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Full text of "The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon : containing all his sermons and tracts which have been alread published ; with a select collection of letters ... to which is prefixed, an account of his life, compiled from his original papers and letters"




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Late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, 
And Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countefs of Huntingdon. 


.All his SERMONS and TRACTS 

Which have been already publifhed : 


Written to his moft intimate Friends, and Perfons of Diftindlion, in 
Eiigland, Scotland, Ireland, ^Yi^ America, from the Year 1734, to 
1770, including the whole Period of his Miniltry. 


Some other Pieces on Important Subjects, 

never before printed ; prepared by Himfeif for the Prefs. 
To which is prefixed. 

An ACCOUNT of his LIFE, 

Compiled from his Original Papers and Letters. 



Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry j 
and MefFrs. Kincaid and Bell, at Edinburgh. 


Entered at Stationers-Hall, agreeable 
to Ad of Parliament, 


THIS complete Edition of the late Rev. Mr. 
Whitefield's Works (printed under the 
Diredion of his Executors) it is prefumed, will be 
highly acceptable to all his Friends, as the juft and 
proper Monument of his Memory and Merit ; and 
both pleafing and ufeful to the Public in general, but 
efpecially to thofe who deiire to cherifli and promote 
the Spirit of primitive Chriftianity. 

To the Sermons and Tracls formerly publiilied, and 
which are now ranged in their proper Order, are alfo 
added other Pieces, on the moft Important Subjefls : 
together with a valuable Colledion of Letters, feleded 
and prepared by himfelf for Publication ; in which is 
difplayed, that native Spirit and Simplicity, fo emi- 
nently confpicuous in his Life and Converfation. His 
Friends, and even his Enemies (fliould there be any 
fuch) will here openly behold his unwearied Diligence, 
undaunted Firmnefs, noble Difintereftednefs, and ex- 
ceeding Ufefulnefs in the Work of the MiniO:ry ; alfo, 
his remarkable Fidelity in Friendfhip, exemplary 
Piety, and fervent Zeal for the Profperity of pure and 
undefiled Religion. 

The Letters and Works can (land in no need of any 
Recommendation : Conneded with the account of his 
Life, (now drav/n from original Papers) they exhibit 
a plain and undifguifed View of the worthy Author, in 
all Parts of his public Service, as well as in his private 
Retirements, and inward Trials; faithfully fliewing 
the Whole of that livhig I'emple^ which was facred to 
God, and happily inflrudling Mankind in the Ways of 
Godlinefs and eternal Life, 



To Mr. G, H. 
Dear Sir^ Oxon, July i8, 1734. 

HAVING heard the melancholy news of your brother's 
death, I could not help fending you a line, to let 
you know how much I am concerned. Indeed, I can- 
not fay, I am fo much grieved on his account, as for that 
forrow, which the lofs of fo valuable a youth muft necelTarily 
occafion to all his relations. No ! I rather envy him his 
blefled condition. He, unqueftionably is divinely blelTed, 
whilft we are ftill left behind to wreftle with unruly paltions, 
and by a continued looking unto Jesus and running in our 
thriftian race, to prefs forward to that high prize, of which 
he, dear Touthy is now in full fruition. Thefe are my true 
fentiments about his death ; I leave you to judge then, whe- 
ther I had need be concerned on his account ; and furely was 
it to be put to your choice, whether fo religious a young man 
(hould live or die, no one could be fo cruel, as to wi(h to detain 
him from his wifhed-for glory. Be not then too much con- 
cerned at his death, but let us rather learn that important 
leflbn, which his whole life taught us : " That there is no- 
thing comparable to an early piety." I thought to have 
fpent many agreeable hours with him in chriftian and edifying 
converfation, when I came to Glouccfter ; but he is gone to 
more agreeable company^ and long before now has joined the 
heavenly choir. 

I (hall only add, that as your brother Imitated our blefled 
Saviour iu his life, fo I pray God, he may refemble him in 

Vol. I, B liis 



his death, and be a means, like his beloved Redeemer, of 
reconciling all former animofities, which is the hearty wifh 

of, dear Sir, 

Your fmcere friend and humble fervant, 

G. IV. 

L E T T E R II. I 

- To Mr, G. H. 

Dear Sir^ Brlfol, Sept. lo, 1734. 

THIS morning I wrote to you in hafte, expeding Mr. 
/. would foon be going ; but to my great fatisfadion, 
he came hither this night, and foon afterwards, your very much 
wifned-for letter was brought to hand; which (after ten thou- 
fand thanks for fo many repeated favours) I (hall now beg 
leave to anfvver. You tell me " Mr. P. likes N.'* God 
be praifed ! That he hath recommended fomething to my 
perufal. I'll read it, God willing, with care, at my return. 
" That he wants to know my quality, ftate, condition, circum- 
«' fiances, &c." Alas! that anyone (hould enquire after fuch 
a wretch as I am. However, fmce he hath been fo kind, 
pray tell him, that as for my quality, I was a poor, mean 
drav/er ; but by the diftinguifhing grace of God, am now 
intended for the miniftry. As for my eftate, that I am a fer- 
vitor; and as to my condition and circumftances, I have not of 
my own any where to lay my head. But my friends, by God's 
providence, minifler daily to me, and in return for fuch un- 
merited, unfpeakable bleflings, I truft the fame good Being 
\yill give me grace to dedicate myfelf without referve to his 
fervice. . To " fpend and be fpent " for the welfare of my 
fellow-creatures, endeavouring to promote the gofpel of his 
Son as much as lies in my poor power. But " obferve his 
" humility," fays Mr. H. Aye, catch an old Chriftian 
without profound humility, if you can. Believe me, Sir, it 
i$ nothing but this flcfli of ours, thofe curfed feeds of the 
prouH apoflatc, which lie lurking in us, that make us to thinlc 
ourf.lves worthy of the very air we breathe. When our eyes 
are opened by the influences of divine grace, we then fhall 
begin to think of ourfelves.as we ought to think, even, that 
God is all, and we are lefs than nothing. Well, you may- 
cry, O happy temper, could I but learn of Christ to be meek 



and lowly in hearty I (hould certainly find reft to my foul. 
May God, for his dear Son's lake, give it to you, to me, 
and to all our dear friends! " Some like, fome djillke the ex- 
" tracSl," you fay. I did not do it,- to pleafe. ;nan, but God. 
'' Mr. JV. is too much engaged in temporals." Is he ? Ola 
dear Sir, pray that when I enter the miniitry, I may be wholly 
engaged in fpirituals : But " Mrs. H. has beeff ill, and is 
*' now recovered." God be praifed for both ! Our Saviour, 
^ir^ learnt obedience by the things which he fi^fFered, fo mufi: 
we. Pain, if patiently endured, and fancliiied to us, is a great 
purifier of our corrupted nature. It will teach us excellent 
lefTons. I hope A4r. H. has been enabled to learn fome 
of thenfi.' So .nuch in anfwer to your kind letter. You fay 
" it was too long." Believe rhe, 5fV, it was much toornort; 
but a line is more than I deferve. However, I have made out 
in mine, what was wanting in yours. A^Iy Adother*s jour- 
ney to GUuceJler^ I fea^r, is fpoiled by the weather. God's 
blefTed will be done I J hope to be with you about next Tucfday 
fevennight. " I am milled," you fay ; and you may well mifs 
fuch a troubiefome gueft. .Well, God will reward you richly, 
I truft. Never defpair oi my brather -^ when God ads upoa 
the foul, he makes quick work of it. Be pleafed to tell Mr. 
M. that his remiflhefs hath occafioned me many a figh, and his 
return from his relapfe, m.atter of abundant thanks to God in 
his behalf. Oh let us young, unexperienced foldiers, be always 
upon our guard ; the very moment we defert our poft, the 
enemy ruflies in; and if he can but divert our eyes from look- 
ing heavenward, he will foon fo blind us, that we fnall not 
look towards it at all. A great deal may be learned from a 
little fall. But I muft not detain you any longer, than to aiTure 
you how much I am, Dta?- Sir, 

Your and Mrs. H.'s fincere friend and fervant, 
in our common Lord, 

G. IF. 



To Air, H. 
Dear Sir^ Oxon^ Sept. 17, 1 734. 

Had the favour of your letter laft Friday^ which brought 
me the agreeable news of your and Mrs, H,'s welfare, to- 
B 2 gether 


gether with the much-defired account of your approving the 
fcheme, inclofed in my Jaft. Indeed, I did not doubt of its 
meetins; with a candid reception, from all thofe perfons to 
whom it was recommended. Their known concern for reli- 
gion, giving me fufficient affurance, that nothing can be un- 
acceptable to them, which any way tended to promote their 
improvement in the divine life. It muft be confefTed, indeed, 
as you very juftly obferved, that we muft make a great pro- 
grefs in religion, and be inured by frequent prayer and medi- 
tation, to the extatic contemplation of heavenly objedts, before 
we can arrive at true heavenly-mindednefs ; and, perhaps, after 
all our endeavours, whilft our fouls are immerfed in thefe 
flefhly tabernacles, we (hall make but very fm all advances in fo 
delightful and glorious an undertaking. But believe me, Sir^ 
you cannot imagine, how vaftly ferviceable the conftant ufe of 
all the means of religion will be, in acquiring thisblefled habit 
of mind. Such, as an early rifmg in the morning, public 
and private prayer, a due temperance in all things, and fre- 
quent meditation on the infinite love and purity of that un- 
paralleled pattern of all perfection, our dear Redeemer. As 
for your mentioning, *S/V, the degeneracy of the age, as the 
leaft objedlion againft our making further advances in any 
religious improvement, I cannot by any means admit of it. 
The fcriptures (as I take it) arc to be the only rules of a<5lion. 
And the examples of our bleiled Lord and his apoftles, the 
grand patterns whereby we are to form the conduct of our 
lives. It is true, indeed, that inftances of an exalted piety 
are rarely to be met with in the prefent age, and one would 
think, if we were to take an eftimate of our religion, from the 
livesof moftof its profeffors, that chriftianity was nothing but 
a dead letter. But then it is not our religion, but ourfelve? 
that are to be blamed all this while. Would we live as the 
primitive chriftians did, we might no doubt have the fame 
afliftance vouchfafed us, as they had. God's grace is never 
rcftrained, and though we ihould not arrive at thofe heights 
of heavenly-mindednefs, as fome of the primitive chriftians 
were eminent for, yet, methinks we fhould imitate them as far 
as we can, and rely on the divine goodnefs for grants of fuch 
a fupply of grace, as he, in his good pleafure, fhall judge moft 
^jgnvenient for us. Be pleafed to fend for Mr. Law's Chrtfiian 



Perfeawn for me againft my coming into the country, if 
printed in a fmall edition. I am, with due refpeds to felf, 

fpoufe, and all other friends, , , ^ , 

^ Your s fmcerely, 


To the Same, 

r, cv Oxon^ Dec. ^y lyS^' 

Dear Sir, r i7 u j r 

T Am heartily glad to hear that the c.uMry parfon has had fo 
1 good an efFea upon you, and that you are refolved to fet m 
earneft, about working out your falvation : Be f^^; quench not 
theife firft motions ; but go on vigoroufly and manfully, without 
the leaft regard to what the world may fay ; if you can once 
break with that, you are fafe. The^r.;.r;, I hope to end 
you next week. Only let me give you this caution, no to 
depend on any advice or book, that is given V"" j. b"t fo'e'/ 
on the grace of Goo attending it. The book which I have 
fent to my brother, and would recommend to you and all my 
GkuuJIer friends, will foon convince you how dangerous it is 
to be a lukewarm chriftian, and that there is nothing to be 
done without breaking from the world, denying ourfelves daily, 
taking up our crofs, and following Jesus Christ. Thefe 
thincr! may feem a little terrible at firft, but believe me, they 
are nothing but fuggeftions of our -emy 'o deter us from 
fettingout; and if you can credit me, mortification itfelf.whea 
once^raaifed, is the greateft pleafure in the world But hold, 
I fhaM tranfgrefs the time prefcribed me, therefore give me 
only leave to add my hearty prayer for your fuccefsful pro- 
grefs in religion, and to fubfcribe myfelf in great hafte. 

Your ftncere friend and humble fervant, 

G. fV. 

L E T T E R V. 

To the Same, 

DMr Sir O"'"' ^'*- ^°' '''^5' 

I Believe you think me a ftrange fort of a perfon, for not 
being fo good as my word in coming down this wmter^ 


and what is vvorfe, in not letting you have a line to acquaint 
you of my reafons for it. And,^ indeed, I am not as yet de- 
termined j providence having ordered (I hope) that this 
feeming unkindnefs fhajl, in the end, prove very ferviceablc 
on all fides. Hov/cver, though I have been thus hindred, yet, 
I think you heard from mc lall, and am really furprized tq 
find you Ihould, now To long fuice, have defired that col" 
le6iicn of prayers^ and be wholly unconcerned about them 
ever after. -Indeed, they will be of no fervice to you, unlefs 
you grant me this one poilulatum : 'S Xhat we murt renounce 
ourfelvcs." What the meaning of this phrafe may be, the 
preface to the prayers will beft inform you. I did not doubt of 
its meeting with but a cold reception, it being (at firft view) 
fo very contrary to fie(h and bjood. For, perhaps, you may 
think, that this renouncing of ourfelves, muft neceflarily lead 
us (as it certainly does) to a6ls of felf-denial and mortification; 
and, that we probably may be faved without them. And left 
you fliould after all imagine, (which I truft you will not) 
that true religion does confiil in any thing, befides an entire 
renevv'al of our riatures into.the image of God ; I have fent 
you a book entitled, The Life of God in the Soul of Mariy 
written by a young, but an eminent chriftian, which will in- 
form you, what true religion is, and by what means you may 
attain it. As iikewife, how wretchedly moft people err in 
their fentiments about it, who fuppofe it to be nothing elfe (as 
he tells us page 3d) but a mere model of outv.^rd performances^ 
without ever qonfidering, that all our corrupt paffions muft 
be fubdued, and a complex habit of virtues, fuch as meeknefs, 
Jowlinefs, faith, hope, and the love of God and of man, be 
implanted in their room, before we can have the leaft title to 
enter into the kingdom of God. Our divine mafter having ex- 
prefsly told us, that " unlefs v/e renounce ourfelves, and take 
*'. up our crofs daily, we cannot be his difciples." And again, 
*' unlefs we have the fpirit of Christ, we are none of his." 
You will fcarce have time, I imagine, before Mr. H. leaves 
Glouccfler^ to revife, what I have recommended to your perufal. 
However^ be pleafed to let me hear from you by him, together 
with an account of your free fentiments about this matter. I 
truft (by God's grace) we fhall, at laft, rightly underftand one 
another's meaning, I lliould be glad to hear t.oo> whether you 



keep mdrnlng prayers, and how often you receive the holy com- 
munion, there being nothing, which (o much be-dwarfs us 
in religion, and hinders our progrefs towards the heavenly 
Canaan, as ftarving our Ibuls by keeping away from the 
heavenly banquet. I have nothing more to add at prefent on 
this fubjc(S^,till you favour me with a line, which, I hope, you 
will not fail doing by Mr. H. who will willingly bring it to, 
Dear Sir, 

Your fincere friend and very humble fervant, 


To the Same. ,^ 

Dear Sir, Oxon, March 6, 1735, 

I Had the favour of your letter by Mr. H. and, as defired, 
I have made enquiry about the poft-mafters and clerks 
of Merton. As to the former, I hear, that the five fenior fel- 
lows have each a power to ele61: one in his turn, and that there 
is now a vacancy, but one ready on the fpot to fupply it, and 
no likelihood of there beiiig another this long while. The 
latter, are folely in the power of the warden, and though all 
the places are at prefent filled up, yet, there will be a vacancy 
next term, fo that, perhaps, by a feafonable application, your 
brother may get a friend in. Thus much for bufinefs. As 
for the other particular, fpecified in the latter part of your laft ; 
I find by what I can gather from your own and my brother's 
expreflions, as well as from Mr. H.'s> difcourfc, that my late 
letters have met with but a cold reception ; and that you fecm 
defirous of hearing no more of fo feemingly ungrateful a fub- 
jecSl, as fubmitting our wills to the will of God ; which, in- 
deed, is all that is implied in that phrafe (which our enemy 
would reprefent as fo formidable to us) oi renounchig ourfelves. 
Alas, Sir ! what is there that appears fo monftroufly terrible 
in a doctrine that is, (or at Icaft ought to be) the conftant fub- 
je6t of our prayers, whenever we put up that petition of our 
Lord's : " Thy zviil be done in earthy as it is in I leaven. ^^ 
The import of which feems to be this, ift. That we do every 
thing that God w'lls, and nothing but what he v/illcth. 
2dly, That we do every thing he wills, C7i}y in the manner 
he willeth, 3dly5 I'hat we do thofe things he willcth, only 

B 4 hicaiij} 


becaufe he willeth. This is all, Sir, I have been endeavour- 
ing to inculcate in my late letters ; and though it feems as 
clear as the light, upon an impartial and confiderate view, 
yet, our grand impoftor (whofe very corruption is having a will 
diftin<3: from, and therefore contrary to GoD*s) would fain 
fet it out in the mofl: hideous colours, as though we were 
*' Setters forth of ftrange dodlrines ;" or propofmg fome higher 
degrees of perfection, than every ordinary chriftian is obliged 
to afpire after ; whereas, in truth, it is nothing but the fimple 
and evident language of the gofpel. It muft be confefled, 
that through the corruption of our depraved nature, and that 
power, which felf-will has, fince the Fall, ufurped in the 
foul, we muft necefTarily break through a great many ob- 
ftacles. But, dear Sir, be not difmayed, the difficulty lies only 
in our firft fetting out. Be but vigorous at the firft onfet, and 
never fear a conqueft. The renewal of our natures is a work 
of great importance. It is not to be done in a day. We 
have not only a new houfe to build up, but an old one to pull 
dov/n. But then, methinks, this would be an odd way of 
reafoning, " Becaufe a thing requires fome pains, I therefore, 
will never fet about it." No, Sir, rather up and be doing. 
Exert your utmoft efforts at yourfirfl: fetting out, and take my 
word, your ftrength as well as refolution will increafe daily. 
The means alfo which are neceffary to be ufed in order to at- 
tain this end, our curfed adverfary the devil would reprefent 
to us in the moft hideous forms imaginable. But believe me. 
Sir, the difficulty here too, only lies in our firft breaking from 
ourfeWes, and that there is really more pleafure in thefe for- 
rnidLible duties of felf-denial and mortification, than in the 
higheft indulgences of the greateft epicure upon earth. Give 
me leave, dear Sir, only to remind you of one particular, 
which, if duly obferved, will vaftly facilitate your future en- 
deavours. Let the fcriptures, not the world, be your rule 
of adion. By thofe you are to form your prailice here, and 
to be judged hereafter. Upon this account, for the future, I 
piould be glad, if you would communicate what pafTes be- 
tween you and me, to none but my brother and your fpoufe. 
And if you have any, the leaft fcruple, be pleafed to fend me 
word of it by a letter in an open, friendly manner j and, by 
Cod's blefiing, uU things will be yet fet right ; only be fer- 


vent in prayer. As for what the Rev. Mr. Hoar has beea 
pleafed to fay, either to you or Mr. H, it is not my bufmcfs 
(out of deference, as he is fo much my fuperior, as to the 
dignity of his office, his age, and his learning) to make any 
reply. I fhall only add, what I am fure I can prove, " That 
*' the gofpel tells us that there is but one thing needful. 
*« That we cannot fit down content with juft fuch a degree 
*' of goodnefs, and claim juft fuch a proportionable degree of 
" glory ;" but that " we are to love the Lord with all our 
*' fouls, ftrength, &c.'* and that *' he who endureth to the 
*' end, (and he only) iliall be faved." There is a little trea- 
tife lately come out, which I have made bold to fend to Mr; 
Hoary where we may be fully convinced by argument deducible 
merely from reafon, *' that God is our fole end," and that 
barely upon a principle of prudence, (fuppofing we could be 
happy without it) we ought to prefs forward, in order to attain 
the greateft degrees of happinefs hereafter. Whether this 
letter. Sir, may prove as ofFenfive as the former, is not my 
bufmefs to enquire. God's will be done in all things. 
He, and he alone can (and indeed will, if we are defirous of 
it ourfelves) work this convidion in our minds. Give me 
leavejuft to add, that I thought it my duty to anfwer thefe fevw 
objections, that have been raifed againft the difficulty of 
conforming our wills to the will of God, by fhcwing that 
the greateft ftruggle lies only at our firft beginning, and that 
it is no more than what is indifpenfably neceftary for our 
falvation. As for the means to be employed for the attain- 
ment of this end, I fhall be wholly filent : Being fenfible, 
that if you are once fully convinced of the greatnefs of it, 
you will be necefTarily carried on to the ufe of fuch means as 
God hath conftituted for that purpofe. I hope my writing 
after this manner. Sir, will not be efteemed a piece of felf- 
conceit, or be an inftrument of unloofing our former band of 
friendship, which was once defigned to be bound the fafter, 
by tying it with a religious knot. But whether this proves to 
be the event, or not, of my telling my friends the truth, I 
wholly leave to God's Providence. Be pleafed however to 
favour me v/ith a line in return, and give me leave to fubfcribe 
myfelf. Dear Sir, 

Your fmcere friend and moft obliged humble fervant, 

G. IK 

■ [ 10 1 

To the Same. 
My dear Friend, Briflol, June ii^ '735- 

LAST night about eight o'clock, your good fpoufe and 
myfelf came fafe to our journey's end, and met with 
a very kind reception from all parties. After you left us, 
the ladies grew more ferious, and at laft by the alTiftance of 
Mr, Nor r IS, our difcourfe ran into a proper channel. My 
brother does not propofc failing this fortnight ; but tho' he 
ftays longer than he propofed, yet I hope to be at Gloucejier on 
Wednefday, for methinks my heart is ftill there, tho* my 
body be at thirty miles diftan-ce. On whofe account, I leave 
you to guefs. I cannot help refle£ling on Sunday. Did not 
thofe fighs, think you, Sir, proceed from fome unufual medi- 
tations on the importance of religion ? Were they not fome 
infant flrugglings- after the new birth? Surely they were. 
And I truft ere long, after a few flrugglings with corrupted 
nature, th6 Holy Ghofl will replenifh your heart with comfort 
and peace. Proper retirement and folitude are no bars; but 
rather great helps to a religious life. We find, our Saviour 
was led into a wildernefs, before he entered on his publick 
miniftry, and fo mull we too, if we ever intend to tread in 
his fteps. As for my brother, I truft the cares of the world, 
"the defire of riches, &c. will not always choak the good 
feed. However, I hope you my dear friend will not defer 
fo important a thing. But, why do I fay hope, when I am 
afiured you will not. Methinks, I would willingly undergo 
the pangs, fo you might enjoy the pleafures of the new birth. 
But this muft not be. All we can do is to fympathize 
•with and pray for each other, which I hope will not be want- 
ing on either fide, as fuch a clofe friendfhip has commenced 
between dear Mr. H. and 

Your fmcere friend and humble fervant, 

G, TV, 



To the Same. 
Dear Sir, Brl/iol, Sept. 5, 1735. 

OW welcome is a line from a faithful friend? even as 
welcome as a fhower of rain in a droughty feafon. But 



here's the misfortune, the very kindnefles of friends may be 
cruelty: Commendations, or even, the hinting at them, are 
poifon to a mind addi6led to pride. A nail never finks 
deeper than when dipt in oil. A friend*s words may be fofter 
than butter, and notvvithftanding be very fv/ords. Pray for 
me, dear Sir, and heal the wound you have made. To God 
alone give glory. To fmners nothing belongs, but (hame and 
confufion. So much in anfwer to one part of your too kind 
letter. Mrs, Powell you fay continues very ill. No wonder. 
Sir ; defperate difeafes muft have defperate remedies. Satan has 
(defired to fift her as wheat; but Christ will pray for her, 
1 truft, and then her faith will not fail. Oxford friends have 
pot been v/anting in letters, and I find I muft not ftay much 
longer here. For fome are going to travel, fome are dead, 
and one is married, {o that we muft join and warm one ano- 
ther, as well as we can in their abfence. I hope to feaft 
with you at Crypt next Sunday. Amazing, that ever fmners 
fhould lit with their Saviour! To what dignity has Christ 
exalted human nature. And how did he do it ? Why, by 
humbling himfelf. Let us go and do likewife. Give me 
leave, with due refpeds to all friends, to fubfcribe myfelf. 
Your and fpoufes very humble fervant and fmcere friend, 



P. S. If Mr. Pauncefort's petitions run after this manner 
for me, I (hould be thankful : " That God would linifh the 
good work he has begun in me, that I may never feek nor be 
fond of worldly preferment ; but employ every mite of thofe 
talents it ftiall pleafe God to entruft me with, to his 
glory and the church's good, and likewife, that the endea- 
vours of my friends to revive true religion in the world, may 
meet with proper fuccefs." 


To the Same. 
jPear Sir, Brj/lol, SepJ, l8, 1735. 

AS you did not expe6l: to hear from me till Mr. B d 
came, I hope you have not as yet accufed me of being 
too dilatory in writing. Now I have taken the freedom, 
what can be more proper for me to begin with, than to return 




ten thoufand thanks for thofe innumerable favours conferred 
on me at your houfe ? I truft they are all regiftcrcd in the 
court of heaven, and will in due time meet with a fuitable 
return from my all-gracious and good bcnefa6lor. Next to 
this, I imagine you will enquire, how I like Briftol ? As for 
the place itfelf, that, like all others, is indifferent to me, 
who have here no continuing city, but feek one to come ; 
and as for the inhabitants, tho' they teach me nothing elfe, 
yet I may learn this one important leflbn, that unlefs I am 
very vigilant, the children of this world, will be much wifer 
in their generation, than I, who, by the grace of God, hope 
am a child of light. Alas ! was 1 half fo folicitous to attain 
heavenly, as they are worldly riches, I (hould be rich indeed. 
That you all may be rich towards God, is the hearty prayer 
of, dear Sir, Your very unworthy, 

but fmcere friend and humble fervant, 

G. IV, 


To the Same. 

Dear Sir^ Oxcn^ March 13, 1736. 

I Have now but juft time to acquaint you, that God gave 
me a pleafant and fafe journey, and what was ftill a 
greater blelling, a joyful meeting with my zealous, hearty, 
finccre friends. The alderman bore my expences, and was 
very agreeable company ; fo that on all accounts I have 
great reafon to thank my good and gracious God, and to 
beg others to join with me in that important, that delightful 
duty. You will not forget retaining your old cuftom of 
reading and fmging. It's bad to leave off a good cuftom, 
and the bcft way to make a prngrefs in religion, is to per- 
fift in, and to improve on the means we enjoy. I fuppofe 
honefl James by this time is with you. My hearty love to 
him, and tell him, it would do his heart good to fee what 
a number of true altogether chriftians here are of his rank. 
I hope he will let none of them outftrip him : He muft watch 
and pray againft felf-indulgencc, floth, &c. efpecially if he 
goes to a place where plenty of all thiiigs abound. My 

2 due 


due refpCiSls and hearty thanks to i^rj. H. and all friends. 
1 hope none of their kindneffes will ever be forgotten by 
Your fincers friend in great hafte, 

L E T T E R XI. 

To the Same, 
Deareji Sir^ Oxon, /fpriJ 2^ 1 7 36. 

WH AT a comfort *s it for chriftian friends to relate 
to each other the loving-kind nefs of the Lord ? 
O let his praifes be ever in our mouths, that we may be telling 
of his falvation from day to day. O dear Sir^ I heartily join 
with you in the delightful duty of thankfgiving. I hope that 
you will have every day more and more experimental proofs 
of that intercourfe which is carried on between God in 
heaven, and faints on earth. 

I muft now inform you, that the perfon, who under 
God has given me the annuity, is Sir John Philips of Lon- 
don. The occafion of it was as follows. Upon my com- 
ing up, two or three of our trufty friends were called from 
us, and being folicitous to keep up our fociety here, the 
gentleman to whom you fent the book, wrote to Sir John 
Philips and propofed me (alas! how unfit) as a proper perfon 
to (lay here and encourage our friends in fighting the good 
fight of faith. Accordingly he immediately offered me an an- 
nuity of twenty pounds. To (hew his difintereftednefs, he 
has promifed me that, whether I continue here or not ; a/id 
if I refolve to ftay at Oxon, he'll give me thirty pounds a year. 
1^ that will not do, I may have more j fo that you fee, my 
dear friend, what a critical point it is. All that we have to 
do is to pray, and watch Providence between this and June^ 
when I propofe, God willing, to enter into orders, and 
then no doubt my call will be clear. What makes me to 
think that this is a call from God is, that it will be con- 
venient for taking my degree, and improving me in my ftu- 
dies. Whether it be or no, God only knows ; Father, there- 
fore into thy hands I commend my fpirit, for thou haft re- 
deemed me, O Lord thou God of truth. I approve greatly 
of your reading Henry. God works by him here greatly, 
and may the Lord profper it in your hands. Good dear Sir, 


t4 L E T T E R $; 

never leave oft* v/atchlng, reading, praying, ftriving, till you 
experimentally find Christ Jesus formed vi^ithin you. In a 
particular manner, my dear friend, watch againft all tempt- 
ations to floth. When you receive the facrament, earneftly 
endeavour to be inwardly bettered by it the week, following. 
Live every day as holily as you can. Be frequent in felf- 
exainination morning and evenmg. Pray earnellly from your 
heart. Wrcftle with God, beg him to haften the new 
birth. Moreover be careful, diligent in your calling, labour 
hard with your own hands, that you may have to give to 
him that needeth. And labour not fo much for the meat 
that periftieth, as to negletft purfuing that which endureth 
to eternal life. O JUr. H. my bowels are enlarged towards 
you. Believe me to be your fmcere, tho' unworthy friend, 

G. IV. 


To the Same, 
Dear Mr. H. Oxon^ April 22y 1 736. 

NO W tell me the truth, have not you called me un- 
grateful ? If you have not, it is more than I deferve. I 
have nothing to plead but buftnefs, as an excufe for not 
anfwering your lafl kind letter. Well, forgive me this 
once, and if I ofFend fo again, then call me ungrateful 
indeed. You order'd me to make no acknowledgments for 
kindncfles received. You'll fuffer me to afk another favour, 
if not to return any more thanks. Be fo kind then, dear 
Sir, to defire your brother to write to me as foon as poflible. 
My good friend, iS/> John Philips^ has promifed me thirty 
pounds a year, if I'll continue at Oxford, and yet I am ia 
doubt, whether that annuity, and the being appointed to 
ferve the prifon here, will be a fufficient title for orders, there- 
fore I beg both his advice and prayers. This is all I think, 
that concerns outward affairs. But this folemn fcafon na- 
turally leads me to fay a word or two on a more impor- 
tant fubjeci:, " the death and paflion of our blefied Lord 
and Saviour." If I miftake not, you commemorate it to- 
morrow at Crypt. And blefTed be God, I do at Chrift 
Church. And oh that we may cgrameraorate it as we ought ; 



that we may fix our thoughts intenfely on that great ex- 
amplar and all atoning blood ; that we may grow in 
love with his meeknefs and patience, and endeavour daily 
to be conformed to his moft blelTed image. Surely we can- 
not grow angry at trifles, when the Son of God endured 
fuch bitter ufage, without the leaf: murmur or complaint. 
Surely, we cannot repine at any difpenfations of Provi- 
dence tho' ever fo fevere, when we confider, how it pleafed 
God to bruife our Saviour and lay upon him the iniqui- 
ties of us all. Whatever befalls us, is but the due reward 
of our Climes; but this Redeemer had done nothing amifs : 
he was bruifed for our iniquities. I could run through 
every part of our Lord's fufFerings, and Ihew how necef- 
ary it is that we fhould fympathize with him in every parti- 
cular. But as it now grows late, and I v/ant a little time to 
prepare for to-morrow's folemnity, you'll excufe me if I now 
only paraphrafe a little on the prayer of the thief on the crofs. 
Lord remember us and pray for us; Lord remember us 
and rule us; Lord remember us and prepare a place for us. 
Lord remember us in the hour of death, and in the day of 
judgment. My due refpe6ls to all friends, and am fincerely 


G, TV, 


To Mr, S. 
My dear Friend^ Gloucejler^ June 20, 1 7 36. 

TH I S is a day much to be remember'd, O my foul ! 
for about noon, I was folemnly admitted by good 
Bi/hop Benfon^ before many witneffes, into holy orders, and 
was, blefied be God, kept compofed both before and afrer 
impofition of hands. I endeavoured to behave with unaf- 
fe(Sled devotion; but not fuitable enough to the greatnefs of 
the office I was to undertake. At the fame time, I trufl", 
I anfwered to every queftion from the bottom of my heart, 
and heartily prayed that God might fay Amen. I hope the 
good of fouls will be iny only principle of action. Let 
come what will, life or death, depth or heighth, I fhall 
hcnceforwards live 'ike one who this day, in the prefence of 
^ ' men 


men and angels, took the holy facramcnt, upon the profcffiort 
of being inwardly moved by the Holy Ghoft to take upon 
me that miniftration in the church. This I began with 
reading prayers to the prifoners in the county goal. Whe- 
ther I myfelf (hall ever have the honour of ftiling myfelf a 
prifoner of the Lord, I know not ; but indeed, my dear 
friend, I can call heaven and earth to witnefs, that when 
the Bifhop laid his hand upon me, I gave myfelf up to 
be a martyr for him, vi^ho hung upon the crofs for mc. 
Known unto him are all future events and contingences; I 
have thrown myfelf blindfold, and I trull without referve, into 
his almighty hands ; only I would have you obferve, that till 
vou hear of my dying for, or in my work, yoti will not be 
apprized of all the preferment that is expelled by 

Yours, &c, G. ir. 


To the Same, 
Dear Friend^ Gloucejler^ 'June 23, 1 7 36* 

NEVER a poor creature fet up with fo fmall a itock. 
When the good Bifhop, who ordained me on Sun- 
day, gave out laft year in his vifitation charge, that he would 
ordain none under full three and tweiity, my heart leap'd 
for joy, for then I thought my friends would not only be 
difappointed in their hope of having me enter into orders fo 
foon i but that I flionld alfo have time (as was my inten- 
tion) to make at leaft a hundred ferinons, with which to 
begin my miniftry ; but this is fo far from being the cafe, 
that I have not a fingle one by me, except that which I made 
for a fmall chriftlan fociety, and which I fcnt to a neighbour- 
ing clergyman, to convince him how unfit I was to take upon 
me the important work of preaching. He kept it for a fort- 
night, and then fent it back with a guinea for the loan of it ; 
telling me he had divided it into two, and had preached it 
morning and evening to his congregation. With this fermon 
I intend to begin, God willing, next Sunday, not doubting, 
but that he, who increafcd a little lad's loaves and iifhes 
for the feeding of a great multitude, will from time to time, 
in the proper ufe of appointed means, fupply me with fpi- 



ritual food for whatever congregation he in his ali-wife 
Providence Ihall be pleafed to call me to. Help, help me, 
my dear friend, with your warmcfl addreffcs to the throne 
of grace, that I may not only find mercy, but grace to help 
in time of need. At prefent this is the language of my heart, 
j^ guilty weak and belplefs worm into thy nnns I fall ^ 
Be thou ?ny Jhength^ my righteoufnefsy my Jesus, and my all. 

Oh c^-^k not, for I muft again repeat it, ceafc not to pray for 

Yours, &c. 

G, IK 


Dear Mrs, H. Gloucejler, June 28, 1736. 

ACCORDING to my promife I am now feated to write 
you a farewell letter. For providence feems to de- 
mand my prefence at Oxford immediately, and therefore I pro- 
pofe being there, God willing, on Monday night. But firft 
let me return dear Mrs. H. my heartieft thanks for all paft kind- 
nefles, and afiure her, that my inceflant prayers fhall never be 
wanting, that God may not forget her labour of love, in that 
fhe has fo plentifully adminiftered to me his unworthy fervant, 
and yet does minifter. To-morrow I am to preach at Crypty 
but believe I fhall difpleafe fome, being determined to fpeak 
againft their aflemblies. But I mufl tell them the truth, or 
otherwife I (hall not be a faithful minifter of Christ. Had 
providence fo ordered, I fhould have been glad to have given 
you the cup of blefling ; but fmce that favour is denied to me, 
I am refigned. However, I hope I fhall not be unmindful of 
you, when I ccme near your place, nor be wanting in my 
prayers, that God would mercifully fupply the want of out- 
ward means to you, by the operation of his Holy Spirit. I 
fuppofe you are, by this time, pretty well reconciled to fFcr- 
cejler^ 2nd that providence has fhewn you that v/e may 
ferve God acceptably in any place. Yes, Madam, let but 
our hearts be upright towards him, and by faith united to 
our dear Lord Jesus, we (hall find that wherever we are, he 
will be with us, and wc (hall be with him. So far I had 
written on Saturday night; but being detained here in expec- 
tation of feeing my brother James^ (who has not as yet been 
Vol. I. C /» 

i8 LET T E R S. 

(o good as bis word) I believe I can now acquaint you that I 
muft let out on WedneJ}Liy morning. 1 preached yefterday at 
Cr>'/»/, and was mercifully fupportcd and afTiftcd, for which- 
great blciiing, I hope you will return hearty thanks in my be- 
half. I truft Mhfs James continues her former earnell deiircs to 
be renewed in the fpirit of her mind ; for nothing will do but 
that. Indeed we may flatter ourfelves, that we may go to 
heaven without undergoing the pangs of the new birth ; but 
we {hail certainly find ourfelves defperately miftaken in the 
end. For till we are changed, till we are made meet for, we 
cannot in the nature of the thing be partakers of the heaven- 
ly inheiif.ance with the faints in - light. Let us therefore 
never eeafe praying and ftriving, till we find this bleiled 
change wrought in us, and thereby wc ourfelves brought ofF 
from relying on any or all outward ordinaiK:es for falvation. 
Our good bifhop Bcnfon was plcafed to give me another prefent 
of five guineas, a ^reat fupply for one who has not a guinea ia 
the world. May the great Bifhop of fouls amply reward both 
him and you, foF all favours conferred on 

Your fineere friend and humble fervant, 

G. U\ 


ro Mr, H. 
My Dear Friend^ Gloucejler, June 30, 1 7 36. 

GLORY ! glory I glory I be afcribed to-an almighty triunf 
God.— ^Laft Sunday in the afternoon ^ I preached my 
firfl: fcrmon in the church of St. Alary De Crypt, where I was 
baptized, and alfo firfl received the facrament of the Lord's 
fupper. Curiofity, as you may eafily guefsydrew a large con- 
gregation together upon the occafion. The fight at firft a 
little awed me; but 1 was comforted with a heart-felt fenfe of 
the divine prcfencc, and foon found the unfpeakable advan- 
tage of having been accuflomed to public fpeaking when a boy 
at fchool, and of exhorting and teaching the prifoners and poor 
people at their private l>oufcs, whilft at the univerfity. By 
thefe- means I was kept from being daunted over much. As [ 
proceeded, I perceived the fire kindled, till at laft, though (o 
young, and., afiiidfi: a croud of thx^fe^ who knew me in my 



Inf'ant childifn days, I truft, I was enabled to fpcak with ibme 
degree of gofpel authority. Some icw mocked, but<.mofl: for 
the prcfent fccmed ftruck ; and I have fmce heard, that a com- 
plaint had been made tothebifhop, that I drove fifteen mad the 
iirft fermon* The worthy prelate, as I am informed, vvi{hed 
that the madnefs might not be forgotten before next Sunday, 
Before then, I hope, my fermon upon He that is in Christ, is a 
veiv creature^ will be compleated. BlelTed be God, I now 
find freedom in writing. Glorious Jesus, 

Ihikofe my Jiamfu^ring tongue to tell 
Thy love immenfe^ iinfearchable. 
Being thus engaged, I muft haflen to fubfcribe inyfelf, 
my dear Sir, Your's, &c. 

G, IK 


To Mrs, H. 
Dear Mrs. H. Oxcn^ July 7, 1 736. 

WHAT fhall I fay in defence of my feemingly ungrate- 
ful filence ? Why, I hope, your kindncfs will ac- 
cept of the reafons I gave in Mrs. JVell's letter, as a fufHcient 
excufe for it, nothing but thofe, I aflure you, being the caufe 
of it. Well then, prefuming on your kind pardon, give me 
leave, (after all acknowledgments of gratitude for kindneffcs 
received) to bid you once more welcome to Gloucejler^ and to 
wifh you and IVlr. H, with all my foul, the greatefl comfort, 
that either this or the other world can afford you. It's true, 
indeed, we mud not expccb mucli comfort here, except what 
refults from a good convi6lion that we arc in a fafe ftate, by 
being born again of the Holy Ghoft. This, will afford 
us inexpreffible fatisfac^ion, even on this fide the grave. 
It will give us eafe in pain, becaufe we know, if we bear it pa- 
tiently, it will end' in glory. This, will make us meek and 
gentle under croffes and difappointments, becaufe we know we 
are taught to expect them, and that our bicffed Malter has gone 
before us in them. In fnort, it Vv'ill make us eafy in every 
ftation, becaufe we have a general promife, that all things fhall 
work for good to them that love God. But fuppofmg we 
were to b^ve no plcafure on this Tide of Heaven, yet the 

C 2 thoughts 



thoughts of being happy, and that too for all eternity here- 
after, methinks {hould teach us to bear up under every cala- 
mity here, not only with fubmiflion, but a holy joy. Good 
God ! the very idea of what we are to be in glory^ tran(ports 
me while I am writing. There, there, Mrs. H. we fhall fee 
the bleflcd Jesus, whom our fouls have fo eagerly thirfted after 
in this life, furrounded with glory, and attended with myriads 
of his holy angels, who will rejoice at our fafe arrival to their 
happy manfions, and with repeated echoes welcome us to 
heaven. There, there, we fhall not only fee, but live with 
him and enjoy him too, not for a day, a month, a year, an 
sigc, but to all eternity. And who can tell the pleafure, 
comfort, peace, joy, delight, and tranfport, a glorified faint 
will feel in the poffeffion of his wifhed-for, longed-for, ever 
adorable, ever gracious, blefled, beloved, triune God, and that 
for ever ? Surely the happinefs will be fo gfeat, that eye hath 
not feen^ nor ear heard, neither can the heart of man con- 
ceive the thoufandth part thereof. And yet, great as it is, I 
not only wifli, but have good hope through Christ, that not 
only you and Mr. H. but all my chriftian friends, and even 
I myfelf through grace, (hall one day be partakers of it. The 
way and means we know. " If any one, fays Christ, will 
come after me (to glory) let him renounce himfclf." i. e, make 
his own will no principle of a£lion, be no felf-pleafer, *' and take 
up his crofs" patiently (whether of ficknefs or outward circum- 
ftances, &c.) "and then let him follow me," follow me in away 
of duty here, and he (hall follow me to glory hereafter. May 
we all be fuch followers of the blefled Jesus ! And why fhould 
we defpair of becoming fuch ? What is there in Christ's 
dodrine or example but that we may all, through the afTiftance 
of the Holy Spirit, imitate him in ? Suppofe it does oblige us 
to be a little itrider than our neighbours ? Suppofe it does 
forbid us fpending too much time in the feemingly-innocent 
entertainments of the age ? Suppofe it does command us to 
be conflant and frequent in prayer, in watchings, faflings, and 
other a<Sts of mortification ? Suppofe it does bid us not to in- 
dulge our unruly pafTions; but to learn of Christ to be meek, 
patient, and lowly ? Suppofe it does compel us to redeem our 
time, to fill up every day with proper duty and devotion ? 
Yet, what in all this, that is terrible \ Has not fuch a behavi- 
A our 


our a natural tendency to make us calm, cafy, peaceful, happy ? 
And then, why {hould we refufe (o cafy a yoke, (o light a 
burden? I am fure the little (alas I too, too little) time 1 have 
drawn in it, I have found it not galling but healing, and the 
longer I bear it, the eafier and pleafanter it is. Let us then, 
Dear Mrs. H. chearfully take it upon us, and then 
No mortal living of us all can mifs 
A permanent^ a fure fubftantial blifs. 

Your fmcerc, though very unworthy friend 
and humble fervant, 

G. W, 


^0 Mr, H. 
Dearejl Sir^ Oxon^ Ocf. 14, 1736. 

IWas agreeably detained, as you was pleafed to term it, 
laft Tuefday^ in reading your kind letter, and had 1 not 
been afTifted by the grace of God to receive every thing with 
an equal, uiidifturbed mind, perhaps the contents of it might 
have given me fome fmall uneafmefs. But religion quite 
changes the nature of man, and makes us to receive all the 
(difpen rations of providence with refignation and thankfulnefs. 
Of this, dcareft Sir, I hope you have had an experimental proof, 
in bearing up with courage and refolution under thofe acute 
pains the Almighty was pleafed to vifit you with laft Sunday^- 
and with which, perhaps, his infinite wifdom and goodnefs 
may continue to vifit you longer. My dear friend (if 1 miftake 
not) ufed to fay, he was afraid God did not love him, becaufe 
he did not chaften him. Behold then, now the hand of the 
Lord is upon you, not fo much to punifh, as to purify your 
foul. Not in anger but in love. Pray therefore in your eafy 
intervals, that you may know, wherefore the Lord contcndeth 
with you, and that you may not come cankered out of the 
furnace of affliction. OlFer up every groan, every figh, in 
the name of your dying, rifen Redeemer, and doubt not, but 
they will be as prevalent as fet times of prayer. Our being 
enabled to pray when ficknefs comes on us, doubtlefs, is to 
teach us the neccfHty of praying always, when v/e are in health, 
^ut, dear Mr. H, wants no fuch lefTons, or excitements, I 

C 3 believe, 


believe, to prayer. Alcthinks I could bear fonje of your paiti 
for you, if that would give you comfort. But as it is im- 
poiliblc, O let mt never ccafe moil cariicitly to bcfeech my 
heavenly Father, that he would fandify this his fatherly 
correc):ion to you, and that the fenfe of your wcaknefs may 
add ftrength to your faith, and ferioufnefs to your repentance. 
Poor Mr, Pawicefoot^ I lind, is vifited in a far more grievous 
manner, pear good iiian, furely the time of his diiiblution (\ 
ihould fay of his coronation) draweth near, See, dear Mr. //, 
through what tribulations we muft enter into glory. Be 
pleafed to give my hearty love and thanks to him for his laft 
kind letter. B^g bim not to ceafe praying for me, unworthy 
• as I am. And, I hope, I fhall not be wanting in returning 
his kindncfs in the fame manner. But alas, I have nothing 
to depend on, but the merits of a crucified Redeemer to 
have my poor petitions anfwered. But does dear Mrs. H, 
complain of deadnefs and coldnefs in devotion.? Alas poor 
"Woman ! let her not be difheartened. This is a complaint, 
which all the children of God have made. And we muft 
take a great deal of pains with our hearts, muft pray often 
and long, before we jQrall be able to pray well. And the 
only way I can think of, to fliarae ourfelves out of deadnefs in 
prayer, is to cenfure and condemn, to humble and bewail our- 
felves for it every time we go upon our knees, at leaft every 
time we folemnly retire to converfe with GoDi But why docs 
clear Mrs. //. fo much as think of on;itting but once the 
receiving of the holy facrament ? Or if fatan does put fuch 
thoughts in her head, v.'hy does not fhe repel them with 
the utmoft abhorrence ? Alas 1 fhould the devil gain his 
point here, would not the ridiculing world fay, Mrs. /f, 
began to build, but had not wherewith to finifh. I have 
feen too many fatal inftances of the inexpreifible danger and 
fad confequences of leaving off any one means of grace, 
not to encourage Mrs. H. ftedfaftly to perfevere in the good 
way fhe has begun ; and would exhort her, in the name 
of the Lord Jesus Christ, to labour daily to mortify 
and fubdue her corruptions, not wilfully to indulge herfelf 
in any ill habit, cuftom, or temper, and then alTure herfelf, 
one time or another, Christ will be made known unto her in 
^rc^king of bread, But what fhall \ fay, dear Sir, about Mr. 


fF. ^V. 'Iffc. ? Alas ! I find, they are all in the gall ofbittcr- 
nefs, in the very bondage of iniquity, and all I can do, is 
to pity and pray for them. I find more and more, that where 
tiue religion is wanting, there is confufion and every evil 
work. But why is my honoured mother fo folicitous about a 
few paultry things, that will quickly perifli ? Why will (lie not 
come and fee her youngeft Ion, v/ho will endeavour to be a 
yofcph to her, before fne dies ? What makes my <Jcar friend 
and his kind v/ife, give me another \n\\\.2^i\on io Gloucejier i' 
Alas ! have I not wearied and been expenfive enough to you 
already ? I hope to fend you, in a fliort time, two guineas to- 
wards paying for Mr. Henry ^ Expofition. I wiih I could 
fpare more, but time will bring all things to pafs. You fee 
what a large letter I have written to you to make amends 
for the many fhort ones, I have fent lately. Though 1 be- 
lieve you may fay of mine, the quite contrary to what I fay of 
yours ; the ihorter the better. My due refpedls to all friends, 
^nd believe me to be, in the utmoft fincerity, Deareft Sir, 
Your and Mrs. //.'s aft-eciionate friend and humble fervant, 

G\ TV, 


To the Sa?ne. 
Dcarcjl Sir, Oxon^ Nov, 5, 1736. 

HEREWITH I have fent you kvtn pounds to pay for 
Mr. Henry ^ Commentary. Dear Efqr. Thorold lately 
made me a prefent of ten guineas, fo that no;^ (for ever blefied 
be the divine goodnefs) I can fend you more than I thought 
for. In time, I hope to pay the apothecary's bill. If I for- 
get your favours, I fhall alfo forget my God. Say nothin^^ 
of your receiving this money, only give thanks, give heartv 
thanks to our good and gracious God for his infinite, un- 
merited mercy to me, the vileft of the fons of men. Oh, dear 
Sir, may fuch inftances of free grace ftrengthen your faith, 
and make you put your fole truft and confidence in the Lord 
your God. For he hath faid, / will never leave thee nor for fake 
thee. Have not you experienced his loving kindnefs and 
mercy, in fupporting you under your ficknefs ? Methinks 
I feel you have. May you experience it more and more ! Did 
r.ot Christ give you the meeting lad Sunday ? I hope he did, 

C 4 nay 

24 L E- T T E R S. 

nay I am fure he did, if our hearts were duly prepared by 
faith and repentance to receive him ; but without an entire rc- 
fignation of ourfelves to God, and a thorough renunciation 
of all worldly and corrupt affetSlions, all God's ordinances will 
profit nothing. Your reverend brother's kmd letter I hope to 
anfwer foon,and to fend him alfo a fmall parcel of books., The 
good Lord fandify them to his own glory, and the good of 
fouls. . I find dear Mr. Pauncefoot is ftill nfflided, but bid him 
be of good cheer. In his latter end he may yet greatly in- 
creafe. When we are weak, then are we ftrong. There is 
hope concerning his legacy. Let us in the mean while con- 
tinue inftant in prayer in behalf of this our dear and worthy 
friend. Good man 1 falute him kindly in my name. Beg his 
prayers for my unworthy felf, and tell him I will write as foon 
as poffible. The gofpel flourifhes atOjf^?;?. Our focietyhere, 
blefTed be God, goes on well. I received the papers and 
thank you. How does dear Mrs. H. ? The divine blefling reft 
on you both. My prayer night and day is, that you may be 
faved. Salute all friends by name. From Dcareft Sir, 
Your unworthy friend and humble fervant, 

G. W. 


To the Same, 

Dear Sir, Brijlol, Fch. lO, 1 737. 

WHAT ihall I fay? I cannot be with you this 
week. Methinks, it would be almoft fmful to leave 
^r'ljhl at this critical jun£lure, there being now a profpe£l of 
making a very confiderable colle6lion for the poor Americafis, 
The whole city feems to be alarmed. Churches are as full 
week days, as they ufe to be on Sundays, and on Sundays fp 
full, that many, very many are obliged to go away, becaufe 
they cannot come in. Oh pray, dear Mr. H, that Gop 
would always keep me humble, and fully convinced that I am 
nothing without him, and that all the good which is done 
upon earth, God doth it himfelf. Qiiakers, baptifts, prefby- 
terians, kc. all come to hear the word preached. San6lify 
it, holy Father, to thy own glory and thy people's good ! I 



hope to be with you without fail on Tuefday morning. What 
letters you haye, pray fend to, Dear Sir, 

Your unworthy friend, &c. 


To the Same, 
Dear Sir, Stonehoufe^ Jprii 26, 1737. 

BE pleafed to fend the Poor Country Curate, and FlaveFs 
Hujbandry Spiritualized, I know not wh^ to do for 
want of a clock in the houfe. How fliall I know, how my 
precious time pafles away ? YouMl mind your promife to come* 
Here are lovely, folitary, and pleafant walks to commune 
with your own heart, and fearch out your fpirit. Has 
Mr. Pauncefoot wrote to me ? My dear friend Stratford's 
death affeds me flill, Methinks I long to be above, employed 
as he is. But alas, I am not ripe for glory ; if I was, my 
heavenly Father would gather me into his garner. Farewell, 
pear Sir; remember I am alone, and pray accordingly for 
Your fmcere, though weak friend, 

G. W. 


To the Same. 
Dear Sir, Stonehoufe, May 4, 1 737. 

WHY does not Mr. H. let me hear from or fee him ? 
Surely no evil has befallen cither him or his family 
in their way to eternity. Why then tarry their horfes ? Why 
are they fo long in coming to vifit the country, which now 
looks like a fecond paradife, and which, to me, feems the 
pleafantefl place I ever was in, through all my life ? Surely 
I can never be thankful enough for being fent hither ; people 
flock to hear the word of God from theneighbourine: villages, 
as well as our own. They gladly receive me into their houfes, 
and I have no let or hindrance to my minifterial bufinefs; and 
what is flill better, God has opened my heart, and enabled mc 
to finifh a fermon on " Remember thy Creator, &c." — If 
you will come on Sunday you may hear it perhaps. — Your 
fifter- in-law talks of being here again on Friday, but I be- 


lievc it will be more agreeable, if you chufc another oppor- 
tunity, that we may have our own convcrfation. I hope that 
dear Mrs. H. took nothing ill, that was in my laft. I 
meant it well, and wrapt up the pill in as much fugar as I 
could. My hearty love to her and Mils J. Poor A4r. AL 
and Mr. IP\ will fet out to morrow, 1 fuppofc. The LoRi> 
profpcr them and be with them wherever they go, and 
make them good foldicrs of Jesus Christ, and finally bring 
them and us to his heavenly kingdom ! So wilhes, fo prays. 

Tour's afFectionatelv, 

' G. JV, 


To the Same, 
Dior Sir, Sto/uboufe, May ii, I 737. 

I Thank you for your lafl, and blefs God that you got 
home fafc : your obfervations on the weather were per- 
tinent and fpiritual. Honeft James and I, were out in the 
midft of the lightning, and never v\ ere more delighted in our 
lives. May we be as well pleafed, when the SonofGor> 
Cometh to judgment. What! no news from your brother? 
Well, Stonehoufc people atid I agree better and better. I 
believe we (hall part weeping. Had I time I would now write 
to Mifs'7. but I mull away among my flock, and fo deny myfclf 
that pkafure till another opportunity is given to. Dear Sir, 
Your fincere friend and humble fervant, 


To the Scwu, 
Dear Sir, Brijiol, Aluy 24, 1 737. 

BY the particular good providence of God, I got fafe to 
Brijlol yefterday by ten in the morning, and was re- 
ceived (unworthy as I a^n) with the utmoil civility and kind- 
i\z{s. I have learnt from hence the benefit of fetting out on 
cur journey to eternity betimes, and v/hat a pleafmg re£ec- 
ticn it will be to look back, though not to depend, on one*s 
•paft life, and find a great deal of work done in a little time. 
The people h.re are exceeding kindly affected towards me ; 



and, I hope, I have feen the effecls of my doiS^rine In the 
reformation of fome of their lives. Remember me always \n 
your prayers. Accept my hearty thanks for all favours, and 
believe me to be. 

Ever your's, 


To Mrs. H. 
Dear Mrs. H. Oxon, July 14, 1737. 

IF you remember, I promifed you a long and particular 
letter when I was at GhuceJIer^ and nothing hinders but 
I may now perform it. Permit me then firff ^ to begin this, 
as I v.'ould all my letters, with thanks to you and kind Mr. 
H. for your inexprefTible favours conferred on the moft un- 
worthy of my mailer's fervants ; and, withall, to affure you, 
how incelll\ntly I pray, that the God of all grace and mercy, 
for the fake of his dear Son Jesus Christ, would reward 
you in fpirituals, for what you have done to me in temporals, 
and feed your foul with his heavenly graces, as plentifully as 
you have fed my body with nourifhing food. But as, in al-l 
probability, this will be the laft letter I fhall write to dear Mrs. 
H. before 1 fail, what can I fill the remainder with better, than 
by exhorting you, to lay afide every weight, particularly the 
fm that does moft eafily befet you, and fo run with patience 
the race fet before you. I fay, the fm that moft eafily 
befets ; for unlefs we lay the ax to the root, unlefs we fm-r 
cerely refoive in the ftrengih of Jesus Christ to fubdue our 
favourite, our darling paftion, and fpare not one Agcig^ though 
ever fo engaging, ever fo beautiful, all our other facrificcs 
will avail us nothing. Suppofe therefore, for inftance, Pas^ 
SIGN be our greateft foible. A fmcere perfon will never ceafe 
night or day, till he is made meek and lowly in heart. But if 
it be afked, how he fhall do this ? I anfwer,/r,/?, let him con- 
fider how odious it is in the fight of God, and how con- 
trary to the lamb-like mccknefs of the holy Jesus. 5^- 
condly^ Let him refledl how troublefome it muft be to others, 
(for alas what unneceflary diforders, what needlefs troubles 
doth the paftionate perfon occafion to ?11 that are round about 



him?) TJj'trdly^ Let him confider how exceeding hurtful and 
unplcafant it is to himfclf ; how it ruffles and difcompofes his 
mind ; unfits him for every holy duty, and in fhort makes him 
a torment to himfclf and a burden to others. Well, after he 
has thus {t^n the deformity of his darling pafllon, the next en- 
quiry muft be, how to get the maftery over it. The firft anJ 
grand thing, is to get a true and lively faith in Christ Jesus, 
feeking for it by carncft prayer. To this, we muft have re- 
courfe in all our ftruggles ; for it's God alone, who can fub- 
due and govern the unruly wills of finful men, and it is his 
grace which alone can enable us to mortify our corrupt paf- 
fions. But then we muft take care not to reft in general 
petitions for conquering this or that corruption ; but muft 
defcend to particulars. For inftancc, fuppofing I am angry 
with a fervant or huftjand without a caufe ; What muft I do ? 
Why, take the very firft opportunity of retiring from the 
world, and after having bewailed my being angry, earneftly 
bcfcech the Lord of all power and might to enable me to 
withftand fuch and fuch a provocation for the future, and not- 
withftanding I fhould fail again and again in the very fame 
inftance, yet I would again and again renew my petitions 
to the throne of grace, and never ceafe praying and ftriving, 
till inftead of a blind, perverfe, troublefome pallion, I had the 
lovely, calm, and delightful grace of meeknefs and humility 
planted in its room. Now would dear Mrs. H. take fome 
fuch method as this (for I fuppofe by this time, flie guefies 
to whom all this points) I dare fay, fhe would quickly find as 
much difference in herfelf as there is between a wife man 
and an idiot.— -And that fnc may both begin and fucceed in 
this method, is the earneft prayer of. Dear Mrs. H. 
Your afFe£tionate friend, &c. 

G, JK 


To Mr, H. 
My Dear Friendy London^ Sept. 28, I737» 

I Thank you for your laft kind letter and kinder wifhes. 
May they be turned into prayers, and heard ai: the throne 
of grace. BlcfTed be God for your new correfpondence with 
our Oxford friends. I hope you will be inftrumental'to build 



each other up in the knowledge and fear of our Lord and 
Saviour Jesus Christ. God ftill works powerfully here. 
People flock more than ever, and (hew the fincerity of their 
hearts by giving liberally to the poor. I have preached four 
charity fermons within this little while, and the colleclioos 
were larger than ever were known. Not unto me, O Lord, 
not unto me ; but unto thy Name be the glory and praife there- 
of ! 1 am glad, fmce its the divine will, that my brother is 
coming up, though my ability as to temporals you know 
is fmall. But I have an all-fufficient God to apply to hi 
all emergencies. I am forry fiMtfor my brother's lofs j but I 
fear he muft have greater, before he is awakened out of his 
fpiritual lethargy. God fancStify all his difpenfations to him. 
I know not why we go not to Georgia ; but there is no like- 
lihood of it yet, as I fee. Friends univcrfally difluade mc 
from going by myfelf ; but I hope it will not be long now, 
before we fliall launch into the deep. To-night I preach 
again at Bow church, before the religious focieties. God 
opens my heart to compofe freely. O praife him, dear Mr. 
H. for this and all his other mercies, conferred on, Dear Sir, 
Your and Mrs. i/.'s afFedionate friend, 


To the Same, 
Deareji Sir, London, OSf. 25, 1 737. 

MULTIPLICITY of bufmefs prevented my writing 
to you before. But though you have not heard from 
me by letter, yet you may affure yourfelf, dear Sir, I never 
forget mentioning you in my prayers. God knows that I 
and fome other friends intercede moft fervently for you, and 
very frequently even at midnight. May God, for Christ's 
fak-e, hear and anfwer them ! We fail not for Georgia this 
nwnth. I fuppofc you have heard of my ?nighty deeds ^ falfely 
fo called, by reading the news-papers ; for I find fome back- 
friend has publifhed abroad my preaching four times in a 
day ; but I befeech Mr. Raikes, the printer, never to put mt 
into his news upon any fuch account again, for it is quite 
contrary tp my inclinations and pofitivc orders. God ffill 



works here. The collections for the charity fchool.s*, in all the 
churches where I preach, are very large. All Loudon is 
alarmed. Many youths here fincerely love our Lord Jesus 
Christ ; and thoufands, I hope, are quickened, ftrengthened, 
and confirmed by the word preached. I was never in better 
health, and never compofed more freely. O praife the Lord, 
dear Sir, and pray that I may not be felf-fufficient but hum- 
ble. I am glad dear Mrs. H. is recovered. May flie, with 
Peie?''s wife's mother, arife and minifter to Jesus Christ. 
God reward her for all her works and labours of love. BlefT- 
ed be God my hands are full of bufinefs. A third edition of 
my fermon on regeneration is coming out. Write to me 
quickly, accept my hearty thanks and love, and expedl to 
hear again from, Dear Sir, 

Ever your's, 


G, IK 

To the Same* 
Dear Sir, Nov. 1 4, 1737. 

I Heartily thank you for your lafl-, and having a lew mo- 
ments, fit down to anfwer it. Let not my friendj trouble 
me with temporal offers, I fhall accept (God aiTilting me) 
of no place this fide Jordan. We embark for Georgia in 
abou'. three weeks or a. month at fartheft. You wilh me 
good luck in the name of the Lord. I hope to fend to 

you again before I fail. Mr. M n is going amongft 

the colliers again at BriJIol, and a church, I hope, will be 
built for them. Profper, O Lord, the work of his hands 
upon him ! — Mrs. Farj?ur, whenever my circumflances will 
admit, fiiall be paid all that is due to h^r on my mother's ac- 
count. (jOD dill works more and more by my unworthy 
minifiry. Laft v.'eek, fave one, I preached ten times in dif-^ 
fcrent churches ; and the lad week feven ; and yefterday 
four times, and read prayers twice, though I ilept not above 
an h-our the night before, which was fpent in religious con- 
verfation, and in interceding for you, Mrs. jF/., goad Mr. 
Pauncifoot^ he. I now begin to preach charity fermons twice 
or thrice a week, bcfides two cr three on Sundays^ and fixty 



or Icventy pounds arc collccSted weekly tor the poor children. 
Thoiifands would come in to hear, but cannot. This night 
I preached a funeral fcrmon before a moft crouded audience, 
and God, I believe, worked upon the people's hearts. O 
pray for me ftill, dear Sir, that I may renew my flrength, 
that I may walk and not be weary, run and not be faint. 
Admire God's free grace in Christ Jesus, and let his 
goodnefs to me, the worfb of Tinners, ftrengthen your faith, and 
make you never to defpair of mercy. Farewell. My love to 
alK and am, Dear Sir, in fmcerity, 

Your friend, kc. 

G, IK 


To Mrs. H, 
Dear Mrs. II. London^ Dec. 2'^, 1737' 

ONCE more I fend you a line. Nothing but an exctfs 
of bufiaers, {hould have prevented mc writing to yoii 
oftner. Your favours, I hope, will never be forgotten, and 
never ceafe to be mentioned before the throne of grace, 
God only knows, hov/ earneftly I have recommended you 
and your's to his never-failing mercy. On Wednofday night 
eighteen of \i.i> continued all night in praifes, and praying for 
you and our other friends. 1 know, that pailion is the fin, 
which moft eafily befets you, and therefore I always pray 
that vou may have grace given you to conquer it, and to 
learn of Jtsus Christ to be meek and lov/ly in heart. 
Then, ajid not till then, you will find reft to your Ibul. 
Pardon me, dear Mrs. H. for being thus free. Your kindncfs 
Gompels me to it. Had I not a fmcere regard for you, I 
ftiould not exprefs myfelf thus. Bcfidcs, it's the laft time, 
perhaps, I ftiall write to you in this v/orld, and therefore v/ould 
have this letter contain fomc inftruiStive hints. We fail, Goo 
willing, next week. Great things have been done for us here. 
Perhaps upwards of a thoufand pounds have been collected for 
the poor, and the charity fchools, and I have preached above 
an himdred times, fmce I have been here. A vifible altera- 
tion is made alfo in hundreds. Laft Sunday at fix in the morn- 
ing, wi>en I gave my l^rewell, the whole church waj 
drowned in tears ; they wept and cried aloud, as a mother 



weepeth for her firft born. Since that, there is no end of per- 
fons coming and weeping, telling me what God has done for 
their fouls : others again beg little books, anddefire me to write 
their names in them. The time would fail me, was I to relate 
how many have been awakened, and how many pray for me. 
The great day will difcover all. In the mean while, I be- 
feech you Mrs. H. by the mercies of God to pray, that the 
goodnefs of God may make me humble. As yet the divine 
ftrength has been magnified in my weaknefs. Many have 
oppofed, but in vain. God's power conquers all. I am 
now going as Jbraham did, not knowing whither I go ; 
but I commit myfelf to the guidance of God's good pro- 
vidence and fpirit. He that has and doth, will deliver me 
out of all my troubles. I only wifh,I could debafe myfelf low 
enough, that I might be more fitted for the high and lofty 
one who inhabiteth eternity, to work by. I am a proud, 
imperious, fmful v>^orm ; but God, I hope, in time, will con- 
form me to the image of his dear Soru He has begun (for 
ever adored be his free grace), and I truft, he will fini{h 
his good work in me. Out of the money that God has fent 
me, I will pay all the debts I can. I have fent fome of it to 
Mrs. TVells^ with particular orders how to be difpofed of; 
two guineas are for Mrs, Far?rjer towards the debt due to her 
from my mother. My farewell fermon will be publilhed 
fhortly, with two or three more. Dear Mrs. H. farewell. 
God reward you and your's for all your works of faith and 
labours of love, and grant we may fo believe, and fo live hers, 
as to meet in eternal glory hereafter. 

Ever your's, 

G. IK 


To Mr, H. 
Dear S'lr^ Margate^ Jan, 9, 1738. 

HITHER the good providence of God has fafely brought 
us ; our fhip caft anchor near this town, and my 
dear fellow-traveller and I came on fhore (to our great com- 
fort) to buy fome things we wanted. We have been moft 
courteoufly treated by the curate of the place, and had fome 
chriftian converfation. The winds and ftorms are bluftering 



about our ears, and teaching us leflbns of obedience to him, 
whom winds and ftorms obey. Goo give us grace to 
learn them. IMr. B. can inform you, what other particulars 
have happened to us, fince we left you ; I need only add, that 
the divine goodnefs attends us wherever we go* Oh dear 
Sir! who would but leave their few ragged, tattered nets 
to follow Jesus Christ? Who would but follow the Lamb 
wherefoevcr he fhall be pleafed to lead P Pray, dear Sir^ that 
I may always do fo, and then, I am fure, God will never 
leave or forfake me. You fee, dear Sir^ I have anfvvcrcd your 
kind letter much fooner than expectation, in order to exprefs 
how fmcerely 1 value your friendihip, though you differ from 
me in fomsC outward modes. Indeed, Sir, I hope the favours! 
have received from you and others of your chriftian brethrenj 
will never go out of my mind ; but I fliall often plead them 
(as I have done already) at the throne of grace. I would will- 
ingly be of fo catholic a fpirit, as to love the image of my di- 
vine mafter, wherever I fee it : I am far from thinking God's 
grace is confined to any fct of men whatfoever : no, I knov/ 
the partition-wall is now broken down, and that Jesu3 
Christ came to redeem people out of all nations and lan- 
guages and tongues ; and therefore his benefits are not to be 
confined to this or that particular fet of profcflbrs. I only 
wifii, that I may have grace given me to preach the truth, as 
it is in Jesus ; and then, come what will, I hope I iliall (as 
I do, blelled be God) rejoice. 

You know, Sir, what a defign I atn going upon, and what 
n ftripling I am for fo great a work ; but I (land forth as 
David againil Goliah in the name of the Lord of Hosts, and 
I doubt not, but he that has and doth, will ftill deliver unta 
the end. Got) give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, 
a burning love, and a finglc eye, and then let men or devils j 
do their v/orlh — Dear Sir, I could write more, but nnture 
calls for reft. Be pleafed to give my hearty love to all yoii 
arid I know, and acquaint them, how fiifc I am here; for 
other wife the tempcftuous night might put them and others in ; 
pain for, Dear Sir^ 

Your un worth V. though affcd^ionats friend, 

G. JV. 

Vol. L ® LETTER ; 




Tolldrs. H, 
Dear Mrs. H. Dcal^ Jan. li, 1738. 

HITHER has God fafely brought us. Pray give thanks 
^ on my behalf. We have had two little ftorms, the 
one. we cfcapcd by being at Alar gat e^ the other we were 
enabled to bear manfully, and to pray for you and yours 
on open deck in tiie midft of it. All the officers are ex- 
ceeding civil. The captain gives me the free ufe of his 
cabin, and fome impreffion is made on the foldiers. I read 
prayers and preach twice every day, and, would you think it, 
the very foldiers ftand out to fay their catechifm. Oh that 
they may be foldiers of Jesus Christ. God gives me 
great joy, and excites me to adore him more and more, when 
I behold his wonders in the deep. I am but a frefh- water 
failor ; but God's ftrength will be magnified in my weak- 
iiefs, and I verily believe we fhall arrive at the haven, where we 
wou'd be. Oh that we may all fo pafs thro' the waves of 
this troublefome world, that at laft we may arrive at the port 
of everlafting reft ! Expe6l to hear from me at Gibraltar^ and 
allure yourfelf your favours (hall never be forgotten by 

Your fmcere friend, 

G. IF. 


To Mr, -. 

Deal., Jan, 21, 1 738. 

SUPPOSE lanfwer dear Mr. before I reach Georgia j 
"Will he be angry ? I fancy not. I had a mind to write 
to you again, before I received yours. For as you have been 
fo liberal in your prefents, it would be unpardonable in me, 
was I niggardly in my letters. No, my dear friend, I hope 
I never Ihall ceafe pr.:ying for you and yours, fo long as I 
live. Hitherto I have not. I was praying for you juft as I 
received yours : I am glad to hear you prayed before you 
wrote to me. Surely God will blefs fuch a corrcfpondence. 
O my friend, let us ftill wreftie with God, that we may lie 
ftedfaft, unmoveablc, always abounding in the work of the 
Lord, For it is perfeverance crowns our labours. He, and 



fie only can he faved. The world, the fiefh and the devil are 
three fuch potent enemies, that we mufr ftiive, we muft per- 
fevere, if we will gain a conqueft. Strive then ; let us, my 
dear friend, ftrivc as perfons driving for eternity. Let us 
abftain from all appearance of evil, and avoid all company^ 
that doth not diredlly tend to the promoting our fpiritual 
welfare. Whether one of the focietics you frequent, my dear 
friend, has a tendency that way, I leave you to judge. I 
think I have heard you fay, it keeps you from family and fe- 
cret prayer. If that is not a fufficient reafon for abfenting from 
it, I'll fay no more. I believe you to be fmcere, and 
therefore, if you confult God by prayer and reading his 
word, your way will be made clear before you. I only add, 
that I could wifh, inftead of frequenting that^ you would fct 
up another fociety of a quite contrary nature on the fame 

night of the week. I know Mr. had fdine fuch defio-n on 

foot, and defired me to mention it. I wifb you good fuccefs 
in this and every pious undertaking in the name of the 
Lord. May God reward you for all your kindnefTes, and 
make you to abound in every good v/ord and work ! may you 
\valk by faith and not by fight 5 and tho' you are in the world, 
may you not be of it ! I preach here, God willing, to-morrow ; 
there's likely to be a great congregation. O pray, that they 

may not be fent away empty, but converted by, dear Mr. ^, 

Your afFedionate friend, 


t)ear Sir^ Deal, Jan. 25, 173^. 

I Am afhamed of my ingratitude in not writing to you be- 
fore i but you'll not wonder I am ungrateful to my 
friends, when I tell you I am ungrateful to my God. How- 
ever, as I always remark'd you for your charity, I know you 
will imitate Him you fo refemble, and upon my promife of 
amendment for the future, will pardon what is paft. Oh 

dear Sir, how fhall I exprefs my gratitude to dear — ? But 

above all, what return fliall I make to my ever-blefled Re- 
deemer for all the favours he hath beftowed upon me ? Help, 
I entreat you, help me to be thankful, and as you abound in 
prayer, abouiji in praifes. 1 find my heart too backward 

D 2 to 


to this divine exercife. I am ready enough to afk for mercies, 
but alas ! how flow to return thanks ! Indeed fometimes God 
touches me from above, and my heart, hard as it is, is melted 
down and quite overcome with the fenfe of his free grace in 
Christ Jesus towards me. But I want always to goon 
my way rejoicing ; I want the heart of a feraphim j 

/ luant tofing as loud as they^ 
IVho JJnne above in endlefs day, 

I could almoft fay more than they, and why (hould I not re- 
turn angelic thanks r But my heart is as yet unhumbled, 1 
fee not what I am, what I defcrve, and therefore fet not a 

due value on the divine mercies. Pray therefore, dear Mr. , 

that I may receive my fight, that my eyes may be opened, 
and that feeing what God hath done for me, I may break 
out into fongs of praife, and by fuch heart-transforming 
divittc excreifcs be gradually trained up for eternal uninter- 
rupted communion with that heavealy choir, who ceafe not 
chanting forth day and night hallelujahs to Him that iltteth 
upon the throne and to the Lamb for ever. Dear Mr. — , I can 
relate to you frtih matter for praife and thankfgiving ; a di- 
vine fire feems to be kindling in DeaL I preached on Sun- 
day^ and this day* The mhabitants are quite affe6lionate,. and 
fo deiirous to hear the word, at my private lodgings, as well 
as at public churches, that I am obliged to divide them into 
two companies. And God, bleflTed be his free grace in 
Christ Jf.sus, helps me through. I fuppofe my dear friend 
has heard how affairs go on fliipboard. I need only add, 
that God makes his pov/er to be known among thofe that fail 
with me, and there are great hopes of the captain's converiTon. 
O pray, that he may not be an almoft, but an altogether chri'- 

ftian. Dear Mr. , farewell. It*s late, and many other friends 

muft have a line to-night. May God reward you for all kind- 
ncfTes, and keep you fledfaft unto the end. Pray return my 
hearty thanks to all your Brethren ; tell them I fmcerely pray 
for their growth and pcrfeverance in holinefs, and am, dear 

Mr, , 

Your affeclionate, tho' unworthy friend 

and fervant in Christ Jesus, 

G, W, 




Dear Mr. Gibraltar Harbour Feb. 24, 1 738. 

IBIefs God for Inclining your heart to take my advice. I 
know it was intended well, and I hope proceeded from 
the fpirit of God. The many f^ital confequcnces I have 
daily k^n^ proceeding from converfmg with lukewarm 
chriftians, makes me jealous of my dear fiicnds, left they 
fliould be infe£ted by them ; and the great tendency I find in 
my own heart to catch every infeilion, makes me to refolvc 
for myfelf, and to put others on refolving to keep no fet 
company but with religious perfons. I hope by this time I 

may wi(h you joy of fettling a new fociety with Mejfrs. ; 

and I doubt not but your hearts have already burnt within 
you, whilft you talked to one another of the fcriptures of 
truth. I am fure there is fcarce a night has pafled over my 
head but I have wreftled with God for you, and prayed 
that he would profper this work of your hands upon you. My 
hearty defire and daily petition at the throne of grace is, that 
you may be faved ; and tho' I know not much of your dear 
wife's temper, yet I pray, that fhe may be meek and lowly 
in heart, not eafily provoked, nor anfwer unneceflarily again. 
I pray, that you both may walk as Zachary and Elizabeth did 
before the Lord blamelefs, that you may love one another, 
as Christ and the church, and fee your children like olive- 
branches round about your table. I pray, that you may pcr- 
fevere in the good way you have begun, that you may ab- 
ftain from all appearance of evil, and dare to be exemplarily 
good. I pray, that you may pratftice an univerfal felf-denial,^ 
and perfect holinefs ii) the fear of God. I could fay much 
piore, but muft away to Gibraltar; one of the Majors of the 
regiments has fent for me, having provided a lodging at a mer- 
chant's houfe unknown to me. Oh admire God's goodnefs ? 
Accept my thanks and love, and believe me to be, more than 
words can exprcfs. 

Your afFeftionatc friend in Christ, 

G, rr. 




^0 Mr. — — . 
Dear Mr. , Gibraltar^ Feb. 25, 1 7 38. 

I Should think myfelF unworthy of your friendlhip, did I 
not fend you a line now God ha5 brought me in fafety 
hither. I know you will give thanks, and therefore, God 
forbid I fliould fm againft the Lord in not informing you 
of it. — Your prayers have already been heard ; for God (ever 
adored be his free grace in Christ Jesus) hath been with 
us of a truth. lie hath led us through the fea, as through a 
wildernefs, and brought us to a haven, where I am honoured 
with many honours. — Any one that knows Gibraltar would 
be apt to fay. Can any good come out from thence ? Yes, I 
aflure you, there may ; for there arc fome that are not afhamed 
of the gofpcl of Christ. About fix o'clock this morning I 
went to the church, where was afTembled a number of decent 
foldiers praying and fmging pfalms to Christ as God. They 
meet conflantly three times a day, and I intend, God willing, 
henceforward to meet them. For my delight is in the faints 
who are in the earth, and thofe that excel in virtue. I have 
talked with fome of them, and, bleffed be God, can find the 
marks of the new birth in them. They pray without ceafing, 
have overcome the world, hate fin, as fin, love their enemies 
and one another. They glory in the crofs of Christ, and 
rejoice that they are accounted worthy to fuffer (hame for the 
fake of Christ. O, who would but travel to fee how the 
fpirit of God is moving on the faces of poor finners fouls up, 
a.nd down the world ! God, I find, has a people every where ; 
Christ has a flock, though but a little flock, in all places. — 
God be praifed, that we are of this flock, and that it will be 
our Father's good pleafure to give us the kingdom ! — Gibraltar 
is bleficd with a governor, who hath not abfented himfelf from 
public v/orihip, unlefs when he was fick, for thefe feven years, 
and yet is very moderate towards the diflfenters. Both con- 
formifts and nonconformifls perform public worftiip, though at 
tliflerent times of the day, in the fame place : They alfo have 
a religious fociety. The good Lord profper this work of 
their hands upon them. Whenever we go away, may we 
k;ive a blciiing behind us. Pic is a prayer-hearing God. — 



Yefterday a major of one of the regiments, unknown to me, 
took two handfome rooms, and fent for me from on board, 
defiling me to lodge in them ; and I find the people of the 
houfe fear God. — " When I fent you without fcrip or (hoe, 
lacked you any thing?'* faid our Lord. They faid nothing, 

- — O, dear Mr. , I befeech you abound in thankfgiving, 

and pray that all thefe blefwngs may humble my proud heart, 
and make me willing to follow the Lamb whitherfoever he fhall 
lead me. AfTure yourfclf, that you and all your chriftian friends 
are conftantly prayed for by, dear Sir, 

Your's moft affedtionately in the Lord J esu6, 

' . G. ;/: 


Dear o/r, Gibraltar^ Feb, 27, 173S. 

EVER fince I left GravefenJ^ I remember the fulnefs of 
your heart. I have been a conftant petitioner at the 
throne of grace for you, and intended writing to you before, 
but was lett hitherto. However, God has now brought me 
fafe to Gibraltar^ and as I hayc time, I fliould think myfelf in^ 

excufable, did I not fend a line to dear Mr. , to aflurc 

bim, I forgot not his tears, and wifh him to be not only an 
almoft, but an altogether chriftian. Dear Sir, you are youn?- 
and in the bloom of youth, and it would rejoice my heart to 
fee you triumph over the luft of the eye, the luft of the ^cihy 
and the pride of life, and to become a poor defpifed fervant of 
Jesus Christ. Others, indeed, may wifli you wealth, may 
wifh you pomp and grandeur ; but believe me, my dear friend, 
thefe will not, thefe cannot, make you happy : No, nothino- 
but God can fatisfy the heart of man ; nothing but an afiiir- 
ance, that we are born again, that we are members of Christ, 
that we are united to him by one .and the fame fpirit with 
which he himfelf was actuated. Without this, if we were to 
have our appetites regaled with the richeft dainties, be 
cloathed with purple and fine linen, and fare fumptuoudy every 
day, yet the hand-writing upon the wall, the confideration, 
that all thefe things are quickly to be taken away, would make 
our vifage to change, and our knees, IWlq Bcljlazzar's, to Imite 
^ne againft another. Strive then, my dear friend, to get the 

D 4 fpirit 

40 L E T 1 E R S. 

fpiiit of Christ, who vviil keep clofc to you, when ill other 
comforts fail ; will niuke you happy here, and unfpcakably 
happy hereafter. — Never fear the contempt you will niccf with ; 
yet a little while, and they that call you fool, will call them- 
fclves fo, and curfe that worldly wifdom, which tempted them 
to evade the crofs of Christ. Strange ! that any one fhould 
let a little reproach deprive them of an eternal crown ! Lord, 
what is man ! How blind as to the knowledge of his true in- 
terefl ! How backward in the purfuitofhis eternal good ! O, 

dear Mr. ---, let us not be of the number of thofe, who 

defirc the honour that cometh of man ; but be content with 
that which cometh from God. In a fliort time, we (h<i]] have 
praife enough, Heayen will echo with the applaufc that iliali 
be given to the true followers of the Lamb, and then you will 
fee how fir.c^icl}- I wa-^, dear Sir, 

Your aflsdlionatc friend and fcrvant, 

G. IK 


Tc Mu. H. 
Dcjy Mrs, H. At Sea, ^pi i! 14, 17 38. 

THOUGH through exccfs of bufinef?, and the fhort- 
nefs of the time, that was allotted me, I wTOte but a few 
lines to you from Gibraltar^ yet, what hinders, but that I 
may fend you a longer letter now ? It's true we are now near 
a thoufand miles from Georgia \ but as I fliall have an oppor- 
tunity of ("ending immediately on our arrival, I chufe to take 
time by the forelock, and embrace the firft opportunity of ac- 
knowledging my obligations to dear Mrs. H. and her hufband ; 
for whom 1 pray without ceafmg. Your pafi: favours are fel- 
dcm out of my mind ; I plead them daily before God in 
prayer, and hope, if it is ever in my ppwer, I fliall imitate the 
example of pious David in ycfterday evening's firft Icflbn, and 
jequite my friends, particularly dear Mrs. H. and her fpoufe, 
\^x the kmdnelies they have fliewn me. However, fuppofmg 
this ihouki not happen, they will in no-wife \o{^ their re- 
WMfd. Bot I know you do not care I fhould dwell on this, 
'"i'ou want to be informed, how God has dealt with me fince I 
Itit Gihaltarf K^iceedin^ ^racioufly indeed. He has com- 


fortcd me on every occafion, moft rcmarkabiy blcfTcd my un- 
v/orthy miniftry on board the (hip, Tent us moil delightful 
weather, and made us to ride as it were on tiic winrs of the 
wind. ■ We live in perfect love and harmony one with ano- 
iher. I know but little diftcrence between Tea and land, and 
have G:reat reafon to blcfs (tOD for fendinr me abroad, A 
grievous heknefs has been fent amongft us, by which moil: of 
the fhip have been chaftencd and corrc6tcd but only two 
given over unto death ; and God hath been fo good to me, 
that, except for .\ little time after we fiiijed from Gibraltar^ I 
have been in perfect health, and now God fatisfieth my mouth 
with good things, making me ftrong and lively as a young eagle, 
I have nothingto diilurb my joy in God, but the diforder of my 
pafiions. Were thefe once brought into a proper fubjedtion to 
divine grace, O well would it be with me, and happy fliould 
I be. But fo long as I am angry for trifles, and throw myfelf 
into needlefs diforders, fo long muft my heart be like the 
troubled fea, fo long confequently mufl I be unhappy. Pray 
therefore, dear Mrs, H. that I may lay the ax of mortification 
to the root of my moft darling corruptions, and fmce I have 
but little, if any thing, to difturb me without, O pray that I 
may meet with no difturbance from m,yfelf within. The far- 
ther particulars of my voyage, you will fee in my journal, 
which I have fent to Mr. Huiton^ and for the bleffings con- 
tained therein, I befeech you to return God m.oft humble and 
hearty thanks. About Chrijhnas next, God willing, I pur- 
pofe to come to England to take priefis orders, and to return 
as foon as poflible to Georgia, In the mean while, dear A4rs. 
H. let us ftrive to enter in at the f{:rait gate, that we may be 
chriftians indeed, and know what jt is truly to be born again 
from above, and to be renewed by the fpirit in our minds. 
Remember me moft affcdionately to all friends. I am, 

Your's, &c, 

G, jr. 

To Mr. . 

Dear Mr . , On board the IFki taker, y/p 7/7 1 7 , 1 7 3 8 . 

O ailTure you I do not forget you, I write to you, as yet, 
eight hundred miksgfflhore, Your lioneft heart has 


won my affe£lions. I make mention of you and your*s con- 
tinually at the ihrone of grace in my prayers, and fhall have 
no greater pleafure than to hear you walk in the truth. In your 
laft, I think you faid, you would defift from frequenting any 
other focieties, but what immediately tended to the promoting 
of true religion, and ere now, I doubt not but you have (een 
the benefit of it. I have often pleafed myfelf with the hopes, 

that you, dear Mr. , had fet up another fociety among 

yourfelves, and often have I thought, I felt the benefit of your 
prayers ; for God hath blefied me exceedingly, and brought 
us on our way rejoicing ; and has flievi^n me, that he doth not 
fend me abroad in vain. — Hov^ God will deal with me a.t Sa- 
vamiahy I know not ; hov/ever, let my friends be always lifting 
up their hands in intercefPion, and then our fpiritual Amalek 
will not prevail. Hitlierto I have been made to go on from 
conquering to conquer. God gives me a chearful fpirit, and 
crowns my feeble labours with fuccefs. And why iliould I 
defpair of future affiftance ? Are not thefe earnefts of future 
mercies ? And may I not expedl:, when I am duly prepared, 
to fee greater things than thcfe ? Cry therefore mightily unto 
the Lord, that I may be humble, and that I may tremble at 
his word, and then he will delight to honour me. I live in 
hopes of feeing you and your wife again (growing in grace) in 
England, You told me, (he defired I would draw her pi6lure ; 
but alas ! (he has applied to an improper limner. However, 
though I cannot defcribe what fhe is, I can tell what fhe ought 
to be.— Meek, patient, long-fuffering, obedient in all things, 
»ot felf-willed, not foon angry, no brawler, fwift to hear, flow 
to fpeak, and ready to every good word and work. But I can 
no more, I dare not go on in telling another what fhe ought 
to be, when I want fo much myfelf j only this I know, when 
poflefied of thofc good qualities before-mentioned, fhe will 
then be as happy as her heart can wifli, and afibrd great reafoa 

•f thankfgiving to, dear Mr. , 

Your and Airs. 's afFedionate friend, 




To Mr. . 

My dear Friend^ On board the JVhitahr^ May 6, 173S. 

HOW goes time ? I can fcarce tellj fori have been fome 
time paft, as one would think, launching into eternity, 
God has been pleafed gracioufly to vifit me with a violent 
fever, which he notwithftanding fo fvveetened by divine con- 
folations, that I was enabled to rejoice and fing in the midft of 
it. Indeed, I had many violent conflicts with the powers of 
darknels, who did all they could to difturb and diftracl me; 
J)ut Jesus Christ prayed for me : And though I v/as once 
reduced to the laft extremity, and all fupernatural afliftance 
feemed to be fufpended for a while, and fatan as it were had 
dominion over me, yet God fuffered not my faith to fail ; but 
came in at length to my aid, rebuked the tempter, and fromi 
|:hat moment I grew better. Surely God is preparing me for 
fomething extraordinary : For he has now fent me fuch ex- 
traordinary conflids and comforts as I never before experi- 
enced. I was as I thought on the brink of eternity. I had 
Jicaven within me ; I thought of nothing in this world ; I 
.earneftly defircd to be diiTolved and go to Christ ; but God 
was pleafed to order it otherwife, and I am refigncd, though 
I can fcarce be reconciled to come back again into this vale of 
inifery. I had the heavenly Canaan in full view, and hoped I 
was going to take poiTcfTion of it ; but God faw I was not yet 
ripe for glory, and therefore in mercy fpared me, that I may 
recover my fpiritual ftrength before I go hence and am no 
rnore {zzw. Oh pray, my dear friend, that I may not grow 
lukewarm, or Hothful, but arife from my late bed of ficknefs, 
and adminifter with ten times more alacrity to my bleiTed 
Mafter, than ever [I did before. I would write more, but 
my ftrength failcth me. We hope to be at Savannah on 


c. w. 




'To My, H, 
Dcareji Sir^ Savnfinah^ Juue lO, 1 738. 

ABOUT five weeks I have been ?i\. Savamiahy where 
providence fccms to intend tontinuing me for feme 
time. God has gracioufly vifited me with a fit of ficknefs ; 
but now I am lively as a young eagle. AH things have hap- 
pened better than expectation. America is not fo horrid a place 
as it is reprefented to be. The heat of the weather, lying 
on the ground, he. are mere painted lions iij the way, and to a 
foul filled with divine love not worth mentioning. The coun- 
try, mornings and evenings, is exceeding pleafant, and there 
are uncommon improvements made (confidering the indiffer- 
ence of the foil) in divers places. With a little afliftance the 
country people would do very well. As for my minifterial office, 
I can inform you, that God (fuch is his goodnefs) fets his feal 
to it here, as at other places. We have an excellent chrif- 
tian fchool, and near a hundred conflantly attend at evening 
prayers. The people receive me gladly, as yet, into their 
houfcs, and feem to be mod kindly afFc£led towards me. I 
have a pretty little family, and find it poflible to manage a houfc 
without diliraclion. Piovifions we do not want to feed on, 
though we are cut off from all occafions to pamper our bodies. 
Blefled be God, I vint from houfe to houfe, catcchife, read 
prayers twice and expound the two fecond Icflbns every day ; 
read to a houfe- fcl of people three times a week ; expound the 
two leffons at five in the morning, read prayers and preach 
twice, and expound the catcchifm to fervants, &c. at feven in 
the evening every Sunday, What I have moil at heart, is the 
building an orphan-houfe, which I truft will be efi^edled at my 
return to England, In the mean while, I am fettling little 
fchools in and about Savannah; that the rifing generation may 
be bred up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The 
Lord profper my weak endeavours for promoting his glory 
and his people's good. Oh, dear Mr. H. pray for me. For 
I do, indeed I do, pray for you and your's. Remember me to 
dear Mrs. H. and exhort her to perfe^ holinefs in the fear of 

God. Remind Mr. TV , (fince he will not hearken 

I to 


to me) to work out his falvation with fear and trcmbh'ng, 
and beg him to pray for, though he will not write to, 
dear Mr. H, 

Ever, ever your*s, 

G. JK_ 


To Mr, . 

Dear Mr, , K'druJJ), (Ireland) Nov. i6, 1738, 

I Have not forgot you ; and as a proof of it, feivi you this to 
acquaint you of my fafc arrival here. I know you will re- 
joice and give thanks, and pray that my coming to London may- 
be in the fulnefs of the blelTing of the gofpel of peace. God has 
done for mc more abundantly than I could dare afk or think. 
The k^d of the glorious gofpel has taken root in the American 
ground, and, I hope, will grow up into a great tree. By my 
friends prayers I believe it hath been planted. Oh that they 
may continue to water it with the fame means, and then our 
great God will give it an efie6\nA increafe. — I hope to fee 
you in a few days at my old lodgings, and to rejoice with you 
for what God has done for our fouls. Indeed, I have felt 
his power ; I have tafted and knov/n of a truth, that the Lord 
is gracious ! Jimerica^ infant Georgia, is an excellent foil foy 
chriflianity ; you cannot live there without taking up a daily 
crofs. Therefore, I (hall haften back as foon as pollible after 
Chrijhnas. Oh ! that, in the mean while, I may be enabled to 
be inflant in feafon and out of feafon, and preach with de- 
monftration of the fpirit, and with power I Ivlethlnks I fee 

Mr. lifting up his eyes towards heaven, and filently 

faying. Amen. — I hope you will excufe Mr. Z).'s letter. I 
have forgot his houfe, though not his perfon and his love. 
No, all your kindnefles, O my friends, are engraven upon my 
heart, and I trufl: will never be forgotten by, dear Sir, 

Your afFeftio;iat€ friend and humble fervant, 

G. rr. 




To Mr. H. 
My dear Fr'tend^ London^ Bee, 3c, 173H. 

IAm appointed by the truftces to hz mxm^^x o^ Savannah o 
The bifhop o{ London ( Doctor Gibfon) accepts the title, 
and has given me letters demifory to any other bifhop. I 
have waited alfo on Doctor Seeker^ bifhop oi Oxford^ who ac- 
quaints me that our worthy diocefan, good Bifhop Benfon^ 
ordains for him to-morrow fortnight at Oxford^ and that he 
\fi\\ give me letters demifory to him. God be praifed ; I was 
praying night and day^ whilft on fhip-board, if it might be 
the divine will, that good Bifhop BcnJ'on^ who laid hands on 
me as a deacon, might now make me a prieft. — And nov/ my 
prayer is anfvvCred.-^^Be pleafed to wait on his Lordfhip, and 
defire him to inform you, when I mufl be at Oxford in order 
to receive impofiticn of hands. Oh pray that 1 may be duly 
prepared. It will be a month before I can fee Gloucejler. I 
lono; to fee you. I love you and your's in the bowels of 
Jesus Christ \ but I have fcaree time to fubfcribe myfelf^ 
dear Sir, 

Your's eternally^ 

G. W, 


^0 the Same. 
Dear Siry London^ Jan. 27, 1739. 

IF I forget Mr. H. and his wife, may my right-hand forget 
her cunning. Excefs of bufmefs alone was the caufe of 
my filence. I fleep but little, very little. Had I a thoufand 
hands, I could employ them all. I fcaree know what it is to 
have an idle moment. It is late now. I have jufl been ex- 
pounding. God fills me with his fpirit, and I muft redeem a 
little time to write to dear Mr. H, Indeed, indeed I love you 
in the bowels of Jesus Christ. O when fliall I return 
your pafl favours ! I thank you for blefling God on my behalf^ 
I want a thoufand tongues to praife him. He flill works by 
me more and more. Subfcriptions for ere£ling an orphan* 
houfe conic in a-pace. On Monday fevennight, God willing^ 



I fet out for Brijlol^ with Mr. Seivard^ and from thence propofe 
coming to Gloucejier, Oh that it may be in the fulnefs of the 
blefiing of the gofpel of peace ! Mr. Hotvel Harris^ and I, are 
corrcfpondents, blcfled be God ! May I follow him, as he ^' 
does Jesus Christ. How he outftrips me ! Fye upon 
me, fye upon me. How does my brother ? My love to him and 
all, I long to fee yoir and yours, and to give you repeated 
aflurances of my being, dear Sir, 

Your's eternally, 


To the Air, 

Dear Slr^ Bafingjloke^ Feb. 8, 1739. 

THOUGH I defired you to write firft, yet the love I 
bear you, will not fufier me to wait fo long before you 
hear from me. — Juft nov/ has God brought us to Bafingjloke^ 
where I hope an effe6lual door will be opened before we leave 
it, as well as at IVindjor. — Oh my dear friend, more and more 
do I fee the benefit of confeiiing our blelTed Lord before 
men. — You have not been afhamed of the crofs. — No, dear 

Mr. has put his hand to the plough ; he will not, furely 

he cannot look back ; but Jesus Christ alone can keep me 
nnd my dear friend from falling. Fie has begun and he will 
carry on, he will finifh the good v/ork in our fouls. — We have 
nothing to do, but to lay hold on him by faith, and to depend 
on him for wifdom, righteoufnefs, fancSlification and redemp- 
tion. Not but \MQ muft be workers together with him ; for a true 
faith in Jesus Christ will not fufFer us to be idle. — No, it is 
an active, lively, reftlefs principle ; it fills the heart, {o that it 
cannot be eafy, till it is doing fomething for Jesus Christ. 
— Methinks I hear my dear friend crying out, " Lord, ever- 
more give me this faith 1" Believe me, I heartily fay, jlinerii 
Afk then, my dear Sir, and it fhall be given you, feek and ftrive 
for it, and yet a little while and I fliaii fee you a new creature ; 
your heart I hope is fomewhat broken already. — All praifc be 
to God's free grace in Christ. — Go on, my dear friend, and 
never ceafc till you know you are Christ's, by the fpirit that 
(hall be given you. Never fear your carnal friends, renounce 
r thciu 


them and every thin^ ell'e that (lands in competition with yo^r 
duty to God. — What have we to do to know any one after 
the flefli : Let him, who doth the will of our Father in hea- 
ven, be our bro:her, our filler, our mother. For this reafon I 
fubfcribe myfejf, dear Sir, 

Your's molt afFectionately in Christ, 

G. JK 


r, Mr. H 

Dear Mr. H , Ox on., Jpril^ 24, 1 7 39. 

BLESSED bcGoD for working upon your heart by my 
minillry. I hope the wifh'd-for time will come, when 
I fhall fee you full of faith and the Holy Ghoft. Copies may 
be taken of my letter ; but 1 wo-jld not have it printed, be- 
caufe I intend, when rctirM from the world, to make fome dif- 
courfes on the fubjedl of free grace. Pray acquaint your mo- 
ther, that I interceded for her folcmnly laft night. I befought 
God, that fhe might have her Saviour revealed in her heart ; 
that is the onlvvvay to get above the fears of death. Chrifl 
in i^s is the hope of glory. I rejoice to hear Air, CM builds 
you up in your mcft holy faith. I exhort you to go on, and 
who knows but dear Mr. H. may, under God, keep up reli- 
gion in GhuceftcT. Mr. Kinckhii conduct in fearing the 
church, and giving up the parfonage, has fadly grieved the 
fpirit of many good fouls here ; but I blefs God they are 
now a little comforted. Oh dear Air. H — , my heart is drawn 
towards L'jnd:>n nK^fr ftrangely. Perhaps vou may hear of your 
friend's imprifonmcnt. I expect no other preferment. God 
^-ant I may behave fo, that when I fufter, it may not be for 
mv own imprudencies, but for rightcoufi^efs fake, and then 
I am fure the fpirit of Christ and of glory will reft upon my 
foul. Oh dear Mr. H — , I befeech you, break oflT from the 
world. Shake off everv fetter that keeps your foul from God, 
and then how w!ll it rejoice th^ heart of, dear Sir, 

Your's eternally, 

G. JK 




T: the Sam*. 
Dear Mr. H L:^d:n, April 27, 1739* 

I Rejoice to hear of the affection of my countr)-men. It is a 
cood fign, that the word has taken deep root in their hearts* 
But above all, da I rcioice that dtTLZ Mr. //— is tnily fenfib!^ 
of the free grace qx <joi> in Christ. No^-, my dear friend^ 
VGu will begin to be a chriflian indaed. Bleared be God, 

I he,ir.mv honoured M is becoming a fcfol for Christ's 

fike. I do not dcfp^ir cf Mr. //'. nay, I cannot defpair 
of anv one, when I confider, what I once W35 myfelf. Let 
but God fpeak the word, and the work (hail be done. I al- 
ways hope well of oppolers. To-day,- m^' mafler by his pro- 
vidence and ipirit compelled me to preach in the church-yard 
a: Ifl'ingizn. To-morrow I am to repeat that mad trick, and 
on Sunday to go oat into M^zr^idds. The wcrd or the 
Lord runs and is glorified. Peoples hearts feem quite broken. 
God ftrengthens me exceedinirlv. — I preach til! I f^eat 
through and through. All is well at Savannah. Brave news 
from Gibraltar, Innumerable bleiSngs does GcD pour dowa 
upon me. Oh that 1 had a thankful hear. 1 love you both, 
fincerely ; I thar.k you both heartily. I falute all cur dz2l 
friends moft affectionately, and am, dear Sir, 

Ever, ever vours, 



To the Sam::. ' ' 

Da- Mr. H . - - LTnd^.Ty Mar IC, 1-39, 

THE hour for my ifrprifcnrnent is net }et come. I 
am not ht as vet to be fo highly honoured. God 
only knows the treachery of my heart 5 but arr.':.^ all 
my late fuccefs, I have fcaree felt one felf-ecn.-'icent 
thought. I fpcak this to the honour cf God's free ^race. 
In about three week>, God willing, wj -rrbark for Pi^fdzC' 
nia. The truftees bave granted to mc ^^nd and every thing 
upon xT.^ own terrhi ; the officers and general are exceeding 
kind to my friend Hahirjmm upon mv account, fo that all 
things fjccecd be-ur.d xv expeirtattOx'-.j. I aia :"^r/ tc htur 
Vol. I. £ of 


of Mr.Jf 's conclu£l — Poor man ! The love of money is 

rooted in his heart. Where is the honefty he fo much boafts 
Oi and relies on ? Docs not this more and more convince you 
that nothing hut a true faith in Jesus Christ will enable 
you to 3(51 aright? However, he is not to be envyed. 1 pity 
him. Money, thus got, will never profper. I rejoice that 
you and your fpoufe are content. I wifh you both may have 
Jlsus Christ formed in your hearts, and am 

Ever, ever yours, Sec. 

G. IK 



My dear Brethren in Christ, Blcndon^ June I2, 1739. 

I Am jealous over you with a godly jealoufy, and therefore 
write to you this fecond letter. I find more and more that fa- 
tan has defired to have fome of you in particular, that he may 
fift you as wheat, and will ftrlve if pofTible to divide and fepa- 
rate you all. — I hear there is a woman among you, who pre- 
tends to the fpirit of prophecy, and what is more unaccount- 
able, I hear that Brother- ("whom I love in the bowels of 

Jesus Christ) feems to approve of her. Need therefore, great 
need have you, my brethren, at this time to take the apoftle's 
advice, and to try the fpirits whether they be of God. For the 
devil is beginning to mimic God's work, and becaufe ter- 
rors will not do, he is now transforming himfelf into an angel 
of light in order more efFeiStually to gain his point. Brother 

alio, I cannot but think, at prefent is under a fpirit of 

deluiion. He, as well as brother , I believe imagines there 

will be a power given to work miracles, and that now Christ 
is coming to reign a thoufand years upon the earth. — But 
alas ! what need is there of miracles, fuch as healing fick 
bodies, and reftoring fight to blind eyes, when we fee 
orcater miracles every day done by the power of God's word ? 
Do not the fpiritually blind now fee ? Are not the fpiritually 
dead now raifed, and the leprous fouls nov»^ cleans'd, and have 
not the poor the gofpel preached unto them ? And if we 
have the thing already, which fuch miracles were only intended 
to introduce, why fhould we tempt God in requiring further 



figns ? He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. And as for 
our Lord's coming at this time to reign upon the earth, I 
anfwer, it is not for us to know the times and feafons, which 
the Father hath put in his own power. — That a great work is 
begun is evident, that it will be carried on I doubt not ; but 
how it will end, I knov/ not, neither do I dcfire to know. It 
is fufficient for me to do the work of the day in its day, 
and to reft fatisficd in this, that all will end in God's glory. 

Lately, brother told me he was {hortly, he believed, to 

be called to fome public work. — I pray God he may not run 
before he is called. To teach, I know, is a pleafing thing ; 
but to begin to teach too foon or without a commiffion, will 
be deftru6tion to ourfelves, and of ill confequence to others. 
Uzzah might mean well, when he touched the ark, but his 
good intention did not prefcrvc him from the juft judgments 
of God. Be not many matters, fays the apoftle. Oh that 
that verfe was deeply engraven on the tables of our hearts ! 
My dear brethren, be not offended at this plainnefs of fpeech. 
I would all the Lord's fervants were prophets, but then t 
would not have people* think themfclves prophets of the Lord, 

when they are only enthufiafts-— If Mr. is aded by a good 

fpirit, why is he not patient of reproof? Why does he fly in 
a paffion, when contradicted ? why does he pretend to be in- 
fallible, and that God always fpeaks in him ? May God 
give us all a right judgment in all things. Pure unfeigned 
Jove caufes me to ufe this freedom. Many of you God has 
worked upon by my miniftry, and therefore I would not have 
vou ignorant of fatan's devices. O beware of him at this time. 
Do not conceive prejudices againft each other* Do not dif- 
pute, but love ; purge out the old leaven from amongft you. 

Have no fellowfiiip with any that converfe with Mr. ■ If 

they have a mind to depart from you, let them depart. Do 
you build up each other in your moft holy faith. My dear 

I am your common fcrvant in our dear Lord Jesus, 




To the Rev. ullr. 

T)car Sir, Leachhidr^ July 1 8, 1739- 

TUK Iccne thismornrng much alRctcd rric -, you both put 
me ill miiul, how that happy pair, Ada?/! and Eve^ 
looked when arraign'd by the Ahiughry after having eaten the 
forbidden fruit. Behold the fame remedy reached out to you 
as to them. — The feed of the woman (IkjU bruife the ferpent's 
head.— Look up to him whom you have pierced.. — He will 
heal your backflidings and love you freely — Had he not loved 
you both, both of you ere now would have been given over to 
a reprobate mind. I know the time, when you both were 
erlightned, when you tatted the good word of God, and felt 
the powers of the world to come.— Honour, falfely fo called, 
has caufed you to draw bsick, but I believe not unto perdition. 
jESiis js if ill frriving with your heart. Come to him by faith, 
renounce the world, and be will yet delight to lx)nour you. 
*' Now is the accepted time, now iir th€ day of falvation." 
Mention not old things^ let all things become new. I love, 
both of you from my heart. Come forth^and be ye feparate, 
faith the Lord almighty. Break with the world at once, 
and you fliall become fools for Christ's fake. What if your 
wife fent fome fuch letter as the following to her parents. 

Honoured Fathsr and Mother^ 
^Tp HE contents of this letter will furprlze you, but I can 
no longer halt between God and the world;, the happy 
convictions, tliat God once put into- my heart, now arife xw 
my mind, I will no longer be an almoft chriftian. I am re- 
folved to become a fool for Christ's fake. Blefletl be God? 
Mr. M — is like-minded. — Hitherto have I hindered him ia 
his fpiritual progrefs, God forbid I fliould do it any longer. 
Hence forward will we go hand in hand together, and nakedi 
follow a naked Christ. 

Dearcft Mr. , I am ever jjour^,. 





Dear Aladam^ London^ July 23, 1739. 

YOUR letter filled me with jr>y and with pity. Pity, to ice 
you tempted, joy, to find you arc thought worthy of 
enduring temptation. Satan hath dcfired to have you, that he 
may fift you as wheat. But be not afraid, Jesus Christ \% 
praying for you, and your faith fliall not fail. Your mafter hath 
been in the wildernefs before you, and knows by expericncfr, 
how to fuccour thofe that are tempted. Lift up then the 
hands that hang down, and ftrengthen the feeble knees. In- 
fidel books have poifbncd your underftanding, and rivctted 
great pride therein. Strong temptations are nece/lary to mor- 
tify that pride, and to teach you that lowlinefs of heart, which 
our Lord calls all that are weary and heavy laden to learn 
of him. Lookup then to Jesus, the author and finifher of 
your faith. He will fend you help in every time of need. In- 
deed he vvill never leave you, nor forfake you. Follow him 
as the poor Syrophcenician woman did, and though he may now 
turn away his face feemingly for a while, yet he will always 
fupport you inwardly by a living faith, and fhortly give you 
the fpirit of adoption, whereby you will be enabled to cry, 
" Abba, Father." I fpeak this by happy experience. I have 
mourned, but now I am comforted. I have o-one throuo-h 
the fpirit of bondage, and, for ever be adored God's free 
grace, he has given me the fpirit of adoption. And that 
you alfo vvill have this in God's due time and way, is the 
ilrm belief of 

Your unworthy brother, and fcrvant in Christ, 


Dear Mr. H Londo?!^ July 23, 1739. 

IWiih you joy of your new-born fon. Oh that it may be 
made a real child of God. I purpofe, God willing, to 
ftand to my promife, either in perfon, or by proxy. 1 know 
not yet, how providence will be pleafed to difpofe of me. 
I have written to the Lords of the Admiralty for a licence. 
Saturday evening next, I hope you will fee Afr. Chnrlis 
JVeJIey, He intends to preach at Gkucejhr, Raindwick, kr, 
E 3 V..y 



Pray defire Mr. CoU and our other dear friends to appoijit 
places. Matters go on moft bravely here. I think people are 
ten times more affciSled than ever. The audiences full and 
numerous, and they give their mites'for the orphan houfe with 
a chcnrful and ready heart. Have you heard how 1 preached 
npon the ftagc among the cudgel players at Bafmgjlokc^ and 
got a blow ? Both I and my companions were alfo turned out 
of oiiir inn, and in danger of being beaten heartily. BlefTed be 
God ! My fcrmon comes out on Wedncjday. Heartieft love 
to dear Mrs. H — . That Jesus Christ may be fully formed 
in both your hearts, is the prayer of, 

Ever, ever yours, 


Honoured S'lr^ London^ ^uJy lA^^ i739* 

THOUGH but a child in grace, and a novice in the 
things of God, yet I could not efcape this opportunity 
of fliewing you, hov*' dear you are to my foul. Though un- 
known in perfon, yet you have long fince been known to me 
in fpirit. I hoped to have feen you ere I left London. I hafted 
up to town hoping to have fome fpiritual gift imparted to me 
by that means, but I was not worthy of it, I was not prepared 
for fuch a blciling. — You went before I came. A great work 
of God is doing here. The Lord Jesus gets himfelf the 
vi6i:ory every day ; free grace compels poor fmners to come in. 

Our brother can inform you of particulars. As for my 

own foul, God mightily ftrengthcns me in the inw^ard man, and 
gives me often fuch foretaftes of his love, that I am almoft 
continually wifliing to be difiblved, that I may be with Christ. 
. — But I am only beginning to begin to be a chriftian. — I mud 
fufter alfo, as well as do for my dear Mailer. Perhaps a ftorm 
is gathering. I believe God will permit it to fall on my head 
firfh — This comes then, honoured Sir, to defire your prayers, 
that none of thofe things may move me; and that I may not 
count even my life dear unto me, fothat I may finifh my courfe 
with joy, and the miniftry which I have received of the Lord 
Jesus. Though I die for him, yet, I befeech you, honoured 
Sir, to pray that I may not in any way deny him. But what 

4 am 


am I doing ? I fear, honoured Sir, I am too free. A fcnfe of 
your humility and love for the bleflcd Jesus makes me thus 
open. How (hould I rejoice, if you Vv'ould honour me with a 
line. — I am young, and therefore a word of exhortation and 
advice, would much profit, honoured Sir, 

Your very humble fcrvant, in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G. JV. 


Dear Sir, London, July 25, 1 7 39. 

NOTa want of love, but of time, has obliged me to fhortea 
my late letters. Had I an hundred hands I could em- 
ploy them all. The harveft is very great. I am afhamed I 
can do no more for him, who hath done fo much for me j not 
by way of retaliation, but gratitude. Fain would 1 love my 
mailer, and will not go from him ; his fervice is pcrfed free- 
dom ; his yoke is eafy, his burden light. Still he is plcafcd to 
fliew us greater things. Every day affords frefli inftances of 
the power of his word, I am now about to attack fatan in one 
of his ftrong- holds, if I perifh.' — To-night I preach, God 
willing, where an horfe-race is to be. I find my Mafter 
ftrengthehs me for the work. O, dear Sir, pray for mc, that 
my faith fail not, and that my zeal be tempered with know- 
ledge. Our brother will prove an agreeable correfpondent. 

If bufinefs prevents my writing, he v.'ill inform you what hap- 
pens from time to time to, dear Sir, 

Your moft affeiSlionate in Christ Jesus, 

G. IF. 


Rev. Sir, London, July 26, 1739. 

JUST now I received your kind letter, and am endeavour- 
ing to catch a few moments to anfwer it. I thank you for 
your encouraging hints. O ! dear Sir, continue to exhort, and 
■provoke me to love and to good works, that I may with patience 
run the race that is fet before me. Hitherto my dear Mafter 
magnifies his ftrength in my weaknefs. Ever fince he honour- 
ed me to fuffer a little reproach for his name's fiike, at Bafing^ 
jlokey he has caufed me to rejoice with exceeding great joy. 

1^ 4 My 

^6 L E T T E R S. 

IV'ly rpirlt v/as ftiircd within rrc. Methinks I could willingly 
have died to have boine my teflimony againllthc lying vanities, 
and clcvilifh entertainments of this generation. By the help 
of my Madcr, I will go on and attack the devil in his flrongeii: 
holds. D pray, dear Sir, that my ^eal may be always temper- 
ed with true chriftian prudence. It would grieve me, ihould 
I bring fuflerings caufclelsly upon myfelf. A trying time, per- 
haps, is at hand. O that I may be found faithful ! If provi- 
dence permits, I will perform my promife. I am blind, 1 am a 
child, I know nothing. I only dcfire the whole will of God 
may be done, in, by, and upon, dear Sir, 

Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer in oqr dear 
jLpRp Jesus, 

G. IV. 


S/r, Lonclcn, 'July 26, 1739* 

I Received voyr kind letter, but mud beg to be excufed from 
diffuading yoiir fon to go with . The employment 

in which he is engaged will, in the end, if faithfully im- 
proved, tend much to God's glory and his own good. He 
now fits by me ; I read over your letter to him, and he con-» 
tinues as refolute as ever. The being dtfinherhed does not 
terrify him at all. He has a more abiding inheritance, and is 
willing naked to follow a naked Christ. — Dear Sir, let me 
advife you to do nothing raihly. If you can pray for a blefling 
on your will when you are about to difmherit your fon, I fliall 
wonder. Have a little patience, and then you will find that, 
your fon is about to a<Sl wifely. If I thought otherwife, no 
^Vi^ vvQuld be more fqrward to difiuade him, than. Sir, 

Your very humble fprvant, 


London^ July 31, 1739. 

OH that my head was water and my eyes fountains of 
tears, that I might weep over my dear Mr. -. — . 

