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Full text of "The Works of the late Reverend Robert Traill, A.M., minister of the gospel in London"

^RV OF Pfil/vcf^ 


D}( 9170. T720 M 177D v. 2 - g r^ 
Traill, Robert, 1642-1716 
The Works of the late 
Reverend Robert Traill, A.M. 

V. "2- 



O F 
The late R. e v e r e n d 


MiDifler of the Gofpel in London. 



Sixteen Sermons oq the Lord's Prayer in John 
xvii. 24. Firft printed in 1705. 

Cut Veritas comperta^ Jtne Deo ? Cut Deus cognitus, Jine Chrtjlo ^ 
Cui Cbrijlus c'Aploratus^ fins Spiritu San^o r* 



Priated and Sold by JOHN BR YCE, at his Shop, 
oppohte Gibfon's-wyod, Salt-makket, 

M D C C L X X V. 



THREE things areftmpfy neceffary unU any man^s hav- 
ing of true religion and godlinefs ; found principle i of 
divine truth known ^ the favoury of that knowledge in the 
heart , and the power of that favoury in a matins worJJnp and 
walk. There are no found principles offaving truths but in 
and from God^s written word. There is no right favour of 
thofe principles^ but in and by faith and love, which is in 
Chrift Jefus, 2 Tim. i. i"^. and iii. 15. It is by this favour 
of the knowledge of Chrift, as it is called^ 2 Cor. ii. 14, 
that the power of godlinefs is imprejfed on the hearty and ex- 
preffed in the life of a believer. If the principles of truth be 
not from Cod's word^ there can be no true religion ; if tha 
truth profejfed be confonant to God's word, and faith and love 
be wantingy ii may be a man^s notion and opinion, but it is 
not the mar?s religion ; and if the power of known truth be not in 
his walk and CGnverfation, neither Jhould he himfef, nor QUght 
any other think, that fiich a man hath any religim at all. 

They have done good fervice to the common-wealth of learn - 
ing, who, leaving the unprofitable, fpecltlative, and notional 
philofophy, have fet upon the experimental. And any man 
may fee y that theology hath been, efpecially by the fchr^cl-men, 
as much corrupted ; and that it is to be cured by reducing it 
unto praSIice afid experience. For certainly religion confifts 
not fo much in the notions of truih in the mind, fin which the 
devils, the VAofi irreligious of all creatures, exceed all men), 
as in the faith and love cf truth in the heart, and in the fruits 
iif that faith in the life. 

There are tivo frts of myfierles fpoke cf in the New Tefla- 
ment ; the myftery of godlinefs, which centers in Jefus Chrifl, 
the Son ofGocl^ i Tim. iii. 16. \ and ihe myAery of iniquity, 
which renters in AntichriH, the mao of fui, and the fon of 

A % per- 

iv T H E P R E F A C E. 

perdition, 2 Theff ii. 3. 7. rhefe two myftenes are conftanf 
and dire^ contraries. Whoever is ignorant, or an iinheliever 
of xh.t myftery of godlineis, may,eafily be drawn, cr driven ^ 
to be a believer of the myftery of iniquity. Si it was fore- 
told, 2 Their ii. 10, 11, iz.-^ end accordingly we daily fee 
this awful judgment of God executed upon many. Neither is 
any thing more needful to make_ a man a real hater cf Popery y 
than to be a ftncere believer on Jefui Chrifl, It is true, that 
the exceffivc pride cf the Pope, and his prelates, the cruelty of 
his dcminat'on, the jrontlef prof anen^fs of his fynagogue, and 
tbevifible w:rldly craft of his religion, is n../e than enough 
to make him and it hateful to Pagans, Jews, lurks, and fn- 
fJcls. Tei to hate Popery fpiritua'ly, as it is a grofs corrupti- 
on of true Chrifiianity (of which hefalfly arrogates the name), 
is only found with the elecl of God : Rev. xiii. 8 And all 
that dwell upon the earth (hall worship him, (that is, th^ 
beafl), who-fe names are not written in the book of life of 
the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world. Andto 
the fame pur p of e is that in Rev. xvii. 8. 

It was not the clearnefs of light and knowledge, (in which 
this age doth much cxceedthe former J, but the power of known 
truth on the hearts ofChrifi's witr.ejjes r.gainfl Antichriji, that 
carried themfo honourably through the fiery trial. 

It is unaccountable hypocrify and folly infuch ns pretend 
to be followers offuch martyrs for Chrifl, in their caufe and 
tefiimony, and yet do mock that faith, and love, and commu- 
nion -with God, which were their fupport in their fufferings 
for it. If it be poffible, it is very rare, and highly improba- 
ble^ that a firanger to, much more a mocker at the power cf 
godlinefs, fiouldfvffer extremity, andthat ch ear fully, for the 
form of it. 

We have afo in thefe lafl and perilous time(,fome antichriji Sy 
that do deride both the myftery of godlinefs, and xht my- 
ftery of iniquity. They have no faith to take up the glory of 
the myftery of godliijcfs : but they have f erf e and rcafon e- 
ncugh to take up the folly and knavery of\ht myftery of iniqui- 
ty : Afrt cf mm, to whom may be applied what the evil fpirit 
iaid to the v:igabond Jews, exorcifts, A^s xix. 15. Jefus I 
know, and Paul I know ; but who are yc ? Which a nit- 
V minifler took for bis text, and raifed this, more ingenious 
')an gravcy do^rinc from it, *' That there arc fomc men fo 

*' had 

. ' Th E P R E F A C E. T 

'*' hady that the devil blmfelf does not know what to make of 
^' them." Thefe men I meauy do not halt betwixt God and 
Baal^ betwixt Chrift and Antichriji ; hut oppofe both. If they 
efcape AntichriJVs rage in this ivorld^ theyjhall not efcapc the 
wrath of the Son of God in the next. They are fuch as have 
both heaven and hell againft them^ and fight agalnft both. But 
vjhatever difturbance the church of Chriji may meet withy and 
luhatevcr danger and hfs particular mens fouls may fuftain by 
other damnable herefies ; yet the grand tridl of the New 'Tcji^- 
ment churchy and the chief plague of the latter days, is from 
Antichrifl. And no wife Chrijiian can expeB the fulfilment of 
the. prophecies of the glory of the church of Chrift y but in and 
by the ruin of Antichriji y and of his throne of iniquity . 

And tho7igh Antichrift^s interefi in this nation feems /? Ik 
pretty well excluded by Proteftant lavjs and rulers y and yet 
more by the plain inter eft of the nation y a: to all its valuab.e 
concerns ; yet where the myftery of godlinefs is not duly cf 
teemed^ no man nor nation is fecurcd from the malignant in" 
fluence of \\\t myftery of iniquity. And though Antichri/i's 
throne feems to be fixed by long pojTeffiony and the blindnffs of 
mofi of the kings in Europe ; yet there is that rottcnncfs in its 
foundationSy and that weight of wrath threataied in the word 
&f Gody as will fink it as amilftone in thefea, in due time. 

It was with an eye to both thefe myfterieSy that what you 
ready was preached fome years fincCy and is now publifhed. 

It is neither from unacquaintednefs with the genius of the 
prefent agc^ nor with my fmall talent y that I put forth thefe 
plain ordinary fermons ; I well know, that they are not fuitcd 
to the fpirit of the day. 

Nor fJjould any importunity have prevailed (though I was 
not without fome of the nearefi and mofi prejfmg kind J, if I 
had not fome confidence towards Gody that his truth is herein 
declaredy (how weakly fever ), and fome hope that this work 
may he accepted with Cod through Jefus Chrift y and may be cf 
fome life to his people ; which I leave with the Lord, who alone 
giveth the increafe. 

It was praije- worthy charity in a great divine, now at reft 
with the Lordy to fay y ** He hoped that fome were much chli^ . 
** ed to the grace of God to whom thegrac of God was Ittk ob- 

*' li'edp 


The preface. 

•< Hged*^ To which I would add my dejires, that fome oppofer^s 
and pcrverters of the grace of God, may yet fall under that 
foiuer of his grace ^ as foal! make them know the grace of 
God in truth, Col. i. 6. rt«(/ preach that faith they now 
feel: to deftroy, Gal. i. 23. 

The edifi'ation dnd comfort of any believer ^ or the convi^ii' 
on of any unbeliever y ivUl overpay the labour of this fervice. 
This is all I defign and defire. 1 have neither fought patrons 
nor vouchers y beji(\es the Spirit of God f peaking tn the f crip - 
tures of truth. At this bar all men and all doBrines mujifiand 
and be judged. 


May 9. 1705. 





O N T H E 


In John xvii. 24. FIrft printed in lyo^. 

Cut Veritas compsrfa, fine Deo ? Cut Deus cognitus, fine Chriflo ? 

Cut Chrifltts exploratuSf fine Spiritu San^o ? 


By the late Reverend 
Mr- R O B E R T T R A I L L, A M, 

Minifter of the Gofpel in London. 


Printed by JOHN B R Y C E, and Sold at his 
Shop, oppoCte GibfonVwynd, Salt-market. 




L O R D ' s P R A Y E R. 

In John xvii. 24. 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they aljo whom thou hajl given me^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hajl given vie : for thou lovedjl me 
before the foundation of the world* 

YO U have heard many a good text taken out 
of the word of God ; but though all be good, 
there is none better than this. Love the text, 
and love above all, the bleffed firft fpeaker of it ; and 
you will be the fitter to profit by what you hear fpo- 
ken in his name from it. 

The beft of all fermons, in chap, xiv, xv, xvi, h 
concluded with the bed of all prayers in this chap, 
xvii. In this prayer, properly the Lord's prayer, (for 
that in Matth. vi. 9. is rather the pattern given for 
our praying, than the Lord's prayer), there are but 
few petitions, but they are all great ones. He prays, 

I. For 

2 Sermons concerning Serm. L 

I. For himfelf and his own glory, ver. i, to 6. 2. 
Then for his people, to the end of this chapter. This 
ver. 24. contains his laH: petition for them. And paf- 
fing the corapcllation Father^ five times ufed in this 
prayer, thrice fuigly, as in ver. i, 5, and 24. twice 
with an addition, Holy Father^ ver. 1 1. Righteous Fa^ 
ther^ ver. 25. 1 take up two things in this petition. 

1. The nranner of oar Lord's alking, / will ; a fin- 
gular way of praying. 

2. The matter of ChriR's prayer. And in it arc 
four things. 

1. The party he prays for; they whom thou hajl gi^ 
ven me. Only Jefus Chrift could pray thus for the 
cle6l, as ele£t. 

2. The bleffing he prays for to them : that they 
may he with me where I am. Where was Chrift whea 
be faid this ? He was going to the garden, to his a- 
gony, to be taken that night, and to be crucified next 
morning, and laid in his grave the next evening. But 
here our Lord is praying as one in heaven. See ver. 
J I, 12. And now 1 am no more in the world, but theft 
ate in the worlds and I come to thee. While 1 was' 
with them in the worlds 1 kept them in thy name. And 
he prays to have his people with him in heaven. He 
loved them fo well, that he came to the world where 
they were ; he loved them fo well, that he endured 
what they deferved : and here he exprcifeth his love 
in defiring that they may be with him where he is, 
Chrifl and his people muit be together. 

3. In the matter of this prayer of Chrifl, we have:, 
the end why Chrift prays for ihis bleiling to them v 
that they may behold my glory which thou haft given me^ 
Why would Chrift have his people with him where 
he is ? That they may behold his glory. Are they to 
receive no glory of their own '^. Yes, a great deal, 
furely ; yea, they have got fome already, verle 22. 
The glory which thou gave fl me (to give), / have given 
them ; and a great deal more they are to receive in 
heaven : but it flands in, and fs advanced by their 


Serm. I. the Lor(Vs Prayer. • 

behoIdiDg of Cbria's glory. Had they not beheld 
Chrift's glory before ? John i. 14. We beheld his glo* 
ry^ the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, 2 Cor. 
iii. 18. We all with open face behold as in a glafs the 
glory of the Lord. Ifaiah, chap. \\, faw his glory, and 
fpake of him, John xii. 41. Why then doth our Lord 
Ipeak of the necefuty of his people's being with him 
where he is, that they might behold his glory, fince 
he can manifeft his glory, and they by grace can be- 
hold it, even when they are where they are, and doc 
yet where he is ? The reafon is this, Becaufe belie- 
vers now, though by faith they can fee fomething of 
Chrift's glory, yet it is but a very little they do, ot\^At 
fee. The light is fmall, and their eye but weak ; but 
in that day that our Lord prays for, the difcoveries of 
his glory will be greater, and the feeing eye of the 
glorified will be Itronger, than now we can conceive. 

4. In the matter of this prayer, we have the argu- 
ment on which our Lord prays for this blefTing to his 
people ; For thou lovedfl me before the foundation of 
the world. You know, that this phrafe, before the 
foundation of the world, is an ufual fcripture-word for 
eternity : for the foundation of the world and time be- 
gan together ; creatures and time began together. 
Time is properly the raeafurc of the duration of a 
creature; but God inhabiteth eternity, Ifa. Ivii. 15. 
Creatures dwell or fojourn in time. So that this ar- 
gument of our Lord's is, For thou lovedfl me from e- 
ternity. And it hath a mighty force in it. If our 
Lord had faid, " I pray that they may be with me 
« where I am, for thou lovedfl them before the foundd'^ 
^' tton of the world :'' he had fpoke what he had ofc . 
told them, for they were given to Chrifl in love. But 
the argument is ftronger, as Chrift exprelTeth ir. For 
thou lovedfl me. " 1 love them, and would have them 
♦* where I s-na ; they love me, and would be with me 
♦' where I am ; thou loved them, and wilt have them 
*' where I am.'' But here is one argument more. For 
thou lovedfl me. Jefus Chrift the SoQ of God, as in- 

^^L' -II* B iniftcd 

A Sermons csncerning Serm. I. 

irufled with the cffice of a Saviour, and charged with 
the chofen, was, and is the objei^ of the Father's 
eternal delight and love ; and on this love the falva" 
tiou of all the ele(ft ftands more firm than the pillars 
of heaven or earth. 
: So much for the words of this verfe* And from 
this little glance 1 have given you of thsm, you may 
plainly perceive, that here is a rich and deep mine, 
bciicr than of gold that perilhcth. The Lord help 
us to dig and find treafure, and to be enriched by it. 


Head I. To begin with the firft thing in the 
te.xT, the manner cf ChrijTs praying here, I will : a 
liiiguUr manner : About it 1 would prcmife three 

1, This is a way and manner of praying, that we 
never read the like of it ufed by any faint in the word. 
Some of them have been very familiar with God, and 
the Lord hath encouraged thern much by his condc- 
fcendence to them ; yet nothing of this / ivii! is to be 
hfard or read of in their prayers. / zvili is too high 
for a iupplicant at God's footdool. Abraham was a 
great intimate with God^'^the fird believer honoured 
with the noble name of the friend of God : yet this 
great friend, when pleading for Sodom, Gen. xviii. 
with wiiat deep humility is his confidence mixed ? A- 
gam,wi)eri pleadingfor Iflimael, Gen.xvii. i8. hefaith, 

that Ifimael might live in thy fight ! Nothing like 
i\m I will. Abraham's grandfon Jacob came a little 
nearer to this, Gen. xxxii. 26. Let me gc^ (faith the 
angel), for the day hreaketh ; Jacob anfwers, / will 
not let thee go^ except thou hlefs me ; ** Give me thy 
*'.bleiTiijg, and go when thou wilt." When he had 
got the blefhnp:, he got an halting thigh, and a hum- 
bled heart whilll he lived, as he hints in Geo. xxxii. 30. 

1 haie feen God face to jace^ and my Itfe is preferved. 
Not a word or thought of this, '* I have feen God face- 
*v to face, 1 have wreflled with him hand to hand, and' 
"^ i have prevailed." No; he rather wonders that 


•Se^rXt. 1 the- L^rd^s prayer, ^ 

he got alive out of Gobi's liands, Right Jacobs, true 
Ifraelp, io and on their greateil prevailings with God> 
and blefliogs from hire, are loivly, humble believer^j, 
yea, humbled by God's advancing of them. Mofe?j 
that great wreftler with God for Ifrael^ though he ex-^ 
preffed a holy refolvednefs, yet nothiog appears like 
this / will, Exod. xxxii. lo. Let ?tie aione^ (faith the 
Lord), that my tvrath may wa^ hot agahijl the^n^ mid 
that I may confume them. It is (Irange, that one man 
-fliouid as it were hold ihe Lord's hands, that one man's 
faith fhculd ftop the execution of a jell fencence a- 
gainft a finful people, ^^t^rely you may <:onci tide, that 
the Lord is eafy to be inrreared. Again in Exodus 
xxxiii. 15. Mofes faid, If thy frefence go not with me 
(or wj), carry m not up hence. It is as goad for us to 
die here, as to go any whither without thy pretence. 
The wildernefs, though wade sod how^hng ; and Ca- 
naan, though the glory of all lands, are alike to Mo- 
fes without God's prefence. Again, in Numb. xiv. 12, 
Mofes hath a great oiFer from the Lord ; 1 wiU de- 
jlroy this people^ and make of thee a greater nation^ and 
mightier than 'they» Mofes, in his zeal to God's glo- 
ry, refufeth this profter, and pleads ftill, and pre- 
vails ; yet never 1 will is in all his importunity. No 
believer ever did, or ought to fpeak fo to God ; they 
fliould all afk accordinr^ to his will, aud forget and de- 
ny their own will. Yet Chrill did fay, / i^/7/j and 
might well fay fo. 

2. This / Tviil is not in a promife to us, biitin tn 
prayer to his Father. When the Lord pronnifeth 10 
do, or give good to his^ people, it is very ' becoming 
to ufe this ftyie, / will do^ or ^i've^ or be {o and forp 
my people. And it n this / wiii in a promife that faith 
fixeth on ; as Jacob did, Gen. xxxii. 12. Thou faidfl^ 
I ivillfurely do thee good. But our Lord is here praj^- 
ing ; though I own that there is a great promife iiii- 
plied in ir, as we liiali hear. 

3. There Is nothing like this in all the account i^e 
liave of Chriil'5 prayers at oiher tinieSj and other 

B a occa« 

.^ Ssrmcns concerning Serm. I. 

occafiotis. We £n^, that cur bleiTed Saviour was 
much given to prayer alooe, Blefs him for it, acd 
love Tecret prayer the better, that he ufed it himfelf, 
and thereby hallowed it to our ufe. How our Lord 
fpent ihofe nights in the mountain in prayer, and 
what he prayed for, and how, we cannot tell, except 
by that in Heb. v. 7. There are prayers and juppli- 
cattons offered up^ with ftrong crying and tears, Bctlie- 
vers, you, fomecimes when your hearts are full, want 
to be far from all company, that you may pour out 
your complaint to the Lord. BlefTed Jefus did fo in 
the days oF his flefh, and filled the filent night with his 
crymg; and watered the cold earth with his tears, 
more precious than the dew 0/ Hermon, or any moi- 
flure (next to his blood) that ever fell on God's earth 
fince the creation. Never were fuch fmlefs and pre- 
cious tears in God's bottle, Pfalm Ivi. 8. Let yours 
drop, believers, and mix in the fime bottle with his ; 
and OQ this account fow them in hope, and you (hall 
reap in joy, Pfalm cxxvi. 5. But for Chrifl's prayers 
recorded in the gofpel, we find our Lord prayed very 
humbly, though confidently. Wtien he prays in his 
agony, not a word of J wi// ; bur, Jbba, let this cup 
fafs from ms, tf thou iv'iii ; never thelcfs^ not my will^ 
but thine he dons, Chriltiaos, behold the amazing 
dilTerence betwixt Chriit's way af praying againll: his 
own helJ, (fo I may call it), and bis praying for our 
heaven. When praying for himfelf, it is, Father,, 
if it be thy 'will^ let ih;s cup pafs from me. And no 
Wonder; for every drop in that cup, was wrath, and 
curfe, and death. One drop oi it is everlalling poi- 
fon to all that laile it, but to Jefus the Prince of life. 
This cup he drank chearfuily : Johu xviii, 11. "[he 
tup which my Father hath given me^ fhall I not drink 
it f But when Chrifl is praying for his people's hea- 
ven, it is, Father^ I ivill that they may be with me 
where I am. Again, when our Lord is dying on the 
crofs, he prays, Father^ forgive them^ for th^y know 


Serm. T. the Lorifs Prayer, 7 

not what they do. And again, jufl at dying, Father^ 
into thy hands I commend my fpnit^ Luke xxii. 34. 
and 46. All humble fupplicadons; none of them io 
high and lofty (but yet it well became him) as this 
1 wilL 1 own, that Chrift, in one inftance on the 
crofs, put forth his divine power, and aded like a 
King and God, Luke xxiii. 42, 43. One of the ma- 
lefactors that was crucified witD him, (the happieil 
death ever man had, next to dying for Chrift, was to 
die with the Saviour, and to die receiving Chrift's grace, 
and Chrill's pafs to heaven), whatever Thomas meant 
in his words, John xi. 16. Let us go^ that we may die 
with him ; this happy malefactor had the bed of it 
fulfilled on him : he died with Chrift, and got eternal 
life on the fame day. Surely that word was eminent- 
ly fulfilled in this man, Eccl. vii. i. Better is the day 
cf deaths than the day of one* s birth. This man prays 
maivelloully, Lord^ remember me when thou comejl in- 
to tty kingdom. Our Lord anfwers more marvellouf- 
ly. Verity I fay unto thee^ To day fh alt thou be with me 
in paradife. As if Chrift had laid, " Can thy faith 
" take me up as a king, and the difpofer of heaven, 
«« notwithftanding this thick and dark vail chat is now 
« upon me ? 1 will a£t as a God and Saviour to thee:*' 
To-day fhalt thou be with me in paradife. Thefe words 
have no fmall afpe^f to this text, I will that they be 
with me where I am» 

Now let us fee what may be in this fingular word 
in Chrift's prayer, I will. No faint ever prayed (o; 
Chrifl himfelf in this prayer only here ufeth this word. 
There muft be forae fingular things that made our 
Lord ufe this word in prayer, / will ; and them I 
would look into. 

I. We may lawfully conceive, that herein there is 
a breaking out of his divine glory as the Son of God 
equal with the Father, as in Phil. it. 6,— 10. ; where 
the apoftle markeih three things about Chrift, none 
of which muft be forgotten by Chriftiiias. i. The 


3 Sermons concerning Serm. T. 

divine cligolty of his perfon, ver. 6, 2. The depth 
of his low and humbled (late, ver. 7, 8. g. The height 
q( his exalted ftaie, ver. 9, 10, 11. So dorh the apo- 
ii\t to the Hebrews, chap. i. 3. Now, tho' ChrilVs 
bumbled aod exalted ftate had, and have their feveral 
and diftiiiifi: appearances ; yet as his divine dignity 
.-was dill the fame 10 both dates, in his lowed and at 
his higheft, io there were iiow and then fome beam- 
iwg% of his glory, even in his lowed date, John ii. 11. 
and io his triumphant entry to Jerufalem, even whe6 
he was going to be crucified. So we may think, that 
this fmguJar word, / vAliy is ufed by Chrid to difplay 
his divine glory ; for it is a word that no itiere maa 
may ufe. 

2, Our L-ord had pronoifed it to hi<; difcipies in John 
xiv. 2,3.; and iherefofc prays thus for it. And we 
muft think, that the doclrine delivered by Chrid in 
Lis lad ferraon of confolarion, and this hd prayer of 
his, though in the firll place defigned for hisapodles, 
y-et are thv^ common portion of all believers on Jefus 
Chrilt. Now Ohrid had proraifed, John xiv. 2, 3. 
that 'where be ivas^ there his people jhould he alfo. If 
xi poor believer have at any time a firm hold on a pro- 
tiaife of God, how will he cleave toir^ plead upon it, 
and urge it? as 2 Sam. vii. 27, 28, 29. But who can 
conceive what confidence of faith Jefus Chrid the Son 
« of God had, and did ufe, in pleading with his Father 
for the fulfil ling of all his own proinifes to his peo- 
ple ? Befides, all Chrid's promifes to his people, were 
KVi^^t by him in his Father's name. No wonder then 
that our Lord fays, / will. 

3. Chrid here gives us a copy and pattern of hl^ 
intercedion in heaven, that fo much is fpoke of. Chrid 
here fpcaks as within the vail, ver. 4, 11, 12. as if he 
jbad done all his work, and were no more in the world 
I-Je had done fo much, had i)ut a Hide more to do,* 
which alfo was fpeedily to be difpaiched. Chrid's 
interceHion in heaven, is a kind and pov/erful rcrr.em- 
braiice of his people, and of a!i their concerns, ma^ 


SErm. I; the hordes Frayer^ ^ 

naged with Rate and majeily; not as a (upplicaot at 
the footftool, but as a crowned prince on the throne, 
at the right hand of the Father. So it is expreiT^d, 
Rom. viii. 34. Heb. i, 3. viii, 2. x. 12, 13. and xii. 
2, This may be one reafon of this great / wllL 

4, Here our Lord is making his will ; and there- 
fore / ivill is fitly put in. Chrifl is making his lalt 
will and teflament, and praying it over to his Father, 
which he fealed next day with his blood ; and here 
he tells what he wills to his people, even that they 
may he with him where he is, 'And nothing greater 
or better can be willed for them. BlelTed for ever- 
more are they that have this willed, and beqneached" 
to them. And you have a word like this in Luke 
xxii. 29. I appoint unto you a ktngdsm : '* i beq-iieaih, 
*' difpofe ir, make it over 10 you j" as the word may 
be rendered. 

5, Our Lord had the price of this glory in his hand, 
ready now to lay down ; and therefore he demands 
the purchafe ; for Chrift was taken this night, and 
died next day. The price of the redeemed and of 
their falvation, a price agreed upon in the everlalting 
covenant, a price of infinite value in itfelf, a price the 
Father's wifdom and juftice demanded, a price the 
Son promifed to lay down in the fulnefs of time, a 
price on the payment whereof fo great things were 
promifed to Cbrifi and his feed ; this price is now ia 
Chrid's hand ready, prefently to be told down. No 
wonder then, if Chrifl demand the purchafe in this 
high word, / zvi/i. Believers, it pafTeth all your 
thoughts, it paiTeth the higheft flights of your faith, 
to conceive that high aiTurance and confidence that our"^ 
Lord Jefus had of the acceptance and fuccefs of .hac 
facrifice of himfelf that he was now upon ofFeriog to 
his Father. Hence cometh this great / wiii, 

6. This I will is but an echo to the known will of 
his Father. It doth not become us to fay in our 
prayers, / willy becaufe v.'e do not perfedly know 
God's will ; and whea our defires clalli with Lis will, 


10 Sermons concerning Skrm. L 

we do but daOi againfl a rock. But Chrift knew per- 
fectly, that the thing he prays for, was the will of 
his Father, John vi. 38, 39, 40. When a believer 
hath a fure knowledge ot God's will, his Fairh may 
plead boldly on it. We read of one bold word of 
bleffed Luiher. He hearing of the dangerous ficknefs 
of an eoiineni minifler of the gofpel, prayed for him, 
prevailed with the Lord for his life ; and wrote to 
him, that he was allured, that the Lord would reftore 
him, and prefcrvc him to outlive Luther ; which came 
to pafs. In the clofc of this letter, he writes Fiat 
voluntas mea ; mea^ Domine^ quia tua, ** Let my will 
*' be done ; mine. Lord, becaufe thine." 

7. Lajilyy This / will in Chrift's prayer for hig 
people, (hews how much his heart was fet upon the 
eternal happinefs of his people. He prays for it wiih 
all his heart. On this fweet theme 1 would offer a 
few things. 

ly?. Let us confidcr how Chrifl's love and will v/as 
on the necelTary price of their falvation. How dear 
foever it was to him, whatever it coft bim, his love 
was on laying it down ; Luke xii. 50. / have a bap- 
tifm to be baptized with, and how am I ftraitened (or 
pained^ till it he accotnpli/hed f and it was a baptifm 
in his own blood ; and Luke xxii. 15. Wtth dejire I 
have defer ed to eat this pa£over with you before I fuffer : 
and it was his lad meal. Love to his Father, and 
love to his (beep, made our Lord long greatly to pay 
the price of redemption. 

There are feveri) thoughts in mens hearts about 
Chrifl's dying, i. Some think of Chrifl's death as 
brought about by the wMcked hands of fianers. This 
is a poor thought, if there be no more. This thought 
is natural to any that read the hiOory of his death. 
Carnal men may hate Judas that betrayed him, Pilate 
that condemned him, the pricfts that cried Crucify 
him^ and the people that did it. If this be ail, 1 may 
fay, the devils have a higher thought of Chrifl's death, 


Serm. I. the hordes Prayer, n 

and that that comes nearer to the truth, than this 
forry one. 2. Some go further, and think of Ciiritl's 
death as it was a fajfiiling of the puipofe and word of 
God concerning him. This ChriPr teacheth ls in 
Luke xxiv. 26. 44. ^6. ; and the apodles frequently 
in their preaching of Chrifl. 3. There is a h\^hcT 
thought of Chrifi's death ; and that is, That Chrid 
died, by the (Iroke of God's law and jufiice, for bis 
people. Jufiice roufed itfelf againfl our Lord : Zech. 
xiii. 7. Awake^ fword^ aga'mjl my Jhepherd^ and a- 
gainft the man that is my fellow, faith the Lcrdofhcjls : 
Jmite the fJjepherd. This fword was drawn and fur- 
biflied, and did enter into his foul : Ifa. iiii. 5. He 
'was wounded for our tranfgrejfiojis^ he ivas bnnfed for 
cur iniquities. Better were it that a man had never 
heard of Chrifl and of his death, than to hear, and 
not to know that his death w^as for his fins. This is 
Paul's firft doiflrine he taught ; and he is an ignorant 
and proud preacher that follows not tliis pattern : i 
Cor. XV. 3. For I delivered unto you fir ft of all, that 
■which I alfo received, that Chrifl died for our fins, ac- 
cording to the fcrif tares. 4. The beft thought of 
Chrift's death is, That he died out of love to his peo- 
ple. Love made him come in the way of juRice. 
Juftice and the law faith as it were, " Thou, or they 
" mud die. They have finned, the lav/ mufl be ful- 
" filled, juftice mufl be fatisfied." BleiTed Jefus au- 
fwers, « I love ihem too well to let them die; I will 
" rather die for them, that they may live/' Chrifl's 
death is flill laid on his love, John x. Gal.ii. 20. Eph. 
y. 25, 26. He loved us, and wafhed us from our fins 
in his own blood. Rev. i. 5. ; that is. He loved us io 
that he fhed his own blood for our fins ; and then in 
the fame love he wafhed us from our fins, in and by 
that blood which he llied in love. O fuch love ! fuch 
blood! fuchwafhing! Here is falvation, and here 
only. It is a damning dream to expert it any where 
elfe. ^ 

Vol. IL C idh 

12 Sermons concerning Serm.T. 

2dly^ CoDfider, as Chrlfl's love was much fet oa 
the paying the price of redemption, fo was his love 
and will as much fet oa the peifous of the redeemed. 
He laid down the price, in love to the purchafe. How 
can it enter into a man's thoughts, that the Son of 
God fhould lay down {o great a price, and not know 
what he was to take up for it ? that he flioukl die, 
and not know for whom, nor who (liould be the bet- 
ter for it ? His dying was in love ; and did be not 
know whom he loved? His love is ftill fpoke of as 
difbnguifhin,^ and particular; for his body^ hh people ^ 
\{\sjhcep^ whom he knew, John x. 

^dlyy the ways and means of bringiag his redeem- 
ed to glory, were alfo much in Chrift*;* love and will : 
John. xvii. 6. 16. I have declared UKfo them thy v.ame, 
<:ud will declare it ; that the love 'therewith thou kafi 
loved JUCy may be in them^ and I in them ; aad John 
X. 1 5. And other Jheep I have, which are not of this 
fold, (are not of the Jews, but of the elc<Si: Gentiles-) : 
them alfo I mufl bring, and they fhall f^ear my voice ; 
and there fhall be onefold, and one fhepherd. Every 
mean of grace, every bleffing of the means, every 
drop of grace you receive, as Chrift is the giver, fo 
his love and will is in the beftowing it on you. 
All things that accompany falvatioD, arc given with 
the love and will of Chrift. 

/[thly, Lallly, Chrid's Will is upon iaz end itfelf, 
eternal glory. It is firft in his defi^n, though it be 
lalt in our enjoyment, as in this te-xt. He uiil bi.vc 
his people with him where lye is. 

Application. There is one thing I would 
exhort you to from this doflrine, That Chrid's love 
and will is fixed on the eternal glory of his people ; 
and it is ihi?. Let believers learn to own their eter- 
nal falvation as fpringing from liie will of Chrlll, as 
well as from the blood of Chrift. There was a favinq; 
will in Chrifl in (liedding his faving blood : Heh. x. lO. 
By the zvhich will ive are fandified, ,^/. ^. julUfied 


Serm. T. the Lord's Prayer. Ij 

and faved, in the ftyie of that epiftle, fpecially) thro* 
the offering of the body of Jefus Chnjl once for alL 
What this will is, is declared in the foregoing verfes ; 
to be the Father's will commanding the true lacrifice, 
and the Son's will in offering this commanded facrifice. 
By this zuill v/c are faved ; this willy thus fised, thus 
accompliflied in Chrift's death. 

There are three great advantages, v/hich v/e (bai> 
reap by this looking on heaven, the prize of ourcal« 
iug> as willed by Jefus Chrift. 

I. It will (lir you up to praife ard glorify bim. 
He that took on him the burdeo of our fouls, and 
the care of our falvation, (hould fareiy bear the bur- 
den of all our fongs for falvatioo, and for the hope of 
it. So the apoftle fings, llev. i. 5. Hearty praife 
to Jefus Chrift for falvatioo can never be gi«'en, un- 
lefs men know that all their falvarion is owing 10 him 
alone; to his will, and to bis blood. If a man af- 
criba any bit of hi:^ falvatlon to any thing or perfoa 
befides Chrift, that tbicg or perfon will bear away, 
or rob fomewhat of the glory of falvation. But fmce 
all falvarion is from Chrilft, all the glory of it fhoilld 
be given to him. 

- 2. This will make your faiih in Chrift ftrong. 
What is ftrcng faiih ? Chrifiians ufually think, that 
ftiong faith h-iih in it peace, ]oy, and comfort. Buc 
ihefe are but the efFe<5^t5 of it ; and feparable alfo, as 
in Pfal. xxii. i. Never was faith near fo ftrong in 
any faint, as it was in the man Chi i ft on the crofi : 
and yet rio joy or comfort was tailed by him then. But 
as to faith in believer?, ft^'-ong faith is when a believ- 
er gets far in, into the love and will of Jefus Chrift. 
Now, this do6lrine opens up Chrift's love and will 
about our falvation ; let us then enter into it. Faith 
makes feveral approaches to Chrid for and about fal- 

ly?. It feeketh, and fiadeth, and feeth atoning, re^ 
conciiing blood, flowing from Chrift's love : Rom. 
iti. 25. God hath fet him forth to bs a propitiation 

C 2 thrcugb 

14 Sermons ccrxermng Serm. I. 

through faith in his bkod. Eph. i. 7. In whom we 
have redemption ibrcugh his blood. 

2d!y^ Faith fee th life fprioging and growing out 
of Chrid's grave. Alas! many are bufy about Mof- 
es's grave, ?,nd have no bufjnefs with Chrifl's grave. 
A believer. if eth eternal life fprir-giog from Chrift's 
death and grave. 

idiyy Faith goes further ; and through tliis blood 
of aionemtnt, and this life-giving death, it enters in- 
to Chriil's iove and will that was in his redeeming. 
As there was life to us in his death, fo there was love 
10 us in his dying for uf. Gal. ii. 20. Rev. i. 5, Bat 
can faith go any further ^, Yes. Only one (lep more ; 
and that is to the highefl fountain of all this; even 
God's eternal piirpcje which he furpofed in Jefus Chrijl 
our Lord, Eph. iii. 11. So that faith begins at Chrifl's 
death, rifeth with hino in his refurre^lion, feeth the 
Tinue and power of all in Chrifi's love, and then 
rifeth to the love of the Father that fent him, to that 
purpofe of grace from which the Saviour and all fal- 
vaiioQ doth proceed. Can faith go any further ^ No. 
Here faith is at a Hand. The believer is faved, and 
yet finks and is overwhelmed in this depth; and, like 
one fwa'lowed up, cries our, O the depth of the riches 
hcth of the ivifdom and knowledge of God / how un- 
fear cbable are his judgments^ and his ways pafl find- 
ing out ! Rom. xi. 33. When faith gets a view of 
the unlearchable riches of God's grace in, by, and 
through Jefus Chrifi, then the believer long*? to be 
in heaven, to behold the fountain head o( all grace 
and glory. Faith longs to ceafe to be faith. This is 
a ill angc and flrong a£t of faith, a firange dcfire in a 
believer, " O when (hall I ceafe to be a believer, and 
*' become a feer ! when fhall the glafs be done away, 
*< and the full-eyed villon of glory fucceed ! i Cor. 
" xiii. 10, II, 12. When fh-ill both faith and hope 
•' ceafe, and love fill their room V* 

3, This feeing of Cluifl's heart and will about 
your falvatioD, will enable you to pray and labour 


Serm.1. the Lord's Prayer. 1$ 

rightly for glory. What is it to do it rightly ? It is 
to labour with courage, and to hbour wiih humihty. 
And Chriftiaos work profperetb, when tbofe are u- 
nited, as they always (hould be. How boldly may 
a believer fay, 1 would be in heaven fiQce Chrift Wills 
it ? And how humbly (hould he fay, I would be there ; 
Hnce his own will about it ugniiies nothing, and ChnlVti 
will is all i* 

Obj. How ihull I know that I am in Chrift's will for 
falvation I If 1 did know it, then I would give thanks, 
1 would believe firmly, and would labour hard to ob- 
tain the pofTcffion of this glory. 

Anfw. To this i offer three things, i. Confider 
how they behaved themfelves, that with their own 
ears heard thofe very words from ChriiTs own mouth. 
It is a vain thought that readily rifeth in all our hearts, 
that if we had been prefent, and had heard Chrill 
praying thus for us in a fpecial, particular way, that 
we might be with him where he is, that then we would 
believe our falvation if we were in the faddeft diftrefs. 
But now coniider what great encouragement to faith 
Chrift gave ihem. He told them, chap. xiv. 2, g. 
I go to prepare a place for you, 1 zvilicome again, and 
receive you unto mxfctf that where I am, there ye may 
he alfo. What more could they defire, than to have 
Chrift leUing them to their faces, " You and I mail 
«' indeed part for a little while j but you and I (hall 
«• quickly meet again, never to part more ?'' They 
did alfo wl:h their ears hear Chnd praying over his 
promife to them, to his Father, / wzV/ that they be 
ivith me where i am. Could inch believers under all 
ihofe advantages, io great, fo fingular, ever ilagger 
again ? Yes. Almoft as foon as this encouraging fer- 
men and prayer is ended, their faith was almoil: at aQ 
end too : * John xvi. 3 i, 32. Jefui anfwered them. Do 
ye now believe f Baholdj the hour iometh, yea^ is now 
£ome, that ye Jhall be jcatterecU ^"^^ry man to his cwn^ 
andjhall leave me alone, 1 fpeak this, to check the 
vanity of that thought in ChridiaiiSj that if they had 

1 6 Sermons concerning S e R M . L 

bui fufficient ground of the afTurance of Chrid's love> 
vSid of erernal glory» they would believe iu every dif- 
ficulty and trial. Yet you fee how they behaved that 
had fuch grounds of faith from Chrid's own lipf?, 
vvhild bodily prefect with thera, which you cannot 
txpe^ or defire. And 1 hope none of you will ima- 
gine, that if he had been in thofe good mens places, 
and had had tbeir helf>s, you would have behaved 
better than they did. Grounds of faith, if never fo 
great, yet if not attended with the influence of the 
spirit of faith, will never keep iaiih in life and vi- 

Anfw. 2. What reafon have you to doubt your in- 
lerell in this prayer of Chrill i* You may lay, I am 
fo file and unworthy, that I cannot believe that Chrift 
willed me to be with him. If this be all, li is nothing, 
yea worfc than nothing-, i. Hath not Chrift willed 
eternal glory to many as bad as ever you were ? Did 
he ever will heaven for worthinefs in the perfons that 
are to receive it ? Is it not always willed to the praife 
of his own grace and love as the giver, and never as 
a recoinpence to the worth and lovelinefs of the re- 
ceiver? 2. Chrift will mend you ere he bring you 
to heaven. And a great work it is to make you meet 
for it, Cal. i. i2. ; a work that rruit be done, and 
that he only can 6o^ and he can eafily do it. 3. Right 
preparation for glory, flows from the faith of Chrilt's 
good-will to give it. It is a weak and ignorant, but 
common thought of Chrifiians, that they ought not 
to look for heaven, nor trull Chrift for eternal glory, 
till they be well advanced in holinefs and meetnefs for 
ir. But as the firil fanclification of our natures flows 
from our faith and truft in Chrift for acceptance, fo 
our farther fan^ification and meetnefs for glory flows 
from the renevrcd and repeated exercife of faith on 
him. The hope cf glory is purifying, i John iii. 3. 

Anfw, 3:. Every believer hath the witnefs in him- 
felf, that he hath an intereft in Chrift's heart and 
^ill in this prayer: i John v. 10. H^ that bclieveth 


Serm.L the Lord's Frayer. 17 

tn the Son of God, hath the witnefs in himfelf. The 
apoRle is fpeaking of the many witnelTes ihat are gi- 
ven to Jefas Chrift as the Saviour. Three \n heaven, 
ver. 7. three on. earth, ver. 8. All are divine wit- 
uefle?, and fufficient grounds of faiih in Jefas Chriff^, 
ver. 9. Now, faith the apoftle, ver. 10. He that he- 
Ueveth on the Son ofGody (that truds his foul, and i*^s 
falvation, to this fo well attefted Saviour), he hath 
the iv'ttnefs (or tejiimony) in himfelf. i. There are 
witneffes in heaven. 2. Witneifcs on earth, g. A 
leflimony in the heart of a believer in Chrift. Who- 
ever believeth on Chrift, that faith is an evidence 
fufficient (if he will require it to fpeak), and will re- 
gard its teftimony: and both of them require acTing? 
of faith, to perfuade him that he hath an intereft iu 
Chrift's prayer here. On this 1 would glance at four 
things, and conclude. 

1. Believers in Chrift, what do you do when you 
believe ? O that all believers did but know what they 
do when they believe ! Do ye not, in every ditlincl 
a£^ of faith, bctruft your guilty perifhing foul to the; 
faving arm of Jefus Chrill, upon the warrant of all 
that grace, mercy, and power, that belongs to Chrift 
in his office of a Saviour ? And is not this his willing 
of eternal glory, a great and glorious beam of that 
grace of our Lord Jefus Chrill;, by which ye believe 
to be faved ? A^s xv. i u 

2. How came you by this your faith ? Is it no? 
his gift? He is the author of it, Heb. xii. 2. It is 
given on ChrifTs behalf^ Phil. i. 29. Wh^-never you 
have an evidence in your heart, (and it is your own 
fault if you have it not daily), that you have true faith 
in Jefus Chrift ; if it be but weak, and cannot mount 
fo high as it ought, raife it by this confideration, 
Whence came this fpark of faith to be kindled in my 
heart? Did it naturally grow in my heart P No. Time 
was when 1 was without it, Eph. ii.*i2. and loved to 
be wiihcut it. Did Satan plant it ? No. I find him, 
to be the great enemy of it ; and 1 oever fek his en- 


1 8 Sermons ccrjcerning Serm. I, 

mity, till I began to trufl: Jefus Chrifl ; and it is that 
in me he mainly afTauhs. Did miniHers, and the means 
of grace, plant faiih in me ? No. 1 enjoyed them 
when no faith was wrought in me \ and when it is 
wrought, all their powder, without Chrift's grace and 
Spirit in concurring, cannot raife this faith to a(Sl and 
exercife. Therefore, furely, this faith came from 
Jefus Chrill himfelF. Was ir not from che work, and 
will, and love of Chrift ? How eafy and native is the 
inference i* If faith in Chrift be the work of his love. 
Low warrantably may 1 look, by that faith, for all 
the good that this love purpofeth, promifeth, and 
prayeth for to me i* 

3. Can you call him to witnefs with a good con- 
fcience, that your great defire and will is to be with 
Chrifl in heaven ? If the Lord fliould try you with 
this queftion, " Name that one thing that you would 
"have above all;" every believer ha:h his anfwer 
ready ; it is, '* Lord, that I may be ever with thee, 
*' where thou art ;" as David faid, Pfalra xxvii. 4. 
of God's houfe on earth. This I infer. If thy love 
be fet on being widi Chrifl where he is, be afTured 
that Chrifl's love is fet on the fame blefTing for thee ; 
yea, ihy defire after it, flows from his defire of it for 

4. Are you willing, yea pleafed and delighted, to 
hold your title to eternal glory, by the will and tef- 
tament of Jefus Chrifl ? Are you willing to have and 
hold the crown by this tenure only, that it was bought 
byhis blood, and willed to you by histeftament i* Every 
believer would be in heaven, becaufe Chrift is there ; 
and is pleafed to get and keep bis place there, as 
willed to him by Jefus Chrifl. Heaven is a lovely 
name, and a more lovely thing ; but not at all known 
by many, and but little by the bed ; but yet belie- 
vers look for it, and expe<St it, as the gift of God tbro^ 
Jefus Chr'ijl our Lqrdy Rom. vi. 23. Ihey plead for 
it as fuch ; at lafl they receive it as grace, and eter- 
nally wear the croWD as a crown of grace, as well as 

a crown 

Sekm. II. the Lord*s Prayer. 1 9 

a crown of glory. The glorified faint, as focn as he 
receives this c;rown, cads it at Chrift's feer, Rev. iv. 
10. or fers it on Chrift's head, as if a(hamed to wear 
a crown, where Chrifi: the only Worthy is. Upoa 
Chrifl's head are many crowns ^ Rev. xix. 12. His Fa- 
ther purs a crown on him, Heb. ii. 9. crowned him 
with glory and honour ; his mother, the church, crowns 
him, Caor. iii. ir. with a crown of falvation ; and 
every faved perfon puts on Chrift's head rtie crown 
oF the glory of their particular falvarion. To con- 
clude: They that £renot willing 10 give the glory of 
aii falvarion to Jefus Chrift, fliall never receive any 
falvation from him. But for you that are willing to 
receive all from him, and are delighttd to render the 
glory of all to him, his heart is towards you ; his bed 
wi(hes are for your good ; and he will give you wnat 
he hath prepared for you, which is exceedingly a« 
bove all that can be told you. 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they aljo whom thou hajl given me^ 
be with me- where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hafl given me : for thou lovedjl me 
before the foundation of the world, 

npHOSE great and faving words of our Lord Je- 
-*- fus Chrift, have been taken up into two heads. 
I. The manner of Chrift's praying: I will. Of 
this laft day. 

Vol. II. D Head 

2 Sermons concerntti^ Serm.1I, 

H K A D II. The matter of ChnJTs prayer, Aud 
therein 1 reck up four things, i. The perfon he 
pravs for ; they whom thc>u hafl given rrn. 2. The 
blefling he prays for to them ; that they nuy be with 
me Inhere I a /i, 3. The end our Lord prays- lor this 
blefling to them for ; that they 7nay behQld my glory 
which thcu ha/} given me. ^. The argument onr Lord 
prefT'^th this fuic by ; for thou ^hvedjl me before the 
foundation cf the Ivor Id, 

Tbeyf'-y? of rhefe I would now fpeak to*. The ds- 
fi/natton and na?ne cf the perfons Chrifl hers prays for : 
They whom thou hafl given me. No nan hnt JeOis 
Chrift, who is more than a man, dare fay in prayer, 
/ will ; nor pray tor perfons under this name h3 
Chrift did. AH our prayers are to be out of one book; 
and we pray without book in a bad fenfe, when we 
go beyond it. The only book 1 mean, is God's writ- 
ten will in the holy fcriptures. By this we are taught 
what to pray for, and how we flioul 1 pr;^y : and be- 
yond this we cannot lawfully afk any thing; neither 
i»eed we more for dire(ftion, but only the fame Spirit 
that writ them, to ailnl us in the uling of them^ Rorri, 
viii. 26.; that wc may pray in the Holy Ghofl^^ Jude, 
ver. 20. and in the Spirit^ Eph. vi. 18. Bat our Lord 
Jefijs Chrid: could not only pray out of God's revealed 
will in the fcriptures, (for he teltified of the fcriptures, 
as they do of him, John v. 39.); hut he could, and 
did pray out of the book of God's fecret will. He 
prayed out of the book of life, and was acquainted 
witii the original of the covenant. And thus he pray^ 
here tor them that were given hi/n. 

From this 1 would raife three doflrines, and Ipcak 
to one of them at ibis time. 

Obs. i. There is a feled company ef the children of 
men given by the Father to the 6on. 

Obs. 2. This co?np any given by the Father to the Son 
was, and is fully and epta^ly known by Jefui Qhtijh 

Sekm.1L 'the Lercfs Prayer. 2t 

Obs.;. 3. T'hat Jefus Chrifl is nearly concerned about 
their eternal falv at ion ; as his praying for ii here wit- 

Obs. I. There was a feleSl company of mankind gi- 
ven by the Father to bis Son Jefus Chri,Q^ to be favsd 
by him. 

This truth is feveral ways declared to us in the 
word ; and yet more by Jefus Chrift himfclf, than by 
any other ; and yet more in this prayer, thau any 
where elile by him. And, if we may fo conceive, this 
great depth of God was fpecially fit to be rrientioned, 
when the receiver of them is fpeaking his heart about 
them to the giver of them. This is named dx times 
in this fhort chapter. In ver. 2. As thou hajl given 
him power over allfiejh^ that he Jhould give eternal life 
to as many as thcu haft given him. In ver. 6. wd have 
it twice : / have mantfejhd thy name unto the men which 
thou gaveft me out of the wond : thine they zvere^ and 
thou gavtfl them me y and they have kept thy word. 
In ver. 9. I pray not for thetvorld^ but for them which 
thou hap given me^ for they are thine. ^ Ver. 1 1. Holy 
Father^ keep through thine own name^ thofe whom thoys, 
^ haft given me. And here agaia in ver. 24. They whom 
thou haft given me. Tiiere is a twofold giving of men 
to the Son by the Father. One is eternal, In the 
purpofe of his grace ; and this is mainly meant here. 
The other is in rime; when the Father by his Spirit 
draws men to Chrid, John vi. 44, 45. All the ele£t 
are given from eternity to the Son, to be redeemed by 
his blood ; all the redeemed are in due time dravi^u by 
the Father to the Son, to be kept to eternal life. 

On this giving of men to Chrifl, 1 would fpeak a 
little. I. To the nature of it. And, 2, To the ends 
of ir. 

L As to the nature of it. This giving of men to 
che Son to be redeemed and faved, u the fame thio^ 

D 2 with 

J 2 Sermons concerning Serm. IT* 

with cle(f^Ion and predeflination, Eph. i. 4. He bath 
chofen us in ChriJ} before the foundation of the world, 
Ver. 5. Having predelltnated us unto the adoption of 
children by Jejvs Chrifi to himjelf. And ?er. 1 1, In 
whom aljo we ha've obtained an inheritance^ being pre^ 
^e/iinated according to the purpofe of him who worketh 
all things ajter the counfel of his own will. The dif- 
ference betwixt thefe two words is very fmall. Elec^ 
iion points at the dillind^ion of the perfons on whom 
this grace fell from eternity. Fredefiination fixeth 
the end they were appointed to, i TheiT. v. 9. Giv- 
ing them to Chrift, points forth the grand truftee 
with this great charge. The meaning of this word, 
giving of men to Chrifi^ fo oft ufed by our Lord, and 
hallowed by his ufmg of it, hath thefe five things 
in ir. 

1. That there were divine tranfa£lions between the 
Father and Son abont the favingof men. There was 
a counfel of peace between them both^ Zech. vi. 13.; 
oft and plainly revealed in the word, yet a myftery 
unfearchable to all men, but firmly to be believed, 
reverently to be adored, and cautioufly to be improv- 
ed by u'i. 

2. That there was but a fele£l company of man- 
kind that this counfel was about. Our Lord, who 
knew rhem beO-, ftill fpeaks thus of them, efpecially 
in this prayer : as hath been declared. He flill fpeaks 
of them by way of diflinftioo from the world. Wiiat- 
cver men may fay of uoiverfal redemption, furely u- 
niverfal ele£lion is a contradiction in words. EleftioQ 
muft be of a fixed determinate number. There is no 
election, if there be no pafiing by. If all be taken, 

, there are none chofen. If there be an ele^lion^ there 
is a refl^ a remnant y (and this reft is a multitude), Hom. 
xi. 7. How great this number of the elcft is, Chrift 
and his Father knew ; and the laft day will declare, 
when they (liall be brought altogether, and obtain 
ihi kingdom prepared for them front the foundation of the 


Serm. IL the Lor<fs Prayer. 2^ 

worlds and be adjudged to it by Chrif}, as they are 
the blejfed of his Fathery Matth. xxv. 34. 

3. That this counfel about their falvation was from 
eternity. Time-eIe£lion is as great a blunder as uni- 
verfal ele^ion. How oft is the eternity of it affened 
in the word? Eph. i» 4. 2 TheiT. ii. 13. 2 Tim. i. 9. 
EIe<^ion is an immanent a^ of God about creatures ; 
not on them, nor with them. It is in a tranfadion be- 
twixt the Father and the Son, about men that were 
not, but were only to be ; and to reap the benefit of 
it in time and to eternity. 

4. It follows, that this grace of eledlion muffc be 
unchangeable, immutable, and unalterable. It never 
changeth, it never fails of its deiigned eiFedl. ' All 
God's counfels are fo : Ifa. xxv. i. Thy counfels of 
old are faithfulnejs and truth. His counfel ft ands for 
ever^ the thouq^hts of his heart to all generations^ Pfal. 
xxxiii. II, He is in one ?mndy and who can turn him f 
and what his foul defireth^ even that he doth. For he 
ferformeth the thing which is appointed for me^ Job 
xxiii. 13, 14. Now, of this number of the ele£l giv- 
en by the Father to the Son, there is no paring from 
it, no adding to it. The book of life admits of no 
corre^ions, blotting out j no additions, no new edi- 

5. It is alfo implied, that in this giving of men to 
the Son, the Son of God, cur Lord Jefus Chrift, 
hath a fpecial intereft. Thereby they are made his 
charge ; and he the Captain of their falvation, to bring 
thefefons 0^ eh£tion-gv3LCQ to eternal glory ^ Heb. ii. io« 

1 1. Of the ends cf this giving of men thus to Chrifl 
by the Father, It is a glorious a6t of God, and it is 
on glorious defigns and ends. Of fome of thefe, from 
the word, I would fpeak in thefe four particulars. 

I. Herein is a mod clear difplaying cf abfolute fo- 
vereignty in Jehovah. The glorious God is moft zeal- 
ous for the glory of this name of his fovereignty, as 
what moft nearly coacerjQS the glory of his Godhead ; 


^4 Sermorts concerning Serm. II^ 

and proud vain men are mcft averfe to thp owning of 
it. The apodie Paul is on tliis Tame docftriae in Rom, 
ix. and builds it oa (his fame foundatian, ver. 1 1. — 19. 
He darts two (Irong objccftions againft it ; as carnal 
n^inds are fertile in viln arguings agalnlt divine coun- 
iels. And O that all advocates for them had been 
fatisfied with Paul's anf\Versi, which are the only and 
ftronged: bulwarks of the Holy Ghoft about this doc- 
trine! Object. {, isinver. r.f. Is ^here wiri^hteoufnefs 
vjifh God? Did God love Jacob, and hate Efaa, be- 
fore they had either done good or evil I ver. 11, 12, 
1 :5. Where is the righteoufoefs of this ? Jacob had 
done no good todeferve love ; Efaubad done no evil 
todeferve hatred. How does the apoftle anlwer it ? 
I. By an abhorrence of the charge : God forbid. If 
we cannot fee into the depth of God's counfels, let us 
Hill juftify God, -as Jer. xii. i. ; and admire and adore 
the depth we cannot fathom, Horn. xi. 33. 2. He 
anfwers with a reafon taken from God's old faying to 
Mofe?, ver, 15. Now, if Paul hid been of fomc 
mens minds, he would have anfwered, That God 
foi'cfaw, that though Jacob had done no good when 
te was in the womb, yet that in time he would be a 
boly fin?.n, a wreftler with God, and a great believ- 
er j and therefore God loved him, and therefore there 
was no uni'ighteoufnefs with God. And fo as to E- 
fua, he would have faid, God fore fa w that he v/ould 
prove a |)roUne man, would fJl his birth righi for a 
jiiefs of pottage, grieve the heartsof his godly fatlier 
and mother by his marHage, and hate to the death 
bis godly brother Jacob j and therefore God hated 
Efau, and therefore there was no unrighreoufnefs 
with God. But Paul inftead of hinting any thing 
like this, gives an anfwcr incoufifl-nt with, and fab- 
verfjve of tliis notion. In ver. 15. Por he Jaith to 
M:/i-Sy I will have mercy o?i zvhom I zvill have mercy ^ 
aud I will have compajjion on whom I will have comtaf' 
Jion. See the apoltle's inference from, and applicail- 
Q\\ of iliij word of God, ver. 16. So i/.'en; it is not 

SfeRM. II. ths Lord*s Prayer, 25 

of him that wllleth^ fior of him that runneth^ hut cf 
God that fhezveih mercy. And on the cafe of reprobaie 
Pharaoh, ver. 27. he again infers, ver. 1%. Thcre-^ 
fore hath he mercy on "jjhom he will have mdrcy: anit 
whom he zvill^ he hardeneth. He plainly layeth the 
fove'reign will and pieafure of God, as ihe ii^cd 
foundation of the counfels of God about mens eter-* 
nal ftate. Objeii, 2. In ver. 19. Thou ztiltfay then 
unto moy Why doth he yet fold fault ? for who hath re- 
fifled his will f A plaufible flrcng like objc(5lion, in e- 
very natural man's heart. How doth he anfwer ic ? 
ver;' 20. Nay, but, O man, who art thou that repli^ 
efi agaivfl God * He calls it, ver. i^.afayingte Fauf ;: 
here in ver. 10. he calls it a replying agal'aft GoJl 
But is challenging the objeiflor, an anfwer to the ob* 
jeflion ? Yes, in part it is; as if Paul had fafcf; 
" Doft thou know neither God nor ihyfeif, that thoU 
" cavilleli; againd: his will and couafcls ?'' Thus Elihu 
snlwered Job, chap, xxxiii. 12," 13, Behold^ in this 
thou art fiotjufl : I will anfvjer thee^ that God is g^^^^^t* 
er than man. Why doft thou Jirive againft hrm f for 
he giveth not account (or he ap/u/ereth not^ of any of 
his matters. And after Paul had checked the arro- 
gance of the obje6ior, he againlays the fame ground 
of God's abfolute fovereignty^ ver.' 20.-— 33. wsih 
many fcriptures brought to the fame purpofe. 

2. The fecond end of God's giving men to J*.^u3 
Chrifl, is, to glorify his free, infinite, and everiafl* 
ing love to them that he gives. So in Eph. i. 4, 5, 6. 
ihe love of the Father (I:ilncs in giving us to Chrul 
to be redeemed ; the love of the Son fliines ia his re- 
ceiving of us ; and thefe two loves (if 1 may call ihem 
fo) do not eclipfe, but enlighten one another, ar^d 
make a glorious light to the eyes of a believer. Elec- 
tion is always in love, and from it, or v^ith it. And 
this love hath no caufe, but in the heart of the lov- 
er : He loves hecanfe he loves ^ Deut. vii, 7, S. It had 
no begiDning, it hath no intermifFion, and it (hall have 
iiO ending, ■ li is iro:n everlajTing to svsrlafting^ Pfal. 


26 Sermons concerning Serm IL 

dii. 17. It is an everlajlhig love^ Jer xxxi. 3.; there- 
fore he draws with loving kindnefs^ (or extended loving 
kindnefs unto thee). And he never leaves ofF to draw 
tbus, till he hath drawn them to heaven, and till he 
hath ct owned them with loving kindnefs and tender mer- 
cies, Pfal. ciii. 4. Here doth this blelTed love (hine, 
in giving men to Chrift ; and here believers (liould be- 
hold it. 

3. Another end of God the Father's giving of 
men to his Son, is, that there may be a glorious and 
furefalvatiou brought about for them that are thus giv- 
en in fovereign pleafure and love. If Adam had ftood 
in that (late wherein he was created, (I know not if it 
be allowable to wi(h that it had been fo), it would 
have been but a poor low happinefs that he would 
have conveyed to his poflerity, in regard of what 
comes by the fecond Adam to his offspring. That 
it was uncertain, is evident by the ilFue. The firft 
Adam was intruded wMth his own and all his natural 
poflerity's happinefs, as with this charge, '* So (hali 
*• it fare with thee, and all thine, as thy behaviour 
" is." In this behaviour commanded, he failed, fell 
himfelf, and dragged u. all with him into the fame 
pit of fm and mifery. But now it hath pleafed the 
Father to lodge the happinefs of his ele<5l in his Son's 
hand, where it is both more fure and more glorious 
than the former. 

4. This giving of men to the Son, is in order to the 
railing up a great name of glory and honour to Jefus 
Chrift. Great is his jf^lory in being the repairer of 
this greateft breach which fin made betwixt God and 
man. This the apoftie remarks in Horn. viii. 29. For 
tvhom he didforeknoWy he alfo didfredeflinate to be con* 
formed to the image of his Son^ that he might he the 
Jirjl'born among many brethren. Of this further when 

we come to fpeak of Chrift's glory, in this text; and 
flball now only mention a little of Chrift's concern in 
them that are given to him. 

All the redeemed, and ail their concerns for their 


Serm. II. the Lord's Prayer. 27 

faivacion, are lodged in Chrift's hand, and in bis on- 
ly. Their perfons, and every thing that pertains to 
them, are given to him. 

2. All the impedia^ents of their faWation are laid 
on Chrifl, that by him they may be removed. Thele 
are many and great, as you know. There is fin, and 
the law with its curie for fin, and the holy juftice and 
wrath of God, and the power of heli and death. 
When a fmner's eyes are opened to fee thofe impedi- 
ments of falvation, it is no wonder he fay with the 
difciples, Who then can befavcdf All thtfe impedi- 
ments Chrifl did remove. But how ? By taking them 
on himfelf, and remcving them out of our way. For 
all the impediments of our falvation were impediments 
laid in ChriiFs way to his glory. He nuul not eiuer 
into his own glory, till he hsd removed the impedi- 
ments of the eka's falvation. There could be no im- 
pediments in Chrid's way to his glory, without^his re- 
lation to bis people. As he was the Son pF God, c- 
ternal glory was his natural right and pofiellion ; but 
when he comes to be Surety and Mediator, he mujl 
firjlfufer^ ere he enter into his glory, Luke >:xiv. 26. 
46. He mud furge our fins* by hwifelf, Heb. i. 3. He 
mud pat a%uay fm by the facrifue of him/elf ^ Heb. ix. 
26. He mud through death deftroy him that had the 
power of death, that is, the devil, Heb, ii, 14. He 
muft be made under the law, that he may redeem^ them 
that were under the law. Gal. iv. 4, 5. He redeemed 
us from the curfe of the law, being made a cur fe for us. 
Gal. iii. 13. He mud make an entrance to the holieft 
of all for us, by his blood ; he mud confecrate the way 
for us by his fief:, Heb. x. 19, 20. He ^.\\^ enter in- 
to the holy place by his own blood, having obtained eter- 
nal redemption for us, Heb. ix. 12. Thus, by our 
Lord Jefus Chrid, all the gates of hell are ftiut oa 
the ele<ft, and none can open them ; and all the gates 
of heaven are opened, and none can (hut them on 
them that are given him. 

Vol. 1L E 3. All 

zS Senncns concerning Serm. If. 

3. All the parts and pieces of falvaticn are ia 
ChriR's hand, and do come to us by him. The ac- 
ceptance 0/ cmr perJcnSf is in and through this beloved, 
Eph. i. 6. The forgivenefs of our fins is through his 
blood, Ep'\ i, 7. Our quickening^ when dead in fins^ 
cur nfing^ and fitting in heavenly places^ is with Chrift 
and in hira, Eph. ii. 4, 5, 6. Our title and right to 
heaven is fingly owing to him. What right hath a 
finner to he-iven ? No rcore, and no other, than he 
huth to Jefus Chrift. U he be united to Chriil by 
f.iirh in him, he is an heir of God, and an heir of 
giory, a joint heir with Chrili, lloin. viii. 1,7. Nay, 
our lan(flincation, which is begun glory, 2 Cor. iii. 
18. is but a beam of this Sun of Ri^fnteoufoefs dariei 
in upon our foul?. Unlefs Chriil had been made 
fan(^ificarion to us, there had never been a fant^ified 
man or woman in the world. 

4. The ^'Hnal poffciiion of the kingdom i? owing 
to jefus Chriil. We have a right co it in him j our 
charter of it is fealed by his blood ; we have the ear- 
ned of it by his Spirit ; we are kept to it, and ir kept 
for us, by his power ; and at lall we receive it out of 
his own hand, John x. 2C. I give unto them eternal 
life. It is too great, and too good a gift, to be giv- 
en by any but bielTed Jefus. 

I would conclude with a few words of applicatioa. 

I. Learn to fee with wonder and adoration the 
high fpring of the well of life and falvation for poor 
men. It is in the Father*s giving of men to the Son. 
Nothing is before it, and all the blelTmgs of grace and 
glory flow from it. From hence is the creating of the 
world, that ihefe men might be born in it ; from hence 
came the peimitiirg and ordering of Adam's fall, that 
the lledeemer might be needful j from this Chrift 
comes into the world, to redeem them j from this 
comes the gofpel, as a light to fcek ihofe loft ones j 
from this cometh the Spirit, 10 make the gofpel cf- 


Serm. II.' th€ Lord's Frayer. 29 

feftua], that they who are ordained to eternal life, may 
believe^ A<5^s xiii. 48. 

2. Labour to fee your own concern in this giring 
to the Son. It is but a <ieep and dangerous rpecula- 
lion wiihont this care. Many poor quefrions are in 
people's heads, and many poor ways of aofviericgihem 
are in mens heart?. Some would fain know if they 
have any grace and true holinefs ; others go farther, 
and they would f:Ja know if they have faith, the 
fpring of holinefs ; foTie would fain know their title 
and right to heaven. There is an allowed room and 
place for thefe inquiries, and the like. But how 
few, even of true Chriflians, afk this queftion, Was 
1 given by the Father to the 8on f It is a qaellion that 
niay be made, and may be anfwered to fatisfa6lion. 
Chriil tells his difcipies it, Luke x. 20. Paul knew 
it, I ThefT v. 9. Peter bids vls ghs diligence to make 
our calling and eleElion fare ^ 2 Pet. i. 10. But becaufe 
there is fome difficulty and danger in managing this 
inquiry, I would olFer a few things about it. 

Advice I. Lay it down as a {'iY^z^ perfuaHon in your 
heart, that faiisfaction in this matter would be of 
great advantage to your fouls, i. This would bring 
you to the top of the mount. As Mofes on the top of 
Plfgah faw the earthly Canaan ; fo you, from the 
fight of your eledlioG-grace, may find it both an eafy 
and a comfortable thing, to view all the dreams of 
grace and mercy towards you. You would then fee 
whence they fpring, and whither they run. 2. This 
fight would keep yon low and humble. The molt 
humbling thought is this, *' 1 was of mere fovereign 
** grace given by the Father to the Son." A falfe 
pretender to this blcjfTuig'may be proud \ but the. true 
believer of it is always humbled by it. Whence is ic 
that there is fo much pride amongft Chriftiaos ? why 
are they puffed up fo foon and fo much ? Is it not al- 
ways on the account of what they do, are, or receive ? 
Here is a blefling, where none of thofe pufling-up 
things are ; a bleilmg that hath no fort of refpecf to 

E 2 what 

3© Sermons concerning Serm. II. 

what we are, have, or do. 3. The knowledge of 
this blelTing of electing love, is of great ufe in ex- 
treme irials. We are cnlled to lay oar account with 
them ; the Lord biings thc^n on us ; and we need all 
the armour of God againfl them, Eph. vi. 10. ; and 
the hope cf fahaticn is a hcimtt in the evil day, i 
Thefl. V. 8, 9. And this knowledge that we are ap- 
feinted to falvatic^T^ is the ground of this hope. Chrifl 
comforts the hearts of his people with this, Luke xii. 
22. Fear nct^ little flock ; for it ?: your Fat her'' s good 
fleafure to give you the kingdom, Chrift tells Ananias, 
that Paul was a chofen vefjel^ who was to do and fuf- 
fer much for his name, A£li ix. 15, 16. ; Ananias tells 
it Paul; and Paul repeats it, in the midfl: of his fuf- 
fering?, in a great afT^mbly, A£ls xxii. 14, 15. 

Adv:ce 2. For as preat advantaj^es as this know- 
\tdgt harh in ir, think not, attempt not the attaining 
of it by a fudden leap ; but you mud afcend to it by 
degrees. It was a good faying, I think, of the blef- 
fed martyr Mr. Bradford, " No man (hould go to the 
*' univerfity of predeftination, till he be well trained 
**^ up in the grammar-fchcol of faith and repentance." 
If tills, or the like method, be neg!c6led, co good can, 
but much hurt will eofue. God's decrees are forae 
way like the r/iount that m.ufl: not be touched ; but 
you muft firfl worship at a diliance, and then make a 
reverend and awful approach. This is cot only holy 
ground, but it is unfcr<rchable by us. Now know, 
that though eleflmg love hath no caufc nor ground 
for it without God himfelF, yet it hath great and no- 
ble' fruits, and in the decree of the end, falvation, 
there is a wife defii^n of fit means and ways to compafs 
this end : 2 Theil'. ii. 13. Bid we are bound to give 
thanks always to God for you^ brethreuy beloved of the 
Lordy becauje God hath from the beginning chofen you 
to falvatiouy throu<ih fan^'tfi cation of the Spirit^ and 
belief of the truth ; and 1 Per. i. %. Fleft according to 
the foreknowledge of God the Father ^ through fanclijica- 
tion of the 6pirtt Unto obsdienccy andffrinkling of the blood 

Serm. II. the LorcTs Prayer. ^i 

cf Jefus ChriJ}, There is a work offaiih^ and labour 
of love^ arid patience of hope, whereby the eledion of 
God may be known, \ TheiT. i. 3,4. You muft not 
leap immediately up to the purpofe of God, but climb 
up thereto by the (teps he hath prefcribed ia his re- 
vealed will. 

Advice 3. You mud be at great pains about this. 
This knowledge of your own concern in this giving 
to the Son, is not eaiily acquired ; wherefore the apo- 
flie faith, 2 Peter i. 10. Give diligence (and verfe 5. 
Give all diligence) to make your calling ajid eledion 
fure. God's parr in your calling and eled^ion is furc 
enough ; and needs none of your labour to make it 
furer. But to make it fure to yourfelves, and to make 
the knowledge thereof fure and clear to you, diligence 
is needful, and diligence will do it. Alas ! who be- 
ftow any diligence about this greateft concern? Search 
out the fruits and marks of ele<51ion : and when you 
find any of them, then, and not before, climb up this 
high tree of the Father's giving you to Jefus Chrid. 

Advice 4, Be not difcouraged if it doth not yet ap- 
pear to you, that you were given by the Father to 
the Son. It may be, though you do not fee it. Many 
of the given do not for a long time know it ; yea, I 
fee no great danger in faying, that not a few of the 
given to the Son may be in darknefs, and doubts, and 
fears about it, till the laft and brighteft day declare 
it, and till the lad fentence proclaims it, Come, ye 
hkfjed of my Father, (bleffed by this giving), inherit 
the kingdom prepared for you f rem the foundation of the 
world. Math. xxv. 34. It is wifely ordered by the 
Lord, that all that are given to the Son, do not (tho* 
they (hould endeavour it) know that they were given j 
and that they that are not given, cannot know it j 
that the book of life is not always legible to all belie- 
vers, and that the book of death cannot be read by 
any unbeliever. It would be a miferable world, if 
ihe reprobate could be as fure of their being pad by, i 
as the ele^ may be of their being chofen to fulvation. / 


3 2 Sermons concerning Serm. 11. 

If therefore any of you be in the dark about your owq 
eicnicn, be not difcouraged ; it m:iy be, though you 
do not know it. And to fuch difcouraged fouls 1 would 
ip'eak a few words. 

Objed. It may be fome of you may fay, that this 
is n range doctrine. 

Anfir, I am forry that ibis doflrine is fo rarely 
taught ; and 1 am fure, that it is not only the do(fl:riDe 
of Chrift, and of his apoftles ; but that the work of 
the gofpel in converfion of fioners, and in the edifi- 
catioD, growth, and holinefs of faint?, did profper 
more, when fuch do<ftrine was more commonly taught 
than now. Difcouraged fouls about this doctrine, 
anfwer thefe. 

1. Can you hear of this giving of fome by the Fa- 
ther to the Son, and blefs the giver, the Father; and 
the receiver, the Son ; and count all the given a hap- 
py remnact f A heart grumbling and replying agaiafl 
this (overeign grace of God, 1 dare not fay is a fure 
token of one not given, but it is furely a very bad 
thing. But, on the contrary, it is a hopeful fign of 
an intereil: in this great bleiTing, when a poor crea- 
ture, iii his deeped dillrefs and fears about his own 
ialvarion, hath a high value for eie^ling love, and 
reckons them bleffcd indeed that are (harers thereof. 
He admires and adores this defign, even when doubt- 
iul of his own iniercft therein. 

2. Can you be fure tha: you were not given to the 
Son ? No, furely. God harh not, will not reveal it. 
Thy heart is blind and deceitful ; do not truft it. 
Satan knows It not, and is a lyar, efpecially when he 
pretends to teach thee God's fecrct purpofes. The 
devil was never on God's counfel ; why fhould you 
regard his v/hifpers ? He is a reprobate, condemned 
fpirir, raging againft God, and drives to infufe his 
own fpirir and temper into fiuners. Say then, " If 1 
*' know not that I was given to the Son, 1 cannot 
^' know, I Ciould not conclude, cone can prove, that 

^^ J was not ;Tiven to him. 


3. L 

Serm. II, the Lord^j Prayer. 33 

3. Is Chrid as God's gift precious to you ? i Fet. 
ii. 6, 7, 8. Then it is lure you were given to Chrid: ? 
it is a deep fecret, who are given by the Father to 
the Son ; but it is an open plain truth, that the Fa- 
ther hath fent the Son to be the Saviour of the ivor/u\ 
I John iv, 14. How do you like him; how do you 
efteem and love him ? Say then, " Although 1 am 
" not fure that I was given to Ghrill, I am fure that 
*' Chrid is come as a Saviour, juil fuch a one as I 
«^ need." 

4. Can you give yourfelves to Jtfus Chrid to be 
faved by him ? Then were you given to him, to be 
redeemed by him. Your faith on him, fpeaks your 
election in him. True faith is the faith oj God's elc^i^ 
Titus i. I. Why fo called, but becaufe all, and only 
God's ele£i:, get it, and have it ; and becaufe elec- 
tion may be known by it ; becaufe faith flows from 
eled'ting love, and ftiould lead the believer up to ihli 
love as its original and fpring ? Anfwer then, thou 
that knows not that thou waft given to Chrid by the 
Father, doft thou give thyfelf to Chrid ? Seed thou 
no hand in heaven nor earth, to incrud thy foul in, 
but Chrift's ? Had thou fo feen him in his ilviil and 
good-will to fave lod finners, that thou hai't, daily 
dod, and refolved dill to bring, and lay, and leave 
thy perifhing foul on Jefus Chrid, as on him that 

fpeaketh in righteoufnefs^ mighty to fave f Ifa. Ixiii. i. 
Then thou wad given to Jefus Chrid. Go on in trad- 
ing him, and in living by faith on him; and he will 
make you know, that he loved you ^ and gave hinifelf 

for you^ Gal. ii. 20. And if thou knowed that he 
gave himfelf for thee in time, conclude, that thou wad 
given to him by the Father from eternity, and that 
ihou iliah to eternity be with hioj where he is. 


34 Sermons concerning Serm. Ill, 


John xvii. 24. 

Father y I will that they alfo -whom thou haft given me, 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thcu haft given me : for thou lovcdjl me 
before the foundation of the world* 

PETER, gives a good teflimony to Jefus Chrid, 
in John vi. d^, Thou haft the words of eternal life. 
And here thefe words are eminently. Chrift himfelf 
is eternal life^ i John i. 2. And in this text we have 
hira that was and is eflential, eternal life, praying for 
and willing of communicated eternal life to all his 

The firfl thing I took up in the matter of Chrift^s 
prayer in this verfe, was the name and defcription 
of them he prays for ; they whom thou haft given 
me. From this part of the verfe 1 named three doc- 

I. That there was a fele6l company of mankind given 
by the Father to the Son, to be redeemed and faved. 
On this 1 fpoke lafl day. 

Observ. 2. This company given to Chrift are well 
known to him. Chrifl knows ihem ail, particularly, 
fully, exactly. Chrift doth not here pray, as wc 
ought, for the ele£t, on the general truth revealed in 
the word, that there is a body of the ele^^, though 
we know not who they be ; but Chrill hath ihem all 
DOW as in his eye and heart particularly. Paul was 
in his eye, and all that were to believe on him through 
grace. Why are we commanded to pray for all men, 
though Chrift did not, John xvii. 9,10. 1 Becaufe we 


Serm. IlL the Lord's Frayer, 35 

know not particularly who are the eleft^ but Chritt 

On ibis truth I would cfFtT a few things in prcof 
of it, and then apply it. For this doftrine looks like 
a deep and barren point ; yet it is profitable, 

I. For proof of this, that the eled are known to 
Jefus Chrift. Let us fee what he himfeif fpeaks of it, 
John X. Once in that parable, ver. 3. He calleth his 
own Jhecp by name^ and kadeth them out. You will 
r.ever believe, till Chrili call you by name. Again, 
in the do^lrine taught by him on the parable, ver. 14* 
J am the good Shepherd y (O how well doth it become 
Chrift to commend himfeif I You will never love him, 
till Chrift: himfeif commend himfeif to you), and know 
my fheep. And ver. 27. My fheep hear my volce^ and 
1 know them ^ and they folkzv me, Ver. 28. And 1 give 
unto them eternal life. Well doth Chrift know to 
whom he gives eternal life. Woe to them to whom 
he will fay, I never knew you^ Matth. vii. 24. Little 
better is that word in John x. 26. But ye believe not ; 
becaufe ye are not of my fheep ^ as I fald unto you. Chrili: 
knew who v/ere his fheep, and who not ; who were 
gathered into his fold, and who were yet flraying 
as loft (heep on the mountains: verfe 16. And other 
fheep I have ^ which are not of this fold ; them alfo I 
mufl briyig^ and theyfball hear my voice. The grounds 
of this truth are. 

ry?, Chrift, as God, knoweth all things, and there- 
fore knows who are given to him. It is a pity, that 
when the godhead of the Son fliines fo very brightly 
in the new teftament, any ftiould doubt and deny it. 
And it is pity alfo, that the deniers of this rock of 
the church of Chrift ihould not renounce the name of 
Chriftians; or that any true Chriftian (hould afford 
this honourable name to fuch apoftates. Peter, when 
afked by his Mafter about his love to him, John xxi. 
17. anfwers by a humble appeal to his all -knowing. 

Vol. II, F He 

^6 Sermon f ccncernifw Serm. III. 

He that knows all things, mufl know who were given 
him by the Father. 

2^/y, The Son of Ood was a party concerned in 
this tranfaiflion. As the Father was the giver of the 
ele<f), ihe Son was the receiver of them. Will any 
fay, that the Father knew not whom he gave, when 
his foreknowledee is fo exprclly told in Horn. viii. 29. ? 
It is equally abfurd to fay, that the Son knew not 
whom he received. And as the Father's giving was 
of particular, diflin^l, and didicguiihed pciTons ; fo 
was tlie Son's receiving of fuch perfons. Hence our 
Lord fays of them in his prayer, ver 9, 10. / pray 
for them ; I pray not for the worldy but for them which 
thou haft given me, for they are thine. And all mine 
are thine^ and thine are miney and I am glorified in 
them. This tranfa6>ion betw^ixt the Father and Son, 
Was a bufinefs, as of high fovercignty about mankind, 
and of infinite love to the given, fo was it paiTed in 
infinite wifdom. The manifold wifdom of GQd\% in this 
eternal purpofe which he purpofed in Chrifl Je/us our 
Lord, Eph. iii. 9, 10, 11. It is a high reile<^ion on 
all the glory of God in this tranfa<Stion, to fay, that 
the Father knew not particularly whom he gave to 
the Son, or that the Son knew not who were given 
to him. 

%dlyy Chrifl's knowing who were given to him, is 
the ground of his undertaking and difpatching the 
work of redemption. This work he undertook in love; 
this love is dill afled on perfons. Gal. ii. 20. Rev.i. 5, 
Thcfe perfons mud be known to Chrid, if fo beloved 
by him. 

4//.>/y, It is this knowledge in Chrlll that is the 
ground of Chrifl's patience and pains on the elcft. If 
any will fay, that Chrift, in dying, defigned no more 
for Peter than for Judas, (God forgive thera, and o- 
p:m their eyer) ; I hope they will not fay, but Chrifl 
did more for Peter than for Judas. The vifible dif- 
ference that is betwixt Chriirs way of dealing with 
men, fiows from his knowing of them that are given 


Sexm. III. the LorcTs Prayer. g7 

to him. There are foms that Chrifl deals with in 
and by the gofpel ; and, upon their firfl: refufil, he 
leaves them, and Chrill and they never noeet till the 
laft day ; others he waits long upon, and yet he 
leaves them at lad. But there are fome that Chrid 
deals with ; and though they refufe him again and a- 
gain, yet he will never leave them, till he hath gain- 
ed their hearts, and faved them. Paul thought hs 
was the raiefl: inftance of this ; i Tim. i, i6. Hotv- 
Betty for this caufe I obtained mercy ^ that In me firfl {in 
me the chief {vautv) Jefus Chrifl might flpow forth all 
long'fiifferingy for a pattern to them which fhculd here^ 
after believe on him to life everlafling. Yet we may 
fay, that there are fome in heaven, and fome on 
earth, that have been as great patterns as Paul j tho* 
they were not (o filled with the Holy Ghofi: as he ; 
nor Chrifi^s grace in calling them fet {o on a candle- 
fiick for all ages, as it was in his cafe. It may be 
Paul never heard Chrifl preach, nor faw his face, 
though he was brought up at jerufalem in Chriil's 
time, hdi% xxii. 3. and xxvi. 4. It is like he heard 
no more of him, but by the common report, and by 
the ilanders of the Pharifees, Ghrifl's conftanc ene* 
mies. It was but blind zeal of the law that locked 
him up in unbelief, and made him hate Chrifl's name 
and people. But how many have been fince Paul, 
that have lived long under the light of the gofpe;, 
whom the Lord have driven long with, and they have 
as long flriven againil him, whom yet he hath fubdued 
at lad? BlelTed be his name ; and may fuch inftances: 
be multiplied to his praife. This way is taken by 
Chrifl with fome, according to his charr^e from his 
Father, John vi. 39. And this is the Father^ s will 
■ ivhich hath fent mCf that of all which he hath given 
?ne, Ifhculdlcfe mihingy hut fhould raife it up again at 
the lafl day, 

Sthhy This knowing of ihem who are given to him, 
is the ground of the confuience of Chrifl as Mediator,' 
as to the fucceft of his workj both of his work of 

F 2 redemp- 

3 8 Sermons concerning Serm. III. 

redemptioD of them by his blood, and of the work 
of his Spirit, in applying ic to the fouls and confci- 
CDces of the redeeiPied. So he proclaims it, John vi. 
$7. All that the Father giveth vie^ /ball cojne to me, 
"■ I am fure, would he fay, of every one of them, 
*' fooner or later." As long as there is one given, 
not yet come to ChriH:, there is one yet to believe oa 
him. Chrift might well promife this to himfelf ; for 
ibe Father had promifed it, Ifa. liii. 10. u. He /hall 
fee his fecd^ he /hall fr along his days^ and the plea/ure 
of the Lordjlyall profper in his hand. He /J:all /ee of 
the trazel of his fouU and /imll be fatiified : by his 
knowledge /hall my righteous /ervant ju/lify many ; for 
he fiall bear their iniquities. The latter part of John 
vi. 37. is Chrill's promife to us, Him that comet h to 
me, I zcill in nowife caj} out. Why do none but the 
given come 10 Chriil ? Becaufe none can come unlefs 
ihey be drawn by the Father, John vi. 44, 45. Be- 
hold this bleiTed order. The Father gives the elc£l 
lo his Sod, to be redeemed ; the Son, in love, lays 
down his life for them, and redeems them. The Fa- 
ther draws them to Chrift, and makes them believers : 
Chrift receives them as given, redeemed and drawn ; 
and thus are they faved. Chriil knows them well, 
and therefore welcomes them. 

Application, i. This truth, That Chrid 
knows ail that are given to him, fhould feed and 
ilrcngthen our faith, as to all the e!e(fl. Chrift knows 
them ; therefore they fhail be faved. The apollle 
2 Tim. ii. 18, 19. brings in this as a ground of faith, 
even when damnable errors creep in, and overthrow 
the failh offoms : Neverthelef, the /cundatidn of God 
flandeth fuiey havirig this feal. The Lord knoweth them 
that are his. The Lord-giver knows who are his, and 
whom he gives; and the Lord-receiver knows who are 
his; and whom he receives. The Lord knows becter 
whoarchls, than the devil knows who are his, for many 
mat the devil had as his, (as all natural men are, Eph. ii. 

Serm. HI. the Lord* s Prayer, 39 

2, 3), and thought he was fure of as his, have been ref- 
cued by the Lord. But never did the devil prevail fully 
againft any that are Chrift's. It is a happy parentheiis 
in Matth. xxiv, 24. when our Lord is warning of dan- 
gerous times, by falfe chrifis, and of their great fuccefs 
in deceiving, he faith, that they Jh all deceive (if it were 
fojjtble) the very elect. But it is impoffible, becaufe they 
are ele^l:. There are two cafes of the ele£l that this 
truth fliould ftrengthen our faith in» i. As to the 
uncalled ele£l:. Many of thetn are yet uncalled, and 
lying in the common pit of nature ^ but they (hall be 
called. The gofpel will be taken away from that 
place where none fuch are. All God's pains in the 
gofpel are taken for the elefls fakes, as Paul's pains 
were, 2 Tim. ii. 10. The Lord encouraged Paul to 
flay and labour in Corinth, by this argument. For k 
have much people in this city. Acts xviii. 9, 10. Some 
are converted already, and many more are to be con- 
verted. 2. In cafe of bac^fliding and apodafy : a 
fad, but no very rare cafe. Some that have givea 
great witnefs of the truth of the grace of God in thero, 
have, through the power of corruption, the preva- 
lency of temptation, and the Lord's leaving of them, 
faiieo foully, and lain long. Yet, if they be Chrifl^s, 
his mark is 00 them, and they fhall be recovered." 

2. Believers, from this truth, have ground of 
ftrong confolation, both in praifmg and in praying : 
Heb. vi. 17, i 8, The immutability of his counfel \s de- 
clared, that we might have a Jlrong confolation, who 
have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope fit before us,, 
Have you fied for refuge to Jefus Chriil ? Do you 
know it ? Hath the Lord revealed it to you, that you 
have fought your only refuge in the fhadow of Chriil's 
wings? Then how Ihould you rejoice and give thanks 
for your ele^^ion ? Thus the apoftle did ufuaily, Eph« 
i. g, 4. 2 Their, ii. 13. I dare not fay, that do be- 
liever can be heartily thankful for Chrift's grace, be- 
fore he fully and furely know its higheit fpring : but 
I am fure that that believer praifeih bcil^ that knows 

40' Sermons coticern'wg Serm. III. 

be(l that he was given to the Son. The receivings of 
the glorified will be the greate.l; their praifes wi!i be 
the highefl ; and their knowledge of eternal love as 
the fpring of all their grace and glory, will be the 
clears n. And as this doth raife praife, fo doth it 
raife mighty prayer. Our Lord prays for his peo- 
ple under this name. Thine and ininCy John xvii. 9, 
io* David prays for himfelf, under this name, Pfal. 
cxix. 94. / am thine, fave me. The cler.rer your 
knowledge be of your intereft in God, and in his 
Jove, the more mighty will your pleadings with Lira 

And fo much for the fecond point. 

Ob-serv. 3. ChriJTs heart is fet en the bii/s of all 
that the Father hath given to him» And this he ex- 
preffcth iu this dcfire. 

