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Full text of "The fountain opened : and the water of life flowing forth, for the refreshing of thirsty sinners ... in several sermons preached at Covent-garden on Isa. 55. 1, 2, 3"


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of Puritan Literature. 

p. p. 




*s*£?T HE fg 


+ ~"{ZZ&<) P E N £ D: 

AND ^> 

!§5 The water of life flowing forth, for the * 

S| retrefhing of thirfty finners* Jx 

^a» W herein is fee out, g^, 

*e Ghrifts earneft and gracious invitation of poor ^ 
W> finners to come unto the Waters. ^ 

J His complaining expoftulation with the ingratitude and %%* 
««** folly of thoie who negled io great falvation. 

^SiftHis Renewed Solicitation, with all earneftnefle, andthemoft 
*§& Pcrfwafive Arguments to allure thirfty finners 

co come to Chrfft, 

In fevcral H|{| 


Preached ztCovent-garden on 'Ifa. 55 .1,1,3. 

JjBy ObadiahSedgmck^ B.O. and late Minifter*S> 
of the Gofpel there. 

John 7. 37. 
j/WJtf Ai/? day, that great day cf the feaft, Jeftu flood, and 
cryed 1 , faying, If any man thirft, let him come Pinto me, and drink* 

* Printed by r. -R.and E. M. for Adoniram By field at the Bible ^ 

m Pofes-head'atley y near Lumbar d-ftreet. 1657 

II " I » 



The Inhabitants of 

Co vent-gar den. 

Beloved Friends, 

Now prefent to your view what I 
once delivered in your hearing. It is 
a fingular advantage , that the eye 
may fecond the eare, in fuch things 
as may help the foul. I have defired to do good 
both wayes, not io much fearing cenfure,as ftu- 
dying to edifie. This may Preach unto you 
when I cannot , yea , when I {hall be no more. 
When thefe Notes were perufed and read unto 
me, I could willingly have given unto them, 
Antoninm his title, Notes jer my felfi but when 
Jconfidered that here was a Fountain opened, I 
durft not but leave it for common ufe. How 

A 2 farre 

The Epiftle Dedicatory 

farreany of you have been wrought upon by 
thefe entreaties of the Goipel which have woo- 
ed you, I leave it to your lei ves to examine j / 
have only this to fay, it was my hearty defire 
of your eternal happinefle that firft put me up- 
on this Argument in Preaching., and the like 
defire hath engaged me to prefent the fame a* 
gain unto your iecond thoughts : And why 
fhould not the life of your fouls be much more 
precious in your fight then in mine ? Jf this fe- 
cond tender of fuch gracious offers fliall findc 
acceptance with you to a clofing with them, it 
will adde a new life unto your dying friend. 
God hath been plcafed in mercy to lengthen 
out the day of grace unto you, by the fucceffi- 
on of an able and faithful Paftor, whorenew- 
eth thefe Gofpel offers toyou>/befeech you do 
not give him occafion to complainc that fucb 
precious commodities do ftand upon his hands, 
that he can have no vent,ior Grace,nor Gofpel, 
nor Chrift, nor any thing that is Evangelically 
fav'mg : This will provoke God, either to take 
away his Candleftick,or to take away the pow- 
er of his Ordinances, and withdraw his Spirit 
from driving any more with youJt muft needs 


The Efijile Dedicatory. 

be very fad with any of you, to flandall the day 
idle in tbeMarkgt place y 8cl am ftire when you Hial 
be called to an account for it, you cannot fay, 
it is becaufe no man hath hired W. Think ieriouf- 
ly of it, how grievous it will be to any of you, 
to come a day after the Faire,a day after Grace; 
I befeech you therefore in the bowels of Jefus 
Chrift hearken to the laft Exhortation,and the 
laft offer in the Bible., Whosoever will, let him 
take the water of life freely ; which that you 
may do, (hall be the earneft Prayer of 

Tour affectionate friend 
and fervanty 

Obadiah Sedgwick. 

The Contents of the Chapters. 

Chap. I. r \p Rat $e[us Chrift is very earnefl and im- 
X pot tun Ate with tbirfly finners to come un- 
to him, P a g-3* 

Chap. 2. There are waters for thirfly finners, and ever/ one 
who is thirfty may and ought to come to Chrift. p.33. 

Chap. 3. The poor ejlfinner may come to Chrift. p.8o. 

Chap. 4. Thepooreff [inner fiall fare exceeding well if he 
will come to Chr\fl and buy of him. p. 2 o 1 . 

Chap. 5. All the good which finners do need, is to he hough 
sf Chrift upon gracious termes, at the cheapeft rate, at the 
lowejl price. p.*5i» 

Chap. 6. All the good which Chrift doth offer , and all the 
gracious termes upon which Chrift doth offer , are 
yet fometimes flighted, and refufedbyfome finners f p. 

Chap, 7. Sinners are earneftly labouring and trading for 
vaine and unprofitable things, when and though the great 
things of ' Chrift are gracioufly offered to them , but this is 
an exceeding folly in them . p 333 . 

Chap. 8. K^illthecofls whichmen lay out, and all thepains 
tsphich they do take, even for fahation , from any thing 
without ChriH, or in any other way then Chri(ls way , they 
are utterly fruit left, <vain,andloft. p.361 

Chap. y.That fefus Chri(l is plea fed [om:times to renue his 


The Contents. 

gracious offers towards them who have refufedhis graci- 
ous offers. ( p.380 
Chap. jo. ffefus Chrift doth not only make gracious offers 
unto finners, nor doth he only renue gracious offers to 
them , but alfohe is very earnefl and importunate with 
Jinners [erioujly to hearken to him in his gracious offers. 

Chap. 1 1 . That good indeed will come tefwners upon hear- 

kening and coming unto Chrift. p.42 6 

Chap. 1 1 . That there is a verj field of Bleffwgs, and a very 

Paradife of Delights for that foul that comes in to Chrift. 


Chap. 13. That Joule fhall live that comes to Chrijl. p. 




l BBBfl33.i933oaa3iiflflfli»a3jafla3flC3flii33aarfl!iaaaflaa3 bjoohj 1 





ISAIAH 55.1,2,3. 

Ho , e very one that thirfteth^ come ye to the waters , and he that 

hath no money : come ye , buy and eate, yea come buy wine y and 

milkje without money , and without price. 
Wherefore do ye jpend money for that which is not bread, and your 

labour for thai which fat is fieth not : Hearken diligently unto wf, 

and eave ye that which is good , and let your foul delight it 

fdfin fatnejfe. 
Bncline jour care , and cme unto me : heare and y@ur foul (hall 

live , and I will make an everlafting Qwenant with you y (ven 

the fure mercies of David. 

Hefe three Verles contain in them three things 

1 viz*. 

1. An Evangelical invitationfO/wf^wher- 

Firft, The perfons invited, and they are, i.Si- 
tiemtsQhey nho thirft) 2. Ir.digcntcs ( they who 
have no moncj). 

2. The matter of the invitation (Come je to the water s,Come 
ye % buy and eate 9 jca t come buy Xbine andmilke ) Here is all need- 

B full 

The Logical difinbhtion of the Text. Chap.i. 

full good, and here is all fuitable good : Waters, for the thirfly, 
B ead, for the hungry Milks, for the weake , and wine for the 
ftroog. JelusChnft is an only good. and he is an univerfal good. 
3, Tne manner of the invitation , and that is fourfold. 

1 . Eame[l:(^,) He that thvfleih. 

2. Serious: (Come^come y come, Lxy> and buy) 

3. General : [Exerj one that tbirftetb.) 

4. Gracious; {fBuywir.e avdrndke without woney and with- 
out price ) There is much good to be had, and at a very 
eafierareJefusChrift and the things of Chrift, they are 
above price, and without price. 

2. A complaining expoftuht\on(r>>ber fore do jw fpeni mony for 
that which u net bread, and jotir labour for thai wkict.fitijfiitbnot. ) 

Here you have charged on finners, 1, Their neglect. 2. Their 
folly, GodofTirs unto them all good , and freely and which 
would afluredly fasiate and fave them, but they pifle it by: and 
foolifhly purfue lying vanities, feed on husks, fpend thcmfelvcs, 
layout their dayes and ftrength for that which is not bread (for 
that which concernes not their eternal life)and for that which ft' 
t'xfieth not (which will never give reft nor comfort. 

3. A renewed folicitation or entreaty : O how good is God, 
to offer ipiritual good to finners ! O how patient is God even to 
ilnners, who neglect the offers of his Grace ! O how kinde is 
God, to offer peace and mercy more then once, to unworthy 
and unkind Hnners / He treats with them again^in the latter end 
of the fecond and third verfes). 

And this renewed Treaty 

1. Is very vehement: (Hearken diligently, incline jour tares, 
leare). As if hefhould have faid,yethear 5 yet hearken, heaiken; 
Regard my offer, regard it, regard it. 

2. Is very perfwafive : would ye not eate that which is good? 
(why, Hearken unto me, and eate ye that which is gosd) would 
you not have your fouls (your precious fouls) to live } [why then 
heave, and jour fouls [ball live)* Would you not have your fouls 
rcfrefhed with the bed and fulleft enjoyments ? why then heark- 
en ( and let your fouls delight it /elf in fatneffe.) 

3. Is very fatisfaclory, for they might object, Howcanthefe 
things be brought to paffe ? what iecurity (hall we have ? why, 
faith God ( / trill wake an eicrlafting Covenant With you, even 


Cbap.i. theological Obfervations. 

the fare mercies cfDavid): I will give you my bond for it; All 
this which (hail be as fureiy made good, as the mercies which I 
performed to my fervant David. 

Thus you have the Logical diftribution of thefe three verfes? 
Now follow the Theological Obfervatioas which may be princi- 
pally coiie&ed from every of them. 

From the firft Verfe there are five obfervable propofitions. 

1. That Jefus Cbrift is very earned and importunate with 
thirfty finners to come unto him, Ho, fime, come, come. 

2. That there are waters for thirfty finners, and every one 

than'sthiifty miy , and (hould come unto them 3 every 
one that thiffiethcome to the waters. 

3. That even the pooreft (inner may, and fhould come to 
Chrift; he that hath no money. 

4. Allfpirirual good comes to us, when we come to Chrift; 
bread, and frine, ar.d milke. 

5. All the good which poor finners need , is to be had from 
Ch rift, upon gracious tcrmes, at the loweft price, Bn) frith* 
out money, and without price. 

From part of the kcond strk , thefe Propofitions are ob- 

1. That all the good that Chrift doth offer, and all the gracs 
ous termes upon which Chrift doth offer, are fometimes fieighted 
and refufed by lb me finners, they jpend their money for that which 
is not bread. 

2. That finners are earneftly labouring and trading for vaine 
and unprofitable things, when the great things of Chrift are of- 
fered to them, jpend their money for that which u not bread. 

3. All the coft which men layout, and all the pains which 
men do take even for falvation from any thing befides Chrift, or 
in any other way then Chrifts way, are utterly fruitleiTe, vain and 
loft, they an not bread, and fat u fie not. 

From the latter part of the fecond and third vcrfe, are thefe 

1. That Jefus Chrift is pleafed fometimes to renew his graci- 
ous offers towards them who have refufed them. 

2. That Jefus Chrift doth not onely make gracious offers, and 
renew therr,but he is alfo very earned: and imporrunac with them 
to hearken to him j Hetrktn diligently mto mu 

B 2 3. Tha* 

Spiritual thirling, what it is % Chap. 

5. 1 bat good indeed will come unto Tinners upon hearkening 
and coming to Chrift ; e*tc that rrhich it good. 

4. There ts a field of bleflings, and Paradifeof delghts for 
thofe that come to Chrift ; Let thy foul ddt^t infatnejje. 

5. The fou'. (Via'l liyc that comes to Chriit • hear and jour fc^s 

6. There is a Covenant which God makes with all that do be- 
leeve in Chrift ; / Vfc-7/ make anev:rlafltng Covenant With yon. 

*«>*^ Af 


Cbrifts eirneft- 
reffewnb tbir- 
ftyfinners to 
come to hi m, 

Tftved from 
the Text. 


Begin with the firft Propofit'on from the (irft 
verfe, which is rtis. 

That 'je^Hi £hrift is very ear Kef} And impr* 
tunate With thirfly [inners to come unto him. 

Two paff^es in che Very ie;t do cfeare 

i. That parole (£fo,) which fignifies an 
exclamation, a crying our, fuch a noi e purpofcly made, that men 
fhould take not ce, fpecial notice of a bufinefle, aloud cry, co 
a'.vakeu-to a fpecial attention, and regard. 

2. The multiplication of the Call, Cow*, Come,crc John 7, 
37. In thelafl day, that great day of the feaft, Jeftu Hood, and cry. 
ed t faying, if any man thirfly le htm come unto me and drink^ So 
Rev. iz 17. Let him thatUathirft c<rmr. 

When you have any perfons (expreflely) mentioned in Scrip- 
tures Thefeare the men that are (chien\) concerned either in 
a command, or in a tbreatning, or in a promife, or in an invi- 

For the opening of this aiTcrtion, there are three things unto 
which I would briefly fpeak. 

i, What is meant by him that thirfteth. 

2. Why Chrift is fo earned with frm :o come. 

3. Then the ufeful Application. 


Chap, r . Spiritual thirjling, what itk. 5 


WHat U me Jin* by him that t^irfleth } J&fft- I « 

There is (\0u know) at >vo-fold third, s >f y 

1 . Cfpora/, which Is the natural appetice of the dormck } af- a twofold 
ter that which s moid and cooling. tbirft. 

2. Spiritual, which is the fupernatural appetite of the (oute Cor P oraL 
after heavenly things, which are proper for tae relieving, ttfafhrspiripul. 
ing, and fatisfyir.g of the wants and defires in ihe foul. ' aHxVnks 

Jn a man thus fpiriiually athird, there are leven qualities in re- ofdfphitual 
ference to fpiritual objects aniwerabk to thofe in a man natural- tbirft, 
Jy athird in reference to corporal objt&f* 

1. Emptintffe -.Natural third floives from emptineiTe,or wantor* 1'. 
what is cold and mo:(l: He whois fpirirually thirdy, is one whpEmpineffe. 
is fpiritually empty : He wants a Chrid, and wan's a reconciled 

God, Pardonin \ Mercie, Renewing Grace, Ccmfortjoy, Peace, 
all : P^w/ wa? empty, In me there dwells no good: The Pharifee 
was full, but the Publican was empty ; God be merciful 'to me a 

2. Exqwfite fence \ Even a ver^ painful fence; Third: is a!- %, 
wayes accompanied with feeling and pain : The veincs do fo Ex$uifite fence. 
fuck, and pull, and dia v, for cooling and rnoidning,thac the do- 
mack is exceedingly fenfible, and pained, and diftrelTed. So he 

who is fpiritually thirdy, he is very fenftble of his fpiritual wants, 
painfully fenfibie, no red nor quiet in that condition : And ther* 
fore he is faid to be heavie laden , and his foul (many times) is 
ready to faint and faile within him : My foal faint eth for thy fal- 
v At ion , mine eyes faile for thj Word ) faying, when wilt thou com* 
fort me, Piai.119 81,82. 

3. Peculiar cares and thoughts. Third raifeth thoughts, an i 3. 
contines the thoughts: Ail a mans thoughts in fuch a condition, ?ccul wares 
they are for water, to cool and refrefh him : Give us Water fr-fti tkpu&bn % 
drink^ s faid the thirdy Ifraelites to Mofeu So when one is fpi- 
ritually athird, all the thoughts and cares of his foul are for hea- 
venly things ; How he fliould get Chrid, and how he miy be de- 
livered out of a wretched condi:ion, and how his conscience 

may be pacified, and how his poor foul may be faved, Atls 237. 
What fhall we do ? Afts 1 6, 30. What fh^l I do to be faved \ 

4. Wonder- 

Spiritual thir jling > what it is. Chap i. 

4, 4, Wonderful impatience, Exod. 17.3. The people thhsled for 

Wonicrful im* Water, and the people murmured, and [aid , wherefore is this 
f.vic'hc t >j iU thou bjft brought w out f Egypt to fy/i fu, and cur chil* 

dren^and o*r cattle Wi\h thir ft} A man cannot well bear the in- 
jury done to hi- mme ; the vvoun A that is bleeding in bis confer- 
ence, nor the thirft that lies upon his fpirit, give me children or 
rife I diejVid RacbrL O Lord give mcChrift, fhew me mercy, 
look gratiouflyon my foul, I cannot live without life. Thy fa- 
vour is life, and thy Cnrift is life, Iudg. 1 8. 24.. Micah faid , ye 
have ttikcn aWay my gods, and my Priefi, and what have I more? 
and Whit is this that yon fay unto me , what ailefl then ? fo 
fakh the thtrfty foul. 

5 , Vehement j of do fire: We fay that hunger and third: are the 
Vcbenuncj of ^ongQ^l of natural appetites, for by them our nature puts out 
defic. all her ftrcngch for her prcfervation when it is extremely flreit- 

en?d : A man who is fpiritually athirft, his dcilrcs after the things 
of drift are net flit, and low, and dull, but high,ani ftrong^and 
fervent, Pfal, 42. I. As the Hart panteth after the water* broods, 
fo pxnteth my foul after thee oh Lord. Verfe 2. My foul thirj}~ 
eth for God , for the living God , "when if}. ill I come and appear » 
before God , jea What vehement deftre} 2 Cor. 7. II. this \s a 
kinde of violent morion : Defire at the utmoft, Tfal. 1 19. io» 
With txy whole heart haze J fought thee; this is expreiTed by 
longi g , Pfal. 107. 9. he fatufeth the longing feul, 
6. 6, Diligent endeavour : The man that is athirft, cries out for 

Diligent enda- drink, and runncsout for water {Their Kibles have fent their 
war, ^ t[ , c o ^ gi ^^ t fo g Teitters : They came to the pits , and found no 

water % eye Jer.14 3O He that is athirft runnes up and down, 
digs inonepUce, and tries in another place that he may finde 
water to refrtOi him, Jfaiah 4.1. 17. When the poor and needy fee \ 
water. So he who is fpiritually athirft, he is longing, and he is 
complaining, and he is acting, an J labouring, and trying at eve- 
ry pit, at every Well, at every Ordinance; he will r^y» an d read, 
and hrar> and confer : he is at every poole, he is in every W3y of 
God, if fob? at length he may meet with, and drink of the water 
of life. As the Church, Cant. 3. 1 / fought him whom my foul 
loveth, 1 fought him , but I found him not. Verfe 2. I will rife 
and go about the (fity , in the ftreets, and in the broad rrayes, 
J will feek him whom my foul loveth* 

7. o»- 

Chap.i Reafons ofCbriJis earmflnejfe. 7 

7. Conflant languifcng \ Natural thirft will not off, til! you 7. 

get water, delay doth but increafe the third the more : It will 0/k»//.*w« 
not be quenched by any thing you f3y or offer, ftill the appetite g»$'»S« 
goes on and provokes you; So he who is fpiritually athirft , his 
defires after heavenly things, are fixed, and fe:led,and conftant ; 
they will and do continue until the foul C3n come to drink of fpU, 
ritual waters. Nothing will fatisfie and quiet, and put an end 
to this thirft, but Jefus Chrift, but mercie and grace obtained and 
enjoyned ; / Will not let thee oo ( faid Iacob ) exefpt thw 
bleffe me s Gen. 52. 26. Oar eyes wait upon the Lord cur 
god until that he have mercie upon us y Pfel. 123.2. You read 
of blinde Baytemen^ who was Co defirous of fight , though they 
bid him hold his peace, yet he would not, but cried out the more, 
Ufa thou Sonne of 'David, have mercie on me, &c. So, (&Cy 

Thus you fee what is meant by him that thirftech; Nsme'y any 
(inner throughly fenfible of his fpiritual wants, and earnest- 
ly and conftantly longing after the waters of life : And this is the 
finner to whom Chrift faith, Ho i every one that is athirft , let 
him c-me to the water* 


WHy is Chrifl fo earned with thirfry fouls to come unto J&e/l. 2* 
him, &c ? 

Becaufe -Sol. 

I. There are no [inner $ rvhich do need more encouragement totReafcn I. 
tome unto Chrift, then theie who are rightly and painfully (Qn^Oumeed. 
fible of their fpiritual condition and wants. 

Firft, No perfons in the world are fo fen fible of their finnes, 
as thefe are ; nor of Gods di r f leafure. 

Secondly, No perfoos are fo broken in conference, as thefe are, 
that feele fuch heavie burdens. 

Thirdly, No perfons have/wi workings of ' unbeleevingje*rr y 
and doubt S) as thefe have. 

Fourthly, no perfons are more apt folemnly to difputetbe gcod 
will of Chrifl, the intent of his promifes, the articles, and condi- 
tions of Chrift , the freenefle on Chrifts part, and incapacitie 


8 Reafons ofCbtijls earvejtnejfe 

and unworthineiTc on their own parkas thefe. 

5 . No p*rfons are mre *pt to be deluded by the f*gge(Hons ofSu- 
txn • To have ve'rie hard thoughts of Gods mercy and love/ and 
t to look only cnthejuftice ofGod,and on theCovtnant cf work* 
as if their lire were bound up therein : And therefore no marvel 
ihac Chrift is fo e^rncft, that he cries out Ho, every one that 
2. 2. Chrift u A very tender (^hrifl, and 2 very faithful Chrift : 

V 'i None is fo ful of pity and companion as Chnft, trie very bowels 
of mercy arc in him: He (hewed tender con paffions tod ftrtfled 
bodies; certainly he hath much, nay he hath more companions 
for diftrefi; d fouls : And are not the fouls of rhirfty finners, difc 
eafed foul%whch if Chrift helps nor, will defpaire and die for 
thiift? As Hagar and hr child had perifhed in the wildernefle, 
if God h:d not opened her eyes to have feen a Well of water 
fo, ftc. 

H'u Ofcc. Beddes, this U a proper time ^nd here U a proper cbjett , for 

Chrift to be faithful to performe the work for which he was a- 
noinred,which was, ljaiah6i. I. To preach good tidings to tk? 
meek, to binde up the lr>ken hearted, to proclJme liberty to the 
captives, and to fill the hungry, and to fatittc the thhfty and 
wc>%rj foul. Chnft was anointed to fill the hungry, to fari- 
ate the weary, to refrefh the thirfty ; and verily not -a foul (h.li 
be lull by any negled on Chriftspart. 

$. And who fo fit to come toChrifl, and to the waters by 

Their fitneffc, thrift, as thirfty Tinners? The full foul defpifeth the hony-comb, 
any bit is fwect to the hungry ; the Wei's of water are nothirg 
to him that is already filled ; but a drop of water is precious to 
the thiiftv, venly leffethen this is not aficntife, and more then 
this Chnft requires not, when the (inner is rightly fenfiblc of his 
need, when he fees that there is no water of life to be hid , but 
in Gh rift, when the defues of his foul are after Chrift; why, 
chat man is fit for Chrift, and no man is ready for Chnft, but 
Chrift is as ready for him; he that is athirft, is willing, and [efas 
Chrift beforehand fets cut his willingnefTe, let him come and t*k* 
of the water of life freely. 


CHAP, i . D:fcowries tfSpiritnal thirfi, 


YOu fee here, that the importunate commands , and the %jf e i, 
loud proclamation is to the thirfty (Ho, every one that is 
thirfijet him come) O what a mercie is this to have the voice 
of mercie ; Nay, to have the call of mercie, the invitation,thc 
earneft invitation of mercie! What confidence may a poor 
foul gather from this, that Jcfus Chrift calls it by name? and is 
fo imponunate with it to come unto him, and provides waters 
of life for it ? What kindneffe and tendernefie is there in 
Chrift that he takes notice of our wants, and of our very de- 
fires, and is fo gracioufly ready to encourage and help the thir- 
fty (inner. 

In the fir ft place therefore, let us examine our fclves whe* 
ther we be fpirituaily thirfty finner s, yea or no.You fee here is a 
Proclamation kt out for you, and here is an invitation of you 
to come unto the waters. 

There are three forts of finners ; Thru forts */ 

i. Some who are not thirfty at ail. finners. 

2, Some who think they are fpirituaily thirfty, but they are 
not truly fo, 

3 . Some who are really thirfty, but think they are not fo. 

There are fome Who are not jpirttuaSj thirfty at all : And I. 

there are four forts of thefe. Some not [piri- 

i. 7W/yWj,perfons filled with felf-fufficiency : They are'* j// ' ' tbir fil " 
like Laodicea^ that was rich and increafed, and hid need of no- \^r is 
thing. They have a rightcoufnefte of their own, as the Jewcs, '" 

and lee no need of a Chrift, of mercie, of renewing grace, they 
can make their own peace, and never want Chrift nor Faith. A 
full foul fees all in it feif, a thirfty foul fees all in Chrift. O 
thefe men, who can in this fenfcalfo, drink water out of their 
own Cifterns, who have no need nor want of a Chrift, who ne- 
ver were diftreffed, never were pained with the fenfe of their 
fpiritual nakednefTe and wretchedneffe, they never were thirfty 

2, Ctreleffe and negligent finners , who come not to the 
Wells of falvation, who regard not the waters of life,who make c »eie/rcfinner* 

C nothing JJ 

to Discoveries of Chapi. 

nothing of Go f pel feafons and Gofpel Ordinances , 
which are the very conduits of heaven, which carry all the wi- 
tersof life, and yec they pjfTe them by, minde them not, prize 
them not,tiKfc are not thirfty. If a man were indeed athirft, 
every drop of water would be precious unto him, and if he 
came unco the fprings, he would drink and blelTe his God: lo 
if men were indeed fpiritually athirft, the wacers of life would 
be not flighted , difrcgarded. 
3" 3. Men of eager dt fires after the world, who are thirRie for 

**'* 9 * t fa%L Worldly things (who will p 9 ewu*a»*good?Phl4.6,)whok hearts 
vtrtt. 'are fee on obings below, their great defiresareto be rich and 
greatinthewoild. Why ? Asit isimpoilibletoloveGod,and 
tc love the world ( f any man love the World, the love of the 
Father tinot'wtm, 1 John 2 .15) So it is impollible to third 
for Chrift, and to thirft for the world. That young man y who 
limited fo much ai :er the world 3 he did not, neither would he 
thirll after Cbrrft. All the foul is tsken up with that afcer which 
rh. loul doth thirft; And therefore if your hearts are chirfting, 
if inariiblj lee out and longing for earthly things, there is no 
ibir(lingafter*Chnfti 1. Some complain of too much water. 
2, Strive to flop the Springs and Wells, refufe to drink of the 
waters of life freely offered, becaafc their deiires are carried af- 
ter worldly thing?. 
a 4- (font tinners and refufers of the water j of life : Chrift is 

CortUmaers of offered, and mercy is orTered,and pardon and life is orfered^nd 
xhtroxiin of they refufe it. 

Ufa 2. There are fame who thinly that tlej are fpirituallj Athirft, 

2l f ' but really they arc not: they are in a dr. -am tnat they arc hun- 

s:mctbir^vy.y g ry an d w hen they are awakened, thir foul is empty : And in 

aratbirfli but & ■> * , , J . n ' . r J 

0c wr/ a dream that they are thirlty, but when they are awakened, 

their foul hath no appetite; as thofe, lfa.2<$* 8. 

There are four forts of men who deceive themfelvcs about this 

fpiritual third. 

j ; 1, Such as have only a natural^ occaflonalde fires of 'good things , 

Sucb who bive at a ferrnon, m conference, in a ficknelTe, in a danger , in feares 

9neij a nttuniof 'ofle, and of death : Then rhey lee their finnes, and defire 

$r occafion 1/ fc. 1 ( Knir, to ftvc , DO rn ke their peace, to get God recon- 

fefj / : j - Bui tlK c delires are oflfagain,they iaftnot,they are roc 

n ^' like 

Chap.i. fpir/tna! thirft. 1 1 

1 ke a natural third which QUI holds on, and iatreafetb, change- 
able defires are fa lie, Not Chrift, but themfelves defircd. 

2. Such Whofe defires are, very io\\> and Wca{: Nothing in ^ ^" ^ 
comparifon to earthly crrngs ; faint and indifferent; and can foes arc lov and 
live well enough without Chrift:, or grace, &c, Pray, as if they wwfc, 
prayed not, feck, as if they fought not, not pre fling and infill- 
ing with God ; notwreftiingand ftrtving with him. Are thir- 
ty men indifferent for water. 

3. Such Who are frequent in complaints y but nothing in en- & 
de&vour : complain of hard hearts,an d unbe Jeeving hearrs,and such m are fre~ 
dull hearts, and mindleffe hearts, to a Minifter, to a friend, &c. qutnt in com- 
But never put out themfelves, lie not at the Poole, never ftirre \ hms > m ^ in & 
their hearts, never improve opportunities of grace for Chrifl, www- 
for help and ftrength : do thirfly men do this, Prov* 13. 14? 

7 he (out of the fluggard dcjireth y and hath nothing, Prov. 2t 
25. The defire of the flothful ktlleth him, for his hands refttfe 
to labour : thou chinked: thou (halt be faved becaule thou de- 
fireft Chrift, &c. but this will deceive thee,becaufe thou labour- 
eft not. 

4. Such who can be fat u fed Without Q&itual waters', you 
have fome men that fometimes feeme to be earned for heaven, 4- 

and the things of heaven, for Chrift and the things of Chrift; j™> * ^ ^ 
they cry out, and they enquire, and confulc What fhall we do to fo^^$JJ 
be fjved f They are importunate in prayer for Chrift, and for 
mercy,&c. Andonafudden allthefe troublesenquiries, and 
pains are filenced , and compofed and gone! But how come 
they to be fo? Have they got pofTefiion of Chrift ? No : Pof- 
feflion of mercy ? No : PofTefllon of Gods favour ? No : Pof- 
feffion of renewing grace? No: What is the caufe then of 
this quietnefTe? furely their troubling confeiences are now 
grown quiet confeiences. The guilt of their fins ceafeth to 
wound and vex them for awhile,and therforc their diftreffes are 
at an end. No more need or ufe of Chrift, As the fea, though 
it be the fea ftil,it doth not rage ftil,becanfe the wind and ftorrn 
do not blow ftill ; and by this it appears that they are not in* 
deedfpirituallyathirft : for,as, if a man be reallyathirft, no- 
thing ftills and quiets that appetite, but water; foif a man 
were indeed fpintually athirft, nothing would fill, fatisfie, con- 

C 2 cent 

x 3 Difcoveries of Chap i* 

tent and quiet his foul but the waters of ltfe,nothing but Chrift, 
nothing but Gods favour. 
3« 3. There are fome who are really athirfl ; there is in them 

swutrereiUj a{ iritual thirft indeed. Now there are fixe figncs orcviden- 
signesof ffir'h cencesof a really Ipinruai thirfr. 

tiultbirft. 1. If one be indeed fpiritually sthiift, The heater of life 

1 . is very precious to him : that man hath high thoughf s indeed of 

The Wauts c/ Chrift, he undcr-va!uesall other things, and fuperlatively va- 

lifewillbcprc- j aes chrift, prizes Chrift above all, and will part with all for 

Chrift, Cant. 5. 10. My beloved is the chiefeft among ten thou* 

[dt>d, \cr(c \6. He is altogether lovely and defirow. Phil. 3. 8. 

I count all thingr but loffe for the exceRenty of the tyoVcledge 

of Jefus C^rtf ™J Lord; I do count them but dung that I 

may win (fhrift. 

Vcrfe 9. And be found in him. See the like in David % Tfal. 
73.25. Whom have I in heaven but thee y and there is none up* 
m the earth that I defire be fides thte. 

rfal.4. 6 7 here be many that fay who Will Jhew us any good} 
Lord lift thou up tke light of thy countenance upon us, 

Pfal.63. I. O L^d thou art my God, early will 1 fee^thee, 
9t) foul thirfieth for thee, mj-firfi longeth for thee, 
' Verfe 3. Becattfe thy loving fyndneffe is better then life. 
Why,when a man is thirfty indeed,nothing is of that efteem 
with him as water : His gold, and filver, and lands and houfe 
fhall go for water, to quench his thirft ; fo he that is fpiritually 
athiift, he hath that high efteeme of Chrift, and Divine fa- 
vour, all are nothing to them, and all fhall be forfaken which 
are inconfiftenc with them : He will come up to the price, as he 
in theGofpel, fould all, and bought the pearl. 
2.. 2. If a man be indeed fpiritually athirft, the water of life 

T *f ™Tfl * pUafant to him.above all other, and refrefhingof him. The 
pUAflnt. Gofpelisafwcetfavour,andChriftis fweet. and pleafant. 

You read of Sampfon % that when he was ready to dk for 
thirft, God clave an hollow flace in the jaw »f that bene Which 
he had , and there came water thereout ; and when he had 
drank, his Jptrit came again, wherefore he called the name 
thereof Enbaggore (that is) the Fountahi or Well of him that 
called, or cried, Judg 15. 18, 19. So when a pcrfon is indeed 


Chap, i . Spirit nal tbirft. 1 3 

fpiritually athirfi, and God lets out the water of life, gives him 
Co drink^of the water of that Rock^ which is Chrift 1 • when God 
anfwers his defires (There is the Chrift, There is the mercy, 
there is the peace which you havefo rhirfted after;0 how fweet 
is Chrift ro this thirfty foul IRowfweet is that mercy, and that 
peace,tohis tsfte Tweeter then the honey and the honey- comb, 
This time ht will never forget, Pfil. 13. -5. 1 have trufied in 
thy mercy , my heart (hall rejoyce in thy falvatiox. Verle 6, 
J will Ji »g unto the Lord , becaufe hs hath dealt bourn if ulj 
vctehme* Pfa). 63. 5. My foul [hall be fat isfied as with marro\r> 
So the Church, which after aii her longing, and enquiring, at 
length p>e fcund him whom her foul loved} Why? faith (he, 
1 held him faft znd would net let him go y Cznt. 3,4. O firs 1 
others make nothing of Divine favour, of Chrift, of the Go* 
fpel,of the Ordinances of Chrilt^they have no relifh nor fa? 
vourto them or with them, but all thefe have a pleafant tafte ; 
give out a moftiVeet concent to a thirfting foul: Chrift Jefus 
and mercy is precious, the rejoycing of their hearts. As the 
great Prince who drank but ordinary common puddle water, 
when he was greatly athirft, profelTed that he never drank w3* 
ternor wine more pleallng unto him before: fo Chrift, and 
the Ordinances of Chrift, and anfwers of Grace, and peace 
from Chrift, they are the rejoycing 0; the foul, the life of the 
foul,the onely pleafing pleafures and refrefhings of the foul of 
every one, who isjindeed fpiritually athirft. 

3. If a man be indeed fpiritually athirft, he Uhnmblythan^ .? 

full for the very drops of the water of life. As if one were indeed F( is ^,^/^ 
naturally 2thirft 5 and you give him bur one cup of cold water? thankful fr tks. 
why, he thanks you, and bJelTes you; And I (hall remember this drops of this 
kindneiTe of yours (faith he) as long as I live. So is it if one w,lW# 
be indeed fpiritually athirft, he is exceeding humble, and he is 
exceeding thankful, The dogges eate tht crumbs Which fall 
from their maflers table* She would be thankful for one crumb 
of mercy in like manner; if the Lord give in but one glimpfe 
of his favour, but one beam of Chrift, never fo little of Chrrft, 
nzverfo little of Faith, never fo little of mercy ; Nay, were it 
but any good hope of thefe, the thirfty foul is thankful , and 
bielTeth God who begins to open the fountain, who begins 
with drops of favour and grace. 4. If; 

Difcoverks of Chap.i. 

4. 4. If a man be indeed fpiritually thtffty , nothing fatujiith 
Hotbhg fit if- him bat enjoyment : Although his defires be earneft, yet he is 
fieibbim but noc fatisfied ; his complaints be many, yet he is not Satisfied : 
cnjoj/mcnt. y $ en deavours be great, yet he is nut fatisfied :He enjoy es the 

mears for the water or lire, yet he is not fatisfied; he hath the 
promiie of enjoyment, yet he is not fatisfied ; he mult have 
Chrift himfelf, he mud appear before the Gcd of gods in Sion; 
hemufthear the joyful found ; lie mud tafte how good the 
Lord is, Say unto my [onl then art my [alvation, . T 3 /-/. 119. 
132. Lool$ thou U pon me, and be merciful, as thon ufejl to do 
unto thofe that love thy Name. It is the enjoyment of the per- 
fon himfelf, which the woman defircs : He that is rightly a- 
thirft, delires Chrift, for Chrift, and all the Ordinances arc de- 
fired in a fubferviant relation unto Chrift: And all duties are 
performed for to enjoy Chrift, He refts not in Ordinances nor 

5. 5. If a man be indeed fpiritually athirft, a little will not 
A little will not fufficc him \ a little water will not fufficewhenoneisthirfty, 
jufae bim. j )Ut t ^ at jj tt | c m ^ QS tne man t0 Ianguifh for more. A Chriftian 

thinks, could I but get fome hope that God would be my God, 
that mercy fhould be mine, that Chrift would be mine,! fhould 
then be at reft ; But when he hath got thofe hopes, he is not 
at rcfl : O but could I yet have an enjoyment of God in Chrift, 
then I (hould be fatisfied ; And when he bath got that , he is 
not yet at reft; But could I take but faft hold of Chrift ; But 
coula^ be afTureddiat Chrift were my Chrift: Neither yet is 
he fatisfied, but could I be fully allured; nor in this doth he 
reft : But might I for ever be allured 1 But might I fully enjoy 
Chrift alone; But might I be with my Chrift in heaven. Ofirs; 
The fpiritually thirfty foul is never fatisfied with that which fa- 
tisfies, until it can fully enjoy that which fatisfus : One fweet 
tafte begets the dcllre of another , and that another. Paul 
faith / have not yet attained. Grace, more Grace,nor all Grace 
will not fatisHe it, till all Grace be turned into Glory. Any 
being in Chrift, afturance of being in Chrift, growing in Chrift, 
all this will not fatisfie till we come to be with Chrift for ever 
in heaven : And all that God gives and manifefts of himfe[f in 
this life will not fatisfie us untill we enjoy himfelf in perfect 
and eternal bleiTednefle. <5. If 

Chap.i. JpirHnal thirji. 1 S 

6\ If a perfon bz (piritually athirft, he tkinkj the time long 6. 
until he may drinks of the waters of life , Pfal. 119,81. My u . e *M*h *fc 
foul longeth for thy fa! vat ion. Verie 82. Mine eyes fade for ™™ l ™f «'«*« 
thy Word, faying) Vphen wilt thou comfort me} - 

Pfal. 6.2, Have mercy upon me } Lord, for 1 am weak?* 
O Lord heale me, for my hr.es are vexed. Verfe 3. My joul 
alfo is fore vix:&\ 'But thou Lord , how long ? The poor 
thirfty (inner goes from one Ordinance unco another , from 
one Well unto another ; and if the water come not out, he 
goes home and fighs, and weeps, and cries out, as David,i>i2\* 
13. 1, How long wilt thou forget me, Q Lord, for ever ? How 
long wilt thou hid* thy face from me f Verfe 2. How long 
fhatl I take ccunfel in my foul ? having forrew in my heart. 
He thinks every hour a week, and every day a year; and (till 
he attends, and (till hepraycs. O that God would (hew me 
mercy >0 that God would give me Chrift, Othat God would 
give me an anfwer of peace ; O when will God deal merciful- 
ly with my foul ? when (hall mydefiresbe anfwered ? when 
fhall my longing, thirfty foul be fatisfied ? 


HE re is a word of comfort unto aU fpiritually thirfly (inner s -jjf e 2 ' 
this day : There be four comforts which may refrefli 
your fouls. Four comfort**, 

1. The way is optn to Chrift^ and y em are on the way to ^ *\ 

t. • /~>» n. -cr r T/i> way 1S Open 

htm : you are in Chnfls commimon : you fee you may come toC hrifv. 
to the waters and drink : you are the perfons on whom Chrift 
hath a tender eye of compaflion: The bruifed reed, the heavy 
laden. The thirfty fouls are the particular obje&s of Chrifts 
tender compafiions, 

2. You have that held out unto you which may encourage 2 . 

you to come to Chrift ' Mark, how he provides waters for you, rou hue mmj 
and mark how earneftly he invites you : and ma' k how graci- wcourjgemati 
ouflyheencourageth you to cpme and drink, come and take t0 cgm * 
the water of life freely, 

3. Yoa 

1 6 ObjeStions of doubting fouls Chap.c 

3 . 3. You have the real beginnings of a fyiritual life in you : This 

Tiubiicibcrc-tWirft comes from fpiritual life, although you knowitnoc. 

ai beginnings jhefe thitdings are nothing elfc but the longings of precious 

cfjpintiu 'V^ faith within your heart: ji s neve borne babes defire the fmcerc 

tnilke of the iVord,&c. 1 Pet. 2. 2. The little living babe de- 

fires the bread, and did it not live, it could not fo defire the 

bread. True grace lives in defire and thirftings for grace, and 

fo doch true faith in thirding for Chrifr> as well as in rejoycing 


4- 4. Tour thirftings are not in vainc: There are waters for 

four '^^^you a nd enough in them to fill you, and you (hall have them: 
arc not in\'Atu.+ n . L . . ° , , It*/ 1 r * r 

Blejfea are they that hunger and tbtrfl after rtghteoufnefje^ for 

they {hall bs filled, Matth. 5.6 Here arc four Iwect comforts 

for youin this one verfe, youare blefted whodo third, every 

one that thirds is bleiTed, you have apromifethat you (hall be 

filled, not fup, or taftc, but be filled ; and Chrid hinV'elf pro- 

nounceth this bleffing, and gives you this promife, He who is 

Truth it felf, the Amen, and in Vehomallthe promi/es a^e^Tea 

and Amen. You are in a blefled condition for the prefenr, and 

you are affured of filling and fatisfying for the future ^ As D*» 

Wfpakeoftruding, that fay I of thirding, Pfal. y_. 8. They 

{hill be abundantly fat'ufied with the fulneffe of thy houfe, and 

tho* Jhalt make them drink of the river of thy pleafttre. 

Objett. But here it isobjefted by fome tender and doubting fouls ; 

Thcfe comforts belong not unto us , becaufc our thirftings are 

not right thirftings : Why fo ? for, 

1. They are not ftrong and earned defires. 

2. They ar* not (0 vehement as heretofore! 

3. Sometimes they are ftrong and high,but many times they 
are but weak and low, and faint. 

4. God as yet hath not anfwered us in fatisfying our fouls, 
which he would do, if fo be our thirftingdefires were right, 

5. However the anfwers are fo little, that our thirftings dill 
abide with us. 

I (hall endeavour briefly to fay a few things to thcfe fcru- 

ObyEt.i. P Ie5 - 
Cur tbtrftingr You fay that your thirftings are not right fpirirtnl third* 
in notftreng ings, becaufe tbej art not ftro*g, and earneft i for fo are fpiritual 
•** weft, thirftings. To 

Chap,£. anfaered 17 

Tothislanfwer. Set. 

1. If this be really fo 9 then thy thirfings are not right j I. 

for there is alwayes ftrength and earneftnefle of defires in fpi- if this be mlij 
ritual thirfts : fpirituai thirfb are not lazie wifhes, nor indiffe- f°> ^ ™J^ 
rent, formal, lukewarme requefts ; there is alwayes an edge r; |^ t 
upon that fpirituai appetite, which we call thirfting. 

2. But perhaps jou are miftaken : whatfoevcr your pre- 2. 
fcnt opinion is of your felf; if yet three things maybe found Wc my fewa* 
in your foul, a flu redly you are come unto this fpirituai thii fling. that tbe ? are 

1 ♦ If the greatest wants be fpirituai wants : Lord God what 
wilt thou give we feeing I go childleffe ? laid Abraham, Gen. jr ^ ~ rate ft 
15.2. Solordwhatavailesme allthewoild/eeingl go Ch rift- wms be>fpiri. 
leflef No want to me like the want of thy felf, and of thy tud wants. 

2. // you will n%% be denied : I will not let thee go except thou 

blejfe me, Gen. 32. 26. This (hewed that Jacobs defires was ifjcuwiU not 
ftrong and earned : Let me alone faid God to Mofes , but Mo- be denied, 
fes would not let him alone, Exod. 32. 10, This (hewed his dc- 
fire to be ftrong and earned. The Woman of Canaan , who re- 
newed and reinforced her requeft to requeft, after filence, and 
after difcouragemcnts,that (hewed her defires to be very ftrong 
and earned; Why? If it be thus with you, that you can and 
do keep up your (uit with God, you keep not filence, nor give 
him no reft, ftill your defires are before him ; There is not a 
day but you are crying out, Lord help me, Lord hear me , Lord 
give me Chrift ! Why hideft thou thy face, hear, and hearken, 
make thy face to (hine upon my foul for the Lords fake. 
Afluredly this is thirfting, here are ftrong and earned defires. 

3. If J9H lie Jfill at the Poole : If you be ftill waiting and ifyeuliefHUa 
expecting ; If you ftill come to the Wells of water, hearkning'^ Toole. 
what God the Lord will fpeak unto you ; when he will anfwer 

the defires of y< ur fou's : when you attend hi.n at every dore, 
and in every going forth of his Spirit, in every Ordnance of 
Chrift, and Grace, and Mercy. Now is it not thus with you? 
Have you no wan r s upon you, no fpecial wants ? And are not 
thofe your fpirituai wants? And do you not make to God foe 
chis fupply ? will you be denied/* can you be fo contented? 
Are you not ftill wanting, and looking up,and hearkning. 

D But 

t8 Objections of Chap 1. 

2. Objetl. But oar de fires and thirft s heretofore have been exceeding ve- 

Tbeir dcjires are h'.mtrt : 0,what Applications and drongcries,and teares,and 
vot fo vehement wre Qlings .' But thus it is not with us at prefect- and vanifh'ng 
" bc f ore ' thirds are no true thirds. 

Sol % I anfwer feverai things to this* 

3. i. You muddidingui(h(if I may foexprcfle my fel ) twixt 

Viflinguifb be- Legal thirft and Evangelical thirft. 

txcixt . - The Legal thirft s, are thofe vehement and paflionate e'efires. 

Legal t.nrjti. ra !f ec j j fl a f inner f rom t | ie ex q U ifice fenfe of guilt and wrath in 

the conference, and they are like the thirds of a man in a Fever, 
very violent and impatient : O, this (inner cries out for Chrtft 
and mercy,! cannot be eafed without them,and I (ball be damn- 
ed if I have them not. 
. Ihe Evangelical thirfts^re drong and ferious defires, and 

tofrfts ^k are "^ kv faith, and grounded upoiPthe promifes : and 

thefe are like the thirds of a man in health, which are fervent, 
but not fo turbulent, becaufe he knowes where waters areto 
quench his third. Perhaps heretofore thy thirds were onely 
kgal thirds, thirds onely of an^uifhed confeience, thirds onely 
for eafe (rhou wad in a feaver, thou wad on the rack) and thou 
wad earned for Chrid and Mercy ; but all thefe came from felf- 
Jove.- And indeed thoudidd look on thc£e only as means of pre- 
fenl Qdk, not as cures of thy finful condition, but only as helps 
out of thy angui(hed condition. But are there no: now in thee 
other toirds ; Evangelical thirds,earneft defires after Chrift and 
the thing; of Chrift, from a clearer manifedation of the excel- 
lencies of Chnd, and of the riches of Grace in Chrid ? and of 
the promifes to give thefe to the foul that feeks them early and 
diligently. If there may be found in you, although they have 
not in them fo much tuibulency and ienfible vehemency, yet 
they are the bed kindc of fpiritual thirds in their nature, and 
in their end ; thefe come from a principle of life, and thefe car- 
ry you out to Chrid himfelf for himfelf. 

2. That our thirds are not fuch as heretofore, this may arife 
Decaff fpiri- either from, I. A real decay and didemper. 2. "Or particu- 
iHaitbirft, miyhr anfwer. 3. Or neceiTicy of a progreiTe to fuller enjoy- 
grife,frm ments. 

spiritual di- , Sometimes our fpiritual thirfts are not fuch as heretofore; 

ftempcr. Jr J 


Chap.!. dotting fouls anfwered. 19 

Becaufe there is a fpititualdecay and di slemper in *a.*therc is fome 
difeafe and diftcmper in the foul : Sicknefl'e weakens the appe- 
tite : your hearts may be lulling after forbidden fruit, you may 
be liking fome finful lufts and objects; and then no marvel that 
your fpiritual thirft is altered, Chrift, and the things of Chrift: 
are not of that wonted relifh with us, nor efteeme with us, 
whiles we furter (inful affections and defires to plea r e and con- 
tent us ; as fweet fa wees puts the mouth out of relifh : or per- 
haps your hearts areenfnared with worldly objects , you are 
fallen into the tea, tumbling in earthly pleafures, or too eager- 
ly purfuing earthly profits; and thefe things wiil certainly dull, 
and weaken, and abate your thirfting after fpiritual things; as 
feeding upon trafti takes away the appetite to wholefome 

Or elfe you are fallen into fpiritual pride, conceitedncffe,ful- 
nes; & this will breed flacknes and negligence towards fpiritual 
Ordinances and Communions : And hence arifeth an univerfal 
weaknefle in all the fpiritual frame both of grace and affections- 
Now if all thefe, or any of thefe (hould be the c.*ufe of the al- 
teration of your fpiritual thirfts, verily you have caufe to be 
humbled, and to repent, and fpeedily, and earneftly to feek un- 
to the Lord to recover you out of thefe fnares of the Devil. 

2. But fometimesour fpirituil thirfts are not fuch as here- % e cau[e of Di- 
tofore , becaufe of divine and graciow anfwtrs. God. hath vine a d graci- 
heard the defire of your fouls, and granted the fpiritual mercies ou * anfmrs, m 
which your fouls longed for ; jou have found him whom your 

fouls have loved and fought , Cant. 3. 4* and you have found 
mercy, and peace : God hath fpoken peace unto you, and (hew- 
ed mercy to you: And now who fliould wonder that the Hone 
(when its come to the center) fhou'<d reft? Return unto thy reft 
O my foul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee, Pfal. 
11 '5. 7. When the thirfty man hath found water, and drunk 
freely of it, his thirft is flacked; when you come to the en- 
joyments , now you have caufe of delights and joy and blef- 
fings ; as, when you were in your wants,you had rcafon of faith 
and thirfting. ' 

3. Anihay % TbetMrflsof4 Chriftian mufl be univerfal/XSlr^ 
*ni not onelj particular; Although you do not finde fuch a unherftl] 

D 2 thirft 

qo ObjeStions of doubting fouls Chap.i 

third as heretofore to one and the fame fpiritaal obje& ; yet if 
the thirft be now converfant about another fpiritual objcS 
(perhapsj more proper and finable to your age and condition 
in Chrift, there's no prejudice to you at all: When one is an 
infant, his defires are formilke, and when he is of more aoe, 
his defires are for meat, but ftill tbe defires are for prefervation 
of life : when one is in health, his dtfires arc for one thing, and 
whenheisfick, his defires arc for another thing, according to 
his prefent ftate and condition. Thus is it with a Chriftian when 
but young and weak : O a Chrift, O for mercie, O for com- 
fort : But when ftrong and growing, then as earned for power 
againft ilns,vi<!tory over temptations, ftrength and Efficiencies 
to live by faith to deny himfelf, to overcome the world, to ex- 
alt the will of God, and the graces of Chrift pafiively and a- 
dively : So then the fpiritual thirft^may ftill remain ftrong up* 
on the foul, although not fo as to one and the fame objed; for* 
afmuch as the fpiritual condition of the ioul requires a remo- 
ving of the thirft from one to another objed , though ftill on 
Chrift, yet for feveral things in Chrift for your further en- 
joyment and help and perfection. 
Oh'jeB.i, 3, But what think you of my condition, wherein fomet'mes 
There is not a m y deftrrs for fpiritual things are very high and ftrong ; And 

%tnthcTd^ at otloer tlmes ver ? toW > and * e *^ a " d fl at } In thirning, there 

p TU9 is a conftant equality ; when doth not the thirfly man earneft- 

\y defire waters until he hath water ? It is not fo with my foul,. 

therefore my fpiritual thirftings are not right. 