What r And has my familiar friend, who has been dear to mc 
^s fiiy pwp foul, has he taken part with, and gone back to th«i 

e|icn)y .^ 


enemy ? Surely it cannot be ! — And yet I mufl: believe it. — 
But if any one had told my dear friend, that he would 
have behaved thus, would he not have cried out, " Is thy fer- 
vapt a dog that he fhould do this ?" Qh, my dear friend, I 
am in pain for you ! Alas ! who hath bewitched you, that 
you fhould not obey the truth ? You did run well ; who, or 
what hath hindered you ? Not a fear of man, I hope ; not a 
dcfire of that praife, that comcth of man. I know the time 
when my dear friend's heart flood fledfaft. I know the time 
wheniny dear friend was willing to be accounted a fool for 
Christ's fake, and chofe rather to fufFer afHiiilion with the 
people of God, than to enjoy the pieafures of fm, of falfe 
politenefs, for a feafon. And why fhould I defpair of my dear 
friend now? No, I know Jesus Christ was fet for the 
falling and rifing again of many in Ifrael. Our LoRp, I trufl, 
has prayed for you, and 1 hope your faith will not totally fail. 
Forgive me, I muit flop and figh : God forbid I fhould be 

called, at the great day, to fay, that my dear A4r. ^ — put 

his hand to the plough and turned back unto perdition. Good 
God ! the thought flrikes me as though a dart was fhot 
through my liver. Return, return. My dear friend, I can- 
not part from you for ever. Do not fpeak peace to your foul, 
when there is no peace. Do not turn fabler for the devil. 
Po not prejudice or hurt my brother, and thereby add to the 
grief you have already occafioned 

Your mofl; affectionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

6\ IK 


My dear Brother^ Brjjhl, July 31, 1 739. 

BLESSED be God for bringing you in fafety home. — ? 
He is a God hearing prayer. May he fiinclify our 
meeting. I hope to fee you here this week. I fliall fet out 
for Deal on Monday, — I long to hear how the foul of my dear 
brother profpers. — I long to embrace you in thcfe unworthy 
arms. — Methinks I could now fmg my nunc dimittis with 
pleafure, if my eyes could fee my dear brother's falvation. I 
hope you have converfed v/ith Mr. JVcfley. It will require 
tpme degree of boldnpfs to owii eithpr of us before men. God 



vouchfafcs to honour us : No wonder our names are caft out 

as evil.— Dear Mr. , I hear, is ftaggered with the fear 

of man. — Sifter, I truft, is in a good way. When ftall I fee 
you ? Come, Oh come and warm my heart, by telling me what 
God hath done for your foul. Eternity will be too fliort to 
praife him for what he has done for 

Your aiteflionate brother, 

G. JV, 


Reverend and dear Sir^ Lo?idon^ Augujl 3, 1739. 

THIS morning I received yours, and though I leave Lon- 
don this evening, yet I cannot but fnatch a few mo- 
ments to fend you an anfwer. I love all that love our Lord 
Jesus Christ. The fpirit of Christ, with me is the cen- 
ter. I love the man, and you in particular, though in all 
things he may not follow with me. I rejoice there is a revival 
of true religion in Scotland, The fpirit of God is moving on 
the faces of thoufands of fouls in England, The word runs 
very fwift, and fatan falls like lightning from heaven. God 
hath fent me into the highways and hedges, to compel poor 
fmners to come in j many are left to water, what God hath 
hten pleafcd to plant ; I doubt not of his giving a great incrcafe. 
But I am a child, I cannot fpeak, yet God will magnify his 
iree grace. God will work, and all oppofitions muft for- 
ward, but not hinder it. — Inclofed I have fent you a fermon 
juft pubiifhed. — You may judge of my principles from that. 
The picture I highly honour. — May I follow them as they 
follow Christ. I am no friend to fmlefs perfe6lion.— I be- 
lieve the being (though not the dominion) of fm remains in 
the hearts of the greateft believers. — Time and bufinefs will 
not give me leave to enlarge. — Befides, I am but a novice in 
the fchool of Christ ; and therefore moft earneftly beg your 
prayers, that I may grow in the knowledge of our common 
Lord. At his call, I am now going abroad, and expect: to 
fuffer many things ere I return home. — Reverend and dear Sir, 
I wifh you much fuccefs in the name of the Lord, and am 
Your brother and fervant in the beft bonds, 

G. rv, 




Dear Sir, London, Auguji 3, 1739, 

I Cannot leave London without anfwering your laft letter. 
I am convinced that God calls me now to Georgia^ and fo are 
our friends. God's ways are like the great deep. — He will go 
a way by himfclf. Exitus a6ta probat. The prophecy you 
mention, I dare not apply to myfelf. What am I, that God 
fhould fo delight to honour me ? However, I believe the Lord 
will work a great work upon the earth. Whatever inftru- 
ments he fliall make ufe of in effed^ing it, I care not. If 
Christ be preached, if my dear Lord be glorified, I rejoice; 
yea, and will rejoice. I wifh all the Lord's fervants were 
prophets. Oh, dear Sir, my heart is now melted down with 
a fenfe of the divine love I Never was a greater inftance of 
God's free grace in Christ, What am I, O Lord, that 
thou fhouldeft delight to honour me ? Even fo. Father, for fo 
it feemeth good in thy fight ! Dear Sir, I could now write afl 
day; but other bufinefs demands my attendance. — Yet a little 
while, and we fliall fit down in the kingdom of God for ever, 
pear Sir adieu. Oh give thanks, give thanks, and pray for 
Your's moft affedlionately in Christ Jesus, 

G. Jl\ 

L E T T E R LX. 

Blendon, Juguji 6y 1^29' 

AND would not dear Mr. fiay for my laftletter ? 
What, is he retired into the country to learn how to for- 
get his God ? Is he got into favour with the polite world .? Are 

not thefe fad fymptoms, that my dearell Mr. — ■ is fallino- 

away a-pace ? He runned into one extreme lately, and now 
fatan is driving him into another. Did not I forwarn you of 
this ? O my dear friend, my brother, return to your firft love, 
otherwife you will find the fpirit of God deferting you m.ore 
and more every day. Nemo repente fuit turpiffimus. But I 
can fay no more. — Perhaps I am troublefome. However, 
give me leave to weep. Permit me to pray for you. Though 
you arc now dead comparatively, yet, I truft, you will be 



alive. Though now fc-emiMgly loft, yet I'urely you {hall be 
tound a2:ain. God only knowij how Tuch news would rejoice 
the heart of, dear Sir, 

Your aiRclionate friend in the beft bnnds, 

G. JV. 


Dsjr Mr. AugttJ} 7, 1739. 

I Thank you moll heartily for your laft: Had you been more 
particular, I fliould have thanked you ftill more. May 
God reward you for watching over my foul ! Pride and felfilh- 
jicfs are the tempers of the devil. By the help oi my God 1 
will never reft till my Mafler gives me power to overcome 
- them. It is difficult, I believe, to go through the fiery trial 
y of popularity and appluufc untainted. Bledcd be God, I am 
new fweerly retired. O help me, my dear Sir, by your prayers, 
as well as your advice, and believe me defirous to fubfcribe 

Your's mofl affectionately in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G, n\ 


On hoard the Eilz^ahdhy Gravcjmd^ Augujl 14, 1 7 39. 
Reveraid and dear S'u\, 

YOUR kind letter gave me much fatisfa6lion. It breathed 
the language of one, who is a Boanerges In the church 
of God. Excefs of bufinefs prevented my anfwering it fooner. 
As I am now retired from a public life, I truft I {hall have 
time to try my heart and fearch out my fpirit. Forget me not, 
dear Sir, when you are praying for all thofe, who travel by 
land and by water, when Itorms and winds are blowing over 
me. I hope I fhall always carry you, and others of my dear 
fi lends in JFales^ upon my heart, whenever I go in and out 
before the Lord. It would rejoice my foul to hear from you, 
when abroad. Exhort me, oh exhort me, to be valiant for 
the truth. Bid, oh bid me, dear Sir, to be mindful of a dying 
and rifen Jesus. — Bid me to remember the riches of his free 
grace in pulling me as a brand out of the fire, and exhort me 
to lay dovv-n my life for his dike.— Brother Harris^ I find, ha^ 



come offtriumphantly. — The hour of fuffViing is not yet come, 
(jod prepare us all for It ! I cxpe6t to fuflcrr for my bltfled 
maker's name fake. But, wherefore do 1 fear ? My mafter 
will pray for me. — Dear Sir, adieu. I know you not in perfon. 
Perhaps 1 may never fee your face in the fleOi. However, I 
ihall fee you in heaven, and then you fhall fee how finccrely I 
jiow fubfcribc myfcif, 

Your unworthy brother ai\d fellow- fcrvant in Crrist, 


On hoard the Elizahth, Cravefrfid^ Juguf! 14., I7'5g. 
Dear Madam ^ 

I Cannot think of your favours, and yet forbear writino- a 
letter of thanks. I cannot think of your parting tears^ 
and not inform you, how fir.cerely I pray God to comfort 
and refrefli your foul. — Oh Madam, your kindnefs to fuvh a 
desd dog as I am, quite furprizes me. How much more ought 
V(.u and I, and ail mankind, to adore the unfpeakable good- 
iicfs of our heavenly Father, wh.o has fo loved the world, as to 
give his only-begotten Son, that whofocver believeth in him 
fliould not perifli, but have everlafting life. Dear Madam, 
never reft till you have a lively faith in Christ Jesus. God 
has put into your heart good defires after it. Continue inllant 
in prayer ; apply to J tsvs Christ, as a poor finner, and yet 

a little while, and dear Mrs. fliall be a chriftian indeed. 

Kaften,0 Lord, that blefTed time. Oh let thy kingdom come, 
in full power, into this thy liandmaiden's heart ! Innum.erable 
temptations furround you, to make you take up your reft here. 
But, I hope, Aladum^ you will be upon your guard, and let 
nothing be thought of, or done, by you, which may any way 
tend to indulge the luft of the eye and the pride of life. Sim- 
plicity is the very fpirit of the gofpel ; therefore, the more we 
learn Christ, the more regardlefs we {hall be of worldly va- 
nithC"?. God of his infinite mercy make you a widow indeed \ 
You fee, IVIadam, how freely I have wrote to you. It is bc- 
caufe I value your v/elfare. — It is the bcft return that can b< 
made, for all favours conferred on, Madam, 
Your moft obligi'd friend and fervent in uur dear Lop.d Jt^jU'^, 

c;. //-: 

I T. E T i' K R 



On board the EUzabcthy Gravejendy Augiifl 14, 1739* 
Dear Madam^ 

YOUR affectionate parting, and the tears I obfervcd you 
to filed, even when I was at a diftance from you, made 
me almoft ready to cry out " What mean you to weep and 
to- break my heart ?'* Oh may our dear Lord put your tears 
into his bottle, and reward you a thoufand fold for all the kind- 
nefles you have fhcwn to me ! Indeed I am lefs than the lead 
of his fervants. But yet, fo loving is my dear Mafter, that he 
will not let a cup of cold v/ater given in his name, to pafs by 
unobferved or unrewarded. When partaking of your bounty 
of flour, I hope I fhall pray that you and your's may eat bread 
in the kingdom of God. You have all good defircs ; I hope 
you are not far from the kingdom of God. — Oh let there not 
be any thing lacking. Give God your hearts, your whole 
hearts; let Jesus Christ's be your whole wifdom, your 
whole righteoufnefs ; and then he will be your whole fanclifi- 
cation and eternal redemption. I write this from my floating 
habitation, to afTure you how fmcerely I am 

Your moft obliged friend and afFeiElionate humble fervant, 

G, W, 


Gn hoard the Elizabeth ^ Augnjl 14, 1 739. 

My dear Mr. 

AT length we are embarked ; our fhip is now going ta 
the Downs. — Yet a little while, and, God willing, I 
fliall fee you once more in the flcfh. My family confifts of 
more than twelve, befides two children ; I hope all are defirous 
to know Christ. God flrengthens ane mightily in the inner 
man. The fermon I have fent you is one of my extempore 
fcrmons. — The journal will acquaint you with particulars.— 
My brother, the captain, hath been with me this lafl week.— 
If he leaves oil'difputing, and will conae to Christ as a poor 
loft fmner, he will do well. — The bifnop oi London has lately 
wrote againfl m.e ; I trufl GgD hath afiiltcd me in writing an 
anfwer. — It is now in the profs. — All the feif^righteous are up 


in arms. — My Maftermakes me more than a conqueror through 

his love. Mr. has about forty focictics in Torkjlnre. 

Both the Mr. JVeJleys go on well — Go where you will, reli- 
gion (either for or againft it) is the talk. — Prohably a fufferin^ 
time wiil come. You will not be afhamed of mc, thoin^h I 
fliould be a prifoner. Perhaps you will be put to the trial : 
But how does my dear friend's heart? Have you found Christ? 
Does he live in you, fo as to be the alpha and omega, the 
beginning and end of all your actions ? Are you enlightened 
to fee the exceeding great riches and fulnefs of his grace \ Oh 
hoiv will it rejoice my foul to fee you a proficient in the fchool 
of Christ ? How will it delight me to fee your little flock 
prefling towards the mark. — Soon after this reaches Georgia^ I 
hope to fee you. — My ftay will be as (hort as poiTible at Phlla- 
delphia. I muft not delay coming to my dear, thouo-h poor 
charge. — I exped to find Savannah almoft defolate ; but our 
extremity is God's opportunity. I believe it will lift up its 
flrcoping head. — For the prcfent, my dear friend, farewell. 
Your's moft affectionately in Christ, 

6\ W. 


On heard the Elizabeth going to the Downs^ Augujl 15, 1739. 
My dear Brother^ 

THE agony I was in at your departure, and the many 
{trong cryings and tears which I offered up to God 
afterwards, plainly fhew, that I love you in fincerity and truth. 
Though I am now about to launch into the great deep, yet I 
muft write you a parting line. . I cannot but think you will 
come to Christ in earnefl, God has moft remarkably met 
you by his providence. — His fpirit has been driving with you, 
and I doubt not but it will get the vidory over your carnal 
reafonings, and the rebellion of a depraved heart. But do not, 
my dear brother, I befcech you, difpute againfl your own hap- 
pinefs. — Be not unvv'illing to confefs that you arc not yet a 
chriftian. Remember what our Lord hath faid : " Whofo- 
ever recciveth not the kingdom of God, as a little child, fliall 
isn no-wife enter tlierein." — I befcech you, by the mercies of 
God in Christ Je'Sus our Lord, to leave Q^difputing, You 



have been, I think, frequently convinced ; but naturC,- 
I find, has as frequently inter pofcd, and perfuadcd you that 
you had gone far enough already. — But does not my dear 
brother find, that he yet lacks fomething ? Have not his tem- 
pers and corruptions ; nay, hath not fm itfclf dominion over 
him ? Are his affections weaned from the world ? Docs he 
feel himfelf a poor loft finner : Is he willing the Lord Jesus 
fhould be his wliole righteoufnefs ? Is he convinced of the free- 
ncfs, as well as of the riches of his grace ? You fee, my dear 
brother, how freely I deal with jou. It is becaufe I love you 
with a peculiar love. — Never did my heart exult at the fight 
of any relation, as at the fight of youj Surely God intends to 
give me my dear brother. Pie is alrcidy an almoft ; haften, 
O Lord, that blefTed time, when he fhall be an alto'^ether 
chriftian, and let thy kingdom, with full power, come into my 
dear brother's heart ! — How fliall I fay farewell ? If you have 
opportunity, pray write to 

Your moft aficClionate, though unworthy brother, 

G. JV. 


On hoard the Elizabeth go'wg to the Downs, Augifft 16, 1 7 39. 
Dear Mr. 

I Thank God for his goodnefs to brother Howell Harris, I 
thank you for informing me of it. The ftorm is diverted 
for a Vvhile, but 1 cxpe6l it to break upon my head one time or 
another. God has, for a while, prepared me a place of refuge 
in the fnip, from whence I write this. Oh befeech him, that I 
may improve the retirement by fearching out my fpirit, I 
have almoft forgot, that I was in the world. My family on 
board is quite fettled, and wc live and love like chriftians. 
God only knows wjicre you and I ftiall meet again ; whether 
in time or eternity. However, this we know, that both 
nuift be tried to the uttermoft. Inward and outward afRidiions 
await us, and all the children ofGoD. I am now reading the 
book of martyrs. 7'hey make me blufli to think hov/ little I 
fufFer for Christ's fake. They warm my heart, and make 
mc think the time long till I am called to refift even unto 
blood : i'ut I fear the treachery of this heart of mine. Dear 



Mr. •* , to your paft, add one more favour, " pray that 

I may be found faithful." I truft I fhall have a fweet remem- 
brance of you and my other dear friends, when I go in and out 
before the Lord. Salute them moft affedionately. Exhort 
them, oh exhort them to continue in the grace of God ; 

and forget not to v/rite to, dear Mr. , 

Yours moft affedionately in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G. //'. 


Reverend and dear Sir, Philadelphia y Nov. TO, 173c. *" 

THOUGH bufinefs prevents my correfponding with you 
fo frequently as I did when in England^ yet what can 
hinder me now, but a want of gratitude and love? Accept 
then, dear Sir, my fmcere, though late thanks, for all favours 
conferred upon me, and aiTure yourfelf, I remember both you 
and your beloved people at the throne of grace. Nothing will 
rejoice me more than to hear, that the good pleafure of the 
LoRDprofpers in your hand. Oh dear Sir, what a gracious Ma- 
fler do we fcrve I His loving-kindnefs ftill prevents, accompa- 
nies, and follows me. He has not given me over unto death, but 
is ftiil pleafed to dig and dung round me, and not cut me down 
as a cumberer of the ground. I long to be purged, dear Sir, 
that I may brinor forth more fruit, Smce mv retirement from 
the world, I have leen more and more how full I am of corrup- 
tion. Nothing could pofTibly fupport my foul under the many 
agonies which opprefTed me, when on board, but a confidera- 
tion of the freenels, eternity, and unchangeablencfs of God's 
love to me, the chief of fmners.— ^In about a twelvemonth, 
probably, I (hall return again to my native country. Satan no 
doubt will endeavour to ftir up all his forces againfi: me. By 
the help of my God, I will once more come forth with my 
fling and my ftone.— I fhall wait with impatience to hear how 
the work goes on in my abfence. I truQ-, God, by this time, 
has fent forth more labourers into his harveft. I heaniiy wiUi 
all the Lord's fervants were prophets. I verily believe, the 
right-hand of the Lord will not only have the pre-emi- 
nence, but alfo bring mighty things to pafs. O how do 1 long, 

* Many of the letters of this dare were wri'ten on .Oiip-board duiirg 
the paffage, but dated when knl off fVuin F kila.ielph.a. 

Vol. L ¥ dear 


dear Sir, to lee bigotry and party-zeal taken away, and all the 
Lord's fervants more knit together. Pray, my due refpe(5t=; 
to all that are fo kind as to enquire after mc. Exhort them to 
pray and give thanks for, 

Your unworthy friend, brother, and fervant in our 
dear Lord's vineyard, 


Reverend and dear Sir^ ' Philadelphia^ Ncv. lO, 1 739. 

MA N appoints, but God difappoints. No doubt it was 
befty that I fhould not fee your anfvver to the biftiop^s 
lecter before I left England. I hope it was wrote with the 
meeknefs and gentlenefs of Christ, and then no doubt God 
will give his bleffing. Oh, dear Sir, how is the glory departed 
from Ifrael ! In what dregs of time are we born ? Boafting of 

our oi thodoxy and primitive purity, and yet alas ! but is 

not this enough, dear Sir, to excite our zeal even till it do eat 
us up f Wherefore hath God called us by his free grace, and 
made a difference between us and others, but that we fhouH 
ftand up in defence of his injured honour ? Your friend, Mr. 

» , has told me how plentifully you once taftcd of the 

good word of life, and felt the pov^-ers of the world to come. 
Oh that the divine fpark may again kindle in the heart till it 
become a flame of fire ! Nothing will fo much enforce your 
arguments as a life exadly conformable to the holy Jesus. — 
When with .you laft, I thought you fpoke too favourable of 
horfe- races, and fuch things. But what diverfion ought a 
chriftian or a clergyman to know or fpeak of, but that of do- 
ing good ? Many who are right in- their principles, are worfc 
than I could wifli in their pravSlice. Oh for a revival of 
true and undefiled religion in all feiSls whatfocvcr ! I long tQ 
fee a catholic fpirit over-fpread the world ; may God vouch- 
f\fe to make me an inftrument of promoting, it ! Methinks, I 
care not what I da- or fufler., fo that I may fee my Lord's 
kingdom come with power. But I know not my ov/n weak- 
nefs, till I am tried. Dear Sir, pray for me, that I may b? 
found faithful in an hour of temptation. I expecl to be tried 
to the uttermoft, and to hear, that many arc become my ene- 
mies, who once would, as it were, have olucked out their even 



for me. Ins necclTary that fuch offences fliould come ; other- 
I wife, how can I know that I am, what I deilre to be, dear 

Your affectionate friend and true brother in Christ, 

G. ir, 


Philaddphia^ Nov. lO, 1739. 
My dear Brethren^ and worthy fellow-labourers i?j Christ, 

THOUGH I know' none of you in perfon, yet, from the 
time I heard of your fairh and love towards our dear 
Lord Jesus, I have been acquainted with you in fpirit, and 
have conflantly mentioned you in my poor prayers. The good 
pleafure of the Lord', I find, profpers in your hands ; and I 
pray God incrcafc you more and more, both you and your 
children. Scotland^ like England^ hath been fo much fctded 
upon it's Ices for fomc time, that I fear our late days may pro- 
perly be called the midnight of the church. BlefTed be GoD, 
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath fent fortl* 
many of his fervants with this cry, " Behold the bridegroom 
Cometh." Thoufands obey the call^ and are trimming their 
ipiritual lamps, in order to go forth to meet him. I cannot 
but think a winnowing time will come after this in-gathering; 
of fouls. O that we may fufFer only as chriftians, and thea 
the fpirit of Christ and of glory will red upon us. Li pa- 
tience pofiefs your fouls, and I will leave my caufe to God. 
You, my reverend Brethren, I am perfuaded, are no otherwife 
minded ; may we go on then in the power, and under the 
guidance of the Lord of Hosts. The eternal God will be 
your perpetual refuge. He that employs, will prote^l:; as your 
day is, fo (liall your ftrengrh be. Let not our dear Lord's 
lambs perifh for lack of knowledge. *' Give ye, give ye themi 
1(1 cat," m.ethinks, is the endearlitg, conftraining command of 
the great Shepherd and B (liop of fouls. And O that a due 
obedience may be paid to it by me, your unworthy brother. 
But I bluOi almoft, when I llile myfelf your brother;, for I 
am a child, and all of you are fathers. Oh, drive together 
with me in your prayers, that the divine flrength may be ftilL 
•magnified in my weaknefs. You will intreat the LoRp to 

F;i bJtfs 


blefs the orphan-houfe. I have reafon to think, GoU will 
bring great good out of it. Oh that I may be prepared for fu- 
ture favours ! Oh that pride and fclf-love may thoroughly be 
fubdued ! Brethren, I befeech you by the mercies of God in 
Christ Jesus, to pray for me, whilft winds and florms are 
blowing over me. You are not forgotten by him, who, though 
the mod unworthy of his Lord's fcrvants, defires to fubfcribc 

Your afFe£lionate brother, and fellow-pilgrim and 
labourer in Christ Jesus, 

G, JF. 


My dear Friend^ Philadelphia^ Nov. lo, 1739. 

BECAUSE I will not forget you, I begin to write before 
we get on fhore. How is dear Mr. • 's heart ? Has 

he yet recovered his firfl love ? And is that prophecy, " This 
child is fct for the falling and rifing again of many in Ifrael^*'' 
as yet fulfilled in him. I cannot but think a good work was 
once wrought upon your foul. I cannot but think, God vi'iU 
vet fulfil his whole will in you. But let not my dear friend 
linger any longer. If there is mercy with God, let him be 
feared, not difobeyed. If he has promifed to heal our back- 
flidings, and love us freely, let his goodnefs lead us to repent- 
ance. Profperity hath been a fnare to you ; every day 1 fee 
the excellency of that part of y/^«r*s, prayer, " Give me not: 
riches, left I be full and deny thee, and fay, who is the Lord." 
And that petition in our liturgy, " In all time of our wealth, 
good Lord deliver us." I always take particular notice of it, 
1 believe you will not be at all richer this year, than you was 
the laft. — For as riches increafe, our wants increafe with them, 
-^I write not this to have you defert your flation, but to excite 
a holy jealoufy in your heart. — Oh, what would I give to fee 
my dear friend, as formerly, " Fervent in fpirit, ferving the 
Lord." If God fends me to England zg-diUy I fnall try my 
friends. However that be, I am perfuaded, that fufiering for 
righteoufnefs fake, is the beft, the greateft preferment in the 
church of Christ. But how does your little — I would not 
willingly fay, your great idol. Pray accept a quarto^ bible for 

,. - him. 

LETTER s: 6^ 

him. Oh, my friend, give him up to God, and do not 
provoke him, by over-rondnefs and too great indulgence, to 
tiilce him from you. The little lambs on board improve brave- 
ly; they bear the voyage beft of all. They are as lufty as 
eagles : God has dealt moft gently with us. I hope I may 
fay, the church in my houfe falute you and your wife. — I do 
not forget her ; may fhc never reft till (he comes into the glo- 
rious liberty of the children of Geo ! It is a blefied thing, my. 
dear friend, to be the Lord's freeman. My heart is full j I 
repent I have not allowed more paper. My dear Sir, excufs 
and pray for 

Your mod affedionate, though unworthy frfend, 


My dear S>tftcr ?'« Christ, Phlladdphla^ Nov. lo, 1739. 

WAN r of time, not want of refpecl, has prevented my 
anfwering your kind letters. I efleem you highly for 
Christ's fake. I believe you to be one whom God has 
chofen out of the world, and hath fealed to the day of redemp- 
tion. Nothing, therefore, (hall pluck you out of his hands. 
Was it not for this promife,myfoul would be exceed ingforrow- 
ful at the profpedt of what I may undergo. The innumerable 
temptations that attend a popular life, fometimes make me 
think it would be beft for me to withdraw. But then I con- 
fider, that He, who delivered Daniel out o( the den of lions, 
and the three children out of the fiery furnace, is able and 
willing to deliver me alfo out of the fiery furnace of popularity 
an'd applaufc, and from the fury of thofe, who, for preaching 
Christ, and him crucified, are my inveterate enemies. In 
his ftrength therefore, and at his command, whenever his 
providence fliall call, I v/ill venture out again. As yet mv 
trials have been nothing. Hereafter a winnowing time maj- 
come ; then we {hall fee, who is on the Lord's fide, and wlio 
dare to confefs Christ before men. None but thofe who 
wholly rely on the Redeemer's righteoufnefs, and arc trulv 
born again of God. Oh pray, that I may be found faithful. 
Satan hath been very bufy with me fince I favv you, bur I truft 
the Lord, by thefc inward trials, v»'ilKpurge mc, that T may 

F 3 biin^ 

70 letters; 

brinp: forth more fruit. Ceafe not to pray, that this may \i2 
the happy cafe of, 

Your fcrvant in the gofpel, 

&. IK 

Dear Mr. • Philadelphia^ Nov, 10, 173^. 

YOU cannot well conceive how conftantly you have ben 
upon my heart, fince I faw you. I think there has been 
a fympathy between your heart and mine. I have often pitied 
my dying friend, and as often prayed, that he may leave a word 
foL- God. I fay, prayed, for God alone can remove the load. 
— I know too v/ell what fuch temptations are, to think they 
may be overcome by our own ftrength. But, my dear Friend, 
you and I, weak as we are, can do all things through Christ 
ftrengthcning us. — Do you believe on the Son of Gop ^ AH 
things are poilible to him that believeth. If the devil there- 
fore continues his afiaults, refift him, ftedTaft in the faith. Re- 
fifl him, my dear Friend, and he yvill flee from you ; rather 
fuffer any thing, than be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. 
If you cannot overcome where you are, abfence, perhaps, may 
cure you. Methinks, I would do and fufrer any thing, rather 
than dear Mr. — — fliould be lecj av/ay.— My companions in 
travel have an equal rclpcct for you. We have often joined 
in prayer for you, when eating your cake. May God reward 
you for that, and all your other kind refpccls and favours con-? 

fcrred on, dear Mr. , 

Tour's moft affcdlicnately in Christ, 


Dear Madam^ Philadelphia, Nov, lO, 1 7 39. 

I Should think myfelf highly ungrateful, did I not take all 
opportunities of acknowledging the many kindnefTes I have 
received at your hfinds. Your laft prcfcnts have been exceed- 
ing ferviceable on board the {hip, and every time we have tafted 
your bounty, I have endeavoured to dart up a fhort ejaculation 
k)i our kind benefactbei^j. You cannot conceive, dear Mada7n, 

t how 


liow loving the Lord has dealt with us ; he has given us all 
things richly to enjoy, and coniforted us on every fide. In- 
deed rometimes he has been plcafcd to withdraw from me, 
and to permit fatan to fend me a thoi n in the flclh. — But that 
was only to fliew me my vilenefs, and to prepare me for fur- 
ther manifcftations of his goodnefs to my foul. Our voyage 
though long has not been teJious or burdenfome. My foul 
wants retirement. — I dread coming out into the world again. 
J am confidentj dear Madam, that you will pray for me, that 
I may be kept unfpottcd from it. (.)h what a blefied Mafter 
do we ferve ! His rod as well as flaff comforts the foul. His 
corrections are all loving, and are only intended to make us 
truly great. Though you fcemed to doubt, yet I hope to fee 
you once more before you go hence. I cannot fay I expect 
liberty long, if I fpeak boldly the truth as 1 ought to fpcak. — 
Indeed there is no being a true chriflian, and yet holding with 
the world, fo much as feme may imagine. Jesus Christ 
calls us to fimplicity. I have often thought, dear Madam, 
that you did not fee through the world enough. Numbers are 
a^CGOunted chriftians, who have only a name to live. I pray 
God to open all our eyes, that we may fee every thing clearly. 
A time of perfecution will fhow who are Ijraelites indeed, and 
who outfide profeilbrs. — I hope. Madam, that, when tried, 
you will come forth as gold purified fevcn times in the fire. I 
only fear for, and fufpe6t myfelf. — The Lord my righteouf- 
iiefs will uphold me. Dear Madam, God only knows vv^ith 
M'hiit gratitude I defire to fubfcribe myfelf 

Yqur mcft oblij^cd friend and fervant, 


Dear Adrs. - — ^ Philadelphia^ Nov. to, 1739. 

WHEN laft abrond, I couKl not writ-e to you for want 
of knov/ing your name. Blefled be God v.e have 
fuicc been better acquainted, and 1 now know your name and 
place of abode. May the God, whom I defn-e to ferve, richly 
r<?ward you for receiving me into your houfe. You were one 
of my moft conilant hearers j may you be my joy and crowa 
. oi rejoicing in the day of the Lor d J cu s> 1 ti uli ere now, 

F 4 you 


you have felt, that the kingdom of God does not conhft ia 

word, but in power. I know that Mrs. would have nie 

deal plainly with her foul; therefore I fliall not fcruple to tell 
her, how I have fometimes thought fhe was not yet clearly 
enough convinced of fin, and of the perfe6l righteoufnefs 
wrought out for, and to be imputed to her, by the Lord 
Jesus Christ, through faith in his blood. — Since I have been 
on fliipboard, ble/Ted be God, his name has made my foul to 
fmart, and caufcd me to fee more of my own wretchednefs. 

Oh, Mrs. , you know not, neither do I myfelf know as 

yet, what a myftery of iniquity is hid even in a heart timely 
renewed. I faw a little of it the other day ; and had 1 not 
known my Redeemer liveth, and that he ever livcth to make 
interccffion for me, I mutt have funk into defpair : 

But there s a voice offovereign grace 

Sounds from the facred word; ^ 

Here ye defpairing ftnners come^ 
Jnd truji upon the Lord. 

May God of his infinite m.ercy fo work upon you, that, at 
at the laft day, you may be found having on the wedding- 
garment ! was I to ftudy to eternity, I could wifh you nothing 
better. May the ever-blefied God fay Amen to it. I hope 

your little daughters are in good health. Dear Mrs. , ex^ 

hort them to renounce the luft of the eye and the pride of 
life, and to abftain from all appearance of evil. I have a fin- 
cere concern for you and yours, and with all poffible thanks 
for your kind prefents and affection, I fubfcribe myfelf 
Your fincere friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. JK 


Dear Mrs. Philadelph'uiy Nov, 10, 1739. 

AS I do not forget to pray for, fo I do not forget to write 
to you, to make a proper acknowledgment of your and| 
your hufband's love j exhorting you to fave yourfelves from 
this untoward generation. Before I left London^ 1 perceived 
God was working upon your foul. I truft the fame God, 
fmce my departure, has carried it on, and that you are con- 



Vinced of the fin of unbelief. Oh dear Mrs. _— , it is a 
difficult thing to believe aright; it can only be given from 
above. I know many of my acquaintance, who love to hear 
me talk and preach, and who receive me gladly into their 
houfes ; but alas ! I fear they are felf-righteous, and were 
never yet truly convinced of fm. They have good dcfircs, 
and therefore flatter themfelves, that they are good chriftians : 
But I fear many of them are only fooliih virgins. I would 
not have dear Mrs. ■■ or her hufband of this number. 

If (he hath followed on to know the Lord, I am per- 
fuaded ere now, fhe is in fome mcafure brought out of 
herfelf, and taught of God to rely only on Jesus Christ 
for wifdom, righteoufnefs, fan(3:ilication, and redemption. 
If thus minded, your foul is at peace with God, itfelf, and 
the world. If not, let her afk and it fhall be given her, let 
her fcek and fhe fhall find, let her knock and a door of 
mercy fhall be opened unto her. — All things are pollible to 

him that believeth — Oh dear Mrs. , my heart is in- 

largcd towards you ; I long for your falvation : prefs on and 
faint not. Whenever I come, I fhall expe£l to fuffer. Bat 
though we die for Christ, oh let us pray that we may 
not deny him in any wife. Nothing but the free almighty 
grace of God can uphold, 

Your fincere friend in Christ, 

G. IK 


R(V. and Dear Sir, Philadelphia , Nov. lo, 1739. 

I Think I may fay of you, as the Samaritans did upon ano- 
ther occafion, I believe you to be a true lover of our dear 
Lord Jesus. Not merely becaufe my brother told me (g, 
but becaufe I have it under his own hand. Your lad kirid 
letter has knit my heart moft clofely to you. I love thofc that 
thunder out the word. The chriftian world is in a deep fleep. 
Nothing but a loud voice can awaken them out of it. 1 pray 
God to llrengthen you more and more, and caufe you to 
triumph in every place. Though abfent in body, I am pre- 
fcnt with you in fplrit. It would rejoice me to hear of your 
fuccefs in the Lord, In about a twelvemonth I purpofe, God 



willing, to return to England \ who knows but then I may fee 
you face to face, and have foine fpiritual gift imparted to my 
foiil ? I long to die to myfcif, and to be aHvc unto God. Me- 
tbinics I would be alwjys upon the wing ; but alas ! I have 
a body of fin, which at times makc^ me cry out, " who (hall 
deliver me ?" I thank God, our Lord Jesus Christ will 
deliver. But I never expecl intire freedom, till I bow down 
my head, and give up the ghofb. Every freih employ, I find 
brings with it frefn temptations. God always humbles 
before he exalts me. Sometimes I fpeak and write freely, at 
other times I am comparatively barren ; one while on the 
mount, another while overfliadowed with a cloud ; but blefled 
be God, at all times at peace with him, and afiured that my 
fins are forgiven. I want to leap my feventy years ; I long to 
be -diiVolved, and to be with Christ. But I mull be made 
perfect by fufterings. I expert no other preferment. And 
you no doubt will have your fliare. This is our comfort, if 
we fufFer we fhall alfo reign w;th Christ ; haften on, O 

Lord, thatbleffed time, when dear Mr. fhall fit 

tiown at thy right hand, with all the fpirits of juft men made 
perfect in heaven ! where I truft a feat, though of the Iqweft 
cJafs, is prepared for 

Your unworthy friend and fervant, 


Rev. and Dear Sir y Philadelphia ^ Nqv. ic, 1739. 

SINCE I favv you lafl, you cannot well tell with what 
pleafure I have rcfledied on the uncommon power that 
frequently attended the word at Bi\\Iey. It was to mc a figri 
of God's good will, both to minifters and people. The for- 
mer I was convinced of, before I left England. The laft fer- 
mon I heard you preach, gave me much fatisfacftion. 1 hope 
ere now you are convinced of the latter alfo, and have (een 
fame good efre6\s amongft your parifhioners. However, this 
1 am afiured of, we fliall all in due time reap the fruit of 
our labours, if we faint not. Let me therefore exhort you, 
by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus, to continue un- 
>ve^ripd in well doing. You have fccn the affiidlions of God's 



fpiritual Ifrael. " Do and live," is moft they hear. But what 
Is this, bat requiring them to make bricks without ftraw ? 

Arii'e, arile, then, my dear Ml. i proclaim the Lord 

to be their righteoufnefs. The everlafling JAM now fends 
you forth : fay not they will difbelieve my report, for God 
foems to have given his people the hearing ear and obedient 
heart. Ycax not the face of man, for the Lord, if you go 
out in his ftrcngth, fhall be with you, whitherfoever you go. 
I hope my dear and honoured friend ere now luth prevented 
my exhortations. Mcthinks I fee him, with all boldncfs de- 
claring the whole counfel of God, and the attentive people 
receiving joyfully the gracious words, which proceed out of 
his mouth. Go on, my dear brother, go on j may the Lord 
blefs you more and more, daily adding to the number of your 
fpiritual children. — I thai^k you, from my foul, for alJ fa- 
vours conferred on me, and I pray you may always confefs 
our Lord and his difciples before men, My moft finccre re- 
fpe6ts attend your help-mate and true yoke-fellow. You are 
<:cnftantly upon my heart. My next joornal will acquaint 
you how lovingly God hath dealt with 

Your moft unworthy friend and fervant, 

G, IF. 


J^hiu:dclph:n^ Nov. lo, 1 739. 

AND how does my dear Mr. H —s? Is he yet com- 
menced 7X Jield preacher ? I am perfuaded my dear friend 
is under the guidance of God's fpirit, and therefore am con- 
vinced he will be dirtvSled for the bell. He defircs to do his 
Lord's will, and fhall he not know it? Undoubtedly he 
{l:iall. Nay, ere now i»truft God has pointed out his way, 
and he has been upon many a mount flretching out his hands, 
and inviting all that are weary and heavy laden to come to 
Jesus Christ. Oh my dear brother, though you come af- 
ter me, yet I pray God, you may always be preferred before 
me. I truft I fhall not envy, but rejoice in my brother's fuc- 
cefs. At prefent, I flrfd 1 love him in the bowels of Jesus 
ChR'Ist ; I am frequently with you in fpiiit, and (liall wait 
\yith impatijpiicc till I hear of my dear brother'i progrefs in 



the Lord. Alas ! I fear I do not improve my retirement aS 
I ought. God has gracioufly pleafcd to condud me in mercy. 
The tempter has been bufy with me, and I never before was 
more deeply wounded for fin. Christ's love will let no- 
thing pluck us out of his hands. However, let us conftantly 
watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. The' 
fpirit is willing, but the flcdi is weak. In about a twelve- 
month, God willing, I think of returning to England, I 
fhould rejoice, if you would come and fupply my placQ at 
Savannah. If not, I muft refign the parfonage, and take upon 
me only the care of the orphans. I intend bringing up two or 
three, that are with me, for the miniftry : more, no doubt, 
will {hortly be added to their number. If you could come 
and teach them the languages, for an hour or two in the day ; 
we could ferve both the orphan-houfe and parfonage to- 
gether. Great things I truft will come out of Georgia. The 
Lord Jesus direci: your fpirit, and if it be his will, fend you 
as a help to, dear Sir, 

Your's moft affecliojiately in Christ Jesus, 

G\ IF. 


Rev. and dear Sir y Philadelphia^ Nov» 10, 1739. 

THOUGH but little acquainted with you, yet I write 
this to afiure you, what a cordial refpe6l I have for 
you. The love of GoD, which I truft, through his free grace, 
is ftied abroad in both our hearts, conftrains me to love you 
in the bowels of Jesus Christ. I remember you in m/ 
unworthy prayers, and am perfuaded I am not forgotten in 
vour*s. No one more needs them, whether confidered as a 
iprivate chriftian, or a public miniftcr ; thoufands are waiting 
for my halting ; and I know fo much of the corruption of my 
own heart, that was God to leave me to myfelf but one mo- 
ment, I {hould with oaths and curfes deny my mafter. As, 
for my final perfeverance, I blefs God, I have not the Icaft 
doubt thereof, l^he gifts and callings of God are without 
repentance. Whom he loves, I am perfuaded, he loves tq 
the end. But then I fear, left being puffed up with abundance 
of fuccefs, I fhould provoke the Lo?.D to Icr me fall into 



Come heinous fin, and thereby give his adverfliries reafon to 
rejoice. A public life is attended with innumerable fnares ; ^r" 
and a fcnfe of my uhworthinefs and unfitnefs fo weighs me 
dovvii, that I have often thought it would be beft for me to 
retire. But I know thefe are all fuggcdions of the enemy. 
Why fhould I diftruft omnipotence ? Having had a legion of 
devils cad out of my heart by the power of Christ, why 
fhould I not tell what he hath done for my foul, for the en- 
couragement of others. By the help of God, I will fpeak ; 
and the more fatan bids me to hold my peace, the more ear- 
nedly will I proclaim to believing faints, that Jesus the fon 
of David will have mercy on them ; nay, I do not defpair of 
publifliing thefe glad tidings even at JVethersfidd, In a little 
above a twelvemonth, God willing, I intend returning. But 
ere that time comes, I truft my dear Lord will purge mc, 
that I may bring forth more fruit. — Satan has not been want- 
ing to fift me as wheat ; but my friend, the friend of all, 
even Jesus, has prayed for me, and as yet my faith hath not 
failed. Oh had I a thoufand lives, my dear Lord Jesus 
fhould have them all I For he is worthy, he hath plucked me 
as a brand out of the burning, and is continually comforting 
me on every fide — Read, read, dear Sir, the account I have 
fent over to be publiflied of what God hath done for mc 
in the days of my youth, and it will afford more thankfgiv- 
ing and praife. — Pray in the behalf of, Sir, 

Your moll afFedionate friend, brother, and fervant, 

G. TF, 


My dear Friend and Brother^ PJ/iladelphia^ Nov, lO, 1739. 

I Love you in the bowels of Jesus Christ, as a proof of 
it, I fend this. I heartily wifh I could correfpond with 
you oftener. Your advice would always be feafonable to me ; 
becaufe you have been a long time in the fchool of Christ. 
lam butjuft: now entering the lift, and frequently tremble 

at the confideration of what I am to do and fuffer. But 

when I confidcr it is for Jesus Christ, who ha§ called me 
by his free grace into his marvellous light, and has promifcd 
to be with us always, even unto the end of the world, a di- 

4 "vine 


vine £re kindles in my heart, and I long to call the Imgring 
battle on. Satan hath been bufy with me fmce I faw you, 
efpecially fmce my retirement on fhip-board. I have often 
thought of the folly of thofe, who go out of the world to 
avoid temptation. Satan now buffets me more than when 
confined in a (hip. I receive this as a great mercy at the hands 
of the Lord to keep me in action, and to prepare me for 
greater tokens of his love. Before I am exalted, I am always 
\i humbled by fome inward trials. They are the moft foul- 
grieving, but they are the nioR foul-improving confli^ls. 
My dear friend, I can fay from my heart, *' I am the chief of 
finners : " I feel myfelf fo wretched and miferable, fo blind 
and naked in myfelf, that fatan would tempt me to v»^rite 
to no one. But the Lord hath rebuked him, and after a 
long tedious hour of temptation, fills my foul as it were with 
marrow and fatnefs, and makeih my pen the pen of a ready 
writer. Oh that my mouth was filled with his praifc 1 As 
yet, blefTed be God, in my darkcft hours my evidences have 
not been in the leaft clouded. I have been afTured my Lord 
hath forgiven all my iniquities, tranfgreflions and fins, but 
I cannot forgive myfelf. Oh that I fliould ever oflend againft 
fuch dying love ! Pray for me, my dear brother, pray for 
me, that I may never by pride or floth tempt the blefTed fpi- 
rit to depart from me. I fear not falling finally ; for God I 
believe chofe me in Christ before ever the earth and the 
world were made, as a vclicl of his favirtg mercy ; but I fear 
1 fhall provoke him to let me fall foully, and then how v.-ill 
the Phiiyrines rejoice ? This confideration fometimes makes 
me to wifh that the Lord would cut off my ftrength in my 
iourney, and fhortcn my days. But wherefore do I fear ^ 
Ah me of little faith 1 You fee, my dear friend, how freely I 
have unbofomed my heart to you. I cannot call you my 
friend, and yet hide from you God's dealings with my foul. 
Salute all that love our Lord Jesus in fincerity, and bcfcech 
them to pray for your finccrc friciid, but the molt unprofita- 
ble of hiii dear Lord's feivaiits^ 

G. n\ 




Rev. and Diar Sir, Pbiladdphia, Nov, lo, 1 7 39. 

YOUR, kind letters, and kinder vifit, have made me 
frequently to long for a more clofc correfpondence with 
you. I find my heart drawn out in love towards you, and 
had God fo ordered it, could have wiflicd to have perufcd 
what you have written in my defence. I pray God to con- 
fer on you that reward, which he has promifcd to give thofs 
who confcfs him before men. If the gofpel continues to rum 
and have fuch free courfe, I mud fufter, as well as preach 
for my dear Lord Jesus. Oh lift up your hands, dear Sir^ 
in the congregations of the faithful, that I may willingly, 
(if need be) refifteven unto blood ; but not with carnal wea- 
pons. Taking the fword out of the hand of God's fpirit, I 
fear has more than once {lopped the progrefs of the gofpel. 
The Quaker s^ though wrong in their principles, yet I think 
have left us an example of patient fuffering, and did more 
by their bold, unanimous and perfevering teiiimonies, than 
if they had taken up allahe arms in the kingdom, \n this 
refpe^il I hope I fhali follow them as they did Christ, and 
though I die for him, yet take up no carnaJ weapon in de- 
fence of him in any Vv'ife. 7'he doiSlrines of our eledion, 
and free juftification in Christ Jesus, are daily more and 
more prelled upon my heart. They fill my foul with a \\o\v 
fire, and afford me great confidence in God my Saviour. 
Surely I am fafe, bccaufe put into his almighty arms. 
Though I may fall, yet I (hall not utterly be caflavvay. The 
fpirit of the Lord Jesus will hold, and uphold me. That 
God may every day enrich you more and more with the 
anointings of this fpirit, is the hearty prayer of, Reverend and 
<jcar Sir, 

Your moft obliged friend, brother, and f^:rvant in Christ, 




To the brethren in 

Philadelphia^ Nov. xo, 1 7 39. 

TWICE did I purpofe to come and fee you at '^ 
but was prevented by that all-wife providence, which 
ordereth all things for the beft : however, though abfent, I 
am not unmindful of you. As a tcftimony thereof I fend 
you this. And oh that you may be filled with an holy fire, 
and fuch an ardent zeal for God as even to eat you up ! 
Look round, look round, my brethren, and in imitation of 
vour common Lord, weep over the defolations of the univer- 
fity wherein you live. Alas ! how is that once faithful city 
become an harlot ! Have pity upon her, ye that are friends, 
and whatever treatment you may meet with from an ungrate- 
ful world, endeavour at leaft to refcue fome of her fons out of 
that blindnefs, ignorance, bigotry and formality, into v/hich 
fhe is unhappily fallen. Arife, ye Tons of the prophets ; fhiine 
forth, ye who are appointed to be the lights of the world. The 
rulers of this world will endeavour to put you under bufliels j 
but if your light is of God's kindling, all the devils in hell 
ihall not be able to extinguifh it. Be not therefore, my 
brethren, weary of well doing. Have you true faith ? keep it 
not to yourfelves ; be willing, as occafion offers, freely ta 
communicate it to others. How will you be apt to teach 
hereafter, unlefs you begin to teach now ? None but thofe^ 
who are of a different fpirit from that meek man Mofes^ will 
be offended at you. All God's people will wifh you God 
fpeed. 1 am fure I do with all my heart. And I pray 
God to fandtify your whole fpirits, fouls and bodies, and 
make you veffels meet for our common Mafter's ufe ! for 
none but thofe who have felt the fpirit themfelves, can freely 
or feelingly fpeak of him to others. My dear brethren, for- 
get not to pray for, 

Your affet^tioAatc, though weak brother 

and fervant in Christ, 

G. IF. 




To . 

My dear Brethren in CfIrist, Philadelphia^ Nov. lo, 1739. 

THE cordial love I bear you, will not fufrer me to ncglc6l 
writing to you : as God has been pleafcd to blel's my 
miniftry to your fouls, To I think it my duty to watch over you 
for good, and afTure you, cotiflantly you are all upon my 
heart. Your laft letter gave me great pleafurc ; but it was 
too full of acknowledgments, which I by no means dcferve* 
To him alone, from whom every good and perfect gift comcth, 
be all the thanks and glory, I heartily pray God, that you 
may be burning and Ihining lights in the midft of a crooked 
and perverfe generation. Though you are not of the church 
of England^ yet if you are perfuaded in your own minds of the 
truth of the way wherein you now walk, I leave it. How- 
ever, whether Conformijls^ or Nonconformijls^ our main con- 
cern (hould be, to be aflured that we are called and taught of 
God ; for none but fuch are fit to minifter in holy things. 
Indeed, my dear brethren, it rejoiced me much to fee fuch 
dawnings of grace in your fouls ; only I thought moft of you 
were bowed down too much with a fefvile fear of man : but 
as the love of the Creator increafes, the fear of the creature 
will daily decreafe in your hearts. Nicode?mis, who came at firft 
by night to our Lord, afterwards dared to own him before 
the whole council in open day. I pray God make you all thus 
minded. For unlefs your hearts are free from worldly hopes 
and worldly fears, you never will fpeak boldly, as you ought 
to fpeak. The good old Puritans^ I believe, never preached s, 
better, than when in danger of being taken to prifon as foon as 
they had finifhed their fermon. And however the church may 
be at peace now, yet I am perfuaded, unlefs you go forth 
with the fame temper, you will never preach with the fame 
demonftration of the fpirit, and of power. Study therefore, my 
brethren, I befeech you by the mercies of God in Christ* 
Jesus, fludy your hearts as well as books— afk yourfelves 
again and again, whether you would preach for Christ, if 
you were fure to lay down your lives for {o doing ? If you 
fear the difpleafurc of a man for doing your duty now, aflure 
Vol. I. G yourfelves 



youiTclves you are not yet thus minded. But enough of" this. 
I love to hope well of you all. I truft, as you are enlightened 
with fome degree of knowledge in the myfteriesof godlinefsjyou 
will henceforth determine not to know any thing but Jesus 
Christ, and him crucified. This is, and this, the Lord 
being my helper, fliall be the only ftudy of, my dear brethren. 
Your affediionate friend, brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 

G. TV. 


RiV. and Dear Sir, Philadelphia^ Nov. lO, 1739. 

WHY fo long filent during my ftay in England? 
why did you not write me a letter of reproof, and 
fmite me friendly for what you thought amifs in the difcourfe 
between me and a friend at Brijlol? I fliould have taken it 
kindly at your hands. When I am unwilling to be told of 
my faults, dear Sir, correfpond with me no more. If 1 know 
any thing of this treacherous heart of mine, 1 love thofe mod, 
who are mod faithful to me in this refpedi: : henceforward, dear 
Sir, I beftech you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus, 
fpare me not. I am blind, I am full of felf-pride, and felf- 
love, and yet know it not. Blcfied be God, who during my 
retirement has been pleafed to let me fee fomething of my 
own vilenefs. I truft he will never leave nor forfake me, 
till I know myfelf even as I am known. I need not fear 
the fight of fin, when I have a perfe(51: everlafting rightQOufnefs 
wrought out for me by that GoD-man Christ Jesus. The 
riches of his free grace, caufe me daily to triumph overall the 
temptations of the wicked one, who is very vigilant, and feeks 
all occafions to difturb me. The Lord Christ is my helper, 
and the lifter up of my head. It is good for me to be tempted. 
By inward trials I truft my divine maftcr will prepare roe for 
his future mercies. I am perfuadcd I fha'l yet fee great things, 
and be called to fufier for his name fake. Through much 
tribulation, I muft enter into glory. Lift up your hands, 
dear Sir, when praying at the fancluary, in my behalf; in- 
treat the fame favour of the elecSl lady. As I am enabled, 
it ftiail be returned 3 and, GoD willing, when I come next 
4 to 

L E t t E R S. 8j 

to knghml^ you may expert a vifit from, dear and reverend 

Your moil obliged friend and fcrvant, 


My Pjv. and very dearBrother^ Philadelphia^ Nov, lo. 1 7 30. 

EVER fmce fincc I was favoured with your laft mod en- 
dearing letter, you have been upon my heart more and 
more. As I wiih all the Lord's fervants were prophets, fo it 
gives me uncommon pleafure, when the Lord raifes up one 
of our own church. Believe me, dear Sir, when I look upon 
her defolations, I can fcarce forbear weeping over her. But 
blefled be God, who has been pleas'd to vifit her in this our 
day. Henceforward, I truft (he will be a joyful mother of 
fpiritual children. Many of late, under God, have been be- 
gotten by fome of her fons through the gofpel, amongft whom 

I may reckon • : He has been I believe, and truft will 

ftill be the ghoftly father of many fouls. May he increafe 
with all the increafe of God, and appear before his redeemer 
at the laft day, faying, *' Behold me, O Lord, and the chil- 
dren which thou haft given me." Oh dear Sir, words cannot 
exprefs how affedionately I defire to efteem and love you. 
None but the all -feeing God knows how carneftly I pray and 
defire to labour for the profperity of Jerufalem, Had we a 
thoufand hands -iwi tongues^ there is employment enough for 
them all : people are every where ready to perifh for lack of 
knovv'ledge. As the Lord has been pleafcd to revcad hi's 
dear Son in us. Oh let us ftir up that gift of God, and with 
all boldnefs preach him to others. Freely we have received, 
freely let us give ; what Christ tells us by his fpirit in our 
clofets, that let us proclaim on the houfe top. FIc who fends, 
will protect us. All the devils in hell (hall not hurt us, till 
we have finiftied our teftimony. And then, if we fhould feal 
it with imprifonment or death, well will it be with us, and 
happy (liall we be evermore ! But the proof of our fm- 
cerity, will be Vv^hen we come to the trial. I fear for no one io 
much as myfelf. Dear Sir, pray that you never may have 
reafoa to be aflianied of the 

Moft unprofitable of our Lord's fervants, 

(?. IK 



Dear Mr. , Philadelphia^ Nov. IC, I73'9' 

I Hope dear brother hath fatisfied you about the que- 
ries in your laR. I truft you are not angry with me for 
being fo long filent. Excefs of bufinefs was the caufe. I 
write you this, my dear brother, to afllirc you I have not for- 
gotten you. No, you are upon my heart j I pray for your 
profperity both in body and foul, and hope ere v/e die to take 
another tour with you round Wales. God has dealt moCt 
lovingly with us on fliip-board. We had very fair weather 
moft part of our way. Both the good and bad fpirit have 
been with us in the fhip. The one to tempt and terrify, the 
other to fuppcrt and comfort. I need not tell you which has 
prevailed. Who fliall ftand before the fpirit of Jesus Christ ? 
I have had great intimations from above concerning Georgia, 
Who knows but we may have a college of pious youths at 
Savannah? I do not defpair thereof. ProfeJJor Fra?2ks' sunder^- 
taking in Germany has been much preiled upon my heart. I 
really believe that my prefent undertaking will fucceed. A'ly 
dear brother, call down a bleffing by your prayers. The Lord 
will hear thofe who put their truft in his mercy through 
Christ. You fee, you know, how many would rejoice at, 
and do wait for my halting. Befeech^the Lord that they may 
be difappointed of their hope ; intreat the people of Wales to 
join with you. I love them moft tenderly. I hope, at my 
return, to fee them grown in grace. I pray God fo to im- 
prove my retirement, that my progrefs may be made known 
unto them all. Salute them moft affe6:ionately in my name, 
and exhort them to continue inflant in. prayer and thankf- 
givings for, dear and honoured Sir, 
Your fellow pilgrim and labourer in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G. W. 


My dear hr other in Chri/?^ Phikdelphia^ Nov, 10, 17 JQ. 

AS there has been joy in heaven at your converfion, fo I 
can afTure you there has been on earth. I, and my 
fri'endf, have not failed to ^ive thanks, that you our brother 



was dead, but is alive again ; was lofl, but is found. Oh 
blellbd be God for calling you at the eleventh hour. Doth 
not this difplay the riches of his free grace ; and ought it not 
to fill you with his praife all the day long ? I wonder not that 
you are already become a fool for Christ's fake. All that 
will live godly in him muft fuffer perfecution. But fear not 
man. The Lord of Hosts HvdW be with you ; the ftrength 
of that God who hath called you fhall be your refuge. As 
you have not ^ong to live in this world, Satan, no doubt, 
will rage moft horribly againft you. Watch and pray that 
you enter not into temptation. Your cafe, God willing, I 
intend to publifli in my next journal. It is good to keep clofe 
the fecrets of a king, but it is honourable to fpeak of the 
works of the Lord. That God may carry on and finifli 
the good work begun in your foul, is the hearty prayer of 
Your affedlionatc friend and brother in Christ, 

G. TV. 


Dear Adifs B. Philadelphia^ Nov, lO, 1 7 39. 

THOUGH, when I came firft to London, 1 thought you 
had not made the progrefs which might be expected in 
the twelve months, for want of company ; yet your laft beha* 
viour gave me reafon to think that you was yet alive to God, 

Oh, dear Mifs B , do not flumber or fleep, but be always 

trimming your fpiritual lamp, knowing you are fliortly to 
meet the Bridegroom. Study to fhew the fimplicity of Jesus 
Christ, and ftrive to imitate thofe holy matrons, who not 
only adminiftred to our Lord of their fubftance, but alfo fol- 
lowed him to the accurfed tree. Love, love to Jesus, cads 
out fear. No doubt they were reproached for his name fake, 
and accounted mad women ; but they had a faith which en- 
abled them at that time to overcome the world, and by which 

they climbed up to heaven. May dear Mifs B be thus 

minded ! And may I fee her at the laft day amongft the wife 

vir2;ins! Cultivating an acquaintance with Mifs D , ajid 

the Mifs C 'j, will be a ftcp towards bringing you thither. 

Dear Mifs B , I am your friend and fcrvant 

G. jr. 

G 3 LET T L R 



To my Brother. 

Philadelphia^ Nov. IC, 1739. 

THOUGH I have wrote now for fome years to my dear 
brother, and have availed nothing, yet I cannot cea(e 
ftriving with him ; Vv'ho knows but at length the Almighty 
may remove the fcalcs from his eyes, and enable him to fee 
the want of a Redeemer. Indeed, my dear brother, you do 
not fee it yet, becaufe you do not feel it ; your moral honcfly 
and good nature deceives you. You think you are rich, and 
increafed in goods, and do not confidcr that you are poor and 
miTerable, blind and naked. You are felf- righteous, and do 
not rely on the righteoufnefs of the God-Man, Christ 
Jesus, for falvation. What would I give was my dear bro- 
ther convinced of this ? P'or, till he is convinced, he is 
niiferable, and docs not knov/ it. I pray God to open your 
eyes with a fenfe of his love. Send me a line to Georgia. 
God has fent us a comfortable paflage. In about a twelve- 
month I expc6t: to return. Be not furprifed if you hear of 
my being more caft out. We muft fufFer, as well as do, for 
Christ. If you are one of his you will rejoice 

Your afiedlionatc brother, 

G. J'K 


To Madam M— . 

Philadelphia^ Nov. lO, 1739. 

I Cannot think of the repeated affiftances you gave me by 
the loan of your coach, and at the fame time forbear 
fending you a line of thanks. But what is of greater con- 
cern, I think it m.y duty to write to you about a more im- 
portant affair ; I mean the falvation of your precious and 
immortal foul. God was pleafed to incline your heart. Madam, 
to hear and receive the word with joy. Neither the cares of 
the v/orld, nor the deceiifulnefs of riches, I trud have been 
permitted to choak, and hinder the growth of it in your foul. 
Indeed, Madam, you cannot be too watchful. It is ablelTed, 
and careful thing, to be a true Chriflian. The liril ftcp to it 



is a broken heart, a heart melted down with a fenfe of fin, 
and flying to Jesus Christ for righteoufnefs, fantftificntion 
and eternal redemption. Thoufands indeed place chriftianity 
in good dcilres, and the having good deftres ; but this and 
much more a perfon may have, and yet mifcarry at laft. Pure 
and undeHled religion confiTcs in a lively faith in Jesus 
Christ, as the only mediator between God and man. A 
faith that changes and renews the whole foul, takes it entirely 
oft' the world, and fixes it wholly upon God. This, Madam, 
is the faith that you have fo often heard me preach, and of 
which I pray GoD you may be a partaker. Though you 
have it not yet, you need not defpair ; God v/ill give it to 
all who fmcerely afk of him. It is true. Madam, that not 
many mighty are called ; but it is not your riches (hall keep 
you from heaven if you truly believe on the Lord Jesus. 
Paith in him will enable you to overcome the world, and 
caufe you even to triumph over the luft of the eye and the 
pride of life. Faith will fet you above the fear of man, and 
enable you to rejoice in being accounted a fool for Christ's 
fake. That God may impart this faith to your own, and 
little m.after's foul, is the hearty prayer of, Adadam, 
Your obliged humble fervant, 

G. TK 



DeGr hr other H. Philadelphia^ Nov, 10, 1739. 

Con£;!atulate you on your fuccefs at Monmouth. God 
__ has yet further work for you to do, ere you are called be- 
fore rulers and governors, for his name fake. By divine per- 
mifFxon, in about a twelve-month, I hope to make a fecond 
ufe of your field pulpits. Our principles agree, as face an- 
fwers to face in the water. Since I faw you, God has been 
pleafed to enlighten me more in that comfortable do6trinc of 
Eleclion^ &c. At my return, I hope to be more explicit than 
1 have been. God forbid, my dear brother, that we fliould 
Ihun to declare the whole counfel of God. The people of 
IVaUa are much upon my heart. I long to hear how the 
Gofpel flourlflies among you. How profpers your in- 
y/ard man ? Being always doing, no doubt you grow in 

G 4 grace. 


grace. May you increafe with all the increafc of God ! You 
will fee my letters to Mr. Jones, &c. As faft as I can, the 
reft of our Welch friends fhall hear from me. Oh that I 
may never forget their works of faith and labours of love I 
Salute them moft afFedionately in my name ; and exhort them, 
my dear brother, to contend carneftly for the faith once deli- 
vered to the faints. Put them in mind of the freenefs and 
eternity of God's ele61:ing love, and be inftant with them, 
to lay hold on the perfedl: righteoufnefs of Jesus Christ by 
faith. Talk to them, oh talk to them, even till midnight, of 
the riches of hisall-fufficient grace. Tell them, oh tell them, 
what he has done for their fouls, and how carneftly he is now 
interceding for them in heaven. Shew them in the map of 
the word, the kingdoms of the upper world, and the tran- 
fcendent glories of them ; and afiure them all {hall be theirs, 
if they believe on Jesus Christ with their whole hearts. 
Prefs them to believe on him immediately. Interfperfe 
prayers with your exhortations, and thereby call down fire 
from heaven, even the fire of the Holy Ghoft, 

*T^o foften, fweeien a7id refine ^ 
And melt them into love. 

Speak every time, my dear brother, as if it was your laft ; 
weep out, if pofTible, every argument, and as it were com- 
pel them to cry, Behold how he loveth us. Remember me, 
Remember me in your prayers, as being ever, evef 

Yours, &c. 

G, TV, 


To Mr. and Mrs. D , 

My dear Friends, Philadelphia, Nov, lO, 1 7 39. 

WH E N I confider how conftantly you attended my 
miniftry, how gladly you received me into your 
houfe, and how affectionately you took your laft farewell ; 
methinks gratitude obliges mc to fend you a line. It hath 
often given me pleafure to fee in what harmony you feem to 
Jive, and how you walked to hear the word of God as friends, 
purely, thought I, thefe are a happy pair, Thefe I truft are 



help-meets for each other. Oh that you may go on and prof- 
pcr, and be plentifully rewarded for the favours (hewn to me, 
the moft unprofitable of our Lord*s fcrvants : he will not 
forget your works of faith and labours of love. Whenever 
you attend his word preached, I hope he will fend you rcplc- 
nifhed away. Oh that all knew what it is to believe in 
Jesus ! How foon would they renounce the world, take up 
their crofs and follow him ! Lord evermore give us all this 
faith, even a faith working by love ; a faith that will enable 
us to overcome the world, and caufc us to fhake off all fear 
of man. Pray give my due refpeds to your friend and his 
wife, who ufed to dine with us. I pray God fantSlify you 
all in fpirit, foul and body, and caufe you to fit down on his 
right hand with 

Your afFe.dionate, though moft unworthy, 

Fiiend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IF, 


To the Rev. Mr. P . 

Reverend Sir, Philacklphla, Nov. 10, 1739. 

YOU may juftly cenfure me as unkind for not anfwering 
your kind letter. I can only plead by way of excuic 
an hurry of bufmefs, and my fuddcn departure from Eng- 
landf At my return, Gop willing, I purpofe to fee Nciv- 
hury, and there to preach the Gofpcl of the Prince of Peace. 
Perhaps my enemies may have fo much power given them from 
above, as to confine my body: but if I am bound, the word 
of the Lord will not be bound. God will fpeak, and great 
(hall be the company of preachers. It often rejoices me to 
think what a profpc£i: we have once again of hearing the 
truth preached as it is in Jesus. I hope we fhall catch fire 
from each other, and that there will be an holy emulation 
amon^ft us, who fliall moft dcbafe man and exalt the Lord 
Jesus. Nothing but the doctrines of the Reformation can 
do this. All others leave freewill in man, and make him, in 
part at leaft, a Saviour to himfclf. My foul come not near 
'^ the fecrct of thofc who tc^ch fuch thi.ngs, mine honour be 



not thou united to them. I know Christ is all in all. Man 
is nothing : he hath a free will to go to hcl), but none to go 
heaven, till God worketh in him to will and to do after his 
good pleafure. It is God muft prevent, God muft accom- 
pany, God muft follow with his grace, or Jesus Christ 
will bleed In vain. That God may continue his blefiing to 
us both, is the hearty prayer of, reverend and dear Sir, 
Your obliged brother and fervant, 

G. JV, 


Dear Mr. , Philadelphia, Nov. lo, 1739. 

WA S not my heart with your heart, When we rode by 
the way and talked to each other concerning the 
Scriptures ? I thought our fouls tallied together, and that we 
had both drank of the fame fpirit. 1 have often, fmce that 
time, admired the grace of God In you, and even now feci 
my foul, whilft I am writing, intimately united with yours. 
What is all this, but the etfecSl and fruit of God's everlafting 
love through Christ our Lord ? What is it, but an in- 
ftance of the fovereign will and good pleafure of God, who 
will have mercy on whom he will have mercy? Oh how doth 
the free, the diftinguifliing grace of God excite the love of 
thofe, who are made partakers of it ! What was there in you 

and In me, dear Mr. , that fliould move God to chufe 

XLS before others ? Was there any fltnefs forefeen in us^ ex- 
cept a litnefs for damnation ? I believe not. No, God chofe 
us from eternity, he called us In time, and I am perfuaded 
will keep us from falling finally, till time fhail be no more. 
Confider the Gofpel in this view, and it appears a confident 
fcheme, though diredly contrary to the natural man ; and 
nothing convinces me more of the truth of thefe do(5lrines, 
than the enmity that is in the heart of carnal minds againft 
them. However, the power of God is able to pull down 
every thing that exalts itfelf againft the knowledge of our 
Lord Jesus Christ. Henceforward I hope I (hall fpeak 
boldly and plainly as I ought to fpeak, and not fail to declare 
the whole counfcl of God. I pray daily, that I may know 
his w^ill more perfcdly, not only that I may do it myfelf, but 



that I may teach it to others. If I die for it, I cannot but 
fpeak the things which I know. Oh my dear friends, lift up 
your hands for me in the fan£tuary. The prayers of the faith- 
ful, God will hear. Entreat the fame favour of your brother. 
I love you both in the bowels of Jesus Christ, and remem- 
ber you often when I go in and out before the Lord : He has 
been with us in the fliip. His rod has corrciSted, his ftafFhas 
comforted us ; both his rod and ftafF have edified and 
flrengthened our fouls. In a year's time I hope to fee England. 
My love to all friends, and befcech them to pray that I may 
be prepared for whatever awaits 

Your affedtionate brother and fervant in Christ Jesus, 

G. JK 


To Mrs. Ann D. 
My dear Sifter /« C H R i s t , Philadelphia^ Nov. lo, I J 29- 

I Owe you feveral letters, I will pay you one now ; have 
patience with me and I will pay you all. If any one ought 
to long to enjoy the communion of faints hereafter, I ought in 
a particular manner. God has highly favoured me in the ac- 
quaintance of numbers of his dearefi: children. I cannot fee 
fome, and to but hw of them can I write, on account of other 
bufniefs. Haften, O Lord, that blelTed time, when we fhall 
all fit dov/n to eat bread in thy kingdom ! — My dear Sifter, 
pray that I may patiently wait till my change (hall come. I 
want to leap my feventy years. I long to be dilTolved to be 
with Christ. Sometimes it arifes from a fear of fallino-, 
knowing what a body of fm I carry about me. Sometimes, 
from a profpe6l of future labours and fufFerings, I am out of 
humour, and wifh for death 2.s Elijah did : At others, I am 
tempted, and then I long to be freed from temptations. But 
it is not thus always : There are times when my foul hath fuch 
foretaftes of God, that I long more eagerly to be with him ; 
and the frequent profpe6l of the happinefs which the fpirits of 
juft men made perfedl: now enjoy, often carries me as it were 
into another world. Many fuch fweet meditations hath my 
foul been favoured with ; but in the midft of all, I have felt, 
2nd do feel, that I am the chief of finncrs. A myftcry of ini- 


quity that lay in my heart undifcovered, has been opened to my 
view, fincc my retirement in the fliip. May he enlighten me 
more and more, to know and feel the myftcry of his elecling, 
foul-transforming love. Nothing like that, to fupport us un- 
der prefent, and all the various future trials which await us. 
But the Lord has apprehended us, and will not let us go. 
Men and devils may do their worft j our Jesus will fuffer no- 
thing to pluck us out of his Almighty hands ; for he has loved 
us with an everlafting love, and therefore his right-hand fliall 
uphold us. By his affiftance, we fliall hold out to the end. 
By his grace, I, you, and all his chofen ones fhall finally be 
faved. Then, my dear Sifter, fhall we converfe, not with ink 
and paper, but face to face. I'hen, but not till then, fliall we 
fully know what a legion of devils Jesus Christ hath caft 
out of our fouls, and how, after all our ftrivings againft, and 
quenching many of the motions of his fpirit, he at Jaft brought 
us to glory. Ceafe not to pray for 

Your unworthy brother in Christ, 

G. IF, 


To the Rev. Mr. R. 
My dear Brother R, Philadelphia y Nov, lO, 1739. 

BEFORE I left England^ I heard of your progrefs in 
LeiccJlerPnre and Nottingham. I then rejoiced, yea, and 
I do now rejoice that God hath fent you forth into his vine- 
yard. I wi(h you all imaginable fuccefs with my whole heart, 
l^he next news I hear from England^ I fuppofe, will inform 
me of your fuffering, as well as preaching for Christ. But I 
am pcrfuaded a profpeil of fuffering does not damp, but excite 
the zeal of my dear fcUow-Iabourer. He lives in a place where 
honeft John Bmiyan was a prifoner of the Lord for twelve 
years. And oh, what fweet communion did he enjoy in Bed- 
ford gaol ! I really believe a miniftcr will learn more by one 
month*s confinement, than by a year's fludy. Prefs on then, 
my dear Brother, prefs on and faint not 3 fpeak till you can 
fpeak no more. Wait upon the Lord, and you fliall renew 
yourftrength. Though fometimes faint, yet ftill purfue. Up 
and be doing, and the Lord be with you. See how the fields 



are white, every where ready to harveft. See how our Lord's 
fhcep are I'cattered abroad, having too, too few true flicp- 
herds ; I befcech jou, go on, and pouit out to them the Re- 
deemer's good paftures. Say not, wherewithal fliall I feed 
them? The great fliepherd fliall furnifli you with food enough, 
and to fpare. Give of your loaves, and you fhall take up of 
the fragments that remain. T.'o him that hath, fliall be given. 
Satan no doubt will refill: you ; he will bid you, out of a falfc 
humility, to hold your peace ; but let my friend fpeak out 
boldly as he ought to fpeak. The Holy Spirit will give him 
utterance, and apply the word to the hearers. If prayers may 
water the good feed, you may depend on mine. I remember 
the dear Bedford people. O let them not forget 

Your poor weak brother in Christ, 

G, JV, 


To the Rev, Mr. T. 
Reverend and dear SiKy Philadelphia, Nov, 10, 1739. 

BEFORE I faw, I loved you. Ever fmce our perfonal ac- 
quaintance, I have often thought, what a noble inftru- 
ment you might be of turning many to righteoufnefs, if your 
heart was entirely freed from the world, and inflamed with the 
love of God. Your vivacity of fpirit, your warm imagina- 
tion, the energy and ftrength of your endearing manner of 
writing, together with your loving, tender difpofition, if orice 
duly influenced by the fpirit of God, could not fail of winning 
fouls to Christ. Come out therefore my brother, my friend ; 
come out from among your carnal connections, and " be 
thou feparate," faith the Lord Almighty. Throw ofFa falfe 
politenefs, ftudy the fimplicity of Jesus Christ, and be dc- 
fpifed for fomething. O pity^pity the church o^ England. See- 
how too, too many of her fons are fallen from her articles, and 
preach themfclves, not Christ Jesus the Lord. My dear 
friend, I could wifh my head was waters, and my eyes foun- 
tains of tears, that I might weep day and night before the 
Lord. O let us befeech him to fpirit up more of his faithful 
fervants, to go out into the highways and hedges, and compel" 
poor finncrs to come in. Oh that dear Mr. T. may be one of 

them ! 


them ! How would the fplrit of Christ and of glory rc{l uport 
his foul ! Arifc, arife, my dear brother, and gird up the loin* 
of your mind. Arife, arife, and be not of the number of thofe 
who only fleece their flocks. Lift up your voice like a trumpet, 
and preach the truth as it is in Jesus. Dear Mr. T. forgive 
this freedom. My heart is full. I long to have the pure 
fcripture truths, as delivered in our homilies and our articles, 
preached up univcrfally. This is all that is contended 
for, by 

Your moft unworthy friend, brother, and fervant 
in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G. JV, 


To the Rev. Mr, D. TV, 
Reverend and dear Sir .y Philadelphia^ Nov. 10, 1 739. 

I Love you, though I have been fo ungrateful as not to write 
to you. I love you in the bowels of our common Mafter 
whofe name we bear, and in vvhofe glorious fcrvice we are both 
employed. Oh, dear Sir, what are we that we fhould be fo 
highly favoured I Why are we honoured ? Why are we called 
to the miniftry, and others that are efFecSluaily called by grace, 
yet advanced no higher than private chriftians ? I can only 
cry out. Oh the depth of God's fovereign, ele<Sling, unmerited 
love. Even fo Father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight \ 
Surely, dear Sir, the love of Christ muft conftrain us to- 
fpend and be fpent for the good of fouls. Never was the har- 
veft greater; never were the labourers fewer. If we do not 
now lift up our voices like trumpets, the very ftones would; 
cry out againft us. I could almoft fay, " the glory is de- 
parted from Ifrael; the ark of the Lord is fallen into enemies 
hands." Oh let us endeavour, dear Sii', let us endeavour to 
bring it back, by preaching and living the truth as it is in 
Jesus. The light that has been given us, is not to be put 
vnder a bufliel, but on a candleftick. Satan, indeed, by 
blafts of pcrfecution, will do all he can to put it out. If our 
light be the light of Christ, thofe blafts will only caufe it tO' 
fhine the brighter. You have Irappily, dear Sir, experienced 
this. You, I believe, was both in Christ and in the 



minlftry before me. I pras, fequar, etfi non pafTibus equis. 
The devil and all his hofts will let their battle in array againft 
us. My Lord has given me a fling and a ftone j {tripling as 
I am, I will go forth then in his ftrength, make mention of his 
righteoufncfs only, and by that lay proftratc the ftrong Goliahs. 
By your prayers I truft to be fent to Wales once more. The 
hmplicity of that people much delights me. What (hall, what 
can I do for them ? My prayers they have, and whatever 
God fliall enable me to do, they may demand a fhare from, 
dear Sir, 

Your afFe6lionate friend, brother, and fervant, 

G. TV, 


To the Rev, Mr. H, 
Dear Mr. H, Philadelphia., Nov. lo, 1739. 

I Received no anfwer to my laft, yet I muft write to you again. 
The many happy hours I fpent with you when at Oxoriy 
and the benefit I have received from your inflruclions and ex- 
ample, are yet frefli upon my memory. I long to have my 
dear friend come forth, and preach the truth as it is in Jesus. 
Not a righteoufncfs or inward holinefs of our own, whereby 
we may make ourfclvcs meet, but a righteoufncfs of another, 
even the Lord our righteoufncfs j upon the Imputation and 
apprehending of which by faith, we ihall be made meet by 
his Holy Spirit to live with, and to enjoy God. Dear Mr. 
H. it is an excellent thing to be convinced of the freenefs and 
riches of God's grace in Christ Jesus. It is fwect to know 
and preach, that Christ juftifies the ungodly, and that all 
truly good works are not fo much as partly the caufe, but the 
^^of our juftiiication before God. Till convinced ofthefe 
truths, you muft own free-will in man, which isdireilly con- 
trary to the holy fcriptures, and the articles of our church. 
Let me advife dear Mr. H. laying afide all prejudice, to read 
and pray over Saint Paul's cpiftles to the Romans and GaIaiia?2Sy 
and then let him tell me v/hat he thinks of this dodlrine. Moft 
of your old friends are now happily enlightened. God fets 
his feal to fuch preaching in an extraordinary manner, and I 
am perfuaded the gates of hell fhall never be able to prevail 



agalnft it. Oh that dear Mr. H. would alfo join with us ? 
Oh that the Lord would open his eyes to behold aright this 
part of the myftery of godlinefs ! How would it rejoice my 
heart ! How would it comfort his own foul ! He would then 
no longer groan under the fpirit of bondage : No, he would 
be brought into the glorious liberty of the fons of God. I 
, have wrote to dear Mr. 0, as well as to you, out of the fim- 
plicity of my heart. 

Ever your's in Christ, 

G. JV. 

L E T T E R CI. 

To the Rev, Mr. K. 
Dear Brother K. Philadelphia^ Nov. IC, 1739. 

I Long to hear how it is with you, and the church in your 
houfe. I verily believe, though it is but a little flock^ yet 
it will be our heavenly Father's good pleafure to give you the 
kingdom. Hov/ happy is it, when all are of one mind in a 
houfe y all agreed to entertain and love the Lord Jesus. 
Their heaven is begun on earth. I pray God to continue 
this blefling, and caufe you daily to build up each other in the 
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is 
a o;racious Mafter. Oh that I knew and loved him more ! for 
he is altogether lovely. Has he yet revealed himfelf in dear 
Mr. K,*s heart ? Is he aflured that his beloved is his ? Is he 
brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God ? Is 
his mind free from fcruples ? Is he active ? Is he pundual ? 
Is he ftrong in the Lord and in the power of his might? Is 
the meeknefs of the lamb and theboldnefs of the lion blended 
in his foul ? Do his parifhioners fear, yet love him ? Is he a 
Boanerges^ and yet a Barnabas in the church of God ? Does 
he thunder againfl: obftinate fmners, and by difplaying the 
riches of the promifcs, comfort and build up the faints ? Dees 
he preach as the fpirit gives him utterance ? Can he rely on 
the promife, '' L9 I am with you always, even unto the end 
of the world ?" 

Forgive this freedom, my dear broiher. Love makes me thus 
impertinent. I want to fee you perfect, entire, lacking no- 
thing. May Gcd from day to day fupply what is flill defi- 

L E T T E R S. 97 

cicnt in you and in me, till we come to the fulncfs of ihc mea- 
sure oF the ftature of Christ. He is faithful that has pro- 
mifed. God has been gracious to me his fervant. In about 
a twelvemonth, I hope you will again fee and rejoice with 
Your affedioiiate brother in Christ, 

G. IK 


Dear Mrs, F. Philadelphia^ Nov, lO, 1739. 

THE Lord reward you for all your works of faith and 
labours of love ! They {hall be brought forth as fo 
many evidences of your lively faith, when we meet before our 
Lord in judgment. Does not the profpe«£l: of that glorious 
day, often fill your foul with joy ? It does mine* Why ? Be^ 
caufe I know my Redeemer is to be my judge* Satan will 
accufe mej my anfwer fhall be, the Lord Jesus is my righte- 
oufnefs, how dareft thou to lay any thing to the charge of 
God*s Ele6l ? I ftand here not in my own, but his robes ; and 
though I deferve nothing as a debt, yet I know he will give me 
a reward of grace, and recompence me for what he has done 
in and by me, as though I had done it by my own power. 
Oh, dear Mrs./', how ought this to excite our zeal and love for 
the holy Jesus. Why fhould we defire to plead for a righteouf- 
jiefs of our own, and cry up freewill, when we have an infinitely 
better righteoufnefs than our own to appear in, and a God that 
wiilcrown us with eternal glory for working in us both to will and 
to do after his good pleafure ? Happy are you and your*s, that 
have been taught thefe glorious principles from your youth ! 
Oh (hew them forth more and more by your works, and let 
the world fee what it is to have a faith working by love. Study, 
oh ftudy, day by day, the fimplicity of Jesus Christ. Caft 
away every thing from you that favours of the lull of the eye 
and pride of life. Be quick to hear, flow to fpeak, and let your 
converfation always be feafoncd with grace. Oh, dear Mrs. F. 
my heart is enlarged towards you : My kind, my liberal hoflefs, 
what ihaU I fay or do to exprefs my gratitude ? I will, I do 
fpeak for you to the king of kings. Though I am fo great a 
finner, he frequently admits me into his privy chamber, and 
then I often figh out, *' O that my dear i^^^^^r^ friends may live 
Vol. L H before 


before thee." This is all the return, dear Mrs. F. that I can 
make. It is a prophet's reward. Being my all, though but two 
mites, I know you will accept it from 

Your moft obliged friend and fervant, 

G. IV. 


To Mr, S, 
Rcvcnnd and dear Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. lo, 1739. 

I Rejoice that God fent you fo opportunely to Monmouth : I 
find every day that two are better than one. God fufFers 
his dear children to fall into little mifcarriages, that the eye 
■may not fay to the hand, " I have no need of thee ;" or again, 
the head to the foot, '' I have no need of thee." We muft 
be helps to each other on this fide eternity. Nothing gives 
me more, comfort, next to the alTurance of the eternal con- 
tinuance of God's love, than the pleafmg refledion of having 
fo many chriftian friends to watch with my foul. I wifh they 
would fmite me friendly, and reprove me oftner than they do; 
I would force my proud heart to thank them. But I am 
amazed at your coming ofFfo triumphantly. Surely the devil 
is afleep, or rather that roaring lion thinks to break out upon 
us with double fury hereafter. It often fhames me, when I 
read St. Paul's account of his fufferings, to think in how few 
particulars I can as yet fympathize with him. It as often 
makes me long to be like him, and yet I fear how I fhall ad: 
when put to the trial. This, however, is my comfort, " Jesus 
Christ the fame yefrerday, to-day, and for ever.". He faw 
me from all eternity j he gave me being •, he called me in 
time ; he has freely juftified me through faith in his blood ; he 
has in part fan6tified me by his fpirit ; he will prcfcrve me 
underneath his everlafling arms, till time fliall be no more. 
Oh the blcfTednefs of thefe evangelical truths ! Thcfe are in- 
. deed gofpel ; they are glad tidings of great joy to all that have 
"ecTS to hear. Thefe, bring the creature out of himfelf. Thefe, 
.make him to hang upon the promifes, and caufe his obedience 
.'to. flpw from a principle of love. They are meat indeed, and 
t dj^ink (indeed unto, m.y foul. lam pcrfuaded they are fo like- 
5 wife 


wife to you and dear Mrs. S . I hope fhe is yet in the 

land of the living, and that fhe, yourfclf, and your Ton, are daily 
preparing for eternity. I pray God fancftify your whole fpirits, 
fouls, and bodies, and reward you for all kindnefles Ihewn to, 
dear Sir, 

Your unworthy brother and fcrvant in Christ, 


To the Rev. Mr. T. 
Reverend and dear Sir ^ Philadelphia^ Nov. lO, 1739. 

SHALL I promife and not perform ? God forbid. When 
I faw you firil at Cardiff^ it rejoiced my heart to hear what 
God had done for your foul. You was then under fomedif- 
pleafure of your redor, if I mlflake not, for fpe^iking the truth 
as it is in Jesus. Ere now, I hope dear Mr. T. has had the 
ho.Mour of being quite thruft out. Rejoice, my dear brother, 
and be exceeding glad, for thus was our Lord and Saviour 
ferved before you. Naked therefore follow a naked Christ. 
Freely you have received, freely give. If you preach the gof- 
pel, you fhall live of the gofpel. Though you go out without 
fcrip or flioe, yet (hall you lack nothing. Rather than you 
fhall want, ravens, thofe birds of prey, (hall be commanded to 
feed you. It is a blefled thing to live upon God. Did ever 
any truft in him and was forfaken ? No ; fearch the genera- 
tions of old, climb up into heaven if you can, and all with one 
confent will declare, 

The Lord their pajlure did prepare^ 
And fed them with a Jhephcrd's care, 

T, though hell-deferving. am a living witnefsof his good pro- 
vidence 3 having nothing, I pollcfs all things; he has 'i&i^ mc 
with the kidneys of wheat, and commanded fomc one or ano- 
ther to fuftain me whitherfoever I was fent on his errand. 
Jesus is the fame yeflerday, to-day, and forever. Ifwcpo 
forth in the fpirit of the lirft apoRles, we fhall meet wi.h 
npoflolical fuccefs. And- never was there more occafion for 
the revival of fuch a primitive fpirit. Alas, the life, the pov;er 

Hz of 

zoo LETTER S. 

of religion is almoft loft amongft us. Stir up then, dear Sir, 
the gift of God, which is in you. Be initant in fcafon and 
outoffeafon. Dcbafe man and exalt Tf.sus. Self-riiihteOuf- 
ncfs overturn, overturn. The people of IFales^ the common 
people at leail, will receive you gladly. The Lord fhall fight 
all battles for you here, and reward you with a crown that 
never fadeth hereafter. If I have but the loweft place in your 
afteclions, it will abundantly fatisfy 

Your moft affectionate brother, 

G. JV, 


To Mr. M. 
Dearcjl Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. lO, 1739. 

EVER fince you opened your heart fo freely in the garden, 
you have been much upon my heart. Though abfent 
from, yet I have been prefent with you. I am acquainted in 
fome meafure with the ftrugglings of a foul juft awakening 
into new life. I know too many have ftiflcd their convictions, 
and therefore am importunate on your behalf. I hope you 
have taken my advice, and laid the ax to the root of the tree. 
Oh pray for a new heart and a new fpirit, and then all old 
things will fubfidc and give way of themfelves. The (Irong 
man armed muH: go out when the fhonger than he, even the 
fpirit of God, comes to take polVcflion of your foul. What 
therefore have you to do, dear Sir, but to throw yourfelf as a 
poor fmner at the feet of the holy Jesus ? You need not doubt 
his holdmg out the golden fccptre to you. Whofoevcr 
Cometh to him by faith, he w\\\ in no-wife caft out. He calls, 
he draws you : what is it for, but to aflure you he will make 
you happy ? Come then, dear Sir, weary and heavy laden as 
you are, the Lord your righteoufnefs fhall give you refl: 
He (hall refrcfh you with a multitude of peace, and caufe you 
to rejoice in his falvation ; there is nothing too hard for the 
Lord Christ. He can draw your mind from the creature, 
he can fix it upon himfelf ; he can enable you to live above 
the world, whilft you are in it j he can tranflate you to 
heaven^ Vvhen he has taken you away from earth. As the 



Lord Jesus can, (o that he may do all thcfe things for your 
Ibul, is the hearty prayer of, dear Sir, 

Your fincere friend and fervant, 

G. jr. 


To the Rev. Mr. H. 
Reverend and dearejl Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. lO, 1739. 

IT often concerned me, when in London, that I could not 
enjoy more of your company. Your converfation was al- 
ways feafoned with grace, and fuch as became the gofpel of 
Christ. Your great kindnefs, in publicly praying for me, 
can never be fuiKciently acknowledged. The thought almoft 
Riakes me to weep for joy. Surely the Lord will not let 
me mifcarry, fincehe has ftirred up the choiceft of his fervants 
to intercede in my behalf. The fearcher of all hearts alone 
knows, what agonies my poor foul has undergone fmce my 
retirement from the world. The remembrance of my paft 
fins has overwhelmed my foul, and caufed tears to be my meat 
day and night. Indeed I have mourned as one mourneth for 
a firft born : But I looked to him whom I have pierced. I 
was enabled to fee the freenefs and riches of his grace, 
the infinitenefs and eternity of his love, and my foul 
received comfort. Oh the excellency of the dodlrine of elec- 
tion, and of the faints final perfeverance, to thofe who are 
truly fealcd by the fpirit of promife ! I am perfuaded, till a 
man comes to believe and feel thcfe important truths, he 
cannot come out of himfelf; but when convinced of thefe, and 
afiured of the application of them to his own heart, he then 
walks by faith indeed, not in himfelf, but in the Son of God, 
who died and gave himfelf for him. Love, not fear, con- 
flrains him to obedience. The promifcs of God are all Yea 
and Amen to his foul. Supported by thefe conviclions, in 
about a twelvemonth, God willing, I intend returning to 
England, and to begin my teftimony afrefh. I trufl I fliall 
not be afhamed to declare the whole counfel of God. Satan, 
no doubt, and his emifiaries, will endeavour to block up my 
way ; but the faints of God are praying for me on earth, and. 
the holy Jesus is interceding in heaven. Why fliould I 

H 3 not 


not go forth and offer his cverbfting and perfe£): rlghteoufnefs 
to all that fliall be brought to believe on him ? Satan fuggefts 
even whilft I am writing, " How canft thou fpeak, feeing 
thou art fuch a fmner ?" But therefore will I fpeak, becaufe I 
can fay, by happy experience, that Jesus Christ will have 
mercy on the chief of finners -, for among fuch you may 
trulv rank 

Your unworthy brother, and unprofitable fellow- 
Jabourer, in our dear Lord's vineyard, 

G. TV, 


Dear Mrs, D. Philadelphia^ Nov. lo, 1739. 

TEN thoufand bleffings light upon you and yours ! The 
Lord reward you ten thoufand-fold for receiving me 
snd my friends into your houfe. The Lord fliower down 
his heavenly manna, and feed you with the bread of life for 
thofe comfortable meals we have had of your providing fince 
we came on board. We have not been flack to pray for you ; 
mv heart is now full of a fenfe of your kindnefies. I know 
not when to begin and when to leave ofF adoring the God 
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for t:hefe and all 
other of his love-tokens : He is the father of mercies, and the 
God of ail comfort ; he hath comforted me in all my tribu- 
lation, and, I am afiured, will ftill. comfort me in whatfoever 
I am to do or fufFer for his name's fake. You, dear Mrs. D, 
can fubfcribe to this truth, that God is a God of all comfort. 
You have been comforted on every fide ; you have been filled 
as it v/ere vv^ith new wine; you have tailed that the Lord is 
o-racious, and yet the beft wine is and will be always referved 
till the lafl:. The Lord's companions fail not; they are, 
they will be renewed to you every morning ; and though, 
throu2;h much tribulation, you, as well ^others, muft enter 
into glory, yet you will find God to be your comforter in all 
tribulation. God has made you a joyful mother of chriftian 
children; remember the mother in the Maccabees ; and, if ever 
your children are called to fuff'ering, beg of God that you 
may ftand by and encourage them to die for Christ. Oh 
that would be a fpedacle indeed ! A fpedlacle worthy of men 



and angels ! I pray God to arm you with this mind, and then 
you will find that God's rod as well as his ftaff will comfort 
you ; nay, though you pafs through the valley of the fhadow 
of death, yet {hail the Holy Spirit refrefh you ; your heart {hall 
fland faft, and be ftedfaft in the Lord. Oh, my dear Madam, 
my heart is enlarged towards you ; I pray God to fill you 
with all his divine fulnefs, and make you daily more and more 
meet to be an inheritor among the faints in light. With 
much love I have wrote to dear Mr. D, Oh pray him not 
to be angry with 

Your moft afFedlionate friend and brother, 

G. TV. 


To Mr. N, 
Honoured Sir <y Philaddphlay Nov. 10, 1 739. 

BE not difpleafed at the contents of this ; if I was not 
perfuaded that love to your foul, and my duty towards 
God, moved me to write, I fliould be filent. When laft at 
Gioucefter^ 1 heard you v^^as highly offended at my meetings in 
the fields, and at the fame time countenanced and encoura^-ed 
the ading of plays in the Boothall. This I thought hi2;hly 
unbecoming the chara£ler of a chriflian magiilrate, whofe pe- 
culiar bufinefs it is to be a terror to evil doers, and a praife to 
them that do well. This made me to fpeak againft thofe pro- 
ceedings in my fermoris. This is the occafion of my troubling 
you with a letter. I cannot think I have delivered my foul, 
unlefs, with all meeknefs and humility, I exhort you hence- 
forward not to promote or fo much as any vi^ay countenance 
the flage-players. In our common law they are ftilcdy^^^r^ 
beggars. As a minifter of the king, upon that account it is 
your duty to put a flop to them : As a difciple and minlfter 
of Jesus Christ, the king of kings, you are obliged, te^wrg.-/ 
Sir, to exert your authority in fupprefiing them. It is notori- 
ous that fuch meetings are the nurferies of debauchery; they 
are the pefl: of our nation, and the bane of true chriftianity : 
To be prefent at, or in the leaft to contribute towards their 
fupport, is therefore a great fin ; but to countenance them by 
our authority, and let them ac^ by our permiiTion, what is this 

H 4 but 


but becoming public patrons for vice and immorality ? It is 
not only fmning ourfelves, but it is taking pleafure in the fms 
of others. This the apoftle accounted the higheft pitch of 
heathenifh wickednefs. Honoured Sir, pray be not offended : 
Thefe are not the words of a madman j no, they are the words 
of truth and fobernefs, and words which our Lord will ap- 
prove of, when I ftand with you before him in judgment. 
However men may now put wrong namiCS to things, and call 
that an innocent amufem.ent, which has no other tendency but 
to corrupt and debauch the heart, yet then, Sir, we fhall fee 
all things clearly ; then fliall you know that it was my duty to 
write as I have done, and will confefs before men and angels 
that you had an humble and afFe(Stio;ir»te warning given you, 
by, honoured Sir, 

Your very humble fervant, 


To Mr. Thamas P. 
Dear Sb\ Philadelphia^ Nov. 10, 1 739. 

THOUGH unknown to you in perfon, yet as you was 
pleafed to think me worthy of the care of your dear fon, 
I think it my duty to acquaint you of his welfare. I blefs 
God that he came with me. He is diligent and pious, and 
I truil will be a comfort to you in your declining years : His 
mind feems fettled and compofed, and by reading and follow- 
ing the bible, he is partaker of that peace which the world 
cannot give. His dear and honoured father is much upon his 
heart. How would it rejoice him to hear that you alfo was 
become a chriftian indeed ? Be not offended, dear Sir, at my 
expreffmg myfelf thus. Affure yourfelf that chriftianity is 
fomething more than a name and a bare outward profciTion. 
Morality of itfejf, dear Sir, will never carry us to heaven ; no, 
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. There is 
no being happy without a lively faith in him, wrought in the 
heart by the bleiled fpirit of G06. This faith transforms the 
whole man, delivers him from the tyranny of his pailions, and 
makes him entirely a new creature. This is the reafon why 
it is roolifhnefs to th? world* Your fon's cafe in this refpe(5t 



was not fihgular. As foon as ever we commence chriflians, 
we commence fools for Christ's fake. Every truly religious 
man muft be deemed a madman. Forgive this freedom, dear 
Sir ; whilft I am writing, I find a love for your foul arifinn- ia 
my heart, and methinks I could do any thing to bring your 
grey hairs with comfort to the grave. Dear Sir, there is 
mercy with Christ even for thofe who come in at the eleventh 
hour. Christ came to fave poor fmners ; he came to favc 
you, dear Sir, if you lay hold on him by a living faith. That 
G-op may give you this faith, and thereby make you happy 
in time and tp eternity, is the hearty prayer of, dear Sir, 

Your obliged friend and fervant, 


To the Rev. Mr. R. D. 
Reverend and dear 5/r, - Philadelphia^ Nov. 10, 1739. 

I Think I am a little in your debt ; if not, love and gratitude 
call upon me to fend you a line. Man appoints, but God 
difappoints : His providence called me away, before I could 
poiTibly fee Cornwall, In about a twelvemonth I purpofe re- 
turning. Who knows but then I may be enabled to perfornl 
my promife ? The whole world is nov/ my parifli. Where- 
foever my mafler calls me, I am ready to go and preach his 
everlafting gofpel. My only grief is, that I can do no more 
for Christ ; for I am fure I ought to love and do much, 
having had fo much forgiven ; not that I expect in the leafl 
to be juftified by any or all the works I either can or fhall do : 
No, the Lord Christ is my righteoufncfs, my whole and 
perfect righteoufncfs ; but then I would iliew forth my faith, 
I would declare to the world the fmcerity of my \ovc^ bv 
always abounding in the works of my Lord. Oh pray, dear 
Sir, that I may be never weary in well-doing. The devil 
and his fervants will fhoot fore at me that I may fall ; but this 
confideration comforts and fupports me, " The Lord is my 
helper ;" he has, he does, he will deliver. I am pcrfuaded you 
feel his gracious prefence, and the influences of his biefled 
fpirit, whenever you go forth to fpeak in his name. Mav a 
double portion of his fpirit and precious anointings defcend 



upon your foul 1 May you be filled with all his fulnefs, an4 
be enabled thereby to turn many to righteoufnefs here, and fo 
fhine as the firmament of heaven for ever hereafter ! Oh that 
a place at fome faints feet may be affigned to, dear Sir, 

Your weak though affedionate brother in Christ, 

G. TV. 


To the Rev. Mr. B, 
Reverend and dear Sir^ Philadelphia, Nov, lo, 1 739. 

YOU have been too kind, and I have been too ungrateful. 
Bufinefs would not permit me to have fo much private 
converfation with you as I ought. Succefs I fear elated my 
mind. I did not behave towards you, and other minifters of 
Christ, with that humility which became me. I freely con- 
feCs my fault; I own myfelf to be but a novice. Your chari- 
ty, dear Sir, will excite you to pray that I may not through 
pride fall into the condemnation of the devil. Dear Sir, fhall 
I come out into the world again or not? Muft I venture my- 
felf once more among fire-brands, arrows, and death ? Me-r 
thinks I hear you reply, *' Yes, if you come forth in the 
flrength of the Lord God, and make mention of his righte- 
oufnefs only.*' It is my deare fo to do. I would have Jesus 
all in all. Like a pure chryftal, I would tranfmit all the 
light he poureth upon me. Oh pray, dear Sir, that I may be 
thus minded, and then, God v/illing, in about a twelvemonth, 
I intend vifiting the Brijhl brethren once again. In the mean 
while, I hope the Lord will purge me, that I may bring forth 
more fruit, and v/ork upon me mightily in the inner-man, for 
otherwife his bleffings will prove curfes to me. He has been 
pleafed to dig and dung round me, during my retirement.; he 
has fhewn me fomething of the treachery of my own heart, 
and more and more convinced me that I am the chief of fm- 
ners. Oh that my heart may fhew forth the eternity and 
fovereignty of his love ! for never furely was there a greater 
initance of it than myfelf. Happy are thofe that are brought 
to an experimental knowledge of thefe myflcries of the kingdom 
of God. Many of your charge have been, I believe ; I pray 
God to increafe the number of your fpiritual children more 



and more, and to add dally to the church fuch as fliall bt 
faved. My cordial refpecls attend your fellow-Jabourcrs, and 
all who are fo kind as to aflc for me ; as faft as opportunity 
permits, they may expect to hear from, reverend Sir, 

Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer, 

G, IV. 


Dear Mrs. F. Philadelphia^ Nov. 10, 1739. 

I Have now time to anfwer your laft letter. It gave me much 
fatisfaiftion. I rejoice that you begin to know yourfelf. 
If pofTible, fatan will make us to think more highly of our- 
felves than we ought to think. I can tell this by fatal expe- 
rience. It is not fadden flafhcs of joy, but having the humi- 
lity of Christ Jesus, that muft denominate us chriftians. If 
we hate reproof, we are fo far from being true followers of the 
Lamb of God, that in the opinion of the wifefl: of men, we arc 
brutiQi. I love you and your dear hufband in the bowels of 
Jesus Christ. Under God, I begot you both through the 
gofpel, I therefore think it my bounden duty, from time to 
time, more particularly to y/atch over your precious fouls. Never 
account me your enemy for fpeaking the truth. Tell me of 
my faults in your turn. I will pray God to give me an hear- 
ins; ear and an obedient heart. But how do our brethren after 
their late difperficn ? I heard they had in part recovered them- 
felves. Ere now, I truft, they have refumed their courage, 
and ftand ftedfall: as a wail of brafs. If you vvere all to be 
carried to prifon the next moment, I think you fiiould not ^c-, 
cline your chriftian fellowlhip and fociety meetings. My 
brethren, in this refpcifl, I befeech you to obey God rather 
than man. Happy are you, if you patiently fufFer in fuch a 
caufe. Our Lord will ftand by you ; he Vv'ill fight all your 
battles, and make ycu more than conquerors throu;^h his love. 
My heart would fay more j but other letters muft be wrote. 
Salute all the brethren by name, and accept this as a token of 
your no^ being forgotten by 

Your afFsiclionate brother and fcrvant in Christ, 

G, n\ 




To the Rev. Mr. S. 
Rrjcrend a77d dear Sir., Pbiladelphia^ Nov. lO, I739» 

THE favours received at Hertford^ from you and your 
dear flock, are not yet out of my mind : They were 
exceeding endearing, and deferve my utmoft acknowledg- 
ments. Had providence permitted, I fliould have paid you 
another vifit j but God's thoughts are not as our thoughts : 
However, in about a twelvemonth, by his leave, I hope to re- 
turn amongfl: you once more. Oh ! that I may come in the 
bleffing of the gofpel of peace ! The do£lrines I have already 
preached come with double evidence upon my mind day by 
day. I am more and more convinced that they are the truths 
of God ; they agree with the written word, and the experience 
of all the faints in all ages : Nothing more confirms me in the 
belief of them, than the oppofition that is made againft them 
by natural men. Election, free grace, free juflification with- 
out any regard to works forefeen, are fuch paradoxes to carnal 
minds, that they cannot away with them. This is the wifdom 
of God, which is foolifhnefs with man, and which, the Lord 
being my helper, I intend to exalt and contend for more and 
more; not with carnal weapons, that be far from me, but 
with the fvvord of the fpirit, the word of GoD : No fword 
like that. Dear Sir, pray for me that I may rightly divide 
the word of truth, and give to each his portion in due feafon. 
The Lord has been exceeding gracious to me fmce I faw you 
Jaft. Oh let your fongs be of him, and praife him for all \\\% 
wonderful works. As I am enabled I remember you and 
yours. Many, when I was with them, were mourning ; ere 
now I hope they are comforted. He is faithful who has pro- 
mifed, who alfo will doit. If they hunger and thirlt after 
Christ's righteoufnefs, verily they fliall know that it is im* 
putcd to them. That you and your whole charge may be 
filled with all the fulnefs of Goj:), is the earneil: prayer o£, 

ckai Sir, 

Youi's mod ^ifFcdlionatcly in Christ Jesu^, 

G. ly. 




To Mr. Win. D . 

My Diar Brother y Pbllachlphia^ Nov. 10, 1739. 


OUR laft brought glad tidings. I endeavour to 

thanks for you with nny whole heart. I truft God has 
enabled you to take the advice you gave nic, and that you 
have been kept from idolatry. Oh my dear brother, let us 
watch and pray, that we may not be led into temptation. The 
fpirit is willing in both ; but the flefh, mine in particular, Is 
exceeding weak. Blclled be God for fending me on fiiip- 
board. He has given me to fee fomething of that myftery of 
iniquity, which was in my heart. I have loathed and abhorred 
my own feif. Tears have been my meat day and night ; but 
glory be to God, who has lately afTured me of a victory 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. At prefcnt my heart is 
quite free. You will fee what I have written to thofc of your 
houfehold. I pray the Lord to fend you and many more fuch. 
labourers into his harveft. I intend refigning the parfonage 
of Savmniah. Th Orphan Houfe I can take care of, fuppofing 
I fhould be kept at a diftance ; befides, when I have refigned 
the parifh, I fhall be more at liberty to take a tour round 
America^ if God fhouW ever call me to fuch a work. Hov,'- 
ever, I determine nothing, I wait on the Lord. I am per- 
fuaded he will fhew what is his will : though my heart is as 
yet perverfe, in time I hope to drink deeper into his fpirit. 
How earneftly do I defire to be difiblved, that I may be with 
Christ ! Sometimes my weak body gives me hopes, that I 
fhall not be long in the flefh ; but then, the ftrength that is 
communicated to me, and the confideration, that I have but 
juft begun my teftimony, fills me v^ith fears, left I (liould 
live to be greyheaded. But I endeavour to refign myfclf 
wholly to God. I deiire his v/ill may be done in me, by me, 
and upon me. If the Lord prefervcs me from falling into 
fm, and difhonouring his holy name, let him do what feem- 
eth him good with 

Yours moft affedlionatcly in Christ Jesus, 

G. TV. 




To Mada?n C . 

Madmn^ Philadelphia^ Nov. fO, 1 739. 

TO be made good by the righteoufnefs and fpirit of Jesus 
Christ, is a diftJDguiflilng blelTing. To be made 
good, and yet to be great and rich in this world's goods, is 
ftill more extraordinary. BJefied be God, who has thus 
highly favoured 3'ou. I truft he hath gi^ven you that faith, 
which enables you to overcome the. .wqrld, and emboldens 
you to confefs both our Lord and his fervants, in the midft 
of a wicked and adulterous generation. Once indeed I feared 

you had been offended. Dear Mr. M foon convinced 

me of my error. Yourfelf, Madam, amply fatisfied me before 
I left London^ that you were not afliamed of the gofpel and 
miniilers of Christ. May the Lord enable you more and 
more to fet your face as a, flint, and entirely to live above 
the fear of man. If the work goes on in England^ a trying 
time will come. I pray God, the fame fpirit may be fciind 
in all that profefs the Lord Jesus, as was in the primitive 
faints, confefTors and martyrs. Further oppofition then will 
not hurt, but highly profit the church. The chafF Vv^ill be 
winnowed from the wheat, and they that are approved be made 
manifeft. As for my own part, I expedl nothing but afflidions 
and bonds. The fpirit, as well as the do6lrine of popery, pre- 
vails much in many proteftants hearts ; they already breathe 
out threatnings. What v^'onder, if vvhen in their power, they 
fhould breathe out {laughters alfo ? This is my comfort, the 
do6lrincs I have taught are the do6lrines of fcripture, the doc- 
trines of our own and of other reformed churches. L'^ I fuf- 
fer for preaching them, {0 be it. " Thou (lialt anfwer for me, 
O Lord my God !" 1 rejoice in tha profpedl of ir, and befeech 
thee, my dear redeemer, to ftrengthen me in a fufFering hour. 
You, dear Madam, and the reft of my friends, will not be 
wanting in praying for 

Your moft obliged humble fcrvant, 

(?. TV. 




To Mr. D ~. 

Dear Sir^ Philadelphia^ Nov. ic, 1739. 

GRATITUDE and love call upon me to write a letter 
of acknowledgment for favours received when lately 

at . The Lord remember them at that day ! You have 

confeiled his fervants before men, he has promifed to confefs 
fiich, before his angels in heaven. The principles which I 
maintain, are purely fcriptural, and every way agreeable to 
the church of' England articles. What I have been chiefly 
concerned about is, left any fhould reft in the bare fpeculative 
knowledge, and not experience the power of them in their 
own hearts. — What avails it, Sir, if I am a patron for the 
righteoufnefs of Jesus Christ in behalf of another, if at the 
fame time I am felf-righteous myfelf? I am thus jealous, I 
truft with a godly jealoufy, becaufe I fee fo many felf-deceiv- 
ers among my acquaintance. There is one in particular 
(whom I love, and for whom I moft heartily pray) who ap- 
proves of my doctrine, and hath heard it preached many years 
paft, but I could never hear him tell of his experiences, or 
of what God has done for his foul. He hath excellent good 
defires and intentions, but I think he wants fomething more : 
Lord, for thy infmite mercy's fake, grant he may know him- 

fclf even as he is known 1 I need not tell Mr. D , who 

this dear friend is — you are intimately acquainted with him, 
you love him as you do your own heart ; you are never out 
of his company. Oh, dear Sir, be not angry. Methinks 
I hear you, by this time, making an application, and faying, 
'^ Then I am the man.'* True, dear Sir, I confeis you arc. 
But love, love for your better part, your foul, your precious 
foul, this love conftrains me to m^q this freedom. You are 
more noble than to take it ill at my hands ; I could not bear 
even to fufpedl that you deceived yourfelf, dear Sir, and not 
tell you fuch a fufpicion was in my heart. T'hat God may 
powerfully convince you of felf-righteoufnefs, and cloath you 
wich the righteoufnefs of his dear Son ; that he may till you 



with his grace, and thereby fit you for, and at laft tran- 
llate you to, his glory, is the hearty prayer o^, dear Sir, 
Your moft obliged and affectionate friend 

and humble fervant, 

G. tF. 


To a Servant, 

Philadelphia^ Nov, lo, 1739* 

WHEN I was at Mr. , I fear I did not afk you 
often enough what God had done for your foul. I 
write this to beg your pardon. Want of time was the caufe. 
1 believe Christ hath manifefted himfelf to your foul. 
Shew it, I entreat you, by labouring to adorn his gofpel in 
all things. A meek and quiet fpirlt is in the fight of God 
of great price. You are happy in a place. I hope you know 
and are thankful for it. Take heed that you ferve with fin- 
glenefs of heart, as unto Christ. Go when you are bid to 
go, come when you are bid to come ; when commanded to do 
this, do it with all your might. Bear with the perverfe- 
TieCs of others. Remember how filent Mary was, when her 
fifler Alar t ha pecvifhly faid, " Lord, careft thou not that 
my fifter has left me to ferve alone?" My unfeigned love 
attends all the Martha's and Marys of your acquaintance. I 
pray they may in all things walk as v/omen profefnng god- 
linefs. To hear of your progrefs in the gofpel, would much 

Your fincere friend and fervant, 

G, IV, 


To ihc Rev. Mr, 

Rev. and dear Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. ic, 1739. 

THE many favours I have received at your hands, are llill 
deeply impreficd upon my heart j as I have often faid, 
fo I fay again, I hope they v/ill never be forgotten by me lb 
long as I live. But, reverend Sir, I have obferved fome par- 
ticulars in your principles and condud, v/hich I muft confefs 
have given me much concernj and of which, from love and 
2 gratitude. 


gratitude, I think myfelf obliged to itifoim you. I be- 
lieve, dear Sir, you have often been inwardly offended at me, 
becaufe you fufpeiSled, I thought you to be no true cbritVian. 
Your fufpicions were not groundlefs. i cannot yet rh.nk, 
that a thorough work of converfioii was ever wrou^,; t upon 
your foul. I fear you deny, that '* Jescjs Christ is truly 
and properly GoD." I infer this, from your not reading the 
NUene Creeds and your palliating that text I once urged to 
prove it. '* I and my Father are one." I doubt alfo, your 
owning " Original Sin." This I gather from your wonder- 
ing I fhould touch on fuch a point, when I preached my 
fermon on juftification by J Esus Christ. Befides, the fad 
definition you once gave of religion in a letter to your brother 
* ; the ftranger alfo which you feemcd to be to the *^ de- 
vil's temptations, " when I converfed with you ; and your 
fuppofing, that converfion was to be wrought in the foul 
by moral perfuafion ; all thefe put together, dear Sir, con- 
vince me, that you were never yet truly and effectually born 
again of God. Befides, Reverend Sir ^ does your going weekly 
to a club, where the company play at cards, and fit up iate 
at night, does this, dear Sir, agree with your holy vocation^ 
either as a chriftian or a minifler .? Be not offended, Rev. Sir^ 
at this plainnefs of fpeech. I have forborne a long while ; 
love and gratitude would not fuffer me to forbear any longer. 
I wifli I had no occafion to write in this mianner. I believe 
you fo ingenuous as not to be angry with me. I pray GoO 
to quell all refentment in your heart, and fend you his holy 
fpirit to guide you into all truth. Your brother's eyes are 
now in fome meafure opened : he is convinced of the per- 
feft righteoufnefs wrought out for him by Jesus Christ, 
and ere now I hope hath received faith to apply it to his heart. 
This is the dodlrine of the church o^ E?igland. Unlefs you 
hold this and other evangelical principles, how, dear Sir, is 
it confident with fmcerity to eat her bread .? V/ith humility, 
refpeft, and love, do I offer thefe things to your confidera- 
tion— Be pleafed to weigh them in a proper balance, and 
refledt from what principle they are wrote, and I am perfuadcj 
you will not be offended at, reverend and dear Sir, 
You moft obliged friend and fervant, 






Dear Mr, S PJAladclphia^ Nov. lO, 1739^ 

Love an IjracUic indeed, I love a catholic fpirit dcftitute of 
guile ; you I am perfuadcd are thus minded. The Lord 
hath highly favoured you : he hath given you a meek and 
quiet fpirit. My heart hath been knit to you, ever fince God 
firft brought us together. Oh pray, that what I admire in 
another, I may imitate myfelf, and have the graces of Jesus 
Christ damped upon my heart. It fills me with confufion, 
whenever I confider how far I am from his likenefs. Alas ! 
What would become of me, was I to be faved by any thing 
within myfelf. BlelTed be God, the Lord Jesus is my. 
whole righteoufnefs. By virtue of that I know I am juftified, 
I believe I fhall be fantStified, and am afi'ured I fhall be ever- 
laftingly redeemed : for God loved me with an everlafting 
love. Oh, dear Sir, the profpedl of an hereafter fills my 
foul Vv'ith comfort. Then (hall I have enough of your com- 
pany, and of the other children of God. The Lord give 
me patience to wait till my blefled change cometh. He often 
gives me fuch forctaftes of the glory to be revealed in us, that 
I want to leap my feventy years. But in a degree, I may 
fay with my blefled maftcr, " I have a cup to drink of, and a 

baptifm to be baptized with.'* Dear Mr. S wiil fee 

me humbled, I believe, as much as once exalted ; L look for 
*' Away with him, away with him, " every day. Then, I trull:, 
I {hall begin in earncfl: to be a difciple of Jesus Christ. 

Even in fuch an hour, I believe dear Mr. 5 will dare 


His aiFctSlionatc though moft unworthy friend, 

brother and fervant, 


Dear Sir y Philadelphiay Nov, lO, 1739. 