Oil this point, I would, i. Give fome proofs of 
this truth. 2. Show whence this heart-concern for 
their blifs dorh flow. 

L Proofs of this truth. That Ch'ifTs heart is fet en 
the blifs and eternal falvation of his people, are thelefive. 

I. Chrift's covenanting for them proves this. In 
that day (if a day may be talked of in eternity ; but 
we arc time-creauires, and have no fit words for e- 
terniiy) when thi^ MefTed company were given by the 
Father to the Son, the ^oa did undertake to do ail 
things ncediul to be done, to bring them to eternal 
glory. He undertook and promi fed to take on him 
their natures ; and in tliat nature to bear their fins ; 
and, by the facrifice of chat nature for their fins, to 
make an expiation of their fins. In a word, he pro- 
niifed to do all he was required to do, and he did all 
he promifed to the Father,, for the falvation of his 
people. Whenever We look to this treaty, we muft 
gather, Surely rhe Son of God had a great mind to 
the happinefs of his people. 

2. Chrifl's 

Se RM. in. the Lord's Prayer. 44 

2. Chrifl's chearful laying down his life for their 
redemption, proves how his heart was (cz on their 
faivation. It was his errand in coming into the world t 
John X. ro. / am come that they might have life^ and 
that they might have it more abundantly. Believers 
get a greater, higher, and more noble life by the 
fecond Adam, than they loft by the firll Adaai. Ibis 
is the meaning of that much more twice mentioned by 
the apoftle when comparing thefe two heads, Rom. v, 

15. 17. But how doth Chrift give, and his people 
receive this life ? Even by his death. He laid down 
his life for his fheep^ John x. 11. 15, Therefore his 
Father loved himy ver. 17. And thereby he proved 
his love to the faivation of his people, John xv. 13. 

3. He proves his love to their faivation, by his feal- 
ing and confirming the covenant, the charter of their 
faivation, with his own blood. Compare Gal iii. 15, 

16, 17. with Keb. ix. 15, 16, 17. It is called the 
blood of the ever I a fling covenant^ Heb. xiii. 20. Chrift^s 
blood was not only redeeming and purcbaP.ng blood, 
a juft and full price both for the heirs and for the in- 
heritance ; but it was fealing blood, and confirming of 
that covenant, in and by which the inheritance was fe- 
cnred to the heirs, and the heirs fecured for the inhe- 
ritance. Alas! many have the Bible, and ufeit but lit- 
tle ; and many ufe it amifs, becaufe they know not its 
right name. It is well and warrantably, from its con- 
tents, called, in its liile-page, in all languages and tranf- 
lations, The Old and Nezv Te/Iament of our Lord and 
Saviour Jefus Chrijh Biu how few, in reading this 
title, mind the ufe a:id virtue of the blood of Jefu;?, 
which turned the covenant of God's grace into the 
leilarnent of Chrift, and thereby fealed and confirmed 
all the good words and good things in that covenant I 
It was a happy word we find in the Book of martyrs^ 
that fome in the dawning of the light of the gofpel 
in this land, near two hnndied years ago, ufed, in 
calling the New Teftament (a great rarity in thofe 
daye) The.blcod of Chrifl, You never rightly read 


^2 Sermons concerning Serm. IIL 

the gofpel, nor do you underftand the defign of it, 
nor rightly believe one promife in it, till in heart you 
can fay, " This gofpel is the only charter of my fal- 
*' vation, fealed with the blood of ray only Saviour." 
If any be for another Saviour than Chrift, and for 
another fecurity and charter for falvation than his 
thus fealed teftament, on their eternal peril be it. 
Let them try, and perifh. For, as God is true, pe- 
ri{h they ftiall, even all that take that courfe, Acts 
iv. 12. 

4. Chrift proves his love to his people's falvation 
by his intercefTion for them. Of which this chapter 
is a great inftance. And whereof we have fo much 
fpoke in Rom. viii. 54. Heb. vii. 25. and ix. 24. and 
I John ii. I. This is his bufmefsin heaven. By this 
he prepares their place for them^ John xiv. 2, 3.; and 
on it aflfures them of their poffefiing of it. 

5. Chrift gives his Spirit to his people, to prove 
kis concern about their falvation. And we may al- 
lude to Ifa. V. 4. What could have been done ?nore? 
He covenanted with the Father from eternity about 
their falvation. He bought it for them, and them 
for it, in the fulnefs of time. The day of Chrift's 
redeeming his people, was the flower of time, the 
greatefh and nobleft thing done flnce God fet the 
clock of time a going ; for his glorious return is to 
be at the end of time. He turned the covenant of 
their falvation into a teflament by his blood ; and did 
in that teftament leave all the grace and glory bought 
by his blood as a legacy to his people. He, when 
he had done this, went to heaven with his blood, 
Heb. ix. 12. that it inight fpeak before God, Heb. 
xii. 24. for all bleflings to his people. And till they 
get full poflTclfion of glory, he gives to them his Spi- 
rit. All that arc his have his Spirit, as furely as it 
is, that if any man have not the Spirit of Chrijl^ he is 
rone of his * Rom. viii. 9. 15. Gal. iv. 6. This gift 
of the Spirit is a marvellous gift. None can know i% 
but they that receive it : John xiv. i;* Jbe Spirit 


Serm. IIL the Lord's Prayer, 4^ 

of truths whom the ivcrld cannot receive, hecaufe it feet h 
him not, neither knozveth him : but ye know him ; foT 
he dwelleth with you ^ and fh all he on you, i John iv. 
13. Hereby know we that we dwell in him^ and he in 
usy hecaufe he hath given us of his Spirit. This gift 
is always given in mere love and grace, and is a fure 
proof of Gpd's fpecial love. This gift of the Spirit 
is an earned: of heaven, 2 Cor. i. 22. God hathfeaU 
ed uSf and given the earnefi of the Spirit in our hearts ; 
and 2 Cor. v. 5. And Eph. i. 13, 14. he is called 
that Holy Spirit of promife^ which is the earneft of our 
inheritance, until the redemption of the piirchafed pofjef^ 
fion, unto the praife of his glory. He is called //;^^ry/- 
fruits of the Spirit^ Rom. viii. 23. This gift is an en- 
riching gift. How great things doth he in and oa 
the man ! How much good doth he bring along with 
himfelf! He reveals Chrift to the fonl, John xvi. 14, 
15. ; draws the foul toChrifl, unites hitii with Chrift; 
dwells in the believer, and/^j/j him to the day of re- 
demption, Eph. iv. 30. ; comforts him till that daf 
comes. Hence called the Comforter by our Lord, 
John xiv. 16, 26. KV, 26. and xvi. 7. Yet for all the 
richnefs of this gift of the Spirit, this you raud know, 
that as foon as a man receives this gift, he fees and 
finds himfelf to be a poor, empty, and needy creature. 
When this eye-falve of Chrift anoints a man's eye?, 
then he feeth what he did not before ; that he is 
"wr etched f and miferahle^ and poor ^ and blind ^ and na- 
ked^ Rev. iii. 17, 18. Therefore is the Spirit of 
Chrift ia believers a Spirit of grace and of fupplication, 
Zech. xiii. 10.; a Spirit of adoption^ c^y'^^gj Abba^ 
Father, Rom. viii. 15. and Gal. iv. 6. 11 no man can 
fay, that Jefus is the Lord, hut by the Holy Ghofl, i 
Cor. xii. 3. ; furely no man can call the God and Fa- 
ther of our Lord Jefus Chrift, Abba Father, but by 
the Holy Ghoft. The firft word of the new creature 
is Abba. But many believers live long ere they cao 
fay Abba confidently. They do not confider du- 
ly, that as this relation is granted by the Lord ; fo it 
Vol. IL G (hould 

44 Sermons concerning Serm. Ill 

fhould be pleaded by believers, without any regard 
to Worth in us, tut only to his own free grace and 
love in Jefus Chrift. The Spirit of Chrill: in be!iev- 
ers is a Spirit of prayer, a Spirit of begging in a child 
at its be.ivenly Father's door. The believer finds 
manifold daily wanes; he know? cone can relieve and 
fupply his wants, but his God by Jefus Cbrift^ Phil. 
iv. 19. He haih an inflin(fl, and fomc ability by the 
Spirit to beg and wait. The operation of the Spirit 
in believers, the communion of the Holy Ghofl, is a 
great myflery. He works more on them, than they 
feel and know ; and they feel mere than they can 
exprefs in words ; and ihey exprefs more, than any 
that have not received the fame Spirit of faith (2 Cor. 
iv. 13.) can underftand. But this we know, that 
vvhcnfoever the Spirit of Chriil applies his «race and 
power to the heart of a finner, there is fomething 
wrought that day, that (hall laff to eternity. There 
is, by that finger of God, that imprtlTion made upon 
the foul, and that mark left upon it, that (liall never 
wear out, and that fin and Satan (hall never be able 
to blot out again ; but it (liall remain, and grow, and 
be feen at the coming of Chrill: at the lalt day, 
Phil. i. 6. 

II. Why is ChrifTs heart fofet upm his people^ s glory 
m heaven f* 

I. Becaufe of his near intered in them. His in- 
terefl in his church and people, is greater and clofer 
than we can conceive. The Holy Ghofi ufeth many 
fimilitudes ro help our thoughts. Of them I would 
Bame only two of the plainell and mofl common. One 
is, of Chrift'ii being the head, and the church his 
body and members ; Eph. i. 22, 23. iv. 15, 16. and 
Col. ii. 19. Another is, the marridge-union of man 
and wife; and efpccially of the firlt married couple, 
Adam and Eve, our tirfl: parents, Eph. v. 25. — 32, 
And you may well think, that it was a fit match. 
\Vhen the firil roan was made, God took a part of 


Serm. 111. the - Lord's Prayer. 45. 

this man's body, and made of it a woman to be a 
wife to him. So is the church, Chrifl's bride, taken 
out of Chrift's fide ; not la a fieep, (as it was with the 
firft Adam, Gen. ii. 2 i, 22.) but tri and by his death. 
As Eve was made a mod excellent woman, both for 
endowments of body and mind ; fo ^dam in innocency 
did doubtlefs love her peife(ftly. She was of him, 
from him, for hi.m, and made to be wi:h him. All 
this is but a iliadow -of the church, ChriIVs bride. 
The firft Adam's love to his rare wife, was nothing 
to Chrilt's love to his bride. Yea, Chrifl is not only 
the head of the body, and the husband thereof, but 
Chrift is to the church, as our fouls are to our bodies, 
1 Cor. vi. 17. All the life, power, and ability of 
our bodies, naturally flows from the foul dwelling in 
it. If the foul be never fo happy, (as thefpirits of 
juji men made per fed, are, Heb. xii. 23.), yet it hath 
a happy longing in its glorified (late for its re-union 
with the body. So Chnfl, the quickening 8puity (as 
Paul calls him, i Cor. xv. 45 ), hath a great happy 
defire of having his gioriiied body with him where 
he is. 

2. ChriPt is much concerned about glory to his peo* 
pie, becaufe of his engagements for and to his people, • 
There is a treble engagement of Chrift that he lietb 
under for bringing his people to heaven, i. The 
command of his Father, >joha vi. 38, 39, 40. And 
this commandment is eternal life ; and this Chrift knew, 
and revealed it, John xii. 49, 50. 2, His promife to 
his Father in the everlafting covenant. '^. Mis pro- 
mife to us in the gofpel, i Job ii. 25. He hath en- 
gaged 10 his Father, that none that are given to hi in 
fhall ever perifti ; and he hath promifed often and 
plainly to us in the gofpel, that none that believe oa 
him ftiall ever be alliamed. And wofully would a 
believer in Chrift: be aftiaraed, if he came ftiort of 

3. The greatnefs of Chrift's love to his people, 
makes him fo much concerned about their compleat 

G 2 falvation. 

A 6 Sermons cotjcerning S E r m . III. 

falvation. ChriR's love is lb great, that it pafleth 
knowledge ; aad feme ChrKUans love to Chnft is fo 
Weak, that it is hardly feen and felt by them. It is 
rot every one that can give Peter's anfwer unro 
Chrift's queftioLi, John xxi. 15, 16, 17. Lord thou 
hiQweJI ail things^ thou knotvefl that I love thee. Now, 
\vc know concerning love, that it natively lieth in 
wilhing well to the beloved. Doth Chrilt love his 
people ? How can he but wifli them well ? And how 
can he wi(h them better, than to be with him where 
be is P 

Application, i. Is Jefus Chrid {0 much 
concerned for the glory and bleflednefs of his people P 
Then fee how fweetly we come to heaven. It is by 
Chrifl's bkffed will; lys blood paying the price, and 
giving us the right and tiile to glory ; and his heart 
and good- will giving poireffion of it. Thus are we 
faved, both furely and fweetly. 

2. How firmly {hould we believe en Jefus Chrifl, 
and trail him for falvaticn ? It is no fmall reproach 
to him, that is fo often done by that unbelief and 
doubting that is fo ufual to fome Chriilians. Chrid 
minds our fj^lvation heartily, and we believe feebly; 
he faying', / will have them w'thme where I a?n ; and 
we often fayiiig, hord^ thou wilt not bring me where 
thou art. Is it not fmful in us, and diilioncurable to 
Cbrift, for us to be faying, ^hou wi!t noty when he is 
faying, I will f We (hould trud our falvaiion on Je- 
fus Chriil, not only as on him that only can fave, and 
that is able to fave perfc(^ly ; but as on him that hath 
more good-will to fave, than we can have wiilingnefs 
TO be faved by him. None had ever been faved by 
him, none had ever been brouf^ht to heaven, unlefs 
Chrid had had more wiilingnefs to bring them thither, 
than they had to be led thither by him. He mujl in 
all things have the 'pre-eminence^ Col. i. 18. and in 
this efpecia!!y. Unbelief is in all doubrings of Chrift's 
good- will to fave. Whatever may be (aid of the le- 

Serm. III. the Lord's Frayer, ^f 

.per's faitb, in Matth, viii. 2. Lord^ if tbou wilf^ tbcu 
canjl make me clean ; no perifliing finner can be quite 
excufed, that (hall p!?t an ?/on Chrift's willingnefs to 
fave one that employs him in hisofHce of faving, where- 
in his glory is fo concerned, and his heart fo deeply en- 
gaged. We (hould give him the glory that is duQ to 
him; to believe that the willingnefs co fave is greater in 
the Saviour, than wiliint^nefs to be faved is in the Tinner. 
For ChriiVs good-will to fave, is the caufe of any de- 
lire of falvation in any: Pfalm ex. 3. Thy people Jhall 
be willing in the day of thy power. When he hath 
a mind to fave, he doth work this wiliingnefs in men 
to be faved by him ; and they will own it to proceed 
from his wiliingnefs, when they become ftrong belie- 
vers ; and will fee it and know it perfefliy^ when 
they get full falvaiion. 

3. How ftrongly Oiould believers love the Lord 
Jefas Chrifl ? is his heart fo fet on thy heaven ? How 
filled with love to him ought thy heart to be P Woe 
to them that love him not, i Cor. xvi. 22. And ia 
CO better cafe are they that think they love him e- 
nough , and fuch as love any thing as well, and that 
hate not all things in comparifon with him, Luke xiv* 
26. To love Chrift as thou dod thy life, will not be 
enough. It is higher and greater love that Chrill doth 
deferve and require, and will only accept. 

4. How patiently and quietly ihould we fubmit to 
Chrifl's conduft and guiding us in the way to heaven? 
Is his heart fet on bringing you thither ? Let him 
guide you in the way as he pleafeth. Doth be fay 
peremptorily, / will have them with me where I am f 
Let him guide you as he will, while you are in the 
world. When a believer is faristled by faith, that 
Chrifl wills glory to him in the end, he will find it 
eafy to fubpiit to Chrift's conducft; by the way. He 
may indeed, in fome trials of his faith, be put to fay, 
^' This is a dark path 1 am led to walk in :" but faith 
will fay, " Bat 1 am in Chrifl's hand ; this is his way 
" of leading me \ every (tep that Chrifl: leads the be- 

** licYIOiJ 

^3 SerJUDiis concerning Ssrm. IV. 

"*' lieving traveller in, rnuft lead to heaven." He 
bed knows the way ; and the wifdom of the Chrilti- 
an licih in following Chrift whitherfoever he goeth, 
and leadcth hiin. Though thou feed not heaven, the 
end ; though ihou knowefl: not the path he leads thee 
in ; though the path, to thy (tiiio.^ looks lilcer the 
way to hell, than to heaven : yet if Chrifl leadeth 
thee, and if thcu be in his hand, it is impollible, but 
that Chrill thy guide will bring thee to heaven, as 
ihy home. 


John xvil. 24. 

Father, I will that they aljo whom thou hafl given mc, 
be with me where / am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hafl given ?ne : for thou lovedfl me 
before the foundation of the world* 

Tli I S chapter contains the bed part of the gof- 
pel. IF the g^ ''pel be good news from heaven, 
(as furely it is), the heft part of thofe good news is 
what the Saviour fends up to heaven in this prayer. 
And what he fends up in this prayer, he brought 
down from heaven, from his Father, John vi. j8. I 
have made fome entrauce on this vcrfe 24. the fleet- 
ed oF this prayer, if comparifon may be made, where 
every word is mod fweet and cxcellenr. I have 
fpoke unto the manner of Chrid's praying, / 'z^///. 
'1 he manner is finpular, and the matter mod excel- 
lent. The manner of Chrid's praying here, is more 
like a commander, than a fupplicant. What fpe- 
cialties there were in the perfon that noade ir, and in 


Serm. IV. the hordes Frayer. 49 

the feafon that drew forth this high word, you have 

The matter of Chrift's prayer in this verfe, I took 
up in four ; and have fpoke to the firfl: of them, to 
wit, the defcription of the party he prayeth for. Iq 
this chapter, our Lord not only defcribeth them he 
prayed for, but exprelly denieth that he prayed for 
any befides them, ver. 9, 10. I pray for them : I fray 
not for the worlds but for them %vhich thcu hafl given 
me^ for they are thine. And all mine are thine^ and 
thine are mine^ and I am glorified in them. From this 
defcription of them Chrift prayed for in this yerfe, 
and in other parts of this chapter, I have fpoke unto 
thefe three points, i. That there is a feleu^ determi- 
nate company of men, that were given by the Father 
to the Son, to be redeemed and faved by hira. 2. 
That this company was particularly and exaflly known 
by Jefus Chriff. 3. That Chriil's heart was fixed and 
refolved on the eternal falvaiion of all them that were 
given to him. And here he expreifeth it highly, ia 
this / will. 

The fecond thing in the matter of Chrift's prayer, 
followeth to be fpoke unto ; and that is, the hlejfmg 
he prayeth for unto them. It is, that they may he with 
me where 1 am. There are three things here, that 
1 would firft take notice of and explain ; and thea 
fpeak to the words themfelves ; and give you from 
them, the do^lrines which I intend to infui more large- 
ly upon, 

1. The firft thing I take notice of, is this alfo^ and 
what is its fignification. 2, What is this to he with 
Chrif}^ as diftin<Sl from other fcripmre-words about 
Chrift and his people. 3. What it is to be with Chrifl 
where he is, 

I. Concerning this word alp. It doth not in the 
leafl: hint, that there are j^ny that he defires may be 
with him where he is, befides ihofe that were givea 
hira : but \i is only his prayiag for another, and great- 

'^o Sermons concerning Serm. IV. 

er bleffing, to them that were given to him. Our 
Lord had prayed for many and great things for them 
before in this chapter and prayer. He had prayed 
Lis Father to keep thcm^ lofandify thtfii, and to ?Jiah 
than all one in the Father and in the Son. '' Bui 
*' (would our Lord fay) there is fomething more than 
" all this I would have for ihem ;" I would have them 
to be ivith me where I am. Hence 

Obferv. Nothing flort of, nothing lefs than heaven^ 
and eternal glory in it^ doth Jlint and limit ChrijTs heart 
and prayers for his people. For all he hath done for 
them, for all he hath given to them, (and there is a 
great deal of both), there is fiill this alfo in his heart 
ibr them. / ^uill that they alfo may be with me where 
I anu " I will not only go where they are, but 1 will 
*' alfo have them where 1 am." Nothing lefs than 
** everlafting bleffednefs to hh people, doth limit 
*' Chrlfl's will and prayers for them. He prays for 
every thing to them, and for this alfo. When the 
apoftle is fpeaking to believers in Heb vi. 4,— -9. he 
gives a very gracious infmuation, after a mod fearful 
alarm. When he had fpoke fome of the mod terri- 
"ble words in the fcripture, upon a fuppofition of aa 
Titter apoflafy from Chriftianity, after great attain- 
ments : \{ fuch as have been enlightened.. Sec. do fall 
nway^ their cafe is defperate ; they are foil that bring 
forth nothing but briers and thorns ^ are fie/ir unto curf- 
ing^ and their end is to be burned. But^ beloved, (faith 
he, ver. 9.), we are per/uaded better things of you, and 
ihin(rs that accompany fa hat ion ^ thziigh we thus f peak. 
All the grace that Chrift giveth, all the grace that 
believers receive and a<fl iu this life, are but things 
that accompany falvation, that do pertain unto the ilatc 
of falvation, and prepare for the full enjoyment of 
falvation in heaven. 

There are feveral forts of gifts -that Chrid gives, 
and believers receive, in this life, that pertain to fal- 
vation. As, 

X. Their 

Serm. IV. the Lord's Prayer, 5C 

1. Their right and title to heaven. And that is 
Chrift himfelf pciTefTed by iaith ; dwelling in their 
hearts by faith, Eph. iii. 17. ; Cbrij^ in them the hope 
of glory. Col. i. 27. That day that Chrilt entered. 
into their hearts, the hope of glory began to dawn. 
And the deeper he enter into the heart of any, the 
greater is the hope, fo as to make the believer rejoice 
in hope of the glory of God ^ Rom. v. 2. 

2. The Lord giveth alfo m^^etnefs for heaven; and 
thai is wrought by his Spirit and grace on his peo- 
ple : Goi. i. 12. Giving thanks unto the Father ^ which 
hath made us meet to be tnade partakers of the inherit 
tance of the faints in light. This meetnels for partak- 
ing is infeparabie from a right and title to glory ; at 
lead fo far, that no believer can have a comfortable 
view of his right, without fome experience of his 
meetnefs for enjoying the inheritance. This fame 
apoftie faith to this fame purpofe in 2 Cor. v. 5. AW 
he that hath wrought us for the f elf fame thing, is God ; 
who hath alfo given unto us the earneft of the Spirit, 
He hath been at great pains on us, and hath ufed 
many means and methods with us. And what hath 
all this been for? It hath only been the Lord's gra- 
cious and wife v/ay of polilhiog and framing us for 

3. There is the earneft of the inheritance that ChriO: 
gives, and Chriftians receive fometimes, Eph. i. 13,' 
14. This pertains to glory nearly. It is like the 

frft-fruits of that good land^ frequently fpoke of in 
the word; and might be more often tailed by belie- 
vers, were it n*ot for their lazinefs and unbelief whea 
they want it ; and their bad guiding ot it, when ac 
any time they enpy a little of it. 

Application. Imitate onr Lord Jefus Chriil 
in your praying for yourfelves. Imitate him, 

I. In all your afkings. There are fome fpi ritual 
bleffiugs that believers are very defirous of. Confci- 
cnce terrifies you, and then you cry, O for the fprink- 

VoL. li. H ling 

^z s - Sermms concerning Serm. IV, 

liog of ihe blood of Jefus, and for peace with God 
thereby, and peace withiu ! O for viflory over fin, 
and for firen2;th to walk worthy of the Lord unco all 
pleafing ! All goovi prayers. But if all this were 
granted you, rer.3ember to pray on this alfo for glory. 
Beg pardon and heaven alja^ holinef. and heaven alfo, 
Aik any good thing which you want, and which he 
ha-h prcraifed. A(k every thing, and heaven alfo. 
Let your prayers for yourfeives be as large as Chriit's 
are for you. 

2. Remember \h\^alfo in all your receiving?, as well 
as in your afking3. His fulnefs is inlioiie, his bounty 
is great ; but his people are but narrow vcfTels, and 
c-innot receive much : and are leaky veileis, and 
cannot keep long v;hat they receive. Is he kind, 
large- he artetl, and open-handed to you P (is no be- 
liever dare deny). Blef> him, and beg heaven alfo. 
Jacob was a meek, lowly, humble man, and faith. 
Gen. xxxii. lo, / afn not worthy cf the leaf, (or, / am 
If 5 than the leaf) of all the fnercies^ and cf all the 
truth which thou haft f reived unto thy frvant. This 
man looks on the lead mercy as a great mountain, and 
on himfelf as a little mole-hill. You would think, 
furely this humble man will not (land with God for 
any thing ; yet he- will weep and make f up flic ation^ as 
in Hof. xii. 3, 4. and wreflle all night, and fay, (doubt- 
lefs with his eyes full of tears, and his heart full of 
faith and love), / will not let thee go ^ except thou hlefs 
me. Receive all his grace and bounty with all the 
fcnfe you can reach, of your own unworthinefs ; yet 
flill remember this alfo. Be not fatisiied fo as not to 
delire eternal glory. Make ufe of all experiences cf 
his grace to you, to quicken both vour defire and your 
faJiii of eternal life. Let that wejl of water in you^ 
which Chriii's grace hath made in you, fprir.g up into 
iverlafing iijcy John iv. 14, 

II. The lecond word that is next to be explained, 
is, with me : J will that they be %vith me. It may be 
fome of them were with Chrid when he prayed 

thui ; 

Serm. IV. the LorSs Prayer, ^l 

thus ; it may be all ibe eleven apodles were there* 
But their being with Ghrift in the garden, was but a 
fmall matter. Chriil wiis then at his loweft; then 
was the cloud thickefi, ard the eciipfa darkeft on the 
Son oF God. It is another, and better phce and 
cafe, that Chrift prays to have ihem 'whb him in, than 


There are three words concerning Chrift and his 
people, in the fcripiure, that are very good and gra- 
gIous ; but this in the text is beyond them all. 

1. We find, that his people are (aid to be in him^ 
I John V. 20. and 2 Cor. v. 17. 

2. Another word is, that Chrid is faid to be in his 
people, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. We are in Chrift by faith ; and 
Chrift dwells in our hearts by faiih, Eph. iii. 17. So 

John xvii, 2^ 

3. And Chrifl is faid to be with his people. This 
was amongd the laft words of Chiift, when going to 
beaver?, Mattb. xxvlii. 20. And lo, I am with you aU 
wayy even unto the end oj the^world, '' Though ye 
*« Ihall never fe^e n>y iace any more, till I bring you 
*« to heaven, yet I am with you always." But this 
« word of being with Chrift, is above all tbofe three, 
for as great as they are. This is far better^ Phil. i. 23. 

IIL The third word to be explained in the text is, 
where I am : Ihat they may be with me where I am. 
Where was Chrifl when he faid thefe words ? He 
was either in the garden, or going to it.^ For what ii* 
in thefe four chapters, xlv, xv, xvi, xvii. was, in all 
appearance, fpokeu by our Lord, partly at his lafi; 
fupper, partly immediately after it ; as may be ga- 
thered from John xiv. 31. Ari/e, let us go hence, Chrid 
was on the earth when he faid this ; but furely he 
meant heaven in this word, where I am. He was jufl 
upon leaving the world, and on going to heaven ;^ as 
he fpeaks, John xvi. 2B. I came forth from the Father^ 
and am come into the zvorld : again^ I leave the worlds 
and go to the Father. And John xvii. 11, 12. he 
fpeaks as if ivo more in the world : And now I am n9 

Xi 2 ^-^^^ 

54 Sermons concerfimg Serm. IV. 

more in the '■juGrld, hut thefe are in the world. While 
J TO as with them in the wcrld^ I kept them in thy name. 
So like is this blelTed prayer to the iritcrceflion cf our 
great High Pried in heaven. Now let us confider 
how far this blefling of being with Chrijl where he 
is, is above and beyond all he had done for, and faid 
before to his people ; and yet they were very confi- 

1. Our Lord Jefus Chrifl was reade what his peo- 
ple are. He was made all that we are, except fiii. 
There was no difference betwixt Chrifl and another 
nian, as he came into the world, but only in this, (and 
ir' was his glory, and our falvarion), that he was fin- 
lefs. But all his people d^i^fiapen in iniquity ^ and in 

fin did their mother conceive them^ Pfalm li. 5. Are 

I he children partakers of flejh and blood? He alfo htm- 

feif likew'fe took part of the fame. He took on him the 

feed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved 

him to be made like unto his brethren^ Hebrews ii. 14, 

i5, 17. 

2. Jefus Chrid was not only made what his people 
were, but he canrie where ihcy are. He came into 
the world, their dwelling-place, and came down from 
heaven into the earth, John vi. 58. Never did aiiy 
perfon c6ine down from heaven but Jefus Chriil. 
Neither could he come down from heaven, if he had 
not been God ; for that body he took to himfelf, was 
formed in the lowejl parts oj the ea^th^ Pfal. cxxxix. 1 5. 
(as well as the body of other men), though in a fingu- 
lar manner. What marvellous grace and love was 
here, that the eternal Son of God would not only 
rake on him his peoples nature, but would come and 
dwell where they dwelr, and that with delight? See 
Prov. viii. 30, 31. Then I was by him, as one brought 
vp with him ; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing 
always before him, as the Son with the Faiher. It is 
very like to thar in John i. 1,2. In the beginning was 
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word 
was Cod. Jhe fame was in the beginning with God. 


Serm. IV. the Lord's Frayer, 55 

Ver. 14. And the Word was inadejlcPv^ and dwelt a- 
viong us. But fee farther what is iaid, Prov. viii. 31. 
Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earthy and ?ny de* 
lights were with the fins of men. When was this ? 
From everlaCting^ or ever the earth was^ ver. 23. While 
as yet he had not made the earthy ver. 26. How mar- 
vellous is this expreffioo, that God's Son, the eternal 
Wifdom of the Father, did eternally rejoice in the 
habitable fart of the earthy when there was no earth \ 
and that his delights were with thefom of men^ when 
there was no man, nor fon of man, in the earth ? But 
the habitable fart of the earthy though not yet made, 
was the place he was to come into, for redeeming his 
people. And as he delighted in it from eternity, he 
came triumphantly into it, ia the fulnefs of time: Heb. 
X. 7. Lo^ I come (in the volume of the book it is writ- 
ten of me) to do thy will, God. He alfo loved the 
ground his bride was to tread on, the earth where they 
were to live in, and where ia time he was to court 
the heart and win the love of his people. 

3. Our Lord went where his people deferved to 
go. There is a good fenfe of that harih-like word. 
He defended into hell. It is a popiih fable, to imagine, 
that Chrift, after he died, went down into the place of 
the damned, either to fufFer, or to do any thing there. 
His humiliation was accompliihed in his dying, and 
lying in the grave for a time. But if we take it ia 
this fenfe, that that (Iroke of divine juftice that his 
people by fm had deferved, Chi lit did feel and bear; 
this is the ufual voice of the golpel. The fword of 
juftice was roufed, furbiihed, and drav;n againfl Jefus 
Chrifl, and his foul pierced thereby, Z^ch. xiii. 7, 
He was apprehended, accufed, arraigned, condem- 
ned, and executed, moil unjuflly and wickedly by men, 
but mod rightcoufly by God. Mens putting of Chrill 
to death, was the mod unjuft and wicked d.^ that ever 
was done in the world. But the Lord Jehovah's part 
in it, was mod jafl and righteous. If you have earj 
to hear it, this is a fare irurh5 Never did a damned 

56 Sermons concerning Serm. IV. 

iinner dcferrc hell more jaftly, nor wa?, or dull be 
isciC into it mors righteoufly, than the fporlefs Lamb 
of God deferved the ftroke of divine jadice for the 
fins of his people laid upon him. Ic was indeed infi- 
nite grace and love in the Father, to riibflitute his 
only begotten Sou to be the S^vionr oFfinners, i John 
iv. 9, lo. k was infinite grace in our Lord Jefus 
ChriU, to conuefcend to be the facritlce for fin- 
fiers^ 2 Cor. viii. 9* But when both are done, jnflicc 
was. ijlorilied in the execution of this facriSce, Rom. 
iii. 25, 26. 

4. Our Lord alfo went Vvhither he had a mind to 
bring us ; and that is, to heaven. And yet all this is 
ihori ot being with him where he is. On this, confi- 
der, 1. How he went, and left his people: Luke 
xxiv. 50, 51. And he led thein out as far as to Bethany ; 
and he lift up his hands y and Llejjed them. And it 
came to pafs, while he blejjed them^ he was parted from 
ihen\ and earned up into heaven, A bleffed way of 
going hence. Our bleffed Lord came into the world, 
. as the greateft bleiling that ever it got. He bleffed 
Lis piople whde he was with them, and bleifed them 
at parting, and wiil return again to blefs them more. 
The la;! ufe cur Lord made of his lips on earth 
{viio which grace was poured, Pfalm xlv. 2.), the lafl 
life he made ol his holy hands, was ro blefs his peo- 
])le ; and the force and virtue of tliat blefiing remains 
10 this day, and will unril his return. He went awiy 
blcffiiT:^, and will come again blcfTing. He afcended 
with afhcut^ Pfahn xlvii, 5.; and htffjall h:mfe!f de- 
fcend from heaven with a fijouty i The IT. iv. \(:, 2. 
Conlider what h^ w^n: ro heaven for. It was to pof- 
Icf; lieiveo' for us, as the forerunner^ Heb. vi. 20.; to 
prepare a place for us^ John xiv. 2, 5.; to make inter- 
ceffion for its^ Heb. ix. 24.; to mind our concerns 
While we are here, and to welcome us to heaven when 
he calls us hence. You may think, that it is far more 
comlbrLubie for believers now to die, having Chrifl 


Serm. IV. the Lor as Prayer, 57 

in heaven before their, than it v;as for believers to die 
before he came into the world, as iBany did ; or to 
die, and leave Chrift in the world, as it may be foins 
did : though his faving grace is the fame ii^ ail the 
flates he was in. But now we die to he w'lih khn^ 
Phil. i. 2g. to he where he is^ John xiv. 2, :>. 

5. Chrift is with his people even while rhey a?e 
here in the world. This is alfo a great bkffing, bat 
(hort of this being with him where he is, lb ere ara 
two feafons when this prefence of Chrift with his peo- 
ple is knowr. i. When they are at their beiL 
When is a Chriflian at his beif ? Every one can ao^ 
fwer. It is when moll of Chriirs prefence is entGved. 
2. When is he at his woril ? When in great aiiii^Hoiv^ 
Ifa. KJiii. 3. Paal found this prefence : 2 Tim. iv. 16, 
1 7. At my firfl anfwer no man ft 00 d with me, but all 
menjorfook me. He had never a friend then and there, 
^Lt Jefus Chrift. NotwithjIandi?ig the Lord flood 
with 7iit, and jlrengthened vie^ When a believer is 
greatly tempted, then is he ia a bad condition. Fetev 
was wained both of bis danger and relief, Luke ?;xn» 
31, 32. Paul had this exercife, 2 Cor. xfii. 7, 8, 9. 
and relief under it ; and iKakes this ufe of it, Moft 
gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities ^ 
that the power of Chrift may rejt upon me. As if he 
had faid, '* I have got a troublcforne vifit horn the 
*' devil ; but it hath been the occafioa of a gracious 
*' vifit from Chrift, And if the one come firft, and 
** the other follow, the iirft is to be patiently borne, 
" and the other 10 be thankfully received." There 
is alfo a prefence of Chrift with his people, even m 
their ftuinblings. Though he be difj^leafed wi:h 
them for their falling, yet he harh a doiib'e care a- 
bout them. One is, that they may not fall utterly : 
Pfal. XXX vii. 24. Though he fall^ he fjull not be utterly 
laj^ down ; for the Lord upboldelh him zuitb his hand," 
Another care of Chrift about his ftumbling children, 
is, to take them up again. Laftiy, ChriiVs peooJe 
have his prefence with ihtra in dying. And it is a 


53 Sermons comcrmr!^ Serm. IV. 

precious and needful blefling. Will Chrift withdraw 
his gracious help and prefence from his people, when 
it is fo very needful ? Paul calls dyin^ a fweet name, 
1 ThefT, iv. 14. Jleeping in Jcfus. It is a dark place, 
and a cold pillow, that this fleep is taken en. But it 
is the fweetcfl: lleep that ever the believer cook. The 
body is freed from all pain and trouble, and will be 
fweetly awakened at the lad day. And till then the 
Spirit is not only with him that gave it, Ecci. xii. 7, 
but with him that redeemed it, Pfal. xxxi. 5. 

But now what C'hrill prays for here, is far beyond 
all ihofe. He was made what we are ; came where 
we were ; fuffered what we deferved ; went to hea- 
ven for us ; gives his prefence with us here, in life 
and death. But more than all is this, / will have 
them zvhsre I am. 

There are two points of doftriae that I would fpsah 
to from this word. 

DocT. I. "To be with Chrift where he is, is ChrijTs^ 
and the be/iever^s heaven ; that heaven that Chrift 
gives, and that believers receive. 

DocT- 2. That Qur Lord^s will is fet upon his peo- 
ple's enjoying of this bkfjednefs, 

I would at this time conclude with three words of 
application of what hath been faid. 

1. Behold how greatly Chrifl: loves his people. 
This prayer of his for them, flowed from Lis bound- 
lefs love. He cannot be pieafed without them, and 
ihey cannot be happy without him. All the glory 
and blifsthat Chrift is poiTenfed of, doth not fully fa- 
tisfy him, till he have all his people with him. His 
church is /j/j- body, the fulnefs of him that fillcth all in 
all, Eph. i. 23. 

2. Behold how happy are his people. ?yIofes fung 
this of old, Deut. xxxiii. 29. Happy art thou^ O If- 
rael I Who is like unto thee, O people faved by the Lord? 
Much more may we fay fo, when Cbrifi hath appear- 


S E R M. IV. the Lord's Prayer > 5p 

ed^ who hath ahoUJked deaths and hath brought life 
and immortality to light through the gofpel^ 2 Tim. i. 10. 
3. Learn to pray moderately lor the lives of Chrift'5 
people. There are fome of the godly that are very 
ufeful by their gifts and grace; and, if fpared, might 
be of great profit to the church of Chrift. Such we 
fliould be loth to lofe, and their lives we may pray 
for ; yet it muft be done moderately. Who can tell 
but Chrift and we are praying counter to one ano- 
ther? He may be faying in heaven, " Father I will 
" have fuch a one to be wiih me where 1 ara ;" and 
we faying on earth, " Lord we wou d have him to 
*' be with us where we are :" we faying, *' We can- 
" not fpare bim as yet ;" and Chriit faying, '* I will 
" be no longer without him.'' It is the force of this 
prayer of Chriff, " I will have them to be with me 
" where I am," that is the caufe of the death of the 
godly. It is the force of this prayer that carries avvay 
fo many of the faints in our day. Chrift is faying ia 
heaven, " I will have them where I am. They are 
" defpifed in the world, and badly ufed on the earth i 
" Father, let us have them where we are." Sheuld 
not we pray modeftly for their lives, while we know 
not his fecret will ? and ihould not we believingiy 
fubmit to his will, when he reveals it ? Say, " Let 
^« them go from us, fmce Chrift calls them to be wi;h 
*• him." Ic is his will, and their great advantage, 
Phil, i, 23. 


6o S:rmon5 cor.cerning Serm. V. 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they aljo whom thou haft given mr^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou lovcdft ms 
before the foundation of the world* 

I Entered lafl day upon the fecond thing I took up 
in the matter of ChiifPs prayer in this veiTe ; 
which v/a5 the blelTing Chrift prays for to his people, 
in tliefe words ^[hat they alfo may he vSitb vie where 
I am. Id opeuinc; oF them, I did fpe^^k a little, i. 
To iVe force of this word alfo. 2. What it is to be 
with Chrift. 3. V^\\?i\. to be ivitb him -where he is. 
And then raifed two points of dc£lrine. i. That the 
perfect hlefjtdnefs of the church and people of God^ is in 
being with Chrift where he is. 2. "ihat it is ChrifVs 
will that all his people fhould partake of^ and pofjejs 
this blefjcdnefs^ 

To the firfl: of thefe I would (peak, viz. 

DocT. I. That the perfeB and compleat blefjednefs 
of the church and people 0/ God, ftandi in being with 
Chrift where he is. 

Thus Chrift expreffeth it, John xiv. 3. That where 
J am, there ye may be alfo ; and John xii. 26. If any 
inanfrvemc^ let him follow me ; and where I am, there 
fball alfo my fervant be. The apodle fums up the 
blf-^lTednefs of the church at the laft day in this, I 
Their, iv. 17. Andfo ftjull we ever be with the Lord. 
So alfo in 2 Cor. v. 6. 8, it is called b^^^ing prefent 
with the Lord. And in Phil. i. 23. ii is called being 
with Chrift^ 


Serm. V. the Lonfs Traysr. 6i 

. There are four things I woulci premlfe concerning 
this matter, that may be of ufe to regulate your 
thoughts in hearing acJ fladying the word of God 
about heaven. 

I. This blefTednefs is greatly in the dark to us. 

It is an enjoymeat within the vail, as Hcb. vi, 19, 

And it is neceiliirily io. The thing we'^defire to be 

informed in, is, What it is to be with Chrift where he 

is f And here every thing is dark and deep. What 

Chrift is, where he is, what it is to be with him, who 

can tell or know ? When the beloved difciple, who 

lay in Chrifl's bofom oa earth, is fpeaking of this 

b]if<^, in I John iii. 2. he faith, Beloved^ now are we 

the/cm cfGod^ and it doth net yet appear what ive Jhali 

he : hut we know, that when he /Ifall appear^ we /ball 

be like him ; for we Jh all fee him as he is. Why ! Did 

never John j^i? bim as he is f No. They that fa w him 

in his humbled ilate, faw him under a vail, which his 

Work rendered neceffary for a time. And believers, 

that now fee him by faith, fee him not as he is ; but 

only fee him as painted forth to us in and by the gof- 

pel, as Gal. iii. 1. No man can know what it is to 

fee Chrift as he is, till he do fee him as he is ; and that 

is cot till he appears. To this belongs that word, 

1 Cor. ii. 9. Eye hath not/een, nor ear heard, neither 

have entered into the heart of man, the things which 

God hath prepared for them that love him. Heaven 

will be a blefied farprife to all that poiTefs it. It will 

be found to be far beyond all the mod large defires, 

and the highed: ex'pe^taiions, that ever were rai fed in 

their beans. So will h::'l be to ail the heirs of wrath, 

vaflly above all their fearful expe<flations, Heb. x. 

27. ; and the foretafies of ir, that are great in fomc 

wicked men : Pfal. xc. i f . Who knoweth the power of 

thine anger f even according to thy fear, fo is thy wrath. 

No man can ov^r-fear God's wrath ; and no man caa 

over-rate the glory to come. In that matter, the 

Lord doth exceedingly abundant above all that we ask 

cr ihink^ Eph. iii. 20. 

Is 8, Ther? 

62 Sermons concerning Serm. V, 

2. There is fome light about this in the word, 
that helps us to know iomewhat of this bill's of being 
ivith Cbrift where he is. There are three fpecial ends 
the Spirit of God defign?, in making any mention of • 
the heavenly flate and glory, i. To difparage this 
"World, and all things either enjoyed or expefled in 
it; and that both as to the worldling, as Pful. xvii. 
14, 1 5-. where the portion of the ungodly in this life, 
^nd the blrftednefs of the righteous m that to come, 
are exprefed. So dcih our Lord compare the two 
flatcb', to dilparage the prefeiit, and to prefer the 
future, Luke xx. 34, 35, 36. and Matth. vi. 19, 20. 
And heaven is alfo fpoke of, in comparifon with, 
<.nd preference above the bed (tare of Chriilians in 
this world, 2 Cor. v. 1,2. and Phil. i. 2g. 2. Hea- 
ven is fpoke of in the word, to invite and allure men 
to feek it. Ic is the prize of the high calling of God in 
Chrift Jefus, And all.fhould prefs towards this mark^ 
Phil. iii. 14. They ihould runfo as they may obtain it^ 
1 Cor. ix, 24. as being ihtcne thing needjuly and that 
good part ^ or portion, Luke x. 42. 3. The word fpeaks 
of heaven, and the glory to come, to encourage the 
people of God, and heirs of glory, under all their 
trials and troubles in this life. If it had not been for 
this, the Lord might have kept the glory to come, a- 
mongil many oiher fecret things that belong to him. 
Debt, xxix 29. But he knew, thic through much tn- 
bulaticn his people 7riuft enter into the kingdom of God, 
Acts xiv. 22.; and that the hope of glory was a pro- 
per and needful cordial to fupport their hearts in all 
liieir forrows. And be ye aiTured of it, that if ever 
ye be in the depths of diflrefs, (and who is fecured 
againil them?), ye will find, that noihiog fhort of the 
believing views and lively hope of glory, will be able 
to keep you from fmking. / had fainted^ unlefs I 
had believed to fee the good ncfs of the Lord m the land of 
the living, laid David, Pfal. xxvii. 13. And they have 
Jitrleo f L'avid'': fpiiir, that think that David hi:d no 
better land of the nving in his eye there, than the land 


Serm. V. the LorcTs Prayer. 63 

of Canaan, in which he lived as a (Iranger, though 
he were the King of it. So alfo faich Paul of him- 
felf, and of all believers in Chrili, i Cor. xv. 29. //* 
in this life only we have hope in Cbrijl^ we are of ail 
men moft miferahle. For thefe ends the Lord fpeaks 
of heaven in the word ; and not to gratify the curiod- 
ty of men, but rather to check it. 

3. This I would premife, that this light that (hines 
in the word about heaven, is only a light to be ieeo 
by the eye of faith. None but a believer can know 
rightly what the word fpeaks of heaven. Unbelie- 
vers are blind, and cannot fee far oiT, 2 Peter i, 9. ; 
but the believer doth fee afar oiF, Heb. xi. 13. The 
word is light in itfelF, and ihines ia that light, as the 
fun is light in itfelf : fo that, if all the world were 
blind, the light of the fun would be no lefs in icfelf 
than it is ; but it would be a light to none ; for it is 
light to none, but to them that have eyes. Even io 
it is with the light of the word. It (bines brightly ia 
itfelf, but the blind unbeliever feeth nothing of it. 
He is both blind and vailed, 2 Cor. iv. 3, 4. 

4. Laflljy This 1 would premife, that the experi- 
ence of believers in this life, is a great help to them 
in knowing what heaven is. Now, let us join all thefe 
four together: Tiaere is no full and perfedl: know- 
ing what heaven is, till we be in it ; There is no right 
knowing of heaven, but in the light of the word; That 
light in the word can only be taken up and perceived 
by the eye of faith ; hs\<^ this faith is much ilrength- 
ened by experience. If believers themfelves had not 
foraewhat of this experience and fpiritual feeling, they 
would be much more in the dark about the glory to 
be enjoyed in heaven than they are. 

On this head of fpiritual experience, I ihall^not 
mention any great and extraordinary enjoyments which 
the Lord, in his grace and wifdom, is pleafed in force 
fpecial feafons to indulge fome of his people with* 
But I would only fpeak cf fome ordinary ones, which 
lie level with the experience of all true believers, and 

64 Sermcns concerning Serm. V. 

ere of great advantage to ihem, as in many other 
things, fo fpcci:illy to raife and keep up right and 
high thoughts of heaven, A?, 

T. The revelation of Jefus Chri(>. This works 
faith ;. faiih, union with Chrift; union works com- 
rnunion with him ; communion is the believer's blifs. 
This ipring of all, the revelation of Jefus Chrid, is 
of two forts. I. The revealing of Jefus Chrift in and 
by the gofpel. This all that have the gofpel have, 
and many have no more ; and they all perifh that 
have no more. 2. The revealing of Chrift 10 the 
heart, by the Spirit of Cliriff, grayed for, Eph. i. 17. 
This Paul go% Gal. i. 16. He revealed his Son in me. 
It is certain, tiiat a man may read oft all the new tef- 
tamenc, and hear the mod able mioifters preach Chrid 
all his days, ar.d yet remain ignorant of Jefus Chrid, 
and periQi. The apoflie in Eph. i. 17, 18. joineth 
the knowledge of C;uiil, and the knowledge of hea- 
V' n, tojjether. Fie prayeth, That the God of our Lord 
"Jefus Chrif}^ the Father of glory ^ 7nay give unto them 
the Spirit of tvijdom and revelation^ in the knowleage of 
him : the eyes of their under (landing being enlightened : 
that they n:igbt kmzv what is the hope of his callings 
and vjhat the riches of the glory of his inheritance in 
the faints. Doih heaven (tand in being wit!' Chrijl 
luhere he is f IIow is it poilible that that r-au fbo'jld 
know wiiat heaven h^ who knows ^^ ' vr'ho Chrifl h ? 
And none can know Cnvift, wichor' .wVelatioj, Mat. 
xi. 27. and that by the grpr .,; rhe Spirit of Chriil, 
working on the heart ih and by the light of the v;ord 
of Chrid. 

7, The experience of believing in Jffiis Chrifl, and 
of living by faith on him, Gal. ii. 20. is a great help 
to the knowing of he.ivcn. We know, that there i> 
no faith of this fort in licavea. Faith is the travel- 
ler's, the runner's looking to Jefus, while the race is 
not yet fmiihcd, llsb. xli. 2. But the g'orified nbove 
lock on, and behold iiim fo as we cannot didinclly ap- 
preiicn:!, 2 Cor. Y. 7. I'or we ivalk by faith, net by 

Serm. V. the hordes "Prayer^ 65 

fight* And they above walk hy fight y not by faiths 
You may fay, that fince there is fuch a difference be- 
twixt the two dates, o^ faith and fght ; how thea 
can the experience of believing afford any light and 
help to know what heaven is ? In anfwer to this, I 
would have you confider, i. That/j/V/j, though op- 
pofed to fight y yet is it, in it» cKcrcife, a fort of fpi- 
ritual feeing. So is it oft expreiTed, both with refpe<fl: 
to the author of it, and the adings of it. See how it 
is wrought by irs author, 2 Cor. iv. 6. Far God^ who 
commanded the light to fi/ine out of darknefs^ hath (hiri:' 
ed in our hearts^ to give the light of the knowledge of 
the glory of Gcd^ in the face of Jefus Chifl, A ad as 
it is wrought by light, faith acij in feeing. Thus the 
great old-teftament believers are faid by their faith to 
have feen the fromifis (/', e. the blellings promifed) 
ofar cff'y lieb. xi. i|. And it is a looking at things 
not fee n^ 2 Cor. iv. 18.; that is, things not prefently 
pcffciTed, nor fully known. Faiib is indeed defcribed 
in Heb. xi. i. to be the evidsnce of things not feen. 
And that defcriprion, (rather than definition), as it 
doth determine what the nature of the obje^s of faith 
are, things not feen ; (0 dech it plainly expref?, that 
the aci of faith i:i drawn forth by an evidence of thefe 
unfeen things. And this evidence and demon frration 
h in the word of God, which the believer feeth, is 
perfuaded by, and refts upoji. " I know not, faith 
" he, all the great and good things that God hath 
" promifed ; bur I know God harh proniifed them ; 
" and though they be hidden in the promife, yet be- 
" caufe they are fecured thereby, 1 will embrace them 
** in the pronoife, until performance come.." As it is 
expreffed in ver. 13. Thefe all died in faith (But how 
lived they ? By faith alfo.), not having received the 
promifes^ (i, e. in their accompliftiment ; but the pro- 
mifes ihemfelves they had, for on tbem their faith 
flood) ; but having feen them afar cif^ and were per- 
fuaded cf tbem, and embraced tbe?n^ and confefjcd that 
they were firangers and fUgrims on the earth. Here is 

66 Sermons concerning Serm. V. 

an account of old teflament believers faith, that is 
enough to {hame and humble mod new teflament be- 
lievers. IF we be helped at any time to fet our Amen 
of faith to the promife of eternal life, we think it is a 
good length. But alas ! when do we find this feeing 
afar off^ this perfuafton, this embracing, this covfejfing 
and declaring plainly that zve feek and look for this hea- 
'venly country ? as in ver. lo, 14. 2. Coufider, more 
particularly, faith in Jefus Chrift. It always, (i.) 
llifeth from a difcovery of him. (2,) Acls in an ap- 
proach 10 him. Hence fo oft by himfelf faith is called 
coming to him, John vi. 37, 44,45. (3.) And in that 
aft inrends and feeks eternal life in and by him. 3. 
Confider the native and immediate elTeft of faiih. It 
is union with Chrifl. He draws to bring them near, 
ihey believe to be near to him. His drawing and 
their comin<Ty nakes it up. Is then the (late of glory, 
in being zvith Chrifl where he is ? Surely, then, fuch 
as are united to him by faith, and have him dwelling 
in their hearts by faith^ Eph. iii. 17. and are living 
daily by faith on hi?n. Gal. ii. 20. mufl have a great 
help to know better what it is to be -with Chrifl where 
he is, than any unbeliever can. 

3. There is the experience of communion with 
Chrifl, that is a farther and nearer help to believers 
to know what it is to be with Chrifl where he is. When 
Chrifl is revealed, he is believed on ; when he is be- 
lieved, on, Chrifl and the believer are united ; when 
the union is made, communion follows. This commu- 
nion {lands in thefe four. 

ly?, In a mutual interefl of the perfons united. 
Communion is that whereby Chrifl is ours, and we 
are his; as Cant. ii. 16. hly beloved is mine, and I am 
his. All that Chrifl is, is ours for our falvation ; and 
all that is ours, is his for his glory and fervice : that 
as Chrifl hath all right to difpofe of us, and of all that 
is ours, becaufe we are his ; fo we have a right to 
partake of Chrifl, and of all that is his, for our fal- 


Serm. V. the Lord^s Prayer. 67 

vation, becaufe he is ours. Communion is in the im- 
provement of this mutual light and intercli. 1 would 
name lome of the blclTed fruits of this intereil. 

(i.) By virtue of this interen:, Chriit^s righteorf- 
Hefs is a believer's for his perfect j unification. The 
righteoufcefs is perfect, and fo is the juilificuion. Ko 
gloriiied faint was more perfectly juilified, than Paul 
was in the day he was made a believer on Chriil:. if 
perfect rightecufnefs be the ground on which a be- 
lieving fmner is judiiied, (as the gofpei plainly de- 
clares), the juftification mult be perfed alfo. If j'lf- 
tification be fought by the law, and by works, the feek- 
er of juflification mud dill be domg, and can never 
have done,; but is indeed undoing himfelF, diilionour- 
ing Chrift, Gal. ii. 21. and fruJJrating^ the grace of 
God ; and not only rendering his juftification imper- 
fect, (for the law made nothing psrfed^ II eb. vii. 19 1, 
but impolTible, Rom., viii. 3. It isimpofilble for God's 
holy law to juftify a finner ; and never was appointed 
for that end, but rather to condemn, Rom. iii. 19. ; 
to ftop fmners mouths, and to bind them over to the 
judgnvent of God ; till the righteoufnefs of God, with- 
out the law, come on them, to abfolve them, Rom. 
iii. 20, 21,22. 

' (2.) By virtue of this inrerefl in Chrift, the belie- 
ver receives the Spirit of Chriil for his fanttificaiion : 
not indeed for his perfect fanctification, bur for tbe 
perfecting of fan£tilication. Chrifi's righteoufnefs i^, 
L'ever applied imperfectly ; for to whomfoever it i-^ 
imputed, it is made over wholly, and to all the in- 
tents and purpofes it was wrought our, and brougi:;: 
in, by Chrid for. But the Spirit of Chriil is imparted 
to believers, in meafure, and in various degrees, as 
he feeth good : Eph. iv. 7. Unto every one of us is grace 
given i according to the meafure of the gift cfChrifl. By 
this potent principle, the Spirit of Chriil, faujftifica- 
tion is even, at firft, univerfal in the whole man, and 
compleat in parts : 2 Cor. v. 17. If any man be in 
Chrijly he is a neiv creature : old things are fajl a- 
Vol. II. K Tvay ; 

^8. Sertnois concerning Serm. V. 

way ; beheld^ all things are become new. He is a new 
man ; is born again ; hath a Dew nature, a new rainJ, 
a new underftinding, a new confcience, a neW heart 
and alFcf^tions, and a new life. Ba: though all be new 
in the believer, there is nothing in him thai is per- 
fe<51!y new. He needs daily to pray, as Plalm ii. lo. 
Create in me a clean hearty God ; and renew a right 
fpirit zvithin me, Yer, Dotwithllanding of all the 
weaknefs oF this new creature, the mixrure antl neigh- 
bourhood of the ile(h, its contrary, and of all oppo- 
fiticn it meets with from ir, and of the low Ibte it is 
eft brought iofo by the captivating power of fin; yet 
doth the power of Chrifl's Spirit not only preferve 
the holy feed in the heart, but doth raife it up again, 
and will certainly perfect it. There was never a fav- 
ing work of Chrift wrought in the heart of a poor 
finner, that Chriil ever left to be matter of triumph 
to the devil. Chriil is a wife builder: when he lays 
the foundation, he knows what the perfe<5ling of it 
will cod hinri, is provided with it, and refolved to lay 
it cut, and to finilh his woik: Phil. i. 6. Bei72g con- 
Jident of this very things that h'- which bath begun a 
good zvotk in you^ will perform (ov finifh) it until the 
day of Jcfiis Chrijh 

(3.) By virtue of this intereft in Chriil, believers 
■ have all Chrill's fnlnefs tor their fupply. He is all 
in all to them, Col. iii. 1 1. // pleafed the Father^ that 
in him fkould all fulncjs dwells Col. i. 19. And fure- 
ly this lodging of ail fulnefs Ihould plcafe, and doth 
liighiy pleafe all believers : John i. 16. And of (ot 
out of) his fuhiefs have ail we received^ and grace for 
^race. Eph. iv. 7. Unto every one of us is given grace 
izccording to the meafure of the '^ift 0/ Chrijl, Whence 
iral Paul and John all their grace ? Out of ChrifPs ful- 
nefs. Whence was it that they received fo much grace 
beyond others ^. 1: was according to the meafure of the 
gift of Chrift, But the (lock and ireafure is coraraon 
to all believers. They are partakers ofChrifl^ Heb, 
iii. 14. and called to the felkwfbip of his San Jefus 


Serm. V. the Lord^s Prayer, -69 

ChriJI our Lordy I Cor. i. 9. The j^poftle in Col, if. 
8, p, 10. givcth a needln.! warmQg^ Beware lefl any 
7»an fpoil you through phUoj op hy and vain deceit. But 
hew fliall we know and ciilcern ihe fnare ? Ic is after 
the tradition of men ^ after the rudiments (or elements ^ 
cr principles) of the ivorld, and not after Cbrift. His 
argument to inforce ibis warning, is deep and (Irong, 
verfe 9. For in him dive I let h all the fulnefs of the god- 
head bodily* it dweileih really, fubHantially, in this 
one man, Jefus Chrifh vSo that they do deceive you, 
that diretl you to any for fupply but to him. If ye 
would be filed with all the fulnefs of God ^ as Eph. iii. 
19, you mu(t feek ii, and find it in him, in ivhom all 
the fulnefs cf the godhead dwelleth bodily. And this 
fiiall not be in vain : And ye are complete in him^ verfe 
JO. Never did, never could a believer ufe this ful- 
nefs fuitably to all its worth in itfelf, and to the gra- 
cious right he hath to ufe it. 

Bat what is there in believers that Chrift bath 
communion with ? AH good is in him, and this is the 
believers all ; and therefore it is eafy to underdand 
what their communion with Chrift is, and what his 
communications to them are. He clothes and covers 
them with his righteoufnefs, fan£liiies them by his 
Spirit, and fupplies them cur of his fulnefs. But is 
there any thing io his people that Chrift hath comma- 
nion with ? 1 anfwer. Yes, there is ; and that it is 
all in them, that either is confiftent with their union 
with him, or that flows from that union. 

(i.) Of the iirit fort is all the bad that is remaining 
in them. For as the grace of union with, and rela- 
tion to Chrift, w^as not fufpended and delayed tilj they 
Were faultlefs ; fo this grace when difpenfed, doth not 
prefenily remove fauhinefs, as it will when this unioa 
and communion is perfeft, which Chrift here prays 
for. Chrift's body is made up of fmful members ; and 
they are, even while fm and infirmity cleaves to them, 
united to a finlefs, glorious head. And it is the great 
glory of his grace, that he takes fuch members into 

70 Sermons comer rnrg Serm. V, 

union wiih himfelf, and maintains that union by cotti- 
miiiiion with them as their need requires, till the blef- 
Jed day comes that is here prayed for, when this u- 
ijion (hall iiTae in that communion that (hall qcire re- 
inove fault and infirmity in his people. To deny that 
Chrifl harh any inrered:, and concern, and work a- 
bout what is bad in his people, is to deny our fellow- 
ihip with him, in thofe things wherein wc are moft 
needy of ir, and moft fenfibly benefited by it : for our 
own fmfulnefs and intirmity is better known to Ub", and 
fenfed by u?, than his righteoufnefs and perfedt ful- 
vicfs ; neither is the latter fo well known to u^, as by 
its gracious application to our relief under the former. 
So our fmfulnefs (I mean, that that remains in belie- 
vers, even in the bed of ihem) ferves for magnify- 
ing his forgiving grace. He that bids us forgive cur 
hrothsr that ftnnetb again fl us, net only f even times, hut 
feverJy times feven, Matth. xviii- 2 r, 22. doth forgive 
his people many more limes, and many fins, even all 
cf them, Pfaliu ciii. 5.; all our trefpajjes, Col. ii. 13. 
And how blciTed is that communion, when the blood 
cf fprinkling fpeaks peace and pardon to a troubled con- 
fcience ! Our corruptions and fpiritua! difeafes are 
the fubjefts of Chriil's care. And his care about 
them, is 10 cure them, and to keep h's people from 
dying under them. The greaiefl hand is ufed by ten- 
der parents, about their fick and wounded children. 
That man never knew the guilt of lin righily, that 
thinks that any thing Icfs or elfe than the blood cf the 
Son of God can cleanfe from it, i John i. 7. And that 
man never law the corruption and plague of his heart 
rightly, that is not perfuaded, that only the great 
phyfician, Chrifl, can cure it. And no man can em- 
ploy him rightly for the one, and not for both. And 
ihey do but deceive themfeWes in their religion, 
vhcfe maiu heart-exercife is not with C!)n(i for both. 
Alas 1 there are many difcjuieted confcieoces, and ma- 
ny defiled hearts and lives, in many that are called 
Chrifiians ; and fome of them are oft complaining, 


Serm. V. the Lord's Frayer, 71 

and fomeiimes fiDking in iheir complainings ; and that 
becaufe they do not believe, and lay this truth to 
heart, that the cleacfing and purging the confcience 
from the guilt of fiQ, and the purifying of the heart 
and life from the dominion of fin, are Chrift's proper 
works. The firft he doih by the fprinkling of his 
' blood, the other by the power of his Spirit, i Cor. 
vi. 11. Tit. iii. 4. — 7. And all that ufe any other 
means for thefe ends, not only labour in vain, but 
fin greatly agaihft God, who hath made Chrift unto 
us wifdom, and rightecufne/s^ and /and iji cation^ and 
redemption ; that no flejh jhould g^ory in his prefence ; 
and that he that glorieth^ might glory in the Lord^ 
I Cor. i. 29, 3O5 31. 

Not only are our infirmities, finfulnefs, and difeaf- 
es, under the gracious care and cure of our Lord Je- 
fus Chriil ; but our perfons, our foul?, our bodies, 
and all our lots and concerns, are at his difpofal, to 
his glory and fervice. And every believer, in every 
diilinfi: acling of faith, doth yield up hirafeif, and all 
he is and hath, uato Chrift's dominion. *' Grant me 
*' thy falvaiion according to thy promife, and guide 
*' me in the way according to thy will :" Pfal. cxix. 
94. I am thine^fa-ve thou me, 

(2.) Chrift hath communion with his own good ia 
them. All that is in us that is our own, is bad : and 
all that is good in us, is of his giving and working. 
All our graces, are his fruiti^, Caat. iv. 16. and v. i. 
They are all of Chrift's planting, watering, and rip- 
ening ; and he feeds on them as his pie a f ant fruits. 
All the fpiriiual fervices and duties that berievei"s per- 
form, are all of them fruit growing from their abiding 
in the vine, Chrilf, Johri xv. 4, 5. and are pleafing 
to him. And furely when it is fo, the believer finds 
fweet profu by it: Rev. iii. 20* / will/up with him^ 
and he with me. It is eafy to conceive how we may 
feaft with him ; for he hath all. But how can he 
feaft with us, who are nothing, and have nothing f 
He dcth it t;vo ways, i. He feails with his people 


72 Sermcfjs concern'tng Serm. V. 

on his ow^n (lore of grace he brin^ys uith him. As 
David fiid, i Chron. xxix. 14. Of thine own have 
ive given thee ; To doth Chrifl fay, " It is of mine owa 
" 1 feaft with thee, O behever. All thy faith, love, 
•'■ repentance, fervice, are my gifts, my grace, that 
*' 1 bring wiih me, and am delighted in " 2. Chrill 
may be faid to feaft with his people, in and by that 
fjieafure he hath, not only to give, but to fee them 
feed OD what he brings with him. Would you feafl 
Jefus Chrill, believers ? Feed on hiifi with holy hun- 
gsr. Is a kind mother delighted with her hungry 
babe's fucking at her breads ? Is it not as a feaft to a 
charitable man, to fee a perfon ear heartily of the food 
he gives him ? Much more is it a feaft to our Lord, to 
fee ftarvino: fmners feedin? on the bread of life, and 
drinking of the water of life? Hear his voice. Cant. 
V. !. 1 am come into my garden, my ftfter, ?ny fponfe ; 
I have gathered my myrjh with my fptcey I have eaten 
my honey comb with my honey ^ I have drunk my wine 
•with 77iy milk : eat^ friends, drink, yea ^ drink abun- 
dantly, O beloved, " It is all mine, all of my prepar- 
" Ing ; ufe it freely, feed plentifully; you are high- 
** ly welcome." Bur, alas! molt Ghrifiians may give 
the anfwer that follows, ver. 2. I flee p, but my heart 
ipaketh, Chrift's gracious clTers and invitations are 
heard by us, as betwixt fteeping and waking : and fo 
is it feen in the forry entenainment we give them, 
and hence follows the poor life that many of us lead. 

So much for the firft thing in communion, mumal 

2<i/j, This communion haih converfe in it. It 
(lands, not only in the mutual intereft that each hath 
in another, but alio in converfe one with another. 
This is what the apolile haih in i John i. 3. where 
we have tv;o cummun'icns ok: feliowjhips fpoke of; the 
fellowfliip ol Chriftians with one another, and the 
tellov/diip rhat Chriftians have with the Father and 
Son : and that this fecond fcliov/fliip is mutual as hint- 
ed in ver. 7. If we walk in the light, as he is in the 

Serm. V. the hordes Frayer, fg 

ligbty ive have fellowjbip one with another ^ and the 
bloed of Jefus Cbrijl his Son clean feth iis from all fin. 
They then that know bed by experience, v/hat it is 
to be with Chriit on earth, in Walking with him aad 
ip hinn, will know bed what it is lo be with him 
where be is. The greateil enjoyments of Chrift here, 
are the beft helps to conceive of what is to be receiv- 
ed in heaven. 

3^/y, This converfe breeds likentfs to Chrift. The 
cearer a man is to Chrid, the more converfe he hath 
with him; the more Hl^e he grows to ChrilL Com- 
pare 2 Cor. iii. i8. with i John iii. 2. Paul fpeaks 
of Chriilians in this life, John of the fame perfons m 
the next life ; and both fpeak of likenefs to Chriil, and 
as wrought the fame way, by feeing and beholding of 
his glory, Perfe^l likenefs to Chrift, flows from a 
perled beholding of his glory ; and a begun likenefs 
to him, from a bep;un behcldmg of his glory by faith. 
The apoltie in 2 Cor. iii. 7. fpeaks of the glory of th^ 
countenance of Mofes^ xvhich was fuch^ that the chil- 
dren of Jfrael could not fiedfaftly heboid hi^ face^ zvhfcb 
glory was to be done away, lii thi'?, the apollle re- 
fpe<&s that pafTage in Exod. xxxiv. 29. — 35*. It is 
this, that Mofes, returning from the mounts after 
his fecond forty days abode there, had, by his bng 
converfe with God, a beam of heavenly glory ioj- 
prefTed on his face. Whether it continued all his 
life after, or not, the word is filent about it ; and 
therefore we fhould not be pofitive.' But this may 
fafely be drawn from it, that the more near and cou- 
linued that our converfe with Cbrifl on earth be, the 
more heavenly likenefs to ChriR is iiBprexTed oa the 
foul. Hath not this been known to many, that when 
they had been long (IruggliDg and driving vyich, asd 
bewailing of a body of death, and of ftrong eorrap- 
lions and diftempers, that rendered them unlike to 
Chrifl, and lothfome in their own eyes ; if he be 
pleafed (35 oft he doth) to draw near to them, and 
to caufe them to approach is him^ as Ffal. Ixv. 4. how 


74 Sermons concernwg Serm. V. 

fiiddenly and how fweet'y is likenefsto Chrirt wrought 
io the foul! True ncarnefs to Chrifl, and converfe 
with him, hath always this effe6^. Communiou with 
Chriil, if real, is always the life of grace, and the 
bane of corruption. And let all examine and judge^ 
their enjoyments, by this fure and pldia left. Have 
you any thing that you call communion with Chrift P 
Doth it not, in fome meafure, mortify your lufts, 
and enliven the grace of God in you? If it do not 
work both in you, it is not of the right fort. 

^thly^ This converfe with Chrift, and this likenefs 
to him, breeds love and delight. It is not pofTible 
it fliould be orherwife. So great mercies in them- 
felves, fo great bieffings to us, and fo much of God's 
Jove to us, (hining in the giving of them, muft raife 
love and delight. This is one of the fruits of commu- 
Dion with Chrift ; Cant. ii. g. I fat dozun under h'ts 
Jhadow with great delight^ and his fruit was fiveet to 
my tajle, ^ 

The tree of life, Jefos Chrift, hath a rcPrelliing 
fliade to the weary fcorched traveller ; and he hath- 
fruit for the hungry foul. Sit down under his flia- 
dow, eat of his fruit, and you muft find it fwect to 
your tafte. O tajle and fee that the Lord is good,' 
Pfal. xxxiv. 8. J//o be ye have tafled that the Lord 
is gracious^ i Pet. ii. 3. See how the fame apoftle 
fpeaks of the communion that believers have with 
C'hrift, 1 Pet. i. 8, 9. Whom having- not feen^ ye love'; 
in whom though 7iow ye fee him Kot, yet believing^ ye" 
rejoice with joy unfpeakable^ and full of glory. 

So that ye may perceive, that what the Lord Is' 
pleafed to aftord to his people here, in communion 
with Chrift, gives a great h^lp to believers to know 
better, what it is to be with Cbrt/? zvhe-e he is^ than 
any unbeliever can; and that they who have the 
greareft experience of thefe things, have an advan- 
tage in this matter beyond ordinary believers. 

So much of thefe four things that 1 thought fit to 
premife. That the glory of the heavenly ftate is 


Serm. V. the Lcrd^s Prayer. 75 

greatly in the dark to Chriflians while on eai;»|b j 
That the only light wherein any thing of i: can be 
known, is the light of the word ; That this l!*ght of 
the word is light only to the eye of faith; and, laftly. 
That faith is helped in this difcovery, by experience. 

It now follows, to fpeak unto this that heaven 
flands in, in being with Chrijl where he is. And this 
1 would give in thefe four things. 

1. It ftands in perfe6l immediate prefence with 
Chrift. • AU the prefence that Chrift affords, and his 
people now enjoy here, is, in regard of this, hue 
abfence from the Lord : 2 Cor. v. 6. 8. Knowi?2g that 
whil/i we are at home in the body^ we are abfent from 
the Lord. We are confident^ I f'^yi ^^^ willing rather 
to be abfent from the body^ and to he frefent with the 
Lord* i am fure, that there arc few Chrillians, but 
think, that if they did but enjoy that of ChriO: that 
Paul did often, they would think it a great prefence. 
But Paul counts, that as long as he dwelt in the bo- 
dy, he was but abfent from the Lord. Perfect pre- 
fence is, when all on both fides is prefent ; all of 
Chrift, and all of the Chriftian. But cow all of 
Chrift is not with us ; and all of us is not with him. 
On his part, we have Chrift's Spirit, word, and 
grace. On our part, there is prefent with him, our 
hearts, and the workings of our faith, and love, and 
defire, towards him. But this prefence is imperfefl, 
and mixed with much diftance and abfence. And 
this fort of prefence with Chrift, is but mediate. 
There are forae midfes, glaff^s, and helps, which, 
though ufeful now, will be ufelefs one day, i Cor. 
xiii. 10, II, 12. Yet this imperfe^^ prefence, and 
mediate, is more excellent in iifelf, and more valued 
by every one that hath tafted it, than the utmoft that 
this world, and the things of it, can give to a world- 
ling, Pfal. iv. 6, 9. 

2. This being with Chrifl where he is, hath in it 
perfeiH: and full fruition and enjoyment of Chrift. 

Vol. 1L h And 

7^ Sermons concerning Serm. V. 

A\^^ here, words and thoughts (hnnk far below the 
greamcfs of this matier. \Vhat it is to enjoy ChriO, 
who can tel! P Behevers arc partakers of Chrift, are 
in him, and he in them. Faith, when ftrong, grafps 
at him, and cleaves lo him. Love, when ilamiog, 
embraces him ftraicly; holds him f aft ^ and tvUi not let 
htm go ^ Cant. iii. 4. When Chrilt's love to ui burns 
and ihines, and our love to him is kindled thereby, 
how f-.vcet is this enjoyment ? But all this is far ihort 
of what Ihall be enjoyed, when wtjball be with him 
ivhere he is. The dilference is far greater betwixt 
ihefc two, than there is betwixt.the loving hufband 
and the beloved wife, entertaining correfpondence 
l-.y letters 10 one iinoiber, in difiereni and far diilant 
countries. Thereby they communicate their heart, 
and lov^, and miud, to one another. And this is ve- 
ly comfortable ; cfpecinily when this intercourfe may 
be fpeedy, and in an inllant, as it is betwixt Chrift 
and believers: Ifa. his. 24. And it fball come to pafs^ 
(and bif Ifed be he that this often comes to pafs), that 
before they cally I 'will anjwer ; and while they are yet 
fpcaki»gy 1 ivill hear. There is no length of time re- 
quired to carry the believer's mind to Chrifl in hea* 
ven ; and as fpeedily can he fend his mind to them 
again. I>ut this is far (liort of the comfort of feeing 
iace to face. 

5. This prefence, this enjoyment, is in the befb 
flaie and place, it is where he ij. And fureiy our 
i>ord is well lodged abov<% All the prefence we have 
with, and enjoyment we have of Chrilt, h not where 
/k^ //, but where we ate. And here we are on thd 
diinghill of ihi^ ea.ih ; haviuor fm cleavirig to us to 
provoke him, aud mifcry ou us to grieve us. llcuce 
it is both amazing grace in him to grant any thing of 
his pretence and fellowlhip to us ; and hence all thac 
w^e enjoy of it, is attended with manifold imperfecti- 
ons, infcparable frotu our iUte while we are where 
we are, and not to be ri;moV;;d hum us till we are 
luhcre he is, 

4. This 

Serm. V. the Lord's Prayer. 77. 

4. This is to be for ever. The greatefl: blefiing 
hath the longed duration 5 if duration were a proper 
word to be ufed of eremiiy, which is juftly called a 
-perpetual now, Chrifl's prefence now where we are, 
is a choice bleffing. Beli,evers would fain have ir, 
when they are without it ; and would fain have more 
of it, when they have a little of it ; and when they 
have much of it, they would fain keep it. Bat they 
cannot always have his prefence when they would ; 
nor can they always keep it, when they have got it. 
It may pleafe him to awake^ and leave them, Canr. 
iii. 5. and viii. 4. even when they are bert pleafed 
with his company. And even then he is our beloved, 
and his love to us the fame, when /landing behind our 
wally when looking forth at the vjindow^ Jhewing hi?ii' 
felj {0^ ^ourijhing) through the lattice ; as when his 
left band is under our head, and his right hand doth 
embrace us. Cant. ii. 6. 9. Cbrid's fweetefl vifits to. 
his people where they are, are oft imbitterfd (to fay 
fo) with the thoughts and fears oF his withdrawing. 
" Now, faith the believer, I have a ciear Iky ; but 
" how foon may the weather change, and clouds re- 
** turn again 1" But in the (tare of glory above, when 
VJtfhall be with him where he is._ no fears, no ground, 
or fufpicion of any fuch thing, ihall ever enter into 
the heart of any of the glorified. The ilate of grace 
is a fure ftate, of God's making. No vcilel of gracv: 
and mercy ftiall ever be cmpcicd of it. Bat ir is not 
a fure flate to every believer's thinking ; for fears of 
mifcarrying may be, where no real danger is. But 
the ftate of glory is not only fuce and unchangeable, 
as it is of God's gracious making, but it is (0 as to 
every glorified perfoa's thinking. No pillars in the 
upper houfe can lliake. Rev. iii. 12. Pillars in the 
lower houfe may (hake, but never are removed. Bux 
in heaven, there is no danger, no fear, nor any canfe 
of either, to eternity. Wefhall be ever with the Lord^ 
I Theff, iv, 17. 

L 2 Afpli- 

"fi Sermons concermng Serm. V. 

Application, i. See how great Chrift's io- 
tereft is in our falvation ; how juftly he is called our 
iSaviour, He harh bought and redeemed the king- 
dom fcr the heirs, and the heirs for the kingdom. 
He as fl.iin is made the way to it, Hcb. x. 19, 20. He 
is the guide to heaven, and captain of cur falvatioriy 
Heb. ii. 10. He wi'ls it to them in his teftament, 
Luke xxii. 29.; welcomes them to heaven, when he 
calls them by death, A6ls vii. 59. ; and he, as fully 
erjcyed, is heaven itfeif. 

2. Wonder not at this, that few are faved. From 
his dc<^rine you may fee the caufes thereof. We 
iind Chrift teaching this doctrine of the fewnefs of 
the faved, in Matth. xix. 23. 26., Mark x. 23. — 27. 
and Luke xviii. 24. — 27. It is thrice recorded, and 
on the fame occafion, and wi^h the fame fen fe of it, 
in hisdifciples. The occafion of Chrift's teaching it, 
was the great zeal of a young rich man, in afking of 
cur Lord ihe way to heaven, and his fudden recoiling 
when Chrirt touched his idol. On this occafion Chrift 
teachcth. How hardly Jhall they that have riches^ en- 
ter into the kingdom of God / His difciples were aflonifh- 
ed at his words. But Jefus anjwereth a^iii??^ and 
faith unto them^ Children^ how hard is it for them that 
trujl in riches^ to enter into the kingdom of God I Mark 
X. 23, 24. Upon Chrlfl's repeating and explairnng 
his words, itlsfaid, vcr. 26. And they were ofiomjh^ 
ed out of meafurCy faying among them/elves^ Who then 
can be faved ^ Why were they fo allonifhed, and ex- 
ceedingly amazed^ as it is faid in Matth. xix. 25. Were 
there not many poor people, that had no riches, nor 
any te.v.ptaiion to irufl in them, (and fuch the dif- 
ciples themfelves were), who might be faved ? Their 
amazement feems to have iis rife from this, that if 
one fnare, as that of riches, did fo endanger a man's 
falvation, what greater danger were all men expofed 

to, by manifold lemptarions, and diforders of their 
iicarrs ? But as to the do<5lrine before us, that being 
I nib Chrifl where he is^ is heaven^ I may juftly con- 

SeRm. V. the Lord* 5 Frayer. yp 

firm from it what Chrift taught, that few fhall be 
faved. For few know what it is, nor the way to it ; 
and indeed no natural man can know what they<? 
are. When our Lord is again preaching this doc- 
trine, in that noted place, Maith. vii. 13, 14, he 
faith. Enter ye in at the fir alt gate ; for wide is the 
gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to dejlrudion^ 
and many there be which go in thereat : becaufe Jlrait 
is the gatey and narrow is^ the way which leadeth 
unto life^ and few there be that find it* According 
to the frame of mens fpirits, they frame thoughts 
of heaven, and of the way to it. The Turks pa- 
radife is brutilh ; the Popiih paradife is little bet- 
ter. The natural philofophers conceptions of heaven 
are more manly, though carnal. Only a true Chrif- 
tian can have a right thought of heaven ; becaufe he 
knows Jefus Chrift, and communion with him. Chrill 
himfelf is the way to heaven, as he is a flain Re- 
deemer ; and Chrift himfelf is heaven itfelf, as he is a 
glorified, enjoyed Redeemer. All this is unintelligi- 
ble and incredible to every natural man. Can ever 
that man count it blelTednefs to be with Chrift above, 
who counts it a piece of mifery to be in his company 
on earth P And is it poflible that fuch can be faved, 
that neither know what heaven is, nor the way to it , 
and do diilike and hate both the way and the end, as 
revealed in the word, and as impreiled on the hearts 
of all the godly in all ages .'' 

3. Laftly, Would you fecure heaven to yourfelves? 
See to get into Chrift by faith ; feek acquaintance 
with him, prefs after communion with him. Let ail 
your thoughts of heaven, all your care to fecure your 
^poiTeiring of it, and all your exercife in preiTmg to-^ 
wards it, let all center in this one perfon, Jefus Chriih 
Alas! how many poor Chriltians are there, who go 
aukwardly to work about falvation P how poorly they 
fare ? how forrowfujly they live P and how many of 
them die in darknefs ? and all becaufe they mind not 


So Sermons concerning Serm. V. 

Chrid rightly, as tJje way^ the truthy and the life! 
They do attend on all the ordinances of the gofpel ; 
they would fain be in heaven ; they often mufe and 
think on it ; and wonder at the greatnefs of the prize ; 
and fometimes have fome good hope, through grace, 
that they fliall^poflefs it. But with many thefe are 
but like the jnomhig-cloud and the early dew ; and their 
doubts and darknefs return upon them ; becaufc they 
/to not remember Jefus Chriit, and live by faith on 
him, as the only way to heaven, and as he enjoyed, 
is the ChrifUans heaven, and as he brings ail the fons 
to glory. You need no more to fecure your right to 
eternal life, than to be poflTeiTcd of Chrift by faith ; 
and you need no better eternal life, than to be with 
Chrifl where he is. He himfelf defcribes it by this, 
that they may be with me where I am. And furely 
Clirift beft knows what heaven is ; fince he bought 
it, prepared it, and pofTeffed it, for his people. And 
he knows the way to it ; for he is both the way and 
the guide to it. Hear his 'voice, therefore, and fol- 
low him^ and he will give you eternal life ; and ye fhall 
never periff), neither fhall any man (or devil, or thing) 
fluck you out of his hand^ John x. 27, 28, 29. Horn. 
Tiii. 35',..-'39. 

S E 11 M d N 

Serm. VI. the Lord's Frayer* Sr 


John xvii. 24. 

Father y I wtll that they alfo whom thou hajl given me^ 
he with me where I am ; that they may behold m^ , 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou lovedjl me 
before the foundation of the world. 

THERE are four marvellous things about lal?a- 
tion, that fliould be often thought on by us?. 
I. That there is fo high a Saviour as Chrift is, and 
fo great a falvation as heaven is, provided for fallen 
man. There was no fuch provifioD made for (landing 
Adam, to keep him from falling \ no fuch proviiioa 
for the fallen angels, to refiorc them to their firft e- 
ftate. But for fallen man this provifion is made; not 
for all, but for a numerous remnant, according to the 
eie£tion of grace ; and that to bring them to a far 
better eflate than that Adam fell from by fm, 

2. That the knowledge of this Saviour, and of this? 
falvation, is kept from multitudes as needy thereof as 
any that have it. The Pagans, Indians in the eafl and 
well, are as needy of the gofpel as you, and no more 
unworthy and undcferving than you ; yet you have 
gofpcMighr, and they live and periih in grofs dark- 
nefs. This is only from bis fovereign pleafure, as cur 
Lord owns it, Luke x. 21. And that fovereiocniv 
Iriine?, and is by us to be owned equally, both in dif- 
penfmg and wich-holding the outward means of falva- 
tion, and alfo in difpenfmg and with-holding the in- 
ward eifeclual grace, and bleiilng of the means. 

3. It is marvellous, (though both very finful and 
ufual), that this Saviour and hia falvation are fo great* 
ly defpifed, by the moft part of them who need him 


^2 Sermons concerning Serm. VI» 

and It extremely, and have the gofpel-ofFer made 
daily to them. Alas! few mind him, and few care 
for the great falvation he brings with him, and olTers 
fo freely to men. No man under the gofpel raifcar- 
ries eternally, no man or woman perifheth, without 
Jefus ChriO, but fuch as do not in heart care for him 
and his falvation. And juflly do they deferve to pe- 
rifli, and dreadfully (hall their perdition be. 

4. It is marvellous, that this blcffed Saviour and 
his great falvation are yet given to a multiiude of re- 
fufers. AH by nature are unworthy, many reje<^ the 
oiFer often; yet grace prevails at lafl: on fome of them, 
and makes them willing. There are many in the 
world (but they were thought on by him before the 
world was made) from whom Chrift will take no re- 
fufal, though they give him many; as Jer. xxii. 21. 
J /pake unto thee in thy profperityy but thou faidjl^ I 
will not hear : this hath been thy manner from thy 
youth ^ that thou cbeyedjl not my voice. Yet to many 
fuch there is a time of love fixed ; and when it comes, 
they are fpoken for, fpoken to, dealt with, and pre- 
vailed upon. I cannot fay, but they that are early 
brought to Chrift, have fome fpecial advantages, 
both in their being prevented from grofs fins, and fad 
wanderings, and in the opportunities of ferving Chrift 
by his grace given them. But 1 am fure, that the 
longer any ftand out in rebellion againft Chrift, when 
they are fubdued, they (hould moftofall men admire 
the grace of their conqueror. Paul, though called 
when a young man, yet counts that Jefus Chrift did 
/hew forth in him all lon^-fuffering, for a pattern to 
them which fhould hereafter believe on him to life ever* 
laftingy I Tim. i, 16. Yer, doubilefs, Chrift hath 
drawn forth more long-fuflering to many fiuners, 
ihan he did on Paul in hisunregeneracy. 

Of this Saviour and of his falvation I have been 
fpeaking from this part of this excellent prayer. I 
have been often commending this chapter 10 you : 
and though 1 hope none are fo fooliih as to think 


SeRM. VI. the Lord's Prayer, 8} 

that when they have got this chapter by heart, (and 
I know not any chapter in God's word more worthy 
of a room in the heart and memory, than this), they 
may make a prayer of it, as.of one of David's pfalms ; 
yet I am fure we may pray upon it ; for though many 
of the words in it be only fit to be uttered in prayer 
by the blelTed mouth that firft fpoke them ; yet aii of 
them may be food for the faith of every believer. 

I have fpoke of the manner of this prayer j Father, 
I will, 

I have alfo entered upon the matter of it ; and have 
taken up. four things therein, i . The defcription of 
thofe he prays for : Jhofe whom thou haft given me. 
None but Chrift can defcribe thofe they pray for, this 
way. He only had the book of life before him ia 
prayer. It is a great mercy, if we get fplritual light 
to read our own name in that book ; but it is not al- 
lowed us, either to defire or expedl to read any other 
name therein, but our own. 2. The bleiTing that 
Chnft prays for to futh perfons. And it is exprefied 
thus. That they may be with me where I am. Whence 
I did draw two points of do£lrine. 

Obs. I, That the perfed hlejjednefs of the people of 
God^ftands in being with Chrifl where he is, Oa this 
I fpoke lad day. 

Obs. 2. It is Chrifl* s will to have his people poffef 
Jed of this blifs of being with him where he is. 

Thus faith our Lord, Father^ I will that they whom 
thou haf given me^ be with me where I am. Thus he 
faith of all them, without diftin£lion or exception. 
This prayer is univerfal, for his whole body of the 
ele£l ; and particular, for every individual member of 
that body. As they cannot be perfectly happy, till 
they be with him where he is, (and that they all know) ; 
fo our Lord gets not all his will and mind about them, 
till they are thus with him. And this we (hould be- 
lieve. The meaning of this will of Chrift about his 
people's blifs, is in thefe. i. It is our Lord's heart's 

Vol. IL M defire. 

8^ Sermons concerning Serm. Vl. 

tiefire. 2. Ir is his delight to have them with him. 
3. It is his fixed purpofe and refoliuion. ?Iis heart 
is fixed in this, that he will have them all with him. 
^. It is his will declared to his Father, In iuch a man- 
ner and ieafon, and with fuch circumitances, us add 
great weight \o it. 5. It is his will revealed unro us 
in his wricicii word; and therefore is of great ufe to 
believe and rejoice in it. Bat who can tcil (even 
when Chrifl hath told us it) what this his ivill is ? 
The toil! of the Son of God, the ivill of a dying Ile- 
dttvci^Vy the vjill oi a man perfonally united to the 
Son of God ; hew far doth it exceed ail our thoughts ? 

