^y vohofe heart-ha-
teth allimvard fellntion,
J zA'lennhlj dt light i are not onelj
vamtis but vexation.
9 Pleajurts, riches, homurs cannot
make happy.
I o Thefe cannot fatii fie mans dcjtre,
tior quiet hi6 confcicnce.
They all are temporary.
1 4 Ciiitll honeflie, and fcrmall hy-
pocrife beguile many.
Thefe though neuer fo excellent'^
without a Jcund heart • can neuer
be acceptable to ^od,
j 15 The Weakefi faith being true,
fiall neuer faile.
1 6 Ifweake arm not^ it woi neuer
A great prof effour not found /nay
he an enemy.
17 Troofe that ciuill honeflie us far
from happinejfe,
-"I Heathens excelled in fnorall
ig 1 A naturall man excelling,
bath no arace.
20 3 Example of NicodemiiS ,
blinde in regeneratien^
21 4 Of the young man,Math.igy
1 2 Differences of grace andciutllho-
1 Ortginall fanUifying oiiCt on-
ly reflraming the other,
2 £nd, I . feekes ^ods glory, 2.
23 3 I. Makes cohfcience of all
fpeciall duties, l.in generals.
41. Appreues to God, 2, oncly to
5 I . Makes confcience of all fin,
2, none of [mail fmnes *
24 6 \. Goes thorovD all lets, i„no
further thenfiands "^ith peace.
Three kinds ofhypecrifie,
1 Vriuy, more fhe'^ then Uinthe
heart, conies fi-ompride^
2 J (^reat oddes trvixt godly andvn-
godly, amazeth godly.
Satan by thh tempts to pride and
2 6 This mufl befironglyrefifled.
Reafons why, \ . itfprin^s fram.j
'good duties,
2 . Its onely in Gods chofen^
^7 ?• ^^^ hardly auoided,
4. No grace can fee fiomit.
The Tabic.
Page. \
Godly muji oft looke ok their '
Vaants ^vLich he many, \
2 8 2.H^ n eak^procccdiuas in grace
2 p 3 . Cjods many mercies to humble
^.Great hurt hyfamring thiaftn
^O ^rnjfe hy^ocrijie ajherv of thdt
tvhich ii not in the heart.
Of this lejfe hope then open Jin-
[,.;. aert Hee fins a^aittfl conjcp-
?I ace. 2. He tivnc arable ofa-
memimeKt. ■^.reproach, reproof e.
^, woj} fubiec^ to Gods hatred
3 2 Terrour of this efiate.
3 x^ Formal hypocrite dec ei ties him-
felfe, ii not regenerate.
fVhat excellent parts may be in
3 5 Sundry -degrees to n- hich a for-
mal Lhypocrite may come.
37 Hee ii flrongly perfvaded his
flate is happy.
3 8 Reafons of this perfrcafton.
39 \. Hee compares himfelfe ^ilh
notorious ftnners.
40 2. Apratindice againft the god-
ly who be flandered:
41 : y round of this is acontrariety be-
tweeneliaht anddarksmjfe.
42 why godly he counted proud?
4 3 why taxed of hypocriftel
44 World isfufpicioPM and vnable to
iudge of true grace.
45 why of fngularitie?
^6 Godly hee accounted melaacho-
lt\e and auflerc.
4 8 (iy4nd of no efieem ? in the world.
45> ^reatnejfe and goodnejfe maybe
to (ret her.
5 o Third re'afon of the Hppocrites
q^oodperfwafion, ts outward pre-
5 X JVhy wicked projper, godly be in
aduerfiti ?
52 Sathanspoliciehy prolperitie to
J4 2. Wtck^d haue a Urge confci'
enee^as P apisi sin their dtftinEli-
ons offmne.
56 3 . Wicked are of this world.
4. To ?nake their condemnation
57 why Gods children mufi bee in
5 8 Fourth reafon^fatfe conceiuing of
Gods iuflice and mercie.
5<p 5. Taking foms better courfe
hopes for nurcie,
61 6. The (juiet death of many
"Ocorfe then himfelfe,
63 what excellent parts may be in a
prmall hypocrite ?
Whyfuch are nst trticly hippie?
OutVrard performance of holy
duties cann ct fuffice.
6 a- Iffinceritie of heart be "Wanting,
atlis nauaht.
65 If cur riqhteottfneffe exce:de mt ,
the Pharifics.
^.yUany Scriptures prone thiiy I-
fay. i.^odh/itestbat facrfice.
66 NA
The Table.