Sol. As the cafe may be with your fouls, your thirflings may be 

There my be an r jg nt f or a || this :There are divers reafons of the inequa- 

feahilVi per- ,itie > not one, y of actions, but alfo of afledions in perfons tru> 

fans truly goodly good. » 

j. 1. One caufe may be the incqHal influence of the Spirit if 

From tbe une- C^° rt fl > who is a prudent and arbitrarieagent 3 and fomctimes 
f«j//n/(«wcefbeispleafed toaflift- excite, quicken , draw out your hearts 
the fp int. more, and fometimes JeiTe. And certainly your fpiritual af- 
fections and defires are ftronger or weaker as his inflamential 
prcfence is more or lefTe with you : The fhip goes fafter or flow- 
er, according to the ftrcngth or weaknefle of the winde. Thus 
it is with the Chriftian, he is more or Idle in a&ion, and in af- 

Chap., i. anftvered. 31 

fe&ion, as the Spirit of Chriftblowes upon his heart and 

2. Another caufe may be , the unequal ufe of your faith : 2. 
your fpiritual tbirfts ever keep proportion witb your faith : \f From the une- 
faithbe ftrong tbey.are ftrong; If faith be weak, they are weak ; l™ b y °^ owr 
As Peter upon the water, The more youcan beleeve the promifes f 

of God, the more ftrong and earneft your defires will be ;and 
thelefleyou do be!eeve,the more weak will youraffe&ions be. 
Now the Chriftian fometimes is more llrong in faith,and fome- 
times he is more diftruftful, and hence it is that he is unequal 
in the meafure of fpiritual thirfting. 

3. A third caufe may be an unequal apprehenfion »f our /pi* 
ritual rvan f s : Of them you have fometimes a more ferious,deep, 3 ; 
fenfible, powerful apprehenfion, and now ycur hearts burft out * r ™ ** *J£, 
with teares, and prayers, and importunities, and fometimes the| „ offriritud 
perfonal apprehenftons ofyourfpiritual wants are more gene- mnts. 

ra,l common, flat, and indifferent; and anfwerable unto thofe 
will your defires be. If you had a more con{tant,fixed,fokme 
and ferious apprehenfion of the wants either of Chrift, or the 
things of Chrift, you would finde a more confhnt equality of 
ftrong affedions after them. 

4. A fourth caufe may be either, the damps of melancholy, or 4, 

the preffures of temptations which do marvelloufly interrupt, From the dmps 
anddifquict,anddiftra&the heart of a Chriftian , and keep l{% lmh ?^„ 
down the powers and effects of grace for awhile. But then not-^f^// m ~ 
withftanding this inequality, there are three things which (hew 
that there is a right thirfting in you. 

X. Your thirfl holds on ftiH, though not alftayes in the fame Netwhbftitid. 
degree : As Auflin faid of hirofelf, fometimes I beleeved more i*g*bis intqu&> 
ftrongiy, and fometimes I beleeved more weakly, but frill I be- fh ° h " r J hir fi 
leeved ; fo the found Chriftian can fay.fometimes I thirft more ""* ' 
fervently ,. and fometimes I thirft more faintly, but ftill I 

Pfal.lj. 4. One thing have 1 defired of the Lord % thatMll^ r ^ h ° ldi 
1 feek after, that 1 maj dwell in the houfe of the Lord. 

2. When they fall lew, yet they re/l not there : you fearch men they fall 
and enquire, why is it thus ? you return, and pray, and heare, low.ytt tbeyrc/ft 
and never give over until God hath quickned your hearts i.M*bcrc. 


sa Objections of Chap.i. 

gaiDjUntil he hath revived and enlarged the defires of your fouls 

tel'fidbe ihn 3- Yea ' and th *y muf * bc ^cisfied.bc they more or leiTe,higher 
more or We. or lower,yet,as rberiver ftill runs towards the fea,and rcfts not 

until it fals into it, fo ; &c. 
4. Object. If my thirflings had been right, Qod ftofi/J fere this ) have 

Ifmy xhir flings anfwtre A me in the f-itufying of my defires : Is not his promife 
baibcm fight, io T b dt t foj Ufa hunger and tlotrft after riohtecufneffe (ball 

vfwercimt. hf*t"fM- 

Sol. tor this remember. 

l% 1. ItAf not far jo/4 to fet god time:)o\x may be earned - , 

jt is not for you but you muft not be impatient : That God who had goodnejfe 

to fa Gods time enough to make a promife ; hath ftifdome enough to take the 

fictcfttime to performc it. May no: a man really thirft, who 

yet findes no water? 

2. 2. Though you have nor the nercie after which you thirft, 

It is a grat yet it id a great mercy that God gives you an heart to thirft 

mercy ibx God a j. er , r< tile/fed are they that hunger and thirft after right e- 

fo7irTJcX c "f ne ft f * Ic is a Wcffedneffi to enjoy , yea and a blefTedneiTe to 

rJ * j defire. 

3. Tour waters are fare : Ifa. 33. 1 6. Therefore be not Co 
<r m Jllcrs Are impatient: Never did any foul die of this thirft : If God faith 
r urCt that youfhallbefatisfied.you hive then reafon ftin to thirft 

and to condemne your unbclceving hearts, for qucftioning the 
promife of God. 
4. 4. I f God will let you know that your thirds are trucly fpi- 

Tbisis fpiritu- ritual, what need you to be angry? and by this he difcovers un- 
tlthirfl tocon. to your felves the truth of thofe thirftings, in that, though he 
\7tTr delays ^ ^ a 7 es t0 f**"P e 7°"> 1 et ]™ r hearts continue thirsting until 
they be fatisfied. Cant. 3.1. / (ought him vehem nsy foul lo- 
ved, &c. Verfe 2. / rvill fee\^ him whom my (out loveth. 

Pfa!. 123. 2. Our eyes trait upon the Lord our God until that 
he have mercy upon hs, 

TheJalcrsviU & A f ter yet4f igfl K ibir fii*ts % the waters will be poured 

bemortjweet OUtuponyou, and they W/// be the more facet unto you, by 

unto you. how much the longer you have waited for them. O, a Ob rift 

at length, and reconciled favour at length. and pardoning raery 

at length after many groans, and fighs, and tears, and prayers, 

+ and 

Chap.i. doubting fouls anfaered. 2 J 

and waitings, will be as heaven unco your fouls: Likerainein 
feafon to the thirfty ground : They will be the more prized, the 
more preferved, the more welcomed, with joy and blefiing,and 
kept with the more care of fpiritual improvement, &c. . . 

but it u fo little wherein Ocd an freer s my tkirfting foul: ?' y.. ' 
Where is the filling and fatisfying j> wblrein Goi 

1 anfwer. anfwer s in 
Thy fcmples are novo fat u fie d : for, by this it appears that tbirfting. 

thy thirftings arc right, for a little fatufies thee net. O Chri- $ C I- 
ftian, although God gives not unto thee in this life to rill up *• 

themeafure of thy fpiri:ualdefires, yet he gives unto thee fuch Tb s my fitif- 
defires as would extend themfelves to the meafures of all the-^' J * cru t "' 
goodneile which he hath promifed. There is infinite, good 
which God hath promifed, and there is an infinite defire, (a 
boundleffc defire, an unfatisficd defire) in the fouls of a true 
£hriftian, until he attains unto all that wonderful love mercie, 
goodnefle, happineffe which God hath promifed to beftow on 

But then know that there is a threefold filling or fatisfying 2 . 
of the thirfty foul. There's a three* 

1. A filling of conveniency to onr particular condition : this fold filling. 

is particular, and is die convenient fupply of thy wants, and de- Of conveniency^ 
fires: God fo fils and fatisfies you this way, thatyou may (till 
hunger, and (till third: : He doth not intend in this Jife,fo to fill 
you, as to takeoffyour defires, but foas to encreafe, and en- 
large your defires ; not as much as you can defire, but fo much 
as is fit for you at this time to whet and keep up your defires. 

2. A pling by fttccejfton and de greet one want after ano- Offucceffion* 
then He fo fills you, that he is ftili filling of you; fo anfwers 

you, tha^ you may be (till asking, one draught , and then ano- 
ther draught ; if you thirft often,you Hiall be filled often. 

3. A filling of quictation : giving a perfed reft to the de- Ofquietation,. 
fires and motion? of the foul ; this is univerfal, compleat , ac 

once and for ever : This filling (hall be your filling in glory, 
where there (hall be no want more, and no thirfting more,your 
fouls then and there (hall have perfect and everlafting fulnefle 
and reft. 


24 Objections of doubting fouls Chap, 


%jf e 2. TS Jefus Chrift fo tender unto, and fo earned with thirfty fin- 
Striveio be fuc f j JLners to come unto the waters > Then ftrive to be fuch tbir- 
thirjlj/ jinncrs. ty fmner /, whom Chrift doth fo graciouily invite unto himfelf, 
and to the waters of life. 

For the carrying on this exhortation, I will (hew you three 
£ueft- i. ■• What the caufes are why many Tinners are not fpiritual- 

Tbcuufcs of ly athirft. 

wmoffpiritu- 3# The motives to pcrfwade us to get this fpiritual thirfti- 
ttbirft. ncffe# 

3. The means and wayes how a finner may come into this 
condition of fpiritual tbirfting. 

1 . What the Caufet are why many finners arc not fpiritual- 

ly athirft. 

Sol. T here are fix principal causes or reafons of it, 

1. 1. /gH0r4»c*,fpiritual ignorance, is the caufe why finners are 

Ignormc. not fpiritually thirfty , we truly fay , that Ignoti null* cupido, 

what we know not, that we defire not, John 4. 10. feftu faid 

unto the noman of Samaria, If thou kmreft the gift of God, 

and who it id that faith Unto thee give me to drin^tbeu would- 

eft have dskfd of bim , aud he would have given thee living 

water : Mark, (he did not asfy, becaufeftiedid not^rtfe (lie 

knew not Chrift, what a gift of God Chrift was, nor the living 

water which Chrift had to give : If fhe had known thee, (he 

would have asked. Sinners do hear of a Chrift , andfpeakof 

a Chrift, but they do not know this Chrift, they do not know 

that Chrift is their onely life ; their oncly rightcoufnelTe; their 

onely falvation ; their onely peace; their onely hope; their 

onely help; their one'y happinefle; that wrath and death are on 

them for ever,if they get notChriftjThat their eternal life lies in 

their enjoyment of Chrift; And hence it is that their defire$ are 

not after him,that their fouls thirft not for hinvWe may preach 

Chnft allourdayes,and you may hear of Chrift nil your Ives; 

but if the glories of Grift, and the things of Chi ift be hid from 

youreyts, if you get not the knowledge of the excellencies of 


Chap, i . anftvered o £ 

Chrift, your hearts will never breakout into longings and 

2, Vnfenftblcnefje of heart : fpiritual unfenfiblenefTe is the 2 . 
reafen why finners have no Spiritual ihirftinefTe, they are un- irnfev/ibiheffc 
fenfibleoi their fins and finful condition, of bean. 

Tis true ! men will fay that they are Tinners. Objeft. 

But it is one thing to fay that we are finners, and it is another So/. 
thing co be rightly lenfible of our fins. 

There are three things in a right fenfe or apprehenfion of our 4 right fenfe of 
fins. *»• 

1. It is per (oval: the finner fees his own fins ; Thus have I Perfonal, 
finned, rhis evil have I done 

2. It is (olid and full : The finner fees the finfulncfle of bis Sclid - 
finnes, the iniquity of his iniquities, how accurfed of God his 
finnes are, and his foul is, for thofc finnes : if fte fit here vVf 
perifi 9 faid the Lepers. 

3. It is experimental: his foul doth finde it an ev'd and bit- Experimental. 
ter thing, thus to finne ; his finnes fall back into his confciencc, 

with the wrath of God for them, which wounds and burns like 
the fire of hell within him. If finners were thus fenfible of their 
finnes, their defires would rife after Chrift ; what [hall Voe do % 
faid thofe rightly fenfible humbled finners in Atts 2.37. What 
Jhall I do to be favedl faid he in Acts 16. 30. when* the Ifra- 
c/ites were firing With the fiery Serpent , then they looked af- 
ter the brazen Serpent: But few finners are thus fenfible : we 
fee other mens fins, but not our own; we fee our own finnes as 
pleafing fruit, but not as forbidden and accurfed fruit; we fee 
fins by a light in our judgments, but not with any bitter expe* 
riencein our confeiences ; and therefore we are quiet, we fie 
ftill, we pant not after Chrift : a bounded finner will third for 
Chrift, an hardned finner will not do fo> 

3. Self deceit : There are three felf-deceits which hinder 
men fcom a fpiritual third after Chrift. and the living waters by 

chcifi. / * nllT: 

1. One is, that their fyiritual condition is goody when indeed ce ; r t € s / e ' 
ot is naught : This was thefelf-deceit in the Laodiceans, who That their fpi. 
thought themfelves rich., and increafed, and to fland in need of ritual condition 
nothing, and therefore they did not go to Chrift to buy of him ? g° od ^hen a 

E gold, 


a 6 Can fes of want Chap 1. 

gold, and rajmtnt, and eye-falve^c\,^. 17,18* And this was 
the fclf-deceit of the Scribes and Phariftes, of whom Chrift 
fpake {the whole need not the Thyfician^ihcy thought themfelves 
' whole, and found their condition to be righteous, and not to 
need a Chrift, or faith in Cbriftjand therefore they never third* 
ed for Chrift: If you have Cifterns of your own, you will ne- 
ver go to the fountain of living water. 
Tbtttkcy thirft, 2 A fecond is, That they do thirft, -when indeed they never 
when thy do not t bj r ft . Becauie they fay their prayers, becaufe they come and 
hear the Word, becaufe they fomctimcs have fome kinde of de* 
fires and wifhes after good things : although thofc duties be 
but formal and perfunftoty ; although thofe defires be but 
flight and temporary, never ferious nor induftrious, nor perma- 
nent, until Chrift and Grace be enjoyed , yet with thefe they 
cheat their fouls ; as if it were not Chrift himfelf, but a few cold 
defires after Chrift which would fave them: or is if any kind of 
defires were this fpiritual thirfting, which is of all defires the 
mod high, the moft longing, the moft active and unfacisfied 
without the enjoyment of Chrift, and Grace, and Mercic. 

3. A third is, That they can by their orvn ftrength thirft 
Tbit they an when they villi This is that which undoes thoufands of (inners, 
tbirftwben tbey they think that they have Chrift, and Mercy at their own com- 
»#• mand; and they have faith and repentance at their own com- 

mand, and they have fpiritual wils and affections at th^ir own 
Objetl. ]t i« but to thirft and defire, and Chrift faies come, indeed he 

doth fay come, to him that is athirft. 
SoU O but whofe work is that ? what power is that, from which 

a fpiritual thirft muft come? Not thine own power , but the 
power of the Almighty God , It u he that mt*ft tverl^ in you 
to will and todojou are not fufficient of your felves to thtnl^ any 
thing that is good much lefle to thirft after that which is good. 
4- 4. Other fatufattions : Sinful men choofe unto themfelves 

lions other ob i e6ts thc " Chrifl ' and the thin 8 s of Chrift , and thofe 

do content and fatisfie their hearts, and therefore they come 
not to be fpiritually athirft. It is a verie truth that every man 
hath his appetite, and that he chufethunto himfelf a proper ob- 
ject, in which alone his appetite takes facisfadion and reft s this 


Cfxap.i. ofjpiritual thirfi. 27 

is that which excites, drawes out, and fills uphisdefires :Now 
finful men have already pitched upon other obje&s for their 
defires, and with thefe are they filled and fatisfied ; fome with 
one finne, and fome with another finne : Hereds heart is fatif- 
fied with his Her odias^t labels heart is fatisfied with her pride 
and painting : The young mans heart was fatisfied with his riches. 
Thofein/c^w, their hearts were fatisfied with the honour of 
men : Sinful objects , and worldly obje&s have gained the 
hearts of men, and wich thefe are they actually fatisfied , and 
therefore they third not after Chrift. 

Vnbelief: This is the death of the foul, and the grave of all 
fpiritualafteftions; an unbeleeving heart cannot love Chrift, Uu ^ e } 
nor joy in Chrift, nor defire Chrift. u € tc *' 

There is a fourfold unbelief: r. Of the threatnwgs of the 
GojpeL 2* Of the promifes of the Go/pel. 3. Of the com- 
mands of the GojpeL And laftly of Chrift offered fo the Gojpel, 
when men do not look upon him as of that worth, need „ and 
ufe to afoul as is held forth in tbeGofpel, and this laft is a 
maine kindcrance to our fpiricual thirft. If aperfon would 
come to be fpirituaily thirfty , he muft 1 . See a perfonal need of 
Chrift for his foul. 2. See the precious worth and excellencies 
of Chrift, his furpafling worth. 3, Take paines, and be wil- 
ling to part with all for Chrift : but unbelief deprives us of the 
right fenfe of the need of Chrift, and makes Chrift of no worth 
orefteeraewithus; and is fo farre from putting out vigorous 
endeavours for Chrift, that it makes us totally carelefTc , nav, 
fooliih, nay, abfurd to refufe Chrift when offered freely un- 
to us with all his glory; had it not been for this one finne of 
unbelief, we had not onely defired Chrift, but we had alfo en* 
joyed Chrift long ago. 

llegletl of jpiritual Ordinances , and flighting of .them. The & 

Ordinances of Chrift efpecialiy, the preaching of the Gofpel is Neglcft of fpi- 
the meanes to work in our hearts thofe great ipiritual thitfts for riml &***** 
Chrift ; they are the meanes to make you (enfibleof ail your 
foul wants: To render Chrift altogether lovely and defirable, 
to convey a fpiritual life unto you, to draw out your hearts, 
and to fill you with earneft defires to enjoy the Lordjefus 
Chrift, and to quicken, and to ftrengthen and uphold thole de* 

E 2 fires, 

28 Canfes of want of fpiritual thirji. Chap.i 

fires, and all this we do finde to be experimentally true, who 
are bcleevers : NUy, fo forcible is the Miniftry of theGofpel, 
that even in very wicked men, Come kinds of defires are kndied 
by \z j But many tinners decline and negleft the Miniftry of 
the Gofpel, they will not he ar ic ; and many profane Athcifts 
dchear it, with fcorne, and contempt, and therefore God juft- 
ly leaves them to their own hearts luftsand to the powers of 
Queft. 2. What are the Motives to perfwade us toftrivetobe made 

fpiritually athiril? 
, $ i t There are four Motives which I would ferioufly prefent unto 

you for this. 
Motives tofpi- Your condition is (xtrtmcly fad, till this fpiritual thir ft be 
Titultbirfi. wr0U ght in you : For 

*,. . I. Tou are unqueftionably Wricked and unconverted. Spi- 

without ti is ritual thirfts , are the firft breathings of Jpirstual life : The 

fid, fat firft evidence of a new creature. Renewing grace begins fiift 

such at want it in thetenfeof ourwants, and in defire of help, new-borne 

*w un $l e $ i9ii ~ tabes defire the milkc. And as they are the firft appearings, fo 

i ywic^ci. ^^ afe ^ i Qrfie p A ^ eAY \ngs\ the br*i[ed reed, and the fmoak^ 

ing flaxe are the loweftof all gracious teftimonies, a mourn* 

ful fenfc, and unfamed defire ; can you pofiibly fall lower then 

thefe ? Is it any way probable that any real work of grace is 

begun in that mans foul, who hath not fo much as a fenfe of his 

Want of Grace, or true defire after it ? 

2. You can have no hope of Ckrift y or mercy, or falvation, 
Such hive no U nlefTe you be fpiritually athirft : Ic is but an irrational and fil- 
bepcjofcbnjt. jy prefumption, to fancie that Chriflrwill be our Saviour, and 
yet we do not fo much as cordially defire to enjoy Chrift 1 Or 
that God will mercifully pardon our fins, and yet we have no 
fpiritual defires to enjoy him as a reconciled and pardoning 
God! Or that our fouls fliall come to heaven, and yet we do 
notthirftingly defire to come to heaven. 
2. 2. There is not fuch an cbjeft in all the world which is fo 

There is no oh- de fir able for it (elf, and for your [elves , M is C^ ri ? 1'fa* • He 
Ji8 l9dcfinbic.it mod dc(irable for himfelf he is altogether lovely and de- 
ferable; nothing in him but it is excellent, precious, perfed in 
his graces, love, mercie 5 righteoufneflc, life, &c. For your 


Chap. . i . Motives to ftiritual thirji . Q 9 

[elves ; He is, i. Your fouls good : 2. The only foul good, 
nothing for the foul but Chrift. 3. The All fouls good, 
hope for your loft.fouls, life for your dead fouls, pardon for of- 
fending fouls^omfort for diftreffed fouls.and all-fufficitncie for 
needy fouls ; a good for ourfouls to all eternity. 3. 

3. If you^ould once come to be thirfty, all thebufineflefor jUtbebufincfli 
falvation would go forward, every wheele would move, you f or ff va ? * 
would be acting co purpofe for your immortal fouls ; the King- ^ r ^° 
dome of heaven would juffer violence , what importunities , 

what wreftlings would there be ? what would you not do,you 
would be ready for every good work? How would your hearts 
pray? How would your hearts be fixed and enlarged? How 
converfant would you be in the Scripture > How diligent at 
the Ordinances ? How abundant in Chriftian conferences ? O 
what delight in fpirituai opportunities, and heavenly commu- 
nions ? You would ftili be at heaven, your thoughts would frill 
be on Chrift, Mercie, and Grace, and falvation would be rnoft 
precious, delightful and acceptable unto your fouls, and all 
your endeavor would be ferious,you would defire and not faint. 

4. Spiritual tbirfts are very ]> leafing unto God , and fiaS 4. 
affttredlj be anfrvered. He will not brea\ the brut fed reed^ nor Spir'tual thirfi* 
quench the [moaking flax : He W/7/ bear the defires of the hum- a ' c pktfin&tQ 
ble. How well pleafed is God when a diftrefled (inner flies up ° ' 

unto him in tears and cries, when he ajk*,anti feeks,and knocks, 
when he will not be filent, when he will give the Lord no reft ; 
O faies God, in this mans foul do I take pleafure, I fee his heart 
is rightly fee, nothing will fatisfie him but my felf, but my 
Chrift ; he hath prevailed with me, I will be his God, I will 
fatisfie him with my falvation, I will give him Chrift, I will give 
him mercie, his thirfty foul fhall be fatisfied, I will give him 
the defires of his foul. Why? me thinks this may quicken our 
hearts to ftrive with God, to make us fpiritually athirft : Spiri- 
tual thirfts are for the beft and the greateft good, and fpirituai 
thirfts are fure to be anfwered with them. Other fKrfts are 
meane, and many times vain, nay alway es vain. For the objects 
which they fo eagerly run after, can never fatisfie us; yea, and 
the more we thirft after them.the more likely we are to go with- 
out them. It is ocherwife with thefe fpirituai thirfts, they are 


30 Helps to Jptrttutl tbirfl. Chap.i. 

the beft longings, for the bell objects, and they never railTe of 

anfwer or lupply. God will certainly anfwer and fatisfie themj 

and think thou what a mercie it is to have and to enjoy Jefus 

Chrilt to ail eternity. 

Sljj}. 3. Butnowthemainequeftion is ; whatcourfe thefinnerfhould 

ZMci'sioffiri- take that he may become a fpiritualiy thirfty (Inner? 

uul Tbirjt-. Amongft many others, remember thefe. 

^ c ' # 1. If ever you would attaine this fpiritual thirft, then feri- 

„ }' . Oufly and judiciouflv erqu'ire into the fbirituai condition of jour 
Enquire into r / j u r J r Jr j c j 

ibcfpiriiiuUon ' 0f4l > anci therc fi™ e om l onr f lKnes > and nnde out your wants, 
9} jour and what you are, and what will become of you, if you live 
foul. and die wich them ! Brethren, when you have found out your 

fins (fo that you come throughly to be convinced, O I am a 
dead man, I am a loft man, lama damned man.unlefte I get 
Chrift to deliver me from thcm,and unlefTe I get mercie to blot 
them our, and unlefTe I get grace to heale my (inful foul 1 This 
may, and this would make you cry out, and this would pull de- 
fires out of your hearts, Wretched man that I am, Who Jhill 
deliver me f Rom 7, What Jhall I do to be faved? Acls 16. 
Find* otit your [primal Wants (fee) that if thofe wants be 
not fupplied, there is no hope of life, or happineife 1 I want 
Chrifl, and I wane renewing grace, and I want pardoning mer- 
cie •, and if \ make not out, fo as to enjoy (Thrift, I (hall never 
be faved,and lo as to enjoy that holineffe,f (hall never fee God, 
and^ fo as to enjoy that mercie, I (hall never come to blefTed- 
nerfe. O a ferious folcmne ftrong conviction of this would 
rouze you out of your carnal confidence, and fecurities, and 
would put you upon fad thoughts and carneft del-res to get that 
Chrift, and holinefle, and mercie; yea, and to be laborious,and 
wrefdeffe until you did enjoy them, ^ 

Cn,mejtsn\ .\ G " JT e J" t0 A ^ ^ttua/iy opened : to fee the 
bcjpirhiiafy height, and depth, and breadth, and lenghth in Chrift: I 
opened. meane, the perfection of beauties and excellencies in Chrift 

Jefus; our luppinefle is the enjoyment of him onely. Though 
a Cabinet be full of precious pearles and diamonds, yet no man 
defires them as long as they are hid from him : There are *«• 
fearchable riches in Chrift: There is -^//inChnft which is ex- 
cellent ard neceflarie for a poor (inner; All is treafured up in 


Chap.i. Helps to jpiritnal thirfl. 3* 

Chrift. There is love, and pine, and mercie,and rightcoufnefTe, 
and help, and comfort, and iife in him. Now were you through- 
ly convinced of your fins, and wants, and through them (hould 
fee thefe precious excellencies in Chrift, were Chrift opened to 
you as a Chrift.and were your eyes opened to fee all thefc things 
in Chrift * fuch a fight in fuch a condition of yours would raife 
high andearneftdefires to enjoy fuch a Chrift , John 4. ic. If 
thou kncweft the gift of God, and Vcho it is that faith to ihee^ 
give me to drin^ thou wouldeft have askjd of him , and he 
Vcotttd have given to thee living water ; if thou kneweft Chrift, 
thou wouldeft fay, O Lord give me Chrift, in him is my life, in 
him is my help,in him, and in none but him is my falvation. 

3. Qet at haft fome degrees of faith and hope : For as ap- %. 
prehenfionof your need is neceftary to fpiritual thirfting; And Get jome de- 
as the apprchennon of the excellencie and futablcneffe oH re "°f f aitb 
Chrift is alfo necefTary, fo hkewife is faith, and hope : For if the MA l?6ps ' 
poor (inner (after both thefe fights) (hall fay, But f (hall never 

come to enjoy that Chrift 1 there is no hope at all for me ! He 
will never be mine 1 He will never love me, nor pitie me, nor 
help and fave me I Why, now no thirftings will be in your foul: 
Let the good be never fo excellent or futabie, if it be impofiible 
to be had, if there be no hope of it , there will be no defire after 
it : And therefore when you have got to fee your fpiritual mi- 
fery, and the excellencie of Chrift ; then Arrive to get faith, and 
to get hope; therefore confider, that this Chrift was fent to 
fave finners, and this Chrift offers himfeif to poor finners,and 
he offers hi mfc If to you, and calls upon you, and commands 
you to beieeve, and promifeth, that if you come in to him, you 
{hall not be rejected. Now think on all thefe things, for they 
are apt to breed faith and hope, and faith and hope will breed 
ftrong dcfires : This Chrift may be mine, and if I come in , he 
will be mine 5 therefore O my foui,cry out, fit not (till, beftirre 
thy felf, pray, hear, long for Chrift, there is yet hope, never 
therefore give over till thou enjoy thy Chrift. 

4. Get but a tafte of Chrift ; though it were but a very ^; 
little experience of his love, of his life 3 of his graces : tafte Getatafie cj 
and fee that the Lord is good : They that kno& thy name Veill Cbrifl* 
trutt in thee, fo will they alfo thirft after thee. This would 


Helps to fpiritual thtrft. Chap.i. 

quench all other thirfts after worldly things,and raife our r hi«-ft 

after Chrift. 
BcrvAiU your Laftly, bewaile yonr own mifery before the Lord : fo ex- 
twnmi(cr r Soit cc Iknt a Chrifr, and ye: no defire after him ; fuch great thirfts 

S^fwJ f, ° rthcwor,(1 • and yct n0 hcart t0 long for Chrift : Pra y 

jire ajur // cxcee( jj n gjy unt0 t ^ Q ^ o:< ^ himfclf, to work in thee to will, to 
give thee a thirfty fpirit : I tell you, as none can give you Chrift 
but God, fo none can give you thirfting defires but God • 
Spiritual defires grow not in our barren hearts : Neither your 
felf, nor any creature can be the author of any one fpintual 
defire: therefore in the fenfenotonely of the want of Chrift, 
but alfo in the fpiritual want of thefe thirfting defires foe 
Chrift , get thee to the gates of heaven, and lay thy felfe 
down there, Lord, I need Chrift ; and Lord I need an heart 
to defire Chrift • Thou, thou onely art the God of all good 
arTe&ions , as well as of all good actions : I cannot come 
to Chrift without thy ftrength ; I cannot defire to come 
to Chrift without thy ftrength; Thou haft the Key which o- 
pens the heart: (che Flaxe cannot fmoke till fire be put to 
it) nor can my heart fo much as defire Chrift, untill thou 
kindle that defire in my heart : OLord,drop (by thy Spirit ) 
a thirftintomy foul, plane right defires in me by thine own 
hand , roork^ in me both to will and to do of thy goo& pleafure. 
Plant this defire in me according to thy promifes, and work 
this in me by thy power. Chrift is my life, caufc me to 
thirft; Chrift is my happineffe, caufe me to thirft, never to 
be fatisfied until I receive him, 


Chap. 2 . What is meant by the waters. g a 


ISAIAH 55.1. 

Ho ! ever} one that thirjieth Come ye to the 
waters^ &c, 

Have finifhed the firft Propofition from thefe 
words,namely, That Jefus Chrift is very earn- 
ed with thirfty finners to come unto him. I 
^^i'feSS* now P rocee d t0 a ftcond Propofition, or Oh- 
s k? fervation ;whichis, 

That there are waters for thirfty fwners, 
And that every one who U thirfly, may , and 
ought to come unto him (come j oh every one that thirfteth , 
Come ye to the waters) John 7. 37, If any man thirfly lit 
him come unto me and drink, Rev. 22. 1 7. Let him that is a- 
thirft) come, and whofoever will , let him take of the waters of 
life freely. 

1 here are two things upon which I (hall infift for the open- 
ing of this ArTe&ion. 

Fir ft, I fhiil fhcw you what thefe waters are which are pro- 
vided for thirfty finners. 

Secon ly , I (hall (hew unto you,that every thirfty (inner may 
and oughr to come unto them. 



Hat thefe waters are unto Schick thirfty (inner S Are Jb fSr*: }' . 
eameflly invited? "fatofim. 



g4 What is meant by the waters. Chap. 2. 

Sot, I rhall not trouble you with all the acceptations of the word: 

There are waters of affiiblion : (Tfal.6\. i. The Waters are en- 
trcd into my foul) There are Waters of contrition i (r Sam.j. 
x They drew water .and poured it out before the Lord) &c. 
Three opinions There are three opinions concerning the waters in [he Text. 
concerning tbcfe I# Some by them underftand the dotlrine of the (jofptl. The 
w ? far/ ' . f Gofpel is like the raine Which comes down from heaven 9 there 
the Qo [pel™ ma y y° a fi n£ * c cne ^fl* °f [Ovation , and the flreames that do 
refrejh the C lt J of God: As David in another cafe ; fo may 
we (peak of theGofel, nil my firings are in thee: The Law 
was revealed with Fire , and the Go/pel with water : In that 
there is nothing but terrour and wrath for a (inner ; but in this 
there is hope, and comfort, and eafe for a (inner. The Gofpel 
reveals a Chrift, a Mediatour,a Righteoufncflfc,,a way of falva* 
tion,mercieandforgivenefTefor the (inner. And if the (Inner 
once comes to be fenfible of his (in, and wrath, and thirds for 
any fpiritual help and comfort,let him come to the Gofpel,here 
only are thofe waters for his diftrcfTed (oul. 
The bolj Gbofi 2 Some ^ jh e f e W aters do underftand the holy Ghofl with 

^* ' rtt ; and John 3. 5. Except a mm be borne of water and of 
the Spirit , he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God : Here 
the holy Ghoft iscompired to water, John 7. 38. He that be- 
fccVeth on me> oat of his belly (ball flow rivers of living wa- 
ter : verfe39. But this [pake he of the Spirit , which they 
thatbeleeve on him fruuid receive. So that by water fome* 
times are meant the Spirit, and the graces of the Spirit : But 
whether thefe be the waters here onely intended, unto which 
thethirfty are invited to come, it is not to cleare and evi- 
'Jefut cbrijl 3. Some by thefe waters do underftand Jefm Chrifi himfelf 
with ail bis mc- with all hit merits, and gifts , and benefits, promifes and com- 

Tviefl^ 5 ' an *f orts 9 y° u rca( * m & ev - 22 * 1 ' °f a P ure rlvtr °f Waier °f tif*% 
clear as fchriflal , proceeding from the throne of God , and of 
the Lamb. As Chrift is the Bread of life , fo he is the water 
of life : He is the Fountain , whence all our living waters flow: 
He is the Well of (ahation, out of which all our fpiritual wa- 
ters are drawn : That fpiritual Rock of fpiritual drink^ 1 Cor. 
io, 4. There 

Chap. 2 The waters meant of Chrift. 3$ 

There arc fix ftreames of precious water which the thirfty Six ftreames of 
' (inner longs for, and ail of them are prevideeffor him in Chrift. r^cS.^ 

1. Gods gracious favour and retonciled love : Make thy face 
to /bine upon thj fervant, Pfal. lie. 135. Lift thou up the light 1. 
of thy countenance upon me , Pfal. 4. 6. Restive us grachujly, Gods gracious 
Ho(eai4. 2. This water is provided for him in Chrift. God was^ vm 
snGhrift reconciling the World unto himfelf, 2Cor.5<lQ When you 

were enemies, you were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, 
Rom, 5. 10 Being juftified by faith we have peace WiV>Go& 7 Rom t 

5 i# 

2. Pardon of fane : This is another ftreame longed for, 2 - 

Cod be merciful' to me a ftnner, fo the Publican: Blot out my Pir ^ no fi 1 ^ 
tranfgreffions y faid David ; Take affray iniquity, faid the Church. 
Now this water is provided in arxl by Chrift : In whom we have 
redemption through hh blood for the forgiveneffs of ftnnes , E- 
phef.1.7. If a»y ruan finne,vpe have an Advocate with the Fa- 
ther, J ef us Chrift the righteous , who is the propitiation for our 
ftnnes. I John 2.1, 2. Who wafhed us from our ftnnes in his 
own bl9od,Rev.l.*y.He is the Fount aine fit open for finne and for un+ 
cleanneffe , Zacb. 13. 1. 

3 . Righteoufnejfe to ft and before God : How fh ill 1 appear before •fygbic'oufnefe 
God ? What righteoufnelTe fhail I get to juftifie me who am to fUnd before 
ungodly ? Mine own riiihteoufnefle are as filthy rags. This wa- Goi. 
ter is to be found in Chrift ; He is the Lord our righteoufneffe^ 
of God he is made unto us righteoufneffe, 1 Cor. I. 30. And be 
found in him not having mine own right eoufntffe , which is of 
the Law , but that which is throsfgh the faith of (fhrift , the 
righteoufneffe Which is of God by faith> Phil. 3.9. 

4. Renovation: A renewed heart, a changed and fan&ifkd R cno ^ t ) 01tt 
heart. This alfo is the water which the thirfty (inner defires : 

Create in me a cleane heart , Pfal. 51. Wafb me , fo /hall I be 
cleane, Ibid. And this water is to be had from Chrift : Ye are 
wafted, ye are fantlified , ye are ju&ified in the name of the 
Lord Iefus y and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Cor. <5« ] I. He 
came by Water and blood, 1 John 5, 6, Is made unto us fan- 
ftificaf$on y 1 Cor. 1.30* // any man be in Chrift, he is a, neW 

5. InW ard Comfor /Joy, Peace: This alfo the thirfty finner mwJdcomhrt 

F 2 longs 

g6 The waters Chap, 

longs for. And this water is to be found in Chrifl; Come unto 
me and I will give you reft, Mitth. I J. 28. He was anointed 
With the oyle 0] gladneffe^ and from him ic defcendcs to us j 
Our consolations abound bj Chvft^i. 5. 
^ 6 Eternal Iff 4 and / 'ah ax to*: This is the Iaft and great 

Eterullife. ^j r g. And this water is to be found by Chrift, A/. w 17.2. Thou 
bafl givtn him power over all fitfb , that he fyouli giie cter* 
rial life to at many as thou htft givtn him ; 3. Ard this it 
eternal lt]e^crc. Jc tin 3.15. He that bn'ecves, &c. Mark 16. 
16. tie that bcleeves fhall be (av^ t Rom. 6,27. i he gift of 
G*d is eternal life through Jefiu Chrifl oar Lord* 
chri-fl cmpirei Now Jefus Chrifl: and thefe precious benefits by him are 
nmo witcr, the compared unto water for clivers reafons. 

reafons of it. 1 £ ecau f e? ^ VA fers are of a coolWg vertuc: they do 

Huccoi'n allay the heat and burnirgs of the body, lb Jeftes Ckrifl and 
-jcrtuc. the ttings of Jefus Chrifl , they do c&aj all the troubles and 

fcorchings in the corfcience. Allthofe fiery bitings, all thole 
burnings in confeience (under the fenfe of your lintel guilt,and 
of the wrath of God:) And allthofe reftleife dillrac^ions and 
fears, and terrors (which confumeus LktflreJ They are, 
allayed by Chrifl ; He can take them off , every one of them . 
If you could by faith come unto him, and truft on him, jou 
might fee divine juflice fully fatisfied, and all your fins fully 
pardoned, and God in and by him, gracioufly reconciled unto 
your fouls s And this would quiet your troubled fpirits , and 
allay the burning and flaming confeience, Afls 2. They who 
were pricked in their hearts , before when they beleeved 
all was quiet, Alls 16. 2 he laylor who came in tremblings but 
btlztv'wg, he rejoyced, 

2. Becaufe,<w waters are of a refreflnugand reviving ver- 
2. tue [Samsons (pirit came unto him again after that he had 

Hisrefrefbing drar\ of the waters t ]udg. 1 5. 19.) So le\ns Cbrtsl, and the be- 
ittituc. nefits by Chrifl: , they are the refrefljings of wearied 

fouls , and the reviving of faint fpirits. A drooping finner is re- 
vived, when he hears of a Chii.tt, and knows what Chrifl hath 
done for him , and upon what gracious, termes Chrifl: offers 
himfelf unco his foul. And a diflrefled finner, his foul is re- 
vived and refreshed ("It is as it were made alive) when Chrift 


Chap, a i meant of Chrift. 3 7 

faith, Be of good comfort, thy jinnes are forgiven thee, and go 
in peace, thy faith hath faved thee. 7 his day is falvai\onCome % 
Crc, Pfal.46. 4. There is a river the firearms Whereof fh*ll make 
glad the City of G d. Jefus Chrift is that fiver ,and the ftreames 
which come from him do make the contrite heart glad : We joy 
in God through our Lord lefui Chrift : by whom nt have recei* 
ued the atonment , Rom. 5. 11. We rejoyce in £htift Ufa, 
Phil.3.2. 5. 

3. Becaufe, As water is of a quenching vertue , the fires are His quacking 
quenched by waters; and thirds go eff by waters : So Itfta veme. 
Chrift and his graces, and his comforts, do quench the thirfts of 

the fotili yea,allthe thirdsof the foul. There are two forts of , 

, • J a • J r \ Tw° crts of 

thirlts in mans foul. thirds, 

I 1. Some are preternatural , as (infnl thirfts and worldly preterntturil. 

thirfts (thirds after the pleafures offinng^ third after the profit^ 

and the honours, and the vanities of the world) thofe thirds 

there is no water which can quench them but Jefus Chrift , and 

the Spirit of Chrid, until your fouls and Chrid can meet to ge- ' 

ther, until the Spirit of Grace comes into your hearts, to revive 

them, you will dill be thirding after your finnes, and after the 

world ; but when once Chrift enters into your hearts by his 

Spirit of renewing Grace, you will third as much to be rid of 

them, as formerly you did third to fatisfie them. 

2. Some are Supernatural fihofc thirds of which I have iu ? emtl{ril ' 
been lately difcourfing) thefe are quenched oncly by Chrid and 
the things of Chrid : Onely Chrid can fatisfie the right defires 
of the foul : There is a fulneffe in Chrid, able enough to fill 
us ; a fulnefle of righteoufnetfe, a fulneffe of merit, a fulneffe 
of grace, a fulneffe of comfort, a fulneffe of love, a fuineiTe of 
help. 4* 

4. Becaufe as waters are of a purifying and deanftng vertue y His purifying 
they fetch out fouln ffe and filthineffe, and r/u: a beauty on the ~ oirm * 
garments ; fo is it with Chrift and hisgraces; they do purge a- 

vpoj our ^0jjV,they do cleanfe us from our filthineffe of pfh and 
fpirit , they do change us and make us white and, beautiful. 
Thtwaterofthat Rtver (in Bev, 22.!.) was pure water , pure in 
itfelf, and pure as to the effect and operation: Chrift makes 
new creatures , pArtak*TJ of the divine nature , an holy people and 
pure in heart* 5, Be- 

5 8 Why tbirjiy finners Chap. 2 

5 • 5. Becaufe, as waters are of a <juick»i»g and inclining vtrtne^ 

hb Q\ih\nir.g the thirfty man after a good draught of water is now qukkned , 
u ' tuc% and free for work and fervice proper unto him , in his place 

and condition of life ; fo Jefus drift he is the life t ind fir engtb, 
a*dpoi*erofcHrf<\Hlfj: before a man is in Chnfr he can do m- 
thing, he is without life, and without ftrength : but if once in 
Chnft , he Can do all things through £hr'*ft that firengther.s him f 
he can pray, and mourne, and repent , and deny himfelf, &c. 
And after we have been with Chrift.and have tailed, and en. 
joyed his love , a gracious livelineffc or frcihneflc of ability 
and ftrength fljwesinro our hearts ; &c. There are divers o- 
ther Analogies from the fofening, infwuating, flowing , o- 
ver-rlowing , diffufive , and fru&iries v^rcue both in water 


frtitbirih fa- LT^ n S^ ?we< ^ unt0 Y ou wnat the waters arc unto which 
uersmyand " -LA thirfty finneps are invited, I now proceed unto the fe- 
cughtto cometo cond part how it may be made out that every thirfry linner 
tbefeva crs. may,anJ ought to come untothefe wateis. 

Sol. 1. lg That every thirfty finnerwa; come to the water , (may 

iQtfov 7™ come t0 ciirift > ma y Ia y n ° ,,(i on an y fpiricoal good to refrefh 

' andfatisfie his foulej this I (hall demonftrate unto ycu by 

three arguments. 

they Are qiul- I. Every thirfty [inner is fufficiemlj condition'ated and qxal- 

lijied for tbem. lifted for a c»m'wgunto Qhnft \ you cannot well imagine more 

then five precedent works wrought in a (inner towards a clo* 

fing with Chrifl : viz, 

1. A particular light and fenfe of the foules-con- 

2. A perfonalapprehenfioncf his great need of Chrifl. 
3. A painful diftrclTe in the foule, becaufe as yet dcftitutc of 

4. Unfeigned defires,and breathings, and longings for 
>. In eftimible accounts and thoughts of Chrifl. 


Chap 2 . may come to Chrift. 3 9 

What would you have more ? or what more can be expecled? 
NJow all thefe are in every truly thirfty finner , who unlefle he 
had a right fenfe of his wretched frnful condition , unleffehc 
had difcoveredanabfolute want and need of Chrift ; unleffe 
his foul were painfully diftrefied for Chrifr, and delivered from 
all felf*fufficiencies and fupplies ; unleffe his very heart did 
earn, and long,and bes, and wredle for Chrift ; unleffe he dis- 
cerned fomeching in Chrid mod precious and futable unco his 
fpiricual condition, could never be truly faid to be a thirfty 
finner after Chrid , and having all thefe, he hath all that is 
previoufly neceflary for any foule to come and clofe with 

t-h"^ . There is no- 

2. There is nothing which may juft/y hinder cr deb arte the thing may Ae* 
thir fly finner from coming unto the Waters: there is nothing on barretbem ci- 
Gods parti he forbids you not.he is in no wife unwilling,ora- t])cr 
verfe , forafmuch as he is the Lord who purpofely provides 0n Gods P An 
bread for the hungry, and he doth provide thefe waters for the 
thirfty, he gave Chriit.and filled Chrift to fupply us. . .. 

On Chrift s part; he ftands upon no more, you fee that he '™ r' 
doth by name earneftly invite you , if you can but be content to 
receive him, and to drink of the water of life freely , 
this is ali he infids on : be Wii/ not quench the fmoking 
flax. ' 

On your part : neither former finnes , if you now be rightly q t n cur part. 
fenfible of them , and third ; nor your prefent fpiritual wants t 
if you rightly apprehend them 5 and thirft ; nor your own unc 
worthinefTe,ifyou acknowledge it, and third: none of thefe 
may, or ffcould hinder you : if you have a prefen- 
third, you have a prefent liberty of acceffe to come unto the 

3. Tou ate in a prefent capacity for coming unto thewaters, if TIk / m in i 
yoube thirfty: and thcreare five things which will evidence ^^^ 

Firft, thefe thir flings are fuch heavenly works of God , as tVemmaie 
have an immediate reference unto a cominz unto the vra+ tbirftf fit this 
ters. enl 

There is an immediate relation , twixt thirfting for Chrid , 
and coming unto Chrift: Godreveales and offers Chrift unto 


4<D Why tbirjiyfinners Chap a 

you, and makes youthirfty for this very end , that you may 

^ goto him for water. 

The tbhjh fa. Secondly , when a fouie it m*de willing for Chrift, then there 

tteris nude ml- is a prefetit capacity \or Chrift : the thirty ftnn'er is made trilling 

to clofe with Cirift : what thirfly man is not willing of water ? 

and whit thirft/ firmer is there who is nor willing to have 

Chrift? and verily that perfon who is willing upon Chrifts 

tearmes to have Chrift , he may prefently go unto 

5. Chrift. 

tditmis Thirdly , that man is in a prcfent capacity for coming unto 

(1$ fed up with' the waters whofe condition is at that pre[ent clofed up vrith'm the 

intbepromifc. j, rom}j " s <>j C'hnfr : andfois the condition of the thirfty (Inner. 

Let kim that is athirft come and take of the water of life freely y 

K v 11 17. And againe , bU [fed are they that hunger and 

t hi si after ri^it'otifn/jfe-for they (1) all he filed , Mat. 5. 

2. 2 . That every thirtty tinner ought to come unto the water?, 

Thcyou^tto fe otJ ^ t ca Camcc .» Chrift as the finner ought ro third , fo 

tmetotbev*- vvhenheisathirft, be ought to come to Chriftjwhich may be 

thus cleared. 
Chrift ought t9 It Ought not Chrift to he received when he is offered ? and by 
bcrcceived mr y Qne co w » lom ^ e j s offered ? certainly then the thirfly 
vben tffere*.^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ for ^^ ^ f , $ ^^ 

Tbc>d$>rc mna offered. 

be opened at 2, Ought not the (inner to open the doore^at whofe doore Chnfl 

bebrift doth knotty? ought he not to hearken unto whom Chrift calls 

fonte- and'fpeaks? certainly then the thirfly finner ought to come to 

Chrift , for at the door of his foul doth Chrift knock/o 
him dothClirift call and (peak come ye to the waters. 

Tbecmmnlof o^pUzkvc not to obey the Conrnwdof God* His Gcfrel- 

-ricytd. commir.d? that great commjnd ? tint g>od command ? that 

command of life} and what is that command? this is his com- 
mandment^ that ne beleeie 0*1 the Name of his Fox f eft's Chrift , 
and what is this belceving on Chrift , buc a coming unto 

Tbcrickcsof ChM? 

4. Ought we not to honour the exceeding Picket cfGods grace f 

is tobcho- the wifdome of his grace ? the love and kindnefle of his grace ? 

rtd* the goodncfle and bounty of his grace ? the companions of his 

grace / 

Chap. 2 ■ Why thir fly firmer j ought to come to Chrift. a\ 

e co tne water* r 

Wrong pfus Chrift by iV,if you come not to him for 5W* c ^ r /fi u 

ters. Is he that living fountain of living waters , or is *™*f It '* y ™ 

O but if the tbirfty (inner will not come to Chrift, he doth 
putadifltonour , an exceeding diflionour upon the exceeding 
riches of grace : the wifdome of grace hath found out a Chrift 
for you , a fountain of life for you. The love of grace hath 
given this Chrift for you, the goodnelle of grace offers ,this 
Chrift to you, who are tbirfty, as precious water, as that 
which only can refrefh and fave you, and bids you take it , and 
allures you that you may take it, and drink abundantly of it? 
what a difhonour do you return to fuch a God if you fhould 
not come to the water* ? 

thefe waters. 

henot? Ifhebenot, whydoyethirftafecrhim? ifhebe,why, 
being athirft, do ye nor go unto him? Is there a fulnefle in 
him to take away all your linnes , to fupply all your wants, 
to eafe all your burdens, to comfort you in all your diftrefles , 
tofatisheallyourddires, Is there fuch a fulnefle in him oris 
there not ? and fuch a fulnefle in him onely or net? If 
Chrift be not an aU-fufficUntfulneffe , then the foul fhould not 
defire him, and muft defpaire ; if he be, why do not your 
defiring foules go unto him to draw out of his fulnefle ? Is 
Chrift indeed willing co do a poore foule good , or is he not ? 
Is he billing to eafe the burdened foule , who calls and pro- 
mi(eth?U he mllingto fatiate thethirfty foule, who provides and 
invites ,and anfi»ers}0 but thou cfoeft not believe this,who being 
thirfty yet holdeft off from coming to Chrift : thou art afraid 
whether he will accept of thee, whether he will fave thee, to 
the utmoft , whether be can get off thy finnes ♦ whether he 
can or will fupply thy wants, and thy defires , and in thus do- 
ing how much doftthou wrong the folnefs , the goodneffe, 
the power, the wiliingnelTeof a grarioittChrift. 

6. Tom Wrong your o$en foules, not only your thirftiig defines, y 
which you begged for, fo that your foules might be carried out omjouh^lm 
after Chrift, butalfothe prefent and future conceit tors of your coming. 
foules i do you need but water , you will dy without it:; no 
water can be found for you but in Chrift; that water is fet open 
and runnes freely, you may take it,and yet you do not take it, 
you fhould take it, and yet you have not taken it ; furely if not 

G coming 

It is our own fault Chap.*. 

coming co the waters be fuch a difhonour to God, iixh-a 
wrong to Chiift , f.ch an injury to your own foules , then 
unquellionably the thirfty finner ought to come to the 


A Re there waters for thirfty finners, and may they come 

Vfe t. /~\ 3n d drink of thofe waters: Here we may be /»- 

jnformxicn ^^ 

f I. That Cjod is very good and gracious unto dtft re fftd foules*. 