TO i-hink, that you fliould be engaged publickly to prav 
for me, hath often given me much fatisfa<5lion, and 
now excites me to fend vou this letter 0^ thawks : help me 


ftil], help me, dear Sir, by your prayers. They will be a 
means of lifting up my hands when they hang down, and 
of ftrengthning my feeble knees. Though in all things we 
do not, yet in cflcntials we both think and fpaak the fame 
ihings. I wifh all nanries anu)ng the faints of God were 
fwallowed up in that one of Chnjiian. — I long for profellbrs 
to leave off placing religion in faying '* I am a Churchman," 
*' I am a Dillenter." My language to fuch is, *' Arc you of 
Christ ? If fo, I love you with all my heart :" for this rea- 
fon chiefly, dear Sir, my heart is drawn out towards you. 
On this account, though io long in Christ before mc^ 
I make bold to call you brother, and to wifh you God fpeed : 
blefied be his name, you have little reafon to cry out ; " My 
leannefs, my leannefs." Many gracious fouls are among your 
flock, they love to be fed with the fmcere milk of the word. 
I hope they will be your joy and crown of rejoicing in the day 
of the Lord Jesus. I often think of them with pleafure ; 
pray falute them moft affectionately in my name, and exhorc 
them to entreat the L0R.D that I may make full proof of my 
miniftry. In about a twelvemonth^ God willing, I intend 
returning to England \ I wifli it m.ay be in the fulnefs of 
the bleffmg of the gofpel of peace. I think you are happy 

in the acquaintance of Mr. B 5 . I truft he 

will be as good as he is great, and after he is made perfe6i: 
through manifold temptations and trials, fit down with you^ 
and all the other fpirits of juft men made perfect, in heaven. 
This is the hearty prayer of, dear Sir, 

Your affe(Stionatc brother and fellow labourer 

in our Lord's vineyard^ 
G, IK 


My d^ar Hr other ^ Philadelphia^ Nov, lo, 1739- 

YOU cannot conceive how often you have been upon my 
thoughts, fmce I faw you, Eternity itfelf I hope will 
not diminifh, but more and more increafe that love, which I 
bear you from my heart. Your ftature reminds me of little 
Zaubeus : he that called him, I am perfuaded hath called you : 
Have you uqx heard him fay to your foul, *' I am your fal- 

1 2 vation ? 


vation ?" If fo, fear not, thou art a fon of David, Let 
worldly affairs be ever fo bad, he that has given you his own 
dear Son, will make you more than conqueror in all things. 
Still dare to own our dear Loud before m>en. It is no fcan- 
dal for a follower of Jesus Christ to be poor. Our Lord 
was poor before us — So that we are rich in faith and good 
works, it is not much mater if we are not rich in this 
world's goods. Having Christ, though we have nothing 
elfe, we poflefs all things. However, fmce godlinefs hath 
the promife of the life that now is, as well as that which is 
to come, I would advife you to plead the promifcs for tempo- 
ral blcilings. In the name of Jesus, many a fweet morfcl 
and opportune fupply, have I fetched in from God by this 
means. That is the v^^ay I live, and hope fhall coiitinue {o 
to live till death is fwallov/ed up in viilory. Death — 
what a comfortable v^ord is that for a believer ! Christ 
hath taken the fting of it away ; henceforward it is no 
longer a king of terrors, but a welcome mciFenger to con- 
duel the faints to glory. My dear brother, let us comfort 
one another with thefe things. We are not to live here al- 
ways ; our inheritance is above. When Christ who is our 
life fhall appear, then ftiall we alfo appear with him in glory. 
Why then fiiould we value thefe light affiiclions, which are 
but for a moment ? No, let us patiently bear our crofs, fmce 
we are fo fhortly to vvear a crown. Oh the riches of free, 
diftinguifliing grace ! Why were you and I taken into fa- 
vor? " Even fo Father, for fo it feemed good in' thy fight." 
O ! my friend, my brother, let us for ever extol free grace ! 
However others exalt man and debafe God, let us exalt God :| 
and debafe man. Let Jesus Christ have all the glorv : f 
for he is the author, carrier on, and finifhcr of our faith. 
He hath begun it in time, he fhall compleat it in eternity. — 
My brother, I have been fo expanded u'hilil; writing, that I 
muft refer you to other friends, to know hov/ gracioufly God 
hath dealt with 

Your affedionate brother in Christ, 




Dear Mr. TV, Philadelphia^ Nov. 10, 1739. 

I Long to be in heaven, chiefly to fee God even as he is ; 
next, that I may have my foul fatisfied with the blifsful 
communion of faints. There I hope to fee you and your 
wife, and to Ihew how finccrely I love you both in the bow- 
els of Jesus Christ. My heart has went along with m.y 
hand, when I ufcd to ftrctch it out to you in the field. I 
only v/anted more time to converfe with you. Oh my dear 
brother^ let us keep ourfelves in the love of God through 
faith in Christ Jesus, and then, yet a little v/hile v.'e fhall 
meet in glory. As faith is the beginning, fo faith is the end 
of the chriftian courfe. Let us keep this grace in continual 
exercife, and v.'e may bid death and hell defiance. Faith 
makes us more than conquerors over all ; I fpeakthus to you, 

becaufe I hope you and dear Mrs. have been in fome 

meafure made partakers of this free gift of God. I pray God 
to incrcafe it more and more, till it be fwallowed up in the 
fruition of our fupreme good. Perhaps our faith may be put to 
the trial ere it be long ; I expect nothing but fufierings. Oh 
pray that 1 may be faithful unto the end, and that a crown of 
Jife may be given to 

Your afFe£lionate brother in Christ, 

G. rr. 


To Mr, H. 
My dear Brother^ Philadelphia^ Nov. 10,1739. 

THE chriftian love I bear to both your fifter and you, 
excites me to fend you a line. Providence prevented 
your failing with us ; but as we have drank into the fame fpi- 
rit, I hope brotherly love will continue and incrcafe between 
us, to all eternity. I have often v/reftlcd in prayer for you 
fmce we have been on board. Your fifter has watered thofe 
prayers with her tears, and I truft the Lord was entreated of 
us. Our voyage has been highly profitable to our fouls. I 
can never be thankful eaough for this fweet retreat. My 
^ear brother, how do you find your heart ? Mine Is like Eze- 

1 3 kicrs 


hers temple^ the farther I fearch into it, the greater abomina- 
tions I difcover ; but there is a fountain opened for iln and all 
uncleannefs. There, my dear brother, we may jjoth wafh and 
be made clean. The Lord hath already vouchfafed us fome 
afiuranccs of his love. Oh let us continually keep faith in 
exer.cife, till it be entirely fwaljowcd up in the boundlefs 
pcean of the beatific vifion. That God may daily renew 
you by his fpirit, and more and more fit you for the happj- 
nefs which awaits you above, is the hearty prayer of 

Your aftectronate though vi^eak brother iu Christ, 


To Mrs. — . 

Aly Dear Friend^ Philadelphia^ Nov. lo. 1 739. 

SHALL I have any leifure time and not write you a line 
of thanks for your works of faith and labours of love ? 
God forbid. I know not your name, but I neither forget 
your houfe, nor favours. The Lord feward you a thoufand 
fold ! I only fear that you have my perfon too much in ad- 
miration. If you look to the inftrument lefs, and to Gop 
more, it v/ill be better. By the grace of God alone, I am 
what I am. If any good hath been done to you or others, it 
was not I, but the grace of God that was in me. Oh, not 
unto me, not unto me, but unto God's name be all the 
<y\o\y, I pray God to make you partaker of the fame grace; 
for I would not have you an hearer only, I would have 
voii a doer alfo. Surely you are more noble and wife, than 
to deceive your own foul. And yet it is but too notorious, 
that numbers reft in the outward form, and are ftrangers to 
the inward power of godlincfs in their hearts. Do not ypu 
fo learn Christ. Beg of God that you may feci his fpirit 
working mightily in your foul, and witnelling with your fpi- 
rit that yo\i lire a child of God. I could go on, but other 
letters muft be wrote — Pray tender my love to all that dined 
with me at vour houfc ; exhort them to keep clofe by faith 
to Christ, and to pray to and give him thanks in my behalf j 
fo; he hath dealt moft gracioufly with 

Youi obliged friend and fervant, 

^ E T 1^ E li 

LETTER S. 119 


Dear Mrs. , Philadelphia^ Nov. 10. 1739. 

STILL I mu(t repeat my former requeft. Be not angry 
becaufe I did not vifit you oftener. I love, I honour you 
the more Jbr being of low degree. You are thereby rendered 
more conformable to our dear and common Lord. His 
bufinefs alone prevented my feeing you fo often as I would. 
However, though abfent, I rejoice that our Saviour has dealt 
fo lovingly with you. As afflidions have abounded, confo- 
lations have much more abounded. I am perfuaded, you can 
affirm that God is the father of all mercies, and the God of 
all comforts. Has he not comforted you my dear fifter in all 
your tribulation ? He that hath, and docs, will ftill dejiver 
you. Y^t a little while, and he that comcth will come, and 
will not tarry. Shortly I fuppofe the earthly houfc of 
this your tabernacle will be dilTolved : fear not, you (hall then 
be cloathed upon with your houfe which is from heaven. 
Oh pray that fuch honour may be alfo conferred on 

Your unworthy brother in Christ, 

G. JV. 


Dear Mr. C , Philadelphia^ Nov. lO, 1739. 

I Cannot forget your frequent attendance on my miniflry 
when iaft at London. I am prefled in fpirit to write you 
a line, to exhort you to contend earneftly for the faith once 
delivered to the faints. You have learned the truth as it is in 
Jesus. You have been taught it of (tod. Electing love 
hath fnatchcd you as a brand out 0/ the fire, and you have 
followed our Lord without the camp, bearing his reproach. 
The Lord's tabernacle has lately been pitched in the fields. 
Ere long it may be driven into the wildernefs. I hope you 
will follow it even there. The divine prcfencc, I am per- 
fuaded, will accompany it. Flath not your heart often burnt 
within you when the Scriptures have been opening to you, 
though not under a church roof ? God is not confined to 
places. Wherever his people arc, he will find and vifit them. 
Our Lord (oh (lupendous lov^!) has been pleafcd to fail 

I 4, Willi 


v/ith US. I have tafted both of his rod and ftafF; each has 
given me unfpeakable comfort. My dear brother, help me 
to praue him. Who io great, fo good a God, as our God? 
In about a tu'elve- month I hope to fee you again. Oh pray 
for me, my dear brother, that I may meanv/hile be let fur- 
ther into the myfteries of godljnefs, " God manifeft in the 
flefji." As yet, Ifind I am but a child, and a meer novice, 
B It this is my comfort, " The Lord who has begun will 
cany on the good work," till I am grown a ilrong man in 
Christ Jegus. I long to know more of his love, I hunger 
and third after the teachings of his bleiTeJ fpirit. You, I am 
perfuaded, are no otherwife minded. Still prefs on and faint 
not. Yet a little while and you fhall enter into pcrfe6t joy 

Your affedtionate brother in our dear Lord Jesus, 

G. IF. 


Reverend Sir ^ New-Tor k^ Nov. 16, 1 739. 

SEEING a paiTage in your letter to Mr. P- concerning 
me, I find my he-rt immediately fct to fend you a line. 
I love to be acquainted with the true and old fervants of 
Jesus Christ, becaufe I delight to fit at their feet and receive 
inllrudtion from them. You faid right, reverend Sir, when 
you faid " I was but a young divine." Indeed I am a novice 
in the things of God. I can only fay, that I defire to know 
the whole will of God, that I may communicate it to 
others. Christ is fo good a mafter, that I would have all 
men drawn after him. He is pleafed to let me experience daily 
teachings of" his blefled fpirit, and to fnow me the riches, 

frecncrfs, and eternal duration of his love. But as yet I 

only fee men as trees walking. Oh pray, reverend Sir, that 
the Lord would again touch me, and enable me to fee all 
things clearly. I dcllre it only for the good of his church. 
Reverend Sir, into what a lethargy is the chriftian world 
fallen ! Foolifh and wife virgins are all flumbering and fleeping. 
It is high time for all that love the Lord Jesus to lift up their 
voices like trumpets, and to give warning of the bridegroom's 

coming ; many I hope are already alarmed. Fh'iladei- 

4 iiliia 


phia people receive the gofpel gladly. Here, indeed, has been 
(ome little oppofition, and therefore I hope fuccefs will be 
given to the word, and what has been done in England^ the 
journal fent with this will inform you. Oh reverend Sir, I 
befeech you give thanks for me with your whole heart. En- 
treat the Lord that I may be kept humble and dependent 
upon our dear Lord Jesus. God willing, in about feven 
months I hope to fee Neiu England in my return to Europe. 
An efFejSlual door is there opened, and no wonder that there 
are many adverfaries. Shortly I expert to fuffer for my 
dear mafter. May I not deny him in that hour ! If you 
would pleafe to favour me with a line, I (hould be glad to 
continue this correfpondence, and acquaint you from time to 
time how the work of God goes on. Mr. N ■ ■ will con- 
vey any thing you fhall fend. May the Lord richly reward 
both him and you, for your love to 

The moft unprofitable of all his fervants, 

G\ IV. 


Rev, Sir, New York, Nov. 1 6, 1 739. 

MR. N ', and the report of your fin cere love for our 
dear Lord Jesus, embolden me to write this. I re- 
joice for the great things God has done for many fouls in 
Northampton, i hope, God willing, to come and fee them in 
a k\v months. The journal fent with th/s, will fhew you 
what the Lord is about to do in Europe. Now is the gather- 
ing time. A winnowing time will fiiortly fuccecd. Perfecu- 
tion and the power of religion will always keep pace. Our 
Lord's word begins to be glorified in America. Many hearts 
gladly receive it. Oh Rev. Sh\ it grieves me to fee people, 
every where ready to perifh for lack of knowledge. I care 
not what I fufFer, fo that feme may be brought home to 
Christ. I am but a ftripling, but the Lord choofes the 
weak things of this world to confound the ftrong. I fliould 

rejoice to be inftrutSted by you. Mr. A^ will convey a 

letter to me — May the God of all grace give you all peace and 
joy in believing ! May he increafe you more and more, both 
you and your children ! May you cv^^ry day be feafted, and 


i2!i LETTERS. 

built up with (rdh anointings of his blelTcd Tpirit ! And by 
your fervent prayers, may you be enabled to hold up the 
hands of, reverend Sir, 

Your unworthy brother, fellow labourer 

and fervant in our dear Lord, 

G. ir, 


Hon. Mother^ Neiu Tork^ Nov. i6, 1 7 39. 

LASl' night God brought me hither in health and fafety. 
I mud not omit informing you of it. Here is likely tp 
be fome oppofition, and confcquently a likelihood that fome 
good will be done. New friends are raifed up every day 
whitherfoever we go ; the people of Philadelphia have ufed 
me mod courteouflv, and many I believe have been pricked 
to the heart. God willing, I leave this place next Monday., 
and in about a fortnight think to fet out for Firginia by land. 
In about a twelvemonth, I propofe returning to England; 
exped then to have the happinefs of feeing me fufFer for my 
mafter's fake. Oh that God may enable you to rejoice in it ' 
If you have the fpirit of Christ you will rejoice, if not, you 
will be forrowful. Oh my honoured mother, my foul is in 
djftrefs for you : Flee, flee I befeech you to Jesus Christ 
by faith. Lay hold on Him, and do not let Him go. God 
hath given you convi6lions. Arifc, arife, and never reft till 
they end in a found converfion. Dare to deny yourfelf. My 
honoured mother, I befeech you by the mercies of God in 
Christ Jesus, dare to take up your crofs and follow 

I am, honoured mother, your ever dutiful 
though unworthy fon, 

G. n\ 


To the Rev. Mr. P -. 

Rev. and dear Sir, Philadelphia, Xcv. 28, 17 39. 

I HAVE been much concerned fmce I faw you, left 1 be- 
haved not with that humility toward you, which is due 
from a babe to a father in Christ : but you know, reve- 
rend Sir, how difficult it is to meet with fuccefsj and not be 



puffed up with it, and therefore if any fuch thing was difcern- 
ibic in my condu<St, oh pity me, and pray to the Lord to 
heal my pride. All I can fay is, that I defire to learn of Jesus 
Christ to be meek and lowly in heart j but my corruptions 
are fo ftrong, and my employ fo dangerous, that fometimcs I am 
afraid. But wherefore do I fear ? He that hath given me 
himfelf, will he not freely give me all things? By his help 
then I am refolved to afk till I receive, to feek till I find, and 
to knock till I know myfelf. BlefTed be God, I have had a 
fweet retirement to fcarch out my fpirit and bewail the infir- 
mities of my public miniftrations. Alas ! who can hope to 
bejuflified by his v/orks ? My preaching, praying, &c. are 
only fphidida peccata. The blood of Christ applied to my 
foul by a living faith, is the only thing that can render them 
acceptable. This is the doctrine which you, reverend Sir, 
have been enabled to preach, and for which no doubt you 
have fuffered reproach : But you are now almofl at your jour- 
ney's end. Yet a little while, and you Ihall enter into your 
Mailer's joy. In the miean while the Lord, I am perfuaded, 
will keep you as the apple of his eye. He will not forfake 
you when you are grey-headed, and your flrength failethyon. 
The moment you are ripe for our common Mafler, he fhall 
tranflate you to glory ; Ipra^fequar. lama child 3 I mufl 
be tutored and made meet by fufferings to be a partaker of the 
heavenly inheritance with the faints in light : But I am per- 
fuaded God will for Christ's fake finally fave, reverend 

YoiLir unworthy brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


Bear Brother J, Philadelphia, Nov. 2??, 1739. 

INDEED I love you. Why ? Bccaufe I hope you are an 
Ifraelite indeed j and one of thofe babes to whom it has 
been our Lord's good pleafure to reveal ihe myfleries of the 
kingdom of God. It is fpecial ; it is a diflinguifhing gift. 
Be humble, d-ear Jamcs^ be humble. Talk little, and think 
much. A wile man will guide his words with difcretion. Be 
^?atous for your dear Mailer. Let a zeal for his honour even 



cat you up ; but then beg of God that it may be according to 
knowled^^'j. Stuiid faft in the liberty wherewith Chk.ist 
hath maJc you free, and be not again entangled with a yoke 
of bondage. Join not one of your works with your faith, in 
order to juftify you before God : And if God gives you a 
fpirit of prayer and fupplicatiori, fear not to pray as the fpirit 
gives you utterance. Man may deride, but ChPvIst will ap- 
prove and accept you. Dear 'Jav.ies^ you fee I do not forget 
you. I hope your little fociety increafes, and th.it the Lord 
will always be adding to it fuch as fliall be Aived. Salute 
them all mofl kindly in my name. Exhort them to continue 
^n the grace of God, and to pray for, dear ^ames. 

Your affectionate friend, brother, and fervant, 

G. JK 


Dear Airs. S, Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1739. 

HAS the Lord yet heard your prayer r Often have I heard 
you fay, " Oh ! that I had received the faith !" As 
often, to the bcft of my knowledge, have I laid, " Jmen.^* 
£re now, I hope our common Mafter has fulfilled all your 
petitions, and given you your heart's defire. If not, v/hat 
binders ? Our Lord doth not want power, for he is Almighty; 
he does not want a will, for he invites you to come unto him. 
Search your heart, and fee what is the reafon the King of 
glory does not enter in. Is it too full of the world? Renounce 
U. Do you not afk often enough ? Refolve to afk ofiencr. 
Dq you look too much to fome who fay they have received 
faith, but do not bring forth good fruit ? Henceforward look 
only to God and your own foul. Or do you not know the 
reafon I A(k our Lord to (hew you, and indeed he will ; for 
he hath promifed to fulfil the defires of them that fear him. 
Your Coiipi can afiure you of this. Oh follow him, as he 
does Christ, and you will be as happy as your heart can 

wifh. Dear Mrs. *S , I am, v/ith all poffible thanks foi: 

paff favours. 

Your obliged friend and fervant, 

G. TV. ' 

L E T I' E 11 


LETTER S. 125 


To Mrs. Martha B, 
My dear Sifierj Philadelphia^ Nov. 28, 1739. 

I Call you not Alartha, but Mary, for I hope you have 
chofcn the better part, which fhall not be t:ikcn from you: 
And yet not fo properly may you be faid to chufe, as the LoRP 
to have chofen you ; for we love God, becaufe he firft loved us. 
I can trace my converfion through its feveral ftcps, but cannot 
find one ftep I firfl took towards God. I have been a back- 
fiidcr from my very infancy. Had not God called after me, 
and by his fpirit faid unto me, as unto Jdain^ " Where art 
thou } Into what a dreadful condition haft thou plunged thy- 
felf r" I fiiould have fled from him (if poflible) for ever. I am 
perfuaded you, my dear Sifter, can readily fay the fame 5 for 
otherwife how can we truly value our Lord's redeeming 
blood ? Kow can we rclifti the do£i:rine of God's free grace, 
and our being freely juftified by faith which is in Christ 
Jesus ? Oh let us beg of God to teach us thefe divine truths 
more and more, (for he alone can teach them) and let us lay- 
out ourfelves to teach them to others. You are happy in be- 
ing in fellowfhip with fome, who I hope will be ready, if need 
be, to fcal thefe truths with their blood. Be humble, my dear 
Sifter, be humble ; and ceafe not to pray for 

Your afFeilionate brother and fexvant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


Dear Mrs, H. Philadelphia^ Nov, 28, 1 739. 

RACHEL brings me glad tidings : She tells me the 
Lord hath touched your heart by the power of his 
word, and that your relations have threatened to caft you out 
for our Lord's fake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad. If you 
endure to the end, and naked follow a naked Christ, great 
fliall be your reward in heaven. There is no being a chriftian 
without enduring contempt; no being happy hereafter, with- 
out fufFering reproach here. The world can only love its own. 
As they hate God, fo they muft hate thofe that are defirous 
to be like him ; But be not difmayeJ 3 Christ's ftrcngth fhall 



be magnifleJ in your weaknefs : A living faith will fupport 
you under all. When your father and mother forfake you, 
the Lord will take you up. The grcateft foes you will find 
to be thofe of your own heart. Subdue thcfc, and outward 
erodes will afFe6t you but little. To conquer yourfelf will be 
a laborious tafk ; but if you believe, Jesus Christ fhall even 
do this for you. Get out of yourfelf, rely wholly on, and be 
a co-worker with him, and he (hall be to you wifdom, righte- 
oufnefs, fandtification, and redemption. Rachel greatly wifhes 
this, but not more fincerely than 

Your friend and fcrvant in Christ, 

G. JV, 


Dear Mr, P. Philadelphia^ Nov. 28, 1739. 

WHAT a divine fympathy and attraction is there be- 
tween all thofe who by one fpirit are made mem- 
bers of that myftical body, whereof Jesus Christ i? the head! 
I loved your departed wife, now with God. 1 love your 
daughter, and the church in your houfe, in the bowels of 
Jesus Christ. Blciled be God that his love is fo far fiicd 
abroad in our hearts, as to caufe us to love one another, 
though we a little differ as to externals : For my part, 1 hate 
to mention them. My one fole queftion is, Are you a chrijUan ? 
Are you fealed by Christ's fpirit to the day of redemption \ 
Are you hungering and thirfting after the perfeci, everlafting 
righteoufnefs of Jesus Christ ? If fo, you are my brother, 
my filler, and mother. I defire to love you as myfelf. This 
is my temper ; I am perfuaded it is your's. Why otherwife 
did you fo gladly receive me i/ito your houfe ? The Lord 
reward you and the reft of your chriftian brethren. Indeed I 
am prefent with you in fpirit, and wifti you good luck iji the 
name of the Lord. O be not flack to praife him in my be- 
half ; for I have experienced fomc rich anointings of his holy 
fpirit, and have been made to fee more into the wonders of 
redeeming love. Did I know more of your names, I would 
write to more. This is my comfort, I truft our names are 
wriueft in the book cf life. Yet a little while, and wc fhall 


fit down together in the kingdom of our Father. A place, 
though on a lower form, is, I humbly hope, prep;ired for 
Your afFedionatc friend and fervant, 


Dear Mr. H. Philadclphiay Nov. 28, 1 7 39, 

IF I remember, you ufed to exprefs a great value for my 
perfon and doctrine, otherwife why {Viould you defire a 
line from fiich a wretch as I am ? When I look into myfelf, 
and confider how poor and miierablc, and blind and naked my 
ibul is, I wonder that any one fliould pay me the leaft regard. 
But what {hall we fay ? God will have mercy upon whom he 
will have mercy. I am entirely indebted to free grace for all 
I have, am, or Ihail be. You alfo, I trwfi:, dear Sir, are ready 
to fubfcribe to this ; for what have we but what we have re- 
ceived ? What (liould we have been had God left us to our- 
felves f Oh let a fenfe of this free, diftinguifhing love conftrain 
us to obedience : A chriflian needs no other motive. That 
is a true gofpel-faith which works by love. I often think it 
almoft prefumption to think of rewards in a future ftate; my 
Mafter amply rewards me in this : But prefent mercies are only 
earnefts of future favours. Be not therefore, dear Sir, weary 
of well-doing, for in due time we {hall reap, if we faint not. 
The Lord hath multiplied his favours towards me fince I 
faw you laft. We have had a long but pleafant and profitable 
voyage. Oh fmg praifes unto our God in behalf of, dear 

Your afFedlonate friend and fervant, 

G. W. 


Dear Mr:. A. Philadilphia^ Nov. 28, 1 7 39. 

THESE words of the pfalmift, " Let us rejoice in the 
ftrength of our falvatign," often come with great power 
and comfort upon my foul. You and I need take much no- 
tice of them : For otherwife how often (hould we have falica 
away from God fince our firft looking Zi<?n- wards ? But the 



Lord as he loves us freely, To he will heal our backflidingf- 
He neither will let us fall into fin or error. To as finally to dc- 
ftroy our fouls. God forbid this fliould encourage us in fin. 
It Is only intended to fupport us in danger, and to ftrengthen 
us under temptations. Since there is, fuch infinite mercy 
WMth God, it is a cogent rcafon why he (hould be loved and 
feared ; but not why he fliould be difobeyed : And fince God 
has lately led you out of dclufion, be more watchful over your- 
felf, my dear Sifter, to follow thofe who truly fnew you the 
way of fjllvation. — To hear of your {landing ftedfaft in the 
Lord, will highly ddight 

Your afi^e£tionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IK 


To the Rev, Mr. R. E. 

Rev. a7td Dear Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1739^ 

THE cordial and tender love which I bear you, will not 
permit me to neglecl: any opportunity of fending to you- 
I blefs the Lord from my foul, for raifing you and feveral other 
burningand fliininglights to appear for him in this midnightof the 
church. My heart has been much vjarmed during my voyage^ 
by reading fome of your fermons, efpecially that preached be- 
fore the aiTociate prefbytery. I long more and more to hear 
the rife and progrefs of your proceedings, and how far you 
would willingly carry the reformation of tlie church of iSri?/- 
land. There are fome expreffions which I fuppofe will be 
interpreted to your difadvantage, both by your domeftic and 
foreign enemies. I fhculd be glad to know who are thofe 
martyrs to which you refer, and of what nature thofe cove- 
riant s w eve which you mention in yourfernion. My igno- 
rance of the conftitution of the Scotch church is the caufe of 
my writing after this manner. I fhould be obliged to you, if 
you would be pleafed to recommend to me fome ufeful books, 
efpecially fuch which open the holy facrament ; for in God's 
law Is my delight. Bcjiori's fourfold State cf Man I like ex- 
ceedingly. Under God it has been of much fervice to my 
foul* 1 believe I agree with yoa and him in the efiential 



truths of chriftianityi I blefs Goi>, his fpirit has convinced 
mc of our eternal eIe£tion by the Father through the Son, of 
our free juftification through faith in his blood, of our fancSti- 
fication as rhe confcqucnce o^* that, and of our final perfeve- 
rance and glorification as the refult of all. 7^hefc I am pcr- 
fuaded Got> has joined together j thefe, neither men nor 
devils fliall ever be able to put afunder. My only fcruple at 
prefent is, '• Whether you approve of taking the Avord in de- 
fence of your religious rights ?'* One of our Engli/h biftiops I 
remember, u'hen I vi-as with him, called you Catneronians, 
They, I think, took up arms, which I think to be contrary to 
the fpirit of Jesus Christ and his apoftles. Some few 
paflages in your fermon before the prefbytcry, I thought were 
a little fufpicious of favouring that principle. I pray God 
your next may inform me that I am miftaken : For when zeal 
carries us to fuch a length, I think it ceafes to be zeal accord- 
ing to knowledge. Deareft Sir, be not angry at my writing 
thus freely. I love, T honour you in the bowels, and for the 
fake of Jesus Christ, from my foul. 1 wifti you good luck 
in all your pious undertakings. I pray God to profper the 
works of your hands^ and to make you a noble inftrument in 
bringing many fons to glory. Pray fend an immediate 
anfwer, dire<Sled as ufual, and care will be taken to have it 
jemitted to, reverend and dear Sir, 

Your moft afFe£lionate brother, friend, fellow-labourer, 
and obliged fervant. 

G. W. 


Dear Brother^ Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1739. 

IT is much upon my heart to fend you a line. Although 
you are not with me, yet as God was pleafed to touch 
you by my unworthy miniftry, I love you with a peculiar love. 
Bufmefs prevented my writing to you when in Yorkshire. I 

was forry to Har that Brother j had reafon to blame 

your conduct. Sfty dear brother, be not offended, if in the 
meeknefs and gentlenefs of Christ, I exhort you to be fober- 
minded. Follow after, but do not run before the blcfi^d Spirit; 
if you do, although you may benefit others, and God may 
Vol. I. K over- 


over-rule every thing for your good, yet you will certainly 
deftroy the peace of your own foul. God has been pleafed 
to call you by his grace, and to give you joy in the Holy 
Ghoft : But, my brother, I hope it will be more fettled and 
iubftantial, and joined with meeknefs and humility of heart. 
A joy which is the refult of inward trials, and flowing from a 
long experience of the buffeting of fatan. Such a joy will make 
you apt and fit to teach, and keep you from being puffed up 
above meafure. It will exalt, at the fame time as it humbles 
your foul. The Lord diredl my dear brother in all things :. 
I wifh all his fcrvants were prophets ; but let every one be 
rightly perfuaded of his call to public teaching. It is danger- 
ous to touch the ark, though it be falling, without a com- 
miilion from above. But no more. I am 

Your moft affedionate brother in Christ, 

G. If, 


Dear Mr. B. Philadelphia^ Nov. 28, 1 739. 

YOUR kind prefent of flour has been of fingular u[^ to 
me and my family; I pray God, in return, to feed you 
with that bread which cometh down from heaven. You are 
one of my firft and choiceft friends. You have not been 
afhamed to own me, or to attend on my miniftry. It will 
wonderfully rejoice me, to fee you exalted at our Lord's right- 
hand in a future ftate. The way you know. Jesus Christ 
is the ^^^ay, the truth, and the life. Through faith in his blood 
Iball you have free accefs into the holy of holies. I hope 
dear Mr. B. is not In the number of thofe, who want to make 
a Saviour of their own works, and thereby deny the Lord, 
who has {o dearly bought them with his precious blood : No, 
J am perfuaded you are more noble. Mr. B — • — has not fo 
learnt Christ. He is willing, I truft, to afcribe his falvation 
\o God's free grace, and to let Jesus Christ be all in all. 
I hope your brother, and thofe young men you brought with 
you out o^ Splttlefields^ are likcwife thus minded. Though ab- 
fent, yet I do not forget them. O exhort them from me, to 
favc themfelvcs from this untoward generation. My dear 
friend, do you go before them, and let them learn of you how 



to walk with God. It is a difficult thing to be a chriftian 
indeed. Numbers are P/;^;'//}^^, and do not know it. I pray 
God you may be delivered from them, and be made experi- 
mentally to know that no one can call Jesus Christ " his 
Lord," till he has really received the Holy Ghoft. I could 
dwell on this, but other bufinefs obliges me to haften to fub- 

fcribe myfelf, dear Mr. B— , 

Your mod obliged friend ai!id fervant, 


Reverend Sir ^ Philadelphia^ Nov. i^, I739» 

I AM not willing to go on fhore till I have performed my 
promife, and fent you a line. I heartily wifti I could write 
fomething u^hich might advance the glory of God and the 
good of his church. As vfQ botK profefs ourfelves minifters 
of the gofpel, thefe two things ought to be our chief and only 
concern, and more efpecially at this time, when men feek their 
own and not the things of the Lord Jesus. Oh, dear £ir^ 
the care of fouls I find to be a matter of the greateft importance. 
You have a great number committed to your charge. What 
a dreadful thing will it be for any of them to perifh through 
your negled ? And yet I fear. Sir, you do not walk worthy of 
the holy vocation wherewith you are called. It is no good 
report that I hear of you in common life. Your practice 
contradi(it£ your c!o£lrine, and what good can you do, if every 
one of your parifhioners, whilft you are preaching, may reply, 
**' Phyficiafi heal thyfelf r" Befides, Sir, how can you preach 
Christ toothers, when you are a ftranger to his powder your- 
felf ? It is next to impoflible. I make no apology for this plain- 
^efs of fpeech. Simplicity becomes embaffadors of CHRlsf ." 
I am, reverend Sir, 

Your obliged friend and fervant, 

G. n\ 

:fe 2 LETTER 

132 LETTER S; 


Dear Mr. G, Philadelphia, Nov, 28, fj^^ 

INDEED I love you, though it was (o long before I cam« 
to fee you. Want of time, not of rcfpecf , was the caufer > 
God is my judge how earneltly I long after your falvation^ 
and how willingly I would fpcnd and be fpent in order to pro- 
mote it. Oh how elofely does true faitfe in Jesus Christ 
our head, knit all his members in love to one another j. what 
a divine harmony and attraction i-s there between them, when- 
they have drank into and been made partakers of one and ths 
fame fpirit ? How does the love of God dilate and enlarge 
their hearts I How do all. little dift5-r!<Slions about externals fall 
away, and every other name is fwallowed up in the name of 
Jesus Christ ? This, my dear brother,, is that catholic fpi- 
rit, which will cement all denominations of lincere profeiTors 
together. This is the fpirit of which free diftinguifliing grace 
has made you a partaker, and which I pray God we both may 
partake of every day more and more. He is- faithful who has- 
promifed, who alfo will do it. I find it is not in vain that 
vve have believed in Jesus. He is- God, and his work is per- 
fect ; bis love is like himfelf unchangeable ; his gifts and cal- 
lings are without repentance, and therefore, though I am but 
a babe in Christ, yet I am perfuaded I fhall fee you crowned 
with glory. Then, my dear brother, we fball have time 
enough together. Then, there will be no parting, no fear of 
falling ; but we fhall drink eternally of thofe pleafures which 
flow from God's right hand for evermore. Supported with 
this hope, what hinders but I may come once again, when 
the Lord permits, and offer Christ's everlafting righteouf- 
nefs to poor perifhing finners. The devil and his fervants 
will rage horribly, and perhaps caft me into prifon, nay, put 
me to death : But if you will come and vifit me, by the help 
of my God, I will preach to you even there ; for I am not 
afliamed of the gofpel of Christ. 1 have fell it to be th& 
power of God unt© my falvation. Oh, my brother, the fire 
kindles whilft I am writing ; but I muft have done. Pray 
falutc thofe dear fouls that I fpoke to at your houfc, and all 


L E t T E R S. 133 

•Other friends. Entreat them to pray and give thanks for me ; 
and aflure thCm they are not forgotten by 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G. W. 


' Mr. H Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 17:^9. 

AS you {land fo nearly related to your daughter, who is 
with me, though I am un'lcnown to you in perfon, yet 
1 make bold to fend you a line to inform you of her welfare. 
I find fhe did not confer much with you about her intended 
voyage.; but 1 hope both you and her will have great reafon 
to rejoice in the end. -God has beenpleafed tovifit her with 
fome illnefs, but now fhe is perfe£l:ly recovered. What is beft 
•of ail, I hope her foul profpers, and is fitting more day by day 
for the enjoyment of God. This was the chief end of her 
goftig abroad, and give me leave to tell you, this is the chief 
thing you ought, and muft purfue at home. But why do I 
fay at home ? A chriftian hath no home but heaven. He is a 
ftrang.crand pilgrim while here on earth. I hope you know 

ibetter^ Mr. H , than to thi.nk you was born to drive a 

team, or plough a piece of ground. Thefe things mufi: be 
done, but then they fhould be done in fubordination to the 
care of your better part, the foul. Your daughter tells me, 

you are now grey beaded. Take heed, dear Mr. H , to 

make yo.ur calling and election fure. Reft not in outward 
things. Do not flatter yourfelf that you are a chriftian, be- 
caufe you go to churchy and do no one any harm. Nothing 
hut a living faith in Christ Jesus our dear Lord, can qua- 
lify you for eternal life. Without this, God will be to us a 
confuming fire ; and unlcfs we are bom again, and made new 
creatures in Christ, we never fliall enter into the kingdom 
of God. If you know not what I mean by thefe terms, you 
may depend upon it, you are a ftranger to this new-birth, and 
confequently in a ftate of death : but you need not fear ; even 
at the eleventh hour Christ will accept you, if you come to 
him by faith. He hath fhewn mercy to your fon and daughter. 
Why may he not fhevv mercy to their father alfo ? Whofoever 
jcomcth to him> he will in no-wIfc caft out. Haftethen, dear 

K 3 Sir, 


Sir, out of your fpiritual Sodom, Linger not. Nothing will 
more rejoice your dear children, than to fee you brought to 
an experimental knowledge of the truth, that you may be fa- 
ved. For their fakes, you are particularly remembered by 
Yeur unknown but fmcere friend 

and fervant in Christ, 



To the Rev, Mr, P :—. 

Upper Marlborough (Mary Land) Dec. 8, 1739. 
Rev. and dear Sir, 

TILL now, I have neither had leifure nor freedom to 
anfwer your kind letter. Blefled be God, who has 
opened the hearts of fome of his people at New York to receive 
the word. May he enable you to water what, his ov/n right 
hand hath planted, and grant to your labours a divine increafe I 
Indeed I wifli you good luck in the name of the Lord. I 
wifli all his fervants were prophets. Oh that he would be 
pleafcd to fend forth experimental labourers into his harveft : 
• — for I fear amongft you, as well as in other places, there 
are many who are well verfed in the doctrines of grace, ha- 
ving learned them at the univerfity, but notwithftanding are 

heart-hypocrites, and enemies to the pov/er of godlinefs. 

Dear Sir, I ufe this freedom, becaufe I love fimplicity. I con- 
fefs I am but a child in grace, as well as years. Pardon this 
freedom, for out of the fulnefs and fmcerity of my heart my 

pen writeth. — I thank your fon and dear Mr, S for 

what they did on my account. Alas, I fear they think too 
highly of me. Oh dear Sir, entreat the God of all grace to 
give me humility, fo Ihall fuccefs not prove my ruin. My 
moft cordial refpecls and hearty thanks attend dear Mrs, 

P , I pray God in all things to make her a help mee'i 

for you — As faft as I can fnatch a few moments from public 
bufmefs, more New York friends may expe(Sl to hear from me 
—A fenfe of their favours is flill upon my heart — I would 
willingly remember them, whenever I go in and out before 

the Lord. Mr. N — 's letter, and my next journal, will 

acquaint )'ou, how the Lord Jesus has been getting him- 



felf the vI(£tory, fmce I left New York There has been 

fuch little oppofition, that I have been tempted almoft to cry 
out, " Satan, why fleepeft thou f " But God pities my weak- 
nefs. Oh, dear Sir, thank him in my behalf, for indeed he deals 
moft lovingly with, Rev. Sir, 

Your moft unworthy brother and fellow-labourer, 

G, JK 


Dear Slr^ Upper Marlborough^ Dec, 8, 1739. 

I Cannot defer writing to dear Mr. N any longer. 
— This afternoon God brought us hither. Some arc 
folicitous for my flaying herp to-morrov/. As it feems to be 
a call from providence, 1 have complied v/ith their requeft. Oh 
that I may be enabled to lift up my voice like a trumpet, and 
to fpeak with the demonflration of the fpirit and with pov^er. 
Thefe parts are in a dead fleep. At Anapdis^ I preached twice, 
and fpoke home to fome ladies concerning the vanity of their 
falfe politenefs. But alas, they are wedded to their ^adrille 
and Ombre, The miniffer of the place was under convic- 
tions — He wept twice, and earneftly begged my prayers. He 
will not frighten people I believe with harfli do6frine, — 
he loves to prophefy fmooth things. — God bleffed the word 
wonderfully at Philadelphia, I have great reafon to think 
many are brought home to God. When I return, it will 
then be fecn, who has received the word into an honeft and 
good heart. By the divine affiftance, I propofe revifiting PZ^/- 
ladelphia^ New Tork^ and to go as far as Bo/Ion^ and fo return 

to Georgia^ before I take {hipping again for England The 

Lord dircvSl my going in his way ! About May you may ex- 
peel to fee mc. My dear friend, pray that I may ^o improve 
the time of my abfence, that at my return my progrefs may be 
made known to all men. Itfhames me to fee what little pro- 
ficiency I have made in the fchool of Christ. If I do not 
begin to prefs forwards, how fhall I appear before my blefTcd 
Lord ? I feel myfelf to be the chief of finners; furely never 
was a greater inflance of redeeming diftinguifhing love. God 
forbid that I fhould glory in any thing but free grace : had 
liot God plucked me as a brand out of the fife, I had now 
K 4 either 


cither been given over to a reprobate mind, or caft into a place 

of torment. Oh help me, help me, dsarejl Mr, N , 

help me to be thankful, and accept my thanks, though late, 
for ail favours received when at New York. Indeed I love you 
in the bov^els of our dear Lord Jesus. Salute your dear 
wife my kind hoftefs : exhort her to be feverely kind to her 
little boy. — My moft cordial refpe6ts attend all who aflc after 
me. Entreat them to continue their prayers, deareft Mr. 

A'^ , for 

Your weak, but affe£lionate friend, brother 

and fervant in Christ, 
G, IK 


ro Mr, B . 

Dear Sir, Upper Marlborough.^ Dec, 8, 1739, 

GRATITUDE obliges me to fend you a letter of thanks 
for your lall kind prcfent, and all other favour.^ ; but the 
love of our Lord Jesus Christ conilrains me to write to 
you, exhorting you earned-ly to contend for the faith once de- 
livered to the faints. I humbly hope the Lord has been 
pleafed to blefs my- coming in thcfe parts to many, and 
amongfl them to you alfo. It rejoiced mc to find dear Mr, 

B was convinced that 1 preached the truth as it is in 

Jesus. It pleafed me exceedingly, to find how his eyes were 
opened to fee the direct contrariety there is, between the fpi- 
rit of Chrjst and the fpirit of the world. What has my 
dear friend now to do, but to profecute thcfe convictions, 
and never refl till they end in a found converfion. God has 
given you richly all things to enjoy. Be pcrfuaded hence- 
forward not to be fo cumbered about the many triHes of this 
life, as to neglect the one thing needful, Dare, Sir, to be fm- 
gularly good. Oh dare to let your light fliine before men — ^ 
Be not afhamed of Christ and his gofpel. Come out from 
your carnal acquaintance, and live as becomes a true follower 

of our Lord Jesus. Dear il^r. 5^— , I hope will join 

with you. God's fpirit has been and is now ftriving with his 
heart. I pray God to make this the accepted time, and caufe 
it to be the day of his, falvitioi). How will it fill mc with 


LETTERS. "137 

joy at my return to Philadelphia^ to fee dear Mr, B — 

and fome other excellent welUnnieaning people, whom I love, 
become defpifed followers of the ^-amb of God. If my prayers 
may be any ways aflifting, as GoD fliall enable me you may 
depend on them — Our dear friend 5—- — - can inform you 
what God has done for us, fince we faw you. One favour 
more I beg of you ; give thanks as well as pray for 

Your moil obliged friend and fervant, 


To Captain B 

JViUiamJburgh, (Virginia) Dec, 15, 1 7 39. 

HITHER God brought us laft night ; I truft the fame 
gracious being, by his good prpvidence, has conducted 
you fafc to Philadelphia. I cannot fay, I have met with fo 
much as even an abnoft chrijlian^ fmce I parted from you, 
till I came to Colonel Whitings — —^ There, GosD put in my 
way a planter, that is feeking to know the way of God more 
perfedlly — He is now with us, and I hope our converfation 

will be bleiTcd unto him. Oh dear Mr, B — , ftrive, I 

befeech you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus, ftrive 
to enter in at the ftrait gate. God of late has loudly called 
you — Take heed that neither the lui} of the eye, the luft of 
the flefh, nor the pride of life prevail on you to lie down in a 
carnal fecurity again. 1 am confident you will be moft hear- 
tily defpifed, if you are a real chriflian j but dear Mr. B -'s 

refolution will be built on a better foundation, than to let 
a little breath blow it down. In Christ is your ftrength ; 
look up to him day by day, and as your day is, fo fhall your 
ftrength be, I fear and pray for you. God only knows, 
how often you have been upon my heart. Wc have not failed 
interceding for you at the throne of grace. I (hall be much 

miftaken, if Mr. B does not prove a chriftian indeed. 

About May I pro'pofe, God willing, to be with you again. 
Then 1 (hall rejoice to fit and hear you tell what God has 
done for your foul — Be not afraid of convi£lion. Be not 
afraid of inward feelings. Now pray to the Lord Jesus, to 
lay the ax of mortification to the root of your heart. Make 
% thorough 


thorough work with it. Do not fpare yourfelf In the leafl.— • 
Now is the accepted time, and that it may be the day of fal- 

vation, is the earneft prayer of, dear Mr, B- , 

Your obliged aftectionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. W. 


^'^' To the Rev. Mr. G T . 

My dear Brother^ Williamjburgh^ Dec. 15, 1739. 

BE not angry becaufe you have not heard from me. in- 
deed I love and honour you in the bow^eis of Jesus 
Christ. You are feldom out of my thoughts ; but till novv 
I have not had liberty given me, to fend you a. line — I truit 
the work goes on glorioufly in your parts. The hand of th.e 
Lord brought wondrous things to pafs, before we left Penfii- 
vania ; but in thcfe parts fatan feems to lead people captive at 
his will. The diftance of the plantations prevents people's af- 
fembling themfelves together. — Here are no great towns, as in 
other provinces, and the commonalty is made up of Negroes 
and co7ivi£is^ and if they pretend to ferve God, their mafters, 
Pharaoh like, cry out, " Ye are idle, ye are idle." Laft night 
I read the affeiSting account of your brother Johi ; let me die, 
O Lord, the death of that righteous man, and let my future 
ftate be like his ! O my dear friend, my brother, entreat the 
Lord that I may grow in grace, and pick up the fragments 
of my time, that not a moment of it may be loft. Teach 
me, oh teach me the way of God more perfectly. Rebuke, 
reprove, exhort me with all authority — I feel I am but a 
babe in Chrift, I long to know more of thd^hoiy Jesus. He 
has manifefted himfelf to my foul, both in a way of humili- 
ation and exaltation. Since I faw you, both his rod and ftalF 
have comforted me. At prefent, he makes me young and 
lively as an eagle; I only wifti I was more worthy to fub- 
fcribe myfelf 

Your afFcdionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. n\ 




To Mrs, a 

NezutONy Cape Fear^ Dec. 28, 1739. 
My dear Siflcr /;2 Christ, 

JUST now we have beeo finging the hymn, which wc 
fung. at Broad-oak ; and as I generally do at fuch feafons, 
I thought of that happy time wherein we fung it in your great 
hail, it was a time much to be remembered, an anticipation, 
I believe, of that blefled time when we all fnall meet to Cwg 
the fong of the Lamb in the heavenly Jerufalem — For 

the adoption of the fpirit, if truly received, is the earncft of 
pur promifed inheritance. We are fealed thereby to the day 
of redemption, and therefore may give both men and devils 
the challenge to feparate us, if they can, from the love of 
God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord — I am verily per- 
fuaded, that fmce I left you, all things have worked together 
for your good. As I am travelling, often does my foul think 
both of you and yours, and out of the fulnefs of my heart, do I 
often pour forth this or fuch like petitions, " Deareft Lord, be 

for ever gracious to the houfhold of !" My confcience 

hath fmote me frequently, for not writing you a longer letter. 
I fend this to afk pardon, and to aflure you how often you 
and your daughters are upon my heart, when I go in and out 
before the. Lord — I long to hear how the Lord Jesus hath 
magnified his flrength in your weaknefs. It would fill a 
volume to tell his goodnefs and truth ; and my bafe ingrati- 
tude fometimes comes with fuch convi£lion upon my heart, 
that I can fcarce forbear getting ofF my horfe, and humbling 
myfelf in the way fide. Indeed, I am the chief of finners, and 
yet overflowing hath the Lord Jesus been in his love. 
You will hear more foon by the journal which will be fcnt. 

Dear Mrs. C , my love to all. 

Your afFedionate though unworthy brother in Christ, 

G. TV. 

"B^cver end and dear Siry Savannah, jan, 16. 1740. 

WITH much pleafure (tho' not till laft week) I received 
your kind afteclionate letter. I thank you for it with 



all my foul, and pray God to reward you for this, and all 
other your works of faith and labours of lov€. You may de- 
pend, on my not being prejudiced againft you or your bre- 
thren, by any evil report. They only endear you to me more 
and more ; and were your enemies to reprcfent you as black as 
hell, I fhould think you were the more glorious in the fight 
of heaven. Your fweet criticifms and remarks upon my 
journal and fermons, were exceeding acceptable, and very 
juft. I afiure you, dear Sir, I am fully convinced of the doc- 
trine of ele£lion, freejuftification, and final perfeverancc. My 
obfervations on the Quakers, were only intended for thole par- 
ticular perfons with whom I then converfed. The tenets of 
the quakers in general, ^howt jujiificaiton^ I take to be falfe 
and unfcriptural. Your adverfaries need take no advantage 
againft you, by any thing I have written j for I think it every 
minifter's duty to declare againft the corruptions of that church 
to which they Belong, and not to look upon thofe as true 
members of their communion, who deny its publick confli- 
tutions. This is your cafe in Scotland, and ours in England. 
I fee no other way for us to adt at prefent, than to go on 
preaching the truth as it is in Jesus ; and then if our brethren 
caft us out, God will dirc6t us to take that courfe which is 
moil: conducive to his glory, and his people's good. I think 
I have but one obje6iion againft your proceedings ; " Your 
infifting only on preflytert^n government^ exclufive of all other 
ways of worfhipping GoD." Will not this, dear Sir, nccefia- 
rily lead you (whenever you get the upper-hand) to oppofc 
and perfecute all that differ from you in their church govern- 
ment, or outward way of worfhipping God ? Our dear bro- 
ther and fellow-labourer Mr. G T thinks this 

will be the confequence, and faid he would write to you about 
it. As for my own part, (though I profefs myfclf a minifter 
of the church oi Engknd) I am of a catholic fpirit ; and if I 
fee' a man who loves the Lord Jesus in fincerity, I am not 
very folicitous to what outward communion he belongs. The 
kingdom of God, I think, does not confift in any fuch thing. 
Thefe are my fentiments, dear Sir, and I write them out of 
love — ^^I am afhamed (becaufe only a babe in Christ) to pre- 
tend as it were to dire£l ; but true friendftiip needs no apo- 
logy, QqX} is doing great things in Amerlau My joOrrtal, 


E E T T E R S. ,4, 

which I fend over with this, will fliew you what he has done 
already. Your welfare is much upon my heart, and as I am 
enabled, I make mention of you in my prayers. Affairs o*' 
the Orphan-houfe go on v^ell. Some few, even here^ love the 
Lord Jesus. Oh, dear Sir, pray far us, and efpecially for 
Your weak unworthy brother 

and fellow-labourer \i\ Christ, 

G. JV, 


Savannah^ Jan, 22, 1 740. 
My Hon, Friend and Brother in Christ, 

YOUR laft letter quite confounded me. What am I, thac 
I {hould be thus highly favoured I I can only fay, tha: 
♦* Lefs than the leaft of all God's mercies," fhall be my mot- 
to ft ill. I have experienced many inward trials, fmce I faw 
you laft. But I find they work continually for my good. 
I rejoice in what our dear Lord Jf.sus has done for your foul, 
^ay a double portion of his bleffed fpirit reft upon you ; may 
our glorious ever-blefled Emanuel caufe all his glory to pafs 
before you, and may you be filled with all the fulnefs of 
God ! Since my arrival here, I have received a fweet endear- 

ing inftrudive letter from Mr, Ralph E — ■ j I have an- 

iwered it, and told him you promifed to write about the ne- 

ceffity of a catholic fpirit. Dr. C alfo has favoured 

me with a loving epiftle. I have received and read his fermons 
fince I faw you : they are acute and pointed, but I think not 
fearching enough by many degrees — My dear brother, I love 
writers that go to the bottom — God willing, I hope to be 
with you at the fynod — But what think you ? I am fometimes 
doubting, whether I ftiall have fufficient matter given me to 
preach upon. Methinks I hear you fay, « O thou of little 
faith ! wherefore doft thou doubt I As thy day is, fo fhalt 
thy ftrcngth be." Michael and the dragon, I hear, are car- 
rying onwar moft bravely in England, I really believe we ftiali 
not die, till we fee the kingdom of God come with power. 
The affairs.of the orphan-houfe are in great forwardnefs. I 
have much to fay j but time and bufinefs will not permit. 
Blefled be God, eternity is at hand, a<id then we (hali have 


142 LETTER S. 

time enough. I have read fome of your books to my grea^ 
profit. I want to be taught the way of God more perfectly 
ali the day long. My tendered refpech await the brethren 5 
my dear fellow-travellers falute you— You arc often remem- 
bered both by them, and 

Your affe(£i:ionate though very weak and unworthy 
brother, fervant and fellow-labourer in Christ, 


To the Rev. Mr, C. ' ' 
Rev. mid dear Sir, Savannah, ^^^' 24> 1 740 

I Received your kind, though undeferving letter, and now 
fnatch a few moments from my other avocations, in order 
to fend you a fhort anfwer. May God who knits the eledl 
in one communion and fellowfhip, fanctify our friendihip and 
correfpondence to the ftirring up each other to love and td 
good works ! — It pleafed me to find you breathe fo catholic a 
Ipirit. — O that bigotry and party zeal were not fo much as 
once named am.ongft us, as becometh faints ! Since Christ 
is not divided in himfelf, why fliould chriftians be divided one 
amongft another ? Bigotry, I am fure, can never be the fruit 
of that wifdom which cometh from above. — No, it is earthly, 
fenfual, and devilifh. When I come to New England I fhall 
endeavour to recommend an univerfal charity amongft all the 
true members of Christ's myflical body. Perhaps therefore, 
the fields may be the moft unexceptionable place to preach 
in. You and your brethren, I am pcrfuaded, will follow our 
Lord even without the camp, and rejoice to bear his facred 
reproach. AfTifi: me, dear Sir, in your prayers, that my com- 
ing may be in the fulnefs of the gofpel of peace— ^I fhall come 
only with my fling and with my flone.— If the Lord fhall 
be pleafed fo to dire6t me, that I may flrike fome felf-rigb- 
teous GoUahs to the heart, I know yoa will rejoice with. 
Rev. and dear Sir, 

Yours moft afFe£lionately in the love of 

our dear Lord Jesus, 


LETTER,'. 143 


To Mr. W, D, 

Savannahy Jan. 31, 1740. 
My dear Brother in Christ, 

BLESSED be God, for the good report I hear of your 
zeal for our dear E?naniieL Go on, I befcech you by the 
merciesof God in Christ Jesus ; go on, and I am perfuaded 
the pleafure of the Lord fliall profper in your hands. If I 
am throv/n afide as a broken veflel, fo I fee you and others 
ftirred up to carry on our dear Lord's kingdom, if my heart 
does not deceive me, I fhall rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. 
God bleiTes the affairs of the orphan-houfe. The work is 
large, but we have omnipotence for our fupport. — I believe I 
fhall take in near fifty children. God lets me fee every day, 
that he orders my goings. He vifits me with inward trials ; 
but if I had not fuch thorns in the flefh, what would become 
of me ? Fear not to fpeak the truth ; if driven out o^ Engl and y 
here is a noble range for you in America, At prefent I am 
reftrained ; but I could not reft, without letting you have a 
line from 

Your moft affe(Slionate friend brother, and fervant, 


To Mrs. D, 
Dear Madam^ Savannah., Jan. 31, 1740. 

I REJOICE to hear that you are likely to be caft out of 
your mother's Will only for following Christ. This 
may be only the beginning of temptations. God, I believe, 
out of love will try you to the uttermoft. You have drank 
deep of heavenly comforts ; you muft pledge our Lord in 
his cup of fufFerings. Thofe who faw him on mount Tabor 
afterwards were with him in the garden. But fear not— 
The Lord is with you — Neither men nor devils fhall hurt you. 
The fweet communion we have had with God, and through 
him with one another, often comfocts my foul. Who knows, 
4 IbuC 


but that time may be again repeated ? Indeed, I want wof(!s 
as well as time to exprefs with what thankfulncfs I defire to 
fubfcribe myfelf, dear madam, 

Your unworthy brother 

and obliged fervant in our common Lord, 

G. iv: 

To Captain M. 
Dear 5/>, Savannah, Jan, 31, 1740". 

I Rejoice to hear of your good health, and take this oppor- 
tunity of fending you Mr. Law's and Mr. Haliburto7i's life j 
which I pray God to fandtify to your benefit and comfort. I 
hope you will watch over your heart, and take care to keep 
up thofe convi(S\ions, which God once put into your fouL I 
am afraid of Mr. B. The world, the world I fear has got 

hold of him. Dear Captain M- -, I truft, will not defert 

his Mafter.-— I am fure he would die, rather than prove falfe 
to, an earthly prince. — Oh let him not defert his dear Re- 
deemer's colours. Dear Sir, beg of God to root out of your 
heart a defire for that honour which cometh of man. Till dead 
to the world you will not be alive to Gox>. Honour , falfely 
fo called, has deftroyed millions. That you may be never 
ca-rried away with, or ruined by it, is the liearty prayer of^ 
dear Sir, 

Your's, &c. 

G. jr, 


To the Rev. Mr. IF. T.Qi'^^Qrit' 

Savannah f yan. 31, 1740*. 
My dMT and honoured Brother^ 

BLESSED be God, who hath pleafurc in the profperity 
of his fervaats. — I am abafed to think what our all-gra- 
cious Redeemer hath done by my uaworthy hands, and rejoice 
to hear that he is working by your's. Oh that you may ex- 
perience frefh anointings and teaching from above I O that 
you may be ftrcngthened by God's mighty power in the inner 
man, and pull down fatan's flrong-holds daily. Got) willing, 
1 hope to be with you at the Synod. I find as yet I fcarce 



know any thing ; but if I give out of my little flock, I trufl: the 
Loud will increafe it, as he did the little lad's Ipavcs and 
fifhes. My journal, which I have fcnt to Philadelphia^ will 
tell you what God has done in AlaryLrid and [''irginia. A 
foundation of great things I believe is laying here. Oh pray 
that a fenfe of his owa littlenefs, may be given to 

Your affcclionatc, though unworthy brother and 
fellow-labourer in Christ, 

G. JF, 


A'fy dear Sijlcr^ Snvafwah, yan. 31, 1740. 

I Rejoice to hear that you are enabled to fee not only the 
freenefs but eternal duration of God's grace. Till the 
finner is convinced of this, I am perfuadcd he can neither 
work from a principle of true love, nor give Jesus Christ' 
the honour due unto his name. He muft alv/ays be making 
his falvation to depend /j^rz/y at leaft on his own doings ; " If I 
do fo and fo, Jesus Christ will give me his grace :*' But can 
any believer who knows himfelf, help confefling, that after he 
had received grace, he (hould have finally fallen from it, had 
the continuance of it depended on his own will ? Indeed, my 
dear Sifter, nothing fo much comforts my own foul as the 
thought that God will never leave me nor forfake me ; if he 
does, it muft be for my^unworthinefs : But on that account it 
cannot be ; for he never chofe me on account of my unworthi- 
nefs. He loved me freely, he prevented me by his grace 3 he 
chofe me from eternity, he called me in time, and I am pcr- 
fuaded will keep me till time fliall be no more. — This con- 
fideration makes my faith to work by love. Novv^, I can live 
not barely upon my frames, which notvvithftanding are blefTed 
things, but on the promifes. Now, I can go on my way re- 
joicing, and, amidft all dejeilions, lift up my head in profpecT: 
of a certain and exceeding weight of glory. Though I fal), 
I know I ftiall rife again j for he that is brought truly to be- 
lieve on Jesus Christ, his faith Ihall never die. The Lord 
Jesus will not fufter to be loft the purchafe of his blood. 
He knew for whom he died, and neither men nor devils fhall 
ever pluck them out of his hand.9. Such ag have been taught 
Vol. I. L moft 


146 LETTER S. 

moft of God, I find, are thus minded. And I am perfuaded 
were the effects of our Lord's redemption to depend on a 
roan's own compliance, or was the continuance of God's grace 
to depend folely on man's improvement, Jesus Christ would 
have died in vain. Jdam could not ftand in paradife when 
left to his own free-will, how then can we ? No, bleffed be 
God, cur falvation is put into better hands than our own. 
Jesus Christ has purchafed not only wifdom, righteoufnefs, 
and fandliiication, but alfo eternal redemption for us. Let 
this thought, my dear Sifter, lift up our hands v/hen they 
hang down, and llrengthen our feeble knees ; God's gifts and 
callings are without repentance. There is no condemnation to 
them that are truly in Christ Jesus. And I write thus pe- 
remptorily to you, becaufe I find now you are able to bear it. 
— BlefTed be God ! my dear Sifter, flefli and blood has not re- 
vealed this unto you. I hope ere long our brethren will lay 
all carnal reafoning afide, and fee and preach the truth in this 
refpe£l, as it is in Jesus. My kindeft love to your fifter. — - 
What I write to one, I write to both. The Lord direct your 
going in his way, and caufe you to continue inftant in prayer 

Your weak brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. JK 


To Mrs, Elizabeth JV . 

My dear Sijhr^ Savannah^ Jan, 31, 174G. 

I Have been juft reading over yo\ir letter, and felt a fweet 
fympathy with the writer. Oh that it may increafe till we 
are filled with all the fulnefs of God I Some pafiages in your 
letter were dangerous to my foul. Whenever you fee an}F 
Ijrowth of grace, pray that I may grow in humility in particular. 
Oh that I was lowly in heart ! Honour and difhonour, good 
report and evil report would then be alike, and prove" a fur- 
therance to me in my chriftian caufe. — I believe the time is 
iliortly coming in which 1 am to endure fomething for my 
Lord and Mafter ; then will 1 ery out,Wha is on the Lord's 
iide ? Nothing fupports me under a profpcct of a trying time, fa 
much as a fenfe of God's everlafting love. I am perfuaded, 
ths»i neither men n<?r devils flull ever pluck me out of his 



Almighty hands. Let this fupport you, my dear Sifter, in your 
change of life. Wherever you are, I am confident you will 
have reafon to fay, ^* Surely God is in this place." That 
you may wvlx ftronger and ftronger, and ripen daily for glory, 
is the hearty prayer of 

Your affedlionate brother and fervant in our dear Emanuel^ 

G. JV. 


To Mr. J, N, 
Dear Sir^ Savannah, 'Jan. 31, 1740, 

I Hope you will cxcufe my not anfwering your kind letter 
fooner.— The many avocations that at prefent furround me^ 
prevented it. I rejoice to hear that our Lord Jesus is getting 
himfelf the vidlory in the hearts of poor finners. I hope many 
will now rejoice in his falvation. One good fign is, that he 
has employed the meaneft, as well as vileft wretch, that he 
ever yet fent forth. — When I hear that any good is done by 
my unworthy hands, it almoft makes me to blufh. — Oh that 
I could humble myfelf in the duft, that the Lord alone may 
be exalted in his ftrength. I purpofe to revifit New-Tork at 
the appointed time. You told me, " Our Lord has not fent 
me into his vineyard at my own charge.'* Indeed, I always 
find he furniflies me with things convenient : Nay, he is often 
fo abundant in goodnefs and truth, that I am obliged to cry 
out in holy admiration, " My Lord and my God !" Dear 
Sir, help me to be thankful. Blefled be God, the Orphan- 
houfe affairs fucceed well. Many fouls will be redeemed by 
it from temporal, and I trull, from eternal bondage. I have 
taken in upwards of twenty children already, and I take in 
more daily. — I am building a large houfe, have many 
fervants, and a good flock of cattle. It will coft much money. 
— But our Lord will fee to that. My friends at New-Tork 
will aflift me when 1 come amongft them. Oh that my com- 
ing may be in the fulnefs of the blcffings of the gofpel of peace I , 
I am perfuaded, you will not be wanting in your prayers on 
behalf of, dear Sir, 

Your obli^^ed friend and fervant in Christ Jesus, 

G. //: . 


hs letters, 

letter clx. 

To Mrs. Elizabeth D . 

My dear S'l/ier in Christ, Savannah^ Feb, i, 174O. 

I Generally obferve that whom the Lord loves, for the moft 
part he keeps from preferment. — Your grandmother 
cannot do any more than fhe is permitted. It is God's free 
grace alone, that has made the difference between us and 
others. Oh that we were duly fenfible of electing love I In- 
deed it muil; ncceffarily conltrain us to obedience. I am glad 
you like Bochm. His works are truly evangelical, and a9:,oid 
fwcet nourifhnient to the new-born foul. The nearer we 
come to God, the better we fliall relifli fearching books. It 
is an evident fign of a falfe heart, when it is unwilling to be 
probed. BleiTed be God, you are not thus minded. I truft 
the Lord Jesus has apprehended you, and will henceforward 
never let you go. O that I may hear of your growth in grace, 
and of your zeal for the Lord of Hosts. — You do well to 
go about doing good; your Mailer did fo before you. Dare^ 
dear Mifs^ to follow his good example, and never fear the re- 
vilings of men. Set your face as a flint againft all the adver- 
faries of our Lord ; for fliortly you fhall tread all your ene- 
mies under feet. I befeech you by the mercies of God in 
Christ Jesus our Saviour, to keep up a clofe walk and com- 
munion with God. Nothing elfe can preferve you from 
Idols ; and you know when once the foul is off its watch, tlve 
devil makes fad ravages in it. There is nothins; I dread more 
than having my heart drawn away by earthly objects. — When 
that time comes, it will be over with me indeed ; I muff then 
bid adieu to zeal and fervency of fpirit, and in effedl, bid'the 
Lord Jesus to depart from me. For alas, what rooni can 
there be for God, when a rival hath taken poffeffion of the 
heart ? Oh my dear Sifter, pray that no fuch evil may befal 
me. My blood runs cold at the very thought thereof. I 
cannot, indeed ; I cannot away with it. In a multiplicity of 
bufinefs, have I wrote you thefe lines. I thank you for your 
kind letter, and hope I fhall always retain a grateful fenfe of 
the many favours I have received from your dear family. My 
kindeft refpects attend your fifter ; I long to hear of her being 



brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 
How does your father ? Oh that he may have a well-grounded 
intereft in Christ ! How does my dear brother Charles? I 
pray God to fill him with all joy and peace in believing. And 
how does your little fifter ? Deareft Redeemer, keep her un- 
fpotted from the world ! My heart is now full. Writing 
quickens me. I could almoft drop a tear, and wifli myfelf, 
for a moment or two, in England, But hufli, nature : God 
here pours down his bleflings on 

Your fincere friend and fervant in Cpirist, 

G, TF, 


To the Rev, Mr. D. R, 

Savannahy Feb. 4, 1 740. 
Afy reverend and dear Brother ^ 

I Received your kind letter juft on my arrival at this place. — 
My journal, which I fuppofe you will have read ere this 
reaches jyalesy can beft inform you what God hath done for 
my own and other people's fouls. — Even here, he is plcafcd 
to be with and alTifl us. The Orphan-houfe goes on bravely. 
I believe I fliall take in near fifty children before I return to 
England. He that feedeth the young ravens which call 
upon him, will not fufFer them to want. — I rejoice to hear 
that the Lord Jesus is fo publicly confelled among your 
countrymen. — If the Lord is pleafed to fend me, I fhall gladly 
take a tour into Wales. — In this time of retirement, I expert 
many inward confli^ls. How otherwife (hall I be prepared 
for future mercies ? Experience of God's work upon our own 
'i-^^^-i is the beft qualification to preach it effc6tually to others. 
In^bout two months I take another tour round America. The 
^ofpel, I believe, will come with power in thefe parts. I ex- 
pect to fufFer in the flefh for what hath been done already : 
But what have we to do with the confcquences of performing 
our duty } Leave them to God. Oh, my dear brother, pray 
for me that my faith fail not, and then I care not what per- 
1-cution befals 

Your weuk unworthy brother in Christ, 





To Mr, H, H. 
My dear Br ether ^ Savannah, Feb. \^ 1740. 

WILL this find you in prifon or not ? Your laft letter 
(which I received upon my arrival here) gave me 
fome expedations that ere long you would be both in prifon 
and bonds. By and by, I (hall follow perhaps. — The Lord 
fandify all his difpenfations to us, and make us not only wil- 
ling to be bound, but even to die for the fake of our dear 
Mafter. When I read how my letters, &c. are blefled to your 
comfort, it quite confounds me. Oh the free-grace of 
Christ Jesus our Lord ! My dear Brother, let us continue 
inflant in feafon and out of feafon. — Let us continually preach 
up free-grace, though we die for it ; we cannot lofe our lives 
in a better caufe. As I am enabled, I remember you at the 
throne of grace ; in general I figh out my prayers. — But the 
fpirit, I truft, makes interceflion for me with groanings that 
cannot be uttered. 

I have not had much enlargement in preaching, fince I have 
been here ; but my heart is often weighed down, and torn to 
pieces with a fcnfe of my defperately wicked and deceitful 
heart. I can fubfcribe to what you fay, *' Was God to leave 
ttie to myfelf, I fhould be eminent for, and a ring-leader in 
fin." I fometimes think my heart is more vicious and per- 
verfe than any one's ; and yet Jksus Christ will come and 
dwell in me. — Methinks I hear you fay, " Glory be to free 
grace: All praife be given to eledring love."—Let all that 
love the Lord Jesus fay, Jmen ! Pray write to me as often 
as poffible. — God, I believe, is laying a foundation for 
great things in Georgia. 1 am building a large houfe, and 
taking in many children. Wr^ftle with Gop in behalf 
of, Brother, 

Youfs eternally in Christ Jesuj, 

G. ir 

J. E T T E K 



ro Mr. H — 

Savannah^ Feb, 4, 1740. 

HOW is it with your heart ? I hope the Lord Jesus 
leads you on from conquering to conquer, and gets 
himfelf the vi<9:ory every day. I cannot but think that here- 
after great things will be done in America, God feems to 
have given fome earnefts of it already. My next journal will 
acquaint you what they are. It often pleafes me, to reflect 
how Christ's kingdom is fecurely carried on in fpite of men 
and devils, and that too by the weakeft inftruments in different 
parts of the world. Surely we {hall unite at laft, and that 
glorious time will come, when, with one heart and with one 
voice, we fhall fing praifes to him who fitteth upon the throne 
for ever. A glorious epiphany, I truft, will ftiortly be mads 
in the hearts of many fouls. My deareft Brother, let us do 
or fuffer anything, fo we may be made inftruments of begin* 
riing and carrying on fo divine a work. As for my own part, 
I often ftand aftonifhed at the riches of free diflinguifhing 
grace, and I often feel myfelf fo great a fmner, that I am 
tempted to think, nothing can be blefled which comes 
from fuch unhallowed hands and lips ; but yet the Lord is 
with me, and attended his word with mighty power onChriJlmas 
day. Pray remember me to all friends. I expecS^ you will re- 
ceive the letters I fent from Philadelphia^ ere this comes to 
hand. I depend on feeing your journal, and hope you will 
accept of my mofl cordial love from, dearefl Brother, 

Your's eternally in Christ Jesus, 


To Mr, H, G, 
My dear Br other ^ Savammh^ Feb, 4, 174O. 

WHAT fliall I fay to your kind letter? 1 blefs the 
Lord for awakening you to fee the ncceffity of 
trufting in a better righteoufnefs than your own, and I adore 
him for making ufe of fo mean an inftrumcnt as I am, I^- 

ly 4 ^^ 


IS a plain proof that the power is not of man, but of God 
alone. Labour, dear Sir, to keep up thefe convidions in 
your heart. Now God has called you, take care of lying 
down again. — Be always trimming your lamp, as though you 
were in expe^lation every moment to meet the heavenly Bride- 
groom.'— Search more and more into the corruption of your 
heart, and never reft till God's fpirit witnefleth with your 
fpirit, that you are a child of God. Let the deadnefs of thofe 
around you, excite your zeal. See that you are a burning 
and a fhining light in the midft of fuch a crooked and pcr- 
veffe generation. — And let a fenfe of God's diftinguifhing 
Jove to you above others, excite you to diftinguifli yourfelf 
by your obedience; ftill remembering that the Lord Jesus 
is our whole and everlafting righteoufnefs. That we both 
may be found in him, is the hearty prayer of 

Your fincerc friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. rr. 


To the Rev. Mr. J . 

Reverend and dear Sir^ Savannah y Feb. 29, 17 40. 

WITH great pleafure I anfwer your kind letter, and 
earneftly pray that God would be pleafed to fan(5^ify 
our correfpondeiice. It rejoices my foul, when I find a cler- 
gyman that loves our Lord Jesus in fmccrity. It is with 
regret that I fpeak againft any of the facred fun(St:ion ; but 
when their preaching and walk are dire£tly contrary to the 
gofpcl of our Lord Jesus, I cannot but fpeak to them, as 
well as to the laity. To the beft of my knowledge, I preach 
the truth as it is in Jesus, and fimply aim at bringing fouls 
to him. Bleiled be his free grace for the fuccefs he hath been 
pleafed to give me. Not unto me, not unto me, but unto 
his holy name be all the glory ! Daily I am convinced, that 
God's hand is not (hortened — He blefles me here as well as 
clfewhcre. The Orphan-houfe is in great forwardnefs. I 
feed near an hundred mouths daily, and am afTured I fcrve a 
God who will fupply all our wants. It would rejoice me 
to fee you at Savannah, if your bufinefs will permit. — I can 
5 now 


now provide things convenient for your reception. — In about 
fix weeks I propofe, God willing, to go northv/ard. — If you 
can, pray favour me with your company before that time. — 
My friends will rejoice to hear and fee you. — They join with 

me in affectionate refpedts to yourfelf and Mrs. J •. I 

have fent you a few little tracis, and long for opportunities to 
convince you, reverend and dear Sir, how fmcercly I fubfcribe 

Your affectionate brother and fellow-labourer in our 
dear Lord Jesus, 

G. JK 


To Captain H. M. 
Dear Sir, Savannah, March 2, 1740. 

WITH pleafure I received your kind letter laft night, 
and immediately prayed, that God would never leave 
you before he had finiihed the good work begun in your heart. 
He has given you a rational, I hope ere long, he will give you 
zfpiritiial convidion of fin and of Christ. When that comes, 
all oppofition will fall before it. The world will be as no- 
thing in your eyes, and you will a6l like a foldier of Jesus 
Christ. Indeed, dear Sir, I travail as it were in birth, till 
Jfsus Christ be thoroughly formed within you. If I do 
not forget my promifc, I do not forget your favours. — I 
make m.ention of you in my prayers. Linger not, dear Sir, 
but hafte out of your fpiritual Sodom. Flee, flee to Jesus 
Christ, whofe facred blood has made an atonement for fin- 
ners. Lay hold on his everlafting righteoufnefs, and chufe 
rather to fuffer afHiclion with the people of God, than to en- 
joy any thing which this world may afford, for a fcafon. 
Accept the fermons I have herewith fent, and believe me to 
be, dear Sir, 

Your affedlionate friend and fervant in Christ, 






To Mr. James S- 

Dear Mr. S. March j, 1740. 

BLESSED be God, that you are yet alive as to your 
body ; biefled be God, that fome fparks of divine light 
are yet difcernible in your foul. Indeed, I have been frequent- 
ly diftreficd for you and your companions, left fatan, through 
the corruption of your hearts, and the deceitfulnefs of worldly 
bufinefs, fhould get an advantage over you. Oh v^'atch, my 
dear friend, watch unto prayer ', keep clofc to God through 
? living faith in his dear Son ; forget not your firft love j for- 
get not a bleeding God ; forget not that iime^ when your foul 
was about to take its laft flight. O that I may meet you in 
triumph at the laft day ! Providence thwarts my feeing you. 
Adieu; write as often as you can. You have my prayers, 
and as a token of my love, be pleafed to accept this letter and 
the books fent with it, from 

Your afFe£lionate friend and fervant, 


ro the Hon, J. IV. 
Honoured Sir, Savannah^ March 10, 1740. 

YESTERDAY, after public worfhip, I received with 
pleafure your kind letter, and was immediately ready 
to cry out. Why do fo many of my Lord's fervants take 
notice of fuch a dead dog as I am. Surely fovereign, rich, 
and free grace was never iexalted more than in the mercy 
(liewn to me, who am in truth the unworthief!: of the fons of 
men. — Honoured Sir^ it rejoices me to hear that there are fo 
■ many at Nevj England^ who love the Lord Jesus in fmce- 
rity, and dare to fhinc as lights in the world amongft a 
crooked and perverfe generation. — I wifh they may be all 
Jquila\ and Prijcilla's to me, and teach me the way of GoDs 
more perfectlv ; for i long to grow in grace, and in the know- 
ledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus. Christ. Oh he is a 
Iweet roaflcr , even here do I feel his blclled influences, and 
3 j:ejoicG^ 


rejoice with joy unfpeakable and full of glory. — He is often 
with us in the midft of his fan£luary, and much fucceeds the 
Orphan-houfe. — I have digged low, and intend to build it 
high, becaufe I have a great God to pay the charges. I 
have about thirty-fix children which I maintain and cloath, 
and have upwards of forty perfons more who are employed in 
the work. The plantation is in great forwardncfs. — Many 
families are kept here by my employing them, and I hope to 
fee many a youth bred up for God ; for I defign to breed up 
for the miniftry, all that at any time I (hall perceive to be re- 
newed by the Holy Ghoft, and endued with fuitable natural 
abilities. The work, I am perfuaded, is of God, and I know 
he will raife up inftruments to fupport it. Let him chufe 
whom feemeth him good. — In about three months, God wil- 
ling, I hope to be near, or at New England. I thank you from 
my foul, honoured Sir, for your kind invitation ; but, I be- 
lieve, am pre-engaged to one Mr. 5 d. The Lord re- 
ward both him, and all others who receive me in his name I I 
have not yet received the books, which you was pleafed to 
fend me, becaufe they are fent to the fouthward, but I expecSl: 
them daily, and doubt not of their being profitable. I know 
not how to exprefs my gratitude for your great condefcenfion 
in writing to me, but that I may always behave fo as not to 
be afhamed of fubfcribing myfelf 

Your obliged humble fervant, 


To the Rev. Mr. J. IV. 
Honoured Sir^ Savannahy March, 26, 1740. 

SINCE I returned here, I received your letter and journal. 
— I thank you for both, and {hall wait almoft with im- 
patience to fee a continuance of your account of what God is 
doing or has done amongft you — He knows mv heart, I rejoice 
in v^hatever God has done by your hands. I, prae, fequar, 
etfinon paflibus equis. 

I could now fend a particular anfwcr to your lail ; but, my 
honoured friend and brother, for once hearken to a child, who 
is willing to wafli your feet. I befeech you by the mercies 
of God in Christ Jesus our Lo^d> if }0u would have my 



love confirmed towards you ; write no more to me about mlf- 
reprefentations wherein we differ. To the beft of my know- 
iedge at prefent, no fm has dominion over me, yet I feel the 
flrugglings of indwelling fm day by day ; I can therefore by 
jio means come into your interpretation of the pafiage men- 
tioned in the letter, and as explained in your preface to Mr, 
Halyhurton — The do6trine of eleSiion^ and the final perfevera7ice 
of thofe that are truly in Christ, I am ten thoufand times 
more convinced of, ifpoflible, than when I faw you lafl — 
You think otherwife : why then (hould we difpute, when there 
is no probability of convincing ? Will it not in the end de- 
flroy brotherly love, and infenfibly take from us that cordial 
union and fweetncfs of foul, which I pray God may always 
fubfift between us ? How glad would the enemies of the Lord 
be to fee us divided ? How many would rejoice, (hould I 
join and make a party againft you ? And in one word, hov/ 
would the caufe of our common mafter every way fuffer by 
our raifmg difputes about particular points of doctrines I 
Honoured Sir, let us ofFcr falvation freely to all by the blood of 
Jesits ; and whatever light God has communicated to us, 
let us freely communicate to others. I have lately read the 
life of Luther, and think it in no wife to his honour, that the 
laft part of his life was fo much taken up in difputing with 
Zuitiglius and others ; who in all probability equally loved the 
Lord Jesus, notwithftanding they might difler from him in 
other points. Let this, dear Sir, be a caution to us, I hope 
ifc will to mc ; for by the bleiling of God, provoke mc to it 
as much a« you plcafe, I do not think ever to enter the lifts of 
eontroverfy with you on the points wherein we differ. Only 
I pray to God, that the more yaw judge mc, the more I may 
ioveyou, and learn to defire no ones approbation, but that of my 

Lord and mafter Jesus Christ. Ere this reaches you, 

1 fuppofc you will hear of my late excurfion to Charles Toivn, 
A creat work I believe is beo;un there. Enclofed I have fent 
you Mr. Garden^s letters — They will ferve to convince you, 
more and more, of the neceffity you lie under to be inftant in 
fcafon and out of feafon. Oh, dear honoured Sir, I wifti you 
jis much fuccefs as your own heart can wifti. Was you here, 
I would weep over you with tears of love, and tell you what 
great things God hath done for mv foul, iince we parted 



laft. Indeed and indeed, I often and heartily pray for your 
fuccefs in the gofpel : May your inward ftrength and outward 
fphere increafe day by day 1 May God ufe you as a choice 
and fingular inftrument of promoting his glory on earth, and 
may I fee you crowned with an eternal and exceeding weight 
of o-lory in the world to come ! This is the hearty defire of, 
honoured Sir, 

Yours mofl affectionately in Christ Jesus, 

G. r/. 


To Mr. IF. 

Savannah^ March 26, 1740. 

AND how does dear Mr. J'Fal — ? His letter lies by me, 
and I now am inclined to anfwer it. My dear brother, 
how do you feel your heart ? Is it grown fick of original and 
actual fm ? Is it grown Tick of unbelief and felf-righteoufnefs ? 
Is it clofely united to the holy Jesus ? Do you feed on hiai 
in your heart by faith ? And do you receive of his fulnefs day 
by day ? I afk thefe queftions, becaufe I want to fee you v/rite 
of the inward life, and to hear you talk of your having a feeling 
pofleffion of your God. For he that believeth aright, hath the 
v/itnefs within himfelf. How do the brethren r I hope there 
is no more faying " I am of Paul^'' or '' I am of Jpollos^'^ 
but that you are only defirous of being one in Christ. I 
pray for, though diftant from you. I believe I am preparing 
a place for many. Our work goes on bravely. I have near 
forty little ones now in my houfe. Some of them I truft will 
be efFedtually wrought upon, and made chriftians indeed. We 
all live in love and unity, and moft I hope are feeking after 
Jesus Christ. He is pleafed from time to time to manifeft 
Iiimfclf to my foul, and to fhcw me hov/ unworthy I am of the 
leaft mercy. Shortly I fliall go northward, to preach the gof- 
pel and colleCl frefli contributions for my orphans. God has 
given me an earneft of what he will do in America^ by the 
large collection that was made at Charla Town — I live tv^rj 
day in expectation of hearing from my London friends. My 
brother, the captain, rcfrefhcu my foul v/ith glad tidings and 
letters from Brijhl, God gave »ne gre;u comfort and fatil- 



fadion in converfing with him, and I hope he will be a chrl* 
flian indeed. Adieu. All falute you and the brethren. 

I aip yours molt affedionately in Christ Jesus, 


To the Rev. Mr. B. L 

Savannah^ March^ 28, 1 740. 

HOW glad Ihould I be of a letter from dear brother 
/ f When (hall my foul be refrefhed, with hear- 
ing that the work of the Lord profpers in his hand ? I fup- 
pofe before now you have received my letters, and fecn my 
journal, and I believe God is yet preparing great things for 
us. Many at Cbarles-iown^ lately were brought to fee their want 
of Jesus Christ — Next week, God willing, I purpofe go- 
ing to Philadelphiay and then perhaps may fee England the 
latter end of this year, or beginning of the next. The orphan- 
houfe goes on bravely. I have forty children to maintain, be- 
fides workmen and ailiftants — The great houfholder of the 
world does, and will I a-m perfuaded richly provide for us alL 
The colony itfelf is in a very declining way. But our extre- 
mity is God's opportunity — Our brethren I truft go forward? 
in the fpiritual life, I have often great inward trials— Fray 
that I may be kept in all changes, and feeming chances of 
this mortal life. I believe it to be God's will that I (hould 
marry. One, who may be looked upon as a fuperior, is abfo- 
lutely necefTary for the ^ue management of affairs. However, I 
pray God, that I may not have a wife, till I can live as 
though I had none — You may communicate this to fome of 
our intimates 5 for I would call Christ and his difciples to 
the marriage. If I am deluded, pray that God would re- 
veal it to 

Your moft affectionate brother and fervant, 

G. IF. 

h £ 1^ T E R 



To Mr, and Mrs, D, 
On board the Savannah^ bound to Phila'delphia from Georgia^ 
Aprils 4, 1740. 
My dear friends y 

SINCE I wrote laft, we have buried our Sifter L . 
Rachel I left at Philadelphia^ and fifter T Teems to 

be in a declining ftate ; (o that fifter A alone is like 

to be left of all the women which came over with mc 
from England, I find by experience, that a miftrqfs is abfo- 
lutely neceflary for the due management of my increafing fa- 
mily, and to take off fome of that care, which at prefent lies 
upon me. Befides, I ftiall in all probability, at my next re- 
turn from England^ bring more women with me : and I find, 
nnlefs they are ail truly gracious (or indeed if they are) with- 
out a fuperior, matters cannot be carried on as becometh the 
gofpel of Jesus Christ. It hath been therefore much im- 
prefTiid upon my heart, that I fhould marry, in order to have 
a help meet for me in the work whereunto our dear Lord 
Jesus hath called me. This comes (like Abraham's fervant 
to Rehekah's relations) to know whether you think your daucrh- 

ter, M'lfs E 5 is a proper perfon to engage in fuch an 

undertaking ? If fo ; whether you will be pleafed to give me 
leave to propofe marriage unto her ? You need not be afraid of 
fending me a refufal. For, I blefs God, if I know any thing of 
my own heart, I am free from that foolifti paftion, which the 
world calls Love. I write, only becaufe I believe it is the will 
of God, that I fhould alter my ftate j but your denial will 
fully convince me, that your daughter is not the perfon ap- 
pointed by God for me. He knows my heart ; I would not 
marry but for him, and in him, for ten thoufaiid worlds, 

—But I have fometimes thought Alifs E- would be 

my he!p-mate 3 for ftie has often been imprefTcd upon my 
heart. I fhould think myfelf fafer in your family, becaufe fo 
many of you love the Lord Jesus, and confequently would 
be more watchful over my precious and immortal foal. After 
ilrong crying and tears at il^c throne of grace for direiTtion, 
'^ad after unOx-akablc troublv^i with mvown heart, I v/ritethis. 



Be pleafed to fpread the letter before the Lord ; and if you 
think this motion to be of him, be pleafed to deliver the in- 
clofed to your daughter — If not, fay nothing, only let me 
know you difapprove of it, and that {hall fatisfy, dear Sir and 

Your obliged friend and fer^ant in Christ, 

G. jr. 


To Mijs E . 

On hoard the Savannah^ Jpril d.ih, 1740* 

BE not furprifed at the contents of this : — The letter fent 
to your honoured father and mother will acquaint you 
with the reafons. Do you think, you could undergo the fa- 
tigues, that muft neceflarily attend being joined to one, who 
Is every day liable to be called out to fuffer for the fake of Je- 
sus Christ ? Can you bear to leave your father and kindred'a 
houfe, and to truft on him, (who feedeth the young ravens 
that call upon him) for your own and childrens fupport, fup- 
^pofmg it Tnould pleafe him to blefs you with any? Can you 
undertake to help a hufband in the charge of a family, con- 
fiding perhaps of a hundred perfons ? Can you bear the incle- 
mencies of the air both as to cold and heat in a foreign cli- 
mate ? Can you, when you have an hufband, be as though 
you had none, and willingly part with him, even for a long 
leafon, when his Lord and mafter (hall call him forth to 
preach the gofpel, and command him to leave you behind ? If 
after feeking to God for diredlion, and fearching your heart, 
you can fay, " I can do all thofe things through Christ 
ihengthening me," what if you and I were joined together 
in the Lord, and you came with me at my return from 
England^ to be a help meet for me in the management of the 
orphan-houfe ? I have great reaibn to believe it is the divine 
will that I fliould alter my condition, and have often thought 
you was the pcrfon appointed for me. I fhall ftill wait on 
God for dire6Vion, and heartily intreat him, that if this mo- 
tion be not of him, it m.ay come to nought. — I write thus* 
plainly, becaufe, I truft, I write not from any other principles 
but the love of God. — I fliall make it my bufmefs to call on 
the Lord Jesus, and v/ould advife you to confult both- him 



and your friends For in order to attain a bicfling, we 

fhould call both the Lord Jesus and his difciples to the mar- 
riage — I much like the manner of Ifaac's marrying with Re- 
heknh^ and think no marriage can fucceed well, unlcfs both 
parties concerned are like-minded with To i^i as and his wift.' — I 
think 1 can call the God of Jbraham, Ifaac and Jacobs to witnefs 
that I (iefne *' to take you my filter to vv'ife, not for lufl, but 
uprightly ;" and therefore I hope he will mercifully ordain, if 
it be his blefled will v/e fhould be joined together, that we may 
walk as Zachary and Elizabeth did, in all the ordinances of the 
Lord blamelefs. I make no great profeiTion to you, becaufe 
I believe you think me fmcere. The paffionate exprellions 
which carnal courtiers ufe, I think, ought to be avoided by 
thofe that would marry in the Lord. I can only promife, by 
the help of God, " to keep my matrimonial vow, and to dd 
what I can towards helping you forward in the great work of 
your falvation." If you think marriage will be any way pre- 
judicial to your better part, be fo kind as to fend me a denial* 
I would not be a fnare to you for the world. You need not 
be afraid of fpeaking your mind. I truft, I love you only for 
God, and defire to be joined to you only by his command, 
and for his fake. With fear and much trembling I write, and 
Ihall patiently tarry the Lord's leifure, till he is pleafed to in- 
cline you, dear Mifs E , to fend an anfwer to 

Your afFedionate brother, friend and fervant In Christ, 

G. TV. 


To Mr. H . 

On board the Savafinah, Jpril lOt 1740. 

IT is now full tim.e to anfwer your letter. You acknow- 
ledge me the firft inftrument, under God (for ever adored 
be the riches of his free grace) of awakening you to the divine 
life: and (hall not I endeavour to quicken and inflame the 
heavenly fpark infufed Into your foul ? God forbid ! Oh that 
my power was equal to my will ! How fhould my dear brother 

H glow with divine love, and lean by faith on the bofom 

of his deareft Redeemer ! But I truft ere now you have indeed 
received the Holy Ghoft, and knov/ what it is to fcafl on a 
Vol. L M crucU 


i62 LET r i: R s. 

crucifieJ Jfsus. Does he not, my dear brother, often mar/i- 
feft himfclf i'wcetly to your panting foul ■ Does he not often 
teach you the hidden things of the kingdom of God ? Does 
he not tell you that he loves you, and will fufFer nothing to 
pluck you out of his almighty hand r Thus often is he pleafed 
to manifeR- himfelf to me : and who then dares defpair ? No ; 
i can aflure the worft, the chief of finners, that Jesus 
Christ came to fave them. My dear brother, here are glad 
tidings of great joy 1 The fire kindles whilft I am mufing. 
Oh let us call all to come and fee Him, who has forgiven us 

' to 

all the fins that ever we committed. Is not this the Christ? 
Adieu. My hearty and dcarcft love to all. Fail not writ- 
ing to 

Your affedionate friend and fervant, 

G. TV. 


To Mr. C— . 

My dear Brother, 0?i board the Savannah, April lo, 1 740* 

YOU, as well as your dear aflr)ciatcs, are much upon 
my heart. I long to hear that you are advanced in 
grace, ar.d grown in the knowledge of Christ Jesus your 
Lord. I fay^'^^r Lord-, for I hope, ere now, you can ap- 
propriate Christ to yourfelf, and, without the leaft diffidence 
or doubt, cry out affuredly, " My Lord and my God." 
When the foul fiiys this, then, but not till then, is it truly 
married to the dear Lord Jesus j then are v»e true children 
of the bridegroom, and arc real partakers of the fupper of the 
Lamb. IMiis, this is faith : this is believing j not with the 
head j not in notion only ; but with the heart, indeed and in 
truth. The foul now puts its a?ncn, and fcts the feal to God's 
cverlafling promifes ; it now^ foars upwards tov/ards heavenly 
things, and feels continually the invifible realities of another 
world. Thougii fometimes overlliadowcd by a cloud, yet flill 
it knows that its Redeemer liveth, and juftifieth the ungodly. 
It cannot doubt of his favour, though fometimes he is pleafed 
to withdraw his fcnfible prefcnce. The root of the matter is 
twifted round every faculty of the foul, which daily is fupport- 
ed with this aflurance, that Christ can no more forfake the 
fyal he loves, than he can forfiikc hirnfdf. Oh iny dear bro- 



thet*, i find myfclf much carried out to write of that divine 
life, that divine myftery of godlincfs, the hidden kingdom of 
Got) in the heart. If any thing I can fay, or do, or write, 
may be any way fcrviceable to dear Mr. C — , it will much re- 

His moft unvvorthy brother and fcrvant in Christ, 

G. rK 


To A4r. I B- -. 

0.'2 hoard the Sa-vaiinah^ Jpri! lO, 1 740, 
A^Iy dfdr^ dear Friend^ 

I Remember your words that day I took my leave of you, 
with Dr. John S , at London, I have not forgotten 

you, therefore do I now write a line to my dear Mr. B , 

May the Holy Ghoil: come upon him, and the power of the 
Higheft overfhadow him ; and may our glorious Redeemer 
never ceafe driving with him, till he hath a witnefs withiiv 
himfelf that he is a true child of God. Oh, when will you 
anfwer the character of your name-fake and forefather I/d,7c/ 
When, like him, will my dear friend give himfelf up a whole 
burnt-offering unto the Lord ! May I hear that you have 
recovered your firft love, and are, as formerly, zealous of 
good works ! I think I never yet really doubted of your return. 
If prayers to God, if entreaties to him, can bring my dear friend 
back, he fhall n it be led away captive by the world; he fliall, 
he fhall be a Chriftian indeed. I long to fee you, and till then 
fliall wreftlc with (Irong cryin^s and many tears with my dear 
Lord Jesus, in your behalf. I feel, I feel Christ's love; 
I can no more doubt of my interejR: in him, than 1 can of the 
{hining of the fun at noon day. He fills, he fweetens and 
gladdens my foul ; he loves me freely : he will bring me to 
behold his glory. I think I could now bid to men and devils 
defiance. Who is he that condemneth .? It is Christ that 
juftifies, who even now fitteth in heaven to make intcrcefiion 
fjr me. You fee, my dear friend, I am upon the mount. I 
know not how to (lop. It is true, I muft come down ; but it 
is only that I may go up again, and take a view of the heaven- 
ly Canaa?i, I am now near the port wla.ithsr we are bound : 

M 2 J yet 


yet a little while, and I (liall be in heaven; and fhall I not meet 

my dear/- there? God forbid ! No, no; Icannot bear the 

thought of it. Away, my dear, dear brother, to Jnsus 
Christ. Lay hold on his cverlafting righteoufnefs : look, 
look unto him by faith, and be faved. Call your dear wife 
to look alfo. Help, oh help her in the great work of her fal- 
vation ; and breed up your dear child in the nurture and 
admonition of the Lord. Adieu. My heart is full. With 
fmcerity I fubfcribe myfelf 

Your's moft afted^ionajtely in our dearcfl-, 

dcareft Lord Jesus, 

G. IK 


To Mr, N . 

My Dear Brother^ On hoard the Savannah, Jpril lo, 1740. 

IHave been a few days returned from Charles-Town, where 
our dear Lord Jesus, I. truft, has begun a glorious work. 
Many came to me under convidions, and were made to cry 
out, *' What (liall we do to be faved ?" The people were 
exceeding defirous of my return amongft them. If I call there, 
as I come northward, it may prevent my being at New-York 
fo foon as was propofed. The Lord dire6l my going in his 
wav. A Fojierian Preacher loft ground there. 1 think you are 
not much to be blamed for going out of church ; but perhaps 
it might be better, on another fuch occafion, to hear the whole 
difcourfe, and then go and converfe with the preacher upon 
it ; otherwife a man may fay, you are angry, and could not 
judge, becaa c you did not hear all. Pralfe is more dangerous 
than conte.jipt : but when our Lord's honour can be promot- 
ed by the difplay of our graces, we need not fear. His grace 
will be fiifHcient for us. I know not what perfon it is that 

you would not have me be fo open to, unlefs it be A4r. . 

I had rather be too open than too referved. Simplicity much 
becomes the IJrocl of God. A few days pad, with full aflur- 
ance of faith, I laid the firil brick of our great houfe: yeremiah 
bought land when the people were leading into captivity. M7 
faniilv daily increale, and, blefied be God, as yet I am kept 
from doubting. Pray that my faith may never fail. Some of 




the Germans In America are holy fouls, and deferve the cha- 
racter they bear. They keep up a clofe walk with God, and 
arc remarkable for their fweetnefs and fimplicity of behaviour. 
They talk little, and think much. Moft of them, I believe, 
are Lutheram, But where there is the image of my dear Maf- 
ter, there are my afR-6lions drawn. This is the catholic fpirit 
you breathe after : the Lord, I am pcrfuaded, will give it to 
your foul. All that people do fay of me, affedts me but little ; 
becaufe I know worfe of myfelf than they can fay concerning 
me. My heart is defpcrately wicked. Was God to leave 
me, I fhould be a remarkable fmner. But redeeming love, I 
believe, will not let us go. Oh ! dear Mr. N* pray, and giv« 
thanks for me. I daily tafle that the Lord is gracious. All 
things go on well. My dear brethren falute you, as does 
Your affectionate, unworthy brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


To Mr. S . 

WilUngtown, {Penfylvania) Jpril 14, 1740. 

READ where I am, and judge whether or not I am a 
ftranger and pilgrim upon earth. Yeftcrday, after a 
fhort paffiige often days, did God bring us from Georgia to 
Neiv-Cajile : there I preached twice. To-day I {hall preach 
here, and in the evening hope to reach Philadelphia. People 
are much alarmed already ; and great things, I find, God has 
been pleafed to do, by what he enabled me tb deliver when 
laft here. Two minifters have been convinced of their formal 
(late, notwithftanding they held aiid preached the doctrines 
of grace. One plainly told the congregation he had been de- 
ceiving himfelf and them, and could not preach any more, 
but defired the people to pray v/jth him. Another is as aflame 
of fire, and hath been much ov/ned of God. An oppofcr read- 
ing my fermon, in order to convince them I did not preach as 

Mr. T , was much difappointed ; for power went along 

H with the fermon, God's fpirit fell on tlie people, and formal 
oppofers went affrighted away. It is unknown what a glo- 
rious Itir here is in the province. Many, very many, I be- 

M 3 lievc, 


lieve, of late have been brought favingly to believe on t\\Q 
LoRP Jesus. The work much increafes, and here is employ- 
ment for many months : but I mull: return fhortly to Savan- 
72ah, A primitive fpirit revives ; and many, I hope, will be 
brought to live flcdfaft in the aportles do6lrine, in fellowfliip, 
^nd breaking of bread, and in prayer. Perhaps dear Mr, iS^— 
may be one «f them. Pray how does that young man do ? Is 
he deeply humbled, and clofely united to the dear Lord 
Jesus ? Does he feel hlmfelf a poor fmner, and daily experi- 
ence the outgoing and incoming of the blciied fpirit in the 
fan6luary of his heart ? Bleffed be God, I do : even whilft I am 
ivriting I feel his power. I am perfuaded I fiiall be more than 
conqueror over every evil, through my Redeemer's love. Oh ! 
my dear friend, keep clofe to the dear Lord Jesus I Do not 
go without his leading, and then you are fafe, though in the 
mld{k of devils. Adieu. 

Ever, ever yours, 

G. IK 


To Madam C . 

Madam, New Brunfwick, Aprils'], 1 740. 

AL L things go on wejl in America — nay, better than I 
dare afk, or could think. Our Lord's kingdom comes 
V'ith power. It is amazing to fee how God is prefent in our 

alTemblies : I refer you to dear brother 5 for particulars, 

My animal fpirits are exhauRed, but I am filled v/ithin. Na- 
ture would fometimes cry out, '' Spare thyfelf j" but when I 
am offering Jesus to poor Inmers, I cannot forbear exerting 
all my powers. Oh that I had a thoufand lives ! my dear 
Lord Jesus (hould have them all. I long to be out of the 
body, that I may love and ferve him as I would : but I mufl 
fiifFer before I can reign with him. That you and I may never 
deny our Lord, is the carncii prayer of. Madam, 

Your obliged humble fervant. 




To Mr. M . 

Neiu Brunfwkk^ April 28, 17 40. 

BLESSED be God, I can fend you glad tidings of great 
joy. Our Lord Jesus is getting himfelf the vi(5lory in 
thefe parts. The Orphan-houie affairs go forward beyond 
€xpe6tation. I have upwards of y^r/yJ^/Vi/vw in my houfe at Sa- 
vannah^ t\Q2iV feventy perfons in family, and upwards of an hundred 
people to provide for every day. As yet we want for nothing. 
The great houfholdep of mankind gives us all things richly to 
enjoy, and, T am perfuaded, will provide for us v/hilft we truft 
in him. I had rather live by faith, and depend on God for 
the fupportofmy great, and yet increafing family, than to have 
the laro;eft vifible fund in the univerfe. About five weeks aero 
the Lord flirred up the Charks-Tcwn people to contribute up- 
wards of feventy pounds fterling towards the fupport of my 
little ones. A glorious work was alfo begun in the hearts 
of the inhabitants ; and many were brought to cry out, 
'' What fhall we do to be faved ?" A fortnight ago, after a 
fhort paflage of ten days, I landed in Penfyhania^ and have had 
the pleafurc of feeing and hearing, that my poor endeavours 
for promoting Christ's kingdom, when there laft, were noc 
altogether vain in the Lord. I cannot well tell you how man^ 
have come unto me, labouring under the deepeft convidions, 
and feemingly defirous of finding reft in Jesus Christ. Se- 
veral have, I humbly hope, actually received him into their 
hearts by faith, and have not only righteoufnefs and peace, but 
alfo joy in the Floly Ghoft. In iliort, the word hath run and 
been much glorified ; and many Negroes alfo are in a fair way 
of being brought home to God. I daily receive frefh and 
moft importunate invitations to preach in all the adjacent coun- 
tries. God is pleafed to give a great blcfling to my printed 
Sermons : they are now in the hands of thoufands in thefc 
parts, and are a means, under God, of enlightening and 
building up many in their moft holy faith. Since fuch an ef- 
fe£lual door is opened for preaching the evcrlafting gofpcl, you 
will not be furprized if I acquaint you there are many advcr- 
faries. The Clergy ^ I find, are greatly offended at mc. The 

M J, com- 


commlffary of Philadelphia, having got a little ftronger party 
than when I was there laft, has thrown oflF the mafk, denied 
me the pulpit, and lalt Sunday preached up an hi/iorical 
faith, and juftification by works. But people only flock the 
more to me. The power of God is more vifible than ever in 
our aflemblies ; and more than ever before are convinced that 
I preach the dodrine of Jesus Christ. Some few bigotted 
felf-righteous ^takers alfo,now begin to fpit out a little of the 
ferpent : they cannot bear the do6lrine of original fin, or of 
imputed rightcQufneJs as the caufe of our acceptance with GoD. 
One calls original fin " original nonfenfe ;" and feveral have 
been to me, under the apprehenfion of being thruft out, for 
owning and confeffing what I take to be the truth as it is in 
Jesus. God has now brought me to New Brunfwick, where 
I am blefied with the converfation of Mr. G — T'— . Indeed 
be is a good foldier of Jesus Christ, and God is pleafed in a 
wonderful manner to own both him and his brethren. The 
congregations where they have, preached have been furprizing- 
]y convi6led and melted down. They are unwearied in doing 
3 good, and go out into the highways and hedges to compel poor 
fmners to come in. Yefterday alfo I heard of two minifters 
in Long Ifiand, near New-Tork^ who had large communica- 
tions from God, and have been inftrumental in bringing many 
fouls to Christ. I could add more ; but I muft away : the 
people are v/aiting for a fpiritual meal. They fly to the doc- 
trine as doves to the windows, and I truft the Lord is 
now reviving his work in the midft of the years. With 
great difficulty I have redeemed time to fend you thefe {qw 
lines. I hope you and the refl of my dear friends continue to 
pray for me : for I believe never was fo weak a wretch fent on 
fuch an important errand. But when I am weak, then am I 
ftrong. My bodily ftrength, by frequent journeying and con- 
tinued fpeaking, fometimes fails me -, but the Lord quickens 
nnd flrengthens me by his mighty power. The more I am 
oppofed, the more joy I feel ; and the firfl; fruits of God's 
fpirit, which he hath imparted to my foul, are fo fweet, that 
I almoft with impatience wait till I reap a full harveft in the 
fraition of my God. Continue, I bcfeech you, ta intercede 



for me ; and reft fatisfied that both yoli and my other Englijb 
friends are always remembered by 




To JV. S. Efq, 

My char Brother^ Reedy Ifiand^ May 19, 1740. 

Know very well what it is to part from a friend which is 
as one's own foul ; and therefore could in fome meafure 
fympathize with you in what you felt when partino- from me. 
The good Lord fandify my friendfiiip to you, and grant we 
may go hand in harid to heaven. One of the inclofed papers 
will fliew you the event of what you inferted (unknown to 
me) in the News. However, be not difneartened ; God fliall 
make even this to work together for your good. The war be- 
tween Michael and the dragon has much increafed. Mr. C 

has preached moft of his peopl^ away from him. He Jafhed 

me moft bravely the Sunday before I came away. Mr. J 

alfo preaches againft me. Mr. C— did not come to take his 
leave of me ; and Mr. J— is very inveterate. Now I believe 
our Lord's kingdom will come wiih power. At New-York 
the word ran. Twice or thrice our Lord appeared for us in 
a moft glorious manner. Mr. T— and his brethren glow with 
divine warmth; and I have convcrfed with one of the mini-' 
fters of Long IJland, whom God has lately fent forth : he is a 
fweet zealous foul. Laft week, at Nottingham and Mr. ^— 's 
how did God manifeft his glory ! We had about' twelve 
thoufand hearers 3 and fuch a melting, fuch a crying, (they 
fay) was fcarcely ever fccn. Blcfied be God, the devil's chil- 
dren begin to throw oft' the mafk. I want to draw the linger- 
ing battle on. At Philadelphia aft'airs go on better and better; 
only Satan now begins to throw many into fits. I have generally 
preached twice and rode near thirty miles a-day fince you 
left me. The Lord hath been my fupport, and has often fo 
melted me with a fenfe of his free, fovereign, and everlaftinr^ 
love, that fome thought I was giving up the ghoft. Oh neveT 
let go your fenfe of God's fovereign, everlafting love I It is 
food to my poor foul. Was it not for that, furely I muft fink 



under the prorpe<5l of the labours aud fufferings that are bcfoje 
me. My dear brother, What is the Lchp doing in thcfe 
parts ? I believe the work will go on better here than in Eng- 
Imi^, We are more united in our principles, and do not print 
one againil another. Pray obferve the hint given to Captain 

G , and let the Lord order for mc as it fliall fcem 

good in his fight. We are now at Rcuiy IJland waiting for a 
wind. I heard of a fliip going to Duhlin^ and could not lofe 
the opportunity of writing to my dear brother iS— ~- — . I 
need not remind you to haften over as faft as pofiible — Our 
Lord has taught you not to flay by the way — -J have rebuked 

Mr. C — fharply, and I truft have gotten fome gracious 

fouls on board — The Lord is with me ; I am fomewhat bet- 
ter as to bodily health, but i live chiefly on inward fuppliea 
from above. My mailer never fails me. Oh exhort all tQ 
fall in loye with Jesus, and to pray for. 

Ever yours in the beft bonds, 


,^/ To Mr. M — , an Indian Trader. 

Bear Mr. M ^ , ^ccdy IJland^ May 19, 1 740. 

1 Received your letter, and have been reading part of your 
journal. I think it your bounden duty to go amongft the 
Indians again, not as a minijier^ but as a private chriftian, 
whole duty it is, when converted himfelf, to ftrengthen his 
brethren. An effedual door, I would hope, is opening 
amongft fome of the heathen. I remember, when it was firft 
impreffed upon me, that I ibould go to Georgia^ this promife 
came with fuch power as never will be forgotten, and that too, 
long before I had any outward call — " I have ma<le thee the 
head of the heathen." — I fpcak this for your encouragement, 
but defire you would not mention it to others. Who knows 
but that time may be now near at hand ? — However that be, 
it is plain God calls you, and I wifh you good fuccefs in the 
name of the Lor.d. Be fure you keep a clofe walk with Cjod. 
' — Be much in prayer, and prepare for the gre^iteft hardfliips. 
Your grcateft perils will be araongft your own countrymen. 
The heathens will be ftirred up by them, as the Gentiles v/ere 



by the Jews; but the Lord Jesus will make you more than 
conqueror over all. The word of the Lord will make its 
own way. Beg of (jOD to give you true notions of our free 
juftification by iaith in Jesus Christ. Bring your Indian 
hearers to believe, before you talk of baptifm, or the fupperof 
the Lord. Otherwife they will catch at a fliadow, and ne- 
^le6l the fubftance. Improve the leifure you now enjoy, 
and fee that you feel the truths you fpeak. Feed on this pro- 
mife, " It fhall be given you in that hour what you (hall fay.'* 
Your circumftances call for a fulfilling of it — Tell them 
what God has been doing here, and how happy Jesus 
Christ will make the


and prayer to God is, that you both may be faved. — Your 
wife was mourning when I faw her lad. I1:ic Lord Jesus 
prepare her thereby for true, loJiJ, and lalling comfort ! The 
more we are humbled, the more will the glorious Emmanuel 
exalt us; but we muft v;ait his time. Jesus is love, and 
jievcr corre(fls us but for our own good. 1 find it is always 
thus with mc. I am a llubborn, ungrateful, difobedicnt child, 
and often oblige him to ftrilce me fcvcrcly ; but love, I find, 
holds the rod, and therefore his rod, as well as his flaff com- 
forts mc. f^arewel ; the Lord be with you both ! — John 

S and all friends falute you. We live and walk in love. 

My tendercfl: rcfpecls await all that truly follow the Lamb. I 
befeech you forget not to pray for 

Your affectionate friend, brother^ and fervant, 

G, JV. 


To Mr. G L -, in London. 

Reedy IJldnd^ May 22, 1 740. 
'* /^N Thurjday lad, in the evening, the Pvcv. Mr. JVb'itefiM 
\J went on board at Nevj-Caftle^ in order to fail to Georgia^ 
after having been on ihore thirty-three days^ and travelled 
fome hundreds of miles, and preached fifty-eight times in the 
provinces of New-Jerfey^ New-York^ and Penfylva?:ia,—-]r{\^ 
congregations confliled fometimes of four, fometimes of five, 
fometimes of eight, twelve, fifteen, and once at Philadelphia^ 
of twenty thoujand people. He had gotten near five hundred 
pounds fterling, in money and provifions, for the Orphan- 
houfe at Georgia, Great and vifible efi-ecSfs followed his preach- 
ing, almoft v.'hercfoever he went, efpeclally in Philadelphia, 
There was never fuch a general awakening, and concern for 
the things of God known in America before. He intended 
to vifit New-England foon after his .arrival at Georgia^ and to 
come by land as far as Philaddphia^ at the latter end of the 

The above Advcrtifement may fufHce for the prefent, 'till I 
have an opportunity of fending you my journal. That will 
flicw you wonderful things. 1 fuppofe ere this reaches you, 

our dear brothers, S and G , will be arrived : 1 have 

N 2 km 


fent a packet of letters to them, by the way of Dublin. I ant 
now v.'aiting for a fair wind, and can fay the Lord is v/ith 
me of a truth. Several fliips are lying by us, and the captains 
and their companies come to our fliip to prayers. Sailors 
weep : It is unknown how many are under conviiSlion. I 
long to hear v/hat is doing in Eiigland. The embargoes, I 
fuppofe, prevent your fending ; however my heart is with you. 
I do not forget you. I hope there is a door opening among' 

jthe Allegany Indians. I have read M 's journal, and 

;have wrote both to him and them. We have been near a 
week at Recciy Ijland : I have preached there five times. The 
captaii^.s and their crews come conftantly to public wor- 
fliip on {hote, and to private prayer in our iloop. We have 
fome with us that love our dear Lord Jesus in fmcerity. 
My heart is exceedingly drawn towards Savannah-, but the 
Lord's time is the beft. The Lord Jesus blefs you all, 
and reward you for all kindnefTes fhev^'n to his unworthy fcr- 
vant, but 

Your afFciSlionate brother In Christ, 


To JV S 5 Ejq\ in London, 

Lewis-Town^ (Penfylvania) May 24, 1740. 
Aly dear Friend and Brother^ 

MY will is much to go to Georgia^ but my dear Lord 
Jesus is pleafed to crofs me. For ever blelled be his 
great and glorious name. Juft now the Lord hath brought 
me hither. Your letter pleafed me, I hope our Lord is 
now beginning to anfwer my prayers, and that my dear Bro- 
ther 5 is about to know himfclf. You know I have 

often told you, that you ouglit to fufpect your experiences. 
You have miftaken, in my opinion, preparation^ for converfion 
itfelf. Your nine years round of duties, were no efFecSls of 
the new- birth at all. How could they be ? when you did not 

know you was to be born again, before you heard Mr. C 

If/ expound the feventh chapter of the Romans : Then,. 

but not till then did you begin to be enlightened, and illumi- 
nation and converfipn are twQ different things. All nw great 



trials were confcquent on this. Not that God*s way of deal- 
ing with me, ought to be a rule for others : But I think your 
cafe and mine fomewhat parallel. — Thofe that have been mod 
humbled, I find, always make the moft folid, ufeful chriftians. 
It (lands with rcafon : The more a man is emptied of himfcJf, 
the more room is there made for the fpirit of God to dwell in 
him. — Your caution to dear Mr. H. was very good. Opcn- 
nefs is the beft prefcrvative of fpiritual fricndfhip. I would 
behave fo, that no one might be afraid to confult me j but if 
people will not open their hearts, let them not blame me ; I 
cannot fpcak, where I perceive a (hynefs, and where I fee per- 
fons are afraid of me. I am furc they muft harbour fom.e un- 
generous fufpicions or other againfl me, and how then can 
there be a harmony of foul. My dear brother, my fri nd, 
now I have told you my heart : Be not angry, I am juft ready 
to v,-eep. — Indeed, I am willing to wafh your feet, and to 
acknowledge all favours under God that I have received from 
you. Be ftable, be willing to confult others that have trod in 
the fpiritual road before you ; do not miflake workingy^r life, 
for %vorking from life. Watch unto prayer, and do not be 
carried away by every wind of doctrine. Hov/ could you not 

fee through L of Germcm-Toivn ? But I muft not chide, 

but love. Much I owe you ; have patience with me and I 
will endeavour to pay you. I fhall long to fee you at Savan- 
nah. Once more, my dear friend and brother, adieu. My 
heart is much melted down. God continually fills me v/ith 
himfelf. O give thanks for, dear Sir, 

Your brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. TV, 


To the Rev. Mr. J. JV, 

Honoured Sir., Cape-Lopen^ May 2\, i-j^o. 