66 ^0 oHtivArd Tvith«ui inward
grace ii accepable.
6^ Aiarkei^of difference y \- of faith
7^. forts of faith.
HtJioricaU irfufed and accjui-
redirtDiuels and Pafifls, Fa-
fifh circle f
70 Three degrees in ternforarj faith
yl Degrees in faning faith,
y2. ^ore eutward mdrkes of dijfe-
1 . Regenerate hath confcience of
fmaller finnes^ Hypocrite far 0-
therrcife. Affiled tnparticH/ars.
73 ay^gatnfl Stage-flajes.
\y^ 2 . Tr He grace ryeU order eth our
M .'y 5 Hypocrite contrary.:, ohferned in
f articular duties.
•77 3. fiA delight and eonfcionable
\ vfe of all we ones of grace .
: 7 1 Examine this \ .for the word.
7p For Gods iudgements.
8 1 For (jods manifold mercies,
84 The working offau'vng grace hoyo
85 ylflriSi' examination of al farts
. 2y The happinejj); offnch an one.
88. ^.Diference,^ordiinotrootfd
inthe hypocrite of fvifedome and
'>(^o Hypocrite ii ignorant in thtvf»rk^
, of regeneration.
\^l' How Sathan hinders faith in
Gods children,.
92 1 . 'By prober ity ef the kicked.
2 . "S V remembrance ofoldfinnes ,
3. 'By immediate fuaacfiing
doubts and remedies.
4. By draining vntofome foule
g 3 Sathan hinders our fanSiificati'
on, 1. by profperitie.
94 ^r<r^f hurt hereby.
p 5; 2 . By careles vfe of the meanes.
3. By badcempany.
p5 ^' By tempting to ambition of
<yj How Sathan deales^Hth mcked
98 How W'fth ciuill honefi men.
Horp with formall hypocrites.
pp Hovp with one truely humbled
and newly conuerted.
loa Howv.tthafirongChriftian e-
^ecialiy at death.
I o I Foi'mal hypocrite is not acquain
ted 35 ith thefe ajfaultf,
I O Z He may haue great knowledge^
yea in diuine matters.
Differ cues bctWtxt the k^ow-
kdge ofhypocritsand (fods chil-
I . Hypocrits knoWlisdge ferues
for ot hers, mt for his owote gsod.
Gcdschilde hath light wtthin Xr
fiinesto others.
103 C/ods child tak^s great delight,
hypocrite net fo:
1 04 3., Godly are goucrned fry their
kno]Sledge, hypocrite nctfo.
the Table.
4. fVicl^ed rejl iti generaiitieSj
godly infortichlars.
10 J For JpinthaS prudence the hy
focrite it vncafahle.,
AnilliterMe ChriflUnii yoifer
then thegreatcfl Clerkes.
Ig6 Hjfpocrits mayexceU yet come
P^ort of thii ^nfedome. \
This u mamfefi in the cafe of,
fand^r how others de^.ie,
I o 8 IVhat excellent vfe of jlanders
Gods child doth wake*
I I o Knowledge and praBife ef hy-
pocrites fuhordwate to their
rvorldly happinejfe.
The^erdii not rooted in the con-
fcience oftbeformallhypacrite.
Vfe ofconfcience, as in a lye\
III So for Non-rcfidencie.
Grojfe hypocrites finne againfl
112 Notorious fmners frmothrr- con-
113. Paptfishaue a large confcieme.
114 Q^^^ hone^ mengoe no further
then nature.
Tortnall hypocrits confcience u
U 5 Gods childe \\>holiy yeeldes him-
felfe to Gods word,
116 Guides ofhh life all earthly,
Zeale knt byfitsfoone cooled,
liy Gods child in all efiatesfttbmits
himfelfe to Qods word,
118 Thisis feene iii^,properties.if.
I . Deepeforrorf for Jlnnes pafl»
lip 2 . // quickefeeliHg ofjinsprejet. ■
J. A tender confcience for fwnes'
to come.
The fe be not in a formal Hyp.
1 20 The hypocrites praSitfe i» atta-
ning preferment .
121 Dtuerfitie of thoughts inrege-
nerateand vnreoenevAte.
122 Thefc murejherv the heart then
wordes or anions.
1 2 J Judge ofthefe according to the '■
ordinary ciurfe.
1 24 The thoughts of nHorio'As fin-
ners be wholly euill.
Of the gro^e hypocrite be like.
125 Of the formall hypocrite who
harboureth fome fweet fmne.