Tbit God is thw O Lord art a God full ofcompsjfion and gracious , P( 85.15. 
gracious to dif- Of all the crearuns here below, his goodnefTc is greateftumo 
irejjed fouls men; and of all men it is greattft to the diftreiTed, ardofall 
diftreiTed men , it is greateft unto men fpiritually diftreiTed , 
unto broken Tinners and unto thirfty finners : mark how in the 
text. He provides water for them ; waters they need , and wa- 
ters they third for , and here they are, and here they are for 
them : what waters doth he provide ? why they are living 
waters and ftill Waters , he provides a Chrift; hisown recon- 
ciled favour , mercy , righreoufnefle , &c. Waters which 
are fo Suitable to the condition of a thirfty foule , and then he 
invites the thirfty to come to tbfw> and to remove all doubts and 
feares; he invites every one that thirfteth (and he layes no un- 
reasonable condition on them, do but come , here are the wa- 
ters which you do fo much third for, drinke abundantly quench 
your third) all this fhewes that God is a very good,and gracious 
God, unto didrefled foules. 
l\ 2. That if cur ftirituzl de (ires be not (at^fed and fupplied } the 

fault is our own t and we have no reafon to complain on God, 
Object. You who are yet under your wants and fay we have prayed 
but are not anfwei'd , and we have thirfted bnc are not 
fatisfied a..d God doth not yet anfwer us , and he doth not yet 
fupply us. 
Sol. Why, what do you mean to charge God foolifhly , charg, 

your own unbeleeving hearts which keep you from the waters 


Chap, a ifwebenotfatkjied. 43 

but never charge your God who hath provided waters for you; 
Go faith the Prophet to Naaman the Syrian. 2 Kings 5. 10. Go 
and Vvafb thee [even times in lordan , and thy fiefb [ball come 
again unto thee , and thou {halt be clcane, verfe 1 1 But No* 
aman was wroth and went away, and [aid he, are rot Abana 
andPharpar, river s of < Damafcu4 % better then all the Waters of 
Jordan ? After this manner (many times) is it with fomc thirfty 
fouls, who importunately beg of God to hear, and help, and 
comfort them ; why faith God , There are waters tor you in 
my (Thrift, go to him,and you (hall flnde mercy, and grace, and 
peace, & any fpiritual good which your fouls do need or crave* 
O bu: now our unbeleeving hearts do bold us off 
we may not go to Chrift, and we cannot go to Chrift/ 
and we dare not come to Chrift, andChriit hath not for 
us, and Chrift will not impart thefe precious waters to 
fuch vile finners as we have been , nor to fuch unworthy 
pcrfonsasweare. Now I pray where lies the fault that your 
thirfty fouls are not fatisfied with waters? God fhewes you 
where they are , and God would have you to come; here are 
the waters faich God 3 and you have my free leave , and good 
will, to take them and drink them : O Chriftian, the reafon of 
thy unfatisfyings is not at all in thy good god, but it is altoge- 
ther in thy evil heart of unbelief, 

3* That no [inner hJlhany thing of hid oV?n,or of himjelfto hip * 

himfelf : The thirfty (inner harh not of hisownrofarisfie his n» [inner bath 
thirft,he muft abroad for water.If any (inner in the world had a- any thing of bit 
ny thing of their own to help themfelvs, furely burdned (lnners, 0X ?y°Mp 
& thirfty finners would make ufe of it;Do you think that a man m * tl * 
who lives under the fenfe of Gods wrath, and under the terrors 
of confeience • If he had any ftrength and power of his own to 
eafe his confeience, that he would not ufe if ; Man would not 
live in mifery : And if a man were real'y thirfty, if he had a. 
ny water in the houfe , that he would not make ufe of 
it to quench his thirft ? The poor thirfty (inner hath 
no help, and can have no help from himfelf,and therefore 
he is call :d to go out for waters. I befeech you mark it, this 
is another reafon why fome thirfty finners are not fatisfied and 
filled j becaufe they dig pits which hold no water ; and 

G 2 they 

44 The necejjity ofthethirjiy Chap. 2 

they look after broken Ciflerns, they keep home,and think fome 
wells of water arc ro be found in themfelves. If they were 
this, and could do tbar, then God would be reconciled , and 
conference would be q net and all would be well; and thus ire 
they ready to die for thirit, for no waters flow out of our na- 
tures, except the wate;s of Alar ah, &c. 
4. 4 That a thiy fl j condit ion , U. an hopeful condition; though 

A thirfty cin- the thii fts of the foul be great, yet here are waters ; you cannot 

etb for thee %» a dry and thirfty Und where no water u. He 
was then in the wildernefle of Judeah where no water was • 
the thirfty finner is in no fuch condition, there are waters to be 
had lor his thirfty foul : he may fay as the Eunuch to "Philip, fee 
here u venter^ Acts 8. 36. other thirfls may ari'e , and there 
may benowateis found, or if they may be found, yet you 
cannot come to them ; but if you be fpiritually athiifi: , pre* 
fently there are waters for you, and prefently they are of- 
fered to you , and prefently you are invited to come and 

So rhen if the Lord make you fcnfiblc of your fpiritual mi- 
feries, and of your fpiricual wants, and you live in much pain, 
and are not yet eafed and fatish*cd,yet do not defpaire, foi there 
are waters for the thirfty Tinners ; there are living, and cleanf- 
ing, and comforting waters for them, ThirlHnciTe is ^ good 
llgne of a good condition, and thirliineiTe is a fu re fore-runner 
or a comfortable condition. 
- 5. That there is necejjity for a diffreffed 4nd thirfty finner 

There is a nc- to. go cut to Chrift : If ever he would have his needy and 
ccjjiiy fortUr- thirfty foul fupplied ; there are thirds on your pare , and there 
fir finncrs te are waters provided on Gods pan: I, but there is 1 
fomctocbr'ift coming in the.Ttxt , you nee d waters, and God provides 
waters ; but what of the oncor of the other, if we come nor to 
thefe waters ? your waters are to be found in Child, and in 
none but Chrift ; none but Chrift can help a foul, none can eafe 
your burdened fouls but Chrift, and none can fill the thirlly 
fouls but Chrift : O but then you mull come, Come to the wa- 
ten, faith rhe Text. Beloved, remember it , all the difpcnfatU 
ons and communications of love, and grace, and mercy , and 


Chap. 3. to come to Chrift. 4$ 

Peace, and faction, are in Cfiri(r,to him you muft come, if 3 &c. 
All your fprings are in htm : If you would have God reconcu 
led to yon,<yoa mud go to Chrift ; and if you would have your 
fins pardoned, you mud go to Chrift $ and if you would have 
your hearts fan&ified, you muit go to O.rifr; and if you would 
have your conferences pacified, you m'jit go to Chrift ; and if 
you would have your fouls faved, you mud go to Chrift : All 
your help, and all your hope, is in Chrift; Ail the waters, 
all the good that a poor foul doth need is in Chrift, and 
onely in Chrift ; None can fuppiy and comfort you but 
Chrift; All is treafured up in him, and therefore of neceftny 
you muftgoto Chrift if you would have your thirfty fouls 
helped, • 


A Re there waters provided for thirfty (inners ? and may Vfei. 
every chirfty Tinner come? and fhould he come to thefc Beperfmdedto 
waters? Then joh who are thus thirfly, he pet [traded to comeC ^J^ 
to Chrifjt t9 have pur part in thefe waters, as Jacob fatd un- 
to his children, Vohy do jot* look^ one upon another? I have heard 
that there is come in Egypt , get joh down thither , an & btij for 
us from thence , that we may live , and not die : So fay I to 
you , whole fouls God hath mide fenfible of your spiri- 
tual mifcries, and wants-, O why do you complaint, and why 
are you fo dejected ? have you not heard that there are 
waters for thirfty fouls . ? and why do not you come unto 
them that you may live and not die ? Read this Text over 
and over , Come to the waters ; he that thirfls let him come 
to the Waters : Ho t everj one that thirfietb come ye to tbs 
Waters. Seven ezcour- 

Now becaufe it is not an eafic work to perfwade pcrfons me?u s 
in this condition, therefore I fhili offer unto you f who are 
fpiritually athirft) fome encouragements to come unto the wa- 
ters : I will mention kven of them. 

i. The 

4 $ JLconragements to come Chap. 

I. I. Thefe waters *re the helps for yo*r Ms: what wil help 

twittrtsrt p thirfty nun but water <! thefe waters (of which I have been 
r <Jifcoirfing) they are the i. Proper helps of your fouls. 2. 
Sure helps or your fouls. 

1. They are proper helps of jour fouls: they are everyway 
furable, and anfwcrable to your fouls exigencies. Life if a pro* 
per help for Death> and thefc waters are waters of lift ; for you 
who look on your felves as dead. Mercy is a proper help for 
rnifery , and thefe waters are waters of mere? juftifying and 
pardoning all the fins of ycur fouls, Comfort, is a proper help 
for diftrejje, and thefe waters are waters of peace y and comfort 
and jej, 

2. They are the fare helps of your fouls : Could you bur 
Sunbelps onceger to Chnft, andtafteof his waters .your troubles, your 

fears, your diftreiTes, would fall off In whom after ye belet- 

vcd> you rejeyced with joy unfpenk^iole and gltricus. We joj 

in God y through our Lor d Jefiu Chrift , by whom VPe have now 

received the augment (betng juflifed by faith we have pi ace 

With God through our Lordjeftu (fhrift. 

^ 2 Here is abundance of rxater for your fouls : Waters in the 

rierclr abun- plura] number, faith the Text ; yca ; fometimes called fountains, 

. ofxxur rivers, floods, feas. Your thirfts perhaps are many, and here 

are many waters, your thirds are perhaps high, and here the 

waters are very deep; they are enough to fatisfic every wanr, 

and enough to fill up all the defires of your fouls : you n j ed 

the pardon of multitude of finnes ! why, thefe waters concaine 

in them a multitude of mercies: And you need the pardon of 

your great fv:s \ why, here are waters of mercy like the great 

depth, like the depth of thefea, which can drown all manner 

of fins, Mich. 7. 19. Thou wilt cal all their finnes into the 

depth' of the fea: you need grace , much gra:e ^ All gutce ; 

And here are waters which containe in them all grace , there 

is a fu!nefle of grace in Chrift (of hie fulnejfe have we recei* 

led^and grace for gr.ue, ]ohn 1, 1 6. ) Chriil is fuch a fulneiTeas 

fills allin all, EplVcf. i. 23, He can fill all the fouls thatcome 

10 him in all [heir defires and wants : Tcu need pcate and j^j, 

Crc. Thefe waters will aford them unto you > and in great a- 

bufldince : I will extend peace unto ker /ike a ttver, lfa. 65. 



2. to the waters. 47 

T2, In thy fr< fence U.fulneffe of joy , PfaJ. 16,11. Aik* and 
jcu [hull receive, that your joy may be full, John 1 6. 2 j. What- 
soever your thirfts may be for the kinds and number of them, 
and whatsoever your thirds may be for the degree, and mea- 
fureoftbem; here are waters which donotoneiy anfwsrtbern, 
but do alfo infinitely exceed them. 

3. As thefc waters are proper co your conditioned 2s there ,. 
is abundance of them, fo. they are open^ they are fet cpfn for rhefexv. iters 
you, You read of the Church, that (he is a Garden encfofed y and arc open for }oti 
a jpring font up, and a fountalne felled, Cant. 4, 1 2. But you 
read of Cbrift that he is a fount aine opened {in that day there 
/hall be a fountaine opened to the hottfe of David, and to the . 
inhabitants of fertfalem for finne and for unclcanneffe, Zach. 
15. 1.) And for all the good rbings in and by Cbrift, they are 
fet Open,(//rf, 4r. 1 8. / will open rivers in high places and foun- 
tains in the mtdft of valleys ) A throne of grace anl mercy is 
fet open\ And what I pray you doth' this opening intend? 
why, this it intends, that there is leave given for any diftreffed 
finnertocome and drink: were thefe waters never fo preci- 
ous, and never fo mafiy, yet if they were inuo'ed and fealeu, 
you may bedifcounged to come : But they are opened, fo thac 
come Who will, and he may drink, and come When you will, the 
fountaine is opened, and yen may drink. 

4. They are living waters always to be found in Chrljl*. 4' 

MercyinChrift (till, and peace and righceoufoeffc frill : Why, They Archiving 
this fhould much ei courage you to com ; to the wafers ; you vemYl 
know whereto finde them, and they arc living waters, not fa- 
ding, you may be fure to finde thefewacers (And they are al- 
-waves open, every one of you hath liberty or accelTe , nothing 
fhuts and clofes them up but your own unbelief. 

5. As they are open and living waters, fo they are running rca. 5. 
ters> and they run freely ;you are afraid to come to them, & yet Tbejurerttit- 
they run towards you, you areafraid tocome co Chrift , and nin ^ AUrs ■ 
yet Chrift feeks you, comes to you, runs after ycu, knocks ac 
yourdoores; and the fe waters da runne every Sabbath, every 
day of the week, and JefusChrift freely offers them. Let him 
that is at hi* ft com? 9 and lit him drinfyf the water of life freely, fo 
inj£*z>. 22. 17. 'I he father runs to meet his forme > Luke 15. yea 


a8 Encouragements to come to the waters. Chap .3 


they run freely. Ordinary waters many times coft us nothing t 
but the precious waters (which are extracted fpirits) thefe are 
coftly&dear: Thus is k amongft us,but thus it is not with Chrift 
and his waters, which though they be the Waters of life: yet 
if you come, you may freely drink of them, and they fhall coft 
you nothing ; you may have Chrift for Chrift s fake , and mer. 
cy for mercies fake , and lovs for love* fake : All that your 
fouls do need Without money and ivi&ortt price : Bring but 
empty vtflels, and here you may draw out, and fill , and faci* 
ate your fouls, and it fhaSI coft you nothing. 
C 6. No more is required of the tbirjh but to come: If the 

Nomorcisrc m m rp ro phet had bid thee do fome g* e at things ould ft thou not have 
&ont it } HoW much rather then, nhen he faith Waft, and be clean\ 
Thus the fervants of Naaman, 1 Kings 5. 13. If the Lord had 
put upon you (who thirft fo much after Chrift,and flood in fuch 
an abfolute necefiicy of him; ) If he had impofed fome great 
conditions on you. that thus or thus you muft be, and this or 
that you muft bring unto Chrift; If fo, you might drink of the 
waters, yon mi^ht have been offended ; but when he faith one* 
ly come and d> intz the water which you fo much need and beg, 
ought you not to doit ? IfChrJft had faid you (hall bring ho- 
i n fTe firft, and you (hall rcformc your hearts firft : O no, If 
you be thirfty Tinners, it is enough, no more is required , no 
condition is laid upon you, all that concernes you, is, Come to 
the waters, and drink of the waters you need, they are provid- 
ed : Coming is the duty, and that is all which is required, come 
and receive 3 come and draw, come and drink, &c. 

7. You are called out by namz : As if the Lord would put 
an end to 3II your difputes and fears; He tells you cxpreflely 
that he means you : Come ye to the waters, fo theTrxt, 

O faith a thirfiy finner f who longs for Chrift, and mercy, 
and grace, and peace) thele are the waters which I long tor, O 
that I might have Chrift, O that f might findc mercy, &c. T,ut 
I may not come, but I am not intended ! 

Wbj fay eft thou lac°b y and fpe*ksft O Jfrael , my vaj 
is hid f om the Lord 9 and my judgement id puffed over from 
my God? Ifi. 40. 27. As if hefhould fa) , I take it ill that you 
thus fpeak, and you have no caule thus to fpeak. So you wh o 



You. ire called 
qui by uurnc 



Chap. 2 Encouragements to come to the waters. 49 

are thirfty Tinners , whydoyou fay Chrift is not intended for 
you, and mercie is not intended to you > Wh3t caufe have you 
thus to fpeak ? Doth not the Lord call you by name, and invite 
you by name/ Bo, everyone that thrfteth , come je to the 
■waters ; And what would you have more,or what more can be 
faid to encourage -you to come to the waters > Thcfe waters 
are your onely helps, and your fure helps. There is abundance 
of them fufficient for you, they are openM foryou,they runne 
freely; no more is required of you but to come and drink, and 
you by name are called fo to do : yet let me adde one thing 

8. N'Vsr did any thirfty [out come to the waters, but he 8. 

fted, but his foul was rtfrefhed, but water of life was given to Noe thirfty 
him, If A* 44. 3. 1 will pour water upon him ihu u thirfty t l oul c ?™ es but 
Jer. 31.25. / have (atiated the weary foul , and 1 have re- )€ " ce s ' 
flenijhed every forroWful [oul> Pfal. 81. 10. Open thy mouth 
wideband I \Vill fill /7,Matth. 5. 6. Ble fled are they thaithkft 
after righteoufnep, and they flail be ftled^Cmu 5.1, Drin 1 ^ 
abundantly beloved. Perufe Scripture, and perufe Inllances, 
never did Jefus Chrift rej^ft any that came to him ; and ne- 
ver did any foul come to Chrift, but there he found the very 
water, the very good which his foul did want, and earnestly 

Nowfortheclofingupof this firft pirt of the Test, there 
areafewqueftionsor icrupies , unto which I defire toipeak 
fome things. 

1. What are the reafons why thirfty finners (who do need 
thcfe waters, and fo long for them, and have expreffe leave to 
come unto them,) yet ("ordinarily ) there is much ado to per- 
fwadc them to come. 

2. What a thirfty (inner (houid do, that he may be ahie to 
come to the waters. 

3. How one may know that he is come to them, and whe- 
ther the waters which he drinks, be thefe very waters unto 
which God invites, and of which God makes promiles. 


~~^ 9 Ttbirflyfwners hardi er fir acted Chap. 2 


x- - the reafons are why t » 1 « bo do need 

^/?. 1. \/\/ t?ie fc waters, and wliohr 

Wby tbirfiy free le<ive |o come upt0 tliem ( ye r ( r« b much 

KfZfJ- ^ to pcrfwade then, to come and drnh 
&V«i T here are five reafons why it is A* fod 

<WM« ftv fin'ners; w*. , , . . ,. n 

i. The qualities of perfonninderV 'oundedind liflr* 


z T! e pofycrfW working o c •• 

3. The difficulty to bclcevc In a way or per; tcx- 


4. The properties of weak Cekcvers. 

5. Theculieandcunrrgfuc&eftionsofSaran 

I The cj-Aalitin of perfens under I anddiflrtfcd ton- 

Allies offers : they a* apt to lay load upon themfc.ves, to argue a. 
tZnVcJani ''gtinftOcmfcU, they are fpHoffea s, • T : to desire , and 
diftrejfedcon- uacr ] y :o exclude themfelvcs , at leafta; i-pwitn dif- 

""■ cour/«emcnts. This is a truth, the nsi wound- 

ed and* a dtttrefTed finner,and a woun . r is a tearful Tin- 

ner. There is a ipiri: of bondage to fear, as the A pottle fpeaks, 
Jfow.S 15. ?[*!> 40.12. Mine \n\fa\tht have taken held of 

me, Co tat 1 am tfraidf ho\uf\ Mefa npffird mito the 
Ifratlites from God himfelf, that d would rid them out 

of their bondage, and that he would rv'.ceme them; and that 
he would take there untO h:m for a people, and would be unto 
them a God 1 And tint he would -bring them ir.torhe land or 
prpmifc &c. Hut faith the Texf,rM) Mat* uno M 

Tin- V-es it with a (inner, who is wounded in Iprrit, who 
lives in that bondage : Although you prclent Chnlt and deli. 

-mceunrohim; Ail the wattrpof life, all the promifes and 
cnour^gements-tocometoChnft, yet he cannot h.arken un- 
to them for anguffi of fpifir. The (Irong and prefent fenfc of 
finneand wrath ttoth bear down all the arguments and induce- 
ments whiih Chrtt holds forth toperfwadc (he foul to come 


Chap. 2 . to come to Chrijl, Why ? 5 o 

unto him : The wounded and diftrefted (inner fees nothing but 
ilnnes, feeles nothing but wrath, fiseth only on the riolineife of 
God which hates fin, and on the juftice of God which threat- 
ens firms : And as for mercy and acceptance in and by Chrift, he 
is (o far from being perfwaded of them, that ufually he difputes, 
and defpaiis, Chrift will never be my Chrift and mercy cannot, 
or mercy will not parden fuch a (inner as I have been, and fuch 
finnes as I (land guilty of ; and truely while a perfon is thus 
poffefled, and thus peri\vaded 3 and t\ us inclined, no wonder if 
there be fo much ado to prevails mth his hearc to come to 
Chrift ; But thus ordinarily it is(atfntt) wich thirfty finners, 

a. The powerful workings of unbelief ': This is another rea- , 2. 
fon why thirfty finners come not unto the waters : The heart of The powerful 
man is naturally an uobeleeving heart, and an unbeleeving wordings of tin- 
heart'is is a with- holding heart, an excommunicating heart, a c * % 
refufing and unyeeldirg heart, and many times an abfurd and 
perveri'e heart. There are two faculties in man which muft be 
effectually wrought on before he can come to Chrift , and to 
thefe waters : One is the judgement, the other is the will \ 
The truth of the Gofpel muft work on that, and tht goodneffe of 
the Gc/pel muft workon this :Now unbelief works againft die 
workings of both thefe. 

1. It works tgtinft the, truth of the Go/pel : The Gofpel Unbelief mr\s 
fajth that this is a true faying , that Jefus Chrift c*me inio agrinft tbetrutb 
the world to fave finners, 1 Tim, I. 15. And that there is no °f tie Gofpel. 
other Name under heaven given among men whereby we muft 
be faved , neither is there falvation in any other: But unbe- 
lief oppofeth this Truth, this onely way of a finners falvation : 
It will let up a righteo'ufnefTe of our own, 3nd cauRs or mercy 
and falvation in our felves : It cannot iubmit unto the wifdome, 
and mercy, and righteoufneiTe,and grace of God in Chrift : that 
I muft acknowledge my felf a foo),and look formy wifdome on- 
ly in Chrift. That I muft acknowledge my feif ungodly, and 
renounce all my own right eoufnefle and look formy righte- 
pufnefTe , onely in Chrift, my life only in Chrift, my peace 
only in Chrift, my mercy only in Chrift, all my good and 
hopes in Chrift, and the reafon of all my enjoyments only the 
raeere mercy and free- grace of God in Chrift. The carnal 

H 2 reafon- 

1 2 \Nby thirjiy firmer s are C iiap. 

reafoning and the felf-pride of unbelief is againft all 


2, It works againfl the g'odneffe of the Cjcfpel : Although 
I \Mtfo i eood- the power of unbelief be many times thus fa: re beaten down, 
neQcof'tbeGef- that the finncr cannot but acknowledge the truth of theGof- 
fcl. pel, that Chrift alone is the way *nl tkf life, yet when this Chrift: 

is offered in ail his goodnede unco the finner; Now unbelief 
ri&th up, and mightily drives to keep off che (inner: Tis true, 
that Chrilt is t he Saviour of linners,as he is offered unro finners, 
but not tofuch finners as you are,and have been ; you arc not 
the finner whom Chnft means : The comrniffion of grace is 
not fealed for you, the juft God hath barred and excludes you, 
be bath revealed his wrath againftyou,for you were invited 
to come, and would noc, your day is pad; ind what fk- 
nelTeis there in you for Chrift ? your heart wis never fuffici- 
ently broken, and theft defires whicn you now hive, they are 
buc rorced, and (hey look more ar your foil then Chrift .• And 
what warrant have you to corned and what prcmife is held 
out to you ? and what ftrer.gch have you to conie to Chrift ? 
O firs 1 wonderful are the workings of unbelief, and veiy pow- 
erful, and very apt to take With, and prevaile over adiftrcfied 
(inner (fuch an one as a thirfty finner is ) who when he hath 
thoughts of coming co Chr ft, then unb lief lets out thoughts 
of diicouragemenc from coming to Chift; and when he bath 
defires to come to Chrift, then unbelief lees out fears ofcom- 
irgto Chrift, ftill one thing or other is wanting, is ouc-reafon- 
ing, is hindering &c. 
The difaultj 3- ^V difficulty of bcleeving : We come to Chrift when 
$f believing, we beleeve on Chrift.: coming and beleeving are all onr; come 
unto me all ye that are heavie laden, Matth. J I. fthat is) be- 
letv^ on me :and let him that u mhirfl come, Rev. 22. (that 
is) let him beleeve; Him that comes to me 1 will in no rrifc 
re jell j John 6. (that is) him that bekeves on me. &c. Well , 
but it is a very difficult thing for any finner to believe on 
Chrift, and much more for a trnrfty finner ; you think it is an 
eafie matter to beleeve on Chrift, becaufe you are ignorant 
and unexperienced, but really and experimentally it is very 
d'ffkult : And the difficulty arifcth from three grounds or cau- 
fcs. l, The 

Chap, a fo hardly perftvadedto come to Chrifi. 5 3 

I. The exceeding greafneffe of divine love andmtrcj: When The difficulty of 
a perfon is made fenlible of his many and great fins, by which foUtvhg&i- 
hehaih wronged and diihonoured God , and now the Lord % , 
opens a throne of grate , ana mercy to him, and faith, for all dingjretmtTe 
this, I am willing to be reconciled to you. Here is my Chrift, of divine love. 
( that cceiy Saviour) ,or you, take him, he (hall be yours; and 
all the finnesxvherein you have walked, I will forgive them, e- 
very one of them, and I will never remember them againft you 
any more, and I will fan&ifiethat nature of yours, I willheale 
ycu, and I will bJcfTe you with ail bleillngs, and I will love you 
freely, and never turne away from doin^- of you good ; Why , 
Thi* exceeding goodn lTe of God in Chrift amazeth the poor 
(inner * y Bow can this be} faidZacherio4 y Lkkz i. So the poor 
(inner which liesunder the burden and guilt of his (ins > How 
can this be ? It cannot be that the Lord Will be thus, and do all 
this for fuch a wretch, an enemy as I have been unto him ? This 
isfo unuiuala courfeofgoodne(Te,this is fuch tra&fcendent lo- 
ving-kindneiTe 1 this cannot be, it is too good to be true! tf I 
had been a frknd,and a good fervant, but this, but all this for 
me who have been fuch an enemy, and all this upon freed \ 

termes, without any more ado, to by Isold on Chrift, and all 
this mercy and falvation 1 No more but tothirft, no more but 
to open the doore 1 Why, the very greatnefte and freenelTe of 
mercy and grace maJwe the matter To incredible to a poor 

ncr ' . ¥romtbc[uHr- 

2,Tke comparing or bringing fsrth of this bcleiving work U nxturxlncfscf 

purely fuper natural: I conreiTe mat if there were a natural */# work 
power in the (inner to beleeve; if it were no more to beleeve 
on Chriftjthen to open the eye and fee,to ftretch out the hand 
and receive, then the work were net difficult, becauie we have 
a natural power to there acfts. O but to beleeve hath no na- 
tural power in man, to bottome upon, or to grow upon , but I 
it depends onely and altogether upon a power which is fuper« 
natural; No man can come to me (lakh Chrift, John 6. 48,) 
except the Father draft him : and no man can come unto me 
except it be given him of the "father , verfe 6y you wonder 
that the thirfty (inner who needs the waters, and unto whom 
the waters are brought and offered to him, and he hath free 


5 ^ Why tbirfly Jinners are hardly perfivaded Chap, a 

leave to drink of them, yet be fhnds weeping and trembling, 
and he cannot, and he dares not drink of the waters. The rea- 
foffl jCjbecauf; there is no -coming unco, and no drinking of 
thefe waters without believing ; and beleeving is not in our 
power; it is the eff ft of fupcrnatural power, and therefore 
although you fee the Well of waters, and this ft to drin'c of 
them, yet unUff: God give you a veffel, and gives you art hand 
to la down that vcffcl, and to bring up the waters, u' LlTc he 
creates in you a power to be!eeve,you cannot come and make 
ufeof the waters. 
From the inter- ^ Again, another ground of the difficulty of beleeving or 
ituZifghinl comin g to pv/ttt is *»ithe Interpofitwn , the allaal Interfo- 
burts, J fitkns r tM m<( giving and doubting hearts, even thn 9 

when rre Jb-nU cor/:: teve % whenwc fhould come and 

drink of the waters. Now they break out, and now they be- 
fet, and aflault us, even when we are purpofing to take poflef* 
fion, this is their time, this is their hour, and this is cur hour 
of temptation, and darkneiTe, and conPift, and trouble. Now 
the fcul breaks afunder with it felf , and thocghts rife againft 
thoughts, and arguments juftle with arguments ; now we dif- 
pute and queftion, and mike exception?, and one wave follows 
another; As when the mother is to be delivered of the child, 
there the paines and the throescome; fowhen faith is formed 
in us, and we come to beleeve indeed ; then do our fears and 
doubts break forth, and even rent the foul in pieces : There be 
fo many doors now to unlock, and Co many objections now to 
anfwer, and fo m3ny divine arguments to be fided with , to 
pull down the frrong arguments of our troubled hearts , that 
it is exceeding difficult to perfwade us to come to Chrifr. 
4. 4. A fourth reafon why much is required to perfwade even 

The inungk- thirfty finners to come to the waters and drink, is th: intan- 
mcMttoJmili glement of weal^ faith, whenonehath a perpkxed conscience, 
f rjh - and a perplexed faith fa ftron^ fenfeof fin, and but a weakc 

faith to beleeve) no marvel if fuch a one te not eafily perfwad- 
ivhtn huh is z & tocomc ani take the waters. 
tecxk. There are three things when faith is weak. 

, f I. 7ke fohl is very apt to fl agger ; to take hold , and 

to ftitec" '** t0 ^ Ct S° lts h°^; ^ e a ^ Ct ^ e cm ^ VV ^ 10 follows, and cries, and 
ss " falls; 

Chap. 2. to come to Chrifi. 5 4 

falls ; fo weak faic'%ic follows Chrifr, ic is going, out to thrift, 
like Peter , but ic is faking; itisnoc fo able to mskeits ground 
good: / bcletve , Lord k tip my unbelief: ic cannot fo caiily 
mainfaine the promifes, and t nccum gsu cats ©f Chafe contra- 
ry waves put ic back. 

2. 37;? »y*£ believer is very apt to be tfendid &vd dtf- tAnd tohepf- 
couragtk : h little thing feffieech Ed m ike a ii :tle child to ftand /wirf? 

(fill and cry : He is more apt to : e of fenfe. If my 

new doubt breaks forth, or if r ;\ if he doth notprefent- 

ly meet with what he expefted, it anew fcruple arife ,^if the 
Lord (Thrift purs but a new trial upon him, he thinks all is not 
right, I miy not come,Chrift is not well jrieafed with me : Ke_ 
ho : as up his love, and kindnctle, and peace from 

3. He is Apt to fid-* and tzkj fart ty'tib ur.'vduf y mihft f Jndtotifapxrt 
that makfs againft hx coning to €h*ifi\ to take part with ; mib all that 
Firft, tlireatntiigs, not with promifes. SCwCnd^', with punifti- makesagtinfi 
ments, and not wirh rewards- Thirdly, with denials, and not ^T 171 ^ t$ 
with anfwers. Fouri:hly > with doubts and feats^and no: with 
encouragements and ho.pas. 

5. The fact) and Jail rcafon why there is (oft-times) fo 5. 

muchadotoperfwadethirfty finners to tome to the waters, Tfa cunning 
is th*. itifie and cunning p gge ft ions of S*tan : O fait h Satan! r&& c $ m s°f 
youcome toChrift,andyouc : nnk of thefe prec'ous waters, a* 
las man I neither throne nor the other do belong to thee 1 

i. Remember yoj;rc»» old filthy lap and finningSj and ^bjecl. r. 
what think ygahsth Gad to fay to you for them > 

O faith the thirfty, I do with fhame and iorrow remember Sd, 
them^and now! thirfl for Chrifi to cleanfe an; wafli me from 

Jjpt remember joht $nni*g$ dgafcft $***$ h'wfelf : .your Object. 2. 
many {lightings and rei ufals of him and of thefe waters ; the 
Law and Gofpel both have a concrovei £ ! with you. 

O faith the uitrfty finn r r, I do remember thefe tifohow un- Sd. 
kindly ! have dealt with a kindcand loving Chrift ; ad this 
makes me co mourne -when I look *f e n hint Whom I have 

I, but remember your o»n findings 5 while/l jqh thinly that ohjtf. ?. 
jM'hwe been thir fling fir Chrijhf 


5 6 Why tbirfiy finmrs art Ch; 

SA. O r v.:a^t 1 e l I conftfle, but mllingly I would not of* 


Objetl.4. But ycu have no right at all to Chrift, and whit can you (hew 
for which Chrift fhould be moved to look on you, and to give 
you no lelTe then the water of life, living water , ft ill and plca- 
fam and refrefning waters? 
Sjj % I can fhew nothing , and I can bring nothing , bat a poor* 

ciftrefTed needy thirfty foul, all that I look tor , I look for 
from Chrift, and I have his invitatiou , and I have his good 
word of promife, and that is enough. 
n r-.n . Obut j on mu\l btmiftftngtlffcomt , you mutt have faith , 

,)# and love , notwkhftanding all chat Chrift tilth bid , you can 
s * ■ Icannotbeleeveby my ownftrcngth , but I will go to the 

Father who drawes to Cnrift, and 1 will pray to him that it may 
be given un:o me to beleeve. 

O but though you have prayed, andearneflly fought him, 
Obccl'O. yet be an fivers you not , frith flrengtb in jour fettles to beleeve , 
which is a fure iigre that he intends not to give you faith % nor 
yet to give you Chrift , nor any ofthel'e waters by Chrift. 
Sol. Neverthctefle I will wait, and / tvill hearken what God the 

Lord mil fp;ak„: He hath faid, Bleffed a~e thy that hunger and 
f t hirfl after rig hteoufr.effe, for i be) pi dt be filled- 

OhjeU.y. Yes , If you thirfted aright , but jour thir (lings are not right 

tkirftinrj $ you had been anfwered ere this, had they been 
W My thirftings are right, I fee my need of Chrift, I have a 

promife to enjoy Chrift , and none bu: Chrift will, or can, 
quench rhefe thirft$,&c # 

Beloved , T dooccafionally put in thefc anfwers, to fuccour 
and help the diftrefled finners / But the very truth is, that it 
is a very hard work for the poor diftreiT:d finner alone , thus 
quickly to anfwer, and put by, and break through all thefc 
cunnng and ftrong temptations and fuggeftions of Satan, they 
will coft him many fears , and many teares , and miny ftrong 
cries and wre'tlings rnft; and now you fee the reafonswhy 
there is fo much ado to perfwade. 


Chap.2 Camions for thirfty finners. 57 

___ , _ . . . — „ 


@uefi. 2. 

I Now proceed unto the fecond queftion, what thrift j firmer* wbsx thirfty 
fhould do that they may be able to corns to the Waters and [inner s fhould 
drink, *° tQ be f etG 

Ci Cautions. TJcrV 

There are< 2. Direct :ons,which I would humbly pre lent un- ^/ 

I them for this; Caution's for 

You rouft tak* heed of your oven [elves % and that in two tbem. 
particulars, im 

1. Of your own ftrength ; Refy not on any power in your Take beei of 
felve* to enable you to bcJeeve, or ro come to Guilt : for there l m f ovmfelves. 
is no fs/fficiencjf in your [elves. That may truly be fpoken to J r ^u 

us concerning thefe waters, what the woman fpake unto Chrift, 
John 4. I [. Thou hasl nothing to draw With, and the JVell is 
deep: unto you it is given to beleeve y Phil. I. 29 John 6. 29. 
This is the work of God, that ye beleeve on him Whom he 
bath fent ; The potter to come to C rift, is a power which is 
given 1 it is not an inbred power of our own,bu: a power that 
ts given, you are without jfrength. As there are none of thefc 
waters in yotr fo there is no felf— frrength or fufficiencie in you 
ro drink of thefe waters. How much rime and paine? do we 
wade to findc a (hength in our felves ? Ic is bat a fool;fh and 
vaine artempt and practice in any thirfty (inner to flay his 
coming to Chrilt and the waters, until be hi rofeli can rame or 
forme in himft-If aftren°r.h tocomeroChrift : It is impoffible, 
for the altogether infufficient (inner to be the auihcr of ipintu- 
al life or ffrcngch to h:s own foul. 

2. And of j cur o\\n w>eak*ef[e j It is but the ■••< aknelTe of Of your own 
your h earts (when Chrift calls you to come ) to cafl up feares, ffW ^ w / fc 
and doubts, and reafonings, and difputes: To put thofe con- 
ditions on you which Chnft never did put; and to prescribe 
Jucbdifpofirions, and degrees , and times, which Chnit never 
prefenbed, your felf-counfels, and your ft If- reafonings , and 

your telf-orderings and limitations arc but as fo many fhackles, 
and fetters of bondage upon your hearts,entangling and hinder* 
ing of you from going out to Chrift. The thirfty tinners v^ork 

I is 

58 Cautions for Chap, 2 

is not to difpute, but pray;\s not to confult With flefh and bloody 
but With thrift ; is not to hear what his fearful and doubting 
heart will fuggeft,but to hearken what Chrift doth fpeak and 
command and promife, 
2. 2. You muft take heed of hearkening unto Satan, who is a 

Ti\t beei offyrtherer t0 [inne , but an hinder er to Chrisl. He is a 
/juk?"^ 7V*»/>f , tofinful wayes, but an adverfary 9 to Chrift, and to 
the way of coming unto Chrift, and he is called not onely an 
adversary, but alfo a "Deceiver, He is the great Deceiver of the 
whole world, and he is the great Deceiver of troubled and 
thirfcy (inner*. To keep us dill in our finful conditions, he de- 
ceives us with falfe pleafures > and with fa/fe confidences ; he 
feeds us with the delights of (mne 5 and hides from us the 
fling and terrours of finnc j he feeds us with preem- 
ptions of mercy 4 but hides from us the wrath and certainty of 
Godsjuftice, and to keep us from coming to Chrift. He de- 
ceives us with faffe reprefe ntations^ and falfe fuggeft ions; as for* 
merly he hindred us from looking on finne as jinne\ fo now 
he hinders us from looking on Chrift as a Chrifi with- 
out companion -, Not as a Aicdiatour , without grace, without 
mercy without willingnefTe, withou: freeneile, to fuch finners 
ns we have been: And fo cunningly doth he colour, and in- 
finite thefe iuggeftions,as if Chrift himfelfdid thus fpeak, and 
thus reprefent himfelf unto us: But beware of hearkning to this 
Dfceiver, his hindring fuggeftions are quick, and ftrong, and 
violent, and many times dreadful, even tomakeus<Iefpaire:By 
thefe you may know them , and befeech the Lord to keep you 
from them, orelfe they will keep you from coming to Chrift. 
v 3. Take heed of deciding and judging your right And leave 

Tii'v bed of fa coming to Chrisl by your prefent (en/e or feeling. When 
judging your your thirlty fouls are thinking of coming to Chrift, and to the 
right by prefent t he waters, you fhall finde many contrarieties,and many diffi- 
culties, and many triafs , and many ftrange workings in your 
own fpirit, fometimes the water may feeme neere, and fome- 
times a far off; fometimes free and open , and fometimes (hut 
and fcaled; fometimes running towards you, and fometimes 
running from you; fometimes your hearts 3re high, and fome- 
times lowj fometimes hopes to enjoy, and many times fears to 


Chap. 2 . thirfty finners. 5 9 

miflc; a light will be upon you, and darkneffe will be upon 
you,one while many reafons very evident for you that you may 
come, and another while no evident encouragement at all, 

ta and perhaps nothing but difcouragements altogether: A 
jden conviftion of the greatnefle of your fins, of your un- 
worthineffe,ofyourexclufions,&c. Therefore by no meanes 
fet up your own feelings as the rule, or as the ground of your 
coming to Chrift; if you do, your ftiip will be under the 
commands of ftormy winds , your feet will flick in the myre, 
you will roll up and down like the waves of thefea, you will 
but weave 'Penelofts webb, do and undo, come, and go back • 
your hopes will (Till your fears,&your fears will pul down your 
hopes again. I may come, but I may not come to Chrift : I will 
venture, O but I dare not venture:He will give me water of life, 
O but now I cade of the water of death, and Chrift will not 
quench my tnirft : Therefore you muft againftallreafonings of 
fence,ftick to the invitation, and to rheoffer,and tothe.promife. 

* qTake heed of fyiritual jealoujies and fufpitions: for theft will a 

opprtffe and hinder your thirfty fouls from coming unto Chrift. Take heed of 
There are fix things (of which whiles you have jealoufie/p-'^/jw/^- 
and fufpicious thoughts) they will affuredly keep you off from ff and Mt> 
coming to the waters, I. Of thegoodneiTe and kiudnefle in U S °*J' ^ " 
Chrift. 2. Of thcTulneffc and fufficiency in Chrift. 3-Ofthe w bereofmare 
intention and purpofe of Chrift. 4, Of the truth and fidelity )edom andfuf- 
of Chrift, 5. Ofthc freenefle and gcacioufnefle of Chrift. 6. &P&9M* 
the acceptance and beneficence of Chrift. 

If you maintain jealous and fufpicious thoughts of thtgood- ofthegoodnefc 
neffe and fydneffe of Chrift ; He will not be good to my foul r aad kindnejfeof 
or of the fulnefft of Chrift j He hath not all the waters which chyi i i - 
my thirfty foul doth need .-or of the intern ion of 'Chrift ; But he °/A be J Hlfle Jf c 
means not my foul in all thefe proclamations of goodnefle and ome'&m' 
mercy : or of the truth of 'Chrift, but he will not performe all this ofchrift. m0n 
good of which he huh fpok?n and p:omifed:or of the freeneffe of Of the truth of 
Chrift^ out furelyhe ties mc to harder conditions and ex- ch r r *fi° 

ed ? would heeverelofe with, and clafpe fuch a finner, fuch 

I 2 an 

6o DireSiions for Chap. 

enemy? I could hardly embrace fuch a one with love and boun* 
ty; will Chrift doit f 

O thiifty finners I Take heed of the fine threds of unbeliefs 
Take heed of the modeftandhumbleacl ofunbelicf-.Takeheea 
of che'e injurious thoughts and jealuufiesand fears of unbelief: 
The harder thoughts that you have of Chrift, the ftronger dif- 
coungements and impediments arecaft upon you from coming 
unto Chrift : And let this futfice for the cautions. 
D'-cft' ut Now follows the diretlions which we are topra&ice : If we 

would indeed come to the waters and drink. And they are 
thefe, W*. 
I. You muft ballance all things together : difcouragenunts and 

BaUmcc all encouragements together: Arguments and arguments together; 
thing together. y ou mu [ t con f I( j er t he one,and confider the other ; weigh the 
one, and weigh the other; what will hinder, and what will 
Eiibt thing! further your coming unto Chrift, put the one into one bal- 
tbejfoouid thus lance> and put the other into the other ballance, There are 
fit together, eight things which thirfly finners fhould thus let together. 

l. i. All their finnes and Chrtftr merits together; O fay 

Their fins And thirfly finners, here are To many tins, and fuch great fins,no wa- 
Ckrijls merits, fcr j sa ki et0 wa (h away the guilt of them, or tocleanfe us 
from them, and thefe hinder us from coming I , but now fee 
the furTcrings of Chnft, and the merits of Chrift together with 
thefe (ins ; / he blood of Jeftu Chrift cieanfeth m from all fins ^ 
I John 1.7. And if We confeffe our finnes, He u faithful and 
juft to forgive m our finnes , and to cleanse us from aH un+ 
righteotsfnejfe, veric 9. If you come to Cbriit, all your fins will 
be forgiven you. The Apoftle fpeaking of Beleevers in Chrift, 
faith, thlt all their treftaffes are jorgiven, Collof 2. I 3. So in 
Alls 13. 38. Through this man U preached unto ysu the for' 
givenejfe of finnes ; and verfe 39. By him all that beleeve are 
]uftified: and Rom. 3. 25. Htm hath god fet forthto be a pro- 
pitiation through faith in his blood* To declare his righteouf- 
■neffe for the remijfon of finnes that are pafl. The greatnefle 
of your fins fhould not fo much difcourage you from coming 
to Chrift, as the greatneffe of Chrifts merits ftiould encourage 
you to come to Chrift - y Where (innc abounded , grace did much 
mare abound^ Roci.5'20. 

2. All 

Chap, 2 thirjly fznners. 6l 

2t All their diftrejfes and Chrifis cempeffions together : you 2. 

are grieved, and you are troubled, you are tender and broken* Their diflreffcs 
hearced, you feel infirmities and anguifhes in confeience , and **& Cbrifti 
thefe make you afraid to come to Chrift I ! Bot now fee the '«*tf«* 
merciful compaffions of Chrift and all thefe together, Remem- 
ber that of the Apoft'e in fW.4.1 5. We have not an high Trie ft 
Who cannot be touched, with the feebng of our infirmities , but 
was in all points tempted like as we are , yet Without finne : 
verfc 16. Let m therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, 
that We may obtains mercj , and fnde grace to help in time 
of need ; You read of the bowels of feftu £hyift y Phil. U 8. 
There is none fo pitiful to a diftrefled foul, as Chrift ; His Na- 
ture , is very full of mercy and pity ( He will not break the 
bruifed reed) H* office, is full of pity, He keeps the office 
of merciful companions : He is He U anointed to preach 
good tidings to the meek^\ and [em to binde up the broken- 
hearted , to proclaime liberty to the captives, and the opening of 
theprifon to them that are bounded to comfort aU that mourn t 
]fa*6i. 1,2. Confider ferioufly you thirfty Hnners , who are 
fo burdened, and broken, and prtfled, and caftdown, here is 
large encouragement fo r you to come to Chrift ; There is mer- 
cifulncfle in him, companion in him, bowels in him; and as it 
is j<?#r </»*/, to come to h*<m,fo it i* his office, to bind npyour 
hearts, and to comfort your hearts , and to kt you free from 
your bonds and burdens;Chrift is the good Samaritan 3 the good 

3. All their rrantt and (fhrifls fulnefrc together : QjiefH- . 3- 
onleffe your fpiritual wants are many ! What fpiritual good is ^"r™?/ 3 
there which your fouls want not > you want all , you need all, fylnefo. 
you have neither bread, nor drink, nor raiment, nor houfejyou 
muft be wholly fet up again. It is with you, as with the Prodi- 
gal, he (pent all, and wanted all; I, but faith he , there is 
bread enough in mj fathers houfe, and to /pare, Luke 1 5. 17. 
So though there be an univerlal want with you, yet there is an 
univerfal fulnefle with Chrift : There is light enough in the 
Sun, and water enough in the fea- there is fulnefle in Chrift 
to fupply all your wants ; there are treafures hid in Chrift, and 
unfearchable riches in Chrift • Chrift is that height, and depth, 


6 2 VireElions for Chap 

and breadth, and length : He is the Lord of glory , He is the 
Lord of life \ He is the Prince of peace ; He is the Lord our 
righteonfnejfe • He huh all for you, who need all, and can pi 
All in /ill ; what fpiritual good may you not finde in Chrifr 5 
juftification in him, fan&ification from him , confolationby 
him, falvarion with him? fo that if ycu weigh things toge- 
ther, there is (til! more in Chrift to draw you to him, then 
there can be in your ielvcs to withdraw you from him. 
WI . 4« a All t lj e i r unw or thine ffe . and Chrifis freeneffe together: 

thinelfe an! This is another thing which you lnfiltupon, as adtfeourage* 
Cbrijtjfrce- mem from corning to Chrift ; We are unworthy ; VYeareno- 
vcjfc thing; We are worfe then nothing; We c?.n bring nothing? 

There is no reafon in us why Chrift fhould give us thefe preci- 
ous waters to drink ? O but thenconfiderit well, th^t Chrift is 
a fountain of living Waters, and waters flow freely from the 
fountains : you cannot lay down a price for thefe waters, and 
therefore Chrift bids you who are athirft to come and take of 
the Waters of life freely , Rev. 22.1 j. Thou wouldefl have as i*- 
td o[ bim> and he would have given thee living water , John 
4, Living water, and but for the asking ! Beloved, all your en, 
jcymenrs are by Grace, you come by them freely ; the provi- 
ding of Chrift was an Jid of Grace;the giving of Chrift was 
anact of Grace- the calling to Chrift is an aft of Grace. 
Allithe good you have by Chrift, are ads of Grace, and then ic 
will follow, that ic is not your unworthinefTe 3 but it is your 
worthineire which is inconfiftent with Grace, Rom. 1 1 .6. 1/ by 
Grace , then it is no more of worlds, othirwife Grace is no more 
Grace : And if it be of wsrkj , then it U no more of Grace, 
otherw'fe work is no more work : So then your own unwor* 
thinefle is no difecuragement if you do rightly confider that 
the £racioufnciTe of Chrift abundantly anfwers the unworthi- 
riefle in a Tinner. 
• Vn *<? ">• Theyfhould fet their ieftnt and Chrifts invitations to- 
, gether: ycu look on your defires after Chrift and the xvaters 
% i m , with a fingle eye ; here arc defires indeed, but what of them ? 

Here are longings for Chnft, but what of them? Verily ic is a 
'tat mercy to have fuch longing defircs; and if with thefe 
uld caft the eye alfo upon the invitation of Chrift, there 



C hap. 2. thirfly firmer s. 6$ 

would appear a great encouragement for you to come to 
Chrift and to the waters. Chrifts invitations of you', begins, 
when thefe thirfty defires begin ( Ho, every one that thirfteth % 
come ye to the Waters) and his invitation is warrant enough. 
What a fweet encouragement is it to a repenting (inner, that 
forgiving mercy meets him, as foone as ever he begins to re- 
pent ? 1 [aid I woulb confejfe my tranfgreffions unto the Lor A 
(Pfal. 32,5 ) and thou forgave ft the iniquity of my finnes : In 
like manner, what afurpafting encouragement (hould this be 
unto a thirfty (inner to come to Chrift , when, as foone as his 
thirfty foul calls out for Chrift, ChriR calls out unto his thirfty 
foul to come and drink of the waters? fo that now you (hall 
flnde the difcouragemenrs much overweighed by the encou- 
ragements; even the very thirfting may encourage you to 
come •. And Chrifts invitation, and call of you, doch encourage 
you to come : Remember this one thing for your comfort, that 
when Chrift once calls the pooifinner by name , there all ex- -^ 
ceptions and fcruples are filenced, the way and accefTeare 
free and fafe to come unto Chrift upon the fpecial call of 

6. They (hould /et t'-eir thirsiings , and the promifes °f r } K i tt ^ai m 
Christ together : I confefte thai the very difcovery of water is mi {xbtpomt[cs 
fome encouragement to a thirfty perfon ; but an invitation to together. 
come and drink, is a great encouragement. But yet a promife y 

that if he comes he (hall not faile of waters, he fhall be filled 
and fatiated : This is of all other the greaccft encouragement. 
If you who are thirdy (inners did fully weigh this, me chinks 
it (hould over- poife all your doubting fears; you have to all 
the reft a promife of being filled, and fatisfied, if you do come 
unto the waters. You have a divine promife for this which 
is made up of peculiar goodnefte and infallible truth, you may 
not onely venture your life, but alio your very (ouls on a word jl. 
of promife from Chrift who is the Amen and faithful irn- 

7. They (hould fet their oftn rveal?nejfes and Chrifts ftrengtb 
together: You fee your need of thefe waters, and yet you rhir £ n mAh 
comenot; you know where theyare,and yetyoucome not; nc^micbri^ 
you know the precioufneile and bleffednefle of them, and yetyto/^, ' 


64 Direttions for Chap. 2 

you come not, you hive a call to come, and leave to come, 
andyet you come not / And what is the reafon? O, we have 
no ftrength of our own to come ; and thus you third ftill, and 
complaine ftill, and hold off ftill. I. buttbough you be weak, 
and cannot come by your own ftrength , yet why do younoc 
conlider Chnjl is firong, though you be rveakj yea, and when- 
foever Chrift calls the chirfty (inner to come, if that thirfty fin- 
mr will call on Chrift, Chrift: who gives him a call, will alfo 
give him ftrengJi to come : This indeed would encourage 
your hearts to come to the waters, if you did confider that it 
belongs to Chrift to give you power, as well as to Jbew jou fa- 
vour : And that he is as ready to give the one as well as the o- 
ther: And that as he gives the waters freely, fo he gives port* 
er freely to come and drink of them. 
8. 8 Laftly,They fhould fet Satans cbjeftions andChrifts en* 

Sitms obicHi- f mrs xo^ethtr : All that Satan faith agamft your coming, and 
ll'fwcn ^ a!1 that Cnriftfairh for your coming: As there is no temptati- 
on of Satan, bur you may findc an anfwerfor it in the Word of 
God ; So there is n> exception which Satan can make agair.fi: 
the coming of a thirfty finner to Chrift, but Chrift himfelf can 
furn.fh yoli with his aniwers fnflkient to difperfe and filence it : 
1 he invitation of you by Chrift,and theproraifes of Chnft,w 4 !l 
ferve toanfwerall. 
Otject. y ou ma y not com «, f aItn Satan ! Thus you have been , and 

thus you are, no warrant have you to come. 
Sol. What faith Chrift? Ho, every one that thtr/Jcth, come je 

to, the Waters: Satan faith you may not come, but Chrift faith 

\ o j may come, aid a better and furer warrant you cannot have 

of coming unto Chrift then the exprefTely declared invitaiion 

and u'l of Chrift. 
Ob'utt. W you do come you (hall not fpetd , you (lull not be fup- 

plicd. faith Sa^an | there is no water for you. 
Sol. What fa;tli Chrift i If any man ih'nfls let htm CJm? unto 

me, and drt>.\ John 7. 37 Tea, let him take of the Water cf 

of life ;W//, Rev. 22. 17.' 