In handling of this point, 1 would, 
1. Prove that it is ChrilVs will, 
ir. Shew why it is fc. And then> 

3. App;^ ii. 

I. That it is ChriJVs will to have his people zvith 
him whfte he is, appears from thefe two. i. The 
price he paid for them; and, 2. The pains he takes 
on them. 

I. The great and dear price he paid for them. 
The price was of infinite value, and the pnrchafe wa5 
great. He bought the heirs for the inheriiance, and 
the inheritance for the heirs. Chrifl in redeeming 
had refpe^L^t unto both ; and himfelf, as flaio, was the 
price for boih. He bought us and our forfeited in- 
heriiance, as he oft declares. And this doth prove, 
that it is his will and mind that they fhould poiY^fi ir. 
What wife or houeit man is at colt to pnrchafe that 
for another that he will not let him polTv^fs? When 
our Lord laid down his life, yea ilaked down h\i 
crown and glory, aod bore fo much dillreis, and all 
for tlii ', that he might at lafi have all his people ivifb 
- him "shcre he is ; fure we mud concluds?, that Chrifl's 
heart and mind was greatly fet upon it. The grand 
view of the good-will of Chrifl to the faving his peo- 
ple, and having them in heaven, is to bs had on his 


Serm. VL the Lord's Prayer. 85 

crofs. The death of the Saviour proclaims his good- 
will to fave. He knew he irmft fave us by dying, and 
v/e know that we are faved by bis death. 1 hcrefore 
he had a defire and delight to die for his people. It 
pleafcd the Lord to bnnfe himy Ifa. liii. \o ; and Chrift 
was pleafed to be brulfed, Hcb. x. 5,— '^ 

2. The fecond proof h : The great pains ihat Chrlil: 
takes on his people to bring them to heaven, proves 
that his heart is fet on their poffeiling of it. On this 
proof I would infift in a few particulars. 

I/?, Chritl draws them to himfeif whom he minds 
to fave. By nature they are far off from thrift, and 
from falvation. By his grace they are brought near, 
Eph. ii. 13. Chrifl and falvation are infeparable. 
When Chrift entered into Zaccheus's heart by faith, 
then falvation came into his houfe^ Luke xix, 9, 10. 
Chriil's drawing of a finner, is his working of faith ; 
and the Tinner's believing on Chrift, is his coming to 
Chrift. Thus the nearnefs is obtained, Cbrift is fZ^ 
author andjinif^er of faith, Heb. xii. 2. Bur this ^.' ay 
of working of faith is a great myftery, John iii. 8. 
Believers themfelves find their own faith a great my- 
ftery to themfelves. They often know better the 
fruits and cfFeas of their faith, than they know the 
aaings of- it. And again, they may know better what 
they do, and what way their hearts a£^ toward. Chnft, 
when they believe, than they know what Cbrift was 
' doing with them, when'he was working faith in them, 
and making them believers. For ufualiy ChriiVs 
work in drawing men to himfelF, is fo terrible, that 
they cannot think that any good is meant to them. 
Little di'd Paul know what Chriil meant by his firit 
vidt and words to him, Aas Ix. 3,-9. ; but well knew 
^le aherwards, Gal. i. 15, 16. and oft did he tell it, 
Aas xxii. and xxvi. The fum of all he faid was this: 
" I was a bitter enemy to Jefus Chrid ; yet he was 
«• pleafed to make me a believer on him, and called. 
<« me to preach him, and faith in him, to the periih* 
«« lag world." When Chrift is drawing his chofea 

M 2 ^y 

86 Scrjnons concerning Serm, VI. 

by the ccrds of iove^ (as Hofea xi. 4.), ufually they 
sre jealous that thefe cords of love are but the gins 
of aa enemy. Bow is it poJlible that the charge of 
fin on the confcience, the difcovery of the abomina- 
tions in the man*s heart, and the binding of him over 
to the righteous judgment of God, (Pvom. iii. 19,), can 
be looked on as gracious methods of Chrift for draw- 
ing men to him ? Yet afterwards they know, that all 
this was done in love, and for their good. Of all the 
fms the Lord's people are guilty of, this is the greaceft, 
and (liould be deeply repented of, even the rebellion 
againft, and refillancethey made to the faving grace and 
drawing arm of Jefus Chriff. That we walk after the 
imagination of our own hearts, that we love to wander, 
that we live in fin, and love and commit it; all thefe 
things are proper and natural to fmners; fo that tho' 
all ihould, abhor it, yet none fliould wonder at it. But 
when Chrifl is drawing perifhing Tinners to himfelf, 
that he may fave them ; when he is plucking them 
out of the fire that will burn them, and out of the wa- 
ter that will drown them ; then for men tooppofe and 
refift him, (as all do till his grace make them willing), 
hath fomewhat in it beyond the common fmfulnefs of 
men : yea it is a fin beyond the poffibility of the de- 
vil, the father of fin and of fmners ; for the grace of 
God was never in the offer of the fallen angels, nor 
did it ever make any alfault upon them. Yea the re- 
probates, though many of them finfully rcfift the ge- 
neral drawing of Chrift by the gofpel, and his Spirit's 
dealing with them, as in A£ls vii. 51. Te fltf-jiecked^ 
and uncircumcifed in heart and ears ^ ye de always refijl 
the Holy Ghofl : as your fathers didy fo do ye ; by 
which they draw on dreadful guilt, and deRru6lion, 
and are made inexcufable ; as our Lord tells them, 
John XV. 22, 24. Jf I bad not come and fpoken unto 
them^ they had not had fin : but now they have no cloke 
for their fny viz. their fm of unbelief: yet they ne- 
ver refift the faving arm and defign of Chrift to fave 
them J as many of the ele<5l do for a while, till the 


Sehm. YI. the LorcTs Frayer. 87 

Lord's day of power come, which always prevails 
over all refiilance. For, fure, another fort of grace 
was applied unto blafpheming Saul, than on the traitor 
Judas ; and on Peter flumbling, than on Judas failing. 
Herein Cbrifl abundantly proves his iTiind and good- 
will to fave his people, in his drawing them to him- 
feif, that he may fave them. So faith he in John xii. 
32. And 7, If I be lifted up from the earthy will draw 
all 7nen unto me. And this he faid in one of his fad- 
deft hours, as ver. 27, 28. The devil, and wicked 
world, (that lieth in his arms, as in i John v. 19. 
The whole world lieth in wickednefs^ or or in that %vicked 
one)y they thought, that if chey could once get rid of 
Chrid, and flay him, that they (hould never more be 
troubled with Chrift, nor with believers on him. Bat 
they were utterly difappoinred : and this Chrill fore- 
tels ; and it was bleffedly fulfilled, and will be till his 
fecond coming. It is as if he had faid, " They def- 
*' pife the virtue and grace of a living Saviour ; and 
*' think if they had flain him, there would be an end 
^^ of him and of his interefl on earth. But when 
" they have done what they would, they (hall find 
" themfelves farther from their purpofe; for I will 
** put forth the virtue of my death, in drawing raul- 
" titudes unto rac." And it is not unlike, but that 
within a few weeks after his death, and within a few 
days after his afcenfion, there was a greater multi- 
tude of fmners drawn to Chrift by faith, than were 
in all the few years he lived and preached on the^ 

So much for this iirft proof of Chrifl's will and 
mind to fave his people, from his drawing them un- 
to himfelf, or his working faith on him in them, 

2dly, Another proof of this is from his making 
them meet to poflefs heaven. Col. i. 12. Take heed 
in this matter. No man is meet for Chrifl till he be 
in him. But he that is in Chrift, is meet for heaven ; 
and none (hall poiTefs it, but he that is made meen 
for it \ and that is a divine work. Chrift is meet for 


SB Sermons concenihv Serm. VI. 


finnerSj to fave them. See how meet he is made of 
God, I Cor. i. 30. He is made all we want for fal- 
vation. Chriil had no work in the world but for Tin- 
ners. And none will einploy ChriH: in his faving 
calling and office, but convinced and feofible fmners, 
"C-jone but fnch can fee their needof Chrifl; and fuch 
a^ fee no need of Chriil, can never employ him by 
iaith : for believing is nothing but a needy lofl fia- 
ner's trading this able Saviour with his falvation. 
Chriji came to feck ajid to fave that -which was lo_ll, 
Luke xix. 10. And the lod man comes to, and feeks 
falvation from Chrift, and gets it. If a man difowa 
his own name, aJJnner, he therein difowns Chrifl's 
name, a SavirAir of finners. If men pretend to ufe 
Chrifl as a Phyfician, and fubfcribe not their true 
na.ne to their petitions, a loflj ftck firmer^ bleeding to 
death by the fling of fin and of the law^ he will have 
nothing^ to do with tbe:ii. He will fay to them, 
*' I came to fave fmners ; but you are whole and righ- 
*' tcous folks, and think you can fave yourfelves. 
<• it is but a little that ails you, and you think you 
<• can foon cure it. But if you try your own art, you 
" peiidi ; and your w'ound is deadly, and no balm 
" can heal it but mine." Now, no man is meet for 
Ghrill, till he gets Chrifl. But a man rouQ be made 
meet for heaven, before he gets ir. No man can get 
this mectnefs but by Chriil ; and Chrifl's working 
of this meetiicfs, is the proof 1 give of Chrift's n/md 
to give glory to them in whom he works ir. 

A little on this. What this meetnefs for heaven is ; 
wherein it (lands j and how Chrift works it in his 

This meetnefs to polTefs heaven, is twofold; a 
meetnefs as to the ilate of the perfon ; and a meetnefs 
as to his nature and frame, that is 10 be the poiTeircr 
of heaven. And the apolUe in that fcripttire named, 
Col. i. 12, 13, 14, hints at both plainly enough. 

((.) Meetnefs in the ftate of the perfon for pofTcf- 
iiDg of heaven, (lands in two things. Heraufl be re- 

Serm. VT, th3 Lord: s Prayer, ap 

conciled to the Lord of this good land oflieaTea, and 
he mud be related to this inheritance. Both coine 
by Jefus Chriih Enemies and frraiigers are unmeec 
to poffefs it'; and none fuch fnall, to eternity. Yet 
all men by nature are both enemies to God, and un- 
related to heaven. Bat Chriil cbangeth the ftate oi 
them whom he minds to fave, and thus makeih them 
meet to poffels the inheritance. They are made 
friends, and reconciled to God, by the grace of jufti- 
fication ; they are made children and heirs, and to re- 
lated to the inheritance, by the grace of adoption. 
And both are by Jefus Chrid ; as in Rom. v. 8, 9, 
10. and viii. 14. I7- Gal. iii. 26. and iv. 5, 6. Can 
an enemy expe£l an inheritance from his enemy ? And 
this is the natural (late that God and man (land in to 
one another. Can a (trangcr cxpea an inheritancs 
in a ftrange country, where he hath no friend noc 
relation to leave him any thing, and when the man is 
fo poor that he can purchafe nothing ? The apoftle ia 
Eph. ii. 12. tells them what they were by nature, 
and what they fhould remember flill : That at that 
time ye were without Chrijl ; and what followed on it ? 
Jhey were aliens from the commonwealth of Ifrael^ and 
ftranqers froju the covenant ofpromife, (Ifrael's peculiar 
righrt Rom. ix. 4. TVho are Ifraelites ; to whom per* 
iaineth the adoption^ and the glory ^ and the covenants^ 
and t/j^ giving of the law^ and the fer vice of God, and 
the promifes\ having no hope^ and without Gcd in the 
world. How cam.e the blelTed change from this wc- 
ful (late ? But now in Cbrifl Jefus, ye who wereforne- 
times far off^ are made nigh by th^ blood of Chrif}^ ver. 
13. Now therefore ye are no more fl rangers and for ^ 
eifTners ; but fellow citizens with thefairits, and of tU 
houfkold of God, ver. 19. So that all that pretend to 
the hope of heaven, (liould fearch well, and make out 
that they have a right to it, and friends there. And 
ihe great friend in beaveo is Jefus Chrid ; who bought 
the kingdom dearly, and conveys the right unro it 

freely, to all that believe on him, 

' (2.) There 

90 Sermons concerning Serm. VL 

(2.) There is a raeetnefs for heaven in the nature 
and frame of the heart of the heir of it. This meet- 
nefs is necefl'ary ; Heb. xii. iz}. Without holinefs no 
man Jk all fee the Lord. And it is wrought by Jefus 
Chrift in the grace of fancftification. Thus the apof- 
tle difcourfeth plainly in i Cor. vi. 9, 10, ii.; where 
be expreily fhews the equal neceility of jallificatioa 
and of fan6:lfication, unto the inheriting of the king- 
dom of Chrifly and of Gody and of the interefl: that 
Chrirt hath in giving them both. It is very remark- 
able in Rom. vlii. 30. one of the deepcft, and yet one 
of the cleared fcripiures (deeped for maiter, and 
cleared for faith") about God's method of falvation : 
Moreover y whom he did prcdeflinate^ them he alfo called : 
and zvhom he called^ them he alfo juflified ; and ivhom 
he fdflijiedy them he alfo glorified. It feems to fome 
to be drange, that there is no mention in it of fanc- 
tification. Only there is prededination, calling, juf- 
tification, and glory. The obvious reafon of this is, 
that fandification is included in glory. It is not To 
much the -way to glory, as it is a piece, and part, and 
beginning of it. Nov/, this great work of Chrid in 
fan(fi:ifying his neople, is feen in all his work on them, 
and way with them, from their regeneration, until 
their welcome to heaven. About this raeetnefs for 
glory by fan£tification, thefe three things are well 
known, i. That they that dudy fan<fl!fication the 
right way mod diligently, do attain mod of it. The 
culy way is by faith in Chrid Jefus, A£ts xxvi. 18. 
2. That they that attain mod of it, think lead of 
their attainments. They fee fo much evil remaining 
in them, as Rom. vii. and fomuch good before them, 
Phil. iii. 12, 13, 14. that they dill prefs forward for 
more fan(^ification. If any man do think himfelf to 
be very holy, any Chridian may not only judly quef- 
lion the truth of that pretence, but alfo his having a- 
ny holinefs at all. For true gofpel-holinefs is a frame 
of heart and foul wrought by the Spirit of Chrid, 
that works in believers a holy hatred of all fin ; a 


Serm.VI. the Lorcfs Fraysr, 91 

lothing of himfelf in whom fo much of it ftill remains ; 
and a preiTing after that perfeiftioD in holinefs, which - 
only can be attained when he is where Chriil is. 3. 
That ail fenfible and wife behevers, in their building 
their faith and hope of polTelling glory, and in their 
believing and pleadings with God for that poireiTion, 
do lay far greater (yea another fort of) weight on 
what Chrifl hath done for them, and hath promifed 
to them, than on that fmall begun holinefs he hath 
wrought in them ; though that alfo be to be thankful- 
ly owned, tenderly cheriihed, and ufed as food to 
their faith. 

So much for this fecond proof. That Chrid proves 
his mind to have his people with him where he 
isy when he not only draws them to hhnfelf when 
they are on the earth, but makes them meet to be 
with him in heaven. All he hath done for his peo- 
ple when he was in this world, is applied to them for 
the change of their (late ; and all he doth in them by 
his Spirit, is for the change of their frame. And 
thus by both he makes them meet for heaven. 

^dly^ Another proof of Chrifl 's will to have his^ 
people with hiffi where he is^ is. That he by his Spi- 
rit, works in the hearts of his people, defires, faith, 
and hopes of this blifs. This is both a proof that 
ihey (hall poffefs it, and that ChriO: hath a mind that 
they iliould have it. Chrifl raifeth no defires, raifeth 
no faith and hope of that which he hath no mind to 
give. So the apoftle argues, 2 Cor. x. i. — 5. J¥e 
knviu what heaven is, ver. i. We groan ear ne ft ly, 
ver. 2. We groan ^ as being burtbencd, ver. 4. IVe 
are confident always in thefe groanings, ver. 6. 8. 
The reafon of all is in ver. 5. Noiv he that hath 
wrought us for the f elf fame thing, is God ; who hath 
afo given unto us the eariiefl of the Spirit, So dotli 
the apoille reafon in Heb= xi. 16. fpeaking of the an- 
cient believers before the law : But now they defire a 
better country^ that is^ an heavenly ; (and this defire 
they declared plainly^ ver. 14, by word and deed); 

Vol. IL N ivhers- 

92 Sermons concerning Serm, VL 

wherefore God is not afhamed to he called their God : for 
he hath prepared for them a city^ i. e. heaven. Their 
defiring of it is not the caufe or reafon of God's pre- 
paring of it ; but God's preparing of it was ihe caufe 
of hi^ revealing of it ; and his revealing of it by his 
promife to them, was the ground of iheir believing 
of it ; their faith was the caufe of their defire of it; 
and this defire, thus raifed and thu5 grounded, was 
a demonftration to them, that they (hould furely pof- 
fefs it. And fo (hould it be to every believer in all 
ages. Hath Chrift raifed defires in your hearts to bs 
with him where he is f Do ye feel them in your foul ; ? 
And are you daily expiefTing them to him ia prayer 
alone, and in all your attendanc?. on him in gofpeU 
ordinances ^ If he hath yet farther opened to you 
the door of hope, as the day-dawn to thy heavy dark- 
ened heart ; lift up your heads and hearts, your re- 
demption draweth near^ Luke xxi. 28. Now is your 
falvalion nearer than when you believedy Rom. xiii. i i. ; 
nearer than when you fir fl trufled in Chrift^ Eph. i. 
12.; nearer than when you firfl begged it of him. 
Gracious Jefus will never baulk the defires of heaven 
•which he himfelf hath put and kept up in thy heart ; 
Pfal. X. 17. Lord thou haft heard the defire of the 
humble : thou zuilt prepare their hearty thou wilt caufe 
thine ear to hear, 

^thly^ Chrift's good-will to give eternal life to his 
people appears in the earneft he gives to them. 
This is oftener fpoke of in the word, than known 
and felt by the readers and hearers of the word. It 
rs called the earneft oj the Spiiit^ from iis immediate 
author, 2 Cor. v. 5. ; the earned of the Spirit in our 
hearts^ for therein it is put, 2 Cor i. 22.; the ear- 
nefi of our inheritance^ Eph. i. ig. for unto that it rc- 
feireth. It is fomething of heaven given to believers 
on earth ; fome fpecial prefence of Chrill manifefted 
to them ; fome Ipecial fellowftiip with him, filling 
thenn with joy, and peace, and likenefs to him. How 
vsrell is this known to them that have it ^ And how 


Serm. VI. the LorcTs Prayer, 9j 

Aire Is it, that no words can make any other to know 
it ? It is the hidden manna, that ChnJI gives his peo- 
ple to eat of^ (and no man knows its tafte, but the 
eater of it, and while he eats ot" it) ; and the white 
Jione Cbrift: gives, and in the ft one a new name writ- 
ten^ (If it be writren, may it not be read by any I 
No), which no man knoweth, faving he that receiveih 
?V, Rev. ii. 17. Why is this earneft given ? It is to fe- 
cure the bargain of the new covenant to the believer^ 
and to fecure him of the poffeffion of glory. There- 
fore is it called the fir ft fruits of the Spirit^ Rom. viii. 
23, ; f eating of believers^ 2 Cor. i. 22. and /^ the day 
cf redemption^ Eph. iv. 30. This earncfl: rauil be 2 
rich jewel, when the devil that great thief and rob- 
ber, fets himfeif fo againft them that have got it. It 
was more than an earneft that Paul got in 2 Cor. xii, 
I, 1,3. The devil hated Paul from the day that 
Chrift took him out of his arms; he hated his gifts, 
grace, and fervice ; and that Paul knew well, and 
felt often : but he never fell on him fiercely, as whea 
Paul came down enriched with extraordinary enjoy- 
ments. No believer Ihali get this earned, if the de- 
vil can hinder it ; and none can keep it, wldiout a bat- 
tle with hell. But though Satan by his malice and 
craft, and our unbelieving hearts, join together (as 
too oft they do) to rob us of this earned, and the 
fenfe of it; yet Chrift will never take it away, nor 
break the bargain of our falvation, Pfjl. Ixxx'x. 33, 
34, 35. Neverthetefs^ my hving-kindnefs will I not ut- 
terly take from him^ nor'faffer my faith fulr.efs to fail ^ 
is the voice of God in the nev/ covenant. It may be 
a queftion with fome, If this earneH: be an univerfai 
bleffing to all, or only a fpecial kindnefs to fome be- 
lievers ? On the one hand, the difcouraged complain- 
ing mood of fome Chriftians feems to fay, that they 
have it not; on the other hand, many have thii? ear- 
ned, and that frequently repeated to them. What 
ftiall we fay to this que (lion ? Thefe things we may 
be fore of ; that it is a choice mercy, and a great 

N 2 advan- 

94 Sermons concerniri^ Serm. VL 

advantage to a believer to have it ; (as the contraries 
are as fare, to foch as have it not) ; that it is a great 
duty to prefs afrer it : that there are ways and means 
of Gcd's appointment for reaching it ; that there are 
gracious promifes of a bleffing on thofe means ; and 
that faith and diligence in feeking this bleffingin God's 
way, is ufually fuccefsful. It feems far fafer for us, 
to lay cur \\d.m of it on our own unbelief, than to re- 
ilcifi- upon his word and w-iy. 

So much for the firit thiug in this do61rine, Where- 
in appears Chrifl's will and raind to have his people 
where he is ? 

II. Why it is, and muft he his will and mind? 
Take ihefe two accounts of it. r. Becaufe of his 
faiihfulnefs in the covenant, x^nd, 2. Of his love to 
his people. 

I* Becaufe of his faithfulnefs in the covenant of 
grace. 1'he cleared and fureft view of our falvation, 
is to be had in this covenant. Therein we fee, i. 
The elc<fl: are given by the Father to the Son, ro be 
redeemed by him, and that he may give them eter- 
nal life ; as John xvii, 2. thou haft given him power 
over all flejl:, that he fhould give eternal life to as ma- 
ry as thou haft given hinu This charge the Son ac- 
cepted from eternity, and, in the fulnefs of time, 
came into the' world to fulfill, John vi. 38, 39. They 
were given to him, on condition of his coming, and 
redeeming of them by his blood ; which condition he 
fulfilled. 2, They are promifed to him as his purchafe 
by the Father, when theSonharh bought them as he 
promifed : Ifa. liii. 10, 11. When thou Jhalt ?naie his 
foul an offering for fm, he f hall fee his feed, he /hall pro- 
long his days, and the plea fur e of the Lord fj all prof per in 
his hand, hie fj) all, fee of the travail of his foul, and fl^' all 
befnisfcd, &c. 3. The bringing them hh to glory, is 
charged on the Son, and promifed by him again to the 
Father : John vi. 38, x<)» For I came down from heaven, 
not to do mine ovjn willy but the will of him thatfent me. 


Serm. VI. the LorcTs Prayer. ^$ 

And this is the Father"^ s will which hathfentme^ that of 
all which hehath givenme^ I jhould lofe nothings hut jhould 
raife it up again at the la ft day. John xii. 50. And 
I know that his commandment is life everlafting. Chrift 
Hands engaged by this covenant, to give a good ac- 
count of all his charge ; and he will do it fully one 
day, when he prefents his people to his Father ; and 
will fay of all, as Heb. ii. 13* Behold^ /, and the cbd- 
dren which God hath given me ; and as he faid of a 
few of them in this chapter, ver. 12. While I was 
with them in the worlds I kept them in thy name ; thofs 
that thou gaveft me^ 1 have kept^ and none of them is 
loft. And furely Chrifl is as good at keeping of his 
people when he is in heaven, as when he was on earth: 
for he is with them ahvays^ even unto the end of the 
world, Amen, Matth. xxviii. 20. 4. Chrift yet fur- 
ther promifeth eternal life to his people : i John ii. 
25. And this is the promife that he hath promifed tts^ 
even eternal life ; as it is the grand coiiipreheDfive 
promife. Yea, Chrift himfelf is called eternal life, 
I John i. 2. and verfe 20. When Chrift came into 
the world, eternal life came into it; when Chrift is 
(hown and revealed, eternal life is made known ] when 
Chrift is embraced by faith, eternal life is got : i John 
V, II, 12, And this is the record^ that God hath given 
to us eternal life : and this life is in his Son, He that 
hath the Sony hath life, O that all men did but know, 
how clofely, how infeparably, and how eternally, 
Chrift and eternal life are linked together ! No eter- 
nal life without Chrift ; no Chrift without eternal 
life. He alfo promifeth it, as well as contains it : John 
X. 27, 28. My fheep hear my voice ^ and 1 k?iow them 
and they follow me. And 1 give unto them eternal life^ 
and they /hall never perijhy neither ftmll any man pluck 
themout of my hand. It is this, and fuch like promifes 
of eternal life, made by Jefus Chrift, that every true 
believer builds his hope of heaven upon. And thus 
Chrift's faithfulnefs and truth is concerned in brings 
ing all his people to glory, 

2. Con- 

96 Strmons concerning Serm. VL 

2. Confider Chrifl's wonderful love to his people. 
True love canaot bear long parting, much lefs ever- 
lafting parting. Chrift loves his people fo well, that 
he muft have them with him ; otherwife he fhould 
iofe his love, and his beloved ; and that cannot be. 
The love of Chrifl: to his people may well be their 
delight, and their wonder. There is both pleafare 
and profit in ftudying of it. But all our thoughts can 
never reach to its infinite dimenfions ; for it hath 
height, and depthy and breadth^ and lengthy and in ail 
pajjeth kn(nvledge, Eph. iii. ^8, 19. And becaufe of the 
iweetnefs of this theme of Chritl's love, and becaufe 
all I fhall fsy in the application of this do«5brine at this 
time, is to reqpire love to him again ; I would fpeak 
a little of this blefled love of Chrift to his people, as 
it is the caufi of his willing to have them with him 
where he is. 

1/?, Chrift's love to his people hath do caufe nor 
reafon for it, but itfelf. Love is the only caufe of 
bis love. Oar love to hiio hath good caufe, and ilrong 
reafon for it. His own w^orth in himfelf, his love to 
u; and the great things he hath done for us, and 
hati) promiled to us, j"-i(tiy defer ve more love than we 
can gue him. Bat none of thefe things are with us 
to engage his love to us. 

2^/y, This love of Chrifl not only hath no. caufe in 
us to raife it ; but it is a love that a£ts and move? a- 
gainft all things that may juflly quench love and raife 
lothing. There is not only no worth nor beauty m us 
that he Jhould d'jfire us, (as the unbelieving world 
thought, and thinks falfcly of Chrifl himfeif. If. liii.2.) 
but there is a great deal in us to make us juftiy hateful 
and lothfome in his eyes. There is enmity to him in 
oar heart and nature ; there are provocations in our 
converfition and walk; there are vilenefs, lothfoni- 
nefs, poverty, and all mifery, in our (late ; yet Chrifl's 
love overcomes all : Ezek. xvi. 6, 7, 3. Thy timcwas 
the time c/ love, faith the Lord, A flrange lime of 


Serm. VL the Lord's Prayer. 97 

love, and a flrange love ! A wretched, naked poliut- 
ed infant, cafl out in the openjield^ to the iothing of its 
ferfon^ as ver. 5. Was that a time of love P Was that 
a time for the Prince of heaven to fall in love with the 
filthy perishing brat ? Unto any but to the heart of a 
God, this would have been a time of Iothing, and not 
of love. The fame thing the apodle teacheth with- 
out a parable, Eph, ii. i, 2, ^, 4. 

3f//y, It is a love that fets Chrid on work ia all his 
faving work. And hard, and dear, and coilly work 
to him it was : yet love made him to do it ail ; and 
delightfully he did it. He died for us in love ; he 
called us in love; he planted his grace in us ia love ; 
be vifits us in love ; and when he corre61s and rebukes, 
he doth that in love too. Rev. iii. 19. Aud though 
we do not like it, he likes it, and it is for our good. 
All that Chrift doth for, and in, and with, and on, 
and about his people, (and who can tell all f), he 
doth all in and from his love to them. And this 
(hews us both the nature of his love to us, and the 
debt we are under to love him again. 

4//^/)/, This love of Chrift to his people, both de- 
figns and effefts the greateft good to them he loves. 
Among creatures there is a deal of love to little pur- 
pofe. Either they intend but little by their love; or 
if they do defign it, their loye cannot reach it. But 
the greateft good, eternal life, is not only intended 
by Chrift in his love to his people, but it is fureiy at- 
tained. AU that Chrift loves, are faved ; why I be- 
caufe his love is faving. Salvation is defigned by this 
lover, and is perfected by his love. 

Application. Let me therefore exhort you 
to love Jefus Chrift. Is his heart fet upon the hav- 
ing all his people with him where he is ? Surely we 
ought to return love to him back again. Moft of them 
that pretend to the name of Chriftian, think they make 
fome confcieoce of it, as being a moftjuft debr and 

. duty 

5>8 Sermons concerning Serm. VI, 

duty to bim : and will be ready to fay with Paul, 
1 Cor. xvi. 2 2. If any man love not the Lord Jefus 
Chrijly let him be Anathema-^ Maranatha, But as the 
loYe that Chrift bears to his people, is not fo well 
known and believed as it ought to be ; fo the love 
his people owe to him, is not fo well paid as it ought 
to be. I would therefore advife you in five things a- 
bout your love to Chrift. 

Advice T. Take a ferious view of the lover, and 
of the beloved, and of the love he bears them ; of 
Chrift that doth love, and of his people whom he 
doth love, and of the love he bears to them. When 
thefe three are feen by the eye of faith ia liie light 
of God's word, his glory and greatnefs who loveth, 
the vilenefs of them he loveth, the greatnefs of the 
love he bears them, two thoughts will life in the heart. 

1. How marvellous is it, that fuch a perfon as he 
Ihould love, in fuch a manner, fuch perfons as we be ! 

2. How great fliould our returns of love be to him a- 
gain 1 What is the caufe of this ufual and fad remark, 
That carnal, fecure fmners count it an eafy thing to 
believe ihat Chrift loves them, though they never 
tafted of his fpecial love ; when many fincere Chrif- 
tians find the faith of Chrift's love to them fo difficult, 
though they dare not deny their tafttng fomeiimes 
that he is gracious f as, i Peter ii. 3. Yea they find 
it hardeft to believe it in fuch times, when ehher the 
divine dignity of Chrift, or their own wretchednef^5, 
are feen by them ; (and ufually they go together). 
This is the caufe of ir, becaufe this love of Chrift is fo 
myfterious and wonderful, (as the lover is, Ifa. ix. 6.). 
We cannot eafily think, that Chrift doth love any, but 
fuch as are fome way like him ; .nor do we rightly 
know, that Chrift can, and doth love them that are 
not like him, fo as to make them like to him by his 
love ; for his love hath always this blelTed cffefl in all 
them that it falls upon. 

Advice 2. Learn to believe Chrift's love. Ufual- 
ly, we would fain have his love proved and nianifef- 


Serm. VL the Lord^s Prayer, og 

ted to us. But I advlfe you to lake this vazy^o^ getnn^ 
your faith to fix od Chrifl's love. Think not that I 
would perfuade you rafnly to coDclude in yourfelve^, 
that Chrift loves you. But what 1 defign, is only this 5 
Take Chrift's love-letters and Chrift's amiable picture 
in the gofpel> (and the new tellament is full of ihem) ; 
and believe, and love them, and him by them. Be- 
hold CbriJI crucijied, Gal. iii. i. ; behold him dying, 
and redeeming by his blood, and that in mere love lo 
the redeemed. Read his love-letters filled with graci- 
ous calls, offers, and promifes : and all thefe letters 
fealed with his blood, (lied in love. A bkiled exer- 
cife, that you would foon find the advantage of. 

Advice 3. Then pray much for his manifefted love 
to you in particular. You are to give him glory in 
believing his love-letters and his beautiful pi(f>ure ia 
the gofpel, and in railing faith and love by thofe helps s 
But you may alfo beg his manifefting his love to you. 
See his proraife, John xiv.2 1,23. w^ords more precious 
than fine gold. He that hath my commandments^ and 
keepeth them^ he it is that loveth me : and he that lov- 
eth me, /hall he loved of my Father ; and I will lovg 
him, and will man'tfejl viyfelf to him. " I will love 
*< him, and make him know it.'' And when one of 
his difciples aiks, either in ignorance or wonder, Hozv 
this could be J verfe 22. our Lord anfwers, If a man 
love me, he will keep my words : and my Father ivdl 
love him^ and we will come (/. e. my Father and 1) 
unto him. and make our abode with him, ver. 23. Verf 
like his words in Rev. iii. 20. Behold, I /land at the 
doer and knock : If any man hear my voice, and open 
the door, I will come in to him, and/up with him^ and 
he with me. Thus he manifefts his love ; i John iv. 
12, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in iis» 
Ver. 15. Wbcfoeverjhall confefs that Jcfus is the Son 
sf God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God, Ver. 16. 
And we have known and believed the love that God hath 
to us ; (and fo muft we know and believe the love 
that his Son hath 10 us), God is love ^ and 'he that 
Vol. IL O ^ d'lvel- 

100 Sermons concerning Serm. VI. 

dwelltth in love^ divclkth in God, and God in him, 

Ver. 17. Herein is our love made perfect. But how did 

it begin, and how is it advanced f Ver. 19. We love 

him, becaufe he fir (I loved us, Alas ! what are Chrif- 

tians doiijg P and how poorly they do I Where is the 

man who is fick of love for Chrilt I This blefTed dif- 

eale (or foul's heal:b rather) is twofold ; either in 

pining hunger for ihe manifelfation of his love, as 

C.inr. V. o. ; or in the overwhelniing fweetoefs of his 

manifefled love, Cant. ii. 5. If you know nothing of 

neither of thefe, your carcafes may be well, but your 

fouls do not profper. I do not think that there ever 

was a poor beli. ver, that did long breathe after Ciirift's 

Icve, but he felt it. Moft people do not care for it : 

and therefore they feek it not, and therefore they 

find it not; and (ome of them may fay, (as they in 

Afls xix. i. We have not jo much jr heard whether 

there be any Holy GhoflJ, " We have not felt any 

*' of the love of Chrift ; we know nothing of it, but 

^' as it is fpoke of in the fcriptures, and as it is to 

*' be enjoyed in heaven." But how it doth burn as 

a hot fire in the heart. Cant. viii. 6, 7. even on earth, 

alas ! few {tt\. 

Advice 4, When Cbrift hath manifefled his love, 
thvD light your torch of love at the warm beams of 
the Sun of iligbteoufnefr;. 1 mean, kindle your love 
to him at the iire of his love to you. No other fire 
will kindle true love to Chrift, but the fai'h and feel- 
ing of Chrifl's love to you. What mxade Paul fuch a 
fervent lover of Chrifl, but that he knew fo well how 
Chrirt loved him ? He loved, me, and give himfeif for 
me. Gal. ii. 20. No wonder he faid, \t\\ xxi. 1:5. 
/ am ready not to he bound only, but alfo tj die at Je^ 
ru/alem fc*r the name of the Lord Jefus, '' Crriii died 
♦' at Jcrufalem for my redemption ; and lh.ili 1 not 
** die there for his glory, if he call me?" 

Advice 5. When you have kindled your love to 
Chrifl at bis love to you, then let it burn and fpend 
(but it cannot fpend, but grows by burning) in his 


Serm. VI. the Lorfs Prayer. lol 

fervice, and to his praife. Ufe and aft iliat love in 
all holy worfliip, and in all gofpel-obedience. That 
is the befl: worfliip, and the moit acceptable obedi- 
ence, that is performed from love to Chrift. f^.is 
love conftrained Ysiu]^ 2 Cor, v. 14. unto his excellent 
living to Chrift. That working and running that only 
the fpur of the law in mens conlcicnces ccnihauis 
fome unto, is of no account in the fight of Goi, 
Faith in Chrift raifeth love to Chrift ; and faith a^d 
love enlivens to all holy obedience, and fpiritual wor- 
fliip. Then the Chriftian reads and hears the word of 
Chrift, becaufe he loves to hear his vo^ce. He prays ; 
for he loves to fpeak, and to pour out his heart to his 
beft friend. He fits down at the Lord's table, be- 
caufe he loves to fee, and draw virtue from his llain 
Saviour, He hates evil, becaufe he loves the Lord, 
Pfalra xcvii. 10. He keeps Chrift's commandments, 
becaufe he loves the commander, John xiv. 15. Sirs, be 
aflured of this, that you are not yet got into the right 
road of Chriftianity ; you are not yet in that path, 
wherein you can be hearty and fincere, and wherein 
you will be conftant, and never faint ; until you gee 
once into the power of the love of Chrift. Then you 
will be fweetly carried on in all your viray, and in his 
ways. Then may the believer in, and lover oi Chrift, 
fay, " Let the Lord lead me whither he pleaieth ; I 
^' am ft ill going to heaven, and am in the river of life, 
*« the love- of Chrift, that begun (if I may f^y (o) 
«* from eternity, and carries me through time, uu- 
" to the eternal enjoyment of the fame love in hea- 


I ©2 Sermons concerning Serm. VII. 


John xvii. 24, 

Falhsr^ I ivUl that they alfo whom thou haft given mcy 
be 'with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou lovsdft me 
before the foundation of the world* 

MENS hearts are befl known by their prayer?. 
And by the fame way we may know Chrift's 
heart, Whofoever would know how deeply his heart 
is concerned in the faving of his people, let thera read 
and believe this prayer. And indeed, unlefs peo- 
ple do know how Chrift's heart ftatids aflefied to their 
fiiivation, their hearts will never (land well aff^dted 
tov;ards him, in their employing him for falvatioo. 
A clear and (Irong perfuafioo of Chrift's hearty con- 
cern in and about faving of finners, will make a poor 
fmner hearty in trufting him with his own falva- 

Of this I have been fpeaking from tliefe precious 
words. The manner of this prayer I have fpoke to. 
In the mauer of it i took up four things, i. The de- 
fcripiion of the party he prays for : They whom thou 
haft given me. 2. The blelTing he prays for to them : 
That they alfo may he with me where I am. On this 
part 1 obferved, i. That the peifed bitfs of believers 
fiands in their being with Chrift zuhere he is, 2. ChrijTs 
wi'l IS to have them poffefjed of this blifs. This latter 
dc(!lrine 1 did lad day open and confirm ; and began 
10 apply it in one inftance, of the debt of love to 
Chfili that lies on all Chriftians. 

I would now proceed to a more large application 
of both the dot^rinesj and that ia four exhortations. 


S £ n M . VIL the Loncpj Prayer. i ©5 

Exhort, I. Is it not Chrlft's will to have all his 
people 'with him where he is ? Then we are called to 
admire this wonderful will of Chrift. This will hath 
its caufes and fprings, as you have heard. But theie 
are fo far from making it Jefs. that they indeed make 
it more wonderful. For helping you to admire this 
will of Chrill, 1 would give you a few things to confider. 

1. Jefus Chrift knows himfelf beft. We hear thefe 
words of Z'^/w^ with Chrift: but little do we know 
what they contain and mean ; becaufe we know fo 
little, who, and what Chrifi h. Bat Chrift knows 
himfelf fully and pcrfefliy ; and therefore he knew 
what a great blefTing he willed for his people, when 
he uttered this fuit to his Father. It is the wife con- 
ftituiion of God, that the knowledge of Chrid, and 
the enjoyment of Chrifi, and the knowledge of that 
enjoyment, are iafeparable. We alas ! know little 
of Chrift, we enjoy little of him ; and therefore know 
very little, what perfect enjoyment of him is. Bot 
Chrift knew himfeif perfe£>ly, and what blifs his 
company would be to his people. This is one thing 
that may make ns admire this will of Chrift. As if 
our Lord had faid, " My poor people know not fuU 
•' ly wherein their greateft blifs confifts ; bat 1 know 
** it well, and will to them." 

2. Our Lord J.^fus knew beft where he was to be. 
I told you where Chrift was when he made this his 
will, even near the loweft ftep of his humbled ftate. 
He was juft going to the garden of agony, and from 
that to the death of the crofs. But he prays as if ia 
heaven already. And W'ell did be know whither he 
v/as going, and what a high and happy ftate himfeif 
v/as going to, unto which alfo he meant to bring his 
people ; as he commends it, and encourageth his dif- 
ciples from it, in John xiv. 2, 3. But we, when we 
pray for heaven, we pray in the dark. We pray for 
a bleffing, that we do iiot know, but in a very fmall 
part. See i Cor. ii. 9, 1 John iii. 2. If it were 
poffible that any believer, out of heaven, did fully 


104 Sermons concerning Serm. VIT; 

know what heaven is, that man would either be as in 
heaven, or would pray wonderfully for it. But well 
did Chrift know what heaven was ; and therefore 
prays for it unto his people. 

3. Chrift knew well where his people were ; in an 
evil world, ver. 11.; and what bad entertainment they 
had, and were to have in it. In love and pity to 
ihcm, .therefore he wills this blefled lodging for them 
in heaven. 

4. Chrift knew well what their frame of heart and 
dcGres were. He knew what a heart he had put in 
them ; that nothing lefs than being with him where 
he was, could content, fatisfy, and make them hap- 
py. Would you know, when Chrift begins to do 
good to a poor firmer ? what is the firft thing Chrift 
doth to one he miuds to fave ? It is plainly this : He 
makes forh a ho'e in rhe man's heart, that nothing 
but C/^rift and heaven can fill. None but Chrift, no- 
thing bui be'ng with him where he is, can fatisfy 
this man. Chrift's grace given, fpringeth up into e- 
verlajling life^ Jobn iv. 14". And he that created 
this fpiing, will neither divert nor ftop it. But as 
their hearts, by his grace, fpring up to heaven ; 
Chrift's heart, in this prayer, fprings up to that fame 
everlafting life for them. 

Exhort, 2. Love this blefled wilier. Love Jefus 
Chrift, who wills to have all his people in heaven 
with himfelf ; and love him for willing it. But fome 
will fay, '* 1 know not that Chriit wills this for me. 
*' If I did but know it, I would then love him.'' Anf, 
I. Though you do not know it, you doubt not, but 
he deferves thy higheft love. No darknefs as to 
your interefl: in Chrid:, can difTolve the obligation of 
duty to love Chiift, nor excufe thee from the fm of 
not loving him. 2. All the devils in hell, or out of 
hell, or in thy heart, cannot prove, that thou arc 
one that Chrift hath no mind to hav« with him, If 
any of them luggeft it, you have reafon to fay, they 
lye, and cannot poffibly prove it, I will fuppofe thy 


Serm. VII. the Lord's "Prayer^ 105 

flate to be as bad as thou imagines ; that thou hall 
no light, nor knowledge, nor ground to believe and 
hope that thou art in Chrift's will and prayer ; yea, 
that thou haft many fears of the contrary, and appear- 
ance of grounds for them. Yet it is certain, that it 
is impoflible to prove, that Chrift hath no mind to 
fave thee. 3. Is it not fome confiderable encourage- 
ment to you, that it is certain that many jufl: fuch as 
you, are in this will of Cbrifl: ? This prayer was put 
up, and hath been oftentimes anfwered, for many 
juft fuch as you be. There is not fo great a differ- 
ence betwixt men in their natural ftate, as many ima- 
gine. There is indeed fome difference in their out- 
ward converfation. Some wander ftrangely ; and 
fome are, by education, and rellraining common 
grace, kept within tolerable bounds. But ftill as to 
the fubftance of an unrenewed ftate, all in it arc alike. 
They are fwine Jlill^ whether wafhedy or wallowing 
in ths mire^ 2 Pet. ii. 22. till Chritt's grace change 
them. 4. You that doubt that you are not in ChriiVs 
will for glory, can you blefs him, and love him, for 
willing falvaiion to (o many others ? It is a fad fuppo- 
fition, I own. And 1 think it finful for any to lay if 
down as to himfelf, that Chrifl hath no miod to fave 
him. Yet fad fuppofitions laid clofe to the heart and 
confcience, do fometimes produce and draw forth 
fome good thing that lay hid in the heart. Let me 
therefore argue with fuch. You fear, ^ or conclude, 
that Chrilt haih no mind to fave you, that he hath 
DO thoughts of love to you. Well. Though this 
thought be finful in all fuch that daily hear the voice 
of his love in the gofpel, 1 would lay to fuch, i. Is 
it not righteous with him ? Do you not own that you 
deferve not his love, and that you juflly deferve his 
hatred? Proud quarrelling with his juftice, is very 
unfuitable to a pleader for his mercy. 2. is not this 
fad cafe very afflifling to your fouls ? Alas ! many have 
bitter complaints in their mouths, when there is liule 
(qq^q ia their hearts of that ihey complain of. Sure- 

xo5 Sermons concermvg Serii. VII. 

ly, there are ccmplaiuing hypocrites, as well as boafl- 
iog hypocrites. 3. Is there any inclination ia your 
fpirits to admire, love, and praife Jefus Chrid for fav- 
iiig fo many ? I am perfuaded, (and that wiih good 
warrant from Chrifl's gofpel), that perfon that ad- 
mires Chrilt's grace in faving others, (hall never be 
lofl: hirafelf. Yea, there is fome heavenly fire ia 
x^^Y^fmoklngflaXy or wkk^ that tender-hearted Jefus 
wll not quench^ Ifa. xlii. 3.; nor will he let the many 
waters quench it, nor Jhall the floods drown, it^ Cant. 
Tiii. 7. although they be the floods of hell. 

Exhort. 3, Search and try whether you are in this 
will ol Chrift. BlelTed be the Lord, that no man can 
know that he is not ia Chrift's will ; yet any Ciiriftiaii 
may know that he is in it. It is a matter of the vaft- 
e(l concern, and calls for fuitable diligence, 2 Pet. i. 
10. Chrift*s prayer, and Chrifl's blood, are of the 
fame extent ; and both have an everlafting voice and 
virtue. This prayer of our Lord*s was put up in the 
fame night he was taken; and its force and virtue is 
fiill as great as when it was tirft uttered. So it is with 
the voice and virtue of his blood. It fpeaks to this 
day as precious things as when he (bed it. Alas ! 
our prayers have but little virtue and force when they 
are firfl put up, and that little is quickly fpent ; and 
were it not for our Advocate with the Fat her ^ i John 
ii. i» they would all come to nothing, and never be 
more heard of. But It is fir (O how far I) ctuerwife 
with Chrifl's prayers. They have infinite virtue 
when firft put up, and that virtue is of eternal dura- 
tion. Here we have our Lord praying to have all his 
people with him where he is. His prayers were al- 
ways heard : John xi. 41, 42. And Jefus lift up his 
eyes^ andfa'id^ Father ^ I thank thee, that thou hafl 
heard me ; and I knew that thou hcardfl me always^ 
And furely he waS heard in his lad and main prayer \ 
for his own glory, :ind his people's hUffednefs, in 
this text. Chriit did all the Father's w .1, in working 
cut the redemption of the elc6t 5 and tue Father will 


Serm. VIT. the LorcPs Prayer, 107 

do all the Sou's will, in giving the bleilings bought to 
ihe redeemed. It is then of the higheft iraponaoce to 
us, to know' we are in this will of Chrift, that always 
is effe£led ; and in this prayer of his, that is, hath 
been, and will furely be anfvyered. And^ for your 
help in this inquiry about your intereft in CbriR's will 
and prayer, I would look into this blefr:fd chapter, 
and Chrift's prayer in it ; and from it (how you fome 
marks of them Chrili: prays for; and let your confci- 
ences judge of your intereftin them. 

Mark I. Of them Chrlfl: prays for, is in ver. 6. / 
have ?nanlfejQed thy name unto the men ivhich thou gav^ 
eft me out oj the zvorld. Would ye know if you be ia 
Chrifl's prayer and will ? Then fee if Chrift harh ma- 
nifefted to you the Father's name. It is his work, and 
his only ; Matih. xi. 27. Ail things are delivered unto 
me of my Father : and no man knoiveth ihe Son but the 
Father : neither knozveth any man the Father^ fave the 
Son^ and he to tuhomfoever the Son will reveal him. 
Now, what is the Father's name ? Many think they 
know it, to whom Chrift never revealed it. Ifyoii 
alk them, if they know Chrift's Father's name ? they 
have a ready anfwer, Is he not the firfl: perfon in the 
Trinity ? Is he not God the Father, the Almighty, 
the Maker and Ruler of heaven anu -earth? Ye?, 
But this is the name of God only, and that in gener- 
al. The name of Chrift's Father, is that name and 
difcovery of God wherein he ftands related to the 
Son, and the Son to the Father, with the power 
and virtue of this name; as in ver. 26. of this chapter. 
And I have declared unto them thy name^ and will de- 
clare it : that the love wherewith thou hafl loved me^ 
may he in them^ and I in them. In comparing ver. 6. 
and ver. 26. I would remark two things, i. One 
is in Chrift's way of his expr efiing his work in reveal- 
ing his Father's name to his people. In ver. 6. it is, 
/ have manifefled ; in ver. 26. it is, 1 have declared 
thy natne. But though there be fmall difference ia 
the Englifh, there is a confiderable one in the Greek ; 
Vol. II. P as 

Io8 Sermons concerning Serm. YII. 

as any acquainted with the original do koow. I ne- 
ver looked on the infcriprion ou ChriiVs crofs, writ- 
ten by his enemies, in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, 
as a warrant to preachers of Cbrifl's gofpel to (luff 
iheir fermons with Ihreds of thofe, or any frrange 
tongues; nor that criticifms on the words in the ori- 
ginal languages are proper for the pulpit : and if rb.e 
preachers had as little pleafure in them, as the peo- 
ple have profit by them, they would be quickly laid 
alide. Bur fometimes the penury of the vulgar 
tongue doih not anfwer the fulnefs of the original ; 
and in that cafe it muft be fuppjied by farther expli- 
cation ; as in thefe two verfes before, in ver, 6. and 
Ter. 26. In v^r. 6. our Lord tells the Father, that 
he had manifefhd his name to tliein ; in ver. 26. that 
he had declared his name to them. A{> the words rua 
in the EngTiiii, they feem to us to be much the lame ; 
but as in the Greek, there is a remarkable difl'erencc. 
In ver. 6. Chrift's manifefling the Fathers name to theniy 
refpccTts the clear and glorious difcoveries Chrift had 
made to them of the Father's name in and by Chrifl^s 
incarnation, woids, and works, la ver. 26. his de'- 
claring to them the Father"* s name^ refpe6ls the light 
and knowled'v«: of the Father's name, which Chrifl 
had wrought, and was farther to woik in them. The 
manifefling^ fpeaks the difcoveries of his Father's 
name that Chrift made to them ; the declaring ir, 
fpeaks lonh the iruit of the former in bis difciples. 
It is as if he had faid, ** 1 have made thy name known 
** to them, I have made ihem know thy name ; and 
*' ihcy do know it;" as he faith, ver. 25. 2. Ano- 
ther remark 1 make in comparing ver. 6. and ver. 26. 
is this. That the fruits and elTc(fls are the fame in both. 
Wiiatevcr dilTerence there is in the words expreiTing 
ihis work of Chrift, the fruit produced thereby is the 
fame. In ver. 6. the fruit is faid to be in two. i. 
^hey have kept thy word ; exprefiiog their faiih and 
ob( dience. 2. Noiv they ha-ve known that all thinjrs 
'whatfocccr thou hajl green mt^ are oj thee ^ ver. 7. " My 

*' perfoa 

SsRM. VII th^ Lord's Prayer. 109 

« perfon, my callmg, my furniture, my words and 
« works, are all of ihee/' This they knew. And 
it feeras to relate to what they fay, chap. xyi. 29, 30. 
In ver. 26. the fruit of Chris's dechrtrig the Father s 
name to them, is faid to be, That the love wherewtth 
thou ban loved me, may be in them, and I in them. 
The Father's name is a fpecial difcovery ot the love 
of the Father unto his Son firft, and then through 
the Son unto periftiing finners. See if you have had 
any i\xxng of this. Chrift teacheih the Father s name, 
and the Father teacherh Chrift's name by his Splint 
when he draws men : John vi. 45. Every man that hath 
heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. 
Mark 2. Is in ver. 8. (And it is a fad thing it peo- 
ple cannot find their own name in no part of this pray- 
er) • And I have given unto them the words which thou 
Zaveflme. Search if Chrift hath given you any of 
his words. He hath the tongue of the learned f^ora the 
Father, Ifi. 1. 4. and ufeth it on all he favetb. We 
are faved by words ; not by the words which men 
fpeak, but which Chrid fpeaks : John vi. 68. Lord, 
to whom fhall we go f Thou haft- the words of eternal 
Me, So here Chrift f^mh, " I have i)^^^^'^'^^^'^''^l 
« words of love, . and life, and power." Hath Chrilt 
at no time fpoke to your heart, fo as you have been 
made to fay, This is the voice cf my beloved ; as Cant. 
ii 8.? Men mud hear Chiift's voice, before they o- 
pen the door to him, Rev. iii. 20. His voice makes 
the dead to hear, and live, John v. 25, 26. 

Mark 3. Of one in Chrilt's prayer, is in ver. 14. 
16. Such are not of the world, as Chrift is not ot 
the world. They are in the zvorld, but not of it ; as 
the apoftle diftinguiftieth, i John ii. 19- fpeakmg ot 
apoftates. They were for a while in the church, and 
with it ; but never of it, as appeared by their apoftaly 
from it. Oar Lord was in the world, as never any 
man was. He was in the world, and the world^ was 
?nade by him, and the world knew him not, John 1. lo. 
The woild knew neither its Maker, nor Saviour. His 

P 2 people 

110 Sermons concerning Serm. VIT, 

people are in the world, but not of it. They have 
\ic\i\\tv the /pint of the world, i Cor. ii. 12. nor their 
heart on it, nor their treafure and portion in it, 
Matib. vi. 2t. There is fomething fown and planted 
in their hearts, that came from another world than 
this, and draws them to heaven as their home; and 
this world is but their paiTage and thoroup^h-fare un- 
to it. Are your hearts on heaven, and oil this world ? 
Conclude you are in Chrid's prayer and v;iil. 

Mark 4. Chrift prays for believers on him, ver. 20. 
Every one that can make out his faith in Chrift, may 
Jay claim to this prayer, (though he be but a weak 
believer), and to an inrerelt in it. 

5. LaJJlyy I {hail give one mark in general from 
the whole prayer. Can you fay Amen to all of it ? 
Can you fet your feal and A nen of falih and love to 
all that Chrifl prays for here? a hearty Amen to all 
Chrifl: prays for his own glory, and the happinefs of 
his body the church P Do you daily defire with the 
heart the fame things that Chrifl: here prayed for, 
efpecjally as to this ver. 24. ? When you hear Chriii's 
defire of having his people with him where he is, 
doth your heart echo to it, " I would, O that 1 were 
*' with thee where thou art !" if it be fo, you have 
part and ponion in this good matter. If Chrift's will 
and thy will jump together for the fame blefling, then 
srt thou in Chrifi's prayer and will ; and there will 
be 2 performance of the Lord, when he fliall get all 
bis will on thee, and thou all thy defires from him. 

Exhort^ 4. Believe on this blelTed wilier of filvati- 
on, and on ihis will. You are not calKd at firlf to 
believe your inif.rcfl iu Chrifl, and in his will ro fave 
you in particular : but you are, on the peril of your 
fouls, to triift this Saviour with your falvation ; and 
the rather, becaufe of his declared ability and good- 
will to fave. Saving faith in Chrifl, is not a bare 
affent unto any propofition of truth concerning Chrift 
the Saviour ; for that is but an a^^ of the miind, and 
it is in devils and in many ungodly men : but it is an zCt 


Serm.VII. the Lord*s Prayer. ill 

of the heart on the perfon of the Saviour, Men helkv^ 
with the heart unto rtghteoufnefs^ Horn. x. 9, \o. it is 
a truft on this divine perfon, as revealed to us by his 
names in the gofpel. So faith is called fo oft helie- 
ving on his namey John i. 12. i John iii. 23. There 
is one name of Chrift in Ifa. Ixiii i, I that f peak in 
right eoufnejs, mighty tofave ; where we have a taking 
defcription of the obje(51: of faiih. All he fpeaks is 
true ; and you may truft him, and take his word. 
And he can do all, any thing, every thing, in and 
about falvation, that a fmner can need to be done. 
He is mighty tofave. Never did a fianer perifli thro* 
Chrift's want of might to fave. Remember thefe two 
names of Chrift in all your employing of him about 
your falvation. The truth of his faviag word, and the 
might of his faving arm, ought never to be out of 
the eye of faith. How ftrong would faith grow in us 
if our faith did duly fix on both P 

There is one fcriprure I would open a little to you 

to this purpofe. It is a place well known, (O that it 

were as well ufed!), in i Tim. i. 15, This is a faith' 

ful faying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jefus 

Chrift came into the world to fave finners, of zvhom I am 

chief . A text that ought to be in the memory and 

heart of every Chriftian. There are three things ia 

it that I would glance at, to fnow you what I drive 

at in prelTing you 10 believe on this greac wilier of e- 

ternal life co his people. Here you have three things. 

I. The fum of the gofpel : Chrijl came itito the world 

to fave finners. 2. Here is the commend^non of the 

gofpel : It is a faithful fay ivg^ and worthy cf all ac* 

ceptation, 3. Here is the believer's application of the 

gofpel : Of whom I am chief 

I . We have a fum of the gofpel : ChrlJ} Jefus 
came into the world to fave firmer s. In this fhort fum 
we have three things, i. His name who is the Savi- 
our, Jefus Chrifi^ the Son of God, It looks rather 
like the devil's gofpel, than God's gofpel^ that hath 
not Chrift's name in it. 2. What this Saviour did t 

ir2 Sermcns concerning Serm. Vlf. 

He raTije into the world. Never did man come into the 
^koT\C\ bii: Jcfus Chrifb. The fiin: man and woman 
Vvcre made i:i the world by their great Miker; and 
a'J their pofterity are born in the worlds as Chrifl calls 
ii^ John xvi. 21. Only Chriit came into the world* 
^-:.nd this word comprehends, not only his incarnation, 
but ail the work he did in the world, and all ihe en- 
tertaiomcnt he met with from God and man, angels 
and dcvilj, when he was in the world. 3. His er- 
rand and bufmefs he came into the world for and u- 
poll : To fave finners, A flrange errand, and a hard 
Work I if there had been no fmners in the world, 
Chrifl had had nothing to do in the world. They 
therefore that deny themfelves to be Tinners, they do 
what ihcy can to turn Chrill: out of his ciHce of a Sa- 
viour. He came D(^t to condemn the world, for that 
was pad already, John iii. 17, 18.; neither did he 
co7ne to judge the worlds John xii, 47. ; but to fave 
the world. For at his fecond coming he will judge the 
ivorldy A(51s xvih 31. There was never a finlefs man 
in the w^orld, but the firft and fecond Adam. The 
firft-vvas fuch for a litde time, and by his fall made all 
the world finners. The fecond man^ the Lord from hea- 
'vcn^ (as I Cor. xv. 47.), was always Iblefs ; and by 
the facrifce of himfelf^ put away fin ^ Heb. ix. 26. and 
faved fmncrf. How frequently did he alTerr, and 
prove it by word and deed, that this was his errand 
into, and his bufmefs in the world ? How frequently 
did his enemies, the fcribes and Pharifees, (lumble at 
hisperfon, doflrine, and kindnefs to finners; and that 
becaufe they neither knew him, nor his errand into 
the world ? If he was gracious to fiiiners, they call 
him iH friend of puUicans and finners, Matth. xi. 19. ; 
if" he torgave a fmner, as Maiih. ix. 2. they fay, he 
blaffhemeth. When the great fmner approacheth him 
vith faith and love, Luke vii. 39. even his hoft, that 
was no open enemy, (fince he invited Chrifl to his 
houfe and table), yet he J pake within hinfelf fuyingy 
^bis many if he were a prophety woiild know ivhoy and 


Serm VII. the Lord's Prayer. 115 

what manner of woman this is that ioucheth him : for 
fie ts a firmer. And belike he ihoughr/if Chiiil had 
known it, he would cot hsve fullered her to do fo. 
Poor maQ ! he doubted ChrilVs being a Prophet ; but 
he had no thought of Chrid's being God's great High 
Prieft. Brethren, Chrift is not changed from what 
he was when he was in this world, now he is in hea- 
ven. He hath the fame kind heart to fmners, and the 
fauie bufme s with them, to fuve them. And the 
v;orld is not changed from what it v/as when he was 
in it. Chiift's aas of grace to fmners, from the Fa- 
ther's right hand, are as much mahgned by fuch as 
are ignorant of him, and enemies to him, this day, 
as what of this fort he did on earth, (when he wa^ m 
their ftreets, fields, and houfes), was mai'gned and re- 
proached by the fcribes and Pharifees. Men change 
in every age ; but the feed of the ferpenr, the chil- 
dren of the devil, and the fpirit of unbelief, never 
changes. And all that hath been, is, or (liali be, la 
the world, of this enmity to Chrift's grace to fmners, 
flows from mens grofs ignorance of Chriil's main bu- 
finefs in the world. 

Now, this was Chriil's errand into the world, to 
fave finners. Bat how doth he fave them ? Some 
fay, by ihewing them the way of falvation, and by his 
dodrine, and by his example. The devil faid this of 
Paul and Silas, iVfts xvi. 1 7. '^hefe men are thsfervants 
of the moji high God, which fljew unto us the way of 
falvation. But who can think, that God fent his own 
Son, and that the Son came into the world, to do no 
more, than a prophet, an apofile, or an ordinary 
gofpei-minifler, do:h, or can do ? Some will tell you, 
that Chrift faves anners,by teaching and helping thera 
to fave themfelves. What a grofs perverting of the 
gofpel is this I How plain is it, that Chrift came not 
to help us to fave ourfeives, but to fave us by him- 
felf P He alone did all the work^ and he alone was 
able to do it. And the glory of laving is fo rich a 
jewel in Chrift's crown, that no man, without pride 
'^ and 

114 Sermons concerning Serm. VIL 

and blafphemy, can cder to wear it. To be the Sa- 
"vionr of finners, is Chrifl's property ; and no creature 
in heaven or earth, can (hare m it. The holy angels 
are humble adorers of this name, and all the redeenfied 
of the Lord arc the happy partakers of the virtue of 
this name of ChriiT, llev. v. 9,--- 14. The Papifts 
will tell you, that Chrift faveth finners indeed by his 
death ; but that all the application of the virtue of 
his death he hath left with the church ; that he left 
Peter to be the head of the church ; and that Peter 
left his power with his fuccelTors, the bifhops of Rome. 
And, by ihofe delullons, Antichrifl: hath ufurped 
Chrift's throne of falvation, and hath deceived the 
world, and damned it ; and, inftead of faving finners, 
hath been dejlroying the faints of the mofl high Gcd. 
Nothitjg but the wrath of God on defpifers of Chrid 
and bis gofpel, would have brought in, and kept up 
fo loEg this abomination of defolation, 2 Theff. ii. 10, 
12, 12. Rev. xiii. 8. and xvii. 8. But what faith 
Chrill, and the apoflles, about Chrift's faving finners ? 
How plain is it, that he, and he alone, and by him- 
felf, doth all ? 

2, We have the commendation of this gofpel : This 
is a faithful faying^ and worthy of all acceptation. 
I, The gofpel is d, faying, a report^ Ifa. liii. i. Rom. 
X. 16. But it is a tejlijuony oj God, 1 Cor. ii. i.; a 
record of God, i John v. ! o, i f . Faith comes by hear^ 
ingoi it, Rom. x. 17. t and is built on this divine fay- 
ing. 2. It is -^faithful faying ; becaufe it is the rC' 
cord that God giveth of his Sen, i John v. 10. ; and it 
is given by him that cannot lye, Heb. vi. 18. Tit. i. 2. 
3. This faithful faying is worthy of all acceptation. And 
this extends to all perfons j all aad every finner ihould 
accept it : and alfo to the acceptation itfelf ; it is wor- 
thy of all manner of acceptation ; of all fort?, de- 
grees, and meafures of acceptation. No man is ex- 
cepted, and no fort of acceptation is excluded. No 
man can exceed in his accepting of this faying. So 
that the apoftle commends the gofpel by two things, 


Serm. VIT. the LorcTs Frayer. 11$ 

that commend any faying of God or man. i. It I5 
true ; and any roan may trud ir. 2. It is good ; and 
every man fhould accept it, 

3. We have the application of the gofpel : Ofwhrn 
lam chief. You and I make no doubt but that Paul 
was, when he wrote this, one of the greateft belie- 
rers in Chrifl that ever was ; and that from that faiih 
he was one of the holieft men on earth ; and that 
from both he was one of the humbleH: faints; (as 
flrong faith, and true holinefs, never fails of produc- 
ing this efFe£^) : and therefore he faith, Of whom I 
am chief. He had faid juft before in verfe 14. Ths 
grace of our Lord Jefus Chrifl was exceeding abundant^ 
with faith and love, which is in'Chrip J^fiis, Yet 
for all this grace he counts himfelf the chief of fin- 
,ners. Why doth he fay fo ? Surely, becaufe he 
thought fo. But why did he think fo? I may fay, 
Paul would never forget his own name, chief Jlnner, 
though he was not a condemned, but a pardoned Tin- 
ner. But wherein lieth the force of this way of his 
applying the gofpel to himfelf thus I The faying is 
general, Chrift came into the world to fave jinfiers. 
How could be fay, Of whom I am chief f Did Chriit 
come into the world to fave. al! finners ? No : Joha 
ix. 39. And Jefus faid^ For judgment (or difcriininci" 
tiori) I am come into this world : that they which fee 
noty might fee ; and that they which fee, (that think 
they fee)j might be made blind. Like what Simeom 
faid of Chrifl^ in Luke ii. 3^. Behold, this child is ft 
for the fail and rifing again of many in Ifrael ; and 
I Peter ii. 7, 8. Are all finners alike P No. Weil 
• did Paul know it, who judged himfelf to be the great- 
eft of finners. But Paul applies it to himfelf warranr- 
ably thus, as any other (inner may. " Becaufe Chriii's 
*^ bufmefs in the world is to fave finners, ttiough I be 
*' the chief of finners, I am but a finner ; and greater 
*< or fmaller finners are all one to Chrift ; his errand 
" is for both forts, and his faving fkill is for both 
« forts. Ail diieafcs are alike to Cbrifl's art. All. 
VcL,IL % «cf 

Ii6 Sermons concerning Serm. VII, 

** of them are defperate, and incurable to any, but 
" Chrilt ; and all alike curable by him." Would 
you know, then, by the example of this great fmner, 
by the praflice of this great believer, and by the teach- 
ing of this great apoiile Paul, (whofe heart and pea 
was guided by the Holy (Thoft), what faith in Jefus 
Chrilt is, and in what manner you fliould act it ? Then 
do four things. 

I. 'lake God's holy and righteous law, and read ir, 
and think on it with tairh and fear, and fign it. Study 
it in a clear light ; and bring it "r^ your confcience, 
and your confcience unto ir. When God's law, with 
is fpiritual light and power, and your confcience meet 
together, it will fare with you as it .did with Paul, 
Km. vii. 8, 9. Without the law Jin was dead. For I 
was alive without the law once^ (and then he was dead 
in fin) : but when the commandment came^ fin revived, 
and 1 died. How could Paul be without the law, who 
was fo zealous a Pharifee ? 1 may fay, he was indeed 
bufy with the law, but the law was not bufy with 
him. Ht fought righteoufnefs and life by the law; 
and little dreamed, that fin and death would come u- 
pou him, when the law came to him. Now, when 
you and the law meet thus, feal to the law and fub- 
fcribe your name, •*''l am the chief tranfgreflor ol" this 
*• law;'' as Paul doth i^ Horn. vii. 12, 14 Wherefore 
the law is holy^ and the commandment holy, and jufi^ 
and good. For we know that the law is jpnitual : but 
I am carnal^ fold under fin. The tniiy convinced [in- 
ner thinks we!l oF God^s law, whil« he thinks word 
of hi'nfelf. Vic fpeiketh not evil of the law, norjudg- 
eth the law^ James i» 1 1. when he judgeth and con- 
demns hiiv.felf. One of thefe is in the hean of every 
finner ; He either condemns God's law for i(g llricl- 
nefs, (as the wicked fervant did his lord and maier, 
Matth. XXV. 24.); or he condemns himfelf for his (ia- 
ful breaking of it. And if a finner's convi^lion be not 
found and thorough, then the poor finner's heart is 
divided ; and his fraa^e is made up of relleding, partly 


Serm. VII, the LorcTs Prayer, 1 17 

on the ftriftnefs and righteoufnefs of God's law, and 
partly on ibme of his own breaches of it. But fuch a 
man is far from fealing the law with Paul's oanic, 
the chief ofjinners, Way, he can name and call iTKUiy 
others, greater (inners than himfelf, as the Pharifee 
did, Luke xviii. 11. : not like the publican, *t^r r^» 
who, in his plea for mercy, calls himfelf, me the Jin- 
Tier, (fo it (hould be read) ; ** me the great, the fui«' 
•' gular (inner j" the fame word, another Pharifee 
called the forgiven believer by, Luke vii. 39. If there . 
be therefore any allowed grudge againfl God's law, 
and a readineis to judge other finners greater finners 
than yourfelves, you are not like to write after Paul's 

t. Next, turn to the other (i^t of the Bible, the 
gofpcl ; and fign the. fame name, chief of finners^ to 
it alfo : Chrift came into the world to fave finners. The 
greater the ficaer be, the greater is his need of a Sa- 
viour; and the faving of the chief of fmners, brings 
the chief honour and glory to the Saviour. Therefore 
doth Paul both feal to the truth of the gofpel-faying, 
and to its being worthy of all acceptation : he believes 
it, and welcomes it, as chief of finners. And fo mud 
you, if you believe to the faving of the foul. Tho' 
there be greater and fmaller fius and finners ; yet no 
man ever did, or can believe, as a little fmner. Leafl^ 
and lefs than the leafl of all faints^ we find in a great 
faint's mouth, Eph. iii. 8. But never did any true 
faint either think or call himfelf a little finner. For 
as no man that feeth fin truly, can call any fin fmall or 
little; fo DO man that feeth himfelf to be a iinner 
really, can count himfelf a fmall or little fmner. Nor 
can it ever be, till there be a little law to break, a 
little God to offend, a little guilt to contra(5l, and a 
little wrath to incur. All which are impoiTible to be, 
blafphemy to wifti, and madnefs to exped:. 

3, Would ye put forth and a£^ faith on Jefus Chrift? 
Come to Jefus Chrlft on the fame errand he came Into 
the world fore He came into the wcrld to fave fm- 

2 Qers ; 

ii8 Sermons concerning Serm. VII. 

re.rs; come to Chrifl to be faved by h-ira. This is 
believing. Chrifl: came into the world, to get glory 
to his grace in faving Tinners ; and the believer conties 
to Chrift, to give Chrill" employment in his calling of 
I'aviag, and to get the benefit of his calling. A fin- 
rer's giving of Chrill employment in his office of fac- 
ing is proper believing. The phyfician came for the 
iiclc, to heal them ; and the fick feek to the phyfician, 
that he may heal them, Match, ix. 12, 13. The great 
and good Shepherd of the Jheep (as he is called, John 
X. II. and Heb. xiii. 20.) came to feek andtofave that 
•which zvas lof}^ Luke xix, 10. When he hath found 
ihem, and caught them in the arms of his love, and 
iayeih them oa the Ihculders of his care and (Irength, 
as in Luke xv. 4, 5. ; then they by faith, bleat, as it 
"^'ere, aft'^r his care and prote(rtion, till he bring thern 
fafe into the bleffed fold m heaven, John x. 16. You 
may hear the bleffed bleating of one of Chrift's flock, 
Pfalm cxix. 176. / have gone a fir ay like a lofl fheep^ 
(iS all his flock have done, Ifa. liii. 6.), fetk thy fer- 
vant. And furely, when the fliepherd feeks the flray 
fheep, end the ftray flieep feeks ihe fhepherd, they 
will quickly meet. If. Chrill come into the world to 
fcivs iinners, and if flnners come to him, to be faved 
by him, he will fave them, and they fhall be faved by 

4. haflly^ When you have given employment to 
Chrift in his ofiice of faving, leave it to him, and truft 
it wiih him. Are we commanded to cafl our bur- 
den upon the Lord^ Pfalm Iv. 22. ? to cafl all our care 
vpon him^ i Fcter v. 7. ? May we not, mufl we not 
capL our main care upon him ? And is not the keepin-r 
of cur fouh our main care, 1 Peter iv. 19.? If we ca(t 
this care on Chrifl, mull not we truft him quietly with 
it? It is a great, but common fault with many Chrifli- 
ans ; ihey fay ihey cafl their care upon him, when yet, 
through unbelief, the)', keep the burden flill on them- 
fclves. Kcmerubcr, that on thy caftiog thy burden 


Serm. VII. the Lorffs Prayer. iif 

on the Lord by faith, if he take it not quite oiFthce, 
he will either take oiFthe weight of thy burden, or he 
will make it as wings to thee in thy journey to heaven. 
How many can fcal to this in their experience ? Had 
tliou with thy heart committed thy greated care of 
thy falvation to Jefus Chrilt ? Then fay in* thy heart, 
" My main care is over; I have pat it in a good, 
" ftrong, and fure hand." See how Naomi faith to 
Ruth, chap. iji. i8. Sit down my d^iughtery until thou 
knew how the matter will fall : for the man will not 
be inrefl^ until he hath finijhed the thing this day. 
So fay I, Sit down quietly, and with confidence : 
leave the care of thy falvation on Chrift, for that is 
his province ; and fet about the work of thy falvati- 
on, for that is thine, wherein alfo he will help thee, 
Phil. ii. 12, 13. When you are once come to Chrid, 
all your remaining duty is to abide in him, and bring 
forth fruit, John xv. 4, 5. But it is indeed a large 

But, alas ! for as plain as the call of faith is in the 
gofpel, there are two thoughts in mens hearts that 
defeat all, and fend thoufands of gofpel-hearers unto 
hell. I. Some do not, will not believe, that they 
are fmners. Who think fo ? may ye fay. I anfwer. 
All the fecure world do think fo. They may fay, 
that they are fmners, as all are ; and it may be fome 
profane lips may fwear it, as in that idle affeveration, 
Js I am afmner. Bur do they know what it is to be 
a fmner ; what dreadful vilenefs is in a fianer ; what 
a lothfome creature every fmner is in God's fiHu ; and 
what wrath hani^s over their heads, which will furely 
fall on them, unlefs mercy prevent it ? Do men be- 
lieve this as to themfelves in particular ? No, furely ; 
as is undeniable by their backwardnefs to fearch their 
hearts and ways, their enmity againft the fearching 
light of God's word, and by their rebelling againft a- 
ny glances of light that force in themfelves upon their 
conscience. They believe cot that they are loft, un- 

1 2 o Sermons concerning S e R M. VIT; 

done Tinners : and they cannot endure to be perfuaded 
of io plain and damnable a condition. They will not 
own rhemfelves to be fick, though a fovereigQ phyli- 
cian is at hand. 

2 Even thefe, when awakened, or others to whom 
their being Tinners is difcovered with divine light and 
power, cannot be perfuaded, that Chrifl hath any 
buTinefs with them, or that they fhould make applica- 
tion to him. Mod of awakened (inners fay and think, 
much as the devils did, Mark v. 7. What have I to 
do with thee^ Jefus^ thou Son of the mojl high God? 
I adjure thee by God^ that thsu torment me not, I may 
fay, that the devil hath better caufe and leTs Tin in 
faying fo, than an awakened Tinner : for Jefus Chrifl 
came into the world to Tdve Tinners ; but he came al- 
fo to deflroy the works of the devily 1 John iii. 8. To 
awaken a feciire Tinner's confcience, and to Tpeak 
peace to an awakened conTcience, are proper and 
mighty works o' God. 

1 would copciude at this time, with a few exhorta- 
tions 10 forae dunes of believers, from this doflrine 
of Chrift's willing of eternal life to all his people. 

I. Mourn moderately for the death and departure 
of believers out of this world. They are well where 
they are, and far better than they were when here, 
Phil. i. 23. ; and we (hall quickly meet again, in a 
far belter world than this. This lad is the apoftle's 
argument to the fame duty, i ThefT. iv. 13, 14. Yea, 
this Chrifl: himfclf ufeth in comforting his difciples, in 
their forrow for his own death, John xiv. 2.3. And 
furely Chrift's death v/as a more trying providence to 
his difciples, than ever any, or many, or all Chriili- 
ans death, can be to us. If the glorified fpirits of 
faints above did hear and know the mournings of their 
friends whom they have left behind ; would they not 
fay, as Chrift going to die faid, Weep not for uSy but 
for yourfehes, and for your children f Luke xxiii. 28. 
(Chrift had ilill a kind heart to children, and expref- 


Serm. VII. the LorcTs Frayer. 121 

fed it when going to the crofs). They would fay, 
*' Fools, do ye mourn for us, who are got beyond 
*« mourning P You will never be well, till you be with 
" us. You are but mourning over the rotten rags of 
** mortality, that we have call off. You are but mourn- 
*^ ing over our tent, while we are in the King's palace. 
*' We could not be in both at once. Judge which is 
" bcft. You are mourning over our grave when it 
** is empty, as they did over the empty grave and 
** grave- cloaths of our Lord, when he was rifen, and 
*' alive for evermore," John xx. 5, 6, 7. and Match, 

2. Pray moderately and modeftly for the lives of 
believers. We (hould pray for their lives; we ihould 
thankfully own the Lord's mercy to them and us, 
when he anfvvers our prayers, as Phil. ii. 27.: but 
yet we muft pray with deep fubmiffion. It may be 
that Chrift in heaven is defiring at that time to have 
them v/ith him where he is, when we on earth are 
praying, that they may be kept with us where we are* 

3. Learn to look Cbriftian-like on your own death. 
Learn both to kifs death as a friend, and to defy it 
as an enemy, i Cor. xv, ^^, 56, 57. ; and to triumph 
over it, as conquered and deftroyed by Chrift, Heb. 
ii. 14. and aboiiftied by Chrift, 2 Tim. i, 10. You 
all know you muft die. It is a more common than 
godly word with many. As fixre as deaths I would 
not have men talk much, when they think little, of 
death. - Nor ought any think of dying, and going 
hence, without thinking whither they are going. But 
for believers, you know that death is that dark trance 
that you muft pafs ^rough, in order to the fulfilling 
this prayer of Chrift. You muft ceafe to be where 
you are, before you can be with him where he is. 
This w^orld, and your condition in it, muft be mean 
and k)W in your eyes ; and Chrift's world, and that 
condition in which you ftiall be, when in it, muft be 
high to your faith, ere you can look on goiig hence, 
without amazement. Therefore climb by iaith, as 


121 Sermons concerning Serm. VII, 

to the top of Pifgah, and take a large view of this 
good land of glory ; as the type of it, Canaan, was, 
at God's command, beheld by Abraham, Gen. xiii. 

14, 17. though he was but a pilgrim in it, and 

did not poiTefs it, bat in his feed ; and as it was be- 
held by Mofes, Dent. iii. 27. xxxii. 52. and xxxiv, 
I, — 4.; though the fight of it was all, and pofTeflica 
was denied him. But it is not fo wiih us, as to the 
true Canaan. All that behold it. by faith, ihall pof- 
fefs it ; and this makes the beholding of it to be the 
more fweet to us. 

I have commended this fcripture to. you, in i Tim. 
i. 15. fpecially to help and dire£l you in the work of 
faith. That which we (hould daily a«5t, and that 
which we live by ; that we (hould daily hear of, aud 
that without wearying. As Chrilt ha«h no other bu- 
fmefs in the world, but to fave finners ; fo finnerj 
{hould have no other bufioefs with Chrift, but to be- 
lieve on him. Remember and believe this truth, 
There is no thing a man can do with Chrifl, there is no- 
thing a man can do for Chrift, that can either pleafc 
Chrift, or profit the man, except he firft truft Chrift 
for falvatioQ. The faith and truft of the heart on 
him for falvacion, is the main fervice, and the fiift, 
he craveth. If a man (hall pretend to worfhip, to o- 
bey and ferve, yea to love Chrift, and fuffer for him; 
yet if he do not truft Chrift by faith, all is a provo- 
cation to Chrift, and all is unprofitable to the man* 
Believe this, you can do nothing that will pleafe him, 
or fave you, but truft in him. And if this faith were 
more diligently a<fted, all the blelTed fruit of peace 
within, and fan£tlfication, and holy walkiog, and pa- 
tience in tribulation, wouj^ exceedingly abound ia 
you, 2 Their, i. $, 4. 


S^iRM. VIII. the Lord^s Prayer^ 125 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they alfo whom thou hafl given mcy 
be With me where I am ; that they may beheld 711 y 
glory which thou hafl given me : for thou lovedjl nn 
before the foundation cf the world • 

I Have fpoke ro the firfl: two things in the matter 
of Chrift's prayer in this verfe* i. His naming 
of the perfons he prayed for : Thofe which thou haft 
given 7ne. 2. His name of the biefTing he prays for 
to ihem : That they may alfo be with me where 1 anu 
Chrift would not be in heaven alone ; he cannot be 
v/ithout his ranfomed ones. He had fent many to 
heaven by his grace, before he came into the world, 
A£is xy. II. He hath been fliii drawing muhitudes 
cf them, fmce he went back to heaven, John xii. 32, 
-And he will fbortly return again from heaven, to ga- 
ther them all and every one, in foul and body, a-nd 
carry them all home to his Father's houfe, John .hiv, 

It follows to fpeak of the third thing in the matter 
of this prayer. And that is, The end for which Cbrifl 
de fires this b I effing for thofe perfons. It is, That they 
may behold ray glory zvhich thou hafl given me. Deep 
words! and deeper matter ! Wrat is rendered., viy 
ghry^ is in the original, the glory that is 7nine, wiih 
a Ipecial emphafis. This being the main and d^epef^ 
thing in ihefe words, I muft icfift the more upon it. 
There are three eiiprelTions in this prayer of 
Chrid/s glory, i. In ven 5. The glory I had wiih 
thtfe before the xvotld was. This ijc prayeth for. This 
glory chat the Soa had from eieniity wiih ibe Fa- 
Vox. /IL , ii thers 

124 Sermons concerning Serm. VIII. 

ther, was that glory which he Jiad as the eternal, na- 
tural, and elTeniial Son of God, which far paiTeth 
created underftanding But now this Son of God 
had taken on man's nature, and in that nature had 
done his work of redemption, and fulfilled his Fa- 
ther's will and commifTion to him : (for our Lord 
fpeaks as if he had done all, when it was fo near 
fini(hing) : now, I fjy, when he is going again out 
of the world to his Father, as John xvi. 28. he prays, 
that he, as man, and fuccefsful Mediator, may be ad- 
mitted to, and poiTtiTed of that glory, which he, as 
the Son of God, from eternivV poffeiTed with the Fa- 
ther ; and which was not interrupted, but vailed on- 
ly, in and by his humbled (late on earth. But this 
is too deep for us; but well underftood by him that 
prayed for ir, and who hath been long polTelTed of it. 

2. In ver, 22. We have another exprellion of 
Chrift's glory : And the glory which thou gavefl me, 

1 have given them. This is another glory than the 
former. This was given to him by the Father, and 
given to his people by the Son. It was given to him, 
that it might be given to others by him ; as his re- 
ceiving gifts for 7neny Pfal. Ixviii. 18. is called \\\s giv- 
ing gifts to men, Eph. iv. 8. He received, that he 
might give. And great is Chrift's glory, both in the 
fulnefs he received, and in his giving, and our re- 
ceiving out of his fulnefs. AWfulne/s dwelleth in hiniy 
CoJ. i. 19.; and all the receivings of his people are 
out of that fulnefs y John i. 16. 

3. In our text we have the third cxprefTion of 
Chrifl'ii glory. And it is fpoke of in three' words. 
1. It is my glory ; '* mine fpecially and properly.** 

2 \t h ?ny glory which thou hail given me, 3. It is 
A glory to be beheld by his "people. And this is what 
1 would fpeak unto. 

This prayer of ChriH, that his people may behold 
his glo^y, doth refpc6t ijiree things j which I would 
firil dilpatch. 

z. It 

Serm. VIIL the Lord's Prayer. 125 

1. It refpefrs Chrid's glory ia itfelf. It wants (if 
I might fay fo) 10 be difplayed and feen. This Suk 
cf Righteoufnejs (as he is called Mai. iv. 2.) wants a 
dark world to (hine upon, and would have eyes to 
look to his glorious light. He calls men to behold 
him: Ifa. lx?i. I, 2. I J aid ^ Behold nie^ behold me^ 
unto a nation that was not called by my name. He at 
lad will be glorified in his faints^ and admired in all 
them that believe ; and be cometh in his glory for 
that end, 2 Theff. i. 10. And all he doth in and for 
his people, is, ver. 12. That the name of our Lord 
Jefus Chrijl may be glorified in you^ and ye in him^ ac* 
cording to the grace of our Gcd^ and the Lord Jefus 
Chrifl, Wnai a vali difference is there betwixt the 
glory that Chrift gives us, and the glory he gets from 
us! We have nothing to give ; or if we had, and 
gave, we can add nothing 10 his, glory; but he not 
only gives to us, and adds to us, but he \% all in all 
to us, Col. iii. II. Yet fo gracious is he, that if 
you put a perifhing foul inro his hand to fave, if you 
bring your vile fores to him to be healed, therein he 
will be glorified. Chrilt is honoured in his calling 

2. This word refpeils his people and their happi- 
nefs, ISlot only is Chriil glorified in his people's be- 
holding of his glory, but m this beholding of it they 
are made happy. There was never a believer that 
ever had fo large a faith, or a heart fo enlarged and 
inflamed with love, as to be able fully to take up whac 
warm love, and what a high and great deiign was in 
our Lord's heart in putuog up this petition for them. 
Believers on Jefus Chrift, make no doubt but that he 
means v/ell tor you. Great things are deiigned by 
him for you, and more than you can imagine, in this 
prayer for you, that you may behold his glory when you 
are with him where he is, 

3. This word refoei^s the eternal work and em- 
ployment of bis people, w^hen they are with hiai 
where he is. If any aJk, "What fiiall they do .'* hov9' 

K 2 fliall 

i'i6 Sermons concerning S e r m . V III . 

fhail they be employed through the ages of eternity ? 
Chriil anfv/ers it here, Ihey Jhall behold my glory ; 
v.'ork that ihey (hall never come to an end of ; work 
they fh'ill never weary in ; and work that rhey (iiall 
have as little mind to weary of, as they (hall have 
caufe cr reafon to be weary in : for every view of 
hi^s glory will dart ia fredi blifs unto the beholders 
cf it. 

There are two things to be difcourfed on from this 
part of the text, i. What is the glory of Chrift giv- 
en to him to be beheld in heaven ? 2. What is the 
beholding of this glory by his people in heaven I 

I fnall not enter on any of them this day ; but 
^7ou!d prepare your hearts to think of them. Thefe 
two queftions, What ChnjVs glory is? and, What the 
vebolding of it in heaven is f are neither of them to 
be fully anfwered in this life. Ciirid's glory would 
be but a fmcill glory, if either the heart of man could 
conceive it fully, or the tongue of man could exprefs 
it till. If the glory that Chrift hath prepared for his 
people be fuch as i Cor. ii. 9. how much more mud 
Chrifl's own glory be ? There was a man as able to 
tell as cvet any was ; and that was Paul. lie had 
been long exerciled in the ftudy of Chrid", and in 
preaching of him : yet he, when an old man, and in 
bonds for Chriil, Epb. vi. 20. fpeaks thus, Eph. iii. 
8. Unto me, zvho a?n le/f than the leajl of all faints^ 
is this grace given^ that I fhould preach among the 
Gentiles the unfearchable riches cf Chnft, And lurely 
the riches of Chrift are both thofe riches of grace and 
glory that he is poffeiTed of, and the riches that he 
cnricheth his people with here and in heaven. Is not 
this a ftrange text ? and is it not a ftrange preaching 
that is made on an unfearcbable theme .'' Yet for all 
he knew, and for ail he taught, Chrilt's riches were 
flill unfearcbable even to Paul ; though it is ju/t to 
think, that he did dive deeper in them than any man 
ftncc. Chrid's riches, in Paul's eyes, were like a 
valt heap of gold, that no mau could count ; or like 


Serm. VIII. the Lord*! Vrayer. 127 

the vafl ocean, whofe drops none can meafure o" 
tell: and Paul did preach them me better thai he 
faw them to be onfearchable. But if this man (hould 
be caoght up to heaven, and come again 10 the 
earth, would be not be able to tell ftrange things 
then P So it was with Paul, 2 Corinth, xii. 1,-7. 
But what faith he of it? verfe 4, He heard unf peak- 
able words y which it is ?2ct /awful for a man to utter. 
Any Chriiiian may fafely think, that though there 
be a vail call on thefe 'uiftons and reveiations of ths 
Lord to Paul, as he calls them, verfe i. yet the raain 
thing revealed, was the glory of Chrift. But it was 
revealed in fuch a light, as was not fit to Ihinc en 
earth ; and therefore the apoQle faith no more of ic, 
but only teils us what he felt after it; both his great 
danger, and his (harp cure, ver. 7, 8, 9. 