I Cannot entertain prejudices againit your conducl and 
principles any longer, without informing you. The 
more I examine the writings of the mofc experienced men, 
and the experiences of the moil eftablifiied chriftians, the more 

N 3 I 


I differ from your notion about not committing fin, and your 
denying the dodrines of e]e6tion, and final perfeverance 
of the faints, I dread coming to Evgland^ unlefs you are re- 
folvcd to oppofe thefe truths with lefs warmth, than when I 
was there laft. I dread your coming over to America ; becaufe 
the work of God is carried on here (and that in a moft glori-^ 
ous manner) by doctrines quite oppofite to thofe you hold. 
Here are thoufands of God's children, who will not be pcr- 
fuadcd oat of the privileges purchafed for them by the blood 
of Jesus. Here are many worthy experienced miniflers, who 
would oppofe your principles to the utmoft. God dirc£t me 
what to do ! Sometimes I think it heft to flay here, where v/c 
all think and fpeak the fame thing : The woi-k goes on with- 
out divifions, and with more fuccefs, becaufe all employed in 
it are of one mind. I write not this, honoured Sir, from heat 
of fpirit, but out of love. At prefent, I think you are entirely 
inconfiOent with yourfelf, and therefore do not blame me, if 
1 do not approve of all that you fay. God himfelf, I find, 

teaches my friends the do6lrine of election. Sifter H hath 

lately been convinced of it ; and, if I miftake not, dear and 

honoured Mr. ly hereafter will be convinced alfo. From 

ir.y foul I vvifli vou abundant fuccefs in the name of the 
Lord. I long to hear of your being made a fpiritual father 
to thoufands. Perhaps 1 may never fee you again, 'till we 
meet in judgment ; then, if not before, you will know, that; 
fovereign, diftinguifliing, irrefiflibie grace brought you to hea- 
ven. Then v/iil you know, that God loved you with an 
everlafting love, and therefore with loving-kindnefs did he 
draw you. Honoured Sir, farewel. My prayers conftantly 
attend both you and your labours. I negleft no opportunity 
of writing. My next journal will acquaint you with nev/ 
and furprizing wonders. The Lord fills me both in body 
and foul. I am fupported under the profpccl of prefent and 
impending trials, with an afiurance of God's loving me to the 
end ; yea, even to all eternity. Ere this reaches you, 1 fup- 
pofe you will hear of my intention to marry. I am quite as 
tree as a child : If it be God's will, I befeech him to prevent 
it. I would not be hindered in my dear Lord's bufinefs for 
the world, I am now waiting for a fair wind. God bleifcs 



the Orphan-houfe. Do not be angry with, but pray for, 
honoured Sir, 

Your unworthy brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. rr. 


^0 Mr. S 5 in Charles-TGivn. 

Dear S'lr^ Sava7inah^ J^^^^ 7» ^74^' 

BEFORE I knev/ you by name, my heart was uncommon- 
ly afFccled towards you. Whenever I faw you at church, 
I enquired concerning you, and to my great but plealing iur- 
prize, when I came to your houfe, found ycu was the man I was 
enquiring after. Your letter gives me ftill hopes, that our dear 
Lord Jesus is about to awaken you from a carnal fecurity in 
which you have long lain. He is nov/ calling you, dear, dear 
Sir. I befecch ycu, by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus 
our Saviour, take heed that you do not lie down again. Jf you 
will be a follower of the Lamb of God, you mud prepare 
your foul for manifold temptations ; you mull become the 
ibng of the drunkard, and have all manner of evil fpokcn 
againft you falfely for Christ's fake : But let none of thefe 
things move you, dear Sir. Dare, I befeech you, to be fni- 
gularly good. — Be not afiiamed of your glory. — Learn a lefibn 
of boldnefs even from the devil's children. How refolutc, 
how daring are they in their mailer's caufe ? Why {hould not 
we be equally courageous in the caufe of Jesus Christ ? O 
Sir, I feel a concern for the welfare of your better part. God 
hath vouchfafed you fome convictions ; do not reft in them. 
Catch not too greedily at comfort. Beg of God that you 
may be thoroughly wounded, before you defire to be made 
whole ; otherwife you will go but halfway, and be only an 
unftablc, double-minded man at laft. God forbid that dear 

Mr. S fliould ever fctth in fuch a dangerous ftate ! Ere 

long I hbpe to fee you in Charus-Tc%vn^ and then I fhall have 
an opportunity of enquiring more particularly into the flatc of 
your foul. I came home but two days ago, and theret'ore 
could not anfwer your letter before. If I can be ferviceablc 
to you in any refpedt, be pleafed to command, dear Sir, 
Your afiured friend and fervant, 

G. IF, 



To Mr, J // , in London. 

My dcar^ dear Brother^ Savannah^ June 7, 174.0. 

WITH great comfort I received your long wifiied-for 
letter. It warmed my heart, and knit my foul to you 
much more than ever. Whenever I fee the child-like fimpli- 
city and love of Jesus, it quite melts me down. Let all for- 
mer mifunc!crilandino;s between me and vour friends be entire- 
ly forgotten. I always pitied your parents, and moft earnellly 
prayed for them and you. BIciTcd be God that you arc come 
home. You are now, I believe, as I always did believe, in 
your proper dation. May God give you a fettled habit of 
devotion, and fo nil you with his fpirit, that whilfl you are 
working for God on earth, you may be like thofe blclTed 
f ngels, who, though miniilring to us, yet do always behold 
ihz face of our Father who is in heaven,. My dear bro- 
ther, let the love of Jesus conurain you to love him with all 
your foul. A fenfe of his divine love now melts down my 
iieart, and draws tears from mv eyes. O what wonderful 
thiiigs is God doing in J?::jcj ica I Savannah a'fo, ?}:y dear Sa^ 
'hunnah^ efpecially my little orphans, now begin to feel the 
.love of Jesus Christ. I arrived here but about two days 
ago, in an hour quite unexpected by my friends. How 
did u'c weep oyer one another for ioy ! Perhaps I may never 
feel the like again, till I meet with the fons of God in glory : 
But oh what a fcene was to be {^^t\■\ laft ni^-ht in the conere- 

O ; fa ' 

gation ! Hov/did the ftately fleps of our glorious Emmanuel 
appear ! Kis glory dione with exceeding brightnefs. The 
pou'cr feemed to be coming on all the d^^y. My foul has been 
much carried out in behalf of this place, and now the Lord 

is about tq anfwer my prayer. T- D was ycfterday 

in a glorious agony. 1 prayed wi:h three of the girls before I 
went to church, and their hearts were ready to break : I prayed 
alfo, with ftrcng cryings and tears, v/ith my other dear friends, 
and God v/as m.uch with us then 5 hut when we came to 
church, oh what was to be fecn, and heard, and felt there ! 
The power of the Lo?.d came as it were upon all. Mod of 

^ ftp 


the children, both boys and girls, cried bitterly, and moft of 
the congregation were drowned in tears, and mourned as a 
woman mourneth for her firft-born. Expence of fpirits made 
my body weak, but my foul ftill wreitJed earncftly with God. 
V/hcn I came home, 1 lay upon my bed ; but Teeing the chil- 
dren and people come honie crying, I went to prayer again, 
and a greater power than ever ftill attended it. O how was 
my foul carried out, and how did the Holy Ghoft fill the room I 
At lafl I thought proper to difmifs them ; but it would have 
charmed your heart to hear the little ones in different parts of 
the houfe praying, and begging of Jesus to take full poflef- 
fion of their hearts. The fame power continues to-day : For 
near two hours, four or five of the girls have been before the 
Lord weeping mofl bitterly, and under fuch agonies, as gives 
me hope our Lord will foon fend them deliverance. I have 
not yet talked with the boys, who alfo have been under great 
concern, and one efpecially in great agonies. I believe two 
or three will be truly gracious. I have brought with me a 
Latin mafter, and on Monday laid a foundation in the narr.e of 
our dear Jesus for an univerfity in Georgia. God blelTes me 
(O free and foyereign grace) in every thing I undertake. 
Our Orphan -houfe comes under better regulations every day, 
and I am perfuaded, in the end, will produce fome true fol- 
lowers of Jesus Christ. I am now looking for frefii attacks 
from the enemy, after fuch inroads. He has been bufy fmce 
my departure, but. the Lord hath vouchfafed to rebuke and 
difappoint him. My dear brother, may the Lord be with 

you ! For Christ's fake defire d-ear Brother W to avoid 

diiputing with me, I think I had rather die, than to fee a 
divifion between us j and yet, how can we walk together, if 
we oppofe each other? Adieu. Dear James, with much 
tendernefs I fubfcribe myfelf 

Jvcr yours, 

G, IV. 




To T T , Efq; in London. 

My dear Friend and Br other , Savannah, June 7, 1740, 

I Wrote to you very lately ; but your kind letter is now 
before mc, and I cannot forbear anfwering it : BlefTed be 
God, that you ftill look upon me as your friend. May the 
friend of all, unite us in the beft bonds, and bring us to him- 
fclf at laft ! I long to fee the fon of man coming in the clouds 
of heaven. I have now fuch large incomes from above, and 
fuch precious communications from our dear Lord Jesus, 
that my body fometimes can fcarcely fuftain them. Our dear 

Brother H 's letter (which I defire you may fee) will 

ihew you what a work is begun at Savannah. I am in great 
hopes, that fix or feven boys and girls are really coming to 

Jjtsus Christ. Dear Brother H n fojourns with us. I 

love him, and all the brethren, in the bowels of Jesus 
Christ. I am now looking for fome ftrong attacks from 
fatan. The Lord comforts me on every fide, and lets me 
fee my dcfire in the falvation of many fouls. O, dear Mr. 
y*— — , forget not 

Your weak unworthy friend and brother in Christ, 

G, IV. 


To Mr. M . 

Dear Mr. M Savannah, Junr it, 1740. 

I Am not uneafy, but rather joyful, to fmd God lets you 
fee more and more into the mid-ry of your depraved nature. 
I pray God, thefe convictions may ftill increafe, and that you 
may not fall fliort of a faving union with Jesus Christ. 
I am concerned to find you have loft a fenfe of your firft love. 
— Take heed, my dear friend, and wreftle Vv'ith your dear 
Lord, till he lets you fee the root of bitternefs that muft cer- 
tainly be in fome corner of your heart. Perhaps you have not 
renounced the woild iind your own righteoufncfs, and then no 
wonder our Lord doth noi: manifeft himfelfto your foul. 



Sometimes, indeed, God withdraws on purpofe to wean us 
from fenfible devotion, and to take us off from feeking any felf- 
complacence in our duties. If this be the cafe of you and 
your friends, you are patiently to tarry the Lord's leifure, and 
to continue driving with all your might till he is pleafed to lift 
up thclight of his blellcd countenance upon you. You mufl 
feek Jesus though it be forrowing, and then, after three days, 
you will find him j for the Lord will not always be chiding, 
neither keepeth he his anger for ever. That God may daily 
renew you in the fpirit of your mind, is the hearty prayer of, 
dear Sir, 

Your affured friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. JF. 


To Mr, IF TV , in London. 

Dear TV Savannah, June 11, 1 740. 

IAm forry to hear, that you and your makers cannot agree ; 
but this I know, fuppofmg the cafe to be as you reprefent 
it, you muft notwithftanding " be obedient, not only to the good 
and gentle, but alfo to the froward." — Rough ufage will do 
you good, if you are fmcere ; God fees the pride and ftub- 
bornnefs of your heart, and therefore fends you thefe trials to 
beat it down : I find the benefit of erodes. What (hould I 

do without them? Dear brother S v/ould write to 

you, I believe, but is much engaged. — Wo love one another 
in the bowels of Jesus Christ. O, dear TV. keep 
clofe to God, and fee you are that inwardly, which you would 
be efteemed outv/ardly. — Reft in nouiii'.g Ihcrt of a found 
and thorough converfion. That God may blefs you, and all 
the brethren, with all fpiritual blellings, is the hearty prayer 

Your allured fiicnd and fervant, 

G. TV, 



LETTER CXCVIII. l^ o/^'v' 

To the Rev. Mr, J B , at New-Tor k. 

Reverend and dear Brother, Savannah^ June 13, 1 740, 

IHavc juft been reading the three letters you Tent ibme time 
ago to our dear brother N , and find my heart mucii 

inclined to write you a line. Whatever others may do, yet I 
am far from judging you on account of God's dealings with 
your foul. I rather rejoice in them, having myfelf been blef- 
ied with many experiences of the like nature. But, my dear 
brother, if God works upon us in an extraordinary manner, 
we miifl prepare for temptation, even from our chriftian 

Moft judge of others from what has pafied within thcm- 
felves ; and many of the dear children of God are too apt to 
confine God to this or that particular way of acting; 
whereas he is a fovereign agent : his facrcd fpirit blowcth 
when, and where, and how it liftcth; and when an uncom- 
mon work is to be done, no doubt he will work upon his 
chofen inflruments in an uncommon manner. What the. 
event of the prefent general awakening v^ill be, I know not. 
I defire to follow my dear Lord blindfold, whitherfoevcr he 
is plcafed to lead me ; and to do juft fo much, and no more, 
as his providence points out to me. Wonderful things have 
been done ever fince my arrival at Savannah: fuch an awaken- 
ing among little children, I never faw before. Our dear bro- • 

ther N 's letter will acquaint you with particulars. O 

my dear brother, how ought fuch manifeftations of God's 
glory, to quicken our fouls, and excite us to lay out ourfelvcs 
more and more in the fervice of the bell: of Mafters, Jesus 
Christ ! Every day he fills me with himfelf, and fometimcs 
brings me even upon the confines of eternity. Methinks I 
often (land upon Amount Pifgah^ and take a view of the heavenly 
Canaan^ and then long to be gathered to my people : hut, my 
dear brother, both you and I muft fufFer, and that great things, 
before we enter into glory. My work is fcarce begun; 
my trials arc yet to come. What is a little fcourge of the 
tongue ? What is a thrufling out of the fynagogues ? The 
^iaie of temptation will be, v/hen we are thruft into an in- 


uer prifon, and feci the iron entering even into our fouls.' 
Then, perhaps, even God's people may be permitted to for- 
fake LIS lor a while, and none but the J^ord Jesus to ([and by 
us. " But if thou, O deareft Redeemer! wilt ftren^thcn mc 
in the inner man, let enemies plunge me into a fiery furnace, 
or throw me into a den of lions." My dear brother, my 
heart is enlarged towards you: though I never faw, vet I 

love you moil tenderly. How does dear brother/) P 

Does he yet walk in the light of God's countenance ? Prav fa- 
lute him lovingly in my name. In the fall, I hope to fee you 
in Lc?7g I/land, and to be fomewhat filled with your company. 
In the mean while, let us all keep a clofc walk with Jesus j 
and be pleafed, in an efpecial manner, to remember 
Your unworthy, though aftedionate brother, 

fellow-labourer, and fervant In our common Lorb, 

G, IF. 


To the Rev. Mr. J. JV. 

Savannah, J U7ie 2^^ I74^» " 
Ajy honoured Friend and Brother, 
Thank you for, and heartily fay a?ncn to all the petitions 
you have put up in my behalf. I want to be as my Maf- 
ter would have me ; I mean, meek and lowly in heart. Dear 
Sir, bear with me a little longer ; pray for me with great ear- 
neftnefs ; and who knows but my God may give me to abhor 
myfelf in duft and afhes I He that hath given us his Son, will 
he not with him freely give us all things i* For Christ's fake, 
if pofTible, dear Sir, never fpeak againft election in your fer- 
mons : no one can fay that I ever mentioned it in public dif- 
courfes, whatever my private fentiments may be. For 
Christ's fake, let us not be divided amongft ourfelves : no- 
thing will fo much prevent a divifion as your being filent on 
this head. I fhould have rejoiced at the fight of your Journal. 
I long to fmg a hymn of praife for what God has done for 
your foul. I am glad to hear that you fpeak up for an attend- 
ance on the means of grace, and do not encourage perfons w^ho 
run (I am perfuaded) before they are called. The work of 
God will fufFer much by fuch imprudence, I trull you will 



ftill perfifl in field-preaching. Others are (Irangers to ouP 
call. I know infinice good hath been done by it already, and 
greater good will yet be done thereby every day : but we muft 
be judged of our brethren. May God blefs you more and 
more every day, and caufe you to triumph in every place. 
Next Monday^ God willing, I go to Charles-Town, My fa- 
mily is well regulated ; but I want fome more gracious allift- 
ants. I have near an hundred and thirty to maintain daily, 
without any fund. The Lord gives me a full undifturbed 
confidence in his power and goodnefs. Dear Sir, adieu. I 
can write no more ; my heart is full. I want to be a little 
child. O continue to pray for 

Your moil: unworthy, but affectionate brother and fervant 
in our dear Lord Jesus Christ, 

C. JV, 


To Mr, J H . 

Dearejl J Savannah, June 25, 174c. 

EVERY letter you write, knits my heart more and more 
to you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Your laft: I 
received on Saturday. God had been preparing me for it, by 
a week's intimation upon my heart, and by an InexprelTible 
agony in my foul juft before it came to hand. Bleffed be God 
that our friends preach up poverty of fpirit, for that is the only 
foundation whereon to build folid abiding comfort. The flony 
ground received the word v/ith joy; but how did thofe hearers 
ftand in a day of temptation ? They fell away ; for it is very 
poflible that the heart may have much joy floating on the top 
of it, and yet be as hard as the nether miUftone. Hence it is 
that fo many, v/ho boaft of reft in their flafhes of joy, are felf- 
willed, impatient of reproof, defpifers of others in a mourning 
fiate, and wile in their own conceits : whereas the believer, 
that hath been with his Lord in the wildernefs, and has a 
truly broken and contrite heart, though his joy may not be fo 
extravagant, yet it is fubflantial. Such a foul hangs upon 
God ; thinks before he fpeaks ; and is continually hearkening 
for what the Lord will fay to him, by the fmall ftill voice of 
his fpirir. This is the ftate I want all our friends to arrive at. 

I can" 


I cannot fee how they can, with aflurance, talk of their enjoy- 
ing folid fellowfliip with the Father, and his dear Son Christ 
Jesus. I fhall not be furprizcd if many, who feemin^^ly be- 
gan in the fpirit, do end in tlic flefh, and turn perfecutors of 
the doctrines and difciples of Jesus Christ. How can they 
pofiibly ftand, who never felt themfelves condemned crimi- 
nals ? who were never truly burthened with a fenfe not only 
of their a^luai, but original fin, efpecially that damning fin 
of unbelief f who were never brought to fee and heartily confcfs, 
that after they had done all, God might, notv/ithftanding, deny 
them mercy; and that it is owing merely to his fovereign love 
in Christ Jesus our Lord, that they can have any hopes of 
being delivered from the wrath to come ? It is for preachino- 

in this manner that I like MelF. T s. They wound deep 

before they heal ; they know that there is no promife made 
but to him that believeth ; and therefore they are careful not 
to comfort over much thofe that are convicled. I fear I have 
been too incautious in this refpedl:, and have often given com- 
fort too foon. The Lord pardon me for what is paft, and 
teach me more rightly to divide the word of truth for the fu- 
ture. DeareO: J , pardon this freedom ; I am conftrained 

to write in this manner. I thank you moft heartily for your 

hiftorical letter. Fail not writing to m.e often. Deareft J , 

help me by your prayers : for Christ's fake help me. Our 
Lord is ye: with us. I hear different accounts of things ; 
h\it I pray for all, and fufpend my judgment till you fee 
Your affectionate brother and fervant, 

G. JV. 


To Mrs. E C . 

My dear SiJIer^ Savannah, June 25, 1 7 40, 

YOUR letter afforded me much inward pleafure. Surely 
it bcfpeaks the Vv'riter not to be far from the kingdom 
of God. You was then waiting for our Lord's falvation : 
ere now, I trufl, Christ hath manifefted his glory, filled you 
with his bleilcd fpirit, and thereby fcaled you' to the day of re- 
demption. 'Tis good to be long in an humbled Hate : it is 
the bed preparation for fulid, lafiing comfoit. Blcilcd are 
5 they 

igj LETTER S. 

they that mourn moft, for they fhall be the moft comforted : 
not that we are violently to keep ourfelves in fuch a ftate; but 
when God's hand lies heavy upon us, we'are patiently to tarry 
the Lord's leifufe, till he reveals himfelf to our fouls. 1 was 
a mourner a long while; but, glory be to God ! I have for 
fome years been almoft continually corhforted ; at leaf!; kept 
fl-om doubting; of my intereft in Jesus Christ. I can v^ith 
an humble boldnefs cry out, *' My Lord and my God!" 
He daily manifefts himfelf to my foul, and caufes me to feel 
my dependance on his free grace and fovereign love. Th s is 
the kingdom of God within us. O, my dear fifter, what 
would I give, were all the world partakers of this urifpeakable: 
gift ! I long, I burn with an ardent zeal after the falvation of 
my dear brethren, who are dead in trefpafles and fins. Poor 
fouls ! Why am I taken, and they left ? O the fovereign, 
free, unmerited, diftinguifliing love of my and your Jesus I 
My dear fifter, let us love him, let us obey him ; let us 
fufFer for him with a chearful heart ! His love will fweeten 
every cup, though never fo bitter. Let us pledge him wil- 
lingly, and continue faithful even unto death. A fcene of fuf- 
ferings lies before us. Who knows biit v/e may wade to our 
Saviour through a fea of blood ? I expe6l: (O pray that I may 
be ftrengthened if called to it) to die for his great name's fake, 
'Twill be fweet to wear a martyr's crown. Dear Madam, 
adieu. I remember God's 2;oodnefs to us at Broad-Oaks. I 
pray for you and yours. I truft your daughters keep clofe to 
Jesus. Salute them kindly in my name. Read my Journal, 
and give hearty thanks for 

Your unworthy brother and fervant in Christ Jesus, 

LETTER ecu. 

To the Rev. Mr, S , in London, 

llev. and dear Sir^ Savannah, June 26, 1740. 

AND is one of the priefts alfo obedient to the word ? 
BlcfTed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesu$ 
Christ, who hath tranflated you from darknefs to light; 
from the power of Satan to the fervlcc of the ever-living God. 
Now know I5 that our glorious E?jjmanud has not commanded 


LET T E R S, 193 

us to pray in vain. Surely we fnall never tafte of death, till 
vvc fee our dear Lord's kingdom coming with greater power. 
He feems to be thrufting out more labourers into his harvefl. 
Glory be to his free grace that you are one of the happy num- 
ber. O dear Sir, rejoice and be exceeding glad ; and let the 
love of Jesus condrain you to go out into the highways and 
hedges to compel poor fmners to come in. Some (even that 
are true lovers of the Lamb) may fay " this is not proceeding 
with a zeal according to knowledge :" but I am perfuaded, 
when the power of rclij^ion revives, the gofpcl muft be pro- 
pagated in the fame manner as it was firft eftablifhcd, " itinc^ 
rant preaching," Go on, dear Sir, go on, and follow your 
glorious Mafler without the camp, bearing his facred reproach. 
Never fear the fcourge of the tongue, or the th;-eatnings that 
are daily breathed out againft the Lord, and againft his 
Christ. Sufler we muli, I believe, and that great things. 
Our Lord, by his providence, begins to fliew it. Ere long, 
perhaps, we may fing in a prifon, and have our feet fet faft in 
the {tocks. But faith in Jesus turns a prifon into a palace, 
and makes a bed of flames become a bed of down. Let us be 
faithful to-day, and our Lord will fupport us to-morrow. 
O dear Sir, though I know you not, yet my heart is en- 
larged towards you, and I make mention of your name in my 
prayers. I pray God to give you ftrength to bear the heat 
and burden of every day, and to enable you to preach with 
fuch wifdom, that all your adverfaries may not be able to 
gainfay or refift. BlefTed be his holy name, I drink deep of 
his love every moment. A greater power than ever attends my 
poor labours i and fcveral of my own houfhold, both boys and 
girls, 1 really believe, are coming favingly to Jesus Christ. 
lam now about to go to Charles-Town -y a work of God is 
begun there. Who knows but I may fee my dear brother 

S in America ? But future things belong to God ; to 

his grace and love I commend vou. Keep clofe to your dear 
Jesus, and pray that a child-like, humble fpirit, may be given 

Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer 

G. n\ 

Vol. L - O. . LETTER 




To JVm, S , Efq-y in Loyidon. 

My dear Brother S , Savannah, June 26, 1 740. 

I Sent you a packet of letters from Charles-Town, the middle 
of this month. Since that time, I have received many 
agreeable letters kova England ; but find from Blendon letters 

that Mifs E D is in a fecking ftate only. Surely 

that will not do ; I would have one that is full of faith and 
the Holy Ghoft. Juft now I have been weeping, and much 
carried out in prayer before the Lord. My poor family gives 
nie more concern than every thing elfe put together. I u'ant 
a gracious zvornan that is dead to every thing but Jesus, and is 
qualified to govern children, and dired perfons of her own 
fex. Such a one would help, and not retard me in my dear 
Lord's work. I wait upon the Lord every moment ; I hang 
upon my Jesus : and he is fo infinitely condefcending, that 
he daily grants me frefli tokens of ,bls love, and affures me 
that he will not permit me to fall by the hands of a woman. 
I am almoft tempted to wifli I had never undertook the or- 
phan-houfc. At other times, I am willing to contrive mat- 
ters fo that I may not marry : but I am always checked ; and 
looking back upon the workings of my heart in this affair, I 
am more and more convinced that it is of God ; and there- 
fore know he will order affairs for me, as will beft promote 
his own glory. So that my dear Lord's honour does not fuf- 
fer, I care not what trouble in the flefh I undergo. His glory, 
to the beft of my knowledge, is my only aim, \n my thoughts, 
words, and adions. My dearefl brother, adieu. By this 

time, I truft, you are near England. Dear brother S 

goes with me to Charles-Toivn. Brother B keeps houfe in 

my abfence. Take heed that the people you bring believe on 
Jesus. Expe6t to hear Shortly again from 

Your affe£tioiiate brother and fervant In Christ, 

G. IV. 




To Mr, IF D— -. 

My dear Brother^ Savarmahy June 28, 1740. 

1 Thank you for your kind letters and friendly cautions ; 
and truft fhall always reckon thofe my choiceft friends,, 
who, in funplicity and meeknefs, tell me the corruptions of 

my heart. It is that faithfulnefs which hath endeared J 

S to me. I think I never was obliged to any one fo much 

before : for that reafon alfo I find my heart knit to you. O 
my dear brother, ftill continue faithful to my foul : do not 
hate me in your heart ; in any wife reprove riie. Exhort all 
my dear brethren to forgive my paft (I fear) too imperious 
carriage ; and let them pray that I may know myfelf to be 
what I really am, lefs than the lead of them all. I have abun- 
dant reafon to blefs God for fending me abroad. I cannot 
fay I have improved my retirement as 1 ought; biit I can fay 
it hath been highly beneficial to my foul. I have a garden 
near at hand, where I go particularly to meet and talk with 
my God, at the cool of every day. I often fit in filence, of- 
fering my foul as fo much clay, to be ftamped juft as my hea- 
venly potter pleafes : and whilft I am mufing, I am often filled 
as it were with the fulnefs of God. I am frequently at Cal- 
varyy and frequently on Mount Tabor ; but always afTured of 
rny Lord's everlafting love. O continue to pray for mc, 
that I rr:ay know myfelf even as I am known. I want to have 
a proper mixture of the lion arfd the lamb, of the ferpent and 
the dove. I do not defpair of attaining it. Jesus is love ; 
Jesus willeth my perfecftion ; Jesus hath died for me; Jesus 
can deny me nothing. He hath given me himfclf ; will her 
not then freely give me all things befides ? I Wait for thy c6m- 
pleat falvation, O LoRD ! My dear broth'er, my heart is 
now enlarged. Your prayer is anfwered. The whole God- 
head no'.v fills my foul. O grace, grace I O Jefu, Jefu ! 
was ever love like thine ! Lord, I abhor myfelf in duil anJ 
afties. O that I could praife thee ! that I could love thee" 
as I ought ! My dear brother, I hear you have been zealous for 
the Lord your God fince my departure. You have done 
well : you never can be zeahous for a better mafter : but why" 

O 2 filent?' 


filent ? why withdrawn ? Did you go before you was called 
or qualified ? If fo, you have done right: but I fufpend my 
judgment ; for I find there is no judging at a diftance. I only 
pray God that you may always feel yourfelf a very poor finner, 
and find refuge in the wounds and blood of the Lamb. I re- 
joice to hear the work of God goes on, and heartily wifli you 
may not be divided among yourfelves. Our dear Lord is 
with us here : I only want a few more gracious, folid affift- 
ants. The Lord will fend them in his due time to 

Your affediionate brother and fervantin Christ, 

LETTER CCV. ,1^^%^} 

To J B ^'-^^ 

Good Hope, {South-Carolina) 'July 2, 1740-. 
My dear Brother B , 

IS it true, that one night whilft you was expounding, you 
told your hearers, from your own experience, that " they 
tould not go on without throwing afide the means of grace r" 
or words to that purpofe ? If fo, I pity you ; for you arc not 
only mifled yourfelf, but are alfo mifgufding others. But this 
is no more than I expe£led. I think you begun to teach too 
foon, and before you had a commiffion given you from above. 
Brother J- — ^ — was of the fame opinion, before I left England. 
For that reafon, I would not take you to Georgia, Blefl'cd be 
God, I have no fuch over-forward fpirits there. My dear 

B -y I write in love. For Christ's fake try your fpirit: 

I fear you was never yet truly humbled. I know you have 
had joy ; but I always thought it was joy floating, on the fur- 
face of an unmortified heart. From fuch a joy, good Lord 
deliver us ! O that you had been in the wildernefs a little 
longer ! then you might have been an experienced teacher j 
but I fear you are now only a novice. May the Lord keep 
you from faHing into the condemnation of the devil. I write 
not this to damp, but to regulate your fpirit ; if you are 
humble, you will take it kind. God knows, I wifh all the 
Lord's fervants were prophets ;. but I would not have my 
Mafter's work fuffcr by a too heady way of proceeding. Why 
fhould you difhonour him by a«Sling above your fpherej 



whereas you might honour him by ailing in it. Every one 
is not fit to be a public expounder. To build up awakened 
finners in private, is what is more wanted at prefent than 
young unexperienced preachers. But I have done ; I fear I 
have offended my brother : forgive me this wrong. As Goo 
was pleafed firft to work upon you by my miniftry, you muft 
always expeft to be watched over by 

Your affedionate friend, brother and fcrvant, 


Dear Mr. R ■, Charles-Town, July ii, I740# 

YOUR letter much rejoiced me. O that you may ftill 
follow on, till you truly know the Lord ! I (hall be 
glad to have you for a fcribe, if you are well inftru6led in the 
things which belong to the kingdom of heaven. Keep clofe, 

my dear friend, keep clofe to the dear Mr. T s : under 

God, they will build you up in your moft holy faith. It 
gladdens my heart to hear of their fuccefs in the Lord. The 
Lord increafe them more and more, and multiply the num- 
ber of their fpiritual children 1 I fuppofe brother G *s 

letter informed you what a fpeedy paflage the Lord gave us, 
and how we were received at Georgia, Surely I fhall never 
fee the like again, till I meet the fons of God in glory. 
Praife the Lord, O my foul ! my dear friend, help me to 
praife the Lord. I have been here above a week. The Lord 
hath been pleafed to work on many hearts. On Sunday the 
commijjary denied me the facrament ; but my dear Mafter fed 
me, notwithftanding, with the bread which cometh down 
from heaven. Perfecution feems to be coming on more and 
more. My dear friend, fee that you are rooted aud ground- 
ed in love and faith ; or how will you Hand faft in a dying 
hour ? With difficulty I write this before morning fervice. I 
preach generally, in town or country, twice a-day. The heat 
is great; but the Lord enables me to bear the burden of it. 
Next month, God willing, I go to New- England, and hope 
to fee Philadelphia in November. On Tuejday next 1 am cited 
to appear before the commiflary and his court in a judicial 
way : the even: I leave to my dear LojiD Jesus, O dc\^.r 
O 3 Mr, 


Mr. R — ' — , let not the crofs keep you from Jesus. If we 
fufFer, we fhall reign with him. Salute your honoured mo- 
ther in my name, and all that love our dear LoiiD in fmcerity, 

from, dear Mr. R ', 

Your afFe<ftionate fiicnd and fervant in Christ, 

G. rv, 


To Mr, J R . 

Dear J , Charles-Town, "July 15, 1740. 

MAY you anfwcr your name, be freely gracious, and 
filled with as much love as he was, who leaned on the 
facred bofom of our dear Redeemer. 1 believe God has be- 
gun ; if fo, God will carry on the good work in your heart. 
It is the Lord's doing. Not uiito me, not unto me ; but to 
free, rich, diftinguifliiiig, fovereign grace, be all the glory ! 
The wearing off, or forgetting your convictions formerly, 
ought to make you more jealous of yourfelf now. The more 
you fee the enmity of the heart, the better : you cannot then 
avoid abhorring yourfelf in duft and adies. I rejoice you 

have been at Ntjfhamim. I can fay of Mr. T and their 

brethren, as David did of Gcliah\ fword, *^ None like them.'* 

I am glad you and my friend R are acquainted. O fee 

that you keep one another warm, and be zealous for the Lord 
your God. I wonder not at your mafter's inhnuations. In- 
deed, dear ^ , you muft be tried thoroughly, if you would 

approve yourfelf to the glorious EmmanueL Exhort all to die 
for him, rather than deny him in any wife. I find my fuf- 
fering time at hand : but my dear Lord comforts me with 
his gracious and refrefhing prefence. A good work is carry- 
ing on here : let my dear friends hplp it forwards by their 
prayers. My love to ?ill at the fociety ; and accept of the 
iame from 

Your aiFedionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. W. 




To Air. B J in Penfyhania. 

My dear Brother^ Charles-Town^ "July 18, 1740. 

PRAISE the Lord, O my foul ! Our glorious Einmanuel 
Teems to have girt his fword upon his thigh, and to he 
riding on from conquering to conquer. He gets himfclf the 
vidory in Philadelphia. He is getting himrdFthe victory in 
Charles-Town alio. Indeed a glorious work is begun, and car- 
rying on here. Many louls are awakened to a fenfe of the 

divine life. The alteration in the people fmce I came here 

at firft, is furprizing. I preach twice a day, generally, either 
in town or in the villages around. The commiflary fhoots 
out his arrows, even bitter Vv'ords. He hath denied me the 
facrament, and cited me to appear before him and his court; 
I was obliged to appeal home. O my dear brother, pray 
that I may be humble and of a child-like fpirit. Every day 
God {hews me frefh inftances of his love. Here are fome 
faithful minifters amongft the baptifts. One of them, Mr. 

C , has wrote to you ; pray anfwer him. Some time next 

month I hope to be at Nevj England^ and to return to 
you according to promife. Be pleafed to falute the brethren 
in my name. Indeed I honour and love you in the bowels of 
Je.sus Christ. O that I was worthy of your acquaintance ! 
But I am not. All that I can fay is, that I will endeavour to 
approve my lei f 

Your affectionate friend, brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 

G. IF. 


To Mr. I. R . 

My Dear Friend^ Charles-Town, July 18,1740. 

I Thank you for going with friend E and B to 
Nazareih. May God blefs you, and caufe great good to 
come to that place ! God feems to be carrying on as great a 
WQfk in Cbarles-Tjwn, comparatively fpcaking, as in Philadel- 

O 4 ph'ia. 


phia. Surely our Lord intends to fet the world in a flame, 
O that the holy fire of hib divine love v/as kindled in every 

heart ! Be pleafed to read wliat 1 have fent to Mr. iV- -. 

If you pleafc you may print that extract, which I fent from 
my journal : God willing, I hope to be at New England by 
the beginning of Scpiejnhcr^ and to be refrelhed vyith your and 
my dear friend's letters. Indeed, I love you all in the bovveli; 
of my dear Lord Jesus. Do not let us forfake him. 
Let us not be afliamed of him, though we live in a crooked and 
perverfe generation. I thank my dear friends for their zeal in 
building a houfc j * but defire it may not have any particular 
name, or be put to any particular ufe, till my return to Phi- 
ladelphia. I wifh them good luck in the name of the Lord. 
Lafl nieht I appeared a third time in a public court ; but they 
not accepting my Rccufatio judicis^ I appealed home; fo that 
now I have free liberty to embark when providence pleafeth. 

my dear friend, think of a bleeding, dying Lord.. 
Keep clofe to him, and exhort all friends to pray and give 
thanks for 

Your afllired friend and fervant, 

G. IF. 


To Mr. G L . 

Dear Brother L — , Char ks -Town .^ July i8, 174O. 

GOD v/ill v/ork, and v/ho fhall hinder r The facrament 
hath been refufed to mc, and I have appeared thrice in 
open court, before the commilFary and fome of his clergy ; but 
6ur LokD rides on, from conquering to conquer. Many, I be- 
lieve, are really pricked to the heart. The commiflary's detain- 
ing me here, has much tended to the furtherance of the gofpel. 

1 put in my exceptions againft his fitting as my judge, and 
they were repelled ; fo that I have appealed home, and all 
Other proceedings here are Ptoppcd. By this means I fhall 
have liberty to preach the gofpel without further interruption, 
•and my call to Englund will be more clear. The enclofed 
paper will fhew you what is doing in Philadelphia. Private 
letters received from thence lad night and this morning, have 
much refreftied mv heart. Many fouls are flocking to the 

* Tiiio 'S ncv/ t.!:e cou^ze at Philadelphia* 

I. E T T E R S. 201 

Lord Jesus. I need not exhort you to praife the Lord. 
You may advertife what paragraphs you think proper, only 
add that Philadelphia people are building a houfe for me to 
preach in, jo6 Tcct long and 74 feet wide. The Lord is 
bringing mighty things to pafs. \ api furprizingly ftrength- 
ened to bear the heat and burden of every day. My dear 
Lord never leaves nor forfakcs me, but works by my unwor- 
thy miniftry more and more. O that I was humble ! O that 
I was a little, little child ! I know not how foon I may be 
called to EngUmd, The inhabitants here are wondrous kind* 
They attend morning and evening moft chearfully on my 
preaching. V/c often fee the ftately fteps of our dear Lord 
in his fan^luary. I am more than happy. I am amazed at 
the divine goodnefs. Lord, I abhor myfelf in duft ahd afhes ! 
See the wonders of the Lord ; help us to praife him. 
Excufe me to all my dear friends. For this fortnight paft 
I have not wrote a word of my journal. My fermons, &c* 
are bought off exceedingly, northward. O pray that an hum- 
ble child-like fpirit may be given to 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G, IV, 


To the Reverend Mr, D , 

My dear Brother D , Savannah^ jfugiift 15, 174O. 

OUR dear Lord (after being pleafed to bring me low by 
bodily ficknefs) now gives me liberty to write to you. 
Whilft I am writing, I find my heart united with yours. I 
hope we have both drank into the fame fpirit, and are both 
inftances of the fame fovereign, diftinguiihing, evcrlafting 
love. O let us extol it ! O let us improve daily ! And 
fincc God fees fit that we fhall not die, but live, let us 
lay, ourfelves out to declare the works of the Lord. I arn 
^Ihamed of my paft unfruitfulnefs. Had others received the 
(lock, that hath been intrufted to me, how would they havp 
improved it ? Indeed I am an unprofitable fervant. In the 
righteoufnefs of Jesus my Lord, is my only refuge. Well 
may God afflict me j I richly dcfervc it ; and when he brings 
jiie low^ nothing grieves me fo much, as to think that I 



ihoulci be fo froward as to oblige the God of love to ftrike me 
with his rod. But oh the goodnefs of the Lord ! His rod, 
as well a« ftafF, do comfort and build up my foul. I would 
not but be tried for ten thoufand worlds. Blefled be God, 
I am enabled to clafp the crofs, and defire to glory in nothing 
more. Dear brother, help me with your prayers. Our vic- 
torious Jesus makes his power to be known ; many have 1 
fecn ftruck quite down by the power of the word. The holy 
Ghoft hath often come like a mighty rufhing wind. Satan 
has defired to fift us as wheat. But our Lord ftill fhcws 
me, that the orphan-houfe will go on and flourifii. It is of- 
ten a great weight upon my foul ; but through your and my 
dear friends prayers, the Lord I am perfuaded will ftill fup- 

jpurt it. 

Yours eternally in Chr;st Jesus, 


To Mr, N—-, m New York, 
My dear Brother^ Savannah^ Aug, 15, I 740. 

YOUR letter rejoiced my heart. May our dear Lord's 
kingdom be advanced more and more every day ! O 
that I may meet you at New- England ! Blefied be God that 

Mr. M is yet alive. Salute him from me; I hope to 

fee him before I die, and fo be taught the way of God more 
perfeclly. 1 thank you for your kind hints ; I have always 

paid great deference to dear Mr. N 's judgment : indeed I 

love him in the bowels of Jesus. God has been pleafed to 
bring me low, for feme time, by inward weaknefs, and faint- 
Refs of fpirits. The firft ftrength that is given me to write, 
I make ufe of in writing to you. The Lord is purging me, 
that I may bring forth more fruit. I long to die, not that I 
may be rid ofcrofTes, but that I may be with Christ. He 
draws me more and m.ore to him every day. I have had many 
clofe domeftic trials of late. But thefe words, " David 
ftrengthened himfelf in the Lord his God," came with fwect 
power to my foul. I find, the nearer I come to Christ, the 
clofer my trials are. I have been fometimes through weak- 
nefs kept from preaching ; but when I have fpokcn, the word 



l?as come with power. I have reafon to think, that three per- 
fons who came to fee the orphan-houfe, have been efFedu- 
ally called by our Lord Jesus. I have now fome Carolina 
yifitors in my houfe ; two of them, 1 believe, are coming tru- 
ly to Jesus. — The word runs like lightning in Charles-Toivn. 
A fcrious lively Baptift miniftcr, named Tillyy is here alfo ; he 
has preached often for me, and lafl Sunday received the flacra- 
ment in our way. — O bigotry, thou art tumbling dowa 
a-pace ! BlelTed be God. — Next week, God willing, I em- 
|jark for Cbarles-Toiun, fl:iaU ftay there a few days, and from 
thence purpofe going to New-England. God wonderfully 
provides for my orphans. — I am kept from every degree of 
QQubting ; nay, the Lord fills me daily with a full afluranee 
of faith. He chaftens and corre6ls me, but it is all in love. 

help me to praifc him, and thereby add to the obligati- 
ons already laid on, dear Mr. N , 

Ever yours, 

G. ir, 


To Mrs. L . 

Honoured Mother .^ Charles-Town^ ///v^. 22, 1 740. 

ALTHOUGH I had not the pleafure of receiving one 
line, either from your dear felf, or from any other of 
my beloved friends ; yet my heart was rejoiced juft now by a 
failor, who told me, that he faw and converfed with you the 
twenty-ninth of May laft. I thank you for the falutation fent 
to m.e by him. Indeed I thank you from my very heart : for 

1 feci myfelf unworthy of your notice. Every day I love and 
honour you more and more; and when you come to judg- 
ment, God will (hew you how many tears 1 have (bed in fe- 
cret for you and my dear fifter. O let them not be in vain ! 
Honoured Mother^ fly to Jesus. — Behold, with open arms, 
yonder he ftands, ready to embrace you, if you feel your 
mifery, and are willing to come to him to find reft. May the 
great God, who only can govern the wills and afPe^tions of 
fmful men, make you willing in the day of his power ! Ye- 
flerday God brought me hither again. In a few days, I hope 
to embark for KcW'Enrlanu^-ih^wQQj God willing, you may 



expe£l another letter. For near fix weeks paft I have been 
under great weaknefs of body ; but notwithftanding have been 
Enabled fometlmes to preach with great power. I am novyf 
fomewhat better, but, without a miracle, cannot think of be- 
ing long below. Indeed, honoured Mother^ I every day long 

to be diffolved and to be with Christ. Pray tell Mr, JV , 

that Mr. H , and L B , with one or two more 

of their relations, I believe, arc effectually called of God. We 
had much power at Savannah. God hath fent me fome family 
trials ; but all things are working for good. I am, honoured 

Your ever dutiful fon. 

(?. //' 


To the Reverend Mr, J- JV . 

Defir and Honoured Sir, Charles-Town, Jug. 25, 1740. 

LAST night I had the plcafure of receiving an extra£l of 
your journal.' — This morning I took a walk and read it. 
J pray God to give it his bleffing. Many things I truft will 
prove beneficial, efpecially the account of yourfelf. Only, 
give me leave with all humility to exhort yon not to be flre- 
nuous in oppofing the doctrines of ele^ion Tiud final perjeverance^ 
when, by your own confefTion, *' you have not the witnefs of 
the fpirit within yourfelf,'* and confcquently are not a pro- 
per judge. I remember dear brother E told me one day, 

that " he was convinced of the perfeverance of the faints." 
I told him, you was not. He replied, but he will be con- 
vinced when he hath got the fpirit himfelf. I am aflured, 
God has now for fome years given me this living witnefs in my 
foul. I cannot fay, I have fince indulged any doubts (at leaft 
for no confiderable time) about the forgivenefs of my fins ; 
nay, I can fcarce fay, that I ever doubted at all. When I 
have been neareft death, my evidences have been the cleareft. 
I can fay, I have been on the borders of Canaan, and do every 
day, nay, almoft every moment, long for the appearing of our 
Lord Jesus Christ ; not to evade fufPerings, but with ^ 
fmgle defire to fee his blefled face. I feci his blefiTed fpi- 
rit daily filling my foul and body, as plain as I feel the air 



which I breathe, or the food I eat.— Perhaps the do£lrincs of 
eletSlion andofiinal pcrfeverance hath been abufed, (and what 
dodrine has not,) but notwithftanding, it is children's bread, 
and ought not in my opinion to be with-held from them, fup- 
pofing it is always mentioned with proper cautions againft the 
abufc. Dear and Honoured Sir, I write not this to enter into 
difputation. I hope, at this time, I feel fomcthing of the 
meeknefs and gentlenefs of Christ. I cannot bear the 
thoughts of oppofing you : but how can I avoid it, if you 

go about (as your brother C once faid) to drive Jolm Cal- 

vin out of Brijiol. Alas, I never read any thing that Cal-* 
vin wrote j my do<5lrines I had from Christ and his apoftles ; 
I was taught them of God ; and as God was pleafed to fend 
me out firft, and to enlighten me firft, fo I think he ftill conti- 
nues to do it. My bufinefs feems to be chiefly in planting ; if 
God fend you to water, I praife his name. — I wifh you a thou- 

fandfold incrcafe. I find, by young JV 's letter, there is dif- 

puting among you about election, and perfeSiion. — I pray God 
to put a ftop to it, for what good end will it anfwer ? — I wifh I 
knew your principles fully 5 did you write oftner, and more 
frankly, it might have a better efFe6l than filence and referve. I 
have lately had many domeflic trials, and that about points of 
doctrine, not by myfelf, but from others in my abfence. I daily 
wait upon God, depending on his promife, that all things, 
even this, (hall work together for my good. Many in Charles- 
Town, I believe, are called of God. You may now find a 
chriftian, without fearching the town as with a candle. Mr. 

G is lefs furious, at leaft in public. He hath expended 

all his ftrcngth, and finds he cannot prevail. Adieu, Ho- 
noured Sir, Adieu ! My health is better, fmce I laft left 
Charles Town, and am now freed from domeftic cares. With 
almoft tears of love to you, and the brethren, do I fubfcribe 
myfelf, honoured Sir, 

Your moft affectionate brother and fervant in Christ, 




To Mrs, J L , in Brijlol 

Dear y , Charles-Town.^ Aug. 26, 174O, 

I Hope you and your little fociety go on and proCper, 
I hear there are dlvifions among you. Avoid them 
if poflible. The do6lrines of eledtion, and of final perfever- 
ance, I hold as well as you. — But then, they are not to be 
contended for with heat and paflion. Such a proceeding 
will only prejudice the caufe you would defend. Pray 
fhew this to your other friends. — Exhort them to avoid all 
clamour, and evil fpeaking, and with meeknefs receive the 
ingrafted word which is able to fave your foul. God has 
begun a great work here, and in other parts of America ; but 
yet, I believe, I fliall fhortly have a call to England, O pray 
it maybe the divine will, that I may have a profperous jour- 
ney ; and that you may fee me grown in grace, and in the 
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. — With 
tendereft love to all, I am 

Your affectionate brother and fervant, 

G. IF. 


To the Right Reverend Father in GoD, Edmund Lord Bijhop of 

On board the Savannah^ bound from Charles-Toivn to Bojiony 

September — , 174O. 
My Lord, 

ALTHOUGH your Lordfliip has been pleafed to cau- 
tion the people againft running into thofe extremes, 
to which your Lordfliip apprehended my docSlrine would lead 
men ; yet I am perfuaded that will not any way influence 
vour Lordfhip, as to the contents of this letter. The on© fin- 
gle point which it contains, is this query, " Whether the 
commiflary o^ South-Carolina has power given him from your 
Lordfhip, to exercife 2iny judicial authority againft me, or any 
other clergyman, who doth not belong to his province ?" The 
reafon of my putting this queflion, I fuppofe your Lordfhip 
will be apprized of, before this reaches jowi Lordfliip's hands.- 

I hav^ 


J have been lately cited to appear in an eccleliaftical court, 
ereded by the Reverc7id Mr. G , fi)r not reading the com- 
mon prayer in the meeting-houfc, which I was obliged to 
preach in at Charlcs-Towny (unlefs I would be fiicnt) becaufe 
the commifTary would not let me have the ufe of his church. I 
appeared, and have appealed, according to law, to four of his 
majefty's commiflion-crsfor reviewing appeals, to know, whether 
the commiflary ought not to have accepted a Recufaiio judicis^ 
which I lodged in court. This, I fuppofe, they will deter- 
mine. I only defire your Lordfhip's explicit opinion and deter- 
mination, whether Mr. G , (fuppofing he hath power over 

his own clergy,) has authority to ere6l fuch a court to arraign 
me, who belong to the province of (j^ijr^/^. The bearer hereof 
will give me your Lordfhip's anfv/er. In favouring me with 
which, your Lordfhip will oblige, my Lord, 

Your Lordfliip's obedient fon and fervant, 


To Mr, P . 

My dear Brother^ Bojlon^ Sept. 19, 1 740. 

Ihave juft now read your kind letter. BleiTed be the Lord, 
for imparting fomewhat of his divine prefence to your foul. 
O may he fill you brimful, and enable you fo to preach, that 
all your adverfaries may not be able to gainfay or refifl. Never 
fear undertaking to preach without notes ; remember the pro- 
mife, " Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the 
world.'* By my maflcr's leave, I propofe to preach with you, 

and dear brother IV . I am a worm and no man : I de- 

ferve to be the outcaft of the people. On Sunday I arrived at 
Rhode-Ifmnd. Our Lord called fome. Yefterday I came 
hither, to-day I preached. May the Lord give a divine in- 
creafe to the feed fown ! A great work is carrying on at 
Charles-Toiun, The fpirit of God is moving in different parts 
of the world. O m.y dear, dear brother, let us up and be 
doing, and the Lord will be v/ith us. The world is lying 
in the wicked one. May God make you inftrumental to de- 
liver thoufands from his curfed flavery ! With difficulty I re- 

<lgem ;ime to write this. Brother B- , and B •, are 

4 with 


with me. I will endeavour to give you notice of my coming. 
In the mean while, ceafe not praying for 

Your weak and unworthy brother, 

G. JV. 


To Mr. N , at New-Tor k. 

My dear Brother^ Bojlon^ Sept. 23, 1740. 

HITHER God brought me on Thurfday evening : I 
preached once on Friday^ and twice every day fmce. The 
power of the Lord advances fweetly. Our Lord, I believe, 
will revive his work in the midft of the years; he enables me to 
preach plainly. Some minifters, I hope, will be quickened, as 
well as people. They attend, and are exceeding civil, as alfo 
the governor. I wrote to you from Rhode IJland\ I fhall call 
there, as I come to you. On Monday^ God willing, I fhall 

fct out to fee Mr. M , and on Monday fortnight hope to 

go to Northampton. All the packets of letters came fafe. 

God blcfs my dear, dear Brother A^ for his great care. 

Friends from £w^/««^/ write ftrange things ; God, I believe, 

calls me thither. Mr. /^ and the M .f, I think, arc 

fadly erroneous in fomc points of docSlrine. When I fee you, 
I will communicate many particulars ; now, I have fcarce 
time to write this. Our dear Lord fweetly fills me with his 
prefence. My heaven is begun indeed. I feaft on the fatted 
ealf. The Lord ftrengthens me mightily in the inner man, 
I find a few fouls left in Sardis that have not defiled their gar- 
ments. Excufe me to Mr. P ; I have not time to anfwer 

his kind letter ! Adieu ; I hope to be with you in about five 

weeks. — I pray for dear Brother T , that he may efpoufe 

more fouls to the Lord Jesus Christ. — My hearty love 
to all. 

Ever yours, 

G. 7K 


L E t^ t E R S. ±0^'"^ 


To Mr. A- , 

My d£C',r Brother y/— Bojlon^ Sept, 23, T740. 

I Thank you for your letter : May the Lord cniible me to 
fend you an anfwer of peace. Sin/efs perfeciion^ I think, is 
unattainable in this life. Shew me a man that could ever 
juftly fay, " I am perfc£l.'* It is enough if we can fay fo^* 
when we bow down our heads and give up the ghoft. In- 
dwelling ftn remains till death, even in the regenerate, as the 
article of the church exprefles it.— There is no man that liveth 
and fmneth not in thought, word, and deed : However, to 
affirm fuch a thing as perfedion, and to ^^ny final perfeverancey 
what an abfurdity is this ? To be incapable of fmning, and 
capable of being finally damned, is a contradiction in terms. 
From fuch dcclrine may I ever turn av/ay ! Labour, dear Mr» 
J. to be holy, even as God is holy ; but do not look for com- 
plete perfedion here below. What is this, but in efFedl to' 
vacate the righteoufnefs of Christ ? I hear many amongft you 
who begun in the fpirit, are now ending in the flefh. Christ 
hath freely juftified them, i, e, entitled them to all his merits, 
and yet they muft do fo and fo to keep themfelves in a juflified 
flate. Alas, this is forry divinity ; I have not fo learned 
Christ. No, his gifts and callings are without repentance. 
Whom he loves, he loves totbeend. Work I will, but not 
to keep myfelf in a juftified ftate. My Lord hath fecurcd 
that ; but I will work to (hew my gratitude for his putting 
me into a juftified ftate. O that all would ftudy the covenant 
of grace. Dear Mr. A. I feci that I love you, and I find my- 
felf carried cut to v.'rite in this manner. My Lord blefles 
me with all fpiritual blcffings \ he caufcs me to rejoice in his 
falvation. I pray him to carry on his work in Londm^ and to 
keep his church from errors; but there muft be a fifting as 
well as a gathering time. It is rheet that fuch offences fhould 
come. All fiiall work together for good to thgfe who are 
called after Govi' s^.purpcfe : They fhall finally be faved. This 

much comforts, dear Brother A , 

Your afFedionatc brother in Christ, 

G. //<■ 

Vol, I. ? LETTER 

210 L E T T «; R S. 


ro H. H. in Wales, 

Bojhn^ Sept, 24, I'J^O, 

AND Is dear Brother H, H. yet alive in body and foul ? 
Bleffed be God, who caufes thofe that wait on him to 
renew their llrcngth. I rejoice in your fuccefs : May you 
mount with wings like eagles, walk arjd not be weary, run 
and not be faint ! You fhall not be taken or hurt, till the 
appointed hour is come. I hope your convcrfation was blefl'ed 
to dear ^4r. IV. O that the Lord may batter down his free- 
will, and compel him to own his fovereignty and everlafting 

love ! Some of i^ Lane fociety, I fear, are running into fad 

errors ; but this happens for our trial, efpecially mine. Thofe 
that before, I fuppofe, v/ould have plucked out their eyes for 
me, now I fufpecl, I fhall fee very fliy, and avoiding mc. 
This is my comfort, the Lord is a never-failing friend ; his 
truth will make its way in fpite of all carnal reafoning. O 
pray for me that I may have the fpirit of judgment and a found 
mind. My coming to England will try my fidelity to my 
Mafter : Nothino- but his ftreno;th can enable me to hear ail 
contradidions with meeknefs, and to preach with love his ever- 
lafting truths. O that all would ftudy the covenant of grace! 
The more I look into it, the more is my foul delighted. 
Dear Brother H. adieu. My dear friend J. S, fits by and 
cordially falutes you. I hope you have received my letters. 1 
expe6l; to hear from you by dear Brother S. God is working 
powerfully in America, He fills me with his prefence,and caufes 
me to go on my way rejoicing. Grace! grace 1 I greet all 
moll afFedionately, and am, dear Brother H, 

Yours eternally, 

G, VA 


To the Rev. Mr. J. W. 
Honoured Sir^ Bojlon, Sept. 25, 1740. 

THIS is fent in anfwer to your letter dated March 25. — 
I think, I have for fome time known what it is to have 
righteoufncf^, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft. Thefe, I. 
5 believe. 


believe, are the privileges of the fons of God : But I cannot 
hy I am free from indwelling fm ; no, I find a law in my 
members warring againfl the law of my mind : This makes 
me to cry out, even now, " Who fhall deliver me from the 
body of this death ?" I thank God, our Lord Jesus Christ 
will. I cannot fee wherein the heterodoxy of the article of our 
church doth confiil, which fays, " That this corrupcion re- 
mains even in the regenerate i" and if that after converfion 
we cannot fin in thought, word or deed, I do not know why 
our Lord taught us to pray to our heavenly Father, " P'or- 
give us our trefpalTes.'* I am forry, honoured Sir, to hear 
by many letters, that you feem to own 2i fuikfs perfeolion \a 
this life attainable. 1 think I cannot anfwer you better, than 
a venerable old minifter in thefe parts anfwered a Q^iaker. 
" Bring me a man that hath really arrived to this, and I will 
pay his expences, let him come from where he will.'* I knov/ 
not what you may think, I do not expert to fay indwelling fin 
is finifhcd and deflroyed in me, till 1 bow down my head and 
give up the ghoft. There muft be fome Amakk'iies left in the 
Jfraelites land, to keep his foul in acSlion, to keep him humble, 
and to drive him continually to JesOs Christ for pardon 
and forgivenefs. I know many abufe this dodrine, and per- 
haps wilfully indulge fin, or do not afpire after holinefs, be- 
caufe no man is perfect in this life. But what of that ? muft I 
therefore aflert do6irines contrary to the gofpel ? God forbid. 
Whether the feventh to the Romans^ is applicable to a con- 
verted perfon (as many very eminent faints have thought) is 
not at all to the purpofe : There are other paflliges of fcrip- 
ture, which plainly (hew that fmlefs perfection is not attainable 
here below. Such as thefc, " There is no m.an that liveth 
and finneth not." *' I" many things we cfFend all." And I 
know no fin except the fin againft the Holy Ghoft, of which 
a child of God may not be guilty, if God fhould withdraw 
his grace. 

Whatever you may think o^ David^ the fcripture fays, " He 
was a man after God's own heart j" yet how did he fall ? 
And if you will not permit Peter to have been converted when 
he denied his Mafter ; what will you fay to St. Patd? Did 
net he fin, do you think, (at leaft were not his pafiicns irre- 

P 2 gular 

2!2 LETTER S. 

gular, antl what is that but fm) when he fpoke to the HifMi 
Prifll, and called him whited wall ? Befidcs, dear Sir, vrhat a 
fond conceit is it to cry u^perferiioji^ and yet cry down the doc- 
trine o{ final per jcver an ce ? But this, and many other abfurdi- 
ties you will run into, becaufe you will not own EleHion : 
And you will not own Elei^^ion, bceaufe you cannot own \t 
without believing the doiSlrine of Rsprobation, What then 
is there in reprobation fo horrid ? I fee no blaf|)hemy in hold- 
ing that dodrine, if rightly explained. If God might have 
pailcd by all, he may pafs by fome. Judge whether it is not 
a greater blafphemy to fay, " Christ died for fouls now in 
hell," Surely, dear Sir, you do not believe there will be a 
general gaol delivery of damned fouls hereafter. O that you 
would ftudy the covenant of grace ! O that you were truly 
convinced of fin, and brought to the foot of fovereign grace ! 
Elifna Cole on Gob's /over eignty, and Veritas Redux, written by 
Do6tor Ediuards, are well worth your reading. But I have 
done J if you think fo meanly of Bunyan, and the Puritan 
writers, I do not wonder that you think me wrong. I find your 
fermon has had its expected fuccefs ; it hath fet the aation a 
difputing ; you will have enough to do now to anfwer 
pamphlets ; two I have already feen. O that you would be 
more cautious in cafting lots ! O that you would not be too 
jafh and precipitant ! If you go on thus, honoured Sir^ how 
can I concur with you ? It is impoffible ; I muft fpeak what 
I know\ — Thus I write out of the fulnefs of my heart : I feel 
niyfelf to be a vile fmner. — I look to Christ ; I mourn be- 
caufe I have pierced him. Honoured Sir^ pray for me. 
'1 he Lord be with your dear foul. About Spring you may 
expeill to fee. 

Ever, ever yours in Christ, 


To Mr. G L . 

My dear Friend and Br other , Bojhn, Sept. 26, 1740. 

I Wrote to you about a month ago from Charks-Tcwn.^-^ 
Since I came here I have received two letters from you. 
May the great God of heaven and earth blefs your dear foul 
for thus aflifling his poor unworthy fcivant : A fen fe of my 


LETTERS. tzij 

ingratitude almoft melts me into a flood of tears. — Indeed I am 
the very chief of fmners.— O the love, the fovereign, diftin- 
guifhing, everlafting love of God my Saviour ! Praife him, 
praife him, dear Mr. L , vv^ith all your foul. — I hope no- 
thing will caufe a divifion between me and McfTrs. J^'' s : 

But I muft fpealc what I know, and confute error vvhcrefo- 
ever I find it. About Spring I hope to come over if the Lord 
will. — Be pleafcd to inform my friends, that lafl Simday was 
fevennight I arrived at Rhodc-ljland^ where I preached and read 
prayers in the church on Monday and Tuefday to very large 
and afFeded auditories. — On JFedncfday I preached at BriJIol^ 
in my way to Bcjhn, — On Tburfday night I got there, and 
on Friday preached, and have preached once or twice every 
day fmce. — Almoft all the minifters, and vaft bodies of people, 
have been continually prefling to hear the word of God, 
fometimes in the fields, and fometimes in the meeting-houfes. 
My health is much reftored by the coolnefs of the air. — I in- 
tend ftaying about a month in thefe parts, then to go to Phi- 
ladelphia by land, from thence to Georgia by water, and I hope 
to embark for England the beginning of the Spring. — You fee 
by this, dear friend, how our Lord works by my unworthy 
hands. Minifters and people, I believe, will be much quick- 
ened. — I hope your dear foul profpers. For Christ's fake 
avoid difputing ; ftudy your heart and the fcriptures ; get nearer 
and nearer to Christ, he will lead you into all truth. My 
moft tender love to all; if opportunity any way ofters, every 

Jetter received fljall be anfwered by, dear dear Mr. L , 

The meaneft of al| your chriftian friends, 


To Mr. I .. 

My dear Brother^ I , Jiojlon^ Sept. 26, 1740. 

I Thank you for your kind letter. It is the firft I have re- 
ceived from you fince I left England. — I blefs God the 
work goes on in TorkJJnre. — May our glorious, fin-forgiving 
Lord blefs you and your fpiritual children more and more ! 
I find, our friends arc got into disputing one with another. — 
O that the God of peace may put a ftop to it ! I wilh many 
piay not be building on a falfe foundation, and reft in a falfe 

P 3 peace. 


peace. They ov^n free juft'if cation^ and yet feem to think, 
that their continuance in a juftified ftate depends on their do- 
ings, and their wills. — This, I think, is eftabliftiing a righte- 
oulners of our own. My dear brother, if we fearch the fcrip- 
tures, we (hall find that the ^oi^ jujiified implies not only 
pardon of fin, but alfo all its confequences. — ." Thus (fays 
Saint Paul) thofe whom he jufiificd, them he alfo glorified ,'* 
fo that if a man was once juftified, he remains fo to all eternity, 
— Here lies the anchor of all my hopes. — Our LoRO having 
once loved me, he will love me to the end. — This fills me 
with joy unfpeakable and full of glory. — I now walk by faith. 
— I work not to keep myfelf in a juftified ftate, (for men or 
devils can never pluck me out of Christ's hands,) but to ex- 
prefs my love and gratitude for what Jesus hath done for my 
foul. This, I think, is what the apoftle calls ^' faith working 
by love." My dear brother, my heart's defire and prayer to 
God is, that we may all think and fpeak the fame things. — 
For, if we iire divided among ourfelves, what an advantage 
will fatan get over us ? Let us love one another, excite all to 
come to Christ without exception, and our Lord will (hew 
us, who are his. The work of God goes on exceedingly in 
America. The Lord is pleafcd to manifeft himfelf unto my 
foul more and more. I am a naughty, ftuhborn child ; but my 
dear Lord will have mercy becaufe he will have mercy. It is 
owing to his diftinguifliing love that I am not hardened. Here 
is, and I believe will be a great quickning in thefe parts. — . 
The cloud feems to be moving. Perhaps in the Spring we 
may meet face to face. With difficulty I get time to write 

this, but I muft anfwer dear Brother / 's letter. — May 

the Lord jEsus.be continually with your fpirit, and make your 
foul brimful of peace and joy in the Holy Ghoft. I love 
you in the bowels of the crucified Lamb. May he unite us 
more and m.ore intimately to his dear felf, and to one another. 
Salute all that love him in fincerity. — Brethren, pray for us.— « 
That you may be kept by God's power to eternal falvation, is 
the prayer of 

Your moft; affe^llonate, though unworthy brother and 
poor weak fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 




To Mr. TV D . 

Dear Brother W , Bojion^ September 28, 1740. 

I Thank you for your klatl letter from OJJk ; I wi(h it was 
written with more life. I fear you are turning almoft 
to a fpirit of bondage: but it is good for you to be fifted, 
to make an experienced minifter of Jesus Christ. I could 
not but fmile, to find you wink at the deceney of my drefs. 
Alas ! my brother, I have known long fmce what it is to ba 
in that ftate you are (in my opinion) about to enter into. 
I myfelf thought once that chriftianity required me to go 
nafty, I neglected myfelf as much as you would have mc, for 
above a twelvemonth : but when God gave me the fpiiic of 
adoption, I then drefled decently^ as you call it, out of prin- 
ciple : and I am more and more convinced, that the Lord 
would have me ad, in that refpe<Sl-, as I do. But I am almoft 
afhamed to mention any fuch thing : rather let us talk and 
write of the love of Jesus ; " Let us ftand faft in the liberty 
wherewith Jesus Christ hath made us free, and not be again 
entangled in a yoke of bondage." God only knov/s whether 
you have done right in leaving the univerfity, or in declining 
to exhort. If you do not preach till you are perfectly free 
from all fin, I believe you v/ill never preach again. I could 
never hear of fuch a minifler or chriilian yet. My dear bro-- 
ther, I fpeak freely to you, becaufe I love you in the bovv^cly 
of Jesus Christ, He fent his difciples to preach before they 
were perfeft ; nay, when they were weak in grace. Fxercifc 
the talents you have, and that is the way to get more. Thu:j 
has God dealt v/ith me for thcfc feven years. " To him tha; 
harh, diall be given.'* Many of our friends talk againft elec- 
tion : a good rcafo-n may be given. I believe they have never 
taken pains .0 fearch into the true {late of the cafe. What if 
fome abuf. that do^Slrme ; is it therefore falfc ? No ; by no 
means. I am periuaded, if any ofour friends would examine: 
their experiences, they would find that Jesus Christ freely 
prevented them by his grace ; that he compelled them to come 
in ; and that it is not ov/ing to themfclves, but to the will 
$nd promife of God, that they are now kept in a ftate of 

P 4. grace. 


grace. But I will fay no more. My dear brother, I love 
you. May the Lord lead you into all truth. Our dear 
Maftcr is doing wonders among us. Praife him luftily, and 

with a good courage. Adieu. Dear J S falutes 

you and the brethren, as does 

Yours affectionately, 

G. rp\ 


To the Rev, Air, Z M -. 

Reverend and dear Brothery Bojlm^ Sept. 28, 1 740. 

I Received — I felt your letter. Surely there is a fympathy 
between fouls that have drank into the fame fpirit. Go3 
willing, I purpofe to come and fee you ; and will endeavour to 
fend you timely notice : but oh do not expe6l too great things 
from me ; for if you do, who knows but my Lord may defert 
me ; and then what am I ? Excufe the brevity of this. So 
many perfons come to me under convi6i:ions, and for advice, 
that I have fcarce tim.e to eat bread. Wonderful things are 
doing here. The word runs like lightning. Dagon daily 
falls before the ark. I know you will, in fpirit, pray that a 
due fcnfc of his own vilencfs may be continually given to 
Your afFcclionatc, though unworthy, 

brother and fervant in our glorious Emmanuel 

G. IV. 


ro Mr, IV , at Br\pi. 

Tiear Brother W — , Bojhn^ Sept, 28, 1740. 

WHAT mean you by difputing in all your letters ? 
May God give you to know yourfelf, and then 
ypu will not plead for ahfolute perfeSilon ; or call the docSlrine 
of cletStion a ^' dodrine of devils." My dear brother, take 
heed ; fee you are in Christ a new creature. Beware of a 
falfe peace ; ftrive to enter in at the ftrait gate j and give 
all diligence to make your calling and elcdion fure. Remem- 
ber you are but a babe in Christ, if fo much. Be humbles 
talk little, think and pray much. Let God teach you, and 
he will lead you into all truth. I love you heartily : I pray 



you may be kept from error, both in principle and pradlice. 
Salute all the brethren. If you muft difpute, ftay till you are 
mafter of your fubjed 5 other wife you will hurt the caufe you 
would defend. Study to adorn the gofpel of our Lord in all 
things ; and forget not to pray for 

Your afFedlionate friend and fervant, 


To Mr, G L . 

My dear Brother L , Bojhn^ OSloher 9, 174O. 

I Write to you again by this fhip, though I have fcarce 
time to write a line. God works by me, I think, more 
than ever. I am quite well in bodily health. Minifters as 
well as people are ftirred up, and the government is exceeding 
civil. In (hort, God is doing greater things than can be 
exprefled. Oh exhort all to pray, and to give thanks for me 
with their whole hearts. The bearer brings the authentic 
copy of my appeal ; I fent you another copy before from Ca^ 
rolina* Be pleafed to keep this I have now lent, till you hear 
of my coming to England: if I come in the Spring, I will 
lodge it myfelf J if not, be pleafed to lodge it for me, and I 

will pay all expences. O dear brother L , what a fcene 

of labours and fufterings lies before me ! My dear Jesus will 
make me more than conqueror over all : he ftrengthens and com- 
forts, he converfes with me by night and by day : he gives me 
all peace and joy in believing. I pray God to keep our dear 

brother 5 and others from a falfe ftillnefs. I am forry to 

hear fuch errors are rifen amongft the brethren. Adieu ; the 
Lord be with your fpirit. I have already colle£led upwards 
of four hundred pounds fterling for the Orphan-houfe. God 
ihews me that America muft be my place for a6lion. Once 
more adieu. Ceafe not to pray for, 

Ever, ever yours, 

G. W. 


2i8 LETTER S. 


To Mr. J //- 

Newhaven^ OSf, 24, 1740. 
My very dear Friend and Brother , 

YOUR letter, juft now brought to me by dear brother 
N ', gave me great comfort. With fear and trem- 
bling, ever fmce the late difputations, have 1 opened letters 
fent from Sa-jannah-, but blefTed be God, our dear Lord is 

with my dear friend H . Bleficd be God, my family 

dwell together in unity. The God of love fill you with all 
peace and joy in believing. I hope a fupply for your then pre^- 
ient wants, came to you foon after you fent your letters : fmce 
that, I have fent from Bofion 100 1. fterling ; next week I 
hope to fend again from New-York^ and before Chrijlmas I 
truft I fhall fee you face to face. Wonderful things God 
does for me. I am enabled to preach and travel better than 
ever. There has been joy in heaven, I believe, over many 
fouls repenting. There are fome hopes of dear, dear brother 

N 's coming with me. Mr. B , one of the young 

minifters of Long JJland^ with his wife, accompanies me alfo ; 
and another fettled chriftian, who holds and experiences the 
truth as it is in Jesus. O that all my family may be thus 
minded ! I fuppofe by this time you know how matters are 

determined for me, if Mr. C is arrived. God keeps me 

in fufpcnfe : fufpenfe did I fay ? BlefTed be his holy name, I 
am quite eafy ; I am perfuaded he will chnfe for me a daugh- 
ter of Abraha?n. I know not but it may be the divine 
will that you fhould abide in Georgia^ whilft I go to England. 
Be refigncd : fee if GoD docs not bring all things about for 
your good : there is but little comfort to be expected in 
England. I find I muft, if I am faithful, oppofe the errors of 
many who, I believe, fear God : O that I may do it with 
meeknefs and wifdom. Methinks I now long to be with you 
all at Savannah. Pray for my fpecdy pafiage. lam glad God 
is fcourging out the children o^ Belial : you have often heard 
me fay God would do fo. Never fear ; a remnant will be 
left, which (hall take root downwards, and bear fruit upwards, 
and yet fill the land. My dear brother, adieu : I am called 



awav. I love you more folidly than ever. Dear J S , 

Mr. F , and P , love you too : we travel very com- 
fortably : thoufands of prayers are continually put up for mc 
and mine. My love to all, without exception. Feed the 
iambs, fludy the purity of their hearts, and thereby rejoice 
the foul of 
Yours moft affectionately and eternally in Christ Jesus, 


To Mr. y l^' . 

Dear and hojioured S:r, Philadelphia, Nov, 9, 1 740. 

I Received your'.^, dated March li, this afternoon. Oh 
that we were of one mind : for I am yet perfuaded you 
greatly err. You have fct a mark you will never arrive at, till 
you come to glory. I think few enjoy fuch continued manifefta- 
tions of God's prefence as I do, and have done, for fome years ; 
but I dare not pretend to faj' I fliall be abfolutely perfct^l:. O, 
dear Sir, many of God's children are grieved at your prin- 
ciples ; O that God may give you a fight of his free, fove- 
reign, and ele6ling love ! But no more of this : why will you 
compel me to write thus ? why will you difpute ? I am wil- 
ling to go with you to prifon, and to death ; but I am not 
willing to oppofe you. My heart is now much affeded : in- 
deed I love and honour you. Dear, dear Sir, ftudy the cove- 
nant of grace, that you may be confident v/ith yourfelf : haflen 
O Lord, the blelTcd time ! I fancy I fnall embark for Eng- 
/i7;2^ about Spring ; but am not yet determined. God fhews 
me his goodnefs plcntcoufly every day. I dwell in Christ, 
and Christ in me : glory be to fovercign grace. I feem to 
have a new body, and the Lord Jesus greatly enriches my 
foul. O I am a poor finner ! but our Lord frequently mani- 
fcfts himielf in fuch a manner, that it throws me into an agony 
which my body is almoft too weak to bear. Honoured Sir, 
adieu. O build up, but do not lead into error, the fouls once 
committed to the charge of 

Your affedionate, unworthy brother and fcrvant, 

in the loving Jesus, 

G. fV. 




To Mr, H H , in Wales. 

PJ/dadelphia^ Nov. 9, 1740. 
My very dear Brother H , 

I Wrote to you from Bojion, Your letter, written near a 
twelve-month ago, came to my hand this afternoon. My 
foul is knit to you: we both fpealc and think the fame things. 
The Lord be with your fpirit. Jesus manifefts forth his 
glory daily in thefe parts. Though I am fuch a vile, worth- 
3efs, ungrateful wretch, yet the Lord fills me out of his di- 
vme fulnefs day by day. His word is like a fire, and a ham- 
mer : lafl week I faw many quite Uruck down. Our Lord 
is working upon little children. America^ ere long, will be 
famous for chriftians. Surely the candleftick will fhortly be 

removed from England. Little did I think, when Mr. E 

y wrote, that I fhould preach in all the chief places 

q{ America : but that is now done ; glory be to rich, free, and 
fovereign grace ! Perhaps about Spring I may embark for my 
native country : the Lord vouchfafe us a happy meeting. O 
WaleSy thou art dear to my foul ! My love to all the brethren. 

Dear brother H ^5 I pray God you may profper, even 

as your foul profpers. Expect another journal fliortly : but 
wait till we come to glory, fully to fee and hear what God 
hath done for 

Your afredionate brother and fervant in Christ, 


Xo hii Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Efqy in Bofton, 

Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 17 40. 

TFIOUGH late, I now fnatch a few moments to fend 
your excellency my acknowledgments for all honours 
received at Bojhn: they are much upon my heart. I pray 
God to reward your excellency a thoufand-fold. 

Great things hath the glorious Emmanuel dont for me 2.rs!i his 
people on the way : the word has been attended with much 
power. Surely our Lord intends to fet America in a fiomc. 



This week Mr. G T purpofcs to let out for Bojion^ 

in order to blow up the divine fire lately kindled there. I 
recommend him to your excellency as a folid, judicious, and 
zealous minifter of the Lord Jesus Christ : he will be ready 
to preach daily : I fuppofe his brethren will readily open their 
doors : may the Lord at the fame time open the people's 
hearts, that they may diligently attend to the things thatfhall 

be fpokcn. Dear Mr. R grows in grace: I left him at 

Brunfivicky full of gratitude for his late journey. I am per- 
fuaded it was of God. I hope he will be inftrumental \i\ 
quickening both miniftcrs and people. He is worthy of your 
excellency's particular regard : under God he may need ir. 
I expe6l he will foon be reviled and perfecuted for his blef- 
fed Mafter's fake : may the Lord enable him to rejoice and 
be exceeding glad. Dear Sir, the welfare of dear BoJIott 
people, efpecially the welfare of your own foul, lies upon me 
night and day. I remember your tears : I remember your ex- 
cellency's words, " Mr. IVh'itefield^ pray that I may hunger 
and thirft after righteoufnefs." O how did thefe words re- 
joice me ! for I thought your excellency wanted a more clear 
view of your own vilenefs, and of the all-fufnciency of Jesus 
Christ \ 1 mean a more clear, experimental view : for what 
is all head-knowledge without that of the heart ? it only fettles 
people more upon their lees. May God give you to fee and 
to follovi^ the fimplicity of the blefled Jesus. Whilft you are 
in the world, may you not be of it : may you be dead to mag- 
nificence, and alive to nothing but what leads you diredly to 
your God. 

HGnourecl Sir^ I make no apology for this freedom : your 
excellency bid me not fpare rulers; no, not the chief of them. 
Indeed I long after your falvation ; O that I could do any 
thing to promote it ! If my prayers, or any thing within my 
power may be inftrumental thereunto, your excellency may 
command, honoured Sir, 

Your Excellency's obliged humble fervant, 

G. rr. 




To Mr. M , at London, 

My dear Brother^ ' Philadilphia^ Nov. lo, 1 740. 

STILL my Lord fliews me greater things. At New 
Tcrk the Holy Cihoft came dov/n liice a mighty rufiiing 
wind. At Bajhcnridge frill a greater awakening among young 
and old. One that received Christ cried out, " He is come ! 
He is come !" ^V. The poor creature was wrapped up in the 
Lord Jesus : and borh there and at New-Tork my foul was 
taken almoft out of the body. At Newark the Lord worked 
wonderfully amongft fome young men ; and here at Philadel- 
phm the word runs very fwiftly. This afternoon, how beau- 
tiful did the Lord appear in his fancStuary I I would cry out, 
*' How amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hofts !'* In 
feveral places, almoft as large as Northampton^ are many faith- 
ful labourers. We all think and fpeak the fame things : O 
that it was fo at London! The Lord enables me to confute 
error wherever I fee it. Pray for me, that I may be made 
faithful lo my Lord and Mailer : he is dearer to me every 
day : he will have mercy, becaufe he will have m^rcy. See 

brother L 's letter. Another journal comes out fhortly. 

My hearty love to all. Stand faft in the faith : quit your- 
felves like men : be ftrong. Above all, give thanks to God ; 

and pray in behalf of, dear Air. M , 

Your moft affectionate brother and fervant, 


To Mr. G L . 

Dear Brother L , Philadelphia^ Nov, 10, 1740. 

I Wrote to you lad v/eek from Nevj-Tork. You may give 
friends this brief account of me : On \:\^ Saturday evening I 
arrived at this place, having preached at Statcn Ijiand^ Newark, 
Bajkenridge^ New Bru7ijwick, and Trenton, in my way hither 
from Ne7v Tor L A wonderful prefence of God was obferv- 
able at Neut-Tork, Bafienridge^ '^i^d Neusrk, I preached here 


LETTER a a23 

twice yeflerdny, and alfo to-day, in a large houfe built by the 
people fince I v/as here laft. It is an hundred feet long, and 
feventy feet wide ; and is intended for a fchool, as well as a 
place for public worfhip. The walls are brick, and the roof 
is now almoft ready to be put up. God hath rernarkably ap- 
peared in the carrying on the building ; and the holy fpirit 
hath fwcetly moved on the hearers fouls every time I preached 
in it. I intend, God willing, to flay here this, and to em- 
bark for Georgia the latter end of next week ; and propofc, 
God willing, to return to England for a (hort time, in the 

The Lord highly favours me ; I am more (ick of myfelf, 
and more in love with Christ daily : he is a dear, dear Maf- 
ter : Oh that all would love him with all their hearts [ Adieu: 
it is late. The Lord be with your fpirit. 

Your affe6tionate friend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. ir. 


To the Rev. Air, D , at New Brunjwick» 

My very dear Brother^ Salem^ Nov, 20, 1740. 

EXCESS of bufinefs, not a want of love, prevented my writ- 
ing to you from Philadelphia. I feel that I love you in the 
bowels of the dearjefus, our ever blefled and glorious Em?rianuel : 
he hath done great things for me fince you left us. Yefterday at 
Cohanfte the fpirit of the Lord moved over the whole congre- 
gation : what reafon have we to be thankful for the great 
things we both fee and hear I IVIy dear brother, indeed I de- 
fire to lie in the duft. O how good is- my Lord to me ! 
thoughts cannot conceive, or words exprefs it ! I long to be 
in glory, that I may praife him as I would. I rejoice to hear 
that the Lord is with you. Shortly, I believe, you will evan- 
gelize. All friends kindly falute you. Adieu. In gretit 
hafte, I am 

Your very affedlionate, though unworthy brother 

and fervant in Christ, 

G. JV. 




To Mr, J H . 

Bohemia^ (Maryland) Nov. 24, 1740. 
My very dear Brother, 

I Rejoice to hear that you are married : I falute your wife 
and my fifter in Christ : may you love one another, as 
Christ and his church. I have lately converfed clofely with 

P B : alas ! we differ widely in many refpe61:s ; 

therefore, to avoid difputation and jealoufies on both fides, it 
is beft to carry on the work of God apart. The divifions 
among the brethren fometimes grieve, but do not furprize me. 
How can it be otherwife, when teachers do not think and 
fpeak the fame things ? God grant we may keep up a cordial 
undiflembled love towards each other, notwithftanding our 
different opinions. O how do I long for heaven ! Surely, 
there will be no divifions, no ftrife there, but who fliall fmg 
with moft afFedion to the Lamb that fitteth upon the throne. 
Dear James, there I hope to meet thee ; for the dear Jesus, 
I believe, hath locked thee faft in his almighty arms. Lean 
thou on his facred bofom night and day ; keep clofe to him, 
and be what I long to be, a little child. Adieu. I am ready 
to weep tears of love. My dear brother, I (liould be glad to 
wafh any of the brethren's feet : indeed I am now willing to 
be the fervant of all. The more the Lord honours me, the 
more I feel my unworthinefs. I am fometimes fick of love, 
and often, often fick of felf. O that God fhould have mercy 
on fuch a fmner 1 Help me, dear James, to praife my Saviour. 
A glorious church is raifing in America, The Lord 
mightily reveals his arm. It would pleafe you to fee his out- 
goings, his {lately fteps in the great congregation. I only 
want fellow-labourers. I look to Jesus for this, and for 
every thing. I defire you to print nothing againft your con- 
fcience : only do not immediately cenfure every thing that 
m^y not feem clear to you : our Lord may guide me, even 
into things which as yet you may not fee into. The day of 
judgment will difcover all. Adieu. 

£ver, ever yours in our blcffed Emmanuel, 

G. rr. 




To the Rev. Mr. J. JV. 

Bohemia [Maryland) Nov, 24, 174O. 
Dear and Hon. Sir, 

LAST night brother G— — brought me your two kind 
letters. O that there may be harmony, and very inti- 
mate union between us ! Yet it cannot be, fmce you hold 
univerfal Redemption. But no more of this. Perhaps, iu 
Springs we may fee each other face to face. This evening, 
God willing, I propofe to embark for Georgia, Wonderful 
things our Lord brings to pafs, in thefe parts, every day. 
Here is a clofe oppofition from fome of the Prejlyterian Clergv, 
The feed of the ferpent is the fame in all, of whatever com- 
munion. I expedi: much more oppofition every hour. The 
devil rages in London. He begins now to triumph indeed. 
The children of God are difunited among themfelves. The 
king of the church fhall yet over-rule" all things for good. My 
dear brother, for Christ's fake avoid all difputation. Do 
not oblige me to preach againlt you ; I had rather die. Be 

gentle towards the . They will get great advantage over 

you, if they difcover any irregular warmth in your temper. I 
cannot for my foul unite with the Moravian Brethren, Ho- 
mured Sir, Adieu ! 

Yours eternally in Christ Jesus, 

G. IF. 


Saint George's (Penfylvania) Nov. 24, i 740, 
Dear Brother T , 

GOD has revived his own work in Philadelphia. His 
glory. filled the great houfe. The aflairs belonging 
thereto, I believe, are well fettled. We have had precious 
times at Cohanft, Salem, Fogs-mannor, Nottingham, Whiteclay^ 

Creek and Bohemia. Brother G is come from Engla?jd 

very opportunely. Brother S comes about Chrijhnas. 

The brethren I think do grow, though fadly divided. But our 
Lord will order all for good. — Upon feveral accounts, I 
Vol. L C^ think 

5 - 

'226 LETTERS. 

think it beft to embark for England as foon as poflible in the 
Spring. O pray for me, that I may not by any means grieve 
the children of God. 1 hope the weather is warm enough 
for you. I truft our Lord has warmed and filled your dear 
foul. Your brother Charles is with me. My dear fellow tra- 
vellers falute you and our dear brother R . My love to 

all that love the Lord Jesus. The war goes on bravely be- 
tween Michael and the Dragon, Our dear Lord (O conde- 
fcending love !) is wonderous kind to your poor, weak, unwor- 
thy brother and fervant in Christ, 

G, TF. 


Dear Mr, F , Reedy-IJIand^ Nov. 26, 17 40. 

I Thank you for your letter. — You may print my life, as 
you defire. God willing, I (hall correct my two volumes 
of fermons, and fend them the very firft opportunity. — Pray 
write to me by every fhip, that goes fhortly to Charles- 


I fhall embark for England^ God willing, about February, — 
I defire 1 may hear from you there alfo, as often as poflible. 
I have prefaced Jenks, and Prefumptuous fmners dete^ed. Mr. 
Bradford has the laft, becaufe he faid he was to print it. You 
may have it of him. — The Ornaments of the daughter of Sion^ 
you may have hereafter. Dear Sir, Adieu. I do not defpair 
of your feeing the reafonablenefs of chriftianity. Apply to 
God ; be willing to do the divine will, and you fhall know 

it. I have heard from Mr. S ; all is well. To-day fe- 

veral friends have taken leave of me at this place, waiting for 
a fair wind in order to embark for Georgia, I think I have 
been on fhore 73 days, and have been enabled to travel up- 
wards of 800 miles, and to preach 170 times, befides very 
freouent exhortations at private houfes. I have colle6led, in 
goods and money, upwards of 700/. fterling, for the Orphan- 
houfe ; blefled be God ! Great and vifible are the fruits of 
my late, as well as former feeble labours, and people in gene- 
ral feem more eager after the word than ever. O the love of 
God to 

Your unworthy friend, 

G. TF. 




To Mr, N. in New-Tor L 
My very dear Brother^ Charles-Town^ Dec. 10, 1740. 

IN eight days, the Lord brought us hither. We arrived 
laft night, when the Redeemer vouchfafed fo to fill me with 
his divine confolations, that I could fcarce fleep. I have been 
preaching this morning on the fire that happened of late from 
thefe words, Ifa. i. 9. " Except the Lojid of Hosts had left 
unto us avery fmall remnant, we ihould have been as 5(?- 
dam^ and we fhould have been like unto Gomorrah^ I am 
now determined to fee England as foon as poffible. I have had 
much of God's prefence in our paflage hither from FhtladeU 
phia^ and have many precious letters to fend you. O follow 
me with your prayers. I leave Chatles-Town, God willing, 
to-night, in order to haften to their relief, and fhall go in the 
fame floop which brought me here, to my beloved Georgia4 
As foon as poffible, I will fend you a long letter. In the mean 

while, accept of my love from, dear Mr. N , 

Your very afFe6tionate friend and brother 

and fervant in Christ, 


To Mr. G C . 

On board the Savannah for Georgia.^ Dec, II, 1740. 
Dear Brother C , 

YOUR late letters, efpecially that which you fent me by 
way of Charles-Town^ made me fmile. — I was glad to 
find that you had not fo far thrown off all outward things, as 
to refolve not to write to any one ; and I thought I knew the 
frame of your heart, as though I was within you. My dear, 

dear George C , I love you tenderly in the bowels of Jesus 

Christ, and therefore would not have you be deceived. 
Alas, why do you pervert this text of fcripture, " Be ftill, 
and know that I am the Lord," as if it was defigned to keep 
a chriftian from driving, or meant z-Jlillnefs of body ^ or waiting 
upon God only in filencc ? The expreffion is taken out of 
the 46th Pfalm, where God's fury againft the heathen is 

Q^ 2 defcribed. 


defcrlbed In the moft lively colours ; and then left his people 
fhould complain of the feverity of his difpenfations, God com- 
mands them to bey?///, " not to murmur or repine, knowing 
that he was the Lord, and might do what feemed him good." 
Thus Tate and Brady in their tranflations explain it, and this 
is the true and genuine meaning of that fentence. It hath no 
reference to ftillnefs in prayer, or ftillnefs of body. Dear bro- 
ther, I fpeak to you plainly, becaufe I love you. I think I 
know what it is to wait upon the Lord in filence, and to 
feel the fpirit of God making intercefnon for me with groan- 
idgs which cannot be uttered. Often have I been at fuch 
times filled as it were with the fulnefs of God, and I do now 
daily carry on a communion with the moft high God and the 
erer-bleded Jesus. But all this I fear is contrary to xh^ falfe 
Jtillnejs^ you and fome others feem to have fallen into. I was 
juft in the fam.e cafe fome years ago at Oxford^ when I de- 
clined writing, reading, and fuch like exercifes, becaufe I 
would h^Jilll. The Lord convinced me ; I pray he may alfo 
convince you of this delufion. Dear George^ 'confider how 
contrary your maxim is to our Saviour's. You fay, " Beftill'* 
He fays, " Strive.'' As in an agony, " Strive that you may 
enter in at the ftrait gate." Indeed, my dear man, I pity 
you, knowing you have but a weak judgment, though a well- 
meaning heart. You once thought that you was born again ; 
then, you found it was only an elapfc of the Holy Ghoft. You 
ufed to fay, you wiflied you could believe from experience in 
the do6trine of election ; now, you find as yet no evidence 
within yourfelf that you are a real chriftian. You take too 
much refuge, I fear, in the dodlrine of unwerfal redemption. 
It is the fineft doclrine in the world to caufe a foul to be 
falfely itill, and to fay Peacc^ Peace^ when there is no peace. 
You fecm to infift upon finlefs perfection, and to think a man 
hath no real falvation till he literally cannot commit fin. PVom 
whofe experience do you write this ? Not from your own^ dear 
George ; for I much queftion, if ever your heart was truly 
broken cw had a faving clofure with Christ. You feem to 
mention Peter Bochler as an inftance ; but alas, though he has 
been wafhed in the blood of the Lamb, fo as to be juftified from 
all his fin-s, yet like me his feet want waftiing ftill, and will, 




tHl he bows down his head and gives up the ghoft. I have 
converfed with him intimately. Take heed, brother, of having 
any thing too much in admiration, or of thinking you muft ne- 
cefHirily find Christ at fuch and fuch a place. You have 

been at M . I believe you have feen many dear children 

of God ; but have you returned home with Christ in your 
heart ? Your letters do not fpcak much improvement in the 
fchool of Christ. If God loves you, he will let you fee 
the vanity of your prefent imaginations, and bring you to fee 
that fiilvation is not of him that willeth, or of him that run^ 
neth, but of God that ilieweth mercy. Dear George^ be not 
given to change ; be not too food of new things. *' To the law 
and to the teftimony," and fee what Christ and his apoftles 
have fpoken. I fpeak this out of love, and not in reference 
to myfeif. If God blefies another miniftry to your foul, I 
rejoice, yea and will rejoice. But if I fee you fall into errors, 
do not be angry if I tell you the truth. If you are, I will not- 
withftanding love and pray for you. That errors are crept in 
among you, I think is too plain: but I fufpend my judg- 
ment till the Spring, when, God willing, I hope to be in 
London. In the mean while pray for me, that I may with 
joy bear to be deferted by thofe, who once were blefled and 
av^^akened by my miniftry, and to whom I am a fpiritual fa- 
ther, though they may have many inftru6lors. Dear GeorgCy 
may the Lord be with you. He only knows how dear you 
are to my heart. It is near midnight ; but it was much upon 
my heart to write you this letter. That God may fandify 
it to your edification and comfort, is the hearty prayer of 
Your affedlionate friend, brother 

and fervant in Christ, 

G, IF. 




To the Rev. Mr. C— -^. ''^"^r 

Good-Hope {South-Carolina) Jan. i. 1 741. 

Rev, and dear Sir, 

am now going to Charles-Town^ in order to embark for 

England y the cloud of God's providence feems to be 

Q, 3 moving 


moving that way ; I have enjoyed much of the divine prefencd 
fmce I left Bofton^ and have had a comfortable Chriftmas with 
my dear family at Georgia. At my return, I found my Orphan- 
houfhold removed from ^^y^w?^^/' \.oBcihefda^2i,x\^ great improve- 
ments made during the time of my abfence. The great houfe 
will be finifhed, God willing, fo as to be habitable, in about 
two months. It would have been finifhed fo far by this time, 
if the Spaniards had not taken a fchooner loaded with bricks 
and other provifions to a confiderable value ; but God about 
the fame time flirred up the heart of a planter in South-C*iroli- 
na^ lately brought home at the orphan-houfe to God, to fend 
my family fome rice and beef. At other times, when they have 
wanted food, the Indians have brought plenty of venifon. God, 
every day, more and more convinces us that this work is of 
him. His power has been made known, efpecially among 
the young ones. I blefs God, I have fettled my family to my 
great fatisfa6tion, and verily believe I fliall live to fee great 
things come from the Orphan-houfe. God works upon the 
hearts of the labourers. One woman hath had a glorious dif- 
covery of Christ made to her heart : laft week, two or three 
men where brought into heart-diftrefs, and another young 
man that came to fee us, was made fo fick of fin, as to feel 
the want of, and to enquire after the great and all-powerful 
phyfician of fouls. My family, I think, confifls now of 89 
perfons. Next year my expences will be contracted much 5 
but at prefent, I am in debt about 500/. flerling. However, 
I know in whom I have believed. One who is able to pay it. 
My public accounts will be publifhed as foon as I arrive at 
London^ with a profpeCl of the Orphan-houfe, and other little 
houfes and gardens annexed unto it. I am now at the houfe 
of one Mr. Jonathan B — •, who, I trufl, with his brother Mr, 

H B , and another young man, lately a player in 

New-York^ are fettled by a living faith in Jesus Christ. 

The latter, I intend for the miniflry. Mr. H B 's 

wife died not long fmce, rejoicing in God her Saviour. Se- 
veral others alfo in thefe parts are grown in grace, and Mr. 

C 's miniftry hath been much blefTed. — Satan hath been 

fowing tares in old England. Oh that Bojion miniflers and 



people may pray for me ! Indeed, I love them in the bowels 
of the blefled Jesus. Vale f longum eifi fpero non in aternum^ 
•vale. That Christ's kingdom may flourifh in your heart, 
and that you may greatly promote it in the fouls of others, is 
the hearty prayer of. Reverend and dear Sir, 

Your afFedionate unworthy fellow-fervant, 

in our common Lord, 

G, TV. 


To the Rev. Mr, C . 

Dear and Reverend Sir, Charles-Town, Jan, 12, 1 741. 

LA S T iS^/wr^^;/ I was taken up for being concerned in 
corrc£ting the inclofed printed letter, written by Mr. H — 

B n, whofe converfion you have an account of in the 

olher letter fent herewith. I think it may be for God's glory 
to have them all printed in Bojlon. I am bound over to appear 

next feflions, as well as Mr. B . He, I believe, fof //'- 

belling the king, and I for libelling the clergy, in faying they break 
the Canons daily. I think, dear Sir, thefe are earnefts of what 
I muft expe6t to meet with in my native country. Oppofition, 
as yet, feems to be only like a cloud rifmg out of the fea, no 
bigger than a man's hand. Perhaps it will gather to a great 
body, and break upon the church of God. Our Lord will 
be our refuge in every ftorm. He is much with my foul, and 
fills me abundantly, 1 could almoft fay fuperabundantly, with 
his prefence. We have feen precious times. One perfon had 
a glorious difcovery of Christ about two days ago. I ex- 
peft my family will be like the burning bufh. I find I am in 
debt for them upwards of fix hundred pounds : but the Lord 
will provide. — My moft tender love awaits all that love him. 
I am to appear at the feflions by an attorney. Dear Sir, re- 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G, W, 

0^4 X.ETTER 



To the Rev. Mr. C , at Rhode IJJand. 

Reverend and Dear Sir ^ Charles-Toivn^ Jan. i6, 1 74 1. 

1 Snatch a few moments to write you a line before I embark 
for England. BlefTed be God, you are near your defirecl 
haven. Yet a little while, and you fhall fafely arrive in Jbra- 
harns bofom. / />r^, fequar^ efh non paffihus equis. — Great 
things God is doing daily. The kingdom of heaven (I hope) 
Js at hand. I am bound over to appear at the feffions here, 
by my attorney, for libelling the clergy, becaufe I corre6^ed 
the letter inclofed. A fcene of fuffering lies before me, but 
wherefore fnould I fear ? Our Lord ftrenghthens me mightily 
jn the inner man. We have had much of his prefence in our 
ailemblles. But I muft have done. Dear and Reverend Sir, 
adieu. I fcarce exped to fee you again in the flefli ; but this 
is my comfort, I fhall fee and rejoice with you above. There, 
J will fit and tell you what God hath done for 

Your unworthy brother and fervant in Christ Jesus, 


To the Rev. Mr. Cl^^^i^; in '^Jion. 
Reverend and dear Sir^ Charles-Town^ Jan, 16, 174 1. 

THOUGH I have packed up two letters for you already, 
yet I cannot refrain from fending you a third. Juft 
now I was favoured with yours dated laft December i. Indeed, 
it gave me much comfort, and endeared the writer of it to me 
more and more. Sir, why am 1 thus highly favoured ! I now 
wifh to fmk exceeding low, and cry out, Grace, grace ! O 
the love of God ! The fovereignty of Christ ! The un- 
changeable loving-kindnefs of our heavenly Father ! Excufe 

n;e, dear Mr. C ; my heart is full. I want for all men 

to love the Lord Jesus. It greatly rejoices me, to hear fo 
many are coming to him. He is a loving tender mafter. He . 
attends to my minutcft wants, and furprizingly helps me in 

every emergency. I thank dear Mr. C , for the kind token 

^f his love. Good meafure prefTed down and running over, may 



God return into your bofom ! You will be pleafed to correct 
the prefs. I am tilled with comfort to hear of the condu(S of 
the dear governor, &c. I cannot but think our Lord will let 
his word run, and be abundantly glorified in America. Bojion 
people are much upon my heart. The memory of their forefa- 
thers is precious to my foul. May you live to fee the fpirit of 
fcriptural Puritanijm univerfally prevail ! I hope you will write 
every opportunity. If I am in prifon, it will make me arife 
at midnight to fing praifes to God, to hear thTit Bo/ion people 
are alive to Christ. At prefent, my heart is full of peace 
and joy. We have had Iblemn meetings. I am much 
ftrengthened on every fide ; but 1 rauft not fay more. Time 

is fhort. Dear Mr. C , adieu. May the Lord be with 

you and yours, I could now drop a tear of love. — My love 
to all, 

I am yours &c. 


To Mr. W D , at Bojlon. 

On hoard the Minerva^ for England^ Jan. jy, 1741. 
Dear Sir, 

MR. P hath juft brought me your kind letter. Blef- 
fed be God, that his word runs and is glorified in Bof- 
ton. Surely, dear Sir, I fhall never forget that people ; in- 
deed, they are very near and dear unto my foul. May thofe 
of your own houfehold, in particular, be not only convi(Sled 
but converted ; may the dear Jesus fill you with all peace and 
joy in believing, &nd enable you to pray for, dear Sir, 

Yours in the blefled Jesus, 
G. W. 

P. S. Excufe great hafte ; our fhip is jufl under fail. My 
dear companions kindly falute you and yours. 





To Mr. lV?n, G . 

On hoard the Minerva^ Feb. 8, 1741. in latitude 35, 24 N. 
My dear brother^ 

SEE how foon I write to you, and from thence Infer how 
I love you. Whether it proceeds from the pride and 
naughtinefs of my heart, I cannot tell ; but, I frankly confefs, 
I love to fee perfons humble, kind, and courteous to thofe, 
whom God hath made their fpiritual fathers. I believe it is 
well pleafing to God, and very amiable in the fight of all 
good men. Your chriftian grateful behaviour to me in this 
refpe61:, hath much endeared you to me. God only knows 
how I love you. I bear you upon my heart, and often fe- 
cretly figh out before the Lord, — '' O let my dear brother 

G live before thee." This is the defire of my foul for you. 

I cannot wifh you a better thing. Yet a little while, and we 
fhall be together again. But, before that time, I expe£l to 
fufFer great things. The Lord is able to deliver me out of 
all. I have juft now experienced his divine afliftance in com- 
pofing a fermon. This is the Jjxth which he has enabled me 
to finifti, fmce I have been on board. O my dear brother, 
Jove a precious Christ, and fhew it by adorning his gofpel 
in all things. He has hi-hly favoured you, indeed he hath. 
U you and I are not eminently holy, if you and I think 
any thing too much to be done for the Lord, we are of all 
men the moft ungrateful. O the love of Christ ! I feel it, 
I feel it. God now (heds it abroad in my heart. May it 
abundantly alfo be flied on you by the Holy Ghoft. Write 
to me if in prifon, my friends will bring it to me there. God 
will hear me for you even in a dungeon. Methinks I 
fee you weep ; but weep not for me, unlefs it be before the 
Lord, and then I care not how foon you retire, and pour 

out your prayers in behalf of, dear Mr. G , 

Your affedionate friend, brother and fervant, 

G. rr. 


Dear Mrs. L- 



To Mrs, L , at Charles-Town, 

On board the Minerva^ Feb. ii, 1741. 

YO U was upon the mount when I left Charles-Town ; I 
hope you have not thrown yourfelf down. Keep clofe 
to Christ, and caft not off your firft love. Remember what 
God has done for your foul. Forget not the glorious difco- 
very Jesus Christ has made of himfclf to your heart ; and 
though a cloud fhould overfhadow you, let not Satan make 

you doubt of your being a child of God. O Mrs. L , 

how holy ought you to be in all manner of converfation and 
godlinefs ! Why are you- taken ? Why are you in the arms of 
everlafting love ? Methinks I hear you cry out, Grace ! grace ! 
And well you may ; for indeed you are faved by grace. 
The free grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you 
now and for ever more. Blefled be God, I experience much 
of it in the (hip. I hope divine grace moves me to fend you 
this fmall letter. If God blefles it to your foul, put up a 
ihort prayer for 

Your afFe<Slionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. W. 


To Mrs. IV , at James-IJland. 

Dear Madam^ On board the Minerva^ Feb, 11, 1 741. 

MY heart's defire and prayer to God is, that you may be 
faved. I hope you will find, it is not impoffible for you 
to be born again when you are old. God forbid. Though 
at the eleventh hour, I truft our Lord will meet you, and 
caufe you, whenever you depart, with good old Simeon, to de- 
part in peace. I heartily thank you, madam, for all favours 
conferred on me and mine. We have not forgotten you on 
board. I do not forget to mention you in my fecret prayers. 
May God reveal his dear Son in your foul, and fill you with 
all peace and joy in believing ! O what a ftafF will this be to 
you in your old age ! How pleafantly then will you walk by 
your vault, and fay, " There (liall I lay my weary bones ere 


2^6 LETTER S. 

long." I hope you do not ftarde at the thoughts of death. 
Believe in Christ. Get a faving intereft in his blood, and 
then you may cry out, " O death, where is thy fting ! O 
grave, where is thy vidory ?" Blefled be God, the prorpe6l of 
death is pleafing to my foul. I would not live here always : 
I want to be gone. That you and I, whenever our appointed 
time is come, may live with Christ, is the earneft prayer of, 

Your obliged friend and fervant in Christ, 

G, Jf\ 


Dear Mrs. T. On board the Minerva^ Feb, I2, 1 74 1. 

MUST I pray for you in the language of Martha and 
Mary^ faying, " Lord, fhe whom thou loveft is 
fick !" Or hath he who touched Peter'' s v/ife's mother, rebuked 
the illnefs that was coming upon you, when I faw you lafl, 
and caufed it to leave you ? But, however the Lord has dealt 
with you, I hope he hath been glorified in and by you. I 
heard he had by his word and fpirit fpoken to your foul, and 
given you fatisfadlion, that he had loved you with an ever- 
lafting love. I rejoice in it from my foul. The Lord in- 
creafe your comforts daily, and fhew you all his glory. Dear 
Mrs. T- ' — , think often of your departed f^fter. Follow her 
as file did Christ ; and then Ihortly, where fhe is you fhall 
be alfo. O the happinefs flie now enjoys ! It is too dazzling 
for mortal eyes, 1 want to leap my feventy years, and fly away 
to God. Well, it will not be long. Dear Mrs. T — -, let 
us patiently tarry till our change come. Our Lord wili 
carry us fafe through time, and waft us triumphantly into 
eternity. The love of Christ conftrained me to write thefe 
lines j accept them for his fake, from 

Your afFedionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G, W. 




To Mr. H , at Port- Royal, South-Carolina. 

Dear Mr. H. On board the A^inerva^ Feb. 16. 174!'; 

THE love of Christ conftrains me to write yo\x 2l line, 
though as yet no further than the weftern iflands. I 
truft the Lord hath called you by name, and enabled you to 
fay " Speak Lord, for thy fervant heareth." Who knows but 
he may call you yet further, even to minifter before him ? 
Whether it be fo or not, make it your daily ftudy to prepare 
your heart to ferve the Lord in any ftation. To be a door- 
keeper in the houfe of God, is a glorious poft. Surely, you 
and I may fing of mercy and elefting love. How often have 
we a6led a part for the devil ? The remembrance of it is grie- 
vous unto me. Let us both now labour daily to ad! a part for 
God. He heaps kindnefles on me every hour. We have 
hitherto had a wonderful pleafant paflage. I hope it is in 
fome meafure owing to your prayers. Let this encourage you 
to pray again. Our God is a God hearing prayer. I write 
now, left excefs of bufmefs fhould prevent my writing in Eng- 
land. The Lord is girding me for the battle, and ftrength- 
ening me mightily in the inner man. '' O give thanks unto 
the Lord of all Lords, becaufe his mercy endureth for ever.'* 
You will not fail writing to 

"Your affe6lionate friend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. TV. 


To the Reverend Mr. C , in Charles-Toivn. 

My dear Brother^ On board the Minerva^ Feb. 17, 1741, 

THE Lord hath been with me, and is now with me in 
an efpecial manner. I have been enabled to prepare 
nine difcourfes for the prefs. My body waxes ftronger, and 
laft night the great God in a glorious manner filled and over- 
ihadowed my foul. I am panting after the complcat holinefs 
of Jesus my Lord. I have various fcencs of adion lying be- 
fore me, and am waiting upon the Lord my God for direc- 
tion. He afTures mc that he will be with me. He faith unto 
me, " Fear not, fpeak out, no one ihail fet upon thee to hurt 
3 th:e." 


thee." Dear Mr. C , God's goodnefs quite furprizes 

me. T cannot exprefs myfelf better, than in a ftanza or two 
of Erjkine in his Paraphrafe upon SolotnorCs fong. 


JVhat wonders Lord doji thou perform ^ 

That Jioopeji thus fo low^ 
To put thy beauty on a ivortriy 

And then cotnmend it fo. 
JVhiit^ dofl thou prafe a native black F 

I blujh to find it true ; 
O lend me words to render back 

The praife to whom 'tis due. 

I hope my love will find acceptance with all your flock 
who know me, and who love the Lord Jesus in fincerity. I 
have often comforted myfelf and companions with this faying^ 

*' Now Mr. C and our other friends are praying for 

us." At the receipt of this, turn your prayers into praifes, 
and then turn your praifes again into prayers, in behalf of, 

dear Mr. C , 

Your afFedlionate brother and fellow-labourer 

in Christ Jesus, 


To Mr. H. B. 
. On board the Minerva^ Feb, i6, 1 74 1. 
My dear brother in Chrtst, 

BEFORE this is brought to your hands, I fuppofe you 
will have been arraigned befor? the Chief Juftice. I an-j 
perfuaded our Lord will plead on your behalf, and ftrengthen 
you with his mighty power in the inner man. The greater 
progrefs you make in the divine life, the more you will difco- 
ver of the enmity that is in the feed of the ferpent. It bruifed 
our mafter's heel ; it will alfo bruife ours. Here is our com- 
fort, God who cannot lie, hath told us, that "- we fhall bruife 
his head." In the ftrength of this promife, I can give men 
and devils the challenge. Whole legions are ready to befct 
4 me^ 


me. By the help of my God, I fhall triumph over all, — I 
hope we (hall grow in grace before we meet again. You and 
I have weak crazy tabernacles ; I hope you rejoice in the prof- 
pe£t of putting them oflf Ihortly ; blefled be God, I do. — 
Dear Sir, get acquainted more and more with electing love; 
ftudy the covenant of redemption, and fee how God loved 
you with an everlafting love. This will caufe you to glory 
only in the Lord, and to pafs through the valley of the fha- 
dow of death, with a full affu ranee of faith; knowing that 
Christ hath engaged to lodge you fafe in eternal glory. 
Thither your dear wife is gone before us ; I often think of, 
I could almoft fay envy her ; but perhaps that is wrong. Yet 
a little while, and our precious Lord fhall take both you, 

Your afFedionate friend, brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 
G. W. 


To Mr, B , at Port-Royal, 

Dear Mr, B, On hoard the Minerva^ Feb, 16. 1741. 

I Hope you will never forget that day, hour, or moment, 
wherein God met you at Savannah, If you have in fome 
meafure, do fo no more. " Awake thou that fleepeft, and 
Christ (hall give thee light." Love not the world, neither 
the things that are in the world. No man can ferve two 
mafters. Ufe the world, but lat it be as though you ufed it not. 
The faftiion of this world will foon, very foon, fade away. Dear 

Mr. B , I am perfuaded, will not be ofFended at this plain 

dealing. He knows I love him. God knows it alfo. With 
much afFedion, I fubfcribe myfelf 

Your friend and fervant, 

G, JV. 


To Mrs, B, 

Dear Mrs, B, On board the Minerva, Feb, 1 6, 1741. 

WHEN you read that Jesus loved Lazarus, Mary, and 
their fifter Martha, do you not make a particular ap- 


plication to your own family ? I think our Lord has been 
equally kind to your houfhold. Walk as becometh members 
of the houfhold of faith. I hope you have had full fatisfadion 
about your ftatc, and know afTuredly that Christ is your 
Saviour. If not, be not difcouraged j go on ; the way of duty, 
is the way of fafety. By-and-by your foul fliall magnify the 
Lord, and your fpirit rejoice in God your Saviour. This is 

the hearty dcfirc of, dear Mrs. B , 

Your afFeclionate friend and fervant in ChrisV, 

G. rK 


To Mr. 7— B.^-^^ 
■ Dear Mr, B ^, On beard the Minerva^ Feb. i6. 1741. 

YOUR name, 'Jonathan^ puts me in mind of a good old 
teftament worthy. Follow him in his faith, and dare 
to fcale the wall of the BhUtftincs, Be not afraid, though al- 
ready bound over as a libeller -^ ihortly you fhall fhine in the 
kingdom of your Father ; I fay, your Father \ for God is your 
God, and will be your guide and guard unto death. Does 
not this aflonifh you ? Do not you feel your heart melt ? Are 
you not ready to cry out, " Why me. Lord V The oftener 
you repeat fuch language the better. I love to fee a foul lie in 
the duft under a fenfe of electing love ; you and yours have 
been highly favoured.' May God give you all grace to walk 
worthy of the holy vocation wherewith you are called, I write 
this out of the fulnefs of my heart. Though not prefent, 
yet I fain would converfe with you. O that I may fee you 
grown in grace ! Remember me to your wife. The Lord 
be with you both : He hath been, he. is now with me. You 
are often upon my heart. .God reward you for your kind- 
nefs to the Orphans. Do not flack your hands towards them. 
Qur bountiful malkr will richly reward you. Go on ftea- 
dily in the ufe of, but do not trufi in ordinances. You know 
Vv'hat I mean, ik fteady and bold, yet meek and catholic in 
your converfatlon and pradice ; and if GoD*hath influenced 
you by my miniflry, give him the glory, and for Christ's 
fake pray for 

Your affcclionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. W, 



To Mr. B , in Charks-Town, 

Dear Mr. B. On hoard the Minerva^ Feb. 16, 1 741. 

I Think of you often, indeed I do. I long to hear that com- 
plete falvation is come to your foul. I fay complete fal- 
vation, for my dear friend knows that reformation is not con- 
verfion. O that you may experience a life hid with Christ 
in God ! Some who feemingly put their hands to the plough, 
have already fliamefully looked back ; will Mr. B. alfo go 
away P Adcthinks I hear him fay, " Whether fhall I go ? 
Jesus Christ alone hath the words of eternal life." True, 
Jesus alone is the way, the truth and the life ; flee, flee to him, 
my dear friend j with arms he ftands ready to embrace, and will 
fave you to the uttermoft. Remember, my friend, the vows 
of the Lord are upon you. Thefe hands reached out to you 
the facred fymbols of his precious body and blood. Thefe 
eyes faw you eat and drink of his bread and his wine. O do 
not betray, but manfully ftand up for the Lord Jesus. You 
was once bold for fatan, be now bold for your Christ. His 
love excites me to Vv^rite to, and pray for you. Your wife alfo 
I intreat the Lord to blefs, together with your children. My 
friends join me in hearty wifhes for your welfare^ I am, dear 

Mr. B , 

Your affe6lionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. JK 

To the Rev. Mr. D , at Edinburgh. 

On board the Minerva^ Feb. 16, 1 74?. 
Reverend and dear Sir^ 

IF I miftakenot, Mr. M. informed me, that you was entered 
into the miniftry ; I pray God to enable you to make full 
proof of it. O dear Sir, how holy ought we to be, who are 
called to ftand before the Lord. — When I confider the great- 
nefs of the ofHce and my own unworthinefs, I am fometimes 
quite abafhed. This promife, *' Lo I am with you always," 
is, my daily fupport. Bleffcd be God, I find it fulfilled in my 
Vol. L R foul. 



foul. A great work is begun in America^ at Georgia., South- 
CarcUna, New-York^ Philadelphia^ and IsUw- England. God 
lias confirmed the word by fpirltual miracles and figns. You 

will fee what I have wrote to dear Mr. T . Your afliftance 

in refpecSl to the Orphan-houfe will be very acceptable. I am 
feveral hundreds of pounds in debt on that account. The 
God whom I ferve is able to difchargc it. You have heard of 
the liberality of the New-Eriglaytd people ; dear Mr. D 
God's goodncfs aftoniflies me. What ! can I think any thing 
too much to do, or to fuftcr for fo dear a Maftcr ? I was lately 
bound over at Charles-Town in South-Carolinay for libelling the 
clergy. I'he libel, falfely fo called, I fhall foon fend you after 
my arrival. Thus oppofition is coming on gradually : pray 
that the Lord may cover mc with all his armour. I am a weak 
defencelefs creature in myfelf; Jesus alone is my ftrength 
and my Redeemer. I wiite this on board, that you may 
know, you are not forgotten j no, tho' I never faw you in the 
flefh, you are much beloved by, dear Sir, 

Your affeclionate brother and fellow-labourer 
in our dear Lord's vineyard, 
G. JV. 