And thus you have heard the firft direclion what courfe 

thirfty finrurs fhould take chat they may be able to come to the 

waters ; Namely, a right balancing of di(cou;agements and 



Chap, 2 DireStions for tbirfiy firmer s . 6 $ 

encouragements together : And yet notwithftanding all this, . 
perhaps thirfty Tinners are not able to come: Therefore in the 
fecond place take another Direction. 

2. If you who are thirfty Tinners would be able to come to 2. 
the waters ; Then ft five earneflly with the Lord to workjhat Strive with the 
work of faith in yottr harts. ' Lord to nork 

Four things I would fpeak concerning this Direaion. fatf/" 7 ** 

1. Thereisanecefiity of faith for coming to thefe waters, p'ouribims con 

2. There is an efficacy in faith, which if you could attaine, h ceming ttit di* 
would enable you to come. rttlim. 

3. That God onely can work in you this work of faith. 

4. Thatifyouearneftiy feek him for this coding faith, he 
will give it unto yon. 

Firft, The re a neteffity of fa'th for coming u*to C^'ft > ^- €rc ls a * s 
and unto the waters; As there is a neceffi'yof natural princi- eejny of faith 
oles. for natural actions, (the eye cannot fee without a vifive# r ,f ew/w £'° 
principle; The hand cannot move without amoving principle; J 
The body cannot ftrive without a living principle. ) So 
there is a necefli y of a fopernatural principle, for all fupernato- 
ral actions, it is impofiible to come to Chrift, and to drink of 
the waters in and by him, without a fupernitural principle, and 
that principle is faith : this is that living principle by which you 
come to the living Chrift, and drink of his living waters : And 
no other principle have you wrought within you whereby to 
come unto union or communion with Chrift, either to partake 
of him, or of any Tpjricuil good by him,buc faith. 

Secondly, if this fnith Were wrought in jott % it is of that 
efficacy that yon would be able to come to Chrift I for as g?? ts / n f' 

r U . { • L ,, • 1 r x if Oicy in faith to 

faith is wrought by an^ Almighty power (no leflegoes out enable you to 

to the production of it) fo where it is wrought, it hath a raigh- come. 

ty power over the heart of a finner, that it will lead up , and JL~ 

bring the heart to clofe with Chrift, agiinft all the power of 

hell, and againft all the powers of unbelief. And in truth it is 

(if I may fo exprelTe my felf) the very natural rv?k of faith ; 

the work which naturally it inclines unto, namely, to over- 

fway and encline the foul to Chrift, it is the fpiritua! bias on the 

foal drawing us unto him. An invitation and a promife , and 

Chrift himfclf, will fway with faith to draw it to them. 

K Third. 


66 Directions for Chap, a 

xr««.,, M -,„„l Thirdly, nome can live or work, thh faith in you but God. 

Hone CM VPCri! | ^ • i ■»-. i r 7* i \ r I . „ 

tbiehitb inus w " 0ls the Father of light J , And from whom every good gift 
but onclj God. doth come, James I. 17. No man can come to me except the 
Father draw him, John 6. 46. And therefore Belecverr (3s 
Tleleevers) are faid Co be borne, not of blood, nor of the Will 
ofikefi(Jh t Kor of the ^i/lofman.but of God, John M2, 1^. 
Andlaftly, If the Lord be earne ft ly fought for this faith, 
Ifvec time ft Ij (which isonely his gift) tie will affuredly givf it : He will be 
feek bim for it, found cf them that [eck^ htm. His promifes are full, and clear, 
be mil gi V c it. andcertaiae , both for the giving, and ftrengthening of faith: 
And therefore you who are thirfty finntrs,and (at leaft to your 
own apprebeniions) are deftitute of faith, Get you to God and 
pour out your hearts before him : O Lord we need a drift, 
and all the good by Chrift , our hearts do pant and long for 
^L him; com. to him we cannot without faich, and faith we can- 
not have unkffe we come to thee : Now Lord reveale thine 
arme, put forth thine own ftrength, give us to beleevr , work 
thine own work in us, and for us, draw us to Chrift, and we 
fhall run to Chrift ; perfwade us that we m3y come, ftrength- 
en us and we (hall come; make us willing, and then ue (hall 
be willing; make usable, and then we (hall be able to do/e 
with Chrift, to truft on Chrift ; to take hold on Chrift , and to 
drink of all the waters by Chrift. Could webeleeve,wefhould, 
. come and taftc how good thy Chrifts is; how fweec thy love 
is; howpleafantthy mercy is; how comforting thy joy is; 
how exceeding thy peace is ! O give us water or elfe our thirfty 
fouls will die ; O give us faith to come to the waters, or elfe our 
thirfty fouls die I 

3. If you would be able to come to the waters, pray for the 

Fnyfor thefpi Spirit r r^a . In this ca fe a jf it j s true> h „ the s jrf $ ^ 
MfCb,ifi. quk ^ nh% The Spirit Of" 

of Chrift, is the Spirit of \ife % and he is 
the Spirit of power ^ and he is the Spirit of /i^rr// ; Where the 
Sfirtt of the Lord is , there u liberty, 2 for. 3.17. Yea , he 
is the Spirit of faith , 2 Cor. 4. 13. Before we enjoy the Spirit 
of Chrift, we are in bondage unto Satan , and unto our own 
corruptions! and unto our own doubts and fears (we bave fla- 
vifh thoughts of God, and fears of God); But where the SpL 
-^ rit of the Lord is, there is liberty ^ the Spirit of Chrift frees 


Chap. 2 . thirftyfinners* 

us from our fpiritual bondage, frees us from the power of Satan, 
and Iufts, and unbelief, and our flavifh fears : And befides that, 
be gives us power and freedome to come to God, and ro come 
to Chrift, to pray 3 and to belceve, and to hold up communion, 
Sec. Opray for this Spirit of Chrift : He is promii'cd often, 
£^^36.27. / rtMl put mj Spirit within yon , and Lukje it. 
I 3. Tour heavenly Father trill give his holy Spirit to them 
that aske him : You are now in pnion and in (hackles, but gee 
you that Spirit, the prifondcors would be opened, and your 
chains would fall off, as Peter j did, you would not be hindred 
nor clog'd any longer with Satan or your own hearts , bu: you 
fhould be freed from them, and made free toc^w*, yea, to 
rtinnt to your Chrilt , after whom your hearts do fo much 

4, To thefe might be added , ^Attendance upon the Lord, 4. 

and patient waiting upon him in the ufe of hit Ordinances, Ait mi upon the 
until he fends forth the Rod of his po*er, until! he makes his L i r ^ l r b f : a ^ 
Name and thegreatnelTe of his power known unto your fouls; JJ^ r tn 
By thefe waters of the Ordinances doth God convey unto you 
all your ftrength to come and drink of thofe waters of life in 
Chrift : They are the QlaJJe, in which we behold the glory of 
the Lord (the glory of his loving kindnefTe, the glory of his 
mercy, the glory of his grace, and all thefe are drawing. 

The Gofpel Ordinances are The Gcfpei Or- 

1. Comforting Ordinances: they are a good word, they ti***cts?* 
fpeak good ncwes, they preach glad-tidings to wearied and di- Cm f 0TUn & 
ftreffed finners. 

2. Clearing Ordinances: they dear off your darkneffes, cleirinr. 
and your miitakes, and your doubts, and your expectations, 

and (hew you your intercft in and title to Jefu* Cbrift. 

3. Perfwading Ordinances : They prefent unto you the ?er fading 
grace of God in Chrift with fuch fulnefle, willingneffe, kind- " 
neiTe, frecnefTe, and earncftneiTe, fo that your hearts are over- 
come by them. 

4 Communicating Ordinances: lively oracles indeed, they commm' 
do not onely reveal and offer, and command, but alfo they do 
work and help your fouls : By and through them doth the Spi- 
rit of Chrift effectually work on your wills implanting faith, 

K 2 enabling 

68 Directions for Chap.a. 

enabling faith to clofe with Chrift, tnd to lay hold on 


^W/?. 3. fJO.v any thirfty finner may how tb*t be is come, and 

Hew l tbirfiy £Lhath indeed drank of theft water u 

tbiTb^bltl" Therearc four things which will difcover unto you, whether 

drAnk oftbejc indeed you hive drank of thefe waters. 

witers. I. If you have indeed drun\ of thefe waters, then joh can 

Sol. tell their tafte, and of u hat relifh they have been With jour 

U fouls: As they who did eite Mama, they knew the tafte of 

Bytbeuficiil it to be lik* wafers made frith honey, Exod. 16 31. Or as 

ulijl) you hue j) 4V ^ fpafce, Hofr (wen Are thy words unto my tafte, fleeter 

ijtxjev, crs> tfonhonffumomy mouth, Pfal. lip 1 03. Or as Solomon Ipakc : 
My fonne , eate thou honey becaufe it is good , and the honey- 
comb frhich is fweet to the tafte , fo /hall the knowledge of 
wifdome be unio thy (oul when thou haft found it ; then' there 
fhafl be a reward , &c. Prov.24. 1 3, 1 4, Thus can the thirfty 
(Inner fay experimentally when he hath come to Chrift and 
drank of thefe watersjThey were fweet unto my tafte, they are 
indeed the waters of life, and the Wells offalvation, and the 
breads of conlolation : Nothing elfe could comfort, fettle, an- 
fwer,fatisfie my (ou\:Tby worfa (laid Jeremiah ch.i 5.16.J ftere 
found , and I did eate them, and thy JVordvp&unto me the joy and 
rejoyci»g of mine heart. So when thirfty fin ners have drank of 
thefe waters, they can cell you of this tafte, they can tell you 
what a tafte the love of God hath; and whit a tafte the mercy 
of God hath ; and what a tafte the goodnefle of God hath ; 
and whaf a tafte the blood of Chrift hath : Other perfons may 
tell you Hiflorically of thefe things : But experimentally none 
can but fuch as have drank of thefe waters : Hie fruit was fweet 
unto my tafte, Cant. 2. 3. His mouth is moft ftvect , yea he is 
altogether lovely • ThU is my beloved^ and this is my friend^ 
daughters of Jerufalem, Cant. 5. 16. 
?> a. If you have indeed drunk of thefe waters, There n*iU he 

4 dif+ 

Chap, a thirfly fmners. $9 

* difrtlifhing of all other waters in Comparifon of thefe. No By tbedifrelijh 

wan (faith Chrift, Luke 5, 30.) having dr unsold wine , fir ait °f Mother m* 

Way defireth new , for he faith the old is better : So when you tcrs ' 

havedrunk of thefe waters fof the peace, of the mercy, of the 

joy, and of the comfort in and by Chrift) all earthly comfort 5 , 

and joyes,ani delights, are as nothing to you in comparifon of 

thefe : What Chrijl Cpake of his Church, that may the thirfly 

(inner fpeakof Chrift, How much better is thy love then wine, 

Cant. 4.10. the fame the Church fpeaks of Chrift, C ant - ,#2 * 

Mark that pafoge of Paul in g J. 6 t 14. God forbid that I 

fhould glory , fave in the cr&ffe of oar Lord Jefm Chrift by 

•whom the ftorld v* crucified unto me , and 1 unto the world. 

He found fo much good, fo much fatfsfadion , fuch a fulneiTe, 

fuch afweetneiTe, fuch an happinefle in Chrift, as drowned all 

the world unto him, as crucified the world unto him: Ail 

wordly things were deaded by them : You may read of Auftin 

in his Confvjftons % that before he was brought in to Chrift, how 

delightful his (innes were unto him, and how pleafing the 

eloquence of Tullj was unto him: But after he was brought 

in to Chr ft, and bad tafted of thegoodnefleofGod in Chrift, 

the fweetnefleofChriftdrownedall thofe linful delights, and 

humane delights. Thcthingsof the world are great with us 

before we come to Chrift, and tafte of his waters, but after 

that we have tafted how good the Lord is, now we can fay as 

Davidy One day in thy Courts is better then a thoufand } and 

1 had rather be a door-keeper in the houfe of God y then to dwell 

in the tents of WickfAnefte, pfai. 84. 10. So 3 &c. Auftin faid. 

If one drop of the joyes of heaven might fall into Hell y it would > 

dromon all the bittetneffe in Hell ; and it is as true, that the tafte of T 

one drop of the grace and love of God in Chrift it drowns all 

thebitternefle in the foul,and all the fweernellein the world. 

3. If you have indeed drunk of Chrift, and of thefe waters 3- 

you have then found a longing dejire to drink more of them, ty&hngfagafi 
Thefe waters have a ftrange vertus in them, as they do fatisfie tcr mrc ' 
your thirds, fo they do encreafe your thirfts, they do never dull 
and takeoff your fpiritual appetite, but they do ever quick- 
en and enlarge the fame : confider a few particulars for 


Horv a thirjiy Jzrwer way know Chap. 2 

That concerning Mofes y Exod. 33. 17. The Lord fat d 
unto Mofes , Thou haft found grace in my fight , and 1 kpow 
thee by name \ Was not this a wonderful manifeftation of 
the love of God unto Mofes? did not this fatisfie him? 
furely no, bat rather it railed his defires, for through that 
Mojcs faid to God , verfe I 8. / befeech thee fteVo me thy 
glory : That of the Church, in (fant. 2. 3. / [ate dotone 
under his fhadow with great delight, and his fruit Voat fweete 
unto my tafie. One would think that this might have Ta- 
lis fied the Church to enjoy fuch a delightful , and fwecte 
communion with Chrift : But it did not •* It onely raifed 
ftronger and higher thoughts, for (verfe 5. ) He tries out , 
flay me mth fl*ggons t comfrt me with apple j , for 1 am fick^ 
of love. She had tafted forae drops of Chrifts love , and 
now ftie craves for abundant manifeftation of his Jove (flay 
me with flaggons) and the experience of love made her ftck^ 
-with love ( that is ^ wrought in her a more vehement de- 
fire more fully to enjoy the prefence of Chrifts love. That 
of Taut in Vhilip. 3. 12. J follow after if that I may 4p* 
prehend that for whxh alfo I am apprehended of Chrift Je- 
fus. (verfe I 3.) I count not my felfe to have apprehended , 
But this one thing I do , forgetting thofe things which are be- 
hinds , and reaching forth unto thofe things which are before. 
(verfe 14.) 1 prejfe towards the rnar^e for the price of the 
high calling of God in Chrift Jefus. Marke the Apoftle , he 
had attained to the Excellency of the knowledge of Chrift , 
verfe 8. yet this did not fatisfie him , he ftrives alfo for 
the Experimental knowledge of the efficacies of Jefui Chrift : 
verfe 10. 7 hat 1 may know him and the porter of his refur- 
retlion; yet this did not fatisfie him, but he proceeds yet 
further; I follow after (verfe 12.) // that I may apprehend 
that for Vvhich alfo I am apprehended of fori ft fefus. Nor 
yet did this fatisfie him, his defires rife higher, and high- 
er, he prefleth forward for the price of the high caking of God 
in Chrift fcftu % verfe 14. 
4. 4. If you have indeed drunk of trjefe waters , then 

Bj finding the you have found the vertue of them. There is a foure-fold 
venue of tbem. vertue in thefe waters. 

1. A 

Chap. a. that he hath dnmhjfthefe waters* 7 1 

1. A quieting vertue: when we have drunk of the waters *A quieting 
of jollification by Chrift, our fouls are now at reft, conscience v ^ w « 

is at reft. Being, jufiified by faith , we luve peace YW/& Qod 
through our Lord J 'ej w Ckrijl^ Rom. 5. 1. and having peace 
with God, we have pea"ce in confidence : Indeed before thac 
you are able by faith to drink oL thefe waters, your confeien- 
ccs are full of fe3rs, and troubles, and anxieties, what (hall 
we do? what will become of us? How (hail we appear e be- 
fore God? and how (hall weanfwer him? and will he ever 
be pacified ? But after that you have drunk of them, after thac 
you have got Chrift,and fee your juftification by his righteouf- 
nefle, and finde your difcharge and full remiftion in his blood, 
and know that God is your reconciled God and Father in 
Ghrift, that he loves you freely, and hath received you graci- 
oufly ; O what peace, and joy, and reft flowes from this 3 con- 
fcienceceafeth to trouble and accufe ! Nay, it begins to (peak 
peace and comfort, and doth excufe you. We rejojee in God 
through our Lord Jc[m Chrifl > having now received the at* 

2. A cleaning and he ding vertue : Thefe waters can do Ackinfagwi 
that which no other waters can do : they can heale fouls, and balingvcnuc* 
ckanfe fouls ; They cleanfe from all filthinejfe of fiefh and {pi- 

tit. You have had heretofore hard hearts, and proud hearts, 
and vaine hearts, and filthy hearts, and impatient hearts , and 
earthly hearts, &c. O/but when you come and drink of thefe 
waters, they will fof ten your hard hearts, and they will humble 
your proud hearts, and they will purifie your filthy hearts, and 
they will fubdue and meeken your impatient hearts, and they 
willraife your hearts from earth to heaven. The more you 
tafte of the love of God and mercy , and Chrift,the greater 
joy will be in your hearts. There is an admirable vertue 
or power in thefe waters to quicken the dead , to change 
the finner, to alter the condition of the foul, &c. You 
may read all thefe vertues in Mary Magdriin , in Zachem $ 
in thofe in Atl$ 2, In Paul , in the Jajlour , and the Corin- 

Z\ A 

7 a Horv a thirjiyfmner may hnow Chap, a 

3. 5. hjfrucifying vertue , when one is come toChrift, and 

A fructifying hath drunk of thefe waters, he is now like a tree planted by 
venue. t ^ e riVeYs f uaterl. 1 am the Vine , je are the tranche j : 

He that abidetb in m?, and 1 in him, the fame bringethf^rtb 
much fruity John 15.5. In Rev. 22. r. 'I here is a rtver of 
water of life-, and in verfe 2> on either fide the river there 
was the tree of life which ba e twelve manner of Jruits t arid 
yeelded his fu'us every moncth : Jefus Chnft is * living root, 
and afiuitful roor,and everyone who is come to him, and par* 
cakesof him, is a living Chriflian,and airuitfulChnniin : he 
hath a fruitful heart, and a f turiul life^n Cant. 6 6. the Church 
iscompared untoa flacky o> fheep which goes up from wajhing t 
whereof every one beareth Ctoini , and there it not any one 
barren among them, Rom. 6. 22. Being now made jree from 
/inne l ar,d become fervants to God, you have your fruit unto 
hol'tneffe, chip. 7,4. You are married unto him who is rai t ed 
from the dead, that we fh'juld bring forth fruit unto God, 
4* m 4, y* fupp)rting vertue: when \ou have drunk of thefe 

vtnSc ^ waters,they will uphold, and mpportyeu under all your ni.is, 
and lofLs, and wants, ani afrli&ion, Pfai. 25. 2. He leahth 
me bepifJe the pill w iters, vcrfe 3. Hercftoreth my foul^He 
leaies me in paths of righteoufnejfe ; verfe 4. Though 1 Malice 
through the valley of the fhadow of death , / will ft are no 
evil , for thou art with me , thy rod and thy ftxffe thej com- 
fort mr. When a poor thirfty (inner hath tailed how good the 
Lord is, when he hach drunk of the water of life, when he is 
come to the enjoyment of Ch: ift, and mercy and love : why, 
ihefearc refrejhng fjtisfaBtons for the prefent , and thefe are 
fupporting cordials for the future : This trouble is upon him, 
and that arfl clion is upon him, and that lode j but now, he 
can encourage himfelf in the Lord hi* God 1 I wiil go to my 
God and Chrid, and there I (hall finde all: Bur now, he can 
comfort himfelf in Chr.ft his Saviour; yet God loves me, yet 
my beloved is mine, and I am his ; yet nothing (hill be able to 
feparatc me from the love of God which is in (,'hrift Jefus my 


Chap- 2 Inftw&ions for fitch 73 


A Third life which I would make of this point , fliall be infiruSiions fir 
oflnftruftion unto thirftyfinners who are come to thtf™ b ** h f vc 
waters, and have now drunk or the waters. mws. 

There are feven duties which do in a fpecial manner concern 
you. I# 

1. You fhould he very thankful to your good Cod: your B ,, ^ r ? 
fouls fhould now bleiTe him who hath opened fuch e Wells of/«/, 
falvation, and likcwife who hath opened your hearts to come 

and drink of them ; Beloved, God hath (hewed unto you fin 
this) an infinite mercy, and an infinite powcr 3 and an infinite 
goodnelTe. It w&s infinite mtrcj, to make you thirfty, and to 
prepare full waters for you being thirfty. Jt was infinite potter % 
to perfwade your hearts, to anfwer ail your fear«,to overthrow 
all impediments, to overcome your fpirits, to work faith in 
you, and to (Trengthen that faitb 5 that ye were enabled to come 
to Chrift and to the waters ; It was infinite goodne fie y to an- 
fwer and to fulfil thofe great defires of your fouls , to fatisfie 
all your longings , to fupply all your wants : O what mercy, 
what kindneile , what goodneffe is this, that your poor, un* 
worthy, needy diitre (Ted, craving thirfty fouls, fhould now en- 
Joy a Chrift ! pardoning mercy ! reconciled love ! juftifying 
righteoufnefle [ renewing grace I peace in confeience ! the joy 
of the holy Ghoft, andallurance of falvation ! That ail your 
fears are filenced ; that all your tears are removed; that all 
you burdens are eafed; that all your prayers are anfwered ; 
that God is now your God ; Chrift your Chrift:, that your 
languishing fou's have tafted of, and are polleiTed with the 
beft of mercies, which God hath promifed ; your delires have 
been very high; the waters very precious; your fatisfacYions 
very fweet -, and your thankfulneffe (hould be proportionable: 
It is impoflible that any fhould tafte of thefe waters , bat bis 
foul muft blclTe God for them : O bleffe your God, and praife 
him who hath fatiified your fouls with goodneffe, 

2. Since God hath now brought you to the waters, mak* ~ ih V 
»fe of tbcm 7 -dtinl^ abundantly ; you cannot over-drink your ^tr/ 

L felves 

7A Jnftrn&ions for fucb Chap, a 

jfelves with thcfe waters : Grace puts no reftraint upon you, 
Cant. 5.1. Drinl^ ye , drihl^ abundantly , beloved, Vh\. 8 1, 
ic. Open thy mouth Wide and 1 Kill fill it. Ephef. 5. 18. But 
be filled with the Spirit : Caft up all your wants , remember 
all your thirAs, all your fpiritual good which your fouls did 
need; And moreover confider all the reft of your prefent 
wants: And being now come to Chrift, and to the wa;ers, 
fully fatisfic your fouls; all are yours, beciufe you are come to 
Chrift, and he is yours : your invitation is full , an J the pro- 
mife is full, and Chrift is full , and the waters are full : Let 
not a little of Chrift, and a little of mercy , and a little 
of grace, and a little of comfort, latisfie you : drink anfwera- 
blcto ycur wants, and thirds : As the wido\\> brought vejfell 
after vejfell to receive the oyle , untiil ell Were filled; fo 
do you, multiply faith in the ads thereof , renew it, enlarge ir, 
put forth ad after ad until every want of your fouls be fully 
fupplied. The fountain is full, and you have a full right; your 
right is univerfal, you may claime s and you may enjoy all good 
as well as Any one particular good. Before you come to Chrift 
you doubt of all, and wncn you are come to Chrift, 
you doubt of this or that good; but never diftinguifh where 
grace doth not diftinguifh : IVhatfoever )ejhallas\e the lather 
hi my name, he will give it unto you \ ask? and you /ball receive, 
ohn 1413* thn JQiir j Qy wa j y e f ull faith Q^jf^ ^ okn l6>Z4 VV hy ? every 

fpiritual good is necefTary for you, is gromiLdto you, is open 
for you,and comes off with the fame freenefte.and wiilingnefle. 
3. Seeing that your thirfty foulsare brought unto the wa- 
f , ; ?' ters, therefore quench your thirflt daily ; every day you will 

InrTs'duity. fcnde third, and every dayyouftiould quench ) our thirds ; It 
is a truth that no Chriftian knows all his wants at once , but 
fome appear at one time, and fome at another time. Tempta- 
tions difcover our wanrs, and Afflictions difcover our wants, 
2nd defperations difcover our wants, and the breaking out of 
corruptions difcover our wants , and the fervices which we are 
to performs, difcover our wants : One day youfhall findc a 
a want of patience, another day of meeknelfe, another day of 
humility, another day of faith, another day of love, another 
day of heavenly-mindednciTe, another of quickning and of 


Chap, 3. as have dmnhjfthefe waters. 75 

foftnings,or of fnpporc, or of comfort ; and as you find dai- 
ly wanes, fo make daily add rcffes ; The fountaine runs every 
day, The goodnejfe of Qod endnreth continually , Pfal. 52. I. Je- 
ftu Chrift yefierday and to day , and the fame for ever, Heb. 
13.8. Hit mercies are renewed every morning, and hi$ cempajfi* 
ons fail not, Lam. 3. 22. 23, 

4. Strengthen yon faith : That is the vefTel to draw the 

waters, and the larger the veiTel is, it will take up the more wa- strcnttblpjm 

ter. Had you a larger Faith, you might have larger mea- /^. 

fares of Grace, and comfort : why do you complaine ? why 

are you deje&ed .* The hand of the Lord is not (hortned , and 

the grace of Chrtftis not (rraitned ; but you are ftraitned in 

your faith ; were your Faith encreafed and enlarged, all would 

be encreafed and enlarged. Ton have not (faith the A pottle) 

because you aike not : you aske and have not (fay \) becaufe 

you beleeve not , you aske , and beleeve and have , but then 

it is according to your faith ; as you do beleeve, fo you fpeed; 

if you aske a little, and beleeve a little, you receive 6ut a little; 

If you aske for much, and beleeve much , you fhali receive 

much; O fhengthen Faith i the more Faith, the more of the 

waters : had you more Faith, your returne would be fpeedier, 

and fuller, your fouls would be filled with Chrift, and ftrength, 

and comfort, were your Faith more enlarged. 

5. Dslru/t yo»r God no more , and fufpeft not your good 
Chrift any more: O what fears, and doubts.and exceptions had p.* |* 
you when you were invited to thefe waters ? But yet when you q q I 
came to Chrift , you found the waters of life were given to 
you according to Chrifts promife. Now learn in future times 
not to hearken to your own hearts, but unto Chrift: Not to 
hearken to Satan, but to Chrift : Not to hearken to your own 
feeling, but to Chrifts promiie ; All is made good unto yoa 
which Chrift did proraife to you : why, make this one ufe of 
the experience of Chrifts promife fulfilled and made good unco 
you already: As to rejeclyourown fears,and to truft yourChrift: 
for any good which he promifeth you. He told you heretofore 
that there were waters for thirfty finners,and bade you to come 
and you (hould drink of them, though you feared much, and 
difputed much,yet you found him gooa and true;A choufand to 

L z one 


j$ as have dmn\ oftbefe waters . C hap. a 

one but you have (at prefentj forae fpecial wants upon your 
fouls, and alfo fome fpecial fears and doubts upon your fools. 
And you are doubting again, and queftioning again ? But why 
is it thus with you? Have you not a command from Chrift to 
make jour requeft known ? and have you not a promife from 
Chrift , that what focver you aske in lis Name he will do it; and 
have you not had experience O Chriftian J thy Chrift is not 
Tea ani Nay : and his pnomifes are not Tea and Nay \ A II the 
fromijes are Yea and in htm Amen^ 2 Cor. i. 20. Therefore 
J give no more way to thy diftruftful heart, but reft on the Word 
of Chrift; thou haft tried it, thou haft found it a fure Word, 
therefore fear no more, and difputeno more; beleeveftill,and 
ftili (halt thou finde waters for thy thirfty foul. 
£ # 6. Help, and coun\el y and comfort other poor thirfty ftnners 9 

Hclp i coun[d& Who are fearful and umhjful : Now you have found the way 
comfcrt other t0 the waters, be pleafed to (hew 1 hem the way to the waters : 
\y {tuners* As face an f veer t to face Jo do their hearts anffter your hearts, and 
iheir wants anfwer your wants, their longings anfwer your 
longings^ and their fears anfwer your fears, & their except^ 
onsanlwer your exceptions, and their temptations anfwer your 
temptations O pity them as Chrift pitied y 011 .and help them as 
Chrift hath helped you •, lead them out of the wilderneffr ; di- 
rect them the right way to the land of promife; advife them 
againft hope jo beleeve in hope; Tell them what way you took 5 
or rather what way God took with you,to bring ycu to Chrift, 
and to drink of thefe living waters, &c. It is a great honour to 
help any, though but one ftep towards Chrift ; and it is a fpe- 
r tal duty on all who have taftcd the fweetnefTe of mercy , to 
direct troubkd and thiifty (loners how they may come and 
tafteof the fame mercy, Vfal. $6. 16. Come and hear all ye 
that fear God , and I mil declare what he hath done for my 

j. For ever regard and pri*e the Mintftrj of the Go$el\ 

7- tthen thou haft eaten and art full^ beware that thou forget not 

*#*'.'**. the Lord thy God, Deut. 8. i c , 1 1. So fay T, when God hath 

%p/oft')c' b rou 8 nt y° u t0 tue waters , and hath refreflicd your thirfty 

QofptU fouls, beware that you (light not the Gofpel, northeGofpcl 

miniftrations : It was the Miniftry of the Gofpel which flayed 


Chap. 2 fajiruciions forfucb yj 

up thy drooping fou! i which revealed Chrift and the waters 
for thy thirfty foul, vs hlch called, and invited, and encouraged 
thy perplexed foul ; by it faith was wrought, to enable thy 
feeble foul to corns and to drink of the waters which were un> 
to thee as life to the dead, as liberty/to the caprives, and as oile 
of gladnefTeto thy mourning heart. Now love theGofpd, 
and honour the Gofpel, and encourage the Gofpcl \ Vnltffe 
the Lxx9 h.td been my delight, 1 had p:n(hed in my *flMfar 9 
faid David, Pfal. 119 92. / will never forget thy precepts Jor 
rfiib them then baft quietyed me, verfe 93. So had it not 
been for the Miniftry of the Gofpel, thou hadft dkd for Chrift 
(defire the fine ere milke of the Word; If fo be jott have ta ft* 
id that the Lord U gracious, I Pet. 2.2,5.) 


\ Re thirfty finncri invited tocome to the waters, and may Vfe.+. 
l\ every one of them come > And are any of you who have C**fmf*r 
aeen thirity finners,now come to Chri(t,and to the waters?an . 
have you drunk of them ? All that I have to fay unto you , is, Mtu.* 
Be of good comfrt, rejoyee and be exceeding glad: There are 
five words of comfort which I would leave with you. 

1. Yon have tailed of as gracious love^as ever God /hexed '« 

to poor finners : God indeed hath loved you, his love hath been **b*vt t*(le£ 
wonderful to your fouls ;it came from his love, that jour hearts c - &#* m Lri 
•xere thus fet towards Chrift , with fuch apprehenfions of him, 
and fuch thirfting defires after him, that Chrift alone becomes 
the object of your hearts, that nothing in heaven or earth were 
fo defuable as Chrift : It came from his love to uphold thejc 
thirftings in jou 3 againft all your fears, anddifcouragements, 
and temptations : It came from his love that your fouls at 
length were brought to Cbrift, that you were made willing 
and able to lay hold on him ; It came from his exceeding love 
that you have tafted (in forae meafure) of all the waters of 
Chrift ; That you are juftified, that you arc fan&ificd, that you 
are refrefhed with the comforts of the holyGhoft: what is 
Iove,ifthisbenotlove ? and what is comfort, if this be not 



Comfort for fncb 

Chap. 2 





comfort. Brethren | Judge of Gods love unto you by what he 
doth for your foals ? and judge of Gods love and dealings to 
yourfouls by the reference of them unto Chrift! To bring a foul 
to Chrift to give Chrift to you, and you to Chrifr, chis is love, 
the higheft, the chiefeft love. 

2. The faving rvork^ is rightlj wrought in you : and truly 
to know thar,»s a lingular comfort : God hath Co carried on his 

wroiigbunpu. own work of grace in you as he doth in all thofe who fhall be 

i. He hath given you a fight of your finnes, and a fence of 

your wants. 
2# He hach opened unto you the fountain of life, and the 
ftreams of living waters. 

3. He hath formed in you ftrong and continuing thirftings 
after the fountain of living waters. 

4. He hath perfwaded and overcome your hearts, fo that 
upon his invitation and promifesyou are enabled by faith 
to come unto Chrift, who is the oncly water for a chirfty 

5. And now being in Chrift you have tailed, and you have 
drunk of thefe precious waters. Why? This is the right 
work of Gods grace on your fouls ; Thus it begins, thus 
it goes on,and thus it ends When the work is a falfe work, 
is not as prefumptuous (elf- deceivers perfwade themfelves 
of Chrift and of mercy ; But either they never had a right 
fenfe of their fouls condition, or they never thirfted for 
Chriftatall, or their thirfts were put afide by fome other 
thing then Chrift : i: is a real comfort to be brought to 
Chrift, and it is an exceeding comfort to know that we 
are in a right way indeed brought to Chrift. 

^ 3. There is a fure foundation laid for ali jour peace, and for 

*t • r all your hopes : Beloved, remember it, that union with Chrift, 
There u A Cure J r J , \ r x • 1 r • 

fQiininion Lid 1 ■ * s ™ e ***v * n " J Hre foanaahon 0} peace %n conference : 
for alt /our pace That peace growes on no root but this , and on this it doth 
grow: Peace which depends on Chrift who is our peace, who 
makes our peace, who juftifies us, and reconciles us to the Fa- 
ther : This is true peace indeed, and fuch a peace is your peace, 
who thirfted for Chrift, and are now come to Chrift, and have 
tafted of mercy by Chrift, 2. It 

Chap. 2. as have drunk of thefe waters. 7p 

2, Ic is the fure foundation of all jour future hopes : yoar And of all our 
foulf have now a fure and ftedfaft anchor : you may with bold- future hopes. 
neffe go to the throne of grace and mercy, for you are come to 
Chrift who onely is our hope, and a full hope: Chrift in you the -^* 
hope of glory ^ Col. 2.27. 

4 fou never need to fear fupplies: you are fully provided, 4. 
for you are brought to the very fountain ; to a living fountain, rou never need 
to a full fountain of living waters. Why? Chrift is all, and fo fear fupplies, 
hath all, and all comes freely from him ftill , and ftill hath all 
the waters which a tbirfty foul doth or can need; and it is but 
to aske and have : what doth or can a foul need , which may 
not be fupplied from Chrift: ? and what will not Chrift let out 
to every one who is come into Chrift ? What Chrift is, he is 
to you, and what Chrift hath, he hath for you^and what Chrift 
hath to do asaMediatour, he will do it for you -.If Chrift can 
find righteoufneiTe or forgivenefle, or loving-kindnelTes, or 
power againft corruptions and temptations, or peace, or 
ftrength, you are fure of all, becaufe you are fure of Chrift. 

5 . The foul lives for ever which drinks of thefe waters : £ 

Our Saviour faith it, jvhofoever (hall drink of the heater that I y mr fads fiM 
fhall give him , fhall never thirfl; Bm the Water that 1 fall live forever, 
give him, frail be in him a Well of water fpringing up unto 
eternal lifc^ John 4. 14. Thefe waters come from heaven^ and 
thefe waters faiie not till they bring you to heayen. 


.ono3 ihio\ v 
- luq 3tsw sfhirfj mrfj 10 ,1Ij3 n 

££lr- J. jL;'-. p 


_^ * 


The poorejifinners 

Chap. 3 



ISAIAH 55- i« 

Andhe that hath no money come ye buy and eate. 

Ou have heard fomething of the invitation of 
thinly Tinners, and now I am to fpeak forne- 
thir.g of the invitation of poor empty finncrs 
( fad he that hath no money, come je, buy and 
eate. ) 
The Proportion which offers it fclf from the 

tcx p ,isthi?, 

r Dol~i. Thai the poor eft [inner may come to Chrift. ( And he that 

The pwcji fin- k*th no money (Not any at t\\) Come ye,&c.) Macth. 11,5. The 
iters ynij come to poor have the Gojp: I preached unto them, Luke 4. II. He hath 
Cbrifi, appointed me to preach the Gofpel to the poor: And what isic 

to preach the Gofpel? But to hold out Jefus Chrift and fal vation 
in and by him, to offer Chrift, and to invite unto Chrift, and to 
intreat and perfwade to come toChrift,and this Gofpel is to be 
preached to the poor, Luke 14. 20. Bring in hither the poor, 
and the maimed, and the hdt , and the blinde. Here are 
poor people indeed, who had neither eye: to fee , nor feet to 
go, nor ftrength to ftirre, nor money to bring, yet faith Chrift, 
bring them in, Rev. 5. 17. Thou art Wretched, and miferable, 
and poo>e, and blinde , and naked, verfe iS, / comfel thee n 
buy of me gold tried in the fire , that thou may eft be rich, and 
White rayment, that thottmayeft bec/o:hed } &c.The former verfe 
fcts out poverty in ail the perfections, or rather in all the extre- 
mities of it, lower then very nigs, lower then all wants, even to 
wruchedntiTeand miferabienciTc ; yet faith Chrift to lbcfe,in 
the next verk', / ecunfeithee to buy of me, &c % As if he fliould 


Chap. 3 What moat by bimtbat hath no ntony. 8 

fay, Come to me and you may have all this poor condition 
helped 9 andfupplicd. 

There are only three Qjieftions unto which I would fpeak 
for the Illuftration of this. 

i. What is meant here by him that hath no 

2« Why Jefus Chrift is pleafed to ftx his invitation on 
the pennileile (inner , If I may fo phrafe it , rather then on 

3, How it may be demonftrated that fuch may come to 


WHat is here meant , by him that~hatIonomoH)> 
The words are ( lkie the former) Metaphorical, and £>ueft*i* 
as thofe rcfpe&ed the thirfrs of the foulc , fo do thefe refpecT: #^f w mem 
the. IntizeKCtet of the foul. The foul «4n neceflitv as well as *>y bmtbit 
the body: Tr.e nun may have no money wherewith to buy <-,./ 

food otraymear, and fo the foul jn its kind) may have no 
mony to trade withaJl , to purchafe the lpiriruall fupplies of 
its owp.fpiritual wants; being thus taken in a fpiritual fenfe. 
There are rive things to be nnderftood by him that hath no 

Every [Inner who is (enfihle And apfr then jive of bis fpiritual 
miftries tad warns; of his many finnes, of bis cxtream wret« *• 

chednefTe by (in : and of rmgreat wants and need of Chrift and ° nc f en ff e , °f 
and cnercy and grace ; every finner is really in want , and even milmu!?*' 
he that thought he lacked nothing (ivhat do 1 jet vcani) he wanted 
one thing , and t&ac one thing was every thing ; he that wants 
Chrift, wants all; But the finner (who in the Text) hath no 
mony , is one who is fenfibie of his foul-wsnts : He is fenfibie 
ofhisignorance, and chat he wants knowledge, he is fenfibie 
ofhisbardneifeand that he wants a foK heart; he is fenfibie 
of his pride, and that he wants afibumole heart; he is fen- 
fibie of his uncleannefs, and that he wants a cleanc heart- 

M lie 

8i What is meant by him Chap 3 

hz is fcnfible of his wicked heart and ungodly life, and chat 
he wants jefus Chrift to be his righteoufneiTc and 
Sa notification and Redemption and peace, &c. 
■ Z. U is a [inner tvhoii utterly deftitute , utterly boken, ut* 

Ont utterly ter "iy ^ reitne ^ J5 «fpcft of himfelf , hach not one penny to 
dqhtutc. help himfelf under all his fpiritual wants j Is nothing,hat h no- 
thing, and can do nothing, Jfa.6^ 6. We are all as an un* 

nth'ir.g^ and all our Rfghteoufnejfes arj as filthy raggs 
Luk.15.17. 1 psrifb with hunger (aid the Prodigal, Rom, 7. 18. 
In me there dwells no good , 2 {'or, 3 5 . We aye not fufficiem of 
our f dues to thinly any thing as of our (elves , Luk.7.42. They 
had noihng to pay. This Tinner bath nothing of his ownxo 
live upon , he hath no ftock at all , nor can he raife any flock 
of his own, nor can he lay down any thing ac all , by way of 
merit or worthineiTe orcaufality to purchaie , &c. O Lord I 
faith he I am nothing, I am full of all wants, and empty of all 
ftrength , I need all , and 1 can do nothing at all , my /»- 
fufficteitcies, areequall with my necejfuies ; There is Juftice , 
which demands fatisfa&ion for all my finful debt?-, but I have 
nothing to pay, I cannot anfwer it, no, not, for one of a 
thoufand ; There is Chrift , who offers himfelf to anfwer for 
me, to become my furety , to get all difenarged, if I will but 
beleeveon him ; but I have no power of mine own to come 
unto him, though I may have life and pardon and redemption 
by him. There is a finful heart to bechanged , and I fhall not 
fee God unlelTe it be made holy, but alas, OLord! I am no 
more able to change mine own heart chen lam to quicken and 
raife the dead. OLord ! I have no money at all to pay for 
mercy, forChrhT, either to difcharge the oid fcore of my 
finful heart and life , or to fet up a new ftock of grace and 

3. He is the (inner r*ho[e helps and hopes art altogether abroad, 
One wbvfc help not * n himfelf but in fome other. As a poor man f who hath 
and hopes are neither a bit of bread to eat, nor one rarthing to bay \ why 
altogether a- faith he ,if relief and help comes not from abroad I mull ftarve 
broad. and perifh ; fo is it with the finnerwho hath no mony , nor 

ability to help his needy and dillrefled foul : why faith he, If 
there be not a God to fticw mercy , If there be not a Chrift to 


Chap. 3 that hath no mony. gj 

mike peace, I mud per tfh in my wanes and die in myfinnq : 
anci therefore out he goes, and he enquires and hearkens, Is 
there no rich man who hath any thing to give to a poor man ? 
Is there not a God who is rich in mercy to whom a poor mife- 
rable finner may come ; Is there not a Chrift, who being rich 
became poor , that they who are poor might be made rich ; Is there, 
no Covenant of life , but that oirvorkes, Is there not a Covenant: 
of grace, Is there not a throne of mercy and grace , a (fity of 
refuge for the diftrelTed finner to flie unto, and to be received 
and fecured : And at length he findes, that there is a God 
who is the Lord , merciful and gracious , abundant in goodneffe 
and truthfich in mercy forgiving iniquity, Tranfgrejpon andfinne, 
fbctoingmercy to thoufands. A Father to the fatherleiTe, lo* 
ving freely^nd receiving gracioufly , giving of a Chrift,making 
him to us Voifdome , righteo^fneffe , &c. I Cor. I. Anointing 
him to preach good-ty dings , anointing him to preach the Gofpcl 
to the poor , and t-o heal the broken hearted ones. O faith the 
poor (inner, here is the door which I rauft beg at , and where 
I muft live;hereis thehoufe and here all my hope and help lies. 
I will go to my Father, to this God, to this Chrift muft I go: 
Thereisno/k/^fifltf for me but here, there is no life for me 
but here , no mercy but here, no fupply but here, nothing for 
me but here, If my confidence can fix any where, it is here, 
in Mercy , in Grace , in Chrift. 

4. He is the finner, who indeed doth make out for all his help onewbomh 
from abroad -, He hath nothing , I but yet hemuftgetfome- out for all bis 
thing : he of himfelf cannot fupply his fpiritual wants ; I but help fronts 
he hath found out a merciful God, and a gracious Chrift, ^ w ^ 
whocan fuppty them; And he knowes that a poor begger may 
go to a rich mans door for almes, and the poorer he is the 
fitter he is to be an objed of relief and charity , and therefore a 
begging doth this poor (inner go. And to heaven-gates he 
goes, and begs and cries out ( like the poor Publican) Qodbe 
merciful to me a (inner. O Lord faith he, I have heard that 
mercy dwels with thee , that Grace is thy Throne and help 
and lirength are in thy dwellings , that thou art a God rich in 
mercy, and thy companions are great, thou looked on him 
who is poor and contrite ^ I befeech thee look upon my poor 

M 2 diftrefled 

84 What meant by him Chap. 3 

diftrefled miferable foul: Never did any foul more reed 
mercy then my poor foul , O piety, O help, O favemefor 
thy mercies fake, (hew me mercy, or elfe I perifh. Mifery 
hath no relief but in mercy , and wants can have no fupp'y but 
from fulnefle, and the infufficient firmer can have no help buc 
in the all*fufncientGod : here is mifery for thy mercy to re- 
lieve, here is want for thy fulneffe to fupply : here is a poor 
empty impotent infufficient (inner for thy all-furnxient good- 
nelfe toglorifieit felfupon. 

j. The perlbns fin the text) who have no mony,is the fin* 

5 j ner , vpIqq ntedes and lookes our > andgdeiouc and begsinfor- 

Onctbttbe&s ma ^ u p et i s i judging iiimfe '"unworthy of the lead of mercies , 

1 pcri°s" U °f : - I ec ' l>at lL,,i irom l ^ e ma ^ cr$ 1 ables,and ro receive 

all ss meere almcs. He utcerlv dtfcUitnes any ground or csufc 
of enjoying, gintid>felf> i am >.oi wrihr to be called 

thj few 1 ,*...cl rjie Root 7 vAig* , Luk 15. O fli & men y for 
Berries fake. If;: ftnnec wanes all, and yet thinks hecdndeferve 
fomething from God , he is n»»r ore whohirh no mony : who- 
foever is able to pu rebate mercy and grace ; he is very rich. 
The poor fmner is one who wants all fpiritual good and begs, 
for all fpiritual good , and acknowledged that all the rcafon 
or caufe of all that good is only in a gyod Gid> and a good 


9ut(i- 2 W 7 ^^ Chrlfl is plea fed to fix an invitation upon thsfe tinners 
IVbj Cbrijlin- *V who have no mony , who are altogether in miferics 
vius tbojc who and wants, who are in themfelves hclpleflc and worth- 
b»ic no mony % l £ {f e< 

Cl. Ckripi. 
Sol. There are reafons for this > ex parte< 

I. Ca. No(lrt. 

cbriflsptn F.x parte Chifti. Inrrfpeft of Chrifl , he invites poor empty 
indigent finners. 
^^ WM 1 .Becaufe hereby he Kotildm*^ k»ow» Mat riches andtrea- 

Chap. 3 that hath no money. 85 

jures of grace are in h mfelf > that there is zfufatffe in himfelf , 
a plenteous redemption in himleir; that he is able to (ave to the 
utmofl all that Coyne unto him : You may judge of the riches in 
Chrift by the poverty ard wanes in a tinner; you do noti- 
magine what a poor referable creature every Tinner is, nor 
how much muftbeiiTuedandiaydouc by Chrift to repair and 
fupply and fet up any one poor (inner, If you did furvey the 
dinners condition-, how many thoufand finnes he is guilty of , 
how many thoufand talents he owes; how many ievcral fin- 
fulcorruprions and ioathfome difeafes are within him, and 
bow much mercy . and how much grace , an.i what a kind of 
fatUfaction and redemption is necefTary for him, you would 
fay that Chrift mufi: be a rich Chrift, afuliChnii who is 
able to take away every one of thofe finnes , and to 
finde every oae of thote graces, gnd to provide every 
one of thofe comforts for the poor (inner ; Shall the flocks and 
the hear as be (inn for them to faf.ee them} or /hall all the fifi of the 
Scabe gather i I tog therfor them tc fvffice them} faid Mo r es to 
i?«t'wkeathe ifraclites were in iome want for meat, Numb. 
11.22, O batif aii thee ssature* in heaven and earth fhouid 
be gathered together,chey were not iiiffieient to fupp'y any one 
want in the foul of a poor (inner : every wane of the foui hath 
a kind o? infinite nefle in it , and cannot be fupp'ied but by one 
who hath an infmitenefife in him: and for this reafondoth 
Chrift invite the poortft (inner to come to him, that he might 
make Known the Wight and depth and bredih and length , the in- 
comprehen(ih!e fulnefle that is in himfelf , which can fupp!y and 
fill up all the wants which lie upon the foul of poor tinners. 
2. Bccaufe hereby* he Would make known the freenefjc or nra^ 
cioufn-'jfe of the finyerj falvaiicn ; that we are faved by grace To;ni\t\noxtn 
(tbatiw/^r age\ to come he might fifw the exceeding riches of his tl?e f rcene Jf € ff 
grace in his kindneffe towards as through Chrift fe'fus.) For by hlsQrAiQ ' 
grace are j e faved through {atih^and that not of tvorkes , &C. 
Ephefz.j.Z.p A poor (inner (who hath no mony) is the very 
object of meer grace , if ever fuch a one be faved , he rnuft be 
faved by grace. For he hath nothing at all of his own, and 
canbring and pretend nothing in the world for or from him- 
feJf : he canno; fry I have been good, or I have done good, or 

M 3 I 

8 6 Why Chrifl invites Chap, 3 

p— t — ■ — — — — — - 

Icanbiing any good , or I do deferve good? No No? he 
bath no mony, and therefore if be hath Chrifl , and if he hath 
mercy and if ever he be faved, all is grace, and meer grace unto 
him. if Chrift (hould have invited the rich, the/*//, the 
righteous , the felf fufficient: this would haveraifcd an opinion 
or fomething in our felves of forne reifon of mercy in our {'elves. 
Bur when he invites him that hath no mony a poor miferable 
worthlefle finner, this fhewes that the finners falvation is all of 

3. Becaufe hereby he would make known to us the way of 
S^ife'^J/^* and ***th °f Peeving for life and help andfalvatton : 
believing/ No living at home , we muft abroad , we muft to our Fathers 
houfe : when Adam was rich atrdfttll then life was to be had 
by ftorkfji he had a felf-ftock of righteoufnefle to rely upon.* 
But when Adam fell and became poor when he had loft his 
ftock, and fell into want; Now if he would be faved he muft 
believe , he muft no longer depend on him/elf t but on Cbrifi, 
And therefore doth Chrift call and invite poor finners to come 
unto him, that finners may know that they are faved, by faith 
and notby xvorkes: not by any thing of their own, but by be- 
lieving , by going out of themfelves untojefus Chrift : what 
hath the poor finnerof his own to relie upon to prefcrve his 
life, who hath no mony at all? why then he muft by faith 
make out to Chrift or elfe his foul is loft, he muft tofhore, 
for the fhip is fplit. 
zl 2. Ex parte nofiri : In refpect of poor indigent finners them- 

On our part. felves,triefe he invites and none others. 
ThefewiU glo- ly Becaufe thefe will glorifie grace and none others will do 
rifmgrji:. ^ . a p rouc [ f e If-conceited foolifhful finner, will not be be- 
holding to Gods grace , nor will -nof-come and beg at the 
door, and confefle his need and his unworthineiTe : he hath 
enough at home , of his own unto which he trufts. O but when 
a finner is made poor , when he feeth that he muft perifh unlefs 
he hath Chrift, that he hath no mony of his own: that if ever 
he be faved it muft be of meer mercy : O Lord faith he, I am 
contented , let grace have all the g!ory,3nd mercy have all the 
glory, give me mercy for mercies fake, and Chrift for Chrifts 

2, Becaufe 


Chap. 3 Indigent firmer s. 87 

2. Becaufe thefe do prize grace and mtrcj , and earneftly Tbefemll 
long and cry out for them: plenty is nothing to a full P^egnceMi 
ftomack , but to the hungry , a bic of bread is fonnthing ; mnh 
how do the poor hungry ftarving perfons , cry out for bread ? 
Chrift is no Chrift , no Saviour, no excellency , no pioufneis, 
to felf-righteous and felf-fufRcient Tinners: O buc to a poor 
Tinner who feeles his ipiritual miferies and wants' Chrift is _ 
Chrift, he is prized by him and longed for by him ; and 
therefore do:h Chrift invite fuch , becaufe Chrift will give 
himfelf to all that prize him, and to all that thirft for 

him ' r , r ^ -n,,^^,r , . n The fc will bleffe 

3. Becaufe thefe poor nnners , Will bleffe God for a Chrift , God for a 

and for mercy , and for help. A poor man that is ready to cbrift. 
ftarve will bleiTe you , and thank you be it but for a pen- 
ny or a piece of bread : O a poor (inner ! If ever he can 
get Chrift , and if ever he can obraine mercy , and if 
ever he findes his foule-wants to be fupplied by Grace , 
he falls down, and wonders, and magnifies the grace of God ! 
- - Vcko am I ? and no God like this God. r ^ e „;$ 

4. Becaufe thefe poor Tinners, will hearken to Chrift J;car{emo 
and come to Chrift ; others will ftand off, and flight C^rz^^ 
him : though we tell them that they need mercy and 
mercy is to be had by Chrift, yet rhey will not come 

to, Chrifts door , nor to drifts doale ; As when you 
tell Rich men of a doale , they regard it not 3 they go 
not ; buc tell a company of poor Indigent perfons of it , 
they are glad, and they runne prefently to the door, and 
fay, give me fomething. &c. So rich finners will not hearken 
to Chrifts invitation , O but a-poor (inner will. 