Bat though Chriii's glory in heaven, and the be- 
holding of it, be things within the vail, and cannot 
be fully known by us till we be there j yet we muft 
not lay afide ail thoughts and inqairies about them 
while we are here. There are means and ways that 
God hath appointed, that W'e (hculd ufe for knowing 
them. By his bleffing fome knowledge of them is 
got : and this knowledge is neceiTary to all, and of 
great advantage to them that attain it. 

I would therefore give you a few things more re- 
motely about this great fubject. 

I. There is a difcovery made to us in the word of 
the glory of Chrift. And there only are we 10 Itudy 
it. It is the glory of the vvritten word of God, that 
the glory of Chrift is revealed in it, and to us only in 
and by it. We mufl: not fludy to know Chrift, we 
mud not fearch into his giory, but in that light. There 
are three ways that fome ufe, that are vain and un- 
profitable. I, One is, by the v/orks of God's crea- 
tion and providence, Pfalm xix. 1,-7. Thefe do diA 
cover plainly the being of God, and his eternal power 
and godhead^ Rom. i. 20. and declare his wifdom and 
goodnels. But nothing of Chilli's glory is, or can ba 


128 Sermons concerning Serm. VIII^ 

learned in and by the old creation. Such as talk of 
a gofpel preached to the heathen by fun, moon, and 
flars, give them an office their Creator never made 
them for, or pat them in. And iF they that teach 
fuch do<ftrme, pretend to be Chriftians, furely ihey 
muft have both a lovir and a falle fcherae of the glo- 
rious go/pel of the bujjed God, as it is called, i Tim. 
i. II. 2. Another vi^ay is, by mens wifdom. That 
noble power in man is quite dark, and dull, and blind, 
about Chrill: and bis glory. It can do fomewhat in 
its own fpLere and orb ; it can fearch into the earth 
and mount up to heaven, and can contempJate God's 
glorious works. But it can never find out Jelus Chrifl: 
nor iee h's glory: i Cor. i. 20, 21. Hath not God 
made fooltfh the zvifdoni of this world? for after that, 
in the n'fJom of God, the world by w'lfdom knew not 
Godj (that is, favmgly), it pleafed God by the foolifhnefs 
of preaching to fqve them that believe. The gofpel is 
the hidden wifdom of God in a my fiery, i Cor. ii. 7 ; 
and cl]e fubftance of it, Chrift, is the main and great- 
eft part of this my fiery, t Tim. iii. 16. Boih thefe 
are weak, vain means to know Chrift by. 3. There 
is another way, that is not only unprcfiiable, but wic- 
ked ; and that is the way of Idolatry. And the whole 
of Popery i^of this fort. They ufe many crafty de- 
vices to difcover Chrift's glory to the blind people. 
Ttiey have pi^lures of Chrift, as on the breafts, as 
on the crofs, as in glory in heaven. But inftead of 
making Chrift^'s glory known to men, they, by thefe 
curfed devices, darken his glory, difgrace the Lord 
Chrift, cruet fy him afrefJj^ and put him to an open 

The word of God then is the only light in which 
Chiift's glory ihineih ; and in this only light muft we 
inquire in!o it. In other matters, there are many 
truths and things that are demonftrable by nature's 
light, as well as they are affened iu the word of God, 
But about Chrift and his glory, nature's I'ght, God's 
works oi creation, and man's natural wifdom, can give 


Serm. VIII. the Lord^s Prayer. 129 

no help ; and therefore we fhould not call in their 
aiTiilance. Ic is only God'-; word that can help in this 
great inquiry, and it we fliould ufe. 

2. The only eye wherewith Chrift and his glory 
can be feen, is the eye of faith. The only meotal 
eye by which the fpiritual glory of Chrifl: can only be 
feen, is faith. Fait/j is fometinies oppofed xo ftght^ 
zs fight is taken for full f'njoymenr, 2 Cor. v. 7.; and 
faith is fometimes exprefT^d hy fight ^ 2i% faith is a real 
apprehending of its objcd; as Heb. xi. i, i^, 27, 
2 Cor. iii. 18. and iv. 18. and in innumerable places, 
both in the old and new teftament. And this eye is 
limply needful, even where the light of God's word 
iiiineth mod. The Jews had the old teftament ; and 
yet knew not Chrifl, and faw no glory in him, as was 
foretold of them, Ifa. liii. 2, 3. They faw him, and 
yet believed not, but hated him. So it is with all 
men to whom the gofpel cometh, until faith be given. 
No eye but that of faith, can fee and take up Chrift 
and his glory ; for two caufes. i. Chrift and his 
glory is out of our fight now. And, 2. It is always 
beyond the reach of any power in us, but faith given 
by God. Chrift's glory did once pafs before mens 
eyes ; but none faw it but believers, John i. 14. and 
I John i. I, 2. Could any thing but faith take up 
Ch rift's glory ^ as of the only begotten of the Father^ 
full of grace and truth f. Could any but a believer fee 
him, and cali him eternal Itfe^ when he was made of 
no reputation ? At the laft day Chrift and his glory 
will make a great appearance,- when he comes in his 
glory, and fit T on the throne of his glory ^ Matt. xxv. 3 f . 
But at that day (though all the nations be gathered 
together) there will be no faith, neither on his right 
nor left hand. What a ftrange word is this? and 
what a ftrange day will that be ? All the favcd will 
have no faith, nor have wny n^ed of it, nor ufc of it. 
Sight and love puts an end to tneir faith. And all the 
damned fliall be no more unbelievers ; for fighc and 
fear of Chrift's glory will eternally remove their un- 
belief : 

1 2 <5 Sermons concerning S e R m . VIII- 

belief: Rev. i. 7. Behold, be cometh with clouds ; and 
every eye jh all fee him^ and they alfo that pierced him : 
and all kindreds of the earth jh all wail becaufe of him ; 
even foy Amen. Bat from Chrifl's going to heaven, 
till his return to juc^ge the world, fairh is the on-ly eye 
that can favingly take np Chrifl and his glory. 

3. This eye of faith is only of Chrift's giving. No 
man is born with it ; it grow? up in no man by na- 
ture; no means, nor roinifterj nor any creature, can 
give it. It is only Chrifl's gift j it is by his Spirit, 
Eph. i. 17, 18.; it is the fruit of his eyefalve^ Rev. 
iii. 18. All men are darknef-, till made tight in the 
Lord^ Eph. V. 8, There are two things aiwnys dov.Q 
by Chrift together, when he works faiih. i. He 
matjifefls and reveals himfelf, and, 2. Gives an eye to 
fee him and his glory. No man can fee Chrift by his 
own power, nor can he fee Chriit againfl Chrifl's 
will : If he hide hhrfelf who then can behold him ! Job 
xxxiv. 29. If the fun (bine, and the man have eyes, 
and them opened, he doth and mufl fee, and never 
until then. 

^j. This eye of faith that Chrifl giveth, is of great 
advantage and ufe to them that receive it ; as i John 
V. 20. And we know that the Son of God is come, (how 
do you know it P), and hath given us an underjianding 
that we may know him that he is true ; (that under- 
ilanding, and the knowing of Chrift, is faith) : and 
we are in him that is true, even in his don Jefus Chrift, 
This is the true God, and eternal Ifs. I would name 
fome advantages that attend the gift of faith, to the 
praife of the giver, and the profit of the receivers of 
this gift. 

jy?, The firft life comes in this way. VvThen Chrift 
Works faith in the heart, the new life is begun in t])c 
foul. The man that gets fairh, and is made a belie- 
ver, hath everlafiing life^ and fh all not come into ccn^ 
dejunation ; but is faffed from death unto life. J jhn v. 
24. : and this life is Iron) the hearing of the vsice of ti?e 


Serm. VIIT. the Lord's Fr a) er! I^I 

Son of God ; and they that hear^ /hall live, verfe 25, 
Chrid hath a voice to fend forth, that C3i5 make the 
born deaf hear, and the dead live. But how is it ia 
the a/tingof this faith wrought by Chi'ift ? We have 
a notable place for this in John iii. 14, 15. And as 
Mofes IJted w/> the ferpent in the wtldernefs, exsn fo 
mufl the Son of /nan be lifted up : that whofoever beht^ 
veth in him^ JJjould not perijh^ hut have eternal life» 
Our Lord is here teaching Nicodcmus, a weak but ho- 
nefl beginner ; and he teacheth him wifely, and teach- 
eih him great things. He teacheth the corruption of 
nature, the abfolute neceffiiy of regeneration ; that 
this regeneration is from the Holy Spirit of God, who 
therein works fovereiguly, fccretly, and effeiflually. 
He then preacheth himfelf to him, as he that came 
down from heaven, and was in heaven, ver. 13. He 
did not underdand Chrift's do£i:rine of regeneration : 
Chrift puts him to greater myfteries about his perfon, 
and his million from heaven. We may think, that 
he that faid about the former, How can thefe things 
be f might be more puzzled to know how Chrilt waar 
to fave fmners, and how they were to life him foe 
falvation. Both thefe Chrift teacheth him in ver. 14, 
15. and more fully afterwards in that chapter to ver, 
22. And this he doth by a type, that no Ifraelite 
was ignorant of, tho' few maders in Ifrael did rightly 
underiland it. The plain and full fenfe of it is this r 
As Mofes (at God's command and appointment lifted 
up the brazen ferpent in the wildernefs, that every 
Ifraelite flung by the fiery ferpents, might look to it 
and live, as in Numb. xxi. 6,— 9. ; fo Chrift, the Soa 
of man is lifted up upon the crof?, that every fmner 
llung by fm, and the curfe of God^s law, might look 
to him by faith, and live for ever. The Ifraelites 
were to ufe the lifted-up ferpent, by looking on it, 
as the only ordinance of God for their healing ; and 
were to ufe neither falve nor plaiiler for the fiery fer- 
peni's deadly flings. So the flung finner mufl ufe a 
crucified Chrid, as the only ordinance of God for life. 
Vol. II. S and 

152 SerTncns concermrtg Serm. VIII. 

anrl eternal life ; and that life comes to him only by 
tl^s look of faith. 

idtyy a\\\ the believers growth and increafe in grace 
and life, is by believing beholding of the grace and 
glory of Chrift. When the apodle is exhorting to 
growth in grace, as the fure prefervaiive againd apo- 
flaf)/, 2 Peter iii. 18. he adds, Crow in the knouledge 
of our Lord and Sa%^:our J ejus ChrijL As if he had 
faid. ** ir ycu would grow in grace, you rauil alio 
" grow in the knowledge of Chriil/' Yea, when he 
3S fpeaking of the greatell attain ii.enis in grace, i Per. 
i. 8. he iel!s this is rhe fruit of ihem ; T/pey make you 
that yejhall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the know 
ledge oj Qur Lord J ejus Chrip, Bui more directly Paul 
teacheth us, how laiih advanceih the Chriftian in Xih 
new life ; 2 Cor. iii. 18. But we all with cpen face^ 
beholding as in a glafs the glory of the Lord^ are change 
ed into the fame image, from glory to glory ^ even as by the 
Spirit of the Lord, We all : it is not only I Paid, 
whom you may think frngnlaily priviledged ; but all 
we, who, under the difper ft* tion of the gofpel, have 
had the vail taken off our hearts and eyes, we all be- 
hold the fame glory of Chrill, and with the fame fort 
, of fruit. Though we do not all behold it in the fame 
clearnefs and brightnefs, nor with the farr^e raeafure 
of fiuit; yet all that do truly behold his glory, are 
truly made comformable to him, if no likenefs to 
Chrifl's image be wrought ia you, you make it to be 
juflly fufpe^led, that it is either not the right Lord 
you beh Id, or not the right eye you behold him with, 
or ih'U Ic is not a right glafs you behold him in. For 
where all three are right, the fruit of likenefs to Chrift 
never faileth. 

3 J/y, All the peace, and comfort, and joy of heart, 
which believers have in this life, come in by believ- 
ing beholding of Chrift^ and of his grace and glory, 
Joy and peace fills the heart by belie vinvT, Rom. xv. 13. 
'What can diflrefs a believer when Chrifl's glory is 
feen J* and what cao quiet his heart, when a dark 


Skrm. Vlil the Lord' s Prayer. 1 33 

cloud and vail is on his glory ? No florra can be on a 
Chriflian, and no fear can difc^uiet him fo, but that 
word fpoke with Gh rift's power will comfort, Match. 
xiv. 27. Be of gocd clyeer^ it is /, he not afraid. Thus 
were they made to rejoice with joy unfpeakable and 
full of glory^ who loved hijn, and believed on him they 
had not feen^ 1 Peier i. 8. 

So much for this fourth thing, That the eye of 
faith and its exercife is of great advantage to a Chrif- 

5. The beholding of the glory of Chrift by the eye 
of faith, is the greatefl and furefl ted of mens ftate 
that can be. They that have it, are true Chrifti* 
ans ; for thus are they made fuch ; as i John v. 20, 
They that never faw Chrift's glory, remain (fill in 
the pit of condemoed nature, where darknefs and 
death do rule.. 

6. and iafily^ The beholding of Ghrift's glory by 
faith, as it is revealed in the gofpel, is a good help to 
iinderfland what the beholding of his glory in heaven 
is : for it is the fame Chrift, the fame glory of Chrid, 
that is beheld in earth and in heaven. Only this glo- 
ry ihines in another manner in heaven, and is beheld 

' with another and higher eye than faith 5 though faich 
is the bed eye, and the gofpel the bed glafs, on earth. 
On this 1 would (hew how impoilibie it is, that an un- 
believer that never faw Chrid's glory in the gofpel, 
can have any right apprehenfion of the beholding his 
glory in heaven. 

17?, Confider what heaven is. The Lord of it tells 
us, it is in being with him where he /r. Now, that 
man that never knew what Chrid's company on earth 
is, can never know what his company in heaven is. 
Speak to him of heaven, as a date of red and hap- 
pinefs, where no croffes, nor death, nor trouble, can 
be ; this the natural man can know and relifti. But 
Chrid's true heaven, and Chrid's pi^ure of it in the 
word, are as dark and difgudful to an unbeliever, as 
Chrid's yoke and burthen is. But to a believer, 

S z u'hom 

1^4 Sermons concerning Serm. VIII. 

ivhom the herd hath chofen^ and caufed to approach t^ 
h'tm^ Pral. Ixv. 4.; who hath been oft made to fay, 
Pralm. !xxiii. 28. It is good for me to draw near to God ; 
and can fav, as 1 John i. 3. Truly our fellow jhip is with 
the Father, and with his Son Jefus Chrifl : to fuch, 
I fay, being with Chrifl where he is, hath another light 
ia his mind, and another gu(l in his heart. 

2^/y, The work of heaven, to behold Chrid's glo- 
ry cannot be underftood by an unbeliever, no more 
ihan a born blind man can know what pleafure and 
profit is in beholding the glory and light of the imi. 
And if fuch would and could fearch their Beans, they 
Would find ; and if ihey were ingenuous, they would 
own the truth, (as fome of them in blafphemy do fay), 
that the gofpel-difcovery of heaven is dark and dif- 
guftful to them ; they neirher know it nor love it. It 
is hid from their blinded eyes, and crofs to their car- 
Eal hearts, 

3^/)', They know not the title to heaven ; how a 
roan comes by a right to it, and enters into the pof- 
feffion of it. And that is, by free grace in Jefus 
Chriil. And this is no fmall part of Chrill's glo- 
ry, and of believers happinefs, that it is fo. This title 
is only to be perceived by faith. The fame grace 
that we owe the forgivenefs of fm to, we owe the 
poir^iTing of glory to, x\cls xxvi. 18. By that fame 
grace that we are welcomed to Chrift's houfe of grace 
on earth, Rom. v. 2. by the fame grace we are welcom- 
ed into Chrift's houfe of glory above. It is grace 
brought to us, i Peter i. 12.; it is the mercy of cur 
Lord Jefus Chrifl unto eternal life^ Jude, ver. 2 1. But 
an unt)eliever, who hath no knowledge nor relifli of 
this bleiTed tenure to glory by free grace, what fit and 
right thoughts can he have of heaven ? All men arc 
by nature ignorant of the true heaven, of the true way 
to it, of the true work and blifs in it, and of the only 
title to it, and tenure of ir ; and therefore need what 
the apodle prays for ia Eph. i. 17, 18, 1^. 

App LI- 

Serm. VIII. the LorcPs Frayer, Ig^ 

Application. Although yoa may think it 
prepoflerous, to fpeak any rtiing in application, be- 
fore we enter upon the doiTlrine itfelf ; yet, as what 
hath been faid, is but introducftory to what I intend 
(if the Lord will) further to fpeak on this great fub- 
je<n:, fo what I fay now in application, fhali be ac- 
cordingly managed. 

The text we have before us, is about the behold- 
ing of Chrift^s glory in heaven. 1 have been ihew- 
ing you, that it is firaply necelTary to any right un- 
derftandiog of this great blifs, that a man do know 
in his experience fomewhat of the beholding of 
Chrift's glory by faith in this life. Without this, no 
Words that men can fpeak about this, can be under- 
ftood by natural men : i Cor. ii. 14. BW the natu- 
ral man re-.siveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; 
for they are foolifhnefs unto him : 7ieither can he know 
them^ for they are fpiritually dfcerned. I may truly 
fay, that no natural man doth, or can underfland this 
verfe. It is grievous and ihameful, to fee and read 
what blundering confufed work many wife and learn- 
ed men, but delHtute of that mind and Spirit of Chrift 
that led Paul in writing of it, make of this verfe; 
when it is plain and bright, though deep, to every 
ordinary Chriftian. Now, the glory of Chrift, and 
the beholding of it, are of the deepeft of the deep 
things oj God^ ver. 10. How then can a natural man 
receive them, know them, or difcern them ? He is 
without that fpiritual faculty by which only they can 
be rightly eniertaioed. It is a dangerous and hurt- 
ful praclice to the church of God, and to the fouls 
of men, and to the truths of God, (and not a few 
are guilty of it, and many fraart by it), for men to 
endeavour to bring down the deep rayiferies of the 
gofpel unto the {tait and guft of a natural unrenew- 
ed man. It is fure, that they that teach, (hould teach 
plainly ; and they that write, (hould make the vijian 
plain ^ that he may run that readeth it, Hab. ii. 2,, 
But they muft fliii fpeakj or write^ as the oracles of 


1^6 Sermons concerning Serm/VIII. 

God^ I Per. iv. ii. and 2iijlewards cfthe myjieries of 
God, I Cor. iv. i. If, ^s it is undoubted, we can- 
liot bring up tlie natural man's underlhinding unto 
the deep things of God ; we mufl not effay to bring 
down the depths of God unto their natural blindnefs. 
This were to degrade the things of the Spirit of God, 
and to delude the finner. But let us (tudy lo declare 
GodV mind in his word, as plainly a^ we can, to na- 
tural men that hear us ; and withal tell them, that 
the things themfelves, of which we fpe. k as plainly 
a? we can, are beyond their reach ; that they may 
know that the things of God are deep, and they 
ihemfclvei are blind, till the Spirit ofChrift open the 
vndi^r/Iandingy and open the fcriptures unto them; as 
he did to his difciples, Luke xxiv. 32. and 45. 

My work at this time Ihall be, to offer you fome 
helps to try yourfelves, and to find this our. Whe- 
ther ever you have beheld the glory of Chrift in the 
gofpel ? You have the gofpel-glafs, and mod of you 
think you have the eye of faith alfo. My queftion 
that I put your confciences, is, Have you feen his 
glory in the gofpel by faith P It you have, then you 
will find three things. 

I. Where-ever Chrift^s glory is feen by faith, it 
is always feen as fmgular, ir^infcendcnr, and match - 
lefr". So it is in itfelf, and fc it is feen bv all that do 
behold it. Paul calls his knowled<;e of Cbrill, tb? 
txceliency oj the knowledge of Jejiis Chrift my Lord^ 
Piiil. iii. 8. And that you may not think that he 
ihoughi he had a great deal of it, and that you might 
know that Paul is rather commending Chrift's excel- 
lency, than the meafure of his attaintiients in the 
knowledge of Chrill ; he tells us in ver. to,— -14, 
how [mail an opinion he had of what he had attain- 
c(!, inrefpec^l of what he wanted, a.nd followed, and 
preilcd after. If ever you had a true view of Chrill's 
glory, ycu will judge, that there is no glory like it. 
What you formerly thought glorious, you. will then 
fay of it, as 2 Cor, iiii 10. For even that wbkb was 


Serm. VIII, the LoriTs Frayer, ig7 

tnade glorious^ had no glory in this refped^ hecaufs of 
the glory J hat ei^celkth, Av\(\ the apoflle is thera 
fpeaking of the mod outwardly glorious appearance 
that ever God made in the world, in giving the law. 
And as he faith again, of that that is moil glorions 
in the eyes of one that knows not Chrid, his own 
righteonfnefs, in Phil. iii. 8, 9. he calls ir, ar^d ail 
things elfe, hjs and dungy compared with Chri-h 
And fo will every man that Teeth Chrirt: with any 
thing of Paul's eye. For iiluftraiion : Suppofe a maa 
blind from the womb, had his eye-fight given hiiri 
by God, as it were in John ix. ; fuppofe that hisiighc 
were given him in the night, and in the houfe, he 
would doubilefs wonder at the light of candies; 
but if he went abroad, and faw the (lars in the fir- 
mamenr, or if the moon did Ihiae, this would he 
more glorious ftill : yet when the morning dawn* 
eth, and when the fun rifeth and ihineth, would not 
the man think, " Surely 1 never faw fuch a glorious 
** light before ?" Fire and candles on earth, and 
moon and (lars in heaven, have no fuch light as the? 
fun. So will it be unto them to whom the Sun of 
Right ecu fnefs arifeth with healing in his winusy Mai. 
iv. 2. with falvation in his beams. He will fay, " No 
** glory like Chrifl's glory, no man like him ; no an* 
** gel, no creature, like him." If Chrid^s glory hath 
not difgraced all other glory fave his own, you have 
cither feen little of it, or none at all. 

2. When the glory of Chrid is (ttn by faith, de- 
fires of feeing more of it rife in the heart. V/hat 
the preacher faith in general about feeicof in Ecc!,- 
i. 8. ^he eye is net fati^fied with feeing^ is juftly appli- 
cable to this fpiritual eye in beholding Chrift^s glory. 
It is not fatisfied, nor ever will, till the believer is 
with Chrifl where he is, and beholds his glory there, 
Paul had many and fingular views of Chrifl's g^or5S 
and yet is fludying Chrid dill. If yon knew Chri'it 
as well as Paul did, you would be of his mind ; yea, 


igS Sermons cGncerning Serm. VIIL 

if you have any right beholding of his glory, you 
Vj'iW ftill defire more. 

3. He that beholds Chrifl's glory truly, he per- 
ceives his own daiknefs and blindnefs, and is humb- 
led thereby. You may think this a flrange mark ; 
but it is a fure one. It is Urangc, but mofl true, 
that an unbeliever, who hath never heard ChrijVs 
'voice, nor feen his JJjape, (as Chrift faith to the Jews 
concerning his Father, John v. 27.), may, and many 
of them do think, that they know Chrift, and many 
fay, as Hof. viii. 2. My God, we know thee ; " My 
•* Saviour, I know thee ;" when a true beholder of 
ChriR's glory thinks, that he doth not know him at 
all, or next to nothing. And thofe thoughts are 
proofs, that the one is quite ignorant of Chrift, and 
that the other is begun to know him. What the a- 
poftie faith, i Cor. viii. 2. If any man think that he 
knoweth any thing, . he knoweth nothing yet* as he ought 
to know, holds good fpecially in the knowledge of 
Chrift. A proud conceit of a man's knowing Chrift, 
is a demonftration that the man never faw his glory. 
Even as if a man lliouid fay, " 1 have feen the fua 
" in his noon-day glory, and I can ftare upon it ftea- 
" dily." Would not any man think, that either this 
man hath not right eyes, or that he hath not feen 
the right fun, but only a pi(n:ure of it, that hath or 
can have nothing of the true fun's light, and hear, 
and influence ; or that the man lyeth grofsly .'* for all 
know, that the plory of the fun is too great and 
bright for the ftiarpeft and ftrongeft eye. When a 
man from the top of a high mountain looks round 
about him, he can fee many miles, and many things. 
If this man have high thoughts of his eyes and fight, 
you cure him, or he cures himfelf, of that fancy, 
by trying his fight with the fun ; then he feeih what 
a difproportionate faculty his eye is to this glorious 
obje^. So is it with men when they approach Chiift's 
glory ; then their darknefs and blindnefs is difcover- 
ed. As in his light we fee light, Pfal. xxxvi. ^. fo by 


Serm. Vill. the Lord^s Prayer, 139 

and io this light we fee our own darknefs. A very 
wife and good man laid, in Pro v. xxx. :;:, g, 4. Sure- 
ly 1 am more hrntijh than any man^ ajid have not the 
under/landing of a man, I neither learned vjifdom^ nor 
have (or know) the knoivledge of the holy^'-'What is 
his name^ and what is hu fon^s name, if thou canjl 
tell? Ic is impoliible, that any ray and beam of 
Chrift's glory can be rightly taken up by the eye o£ 
faith, but the beholder of it is humbled by the fight 
of it. And the brighter the difcovery be, the more 
humble will it make the man to be, Perfecl: humili- 
ty is only in heaven, where the perfect difcovery of 
ChriiVs glory is made by him, and got by the inha- 
bitants. What faid Ifaiah, when he faw h'ts glory ^ 
andfpake of him ^ John xii. 41. ? ¥/o is me^ for I am 
undone, Ifa. vi. 5. Why undone ? Becaufe I am un- 
clean, and have feen the King, the Lordof hoJIs, What 
did the beloved difciple when he had a vifion of Chrifl's 
glory ? When I faw him^ ^f^H ^t his feet as dead ; 
and he might have died quite at the fight, unlefsi 
Chrifl had laid his righi^hand upon him, and fpoke 
comfortably to him, Kev. i. 17, 18. What was the 
fruit of ]obh feeing of the Lord with the feeing of the 
eye, far beyond all he had heard by the hearing of 
the ear f Was not this the fruit and effeft of it. 
Wherefore 1 abhor myfelf, and repent in dufl and afhes f 
Job xlii. 5, 6. Thus will it be with you, if you ob- 
tain any true difcoveries of Chrift's glory. 


14° Sermons coiicermng Serm. IX; 


John xvH. 24» 

Father^ I will that they aljo whom thou hajl given me^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hafl given ?ne ,* for thou lovedjl me 
before the foundation of tlj^ world, 

THERE is no greater theme in earth, nor la 
heaven, than the glory of Chrift. There is 
no higher enjoyment here, nor above, than the be- 
holding of this glory. Yet all the Lord's chofen fiiall 
furely partake of it, for here Chriit prays for it. in 
explaining Chrift's words in his prayer for that blef- 
fii)g, I propofed to fpeak to two things : What is 
Curid's gjory ; and. What is the beholding of it. 

Before I enter upon either of them, there are yet 
three things I would obferve from the connection and 
fcope of thefe words, / will that they be with me 
where I am^ that they may behold my glory zuhich thou 
hafl given me, 

Obf I. Chriil's prefence, and his people's be- 
holding of his glory, go (till together. So it is oa 
earth, fo it is in heaven. When is it that a man be- 
gins to fee any of Chrift's glory, but when he is 
drav/n to Chrift I when Chrift draws near to him, and 
manifcLS hiuifelf to him I Time was when Pau! faw no- 
thing of Chrilt's glory ; he heard of him, and hated him, 
anj periecuted him : but ail this was from his ignorance 
and unbeliefs I Tim. ii. 13. VV^hen he was firit charg- 
ed by Chrift for his evil way, A6ls ix. 4, 5. no wonder 
tl'it his hrd word was. Who art thou Lord? " 1 do 
'^ Dot know thee, I cever knew that I did thee any 

•' wrong." 

Serm. IX. the LorcTs Prayer, 141 

** wrong." Bnt wheo once Chrift reveals himfelf un- 
to him, immediately he faw ChriR's glory, and made 
it his all. So it is with ?J1 natural men, till Chrift 
draw near to them, and hrir=g them near to him fav- 
ingly : Chvlii hath no form or comelimfs ; and ivhen 
they fee (or hear of) hi?n, there is no beauty that they 
Jhould defire him^ Ifa. liii. 2. This is as true of them 
that hear of, and fee ChriR crucified in the gofpel- 
light. Gal. iii. i. as of the Jews that faw his humb- 
Ijd ftate on earth. They wonder what men fee m 
Jefas Chriil j what glory in him they behold by faith ; 
v'hat believers mean, when they fay, as Cant. iv. 16. 
Hu mouth is mojl fweet ; yea^ he is altogether lovely • 
This is my beh'ved^ and this is my friend ^ O daughters 
cf Jerufalem, If you had ever heard his voice, or 
feen his faccj you would know him from all the men 
on earch, or gods in heaven, (if I m.ay fay fo). Bat, 
alas ! there are many that bear the name of Chrifti- 
ans, (and God knows well, and men may know pret- 
ty well alfo, how little they deferve that name), that 
never faw fo much glory and defirablenefs in Jefus 
Chrift, as they fee in a heap of the white and yellow 
dufl: of the earth. They cafinot afford a good word 
or thought to the jews, (and juftly), who did pre- 
fer Barabbas to Chrift, when themfelves daily do the 
like, in preferring the fatibfying of their vile iufts unto 
the enjoyment of Chrid's company. And v/hat the 
Jews did, they do, frcni the fame canfe, (and a fad 
and fmful one it is). They neither of them did, or 
do fee any thing of Chrift's glory. He is far from 
them, they knew him not^ i C'or. ii. 8. ; he hath noc 
manifefted himfelf unto them. This irnth appears 
alfo, as in the beginning, fo in the progrefs of Chrif- 
tianity. If the Cbriftian grows in grace ^ it is alfo in 
■ the knovAedge of Chrify 2 Pet. iii. 18. If the new 
creature grows, it is by and under the beams and (hin- 
ings of the Sun of Right eotfnefs^ MaL iv. 2. All f[,o(' 
pel inflitutions are for this end, (and when blefTcd, 
reach n)^ Eph, iv. 13. Til'i we all come in {qv into) 

T 2 the 

142 Sermons concerning Serm. IX, 

the unity of the faith ^ and of the knowledge of the Sen 
cf Gody unto a perfect man^ unto the meafure cf the 
flature of the fulnefs of Chrifl, Every Chriftian's ex- 
perience bears witaefs to this. Do you not iovdz- 
times fee more of Chrifli's glory than at other times ? 
Is not the light brighter, and your faith more quick 
and a£live ? iVnd when is it fo, but when Chrifl draws 
nearer to you, and you are brought nearer to him, 
than ufually ? But for fuch poor creatures, that know 
Eothing of Chrift's prefente with, or abfepce from 
them, fave in and byhis ordinances and providences, 
(in which alfo a true believer may find Chrid's fpe- 
cial prefence, though others do not. nor can) ; 1 fay 
not, that fuch do fee more of Chrid's glory, but ra- 
ther that they never faw any of it. T!;ey are blind^ 
and cannot Jee afar off, 2 Pet. i. 9. Chrift is far from 
them, and they from him : he hath not yet looked 
on them in love, nor have they looked on him by 
f iith. But for true Chridians, if you fhouid afk the 
quedlon. When did you fee moil: of Cnrid's glory ? 
all would anlwer, That though it be little that ever 
they did behold of it, yet the bed fight ever they had, 
was when he drewneared to them ; then he difplay- 
ed his glory, and then they beheld it. And it may 
be that he did fo, and they found it, when they were 
in the deep dungeon, in darknefs and didrefs. No 
cafe is a believer brought Into, but Chrid's love will 
vifit him in it ; and the darker the place be, his fun- 
ihine is both the more needful, and the more glori- 
ous : Micah. vii. 8. When I fit in darknefs^ the Lord 
j)oall he a light unto me. Not only will he bring me 
forth to the lights and I fh all heboid his righteoufnefs^ 
as ver. 9. ; but when^ and while //// in darknejs^' the 
Lord will he a light to me ; and enlighten my dcjrknejs^ 
as David dngs by faith, Pfal. xviii. 28. and ihoufands 
have felt it. So that it is undoubted, that mod of 
Chrid's glory is feen when he is ncared his people. 
Thus alfo it is in the date of faints in heaven. They 
are brought near to Chrid ; they are with him where 


Serm. IX. the LorcTs Frayer^ 143 

he isy and therefore hehcld his glory^ and all above 
what we can conceive. Chriilians labour here under 
many humbling things within and without. They 
would fain fee more of Chrid's glory ; they pray as 
Mofes did, Exod. xxxiii, 18. / befeech thee /hew me 
thy glory. But yet they cannot behold it as fain they 
would. Why? Becaufe they cannot be fo near to 
Chrifl: as they would ; and he will not draw fo near 
to them as they would, while they are where they are, 
and not yet where he is. The greateil nearnefs to 
Chrifl, and the greateft vifions of his glory, are both 
referved for his people, when they (hall polTefs the 
inheritance of the faints in lights CoL i. 12. 

Obf. 2. Our Lord Jefus Chriil is truly willing that 
his glory (hould be beheld by his people. He prays 
here for it in an extraordinary manner, I will it. Chrifl 
is a great deal better pleafed, and more defirous, that 
his glory (hould be beheld by his people, than they 
are either willing or able to behold it. He hath a 
good mind to be looked upon, when he fpeaks fo in 
Ifa. xlv. 22. Look unto me^ and be ye faved, all the ends 
of the earth ; for I am God^ and there is none elfe ; a 
jujl God and a Saviour^ ver. 21. (None can fave a 
fmner, but a God. A mere man-fa viour can fave no^ 
fmner : and there is no God-faviour, but our Lord 
Jefus Chrifl, who is over all^ God blefjedfor ever^ Rom. 
ix. 5.). Chrifl is here calling men to look on him for 
falvation. Look to Chrifl, and you will fee falvatioa 
in his heart and eye, and falvation will dart in upoa 
your heart and foul. The brazen ferpent was fet up 
to be looked on by Ifrael. Though it could not fpeak, 
it could heal by God's ordinance. Bat the antitype, 
Jefus Chrifl, can both heal and fpeak ; and the power 
oF his voice can, and always doth give eyes to the 
man, and falvation by looking. It makes the dead 
both to hear^ and live ^ John v. 25. Again, in ifaiah 
Ixv. I. he faith. Behold me^ behold me^ unto a nation ' 
that was not called by my name. Some quarrel lers 
may fay, If Chrifl be fo willing to have his glory ^o 


144 Sermons concerntng SeUm, IX, 

be beheld by men, why doth he not difplay his glory, 
and give a]I men eyes to fee it by? I anfwer. That 
though this cavii favours of an ungodly, unhumbled 
heart ; yet there are a few things that may ftop fuch 
mouths. I. It is a wonder of grace that he doth fo 
lo aoy : and they all admire it that do partake of it, 
Thomas feems to admire it, John xiv. 22. It were 
more hopeful work, and fitter for fnch, to admire that 
free grace f?!!" on any, than to murmur and grumble 
ihat it pall^^L. by fo many. 2. Would you have this 
great blefijug ? have you fought it humbly and ear- 
rieftly ? have you turned his gracious call and pro- 
iiiife into an earned: prayer I He faith to you. Look 
to nte^ and be thou faved ; anfwer it, Lcrd^ look on ms^ 
anu/jfoe me, A better man than any of us prayed fo, 
Pf:ihn cxix. 152. Look thou upon vie^ and be merciful 
unio me, as thou ujejl to do unto thofe that love thy 
n.ime ; and ro the iame purpofe more largely in Pfalin 
cvi. 4, 5. Mafl not that man be both wicked and 
ujreafonable, that quarrels with God for not giving 
that grace that himieif i^ unwilling to receive^ is care- 
\d< to -ik, and fi; ives againft with all his might P But 
nothing will full}' flop the mouths of cavillers againft 
free grace, but either fome tafle oFthis grace, or the 
jn'^^rmeot of the lad day, Out of their own mouth they 
Jlmll be judged by the Lord, Luke xix. 22. 

But even Chriflians themfelves are apt to fay, That 
if Chrift be fo willing to have his glory to be beheld 
by his peop'cj why then doth he (land fo far clI? 
why doth he hide him felf fo long? why do I pray, 
and am not heard ? If he would as earneilly have it 
beheld, as 1 would fain behold it, why is this dlQance 
and darknefs fo long continued ? We have many fuch 
complaints fro.n eminent faints in the word, and they 
are too conjmon in all times. We experience more 
tlie tremblings of unbelief in fcripture-faints, than the 
vi-^our of their faith. The infirmities of faints are 
recorded in the word for our humbling and Warning ; 
and their graces for our imitation and encouragement. 


Sexm. IX. the Lord's Prayer. 145 

Unto fach hone ft complainers I would fa 5% i. That 
this mood cometh on you from the remnants of that 
ratnral enmity to the glory of his, grace ; which en- 
mity, though it was fubdued ia its power in you, \xx 
the day of his power on you, yet hath its roots under 
ground, and doth fornetimes fpring up and trouble 
you. There is no evil perfe£^ly rooted out of a fane- 
lified man in this life, nor no grace planted in him 
that is perfe£t. 2. That the fovereignty of his grace 
appears as much in the times and meafures of its dii* 
per/nation, as in its being given at firll: ro the linner 
that never got any before. Let all believers remem- 
ber that they are llill under the dominion of the fame 
free grace that at firit fubdued them to Chrift. The 
greateft receivers of Chrift's grace are not m.a(lers of 
it, but fubjr^ls and receivers. They mud not fay, 
as Jer. ii. 3 i. We are lords ^ we zvill ccme no more unto 
thee. The richefl faint rauft be, and is a humble 
beggar ar grace's door all his days ; and Chrift is the 
Lord >of the houfe, and the difpenfer of the alms ; and 
as the alms is too good not to be patiently waited for, 
fo the Lord Is too good and too great to be quarrelled 
with : and never did a believer get any good by com- 
plaining of him. Complain to him, and pray, and aik 
largely, but ftill with faith and patience. Knock at 
his door ; but (lay, and blefs him, that ever he gave 
you any crumb ot his grace. Mix your prayers for 
Dew wanted grace, with pralfes for his old difpenfed 
grace. Chrift loves you, and hath proved it ; believe 
it, blefs him for it, and wait for his renewing his love 
to you ; and in due time you will find, that he will 
Dot only anfwer, but outdo all your defires to him, 
and all your expeflations from him. 

Obf. 3. The beholding of Chrift's glory in heaven, 
is the main part of the happinefs of his people in it« 
So Chrift exprefleth ir, (as I gknced at it before), as 
if he would explain what his people Ihould get and 
do, when they are where he is ; they Jhail behold his 
glory ^ This is that uue beatific vifion, that happy- 

146 Sermons concerning Serm. IX. 

makio.cj fi^ht, that fo many of the fchoolmen (gene- 
rally better philofophers than divines) do talk and 
write of. But poorly mufl: all fuch talk and think of 
it, that are unacquainted with Chrift and his grace in 
their own hearts. But this is fure, and plainly re- 
vealed, that the happinefs of the glorified (lands and 
llourilheth to eternity in the behclding of ChriJTs glo' 
ry. Ilie objefl is mod excellent. The eye which 
they behold him with, and the light they behold him 
in are rare and fingular. (No fuch eyes, and no fuch 
light on earth, or in the lower created heavens). And 
the fruits of this beholding this his glory in this blef- 
fed way, are inexpreffible. There are two eyes that 
believers behold Chrift's glory with ; faith and fighr. 
It is the fame glory of the fame Jefus that is feen ; it 
is the fame man that feeth his glory : but how vaftly 
different are thefe two eyes, and the two beholdings ! 
The one is for this life, the other for the other life. 
The glory of Chrifl, as it (hineth in heaven, is not 
for the eye of faith. Faith may take it up in the pro- 
rnife, and believe and wait for it ; but the glory of 
Chrift in heaven is far above the eye of faith, Rom. 
"viii. 24, 25. And, on the other hand, the glory of 
Chrift, as it (hineth in the gofpel, and as feen by 
faith, is not for fight, and is unfpeakably below it. 
For as needful and ufeful as faith is now to believers, 
yet when they come to the end of their faith ^ the faU 
vation of their foul ^ i Peter i. 9. they have no more 
to do with it. There is no need of the Ihield of faith, 
when the war is ended, and the foldier of faith is 
made more than a conqueror ^ through Chrifl that loved 
him, Rom. viii. 37. Pi(^ures of Chrift, and love-let- 
ters from him, and love-tokens, (the glory of the gof- 
pel, and the neceffary food of faith), are no more 
needed when the bleffed beloved is prefent and en- 

I. I would now come to fpeak of the firft thing, 
the glory of Chrifl^ Aud it is with reverence and god- 

Serm. IX: the Lord^s Prayer* 147 

Jy fear that I (hould fpeak, and you (hould he^r, of 
this great and awful theme. And what 1 mean to fay 
of it, (hall be under thefe two heaJs ; [. The glory 
of Chrift as he reprefents God unto us : 2. His giory 
as he reprefents us "unto God : As he is God's only 
true reprefentative to his church ; an'd as he is the 
only reprefentative of his church unto God. Chrift 
is both, and great is his glory in both. And this. glory 
I would foberiy fpeak of. 

To begin with the Jir/l head, That Chrid is the 
only reprefentative of God unto his church: And 
great is his glory therein. And this glory of Cbrifl 13 
beheld by faith now, and to eternity by light. There 
are many words about this, efpecially in the new tef- 
tament, (where the old tedament vail on ChriiVs glo- 
ry is taken away ; and yet the new teftament light will 
itfelf evanifh nlfo, when the Lord returns in his gloty, 
and hath his church wi:h him where he is), l diail 
Dame a few of them. Col. i. 15. he is called tbe i- 
mage of the inoifible God, Heb. i. 3. he is the bright" 
nefs of his glory ^ and the exprefs image of his terfon^ 
Who is the image ? He that upboldeth all things by 
the word of his power ; who^ ivhen he had by himfelf 
purged our fins ^ fat down on the right hand of the Ma^ 
jefly on high, Whofe glory's brightnefs is he ? whofe 
perion's chara^ler bears he ? God the Father's, who 
fpake in the old teftament times by the prophets, and 
in the new teftament times by his Sou, ver. i, 2. So 
in 2 Cor. iv. 6. ^he light of the knowledge of the glory 
(f God flfineth in the face {pv perfon) of Jefus Chrijl* 
All deep words, and deep matter in them. 

To prepare our way to enter on this theme, ;here 
are three things I would lay before you. 

T. That a right and found knowledge of God is 
fimply and abfolutely neceffary unto true happinefs, in 
this and in the other world. Our Lord in this chap- 
ter, ver. 3. faith, And this is life eternal^ that they 
might know thee the only true Gody and Jefus Chriji 
whom thou hajl fent* And 1 John v. 20. fpeak ing 

Vol.11. U * of 

J 4 ^ Sennons con cer?nng S e R m . 1 X . 

oF Chrlft as known, the npollle faitb, This is the true 
GoJ, and eternallife. None know the true God, none 
can come by eternal Hie, but they that know ChiiO, 
No faith, love, worfliip, or obedience, can be per- 
formed and 2L^t\\ by him that knows not (iod. The 
-Athenian inTcriptioD, Jo the unknown Gcdy was ridi- 
culous, but fuitable enougi' for blind idolaters. Thii 
iruih, of [he D£ceili:yof tl^iC knowledge of God, in 
order to the pleafing and enjoying of hi.n, and of hij 
fiiVGur h ingraven on mens heans by nature. 

2. God in himfelf, and abfolutely confidered, is 
unknowable by men in this life, (to carry it no further 
row}, Dulefs he fome way manifelt himfelf to us. To 
ibis that fecms to refer in i Tim. vi i6. He dwclkth 
in light which no man can approach unio ; vjhom mo 
man hath feen^ nor can fee ^ Whatfoever dcth make ma-* 
^^'f^h i^ iight^ Eph. V. 13. Yet divine light is a cj- 
veiing of God, Pfalm civ. i, 2. that no creature can 
fee through; John i. 18. No man hath feen God at 
^any time ; the only begotten Son^ which is in the bo/cm 
of the bather^ he hath declared him. This truth ftands 
on three foundations, i. The greatnefs of God, and 
of his glory. 2. The fliortnefs of mens reach as crea- 
tures. 4nd, g. The corruption of their minds as 
finners : Eph, iv. 18. Having the underflanding dark- 
tned^ being alienated from the life of Gcd, through the 
ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blinanejs of 
their heart. A dreadful, but true pidure of that 
dungeon that ail men by nature are born in, and muft 
live and die in, and go through it, and from it, into 
ourer darkncfs. In what way God did, and doth ma- 
nifed hiriifelf and his glory unto the holy angels, and 
how they behold him, is quite hid from us. Though 
our Lord tells us, that in heaven they do always behold 
the face of my Father which is in heaven^ Mattb. 
xviii. 20,; yet what this is, we know no more than 
we do that in Rev. xxii. 4. of the triumphant church 
ihd.K Jhallfee his face. To come a liiiic lower, and to 
\, fpeak 

Serm, IX, the Lcrd^s Prayer, 149 

fpeak of the firfl mao who was made a little lower 
than the angels : This alfo is beyond our iinderfland- 
ing how God did mamfefl himfelf unto him, 2nd how 
he beheld God's g'ory : though we are fare that both 
were. But when fin came ia, then plainly the minds 
of all men are fo defiled and darkened, that there is 
a neceflity that they miiR be all taught of God that 
do know the Lord ; and blefied be his name, that he 
hath proraifed this in the new covenan*, and fulfils it 
to the heirs of promife^ as they are called in lieb. vi. 
17. John vi. 45. Jer. xxxi. 32, 33, 34. Yet, when 
the faving knowledge of God and faith are given, fuc^ 
is the weaknefs of this eye, that, on any fpecial ap- 
pearance of the glory of God, fear and amazement 
feizeth on their hearts. Whence that faying, fo ufual 
in old times, Judges xiii. 22. We Jhall furely die^ be- 
caufe we have fe en God: thoug-h God appeared in 
mercy to Manoah and his wife, and with a promife of 
a fon to them, and a judge and faviour to Ifrael. Ja- 
cob had wreftled and prevailed with the angel, and 
was bleffed by him : yet he faith with thankfulnefs 
and wonder, / have feen God face to face^ and my life 
is prefervedj Gen. xxxii. 30. What made Ifaiah to 
fay, on his feeing of God's glory, Wo is me, I am 
undone^ chap. vi. 5.? Did God threaten him, did 
God fmite him? No; but, Mine eyes have- fan the 
King^ the Lord of hofls. " 1 have feeo his glory, and 
•' his fpotlefs holinefs hath been proclaimed in my 
*' ears. Thereby 1 fee, that my own uncieannefs, 
*' and the uncieannefs of others I dwell aiTioagil:, doth 
" greatly endanger rae>" 

3. Notwithftanding all this depth of God's glory^ 
and darknefs in all mens minds by nature, (ince the 
fall of Adam ; 3^61 all men, in all ages, have been 
feeking out, and (ludying, and making to themfelves, 
fome reprefentations of God. They know that there 
is a God ; they quickly come to know that this God 
is oat of their fight ; and, on a little deeper thinking, 
chey know that this invifihle God is alfo beyond the 

U 2 reach 

150 Sermons concerning Serm. 1X» 

reach of their minds and thoughts. Is there a curi- 
ous ftudeut of God's works of creaiioo, that fiiideth 
not fometbing in the fmallefl: of his creatures, that our 
underftanding cannot find out ? Whit mufi: we think 
cf the Former of all things ? Can any find out God to 
ferjetlion ? Job xi. 7. A conviclion of this depth in 
God, and darknefs in man, feemeth to have been de- 
ch^red in the inlcription on the ahar at Athens, A(Sls 
xvii. 23. Tiiis Paul takes for his text, (if I may fo 
fay), and makes an excellent fermon upon it. The 
convi^Tlion ihat is in mens hearts, of the depth of God, 
and of the darknefs in themfelves, hath bred a defire 
in all men to know fomewhat moi:e of God than they 
do, that they may pleafe, and ferve, and worfhip him, 
and obtain his favour. And this darknefs and defire 
have brought forth two great plagues on the world, 
that are like to laft as long as the world lads, and as 
Jong as imners hve in it ; two reprefentations of God 
devifed by men. 

ijjy The firfl way of mens fludying to reprefent 
God unfo themfelves, is the more fine way of the bet- 
ter fort of the Heathens, and their philofophers. And 
that was, by framing thoug'nts, ideas, and contem- 
plations of God, from the light of nature, and exer- 
cife of their reafon. This way the apoftle takes no- 
tice of, ns a poor way, and unprofitable, llom. i. 20. 
That philoTopher fpoke like a divine, who, when he 
was aiked by his prince. What God wasP defired a 
day's time to think on it. When that was granted, 
and done, he ailced two days time to think on the 
que(tion. After :he two days, he afl<:ed four days. 
And when the king wondered at his delays, he gave 
this true and ingenuous aufwer : " The more I think 
*' of God, the iefs can 1 teil what he is." And this 
will be the fure eiFe^l of all that, without the light of 
God's word and Spirit, do bufy themfelves to frame 
reprefentations of God himfelf in their minds. The 
heathens have indeed fpcke and wrote many good 
thoughts of fome of the diviae attributes, which may 


Serm. 1X1 the LorcTs Flayer, 151 

be read with profit ; and fome do read them with 
Wonder, how they came by fuch thoughts ; and ma- 
ny have ihoDght, that fome of thefe philofophers 
might have ieen fome part of the Old Teliament 
fcriptures. Paul quotes one of them at Athens, A6rs 
xyii. 28. whom he calls one of their own poets ; and 
another in Tit. i. 12. whom he calls a prophet of their 
own : yet what he quotes of this lad, is a complete 
Greek verfe of poefy; and the other but a haif-verfe. 
But their philofophers taught and wrote, both in 
profe or verfe. Yet though we who have the light 
of God^s word, may make good ufe of their fparks 
of nature's light ; we mud not thence think, that they 
by their wifdom did know God favingiy ; contrary to 
I Cor. i. 2 I. The world by wifdom knew not God. Aq 
ungrounded chariiy to the falvation of the Keatheo, 
that never knew God in Chrift, is a reflection on the 
gofpel of Chrift, And if men will coin a new gofpel^ 
and a way of faving finnners, by Jefus Chrift, as on- 
ly preached to the Heathen, by fun, moon, and (lars, 
contrary to the word of God, John. xiv. 6. and xvii, 
3. Eph. ii. 12. A6I3 iv, II, 12. do you know and re- 
member, that it is falfe coin. And mens coiain?- of 
another way to God but by his Son Jefus Chrifi:, re- 
vealed in and by the gofpel, is treafon againll the 
Majefty of heaven ; and though it may deceive raea 
on earth, it will never pafs as current in heaven. 

2^/y, The other way of mens reprefenting God 
nnto ihemfeives, is by images and outward reprefen- 
tions of God. An old abomination. It is like it was 
not before the deluge : for it is not named ; but on- 
ly violence, and lulls, and general corruption in 
manners, are given as the procuring caufes of God's 
deftroying the world by water. B^fides, the world 
was but lately created, and the glory of the Creator 
flared every man in the face ; and that Mathufaiem, 
who died a little before the flood, had lived fome 
hundreds of years, while the flrft man, Adam, lived. 


1^2 Sermons concerning Serm. IX. 

Befidcs, Enoch's prophecy, cited by Jude, ver. 14, 
15. makes no mention of idolatry. But however it 
was before the flood, idolatry came quickly into the 
World afterwards, and is like to continue, till it be 
purged by file. Now, what is i lolatry ? ?.ud whence 
i:^ it that the world is fo mad upon idols, Jer. 1. 58. f" 
idolatry is the worfnipping of the true God by and 
tinder any image or reprefeotation of God, devifed by 
mens heads, or framed by mens hands. The firlt 
command of the moral law forbids the having and 
worlliipping of any, but the true God. The fecond 
command forbids the making of any refemblance or 
Kiiage of God, and worfnipping of God by it. Di- 
vine worOiip is ihzt glory that God will not give to an^ 
other ^ neither his praife to graven images ^ Ha xlii 8.; 
and that becaufe he u a jealous God. Worfhip is 
God's throne in the world of angels and men ; and he 
will- admit of no rival or partner in it. The idola- 
ters pretend that they only honour God, and give no 
f^iviae glory to the image : but the Lord calls wor- 
Ciipping him by an image, a worjhipping of the crea^ 
iure more than the Creator^ Ptom. i. 25. Now, how 
comes in idolatry into the world ? And what keeps it 
up in it, fince ail men by their reafon think, as Paul 
faith, all ought to think, that the Godhead is tiot like 
unto gold ^ orjtlver^ or Jl one graven by art orman^s de- 
vice^ A6i:s xvii* 29. The true caufe of thir> fin's rife 
and reign in the world, is this. / " men by nati^re 
know there is a God that made the world, and chat 
they oilght to worihip him ; but who he i^, and what 
is pleafing worfhip to this God, they know not. They 
know, that if there be a God, he mud not be like 
jicy creature in heaven or earth. The di (lance be- 
twixt God and creatures, is, in, its greatnefs, known 
oniy to him that can comprehend his own glorious 
piiijcfly, and the emptinefs of nothing creatures, x^nd 
therefore we fee how he fpeaks in Ifa. xl. 17. All 
nations before him are as nothings (that is, pretty lo ; 
buc he yet lays them lower), and they are counted to 


Sekm. IX. the Lord's Prayer, 155 

him lefs than nothings and -vanity. To "whom then 
ivili you liken God f ver. 18. But though God only 
can corcprehend the greatnefs of this didsnce be- 
twixt Gcd and creatures ; yet all men do spprehenJ, 
that it js, and nniift be great. Then, when rcafoa 
tells them, that ibis God that made all things in tim?^, 
is eternal ; that he is immenfe and unfearchable la 
all perfedlions ; that he is a Spirit ; every one of thefs 
names of God do ftnn and puzzle the man's under- 
ftanding ; fo that all mu(l fay, as one did, Job xxxvii. 
2 3 . Touching the Almighty y we cannot find him cut. 
So that, in this confufion and darknefs, thty mull 
(as they did, John iv. 22.) worjhip they know not what; 
and becaufe they know not Cod, Jo as to glorify him 
as God ^ &c. they change the glory of the ur.corruptihh 
Gody into an image made like unto a corruptible man^ 
&c. Rom. i. 2.', 22, 23. Man in his ignorance unci 
fififulnefs, firfl thinkr- that God is foe h an one as bim^ 
felf, Pfal. L 22.; and then thinks any reprefentatioii 
of God may ferve. And indeed the meanetl creep- 
ing thing is an image too good for fuch a god. A 
god altogether like a finner, is no other than the ^pd 
tf this ivorldy the devil, 2 Cor. iv. 4. See the fir/i: 
grofs idolatry anrong Ifrael in the Vk'Udernefs, Excd. 
xxxii. They had heard the fiery la\¥ proclaiitied 
dreadfully, but about forty days before; and idola- 
try fpecially prohibited and threatened in that lavr; 
yet they had hardly the dread of that voice our of 
their ears, before their hearts are turned afide, their 
hands bufied in making an idol, and they on their 
knees worfliipping it. hi ver. i. they fay, Upy and 
make us gcds to go before us. What a poor God is he 
that is of man's making I *AI1 Ifrael could not maka 
one fly or gnat ; yet they are for God-making. When 
they had their golden calf, they faid, ver 4. Thefe 
be thy gods, Ifrael y which brcught you out of the 
landtf Egypt, Did they not know, that, a few 
xveeks before, they had broupht that gold out of the 
laud of Egypt, of which they had now made their 

idol i 

154 Sermons concerting Serm. IX. 

idol ? Did they not kDow, that this idol could uo more 
go one flep before, nor with iheai, nor after them, 
than a (lone ? And doubilefs they meant to carry it, 
if Mofes had not made them to dellroy it, and drink 
it, ver. 2 0. But. they had brought up their idola^ 
trous hearts out of the land of Egypt, Ezek. xxiii. 3, 
8, 19. ; and they thought this a fit reprefentarion of 
the true God ; and therefore frccUimation is made of 
a feci J} to-morrow^ to the Lord^ to Jehoz'ah, ExoJ. 
xxxii. 5. As long as God is not known by his word 
and Spirit, no man is fecured from falling inro ido- 
latry. Let us look into the Antichriftian (late ; and 
there any Chriftian may fee, that the whole of their 
worfliip, from the beginning to the end, is a mere 
mals of idolatry, and wicked reprefentations of God. 
Their heart?, their houfes, their flreets, and high- 
'ways, their temples, are all filled with idols : many 
falie gods, as angels and faints ; many wicked repre- 
fentations even of the divine perfons. Father, Son, 
and Holy Ghofl. Jadly may it be called, as old Ba- 
bylon was, a land of graven images^ Jer.,1. 38. The 
old Pagan, and the new Antichriflian Rome, equal- 
ly full of idols ; only with difference in names. ^ Hea- 
then names laid afide, and Chrifiian names taken up 
in their rooms : but the idols the fame, and the ido- 
latry the fame ; with the addition of a god made of 
breud, to be firft made, then worlhipped, and then 
eat. An abomination enough to make the natural 
confciecce of a cannibal to keck at. 

To conclude this head, about worfhippiog of God 
by image?, 1 would fay only, that^it is a fin as plainly 
forbid in God's word as any fin whatfoever ; as fear- 
fully punifiied as any fin : that it is a fin that both 
rifeth from unworthy thoughts of God, and increaf- 
eih thefe unworthy thoughts. It (lupifies men, and 
takes away their reafon : Ifa. xliv. 20, He {the ido- 
later) feedeth of afhes : a deceived heart hath turned 
him a fide ^ that he cannot deliver his own foul y nor fay y 
Is there not a lye in my right hand? But they that \ 


Serm. IX. the LorcTs Prayer* 15.5 

make thern^ are like unto them; fo is every one that truft' 
eth in them^ Pfal. cxv. 8. The idol, and the idolater, 
are much alike. The idol is void of all natural life 
and fenfe, and the idolater is as void of all fpiritual 
life and itiSt, Hath that man the foul and fpirit of a 
man in him ; hath he any fenfe of the majelty of the 
true and living God, who can call a log of wood, or 
a bit of bread, a god, and woriliip it ? I have fald 
the more of idolatry, becaufe it is the fin moil difno- 
nourable to God, mod deftru(rcive to the fouls of men, 
and a dreadful flumbling block to the Jews and Turks, 
who do jufily abhor idols, for as blind and fottifti as 
oiherwife they be. Nor can any man wonder that 
they flumble at the name of Chriftianity, when they 
fee the greateft part of fuch as profefs that name, as 
much given to idolatry, as ever the Heathen were, 
either before or fince Chriil came into the world. 
This fm is alfo a difgrace to mankind, and a (hame- 
ful defacing of that image of God in which he was 
fir 11: made ; w^hen a m.an fo dehafeth him/elf even unto 
hell^ (Ifa. Ivii. 9.), as to worftiip what either his own 
or other mens hands have made. Yet this fm of ido- 
latry is a demonftration, that the light of nature, and 
the notion of God, (notwiihftanding all the weak- 
nefs, darknefs, and corrupdon mixed with it in fal- 
len man), is deeply and flrongly rooted in mens 
hearts, that they will rather take up with any thing 
for a God, yea, make a God to themfelves, rather 
|han have none, it is no rare thing, to fee an ido- 
^jatrous prince, who is as proud as Lucifer, and who 
faith in his heart as he did, Ifa. xiv. 12, 13, 14.; and 
who hath pride and ambition enough to defire to bs 
lord of the whole earth : yet fuch a wretch as this, 
who is not worthy to live among his fellow-mortals, 
will humble himfeif, and kneel before a proud prieft, 
confcfs his fms to him, and afk, and receive pardon 
from him, as from a God, and worQiip the work of 
the meaneft of his fubje<5ls hands. This was the proud 
boaft in the laft age, of a confeffor to a great king. 
Vol, II. X «' What 

1^6 Sermons concerning Serm. IX. 

«* When 1 hnve my king on his knees before me, and 
•' my god (meaning the confecrated wafer) in my 
" hand:?, what can 1 not dof" From fuch gods, fiich 
kings, and fach priefls, may ihe only true God de- 
liver us, and all the nations on earth. But as long 
as the fpirit of Demetrius prevaileih, Diana will not 
want a rich temple, and many worfhippers : A^is 
xix. 25. Te know that by this craft we have cur 
wealth. For if falfe gods were not rich gods, and 
rich-makiug gods, they quickly would have neither 
pried?, nor temples, nor vi/orfhippers. And quickly 
may it be, is the hearty prayer of every true Chrif- 

And this leads me to the point in hand, That the 
Lord Jefus Chrift, God-man, and our Mediator, is 
the only true reprefentative of God unto the church. \ 
God only makes hitnfelf favingly known to men in 
his Son Jefus Chrift. Men that would know God 
favingly, worfbip God acceptably, and enjoy God for- 
ever, they mull: feek and get all in and by Jefus Chrifh 

In handling of this, I would fpealc to two things. 
I. The fitnels of Chrilt to be God's reprefentative to 
his church, 2, The glory of Chrift in beuig fo. 

jP/V/?, As to Chrift^s iitnefs to reprefent God unto 
men : It appears in three things. j 

I. lu the divine dignity of his perfon. He Is 1 
God's eternal Son, and God equal with the Father. \ 
I know that this rock, the church of Chrift is built a- 
pon, is boldly ftruck at in thefe hll and worft day?. 
But we (hould know as well, that the gates of hell /kail 
not prevail againjl it, Matth. xvi. 18. I would only 
fay now, that that man or womau that owns the 
authority of the New Teftament, (though Chriil's 
Godhead fhines very brightly in the Old Teftament), 
and ftiall read but three firft chapters, John i. Col. i. 
and Heb. i. and can fay, that Chrift is a mere man 
and creature, is under a judicial blindnef?. All that 
worfhip Chrift, and call on his name in prayer, and 


Serm. IX the Lord's Prater, 157 

deny him to be true God, are guilty of idolatry, A 
mere creature imag€ and reprefencation of God ufed 
in worfhip, is an idol. But the eternal Son of God, 
who is in his perfon tbe image of Godj and the cha- 
rader of the Father'^s perfon^ is fit unfpeakably to de- 
clare Go^ unto men, John i. 8. He alone doth ir^ 
and none elfe can. 

2. The Sen's afTuming man's nature unto his own 
divine perfon, makes him fit to reprefent God to men, 
John i. I.-— 18. His being God-man, made him fit 
to reprefent God to men, and to reprefent men to 
God. God is only to be favingly known by men, as 
he is a God in Chriil ; and finners are only accepted 
of God, as they are in Chrift. His human nature is 
a creature; but the Son of God that alTumed and 
dwelleth perfonally in this nature, is a divine perfon. 
It is not his nature as man, but his divine perfon dwel- 
ling in that nature, that doth make him the only right 
reprefentative and image of the invifible God unto 
his church. 

3. Chrift's being indalied in the ofitice of Mediator^ 
- makes him fit to reprefent God unto men. He is the 

one Mediator between God and rjrnt, the mnn Chrifl Je- 
fus^ I Tim. ii. 5. Such as, on this account, talk of 
Chrifi's being a God by office, know neither God, 
nor Chriif . nor his office. Our Lord jefin Chri(t is 
God in office ; and to be worihipped by his people, 
as clothed with it. In this office, as Prophet, he re- 
prefents and revealeth the mind and will of God, to 
be known an! believed by the church; which is com- 
manded by the Father to hear hhriy Matth. xvii. 5. 
As King, ali judgment is committed to the 6on : that 
all menjhould honour the Son^ even as they honour the 
Father, And he that honour eth not the Son, bonoureth 
not the Father which hath fent him^ John v. 22, 23. 
And as Pried, as all In that office are taken from a- 
mong men^ and ordained for men in things pertaining to 
God^ that they might both offer gifts and fa orifices for 
fins^ Heb. v. 1. j fo the Son was confecrated for this 

X 1 office 

15^ Sermons cGncernlng Serm. IX. 

office by an oath^ Heb. vii. 28.: and as Pried, he 
7nufl have fanew hat elfe to offer, Heb. viii. 3. ; which 
offering was himfelf, and this he hath offered, Heb. 
ix. 26. and x. 5.— -10. And after this offering, he 
entered iu^ as Pried, into the holy place ; even into 
heaven itfelfj now to appear in the prefcnce of God for 
tiSy Heb. ix. 12. 24. And there he remains, and 
Itveth for \ ever to make inter ceffton for us^ Heb. vii. 25. 
until hefhail appear the fecond time, without fin^ unto 
falvation, Heb. ix. 28. Now, in this office Chrilt 
reprefents bis church unto God ; and in his propheti- 
cal and kingly office, he reprefents God unto his 
church. Both equally needful for our faivation, and 
both only performed by Jefus Chrift as Mediator ; 
who only can reprefent God unto us, that we may 
favingly know God ; and reprefent us fo to God, 
that we may be gracioufly received by him. Where- 
fore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, 
conflder the Apojlle and High Priejl of our profefjiont 
Chr if} Jefus, Heb. iii. i. Confider how fit he is to 
do all God's bufmefs with us, and all our bufinefs 
with God, for our faivation, and his Father's and his 
own glory. He is clothed with a moft honourable 
office of Mediator, (the honour and work of which 
office no mere creature could besr and difpatch), fur- 
rilhed with all fulnefs for its difcharge and manage- 
ment. This office he difcharged when on earth, in 
cur nature as man ; and in the fame nature, is doing 
what remains to be done in that office, in heaven. 
And this high officer, this man Jefus Chrid, is God 
ever all, ble[jed for ever, Rom. ix. 5. So that his fit- 
nefs for making a trae and faving reprefentation of 
God to his people, is evident ; but fo great and glo- 
ricu?, that we cannot fully apprehend it by faith. 
We have in our Lord Jefus Chrid, a Mediator be- 
tween God and men, to take away the breach that 
fm had made between them, and to make an everlad- 
ing friendffiip \ a Mediator fo furniQied for his office, 
that any may iruft him ia it. We have this Mediator 


Serm. IX. the Lord's Prayer. 15^ 

in our own nature, a partaker offlejh and bloody as 
we be, Heb* ir 14, 17. ; in all things made like unto 
his brethren^ that he might be the fitter for us, and 
that we might be the more familiar with him. And 
this Mediator by his office, this real and true man by 
the taking of our nature, is God, the only begotten of 
the Father, Can any make a doubt of this truth we 
are upon, That the Lord Jefus Chriff, God-man, 
Mediator, is the true, real, and only reprefentative 
of God to his church P 

So much for this iirft head. 

Secondly^ What is Chrifl's glory, in being God's 
reprefentative to his church ? Herein he is exceed- 
ingly exalted* How greatly is it expreiTed, Eph. i. 
205-— 2g. and in Phil. ii. 6,-— 11.? and how hard to 
think fuitably of them i' 1 fhall only touch at three 
particulars in it. 

I. It is glory to Jefus Cbrifl, that all the faving dif- 
coveries of God are made to men in and by him : 
2 Cor. iv. 6. The light of the knowledge of the glory of 
Godfhineth to men^ in the face of Jefus Chrij}, Till 
a man know Jefus Chrid, he knows not God ; nay, he 
hath not a Gcd : Eph. ii. 12. They that are with- 
out Chrifl, are without God in the world : '* Ye were 
" Atheifts," (fo is the Greek word) ; though the E- 
pliefians, to whom he wrices, had been great idola- 
ters, and had gods and goddeffes more than were 
worth having, Acl? xix. 

2. Great is Chrifi's glory in this, that all the worfliip 
that is given to God, if right, and as it is commanded, 
is given to God in and by Jefus Chriil:. hlo coming to 
the Father^ but by him, John xiv. 6. if we believe in 
Gody v/e muft afo believe on him, John xiv. i. Thro* 
him we believe on God, i Peter i. 2 1. l^ we believe on 
him, we believe not on him (only, or alone), but on him 
that fent him. And he that feet h hiniy feeth him that 
fent himy John xii. 44, 45. If we pray, we muft do 
it in Chr'ifTs namey John xiv. 13, 14. and chap. xvi. 
23, 24. Yea, wbatfocver zve do, whether in word or 


l6o Sermons concerning Serm. IX. 

decdy mtijl all be done in the name of our Lord Jefus 
Chr'ij}^ giving thanks unto God and the Father by him^ 
Col. iii. 17. Ail our gofpel-facrifices are to be offer- 
ed to God by him, Heb. xiii. 15. Now, confider how 
great a perfon this mud be, as the apoftle argues a- 
bout his type, Melchifedec, ia Heb. vii. i,--4» Aod 
he is there exalting that unknown man's priefthood a- 
bove the Levitical, in this, that Aoraham, Levi's great- 
graudfavher, gave the tenth of the fpoils to him. How 
much greater is Jefus Chrllt, of whom Melchifedec 
was but a type and (hadow, to whom we muft not on- 
ly give a tenth, but all, of that worfliip and fervice 
we pay and owe to God ? 

3, All the mercy, favour, and bounty of God to 
men, comes to us in and by Jefus Chrift. No^/V/- 
tual blejftngs in heavenly things doth God blefs us zuith^ 
but in Jefus Chrift ^ Eph. i. 3. 

Application. All the ufe of this doi^rine 
I (hall at this time make, is in one warning ; which I 
wilh may be as well taken, as it is needful, both 
to me to give it, and to you to take it. And it is this. 
That the fecret moth and poifon in many people's re- 
ligion is, that it is not Chriftianity. G^^/ out of Chrift 
is a confumingfire ; God not worfhipped in Chrift, is 
an idol ; all hopes of acceptance out of Chrift, are 
vain dreams ; a heaven out of Chrift, is little better 
than the Turks paradife. How fad is it ; how vifible 
is it, and common ihat many men and women do pray 
every day, and hear every day, and would fain know 
God rightly, and worftiip him acceptably ; and, if we 
might believe their words and proleffion, they know 
a great deal of God, and ferve him not a little ; when, 
in ihe mean time, Jsfus Cbrift, as ihe only glafs in 
and by which the true God aud his glory is to be 
known and adored, is not minded by them ? They 
have no fenfe, no experience o( it, no convi(ftion of 
the neceffity of Chrili's reprefeciing an invifible, in- 
ccmpreheniible God, ucto chemj they make no effays 


Serm. IX. the Lor(Ps Prayer. \6l 

to know God in and by ihi^ only i ght way. Hence 
is it, that there Is fo much of that that bears the 
canie of reiigicn, that not only men may carry to heii 
with them, but that puftieth them into hell. Henc5 
is it, that fo many have a form of godlinefs, who are 
fatal Grangers to its power. Is it not fad, to fee ani 
hear men, who bear the name of Chriftians, playing 
the philofophers about God's nature and auribuie?, 
w^hile in the mean time they are utter, yea contented 
Grangers, unto this only true reprefentation of God 
unto men, in his Son Jefus Chrift i All I ihall fay 
now, is to glance at one fcriptiire, in 2 Cor. iv. 3, 4^ 
6. If our gofpel he hid^ it is bid to them that are /<?/?, 
1 cannot deny, would the apoftie f^ty, but that for 
all the plainnef$ and clofenefs of our preaching, of 
which in ver. 2, yet our gofpel is hid ; but it is fo to 
a loft company. But how comes it, that under fnch 
preaching as Paul's, the gofpel is hid from any that 
hear it P This he anfwers, ver. 4. wherein he names 
two caufes concurring, one fad effed): flowing from 
thefe caufes, and deftruf^ion confequent on the ef- 
fe6l. The caufes are, unbelief in their hearts, and 
Satan's working with it, and fecuring of it. The fin- 
Der is blind by nature, his blindnefs grows by the 
abufed light of the gofpel, and the devil fpreads a 
thick Tail over their blind eyes, that let gofpel-light 
ihine by an apoftle, no ray, no beam (hall dart in u- 
pon them. Now what is the effect of this double- 
blinding ? What doth Satan defign in his pains on un- 
believers ^ What is he afraid of, and (Indies to pre- 
vent ? It is, hjl the light of the glorious gofpel ofChriJ}^ 
who is the image of God, Jhould fkins unto them. As 
if the apoftle had faid, the devil in his diligence to 
keep fmners in the dark, thinks and knows, that if 
ever one beam of the glory of Chrift in the gcfpel, 
comes in to fmners hearts, they are loft to hini, and 
faved to Jefus Chrift. O that fmners knew this, as 
weU as. the devil doth I But why hath not this bufy 
devil the fame power on all i How come any to have 


1 62 Sermons concert:: ng Serm. IX. 

their eyes opened to fee P To this he anfwers in ver. 
6. For God who commanded the light to JJnne out of 
darknefs, hath jhined in our hearts ^ to give the light of 
the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jefus 
ChriJ}, Obferve, that the aportle in fpeaking of the 
caufes of the perdition of unbelievers, names their 
own blindnefs and unbeh'ef, and Satan's a^livity; but 
as to the falvation of beHevers, he afcribes it folely 
unto the grace of God, and its power and freedom ; 
without which Satan would prevail on all, as he doth 
on many. But, for as blind as unbelievers are, and 
for as diligent and powerful as the devil is, God that 
commanded light in the fird: creation, did fo to us, 
and this light fo commanded, gave us the knowledge 
of the glory of God^ in the face of Jtfus Chrift, by 
which we are faved. There are many glorious truths, 
that fliine with fome beams of light into the minds of 
natural men, fo as that they are convinced of them, 
fall in love with them, and make proftllion of them ; 
but never is afmner throughly changed and converted 
to God, nor refcued from Satan and the power of 
darknefs, till this light, this knowledge, this glory of 
God in the face of Chrift, be given by this great 
Commander and Creator. Paulhimfelf, while an un- 
behever, had the light of the knowledge of the glo- 
ry of God, in the works of creation and prcvi:^'euce, 
as a man of fenfe and reafon : he had the knowledge 
of the glory of God in the law, as a zealous Jew; 
but the knowledge of the glory of God in the face 
of Jefus Chrilf , he never h'<id, till it pleafed God to 
call him by his grace and to reveal bis Son in him, Gal. 
i. 15, 16. And let me tell you, that unlefs you have 
feen more of the glory of God in the face of Jefus 
Chrift, and in God's way of faving fmners by him, 
than ever you faw of his glory in his works of creatioQ 
and providence (in both which, not a little of his glo- 
ry (hineth) the Lord hath not yet dealt with you, as 
he doth wiih them he favech. llie right faving kno'A - 
ledge of God centers in this one perfon, Jefus Chriil. 


Serm/X. the Lord's Frayer. i6^ 

See how the apoftle pnyeth, Col. ii. 2, 3. That their 
hearts /night be comfoyied^ being knit together in love^ 
and unto all riches of the jull ajjurance of under ftand- 
inor, to the acknowled'^jnent of the myjlery of Gody and 
oj the Father^ andof Chrifl ; in zvhom are hid all the 
treofures of wifdom and knowledge. So that ail who 
would be enriched with true wifdoii?, and the faving 
knowledge of God, muH: hy falihdig in Chrid, and 
find theaj. 


John xvii. 24. 

Father y I will that they alfo whom thou haj} given me^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou lovedft m& 
before the foundation of the world* 

THIS great rubje£>, the glory of our Lord Je- 
fus Chriit, which he hath received of his Fa- 
ther, is that which his people fee fomewhat of here 
by faith, Heb. ii. 9. and are called to the hope of 
full beholding of it hereafter, when this prayer ot 
our Lord fhall be fully anfwered. It is fo deep a 
theme, that it isnoteafy to enter upon it, bin impof- 
fible to declare the thing plentifully as it is. All I 
mean to fpeak on it, I ihall confine to two beads ; the 
glory of Chrift, as reprefenting God unto us ; and 
his glory, as reprefenting us to God. In the iirff, 
he reprefents God unto us, to our faving knowing of 
God : in the other, he reprefents us to God, unto 
our faving acceptance with God, I began to fpeak 
of the former laft day, and did proceed- to it by thefe 
Vol. 1L Y three 

1^4 Sermons concerning Serm. X. 

three fleps. T. That the true knowledge of God is 
fimply Dcedful format's happicefs, both in this and 
the next life. 2. That Gcd in himfelf is incompre- 
heDfibie, unbeholdib'e, urknowable, unlefs he is 
pleaftd to make himfelf fomt mv known to men. 3. 
That yet men in ail ages h?.vc neen flill framing re- 
prelentaiions of God in their own minds. A little of 
nature^s light remains, ^nd of the ruins of thar edate 
(Jod made man at firif in ; bnt fo defiled and mixed 
with the darknefs brought on men by the fall, that na- 
tural light and finful dark^.^fs, mixed together, are 
but like the chaos in the btginoiDg of the creation. 
Gen. i. 2. So that we may apply that to this cafe of 
mensinquiring after God, in Eccl. vii. 29. Lo, this 
only have I found y that God hath made man upright : 
hut they have fought out many inventions, A man can 
think of nothing, but in and by that thought there is 
feme idea or reprcfentation of it made in his rrind. 
"When we think of our own fouls, (by which we do 
think), how dnrk is our idea of them I Bat when we 
begin to think of creatures higher and nobler than 
ouifelves, as rxii^els are, what a dark idea do we 
frame of them I When we fay ihey are fpirits, what 
know we what ? Tpirit is I When we fay a fpirit is an 
intelligc^: toeing, freeof matter ; how far is this from 
plan*'«(;: a juft repi efentation in our minds of ihofe 
Bob'=' rreaturcs? If we raife our thoughts above ull 
cr'.'.' es, unto the perfect Former of all things, the 
g Jehovah; every thought of him, every name 
and perfe(Slion of his, fwallows us up ; as Job xxxvsi. 
19. leach us -what we jh all fay unto him; for wc 
cannot order our Jpecch (or our thoughts) to him by rca- 
Jon of darknefs. Our own light in us, is but dark- 
neis ; and the infmltencfs of his light and glory, is a? 
darknefs to us. K^hall it he told hrm that I (peak f If 
a man fpeak^ futely he fhall be fjuailowtd up^ ver. 20. 
l.( a iiiHn know, either who he i5 that fpeaketh, what 
he either fpeaks or thinks, or who he is ihat is fpoke 
or thought c[. The World hath, been ihiving, either 


Serm. X. the Lord^s Prayer* 165 

by their wifdonfi to know Goc^, i Cor. 1. 21. oria 
their folly to reprefeat an invifible God to their bodi- 
ly fenfes. And this lafl hath filled fo great a part of 
the earth with idols : an old abomination, \7hich, h 
may be, will continue till thi.^ earth be purged by the 
I aft fire. And ihefe things led me to the only relief 
in this difmai ftate of mankind, as to the riglit and 
living knowledge of God ; that the Lord Jefus Chrift^ 
the Son of God, clothed with man's nature, and with 
the office of Mediator .between God and men, is the 
only true reprefentative of God to men. That he is 
fuch, and of his glory in being fo, I have fpoke 
fomewhat ; and (hail enter upon the ufe we (hould 
make of him, as the reprefentative of God un'o his 
church, after I have given you a little account of the 
gradual rifmg of this light iu and unto the church* 

When our firfl parents had finned, and were a- 
fhamed of themfelves, and afraid of God, and igno- 
rantly thought to hide themfelves fron him, he calls 
them to his bar, arraigns them for their fni ; and 
when they had no reabn ro cxpe61 any thing but ^rc,- 
fent jadgment and execution, inftead of that, the 
Lord, in a threatening agaiod the ferpent, brings 
forth the firft promite of falvation by Jefus Chritf, 
called there the feed of the woman ; who, though be 
fhould fuffer by the ferpent, fliould yet bruife his 
headi Gen. iii. 15, In the faith of this, and It may 
be of other exolanations of it not recorded, the be- 
lieving fathers before the fiood lived and died. And 
Abel and Enoch are noted, Heb, xi. /\^ 5. the one a 
martyr, the other tranllated to heaven. And Noah, 
before, in, and after the flood, ver. 7. is called an 
heir of the right eoufief which is by faith : which none 
but a believer is» No righteoufnefs is by faith, but 
that that hath both the Lord our righteoufnefs in ir, 
the light of God's word to difcover him and it, and a 
promife of the covenant to warrant faith's apprehend- 
ing of it. If we go on to the Patriarch Abraham, we 
find the light growing more bright, efpeciailj if wc 

Y a read 

J 66 Sermons concerning Serm. X. 

read Geo. xii. 14, 15, 17. &c. with Paul's comments 
on them, in Rom. iv. in Gal. iii. and iv. and in Heb. 
xi. 8. — 20. and what our Lord faid of Abraham in 
John viii. 59, 40. 36, 58, Who can read thefe, and 
not be peifuaded, that Abraham knew the Son of 
God, and God in him, and juftification and falvation 
by him ? Let us next take a view of the church-fiate 
which the God of Ifrael brought his people into; firft, 
in a more iranfient manner in the wildernefs, and 
thereafter fixed them in it in Canaan. In this (late, 
we find that the tabernacle and temple, their ordi- 
nances, priefts, and iacrifices, and all their ceremo- 
nies, were all bat types and fliadows of Jefus Chrid, 
Heb. ix'. ar?d x. There were many things in that dif- 
perfation that had fome appearance and femblance of 
idolairy ; but there was none in it, for two reafons. 
'1. Becaufc they were all of God's own appoinimenr. 
2. Becaufe they were inflituted on purpofe to prefi- 
gure the MefiTiah to come. If therefore any of Ifrael 
had devifed of his own head a worQaip of this forr, 
then tbat man had been as guilty of tranfgrefTing the 
fecond command, Thoujhalt not make unto thyfclf any 
likenefs^ &c. as if he had fervcd Baalim. And be- 
caufe they were all types and (lindows of Chrid, and 
of the good things to come by hi.T. : therefore if any 
church or perfon, cow after the fubftance is come, 
and the fliadows are gone, {bould attempt to bring 
Chriflians under the Levitical difpenfation o^ the 0!d 
Teftaraent church, they juflly might be called Anti- 
chriftians^ and deniers that Chnfl is come in the flejh^ 
1 John iv. 3. Com.e we to the prophets, David in 
the Pfalms, Ifaiah, and all the prophets, we find a 
fair dawning of the knowledge of the glory of God 
in the face of Jefus Chnfl, wrought in their hearts 
by the Spirit of God, and fhining in their minifiry 
to fbe church. Thi^ is fo plain, that it need not be 
infidrd ';n ; and fo full, that it would be too great a 
digrtfiion to infi'i on it as it deferves. We find Ste- 
phen, Acls vii. and Paul, A6ls xiii. preaching Chrift 


Serm. X. the LcrcTs Fray cry 167 

by fuch a narration ; warrant enough for this fmall 
account. Let us now go forward ro Chriit's coming 
into the world. The angels proclaiai him, a born Sa- 
vioury Chrifi ths Lord, Luke ii. if. Old dying Sime- 
on calls him, when a babe in arms, God^s fahatio?2^ 
and the light of the Gentiles , and the glory of Ifrael^ 
ver. 30, 31, 32. Yea, Elifabeth calls him, when in 
the womb, My Lord^ Luke i. 43. What a great a- 
nointing of the Holy Ghoft was on this good woman, 
and how ilrong was her faith in Chriit ? When he is 
to be made manifeli to Ifrael, John Baptid proclaims 
him to be the Lamb of GoJ^ that taketb away the fin 
of the luorld ; to be the baptizer with the Holy GbQi'J ; 
to be the Son of God ; and that all grace is received 
cut of his fulnefsy John i. 15. — 34. When he is bap- 
tized, what a glorious tefiimony is given from heaven 
to him, Macth. iii. 17 P When he lived on the earth, 
and went about doing good, all that knew him, paid 
him divine worfhip in faith, and love, and prayer, 
and obedience; and were never checked for it; as 
Peter did Cornelius, Adls x. 26.; and the angel, 
John the divine, t^vice, lie v. xix. 10. and xsii. 9. 
Yea, when he was dying, one fuv him to be God, 
and dealt with him by faith for eternal life : the 
rareft faith in all the fcripture. When d.iiA^ and 
fuppofed by Mary Magdalene to be (lill fo, ill e cal- 
led him, illy Lord, John xx. 13. Thomas calls him 
when rifen, My Lord and my God^ John xx. 28. Yea, 
when he had led them out as far as to Bethany^ and 
had lift up his hands and blejfed them ; and while he 
hlefjedthem^ he was parted from them^ and was carried 
up into heaven ; (a bleiled parting ; and there will be 
Ihordy as bleiled a meeting again) ; they worfbipped 
himy and returned to Jerufaleniy with great joy, Luke 
xxiv. 50, 51, 52, 53. Strange joy 1 when, at the rid- 
ings of Chrift's leaving ihtm, for row had filled their 
hearts^ John xvi. 6. But, now their Lord had done 
all his work on earth, and was received up into glory, 
they w^orlLipped Lira joyfully flillj kDov^iog, that 


l68 Ser:nons concerning Serm. X. 

thoiiph now CO more could they worfhiphim as they 
did, when he was with thci], with the help of th-^t 
bodily prefence of Ciirifl: with them, and with that 
fight they had of hin by the e); s of their bodies rer- 
niinated on his vifible appearance; yet by faith, aiid 
wiih joy from that fa'ih, they worfhipped him ftill. 
But when Chrifl was not only afcended into heaven, 
but had fcnt down the promife of the Father, his Ho- 
ly Spirit, upon the infant Chriflian church, A6I9 ii. 
the light of the knoivkdge of the glory of God in the face 
^f J^fi^ ChriJ}^ fnone out as the fun in its flrength. 
Ail believers, all preachers, all ordinances, were 
filled with ChriTt's glory. In this pjorpel-temple, did 
every one^ every thing, fpeak of his glory ; as the word 
is, Pfal. xxix. 9, All divine worfbip was given to 
him, and to God by hini ; all grace difpenfed by him. 
And thus it will be until his coming a^ain. While 
God hath a church on earth, it \s gathered together in 
Chrijl's name ; built on Chrill as the rock and foun- 
dation, I Cor, iii. 10, t i. ; grows vp in him, and on 
hijiij Eph. ii. 2o» 21, 22. i Pet. ii. 4, 5,; worOiips 
him, and the Father in him and by him; is (cd and 
nburitlied by his Spirit, and the influence thereof, 
until that blefled (late it is to be brought to at ihe 
]a(l appearance of the great God, and our Saviour Je- 
fu) ChriJIi Tit. ii. 13, 

1 would finifh this np-rrative with two fmgular fexrs, 
amot.'gtl many, to the fame ])iirpofe ; one in the Old 
Ttilament, and another in the New Tcftament, That 
in the Old Ttdament is in Numb. xii. 8. ; that in the 
New 1 eilament is in Col. ii, 9. 