V To the Rev, Mr. T , at EdiJIo. 

On board the Aluurva^ Feb, 17, 1 741. 
Dear Mr. T. 

PROVIDENCE prevented my coming to fee you at 
Edijio^ — however, I muft not omit writing to you now. 
How is it with your heart ? I hope you are not nimis uxorius ; 
lake heed, my dear B — , take heed. Time is (hort. It remains 
that thofe wiio have wives, be as tho' they had none. Let 
nothing intercept, or interrupt your communion with the 
bridegroom of the church. Lhope you do not feel fuch damps 
of foul, as you u fed to complain of. May the Lord of glory 
difpel every black cloud, and caufe you continually to rejoice 
in his falvution. You have ftrong paflion?. The Lord Jesus 
is ftronger : In his (trength nuy ygu fubdu^ {hem, till you arc 


J. E T T E R S. .45 

Ricek ns a Iamb, and arc become a very little chilJ. 1 write 
tluiF, bccaufc I pray for you mofl: heartily. — Deal with mc ia 
the Tame manner ; and now, dear brother, farcvvcl. The Lord 
be with you. He is pleafed to refrcfh my foul, and give me 
the profpetft of a (hort palTage. I commend myfclf and affairs 
to the prayers of your flock, and 1 earncftly recommend you 
to the God of all grace. That he may blefs you and give you 
an inheritance amohg all them that are fandilicd, is the ear-» 
reft prayer of, dear Mr. 7'.—-, 

Your afreclionate brother and fi:llow-labourcr in the Lord, 

G, JV. 


To Airs, B , in Charles-Town, 

Dear Mrs. B. On board the Minerva, Feb. 17, 1741. 

I Am much obliged to you m.any u^ays. The Lord reward 
you a thoufand-fold. Your prayers are heard. God is 
carrying us upon the wings of the wind. The angel of the 
covenant accompanies us in the way. The prefent feafon is a 
time of refrcfhing to my foul. I hope it will be a profitable 
voyage. I think I fee more into the wickednefs of my owa 
heart, and the unfearchable riches of the Lord Jesus, wha 
hath redeemed me by his precious blood. I believe yoj* can fay 
fo : Why do you fhake your head ? Woman, why doubteft 
thou ? Has not the Lord vifited your foul ? Have you not 
heard him fay in his word, applied by his fpirit, *' I have loved 
thee with an everlafting love r" And do you think God would 
tell you fo, if it was not fo? Away therefore with all defponding 
fears; come boldly, with a full afTurance of faith, and drav/ 
water plentifully out of the wells of fiilvation. O that all 
were comforted, as I am now comforted of God. 1 would 
rot eat my fpiritual morfds alone. I hope, a letter from you 
will acquaint me, how good the Lord has been to your fouL 
I have no greater joy, than to hear that my chriftian friends 
walk in the truth. 71ie Lord be with you. Remember me 
to your father and fifters. That you all may be true member* 
of the houfiiold of faith, prays _ 

Your aftedionate brother and fervant 

G. IF. 



To Mr, B. and his wife at Beihefda. 
Dear brother B , On board the Minerva^ Feb. 17, 1741^ 

WHEN I left Charks'Toivn^ the Lord feemed to give 
me a full affurance, that we fhould have a fpeedy 

paflage. We have hitherto had fcarce any contrary winds, 

and are novi' very near the Weftern Iflands. We had one ftorm 
the firft week, but almoft ever fince have been favoured with 
weather as well as wind. O that you would call the family 
together, and praife the Lord for the mercies conferred on us 
the unworthleft of the {bns of men ! I do not know that I 
have failed praying for you one day, fmce I have been out. I 
long to hear what the Lord hath done for your fouls, ^V'hat 
fay you ? Do you live in love ? Do you flrive together with me 
in your prayers ? Are any of the Orphan Lambs bleating after 
their great Shepherd ? Is your mouth opened ? Is your heart 
enlarged ? Is your foul fwallowcd up in God ? Does Bethefda 
anfwer its name ? Is it, indeed, an houfe of mercy? Thefts 
queftions, I hope to have anfwer'd in the affirmative. If you 
afk, how it is with my foul ? Blelled be God, I can reply, 
<^ Very well." The Lord gives me a feeling poflefTion of 
himfelf. I have been enabled to compofe nine difcourfes for the 
prefs. God willing, you fhall hear from me often. I write 
this, that I m.ay be ready, if I fliould hear of any fhip coming 
your way immediately upon my arrival 5 receive it as a token 
of my love, which God knows is unfeigned, from 

Your afFe6lionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G, IK 


To Mr, y, B , Charles-Town,. 

Dear Mr, B , On board the Minerva^ Feb. 17, 1741. 

1 Think I owe you a letter ; I believe you love me in the 
bowels of Jesus Christ. I hope our love is reciprocal. 
How can it be otherwife with thofe, who have drank of the 
fame fpirit ? I long for that happy time, when we fhall be 
fv/allowed up in the vifion and full fruition of the glorious 



Godhead. The bunch of grapes makes me long to eat of the 
full clufters in the heavenly Canaan. The lirft-fruits make 
me pant after the full harveft. Perhaps you may go and par- 
take of it firft, and drink new wine before me in the kingdom 
of our Father; I hope I fhall not ftay long after you, if not 
called before. My foul is fick of love. Nothing can fatisfy 
it, but the full fight and enjoyment of Chrift. He now vifits 
my foul, and caufes it mightily to rejoice in hiafalvation. How 
lovingly he hath dealt with me in other refpec^s, letters fent 
to other friends can beft inform you. Hafte, read, hear, and 
join with them in giving thanks and praying for 

Your afFc£tionate friend and brother and ("ervant in Christ, 


Ti Alrs> 8- , m Charles-Towu. 

Dc'ur Mrs. S , On board the Alincrva^ Fch, J7, 1^41. 

MY foul is now in an heavenly frame, fwallowed \i^ in 
God, and melted down by the love of my dear Lord 
Jesus. It is aimed too big to fpeak. I wJll give it vent bv 
writing to you. Our mafter hath been exceeding graciou:., 
and has fnewn me feveral tokens for good, which 1 defired oi 
him in fecret prayer. Laft night, I think I received as full fa- 
tisfaclion as I could del'ire, in refpecl to my marriage, I believe 
what I have done, is of God ; the' I know not when my heart 
was more difengaged from earthly thoughts than now. I on- 
ly defirc, that the dear Jesus may be glorified in me, whether 
it be by life or by death. I depend on your fending me a par- 
ticular account of affairs at Charks-Toiv?!, I have wrote to 
many; you will hear how my letters are received. I Ihall ber 
glad to hear how it is with your own foul. I befeech yon to 
live near to Christ, and to keep up a holy walk with Gou. 
Be inward with God in your duties. Truit and hang 011 
God, even when he hides himfelf from you. He will be your 
guide unto death. .Hunger and thirft daily after the righteouf- 
nefs of Christ. Be content with no degree of fan6lification. 
Be always crying out, " Lord, let me know more of myfelf 
and of thee ; O let me receive grace for grace of thy dear Son." 

R 3 This 


This, at prcfent, is the full dcfire of my foul. I am perfuaded 
the Lord will fatisfy it. Gop is love; we cannot think too 
highly of him ; we cannot expe6l too great thiiigs to be done 
by him. His right hand, I believe, will bring mighty things to 
pafs. I am now entering on a fcene of trials. The LoRP 
hath fcnt me on the fcas to prepare me for them. Not that I 
depend on any flock of grace already received, I would look 
to Christ continually. But whither am I running ? I forget 
myfelf. I almoft fancy, I am talking with you, I have only 
room to acquaint yoj, that dear J — =«• S-- ■ fits by me, and 
cordially falutes you, with 

Your alleclionate fiicnd, brother, and fcryant in Christ, 


To ike Rev. Mr. S , Charles-Town. 

Rev. and dear Sir, On board the Minerva^ Feb. 17, I74I« 

YOU have been very kind to me in many refpe^ls ; but I 
have been ungrateful to you, and infinitely more fo to 
ir.y gracious GcD. I have not failed frequently to bemoan 
my unworthinefs. Since I have been on board, the Lord 
hath heard the voice of my weeping, and now fills my foul 
with all peace and joy in belie\'ing. I have been much aflifted 
in Gompofing fermons for the prefs. At prcfent my foul is 
clofely adverting to GoD, who, 1 believe, will bring me fafe to 
glory. My bodily ftrength is much renewed. In Ihort, I am 
comforted on every fide. Dear Sir, praife the Lord in my 
behalf, O let us magnify his name together, I hope you feel 
what it is to havefellowfhip with the Father and the Son, and 
experieiice the influences of the Holy Ghoft, in de]iverin<5 

your blclTed mafter's meflage. I falute Mr. P and your 

whole church. My rcquefl: is, ♦' Brethren, pray and give 
thanks for us." — When you write to New-England^ pray re- 
member me to all friends in the kindeft manner. Ihat coun^ 
try, and the people, He ^-ry near my heart. I hope to be fa- 
voured with a line from you ere I return from Evgland. Great 
perils there await me^ but Jesus Christ will fend his angel, 
a:id roll ayvay every Hone of difficulty. In his fticngth alone 
I is 


IS my truft, and for his fake and in his name, I fubfcribe my- 
fclf, reverend and dear Sir, 
Your afFcdtionate brother and fcllow-labourcr in the Lord, 

G. fK 


To Mr. J H , at Beti)cfda, 

On hoard the Minerva^ Feb. 18, \^\i» 
My dear Friend and Brother^ 

YESTERDAY we humbled ourfelvcs before God, and 
by prayer and fading fought for a blcifing, and direction 
fn all our affairs. I wifh I had kept family fafts at Savannah. 
Suppofc you had one moiUhly at Bethefda? You will fee, by 

dear Brother B 's letter, the frame of my mind. Since that, 

I have been a little in the valley, but the Lord is my com- 
forter. I hope I grow in grace, and in the knowledge of my- 
felf, and the Lord Jesus Christ. My heart is much united 

to Meffrs. W J, tho' we differ in fome particulars. May 

God make us of one minJ, as well as heart. I fliall make all 
poffible hafte back, and remit money to you as often as I can. 

Mr. P tells me, his brother is to fend you upwards of a 

hundred pounds, and I fuppofe other fupplies will befent from 
the Northward. I have alfo wrote to Charles-Toiun. I am per- 
fuaded God will not let you want. I would not have any 
thing left undone, that is neceffary for the family's comfort- 
able fubfiftence. The Lord is our Shepherd, therefore we 
{hall not lack. I (hall long to hear how the blcffcd Jesus 
deals with you. He is wonderfully gracious unto mc, and hath 
made this voyage profitable to my foul. O my friend, my 
friend, the Lord be with you. My love is firm to you at the 
bottom, tho* fometimes it hath ebbed and flowed ; in heaven 
it will not be fo. On earth it is needful it ftiould ; othcrwife, 
how fhould we learn to ceafe from nian ? But I am a worm and 
no man, and deferve to be the outcaft of all people. My eyes 
are now ready to gufli out with water. O the fovcreign love 
of Christ in chufmg mc ! My dear friend, let us fludy to 
be holy even as he is holy, and walk even as he alfo walked, 
Let thefe be your daily queftion';, *' Am I rpore like Christ ? 

R 4. Am 


Am I more meelc and patient ? Does my pradice correfpond 
with my knowledge, and am I a light to enlighten and en- 
flame all that are around me ?" I could % more, but I think 
to write again when I get on (hore. God blefs you and yours. 

J fuppofe you have heard that Mr. P iails with 

Your afFedionate friend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. JV, 


To Mr. S If^ , at Brijiol. 

On hoard the Minerva y Feb. 20, 1 741, 

AN D does my friend W- look again towards God ? 
Never did the Father with greater joy receive the re- 
turning prodigal, than I fhall embrace you in thefe unworthy 
arms, if you are alive to God. I truft your late tepidity will 
now make you more fervent in fpirit. I pray God to give 
you a fettlement in Christ, that you may be rooted and 
grounded in love. My brother, the captain, gave me a parti- 
cular account of your foul. I hope he will yet appear for God ; 
will you alfo appear with him ? Why ihould you flrive to 
pleafe a pleafure-taking world ? Why fhould you keep in league 
with the apparent enemies of God \ But no more of this. 
Let old things pafs away, let all things become new. I believe 
God fuiFered you to fall, becaufe you thought more highly of 
yourfelf than you ought to think. My love to all. I feel 

a great union of foul with Mr. W- -; we differ in principles, 

but I hope the Lord will make us of one mind. You muft 

not be furprizedj if I publifh an anfwer to Mr. John W 's 

fermon, entitled. Free Grace. It is wrote in much Lve and 
meeknefs. Adieu for the prefcnt. Give thanks on my be- 
half. The Lord hath dealt wonderoufly kind with, dear 

Mr, ,;r— ^, 

Yours eternally in ChrisTj 




To Mr, T S , in London, 

My dear Brother ^ On board the Minervn^ Feb. 20, 1741, 

IHave kept your letter by me till now, that I might anfwer 
it on my voyage. It fpeaks the language of a perplexed 
heart, and plainly fhews me, that fatan loves to keep us ia 
bondage. My dear Brother, I think you have done u^rong in 
holding your peace. I am fure you once felt that freedom of 
foul, u'hich you are a ftranger to nov/. The way of duty is 
the way of fafety. Whatever you may fay to the contrary, 
unlefs you will give the lie to your own experiences, you muft 
confefs, that you have indeed tafted of the good word of life. 
You fhould, therefore, have , went forwards, and not have 
turned back again, and thereby plunged yourfelf into dark- 
nefs ; darknefs that may be felt. Alas, you have too eagerly 
embraced principles (I fear) contrary to the gofpel ofCpiRisT. 
You are aiming at a falfe voluntary humility, and are return- 
ing back to the flefh pots of Egypt. I know my words will 
have but little force with fome, but I muft deliver my foul. 
God was once pleafcd to work upon you by my miniflry, and 
therefore I am more folicltous for your welfare. I know the 
advice you would give me is, " beJ^ilL'' I hope I am, fo far 
as really to know the Lord; but y^t I will Jirive^ yet will 
I walk in all the ordinances of God, and go on fi om ftrength 
to ftrength till I come to appear before him in his heavenly 
Zion. I write this, out of the fulnefs of my heart. Indeed 
I love 5'ou, and the brethren ; I am willing to be the fervant 
of you all. I am lefs than the leaft. However, I dare not 
embrace tenets that are not agreeable to the form of found 
words. Let mc fee you as foon as may be after my arrival, 
and in the mean while accept of hearty love, from 

^ our affectionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. JV. 


250 L E T T E R S, 


To Mrs. A D. 
My dear Si/Ier, On beard the Muicrvay Feb. 20, 174 1. 

MY confcience almoil reproaches me, that I have not 
wrote to you often, nor full enough ; accept this as an 
acknowledgement of my fault. I am forry for it. We are 
now about a thoufand miles off England, I hope this will 
provoke you to fend me a letter immediately after my arrival. 
I find Luther s obfervation to be true : " Times of reforma- 
tion are times of confufion ;" as yet the churches in America 
are quiet, but I expe6^ a fifting time ere long. My family 
in Georgia was once fadly fliakcn, but now, blelTed be God, 
it is fettled, and, I hope, ellabliflied in the docSlrines of 
grace. Your name is precious among them. I wifli you 
would fend them a long letter. Your book on walking with 

God has been bleiled to one Mr. B , and others in South' 

CaroUria. It hath alfo been ferviceahle to a dear friend nov/ 
with me, as alfo to myfelf. 1 cannot well tell you what great 
things are doing abroad, I have a fccne of fufferings lying be- 
fore me ; I expect (hortly to cry out with the fpoufe, " Look 
not upon me, becaufe I am black, becaufe the fun hath looked 
upon me, my mother's children were angry with me." Pvly 
Lord's command, now, 1 believe, is, " Take the foxes, the 
little foxes that fpuil the vines ; for our vines have tender 
grapes." — Help me by your prayers. It is an eafe thus to un- 
bofom one's felf to a friend, an.^ an inftancc of my confidence 
in you. O, my dear Sifter, I am lefs than the leaft of all 
faints, I am the chief of finners, and yet Jesus loves me, and 
fheds his love abroad in my heart abundantly by the Holy 
Ghoft. 1 have been much aflifted in compofing fome gofpel 
fermons, which I intend for the prefs. 1 have fought the Lord 
by prayer and fafting, and he allures me, that he will be with 
me. Whom then ihould i fear ? Hitherto we have had an ex- 
traordinary pailage, praife the Lord. Herewith I fend you 
a letter from one of the children which God has given me: 
He will rejoice to receive a line from you. If poiTible, 1 hope, 
tho' you are in the decline of life, to lee you face to face be- 




fore I kuvc England, 1 ihould be glad to hear how you are 
3s to worldly circumftances 5 if I can help you in any 
degree, fieely command 

Your aflfeiTtionate friend, brother, and fcrvant 
in Christ, 


TCo T K , at London, 

On hoard the Minerva^ Feb. 20, 1 74 1. 
My dear Brother K , 

I Received your kind letter at Savannah^ and though I hope 
to fee you face to face foon after you receive this, yet love 
to your dear foul conftrains me to write you an anfwcr before 
I come on fhore. 

I find, fmce my departure, the brethren have fallen into 

errors. Dear Brother K will not be offended, if I fayy 

•■' He, I fear, is one of them j" for his letter bewrayeth him. 
My dear Brother, you fay, '' You have been driving a long, 
long while, but to very little purpofe, &c." By this, I fup- 
pofe, you have left off the means, and fallen into J?ttlnefs ; 
expecting now, that Jesus Christ will fo work upon your 
heart, that you fhall not feel the leaft ftin ing of indwelling 
corruption in your foul ; in (hort, that you fhall be complete- 
ly perfect : This was pretty near my cafe about fix years ago, 
and now I fee why God fuffered me thus to be tempted, 
'' that I might be more capable of fuccouring my brethren, 
now they are tempted." My dear Brother, let us reafon to- 
gether. " You have been ftriving (you fay) a long while, but 
to very little purpofe." And what then ? muft you be there- 
fore ftill, and drive no more ? God forbid : No, you are yet 
to wait at the pool. *' Conftantly attend on ordinances ;" and 
who knows but by-and-by the loving Saviour may pafs by and 
vifityour foul. Have you not, in fome degree at leaf!, felt his 
divine power in the ufe of the means? Why fliould not that en- 
courage you to expcdi more in the fame way ? But you fay, " I 
find all that is of felf is ftn." And do you expect ever to do 
any thing, or to offer up to God one facrificc, without a mix- 
ture of fin in it r If you do, indeed you are building z fplritual 
Babel, My dear Brother, even our moll holy thoughts are 



tinctured with fin, and want the atonement of the Mediator ; 
and therefore, if you leave ofF ftriving, becaufe " whatever 
is of felf is fin," you muft never attempt to do any duty what- 
focvcr again. Your ftilhiefs hath as much a mixture of felf 
in it, as your ftriving, and if you proceed in this manner, you 
muft become a profcllcd ^uetijL Six weeks did fatan keep 
me under this delufion, but the Lord helped me in the hour 

of extremity : May he alfo help my dear Brother K / 

Another error you feem to be fallen into is, " that a man 
cannot be a chriftian, at leaft that he is a very weak one, fo 
long as he finds corruption ftirring in his heart." If I was to 
urge the feventh to \\\q Ro7nans, you would fay, St. P^^// only 
fpeaks of a man under firft-awakenings, and not of a convert- 
ed man 3 but my dear Brother, did you ever know a man, that 
vas not really converted, delight in the law of God after the 
inner man ? And yet fuch an one the Apoftle fpeaks of in 
the latter part of that chapter. Be not deceived, wc are to be 
holy as Christ is holy; we are to receive grace for grace; 
every grace that is in the bleflTed Jesus, js to be tranfplanted 
into our hearts; we are to be delivered from the power, but 
not from the indwelling and being of fin in this life. Hereaftery 
"we are to be prefented blamelefs, without fpot, or wrinkle, or 
any fuch thing. If you labour after any other perfe6tion here, 
you will labour in vain. St. Paul had attained no other, when 
he wrote to the Fhilippiam^ and to the other churches : But 

my dear Brother K feems to think, " I did wrong in 

writing to Mr. H to know his fentiments upon feveral 

texts of fcripturc, and in fending for feveral oi Calvin\ books." 
And v/hy, my dear Brother, was this wrong ? Why you fay, 
*' you think it is contrary to St. Paul in his Epiftles, when 
he fays, he would not fpeak other men's words ;" hut St, Paul 
fays no fuch thing : The place you aim at, I believe, is 2 Cor. 
X. 16. '' And not to boaft In another man's line, of things 
made ready to our hand." My dear Brother, examine the 
context, and you will find the Apoille means no more than 
that he would not enter into other men's labours, as vcr. 15. 
He would not preach where churches were already fettled, but 
go where the gofpcl had not been delivered. This, and this 
ciilv, is the meming of the paffi^oc, which dear miftakcn Mr. 



K has wrongly quoted. My dear Brother, did not St, 

Paul bid Timothy to give himfelf to reading ? What, if the Holy- 
Spirit is to lead us into all truth, does not the Holy Spirit 
make ufe of, and lead us by the means ? Has he not indited 
the fcriptures ? Has he not helped holy men to explain thofe 
fcriptures ? And why may I not, in a due fubordination 
to the Holy Spirit, make ufe of thofe men's writings ? Has 

not my dear Brother K bought fermons ? And why then 

does " He make ufe of other men's words ?" O, my dear 
brother, you are in the wilderncfs j God bring you fafc out 
of it. 

I fuppofc, becaufe the DiiTenters oppofe fome of your new 
principles, you term them enemies j but, my dear Brother, 
though there are many Chriftlefs talkers, and hypocritical 
formalifts among the Dillenters, as no doubt there are fome 
fuch in the pureft church under heaven \ yet many of them 
hold and practice the truth as it is in Jesus. But I have 
done. Count me not your enemy, becaufe I tell you the 
truth. I expe<5l that great numbers will look fiiy on me, for 
thus oppofmg what I think to be error. Thus the Galatiam 
treated St. Paul\ but I muft be tried every way. I could 
add a thoufand kind things, but I hope you fliortly will have 
a pcrfonal interview with 

Your afFedionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G, n\ 


To Mrs, J F , m Cbarles-Toivn, 

On board the A<Iincrva, Feb. 25, 1741. 
My very dear Friend^ 

IKnow you will rejoice at the receipt of this : You have 
abundant reafon ; the Lord hath been wonderous kind. 
We are now flying on the wings of the wind, and if it con- 
tinues, we hope to be at Coives the beginning of next week. 
Your kind prefents were of great fervice to my crazy body. 
The woman pafTengcr has been ferviccable in making us bread ; 
and in fhort, God has v/onderfully ordered all things for our 
great conveniency and comfort. O that my dear friends at 
Charlci-Town^ may hereby be excited to thankfulnefi on our 


2 54 ^ ^^ T T l\ R S. 

behalf. I have frequently prayed for you both with my fricnJj, 
and when in fccrct before the Lord. Indeed you are feldoim 

out of mind. Dear Mrs. F , I believe God fent you to 

invite me to your houfc, and I believe the Lord will plenti- 
fully reward both of you, for all your works of faith and la- 
bours of love. 1 think henceforward I mufl: call you ^^ti;^, 
and your hufband, I hope, will be truly ftiled James the fervant 
of the Lord. I truft you will both ferve the Lord Christ, 
and give yourfelves up to the guidance of his bleiVed word and 
providences day by day. It is a glorious privilege to be led 
by the fpirit of God. I think I have felt, and do feel, at thia 
time, his facrcd influences upon my foul. My body is but 
weak, though better by much than when I left Charles-Toivn ; 
however, my foul hath confidence in God. The archers 
will (hoot forely at me that I may fall ; but God will caufc 
my bow to abide in flrength, and my arms (hall be ftrengthen- 
cd by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob. I need not afk 
for a continuance of your prayers, nor you for mine. I hope 
we (hall be always prefent with each other in fpirit, at the 
throne of grace. My dear friend, adieu : All with me falute 
you. Write often to 

Your unworthy giicft, but truly slTet^ionate fervant, 
friend, and brotlier in the Lord, 

G. IF. 


To Mrs, F , in Churhs-Town, 

On hoard ihs Ai'i'ierva^ Feb. 25, 1741. 

I Hope dear Mrs. F will not be offended with thefe few 
lines ; they are written with a fmccre defne to promote 
your welfare. 1 want to fee you entirely dead to the worlds 
and alive to (iod. You have been often convinced under the 
word; may it fink deep into your heart. God, by the late 
fire, hath fnewn you the vanity of all thiags here below j hence- 
forward fet your affections on things above. You are old, 
and at the head of a great family j you have fealcd your pro- 
mife to lead a holy life, more than once, by receiving the fyni- 
bols of the bleffcd body and blood of Christ. 




/[c-ih-efjrth lit no profane delight 
Divide your confecr<ited foul ; 
But give it Christ, who has the right ^ 
Js Lord and Majlcr of the whole. 

Be not afliamed to own you have vowed never to dance 

again : Dear Mrs. F , fear not contempt. What is it \ 

only a little breath. Reft not in duties ; reft not in outward 
partial reformation. — He that is in Christ, is a new creature. 
That old things may pafs away, and all things become new 
in your heart, is the hearty prayer of. Madam, 

Your fincerc friend and fervant in Christ, 


Ti? the Rev, Mr, C , in Bojlon, 

On board the Minerva^ Feb, 16^ I'J^u 
Reverend and dear Sir^ 

ACCEPT a few lines from one, who defires feelingly 
to ftile himfelf, iefs than the leaft of all. I hope you 
received my packet from Charles-Toivn : What happened to 
me there, was only an earneft of future trials, God hath 
ble/Ted the reading of the prophecy of the prophet Jeremiah to 
my foul ; as alfo the hiftory of fofeph^ and hath let me fee 
more into the covenant of redemption between the Father and 
the Son : I am more and more in love with the good old Puri" 
tans ; I am plcafed at the thoughts of fitting down hereafter 
with the venerable Cotton^ Norton^ Elliot y and that great cloud 
of witnefTes, which firft crofted the Weftern ocean for the 
fake of the gofpel, and faith once delivered to the faints. At 
prefent, my foul is fo filled, that I can fcarce proceed. Dear 
Sir, God is with me of a truth ; he now gives me a feeling 
pofteftion of himfelf : I blefs his holy name for fending me to 
fea ; it is profitable both for foul and body. I find the 
Pfalmift's words to be true, " The fccretof the Lord is with 
them that fear him." O that I may walk humbly with my 
God ! The language of my foul is this : 



CorreSi me when I go nj}ray\ 
And lead me in thy perfe£i way. 

And now, dear Mr. C , I have in fome meafure un* 

bofomed my heart. What fhall 1 fay more ? Pray for me 
both in public and private ; give thanks, as well as pray, 
efpccially for the mercies of this voyage. Dear Sir, adieu till 
1 come on {hore, which I hope will be very fpeedily, being 
now in foundings j then you fhall hear again, God willing* 

Your truly aftedtionate friend, brother, and fervant, 


• To Mr, y H . 

My dear Sir^ London, March 25, 174T' 

1 Wrote to you immediately on my coming on fliore. We 
arrived at Falmouth laft JP^ednefday Vv^as fevennight, and got 
here the Sunday follov-^ing. — Blefied be God, we had a fum- 
mer's paflage. Many of our friends, I find, are fadly divided, 
and, as far as I am able to judge, have been fadly milled. 
Congregations at MoorfieUs, and Kcnnington Common, on Sim- 
day , were as large as ufual. — On the following week days, 
quite contrary : Twenty thoufand dwindled down to two or 
three hundred. It has been a trying time with me. A large 
orphan family, confifting of near a hundred, to be maintain- 
ed, about four thoufand miles off, without the leaft fund, and 
in the deareft part of his Majefty's dominions ; alfo, above 2 
thoufand pounds in debt for them, and not worth twenty 
pounds in the world of my own, and threatened to be arreted 
for three hundred and fifty pounds, drawn for in favour of the 
Orphaivtioufe, by my late dear dcceafed friend and fellow- 
traveller Mr. iS . My Bookfeller, who, I believe, has got 

fome ht'-ndreds by me, being drawn away by the M ■ ns, re-" 
fufes to print for me ; and many, very many of my fpiritual 
children, who, at my lafl departure from England, would have 
plucked out their own eyes to have given to me, are fo prejudiced 
bv the dear MefTrs. JV,*s dreiTmg up the do6lrine of Ele6lion 
in fuch horrible colours^ that they will neither hear, fee, nor 



give me the leaft afliftance: Yea, fome of them fend threaten- 
ing letters, that God will fpeedily deftroy me. As for the 
people of the world, they are fo imbittered by my injudicious^ 
and too fever e exprejftons againft Archbifliop Tiihtfon^ and the 
Author of the old Duty of Man ^ that they fly from me as from 
a viper ; and what is moft cutting of all, I am now con- 
ftrained, on account of our differing in principles, publicly to 

feparate from my dear, dear old friends Meflrs. J — and C 

^ y^ whom I ftill love as my own foul : But, through 

infinite mercy, I am enabled to (Irengthen myfelf in the Lord 
my God. I am caft down but not deftroyed, perplexed 
but not in defpair. A few days ago, in reading Bezas, Life of 
Calviii^ thefe v/ords v/ere much prefled upon me, '' Calvin is 
turned out of Geneva^ but, behold a new church arifes !" — • 
Jesus, the ever loving, altogether lovely Jesus, pities and 
comforts me. My friends are creating a place, u'hich I have 
called a Tabernacle, for morning's expofition. I have not, nor 
can I as yet, make any colledions ; but let us not fear. — Our 
heavenly Father, with whom the fatherlefs find mercy, v.ill 
yet provide ; let us only feek firft the kingdom of God, and 
his righteoufnefs, and all other neceflluy things fhall be added 
unto us. In about a fortnight, though I fcarce know an oak 
from a hickery, or one kind of land from another, I am fub- 
pcena'd to appear before parliament, to give an account of the 
condition of the province of Georgia, when I left it. This, I 
fuppofe, is occafioned by the party, which hath been fo in- 
veterate againft the honourable thetruftees, whom they accufe 
of mifemploying the public monies. The event, which un- 
doubtedly will be in favour of the truft, you may know here- 
after. In the mean while, believe me to be 

Yours moft affedlionately, 


To Mr. J C- — . 

My very dear Brother^ London^ March 25, 1 741. 

HASTEN hither with all fpeed, and then we ftiall fee 
what God intends to do for and by us. It is a trying 
time now in the church. — The Lord give us a due mixture 
Vol. L S of 


25S letters; 

of the h^mb and lion. Some that have been led altiay, begin 
to recover. . The Lord make way for his own truths. My 
love to the CoIIiers^znd all friends. Many, 1 fuppofe, will be fliy. 
I am become a monfter even to feveral who were wrought upon 
by my miniftry; but it muf!: needs be that ofFcnces fhouldcome: 
otherwife, how fhould I learn to ceafe from man ? Adieu j 
cxcufe brevity — Haftcn, and fpeak face to face with 

Yours mod afFeclionately in Christ Jesus, 

G\ IK 


To Mr. H . 

My vrry dear Friend, London^ April ic, 1741. 

I Ordered Mr. H to fend you fome fermons and ac- 
counts, fome time ago : I fuppofe he has done it. I have 
been at the Parliament-houfe ; the Georgia afFair was adjourn- 
ed. The gentlemen feemed apprehenfive that my account oS. 
tlie colony, would have too mu.ch weight. It was fomewhat 
of a trial to be in the Houfe. I then remembered what the 
Apoftle faid, " We are become a fpectacle to men and to 
sngels." J^Iy appeal will come to nothing, 1 believe. 1 have 
waited upon the Speaker j he received me kindly. I cannot 
yet determine "When I fhall fee you. If you fear, I hope you 
will pray for me. The Lord blefles my miniftry. Salute 

dear Mrs. // ; I will write to her next j but you two 

are one. The Lord be with you both. At prefent I am 
weak in body, and therefore muft beg leave to fubfcribe 

Yours, 5cc. 

G. n\ 


To Air. S AI '5 at Loudon, 

My dear Friend and Brother, BrijJsl^ April 27, 1741. 

ON Tuefday, April 2 2d, I left London, and preached ou 
jycdnefday and Thurjday mofning at Neivlury, to large 
coiigregations. . On Friday evening I preached at Brijtd, and 
huvc continued to do fo twice every dav Co great and aftccicd 



S'uiltorles, I received your kind letter, and thank you for it. 
I rejoice in the good news from New- England. Lad: night, I 
rejoiced much in feeing a foul wonderfully exult in God, juft 
lit the borders of death. Great manifeftations of the divine 
prefcnce have attended my fermons. " Praife the Lord O 

my foul ! I am glad to find Mr. S goes en well. Pray 

give my love to brother G . My body is fometimcs weak, 

but my foul rejoices in God my Saviour. I know not, whe- 
ther I iliall come fo foon as propofcd to London. I find it 
njccfiary, through the incrcafe of awakened fouls, to get a 
fociety-room built adjoining to our nev/ tabernacle. I pray 
God to fill it with his glory, and beg leave to fubfcribe my- 

felf, dear Mr. M , 

Your afFeclionute friend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. Ji\ 


To Mr. H H . 

My dear Brother., Brljlol, April 28, 174?. 

BLESSED hz God for knitting us together in love. 
May it continue, and incrcafe till confummated in eter- 
nity ! The Lord Jesus direcT: you. It is now a trying time 
with the church. Our LoRp is now chiefiy wounded in the 
lioufe of his friends. The Lord keep us both from a party 
fpirit on one hand, and from too much rafiinefs and pofitivc- 
nefs on the other. I fpeak thus, bccaufe you fecm offended 
that fome affirm, '' That there is no fuch thing as dominion 
over indwelling fin, nor reft from Working for life wholly." 
Now this is certainly true in one fenfe. We fhall never b:ive 
fuch a dominion over indwelling fin, as entirely to be deliver- 
ed from the ftirring of it ; and the grcateft faint" cannot be af- 
fured, but fome time or other for his humiliation, or punifh- 
ment for unfaithfulnefs, God may permit it to break out into 
icme a6iual breach of his law, and in a grofs v/2y too. Let 
us not be high-minded, but fe:ir. It is equally true, that w« 
(hall not reft wholly from working for \\i^. tor whilft there 
is any part of us unr^generate, that part wilt be always lead- 
ing us to the old covenant. Luther often complained of the 
propenfity of his heart this way. If we know ourfclves, we 
ih*li find it to b^ \q wilh us \ but I fuppofe you have been 

S 2 tin«Sl«rci 


tin(£lured with the do£lrine o^ fmlefs perfe^lon. No wonJef 
therefore you write thus. May God give you a right judg- 
njent in all tilings, and enable you rightly to divide the word 
of truth ! As for affitrance^ I cannot but think, all who are 
truly converted niuft know that there was a time in which 
they clofcd with Christ : But then, as fo many have died 
only with an humble hope, and have been even under doubts 
and fears, though they could not but be looked upon as chrif- 
tlans ; I am lefs pofitive than once I was, left haply I fhould 
condemn fome of God's dear children. The farther we go 
in the fpiritual life, the more cool and rational fliall wc be, 
and yet more truly zealous. I fpeak this by experience. Dear 
brother H will not be angry with me. I hope, and be- 
lieve, you pray for me. The Lord Jesus carries me on. 
Many have been convinced at London, I preach here twice 
daily, to large congregations, with great power. The Lord, 
I believe, will yet bring mighty things to pafs. I am, dear 

H , 

Your moft afFe6lionate brother 

in our dear Lord Jesus, 


To the Rev, Mr. S 

Rev. and dear i^/r, Brijiol^ May r, 1741. 

I Am glad to hear by brother M -, that the Lord is 
with you. May you increafe with all the increafe of God. 
The more we do, the more we may do for the dear Lord 
Jesus. He ftrengthens me here mightily. — I am enabled to 
fpeak here with great power, rather greater than when at Lon- 
don. My congregations are as large as ufual, and they go 
refreflied away. This is the Lord's doings ; may all that is 
within us praifc his holy name ! Exhort the dear London people 
to pray tor u^. The Lord be with you all. Dear Sir, pray 

Your alFedlionate brother and ufiworthy 

fellow-labourer in our Lord, 
G, IV. 


, LETTERS. 261 


To Mr, S , at JVorceficr, 

Reverend and dear Sir^ Gloncejler^ May ^^ i74Jf' 

WITH this, I fend you my anfwer to brother Wejleys 
fcrmon, and my account of the Orphan-houfc. I 

have feen your letter to Mr. N , and thank you for cfpouf- 

jng the caufe of a poor defpifed minifter of Jesus Christ. I 
hope as I make advances in the fpiritual life, I fliall Ihow my 
zeal more and more tempered with true chriftian knowledge 
and prudence. I would willingly have none of my wild fire 
minfrled with the facred fire that comes down from God's 
altar. I defire not only to do things for God, but to do them 
in the befl manner. I am a poor unworthy fmner, and yet, 
(O fovereign grace !) the Lord works by me day by day. At 
Brijlol^ error is in a great meafurc put a flop to. The Lord 
manifeftcd himfelf in the great congregation there, and doth 
likewile here. Laft night, wc faw and felt his power. I have 

had the pleafure of feeing dear Mr. P , and I long for that 

time when I fliall fee you, Reverend Sir, and all the chofcn 
of God in the kingdom of heaven. But I defire to wait till 
my change fliall come. Dear Sir, be plcafed to pray for me. 
I have prayed for you often. I am a weak fmful worm. As 
fuch pray remember, Reverend Sir, 

Your afFedionate though unworthy brother 

and fervant in Christ, 

To Mr, IVm, IV , at Edinburgh^ 

Dear Sir, Bri/Iol, May 16, 1741. 

I Received both your kind letters, and with this fend you my 
hearty thanks for them. 1 alfo thank you for your kind 
\n\'\i2iX.io\\ o^ mQ to Scotland. God only knows when lean 
come. — All I can fay at prefent is, I will come when the 
LoPD permits. Sad tares have been fown here. It will re- 
quire fome time to pluck them up. The doclrines of the gof- 
pel are fadly run down, and moft monflrous errors propagated. 
They aflert, " That the very in-being of fm muft be taken 
out of us, or otherwifc we are not new creatures." O dear 

S 3 Sir, 


Sir, exhort all to pray for mc, that I may be faithful to my 
J^ORD, and yet kept gentle in my temper. At prefent, our 
dear Lord caufes me to triumph in eveiy place. His gofpcl 
gets ground, and his power is manifefted among us day by 
day. The fields are white, every where ready unto harveft. 
Our Lord I truft will gather his wheat into his heavenly gar- 
ners. My kind refpects attend Mr. M and Mr. D -. 

Had I time I would write a long letter to each. But I am 
interrupted. However, I am glad to fnatch a few moments to 
bco; a continuance of your prayers for a poor unworthy worm, 
^nd to afTure you that I am, dear Sir, 

Your afFe£lionate brother and fervant in Christ, 


To Mr, E E , at Sterling. 

Jlevere7id and dear Sir ^ BriJloU May i6, I74I» 

I Owe you much love. Only want of time, prevents my 
writing to you oftner. This morning I received a kind 
lettter from your brother Ralphs v/ho thinks it bed for me 
wholly to join the a^ciate prefbytery, if it fhould pjeafe God 
to fend me into Scotland. This I cannot altogether come into. 
I come only as an occahonal preacher, to preach the fimple 
c;ofpel to all that are willing to hear me, of whatever denomi- 
ration. It will be wrong in me to join in a reformation as to 
church government, any further than I have light given me 
from above. If I am quite neuter as to that in my preach- 
ins:, I cannot fee how it can hinder or retard any defign you 
may have on foot. My bufinefs feems to be, to evangelize, to 
be a Prefbyter at large. VVhen I fliall be fent into your parts 
I know not. I write this, that there may not be the leaft 
iiiifunderftanding between us. 1 love and honour the aflb- 
ciate Prefbytery in the bowels of Jesus Christ. With this 
J fend them my due refpeds, and moft humbly beg their pray- 
ers. But let them not be offended, if in all things I cannot 
immediately fall in with them. Let them leave me to God. 
Whatever li^ht he h plcafed to give me, I hope I Ihall be 
faithful to it. Our dear and precious mafter ftill carries me 
on, Gop enables ine to nght my way through. The gofpel 



do«£ir:ncs, I believe, will yet prevail. I feel a divine power 
attending mv miniftrations. I preach twice daily, and am 
invited to many places. I believe the Lord intends to Iceep 
me on this fide the water tor fome time. Hlcflcd be God, 
all places are alike to me^ O dear Sir, pray for me. — I am a 
poor unvvoithy worm. I love you tenderly, but am almolt 
alhamed to fubfcribe myfelf 

Your brother in the beft of bonds, 

G. IV. 


Tg D A 5 In London. 

Biijiol, May 16, 1 741. 

I Am glad to receive a line once again from dear brother 
A . I rejoice that God lets you fee more and more 

into the corruptions of your heart. The more perfc(Sl you are, 
the more will you fee and bewail your imperfe6lions in thought, 
word, and deed j the more will you be made to ^\ng^ ^' In 
the Lord alone, and not in myfelf, have I compleat righte- 
oufnefs and llrength." The do6lrine of eledling love, is pre- 
cious to my foul. I am enabled to fpeak of it feelingly to 
others. My foul is kept in peace and fweetnefs. Our Lord's 
caufe needs net noife and raflinefs. I defire that none of my 
wlld-iire maybe mixed with the pure fire of holy zeal coming 
from God's altar. I think it my (lixty to wait, to go on lim- 
ply in preaching the everlafling gofpc!, and I believe we iliall 
yet fee the falvation of God. Methinks, the cloud begins to 
break off your mind ; I pray God to keep you from extremes. 

Brother H is more and more enlightncd ; but withal, 

more and more quickened every ^txy, ■ He finds there is no 
fuch thing zsfmlefs perfection, and yet is prelTing after holinefs 
of heart and life rather more than ever. May God make my 

dear brother A thus minded ! For indeed I love him 

in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Wc have had frequently 
fweet communion with God, and one anotlver. I fliould have 
rejoiced to have converfed with you at BriJloL Thh is my 
comfort, yet a little while and we (IkiII converfe.in the king- 
dom of heaven, for ever and ever. My foul is waiting for 
this falvacion. I know not when I lli^l) go Xq Axmwjief, 
■ ^ % ^ When 


When I do, you fhall have timely notice. God blefTes my 
miniftry, wherever he fends me. I am invited to frefh places 

daily. Dear Mr. A , I, even vi^orthlefs I, fubfcribe my- 


Years moft afFe<51ionately in the loving Jesus, 

G, IF. 


To Mr. I e . 

Dc-ar Brother C , Brijiol^ May i8, 1 741. 

I Received your letter this morning, and am jufl fctting out 
for JViliJhire. The Lord hath been much w^ith us. 
Yeflerday I preached three times. At every fermon, a fweet 
melting was obferved in the congregation. Lall night I gave 
your fifter the facrament ; fhc is recovering. I afterwards, 

adminiftcrcd the facrament at Mr. T -'s, and had a love feaft, 

Jesus was in the midft of us. I know not but I may come 
towards London next y/eek. I wonder not at your heavinefs. 
< — Before every increafe of your work, you muft expert fome 
trials. Humblings are neceilary for your fpirit, and mine. I 

return my love to all. I muft away. Brother H rejoices 

in fpirit, and joins with me, who am. 

Ever yours in Christ, 
G. IV. 


ro the Rev. Mr. J. 
My dear Br other .^ Br'ijhl., May 23, 1741. 

IBlefs God for making any thing of mine ufeful to your 
foul. May the blefled Jesus breathe upon you day by day, 
and make you eminently ufeful to the church of God. I 
think you write with a kind of prophetic fpirit. The Lord 
only knov/s how he will be pleafed to difpofe of me. Great 
afflicSlions I am fure of having, and a fudden death, bleffcd 
be God, will not be terrible. 1 know that my redeemer liveth. 
I every day long to fee him, that I may be free from the re^ 
mainder of fm, and enjoy him without interruption for ever- 
more, I defire patiently to wait, till my bielTed change fhall 
: com^. 


come. The Lord hath been with mc here. There is a 
great awakening in JViltJh'irc, and the work is moft wonder- 
fully carried on in New-Efighmd. I hope to lend you a letter, 
ftiortly, that will rejoice your heart. I leave Briftol^ and ^o 
through I f'^iltjhire io Louden next Monday. — I then purpofe 
going to StCiffordjlnre^ and then through fj'alcs to Scotland, A 
wider door than ever is opened for preaching the everlafting 
gofpel. I have now only lime to beg your prayers, and to 
jiITure you that I am 

Your moft afFedtionate though weak and unworthy 

brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. JV. 


• To Mr. I R , at Philadelphia. 

Dear I , Br'ijicl^ May 23, 1741. 

I Rejoice to find, that you fee, feel, and bewail, the plague 
of your heart, ^4ay the Lord fhew it you more and 
more ! It will excite your love to the dear Lord Jesus more 
fervently. — I return my love to your fifter. 1 thought ere now 
(he had been with Jesus. I believe, fhe has the grace of God 
in truth, and therefore our Lord will make her conqueror over 
all. I am glad to hear of the fuccefs of the gofpel \i\ Bcjlon. 
It is a gathering time there, but a winnowing time with us 
here. All is ordered for the good of the church, by Christ 
Jesus : Let us, my dear brother, keep clofe to him in this 
and every trying time. Wefliall find but few, very {f:.\N., true 
followers of the Lamb of God. JMay you and I be in the 
happy number ! God is plea fed to give fuccefs to the word 
preached. Though I am oppofed much, Jesus is my flrenf^th. 
The Lord v/ill enable me to fight his battle?. My love to 
Pe^gy-i and all that love Jesus. Forget not to pray for 

Your affectionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 




To Mr, r . 

Dtar Sir, BriJI:!^ May 23, 1 74 1. 

I Am glad to receive a letter from you. I was fearful, left I 
had done fomcthing to offend you. I thank j^ou and the 
other gentlemen for their kind invitation of jnc to Scotlan/I. I 
believe it will be near three months before I can fee Ed'mhiirgh. 
On Monday I fet out for London : then I plirporc, God willing, 
to go Into EJc-x, and then to return through B rijh I znd Wales 
in my way to you. I intreat all the brethren to pray for me, 
that I may come in the fulnefs of the bleiTmg of the gofpel 
of Christ. I am a poor, v/eak, unv/orthy worm. God 
hath been wnth me here, and in Glouccjierjhire, In JViltJInre 
there is a great awakening. Abroad in New-England the 
work goes on wonderfully. O dear Sir, never was fuch a 
weak wretch fent on fuch an important errand. I have 
many trials of various kinds. Jesus fupports me; Jesus 
makes me more than conqueror. He is a dear and a 
tender mafter. Dear Sir, help me to praife him. I will 
write to all the gentlemen that wrote to me, if I can 
any ^vay redeem time. In the mean while, be pleafed ta 
remember me to them in the kindefl manner, and believe 
mc to be 

Vour affedionate though unworthy brother 

and fervant in Christ, 


To Mr, J EI , at Savommk 

London, "Jwu i, 1741. 
7\/Ty very dear Friend and Brother, 

I Received a (liort letter from you, but it was date<3 in Janu- 
ary laft.- — I have fent feveral to Georgia, and lately alfo a 
parcel of things for the children. God appears much in our 
congregations. We feldom or never have a dry meeting. As 
to outward things, I never was more embarrafied ; but my con- 
folations are equivalent. Praife the Lord, O my foul! lam 
apprehenfive of no oppofition from the government. I have 



waited on the Speaker. He treated me kindly, and affiired 
me that there would be no perfecution in this king's reign ; 
they know I am loyal from principle, but I believe 1 fhall yet 
be greatly humbled, T. he ftory of "Jojcph in the priTon, and 
David in his troubles before he came to the throne, has been 
much and comfortably prefled upon my foul. 1 hope you en- 
joy peace ! May the Lord blefs you and the whole houfehold. 
I am fometimes enabled to pray with great faith for you all. 
The Lord will yet provide. I am to preach thrice to day. It 
is now paft five in the morning. I am going to the tabernacle 
lately erected for a morning lecflure. We have fwcet meet- 
ings, bleilcd be GoD ! In the bowels of our common Jesus, 
\ iubfcribe myfelf 

Yours cternallv, 

G, jy. 


To Mr. I, C , at BriJioL 

London^ June 3, 1 74 1. 
Have enjoyed the efpecial prefence of God ever fmce I 


came to Loyidon, I preach three times daily. The Lord 
is remarkably with me. Congregations increafe. I am going 
to have a fociety-room joined to the tabernacle. The Lord is 
really on our fide. — O let us be meek and quiet ! O let us 
wait, and we fliall fee the falvation of God. I preach daily 
3t Deptford. Our dear mafter helps me to preach and pray 
with great power. Your miniftry hath been blefTed. Let us 
both give all the glory to everlaftjng Love. Salute the dear 
prethren. Renuimber me moft kindly to all in JVinc-Jlrcci. 
Ever yours in the blefied Jesus, 

G. W. 


Jo Mr. R E^Ajk^^AH..-^ 

Reverend aTid dear Sir^ London, June 4, 1741. 

Have now a little time to mvfelf. I muft improve it and 


anfwer your kind letter, JilclTed be God, for enabling 



mc to write any thing, that may be of fervice to his church, 
and of comfort to your foul. Glory be to our dear and com- 
mon Lord, his caufe here fucceeds. Truth gets ground. 
The Lord ftrengthens mc mightily. His power is manifefted 
in our congregations. Converfion work is going on apace 
among us. I am not yet determined, about the exa£t time of 
coming to Scctland : but I believe, I fhall be with vou 


about three months. I can't but think the afTociate prefbytery, 
arc a little too hard upon me. If I am neuter as to the par- 
cular reformation of church government till I have further 
light, it will be enough. I come fnnply to preach the gofpel, 
and to be received only as an occafional itinerant preacher by 
all, and not to enter into any particular connection whatever. 
The Lord, I hope, will order my goings in his ways. I de- 
fire to hear frequently from you. I have need of your prayers. 
My trials are great, my comforts far greater, I am a poor 
worm, and yet Jesus delights to honour me. We are likely 
to have fettled focieties in feveral places. Jesus rides on from 
conquering to conquer. I am, Reverend and dear Sir, 
Your unworthy fellow-labourer and afFedionate 
brother and fervant in Christ, 

G, JK 


My Brother H H , London^ June 6, 1741. 

I Do aflure you, that my heart is as your heart. I am quite 
fick of CbrijVcfs confenters. They talk, and that is all. I 
(like you) am heartily defpifed by mod of them. I am refolvcd 
to open againil: their luke-warmnefs, and worldly-mindcdncfs. 
May God open my mouth wide when I come to Wales. Outr 
ward enemies are now more quiet. Enemies within the church, 
carnal profclTors, and felf-righteous Pharifees, moft try us. Let 
us not fear, Jesus Christ will give us the vitSiory over all. 
God mightily ftrengthens me. Our congregations are very 
large and folemn. I never had greater freedom in preaching. 
God enables me to call: all my care upon him, with a full af- 
furance that he careth for me. You need not fear my believ- 
ing any reports to your difadvantage. I love you in the bow- 
els of Jesus Christ. I was not in the lead oftcnded, when 

B — 


jB H wrote me word that " you thought In ibm^ 

things I did not a6l as a little child.'' The more open you are 
with me the better. If nature and pride rife in my heart, I 
will go to Jesus, abhor myfelf, and pray for my dear repro- 
vers. All that I can fay is, that I dcfire to be a very HttU 
child. All things are poiTible with Jesus Christ. He is 
wonderfully kind to me. Truth, I believe, will prevail. I 
want to fee you face to face. Satan does not love that Christ's 
minifters fhould come together. I wifh you could come up 
immediately, and ftay 2ii London whilft I am in the country : 

or rather go and preach at B /, GlcuceJIer^ and JViltJJnre^ 

for about a fortnight, and then come up to London. This, I 
believe, will be bed. About that time, God willing, I fliali 
return from EJfex^ and then we can confult what is bell: to be 
done for the caufe of our dear mafter. O Jesus is love ! i 
am glad to hear brother Rowl — d is with you. Go on in the 
ftrength of our dear Lord, and you (hall fee fatan like light- 
ning fall from heaven. Times are not yet dark enough for 
the dawning of a thorough reformation. At even-tide God 
fpeaks. My love to all that follow Jesus Christ with an 
unfeigned fmiplicity. May the Lord hide your precious foul 
under the (hadow of his almighty wings ! Ceafs not to pray 

Yours eternally in Christ Jesus, 


To the Rev. Mr. D , at Dedham in EJfc«, 

Rev. and dear Sir, London, June 6, 1741. 

MULTIPLICITY of bufmefs has prevented my an- 
fwering your kind letter. However, I have often borne 
you upon my heart before the Lord. Your Cafe, methinks, 
is fomewhat like that man of God, J. Bunyans. He was 
often fo depreffed with a fenfe of fin in the pulpit, that he has 
been tempted to hold his peace. This has been my cafe alfo 
both in public and in private. I find the befl way is to prefs 
forward, and to look up to Jesus Christ. He is faithful to 
his promifes. I write but (hort, having but little time, and 
becaufe I hope foon to fee you in Effex. I pray God to clear 
up your evidences, and give you no reft till he fills you with a 



full aflurance of faith. Our Lord rides on triumpbantty 
here. He enables me to go on from conquering to conquer^, 
I am a poor weak unworthy worm. As fuch, be pleafed to 
remember, Reverend and dear Sir, 

Your unworthy brother and fellow-labourer in the gofpel, 


To Mrs. R . 

Dear Airs. R. London^ June 6, 1741. 

I Have been much hindred in anfwering your letter. Perhaps 
you have expedled too much comfort from man. That 
comfort is alone lading, which comes from God. I know 
not your experiences, and therefore cannot fo well judge of 
your cafe : however, I would have you prefs forward, and 
labour after a full allurance of faith. Judge not yourfelf by 
others joys and comforts. Look not top much upon the hap- 
pinefs you think others may enjoy. This may lead you to i-e- 
pine and murmur againft God. Look to yourfelf, and to 
Christ. Remember, you deferve nothing, and therefore he 
does you no wrong. Remember alfo, that he is full of love, 
and therefore in his own due time will manifeft himfelf to 
your foul. That you may patiently tarry the Lord's leifurc, 
and be bleffed with abundance of peace, is the hearty prayer 

ofj dear Mrs. R , 

Your afFedionate friend and fervant, 

G. IF. 

To Mr. K -. 

Dear Sir^ London, "June 8, 1741. 

I Like your laft letter bcft. There is one thing you ftill lack^ 
" to be convinced of unbeJief." By faith, and not by 
works, are you to be juftified in the fight of God. Make ufc 
of the means. You mull take care that you do not reft in 
them. You muft not think any thing you can do, will in the 
lead: recommend you to the favour of God ; and yet you muft 
ftnvCj as if you were to be faved by your ftriving. The only 
1 caufe 


caufe of our acceptance with God lies at the feet of fovcrciga 
mercy, through Christ. Entreat the Lord to give you 
faith, Txnd who knows but he may have mercy upon you. Re- 
member you are a poor rinner,and defervc nothing. That GoD 
may reveal his dear Son in you, is the hearty prayer of 
Your aftedionate fripnd and fervant, 

G. 7K 


To Adr. J C , at Kings wood, 

Afy dear Brother^ London^ June 8, 1741. 

HOW fweetly docs providence order all things for us! 
Jail before yours came, I was refolved to fend you 20/. 

to begin the fociety-room at Kingfwood. Mrs. C gives it, 

and 1 believe will make it up fifty. 7'his gentlewoman hath 
been made happily inltrumental in relieving me out of my late 
d.ftrefs. You know how 1 was threatened to be arrefted, foon 
after my arrival, for above three hundred pounds, due on ac- 
count of the Orphan-houfe in Georgia^ and I do not know but 
a writ was actually taken out. This drove me to my knees. 
God gave me to wreftle, with ftrong cryings and many tears, 
both before and after I went to reft — I could plead with him 
that it was not for myfelf but his poor. The example of Pro- 
fcjfor Frank encouraged me to pray, tho' I found he ventured 
only week by week ; bat my fituation in fuch a foreign cli- 
mate conftrained me to run upon larger arrears.— God was 
pleafed to give me an anfwer of peace. Having as I thought 
a full allarance of immediate help from fome quarter or ano- 
ther, I v/ent to fleep moft comfortably. Early the next ^orn- 
ing a friend came to me to enquire, if I knew where a gentlewo- 
man of his acquaintance might put out three or four hundred 
pounds. I replied, let her lend it to me, and in a hwi' months, 
God v/illing, Oie fliall have it again. — Upon being acquainted 
with my circumftances, flie mofl: chearfully fent me the fum 
i wanted, and thus my enemies were difappointed of their 
hope. Praife the Lord, O m.y foul I — But to return. I 
would have you lay the foundation immediately, but take care 
of building too large or too handfome. Notwithflanding my 
1 prefent 


prefent embarralTments, who knows, but it may be in my 
power to dilchargemy Orphan-houfe debt, and make coilcdi- 
ons here for Kivgjwood-fchool too ? When I could get no af- 
fiftance at all from my old friends and fpiritual (prejudiced) 
children, and was almoft quite pennylefs, and left to Tit alone 
like a fparrow upon the houfe-top, a ferious perfon, whom 1 
never faw or beared of, came the other day and put a guinea 
into my hand. At receiving it, fomething as it were faid to 
me, '* Cannot that God who fent this perfon to give thee this 
auinea, make it up fifteen hundred?" As I told a friend 
immediately, to whom I ran down, fo I (ball tell you ; I doubt 
not but this will be the cafe. My debt is all for God, and 
contraded in providing for the fatherlefs and widow. As to 
the work here, though perhaps I may be blamed by fome 
for venturing fo far, blefled be God, it goes on fweetly. All 
things happen for the furtherance of the gofpel. I have wrote 
brother S—^ — to let you have twenty pounds. 

if ours eternally in Christ Jesus, 

G, m 


To the Rev. Mr. S , at Charles -Town. 

Rev. and dsar Sir^ Londo?:, June 9, 1741. 

I Wrote you a few lines lately from BriJloL Since that, I 
have had the pleafure of receiving a letter from you ; for 

which I thank you heartily. What Mr. P brings with 

him, will inform you how affairs ftand here. BlefTed be God, 
the word runs and is glorified. The heat of the battle is now, 
I hope, pretty well over. God is plcafed to give me great 
power, and to flrengthen me both in body and foul. Our 
congregations are large and awful. We generally fee and 
feel much of the divine prefence in the fan61:uary. Many are 
pricked to the heart. I have three truly experienced young 
men that joined me. Affairs being fomev/hat fettled here, I 
am going a long journey of feveral months, thro' fevcral coun- 
ties in Engla7id^ JVales, and Scotland, The door was never 
opened wider for my preaching the everlafting gofpel. I am 

glad to hear by Mrs. S , &c. of your faithfulnefs to our 

common Lord. — O, dear Sir, what are we that we are called 
2 out 


out to rpeak in his great name ! Let us never Fear fufTering for 
owning his eternal truths. — The witneflcs cannot be flain 
'till they have finifhed their teftimony. At prefent here is no 
great fear of oppofition from the men in power j tho' I hear 
theHoufe of Lords intend to give a hearing to my appeal. How- 
ever it be, I am cafy. Tiie Lord Jesus over-rules every 
thing for the good of his church. I fuppofe I cannot come 
over to you 'till about next Spring. In the mean while, tho* 
abfent in body, I am prefent with you in fpirit, and am, reve* 
rend and dear Sir, 

Your very aftedlionate, but unknown brother 
and fervant in Christ, 


To Mr, J P , in Georgia. 

Dear brother P , London^ June 9, 1741; 

IAm forry to hear you are ftill in darknefs. Let uie little 
light you have, make you hold up your head, and think 
not of changing your ftation without a proper call. We are 
apt to place our happinefs in places, and often think we do 
not pleafe God, becaufe we do not pleafe ourfelves. But I 
find the fault is in the heart, not the place. Wait, therefore, 
my dear brother, flill patiently upon the Lord. Who knows, 
but by and by Jesus Christ may lift up the light of his 
blefTed countenance upon your foul ? Why fhould you doubt 
it ? My dear brother, Christ is love. He tries, but yet fup- 
ports me ; nay, makes me more than conqueror thfo' his love. 
You will hear by other letters, how it goes with the church 
in England, She is fhaken, but it is only that {he may be the 
more fettled. My love to your wife. I hope you find her aa 
help-meet for you. May the God of Abraham,, Ijaac and Ja^ 
cob, blefs, preferve, and keep you. May you both walk in the 
comforts of the Holy Ghoft, and be edified ; and may God 
give you hearts to remember 

Your afFe6lionate friend, and brother, 
and fervant in Christ, 

G. TK 





To the Rev. Mr. F , at Southampton. 

Rev. and dear Sir, London, June 13, 1 741. 

JUST now I received your kind letter, and the generous 
benefacHon of you and your friends for the Orphan-houfe. 
It came very opportunely, and flrengthens my faith in the 
bleiFed Jesus. I find he will help me by ways I know not. 
O. dear Sir, the love of God to fuch an unworthy worm 
quite amazes me. Surely, if I did not ftand up for free diftin- 
guifhing grace, the very ftones would cry out againft me. 
Blefled be our glorious Etmnanuel, the gofpel runs and is glori- 
fied. A wonderful power attends the word preached. Every 
day, I believe, fome or other are pricked to the heart. I have 
alfo glad tidings from abroad. In New- England there is an 
extraordinary work of God. I hope the dear Jesus will fet 
the whole world in a flame. Dear Sir, help me with your 
prayers. The archers (hoot fore at me that I may fall, but 
the Lord is my helper. I hope my thanks will find accept- 
ance with your other friends, who joined in helping my poor 
Orphans. Good meafure prefTed down and running over, 
m;iy the Lord return into your bofoms. Dear Sir, I pray 
God to m.ake you a flaming fire, and fill you with a holy burn- 
ing zeal for promoting our dear Redeemer's kingdom. I find 
but few truly zealous. The love of too, too many is waxed 
cold. I thank you, dear Sir, for encouraging me, and beg 
leave to fubfcribe myfelf, reverend and dear Sir, 

Your affedlionate brother in Christ Jesus, 

Q. n\ 


ro the Rev. Mr. H . 

Reverend and dear Sir, London, June 13, 1 741. 

I Received your kind letter. You do not know, and there- 
fore think too highly of me. " Lefs than the Icaft of all,** 
fhall be my motto ftill. Providence is pleafed to prevent my 
leaving London on Monday next. I muft neceflarily defer my 
journey to Hertfordjhire and EJfex^ till the Monday following. — 

I approve 

LETTERS, 27.; 

1 approve of the circuit you have fixed, but I chufe to preach 
at each place twice. Dear Sir, I moft heartily thank you for 
promifing me your afTiftance in refpe<5l to the orphans. I am 
perfuaded our Lord will be well pleafed. He gives me great 
encouragement. We daily feel and fee his prefence in the 
great Congregation. I hear glorious news from abroad : New- 
England is in a holy flame. O that we at home, may be ftir- 
red up to fpervi ourfelves, and be fpent, for the good of fouls ! 
Dear Sir, pray that fuch a mind may be given to 

Your moft afFedlionate, though unworthy brother 
and fervant in Christ, 

G. m 


To the Rev. Mr, S , at TVorceJier, 

Revereiid and dear Sir^ London ^ June 13, 1741. 

I Thank you heartily for your laft kind letter : As you are 
fo aged and infirm, I take it as an efpecial favour, that 
you are pleafed to write to me. You need make no apology, 
reverend Sir, for your plain dealing : I love thofe beft,- who 
deal moft fincerely with me. Whatever errors 1 have been, 
or fhall be guilty of in my miniftry, I hope the Lord will 
fhew me, and give me grace to amend. This is the language 
of my heart : 

Corre^ me when I go ajlra)\ 
And lead me in the perfeH way. 

I alfo thank you, dear Sir, for your kind benefacSlion. My 
arrears upon the Orphan-houfe are yet large ; but I Kope ere 
long the Lord will enable me to pay them all. At prefent, I 
am kept from doubting. Unworthy as I am, Jesus Christ 
is yet with me, and is pleafed daily to ftrengthen me both in 
foul and body. My miniftry (for ever adored be fovereign 
grace) is attended with a continual power. I am fhortly go- 
ing a large circuit, perhaps as far as Scotland. Dear Sir, let 
your prayers follow after me. — 1 am a poor, weak, unworthy 
tvorm -, as fuch be pleafed to remember, reverend and dear 

Your obedient, though unworthy brother and 

fervant in our common Lord, 




To Mr, J C , at Briftol 

My dear brother, Hertford, July I, 1 74 1. 

THE Lord has been with me greatly, ever fince I left 
London, — I have been enabled to preach twice every 
day, and to ride feveral miles. The congregations have been 
every where very large. God's prefence has accompanied 
the word. People's hearts have been enlarged. Within thefe 
fevv days, we have colledled near a hundred pounds for the 
poor orphans. Numbers of fouls, I believe, are under con- 
viftions. In fome places we have had near ten thoufand hear- 
ers. Invitations are fo prefling, that I purpofe going another 
circuit to Bedford, and to preach in the counties round about 
for near a fortnight, and then return to London. I hope the 
Lord is with you ; I am fomewhat weak in body, but fweet 

and comfortable in my foul. Dear J joins with me in 

love to you and all. Pray for. 

Yours in the beft bonds, 

G, n\ 


To Mr. J H , at Savannah. 

ColchcJIer, July 12, 1 74 1. 
Afy very dear Friend and Brother, 

I Have not heard from you fince you wrote laft January. I 
have been a circuit into Hertfordjhire, Effl-x, BedfordJJnre, 
Cambridgepre, and Suffolk, I have been enabled to preach 
twice daily, and to ride feveral miles. Congregations have 
been furprifmgly large; the word is attended with power, and the 
alarm in the country rather greater than ever. Contributions 
aiife and increafe. You are all much upon my heart. God 
will yet provide for you. I wrjte this in great hafte. God 
gives me much of his prefence. I am more and more con- 
vinced, that evangelizing is my prppcr bufinefs at prefent. 
God gives me great accefs every where. The Lord be with 



you all, Amen and Amen ! To the bed of my knowledge, I 
have negledled no opportunity of writing. I am 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G. IF. 


To Mr. J H , at London. 

Coggejhall, 7^.5/ 13, 1741. 

I Received your letter at Bury \ but cannot think matters are 
quite ripe, or you duly qualified for fettling a church. 
God lets me fee more and more, that I muft evangelize. I 
find you are for fettling : do as God fhall direct, I am eafy. I 
only wifh you may find fettled perfons to be your affiftants. 
Without this, a church cannot be rightly ordered, I have no 
freedom, but in going about to all denominations. I cannot 
join with any one, fo as to be fixed in any particular place. 
Every one hath his proper gift. Field-preaching is my plan : 
In this I am carried as on eagles wings. God makes way 
for me every where. The work of the Lord increafes. I 
am comforted night and day. O free grace to fuch an hell- 
deferving finner ! I pray God to give you a right judgment 
in all things. I am, dear brother H-^ — , 

Yours moft afFedlionately in Christ Jesus, 

G. JV. 


To Mrs, D , at Gran/den, 

My dear SiJIer, London^ July 17, 1741. 

IBlefs God that I faw you at Granfclcn. The Lord was 
with us, and has been with me the remaining part of my 
journey. We fhall yet fee greater things than thefe. Won- 
derful things from abroad. The inclofed will fhew you, how 
defirous my family is of correfponding with you. Pray write 
to my dear little orphans, boys and girls. God, I hear, hath 
been working powerfully upon their hearts. I would have 

you alfo write to Mr. J- B^ , a converted planter ; to 

Mrs. B , his kinfwoman, who has lately received the af- 

furance of faith j to Mr. C , a dear baptift minlfler ; to Mrs. 

T 3 S , 


S , who is carried on the wings of faith and love ; and to 

my dear Mr. H , who is Superintcndant of the Orphan- 

houfe affairs. You will excufe this freedom. I am willing 
your ufefulnefs fhould be as extenfive as may be. May the 
Lord blefs you ever, more and more, I expe(Sl: to go to Scot- 
land Ihortly. A fhip will foon fail towards Georgia, Write 

fbon, dear Mrs. D , to 

Your afjedionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G, fK 


To Mr. G H 5 in Gloucefter, 

My dear Friendy London^ July i8, I74f. 

GOD has mightily blefied my journey in the country- 
Thoufands, and ten thoufands, have flocked to hear the 
word. It was attended with power, and pear a hundred and 
eio^hty pounds were colle<^ed for the Orphan-houfe. I know 
you will give thanks on my behalf. On Thurfday morning, 
God willing, I hope to embark for Scotland i I am perfuaded 
the LoPvD calls me thither. Invitations, both from the SscederSy 
anu others that do not fecede from the Kirk^ are very ftrong. I 
{hould be glad of a line next poll. It is now near eleven at 
nieht. I hope my friends will accept my thanks for their 
kiiid benefactions to the dear orphans, and with their prayers 

follow, dear Mr. // , 

Ever yours in Christ Jesus, 

G. m 


To Mr, B S . 

Dear Sir ^ LewiJham^July l^^ 1741. 

THOUGH I have but little time, yet I muft redeem 3 
little to anfvvcr your kind letter. God is doing great 
things, both at home and abroad. The inclofed will in fome 
meafure inform you. Every day our Lord appears for us in 
the great congregations. Weak as I am in myfelf, the Lord 
is my ftrcngth. O, dear Sir, I am a worm and no man ; I 
deferve to be the outcaft of the people, and yet the Lord de- 
lights to honour me. Free, free grace ! 1 long to be above, 



that T may praife God as I defire. In about two days I hope 
to embark for Scotland. I will come and vifit you when pro- 
vidence permits. In the mean while, I beg that you will pray 
that the glorious Jesus would blefs all my poor endeavours to 
promote his glory ! My love to all that love the dear Em- 
manuel. In his great name, I fubfcribe myfelf 

Your affedionate brother and fervant, 

G. IV, 


To Mr. G H , at Gloucefter, 

My very dear Friend^ Lew'ijham^ y«/y 23, 1 741* 

I Thought to have embarked this morning for Scotland^ but 
am likely to be detained a day or two. I muft therefore' 
fend you a line. Wonderful things is the Lord doing for me. 
In the country I meet with furprifmg fuccefs. In London I 
fee fuch things that I never faw in England ht^orc. A mighty 
power almoft continually accompanies the word. The Lord 
Jesus is pleafed toftrengthen me very much in the inner man. 
O, my dear friend, give thanks for, and pray that I may walk 
humbly with my God. The Lord be with you and yours. 

I hope both you and dear Mrs. H do keep clofe to God. 

My love to all that love the dear Lord Jesus. God willing, 
you (hall have a line from Scotland. Wonderful news is come 
from abroad, which will ere long rejoice your heart, and caufe 

you to give thanks in behalf of, my dear Mr. H , 

Ever yours in Christ Jesus, 

G. JK 


To Mr, T , at Colchejler, 

Dear Sir^ Lewijlmm^ July 23, 1741. 

PROVIDENCE detaining me one day more, I fnatch 
a few moments to anfwer your kind letter, and to return 

Mr. J thanks for his kind prefent. How good is the 

blefled Jesus to me the chief of finners ! He takes care both 
of my body and foul. His power has attended me lately, more 
than ever it did before in England, God's right hand is bring- 

T 4 i"g 


ing mighty things to pafs. I earneftly intreat our Lord, that 
you may live above the world, and be dead to all things here 
below. Dear Sir, there is nothing like a life of faith. It is a 
glorious thing to be able to fay, " Not I live, but Christ 
liveth in me." Then, are we chriftians indeed, when we 
come to live on the invifible realities of another world. This, 
and this only, is true and undefiled religion. May God make 
you a lively partaker thereof. I hope my kind refpe61:s will 

find acceptance with Mefirs. V—, — , D , J , and all 

friends. Fail not to pray for 

Your affedionate friend and fervant, 

G. tr. 


To Mr, B . 

My very dear B , Greenwich^ July 24, 1741. 

TO-MORROW, God willing, I embark for Scotlandy 
and hope to redeem time abroad to anfwer my dear 
lambs letters : They rejoiced me exceedingly. What I have 
done with yours, the inclofed will fhew. Pray be particular 
in your accounts. Much good has been done by thofe fent 
already. You cannot tell how many hearty prayers are put up 
for you all, daily. May they enter into the ears of the Lord 
of Sabaoih ! The work is beginning afrefh in England. The 
Holy Ghoft defcends in a glorious manner, amidfl the con- 
gregation. Weak, unworthy as I am, Jesus Christ works 
in and by me. O fovereign free grace ! I have fent the letter 

to Mrs. D . I have lately feen her. Her converfation 

is as weighty as her letters. You will receive more from her, 
I hope, before it be long. I believe you are where God would 
have you to be. I defpair not of feeing your mouth opened 
remarkably for God. O that the dear Jesus may blefs you, 
and the whole houfliold ! I fhould rejoice to fee you, but God, 

I believe, will d,etain me here the Winter. Mr. P 's bro- 

,ther is to pay for the ufe of the Orphan-houfe feventy-five 
pounds. Shortly I hope to fend you frefh fupplies. In the 
mean while I aiTure you all, that you are conflantly upon my 
heart:. My head pains me; good night. The Lord be with 



you all. Expe6t to hear again very fpeedily from, dear Bro- 
ther B ', 

Yours moft afFedionately in Christ Jesus, 

G. /K 


To Mr, I B-^ , at South- Carolina, 

Dear Mr. B , Greenwich, July 24, 1 741. 

WITH much pleafure I received your kind letter. 
Blefled be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus 
Christ, v^^ho I truft hath begotten you, and called you out 
of darknefs into his marvellous light. What an honour is it, 
that vi^e fhould be counted worthy to fufter the leaft degree of 
reproach for his great name fake ? I am afhamed to think how- 
little I do, or fufFer for him. O free grace ! fovereign and 
elcding love ! how fweet to the foul, who really feels the 
power of it ! May we walk worthy of that holy vocation 
wherewith we are called ! I hear your brother is dead ; happy 
foul I you and I fhall go and fee him by and by. I thank you 
heartily for your kindnefs to the dear orphans. I am fure Gon 
will amply repay you. The Lord be with you and yours. 
I muft away to the fhip bound for Scotland. I will anfwer dear 

Mrs. B 's letter, when I get on board. Adieu. O pray 


Ever yours in Jesus Christ, 



To Mr. I F , at Charhs-Toiun. 

Dear Mr. F , Greenwich, July 24, 1 741. 

1 Rejoice to hear the Lord is carrying on a good work in 
your foul. I hope you will not think all is done, be- 
caufe you have been baptized and received into full commu- 
nion. I know too too many that " make a Christ of their 
adult baptifm," and reft in that, inftead of the righteoufnefs 
of the blefied Jesus. God forbid that you fliould fo learn 
Cfirist. O my dear friend, feek after a fettlement in our dear 
Lord, fo that you may experience that life which is hid with 

Christ in God. Dear Mrs. F , I thank you heartily 

for your kind letter. It rejoices my foul to hear, that you and 
3 ^^r- 


Mr. F are going on hand in hand to heaven. This is the 

i'acred end of marriage ; to be helpers of each other in the 
great things of God. I am not yet entered into that ftate. 
I am looking up to Christ, and fhall wait his diredion. 
'I'he gofpel runs, and is glorified. The work is beginning 
a frefh in England. Never was my preaching attended with fo 
great power on this fide the water. Our Lord pours his com- 
forts into my foul, and rejoices me with the glad news I hear 
from your parts. May you all increafe and multiply in every 
good word and work. My moft tender love to all. As faft 
as poffibly I can, each fhall hear from, my dear friends. 

Ever yours, 

G. IV. 


To Mr, H '<i at Georgia, 

Greenwich^ "July 24, I74i« 
My very dear Friend and Brother^ 

BEFORE the boat comes to take me down to the fhip, 
I would write you a line or two. I greatly rejoice to 
hear that you live in love. But I fhall not be furprifed, if, 
after this remarkable work of the fpirit, you meet with fome 
trials. But fear not : we are all in the Mediator's hands. I 
find all things work together for my good, and io I am furc 
you will. My dear friends, I know you fympathize with me. 
— Indeed, I alfo do with you. My dear, dear family, you are 
continually upon my heart. I redeem a moment or two as 
often as I can to write to you. God only knows how I love 
and long after you in the bowels of the ever- blefled Jesus. O 
may you lean on his bofom, and may his banner over you be 
love. Adieu ! for the prefent. I mufl foon away to the fhip. 
I have ordered hats andfhoes for the children, and intend fend- 
ing brother H 's order and other things, with fome cafii, 

very fhortly. But the arrears hang on me yet. My Lord 
bears my burden ; may he bear all yours for you ! I am per- 
fuadcd he will. With great- tendcrnefs I fubfcribc myfclf^ 

dear Mr. H , 

Your mofl afFedionatc, though unworthy brother 

and fervant in Christ, 
G, IK 



L E T f E R CCCX. 

To Mrs. S , at Charles-Town. 

In a boat going to Grave fend^ July 24, 1741. 
Dear Mrs. S , 

I Am now in a boat, in order to embark for Scotland. I have 
the conveniency of writing upon a trunk, and therefore 
cannot be eafy without fending you a line. I rejoice to hear 
that you are carried upon the wings of love. Methinks I fee 
you fitting under the Redeemer's fhadow with great delight, 
and exalting his free grace in plucking you as a brand out of 
the fire. O when (hall we go to heaven, that we may praife 
God for what he hath done for our poor fouls ! The Lord is 
better to me than ever. Conviction, and converfion, both in 
tovyn and country, are beginning again. The divine prefence 
is much manifefted in our aflemblies. Blefled be the Lord, 
who is alfo working with you. The fpiritual profperity of 
the orphan family, rejoices my heart. God will ere long, 
I believe, make a feparation between the precious and the vile. 

poor Mr. G , CommifTary G d^ and Chief Juftice 

W- , bitter, bitter, though unfuccefsful perfecutors, what 

will become of you ? O that God may grant them repentance 

unto life ! What reafon have you and I, dear Mrs. S , 

to exalt rich diftinguifhing grace ! 'Tis that alone hath made 
the difference. I believe I need not remind you to pray, 

dear Mrs. S , for - 

Yours moft afFedionately in Christ Jesus, 

G. W. 


To Serjeant B , at Gibraltar. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ hound from London to Leith^ 

J.uly2S'> 1741- 
Dear Mr. B , 

I Am glad to hear that you are yet alive, and what is more, 
I truftyou are alive to God. Perhaps I may never fee 
you again on this fide eternity. O that we may approve our- 
felves good foldiers of Jesus Christ ! How bright will our 
crown be then, at that laft great day ! I find there is nothing 



like being valiant for the truth. Jesus Christ is a glorious 
captain. He makes me more than conqueror through his love. 
I have feen great things, within thefe kw months. I (hould 
have anfwered you fooner, but could not get time till novir : 
I am embarked for Scotland. I hope you take particular care 
to beat down felf-righteoufnefs, and exalt the Lord Jesus 
alone in your hearts. I find, the only happinefs is to lie down 
as a poor fmner at the feet of the once crucified, but now ex- 
alted Lamb of God, who died for our fins and role again for 
our juftification. I rejoice to hear, that fome even at Gibraltar 
ftill dare to own a too too much negle£led Saviour. BlefTed 
be God, the governor is fo favourable to you. This is a great 
motive to love and thankfulnefs. The work of God ftill 
goes on in England, and other parts. O for that glorious period, 
when the whole earth fhall be filled with the knowledge of the 
Lord as the waters cover the feas ! That our dear Lord 
may every day reign as kin-g in all your fouls, is the prayer of, 
dear Serjeant, 

Your afFecSlionate friend and fcrvant, 

G, W. 


To Mifs R . 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ J"^ 25, 1741. 
Dear Mifs^ 

A Few hours ago I came on board. To fhew that you 
are in my mind, I employ fome of my firft leifure time 
in anfwering your letter. The condition you are in now, 
ought not to make you think that Jesus Christ has caft you 
off^, and that it will be prefumption in you to believe on him. 
The Lord is now fliewing you, that you are poor, and mifera- 
ble, and blind, and naked, and fuch only are the perfons that 
think they want his almighty aid. I fear you look too much 
intoyourfelf, and from thence are difcouraged. Whereas you 
Ihould look directly to Christ, and come to him in all your 
blood. You will always fly from him, as long as you count him 
your enemy. But do not think fo hardly of him ; Jesus is 
the finncr's friend. O how doth his bowels yearn towards 
you! Are you made willing to be made whole ? Christ invites 
and commands vou to come to him j venture then upon him. 


*~ LETTERS. 285 

If you never have believed yet. It is time for you to believe 
now, " Lord, give me faith !" for faith is the free gift of 
God. What if your heart be hard, Jesus can foften it. 
What if you have yet no marks of your cle(5tion ? furely you 
dare not fay, *' You are not eleded," or that Christ hath 
not died for you, even for you. It is, indeed, a bad thing 
to have only notions in the head, and no folid experience in 
the heart. But it is a good thing to be convinced of this. 
Blefled be God, who hath given you to bewail it. Look up- 
on this as a token for good. — Truft not to means ; when 
they are taken from you, Christ can and will work with- 
out them. The Lord may bi-ing you help in a way, and at 
a time you know not of. Your extremity ftiall be God*s 
opportunity. If the Lord vouchfafcs to blefs this letter in 
the leaft degree to your comfort, it will much rejoice the heart 
of, dear Mifs, 

Your afFedionate friend and fervant in Christ, 


To Mr, J H , at Georgia. 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 25, 1 74 1. 
My dear Brother^ 

WITH much pleafurel have again read over your kind 
letter. God is a God hearing prayer. My dear 

brother H is awakened out of fleep. Help me men, help 

me angels, to praife God in his behalf! My dear brother, I 
pray God you may never lie down again. Christ is now 
giving you light ; walk and rejoice in that light. Keep clofe, 
keep clofe, my dear man, and let nothing fteal away your poor 
heart from the blefled Jesus. Give it all to him, give it to 
him, hard, earthly, fenfual, devilifli, as it is. He will wafh 
it in his precious blood. Do not tic him down to any degree 
of convlclion. So that he brings you home, let him do it in 
that way he fhall think beft. What a loving Saviour have you 
to deal with ! You cannot conceive how kind he is, even to 
me every day. I feel and fee his power more and more. He 
feems to be beginning his vv^ork afrefh in England^ and it 
gladdens my heart to hear he is among you at Bethefda, O do 
nothing to grieve the blefled fpirit ! Let your converfation be 



fuch in all things, as becomes the gofpcl of the blefTed JesVs^ 
Have the greateft regard for the little lambs. Do nothing that 
may prove a {tumbling block to their precious fouls. Warm 
yourfelf by talking to them. Be not one moment idle. Re^ 
deem your precious time ; for you knowr not when your 
Lord may come. My brother, my heart is full of love to 
thee. — May you be a beloved phyfician I Beloved of the Lord, 
beloved of the Lord's people, and a continual comfort to 
Your moft unworthy, though truly afFedionate 

brother, and fervant in the dear Jesus, 

G. JV, 


To Mr. Wm, G . 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 25, 1741?. 
My dear Brother G , 

YOUR kind letter I have juft been reading over a fecond 
time. It gave me comfort ; but the high ftile extorted 
a fmile or two from me, I believe you have been reading over 
Mrs. D— — 's letters. You wanted to imitate her way of 
writing, but fail for want of her experience. It is a good 
thing not to go out of our depth. Methinks I fee you look 
down and blufti ; but look up again immediately to Jesus 
Christ : He knows whereof we are made, and remembers 
we are but duft. Indeed L write to my dear man out of much 
love. BlefTed be God, that ajl things are carried on with 
fuch decency and order. I pray God that you may fo live, 
that all who come to fee you may fay, " Surely God is in 
this place." Your prayers in my behalf are heard. I aiw 
quickened, and ftrengthened mightily both in foul and body : 
controverfial points are ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ 
triumphs glorioufly. I find my heart often drawn towards Be- 
thefda. I hope I (hall yet meet you again in the flefh, and 
embrace you one by one in my unworthy arms. In the mean 
time, I commit you to the bofom of Jesus. May you lean 
upon his bread, and fit under his {hadow with great delight \ 
May you be truly Ample, truly childlike, and QVQxy way con- 
4 formable 


formable to our great exemplar the fpotlefs Lamb. I long for 
that time, when we (hall fit down at his marriage fupper : 
thout^h I have the loweft place, it will fuffice, dear brother 

Your afFedlionate brother, friend and fervant, 

To Mr, J 5 , at Georgia. 

On board the Mary and Ann, July 25, 1 74 1. 
Dear John, 

YOUR cafe puts me in mind of that paflage, where we 
are told that our Lord looked upon Peter, Surely, he 
has looked upon and prayed for you, otherwife how would 
Satan have fifted you ? But fee what comfort another paflage 
may afford you, " Go tell my brethren and Peter" Poor, 
weeping, penitent Peter muft in no wife be forgotten. '' Go 
tell them that I am rifen." Here are glad tidings of great joy to 
a difconfolate foul. May God apply it to your's in particular. 
Dear John, may you learn from hence to ftab your dear Savi- 
our no more. I wonder not that you are in darknefs. God 
will furely vifit your offences with a rod, and your back- 
flidings with fome fpiritual fcourge. That is enough to keep 
us from fmning, though we know that his loving-kindnefs 
he will not utterly take from us, nor fufFer his truth to fail. 
How dearly did David pay for his ftolen fweets ? What an- 
guifli has your poor foul felt, fmce I left you. Blefled be God, 
that he has awakened you out of fleep. O free grace ! I re- 
joice, yea and I will rejoice. That you may never provoke 
God to leave you to yourfeU*, is the earneft prayer of, dear 

Ever yours, 

G. jr. 




Tfl Rebekah B , an Orphan at the Orphan-houfe. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ July 25, I74I« 
Dear Bekky, 

AND is the Lord ftill ftrlving with you ? O then ad- 
mire his patience, and give him your whole heart. I 
had no other end in bringing you to Bethefda^ but that you 
might be brought to Jesus. I hope you will yet find it a 
houfe of mercy to your foul. Take heed of refting in con- 
vidion. You know by experience how fadly it wears ofF. 
You may well wonder, that God has not fent you to hell 
long ago. I pray God, that his goodnefs may lead you to 
repentance, and that you may walk before the Lord in all 
well-pleafmg, fo long as yau live. What fweet opportuni- 
ties do you enjoy ! How freely may you go into the woods, 
and pour out your heart before the dear Jesus. How early 
was Samuel acquainted with the Lord, and why fhould not 
you be acquainted with him ? Unlefs you are, you can never 
be at peace. Come then, my dear lamb, and wander no lon- 
ger ; return to the fhepherd and bifhop of your foul. Behold, 
he fhed his blood for you, and will carry you to heaven, re- 
joicing over you to, all eternity. Away to him then in all 
your blood, juft as you are ; and when you are near to God, 
forget not 

Your afFe(Slionate friend, 

G. TV. 


To Elizabeth G , an Orphan, 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 25, 1 741. 
Dear Beity^ 

I Am glad you begin to feel the hardnefs of your heart, and 
your utter inability to pray» I pray God you may in all 
things fee your helplcflhefs, that you may come as a poor help- 
Icfs nothing to Jesus Christ, and take him for your all in 
all. I wonder not that fatan endeavours to terrify your foul. 
You know how he tore the voung child in the Gofpel, whilft 
be was coming to Jesus Christ. Your convictions at pre- 



fcnt feem to arife from a fear of hell ; but before you receive 
this, I hope the Lord Jesus will have fcaled your pardon, 
and have faid, " Be of good cheer, thy fins are forgiven thee." 
O Beityy why has God fingled you out ? Why was you 
brought to Bethefda ? Away when you read this, and blefs 
God for it, and devote yourfelf again and again to that Lord, 
who has bought you with his precious blood. Having much 
forgiven you, love much. Lie down in the duft, and be conti- 
nually looking to the rock from whence you are hewn. To 
hear that you, and my dear family, love the Lord Jesus in 
fmcerity, will much rejoice the heart of 

Your fmcere friend, 

G. IV. 


To Mary A , an Orphan, 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ July 25, 1 74 J* 
Dear Molly ^ 
T TPON reading your letter, I put up this prayer, " Lord 
\J lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon her foul." 
You once had joy. I found it puffed you up. I pray God 
to humble you by your prefent darknefs. You may now fee 
what a poor wretch you are, how proud, how earthly, how 
fenfual, \\o\v deviliih ; and yet, ftupendous love 1 Jesus 
Christ will ftill receive you. Your loving Saviour opens 
his arms, and invites you to throw the whole of your load 
upon him. I am perfuaded he will receive you : go to him 
then, and confefs that you have finned. He will receive you; 
for what fays the fcripture ? " Look unto me, all ye ends of 
the earth, and be ye faved." Surely Molly A is includ- 
ed here. The dear Jesus is all love. He has brought you to 
a houfe of mercy. Out of love, keep his commandments, and 
Jove all that are around you. Be willing to be the fervant of 
all, and from gratitude to God ftudy to be a comfort to 
Your fincerc friend in Christ, 

G. TV, 





f^dc ^/Cr c^^ ^j^^ Honourable J- B , Efqy 

Hon. Slr^ On board the Mary and Ann ^ July 26, 1741. 

WITH much pleafure I received yours ty the hands of 
your fon, who offered to do me any fervice that lay 
in his power. This, as v/ell as your other paft favours, quite 
furprize, and ought to humble me ; for who am I, that I 
{hould be thus highly honoured I O fovereign grace ! O dif- 
tinguifhing love ! If 1 did not ftand up in defence of that, the 
very (lones would cry out againft me. Indeed, honoured Sir, 
your kindnefs makes mealmoft toblufli, and the love of Jesus 
quite confounds me. I am loft, I want to fmk into nothing 
whenever I think of Christ's dying for me. I really think, 
I am the moft ungrateful fmner that ever was, and yet the Re- 
deemer follows me with his mercies every day. Unfpeakable 
are the trials vi^herewith I have been vifited fmce my arrival. 
But out of all the Lord delivers me. I experience daily 
much of his divine prefence ; a wider door than ever is open- 
ed for preaching the everlafting gofpel, and God feems to be 
beginning his work again in Old- England : it adds to my joy, 
to hear what the Lord is doing amongft you. BlefTed, for 
ever blefled be God, for caufing fuch a ftirring among the dry 
bones. I pray the glorious Redeemer, to carry on the good 
work begun, and to makq New-England the joy of the whole 
earth. I fuppofe you have heard, honoured Sir, of the remark- 
able efl ufion of the fpirit among the children of the orphan- 
houfe. Surely, Jesus Christ is about to bring mighty 
things to pafs. Whilft the kings of the earth are enlarging 
their dominions, I trull: our Lord will uflier in his. — I Ihall 
not be furprized, if after this great commotion in New-Eng^ 
land, I hear that fome outward troubles befal them. The 
removal of you, honoured Sir, from being governor, I take to 
be no good figii. I hope this has no other efFe^l upon your 
own heart, than to make you more and more hunger and 
thirft after that righteoufnefs, which neither men nor devils 
fhall ever be able to take from you. God only knows, how 
often I have prayed, that this afflr(Si?ion may be fandified untar 
you. I thUk, Ironoured Sir, 1 cannot forget you and your 



people. Both are dear, very dear to my foul. I fomctimcs 
long to fee Bojlm again, that I may rejoice in what great 
things the Lord has dane ; but various circumftances concur 
to detain me on this fide the ocean, all the next Winter. I am 
now in my pailage to Scotland. What the Lord is plcafed to 
do there, your honour may hear in my next. I rejoice, that 
I am a little retired from the world, and have the opportunity, 
honoured Sir, of writing td you. How fweet is retirement 
v/hen Christ is prefent in the heart ? Having him, I find I 
poflTefs all things. Happy they that can wrap themfelves in 
God. May you and yours be thus happy ! This will enable 
you, honoured Sir, to rejoice in tribulation, and give thanks 
for ev&ry thing that does befal you. Tho* thefliip is moving, 
and I am fomewhat fick, I knew not how to leave ofF. In- 
deed, I love and honour you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. 
That you and yours may be rooted and grounded in his love, 
and filled v/ith all tUe fulnefs of God, is the hearty prayer of, 
honoured Sir, 

Your mofl: afFedlionate, obliged humble fervant, 

G. W. 


To the P^everend Dr. C — — , at BoJIon, 

On board the Alary and Ann, July 26, 1741. 
Rev.Mnd dear Sir, 

I Had the pleafure of yours, and have taken the freedom 
to publifti part of it, becaufe I thought our Lord's caufe 
might be promoted thereby. Glory be to the ever blefl'ed 
Jesus, for the great work begun in your province. Glory be 
to his great name, for raifing up inltroments to carry it on } 
efpecially for working fo powerfully among the fons of thje 
prophets. A mod promifing omen this for dear New-England. 
Reverend Sir, the fearcher of hearts only knows, how deeply 
the welfare of your people is imprefTed upon my foul. I con- 
tinually make mention of them in my poor prayers, both 
public and private, and have not failed to give thanks in their 
behalf. You feem a little offended, that I did not mention old 

^^Mr. TV J. It was, becaufe by his converfation I could not 

/ iind he ca^ne yp to that character v.hich you gave him. Mr. 
' U 2 S 


S I truly value, and lately have had reafon to think much 

better of him than formerly, when his experiences to me feem- 
ed too fuperficial ; but I am a poor, vi^eak, fallible u^orm, and 
therefore my judgment is of littleworth. I rejoice to hear that the 
minifters with you help forward the work of God. I find no 
fuch enemies to the crofs of Christ, as thofe who keep up the 
form of religion, and are orthodox in their notions, but are ig- 
norant of an experimental acquaintance with Jesus. How- 
ever, the work of God is beginning afrefti. I have free ac- 
Cefs every where, and have been upon the full ftretch preaching 
to large auditories twice a day, for fome time paft. The Lord 
is pleafed to ftrengthen me both in body and foul. His pre- 
fence fills the aflemblies, and, I verily believe, we {hall yet fee 
glorious days. I have fweet accounts from the Orphans. I 
thank you, dear Sir, for your care concerning them. 1 have 
been in great ftraits ; but the dear Jesus helps me through 
them all. Help me, dear Sir, help me to praife him. My 
tender love awaits both you and your people. I am glad to 
hear, that my kind hoflefs is recovered. May the Lord 
ftrengthen her mightily, and caufe her to go down to the grave 
in peace I I earneftly defire a continuance of your own and 
people's prayers in behalf of, reverend Sir, 

Your affectionate brother in Christ, 

G. W. 

To John D , at Bofton. 

On board the Mary and Jnn, July 26, 1 741. 
A'fy dear ch'ddy 

I Thank you for your letter: I neither forgot you nor my 
proniife. O that God may effedually work upon your 
heart betimes, for you cannot be good too foon, or too good. 
The little orphans at Georgia are crying out, " What Ihall we 
do to be faved ?" And I am glad to hear, that this is the 
language of fome little ones in New-England. If you know 
any of them, pray give my love to them, and tell them, I pray 
that Jesu> Christ may be revealed in their dear hearts. 
How early was Jesus Christ in the Temple, firft. hearing, 
and then afking qi^eftions ? How did he love the little chil- 
dren, how did he take them up in his facred arms and blefs 

them I 

1. E T T E R S. 2493 

them; and when he was juft afcending to the highcft heaven, 
how tenderly did he fpeak to Peter, and bid him " feed hi« 
lambs." Let all this encourage you to come unto him. He 
will certainly receive you, tho' you have been wicked ; nay, 
he will abundantly pardon you. And uhat comfort will you 
enjoy, when you know your fms arc forgiven you ? You will 
then have a heaven upon earth. In expedbition of feeing you 
a chriftian indeed, and grown in grace, I fubfcribe myfeif 
• Your afFe6^ionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


To the Honourable jf fV , at Bojion. 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 26, 1 74 1 . 
Honoured Sir, 

PRESUMING it would not be difagreeable to you, I 
have taken the liberty to print part of the letter you was 
fo kind as to fend me. Surely it will rejoice the hearts of 
thoufands, to hear what good things the Lord is doing in thefe 
parts. It has put much gladnefs into my heart, and caufed me 
to give many thanks in behalf of the people of New-Ejigland* 
How good is our God ! When things are a little trouble- 
fome without, he fends his gofpel to comfort his children 
within. Surely Jesus Christ is about to fet the world in a 
flame. He is working powerfully at home ; he is working 
powerfully abroad. I truft he will continue working, 'till the 
earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters 
cover the fea. I hope you will yet feel more of this light and 
life in your own heart, before you go hence, and be com- 
forted with the comforts wherewith I am daily comforted 
of God. Dear Sir, Jesus is a precious Adafter. He, as it 
were, dandles me upon his knees. He carries me in his arms, 
he fights all my battles, and makes me more than con- 
queror thro' his love. My work is great, but my fupports are 
greater. He aflures me from day to day, that he will never 
leave me nor forfake me. My infirmities often make me blufh, 
^nd yet Jesus pafles them all by. Dear Sir, think often on 
the love of Christ : tliink of his dying love ; that muft 
give you comfort. I rejoice at this opportunity of writing 

U 3 to 


to you, I thank you for your kind caution, I pray God to 
teach me how to improve it. Help me, dear Sir, with your 
prayers ; and accept of thefe few lines from, honoured Sir, 
Youi: moft afFedionate brother and fervant in Christ. 

G. IK 

to Mr, E D , at Bojion, 

On hoard the Mary and Ann y July 26, 1741. 
Dear Mr, D , 

I Am to be blamed for not fending you a line. I am an un- 
grateful creature -, ungrateful to my earthly friends, un* 
fpeakably more fo to the friend of all. Pardon me this once. 
God willing, you fhall have no reafon to complain of me 
any more. If you remember, once in my fermon I faid^ '^ O 
that New-England was full of new creatures !" I hope the 
Lord ip feme meafure is going to anfwer that prayer. — It re-^ 
joices my heart, to hear that the gofpel runs fo fwiftly, and is 
fo remarkably glorified amongft you. This is the Lord's do- 
ings, and it ought to be marvellous in our eyes. BlefTed are the 
eyes that fee the things which we fee 3 blefled are the ears 
that hear the things which we hear, for many righteous 
men have dcfircd to fee and hear them, and have nor. I re- 
joice alfo to hear, that there is like to be a church in your 
houfe. O, dear Sir, take care that none of you reft, till you 
have got fad hold of the blefled Jesus. My kind love to dear 

Mrs. D '. May Christ's juftifying blood be upon you 

and your children. I return my love to all that are fo kind as 
to remember me. I believe I fhall not fee you this Winter. 
The w'ork is tery great, and goes on very profperous in Eng^ 
fand. However, you are all upon my heart, and the more 
heartily you pray for me, the fooner fhal) I be reftored unto 
you. I hope I feel the benefit of your dear people's prayers j 
for God comforts and ftrengthens me daily, and carries me on 
from conquering to conquer. On fhorc, I have fcarce time to 
•write a line ; being now on board, I take this opportunity of 
returning you my hearty thanks for your kind letter, and of 
afTuring you that I am, dear Mr. D— — -, 

Your affectionate friend and fervant, 

G. IK 

1 E T T E R 



To the Rev. Mr. R , at Bojicn, 

On hoard the Mary and Ann, July 26, 1741. 
My dear Brother R , 

HOW glad was I to receive a letter from your 'hands, 
having heard nothing of, or from you particularly, fince 
we parted. What great things has the Lord fliewn us fince 
that time. Methinks I hear you fay, " and yet I can tell of 
greater things." I believe we fliall fee far greater yet before we 
die. The work is beginning afrefti here. I fometinies think 

B G muft take a voyage over to Old- England. Mod 

of our London minillers too much fliun the ciofs, and do rK)t 
appear boldly for God. — Now the Lord hath worked fo 
powerfully in your college, I have Icfs to fay againft your 
joining with Mr. W •. I am glad to hear you fpcak plain- 
ly and clofely. What comfort will this afford you in a dying 
hour ? Go on, my dear brother, go on ; venture daily upon 
Christ, go out in his flrength, and he will enable you to do 
wonders. He is with me more and more. I have been fweet- 
ly carried thro' the heat and burden of every day^s labour. 
Jesus bears all my burdens. Jesus enables me to cafl: all my 
cares upon him. O then let us magnify his name together \ 
I am now going to Scotland^ knowing not what will befal me. 
What God does, you may expert to hear fliortly. In the 
mean while, let us pray for and write to each other. As iron 
fharpeneth iron, fo doth the letters of a man his friend. Your 
laft I have printed : God's glory called me to it. My dear 

brother, adieu ! Dear Brother S fits by and falutes you. 

My kind love awaits Mr. JV , and all that love the Lord 

Jesus in fincerity. Li hopes of receiving another letter from 
you fliortly, I fubfcribc myfelf, dear Mr. R. 

Your very affesftionate, tho' very unworthy brgtber 
an J fervant in Christ, 

G, n\ 


296 LETTER S, 


To the Student Si &c. wider convictions at the colleges of Cambridge 
and New- haven ^ — in New- England and Conneclicut, 
Dear GeniUincn^ 

Wi T\\ unfpeakable pleafure have I heard, that there 
fecnis to be a general concern among you about the 
things of God. Ir was no fmall grief to me, that I was oblig- 
ed to iay of your college, that " your light was becorric dark- 
nefs i" yet are ye now become light in the Lord. I 
vheartily tnank God, even the Father of our glorious Redeem- 
er, for fending dear Mr, ^i among you. What great 

things may we not nowexpf.cl: to fee in New-England^ Tmce it 
has pleafed God to. work fo remarkably among the fons of the 
prophets ? Now we may expe6l a reformation indeed, fince it 
is beginning at the houfe of God. A dead miniftry will al- 
ways make a dead people. Whereas, if miniflers are warmed 
with the love of God themfelves, they cannot but be inflru- 
rnents of diiTufing that love among others. This, this is the 
beft preparation for the work whereunto you are to be called. 
Learning without piety, will only make you more capable of 
promoting the kingdom of fatan. Henceforward, therefore, I 
hope you will enter into your ftudies not to get a pariOi, nor to 
be polite preachers, but to be great faints. This, indeed, is the 
mofl compendious way to true learning : for an underftanding 
enlightened by the fpirit of God, is more fufceptible of divine 
truths, and I am certain will prove moft ufeful to mankind. 
The more holy you are, the more will God delight to 
honour you. He loves to make ufe of inrtruments, which are 
like himlelf. I hope the good old divinity will now be precious 
foycur foulsj and you will think it an honour to tread in the 
fteps of your pious forefathers. They were acquainted with 
their own hearts. — They knew what it was to be tempted 
themfelves, and therefore from their own experience knew how 
to fuccour others. O may you follow them, as they follov/ed 
Christ. Then great, very great will be your reward in 
heaven. I am fure you can never ferve a better Mafter than 
Jesus Christ, or be engaged in a higher employ than in 
falling heme fouls to him. I truft, dear gentlemen, you will 



pot be offended at me for fending you thefe few lines. I write 
out of the fulncfs of my heart. I make mention of you always 
^n my prayers. Forget me not in yours. I am a poor weak 
worm. I am the chief of finners, and yet, O ftupendous love! 
the LoRp*s work ftill profpers in my unworthy hands. — Fail 
pot to give thinks, as well as to pray for 

Your affcdlionate brother and fervant,. 
in our common Lord, 

G. JV. 


To Mr. D , at Bo/Ion, 

Dear Sir, On hoard the Mary and Ann, July 25, 1 74 1. 

YO U R's as well as other letters, which I received from 
Bojion, gave me no fmall fatisfadion. Now, now I 
Jive, if poor linners are floeking for life t9 the dear Lord 
Jesus. How may we fuppofe the angels to be rejoicing over 
Bojion, and other places in N ew- England ! How glad are they 
to fee the kaures frequented as in times of old, and the fpirit 
of your good forefathers reviving among you I Sure it muft be 
delightful to fee black and white, young men and maidens, old 
men and children, praifing the name of the Lord. Blefled be 
God, who in this great awakening hath not pafled by your 
houfe. Fear not, dear Sir : Who knows but the blefled Jesus 
may yet vifityou with the light of his blefled countenance? I 
rejoice to hear he has been gracious to your wife and daughter, 
I pray God, you may be all built up in our moft holy faith, 
and go on from ftrength to ftrength, till you come to appear 
before the Lord Christ in glory. I thank God, who hath 
heard prayer on my behalf. I am fl:rengthened daily both in 
body and foul, and have reafon to think my miniftry is blefl^ed 
more and more. Let God's goodnefs to me, encourage you 
to exped great things from our Lord. He is able and wil- 
ling to do for us more abundantly than we can afk or think. 
That you and your dear family may daily drink of his divine 
pleafures, as out of a river, is the earnefl: prayer of, dear Sir, 
Your affectionate friend and fervant, 

G, JV, 




To John R , an Orphan, at the Orphan-houfe. 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 27, 174I. 
X)ear John, 

I Remember you once wanted to go av/ay from Bethefda, 
Adore the free grace and mercy of that God, who has 
kept you there. I truft, it will prove the faving of your preci- 
ous and immortal foul. To fee onefelf loll and condemned by 
nature, is the firft Hep to converfion. I hope before this time 
you have found yourfelf faved by grace : for " by grace alone 
you are to be faved, and that not of yourfelves, it is the gift 
of God.'* The Lord Jesus hath indeed been knocking 
at the door of your heart. I truft, now he will break the 
door open, and give himfelf admilTion. Dear John, you 
may well wonder, that the Lord hath not fent you to hell. I 
truft, that you feel you deferve it. O that God may pluck 
you as a brand out of the burning. This was my only view 
in bringing you to Bethefda. This is the only defire df the 
dear friends v/ho have the rule over you ; they watch for your 
foul, &c. The devil (as you obferve) watches to deflroy it : 
and, therefore, my dear boy, away to Jesus Christ. He 
can take away the heart of ftone : he can give you an heart of 
flefh. All things are poflible with Him. That God may 
give you grace to take the kingdom of heaven with a holy vio- 
lence, is the hearty prayer of, dear John, 

Your fmcere friend, 


To James M , an Orphan. 

On Lard the Mary and Ann, July 27, 1741. 
Dear James, 

I Am glad to hear by dear brother B 's letters, that your 
foul has received comfort. I am comforted at the news. 
May God increafe it daily, 'till your joy be full. I muft 
think God loves you, and that he has begun a good work in 
your foul. 1 hope to find at my return that it is carried on, 
and that you have been prelTing forward towards the mark for 
the prizeof your high calling in Christ Jesus your faviour. 



Dear James^ I do not forget you. I hope you never will forget 
the love of Christ, who died and hath given himfclf for you. 
Does not the very thought of this make you even to weep ? 
Do you not want fome private place where to vent your heart ? 
Aw^ay then, I will detain you no longer. Retire into the 
woods. Go look to him whom you have pierced, and with a 
godly forrow mourn for your fms, as a woman for her iirfl- 
born. At the fame time, forget not to figh out a prayer in 
t)ehalfof, dQzr James y 

Your affe£lionatc friend an^ fervant, 

G. IK 


To Thomas JP'tbb^ an Orphan, 
On hoaid the Mary and Ann^ July 27, 1 74 1, 
- Dear Thomas^ 

HOW inconfiftent is the devil ! How artfully does he 
rtrive to keep poor fouls from Christ 1 Sometimes he 
labours to drive poor fouls into defpair ; fometimes to pre- 
fumption. Thefe are the two rocks, againft which he would 
fain have poor fouls to make fhipwreck of faith and a good 
confcience. I pray God to enable you to fleer a middle 
courfe. — May you fee your mifery, and at the fame time fee 
your remedy in the crofs and wounds of Jesus Christ. He 
calls to all weary heavy laden fouls ; confequently he calls 
you. Your coming to him, will be a proof of your elecSlion, 
The devils know nothing of God's decrees. If ever he 
(hould tempt you fo again, fay, *' If I do perifti, I will pe- 
rifti at the feet of Christ." He is willing to favc, to fave 
to the uttermoft. He fees, he feels your anguifh. He longs 
to rejoice over you. V^enture therefore upon him. Thomas, 
be not faithlefs, but believing. Christ ihall yet (hew you 
his hands and his feet. He is the fame now, as he was yefter- 
day, full of love and condefcenfion to felf-ccndemncd finners. 
That you may experier.ce the full power and efficacy of the 
Redeemer's blood, is the ardent prayer of, dear Thomas, 

Ycur finccre friend, 




To miliam B . 

On board the Mary and Ann ^ y-aJy ^.y^ 1 74 1. 

I Thought your father had fent for you from Beihtfda ; but 
I hope your heavenly Father has kept you there to brino- 
you home to hinif*^^^* Your deadnefs has often grieved \TxQ. 

O that I may have leafon to fing, at my return, " Billy B 

was dead, but is alive again ; he was loft, but is found.'* 
You do well to pray to God, to fearch your heart, and to 
try your reins j for otherwife your treacherous heart will de- 
ceive you. I would not have you forget what the Lord is 
doing for you, for ten thoufand worlds. O defer not repen- 
tance to a death-bed. It will be hard to ftrive with princi- 
palities and powers, when you can fcarce turn in your bed. 
A man, at that time, can hardly bear up under his bodily in- 
firmities ; but a wourided fpir.it who can bear ? Reje<Si:, there^ 
fore, fuch a horrid temptation, with the utmoft abhorrence. 
Be a worker together with God ; and now God is working 
in you to will and to do, fee that you work out your own 
falvation with fear and trembling. Do not ftab your Saviour 
any more. Dear Billy^ think on his bitter agony and bloody 
fweat, and fly to him, as a Redeemer ready and willing to re- 
ceive you. That you may be happy in him here, and with 
him hereafter, is the hearty prayer of 

Your fmcere friend, 
G. W. 


To R ^ , an Orphan. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ July 27, I74I* 
Dear Richard^ 

THE contents of your letter pleafed me. I have fome- 
times thought, if God did not convert Richard W , 

"be would be one of the moft unhappy boys in the world. YoU 
have head' knowledge \ and unlefs you are made to fee the fm- 
fulnefs of your heart, it will much mcreafe your condemnation. 
Blefled be God, who yet hath patience with you, and feems 
to be flrivJng with your fouK I dp not wonder that the 



devil tells you, " it is time to repent when you are a man." 
You may well fay, it is the devil that tells you fo : Such a 
fuggeftion cannot come from God. Behold, now is the ac- 
cepted time, now is the day of falvation ! Jefus will even now 
accept you, vile as you are, and ungrateful as you have been : 
if you feel your mifcry, and fly to him for fuccour, he will 
accept you. Every conviction cries, " Come, Richard, came, 
to me, that thou mayeft have reft." . Let me advife you, as 
old Eli advifed young Samuel : fay, " Speak, Lord, for thy 
fervant heareth." 

I :»m your fmcere friend, 


To John F , an Orphan. 

On board the Alary and Ann, July 27, 1 74 1. 
Dear John, 

I Willingly fulfil your requeft, and fit down to write you a 
line or two. I am glad you begin to fee the wickednefs 
of your own heart. You cannot conceive what a myftery of 
iniquity is hid therein. The more you fee it, the more you 
will find the want of a faviour, and adore God for giving his 
dear Son to die for finners. There was once a young man, 
named John, who leaned on the Saviour's bofom, and was 
his particular favourite. What if you fliould be thus highly 
honoured. Would it not be an amazing inftance of love and 
condefcenfion ? And what doth the Saviour do lefs, for all 
that feel themfeives poor, loft, undone finners ? Nay, does 
he not do for them infinitely more ? Yes, he does. Come 
to him, therefore, by faith, and he (hall embrace you in the 
arms of his mercy, clothe you v/ith hi- righteoufnefs, fandify 
you by his fpirit, guide you by his counfel, and after death 
receive you up into glory. Look up, then, and never reft 
till you have it. Convi£tion is not converfion. But you 
know who has promifed not to quench the fmoaking flax, or 
break the bruifed reed. That this promife may be fulfilled 
in your foul, is the hearty prayer 9/ 

Your fincere friend, 
G. IV. 


'302^ Letters, 

letter cccxxxiil 

To L M , an Orphan. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann ^ July 27, 1 741* 

Dear L M- 

AND are little boys and girls, at this and that corner of 
the wood, crying unto the Lord ? I hope you, dear 

/, , are always among them ; and may the Lord hear 

your prayers, when you cry unto him ! Surely he will, 
if you feel yourfelves poor fmners. Never did Jesus reject 
an humble fuppliant. *' Suffer (fays he) little children to 
come unto me, and forbid them not ; for of fuch is the king- 
dom of heaven.'* Dear L , take all poffible care to 

cherifh your convi6lions. God has fpoken once, yea twice 
to you, in an extraordinary manner. You are one of 
the oldeft; you ought to go before the reft, and to encourage 
them to follow the ever-bleffed Jesus. Satan will, no doubt, 
be very bufy ; and therefore you ought to be bufy alfo. You 
fight under a good captain, even Jesus Christ, who will 
tread all enemies under your feet. My dear child, redeem 
your precious time. Fight the good fight of faith ; and when 
you ar.e wreftling with God, fail not to pray for 

Your fmcere friend, 
G, IV. 


Ts Mr, Thomas J , at Savannah, 

On board the Mary and Ann y July 29, 1741. 
Dear Sir, 

I Thank you for your continued kindnefs to my dear family. 
The God whom I ferve, will richly reward you; I am 
mpre and more convinced, that the Orphan-houfe is of God. 
He will uphold it with his mighty arm. Dear Sir, there is 
nothing like a life of faith. It is more and more pleafant to 
me every day, I pray God, you may experience it every 
moment, and be enabled entirely to overcome the world. 
My letters, to my dear family, will inforn? you, how the 
Lord bath been pleafed to deal with me. Bleffcd be his 
name, he hath delivered, hp does, he will yet deliver. My 



foyl has been among lions. JesUs hath been my helper. I 
am vciry comfortable within, and experience more of the di- 
vine prefence in preaching, I think, than ever I did before 
in Eftgland. I fuppofe I (hall not embark for America till 
Spring, Whatever good offices you are pleafed to do for my 
family, fhall be then fully acknowledged by, dear Sir, 

Your obliged friend and ferrant in Christ, 

C. IK 


To Mr. L , at BnJloL 

On hoard the Mary and Ann, fitly 29, 1741. 

Dear ?/Ir. L- 

WE are now within thirty miles of our defired haven. 
We have had a pleafant paflage. Before I go afhorc, 
I would fain anfwer your kind letter. Fear not for BriftoL 
No weapon formed againft Zisn fhall profper. Let us wait 
patiently, and we (hall certainly fee the falvation of God. 
The Lord is beginning his work afrefh. I fuppofe brother 

C-* has told you fomething of it. I never felt greater 

power in England. I have had God's continued prefence 
during the paiTage. God has given me fweet fleep at night, 
and a good appetite to my food by day. Faithful is he who 
hath promifed, that thofe who wait ypon the Lord fliall renew 
their ftrength. I fpeak thus freely to you, b^caufe I know 
you will be thankful on my behalf. I hope both you and 
your dear wife, are making daily advances in the divine life. 
Whilft others are difputing, let us be growing. This wilj 
be the bed way to convince thofe, who you find will not be 
convinced any other way. Adieu ! The Lord be with you. 
May your foul breathe nothing but gentlenefs and love ! 
I am, dear Sir, 

Your affeiiionate friend .^nd fervant in Christ, 

G, IV, 




To Mr. H -^^ at the Orphan-houfn 

On board the Mary and Ann^ July 30, I742.' 
My very dear Friend and Brother^ 

I Have been five days on board, and am now juft at our de- 
fired haven. God's prefence has fweetened the paflage, 
and I have had freedom to virrite many letters befides thofe 

lent to Bethefda, If you, and dear brother B , think 

proper, the little ones may be called, and the letters read 
before you. A w^ord of exhortation, and a fhort prayer, may 
not be unfeafonable. I thank you all for the tender care you 
take of the dear iambs. You ferve a mafter, v^ho vi^ill richly 
revi^ard all your pains. I hope there vi^ill come a time, when 
I fhall embrace and weep over you all with tears of love I At 
prefent, I feel myfelf a poor fmner, and fland amazed at 
God's goodnefs and patience extended towards me. I am 
lefs than the leaft of his mercies. You may exped to hear 
from me again fhortly, O do not forget to pray for me. My 
dear friends, for the prefent, adieu 1 The Lord be with your 

Ever, ever yours, 

G. IV, 

To Mr, J C -. 