SECT. 3. gy e jf t £ 

Arguments to 

HOW may it appear , that the pooreft fmner may come to prove, tbxtxbe 
Chrift} may lay hold on him, may enjoy him, and ^[pooreji finnct 
fpiritual good by him <? %>£** H 

Befides the invitation here in the Text ( which were enough soL 


88 Arguments to prove that the Chap. 3 

to clear the truth) there are four arguments to demonftrate it. 
I. 1. feftu Cbrijt it a gift : Gob fo hved the world that he 

tfifmChift is £t Ve his onclj begotten Sq^Scc. John 3.16. If thou fyteWefi the 
•*VP* gift of God, John 4. 10. He is the great gift of love, and mer- 

cy, unto fmners. And therefore the poor mu ft put in for him: 
If a rich man (hould give ten choufand pounds unto the poorc 
of fuch a City ; Why ? any one that is poor in the City might 
put in for a fhare : God wno is rich in mercy, and great in 
compafiions, hath fent his Sonne into the world that we may 
live through him ; He hath given his Sonne Jefus Chrift to fave 
finners, poor miferabJe loft iinners , and therefore any poor 
(inner may come to him, may beleeve on him. 

2. Jeftu C^ rt ft bath all 9 though you have nothing: and 

"ctmhrifr ^ e is t0 & ive a ^> an( * t0 k l * n £ a * 1 10 ^ C F nnfV > an d expefts no- 
biibiU though thing from a poor (inner, but come and receive ; and tbere- 
.vckuvenMbing fore though you be never fo poor, you truiy come to him. There 
is a double work betwixt Chuft and the (inner, there is Chfifls 
rcork^y and there is jour work : £hrifts Work^. is to finite and 
give all, and the finners nork^ is to receive and tdkf a ; J. 
When a poor man begs of you, you do notexpe&thathe 
{hould bring you money, but he ; specks that you (hould 
finde and give him m:>ne '. i he giving Vrorl^ is Chr iff s 
Vpc,\y it is his woik to give all; to give himfelf, to give his 
blood, to give his rightec ufnefle, to give 1: is Spirir, to give for- 
givenelTe, to give peace, to give life, to give eternal life. And 
the receiving work , f 4 )<■"? workj to receive Chrift, ani all 
from Chrift, this is your. work*. The poor is not to find for the 
rich , but the r.ch \s : ;or the poor .- you are not to bring 

any thing to Chilli b . Chrift is to bring ,11 to you: Hence it 
is that you read of thai we a e redeemed bj Chrift , and /*/?!- 
fied bj Chrift, and f^ttfad by fhrift, and fived ij Chrifti 
The ^divepart is Umfts, the paiiive part is ours : He findes 
the redemption and the ngi>teou!nes,and the holinefle,and the 
reconciliation, &c.we are bu to receive itjNothit gel(e is impo- 
fed onus;Now if itliesonChrii^s part to findcail ttKtreafure, 
and to give all the money what fhould hinder the poorcft (in- 
ner but chat he may come to Chrift to receive all from Chrift? 
3 ■ 3 . As Ch:iit is the giver o( all 3 and we onely the receivers; 



Chap. 3 . porefl jinners may come to Chrifl* 8 £ 

fothc manner of his giving is fuch that the poereft [inner »^^JS^ 

not oncly nor excluded, but clearly encourage A to come unto \J t l* wma% 

hinf-.zvm in the way of giving tbere may be fuch clogging con- t \ }t p69r t0 (Q % C 

ditions, and diftinguifliing limitations, that nuny poor perfons to cbrift . for 

are thereby (hut out from partaking in the good which is to 

be given: But there is no fuch thing here, *cwixc Chrifts giving 

and the poor (Inners receiving: for rhetermesef 

1. The termes of Chnjt are altogether graciou* : All your cbrt/iare alt** 
communions with him are by grace, therefore we are faid togetkrgncim. 
be faved by grace \ becauie whatsoever enjoyment is necefia- 

ry for our falvation , the fame becomes ours raeerly by grace, 
and free favour : and furely to give freely (meerely from rea- 
fonsinourowngoodnefle) is that which makes the waymoft 
open for the poorcft perfon to come and receive. Theccniitm 

2. That very condition which refis on tu to enjoy Chrift ovourpirt is 
and att the good in Chrijf ., is none other but Faith : which &&* 
Faith doth break down ail confidence in our felves, and re- 
nounced all our own righteoufnefle; and the work of fUC 

for goiag to Chrifr, and a receiving of him, and a receiving of 

all good from him. 4« 

4. Jefus Chrift neither will nor can be ours until voe fee M~ cbr }$ 
,/'/ J r •• itj mil not be ours 

thaf we have no money of our onn: until we acknowledge tilim become 

our felves utterly broken, deftitute, mifcrable, and to ftand inpnr. 

need of all helps from him alone. - Tr - , r 

rr tr 1 c u 1 He cinnst clfe 

i, He cannot elfe be ours : for He cannot be a Saviour to hours. 

Saviours, but to (inners- He cannot be a Thyftcian to the Vehole % 
but to the fic\ : He cannot fill the full, but the empty : you are 
not an objed for Chrifts pity and companions, and mercie and 
help if you be whole and rich, and full, and a fufficiencie to 
your felves. When he was anointed, as he was then fet apart, 
and filled with all gifts belonging to the office of a Mediatour, 
fo his Commijfion^ with that anointing , was to fave them that 
were lo£t y to binie up the broken hearted , to proclaime liber- 
ty to the captives , and the opening of the prifon to them that 
are bound, &c. Now Chrift cannot vary nor alter his Com- 

2. He Will not be ours unlejfe We be thm : If you have no Heteitlnttbt 
wants on your foul?, or if you have a fufficiencie in you tow/. 

N fupply 

jo Arguments to perjjvade us to try Chap g 

fupply your wants ; As you wijl have nothing to do with Chrift, 
fo Chrift will have nothing to do with you, for Chrift will ne- 
ver deny himfelf, to be the onely Saviour of fmners,will never 
reverfe the new and-Iiving way of faving finners by grace : 
will never cut off the Tinners dependance on mercy; will 
never fruftrate his own death and purchafe : will never abolifh 
the everlafting Gofpel : will never revive the Covenant of 
works: will never receive a wretched (inner to glory in him- 

felf, but onely in the Lord, &c. 

. . 


Vfe 1 T TAve the pooreft finners an invitation to come to Chrift, 
JL Jlmay they (Veho have no money) come and buy? May 
the needy, deftitute, defolate fe If- empty Jelf-infufficient, felf- 
unworthy finners come ? Is the door open to them ? Is the 
golden Scepter held out to them ? Is there a gracious invitation 
held out unto them? 
Try our fdves Then in the firft place let us try andexamine our [elves wht- 
wbtibcr ibU bt t y er t ^ y e oltr condition, whether we be the perfons who fin 
tur condition. a fpi r i mi | f e nfc) have no money at all? whether ever fuch a 
fpiritual conviclion hath fallen upon our fouls to difcover our 
emptinefle,our nothingneiTr, our felf-helplefnefle, and experi- 
mentally to cry out ( Mafter fave tu or elft we perifi: In hs 
there drveBs no good thing : we are poor and needy, and with- 
out ftrength. 

Give me favour for this to prefent unto you 5 

1 . Some Arguments to try your felves herein. 

2. Some Evidences by which you may plainly know that yon 
are the perfons. 

Arguments so There are five Arguments why I would perfwade you unto 


trial. I. Chrift calls no [inner s to himfelf but [uch:Hc calls not 

1. the full, but the hungry; not the proud, but the humble ; 
thrift calls vo noz tne 7 \ c £ % but the poor ; not the whole , buttheyk^$ not 
^ctfTuthcT thc r&teOM, but the [inner s ; notthe/rf*. but the captives : 
* ' u JU but the trotyn-htartcdtbutlhc miferaiU , but the needy : Un- 

Chap. 3 whether tie be fpir totally poor. ?I 

tillyou fee your mifery, the r Ltto is to call upon you, The 
work of tiie Law is to revive ilnne, and to kill the finner : And 
when the Law hath killed you , or rather all lofty imaginations 
in you, and felf-confidence in you, and felf- Efficiencies in you; 
Then the Go/pel calls upon you and tells you, there is life tot 
the dead, deliverance for captives, help for the helpleffe^nd rich- 
el for him that hath no money : I know no Gofpel call , nor 
newes of mercy, no hopes of help, until we be brought into a 
fpiritual, needy, and diftrtfled condition : How vane were ic 
taoiferheJp, when there is nevwant, or to prefeot him with 
mercy, who never yet felt his mifery. 

2. Few firmer s , very few, are under a fenfible Want: A 2. 

rightly fenfible want ; Every man is fenfibie of his bodily W3nts Fewftnnersarc 
( one wants health, another wants food , another wants ray- underi f c *f blc 
raent, and another wants friends and counfel^&c.) But who ^^ 
wants Chrilt , and Grace ? who is fenfible of his fpiritual 
wants, and of his own inefficiency to fupply thefe fpiri:uii 


There are fix things which are contrary to the finnjrs right c/v , A - „ 
fenfe of his ipintual wants and empaceflc. e*ntraryt9 ii. 

1. Vnacqw*ted»e{fe. 2.'Fulneffe. 3. Q;iietnejTe. 4. Care* 
kfnefTe. 5. Self-undertaking. 6, Stnngcncffe with God. 

1. Vnacquaintednejfe with Cjodt Word t and with our oftne Unacqutinted- 
heart : The Word of God defcribes the true eftate of every nttfemtb Godt 
finner, how vile an J loft, and miferable, and wretched; and na- * }/ ° rd ani w 
ked it is ; and an experimental fearch into our own hearts, dif- own hurts* 
covers us plainly to be what the Word defcribes us to be. By 

this twofold light (the diretl light of the. Word, and the re- 
flexive light of confeience) we come to fee and feele all our 
iouls miferies and wants : O, but how few are acquainted with 
the one or with the other ? Not one of athoufand who ever 
looktoverhimfelf in theGlaiTe of the Law, or who ever fludt- 
ed his own confeience thereby to reprefent unto hrmfelf the 
true Rate of himfelf : Nay, generally men will not endure the 
difcovering light of the one or of the other, how then can they 
be fenfible of their fouls wants aright? 

2. Ftilneffe .« An opinion of our own fpiritual fulnefle, this f U i ue rr 9t 
is unqueftionably contrary unto a right fenfe of our fpiritual 

N a wants ; 

02 Arguments toperfaade us to try Chap. 3 

wants: yet how many arc thus conceited of their own fpiri- 
tual fulnefle ? Solomon fpeaks of a full (out fthich /oaths the 
ho»eycomb,Vrov. 27.7. The Prophet Hofea 12. 8. brings ouc 
Epbraim, thus vaunting, Ephraim (aid jet I am become rich, 
j have found me out fub fiance , in all my labours they /hall 
fittde none iniquity in me. Our Saviour tells us of 99. jufi 
perfons that need no repent ance % fLuke li. 7. ) which furelyis 
meant of the Pharifees, who thought themfelves to be righte- 
ous : That young man, who demanded, what Uc\ I jet f had 
a ftrong opinion of his own fulnclTc : And fo had Laodicea, 
who faid (be was rich , and increafed> and had need of nothing. 
I will not fpeakof the Papifts, who teach a merit of congru- 
itj in men, who yet have no grace ; And a merit of condtgni- 
ty\n fuch as have attained to grace; furclythefe are not they 
in the Text, who have no money, who canbuy their works,boy 
all grace, and all forgiveneffe, and all audience, and no leffe 
then eternal falvation. I will reftraine my felf to the com- 
mon (ort of Proteftants, who are fo full of themfelves,that they 
hope for falvation for their good meaning, and devout ferving 
of God, and think no body any barrae; they fair, and pray, 
and hear, and keep their Church ; *nd what would you have 
more? If thefe will not make God amends, then God help 
them > Why ? Here isa miferable empty fulnefle, a dreame of 
fujnc(fe,and yet fo powerfully working, as keeps their poor 
fouls from Chrift : Any confidence of fafety in any thing but 
Grind alone, is nothing elfc but a proud fulnefle, contrary to 
(piritual emprineffe, and alforo the true fulnefle which is in 

r f e ' 3. Q^tietneffe and Refl^ when perfonsare indeed pinched 

with wants, all within them is up in motion: Their minds are 
filled with thoughts and cares what (hall we do, how (hall we 
live and fubfift? And their mouths are filled with complaints, 
we (hall ftarvc and perifh with hunger.- And their hearts are 
filled with fears, and their eyes with teares, and their breasls 
with fighs. Thus it is with the poor and needy ; but thus it is 
not with the rich and full, whofe cable is fpread, and whofe bel- 
lies are filled with hid treafures ; As 'David fpeaks ; And this 
alfofhewes, that few men are indeed rightly fenfibie of their 



Chap. 3 . whether we be fpintnally poor. 9 2 

iouls wants and diftrefles, for moft men are like the foolein 
the Gojpcl, who Taid to bis foul, Jake thine eafe y Luke 12. 19, 
Or like the Earth fpoken of by the Prophet Zacbarj, all was at 
reft and quiet, Behold the earth futeth ftill and u at refl^ch. 
1. in Where almoft diall you finde a man whofefoulis trou- 
bled about his foul ? In whom there are anxious thoughts a* 
bout his fouls wretc hed condition ; in whom there are fcrious 
cares for fpiritual deliverances, who pours out complaints and 
teares : tvretched man that 1 am who JhaU deliver me} 
Rom. 7. 24. But there is a carnal fecurity of fpirit in them: 
Qod U not in aS their thoughts , faid David of the wicked. 
Thus may it be faid of moft men, their wretched finful conditi- 
on is not in their thoughts, and Chrift is not in their thoughts ; 
and mercy, and deliverance are not in their thoughts; and in 
this fenfe they are not in trouble as other men : which plainly 
fhewes they are not rightly fenfible, 

4. Careteffe neglett : in refped: of fupplying meanes, and 4« 
fupplying offers, and fupplying helps : Did you ever know a Cartlef$ negicH 
perfon really iu need and wants who will keep home, or flight 

the bread } & the cloth,and the money that is offered unto him, 
and yet how many do neg'ed the means of grace and falvation? 
How many have Chrift offered to them, and dayly offered 
unto them, and are entreated to accept of him, and yet pafle 
him by, and regard him not : Not him who is /*/*, who is 
bread, who is rayment, who is riches, who is all help, and 
who is the onely help for needy (inners : would Chrift and the 
faving helps by Chrift , be thus flighted and neglected by us 
finful men; If indeed we were convinced of our fouls needs, 
and of our helplefTeneffe , and hopelefneffe fave onely in 

5. Strangeneffe at the gates of heaven: cither no calling ?• 
upon God, or onely formally; flight, indifferent whether ffa*"f n ''%* 
anfwered or not; Nay, would not be anfwered with fupplies. ' H ^T 

6. Self-undertakings : when (inners do in fome degree ap- ^ 
prehend their wants and neceifities, then ordinarily they un- self undent- ■ 
dertake the help and fupply of them by their own power : they &»&• 
think that they can lick themfelves whole, that they can re- 
pent, and they can beleeve, and they can change their own 


_94 ArgmnevistoFrfniadcHstatry Ch^j 

hearts, and rhey can make their own peace with God,chey have 
"a fuflkiency in their own wills to makeup tbemfelvcs againe 
as if the Tinner were not dead in trejpaflcs and finnes : As if 
Baul were miftaken when he< laid, nhat I am y I am by the 
grace of God, 1 Cor. i 5. 10. And it is god that xvorhetb sn tu 
both to wilt and to do, Phil. 2. 13. or as if Cbrift hiimelf were 
miftaken, when he faid, None can come unto me except the Fa* 
thsr draw kirn, and Xo.thottt me ye can do nothing, John 6.44. 
and 15.5, Thefe are not rightly convinced of their fpiritual 
**■* wants and miferies5 for in a right convi&ion of thcro you 


1. See an abfence of all fpiriiual good in your 

t. See a defctS of all power in your felves to help your felves 
unto that good which you wane. 

3. See an inability in your felves rightly to define that goo4 
* U2; ftomGod. irisfbd 

4. Sec an infufficiency of power in your felves to receive all 
the good which God freely offers unto you for the ftipply 
of ail your fpiricual wants. 

. 3 , It is a wy d fficult worl^ to he brought into this condition : 

it u j very diji- To fee and acknowledge our ipirkual emptinede and nothing- 

cult work to fonefle, ?.nd to be driven ou" of our felves, to pull down our 

brought to this, fdves to deny our fcive?. The lfraelues were even flung to 

death by the fiery Serpents , before they would look up to the 

Ttra^tn Serfent. The Lepers were ready to flarve % ere they 

would ftep out for food. The poor Vrodtgal as long as there 

was anv thing to eat (even Hushes that the Smneleft) untill 

he faw he mufi peri/hfor hunger 3 he would not come unto his 

fathers houfe where there was head enough , Luk.3.5. Every 

Mountain and HtH fb^ll be brought low , but is it eafie to level 

hills and tnountaines ? ^/^>^. 8.34. ivhafocver \Vili come after 

vtc let him deny him* elf, O but it is a hard thing to deny our 

icives ; ourevill felves, inourlufrs; our unregeneratefdves; 

Tbne things our own wifdomes , and HghteoufneiTe, and power, &c. 

mj{e it dijxult There are three things in every finner that make this work 

covdi'ionlf If h»*tHr a tp™p'»fi'» to the condition] of yeorktt , toafelf- 

W9ris. rightc- 

Chap. 3 whether we be fpiritHaliypoor. 95 

righteotrfarffev t0 befuftified and feved byiornsthing of our 
own: This (ricks cldfe unto us, though our right eoufneffe be 
gone ; yet the opinion of our righteoufnefle , is not gone : you 

find how much it (hick with the Jewes , and you fee howic 
takes with the Papifts, and almoft with all forts of people in the 

world. u n r " 

2. Incredulity of 'the umverfal lojfe by Adam: fome will not incredulity «/ 
believe that ever Adam was traded with a common and pub* the univcrfd 
lick ftock of righteoufneflfe % and ability for all the world * lo Jl'<h Adam. 
And many will not believe , that his fall and his loffe were fo 

univerfal and total and extenfive, that he loft all, and all 
felf-power to recover our felvcs again : fomething they will 
foppofemuftbeleft, andbeqaeathedto his pofterity, cfwill 
and power. 

3. Pride of bear i : every (inner is proud : Though he be but 

a poor Beggar , yet he 11 as proud , as he is poor : Now pride «p r ,v e of bean* 

will fet up our felves , more then is meet , and it hinders us 

from the (ighc of ouc wants. Pride cannot abide to be nothing, 

to go in rags , to runne up and down the ftreets and beg , to 

ftand at the door and crave an Almes : date obolam BcUifarto , 

Itisafinwhichismoft eafilyratfed, and which ismofthardly 


Nay J to demonftrate this difficulty a little fur- 

We ufually rank finners either into unbroken and Ignorant This further 
fitter*) orunto broken and trembling finnersx And as to both demonfiratt «» 
of them you (hall find it a very difficult matter to convince 
them of their fpiritual emptinelTe and nothingnefie* 

I. The ignorant and unbroken linners ; none on earth are fo 

bovfteroufly confident andprefumptuous, as they: they are ln !^ A V/ n J t 
. : . r «i j j L' A/ii r \ r. unbroken iinutrs- 

rich and full and need nothing : As Solomon fpeakes of the ' 

Sluggard , he is Vffifer in his own conceit , then feven men that 

can render a reafon , Prov.26.16. So none fo conceited of 

themfclves, of their knowledge, of their faith, of their good- 

nefle, of their foules welfare for the prefentjandhappineffe 

for the future. An ignorant and unbroken (inner who yet nc« 

vet faw one fpiritual want in their fouks^and do what you can , 

bring Scripture upon Scripture . Reafon upon Reafon , they 


9 5 Arguments to perfwadc us to try Chap. 5 

willnotbeotherwifc perfwaded ( then they are) of their own 
good and happy efhtc. 
7n the broken 2. The Broken and Trembling [inner , who fees vollltres of 

aniirtmblmi finnes and feels Seas of wrath , whole bones are broken, and 
whofe burdens fink them down and ovecwhelme their Spirits , 
whofe hearts are difquicted within them, and roaie out under 
the Agonies of confidence , who are fo exceedingly humbled 
and fhivered into pieces ! yet thefe very perfons are not eafily 
convinced that they haye no money , that they are utterly 
deftitutc , helpleffe and hopdeiTc in themfelves ; for though 
they be thus fmirtly fentible of fin and of wrath,yct five things 
are obferved in them. 

i. If the j could beworehambleb then (perhaps mercy might 
be theirs, and Chrift might be theirs. 

2. If they could bring any bttinejfe and worthineffe of their 
own, then their would be forae hope, that they might be 

3 . If they could per for me holy duties in a better manner, then 
God would be pacified and reconciled. 

4. If they could make their own hearts to believt t then they 
fhould be delivered. 

5. If they could but once pull down the powerful workjrgt of 
their fmful corruptions \ then they would go to Chrift. 
Why! what are all thefe conceits, but fo many felf-foun- 
dations, and felf-exaltations , and Inconfiftencies with 
the fulnclTe of Chrift and with the freenefle of Grace? 
As foftpbs Brethren, who took, money in their Sackj ani 
Benjamin with them , or elfe they would notgo; fo thefe 
will have fomething of their own, they will bring fome* 
thing to Chrift, and will not be beholding to Chrift for 
all. And truly this is to fet up our feives and to pull 
down Chrift; This is to place fomething in our feives, to 
have opinions ofourfelf^ftrength and riches, and no: to 
acknowledge our feives utterly poor and deftirure , fo as 
to have all our hope in Chrift alone, in mercy alone, in 
Grace alone. 

4- 4 # It is very dangerous and very pernicious to beful/ofour 

uktoupwfri* 1 > and not t0 be eonvinccd °* our r P iricual wants and ml - 

Jelves/onjidtr, ^ enes 

Chap. 3 whether rvebe fpiritually poor. 97 

ferics and nothingneffe , and this will further appear if you 
% confider , 

1 . The fad Inconvenience tfh at fall even upon Real Chuff tans : * . 

if at any time they fancy their ownfulneileand fnfficiency , Tkeftilvcon- 
how far they venture I hoft fhm they come I how little in good , ^l^ntlr^ 
how muchinfimes , and in very dreadful fa Is : Asin David , Ati cbrifiiins. 
Peter , tte&kiab , how God leaves themfelvcs unto them- 
felves, and now the weak child left alone,faI!s. If itbe dan- 
gerous to lay the foundation of our fpiritual aftions upon our 
renewed ftlfe , how much more dangerous is ic to lay the foun- 
dation of the foules eftate (in Grace and glory to all eternity,) 
n$onofircorrtfpt-fe!f: If when indeed we have fomethingof 
gracious power bellowed upon us , if this alone (cut from de- 
pendance , union , influence , as a beam from the Sun or as 
an arrae from the body , ) be as no power at all to help us to 
perfift, or to reiift , to wife up one fh p for heaven , what a 
dangerous condition is it to relie all that which concemes the 
defence and falvatioo of our foules upon that which is worfe 
then weakneffe , iefle then emptineffe and (if one could ex- 
preiTe ic fo ) more nothing then nothingneffe? 2. 

2. T make the acctffe ml qChn ft and communion with Chrift TbUmxkts ^. 
impojfwle, » nnthu danger oufly pe<niciotts to o»r fiules ? But ccffetocb 
whiles we are lull of our lelves (untill we be quite emptied and m P°JJ lbl€t 
broken) we lay in our own way . weblockupour own way , 

fo that there is no accede to Cht;ft,nor uvy poffible communion 
with Cbr;ft. 

Therear^ two things which do lie iff our way from coming 
to Chrift. One is cur own nnnghteou, ie[fe and the other is our 
oven right eoufneffe. 

And verily of the two , the latter is the worft and the more 
dangerous. The more that you fee of your own unrigateouf- 
neffe, the more need you feaof looking after Chrilc and the 
morecarneft you may be to enjoy Chnft ; But the more that 
you arc perfwaded of your own righteoufnefTe ( the more con- 
fident you are of that) the more negligent you will be for ma- 
king out for Chrift and his righteoufnefTe. Tbn mkes yanr 

It makes all your helps kelpie fre unto you: h e ip s lehiejc. 

1. You cannot praj to God for help, nor 

O 2.Look 

9 8 Arguments toperfwade us to try Chap, g 

2. Look to the btlps in the promifes; nor 

3. Believe the promifes or receive them, you cannot fay,' 
Lord I need thy help , I look for ail good from thee , I 

- depend wholly on thee. 

irttbt 5- Liftly, the more needy and miferable and poor and 

more fit Mi fit- heipleflc that you are in your felves, the more fit and the more 
ui for chrift, fitted yon are for thrift \ Now you are become vefTels fit for 
mercy, and fit for grace, and fit for Chrift. 

There are three things which are very obfervable. 
1, That there was no mention of Chrift , norpromifeof 
Chrift untill man was fallen and loft and utterly •un- 

2. That when Jefus Chrift became a furety , he did not un- 
dertake our condition of goodneffe and fulneiTe, but only 
our condition as finful and miferable. 

3. That when Jefus Chrift is offered unto Tinners heisof- 
fered unto them in relation to all their miferies and 
wants : As wifdome for the Foclifj , as rigkteouf- 
nejfe for the ungodly , as fanUification for the unholy , 
is redemption for them that were captivated ; and from 
he ;.ce it will follow that Chrift defpiieth no man foihU 
emptiiejfe^utfor hu fu/nejfe 5 for his poverty^ but for his 
riches , for his rvants,but for his pride , be fids the hungry \ 
but the rich he fenas empty away. Tanto erit a te aUior , 
ju&nto tu e/aticr faid Aufltne of the fe'f boafting Pharijee : 
God wis nearer to the poor Publican that flood afar off '; 
then he was to the proud Pharifee, that pearked up 10 
high.- T he poor Publican who could fay nothing andfhew 
nothing for himfelfbut eryed out God be merciful tome 
a firmer, he went home juftified , lfaiah.6^2' Unco 
this man will I look even to him that is poor and of aeon* 
trite Spirit and that trembleth at my Word : And there- 
fore if any of you be poor indeed and empty and needy 
and deft:tute indeed ,you are the fittcft objeds for Chril: 
toreleive andheJp, 


Chap. 3. whether -we be fpintually poor. 99 

SECT. 5. 

NOW it followes that we fpeak of the market and evUen- 2. 
ces by which we may kno^ whether we are the per fon s ^pho Evidences of 
( in a fpiricual fenfe) have no money (that is) who are fenlible of oncjptmmuy 
our fp. ritual wants and miferies, and are utterly deftituteof 
all helps and hope by any thing that we have or can 
do. x 

I . If you be fo then the Gofpel and the Gofp el-Way of 'fa hat ion Tq r ncfn l^ 
will be very precious tint oy on , Rom. I o. I $, Ho\\> beautiful are Q 6 fp £ i un d 
the feet of them that preach the Gojpel of peace and bringglad-ti- Gofpel-way of 
dings o( good thin gi : Beloved! the Gofpcl is fas it were) the fttwthnis 
letter of Gods love and mercy to Tinners ; It is news of falvati- P mtm 
on for finners, it is like the yeare of jubilee which was a good 
year for caprives and fervants, and fuchas were diftrdTed, 
it is the door of hope and help as the v*Uej 0? Achor. 

There are three things which the Gofpel Jubilee doth pro- V mUimul ' 
claim unto finners. WGrfpelfu* 

1. That loft finner j may be font d ,ani undone finners may be bike. 
repaired, and miferable finners may yet be faved. Godfer.t his Lo(l [innersmq 
Son into the )X>orld that the world through htm might be faved, ^ c f oun ^' 
John. 3 . 1 7. This ts a faithful faying that Chrifi Jefus came into 

the world to fave finners , I Tim. I . I ? . That the cutfes 

2. That the ctufes of that falvation , though they are not to be of that falvation 
found in us finners, are yet to be found in Chrifi : Him hath^l^ ouni 
Qod the Father fealed^xxd on that mighty one is our falvation laid, * ** * 
and of him it is hid^Bebold I lay in Zion a chief corner ftone elect 
precious, and he that beleeveth on him (hall not be coufounded , 

1 Pet.z6, So that though the finner hath no power toraifeup 
falvation , yet J efus Chrilt hath a power to attempt and 3ccom- 
phfli it, Rom 5.6. For whence were yet Without ft rength in due 
time Chrift dyed for the ungod f y. 

%.That the communication of the finners falvation in and by (fhrifi Tbttibc cc-.r.- 
is altogether gratious : former finnings do not prejudice, nor is ^^uivlt 
prefent unworthimffe infifted upon , all that is required is but to onfratlogetbtr 
come unto Chrift and to receive falvation from him. Hearken gucion, 
unto m:e and your foule s fhall live , Ifaiah.55,3, Whofoevet \Vift 

O 2 Ut 

loo Evidences of one Chap. 5 

ht htm corns and ta\e of the water of 'life freely , Rev. 22. 17. 

Now mark me, this Gofpel-newes of falvation is as nothing 

to an ignorant unfenfible and felf- conceited finner : We preach 

Chrtft crucifedy unto the Jewes a (tumbling blocl^ *anduntothe 

Greekes fooliftjncffe^ O but thi? GofpeLnewes published to a 

poor empty broken diftrefledfelf- undone finner,it is like life to 

tbe dead , like rain in the time of drought , and like a doalc 

amongft a company of ftarving beggars ; he faith, blefled be 

God for Chrift , J fee that there is yet hope for my poor foul : 

How is his foui affcfted and n-: "d,how filled with admirations 

of the wifdeme of God and of the goodneflc of God ? and how 

quick and ftrong arc the endearements of his foul unto God for 

this love, for this kindnefle , for this falvition , for this way 

of falvation to poor finncrs? He rejoyceth already in hope 5 

that though there be famine inC anaan yet there is fa™ in Egypt % 

though there be death in me yet there is life to be had in Chrift. 

Though there be cmptineiTe and nothing in me, yet there is 

bread enough in my Fathers houfe , enough forne, in Chrift, 

RighteoufnefTe , Mercy, Grace, Reconciliation in Chrift , 

for a poor finner and all upon gracious termes. When Vaul 

came unto Antioch, tsftls. 13.14. And preached ghd*ridings 

unto them ( ver. 3?.) 'Be it known unto you men and brethren that 

through this man (Jefus ChriftJ is preached unto you the forgive* 

neffe of finnes ' (ver 38.) And by him all that betiek e are juftificd 

from all things from Which ye could not be juflifiid by the Law 

cfMofes } ver. 39, The Gentiles were lb affectionately taken 

with thefe glad- tidings , that they be fought , that thefe ftordi 

might be preached to them the next Sabbath day. Ver.42, O 

Sirs thus precious , thus acceptable , is the Go r pel unto every 

poor and broken finner 1 and is ic thus with you, or hath ic 

been thus to you ? certainly if you wcreftung with your fins 

2i and pinched with fp : ritual wants, it would be fo. 

Then the foun- iMyou be thtfe poorjmpt. } need'/ [inner s in the Ttxt dentil the 

dition ) on lay foundation which you willLiy and bui'd uponjs Jefus Chrift alone : 
andbuild upon you wi jj g,, up (hrift }s y(Jur al | and f Qr yom . ^^ l £ Qr ^ f f ^ 

16 Em Other foundat",n ca>> no man lay , then that u laid which is Jefus 

Chrift , Phil. 3 ^. Tea doubt leffe, and 1 account all things but 
loffe for the excellency of the knowledge 0] 'Chrift Jefus my Lord , 


Chap. 5 fpiritiially poor. \ o i 

for whom I hxJe differed thelojfe of all things 9 and do count them 
but dung that I ma? winne C*'ri(l , (verfe 9 ) and befiund in him 
not bavng mine ovsn right eoufneffe which ts of the LaVc bat that 
which uthfouglr'thef 'aith if 'Chrift , the right eoa f?ieffe which is of 
Godby faith. The fpiritually poor and needy firmer renounced 
all felf-foundacions , and pitches on Chrift alone , for all his 
foundations of hope. Would he be reconciled to God} why , 
he fixes only >n the Wood ttf Jefus Chrift , as the atonement 
and peace and reconciliation ? Would he have biijlnnes pardo- 
ned? why, to Chrift he goes and there he relies on him tor re- 
dempiion even the forgiven? ffe of his fmr.es , Epbef. 1.7. Would 
he hive his heart changed and f*n£t*fi ed} None but Chrift can 
heal him, canwaihhim, can fanftifie him .- Would he*fc or 
fnfer , no ftrength for this , or the other,but only the flrergth 
of Chrift , Phil. 4. Would he have his per [on and [ervkes accept 
ted} Cbnft mull be his foundation for thefeaifo: Ilooknoc 
for one imile of favour in acceptance from God , but in and 
through Chrift; Truly thus it is with every poor empty and 
fdf broken (inner , Chrift onL h hisfoundsrion: he lives only 
upon Chrift, and trades altogether in Chrifts name , all other 
are vain thingvvbich cannot profit : he fees his (innes and looks 
uptoCbrift; be fees his miferifj and bokesup to Chrift; he 
fees his reams and looks up to Chrift ; he hath nothing in him,* 
fclf, and looks up to Chrift for all: None can anfwerformy 
finnes bu: Cbrift , none can get me the parJon of them but 
Chrift , none can help me to grace , to peace , to love 5 to 
life, toftrergth, to heaven, but Chrift : Ndw think or this 
you that can ftay at home and keep houfe upon your own ftock, 
who can lay foundations in your own workes , will you be be- 
holding to Chrift for all, Is all fea, and none the rock but 
Chrift, do you think none is able co fave but Chrift? 

3. Ofall Turners whatsoever, thefe poor feif.empty and S uch are mojt 
diftrefled finners are the moft ferisus and mofl earneft beggars : ferious r.nd ar* 
you need not teach the poor (indeed) to beg , nor to think of ™ft begg<irs t 
and ufe arguments how to entreat and prevail, requefts come 
fo naturally and fo feelingly from them , with fuch lookes and 
with fuch teares , and v;uh fuch fighes, and with fuch ex* 
prcfiions , and with fuch importunities : did you know my 

O 3 wants 

io2 'Evidences of one Chap. 3 

wines, did you fee my ftarving children, fomething,any thing, 
the meaneft , the word, help or elfe I periili, &r. Ad verily 
thus it is with a finner who is effec'tually convince! ot his fouls 
poor miserable condition ; The min never knew how to pray 
till now, for his foul was never pinched with want till now ; 
l,c never knftir his fouls dei'perate condition till now; you 
would wonder to hear with what variety , with what fervency, 
wi'h what melting mournful neiTe, and with what humble de- 
ject dnefle, and with what importunate eirneftnefle he comes 
and beg%and prayes at heaven gates 1 In this fenfe alio tha; 
of Solomon holds, the poor man Jpeakj ftp: Heat ions. 

Objett* But what arc the things for which he isfo feiious and 
earnelt in prayer t 

They are fettoui things for which he is ferious. 
Hchcvvefr There are two things efpecially for which his foul is enlarge 

tfccciM) for cd, and purs out it fell before the Lord : One is C^/'/rVfhe o- 
Cbrift. t\\evr> Faith. 

1. He is moll ferUtu a d tart: eft for Chrift : another finner 
('who never knew the miferies and wants of his foul) he doth 
but trifle in his requtfts, perhaps an occalionil wifh , or a for- 
mal meeting : A cuftomary mentioning of Chrift , but he can 
fie quicr ar.d contented enough, though no anfwer be given of 
Cirift ,• Chrift is poor in his eyes, and the graces of God poor 
in his thoughts. ft is is not thus with the finner who is fpintuaily 
poor; fpiritual poverty, and fpiritual hunger ever goes toge- 
ther : fcrcad is the hungry mans life, and therefore he crits out 
as for life, Give me bread: fo Chrift is the poor finners life, 
he fees all his life and hope in Chrift onely, and therefore his 
foul is in good earneft for Chrift .- O Lord, faith he, there is 
filvation for a finner in none other but Chrift; I am undone 
forever if I have not Chrift; none but Chrift can help a poor 

1; I befeech thee do not fay me nay , deny me wiiat thou 
wilt, oncly give me Chr.ft. 

2. Me is moft fenous and earneft for faith: Hj now fees 
there's no living for poor finners, bur by faith ; faith is the 
poor finners fret to walk to Chrift : Beleevmg is the poor fin- 
n.rs trading, and faith is the poor linncrs hand, the empty 
hand to takeChrift, and to recc.ve all good byChrift, and 


Chap. 3 . Jpiritually poor* 3 \ q 

from Chrift : and therefore bis heart is fct upon Chart , who 
istheonely help of poor finners ; and his heart is fct upon 
faith, that he may get Chrift, and getting him may 6e fupplied 
and fet up by the riches of Chrift. Now try your felves by this 
Evidence : a poor (inner is a praying (inner, a begging finner, 
youmayfinde him ftili at heaven gates, there he ftands and 
knocks, and cries, O Lord give a rich Chrtfl to a poor finner ; O 
Lord give me power, give me faith to lay fcold on Chrift. r 

4. If we be thefe poor, indigent, and miserable finners in- Kevin humbly 
deed , Then will we humbly and patiently wait at the door of ™d patiently 
mercy, and the throne of grace • we will continue begging ut\. w *it at the dGor 
tillGodbepleafedtofend outanalmesuntous: When a proud * mr€ ?* 
flurdy beggar comes to the door, if he hath not his defire pre- 
fently.he will begone, and will not flay, and takes on again!! 
you ; I, but when the poor indeed comes, he will cry and heark- 
en , he will entreat and wait your leafure, efpecially when he 
knows that plentifulnelTe and mercifulnefte dwell in the fame 
houfe : Thus is it when men are proud finners, they are impa- 
tient finners i and quarrelfome finners \ wherefore have fte fa- 
fied, fay they, and thou fee ft not , wherefore have we afflitled 
our fouls , and thou takefi no knowledge, Ifa. 58. 3, Away they 
go murmuring and complaining. O it is in vaine to ferve God, 
and what profit w it that we have talked mournfullj kef ore 
him ? Mai. 3, 14. O, but he who is a poor finner, and a needy 
finner indeed, he is content to aske, to feek, to knock, to wait 
patiently till God open the door and gives out mercy: He well 
knowes that he is utterly unworthy of the ieaft of mercies, and 
that the gifts of mercy, and the times of mercy, belong ro God, 
and that Chrift and mercy are precious ; and therefore if God 
with-hold y O faith he, God is but righteous, for I am a great 
finner, and yet I will feek him Hill, and wait upon him, for Ire 
is a merciful, and; gracious God, who can tell but his mercy 
and grace may at Iaft think of my poor foul > 

5. Thefe poor indigent finners of all men are the moft thank^ jl 
full for their almes: where they finde their mercies and fup- Sh ^ drc e f aU 
plies, there they have their thanks and praife?.. %h£m ^ 

There are four things after the receipt of mercy ,in him who * ' 

is indeed fpiritually poor and empty. 

i, He 

04 Evidences of one Chap. 3 

1. He is very humble after the receipt. 

2. He is veil pleafed with the receipt* 

3. He depends the more on mercy, upon the receipt of mercy. 

4. Wz\sexceed\ngthankfnl, acknowledging all his receipts 
as gifts, as free gifts, and giving all the glory to mercy alone, 
and Gods grace alone: What I am , I am by the grace of 
God, What have 1 which 1 have not receive* > What is thy 
fcrvant I who am 9 I ? Thou haft done me good for thine 
own fake. The more he receives, the more empty he is ; the 
more he is filled wit h Chrift and Grace, the more unfilled he is 
withhimfelf: The more that he receives of mercy, the more 
of glory doth he afcribe to the Cod of his mercies: It is not 
thus with a proud and full (Inner, who knowes not how co brg, 


Vfe 2. \ f[ ^ ^ c P oorc ^ fi nn * r g ec t0 Chrift, may they who have 
IV J no money at all come ? (yc that have no money come ye 

Then let us be perfwaded this day unto three things. 
Ex'.orttthn to To become poor, to become feniible of our wants and no* 
three things. thingmfle. 

2. Being fo, to go to Chrift. 

3 . To uTe the means by which you may be fo. 

i. Strive to become poor : every man ftrives to become r.ich; 

strive tobuom ^ uc J would advife every man to ftrive to become poor; My 

ft Qr% meaning is, to ftrive to be rightly fcnfible of his fouls wants, 

of his fouls emprinefTe and nothingnefle, i Cor. 3. 18. If any 

man nmor.g )ou feemeth to be wife , let him become a fool that 

he v Ay be rri r e. 

There are fix arguments which I would prefent unto you for 
Si* Argtmem the regarding of this counfcl. 

tviieu. 1. There is no man xohatfo'ver^ i>m in this life he is in (pi- 

tift'fa' i * tbiS riiH * 1 ** nU ;\{ T°^ DC V^-h yet you ar e under wants, ?>/*/. 
fliritullxnnts. 7°- 5- J * m por and needy did David, Phil. 3, 12. Not as 


Chap.3 formally poor. XQX * 

although I had already attained, or were already perfecl , faid - 

"Paul, Tbil. 4. 1 p. My Goo* {hall fapply all yonr need: He that 

hath Ckri/t, doth yet want more of Chrift : He that hath Grace, 

needs dill more Grace. And if you be mcked> you want ail, all 

that belongs to a new creature, all that belongs to grace and 

glory i A wicked heart is like a large houfe that is wholly un- 

furnifhed , every roome of his foul is void and empty. Indeed 

his heart is full 01 finne and ungodlinefTe , and the more full 

that the heart is of finne, the more empty it is of Chrijft and 

Grace; all the imaginations of ihc thoughts of his heart are 

ontly evil, Gin. 6. 

2. The fblritnal wavts of all other are the created : no Sptri ? x \? ly ! u 
,-, / x k P- - t : are of all other 

wants like foul-wants : A man may want many things lor his t fj C gruteft. 

body, and yet be and fpeed well enough for his foul: That may 

beaffirmed of hira which Fulgentius fpake of Lazarus , fait 

fine domo , fed non fine Dmino, fine vefle , fek non fine fide, 

fine iibo, fed non fine Chnflo : But if you live and die under 

fpir.Mt! wants yoa are uodone in foul and body. Soul wants 

wiM b^ foul lodes, and heaven lofies : Judge feriotifly accord - 

ingto the Scriptures what will become of a finner who never 

ge.s thrift y *o make his peace, nor mercy to pardon his finrfes 

nor Grace todunge b« heart. How can that man be laved? 

3>No fenfe of Jpirituat wants*'* an infallible tefiimcny of all 
yvant ; There is a twofold dilcovery of our fpfritual wants: ^°f cnceo f^' 
One is by lift, when we are made alive by grace, fpiritual fenfe ^WibkuH 
ever attends the fpiritual life: when we begn to live the life minyofaU^ ' 
ofgrace,then we do moft clearly apprehend our warns of grace *unts. 
and in grace: Theother is by- light, when the confeience is 
quickned and convinced and fliewes unto us our wretched 
hearts, and lives and wants*, this is the leaft, and theloweft 
andthe'firftdifcovery of our fpiritual miferies and wants : fo 
then the man who -hath no fenfe at all of his fouls wants and 
ncceffities; he is altogether poor, miferably poor, he hath 
nothing in him that is good, and indeed he is a man wholly fpt- 
rkually dead. 

4. Ufually, they who are in the create ft of fpiritual Wants Mcywbo&eiu 
are leafi ftnfiUt of them, and do think themfclves feift InnSllfi ia* 
wants.who iopwrto *ak'd>M& miferable^nd wtuhedi&Ln&i. fenfblc eftkcL 

cea % 

o 6 Exhortation to Chap. 3 

cea , who faid that [he was rich and encreafedanh bad need of no- 
thing} ivlf-pridc, and felf-flattery and fdf-deceit ever ac- 
company felWulxufli. Ever obferve , that fick men in the 
higheft fcavers are lcift fenfible of their ficknefle and want of 
heakh ; Thus it is in the fickneiTe and wants of the.foul , by 
ho.v much the greater thefe wants arc , by (0 much the lelTcr 

^, . .. is the fenfe and apprehenfion of them. 

The foiinJittons _,, . , r . * . . . , 

firbnvtM, are 5- The foundation for beaven ts slwayes loft: my meaning is, 

almycslow. that when God intends to fill a foul, he fi r ft makes it empty , 
when he intends to enrich afoul, he firft makes it pocr • when 
he intends to exalt a foul , he firft makes ic humble ; when, he 
intends to fave a foul, he firft nukes it fenlible of its' own mi- 
feries wants and nothingneffe. Our Saviour in the end of his/ 
beatitudes, fpeaki, great is your reward in hzaven 3 bu: in the be- 
ginning of them, he firft faith blefiedare the poor. ,n Spirit ;God 
deales in the Spiritual building as men do in their artificial buil- 
dings, the higher that they intend to build , the lower and 
deeper do tluy hy their foundation : If God intends to liftyou 
up to Chrift, and -mercy, and grace, and glory, he will 
then bring you low inthefenfeof yourfinful miferies, and 
fpirirual wants and felf-nothingnefle and untforthynefle. ' 
6. Tou Will never \ee\for the fupply of your [pint ual wants un- 

7m y Unev . cr tilljou befplrituallypoor'. you will not go out to the m*r\et , or 

uUywtoftl- Chere y0U * i[] ft™ di 1&S, tbe ia J Io "& or therc you will only 
Tiuill) poor, cheapen , and look on', bur not buy , not come up to the price of 
the Market. 
Object . Object. But the fearching QPl$4kgHr fpiritual V/ants will make 

me defpairc. 
SA Sol. i, The ignorance of them will nuke w<?« toprefumeof 

them/ "elves and to neglect Chrift. 

2 Defpairc you will di, if in time you discover not your fpi- 
ritual wants. 

3. Defy air (fourfetvei^nd of any help or hope in our felves, 
is the way to make u* to fly to Chrift. 
Object. Object. Cut the fight of fc many finncs will break our hurt 

and difcourage us 
Sot. £°t- t. Our hearts (hould be broken. 

2. Our hearts fhould be feriouflyaftivc for Chrift. 

3, They 

Chap. 3 . fee\ont to Chriji. 1 07 

-3. They will never be more fo^thcn when they are moft itnhbte 
oour fpiiicua! wants and mifeiies. 

This is his work , and this is his way that by this meanes the 
new creature may be known to be altogether his own work- 
manffrp, and that the (inner might only fue to him and depend 
on him, and chat all che receics of Grace here, ani the great 
reward of g'ory hereafter may be afciibed not to us , but to 
himfclf, not to our goodncfT: and worthyneffe, but only to 
his.free-grace, mecr mercy, great love,and undeferved good* 
nefle <*nd bounty. 

2. Well then, being once made rightly fenfible of your 2. 

foulesi'pintu.ri miseries and wants. The next exhortation is, Exboruthn t§ 
thenar you to CbrlU : do not feek at any other door Tor your & ct t0 c ^ ri fi' 
fpmtuai Applies , but his, and to his f comejfte that hath no mo- 

There are five Arguments to perfwade you in this poor fhcArgu* 
condition, to make out timo Cbrift for your fupplies ^Slfl'/, 

1. Godmakes youthiupoor , and dijlrejjed that you might *• 

go out of jour f /ves t avd make out to Chr'ifi and his Word j if you Ci0d ^ cs ? cu 
were poor indeed you would do fo. S^Zlu. 

There are three conditions, wherein,if perfons really did lie, cbrift. 
they would make out to Chrifr. 