The firfl in Numb. xii. 8, I would labour to ex- 
plain. What the matter was that occafioned the ftrife 
betwixt Mofes and Aaron and Miriam, we know but 
little ; whether Mofes did rig'ht or wrong about the 
Et^hicpian woman whom he iDarried, ver. i. Yet one 
Vvould think, that Aaron the high pried, and his el- 
der brother, and Miriam his fifter, and a prophetef?, 
Kiight have reprovsd him for what diey thought was 


Serm. X, the hordes Prayer, i5a 

amiis, without fo fevere a rebuke from the Lord, 
But their fin lay in relieving on the high (tation God 
had put him in. And their fm was fomething akia 
to that of Korah and his company againft both Mof- 
es and Aaron : Numb. xvi. 3. Tou take too much it- 
pon you. To this ftrife between Mofcs and his bro- 
ther and filler, the Lord puts an end by very extra- 
ordinary words. 1 will read them, becaufe one pare 
of them belongs evidently to our prcfent purpofe : 
Numb. xii. 6. Hear now my words : If there be a 
prophet among yoit^ (as there were feveoty fet apart 
in tne preceediug chapter), / the Lord will make my- 
Je If known to htm in a v\fion^ and will [peak unto him 
in a dream (And iheie were the ulual ways and 
means of God's darting in prophetical light into the 
minds of his prophets; either when awake, by vid- 
ens ; or when afleep, by dreams ; and both were at- 
tended, doubtiels, wirh fuch fignarures of God's in- 
tereft therein, as did fatisfy and fecure their faith), 
ver. 7. But my fervant Mofes is not fo, who is fait h- 
ful m all my houje. '"• (i nave let him above ccofe 
" ways and ordinances"), ver. 8. With him will I 
fpeak mouth to mouth, (the fame sv'nhface to face, 
Exod. xxxiii. 1 f. as a manfpeaketh unto his friend ; ■ 
and in Deut. xxxiv. la. So Mofes faith of God's way 
of giving the law : Deut. v. 4. The Lord talked with 
you face to face in the mount, out of the midfl of thefre)^ 
even apparently, and not in dark fpeeches, (as Pulm. 
Jxxyiii 2. / will utter dark fay ings of old) ; and the 
fmilitude of the Lordfhall he behold, (as much beyond 
ihe.other, 2.% feeing is beyond hearing darkly of a per- 
fon t)r thing) : Wherefore then were ye not afraid to 
/peak again}} my fervant Mofes? Now what was this,/J;«/- 
litude of the Lord that Mofes did behold, and was fo 
dignified by reafon of this fingular priviledge ? You 
k-aow he tells them, Deut. iv. 15, 16. Take ye there- , 
foic good heed unto yourfehes, (for ye faw no manner of 
fmilitude on the day that the Lor df pake unto you in R> 
reb, out of the midfl of the fire), lefi you corrupt your- 


1 70 Sermons concerning Serm. X, 

feiVeSy Sec, It is like, if there had been any feen that 
day, that they niiight rather incline to make the re- 
femblance oi that in their idol, than of the Egyptian 
ox or calf. There are divers opinions about this Jimi- 
littfde of ihe Lord that hlofes did behold. But that 1 like 
beft, and think it neareft the truth in fo dark and deep 
a matter, is what you have in the annotations of Mr 
Pool, a learned and godly divine, on this place : 
" That the Son of God appeared to Mofes in an hu- 
** man fnape : which he took up for a time, that he 
<* might give Mofes a foretaite of his future incarna- 
*' tion.'* And many grave divines think, that moft 
of the appearances of God to Abraham, and to the 
patriachs and prophets, were made by the Son of 
God in a human fhape, foretelling his being made 
fle(h in the fulnefs of time. Man was made in the i* 
mage of Gody after his Ukenefs^ Gen. i. 26. If this 
fenfe be not approved, that it was fo done, becaufe 
God had purpofed, that one of the blefied three, e- 
ven his eternal Son, the natural and effential image of 
the Father, fhould in time be fent in the likenefs of 
man ; yet this is certain, that the firft man was made 
in the image of God ; and, by his fall, got on him and 
his pofterity the image of the devil : and to recover 
U3 from this woful likenefs, and to bring ns to a bet- 
ter likenefs to God than Adam was made in and loll, 
God's Son takes jo him the likenefs offinfulficfh^ Rom. 
viii 3. yet without fm, that in and by that likenefs 
men might come to know God favingly, and be made 
like unto God. 

The oiher fcripture is in Col. ii. 9. For in him 
(Jefus Chrift) dwelleth all the fulnefs of the Godhead 
bodily, A remarkable text, and fo is the context. 
What dwells in Jefus Chrift ? The Godhead, the fulnefs 
of the Godhead, and all the fulnefs of the Godhead. 
How dwelleih it in him ? Bodily, really, fubflantially, 
not typically, as in the temple and fan£luary. The fulnefs 
of the Godhead did not only thus dwell in Chrift when 
he was on earth, but it dwelleih in him flill, and for 


Serm. X. the Lord's Prayer. 171 

ever. Where then can a man find God, but in this 
man Jefus Chriil, in whom dwelleth all the fulnefs cf 
the Godhead, really, fubftantially, and eternally :' 
The context hath two things in it. i. A warning a- 
gainft redu(n:ion, ver. 8. 18, 19. Their and our dan- 
ger lay in two things, that then were, and to this day 
are, the chief fpriogs of apoflafy from Chrid, and 
the ftinpUcity that is in hi?n^ as 2 Cor. xi. 3. The 
one is adhering to the Old Teflament ordinances and 
ceremonies, antiquated by Chrift, the end and fub- 
ftance of them all. The other is, man's reafon, wif- 
dom, and pUilofophy ; which never could, nor can, 
find out God, fo as to direft men to know God fav- 
ingly, and to worfnip God acceptably, i Cor. i. 21. 
And therefore, by its poor principles, and beggarly 
elements^ (as Gal. iv. 9.), this wifdom of man rebels 
againfl the faving wildom of God in his Son Jetus 
Chriu ; and doth but fuffiip men by their fie JIAy mmd^ 
Col. ii. i8. And from thofe two curfed fprings, all 
ihe herefies, apoitafies, and the grand Antichriitiaa 
defe^lion, have evidently flowed. 

^. In the context we have the privileges of Chrif- 
tians by Chrift, that (iiould endear him to them, and 
engage them to that ftedfaftnefs in the faith which he 
had exhorted them to in ver, 5, 6, 7. Thole privi- 
leges are many and great. The Chriftian is complete 
inhim^ ver. 10. and needs not hunt after any good 
out of him. All is to be found in Chrifl, and in him 
only. He Is circumcifed in him^ that is, faD61:*!fied, 
ver. II. He is buried zvith Chrifl ^ and rifen agaln^ 
ver. 12.; made to die to fin, and to hve to God. He 
h quickned zvith Chrifl^ ver. 13. 2Lud forgiven. All 
the Chriftian's enemies conquered, the law cancelled, 
and the devil over-come, and triumphed over by 
Chrift, at and by his lowed, ver 14, 15. 

Now, to come to the application of this dofirine 
fo oft named, That the Lord Jefus Chriil, God-mau, 
Mediator, is the only true reprcfentacive of God ua-. 

Vol, H. Z to 

172 K^erjnons concerntng Serm. X,' 

to the church : There are three exhortations I would 
give from it. i. Study God in ChriH. 2. Content 
yourfelves with this knowledge oF God in Chrift. ^. 
Ufe and improve the knowledge of God yoa have in 
and by Jefus ChriO. 

Exhort. I. Study God in Chrld. You muft know 
God, if ye be faved. You cai^uot know hinfi, but as he 
reveals himfelf ; he reveals hiinfeif no other way bat 
in Chrill, fo as to be favingly known. There are four 
books (if 1 may fo call thern) that lUcny ufe in their 
ftudying to know God ; but they are, and will be but 
poor (choiars, if they have not better, and fitter, and 
plainer books, i. Some will ftudy an abfolute God; 
God as in himfelf. An abfolute (iod is a pit, and an 
abyfs, that all that: go near it, fall into it, and will 
be dedroyed. It was a bold word of bleffed Luther, 
** Let hypocrites and unbelievers do as they pleafe, 
*' I will have nothing to do with an abfolute God." 
God as in his Son, God as in covenant with U3 in his 
Son, God as clothed with grace and mercy, (hining 
in his promifes in Chrid, is the God we mufl iludy 
to know; and when by his grace we attain it, we may 
glory humbly in it : Jer. ix. 24 Let him that glorieth^ 
g^ory in this, that he under flandeth and knoweth me^ 
that I am the Ijjrd, lohich exercife loving-kindnefs ^ 
judqinent^ and right eoujnefs in the earth : for in thefe 
t}M)2gs I delight^ faith the Lord. 2. Some ftudy God 
in bis works. And much of his glory ihioeth there- 
in, and we ought to obferve if. But what is all the 
fruit of this alone ! .Only to render men inexcufabie^ 
Rum. i 20. This light of the knowledge of the glo- 
ry of God, is both dim and cold light, Ic hath no 
heat nor power in it. Never did a man come by the 
faviug kn^owledge of God by the fludy of the book of 
creation and providence, though a true Chrift lan may 
both (tody and profit much by it, when he hath knoivn 
God, or rather is known of God, Gal. iv. 9. 3. Some 
Itudy to know God in his holy law. And iu it is a 
glorious difcovery of God, Bui it is of a holy, jud, 


Serm. X. Ibe Lord^s Prayer, 17^ 

fin-hating', fio-forbidJing, fin-threarening God. Here 
he is feen as a terrible judge. No man ever did, or 
can know God favingly, m bare iaw-light. Only God 
can be favingly known in that reprefentaiion of him 
wherein he is maniFefted as a faving God ; and that 
is, only in his Son Jefus Chrift. 4. Some ftudy to 
know God in and by his ordinances. Precious ap- 
pointments of God, mnch to be valued and ufed by 
us; and their profit great, when bleifed by their ap- 
poioter, and when ufed by us in the right manner. 
But we muft know, that as the virtue of all the Old 
Teftament ordinances lay in their relation to, and 
flladowing forth the Meffiah then to come ; (0 all the 
virtue of New Teftament ordinances lieth in their re- 
lation to, and (hewing forth of Chrift come. If there- 
fore a man now (hall (fudy to know God favingly ia 
and by the greater light of the gofpel-appointments, 
without regard to Chrifl's interefl in rhem, that maa 
will as fureiy perifh in ignorance of God, as a carnal 
Jew, uncircumci fed ia heart ; as J^r. \k. 26, Rom. ii. 
20, 29. PhiL iiio g. 

But, above all thefe, if yoUvWouH know God fav- 
ingly, fludy to know him in and by th::€ only faving 
rcprefentation he hath made of himfelf in his Son. 

I. For here it is you have the only true, and new 
place to find God in, job in his diilrefs faid, O that 
I knew where I might fnd him I that 1 7111 gbt come d?- 
ven to his feat ^ or throne! Job. xxiii. g. He is only 
to be found in Chrif}. God dwelleth in Chrifr, CoL 
ii. 9. There, and ,there only, you mud feek him, 
and find him, and koow him favingly; and acquaint 
your/elves with him^ and he at peace ^ Job xxii. 21. 
There is no creature, no part of the work of God's 
hands, that is fo nearly related to God, as the nature 
of the man Chrift, aiTumed by the divine perfon of 
the Wordy the only begotten of the Father, This is the 
true tabernacle which the Lord pitched ^ and not man^ 
Heb. viii. 2. This is the new and living way^ which 
h^ hath confecrated for us through the vail, that is to 

Z a fay^ 

174 Sermons concerning Serm. X. 

fay^ his fle/hy Heb. x. 20. And this is the only way 
to the hol'iejl^ ver. 19. The devil, Chrili's great e- 
iKHiy^ hath done much to darken and difgrace this 
uay to the world : on the one hand, by the grofs 
idolatry of An?ichrii1:, wherein a vain Ihow is made, 
by images of Chrift, and of his flefh, and fufferings 
in it ; all obfcuring and perverting of Chrifl as the 
ordinance of God for our falvation. On the other 
hand, when men by their reafon fee the vanity of 
this Popilh pageant and puppet-fhew, into which An- 
tichrift hath turned the true gofpel-reprefentation 
of Chrifl", Satan haih brought in a myllical and me- 
tfiphyfical gofpel, on the pretence of greater fpiritu- 
ality; wherein the fle(h of Chriff, and his faving per- 
formances in that flelh, are either hid, or turned in- 
to aliegories, and myfteries, and notions, that have 
v.o room but in vain minds that hatch them, and are 
quite unprcfiiable to them, that haibonr and hug 
them. But let Chriftians beware of both, as of ways 
of perdition ; aud by faith fix on the fiefli of our Lord 
and Saviour Jefus Chrilt, which was given by him 
Jor the life of the worlds John vi, 51. In this taber- 
nacle of his hfidy we by faith fee God the Son perlbn- 
ally dwelling, and by the fame faith fee the Father 
dwelling in the Son. And thus only do we favingly 
know God. 

2. In Chrift only we have the new names and re- 
lations of God, in and by which God only can be fa- 
vingly known. When God fent Mofes to HVael, and 
to Pharaoh, to bring llrael out of.Egypr, Mofes faith 
TO the Lord, Exod. iii. 13. // they ft: all fay to vie^ 
What is his name? what (hall I fay unto them f* (And 
what a deep aofwer is given to this bold queltion, 
ver I 4 P) So may we, What is that n-ime and rela- 
tion of God that he only can be favingly known by ? 
It is eafiiy anfwered, God can only be favingly known 
ia aud by that faving name by which he makes him- 
i^V. known ; and that is his name in Chrifl. The 
Lord faid to Ifrael in Exod. xxiii. 2 1. Beware of him^ 


Serm. X. the Lord^s Prayer, 175 

and obey his voice ^provoke him not : for he will not pardon 
your tranfgrejftons : Jor my ?mrns is in him. And this 
awful Word about Chrift, the angel of the coveoanr, 
that he will not pardon refufers of him, is bur the 
fame we have in Heb. xii. 25. But all the faving 
names and relations of God unto us, are all in and 
from his names in Chrift, and relations to Chrill. He 
is Chrifl's God and Father, and lb ours, John xx. 17. 
But more of thofe anoo. 

So much for the firil exhortation, Study God ia 

Exhort, 2, Learn to be content with the knowledge 
of God in Chrift. Seek no more knowledge of God, 
feek no other knowledge of God, fave in Chrift, Aii: 
not Philip's queftion ; or if you do, take Chrift's an- 
fwer to it, and feek no other, John xiv. 7, 8, 9. 
Chrift had told them, that they knew his Father^ and 
hadfeen him^ Philip, not underftanding this, faith un-i- 
to hi?n^ Shew us the Father, and ttfufficeth us, " Thoa 
" haft told us much of thy Father, of his love to us„ 
" and of his mercy in fending thee to fave us ; Lord, 
" give us but one fight of the Father, and we wiji 
" aik no more." lb this Chrift anfwers. Have l\- 
been Jo long time with yoUy (and three or four years 
was not long time, but that one day of being with 
Chrift was a vaft mercy), and yet hafl thou not known 
vie Philip f He faith not, *' Have I been fo long time. 
** with you, and haft ihou not yet known the Father?" 
(as he told the unbelieving Jews, John vlii. 19. Te 
neither know ??ie, nor my Father; and John xvi. g, 
They have neither known the Father nor me,) ; biu, 
Hafl. thou not known me f " You do know the Father, 
" becaufe you know me ; though you do not know fo 
*' diftinftly that you do know him." Therefore Chrift 
adds. He that/eeth me^ hath feen the Father ; as John 
xii. 45. He that feeth me^ feeth him that fent me, 
*' But thou Philip haft feen me, both with thy bodily 
« eye, and with the eye of faith," (as this fame Phi- 
lip faith to Nathanael, John i. 45, We have found 


I7<5 Sermons concerning Serm. X, 

h tin of whom Mofes in the law, and the prophets did 
ivrite. " He hath been long promifed by God, long 
*' looked for by Ifrael; now he is come, and we have 
** found him ; Come and fee. ^^ J : HjW fayefl thou then^ 
Skew us the Father f BelieveJ} thou noty that I am in 
the Father^ and the Father tn me f *' If thou truly be- 
•' lievefl m me, this thou mud believe, and dofl be- 
*' lieve." And to this way of believing he exhorts 
him, ver. 1 1. It is no eafy thing to hold a (trait rein 
on an inquifitive mind, and to confine all our know- 
ledge of God's glory unto that that (liiaeth in the 
face and pcrfon of Jcfus Chrifl. There is enough 
there to bufy us happily in lime, and to eternity; 
and no good can be got in tranfgrefling this land- 
mark. Jf men go but one ilep in lludying God out 
of Chriff, they wander immediately, and they do 
wander dangeroufly ; as every man may feel in him- 
felF, and fee it vifibly in many others. 

Exhort, 3. Ufe and ira prove this reprefentation of 
God in Chrifl:. It is our greateR privilege to have it ; 
and our greateft care and diligence Qiould be ufed in 
the improvement of it ; and our greateft profit comes 
to us by that improvement. This I would iafift upon 
ill ihefe particulars. 

I. Improve this reprefentation of God in Chrifl 
for fixing and determining your fpirits, in ail your 
thoughts of God. There mud be thoup-hts of God. 
His people are called thinkers on his name, Mai iii. 
16. On the contrary, of the wicked it is faid, Pfal. 
X. 4. God is not in all his thoughts. There are two 
thoughts about God in Chrifl, that I am afraid fom.e 
deceive themfelvcs by. i. Some think that they do 
know God in Chrifl, when they know that Chrifl: is 
God. This is indeed abfolutely needful to falvation. 
But it is not all. A notional ailent uato this truth, 
that ihineth fo brightly in every page of the New 
Teflaraent, may be in an ungodly man. The devil 
knows, and believes it, Mark v. 7. ; and he only puts 
3. wicked //upon ir, in his tempting of Chrift, Matth. 


Serm. X. the Lorcfs Prayer. jjj 

IV. 3. 2. Some think they know God in Chrift, vvhea 
they know that Chrift only can reveal God unto men, 
Matth. xi. 27. and John i. 18. This is indeed a pro- 
per work for Chriit only ; but that pertains to his 
prophetic office. But we muft go further ; not only 
to believe that Jefus Chrifl is true God, and the only 
true and eiFeflual teacher of the knowledge of God ; 
but that all the right knowledge we have, or can 
have of God, is of God as he is in Jefus Chrill. What 
Paul refolved on in his office, (and it may be that he 
meant rarore than his way in his office of apoillefhip), 
you mufl take up in all your religion : 1 Cor. ii» 2» 
/ determined not to know any thing a?ncngyou^ fave Je^ 
Jus Chrijly and him crucified. And if we had more 
miniflers of Paul's fpirit io their preaching, we fhould 
fee more of Chriftianity in the people's religion. But 
when fome mlnifters preach, as if they had taken up 
the reverfe of Paul's determination, even to know, 
and to make known any thing, every thing, fave 
Chrift, and him crucified ; is it any wonder, if many 
of their hearers may fay, as they did about the Holy 
Ghcft, and his difpenfation, AO.sxix. 2, We have 
not fo much as heard whether there be any Jefus Chrij}^ 
end that crucified? And fuch may juftly iay aifo of 
the Spirit, We have not fo much as beard whether there 
he any Holy Ghojl : for the Spirit is received only by 
believers on Chrift, John vii. 39. ; and by the hear^ 
ing oj faith y and not by the works of the lazv^ Gal. iii. 2, 
2. Improve this reprefentaiion of God in Chrift, ia 
your dealmg with him for eternal life. Whoever 
would be faved, muft have fome heart-dealings with 
God about it, and for it. You know it is the gift of 
God^ through Jefus Chrijl our Lor dy Rom, vi, 23. A- 
ny way, every way of dealing with God for falvation, 
will not fucceed. There is one fpecial, and the only 
right way ; and that is with God in Chrift. Can you 
deal with God as the Creator of the woild, and as a 
Lawgiver? Unlefs God kad revealed himfelf ia 


178 Ser?ncns concerning Serm. X. 

Chrifc, no finner durfl lift up his face before God's 
throne, to beg eteroeil life, or to expe^l it. 

3. Improve this reprefeiuation of God in Chrift, 
in ai! your worihipping of God. The word is the 
word of Chri/Iy Co!, iii. 16. We pray; but how? 
We muft pray in ChrijVs name, and ask, whatever we 
ask of the Father ^ in Chri/Ps name, John xiv. 15, 14. 
and xvi. 23, 24, The God that the apoftle prayed to, 
is the Gcd and Father of cur Lord Jefus ChriJJ, of 
ivhom the vjhole family in heaven and earth is named^ 
Eph. iii. 14, 15.; and to him he gives glory by Chrift 
Jefus, ver 20, 21. O that men did know, that to 
wcrlhip God out of Ohrift, is to vuorfhip they know 
not what ! as ChriH: faith in John iv. 22. , But we 
know what we worfhip : for fahatlon is of the Jews, 
Out ot them the Meffias cometh, and falvation by him; 
and in him God is favingly known, and knowingly 

4. Let all Chriftians improve this do<flrine in their 
fpiritual exercife, and in the aftings of the graces of 
the Spirit. All thofe graces are from God in Chriff, 
and difpenfed and enlivened by the Spirit of grace. 
And they are (if you take the expreilion rightly) as 
fo many diftin^l members and powers of the new man, 
whereby it adls on its original. I would name feve- 
ral of them, and fhew of what ufe this reprefentatioa 
of God in Chrilf is in their a(5ting. 

i/?. Faith. We by Chrifl believe in Gody who raif- 
ed him up from the deady and gave him glory ^ i 
Pet. i. 2 I. Faith is juftly called the fundamental, ra- 
dical grace in the new creature ; becaufe it is that 
grace whereby he is built on Chrifl the foundation, 
and taketh root in Chrifl, in whom is all the Chrilli- 
an's life, fap, and fatnefs. There are two a^fls of 
faith 1 would fpeak of; an a£l of faith for peace, and 
an a£t of faith for fupply. 

(i.) Faith a(Sts for peace. There is a fad quarrel 
betwixt God and us by fm, which muft be taken a- 
way, or no peace can be. God hath provided the 


Serm. X. the Lord^s Frayer, 1 79 

way ; Chrifl liatb made the way, yea, is become the 
way ; the gofpel reveals it, and faith inriproves 
and ufeth ir. i (hall give you four names oF God 
in Chrifl, which you will know and ufe, if you 
ever know what believing is. i. The name of God 
is love to [inner s^ John iii. 16. i John iv. 8, 9, 10. 
16'. It is impofTible that a fmner can a£l any de- 
pcndance on God for falvation, ualefs there be 
fome manifeftation of his name, as love. Whenever 
any beam of this love darts in upon a poor fmner, the 
man begins to live and hope immediately. I meaa 
not, that every one fiiould believe this propofiiion, 
That God loves me ; but only, that Gnd harh a won- 
derful great love to fave (inners, which he hath 
proved in giving his own Son to be a Saviour ; that 
this love runs out to men in and by Jefus Chrift ; and 
all that would have it for themfelves, fliouid ftrive to 
get near to this fun, that when its light and heat is 
feen and felt, they may be faved. 2. Anoiher name 
of God that faith a£ls on, is God with his redeeming 
blood. Stumble not at the phrafe ; it is that of the 
Holy Ghoft, A61:s xx. s8. When the apoflle is count- 
ing the privileges of Chriftians under the New Tef- 
tament, fee how he rifeth, Heb. xii. 22, 23, 24. Te 
are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the liv- 
ing Gody the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumer- 
able company of angels ; (all beyond what the Old 
Teftament church was brought to) ; to the general af- 
fernbiy and church of the firfl-horn^ which are written 
in heaven^ and to God the Judge of all, and to the 
fpirits ofjuj} men made perfect. But is it not terrible 
to be brought to God the Judge of all? No; for ye 
are come to Jefus the Mediator of the new covenant^ 
and to the blood offprinkling, thatfpcaketh better things 
than that of Abel. x\s if the apofile had faid, " Fear 
** not to come to God the Judge of all, when ye fee 
'^ J^f^^ ^^^ Mediator of the new covenant, and his 
*' blood that fealed and confirmed that covenant, fo 
" near to God, God the Judge is your friend, and 
Vol. II. A a *« will 

1 8 Sermons concermng S e R m . X# 

*' will abfolve you ; and the blood of the covenant (as 
" it is cailcd, Heb. xiii. 20.) wiil fpeak better things 
" for yon, and fpeak louder for your falvation, than 
** the guilt of fiu, and the thunders of the law, can 
". fpeak againft you." And never had a finaer been 
faved, if the voice of Chrid's blood had been outcried 
by any voice from heaven, or earth, or bell. 3 An- 
other name of God in Chrifl, is, he is a God that juf- 
tifies the ungodly:, Rom. iv. 5. Papiflp, and others, in 
their pretended zeal for holinefs and good works, do 
eirher dcfire that this name of God were not in the 
Bible, or the true fenfe of it v/ere taken out ol the 
church. It is r/s plainly: That as no man needs the 
blefTing of juftiticaiiou, but a fmoer and an ungodly 
man ; fo whenever God gives this blelllng, he gives it 
freely to a man that is ungodly lifl he get it. And 
\vhen a finner pleads for it, he doth plead as guihy 
and ungodly. He begs it of God* as an alms of free 
grace ; the Lord gives it as fuch ; and he that gets ir, 
holds it, and praifeth for ir, as fuch an alms of mere 
grace, God be merciful to me the jlnner^ faid the jalb- 
fied publican ; Let the utijuftified Pharifee boall: of 
his fallings, prayers, and good works, Luke xviii. 9. 
14. 4. The tvay by which peare with God is brouaht 
about in and by Jefus Chrift, is a name of God in Chrift 
that faith hath much to do with. Where God pro- 
claiuied his name to Mofes, Exod. xxxiv. 5, 6, 7. (Mo- 
fes had carnefily dedred to fee the Lord's glory, 
God promifeih it gracioufly, chap. xx>:i!i. 18, 9): 
Let us read this glorious proclamation : And the lord 
faffed by before hirn^ and proclaimed^ The Lordy the 
Lord Gsdj ?nerc'iful and gracious^ longfuJferin(j^ and 
obujidant in goodntfs and truth, keeping mercy Jor thou^ 
fands (of geyierat'ions, a^E\od, xx, 6. and Pfal. cv. 8), 
forgiving iniquity^ and tranfgrejfion. and fin, and that 
will by no means clear the ^wlty ; -ci filing the iniquity 
cf the fathers upon the children, and upon the chiidrens 
children, unto the third and to the fourth generation : 
Here v/as much of the giory of God's grace difcovered ; 


Serm, X. the Lord's Prayer. l8f 

and Mofes made good ufe of it, ver. 8, 9. Buc yet 
bow dark and dreadful was this nanne ! how hard to 
underiland it 1 Here is both grace in pardoaing fin, 
and judice in vifiting for fin. By this name we casnot 
tell when, and whom God will pardon ; and when, 
and whom he will not clear; for all are guilty. By 
this name v/e cannot tell how God can do both ; how 
he can pardon, and yet not clear the guilty; bow he 
can pardon without refie6i:ing on his judice; or how 
he can puniiii iniqaity, and not refied on his grace 
and mercy. In chap, xxxiii. 9. the Lord faith, I will 
make all my gocdnefs (or beauty and glory) pafs before 
thee. Yet was it (hort of New Testament light : for 
the bright gofpel-name of God in Chrid'refolves 
fweetly this riddle, Rora. iii. 2^, 25, 26. In Chrid 
only mercy and truth are met together^ righteoufnefs and 
peace have kiffed each other ^ as Pfal. Ixxxv. 10. And 
by this meeting and kifs, we are faved ; and when 
we fee it by faith, we are comforted. By thefe, 
God's glorious names of juftice and mercy kifs one 
another, and do kifs and fave the believer; and the 
believer by faith kiiTsth the Son of God, as Pfal. ii. 
12. J and then the Father, as a reconciled God, in 
him. I would fpeak fomewhat of this from two 
fcriprures, both deep in themfelves, and yet full of 
light and comfort to believers. One in 2 Cor. v. 19, 
20, 21. In this place, the apodle tells us what his 
gofpcl was, as committed to hira, and preachfd by 
him. It was this good news. That Goi was in Chrijl 
reconciling the world unto himfelf (But the world iieth 
in wickednejs, \ John v. 19. and God is hol/^ and a 
hater of wickednefs ; how then can fuch a God as he 
is, be reconciled to fach a world as thjs is ?), not im- 
puting their trefpajfes unto them. God out of Chrid 
judgeih and condemoeth the fmful world for their tref- 
palTes ; and this is the glory of his jadice. But God 
in Chrid does not impute their trefpades unto them ; 
and this is the glory of his grace. But how can this 
be ^, The world is guihy ; trefpaffes they have com- 

A a 2 ffiitted i 

1 82 , Sermons concerning Serm. X. 

n-iitred ; fm is not a traniient acV, no more to be heard 
after it is conimitied ; but as it is in it^, it flows from 
a depraved finFul nature, and ccniracfts a permanent 
gnllc, binding us over unto eternal vengeance, and is 
only removeable and diflblved by pardoning grace. 
The nature of God, and his law, requircth that this 
high crime of fin be either avenged on us, or fatisfied 
for by u?, or by another for us. The jufl revenge 
of fin, is the eternal ruin of the Tinner ; and fatisfac- 
tion to juftice for fin, is eternaily beyond the power 
cf the finner, or of any creature whatfoever. How 
then can God be jufl, and not impute fin to the fin- 
ner ? It is anfwered in ver. 2i, For he hath made 
him to he fm for us, who knew no fin ; that ive mioht 
be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. The finiefs 
Son of God in man's nature, is by God made fin for 
us, that the finful Tons and daughters of men may be 
made the righteoufnefs of God in him. How can this 
be; that one that is finiefs is made fin, and that fuch 
as are true and real finners are made righteous, ye^, 
made the righteoufnefs of God in him that was made 
fm ; and they are made thus righteous, by his being 
thu> made fin ? Is not this to deprefs Chrift too low, 
and ro exalt believers too high ? No ; it depreffeth 
Chrifl no lower than his Father did lay him for our 
faivation, and exalteth believers no higher than fav- 
ing grace defigned them. How is he made fin P By 
the bearing of, and being a propitiation for fin. Sin 
was imputed to him : not his own : for he had none, 
and could net have been our Saviour if he had had a- 
Fiy ^ Heb. vii. 26. For fuch an High Piie/} became usj 
who is holy, harmlefsy undefledy fc par ate fromfinners^ 
find made higher than the heavens. But the iniquity 
of all his flock was laid on him, Ifa. liii. 5. ; for this 
was he bruifed by law and juflice, and by thefe flripe;? 
are we healed, Ifa. liii. 5. Chrid was finkfs in himfelf, 
and only made fin for us. We are finners in ourfelves, 
and far from, and void of all righteoufnefs in ourfelves ; 
yet by grace are made the righteoufnefs of God in him; 


Serm. X. the Lord's Frayer, i8g 

nor, nor never in ourfelves. The fan^tified believer is 
made truly holy in himfelfjby Chrifl'sholinefs imparted 
to him by the Spirit oF Chriii. The glorified are made 
perfe6lly holy. Bin neither of them are made fari£tiiica- 
tion or righteoufnefs for theaifelves, or for others. The 
glory of this isChrift's crown and^property, i Cor.i. 30. 
and the bleffiog of it is the glory and faivation of his 
people. Another fcripture, among many to this pur- 
pofe, is in Gal. iii. 13, 14. CbriJ} bath redeemed us from 
the curfe of the law, (a great mercy ; but how ?), being 
made a curfe for us ; (How proves he it ^)'for it is writ- 
ten, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a tree /-—(taken 
from Deut. xxi. 23.) For he that is hanged, [i, e. on a 
tree, as ver. 22), is accurfed of God, or the curfe of 
God ; Hanging to death on a tree, was named in the 
law an accurfed death, (though it probably be one of 
the eafieft ways of putting malefa6lors to death, as it 
is generally ufed in Chriftian kingdoms), on the ac- 
count of one Jefus Chrift, the MefTiah, who was to 
die this way) i—that the bkjfng of Abraham might come 
on the Gentiles through Jefus ChriJ}, V/hat is the blef- 
fing of Abraham P It is that that comes to men by 
faith in Chrift : Gal. iii. 9, So then they which be of 
faith, are blefjed ivith faithful (or believing) Abraham, 
Both are bleffed wiih the fame bleliing, and by the 
fame .BleiTer, and in the fame way of believing in 
Chrift. Thefe two fcriptures (as Chrid himfelf was) 
have been a fione of (lurabling, and a rock of offence, 
and as figns to be fpoke againft. But can any fay or 
think, that the infpired writer of them did not highly 
honour his Lord and Mailer, Jefus Chriii, or that he 
did not v/ifely coni'uit the edification of the church, in 
his ufmg thefe words ? No ; no mere man excelled 
him in both. Zeal for ChriiTs glory, and love to fm- 
ners faivation, did eat him up. If we rank thefe words 
araongft /o;?;^ of the things that are hard to be under- 
flood, which they that are unlearned and unftable wrefl^ 
as they do alfo the other fcriptures, unto their deflruciion^ 
2 Peter iii, 16.} yet furely they are moit needful to 


184 Sermons concerning Serm. X* 

be iinderftood, are capable of a very good meaning, 
and are made very plain unto many. Sin againft God, 
and the curfe of God for Tin, are the worTi: things in 
this and the oiher world. Sin, and the curfe for it, 
sre ifjfeparable. If fin be commiited, it b imputed, 
and the curfe follows in courfe of law. If the curfe 
fall on a man, fin did precede it,. and deferve it. Yea, 
U'hen cur Saviour bore our fin by imputation, the 
curfe mud follow that charge. But obferve the dia- 
lect of the Holy GhcTt in thefe two fcriptures, and fee 
what provifioQ is made for the honour of Chrill: in 
this way of fpeaking, as well as for cur peace and fal- 
vation in what is fpoken. 1. Chrifl: is faid to be made 
fin. Thus no finaer was, or can be. When angels 
fell, they were made fmners, but not made fm. So 
of Adam, when he fmned, he became a finner, and a 
iin and death-conveying head to himfelf, and to all 
his natural poflerity ; but he did not become fio, tljo' 
he came nearer it than ever any other fmner did or 
can. When we fin, (and, alas 1 whe^n Ao we not fin ?), 
we were finners by nature, before we commit a<flu?d 
fin ; but by finning v/e only become greater finner*>, 
and are not made fin. Jeroboam did fin ^ and made 
Jfrael lofuu I Kings xiv. 16. The idols he fet up, 
became a fin^ i Kings xii. 30. But neither he, nor 
they were made fin. So Chrifl is faid to be made a 
cuffe. And this is not to be faid properly of any, but 
Chrifl. A finner unpardoned hath the curfe lying on 
him, and he is under it, as Gal. iii. 10 j but he is 
not made a curfe. 2. Chriil is faid to bq made fm by 
God. All finners are made 4'uch by liatan and them- 
lelves. God makes no finners ; but to fave them, h'^ 
makes his Son to be fin. So Chrifl was made a cur ft, 
ynd that by God too. He that laid fm on him, laid 
die curfe alfo. 3. Chrifl is made fin and a curfe for 
C^thi^rs. So it is in both places, /:•■«)■. A proper fin- 
der hath both his own fin charged on him, and God's 
curfe laid on him, for himfelf. lie hath none to blame 
but himfelf, liofcu .-viii. <), The fm is commiued by 

hi Til- 

Serm. X. the Lord^s Prayer. 185 

himfelf, charged on himfelf, and puniiliment iij^hrs on 
himfelf. All quire contrary to God's way in dealing 
wirh his Son. AH the charge on him was for other?. 
4. Chrift's rinleiTnefs andbleffednels in himfeif h ex- 
preiTed in 2 Cor. v. 21. and hinted in Gal. iii, ij^ 14. 
He knew no fin, yet is made fm. He was the great 
blelTing of his church, yet is made a curie for ir. 
LalUy, Obferve the fruit, defigo, and eff:-<3: of this 
marvellous way of God's making of Chriil. He is made 
fm, that we might be made righteoufncfs. That im- 
puted righteoulnefs in which believers (land before 
God, is the fruit of Chrift's being made fri for them. 
Our bleiling we have-, fprings out of Chrift's being 
made a curfe for us. 

So much for the grace of faith, and its afting f,x^ 
peace with God. Whenever you are iq good earneil: 
in dealing with God for his favour, and reconciliation 
with hira, one or more of thefe names of God ia Chrifl, 
God as love^ God with Ins redeeming bloody God that 
juftifies the ungodly^ God making his Son to be fin and 
curfe for his people ; I fay, fome of thefe names of 
God mufl either be your anchor-ground, or you wll! 
periih in the fea and ftorm of your fin, and of God's 
wrath and curfe. 1 know, that while men are fecure, 
(as the moft are), and know not what God, nor fm, 
Dor confcience are, they may either deride them, or 
wantonly i^Xk pro and con o^l thefe facred things of 
God : but I can alTare you of this, that if ever (and 
woe to you, if you never f-h) the terrors of God, and 
the power of his law, break in upon your awakened 
confciences ; if you ever think in earaed of deuh and 
judgment, you muft have your recoiirfe unto God in 
Chri[i, or peri(h eternally. No refuge but in hi:n, 
Heb. vi. 18, 19. J no hope but from him, and on 

2. There is an a^ and eKercIfe of faith for fup- 
ply. When a fmner is made by grace a believer, and 
hath peace with God, he is yet in a wanting conditi- 
on. He may be poor and needy, not only ia his own 


1 86 Sermons concerning Serm. X. 

eyes, but reallj^, on whom the Lord thinkcih favour- 
ably, Pfal. xl. 17. Every believer can tell fomething, 
none can tell all he wants. How are they fupplied P 
Phil. iv. 19. My God fhallfupply all your neecl^ accord- 
ing to his riches in glory^ by Jefus Chrifl. It hath 
pleajed the Father^ that in him Jbould all fulnefs dwells 
Col. i. 19. And how pleafing (hould it be to his peo- 
ple, that it is lodged in fo fure a hand ? Acd how 
pleafant ought it to be to them, to come, and ailc, and 
receive, till their joy be full? John xiv, 13, 14. and 
xvi. 23, 24. We all know, by natural light, that God 
is the fountain of all our fupplies, fro?n whom cometh 
every good gift ^ and every perfe6l gifty James i. 1 7. But 
gofpel-light tells us by whom he giveth, and on what 
ground ; even out of Chrifl's fulnefs, and according 
to his promifes in Chrid. 

So much for the grace of faith, 

2^/y, Another grace that this reprefentaiion of God 
Jn^and by Chrid directs us in the acting and exercife 
of, is, repentance unto li/Cj as it is called in A6i:s xi. 18. 
There is a faving repentance, as well as there is a 
faving faith. Both are given to them whom God fav- 
eth. No impenitent perfon is faved, nor unbelie- 
Ter. Two things only 1 would note about repentance. 

1. Never man did truly repent, but a believer in Chrift. 

2. Never did a man truly repent, but for his fins a- 
gainll God in Chrifl. If you know nothing more of 
repentance but what you feel in the twinges of your 
confcience, by the light and heat of God's holy law, 
you are not yet come to gofpel-repentance. Poor and 
confufed are the notions that mod fmners have. They 
think, that all their fins are againd God, and all their 
relief is in Jefus Chrid ; but they do not know, and 
lay to heart, that all their fins are againd God in 
Chrid, and that all their relief againd fin is likewife 
in God in Chrid. Mgu Jin again/? ChriJ}^ 1 Cor. viii. 
12. ; they ^^xt forgiven by Chrifl ^ Col. iiii. i;^. He is 
exalted with the right hand of Gody to be a Frince and 
a Saviour^ for to give repentance to Ifrael^ and for give- 

nefs ^ 

Serm. X. the LorcPs Prayer, 187 

nefs offins^ A<^s v. 3[. IF, in the exercife of your 
repentance, you forget that you have pierced Chrift 
by your fins, you are not aifted by the promifed Spirit 
oi" grace, Zcch. xii. 10. And all expedations of par- 
don that are not only grounded on Chrift and his me- 
diation, are not only vain, but finfuL, 

3^/y, I might fpeak of the grace of love, that pre- 
cious and everlafting grace# Love mud a£l on God 
in Chrift. It is fad to fee and hear people bufying 
their heads with fpeculations about the excellencies 
and perfedions of the divine nature, and imagining by 
the force of their reafoning on ihefe things, to blow 
up a fire of love to God. But let men know, that till 
God be known to us as love, no lost that is true, will 
ever kindle in our hearts. Nov/, God as love is only 
difcovered as he is in Chrift : i John iv. 8,-19. ^^^ 
love hm, becaufe he fir ft loved us. 

^thly^ All holy obedience is to be performed unto 
God in Chrift: Col. iii. 17,-24. And ivhatfoever ye 
doy in word or deed^ do all in the name of the Lord Je^ 
fusy giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Yea, 
relative duties are urged by moft fpiritual moiives and 
patterns ; husbands love to their wives, by Chrift'slove 
to his church ; wives fubjedlion to their own 'luf- 
bands, by the church's fubjeftion to Chrift, who is its 
Head and Saviour, Eph. v. 20,-33. Even Chriftiaa 
fervants obedience to, and ferving of their mafters, is 
required and fweetened by this, that therein theyferve 
the Lord Chrift, It is not unlike, that, in thofe times, 
Chriftian fervants might be flaves and fervants of infi- 
dels, and of fuch as ferved the devil ; yet, faith he, 
** in your lawful fervice of fuch mafters, ye ferve Chrift, 
«' though they do not know him" Surely, the fpiri- 
tual tinfture of true worfliip is loft, when Chrift is for- 
gotten in it; and the favour of Chriftian obedience is 
pcriftied, when it is not done as to the Lord. 

^thly^ Patience under afHi(5l:ion is a grace that every 
faint hath need of, as Heb. x. 36-; and muft ufe in 
all his race heaven-ward, Heb. xii. u Let us run with 

Vol. II. B b f^ti- 

iS8 Sermons comernmg Serm. X- 

patience the race that is Jet before us. There is not a 
(lep in our journey wherein paiience Is needlefs. Run- 
ning and patience feem inconfiftent ; but he that runs 
without patience, makes but fools hafle. Now, this 
peedfui and ufeful grace can only be exercifed by faith 
in God through Chrift. If God afilia. us as our Crea- 
tor, as our judge, as our Lawgiver, reafon and mo- 
raiity may afford not a few arguments to patience and 
fubmiiHon to his will : but true Chiiftian patience will 
never be found, unlefs the love of the atlLfter be in 
fome meafure feen by the aflliaed. Our blefled Lord 
gave us an example to follow, John xviii. ii. The cup 
which viy Father hath given ?ne^ Jhall I not drtnk it f 
If men or devils only had given it, (and they h J no 
little hand in it), the matter had been otherwife. He 
was opprejjed^ and. he vjas afflided^ yet he opened not 
his mouthy Ifa. liii. 7. Chrift's cup was more bitter, 
his fufferings greater, than ever any of his people 
tafled and felt. His patience was invincible, and that 
becaufe his faith was perfe^l, Ifa. 1. 6^-^, David 
faith, Pfal. xxxix. 9. I was dumb^ I opened not ?ny mouthy 
becaufe thou didft it. When God is feen as an ene- 
niy, affliction will rather work fretting than patience. 
Therefore when the apoftle is dire£ting Chriftians how 
to bear God's affli<fling hand righdy, without fainting, 
or defpifing it ; his main argument is, that in all of 
them the Lord dealeth with .hem as a father with his 
children, Heb. xii. 5,-11. And furely no man can 
have the comfort of this relation ro God, of a child 
to his h.avenly Father, that by faith takes not up the 
high foundation of this relation, that God is the God 
sind Father of our Lord Jeius ChrilL 

6////>', laflly^ The hope of glory arifeth from, and 
ads on God, as God in Chr?(l. This grace is a great 
mercy ; and tliat all that have it know. It fliould be 
tenderly cheriflied. But this is a great fault in many 
ChriRiaui, ihat they do not feek it fo diligcady as 
they ought, when ihey want it j nor aa it fo careful- 
ly, when they Lave any of it : and forely do they 


Serm. X, the Lord's Frayer, 1B9 

fmart for this, in walking 77iourning, without the fun ^ fo 
many days, as Job xxx. 28. See the exhorration in 
Rom. xii. 12. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, 
continuing injlant in prayer ; and all tills is to be done 
mferving the Lord^ ver. 1 1. Yoa all readily think, 
that murmuring under affliiftioas, and x'eftraining prayer 
before God, are ungodly pra6lices ; and yet you do 
think it no fault (but a great miferj you will own it 
to be) to negle<fi: the leading duty, to rejoice in hope, 
and in the hope cf the glory of God, Rom. v. 2. This 
hope is in Chrifl; yea, he is our hope, i Tim. i. r. 
Chrijl in you is the hope of glory ^ C-ol. i. 27. The hope 
of glory grows on no root but Jefus Chriii. He is e- 
ternal ife^ \ John i. i, 2. He that knows him, knows 
eternal life. He that hath Chrijl^ hath eternal life, 
I John V. ir, 12, 13. ; and he that hath Chriil dwel- 
ling in his heart by faith ^ Eph. iii. 17. hath eternal life 
abiding in him^ which the apoftle denieth of a mur- 
derer, I John iii. 15, 

And thus i would conclude this truth, of the glory 
of Chrifl as he is the reprefentative of God to his 
church, and of the good ufe we ihould make thereof. 
1 have iniified longer upon it than I defigned. Bat 
the importance of the fubje£l may excufe it/ Bat whea 
all is faid, we need to begin again, that we may incul- 
cate this truch deeply into the heart and confciencesof 
Chrifiians. Affure yourfelves, that <^o^ out of Chrift' 
is an idol whom all the world worfbippeth, (as Deme-. 
trius faid of Diana, A£ts xix 27 ), except the few that* 
can fay, as i John v. 20, 2 i. And id e know that the 
Son of God is come^ and hath given us an underjlandtng 
that we may know him that is true : and we are in htm ■ 
that is true, even in his Son Jefns Chrifl : this is the 
true Gody and eternal life. Little children, keep your' 
/elves from idoh. Amen. All reprefen rations of God, 
fave what is made to you in his Son, are idols. And' 
a-;; you love his glory, and your own eternal Well, 
watch, and ward, and keep yourfelves from all, or 
any of them, 


ipo Sermons concerning Serm, ^I. 


John xvii, 24. 

Father^ I will that they alfo whom thou hcifl given me^ 
he with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thon ha/l given me : for thou lovedjl fue 
before the foundation of the world » 

YO U have heard at fome length of the glory of 
Chrift, as he is the reprefenier of God unto his 
church ; and the rather 1 inlifted on it, becaufe it is 
a point of divine truth of the inaio importance to be 
believed, and of the main influence and dire<flion in 
the whole of Chiiltianity. There are many poor fouls 
that are ruined with irreligion ; and not a fevv are 
ruined in and by their religion, fuch as it is. Some 
know not that there is a God, or live as if they thought 
there was none, or wiflied that there was none. And 
fome fay, they know and believe that there is a God, 
and they m.^-ke fome faftiion of worfnipping and ferv- 
ing him ; but they know not who he is, and what his 
right name is. It is only God in Chrift who can be 
only known, and favingly knov;n, by men. It is only 
a faving nam.e of God that can be favingly known 
by men. And this name of God is only proclaimed 
in his tverlafling gofpel j and the knowing of this 
name can only be attained by Chrift's declaring it, 
John xyii. 6, 26. i Cor. xii. 3. by the Holy Ghoft. 
vA.ll contemplations of God out of Chrilt are but vain 
imaginations, and can never bring a man to the faving 
knowledge of God : and all worfiiipping of God out 
Ot Chriit, is but will-worihip, and provocation. 

Secondly, It now follows to fpeak of another beam 
and branch of Chnit's glory ; and that is, in Chrift's 
jreprefeutiDg his church and people unto God. it 


Serm. XI. the Lord^s Prayer, 19 1 

is one part of his glory, that he doth fo reprefent 
God unto his church, that all the iaviog knowledge 
of God is only in hiui and by him. Another part of 
his glory (if the word part were proper in fpeaking of 
his infinite glory ; but ye know what 1 mean, and 
none can miftake but the Wilful) is, in his reprefent- 
ing his church fo unto God, that all the acceptance 
we have with God, ail the faving mercy we receive 
from God, and all the favourable views God hath of 
u?, are from our being feen as in Chriff, and as we 
are reprefented by Chri(t unto him. God out of Chrill 
is a maze, a labyrinth to men, yea, a dreadful enemy : 
and men out of Chrifl are an abominatioa in his eyes/ 

My work on this lecond head of Chrift's glory, 
Ihall be in three things, 1. 1 would fliew you where- 
in Chrifl reprefents his people unto God. 2. What 
is Chrift's fimefs for making this reprefentation. 3, 
What is his glory in making of it, 

Firj}^ Wherein doth Chrill: reprefent his church 
unto God ? By his church I mean a fek£i company 
of Adam's feed (not excluding our firft parents them- 
felves) appointed to eternal life by Jefus Chrift. This 
is his body, whereof he is Head and Saviour, Epb. 
V. 23. All the favourable appearances they make in 
God's fight, are all as they are reprefented unto God 
by Jefus Chrifl. This 1 would iniirudl in a few gf 
the main and principal. 

I. May I begin with the firfl, the deepefl of ail, ^ 
elecTtion, that facred eternal purpofe of God's grace 
concerning his church ? This grace is in Jefus Chrill : 
Eph, i. 3, 4, 5. Bkjfed hi the God and Father of our 
Lord Jefus Chrift^ who hath blejjed us with all fpi^ 
ritual hlejjings in heavenly places (or things ) in Chrijl; 
according as he hath chcfen us in hifn before the found a^ 
tion of the worlds that we fhould be holy, and without 
bla?ne before him in love : having predejlinated us unto 
the adoption of children by Jefus Chrijl to himfelf It 
is but little that we do, or can know of God : little 
of his works, little of his word j but leaft of all of his 


592 Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

thoughts and purpofes. Bat when men think of 
thele thoughts of God's heart, and judge of them ac- 
cording to their own, no wonder that they widely 
miliake : For his thoughts are not our thoughts^ neither 
ere our ways his ways, faith the Lord^ Ifa. Iv. 8, 9. j 
but as far above them are his ways and his thoughts, 
as the heavens arc above the earth. How far is a 
purpofing, decreeing God, above the reach of the 
jmoli difcerning of creatures! Yet vain man that would 
be wife, and quickly dreams that he is fo, (and there- 
by bewrays his folly), will venture to pry into, judge, 
and reafon of the unfearchable counfels of God ; 
when they that have mofi: of the opirit of God fay, 
as in Rom. xi. 33, 34. the depth of the riches^ both 
of the wifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfearchable 
are his judgments y and his ways paft finding out ! For 
ii'ho hath known the mind of the Lordy or zvho hath been 
his CGUnJeller f We cannot be his counfellers ; but we 
may, and mufl be his fcholars, and learn, and adore, 
;<ud believe what he revealeth. And in the fcripture 
named, we have mucli to learn about his purpofes. 
A?, I. That all fpiriiual bleilings in Chrift Jefus fiOW 
from eleftion-grace. 2. That this ele£tion grace is 
eternal. 3. That this ele(^ion-grace paffed upon 
diflinc^ perfons, us and we. 4. That the means, 
a-.id way, and the t.iii\^ are all included in this 
decree and purpofe : That we fhould be holy^ and 
%viihout blame btfore him in love ; and the end is, the 
adoption cf children ^ ver. 5. the heavenly inheriraoce, 
ver. II. And, 5. That wliich pertains to my prefent 
purpofe, is, that this ele^lion-grace, thus exprcillid, 
thus qualified and di'iingui(hed, is in Jefus Chrift, ver. 
4. by Jefus Chrifl^ \q.':, 5, This purpofe and grace ivas 
given us tn Chrijr Jefus before the world began, 2 Tim. 
I. 9. Now, what is Chriit's interelt in eleftion-grace ? 
It is not to be thonglir, that Chrifl purchafed the love 
of ele^ion, as he did all the fruits of it ; but only 
fhat elc(^ion-love palTjd firft on Clirilt the head, anil 
then on bis body the church : (though 1 own, that 


Serm. XI. the Lord's Prayer, rpi 

the wordsyfr/? 2iV^di fecond are very improperly applied 
to the Gounfels of God, which are but one -aSl in the 
divine mind ; but we miifl ihiiik as a child, and rea- 
fon and uuderfland as a child, while we are as a child, 
I Cor. xiii. 1 1.). Chrilt was chofen head to the 
church, and the church chofen to be his body. He 
is chcfen of God^ i Pet, ii. 14. : and his church is a 
chofen generation i ver. 9. j and chofen in him, not 
wichout regard to him. Ele«flion determines all the 
perfons j eie(ftion determines all the bleillngs thefe 
perfons arc to be bleiTed with ; and ele^lion deter- 
mines the way in and by which all thefe blefiings are 
to be given to all thefe perfons : and that way is ia 
and by Jefus Chrift. 

2. Chriil reprefents his church unto God in re- 
demption. This redemption is in Chrift Jefus^ Rom. 
iii. 24. ; it is 'in him we have it, Eph. i. 7. There is 
a Redeemer j the Lord Jefus Chrilt, the Son of God, 
There is a price of the redemption ; himfelf, his lite, 
his blood. There are redeemed ones; a great m\i\^ 
inudiQ out of every kindredy and tongue ^ and people and 
nation^ Rev. v. 9. in fpeaking of the redemption ia 
and by Jefus Chrift, I would confider it four ways. 

ly?, This redemption is to be confidered as requir- 
ed and demanded by the Father from the Son. The 
work of redeeming was laid on the Son, and the price 
of redemption fixed upon : Even that the Son of God 
(hould, in the fulnefs of time, take on him man's d5- 
ture ; (but a^ the chi/drens nature, Heb. ii. 14. as /,^'/f 
feed of Abraham^ ver. 16.): that in that nature he 
(liould ftand in their room and ftead, and fufier whas 
his people deferved by their fms ; and purchafe bief- 
fings for them, which they could never procure to 
themfelves, and without which they muii: perilh. This 
price of redemption was required of Chrift, John x, 
18. ; and required in honour to God's holy juftice, ia 
love and mercy to his chof-^n, and ia a defign of glo- 
ry to his Son. A price of redemption for a finaer 
was never required by Qod^ of a linner. He kaoweth 


ip^ Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

well, that they have nothing to pay. Yea, the dam- 
ned in hell are not fent thither to pay, hut to be pu- 
niQied. Your proverb, Thatapril'on pays no debts, 
is true of God's dreadful prifon, hell, and of the mi- 
ferable prifoners there. The Lord fave you from ir, 
and inilruft you in the only way to efcape it. You 
are great debtors to God ; you can never pay the firll, 
much lefs the lad farthing of it. He doth not re- 
quire payment of you ; but all he craveth of you, i?, 
that you would humbly own your debt, and your in- 
ablity to pay, and betake yourfelves unto the furety's 
payment. It was no improper faying concerning the 
gofpel, ufed by a minifter in preaching to an ignorant 
people : " The gofpel (he faid) is nothing but good 
" news, that a rich man is come into the country to 
" pay poor folks debts." On this errand the Father 
fent him : and for this end we fhould believe on him. 
2^/)', Confider Chrifl's redemption as paid by Je- 
fus Chrift, and fo wrought out by him. All the price 
demanded, he paid fully. The debt was perfedlly 
paid, in full mcafure, heaped up, and running over. 
For when the righteoufnefs of God is paid for the re- 
demption of finners, and of their tranfgrelTions, (as 
in Heb. ix. 15.), we quickly fee where the advantage 
lieth : for the demerit of fm is mainly heightened by 
the dignity of the party offended ; and the merit of 
righteoufnefs, by the dignity of the party that per- 
forms it. On this, as on other accounts, grace doth 
much more abound than fin^ Rom. v. 20, 2 i.; and thii 
grace doth reign^ ivhere fin had reigned. Since fm 
came into the world, and grace appeared in the iu^ 
gofpel-promife. Gen. iii. 15. there never wasafio- 
Der redeemed and faved, never was any propitiation 
made for fm, but what our Lord jefus Chrift the Re- 
deemer did, and made, by his dying at Jerufalem. 
The virtue of it, according to the covenant, was ef- 
fectual to believers, before and after his death, A61s 
XV, II.; and will ftill be till his fecond coming, Heb. 

Ik. 28, 


Serm. XL the Lord's Prayer. 19 S 

^d/y, Coafider redemption as accepted by God. 
Though a price be demanded, and paid as demand- 
ed : yet the redemption is not a concluded bargain, 
unlels it be accepted. But the price oF the church's 
redeir.ption was accepted with the higbell p^ood-will : 
Eph. V. 2. Chrift loved us^ and gave hmj'df for us^ 
an offering and a facrifce to God for a fweet-fmelling 
favour. The facrifice was offered to God, but offer- 
ed for us. The favour of this facrifice afcends up- 
wards, and piveth faiisfa£lion to divine iuftice ; and 
it defcends downwards to the hearts and confciences 
of believers, for their peace and falvation, Heb. ix. 
1 4. It f leafed the Lord to bruife Jjiniy he hath put him 
to grief Ifa. liii. 10. And both this way and means, 
and the fruits and effedls thereof, are the pleafure of 
Jehovah, which profpers in the hand of our dying 
Lord Jefus; as in that verfe, The Father loved his 
Son ^ for laying down his life for his fheep, John x. 17, 
18. And this commandment he received of his Father, 
Our Lord had this commandm.ent in his heart, and 
came to do it, and delighted in doing it, Pfal. xl. 6, 
7,8. with Heb. X. 5.-— 10. The divine acceptance 
of the price of his church's redemption, is demonfirat- 
ed two ways efpecialiy. 1. In the glory that the Lord 
Redeemer was admitted unto, Phil. ii. 6. — 11. Eph.- 
i. 20. — 23. Heb. i. 3. ii. 9. and xii. 2. and in many 
places. Only confider his own words to his difciples, 
and to his Father. To the difciple;^, in John xvi. jo. 
* He (the Holy Spirit whom I will fend from my Father) 
fhall convince the world of right eoufnefs^ becaife I go to 
my Father^ and ye fee me no more. The convi^ion is 
deep, and fo is the reafon and ground of it. Chrift 
going to leave them, and their feeing him no more, 
as before and now, was their main grief. They could 
not think that any good (hould accrue to them by 
this fad parting, much lefs fo great bleffings as Chrift 
told them of, and which quickly after they knew and 
owned : A6ls ii, 33. Being by the right hand of God 
exalted^ and having received of the Father the promife 

Vol. 1L C c of 

J ^6 Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

of the Holy Ghojl^ he hath Jlocd forth this^ zvhkh ys 
now fee and hear. And as he fpoke this, and words 
to the fame purpofe, in the fulfilling oF this promife, 
three thoufand iinners, and bloody ones too, are con- 
vinced of fin, righteonfnefs, and of judgment, and 
made believers. Chrifl's words to his Father are in 
John xvii. 4. / hare glorified thee on earth ; I have 
fmjhed the work which thou gavefl vie to do (in ir). 
if drift came back again into the world, (ftive to 
jiuige it ; and that will be in the clouds), men uiight 
think, that he had not done all he firfl came for. But 
he did all, as it was foretold in Dan. ix. 24. Ibfini- 
fhedthe tranfgreffion^ and made an end cf fins, (as Heb. 
ix. 26. He put away ft n by the facrifce of himfelf), 
and made reconciliation J or iniquity, and brought in e- 
verlafling righteoufne/s, and fealed up the vifion and 
prophecy, and anointed the mofl holy, 2. As Chrifl's 
glory in heaven, on his paying the price of redempti- 
on, is a demordraiion of irs acceptance with God ; 
fo all the gi.jceand glory on earth, and in heaven, in 
rime, and to cierniry, which is poured forth abua- 
d intly on men, (all which flows from the virtue of 
this p ice), is another demonflration of God's ac- 
c^paiice oi this required and paid moft precious price. 
Of which anon. 

A^thly, Confider redemption in Chrift as it is ap- 
plied to the redeemed. As the price was demanded 
by the Father, as it was paid by the Son, as this pay- 
ment was accepted of the Father ; all thofe coDcern 
the redeemed nearly : but all is only about them, and 
for them. But application is to them, on them, and 
in tjiem. And all the application of Chrill's redemp- 
tion, depends on, and flows from the defign of the 
Father and Son ia this great work of redemption. I 
Would confider redemption as applied to perfons, and 
to bleilings, and rheir order, i. As 10 perlbns. Chrifl's 
redemption is applied to all, and none but them, for 
whom it was paid. He f hall jujlify many : (whom! 
how many ! aud how ! and why \) : for he f hall bear 


Serm. XI. the LorcPs Frayer» 197 

their iniquities^ Ifa. lii. 11, Univerfal eleftion is ra- 
ther nonfenfe, and a contradi£lion in its terms, than 
an error : for if there be an ele£lion of grace, (as 
there is, as lure as there is a {ostvtxgn God of alt 
grace^ as he is called, 1 Per. v. 10), fome are cbofen, 
and not all ; and therefore fome are paiTed by. Uni- 
verfal i^lva^ion is a grofs and damnable error, that few 
or none dare own. But univerfal redemption hath 
many advocates and patrons. . Whoever defend it (o 
as to exclude the fpecial, particular redemption of the 
dect of God, they do fight againll the tenor of the 
gofpel. Chrift died for diftinfi known perfons for his 
Iheep whom he knew, John x. 14. 27. He died for 
them, in love to them : and doubtlefs he knew well 
whom he loved. His blood, the price of redemption, 
is the blood of the everla fling covenant^ Heb. xiii. 20. 
which did confirm this covenant, Heb. Ik. 15, \6, 
And was not this price paid according to the terms of 
this covenant ? And did not this covenant fix both the 
price, and who (hould pay it ; and the purchafe, and 
who (hould enjoy it ? This you all may be fure of, 
that however men, by their wit and learning, m^y 
difpute and talk about Chrift's death, and its extent, 
in his and his Faiher's defigns in it; yet this precious 
gofpei-trath, of redemption by Jefus Chrid, is never 
rightly known, Vightly believed, nor righdy nfed, 
till a particular, loil and fold finner pat in by faith for 
a (h^re and intereft in it. Thus Pad, Gal. ii. 20. 
The Son of God loved me^ and gave hirafelf for me. 
How couid Paul know this .^ When Chrifl died, and 
redeemed his church, Paul was an ungodly wretch, 
a very hypocrite ; and after Chrift had died, and rofc 
again, and afcended up into glory, Paul hated the 
very nameofChrilt, and perfecuted to death all that 
called on his name. But after God^ that hadfeparat- 
ed him from his mothers ivomh^ had called him by his 
grace^ and revealed his Son in him^ Gal i. 13:, i6. then<, 
and not till then, he knew that Chrift died for him, 
and that in love to him ; and ever after he lived by 

C c 2 the 

ipS Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

the faiih of It. 2. This redemption by Chrill is ap- 
plied as to bleffings al fo, and that in a wife order. 
Faith is lirfl, and a fruit of Chrift's redemption : John 
xii. 32. And /, 7/ / be (or when I am) lifted up from 
the earthy will draw all men unto me ; i. e, *' AH 
*• whom I am lilted up for, them will I draw unto me." 
It is no wonder, that fome men do not look on faith 
as the purchafe of Chrifl's redemption, that dream of 
a kind of faving faith that Chrift the Redeemer is not 
the object of. But we know, that unto us it is given 
on the behalf of Chrtfl,^ t' believe on him, Phil. i. 29. ; 
and rhat fuch as have tiue faith, have obtained this 
frecious grace, through the right eoufiefs of our God and 
iSaviour J ejus Chriff, (for fo it lliould be read, ac- 
co'.'lmfj t^ the orio;ina)), 2 Pet. i. i. And he is the 
author and finifher of our faiths Heb. xii. 2. And this 
leads me to fpeak of the blelTings of Chrift's redemp- 
tion, that the redeemed get by the virtue of it, and 
by Christ's reprefenting them unto God. 

(i.) They are reprefented by Chrift unto God for 
their juflification ; and obrain it, when, and as, and 
becaufe, reprefented to God in him, and by him. 
This juftificaiion of a fiiiner by faith in Chrift Jefus, 
is, ever was, and ever will be, the darkeft riddle, 
and the greaieft ftumbh'ng-block, to all the unbeliev- 
ing v/orld. And it is always fo as" to gofpel-truth ; 
that (he nearer relaticn a gofpel-truth hath unto the 
perfon and undertaking of the wonderful Saviour, (as 
he is called, Ifa. ix. 6.), the lefs a natural man feeth, 
and the more ready is he to ftumble at ir, and to 
miftake ir. It is but a vain attempt of them, (how 
good foever their defign be, and how learned and 
wife foever they be that manage it), who ftudy to ac- 
commodate the gofpel-do61rine of jullification by faith 
in Jefus Chrift» uoio the guft, liking, and underftand- 
jDgs of unbelievers. Such will never, nor can know, 
and like it, i Cor. ii. 14. It is (as all the things of 
die Spirit of God are) dark, and foolilhnefs to them. 


SeRM. XI. the Lord^s Prayer, Ipp 

And they that know lead of Chrift, and of faith in 
him, and of jiiftification by faith, are mofl bold and 
daring to reproach all, and to fpeak evil of things 
they know not. None need to wonder at what a poor 
wretch faid and wrote, (though he bore no fmall name 
* in the world), *' That of all the writers of the new 
^' teflament, Paul was the darkelt and moft obfcure 
" author." It was however plainly (chough wickedly) 
faid ; and it is the true meaning of all unbelievers, 
and the fruit of their unbelief; and remains in all men 
till faith come^ as Gal. iii. 23, 25. This attempt of 
making juftifieation by faith in Chrift palatable to a 
Datural man, is not only vain and inefFeflual ; but it 
harh no fmall influence on manifold corruptions of this 
truth, and of mens bringing in of another gofpel, 
(Gal. i. 6.), that a natural man may fooner know, and 
belter like. When natural men hear of the do;^rine 
of jufiiiication, (by which they underftand, that a {in- 
ner is counted and accepted as righteous before God, 
and is pardoned all his fms, and adjudged to eternal 
life), they all immediately and naturally think, that 
this bleffing cac only come to men, by one, or other, 
or both thofe ways, which are both falfe ways : i. 
Either that God will abate fomewhat of the ftriflnefs 
of his law: or, 2. That he will fome way enable a 
fmner to do fomething, and to bring fomethin^ to 
God, in order to his acceptance with God: Either 
that God will bring down his law to a finner, or bring 
up the finner to obey it. As to the firll. That God 
will abate of the flri^tnefsof his law, and demand lefs; 
it is a vain and falfe notion. But it is natural and con- 
flant in unrenewed men. Chrilt's great enemies, the 
fcribes and Pharifees, that were wholly for righteouf- 
nefs by works, to fupport this Babel, did necelTarily 
explain God's holy law in fuch a manner as was no 
hard thing to fulfd it ; and all their fucceffors are dri- 
ven to the fame (liift. Our Lord, (who came not to 
deflroyy hut to fulfil the law^ Matth. v. 17.), to over- 
throw their rotten foundaiiou, tells ail, io ver, 20. Ex- 

2i>o Sermons concerning Serm. XI» 

cept your tighteoufnefs fiall exceed the tighteoufnefs of 
the fcribes and Fharifees^ ye Jhall in no cafe enter into 
the kingdom of heaven* This our Lord proveth, by a 
irue interpretation of the law in its perfe^ion, and 
fpiriiaality, and vaft extent ; fo as that no finner can 
fulfil ir, and get righteoufoefs and life by it. And 
thus always God's law oui^ht to be preached to men ; 
a$ fo holy and pcrfeel a law, that no Tinner can fulfil 
it ; and as fo (Irong and dreadful, that no finner can 
efcape its reach, nor endure its fentence ; that they 
may look out for relief in Chrift alone. 2. The other 
ihought of a natural mm is, That a finner mud do 
fome good, and be made holy, that he may be judi- 
fied and pardoned. And though the poor finner is all 
naught, hath nothing, and can do nothing that is good; 
yet the legal fpiric in himfelf, and the legal teachers 
vvhoiu he loveth to hear, do ufe him more feverely 
than the Egyptian tafkmafters did the children of If- 
lacl. For Ifrael had earth to make Pharoah's bricks 
o^, and, with much pains, might gather (lubble in the 
land of Egypt inftead of flraw. But a finner under 
the law is in a worfe condition : for there is neither 
earth nor ftraw in all God's world for a finner to make 
one brick, one good work, of ; and yet they are cal- 
led upon daily to do a great many ; and are feverely 
beaten when they do i;ot fulfil their tafics. Many are 
ready to fav, Doth not God command finners in his 
word to repent, believe, and to do well ? Yes, fureiy 
he doth. The old and new ledament is full of fuch 
command'?; and miniffers may fureiy, and muft leach 
men what God commands. But they Qiould teach m.en 
thofe things a-; God means and intends ; and that is 
iiedared in his word. They >hculd teach them as God 
will have them to teach, and all men to learn ; that 
is, that thofe things are God's wiil, and our duty ; 
but thofe things are God's will, and our duty ; but 
that power and "w ill to obey is not in men, btit muft 
be wrought by grace in them : Phil. ii. 13. For it is 
God "which ivorkcth in youy both lo ivill and to do of 


Sehm. XL the Lord*^ Frayer, 201. 

his good pkafure, John xv. 4, 5. For without me ye 
can do nothing. If fo it be faid of believers, and of 
true branches in the true vine, what mud be faid of 
fmners, in and of themfelves P Thofe commands are 
not given to make fmnei-s proud, and to think what 
they can do ; but to teil thera God's raind, and wh>it 
is their duty to do ; that by the hearing of God's holy 
will, and feeling of their own utter inability to do any 
good, they may be humbled, and betake themfelves 
to Chnit by faith, on whom all our help is laid. But 
a replier againft God may yet fay, Where is juftice 
in commanding what he knows we cannot do, and 
then in panifiiing fc-^ not doing P Many things have 
been faid to anfwet fuch a cavil. I fhali na'me but 
three, r. All were o;.ce in Adam able to do God's 
will. This ability is lo(t by the firfl fin. If man by 
his fin have loft his power to do God's work, God hatli 
not loft his authority and power to commaod man's 
duty, nor his right to puni(h man's fin, 2. All men 
naturally think that they can do fomething that isgood, 
and a great deal too. The Lord therefore juftly^tries 
them, and lets them try what they can do. 3. This 
natural inability in fmners to do any good is what 
they love j and fo is doubly fmful, as well as mifera- 
ble. His camiot^ is infeparable from his will not. He 
is a captive to the devil at his will, 2 Tim. ii. 26, And 
the captive loves his jailor, and his chains, and his 
drudgery ; and neither longs for liberty, nor welcomes 
the news of a Redeemer ; yea, ftriveth againft him, 
till Chrift fubduc him by his grace, 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. 
So that either of thofe notions are faife, that God will 
abate of the ftrianefs of his law, or will enable a fm- 
cer to do any thing pleafing to God before he be juf- 
tified. Befide?, if either of thofe were, they wonld 
quite alter and invert that myftery of jaftification by 
Chrift that is revealed to us fo plainly ia the fcriptures. 
It is not the juftification of a good and holy man, but 
of a fmner ; yea of a finner under the law, guilty of 
manifold breaches of this law^ for which he is accufed, 


lot Sermons concernwg Serm. XL 

arraigned, curfed, and condemned by it, and his moiuh 
(lopped ; having no defence and no excufe to make^ 
and no (hift or way oF efcape left hiin, but what the 
gofpel reveals, Rom. iii. 9. — 3 1. It is about the juf- 
tiiication of a man iu this fad condition that the gof- 
pel fpeaks, and tells us thefe good tidings. 

I. That a perfect righteoufnefs, anfvvering fully 
all the comniands and the demands of the lav/, hath 
been wrought out by the Lord Jefus Chrift. He was 
made under the fame law his people are under whom 
thus he redeems, Gal. iv. 4, 5. If we had been un- 
der one law, and Chrill made under another, it would 
not, nor could it have been fit and profitable for us. 
You hear by fome of the mediatorial law, proper to 
Chrift only. It is true, never had any but Chrift a 
command from God to redeem loft finners ; and it is 
as true, that this was in the fame command, that he 
Jhculd be made of a luoman^ and made under the law^ 
that he might redeem them that were under the law. 
So that the work of Chrift to redeem, and his being 
thus made for that work, are equally peculiar to Chrift, 
For as the work and glory of redeeming the church 
is his only ; fo his being made of a ivcmany and made 
under the law^ can be faid of none, but of Chrift as 
roan ; no more than it can be faid of any but Chriil, 
that he is God's owa Son, fent, Rom. viii. 3. Adam 
the firft man was created by God ; the firft woman 
built and made of the man, Gen. ii. Of this blood 
all nations do fpring in an ordinary way ; and fo all 
mankind are begotten by a man, and born of a wo- 
man. But the Son of God took man*^ nature of a 
Woman only ; and fo, whereas all befides are born of 
a woman, he alone was made of a woman. So we all 
are born under the law, and under its curfe, by A- 
dam's firft fin. Chrift only was made under the law. 
This law demands perfeil obedience to all its com- 
mands and demands, and layeth on the finner God 
the lawgiver's wrath and curfe for the leaft difobedi- 
eacc. Chrift anfwered the law ia both. As the 


Serm. XI. the Lord*s Prayer, 203 

eternal Son of God, he was above the law ; and as 
fmlefs man, the law had nothing to fay againft him. 
But when he took on him man's nature, and thereia 
took on him the law-place of his people, and they fo 
finful ; obedience was juflly craved of him, and the 
debt of his people's fins juftly exa^ed on him. And 
both he chearfuliy 2nd fully did perform and endure. 
And thus are we faved. 

2. That this righteoufnefs wrought out by ChriH, 
was wrought out or others, and noc for himfV. f, He 
Wove and made this coat, for the covering and cioih- 
ing of his naked people. The gofpel is full of tiiis, 
in telling us both the errand his Father fe.i him on, 
and the work and bufinefs he did when l,^ caTe He 
needed no fuch garment for himf<;if ; but wove it out 
of his own blood and bowels, for his people, whom 
he loved, and who he we!l knew needed it greatly. 

3. That this righteoufnefs, thus wrought out by 
Jefus Chrifl:, is freely and fully tendered and offered 
to all that hear the gofpel : all of it (for it is not di- 
vided nor divifible) unto every man and woman ; (for 
gofpel-ofFers have no exceptions). Thus Peter made 
the offer to every one of them that heard him, A^s 
ii. 3g. He excepts not the very murderers of Chrift, 
nor the mockers at him on the crofs, when Chrift vs^as 
working out this righteoufnefs. So his beloved brother 
Paul (2LS he calls him, 2 Pet. iii. 15.) preached, A<5ls 
xiii. 38, 39. Be it known unto ycu thereforey men and 
brethren^ that through this man (alas ! this man is lit- 
tle kiown by molt men) is f reached unto you the for'- 
givenefs of fins ; and by him all that believe^ are jujli- 
fied from all things ^ from which ye could not be juflijied 

by the law of Mofes. Do you then believe on him, 
and be juftified by him ; left that word be fulfilled on 
you. Behold^ ye defpifers, and wonder^ and psrifb^ 
ver. 41. And no longer than the next Sabbath-day 
was it in fulfilling, ver. 46, 47, 48. And if the com- 
pany were never fo great nor fo bad, a gofpel-mini- 
iler may make this large offer, as Chiiit hiiufelf did. 
Vol. II D d John 

2 04 Sermons concerrang See^m. XI. 

John vii. 37. In the lafl day^ thjt great day of the 
fcafl^ (when the great coDvocatioQ of the people 
was), Jcfta flood and cried^ (rhiit he might be Teen 
and heard by ail), fiy^ngy If any man tl.irj}^ let him 
come unto me ^ and drink. And this coming to hira, 
and drinking, is believing on Chrift, ver. 38, 39. 
When he is in heaven, and fcndu / a letter by John 
his meiTenger, to a forry church, nd in a Tid cafe, 
he faith fo to them, Rev. iii. 20. Behold^ I ft and at 
the door and knock : Jj any man hear my voice, and Gp;n 
the door^ I zvill come in to him^ and will f up with hirn^ 
and he with me. To name do more of the larcje of- 
fers of Chrift in the gofpel, 5 will conclude with jhe 
hid in the Bible, Rev. xxii. 17. And let him thit is 
othlrjl^ com^ : and whofoever will, '.n him take the 
water of life freely, 

/]. That this large offer made of Chrill; in the gof- 
pel, i^ the ordinary and appointed means of worl ing 
faith in Chrift. Thus, Rom. x. i 7. Faith comet h by 
hearings and hearing by the word of God ; and Rom. 
i. 16^ 17. I am not aflmived of the gofpel of Chrift ; 
(and never did an honeft preacher make a pooicr ii e 
in worldly thing?, of the gofpel, than Paul did) : for 
it is the power of God unto fahation to every one that 
believeih ; to the Jew fir ft, and a fo to the Greek, For 
therein is the nghteoufnefs of God revealed fr 07:1 faith to 
faith : as it is written. The jiift fhall live by faith. 
1 need not iufilf on fo plain a truth. 

5. That this r v -iteoufnefs of Chrift is upon all that 
believe. It is of.c.ed to all to be embraced by faith ; 
and it is given and conferred upon all that believe, u- 
pon their believing. Whenever the hand of the 
Lord is upon the hearts of hearers of the gofpel, and 
draws them forth to berakc thcmfelves to this righ- 
teoufncfs of Chrift, to c-mhrace it, and to truft all 
their acctpiance with God upon it alone, they are juf- 
nfied by it- Rom. iii. 2 i, 23. The righteoufne/s of 
i^od, which is by faith of fefui Chrtft, \% unto' all, and 
upon all that believe y jor there is no differ ence : for all 


Serm. XL the Lord's Prayer, 205 

havsftnned and come fJ;ort cf the glory of God, A blef- 
fed faying, and an odd-like reaibn to confirm it. Are 
all fmaers alike ? and are all believers alike ? No, 
furely, Are nor ^ovaz fiDners greater fmncrs than o- 
thers i* and foiiic believers better believers, and great- 
er faints, than others? Yes, furely. But in ihis mat- 
ter of Chriil's righteoufoefs there is no. difference. 
All fmners are alike in this, that they are in a con- 
demned ftate alike, and alike pad all relief, fave in 
and by Chrifl and his righteoufnefs : and all believers 
ia Chrill: are alike in thatfaved ftate they are in, by 
Chrift's righieoufnefs being on them. All fmners are 
alike needy; and all believers are alike partakers of 
this righieoufncfs of God. 

6. Laftly, That upon this righteoufnefs of Chrift's 
being on a believer in him, thefe three things follow ; 
That the believer is juftified ; God juftified in jaTtify- 
ing of him ; and the judiiied man's mouth is flopped 
as to all glorying, fave in the Lord. The believer is 
juflified, counted and reputed a righteous nian, thro* 
the righteoufnefs imputed to him. On the account 
of this fame imputed righteoufnefs of Chrift, ali his 
fins are forgiven and blotted out, and he is pajfedfrom 
death to life^ and jh a II not come into condemnation^ John 
V. 24. Rom. viii. i, 33,34. He is reconciled to Qoi^ 
and dealt with as a friend of God. G06. is aUb judi- 
fied in his paiTmg this fentence of juftificadon on the 
believer. In all thing«;, and above ail, we llioald be 
tender of God's glory. There are fpecially three sdts 
of Gcc*s righteous judgment that are ceafured much 
by the ungodly, and that Chrillians fliould be care- 
ful to juiliiy God in. One is, hisjuft judgment on 
the firit Adam and his pofterity. How full are mod 
mens hearts, and fome mens mouths, and too many 
pens, with cenfures of this awful, but juft fentence? 
^'he other is, the Lord's way of dealing with the fe- 
cord Adam, Jefus Chrifl. He was not fpared, but 
put to fore fufierings. Any may fee amazing mercy ; 
but who behold, and glorify God's righteoufnefs and 

t) d 2 juftjce, 

2o6 Sermons concernv-ig Serm. XI. 

jiiflice, in the de th ,of Chrift ? And the third i? 'his 
1 am upon, rbe juilice of God in juRily '^ga believer4 
And th^' caiiie of mens ccnfures and mllakes about 
all the f^^i "'e, is much the fame, and i^e ceofures are 
uiually '.' the fame fort of pe.ions. Ine true caufe 
o^ rhefe challenges oi Ool\\ judgments^ which are a 
great depth, Pfal. xxxvi. 6. is, men-; ignorance of the 
juftice, majefty, anJ grearnefs of God. Unto fuch 
arguers againft God^ the words of E!ihu to Job may 
pioperly be applied. Job xxxiii. 12, 13. Behold^ in 
this thou art not jit (I : I will anfwer thee^ that God is 
greater than man. Why doj} thou jl rive ogainjl him? 
for he give! h not account of any of his matters. In thefe 
three inftances we may cafiiy fee how this ignorance 
of thefe woikeih. In the firft a£lof judice in God, 
we find one man's one z^ of difobedience conveying 
guilt, condemnation and death, to all his natural off- 
spring. In rhe fecond inflance, we find all the fins of 
many finners charged and laid on a finlefs perfon, and 
juftice de^li'ig with him as with a criminal. In the 
third, we find the righteoufnels of Chrilh which he 
wrought out in making a propitiation for fin, imput- 
ed ro he jii'iifying 01 a believer : and in Mils God is 
jufi fieci : Ronri. iii. 26. To declare at this time his 
righteou/nefs ; that he mi<f)t be jufl^ and the juflifier 
of him that btlieveth in Jejus, Laiily, In this juitifi- 
cation, the judifitd man's rnouth is flopped as to all 
glorying, bui only in the Lord. For as vafl a blef- 
fing as it is, there is no pli!ce left for glorying. There- 
fore, in rhe next verfe, tne '2 7ih, he faith, IV/rre is 
boa fling i ben f It is excluded. By what law ? of 
works f Nay; but by the law of faith. The law, 
when it condemns, fiops the finner's n^iOuth from re- 
plying, to juftify himfelf, Rom. iii. 19. ; and the gof- 
pel, when it abfolves, (tops the believer's mouth from 
glorying in hiiiifelF, when jufiified. But doth not the 
Jaw of works exclude boafting fufiiciently ? That law 
that comiiiands mors xhnv. the iiiin can do, doth it not 
(hut oat boafiing ? Can any man fay, that he hath 


Serm. XI. the Lorcts "Prayer. 20 j 

fulfilled that law ? No, furely. No man that in any 
Rieafure knows the hoiinefs of that law, a:id knows 
himfelf, his heart and doings, will fay fo. Bat be- 
fides that many are fo blind and ignorant, both of 
God's law and of themfelves, that they are ready to 
boaft without any caiife ; all men that f'^ek juftjfica- 
tion by the law, and by doing, they do defigii boaft- 
ing, though ihey never reach it. Though they can- 
not reach glorying before God, yet would they fain be 
at it. But the juftified believer, as he never reacheth 
it when he is jullified, fo he never defigns it when he 
feeks juftification. The righteoufnefs in which he is 
jullified, is wholly wrought out by another; and one 
fo great, that none thax know hira will adventure to 
put in for a fhare in his crown ; the Lord our righteouf" 
nefs^ Jer. xxiii. 6. ,Yet the bleffing of it is f^'ven to 
his church, and fhe is called by her husband's name, 
Jer. xxxiii. 16. The revealing of this righteoufnefs 
IS from the Lord, by his word and Spirit; without 
which no man could ever find it out. The faith by 
which he layeth hold on it, is the work of God ; and 
neither grew up in his heart, nor was acquired by 
his own induftry, nor conveyed by the power of any 
creature. The imputing of this righteoufnefs unto 
his julVification, is God's aft of free grace, Rom, iii. 
24.; nothing in the man moving God to impute it; 
and nothing in God but his grace in Chrift Jefus. The 
finner, when he feeks it by faith, looks on nothing 
but this grace ; and when he harh got it, and knows 
it, owns heartily, that this fpiritual blefling (as all 
others are, Eph. i. g. — 7.) is to the fraife of the glory 
of his gracey wherein be hath made us accepted in the 
beloved. It cannot be denied, but a man may be 
proud of his juflification, and of his faith. But in 
that cafe I am bold to fay, that one of thefe things 
are: Either that it is a falfe juftification, and a falie 
faith, that this man boafts of, (and thefe are too com- 
mon amongft profelTors) ; or that true juftification is 
out of his fight, and his faith out of exercife, when 


to8 Sermons concerning Serm. XL 

any bo3(linq rifeth in the heart of a real believer. 
^ For let but a believer fet hirafelf before God the Judge 
of all ; let him read God^s law, and his own heart and 
confcience; and fee what he hath to boafl of : nay, 
he will fee, that he hath all reafon for fear and (liame, 
wh-^u he ftands before this tribunal. Let him next by 
fa' li fee Jefas Chrift at this fame judgment fear, 
ch-.irged wirh this man's fins, and difcharging that 
debt, and buying all grace and glory for him by the 
price ot his precious blood ; and, laflly, let hini, by 
the fame faith, behold God jaflifyiiig him freely, and 
fi:'lv, and only, on the account of this fatisracliou 
g!Vcn by Chriil : and then, and thus, let this man fie 
ar.d own, thai as there is no room left for boalling, 
fo he will find no inclination in his heart unto it. It 
is the chara^er of a true ChrKtian in Phil. iii. 3. For 
lue are the r-rcumrifion (^rue Jews, as Rom. ii, 28, 29.) 
u-hich ivorjhip God in tbt 'Spirit^ and rejoice (or glory J 
in Chrijl Jefu^^ and have no confidence in th'fiejh. So 
that, whereas rignteoufnefs by the law is boch fought 
by men in p ide ; and when they drea.ri that they (iiall 
either reach it, or thit they have got it, (and fuch 
dreams are not rare, th(:ugh groaudlefs), pride and 
boaiiing incrcifeth fo much, that not only are their 
hearts puffed up within, not only do they glory be- 
fore men, as Chrilt tells us of fuch hypocrites in Mat. 
vi but they dare boafl: before God, as the Pharifee 
did, Luke xviii. 1 1. : fo, on the other hand, tbe juf- 
tifving rir;hteoufncfs oF God, wrought out by Chrili, 
aiiJ applicil to the believer on Chriit, was appointed 
o! God, brought in by Chrht, revealed in the gof- 
pcl, and given to the believer, for the highcR glory 
of the free giver, and the deepcft humbling of the 
happy, but unworthy receivers. And thus is that 
prophecy and promife fu, filled in Ifa. xlv. 24, 25. 
Surely y jhall one fay ^ In the Lord hare I rijhteoufnefs 
and jlrenpjh. In the Lord Jhall all the feed of Ijrael be 
juflifie dy and fha II glory. 

What then is God's juflifyintr a believer in Jcfus 


Serm XI. the LorcTs Vrayer. 2cq 

Chrift ? It is nothing dfc, but God's gracious lookiag 
on a man, judgiug o'c irui, and dealing with him, al 
in Chrift, and ^s reprefented by ChriH to God, for 
juftificarion of life. There is a fuuilitude comvnouh 
ufed, taken from Jacob's getting his father ifaac's 
blefling, in his brother Eiau's raiment, Gen. sxvii. 
All finiilitudes, even in fcripture, taken from mens 
ways, to exprefs God's ways, want fooie grains to 
make them pafs current ; and this efpecfaily I'^fgr old 
Ifaac was deceived in bellowing his bleiling, Heb. xi. 
2 o. By faith Ifaac bleJTed Jacob and Efau, concerning 
things to come. Though liaac did fo by faith ; yet 
the bieifings he gave his fons, were not only greail/ 
different, but he was alfo at firfl deceived in the per- 
fons whom he did blefs. Yet though Jacob fupplam- 
ed his brother of the birthright. Gen. xxv. 30..— 24. 
^nd Gen. xxvii. of the bleffing, by his moiher's cun- 
ning, and his own lying ; yet neither of thefe did hin- 
der Ifaac's faith, cor the lighting of the bkfTmg on 
Jacob, according to the eleaion of grace, and the o- 
racle tiiat declared ir, when they both were in the 
wonib. Gen. xxv. 23. But though Jacob deceived 
his father in :he way whefein he fought the blefuog ; 
yet, in giving of his bleffing by faith to Jofeph's fons,' 
Ephraim 2nd Manaffeh, Heb. ix. 21. he guided both 
his hands wittingly, and his words wifely, and gave 
the bleffing, by the fpirit of prophecy, Gen. xlviii, 
14 —-'20. But the Lord alu^ays kncivctb who are his^ 
a.Tim. ii, i^. Me always knows whom he blefferh, 
aLd what bleffir ;i he gives. Al! our acceptance with, 
and juftification i/c ere God, comes by the reprefen- 
tation Chrift makes of us to God. He was ctiarged 
at the bar of juftice for cur fins ; he acfwered this 
charge by a perfea fatisfaaion, and thus wzsjuftifad 
in the Spirit^ i Tim. iii. 16. ; and when this fatisfac- 
lion is pur to our account, we ^icjufiijied by his bloody 
RoiB. V. 9. 

So much for the firll bl^fang of jufliiication. 
(2.} CbAfift repreiems ais church unto God for 

their * 

210 Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

their fancflification. Eleftion in Chrift is an eternal 
purpofe in God's heiirc and counfcl about his people. 
Redemption by Chrifl, is a divine bargain for them 
and their fdlvation betwixt the Father and the Son. 
JuRificanon is a gracious fenteoce of God in Chrift, 
on them that are reprefented by him for acceptance. 
By this a6t and fentence the ftate of their perfoos is 
favourably changed. But fanflification is a divine 
work on them, that changeth their heart and nature. 
The Spirit of fanflification is a precious gift of divine 
love ; and is only given to them that are in Chrift, 
and becaufe they are in him: Gal. iv. 6. And becaufs 
ye are Jons ^ God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son in- 
to your hearts^ cryingy Abba^ Father, Ail the anoint- 
ings of the Holy Ghoft that believers receive, are but 
fome drops that fall down from the head of our High 
Prieft, unio the fkirts of his garments, Pfai. cxxxiii. 
2, 2. He received the Spirit without ?7ieafure^ John 
iii. 34. that to his people, even to every one of them, 
grace may be given^ according to the meafure of the gift 
of Chrift, Eph. iv. 7.; not according to the meafure 
that Chrift got, but the meafure that Chrift giveth. 
And all of them receive it. Rom. viii. ix. // any 
man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his, Lee 
him not name the name ofChrifl (as his Lord and Maf- 
ler), that departeth not from iniquity , 2 Tim. ii. 19. 
All whofe iniquities Chrift did bear for their expiati- 
on, in due time Chrift blefjeth them, in turning every 
one of them away from their iniquities. Acts iii. 26. 
This blefiing of fan6i:ification is of pure grace : for as 
there is nothing of worth in a man, or regarded by 
God in juflifying ; fo there is nothing of goodnefi^, 
or of fit matter, for God to work upon in his fanfti- 
fying. God's word is as clear about this, as about 
the other. The account that we have fo largely of 
ihe natural ftate of all men without Chrift, is fuflicienc 
to ftiow the abfolute neceftity all ftand in of God's 
grace to fave them, and 10 declaie both the freedom 
and power of that grace in ail its applications to men. 