' My very dear Brother^ Edinburgh^ Jug. I, I74I_. 

THE Lord was very gracious to me on board. He gave 
us a pleafant paflage. As you know that the MefTrs. 
Erjkines gave me the firft invitation to Scotland, and hath been 
praying for me in the moft public, explicit, I could almofl 
fay extravagant manner, for near two years lafl paft, I was 
determined to give them the firit offer of my poor miniftra- 
tions. Accordingly, I went yefterday t(> Dumfermling, where 

dear Mr. R E hath got a large and feparate, or, 

as it is commonly termed, feceding meeting-houfe. He re- 
ceived me very lovingly. I preached to his and the town's 



people. — A very thronged aflembly — After I had done prayer, 
and named my text, the ruftling made by opening the bibles all 
at once, quite furprized me : a fcenc, I never was witnels to 
before. Our converfation after fermon, in the houfe, was 
fuch as became the gofpel of Christ. They entertained me 
with various accounts of the fuccefs of the Scceders labours; 

and, as a proof of God's being with them, Mr. R 's fon- 

in-law told me, that, at one of their late occafions, a woman 
was fo deeply afFeded, that Ihe was obliged to flop her mouth 
with an handkerchief to keep herfelf from crying out. They 
urged a longer ftay, in order to converfe more clofely, and to 
fet me right about church government, and the folemn leacyue 
and covenant. I Informed them, that I had given notice of 
preaching at Edinburgh this evening; but, as they defired 
it, I would in a few days return, and meet the afTociate 

prefbytery in Mr. R 's houfe. This was agreed on. Dear 

Mr. E accompanied me, and this evening I preached 

to many thoufands, in a place called The Orphan-houfe Park» 
The Lord was there. Immediately after fermon, a large 
company, among whom were fome of the nobility, came to 
falute me. Amidft our converfation, came in a portly, well- 
looking Qiiaker, nephew to MefTrs. E , formerly a 

Baptifl minifter in the north of England, who, taking me by 
the hand, faid, " Friend George, I am as thou art ; I am for 
bringing all to the life and power of the everliving God : and, 
therefore, if thou wilt not quarrel with me about my hat, I 
will not quarrel with thee about thy gown." In this refpef^, 
I wifh all, of every denomination, were thus minded, I find 
God has bleficd my works in thefe parts. I am mod cordially 
received by many that love the Lord Jesu::. I have juft 
been in company with a nobleman, who, I believe, truly fears 
God ; and alfo with a lady of fafliioo, that difcovers a 
chriftian fpirit indeed. I already hear of great divifions. But 
Jesus knows how to bring order out of confufion. I hope 
the Lord is much with you, my dear brother. O may you 
be anointed more and more, till you are filled with all the ful- 
nefs of God. Be pleafed to read this to all in JVine-Jlrect ; 
and remember me kindly to all that love the glorious Re- 
deemer. He is a dear, dear Jesus. Tho' we die for, yet 
Vol. L X lec 


let us not deny him in any wife. Pray that fuch a midid may 
be always given to 

Your weak and unworthy brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. li\ 


To the Rev. Mr, G, IV , at Maxton, 

Dear Sir, Edinburgh^ Jug. i, 1 741. 

YOUR kind letter, like all other tokens of my precious 
Mafter's love, quite amazes me. I hear you are a good 
old foldier of Jesus Christ. O that you had wrote to me 
fooner ! I want the advice and exhortation of thofe who have 
been in Christ before me. The Lord is pleafed greatly 
to blefs me. His work feems to be beginning afrefli in England. 
How it goes on abroad, the papers fent with this will inform you. 
Help me, dear Sir, help me with your prayers, that the Lord 
may blefs my coming here. I hope fome have felt the divine 
prefence in this evening's exercife. Thro' grace I can fay, I 
did, and do now. O that I could be humble and thankful ! 

that my heart glowed with the love of God and men ! I 
would breathe nothing but love. I would love all that love 
the Lord Jesus, of whatfoever denomination. May the 
Lord heal our divifions, and grant that we may not thereby 
provoke him to fend us a common perfccution to drive us toge- 
ther ! O that we may ftand in a trying hour. Dear Sir, I 
fhall be glad to fee you at Edlnhivgh any day after Wednejdoy 
next, and then we can fettle when to come into your parts. 

1 am willing to preach the gofpe) to all. It is now late, but I 
was willing to write, left fomcthing fliould hinder me on 
Monday. Dear Sir, good night. I commend you to God,,- 
thank you for your prayers, and dcfire a continuance of them 
in behalf of 

Your afTec^tionate younger brother, and 

fellow-labourer in. the Redeemer's vineyard, 

G. IF. 




To Mr. Thorn as N- , at New-Tcrk, 

My dear Brother^ Edinburgh., Aug. ^^ 1741. 

TT Have written you feveral letters 5 and I rejoice to hear that 
JL the W9rk of the Lord profpers in the hands of Mcflrs. 
T<\'^'^<v^l S] kc. am glad they intend to meet in a fynod by 
themfcjves. Their catholic fpirit will do good. The aj/o- 
ciate prefiytery here, are fo confined, that they will not fo much 
as hear me preach, unlcfs I only will join with them. 

Mr. Ralph E , indeed, did hear me, and went up with 

me into the pulpit of the Cannon-gate church — The people 
were ready to fhout for joy ; but, I believe, it gave offence to 
his affbciates. I met moft of them, according to appointment, 
on JVedncfday laft. — A fet of grave venerable men ! They fooa 
propofed to form themfclves into a prefbytery, and were pro- 
ceeding to chufe a moderator — I afked them for what purpofc ? 
They anfwercd, to difcourfe, and fet me right, about the 
matter of church-government, and the folemn league and co- 
venant. I replied, they might fave themfelves that trouble, 
for I had no fcruples about it; and that fettling church-go- 
vernment, and preaching about the folemn league and cove- 
nant, was not my plan ; I then told them fomething of my 
experience, and how I was led out into my prefent way of 
acting. One in particular faid, he was deeply affetSted ; and 

the dear Mr. E defircd they would have patience with 

me, for that having been born and bred in England^ and never 
fludied the point, I could not be fuppofed to be fo pcrfedly 
acquainted with the nature of their covenants. One, much 
warmer than the reft, immediately replied, " th«t no indul- 
gence was to be fliown me ; that England had revolted moft 
with refpecl to church government j and that I, born and 
educated there, coulJ not but be acquainted with the matter 
now in debate." I told him, I had never yet made the folemn 
league and co\enant the object of my ftudy, being too bufy 
about matters, as I judged, of greater importance. Several 
replied, that every pin of the tabernacle was precious. — I faid, 
i that in every building there v/cre outfiuc an 1 infide workmen ; 
that the latter, at prefent, was my province ; that if they 
X 2 thought 


thought themfelves called to the former, they might proceed 
in their own way, and I fhould proceed in mine. I then afked 
them ferioufly, what they would have me to do; the anfwer 
was that 1 was not defired to fubfcribe immediately to the 
folemn leao-ue and covenant ; but to preach only for them till 
I had further light. I afked, why only for them ? Ur. Ralph 

P ^-^'ij^ 4c they were the Lord's people. 1 then 

alked whether there were no other Lord's people but them- 
felves'- and fuppofing all others were the devil's people, they 
certainly had more need to be preached to, and therefore I 
was more and more determined to go out into the highways 
and hedoes ; and that if the Pope himfelf would lend me his 
pulpit I would gladly proclaim the righteoufnefs of Jesus 
Christ therein. Soon after this, the company broke up ; 
and one of thefe, otherwife venerable men, immediately 
went into the meeting-houfe, and preached upon thefc 
words, " Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, 
what 'of the night ? The watchman faid. The morning 
Cometh, and alfo the night, if ye will enquire, enquire ye ; 
return, come." I attended ; but the good man fo fpent himfelf 
inthe'formerpartofhis fermon, in talking againft prelacy, 
the common-prayer book, the furplice, the rofe in the hat, and 
fuch like externals, that when he came to the latter part of 
his text, to invite poor finners to Jesus Christ, his breath 
was fo gone, that he could fcarce be heard. What a pity that 
the laft'^was not firft, and the firft laft ! The confequence of 
all this was, an open breach. I retired, I wept, I prayed, and 
after preaching in the fields, fat down and dined with them, 
and then took a final leave. At table a gentlewoman faid, 
fhe had heard that I had told fome people, that the aflbciate 
prefbytery were building a BM. I faid, " Madam, it is quite 
true ; and I believe the Babel wlW foon fall down about then- 
ears :" but enough of this. Lord, what is man, what the beft 
of men ? but men at the beft I I think I have now feen an 
end of all perfection. Our brethren in Jmerica, blefTed be 
God, have not fo learned Christ. Be pleafed to inform 
them of this letter. I have not time to write now. The 
Lord blefies my preaching here, and the work, I think, h 
begun afrefn in London. I preach to many thoufands daily, 
jind fevcral have applied to me already under conviaions. I 



have been here about eight days. You may expe6l to hear 
from me (hortly again. The Lord be with you. I love you 
in the bowels of Jesus Christ : He will blefs you for what 
you have done for the poor orphans. He comforts me on 

every fide. O free grace ! Dear brother S falutes you 


Ever yours in our common Lord. 


To Mr. T G , at London, 

Edinburgh^ Jug, 8, 1741. 

YOU will fee, my dear brother, by the following, what 
God is ftill doing for me. On Sunday evening, I 
preached in a field near the Orphan-houfe, to upwards of 
fifteen thoufand people ; and on Monday^ Friday^ and Saturday 
evening, to near as many. On Tuefday I preached in the Can-- 
nongate church ; on Wednefday and Thurfday at DumfermUng ; 
and at my return on Friday morning, at about eight o'clock, I 
preached at a town called ^leem-Ferry^ feven miles from 
Edinburgh, Every where the auditories were large, and very 
attentive. Great power accompanied the word. Many have 
been brought under convictions ; and I have already received 
feveral invitations to different places, which, God willing, t 
intend to comply with. At prefent I can fay no more, but 
defire you to pray for, and expert foon to hear further from, 
Your affedionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. U\ 


To the Rev. Air. IF , at Duyidec. 

Edinburgh, Aug, 10, 1741. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

IJuil: now had the pleafure of your letter ; for which be 
pleafed to accept my hearty thanks. 1 truft your prayers 
will be heard in my behalf. Glory be to free grace ! many 
are here brought under convictions. Unworthy as I am, the 
glorious Emmanuel is pleafed to clothe his word v/ith power. 

X 3 1 ana 


I am amazed at his loving-kindnefs, and want heaven and 
earth to join with me in praifing his holy Name. By your 
fon I have Tent ionic papers, and (hall gladly receive any from 
you. I wifh you would not trouhlc yourfelr or me in writing 
about the corruptions of the Church of Engla?ui. I believe 
there is no church perfect under heaven j but, as God, by 
his providence, is pleafed to fend me forth fimply to preach 
the gofpel to all, 1 think there is no need of cafting myfclf 
cut. The divifions in ScOiLvid vltc afFedting, and undoubtedly 
they will occafion great fcarchings of heart. I pray God to 
iupport us in a trying hour. I am not yet determined, when 
I fhall come your way. I can only promife, it (hall be the 
faft opportunity, and that you (hall be apprized of it fome time 
before. In the mean time, be pleafed to bear me upon your 
heart. 1 am a weak hclplefs worm. Your correfpondence 
will always be agreeable to me. That you may daily receive 
frefli anointings from above, is the hearty prayer of, reverend 
and dear Sir, 

Ypur affectionate, tho' younger brother and 
fervant in the Gofpel, 

G, JK 


To the Rev, Mr. . 

Edinburgh J Aug. lO, 1 74 1. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

IThsnk you for your kind and obliging letter. — I had not 
time to anfv^er it before. God willing, I hope to come 
into the northern parts. The precife time I cannot yet tell. 
For ever adored be the Lord for his free grace ! the word is 
jccompanied with great power. Several apply to me daily 
ujider convictions. I find it bed fnnply to preach the pure 
gofpel, and not to meddle at all v/ith controverfy. The pre- 
leilt diviiions arc a fore judgment to Scotland. This is my 
comfort, Jesus is king. Kc v/ill either heal, or bring good 
cut of them. I have been with feveral of the aflbciate pref- 
bytery ; but I fee no hopes of accommodation. O that the 
power of religion may revive ! Nothing but that can break 
down the partition wall of bigotry. Dear Sir, forget not to 
pray for me. I lee more and more that I am nothing, and 



that Jesus is all in all. Did I know how, I would fend you 
i'ome papers ; but I hope ere long to have a pcrfonal inter- 
view ; and in the mean while, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, 
reverend and dear Sir, 

Your afFeclionate brother and fcrvant, 

G. jr. 


To the Rkht Honourable the Lord R •. 

Aly Lord, Edinburgh, Jug. II, 174T. 

THOUGH I am jufl going out, yet I cannot fatisfy my- 
felF without fnatchino; a fev/ moments to write to you. 
I hope this will find your Lordfliip fafe at your journey's end, 
rejoicing in God for giving his angels charge concerning you 
in the way. It will plcafe your Lord{l:iip, to inform you that 
the Lord of all Lord^ hath dealt moft lovingly with me, 
iince your departure hence. His power hath been frequently 
made known in the great congregation, and many come to 
me daily, crying out, " What (hall I do to be faved ?" The 
work of the Lord alfo goes on in America, and in England, io 
that I hope v/e fhall fee the kingdom of GoD come with power. 
This is the full defire of my foul. I am determined to feck 
after and knovv nothing elfe. For befides this, all other things 
are but dung and drofs. O my Lord, v/hy fliould we that 
are pilgrims, mind earthly things ? Why fliould we that are 
foldiers, entangle ourfclves with the things of this life ? Hea- 
venly-mindecinefs is the very life of a chriftian. It is all 
in all. — I pray the Lord that your heart may be drawn more 
and more towards him, and be filTd with all his fuinefs. I 

could fay more, but Mr. G JF waits for me. I 

am, my Lord, 

Your Lordfliip's moil obedient humble fervanr, 

G. ir 

X 4 r. ^ T r p: 




To Mr. H H , in London, 

Edinburgh^ Aug. il, 1 74 1. 
My 'very dear Brother //—- — , 

THOUGH my eyes are dim, and my body calls for 
rell, yet I would fain fend you a line before I go. 
The Lord Jesus is getting himfelf into many hearts. I 
fcarce feel any reftraint in preaching. Both in public and 
private, the Lord clothes his word with power. Poor fouls 
come to me under deep convi£lions. Sweet letters are fent to 
me of the fuccefs of my writings and fermons ; and feveral 
preffing invitations to many places. I hope God is beginning 
fuch a work here, as he begun, and is now carrying on in 
New-England. Night and day Jesus fills me with his love. 
My bodily ftrength is daily renevi'ed. The Lord is pleafed 
to open my mouth wide 3 praifc him for it. I have preached 
twice, and talked, and walked much to day. My dear man, 
good-night. The Lord be with you ! 

Ever, ever yours, in the moft adorable Jesus, 

G. IV. 


To the Moji Honour able the M — — y} of U n. 

My Lordy Edinburgh^ Aug. 12, 1 74 1. 

I Am furprized to find your Lordfhip fo condefcending as to 
write to me. How bright does humility fhine in great 
perfonages ? It is this renders God f® amiable to his creatures. 
He is infinitely good, and withal infinitely condefcending. 
What an unparalleled inflance was that of his loving kindnefs, 
his giving his only begotten Son to die for fmful man. How 
low did jEius Itoop vvhen*he lay in a manger, much more 
when he hung upon the accurfed tree. When I think of this 
myftery of godllnefs, I am loll in thought. This makes me 
to defpife all human happinefs, and fets my foul a longing for 
a full fruition of my Jesus. I pray God to give your Lord- 
(hip grace to determine to know nothing but Jesus Christ, 
and him crucified. He is the only center of true happinefs. 
Jn him alone, folid, laftingjoys are to be found. Having 
JiZ5U2, 1 find in him I pofTefi. all things. But whither am I 
J going ? 


going ? Your Lordfhip will excufe me. My heart at prefent 
is enlarged. I pray God to vifit your Lordfliip with his great 
falvation. I thank your Lordfhip for your intended benefadion 
to the poor Georgia orphans. I hope the glorious Emmanuel 
will accept it at your hands. I have fent your Lordfliip ano- 
ther parcel, feeing the firft hath mifcarried. I fliall follow it 
with my poor prayers, being, my Lord, 

Your Lordftiip's moft obedient humble fervant, 

G. IK 


To Mr. H H . 

My very dear Brother y Edinburgh, Aug. 13, 1741. 

I Longed to receive a letter from you. Blefled be God, my 
longing was fatisfied this day. My heart is much united 
to you, and carried out for you. I utterly difapprove of fome 
perfons feparating principles. I find, Satan now turns him- 
felf into an angel of light, and ftirs up God's children to tempt 
me to come over to fome particular party. The afTociate 
Prefbytery have been hard upon me ; but I find no freedom, 
any longer than I continue juft as I am, and cvan2;ellze to all. 
I know not that I differ from you in one thing. Glory be to 
God for what he has done at London ! He is doing great 
things here. I walk in the continual funfhinc of his counte- 
nance. Every day, frefh feals are given of my miniftry. This 
morning God opened my voice to fpeak to preachers of the 
gofpel. Be pleafcd to accept of this fummary account of my 
proceedings. On Sunday morning, I vifitcd and preached to 
the orphans here, and in the evening to as many people as the 
Sunday before. Every day fmce, excepting Monday^ I have 
preached either in the churches or field twice a day, and 
yefterday I colleded upwards of ninety-three pounds for the 
Georgia orphans. People are daily coming under d:.'ep convic- 
tions, and frefli invitations are fent me to preach at divers 
places round about. On Sunday, I purpofe to preach in the 
country, and alfo the greatefl: part of the following week, and 
ihall return again, God willing, about Friday to this city. 
O my brother, exhort all to praife the LoPvD. I have 
moft fvvect letters from many awakened ones, God, I believe, 


314 L E T T E R S. 

will work in the minlfters and young ftudents hearts. Even 
fo Lord Jesus. Amen. Pray fail not writing to 

Ever yours, 
' G. JV, 


To Mr. D E , at SurliNg. 

My dear Brcthdr^ Edinburgh^ Jug. 13, 1 74 1. 

I Received your kind letter, and heartily blcfs God, if any 
thing dropping from niy unworthy lips was made of fer- 
vice to your foul. I believe, God inciined me to fpeak to 
you. The fons of the prophets are much upon my heart. 
I pray God that you may be polifhed fhafts, and noble in- 
ftrumcnts in his hands, of building up living temples for the 
Holy Ghoft. The treatment I met with from the aflbciate 
prefbytery, was not altogether I'uch as I expecSlcd. It grieved 
me, as much as it did you. I could fcarce refrain from 
burfting into a flood of tears. I wifli all were like-minded 
with your honoured father and uncle : matters then would 
not be carried on with fo high an hand. I fear they are led too 
much. Such violent methods, fuch a narrow way of acting, 
can never be the way to promote and enlarge the kingdom 
of the blcfled Jefus. It furely mufl be wrong to fix fuch bounds 
to ourfelves, as forbid even our hearing thofe who love the 
Lord Jesus in fincerity, and have alfo been owned of him. 
Christ would not have done fo. — Suppofing the fcheme of 
government which the allbciate prefbytery contend for to be 
fcriptural, yet forbearance and long-fuflering is to be exercifed 
towards fuch as may differ from them ; and 1 am verily perfuad- 
ed, there is no fuch form of government prefcribed in the book 
of Gcd, as excludes a toleration of all other forms whatfoever. 
Was the New Teftament outward tabernacle to be built as 
pundtuai as the old, as pun6tual directions would have been 
given about the buildin<j it ; v/hcreas, it is oiily deduced by- 
inference, and thus we fee Independents, Prefbyterians, and 
Epifcopalians bring the fame text to fupport their particular 
fcheme, and I bvlicve Jr.sus Christ thereby would teach us to 
excrcife forbearance and long-fufFering to each other. Was the ' 
aflbciatc pren:)ytery fcheme to take efr'e£l, out of cohfcience, if 
they acted confidently,, they muft refrrain, and grieve, if not 



^erfecute many of God's children who could not pofTibly come 
into their meafu-res ; and I doubt not but their prcfent vio- 
lent methods, together with the corruptions of that allembly, 
will caufe many to turn Independents, and let up particular 
churches of their own. This was the eflecl of archbifhop 
'Laud's ading with fo high an hand ; and vv'hether it be pref- 
tytcry or epifcopacy, if managed in the fame manner, it will 
be productive of the fame eftecls. Blefled be God, I have 
cot fo learned Christ. I preach the fimple gofpel, and our 
glorious Jesus is plealed to attend it with his power. Every 
day 1 feel more and more of the divine prefence, and people 
are coming to me crying, ^' What fiiall we do to be faved." 
The love of Jesus fills my foul, and conftrains me to write 
thus freely to you. O dear Sir, I love and honour your pious 
father. Remember me in the kindeft manner to the good old 
man. I pray God, Ris lafl: days may not be employed too 
much in the non-cfTentials of religion. My heart is knit to 
the family. God forbid, that any thing fhould hinder us 
from taking fweet counfel together. God willing, I am to 
preach at Falkirk on Tuefday evening, and purpofe to be at 
Stirling that night, and to preach twice there the next day. 
If it was thought advilable, I would collect for the Orphan- 
houfe at Georgia in the afternoon. The Lord be with you, 
auu all the family. Forget me not in your prayers. — I am 
a poor unworthy wretch. As fuch, pray for 

Your afTedlionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

C\ JV. 


ro Mr. H H , 

Aly very dear Brother , Edinburgh^ Jug. 15, 1 74 1. 

IT would make your heart leap for joy, to be now in 
Edinburgh. I queftion if there be not upwards of 300 in 
this city fceking after Jesus. Every morning, I have a con- 
ilant levee of wounded fouls, many of whom are quite flain 
by the law. God's power attends the word continually, 
juft as when I left Lor.don, At {q^zw in the morning, we 
have a Icclure in the fields, attended not only by the com- 
mon people, but perfons of great rank. I have reafon to thiiik 
f£veral of the latter fort are coming to jEbUS. Little children 



alfo are much wrought upon. God much blefles my letters 
from the little orphans. He loves to work by the moft con- 
temptible means. O my dear brother, I am quite amazed, 
when I think what God hath done here in a fortnight. My 
printed journals and fermons have been blefled in an uncom- 
mon manner. I am only afraid left people fhould idolize 
the inftrument, and not look enough to the glorious Jesus, 
in whom alone I defire to glory. Congregations confift of 
many thoufands. Never did I fee fo many bibles, nor people 
look into them, when I am expounding, with fuch attention. 
Plenty of tears flow from the hearers eyes. Their concern 
appears various ways. I preach twice daily, and expound 
at private houfes at night, and am employed in fpeaking to 
fouls under diftrefs great part of the day. I have juft fnatchcd 
a few moments to write to my dear brother. O that God 
may enlarge your heart to pray for me. This afternoon I 
fhall preach out of town, and alfo to-morrow. Next poft, 
God willing, you fhall have another letter. I walk conti- 
nually in the comforts of the Holy Ghoft. The love of 
Christ quite ftrikes me dumb. O grace ! grace ! Let that 
be my fong, Adieu. My dear fellow-traveller joins with me 
in hearty love to you all. I muft away. 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G. TV. 


r<fMr. 7—— H , at Georgia. 

Edinburgh^ Aug, 24, 1 74 1. 
My very dear Friend and Br other ^ 

WITH very great diinculty I get time to write this. 
The Lord is doing great things in Scotland, I preach 
twice daily to many thoufands with great power. I have col- 
le6led here very near two-hundred pounds, and have a prof- 

pccSt of colleding much more. Mr. iY has drawn upon 

me for three hundred pounds ftcrling. I have paid two of it. 
Some hundreds remain yet unpaid. God gives me to put my 
truft in him. I have bought five hundred yards of cloth for 
the dear orphans winter's wear, and fliall fend you the other 
things you mentioned. I rejoice to hear that the Lord is 
with you. J do not v^'ondcr at the contempt you meet with, 



©r the calumnies which are fpread abroad. Remember the 
burning bufh. O my friend, my dear friend, how (hall I 
thank you for your prayers, care, and love ? I am willing to 
wafti all your feet. Perhaps in the Spring, I may embark ; but 
cannot yet determine. I have written to you many letters, 
and I always remember you in my prayers. I am glad to hear 
that you can go to market without money. The Lord in- 
creafe your faith. My dear brother, I love you in the bowels 

of Jesus Christ. I v/ill do what I can for Mr. B . I 

thank dear Mr. J , from my heart, for his great kindnefs. 

I wrote to him and to Mr. B , and near thirty more, a 

month ago. Exped: alfo feme money flVortly. I had rather 
bear any burden, than have my dear family burdened. I 

thank Mr. TF for his care. His brethren here are well. 

I have not time to tell you, how I love and efteem you for 
the care you take of the dear lambs. I long to weep over you 
all. Excufe me; for not writing particularly. The Lord 
be with you all As foon as I can polTibly redeem time, you 

iliall hear again, my dear Mr. H , from 

Ever yours in Christ Jesus, 

G. IF, 


To the Rev. Mr. R E . 

Edinburgh^ Jug. 24, 1741. 
P^cverend and dear Sir^ 

I Thank you for your kind letter. I believe it proceeded 
from love ; but, as yet, I cannot think the folemn league 
and covenant is any way obligatory upon me. Indeed, dear 
Sir, you miftake if you think I temporize on account of the 
orphans. Be it far from me. I abhor the very thought of it. 
I proceed now, juft as I have done ever fince I came out in 
the miniflry ; and fo far from not fctting a hedge about our 
Lord's garden, that was I called to it, I fliould fet a much 
clofer hedge than that which the aflociate prefbytery are plant- 
ing. I fhould enquire into people's experiences, before 1 ad- 
mitted them to the Lord's table. I would have church mem- 
bers meet in church fellowfliip, and tell one another what 
God has done for their fouls. You feem to think lam not 
open to light. Thut I muy give you fatisfacHon, I am will- 



ing to confer with Mr. IF at Perth, where I arri \-o b'e by 

divine permiffion on Thurfday, September 3. On Tuefday next, 
about four in the afternoon, I purpofe preaching at Dumferm- 
Ihig. — I am engaged to fup at your colleguc's houfe, but in- 
tend to lie at yours. Jn the mean time be pleafed to pray for 
me, and to remember my love to all your family y and believe 
me, reverend Sir, to be 

Your mofl: afFcdionate, though unworthy 

brother and fcrvant, 

G. /r. 


To the Reverend Mr. O , at Jherdeen, 

Perth, Sept. 3, 1741. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

I Have received two letters from you, which much affcct mc^ 
knowing how unworthy I am of fuch endearing expref- 
fions, or indeed of any notice at all. i>ut what fhall I fay ? 
Grace ! grace I Jesus loves me, and fo does his fervant for 
Jesu's fake. O free grace I I am forry to find that any fnould 
infmuate, my iiot coming to Aberdeen is owing to your cold in- 
vitation. Such a thought never entered my heart, but quite 
♦he contrary. The dillance of the way, and my mcismg call 
to England., will keep me from you, and nothing elfc. I love 
and honour you for my mafrer's fake. I Ibiould be glad to 
wafli your feet, and if pofiible I will yet fee you. But if God 
ihould not permit me, dear Sir, be not offended. The Lord 
is pleafed to give me much freedom and power in preaching. 
Congregations arc every where large, and they have been very 
liberal to my poor orphans. O that I was humble, and thankful ! 
J am the chief of fmntrs : I feel myfelf fuch. O the cmcacy 
o^ Christ's blood ! It is omnipotent ; it hath faved m*c. 
Dear Sir, my heart is melted down with the love of Jksus. 
He is a dear mafter. He hath fuffered no evil to befal me, 
as you have already henrd. I have not fo much as hurt my 
foot againft a ftone. Help me to praifc him. Worthy is tlie 
Lamb that was (lain, to receive all honour and glory ?ind riches 
3 and 


and power and bleiTing ! With much difficulty, I get time to 
fend you thefe few lines. — Reverend and dear Sir, 

Your very afFe6lionate, obedient friend, younger 

brother, and fcrvant in the gofpel, 

G\" JV. 

P. S. For nine days part, I have continued preaching with 
great power twice every day, to very large and affecSled au- 
ditories in many towns and villages. 


To the Rev. Mr. W . 

Edinburgh^ Sept, 19, 1 74 1. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

THOUGH nature calls for refi:, and I am to preach 
four times to-morrow, yet I cannot go to bed with- 
out anfwering your kind letter. Blcfled he God for any 
good done at Dundee! Not unto me, not unto me, but unto 
Jesus Christ be all the glory. Thanks be to God, lean 
yet fend you more glad tidings. At Creif we had a mod 
precious meeting. At Glafgcw I preached ten times. The 
Lord was with me of a truth. The congregations were 
very large, as were the contributions, and many were brought 
under the deeped convictions. With great regret we parted, 
and with great joy was received at Edinburgh. I had fomc 
thoughts of abiding in Scotland longer, but lad night I re- 
ceived a letter, which almoft determined my return to Eng^ 
land. Next Saturday^ God willing, I purpofe to leave this 
place, and fhall return into thefe parts, if providence points 
a way, in the Spring. I do notdcfpair of feeing Seot/and Vike 
Nezu- England. Reverend Sir, for the prefcnt adieu. My 
poor body bids me to dop. O when diall I fleep no more ! 
I am exceedingly weary, but am affectionately. Reverend and 
dear Sir, 

Your mod unworthy and obedient brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 





To Mr. T ^ G , in London, 

Edinburgh^ Sep, 24, 174I' 
My very dear Brother^ 

THIS ferves to inform you, that on Sunday laft I preached 
here four times, twice in a church, and twice in the 
£elds ', in the evening I collected twenty pounds for the royal 
infirmary. On Monday morning, I vifited the children in 
three hofpitals, and preached in the evening in the park ; 
alfo at Kinglajfy^ Aberdour^ and Innerkeithing^ on Tuefday and 
Wedncfday, On Thurfday I vifited the prifon, and in the 
evening preached to the children of the city, with a congrega- 
tion conhfting of near twenty thoufand in the park. It is re- 
markable that many children are under convidtions, and every 
where great power and apparent fuccefs attend the word 
preached. Calls to divers places^ are fo numerous and impor- 
tunate, that I think it my duty to ftay in Scotland fome time 
longer : being in hafte, can fay not more at prefent. My love 
to all that love the Lord Jesus. 

Your moft afiedlionate friend, brother, and fervant, 

G, jr. 


To the Right Honourable Lord L-^-^—L^ 
My Lord^ Edinburgh^ Sept. 25, 1 74 1. 

THOUGH nature calls for reft, yet love and gratitude 
oblige me to fit up to anfwer your Lord (hip's letter, left 
I fhould not have time in the morning. BlefTed be the glori- 
ous Redeemer ! who feems in fome degree to be working upon 
your heart. My prayer to God is, that thcfe convictions 
may continue, 'till they end in a found converfion. You do 
well, my Lord, to fear, left they ftiould wear off. I have not 
had fo much acquaintance with the world as your Lordfhip ; 
but I know it is a deceitful thing, and without the utmoft care 
and watchfulnefs, will infenfibly divert the foul from GoD. 
Your Lordfliip is in a dangerous fituation. A fear of contempt, 
and a love for honour, falfely fo called, render religion un- 

, fafhionable 

Letters. 321 

faiTilonable amongfl the rich and polite part of mankinJ. But 
the blood of JesUs is almighty, and makes the foul more 
than conqueror. Here is the fountain to which you and I 
muft apply, to wafli away all our fins. And is it yet open for 
all poor fmners ? Come then, my Lord, and lay yourfelf at the 
feet of the bleiTed Jesus. He can, he will, if you believe ori 
him, abundantly pardon you. But faith Is the gift of God. 
I pray God to give you no reft, 'till you have received Che full 
afTurance *of faith. Then will you recover yolir primitive 
dignity, trample earth under your feet, and with your foul be 
panting after God. O my Lord, it is a blclTed thing to have 
fcllowfhip with the Father, and with the Son. I am a poor 
defpifed minifler of Jesus Christ ; but I would hot change 
my Mafter for ten thoufand worlds. I have food to eat, that 
the world knows nothing of. I long to have your Lordfhip 
tafte of it too, and fliall as it were travail in birth 'till Jesus 
Christ is formed in you. Your Lordfhip need not remind me 
to pray for you. Your eternal welfare is much upon my heart. 
My Lord, now is the accepted time, now is the day of falva- 
tion. The blefTed fpirit is now ftriving with you, and faying, 
'* My fon, give me thy heart ; what haft thou to do any more 
with idols ?" I hope your reply will be, ** Lord, I give thee 
my heart, my whole heart, and will no longer keep back from 
thee the leaft part." Then will your Lordfhip be truly happy 5 
for fo far as we are void of God, fo far we are miferable. But 
whither am I running ? It is late ; but your Lordftiip defired a 
long letter, and therefore I have taken the liberty to write 
freely. I am fcnfible of the honour put upon me by you^ 
Lordfliip, and hope I fhall never betray any truft repofed in me," 
I pray God to fandlify this, and blefs our fellowftiip when we 
meet together, t thank your Lordftiip for your concern about 
the orphans. I am perfuaded you will in no wife lofe your 
reward. I hope your Lordfliip received my laft letter, which 
gave an account of my intended preaching at Kinglajjle and 
Coupar. May the glorious Jesus fandify my continuance in 
thefe parts, to the promoting his own glory and the good of 
fouls ! I think I can fay, '^ to me to live is Christ." It 
revives me to fee fo many feeking after Jesus. At Kinglajfie 
the power was extraordinary. O free grace ! that Gom 

as I am. I defirc to lie 

Til Li id 



ufe of in 








humbly in the duft, and fay, " Why me, Lord, why me ? 
Fear not, my Lord, I have received rcmiflion of fms by the blood 
of Jesus. Into his arms, I am juft about to commend your 
Lordfnlp. 1 pray God to vifit your foul with his falvation ; 
and hoping my humble refpe(Sls will find^acceptance with your 
Loidfhip, your lady, and lady Ann^ I beg leave to fubfcribe 

Your Lord(l:iip's moft obedient humble fervant, 

G, W. 


To the Right Honourable Lord R . 

My Lor d^ Gallq/hielsy Sept. iS^ ly^-J. 

YOUR letter I fear has been too long unanfwered, but 
gratitude will not permit me to defer anfwcring it any 
longer. I have alfo received your Lordfliip's liberal benefatStion 
for the orphans, for which and all other favours, your Lord- 
fhip hath my hearty thanks. — The innumerable inflances of 
God's goodnefs quite melt me down. The word of God 
prevails more and more. Every where Jesus Christ is get- 
ting himfclf the victory in poor fmners hearts. Young and 
old from many quarters fly to the gofpel, as doves to the win- 
dows. I truft, your Lordlhip's daughters will feci the power of 
Christ's blood. Happy they, who do feel it. They reft in 
God. They are fons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. 
What a rich perfon is the pooreft chriftlan ? He is joint heir 
with Jesus Christ. Supported with this thought, and feel- 
ing the power of it in my foul, I can defpife all fubl unary en- 
joyments, and long to be wholly fwallowed up in God. Hap- 
py day, when we (hall converfe with the world no more ! I 
pray God to give me patience to wait 'till Jesus comes. I 
would leap my feventy years, and fly upon the wings of faith 
and love, into the blcfled Redeemer's prcfencc. I hope vour 
Lordfhip is thus minded. May the glorious Emtnanuel keep 
you fo, 'till your foul is carried into Abraharti^ bofom. This 
is the hearty prayer of, my Lord, 

Your Lordfhip's moft obedient and obliged 
humbl fervant, 

G. W, 



To the Right Honourable lord L 

Ady Lord., Edinburgh^ 05i. 2, 1 74 1. ' 

LAST night I returned from the fouth country, and re- 
ceiv'd your Lordfliip's kind letter. My invitation to 
Coupar was in the name of many : who the perfons were that 
figncd the letter I cannot tell. 1 have fcnt it inclofcd in this. 
Had I known it to have been more agreeable to your Lordfhip, 
I would have appointed the meeting at Adelvill -, but I fear, as 
fuch public notice has been given, it will be now impradtica- 
ble. I cannot poflibly ftay with your Lordfhip all Tiiefday., be- 
ing to preach at Dundee. But in my return from Aberdeen., I 
hope to be at your Lordfliip's houfe. I am glad your Lordfhip 
intends to be at KinglaJJie, 1 (hall have both fermons very 
early, and hope the glorious Jesus will be with us in our go- 
ing to Meh'ill, O my Lord, I want a thoufand tongues to 
fet ofF the Redeemer's praife. Having him, tho' I have no- 
thing elfe, I find I pofTefs all things. I have not forgotten your 
Lordfhip fmce I wrote laft. You are, and will be much upon 
my heart. I have heard of the piety of your Lordftiip's ancef- 
tors, and hope many prayers are yet in ftore for you. Above 
all, I truil:, Jesus prays for you, and then you cannot but be 
a conqueror; nay, more than conqueror over the world, the 
ficfh and the devil. Take courage then, my Lord, and fear not 
to follow a crucified Jesus without the camp, bearing his fa- 
cred reproach. Beware of honour, falfely fo called : dare to 
be Angularly good, and be not afhamed of Jesus or his gofpel. 
O that you may find it to be the power of God to your fal- 
vation ! Look but to Christ by faith, and your Lordfliip's 
great poflTelnons will not retard, but further and promote your 
progrefs in the divine life. What fweet communion will your 
Lordfhip then enjoy with God, in your walks and gardens ? 
It will then be a little paradife to your foul, and every thing 
you meet with, will only draw you fo much nearer to Jehovahy 
in whom all fulnefs dwells. This I find by daily experience ; 
and that your Lordfhip may daily experience the fame, is the 
earneft prayer, my Lord, of 

Your Lordfhip's mofl obliged humble fervant, 

G. JK 



ro Mr, H , 

Melvill^ OcJoher 5, 1741. 
J-Zy ^vrj ^^^r Friend and Brother^ 

I Have, by the (hip that brings you this, fent you 70/. worth 
of different forts of goods to be difpofed of, and the money 
to be appHcd for the ufe of the Orphan-houfc. You are to let 

Mr. B have 20/. I have alfo fent 600 yards of cloth, a 

prefent of my own, to make the boys and girls gowns and 
coats, fome whereof I have had made up here. The other 
things were given by various pcrfons. Amongft thefe, you 
will find fome damafk table-cloths, which I defire you will 
fell, they being too good, in my opinion, for our ufe. O 
my dear friend, how faithful is the Lord Jesus ! He has 

now enabled me to pay my brother, and Mr. A^ 's bill of 

thice hundred pounds fterling. There is yet 200/. to be paid, 
which I borrowed fmce my arrival in England; but very fliort- 
\y I hope to difcharge that alfo. I have been in Scotland 2ho\xt 
two months, and think to be here about a fortnight longer. 
(jOD is pleafcd to give me health, and to blefs my miniftra- 
tions in an abundant manner. The little children in the hof- 
pitals, are much wrought upon. Saints have been ftirred up 
and edified, and many others, I believe, are tranflated from 
darknefs to light, and from the kingdom of fatan to the king- 
dom of God's dear Son. The good that has been done, is 
inexprelnble. I am intimate with three noblemen, and fevera! 
ladies of quality, who have a great liking for the things of 
God. I am now writing in an earl's houfe, farrounded with ' 
fine furniture J but glory be to free grace ! my foul is in love 
only with Jesus : he helps me more and more. I feel but 
little flraitnefs in preaching, and we have often fweet appear- 
ances of the divine prefence in our large afiemblies. As to 
my own foul, it is very comfortable and compofed ; I feel the 
power of Jesus more, and the power of indwelling fin \t(s. 
I am daily waiting for the coming of the Son of God. I fear 
I am too impatient to be gone j but what can the foul do, 
when fick Of love? I have fome thoughts of vifiting /r^Z^w^. 
Whether I (hall do that, or cCme to America in the Spring, 



God only knows. I pray for, and long to fee you and the 
reft of my dear family. I truft, I then (hall behold, what [ 
long to behold, a houfhold of faith, a company of poor fmncrs 
walking in the fimplicity and love of the meek and lowly Jk- 
sus. O that you may fo live, that whofoever comes amon^ft 
you may fay, " Surely God is in this place." Thoufands of 
prayers are put up for us, and thoufands of lies are fpread 
abroad againft us. But Jesus enables me to fight my way 
through all, and I am perfuaded he will make me more than 
conqueror through his love. In England, the work goes on 
well. Brother C is much blefled in Wiltjhlre ; and bro- 
ther H wrote me word fome time ago, that he had exa- 
mined about three hundred fouls of our focicty, moft of which 
had been wrought upon fmce my return from Georgia, Help 
me to cry, Grace ! grace I My dear friend and brother, for 
the prefent adieu ! I love you in the bowels of a crucified 
Jesus. Brethren, pray for us. 

I am ever, ever yours in Christ, 

G. IK 


T^o Mr, H in Edinburgh, 

Me hilly O^ioher 5, 1741. 
Dear Mr, H , 

I Received your kind letter with the bill, and alfo that figned 
by you, and my other friends at Edinburgh, I take all 
they fay in good part, but think fome of their reafonings a 
little too worldly. The calumnies of evil men are not to be 
regarded. I value them not in the leaft. My largeft donati- 
ons have been from the rich and fubftantial. The mites which 
the lower fort of people have given, I am perfuaded will not 
prevent their paying their debts, or impoverifii their families. 

Mr. fV , in a letter to Mr. S , wifties there may be a 

private contribution for myfelf ; but I know nothing of, and 
will not admit of any fuch thing. I make no purfc ; what I 
have, I give away. — Freely I have received, freely 1 defirc to 
give. " Poor, yet making many rich," fhall be my motto 
ftill. My great and profeffcd defign, is to bring poor fmners 
to Jesus Christ : but as my orphan family abroad is now 

y 3 large. 


large, and dally to be provided for, without the leaft vifibic 
fund, and I believe much glory will redound to God from 
that houfe ; I think it my duty to fpeak to thofe, who I be- 
lieve, for Christ's fiike, arc willing to help them. I would 
have no one afraid of doing too much good, or think, that a 
little given in charity will impoverifh the country. — May God 
reward you, and all others that have affifted me for his dear 
Son*s fake ! My poor prayers will alv/ays attend my Scetch 
friends. When I fhall go to England^ I know not, but I 
hope God will dire£l me. I muft have done. Dear Sir, may 
the Lord be with you, and be your eafe in pain. My kind- 
eft refpedls attend your kind wife, and all my dear friends. I 
thank you and them for their advice, and defire to fubfcribe 
myfelf, with much affe6lion, dear Sir, 

Your obliged, and alte£iionate friend and fervant, 

G. JV, 


To the Rev. Mr. M , at Dornock. 

Aberdeen^ OSfober 9, 1 74 1. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

SOME time paft, I received a letter from your Prefbytery 
of Sutherland, and if I miftake not, with your name fub- 
fcribed. However, as I this night have feen your fon, I think 
jt my duty in a letter to you, to thank the reverend prefbytery 
for their kind invitation ; but as my flay in Scotland is fo fhort, 
and Sutherland i'o far Northv^ard, I cannot think of going thi- 
ther at this time. Notvvithflanding, my prayer to God is, 
that the glorious gofpel may fiourifli in your hands, and that 
you may bring many, very many fouls to Jesus. This, re- 
verend Sir, unlefs my heart deceives me, is my only airn. 
For this let men revile my name, 

IjJmn no Crofs, I fear no foarne ; 
All hail reproach, and welcome pain. 
Only thy terrors. Lord, rejlrain I 

P, dear Sir, m.y heart is warmed with the love of Jesus ; 

whilft I am writing, the fire kindles. Amazing, that Jesus 

ftiould fufFer me to fpeak for him ! But what fliall we fay ? 

. • His 


His grace is free. Dear Sir, help me to cry, Grace ! grace ! 
Surely I fliall fmg it in heaven. I long to be there, but am 
willing to tarry the Lord's leifure. Dear Sir, excufe this 
freedom ; I hope I am writing to one that loves Jesus. I 
would write more, but muft away to give a word of exhorta- 
tion. That the Lord Jesus may fill you with all joy and 
peace in believing, is the hearty prayer of, Reverend and dear 

Your afFe^lionate friend, brother. Sec, 
in Christ, 

G. IK 

To Major M . 

Dear Sir, Aberdeen, O£loher 9, 1 741. 

BEING come thus far Northward, and hearing that you 
are this way, 1 cannot forbear writing, though nature 
calls for fleep. 1 was concerned I could not fee you at Lon- 
don ; but hope this will find you retired from a noify world, 
and walking with your dear fpoufe as becometh the gofpel of 
Jesus Christ. It is what I have longed and prayed for 
many a time. I am of the fame mind as formerly. Nothing 
but Jesus can fatisfy the foul. Aided by his Almighty pow- 
er, I ftill go on through good report and evil report, preach- 
ing the gofpel. Blefled be God, I am not afhamed of it. For, 
I find it, as do many others, to be the power of God to our 
eternal falvation. O, dear Sir, I feel more and more of the 
love of Christ every day. It is paft expreffion. I hope ere 
now you have had it (hed abroad in your heart abundantly, 
by the Holy Ghoft. A letter informing me of this, will re- 
joice my foul. Be pleafed to direct to me at Mr. T 's, 

Edinburgh, GoD willing, I purpofe leaving Scotland in about 
a fortnight. Whether I fhall fee you in the flefh, I know not. 
However, fince I know what God once did for you, be not 
offended, if I charge you, dear Sir, not to let me mifs you at 
God's right-hand in the great day. But God only can brir.g 
this to pafs : That you and your dear wife may be kept by his 
mighty power unto falvation, prays, dear Sir, 

Ever yours, 

G. jy. 




To Mrs, Ann D , at great Granfden. 

My dear Sijiery Aberdeen^ 03ober 9, 1 74 1. 

THIS evening your letter came to hand. Though it is 
paft eleven at night, and I have rode many miles this 
day, yet I cannot go to-bed without fending you a line* I 
fear, by your manner of writing, you are offended with me for 
my lafl letter. I knew very well, it would be a trial to you 5 but 
I wrote out of pure love, and am glad it is now in your power 
to clear yourhufband, which I much deftred to do. I have top 
many afperfions of the fame nature caft upon me, not to fym- 
pathize with you both. But Jesus is our advocate, and ere long 
we fh^ll fee all the accufers of the brethren caft down. In fpite 
of all, J^sus has been, and is getting himfelf the vi£lory in 
many finncrs hearts. I am yet carried on day by day, ftrength- 
ened in bodyj and niuch refreflied and comforted in foul. Your 
letter gives me a little prefent pain, left my laft ftiould have 
pained you. But Geo permits thefe things to happen among 
ourfelves, to teach us to look ofF from all creatures, and to 
centre all our happinefs in himfelf. Glory be to God for his 
almighty love ! At my firft coming here, things looked a lit- 
tle gloomy ; for the magiftrates had been fo prejudiced by one 

Mr. B 5 that when applied to, they refufed me the ufe of 

the kirk-yard to preach in. This Mr. B — — is collegue 
^ith one Mr. O , at whofe repeated invitation I came hi- 
ther. Though collegues of the fame congregation, they 
are very different in their natural tempers. The one is what 
they call in ScoiIa?2d, of dfweet blooded, the other, of a .chole- 
ric difpofition. Mr. B- is neither a Seceder, nor quite 

a Kirk-man, having great fault to find with both. Soon after 

my arrival, dear Mr. O took me to pay my refpe6ts to 

him ; he was prepared for it, and immediately pulled out a 
paper, containing a great number of infignificant queries, 
which I had neither time near inclination to anfwer. The 

next morning, it being Mr. 's turn, 1 lectured and 

preached ; the magiftrates were prefent. The congregation 
very large, and light and life fled ail around. In the after- 
noon Mr. B — = — ofHciated , I attendedo He began his pray« 



crs as ufua] ; but in the mldft of them naming me by name, he 
intrealed the Lord to forgive the difhonour that had been put 
upon him, by my being fufFcred to preach in that pulpit; and 
that all might know what reafon he had to put up fuch a 
petition, about the middle of his fermon, he not only uro-ed 
that " I was a curate of the church of Eyiglancl^' but alfo 
quoted a paflage or tv/o out of my firft printed fermons, which 
he faid were grofsly Armiman. Moft of the congregation 
feemed furprizcd and chagrined, efpecially his good-natured 

collegue Mr. O , who immediately after fermon, without 

confulting me in the leaft, flood up and gave notice, that Mr. 
Whitefield would preach in about half an hour. The interval 
being fo fliort, the magiftratcs returned into the feiTion's- 
houfe, and the congregation patiently waited, big with expec- 
tation of hearing my refefitment. At the time appointed, I 
went up, and took no other notice of the good man's ill-timed 
zeal, than to obferve in fome part of my difcourfe, that if the 
good old gentleman had feen fome of my later writings, where- 
in I had corrected feveral of my former miftakes, he would 
not have exprelTed himfelf in fuch ftrong terms. The people 
being thus diverted from controverfy with man, were deeply 
impreffed with what they heard from the word of God. All 
was huflied ! and more than folemn ! and on the morrow the 
magiftrates fent for me, exprefled themfelves quite concerned 
at the treatment I had met with, and begg'd I would accept 
of the freedom of the city. But of this enough. The Lord, 
my dear fifter, i^ my fupport ; let us both continually fly to 
him, and then let men or devils do their worft. Christ 
will by and^ by take away our reproach. Into his hands I com- 
mend your fpirit. Good night; the Lord be with you and 
yours ! I hope to fet out for England ioon. Pray write when 
you h?ar of my arrival there, and fo convince me, that you 
are not angry with 

Your afFedlionate tho* unworthy brother 
and fervant in Christ, 






To Mr. IV , at Edinburgh. 

Dear Sir, Aberdeen, OSlober lo, 1 74 1. 

IJuft fnatch a few moments to anfwer your letter. Want 
of leifure prevented my doing it before. I have not as yet 
feen your mother's memoirs. Happy are you in having fuch 
a parent. No doubt many prayers are in ftore for you. As 
for your entering upon the miniftry, I cannot advife you, 'till 
you have gotten full fatisfadlion that you are born again of 
God. 1 know more than one, who are ready to give up their 
miniftry for want of this ; and as for my own part, I could 
not feelingly prefs the love of God to others, unlefs I was fure 
of his love to myfelf. I know not what may have pafted be- 
tween God and your foul. You can tell, I fuppofe, whether 
or not God's fpirit witnefleth with your fpirit, that you are a 
child of God ? For he that believeth, hath the wicnefs in him- 
felf. If you have got this withamoderateftiareof learning, a good 
elocution and a burning love for precious fouls, then, I think 
vou may do fervice in a public ftation. If godly, and real ex- 
perienced friends are for your entering into the miniftry, their 
advice is fomewhat to be regarded. If their advice proceeds 
from worldly motives, do not mind them at all. The difcou- 
ragements you meet with from fome, are not worth your no- 
tice. If God loves you, he will try you every way. Prayer, 
meditation, and temptation, are three neceflary qualifications 
for a gofpcl miniftcr. I know not what to fay about your 
going to Georgia. In Penfylvania, and other places, there are 
moft noble opportunities of preaching the gofpel of Jesus. 
But I hope to be in Edinburgh in about ten days, and then 
fhall be glad to convcrfe with you. In the mean time, dear 
Sir, I commend you to God, and defire you would not forget 
the unworthy creature, who now fubfcribes himfelf 

Yours in Christ Jesus, 
G. W. 





To the Rev. Mr. J JV . 

Aberdeen^ O^ober lo, 1741. 
Reverend and dear Brother, 

I Have for a long time expeiSled that you would have fent 
me an anfwer to my laft ; but I fuppofe that you are 
afraid to correfpond with me, becaufe I revealed your fecret 
about the lot. Though much may be faid for my doing it, 
yet I am forry now, that any fuch thing dropped from my 
pen, and I humbly afk pardon. I find I love you as much as 
ever, and pray God, if it be his blefTed will, that we may be 
all united together. It hath been fpr fome days upon my 
heart to write to you, and this morning I received a letter 

from brother H , telling me how he had convcrfed with 

you anci your dear brother. May God remove all obftacles 
that now prevent our union I Though I hold particular elec- 
tion, yet I offer Jesus freely to every individual foul. You 
may carry fan6lification to what degrees you will, only I 
cannot agree that the in-being of fin is to be deflroyed in this 
life. O, my dear brother, the Lord hath been much with 
me in Scoilond. I every morning feel my fellowfliip with 
Christ, and he is pleafed to give me all peace and joy in be- 
lieving. In about three weeks I hope to be at Briftol. JVlay 
all diiputings ceafe, and each of us talk of nothing but Jesus, 
and him crucified ! This is my refolution. The Lord be 

with your fpirit. My love to brother C , and all that 

love the glorious Emmanuel. I am, without diflimulation. 

Ever yours, 

G. W. 

ro Peter 5-^-i-il. 

Aberdeen, Ooiober 10, 1741. 
My dear Brother, 

I Write this, to afk pardon for mentioning your name in my 
anfwer to brother TV 's fcrnioi^,. I am very forry for it. 

Methinks I hear you fay, for Christ's fake I forgive you. I 



thank you, and fhall be glad of a conference with you when 
I come to London, There have been faults on both fides. 
I think, my dear brother, you have not a£led fimply in fomc 
things. Let us confefs our faults to one another, and pray for 
one another, that we may be healed. I wifh there may be no 
dilTention between us for the time to co;iie. May God prc- 
ferve us from falling out in our way to heaven ! The world 
and the devil are united againft us ; O that we could all unite 
ao-ainft them ! " God is love, and he that dwclleth in love, 
dwelleth in God." I long to have all narrow-fpiritednefs 
taken out of my heart. Jesus is able to deliver me. His 
blood is Almighty. I truft I fhall not reft, 'till I have felt the 
full power of it in my foul. BlefTed be God, I am ftill car;-i- 
ed on from conquering to conquer. Jesus caufes me to tri- 
umph in every place. I defire to lie as a poor firmer at his 
feet, and to cry, Grace ! grace ! I find I am fliortly to be called 
before the higher powers. Help me, my dear brother, by 
vour prayers. In about nine days I think to leave Scotland, 
I commend you to Jesus, and defire to fubfcribe myfelf, dear 

brother B — ^ — , 

Yours afFe£lionately in the bleeding Lamb, 

G. IK 


To ihs Reverend Mr, C . 

Aberdeen^ OSloher 13, I74I, 
My dear Brother^ 

I Received your letters, and am glad to hear that the glorious 
Einmanuel is pleafed to countenance your miniftry. May 
he fmile on you more and more, and make you the fpiritual fa- 
ther of many children ! I have very great reafon to be thank- 
ful to our common Saviour. Fie hath been with me greatly, 
both in England and Scotland. I generally preach twice every 
day, fometimes three, even four times, and generally expound 
in private every night. The Lord has fought many battles 
for me, and ftill continues to make me more than conqueror 
through his love. This morning I felt his power in the pul- 
pit, and now feel it much in my foul. O what a blefled thing 
it is, to have God's fpirit witncfs with our fpirit, that we are 



God's children ! This, glory be to free grace! I have con- 
tinually; and let me be in what frame ibcver, my foul is 
waiting for the coming of the Son of Man. Blefled be God, 
it will not be long ere I fhall fee him as he is. The fight I 
have of him by faith, ravifhes my foul : how ihall I be ra- 
vKhed when I fee him face to face ! " Lord, purify me, even 
as thou art pure ; for only the pure in heart fee thee !" My 
dear brother, the love of GoA now fills my foul. May you 
feel it fhed abroad abundantly in your heart ! About Spring, 
perhaps, I may leave England, ' F'orget not to pray for me» 

I am, dear Mr. C , 

Ever yours in Christ Jesus, 

G. JV. 


To the Right Honourable the Earl of L^^— . 

My Lord, Brechen^ O^oher 17, 1741. 

I Would have wrote to your Lordfhip from Aberdeen, but 
could not then determine when I fhould be at MelvilL 
This comes to acquaint your Lordfhip, that, God willing, I 
hope to be at your Lordfhip's houfe on IVednefday night, and to 
preach at Coupar on Thurfday. I fhould be glad if the ma- 
giftrates were apprized of it, and the tent fixed in a more 
convenient place, and at a lefs diftance from the ground. I 
cannot tell your Lordfhip, how good the glorious Emmanuel 
has been unto me. He has caufed me to triumph in every 
place, and fills my foul with joy unfpeakable, even with joy 
that is full of glory, I wifli your Lordfhip was not almoft, 
but altogether fuch as I am, excepting my indwelling cor- 
ruptions. O my Lord, none but Chriftians know the plea- 
fure of renouncing the world for God. I am perfuaded you 
felt unfpeakable pleafure at Coupar, I hope thbfe days 
have continued with yoU; Happy are you in having a con- 
fort that will forward you in the fpi ritual life. That you 
may both live together as becomes heirs of the grace of God, 
and have all joy and peace in believing, is the earncft prayer 
€)f, my Lord, 

Your Lordihip^s moft obedient humble fervant, 

G. JV. 




To Mr, Thomas G , at London. 

Dundee^ O^oher 21, 1 741. 

Dear Brother G- 

YOU will fee, by the following, what God is ftill doing 
for me. On TVednefday night laft I left Aberdeen^ 
after preaching there feven times, befides expounding in pri- 
vate. Before I came among them, numbers were much pre- 
judiced againft me j but God was pleafed to attend my mi- 
niftry with fuch power, that all oppofition fell before me. 
Many were brought under great convictions. The magi- 
ftrates made me free of the city ; and the people much re- 
gretted my fpeedy departure from them. On Thurfday laft I 
preached at Stonhkhe and Benham ; on Friday^ thrice at Mon- 
trofe ', on Saturday twice, and on Sunday thrice at Brechen^ and 
ledlured in the evening at a private houfe. On Monday I 
preached twice at Forfar ; on Tuefday twice at Coupar^ in Angus ; 
and once at Dundee^ five miles from Coupar, at four in the af- 
ternoon, and again at night ; here I have alfo preached twice 
this day. The prefence of God accompanies me more and 
more. Wherever I have preached, 1 hear of the good fruits of 
it, both in convi6ling finners, and reviving faints. At Dundee, 
the concern among the hearers is very remarkable. People 
are ftill more defirous to hear the word. Bur, God willing, 
I purpofe fhortly to fet out for England, My dear brother, 
pray for me, that I may be humble and thankful. I am glad 
to hear your wife is recovered. My love to her, and all 
friends. I am, with cordial affedion, 

Dear brother G , 

Ever yours in Christ, 

G. PK 



To thi Right Honourable the Lord L 


My Lord ^ Edinburgh^ Oaoher %b^ l']\l, 

IT is now paft eleven at night ; all is wrapt in awful filcnce. 
My foul is in a quiet compofed rcamc. I have been giving 
your Lordlhip's letter a fecond reading, with afpirations to 
God whilft I perufed it. Surely God has not let me wreftlc 
with him in vain. The Holy Spirit Teems to be moving upoa 
the face of your foul. 1 truft God hath faid, " Let there be 
light," and therefore there is light. O that the work may be 
carried on, till you enter into that rcll: which remains for the 
people of God, I truft your Lordfhip will now awake into a 
new world, and know what it is to live by faith. Did I not 
know the power of Christ's blood, I fliould fear for you. 
But I commend you to a glorious Redeemer, that will cer- 
tainly take care of you. As I left your Lordflnp's houfe, I 
was thinking, that the narrow efcape your Lordfhip had be- 
tween the ftones, foreboded fomething good. Jesus has 
taken care of you when in your blood. I hope he is 
now pafling by you, and faying unto you, '' Live." O that 
the ftone of infidelity, which before lay at the door of 
your heart, may be now rolled awny ! O that you may rife, 
be loofed from your corruptions, and go about doing good ! 
Satan will not let you go without much oppofition. He will 
defire to have you, that he may fift you as wheat. But if Jesus 
prays for you, all will be well. The comfort which you had 
with him in reading the pfalms, is a tafte of the food believers 
daily eat, and which the carnal world knows nothing of. My 
Lord, if you could be brought once to love fecret prayer, and 
to converfe feelingly with God in his word, your heaven will 
begin on earth j you will enjoy more pleafure than in all man- 
ner of riches. What will thofe avail, if you are not rich to- 
wards God ? Be, therefore, my Lord, much in fecret retire- 
ment. Commune with your own heart in your chamber, and 
be ftill, and you will then hear the fecret whifpcrs of the 
Holy Ghoft. As for praying in your family, I intreat you, 
my Lord, not to neglect it. You are bound to do it. Apply 
to Christ for ftrength to overcome your prefent fears. They 
arc the effects of pride, or infidelity, or of both. After once 



or twice, the difficulty will be over. O that the blcflcd Spirft 
may enable you to make intcrcefilon with groaning that can- 
not be uttered ! It rejoices me to think, that I (liall one day 
perhaps fee a church in Melvlll houfe. Happy, happy are vou^ 
my Lord, iji having fuch a confort, who will forward your 
Lordfliip in every good word and work. How fweet will it 
be for you to go early to your devotions, flriving to live like 
the firft happy pair, before they had eaten the forbidden fruit. 
As God fliall enable me, J fhall bear you both upon my 
heart. God forbid that I fliould fm againft him in ceafmg to 
pray for you. My riding upon your Lordfhip's horfe, will 
often remind me to pray for the donor. My Lord, you are 
upon my heart. Methinks I would undergo the pangs of the 
new birth for you ; but Jesus can carry you through. Fear 
not. Go on in his ftrength, and your Lordfliip will be en- 
abled to ftand the fhock of all. I fhould be glad to hear, from 
time to time, what the Lord is doing for your foul. Since 
your Lordfliip has laid your commands upon me, I fliall write 
as often as poffible. If your Lordfliip is pleafed to write 
within this week, a letter may be direded to me at Mrs, 

y 's, in Abergavenny. If afterwards, at Mr. S 's. 

Grocer, in IVine-Jheet^ Br'iJloL Your Lordfliip may depend 
on my fecrefy -, no one hath feen your Lordfliip's letter, but 

Mr. 5 , who copies this, and who Is as my own foul. 

His prayers, I trufl:, will benefit your Lordfliip. His humble 
refpe£ls await both you and your lady. Once more, I pray 
God to blefs you both together. But it is late, the clock has 
flruck tv/clve. Methinks I could wifli the cry was now made, 
** Behold, the bridegroom cometh." My foul longs to go 
forth to meet him. This evening I was greatly refreflied by 
preaching on thefe words, " This is my beloved, and this is 
my friend, oh daughters of Jerufalcm.''' O when fhall I fee 
him as he is I Well may your Lordfljip fay, " He is altoge- 
ther lovely." The more you know him, the more you will 
have reafon to commend him. Eternity is too fliort to utter 
all his praife. With a heart full of nfFection and thanks- for 
all favours, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, my Lord, 

Your Lordfliip's mofl: obUged humble fervant, 

G. W, 





To Mr. J C , at London. 

Edinburgh^ Ouloher 27, 174 1. 
Aly very dear Brothtr^ 

LTHOOGH it be paft eleven at night, yet I cannot 


mifs a poft. The Lord is doing very great things here. 

At Dundee the C was very extraordinary. On fab- 

bath-day, the Lord enabled inc to preach four times, and to 
ledurc in the evening at a private houfe. Ycfterday I preached 
three times, and Icdlared at night. This day Jesus has en- 
abled me to preach fcven times. Once in the church, twice at 
the girl's holpital, once in the park, once at the old people's 
bofpital, and afterwards twice in a private houfe. Notwith- 
ftanding, I am now as fielh as when I arofe in the morning. 
" They that wait u; on the Lord fhall renew their ftrength ; 
they (hall mount on wings like eagles." It would delight your 
foul to fee the eifeds of the power of God. Both in the church 
r.nd park the Lord was with us. The girls in the hofpira! were 
exceedingly afFecled, and fo were the ftanders-by. One of 
the miflreires told me, flie is now awakened in the mornino- 
by the voice of prayer and praife ; and the mafter of the boys 
fays, that they meet together every night to fing and pray; 
.'ind when he goes to their rooms at night to fee if all be fafe, 
he generally difturbs them at their devotions. The prcfence 
of God, at the old people's hofpital, was really very wonderful. 
The Holy Spirit feemed to come down like a mighty rufhing 
wind. The mourning of the people, was like the weeping in the 
valley of Hadadrimmon. They appear more and more hungry. 
Kvery day I hear of fomc frcfh good wrought by the pov/er 
f f God. I fcarce know how to leave Scotland. I believe I ftiall 
'Jiink it my dutv to pay the inhabitants another vifit as foon as 
po/Hble. May the Lord order my goings in his ways ! 
Abo^-e five hundred pounds hath been collected, in money and 
goods, for the poor orphans. Let all that is within me praiie 
CjOd's holy. name. To-morrow, God willing, I fti all leave 
ibis place, and go through IFaleSy in my way to London. 
Vou may hear from me on the road. At prefent, I mufl con- 
VoL. L Z cl.udej 



elude ; it is very near twelve. I intreat you to pray and give 

thankb for, dear brother C — ' , 

Your's mod aficirlionately in Christ Jesus, 


To the Right Honourable the Lord L . 

My Lordy Abergavenny^ Nov. lo, 1 741. 

I Cannot bear the thoughts of forbearing to write to your 
Lordfliip any longer. I know your Lordfliip will be 
pleafed to hear that we had a good journey. Christ's pre- 
fence made it fo. The horfe carried me exceeding well. My 
heart was often drawn out to pray for the donor. Does your 
Lordlhip's foul profper ? Has Jesus faid, " Be of good cheer, 
it is I J be not afraid, thy fms are forgiven thee." Can it 
vet be laid, " Behold, he prayeth." I find a reftraint upon 
me now, fo that I cannot write. God calls me to retirement ; 
being to enter into the marriage ftate to-morrow. I am 
perfuaded your Lordfliip will not fail to pray, that we may, 
like Zacharlah and Elizabeth^ walk in all the ordinances and 
commandments of the Lord blamelefs. I hope my moft 
humble refpecls will find acceptance with your Lady. Indeed, 
my Lord, you are both much upon my heart. Though I have 
only liberty now to fubfcribe myfelf, with all gratitude, my 

Your Lordfhip's moft obedient and obliged 
humble fervantj 

G. TV, 


To Mr, T , at Edinburgh, 

Abergavenny^ Nov. Ig, 1 74 1. 

THIS morning I received your kind letter; for which, 
and all other favours, you have my moft hearty thanks. 
I remembered you in prayer, foon after your's came to hand : 
blefled be God for the news which it contained. I yetexpe£l 
to hear of, if not to fee far greater things in Scotland. The 
Lord has begun, and he will carry on a work, which fhall 
make the ears of his enemies to tingle. I have enjoyed much 
of the tjivine prefence fince we parted. On Saturday I was 

2 married, 


married, In the fear of God, to one who, I hope, will be a 
help meet to me. God has been pleafed to work, by my 
hands, fince I have been in Wales. O ftupendous love ! O 
infinitely condefcending God ! Be pleafed to direct your next 
to London, I hope to be there in about three weeks. My 
wife I ftall leave in the country for fome time. Dear Mr, 

T , pray for us. I do for you and yours. Labour after 

an abiding of God in your foul, fo that you may continually 
by failh fee him who is invifible. Do not be content with being 
a dwarf in religion: afpire after the utmoft degrees of inward 
purity and holinefs. I could go on, but muft write fome 

more letters. Dear brother 5 , and my dear wife, falute 

you and all friends. They are not forgotten, dear Mr. T , 


Your moft unworthy, but moft afFedionate 

friend and fervant in Christ, 
G. W, 


To the Right Honourable Lady D— — ^ — , In Scotland. 
Honoured Madam^ Brijlol^ Nov. 22, 1741. 

AT length I have a little leifure. I muft improve it, 
by writing a letter to your Ladyfhip. The many fa- 
vours conferred on me, loudly called for a more fpeedy ac- 
knowledgment ; but hitherto, bufmefs for my Mafter has 
prevented. Dear Mrs. C *s letter will inform your La- 
dyfhip that I have altered my ftate ; I truft for the better ; 
for I think my foul is more intimately united to Jesus Christ 
than ever. I would humbly hope your Ladyfhip can fay fo 
too ; for there is no happinefs till we can feel an union of foul 
with God. That, and that only, as your Ladyfhip has often 
heard me afTert, is true and undefiled religion. Your own 
experience will befl convince you of the truth thereof. Your 
Ladyfliip enjoys great advantages, and glorious means of mak- 
ing progrefs in fpiritual things. You are rich in this world's 
goods ; may God make you rich in faith and good works 1 
My Mafler will not forget the kindnefs you havefhewn to one 
of the leaft of his fervants. It gives me comfort to think, 
what fweet freedom of fpirit I have enjoyed, when opening the 

Z 2 fcriptures 


fcriptures in your Ladyfliip's houfe. Surely God was with 
us of a truth. The favour of it is not yet gone off my own 
foul, nor, I hope, from your Ladyfliip's alfo. Since I left Edin- 
burghy I have put up many hearty prayers for you and your fa- 
mily. The Lord make it an houfhold of faith, and make you 
perfe<5l, entire, lacking nothing ! The glorious Eimnanuel feems 
to be repairing the breaches of his tabernacle, which were fallen 
down. In r/uks we had much of the divine prefence. The 
people there are fo hungry after the word, that they are refolved 
not to leave wrcflling with the Moft High, till he fhall be 
pleafcd to fend rae thither. O that God may incline your 
Ladyftip to intercede in my behalf ! for I long to be hum- 
ble, and to lie low as a very poor fmncr at the Redeemer's 
feet. I think I can fay, he brings me nearer and nearer to 
himfelf daily \ and I will not reit, till I am moulded into the 
image of my bleeding Lord. I pray God that your Lady- 
fliip may be content with no degrees of holinefs ; but may be 
daily preffing forward, till you arrive at the mark of the prize 

of the high calling in Christ Jesus. Mr. iS defires 

to join with me in fending our moft affectionate refpe6ts and 
thanks toyour LadyOiip and all friends. Our particular refpecls 

await dear Mr. M" V — . I truft he will yet live to fee 

glorious days oi the Son of Man, Surely Christ is getting, 
himfelf the victory. May he long reign king in your foul,, 
and reward you a thoufand-fold for every token of love fhewii 
to, honoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfliip's moft obedient humble fervant, 

G. JK 


To the Right Honourable the Earl of L . 

My Lord ^ Briftol, Nov. 24, 1741. 

MY heart longs to fend you another letter. I wiffi, above 
all things, that your foul may profper. I had an ex- 
traordinary power given me to pray for you lately in Wales, 
God gave me to wreftle, and I think an affurance that I 
ihould prevail. I am looking out for an anfwer. Your Lord- 
fhip's next letter, I hope, will afford me matter for rejoicing 
in your behalf. Your Lordfhip is now entered on the field 



©f battle : you are engaged in a cruel, but a glorious warfare. 
Go on J though faint, yet ftill purfue : nil dcfperandu»i^ 
Chrijio duce, aitfpice Chnjio, My prayer for your Lordfhip is 
this : 

Give him a willy give him the poiv'ry 

Still equal to the war ; 
Great Captain of Salvation^ thou 
Thy trembling foldier chear / 

O, my Lord, it is a blefied thing to fight the Redeemer's bat- 
tles : I find he makes us more than conquerors through his 
love. I flill enjoy much of the divine prefencc, and hope I 
pafs from glory to glory daily. I preach here at fix in the 
morning, and alfo in the evening. God caufes his goodnefs 
to pafs before us. In a week I hope to fet out for London, 
Be pleafed to dire£l your next thither. The lords have re- 
turned my appeal. At prefent, a hook is put in the le- 
viathan's nofe. ''• When a man's ways pleafe the Lord, he 
maketh his enemies to be at peace with him." I hope your 
Lady profpers both in body and foul. My own, and dear- 
fellow-travellers mofl humble refpe£ls and prayers attend your 
whole houihold. I am, with great affeclion, my Lord, 
Your Lordlliip's moft obedient humble fcrvant, 


To T E 5 in Edinburgh, 

Afy dear Friend^ Brijlci^ Nov. 27, 1741. 

WHEN we parted, I promifed your wife to write upon 
the road ; but I found it imprafticable. Since I 
came to IFalcs I have had no time. Now I have, God gives 
me freedom. Though late, be pleafed to accept a letter of 
thanks for all favours. I think we felt each others fpirits, 
both, I truft, united myflically, really, and eternally to 
Christ, our common head, and to one another in love. O 
that all v/ould center here. It would then be faid once again, 
*' See how thefe Chriftians love one another." — As for my own 
part, I am refolved not to reft till every thing, contrary to 
true, catholic, chriftian love, be rooted out of my foul, 

Z 3 Christ''} 


Christ's blood and fpirit are able to do this for me. I only 
need to pray to God to make me willing to have it done. Be 
pleafed to help me, my dear friend, when God enables you to 
draw near^unto him. My dear companion would beg the fame. 
Our tender love awaits both you and your wife. I am lately 
entered into the marriage relation. Jesus was called to ; 
Jesus v/as prefent at the marriage. We have lately enjoyed 
much of the divine prefence. Many precious promifes have 
been prefTed upon my foul. I believe I (hall fee greater things 
than ever. We cannot expe£l too great things from God. 
But I muft have done. I am waited for. Accept thefe fe\y 
lines in love, ' from 

Your aiFedionate friend and brother in Christ, 

G. TV, 


To Mr, A— ', in London. 

Bnjiol^ Nov, 30, 1 741. 
My very dear Brother^ 

I Thank you for your kind letter. Though I hope to fee 
you on Friday^ yet love conftrains me to fend you an anr 
fwer. I rejoice that your foul is thirfling for holincfs. God 
grant it may never ceafe till you experience the full and glo- 
rious liberty of his children, I fee plainly how fatan loves to 
drive to extremes. Since there is no fuch thing as having the 
in-being of fm deflroyed, he would not have people prefs after 
a delivery from the power of it. This is alfo owing to the 
corruption of our own hearts. The old man doth not love to 
be crucified and fiain j but I hope the language of your heart 
and mine Is this, 

Reign in nie^ Lord, thy foes controul^ 

That would refuje thy jway \ 
J^i^ufe ihy image thro* ?ny joul^ 

And bring the perfe5i day, 

. Scatter the lajl remains rf M'h 
And feal rue thine abode ; 
Jet me purified within ; 
^' AtcTnplenicetforQoDo 


V My root of holme fs thou art^ 

For faith hath made thee mine ; 
JVith all thy fulnefs fill my hearty 
Till I am wholly thine. 

No wonder, when we come to be thus minded, if carnal mi- 
nifters, and carnal profeflbrs of all kinds, cry out againft us. 
Nay, even fome who have tafted that the Lord is gracious, 
having {lumbered and flept, and mixed too much with the 
world, even fuch frequently fight againft their privileges, and 
reft in an infant ftate of piety. But, I believe, the Lord will 
roufe them, and let the world know, what the blood of JesUvS 
can and will do. BleiTed be his name, we have a growing 
church at Brijiol: Yefterday, and feveral other times, the 
Lord hath filled many as with new wine. Sometimes I 
fcarce have known whether I have been in or out of the body j 
but, I find, the more I receive of grace, the more I defire to 
lie as a poor, very poor finner at the feet of the wounded 
Lamb. Several have juft now been with me, who have this 
laft week, efpecially yefterday, drank deep of divine love. 
They are now full of the comforts of the Holy Ghoft. I 
pray that they may walk humbly with their God ; for it is a 
good thing to know how to manage a manifeftation aright : 
nature fo frequently and artfully blends with grace, that, for 
want of a clofe watch and tender walk, we grieve the Holy 
Spirit. Hence arife deadnefs and darknefs in the foul. Un- 
belief creeps in, the chariot wheels of divine love are taken 
off, and the foul drives heavily. Let us, therefore, my dear 
brother, live a life of great nearnefs to Jf.sus ; and labour 
day by day to perfed holinefs in the fear of God. There is 
a glorious reft to be entered into even here. May the Lord 
make us partakers of it ! But why ftiould I in the leaft doubt 

Thou wilt give Jlrength^ thou wilt give poivcr^ thou ivilt in time 

fet free : 
This, great Deliverer, let 7ne hope j this, not for f elf , hut Thee, 

Far the prefent, adieu! 

Yours moft affeaionately in Christ, 

G. W. - 




To Mr. J // . 

LondoYiy Dec. 7, 1741, 
My very dear Friend and Brother^ 

I Came hither laft Friday^ and received a packet of letters 
from Beihejda 5 but wonder, to find none from you. 
When I read brother Grant's account of the circumftances of 
the family, I reir ember v.-hat the Lord prefled upon my foul 
on fhip-board, " The bridegroom lli^ll be taken from them, 
and then fiiall they faft in thofe days.'* However, be not dif- 
couraged; profcfibr F^ . 's ftudents were once obliged to 

lell their cloatlis to buy candles. The work of God advances 
here greatly. V/e have a large focicty, confifting of fevcral 
hundreds, and a noble place to meet in : I have called it a 
Tabernacle^ becaufe, perhaps, we may be called to move our 
tents. In IV'ihjhlre.^ and at 'Kingfivood^ there are many good 
fouls, and two new houfes built. In IVaks the door is opened 
wider than ever. From thence (Abergavenny) the Lord has 
given me a wife. Her name was Janies^ a widow, between 
thirty and forty years of age. She has been a houfekecper 
many years. Once gay j but, for three years laft paft, a de^ 
ipifed follower of the Lamb of God. I left her about three 
v/eeks ago, and am going to-morrow to fettle affairs, and to 
bring her up to London. I thank your dear wife for her let- 
ter : had I freedom I would anfwer it : but I have efTayed 

feveral times before I could finifh this. My fifter G- is 

dead : 1 trull (be fltpt in Jesus. God is pleafed to let me 
feel more of his power than- ever. O that his whole mind was 
in m.e ! I hunger and thirft i^fter righteoufnefs : bleffed be 
God, there is a promife that fuch foail be filled. By the let- 
ters fent with this, my dear family will fee that I have not 
forgotten them. No : I pray for them continually. I cannot 
certainly tell v/hcn I fiiall leave England. Providence detains 
me here. I'he work is very extraordinary in Scotland. I hear 
daily accouj}ts of its continuance and increafe. The door is 

opened in all places. The Lords fee through Mr. G 's 

enmity, and will have nothing to do with my appeal : fo that 
a hook is put into the leviathan's jaws. 1 believe we fnall fee 


greater things than ever. My dear friend, falute all moft 
tenderly in my name ; I am exceedingly engaged, or each of 
them ihouJd hear particularly from. 

Ever, ever yours in Christ, 

G\ TV. 


To the Right Honourable Lord R . 

My Lord^ Ghucejler^ Dec. 19, 1741. 

THIS comes to acknowledge the receipt of your Lord- 
fnip's kind letter., dated November qth. Hafmefs has 
prevented my anfv^^ering it fooner. The Lord is yet pleafed 
to. deal bountifully with me. Li England^ ul^ well ao Scotlandy 
the Redeemer is riciing on from conquering .to conquer. About 
Spring I hope to fee iSW/^W again, and then, if polTible, I will 
come as far as your Lordfliip's houfe. I have lately been at 
Brijloly and London^ and have had the pleafure of feeing the 
church w^alk in the comforts of the Holy Ghoft. I have 
preached here twice every day, for fomc days lail part. Ths 
LoPvD greatly countenances my adminiftrations, and gives me 
conftant peace and uninterrupted joy in believing. This is 
what, I truft, our glorious Emmanuel will confer upon your 
Lordfnip. Christ wills that our joy fhould be full ; but we 
entangle ourfelves with the world, we indulge ourfelves in 
fenfual pleafures, we trifle away our time in what the world 
calls innocent diverfions, and thereby we grieve the fpirit of 
God, and lofe the comforts we fhould otherwife enjoy, from 
a clofe v;alk and communion with God. Moft complain of 
a deadnefs and kannefs in their fouls ; what is it owing to ? Not 
to God, but to ourfelves. We leave God, and then God 
leaves us. Not that we can keep ourfelves by our own faich- 
fulnefs ; but notwithftanding, we muft be f^iithful, and work- 
ers together with God. I know not why I am led to write 
thus to your Lordfhip, but nothing elfe occurs to my mind 
2X prefent. I am athirft for holinefs myfelf, and long to fee 
others athirft alio. O my Lord ! I fee fuch beauty and 
tranfcendent excellencies in Christ, that 1 long to have his 
whole mind and image ftamped upon my fo'^l. Nothing can 
fatisfy Bie, bat the highefl degrees of fandiification and in- 

I ward 


ward holinefs. Here, I believe, I am laudably ambitious. 
My Saviour wills my fandlification, my Saviour vi^ould have 
me filled with all the fulnefs of God. Ev<en (o Lord Jesus 

come quickly ! Dear Mr. S humbly falutes your Lord- 

ftiip, and prays for your temporal and eternal welfare, with, 
my Lord, 

Your Lordfhip's moft obedient, , 

obliged humble fervant, 
G. IV. 


To Mr, J C , at London. 

My dear Brother^ GlouceJleY^ Dec, 22, 174 1. 

LAST Thurfday evening the Lord brought me hither. I 
preached immediately to our friends in a large barn, and 
had my mafter's prefence. On Friday and Saturday I 
preached again twice. Both the power, and the congrega- 
tion incrcafed. On Sunday God by a particular providence 
opened a door for my preaching in St. John's^ one of the pa- 
rifh churches. The late incumbent was my grand oppofer. 
He being dead, and the new minifter not having taken pof- 
feffion, the power of the pulpit was in the church-wardens 
hands. God inclined them to let me preach there on Sunday 
morning, and yefterday afternoon. Great numbers came, 
and the Lord gave me unfpeakable power. On Sunday af- 
ternoon, after I had preached twice at Glouajler^ I preached 

at Mr. F 'sat the hill, fix miles ofF and again at night at 

Stroud. The people feem to be more hungry than ever, and the 
Lord to be more amongft them. Yefterday morning I preach- 
ed at Painfwick in the parifli church, here in the afternoon, 
and again at night in the barn. God gives me unfpeakable 
comfort, and uninterrupted joy. Here feems to be a new 
awakening, and a revival of the work of God. I find, feveral 
country people were awakened when I preached at Tewkfbury^ 
and have heard of three or four that have died in the Lord, 
who were called under God by me. We fliall never know 
what good field-preaching has done, till we come to judg- 
ment. Many who were prejudiced againft me, begin to be 



of another mind, and God fliews me more and more, " that 
when a man's ways pleafe the Lord, he will make even his 
enemies to be at peace with him,'* To-morrow morning I 
purpofe to fet out for Abergavenny^ and to preach at Brjjioly 
in TVilts^ Gkucejier^ and Gloucejhrjhire^ before I fee London, 
The people in thefe parts Teem excellently well difpofed. I 
hope the work of the Lord profpers in your hand ; though 
abfent in body, I am prefent with you in fpirit. May the 
Lord Jehovah comfort you continually with thofe comforts 
wherewith I am comforted in him ! I hope my comforts are of 
3 right nature ; they humble at the fame time that they c?calt 
me. I find all my happinefs lies in a crujpified God. 

To the hleji fountain of thy bloody 

Incarnate GoD, I Jly ; 
Here let me wajh my fpottedfoul^ 

From crimes of deepejl dye. 

A guilty^ weak^ and helpkfs worm^ 

Into thy arms I fall'. 
Be thou myjirength and righteoufnefsy 

My Jesus, and my alL 

Pray for 

Your unworthy brother, and fervant in Christ, 

G. ;r. 


To the Right Honqurable the Lord L . 

My Lordy Abergavenny^ Dec. 24, 1 74 1. 

THI3 day I received a letter from your Lordfhip, which, 
I finda your Lordfhip wrote before my third and laft 
came to hand, wherein I gave your Lordftiip an account of 
the circumftance of n>y marriage. As foon as I received your 
liOrdfhip's letter, I kneeled down and prayed, that your Lord- 
fhip might be entirely delivered from unbelief, and be made 
a partaker of that faith, wl]ich will make you more than con- 
queror over all. BlefTed be God, for convincing you thus 
far. I hope the event will prove, that Jesus is taking pof- 
feffion of your whole heart. Your Lordfhip's opinion of thofe 
who call themfelves chriflians, is veryjuft. Free grace has 
.opened your eyes. Your Lordfhip can therefore join in the 



following verfes, which I think applicable to your Lordfliip's 

Long did wy foul in Jesu'j Formy 

No comelinefs or beauty fee ; 
His [acred name by others pri-z^d^ 
If as taftlefs Jl'illy and dead to mi, 
Men caird me chrijiian, and my heart 

On that delufion fondly Jiaid y 
Ji'Ioral niy hcpe^ my Savicur fcif, 
Till mighty grace the cheat difplafd, 
Thanhs to the hand that wak'*d my foul ^ 

That ftjeivd me wretched^ naked^ poor j 
That fweetly led me to the rock^ 
Where all falvation Jiands fecure. 
Glad^t I forfook my righteous pride^ 

My morale tarnifh*d^ fmful drefs ; 

Exchang d my lofs aivay for Christ, 

And found the robe of righieoufnefs. 

If your Lordfliip from your foul can fing thus, fear not that 
Jesvs will leave you. 

O unbeliefs injurious bar^ 

Source of tormenting fruitlcfs fear ; 

Wherein thy loud objections fall ^ 

'' Tis finif^ed;' fillfhall anfwer all. 

Remember, my Lord, the Redeemer's love is evcrlafling. If 
he has pafl'ed by, and faid unto you " Live," you (hall live 
for evermore ; for whofoever livcth and believeth in Jesus, 
fhall never die. Does my Lord believe this ? Then welcome 
into the new world, welcome among the defpifcd Ij'racl of 
God, welcome into the Mediator's kingdom, where you (hall 
have all peace and joy in believing. When hril I was awakened^ 

Refrefhed^ I thought my joys compleaty 
When lo ! Immanuel's bounties rife ; 

Still frefo discoveries he unfolds^ 
Tt>e lo'jcly treaj'ures yet furprize ' 



My Lord, I now wonder no longer at the choice 6f Mofes. 
Well might he count the reproach of Christ of more value 
than all the riches of Egypt, God forbid, therefore, that yon 
or I fhould henceforth glory, fave in the crofs of Christ. 
It will be more honour to be a fuffcring fervant of Christ, 
than to be the king's commiflioner. Your Lordfnip will par- 
don this freedom. Methinks I hear you fay, " There is no 
comparifon.'* Indeed there is none. I would not change my 
poft for ten thoufand kingdoms. BlefTcd be God, that has 
given you a diftant view of the emptlnefs of all things here 
below, and the infufficiency of every thing to make us happy 
befides God. May thefe things be realized, and (lamped upon 
your Lordfhip's heart ! Then what a happy creature will vour 
Lordfhip be ? How will it rejoice me to fee your Lordfhip 
next Spring. I know not but my friends prayers may draw 
me there, about that time. In the mean while, I pray God 
from time to time to grant you a growth of grace, that you 
may know what it is to abide in God, and have a conftanC 
indwelling of the Holy Ghoft. I rejoice to hear that lady 
Jnn feems to look heavenward. May Jesus make her a wife 
virgin ! Yor her encouragement, I have fent an extracft of a 
letter lately fent to me by a friend in London ; and that your 
Lordfhip may know how it is with me, I have fent a copy of 
a letter I wrote to that friend a day or two ago. Lafl: night I 
came hither, and preached this afternoon. I purpofe (hortly 
to go to Gkuccjier^ Briftol^ Wilijh'tre^ and fo to London, The 
church there as well as elfewhere flourifhes. The time for 
favouring X'lon^ I believe, is indeed come. You fee, my Lord, 
how long my letters are, when I have freedom and leifure. I 
have thought feveral times to write to your Lordfhip, but was 
reftrained till I received your Lordmip's letter this morning. 

Be pleafed to direct your next to be left with Mr. F — S , 

Leadcnhall-Jheet^ London. My prayers fliall follow this. O 
may Jesus breath upon it, and then it muft be blcfTcd to your 
foul ! 1 heartily arid humbly fa'utc the elect lady your wife. 
- — May you both be filled with all the fulnefs of God ! My 

dear wire and Mr. 6" join heartily with me. We all 

plead at the tbronc of grace in your behalf, and God alone 



knows, how often you are remembered and wrcftled for, by, 
my Lord, 

Your Lordlhip's moft obliged humble fervant, 


To the Right Honourable Lady Mary H . 

Abergavenny y Dec, 24, 1 741. 
Honoured Madam^ 

THIS morning I received your Lady(hip*s kind letter ; 
when perufed, I laid it before the Lord of all Lords, 
and prayed for you and yours with all my power. My dear 
wife and Mr. S joined heartily with me, and by thi^ 

fend their moft humble refpe6^s. We do not defpair of waiting 
upon your Ladyfhip next Spring : but ere that time, we may 
be all launched into the world of fpirits, where we fhall fing 
glory to him that fitteth upon the throne for ever. Does not 
your Ladyfliip long for that happy hour ? Methinks I hear 
you ready to fay 


How long^ great God / how long miifl /, 
Iinmers'd in this dark prifon lie P 
TVhen Jhall I leave this duf^y fpherCy 
And be all mi?id^ all eye, all ear P 

I long to fee that excellence^ 
Which at fuch dijiancejlrikes my fenfe ; 
My foul attempts to dif engage 
Her wings frcm this her earthly cage, 

JVouldJl thou. Great Love^ once fet her free, 
Hciffning fhe'd quick unite to thee j 
She" d for no guardian angels Jlay, 
But fly and love thro' cdl the way. 

This, I believe, was the language of your honoured mother's 
heart, who is now joined with the heavenly choir above. Me- 
thinks I hear her fay, *' Daughter, follow me as I followed 
Christ ; afpire after the higheft degrees of holinefs, for the 
more holy you are, the nearer fhall you fit to the GoD-Man 



Christ Jesus, the deeper infight fhall you have into the 
beatific vifion." This, honoured Madam, is a great motive 
to my foul to copy after my glorious Jesus. Bleffed he God, 
that made my letter favory to your foul. For this, and all 
other mercies, I defire to lie in the duft, and kifs the Redeem- 
er's feet. I do not wonder that Mary loved to fit there : I 
do not wonder that another Mtny wiped them with the hairs 
of her head. Was my Lord here, I fhould wifli for a thou- 
fand alabafter boxes of ointment, to break for him. But Jesus 
fays, " Give me thy heart, and I defire no more." My foul 

Take my poor heart, and let it be 
For ever closed to all but thse ; 
^eal thou my breaji, and let me wear 
That pledge of love for ever there. 

How blejl are they whojilll abide, 
Clofe Jhelter'd in thy bleeding fide -, 
JVho life and fir ength from thence derive. 
And by thee move^ and in thee live, 

Ohonoured Madam, I am amazed at Jesus's love. I willingly, 
join with you in faying, " Amen, Halleluiah I Worthy, in- 
deed, is the Lamb that was flain." I blefs God for enlarging 
your heart, and giving you freedom to write. It is fweet to 
communicate our thoughts of Jesus. I hope the Lord will 
blefs this to your Ladyfhip, and reward you for all paft favours. 

My humble refpeds attend Mr. H , and my hearty love 

to your little lambs. I prayed for them this morning. When 

I go to town, I hope to wait upon the Adarquis, 1 have 

been a (hort circuit into Gloucefierfinrc, and find the divine 
prefence accompanying me more and more, O that I was 
humble ! O that I was thankful ! 


And can it he that I Jhould gain 
An inter efi in the Saviour's blood ? 

Died he for fuch as caused his pain. 
Sinners wh^ him to death piofud F 


'35^ LETTERS. 


'Tis myjlcry all, MeJJiah dies ; 

Who can explore thisjirange fh'fign ? 
In vain the curious feraph tries 

To fou?id the depths of love divine, ^ 

But whither am I going ? Your Ladyfhip will excufe me 3 
whilft: I am writing, the fire kindles. 

Thro all eternity to Gob ^ 
A grateful fong Pll raife ; 
But eternity's tojhorty 
To utter all his praife. 

With expeclation of another letter, and with hearty prayers 
for your temporal and fpiritual welfare, ! fubfcribc myielf^ 
honoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfhip's obedient fervant, 

G. ;;: 


To Mr. Samuel Ax , iri London, 

Dear Mr, M , Brijlol^ Dec. 28, 174T, 

BOTH my wife and I received your letters. I fend tliis^ 
to thank you for them. I came from Abergavenny on 
Saturday night. My dear wife was pretty well ; I expect her 
here on Friday, We fliall bring no more goods to London^ 
than we fhall ufc ; but I know npt what to. fay about com- 
ing to your houfe, for brother S tells me, you and your 

family arc dilatory, and that you do not rife fometimes till nine 

or ten in the morning. This, dear Mr. M , will never 

(\o for me; and I am perfuaded fuch a conduct tends 
much to the dlfhonour of God, and to the prejudice of your 
own precious foul. Sometimes I have looked upon you with 
gtief; you have buficd yourfelf about the outward affairs of 
religion in refpe6l to others, antl all the while I fear negleclcd 
to look into, and ftudy the improvement of. your own heart. 
I think you go backwards indead of forwards. I fear your 
prefent buGncfs will not anfvver, and I am fure you will have 
no folid comfort, till you look lefs abroad and more at home. 
Somebody faid, you was like the Athenians^ v/ho defired to 



he2T Tome new-thing. I thought the obfervation was toojuft. 
You are jealous about principles, (which is right) but all the 
%vhile your own pradlice is not fufiiciently watched over. I 
have heard that you fpend much time in coffee-houfes, and 
from your own houfe. I hope thefe things are not fo j and 
it is with grief and out of tender love that I now mentioa 
them to you. For fome time I felt my heart quite locked up 

from writing to you. Mr. A^I-^ will not be offended witU 

me for this plain dealing. You know I love you, and I aai 
fure this letter proceeds from love. I know too much of my 
own weaknefs and infirmities to infult others ; and when a 
brother is overtaken in a fault, I dcfire to reftore him in the 
fpirit of meeknefs. But I know how much the glory of God 
is concerned in our walk. The eyes of the world are now iti 
an efpecial manner upon you. How holy ought you and I, 

dear Mr. M , to be, in all manner of converfation and 

godlinefs I Labour therefore, my dear brother, to get an abid- 
ing prefcnce of God in your heart. Be willing to be fearched. 
Pray that you may feel the full power of the Redeemer's blood ; 
and walk in the continued comforts of the holy ghoft. Be 
not flothful in bufmefs. Go to bed feafonably, and rife early. 
Redeem your precious time : pick up the fragments of it, 
that not one moment may be loll-. Be much in fecret prayer. 
Converfe lefs v/ith man, and more with God. Accept this 
advice, given in great love. I purpofe ftaying here about a 

fortnight. Dear Mr. A^ , I am 

Your affectionate though unworthy brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 

G. IF. 


' To the Rev. Mr. JV , at Dundee. 

Reverend and dear ^h\ Briflol^ Dec. 7^0, IJ^T, 

I Should blame myfelf much, for not writing to you before 
nov/, was I confcious it was owing to any wilful negle6l : 
but my mailer's bufmefs hath fo engaged me, that I really 
have not had an opportunity. God gave us a fwcet journey 
to England. Since my return hither, I have been at Gloiicejler^ 
Bnjlol^ in Wales^i and at Lcndon^ and have great reafun to 
Vol. I, A a blefs 



blefs our Rmmnnuel for what he has done for his church. My 
foul hath drank largely of the divine love. I have been carried 
as on eagles wings, and am now better in health than perhaps 
ever fince I have been in the miniftry. I preach here twice 
daily. In about a fortnight, 1 fliall remove to London^ where 
I purpofe to continue, God wijling, till the weather permits 
of field-preaching again. About Spring, if Providence favours, 
I hope to pay you a fccond vifit. In the mean while, I fliould 
be glad to hear from you, what fruits you have feen fpring 
from my firft. I hope the Lord will make your latter end 
greatly to increafe. I fhall rejoice to hear of your fuccefs. 
My loul is much engaged for poor Scotland. I fhall be glad 

to hear who has fucceeded the good Mr. TV- of Perth, 

Ah dear man ! He is now^one into the world of fpirits, where 
there is no feceding, but all join in one common ftrife, who 
fhall praife their Lord and mafter in the moft exalted ftrains. 
I long to follow, but defire patiently to wait till my blefled 
change come. What a comfort, dear Sir, is it to think, 
that death is conquered. How fweet to be one of Christ's 
waiting fervants ! It is a blefled poft \ And fuch honour be- 
longs to all his faints. Thanks be to God for this unfpeak- 
able gift. Dear Sir, whilft I am writing, the fire kindles. 
I long to leap my feventy years. Welcome eternity ; I want 
to fee time fwallowed up. But I mufl: have done, having 
other letters to write. My kind love to your houfehold and 
all friends. I hope ere long you will fend a line to, reverend 
and dear Sir, 

Your moft afFedlionate, though unworthy 

brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. IF. 


To the Reverend Air. O , at Aberdeen, 

Reverend and dear Sir ^ Brijlol^ X)^r. 30, 1741. 

I Long to write you a line, to teftify the undiflembled love 
my foul bears towards you. I alfo long to hear what 
Jesus hath done at Aberdeen. I believe he fent me thither, 
and I am perfuaded he did not fend me there in vain. I have 
experienced frefli wonders of mercy, fince I faw j'ou. The 



Lord has blefTed my miniftry in England, and in TVales^ where 
I trufl I was married in the Lord ; and as I married for him, 
I truft I (hall thereby not be hindered, but rather forwarded 
in my work. O for that blefled time when we fhall neither 
marry nor be given in marriage, but be as the angels of God ! 
My foul longs for that glorious feafon. Perhaps, fomctimes 
I am too impatient. But who that has taftcd of Jesus's love, 
can forbear longing to be with him ? I long to fee him as he 
i^, and my foul will never be compleatly fatisfied till I arife 
after his divine likenefs. This, I believe, is the defire, and 
frequently the frame of dear Mr. 's foul. But I be- 
lieve we both have crolles to take up, and many trials to un- 
dergo, before we (hall be admitted to the beatific vifion. Alas I 
What a ftrangcr am I to the meeknefs which was in Jesus ? 
How much acrimony is there in my temper, that wants to be 
taken away ? BlefTed be GoD, my Saviour is omnipotent. 
He can, he will deliver me. He can, he will conform me to 
himfclf. 1 think I can fing thefe lines, — 

My root ofholincfs thou arty 

For faith hath made thee ?jnne : 
JVith all thy fulnefs fill my hearty 

Till all I have be thine. 

Dear Sir, what a fulnefs is there in Jesus ? What a pity 
is it, that we ftiould not draw largely out of it ? Why fhould 
we be content v/ith low degrees of holincfs ? Why fhould we 
be always dwarfs in religion ? I am quite afhamed of my low 

ftature. I am an unprofitable fervant. O dear Mr. O , 

pray for me, that the Lord may purge me, and that I may 
bring forth more fruit. I have lately been at London^ Glou- 
ceftery JViltSy and IVales, The work of the Lord profpers. 
1 preach here twice every day. That God may blefs and re- 
ward you all, is the earneft prayer of, dear Mr. O , 

Yours moft afFeclionately in Christ, 

G, IV. 


356 letters; 

letter ccclxxxiv. 

To the Rev, Mr, W , at GalUJJ/ieh. 

Bt'ijioly December 30, 174*. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

THE love of Jesus conftralns me to trouble you with 2 
letter at this time. Nothing but his work fliould have 
prevented my writing to you fooner. But you know how it 
ufed to be with me. O how little do I for Jesus, who has done 
fo much for me I I abhor myfelf in dufi: and afiies. I run to 
hide myfelf in his wounds. His righteoufncfs, his blood a- 
lone can recommend me to the Father. O that I was like 
Christ, that his whole mind was wrought in my foul ! I 
am now panting after his image ; I am now thirfting after his 
purity and holinefs -, help me, dear Sir, help me by your pray- 
ers, that I may feel the power of the Redeemer's blood. He 
hath done great things already for me -, but as yet I have afked 
nothing. Greater things are yet before me. There is an in- 
exhauilible fulnefs, out of which the Redeemer would have 
me draw continually. O for faith, for ftrong faith ! 

/ more luoidd blefs, I more ivould thanky 
I more would live to Jefus praife. 

Since my return, I have been vifiting the churches. They 
grow and incrcafe daily. I preach twice every day. The 
Lord is among us. I hope I (hall hear the fame from you. 
In about fourteen days I go to London. About Spring I hope 
to fee Scotland once more. I have good news from the Or- 
phan- houfe. As yet, I have not freedom to write out the 
fermon which you mention. Through inadvertence, I did not 

fend you Mi-. M 's letter. God's time is heft. Perhaps 

difputes about church-government had better fubfide. I am 
determined to knov/ nothing but Jesus Christ, and him 

crucified. Be pleafed to remember me to dear Mr. O , at 

Kelfo, I hope he behaves like a good foldier of Jesus Christ. 
My kind refpec^s attend your fon. Be pleafed to accept of the 
fame in a moft tender manner from dear Mr. S , and from, 

viear Sir> 

Yours mgft afFedionatcly in Christ, 

G. IV, 



To Mr. R S , hi London, 

Brijioly Jan. 2, 1 742. 
My dear Brother S , 

I Find freedom to anfwcr your kind letter immediately. I 
thank God for blefHng my writing to your poor foul. 
Your falvation I long, and pray for. So that fouls arc built 
up in their holy faith, let the Redeemer make ufe of what in- 
£lrument he pleafes. Brother Robert, it is a blefled thing to have 
always a Catholic fpirit. I am perfuaded, Jesus will give it to 
me. I am refolved never to reft, 'till felf-love, bigotry, pre- 
judice, and all narrownefs of fpirit be expelled out of my foul. 
Blefled be the Redeemer's free grace ! I fee more and more 
into the inward receflcs of my mind. Dear Robert, there is 
fuch a thing as pafling from glory to glory. For Jesus 
Christ's fake, ftrive to enter in at the ftraight gate, and ne- 
ver ceafe ftriving 'till you enter into that reft which awaits the 
people of God. It is a fweet thing to abide in Jesus's 
wounds, and from a feeling pofteflion of God in the heart, to 
be able to fay, " My fellowfhip is with the Father and the 
Son." It is true we are not to live, or rely on our frames. 
The righteoufnefs of Jesus Christ alone, and not our doings 
or fufFerings, can recommend us to the Father. But however, 
we ought always to labour to be in a fweet and humble frame, 
^nd be watchful againft any thing whatever, that may inter- 
rupt our communion with God. Peace and joy fhould flow 
in a believer's foul, like a river. If any thing fhould obftruif^ 
the paftage, he fliould not reft 'till faith overflows, and drives 
it away before him. I know not what others may fay, but 
thro' grace I can ftng with biftiop Ken, 

*' To my foul it's hell to be, 

*' But for a moment void cf thee. ^^ 

O the fulnefs that there is in Christ ! It fills my heart, and 
out of the abundance of my heart my pen writeth. Dear Ro- 
bert, may the Lord blefs it to your foul, and that will greatly 

Your moft unworthy, though moft affedionate 
fnend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. TV. 



To Mr. I H 5 in London. 

My dear Brother H , Brifiol^ Jan. 2, 1742. 

I Owe you a letter, and very much love. I thank you for 
calling to fee me, when laft in London. May the love of 
Jesus be fhed abroad abundantly in your heart by the Holy 
Ghoft. My foul is now thirfting after the Redeemer's love. 
I truft you and I, and all the brethren, (hall watch and pray 
againft every thing in our hearts, that is any way felfifh, or 
contrary to the boundlefs love of our exalted head. I long 
after a folid, real, undifTembled union with all that bear the 
Redeemer's image. If I know any thing of my heart, I care not 
how the old man be crucified and cut to pieces, fo that I may 
put on the new man, which is created after God in righteouf- 
nefs and true holinefs. BlefTed be the free, rich, and fovereign 
grace of our glorious Redeemer ! who has begun the good 
work in my foul. Great, very great things hath Jesus done 
for me, a worthlcfs worm : but I fee infinitely greater things 
lying before me. There is an inexhauftible fulnefs in Jesus 
Christ, out of which I hope to draw to the endlefs ages of 
eternity. O the meeknefs, the love, purity and holinefs, 
that is in Jesus. Why fhould we be dwarfs in holinefs? If 
Christ came into the world, that we might have life, and fo 
much the more abundantly, why fhould we not afk and feek 
for it, efpecially fince we are fure to obtain ? My dear brother, 
you fee how free I write. Love conftrains me to do fo. O 
that I was a flame of fire ! I have lately been at Gloucejler. 
The Lord was with us of a truth. In Brijiol^ God attends 
me with his mighty power. Laft night Jesus rode on tri- 
umphantly indeed. Sometimes my heart is fo full, that I am 
tempted to think 

'■ ■ My joy complete: 
When hi Emmanuel's mercies rifc^ 
Still freJJ) difcoveries he unfolds^ 
The lovely treajures yet fur prize. 

Uiibelief fciys, this will not hold to-morrow ; when lo, '* to- 
rtv.>rrow is as the day pall, and much aiore abundant." I 



find there is yet oil, if there be yet a vefTcI, and an empty 
heart to contain it. Pray that my heart may be emptied of 
fclf, and that Jesus may be my all in all. I pray God, that 
none of us may give in to narrownefs of fpirit, but look up 
to Jesus for power over felf, in all its (hapes. Yefterday I 

went to hear Mr. C . The Lord helped him, I believe, in 

fome part of his difcourfe. I would be free ; I would meet more 
than half way ; but we are all too fliy. The Lord fill his foul 
with more of the difintcrefted love of Jesus. To-night I be- 
gin a general monthly meeting to read correfponding letters. 
Pray give thanks for the fucccfs of the gofpel in my unworthy 
hands. It (hall be returned, as Jesus fliall enable 

Yours moft afFedtionately in Christ, 


To Mrs. K , in London. 

My dear St/ier^ BriJhL Jan. 4, 1742. 

THIS morning, in a letter from brother C , I heard 
that your dear hufband was dangerous ill of the fmall- 
pox. 1 was touched with a tender fympathy or vourcafe- I. 
immediately kneeled down, and laid your circumftances before 
our compa'ffionate high-prieft. I doubt not, but he \i touched 
with a feeling of your affliclions, and v/ill give you c;race to 
help in time of need. I hope the laiigunge of your heart is 
this : 

Thy gifts ^ if caird for.^ I refign^ 
Pleas' d to receive^ pkas'd to rejlore ; 

Gifts are thy work., itjhall be mine 
Ths giver only to adore. 

I was, before I received the news of your dear hulband'-f 
illnefs, thinking that God's people muft meet with un- 
conamon trials. We fnall often find God's providences as 
it were contradicting his promifcs. Thus it was with Abra- 
ham and Jacobs and thus I believe it is in fornc degree or other 
with all the children of God ; for othcrvvife, how can faith 
be exercifed ? I doubt not but the cnemv of fouls vvill now be 
very bufy with you, and break in with his fiery darts upon 

A a 4 your 


your foul; but I pray Jesus to keep you from daggering 
through unbelief. May you be ftrong in faith, giving glory to 
God ! A<^ainll hope, may you believe in hope. However your 
hufband may be difpofcd of, my prayer for you is, " Lord ! 
make her ftill and refigned." I think the love of Christ 
conftrains me to write you this letter. Who knows but the 
Lord may blefs it to your foul r However, as you love the 
Lord Jesus, I hope you will receive it as a token of unfeign- 
ed chriilian fympathy and affection from, dear Sifter, 
Your moft unworthy brother and 
fervant in Christ, 

G, IF. 


To Mr. Peter S — - — , in London. 

Bri/iol, Jan. 7, 1742. 

I Have been obeying your rcqueft : I mean, bowing my 
knees before the God and Father of our. Lord Jesus 
Christ in your behalf. O that he may live before thee ^ 
that he may efcape the pollutions that are in the world th-rough 
luft ; that he may be hiled with all the fulnefs of God, was 
the breathing and language of my heart. I truft the Lord 

is now working upon brother S . He feems to have had 

fome difcoveries of the Redeemer's love. May my dear Peter 
receive the full affurance of faith, and be truly fixed upon the 
yock of a2:es ! " Even fo Lord Jesus come quickly. Amen 
and amen," Excufe my writing to you in this manner, but 
God has put into my heart fuch an undiffembled love for you, 
and your dear brothers, that I cannot be fatisfied 'till I fee the 
;^edeemer's love fhed abroad in all your hearts by the Holy 
Ghoft. Ah Peter ^ Peter ^ I truft Jesus prays for thee, and 
then the world fliall not fteal away thy heart from God. Sa- 
tan hath been fifting me feverely, thefe two or three days. I 
have had feme clofe combats with the great dragon, but Jesus 
bath gotten himfelf the vi£\ory, I am enabled greatly to re- 
joice. For, '^ Blefled is the man that endureth temptations; 
when he his tried, he fhall receive the crown of life." The 
bri^htnefs of it, even at this diftance, dazzles my f'ght. Yet a 
little while^ and Jesus Christ {hA\ give it unto us. Dear 



brother K has got the ftart of us. Happy man ! He is at; 

the end of his race. I fympathize with, aud have been pray- 
ing for his furviving friends. The Lord enable us all to 
walk: fo circumipeiSlly, that the common enemy may not have 
an occafion to fpeak reproachfully of us. But whither am I 
running ? Excufe me, dear PsUr, God gives me freedom in 

writing to, and praying for you. I hope dear brother R 

received my lail: in good part. God only knows hov/ the 
happinefs of both of you is longed for by, dear brother, 

Yours in the crucified Jesus, 

G. TF. 


To Mr. y C 5 in Londo?2. 

Gloucefcr^ Jan. 28, 1742. 
Aly very dear Brother^ 

ON Friday lafi: 1 left Brij^ol, having firft fettled affairs al- 
moft as I could wifh. At JCingJivood, I adminiflred the 
facrament. On JVednefday night it was the Lord's pafTover ; 
on Thurjday we had a fweet lovc-feaft ; on Friday the Lord 
was with me twice at Tockingion ; on Saturday morning I 
broke up fome fallow ground at Newport^ by preaching with 
power to about two thoufand people, and in the evenino- to 
many thoufands at Stroud with wonderous power ; on Mon^ 
day morning at Painfivicky and ever Tmce twice a day here. 
Our congregations I think are larger than at Brijlol. The 
word proves iharper than a two-edged fword. Every fermon 
is blefied. Thefe words follow, " 1 have much people in this 
city." I am jufl now going to Chafford. 7'o-morrov/ I ex- 
pe6l my wife. In my next, I will fend you word what I in- 
tend to do. I was one day at Bath. I fnould be glad to fee 

brother R 's defence before it be publifhed. I told him of 

it; I believe he will be upon his guard. His foul profpers. 
Siidefs perfedion I fear v/ill be propagated in thefe parts. The 
Lord in his due time vv^ill root out that pernicious weed. I 
thank you for writing to me. Pray write to me often. God 
\villing, 1 (hall examine Hampton Society tc-night. The fame 
1 thiiik to do in JViltjhlre. I want to be in London as foon as 
may be. Pray that I may know the Lord's will. We muft 



away to Chafford. The Lord be with you, and abundantly 
refrefli you. My moft tender love awaits all. Brethren, pray 


Yours moft afte£lionately in Jesus, 

G. W. 


To the Rev, Mr, G T-i^iki;^'^' "' 

Gloucejiery Feb, 2, 1742. 

Reverend and dear Brother ^ 

I Have longed for ibme time to fend you a line, and have 
wondered that I have heard no oftener from you ; but as I 
know my own circumftances, I can the more eafily guefs how 
it is with you. God has been very good to me fmce my ar- 
rival. I found when I came at firft, 1 had all my work to be- 
gin again. Brother IF had fo prejudiced the people 

againft me, that thofe who were my fpiritual children would 
not fo much as come and fee me; nay they have gone by me 
whilft preaching in Moor-fields,, and flopped their ears. This 
I find in fome meafure hath been your cafe, and God wifely 
permits this, to teach us to ceafe from man. Pauls Epiftles to 
the Galatians much comforted me. Befidcs, I was embarrafTed 
with brother Seward's death. He died without making any 
provifion for me, and I was at the fame time much indebted 
for the Orphan-houfe. — But all this was to humble and pre- 
pare me for future bleffings. The Lord hath enabled me, 
bleflcd be his name, to keep fteady to my principles and ufual 
pra6lice. A new and numerous church has been raifed at 
London. In EJJex^ the Lord was wonderfully with me. 
Every where the congregations increafe. In Brlftol God 
enabled me to fight my way through. We have hired a large 
hall, and have expounded there twice a day. In Scotland^ the 
work, for its beginning, is rather greater than at New-England, 
I hear continually of the {tQ6. fown increafing, and fpringing 
up. God willing, I purpofe paying iS^i///(7«^' another vifit. I 
have lately been at Brijiol^ and both there, and here, and alfo 
at London^ the word runs and is glorified. Through the tender 
mercies of our God, I have been carried as on eagles wings 
through a variety of outward and inward trials. The greatnefs 



of which none knows but God and my own foul. About 
•eleven weeks ago I married, in the fear of God, one who was 
a widow, of about thirty-fix years of age, and has been a 
houfekeeper for many years ; neither rich in fortune, nor beau- 
tiful as to her perfon, but, I believe, a true child of God, and 
would not, I think, attempt to hinder me in his work for the 
world. In that refpetSl, I am juft the fame as before marriage. 
I hope God will never fufFer me to fay, " I have married a 
wife, and therefore I cannot come." I am glad that matters 
are fettling fo amicably at Philadelphia. What a pity is it, 
that we fhould fall out in the way to heaven ! I would do any 
thing except defiling my confcience, and giving up what I 
think is truth, to prevent it. The aflbciate brethren are much 
to be blamed; I never met with fuch narrow fpirits. 1 do not 
forget you, or your brethren, or the churches in your parts. 
The Lord be with you. He is pleafed to fliew me more and 
more of my own heart, and day by day refrefhes my foul. 
My body is weak as ufual ; but Jesus is my ftrcngth. Help 
me to praife him. Pray fend a line to, reverend and dear Sir, 
Your mofl afFe6tionate, though mod: unworthy 
brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. TV. 


To M}\ S , at New-Brunfwick. 

Dear Mr. S — — , Gloucejler^ Feb. 2, 1742. 

LAST week I received your kind letter. Blefled be God, 
who hath brought you out of darknefs into his marvel- 
lous light. I hope the Redeemer hath now {hewn you his 
hands and his feet, and you can now fay, " IVIy Lord and 
my God." What have you to do now but to walk humbly 
with your God, and daily to afpire after the whole mind that 
was in Jesus ? I find but few truly labouring after this. 
Who can fay, " My foul is athirft for God, yea even for the 
living God :" and yet to fuch only is the promifed blelTed- 
nefs, of being filled, given. As for my own part, I am 
afhamed to think how unlike I am to my Saviour ; I fee fuch 
beauty in him, that I long to be conformed to his divine 

image and likenefs. May you and I, dear A4r. «S , never 



reft till vvc have attained unto it ; and the more we do attain, 
the more willing we fhall be to come, as poor Tinners, to 
Jesus Christ ; it is a blefied thing, dear Sir, to be brought 
out of felf. It v/ill be continually creeping in : happy they 
who have pov/er over it. I do not wonder at your being 

united with Mr. J C ; he is a dear foul, and one 

whom the Lord delights to honour. Blcfibd be God, the 
work in our hands every where increafes. I am fupportcd 
and encouraged, quickened and comforted day by day. Jesus 
loves and blclles me. May he blcfs you and yours more and 
more, and caufc you to v/alk in the comforts of the Holy 
Ghoft. My tender love to all. 1 hope yet to fee you once 
more in the flcfli. In the mean while 1 beg leave to fubfcribc 
myfelf, dear Sir, 

Your moft afFe6lionate friend, brother, and fcrvant 
in Christ, 

G. JP\ 


To Mr, TV . 