1. If they were indeed perfons of contrite and bruifed WeftoutdJoft 
and broken hearts \ in fuch a cafe they would cry out , /; ifveewtreof 
there no Bdme in Gilead for to heale a wounded Spirit ? 5 ™' r/ ^ wi 
what ftjdl tvs do to befaved? A Wounded Spirit vhocan i0 ^ CH 

2. If they were indeed fpir it ually hungry andthirfly , Ogive Or fpUhudlj 
us bread or elfe we perifh with hunger $ O give us drink, h ! tn ^ y * nd 

or die we dy with thlrft. t,m ^' 

3. If they were indzed Jpiritually poor and empty : If they or fpir faulty _ 
hid indeed nothing of their own to live upon. As factipwr* 

when all fubfi flange at home wasending ; why? faith he 
to h s fonnes, / have heard there if corn tn Egypt^get you 
do\X>» thither ankbny for m from thence, that tv* may live 
andnotdiC) Gen 42«2. So, if men were indeed fpiri- 
tuillypoor, if they were indeed pinched with the fenfe 

P 2 of 

«o8 Exhortation to fuch Chap. 3 

■a — - — ^— — — — — ^»__ _______ 

of fheir foufes wants and diftrtfTes , they would abroad , 
thty w.-uld make out to drift for bread, for help, A 
diftrtfTcd fo.»l is apprehenfive of, and as ad ve for its 
own p efervation as adiftrefled body is for its fub- 
fi^et ve. 
There are two forts of wants. 1. There are waKtomraxts , 
wants of vanity, fupeifluous wants : a pcrlon under theic is 
car Kfo and at the beft but complemetKal and talkative- And 
fecondly, there are real want slants cf poverty , neceflary 
wants,wantsof fuch thirgs as are ablolutdy neeeilary to the 
prefervation of life , and being : thefe will make us feriousand 
Solicitous and induftrious: Thus is it amongft flnr.ers ; feme 
have but a flight and formal fente of their funics poor and 
miferable conditioned their motions arc anfwer3b ! e to their 
appreherTion? , flight apprchenfions of their fpiritual wants, 
and flight defires and endeavou'S forChrift: Burthen there 
are other who are really and effectually convinced c f the wret- 
ched condition of their fou^ , and of cl cir own iniuflkiencies 
to help themfelves; They fee that (indeed) their ioules-muit e; 
ternaily die, and perifh, if they get nocCbrift, and mercy, 
and grace ; thefe are poor indeed , they fee death athonse, and 
life abroad ; thefe will anfe with the Prodigal, and make to- 
wards their Fathers houfe where there is bread enough , 

*• 2. It is impojfible far e wj poor (inner to be per feci in himfelf ', 

11 Is imptfiblc to f u ppi y his own "bants , to repair himfcIf,to deliver himfelf to 

for a poor inner . J '/ _ . %. r tc * 

Ifwnbk bcafuffic.encytohimfelf. nO 

own wins, for, U No creature can be enough untottjelf: toecondition of it 

No creature can is a condition of dependance , In him (faith the Apoftle) n>e 

be enough unto ^ ve AK( j move a „dhave our being. As it is with the Beames of 

Uftlft the Sun whofe being depends upon the Sun , if you cut offthat 

dependanc,ey ou cut ofttheir being; or as the bcugbes of a Tree 

which receive their whole life and being from the rootes , if you 

fli ike off their neceflary relation from the root, they die and 

wither away; Thus is it with every creature , (he root of its 

being and continuing is above.and take offthat dependance on 

God, the creature is prefently at a loflc : This fhewes th^t the 

creature is nothing in and of it fdf. You fee this in Jd*m,*nd 


Chap-3 tomaketnttfoChrijf. 109 

in.ths fallen Angels , although they had a great flock put into 
their hands, yet that was not enough , it was not by its own 
power fafficient to keep and maintain them; And u (iich a 
itock of righteoufne fie and ability was not (alone) fuffkicne to 
uphold them,(hall we chink diatthe poor (inner who hath no- 
thing at ail of his own , that he is able to be riches tohimfelf,to 
f et up rum(elf,to iuppiy his own wants? No create, 

Confider the worses which are to be done^tndall the char* bath enough to 

finner ? where hath cue tinner tor thete things 
work^of ' fatisfaQion , ani what competition can the finner 
make I Hath he enough to pay his debt? ? Can he make up God 
again, in his Glory, in hisRigbteoufnefis , in hiswiil 4 which 
have fufered fo much,and have been fo much impaired by the 
finner? Can he lay down the price of the redemption of 2 fdtif I 
And fay,Lord give me my discharge roro a;! my JTnhe?;t(tVf ! tfo 
prefen't unto thee fuch a perfect, fuch a Tull , fdcfc anirffiiii?c 
iatisfa&ion and payment as t y jufticecan dem3~d from a (in- 
ner? Again , there is the Work cfconverfion tirt'd (hftiffifatim : 
the finner needs an heart to be turned to God , and to be re* 
nued and fandined throughout : Can the B f ^k m ^ e change 
hi* skin} Or the Leopard his /pots ? Could bar&rjA quicken 
himftlf from the grave \ Are any of the creifuits of grace to 
be found in the cuftody or power of corrupt nature , which is 
not only deftitute , but alfo totally oppofi:e rothe ^ork of 
Grace? Nay,take me any one work that is fpiritual , furpofe 
itbechacof£*//*v/»£, hath the finner a power ofhiso*n to 
believe ? Is he able to filence any one unbelieving dfcqbt ? To 
anfwet any one fear or exception of his unbelieving htkti ? To 
layfcoldonChrift? To receive his onV though ve?rfo va- 
rious? O no ! The (inner is nothing , and hUtti hotfi rig in^r 
to any fpiritual good : In one word,the<^ a tionofGhi $ the 
collation of the Spirit of Chrift y the revealing eftieMm of ■ - 1 
for all good , and gods [ufceptio* for a 8 in h» prom'tfes « ri ' tfte 
necejfnj of ever) one of thefe , do d monftrauveV prove tr) t 
the poor finner is (in himfelf and ot hmielf) vurrue all 
ftrengthjhatheisnotonlynotenoug%butaifo alcOget*- \h- 

P 3 fuflkunt* 


tio Exhortation to Chap. 3 

7 here u r.o 


fuffirienc torepair himfelf and to fupply his own fpiritua! 
wants : As the tinner is not poor thacconfeiTes not his own 
utter infufficiency > y for the univeifal {ufcepcions of all his Tap- 
i'lics in Chrift, do convince him, that whatfoevrr thoughts 
be niiy have of him'clf; yet he is nothing but wants and no- 
I ig bur in L.Piicicncy : if Chrift did nor lupplyhim from cop 
to toe, if Chrift && not give him Eje-jalve , he would ftiil be 
bind, if Chfift did nor give htm raiment , he would ftil! be 
\ , if Chrift did not give him Hf* . he would dill be dead ^ 
if Chrift cii not give him riches t he would ftil! be poor , if 
Chrift did not give him bread , he would be famifbrd , ir 
Chrift did not give him all, he would ftill be nothings and 
worfe then nothing. 

3 . There is no fitpptj of the Wanti of a poor And needy [itinerant 
Chrtft^rJin Chrift t a»dfrcm Chrift. Jtis not with a poorfinner 
as ic is with a poor man , there are many doores for a 
uWTfw poor man to go unto , ar.d find relief, tut t here is only one 
but door for a fi.ner to go unto to findefpi ritual fupply of his 

Cbrijl. wants. As : here is bu: one door unto which Chrift comes did 

knockj , and that is the /inner j heart y (0 there is but one door 
for the poor fi. n;r to go unto and knock, and that is the 
door of grace tet open in J tius Chrift. What Job fpa^e con- 
cerning W if dome , Job 28.1 2. Where [bill W'fdome be fv*nd\ 
and where is the pL\ee of un krftanding ? It is not to be founj in 
the Land o l : the livir.q . verfe 1 3. The depth faith jt is not in me, 
rnd the fea faithftt is not With me, verfe 14. That may be 
faid concerning the fpiritualfupplies of the wants of poor fin- 
r>ers - go where you will and fcarch were youpleafe, they 
cannot be found any where 3 or in any creature, or in any thing 
bu Chrift alone. All 1 lie creatures are burasthc wildernefle 
and barren Heathcs , but as the Defarts, ,4/74.42. Neither 
is there filuttion in any othtr , &c. 1 foh 5 ! 2. He th.it hjth 
the Son,h*th life , rye Jer 3 23. Truly in va'tn ie falvation 
hoped f r from the h'-Us and from the multitude ofmountaines.'Tru- 
Ij in the Lord our (job is the fMv.mton of IftatL So in vain do 
you it ik for help, where help is mrtro be found. In Chrift 
. f TC alone is the fupply and the falva*ion of loft and poor finners • 

tiibcr, what other things there arc 3 and what other bdides Chrift you 


/fit other 

Chap. 3 . become poor* 1 1 1 

have, they are, either impertinent and unanfwerable to a din- 
ners wants, or e.Te they are incommunicable for the finners 
fupplics , from any othe r. 

I. They are impertinent and unanfwerable , as being of a impertinent 
diver fe kjnde and ufe y and benefit from thofe things which musl and unanfmr- 
loch * needy f oh 1 1 as all earthly pisafures, profits, -honours, able tot (inters 
friends, beauties, reliefs; the bread which you eate, how im- mnti \ 
p.rtinentis it to a foul, which wants the bread of lite ? theray- 
ment which you wear, how impertinent is it to a foul which 
wants the garment of righteoufaefle > the jewels with which 
you adorne your felves , how filly and vaine are they to a foul 
which wants the the jewel of pearie of grear price, the graces 
and ornaments of the Spirit or Chrift ? 

2- Or fuppofe another be p^jfejfed of Chrift , of his righ- Orincommwii- 
Uoufmfje s of bis graces , of his comforts t ("which are indeed cable for a fin. 
the propper fupplics for a poor (inner) jet you cannot be help- ncrs f u N l y f rm 
ed from another : your fouls, poor fouls cannot be fupplied by mi * * 
the fupplies,and riches which any befides your felves do enjoy; 
Becaufe they are fas to i'uch po(Teflours,and from them) in- 
communicable : Chrift ratfed La^ams , yet Lazarus could 
notraifeany; A perfon is made great in office, but htcannoc 
make another fo: They may pity you'in your poor condition, 
and they may lend you their counieljand their prayers, bur pare 
with any of that ughteoufneffe, and hoiinede, and comfort un* 
to you they cannot do it. 

Nay, you cannot go to God himfelf, who can communi- 
cate all , but you muft fir/} come to Ch y $ , ior i ani * by>and 
through whom he communicates ail toftnners: you muft go 
to the Urns door, and to the fame good Matter as they did, 
if you would fpsed as they fped. The fruition of Chrift, and 
mercy, and grace is common to many, but the communica* 
tion or donation of thele to any h proper to Chrift alone; 
therefore under the fenfe of your /pirituai wants ge: you un* 4, 
to Chrift, C^fl^abie 

4. feftt* Cbrifl is able eneugh , and Willing enough to re- t***gb and 
lleve poorfinners and what can the p^ordtfire more then w/ ^"? cmi & 

• u r 1 t0 u PPv you, 

thefe co encourage them. J^ j s ^ lc 

1. Chrift is able enough to relieve poor finncrs; It is hconougf?. 


*i2 Exhortation to fuch Chap.g 

alone chat keeps a feaft tor the poor : Thy wants cannot pof- 
'y exceed his fulnefle : Nay, thy wants are no more to his 
fulnefTe, then a htt ! e empty veffel to the full fea ; Nay, were 
all the wants which take hold of all the poor finncrs in the 
world, upon thy very foil 1 , JefuBChnft isable to fur/ply them 
all : he who is more then able to fupply every poor diftrefled 
doners wane?, is as able to fupply them if they were in thee a- 
lone, as he is to lupply them all in every one of them. If I 
could fupply all the warns of ten thouf^nd beggars fcverally, I 

four things could as eafily lupply them if the y did meet in one bcggar,per- 

midcKe tbk, fonally confidered. 

But to the point in hand, that JeTus Chrift is able to fupply 
all the wants of poor Tinners : there are four thigs which will 

The perfcSHons dear this fully. 

iJ - "*' i. The per fcfiions of chrift: Whatfoever is in Chrift is in 

Mm by way of perfection : God eivesnot thi Spirit bj meafttre 
umohim 5 fob? 34. To us he gives the Spirit by meafart, a 
little to one and a little to another , to every one a limited por- 
tion and meafure ; But to Chnftnot by meafure , but fully, 
buz perfectly, and this perfection in Chrift bath a two fold 

1. It is a perfeWion fuixble to his crrn capacity. 

2. It is a perfection anfrverable to the en^s and fftrptfesrtf h;'s 
offices. It is fuch a perfection, as that there is not the leaft 
want or dtfe& to fill up Chrift : and it is fuch a perfection as that 
thereby Chrift is fifficic nrly qualified to fill tu up , and therefore 
St. Jehn faith of h 1 fuUefte have all we received, Job.]. 16. 
and the Apoftie fpcaking of his fqlnefle, he faith, that is fuch 
thatfii/eth alt in all , Ephef 1 .2$. 

Zil™' 1 ** °f 2 - The ments of Chrift : of what height or compare 
do you imagine the merits of Chrift to be ? certainly his meiirs 
are anfwerable to his pcifon, and therefore they are of infinite 
worth and dignity. He did by his meritorious doings and faf- 
ferings, purchafe n'> lefTe then to be the Lord of life : All that 
concernes the life of a linncr (richer in the end of i: : As eter- 
nal glory, or to the present Hate of it , for grace and mercy, 
all this hath Chrift obtained by merit and purchafe, to fecftow 
on poor Pinners 3 and furely thiC is enough to fupply all 
wanes. 3. 2 b* 


Chap 3. makg out to Cbrzji. &*3 1 1 3 

3. Xi»* (applies in Qhrift : they are every way aniwerable r ^ p u ^ s j n 
to the wants of poor Tinners: The wanes of a Tinner may be cbrift* 
lookt on either extenfively, as to all the lands and number of 
them,or*»/*»/?W/, as to all the meafures and degrees of them: 
They are very many, and they are very high, but Ch rifts (up- 
pjjes can anlwer them in both refpe&s ; If you caft up the 
kinds of the finners fpiritual wants, Chrift hath as feveral and 
ftronger kindes of (applies : He is life, and righteoufneiTe, and 
forgivenciTe,and wifdome, and fanftification, and redempti- 
on , and grace , and comfort, and ftrength, and falvation; 
and thefe do fufficiently anfwer all the kindes of their 
wants, • u 1 1 

4. Nay, let me adde one thing more to fhew the ability and f^^fL 
fufficiency in Chrift to fupply all the wants of poor finners : J[ J ' nJ 
whenHe hath helped all the poor finners in earth fie hath yet e- 
nough to lp are: There is yet roome for as many poor and nee- 
dy finners ; the proviflon of his grace will hold out, were there 
millions of fucceeding worlds for poor finners to live, and to 
live upon him : He is ftill as able to five , to give, to fupply 
them, for his ftock never diminifheth one jot by the communi- 
cation of it: the Sain:s in glory live and enjoy upon it to all 
eternity in heaven, and (o may all poor finners whatsoever trufc 
upon it, and fpend upon it all their life; By all which it mani- 
feftly appears that there is ability enough in Chrift to fupply all 
the wants of poor finners. 

2. Butfeco«ily, as Jefus Chrift is able enough, Co He id chrift is as 
willing enough to [apply all the wants of poor finners. Where- willing as be is 
foreelfe doth he keep open houfe, and makes proclamation, as Mc. 
here in the texr, He that bath no money , Corns ye y buy and. 
eate : wherefore elfe fends he out fo many invitations to bid 
poor finners to ccms to him , for all things are ready ? Why 
clfe (hould he counfel them to come and buy gold, and rayment, 
and eye falve of him. nm ^ 

There are three things which do fhew that Jefus Chrift is evidence tbir. 
very willing to help and fupply the wants of thepooreft fin- 

f . His anointing ; He was fct apart, and fitted for this ve« tiis anointing. 
rvend,CO fade the loft, to fill the hungry , to help the nee- 

a df 

S14 Exhortation to Chap. 3 

dy , to be a father to the father/ejfe ; and for this very pur- 
pose he came into the world. As long as man could live and 
trade with his own flock, Chrift Came not , but when mm was 
fallen and broker^now he came into the world to feehf that 
•which was loft, and to fave ftnners , Chrift is will rig to per- 
form? his office, as willing to the application as he was to the 
ordination and fufception. All thofe unfearchableriches,exceed- 
ing riches of Grace were given unto him, to fpend them a- 
mongft the poor, to lay them out upon poor finners. 
2 - 2. His undertakings : He never undertook any thing for 

HUmicmk* felf-righteous , and felf-fufficient perfons, only for the 
tn ®' poor did.he enter into band , and became a furety for their 

fakes: He became poor, that they by his poverty might be 
made rich , 2 Cor. 8. p. All his doing* and (ufferings, all that 
he laid down and offered up, all his purchafe and difcharges 
were in the poor finners name : This 1 undertook, and this I 
did, and this I fuffered, and this I obtained for the poor finner, 
who could do nothing for himfelf. 
5. 3. His Negotiating-, All the tradings of Chrift by cal!s,by 

H'a negothting inftitutions,by promiies,by encouragements(if I nuy lb deliver 
myfelfj arc with poor finners: He will not converfe with 
the rich and full , but with the poor and needy , I came not 
to call the righteom , but finners. The Lord Jefus fingles you 
out amongft all other finners : What wilt thou that I (hall do 
for thee? and many times comes to your doors, ftands there, 
and knocks there, and brings his provifions with him, offers un- 
to you all the helps which you nccd,and entreats you to accept 
of them ; and then you muftconcludc that he is willing. 
, 4« , 4, His door is never (hut againfi any : Nor is his hand 

Hl f taa^iHn empty and clofed, when the poor finner come?. He is always 
A7l ] t at home, and alwayes open handed to rum ; He defpifeth not, 

he hidcth not his face from the poor. There is no finner on 
earth, who hath more gracious acceptance , and more quick 
difpatch at the gates of heaven, then a really poor & diftrelTed 
finner: nor of whom Chrift is more tender : what fpecial care 
was had for the poor Jewes, when it was required, that their 
brethren (hould not harden their hearts agatnft them, but 
liberally fpen their hands unto them 3 freely give , and leave 


Chap. 3 M*ke out to Chrifi. 1 1 $ 

[omethintt for them, in their fit Ids , and in their orchards ,&c. 
Much more tender is Chrift to a poor (inner, furely he 
will heir the cry of the poor , and [atiifte the hungry with 

5. He glories in the bounty to thtm. The dpoftle tells us - 
oFone faying, much ufed by Chrift, A&s 20. 35. Remember the He glories inbu 
Words of the Lord jefus , how he /aid, it is a more blejfed bwitytotkcm. 
thing to give then to receive. It is not onely more blefled, 

but much more honourable. It is the greateft honour thai: 
Chrift hathin all the world, thac he is a Mediatour for finners: 
and a Saviour of finners; That he gave hi mfelfe- for finners, 
what a glory is this to the love of Chrift ! And that he gives 
himfelf and all faving good unto (inners, what a glory and 
honour is this to the alfufficiencie, k'ndnejfe , goodnejfe and 
bounty of Chrift. We get , when Chrift gives; arid Chrift 
doth not lofe by giving to us ; we gtt grace and mercy , and 
Chrift gets glory ; and the more he gives to poor finners , the 
more glory he gets by it. Can you put a more dishonourable 
afront upon Jefus Chrift, then when you fee your wants , either 
you will not come to his door, or you will quickly palle away; .. 
as if Jefus Chrift onely were the hard Mailer, or incompaiiio* 
nutt Dive j. 

6. He likes )ou the better, becaufe he findesyo/t poor: He ^ • 
fills the hungry with good thingt , but the rich he fend' cm- He Ufa you the 
pty away* Now he ha:h an object fit to be relieved by better when be 
him. findsyoupoer, 

7. His additional! 1 He doth not onely provide for being, 7. 

but for well-being, forincreafe, and continuance. He givesj H * tddithuds 

and gives more abundantly. Thepqor (inner hath not yet e- 

nough , why , faith Chrift, I will fupply him further, he yet 

wants, and I will yet help, I will not leave fupplying him, till 

I have brought him to glory. 8. 

8. What an infinite mercy it it that you are made (pir it /tally **** an '"finite 
poor, and being fo, that there is fuch a Chrift to help W*^°£^^ 
relieve you. chrift to help n 

I. It is infinite mercy to be made fpiritually poor; to know 1. 

your felves, to be taken off from your felves, to acknowledge it is mercy to be 
that onely mercy and grace do keep the purfe, that rnuft keep fp'rimaiiy poor. 

Q 2 your 

1 1 6 Means to attain to Chap. 3 

yourhoul'e: Thouhadft certainly been undone, if thou hadft 

notdifcerned thy felf to be undone. Thy felf imagination s , 

would have proved thy felfdejlruBion\ There is death and 

lode in any confidence but in Jefus Chrift. 

• 2 2. And then being thus poor and deftitute, what an exceed* 

tAndamercrto %ng mercy is it to have a Chrift to go to : To have l"o rich 

baveaCbrfftto and lo good a Chtiil , and for him to callus to come nnro 

& oiQ ' him, and to undertake all our wants, and all our necefiitics, 

and all our iupplies? If one fhould fuffer fhip- wrack at fia, 

and lofe all that ever he had gotten, fo that nothing at all is 

left, and if a rich friend fhould fend to him, pray come to my 

houle and welcome, what I have you (hall bave.l wiii rinde you 

all, and as long as I enjoy any thing,you fhall never want : furc 

this poor broken man would look upon this kindntiTe, and 

gladly hearken to it and accept it. Alas whit do you poorfin- 

ners meane , that you repair not to Chrift, in whom only is 

your help and in whom is all your help, certainly you had 

fped , had you come. He calls you, and he is troubled that 

you (lay fo long, he hath made all things ready. 

U(< au'tbe 3« The cn ^ r( ^ thing , which I would fpeak unro , is the 

means by which mi am horv a [inner may became poor , how he ma) he made rightly 

you maybe ffi- f en fib le of his font- wants , of his emprinefle aud hotbingnefle* 

triiuliy poor. Anc j f or k c jp j n t ^ ls ^ j wou jj humbly prefent thefc coun- 

_. V 1. Ltve under a powerful Atiniflry ^ under a foui-fearchinP 

powerful M- anc * ^ " llC0ver,n 8 Miniftry. I here are foul fiattertng Mi. 
Ttijiry. nifiers, 2nd foul , g Aftnijlers. Scut fluttering Mini 

alvvayes preach pleating things , and deceitful things ; they ne- 
ver fet out the true flateof^the finnec , in the wrctchednefle an J 
danger of it : They will rathei fnffermen to goto hell quietly 
then diflurb them wuh the clear fight of their finful cond il 
and wayes. 

But foul-faithful and fare niftsri, they fpeak t>' 

hearts and confcicnc:* of then hearers; Their great woik is 
to make finncrs know tbemfelves , that fo they may k 
Chrift ; to pull down , ani then to build up : To wound and 
then to heal: To caft doWn alt lofty Imaginations Xlphich do exalt 
thimfdves. arafaft Chn[t 9 \Q tezel the. Mwmmne$W& n;r,ke the 


Chap. 3* fpiritnal poverty* 117 

Hills low , that all fie fb may fee the falvatUn of God, You fhill 
experimentally finde that no Miniftry whatfoever, doth make 
fo many finners to be poor,and fo many poor finners to be rich , 
as the faithful foul-fearching Miniftry doth. 2 . 

2. Examine your /elves. A right felf-knowledge comes from Exmineyour * 
a right felf-examinarion. This you fhill finde^he lelle a man/l/va, 
examines himfelf, the more proud and felf willed he is of him- T 

felf; And the more that any man examines himfelf, the more 
miferable,and poor, and vile will that man be in his own eyes; 
There is nothing which will abafe a (inner more, then the 
fight of his finful ncflfe; and there is nothing which will better 
bring us to that fight then the faithful examination of our 
felves. In this wo k, you fhall make fuch a difcovery of a 
finful heart and life, of fuch a moft ioathfome and wretched 
condition , that you cannot but confefle that if Chrift and 
mercy help you not , you are undone for ever. 

^.TZe/eesh the Lord to fend out the convincing lioht of his Spirit 3" 

into your hearts uitb htiovnlVord. Hii light , is* a true light , B &°\ tbc f™'- 
it discovers , but it fitters not 9 it reprefents things as they are , Q^Llf^ 
and his light is a quick light, it makes manifeft hidden things. 
It is the Spirit that muft convince the world of fin , (*)make fin- 
ners to fee how finful and mifenble they are , Rom.y 9. I was 
alive without the Law once, but when the command? went came,fnne 
revived, and -dyed; as if he had faid , when I was in ray Pha- 
rifaicaii ettare, I had as good an opinion of my felf as any mad, 
I made nodoubt'but all was well , that I needed nothing; but 
when the comma^dementcame (1) when the Spirit of God by the 
Law came, and throughly convinced me of my felf , thenthe 
cafe was quite altered , Ifawfo much fin in my feif, that un* 
Icfl*e Grace did help, I was a dead andhopeleffe finner. 4. 

4. Make a right comp.tr if on of thy felf ', even with thofe who Mi\t 1 right 
have been far bater then thy felf * and yet have been very low in compm\onof' 
their own eyes. / abhor my j el fin dufl a*d afhes faith Job ; e n- r ^/ c/ / f 
ter not into judgment <r<th thy ftrvant, faid David , All our rigk- 
t4oufne(fes are at j. . t laid the (fharcb ; In me there dftels 

no good f and y O Wretched man that 1 am,fo\& Taul y and what 1 
am, I am by the grace of God- } No w if the !e eminent perfons, are 
nothing in themtei, -:s.are fo viiein themfdv,s,whenceisit that 


1 18 Means to attain Jpiritual poverty. Chap. 3 

I am To proud and fo ful of ray fclf , that I have fuch high 
thoughts of my felf. 
r 5» Vnderftand fpiritual things aright , and then put jour 

Under ftirjfpj. [elves unto the Try at. 

riiuil things a- 1. For Ability, Yon think there is fomething in you , 

*&*, and then f ome ability to believe , or to repent. Well , firft learn by 

tryjont ability. ^ vVord of God , what is it to believe aright , and what is it 

to repent aright, and now fet upon che'e workes with your 

ownftrength, and you will be brought "quickly to confeffe , 

that you are nothing , and can do nothing at all. 

Your graces* 2 ' ^ n( * ^°f or ^ TaCes '> You c ^' n ^ V ou arc ^ °^ c ^ em i ^h 

but fcarch the Scriptures , and obferve what Characters they 

do fet upon graces , real graces, for the nature of them ,for the 
operations of them , by which they are diftinguifhed from coun- 
terfeit graces , and then you will finde how fhortyou are , 
how deceived you have been, Try thy faith , and try thy re- 
pentance , and try thy love by the Word; How true faith is 
wroughr,and what refpecl it hath to Chrift , what Influence it 
hath upon thy heart and in all thy actings. Try what fence 
thou haft of fin, whathumblings and mournings, what for- 
faking in true repentance. What delight in God, and Chrift; 
what obedience flowes from love and what fear there is in thee 
to offend. 
7oureftitc. 3» And for the whole efiate , either of being^W, or mc\' 

ed, of being called^ or uncalled, converted , or unconverted , 
of being in Chrift, or out ofCbrifl , of being formally good , or 
folidly changed and renewed : find out by the Scriptures , the in- 
fallible Characters of an unregenerate and wicked condition , 
of a formal a/id hypocritical condition, of a foundly conver- 
ted and renewed condition, in fuch a fearch as this is, you 
would fee your wanrs , and miferies , and deceit indeed. 
Men do crre and miftake in their judgements of things , they 
do many times take nature {ox grace , and education for gran , 
and moral vertues {or grace , and flitting and tranfient motions 
forgrace, and therefore arc they full and fee no want, they 
think therafeives rich , when as upon a right judgment they 
would finde that they have no mony. 

> CHAP. 












Chap. 4* The Poor eft Sinner may fare well, 


ISAIAH 55*1. 

(femeyce, Buy and eat, buy wine, and Mil\ without monjt 
and without f rice. 


Have fliewed you that the fooreft 
firmer may ceme toCbrifi, and now 
I am to {hew you, how hee is like 
to fare, if hee do come to (Thrift. 
Chrift hath /^d for him, ixi&Wine 
for him,and Mtlkjox. him, (C owe ye, 
buy and eat) come and buy wine and 
milk) by thefe expreflions are 
meant, all Evangelical grace , all 
fpiritual good, allneceffary good, all proper good, all 
comfortable good, all nouriftiing and ftrengthning 
good. Bread, that is neccffary to preferve life, xviiviue, 
that is neceffary to comfort life, and Milk^ that is- necef- 
fary to nourifh life. And what would a poor man have 
more ? whence obferve J he P ocir <* 

Do£h 4 That the fooreftfinner {hall fare exceeding well ^"Jj^ 
ifheewiUcometo Chrifi andbuy of him, Or, That all foi- ^.^^V 
ritual good comes tew, when wee cemctoChrtft> Prov.p. hce cook ro 
a, Sine hath kHed her beafts, Jhe hath mingled her Wme, CH rift and bay 
(hee h*th a/fi furnifhed her Table, verf. 4. who fa u fi>np!e, of h ""- 
let him turn in hither, as for him that nanteth undt>ftaud- Provcd - 
iug,(he faith to hsm, verf. 5. come eat of my bread, and 
drwkofmj Wine which 1 have mingled. Why? : ere IS 
furcly provifion enough for any poor man , here is 
meat enough? and bread enough, and Wine enough, 
the whole Table is familhed, and if die nxtf fiimlc 

Aa come 

2oi .IfheemeandhujofCbrift. Chap, 4 

come, hec may eat and drink of all; You read of the 
Prodigal S.on (che Emblem of a poor Sinner) lice came 
towards his Father, and his Father ran towards him,//* 
fell down on hu knees andweft, and his father fell on his 
netkjtn&kiffedhim, and laid unto his Servants, Bring 
forth th.be ft robe , And pat it on him, and put a Ring on 
hi* hand, and (hoots on Ins feet , and bring hither the fat- 
ted Calf and kjll it, and let w eat and bee merry, Luke i 5, 
21,22,23. when this poor Prodigal came unto his Fa- 
ther, all good came unto him 3 love came to him, and 
acceptance came, and cloathing, and raiment, and the 
Ring, and plentiful entertainment. So when a poor 
Sinner comes to Jefus Chrift, (Thrift will meet him, 
and welcome him, and cloath him and comfort him,and 
beftow all good upon him, Rev. 3. 17. There you 
finde in what a wretched, mi fertile , poor , blind, and 
naked condition, Laodicea was: and vcr. 18. Chrift 
counfels her, to come to him, and buy of him: But 
what hath Chrift to fell unto her, if iliee comes? All 
the good which flie needs; Sheewas wretched and mi- 
ffirable, and poor, and Chrift had all that could help this; 
even Gold and Riches; Shee was blinde, and Chrift had 
cjc-falve to help that,fhe was nakjd, and Chrift had rai- 
ment to cloath that alfo, I Cor. I.30. Of him are you in 
Chrift JcftU) who of God is made unto H4,wifdome, rightc- 
cufnejpt, fanttification and redemption, mark here what 
comes on it by comming to Chrift. 

Are you Ignorant andfoolifb Sinner s> Chrift is Wifdom 
to you, are you ungodly} Chrift is rightcoufnefs unto 
you, are you unholy ? Chrift is fanfttfoation to you \ Arc 
von captives uidflaves, held in chains and fetters? Chrift 
is redemption to you. 

For illuftration of this point , I fhall (hew you 
Iliuflxaad. l That in Chrift there is very good fare to be had for 

poor Sinners. 

2 That the enjoyment of it, is limited to our com- 
ming to Chrift, and buying of him. 
3. That upon their comming .to Chrift > all that 


Chap 4 What good things may be had in Chrift ^ 203 

good doth certainly come to them. 

THat in Chr'tft thfre is very good fare to bee had for x 

poor Sorter s- y even all that good, poor Sinners do or jnChrift the*e 
can need, is good fare to 

There are four things which any. poor Sinner can be had for 
need. . . . - *o.r Sinners. 

1 The things which concern his life, or being. 

2 The things which concern his Bene effe, or well 


3 The things which concern his longum effe^ as long 
as hec hath a being. ■ 

4 The things which concern his eternumejfe ,his being 
and well being, to all eternity. Now In Chrift all theie 
things are to bee had, therefore in Chrift there is exceed- 
ing good fare to be had for poor Sinners. # 

1 You may have in and from Chrift, aH that is ne- 
cejfary to the' (fpirituale ejfe ) fpiritual being of -pour All that is ne- 
fouls. As much as will tranftate you from death tyjife, }^^L 
as much as will alter your difpofitions and conditions. p f car foul*. 
Renewing and quickning grace by his fpirit, a change into 
his Image from glory to glory ) by the fpirit of the .Lord) 
2 Cor. 3. 1 8. A conformity unte him in the Hkenefs of 
his deaths andofhisrefurrcttiQ^Kom. 6.5. If any man 
bee in Chrift hee is a new creAture^ 2 Cor. J. 17. 1#ft*fy- 
ing graces by which you are freed from the redundant 
guilt of your fins, fuch a forgiveneffe of them, as that 
there is no condemnation unto jou y Rom. 8.1. A perfcft 
righteoufneffe, wish which you are cloathed, Reconci- 
ling g rAC h by which all enmity is flain ; you are brought 
into favour with God, and hee is at peace with you,you 
ftiay look upon him as your God and father, and hee 
dotn look upon you as his people and children, Heb. 9. 
10. 2 Cor. 6. \6) 18. And(which makes way for all this) 
uniting grace , by which you ixc)oy*ed unto Chrift) as 
the Wikistomc Husband ) Hofi,i$ % or as branches 

Aa 2 to 

204 What good things may be had in Cbri/i, Chap,4 

(en J 

to the Host , Johni], i . and fo partake of the nature 
and iitc oiChritf-.Thefe arc our vitali*,thcy arc the tilings 
that do concern our novum tffe, our effe fpir it Hale. The 
poor Sinner dah as much need them in order to his fpi- 
ricual being, as the poor man doth need bread to his na- 
tural being. 
AH that it r>c- 2 You may have in and from Chriil, all that is necef- 
ee&Hy tooths fay** '^beneeile* to the comfortable being of a poor Sin- 
eomf rtable *tfr. A jfurance of Gods favour and love, Veace in cenfei- 
tcingofour € nce, Joy m the Holy Gkoft-, free dm* of aceefs % grdciotif- 
fcnJs. m jf e f acceptance, perfwafon of audience, and Hope of 

glory. Surely thefe things are diffident to make our 
Paradke on earth, tofweeten our paths to heaven, to 
rcfrefhand revive us in our journey, and to fill our 
ibules with delight and fatisfaCtion; And every one of 
thefe is to bee had in and from Chrift, Rem. 5,5. The 
loveofGodisjhed abroad in ftr hearts^ b) the HoljGhofi 
nbich is given to us, Rev. 3. 17.7* him that overcometh 
wit/ J give to eat of the hidden mannah. Rom* 5.1. Being 
justified by faith wee have peace with (yod, through our 
Lordtyfus Chrifi, 1 Pet. 1. 8. In whom belecving yen re- 
joycewith joy unfpeakable and full of glory, Eph. 2. 1 8. 
Through him wee have an accefs unto the father, 1 Job. 
5.14. This is the confidence that wee have in him, that if 
•wee askjmy thing at cor fang to bis wiU,hee heareth us ,CoL 
I. 27. Chrifi in you the hope ofglorj. 
3 You may have in and from Chriit, All that is ne- 
All (harts ne- teffary for )our Longtim efle ; ^11 that concerns you and 
ccijary for us fpiritual condition , as Una as jou live utor the earthy 

as long as wee ' .. J J . a • ii^ ' / r ec 

i.ve upon the all that is nccdlary to luable you, to do, to fupr, to 
caith. grow, to per fever e unto the end, not onely all that 

makes up afpintuall being, which is meant by bread, 
n t onely all that makes your fpiritual being, a com- 
fortable being, which is meant hyWme, but alfo all 
that will nouriuV frrcngthen, and fupport that being, 
which is meant by milk^\ The Apoftlc PWfpeaking of 
Chri(1:as thzhcadofhis Church, faithCol. 2. 19. That 
from him all the body by joints and bands having uounfl?- 


Chap,4 What good things may be had in Cbrift y 2 o 5 

Ail that is ne- 

ment mimfired and kuit together, increafeth with the in- 
crease of Gad; hence thofe cxpreffions, firengthenyou in 
Christ, makj you perfett in Chrift) efiabli(hyoa in Qhrtjl 
and my Godjhafl /apply all your need, according to the rt m 
chcs of glory in Chrifi, Phil.4. ip. 

4 You may have in and trom Chrift, All that is ntcef- 
fary for your ctcmumtffc* tn makeup a being of eternal 
hap P inefsforyou,Rom.6.2 3 .1hegiftofGodis eternallife ^fflryto^ 
through Jefus Chrift our Lord, 2 Tim. 4. 8. There is laid upa being of 
up for me aerownofrighteeufueffe, which the Lord-, the eternal happi- 
righteous Judge jhall give mee at that day. Rev, V 10, ne ^ c - 
Be faithful unto the death , and I vkH give thee a crown ef 
life, Joh.3. 1 $, l6.Hee that beleeveth on him (hall not periffr 
but have everlaflwg life. Doth it not manireftly appear 
by all this, that in and by Chrift alone, is to bee had all 
fpiritual good, which a poor Sinner can poffibly need 


I Now proceed unto a fecond particular, That the in- 
ioyment of all this fptr it utl good is limited to comming unto T « • 
Chrift, and to buying ofQhnfiM the poor Sinner would ^clto! f?isi< 
have bread, andwineandmilk,?>.alifoul faving good, tualgoad isir- 
heemuft then come to Chrift and buy tlum of (thrift, mitedtobuy- 
(come ye, buy , and eat 3 yea, corns buy wine and milkj> ingofChrift* 

Objett.But may feme fay, of all limitations whatfo- 
ever this feems to bee moil liar ft? and moft difcourage- 
ing; To report all this good which a Sinner doth need, p nt ? epo h ° r h 
and to invite him to come; but then to tell him that he ^^1 
muftbuy them, alas, the poer hath not wherewithal to 
buy them. Ifheehadfaid come and receive, diis had . 
been an encouragement, but come and buy , can die Sin- . 
ner buy mercy, and Grace, and Glory. 

Sol. Though this at firft fight may (ccmhardi, yet if 
wee look to the next words they will qualify the harfh- 
neffeof that expireflion, for it is added, buy without mo- 

A a 3 nej, 


What it is to buy of Chrift, Chap.4 

There U a 
twofold buy- 

By way of me- 

By way of ob* 
tainrng and 

There is a 


fttxti frctim 


ney , and without price. But let us fee the import of 

There is a twofold buying. 

1 There is a buying bj way of Merit, and pur chafe ; 
you are bought with a price, I Cor.^.io.Thus dothChriil 
buy us poor Sinners; w« W*re redeemed with the pr$cions 
bloudofChnfty faith the Apoftle, 1 Pet. t. 19. 

a There is a Buying, by way of obtaining *ndpoffejfing\ 
and thus , wee Sinners buy of Chrift, vhen w ee ufe thofc 
means and ways which Chrift hath defigntdfor the obtain* 
ing of any pnmifed g§9i, and in the ufe of which hee will 
impart unto n* ,andjettle upon us that fame good which we 
do need and hee hath promifed, or if you ^Icak, takemee 
thus, There is a buying , 

1 Juxtapretiumnaturaley when fo much in value is 
laid down, as is commenfuratc to the true value and 
worth of what is bought, fuch a buying there is of land 
or wares, where what you lay down for them isofe- 
qual value unto the things bought. In this fence, no 
finncr whatfoever doth, or can buy, any fpiritual good, 
becaufe the Sinner hath not in him anything which can 
rife up to the value of the lead grace and mercy. 

% Juxta prettnmpaBiortale* Whenfo much is laid 
down, upon which any one is contented that the thing 
which yuu need (hall fall into your r>ofTcflion ^although 
that thing hath nothing in it felr confider able, as to the 
worth ot what you need or come to enjoy. Suppofe a 
poor man comes to a Rich man for bread, or houfe, or 
lands, you (hall have them faith the rich man, fo that 
you will truft mee for them, and acknowledge that you 
enjoy them by my favour, and bounty; Here is a buy- 
ing By a paftional price, upon a price which is not at all 
equivalent, but vet the feller is willing and agrees to let 
the poor man nave fuch a good bargaine, upon fuch 
good terms. And in this fenfe, a poor Sinner may 
and doth buy of Chrift, namely upon fuch terms as 
Chrift is plcafed and contented toietrlc all fpiritual good 
upon him, which' terms arc n6t by laying down any 


Chap. 4 What it is ubuy of thrifts 207 

thing amounting to the worth of fpiritual things, but 

by comming up unto the way ofChrifts agreement for 

the enjoying ot them. So that look how Chrift- doth fet y 

fo the Sinner maj buy, and what terms Chrift doth pro- 

pofefor your fpiritual enjoyments, if you can come up 

tothofe terms you then do buy of him. That man 

buys of Chrift who comes up to the terms of Chriftyap- 

on which Chrift is pleafed to fell; Now the pactional 

price, or the terms upon which Chrift fells unto poor Sinners, The i?™* U P" 

all the gocd which they need,are thefe chrffllelli 

1 Hee muft bee contented by Faith to ownChrift, to By Faith own 
receive him, to acknowledge him and to become CMft. 


2 Hee muft defend and tru& onhtmpn him alone,for Dependant 
his fake, to enjoy all fpiritual good, of grace and mercy, truft on hIm, 
and peace,and ftrength, and comfort, and hope. 

3 \\zm\&earneftly fray Jeekt and assail that good^nd Pray and fcefc 
wait unt ill it bee {for thrifts fake) bestowed on him. And and wait for all 
as there cannot bee any rcligioufly Rational expe&ation & ocd ^ 00! *■ 
ofanyfaving good, or fupply from Chrift for any man, 

unleffe his heart do come up to thefe terms of Chrift, 
(for what ground can any Sinner have to expe£t any 
faving good from Chrift, who will none of Chrift,who 
will not rely on him: and feek unto him) fo there is no 
really and fpiritually poor Sinner, but hee dothmoft 
cordially and thankfully embrace thefe terms; would 
not fuch a poor Sinner have Chrift ? would not hee de- 
pend onely on Chrift? would not hee come and beg, 
and wait at the door of Chrift ? Doth hee look out for 
any mercy , or comfort , or help, but in Chrift, and 
for Chrifts fake? And thus you fee, that all a poor Sin- 
ners good and help is to be found in Chrift, and that the 
limitation of the enjoyment of it is both reafonable and 
gracious in a way of comming unto Chrift and buying at 
his hands. 


lo8 Cwitning to Chrift, all Gotd comes t$ us . Chap. 4 . 


$ nr Here is yet one particular more to bee infifted on, 
* That if the poor - [inner doth come And buy >hee fhallin;oy 
If Ac poor fin- * n d pojfejfe. There is a certainty of enjoyment of all 
ncr doth come the good which we need, when we come and buy of 
?ndbuy, hec Chrift; you ihall have the Bread, and the Wine, and the 
<hail in joy and <jmu^ and all; ifyou thus come and trade with Chrift 
pofleiic. for all; will you hear Chnfr himfeli fpeakingunto this, 

preved. John 6. $$♦ Jefw faid unto them, I am the Bread of life, 

b ee that commeth unto mee (halt never hunger \ and bee that 
beleeveth onmec (hall never thirft. Then furely he that 
comes to Chrift, doth finde ail good in Chrift, and from 
Chrift* which can farisfie all the defires and wants of his 
foul, Rev. 3. io. If any man hear my voice,and of en the door y 
I wtH cume tn to him, and will f up with him, and hee with 
ntee. What is Chrifts flipping, with a poor beleeving 
foul, butafweet and plentiful manifestation of himfeli; 
it is the feafting of a foul with Love, and Peace, and Joy> 
aixlthefiirnifiungofafoul with all needful fupplies of 
grace. Will you hear the Apoftle fpeaking to this 1 Cor. 
3 , 2 2, 2 3 . All are yours, and you are Chrifts, Ephef. i . g . 
Bleffed bee the God and Father of our Lord J ejus Chrift, 
who hath blejfed w with all Jpiritualbleffings, in heavenly 
f laces in Chrift, CoK 2, 9, In him dwelleth the f nine fs of the 
God-head bodily , I Pet. 2.4. To whom comming, at to a 
living ft one, verf. 4. jee alfo as lively ft ones are built up a 
fpirttualhoufe, &c. It all tin's will not convince you, then 
hear a few Arguments which may yet further clear up 
this truth. 

I Chrift mud be, and will bee, as fufficient and efeftual 
Chrift i* ps cf- to the reparation of a [inner, as Adam was to the lofing 
tca^ltothe and undoing o[ a /inner, Rom. f. I?. If through the offence 
[ Cpar * tk>n A ^ 1 oftne, many bee dead, much morethe Grace of God, and the 
dam to <hi un- Gl 'f c ^ Grace (which is bj one fefiu Chrift) hath abounded 
d^ing. u>.to many, vci'i. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one, 

f hement canic upon all men to condemnation, even fo by 


Chap.4 Her Rich is thrift. 20? 

the Righteoufoejfe of one, the free gift c ame upon ailments 
jupificttion of life. But this hee could not do, were there 
not in him all the good of life, and were not that good 
derived from him, to all that come unto him. 

2 Union with Chrtfi, infer res with it a communion with JJ?^* 1 ™ 

. .n Ttm r r it 1 vJinit infer* 

Chrtjr : Iheleare never leparated; it you come to the communion 

poffeflion of Chrifthimfclf,youmulthavcacommuni- with him. 
on in all that Chrift hath done for you, and purchafed for 

3 Chrift is jujt to anfwer his own invitations, and to cfcriftfsiuft 
make good all hit Promifes, now hee invites you to all anfwer his w* 
good, and promifeth unto you all good, upon your com- invitation, 

4 If all good might not bee had upon comming un- 
to Chrift, men a poor finner had not fufficient encourage- £|f ca p oor 
ment to come unto him^ and his condition would be very (inner hath not 
defperat e. Jncouragcmcift 


to come to 

Ufe i IS all the good which a poor finner doth need, 
1 to be found in Chrift, and is it to bee bought 
of Chrift, and doth hee earneftly call upon poor finners, 
to come and buy of him, Bread, and Wine, and milk , *. e. All Information, 
good, comfort, and help, which their fouls do need? 
Then i How rich is Chrift, 2 How good is Chrift, 
3 How foolifti is the finner > 4 How hopeful is the poor 
mans condition, 

1 How rich is Chrift'. Hee was rich, faith the Apoftle, Htwri'cbU 
a Cor t 8.9. The unfearchabie Riches of Chrift, Ephef. 3. Ghritt. 
8. Hee is Vulnefs, Johni. 1 6. and there is a breadth r and 
length, and depth, and height, of all this in Chrift, Ephefa. 
18. yea, Hee is AH, Col. 3 . 1 1 . AndheefWeth aHinaR y 
Ephef. 1.13. 

There are three things which do (hew that Jefus Chrift DemonAratei 
is exceeding rich. y 

1 His cofts, That hee could lay down fo much, a&^Cofts. 
c oh Id ferve to redeem all the cleft, 

Bb a His 

2 jo Horn Good is Chrift. Chap. 4^ 

His Purchaks. % His Purchafes. That hee Uyed down to much as 
didftrve to redeem all the elect. 

Hb Vo&fo I His Po^feffloKs. That hce Hands feizedof all, which 

ens . can fupply all the wants of poor finners • 

It is hardly imaginable, what a vaft fummeanyone 
poor finiicrs wants do rife and amount unto; or what the 
general furame of wants, in all the poor finners, in all 
the world, in all the ages of it, do amount unto; and yet 
inChrift; there is all to be found, all good to be found, 
to fupply all thofe wants in every one of thofe poor fin- 
ners, every day of their lives : There is Bread enough for 
them all,and *FiW enough for them all, and Milkjenough 
tor them all, fupply enough for them all. He mud: needs 
be rich, who can fupply all the poor in all die world: to 
exceeding rich is Jefus (Thrift, who hath enough to fup- 
ply all the wants of all the poor finners in the world. 
1 How good is Chrift, To call the poor unto himfelt, 

How good Is anc [ to fupply him with all fpiritual good; to pay all his 

c • debts, to repair all his eftate. to binde up all his fores, to^ 

relieve all his wants, to furnifli him with every grace, to 
provide every comfort, to prepare Bread, and Wine, 
and Milk ► I befecch you to obferve his goodnelTe. The 
finner doth not firft cull on Chrift, but Chrift: fir ft caHs 
on t he [inner %+wcA is not this goodnejfe to bee the firft in §f- 
fering of Good ? when Chrift calls upon finners, It is to 
ceme to Chrift, in whom only the good which concerns a 
(inner is to be found \ And is not this goodne(fe,to invite m 
to the fountain of good \ When Chrift calls us to himfelf,it 
is fa communicate unto us of his goodneffe, to impart IHUO 
us that good, which is good for us; yea, all that good 
which is neceflary for our fouls; and'what £ Ww*/* like 
that which undertakes all our good > which is ready and 
willing to fupply all the wants of our poor and diftreffed 
fouls ? when Chrift calls us to himfelf, to partake of all 
good, hce is earneft, hee is importunate with us, Come, 
come, come and buy^ come and fa}, faith Chrift; hee muft 
needs be very, goody who is importunate to f aft en good, and 
ail good upon us. Oh firs 1 none to poor* asthe poerftn- 


Chap; 4: How Foolifh is the Sinner. 2 1 1 

wr, and none fogood, as \hz good Chrift. Hee is good 
to thzfwl that fiffdes him^ and heeis^o^r^ the foul that 
feekj hm. His en]ojwents are good, and his ^r/ are good; 
none hath done fomuch to fave a foul as Chrift, and 
none dotli offer fo much to gain a foul as Chrift. 

3 How foolish is thefinmr. Tee will not come to mee, that How foolifli is 
jee might have life, John J. 40. Oh/ what folly is this, thc ^ncr. 
Life istobeehaduponcomming to Chrift; True Lif e% 
and Eternal Life, and yet finners will not come to Chrift, 
who is life, though they may have life. And fo here in 
the Text. The miner is poor and deftitute, hee is utterly 
needy and impotent, wants all, and can help himfelf to 
nothing; and Chrift hath all, and calls to this poor man* 
come in hither* come, come to mee, andbuyofmee 
Bread, and Wine, and Milk, all that your foulsio need; 
and yet finners will not come and buy, they will not 
come to Chrift, and take their beftgood, no not on the 
beft termes from Chrift. Surely this is folly, and worfc 
than folly .* I befeech you what will become of their poor 
fouls, wno will not come to Chrift, and accept of all the 
good which Chrift offers to them? Suppofe that an hun- 
dred or a thoufandof us, were (hip-wracked, anefceaft 
into a dry and barren Ifland, where were neither Bread 
to eat, nor Water to drink, nor Raiment to cover us,no- 
thing at allneceflary for the prefer vation of life, and 
what provifion wee once had in our (hip, all that is 
drowned and loft; and in this extremity, another (hip fuf- 
ficiently provided and fraighted with all wholefome pro- 
vifions, (hould come near that defolate Ifland, and caft 
Anchor, andtheMaftercfthefhip (hould call out unto 
us, Hoi you that are ready to perifli with hunger, that 
have nothing to preferve and fuftain you; come hither, 
come aboard, here is Bread for you, Wine for you, and 
all things neceffary both for your being, and well 
being; and take it that you may live, and not die: were 
itnotadefperate folly and madnefte ill us (in fucha 
cafe, and upon no worfe conditions) to refufe to come* 
andtotakefuchalite-faving, and fuch a lifc-preferving 

Bbi offer* 

212 How hopeful is the Poor mans Condition. Chap.4 

offer; finely everyone of us doth rightly judge k fo 
to bee- And yet when it comes to die buiineileofour 
fouls (which are fhip-wrackt, and have loft all? and 
brought into the condition ot abfolutc poverty and n:- 
ceffity) though Chrift (that good Mailer) calls out to 
us, come to mce, here is Bread, and you frail have all 
fupplyed, and allured, if you will come to mce; wee will 
not come, wee will not hearken, wee will not ftir, wee 
will not buy. 

There arc three notorious follies in us poor fin- 

1 Wee take our felves to bee very rich, although wee 
bee very poor. 

2 Wee will expe£t help from diings, which can af- 
ford us no fupply. 

3. Wee will not come to Chrift., and truft his call, 
when hee invites us, and aflures us of all the good which 
concerns our poor and needy fouls. 

4 How hopeful is the poor mans condition; I mean, that 
How hopeful poor finners,who is rightly apprehenfive of his many fpi- 
-!5? P !?L*.- ritual wants and diftrcfles. Thou haft no caufe under 
the fcnfe of thy fpiritual wants to defpair at all. Read 
the Text well, and thou (halt finde help and releif for 
thy poor foul. 

Objeft. I w<i*f no leflc than all. 

Sol. Read the Text, and thou fralt finde zfttpplj of all. 
Here is all to be had which a poor foul doth need; here 
is Bread, and that prcferves life; here is Wine, and that 
comforts life, here is MUK, and that nourifheth life. 

Objcft. lb fit who/peak* this ! And what is hee who doth 
undertake it? 

Sol. It is Jcfus Chrift whopublifhcth good tidings to 
the poor, who came to feck that which was loft: To 
favc linnets, who is an infinite fulneffe, rich in mercy, 
and good to the foul that needs and fecks him. It is hee 
who faith c^mc, come and buy. Buy Bread, and Wine, 
and Milk. 

Obj. / bnt keejaitb) come and bny. 


mans condfti 

-■ ' ■ — *— ■ — I. - ■ I. 

Chap 4 How hopeful is the Poor mans Condition. 213 

Sol. And diat buying is no more, but come and truft, 
and wait, and receive all from my hand of grace, and 
mercy, and love. 