Serm. XI, the Lord* s Prayer, ail 

Grace is the fpring of falvatioD, and of all its parts; 
Chrift is the root of all ; ana eternal life and glory is 
the ripe fruit of all that grace of God, thai reigns 
through rightecufnefs unto eternal I'tfcy by Jefus Chrtft 
cur Lord^ Rom. v. 21. See but thefe texts, and read 
thern, i.nd conclude this truth, 1 Cor. vi ir. Eph.ii, 
I.— -7. and Tit. iii. 3.— -7. In all which places jtif- 
tification and farK^ification are joined, (as they are 
certainly and conftantly in all that pariake of rhem) ; 
unworihinefs in the receivers overcome, and palled 
over, by ihe grace of the giver; and the inrereft of 
Jefus Chrifl, in God's- giving, and in his people's re- 
ceiving of both thefe blefTiDgs, is plainly told u?. 

(3.) All the communion, and feilowfiiip, and fa- 
miliarity vi'ith God, that a believer receivech, and is 
admitted unto, is all by Jefus Chrifi:, and by his re- 
prefenting him to God, Rom. v. i, 2. i j'hn i. g. 
John xiv. 23. Bleffed be God there i? a great deal 
of it ; and more might be attained, if we were pain- 
ful and diligent. This is fo great a mercy, that come 
and fee ^ come and tafle^ is the bed couniel can be 
given, Pfal. xxxiv. 8, And fuch as tafle it, krk)w 
its worth better than the apoflle can tell them; and 
that it all comes by the grace of God in Jefus Chrifl:. 
He is not only the only Mediator of reconci!iatioa and 
of intercelTion, but of feilowfiiip with God ; Epb. ii, 
18. For through him we both (Jews or Gentiles, if be- 
lievers) have an accefs by one hp:rit untc the Father, 

(^.) Laftly, The crown of glory, and adraiffion to 
heaven, is granted to believers upon the account of 
the righieonfnefs of Chrift on the believer: Rom. 
vi. 22, 25. But now being made Jree from fin j (from 
ihe condemning and commanding power of fin, in 
jaftification and fanclification, of which the apodle 
had been fpeaking in the 5ih and 6ih chap6ers)j and 
become fervants to Gody ye have your fruit unto holinefs, 
and the end everlafting Ife. For the wages cf ftn is 
death : but the gift cf God is eternal life, through Jefus 
Chrifl cur Lord. San^tification by faith in Cf^nft, A<f^s 

Vol. 11. E e xr-^vi* 

2 1 2 Sermons concerning S E r m . XI. 

•xxvi. 18. IS a precious gift of God. The perPe^fling 
of it by faith on the promifes, is a blelTed defigo and 
exercife through the whole life of a Chrlftian, 2 Cor. 
vii. I. It is mod purfued after, bat never attained 
bv the bed, till they attain the fnze of the high cal- 
'hng cf Cod in Jefiis ChriJJ^ Phil. iii. i;, 14. But 
when this prize is attained by them, and beflowed 
OD them, it is not given them becaufe they are holy, 
(though none but the fan£iified inherit it, A(Si:s xxvi. 
.18.), but becaufe they are in Chrill, members of his 
body ; and becaufe he is made all things for them 
for their falvation, i Cor. i. 30.; and becaufe ihey 
are reprefented by him, and prefented unto God, for 
thislalt, greateft, and everlafting acceptance. Bcholdy 
/, and the children which God hath given nic^ Heb. 
it. 13. The righteoufnefs of Chrift is the eternal robe 
of the glorified, and their inoft glorious one ; and the 
caufe of their perfecfiion in holinefs, and of its eter- 
nal duration. The glory and whircnefs of their robes, 
is in their being wajhedy and made white in the blood 
cf the Lamb, Rev. vii. 14. If Chrifiians be but care- 
ful to give God's grace in Chriif its true ufe and 
praife, while they are on earth ; no doubt but all 
that get to heaven, will (ing the fong of the Lamb 
with everlading joy. To him that loved us^ and vja/h- 
ed us from our fins in his own blood , and hath made us 
kings and priejts unto God and his Father^ to him be gk- 
ry and dominion for ever. Amen. Rev. i. 5, 6, and v. 
9, 10. And though fome true Chriftians may poilibly 
(eifher by the fnare of dark or unfound dodtrine, or 
bv a midaken zeal for inherent perfonal holinefs) 
have lefs exercife by faith on Chrid's righteonfnels 
than fome others, and though fome may advance by 
grace farther in fanf^ification than others, (and it i^ a 
vciy valuable atrainmenr) ; yet allcf chem, when they 
come to die, and to knock at heaven's gate for ectraacc 
JD'o their Mafter'sjoy, do mind far otherwife the 
blood that bought the inheritance, than any ihin^ 
wrought in ihcm to make thcra meet for it, Col, i. 12, 


Serm. XL the Lord's Prayer. $!} 

or than any pains they have been at in walking and 
running their race towards it. 

So much for the firft thing, Whereia doth Chrift 
reprefent his church unto God ? 

Secondly^ What is Chrid's fitaefs for making this 
reprefentation of the church unto God P 

1. In the conftiiution of his perfoii. He is a rare, 
linguiar perfon ; God-man, God's Son made maa. 
And becaufe he is God-man in one perfon, he is a 
perfon only fir, and highly fir, to reprefent God unto 
man, and man unto God. He is fit to reprefent God 
unto man ; for in Chrift we fee God in a man, in our 
nature. And he is fit to reprefent man uuto God ^ 
for God fecth cur nature in his Son. We fee God 
in him, and God feeih us in him. We can never fee 
and take up God rightly and by faith, but as he is ia 
his Son jefus Chriit ; nor can God ever graciously 
jook on a ficner but in bis Son. 

2. Chrift is fit for making this reprefentation of his 
church to God, by his office of Mediator. None is 
fit for this office but Chrift ; none is put in it but he, 
I Tim. ii. 5, ; and none but God-man can difcharge 
it. The greatnefs of the work that is to be done in 
this office, and the greatnefs of the glory that follows 
on its difcharge, are far too high for a mere creature. 
Such as deny that Chrift is true God, or deny that 
he is true man, or deny that he is God-man in one 
perfon, (and from the apoftles days to ours, the ene- 
my hath been fowing fnch tares in God's field), do 
deny a fit Mediator betwixt God and men, and there- 
by iirike at the rock the church is buik upoUo Now^ 
the office of a mediator is to deal with two parties ; 
Gal. iii. 20. ISlow a mediator is not a mediator of one ; 
but he is betwixt two. The high prieft under the 
law, was in his office a type of Chrift in his prietl- 
hood. Aaron and his fucceffors did, as high priefts 
and typical mediators, reprefent all Ifrael (then God's 
only church) unto God, efpecially in the folemn day 
of atoaement, Lev* xvi. ; when the high prielt offered 

£ e 2 ih^ 

2T4 Sermons concerning Serm. XI. 

the facriflce, after confefTmg of, and a typical imput- 
ing of Ifraei's fin to the innocent creature to be facri- 
ficzd, and went with its blood into the holiefl: of a!I, 
(a piece of earth likefl heaven of any thing or place 
made v. ith hands), there to make atonement. This 
high pried was alfo to bear their names (who'ii he rc- 
prefented) before the Lord upon his livojlrjiildersfor a 
memorial^ Exod. xxviii. 12. and ver. 29. And Aaron 
JJmll bear the names of the children of Ifraei in the 
breaft plate of judgment ^ upon his hearty when he g^oeth 
in vnto the holy place ^ for a memoiial before the Lord 
continually. Aajoii bare but the general names of 
the tribes of Ifrael : but Chrlft our H'gh Prieft hath 
a larger heart and breaft plate ; and bears upon it all 
the particul;ir names of his people, and reprefents 
them all unto God, both in his offering of himfelf as 
a facritice lor them, in his entering in with his own 
blood into the true holiefl of all, and in his appearing 
in heaven in theprefence of God for them, Heb. i\'. 
li. — 24. And, by the way, I may fay, that the e- 
piRie to the Hebrews is a key to all the Old TeQa- 
ment, and efpccially to the book of Leviticus, and the 
Old Teftament worlhip. 

Thirdly^ What is the glory of Chrift in making 
this reprefentation of his church un^o God ? We eafily 
conceive, that there is much glory in his reprefenting 
God unto his church ; but his glory in reprefenting 
them unto God, is not fo eafily fecn by u?. But it is 
furely a great glory. So the apoflle faith, Heb. v. 
5, 6. Chrij} glorified not himfelf to be made an High 
Frief} ; but he that [aid unto him as in Pfal. ii. 7. and 
Pfal. ex. 4. He glorified him, and made him an High 
Prieft. But what glory was there in ihii, when he 
was to be the facrifice himfelf who was made the 
pried ; and to make :bis facrifice in all the lowed and 
mod humbling circumiiances, fmitien of God, defpif- 
ed of men, and abafed even unto death and the cnrfe ; 
wherein was the glory of iLi^ f At 'iird view, nothing 


SsRM. XI. the hordes Prayer* 215 

appears but (liarae and didionour. A few things 
(hall conclude thii matter at this time. 

I. Confider whom he did, and doth reprefeat un- 
to God for acceptance* They are all finners. Ths 
viled thiug is fin ; the bafed creature is a fianer : 
yea, finners are not properly creatures of God*s mak- 
ing, but are vile things of the devil's and of their 
own making ; the only (luraeful things in God's world. 
And fia had never been permitted to enter into ih^ 
world, if God had not refolved in himfelf to gather 
in a rent of glory to his jultice, in punilhing it in ma- 
ny ; and to his mercy, in pardoning it in others. And 
this glory to pardoning grace comes by the redemp- 
tion in Chrift Jefos, Eph. i. 7. Many of thefe pardon- 
ed finners are of the vvorfe fort of fmners, i Cor. \L 
9, 10. II.; and all of them think themfelves fueb, 
I Tim. i. 15, 16. ; and they therein do not think amifs. 
And they are a great many, as will appear in the 
day of their lad gathering together to Chriji, as it is 
called, 2 Their, ii. i . ; though not fo many as the 
lod. Thence we read of a loii world, and of a fav- 
ed world, in the word. When a finner hath his eyes 
opened to fee himfeif, he lothes himielf j and thinks 
that he is enough to pollute, and deiiie, and burden 
the whole creation of God : he abhors himfelf, and 
thinks every one, efpecially the godly, (liould abhor 
him too: but mainly he judgedi himfelf mod juftly 
lothfome to God. Muit it not be a great and glori- 
ous thing in that perfon, that can, and doth repre- 
fent fuch vile creatures unto a gracious acceptance 
with God ? 

,2. Confider to whom they are reprefented for 
acceptance; even to an holy and jud God; a God 
that hates all iniquity where-ever he feeth it, Hab. i. 
13.; and feeth it where-ever it is; and punidieth it 
where-ever it is not covered and pardoned. All dif- 
coveries of God's glorious holinefs, and of our own 
finful vilenefs, render this reprefentation for accep- 
tance the more Dsedful to be got, and the more hard 


2 1 6 Sermons concerning S E ^ : r XT. 

to be believer!, (as ail exercifed ChrlftiaD ; uTiOw), 
and the more glorious to Chrift when it is obt.^rned. 
5. Laltly, Confider what a glorionj acceptance 
this reprefentation by Chrift doth nrocuf*.. They 
for whom it is made, are accepted, Eph. i. 6. ; are 
beloved ; are received into all fanilia' ity with God ; 
and, in that love, adjudged unto all bleffings in hea- 
venly things; in Chnit Jefus. 

Application* I (hall at this time only add 
one word or application ; and it is this. I have been 
fpcraking to you of Chrifl's glory in reprefenting his 
church unto God ; I would only afk your confciences 
ibis one queftion, How do you think to appear before 
God ? You all know, or profefs you know, that there 
is a God, (as certainly there is ; and, 1 may fay, more 
furely than that there is any thing t\{Q ; for God only is 
the neccffary, all creatures are but contingent being?, 
Rev. iv. If,); you know, that this God doth ajways 
fee you ; that as he thinks of you, fo is your ftate 
in his fjght ; that God will at la(l judge you,rand pro- 
claim to you, and all the world, his thoughts and 
judgment of you ; you daily worfiiip and ferve him : 
But how do you now appear before him ? is a quef- 
tion few afK. Many never think of this till it be too 
jare, By what means ard ways ihall I make fuch an 
appearance before G -o, as to be gracioufly accepted 
with him ? This feems to be on their hearts in Micah 
Ti. 6. though they did not know the right way. And 
fo is it at ihjs day with many fmners. I wouid warn 
you of fome oF ihofe falfe ways in which men think 
to ?ippear before God. 

1. Some think to appear before God in the fame 
poor ftate that their father Adam left them in. They 
own, that they are not fo good as he wa?, nor fo 
good as they ou'^.ht to be ; but they think, that fmce 
xncn arc fo impoveriflied by Adam's fall, God will 
pow accept a man with a little, if it be his all. But 
i"uch deluded people do not know, that as Adam left 


S E RM. XI the Lord's Prayer, 2 1 7 

tliem nothing at all that is pleafing to God ; To he 
hath left them in a (late of fin, ^raih, and condem- 
Daticn, in Vhich all his pofterity are born, and live 
in, and perifli at laft ii3, unlefs they are delivered 
from it by Jefus Chrifl, 

2. Some think to appear before God in the befl 
drefs they can make for ihenifelves, by their good 
nieanings and purpofes, their good duties and weak?. 
They labour hard and long to amend their ways, to 
adorn their duties, and themfelves by them ; and thus 
think CO prefent theralelves to God*i acceptance. 
This garment of our own righteoufoeis is beauriful in 
their own fight ; for felf-love naiurrdly makes men to 
prize iheir felf-doings. It is a garment beautiful ai- 
fo in the fight of men ; and of them they have their 
reward, as Chrift told fuch men. Match* vi. 2. 5. i6\ 
And this drefs is the more praifed when it is in falliion. 
Hypocrites praife hypocrites : and the church is fuli 
of them. So, from their own valuing, and others 
praifing of them, they, in their ignorance, think that 
God will be as well pieafed with them. But, alas ! 
tkis is no better than that fad [>ate Paul fpeaks of, 
Rom. X. 3. For they being ignorant o/God^s rightcmif- 
nefs^ and going about to eflabltjh their own rtghteouf 
nefs^ have not fubmttted themfelves unto the right eoufnefs 
of God, 

3. Some think to appear before God for accep- 
tance with their fuffi^rings. If they can do but lit- 
tie, ihey think they fuffer much. This is a llran.^e 
vanity. ' Of thefe fi fferings, fome are volantary, un- 
fully impofed on men by themfelves. That people 
fpeak ftrangely, Micah vi. 6, ;. Wherewith Jbail I^ 
come before the Lordy and how myfelf before the high 
God f Jhail I tome before him with burnt of i rings ^ with 
calves of a year old? (and '.hefe were ccmmanded ia 
the law) ; will the Lord he pleafsd with ihoufands of 
ramsy or v:ith ten thovfands cf rivers of oilf (thoie 
were more than ever God commanded, or than thef 
could bring) J J^ali I give my fir (l-b cm for my trarf- 


2 1 8 Sermons concern} ng S e r m . X L 

grejfion, the fruit of my body for the fin of my foul? A 
ftn^tly forbidden abomination. When you read of 
this prii(flice that foine were left unto, to off^r their 
children in facrifice, think not that they hated their 
children : nay, they loved them as well as you do 
yours ;. but they loved their fouls better, and feared 
God's anger more ; and they thought, that what was 
deareft to them, and what they were lothefl to part 
with, God would mod accept of. (What a convi(Sti- 
on may this give to many Chrillians, who find it {o 
hard to fubmit to the Lord':^ taking away their chil- 
dren, either by ts. natural or violent death ; when a 
blind idolater is fo mad upon his idols, that he will 
voluntarily make a facrifice of his children unto their 
falfe gods, ox devils^ as they, are called, Pfal. cvi. 
37. ?). So natural is it unto men, in their igcorance 
of God, to think, that what they do impofe upon 
ihemfelves, efpecially if it be troublefome to their 
flefh, is pleafing unto, yea meritorious before God, 
From thib fpring do all the voluntary felf-fcourging<^, 
^c, amongfl PapiRs proceed; which have no bet te 
example in Gcd's word than that of Baal's prophets 
in I Kings xviii. 28. ; and have no better acceptance 
with (lod than they had. But what will not a finner 
do ; what (liift will he not betake himfelf unto, who 
feeth his fms, feels or fears God's wrath for them, 
and is ignorant of the only city of refuge, Jefus Chrifl? 
Many rnotk at the folly both of Pagans and PapiflF, 
in their ways of feeking pardon and peace, whc, if 
ihey were as much awakened in their ccnfcience, and 
ss ignorant of Chrifi: as they, w^ould cither betiikc 
themfelvcs to the fame poor ihifts, or to others as 
vain. Again, Some fullerings are commanded ; as 
James iv. 9 Be afflidcd^ and mourn^ and weep : let 
your laughter be turtied to 7nourningy and your joy to 
heavincfs. There is a time to mourn, and there are 
calls to it ; and we diould difcern both, and fet about 
this duty. There are many merry and jovial profef- 
for&, that never mind mourning for thcmfelves or o- 


Serm. XI. the Lord^s Prayer. 219 

oibers, but when God makes them by his rods ; and 
it is well if they do fo then. Bat now, when a maa, 
with much pains, hath laboured with hia heart, and 
hath afflifted it with grief and forrow ; and when this 
ftorm within breaks out in tears, and he pours them 
out before the Lord, as they did, Judg, ii. 4, 5. and 
may call his bed, (as David did his, Pfal. vi. 6,), or 
chamber, or clofet, a Bochim ; how ealily doth a maa 
grow* proud and vain, and think within himfelf, 
*' Now 1 have offered an acceptable facriiice to God ?" 
It is true, that the facrifices of God are a broken fpirit : 
A broken and a contrite hearty God^ thou wtlt ?iot 
defp'tfe^ Pfal. 11. 17. But we muft always remember 
thefe three things about all our fpiritual facrifices. 
I. That as they rauft be all of his requiring, fb they 
mud be of his providing. We have nothing to offer 
to God that he will accept, till he give it to us, and 
till he firfl work it in us, David's broken heart was 
firft given to him. Dreadful tins firft: lay quiet in his 
hard heart, till God broke ir. 2. That a broken 
heart is always a humble heart. It begins to grow 
whole again (and quickly it will, unlefs the breaker 
of it keep it broken) when it begins to be proud. 
Such as have a good opinion of their own hearts, 
know not what a broken heart means. He that hatli 
a broken heart, is broken with his vile heart; as the 
Lord fpeaks of his grief at mens whole hearts, Ezek. 
vi. 9. 3. That all our fpiritual facifices, and a bro- 
ken heart, muft be offered to God for acceptance on 
the right altar, and by the right High Prieft, Jefus 
Chrift. As he, in dealing with God for our redemp- 
tion, was both altar, and prieft, and facriiice ; fo, 
in all our dealings with God by him, we rauft be fur- 
niftied with our facrifice out of his (lore; we mud 
offer up all to God by him as our Prieft, Heb. xiii. 
15,; for they are only acceptable to God by Jefus 
Cbri/ly I Pet. ii. 5. And we rauft have and ufe Chrift 
as our altar to faridi/y our ^i/ts^ Matih. xxiii. 19. It 
VoL.n. 'F f is 

220 Sermons concerning Serm. XL 

is grievoiK to hear what fad ground there is to fear, 
that feme profeflors think more ofr, and think more 
highly, of their own tears, than of the redeeming 
blood of the Son of God. Laftly, There are afll c- 
tions of God's infli£ling and laying on ; always laid 
on juftly and righteouily. No man fliould comp]a"n 
of (hem, or of God, when under them. All believ- 
ers Ihould neither defpife nor faint under thera, Heb. 
xii. 6, 7. But no raan muft: think of appearing be- 
fore God with acceptance, merely becaufe he is af- 
flicted, God afBiifls his children in love ; and he 
loves them cot the lefs that they are affli6fed. But 
affli£lion itfeil, and our own crofs, mull not rob 
Chrift's crofs of iis glory, of making peace with God 
for fmners, Col. i. 20. l fliould not mention this, but 
that you know, that there are fomc fo ignorant as to 
fay when greatly afRi(rted, " I am now enduring the 
" punifliment of my fins ," yea, when dying, they 
think that the very agony of death is a puni(hmeut 
of, yea an expiation for all the fms of their life So 
grofsly ignorant are many that live in a land of lii;ut. 
It is true, that all the raiferies of this life, yea death 
itfcl'", to an unbeliever, are the punKhment of fm ; 
thry are but a fmall and (hort part of that punifh- 
roent. But, alas 1 where is the payment of fm, and 
tbt faiisfa£^ioa that God demands, and will only ac- 
cept P Nothing a finner can do or fufter, can ever a- 
mount to that. 

1 would conclude this exercife with thefe two 

r. All that adventure to appear before God as 
they are in and of themfelves, are ignorant borh of 
God and of themfelves. They neidier know how 
holy and juft he is, nor how vile they are, If ihey 
did, they would never venture (tubble fully dry be- 
iure this confuming fire. 

2. Ail that dare not adventure on Jefus Chrid, 
and OD his reprefenring thera to God for acceptance, 
know neither the Fathisr nor the Son, This is the 


Serm, XL the Lord^s Prayer. 221 

glorious contrivance in his eternal counfels, and is de- 
livered to us in his word, z^the record of Cod, i John 
V. 10, 1 1. extrsiSted outof thefe counfeis, that a great 
number of fmcers, vile and unworthy in themfelves, 
(hall be accepted in that beloved, and Ihall be belov- 
ed for his fake, and in him. How hard a thing do 
believers themfelves find it to believe this firmly and 
conflantly, v?hat a glorious reprefentadon Jefus Chrift 
can make of fuch vile creatures as we be in ourfelves, 
when he clothes us with his righteoufnefs ? It is 00 
eafy thing for a true Chriftian, when he is digging 
into the dunghill of his own heart, and lothing hira- 
felf for all his abominations ; at the fame time to be- 
lieve, that he Hands accepted before the throne of 
God, as found and feen in Chrift, clothed with 
Chrift's garment of a fpodefs righteoufnefs, that no 
fault can be found with, even at the higheft tribunal, 
nor any condemnation can come from thence to the 
happy man that wears it. There is no condemnation 
to them that are in Chrijl Jefus ; becaufe it is God 
that jujlifieth all that believe on him, Rom« viii« i* 
33> H- 


2 22 Sermons concerning Serm. XII. 


John xvli. 24. 

Father^ I will that they alfo vjjjom thou hafl given me^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hajl given me : for thou lovedjl me 
bejore the foundXittcn of the world* 

I Am yet on the third thing in the matter of our 
Lord's prayer in this verfe. The firfl was, the 
dercnp ion of them he prays for : Thofe whom thou 
hafl given me. The fecond is, the blefTing; he prays 
for to them : Thai they may be with me zvhere 1 am. 
The third i?, the end for which Chrifi: prays for this 
bleffing to them. What fhali they get by being with 
Chrifi where he is ? What fhall they do, and how 
ftiall they be employed ? That they may behold my glo* 
' ry which thou hafl given me. That will find them 
voik enough, and blifs enough, to eternity. On 
this 1 propofed two things to be handled, i. The 
glory of Chrift, And, 2. The beholding of his 

On the firfl of thefe, the glory of Chrifi, I have 
fpoke a litiie on two heads, i. Chrifl's glory as he 
reprefents God to men. 2. As Chrift reprefents men 
to God. There are two moft important queftions 
that life in the mind of every ferious man ; and he is 
a Tinful and miferable perfon that never found them 
in bis own hearr, and knows not how to anfwer them 
yighily. i. How may a fmfql man fo take up God, 
as to l^now him truly and favingly ? And, 2. What 
Way may God look upon a fmful man gracioully P 
Boin 'iufwered one way. It is only in his Son Jefus 
Chrif . If we look on God out of Chrifi, we are 
confoanded j if God look on us out of Chrifi, we are 


S SUM. XII. the Lord's Prayer. 22'> 

deflroyed. We are not able to behold the glory of 
God, but in the face of Chrifl ; and we are not able 
to avoid his wrath, unlefs we be found in Chrifl, and 
accepted of God in him. 

Wherein Chrift reprefents his church to God, how 
fit he is to make this reprefentation, and what Chrift's 
glory is in making of it, I fpoke of lad day. This 
reprefentation that Chrift makes of his church unto 
God, is for iheir acceptance with God ; and that ac- 
ceptance never fails, where this reprefentation is 
niade. It is acceptance with that God that knoweth 
all things, andjudgeth rightly of all things and per- 
fons. How then can a juit God accept a man that ia 
himfeif is a fmner, and therein do juftly ? A hard 
qoeftion, that only is anfwered in the gofpel. It is, 
becaufe Chrifl reprefents a fmner to God for accep- 
tance ; and this acceptance mufl be, where this repre- 
fentation is made by Chrifl. I. Becaufe Chrift' co- 
vers all that is fmful and lothfome in the man, by his 
righteoufnefs. And, 2. By the fame righteoufnefs, 
not only covereth his nakednefs and deformity, but 
puts a beauty upon the man ; though it is not iu him, 
but in Chrifl, yet is on him by grace ; as Ez^ek. xvi. 
14. Tby beauty was per fed through my comelinefs 
which I had put upon thee, faith the Lord. By this 
imputed righteoufnefs of Chrifl put upon a believer 
in Chrifl, his own fin is covered, and the believer 
flands clothed, and fo is beautiful in God's fight, 
in this gifted righteoufnefs, and is juflly juilified by 
God the Judge of all. See Pfal.' xxxii. i, 2. with 
Paul's coirnrrent on it, in Rom, iv. 6, 7, 8. Even as 
David alfo defcribeth the blejjednefs of the man unto 
whom God imputeth righteoufnefs^ without works, fay- 
tngi Blefjed are they whofe iniquities are forgiveny 
ivhofeftns are covered. Blefjed is the man to whom the 
Lord will not impute fin.^ A few remarks on thefe two 
fcriptures, Ihall be all I (hall fay on the do^rinal part, 
and then proceed in application. The firfl thing I re« 
EQark, is this : That the apoftle names only thofe 


2 24 Sermons concerning Serkt. XII* 

words of the Pfalmift that belong to his prefeot pur- 
poie. He is handling the do£lrine of the juftification 
of a Cnner. This blefTed do£lrine he had taught in 
the preceeding chapter, with {o clear a light, that all 
the darknefs of hell will never bt^ able \o pur out, or 
quench, in the church of Chrift. This blefiing, he 
teachcth, comes by the free grace of God, in and by 
the redemption made by Chnft ; and is given by God, 
and polTefTed by men, by faith in Chrift's redeeming 
biood, without any interefl: of the works of the law 
therein. Chrift indeed dealt with the law, and ful- 
filled all the righteoufnefs thereof, for our juftificati- 
on ; but we have nothing to do with the law, in our 
uealing with God for our juftification ; but to come 
with hs condemnmg fentence in our guilty confcience, 
that wc may lay hold of Chrift's righteoufnefs ; which, 
as It tululjcd the law, when wrought out by Chrift ; 
fo it fprinklesour confcicnces, when applied to us by 
his Spirit and grace, aud when it is applied unto by us 
by faith. And thofe two applications are infepar-able, 
and both the fruits of the favin^ f^uace of God. This 
dodrine Paul confirms by two inftances, in two emi- 
tieut faints, in this fourth ch: pter; Abraham before 
the law, ver i.'— 5. and afterwards in this chapter ;. 
ar.d David under the law, ver. 6, 7, 8. Whatever 
diflcrence there was in the difpenfations they were 
under, (and there wac; a great one) ; yet there was 
none in the way of their juftification before God. 
Both were by God's grace, without the works of the 
law, without work, without hire, without any glory- 
ing before God. Now, David had faid ia Pial. xxxii. 
1, Blejfed is the man alfo, in ivhofe fpirit there is no 
guile. But this pertaining to the blefiing of fandifica- 
lion, though infeparable from that of juftification, 
(which is the apoftle's diftinft theme injthis context), 
is therefore wifely omitted by the apoftle. A fecond 
thing 1 remark, in comparing thefe two fcriptures, is 
this : That whereas David lays the blelTednefson the 
-pardoned many the man vjhofe fins are covered^ the man 


Serm. XII. the Lord^s Prayer. 225 

to whom the Lord imputeth not imquity ; Paul tells us, 
lb: herein David defcribeth the bkffednefs cf the man 
unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs ivithout zvorks^ 
when he faid fo. David faith nothing of ihe m- 
futing of righteoufnefs^ but only of the nut impute 
ing of fiD. Paul teacheth, that the not imputhrg 
of fin y is the fame with the i?nputing cf righteouf^ ^ 
nefsy and that without works alfo. A few things 
will ferve to clear this= i. Every man's (tate before 
Godj is as God jndgeth and reckons of him. His ac- 
count and reckoning of a man . is always right aod 
true ; and it is always deciilve and determining ; for 
it is the highefl Judge's fentence. Thus is u now, 
thus will it always be. This judgment of this fuprcriie 
Judge concerning them, is always about fin, or righ- 
teoufnefs. His condemning fentence is for fin ; his 
approving fentence is for righteoufnefs, ^lo dear 
the guilty^ and to condemn the righteous^ are both an 
abomination to the Lord^ in an earthly judge, Prov. 
xvii. 15. And who, without blafphemy, can charge 
the Judge of all the earth with it ! Gen. xviii. 25. 
Every man therefore, even now, is in God's fight un- 
der a fentence, either of condemnation, becaufe of 
fm ; or of approbation, becaufe of righteoufnefs ; that 
is, in the dialecl of the Holy Ghod, hath either Jtn 
imputed to him for condemnation ^ or righteoufnefs imput- 
ed to him f:r the Ju/Iif cation of life, as Paul calls ir, 
Kom. V. 18. 3. Sin and righteoufnefs are contraries, 
and expel one another, and cannot cocfid together. 
Guilty, or ivjx guilty, every one is, and mult he ia 
the eye of God, and at the bar of God's law and judg- 
uicnt. If guilty, then not rip:hreous3 and therefore 
condemned ; if not guilty, then righteous, and tl^e^e- 
fore abfolved and acquitted. This alternative, ftnfuly 
or la-wful, reacheth to all our thoughts- and accions; 
and thus are they judged by God, as contniry or 
confonant to the law, the rule. And alio guilty^ or 
not guilt y, ov righteous^ reacheth to the ilate of all 
pcrfuns before God ^ and thus are \^*e alljidged and 


126 Sermons concerning Serm. XII. 

accounted of by the Lord, as we arc under fin, or un- 
der righteoufnefs. 4. Now when man is fallen, and 
there is nothing but iin in man, and no righteoufnefs 
can be found in him, God hath provided a righteouf- 
nefs without him, in and by which lie may only, and 
may fureiy, and may jallly, be juftified before God. 
OF which we have been fpeaking. This is that righ- 
teoufnefs of Chrill, in which all believers on him 
ftand accepted before God. It is imputed to them, 
and therefore their fin is not imputed to them ; aiid 
thus are they judged and abfolved at God's throne of 
grace in Chrift Jefus, So that, to conclude this, un- 
lefs all that we are, all that we have done, be cover- 
ed by this righteoufnefs ; unlefs there be a reckoning 
of this righteoufnefs of Chrift to us by God ; fin, our 
own fin, will be imputed to us for condemnation, k 
is only this righteoufnefs that is juflly precious in the 
judgment of God, and makes fmful man accepted 
with him. 

Inference i. Behold here the wonderful grace of 
cur Lord Jefus Chrift, in thus reprefenting his church 
and people to God. The apoftle faith, 2 Cor. viii. 
9. For ye know the grace of our Lord Jefus Chr'if}^ 
that though he was rich^ yet for your fakes he became 
fcor^ that ye through his poverty might be rich. He 
fuppofeth, that all true Chriftians doth know Chrift's 
grace : and juftly ; for God knows, and all men may 
judge them unworthy of that name, that do not know 
it. Chrift's grace is a lovely theme to hear of, and to 
think on, by all that have tafted of it, and live by it. 
This grace ftiineth brighdy in his reprefenting his 
people to God for acceptance. It was a great con- 
defcendence of his grace, to take the oiTice of a repre- 
fenter of his church. He knew his own divine digni- 
ty ; he knew the vilenefs and unworthinefs of them 
whom he was to reprefent : yet neidier of them hin- 
dred his chearful undertaking of this office. And as 
it was condekending grace in him 10 undertake it ; 

Serm. XIL ' the Lord's Prayer. 227 

fo was it coftly grace to him to go through with it, 
and dirchargc ir. Bleffed Tefus laid out a)! his eflate 
(to fpeak fo) to redeem the lawful captives of julliee. 
Before ihey can be repiefented to God for accep- 
tance, he mufi die, and (lied his blood ; and in his 
garments dyed with his own blood muft he prefeot 
himfelf as a perfe<fted Mediator unto God, and in the 
fame garments prefent his church to God for accep- 
tance. This matter of our acceptance with God is 
not brought about by the prayers of Chrift on earth, 
nor by his interceflion in heaven : though we are ape 
to think, that fuch prayers of fuch a fupplicant might 
do any thing. Yea, any thing but this: Without 
Jhedd'ing of bloody there is no remij/ion, Heb. ix, 22. 
And no blood but Chrifl's goes for an aronem.ent, 
Rom. V. 9, 10. He had no fm of his own. But when 
he was charged with the fins of his people, he mud 
ihed bis blood as a facrifice for propitiation. When 
Chrifl {lands thus charged at the bar of juftice, he 
Was not fpared, but was dealt with as (tridly as ano- 
ther fmner. When law and juftice takes a fmner by 
the throat, it faith to him. Pay ?ne that thou owe/I ; 
as Matth. xviii. 28. in the parable there. And this 
charge is ilill on all that are out of Chrift ; though 
they are now deaf, and do not hear it. This charge 
is on all the prifoners in hell, " Pay your debts 19 
*' God, or no getting out of prifon." But this charge 
was only on Chrift, " Pay what thou oweft as furety 
" for a multitude of beggars and debtors. They have 
** nothing to pay ; thou art rich, and able to pay. 
« Thou haft undertaken to pay ; and therefore full 
** payment muft be made ere thou enter into glory, 
" and thy people be prefented to God with accep- 
" tance." And this charge Chrift obeyed and an- 
fwered, by which his church is faved. So great was 
his obedience to his Father's commandment, fo great 
was his zeal for his own and his Father's glory, and 
fo great was his love to his church, that he gave him- 
felf for it, Eph. V. 25, 26, 27, Now'> as it is all 
' Vol. II. G g Chriftians 

2 28 Sermons Comer mng S£R^r. Xil. 

Chriftians duty to behold this grace cf our Lord Je- 
fiis Chrift, aii'd it is their great advantage fo to do ; 
fo the bed find it no eafy thing to believe it with ap- 
plication to therafelves, fo as to fay, as in Gal. ii. 20. 
Chrif} loved mcy and gave bimjelf for jne. For when 
they fee a little of themfelves, (and but a little is [czv^, 
and all bad), and a little of his glory, (and it is but 
a little of that that believers can fee, with farh bai 
eyes as the bed have, and in fo dark and diftant a 
place as this is where we are) ; then they find it hard 
10 believe, that Chrift will clothe their filthy n^^.ked- 
nefs with that garment of falvation wove cut of his 
own blood and bowels ; and in it prefent them to 
God's favour and love, and xo all the precious fruits 
of it. But for as hard as it is, all the true worfhip- 
pers in the New Teflament temple are bound to be- 
lieve, that their great High Prieft fet over the houfe 
cf God, doihreprefent theni unto God for acceptance, 
far more really, (for that was but typically), and 
iDuch more fuccefsfully, than Aaron did ilfael in the 
folemn day of atonement. But it is as truly, as com- 
monly, faid. That fuch as think believing cafy, 
know not what believing is. 

Inference 2. Here wc may fee the excellent way 
of our acceptance with God. We are accepted in 
his Son Jelus Chrift. The falvation we get upon 
our acceptance with God, and the bleifed way in 
which this acceptance cometh, are equally to be be- 
held with wonder, and praife, and faith. This excel- 
lent way is the only way ot a finner's accepcauce with 
God. There was another way ; but that was of the 
acceptance, not of a firmer, but of a finlef^ man, v/ko 
God. But that is ^one. In commending this only 
Way now, I would have youconlider, that there have 
been two ways of man's acceptance with God, of 
God's making. One way was, that in the firil Adam ; 
ihdt is paft. The other is in the fecond Adam; this 
Hands, and will remain for ever. There is alfo an- 
other way, of man's making, that is neither in the 

fid a. 

Serm. XII. the LorcTs Frayer. ' 229 

firft, nor fecond Adam. This is a dreanrj that the 
greateft part of mankind dream to hell in. They 
dream of it as long as they live ; and when they die, 
and go to hell, they awake, and behold \i was a 
dream: for neither the mourning of the law, nor the 
piping of the gofpel, awakens them out of it» Matth. 
xi. 17. And this way is by afmful man's own doiog, 
and pleafing God. Of each of thofe a little. 

I. The firft way of man's acceptance was fixed in 
the firft Adam, and in God's covenant wiih him. Obe- 
dience was required, aod death threatened for dii- 
obedience. But God graciouily fumifhed him with 
endowments fufiicient for his work. The Lord by 
this way, did therein fignify, that mankind (hould 
ftand accepted with him as reprefented by his cove- 
nant-head. So in Rom. v. 14. the firft Adam is cal- 
led the figure (or type) of him that was to come ; that 
is, Chrift. The apoiile is, from ver. 12. to the end 
of the chapter, (hewing vaft unlikenefs, yea, contra- 
riety betwixt thefe two heads of mankind : in what 
each did; obedience and difobedience : in what they 
brought in ; the firft man brings in by his difobe- 
dience fin, condemnation, and death ; the fecond 
man brings in by his obedience, righteoufnefs, jufti- 
fication, and eternallife : all as contrary a,s light and 
darknefs, heaven and hell. How, and wherein is 
Adam then faid to be the figure, the type of Jefus 
Chrift ^ Is it not in this, that as the two Were true 
men, and fo they w^ere fingle perfons ; yet they 
both were federal, covenant-heads, and reprefenta- 
tivesof a great many ; Adam of all his natural oiT- 
fpring; Chrift of all his fpiritual off'spring, given 
to him of the Father ? And as the firft Adam 
(food accepted with God in the righteoufnefs of his 
obedience ; fo did his pofterity ftand on the fame ac- 
count. And if he had continued in his obedience, 
all his pofterity had been accepted in him : but be- 
caufe he became by his fall a finner, the firft Adam 
became thereby a deftroyer, and brought in fin and 

G g 2 death 

2 3^ Sermons concerning S e R m . XII. 

death on all bis poderity, by the juftice of the curfe 
of the broken covenant ; and hath the guilt of fin im- 
puted, and the depraved nature which by his fm he 
contra^ed, propagated unto all hh pofleriry. So that 
the belt of faints is conceived and hern in fin ^ Pfal. li. 
5.; and all are by nature children of dijohedience^ and 
of wrath ^ Eph. ii. 3. So this way is quite unpaiTable. 
A covenant betwixt a holy God, and a dead defiled 
finner, was never intended by God : audit is disho- 
nourable to God's holinefs, and wifdoin, and juftice, 
to iiitagine any fuch covenant. 

2 The other way of God's maliing, is, for the 
acc^iptance offinfnl men by his Son Jefus Chri^l, and 
God's covenant with hira for his redeemed offspring. 
If our Fathc:r Adam had ftood as God had placed 
him, there had bten nothing required of us, or need- 
ed by us, in ordt r to the infiaricg us in the favour 
and friendfhip of God ; whatever had been needful 
for our continuing in it. His obedience, if continued, 
would have entailed and conveyed that to us in our 
feveral generations. So now in Chrift, the fecond 
Adam, the favour of God was bought for us by him, 
(for it was loft by the fird Adam) ; it (lands in him, 
and is conveyed to us through him, when the Jaw of 
the Spirit cf life in Chrifl Jefus ^ doth make us free 
from the law of fin and death^ Rom. viii. 2. Thofe 
are all the ways of God's making. Bur, 

3. There is a way of man's making and devifing, 
(as fallen man is full of foolifh inventions) ; and it is 
this, to obtain God's favour by their own doings and 
obedience. The Lord never put any to this, though 
many think th^it he hath put all men to it. There 
cever were but two finlefs men in the world ; Adam 
and Chrift. The obedience God required of Adam 
was not to inflate bim, and brine him into God's fa- 
vour and friend(hip ; (for that he was created in) : 
but it only was to continue him in it, and to convey 
the fame friendOiip with God unto all his pofterity. 
But how to regain God's favour when lofl by fin, 


Serm XII. the Lord^s Prayer. 231 

what way to make up the breach when made, Ac^am 
did not, could not know it, till God revealed it af- 
ter hjs fall. So Chrift's work and bufinefs in the 
world, was not to obtain God's friendlhip for bim- 
feif ; for he from eternity was the Son of his Father's 
love, and his Father's everlafting delight. As man, 
when conceived in the womb of the virgin, he was 
that holy thing that was to be born of her, Luke i. 
35. ; and while he lived in the work), he always 
did thofe t hinges that f leafed his Father, John viii. 29. 
As to his office of Mediator, he was inftalled in it 
mod honourably, and glorified by it, Heb. v. 5: His 
difcharge of it was thepleafure of Jehovah^ Ifa. liii. 10, 
He made it his meat to do the will of him that fent him^ 
and to finifh his worky John iv. 34. ; was flraitened^ 
pained, till his baptifn, in his own blood, was ac^ 
complifhed, Luke xii. 50.; defued with defire to eat 
his lafl p(iJfover, Luke xxii. 15. After that, he ap- 
pointed his fupper for a memorial of his death, and 
for an ordinance-feal of that new teftaraent which tie 
was the next day to confirm and ratify by his blood/ 
And when ail this is done, he opens his heart in love 
to his difciples about his death, and the good they 
ftiould get by it in his abfence ; with a firm promife 
of their happy meeting again, in a better place and 
iLite than he cither foand or left them in, in John 
xiv. 15, i<5. And laft of all, he opens his heart to 
bis Father, John xvii. 4. / have glorified thee on the 
earth : I have finijjjed the work -which thou gaveft me 
to do. When all thine^s ftood thus betwixt Chrift and 
his Father ; what need then was there of all the hea- 
vy fufferings which he was put to, and which h:". 
mufl cf.Jure, as he often tofd them before ? That 
necellity he was under of fuffering, was from th's. 
That he came to give his life a ranfom for many Matt« 
XX. 28.; and was verily fore-ordained before the foun- 
dation of the world, to redeem his people with the price 
of his precious andfpotlefs blood, 1 Peter i. 19, 20. 
Bat this inveniioni of man's hearfj in feeking God's* 


iiz Sermons concerning Serm. Xll. 

favour and acceptance by their own works and doings, 
h not only not appointed by God, and never fuccefs- 
fu! to any man, (for that no man is jufl'ified by the law 
in th^fi'ht of God, it is evidenty Gal. iii. 1 1. ; but no 
evidenct is convincing to a blind and proud jegalili) ; 
bat aifo this way is a perverting of both the ways of 
God's appointment. If they will be for God's old 
way with Adam in innocence, then they mud be fin- 
lefs, and in God's friendOiip, as he was; they muft 
have all the abilities Adam had for obedience, to main- 
tain that fricndftiip. But though fmfal man be proud 
and vain, yet none have the forehead to pretend to 
innocent ftanding Adams's covenant-flate and ability. 
As for the only way of regaining God's favour by 
Jefus Chrifl, this new and wicked way overthrows 
it : For if right eoufnefs come by the law^ then Chrift is 
dead in vain ; and Paul ihoiMfruJhate the grace of 
Gody if he fought to live by the lawy Gal. ii. 19,— -2 i. 
But the unbelieving world runs after this invention : 
for they are too poor to anfwer the exa<ft perfeft ho- 
linefs of God's true law, and too proud to fubmit 
themfelves to the righteoufnef:i of God. They do as 
the cnniiirg knave did, Luke xvi. 3, ^ they cannot 
dig w::h cM Adam, and to beg of the fecond Adam, 
they are aTiamed ; and therefore fhive to live by 
nicks and cheating. Bni God is not mocked And 
thus multitudes perifti, not only in the Heathen and 
Aniichrinian world, but in that that is called Chrif- 
lian : For this damnable error is natural, and is in the 
heart of every one that is an unbeliever, profefs what 
he will in words and principles. 

But the only gofpel vvay of finners acceptance with 
God, by the reprefentation that Chrift makes of them 
unto God, hath ihefe things to commend it above 
God's firft way with Adam and his feed in the firft 

I. In that it is a mofl glorious way of acceptance, 
far higher and better than what Adam had while he 
ftocd, or than his polleriry would have had if he had 


Serm. XII. the Lord's Prayer. 133 

flood. For, on this fuppofition of Adam's danditig,. 
fm had indeed been kept out ; but the acceptance 
continued to Adam and his pofterity, had had no bt;t^^ 
ter and nobler foundation than that of the obedience 
and righteoufnefs of a creature, a mere man. But 
now believers in Chrift (land accepted of God, in the 
obedience and righteoufnefs of Chrid, who is Goi 
over a/It blejfed for ever : fo that every one of them 
may fay, as ifa. xlv. 24. In the Lord have I righie- 
cufnefs and ftrength, i own that this way (lops al! 
glorying in ourfeives; but it is fitted for raifing, aui 
keeping up eternal glorying in the Lord, i Cor. i. 
29,-r-g I. It is not the lead, but the greateft, rather, 
of the honour of the crown of glory in heaven, tha€ 
the crown itfelf, and the kingdom, and the heirs of 
it, were all bought with the blood of the Lamb ; and 
that their title to it now, and their pofTeffing of it ii 
eternity, hath no other, nor lower foundation, thaa 
the righreoufneis of God, the righteoufnefs of a man, 
who ?s the Lord our righteoufnefs, Jen xxiii. 6. And 
thus God's Ifratu [hall be Javed in the Lord with an 
everlafting falvation. Ifa, xiv. 1 7. 

2. This way is a more fafe way and fure than A- 
dam's way, or God's old way with Adam. The un- 
certainty of that way was {Qtn in the event quickly. 
The (lock of mankind was all in his hand : he v^z% 
furnifhed with fuf&cient grace to keep him (landing, 
(his cafe is enouga \o m.)kt us hate the popidi didinc- 
tion, and fenfe, of fuificient and eiEcacious grace, 
with reference to fallen man) -, but he was but a mere 
man, and was left to the freedom of his own perfect 
wil!, (enough to difgrace the faife name of free will 
in a fmner, a dave to his will aad luds, and a captive 
to the devil at his ivilL, 2 Tim. ii ?6 ). But it pie a fed 
God (and againd that no man diould reply) not to 
give him edablidiing, preferving grace. It feemed 
lit uuto God, that eilablidiing grace Ihould only be dif- 
penfed in and by Jefug Cbrid, who was to redcre 
lallen man, and to bs the head of a new and better 


234 oermons concerning Serm. XI f. 

covenant, of which Cbr'ijl is Mediator^ which was e^ 
JlabiijJjed on better promtfes^ Heb. viii. 6. Eftablifliing 
grace was given ro the flanding angels. Cbrifl: is 
their heaci, Col. ii. lo. ; and they are called ele6l an- 
gels, I Tim. v. 21. Now, if it had been a/lied Adann, 
or an angel, concerning him. How long (hall Adam 
ftand in God's favour P the only anfwer could have 
been, As long as he is obedient to his maker and 
covenant-pariy. Ailc again, How long fliall Chrifl 
the Mediator ftand in God's favour ? It is anfwered. 
For ever : and it is impoffible it fliould be otherwife. 
But if it again be asked, How long (liall a believer in 
Chrifi, whom Chrift hath reprefented to God for ac- 
ceptance, how long (hall he ftand accepted ? this hath 
feveral anfwers, but only one good one- And that 
is, A believer ftands always accepted with God, as 
long as Chriif is accepted with God as the reprefen- 
ter. As long as the believer is reprefented by Chriil, 
fo long continueth his (late of acceptance with God. 
Adam, in his tirfl ftate, had all grace but eftabiilhing 
grace, in his good (late. The t\zdi angels had ir, 
and thereby ftood, and do ahvays behold the face of 
Chrifis Father which is in heaven^ Matth. xviii. 10. 
They need no other grace, but edabliftiing grace to 
keep them well, when they were well. But Adam 
fallen, and all his offspring, need refforing grace to 
make them well, and more grace to make them bet- 
ter, and preferving grace to keep them unto the 
heavenly kingdom. All this grace is out of Chrift's 
fuh^icfs, and fecures the happy (late of all that are 
in him. 

3. By this way of our acceptance with God Iq 
Chrift, a greater bleffednefs cometh unto men than 
could have come by Adam if he had flood. The firrt 
mention of eternal life, is made after his fall. Gen. 
iii. 22. It is indeed a deep and dark text ; but that I 
named it for, is, That in ir, liinng for ever^ is firfl 
named, which afterwards isfo frequently proroifed in 


Serm. XII. the Lo^cTs Frajer* ^ 235 

Chrift to bis church. To this that plaitily relates. 
Rev. ii. 7. To him that overcoineth will I give to eat of 
the tree of life ^ i^hich is in the midfl of the paradife of 
God. We need not trouble our heads about the ex- 
tent of the blciTings in the firtl covenant of God wuh 
Adam, and mankind io him. The Spirit of God\. fpeaks 
very little thereof: and that wifely ; for why ihould 
he reveal blciTings which no man was to partake of ? 
But what is plainly revealed, is, that this covenant was 
utterly broke by Adam's (m ; and by thot breach, 
guih, and wrath, and death, came in upon the world ; 
for v/bich the only relief is by Jefus Chriil. The 
firft dawning of which our fird parents faw in that firft 
gcfpel, Gen. iii. 15. and exprelied their faith o- it in 
that worfhip which was appointed tb.era, Gen iv. ; 
and they did recover the favour of God by this new 
way and covenant, which they had loii by their fia 
under the fird. There was doubtlefs fomev/har iln- 
gular in thac communion with God, which our parents, 
and Abel, and who elfe of mankind were then born, 
had, that is called the face of the Lord, Gen. iv. 14. 
and the prefence of the Lord, ver. 16. that the repro- 
bate Cain counted it his raifcry and punifliment to be 
baniflied from : for he thought, that when he wag 
call out of God's prefence, he was alfo cail out of 
God's protection ; and then was afraid, left every man 
or beaft might prove his executioner : and therefore 
God gave him a pafs and a proteCiion ; which it is 
Vkc was all he fought, or got. Bur now in Chrift Je- 
fus, and on the account of his righteoufnefs, not only 
all the curfe of the firft broken covenant is removed, 
but greater blelTings are conveyed to us, and beRowed 
on us, and a better paradife provided for us, than thar 
which Adam fmned in, and was driven from. He fan- 
ned in it almoft as foon as he was put in it ; and was 
driven out of it as foon as he had finned : and both of 
them concern and affciH: all us his podersty, as ranch 
as they did him. Sinners we are in and by his fin, 
and caft out of God's favour in and by his being cafl 
Vol, 11. H h out; 

2^6 Sermons concerning S e r m » XI !• 

out ; and there is no relief for us but io Jefus Chrlft. 
But this relief is with vaft advantage, llom. v. I2,--- 

2 1. 

Examine then your hearts, how they (land affec- 
ted towards this new and living way to the holieft of 
all by Jefus CTnrift. It is a good rule for one to judge 
his own flate by ; even by his true, fixed, and ap« 
proved thoughts of J?fus Chrifl:, as the only way ta 
God's favour and friendlhip, i Cor. v. 23, 24. i Per. 
ii. 7. Ho^' blind mull that man be, who hath hopes 
of heaven, aod hath no hearty favour and reiifh of 
God's only way to heaven ? If men mind heaven, and 
feek it, and hope for it in ways of cbeir o^n devii'- 
ing, ihey are never a whit the nearer to ir, nor the 
fuier of it. That you may not be deceived now, and 
difappoinred wofully at lad, 1 would ihew you fome 
itioughts of mens hearts, that are common, fioful, and 
daijgerous ; that ye may beware of them. 

1. Some fay within themfelve?, and ir may be to 
God too, " O that God would accept of n'^e of his 
*' great mercy, and look graciouily en me !'' And is 
not this a good wifh P Is it not a frequent prayer of 
faints in the word ? and is it not to be lidl ufed by all ? 
Yes : all this is true. Bnt it is only good when it is 
well meant : in many it is ill meant ^ and therefore 
is a faulty with. All the mercy of God flows to men 
only in and by Jefus Chrhh If Chrift be forgot in 
your prayers, you can never put up one good one, 
aor get a good anfwer. The mercy of God without 
Chriil, is a dream that the greacell: part of the world 
iiream ro hell in; and all the while tliink they are in 
the riglit road to heaven. How cfc have you heard, 
that iht. re is no God to be favingly known, and right- 
ly worlliipped, but in Chrill i and that there is no 
faving mercy to be found from God, but in Jefus 
Chriii ? 

2. Some fay, and think they fay better, " O that 
" God would make me perfedly holy, that I may be 
*' accepted of him 1" Ls not this a brave deiire and 

prayer ? 


Serm. Xlt, the Lord* s Prayer, 237 

prayer ? True holioefs is indeed an e>jcellerit blefilng } 
a main part of the image cf God in (landing Adam, 
utterly loft and defaced ia falleo man, renewed again 
by Jefus Chrid in regeneration, and perfected ia hea- 
ven. The (Indy of holinefs is an excellent Rady, and 
a rtudy for all cur day?« We flioald be flili perfec- 
ting of it, 2 Cor. vii, i. bat cannot in this life be per- 
fect in it, PhiL iii. 12, Perfe^l holinefs is an excel- 
lent aim and dedgn, and is in the heart and eye of e- 
very one ihat is truly holy.. Diligence, and continu- 
ance in it, and to grow in holinei;^^, is a fain:*s bed 
cxercife ; and fuccefs thereia his choiceft raercy. The 
holiefl man on earth is furely the happieft man oa 
earth : and the perfection of holinefs in heaven, is a 
neceffary conftituent of the happinefs of heaven. A 
patron of fin, a defpifer of holinefs, and he that de- 
iires but a little of ir, haih not the Spirit of God. But 
for all this, there may lurk fome evil thing in this 
wifti for perfefl holinefs. To fearch it o«t, I would 
aame a few things to you, i. There is co true ho* 
linefs but what is from Chriftj who is -made of God un- 
to us fan6l\fication^ i Cor. i. 30, None are fanf^ified 
but by faith in him^ Acts xxvi. 18. It is ChrifPs i* 
mage in thena. Ail the moral virtues of the Heathen^ 
for all their fplendid luRre, had not any bit of true 
holinefs in them. And fo is it as to the morality that 
is fo prized and praifed by many, 2. As all that are 
truly holy, would fain be perfectly holy, (for no man 
is void of this defire, but fuch as would fm more, and 
iove fin) ; fo no man is truly holy, but he hath a mean 
and tow efteein of his own holinefs; and the mod hap- 
py proficieot in holinefs, is furely the humbleil faint. 
3. Whenever holinefs is fought to recommend us to 
God's acceptance, without faith in Chrift, there is no 
holinefs in that defire, nor will it ever be granted. For 
in this cafe the language of the heart is, " O that I 
" were fo holy, that 1 might not need Jefus Chrifl: 1'^ 
What an ungodly wifli is this ? I hope you all abhor 
the thought of it. 

H h 2 ' 3. it 

23S Sermons concerning Sehm. XII. 

g. It IS alfo common with many to fay, " O that 
" God would accept of me, and my good works and 
*^* duties, ior Chrift's fake !" Many poor creatures 
nke p;.ins to do all they c:^n in obeying God's will ; 
and Wi en they find It is bur iittie (iiey do, and that 
alfo (u'' -^Ffr:ful mixture and imperic«Jlion, then ihey 
bring iu Chrid to help them cur. But this is to abafe, 
and ro aftront Chrift : for Chrid was never appoint- 
ed to help men under the firfl: covenant of works ; but 
only to bring them out of it ; and then fave them by 
the new and better covenant, wherein the Mediator 
doth all the redeeming work for them by himfelf a- 
lone ; and by his Spirit given them, works in them 
what is pleafing in his fight. But this carnal wifh of 
having our works accepted for Chrifl's fake, faith, 
I. That the man thinks he can do fomething (and 
that is no fraall thing in this vain man's eyes) with- 
out Chrifl 5 contrary to the well-known word of his, 
John XV. 5. Without me ye can do nothings fpokcn to, 
and of them that were in him : and much more may 
it be faid of them that are not in him. Yet there is 
hardly to be found a natural man, who thinks not but 
that he can do fomewhar that pleaferh Gnd, :ivA may 
further his acceptance with God : but becauie it is 
not fo m.uch and fo good as it fhould be, he would 
have help from Chni^ to make it better, and more 
effef^ual with God. But the bottom of all this is 
felF. 2. Chrifl's righteoufnefs was not wrought out 
by him, and tendered to men in the gofpel, as a 
clout, or patch, or ornament, to be put upon any 
one part of the (hameful nakednefs and deformity of 
3 finner, but as a perfcfl and eniire garment for 
covering all. So that they that have it all on them, 
have none of it ; and he that received it not at a'l, 
and doth not trurt alone to Chrifl's riglueoufneis, as 
to ^he only fcreen from the holy juflice of God, 
and the only ornament of beauty iu God's fight, is 
ftill {loui-heartcd, and far from righteoufnefs. 5. 


Serm. XII, the LorcTs Frayer, 239 

The acceptance of our fervice and obedience to 
God, is indeed a precious thing, and much defired 
by all fincere Chriflians; but the way ic is got, is lit- 
tle known by many that feem earneft for it. The 
Lord's way is this : Firft, by Chrid, and union with 
him, the believer's perfon is accepted of God ; and 
then through Chrlft the fruits of his faith (as all true 
good works are) become accepted alfo. 60 in the 
beginning of the world, Gen. iv. 4, 5. when the two 
brothers oifered their facrifices^ and both to the Lord, 
to the fame true God, and the offerings in themfelves 
lawful, and afterwards by the written law were re- 
quired ; yet it is faid, that the Lord had r effect to A- 
bel^ and to his offering ; but unto Cain and to his offer- 
ing he had not reffttt. Wnerein lay the difference 
between their offerings .•' Heb. xi. 4. By faith Abel 
offered unto God a more acceptable facrifice than Cain ; 
by which he obtained witnefs that he was righteous ; 
God teflifying of his gifts : and by it^ he being dead^ 
yet fpeaketh^ or is fpoken of. And from diftinguilhing 
grace, as Abel was received and accepted : fo Cain 
was enraged, and turned a murderer of his brother, 
I John iii. 12.; which made Luther fay, that Cain 
hath been murdering Abel in all ages, to this day ; 
that is, the zealots for the righteoufnefs of works, do 
dill hate and perfecute the heirs of the righteoufnefs 
which is by faith ^ as Noah is called in Heb. xi. 7. 

But the only right breathing of the heart of one 
that truly knoweth and believeth thii; truth. That 
Chrift is the only reprefenrer of his people unto God 
for acceptance, is that of Paul, in Phil. iii. 8, 9, 10. 
and it is in three things, i. ll\i^\\it might win o^ 
gain Chrift, ver. 8. Then he counts he is rich enough, 
and defpifeth all loffes, for this gain. 2. That he 
might be found in Chrifl^ ver. 9. As if he had faid, 
" 1 know the day is coming, when God the judge of 
" ail will find out every man, and me alfo. My de- 
*' fign and defire is, that I may be found in Chrifl ; 
" and then 1 am fure I fhall be found in peace." 


,^4* Sermons concerning Serm. X\l 

But how v;ou]d he be found io Chriil ? Not having 
mi?]e own rightecufnefs^ whic/j is of the law^ (I am a- 
traid and alharaed of appearing before God in it) ; hut 
that zvhich is through the faith of Chrijl^ the righteouf- 
nefs which is ef God by faith ; that right-oufneis which 
is of God's providing and accepting, that which i^ of 
Chrifi^ working out, and which is applied and put 
en by faith. It is this righteoufnefs the apoftle de- 
fires to be fouad in, in order to his acceptance with 
God ; and fo will every perfon do that hath that fpi- 
nt thai Paul taught this do^lrine by. 3. That I may 
knozv Chrifty ver, 10. " If I win Chrid, I am rich 
*' towards God ; if I be found in him, I am fafe ; if 
*' 1 know him, I am wife to falvation," Bleffed is 
that man or woman that feeleth in his or her heart, 
foiiiewhat of that deep humility, (trong faith, and 
warm love, which wrought in Paul's heart, when he, 
by the Holy Ghoft, wrote thefe word?. Then they 
would be plainly and eafily unJerftood. But when 
n^en know and feel nothing of themfeives, and of their 
TAVn unrighteoufnefs, nor oF Chrift, and of his righ- 
leoufnf'fs, and no Chriftian (liould wonder at fuch 
mens blundering about, and miftaking of fuch evan- 
gelical expreflions of faith in Jefas Chrift, which 
ihine an day to an exercifed believer ; while the unbe- 
liever, though a raafter in Ifrael, can fee no light in 
them, but gfopcs^ as if he had no eyes^ and flumbles 
at noondayy as in the night ; as it is faid in Ifa. lix. to. 

So nuuh for r!ie two iiii'^renccs from this doiftrine. 

I would now further apply this truth in two exhor- 
tations ; one to unbelievers, and another to believers. 

Exhort, I. Unto unbelievers. Who are they r 
By unbelievers, we mean fuch as never had any bufi- 
nek with Chrii^, to obtain by him acceptance with 
(:Jod for themieWes. He is an unbeliever, call him 
by what name you will, that never employed Chrift 
for repreleming him unto God for acceptance. Of 
fuch there are many forts ; pafling what hath been faid 
,cf fome, that feek the acceptance of their works, nor of 


15^ERM. XIL the Lcrd^s Prayer* 241 

their perfoDS. Some beg communications of grace 
and mercy from God, and ufe not God's way of giv- 
ing all, in and by Jefus Chriil. Some beg the par- 
don of their fins, and the wafhing away of their de- 
filements ; but do not aik this. How (hall a (iiifa] man 
ftand fo beautiful in God's eyes, as that God may 
look on him, and not be angry ; may look on him» 
and love him ? That fort of pardon that many icck^ 
is never given ; and if given, would not anfwer th« 
end. A mere pardon of liii, (if it were polliblc), 
without a garment of righteoufnefs upon a mac, might 
deliver him from wrath and hell; but would not make 
him lovely in God's eyes, nor intitle him to ererpai 
life : for it is grace that reigns to eternal life through 
righteoufnefs ; and thaigracey that reign of grace ^ that 
right eoufnefsy and that eternal I'lfe^ are all by JV/l'j 
Chriflour Lord^ Piom, v, 2 1. Bat true gofptl-iorgive- 
nefs, and the imputing of Chrilt's righteou fcefg, are 
infeparable and indivifible. 

OF thofe unbelievers are fpecially three forts. 
T. The fecure, fleepy unbelievers ; fuch as have no 
heart concerQ about this matter; and never think la. 
earoeft how they (hall ftand accepted of QqA ; nor 
of Chrid's concern in procuring it, nor of their own 
concern in obtaining it by him. Such men are much 
, like to that great man, though a blind Pagan, in A£^3 
XXV. 19. They had certain queftions again]} him of 
their o%vn fuperjlitiony and of one Jefus^ zvhich was 
deady whom Paul affirmed to be alive* Little 6\d that 
poor Roman know, that he mud perifh for ever, if 
he knew not this Jeiu>;, and the virtue of his death, 
and the power of ai? reforrectian. As indifferent and 
carclefs are many 1 i-iners this day, that when they 
hear of Chriii, and v^f the n-rxeliiry of his righteouf- 
nefs to finners for iheir acceptance with (ioJ, they 
are ready to fay. That they are certain hard quefii- 
ons about things and perfons that they have no con- 
cern With. \Vhether Jefus was dead or ^live, whe- 
thit the Jews or Paul was ia ihe right ; all was ahke 


2^t Sermons concerning Serm. XII. 

toFeflns. So to many now, Whether a finner can 
weave and work for himfelF a garment to fland accep- 
ted with God in? or. Whether he m'jQ have one 
rcade for hicn, and given to him by Jefus Chrift, or 
periQi for ever ? are counted bnt qiie^lions for raini- 
Iters and fcholar?, and fuch as they have rlifferent and 
contrary opinions about. And the careiefs unbeliever 
troubleih not his head about them ; and that only be- 
caufe his heart never felt the weight of (in, andthevaft 
concern of eternal falvation. All fuch are grofs un- 
believers. They may fometimes alk what niiniflers, 
what Chriflians think of them ; but never this, 
" What doth God think of me ? How (liall I Hand 
" accepted before him ?" AlTure yourfelves, that all 
other cares, concerns and inquiries about yourfch'cs, 
are mere trifles in regard of this ; and that all fuch 
perfons are but triflersin religion, pretend and pro- 
fefs what they will, who mind not falvation in the Hrll 
place, as the one thing needful, Matth. vi. 33. and 
Luke X. 42. 

2. There are awakened and roufed unbelievers, 
like many of John Baptiil's hearers, whom he won- 
dered at : Matth. iii. 7. O generation of vipers^ who 
hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? Such 
men come to know, and feel, from the light and 
power of God's word, i. That their eternal (late and 
lot (lands in God's judging ; that fo it will and mull 
fare with them to eternity, as- rhey are accej)ted or 
not accepted with God. 2. That man comes to 
know, that as yet there is nothing in him to procure 
this io neceffary acceptance v/ith God ; yea, he feeth, 
that this God, in v/hofe hands is his eternal lot, is 
inany v/ays provoked to wrath agair.d him for all his 
fms. In this condition, the native fliift that all men 
take, is a new courfe of obeying, and doing the bell 
they can, not knowing Jefus Chrift. They take the 
jfirft: water, and next at hand, to wafti away the filth 
that is upon them ; but, alasl their filth increafcth 
by this wafliing j dieir foul-difeafe grows upon lUem 


Serm. XII. the LoriTs Ftayer, 243 

by this wafliing ; their foul-difeafe grows upon them 
by falfe means of cure. There is no phyfician for 
fick fouls, but Jefus Chriil j no balm for a wounded 
confcience, but his blood ; no walhing from fm, but 
in it ; none recotef of the mortal difeafe of fin, but 
his patients. 

3. There are defponding, defpairing unbelievers* 
And there are of them at ail times, and in greater 
numbers thaa many are aware of. This fad frame 
rifeth thus. i. By clearer difcoveries of the holinefs 
and puriry of God, and of the righteoufnefs of his 
holy law. 2. By further difcoveries of their owa 
lilenefs and fmfulnefs; when they fee fm within them, 
fin without, fm round about them ; and that they are 
under fin, Rom. iii. p.-'-ip*; as a man may be faid 
to be full of the fea, when he is call into the raidll, 
and lieth at the bottom of it. 3. A dITcovcry of ut- 
ter impotence to do any thing to help himfelf uuc of 
this woful plight. He hath tried mauy ways, aod all 
ineffe^lual. Thus when a fmner feeth a holy God 
threatening ruin, feel? confcience condemning him as 
deferving ruin, and all refuge failing him ; in this 
cafe defpair is natural, and would be the refult of 
all found awakenings, if the Lord's mercy in Chrift 
do not interpofe, and difcover itfelf in this extremity. 
It is no fin for the damned in hell, but their great 
mifery, to defpair of ever getting out ; but it is their 
fin to blafpheme God. But for a finner out of hell 
|o defpair, is a grievous fin, but too frequent : Ezek. 
xxxiii. 10. If our fins and our tranfgrejfions he upon 
usy and we pine away in them ; how fhovtld we then 
live f " If we be fo guilty, and God be fo exa<!l upoa 
U3 by his judgments, mull we not perifh P" Nay, 
faith the Lord, Turn to a gracious God, and live. 
Unto fuch defpairing unbelievers I have nothing t\{^ 
10 fay, but what Paul and Silas faid to one in this cafe, 
A(5ls xvi, 3 I. Believe on the Lord Jefus ChriJ}^ and 
thou /halt be faved. And to back this exhortation to 
Vol. II. I i fuch 

244 Sermons concermrg Serm. XI!. 

facb, 1 would recommend four things to be coiifider- 
eJ by them. 

I fly Confider how greatly Jefus ChriH: is accepted 
with God and his Father. You may ihink, that this 
h remote from your concern ; but it lieth nearer than 
you are aware of at firft view. He is highly accep- 
ted and beloved of God, not only as his own Sod, 
but as our Saviour; Ifa. xlii. i. Behold my fervant 
who?n I uphold^ mine ehd hi whcm my foul deli-ihteth* 
It would be a great encouragement to faith on Chriil, 
to think what a great favourite ia heaven Chrilt is ; 
how graciouily, yea infinitely, he is beloved of his 
Father. His perfon, his office of Mediator, his per- 
formances, his ac^iojis, his fufferings in that olli.*e, 
are all of fweet-fmelling favour before God. Unbe- 
jief hath in its root, low, mean, and forry thoughts 
of all thefe. Say then, " How vile and aboniinable 
" foever 1 be in God's fight, yet Jefus Chritt is pre- 
" cious in his fight with whom I have to do." 

7dly^ Confider how great the acceptance with God 
is, that Chrift dorh procure to finneis whom he un- 
dertakes for. Many have found it, and fuch know 
it bed: : but it is but little that the beft of them can 
lel] of it : and what the gofpel declares of it, believers 
themfelvcs rather admire at, than fully know, or 
firmly believe. If you have not found it youifelves, 
believe others have got this acceptance. 

3 <?'/)/, Confider how many Chrift hath made highly 
accepted with (rod, who were jail fuch as you be ; 
as unworthy and vile as you are, or can think your- 
i elves lo be. What were the Corinthians of whom 
the apoftle fpeaks, i Cor. vi. 9, 10, 1 1. : I{ the Ho- 
ly Ghoft had not v/ritten it, we would be afliamed to 
read over fuch a bvd roll of abominations : Be not ds- 
tcived: neither fornicator s^ nor idolater Sy nor adulter^ 
ers^ nor ejffvminatey nor abufers of J^emf elves with man^ 
kindy nor thieves^ nor covetous^ nor drunkards^ nor re- 
viler Sy nor extortioners, Jhall inherit the kin<rdGf7i of God. 
(If it be fo, what then (ball become of them ?). And 


Serm. XIL the Lord's Prayer. 245 

fuch ivere fome of jQu i but ye are wajbed^ hut ye are 
Jandifiedy but ye are jujllfied in the name of the fjord 
Jefus^ and by the Spirit of our God. Every iaftance 
of Chrid's grace oa great floners, (and every age is 
filled with many oF them), (hould be an eacourage- 
ment to every fmner to put in for a (hare of the fame 
grace v/bereof Chrift hath fo great an abundance, 
and as great a good-will to Ihow it, 

^thlyy Coofider that Jefus Chriii never refufed any 
fmner that employed him to do this great bufioefs 
with God for him. It is his proper office, he hath 
given his word and promife for it, John vi. 37. and 
vii. 37. And he hath been as good as his word to 
all that ever trufted in him ; cone of them were ever 
put to (iiame, Rom. ix. 33. 

Let therefore hope come in, and fpring tp. Say, 
** Though I fee myfelf vile and loft as ever finner 
" was, or can be, out of hell ; though I cm do no- 
" thing to relieve myfelf; yet there is help in Chrid* 
** many have found it. I am commanded by God to 
" come to him, and to the Father by him : and there- 
** fore I will try and trufl Chrid in my forlorn (late,** 
Do fo, and you fhali profper. Chrid will undertake 
your caufe and concern, and you (hail quickly fmd 
the bleiTed fruits thereof. I Oiall conclude with an 
allufion to that paffage in the gofpel, Matth xiv. 22. 
30. and Mark vi. ^6 — 51. wherein we read, that 
Chrift did ftnd, yea conftrained his difcipies ro go to 
fea without him. They meet with a contrary wind in 
this comuianded voyage, and toil all night to little 
purpofe. O'jr Lord knew their difficulty ; and noc 
only remembered them on the mountain at land, but 
made them a viiic at fea, and that w^/iir?^ on the fea ; 
and, doubtlefs, he that made both fea and land, 
could ufe either of them as he pleafed. His difctpks 
fa'-j) h'uTiy and ivere troubled^ f^y^^^t ^^ '-^ ^ Jp^^'^' 
They allfaw htm^ as in Mark vi. 50. and were trouhU 
ed ; for none of them knew him, but all miilook him, 
and cried out for fear ; till he faid, Be of good cheer ^ it 

II 2 is 

54^ ^^rmons concerning Serm. XII. 

is /, be net afraid. On this Peter, always a forward 
diTcipic, (aid, Lord^ if it be ihou^ bid me come unto 
ihes on the water, Chriil giveth the command, Come, 
Peter obeys ; but when he feet h the zvind boijjorousy he 
is afraid ; and begining to ftnk, he cried, faying^ hordy 
fave me. And immediately Jefus flretched forth his 
handy and caught him, and f aid unio hiniy O thou of 
little faiths wherefore didjl thou doubt f Chrift faved 
him, and then rebuked hira for his unbelief. Is not 
your condition fomewhat like this i* Chrift cometh to 
you as op the waters, in the night, and in a ftorm ; 
you are afraid of him : he calls you by the gofpel to 
cpme to him ; you eflay it, but the winds and waves 
fright you. Cry to him. Lord fave me, Affure your- 
felves, that he that calleth you, will hear your drown- 
ing, dying cry ; will ftretch forth his hand, catch 
you, and fave you ; and then chide you kindly for 
your unbelief : yea, you will then chide yourfelves 
for it, when you find (and find you will) that Chrift 
is more merciful rhan you did or could imagine. How 
vaftly doth the firft experience of Chrift's grace fur- 
pafs all the defires and expe£lations of the firft adven- 
tures and adventurers, upon Chrift's tender heart, 
and oa bis mighty faving arm ! 


SsRM. XIIL the Lord's Frayer, 247 


John xvii. 24. 

Father y J will that they alfo whom thou hafl given me^ 
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou' lovedjl me 
before the foundation of the worlds 

YO U have heard, that this is the third thing in 
the matter of Chrift's prayer that I have been 
fpeaking to. Wherein 1 propofed to fpeak to two 
things : The glory of Chrid ; and his people's be- 
holding of his glory. In fpeaking to the firft of thefs 
particulars, I did confine my difcourfe unto Chrift's 
glory, as he reprefents God unto his people, to be 
favingly known by them ; and as Chrifl reprefents 
his people unto God, to be gracioully accepted by 

It is to the latter of thefe 1 have been fpeakrag ; 
and have made forae entrance upon the application 
thereof, which I would now profecute. Lad ^x^ i 
fpoke to unbelievers ; the true name of many, who 
will never own it, till they ^^/ their portion with them^ 
Luke xii. 46. ; unlefs the Lord open their eyes to fee 
their difeafe, and ftretch forth his hand, and heal it. 
Faith is wrought, and a6leth, where unbelief is feen, 
and bewailed, and prayed againll. Mark ix. 24. 
Lsordy I believe^ help thou mine unbelief faid a new- 
begun man in faith. I ranked unbelievers into three 
forts, I, The fecure and ifupid unbeliever, that ne- 
ver faw and felt any quarrel betwixt God and him, 
nor any neceflity of Chrift as a peace-maker. 2. The 
awakened and roufed unbeliever, who begins to open 
bis eyes, and to fee the importance of falvation, the 


2^8 Sermons concerning Serm. Xlll. 

danger of God's wrath, and the bad (late he is at 
prefcnt in. Such people, unlefs God's Spirit work 
t'ue faith in them, do naturally betake tbennfelves to 
rhemfelves for relief. That great word fpoke by the 
y.iWov, Acls xvi. 50. W/jat Jhall I do to be favedi 
however it was meant by that diftrefTed finner, it hath 
been by many as much noiftaken as the apoftle's an- 
fwer to it in ver. 31. The true meaning is, " I am 
" a loft undone creature, and have no help at home ; 
*• if there be none abroad, I am quite undone." And 
they take thefe words in vain, that ufe them, while 
they vain!y and proudly think, they can do fomething, 
if they did bin know li, 3. There are difcouraged, 
defpairing unbelievers, that know that they are in a 
bad cafe, and cannot believe that it can ever be al- 
tered to the better. A very great fin, and too com- 
mon. Many live, and die, and perifo in defpair, that 
go not down to the pit roaring. We think their cafe 
{d^d^ that die in expreirions of defpair ; and their cafe 
yet worfe, that deftroy their own lives in defpair. 
And indeed this lad cafe is exceeding dreadful, if 
ihcy are themfelves, and are not diftrafled. As to 
the forr.ier, there may be more charity due to fuch as 
have'givcn good proof of their faith in their liferi.ne, 
though they die in a cloud, and utter heavy unbe- 
jieving complaints. Of which fort, 1 have heard of 
a Chridian near death making a heavy complaint of 
the Lord's withdrawing from him in that feafon of 
his greateft need ; and Aiid, he " did nor think tliat 
<•' ever the Lord did fo wiih any of his children.'* The 
wife and happy minider to whom he made this com- 
plaint, gave him this anfwer : " Know ye not that 
'* thus it was with the Son of God, when, on ihs 
** crofs, a little before his death, he cried our, My 
^' Gcd, my Gody why haft thou for faken me V* Which 
v/ords were fo bleffed, that the derm ceafed, and the 
good man died in peace. Bur there is a filent defpair 
in many unbelievers, that goes along with them many 
days and years, and they perifh in itwiihout noife or 


Serm. XUL the LorcTs Prayer, 249 

complaint. They inwardly think, that their ilate is 
bad, and they have no hope that it will ever be bet- 
ter. It is like an inward wounds that a n:aa may 
bleed to death of, as well as of an outward oo?« Bo?: 
can Satan and unbelief prevail to that degree in a niaa 
not in hell, as to make a perilliing fmner look ou 
Chrift's faviog gracious face, and fay, " Either thou 
'* canfl: not, or will not help me ?" No ; Chiift is 
furely out of that Haner^s eye in whofe heart defpair 
hath the dominion. A glance of Chriil's glory as a 
Saviour will expel defpair, and beget and nouriih faith 
in him. Never did a fmner fee Chrift's face, but he 
looks for fome good from him, and that not a little 
alfo ; and that never in vain. 

Exhort. 2. That which remains, is to give two ex- 
hortations to believers ; though one of them will take 
np our time now. As I told you in the former exhor- 
tation who were unbelievers, fo now 1 would tell yoii 
who are believers., that the exhortation may be rightly 
taken, and not fnatched at by them to whom it doth 
not belong. By a believer in Chriil, I meaa a maa 
that doth in heart and in experiesce know thefe two 
things, r. He hath feen fo much of the holiatfs of 
God, and ftri(Sl purity of his law, and hith feen fo 
much of his own vilenefs and impotence, thai: he doth 
defpair of ever making himfelf accepted with Go! by 
any thing he hath or can do. And this fort of de- 
fpair (if we may give fo ill-foundiag a name to (o good 
a ihipg) is fo far from being inconfiftent vvich true 
faith, that no true faith in Chrift can be, or be ichid^ 
without it. That fianer that hath any hopes of get«- 
ting matters betwixt God and him mended vvithoac 
Chrifl, will never, and can never believe on J<:fus 
Chrift. 2. A believer is one that hath fo heard and 
fo believed God's record concerning Chriil in the gof- 
pel, and his ability and good-will to fave fuiners, aS 
voluntarily and dtiliberateiy to lodge all his acceptaiics 
with God for falvation on Jefas Chrift alone. li-^ 
fceih it to be his only Ihifr^ and a good one too. 


250 Sermons concerning Se5.m. XIII 

Unto fuch believers I would give thefe two exhor- 
tations from the doctrine. 1. Study in the light of 
the word, and by the eye of faith, this glory of 
Chrifl in reprefeuting his people to God for accep- 
tance. 2. Improve this truth by the a(51iviry oi^ the 
fame faitR. 

Exhort, I. Study and behold the glory of Chrifl 
in reprefeniing his people to God. None fee it once, 
but they will defire to fee it again and again, and 
more and more of it. None fee it rightly, but they 
wonder and admire at it ; that not only our falvati- 
on is brought about by this reprefentation, but that 
Chrift's glory is great in making of it. Whenever a 
man feeth any thing of the glory of God, before 
whom the reprefentation is made, any thing of the 
vilenefs of the perfons reprefented, the divine dignity 
of Chrifl the reprefenter, and the great acceptance 
the reprefented by him obtain of God ; then will the 
man ftand amazed, and cry out, " O the depths of 
** grace in faving lofl man I'* See Heb. i. 3. ; where 
the apoflle teacheth us three things concerning Chrift ; 
what he is, what he did, and what he got. He is 
the br'ightnefs of his glory ^ and the exprefs image of his 
ferfony (of God the Father's glory and perfon), and 
vpholdmg all things by the word of his pozuer. The 
whole creation oweth its original ;o him, and is pre- 
ferved by him, and his powerful word. Who can 
doubt his Godhead, that believes that thefe, and mav 
ny fuch exprefiions, are indited by the Spirit of truth ? 
V/ho would think what follows P This divine perfon, 
this equal with the Father, this creator and upholder 
of all things, when he comes into the world, what is 
his bufincfs P what doth he ? He by hi ?7f elf purged our 
fins. His work was about fin and fmners, to purge 
fm, and to fave finners. Obferve the pbrafe. It is 
nor faid, by himfelf he made the world ; but only, that 
God made all things by hiniy ver. 2. It is not faid, 
that he by himfelf upholds all things ; but only, he 


Serm. XriT. the Lord's Tray er. 251 

doth it by the vjord ofhispozver. There is no need of 
the inteipofmg of hirafelf, or of his perfon, (\^ I may 
ufe the word) ; his word of command was enough 10 
do both. But when our fins are to be purged, a word 
of power was not enough : himfelf muil: come in, and 
be a facrifice; as Heb. ix. 26. He appeared to put a- 
ivayftn by the facrifice cf himfelf , Nothing leis was 
needful, nothing lefs craved by God oixeoded by fm, 
nothing lefs offered by the Saviour of finners. In and 
by this purging our fias, how low is this ^}X\\^?,<t per- 
fon the Son of God brought ! Bat what becarr»e cf 
him when he had done this work ? He fat down op the 
right hand of the Maje/iy en high: H-: is high in his 
divine perfon was brought loV ^a his work, and is 
exceedingly exalted when he had done it ; as in Phil. 
ii. 6—11. 

In order to the raifing of your thoughts about thii? 
glory of Chrift in reprefeniing his people unto God, 
I would offer you, 1. Some generals about it; 2. 
Some panicuiars in this chapter to the fame purpof.% 

FirJ}^ The generals about it (hall only be thefe 
two. 1. Divine counfels about it. 2. Divine adls a- 
bcur it. 

I. Divine counfels about "this. It was the eternal 
purpofe of God to have a remnant of Adam's offspring 
reprefenred to his favour, and its fruits, by his own 
Son made man, and dying in their (lead. This etcr- 
7ml purpofe %v as purpofe d in Chrift Jefm our Lord, E]^h. 
iii. 1 1 . His good fleafure which he hath purpofed tri 
himfelf^ Eph. i. 9, 10. // was in Chrifi Jefus'^btfore 
the world began^ but is now made manifefl by the ap- 
pearing of our Saviour Jefus Chrif}, 2 Tim. i. 9, 10. 
It js unto this higheft fpring your faith muft rife by 
all the lower fteps it takes ; even to the deep defign 
of God in purpofmg falvation by Jefus Chrift to his 
chofen. And it is revealed to us in the word ao pur- 
pofed by him, to the eternal praife of his grace, to 
the exalting of his Son Jefus, the unaenaker of the 

Vol. II. K k work 

2^2 Sermons concerning S'tIRM. XLII. 

the work of favioQ:, and to brint^ in a cjrcat falvatioa 
fcf his people. 

2. What palTcd in time about this. In the fulnels 
of lime Goi fenc hii Son ioio the world. When he 
came, that was hilfiilcd, lU. ix. 6. Unto us a child is 
horny unlo us a fon is given. lie was born and given 
to us ; for he came to die, and to be given foi' us. 
On this I would ofTer lour things. 

ijjy When cur Lord came, and fst about his woric 
heca'iie for, he looked on himicIF, preached and de- 
clared himfcir, to be a reprefcnter, by hi-? oince, of 
Ijis people to God ; that he was the faorifice For fin 
and fmncr?, Heb. x. 5,— lo. ; that hi^ ?idh and blood 
was (he lEeat that came down From heaven, which he 
nfiuft give for eicTual life to his people, a j 1 that all 
iriuii Feed on by Faith that had sny mind to live, John 
^'i- ?5>"-'3^' Yea, when he v/as firfl made manifcil 
10 Ifrael, John Bap'iii, the firil preacher oF Carift as 
come,preacueih acd poinds him Forth to be the Lamb of 
God vjhich- taketh aiuay the fin cf the zvorLi, Jjhn i. 29. 
a L luib For purlry, a Lamb For Facriiice, and the Lamb 
of Goci, Fent and provided by God, (as his type was. 
Gen. xxii 8), and accepcdble unto God. Buc what 
was fpoken in the ear i[\ clolcts in Chrift's time on 
earth, was proclaimed on Loufe-tops (as he b.d them, 
Luke xii. 3.) when Chnfc iiad done his. work, and 
vas gone to heaven. His apodlcs, and all his Fervants 
in ail ages, have made it their bnlioeis to fet Foril^ 
Clirilt as the only Facnfice For fin, and the only High 
l:'rie(F to introduce finners into God's Favour, in and 
by the vume of his Facrificc. They have not begua 
lo preach Chrilt rightly, that have noijlrd of all de^ 
ilared how that Chrifl died for our fins according to the 
firipluieSy I Cor. xv. 3. ; and then of his reFurre^cion, 
verFe ^. Mlnilters muFl neither leave ChriFt in his 
gave, nor preach a J^lorified JcFus, without remem- 
be.-i^.; his death. 