128 Gods childe mofi oppofeth hit
checfejin, prizinggrace.
130 ay^s in Dauid, Pfal. up.
131 This di-^erence is /hewed in E-
134 The thoughts of hypocrits in
137 Thoughts of Gods child in S-
138 More excellent thoughts of
(jods children.
140 Second dijference of thoughts
according to feafons^ 1 . of godly.
141 Hypocrits be contrary.
142 Dijference on the Sabbath day ,
godly delight^ hypocrite none,
143 How we Jhould meditate on e-
' 144 Hypo'^
The Tabic.
Fagc. I
1 44 Iljpocntes cannot Jfefahtar-jfor
heauHj thought Syiuyhe godly be,
14c 3. DifferenccinrHUngthettghti ■
hjffacrtts tvantfgedly haue. |
1 4.5 G9ds childes care herein, in 4.
147 feints, I . a difcouerj of his dan' ,
ger by Sathnns deef fuggefiions,
2 , thmffkts of former [tnnes. t
1 4P 3 . f (? k^e^e 9Ht nxindrir.q lujls cf
riches, flcafures^ h nours. I
150 F careful effeih of entertaining [
thought ofthefe.
15 1 4. Of entertaining good motions,
Iji Tliegaiise hereby.
15^ ^. Difference in the ijfue,
154 Gods child after fl or mes fndes
a calme,aim Dautd.
156 Thevpordts notfetledintheaf-
feUicns of fur mall hyfoerits,
ley Some good affetiions may be in
them to ^ods LPi'finifiers,
Two forts ofMinifiers.
Troferties of had.
15P formall hypcrites like'beflof
fuch (JlHinifiiprSo
l6o Selfe-preachitfgts afMle-mHr-
151 Different maner of preaching,
162 Good ^.Minifiers pralfife.
16$ Such be mofi oppo/ed.
1 66 Different ejfeeme of good Aftn,
^formaJl hjpocrtte far fnndry
by-reffteSlsJhe'^es ^eateffeente
of good Minifiers,
170 let in three tafes his heart ri-
feth againfi them,i.i»bumbUng
172 Weake Chriflians are ht no fort
to be terrified.
when ^eds mercies ttre to bee
1 74 ^ffli tied fpirits nvrefiall againfi
175 How God tender eth an effiUed
1 7 7 ?Vr the Lave mufi be Reached
to hard h? art d,
178 Hypocrites cry cm againfi it^
179 (faufesicvhy.
182 Inrehat cafes an hypocrite CA»
Uks a good Preacher.
183 Hurts by vfurie.
1 84 TSy drunkenncffe, ^yintlofures.
185 Stvearers, Rich.
190 3. Canfe ^hy hyptcrits difiih^e
good Minificrs.
ip 1 For 'vrging too great firiUneffe
1 <)6 why the godly efieemgoodMin,
I p7 Great hurt by difcord among
-IP9 Whj the godly foreuerence good
20 3 what Minifiers are to be rene-
renced? Workers,
204 who are not.
207 Other motines to Y^crence god
ly Minifitrs.
208 Godly can endure pre aching of
the Law and Geds wrath.
2i3 HolV they are affe&ed with
their former boftme ^nne.
How they loue tabefhrred vp to
more duty.
A Tabic of the Contents of each Chap,
ter in the Booker
Sec TM» Par T.I. Chap, i.
THe Introduciion, The ^*«-
tents of the Text, The fir Si
Do^rine r^ifed and frtved by
tT»o reafons, pag. i .
Three ether renfons f roving the
fanner Do^rine.Qhz. I.pag.6
Three paire efinflancesconfirminir
the former D oSirine, Dzv'id and
SauI/ob^w-i/Achitopbel, Lu-
, tber and Spira. Chap. 3 .pag. 1 3
^y^firjt ufe of the former do^rine
for exhortation tofiore np hea^
ven/y comforts in our hearts.
Two confideratioMS which pre.Jfe
thii exhortation upon us.
A third confideration p^cjfing the
former exhortation defended a-
gainfi MachivtUs pofition,
Chap,$. Pag 35.
Afeeod ufe of the former doHrtne
for reprooje tofeverall forts of
people. The firfi yphereof are
« the carefeffe : ypith a firfi confix
deration to admomfh them,
Chap,6.Pag.3 3.
A fee ond and third confideration^
for admonition ofthofe who are
careleffe, Chap.7.pag.39
The fee ond fort of people to be re*
proved, which areJenfu^Ufts.