Objeft. I but hee means not met; Indeed Chrift can fftp- 
ply all the wants of (inners, bttt I am not that fax er, whom 
hee calls, whom hee invites, whom hee will fnpfly with 


Sol. Read die Text once more {Hee that hath no mo- 
ny,come yee) Ifaytoyou, come and eat, come and buy 
Wine and Mtlkytithom mony, and without price* there is 
at I good, and an Invitation unto all that good, and an In- 
vitation to thec a poor /inner, who haft no mony to come 
and partake of all that good ; and therefore no poor fin- 
ner hath (under the fenfe of all his wants) any caufe to 


U\e 2 IS all the good (which a poor finner needs) to be 
I had ill and from Chrift, .and doth Chrifl: call rhe 
poor finner to come and buy them allot him? Then you lQCOuraefme 
who arc fpiritually poor Tinners, Jit not ft ill, reft not in t0 coire-nd™ 
complaints and tears,***; to the Market;there is nothing buy of chrift. 
to hinder a poor finner from comming to Chrift, and 
buying of him. Indeed a poor man would many times, 
buy of a rich man, but hee cannot buy, hee cannot go to 
the' price, but the pooreft finner may at any time buy 
of Chrift ; Chrifts price for any foul-faving good 
is never too dear, too high,- for the pooreft (inner to 

. There are many admirable incouragements in thofe 
very words, come and buy. Buying and felling are rela- 
tives; ifonebuyes, then another fells; now it is Chrift, 
and none but Chi ill, who fells to the poor finner, and it 
16 the poor finner, and none but. hee who buyes of Chrift.. 
And becaufe it is fo, therefore every poor finner hath 
very ftrong incouragement to come and buy of Chrift, 
Bread, and Wine, and Milk, i. <vall the good thit his 
Bb3 foul 

% 14 Encouragements to buy of Chrift* Chap. 4 

foul doth need. So then confider, 
That it is Je- i The encouragements irom this, That it is Jc[n* 
fus Ch ift who Chrift, who hath all, and [ells all to the poor Sinner, and 
fcllsal l crc ° u " you may take notice of encouugemencs to the poor 
men" ia f Sinner hy this,thcy may all be comprized in this, a ChrLt 

never fells dear to the poor; for 
Chrifh felling * drifts felling is nothing elfe but giving, whatfocver 
is nothing dfc Chrift bids you to buy or him, it is ail along ii\ Scrip- 
bur giving. ture, ftiled giving, Rev. 2.^7,/ will give him to eat of 
t he hidden manuah ,and / will give him a white ftone, and in 
the fame a new name,KcV.2l . 6. 1 will give to him, that is a 
tbirfl of the fountain of the water of life freely, 1 Thef.4.8. 
who hath alfo given nnt* us his holy fpirit, 2 Thef. 2. 1 6* 
Who hath given w everlafti ngconfolation^ and good hope f 
through Grace j John I4.»7* My peace I give unto you,] oh, 
io,28. I give unto them eternal life, AcT«l3. 34. I wiH 
give you thefure mercies of David} fo then, if Chrifts fel- 
ling unto you, bee but Chrifts giving unto you,thcn you 
who are poor Sinners have fumcient encouragement to 
ceme and buy of Chrift. 
c , . fl . . 2 Chrifts frice<> it jour taking or receiving, wilt thou 
owtakfogand bee made whole faid Chrift to the impotent man} as if hee 
receiving. hadfaid, art thou contented that I (hould heal thee of 
thydifeafe? All that Chrift Hands for with a poor Sin- 
ner, is but to take and receive from Chrift what hec is 
willing to give. To as many as received htm hee gave this 
dignity, to ktcthe Sonne s of God, John I. 1 2. here is mv fclf 
whom thou ncedeft, do but receive mee; here is (alva- 
tion offered to thee, do not neglect but receive it; Here 
is mercy, receive the forgivenefs of thy fins, nereis 
grace offered, lay hold on it, accept it ; Here is perfect 
rightcoufnefs, do but put on this garment; Here is Dread, 
cat it , and here is wine drink it. This is the grtat price 
of Chrift, and of all the good which Chrift fells. Take 
mcc, receive and accept of mee, and of all the good I 
offer to thee; Our Buying is not laying down any thing, 
to the worth of Chriif, or grace or mercy, but it is an 
acknowledging of that worth that is in dKm,and a judg- 
ing of chem worthy of all acceptation. 3 Chrift 

Chap. 4 buouragements to buy of Qhrifl. 2 1 5 

3 Chrtft fells upon truft; hee who trufts Chrift, buys Chrift fells up. 
of Chrift; Hce fells not for ready money, or for any onTmft. 
thing which one can bring, but altogether upon truft, 

Crede faith Auftin, et mandncafti ; Beleeve and thou haft 
eaten; fo fay I, beleeve and thou haft bought; Doeft thou 
count mce able and faithful faith Chrift? If thoucanft 
but fet thy feal of faith unto all which Chrift hath pro- 
mifed to give, thou haft bought all: If thou canft be- 
leeve, all things are pojfible. Beleeve and thou fhalt bee fa- 
ved,A&. 16. 31. whatfoever things you defire when you 
pray, beleeve that you receive them, and yon (hall have 
rfow,Mat. 11.24. 

4 Chrift fells for asl^ng and begging, As^andit fballbe chrift fells f« 
given unto yoz, Mat.7.7. Ask^and y ou (hall receive, that as k] n g, 
your joy may bee full, John 1 6.24. Ifthonkneweft the gift 

of Cod, and who it is that faith unto thee, give mete drinks 
thoawouldcft have asked of him y and hee would have given 
thee UvingTvateriJohxH.io. If a fonfhall as\breadof any 
of you that is a father, will you give him *y?0w,Luk.*i .11 . 
If you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your 
children, hew much more [hall your heavenly father give the 
Holy Spirit to them that ask.b/m,vev.i1Mthc poor Sinner 
will but come to Chrift s door and beg, Chrift will open, 
the door, and give unto- him. 

5 Chrift jells f&r nothing , When a poor Sinner comes r 

to Chrift and faith, good Mafter I need mercy, and I ^££ llsfbr 
need love, and I need righteou{h"fs,and I need nolinefle , 
and I need peace, and I need heaven, and I need all ;but 
I have nothing at all to pav for all thefe, why now, 
Chrift fells all this to poor Sinners for nothing; Come and 
buy vine and milk, without money and without price > {aith 
the Text.When thofe two Debtors had nothing to pay y 
hee freely forgives them both, Luke. 7. 4?, How fhaU he* 
not with himfe If freely give us all things, Rom, 8. 3 2. who 
fo ever will, let him take the waters of life freely, Rev.it i st he poor 

a 1,1.7* Sinner that 

i The Incouragement from this that you are poor fin- buysencou- 
%ers who come to buy of Chrift^ all tb«t concerns the be If of fyonTtocncc- 
; our poor fouls, \Thc 

2 16 Jncouragements to Buy of Chrift. Chap. 4 

" o 

1 h: poor may i The Poor Sinner, when hee is to buy, hce may and 
bj y "P™ fhould buy upon Chrifisfcore, you may come in Chriils 
Ctu »" s co:c. ^ anlc ^ ^j buy in Chrilts Name,and trade in his Name, 
and take up in his Name, Thou mayeit lay to God thus; 
Father I come to thee from Chrift, hec hath lent mce to 
thee, and hath bid m:eufe his name, for b* *Hame 
Jakj forgive me my finnes; and for his Name fake give me 
grace, and love; Do meegood, help mee tor his fake! 
Now me rcy and all will bee had. No Sinner can buy 
iu his own Name, and yet the Pooreft Sinners may come 
and buy in Chrifts Name, Whatfoever yeejhall as\ the Fa- 
ther in my Name, he will give it j*#Joh.l6.13. 
The poor nny * The P*or Sinner when hee is to buy any thing of 
buy with Chr lit , Hemufi and fhould make ufe ofChri/tspurfe.whzt 

Chrift* ptirfc, tne Lord fpeaks ill If.27 # 5.Ltf him take hold ofmyftre*gth 
that ice may make peace with mee, and hee (hall makepeace 
with mee % Thax may bee faid in tliis cafe, of a Poor Sin- 
ners buying ot Chrift, let him take hold of the ftrength 
ofChrift, and hee (hall bee able enough to trade with 
Chrift; And indeed when Chrift bids a poor Sinner 
to come unto hirn, hee gives ftrength to come; and when 
heebidshimtobuy, hee gives him money to buy, puts 
money in his facks : Hee fecretly conveys his own 
ftrength into our hearts to deal -with himlelf, for all 
the good which our poor fouls do need. Chrift doth 
fiirnifh the poor Sinners with as much defire^nd as much 
fait h-> as will ferve to buy,to procure any mercy and help 
from him. 
Tfc poor may 3 The Poor Sinners may buy and ftrike the Bargain 
buy il ron with C hrift, upon Christ s promife s ; Hec mav bring fo 

Chrifts pro- much to Chrift: as will carry it with Chrift : Lord Jefus 
mi/ei. ncrc i s thy promife , to eafe a Uden foul ! Here is thy 

Promife, not to rejeft any that comes to thee; Here is thy 
promife, to give them that asl^\ Here is thy Promife, to 
fill the hungry, to help the needy , to fat rate the foul of the 
weary ,to give power to them that have no might,to give 
eternal life to them that bclecve. 

4 J he poor Sinner may lay donnas much as Qhrifr fland$ 


Chap. 4 Mofi Sinners ml not buy of Chrift: 2 1 7 

for and exfetts, and that is onely, The poor ma y 

1 An humble confeffion of his own abundant mife- ,a yd^wnas 
ries and wants. ^ as <** 

2 An acknowledgement of his own emptinefs and un- an s upon * 

% A looking on Chrift and grace as the onely foun- 
dations of his help and favour. 

4 A liking apd high eftimation of all that Spiritual 
good which Chrift can give. 

5 Anearneftdefireandafole dependence on Chrift 
for all. 

6 An heart willing to receive all from him, 


i A Third ufe of this point (that poor Sinners may 4Uf 

xAfarcand fpeedwell>if they will c6me and buy r^'v e 
ofChrift)foaUbeefor^n*/of multitudes of Sinfull Sofcwhf 
People, whocomenottoChrifiubuyof himihis ffiritnal cane not to 
and [Ailing good which concerns their fouls. Chrift t» bay 

It is a very truth that Chrift onely fells the befi ware si <* him. 
and yet Chrift hath onely the feweft enftomsrs : A 
Sinner can buy onely ot Chrift, and yet the Sinner is 
moft unwilling to come and buy of him: Hec will 
bee trading with any, but with Chrift; hee will trade 
with Satan, and hee will trade with the world, and hee 
will trade with himfelf , yea with his own finful 
lufts; But you cannot perfwade him to trade with Chrift. 
There are three things unto which I would briefly 
fpeak concerning this. 

1 That the generality of finners do not come to Chrift 
to buy of him. 

2 The caufes why they do not fo. 

3 Their great fin and mifery ther eby . Mo ^ sinner* 
I lb at the generality of Sinners do not come and buy of wiiinotbuy 

Christ the good which refpe&s their fouls. Four things of chrift. 

may convince vou of this truth. ^J^, 1 ^ 

1 They ftan'didleallthe day long, all the market day, £* 3,lthcday 

Cc as 

2 18 Moft Sinntrs will not buy of Chrift .Chap; ^ 

- * * 

as if they needed not to buy any thing. 

Gofpcl feafons arc Chrifts market days to fell , and 
your market days to buy. By the Gofpel hee op.-ns 
bistreafurcsbtialvation; and by the Gofpcl hee calls 
out to Sinners; Come and fee, come and buy? ande- 
vcry man (almoft) pailcth by, takes no notice, or tits 
ftill 1 I belcech you what have wee done ( the moft of 
ib) fince the enjoyment of the Gofpel, to enjoy Chrift > 
or to get the pofieffion of the rich things of Chrift for 
otfr poor and needy fouls ! what have wee done to be 
faved? what thoughts,and what cares> and what def ires 
and what prayers, and what tears, and what pains, 
hath the precious things which Chrift hath to fell, colt 
us ; Many will not come and hear, and many come only 
to hear, very few do come and buy : is hee willing to buy 
who is not willing to ftir may who is not willing to fpeak? 
They offer 2 They offer nothing : fuppofe that one comes into a 

nothing. (hop of wares , but will not offer a penny for any of 

the wares, is this man willing to buy? SowhenChrjft 
reveals all the good which a foul doth need, opens 
mercy and love? and grace, and Peace, and happinefs, 
and offers to trade with you for them, tells you his 
price, upon what terms you may have them all, but 
then you do not offer him any thing, you do not bid him 
at all, you do not fay, Lord I am content to bee this, 
or content to do that, fo that I may enjoy thy fclt,anJ 
graces and comforts, I am content to hear, I am con- 
tent to Pray, I am content to trnft thee; I am content to 
receive from thee, I am content to bee made thine, lam 
content that thou fhouldeft fet up thy felf in my foul. That 
thou fhouldeft flay and deftroy my finful lufts,that thou 
fhouldeft write thy law in my heart. 
Thcv re 6 ife 3 ^^ re f fi f e ^ € 'jf'^wnen Chrift trades with them, 

C&TftsVffers. and offers himfclf, and his righteoufnefs, and his fpirit, 
and life, they rcfufe to hearken, they rcfufe to receive 
him and them, Mat.2^y. Ton would not bee gathered, 
yee will not come unto mee, they in Luke 14. 18. made 
their ixcufi: they in Mat, 21. 3. wouldnot come to the 


Ghap-4; Why mojl Sinners do not buy of Cbriftz 2 1 p 

wedding: How often hath Chrift come with all his gra- 
cious offers to our {ouls,and begged of us to buy of him? 
you are dead, and here is life tor you, you arc guilty, 
and hereis»w<7 for you; you are polluted, and here is 
holinep foryou ; But men will not clofe with Chrift,they 
will not accept of his gracious offers, Chrift cannot faften 
Jcindnefs onus. 

4 They breaks of with dif contentment, becanfe Chrift The . , 
will not come to their price : Hee in the Gofpel came run- off with dif- 
ningto Chrift) and kneeled to him , and asked him, good conient,be- 
Mafter what [hall I do that I may have eternal life, Mark, ca . ufe Chiift 
1 0.17. Chrift tells him what was to bee done, verfe 2 1 . ^ 1°' c * mc 
Hee bids hrm go and fell att and give to the poor and to come dr terms. 

and take up his Crofs and follow him , andhefbould have 
treafttres in heaven : Here Chrift fet him the price of all 
heavenly treafures, but now the man is difcontented, he 
was fad at that faying % and went away grieve d; for hee had 
great pojfeftions. 

Beloved, Chrift fets us a price for to enjoy him, and 
all good by him: And carnal men fet a price of their 
own for Chrift, why? faith Chrift you muft not give 
your hearts to the world, and you muft not give your 
hearts to your bafe lufts, you muft bee mine onely. 
Now Carnal hearts break off with Chrift, they are dif- 
contented at this price of Chrift, if they might fet Chrift 
a price, they would buy, if they might live as they lift, 
and love as they lift; and walk as they lift. 

2 The caufes wbj wo ft of Sinners do not comt and bay of Why w Q {± 
Chrift, arethefe *™bu V 

1 They do not feethemfelves to bee poor, they know n<Z>t chrift 3 " ° ' 
how wretched, and miferable, and deftitute they are; Tfcey do not 
The apprehenfions of men are taken up with the things fee themfdvc* 
which concern their outward eftate, with things of this t0 tee poor, 
prefentlife, with their wants of ourward things, and 
with cares for ourtvard things ! But they are not tak- 
en up with the apprehenfions and confiderations of their 
inward fpiritual and eternal condition : They ftudy not 
the condition of their fouls , how loft, and miferable 

Cc 2 and 

no Why moft Sinners do not Buy ofCkrift. Chap.4 

and undone their poor fouls are without Chrift, and the 
good things of Chrift; therefore is it that they come not 
to Chrift, and buy of him. 
Th«j do not 2 They do not right I j apprehend the true value offpiri- 

apprchcr.d tb« tual graces, and comforts, and. helps wChrtfi, As they 
worth of fpi- a pp r chend not Chrift aright in his glories, fo they 
ntuai tbinjf . a pp re hcnd not the graces and comforts of Chrift aright, 
in their excellencies. Natural men are unable to difcern, 
cither the intrinfecal beauty ofthem^ or the refpetlive ufe- 
fxlnejfe of them : The Swine trample Pearls under their 
leeti and fo natural men flight, contemn, fcorn the gra- 
ces of Chrift,becaufe they are ot aSwinifh difpofition>thcy 
cannot reach the worth of them with their corrupt, and 
natural, and fordid judgements, what renewing grace is? 
what an excellent condition that of faith is ? now thefe 
do enliven, reftore, raife,difference,innoblc,advance,and 
felicitate the condition of their fouls, they apprehend 
not : They know not the value of Gods reconciled fa- 
vour? nor of pardoning mercy, nor of the joy cs of the 
T , . , 3 They are held of with the bve of their prevailing and 

off wriTthe * ur f?<l '*/'• ^ a man Dee kid in pr ifon, and bound with 
Jove of their chains of Iron, hee cannot come forth : finful men are 
luft*. bound with the chains of their own lufts, with the love of 

their fins: One with the chain of Pride, another with the 
chain of Uncleannefs, another with the chain of Worldli- 
*efs pud whilesan heart is bound up with the love of fin jt 
will not come and buy of Chrift : The love of fin makes 
our hearts oppofite to Chrift, and alwaics renders the 
grace ot Chrift diftafteful, and contemptible unto them. 
They think re 4 They thinkjhat they may have all thefe things wtthont 
hate all without buying. Mercy and Heaven without any more ado. 
fcwj'H* There arc two errors in finful men. 

One is, that they think that Mercy is the only thing 
that they need, to bring themto Hcaten 

Another is, that the death ofChrifi dtj charges them of 
atldutyesrvhatfoever, of all trading for and with Chrift; 
God u meicifnl, and Chrijr died for Sinners, and what 


Chap. 4 Why moft Sinners do not Buy of thrift. 22 1 

would you have more? More, yes, more than this, If 
ever you would bee faved; you rauft repent, itever^ou 
would finde that God merciful to you ; aniyou muft be - 
leeve, if ever you would finde that Chrift good to you; 
you muft come and buy, come and treat with Chrift, 
come and receive Chrift, come and give up your felvcs 
to Chrift, come and truft on Chrift, come and earneftly 
feek to Chrift for mercy, grace, and for every mercy 
which will bring you to Heaven. Tfcv think 

5 They are perfwaded that they are already come to, t hcyharcal- 
Chrifty and have already bought of him ; Why I this is it reidybcugte 
which undoes thoufands of fouls, they think that they ofCfarift. 
have taken pofleffion, that they are part comming and 
buying: And why do vou fo think? 1 Wee have been 
baptized. 2 Wee profefs our felves to be ChrifHans. 
3 Wee come and hear. 4 Wee have a good faith all 
ourdaies. 5 Wee hope to bee faved by Chrift. 

O but is this all that is included in comming to Chrift, 
and buying of Chrift ! 

If every baptised $ erf on bee come already to Chrift, 
what need then is there of the preaching of the Gofpel to 
bring men to Chrift? And whence is it thatfo many 
baptized perfons are fuch enemies to Chrift, and fo a- 
verfe to the truth, and holinefle, andwaies of Chrift, If 
ameer frofeffing of our f elves to bee Ckriftians, bee this 
comming to Chrift, and buying of him, then the vileft 
of men are already come to Chrift, Swearers, Adul- 
terers, Scoffers; all forts of prophanc livers, who in their 
works and converfations deny and reproach Chrift, and 
all Hypocrites alfo are come to Chrift; // a meer comming 
to pear the Gofpel of Chrift bee this comming and buy- 
ing, what means the Apoftle in Rom. 10.18. Have they 
not heard} But they have not all obeyed the Gofpel ; If an 
ignorant preemption, that wee have had a good taithall 
out daies, and make no queftion to bee faved atthclaft; 
bee a comming and buying of Chrift; whence is it that 
thefe confident Ignoramus-es know not what Chrift is, 
or what faith is; that they never yet Caw a need of Chrift, 
Cc 3 never 

ill Why moft Sinners do not buy ofCb rift* Chap. 

*»• i ■ "iii — — — . 

never yet had hearts broken and prepared for Chrift, 
ne*er yet thirfted after Chrift, never yet have attained 
unto any one faying work oi: Chrift in their fouls. 
Th?y ire en- 6 They are fo univerfally ingaged in other hayings and 

gaged in other bargains, and this keeps them otfirom comming to buy 
buyngs. of Chrift. My meaning is, that they are lb fet upon the 
world, and the things thereof, that they minde not the 
Fearle of great price, that one thing that is veceffar) : They 
trade fo much in the market ot the world, that they can- 
not trade in Chrifts market. 
They think k 7 They do verily think, that it weald bee a prejudice 
would be a lols and lofs unto them to come and buy of Chrift : As hee that 
unto them to W2LS to buy the field oi the hand of Naomi, and alfo of 
buy of Chrift. R m h the CMoabitefc Ruth 4. J. faid hee, / cannot re- 
deem it for my ft If tefl I marremine own inheritance , verf. 
6. So many will not come and buy faving Grace of 
Chrift, left theyfhould marre their own inheritance ? 
marre their reputations with lew'd and ungodly men; 
marre their eafe and fenfual delights ; marre their proud 
waies 5 marre their corrupt affe&ions. 
1 hey think g They think Chrift is an hard Mafler, a dear feller to 

Sd duller. tr . ac ^ e w * tn > anc * nee cx P e & s f° much in hand, this preju- 
dice keeps many from dealing with him. 
Th «r ft\ 3 The great ftn and mifery in not comming to buy of 
of notbuying Chrift : I will fumme up what I would fay to this,in four 
of Chrift. particulars. 

I It is a peculiar finning againft God in his compleat de~ 
It is a ? ccu ^*fijrn $f a ftnners falvatton, againft all his wi/dome, and 
God^m^sdc- counfel, and purpofc, againft all his Love&nd Grace, and 
frgn'ofafinnpfs Kindneflc, and Goodncflc; againft all his Care, and cofts, 
faivariott. and provisions; All thefe were laid out in Chrift, and ap- 
peared in Chrift, in the anointing of Chrift, to help and 
fave finncrs, in laying him for a foundation, infolding 
and giving him to bee a redemption, and propitiation,in 
filling and enriching of him, that hee might till and en- 
rich us* poor fmners^andyetyou will not come to him, 
and buy of him; and thus you flurrc all the glorious 
defigns, and counfels, and thoughts of Gods Wifdome, 


Chap. 4 The great Sin of n ot buying of Qhrift* 22 3 

and Love, and Mercy, and Goodnefle. 

a It is a peculiar finning againfi the Gofpel<> in ail the gUd ** is a peculiar 
ty dings ofity in all the fveet mam feftat ions of it 5 in all the *j" n, "ng againft 
truthes^m all the 0#w, in all the commands^ in all the^r*- e Gol P^« 
ow#.r termes of it, in all the promt fes and ajfuratces ot it; 
yea, in all the r* /*<?/> which it fets forth, in the throne of 
grace and mercy byChrift forfinners; either you do 
contemn the Gofpel as a lye* or you exclude your felves 
from die goodnefle of it by your unbelecf. 

3 It is a peculiar finning Againfi Jefu* Chrift^ who did Ipsa peculiar 
fo much, and endured fo much, and laid down fo much, J n ning againft 
to buy you, and all happinefle for you : To purchaie ' efusChnft » 
all glory, and all mercy, and all grace, and after all this 

love and bounty, &:c. you will not come and buy of 
him 3 who hath "fo dearly bought you, and all good for 

4 It is a peculiar finning againfi jour own fouls, which It Is a peculiar 
will as certainly bee loft, and famiihed, andperi(h,asthe f^^^ 
poorcft Beggar will, who cannot get a bit otbread, and 

draught orwater to preferve his life : I befeech you once 
for all; can a (inner bee faved without a Saviour ? can 
grace or glory bee had without Chrift i why, your fouls 
will periih, and muft perifh, you will and mu ft die in 
your fins, and under all your wants, unlcfs you come to 
Chrift, and buy of him-* And your damnation will bee 
fo righteous, and fo dreadful, becaufeyou might have 
hadallfaving good in and from Chrift; but you would 
not come and buy of him. 


Vfe 4 TTAthChrift all that the poor finrrer needs? 

tithe Bread and the Wine, and the Milk, and Jj JJL 
muft the poor finner come to Chriftandbuythofeof ,^^ e * W 
him. Then let us try our felves y whether wee have been bought of 
Chrifts cuftomers or no ? have any of us come to buy of Chrift a n^. 
Chrift the good things which concerns the (aving good 
of our fouls, and have wee indeed bought them? 


2 24 Tryal whether wee me willing to ®*jf. Chap.4 

How wee may 
knew chat wee 
are willing to 

Hee ihat 11 wil- 
ling to buy > will 
go to the 
market, and 
dc the means. 

Three proper- 
ties in cur ufc 
of tbemems. 




Two chings I will fticw you for this. 

1 One is , How you may know chit you are willing 
to buy thefe things of Chrift. 

2 AfecoM is, how you may know that you have in- 
deed boughtthem of Chrift. 

C^ff. 1 How you nay krow that you are witling to buy thefe 
fpiritual graces and comforts ot Chrift? 

Sol. There are five things that will fhew that* 
I ' Hee that U billing to buy, will go to the market^ or to 
the place where the tilings (which hee needs) are to bee 
fold,, hee ftands not upon pains, and travail, bee it is far 
as Egjft'i thither will Jacobs font go down to Buy food to pre- 
ferve their Uves : And thus it is with us; if wee do indeed 
fee our fpiritual wants, and if wee would indeed come 
and buy of Chrift, wc wiWu^eallthc means by which 
wee may obtain all the good which Chrift hath to fell un- 
to our poor fouls : And more than that,>w will ufe thofe 
means in fuch kjmtnner, as men do, who would (with all 
their heartsy in joy the go od which they do really need> 

There arc three properties in the ufing of means,where 
men are willing* to injoy a good. 

1 Earlinejs,lhis will be their firfi wr^and their chief 
W0r£,Pfal.63.t. 0<jod y thou artmy God y carly will Ifeek^ 
thee^lhoje that feek^mee tarly, fh all find emee^ov. 8. 17 

2 EaweflneQe.Thls will beeiheir great work, and their 
laborious work; with my whole heart have I fought thee, 
Pfal. 119. 10. My foul followeth hard after thee^Hzh 6$. 
8. // thou incline thine eare unto wifdome, and apply thine 
heart to underftanding^ if thou cry eft after knowledge, and 
Ufteft ttp thy voice fox under ft auding^ if thou feek/ft her as 
fiver, and fearcheft for her, as for hid treafures; Then 
fhalt thou under f and the fear of the Lord, andfndetht 
knowledge of God, Prov. 2. 2, 3, 4, 5. 

3 Stedfaftnejfe. I will not let thee go, except thou bleffe 
***** > Gen. 53.26. Our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, 
until that hee have mercy upon w,Pfal. 1232. If you bee 
indeed willing to buy the fpiritual good things for your 


-^ — "^ — ■ —— , — , 1 - 

Chap. 4 Tryd whether me are trilling to buy. 22 5 

poor fouls, aifuredly you will bee ufing all t^e means 
by which they are conveyed unto you: you will bee 
bear iniy &nd fraying, and fearchtHg y and liking, and you 
willuie thofe means in another maimer, chap heretofore 
you ufed diem, with another kindeof fpirit, Prov. X, 
34. Elcjfcd is the man that beareth mee^watchirg dauJy at 
my gates, waiting at the foils of my doors. O firs [ A poor 
linnet* will now bear % as for bit life y and hce will fray, as 
for hn life 1 you may finde him everv day at C^rifit door , 
and every wee^tChrtJrs market; &\ Ciofpel Ordinan- 
ces, and Gofpel duties, and in the u(e of them, his very 
foul cries out, Lord, give mee Chrift, (or Chrifis fak^, giwz 
mec grace, fhew mee mercy, See* 

2 Hee that is willing to buy, doth not only come to the Hec *&*« A« I 
market to get wares, but bee doth iks the wares which Wares. 
are to bee bought. This Bread will feed mec, and this Cloth 
will cover mee, and this Wine will comfort mee, and this 
MHky/\\l nourifh mee. Thus is it with a poor finner who 
is willing to buy fpiritual graces and comforts of Chrift: 
O faith hce ! here is the Holinefe which will change my 
vile heart, and here is the Right eonfnefe which will co- 
ver my foul, and here is the Mercy which ( will pardon 
my fins, and here is the Love and Peace which will quiet 
and glad my confeience : Hec is exceedingly taken with 
the things Chrift hath to fell; all of them teems very pre^ 
cious in his eyes, and Angularly futable unto his con- 
dition : I muft have eVery one of them, whatfoevei* 
they coft mee : I muft have this grace, and that grace, 
arid I muft have mercy, and I muft have righteoufnefr, 
and I muft have Gods reconciled favour; 1 muft have 
all that Chrift hath to^ fell, you would think him a 
ftrangeman, who comming to a great market, (hould 
like all, and bee contented and defirous to buy up all, 
to ingrofle the whole market to himf If; and more 
than this, woukl buy them that are to fell. And yet 
thus it is with a poor finner, wno comes to buy of Chrift , 
hee is taken vVitn all which Chrift hath to Cell;hec would 
buy all^nd Chrift hinafelf too,who fells ail. It is not thus 

D d with 

zi6 Tryal whether we are willing to bnj 4 Ghap, 4 

with a vain pretending Sinner who intends not to buy, 
htre is either taken with nothing which Chrift hath to fell, 
6r elfe with fome things oncly of Chrift; hee is willing to 
have mercy, to have peace, to have heaven, but he cares 
not for grace, for holinefs,for the renewing and reform- 
ing works of the fpirit of Chrift. 
iij con* ' Hee that is willing to buy, dorii not oncly like die 
up iodic p°k* WarCSj butalfo hee -w til come uv to fix price at wlyich they 
arc to be* fought ; this 1 will have faith the feller, and 
that I will give faith :he buyer : it is one thing to look 
upon it, and cheapen it, and it is another thing to buy 
k ; hee that will indeed buy, hee will come up to any 
reafonable price which you cio fet upon the ware,as^ra- 
h*m, 6^.13. 9. Thus is it with a poor Sinner \tfho 
comes indeed to buy of Chrift fpiritual grace, and fpiri- 
tual comforts, hee is contented to come up to Chrifts 
price, I would have Mercy Lord! Then faidi Chrift, 
prim*/} repent; who fo confeffcth and frrfak^th his finite s 
fhallhave mercy, Prov. 28. 1 3. O Lord faith a poor Sin- 
ner, Turn thou wet ', and I (hall be turned, I am as willing 
to leave my fins, as I am to receive mercy to pardon 
them: 1 would foe Chrifts D.Jciptc, then you muft deny 
your felt es, nnd t*k? up his crojfe : I Would have wy fins 
fubducd, my lufts mortified, thai faith Chrift ^ou muft 
depend on me for ftrength and avoid finful occaf ions. O 
faith a poor Sinner (who comes to buy of Chrift) I de- 
fire to truft on thee, O Chrift on thy power, and on thy 

4 Hee that is willing to buy, hee mil -watch $ht 
He will watch f;wr> and hee will take the time *f buying. There is a f /w* 
rrnfcU buying. t0 £ et » ar '^ A time to loo ft, faith Solo won, Eccl.$ .4. every 
day is not the market day ; A wife Merchant will not 
let flip hisoccafion, but hee lays hold on the prefent 
opportunity: and fodoth the poor Sinner, who is in- 
deed willing to buy of Chrift, as hee forties up to Chrifts 
price, fohec comes up to Chrifts time, Beloved , Chrifts 
time, is the prefent time: that is our rime to buy of Chrift, 
when it is Chrifts time to fell unto us : when he comes 


Ckftp.4' Tryialmhei^ep vre *re pilling to buy. %x? 

~ ■ — .^— *— ^^^^ 

and offers and calls, when bee feeks us, when he knock* 
at oar doors* when hee cryes out unto us come and 
buy^hac isourcimecohuy; \f tko* hadfi k**v>* •* 
this tbj day the things vehick concern thy peace, Luk. 1 9. 
42. 1o day ifjo.i mil hear his. voice y Heb. £• 7. Behold y 
now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of fa/va- 
thn, 1 Col. 6 %. Now here is one difference between an 
empty pretender, and a real buyer: The one doth wi\* ^ 
LLigiy neglecfc his time* but the other doth wifely ap- 
prehend his time: the one dallies and puts offbuj?ing 
to the future, but the other confines his buying unto 
the prefeat. O faith a vain empty felt-conceited Sin- 
ner, it ii time enough -hereafter to get Ghridv to get 
faith* to get holinete; to get repentance, to get mercy, 
to make fure of heaven , in old Age, \i\fivknefe^ and thus 
heeputs off the bargain, and he will not deal with Chrili, 
and buy oi him*. But now a poor Sinner who would ir*- 
deed buy, is like that merchant in the Gtffri; Mat. i?. 
whotnofooner fennd a pearl of great frucyhtet prefently 
h& fought it : Hee takes the prefent offers of Chrtft 
and grace 5 O faith hee , It is infinite Taercy that 
Chrift makes fuch offers uutomee? And if I ihould 
neglect them? perhaps I may never meet with the like 
again all my days > who would rerufe xprefent fthtfed- 
»efs } Suppofe one came and offered breacko one that is 
ready to ftarve, cr drink to one that is ready k> dye tor 
Thirit> would they lay we will receive there at your 
hands a year.hcnce ? O no , where there is a prefent 
neceffity, there a preienc help is'moft acceptable, 

5 Hee that is willing to biiv, Is^ilUngtefell^tk^e He *7? Glt f 
vttycompafs thetLngsih t hre<s very definmn hnyiycm ^ a ,buy 
tead.oi thie Egyf '***> (when the famine was fore a- * y 
mongft them ) that they parted with, their mow for 
tread; and.. then they parted -with their Cattel for 
heady and then they parted .with 9iA \M roe Bread (hey -X" 
ntandonr land for bread,, avdipve-ns .food that nut n&t 
Uve twin** dye, Gen .474 14* '7? 1 A Thusis it with a 
poor Sinner who is pinched with-fpirituak hunger' aad 
JS* Ddi wants 

Three alls 
ir.i ft be fold 

21 8 Trytl whether wenre willing to buy* Chap. 4 

wants, hceis willing to fell all that he hath, that hee 
may buy all iromChrift, which hec wants, Mat.ij. 
44. IbeKingdome of heaven is £% unto a treafkre hid in a 
field, the which when a man hath found hee htdeth 9 and 
forjo) thereof 'goeth and fell eth til that hee hath y *nd bnyetb 
th At field. 

There are three alls which a poor Sinner is willing to 
ft II (to put cft,to part with) lb that hee may have Chr ill 
and all fpiritual graces and comforts and enjoyments by 

I All hu finful I*fts#nd all his former finful waies inj 

All Taful lufti. finful courfes of lite: what have J to do any more with idols: 

as willingly as any fickdifeafed man would part with 

diftempers for health, or as any imbondaged man, won Id 

part with flavery for liberty. 

Z All his worldly eftintAttons and advantages \ as Afo- 
fes ref nfed to bee called the Sonne ofPharoahs daughter fhu- 
png rather te [nfftrafflicl ion with the people of Cody than 
toenjoytljeplMJHresoffure /> a peafon, eftecmingthe re~ 
pro aches of Chn ft greater riches than the treafures in Egypt , 
Heb 1 j. 24,2 5,2<5. 

3 All his J elf '; His felf-wifdomc, and his felf- will, 
and hisfelf-rightecufneflc, and his fclf-fufhciencics, and 
his felf-confidenccs, and his fell -feckings,and his felf-ad- 
vantages, / have fnffcred the loffe of all things, and do 
count them but duhg , that 1 may wiveChrift y Phil. 2. 8> 
Try your fclves by this,you that fay that you are willing 
tocomeandbuyofChrift ; arc you fo willing tofcll,as 
you arc to buy? to bee difpofleffcd, as to bee pofTef- 
fed7 to want much of what you have, as to enjoy 
much ot what you want > faid one, Abjice tell mm et ac~ 
cipecorhun'. I would only fay, abjice infemnm et accipe 
coclnm y ab}ice cruftum, et accipe Lhrtftum: Part with thy 
fins, and here is Chrift, and mercy, and all ; bee but 
willing to fell all which will caft^ thee into hell, and 
thou haft bought all which will bring dice into heaven : 
if thou (tick at this,thou never didft come with arcal in- 
tention to buy of Chrift , . 
ift: *Ck 

A H worldly 


Qhap;-4t Ttyal whether we ha<ve bought. Xlp 

2 j^I now come to eta fecond Queftion, how you How we may 
JIUV know t hat you h*ve indeed bought any [fir it ml graces kno* «hat * e 
or comfort at the hand of Chrtft. ha * e ba *Z hu 

I Sol. Yommay know this^j the things themj e Ives ef By the things 
which yoUHowftaudpofeffed; The things which a poor therafelvesof 
Sinner have bought of C hriit are fuch, ythkh you arc. 

i As none can fell but. Chrift. pofleficd. 

2 As are to bee found ii i Chrifts promifes, as well as in 
our hearts. 

3 As are in a direft and peculiar manner anfwerable 
unto, and helpful of our fpiritual wants and diftrefr- 

i If thofe good things (which you imagine your 
felves feizedoi) Bee juchasmeer nature will afford tint* Srchasnanc 
yon, or which your natural parts and endowments will rJJ^l!** 1 *' 
bring in unto you, or which an ingenious education, t " ' . 
will give you, or which your own (Indies, and abilities 
will procure unto you, or which the confluence and a- 
bundance of the creamres will deliver over unto you,they 
arc not things bought of Chrift ; becaufe thofe things 
which are bought of Chrift , arefuch as none but Chrift can 
fell or give. True grace, true peace, true mercy, and 
love; the very bread and water of life, are not to bee 
bought of any but of Chrift alone; hee onely is the 
Lordofthefetreafiires,and keeps the keyes of them, if 
what you have bee no more than what you can give * 

unto your felves,. if it bee no more than what the crea- 
ture can help you unto » it is not the true purchafe, it is 
not any thing bought of Chrift: what Chrift doth fell, 
unto a poor Sinner, and what the poor Sinner.doth t?uy 
of Chrift , that fame, none doth fell but Chrift\and the- 
poor Sinner cannot buy them of any but of Chrift: It is. 
£race,and it is mercy, and it is love, and k is peace from 
Jefus Chrift our Lord. 

Secondly, If you have indeed bought of Chrift, 'then Such as a T e t o 
the qualities (whither of grace or comfort) which ate ^ chrSS pJSni- 
your fouls, pjay bee piatchedwith the things that are to bee. f es as well as '" 
found in the pomifes of Cbrift, that holtnefs now in you » is "■_ to eur heart* , 

Ddj, of 

Suvh a J arc 
anfcvcrdble to 
our fpiritual 

j,y> Try**/ whetkt mUrvehwgH . Chap. 4; 

of the fame ftampefor the nature and efticacy of it, with 
the Ho.Lne(fe whkh £brtjt hath, prom} fed.no give unto poof 
diftrefled Sinners, and thatfe*ce y Joy, and Comfort , 
which your hearts do now poilefsjit is ofr the fame kind, 
and proceeds from the (ame caufe, and produces in you 
the lame fruits, which that peace, and joy,and comfort 
do, that thrift hath promifed : beloved, all the fpiritual 
good which wee come to enjoy, is fir ft. in the prc«//jr,and 
next in wi and it is of thefelf famenature,being inus, 
as that is which is in the promifes of Chrift; h that gcjod 
in yoiijbe not a good in the promife ofChrift,or it it be of 
a different nature from that in Chrifts promife, it is not 
a^ood bought of Chrift, for Jefus Chrift fells nothing to 
any poor Sinner but what heepromifeth to give unto a 
poor Sinner. 

Thirdly, If you have indeed bought of Jefus Chrift, 
then thofe things which you do now enjoy , are [neb ai 
Ate every way an fwer able unto jour fpiritual wants ^anA 
are helpful of 'them.; for fuch arc all the Sales of Chrift 
unto any poor Sinner; They are ^r^ to the hungry 
and *4/*ritothc Thirftj; and raiment to the w*^M,and 
balm to the wounded, and healing to die fick^ you have 
die very wifdome, which the fooJijh and Jimple Sinner 
doth need, and you have the rlghteoufneffe which thfc 
ungodly Sinner doth need., and you have the fan&ity, 
which a polluted Sinter doth need , and you have the 
redemption which an enthralled Sinner doth need, and 
you have the Peace which a troubled Sinner doth 

2 You may know that you have indeed bought of 
Clmdbyfomething in y our fc Ives, I will bflt mention four 
of them. 

1 Your hearts will be much endeared to Chrift for 
what he hath fold unto you. 

a You will fpend what you havo bought of Chrift,up- 
on Chrift, 

I You will fo like the Barrain which you have 
bought, that Chrift flbail !uve your ciiftomc as Wr 
you liyc. 4 You 

Wee m.iy 
know tSis [ y 
Temcrhing in 
our fclm. 

Chap,4 Tr>a/ whether wee h*ve bought. 23 1 

4 You will not fell what yota haVe bought. 

1 Your hearts **R bee much indeared to Chrifts Our hearts wil 
frr what you have bought of thrift : As your graces and be much in- 

comforts will exceedingly d elight and pleafe you, fo they deared to 
Will exceedingly indear Chrift unto you, you will Ghlift \A 
prize him, and love hirn> and blefle him to all eternity 
tor them: The pardoning mercy, the reconciled love, 
the juftifying-righteoufhefsi the rene wing-grace > the 
comforting-fpirit, the pacified confeience, njw enjoyed 
by you from Chrift, will affuredly raife in your hearts 
a tranfeendeat admiration of the love of Chrift, and 
beget in you f uch a furpaffing love to Chrift, as the like 
you never found before in your foules, you will ingrave 
upon all your fpiritual bargains«,this I got from my good 
Chrift; this change, this mercy, this love, this joy, this 
peace, this all from my good Chrift; fo good, fo kinde, fo 
rich to mee, a poor and unworthy firmer. 

Secondly, Ten null fpend all upon Chn ft, if you have w *„/_* 
bought of Chrift. Noneofmltveth to h'mfelf whether aHupof 
voce live, wee live tint o the Lord, Rom. 1 4. 7, 8. Chrift IS Chrift. 
the efficient, and the end of all, All Chrifts fales are to 
make us ferviceablc unco Chrift; whacfocver flock hee 
puts into our hands; it is to bee laid out for his glory, 
Grace makes us but tiis feryants, and his comforts makes 
us more diligent in his fervice : What you are, you are 
by his grace* and what you can do s fhall bee improved 
for his honour. Not your felves, ^ but Chrift ; As Chrifts 
felling differs from all other felling, for (as I told you 
before) his felling is but his giving to us, fo our buying 
of Chrift differs from all other buyings : The more wee 
buy of men, the more is our own; but the more wee * ^ 
buy of Chrift, thelene are wee our own, and the more 
are wee his. Paul who bought fo much of Chrift; Hee 
did [fetid, arid was [pent for Chrift; hee counted not his life 
too dear for Chrift, yotir crowns will bee call down at his 
feet for the fervice of his glory. 

Thirdly, If you have indeed bought of Chrift, Chrift chri ^ & ail 
(ball have your cuftofue all your dales; you finde fiicli JXme! 


2ji jirgumntt to per/wade to buy of Cbrift. Chap; ^ 

good ufage Ttom him, due in any future wane, you 

willgo to none but your Chrift to fiirnifh you, and 

help you; you will live on him, and come to his gates 

for all helps j Unto whom (bAll wee goe y faid f ete r, Then 

haft the words of eumal Ufe y J oh. 6.66. Your addreftes 

willftill bee to Chrift, and your depcndaiKcs will (Kll 

bee on Chrift toperfeft what is in you. 

We win never Fourthly, Hee who hath indeed bought of Chrift, 

fell wfin wee Will never jell what hee hath bought : I held him f aft y and 

fcave bought, would not let him go m It is fo needful, fo precious, fo 

fweet, fo above all charge, that hee will not part with 



Ufi J cannot yet quit this fubjeft of comming to 

JLbuv of Chrift, may poor finners come to Chrift, 

Beeper fwided 2nd buy of him all that they do need? Let us all then 

£y°5a^ift. bec ferfwaded to drive a trade with Chrtft, to come to htm 

l ' and bujofhint. 
7 Argumcnn. There arefeven Arguments to perfwade us poor fin- 
nee to come and buy of Chrift. 

1 The Excellency of the Wares. 

2 TheNeceflltyofthePurchafe. 
' 3 The Goodnefs of the Seller. 

4 The Eafincfieol the Price. 

5 The Opportunity of the Market. 

6 The Benefit of the Bargain. 

7 Their Lofs byNcgkft. 

The Excdlen- * The Excellency of the Wares : They are lometimes 
ty ef the called Treafurety Mattb. 6. 20. The Pearie of great price, 

Wares. Matth. 1 3. 45. Living Bread, Joh * . Living Water, Joh. 

4. 1 o. Prov. 3.14 1 he Merchandifcefit isbctter than the 
Merchandise of filver, and the gain thereof than finegold y 
verfciS* Shee is mere precious than Rubies, and all the 
t hints that those canfi devife are not to bee compared to her, 
verfc 16. Length of dates artist her right handy and in her 
left hand riches and honour^ verf. 17. Her waits are waits 

Chap.4* Arguments to per/wade to buy ofCbrifi 4 23 3 

cf pleafantnejfe t and all her paths are peace, verfe 18. Shee 
is a tree of Life, fo them that lay hoi A upon her, and happy is 
every one that reteineth her. Here are all the excellencies 
of the world, and all the defireables of the world fum- 
med up together. Silver, and fine Gold( which are tilings 
of profit) and precious Rubies (which are things of orna- 
ment) and honour, and pleafure, and life, and long life, 
and peace, and happitiefs (which are the things of every 
mans de fire) Now thefe things being compared with 
the things of Chrift, are exceedingly fhort of them, 
they are not to bee compared with them : The riches of 
the world are not comparable to the riches of Chrift > Chrifts 
riches are true, {buy Geld of meethat thou may eft bee rich. 
Rev. 3. 18.) and unfearchable; {The unfearchable riches of 
C£r/^»Ephef.3.8.) and durable [durable riches, Prov. 
8. 1 8,) The Ornaments of the world are not comparable to 
the Ornaments of Chrift , They are the Ornaments of the 
hidden man of the hearty I Pet»3.4« They are the beauties 
cf Holineffe y Pfal. HO. 5. They are prethus Jewels 
{There is Gold, and a multitude of Rubies % but the lips of 
knowledge are a precious Jewcl,V\:oV* 20, 15.) *the honours 
of the World are not comparable to the honours of and by 
Chrift : By him wee are the People of God, \ Heb. 8. id. 
The Temple of God, a Cor. 6. \6\ The Sotis and Daughters 
of God, >Cor. 6. 1 8* Bee hath made us Kings and Priefts 
unto God, Rev. 1 . 6. The pleafures^ of the world, are not 
comparable to the pleafures of Chrift; His comfort's are 
the comforts of the Holy Ghoft, Aft. 9. 31. Hisjoyes^rc 
unfpeakable y znd full of glory, 1 Pet. i. 8. The "Peaceofthe 
froridis not comparable to the Peace by Chrift i This is a 
peace with (W,Rom. 5. I. And a peace thatpajfeth altun- 
derftasjdingiPhil.A-J* And 2L Peace, when Peace no when 
ilfe is to bee found, joh. X^. 33* ^^ e Wf * n( L blejfedheffe in 
art'd by Chrift exceeds all life and bleflednefs; it is no 
lefle than eternal life (this is eternal life to know thee, and 
him whomthou haft fent, Joh. 17. 3. and everlafling blef- 
fednefs. O come and buy of Chrift ! Hee fells nothing 
that is mean, ordinary, common, whatfoever is to bee 

E e bought 

_ — 

lj4 Arguments to per/wade to buy ofChrtjl. Chap. 4 

bought ol him is excellent. The precious Chrifi: fells 
nothing but what is precious : The Graces, the Rjgh- 
teoufnefs, the Liberty? thelntereft, thePriviledges>the 
Comforter, the Mercies, the Lovc> the Peace, the Hopes; 
all in and from him are excellent, and precious. 
Thetfeceflity 2 The Neceffity of the fur chafe; The things themfelves 
ofthePiirchalc. arenecefary; and it is neccflary tor you to come to Chi' ill 
and buy them. The things -which Chrtft hath to fell un- 
to a poor (inner are fo nectff.\ry, that hee cannot live 
without them, nor die without them, nor bec faved with- 
out them. They arc the only things which do anfwer the 
wants of a poor (inner, and which do repair the loflcs 
of a broken (inner: The condition of a (inner is never 
altered, nor relieved, but by the enjoyment of them; 
Give him what you will, or can,hee is (till a poor wretch- 
ed needy undone finner, until hee hath Chrin\ and Mer- 
cy, and Grace, &c. Hee is dill under fin, under wrath, 
under condemnation, under death, under bondage, under 
Satan, under want, and doth / all fhort of the glory of<jod y 
and rhuft fall ihort of the hope of Glory* Put on a dead 
man what Ornaments you pleafe, hee is (till a dead man, 
until life bee put into him ? Give an hungry man what you 
will, yet hee is adiftrefled man, until you give him bread; 
give a Prifoxer what you will, yet hee is in bondage until 
you give him liberty. Nothing is life, and help^and fal- 
vation to a pcor finner, but Chrift, and the things which 
Chrift fells; And then it is as necefsary that the finner come 
to Chrifl and ^av^clfe your foulescan never get pofsefllon 
of them, Joh. 8. 24. Ifyee beleeve not that I am hee y jefh*ll 
die t n yonrfmsy Joh. 3. Hee that beheveth not the Son fhtlt 
not fee life; but the wrath of Cod abideth tn him. Beloved, 
It is impoffible for a finner to bee helped out of Chrift, 
for as much as hec is the fountain, and heconly is the 
foundation, and all fpiritual bkflings flow to us, from 
and by hirfr And it is as impoffible to be helped by him, 
if wee come not to him, aud trade with him; if you will 
have nothing to do with Chrift* refolve on it, you can 
have nothing to do with mercy, nor rightcoufnefs, nor 


Chap. 4 Arguments to per/wade to buy of Chri/ij 235 

grace>norpeace:fo that if you regard either your pre- 
fent condition, or your prefent fruition, or your future 
expectation, it is neceflary that you come and buy of 


3 ?he goodntffe of the fitter • Never hadany nun fuch The good ne& 
grounds of encouragement, and confidence to buy of a- ofthcfcilcr. 
nother, as the poor Sinner hath to come and buv of 

There are twelve things obfervable in Chrift (who 
fells) cowards poor Sinners who buy* 

I He cordially pitties them in their fpiritual wants, and 
diftreffes, his foul is troubled for you. 

a He iteameft to help them, comes ,feeks, calls, cryes, 
knocks, promifeth,ftriveth. 

3 He would furnifh them prefently : you might bee 
faved at once ; all would bee helped in a moment, 
Could hee but prevail with you to come and buy. 

4 Hee doth ufe them kjndely , not an angry look, 
not one harfli word , not the lcaft difcouragement , 
Hee will in no wife rejeft yon , He will not brcakjhe brut* 
fed Reed-> nor quench the fmoakjng flax. 

5 Hee teachethyouthe way and the art how to buj of 
him, asl^md you (hall receive, beleeve and you [hall bee fa* 

6 He gives unto them all that is requifii e to buy of him, 
gives eyes, to fee the worth of what hee f:lls, and gives 
an heart of faith to come and buy :while the Gofpel is deal- 
ing with your^n, hisfpirit is dealing with your hearts^ 
working, inclining and inabling of them, &:c. 

7 Falls as low as a trading twixt a Saviour and a Sin- 
ner can pofftbly admit , will fop with yon , if youwiilbut 
of en the door ; will give^i you will but as^ will htfow, if 
you will but receive. 