Dear Mr, W , Gloucrjler^ Feb. 2, T742. 

Thank you for your kind letter. It ftiould have been an- 


fwered fooncr, had an opportunity oftered. I blefs God for 
vcu, who carries on in your foul the fpiritual building. I doubt 
not but the top-ftone will yet be brought out, and the builders 
be made with (liouting to cry, " Grace ! Grace !" I fliould 
think it was not of God, if the work was not oppofed. — What 
difficulties did Nehemiah go through in building the wall \ But 
fear not, the Lord is with you. He built not for man, but for 
the Lord. By his leave, 1 propole bringing a fchool-mafter 
and miftrefs with me. When 1 (hall embark, I know not. 
The calls here are fo loud and numerous, and fo few la- 
bourers fent forth to aiSt in a popular way, that I think it my 
dutv not to leave England yet. God is pleafed to work by my 
miniftry more and more. My foul is refrefhed, and my body 
ftrengthened and renewed day by day. In Scotland there is a 
very great awakening; and alfo in Lcndon^ Brijhly Wiltftjire^ 
and Glmcejlerjbire, But, notwithftanding all this, my Ameri^ 
can friendii are by no means forgotten. I continually pray for 



them. The Lord, in his due time, will fend me to you. la 
the mean time, be plcalcd to remember me in the tendered 
manner to aH that love the glorious Redeemer. Grace, 
mercy, and peace be multiplied upon them and you ; fo prays, 

dear Mr. JV , 

Your moft affcclionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. //'. 


T:o Mr. James R , in Philadelphia^ 

Dear Mr. R , Gkucejler, Feb. 2, 1742. 

I Was glad to hear (though by another hand) of your fafe 
arrival. May your foul profper, being rooted and 
grounded in love, and built upon the rock of ages, the dear 
Lord Jesus. BlefTed be God, the church is in much greater 
peace than when you left England. There hath been a very 
great awakening in fevcral places. God hiith brought order 
out of confufion ; and (as he always will) hath caufed even 
our divifions, though no thanks to us, to work for good. I 
hear you have had a fifiing time at Philadelphia. I never 
yet heard of a work of God, but fome fuch thing happened. 
This is my comfort, the government of the church is upon 
the Redeemer's (boulders ; and therefore the gates of hell 
{hall never be able to prevail againfl: it. I hope ere now 
Christ has revealed himfelf in your heart, and given you the 
•witnefs of the Spirit. For he that believeth, hath the witnefs 
in himfelf. I fuppofe you will be glad to hear, that the Lord 
hath, in a good degree, delivered me from the embarraffinents 
with which I was environed when you embarked. God was 
then preparing me for further mercies. Wc muft be humbled 
before we are exalted. I fuppofe you have heard of my mar- 
riage. The Lord hath given me a daughter of Abraham ; 
fhe joins in fending love to you and all, with, dear Mr. 

R , 

Your afFcclionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 




To Mr. G^-i^i^ yxiLiii^;* ' 

Cloucejler^ Feb, 5, 1 742. 
Reverend and dear Brother ^ 

ON Tuefday I received yours. I blefs God for delivering 
brother R out of the hands of his enemies. I 

am perfuaded he will deliver your brother TFilliam alfo. By 
your defertion and temptations, I believe God is preparing 
you for a frefh work. I believe you would be better, if you 
would always evangelize. I (hall write to fome friends about 

Mr. C 's principles. I thank you for your kind caution. 

My mirtakes often humble me. Never did Jesus fend out a 
more weak and worthlcfs wretch. I have not freedom now 
to continue writing a journal as ufual. I fhall proceed, for 
the future, in a more compendious way. Since I wrote the 
inclofed, we have feen a glorious appearance of the Son of 
Man. O infinite condefcenfion ! The Lord is with me. 
That he may be abundantly with you, and blefs your labours 
more and more, is the hearty prayer of. Reverend and dear 

Your moft afFe6lionate and loving, though 

moft unworthy brother in Christ, 

G. W. 


To Mr, B , at Philadelphia. 

Dear Mr. B , Gloucejier^ Feb. 5, 1742. 

IWas much rejoiced to receive a letter from your hands. 
Blefled be God for carrying on the work, which, I hope, 
was begun in your heart long ago ! I truft you will never reft 
till you are poflefied of the whole mind which was in Christ 
Jesus. He is our pattern ; and if we have true grace in our 
hearts, we {hall be continually labouring to copy after our 
great exemplar. O the life of Jesus ! How little of it is to be 
feen in thofe that call themfelves his followers. Humility, 
meeknefs, love, peace, joy, goodnefs, faith, and the other 
blelu'd fruits of the Spirit, whither are they fled ? I fear moft 



take up with the fliadow, inftead of the fubftancc. God for- 
bid that I, or dear Mr. B , (houLd be of that unhappy 

number. Dear Sir, there is an unrpcakabh: fulnefs, un- 
fearchable riches in Christ. Out of him we are to receive 
grace for grace. Every grace that was in the Redeemer, is to 
be tranfcribe^l and copied into our hearts. This is Chriflianity ; 
and without this, though we could difpute with the utmoft 
clearnefs, and talk like angels, of the dodrines of grace, it 
would profit us nothing. To prevent the growth of thi-s in- 
ward life, I am perfuaded facan introduces herefies in the 
church, hoping thcrel^y to ftir up ftrife, envy, prejudice, and 
narrownefs of fpirit ; and where thefe are, there will be every 
evil work. To this end, y7«/^/'<??yi?<f?/£>« hath been propagated 
in England^ and Antinomian principles fufFercd to be fpread 
among you. But, bleflbd be God, both in England^ and 
with you, I truft difputations and diftra£tions are abated, and 
love and unity once more are lifting up their hsads. This, 
at prefent, is the language of my heart : 

Lee us find out the ancient way^ 

Our wondering foes to ?nove ; 
And force the heathen world to fay ^ 

See bow thefe Chrijlians love. 

*' Love is of GoD; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in 
God." I am glad you are creating a fociety to promote this 
love. Fear not the fmallncfs of your beginning. What is 
begun in the fear of God, he will profper. I believe them to 
be true followers of Jesus Christ ; and though we agree not 
in all things, yet I pray God to make us one in heart. Now, 

dear Mr. B , what (hall I fay more. The blefled 

Jesus has been fupcrabundantly good to my foul fince my 
arrival. I have been carried, though through much weaknefs, 
as on eagles wings. In England^ JVales^ and Scotlattd, God 
hath blefled my poor labours more than ever. The calls to 
divers places, arc loud and importunate ; and, as God has 
raifed up many labourers among you, I think it my duty 
to flay here fome time longer, and to vifit Scotland once 
more. However, my friends abroad are continually upon 
my heart. I pray God for you night and day. May the 
Lord fill you with all his fulnefs ! I defire to be remem- 

368 LETTER S. 

bered to all mentioned in your*s, and to all that love the Lord- 
Jesus. I love you unteignedly, and entreat you to write 
again to, dear Sir, 

Your moft affedionate friend and fcrvant, 

G. IF. 


To the Reverend Mj\ C , at Bath, 

Ghucejler^ Feb, 5, 1 742. 
My dear Friend and Brother^ ' 

TO fliew you how willing I am to comply with your re- 
queft, and make dear Mr. C one of my clofe 

correfpondents, I fit down this evening to write an anfvver 
to your kind letter. What has been doing lately, the tran- 
fcript on the other fide will fhcw you. Since the writing of 
that, the blellcd Jesus hath been wondrous kind. Yefterday 
I preached three times, and vifited a private fociety in the 
evening. To-day I was enabled to preach three times, with 
great power. Here is fuch an awakening in this country, as 
I never heard of, or faw in thefe parts before : " The fields 
are white already unto harveft." It is pleafant to hear the 
people come and tell how God wrought upon them by my 
unworlhy miniftry tv»7o years ago. l^he fruits of the Spirit 
arc now apparent in their lives and converfations. Letters 
from SeciJand bring blcffcd tidings, as alfo from Philadelphia, 
O the blefied effedts of" field-preaching ! O that I was hum- 
ble, that I was thankful I Help me, my dear friend, to en- 
treat the Redeemer to make me as a little, a very little ehild. 
The beginning of next week I hope to be at Bath', but can- 
not tell cxacSliy the day. I thank my friends for their kind 
intention to meet mc, but I had rather avoid it : the lefs 
parade the better. Let us (land ilill, and we fnall fee the fal- 
vation of (jod. He will not blefs what doth not come from 
himfelf. May the Lord make me an Jfraelite indeed, in 

whom is no allovv'cd guile ! I am glad dear Mr. T is 

coming. My hearty love to him. O that our meeting may- 
be blcfled, and all three of us be made a flame of lire I Dear' 

Mr. C , I love you unfeignedly. I v/ifb, above all 

things, your foul may profper. Good night. My fpul is filled 
I with 


with Jtsus's love. I am going tO pray for you and yours, 

being, dear Mr. C ' — -, without diirimulcuion, 

Vours moft afFe<Slionately In Jesus Christ, 



Td the Ri^ht Honouj-abie the -. 

ThaU^^ near Readings Feb, 23, 1 742. 

AND (Joes the clear — know adurcdly that Jesus 
hath died for him ? Sing, O heavens \ Rejoice, O earth ! 
I would join with angels and archangels in iinging " Glory 

to God on high." Welcome, my , into the world of 

new creatures. You are infinitely more happy than thofe 
who have lately been preferred, and kified his Majefty's hand. 
Jesus hath holden out his golden fcepter, and given you a pa- 
tent for eternal life. Methinks I hear your nov/ 

raying, '' I account the reproach of Christ, of more value 
than all the riches of Egypt'* 

Be goyu^ -vain ivorU,, my heart rcf.gn^ 
For I ean he no longer thine \ 
A nobler^ a diviner gueji^ 
Hath took pojpffton of my hreajl. 

Well may your fay, " you have been in a dream/' 

XVhen God firft fiiewed me that I muft be a nev^ creature, 
I awaked as it v/ere^ into a new world. I ilood quite amazed. 
I was aftonifhed to think, what a deep deep the world around 
me was in. Thought I, O that I was made inftrumcntal to 
fome of them I The Lord heard my prayer. He has fent 
me to awaken the dear man I am now writing to. Not unto 
me, O God, not unto me, but to thy free grace and rich 
mercy be all the glory ! With your Lordihip's letter to-day, 
came fcveral others from different parts, all with glad tidings 
of great joy. O that I was humble and thankful ! Why me. 

Lord,, why me ? Surely I will join with your in 

faying, not becaufe I chofe GoD,'but God (O Infinitely con- 
fccndljig majefly !) did chufe me. What (liall we render to 

tr.c glorious Emmanuel? Methinks I hear your fay- 

\\vi^ *' Behold, Lord, herceforwAid I look wpon myfelf as 
VcL. L 3 b a ikward^ 



a fteward, and not as a proprietor of thy manifold gifts; I 
will live no longer to myfelf, but to him that died for me.'' 
Amen, Lord Jesus, amen and'amcn ! Be pleafed to excufe 
the defcds of this, being written upon the road. I am now 
goir>g to London, There has been a great awukeoing lately iri 

Gkucejlerjhire. I rejoice to hear that the lady is fo well 

difpofcd. May a church be always in your houfe ; 

and every one of your family be made a living mem- 
ber of the houfhold of faith ! No greater thing can be defined 

in your behalf by, my , 

Your — ■ moft obedient humble fervant, 

G. W. 


To the Right Honourable Lady M H : . ^ 

ThaleSy (near Reading) Feb. 23, 1 742. 
Honoured Madam^ ' r 

IAm now upon the road to London. This ryiorning your 
acceptable letter came to hand. Though fomewhat 
wearied, I would fain anfwer it before I retire to reft. Blefled 
be God who caufesyour Ladyfliip to be never lefs alone, than 
when alone. O Madam, what a comforter is the Holy Ghoft r 
What fweet company is Jesus Christ? What a privilege 
is it to have fellowftiip with the great Three-One? A world 
lying in wickednefs knows nothing of it. Every thing 
yields comfort when the blcfled Spirit breathes upon it. Even 
this fcribble, from the chief of finners, from one who is lefs 
than the leaft of all faints, ihall again refrefh your foul, if 
Jesus fpcaks the word. Amazed am I, that God fhould 
work by my hands. But Jesus is love. He yet delights to 
honour me. I have lately feen the Redeemer riding in his 
ftrength, and getting himfelf the vi6lory in poor fmners 
hearts. Letters from abroad inform me of the fame. O that 
our glorious Jesus may fet the world in a flame of love ! 
Haftcn that time, O bleffcd Jesus : O let thy kingdom come! 
I have heard from my dear Orphans to-day. They have been 
reduced to ftraits ; but the Lord hath ftirred up a wealthy 
friend or two to aflift them. The everlafting God reward all 
their benefadtors ! I find thcte has been a frefh awakening 
^ among 


among them. I am informed, that twelve negroes, beloniring 
to a planter lately converted at the Orphan -houfe, arc favingly 
brought home to Jesus Christ. This will rejoice your 
Ladyfhip's heart. I am glad to hear that the work goes on in 
Scotland. The Lord, I truft, will ripen your foul apace for 
glory. He hath various ways of perfc6ling his faints. Me- 
thinks I fee your Ladyfhip fitting in your chair, and raviflied 
with the Redeemer's beauty day by day. Sometimes you are 
as it were wafliing his feet with your tears ; at other times 
fitting by faith at his feet, and hearing or reading his word. 
Sometimes your heart is too big to fpcak ; then again, out of 
the abundance of your heart, your mouth poureth forth halle- 
lujahs. Sometimes you are lofl in wonder ; at all times 
longing to be dilTolved and to be with Christ ; for, when you 
hear him fay, " Rife up^ my love, and come away," 

Tou7' heart would fain out fly the w'lnd^ 
And leave all earthly loves behind. 

This, I truft, is the life your Ladylhip lives. This is life 
iiideed. They who live otherwife, are dead whilft they live. 
They call for our compafiion and prayer^ ; for who hath 
made the diiFerence ? Diftinguifhing grace ! O the unfearch- 
able riches of Christ ? I could fpeak of him for ever j but it; 
grows late : nature calls for reft. 

O when Jhall I in endlefs day^ 
For ever chafe dark fleep aivay ; 
And hymns with the celejlial quire 
Incejfant flng^ and never tire ? 

Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ! The Lord be with 

your fpirit, arid abundantly blefsboth you, Mr. H , and 

your child. Indeed I do not forget your Ladyfhip j your laft 
fhould not have remained fo long unanfvvered, but it came 
only to-day into the hands of, honoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfhip's moft obedient humble fervant, 

G. jr. 




To Mr, Thomas iV-~, at Nav-Tork, 

London^ Feb, 26, 1742. 
My very dear Brother^ 

I Have herewith fcnt you- a pnrccl. Be plcafed to read the 
letters, and fend them as directed. I received your kind 
letter, dated in December^ and thank you for all kindnefies 
fhewn to the poor orphans. The Lord Jesus will richly 
reward you. Before yours came, the Lord had given me air 
enlarged heart, and unfeigned love and freedom to converfe 
with all his dear children, of whatever denomination. I talk 

freely with the Meflrs. IV 's, though we widely differ 

in a certain point. Moft talk of a catholic fpirit ; but it is 
only till they have brought people into the pale of their own> 
church. This is downright fe6larianifm, not catholicifm. 
How can I act confiftently, unlefs I receive and love all the 
children of God, v^^hom I eReem to be fuch, of whatever de- 
nomination they may be } Why fhouTd wc difpute when there 
is no probability of convincing ? I think this is not giving up 
the faith, but fulfilling our Lord*s new command, " Love 
one another :" and our love is but feigned, unlefs it produces 
proper effects. I am perfuaded, the more the love of God is- 
fhed abroad in our hearts, the more all nsrrownefs of fpirit 
will fubfide and give way : befides, fo far as we are narrow 
fpirited, we are uneafy. Prejudices, jealoufies, and fufpicions 
make the foul mifcrable, fo far as they arc entertained. But 

enough of this : my dear brother N is of my mind. 

Only let me give you one caution : Take heed that your 
getting acquainted with any new fet of Chriftians, does not 
lead you infenfibly to defpife others of your old acquaintance. 
Watch, and deal very tenderly with all ; otherwife you will 
grow referved and artful, and lofe a fimple, open, guilelefs,- 
Ifraelitijh fpirit, before you are aware. There needs a clofe 
adherence to the motions of the Holy Spirit, and a conflant 
watching over the corruptions of our own hearts, in order 
that we may walk before GoD^as very little children. O that 
I was a little child indeed ! Jesus can make me one. My 
dear brother, I thank you for your kind invitation. God 
J wijlingr 

LETTER S. §73 

willing, I fliall accept it, if ever I fee New-Tork. Kut I think 
Providence calls me once more to Scotland. I have been lately 
plowing up Tome fallow ground, and now preach twice everv 
day. The Lord docs indeed blei':; the word, and gives me 
to rejoice in the felicity of his cliofen. Bs fo kind now and 
then to drop a line to my dear orphan-family. As op- 
portunity oftcrs, and the Lord gives freedom, you fhall hear 

ifom, dear brother A^ , 

Yours moft affectionately in Jesus Christ, 

G. TV. 


To Mifs , at Edinburgh. 

Dear Mifs, London, Feb. 27, 1742. 

I Did not receive your letter till this night. Whilft I was 
reading it, my heart grew warm with thankfulnefs to that 
God, who, I truif, by his almighty Spirit hath called you out 
of darknefs into his marvellous light. In his light you now fee 

light. Do you not, dear Mifs //^ , find what I faid to 

be true, " That Jesus Christ is the faireft among ten 
thoufands." Is he not altogether lovely ? Henceforth you 
may well fay, 

/ bid this world of nolfe and fhew. 
With all its flattering fnares, adieu. 

The greater advances you make in the divine life, the more 
you will fee what a dream you and the pojite world have been 
in. And O the diftinguifhing grace of God to you ! Me- 
thinks I hear you calling on angels and archangels to join in 
praifmg our comm.on Lord. Well may you fay, " You are 
not henceforth your own :" No, dear Mifs, let Jesus have 
your whole heart. Let his blood, his wounds be continually 
before you. God forbid that you fhould now glory? f-ive in 
the crofs of Christ, by whom the world is crucified to you, 
and you unto the world. Pity the poor chriftlefs creatures 
about you. Pray for them, as the Holy Spirit gives you free- 
dom. Tell them of the love of Jesus. They need no other 
motive. This, backed with almighty power, muft break 
the molt hardened hearf. With much pleafurc I rcflcft on 
' B b 3 the 


the blcfTed confolations I have been favoured with, whilft ex* 
plaining the fcriptures to you and your honoured relations. 
O that not one may remain unconverted ! May Jesus look 
on them ; then v^'ill they look on him and be faved. Blefled 
be God for fending me to Scotland^ if it w^as only to bring you 
home. Ere long 1 hop^e to vifit your country again j ani 
then, O that I may fee you all meek, humble, heavenly- 
minded, clofe follower's of the bleeding Lamb I Thanks be to 
God, he hath dire6led me to a wife, who was once gay, but 
now with you can {ivig, 


Come^ Saviour Jesus, from ahove^ 
Jjjiji me with thy heavenly grace j 
Withdraw fny heart from worldly lovs^ 
Jndfor thy/elf prepare the tlace, 

O let thy facred prefence filly 
And fet my longing fpir it free ; 
Which pants to have no other love^ 
But night and day to feajl on Thee. 

That path ivith hiimhle fpeed Vllfeeky 
Wherein my Saviour s footjleps fnne \ 
Nor will I hear, tior zvill I [peak 
Of any other love but thine, 

To' Thee fny ling' ring foul afpires ; • 
To Thee I offer all my vows ; 
Keep me from vain and filfe defires^ 
My God, my Saviour^ and my fpouf, 

Wealth, honour, or whatever elfe 
This tranfitory world can give. 
Tempt as you ivill, my heart repels^ 
71? Christ alone refohed to live, 

Thee I can love, and thee alone., 
With inward joy and holy hlifs ; 
To find thou tak'Ji me for thy own^ 
O what a happinefs is this / 


LETTERS. 3.75 

Dear Mifs, whilft I am writing, the love of Jesus fills my 
foul. I have been talking to night of his love to poor finners. 

that his fpirit may break afrefh upon your foul when you 
are reading this ! I muft now commend you to the Redeemei's 
care. In the world you (hall have tribulation ; be not afraid, 
Jesus hath overcome the world. — I have many letters before 
me unread ; but I could not help writing this long one to you. 
Accept it as a token of unfeigned regard for the good of your 
precious foul, and depend on the prayers of, dear Mifs 

IV — , 

Your moft afFedionate friend and 

iervant in Christ, 

G. IV, 


T^o the Reverend Mr. C . 

London, March ^, ^742. 
My dear Friend and Brother, 

I Remember my promife. You are to be one of my clofe 
correfpondents. I am unworthy to write to any ; but love, 
the love of Jesus will conftrain me frequently to write to you. 

1 hope you are not offended, becaufe you did not fee me in 
Bath again. The glorious Emmanuel pointed out my way 
hither. Since I came (O amazing goodnefs !) he has been 
wonderfully kind to me, and to his people. I am much af- 
filed daily, in preaching to poor fmners the unfearchable 
riches of Christ. Life and power fly all around, and the 
Redeemer is getting himfelf the victory daily in many hearts. 
Letters from abroad give me glorious accounts. In New-En- 
gland, the work goes on amazingly. In Scotland, the awaken- 
ing is greater and greater. The fpirit of God has been 
ftriving among the little orphans in Georgia, and in Carolina 
I hear that twelve negroes belonging to a planter, converted 
at the Orphan-houfe, are favingly brought home to jEsu-i. 
Christ. Indeed the Lord is about to do great things, 
" Blefled are the eyes that fee the things which we fee ; 
bleiTed are the ears that hear the things that wc hear i" 
blefTed are thofe that the Lord employs as his own children, 
to brinp- about his o;rcat defijrns. O that my dear A4r. C 

O CD & J 

may be made a flaming fire, a;Kl a fpiiitual father to thou- 
B b 4 fands 1 

3/6 LETTER S. 

faiids ! Dcai Mr. T , who was lb kind as to come and 

f«-e me l.ifl: night, I trufi: is coming on. I hope both you and 
him Vv^ill experience a folid ellablilhm-nit in the giace uf our 
Lord Jesus Christ. Tiicre is no reft here, no true foh'd 
lafting left, till we come to this. Our hearts are dcceiUul 
above all things. We feek reft in outward things. We 
change our places, circutiiftanccs, and ftationb ; — but if Jesus 
loves us, he will put a thorn in the place where we would 
i'ain neftlc. A foul that has had fomc awakenings, and been 
v.'andring from Christ, is like NoaJ/s dove which could find 
no reft for the fole of its foot, till it came back to the ark again. 
This ark is Christ, and when we are fafely locked in there, 
and the foul hath received an abiding witnefs, then out of the 
abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. l^his is the rea- 
fon why Jesus bid his difciples to wait for the promife of the 
Father. Filled with this, the v.'oman of Samaria could not but 
call on others to come and fee. And were we but animated, 
ltd and influenced by this fpirit, what a blefled union would 
there be among all i\\Q churches of Jesus Christ ? It is a 
want of more of this, that now at prefent difunites us. I 
defpair therefore of a greater union, till a greater meafure of 
the fpirit be poured from on high, flence, therefore, I am 
refolved limply to preach the gofpel of Christ, and leave 
ethers to quarrel by and with themfelvcs. To contend, where 
there is no probability of convincing, only feeds and adds fuel 
to an unhallowM fire, which a mifguided zeal kindles in the 
heart. Love, forbearance, long-fufFering, and frequent prayer 
to your dear ]>ord Jesus, is the beft way to extinguifli and 
put it out. O love, true, fmiple, chriftian, undiilcmbled 
love, whither art thou fled ! The language of my heart is, 
• — But whither am I going ? You fee, my friend, how freely 
1 v/rite. 7'he blefted Jesus warms and fills me, whilft- I am 
writing. I know, though I am unworthy, you will fend me 
a line in return, Methinks I could waih your feet, Me-^ 
thinks, I long to fee your fhackles drop ofF, and your foul 
free for the unuiterruptcd fcrvice of the beft of inaftcrs. Faith 
in his blofidy wounds is the only means. Lord, evermore 
give my dear friend and his wife living faith, which may pu- 
rify their hearts, enablQ them to overcome the world^ and will 



work by love ! The Lord make you both as little shildrcn 

tefofc him ! This is the prayer of, dear Mr. C , 

Yours ali-edionaicly in Christ, 

G\ IK 


To Air. A . 

Dear Mr. A , Lotidon, March 4, 1742. 

I Received your comfortable letter concerning the dear Jambs 
at Hi-r::i'o hofpitaL I pray God give you grace to feed 
them, that they may grow in grace as they grow in years, 
and make perpetual advances in tlie knowledge of Jesus 
Christ. Be pleafcd to falute them from me, in the kindcft 
manner. Entreat them, O exhort them to remember their 
Creator in tliC days of their youth, and to keep clofc by his 
wounded fide. Tell them, dear Sir, from time to time, of the 
power and efHcacy of his all-atoning blood : it purifies the 
heart, overcomes the world, and fills the believer with joy un- 
fpeakable and full of glory. Watch over their dear fouls day 
by day, and wait clofely upon the Lord yourfelf, that you 
may be taught of him to feed his lambs. It is a work of the 
utmoft importance. No lefs than infinite wifdom can be [ui'- 
ficient for you ; but if any man lack wifdom, let him afk ic 
from above; God giveth liberally to the lovers of his dear 
Son, and upbraideth not. Dear Sir, God is love. He halh 
loved me, and is plcafed to work by me more and more. 
At home, and abroad, Jesus Christ rides on glo.ioufiy. I 
hope, at my return to Scotland^ to fee greater things than ever. 
When it fnall be, I know not yet. God's people mufl: pray 
me to them. With difficulty I get time to write this. I once 
more falute you and the dear Iambs, and am, dear Sir, 

Your molt affedionate friend and fervant, 

G. IK 


To Mr. J K , at Exon. 

^^^'' ^'"'S London^ March 6, j 742. 

Now fnatch a few moments to anfwer your kind letter. 
As yet, i have no juiiiraation from providence in rcfpect to 



coming into your parts. The cloud at prefent cloth not feein 
to move that way. So many places want fupplies, that I 
could wifli I had a thoufand lives and tongues. Jesus Christ 
fbould have them all. Only I am aftoiiiflicd, that the Lord 
of the harveft fliould fend out fuch a worthlefs labourer, or 
rather loiterer as I am. But his grace is free, like himfelf 
infinite ; " For to me, who am lefs than the Icaft of all faints, 
is this grace given, that I fliould preach to poor fmners the 
linfearchable riches of Christ." Blefled be God, I do not 
preach in vain. The accounts from New-England^ Scotland^ 
and Caroiinay are furprizing. In London^ the word of the 
Lord runs and is glorified. IVery day we fee the Redeemer's 
ftately ftcps. I have not time, dear Sir, to tell you what great 
things our great mafter is doing for his people, and yet I 
believe we fhall fee greater things than thefe. From Georgia 
alfo, I have great accounts. The fpirit of tho Lord hath 
been breathing upon the orphans. I thank you, dear Sir, for 
your intended benefa6tion, and kind invitation. If ever our 
dear Lord calls me your way, I fhall accept it : though I am 
utterly unworthy to come under any one's roof, but more 
efpecially that Jesus fliould come under the roof of the houfe 
of my foul. — But Jesus is love. That his love may be abun- 
dantly flied abroad in your heart, by the Holy Gholl, is the 
hearty prayer of, dear Sir, 

Your moft aft'edionate friend and fervant unknown, 

G. TV. 


To Mr, G H , in Gloucejler. 

J} ear Mr. H , London^ Mcirch^ 12, 1 742. 

BY no means leave off reading to the fociety. It is not 
taking too much upon you, or going out of your depth. 
The caufe of your fo much as thinking to decline, is not good. 
The more unworthy you are, the more gJory will you give to a 
glorious Redeemer : the greater finn-er you are, the more feelingly 
will you read of, and recommend the glorious Ranfom paid for 
llnners. Goon, my dear man •, venture boldly to the throne of 
grace ; fear not. — God will heal our backflidings ; he loves us 
freely. Jesus hath been my glorious Saviour. I would have 
mentioned this afFair of the fuciety in my lad, but I was then 


ignorant of it. — My dear wife has written to dear Mrs. H . 

How does the dear woman as to fpirituals ? I do not defpair 
of feeing you both good cluiflians. Jesus is almighty. Qo 
to him juft as you are. The Lord be with you both ! I 

fuppofe you have feen the letter fent to dear AI. C by 

brother S . My tender love to him, and all that love the 

bleiled Ennnannel. I have fecn Mr. y . The Lord is 

wonderfully good to me. Pray fend a line to, dear Sir, 
Yours affectionately in Christ Jesus, 


To Mifs R . 

Dear A^ifs, Londo7t, March 18, 1 742. 

I Am yet of opinion, there is mercy and love laid up for you 
in the heart of the blefTed Jesus. You look backward, 
inftcad of forward. You look into yourfelf, inftead of look- 
ing up to Him, who is mighty and willing to fave. O that 
you may have ftrength to go to him juft as you are ! You 
would then be delivered from your bondage. The cafe of the 
poor Syrcphisnician woman may give you comfort. Hov/ did 
the Lamb of God feem, as it were to turn lion ? How did 
he feem to turn a deaf ear to her complaints ? And yet heard 
and loved her all the while. Why may not you believe ? He 
will yet fay to you, " Be it unto you even as thou wilt." I 
fear fome tell you, that it is well to doubt. Lideed they are 
mifl-aken. Dear Mifs, expect great things from Jesus 
Christ. " He is able to do abundantly for you above what 
you can afk or think." His name, his nature is Love. P'ear 
not ; be not faithlefs, but believing. Wait, and you fhall 
yet fee the falvation of God. In Jesus there is plenteous 
redemption. That you may feel the full power of his blood, 
prays, dear Mifs, 

Your afFedionatc friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


58o L E T T E R S. 


To Mr. jy , in Bnjhl. 

LorJ^Uy April 6, I742» 
My deaVy yea very dear Brother^ 

YOU mull needs think, that your kind letter gave me no 
imall pleafure. Glory be to God for that rich love 
wherewith he hath loved you ! Surely Jesus Christ will 
be now exceeding precious to your dear foul. What does he 
now require of you, but to walk humbly, clofely, and with 
a child-like fimplicity before him ? He hath followed you, 
as well as prevented you with his mercies, and would fuffer 
nothing to take you out of his hands. Satan hath defired you, 
fatan has fifted you as wheat ; but Jesus, that friend of fm- 
ners, hath prayed for you, and therefore your faith hath not 
failed. The Lord hath looked upon my dear Samuel. Me- 
thinks I fee him weeping tears of love, and faying, " Speak, 
Lord, thy fervant heareth now." 

I doubt not but many will reproach you for your paft back- 
Hiding, and queftion your future (lability. Let all ferve to 
humble you in the dud, and drive you to the loving Jesus 
for refuge. '-'- In him," furely fliall my dear friend fay, " I have 
righteoufnefs and firength." Look up to him, and you Ihall 
be delivered from, nay, made more than conqueror over every 
temptation. He will fight your battles for you, and crown 

you v^'hcn you have done. Dear Mr. JV- , the love of 

Jesus now fv/allows up my foul. I fee him more and more 
lovely every day. In Jesus there is plenteous redemption. 
He caaie, that we might have life, nay that we might have 
it more abundantly. O what a bleiTmg is it to be redeemed 
from a vain converfation, and from this prefent evil world. O 
that every poor finner felt it ! Then would his children agree in 
one, and divifujus would be at an end. Blcfled be our Lord, 
there is a greater profpecl of union than ever. It is what 
my foul longs after, and labours for. It is a great pity that 
poor pilgrims fbould fall cut in their way to heaven ; but this 
will be, till we get more of the divine fpirit. Pray we there- 
fore for a great cfFufion of the Holy Ghofl. BleiTed be God, 



we ted the Holy Ghoft daily in our congregations. It fur- 
prizes me to fee what a company of fettled, folid chriftians 
are amonj^ft us. The work goes on daily. This morning, 
how did Jesus pierce and melt poor finners hearts ? Amaz- 
ing accounts are brought from abroad. — Frelh av/akenings in 
many places at home. Does not your foul long to tell fmncrs, 
Jesus is Love. I am glad to hear you are foacTiive. Go on 
in the ftrength of the triumphing Lamb. My heart is warm. 
Welcome home again, my dear friend, welcome to Jesus 
your Lord and your God. Pray write often, dear Mr. IV , 


Your mod afpedlionatc friend, brother and 

fervant in the glorious Emmanuel^ 

G. //'. 

, L E T T E R CCCCVn. 

To Mr, O , in Leominjler, 

My dear Brother^ London^ Jprll 6^ I'jo^l. 

YOUR letter gave me uncommon pleafurc, and confirm'd 
me more in the opiniorv, that where our Lord gives a 
will, he will alfo give an opportunity of glorifying his great 
and mofi: adorable name. Indeed, I believe there is fuch a 
work begun, as neither we nor cur fathers have heard of. 
The beginnings are amazing; how unfpeakably glorious will 
the end be ! From Neiv-England^ freih and furprizing gUid 
tidings are (tnt-^ the Lord takes poor fmners there by hun- 
dreds, I may fay by thoufands. In Scotland^ the fruits of my 
poor labours are abiding and apparent. In IVales^ I hear the 
word of the Lord runs and is glorified, as alfo in many places 
in England. In London^ our Saviour is doing great things 
daily ; we have many dear growing children among us, who 
can fay, " Our fellowfhip is v/ith the Father and the Son." 
We fcarce know what it is to have a meeting without tears. 
Our Lord always meets with us. My dear brother, I re- 
joice to hear that you are helped in your work. Let this 
encourage you ; go on, go on ; the more we do, the m«re 
we may do for Jesus. I fleep and eat but little, and am 
conflantly employed from morning till midnight, and yet I 
walk and am not weary, I run and am not faint. My ftrength 
is daily renewed. My bow abides in ftrength, and my hands 



are upholder! by the arms of the mighty God of Jacob. O free 
grace ! It fires my foul, and makes me long to do fomething 
more for Jesus. It is true indeed, I want to go home ; but here 
are fo many fouls ready to perifh for lack, of knowledge, that 
I am willing to tarry below, as long as my mafter hath work 
for me to do. — When I fliall come your way, I cannot deter- 
mine.— All I fay is, I will come when the Lord gives me 
leave. At prefent my call is in London^ where I propofe ftay- 
ino- for fome time. My wife came up lait Saturday^ and joins 
with me in wilhing you all manner of fuccefs. I am, my dear 

Yours moft affeiSlionately In our glorious Emmanuel^ 

G, m 


To Mr, J C , in Glouceflerjhire. 

London^ April ^^ 1742. 

Dear Mr. J C , 

OURS came to hand laft night. I rejoice to hear that 


the Lord is with you, and that he was pleafed to blefs 
my poor labours in Glouceflerjlnre. I would have you to dif- 
pute as little as poflible. Awakened fouls (hould be told to 
look continually to the Lord Jesus. The more you are ac- 
quainted with Christ, and the more deeply you drink into 
his fpirit, the more folid you will grow. Fear not becaufe of 
your prefent trials ; " the Lord is thy God ; he will never 
leave thee nor forfake thee." Caft all your care upon him, 
he careth for you. Your wife's illnefs fhall work for good. 
The things I promifed, are provided and fhall be fent fpeedily. 

Brother H will be with you, God willing, next week ; 

I pray God that his coming may be in the fulnefs of the 
blefling of the gofpel of peace ! Our Lord is with us much 
here. 1 preach twice daily. Our fociety grows. My mafter 
fills me with his prefence, and continually meets with us. 
My tender love awaits all the fociety. Be ftrong in 
the hQKT>^ and in the power of his might. Seek after a 



nearer conformity to the blefled Jesus. Grow in grace j and 
as you are enabled, dear "John^ pray for 

Your affedionate friend, brother, 

and fervant in Christ, 
G. JV, 


To Captain G , in Philadelphia, 

Dear Brother G , London^ April 11^ 1 742. 

I Hope this will find yoji very happy in the love of Christ. 
I was glad to hear you had fo good a time, before our 
friends left you. I wifli you no lefs, than that you may be 
filled with all the fulnefs of God. We have had a glorious 
Eajier^ or rather a Pentecojl. Jesus Christ is rifen indeed. 
I have been preaching in Moorfulds^ and our Saviour carries 
all before us. Nought can refift his conquering blood. It 
would have delighted you, to have fecn the poor finners flock 
from the booths, to fee Jesus lifted up on the pole of the gof- 
pel. I have received many tickets from young apprentices, 
&c. &:c. Our fociety goes on wonderfully well. Every day 
we hear of frefh conquefts. God's children are expedincp 
very great things. I believe they will not be difappointed 
of their hope. But I am in hafte. Your wife was well the 

laft time 1 faw her. Brother 5 and his wife have been 

to fee her. — My dear wife and brother 5 kindly falute 

you, and all that love our glorious Emmanuel. Pray write a 

line to, dear brother G , 

Yours, ho.. 

G, TV. 


To the Reverend Mr. J , in Torkfiire, 

My dear Brother., London., Jpril 22, I742» 

I Thank, you and your wife for your kind bcnefacHon. Our 
Saviour, I believe, will take it kindly at your hands. I 
rejoice that the work of our common mafter is carried en in 
Yorkjhire. We fee greater things than ever at London. The 
awakening is quite frelh. I never v/as flrengthencd more. 
Every day, poor fmners are brought home to Jc^us Christ. 



Our people are filled as with new wine j it fecms to be a Pen^ 
tecnji. I have preached fix or feven times in Moorfields^ thele 
holidays. It v»'ould rejoice you to fee the people flock from fa- 
tan's booths to hear the gofpcl of the Son of God. The 
people feem to have fuch a fpirit of fupplication poured out 
upon thein, that I believe we fhall fee great things. I am 
often weak in body, but, as my work requires, I am pro- 
portionably (hengthened in the inner man. Was there ever 
fuch a finner as 1 am ? Was there ever fuch a Saviour as my 
Saviour ? 

Loxv at thy feci ^ Jfsus, Id me Uc^ 

And love and pniijc to all eieniify, 

I falute all that love the Lord Jesus in hncerity, and am, 

dear brother '/ ? 

Yours mofl afieclion:itc!y in Jesus Christ, 


To Mr, L . 

London, May 11, 1 742. 

WITH this, I fend vou a few out of the many notes I 
have received froiii perfons, who were convicted, 
converted, or comforted in Mccrfields, during the late holi- 
days. For many weeks, I found my heart much preiTed to 
determine to venture to preach there at this feafon, when, if 
ever, fatan's children keep up their annual rendezvous. I 
muft inform you, that yM<?^;;^i.Wi 'is a large fpacious place, 
given, as I have been told, by one ALidam Moore^ on purpofc 
for all forts of people to divert thcmfelves in. For many 
years pail, from one end to the other, booths of all kinds have 
been erected, for mountebanks, players, puppet (liows, and 
fuch like. With a heart bleeding with companion for fo 
many thcufands led captive by the devil at his will, on JVbit- 
Monday^ at fix o'clock in the morning, attended by a large 
«on2;regation of praying people, I ventured to lift up a ftandard 
arnon^ll them in the name of Jesus Oi Nazareth, Perhaps 
there were about ten thoufand in waiting, not for me, but fop 
fatan's inflruments to amufe them. — Glad was I to find, that 
I had for once as it v/cre got the Hart of the devil. I mounted 



my field pulpit, almoft all flocked immediately around It. I 
preached on thefe words, *' As Alofis lifted up the ferpent 
in the wildernefs, fo fhall the Ton of man be lifted up, ^'c.'* 
They gazed, they liftened, they wept \ and I believe that 
many felt themfelves flung with deep convi6^ion for their pad 
fins. All was huflied and folcmn. Being thus encouraged, 
I ventured out again at noon ; but what a fcene ! The fields, 
the whole fields fcemeu, in a bad fenfe of the word, all white, 
rcaily not for the Redeemer's, but Beelzebub's harvefl. All 
his agents were in full motion, drummers, trumpeters, merry 
andrews, mailers of puppet fliows, exhibiters of wild beafts, 
players, ^c. Szg. all bufy in entertaining their rcfpedivc au- 
ditories. I fuppofc there could not be lefs than tv/cnty or 
thirty thouland people. My pulpit was fixed on the oppofite 
fide, and immediately, to their great mortification, they found 
the number of their attendants fadly lelTened; Judging that 
like faint Panl^ I fhould now be called as it were to fight 
with beads at Ephefus^ I preached from thefe words : " Great 
is Diana of the Ephefians" You may eafily guefs, that there 
was fome noife among the craftsmen, and that I was honoured 
with having a few fi:ones^ dirt, rotten eggs, and pieces of dead 
cats thrown at me, whilft engaged in calling them from their 
favourite but lying vanities. My foul was indeed among lions ; 
but far the greatefi: part of my congregation, which was very 
large, feemed for a while to be turned into lambs. This en- 
couraged me to give notice^ that I would preach again at fix: 

o'clock in the evening. I came^ I faw, but what thou- 

fands and thoufands more than before if poiTible, flill more 
deeply engaged in their unhappy diverfions ; but fome thou- 
fands amongft them waiting as earneflly to hear the gofpcl. 
This fatan could not brook. One of his choiceil fervants 
was exhibiting, trumpeting on a large ftage ; but as foon as 
the people faw me in my black robes and my pulpit, I think 
all to a man left him and ran to me. For a while I was 
enabled to lift up my voice like a trumpet, and many heard the 
joyful found. God's people kept praying, and the enemy's 
agents made a kind of a roaring at fome diflance from our 
camp. At length they approached nearer, and the merry andrew, 
(attended by others, who complained that they had taken 
many pounds lefs that day on account of my preaching) got 
Vol. I. C c up 


3S6 L E T T E R S. 

uponaman^s {houlders,and advancing near the pulpit attempted 
to flafh me with a long heavy whip fcveral times, but always 
with the violence of his motion tun;bled down. Soon after- 
wards, they got a recruiting feijeant with his drum, &c. to 
pafs through the congregation. I gave the word of command, 
and ordered that v^ay might be made for the king's officer. 
The ranks opened, while all march'd quietly through, and 
then clofed again. Finding thofe efforts to fail, a large body 
quite on the oppofite fide alfembled together, and having got 
a large pole for their flandard, advanced towards us with fteady 
and formidable fteps,till they came very near the fkirts of our 
hearing, praying, and almofl undaunted congregation. I 
faw, gave warning, and prayed to the captain of our falvatioii 
for prefent fupport and deliverance. He heard and anfwered ; 
for jull: as they approached us with looks full of refentment, I 
know not by what accident, they quarrelled among themfelves, 
threw down their ftaffand went their way, leaving however 
many of their company behind, who before we had done, I 
truft were brought over to join the befieged party. I think I 
continued in praying preaching and finging, (for the noife 
was too great at times to preach) about three hours. We 
then retired to the tabernacle, with my pockets full of notes 
from perfons brought under concern, and read them amidfE 
the praifes and fpiritual acclamations of thoufand?, who 
joined with the holy angels in rejoicing that fo many fmners 
were fnatched, in fuch an unexpeded, unlikely place and 
manner, out of the very jaws of the devil. This was the be- 
ginning of the taberiiacle fociety. — Three hundred and fifty 
awakened fouls were received in one day, and I believe the 
number of notes exceeded a thoufand ; but I muft have done, 
believing you want to retire to join in mutual praife and 
thankfgiving to God and the Lamb, with 

Yours, Sec. 

G. JV. 




To the fume. 

My dear Friend^ London^ May 15, 17^2. 

FRESH matter of praife ; blcfs ye the Lord, for he hath 
triumphed glorioufly. The battle that was be^un on 
Monday^ was not quite over till //Ww/f/z/^j evening, though 
the fcene of adioti was a iiftle fliiftcj. Being (Irongly invit- 
ed, and a pulpit being prepared for me by an honeft quaker, a 
coal merchant, I ventured on Tucfday evening to preach at 
Mary le bon fields^ a place almoft a<; much frequented by- 
boxers, gamerters, and fuch like, as M':or-fiolds. A vaft con- 
courfe was aflemblcd together, and a^ focui as I got into the 
field pulpit, their countenance befpoke the enmity of their 
hearts againA the preacher, I opened with tlsefe words — 
** I am not alhamed of the gofpcl of Christ, for it is the 
power of God unto falvation to every one that belicveth." I 
preached in great jeopardy ; for the pulpit being high, and the 
fupports not well fixed in the ground, it tottered tvery time 1 
moved, and numbers of enemies drove to pufii my friends a- 
gainft the fupporters, in order to throw me down. But the 
Redeemer ftayed my foul on himfeif, therefore I was not much 
moved, unlefs with compaflion for thofe to whom I was deli- 
vering my maftei's mefLige, which I had reafon to think, by the 
flrong impreiTions that were made, was welcome to many. But 
fatan did not like thus to be attacked in his flrong-holds, and 
I narrowly efcaped with my life : for as I was pallin^ from 
the pulpit to the coach, I felt my wig and hat to be almoft ofp. 
I turned about, and obferved a fword jufi: touching my tem- 
ples. A young rake, as I after-wards found, was determined 
to (lab me, but a gentleman, feeing the fword thruftint^- near 
•me, ftruck it up vi'ith his cane, and fo the deftincd victim pro- 
videntially efcaped. Such an attempt excited abhorrence; 
the enraged multitude foon feized him, ar.d had it not been 
fur one of my friends, who received him into his houfe, he muft 
have undergone a fevere difcipline. The next d.iy, I renewed 
my attack in Mc'jr-ficlds\ but would you tliink it ? after they 
found that pelting, noi!e, and threatnings would not do, one 
cf the mivry /indreivs got up into a tree very near the pulpit, 

C c 2 and 


and fliamefuUy expofed his nakednefs before all the people. 
Such a beaftly a6lion quite abafhed the ierious part of my au- 
ditory ; whilft hundreds of another (lamp, inftead of rifing 
up to pull down the unhappy wretch, cxprelTcd their approba- 
tion by repeated laughs. 1 muft own at firft it gave me 3 
fhock ', I thought fatan had now almoft outdone himfelf ; but 
recovering my fpirits, I appealed to all, fmce now they had 
fach a fpe6tacle before them, whether I had wronged human 
nature in faying, after pious B'ljlwp Hall^ " that man, when 
left to himfelf, is half a devil and half abeaft ;" or as the great 
Mr. Laiu exprefled himfelf, " a motley mixture of the beafl 
and devil." — Silence and attention being thus gained, I con- 
cluded with a warm exhortation, and clofed our feftival entcr- 
prizes, in reading frefh notes that were put up, praifmg anil 
bicffino- God amidft thoufands at the tabernacle, for what he 
had done for precious fouls, and on account of the deliveran- 
ces he had wrought out for me and his people. I could en- 
laro-e ; but being about to embark in the Mary and Ann^ for 
Scotland^ I muft haften to fubfcribe myfelf. 

Yours, &c. 

' G. JV, 

P. S. I cannot help adding, that fevera! little boys and girls 
who were fond of fitting round me on the pulpit, while I 
preached, and handing to me peoples notes, though they were 
often pelted v/ith eggs, dirt, &c. thrown at me, never once 
gave way : but on the contrary, every time I was [truck, turn- 
ed up their little weeping eyes, and Teemed to wifh they could 
receive the blows for me. God make them in their growing 
years great and living martyrs for him, who out of the mou-tb 
of babes and fucklings perrc(Sts praife 1 


To the Rev. Mr. M , in the IJle of Man, 

On hoard the Mary and Ann ^ hound to Scotlandy May 26, 1742. 
Rev. and dear Sir, 

I Received your letter on Saturday laft, and felt great concern 
on my foul, while perufmg it. One thing efpecially 
plcafed mei I found by the contents, that a report I had 



lately heard .concerning you was falfc ; for I had heard, that 
the bifliop feeing your zeal, ami finding his oppofition had in- 
flamed, at laft had ordered the clergy to open the church 
doors for 3'ou, and that now you had done with appearing 
openly in the defence of the glorious Gofpel. Blclled be God 
this is not true ! Though I find, both you and your people 
have been greatly difcouraged. I fee no way of extricating 
yourfelf, but by acting up to the dictates of your own confci- 
ence, and leaving the confequences to the great head and king 
of the church. You find, dear Sir, a fenfible withdrawing of 
the fpirit ever fince you gave way. It would not have been 
fo, had you obeyed God rather than man. Up then, and be 
doing, and the Lord will be yet with you. If you cannot 
preach freely in the Ijle of Man ^ go whitherfoever the Lord 
fliall be pleafed to lead you. Our commiUion is very exten- 
five : " Go into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every 
creature." We want labourers much in England. It" our af- 
cended Saviour hath given you popular gifts, and freedom and 
authority in fpeaking without notes, you need not fear. He 
will afiiil: you from time to time, and make you a bleiTmg to 
many fouls. Your being a miniiler of the eftabliflied church, 
will be an advantage, and your age alfo will give you yet more 
authority ; but an uncSlion from the Holy One of Ifrael is the beft 
qualification 5 I would therefore, dear Sir (if fuch a one as I, am 
capable of advifing) by all means perfuade you to humble 
yourfelf before the great bifhop of your foul, and afkhim again 
and again what he would have vou to do? I am apt to think, 
he will not reftore to you the comforts of the Ploly Ghoft, or 
ftablifh you with his free fpirit, 'till you give up yourfelf fimply 
to follow the di6lates of his providence and fpirit. Then let 
men or devils fay or do their worfl. How can we know 
God's power unlefs we try it ? Not that I would have you, 
dear friend, do any thing rafl:ily. No, " he that bclieveth 
doth not make hafte." Wait upon the Lord, and he will 
certainly (hew you what lie would have you to do. I wonder 
not that your brother's love is grown cold. It is hard for one 
in his ftation, unlefs he be thorou2;hly inured to contempt, and 
will give God leave to act in his own way, to withiland a 
whole body of lukewarm, prejudiced, envious, malignant 
<:lcrgy. Thefe, have always been the greateft oppofers of true 

C c 3 vital 

-go LETT E R S. 

vital religion. Thcfc, were our Saviour's moft bitter enemies. 
Thefe, will be ours alfo, if we come forth in his fpirit, and 
preach by hib power. But blclled be God, I can fay by hap- 
py experience, our gloi ious Emmanuel will make us more than 
conquerors over them all. He hath continually fought my 
battles for me, and I am perfuaded will do fo to the end. Of 
Icite, I have fecn more of his power and goodnefs than ever, and 
I truft we ihall yet fee greater things than thefe. I am now 
once more going to Scotland^ and purpofc (God willing) the 
latter end of the year to embark for America, Pray let me hear 
from vou, and if pulliblc let me have a perfonal interview. I 
hope this will reach you. In the next, be pleafed to tell me 
how to diretSi, for I have forgotten. The Lord be with you. 
I wifli you abundant profperity in the name of the exalted Rc^ 
ciccmer, and am 

Your airu(5Llonate brother and fervant, &c. 

G, JK 


To Mr. S — — Ai , in Gaiii/horciigb. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann^ May 26, 1742. 
My dear Brother^ 

YO U R liiiler dated May 5th was very agreeable to me. 
I think it favoured ot a true Ifraelitifii fpirit, and there- 
fore I find freedom to fend you a plain and fimple anfwer. 

Who J H is, 1 cajinot tell. If he was converted by 

my unworthy minifliy, or others by his means, let our dear 
Jesus have all the gloiy. I Ihall know who they are, at the 

great day. Mr. P I know very v.ell. I believe he is 

a good man, but am not enough acquainted with his proceed- 
ings, cnhcr wholly to commend or condemn them. Whether 
he preaches in public, or convcrfes only in a private manner, I 
know not. This one thing I know, if he be fent of God, I 
wifh him profperity. The anfwer which our Lord gave to 
thofe who forbad fuch as were calling out devils in his name, 
bccaufe they followed not with them, makes me particularly 
cautious, how I interrupt any one that feems to fpeak of Jesus 
with fmcerity of heart. As for his fpeakiiig fo little againft 
the church of England, I cannot difcommend him for that. I 
I find 

L E T T E R S. 391 

find it bed to talk only of Jesus's blood, and the power of 
his Redemption, and not dwell much on outward thint^s or 
outward worfliip. When the woman of Samaria afked our 
Lord, " where men ought to worfhip," he diverted the dif- 
courfe from the outward to the inward worfliip. " "rhe wor- 
fhip of the Father in fpirit and in truth.** Some things may 
be wrong in the church of England^ and in this mixed ftate we 
muft never expedl: to fee a perfect church, or a perfciSl man. It 
is therefore my conftant aim to agree with all the children of 
God, as far as I can, and not to quarrel though we differ in 
fome points. \a civil fociety, one family doss not differ with 
another, becaufe it hath not the fame orders in every refpect. 
Would to God we obferved the fame rule in fpirituals. The 
world falls out enough with us ; it is pity we (hould fall out 
among ourfelves. My brother, I have written to you out of 
the fulnefs of my heart; whether I fliall fee your face in the 
flefli, 1 know not. At prefent, my call is to Scotland.^ — If the 
cloud fliould move towards Lincoln/})ire^ my anfwer is, " Lord, 
lo I come I" I am quite confounded when I think that fuch a 
wretch as I fliould ever be employed in preaching the everlaff- 
ing gofpel. I often fall down under a fcnfe of God's diftin- 
guifhing mercy, and with awful adoration am frequently made 
to cry out, " Why me, Lord ; why me ?" O my brother, help 
me to praife the Lamb of God, that taketh away the fins of the 
world. A wonderful work is carried on both at home and 
abroad. I (hall be glad to hear from you again. Be plcafed to 
direct as before. I am, in the bowels of Jesus Christ, 
Your affcdionate friend, brother and fervant, 


To Mr. J B , in London. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann ^ May 27, 1 742. 
My dear Brother B , 

YOUR letter was fweet to my heart. Bufinefs prevent- 
ed my anfwering it on fliore. Our Saviour is plcafed 
at this time to give me leifure and freedom. I will now en- 
deavour to anfwer it on board. I need not tell you, I love 
you. God has often bore witnefs to our fdlowfliip, by giving 

C G 4 us 


us his prcfence, and filling us as with new wine. What has 
happened of late to difunite, will in the end, 1 am perfuaded, 
only promote a clofer union. •■' Out of the eater will come 
forth meat, and out of the ftrong will come forth fweetnefs. '• 
Blefled be our Savipur's free grace ! I feel my heart more and 
rnore enlarged towards, and niorc and more difpofed to love 
and honour all denominations of believers, than ever I expe- 
rienced before. In all focieties of chriftians under heaven, 
there muft neccflarily be perfons of a different (landing in the 
fchool of Christ. Thofe who are not fqlidly eftablifhed in 
the love of God, will fall too much in love with the outward 
form of their particular church, be it what it will. But as 
the love of God gets the afcendency, the more they will be 
like him and his holy angels, and confequently rejoice when 
fouls are brought to Jesus, whatever inftruments may be made 
ufe of for that purpofe. If therefore fome that you and I 
know, are too confined (as I believe is too much the cafe) ; if 
they do not preach more frequently, and abound niore in good 
works, I think it is for want of haying their hearts more in- 
flamed with the love of God, and their graces kept in more 
conftant exercife. To ftir up the gift of God that is in us, 
is an apodolical injun£lion ; and if we do not keep upon our 
yvatch we fliall fall into a falfe ftillnefs. Nature loves eafe ; 
and as a blind zeal often prompts us to fpeak too much, fo te- 
pidity and lukewarmnefs often caufe us to fpeak too little. 
Divine wifdom alone, is profitable to direcl ; and I would be 
very cautious how I fpeak, Icall I fl:iould take too much upoi^ 
me. I love thofe you mention, from my foul ; and all I can 
fay is, " Lord, do thou lead and guide both them and us.'* 
We ave blind helplefs creatures. I wilh there was more confi- 
dence between us all j but I fee that none but the fpirit of 
God can outwardly unite us, and therefore I have now given 
it up into the Redeemer's hand. Only this I pray, that I may 
be one of the firft and not the laft in bringing back the k 

If I have at any time fee improper bounds to the fpirit of God, 
or grieved it in his children, I defire to be very low, and to be 
broken hearted for it. I am fure it hath not been done wil- 
lingly. I muil own, I have fometimes oppofed you, becaufe 
1 think you have made, and are yet making, too much hafte. 
Youfeem to belike-minded with thofe, who in our Saviour's 


LETTER S. 393 

time thought that the kingdom of God would then come: 
but you know how oijr Lord checked them for it, and told 
them, " it was not for them to know the particular times and 
feafons of his coming to fct up his kingdom." I believe with 
you, that our glorious Emmanuel is about to do great things. 
But how, when, and where, 1 leave to his divine, foverejtrn 
difpofal. I dcfire flridtly to mind the particular plan affitrncd 
me ; at the fame time to look about, and fee what others the 
wonderful counfellor is pleafcd to employ in other diflrii^s : 
and though they may difl'er from me in fome points, I wifh 
them abundant profperity in the name of our common Lord. 
I am of your mind with, refpedt to the church of England, 
This, this is the conftant, abiding, intenfe language of my 
heart ; " Lord Jesus, let thy kingdom come." You fee, my 
dear brother, how fully I write to you. It is becaufe I love you. 
O that we may be taught to bear one another's burdens, and 
fo fulfil the law of Christ ! May the Lord keep us all from 
falling out in our way to heaven. Amen and amen ! You and 
yours will join heartily in the fame petition, with 

Your aftectionate brother and fervant in Christ, 


To the Rtv Mr. O , at Lecrn'mjler, 

On board the Mary and Ann^ May 27, 1742. 
Aly dear Brother^ 

I Have not till now had tirnc to anfwcr your kind letter. I 
rejoice abundantly in the ufe our dear Lord is beginning 
to make of you. May he ufe and blefs you ever more and 
more. Our Lord loves to encourage faith. They that truft 
in him, fhall find now as well as formerly, that " it fliall be 
given them in that hour what they fliall fpeak." This I find 
true by happy experience, and am perfuaded fliall prove the 
truth of it more and more. Since my lail, the captam of our 
falvation has can ied me on to frtih conqueft, and caufcd his 
people to rejoice exceedingly in his great falvation. Our foci- 
ety is in great order. If the Lord gives us a true catholic 
fpirit, free from a party fecfarian zeal, we iball do well. I am 
forry to hear that there is fo much narrowncfs among fome of 


594 LETT E R S, 

the brethren In iralcs. Brother // complains fa.Jiy of it. 

I hope dear Mr. will be kept free, and not fall intodif- 

putnicr about Baptifm or other non-eilentials ; for I am perluad- 
cd, unlcfs we all are content to preach Christ, and to keep otF 
from dirputable things, wherein we differ, God will not blefs us 
loner. If we a6l otherwife, however we may talk of a catho- 
lic fpirit, we fhall only be bringing people over to our own 
party, and there fetter them. I pray the Lord to keep dear 

Ty/Jr. Q and me from fuch a fpirit. Dear Sir, may the 

Lord be with you ! Remember us poor but willing pilgrims, 
efpecially him who is lefs than the leaft of all, but 

Your affectionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. IV, 


To the Rev. Mr* J S , ^7 Stockport. 

On board the Mary and Ann^ May 29, 1742. 
HcV. and dear Sir, 

I Received your letter fome time ago, but through multipli- 
city of bufinefs could not poffibly anfwcrit on fhore. I 
do not remember feeing you at London j but if you love the 
Redeemer in fincerity, and preach the gofpel in the demonffra- 
tionof the fpirit and with power, I wi{h you all poiTible fuccefs 
in the name of the Lord. As for coming into your parts, it 
is intirely uncertain. My prefent call is to Scjtland. How my 
Maiter will difpofe of me hereafter, I know not. I limply de- 
Tire to go whither he fliall be plcafed to call me. I am amaz- 
ed that he Ihould call me any wheie, or employ me as his 
ambaiiador to befeech poor finners to be reconciled to God. 
But what iliall we fay ? I can only fall down at the feet of the 
Lamb, and cry, Grace ! grace ! Of late the Lord hath done 
greater things for me, and his church, than ever; and yet great- 
er things I am perfuaded he Is about to bring to pafs. Dear 
Sir, help me at the throne of grace, and as you feem to have a 
third for the Redeen^r's glory, recommend me to the prayers 
of God's people, being the chief of finners, but, for the Re- 
deemer's fake. 

Your mofl affectionate friend, brother and fervant, 

G. IV, 




To the Rrj. Mr. D , in Ejf.x, 

M-j vn-y dear Brother^ May 29, 1742. 

YOUR letter ]ics by me, yet unanrwcred ; the contents 
hov-evcr have not been fc;r2;otten before the Lord. Sure- 
ly the days uFyour pilgrimage will erelong be ended, and the 
liar which you once faw, appear to you ai^ain, and caufe vou 
to rejoice wit!) exceeding great joy. I think there is forne- 
thing very extraordinary in the Lord's dealing with you. I 
can oi^ly relblve it ir.to the divine fovereignty, and fay, " even 
ii'^-i Father, for fo it feenieth good in thy Tight." This is often 
the language of my heart, with rcfpc6t to God's dealir.g with 
my own foul. Many things our Saviour does to me, which I 
know not now. It is fufficient that I fliall know hereafter, 
and that 1 knov/ thus far even now, " that all things are 

working together for good." Dear Mr. D , indeed I 

love and pray for you. Our Saviour, I trufl, will yet fet your 
feet in a large room, and enable you to run the way of his 
commandments ; 

Thro^ ivinds^ and clouds^, andjlorins^ he II gently clear the wav ; 
JVait'ihen his Ume^Jo Jhall this night fz on end in joyous day. 

My tender love await the flock at D m ; I pray for 

them and you. Our Saviour hath done great thijigs of late 
in London. I believe he will yet do more in Scotland. O my 
bi-othcr, forget not to pray for the chief of finners. 

Your truly affectionate friend, brother 
ai:d fervant in Jesus Christ, 

G. IV. 


To the Rev. Mr. C , at Bath, 

On I'oard the Alary and Ann ^ May 29, 1742. 
Aly very dear Friend and Brother^ 

NOT want of love, but cxcefs of bufinefs prevented my 
anf^cring your kind letter dated yfpril bth. In London 
I had f.arcc time to cat bread, or to take my natural reft. 



Our blefled Saviour, with his own right hand got himfelf the 
vidory in many hearts, and brought mighty things to pafs. I 
never faw the like before. I muft renew my old requeft. 
*' Help, my dear friend, help me to be thankful." I am now 
going a fecond time to Scotland, and purpofe, God willing, at 
the latter end of the year to embark for America, My foul is 
a thirft for the falvation of poor finners, Thefe words, " G^ 
ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature, 
&c," have been particularly prefled upon my heart. O, 
dear Mr. C , if the Lord has accounted us worthy, put- 
ting us into the miniftry, how careful fhould we be to make 
full proof thereof ? God willing, when I come on fhore I will 
begin in earneft. For alas ! haolcnus Ji'ihilfeci. — Indeed I am 
afhamed of myfelf from the bottom of my heart. Was not 
my Mafter's love like himfelf, infinite, I fhould have been caft 
oft' long before this time. But I find thofe whom he loves, he 

loves to the end. Mr. W- , myfelf, and others, are in- 

Hances of this. I hope our great Shepherd will now carry 
him in his arms, and not let him to ftay again. I have wrote 

to Mr. T from on board. — If you go to him, or labour 

elfewhere, that the blefled Jesus may be always with you, is 

the hearty prayer of, dear Mr, C , 

Your moft affetStionate brother and fervant 
in Christ, 

(?. n 


To Mr. J H , in London. 

On hoard the Mary and Ann, May ic^,\'j^i, 
Dear Sir, 

YOUR letter much afPecled me. I hope the contents 
have made the angels to rejoice, and that before this 
time you have found reft in the wounded Lamb. That God, 
who firfl: fpoke light out of darknefs, I truft is beginning to 
iliine into your heart, and to perfect a new creation in your 
Ibul. You are not the firft, dear friend, by thoufands, who 
have thought themfelvcs rich and increafed in goods, not con- 
fidering they were poor and miferable and blind and naked. I 
iuppofc you can now join with me in the following verfes : 




iong did my foulin Jefus form 
No comcUncfs nor beauty fee ; 
His facred 7iame by others priz'dy 
TFas tajUkfsJldl and dead to me, 


Men caird me Chrijlian^ and ?ny heart 
On that dehifan fondly Jl ay d ; 
Moral my hopes^ my Saviour felf, 
'Till mighty grace the cheat difplafd. 


Thanks to the hand that walCd ?ny dreamy 
That fhew^d me wretched^ naked^ poor j 
That fweetly led me to the Rocky 
Where all falvationfla?ids fecure, 


Glady I forfook my righteous pride^ 
My moraly tarnifh' d^finful drefs^ 
Exchanged my drofs away for Chrijl^ 
And found the robe of right eoufnefs, 

Thefc lines, dear Sir, I think are very emphatical. I trufl 
you can now repeat them from your heart. If fo, hail happy 
man ! Jesus hath waflied you in his blood, and given you 
eternal life. You now then have nothing to do, but to live to 
him, who hath lived and died for you, and if neceflary would 
die again for you with all his heart. Surely our Saviour loves 
you, otherwife he would not have fliewed you all thefe things. 
I love you for his fake (though unknown) ; and if he hath 
been pleafed to work by my unworthy miniftry, let him 
have all the glory, and forget not to pray for the poor, weak 
inftrument, who has not forgotten to pray for you, being, 
dear Sir, 

Your moft afFedlionate friend and fervant, 
in Christ, 

G. IV. 


39^ LETTER S, 


To Mr. H H , in Wales. 

On board the Mary and Ann^ May 29, 1 7 42. 
My very dear Brother^ 

THOUGH I could not write to you on (liore, yet I 
inijft not omit writing to you on board. I am heartily 
forry that fuch a narrow fpirit prevails in IFalcs. I have written 

to Mr. // . But what (hall we fay ? The Redeemer's 

love alone can unite and keep together his floclcs. Difput- 
ing with bigots and narrow-fpirited people will not do. I 
intend henceforward to lay Ids to them, and pri.y more and 
more to our Lord for them. " Lord, enlarge their hearts,'* 
is my continual prayer for fuch, who are (o flreightened in 
their own bowels. Elefled be God, this partition-wall is 
breaking down daily in fome of our old friends hearts in Lon- 
don. I exhort all to go where they can profit moft. I preach 
what I believe to be the truth, and then leave it to the fpirit 
of God to make the application. When we have done this, 
I think we have gone to the utmoft bounds of our commif- 
iion. O my brother, I find more and more, nothing but that 
wifdom, which is from above, can teach us how to build up 
fouls. I never was {o much allifted in this kind of work, as 
fmce I came to London laft. We have public i'ocietics twice 
a week, and a general meeting for reading letters once a month. 
Our Lord has been much with us. We fcem to move on 
iiov/ in gofpel dignity, and are terrible as an army with ban- 
ners. If the Lord inclines you, a vifit to London vjou\6 be 
very acceptable. (3ur people can now bear fcarching more 
than formerly. I find that our Lord hath particularly blefled 
you that way. We have had a moft bleffed funeral of one of 
our filters in Christ, and the awakening, I think, has been 
as great as when I firft came out, and abundantly more folid. 
The Eajier Holidays were high days indeed. My wife doth 
not forget her friends in IP'ales. But our Lord has feen fit 
to excrcife her with exceeding clofe inward trials. She and 
all with mc moft cordially falute you. 1 cxpecl: great things 
in Scotland. If pofiible, at my return, I hope to fee you in Wales. 
But future things belong to God. Adieu. Forget not to pray for 
Your aricciioiiate brother pilgrim, 

G. W, 



To Mr, A , in London. 

Edinburgh^ 'June 4, 1 742. 
A'ly dear Brother A , 

FROM a heart overflowing with a fcnfe of God's love, I 
write you thefe few lines. Yefterday our Saviour 
brought us hither. On board, I fpent moll part of my time 
in fccret prayer. Satan (hot many of his fiery darts againft 
me. Our great Michael gave me a fhield of faith, by which 1 
was enabled to repel them all. As foon as I came on fhore, 
the holy fpirit filled my foul. The Lord commanded people 
to receive me and my fellow pilgrim into their houfes. Our 
fouls rejoiced in him. The people were foon alarmed at my ar- 
rival. As foon as I came on fhore at Leith, many came blefl- 
ing me, and weeping, took hold of me. About four in the af- 
ternoon we came to Edinburgh. Great numbers followed our 
coach, and almoft catched me in their arms, as foon as I cama 
out of it. How did they weep for joy ! It would have melted 
you down to have feen them. When I came to my lodging-, 
many dear friends came to falute us in the name of the Lord. 
About feven o'clock I went to fee fome perfons of diftindliofi, 
whofe hearts the Lord reached, when I was here laft. Some 
were ready to faint with excefs of joy : with thefe I prayed 
and gave thanks. The Holy Ghofb filled us with all joy and 
peace in believing. — At eight I went to a nobleman's houfe, 
where his lady and feveral other dear friends received us with 
great gladnefs. The culhions and bible were immediately- 
brought. I gave a word of exhortation. We fung, and prayed, 
and fpent the remainder of the evening moft delightfully in 
talking of the things of God. When we came home, we 
joined in bleffing God's holy name. Though late, I fcarce 
knew how to go to reft. — This morning I received glorious 
accounts of the carrying on of the Mediator's kingdom. The 
w^ork of God is beyond exprefHon. Three of the litile boys 
that were converted when I was lafl: here, came to me and 
v/ept, and begged me to pray for and with them. A miniftcr 
tells me, that fcarce one is fallen back, who was awakened, 
either among old cr young. The ferjeant, whofe letter, bro- 


thcr C has, goes on well with his company. O my dear 

brother, help me to praife the Lamb that fitteth upon the 
throne for ever ; and defire all the fociety to join with you. 
I believe within thefe four months you will hear of very great 
things. Pray that I may be very little in my ovrn eyes, and 
not rob my dear Mafler of any part of his glory. We do not 
forget you. Once a day we meet together and pray for ab- 
fent friends. He gives us leave, as it were, to afk of him 
what we will, and promifes never to leave or forfake us. f^or 
the prefent, my dear brother, adieu ! As opportunity cfFcrs, 
and if poflible every poft, fome or other of my dear friend*^ 

ihall hear, dear brother A , from 

Your moft affectionate, though moft unworthy 
brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. TF. 


Tg the Right Honourable Lord R . 

My Lord^ Edinburgh^ 'June 4, 1742. 

YESTERDAY morning our glorious Enunanucl brought 
us hither. Your Lordfhip's kind letter was put into' 
iny hands. I heartily fympathize with your Lordfl:iip ; but 
could not help rejoicing on your honoured lady's account^ 
knowing fhe is now entered into her bleffed Maimer's joy. 
Indeed, my Lord, I think, among chriftians, death hath not 
only loft its fting, but its name. I never was fo joyful as I 
am now at the death of thofe who die in the Lord ; and 
never was fo reconciled to Jiving myfelf. My general lan- 
guage, when I hear of the faints departure, is, ^' Let them 
go." Lately at London we had a filler in Christ departed. 
Her laft words were, *' Holy, holy, holy ! " flie could fay no 
iTiore here ; but our Saviour fent for her to finifh her fong in 
heaven. I preached over her corpfc ; our fociety attended : but 
furely never did fouls triumph over death more than we did 
that night. Many would fay, " O death ! where is thy fting \ 
O grave ! where is thy viiSlory r " As for my own part, I was 
enabled to trample death under my feet : and, bleffcd be 
God, through rich grace I can do that daily. But then your 
Lordftiip may afk, *< Why are you reconciled to life ?" Be- 
\ caufe 

LETTER S. 4ot 

fca'tife I can do that for Jesus on earth, which I cannot do in 
heaven : I mean, be made inftrumental in bringing fomc poor^ 
v/eary, heavy laden finncrs to find reft in his blood and rio-hte- 
oufnefs : and, indeed, if our Saviour was to orTer cither to 
take me ndW) or to ftay only to take one finner more, I wouli 
defire to ftay to take him with me. But whither am I run- 
ning ? O my Lord, death is a delightful topic. Excufe ms 
if I forget myfelf when vvriting about it. Blefled be our God 
for fupporting your foul under fo clofe a trial ! How fweet 
Vill it be to meet your Lady glorified at the great day ! Yet 
a little while, and that happy day fhall come. But it is time 
to anfwer your Lordfhip's queftion : " How was you on the 
24th of laft November f" I thank God, very well. My 
foul was much refrelhed with the Redeemer's prefence ; and 
1 was rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. 1 hear of won- 
derful things in Scotland. I can only fall dov^n and worfnip. 
I have feen greater things than ever in E?iglajicL I expecl to 
fee far greater in Scotland. Our Lord will not let his people 
be difiippointed of their hopes. But I muft away. We were 
very happy together with fome other dear friends laft night. 
I have not feen your Lordftiip's daughters, though they have 
been fo kind as to fend to enquire after my health. I hope to 
fee them to-day ; and am, my Lord, with all poffibie refpc.^t, 
my Lord, 

Your Lordfhip's moft obedient humble fcrvant, 


to the P^ruerend Mr. M , at Camhuf.nv.g, 

Edinburgh^ June 8, 174-^' 
Reverend and very dear Brother, 

Heartily rejoice at the awakening at Camlv.Jhng^ and 
eirev.here. I believe you v/ill both fee and hear of far 
greater things than thefe. I truft that not one corner of poor 
Scotland will be left unvvatcred by the dew of God's heavenly 
blefiing. The cloud is now only rifing as big as a man's 
hand; yet a little v/hile, and we fliall hear a foinvi of an 
abundance of gofpel rain. Our glorious Err.Tnrmufl\\.\s given 
us much of his divine prefence fince my arrivul. O that'ic 
Vol. h D d may 



may accompany me to CambuJJang ! God willing, I hope to 
be with you the beginning of next week ; but cannot exadly 
tell the day. In the mean while, forget not to pray for, 
levcrend and dear brother. 

Yours mofl alFedionately in Christ, 


To the Reverend Mr, E E •, at Sterling, 

Edinburgh^ June lo, 1742. 
Reverend and very dear S'lr^ 

I Am now at Mr. G 's houfe ; and finding his wife about 
to fet out for Sterlings the love which I bear you, for my 
dear Mafter's fake, conftrains me to fend you a line. It is 
feme concern to me, that our difference as to outward things, 
Ihould cut off our fweet fellowfhip and communion with each 
other. God knows my heart, I highly value and honour 
vou. Reverend and dear Sir, I do aflure you I love you and 
your brethren more than ever. I applaud your zeal for God ; 
and though, in fome refpedls, I think it not according to 
knowledge, and to be levelled frequently againft me, yet 
indeed I feel no refentment in my heart, and fhould joyfully 
fit down and hear you and your other brethren preach. I fa- 
lute them all ; and pray our common Lord to give us all a 
right judgment in all things. I hope the glorious Emmanuel will 
be prefent at the facrament, and make himfelf known to you 
in breaking of bread. I have made bold to fend you the in- 
clofcd pamphlets, and fliould be glad to know your opinion 
of them. When I fhall come to Sterlings I know not. How- 
ever, I earneflly pray for you and yours. I could drop i tear. 
O when fiiall the time come, when the v/atchmen will fee eye 
to e3^e ? Harten that time, our Lord and our God ! But 
perhaps I am troublefomc. Forgive me, reverend and dear 
Sir, being, without diiTunulation, your 

Younger brother and fervant in the 

2;orpcl of ChRPST, 

G, W, 

L E T T E R 



To Mr, D A , //; Londoji, 

Dear Friend^ Edinburgh^ "July 7, 1742. 

I Arrived here laft Saturday evening from the Z^^/?, where I 
preached all the laft week : as, twice on Monday at PaiJIeyy 
iix miles from Glajgow ; on the Tuefday and Wedncfday^ three 
times each day, at Irvine^ 16 miles from thence; on Thuj-f- 
day^ twice at Mearns, fifteen miles from that ; on Friday^ 
three times at Cmnhcrnauld\ and on Saturday^ twice at Falkirk^ 
in my way to Edinburgh, In every place there was the 
greateft commotion among the people as was ever known. 
Their mourning in moft of the places, was like the mourning 
for a lirft-born. The auditories were very large, and the 
work of God fcems to be fpreading more and more. Laft 
fabbath-day I preached twice in the park, and once in the 
church, and twice every day fince. A number of feats and 
(hades, in the form of an amphitheatre, have been ere6led in 
the park, where the auditory fit in a beautiful order. I have 
received very agreeable news from my family abroad. — I pur- 
pofe going to Ca^nbujlang to-morrow, in order to aflift at the 
communion ; and fliall preach at various places weftward be- 
fore I return here. I intend to embark for /Imerica as foon as 
pofiible after I leave Scotland. Thus you fee, my dear bro- 
ther, how I have been employed. O give thanks to our 
blelTed Saviour, for his great unparalleled goodncfs to a moft 
unworthy worm. Indeed I have fecn and felt fuch things, as 
I never faw and felt before. I never was enabled to preach fo 
pov/erfully as whilft I have been in the TVeJl. I hear that 

brother C is in the country, and that yoii exhort in the 

fociety. May the Lord open your mouth, and caufe your 
lips to (hew forth his praife ! Let us talk of his loving-kind- 
nefs all the day long. God gives me faith for my poor or- 
phans. Help me with your prayers, God will fupply all my 
wants. Glory be to his name, I am kept from doubting. 
My brother, I love you dearly. You have been a dole and 
faithful brother. May the Lord blcfs you and yours. Adieu! 
Pray fail not of writing as particular as may be, to, 

Moft afFe<5lio]iatcly yours in Christ, 

G. JV. 




To Mr. H , at the Orphan-houfe. 

Edinburgh J July 7, 1742^. 
My very dear friend, faithful Jieward^ 
and brother m Christ, 

LAST Monday I received an agreeable packet of letters 
from you. I think they are dated in OBober and De- 
cemhsr laft. They rejoiced our hearts. As foon as I read yours, 
my wife faid, let U3 give thanks and pray. Accordingly wc 
kneeled down, and had very near accefs to the Father of Mer- 
cies on your behalf. At night, after our coming home, we 
did the fame. Our common Lord enabled us to wreftle in 
faith. V/e ail felt our hearts drav^^n mightily towards you. 
1 could wi(h for wings to fly unto you. I long to thank you 
in perfon, for your faithfulnefs to your poor unworthy, but 
mo{l affectionate friend. My dear brother, God is flill doing 
greater things for me than ever. The awakening here in 
Scotland is unfpeakable. The congregations in the //^^, are 
juft like thofe which you and I favv at Foggs-Manor^ in Pen- 
fyhania. God feems to awaken fcores together. I never 
was enabled to preach fo before. O that I may lie low at 
the feet of my dear Redeemer ! to vvhofe image I arti ftudying 
to be more conformed every day. Your letter to dear brother 

J pleafed us very much. I have dcfircd him to print it. 

I paid a three hundred pound bill drav/n upon me by Mr. 

iV' , as well as Mr. B 's : whether ycu include that in 

the eleven thoufand pounds, I know not. However, biefTed be 
God, if it wcretleven thoufand more I hope 1 fnould be kept 
from doubting. At prefent, I am lookin- up to our great 
Houfl:oider for frelh fiipplics ; which I believe he wii"! give 
me, and which I will fend to you as foon as poflible. I hope 
to fee vou foon, and to thar.k you m particul '.r for your faith- 
fulnefs to me. My friend and brother, you fliall in no wife 
loie your reward. I belicvc God will take Georgia into his 
own hands. Its affairs have lately been before the Houfc of 

Commons. 'lAr. Ste was reprimanded for his- abufe of 

the tiuicces ; the ufe of rum v/as granted, but the ufc of flaves 
denied. Let us fhnd fcill, be infiant in prayer, and we f})all 



certainly fee the falvation of God. I am yet made to hope 
againft hope, in behalf of poor Georgia. The Lord Ihcngthcn 
your weak body, and continually comfort your fowl. That 
you may be filled with all the fulnefs of God, is thj hearty 

prayer of, dear Mr. H , 

Yours eternally in the flridefl bonds of gofpcl love, 

G, IK 


To Mrs. JFhheficld. 
My dear Love^ Edlnhwghy July 7, 1742. 

SINCE I wrote the lad, I have feen fuch things as I 
never beheld before. Yefterday morning I preached at 
Glafgow to a very large congregation. At noon I came to 
Cambi^Jlang^ the place which God hath {o much honoured. 
I preached at two, to a vaft body of people, and at fix in the 
evening, and again at nine at night. Such a commotion 
furely never was heard of, efpecially at eleven at night. It 
far out-did all that I ever faw in Amzrica. For about an hour 
and a half there was fuch weeping, fo many falling into deep 
diftrefs, and exprefling it various ways, as is inexprcfTible. 
The people feem to be {lain by fcores. They are carried off, 
and come into the houfe like foldiers wounded in, and carried 
off a field of battle. Their cries and agonies are exceedingly 

affecting. A4r. M preached after I had ended, till pad 

one in the morning, and then could fcarce perfuadc them to 
depart. All night in the fields, might be heard the voice of 
prayer and praife. Some young ladies were found by a gen- 
tlewoman praifing God at break of day. She v/ent and 
joined with them. The Lord is indeed much with me. I 
have preached twice to-day already, ar.d am to preach twice, 
perhaps three times more. The commotions increafe. To- 
morrow, and on fabbath-day, I fhall preach at Caldcr ; on 
Monday^ here again \ and on Tucfday at Kilfytb, and tlien, 
God willing, at Glajgow. I am perfuaded the work will 
fpread more and more. My kindeft refpects to all. Accept 
gf the fame from, my dear love. 

Yours, ^c. 

G. VA 




Tq the Reverend Mr» W- , of Dundee, 

Edinburgh^ July 7, 1 742. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

YOUR letter gave me fome little concern. I thought it 
breathed much of a fc6tarian fpirit ; to which I hoped 

dear Mr. IP^- was quite averfe. Methinks you feem, dear 

Sir, not fatisfied, unlefs I declare myfelf a Prefbytcrian, and 
openly renounce the church of England. God knows that 
I have been faithful in bearing a teftimony againfl: what I 
think is corrupt in that church. I have fhewn my freedom in 
communicating with the church of Scotland, and in baptizing 
children their own way. I can go no further. As for what 
you mention about the Qiiakers, I know not what particular 
exceptionable paflages there were in my fermons, in which I 
mentioned them. That fome good fouls are among the 
Qi^iakers, I doubt not. — For fuch 1 have charity, becaufe our 
Lord hath given to them his fpirit. — Though I am a 
ftrenuous defender of the righteoufnefs of Christ, and ut- 
terly deteft Arjjwiian principles, yet I know that God gave me 
the Holy Ghoft, before I was clear in either as to head-know- 
ledge : and therefore, dear Sir, I am the more moderate to 
people who are not clear, fuppofing I fee the divine image 

damped upon their hearts. Mr. TV , AJr. L , &c. 

I take to be holy men of God, though they think far widely 
from me, and from each other in fome particular branches of 
dodtrine. Dear Sir, be not offended at my plain fpeaking. 
I find but few of a truly catholic fpirit. Moft are catholic 
till they bring perfons over to their own party, and there they 
would fetter "them. I have not fo learned ChrisIt. I defire 
to a6l as God adis. I fhall approve, and join with all who 
are good in every fe6t, and caft a mantle of love over all that 
are bad, fo far as is confiftent with a good confciepce. This 
I can do without temporizing ; nay I (hould defile my con- 

iciencc if I did otherwife. As for my anfwer to Mr. M , 

dear Sir, it is very fatisfying to iny own foul. Morning and 
evening retirement is certainly exceeding good , but if through 
wcuknefs of body, or frequency of preaching, I cannot go to 



God in my ufual fet times, I think my fpirit is not,in bond- 
age. It is not for me to tell how often I ufe fecret prayer ; 
if I did oot ufe it, nay, if in one fenfc I did not pray without 
ceafing, it would be difficult for mc to keep up that frame of 
foul, which by the divine bleiling I daily enjoy. If the work 
of God profpers, and your hands become more full, you will 
then, dear Sir, know better what I mean. But enough of 
this. God knows my heart, I would do every thing I pofTibly 
could, to fatisfy all men, and give a reafon of the hope that 
is in me with meeknefs and fear ; but I cannot fatisfy all that 
are waiting for an occafion to find fault : our Lord could 
not ; I therefore defpair of doing it. However, dear Sir, I take 
what you have faid in very good part : only I think you 
are too folicitous to clear up my character to captious and 
prejudiced men. Let my mafter fpeak for me. Blefled be 
God, he will, fo long as I fimply throw myfelf into his aU 
mighty arms. I am glad the work goes on with you. Glory 
be to God, we have feen glorious things in the Weft. My 
tender love to all that are pleafed to remember me. When I 
fhall come your way, I know not. On Friday^ God will- 
ing, I go to Camhujlang^ where I expe£l to fee great days of 
the fon of man. That God may blefs you abundantly more 
and more, and caufe your latter end greatly to increafe, is 
the hearty prayer of, reverend and dear Sir, 

Yours &c. 

G, TV, 


Ti? the Reverend Mr, A , In Dublin. 

GlafgoWy July 12, 1742. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

ON Saturday I received your very kind letter, and being 
juft now returned from Carnhiijlang, I fnatch a fcv/ mo- 
ments to acknowledge it. I have long fmce waited for a call 
to Ireland. In fuch an important ftep, I care not to proceed 
without great caution. When I find the cloud of divirjc pro- 
vidence moving your way, I truft the language of mv heart 
will be. Lord, I come to do or fufier thy will ! In the irjcan 
while, I will watch unto prayer. I doubt not but you, reve- 

D d 4 I end 

4oS L E T T E R S. 

rend and tlenr Sir, will help me herein. I thank you moll 
heartily, for being jealous over me. I believe it is with a godly 
icaloufy. I wifh I was more jealous over myfelf. Bi!t blefied be 
God, this I can fciy in the midft of the honours wherewith the 
glorious Emfjianuel h3.{h honoured me,**- Not unto me, O Lord, 
not unto me, but unto thy name be all the glory." Dear Sir, 
I think I am the worft of the fons of men. Yet I dare not 
deny what the blefied Jesus hath done for my finful foul. 
Keisplcafed (O infinitely condefcending God 1) to honour me 
I'lill more and more. Saturday lail I came to CamhujJang^ and 
I think I never faw fuch things before. The work feems 
to be fpreading. O that it may reach and overfpread poor 
Ireland 2\\o\ All things are pofTible with God. Now the 
Lord is watering fo many other places, I pray he may not 
leave that intirely deftilute and dry. — O for faith to expect 
great, and very great things from God ! He d.es not love to 
difappoint people of their hope. Dear Sir, riiy heart is now 
enlar.o-ed with a fenfe of the freenefs and fulnefs of the 


Redeemer's loving-kindnefs. You, de^r Sir, are an old 
weather beaten foldicr. You are ripened for glory, and are 
ready to {mg your Nunc difniiiis *. — 1 am jufc about to begin to 
be a foldier. But, bleiTed be God, I fliall follow focn. The 
hopes of bringing more fouls to Jesus Christ, is the 
only confidcration that can reconcile me to life. For this 
caufe I can willingly flay long from my wifh'd-for home, 
my wiihed-for Jesus. But whither am I going f I forget 
myfelf when writing of jEstJs. IJis love fills my foul, 
O free grace I Surely I fhall fing the loudeftin heaven ; but I 
mufl have done j nature calls for red. Depending on the 
continuance of your prayers, and with my hearty falutation to 
all that love the blefied Jesus, I fubfcribe myfelf, reverend 
and dear Sir, 

Your moil: afFeclionatc, though ^ounger and 

moil unv/orthy brother and fervant in 

the gofptl of God's dear Son, 

G. FA, 
'^ Now iettefl thou thy fervant, &Ca 

L E T T £ 



To Mr. y C , in London, 

New-KUpatricky July 15, 1742. 
My dear Brother^ 

OF all my fellow-labourers letters, I think yours come 
the fweeteft to my foul. You do not forget the rock 
from wnen.ce you was hewn, and therefore the Lord will 
honour ynu more and more. Though I have fo fmall a de- 
gree of humility myfelf, I c?in fee and admire it in others. 
It is the queen of graces. O beg of the exalted Je3Us to make 
ine humble. Indeed I have need of humility, for I am ho^ 
noured m.ore and more. What I have fent you already, does 
not near come up to vi'hat I have feen fmce. Laft Thurfday 
nigtit, and Friday morning, there was fuch a fhock in Edinburgh' 
as i never felt before. O what a melting and weeping was 
there ! I have heard blefied efFe6cS of it fmce. All glory be 
to GoT) through Christ. On Friday night I came to Cam- 
lufiaug^ to afTill: at the bleffed facramcnt. On Saturday I 
preached to above twenty thoufand people. In my prayer the 
power of God came down and was greatly felt. In my two 
fermons, there was yet more power. On fabbath day, fcarce 
ever was fuch a fight feen in Scotland, There were undoubt- 
edly upwards of twenty thoufand people. Two tents were 
fet up, and the holy facrament was adminiftered in the fields. 
When I began to ferve a table, the power of God was felt 
by numbers ; but the people crouded fo upon me, that I was 
obliged to defift and go to preach at one of the tents, 
whilft the miniflers ferved the reft of the tables. God was 
with them, and with his people. There was preaching all 
day by one or another, and in the evening, when the facra- 
ment was over, at the requeft of the minifters I preached to 
t:he whole congregation. I preached about an hour and a half. 
Surely it was a time much to be remembered. On Monday 
piorning, I preached again to near as many ; but fuch an 
univerfiil ftir I never faw before. The motion fled as fwift 
as lightning from one end of the auditory to another. You 
might have feen thoufands bathed in tears. Some at the fame 
tirne wringing their hands, others almoft fwconing, and others 



crying out, and mourning over a pierced Saviour. But I 
muft not attempt to defcribe it. In the afternoon, the con- 
cern again was very great. Much prayer had been previoufly 
put up to the Lord. All night in different companies, you 
might have heard perfons praying to, and praifmg God. The 
children of God came from all quarters. It was like the 
pafTover in Jojiah's time. We are to have another in about 

two or three months, if the Lord will. One Mr. IV , 

a miniflcr, who has great popular gifts, was as well as others 
much owned and helped at this time. On Tuefday morning 
I preached at Glafgow^ (it was a moft glorious time) and in the 
afternocn twice at Inchanmn, The Lord gave a blow to 
many. Yefterday morning I preached there again, and here 
twice. Every time there was a great flir, efpecially at this 
place. A great company of awakened fouls is within the com- 
pafs of twenty miles, and the work feems to be fpreading a- 
pace. 1 am exceedingly ftrengthened, O unmerited mercy ! 
both in foul and body, and cannot now do well without 
preaching three times a day. The Lord gives me great con- 
fidence about the Orphan-houfe, and aflures me that he will 
provide for me and mine. O help me to thank him. Call 
upon all to blefs his holy name. I know you will not be 
Hack to praife him. I rejoice, my dear brother, to find that 
you enjoy fo much of God. May he fill you with all his 
fulnefs. The trials you meet with, will only make you a more 
able miniiler of the New Teftament. I am of your mind 

with refpeft to . He will not profper. The Lord hates 

feclarian zeal. Dear brother, adieu. Exped to hear every 
opportunity from 

Yours moft affe£lionately and eternally 
in the blcfled Jesus, 


To the Reverend Mr. R , in Londsn. 

InchannGn^ July 21, 1742, 

Reverend and dear Sir^ 

Heartily rejoice that the Lord is bleiTingand ov/ning you. 
Go on, dear Sir, go on, and you will certainly find the 




glorious Emmanuel v/\\\ be with you more and more. It Is 
obfervablc, that there is but one thing in fcripture, that we 
are commanded to do out of feafon, preaching. Be inflant 
therefore, dear Sir, in feafon and out of feafon. The Lord 
will ftand by you and ftrengthen you, and deliver you from 
wicked and unrcafonable men. You will find the blcfTedncfs 
of the crofs, and the fpirit of Christ and of glory to reft 

upon your foul. The Meflrs. E and their adherents, 

would you think it, have appointed a publick faft to humble 
themfelves, among other things, for my being received in Scot- 
landy and for the delufion, as they term it, at Cambujlang^ and 
other places ; and all this, becaufe I would not confent to 
preach only for them, till I had light into, and could take 
the folemn league and covenant. — But to what lengths may 
prejudice carry even good men ? — From giving way to the firft 
rifings of bigotry and a party fpirit, good Lord deliver us ! 
Your moft afFedtionate brother in Christ, 

G. IV, 


to Mr. M A — — , at Morpeth, 

Dear Sir, Edinburgh, July 26, 1 742. 

IJuft now received and read your letter. It much afFe£led 
me. It befpeaks the language of an uneafy rcftlefs heart. 
In reading it, I thought of the great AufAn, who ufcd, when 
he prayed agrunft luft, fecretly to wifli that his prayer might 
not be aafwered, and yet he made a moft eminent faint, and 
fhone in the church as a ftar of the firft magnitude. I likcwife 
thought how our Saviour would receive you, if here on earth; 
even as he received and anfwered the poor woman taken in 
adultery. — I am fure he would fay, " Neither do I condemn 
thee." Another text offers itfelf, " I will heal their backflid- 
ings, and love them freely." God does not fay, I will heal 
thy backfliding for any certain term of years, but I will heal 
thy backflidlngs in general. Dear Sir, if you have been a 
backllider thefe fifty years, nay, was it poflible for you to have 
been a backflider a thoufand years, yet if with hearty repen- 
tance and true faith you turn unto him, he 'will abundantly 
pardon you. O dear Sir, if any one had need to dcfpair of 
3 mercy, 


mercy, I had ; but Jesus has waftied me in his blood, and 
I know that my Redeemer liveth. Your temptations, and 
atheifm, and hard thoughts of God, do not furprize me. Dear 
Sir, what elfe can be expected from a heart defperately wicked, 
and deceitful above all things ? Dear Sir, let all this drive 
you to the fountain which is open for fm and all unclean nefs. 
1 once, in your circumfrances, thought Christ was hard- 
hearted ; but now I find, nay have long fince found, that his 
heart is full of love. Take courage, dear Sir ; draw near to 
the Lamb of God that taketh away the fm of the world. Re- 
turn, thou wandering prodigal, thy heavenly father is running 
to meet thee. — Come back, thou fluttering dove, Jesus is ready 
to take thee into the ark. May God blefs this to you ! If he 
does, I will blefs his name. I am a vile fmner, and have 
need to lie low before him, whom I have pierced by my tranf- 
grefTion and unprontablenefs, times without number. In his 
blood and righteoufnefs I find perpetual refuge. Many in 
thefe parts are flying to him. May you, Sir, add to the happy 
number. You are but a fmner, and Jesus died for fanners. 
Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. I expe6i to rem^ain 
in Scotland a few months, and hope to be your way, if the 
Lord diredl. If your way fhould be dlre61:ed hither, I fhotild 
be glad to fee you ; if not, you are welcome to w^rite to me. 
As my multiplicity of affairs will admit, you fhall be anfwered 
t>y, dear Sir, 

Your truly affeclionate friend and fervant in Christ, 

G. W. 


To the Reverend Mr, M' L , 

pdinburgh^ July 28, 174a. 

Reverend and dear Slr^ 

WITH this, I fuppofe, you will receive feveral young 
ones, who I think have afted wrong in leaving their 
refpedive employs under parents and mafters to go after me. 
Be pleafed to examine them, and fend them home. The Lord 
was with me at Falkirk^ and is pleafed to work by me here. 
O free grace ! I am perfuaded I fhall have more power, fmce 

dear Mr. G hath printed luch a bitter pamphlet. Now 

. I lie. 

LETTERS. 4.t3 

I begirt to be a difciple of Jesus Christ, I rejoice and am 
exceeding glad. The archers {hot fore at me that I might fall, 
but the Lord is, and the Lord will be my helper. At 
prefent I can add no more j but beg the continuance of your 
prayers for me and mine. We all join in hearty falutation to 
you and your whole houfliold. I am, reverend and dear Sir, 
Your mofi: obedient humble fervant, 

and brother in Christ, 
G. ^K 


To Mr. D — — A , in London, 

Edinburgh^ ^uly 30, 1 742. 
Dear Brother A , 

WHAT is the meaning T hear no oftner from you ? 
It always gives me great pleafure to hear of your 
v/elfare. I write to you as often as polHble. At prefent I 
am fomewhat indifpofed in body ; but, glory be to God, 
the joy of the Lord is in my foul. 1 feel a blelling I cannot 

July 31. 
So far I wrote yederdny., but was obliged through illnefa 
to leave off. — Notwithfianding, in the pulpit the Lord out of 
weaknefs makes me to wax flrong, and caufes me to triumph 
more and more. One of the adociate preibytery has publifhed 
the moft virulent pamphlet I ever faw, afcribing all that has 
been done'here, and even in New-England^ Sec. to the influence 
of the devil. O how prejudice v/ill blind the eyes even of good 
men. Laft night fome of my friends thought I was going 
off; but how did Jssus fill my heart! To-day I am, as 
they call it, much better ; next poft, if able, I will fend you 
fome more news. Aly health will not permit me to enlarge 
now. In lefs than a month, we are to have another facra- 
nicnt at Cambujlang^ a thing not pradifed before in Scotland. 
I entreat all to pray in an efpecial manner for a blefiing at 
that time. Our bleffed mader is exceeding good to us. O 
4 help 


help me to pralie him for the fignal unmerited mercies con- 
ferred on, dear brother J , 

Your moft afFedlionate brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. JV. 


To Mr, H B 5 in South-Carolina. 

-Dear Mr. B Auguji 6, 1742. 

IHave juft been walking with a nobleman in his fine houfe, 
and likewise talking with him about the houfe not made 
with hands, of which you and I are heirs. Blefled be God, 
who has given us the earneft of an inheritance amongft all them 
that are fanclified. This you fhall furely in a very little time be 
a pofTeflbr of, notwithftanding of late fatan has bruifed your 
heel. That cunning, cruel archer has ihot forely at you, 
that you might fall, but the Lord has been, and the Lord 
will be your helper. Even this fhall work together for good 
to your own and many other fouls. Our Saviour would 
never have given fatan leave to have fifted you, had he not 
prayed for you, and intended to bring great good out of it. 
If it makes you more like a little child, and your friends and 
acquaintance more watchful and felf-diffident, it will be very 
well. O dear Sir, I fee every day plainer and plainer that I 
am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing, and yet I 
can do all things through Jesus Christ flrengthening me. 
What God has lately done for me and his church, is unfpeak- 
able. Ere long I hope to tell you face to face. In the mean 
time, be pleafed to remember me in your prayers and praifes. 
Accept my hearty thanks for all favours conferr'd on my orphan 
family. Be pleafed to remember me in the kindeft and moft 
cordial manner, to all your dear relations, and believe me to 

be, dear Mr. B , 

Your moft obliged afFtdionate friend, brother 

and fervant in Christ, 

G, IV. 

L E 1^ T E R 



ro Mr. R S 

Strath-martin^ Augujl 10, 1742. 
Dear brother Robert^ 

ICan never let a letter of yours lie long unanfwered. The 
love I bear to you and yours is unfeigned, and I continually 
remember you before the Lord. His word runs and is much 
glorified in thefe parts. I truft it alfo makes advances in your 

foul. How is it with you, my dear brother R ? Do you 

grow in grace ? Is the world more under your htt than ufual I 
Do you find a real, folid, abiding reft in Jesus Christ ? Or is 
it only tranfitory and fuperficial ? It is a very uncommon thing 
to be rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus. I find per- 
fons may have the idea, but arc far from having the real fub- 
ftance. To fay, " I am a poor finner," and to be a poor 
fmner indeed, are two different things. Methinks I hear my 
dear man fay, and fo they are. Well then, let us go to Je- 
sus, and he will mal:e us poor and yet free. Bleffed be his 
name, I feel the pov/er of his precious, life-givirig, all-aton- 
ing blood more and more every day. I was happy when 
at Lo7idon. I am ten times happier now. The Lord hath 
done great things for us, whereof we are glad. How is my 
dear Peter ? Is his heart yet eftabliflied and fettled upon the 
rock ? Or is the dove only fluttering about the door of the 
ark ? If fo, may the dear Redeemer reach out his almighty 

and extended arm, and take him in ! Dear B I hope 

grows, becaufe he feems to fee more of his heart. We {hall 
certainly bear fruit upwards, in proportion as we take root 
downwards. May the eternal fpirit breathe upon this letter, 
and blefs it to your foul ! O my brother, keep clofc to Jesus. 
Do not be content, unlefs you feel a fenfible growth in your 
foul. Accept my hearty love from, 

Ever yours, 

G. JV, 




To P , at London. 

Sirath-?nartiny Augvjl lo, 1742. 
Bear P , 

THE great trouble which 1 gave you when at London^ 
and the rcadincfs you fhcwed in waiting upon a poor 
unworthy minifter of Christ, hath made me often to pray 
for you, and alfo to hope, that in time you would be brought 
to love the Lord Jesus himfclf. I truft that time is now 
come, and that the glorious Em?nanuel hath at length capti- 
vated and taken full poiTeffion of your heart. Will you give 
me leave to afk a few friendly queftions ? Has religion funk: 
out of your head into your heart ? You was civilized whert 
I was at London : Are you yet really converted ? Your affedli- 
ons were now and then raifed towards, — are they now centered 
in and fixed on the Lord Jesus ? If you can anfwer thcfe 
queftions in the affirmative, I pronounce you a wife virgin, 
even wife to eternal falvation ; blciTcd art thou among women. 
If not, I do not dcfpair of you. Jesus can change the heart. 
Jesus can make of a proud pharifee, a poor fmner. Let you 
and I then, dear P — — , apply to the Redeemer's blcod. 
He can wafh us as white as i'now. I feel his power every- 
day more and more, and fo do thofe with me. May v/e go 0/1 
from ftrength to ftrengtb, till grace be fwallowed up in glory. 
We fee great days of the fon of man in Scotland, May ths 
kingdom of God come v.-ith full power over all the earth \ 
The Lord be with you. Accept this as a token of unfeigned 
love, from 

'\'our affeciionate friend and fcrvant in Christ, 

G. FK 


To Mr. B , at the Orphan-houfe. 

Camhiifkmg^ AuguJ} 17, 1742. 

AND has my dear brother B- got the dart of me \ 
What, put into prifon before me ? I wifli you joy, my 
dear brother, with all my heart. Kad I been at Savannah^ 
furely I v/ould gladly have conic (and if there had been 



need) gladly have wafhed your feet. I doubt not but your 
imprifonment v/as for Christ*s fake. I am perru.»'led, the 
letter from your friend that doubted, was the foreft flab of all ; 
but all is intended to draw us from the creature, even from 
the new creature, and bring us nearer to the Creator, God 
blefled for evermore. PWs friends defcrted) and no doubt 
judged him. " All they in Afia forfook me," fays he ; and 
again, *< At my firft trial no man flood by me ; '* and what 
follovi^s ? but " the Lord flood by me :'* and will he not, 
dear brother, alfo fland by you ? I cannot help believing but 
that Georgia will yet be a glorious colony. The counfel of 
God (hall fland. He furely put it into my heart to build the 
Orphan-houfe. He certainly brought you to Georgia to fu- 
perintend it. He will blefs you and yours. I join in bleffing 
God with you, and in admiring how he has fpread a table for 
my dear family in that wildernefs. But what fhall we fay ? 
The Lord loves to encourage faith ; and fmce his honour is 
fo much concerned, I am fure he will vindicate it^ and never 
fufFer his enemies to fay thus of us, *' There, there, fo would 
we have it." I am kept from the leafl doubting ; and God 
only knows how many prayers of faith I have put up for 
you. I have often wifhed as it were for the wings of a dove, 
that I might fly unto you, and take you one by one into my 
unworthy arms, and weep over you with tears of love. BlfefTed 
be God, the time draws near apace. I am jufl now about 
to publifh a further account of the Orphan-houfe, and hope 
(hortly to colled fome more money towards its fupport. I am 
blefTed with far greater fuccefs than ever, and fatan roars 
louder. You will fee by what I here fend, how the archers 
of different clafTes fhoot at me; but the Lord (for ever 
adored be his never-failing love) caufes my bow to abide in 
llrength, and enables me to triumph in every place. The 
comforts and fuccefs the Lord gives to me, is unfpeakable. 
Lafl Lord's day, I believe there were here thirty thoufand 
people, and above two thoufand five hundred communicants. 
The work fpreads, and I believe will yet fpread. My bodily 
llrength is daily renewed, and I mount on the wings of faith 
and love like an eagle. I can only cry Grace ! grace ! My 
dear brother, I feel every day more and more, that I am a poor, 
very poor fmner. I often wonder why Jesus fufFers me to 
Vol. I, Ee live, 



live, much more to fpeak for him. But he will havfe merer 
on wh<MX) he will have mercy. O free grace ! Oh unparalleled 
love of an inftnitely condefcending God ! Whilft 1 am mufmg, 
the fire kindles. Surely we fiiall have a happy meeting in 
Georgia. My Mafter \^ill, 1 truft, come along with me. 
Otherwife, may I not go up hence. In the mean while, I 
pray him to quicken and revive your dear fouls, and fill you 
as with new wine. Thus he deals with me and mine daily. 
1 am retired for a day, on purpofe to write letters. The 
Lord blefs them to your dear fouls, whom I love in the 
bowels of Jesus Christ. I wifh you had told me who 
ilood by at Savannah and brought you refrefhment. Greet 
them, and give them particular thanks in my name. My 
heart is full ; I know not how to flop. But I muft write to 
the truftees, and to others. I heard nothing of the aff'air, till 
I received your letter laft week. A word or tv/o of yours to 

Mr. , I think a little too harfh ; but Paul fpoke once a 

little too harfn to the high-prielh Our Jesus will overlook 
this ', and reward you for your imprifonment by and by. 
Adieu ! my dear man, adieu ! P'orget not, 

• Ever yours, 

G. IV. 


To the Honourable Trujlees for Georgia. 

Canihujlang, Aug. 17, 1742. 
Honoured Gentlemen^ 

SOAIE letters, which I received lafl week from Georgia^ 
occafion my troubling you with this, which I doubt not 
v/ill meet with a candid reception at your hands. I find that 
Mr. H ' and Mr. B- have been taken up by a war- 
rant, and were imprifoned above a week, for a thing which, 
1 believe, none of you, honoured gentlemen, will judge cog- 
nizable by the civil mao;irtrate. It feems that Mr. B , in 

a private converfution with Mr. , (who, I fuppofe, is 

the prefent minifter of Savannah) told him, " He was no 
*' chrifrian ; that he wondered at the impudence of young men 
in fubfcribing articles they did not believe ^ and that he (hould 
think it his ^\xiy to v/arn his friends not to hear him," I ac- 
i know- 


knowledge that fuch language was too harfli ; but Mr. H , 

wh6 did hot fay near To much, was linked in the fame profe- 

cution, and imprifoned with him. Mr. y , who was 

then at Freder'ica^ being informed of it, declared fuch a pro- 
cedure to be illegal ; and his Excellency General Oglethorpe 
tlefired my friends to lay the matter before the board of the 
Honourable Truflees. I being now upon the fpot, they have 
i'cnt to me a very particular account of what has palled ; 
which^ if you plcafe, honoured gentlemen, I will tranfmit 
unto you, or, when I come to Loyulm-t will wait upon you ia 
perfon. I find alfo, that my friends were denied a copy of the 
proceedings of the court : in which, I am perfuaded the ho- 
nourable gentlemen to whom I am writing, will think they 
l^ave been wronged. My friends require no fatisfa(51ion, but 
only dcllie fuch a proceeding may be animadverted upon ; 
knowing that oiherwife it will be a great difcouragement to 
people's fettling in Gejrgia, I am forry alfo to inform you, 
honoured gentlemen, that five very fmall children, {Sw/fs or 
Dutch) whofe parents lately died in their paffage from England^ 
have had their goods fold at Vendue^ and are bound out till the 
age of twenty-one years. This I think dire611y contrary to 
the grant given me by you, honoured gentlemen ; for thereby 
I was impovvered to take as many orphans into the houfe as 
my fund would admit of. The magiftrates, I undcriland, 
have alfo been at the Orphan-houfe, and claim a power to 
take away the children when they pleafe, whether the children 
chufe it, or complain of ill-treatment, or not. This grieves 
fome of the children, and makes others of them infolent, who 
are hereby taught, that they have a power to go away v.'heri 
they will. This, honoured gentlemen, muft: be very difcou- 
r.'ging to thofe who are entrufled with their education ; and 
who, I am perfuaded, aim at nothing but the glory of God, 
the welfare of the colony, and the falvation of the children's 

fouls. I fuppofe that the magiftratcs (I mean Mr. P • 

and Mr. T ) have taken fuch a liberty from the inflruc- 

tions which were fent, honoured gentlemen, from you fome 

t.me ago. But Mr. y -— has tolJ them, they have mif- 

underftood you ; and his Exccllencv Geiieral OgL'thorp I find 
has wrote to vou, honoured gentlemen, about it. By the 

E € 2 accounts 


accounts I have, our plantation thrives well j and Mr. i^— — 
hopes we fhall do with white fervants alone. I do afTure you, 
honoured gentlemen, I will do all I can, with the moft difin- 
tereiled views, to promote the good of Georgia : only I beg 
the management of the Orphan-houfe, and orphans, may be 
fecured to me and my fucceflbrs for ever ; and that the magi- 
flrates be not fufPered to difturb us, when there is no ground 
of complaint. They acknowledged, when at the Orphan- 
houfe laft, that the children were taken good care of, both as 
to their bodies and fouls ; and will it not then, honoured 
gentlemen, tend much to the welfare of the colony, that the 
Orphan-houfe fllould meet with all poffible encouragement. 
His Excellency General Oglethorp has informed my friend 

Mr. H , that, if I defired it, he thought you would grant 

me a greater tra6l: of land, which I fhould be obliged to give 
away in a certain term of years, and that we might have our 
own magiilrates, as have the people of Ehenezer. Whether 
I fhall defire fuch a favour, I know not ; but, if I fiiould, 
I defire to know, what you, honoured gentlemen, would fay 
to it. Many have applied to me to fettle in Georgia ; hitherto 
I could give them no encouragement. I wifli I may be en- 
abled to give them a great deal for the future. Indeed, ho- 
noured gentlemen, I do not defire to find fault. I doubt not 
but you have been prejudiced both againft me and my friends. 
The event will fhew what friends we are to Georgia, The 
Orphan-houfe will certainly be of great utility to the colony ; 
and the children educated therein, I truft, will be the glory of 
the fociety to which they belong. They are bred up to in- 
duftry, as v/ell as to other things ; and are taught to fear God, 
and honour the king. I am glad to hear that you have 
lately fent over a gentleman who (I fuppofe) will do juftice. 
I think I defire nothing elfe ; and heartily pray God to blefs 
him, and you, honoured gentlemen, and all that are concerned 
in the management of Georgia affairs. I hope to be in town 
in about two months ; in the mean while, I would beg the 
favour of a line by your fecretary ; and alfo entreat you, ho- 
noured gentlemen, to write to the magiflratcs of Savannah^ to 
let the Orphan-houfe managers alone. If I or my friends fliould 
happen to fay or do any thing amifs, I ^afTure you, honoured 


gentlemen, you (hall have all poITible fatisfaf^ion given you 
by them, and alfo by, honoured gentlemen. 

Your very humble fervant, 

G, TV, 


To Mr. H , in Georgia, 

CambuJJangy Aug* 17, 1742. 
My very dear Friend and Brother^ 

WITH a great deal of pleafure I received your letters 
dated May 14th, 26th, 29th, and June ift. Blefled 
be God ! for all his goodnefs, in providing for my dear family 
in that wildernefs, by fuch various unexpected ways. It 
caufed my heart to leap for joy. I find you have been wrong- 
fully imprifoned. I fhould have been glad (if time had per- 
mitted) that you had wrote me word, how it has been with 
your foul under fuch a circumftance. 1 hope the fpirit of 
Christ and of glory refted upon you. Glad fhould I have 
been to have fung and prayed with you ; but my hour is not 
yet come. I have juft now wrote to the truftees, and intend 
waiting upon them as foon as I come to Lotidon, I am per- 
fuaded the Lord will influence their hearts to do us juftice. 
I am glad you wrote fo properly to the General, and that God 
hath given you favour in his fight. " When a man's ways 
pleafe the Lord, he makes his very enemies to be at peace 
with him." I intend fending him and Mr. Jones a letter of 

thanks. I owe Mr. S only about ninety pounds, and 

about a hundred and fifty more in all, upon the Orphan-houfe 
account in England. I am jufV publifhing a further account, 
which I am perfuaded the Lord will blefs. I would not 
have you to undertake any bufinefs70u do not like. I think 
the Lord has fitted you for your prefent ftation. ProfefTor 
Franck held it dangerous to change perfons frequently, who 
were entrufted witn the care of the orphans. I am of your 
opinion as to hiring fervants. — It is impollible to tell you, my 
dear man, what I have feen, heard, and felt fincc I came laft 
to Scotland. The glorious Emmanuel rides daily on in the 
chariot of his gofpel, frorri conquering and to conquer. The 

E e 3 con- 


congrcgatlvons are juft liUc that at Fogg- Manor, — T am oppofed 

on all iidcs. Dear Mr. E 's people have lately kept a 

faft upon my account. The kirk picfbyters alio, now they 
fee the Seccders fplitting, notvvithftanding I have been inftru- 
mental in God's hands, in fotr.e degree, in flopping the fe- 
ceflion, begin to call Tome of their minillers to account for 
employing mc : but who can ftand before envy ? In the 
midft of all, my dear Mafter keeps me leaning upon himfelf, 
and caufes me to walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghoft 
from morning to night. I wifh time would have allowed yoa 
to have wrote a little about his love, and to have abounded 
more in thanks for the opportune fupplies which he fent you. 

But I am fure that my dear Mr. H is not wanting in 

either of thefe. I think that I fee you grow in grace. I afl'ure 
you, you are dearer to me than ever. My wife readily excufes 
your not wn iting, knowing what it is to be in a hurry of bufi- 
nefs. O pray that we may have a profperous voyage to you, 
by the will of God. By this time I fuppofe you are a father. 
May God teach you and your wife how to order the child ! 
J have much to fay to you both, when I fee you. My dear 
old friend, and firft fellow-traveller, God has yet great blelTings 
in ftore for us. He will give grace and glory, and no good 
thing will he Vv'ith-hold from them that lead a godly life. Me- 
thinks I am converfing with you now. May God give us a 
happy meeting ! FJ^ will, he will ! For the prc'ent I muft bid 
my dear man good night. I flole this day from public preach- 
ing, to difpatch my private affairs. All join in hearty love to, 
and prayers for you. Accept of the fame in the m.olt tender 

manner, from, my dear Mr. H , • , . 

Your moil affectionate friend, brother, 
and fervant till death. 




To his Excellency General Ogkthorp, 

CambuJIang, Aug. i8, 1742. 
Honoured Sir^ 

IMoft heartily thank you for being fo kind to my family In 
Georgia^ and for efpoufing my friends caufe when I thiiik 
they were apparently wronged. In a letter, I yefterday laid 
the cafe before the honourable truftees, not doubting but 
they will preferve us from opprefTion, and from perfecutioii in 
all its fhapes. I think we have only the glory of God, and 
the good of the colony at heart. Prejudices may be raifed 
againft us by evil reports and mifreprefentations ; but your 
Excellency is more noble than to hearken to infmuations, 
which are not fupported by evident matters of fad. I am 
fure God will blefs you for defending the caufe of the father- 
lefs, and efpoufing the caufe of injured innocence. J\!y 
friends, I truH", will at all. times readily acknowledge any thing 
they may either fay or do wrong ; and, if I know any thing 
of my own heart, I would not offend any one caufelefsly and 
wilfully, for the world. In a fev/ months I hope to fee Georgia,. 
In the mean while, I beg 3'our Excellency to accept thefe fev/ 
lines of thanks from, honoured Sir, 

Your Excellency's moft obliged humble fervant, 


To Th:j?nas J , Efq\ in Georgia. 