Thefirfi confideration to re»
forme them. Chap. 8. Pag 44.,
Tbefecondand third confideration
for the reformation of the Sen»
fualifis. Chap.p.Pag,4p.
The third fort of people to bee re-m
proved which are the oppofers
of a pow erf till Minifiry. Three
reafons dijfwading men from
thatfinne. Chap I o . pag, 5 8
Fottre other reafons dijfwading
from the former fin .Qh i l.p.6i
Six other reafons difwading from
the former finne. Chii.p.^^
I fvho are meant hj Perfecu-
tors, 2. fyhat is meant hy Per-
fecHti«n, 5. tAn oh]eBion a-
R r ffainfi
The Table.
fahfi the daSir'tne anfxvered,
Chap.13. pa^. (57.
Five falfe grounds of confident in<^^
during miferies. Chi^. 1 4. p. ^9
j^fiMth fa/fe ground of confident
induring mi/eries. 2, A conclu-
Jionofthefirji Deflrine.QhTi^,
15 pag.74.
Seft. I • Part. 2.
The'Doctrine of the intQllerAbU"
ne^e of a wounded confidence
proved. Chap.i.pag.79.
I . Z^/e of the former DoSlrine
f4r the unconverted to take out
thefiing offinne by repentance,
2, Onercafsn, why every fin-
Tier doth mt alway fieele that
fiing. Chap.2.pagpo.
Five other reafions, why a finner
doth not alwaies fieele thefiing
- . ^fifinne, Gliap.^.pag 1 00.
?» Vfe of the fiormer DoEirine
for the c'onv^rtedy that they fin
no more^and to keepe them from
finnCy fieven confiideratiom are
^ . given them. Chap.4,pag no
^hirteene bther confiderations to
kcepe men from finne. Chap. 5.,
pag. 121,
Sev3:.2. Part.i.
J'he fiyfi errour in curing affii-
S}ed confidences, ii the unfiea*
fonahle applying cofiort to them
thatferrorp not at all, 1 . 134.
Davehers reprehended, faithful-
neffe in preaching and datviing
ccmp zred. Chap. 2 .pag. 150.
ty€generall direBionfor avoidmg
the former errour. 3. 155.
FoUre parttcular direElionsjor a-
voiding this errour. I . How
the "Law to he prejfed. 2 . How
thf GofipeH to lee preached,
3. How Chrifi to hepropofied,
^. How pardon to bee ajfured.
And wayes to bee ufedfor the
putting »fi thefie direSlions in
pra^ifie. Chap,4.pag.i76,
Xhefiecond error in t he unadvifed
applying of comfort to them that
are not grieved aright, 7'wq
cafes wherin men grieved are
mtto be prefiently comfiorted.
• Chap 5.pag.ip8,
*rwo other c^fes wherein (pirituall
Phyfitians mufi take heed of the
fecond erroMr,Qhz^,6 p. 21 5".
A ffithciafie wherin fpirituall phy-
fitians mufi take heed of that
fieconderrour.T' he divers kinds
of death in godly men. Chap 7.
The divers ki»des ofi death in wic-
ked men, Chap.8.pag.2 39.
The remedy in thisfiifit cafie, i .Ad-
monttion to the Minifiers to be
careiullin comfierting at that
time. z.To the people not tode-
ferre repentance till that time.
Chap p.pag. 34P,
The third errour 'of apply ing com^.
fort, which is indifcreet applica^
tiort; The frfi eafie -wherein it
happenSywhich is two fudden-ap-
phcationandthe demonfiration
ofi that errour. Ch.io.^.i$j,
The Table.
Ohje^ign Kgainfi the former Do-
^iyte.Dijferences hetTveen le-
gall terroHYi in the EleCf , And
others. Chap.l r.pag.258.
Jfftr unions f9r avoidivg this fault
ofaffljtng csmfsrt too foone,
^hefecondcafe rvherein the for-
mererrour is committed,i»hich
is in ^f flying too much Trvo
things concerning which the af-
fliBed is to be advifedfor dvoy-
dini this errottr Ch. i 5 .p.2S i .
T-wo things more^cocerning vohich
theaffliEledisto beadvifed, &
tTV9 things yfhich the Alinifler
is to heed for avoyding that er-
_^5»r. Chap.I4.p.294.
The fifth ddvife to the affiifled. 2 ,
direEiions to the Atinifier to be
-ebferved toyvards his patient.