2.ity^ We find that the law and judice of God dealt 
with our Lord, when he was come, as with a repre- 


Serm, XIII. the Lord's Prayer. 253 

fentative of finncrs. There v/as nothing in him, that 
judice and law ihould exafl: on him for ; he owed no 
debt of his own contrarring ; yet law and judice dea't 
feverely with him. The Lamb of God was ^vithoiu 
fpot ; yet his life mud go, and his blood be (bed for 
fm.' There had been lio judice in the Lord's bruidng 
of his bsioved and fpctleis Son, if he h?.d not been 
•anfwerable at the higlied bar for the fins of others, 
for which he was ftricken, Ifa. hii. 8. In that chap- 
ter, (in which it is fomething (Irange that a Jew^ can- 
not fee Jefus ; but far more, that any that bear the 
name of Chridians, (liould make the eunuch's quef- 
tion, /i<5^s viil. 34. I proy thee^ of ivhcm fpeaketh the 
prophet this f of himfclf^ cr of fome other manf and 
will not take Philip's anfwer, ver. 35. who from f /^a^ 
fcripture preached unto him Jefus)^ in that of Ifa. liii. 
we have the prophet preaching Chrid hkc a^ apoftle, 
concerning his work, his death, the caufe and fruirs 
of ir, with New^ Tedament brighmefs and slory ; and 
this feveral hundreds of years before Chrid came into 
the v;orId. 1 Ibiall touch at a lew things in it ihatbe-- 
]ong to my prefer t purpofe. In ver. 4. Su: cly he hath 
home cur grufs^ and carried our for rows. Every man 
is not charged with tlie forrows of others, e^ccept in 
com.mon fyrapathy, which all owe towards others in 
didrefs. Chrid not only had this, but a near and clofe 
feeling of, and prelTure by them, that was proper to 
him only ; yea, he bore the forrows of many, whofe 
forrows were over before he came« and of far more, 
whofe forrows were not begun, 'cng after be came to 
bear them. Yet he did bear them to fave them ; foT 
that grief and forrow that men have, which Cbriit 
did not bear,, wiii be everlading forrow. But what 
had Chrid to do with their foriow? In verfe 5. lie 
*ivas ivcunded for cur tranf^rejfons^ he was hruijed for 
cur iniquities. His wounds and bruifes were very hea- 
vy, but not without a caufe ; only the caufe is dran^e: 
they were for tr anfgr ejfions ^ for iniquities ; but the'e 
Were none of his, bu: ours. The wounds, were his ; 

K k 2 but 

254 Sermons concerning Serm. XII I. 

bur the fill was our?, that deferved the blows. And 
thus our peace, our healing cometb. Bat whst had 
Ci lift to ^.0 with our iniquities ^ verfe 6. The Lord 
hath laid o? h'im the iniquity of us alL A;id he took 
the burden on hiin.. and was only able to bear ir, and 
did bear it jway The Lord haih refolved, that fin 
aud forrow (hall go together. So was it with the Sa- 
vioc^r; if fm be laid on him, forrow ihall follow it. 
So is it wich finners; their fin will bring dreadful for- 
row, except Chrift take away both. Sirs, you have 
formerly known, or do at prefent, or (Iiall hereafter 
kno»v, what a heavy burden fin is ; how infupporta- 
ble it is ; and how fureiy that foul mud fink into hell, 
that hath this burden lying on himfelf. And indeed, 
until the burden of fm be felt to be too heavy for 
thein, and a barden that all the world cannot bear 
for ihein, men will think lightly of Chriil's undertak- 
ing, and will never employ him, but in a compliment. 
Koow this, and accordingly chufe your courfe : It is 
refolved in heaven, and declared in the gofpel on earth, 
that every finner's iniquity fhall either be borne by the 
fjoner him ft If, to his eternal damnation, or by the 
furety, Jefus ChrKl, to the believer's eternal falvation. 
But wel! did the prophet preface to this doctrine, ver. 
I. Who halh believed cur report f and to whom is the 
arm of the Led revealed f This gofpel-do<51rine will ne- 
ver be welcome to an unbeliever; and none are made 
believcis, hut by the revealing of the arm, and put- 
ting forth of the power of the Lord upon their hearts. 
Till then, finners will mock God, both in their con- 
tracting the debt of fm, and in their devices of pay- 
ir,^ of that debt ; and both are very finful work. God 
h.-iih fixed his way of fatisfying hisjultice, and will 
nrc alter. Men mufi: either betake themfelves to 
Jefas Chrid by faith, or lay their account with hell. 
That fmner is blind, and ignorant of God's judice, 
and of the drictnefs of his law, that thinks that fin a- 
gaind God can be expiated by aby thing, but the 


Serm. XIIT. the Lord's Prayer. 255 

blood of him that is God. And lie that dare noc 
truft to the fuflFerings and virtue of Chrift's atonement 
made for fin, know;; not God's niercy, nor the truth 
as it is in Jefus, Eph. h. 21. Let all fmners there- 
fore take heed, what courfe they take in the matter 
of the burden of fin. Take heed, that you mock not 
God in fludying to pay it in falfe coin. All your own, 
all creature coin, is but reprobate metal in heaven's 
court and kingdom. It may pafs on earth, and in a 
deluded confcience : but how Hide doth that fignify ? 
and how fhort while will that little lad: ? It is but hay 
and ftubble, which Chrill: hath many fires to burn it 
up with. But for Chriftians, I advife you, in read- 
ingthe prophets andapoflles concerning Chrift and his 
fufFerings to make ufe of this as a key to open up all, 
as a light that enlightens all. That all the fufFerings 
of Chrift were laid on him, and endured by him, and 
prefented unto God, as he did reprefent his guilty 
people ; otherwife juflice could not exa6t on him, 
nor his people be faved by them. See how Chrid 
exprelTeth this in the celebration and inftitution of his 
lafl fupper. He taketh^ blejfeth^ hreaketh, and giv^ 
eth breads and calls it, my body given for yen. Like^ 
wife aljo the cup after fupper^ faying^ This cup is the 
new tejl anient in my bloody which is fhed for ycu^ Luke 
xxii. 19, 20. I do not mind the Antichriiiian fyna- 
gcgue, (for a church it is not, but in an ufurped 
name, or in a vain notion), who have abufed and 
perverted thefe plain and eafy words, more than de- 
vils or men did ever pervert any words of God or 
man before ; and have, upon that abufs of them, fei 
up the groffeft idol that ever a Heathen worQiipped ; 
for fuch as worihip fun, and moon, and the hofl of 
heaven, have God's glorious workm^nfliip before 
their eyes ; yea, the Egyptians garden and herb gods 
are preferable greatly to a bit of pafte, knead and 
baked by a baker in his oven, conjured into a pitifuJ 
godhead by the mumbling of a prieil, and firfl wor~ 
pipped, and then fwailowed down as other food, by 


sjt? Sfrmons concerning Serm. XIIT. 

ihe befottcd people. Nothlog ^efs than the dread- 
foi wraih of God can be in mens believing this lye, 
tli^t the man's reaTon and all his fenfes militate againfl, 
2 Tr«fir. ii, lO, ir, 12. But many that are not in- 
fected with this ftrcng delufion, underfland no more 
by Cnriil's wordt; in this facred ordinance, than that 
the bread and wine, fo nfed as Chrift appointed, do 
fi^rnify the fulTeriogs unto death of our Lord Jefhs 
Chrift, cruelly handled by v/i.cked men, and fevercly 
dealt with by the jallice of God ; bat the caufe and 
end of his death, they mind not. This Chrift purn 
us in mind of, in thefe words : ^' For yoa, and for 
** your fins, and for the remiffioo of them ; you, and 
** your finp, are the oaufe of my death ; and my death 
'* is the caufe of your forgiven v':fs." Chriftians, if 
you keep out that word, for you ; if your faith do not 
echo to Chrift's/^r jcw, with your for me^ I alTure 
you, that the bread and wine on the Lord's table, and 
the fame creatures on your own table, will be of e- 
x]ja] fignification, as to foul-nourifliment ; and that is, 
none at all. 

■^d'y^ \Ye find, that when Chrift had thus been 
dealt with, as reprefenting his people, there was a 
high acceptance of his facrifice. The Father that put 
bim to all thi<, was mightily pleafed with him, and 
with his death. Here behold the depth and myftery 
of God's faving men by Jefiis Chrift. God's juflice 
againft fin fqueczed out Chrift's life, and by that fqiiee- 
2cd out eternal falvat'on for them he died for. Here 
is wifdom, and here is love, i John iv. 8, 9, 10. 

^tblyy Hence it is, that all believers on Chrift are 
graciouily accepted wich the Father. ^Vhenever this 
blood filed for them, is lorinkled on ihcm ; when- 
ever the virtue of this blood is applied to them by his 
Spirit, and applied unto by their faith, they are re- 
])refcnted to God in it and with it, and are therefore 

Secondly, Let us, in the next place, look into this 
chapter, John xvii. and learn fcmediing of Chrift's 

rep re- 

Seirm.XIIL the LorcVs Prayer. 257 

reprefemiDg Lis church and people unto God. It 
is as fit a portica of the word, as any for that end ; 
and in it I v;ou!d look to two things : i. What is ia 
it about Chriii, the reprefenier. 2. What of his 
people, v/hom he reprefents ia this foletna addrefs 
£0 his Father. 

1. About Chrift, the repre tenter, v/e iuid thefe 

ijl^ Onr Lord notes the time in v/hich he was 10 
do his great work he came into the v/orld for : Fa- 
ihsr^ the hour is tome. ; it is at hand : -' the hour oF 
*• my dying for my iheep.'* John xii. 27. ISow is 
my foul troubled ; and what /halt I fay f Father^ fa-vs 
7:10 from this hour : but for this caiife caniJ 1 unto this 
hour. As if our Lord had faid, '^ i ihould lofe my 
" main end 1 came into the world lor, if it was not 
*^ for this hour.'' This was that fpecial hoar, ia 
which Chrift was to make the grand reprefentatioa 
liuro God, of all h.is people for their redemption, and 
of all their fins for their expiation. This was ChriiVs 
dying-hour, and the church's redemption-hour. 

idly^ Our Lord prays for the united and mutually- 
inilueLcing glory of the Father and of the Son : ver. 
I . Glorify thy Son, that thy Sonafo may glorify thee ; as 
he prayed, John xii. 28. Father, glorify thy rMrne ;= 
and was aafwered, I have both glorified it ^ and wilt 
glorify it again ; and as he foretold it, John xiii. 3 i, 
32. F^ow is the Son of man glorified^ ar.d Gsd is glo- 
rified in him. If God be glorified in him, Godjhali a-l* 
fo glorify him in himfelf^ andfhall flraightway glorify 
him. What is this glorifying he prays for ? it is o'i 
large extent. " Glorify thy Son, ia malting blai a 
'-'- facrifice ; glorify him, in accepting the facritice ; 
*' glorify him, in Haying him; glorify him, in raiilag 
" him from the dead \ glorify him, ia exalting him^ 
" and making him head over all things to the church,. 
" hi> body, hi:^ fulnefs,'* Eph. i, 'lo.—ij. : and all 
this, t hut thy Son alfo may glorify thee ; *'^ may glorify 
«^ thy JLiilice and thy Iav?> in fatisfying both by my 

*« blood ; 

2 5^ Sermons concerning Serm. Xlll. 

*' blood ; may glorify thy grace and mercy to thy 
** cbofen, by redeeming ihem aato God by my blood ; 
" and may glorify thy wifdom, in contriving this v;ay 
** of redemption, which is to be accomplKhed by my 
" death, the hour of which is come." 

3<y/)/, This that our Lord defires of his Faiher, was 
according to the everlafling covenant: ver. 2. As 
thou hajl given him fozuer over allflejh^ that he Jhould 
give eternal life to as many as thou haft given him. 
*' Thou hail given him univerfai power and domini- 
** on, but a particular charge of the eiefl ; to them 
" he is to give eternal life, in and by this redempti- 
" on-hour now come." 

^*hl)\ See how our Lord nameth this eternal life 
which he was to give, and they that were given un- 
to him were to receive : ver. 3. And this is life eter- 
nal^ that they might know thee the only true God, and 
Jefus ChriJ} whm thou haft fent, A moil: fpiritual 
defcription of eternal life given by the author of it. 
Ic is begun in the faving knowledge of the Father 
and of the Son, and in the begun fruits of that know- 
ledge. Eierual life is perfeft in the perfect knowledge 
cf the Father and Son, and in its perfefl fruiis : as 
in Eph. iv. 13. i John v. 20. and John xiv. 20. 

Sthly^ Our Lord, in ver. 4. giveth a faithful ac- 
count of his difcharge of the work his Father had giv- 
en him to do : 1 have glorified thee on the earth ; I 
have finifhed the luork thou gave ft me to do : all but 
dying : which he was now as ready and willing to do, 
as any thing he had done before. 

6thly^ and ladly, Chrift prays again (what he had 
prayed for in ver. i.) in ver. 5. And now, Father, 
glorify thou 7ne with thine o-wnjelf and 7i>ith the glory 
which I had with thee before the world was. 

2. Let us fee what Chrid faith here of his people, 
whom in this prayer he reprefents to his Father. Ic 
is to be undoubted by all Chriftians, that this prayer 
of Chrift doth as really concern all believers io all 
ages, as u did tli.e apoltles themfelves. And this 


Serm. XIII, the Lord^s Prayer* 259 

Chrifl: tells us in ver. 20. Neither fray I for thefe 
alone y but for thent alfo which Jhall believe on me thro* 
their word. It is the prayer of our great High Piiell ; 
and all his Ifrael were on his heart in making of it, and 
reap the blelliRg of it. 

In it, as concerning them, we find, 

ly?, Our Lord names them rightly, ver. 6. They 
are the men which thou gavejl me out of the world : 
thine they werCy and thou gavefl them vi\; for they 
are th'ine^ And all are thine^ and thine are mine ; and 
1 am glorified i'n thern^ ver. 9, 10, Well doth the 
good iliepherd know, and count, and tell his flock ; 
and he feeth his Father's mark of eleflion upon them, 
and his own mark of redeeming blood on them ; and 
therefore he cares for them, and prayeth for theifl, 
and giveth them eternal life, John x? 28, 29. 

idly^ Chrift tells all the good he can of tbem, 
and covers their failings : ^ey have kept thy wordy 
ver. 6. Now have they known^ that all things what- 
foever thou haft <^iven me^ ate of thee, ver. 7. Fcr I 
have given unto them the words which thou gaveft me ; 
and they have received thcm^ and have known jurely 
that I came out from theCy and they have believed that 
thou did ft fend me^ ver. 8. How poorly had they re- 
ceived Chrifl's word? how weak and ftsggering was 
their faith ? and hoW) oft had Chrift reproved them 
iharply, for their unbelief, and other faults I Yet 
not a word of thofe in Chriil's reprefenting them to 
his Father. They had fpoke one good word in Joha 
xvi. 30. ]Slo%v are %vefure that thou knoweft all things ^ 
cndneedeft not that any mayi ftocul'd ask thee : by this 
we believe that thou ca?ne ft forth from God, This Chriit 
remembered and tells it to his Father, in ver. 8. ; but 
not a word of what he faid to ihem, John xvi. 31, 32. 
Do ye now believe ? Be hold y the hour comet hy yeay is 
now comcy that ye Jhall be fcattered every man to his 
owny and fhall leave me alone. This is th,e conftant gra- 
cious way of our High Prieft ; He m.akes no mentica 
of his Ifrael's faults in heaven, but for their expiati- 

VoJL. II. LI en. 

2^0 Sermons concerning Serm. XlIT; 

on, I John ii. i, 2. ; whatever reproof and corre(^ion 
he fends to humbie his people, and to amend them, 
Rev. iii. 1 9. 

g^/jK, Chrift doth here reprefenr his people to 
God, his Father, with their necefliies and danger?, 
and prays for help and fupply : They are in the worlds 
ver. ri. The world hat eth them, ver. 14. There is 
evil in the world, that they are endangered by, ver. 
15.; aud therefore prays for their prefervacion, ver. 
II. 15. a. ' fan^lification, ver. 17. To be kept from 
evil, and to increafe in true holinefs, are the main 
bleflings believers need till they come to heaven. So 
Paiil''& fairh a^led, 2 Tim, iv. 18. For the Ijord /hall 
deliver me from every evil wcrky and will prefer ve me 
unto his heavenly kingdom. So he prays for others, 
I Their, iii. i^-^To the end he may flahlifh your hearts 
uMameahle in holinefs before God even our Father^ at 
the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrifl^ with all his faints, 

^thly, Chrifl doth here declare to his Father, that 
his undertaking and fafferings were for his people's 
fake : ver. [9. And for their fakes do I fandify my ft If, 
Chrift needed no fuch fandification as his people do, 
and as he giveth unto them, by the virtue of th death, 
by his Spirit. His fan(ftifying of himfelf, is his f.-pa- 
. rating and devoimg himfelf to death, as a facriHce for 
his people. And in this fenfe a very learned foreign 
divine underftands that dark word in Heb. :<. 29. And 
hath counted the blood of the covenant -wherewith he was 
fan^tifiedy an unholy things or common thing : whereas 
commonly it is taken, as if the apoflate had been ever 
in fome fenfe fanfhfied by the blood of the covenant. 
This learned expofuor doth natively enough from the 
Greek text take this he that was fan£lified by the 
blood of the covenant, to be but another name of 
the Son of (iod, who is trodden under foot by fuch 
defperate apoftaies. So that the fenfe is plain and 
cafy, and a great aggravation of their apoftafy, that 
they not only defpife the Son of God, but alfo his fa- 
crcd blood by which himfelf was fanclified, and the 


Serm. Xni. the Lord's Prayer. e6t 

covenant cbofirofied uoro his people, and made to be 
his teflaiiient and lafl will. To this fame purpofe is 
that other word of the fcime apoftie, lieb. xiii. 20^- 
The God of peace brought again from the dead our Lord 
JefuSj that great Shepherd of the fheepy through the 
bicod of the ever lajiing covenant. So that the apoft.'e 
in Heb. x. 29. deicribes this dreadful apoftafy in three 
things ; open contempt of tiX^^ perfoii of the Son- of 
God; contempt of his facred fedeemiog blood, the 
only price of redemptioo ; and defpite to the Spirit 
of grace, that works by the gofpcl on mens hearts. 
Such mufc fall into the hands of the living God, who 
lives to revenge fuch bold aiFronts done to the mod 
gracious ^nd only faving appearances of God unto 
men ; that is, in his Son, and his blood, and in his 
Spirit, by the gofpel. Ail is openly and deliberately 
contemned and dcfpited by fuch wretches ; and they 
muft perilh. And ibough it be hard to make an ap- 
plication of thefe fad brands of ruin to any miin in 
panicular, or fort and body of men ; yti this I may 
venture to fay, that open blafphemers of the Son of 
God, (as all are that count hiin a mere man) ; all that 
count the blood of the covenant a common thing, (a3 
they muft do that count it but the 'blood of a mere 
man) ; and all that do defpite unto che Spirit of grace ; 
fuch, 1 fay, if they have been once enlightened, as 
Heb. vi. 4. and have had the Spirit o.f grace flrWing 
with them, and if this contempt of fuch facred things 
of God be in malice, have far more reafon (though 
I know that fuch have no inclination) to fear their 
intereft in this dreadful fcripture, and in fuch like, 
than any of the poor fouls, who, upon their failing 
from their fird love, and firft works, or on their fal- 
ing into fome grofs confcience-wafting fin, have ap- 
plied this awful fentence unjuftly to themfelves. Bat 
all fuch are far from it, to whom the Son of God, 2. A 
Lis redeeming blood, and his Spirit of grace, are fa- 
cred and adorable, though they have no comfortable 
view of their intercR therein at prefent : for though 

L 1 2 ibe 

2^2 Sermons concernmg Serm. XllT. 

the cafe of fuch be fad, yet there is a door of hope 
for them, in renewing repentance and faith. 

Bur, to return again unto the exhortation given to 
believer?, to confider this glory of Chriift in reprefent- 
ing his church unto God, 1 would oiTer a few things 
to engage them '--r the ftudying of it. 

1. Confider the neccfTuy of this reprefentation made 
by Chrifl, in order to the acceptance of fmners with 
Go3. Chrilt faw this necelTity when he undertook 
the office. No facrifice but that of himfelf was re- 
quired ; no high priefl but himfelf was called, or able 
10 offer what was effe^lual to fatisfy the jnllice of 
God and to fave fmners, Heb. x. 55---IO. A fmner 
niufl fee the neceiTity of this reprefentation, which 
Chriil only Ciin make unto God ; or he will never re- 
Eource ail vain (Iiifts of his own, and betake himfelf 
only unto this. And a believer mud: fee the necelTi^y 
cf this reprefentation made by Chrifl, that he may 
admire it m.ore, and trufl to it only. 

2. Confider the glorious excellency of this repre- 
fentation that Chrill makes of his church ur.to God. 
Gloriocs in itfelf, glorious in its fruits and ends. It 
is the miniflration cF righteoufnefs, that exceeds in 
glory : 2 Cor. iii. lo, it. Tor even that which was 
made glorious^ had no glory in this refpe^, by reajon vf 
the glory that excelleth. And all this glory is in the face 
of Jefus Cbrid, who of God is made unto us wifdom^ 
and right eoujnefs^ and fantiif.cat'ou^ aid redemption ; 
and that for tw^o ends : That no fl[fh fioidd glory in his 
f/ejence ; and that he that glorieth, might glory in the 
Lord^ I Cor i. 29, 30, 31. !f a man could have any 
fining wifdom but in and from Chrift to know God 
and the way to heaven, he would glory in that ; if he 
had any juftifying rig'r teoufnefs to ftaod accepted be- 
fore God in hilt Chrifl'?, he would glory in that ; if 
he bad any fanvflifirarion but what is derived from 
Ch'-ifl a.^ its rout and fountain, he would glory in 
thai , '^ rhere was; any redemption but what Chrifi: the 
only Ueuccmer brings in, he would glory ia that : yea 


SiERM. XIIL the Lord^s Frayer, 26 ^ 

fo proud, and fo inclined is fie(h to glory in God's 
prefence, that fmners do vainly hunt after, and as 
vainly imagine they have attained fome matter oF glo- 
rying before God. But, fliith the apoflle, " Chriil: 
" is fo made of God unto us, as to cut ofi ail preten- 
" fions to any glorying, but in the Lord." So that a 
Chriftian, when he finds he is made wife to falvation, 
muft fay, " This is from Chrift ;'* when he feeth any 
juftifying righteoufoef^ upon him, wherein he (lands 
fafe and accepted before God, he muft fay, " This is 
" none of mine, but Chrift's righteoufnefs :" when 
he finds any famflification in him, in his heart, and 
way, and worfliip, he muO: fay, " This is but a few 
" droppings from the fountain Chrid ; a little of the 
" ointment that was poured in all fuinefs on my High 
" Prielt Jefus :" when he gets any piece of redemp- 
tion, or a£ls his faith and hope on corapleat redemp- 
tion, all his acknowledgments, and all his expecta- 
tions are, and muO: fingiy center in Chrid the Re- 
deemer. Yea, the Spirit of God exprelTeth this thing 
mod flrongly. He faith not, that Chrlil is made unto 
us the prophet and teacher, and giver of wifdom ; 
nor thejuftifier, and bringer in of righteoufnefs ; nor 
the fan£lifier, nor the redeemer ; all which are true 
of Chrift, and of God's making him to be, and ofc 
fpoken of him in the word : but he is made unto us 
the things themfelves, wifdom^ righteoufnefs^ fandtfi- 
cat'ion^ redemptmi. All of ihefe are in Chrift, and no- 
thing of aJiiy of thefe is out of him. Wifdom out of 
Chrift, is damning folly ; righteoufnefs out of Chrift, 
is guilt and condemnation ; fanflification out of Chrift, 
is filth and fin ; redemption out of Chriil, is bondage 
and flavery. 

3. 1 would recommend the confidering of Chrlft^s 
glory in reprefenting his church unto God, from the 
profit and advantage believers do receive by this exer^ 
cife. I believe mod of you would anfwer this quef- 
tion. What is the bed exerclfe, and thought of the. 
heart i* Surely it is that chut bath mod grace in it. 


2^4 Sermons Cdncerning Srrm. XIIl. 

Now, what are ihc befl: graces of the Spirit? Are 
ihey not repentance, faith, and love ? And all thofe, 
io ihcir lively s£ts and exercifes, do natively fluw from 
the right ftudyiog of Chrift*s reprefeoting of us to 
God for acceptance. 

\/ly Repentance. What do you take it to be ? 
There is too little of it with tnany profelTors, and that 
becanfe it is not v;ell known in its true nature. Many 
tike repentance to be that thstt is little better than 
what the devils have. We read of their faith and 
iremhiing, James ii. 19.; and this is a greater length 
than many are got, who are angry if they be not cal- 
led good Chridians. Repentance is not a bare fit of 
forrow and (liame for fm committed, nor fear of God's 
wrath for fin. This may be in ungodly men. Few 
malefa^ors go to the gallows without fomewhat of this. 
Cain, Pharaoh, Saul, Judas, had this. Bat true re- 
pentance unto life, though it may begin with a difco- 
very of forae particular fin or fins that God fets in or- 
der before a man's eyes, Pial. 1. 21 ; yet it is not 
godly forrow that worketh repentance tofalvation^ not 
to be n-iyntcd (jfy 2 Cor. 7. 10. till the finner look u- 
pon himfelf as k.throrae and abominable in the fight 
of God, that it becometh one of the greateft riddles 
and myfteries unto him, how fuch a God and fiich a 
fianer ihould ever be made friencis ; how God can 
'look upon him without abhorrence ; and how fuch a 
fmnercan (land before thi. holy God with favour and 
acceptance P And when the glory of Chrift as the 
peace-maker is difccvered to, and feen by him in this 
cafe, and when he is drawn to trufl to it, this faiih is 
acted in the fight and fenfe of his own vilenefs in him- 
felf. They are unhappy peopi", and unlkiifu! teach- 
er,?, who take up repentance towards God^ and faith 
toivards our Lord Jejus Chrifl, Afts xx. 2 i. and think 
of them, and (tudy to acft them, as if they did interfere 
with one another ; as if repentance were the fruit of 
the law, and the faiih and fruit of the gofpel \ as if 


Serm. XIII. the LorcTs Prayer, 26s 

they could be a^led feparately and apart. All grofs 
juiflakes. There is no faving grace in our heartj hot 
is Chrift's work by his Spirit blefiing the gofpeL 
Hepentance without faith, is the devil's repentance : 
and faith without repencaace, is the hypocrite's 
faith. If they be true, they go together ; if rlghfiy 
afted, they a^i together. And as this fenfe of Qa and 
felf-vilenefs is infeparable from firft believing, fo it 
contlnucth in all the life of faith in all true growing 
believers. David dieth with the a^tiag of repeaasce 
and faith, 2 Sana, xxiii. 5. 

2ci/y, Faith in Jefus ChriH:. Bring true faith unto 
a narrow point, to that acl in which its nature doth 
properly (land. For faith is a large comprehenfive 
grace, much fpoke of in the word, more talked or diaa 
a£led by many ; and leaft known, and moil miftakea 
by them that have it not. This faith I fpeak of, is 
not a bare believing, or giving an affent unto divine 
truth, upon the evidence of a divine ceftimony ; nor 
is it believing and expecting of good from God, upoa 
the ground of his faithful promife ; though thefe are 
ads of true faith. But faith in Jefus Chrift, in its 
clofeft, nearefl: nature, a£ls thus. The felf-conde ra- 
iled fmner, iothforae in his own fight, and perfuaded 
that as he is in himfelf, he is far more lothfonie in 
God's fight, doth, on the gofpel call and promife, 
try and truil: Jefus Chrift for making him accepted 
with God. This >s proper believing, GaL ii. 16. 
And according as the meafure and degree is of our 
knowledge of fin in us, and of the law's condemQlng 
of us for fm ; and as the meafure is of the light of the 
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jefus 
Chrift ; fo is the meafure of that faith that feerh our 
Deed of, and taketh up the glory and fafety in ChrtiVs 
reprefenting us to God for acceptance, and that trufts 
to it. 

g^/y, The heavenly and evcriafting grace of lo^'c^ 
thai is planted in the heart of a believer, and is nou- 
riihedby the grace of the new CQveaant ; that grov^'eth 


iC)6 Sermons concerning Serm. XIII^ 

ID true Chriftlans as the new creature doth, aud is 
the only grace that the glorified a61 in heaven. O- 
ther graces of the Spirit are the Chriftian's armour, 
that is laid afide when they get the perfect vidlory. 
Now, what raifeth love to Jefus Chrift to the hotteft 
flame ? Is it not when Chrifl's lovelinefs in himfelF, 
and when his love to us, is bed feen by us ? And are 
not both moit confpicuous in this matter of his graci- 
ous reprefenting us to God, covering us with his own 
righteoufnefs wrought out for us by his precious blood 
(hed, counted to us freely by his grace, aud intitling. 
us to the love of God, and to ail the great fruits of 
that love ? 

It follows to fpeak of the fecond exhortation to 
believers ; but that i fliall leave to the next occafion. 
Only, to prefs the firll, the duty of ftudying in your 
hearts Chrifl's glory in reprefenting his church unto 
God, I would add four things. 

1. By this reprefentation that Chrift makes of yoa 
that are believers unto God^^ you that were efiemies are 
reconciled unto Gcdy Col. i. 20, 21. You are beloved 
of God. Not only there is no condemnation to yoii 
that arc in Chrifi, Rom. viii. i. ; not only are your 
£ns blotted out, and your natural deformity covered 
from the eye and hand of law and juftice, by the co- 
vering of Chrifl's righteoufnefs ; but you are fo a- 
dorned with that garment, that the Father loves you ; 
as Chrifi: tells believers, John xvi. 27. For the Fa- 
ther himfelf kveth youy becaufe ye have loved ir^e^ and 
have believed that 1 came out from God. You are not 
only faved from wrath, and the curfe of the law; but 
polTefled of God's love, and have a fure right and 
title to glory, by this grace of Jefus Chrift that is 
come unto you. 

2. By this reprefentation of you unto God, you are 
made as acceoted of God as ever anv believer was. 
This many do not rightly underftand ; and therefore 
are ready to reproach it. There are degrees of grace 


Serm. XIII. the Lord's Frayer. ^67 

on earth, and there may be degrees of glory in bei- 
v'en ; but neither here nor there are there any de- 
grees oF acceptance. Accepted, or not accepted, dl-» 
vides and diftinguiflieth ail mankind in both worlds. 
Acceptance with God relates to a man's (late before 
God, and not to his frame. We fay nor, that every 
or any believer is fo good a believer, or fo great a 
faint, as Paul ; but yet every true believer, as to the 
ftate of his perfon, is as accepted as Paul was as to 
his perfonal (late. The reafon .is this : The accep- 
tance of all believers with God, is only on account of 
this reprefeiiiation made by Chrill for them unto God. 
And this is made by Chrift for all equally : all the 
tribes of Ifrael are equally on the heart and breail- 
plate of our great High Prieft Jefus Chri(l, And thus 
we find in that triumph of faith, Rom. viii. 3^— 39- 
all God's ele^l: are included ; and the grounds of that 
triumph lie equally fair for any believer : Chrijl is 
given, and bath diedy ajid rifen again, fit teth at the 
right hand of God, and maketh intercejjton for them. 
Every believer may fay fo as well as Paul, though 
we cannot fay fo with as (Irong a faith as Paul had- 
The ground is the (ame, and common to all believers ; 
but they do not equally build upon this foundation. 
If our (late of acceptance did (land on any thing be- 
lievers themfelves have, or do, and not fingly on 
what Chrift hath done, and daily doth for them ; 
then indeed all believers, who differ fo much from 
others in their inherent grace, and in the improve- 
ment, exercife, and fruits thereof, could not be alike 

3. You that are believers, you are, even now, as 
much accepted of God as ever you (liall be. 1 fay 
Dot, that you enjoy God as much ; that yon are as 
near, and as like to him, as ever you (hall be ; but 
that you are as much accepted as ever you (liall be. 
Believers are not called to glory^ nor brought unto it, 
for acceptance, That is paiTed, and fixed for eternity. 

Vol. II. M m as 

2 68 Sernfons concerninj^ S e & M. Xlll. 

as ro all in Chrift by faith, before they come there. 
Only their acceptance Id that day is more glorioufly 
declared and proclaimed than it was on earth, Match. 
XXV. ^4. Acd the fruits of that acceptance will be 
bellowed by the Lord, and c joyed by the gloriFicd 
in heaven, vaflly beyond what believers can kno^v, 
receive, or enjoy on earth. A (late of acceptance in 
Chrift Jefus, is the common privilege of ail believers. 
He is all in all to all of them without difference, Col. 
iii. II, And as it admits of no difference in them 
that are in him, and reprefented by him for it ; io 
it admits of no gradations nor increafe in any one be- 
liever, fave as to the evidence, comfort, and fruits 
of an accepted (late. And after building by faith 
on Chrid the foundation, all the remaining work of 
a Ciiniti:in ft:^mds in feeking after thofe blefTmgs that 
flo^* from our ftate of acceptance with God by Jefus 

4. I will adventure to add, in the laft place, that 
which to forae feems a ha d faying ; but it is not fo 
hard in itfclf, whea rightly underftood, as fome would 
make, or miCtakc it. And it is this. That a believer 
on Chrift, and reprefented by Chrift unto God's ac- 
ceptance, v^ as accepted of God as Chrift the repre- 
fentfr is. The fame acceptance that Chrift the Me- 
diator haih with God, the fame acceptance is given to 
ah believers. See John xvii. 23. That the world may 
know that thou hafl kved them^ as thou bafl loved vie, 
Verfe 26. / have declared unto them thy name^ and 
will declare it : that the love ivherevjith thou haft loved 
me, may be in theniy and I in them. If we confider 
Curift and his people afander and apart, then there 
is as great a difFereoce betwixt Chrift in himfelf, and 
his pcopl**. in themfelves, as is betwixt light and dark- 
ru fs, righteoufnefs and unrigbteoufnefs, Chrift and 
Belial. But if we confider Chrift the head, and his 
church his body, as one, and infeparably united ia 
tlii* rayftical reprefentaiion before God j then the di- 


Serm. XIU. the Lord's Prayer^ 26^ 

Tine acceptaace on this reprefentation is one and the 
fame toii^ards the reprefenter and the reprefented ; 
as Aaron the high-prieft^s was within the vail in 
the holy of holies, and ail Ifraei's without the vail, 
on the day of atonement. The high-prieft v/as ac- 
cepted as reprefenting all Ifrael, and all Ifrael ac- 
cepted as reprefented by him. Indeed the difference 
was very great betwixt the Old Teftament type and 
fliadow, and the New Tellament {ubflaoce. But all 
that difference is only to the greater glory of our 
great High Priefl^ the Son of God, who is puffed into 
the heavens^ Heb iv. 14. ixo 24. and to the greater 
advantage of his (piritual Ifrael without the vaii, Heb. 
ix. 13, 14. The fame acceptance the Father giveth 
to his Son, Mediator, the reprefenter of his people, 
falls on ail ihofe for their happinefs that are repre- 
fented by him. And it is to be feared, that fuch as 
cannot receive this truth, have a fecret refpeft to fome 
other way and fort of acceptance with God than that 
that comes by Chrifl's reprefenting them to God. And 
the danger of fuch delufions, is as great as their fouls 
2re worth. 


2 7© 4 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they alfo whom thou hafl given me, 
be zvith me where I am ; that they may beheld my 
glory which thcu haft given me : for thou lovedjl me 
before the foundation of the world* 

^T^ W O greater, deeper, and larger themes, are 
A net in God's word, than ihefe ; the glory of 
Chrifl, and the beholding of this glory by his people. 
They are fuch as cannot be fully known by any on 
earth ; yet it is very ufeful to Chriflians to be exer- 
cifed in the iludy of thena while ihcy are here. 

On the firft of thefe, the glory o\ Chrift:, 1 have 
fpoken at fome length, under thefe two heads, i. 
Chrid's glory, as he reprefents God 10 his church, to 
be favingly known by them; and, 2. His glory, as 
he reprefents his church to God, ro be gracioufly ac- 
cepted by him. The former 1 have finiflied, and would 
fliipatch the latter at this time. After I had handled 
the dc<ftrinal part, I made fome application ; and in 
that fpoke to one exhorraticn to believers, to (ludy, 
in the light of the gofpel, with the eye of faith, the 
glory of Chrift in his reprefenting his people unto 
God for his gracious and eternal acceptance. 

Exhort. 2. 1 come now to the fecond exhortation 
to r)eh'evers ; which is, That they fhould improve, by 
the a<f^iviry of their faith, this glory of Chrift. There 
i^ norh'ng fweeter to the eye of iaiih than this glory 
of Chrift, and nothing more ufeful 10 a believer than 
TO have his faith well extrcifed about it. This glory 
of Cbrift iCi reprefenting, as our High Prieft, his 
church UDio Goa, is a mutter of pure revelatioD. It 


Serm. XIV. the Lord*s Frayer. 271 

had cever been known, unlefs it had been reveal- 
ed. All truths ihat are of pure revelation, can 
only be managed by faith. When a truth is difco- 
verable by reafcn, it is aifo improvable by reafon. 
But if the truth tranfcend reafon, and the difcovery 
of it is made only by divine revelation, the right im- 
provement of that truth can only be made by faith 
grounded on that revelation, and that faith wrought 
by the Spirit of the revealer, Maith. xvi. 17. This 
truth about the glory of Chrift, is not only of pure 
revelation, but it is the great viyftery of godllnefs^ i 
Tim. iii. 16. And in ChriJ} are hid ail the treafures of 
wifdom and knowledge^ Col. ii. 3. In the improving 
of this truth, faith only can do any thing to purpofe ; 
and there is much v/ork for faith in the ufmg of ir, 
I fhail therefore on this exhortation handle thefe two 
things. I. In what cafes fpecially believers ought to 
ufe and improve Chrift's reprefenting them to God's 
acceptance. 2, In what way and manner they ihould 
improve it in all or any cafe. 

Firfly In what cafes fpecially believers ought by 
their faith to improve this glorious reprefentation of 
them unto God. I fhall name fome particular cafes. 

1. Be careful to improve this glory of Chrift, in 
all your daily approaches to, and appearances before 
God. Whenever you come to the court of heaven, 
and into the prefence of the great King, forget not 
him that only mull introduce you, and make your ad- 
drefs acceptable: Heb. x. 19, 20, 21, 22. Haviiij 
thereforey brethren^ holdnefs to enter into the holiefl by 
the blood ofjefus. The apoftle is writing unto Chrif- 
tian Hebrews, who were well acquainted with the 
Old Teftament fan<fluary and wcrfhip ; and he f peaks 
to them in that diale£f. They knew what the holiell 
was in that difpenfation ; and that the high prieft a- 
lone^ and but once a-year^ and not without bloody might 
enter into ir, Heb. ix. 7. And this holiell: to us ia 
the New Teftament, is heaven itfelfy Heb. ix. 24. ; 
into v/hich our High Friejt is entered by his own bloody 


%']2 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV, 

Heb. IX. 12. and made an entrance for his people : 
For the way to the holtej} of all was not yet made ma» 
nifefi^ while as the fir fl tabernacle was yet /landings 
Heb. ix. 8. Chrilt by his blood made an open door 
10 heaven, and by that door we muft always enter, 
and climb up by no other way^ left we be as a thief and 
a robber^ John x. i, 8. What is the blood of Jefus ? 
It is the blood of the Son of God : the blood of hira, 
a? a facrificc offered up by him as our High Pricft, 
for the fiQs of his people ; the blood whereby he 
brought in that everlafting righteoufnefs in which all 
his people (land accepted before God. Now, faith 
the apoftie, that privilege that only the high-prieft 
under the law had, of entering into the typical holieft 
of all by the blood of the typical facrifices, every be- 
liever in Jefus Chrift hath ncv under the gofpel, and 
hath a daily entrance into the true holieft of all by the 
blood of the true facrifice, Jefus Chrift. And he adds 
in ver. 20. By a new and living way (or a new ilaia 
and living way) which he hath confecratedfor us thro^ 
the vail, that is to fay ^ his flefh. We need not a door 
of entrance into heaven only, but a way to walk in. 
And that way is provided by Chrlft, and he is it ; as 
John xiv. 6. And Chrift as flain, hath by his death 
conlecrated it for us ; like that in John xvii. 19. For 
their fakes fanBify I myfelf. The apoftie calls Chrift*s 
flefli, the vaiU alludin;^ to the vail ot the fani^uary, 
Heb. ix. 3. through which the high-prieft pafTcd into 
the holy of holies. There was a double ufe of the 
fjn£l:uary-vail. It kept the holieft of all from being 
ieen by all the people, and yet made an entrance for 
the high prieft through it unto the holieft of all. So 
is ihe vail of Chrift's flefti ; it vails and hides his di- 
vine glory, as Phil. ii. 6, 7. and yet it gives a palTage 
into the glorious prclcnce of God unto believers. 
What more is needful for a believer's acccfs and ac- 
ceptance .'* ver. 2 I. And having an high priefl over the 
houfs of God. We not only wanted a door, and a way, 
but an authorifcd introducer into heaven. And Chrift 


S E R M . XIV. the LorcTs Vtay&r^ 273 

is all. He is the High Prieft, who by his office is 
the introducer, the reprefentcr, and prefeater» of his 
people UDto God. Upon this comes the exhortation, 
ver. 22, Let us draw near : " Let us all go to God, 
*' and to heaven together ; you Chrillians, and I aa 
*' apoflle. We have the encouragements common to 
" us ; let us jointly improve them." But, alas I moil: 
unbelievers think it an eafy thing to draw near to God^ 
though they never think of Chrift, nor o^ ufmg him 
in their approaches to God, (if they may not rather 
be called departi figs from God), They neither care 
for making them aright, nor care whether they be 
accepted or not ; nor fear the taking God's name in 
vain, as ail do that come not to God by Jefus ChrJftj 
John xiv. 6. Chriftlefs Chridians, and ChriiUefs 
woiihippers of God, (if it were proper to call Chrift- 
lels men either Chriftians, or worChippers of God), 
are an abomination unto God. But that that is fo 
eafy to fuch carelefs triflers, is far otherwife unto a 
ferioua foul. When fuch a perfon feeth any thing of 
bis own fmfulnefs and meannefs, and any thing of the 
hotinefs and majefty of God, it is no fmall difficulty 
to refolve this queftion ; ** How is it poffible, that 
«' fuch a defiled creature as I am, can make any ac- 
*' ceptable appearance before fo glorious a God ?'* 
The only refolution is in this : " Chrift our High Pried 
*' reprefents me ro ne Father." He did all our bu- 
fmefs with God as cur Mediator, and that in our na» 
ture, and in our name and (lead ; and all that we do 
in worftiip to God, is to be done by us in his name ; 
and thus acceptance comes to us. Chriftians, whea 
you pray, when you read and hear God's word, whea 
you fit down at Chriil's table, when you perform any 
part or piece ot worfhip to God ; if you would have 
it acceptable to God, and profitable to you, (and 
thefe two are infeparable ; for no accepted fervks 
is unprofitable to us ; and if profitable to us, it was 
firil accepted of God), let your faith be exercifed 
on this ; " Jefus Chrilt mak^s another fort of figure 


2 74 Sermons concerning SeRm. XIV, 

** for me in heaven, than I can make for myfelf on 
« earth " 

2. Improve by faith Chrifl's reprefenting of you to 
God, in all your judgiugs and examining^ of your- 
felves. Self-examination is a great duty, and a necef- 
fary one, i Cor. xi. 28. and 2 Cor. xiii, 5, Happy 
are they that mind it much, that manage it rightly, 
and iiTue it well. I believe, that of all duties required 
in the word of all men, it is that duty that feweft un- 
believers and hypocrites are employed in. It is \try 
doubtful, whether it be poiTible, that a hypocrite can 
be at the pains to fpend fome portion of time in the 
work of felf-examination. Of all companies, an un- 
godly man likes lead the company and converfation of 
his own confcience. Pfal. iv. 4. Communing with our 
own hearts ; dealing fairly and freely with our own 
confciences ; and not only allowing, but charging 
them to reply, and do deal freely with us again, and 
taking well with this freedom, fcems to be above the 
reach of a hypocrite, at lead of an ordinary one. 
But when a Chriftian is fetting about this work of 
felf-examination, by and in the light of God's word, 
he fhould fearch his heart, his fins, his wants, his 
graces. But the main thing is his ftate in God's fight. 
And the defigned end and iffue of this trial, is, to 
have and pafs the fame judgment on himfelf that God 
doth ; that he may not, as many do, commend him- 
felf, when God condemns him, or condemn himfelf, 
when God approves him. Now, we ail know, that 
God's judgment of mens ftate is, ns they are in Chrid, 
or not in him. So 2 Cor. xiii.. 5. Surely you mult 
ihink they were bold and fancy profefTors, that fought 
a proof of Chrift's fpeaking in and by Paul, as ver. 3. 
To them he faith in elTe6i, " Inftead of your trying, 

whether Chrift fpeaks by your miniftcrs, inquire if 
• Chrift be in yourfelves cr not. If Chrift be not in 

you, they have fpokea to little good purpofc to 
*' you : and if Chrift be in you, you will quickly 

" know 

Serm. XIV. the Lcrct's Prayer. 275 

" know who they be that fpeak in Cbrifl's name 
" nnto you, and whether Chrill Ipeaks by them to 
" you." 

3. Improve this truth of Ch rift's reprefentiog his 
church unto God, in all the mirreprelen rations that 
r.re, or can be made of you to God, or men, or your- 
felves. They are falfe, if they differ from what Chrifl 
makes of his people to God. 1 (liail name fome of 

ly?, The devil mifreprefents believers to God, and 
men, and themfelves. Doth Job Jear God for ncught f 
Job i, 9. faid the devil 10 God. " He hath been a 
'* good fervant to thee, but thou baft been a good 
*' mafter to him ; take from him what thou haft giveti 
** him, and he will ferve thee no more, but carfe h-e 
•' to thy face." Impudent ilanderer, and a lying pro- 
phet 1 God, to try Job, and to make the devil a lyar, 
gives the devil a permiiTion. He readily ufeth it : and 
Job is made a poor man in one day ; but blelTeth God 
in taking, as well as in p:iving, ver. 21, Yet Sataa 
gives not over; but, in chap. ii. 5. begs one trial 
more of Job, on his body. It is alfo given, and yet 
not fuccefsful, ver. 9, 10. though ftrengthened by his 
wife's bad words it is a fad, but true name of the 
devil, in Rev. xil. lo. The accufer of the brethren^ 
which accufeth them before our God day and night. 
They are brethren, God is their God ; but yet Sataa 
will be the accufer of them before their God. There 
is little or no doubt to be made, but that the devil 
knows who are truly godly. Such a watchful and 
cunning jailor as he is, cannot be ignorant when any 
of his prifoners are refcued by Chrift, and make their 
efcape, 2 Tim. ii. 26. : and though be know not the 
hearts of men immediately and perfectly : yet having 
fo much craft, and long experience, and intelligence, 
in ways unknown to us, of what is in mens heart?, 
how can we think that his works ftiould be deftroyed, 
I John iii. 8. and Chrift's new work be begun in the 
heart of a man, and the devil know nothing of it ? But 

Vol. 1L N n as 

^y6 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

as to Chriflians adyancing in godiincfs, Satan knows 
and hares them, and they know him and refill him. 
Sirs, there is not a ChriRiaa amongd you fo (Irong 
in grace and experience, but the devil can draw fucli 
a pi»5lure of you by his hellidi art, from vvhuu he know- 
eth of God and his law, and from what ne kaows oi 
your heart and ways, and can fet it before your eyes, 
fo as to confound you, if the Lord do not fcafonably 
intcrpofc for your relief. And it is this the devil 
drives at : that if he cannot hinder the believer's fal- 
vation, (as it is certain he cannot ; and it is mofl pro- 
bable he knows tli at he cannot), he may yet dillnrb 
his peace : for this pif^ure and reprefentatioQ of a 
poor believer is fo artfully drawn, and fo cunning'y 
expofed, that when the man feeth ir, ht is ready to 
think and fay with horror, " This is the pi(n:nre of a 
" devil, rather than of a man, or of a ("hriitian." 
Take all the evil that is in the bed, and expofe that ; 
and hide all the good that is in him, as if it were not, 
(and this is Satan's way), and you do then expofe a 
hateful objei^. Now, this truth of Chriit'2 reprefent- 
ing his people unto God, is of great comfort to a be- 
liever ; for by faith he may fay, " My bielTed Advo- 
*' cate in heaven gi^erh another account of me, than 
" my malicious accufer from hell doth: and 1 will 
** truft fo the one,, and defpife the orher. 

7dlyy The world mifreprefents believers. The 
world hates them, becaufe Chrift is kind to them, 
John XV. 19. We are forbid to marvel at h, 1 John 
ill. 13. And becaufe the world haies them, therefore 
they fay all manner of evil falfely aga'inft the godly^ 
Matt. V. 10, II, 12. And thereupon we are bid re- 
joice ^ and he exceeding 2^lad ; for jo they -perfecuted the 
prophets before us^ and the apoftles, yea Chrift him- 
fclf. How little did Paul care for the world's opinion 
of him ? I Cor. iv. 3, *^. With me it is a very fmali 
thing that I /hould Le judged of youy or of man^s judg- 
ment ; he that judgeth me, is the Lord, ** I (land at 

'* his 

Serm. XIV. the Lord's Prayer. 277 

*' his bar, and depend upou his fentence, and trufl 
*' to his approbaiion." 

3<i/>', The law makes a reprefeatatioo of believers, 
that ihey muft not receive, but fet ChriiVs reprefen- 
tation ap^aiali it. Whoever feeth his own face in the 


glafs of God's holy law, feeih a hateful fpoited face : 
For by the law is the knowledge of fin ^ Kom. iii. 20. 
N0V/5 if a believer think, that juft as he feeth him- 
felf in this clear glafs, {0 doth he appear in the pre- 
fence of God, that were dreadful indeed. But there 
is another reprefentation that Chrifl: makes of them 
unto God, that the law knows not of. The more a 
man knows of the law, the more he knows of his own 
Cn and danger. Kx^^ this fad condition remains, till 
he look beyond and above the law, unto the righte- 
oufnefs of Chrifl, who hath fatisfied and fulfilled the 
lav/ by himfelf, and makes this over to a believer, and 
reprcfents him to God, as clothed with it, 

^ihly^ Believers ihemfelves are often miueprefent- 
ed by believers alfo. BlelTed be God, that his thoughts 
of us are not a^ mens are. Such men that feek aker, 
and value thennfelves upon good mens thoughts and 
approbation, feek a thing of fmall worth, and what 
is quickly loft. Many are caft at the bar of good meog 
who ftand accepted of God: 2 Cor. x. 18. For not 
he that commendeth hhnfelf^ is approved^ hut whom the 
Lord comniendeth. What belter was Juda?, that the 
eleven apollles had a better opinion of him, than of 
ihemfelves, \vhen, hearing Chrifl^s^ warning of a trai- 
tor araongll them, each laid, Lord^ is it If Belie- 
vers are never the worfe, if other men, worfe or bet- 
ter than themfelves, pafs another judgment on them 
than God doth. 

5f/-?/)/, The lad mifreprefentation that the faith of 
Chrift's right reprefenting us to God fliouid fupport 
us under, is that that our confciences make of us. 
This is nearer to us thafi all the other. The devil and 
the world are WMthout, and round about us ; the law 
is above us; belieyers are nearer to us ; but ccnfci- 

N n 2 cues 

278 Sermcns concerning Serm. XIV. 

ence is neareil of ali. Confcience never condemns a 
believer, but at the bar oF the law, (for which, a? 
condemnine, Chrift hath redeemed him), and always 
in and by the working of unbelief. And in a belie- 
ver, his renriining unbelief a(fls this way : It looks on 
the dife-ir, and forgets the phyfician ; it Jooks on the 
debt., and for/^ets the furety, and his payment of it. 
CoUi:ie!:ce faith, *« Thou owed many thoufand ta- 
•' len.5 10 the law and juftice of God : is it not true, 
"and can it be denied.'"' "No, muft the believer 
** f^y ; the debt is not to be denied by me ; nor 
" Chriil's payment of it to be forgotten by me." The 
law, as a court of judgment, condemns for fio ; but 
Cbrid's new court of grace acquits the believer in 
Chrilt. To this court every believer appeals, and at 
it he ilands. 

So much for the third ufe of this privilege of Chrifl's 
reprefcntii'g us to God, under ail the raifreprefenta- 
lioDs that may be made of believers. 

4. Improve this privilege under all difpenfarions of 
providence that you may n tet wiih. Are you aflL^ed 
by the Lord's hand ? and wou'd ye have found confola- 
tion under it ? All are fenfible of afBi6lions, and all 
would fain have comfort under them. Sometimes the 
Lord fends an extraordinary meafure of this comfort 
unto his people, which is above the ufual acH-'viry of 
their faith ; but though this be very pleafing and ufe- 
ful, it IS nor oft of long continuance, nor is it fit it 
fliould. But there is a reioictn^ in trihuhition^ that is 
a duty that Chiidians ihould mak. rouiwicjce of; as 
well a? there is 2i joy of the Lwrd that is their jlrengtb^ 
NehcFin viii. \o.. which ihey fiiould feek and value. 
This rejoicing is only by faitii ; and this faith that 
produceth the joy, is a£tcd on Chriff, and on our in- 
icreft in him. '' I am heavily aflii<fled by the Lord's 
*^ hand, f.iith the believer : but I am a member of 
•* ClirifL's body ; my head is concerned in ir, and 
" will fupport me under it. }Ie keeps up the peace 
*' betwixt a corre(fting father aod a corre^ed child; 

« And 

Serm, XIV. the Lord's Prayer, ^279 

" And as long as the peace (lands, do real hurt ca^ 
" come to me. Are you tempted or the devii V\ as 
indeed the moil pare of molt Chriilians lives is taken 
up with afBiftion and temptation ; and the whole arr 
rnour of God is provided for, and to be ufed in and 
under them, Eph. vi. 10,— 18. It was an odd remark 
of a minifter of great learning and grace, " I never 
H knew an eminent faint, but he had either fingular 
" allli^lions or lingular corruptions to wreftle with.'' 
The apoitle tells us, 2 Cor. xli. 2. 1 knew a ?nan in 
Chrijl, caught up into the third heavens^ doubtlefs 
meaning himfelf. You think it is no ft range thing 
that a man in Chiift, on^ like Pdul, {hould be fo dealt 
with ; efpcciaily when he faith, Eph. ii. 6. that God 
hath made us fit together m heavenly places in Chrtfl Je^ 
Jus, But this is more llrange, that this man in Chriil, 
this man new come down from heaven, (hould immedi- 
ately a^ter be buffeted by Satan. If you be fo dealt 
with, how is it to be borne ? The' devii hath many 
things to fay againft us ; fome too true, that we can- 
not deny ; and fome things taife, which we mayjufl- 
ly deny, and yet do not through our weaknefs. ^mx. 
when Satan chargerh us with fin truly, which we can- 
not deny, I would not have believers reafon and parly 
with him, (he is too cunning a fophiiler for us) ; but 
only teli him fomething of Chriil, that we too often 
forget, and that the devil can neither bear nor anfwer. 
*' if the devil fpeak againft me as a finner in myfelf, 
'' I fay Amen to ail that is true ; but if he fay any 
** thing againft Chriil the Saviour, 1 dare lay he is a 
" lyar." if the tempted believer can but fay, ** I a at 
" in Ghrift, and therefore i ihall prevail ; Chriil hatli 
" overcome the devil, and therefore I will refift him-" 
the victory is near at hand. 

5. Improve this privilege of Chrift's reprefentinj.^ 
you to God, in all the fervice and obedience you per- 
form to God. All men owe ail fervice unto i^o^ ; a; I 
true Chriftians are in heait devoted to his fervice ; 
and the beit Chriftians mind it moft, and perform it 

bcft ; 

2 3o Siermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

belt: but when they review their performances, they 
fee them fo faulty, and fhort of what they ought i6 
be, that theyfee more reafon to mourn over the ini- 
quiry of their holy things, than to glory in their holy 
ibings. Ye»^ notwiihftanding ail the failings in the fm- 
cere obedience of a true believer, (and he alone is 
^he man in whom fincerity is, and by whom any a£t 
ef fmcere obedience can be performed), yet are they 
acceptable to God h J ejus Chrift^ i Peter ii. 5. Their 
fruits of righteoufnefs (though far from being fully 
ripe and perie£lj ate by Jefui Chrij} unto the glory and 
praife of God ^ Phil. i. 1 1. Far be it from me, to en- 
courage ftOy believer (much lefs an unbeliever) to put 
any confidence in their own works or obedience ; but 
1 am fure that it would greaily promote a believer's 
peace arid joy, to look rightly on the fruits of his faith. 
And that is the right way of judging them by a be- 
liever, when he faith concerning his obedience, ihefe 
four things. *' i. I, the worker, am one in Chrid, 
"2. Ihe work I do, is the fruii of my faith in Chrifi-^ 
** and of my being in him. 3. The wcik is done id 
♦« Chrifl"'?. name. 4. And as Uich is put in his hand, 
♦' to be perfumed and prefented to God by him.'' 
Muft not the conclufion of faith be, that Chrift will 
procure a gracious accepiance thereof ? 

6, Improve this privilege of Chrill's reprefecting 
you unto UoJ, as to your peace with God, and the 
acceptance of your perfons. Build all your defirer, 
cxpccTlations, and hopes of acceptance with God, on 
this alone, even on this reprefentation that Chrift 
makes of you to God. God's favourable acrepiance 
of a fmner never had, nor can liv. any other founda- 
tion : Eph. i. 6. We are accept e.n m the beloved. Horn. 
V. I. Being juf if ed by faiths 'we have peace with God 
through our Lord J ejus Chrijl. But tiow comes this 
peace, this jullification P It is by Chrift, 'u^ho was deli- 
vered for our offences^ and was raifed amir.jor nur jufli- 
fixation^ Kom. iv. 25. How would the pe;ice of belie- 
vers flow as a river, if their faith were active this way : 

•' Ad. 

S E H M . XI V. thi Lord*s Prayer, 2 3 1 

*• As Chrifl reprefents me to God j fo do I (land ac- 
" cepted, farely and eternally ?" 

7. Laftly, Improve this privilege by faith, in all 
the views and profpe^fts you have of yonr WX appear- 
ing before God, Oar appearances before God now 
are many and confiderable. We areaiwaysin hisfight; 
we oft draw near to him in his ordinances ; he fome- 
times is pleafed to admit us into his fpecial gracious 
prefence, and to mariifed hirafelf to us : but all thefe 
are foiall things, compared with the laft, which is far 
greater than all that went before it. The native quef- 
tion that flarts up in the mind of a man that thiaks 
ferioufly on this appearance, is this, " How (hall I bs 
" found of him in peace V* And the only gofpel-aa- 
fwer is, " Thou mud be found in Chrift," Phil, iii.9. 
Abide in him ; that when he fJoall appear we may have 
confidence^ and not be ajhamed before him at his comings 
1 John ii. 28. None will ht found of him in peace in 
that day, without f pot and blamelefs^ as all fliould la- 
bour for, 2 Peter iii. 14. but only they that ^vc found 
in himy Phil. iii. 9. and prefented fpotlefs by him^ J^de, 
verfc 24. I know that the deep and ferious thoughts 
of this awful appearance before God, are fufScient to 
in:ike a fmner fee the vanity of all refuges, fave that 
of Chrift's righteoufaefs. How much more will the 
glory of the lafl day do it ? Proud men, and truders 
CO their own righteoufnefs, will then find too late, that 
that covering of their nakednefs is too narrow ; and 
tfiat the beauty of their works, which they vdXi^td 
tbemfelves upon here, will be but deformity before 
that tribunal. If there be but one blot, one hole ia 
that robe that a man appears before God at laft in, 
(and all that is a man's own, is but rags^ ^nA filthy 
ones too, Ifa. Ixiv. 6.), the fword of juftice will enter 
in, and deftroy that man. Bur to believers found ia 
Chrilt, and covered with Chrii^'s righteoufnefs, there 
is no danger. The righieoufoefs is perfect, and their 
acceptance in it perfci'il and eternal ; and the crown 
of righteoufnefs givca to ttier!], will be given by him» 


282 Serrnons ccncerning S e R m . XI V, 

and received by them wtth exceeding joy ^ Jude, ver. 24. 
"We read that there \% joy in heaven^ and in the pre- 
fence of the oigcls of Godj over one fin?icr that repenlethy 
Luke XV. 7, 10. How much more joy will there be, 
when ail Chrifl's children ftiall be brought home, to 
his Father's houfe ? when he lliall give that account 
of them, Behold^ /, and the children which God hath 
given ?ne^ Heb. ii. 13. P Did Chrifl lay down the dear 
price with joy; and that /or the joy fet before him^ 
Heb. xii. 2.? and will he not receive his full pur- 
chafe with exceeding joy ? It will be his, and his 
church's marriage-day, Rev. xix. 7, 8, 9. And ne- 
ver were there fuch lovers, as Chrift and his bride. 
No fuch lover in heaven, as he ; and no fuch love 
on earth, as that the church hath to him. And ranft 
not the joy be great, on their everlafling union and 
communion, at that day! So that we may fay, that 
when a believer kneels to receive the! crown of glory 
from his hand, who bought it for him by his blood 
fhed in love* he cannot fay with more joy, " O how 
" glad am 1 of this day of my receiving this crown 1" 
than Chrift will fay, " 1 am more glad of the day in 
" which I give it :" for in all things^ he mufl ha've the 
*^ pre eminence^ Col. i. 18. Chriftians, think juftly, 
and think joyfully, of this great and notable day of 
the Lord, when he will make the greateft and molt 
public reprefentation of his church unto God, as the 
glorious head of his glorified body. See what fvood 
your faith can gather from that ftripture, which, 
whatever fulfilments it hath had, or may yet have in 
time, is to be perfeclly fulfilled (as many odier fcrip- 
tures) at the lad day, Zeph. iii. 17. The Lord thy God 
in the midjl of thee is mighty ; he will faz^e, he zvill re- 
joice over thee luith joy : he will refl in his love^ he will 
joy over thee with finging* AVho of you hath faith to 
believe this ? Where is the believer who dare apply 
thefe words with the confidence of faith to himfelf f* 
Who is fo bold as to fay, (and yet all in Chrift ought 


Serm. XIV. the Lord^s Prayer, 28 j 

to fay fo), " The bleiTed day is coming, and will 
*' furely come, when Jefus Chritl will be as glad to 
*' fee me in heaven, as lean be to fee him, or myfelf 
** there.'' He ivitl rejoice ever me with joy ; vvax i?, 
** he will exceedingly rejoice : he will re jl in his love ; 
" that is, he will love for ever, without Wuaryi - or 
** change : he will joy over me with^finging : that is, 
" his love snd joy will break forth into a fon r'" And 
indeed the joy of Chrifl: in heaven is the beft p-art of 
heaven's mufic. One cloud or frown in Chrilt's face 
in heaven, would put an immediate damp on all the 
holy and happy mirth there. But there is no danger 
of any interruption : for when the imputed righre- 
oufnefs of Chrifl is on the glorified in all its glory, 
(and that is when it appears wiih all the bleiTed ends 
it was wrought out for, and applied for, by Chrift) ; 
when inherent holinefs is perfe<ii in them, and imme- 
diate communion with him is enjoyed in this true pa- 
radife of God ; neither the tempter, nor temptation, 
Dor fin, nor wrath, can enter. The pillars in hea* 
ven, as Chrift promifeth to make hi?n that overcometh^ 
Rev. iii, 12. are more fixed, than thofe of the old 
heavens and earth, which he will (hake and remove, 
Heb. xii. 26, 27, 28. Many doubting Chriftians gee 
fafe to heaven, that oft feared that they fhould never 
get in 5 but all that get entrance, are immediately af- 
fured, that they (hall never be turned out again. As, 
on the other hand, many flatter themfelves with vaia 
hopes of heaven, who, when they find at lad, to their 
dreadful furprife, that heaven's door (huts them our, 
and hell's door (liuts them in, they know, that the 
latter door will never be opened to let them out, nor 
heaven's door be opened to let them in. Remember, 
that you will be lodged in your everlafting habitations, 
by the fentence of the great Judge in that day ; that 
your fentence will be, as your intereft in Chril>, acd 
his intereft in you is, and appears. Do you believe 
a day of judgment ? Then quickly run in to Chriil: ; 
abide in him, as your only refuge j and let the lad 
y^oL. II, O day 

sS^ Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

day find you in him ; and you are fafe now, and (hall 
kcow and find your fa^ety more in thac day. 

So ffiiich for the firfl thing. In what cafes believers 
(hould improve this great privilege of Chrlft's repre- 
fentinp^ them unto God. A privilege, in which, as 
Chriil's glory appears, fo the falvation and peace of 
believers""is fecurtd. 

Secondly^ A little on the fecond thing propofcd, In 
what manner is thij imprcvenacnt of this privilege to 
be made ^ 

I. It is to be improved with the deepeft hnmility 
and felf-abafement. We are lo prone to pride, that 
Dot only are natural men proud of their rotten and 
filthy rags ; but believers are not out of danger of 
being proud of borrowed raiment. The loarhfome, 
naked infant, that had no eye to pity, no band to help 
it, but the Lord's ; when its beauty was made perfecffc 
through the Lord's comelinefs put upon her, did yet 
truft in her own beauty, Ezek. xvi. 3,-15. 1 know, 
that there the Prophet, in a figuie, points at Ifrael's 
low (late the Lord found them iu, and the high ftate 
be had advanced them to, of his mere grace and mer- 
cy ; and, from both, is aggravating their fin in for- 
geting both, and the dreadful wickednefs that people 
fell into from that forgetting ; but, by a jufi paral- 
lel, it may b? applied unto particular perfons. If you 
make a queftion. Is ic poffible that a man can be prond 
and N-iin of Chrift's ri^hteoufnefs imputed to him for 
hi^ . cccptance with God i* I'anfwer, 1. A man may 
imagine, that he is in Chrift, and accepted with God 
en Chrifl's account, and may be prond and puffed up. 
Of this there is no doubt: for falfe notions in men 
may make them proud. If the legal Pharifee? frujled 
in tbcmfehes that they ivere nghteous^ and defpifcd o- 
thers^ Luke xviii. 9. when they had no ground nor 
reafon for it; why may not a hypocrite make a ground- 
lefs boaft of his laiih and intereil in Chrifl, and in his 
righteoufr»efs, and be proud and fecure upon that ima- 
gination ? Much of this was ia Laodicea's cafe, Kev. 


Sesm. XIV. the Lorcfi Frayer. 285 

iii. 17, 18- 2. If a true believer find any vacky rif- 
JDg in his heart, on the account of Chrill's righteoiif- 
nefs reckoned to hinn ; ac that time that perfon hath 
the notion of this privilege in his mind and memory, 
rather than a right fight and fenfe of it on his bean 
by faith. For, 3. This great privilege, as it is given 
by God, that no flefh may glory ia his prefence ; f^ 
where it is feen and pondered by faith, it always bum- 
bleih the happy partaker of it : for he dill remem- 
bers what he was without it before he got it, and 
what vile cakedcefs in him is covered by this gifted 
rightcoufnefe. See the latter part of Ezek. Kvi. 6o„ 
63. J where the Lord, after all the enumeration and 
aggravation of liraePs fmfulnrfs, comes in with fh at 
God-like, l\e'veTthelefs^ I 'wili remember my covenant 
with thee in the days of thy youlh^ and I ivill cjlahhjh 
unto thee an everidfting coveriant, ** it w^ould be but 
*' a fliort iafting covenant, if it flood upon thy keeping, 
" or were diilolved by thy breaking of it.'* What is 
the end of this marvellous grace I 'That thou mayefl 
rememhery and be confounded^ and never open thy mouth 
any more^ becaufe of thy Jhanie, A fa>hke exercife. 
But w^hen is it to be done to purpofe ? When the 
Lord doth plague and rend IlVael ? whpn he fets their 
fms in order before them, and writes bitter things a- 
gainft them P No; but when I am -pacified toward thee 
for all that thou haft done^ faith the Lord God. Like 
the promife in Ezek xxxvi. 31. "-' When my quarrel 
*' againft thee for thy fjn is laid afide by me, it (hall be 
" taken up by thee in judging and condemning thy- 
'' feif ; when thy fios are forgotten by my grace, they 
" (hall be remembered \>y thee for thy felf-abafe- 
*' ment/' The pardoned man is only the true peni- 
tent ; and that is the beft repentance that is exercifed 
in the reading of our fealed forgivenefs. Therein a 
man feeth that dreadful roll blotted out, but only by 
free grace in the blood of jefus. Nofm is forgiven, 
but in the virtue of that blood. When therefore a 
believer fccih the vileft of ail things, hia fins, and the 

O o 2 nioft 

2 85 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV, 

raoH: facred oF all things, the atoning blood of the Son 
of Gody joined together in his charter of pardon ; 
what thoughts the pardoned man mud have of fin, oi 
grace in forgiving, and of the way in which this for- 
givencfs cometh, it were happier for you and me ro 
feel, ih^n it is eaj for me to exprefi, or for any to 
think, but fuch a happy foul tha-: feels it. We have 
an inilance of a great fmner greatly forgiven, in Luke 
vii. 5g^.-.-^o. The Lord fend us her bieffing, and her 
frame. A proud pardoned finner is a monfter. Art 
thou a finner, and proud of thy fin ? Then art thou 
-an open rebel agaioft an offended God. Art thou a 
fjuner, and proud of any thing ? Thou art a fuol ; 
proud, when the rooft debafing thing lieth upon thee ! 
But r.rt thou a pardoned finner, and not hun)ble ? 
Yv'^hac name (liould fuch a creature be called by? ('anil 
thou be proud of thy p:^rdon, when thy ccnlcience 
tells thee truly, that thou defcrveft to be damned, as 
juftly as any God ever condemned ? and that only 
tree grace made the diffekence betwixt you and t'.iem, 
in your fentcnce, when there was no difFcreace be- 
twixt their and yourdeferts? Cinft thou be proud of 
parc^on in Chrift's blood, when both the guilt and vile- 
nefs of fin is fo difcovered in the only way of iisexpi- 
aton; and when the glory of grace in contriving, 
ufin.:^, and applying this expiation, fhineih fo brightly P 
Believers, whenever you read your charter of pardon 
in the new covenant, do but remember who and what 
is forgiven, and who he is that forgiveth, and on whar 
account he doth *orgive ; and fee if theie will not lay 
ihee, and keep thee low iu his fight. 

2. This great privile^^e Qiou'd be improved by be- 
Iicver% with confidence and aiTu ranee of faith. Trem- 
bling believers may be true believers : but trembling 
and doubting believing is never due believing ; it nei- 
ther givetb the glory due to God, nor brings in that 
peace and fruit that is needful to the believer. Doth 
Chrift leprefcnt you to God for acceptance, and do 


Serm. XIV. the Lord's Frayer, 287 

you doubt whether you (hall be accepted ? Is noc 
this very finfuUy to queftion his intereft at the higheft 
court ? Say not you doubt your acceptance, becaufe 
of your great unv^orihinefs ; for there is no wcrch 
buE Chrift's thai is regarded in your acceptance. The 
queftion is not, ••* Am I any way worthy of God's 
*^ gracious acceptance ?" But it is, " Is Chrifl worthy, 
" and able to make fuch an unworthy fmner as 1 am, 
" to be accepted ? and is his worthinefs for this, to 
*' be fearfully or confidently trulleJ in by me ?" See 
two palTages about this. The one is in an exhorta- 
tion to all believers ; the other is in the triumph cf 
faith of one great believer, in the name of al), and 
for a pattern to all. The firfl: n in Heb. x. 19, 20, 21, 
22,23.; where we find the apoitle, upon the folid 
and common grounds of every believer's faith, Jefus 
Chrid^acd his office, urging druzuinj^ near (and to 
God, as in chap. vii. 19.) with a true heart, in full af- 
furance of faith. Having fuch a door, fuch a way, 
fuch a high pried:, as Chrift is, let us draw near, ne- 
ver doubting our welcome. The other place is ia 
Rom. viii. 3 i, — 39. // God be for us, who can be a- 
gainfl us? An unanfwerable queftion. But how do 
we know that God is for us i Thus, He [pared not 
his own iSon, but delivered htm up for lis all, ver. 32.; 
the all he fpoke of in ver. 29, 30. But are there not 
many things juilly chargeable on the okt^ believers? 
No, faith he, ver. 33, :^4. Nothing, by any, can be 
laid to their charge. Why fo .'' Are they not by na- 
ture children of wrath, even as ethers, Eph. ii. 3. 1 
Yes : But it is Gcd that juftifijth ; who is he that con- 
demneth? He is a bold devil, or man, or confcience, 
that condemneth whom God juftifieth. But how doth 
Godjuftify? is he not the Lawgiver, againll whom 
they have finned ? Yes ; but yet he jullifieth and juft- 
)y : // is Chrift that died, &c. It is Chrift's interell 
in them, his undertaking and performance for them, 
his reprefenting them unto God, that is the ground 
of their judificatioa before Godj, of their acceptance 


2 83 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

with God, and of their joy of faith ; as Rom. v. 1 1. 
We jay in God, through our Lord J ef us ChriJ}^ by whom 
we have now received the atonement. Believers, look 
on yourfclves as oft, and as narrowiy as you can ; 
judge and condemn yourfelves as much as you will ; 
but when you look for acceptance with God, mind 
Chrifi alone, and give him glory in truftingcoLfideDt- 
ly for acceptance in him. 

3. Improve this privilege with diligence and pain- 
fulnefs. It is well worthy of our diligence, and diii- 
gence is needful for u^-. 1 (hall Da.ne on this but two 

i/?, Uie diligence to keep this privilege of Chrift's 
reprefeming you to God for acceptance, ftedfafljy 
and confiandy in the eye of your faith. The peace 
of Chriilians would not ebb and flow with every tide, 
'^.% oft it doth, if this duty were more minded. This 
is v;hat is called, holding f a/} the confidence, and re- 
ioicing of the hope ^ firm unto the end ; and, holding the 
beginning of our confidence ft edf a ft unto the end^ lieb. 
iii. 6, 14. This is what is required of all, in Heb. 
vi. II. ^ And we defire, that every one of you do fKW the 
fame dilzgen-^Cs to the full affunince of hope unto the end. 
The ihieid of laith, as it quencheth all the fiery darts of 
the devily Eph. vi. 16.; fo his moll fiery darts are 
flung again {[ ir. Such as know not trials of faith, ne- 
ver had the truth of faith. An evil heart of unbelief 
(and ibme roots of it are in the bcft believers) will 
oft affaulc true faith. Great watch and ward (liould 
be kept by faith, abn;:r our precious fahh ; for faith 
doth watch itfclf. I'aiih prayed in that man. Lord, 
help my unbelief, Mark i>:. 24. Harh the Lord once 
or oftener caufedyou to hope ? as Pfal. cxix. 49, ; hath 
Jie taken you, and made you fit down, and rcii on the 
precious (oundation, Jefus Chrift .'' Hold you there. 
lie not moved aiv ay from the hope of the gofpel. Col. i. 2 ^. 
put as ye have received Chrifl Jefus the Lord, fo walk 
ye in him ; rooted and built up in him^ and Hahlijhed 
tn the fc^Jthy Col. ii. 6» 7. If you try ihis work, you 


Serm. XIV. the Lord's Prayer^ z%^ 

will quickly find ibat diligence is needful. If you gi?e 
diligence in it, you will quickly find the rich prcfic 
of it. 

2^/v, Ufe diligence in your improving of this pri^ 
vilege, in {liidyiog likenefs and conformity to Jeios 
Chrlft. Hath he blelTed you with this great grace of 
reprefenting you in his righieoufnefs for your accep-^ 
tance with God ? Should not you ftudy to get ChriCfs 
image in true holinef?, mere and more increafcd ia 
you ? True goCpel-hoiinefs is only planted by gofpel- 
grace, and nourifhed by gofpel-arguments ; and thefe 
arguments have neither light nor power on any, bat 
fuch as have received the Spirit of faith ; i John. iii. 3. 
Every man that hath this hope in hijn, (it (hould be 
read on him, that is, on Chrift), purifeth hinifdf^ even 
as he is pure. He is (till a-doing, a-purifyin'g ; but 
not perfed as yet. Thus a carnal heart is apt to fay, 
'*' Since I cannot be perfecTtly holy in this life, and 
" fmce I hope 1 fliall be fo when Chrift appeareth, I 
" will let the ftudy of holinefs alone till that day.^* 
No, faith the apoflle ; Every man that hath this hope 
in Chrift^ o^ being like him, when he Jh all fee him ^r 
he is, ver. 2. will now ftudy that likenefs, although he 
cannot attain it, as he would. That man's itate is 
naught, and his faith un found, chat finds not his hopes 
of his glory purifying to his heart and life. Now, fet 
about the ftudjf^tbve, and praftice of holinefs, aliyoa 
that are favoured with Chi ill's grace in reprefeating 
you to God's gracious acceptance ; and I make no 
doubt, but that all that have obtained this grace, and 
fee it by faith, will be io exercifed : Rom. vi, t, 2, 
^h all we continue in Jin, that grace may abound f A 
plaufible objeclioo,and eafily drawn by a carnal heart, 
from what is faid, Rom. v. -20. Where fin abounded^ 
grace did much more abound. Bat if the objeclion be 
obvious, the anfwer is myflerious : God forbid : Hoitf 
fhall we that are dead to fin^ live any longer therein f 
it is as if he had faid« "^^ I do not wonder that they 


spo Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

•' that are alive to fin, make this obje(!}ion ; but ail 
** that are dead to fin, fee no weight in it." But how 
are believers dead to fin, and alive unto God ? By the 
tirtuc of Chrift's death and refurre^lion, ver. 3,4, 5, 
6. into which every believer is planted. And thence, 
ver. II. he bids them, Reckon ye alfo your/elves to be 
dead indeed unto fin^ but alive unto God through Jefus 
Chrijl our Lord, If Chriftians were raore fkilful in 
ihele reckonings of faith, they would abound more 
in the fruits of holinefs. All true holinefs is the fruit 
of faith ; all true faith produceth this fruit ; and the 
fli*oDgeft believer brings forth moll abundant fruit, 
John XV. 4, 5. 



John xvii. 24. 

Father y I will that they alfo whom thou hafl given me, 
he ivith me where I am ; that they may behold my 
glory which thou hafl given me : for thou lovedfl me 
before the foundation of the world. 

YO U may remember, that, fome weeks ago, 
when I firft began to fpeak from this fweet, 
long, and great verfe of Chrift's prayer, I did take 
it up in two parts ; the manner, and matter of it. The 
manner of it is in this v;ord, I will ; a way of pray- 
ing that we do not find Chrift ufed, but here ; a way 
of praying that no Chriftian (liould ufe ; for our will 
is fo foolifli and fmful a thing, that the lefs room it 
hath in our prayers, the better our prayers are : for 
our prayers are to be according to his will, and not 


Serm. XV, the LorcTs Prayer. , spl. 

In the matter of ChriiVs prayer in this verfe, I took 
up four things, i. The. denomin^itian and defcrip- 
tion he gives and makes of them he prays for : 'J hofe 
ivbom thou hafl given me. We cannot dire£l our 
prayers as Chrift dicj ; he prayed for tbe eleifl as e- 
le6i, and as perfons particularly arid exa£lly known to 
him. 2. The bleffmg he prays (or to thole perfons ; 
Hhat they may alfo he ivith me "where I am. 3. The 
end oFhis praying for thi^ bleiTing to them ; That thej 
7nay behold my glory which thou haft gizen me: Till 
they are where Cbiifl is, they cannot behold ir fuU 
]y. 4. Tbe argument by which Chrift backs ih's 
prayer : Hor thou lovedfl me before the foundation of 
the world* 

I have fpoke all I mean to fay on the firft two 
things in the naatter-of this pr.-^yer ; and arn yet upon 
the third purr ; which 1 would conclude at this time. 
In handiing of which, I did propound two heads of 
difcourfe. 3. What is the glory of Chrift ihat is to 
be beheld. 2. What is the beholding of ir. Of the 
firftl have fpoken at length ; and becaufe the theme 
is very large,. I comprehended all in two particulars. 
I. The glory of Chrift z% he reprefents God unto his 
churchj to be favingly known by ihem ; and, 2. His 
glory as he reprefents h?s church unto God, to be 
gracioufly accepted of God. There are no faving 
views of God, but in Chrift \ and there are no ?ra- 
cious views God hath of men^ but in Chrift'. If we 
look on God out of Chrift, we are dazzled with an o- 
verwhelming, confounding majefty; if God look on 
us cut of Chrift, he feeih hateful and h<iced fiuners. 
To both thefe I have largely fpoken, both dQ<5lrinaHy, 
and with application. 

II. I come now to the fecond thkis^, What is the 
beholding of Chrift^ s glory f His glory is a divine glo- 
ry ; but the beholding of it is a creature's a£l. And 
becaufe his glory is divine, and ihercfcre iniinitely 
great, it is a deeper theme in itfelf chaa tbe beholding 

Vol. II. Pp of 

292 Sermons concerning Serm. XV. 

oF it ; yet iorv,t way the beholding of his glory, 15 
darker to ny than his glory. We are ablg to k.iow 
a iirtle incre of his glory, than we can know whst 
that beholding of it is that Chrifl here prayr> For. Bur, 
indeed, borh the glory of Chrifl as manifeded in hra- 
vcn, and the (glorified (iiints beholding of it therr, 
are themes too deep, and too dark, for any man to 
conceive or exprefs. My way therefore oF fpeakiiig- 
to this fabject, of the beholding of ChniFs glory 
in heaven, inufl be by way of com pari Tod, compar- 
ing it with fuch bcholdings of his glory a3 faints ^on 
earth have had, or may have. And of fuv:h we find 
fpecially tbefe three. 

I. So:re beheld Cbrift's glory before he came Into 
the world ; before be took to him maivs nature ; as 
Abraham did, John viij. 56. Tour father Abrahjni 
rcjciced to fee my ciaVy and he faw it, and was glad, 
£0 in J'jhn xil. 41. ihefe things Jaid Efaiiis (in chap, 
vi.), when be faw his glory and fpake of him. This 
was by faich ; and the li/at that iha: faith was be- 
gotten by, and a(fled in, was that of the divers ways 
and manners in which God communicated his mind 
to his people before the law ; which douhtbfs carried 
fuch credentials with them, thai did fati^fy the faith 
of believers at that time, a'? really as Giod's written 
word now coih a new te'ilament believer's faith. If 
we think that the Spirit of God, by More-:'s pen in 
Genefii, gives but a fTinll and (hort account of the 
patriarch's faith, and of the grounds and a^fings of ic 
in rhem, both before jnd after the flood ; yet he, by 
Paul in the new teflamect, giveth a fuller account of 
it ; as in licb. xi. of many of iheni ; and of Abra- 
ham rr/ore largely, in Rom. iv. and in Gal. iii. B. ; 
wliere he tells us, that //v gofpd was preached hcfcre 
unto Abraham, \j thefe words, In thee fall all natf 
ens be hlefjed, Ver. i 6. Now to Abraham and his feed 
were the pronifs made. He faith not. And to feeds ^ 
as of many ; hut as of one. And to thy feed which is 
ChrijL Whi'.t'an ex;a<5i and fpiritual commentator was 


SerivI. XV. the Lord's Prayer. 293 

Paul on Abraham's gofpel. In thee and ihy feed jhail 
all nations bs kltjfed^ repeated again 10 luacliis Cod, 
Gen. Kxvi. 4. ; by Ifaac given as his bleilln;^ to bjs fo:i 
Jicob, Gen. xxvrii. 4. ; which he calls the hlypr:^ cf 
Abraham^ as Paul doth, ii> Gal. ill. 14. ^ This bleU 
fmg the Lord giveih to Jacob, G^n. xxyi'l 14. How 
Kany do read tbefe few words in Geuefis, that never 
would have found out that deep golpel in them that 
Paul doth? That, i. This promifed feed, oFwhoai 
Ifaac was only a progenitor and a iyp*"» ^"^as Chriil. 
2, That This bleiling to be got in him and by hiin, was 
juilificaiicPe 3. That tbig juftificatioa iiuplied a prior 
condemnation and curfe that men were under, and 
which this blefiing only could remove. 4. That all 
the families of the earth, to whom this blelTing was 
defigned to extend, were the Reath^n^ verfe 8. Gen< 
ulcs, verfe 14. 5. That this bleiling is only received 
by faith, ver. 7, 9. 6. That the law, whica was 430 
years after, could not difannul this promife and cove- 
nant of grace, ver. 17. 7. That every believcc on 
Jefas Chrift, whether Jew or Gentile, partakes of 
Abraham's bleiling, are Abraham's feed, and! ens ac- 
cording to the promife ; yea, are all the children of God 
'byfanh in Ctjr'ifl Jefus, ver. 26, 28, 29. How much 
defpifed by many would fuch a comment be, on fo 
few, and io dark words, and Y/ords that have fo fair 
an appearance of a lefs evarigelic feofe than the apo- 
ftle purs upon them f Bat {irangers to that Spirit that 
dictated the fcripVares, will ever prove poor cammen* 
tators upon the mofi fpiritual part of the icriptures. 
By this (liort hint it doth appear, that the patricirchs 
before the law did behold the glory of Chriil, though 
not yet come -. not to fpeak of the^ prophets, zuho^ all 
cf them from Samuel, and thofe that 'follow after, as 
Ti]any as have fpoken, have likewife foretoid of tbefe day^t 
as Peter (aith, Ajfts.iii. 24. 

2. The next beholding of the glory of Chrid was, 
when he came and lived on the earth, and his people 
iived with him : when God was niarufefted in theflejh^ 

P p 2 2 Tim, 

294 Sermons ccncermng Serm. XV. 

I Tim. iii, i6. John i. 14. And the Word ivas made 
flejl,\ and duelt among us fund u-e beheld his glory^ 
the glory as of the -ordy begotten of the Fat her J full of 
grace and truth. This btholdiDg of his glory v.'as on- 
jv by laih : for many who faw with their bodily eyes 
this appearance oF the Son ot (^od, in nian^:> flefh, 
that faw his works, which none other 'n;an did^ John 
XV. 24. and heard Ijis wo ids, inch as 7uver man f pake, 
J;hn vii. 46. ; yet faw no glory in him^ nor in any 
iL'ing he did, or faid, or fufftred ; but delpiled and 
bared him ; and all, becaufe ihey believed not, John 
v:. 56. And on ihcm was iu'fiUed what the Prophet 
foretold, lla. liii. i, 2, 3. Gur Lord's humbled liute 
was a great, thick, and dark vail on bis glory : yet 
his glory {hone it ir, and through it ; and taith be- 
held ir, 1 John i. 1, 2. Envy not the heppinefs of 
fach believers as converTcd witQ Chritl when he was 
on earth . though there was a great bkifednefs in- it, 
Luke X. 23, 24. and M;itth. xiii. i 6, 17 ; yet Chrift 
gi^eih the prelerence 10 them that have not feen^ and 
yet have believed^ J'^'^^n kk. 29. 1 Peter, i. 8. We 
may juQiy think, that never was the eye of fdith more 
tried, than by the mean and low appearance, that To 
f^re?.t a perfon, ?.s God's only begotten ^on, and com- 
ing^with the high character of the Meilias, and on fo 
great an errand and wor^lc, as, redeeming his church, 
made, when he came, and \:\'as made mantfefl to JfiacL 
And therefore faith in hira then had a fpecial difiicul- 
ty in its way, which cars hath nor, when we fee Jefus 
crowned with glory and honour-^ Heb. ii. 9. And tuis 
difRcnliy cf believing increafed, as Chrill's lo'.v (late 
did. He was at bis loweli on his crofs,and in his grave. 
Unbelief, and contempt of him, grev/ to a dreadful 
height in his enemies. Faith in him, in thcn[i that had 
ir, and had profrffed ir, was brought into its loweft : 
Luke xxiv. 21. But we trufted*that it had been he 
lifhich fbould have redeemed Ifraei. They had once 
(0 believed. But what did they now ? They were 


Serm. XV. the Lord^s Frayer, 295 

ajlomfied^'^tv* 22. ; they could not tell whether they 
Ihouid repent of their faith, or of fheir unbelief. And 
thus they fpoke to Chriil himfelf, but vailed from 
them. But blefTed Jefus, though entered into bis glo- 
ry^ (as verfe 26.), had the farij^ pity and tendernefs 
he had fo oft before exprelTed, and gently rebukes, 
teacheih them, and recovers them, When he was 
on his crofs, his enemies faw no glory in 'him, and ills; 
friends little elfe fave matter of forrow. Yet one, a 
thief, and a dying man too, feeth his glory, and faith, 
Lordy remember me zvhen thou comefl into thy kingdom. 
It is not, as ChrilVs enemies, and this man's compa- 
nion, both in his crime and punhlimeat, faid, If thou 
be the Chrifl. But it is as if he had faid, " 1 know 
^' thee to be the ,bon of God ; and though dylog,'yet 
*' going to thy kingdom : give me a '{hare in tliat 
" kingdom thou art now buying by thy blood" And 
he was anfwered ; the xareft believer that ever was, 
the greateft faith that, ever was a£fed, and the moft 
gracious anfwer that ever was given, ver. 33. Well 
did Jefus, dying for fmners, know how to receive a 
fmner into heaven* 

3. ChriR's glory is beheld, when he- is in heaven, 
and his people are on earth. And this is by faith 
aifo. In this cafe, though there be not a vail of in- 
firmity on the glory of our Lord, as there was when 
he was on earth ; yet there is a vaft diiiance betwix: 
him and us ; as great as betwixt heaven and earth, a^ 
betwixt the right hand of the Father, where he is 
in his glory, and our weak eye of faith, who are on 
earth. Yet this eye, in the light and, glafs of the 
gofpel, can, and doth behold with open face the glory 
of the Lord^ 2 Cor. iii. 18, Of this behoidiog of 
Chrifi's glory, I would fpeak in two inifances. 

i^/?, At the fi'ril; converfion of a ilniier, when he is 
made a believer in Chriff, None are truly converted 
to God, but fuch as are mada believers in Chrifl: ; 
and none are made believers in Ghrid, but they to 
wiiom the glory of Chrift is difcovsred. It is by the 


29^ Sermcns concernttig Serm. XV, 

power cf this difccvery that faith is wrought ; and fn 
the light of it faith is afted. Some think, that a rxian is 
convtiitd, whcD the fecurefiQuer is awakened by the 
light and heat of God's law, when a profane perfon 
IS iiiade fober in his convcriaLion. Bin if there be no 
more, he may be (tili as far^ yea, fanher from true 
converfion than before: Matth. xxi. 31. Verily I fay 
unto yrAt, that the publicans and the harlots go into the 
L".r:gdom of God hi^ fore you. And yet the fcribes and 
Pharifees thought themfeives in fo much better cafe 
i^of heaven than they, that they would not entertain 
coTxiTion converfe with ordinary finners ; beaded that 
ibey were better than fuch ; yea, turned CJirift's 
grace to his reproach ; Luke xv. 2. They mwmvred^ 
fayifigy 7 his 77] an receive th finners y and eatcth zvith 
than. What were ihey that faid foP Were they not 
fiDoers ? Yes; but they did not fee or own themfelves: 
to be fuch. What (hould a finner (\o^ but go to Chriil I 
What can coriieon a finner, if Curift receive him not ? 
Yea, what is a Saviour of finners for, but tor receivin:v 
iinncr^, and faving them frora their fm?, Matfn. i. 21 I 
And ytt fmners coiring to Chriir, and Chrid's wel- 
come of thein, lYjakes unbelievers murmur, bcfnagainfl: 
Chriil and behevers. So fure it is, that no man c;vn 
fee any glory in that grace of ChriO, tiiat he haih no 
lit;ht nor feafe of his own need of. But when was 
Paul converted, an eminent PharifeCjihe belt fcholar 
3n Gamaliel's Ichool, G;iL i. 14, 15, 16. ? It was when 
Gcd revealed his Son in him. It is very likel}', that 
Paid had heard of Jelus Chriil, while a Pharifee ; 
hut it is certain, that he hated him, his very name, 
ufid ail that belonged to him. But when t jc I/ird'j 
time wa:5 come to call this chofen vefi'el by his gr?.ce, 
when he intends to fubdue and conquer PauPs rebel- 
lious fiiirir, a revelation af Chrid is made to hin ; 
and (lie rebel yields, anci is m;:de a loyal fuhject ail 
his da} c. Would you knovv when you were convert- 
ed ? If ever it was, it was when you h;id the firll view 
cf the glory cF Chfifl ^3 a Swivionr. When this fi>fnt 


Se&m. XV, the LorcTs Prayer, 297 

is ^or, then the finner employs Chc'id m bis laving^ 
oiEce, trufts him in it, and is faTcd by him. 