CamhuJlaJigi Jug. 18, 1742. 
Dear Mr. J , 

WITH this I fend you my repented thnnks for your 
great kindnefs to my dear family. The Father of 
Mercies and the God of all Confolations will plentifully re- 
ward you for fuch well-doing. In a few months I hope to 
thank vou in perfon. God hath done, and is dill (5oing 
greater things for me than I am able to exprefs. Indeed many 
fouls have been born again, both in England and Scotland, 
fmce I left you at Georgia. I defire to caft my crown at the 

E e 4 Hvt 


feet of Jesus, and to cry Grace ! grace ! Dear Sir, what a 
charming word is that ? I am fure I can freely own, that all 
my falvation is of grace, unmerited, diflinguifliing, electing 
grace ! If I could be favcd by my own righteoufnefs, I had 
rather be faved by the righteoufnefs of Christ ; becaufe that 
way of falvation brings mod glory to our glorious God. I 

doubt not but Mr. J is like-minded. May he be fo more 

and more, and daily feel the full power of the Redeemer's 
blood ! Be pleafed to remember me to all that are pleafed to 
enquire after unworthy me, who am, dear Sir, 

Your moft obliged friend and (eryant, 


fo Mrs. B' — —5 ^i the Orphan-houfe. 

Camhiijlang^ Aug* 1 8, 1 742. 
Dear Sipr B , 

HA S the Lord called for your dear lambs ? If fo, I truft 
you have been enabled to fay, " The Lord gave, and 
the Lord hath taken away : blelTed be the name of the Lord." 
I am glad to find you was fo well reconciled to your dear 
Jiufband's imprifonment. It is fweet when wives are ftrength- 
(Bned to encourage their hufbands in a fuffering hour. Then 
are they helps meet for them indeed. You do well, my dear 
fifter, to lament the vilenefs of your heart. I find more and 
more that my heart is defperately wicked. But, blefTed be 
GoDj I have a fountain to go and wafii in every moment, 
even the blefled fountain of the Mediator's blood. There I 
can have free ^pcefs j there I can wafli, and daily be made 
clean. Indeed, my dear fifter, without difTimulation, I am a 
poor, very poor finner ; but I am rich in Jesus, and rejoice 
in his great falvation from day to day. I long to fee you and 
my 4ear family, to acquaint you what God l^ath done for my 
foul : and yet he is ftill doing more and more. He does, he 
will delight to honour me. I thank you for the great refpe6l 
you pay me for his great name's fake. I will endeavour not 
to be behind with you, and the reft of my dear friends, in 
Jji^mility af>4 loye. I am, my dear fifter, moft fincerely^ 
Your affedionate friend, brother, and 

fervant in Jesus Christ^ 

G. W, 



To Mr. B . 

Cambujlang^ Aug. 18, 1 742. 
Dear Mr. 5——, 

I Think there is a myflery in the Lord*s dealing with you 
and your brother. Surely he would never fufl'er you to be 
thus tempted, did he not intend to honour you by and by. 
What our Saviour does to us now we know not j it is 
enough that he hath afTured us we Ihall know hereafter. I re- 
joice to hear that you have fo many chriftian negroes. 1 hope 
they are only the firft-fruits of a more glorious harvcft. 
Though the work may be at a flop for a while, fear not ; Jesus 
will revive his own work in his own time. Notwithftanding 
our blunders, imprudence, and the oppofition of enemies from 
without, yet the counfel of the Lord fhall {land, and he will 
fet his king upon his holy hill of Zion. The Mediator's king- 
dom makes glorious advances here. I cannot tell you the hun- 
dredth part. I verily believe we fhall fee greater things abroad, 
I know you pray that I may have a profperous journey to you, 
by the will of God. I expe£l to embark for Georgia in a 
few months. In the mean while, you fhall not be forgotten 

J)y, dear Mr. B , 

Your moft afFedlionate friend, brother and fervant, 


To Mrs. T , in South-Carolina, 

Camhujlang^ Aug, 18, 1742;, 
My dear Friend.^ 

I Am glad to hear by your filler, that you are become a de- 
fpifed follov/er of the lowly Jesus.— O glorious charac^ 
tcr ! I am perfuaded you had rather have that title truly ap- 
plied to you, than to be emprefs of the univerfe. I long to fee 
you, and to hear you tell what a happy change you feel. How 

does dear Mr. T ? Is he yet truly broken, and going 

Jiand in hand with you to heaven ? Happy pair! — I know, 
J)y fwcet experience^ the comforts you enjoy. Death itfelf 



fhall not part you. I hope, nothing that has happened to dear 

Mr. B will prove a ftumbling block to your foul. Such 

things muft be glory to him, that has laid " all things fhall 
*' work together for good." My dear friends, what a my- 
flery is the chriftian life .? Happy thofe, who are acquainted 
with it. That it may be revealed more and more in your 
hearts, is the earnefl prayer of, dear friends. 
Your moft aftedionate friend, brother and fervant in Christ, 

G. m 

toMr.H i/— . 

CamhuJIa7ig^ Jug. 26, 1 742. 
Aly very dear Brciber, 

GL A D was I laft night to receive a letter from your 
hands. I love your fimple honefl heart, and earneft- 
ly pray the dear Redeemer to give you a true, lafting, abiding 
reft in himfelf. BlelTed be his name, I think I can fay, 
through free grace, that I am in a meafure entered into it, 
and know what it is by happy experience, to pafs from glory 
to glory every day. My dear brother, I am oppofed on every 
fide ; the archers fhoot fore at me that I may fall, but the 
Lord is my helper. He caufes my bow to abide in flrength, 
and makes me more than conqueror through his love. The 
account fent with this, will fhew you how often I have been 
enabled to preach ; but with what efficacy and fuccefs, pen 
cannot defcribe. The glorious Redeemer feems to be advan- 
cing from congregation to congregation, carrying all before 

him. The MelFrs. E 's people have kept a faft for me, 

and, give out, that all the work now in Scotland is only delu- 
fion, and by the agency of the devil. O, my dear brother, to 
v^hat great lengths in bigotry and prejudice may good men 
run .? Blefled be God, I can fee the differences between 
GoD*s children, and yet love them from my heart. What 
you faid about poor fVales^ affected me. I laid upon my face 
this day, and for fome time pleaded with groans unutterable, 
for direction in that, and feveral other matters of great ccnfe- 
quence. I fear my dear brother thinks too highly of me. 
Indeed, I feel myfelf to be a poor fmnef, and yet I am rich in 


LETTER S. 427 

Christ, and lean upon his bofom from morning to nigiht; 
ray, all the night long. By his grace alone I am what 1 am ; 
and if he is pleafed to honour me ib fir, I fhould h^ gljd to 
help the brethren in iVaL^s. I am forry to hear there has been 
fuch divifions. But dividing times generally precede lettlin'>- 

times. Upon the receipt of your laft, I wrote to Mr. . 

Laft night I received his anfwcr. He fpeaky very honourably 
of you, but thinks that you are too cenforious, iji condemnino- 
a whole fociety for the faults of but fome, and too b'gottcd 
alfoto your ^ wn way. IVIy dear brother v/ill excufe this. I 
would not deal fo freely, or take fuch liberty, did I not believe 
you would take it kindly. My brother, my foul loves you. 
Dear Mifs Nancy wrote me word you v/as at my houfe, ([ 
rejoiced) and that you prayed heartily for unworthy me. 
The Lord reward, and fill you with all joy and peace in be- 
lieving ! Our Lord is fovereign in his dealing with his dear 
children. I walk in much liberty. O free grace! Your being 
fo exercifed with inward conflids, helps you to fcarch hypo- 
crites. But glory be to our heavenly Father, there is a glori- 
ous reft awaits us, and all the children of God. I think I 
feel a foretafte of it now ; nay, I believe I feel the thing it- 
felf in a degree, and when I fpeak of it, I fpeak what I know. 
O infinitely condefcending God ! My brother, my heart is 
full. The Lord Jesus blefs you, and fill your dear foul 
with all his fulnefs I So prays, with his whole heart, 

Your molt affectionate though molt unworthy brother, 
3nd willing fervant in Christ, 

G, n\ 


To Mrs, L ;, in Brijhl. 

Car?ibufkirig^ Aug, 26, 1742. 
Honoured Mother,, 
Rejoice to hear that you have been fo long under my roof. 


BlefTed be God, that I have a houfe for my honoured 
mother to come to. You are heartily welcome to any thing 
my houfe affords, as long as you pleafe. i am of the fame 
mind now^ as formerly. If need was, indeed thefe hands 



{hould admlniftcr to your neceflities. I had rather want myfelf 
than you lliould. I fliall be highly pleafcd when I come to 
Brijioly and find you fitting in your youngeft fon's houfe. 

that I may fit with you, in the houfe not made with hands 
eternal in the heavens ! Ere long, your doom, honoured mo- 
ther, will be fixed. You muft fhortly go hence, and be no 
more feen. Your only daughter, I truft, is now in the paradife 
of God. Methinks I hear her fay, *' Mother, come up hi- 
ther." Jesus, I am fure, calls you in his word. May his 
fpirit enable you to fay, '* Lord, lo I come I" My honoured 
mother, I am happier and happier every day. Jesus makes 
me exceeding happy in himfelf. I hope by Winter to be at 
BriJhL If any enquire after me, pleafe to tell them, 1 am 
well both in body and foul, and defire them to help me to praife 
free and fovereign grace ? O that my dear, my very honoured 
mother may be made an everlafting monument of it ! How 
does my heart burn with love and duty to you ? gladly would 

1 wafti your aged feet, and lean upon your neck, and weep 
and pray 'till I could pray no more. With this I fend you 2, 
thoufand dutiful falutations, and ten thoufand hearty and 
moft humble thanks for all the pains you underwent in con- 
ceiving, bringing forth, nurfmg, and bringing up, honoured 

Your moft unworthy, though moft dutiful fon, 

'till death, 

G. W, 


To Mr, A , in London, 

Camhujlang^ Aug, 27, 1742. 
My very dear Brother A -, 

THIS day fortnight I came to this place, to aftift at the 
facramental occafion with feveral worthy minifters of 
the churchr of Scotland, Such a pafTover has not been heard 
of. The voice of prayer and praife was heard all night. It 
was fuppofed, that between 30 and 40,000 people were afTem- 
bled, and 3000 communicated. There were three tents. 
The minifters were enlarged, and great grace was among the 
people. I preached once on Saturday^ once on the Lord's 



Day morning, ferved five tables, and preached about ten at 
night to a great number in the Church-yard. Though it rain- 
ed much, there was a great awakening. On Monday at Icven 
in the morning, the Reverend Mr. IVshJhr preached, and 
there was a very great commotion, and alfo in the third fcr- 
mon when I preached, a very great and ferious concern was 
vifible through the whole folemnity. The Lord's people 
went home much refreflied. On Thurfday I preached twice at 
Greenock ; on Friday three times at Kilbride^ and again on Sa- 
turday once, and twice at Stevenfon ; on Sunday four times at 
Irvine. On Monday once at Irvine.^ and three times at Kil- 
tnarncck; on Tuefday once at Kilmarnock^ and four times at 
Stewarton ; on Wednejday once at Stewarton, and twice at the 
Mearnes ; and yefterday twice at this place. I never preached 
with fo much apparent fucccfs before. At Greenock^ Irvine^ 
Kilbride^ Kilmarnock-^ and Stewarton, the concern was great : at 
the three laft very extraordinary. The work feems to fpread 
more and more. O, my friend, pray and give praife in be- 
half of the moft unworthy wretch that was ever employed in 
the dear Redeemer's fervice. I fpeak this from my inmoft 
foul. I muft cry out continually, *' Why me Lord, why 

me ?" My dear brother A , I love you dearly in the 

bowels of the Lord Jesus Christ. I think I could live 
with you always. The Lord, I think, hath given you a 
meek, and teachable difpofition. O what is it to be as little 
children I I am glad to find, you fo hunger and third after a 
continual abiding reft in God. Aflure yourfelf, the Lord 
will fill and fatisfy your foul. He is faithful, who hath pro- 
mifed, who alfo will do it. Wait, and thou fhalt fee and 
feel the faWation of God. I think I have feen it more for 
fome days paft, than in any journey before. Our Saviour 
loves to let us fee yet greater things. O for a large heart to 
receive all the fulnefs of God ! I rejoice to hear that the 
Lord is with you at the Tabernacle. May his glory appear, 
and fhine in it more and more ! I believe it will. I believe 
God will blefs your fchool. Our Lord's Difciples are gene- 
rally too much in a hurry ; at leaft I am. They are not con- 
tent to wait. " He that believeth, doth not make hafte." O for 
a paflive, tender, truly broken, child-like heart I that we could 



watch in real it v, and from moment to moment hear the crv 
of every Chriftiao, with every call from God, whether by his 
providence or fpirit. It is faid, that God brought and kept 
Jbrahatn at his feet. O that we were always there, waiting for 
divine direction ! Blcllcd be liis name, I am for the moft parC 
at the feet of Jesus, and indeed he gracioufiy teaches me mo- 
ment after mon-'.cnt. I have many things before me now. I 

know brother A will help me by his prayers. Blciled be 

God, our heaven is begun here. 

Your truly affectionate brother and 
fervant in Christ, 

G. IV. 


To Mr, S C , in Deptford, 

GlafgoWy Sept. 2, 1742. 
My very dear Brother C , 

I Am juil now come from the pulpit, wherein I have experi- 
enced much of the Redeemer's power, and feen his ftately 
out2;oings in the fanciuary. My brother, the cry of my 
heart is, " and will God indeed dwell with fuch a wretch as 
I am." IMethinks a voice echo's from above, " I have dwelt 
in thee, I do dwell in thee, I will dwell in thee for ever- 
more." My heart replies, '' Lord, I believe and worlliiip." 

A heart that 710 drftre can move^ 
But jiill to adorcy believe, and love. 

This, my dear brother, is the prcfent, and indeed continual bent 
of m.y foul, which I truft profpers. I feel my felf to growr 
more poor inwardly; I fee, I am but a learner in the fchool 
of Christ, and my dear Mafter teaches m.c new leilbns every 
day. About a week ago, I think he did more for me than 
ever I faw before. Glory be to God, that he is fo much with 
you at Londm, I rejoice, yea and I will rejoice. I atn 
amazed when I hear, as I do almofl every day, of Ibme frcfh 
perfons wrought upon by my unv/orthy miniftry. This hum- 
bles me very much, and brings me very low at the icet of the 
ever-loving Jesus. I dare not deny that I am one of his cho- 
fen ; but I am jealous for myfelf and for thofe about me, left 
we iliOuld grieve the holy fpirit, ^i.d oblige him to withdraw 



for our ingratitude, unfruitfulnefs, pride, fclfiQincfs, and in^ 
fenfibiJity of the hleflings we enjoy. Lad night I went to 
fleep quite angry, but chiefly with myfclf. — I law that I had 
received much, and did lb little for my God, and Christ, that 
I could feelingly fmite upon my bread, lay my head upon my 
pillow, and clofe my eyes with thefe words, " God be mer- 
ciful to me afmner?'* And to-day, what have I feen ancl 
felt, yea what do I now feel? My foul is fwallowed up in 
God. His prefence is filling my foul, and renewing my bodi- 
ly ftrength. Here is free grace, my dear brother. Was you 
here, I think I could now warm your heart with a Icctur!? 
upon the unparalleled love of Jesus ; but time is (hort : blcfled 
be God, an eternity is before me, but " eternity too (hort to 
utter all his praife." I think: I love you and yours unfeign- 
edly, and rejoice that you enjoy fwect fcllowfhip together. 
Glory be to God, that you have gotten many living fiones. 
Truft the great Redeemer, the all-wife contriver and perfetSler 
of his fpiritual temple, to put them together. I have bcea 
faulty in looking too much to foreign help, and defpifing that: 
which God had given me. When our Lord was to feed the 
multitude, he would not create new bread, but multiplied the 
loaves that were already at hand. " Ye need not fend them 
away, give ye them to eat," faid he : fo fay I to my dear bre- 
thren at the tabernacle. " Work with the materials you 
have." In doing the work, God will teach you how to do 
it. — Experience will grow up with the work itfelf. Thus God 
hath dealt with me, and fo he continues to deal. May his 
blefled fpirit guide you all into all truth, and give you a right 
judgment in all things I 1 love to fee the little child in other?, 
though I fee fo little of it in my unworthy felf. But I muil 
not exceed ; other bufinefs demands my attention. Write 
to me often about the ftate of the church. Mr. E 's peo- 
ple rather run greater and greater lengths in mifguided zeal. 
Our love to all. I intreat a continuance of your prayers, be- 
caufe the archers are (hooting from every quarter at, dear bro- 

tiicr C . 

Your poor weak brother in the kingdom and 
patience of Jfisus Christ, 

G. rr. 



L £ T t E R S. 


To Brother T- , /« London, 

GlafgoWy September 4, 174^* 
My dear Brother^ 

I Hope this letter will find you, where your laft left you, aC 
the feet of the meek and lowly Jesus. My dear brother, 
it is a delightful fituation : Mary found it fo. O true poverty 
of fpirit, what a rare, yet what a precious thing it is ! The 
foundation of it, is a deep, abiding knowledge of the corrup- 
tion of the heart, and its defperate wickednefs. I find more 
and more the necelTity of leaning upon my beloved, whilft tra- 
velling through the wildernefs of this world. I find I am yet 
but learning in the fchool of Christ, and fcarce know any 
thing as I ought to know. I often blufh at a fenfe of my un- 
fruitfulnefs, ingratitude, &c. and yet am made continually to 
lejoice in his great falvation. My brother, prefs on and faint 
riot ; though faint, yet ftill purfue. When your father and 
mother forfake you, the Lord will take you up. I do not 
wonder at your father's oppofition. His letter befpeaks him 
to be a man of a very bad fpirit. I thought proper to burn it. 
My brother, pray for him, and beg of Jesus that you may be- 
have with all meeknefs, humility and love. I would enlarge, 
but time is fhort, and much of my dear Mafter's bufmefs is 
lying before me. For the prefent, adieu ! A^Iy kind love to all. 
May the Lord keep you unfpotted from the world. You fhall 
overcome by the blood of the Lamb. We fee wond'rous 
things here. Pray and give thanks for 

Your afFedionate friend, and fervant in Christ, 

G. m 


To Mr. B , in London, 

Glafgowy Sept. 4, 1 742. 
My dear Brother B , 

I Embrace a few moments to anfwer your kind letter. Not 
want of love but leifure prevented my doing it before; 
yet I have not forgotten you in my prayers. Your cafe hath 
2 been 


been upon my heart. I pray God you may be enabled, at this 
time efpecially, to plead the promife of temporal bleiTino-?. 
Remember, my dear brother, you can call God, your God and 
Father : if fo, your God will fupply all your wants. Thefe 
words were fo preficd upon my foul once when in extremity, 
that I hope I fhali never forget them : " Be careful for no- 
thing, but by prayer and fupplication with thank:fgiving,let your 
requefts be made known unto God." • I have for thefe eio-ht 
or nine years paft, had no vifible fettled fund, but fetched in 
all temporal fupplies by pleading the promifes. My God ne- 
ver failed me, he never will. This morning I have been lec- 
turing upon EliJ}m\ multiplying the widow's oil. The Lord 
God of EliP)a is yet living. O that you may have faifh 
to apply to him. O that you may be willing to be made 
poor. My brother, I find freedom in writing to you. BlefTed 
be God, who hath made any thing that I have fpc.ken of 
ufeto your foul. Tell your wife, ftie muft take my advice, and 
pray with you. She fins, I think, in omitting it. I rejoice to 
hear that the Lord is with you at the tabernacle. May he 
be with you more and more ! My brother, God is doing won* 
ders here indeed. Every day he fhews us great things. Yef-^ 
terday, and the day before, how did hedifplay his power i^ I 
am loft when I think of it: O that God fhou'.d ever dwell 
with fuch an ill and hell-deferving wretch as I am ! Amaz- 
ing ! Thy mercies, O God, they humble me. Adieu. 

Your unworthy and affectionate friend and brother, 


To Mr. J A^ . 

Edinburgh^ Sept, 13, 1 742, 
My very dear hroiher N , 

I Have juft been writing to our dear brother G T , 
and now fit down to write to you. Both your letters 
came to me at the fame time, and had I not been ufcd to trials 
of that nature, would have affe6ted me much. Dear Mr. 

T fpeaks mar.y things, that I know are too true oF tiie 

Moravian Brcthroi \ but his fpirit fccms to be too much heat- 
ed, and I fear fome of his own wild-fire is mixed with that 
facred fire of zeal, which comes from Qqh. My dear bro* 
Vol. I. Y i thcr, 



iher, I want to be more like unto God, who fees aiid corrcc!? 
all things that are amifs, and yet continues unmoved in his 
own nature. I want to be more like unto Jesus, God blelT- 
cd for evermore ! who fees all the quarrels and heart-rifmgs o-f 
his children one amongft another, and yet bears wrth, and 
loves them ftill. My heart doth not reproach me^ for my krnd- 
nefs and fricnclfliip with thofe that differ from me. I think I 
have been led by the word and fpirrt of God- into this part of 
my conJudl ; but I confefs that I am jearlous, and tru'ft with a 
godly jcaloufy, over many who talk and wrice of the Lamb, 
and who mimic fome particular perfons in their outward way 
of behaviour, but yet are not truly poor in fpirit. They a6t 
too much like me, who at my firft fetting out imitated the 
outward fhew of humility in Monfieur Dezenly, before I got 
true fmiplicity of heart. Indeed, I have too little of it now. 
But, biclTed be God by his free grace, I am what 1 am. I 
think I can fay I am made unfeignedly happy in the Lorl> 
Jesus Chri&t, and can difcover in fome meafure between a 
talfe and difguifed hoJrnefs. Glory be to the Rcdeemtr's 
name, I walk in- light and liberty, and am ejaabled to rejoice 
in the Lord always. Though 1 can f^y to corruption, " Thou 
art mv lifter," yet I can with a full alilirance of faith at all 
times fay, *' God is my father, and all is mi-ne, becaufe I am 
Christ's." My dear, very dear hbft and brother, I pray God 
that you and I may more experience the glorious liberty oFth>t 
children of God : a liberty not from the in-being, but fron^. 
the reigning power and dominion of fm. Jesus came to 
make us kingjs, as well as pricPis, and it is our privilege to 
reign upon the earth. We that believe, do enter into rcfb. 
Faith is of an all-conquering nature, and caufes us to trarnpl' 
im, death, and hell under our feet. My dear brother, I ex- 
perience more, unfpeakably more of the PvedeeiPiCr's powc:\ 
than when' I faw you lai^. My happinefs increafes daily, and 
I am perfuaded will increafe, 'till grace is fwaliowed up in glo- 
ry. My principles as to the fundamentals of the gofpel are 
juft the fame as yours. I cannot renounce thofe precious 
truths, that I have felt the power of, and which were taugh: 
me not of man but of God. At the fame time, 1 would love 
all that love Jesus, though they differ from me in fome pointii. 
The angels love all the true worfliippers of Jesus every where, 


LETTER S. 4:?5 

and v/hy (hculd not we: If mir brethren will quarrel with 
us, let us not quarrel with them. O my dear broihcr, I pray 
our dear Redeemer to give you mceknefs to ihofc, who may 
not fee (o far as you do. 1 entreat you, my dear brother, to 
overcome their evil with your good. Zeal tor God may ex- 
cite others to oppofe you, as well as you to oppole them ; 
th'^refore bear with and love them. This will (hew you to be 
a difciple indeed, and to have that mind, which was in Christ 
Jfsus. O that we grevv up into his divine likenel's, and were 
indeed conformed to our great Exemplar ! How truly tlmple 
and void of guilt (liould we be ! Our brother, I fear, has not 
dealt uprightly with me. At firft he called me a fervant of 
God, and then a blafphemer and deceiver, and faid, I (hould 
be in a miferable condition. Pray tell P of it, and ac- 
quaint him at the fame time, that I grow happier and happier 
in the Lamb every day, and more and more honoured by the 
great Head and King of the Church. O fimplicity ! whether 
art thou fled r — In a (hort time I hope to embark for Gt^orgia, 
and then, God willitig, I iliidl fee you face to face. Won- 
derful things have been doing here ; things unfpeakable and 
full of glory. The confufions abroad are no greater than 
what I expelled to hear of. J all: fuch a fccnc hath been at 
home : but the glorious Enimanucl will over-rule all for (^ood. 
Why have y(^\x not written to my poor fam'ly in Georgia? I 
am perfuaded great things will come from the orphan-houfe. 
O remember, my dear brother, to exercife catholic love in all 
its branches. I love and long much to fee you. I fhall write, 

(3OD willing, to Mr. IP''- . I find his fplrit is alfo ini- 

bittered. May the Lord fweeten all your hearts ! With 
hearty thanks for all favours, I am, my very dear brother, 
Moll; aRc61ionately yours in the gloiious Jesits, 

G. JP\ 


1:0 Mr E , in Pkihdelphit]. 

Edinl^urgby^'S/'pt. 14, 1 742. 
Afy very char Brother^ 

YOU R kmci letter came to hand a few days ago, and I 
rejoice to hear that you are now happy, I wifh you 
niav be :ea!l>' fettled and rooted and giourided in love, and 
F f 2 no 


no longer fo tofled about as you have been in times paft. I 
find many talk and boaft of reft, of which I fear they have not 
yet got a feeling polfcfTion. There is as much difi'erence be- 
tween thofe two, as between a fhadow and the fubftance. Far* 
be it from me, to think thus of you, my dear brother. No, 
I believe our Saviour has really loved and wafhed you in his 
blood, and redeemed you unto God, that you might be a 
king and prieft, and reign upon the earth. Inhere is plente- 
ous redemption in the blood of Jesus. He came, not only 
that we might have life, but that we might have it more abun- 
dantly. He that beiieveth on Jesus, out of his belly fhall 
flow rivers of living water. They that believe enter into reft* 
O glorious redemption ! O glorious liberty of the children of 
God ! Blefled are they who have not feen, and yet have be- 
lieved ; they, who having not feen, yet have loved Jesus, and 
do rejoice with joy unfpeakable, even with joy that is full of 
glory. Blefled be God, that you feel more of this than you 
did a twelvemonth ago. In a year's time, you will be afhamed 
to think what a dwarf you are now. A believer is to pafs 
from glory to glory. It is ignorance and pride that makes us 
think we have already attained. The more we are acquaint- 
ed with Jesus, the more we (hall be acquainted with our own 
hearts, and grow more truly poor in fpirit every day. Indeed, 
my dear brother, I am a thoufand times happier than when you 
faw me. Jesus hath faved me from many corruptions, and 
is every day transforming me more and more into his own 
likenefs, I cannot reft, unlefs I feel a fenfible growth in my 
foul, and find that I get more of the true artlefs fimplicity that 
was in Jesus. Blelled be God for that fulnefs which is 
in Christ, out of v^hich we are all to receive grace for 
grace. Many, many fouls have lately been drawing out of 
this fulnefs. I am amazed at his love to me I O free grace I 

fovereign, diftinguiftiing, unmerited love ! — I think you did 
well in receiving fome particular perfons into your houfe. 
*' Be not forgetful to entertain ftrangers," fays the Apoftlc. 

1 cannot think it is right, to be fo far carried away with aa 
orthodox fcheme, as to neglc6t a(51:s of love to the members of 
Christ's body. Give me leave, my dear brother, to behave 
with all mecknefs tov/ard thcfc, who may not be fo well affect- 
ed toward fuch whom you love. If you do not take care, and 



keep clofe to the bJcfTed Jesus, your fpirit may be imbittered, 
and you may yet infenfibly fmk into bigotry. Some of our 
Bnglijh friends, I am fure, have done fo. It is a blefied thing 
to be kept free. Jesus can do this for you, my dear brother, 
and I am perfuaded he will. In the love of a cruciiied Jesus, 

Ever yours. 

G. W. 


To Mr, M , at CambuJJang. 

Rev. and dear Brother 

Edinburgh, Sept. 15, 1 742. 

YOUR kind letter I received this morning. I wonder 
you can love me, for I feel myfelf more unworthy every 
day; and yet, dear Sir, the King of Kings ftill delights to 
honour me. At Cumbernauld^ and Torphicheuy the Lord was 
with me. I was much led to difcourfe upon walkin"- with 
God, and had a fwect opening upon thofe words, " And 
*' Enoch walked with God, &c." Since I have been at Edln- 
lurgh, the Lord has much blefled me, and given me fome 
frefh teachings from his blelTed fpirit. I believe hundreds are 
fed day by day. O dear Sir, help me to adore free o^race. 
May God reward you for all kindneiles fhewn to me and 
mine ! Indeed, dear Sir, I have fcarce patience with myfelf. 
I can do fo little in the day for God, that when I go to bed 
at night, I am quits afhamed. I truft I fhall begin to do 
fomething now. Dear Sir, help me, help me by your prayers, 
that I may ftir up the gift of God that is in me. I fliall not 
eafily forget you ; fear not, the Lord will yet he with you. 

I have fent to Mefirs. O— — and L . I fear I cannci 

reach cither of their places ; but, God willing, I purpofe to 
come home once more to Cambujlang, and then muft take a long, 
long farewel. Blefled be God, wc fliall meet by and by, ne- 
ver to part any more. Then, dear Sir, our warfare will be a^- 
compli{hed, and the archers will fhoot at us no more. My 
foul glows with love whilft I am writing. Sometimes I am 
enabled to look within the veil, and to take a view of the pro- 
jnifed land. I am nothing, but Christ is my all. For the 
gjefent^ adieu ! Pear Sir, adieu ! My love to Koherty furnaraed 

F f 3 NathanuL 

438 L E T T E R S. 

Kathaniel, All with mc dearly love him. O join with liiin 
in praying, and giving thaiiks for us, elpeciully, dear Mr. 

M^ , fo 

Your weak, unworthy, though hnppy brother 
and Tcivant in Jesu$ Christ, 

G. IV, 


To Mr, F' , /// Penfyhania, 

Edinburgh^ Sept. 22, 1 742. 
My clear Brother P , 

I Received your two kind letters, dated June the id aivi 
6th, and can only fay, Christ is king in Z'lon, and or- 
ders all things well. 1 think vou cannot have a fcene ot 
greater confulion among )ou, than there has been in Euglcnd, 
But blclTcd be God, matters are brought to a better illue, and 
though we cannot agree in principles, yet we agree in love, 
Tho', as you know, 1 am clear in the truths of the gofpel, yet I 
find that principles of themfelves, without thefpirit of God, will 
not unite any fet of men whatever j and where the fpirit of God 
is in any great degree, there will be union of heart, though there 
may be difference in fentimcnts. This I havelearnt,my dear bro- 
ther, by happy experience, and find great freedom and peace in 
my foul thereby. This makes me to love many, though 1 cannot 
agree with them in fome of their principles. I dare not look 
upon them as wilful deceivers, but as perfons who hazard 
their lives for the fake of the gofpel. — Mr. JV — r~ I think is 
wrong in fome things, and Mr. Z — --^ wrong alfo; yet I 

believe that both Mr. L and Mr. W , and others, 

with whom we do not agree in all things, will fliine bright in 
glory. It is beft ihereiore for a gofpel-minifter, Hmply and 
powerfully to preach thofe truths he has been taught of God, 
and to meddle as little as pofiible with thofe who are children 
of God, though they fliould differ in many things. This 
would keep the heart fwetr, and at the fame time not betray 
the truths of Jesus. I have tried both the difputing, and the 
quiet way, and find the latter far preferable to the former. I 
have not given way to the Moravian Brethren, or Mr. JV--^^ 
Ot to Auy^ whom I thought in aa error, no not for an hour. 



But I think it bcft not to difpute, when there is no probabi- 
lity of convincing. I pray you. For Christ's lake, to take 
hceJ left your Iprrit fliould be imbittcrcd, when you arc fpeak- 
inT or writing for God. 'I'his will give your a<lverfaries ad- 
vantacTc over you, and make people think your paflion is thi- 
eftect of your principles. Since I have been .in E fig land ihls 
time, CahiKS example has been very much prefled upon mc. 
You knov/ how Lritlhr abufcd him. As we are of Calvini/U' 
CKil principles, I truft wc fhall in this refped imitate Calvin s 
praaice, and fliew all mcekncfs to thofe who may oppofe. 
My dear brother, you will not be offended at my ufing this 
freedom. I am a poor creature, unworthy to advife you ; but 
I fimply tell you a little of my own experience. May the 
Lord give you, and all that ftand up for the dodrines of the 
^ofpel, a right judgment in all things ! For Jesus Christ's 
Eike, iis much as in you lies, put a ftop to difputing. It im- 
bitters the fpirit, ruffles the foul, and hinders it from hearing 
the fmall ftill voice of the Holy Ghoft. May you be filled 
with all joy and peace in believing ! God has been very gra- 
cious to me here. Wonderful things have been done in Scot- 
laud. When I fhall come to you, I cannot as yet determine. 
I hope to embark in a few months. In the mean time, be 
pleafed to remember me to all that love the glorious Emmanuel^ 
and accept this in tendereft love from, my very dear brother, 
- Yo4ir nioft affeaionate though moft unworthy brother and 
fervant in the kingdom and patience of Jesus, 

G, n\ 


<ro Mr, H 

Edinburgh, Sept. 24, 1 742. 

My mojl endeared Friend and Brother., 

YO UR fhort letter, dated July the 14th, I received two 
days ago, to my great fatisfaaion. I am glad my 

dear family js° removed to Mr. B , and rejoice that our 

glorious God had raifed him and his brother up, to be fuch 
friends in time of need. Our all-wife Saviour law this, and 
therefore lent them to be converted at the Orphan-houfe. O 
Lord, thou art fearful in praifes, glorious in holinefs, doing 
Y i ± worwders ! 


wonders ! I truft this will find you, my dear friends, and my 
dear latnbs, happily fettled at Bethefda. I cannot think, God 
will give you over into the epemics hands, or that he will 
fufFer the enemy to ab'de in Georgia for any confiderable tin^e. 
My thoughts h ave been varioufly exercifed, but my heart 
kept ftedfiift and joyful in the Lord of all Lords, whcfe 
mercy endureth for ever. The kings taking Lot, and Abra- 
ham recovering him out of their hands, hath been much prefT- 
cd upon my heart. Abraham^ goij^g into the land of Canaan^ 
and being driven out by a grievous famine foon after he came 
there, has alfo been applied to my foul. And thofe words of 
JUofesy " Thcfe enemies which you fee, you fhall fee them no 
more," have fallen with great warmth, and wait upon me, 
Thefe things put together, keep my mind humbly depending 
upon God, in a full aflurance that fome great and good event 
for the kingdom of Jesus will erelong be brought about. I 
am fupported in a peculiar manner, and kept from ftaggering 
through unbelief. — With this, I fend you a continuation of 
the Orphan- houfe account, which I printed to fatisfy the pub- 
lic, and to promote future colletSlions. The news about the 
Spaniards, perhaps may ilrike a damp upon the colle£lion at 
this time 5 but even this fhall work for good. God has ^ 
wheel within a wheel. O, my dear brother, how do I long to, 
be with you ! You need not fay, " if poflible now come over," 
for I have long wifhed for the wings of a dove to fly to Geor^ 
gia. I yet owe upwards of two hundred and fifty pounds in 
England, upon the Orphan-houfe account, and have nothing 
towards it. Hov/ is the world midaken about my circumftan- 
ces : worth nothing myfelf, embarrafiTed for others, and yet 
looked upon to flow in riches? Our extremity is God's op- 
portunity. O faith, thou haft an all-conquering power I 
furely, my dear man, you and the reft of you will grow now^ 
in this time of trial. Fear not, neither be difmayed : the 
Lord your Gop will fight for you. 1 put my truft in him, 
and through his mercy I fhall not mifcarry. He flill ftrength- 
cns me to go on from conquering to conquer. I pray for 
you, I think and dream of you almoft continually. I long, I 
long to be with you, and methinks could willingly be found 
at the head of you kneeling and praying, though a Spaniard's 
fword fliould be put to my throat. But alas I I know not how I 


LETTER S. 441 

fhould behave, it" put to the trial : only we have a promife, 
" that as our day is, fo our ftrength fhali be." I vi^ould gladly 
write to you all, but being fo varioufly employed, having the 
fuperintendency of fo many fouls and fo many fpiritual affairs, in 
many different places, I feel a little of what St. Paul fays, when 
he wrote thefe words, " befides that which cometh upon me 
daily, the care of all the churches." What am I ? Lord, I 
adore and worfhip ! I hope ere now you have had letters from 

brother G and Philadelphia friends. Some there, are 

fufpicious that I am joined with the Moravian Brethren, but 
indeed I am not. My principles are ftill the fame ; only as I 
believe many of them love the Lord Jesus, I would love and 
be friendly to them, as I would be to all others, who I think 
bear the image of our common Mafter, notwithftanding fome 
of my principles differ from theirs, and are as fardiftant as the 
Eaft is from the Weft. Glory be to God, for keeping me 
ftedfaft to thofe truths, which himfelf and not man hath taught 
me. I feel the power of them more and more every day, and 
am continually made happier and happier in the righteoufnefs of 
the glorious Redeemer. O free, fovereign, diftinguifhing, elect- 
ing, everlafting, infinitely condefcending love I it quite amazes 
me. The thoughts of this love carry mz above every thino'. 
My dear friend, the Spaniards cannot rob us of this, nor can 
men, or devils. It is immutable and eternal as God himfelf. 
May the meditation on this, lead us nearer and nearer to God 
in Christ, that we may every day, every hour, Qv^ry mo- 
ment be more and more conformed to his blefled image, and 
fipen more and more for eternal glory. But I muft have 
done. Adieu ! my dear man, adieu I I am ready to weep 
tears of love. Humbly hoping, that I fhall fliort.ly hear of the 
fpiritualand temporal welfare of you all, I fubfcribe myfelf, 
>vith the utmoft fmcerity and affedlion. 

Ever, ever yours, 

G. r/. 





Ts the RcV£)cnd Dr. C , /'// hyi-jn. 

EJnibur^h^ Sept. 24, 1742. 
Rcv^vend and dear Sir, 

TO my c;i'cat and abundant rati>fa6tion, I received vouv 
long wifiiedfor letter of June 3. It was late at night 
ere it came to hand ; but I could not go to reft without read- 
ino- it. I read, and rejoiced, and prayed for the writer with 
my v/holc heart. O reverend and dear Sir, God only knows 
how clofcly t am knit to the dear minifters and people of 
New-En(rhind, I'hey arc ever upon my heart, and it rejoiced 
me to find I was not forgotten (unworthy as I am) by them. 
Dear Sir, I am glad to hear that the work ftill goes on ; be 
not furprizcd, if you are forfaken. Paul \v2ls ferved fo, and 
when I came to England moft of my old friends and fpiritual 
children were exceedingly prejudiced againfl: me. Our great 
high-prieft fees thefe trials to be necefTary for us, to try our 
faith, and teach us to ceafe from man. I hope they have pro- 
; duced this bleffed effed in fome meafure upon my foul. There 
v^ feems to be I'uch a fcene in Philadelphia, as we have had in 

>'' old Eyigland. I have wrote to Mr. T . He in a late letter 

thinks me too charitable j but my confcicncc doth not reproach 
me for that. My principl'.s are ftill the fame. I embrace 
the calviniftical fcheme, not bccaufe Calviny but Jesus 
Christ, I think, has taught it to me. I go on preaching 
the crols and power of the Redeemer, and defire to fay as little 
as poffible about others, left thereby I fliould divert people's 
minds from the fimplicity of the gofpel. I have often found 
that oppofinir, inftead of hurting, makes erroneous people 
become more confiderable. This made me wilh, that the Bojlcn 
rninifters would not take up fo much time In fpeaking againft 
the Exhorters. It will only fet the people the more upon fol- 
lowing after them ; but I cannot well judge at fuch a diftance, 
and indeed I find I am fuch a poor creature, that I fcarcc 
know any thing yet, as I ought to know. At the fame time, 
I will not deny what I have received ; no, this would be dif- 
honouring my dear Saviour. He makes me daily more and 
more happy ia himfelf, and I continually rejoice in his great 


LETTER S. 443 

falvation. Ar prefcr.t he Uipports mc in an uncommon man- 
lier, and the nevvs of the Spaniaidi attacking Georgia atFedts 
me no othcrs&'iie, than to incieal'e my faith and eonhdcncc in 
hiin, whom I am fuie tarcth for me aiid m/mc. O dear Sir, 
what a 'glorious thing is divine faith ! iVl;!y you have much 
of it, and feel the power of it more and mcMe every day ! 
Wit^i repeated lalutati(»ns and returns of love, I one;: more 
fubferibe myfeh'', reverend and dear S.r, 

Your moft aiYectionate friend, your.gcr brother, 

vai)d fervant in the <i,lorious gofpel of 

the ever bkiied Jesus, 


To Jonathan B , Efq\ in Nciv-En^Iand, 

Ho7icured Su\ Edinburgh^ Sept. 2^, 1742- 

IRe'ioiced to hear by the reverend and dear Dr. C , that 
you are retired from the world, full of piety and devotion. 
1 congratulate you, honoured Sir, upon your happy change, 
and pray that von may be filled with all the fulnefs of God, 
Exceedmgly engaged as I am, I could not but fend a line to 
you, becaufe I love you in the bowelo of Jesus Christ. 
1 remember your command ; I have you upon my heart, and 
pi ay the glorious Emmanuel to do more abundantly for you and 
youis, than you are able to afk or think. It is impoirible to 
tell you what the Lord hath done for unworthy me. Ho- 
noured Sir, I feel a blils I cannot exprefs. My happinefs 
in Jesus incrcafes daily. 1 am only alhamed of my unfruit- 
fulncfs, and the little I do for God. Indeed, honoured Sir, 
1 could wifn for a thoufand lives. My Jtsus (liould have 
them all. Methinks I hear you fay, " thus it is with me." 
Kail then happy man I All generations fhall call you blelled. 
Honoured Sir, my foul is full in the midft of many trials. 
O what a glorious redemption hath Jesus purchafcd lor us I 
Indeed it is a plenteous redemption. By the power of his 
death we are enabled to tread fin, death, and faran under our 
feet. I'his is the prefent frame of my foul. O free grace ! 
unfearchable riches I The brighinefs of it dazzles the eyes of 
tt^y fuith. LoRD; I adore and wordiip in the temple of my 

heart ! 


heart ! Honoured Sir, be pleafed to accept thefe few lines 
from a heart overflowing with love to God, and for his great 
name fake to you. With moft humble refpeds, and afFedi- 
onate returns of gratitude for all favours, I beg leave to fub- 
fcribe myfelf, honoured Sir, 

Your moft obliged humble fervant, 



To Mr, E , in Philadelphia, 

Edinburgh^ Sept, 25, 1 742. 
My very dear Brother & m ■ >, 

SINCE I wrote laft, your other kind letter, dated July2^y 
came to hand, by which I find matters at Philadelphia are 
much the fame as when you wrote before. I pray God to 
give me wifdom, and a right underftanding, to judge of thofe 
different jarring accounts that are fent me. As far as I am 
able to determine, I think fome who have the truths of Gop 
on their fide, defend themfelves with too great a mixture of 
their own fpirit, and by this means perhaps fome perfons may 
be prejudiced even againft truth itfelf. This is one rock, 
I pray God, my dear brother, to keep your foul from fplitting 

againft. Again, I think the Ad-, n Brethren (hew a better 

and milder fpirit in the general ; but many of their principles 
deviate as far from the truths of Jesus Christ, as the eaft 
is from the weft, or the north from the fouth. I wifh you 
may not have gone a ftep too far. It was unjuft for Mr. 

B 's brother to be denied preaching in the new building. 

Shall I commend Mr. B -for this? I commend bim not. 

The brethren fhould have fome other place to preach in, and 
not make that houfe a Babel. I cannot give up truth for them, 
or for any other under heaven. I find they are as weak and 
fallible as thofe whom they judge not to have drank fo deeply 
of the fpirit of Christ ; and therefore, my dear man, though 
we love all, we muft be upon our guard, and follow not 
man's teaching, but the teaching of the Holy Ghoft. Though 
principles are not to be refted in, yet it is a good thing to 
have a clear head as well as a clean heart. Some people make 
nothing of principles ; but why are they fo zealous in propa- 
gating their own ? I think, my dear brother, I am a happy 


firmer, and have really entered into an abiding reft in God, 
through the Lord Jesus Christ ; but yet the ftirrings of 
corruption I expert in fome degree or other, till I breathe my 

laft. This I hope is all that dear Mr. T infifts on. My 

dear brother, love the brotherhood, but do not give up the 
truths of God ; and when you are brought ofFfrom idolizing 
©ne creature, take care you do not infenfibly fall into idolizing 
another. Do not think that all things the moft refined chrif- 
tian in the world does, is right ; or that all principles are 
wrong, becaufe fome that hold them are too imbittered in their 
fpirits. It is hard for good men, when the truths of God are 
oppofed, to keep their temper, efpecially at the firft attack. 
Nothing but the all-conquering blood of the dear Redeemer 
can deftroy the wild-fire in the heart. You will fee what I 
have wrote to the dear Truftees. I hope our loving Saviour 
will incline you to comply with my advice. I believe it is 
from him, and will much tend to the profperity of Zion. That, 
I truft, we have all at heart. I pray God we may be enabled 
fo to a61:, as to do nothing to obftrudl: it, but bear and for- 
bear with one another in love, and give way in fome things 
to promote the common good. You fee, my dear man, bow 
freely I write to you. It is out of the fulnefs of my heart, 
I hope you and I fliall be happily furprized, in finding each 
other better than we expected. God forbid that we fhould 
live one hour without growing more like the bleffed Lamb of 
God. I am too credibly informed, that fome make it their 
bufinefs to prejudice my friends againfl me. Such wifdom 
cometh not from above. They are as the falfe apoftles, of 
whom Saint Paul fpoke, " They would exclude us, that you 
might affedl them." But glory be to hQQ grace ! I can re- 
pofe myfelf in Jesus, and am happy in him. However I may 
be dealt with by man, blelTed be his name, I am now happy 
in the midft of various trials, even beyond expreffion. I only 
add, through grace I have laid the foundation ; let others 
beware how they build thereon. Adieu, my dear brother. 
I am, with cordial refpects and affeition. 

Ever, ever yours. 


•446 I. E T T E U a 


Tg the Reverend Mr, R J , in IFahs. 

Edinburgh^ Od. 6, 174:". 
My very dear Broi/'-r, 

YKSTKRD A Y your kind ano* proft:^.ble letter came to 
hand. My d'.'ar wife being emb.jrked, I opened, read, ?.nd 
now fnatch a few moments to anfwer it. I took yotir hints upon 
yacol's ladder, and preached upon it with freedom yefterday ui 
the afternoon. I truft fojne will be induced to begin to climb, 
and others be iVirrcd to climb fafter ; at leaft I fliail mvlcir 
for one, for indeed 1 am afliamed 1 have mounted no higher 
yet. Bieflcd be (jod, I am afcended fo far as to have the 
world almoft out of niv light, and I fee my dear mafter ftand- 
in'? at the top reaching out his band, readv to receive me up 
jnto heaven. Indeed, my dear brother, the J^ord hath dealt 
iTioft bountifully with niC j he gives !ne to rejoice in all h\s 
diipenfatlons towards me. It we'd becometh God's chi'dren 
to give thanks for all things that befal them, fince it is God's 
will concerning them. I am taught more and more every day 
to live by faith in the Son of (jOD, v/ho loved and gave him- 
ielf for me. God keeps me, and brings me where I woulJ 
defire to be, at his feet, waiting his will, and watching 
the motions of his bleiicd fpirit, word, and providence. Here 
i find fafety and refuge amidft the various fiorms of oppofition 
and reproach which 1 daily meet with. (tOD isonmvfKJe, 
i will not fear what men nor devils can fay of, or do unco 

me. The dear McAVs. E ; have dreiTcd me in very 

black colours. — Mr. G 's pamphlet will Ihew" voti 

how black. Dear men, I pity them. Writing I fear will be 
in vain. Surely they mufl" grieve the holy fpirit much. O 
for a nnnd divellfd of all feels and names and parties! i 
think it is my one fimple aim to promote the kingdom oi 
Jesus, without partiality and wnhout hypocrify, indefinitely 
amonp^ft all. I care not if the name of George lyijitefield be 
banifned out of the world, fo that Jesus be exalted in it. 
Glory be to his great name, we have fccn much of his power 
apd greatnefs in S.toUmid. The work ni the weft (till goes 
on snd increafcs. i.aft fabbaih-day, and iVIondciy^ very great 
things, greater than ever, were itt.i\ at Kiifyth. Inhere js a 


I, E T T E R S. 447 

great awakening alio at Aluihel^ and many living ftoncs build- 
ing up in Edinburgh. I preach twice every day with great 
power^ and walk in liberty and love. At the lame time I 
fee and feel my vilcneis, and take the bleilcd Jesus to be my 
rightcoufnefs and all. I purpole, God willing, to go through 
Newcajile and Torkjhire to England. Ireland i believe mull be 
left till another circuit. In about three weeks, I purpofc, God 
•willing, to leave Scotland^ and hope to fpend a month ere long 
in /rules. My dear and honoured brother, I hope the Lord 
will give you an heart to pray for me, for indeed I am a very- 
poor finncr, and many are waiting for my halting ; but Jesus 
is able and willing to make me fland. I have been much 
Urcngthened, hncc the Spaniards have invaded Georgia, I think 
I am like the ark iurrounded on all fides with waves, but 
through free rich grace am enabled to fwim above all. Ere 
long, I fhail rell on mount Zhn in the arms of my beloved 
Jfsus. Here Is love would make me drop a tear, and fet 
my pen a writing quicker, but other bufinefs calls for me. 
Dear Sir, be pleafed to pray for me, and remember me to 
your dear wife, and all the followers of the Lamb. Pray 

write to Mr. M^ C immediately, and [(^nd as ofcen as you 

can, dear ?vlr. 'J , to 

Your v/eak, unworthy, but truly affeftionate 

bi other and fervant, in the kingdom 

and patience of Jesus, 


To Colonel G . 

l-lof^'Ured Siry Edinburgh^^ Ot7^^^r 7, 1742. 

(^"T"^ ii O U G H I never had the pleafure of feeing you, yet 
X ^ have often prayed for you, and can afiure you I love 
you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. I hope you will not be 
cift'eiided with me, for troubling you with this. Your ho- 
noured lady tells me, you will not. Love, I am pcrfuaded, 
inclines me to write, and I doubt not but you will receive it 
in the fame fpirir. Dear Sir, I rejoice to hear that you are 
a good foldier of Jesus Christ, and t'aat you delight to 
light the Redeemer's battles. May you be covered v/ith all 
h:s annours and HUed with all his fulnefs ! I have the plea- 


fure often to go without the camp, and to bear a little of hii 
facred reproach, and I prefer it to all the treafurCs in the world. 
Weak as I am, my Jesus makes me more than conqueror 
through his love. He has brought mighty things to pafs 
here, and gotten himfelf the vi6lory in many hearts. I truft, 
there is not a day palTcs but fome poor creature or another is 
plucked as a brand out of the burning. I wifti I could hear 
God was more in the camp. BlefTcd be his name for raifing 
you up, honoured Sir, to lift a ftandard for him. May you- 
be endued with the meeknefs of MofeSy the courage of Jojhua, 
the zeal of Paul, and a large portion of the blelTed fpirit of^ 
Christ ! I hope, honoured Sir, you will now and then re- 
member me a poor Tinner, and fpeak a word for me to the King 
of kings and Lord of lords, that I may not turn my head 
in the day of battle, but rather die for, than deny him in any 
wife. Neither you nor yours are forgotten ' by me. Indeed 
I am a poor creature, but happy, very happy in the once cru- 
cified, but now exalted Jesus. For his fake, and in his 
great name, I beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, honoured Sir, 
Your affedlionate humble fervant, &c. 

G. IV'. 


To the Reverend Mr. J TV . 

Edinburgh^ O^obsr 1 1, 1742. 
Reverend and dear Sir, 

ABOUT ten days ago, I fent you a packet by my deaf 
wife, which I hope you will have received ere this 
comes to hand. Yederday morning 1 had your kind letter 
dated O^ober 5. In anfwer to the firft part of it, I fay, '' Let 
old things pafs away, and all things become new." I can 
heartily fay, " Amen" to the latter part of it. " Let the king 
ViVQ for ever, and controverfy die." It has died with me long 
ago. I fhall be glad to fee the extracl of your journal. Be 

pleafed to fend it immediately, under cover, to Mr. E y 

member of parliament in Edinburgh. I (hall not leave Scot-> 
land in lefs than three weeks. Before yours came, I had en- 
gaged to go through Nezvcajlle in my way to London. I re- 
foice to hear the Lord has bkflcd your dear brother's labours. 
I am enabled to preach twice iaily with great power, and find 

A I v/.dk 


I walk in light and liberty continually. Like the ark, I ant 
iurrounded on all fides, but enabled to fwim triumphantly over 
all. O free grace ! I thank you, dear Sir, for praying for 
me, and thank our common Lord for putting it in your 
heart fo to do. I have been upon my knees praying for you 
and yours. O that nothing but love, lowlinefs, and fimpli- 
city may be among us. It grieves me to fee u'hat a fad fpirit 

prevails among Mr. E 's people. Father, forgive them ! 

I truft you will remember my poor orphans. God gives me 
flrong faith for them, though no news yet of the Spa-niards 
leaving Georgia, Yefterday morning a dear little hofpital girl 
went off in triumph. The work is ftill increafing in Scotland^ 
efpecially at Kilfytb. Surely we (hall fee great things crc long. 
Dear friend, my foul is on lire. O let us not fall out in the 
way ! Let us bear with, and forbear one another in love. 
God be praifed for giving you fuch a mind. My kind love 
to all that love the Lord Jesus in fincerity. In much hafte, 
and with great thanks for your laft letter, I fubfcribe myfelf,- 
reverend and very dear Sir, 

Your moft affectionate, though younger brother, 

in the gofpel of our glorious Emmanuel^ 

G. IK 


To Airs, Ann £)— •, in HuntingdonJJy'ire. 

Edinburgh^ OSioher 13, 1742. 
My very dear Sijler^ 

WITH great pleafure I received your kind letters. 
They incrcafed that love, Vv'hich I had before to the 
writer of them. I redeem a few moments to return you aiY 
anlwer to them, 2nd am afhamed to think how I put voir 
off; but I fee vou confider my circumftances, and love to 
our dear Jesus inclines you to excufe me. Bleffed be God,' 
I can ftili fend vou an account of the increrJc of Rynma- 

71 lit 


kino;dom. I preach always twice, fomctimcs three or 
four times in a day. The people are more c.i?^er than ever, 
and much folid work is done for God. My ftreng-th is 
daily renewed. Still -I delire to cry, grace! grace! I nrrr 
f ndied exceedinirly, I icarce have nnv damp." My foul conr- 
tinually magn,itic3 the Lord, and my fpirit rejoices in Qovi' 
Vol! L G^ ■ ' ^ nvf 



my Saviour. I know you will help me to praife him. I col- 
lected laft week 128/. for my poor orphans. I have fent you an 
account of them. You will continue writing to, and pray- 
ing for my dear family, I hope to fee you hefore I embark. 

By this, you will receive a line from one Mr. j^ , an 

humble walker with God, and Mr. T , a bookfeller, 

who I believe loves the Lord Jesus in fmcerity. Pray an- 
fwer them. 1 would have your correfpondence enlarged, and 
therefore I fet other people writing to you, though I cannot 
write fo much myfelf. My dear fifter, adieu. The Lord 
be with you, and yours. I am now in a lady's family, whom 
God has blefled. — We have feveral fuch here. With great 
lincerity and affedion, I fubfcribe myfelf, 

Ever yours, in yours and mine, 

G, TV, 


To Mr, T 5 in Edinburgh, 

Glafgcw, OSioher 20, 1742. 
Dear Mr. T , 

YOUR letter much refreflied me. Thanks be to God, 
for putting it into your heart to write to unworthy me. 
The blefled Jesus hath been the author of cur friendfhip, and 
therefore it will be blefled. I rejoice much, that the Lord 
is with you and your minifters. May you all increafe with 
all the increafe of God ! O that the focieties may remember 

to pray and give thanks on my behalf. Dear Mr. T , 

what deliverances hath the Lord wrought for me ? Before 
the news came of the Spaniards leaving Georgia^ the words 
came to my mind, that were prefied on me in the park with 
great power : " Thefe enemies which you have now feen, you 
fiiall fee no more." W^hat a life is a life of faith ? I know I 
am reckoned enthufiaftic, even by many chridian friends, in 
refpedt to my Orphan-houfe; but " he that believeth, doth 
not make hafl:e." I find we mufl be tried by friends, as well 
as by foes. All is intended to bring us nearer to the friend of 
all. I hope I improved my intereft in him juft now, for you 
and yours, and for all Edinburgh friends. As foon as we had 
perufed the letters, we kneeled down, and prayed, and gave 
thanks. Good news came from London, I hope, next poft, 

2 to 


to hear that our dear friends have got fafe thither. O what 
reafon have I to be thankful ! Help me ftill, my dear Mr. 

T , to praife the Lord. I hope to be with you next 

week. In the mean time pray for, and if leifure permit, drop a 

line to, dear Mr. T ^ 

Ever yours, &c. 

G. ly. 


To Mr. J r , in Edinburgh. 

Decir Mr T-^ ^, London^ Nov. 6, 1 742. 

ABOUT five this evening, our ever blefTed Jesus brought 
us hither, and gave us a happy meeting with our dear 
friends. How good is Jesus to the chief of finners ! He {o^ 
laced my foul all the way, and gave his angels charge con- 
cerning us, otherwife we muft have been frequently hurt ia 
our ways : but he heard the prayers of his people. I am per- 
fuaded he gave them a fpirit of fupplication in our behalf. 
I felt it, I feel it now, and long to preach again. My dear 
friend, remember us in the dearefi: manner to all. I hope 
to write to feveral on Monday next. Hov/ fweet is reft after fa- 
tigue ! How fweet will heaven be, when our journey is ended. 
Forgive the brevity of this. 

Ever yours, 

G. JK 


To Mr. J H , at Bethefda. 

Lcndon^ Ng*u. 12, 174^. 
My dear eft Friend and Brother in a crucified ]esvs^ 

HO W do I long to come over to fee you, and the reft 
of my dear family ? How do I long to hear how it is 
with your dear fouls, and that you are returned to Beihcfda in 
fafety ! The cloud feems now to be moving toward America, 
I truft I (hall be with you in a few months. Wonderful 
great things did the Lord perform for me and his people in 
Scotland. The concern exprefled at my departure, was really 
unfpeakable. O my dear, my very dear brother, the love of 
God to fuch an unworthy wretch quite amazes me. I rode 


poft, and came here in rather lefs than five days from ^rt'/'w- 
burgh on Saturday laft, and here feems to be a new awakenin<^. 
We have been obliged to enlarge the tabernacle. The Lord's 

glory does indeed appear in it.^ Dear brother H has 

been fent with a fweet fearching commiffion. Brother C 

is much bleft in Wiltjlnre. The word runs and is glorified in 
IValcs^ and God is raifing fome frefli vvitnclles of the power of 
his dear Son's blood in Gloucrjierjhire. BlefTed are the eyes that 
fee the things that we fee. God doth greatly countenance 
us indeed. O free grace ! O electing love ! The collections in 
ScotIa7id were large. At Edinburgh^ I collected 128/. at one 
time, and 44/. at another ; at Glafgcw 2iho\it 128/. with private 
donations. I think we got about 300/. in all. Blefled be 
God, I owe nothing now in England on the Orphan-houfe ac- 
count ; what is due is abroad. I think fince I have been in 
England^ we have got near 1500/. The Lord will raife 
up what we want further ; glory be to his name. He keeps 
my faith from failing, and upholds me with his right hand, 
and makes me happier in himifelf every day. My wife lies now 
very weak. She was tofled for ten days in her voyage from 
Scotland: The fhip was in imminent danger, but the Lord 
gave her much of his prefence, and I trufc Ihe v/ili be ready 
{hortly for another voyage. She heartily and moft lovingly 
greets you all, as does in hafle. 

Ever, ever yours, &c. 

C. TV, 


To Lady Frances G . 

Honoured Madam^ Loyidon Nov. 13, 1742. 

MINDFUL of my promife, v/hich I made before I 
left Edinburgh, I now fteal a few moments to fend 
your Ladyfhip a letter of thanks, and which 1 trufi: will find 
you fitting under the Redeemer's fliadow with great delight. It 
rejoiced me when I heard that our infinitely condefcending 
God had blcfied my unworthy minifiry, to recover your La- 
dyfhip from a ftatc of diirknels and fpiritual defertion. Glory, 
Cilory be to rich, free and fovereign grace I I truft your Lady- 
Ihip will now be kept in the love of God, and no idol in- 
tcrpofe between the Ivcdeeaiei and your loui, I hope the 
c dear 


dear Colonel is now in his proper place, and that you can 
think of him without anxiety or diftradino- care. This is 
that freedom, wherewith Jesus Chr»ist makes us free. To 
love all things in him, an"d for him, and to love him above 
all. Thus we have peace and joy. Whenever- we deviate 
from it, we fall into darknefs and dirtrefs of foul. I pray 
God your Ladyfliip may be thus kept, and enabled to rejoice 
in God all the day long. For ever adored be frcQ "iace. 
1 have enjoyed much freedom of foul fincc I left Edinburgh, 
Very good was my mafl:er to us on the road, and ilill better 
to me now I am in London. We have bjeficd feafons. O 
who can exprefs the loving-kindnefs of the Lord, or fhow 
forth all his praife ! We beg your prayers ; and wifliing you 
and your honoured Colonel all manner of profperity, 1 beo- 
leave to fubfcribe myfelf, with unfeigned thanks for all paft 
favours, honoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged humble fervant, 

G, IV. 


To Mifs S . 

London^ Nov. 13, 1742. 

AS I have been writing to the honourable lady Frances^ I 
am willing to inclofe a line to you. I trult it vvilj find 
you walking by faith, and trampling upon the luft of the eye, 
the luft of the flefh, and the pride of life. This is the happi- 
nefs which Jesus Christ has purchafed for poor Tinners. 
This is that better part, which I hope you have been enabled to 
choofe, and in which, I truft, through grace you will be ena- 
bled to perfevere even to the end. Dear Mifs, if this be the 
cafe, well v.'ill it be v/ith you, and happy, exceedingly happy 
fhall you be. Methinks I hear you fay, " I feel my happi- 
nefs begun." Keep clofe, Dear Mifs, keep clofe to the 
lovely Jesus, and you will find it increafe day by day. 
Many, many temptations and difficulties you will meet with ; 
but fear not; look unto Jesus, and he will make you more 
than conqueror through his love. Never reft without look- 
ing up to him, in and for every thing you ftand in need of. 
He will richly fupply all your wants. I fpeak this by happy 

G g 3 experience. 

'454 LETTERS. 

experience. Many bleflings have I received fince I came 
hither. O help me to praife our prayer-hearing God. 
Your moll afFeclionate friend and fervant in Christ, 


To the Honourable Lady Jane H- , in Edinburgh, 

Honoured Madam^ London^ Nov. 13, 1742. 

IT is with fome regret, that I look back upon my not writ- 
ino- to you, when I was at Glafgoiv. I refolved ever fince, 
to fend your Ladyfhip a line as foon as poflible, after I reached 
London. Being now fomewhat fettled, I attempt in the di- 
vine flrength to put my defign in execution. And now, 
honoured Madam, what fhall I fay ? I hope this will find you 
a very poor fmner, and fitting at Jesu's feet. With pleafure 
I have often thought your Ladyfliip has been made willing to 
become truly, inly poor, and to feel the full power of the Re- 
deemer's precious blood. If I miftake not, your foul is a- 
thirft for God, yea to be filled with all the fulnefs of God. 
Go on, dear Madam, for God (hall fatisfy all your defires : 
He has promifed, and he will perform. I find my happinefs 
in Jesus increafing daily, and that there is no end of his 
goodnefs. Greatly did he ftrengthen me on the road j 
greatly has he blefled me fince I came hither, I believe your 

Ladyfhip will hear fhortly from Mr. H . He is a dear 

foul indeed, and left London on Thurfday morning lafi-, full of 
fimplicity and love. The work goes on bravely in IVales^ 
and eifewhere. Surely it is the midnight cry ; Surely the 
bridegroom is coming. Methinks I hear your Ladyfhip fay, 
«' Then I will make ready to go forth to meet him." That 
you may be always ready to obey the moft fudden call, is the 
hearty prayer of, honoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfhip's mofi: obliged 

bumble fervant in Jesus Ckrist, 




To Mifs N 'i. 

London^ Nov. 13, 1742. 
Dear young Ladies^ 

THIS week I wrote a few lines to your honoured mamma. 
I now fnatch a few moments to fefid a line to you. 
And why ? Becaufe I love you both in the bowels of Jesus 
Christ, and wifli above all things, that your dear fouls may 
profper. I faw a happy alteration in you for the better, whilft 
I was at Edinburgh, and my conftant prayer is, that you might 
flill go on from ftrength to ftrength. Here f<fem$ to be a new 
awakening. We had a glorious faft-day indeed. I truft you 
had the fame at Edinburgh, I am fure we prayed heartily, it 
might be fo. O Edinburgh ! Edinburgh ! I think I (hall ne- 
ver forget thee. Surely many can fay, " Our fellowfhip has 
" been with the Father and with the Son." And now though 
abfent, we may have fellowfhip together in and through the 
eternal Spirit. Thus it is with me, and thus it is, I believe, 
with my dear wife. She moft heartilyjoins with me in falut- 
ing your moft honoured mamma, as well as yourfelves. Wifh- 
ing that your lamps may be always trimmed, and your loins 
always girded, and that you may be continually in readinefs 
to meet the heavenly bridegroom j I fubfcribe myfelf, dear 
young ladies. 

Your moft afFedionate friend and fervant in Jesus, 


To . 

London^ Nov. 15, 1742. 
My Lordy 

IT has given me fome concern, that I could not write to 
your Lordfliip before I left £ . My departure from 

thence was very fudden, and it was but a few days before that 
I heard of your Lordftiip's illnefs. However, I have not been 
unmindful of your Lordfhip, and I truft, in anfwer to prayer, 
our Lord has rebuked your fever, and that this will find you 
rifen and miniftring unto him. O, my Lord, I think I can 

G g 4 fay. 


fav, "It Is good for me that I have been affli6led j" for had it 
; ot been fo, I fhould have gone aftray. How apt are we when in 
health, to follow Jesus afar off, and fink into tepidity and a 
Jaodicean fpirit ? May this ficknefs be fandified to the purg- 
ing of your Lordlhip's foul, and be a means of drawing you 
r.ear?r to God ! Our glorious High-prieft ftill continues to 
load me u'ith his benefits. He dealt moil: tenderly with me 
oj^. the road, and blefles me much here. I am now in my 
winter quarters, preparing for a frefli campaign. Happy 
they that fight under the Redeemer's banner ! That your Lord- 
fhip may be always fighting the good fight of faith, and at 
length lay hold on eternal life, is the carnefl prayer of, my 
Your Lord/hip's mofl obedient and obliged humble fervant, 

G. IV. 


To Mr. S , of Bri/loL 

London J Nov. 15, 1742. 
M^ dear Brother S- , 

I Gave thanks on your behalf, when I read your letters ; 
being encouraged thereby to hope, that Jesus Christ is 
indeed about to take full poffenion of your foul. A proper 
feafon this to enter into the marriage flate, an union repre- 
fenting the myflical union between Jesus Christ and his 
Church. My brother, you cannot think of it with too much 
folemnity. It ib a matter of great importance, in which the 
future comfort of your life much depends. I would advifc 
you to read over the matrimonial office, and turn it into a 
prayer. As for outward affairs, I think it quite proper to 
have them fettled, as I am a minifler of Jesus Christ, and 
ou^ht therefore to be freed as much as may be from all world- 
ly incumbrances. Be pleafed to draw out your account, and 
when the captain comes, defire him to draw out his, that re- 
ceipts m.ay pafs on both fides. I fliall pay Mr. N as de- 

fired. I am glad you are fo friendly with Mr. IV- . I 

truil we fhail learn more and more to love one another. 

Yours mod: aiiectionately in Jesus Christ, 

G. IF. 





To the B'ifi)op of Bangor, 

London^ Nov. 17, 1 742. 
My Lord., 

THE inclofed vvas fcnt by a young man, who was com- 
ing up to London^ and was in his way as far as LndlovOy 
on purpolc to wait on your Lordfhip about the contents of 't. 
If your Lordfhip pleafcs, I will wait upon your Lordf]:iip for 
your Lordfhip's anfwer. The charaL,lcr your LordHiip has 
tor candour and moderation, makes me believe, your Lordfliip 
will not favour any pcrfccuting proceedings againft thcfe that 
love the Lord Jesus in fincerity. If your Lordfliip thinks 
proper to fpeak with me, upon the Icaft intimation, you (hall 
be attended by, my Lord, 

Your Lordfhip's mod obedient fon and fcrvant, 

G. W, 


To Mr. J , ofTo'ven in Wales. 

London^ Nov, 18, 1742. 
My dear Brother^ 

HOW fweetly does the blefied Jesus guide the meek in 
his way ! I believe your turning back from Ludlow was 

of God. Dear brother H was about that time p-ointr 

mio JVales^ and the Lord fending me hither (unworthy as 1 
am) to tranfact affairs for you. 1 have feen your letter to Mr. 

L , and likewife that from brother C , to the bifliop of 

Bangor. I am juft now fending it to him, with a letter from 
myfelf, dcfiring leave to wait upon his Lordiliip. What the 
event will be, our Lqrd only knows. This, however, we 
know, " All things fhall work together for good to thofe that 
love God i" and the gates of hell fliall never prevail againft: 
the church of Jesus Christ. What you have met with, is 
no more than might be expected long ago. There has been a 
hook in the Leviathan's jav/s, or otherwil'e our mouths had 
been flopped long before this time. I had once the honour of 
being publickly arraigned, for not reading the Common Prayer 
in a Mceting-houfe. At another time, I was taken up by a 



warrant for corrcding a letter wherein were thefe words, ** Shall 
our Clergy break the Canons." The profecutions were un- 
juft, but there is our glory. I remember when Socrates was 
about to fuffer, his friends grieved, that he fuffered unjuftly. 
What, fays he, would you liave me fufFer juftly ? If we are 
buffettcd for our faults, and take it patiently, fays a greater 
than Socratesy we are not to glory ; *' but if we are reproached 
for Christ, and fuffer as Chriftians, happy are we." I think 
our prefent fufferings are for him. Surely the fpirit of Christ 
and of glory will reft upon you. However, I truft this ftorm 
will foon blow over. If poflible, let an open feparation from 

the church be avoided. Mr. H can tell you more by 

word of mouth. I truft the glorious Jesus has fent him a- 
mongft you, in the fulnefs of the blefting of the gofpel of 
peace. He is a dear foul. I am perfuaded you are dear to 
him : 1 find you are dear to me, though I never faw you. It 
is enough, that we have drank into one fpirit. This create* 
an indiflbluble union. Pray remember my kind love to dear 

brother C . I wifti him joy with all my heart ; but would 

not have him deny that exhorting is preaching. The Chan- 
cellor will be too many for him ; for to be fure, exhorting is 
at leaft one part of preaching. Granting this, he has warrant 
enough, notwithftanding, from fcripture, to tell others what 
God has done for his foul, and to bid them come and fee 
and believe in a precious Christ. O that word ! How fwcet 
is it to my foul ? It is like ointment poured forth. Had I 
time, I could tell you much of his love. He has been exceed- 
ing good to me in Scotland : He is ftill fo to me here. Vile, 
bafe, ungrateful as I am, he lets me lean on his bofom night 
and day. My dear brother, help me to praife him, and engage 
all the brethren's prayers in behalf of one, lefs than the leaft of 
^11 faints, but 

Yours raoft affcdionately in Christ, 

G. W. 




To the Reverend Dr, C— , in Bojlon. 

London^ Nov, 18, 1742. 
Rev. and dear Sir, 

GLAD was I to receive another letter from you, before I 
lent off my packets. I thank our loving Lord, for grant- 
ing me the continuance of his minifters affcdions. I hope 
this, and all his other mercies, will lead me nearer and nearer 
to himfelf the fountain of all mercies. Surely the friends of 
Jesus pray in my behalf; for I am ftill ftrengthened more 
V than ever^ and enabled to rejoice in his goodnefs all the day 
..-Hong. The confufion at Nezv- England has given me concern j 
^' but our Lord will over-rule all for good. I was forry to hear 

^y " o( Mr. D 's imprifonment ; and to be imprifoned for an 

P unguarded exprejrion, I think is too, toofevere, and not for the 
honour ot Bo/ion at all. Had I been in his place, I fnould 
have accepted bail. When I fhall come to Bojion, the Lord 
Jesus only knows. I believe it will not be long. I find I 
ihall come in perilous times ; but that all-gracious Saviour, 
who has helped me hitherto, will guide me by his council, 
and give me a true fcriptural zeal. This is what I defire all 
my friends to beg in my behalf. How hard is it to keep in the 
trne narrow path, when fpeaking for the Lord Jesus ? God 
preferve me, and all his minifters, from defending his truths 
and caufe in our own, or under the influence of a falfe fpirit ! 
It deftroys the very caufe we would defend. As yet, in Scot- 
land there have been but hvj of the diforders complained of 
amongft you. But as the work increafes, I fuppofe the ene- 
mies flratagems will increafe alfo. This is my comfort, Jesus 
reigns. The gates of hell fhall never be able to prevail againft 
his church. I have had a late inftance of his power and good- 
nefs, in driving the Spaniards out of Georgia. I hear they are 
gone. I hope the Orphans are now at Bethefda in peace. The 
continuation of my account, I have fent with this, and a par- 
cel of my fcrmons. Be pleafed to difpofe of them, as you (hall 
think proper. I falute all my Reverend brethren that preach 
Jesus Christ in fmcerity. I wifii them profperity with all 
r»iy heart, and pray for them every day. Ps.cyerend Sir, my 



foul is now filled with a fenfe of redeeming love. O why me, 
Lord, why me ? Even fo my Saviour, for fo it fecmed good 
in thy fight ! But I can write no more, having much bufinefs 
on my hands. We go on well here. Our Lord bleffes us 
much. I am, with much afFcclion, Rev. Sir, 

Your moft unworthy and younger brother 
in the gofpel of Jesus Christ, 

G. TK 


To Mr, J E . 

London^ Nov. 18, 1 742. 
Dear Sir, 

YOUR letter pleafed me much. As foon as I read it, I 
kneeled down, prayed, and gave thanks on your behalf. 
How faithful is he that hath faid, " I will never leave thee, or 
forfake thee.'* Surely the Lord intends to honour you, in 
making you an inrtrument in bringing many fons to glory. I 
Ijopc he will biefs your fiift public effays to ferve the intereft 
of his great name, and enable you to go on from ftrcngth to 
ftrength. I cannot think you will be long v.ithout a feeling 
poficlTion of your God. Shortly, I truii:, you will be touched 
with a coal from the heavenly altar, and be made to fay, "Lord 
fend me." I think our Saviour has given you great know- 
ledge in the fcripturcs. May you be kept clore to and be 
daily taught of him. My prayer for you is, 

Tah bis poor heart, and let it be 
For ever closed to all but thee. 

1 think you may ftudy conveniently in Scotland \ but in this 
and every thing elic, 1 pray the Lord Jesus to direct and 
'ruide your foul. I mofl: heartily love you, and widi you 
profperity in the name of the Lord. Our blefled Saviour 
has been exceeding kiud, nnce I have been here. I go on my 
wav rejoicing, and am flrengthened day by day. Tiiat you 
may abundantly experience the fame, is the hearty prayer of, 
dear Sir, 

Yours mod afteclionatelv in Christ Jesus, 

G. W. 

L E T 1' E R 

LETTERS. 4.61 


To Mr. M 5 JJle of Man, 

London^ Nov. 19, 1742, 
Rev. and dear Sir^ 

I Am concerned to find by your laft, dated November 4th, 
that the letter I fent you from Scotland did not come to 
hand. But providence over-ruleth all things ; even this {hall 
work for good. I wonder not, if the Lord has given you more 
zeal, that you meet with more oppofition. However, I would not 
have you rafh, or over hafty in leaving the [/Je of Man, Wait, 
continue inflant in prayer, and you fliail fee the falvation of 
God. I have not heard from my family abroad for fome time, 
and cannot give you any determinate anfwer about your going 
to Georgia^ becaufe I know not how their aftairs ftand. God 
will yet {hew you what he would have you to do. Even fo 
Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen ! Our glorious Em?nanuelh\c(- 
fed me exceedingly after we parted from Scoilandy and blefTes 
me in like manner, now he has brought me to England. Vile, 
ungrateful as I am, he vouchfafes to give me much of his pre- 
fence, and keeps me under the fliadovv of his wings. Let his 
goodnefs to me, encourage you to hope and tru{l in him. Re- 
member, dear Sir, Jesus came to make poor fmners happy, 
and to give them victory over their lulls and paffions. Plead 
his promifes, be much in fecret prayer, and never give God 
rcll, 'till your foul is filled with ail his fulnefs. That the 
Lord may haften that blefied time, wherein his kingdom lliall 
come with full power into your dear foul, is the earneft prayer 
of. Rev. and dear Sir, 

Your moft aftedtionate friend, brother and fervant, 

G. JV. 


To Mr, B , at Bethefda. 

Lo?:don^ Nov. 19, 1742s 

BLESSED, blelTcd be God, the p:icket is not gone ; 
fothat I have juft time to tell you, I received your kind, 
very kind letter, though I have rot time to reaJ it tho- 
roughly, leaft I (hould mifs this opportunity. God only 



knows how I fympathize with you and my dear family. 
Though I have no money to pay Mr. Jones^ &c. yet, if I can 
take up two or three hundred pounds upon my own account, 
I will come over, God willing, the very firft opportunity. 
The time of your faPiing, I hope is now near over, and the 
days of your mourning ended. Remember the burning bufh ; 
it was on fire, but not confumed. Surely fome great good is 
to come out of the Orphan-houfe. Blefled be God, for 
ftrengthening you to ftay with my dear family. Ten thoufand 

bleflings defcend upon your foul ! I wifh dear brother G • 

joy. I am much obliged to my dear friend and faithful fteward. 
Next fhip, I hope to anfwer his letters di{lin6tly. O my dear 
man, I do not forget any of you. God, and not my own 
will, has kept me on this fide the water fo long. But furcly 
you muft: judge me fometimes. You need not make any apo- 
logy for moving ; it is what I wiflied you might do. Your 
care and tendernefs towards me, makes me long to embrace 
and weep over you one by one. Forget you ! no, no ; I think 
I could rather die for you. My brother, my dear brother, go 
on. Surely God is with us. Great things are to come out 
oi Georgia. Remember Abraham^ how did he fojourn in the 
land of Promife, as in a ftrange land ? The Lord increafe 
your faith. My tendcreft love, and ten thoufand thanks, to 

dear Mr. J s. God v/ill blefs him for helping you. The 

Lord Jesus be with you ail. 

Ever, ever yours, 

G, W. 


To the B'ljhop of Bangor » 
My Lord^ London^ Nov. 19, 1 742. 

THIS evening I received your Lordfhip's kind letter. 1 
humbly thank your Lordfhip for it. It confirmed me 
in the charad^er given me of your Lordfhip's fpirit. I verily 
believe your Lordfliip abhors every thing that has a tendency 
to perfecution, and yet, in my humble opinion, if Mr. C — — 
is not fomewhat redrefled, he is perfecuted indeed. That 
your Lordfhip may know his fpirit, and the fpirit of the per- 
fon who came as far as Ludlow on the i)ufinefs, I have fent 



your Lordfhip a letter from each, which was written fome time 

ago to Mr. H H . In them your Lordfliip will 

fee their whole hearts. I verily believe they would rather die 
than wilfully fpeak or write a falfhood. My Lord, the whole 
of the matter feems to be this : In JVales they have little fel- 
lowship meetings, where fome well-meaning people meet to- 
gether, fimply to tell what God has done for their fouls. In 

lomeof thcfe meetings, I believe Mr. C ufed to teil his 

experience, and to invite his companions to come and be hap- 
py in Jesus Christ. He is therefore indided as holding a 
conventicle} and this I find is the cafe of one, if not two more. 
Nov/, my Lord, thefe perfons thus indidted, as far as I can. 
judge, are loyal fubjedis to his Majefly, and true friends to, 
and attendants upon the Church of England fervice. You 
will fee by thefe letters, how unwilling they are to leave her; 
and yet, if all thofe a6^s, which were made againft perfons 
meeting together to plot againfl Church and State, were put 
in execution againft them, what muft they do? They muft 
be obliged to declare themfelves Difienters. I afTure your 
Lordfhip, it is a critical time in JVales. Hundreds, if not 
thoufands, will go in a body from the Church, if fuch proceed- 
ings are countenanced. I lately wrote them a letter, difiuad- 
ing them from feparating from the Church, and I write thus 
freely to your Lordfhip, becaufe of the excellent fpirit of mo- 
deration difcernible in your Lordfhip, and becaufe I would 
not have (to ufe your Lordfhip*s own exprefTion) *' fuch a 
fire kindled in, or from your (Lordfhip's) diocefc.'* I would 
beg the favour of your LordOiip to return me the inclofed, be- 
caufe I have not kept copies. I fend them to your Lordfhip 
juft as they are, that your Lordfliip may fee the whole alTair, 
and cenfure what is exceptionable. I really believe the wri- 
ters will thank your Lordfhip for it. I afk pardon for taking 
up fo much of your Lordfliip's time, but I thought your Lord- 
fhip would defire to have ali poflible information, that you 
might be better capable of judging. I pray the great Shep- 
herd and Bifliop of fouls to direct your Lordfliip in this, and 
every other affair that comes before you, and that you may be 
faluted at the great day with an Euge bone^ is the hearty and 
fervent prayer of, my Lord, 

Your Lordfhip's moft obedient fon and fervant, 

G. JV. 

464. LETTERS. 


To Mr. C . 

London^ Nov. 20, 1742. 
Afy dear Brother C , 

I Catch a few moments to give you an account of my agency. 
Your letter I fent to the Bifhop of Bangor, inclofed in one 
from myfelf. His anfwcr you have tranfcribed in this. That 
he might not be impofed upon by the Chancellor's reprefent- 
ing of things, I laft night fent his Lordfhip another long letter, 

with that which you wrote to dear brother H fome time 

ago. As the Biiliop fccms to be a man of a moderate fpirit, 
I truft this ftorm will blow over. In the mean while, let us 
wait upon the Lord, commit the caufe into his hands who 
judgeth righteoufly, and pray, that wc may be " as wife as fer- 
pents, and harmlefs as doves." Glad fiiall I be to ferve you, 
my dear brother, in this, or any other affair, for advancing 
our glorious Mediator's kingdom. Let this be our comfort, 
the gates of hell fliall never be able to prevail againft it. Let 
us go on then, and never fear what men or devils can fay of, 
or do unto us. I fuppofe this is the language of your heart. 

The love ^Christ doth ine conflrain 
To feck the wand' ring fouls of tmn : 
All hall reproach^ and welcome pain^ 
Only thy terrors^ Lord, refirain. 

And if fo, furely the fp^it of Christ and of glory will reft 

upon you. Our dear brother C is fadly ufed in JVutfhire. 

The compalTionate Redeemer of fouls pities my weaknefs, and 
fufFcrs very little difturbance to be made. We have fweet 
times, and, vile as I am, Jesus is plcafed to keep me near him. 
I hope this will find your dear foul fitting under his fhadow 
with great delight. I know you not in the flefn, but hope to 
fee you before I embark. Letters call me loudly to Georgia. 
My dear family are returned to their Bcthefda in fafcty. O 
help me, my dear brother, to praife the Lord. SuiUte all the 


Ycr.rs mof^ afll'^iionatcly, ^ic. 

G. W. 


LETTERS. 46.^ 


To Mr. V , Secretary to the Trujices of GtorpL'. 

Dear Sir^ Lomloti^ Nov. 20, I'] 42* 

GOD willing, I intend waiting upon the honourable Truf- 
tees at the time appointed. Ycflerday 1 received a packet 
of letters from my friends at the Orphan-houfe. I find they 
are returned in fafety to Bethefda^ and give a noble account of 
the General's condu61. Blefi'ed be God, for enabling him to 
repel the enemy j but nov/ another diftrefs is come upon poor 
Georgia. A violent fickncfs rages and has taken oft many. 
My letters fay, the Orphan-houfe furgeon had 50 under his 
hands. This, I truft, will more and more convince the Ho- 
nourable Truftees, of the benefit the Orphan-houfe is and will 
be to the Colony. I hear, that Mr^ 0— — , the minifter of 

Savannah^ is dead. I know one Mr. M , a clergyman in 

the IJlc of Mcm^ who would go over and fupply his place, if he 
was applied to. The Bifhop of Zodor and Man I believe will 
give him a recommendation. You may acquaint the Honour- 
able Truftees with this, and let me know th;ir anfwer. I hope 
jn about two months to embark for Georgia. I find God has 
given my family a good crop ; but the hands are Tick, {o they 
cannot Ipeedily carry it in. What condition the Orphan-houfe 
was in lately, the inclofed will (hew. Be pleafed to let the 
Honourable Truftces have a fight of it, and believe me to be, 
dear Sir, 

Your obliged friend and fervant, 

G. IV, 


To Mr. C . 

LondoHy Nov. 20, 1742, 
My very dear Brother^ 

THE firfl part of your letter did not fi.Tprizc me st all, 
though it made me look up to the Lord for you. I 
believed you would be down in the valley of humiliation foon; 
but fear not, it is only that you may be exalted the more. I 
truft, this will find you mounting on wings like an eagle, 
v/alking, yet not weary 3 running, yet not faint. Qqd hay. 
Vol. L ' Hh does, 


doe?, and will remarkably appear for you. Doubtlefs, yotJT 
are his fervant and minifter. He therefore that touches you, 
touches the apple of God's eye. Poor IViltJhire people! L 
pity them. If I knew their Bifhop, I would apply to him on: 
their behalf. I wrote to the Bifhop of Banger for our bre- 
thren in IVahs^ and have received a very favourable anfwer. 
The wrath of man fhall turn to God's praife, and the re- 
mainder of it he will reflrain. How wonderfully has he ap- 
peared in all ages for his church and people I My dear 
family abroad has been marvelloully preferved. Bleffed be 
God, they are returned to Bethefda m peace. We have 
fweet feafons daily, and I am carried in the arms of love. My 
Mafter careth for me, and fcems to order my goings in his 
way. O help me to praife him. I think you are never for- 
gotten by, my dear C , 

Your mod aflcdionate brother and fervant, 

G. IF. 


7o Mr. J E . 

Dear Sir^ Lo?uion, Nov. 23, 1742. 

HOW gently does the Lord deal with his followers? 
*' As a father pitieth his own children, fo is the LoRO 
merciful to them that fear him." Now your father is a little 
uneafy, your grandfather is more favourable. The Lord 
wilt never fufFcr you to be tempted above what you will be 
enabled to bear. He will make a way for you to efcapc. 

I am glad you have determined to fludy at E . 

Two things, f would earncftly recommend to your conllant 
(ludy, the l>ook of God, and ysur ozvn heart. Thefc two, 
well underftood, will make you an able minifter of the 
New Tcftament. In what manner you ihall be here- 
after employed, I would have you be iiidiflcrent about. 
'' Take no thought for the morrow/' i et the Lord fenvi 
you, when and where he will fend you. in the mean while, 
do as much for CjOD in a private way as you can. '* i^xer- 
cife thyfelf unto godlinefs," and walk \'o humbly, that all 
niay know our Lord has chofen you to be a gofpel prophet, 
i rejoice, tli4t the woili. iS ftiii goi-ig on. BleJfcd be God*, 

Letters. 41S7 

We have good times here. I am kept in great liberty. Be 
pleated to define all to accept of hearty love from, dear Sir, 
Your moft aftetStionate friend and fervant, 


To thi Earl of ^^. 
My Lord^ London^ Nov. 23, 1 742. 

SINCE 1 wrote to your Lordfnip, I have received a com- 
fortable packet of letters ivGrn Georgia^ giving me an ac- 
count of my family's fafe return to their Bcthefda. The deli- 
verance of Georgia from the Spaniards^ one of my friends 
writes me, is fuch as cannot be parrallcled, but by fome few 
inftances out of the Old Teflamcnt. I find that the Spam^ 
ards had caft lots, and determined to give no quarter. They 
intended to attack Carolina, but wanting water they put into 
Georgia, and fo would take that Colony in their way. But 
•* the race is not to the fwift, nor the battle to the ilrong." 
Providence ruleth all things. They were wonderfully repelled 
iand fent away, before our fhips v/ere feen. Surely God re- 
membered the prayers of the poor orphans, and the carncft 
cries which have been put up on their behaU". I find they 
now live at a fmailer expence. They hunt and ihoot for a 
good part of their food. Their crop gives them a confiderabls 
quantity of pea<?, potatoes, &c. and they kiU fome cf their 
own flock. There has been a greait fickneff? at Savamiah, 
Some of the labourers have been taken off, but none of th^ 
thilairen, as I hear^ have died as yet. I hope this will find 
your Lo:d(}iip perfedtly recovered, and your honoured conforr, 

Lady , and all your Lord(h:p*s fainiiy^ rejoicing in God. 

He is pleafed to give me much of his love, and to blefs mz 
every day. Several of our friends in jya'cs have been unjuft- 
ly excommunicated. I have fent two letters, and have re- 
ceived kind anfwers from the Biihop of Bangor, Perilous 
times, perhaps, are coming on j but this is my comfort, " the 
gates of hell Ihall never prevail againft the church cf ChrIst." 
Hoping for a line from your Lordlh^, if it be not too much 
tioublej I iubfcnbe myfelf, my Lordj 

Yc^ur Lordfbip's mod obedientj 
©b'i^eu humble fervant, 

G. tV. 



To Mifs W . 

London^ November 23, 1742. 

My dear Mifs IV , 

YOUR letter affcaed me much, and if it had not been 
for bufmefs, I fliould have anfvvered it ere now. It is 
the hardeft thing in the world to keep the creature in his pro- 
per place, "^e are apt to efteem the minivers of Jf.sus either 
too much or too little. One while, we could pluck out our 
eyes to give them ; at another time, run into a contrary ex- 
treme, and not pay them that refpe6t which is their due 
for their Mailer's fake. The love that a child of God feels 
for its fpiritual father, is certainly unfpeakable. O how can 
I but love him, who under God has brought me from dark- 

nefs into light I Methinks I hear dear Mifs IV fay, 

" how indeed !" But here is danger, left the afFedlions fhould 
be too much entangled, and we unwilling to give up the be- 
loved obje6t to our God. This, I fuppofe, is dear Mifs 
W 's cafe, and I can fay, 

/ kiioxv hoiv fore this trial isy 
For I have fdt the fame. 

O what have I fufFered in parting from fpiritual friends, ef- 
pecially fuch as were my Jfaac\ ! But Christ's grace has 
been fuincient for me, and fo it will be for you. I have pray- 
ed for you, and hope by this time dear Mifs IV can fay, 

my fpiritual Father keeps his proper place, and 1 walk in li- 
berty and the love of God. Indeed, my dear Mifs, no one 
but the fcarcher of hearts knows, v/hat a real concern I have 
for your eternal welfare. I verily believe I (hail fee you fit- 
liug at the right hand of your Redeemer. Surely he has cap- 
tivated and ftolen your heart av/ay. I hope nothing wiil di- 
vert you from him; but with a Tingle eye to his glory, you 
will go through good report and evil report, 'till you come to 
the blelled place, where the wicked will ceafe from troubling, 
and your weary foul enjoy an everlafting reft. Glad fliall I 
be to hear from yoa every opportunity. Ere long I muft 
awiiv. Pray our Saviour to help me under all my difHculties, 
4 but 


but at the fame time help me to praife him : for amidft all 
my various circumftances, I am kept joying in God, and 
made more than conqueror through his love. We have had 
b'efied times fmcc my arrival here. 

Your moft afFcttionate friend and fervant In Christ, 

G. IV. 


To the Bifiop of Bangor. 

My Lord, Londoriy Nov. 23, 1742. 

1 Humbly thank your Lordfliip for your Lordfnip's fccond 
kind letter. Your Lordfliip fliall have Mr. C 's 

letter vi'henever your Lordftnip pleafes to demand it. I fent it 
for no other purpofe, than to let your Lordfhip into the affair 
as far as lay in my power. I am quite willing your Lord- 
fhip fhould hear both fides. I doubt not but your Lordfhip 
will do juftlce. The candour and moderation which breathe 
in your Lordfhip's letters, and your condefcenfion in writing 
to me, incline me to take the freedom of begging your Lord- 
fhip's acceptance of my laft volume of fermons, and the 
Orphan-houfe accounts, from, my Lord, 

Your Lordfliip's moft obliged, 

obedient fon and fervant, 

G. IF. 


To Profejfor Franky in Germany, 

Rev. Sir^ Lond.iiy Nov. 24, 1742. 

LONG have I defigned writing to you, but fomcthing or 
another has always prevented me. However, I can now 
defer it no longer. For though I never faw you in the flefli, 
yet I love and highly efteem you in the bowels of Jesus 
Christ, and wifh you much profperity in the work of the 
Lord. Your honoured father's memory is very precious to 
nie. His account of the Orphan-houfe hath, under God, 
been a great fupport and encouragement to me in a like un- 
dertaking. How it profpers, the account fent with this will 
inform you. Only it will be proper to obferve, that fnice the 
publication of the laft, there have been upwards of 300/. col- 

Hh 3 leaed. 

470 LETTERS.' 

leded. T am yet about 40c/. in arrears. But I know In wh»m 
I have believed, for the carrying on of that building. Hi- 
therto it has anfvvered its motto, and has been like the burn^ 
ing bufli on fire, but not confumed. The Colony's late de- 
liverance from the Spaniards was very extraordinary. I cannot 
but think the Lord intends yet to do great things for Georgia. 
How is it with the Saltzburghers ? I have not heard. Some- 
time ago I fent them over twenty pounds, and wi(h it was in 
|ny power to fend them more. About January^ God willing, I 
intend to embark. In the mean while, I fhould be glad to 
know. Rev. Sir, how it is with your Orphan-houfe ? and 
whether yoi4 have any commands to Georgia? I fuppofe you 
have heard of the work of God in Scotland, Indeed the word 
has run and been glorified, and Jesus has gotten himfelf the 
vidlory in many hearts. In Brtgland alfo he is pleafed to blefs 
us. Here are many clofe followers of the bleffed Lamb of 
God, and though there is a difference of opinion bet\veen me 

and Mr. JV , yet Jesus pities us and blefles us al]. I long 

for that time, " when the watchmen fhall all fee eye to eye ; 
when the leopard fhall lie down with the kid, the lioq e^t 
draw like the ox, and the people of God learn war and jangle 
no more.'* Haflen that time, Q glorious Emmanuel, and let 
thy kingdom come ! — Rev. Sir, whilft I am writing, the fire 
of love kindles in my heart. I am amazed, to think the blef- 
fed Jpsus fhould employ fuch an unworthy wretch as I am. 
I^ut thy grace is free, for, O my God, it fount} me out. 
The love yoM bear to the lovely Jesus, I am perfuaded will 
excite you to pray for me. Glad fhould I be of a line from 
v-ou, and the Rev. Mr. Uifpurgher ; but I deferve no regard 
for not writing to vou both. But you know how to forgivie, 
for God for Christ's hko: hath forgiven you. Hoping there- 
fore for a line from you by the hands of the Rev. Mr. Z ■, 

I fubfcribe myfelF, Reverend and dear Sir, 

Your mofl obliged, aftccfionate, tho' unworthy younger 
brother and fcrvant in the kingdom 

and patience of the blefl<;;d Jesus, 

G. IF. 




To Mr, P , cf Newbury. 

Lomkri^ Nov. 27, J 742. 
Rf-j. end dear Sir^ 

THIS morning I received your fwect and lovely letter. 
It humbled me before God ; but I rejoiced, as I had 
Jong fmce publickly recanted all that is exceptionable in that 
•extra(5i:. 1 think I was overfecn in publifliing it; but this is 
not the firfl: blunder 1 have made. My miftakes have been Co 
many, and my imprudence i'o great, that I have often won- 
dered that the glorioAis Jes^J'S would employ me in his Service 
But he has pr-ovc<i his eternal goodnefs, long-fuffering, and 
love, by bearing with me, and. Rev. and dear Sir, he ftill 
delights to honour me. Since I have been in London^ he has 
given me great frcc<iom of foul, and caufed his word to come 
with power. I have news of my family being fafe at Georgia, 
God willing, I purpofc to embark next January. I molt 
heartily thank you for this laft inftancc of your love, and pray 
our dear Jesus to reward you for it. Your feeing what a 
poor, weak-, fallible creature I am, I truft will ftir you up to 
be more earned for me at the throne of grace. Next week I 
intend fending you a parcel, wherein you will have more par- 
ticular accounts of the work in Siioiland, I hear the gofpcl 

^ouriflies in Gloucejierjhire and IVdlcs, Dear Mr. C will 

be fadly mifTed. But he is in peace, aiid the refidue of the 
fpirit is in the Redeemer's hands. That you and your dear flock 
and family may experience a large effuUon of it in your dear 
/buls, is and (hall be the carncft jrayer oi^ dear and Rev. Sir, 
Your ?noft afFedlionate, tho' moil: unworthy brother 
and fervajit in Jesu^ Christ, 

G, JV, 


To the Bijhop of Sarum, 
Aly Lordy Nov. 30, I742- 

I Beg your Lordfhip's pardon for troubling von with this. 
I helieve your Lorddiip will not be offended, when*" you 

know the cauie. There is one Mr. C , a true lover of Jesus 

H h 4 Chkisti^ 


Christ, who has been much honoured in bringing many poor 
fmners in If^dtjlnre to the knowledge of themfelves and of God- 
He is a member of the Church of Ef7gla7id^ but f:\dly oppofed 
by the clergy in JVlltj})ire^ as well as by many that will come 
to hear him preach. In a letter, dated November \(j\.\\^ from 
Tcxham^ he writes thus: " The enemy feems to be more awaken- 
" cd in the villages round about us, than before. The mini- 
" fters of Bramhk^ Segcry^ Langley^ and many others, have 
" ftridly forbidden the church-wardens and overfeers to let any 

" of the C ''s have any thing out of the parifh j and they 

** obey them, and tell the poor, if they cannot flop them from 
" following any other way, they will famifn them. Several 
" of the poor, who have great families (to my ov/n knowledge) 
" have already been denied any help, for this reafon, bccaufe 
'^ they f(jllow this way. Some of the people have, out of fear, 
'^ denied they ever came, and others have been made to pro- 
*' mife tli.?v will come no more ; whilil the moft part come at 
" the lof? of friends and all they have. When the ofEccrs 
" threatned fome to take away their pay ; they anfwered, if 
^^ vou ftarve u?, v/e will go, and rather than we will forbear, 
«' we will live upon grafs like the kinc. Surely the cries of 
*' the diftrefTed people have already entered into the cars of the 
*' Lord of Sabacih.'' In another letter I received from hini 
laft night, he writes thus : '« I fhould be glad if you could 
" mention the cruelty of the miniiicrs Oi Brn?/ihle^ and Scgery, 
*' to the Bifiiop of Sanwiy indeed, their doings are inhuman. 
" llie cry of the people, becaufe of their oppreffion, is vtry 
*-'' great; federal fufier amazingly." — In compliance with my 
dear friend's rcqucil, I prefume to lay the matter, as he repre» 
fttits it, before your LordPnip, being pcrfiiaded that your 
Lordfhip will not favour perfccuting pra<5iices, or approve of 
fuch proceedings to keep people to the Church of EnglancL 
Should this young man leave the Church, hundreds would 
leave it with him. But I know that at prefent he has no fuch 
defi'^n. If your Lordfnip pleafes to give n:ic leave, I v/ould 
Vv'ait upon your Lordfliip upon the lead notice. Or if your 
LordPaip is plcafl-d to fend a line into V/Uif:nrt\ to know the 
truth of the matter, and judge accordingly, it will fati^fy, my 


Your Lord*]iip'5 inofl obedient fen and fervant, 

G. IV. 
L E 1^ T E R 



To Mr. J . 

Londsuy Dec. 4, 1742. 

IF my dear brother J took it kind, that I called at his 
houfe, I am fure I took it much kinder that he was 
plealed to fend unworthy me fo kind a letter. It has fo af- 
fected me, that I have been praying before my Saviour for you; 
and though nature calls for reir, 1 cannot obey it, before I 

have written to my dear Mr. J . Vile, unfaithful as I 

am, my Mafter lets me have my hands full of work. Froni 
morning 'till midnight I am employed, and, glory be to rich 
grace,, I am carried through the duties of each day with chear- 
fulnefs, and almoft uninterrupted tranquility. Our fociety is 
large, but in good order, and we make improvements daily. 
My Mafter gives us much of his gracious prefence, both in our 
public and private adminiftrations. In our love-feafts, Jesus 
comes and fays, " Peace be unto you." In our great congre- 
gation, he gives poor finners to look, and mourn, and live, 
\n ScGiland the work was very extraordinary. In TVales the 
word runs and is glorified much. In Gloucejlerfolre^ JFiltJhirey 
and Br'ijlol^ our Lord gets himfclF the victory in many hearts. 

In Neivcajlle^ our brother TV 's are blclTed much, and I 

heartily rejoice to hear that our dear Saviour is fo much amono- 
you. If I know any thing of this my defperately wicked 
heart. I am dead to parties, and freed from the pain, which 
on that account once difturbed the peace of my foul. In- 
deed, Jesus has taken many things from me, and made me to 
experience, that in him there is plenteous redemption. About 
yanuary, I purpofe, GoD willing, to embark for Georgia. 
My dear family hath been wonderfully prefervcd. As the 
Qrphan-houfe was built by faith, 1 truft the gates of hell fhall 

never prevail againfi: it. Methinks I hear my dear Mr. f . 

iay, Amen. I mofl cordially falute your dear Lady, dear bro- 
ther S 5 and all the brethren. I faw our dear S be- 
fore he went. I intended having fomc fwect fcllowfhip v/ith 
the church in TorkJJnrc^ but was prevented by riding poll. If 

dear brother H , ov D , or any of the brethren, have 

any thing to fay tq a poor finne(j I ihovtid be glad to hear 



from them. Let this provoke you, my dear brother, to fend 

rre another letter. I'll redeem time from fleep, rather than it 

(hould not be anfwercd by, my dear Mr. */ a^. 

Your moft afte^lionate, though unworthy, fmful and 
younger brother in Jesus Christ, 

G. JK 


To the B'lfnap of BriftoL 
My L^^d, London^ Dec. 5, 1 742. 

AS your Lordftiip was pleafed to contribute towards the 
Otphan-houfe in Georgia^ I think your Lordfhip has a 
right to hear how that undertaking fucceeds. I have mads 
bold to fend your Lordfliip the accounts of it, which are pub- 
lifhed. Since the Jaft was printed, I have co]le(£^ed about 300/, 
and have heard that my family are all fafe at the Orphan- 
houfc. I have alfo taken the freedom of fending your Lordfhip 
Kiy laft volume of fcrmons ; in accepting of which, your Lord* 
ihip will much oblige 

Your Lordfliip^s moft obedient fonand fervant, 

G. IF, 


To Mr. 5——, at IForceJler, 

L^ndan^ T)ec. 9, 1 745. 
R€v. and dear Sir, 

HOWEVER engaged I may be, I think it my duty to 
anfwer your kind letter as foon as pOilible. It is not fit 
that my Malkr'ii aged fervant (hould wait long for an anfwer 
from a younger broiher, cfpccially as I know you write with i'o 
much difficulty. I thank you. Rev, Sir, for your plain dealing. 
It is what pleafcth mc well. Indeed, I feel myfelf a poor, vile, 
woithlcfs creature.3 and am glad to receive advice from you, 
who have been fo long in the Redeemer's fcrvice. However 
ungrateful it may be to thp old man, the langu.ige of my heart 
is, *' LoRD,.rtarch mc ai\d try nic, and whatever fecret wick- 
*' ednefs lurks in my foul, difcover it to me, and give rne 
'' power over it, that nothing may divert me from that way, 
** which leads nie to lite eveilcifting/' Your advice. Rev, 



Sir, in refpe^t to prcachinp;, was falutary and pooii, and if I 
may fpcak any thing of myfelf, is what i keep ciofe to. I am 
remarked for my evangelical preaching, and comforting the 
mourners of Z/'^w. I am never fo much in my element, as 
when I preach free grace to the chief of linners. As to the 
gentleman you mention, I do not remember I ever converfed 
with fuch a perfon. I believe there can fcarce an inftancc be 
given of any one font to Bedlam by my fcrmons. But I rejoice 
in this, and all other calumnies that are caft upon me. 

j^ii hail reproach^ and zvclcomc' pa'iriy 
Only thy terrors^ Lord, re ft rain. 

I muft: have fome thorn in the flefli, to ferve as a poifc to the 
great honour my Mafter is pleafed to put upon me. la 
Scotland^ my reception was extraordinary. It was almoft 
wholly amongft the people and clergy of the kirk^ with many 
of the highcft rank. 1 was very intimate with feveral perfons 
of quality, who I truft have been awakened to a true feiife of 
the divine life, and enabled to count all things but dung and 
drofs for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus 
their Lord. My chief pppofition was from the dear Mr. 

E s and the alTociate prelbytery. They firft invited me 

to Scotland', but finding I would preach for the minifters of 
the eftabliflied church, as well as for them, they fpoke all 
manner of evil againft me falfly, and imputed all the work ia 
Scotland and New- England to the agency of the evil fpirit. I 
pitied, prayed for, and loved them, and do fo flill. O, reve- 
rend Sir, v/hat thanks (hall I give to my Lord for carrying 
me through fo many trying difpenfations ? I know you will 
help me to adore and praife him. I am much blefied here. 
V/e have many gracious fouls. Ere long 1 mufl leave them. 
I have not the leaft thought of feeing JVorceJier. Glad fhali 
I be to kifs your aged hands ; but I (ball fee you in glory. 
Begging the continuance^ of your prayers, and with all poiTible 
thanks for all favours, I fubfcribe myfclf, reverend and dtar 

Your njoft obliged and affe^^lionate friend and younger 
l&rolher and Rrvant in Jesus, 

G. IV. 




To Mr. D 5 of Edinburgh. 

Loiidouj Dec. 185 1742. 
My very dear Friend and Brother^ 

LAST night, juft before your kind letter came to hand, 
I had been lying on my face before our compaffionate 
High-Prleit, telling him what great expenccs lay before mc 
for his great Name fake, I wanted 300/. to pay for the Or- 
phans, and much to pay for my own ncceilary expences, 
which he, by his providence, brought upon me. Your letter 
came as an anfwcr to my prayer. It humbled, at the fame 
time that it elated my foul, and greatly ftrengthcned my faith. 
Surely the Lord is on my fide, and the Orphan-houfe will 
ftand uncon-umed in fire. The enemies, and even many 
friends of Jesus fpeak againft it ; but this is all to bring me 
nearer to the bleffcd Jesus, and to convince me that our ex- 
tremity is God's opportunity. My dear man, God will 
abundantly blcfs you for helping me at this jun6ture. I can 
find but few, who think it a favour to do any thing for God, 
and love to help a friend to the very laH:. O, dear Sir, was 
you here, I could weep over you, and thank you moil hearti- 
ly. Lafl- night I was enabled to intercede for you very 
much. God will hear my prayer, and not let my dear friend 
iofehis rew^ard. The 16th of this month v/as my birth-day. 
It made me -blufh to think how much fin I have committed 
againft, and hov/ little good I have done for God. As foon 
as 1 opened and read your letter, amazed, I cried out, I am 
the vileft wretch living, and fo I thii^.k nov/. I know you will 
pray for. me, and thank our Saviour too. He is very kind to 
me. Our fociety goes on well. I am now in my winter^ 
quarters, preparing for a i':^'iVi cai^paign. Though I richly 
defervc it, yet our infinitely condefcending Jesus will not lay 
me afide, until he has performed all his good pleafure in and 
by me. Wifliing you, my" dear Sir, all the blefiings of the 
cverlafting covenant, and fending you ten thoufand tha'nks 
for" all favours, I fubfcribe myfelf. 

Your mcO: obliged afieaionatc friend, brother, and 
unwortlw fcrvant in Jnsus CuRibT, 

G. W> 



To Mr I . 

London^ Dec* 21, 1742. 
My very dear Brother^ 

WHEN your letters come, I find great freedom to fend 
immediate anfwcrs. A proof this, I truft, that our 
Saviour intends our brotherly love not only to continue, but 

increafe. This day I dined with old Mr. F , and w^as 

kindly entertained by him and his wife. I then remembered 
what fweet counfel we had there taken together, and rejoiced 
in the happy profpedl of our being ere long for ever together 
with our blefled and glorious Lord. My brother, what has 
our Saviour done for us fince that time ? What is he doing 
for us now ? what did he do. ere time began ? what will he d© 
when time fhall be no more? O how fweet is it to be melted 
down with a fenfe of redeeming love ! It is this muft ftrike 
the rock, and break the bars of unbelief afunder. O ! to be 
kept always low at the feet of Jesus ! It is right, my bro- 
ther, always to infift on poverty of fpirit, and emptying the 
creature of felf. I heartily join with you In your petition for 
yourfelf and unworthy me. I know what a dreadful thing 
it is, to carry much fail without proper ballaft, and to rejoice 
in a falfe liberty. Joy floating upon the fuifacc of an unmor- 
tified heart, is but of (hort continuance. It pufFs up, but 
doth not edify. I thank our Saviour that he is fliewing us 
here more of our hearts, and more of his loye. I doubt not 
but he deals fo with you. I heartily greet your dear honlhold, 

and your focieties, and return my love to Mr. S . I have 

heard him mentioned by hAy F G . If our Saviour 

gives me leave, I would gladly come to Torkjhire. But I 
think the cloud points ftrongly towards Georgia. He hatli 
taken wonderful care of the Ihcep left in yonder wildernefs, 
and interpofed mightily in their behalf. I know you will 
thank him for it. I have had a loving conference with dear 

Mr. B , and have received a fweet gofpel-letter from 

dear Mr. H . With this I fend to him, you, and 

yours, and all the brethren, moft hearty love, ar;u .r.n, my 

"ry dear brother, 

Ever vours in Chz'iist, 

G. TV. 



To the Honourable Colonel G . 

Honoured Sir ^ London^ Dec. 2lj ij^lo 

YOUR kind letter put me in mind of righteous Z^f, who-fc 
foul was grieved day by day at the ungodly converfatioii 
of the wicked. It wns the fame with holy David. His eyes, 
like yours, honoured Sir, gulhed out with water bccaufe men 
kept not God's law. Let this be your comfort, honoured Sir, 
that ere long " the wicked fhall ceafe from troubling you, and 
your weary foul fhall be at reft." Our Saviour will give you a 
difcharge, when you have fought a few more battles for him. 
An exceeding and eternal weight of glory is laid up for you, 
which God the righteous judge fhall give you at that day. 
1 confefs your fituation and employment cannot be very agree- 
able to a difciple of the prince of peace. But perfons can bet- 
ter judge for themfelves, than ftrangers can judge for them. 
However, I cannot fay, I would change ports. Indeed, ho- 
noured Sir, I think mine is a glorious employ. I am not 
aihamed of my mailer, though my mafter may well be afhamed 
of me. I know no other rcafon, why Jesus has put me 
into the miniftry, than becaufe I am the chief of finners, and 
therefore fitted to preach free grace to a world lying in the 
wicked one. BlciTed be God, he gives much fuccefs, and 
for the generality anfwers your prayers, by giving me a thriv- 
ing foul In a healthful body. But O my unfruitfulncfs 1 I 
am often afhamed that I can do no more for that Jesus who 
hath redeemed me by his own moft precious blood. Honoured 
Sir, the thoughts quite confound me. O that I could lie 
lower I then (liould I rife higher. Could I take deeper root 
downwards, then (hould I bear more fruit upwards. I want 
to be pool in fplrit. I want to be meek and lowly in heart. 
I want to have the whole mind that was in Christ Jesus, 
Blcfied be his name for what he has given me already. BlefieJ 
be his name, that out of his fulnefs I receive grace for grace, 
O that my heart was Christ's library f 1 would not have 
one thief to lodge in my Redeemer's temple. '' Lord, fcourge 
out every thief,*' is the daily language of my heart. The Lord 
1^411 be>ir my prayer^ and let my cry come unto h'rm. I have 
I jujft 


juft been writing to your honoured lady. I think (he grows 
in grace. May you and yours be filled with all the fulnefs of 
God ! In about fix weeks, God willuig, I purpofe to em- 
bark, for Georgia. Our Lord has wonderfully appeared for 
my poor orphans. I am yet in arrears for them, but my God 
knows how to fupply all my wants. I am enabled to caft all 
my care upon him, believing that he careth for me. I hope 
to have the favour of another letter before I embark. In the 
mean while, I beg the continuance of your prayers, and am, 
honoured Sir, 

Your moft afFe£lionate, though very unworthy 

brother, arvi fervant in our glorious head, 

G. n' 


To Lady Jane H C . 

Homured Aladain^ London^ Dec. 23, 1 742. 

HOW are we obfigf^d to your Ladyfhip ? Had I time I 
would endeavour to tell you; but this is my comforr, 
when I have not time to write,. I have a heart given me to 
pray for my dear friends, and you. Honoured Madam, have 
a conllant Ihare in my poor petitions. I find by yours to my 
wife, that you complain of darknefs. Ere now, I hope the 
day-ftar hath again rifen in your heart, and you have been 
made to rejoice with exceeding j^reat joy- Our Lord will 
not leave you comfortkfs ; he will fend the Holy Ghoft to 
comfort you. The time of finging of birds /hall come. Our 
Lord will not be a!ways chiding. — This is only to fhew you 
more of your hearf, and make you what you long to be, a 
very poor finner. Our hearts, Honoured Madam, are fo dcf- 
perately wicked, deceitful above all things, that without re- 
peated inftances of feeling our helplefsnefs and mifery, wc 
{hould forget ourfelves, and run away from the feet of our 
Lord and Saviour. He therefore, in love, empties before he 
fills ; humbles before he ex-alts. At Icaft, he is pjeafcd to 
deal thuj with me. 1 thank him for it, from my inmoft foul : 
for was it not fo, his mercies would deftroy us. He heJps 
mc alfo to praifc him. When I difcovcr a new corruption, I 
am as thankful as a ccntincl keeping warch in a garrifon, 
would be at Ipying a flraggUng anemy com'5 nea; him. 1 ftani 



not fighting with it myfelf in my own ftrength, but run im- 
mediately and tell the captain of my lalvation. By the fworcl 
ofhisfpirit, he foon deftroys it, and makes me exceeding 
happy. This is what I call a fimple looking to Christ, 
I know of no other efFecShial way of keeping the old man down, 
after he has gotten his deadly blow. Look up then, dear 
Madam, to a wounded Saviour.. Go to him as a little child. 
Tell him your whole heart. He will hear your lifping, and 
fet your foul at liberty. He is pleafed gracioufly to anfwer 
my petitions, and to blefs my poor labours. We have "many 
good fouls in our fociety, that are gently coming 'into the 
knowledge of themfelves. Our Saviour deals moft lovingly 
with us indeed. Laft night we had a general love-feafl. It 
was exceeding awful and refrefiiing. I could have wifhed 
for fome of my dear Scotland friends. I was enabled to pray 
for them mofl fervently. May Jesus blefs this letter to your 
foul ! Wifhing, above all things, that it may be in health and 
profper, and with humble acknowledgments for all favours, 
1 fubfcribe myfelf, Flonoured Madam, 

Your Ladyfliip's moft obliged humble fervant, 

G, IK 

The End of the Fi r s t Vo l u m k.