'•< ?• < -I Chap.i5.p.5o3
^wo cafes yvherein pangs of con-
fcience are not healed, Tphat e-
'vertheyfee?9te.Ch.i6.]p. 510
A third cafe yfi here in fangs ofcon~
Jciencemayfeeme to bee healed
and are not^with the difcovery
of mem err ours in that kind-
Three cafes more, Tvherein the
pangs ofconfcience are not healed
Chap.ig.p. 328.
Sefl 2. Part. 2.
Therighttnrthodofcttr'mgan af~
fliiied confcience ; foure thin <rs
required in the righ t methoctof
curing Chap, I pa 3 3 5
Three things more required in
thofe who are rightly cured.
Se(a.3.Part i.
"^.Principles of comfort from with-
out Hs to be applied to affli^cd
confciences. Chap. I .p. 349.
Z. principles of comfort more,
Chap.2.pag 558.
Five other principles of comfort,
Ch. 3. pa. 364.
Four conclufions of comfort drawn
from thofeplaces of Scripture^
TV hie hfets forth the Lords dea-
ling with us y as a Father with
his children, Chap.4.p.375.
Eight co-^clufions more drawn j:'o
the afore mentioned places.
Chap.5.pag.3 84
^yf principle of comfort from fotu-
thing within Hs, confirmed from
feveral tefiimoniesand inflan-
ces of Scripture, and by one re a-
Con, Chap.<).p. 392
Onereafonmore confrming the
truth of the former principle.
■ Chsp.7.pag.4oo.
The former principle confirmed by
two more reafons, and by au-
thority. Chap. 8 page 406
By what mar k.s true de fires of grace.
in HS may be 4«07V».ch:9.p.4 1 o
Two efpeciall times -wherein the
forme r principle is to be applied
Two other esfecialttimesy whertn
R.r 2 «/^
The Table.
ttfe ii to be made of the former
prtHciple, Chap.i i .p. 41 p.
The fir fi parttcuUr muladj fet
downe wtthagenerallfr'tHciple
for the care ofit.Ch. I • p. ^i6.
ThefirfiparttctUar argumentto he
applied for the cure of the for-
The fecond particnlar argnment
to be ufedfor the cure of the for-
mer mAUdj . Five ptwtsofth^t
argument laied open : the firfi
brack of the 5 .pArt.ch. 3 .p«44 1
Two branches more of the 5 . part
of the former argument, & the
feverall particles which belong
to the fecond of thenu Chap.4.
The fecond malady of confcience .
Three conftderations againfi
unfoundnejfe^ propofed for the
cure of this maladicy and three
more againfh unadvifedne^e.
Chap. 5, p. 4 J 6,
Two conftderations more againji
Hnadvifedneffe for the cure of
the former malady. Ch. 6. p, ^6 }
Thethird malady of confcience.'thff
dxnger of it: the caufes ofit:fWQ
things propofed for cure of%t^
The thijrdway of curing the for'
merffialady.One thing to be ci-
ndered to thatpurpofcS 479.
^4 1 ,and 3 .thing to bee eonfidered
for the cure of the former maU"
dy. Chap.p.pag.488.
Th e ^,and 5 . anftderationy which
belongs to the ? . way of curing
th e former malady ',alfo the fifth
help for it by advice.c.io.p.^^^^
The ^,malady, 2 eaufes ofthu ma-
lady. Chap. 1 1 »p.^9p,
Foure caufes more of the former
malady. Chap.i 2.p. j op.
Two more caufes of the former ma-
lady, Chap.i 9 pag. ^20
The ninth and tenth caufes of the
formr malady, C\\.i ^.p^»^ 29
Two helps for the curing of a man
troubled with the former mala'
dy, Cha.ij.p. 535
Two other helps for the curing of
the former malady. (h.. 1 6 p. 5 4 3
Two more helps for the cure of the
former malady. z. i y.p.J 5 9
TheUfl help for the curing of the
former malady. Ch 18.P.558
The fifth malady ofanaffliEledco'
fctence:thefirfl curing it ^which
tsfifeculativcy (fr the firfi part
of that way^which is by confede-
ration . Chap ip.pag 564
The fecond part of the ^eculative
way of curing the former mala-
dy ywhtch is by cou»fclt',z things
which men mufl be counfelledtis
pra^ife. Chap. 20 pag. 5 yd.
n^ .other things which men mufi be
counfeHedto praSlifefor the cure
of the former malady. c. 2 1 .p, J ^ i
The exporimeutall way of curtng
the former malady,! 2,p, 5 8p.
T-' . ^Tr ^
I. »9 'm f timmffmmmim>!mm