2diyy Chrill's glury is beheld by believers, v/risa 
Chrift is in heaven, and they on earth, in the Follow- 
iog manifeflations of Chrift, and of his glory to them. 
Whenever Chrift is feen, it is by hh manifeftiDg of 
himfelf. No torch, nor candle, nor fire, could make 
one fee the fun, if its own (hining did not. His peo- 
ple, to whom he hath manifefted himfelf once, need 
to have it repeated again 2nd again. And this blef- 
fmg he promifeth, John xiv. 2 i, 23. It is very fuf- 
picious, that that man's ftate is bad, that never h<id 
but one difcovery of Chrift's glory, Thofe maQlFef- 
tations of his glory are various, both in meafijre, du- 
ration, and their feafons. Sometimes, upon fpecidl 
diligence in feeking of the Lord by faith in prayer. 
V/har Chriftian is there that is not able to ivknefs to 
this, that the times of his fpecial feeking have been 
the times of his fpecial iindiog ? If there was more of 
Mofes's fpirlt, (though it may be there was fomewhat 
in it that was above, both what is either allowable to 
ailc, or attainable by ordinary believers), Exod xx5:!ii. 
18. / befeech thee P^ew me thy glory ^ it VJ'ould be bet- 
ter with us. If we were more importunate in begging 
new and clearer vifions of the glory of Chrifl, aud re- 
newed vifits from him for that end, he would not deny 
us. If we 'did go to himfeh*^, \vit<i that defire that 
forae came with to one of his difciples, jobPi xii. 2 f. 
Sify we would fie J ejus : can any think be vyould be 
difpleafed ? But, alas! we receive not, becaufe we 
hik not. Sometimes Chrift ntanif^fts himfelf in a fpe- 
cial manner to bis people, in the furnace of aul»\^lon, 
ffpeciaily if it be for his fake ; yea, in the eafieft of 
thofe fafFerings : i Peter iv. 14. 1/ ye be reproached 
for the name of Cbrifly happy are ye ; for the fpirit cf 
glory and of God refteth upon you. 

Sometimes rhe Lord manifelb his giory to his peo- 
ple at their dying. And it is then vei*y dcfirable. 
Old Siraecn had a ffracicus- Droxife* that he fhould 


298 Sennons concerning Serm. XV. 

not fee deaths before he had feen the Lcrd^s Chr'ifl. He. 
chufed a fweet feafon of dying, when the prcmife 
was fiilfiiled, and when he had ^Chrirt in his arms, 
and faith and love in his heart burfling out into a fong, 
Luke ii. 27,-29. The firfl: martyr, Stephen, died 
happily ; he died wimelTiag for Chrid : and Chrifl 
wiincffed for him, when the martyr faid, Behold^ I 
Jee the heavens opened^ and the Son of man flavdniJ on 
the right hand of God, Afts vii. sSy 5^* This was 
better than Mofcs's dying, Deut. xxxii. 49, 50. and 
xxxiv. I, ---5. It was a llrange journey and call, Go 
%ip and die, and only take a view of the land that he 
mull not enter into. He faw the land of Canaan, and 
that was all ; but he faw by faith the true 'Canaan, 
and entered into it ; and there abideth ftili ; fave 
one errand Mofes was fent upon with Elias, to wait 
on their Mailer on the mount of transfiguration, 
Maith, xvii. 3. . 

Thefe are a few indances of the feafons in which 
the Lord manlfeiis his glory to his people, and in 
which they do behold it. But this text and theme I 
am upon, relates to fomewhat far higher and greater, 
than all the behcldings of his glory that ever any faint 
on earth received. What it is, 1 cannot tell you, and 
I am fure that none can ; though many may eafily tell 
more of it than 1 can. ' There is both a danger and 
fnare in pryincr within God's vail. I fhalj therefore 
content myfeif with comparing the beholding of 
ChriR's glory by believers on earth, with this behold- 
ing of it that our Lord here prays for to all his peo- 
ple in heaven. » 

This only I would premife unto this difcourfe that 
fuch as are wholly unacquainted in their ov»n experi- 
ence, with the beholding of the glory ot Chriil, by 
the eye of faith in;he gofpel-glafs, they will, they 
can, they mufl: underftand nothing that can be faid 
of the beholding of Chrift's glory in heaven. 

Thefe two beholdings of Chrift's glory, the one 
on earth, and the other in heaven, may be compar- 

Serm.XV. the Lord's Frayer. 299. 

ed, and yet differ in feveral things ; of which take 
thefe five. 

I. They differ greatly in the meafare of glory ma- 
nifeOed by him, and feen by the beholders. Chrift's 
glory is infinite ; and no creature, in its mod exalted 
capacity, can take a full view of it all. Iherefore, 
though the glorified beholders of it are eternal be- 
holders thereof, yet they never fee it all fully, nor can 
comprehend it. The beholdings of his glory by us 
on earthy are according to the fmall meafures of its 
difcovery, and fuited unto our fmall capacity. Our 
old bottles are not fit for this new wine. Believers 
know this well by their experience. Sometimes they 
have more, fometimes lefs of Chrifl's glory manifefted 
to them ; but always lefs than what they think they 
need, and would be at. This is fo univerf:-tl in the 
fpiritual fenfe and experience of Chriftians, that thefe 
two feem to be edablidied, as from the word of God, 
fo from the common experience of believers, i. Than 
they whofe views of Chrift's glory are condantly the 
fame, without any changes and viciffKodes of light 
and darknefs, day and night : and, 2. That they who 
fee as much of Chrift's glory as they defire to fee, 
fuch never truly faw any thing of it at all. Was ever 
true faith in the fame a^ivity ? Do not all experien- 
ced believers witnefs by their fpiritual fenfe, that fome- 
times in the word read or heard, there is a beam of 
light, and life, and power, that darts upon a word, 
that they often before had read and heard without 
any fuch enjoyment, and which they may remember 
and think again upon afterwards, without any power 
to recal the fame mercy to their tafie again ? So it is 
in prayer, and in all ordinances wherein we feek com- 
munion with him. Some have lefs, forae have m.ore ; 
and fome believers, at fome times of their life, have 
fuch manifeftations of Chrift's glory in bis love, ten- 
dernefs, and familiaricy with them, as they can hardly 
contain. But the beft enjoyment for kind, and largeft 
for meafure, is far (hort of what the fmaileft veffel ia. 

Vol. 11 Q^q ChrilVs 

3 CO . Servicns concerning S^^vlm. XV. 

Cbrifl's upper-honfe is fit to receive, and rloth receive. 
The feeing of the Lord'^s power and gl&ry in bis fane- 
tuavy on earth, is greatly and julLIy defired by his 
people, PfaL L.iii. 2. and is well made their one things 
Pfal. xxvii. ^. and whon they obiain communion with 
him, they all fay as one did, Pfal. Ixxxiv. 10. A day 
in thy courts is better than a tboufand : I had rather 
he^a door-keeper in the houje of my Cod^ than to divell 
in the tents of xvickcdnefs. He was a great man, and 
a great faint, that faid it. But one hour in the court 
of heaven, h better than a thonfand vears in God's 
lower conri5» 1 here are day^ of heaven jupon the earthy 
Deut xi. 21. Such are clear and bright days; but 
the days of heaven iu heaven, are unfpeakably more 
fo. What we now receive, is, as S(>rig ii. 9. Behold^ 
he fiandeth behind our wall^ he Icoketh forth at the 
*ivindow5, fheiving himft if through the hittice. But then 
all walls and windows, all means of communion with 
him, (liall be removed, as ufeful no more : Rev. xxi. 
22. And I faw no temple therein : for the Lord God aU 
mighty^ and the Lamb^ are the temple of it, Chrifl 
bimfelf fpeaks of this l:i(l day, Matth. xxv. 3 [. When 
the Son 0/ man j/jail tome in his glory ^'-- then /hall he 
fit on the throne of his glory, I'hcn will his glory apr 
pear, and his people Ihall appear with him in glory. 
Col. iii. 4. 

2. in the next place. The way whereby we behold 
ChriR'sglcry en earth, and ihall behold it in heaven, 
diiTer greatly. As thty ditf.r in meafures, (0 in the 
manner and ways of beholding : 1 Cor. xiii. 12. For 
now -we fee through a g^la/s darkly ^ (or in a riddle)^ hut 
then face to J ace. Now I know m part ; but then fh all 
I knowy even as I alfo am known. There are three 
ways of knowing ol things that God provide^ for us. 
Our fenfes, for feniible things; our underflandlng. 
for fuch things as fall not under our fenfes ; and faith, 
for fuch thuigs that are beyond the reach of both 
feufc and reafon. When Chrilt was fiift on earth, he 
was the obje<fl of meng fenfes, but few knew him ; few 


Serm. XV. the Lord's Prayer. 30 r 

could fay a? r Jobti i. 2. And when he returns again, 
every eye Jh all fee him. He v. i. 7. ; but all (hall not 
have a comfortable view of him. Every one fhall 
hear his voice, and rife when called, but to a diffe- 
rent fentercf', John v. 28, 29. By that ivifdom that 
God hath put in the imoard partly and by that under^ 
ftanding he hath given to the hearty Job xxxviii, 36. 
For he teacheth us more than the bsafls of the earthy and 
maketh us wljcr than the fowls of heaven^ Job xxxv. 
I i. ^^ this noble power nrien know clearly and fure- 
ly irany things which are beyond the reach of our 
outward fenfes. Bat beyond both is faith, which is 
as the eye of the new creature, planted by the Lord : 
whereby the things of God, that can neither be taken 
up by our external fenfes, nor be traced by the eye 
of our minds, are yer, in the light of God's word re- 
vealing them, by fai:h feen and einbracvfd, i Cor. ii. 
9, 10. Heb. xi. I. And this exercife of faith, with 
its fruits, is the utmofl that believers reach or can at- 
tain while they are on earth. But this beholding of 
Chrift's glory by thenn thai (hall be with him where 
he is, is unfpeakably beyond all. 

To begin wirh the firfl, our bodily fenfes, they vvili 
be perfecl in the refurreOion-date, in all the child'-en 
of the refurretl'ion, as our Lord calls them, Luke xx. 36. 
The apoftle, in difpuiing abour, and proving, and ex- 
plaining of this article of the CliriRian faith, iti i Cor. 
XV. 44. c^lls the body that is raifed a f pi ritual body : 
There is a natural body, and there is a fpiritual body. 
The raifed body is a real body, and not a ipirir ; it is 
the real true body of every faint that he lived in, that 
he ferved Chrift in and by ; that very body that he 
departed from at death, and left to the corrupiiou of 
the grave, that is raifed again in glory, in power^ m 
incorruptiouy as ver. 42, 43. ; that fame once vile body 
that is then changed, that it may hefafhioned like loito 
ChrifTs glorious body, Phil. iii. 21. As the body is, fo 
are its fenfes and powers. A natural body hath na- 

(^q 2 tural 

302 Sermons concerning S e r m . XV. 

tural po'vvcrs ; and as it decays, thofe powers decay 
alfo ; elegantly defcribed in Eccl. x-ii. 1,-7. But 
what a fpiri'ual body i?, and what its powers are, we 
do nor, we cannot know. But ihis we know, that 
there will be a glorious appearance of Chrirt in that 
day, that will fail under, and will be taken up by 
thofe fpiritual fenfesoFthe raifed bodies of faints, and 
will be CO fmall part of their happinefs. The bodily 
eye of John, iho' ic was ufed to the beholding of Chrifl 
and his glory on earth, could not bear a litde beam of 
Chrifl's heavenly glory, Rev. i. 1 7. Strange ; that 
John {liould need that Chrill flioulJ tell him who he 
was, verfe 18. But what John, while in his natural 
body, could not bear, every faint in his fpiritual body 
will not only be able to bear, but will with delight be- 
hold more than what was like 10 have killtd that be- 
loved difciple. 

Again, for the powers of the mind, they in that 
day will be perfe^l, fo as that all the glory of Chrift 
that (hall be difcovered, will be beheld by them per- 
fe<niy, for the perfcding of their blelTednefs, i Cor. 
xiii. II, 12 

But for faith, for as needful and ufeful as it is now, 
it will then be laid sfide as ufelefs. A believer now 
lakes up a little of Chrifl's glory ; but how ? la the 
word, as in a glafs, 2 Cor. iii. 18. No other glafs 
but the gcfpcl-glafs difcovers Chriil's glory to us now ; 
and it is not faiih, but dreaming and doting, to fiudy 
Chrifl but in that glafs. But when both the glafs of 
the gcfpel, and the eye of faith, (hall be laid afide, 
(the two mcfl ufeful and needful blelTiDgs to a believer 
while out of heaven, and ufeful and needful to brinj^ 
hirn to heaven), what (hall make up the want of them ? 
Even Chrift himfelf feen in his glory. Even as Chriil 
come in the flefh, rendered all the types and (hadows 
of him in the old teftament no more needful : fo 
Chrirt appearing in his glory, will do as to the new 
teflament difpenfation, 

3. Let 

Serm. XV. the LorcTs Prayer, go^ 

3. Let us confider and compare thefe two beliold- 
ings of Chriil's glory by believers on earth, aod faints 
in heaven, with refpe<5l to the cafe of the beholders 
thereof. How vaftly do they differ P There are three 
thiogs in a believer that all the glorided beholders of 
Chrih's glory in heaven are perfcdlly freed from, fin, 
infirmity, and affli^lion. 

ijly Sin dwelletb in us, in the bed, and always 
while here. There are no finlefs beholders of Chrid's 
gloiy on earth, and there are no finful beholders of 
bis glory in heaven ; and this makes a great differ- 
ence between them. The believer, when his day is 
faireit, when his eye is cleared, when his faith is 
{Irongeft, there is yet fui in him, a body of deatii 
hanging about him. Sin in its being in him, is liks 
a lilm on the eye of faith, and mars clear feeing. 

Brethren, there was never a fiolefs believer on earth 
but one, and that was Jefus Chriif ; and it is as far a- 
bove us to know how he believed, (fave that he did 
fo perfedly), as to tell what it is to fee him as he is 
in heaven. The firft Adam while he flood, was noc 
a fmlefs believer, but a fmlefs worker ; and when he 
fell, he and ail his pofterity became fmners. When 
God's grace fails on any of them, they are made be- 
lievers through that grace, and believers on it ; yet 
fin remains in them (1)11. Though its guilt is forgi- 
ven, and its filth waited away, and its power fubdued ; 
yet its being and indwelling remalneth : and this is a 
great impediment in the a6tlDg of faith. If any be- 
liever had that privilege, (which I think none ever 
bad, nor none fhoald defire), to be but a little while 
in the exercife of faith, without any indwelling fin 
in him ; furely that rnaa would bdlieve wonderfully, 
and would think that he never believed before, it h 
true, that all true believers are fan£lified, and that 
all true a£fs of faith are fanftlfying ; yet no believer 
is perfe^ly fan£lified on earth. But it is certain alfo, 
that the firfl: ading of faith on Chrift, is in the fight 
and fenfe of our riiia by the power of an in our ca- 

lurs } 

504 Sermons concerning Serm. XV. 

tore ; and the after a(nings of faith are from the fatr.e 
fenfe of remaining corruption in us. Proper faith is*, 
a fmnei's dealing with the Saviour of finners for fal- 
vaiion from fin. Till we obtain perfect falvarion from 
fm, we muH: zS: faith for it, and while we 'a£t that 
iaiih, (in is nni::ed with our very believing, fo as that 
we mufl pray as he did, Mark ix. 24. Lord, I believe^ 
help thou mine unbelief. 

tdly'y There are infirmities in believers, in all their 
beholdings of the" glory of Chrifl, while they are on 
Ciirib. There are infirmities in our bodies that all 
sre fenfible of ; and fuch have no fmall influence on 
the actings of the foul. There are alfo infirmities in 
cur fouls ; darknefs and dulnefs tn our intelle^lual 
powers. But above all thefe are the infirmities of 
the new creature. Although it be created in Chrifl 
Jefo?, although it be fupported by his power, and is 
maintained and fed by influences from him, as its head 
and root ; yet is it Rill a weak and infirm thing, and 
is like a new-born bahey i Peter ii. 2. But none of 
thefe infirmities are in them that behold Chrifl's glory 
above ; they have outgrown them all, and are become 
perfedl in Chrifl Jefus. Whatever other times that 
word hath been, or fliail be fulfilled in, its fulfilment 
uill be at Chrifl's appearing : Ifa. xxk. 26. The light 
of the 7)100)1 Jh all be as the light of the fun^ and the light 
of the fun jh ail be feveyfold^ as the light offeven days, 
J f fuch a difpenlation in the courfe of nature were, 
that the moon ihone by night as bright as the fun by 
day ; and if the fun by day did fhine fevenfold brighr- 
c^r than now it doth ; where would there be eyes to 
endure it ? Surely, none fuch as ours be. So is it as 
TO the light of.that glorious day. Our befl eyes that 
pow we have got and ufe, would fail us; but the 
Lord provides eyes fuitable 10 the light he will make 
to fliine. 

3^/y, Bcfides our infirmities we labour under, we 
have manifold nfHiflions alfo, which the glorified be- 
holders of Chriir^ glory arc free from. No aiIli<5lioa 


S£RM. XV. the Lord*s Ptayer* ^o^ 

can have room in heaven, Rev. xxi, 4, : yet through 
much tribulation mufi we enter into the kingdom of God^ 
Acls xiv. 22. AfHiflions are trials of faith ; faith, is 
to be a£led in and under them j often is faith fhakea 
by them. Sometimes believing is (trongeft, when the 
believer is in greateft diftrefs. But though this be a 
duty laid on all, it is not the attainment of all belie- 
vers. But (till affliction is an evil in itfelf, though 
the Lord turns it into good. Now, take all together ; 
fm is in us, infirmities compafs us about, afflidlioa is 
laid on us ; rauft not all together make a great differ- 
ence betwixt us, in our beholding of Chriil's glory 
DOW, from their beholding of his glory who are fully 
rid of all thefe things ? 

4. Confider and compare the dilTerence betwixt 
our beholding of Chrid's glory on earth, and theirs 
in heaven, as to the fruits and efFe(^s thereof. Thefe 
fruits are of the fame. nature and kind, and fo are ex- 
preiTed in the word. 1 (hall name but three of them. 
I. Conformity. 2. Saiisfadion. 3. ExprefTioa of that 

ly?, Conformity to Chrifl: is the native fruit of be- 
holding of his glory. As it is beheld, this conformiif 
is wrought iu the beholder. The natural eye in fee- 
ing takes in the vifibie objeds, fpecies, and iliape, 
by its faculty ; the mind in knowing takes into itfelF 
the intelligible fpecies of the things known : but a- 
bove thefe, faith takes in Chrift's glory in the gofpel ; 
and, beyond faith, the feeing eye of the glorified 
takes in ChritVs glory as it {bines in heaven, and is 
conformed thereunto. Compare 2 Cor. iii, 18. which 
relates to believers on earth, with i John iii. 2. which 
relates to the glorified in heaven. The objea is the 
fame, Chrifl: and his glory ; the effe6l of conformity 
is the fame in kind, but not in degree ; becaufe the 
object is cot feen by both in the fame light, nor with 
the fame eye. The one feeth him as he is ; the other 
feeth him as he appears in the gofpeUglafs. On this 
X would lead you to confider. 

^o6 Sermons ccncerjung Serm. XV, 

(i.) How any likenefs and conformity to Clirifl be- 
gins. We all by nature bear the image of the earthly 
Jdaw, 1 Cor. xv. 49. And this is a vile image, of 
fin, and fle(h, and death ; nothing like, but quite 
unlike and ccntrar} to Chrift's image : yet, through 
rich and free grace, many that have borne thi; fad 
and finful image, are bleffed wiih the image of the hea- 
venly mariy the Lord from heaven. When and how is 
this great change made P Then only when Chrift is 
formed in them, Gal. iv. 19. when he is revealed to 
them, and when they by faith fee the glory of ChriO: 
as a Saviour. They begin to live, when they firft 
look on him as lifted up as God's only ordinance for 
faving, John iii. 14, 15. There are two difcoveries 
cf Chrift made to beginners ; one is 10 all, the other 
only to forae. The general to all believers is that 
that is both the caufe and the ground of faith in him ; 
and that it is fuch a difcovery of Chrift's ability and 
good-will to fave, as doth engage their heart to trufl 
liim, and him alone, with this great concern pf their 
falvation. The other is fuch a difcovery of Chrid's 
glory as doih produce peace in the believer : for ia 
this he not only feeth Chrift's all-fufEciency for faving, 
fo as to trull him with it ; but he leeth alfo, that this 
truftee is fo good and faithful, that this concern mufl 
be fafe, becaufe it is lodged with him. This is like 
that faith in 2 Tim. i. i2» 1 know whom I have belie- 
ved, and I am perfuaded that he is able to keep that 
tvhich I have com?nitted unto him, againfl that day, 

(2.) How this conformity to Chrift is carried on 
and advanced. Even as it was begun, Collof. ii. 6, 7. 
Growth in grace is by grcvAng in the knowledge cf 
Chrijly 2 Pe\. iii. 18. Abiding in Chrift is the way to 
have our fruits to abound, John xv. ^^ 5. Many true 
Chriftians cannot tell when they were firft converted, 
when they firft believed ; but all Chriftians can tell 
when ihey were moft holy ; and that is always when 
Chrift manifefts Limfclf moft clearly to them. As to 


Serm. XV, the Lord^s Prayer.' 307 

their firfl: believing, they cannot determine that fo 
well, becaufe they cannot eafily remember when 
Chrift firft revealed himfelf to them ; he hath dene 
it fo oft, and every new manifeilatica o\ his glory to 
them, draws forth a new acting of their iaith on him ; 
and it may be fuch a dlftiiid and drong a6t, a? they 
think they never before did put forth the like. ' cine- 
thing of this made a great believer, and an aged di- 
vine, uhen fpeaking of the time of his converfion, 
fay, " 1 cannot teli it, for I have been more than an 
*' hundred times converted:" not that he was igr.o* 
rant or doubtful, that a true converfion is but once, 
in Gcd's working it ; but that it may have many ap- 
pearances io our fenfe and experience. David, after 
his fad fall, prays, Pfalm Ih 10. Create in me a clean 
hearty O God ; and renew a right fpirit within me ; 
when before this be had God's tedimcny, that he was 
a man according io God's own hearty A£t> xiii 22. from 
I Sam. xiii. 14. A witnefs not only to the truth, but: 
to the eminency of his fainiihip. Chrifl calls that re- 
covery unto Peter, a new fort of converfior!, Luke 
xxii. 32. which he, in am,azing grace, promifeth to 
him, juft before his (hameful fall : and yet he was 
a true believer before, and bleffed by Chrifl, on his 
profeflion and acting of faith, Matth. xvi. 16, 17- 
Another thing may have fome influence on Chrillians 
ignorance of the time of their converficn ; and that is, 
they can better remember the alarms they had in their 
confcience by a law-work, than they can the (lili and 
calm voice of the gofpel. The one not only makes 
more noife, but it is more readily felt and remember- 
ed by us, than the fecret opening of the heart by 
Chrift's love. But whatever mifi:akes Chrillians may 
labour under, and different thoughts and experience 
they may have as to the time of his love, and the day 
of hrs powder ; yet all true believers are of one mind 
as to the feafons of their greateft holinefs. There 
are different meafures of it difpenfed by the Lord, 
and attained by his people, Kcne of them have at- 
VoL. II. K r taioed 

-c8 Serm-ons career nins^ Serm. XV 

taiced as much as they would have ; and they that 
have aaained molt, think Icaft of their attainmeots, 
and prefs FPofl for p?rfc£tion. Bu[ all can readily and 
iinaniiHoully declare, when it is that their graces are 
mod lively, their corruptions mod low and lend raT.- 
pant, v>'hen their work is mod fweer, and Chrid's 
yoke and burden mod eily ai>d light; even when 
Chrid is neared to them, and they to hin^^, and when 
molt of his glory appears unto them : and this not 
from the might of their faith as it is their zOi^ (though 
in fnch feafons i: is in bed cafe), but from the virtue 
and power of Chrid's grace that falls oa \hcm, when 
he ib pleafed to manifed himfelf to them. This blef- 
fed experience of fpecial likenen> to Chrid, by h>s 
fpecial rnanifeding of himfeif to them, is not without 
fome danger, that many faints have fallen into : for 
when things are fo well with them, that the favour of 
Chrid's knowledge perfmnes their hearts, and that 
their fecret corr option flirinks into a corner, (as 
ChrilVs glory and our corruptions are contraries), the 
believer is ready to fay, as David did, Pfalm xxx. 6, 
I fa'id hi my profperityy I /hall never be moved • yet 
quickly was he moved : and fo will ail be that fay 
as he did j for the dronger that carnal and felf-con- 
hdence is, the nearer is the man to a (hamefui fa'l, as 

(3.) !n the lad place, Confider how this conformi- 
ty and likeneis is perfe^t^d ; and that is, as ic was be- 
gun and advanced, even by the ddcovery of Chrid's 
glory in heaven : i John )ii. i, 2. We are the fons of 
God ; but the world knowe^h us not^ becaufe it knew him 
72ct. The woild knows God's chiUren well enough, 
to defpife, hate, and peifecuie them ; and fo did the 
world know Chrid : but this fort of knowledge is no- 
thing but ignorance, both qf Chrid and of Chridians. 
And it doth not yet appear what we Jball be. But it 
will at length appear ; when and how I But ive know^ 
that when he Jhnii appear ^ we fhall be like him: jor 
we Jball fee him as he ts. Yet all thefe things are food 


Serm. XV. the Lord's Prayer, §09 

only for humble faith ; every thing in it is deep and 
unfeaichiible. What is his appejriog .^ V>rha\ it is 
to be like hini r What it is to fee him, and that as he 
is ? and, How this fight of hira will make us hke him 1 
are unaofwerable quedions even to an apoflle, and to 
z\\ out of heaven, if it be a dark uninielligible riddle 
to every narurai man, (whatever knowledge he may 
have of the letter of the world), how a fight of Chrift 
by faith doth begin, and carry on a real begun hke- 
Defs to Chrift in believers on earth ; it muft much 
more be dark to ihem, yea to believers then^.felves, 
how the fight of ChriiVs glory in heaven doih per- 
fect and complete this likenefs 1 We mud long for 
it, and believe n^ and leave it to the day that will de- 
clare it. 

2dJy^ On this conforinity to ChriiT, followeth fatif- 
fa^ion and bleifednefs. Of which David fpeaks, Pfal 
xvii. 15. But as for me, 1 zt'lll behold thy face in rtgh- 
teoufnefs : If}: alt be fat is fed, when I avjake with thy 
likenefs. According to the meafare of the aianifefta- 
lion of Chrift's glory to his people, fo is the degree 
of their likenefs to him ; and as this likenefs to hiia 
is, fo is the faiisfa^tion and blifs of them that have ir. 
All is begun on earth with the heirs, all is perfect m 
heaven in the partakers and poffeiTors of glory. A 
little of both, in comparing them together. Believers 
on earth, that fee his glory^ are transformed into the 
fame image, 2 Cor. iii. 18. This conformity always 
works fatisfatlion. David fpeaks of it in Pfal. iv. 6,^7. 
Lord^ lift thou up the light of thy countenance vpon tts. 
Thou haft put gladnefs in my heart, 7nore than in the 
time that their corn and their wins mere afed. And ii\- 
deed they know not the light of God's countenaricc, 
that feel not a joy in their heart that ail the world can 
neither give nor take away. Chnlt promifeth us thi-? 
joy, John xvi. 22. / vjill fee you again, and your heart 
Jhall rejoice y and your joy no man taketh from you. Paul 
prays highly for this blelTing, Rom, xv. 13. Now the 
God of hope fill you ijoith all joy and peace in believing^ 

R r 2 tb^t 

310 Sermons concerning Se rm. XV. 

that ye may abound in bope, throvgh the pozuer. of the 
H^'iy Ghcjl, Prter fpcaks of joy, as an aitainmeDC of 
bel evers on earth : i Peter i. 8. Whom having not 
jecn^ ye love ; in nthom^ though now ye fee him not ^ yet 
believing^ K rejoice with joy unfpeakable^ and full of 
glory. The joy is unfpeakable that is felt by believ- 
ers, when 111-:)' do (as fomerimes, by his lighr, they 
Cid) fee ibme begun iikenefs to that lovely image of 
Chrif}, that won their heart the firft time they faw 
is and when it darted its beams of life and love upon 
thsir dying foals, and did leave (hat fcent of heaven 
in their" heart, that they cannot rell, till they appre- 
hend that for vjhich they were apprehended of Chrift 
' JV-'^5 Fhii.iii. j2. In (he day that Chrid apprehend- 
ed them, and faid ro them in love, " Stop, Tinners, 
*• in your race to hell : follow me, and i will give you 
" eternal life ;'' then do they in faith anfwer, " Be- 
** hold, we come unto thee, and cannot leave thee ; 
*• for thou haft the words of eternal life." And thus 
is fulfilled that bleiled faying of our Lord, John iv. [4. 
Whofoever drinketh of the water that I Jhall give hinty 
fball never thirfl : but the water that I /hall give hiwy 
Jhall be m him a well of water, Jpringing up into ever- 
lajtng life. The original fpring is heaven and eter- 
nal \\it ; and this given well will fpring up as high as 
its cririnal. Can there be any fatisfa6lion compara- 
ble to this, to behold by faith, eternal life, defcending 
tiom heaven unto us, in Chrill's love and grace ; and 
to find at the fane time this fame faifh climbing up to 
tl;e pcfTtflion of this life? This happinef^ i^ great e- 
nr.ugh to difgrace and difparage ihe poor portion of 
the worldling, that not only p?r;(heth with the ufing ; 
but be that hath it, muft perifh, becaufe he hith no 
better things, nor things that accompany falvation. 
But yet, though the believer, in and by his fellow- 
fliip wiih the Father and the Son, by the Spirit, hath 
;i joy that the (li anger cannot intermeddle with j yet 
his joy, when mofl full, is greatly fhort of theirs ia 
heaven. Only where perfe<f^ feeing is, perfc61 Iikenefs 

is ; 

S.ERM. XV, the Lor (Ts Frayer. 311 

is ; and where perfed likenefs is, there perfe<^ fatlf- 
fa(^ion is. 

3^/jV, This fatisfa6^ion and bleiTednefs is expreiTed 
by the ecjoyer, in love and praife. Groning under 
inifery, is not more natural to the affll6led, than>ex- 
ultation is to the happy. As believers feel their pre- 
fent, or fee their future greater happinefs, fo is their 
praife and their love. But how feeble are all their 
expreiTions of it P Our bell praifes on earth are little 
better than fweet and delightful gronings under the 
heavy, yet dear load of loving-kindnefs. David, the 
beft artiil ac praife of any faint, how doth he praife ? 
2 Sara. vii. 18, 19, 20. Who am If and what is my 
houfe^ that thou haft brought me hitherto ? And is this 
the manner of man^ .0 Lord f And what can David fay 
more unto thee f lie afks queflions he cannot anfwer ; 
he is filenced as foon as he begins to praife, and thus 
he praifeth rightly. Whoever thinks he hath balan- 
ces to weigh mercy in, never felt the load of mercy ; 
and that man is fartheft from right praifmg, that thinks 
he can praife, and is bed pleafed with his praifmg. 
But perfect praifmg is referved for heaven ; and none 
can learn that fong, but they that are with the Lamb 
in that mount of Sioo, Rev. xiv, ji,-— 4. Perfe^^ fee- 
ing of Chrift's glory, pecfedl likenefs to him by that 
fight, perfe61: happinefs by that likenefs, and perre6t 
exprellion of that happinefs, are ail within the vail ; 
and all we have and know on earth, are but faint and 
dark fliadows thereof. 

5. and lafly^ Con fid er and compare the beholding 
of the glory of Chrift in eanh and in heaven, in the 
duration of them. In this they differ as much as in 
any of the former. The one is a tirae-enjoymenr, and 
for a little timejoo ; the other is eternal. If a belie- 
ver get a view of the glory of Chrifl by faith now, it 
is but a tranfient glance, very fweet, but very fhorti 
In our fweeteft enjoyments of Chrid's company oa 
eanh, he may pieafe to awake, and leave us without 
itj Cam, ii. 7. J and not only referveth he.-a fcv.ereiga 


^12 Sermons concerning Serm. XV, 

iatitude in giving or with-holding his fenfibleprefence, 
bur, in love and wifdom for our good, he draws near, 
or withdraws ; and his people are made to feel their 
profit in thefe changes. But no fuch changes in hea- 
ven. Changes are only for time, not in eternity. I 
beheve, that as foon as any man palTeth out of time 
into ererniiy, he knows immediately and cerraiuly, 
that he is now come into an eternal and unalterable 
itate. The light of eternity demonftrates it. So that 
the faint entering into heaven knows, that the ever- 
lafling doors that were opened to let him in, are (hut 
on him to keep him in that ftate to eternity ; and this 
is a great part of his bleffednefs. And the damned 
that go down into the pit, do know, that the bars of 
hell are locked upon them, that they can never get 
out ; and this adds to their begun, but never-ending 
reifcry. It is indeed an amazing both fruit and proof 
of the power of unbelief in men, that though they 
pretend they know this, yet mod men do not in ear- 
ned think where, and in what place and condition, 
they Ihall be for eiernity ; and yet bedow many care* 
ful thoughts about the condition wherein they xfay 
fpend their (hort time on earth. 

So much for the docftiinal part about the beholding 
of Chrid's glory in heaven. 

Application, i. Learn from this to behold 
and underdand Chrid's lad delign on his people. It 
is to have them to behold his glory. Chrid will never 
leave any whom the Father hath given him, till he 
hath brought them to this. Let believers learn to 
give Chrid his v^ill and his way j give him trud, and 
give him time, and wait patiently. Art thou given to 
him ^ art thou a believer on him ? Behold with fai:h 
what his defign upon thee is. It is to bring thee inio 
that place where he is, that thou mayed behold his 
glory. Many'drange and deep ways and methods 
doth he ufe to carry it on. Submit to thefe, and be- 
jieve the end of the Lord, 

.2. Is 

Serm. XV. the Lor if J Prayer* 31 j 

2. Is this Chrift's defign, to have his people with 
him where he is, that they may behold his glory ? 
Then fee that it be your defign too. Many defire to 
be in heaven, that have nothing of this end in their 
defires. If your end in defiring to be in heaven, be 
not the Tame with Chrift's end in defiring it for yoi», 
how can you think that your defire is right, or will 
be accomphfhed ^ Some men defire to be in heaven 
for ever, becaufc they cannot ilay always on earth: 
but if they might Use in health and eafe, if it were a 
tboufand years on earth, they would never make a 
hearty prayer for heaven. But thefe are earth-worms, 
and God will deftroy them. Others defire to be ia 
heaven, only becaufe they think hell is bad quarters, 
and that they would be kept from. In efFe<^, all car- 
nal mens defires for heaven amount to no more but 
this, " Lord, fave me from hell." They think, that 
heaven is better thaci hell, but not fo good as the 
earth, if they might flay comfortably in it. The^r 
know, that they mufi: be eternally in heaven or hell ; 
and that the dates are fo diiferent, that it is eafy to 
chufe which is beft for them. But how can a natural, 
unrenewed man defire heaven i* A heaven of his owa 
imagination he may defire ; but true heaven, heavea 
defcribed in the gofpel, a ftate of blifs in the behold- 
ing of the glory of Chrift, this no unbeliever can have 
any relifli of, or defire after. He can never fay a 
hearty Amen to Chrift's prayer in my text ; they know 
not Chrift's prefence ; they never faw any thing of 
his glory, as it furpaffeth all glory. Never will a man 
defire to make a voyage through death, to fee that ia 
heaven that he never had any relKh of, nor favour of, 
on earth ; yea, ii is impolTible he fhould. 

3. La/ilyy Let us from hence icvarn to praife th^ 
dead that die in the Lord ^ Rev. xiv. 13. 1 allude to 
the word in Ecci. iv. 2. Wherefore I praifed the dead 
'which are already dead, vme than the living which 
are yet alive, Chrift will have them where he is, that 
they may behold his glory ; and when he calls and 


J 14 '- Sermons concerning Serm. XV. 

takes them, they do behold it. This is their happinefs ; 
and we fliould blefs them, and rejoice in their blifs. 
We have an affecting paiTage in Aci:? xx. 37, 58. after 
a farewel-fermon and prayer of Paul's : (Here we 
have an apoftolic pattern for farewel fermons and 
prayers ; but no where have we any for funeral ones): 
They all wept jorc^ and fell on Faults neck and kiffed 
h'tm^ for rowing 7noft of all for the words which he f pake ^ 
that they (hould fee his face no 7nore^ verfe 25. You 
may jullly think, that as the ciders, and others of the 
church of Ephefus, were excellent perfons, and were 
full of love and value for fuch an emiaent apolfle as 
Paul was ; fo their grief was great at this fad parting. 
You in this city have frequently the caufe of the like 
forrow, if ye had the fame fpirit as they had. Not 
that 1 mean to compare any miniders you have, or 
have loit, with this apoflle : for as I am. perfuaded 
we have none like him ; fo am I, that if there was 
any liker him than any of us are, confidering the fpirit 
of the day we live in, that minifter would be the mod 
defpifed and reproached of any ; though, 1 hope, fome 
would be found to difcern his true worth. If, upon 
fuch occafions of the lofs of faithful miniders, or ufe- 
ful Chridians, you are forrowing, and faying, " I diall 
*' fee his face no more, and hear his voice no more, 
" and fee his tender walking no more ;" call this alfo 
to mind, " If I dial] fee his face no more, he feeth 
*' Chrid's face for ever ; which is better for him, 
*' than the other would be to me." There is not a 
believer in heaven, but he knows this text better than 
all divines on earth can. Whenever' a believer is en- 
tered within the gates of the heavenly Jerufalem, this 
bleiTed beholding of Chrid's glory is better known to 
him, than angels or men can teach him now. This 
is indeed the white [lone ^ and in it the new name writ- 
ten^ which no ?nan knowcth^ faving he that receiveth it^ 
Hev. ii. 17. 1 would only add, that it would be fweec 
fpeaking, and fwcet hearing of heaven, if we at the 


Serm. XVL the LorcTs Prayer, 315 

fame time felt fomething of it : and though we caa- 
Eot yet get up into it ; yet if, through his gract-, 
fomething of heaven did come down to us ; if the joy 
of our Lord did enter into our hearts, as an earneft 
of our entering into it^ Matth. xxv. 21, 23.; for ia 
that day it will be too big to enter into them. All 
our work now is to be well acquaint with Chrifl as 
the way. Chrifl is both the way and the home. Wc 
inuft walk in him, and be travelling towards him ; 
and he is our guide and leader in the way. The 
Work and life of grace is in living on him by faith, 
and the happin:^fs of heaven is in living wiih him for 
ever. O come and fee, go and fee. He will call 
you up iu due time. BkfTed is that believer who is 
as willing to be in heaven, as Chrifl is to have him 


John xvii. 24. 

Father^ I will that they alfo whom thou hajl given me, 
be with me where I am ; that they ?nay behold my 
glory which thou haft given me : for thou lovedfl ms 
before the foundation of the world* 

THE laft claufe of this verfe only now reraaias 
to be fpoken to. And it is, as you have heard, 
xht fourth and lajl thing 1 took up in the matter of 
Chrift's prayer here. The argument which Chrift 
ufeth to back his defire of having his people with him : 
it is in thefe words. For thou lovedfl me before the 
foundation of the world. This 1 would briefly fpeak 
to, and at this time conclude this text. An 1 this ar- 
VoL. II. S f gumcQt 

J l6 Sermons concerning Serm. XVI. 

crument of Chv\i\ I wonld fpeak unto two ways, i. 
Unto the words in ihemielves; and, 7. As they ar<2 
ufed by our Lord, relaiiag to his prayer. 

I, As thefc "jjords are in thernfehes. They contain 
ChriR's afferiinp; of the erernal love of the Father un- 
to the Son. For this word, before the foundation cf 
the world, and another, be/ore the zuorld was, aod be- 
fore the 'world began, are ail to the fame purpofe, and 
are the IJoly G hod's CApreiTing of eternity prior to 
time : for before the world began^ thf le was nothing 
bur eternity ; and God inhabiting ir, as the prophet 
fpeaks, !(.». Ivii. 15, Of this eternal love of the Fa- 
ther to the Son, I would fpeak briefly. 

I. Confider this eternal love in the Father to the 
perfon of his Son. This I own is too deep for us to 
fathom ; but it is a blefled deep to fwim in. The 
raanner of the everlafling begetting of the perfon of 
the Son by the Father, is unfearchable by all crea- 
tures, and, it may be, will be fo eternally. The Hare 
of j^lory was not deiigned for fatisfying curichty, and 
inftru£iing men in points of mere speculation, or ia 
things beyond all created reach. So it pafleth our 
underflanding to know how the Father loverh his only 
begotten Son. How one divine perfon lovetii another 
divine perfon, who but a divine perlon can under(\aud ? 
There are forae forts of love that 1 would name, a'.l 
which this love greatly tranfcendeth. 

ifl. The love of cue creature to another. This is 
fometimes very (Irong, and is in fome caies allowed 
to be very great, ^diy^ The love wherewith a belie- 
ver loveth Chrifl, is yet greater. For though the 
Jovcr be l)ut a creature, yet the beloved is njore than 
a creature, and deferves more love than we can pay. 
Chrift cannot be over-loved ; but any creature may. 
3^/y, There is the love of God towards his chofen. 
'I'his is greater than the former, it is this love that 
God is called, hve, from i John iv. 8.-- 16. Athly^ 
There is the love Chrifl bear? to his church, that is 


Serm. XVL the LorcPs Prayer, 317 

exceeding grest, and much fpoke of in the word, 
Eph. iii. 18, 19. and v. 25, 26. In the nrft love, one 
creature loveth another, and with a love that harh 
bounds and limits fet to it by God^s will, left it exceed. 
In the fecoud, a creature loves God. In the third, 
God loves a creature, In the lafi, Chrilt loveth his 
own body, and every member of it. So thai in all of 
them, either the lover or the beloved is a creature. 
But where God the Father is the lover, and God he 
Son is the beloved, who can tell what that love is i 
Bat I pafs it, as too deep for us. Here fairh mud 
believe and adore, and cry out, O the depths I 

2. Chrift is eternally beloved of his Father in his 
office of Pvlediaior betwixt God and man. Unco this 
cfEce be was from eieriiity defigned ; and as fooa as 
fin entered, and the breach beiween God and man 
was made, he entered upon this oitice. In it he is 
God's [errant *whom he upholds <i his eleCl in whom his 
foul dtUgbteth^ Ifa. xlii* i. Under she name of IVif 
dom^ he fpeaks in Prov. viii. 22,-31. '^The Lcrd pof- 
Jejfed me in the hegvnning of his way. before his works of 
old, I was fet up from everlafling^ from the beginnings 
or ever the earth was* And after an elegaDi accouiu 
of the work of creation, he adds, that before any 
thing was made, and when all things were a-making, 
then I was by him, as one brought i/p zoiih him ; and 
I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him ; 
rejoicing in the habitable part of his earthy and my dc 
lights were with the fons of men. Here are adoiabie 
delights and rejoicings ; the Father delighting in his 
Son, the Son delighiing in the Father ; yea^ the Son 
rejoicing in his people, and in that earth they wore 
to live on, though neither they nor it were as yet crea- 
ted. And why may not our faith take in the comfort 
of this thought, that thefe uitermod parts of the earth 
where we live, and where the greateft harvefl hath 
been in thefe latter days, were in Chrifi's heart and 
eye with delight from eterniity i Chrid the Redeemei* 
'was verily fore'Crdained before the foundation of the 

~ f 2 world, 

318 ^ Sermons concerning Serm. XVI, 

worldt hut was iv.amfcjl in thefe lajl times for yoUy 
I Peter i. 20. Yta, he is called in Rev, xiii. 8, the 
Lamb /lain from the foundation of the zucrld. This h^gh 
cffi:e ot Mediator, the Father, in love to, and for 
glorifying of his Son, put him in, Heb. v. 4, 5. In 
this office he did always pleale his Father, and his Fa^ 
iher witntiTcd to it oiien and mmy ways. It ihould 
be a great encoursgemeiit unto a!l that have bufinefs 
with Chriil as Mediator, to confider how the Father 
delights in him in his office. Salvation is given to a 
believer in Chriif, with as good will, by the Father, 
as the price of falvatioa was laid down by the Son, 
ISIo man can pleafe the Father better, nor io much, as 
by believing on the Son, and by giving him employ- 
ir.ent in his office and calling of faving. 

3. Jefus Chriif, the Son of God, is eternally be- 
loved of the Father, as he is the head of his body 
the church ; as he is the Tecond Adam, the reprefen- 
tative of all his people. Of which already at fome 

4. Chrift was beloved of the Father in his lowed 
eflate, and when dying. This is what is in the text. 
Chrifl was now neiit his lowed when he aiTerts this 
Icve. He was going to the garden, and to his agony 
in it J he was ihere betrayed, and apprehended, car- 
ried to judgment, condemned, and put to death next 
day, and buiied next evening. This was the depth of 
the eclipfe of the Sun of Rightecufnefs, Yet in ail 
this the eternal love o^ the Father to him did not ceafe. 
When Chrid came into the world fird, we find what 
great jcy there was on that account. An angel fird 
publiihed the good news to the fhcpherds, and ihea 
a muliitude of the heavenly hod fung a fong of praife 
for ir, Luke ii. 9,-- 14. The Father proclaims hiiii 
on his coming as the object of heavenly worfhip : 
Heb. i, 6. When he bri?igetb in the fir fl begotten into 
the %VGrldy he faith ^ And let alt the angels of Godwor^ 
Jhip him. There is no angel fo high, nor io great in 


Serm. XVI. the Lonfj Prayer, 319 

foiver and mighty 2 Peter ii. 11. but mud ferve and 
woiiliip the Son of God in his lowed and meaneft ap- 
pearance on earth. He w^sjlen of angels^ i Tim. ill. 
16.; and it was their duty, their glory, and their 
biifs, to wordiip and ferve hiin. When Chrid comes 
into the world, Heb. x. 5, 6, 7. he faith, as rejoic- 
ing, A body thou hajl prepared me ; Lo, I come to do 
thy wii/y God. And that will was to make a facri- 
fice of that body ; and he did offer it with delight. 
\¥hen he is baptized, Matth. iii* 17. the Father, by 
a voice from the excellent glory^ 2 Peter i. 17. witnef- 
fed his love to his Son : This is my beloved Scn^ in 
%vhom I am well f leafed ^ hear ye him, Matth. xvii. 5. 
in Luke ix. 30, 3 i. we have a fpecial hint of the fub- 
je^ of the difcGurfe that Mofes and Elias had with our 
Lord on the mount of transfiguration, ivho appeared 
in glory ^ and [pake of his deceafe which he fhould ac^ 
complijh at Jeriifalenu We would be ready to think, 
if it was not for this hint, that glorified faints come 
from heaven, and waiting on iheir Lord in big begun 
glory, fliould rather have fpoke of his approaching 
perfe<fl: glory, than of his deceafe. But as that de- 
ceafe was the appointed way to his glory, as Luks 
xxiv. 26.; fo this tells us, that Chrid's death is a 
theme fit for the mod heavenly perf^ns in their raoft 
exalted heavenly date. The fong of the redeemed is 
principally on his death, and its fruits. Rev. v. 9, 10, 
12. As it is the root of all our falvation, fo it ihould 
be the ground of all our fongs of falvation. 

But here an obvious objection rifeih. It is faid. 
That Chrid was beloved of his Father in his lowed 
itate. But what brought him into this low date, but 
his Father's anger ? Did it uoi pleafe Jehovah to brutfe 
him^ and to put him to griefs Ifa. liii. i o. ? How could 
this eternal love, and his fore fufterings, confid ? I 
would premife fome things more generally for remov* 
ir}g this difficulty, and then come clofer to the matter. 

I. There is fomething amoogft men required ot 
Godj and pradifcd by them j and that i^j in parents 

3 20 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV. 

corre^ing their children in love. It fliould always be 
io^ but is not, Heb. xii. lo. He tells us what is too 
common, that earthly parents chaflen their children af- 
ter their own fleafure^ or to vent their difpleafure. 
Parents cannot diftinguidi betwixt the child and the 
fault, as they ought. 

2. V/c have a grearer inftance in Abraham's deal- 
ing with Ifaac at God's command, Gen. xxii. ifaac 
was innocent, Abraham loved him ; yet the Lord 
commands hira to offer him for a burnt- offering. Now 
the Lord did not command, nor allow Abraham to 
abate ought of that love to his Ton, tliat both nature 
and grace had planted in his heart towards Ifaac ; and 
no doubt but love continued in Abraham's heart in 
all his journey to the appointed place, and in all the 
preparation he made for the offering the commanded 
lacrifice : only Abraham was a ftrong believer, and 
therefore was all obedience. His love to Ifaac did not 
turn to hatred, when Yitfiretched forth his hand^ and 
took the knife to flay hisfouy ver. lo. But only his love 
to Ifaac (hrunk up as it were to nothing, through the 
ftrength of liis faith, and his readinefs to obey the 
will of his God. Ifaac's queflion to his father was an 
addition to Abraham's trial, ver. 7, Aud Abraham's 
anlwer to it was a great a<?> of his faith in his trial, 
ver. 8. Ifaac faid, Behold the fire and the wood ; but 
where is the lamb for a burnt-offering? The inflru- 
nienis for the burnt-offering were ready and {tt?i : 
the wood was on ifaac's back, and the fire and the 
knife were in Abraham's hand, ver, 6. but no facrifice 
was vifible. Abraham anfwers, Myfcn^ God will pro- 
vide hi mfe if a lamb for a burnt -offerings ver. 8. Little 
did Ifaac think that himfelf was the commanded fa- 
crifice, and to be facrificed by his own father's own 
hands ; though, without doubt, Abraham did after- 
wards tell Ifaac the command of God, when he built 
an altar on the -place God had tald him ofy and laid the 
-wood in order ^ and bound ifaac his fon^ and laid him 
on the altar upon the wcod^ ver, 9. And as little did 


SER.M. XVI. the LorcTs Frayer* 321 

Abraham think of aoy other facrifice but that of his 
fon Ifaac. But by Heb. xi. 17, 18, 19. Abraham's 
faith did a^ on divine power, that could raife Ifaac ro 
life again, when Abraham had ihed his blood, and 
the wood and fire had burnt his body ; being per- 
fuaded, that as no command of God was to he difput* 
ed, (0 no promife of God would fail of its accom« 
plKhment. And the iflue of this trial was in the lord's 
gracious acceptance of his obedience, in flopping the 
execution of Ifaac, and fubftituting a ram in his (lead, 
and in adding of a divine oath unto that promife of 
God, that Abraham's faith was fo (Irongly fixed u- 
pon. Compare Gen. xxii, 11,— —19. with Heb, vi, 
1 3, — 20. where we find the grounds of Abraham's 
faith are common to all believers under the new tef- 
tamenr, whatever trembling andfinful (hortcoaiings are 
with us in the a£^s and exercife of our faith, 

3. So our Lord requires of his people in the cafe 
of fuffering for him : Luke xiv. 26, If any man came- 
to mcy and bate not his fat her ^ and mother^ and wife ^ 
and children^ and brethren^ and Jifiers, yea^ and kh 
ozvn life alfo^ he cannot he my difciple, A poQlive hat- 
ing of our relations is forbid to all, by the law of na- 
ture, and by the word of God. To be without na^ 
tiiral affe^ion^ is a great fin, Rom. i. 3 i^ But wheo 
the glory of Chrifl and his truth is fo concerned, (as 
oft it is, that a man mud either deny Chrifl, or fore- 
go all for his fake ; then is he called to teltify by his 
choice, like Mofe&% Heb. xi» 24, 25, 26. that Chriil 
is dearer to him than all. Thus the martyr faid, whea 
fome fpoke to him of the defolate if ate he was to leave 
his wife and children in, '* God is my witnefs, that 
^* if I had ail the riches of the world, I would chear- 
*• fully give it all to live with my wife aijd childrea ; 
** but now when my teftiraoqy to Chriil and his gof- 
•* pel, by my death, is called for, 1 as chearfuUy leave 

4. The Lord's dealing in love, and yet in apparent 
anger with his people : Rev. iii. \^. Ai many as I loixe^ 

^ Ire* 

32 2 Sermons concerning Serm. XVL 

/ rebuke and chaflen, Heb. xil. 6. For whom the 
Lord loveth^ he chajlenethy and fc our get h every fan whom 
he receiveth. It is a common, but a linful way of argu- 
ing with nnany Chriftian?:, that they are not GoJ's c'.iil- 
dren, becaufe they are fo much corre61ed by him. 
To qucftion our (late becaufe of afili(ftioD, or to con- 
clude our (late to be good becaufe of profpeiity and 
eafe, are equally hMc and fooliflb, though not equiliy 
dangerous ; for it is far. more fo, falfely to conclude 
a good (late when it is not, than unbelievingly to dif- 
turb a good (late where it is. It is certain, that the 
Lord loveth his people with an everlafling love, Jer. 
xxxi, 3. ; that his mercy is from everlafling to everiaft- 
tngtothem^ Pfalm ciii. 17.: and that this love and 
mercy runs through, and is mixed with all his deal- 
ings with them. Yet how hardly is this owned by 
them ? Let us begin with the Lord's beginning to deal 
with them, to draw them to himfelf, to bring them 
into Chrifl's chariot of falvation, the midjl whereof is 
paved with love^ Cant. iii. 10. Doth not the Lord 
appear at fir(l: to them as an enemy, not only declar- 
ing war againft them, but ufing his irrefiftible arms 
againfr them, and his arrows pierce their hearts, as 
Pfal. xlv. 5. ? Little did Paul think of Chrift's love to 
him, when he fell on the earthy trembling and ajlonijh- 
ed^ A€t% ix. 3, 4, 5. Yet afterwards he well knew ir, 
and did count it as long as he lived, the bed day he 
ever faw. Then when the Lord hath fubdued their 
hearts, and given them rcfi in their fouls y his yoke and 
his burden is laid on them, Matt, xi, 28, 29. Whac- 
foever is common to man^ i Cor. x. 13. or to a belie- 
\er, that they (hould lay their account with. The 
crofs of fuifering any thing for Chrifl's fake, is oft 
laid en them, and always in love ; yet it is judgment, 
1 Peter iv. 17. and a fiery trial, ver. 12. Manifold 
outward afRi^lions are laid on them. And let all 
Chriflians in this furnace fay, if they find it eafy to 
believe his love to them, when his hand preffeth them 


SerM. XVI. the Lord's Prayer. 323 

fore. Beyond thefe is Satan^s fieve of temptatioD> 
Luke xxii. 21. Can there be love in the Lord's let- 
ting the devil loofe upon one of his own children ? 
Yes, fo did the Lord with Job \ Paul, 2 Cor^ xii. 7. j 
yea, with Chrift himfelf, Mattb. iv. 3. But above 
all, is the Lord's hiding his face, and dealiug a<? an 
enemy, and that for fin ; when his wrath is kindled 
but a little^ as Pfalm ii 12, and in the light and heae 
of that fire, the fiery law (as \\ is called in Deut. xxxii. 
2..) is read in the confcience, who can believe love ia 
this, that looks fo like hell? Yet David did fo, Pfal. 
cxvi. 3 ; and Jonah did fo, chap. ii. 2, 3,4.: and 
afcer a life oi fightings without^ ^^6. fears within^ (as 
2 Cor. vii. 5.), when the Lord is ro finifti his work 
and defign of love on his people, then the lad enemy 
is to be fought with, i Cor. xv. 26. Death, that to 
nature looks like the wages of fm, is made the door 
to glory. But how hard is it to believe it ? He muft 
have a (Irong faith, that can call his own dying 2. fleep- 
ing in JefuSy as i Theff. iv. 14.-, that can make ufe 
of Jacob's words concerning his fleeping place. Gen. 
xxviii. 1 6, 17. This is the gate of heaven. It is the great 
work and d fficulty, and yet duty in Chridianity, to 
believe unfeen and unfelt love, ia and under well- 
feen and well-feii diflrefs. Soroetimes the Lord joins 
them, as in 2 Theff. i. 6. and 1 Peter iv. 14 and 
then it is eafy. But oft the w^rath is feir, and the love 
is hid in the promife, and there only adlive faith can" 
find it. 

But all thefe inftances are fo far ftiort of this we 
are fpeaking of, that they afford very litiie ii^hi abouc 
this. Therefore I would come nearer, and offer a few 
things that may help to dire^ your thoughts unto a 
due reconciling of this eternal love the Father had to 
the Son, with the hard fervice he put him to as Me- 

I. It was the anger of an offended judge and law- 
giver, and not the anger of an offended father, that 
fmote Jefus Chrift. Chrift fuffered^ he was ff^iin, and 

Vol. IL Tt died j 

3 2 4 Sermons concerning S E R m , X VI. 

died; and the bitternefs of that low condition was 
irora the jnflice aod wrath of God, which he felt in 
his foul : which was well expreffed by a godly mini- 
(ler, ** Chrid's foul-fuilerings were the foul of his 
*« fuiterings :" that is, the main and moft bitter part 
of them. Yet in the depth of all thcfe Chrifi: was 
pleafing to his Father, and highly f o : John x. 17. 
Therefore doth my Father love me^ becaiife I lay down my 
life, that I might take it again. Who took Chrift's 
life away but his Father ? The wicked inftruments 
iifed in this work, were of no confideration in the 
matter. To the chief of thera, Pilate, the cowardly 
felf-condemned judge, he faid, John xIk. ii. Thou 
couldej} have m power at all again]} me, except it were 
given thee from above. It was this inrercft his Faiher 
had in his fuflerings, that made him fay as ia John 
xviii. 1 1. The cup which my Father hath given me^Jhall 
I mt drink it f Our Lord on his crofs, our Lord when 
dying, when dead, was as lovely in hisr Father's eyes, 
as ever before or fince. But the juftice and law of an 
offended judge exacted thus upon him. 

2. This ftroke of juRice fell only on the man Chrifi, 
on his human nature. His divine perfon was untouch- 
ed and untouchable by his iuffer;ngs. Chrift's body 
was the facrifice ; it was his foul and body that the 
fword of divine juftice did pierce. So that this ftroke 
was fome way but like a blow on a man's garment. 
The divine perfon of the Son of God dwelling in fled:, 
was neither reached, nor reachable by the fword of 
divine juftice; though the dignity of his divine per- 
fon did infinitely inhance the merit of the fufferingof 
the man Chrift. 

3. This ftroke of divine jailice on 'he man Chrift, 
Was not for any fault of his own, (for he had none), 
but for the fins of his people, Ifa. liii. 5, 6. Chrift'?? 
fmlcjOfncfb in himfelf, and his dying for the fins of his 
people, are the fundamentals in Chriftian religion. If 
he had had any fin of hu own, he could not have been 
a fit facrifice for the fins of ornsrs. If he had not died 


Serm. XVI, the Lord's Prayer. 525 

for our firs, all fioners mull have died in, and for 
their own (ins. Now, proper infupport^ble divine 
difpleafure is for a pcrion's own fia"?. This is the cup, 
full of mixture^ Pfalm ixxv. 8. ; and this is of wrath 
with wrath j and ivlthout jnlxture^ Rev. xiv, 10. w^ith- 
cut any mikiure of mercy with it : nothing but mere 
wrath in ir. This cup all that die in their fms, mud 
drink of: but he that died for the fms of others, did 
not drink of it. It is true, that aii the wrath thar their 
fms deferved, he did drink of; bat the fm deferving 
it, was none of his own. If bard ufage from men be 
lightened from this, as David found ir, Pfalm lix. g. 
Not for wy tranfgrejffion^ nor for my fm., Lord ; if a 
good confcierice be a continual feali, farely Chrid had 
this in perfedioD in all his fuiFerings. He had a trou- 
bled foul, hot a moffc quiet confcience in all. The 
foul may be troubled by the imputed fm of others ; 
but coafcience is never difquieted, but for one's own 
fin. That Italian martyr underdood this well, and 
ufed it ncbly ; who being ail^^ed by one, " Why he 
" was fo mtrry at his approaching death, when Chrill 
" himfelf was in an agony before his death ?" an- 
fwered, " That Chrid iuilai-ned in his ,body ail the 
" forrows and confllcls with death and hell due to us ; 
*' by whofe fudering we are delivered from forrow, 
*' and fear of them ail.'* 

4. The Father knew the perfe(51: fudiciency of bis 
Son, to bear all. that was laid on him. if it be an adl 
of his grace on his people, not to fiiffer tbera to bn 
tempted above what they are ahle^ i Cor. x. i:;.: much 
more was it fo in his dealing with Chrid, Pfal. Ixxx* 
17. and Ixxxix. 19. He knew (what ws cannot con* 
ceive) what a vad load of wrath this drong one could 
bear. None but Chrid could dand before an angry' 
God, could bear his wrath, and fatisfyjudice. If I 
may ufe fuch a fimilitude, when the fword of judicq 
was drawn againd Chrid, and pierced through his 
foul and body, the Father knew well that his Son was 
fo armedj that he could not be hurt thereby. His 

T t 2 diviae 

5 2^ Sermons concerning Serm. XVI. 

divine nature, and his Father's prefence with hrm, 
John xvi. 7,2, and the ineffable union berwixt the Fa- 
ther and the Son, were as armour of proof about the 
man Chrill ; that though juftice flew him, it did him 
neither any wrong, nor real hurt, whatever fmart 
was in the flroke. 

5. The Fdtber knew the glorious \\£iorj that his 
Son would obtain in, and by, and over all his fuffer- 
\uQs ; x\i7Lifor the fuffering of death, he fhould he crown- 
ed wiib ^lory and honour^ Heb. ii. 9. ; that he fhould 
be highly exalted^ Phil. ii. 9. So that what Chrift was 
put tc, was but like a father's fending his fon to 3 
flormy fea, and a dangerous voyage, from which he 
knew he (hould return fafe and rich ; or like a king's 
fending his Ton to war, wherein he was fure he (hould 
€onqucr, and return in triumph. Divine prefcience 
15 another thing in God's eye, than angel or man can 
poffibly think. And this was eminently in Chrifl's 
fuff^ring?, Acls ii. 23. and iv. 28-. 

6. There were great and glorious ends God had 
before him, in all the fufferings that Chrifl was put 
to endure ; great glory to his f^^race, great glory to 
his Son, and a great falvacion to his people : of which 
?he word is full. And all that read, or hear, or think 
of Chrift's death and fufFerings, without regard to the 
ends thereof, they mind only a bare hiftory and mat- 
ter of fa(^, without any fruit thereby. 

7. Lafily, The Father loved the Son in dying and 
for dying, as in John x. 17, 18. For Chrifl in dying 
offered up the higheft and mod: acceptab'e worQiip 
and fervice to God that ever was offered ; Eph. v. 2. 
Chrifl loved us^ ar,d hath given himfelf for us, an of- 
fering end afacrifce to God for a fweetf?iielli?ig favour. 

And it is the fweet fmell of this facrifice that drowns, 
as it were, the (link of all the fins and fmners it was 
offered for. His death could nor be a propitiation, if 
it were not fo. The two greateft fins that ever were, 
were the firft Adam's firft finning. All mens fins fince, 


Serm. XVI. the Lord's Prayer. 327 

and Adam's own finning after, (as doubtlefs he did 
for nine hundred and thirty years), were all the fin- 
ning of fmners : but his firft fin was a finlefs roan*$ 
finning; befides, it was the mod damning fin that 
ever was, or can be. The other great fm, was the 
crucifying the fecond Adam, the Prince of life, and 
the Lord of glory. It is not only charitably believed 
by the church of God in all ages, that Adara obtained 
mercy ; but hath been proved by fome hints in the 
word, that both Adam and Eve were believers. But 
for the other great fin, the murdering of the Son of 
God, it is paft doubt, that many guilty of his blood 
were forgiven in the virtue of it. A fingular cafe 
were they in. The cry of Chrift's blood defiled and 
difturbcd their confciences, (and moll juftly) ; and th^ 
voice of this blood fprinkling their confciences, purg- 
ed and pacified them. Now, if to thefe great fms yoa 
add all the fms of all the finners that were ever for- 
given, (and no man can count them, or weigh them), 
conclude, that there was fomewhat offered to God, 
more pleafmg to him than all fin was difpleafmg ; and 
this was only the facriiice of Jefus Cbrift. Abraham's 
offering up 0^ his Son at God's command, was highly 
pleafing to God ; but it was but a type and ftiadcw 
of Chrijl's offering up of himfelf without fpot unto God, 
Heb. ix. 14. Abraham in that action on the mount 
was to be a priefi, and his fon the facrifice; but he 
only did offer to be fo, and the Lord did accept the 
will for the deed. But when Chrift came to offer him- 
felf, for all the perfeft will he had to do ic, the fa- 
crifice mud be offered, and was ; and therein was per- 
formed the greateft, highed, and mcd acceptable 
worfliip to God. None was ever like it before ; and 
none comparable to it, will, or can ever be. The 
praifes of the glorified in heaven will be high and ac- 
ceptable worfhip ; but no way to be compared with 
that worfhip Chrift paid, and Gcd accepted in Chrift's 



328 Sermons ccncernin^ Serm. XVI. 

And thus much to thefe words ia themfeives, as 
tbey diTert the eternal love of the Father to the Soa, 

II. I would Dow fpeak to them, with refpeEl to 
ChrijTi fcope in ufmg than ; aud therein would ob- 
iefve three things. 

1. Our Lord Jefus Chrift was now near to his low- 
eft ; and he comrons himfelf with the faith of his 
Father's eternal iove. So muft Chriftians do. What- 
ever the Lord brings you to, if it were to the brink 
of death, you mufl (tudy to imitate Jefus Chrift, and 
take in the comfort of his everlaftins: love. For tho' 
the love the Father hath to the Son, and that love he 
hath to believers, do differ vaftly ; yet they agree ia 
this, that ihey are bofn eternal ; and in this alfo, 
that the faith of this love is fupportiug to his people, 
as it was to Chrift himfelf. It is no wonder that be- 
lievers have fo little coiufort ; even becaufe they do 
not by faith feek out and dig up the right fprings and 
wells of confolation, and are fo little cxercifed in draw- 
ing and drinking out of them. 1 fay not, that this 
fpring of confolation, eternal love, is the firft, and 
plaineit, and eafieil to come at ; but only that it is 
the ilrongeft, when a believer can find it out, and 
ufe it. 

2. Confider this word of. Chrift, as it is an argu- 
ment backing his prayer, and every petition in it. He 
calls God Father ; and rightly, becaufe thou lovedft me 
before the foundatton of the world, " Glorify thy Son, 
*^ for thou loved fi me, 1 pray for thine and mine, for 
^* thou hvedf} me'' How boldly may a believer pray, 
when he hath this argument in the hand of his faith 
to pray upon : " Lord, hear me ; for thou hall 
" loved me in thy Son before the foundation of the 
«' world." 

3. Tho main thing in the fcope of thefe words of 
Chrift is this, that the Father's love to Chrift is the 
fountain of all good to his people. Chrift Is praying 
in ibis vcrfe for the greateft good to his people, even 


Serm.XVI. the Lord's Vr ay er, ^29 

for heaven ; and this fuit he tirgeth on this: arguiiieat? 
For thou lovedjl me before the foundation of the world* 
You would think, that the argument would have rua 
more plainly, (but it would not have run fo fweetly, 
and fo (Ircngly), if it had been thus : " I will that 
•* they may be with me where I ara ; that they inay 
" behold my glory : for thou hail loved them, and 
" 1 have loved them before the foundation of the 
" world." But it is belt as Chrid ufeth it, For thou 
hafl loved me. 

On this truth, That the Father's love to Chnil is' 
the fountain of all good to his people, I would give a 
few inllances of ir, and conclude this text with a f¥w 
words of application. 

Inftances are, 1. Election, that fovereigtv fiirpofe 
and grace o( God, is given us in Ohrifi Jefus^ before 
the wmld began^ 2 Tim. i. 9. We are chofen in Chrifi 
before the foundation of the worlds Eph. i. 4. Cbrifl 
did not purchafe the grace of ele6lion for us ; yet there 
is no ele^iion but in Chrill, and unto the fprinkling of 
his blood, I Peter i. 2, The end, falvation ; the way 
and means reaching to this end, faith and 'fan^lilica- 
tion, are joined in this purpofe, 2 ThefT. ii. 13, and 
Chrift's intereft in it, i The IT. v. 9. For God hath mt 
appoiiited us to ivrafh, but to obtain falvation by our 
Lord J ejus Chrijl : and this falvation in Jsfas Chrid, 
with eternal glory, is obtained by the eie<5i, 2 Ti.ii, " 
ii. 10. 

-^'2. The grace of redemption come;? to us from the 
Father's love to his Son. This love feat him 10 be 
Redeemer, and accepted the price of his life for his 
flock. Ab[lra6liDg from his eternal counfel and cove- 
nant, God was at liberty to have left man in the pit 
he had thrown himfeif in, and to appoint no Redeem- 
er. But, not to trouble our heads with fuch unpro- 
fitable fpeculaiions, it is plain, that the whole bud- 
nefs of redemption by Chrid was trar* faded before 
time, promifed ia cime, and difpatcbsd in the fulnefs 


3 JO Sermons concerning Serm. XVL 

time, in love to Chrifl: the Redeemer, as well as ia 
love 10 the redeemed. 

3. Chrifl's iDtercefiion in heaven. Whence is it 
fo prevalent, but from that great favour Chrifl: (lands 
in heaven in ? It is from the love the Father hath to 
the Son, that Chrift's defires for his people are fo fuc- 
cefsful. It is upon this love that Chrifl: prays for hea- 
ven to his people in this text. And this whole prayer 
in this chapter, was a mediatory prayer of Ciirift when 
on earth, and the befl: copy we have of his intercef- 
fion in heaven. 

More particularly, i. The qulckenino^ of a finner 
dead in fms and trefpaiTes, is from the Father's love 
to his Son. All the difpenfations of converting grace 
on fmners, are a£i:s and fruits of the Father's love to 
Chrifl : John vi. 44, 45. No man can come to me^ ex* 
cept the Father which hath fent me^ draw him, '* And 
** when he is drawn, and cometh, I will welcome him, 
*' and give a good account of him one day." And / 
ivill raife him up at the lajl day. But how doth ihe 
Father draw men to Chrifl: P By his way of leaching. 
It is written in the prophet s^ And they JhciH be all taught 
of God, Every man therefore that hath heard and lear- 
ned of the Father^ cometh unto me. Till Chrift's Fa- 
ther, by his Spirit, teach a fmner, and tell him good 
news of Chrift the Saviour, he will not, he cannot 
come to Chrift by faith ; for divine teaching doth at 
the fame time reveal Chrifl: as the objedl of faith, and 
work the grace of faith, and draw forth the a6l of 
faith. We are oft complaining, (and not witbout 
caufe, if we had a right frame of heart in ii), that 
many Tinners continue dead under the report of Chrift 
in the gofpel ; and that converfion and quickening of 
the dead is rarely heard of, and fcen. What is tlie 
caufe of this rarenefs ^ Is it not that fmners are with- 
out man's teaching, but becaufe Cfarifl^'s Father doth 
not teach them j and till he do, they will never mifs, 
nor value, nor feek divine teaching. They feck but 
the Ihell of the gofpeJ, they feek but the field v.'here 


Serm. XVI. the Lord^J Prayer* 331 

the treafure is hid, Matth. xiii. 44. ; aad that they 
think any minifler can iliow ihem. But the finding 
the hid treafure in it, no apoftle -was ever able to 
tea«h a man to do. All they can fay is, that this en- 
riching trealure is in the field of the gofpel, and no 
where elfe ; but it is hid in it ; and till thire come 
light froin heavA, you will never ^i^d it, but die as 
poor as your father Adam left you, and in worfe cafe 
than if you had never heard of this field. Bur ^^hac 
■' ihould we do in this fad condition ? Wait on thp Lord, 
v^ho hath the times and feafonsin his own hand; and 
while you wait, pray and cry for his teaching, and 
make ufe of this avgument of the Father's eternal love 
to the Son. Say, *' As thou lovell: thy ben, teach 
" me, and many periftiing fmners like me, to know 
" thy Son." 

2. The jaflification and acceptance of a finner with 

God, comes only from the Father's love to his Son. 
We are accepted in that beloved^ Eph, i. 6. and are 
tranflated into the kingdom .of the Son of his htie^ Col. 
i« 13. All the love believers partake of from God, is 
but a drop, a fprinkling of that love he hath to Jefus 
Chrifl. Therefore faith our Lord in this prayer, ver. 
23. I in theniy and thou in me^ that they viay be made 
perfect in one^ and that the world may know that thou 
hafl fent mcy and hajl loved them^ as thou hajl loved 
me.; and ver. 26. And I have declared unto them thy 
name, and will declare it : that the love wherewith 
thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. 
No love, no grace, no favour comes from the Father 
immediately, but all in and by Jefus Chnft the Medi- 
ator. Without a Mediator the Father dealeth not 
with us when he doth us good ; and without a Me- 
diator we muft not deal with God, if we would pleafe 

3. Believers are preferved in Jefus Chrift: in this 
accepted ftate, Jude, ver. i. Every one th^t is raif- 
ed up by Chriit is preferved as fafely ia a ftate of 
grace, as Chrift is ia the ftate of gloiy. Bs^aufe I 

Vol., II. U 11 " iivs 

5^2 Sermons concerning Ssrm. XVI. 

the^ ye fiall live alfo^ John xiv. 19. and x. 27, 28, 
29. The weaken Iamb in Chrift's flock, that hath 
heard the great aftd the good Shepherd's voice, and 
follows him, though feebly, and with many fears, 
ftiall have eternal life ; and he (hall be kept bv the 
power of God through faith, till hepoilefs ir, i Per. 
i. 5. Chrift's arm, ar.d his Father^ arm, are more 
than we can conceive ; and yet no lefs than is needful, 
to fecure the'weakeft, againfi: the greateft dangers. 
4. Lajllyy The blifs of glory in heaven is the joy 
of our Lord, Matth. xxv. 21, 23. All the eternal 
cmbraceraents of divme love they get there, are on 
the account of the Father^s love to the Sod. It will 
iDainly be fulfilled then, what Chrift promi fed, John 
xiv. 20. At that day^ ye Jhall know that I am in my 
Father y and you in me^ and I in you ^ 

Application, i. How fliould this endear 
Chrift to us, the Father's love to us in him, and aii 
the fruits of this marvellous love ? How precious to 
US fliould all be ? Should not all fay, as one did, Pfal. 
xxvi. 7. How excellent is thy loving kindnejs^ O Gcd ! 
Did ever a man fee it by faith, did ever one tafle that 
the Lord is gracious, did ever any hope ior it, that 
did not count it marvellous loving kindnefs^ as it is cal- 
led, Pfalra xvii. 7. and xxxi. a J, The love of fuch 
a God as he is, unto fuch vile creatures as we be ; 
and this love flowing to us in fuch a channel as this, 
God's love to his own Son, and ftreamin?2: forth in a-! 
the blellings of grace and gbry, is a love that all that 
know it wonder at, and that all that tafte of it know 
beft, and wonder mod at. Enjoyments of this love, 
and admiring at it, are infeparable, both in earth, ia 
believers ; and in heaven, ia beholders. You hav- 
rot come under the warm beams of this love, that do 
not ftand aftonifhed at its nature and grcatncf'^, and 
who do not find fomething both of the depth and blcf- 
fedncfs of that word, i John iv. 16. We have knozvti 
and believed the love that God hath to vs. God is love ; 


Serm. XVI. the Lord's Prayer. 33^ 

a}7ci he that dwelktb in love^ dwelleth in God^ and God 
in bim» Try to fay this particularly of yourfelves, aod 
you will fiud its difFiculty. If you attain to it by the 
Spirit of faith, you will find its bleffednefs. Yea, 
what are all the bielled beholders and enjoyers of this 
love in heaven, but a bleffed company of wonderers 
at this love P They are in the midil of the ocean of 
this love, (whereof a few drops lafted by them on 
earth, made a begun heaven to them), blelTedly 
fwiming, diving, drinking, and admiring. But k h 
but very little of what they get thcre^ and of what 
they do there, that we do or cau know while we are 
here. Yet, believers, do yon receive any fpirituar 
blelTiDg P Is it not a lovely fpring ic fiows from, the 
Farher^i' love to his Son, Epb. i, 3. r Is it not a fweet 
name that thou Ihouldrt by faith give to thy pardon, 
to thy fric^liiicaiion, to the vSpirit of prayer, and to 
any fellowlhip with God : " This, and that, and all 
** and every good I obtain, is all from the love of 
*' God in Jefus Chrift my Lord, Rom. viii. 39. P This 
way of conveyance proclaims, that all is of free grace; 
and this way makes ibe bieffings fure and fweer. 
Thankfulnefs for his unTpeakable gift would rife high- 
er, and be purer, and n>ore cocilant, if we could read 
the name of the Father's love to hk Son written (as 
furely it altvays is, though no: always read) on all 
our'^iiercies. This would make a crumb from th-2 
Maker's table be earneftly begged, when we are hun- 
gry ; and would make us, when we get ir, piize it 
more than the greatefl revenues of the wicked. I'his 
love of God in Chrift is an ingredient in mercy, that 
makes the mercy fwell up to heaven. It is an ingre- 
dient in the bittercd cup of affli£iion, that not only 
prevents any poifon apprehended to be in it (and what 
h mere ufual to our unbelief than to call God's phytic 
poiion P), and promotes our health thereby ; but ic 
xjoth alfo cool the ilery furnace, and fweeten it, and 
make ir the place of love and praife j as it was to the 
tbrce chiklr^rDo m Dan. iii. 2^* 

V u z 2, Learn 

334 Sermons concerning Serm. XVI, 

2. Learn, ChrKlians, toufe thisargurrent in Chrift's 
prayer, in your prayers alfo. You fee our Lord prays 
icr his people on this argument, For thou lovedft me 
before the foundation af the worfd. Let your faith 
chime to this prayer, and fay, *' Father, 1 would be 
" with Chrifl where he is, that I may behold his glo- 
** ry which thou had given him ; for thou lovedll him 
*^ before the foundation of the world." You daily 
hear, that you ihould pr.iy to the Father in Chrift's 
name. Nov/, what is ir, but to raife our faith, and 
to embolden cur confidence with God, merely on the 
account of that high love the Father bears to the Son ? 
BleiTed is the believer that can plead with God on the 
argument of the Father's love to his Son, That tho' 
we have nothi-ig in us that is lovely in God's fight ; 
though, we can do nothing to make ourfelves accepta- 
b'e, or our dc fires fuccefsful ; yea, though there be 
a cloud upon God's love to us yet we build all our 
hopes of acceptance and fuccef^^, and all ihefe hopes 
flroni^ and high, on this lovely and beloved one Jefus 
Chrift, and on the Father's love to him. Whatever 
you wain of Qo^^, you may afk, and aik it on the fame 
p:rounds Chrift piays for you upon. You will fay, 
May every ore afli on this argument ? 1 anfwer, E- 
very believer may, and ought ; and if he be wife, he 
will ; and if he doth plead thu<-, he will prevail. But 
how may I know thi^t I am a believer on Jefus Chritl: ? 
The Spirit of Chrift fomctimes fiiddenly fatislies the 
doubting foul ; and that is a great mercy. He (bines 
on the promife, and makes it brii^ht ; Ibines on fairh, 
and makes i: (trong and a<Stive ; and manifefls ClirifPs 
glory lo as th . ihe heart cannot forbear ^o believe, 
and Jove, and know that it doth fo. But the <:oinmou 
way, and the way of our doty, is, to fatisfy our hearts 
as to our being true beiicv^rj; en Chrill, by repeating 
the a<!ling of faiih on him. 1 fay not, Believe that 
ycii do believe ; but I fay. Believe on Jefus Chrifl, 
and you liuill know that ycu are believers on him ; 
as in / John v. 13. Tkefe things have l -written to yirn 

' that 

Serm. XVI. the LorcTs Frayer, gj5 

that believe on the Son of God ; that ye may know that 
ye have eternal life^ and that ye may believe on the name 
of the Son of God, Faith is the evidence of things not 
Jeen, Heb. xi. i. ; and the Spirit of faith in believers 
giveth evidence to faith itfelf. By this Spirit ^tknow 
the things that are freely given lis of God ^ i Ccr. ii. i 2. 
and faith is a fpecial gift of God. The word in i John 
V. fo, is of great extent. He that believeth on the Son 
of Gody hath the witnefs in hhnfelf 1 dare be bold to 
fay, that there are few true believers^ who are in the 
lively exercife of faith in Chrift, and while in that 
exercife, but they are fome way perfuaded, that they 
are believers : in fo far, that if Satan (liould fay to 
the contrary, yea, or if the Lord himfelf (liouId feeni 
to fay CO the contrary ; yet they cannot deny that they 
are believers on Chrift. How can this be ? fay you. 
I anfwer, It is from the feofe and inward feeling of 
the workings of their hearts, in dependence and truH: 
on Jefns Chrifl: for falvation. Is it not thus with you, 
Chriftians, whenever ycu are thoughtful about fal- 
vation ; whenever you are terrified by the laW;' 
v»rhenever Satan affauhs you by the remembrance of 
your fins and ill-defervings : yea, whenever God writes 
bitter things againjl you^ and makeih you to fojfcfs th^ 
iniquities of your youth y or riper age. Job xiii. 26.? 
What do ye do f Whiiher do ye go f Is it not ahvays 
to Jefus Chriit by faith ? Every true believer can rea- 
dily anfwer thefe three quellions, v;hich no unbelie- 
ver can, Ifa. x. 3. What will ye do in the day of vifi- 
tatlon^ and in the defolation which jh ail come from far ? 
to whom will we flee for help f and -where will ye leavei 
your glory f Every believer can anf.ver, " Come what 
*' defolation will, I know what to do, I know whi- 
*' ther to go for help, and where to leave iny glory ; 
** even on Jefus Chrift by faith." Ycu have no other 
anfwer to give to the law of God condemning yoUj> 
to the devil accufmg you, nor to your own confcience 
challergiog you, but only this : «* Jefus Chrift came 
*' into the world to fave linoers ; his Farhcrj in love 

** to 

^^6 Sermons concerning Serm. XIV, 

" !0 him and fmners, feat him ; he came and died in 
'•^ bve to Tinners: and I, on the good report of him 
*' in the goipel, do daily come to him to be faved by 
*" hirDy and do look for falvauou in him, and by 
** liim, and. from him ; and all my fins, and unwor- 
tbinefs, and fears, and the fad grounds of thefe 
fears, are all but fo many cords to draw me more 
and more to Chrirt by faith, and to bind me fader 
" to biai. And if I am a behever on him, I am one 
*^ of thofe he prayed for in this chapter, and in thjs 
* verfe. Father^ I will that they alfo whom thou haj'l 
*^ ^,ven ?ne, be with me where I am ; that they may be- 
*' hold the glory ivhich thou haft given me ; for thou 
*' lovedjl me before the foundation of the world. If 
Chfifi: prayed fo for me, I may furely pray fo for 
myfelf ; for a better copy I cannot follow. If Chrlll 
prayed fo for me, he was furely anfwered, and the 
blcfiing will be given ; and I may firmly believe, 
and patiently wait for the falvation of God. And 
I may alfo ufe the fame argument ibr rtrengthening 
of my faith, that Chrill: ufed to enforce his fuit j 
" even the eternal love of the Fauier to his Son.*' 

This is indeed a great and marvellous falvation 
which Go^i hath provided for his people. Marvel- 
lous in the way, Jefus Chrift ; and that the gofpel 
doth now declare. Marvellous in ihe beginning and 
progrcfs of this falvation. A fianer mud feci grace 
before he knoiu the grace of God in truth. Col. i. 6. 
He mud: have faith wrought in him, and aifted by him, 
before he know what believing to the faving of the Joul 
is, Heb. X. 39. He mud be in heaven, befo c he 
know well what heaven is ; yea, which is 1 z 
ftrange, the believer mud be in heaven, bcf e 

know perfe<!^ly the way to heaven- Wt k?^. ' taat 
Chrid is the way ; th^t we mud enter iuio !iim by 
faith, as he is the way ; that v;e mud walk in hi:n, 
and abide in him, and live on him, till we come home;, 
to his Father's hpufe. But how Chrid became the 
way to heaven ; how be is the nev^ and living way : 



S E R M. XVI. the LorcTs Prayer. 357 

how he confecrated himfelf as the Way ; h^w he wa§ 
beloved of the Father, and bruifed with divine wrath 
at the fame time; how Chrift the living head draws 
dead lumps of hell, and makes them lively members 
of his own body ; how he knits and nouriiheth them 
by fpiritual joints and bands. Col. ii, 19. till he per- 
{tEi them in himfelf, Eph. iv. 19. and Col i. 28.; 
how he gives the laft pull and drawing at deaths and 
receiveth them unto himfelf, John 5jiv. 2, 3.; what 
Ghrift is now doing in preparing a place for them; 
and what he will at laft do, in receiving them, and 
prefenting them to his Father ; ihefe, and niaGj' fuch 
things, are matter for our daily exercife, in faiths 
and hope, and wonder. Our main Work while we 
are here, and without the vail, is, to be flnving to 
get more and more into Chrift by faith ; and nor oiiiy 
to get within the gates and walls of this city of re- 
fuge, (and the walls are falvalton^ and the gates praife^ 
ifa. Ix. i8.), but alfo to get into his palaces, where 
he giveth his loves, tits love is better thanwine^ Song 
i, 2, The tafte of this love would q^jickly make all 
the wells of this world's confolation to be as taflelefs 
and empty to us as they are in themfelves. Unfpeak- 
ably both ftrong and fweet is that mortification and 
deadnefs to the world, that is wrought in the belie- 
ver, by the /bedding abroad of the love of God in his 
heart by the Holy Ghcfiy Rom. v. 5. You Wvt in aa 
evil world. It v/ill mock you, and hate yoa : but 
do you pity it. A believer is a pitiful creature in the 
eyes of the ungodly ; looking at things that are not, 
feen^ and not looking at thiv.gs that arefeen, 2 Cor. iv. 
18. ; defpifing this world and ail things in it as a por- 
tion, and feekiug an uofefn and future glory in an un- 
known world to come. To Uilld all our hopes of par- 
taking and pofil-friDg of it on an unfeen Chrlfi; to 
bottom our faith on him, upon a word from him : to 
live and die upon his promife, and to do both chear- 
fully, are the glory of a Chrilliaa. But this glory is 
turned into (haiue bv the thcupjits and reoroacbes o^ 


g^S Sermons concerning^ &c. Serm. XVI. 

all unbelievers. But let the righteous hold on his way ; 
and he that hath clean hands ^ Jhall wax Jlronger and 
Jlronger^ John xvii. 9. Tour path is as the Jhining 
light y that Jlnneth more and more unto the perfect day^ 
Prov. iv. 18. Pafs through rhis world, believers ia 
Jefus, liking nothing in it, caring for nothing in it, 
content and fatisfied with nothing it can give, moved 
with nothing in it ; neither much taken up with the 
much evil, or the little good of it ; neither caft down 
with the frowns, nor lifted up with the fmiles of 
this vain deceitful world, Pafs on, 2Sidi prefs forward 
for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrifl Jefus ^ 
Philip, iii. 14. You have greater things to look to, 
greater things to fix your hearts and hopes upon, than 
all this world : even to that blefTed ftate, when we 
ihall be with Chrift where he is, and (hail behold his 
glory which his Father hath given him : for the Fa- 
ther loved his Son and our Saviour before the founda- 
tion of the world. 

The End of the Second Volume. 

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