8 QaUs and fends, andrunnes after them,, ^hen they 
turn their back* \ How lengyce fimple ones will jou love 
fimplicity, and fools hate knowledge, turn ye At my reproof, 
Pro. 1. ^2,23. Behold, I will four out my } jp}rit unto you,r /- 
turn, return, Shu Limit e : forfake not your ovyn mercies, 

£e 2 yet 

236 Arguments toperjwade to buy o/(7>n/?,Chap,4 

yet confider, yet come back and buy and eat, that your 
fouls may live, 

9 Rejoycet h and is glad when you return, when you buy 
of him, when your fouls do clofe with him, / thanks thee 
Of at her, Lord of 'heaven and earth , becaufe thou haft r$~ 
vealed thefe things to babes, Mat. 1 1 .1 5. 

10 Hee adds to the bargain, gives you in more than 
you at (firft) traded for, or thought on, full meafure 
heaped up and running over ; gives you the grace which 
you fought, and joy, and peace, and affures of more', 
than you durft at firft to expect. 

1 1 Bee will not eafily bee put of, though you do not 
ask ofhim,yetheasksof you;dioughyou cneapen not, 
yet hee offers; though you difpute,yet hce callsjthough 
you refufe, yet hee renews his invitation; though you 
deal unkindly with him, yet he ftill intreates you to buy. 

1 2 Hee weep over you if yon will not bee perfwadedjtee 
wept over Jerufalem, faying, O ifthon had ft kttowrt^ that 
at the lea ft in this thy day, the things whtch concern thy 
peace,Lukc 19.4*. 

4 The eafineffe oftheprice, there is none who fells a, 
Th (mete better penny-worth than Chrift; nor upon better terms 
cf the price than Chrift; all fell dear but Chrift; when nun fells t$ 
man, hce fells to the full value and worth of his Land 
and Houfe ; when Satan fells to the Sinner , hce fells 
upon hard conditions : AR thefe things will I give thee, if 
t hou wilt fall down and worfbip mee, Mat. 4.9. In the day 
that yee eat thereof 'yee (hall bee as Gods, Gen. 3. 5. Satan 
fells you nothing but upon condition of Sinning, and 
that is the worft of all conditions : when the Sinter 
fells himfelf unto hU ftnfnl lufts, hee fells and buyes at 
a dear rate, he buys profits and pleafure from finnc 
at the rate andcoftofthe lofs and perdition of his foul. 
None fchVas Chrift fells, atfo good a price, and at fo 
eafyaprice; The price is good for yon which Chrift doth 
fet ; // it not good to draw near to God ? Is it not good for 
you to beleeve on Chrift? This is his price for all, and 
tbcprtceiscafie r Did hee fee his price upon a condition 


Chap,4 Arguments tofer/wade to buy ofCkrifii 237 

of innocency, of righteoufheffe, of works, no Sinner 
could then buy of him; but hee fees his price onely up- 
on beleeving, and hee himfelfwill quicken and impow- 
er your hearts by his almighty fpirit to beleeve,is not this 
aneafy price? 

< The fairnejfe of the effort unit ie,ot the opportunity v 16 ™"^ 
of the market. Beloved confider, ' " <w°" 

I There u no feafon or effort unit ie whatfoever like Hnto the No feafon like 
feafon of grace , it is the golden and precious moment for &c feafon of 
your fouls eternal blefledneffe: It is the onely time F*** 
which is put into your hands to fa ve your fouls, to get 
glory and mercy, and therefore it is called a dayoffal- 
vat ion, a Cor. 6. Luke 19. and a da) for the things which 
concern our feace, it is indeed that day of Chrifl : There; 
is that day of Christ which is his day y when hee will come 
to judge Sinners, and there is that day of Chrifl which is 
bis day, when hee comes to treate with Sinners and to of- 
fer mercy and life to them ; and this is the day when hee 
calls upon us to come and buy of him. 

2 Wee all of us live in this day of Chrift, and have this Weehave 
precious feafon or opportunity : for the Gofpel (which this feafon or 
weedoinjoy)is that day: when the Gofpel comes a- opportunity, 
mongft a people, than the night it pafi, and the day is 
come, then the Sun of righteoufnefs is rifen, then Jefus 
Chriftreveals,and offers all the riches of his treafures> 
and calls upon poor Sinners to come to him and to buy of 
him.This day do wee enjoy ;This day, the Gofpel which 
we preach,and which you hear, is the Gofpel of Chrift ; 
it is the appearing of the grace of God which 
brings falvation,^ this it the accepted time, this is 
the time wherein Chrift is willing to fell himfelf 
unto you, and his redemption, and his righteoufnefs, 
and his Spirit,and eternal life unto you; and this is your 
time to buy him, andallfavinggoodof him: fuppofe 
that all of us were attatched and laid hold on , and con- 
demned for fome capital offences,and wee were allowed 
one day to come in to make our peace, and to fave our 
lives, would wee negleft that day, and vainly and 

E e 3 care- 

2;8 Argument* toperjmtdeto buy ofCbrift*Chz$.ji 

carekfly mif-fpend that day ? would wee not come in 
to make our peace, and accept of thofe good conditi- 
ons of life: The Gofpel (which wee enjoy) is the day 
zn&histhconelj day, allowed unto us, finful and con- 
demned Sinners ; it is the day which God fetsns to get 
Chrift, and to get oft condemnation, and to make our 
peace, andtogctlalvation; is the falvation of your fouls 
a light matter ? is the opportunity and feafo'n for it an 
inconfiderable favour ? doth not our all, to all eternity, 
depend upon our buying in this day, do*he Prophets live 
forever} laid the Prophet, Zach.i. $* To fay I, do fea- 
fons of grace and mercy live for ever? arc not alfo theft 
times and feafons in the fathers hands ? are you not loft 
if you loofc the feafons ? whileft it is called to day hearken 
unto bis voice j Heb. 3 .7. for the Lord hath faid f That his 
fpiritjhall not alwaies flrive yeiih man y Gcn.6.i. 
fi f 6 Thebenefit of the Bargain, whatsoever it coft you , 

*e barwir^ ° y° u 1°°^ n ° c ^Y lt * n ^ y° il ^ ia " certainly gain by it: in 
other bargains there is hazzard,and the more that a man 
buyes, the fooner may he bee broken: but in trading 
with Chrift, and in buying of Chrift, there is no danger 
at all, and the more that you buy of him, the richer you 
are; Jefus Chrift fells nothing unto poor Sinners, but 
doth enrich them ; Beloved, if the Reproaches of Chrift 
he greater riches than all the trea fares inEgyptJrleb.l 1 . 26, 
(Mofes did Jo efteem ofthem)how gainful and how enrich- 
ing arc the HnfcarchahU riches of Cbrifi > Paul counted 
all his privilcdges and advantages but dnng that hee 
might gain C/>r//?, Phil. 3. 8, (ut Inert faciam Chrift ttw) 
Chrift was a gain infinitely greater : give me favour a 
while to ihew unto you wnat benefit or gain you certain- 
ly get by buying of Chrift. 

1 B) b »ji»g of Chrift y oh do gain Jojfes , do not won- 

OriftCcg'in der.norbeedilicouragedat what Ifpeak; though it bee 

loflfcs. no gain to W** /**/, yet it is (according to the fenfe 

which I intend) an exceeding gain for zfonl to loofefome 


foloofe the dominion of Sift, to bofc thcloviofand de- 

Chap » 4 Arguments to per/wade to lay of Chrift. 23 9 

light infinne; to loofe (lavifh Captivity to Satan, to loofe 
a condemning confcience, to loofe vain andfenfual plea fares, 
to loofe our own corrupt wilts, and Judgements, {uch 
loflcs are gain. 

Now there is no man who buys lavi.ig graces and 
mercies, and comforts from Chrift, but he doth there- 
by loofe all thefe things ; hee doth loofe all that wall 
deftroy and damn his ibiilj Sinne [ball not have dominion 
over j oh, Rom. 6. i 4. yee are made free from finnejizx.. \ 8. 
The end of thofe things is death, verf.2 1 . delivered from the 
power ofdarkpefe,Qo\*\.\ $. 

2 By buying of Chzlfitfou do gain your felves,\vc never wcc gain our 
come to enjoy our felves; untillwee come to enjoy fcivcs* 
Chrift, and the faving things of Chrift, when Chrift is 
ours, and the renewing grace is ours, and pardoning 
mercy is ours ; Now wee are our felves ; no wicked 
unbeleeving, unconverted man is himfelf (Hisfervants 
wee are whom wee do obey) hee muft think and judge>and 
will?and love,and work, what his own lufts and Satan 
will have him to think ;If they fay go, he goes, and if they 
fay do this, he doth it; An unconverted man is out of 
his command, hee is fold, and \\2xhf0ld himfelf-. But 
when grace is bought of Chrift hee is more himfelf, hee 
is a free man , hee is recovered , hee can now make ufe 
of his underjfanding tohchold the glorious things of 
God, and of his Judgement to dtfeern and approve things 
that are excellent, and of his a fee} ions to delight in the 
things which are above. 

3 By buying of Chrift wee gain our own fouls, They We gafn our 
are fafe and fecured for ever: if they bee jufiified, there fouls * 
is no condemnation to them, they are paffed from death to 
life: if they bee fantlifed and renewed, they fhall bee 
faved, Bleffed are the pure in hearty for t hey (ball fee God, 1 
Mat.5& (who hath begotten ha again unto a lively hope, to 
An inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and fadeth not 
awajfy referved in heaven fir you, 1 Pet. 1.3,4.) if they 
beleevtyXhty (hall not bee condemned , they [ball not perifh 
knt have cycr /ajling /(fo John 3« i^» l$*0 vytut again 


240 Arguments toperfwade to b*y of drift . Chap. 4.; 

is this ! That a man hath no foul to loofe, that all is 
well with and for his foul, whatf oever is in danger; yet 
my foul is fate , and whatsoever may perifl], yet my foul 
is fecured ; your fouls fhall bee as fate and fecure as a 
Saviour can make them, if you will come and buy 
of him. 

4 By buying ofChrifl you gain ally you gain all the pur- 
Wcgain a|i. cna f e of Chriit,and all the good of all the offers of Chrift 
and all the fruits of the fpirit of Chrift, and all thepro- 
mifes of God in Chrift, and all the reveallngs of the or- 
dinances of Chrift, and all the immunities and priviled- 
ges of Chrift, and all the hopes by Chrift, you gain all 
the good which concerns foul and body in this life, and 
all the good which concerns them in the life to come, 
and what greater gain can you need or defire or en- 

7 The lojfc by the neglett : O faid one once, we t* me 
The loflc by miserable man^whofor ajhort pleafurc have made my felffo 
the ncglcft. miferable !\voe to that man, who for a little gain, loofeth 
all gain, who for a little pleafurc, loofeth all 
pleature ; who tor vanity, loofeth eternity ; who for 
Sin,wiU loofe Chrift, and foul, and heaven, Luke 13.28. 
Then (ball bee weeping and gnawing of teeth^ when yon 
fbaHfee Abraham^(indj[aac,andJacob^aHd all the Pro- 
phets in the kjngdome ofGod y andyotiyeur [elves thru ft out. 
O Sirs ! What fhall I fay unto you ? Chrift yer is 
willing to fell unto you , yet hee calls and crys> yet hec 
intrcatesandbefeecnes, vet he ftretches forth his hands, 
yet hee knockes at your doors , yet his breft is full ofpit- 
ty, and his eyes full of tears, and his hands full of mer- 
cy s, and his mouth full of intrcaties, do you not hear 
him lamenting over you, will no love and kindneffc 
work upon you, will no offers of grace and lift be re- 
ceived by you ? Did ever any fuftcr fo much lor you as 
I have fuftered ? did ever any offer fo well unto you as I 
have ofbrcd ? wi 11 you not bee faved ? will you for /;- 
ing vanities for fats 7 0Hr own mercies } will you love 
death rather than life ? will you not know the day of 


" I I ' ' ■ — — ——I — — — ■— ' — — — — ^^^^, 

Chzp.+Get Faith that you may trade with Chrift j 24 1 

your visitation ? My foul, my bowels are troubled for 
you , There is no other name but mine for falvation* 
there is no other to fell mercy and happinefle unto you, 
If you will not hearken and come and buy,your day will 
be loft, and your poor fouls loft for ever. 


MAy a poor Sinner come to Chrift, and finde all 
faving good in him, and fhould heecome and 
buy of him.Then hearken but to one direction, and that 
is this, by aQ means get faitb<>vehatfoevcr you get? beefure 
to get true faith, for 

1 You will never trade with Chrift, unlefs you have 

a You can never trade with Chrift, unlefs you have 

3 You will trade with Chrift, andbuy,if you haye 
got faith. 

4 You might take up what you pleafe, had you faith 

to buy. 

1 Toft will never trade with Chrifi unlefs you have faith , 

It is faith onely which draws an heart to Chrift ; Chrift, 
and what Chrift hath to fell,will never be precious,never 
delirable, if you have not faith : ^ Though Chrift be more 
worth than heaven, yet you will not come to him un- 
lefle you have faith; Though Chrift offers all,and would 
put all into your hands freely, and prefently, yet you 
will not accept of them unlefs you have faith: it is 
faith onely which can fet a value on heavenly treafures, 
and which (hews you your abfolute neceffity of them, 
and which makes you to fee the unfpeakable love and 
goodnefs of Chrift in offering all thefe things unto you, 
and which perfwades and overcomes your hearts to buy 
of Chrift, to like the wares which Chrift fells, and the 
terms of Chrift, upon which you may trade with him 
and buy of him. 

% Ton can never com* and trad$ with Chrifi nnleffe you 

F f have 


Dire&ion to 
get faith. 

You will nercr 
trade "with 
Chrift without 

You cannot 
trade with 
without ic. 

241 Get Faith to trade withChrtH. Chap. 4 

havefatth. Faith is the onely grace which a poor Sinner 
hath to buy with all. As flice fpake to Chrift, The wcH 
ts deep, and thou haft nothing to draw with; Job,$, n. fo 
may Chr ill fay to us, the treafures and fuppiies arc high, 
and you have nothing to reach them if you have not 
faith. He that buyesot Chriftmuft 

Fir ft, Acknowledge aU hit foul helps to be in Chrifi alone. 

Secondly , Depend on Chrift ^ and onely on Chrift for 

Thirdly, He mtift injift on the promt fes ef Chrift, ap- 
ply them,and plead them with Chrift,and 

Fourthly, Hee mnft take *nd receive all from the 
hand of Chrift s free bounty and grace. Can a Sinner do 
any of thefe without faith ? Can hec fet up Chrift, as the 
onely fountain of all his mercies and helps without 
faith? Can hec trull: and depend on Chrift without 
faith? Can any man fee without an eye ? Can hee ap- 
propriate any promife of good, and improve that pro- 
mi (c without faith ? can hee pretend unto an eftate be- 
fore hec hath a title ? can hec receive any fpiritual help 
from Chrift who hath not faith, which is the Sinners on-* 
ly hand to take and receive from Chrift. — So then yod 
mull get faith if ever you would come and buy of 

am. \ 

If you hive 3 tfj* H have faith joh will come and buy of Chrifi, 

faith you win' Beloved, it is a certain trutn,that faith will not bee fa- 
scine and buy t i s fi c d without a Chrift , and the good diings of Chrift, 
all the work and bufincfs of faith lies in trading with 
ChritL-Faith will put you upon asking,and upon acting." 
it Is the nature of it to draw out your loulsj unto Chrift, 
' and it is the end why God gives you faith, hec gives 
you faith for this very end, that you may clofe with 
chrift, and make ufc of Chrift, that you might come to 
him: and out ofhisfulnejje receive ^racefor grace ; that 
you might under the fenfe of your lpiritual wants,depcnd 
on Chrift all your dayes ; This is the nature, and this 
is the work, and this is the end of Faith, Therefore wee 
arc faid to Uvt by /<•/* A,Bccaufc faith makes out to Chrift 


Chap. 4 Get Faith to Trade with Chrift. 243 

for all the good which wee do need all our daies; and ii 
you take notice of it, you may finde, that faidiisyour 
fer vant, is your fa&or, it trades for you, it is buying from 
Chrift, fo long till you come to receive the end of jour 
faith y even the falvatior, of your fouls, until you have got 
perfed poffeflion, until all the promifesbe fully accom- 
plished and performed unto you; faith will put you on, 
and will never ceafe trading for you, 

Ifjou could get faith, And beleeve on Chrift ', Bee it it l f > ou *" d 
thee as thou wilt: You might buy, you might take up [^twkcup 
what you pleafe : dobutfinde a real need of anyfpiritu- ^hat y©a 
al good in your fouls, and do but .finde that good in a pic^fe. 
promife, and then come to Chrift, and truft in him for 
thefupply of it, youfhall certainly bee fupplicd. Jefus 
Chrift will own his own price which hee hath fet, hee 
hath fet this price upon his wares.: Beleeve, and thou (halt s 
bee faved; Beleeve, and yee fhall not bee ajhamedy beleeve, 
and yee {had bee eftablifhed^ what things feever yee defire 
when yee pray •> beleeve that yee receive them y and yee (hall 
have them, Mark. 1 1 . 24. This is the confidence that wee 
have tn him y that if wee ask^any thing according to his wilt; 
heeheareth ns, t Joh. 5. 14. Mark, 9. zi, 23. If thou cauft 
do any thing (faid the Father ot the child to Chrift) have 
compaffiononus, and help us. Jefus f aid un to him, if thoH 
canft beleeve, all things are poffible to him that beleevetb. In 
verfclAt* Hee did beleeve, and in v erfe 25. Chrift helped 
hiv*> and did more for him than hee defired. O beloved ! 
Chrift cannot deny himfelf, and becaufe hee cannot 
deny himfclf, therefore hee cannot deny you any thing; 
If you come and beleeve on him, hee will ftandtohls 
own price.Hee will not go back from it : Bcleeving is his 
price; no way can wee get good from him but that, no 
way hath hee greater honour in felling to poor finners, 
than in chat, it is his price for all, beleeve and receive. 

F f 2 SECT. 

■ T ■- - - 

244 Comfort to fuch as buy of Chrift. Chap.4 

sect. x. 

life 7 TTHelaftUfcwhichl would make of this point 
(that all is to bee had in (Thrift, and the poor 
C©mfo firmer may have all, if that hee will come and buy of 

ttofe wbobavc ^rift) ftallbce for Comfort unto fuch foorfinners who 
bought of " have come to Chrifl, and have bought of him : Here are 
Chrift. eight comforts for fuch. 

1 You are the wifeft Merchants, 
a You arc the fureft Polleflbrs. 

3 You may itill buy more and more upon the fame 
termes or price. 

4 The leaft good which you buy of Chnft is faving. 

5 All is bought, if any one thing bee bought of 

6 What you have bought of Chrift,fhall bee kept and 
prcferved by Chrift. 

7 You have Chrift himfelf with any thing that you 
have bought of Chrift. 

8 Heaven it felf falls into the bargain. 

You arc the ' f** are * he wifeft Merchant t . That (inner is but a 

wifeft Mcr- f°°l> who trades not with Chrift. The man who kept 

cheats, fuch a do for worldly goods, was but a fool. (Thonfool\ 

thu night (hall thy fin/ hee taken from thee, and then, whofe 

(hall all tbcie things bee} Luke 12. 20. And thofe Virgins 

were but Wi/fc. Virgins , who did not buy 0//*,Matth. 15. 

J f thou lee-wife, thou fhalt beewtfefor thy felf, faid «&/<?- 

mo», Prov. 9. 1 2. Hee is not wile tor himfelf, who buyes 

not Chrift tor himfelf ; hee was the Wi\e Merchant , who 

Tburw'fdo ^ 9t4 l^ that one Pear/c of great f rice, Matth. 1 3. hee is a 

ism that they W1 ^ Merchant 1 Whobuycs what is neceffary, what 

luy. indeed h:e needs. 2 Whobuycs the beft, and not the 

worft. 3 Who buyes that which will ferve hrm in 2 

tfime ol need : and therefore you who have bought 

Bread,2Ln<\U'tw,2Lnc\ Mil{ (that is) all fpiritual good 

Things ncccf- from Chrift; you arc the wifeft Merchants; for 

toy. 1 Theft things are necejfary; you have bought thofe 


Chap . 4 Comfort to/uch as buy of Chrift. 24 5 

things which your fouls did really need: Grace is ne- 
ceffary, and Mercy is neceflary, and Righteoufnefs is 
neceflary, and Peace with God is neceflary : Thefe are 
ix>tfuperfluousfvain, impertinent things. One thing u 
necejfary, faid (Thrift, Luk. 10.42. your fouls could not 
live without them, and by thefe things they do live, and 
arc kept alive. 

% Thefe things are the be/f of 'things, they arc choice Thc bcft . 
and folid : They are pearls indeed, and precious gold, th l0gs . 
and fubftantial riches; they do indeed make you the ex- 
cellent on the earth, more excellent than other men : 
JefusChrift hath not better things to fell than thofe things 
which you have bought of Chrift. 

5 Thefe things willfecure you, fend help, and keep you Things that. 
in a time of need, when all other comforts and helps fail *'U te 5 urc in a 
you, and when all difcomforts, changes, and loftes break tirace nced * 
in, and drown, andfweep away all here below; why 
infuch times (which are the great times of need) you 
have Meat to eat, and Waters to drink, and peace to 
quiet you, and joyes to refrefti you, and hopes to ftay 
and fupport you, yet Chrift is yours, and his Kighteouf- 
nefs is yours, and his Spirit is yours, and his Promifes 
are yours; Jofeph was wife, who bought up Corn, which 
fcrved to help and p^eferve in the feven years famine : Hee 
is wife indeed, who hath bought of Chrift the things 
which will keep him, not only in good times, but alto 
in the evil daies,yea in the worft times. 

2 Ton are the fur eft Pojfefors. As the perfons who are * ou ar ^e f u ~ 
come to Chrift ftiall never bee taken away, nor fepara- rcft Pofleflbrs ° 
ted from Chrift (whojhalifeparatc hs from the Love of 
Chrift} Kom. 8*35 >?. Nnejhall bee able tofeparate us 
from the Lev* of God, which is in Chrift Jeftts onr Lord) 
So the things which you have bought of Chrift, they 
lhaH never bee loft never bee furprized , never bee taken 
away fromyou; God will not, Satan {hall not, man can- 
not: They an the fnre mercies cfDavid, I fa. ^5. $. Mary 
hath c ho fen the better part, which fhdll never bee taken from 
her 9 Luk. io* 42* Ihey are the meat which doth not per 7/fcj 

Ff 3 but 

z$6 Comfort to/ucb as buy of Chrift. Chap. 4, 

but endurethto cverlafiing hfe, Job. 6.27. Lands, and 
Houfes> and friends, and Children, and Parents, and 
Wire, and Husband, and Peace, and Liberty, and Safe- 
ty, and Lite, may bee loft; But Jefus Chrift is the fame y 
yefierday, and to day, and the fame for ever, Hcb. 13. &• 
And mercy indurcth for ever, Pfal# 1 1 S. 1 . and the anoint- 
**g(k*il abide in you, 1 Job. 2. 27. And the. regenerating 
work livexh and abideth in you, 1 Pet. l . 23. and the Love 
ofChrtft is a love to the end (Having loved his own, hec 
loved them unto the end, Joh. 1 3 . I.) And his R ighteouf- 
nefs is everlafiing Right eon fnt fe,Da.n* 9. 24. Tour heart 
jhall re Joyce, and your joy no man takethfrom you % John 
id. 22. 
bu^morc 3 Another comfort for you who have bought of 

•f 1 Chrift, is this, you may sir HI buy more And more of Chrift, 

upon the fame termes and price at you have bought, beloved, 
Jefus Chrift never varies his price « In other Markets 
and tradings, the price doth alter and varie, fometi^nes 
it is higher, and iometimes lower, according to the 
fcarcity, and according to the neceflky, and according to 
conveniency ; But it is not fo in Chrifts Market; his 
price alters nor, wbatfoever hec fells; hee fells (the grea- 
ter, and the teller) at the fame price, graces and comforts 
at the fame prizes, righteoufnefe and mercies at the fame 
price, himfelf and peace ax the fame price ' And to whom* 
foever hee fellsy hec^feHs at the fame price, to rich and 
poor, to great and mean, to King and beggars, to all, at 
one and the fame price * %And whenfoever hee fells, hec 
fells at the fame price, not cheaper at one time, than at 
another, nor dearer at one time, than at another; you 
bought Grace upon beleeving, you may buy more 
Grace, yea all Grace upon beleeving; you bought joyes 
and comforts upon beleeving, 1 Pet. 1.8. In whom be~ 
leeving yee rcjoyce, and you may ftill buy more of them 
upon the fame price- The God of Hope fill you with ail 
joy tn beleeving, Rom. 15.13. 

When you find out more wants and needs in your felves, 
as qucftionlefe you do fo (do not you finde if ill a need of 


Chap. 4*. Com f ort to fitch at buy of dm ft. 247 

more help againft your corruptions, and more power a- 
gainft temptations, and more inlargements for your 
graces, and more affurance for your confeiences,' and 
more evidence of Gods love unto your fouls) and you 
do alfo finde that you are of your felves infufticient for 
your felves, you cannot adde to your own ftock; O but 
(Thrift can, you cannot enlarge and help your felves, O 
but (Thrift can, and (Thrift will help you upon the fame 
termes, and upon the fame price (till : Aske of him, and 
beleeve on him, and this will carry it with your (Thrift; 
you muft not think to trade with Chrift, one while up- 
on your wordiinefs, and another while upon beleeving; 
No, no, the price is ftill the fame for more grace, as for 
grace; for more comfort: as for comfort; for (trength and 
increafc, as for truth and being, all is upon beleeveing. 

4. Tht le*fl gvodwhichyoiibft} of Chrift is favingy And Thei eaftgood 
this is another comfort to you who have bought of y°" Hy ,s f *' 
Chrift ; And truly this is an unfpeakablc comfort, that 
whatfoever (Thrift felis unto a poor (inner, it hath life in 
it, yea, evcrlafting life in it : Wee look many times 
upc > our weak graces, and complain, arid cake on, as if 
there were no great matter in them*, it is fo little faith, 
and fo little love, and fo little holinefs ; Weil, it is little, 
very little, weak, and very weak :- but is it bought of 
Chrift? Is this the faith, the love, the holinefs which- 
Chrift hath fold f Then I may fay as Chrift once, go in 
pace, thy faith hatbftved thee, h is a living fpring riling 
up to evcrlafting life. The leaft good that is^Bought of 
Chrift doth diftinguiuS the eftite, doth alter the foul, 
makes us live here, and will bring to glory hereafter. Y ou buy all 

5 A fifth comfort is, rhataUislonght of Chrift, when when you buy 
Any one thing < s botight of Chrift* As Chrift is pleafed to. anythmgof 
fell, fo wee muft beepleafed to buy. Now Chrift of- Chrift, 
fers alt, andwhenyoubuyofChriftyouput m for all. 
Chrift doth not fclf righteoufnefs alone to juftifie you, 
but when hee fells right eoufnefs, then hee fells you alfo 
holinefs to fanfrifie you, and if you buy the one, you alfo 
buy the other: Hee fells all together, RighttQufnefs, fon- 


248 Comfort to fuch as buy of Chrift* Chap.4 

clificttien, Redemption, Love, Mercy, Peace, all at once, 
all together; and hoc who buyes ot Chrift, mult buy all 
or none, and hee doth at once buy all which anfwers the 
kindes of wants in the foul. W hen you have bought ot 
Chrift, you cannot (ay, now I am jultified, but I am not 
now fan&ifiedi you cannot lay, my heart is healed, but 
yet my fins are not pardoned : No, but it you fiude any 
one tiling bought of Chrift, all the reft are bought of 
Chritt. O what a comfort is this ! that all is bought, if 
any one thing bee bought : As Chrift never comes alone 
to bee ours, but with him all other things are ours, fo 
one good never comes alone, but all good comes toge- 
ther unto a poor finner; The Bread, and the Winty and 
the Milksotnc all together; the Gold^md the Raiment, and 
the eye-jalve come all together; you do not fee them at 
once, but yet they are at once; if you bee juftified, you 
are fanftified, andifyoubeefanc1ified,youare pardon- 
ed, and if you bee pardoned, you are reconciled; all 
comes at once. 
What you buy 6 What y oh have bought of Chrift, (hall bee kept andpre- 
of Chrift fliail fervedby Chrift : There are twopurchafes which Chriil 
be prcfervcM himfelf will furely keep • Hee will keep his own pur chafe, 
by Chrift. a jj wn om hee hath purchafed with his own blood : Hee 
will keep yonr pur chafe, what you have bought of him, 
(hall bee kept by him: Hee will keep your Righteoul- 
nefs for you, and your Graces for you, and your Mercies, 
and your comforts for you* Beloved, As Jefus Chrift 
engagcthhisgoodnefstohelp us to what fpiritual good 
wee do need; fo hee doth ingage his care, and power, and 
faithfulnefs, to uphold and preferve all the good which 
hec hath given to us ' Hee will watch over your pcr- 
fons* and hee will watch over your Graces; as you are 
his Jewels, foyour Graces arc his Jewels, and as you 
arc his Trcafurc, fo your Graces arc his Treafure, and as 
you arc his purchafe,fo your Graces which you have pur- 
chafed of him, are his purchaft s, they are his as well as 
yours, and Chrift will furely keep his own: Neither 
your keeping, nor the keeping of any thing from Chrift, 


rfrv.TiV" 'I,---- 

Chap.4* Cmforts tojuch as buy oft hrift4 249 

is in your hands, butinChrifts hands >: JVe are kept by the 
power of God through faith unto falvation^ 

7 To* have Chrtft himfelf ^ -with tverj thing which you You have 
have bought of Chrift. Haft thou bought righteoufnefs? chr >ft himfctf 
whv? Thou now haft Chrift himfelf, with the * ,thevcr y L 
Righteoufneffe of Chrift, and haft thou bought Holi- thm SJ™>Jr 
ne£? why? thou haft Chrift himfelf with that holi- 
nefs; Hait thou bought comfort, joy, peace? whyfthou 
ftandeft poffefled of Chrift as well as of them, 

Beloved, Had you not Chrift himfelf, with the 
things bought ot Chrift, your purchafe would prove 
a fad purchafe : . 

Suppofe you had a righteoufnefs, but not a Chrift; 
and Holineffe, but not a Chrift; and comfort, but 
not a Chrift ; what would become of you at the 
laft? Is there a righteoufnefs which can fave a Sin- 
ner without Chrift? &c 

Now here is the marrow of all Comfort , that 
Cijrifihfofeffed^nthefoffeffingofaU that wee, have by 

This Comfort I have, yea, and Chrift him- 
felf I have with it? and this grace I have, yea, and Chrift 
himfelf I have with it; Thiseftate I have fetled upon 
me, yea, and I enjoy Chrift himfelf who hath fetled 
all upon mce. What unfpeakablc Comfort and re- 
frefhingis this to any poor Sinper who hath bought of 
Chrift! whenhee furveyes all the pans of his fpiritu- 
al eftate » This is mine, and Chrift is mine, This I 
have,and Chrift I have; I have mercy,and I have Chriftj 
I have Peace, and I have Chrift;I have love, and I have 
Chrift ; 1 have all, and I hare Chrift, whoisbeftof 

8 Laftly, Have you bought of Chrift, then know You have 
that Heaven it felf falls into the bargain and f»r- Hearcn into 
Chafe. *he Bargain. 

Chrift comes firft, and the Good things of 
Chrift comes next , and Heaven it felf comes at 

Gs If 

250 A// bought of Cbri/t upon gracious ter »w,Chap. 5 

It you ftand poiTefled of them, you fhall ere 
long bee found poffciled of that: They are the 
pledges and earned of your heavenly inheritance, 
JEphcfians t^ 14. They are the beginning and entrance 
into the everlaftttig kingdom of oht Lord and Saviour Jefue 
Chnfi^i?ct. 1. if. 

IA1AH.S1. 1. 

Tea come and BnyWine and Mitkjpithout mony and reith* 
op. t price* 



Hefe words are yet a further encou- 
ragement unto Poor Sinners to 
come to Chrift, and to buy of him. 
They fecm to bee an Anfwcr, 
unto fame fecret doubt and ob- 
jections rifiiig within the Breads 
of poor Sinners, who as they do 
-want thefe good things here menti- 
oned ( Bread , and Wine, and 
Milk) (o likewife do they vrant wherewithal I to buy thent y 
chcy have no Money, to lay down for them. 

To this fcruplc doth Chrift here make anfwer. 
True it is> that you have not any thing of your own 
to lay down, you have no money, yet come and buy 
wine andmilkjTvithoHt money) And whereas it might bee 
replied, although wee may buy without money, yet 
perhaps you do expeft from us fc;mething that is mo- 
ney worth, fometliing that is of un equivalent price 
«nto money; As the poor mans labour, though it be 


Chap. 5 All fought ofCbri/i upon gracious terms. 251 

not money, it is yet equivalent to money, hee bargains 
tor lb much wages, which hee mud earn by lo much 

No faith Chrift, come and buy without money (**« 
without price) I expect neither penny nor pennys- worth 
from you; There is npthing either in Speeie,oi the fame 
value,or in (rutin of an anfwerable value which I require 
from you {corns Buy Wine and mUk^vthhout money, and 
without price) Whence obferve this laftpropofitionfrom 
this f firft ver£ 

Do£h 5. That all the good which poor Sinners do need, All that fin - 
it u to bee bought of Chrift upon gracious Terms, at the ner s need,is to 
cheapeft rate, ct the e*fieft, at the loweft prizes (fome be bought of 
buy wine^tnd milk^without mony, and without price) For cbrift u P on 
the Explication and Confirmation of this Gofpel Af- graci0Us Krms 
fertionj ftiall 

1 Shew you in what fence it is to be underftood. 

1 Clear the Truth of it by Scripture, and by in- 

3 Demonftrate the fame to bee a Truth by feve- 
ral Arguments. 

4 Give you the Rcafons why Chrift doth fell, and 
poor Sinners do buy, altogether upon gracious 


Que ft, 1 In vthat fenfe the Affertion is to hee fallen, Tft w ^ t - 
which faith, That all good which poor Sinners do need, thisUnfcen. 
is to bee bought upon gracious terms (without money 
and without price.) 

So!, For Anfwer unto this, remember two parti- NotIn - ofi . 

CUlarS. t ion to, or ex - 

l Thu gracious way of a Sinners full enyyment by clufiou of any 
Chrtft, ft an ds not in oppojit ion unto, nor in an exclufion of t^ng Chrift J- 
any thing which Jefus Chrift doth require of a Sinner, rfc l l;ire s to " 
whereky he may come to be pojfefffdof the good things which ^^SSi. 
Chrift hath promifed to give unto fiim % 

Gg 2 It 

2 jx Thoje gracious terms explained. Chap, 5 

Tver in op eft- If doth nor (land in an oppofition To praying, asking, 
won to pray- f cc fci llgj knocking>for Chrift hathfaidit, ar\ *"^ * 
1 ^' {hall bee given you, feekjindyou (hall fnde y knocJ^ and it 

jbad bee opened unto you, Mat. 7. 7. Prayer for Grace, 
for mercy, for reconciliation, for comfort, &c.Though 
it bee not a Legal and meritorious price , yet it is an £- 
vangeiical Duty and w^a^Ezek.B^. 25,26. 1 will jet bee 
[ought (or f/?#,vcrC 37-And it is no more oppofite to 
gracioufiiefs , than the poor mans begging at your 
doors, is oppofite unto him for relief, or Almef-giv- 


Again, It ftand?; not in oppofitien to your Atten- 
Nfti- to atten- dance upon the Minifiry of th e Word, to the hearing of 

STof thc k me : Chrift «*° in this fr ft vcrfe . faith v C^ and 
lie Word. bay tv .th out money and without price , faith alfo in the 
next verfc (Hearken diligently unto mee, and eat you 
that which is good : Incline your ear and come tint mee; 
Reared ) our fouls {halllivi. The publick hearing of 
the Word of Chrift, is no more oppofite to his graci- 
ous giving* than the comming unto the Pool of Bethef- 
NortobeUev- ^ was °PP°fi te to the gracious healing of the fick^and 
wig. * Lame.-, Nor doth it ftandin oppofition to beleeving :for 
Chrift who bids you buy -without money and without price, 
doth alfo twice prefsuponyouto comeixA buy. (elling 
and buying are relatives ; Chrift is not a feller unto you, 
if you bee not buyers. And your buying of Chrift is 
your belccving on chrift: faith is no adverfary unto 
Grace ; Belceving and all the giftsof grace, can well 
accord, although the gift by grace , and a purchafc by 
our works can never bee reconciled ; The receiving of 
the bounty doth not at all impeach die. fivcnefs.ol the 
gift, and belceving is but receiving. 
-, 2 But then fccondly>Thc Sinner, buying all the good 

ftion^ the" which wee need from Chrift upon gracious terms, this 

j rice or value aflcitton is to bee Ullderftood ill An offofitton unto the 
t/our works, price or value of our Works, unto all the merit and dig- 
nity of than, unto any composition by them, untoa- 
nycompenfuion by 'wxi lor them, you do buyallDf 


Chap, 5 Thoft gracious terms explained; z jj 

Chrift upon gracious terms* without money, aod with- 
out price (that i^) Chrift doth not compound with you 
upon working, hec doth not fell unto you for your 
works fake, but for his own fake, not for yoarwor- 
thinefs, but for his own : you can lay down nothing , 
that hath merit ink, or rccompenfe in it, that hath 
anfwerable value, or that hath<any value in it, yet he 
will (ell, and y.oamaybuy all or him; In this lenfeis 
the point to bee underftood, viz,, in oppofition to any 
work of a Sinner, nay, to any thing in a Sinner, which 
is looked on as a Reafon, as a merit, as a confideiu* 
tfoa for which he gains any good from Chrift,. 


UN Chrift upon gpeious terms, 1 (ball clear unto you Thlstrutlr 
by Scripture, and by inftances. cleared. 

i This Affertiori is evident for the truth of it by the 

Scriptures Rev. 31.6./ will give to him that is a tbirft By S«riptai&« 

of the water of life freely. Rev. **• 17. Let him that is a- 
tbirft) ceme-i and whafoever wiH % let him take the water 
of bf* freely: Are njt here gracious terms, you arc 
athirft :~you long for water, yea for water of life 1 
why come, I will give it you; and I wiS gjve it to you 
freely, it is enough you tnirft for it, come and take ic 
freely; nay you would come, you are willing to havc.it> 
and you canfhew nothing elic;why, that (hall carry 
it (whofocver will, let him take .the waters of life freely^ 
Eph.s, ^. By grace je e are fovedyVetf/J. That in the am 
ges tocomehee might fhew the exceeding riches of hit 
grace. In his k^ndnefs. towards us, through Chrijl Je' 
fuS) verf. 8. For by grace ane yes faved through Faith, and 
that not of your fives y it is the gift; of God, verf. p. Not of 
works lea ft any man jhovldboaJr,.MjLvk here, th&Ephefi-* 
ans were faved by grace, whatfoever mercy and good they 
had, they had it upon gracious terms, and fo All mem 
in future.ages are faved by Grace. They com: to enjoy, all 

Gg 3 by 

*54 Ikefe graciou* terms cleared by inflances .Chap- 5 

by Grace, not by works :yea,their very Faith by which 
they come to enjoy , that is a fruit ofc grace, it is freely 
given, Titus 3. 5. Not by -works of righteoufnejfe which 
wee have done, but according to his mercy hee faved us > 
(that it) freely upon gracious terms. 
By'an indufti- * This truth may bee yet more cleared by inftances : 
onoftbemoft Lctus(if you pleafe) make zwluduBion, a Lift, A 
principal Catalogue, at lead of the moft principal good things 

thicp a Sinner w fcck a for Sinner doth need, and would have, and then 
obferve upon what terms they are to bee had , you 
(hall finde that all of them are to bee had upon very gra- 
cious terms. 
Chrifthfmfdf x Hee " eeiis chri ft him f elf 1 O. ! a Chrift is the great 
' want, the fpecial defire, and the onelyhelp of a poor 
Sinner; Now Chrift himfelf is to bee had upon gra- 
cious terms: Hee is the Gift of God, hee is freely given 
by God, and as hee gave himfelf freely for us, fo hec 
giveshimfelffreelytous, Hof 2. 19. / will marry thee 
temyfelf in loving kjndneffes and mercies , Rev. 3. 20. If 
any mam will efen the door, I wiU come in And fup with 
The love of * Hee needs and craves the Love of God hU reconci- 
6cd and hi$ led favour, and upon what terms is that to bee had?fure- 
f,™ Bcilcd ft " ly upon gracious terms, Hof. 14,4. J will love them free- 
fy, Deut. 7. 7# The Lord did not fet his love upon you, nor 
choofe youjjecaufe you were more in number than any peo- 
ple} for you were thefewefi of all people, verfc 8. But be- 
caufe the Lord loved you ; Hcc loved you, becaufc hee 
loved you : where love is the onely rcafon of love > 
there that love is altogether gracious* Lzek. 16 .6 .when 
J pa(fedbythee,audfawthee-pollutcd in thine oven bloody I 
faid unto thee, five, jea % I fat d unto thee when thou waft 
in thy bloud, live, vcrf 8. Wjw when I pa fed by thee, 
and looked upon thee, behold, thy times was the time of 
love. Here was a moft unlovely objeft, a people pol- 
luted in their own bloud, and yet this was the time 
of Gods love to them: The more unlovely and loath- 
fomc the Sinner is, the more gracious is the love of God 
ihewed toward hirn. 3 He 


Chap, ft he fe gracious terms cleared by inftances. 2)5 

2 Hee needs the pardon and rtmtjfton of all hit finnes, The pardon 
and upon what tennis may that bee had? upon gra- ^iihTfST' 
cious terms, Rom. 3. 24. Being jufiified freely ft/ his 
grace, Rom. 5. 16. The free gift is of many e fences to 
juftification,fciph, 1.7. In whom wee have redemption 
through his blond, the forgivenefs ofottr ft nuts according 
totherichesof his grace, Col. 2. 13. Having for given) on 
(the word lignifies freely >or gracioufly tqrgiven you) 
alitrefpaffes. _• .*- . . 

4 HccnccdstherighteoufnefsofChifr to Uft if ye him, ^f^ 
and upon what terms Is that to bee had ? furely upon 

gracious terms, altogether gracious, Rom* 5. 17. The/ 
which receive abundance of (jrace, and of the gift of 
righteoufnefe, (ha// raign in life by one Jefus Chrijf, verf, 
2 [. As Jin hath raigncd unto death, even fa might grace 
raign through right eoufnefs unto eternal /tfe by Jefus Qhrift 
our Lord. 

5 Hee needs Holincjfe, And upon what terms may Ho,in€i k* 
that bee had ? verity upon terms as free as gift, and what 

is more free than gift? E^e^6 t i6. A new heart will! 
give you, Luk» 1 1 . 1 3* Tour heavenly father will fyvt his 
holy Spirit to them that aikhim 9 . 

6 He needs ffiritna I f<?w^rr/ } refrefhings>and tafts>and Spiritual com- 
upon what terms are thefc to be hadpfeeRtv.-7.17. I wiU to t$ 5 refre{h- 
give him to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give hima **& s > am * ta ^ s< 
white ft§ne,and in the Bane a new »am',which no man know - 

eth faving he that receiveth it % Surely the hidden manna , 
and the white ftone, and the knowledge of our names 
written in that {tone, do contain the fweeteft and the 
moft comfortable of all our fpiritual comforts. . 

7;. What (hall I fay more? hee needs and de fires e- E . ^ 
ternal ///<r,everlafting happinefs the crown of life: But up- lCma 
on what terms is this to bee had ?. upon the fame graci- 
ous terms, Rom* 6.21. The wages offinne is death (if the: 
wages of fin is death, fin deferves no lefs r Death is the 
juft price of it: But what is the price for heaven i)iut 
thegifrof God is eternal life through Jcfns G&*jf **r L ° r & 


l$6 The/e gracious terms demonftraud^Chzp. y 

Death and Hell you have upon your finning, But eter- 
nal life you have upon giving, Therefore kith Chrift in 
Rcv.l. \o*I will give thee a crown of lift. — . Andthus 
you fee the truth of the after tion is t made good by Scrip- 
ture, and by particular inftances. 


3 ¥ Shall now indeavour(in the third place)to demonftrat*. 
. » t he fame by feveral arguments(™*.) That all that peer 

coElftrate dinners do need (may tee had of Qhrifl J>c bcUght of Cbrift y 
ihit all may upon gracio H4 terms^ 
be had of Six things demonftrate it, 

Chrift upon i The Sinners infufficiency. 

^raciomrcrmi. 2 His unworthinefe. 

5 The incoofiftance of any other way of -trading widi 


4 The invaliublenefe of the commodities* 

5 The quality of the contract. 
€ The work of the feller. 

From the Sin- x The Sinners in Efficiency : What is a Sinner, or 
ners infuffici- wliat hath hee to trade withall ? Hee is a poor,empty, 
^Qr* wretched, miferable nothing, Luke 7« 4*. Nothing to 

fay. Rev. 3 , 17. What I am (laid Paul) 1 am by the grace 
of God. Take him in himfelf (without, the bounties of 
Grace) Hee is nodiing, and hath nothing, and can do 
nothing, and can bring nothing : Hee is as poor as Jot 
on the dung-hill*, as miferable as Lazarus at the rich mans 
docr y as Impotent as t Joe Creeple by the pool: if the Lord 
ihouldbinde him to the condition of works, he fhould 
never befct up again : Hee is utterly broken, is with- 
out all ftrength; Hee is a perfect objett of meer mer- 
cy. He cannot (of himfelf) lay down one good work, 
not a prayer, not a tear, not a defirc* not a will, not a 
thought* And therefore if there bee any buy ing for him 
at Chrifts hands, itmuft be upon gracious terms : Sinful- 
neffc,&: infufficicncy,and miierablcnefs do neceffitace,ei- 
ther our total ruine,or clfe our helps upon gracious terms 

. 2 Ha 

Chap . 5 Ik/* gracious terms demonjlrated. z «7^ 

~~TH^V^h^P, fin makes us **W>; ~o7 the ^f*^^ 
leaft of 'mercies ', and more oifpiritual mercies : A bin- th Iilc (f e# 
ner is Worthy of nothing, but (bame and eonfufion, Dan, 
p. 7 . But P*«*6, -R^w: 6. There is no worthineffe. 

1 In His per f on, he is loathfome and vile. 

2 111 His works, we Ate all as an andean thing$x\& all 
our rightemfnefs are as filthy rags ^Ifa.64.6. lam not wor- 
thy faid Jacob, Not north], faid the Centurion^ Not worthy , 

laid the Prodigal ' . . ". From the in- 

3 1 he mconfiffency of another -way of Trading with cenflfUncyo t 
Chrijt unlefs upon gracious terms, The Sinner trades one- ano t her way 
lyat the mcr cy ieat, at the Covenant of grace:. The way of tradipg 
of maj^s works and Gods grace are incoiififtent. Grace with Chr»it. 
were not grace if it Were not altogether gracious, Rom. 

\\j6.If by grace f hen it is no more of works >etherwife grace 
is no moregrace,but if it be ofworkjfhcn it is no moregr*ce y 
exherwife workjs no more »wr^,Rom.4.4.7a him that workr 
eph it the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. If you 
trade with Chrift upon your own works,you utterly o- 
verthrow the grace of God in Chrift; nay,indeed you pull 
down Chrift: and the trading with him,you fct up a trade 
of works which is taken down by the grace of Chrift. 

4 Theinvaluabltnefs of the Commodities, The things F romt hem- 
which you are to buy of Chrift are above price,and there- Yaluabiencfs 
fore muft bee bought without price. You may fay of the of < h e commo- 
graces and mercies by Chrift; what J*Kpake of Wii- dilks ' 
dome, 7^ 28. 15* It cannot bee gotten for gold, neither 

(hall Silver bee weighed for the price thereof, verf. 16. It 
cannot bee valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious 
Onix or the S aphir, verf. 17. The Gold and the Chryftal 
cannot equal it, and the Exchange of it (ball not bee for Jew- 
els of fine Gold, verf. 18. No mention [hall bee made of 
Coral or of Pearls-) for the price of Wif dome is Above Rubies^ 
VCr[»\9.1be7opaz, of Ethiopia fhall noteqttaltt y neither- 
fbaUit bee valued with pure gold'- Take any one grace, 
or mercy, and ofter to lay down to the price and value 
of it; why? what you can lay dowr^comes as fhort of 
the worth of it, asaftraw doth to the worth ofthemoft 

H h pre- 

258 Why Chrift deals uptn gracious f«w*Chap. 5 

precious Diamond : if you trade with works, then you 
mull: come up to the full value of grace and mercy, but 
this the Sinner can never reach,wherfore his buying mull 
needs bee upon gracious terms, 
from the 5 The qHflUtj of the com raft : Mark it well>how Chrift 

quality of ibe contra&s w ith you ? what hee ties you unto, what he 
«ontiaft. requires of you, furely nothing but that which clearly 
fhews that you buy without money, and without price: 
hee bids you to ask^ and hee bids you to beleeve-, and 
thefe do plainly tell you that you may and do buy upon 
gracious terms, begging, and trufting,do inform you, 
that your injoyments are free and gracious, 
Irom ihc 6 T ^ e wor ^ °f^ e s ^ cr - There are three things ^hich 

woik$ of the Chrift (of whom poor Sinners come to buy) is to 
feller. do* 

i He is to find all that they do need* 
a Heistofindethemall upon his own proper cofts 
and charge, 

3 Hee is to give all unco them , Now — if Chrift be 
to finde thcrighteoufnefs,thc holincfs, the mercy that 
you need. — If Chrift bee at the charge of all, upon his 
own all-fufficiency and merits to provide all for you ~, 
If Chrift gives you all this, if it bee not your purchale but 
his gift, thenunqueftionably poor Sinners do* and may 
buy of Chrift upon gracious terms. 


*wfon$ of ic. 

<2*'£4 VT 7Hy Chrift doth fell, and poor Sinners do 

VV buy of Chrift upon gracious terms, 

Sol. The Reafons arc thefe 

, . 1 It is thu gracious way of tradingfthich brings in cuf- 

wft™ «u£ "»w**'*ar# § Attthc goodncfe and fiilncfim Chrift 

Chrift. would not bee motives enough to draw Sinners to 

Chrift, were the gracioufnefs of the condition left out.* 

tell a Sinner that nghteoufiefs may bee had in Chrift, 

and forgiveneffc may bee had by Chrift , and all that 

tec needs is to bee had from bino* But withall ttU him 


Chap. Why Cbrtft deals upongracious termes. 250 

you muft bring mony with you, you ^ mull: lay down 
tomething of your own to pay for all this; Oh this breaks 
the heart of a poor finner I Then lam undone, faith 
hee, andniy condition is hopeleiTe; 'chc treafures are 
precious, but the door is (hut, and I have no key to open 
it. Poor beggars have not to pay for rich wares: But 
report unto finners, (Thrift hath all that your poor fouls 
do need, and hee calls upon you to buy of him, and 
you may trade with him without mony, and without 
price; though you bee not worthy, though you can bring 
nothing, though you bee unworthy of all, yet you may 
have all upon as free termes as ever Beggar had his almes: 
you may have himfelf freely, and his Righteoufiiefle 
freely, and his Spirit freely, and all pardoning mercies 
freely: Why this bowes the hearts of poor finners, this 
melts^ their ncarts, this draws in their hearts to (Thrift; 
this is a good Chrift indeed , a merciful (Thrift 
indeed, a kinde and gracious Chrift indeed ; wee 
blefle him fordiis, wee will come in, to buy of him, 
who fells all upon fuch termes : O firs 1 They are the 
gracious termes of Chrift, which make the wares of 
Chrift to go off, which anfwer all the doubts of your 
fouls, which do perfwade and overcome poor finners, 
to come and buy of Chrift (This is beft for both par- 
ties;) itiseafieft for the buyer, andmoft gainful for the 
fella*, Chrift elfc could have no praife, neither fhould 
hee have any cuftome. 

2 It is this gracious way of trading which fets *p !£•*£", up 
Chrtft alone, and f*Us down the Sinner. JSfc d"wn 

I This fees out the Love of Chrift indeed, and the the finner. 
goodnefs and bounty of Chrift indeed, and in the height of This fcrs out 
his glory. Hee alone fits now in the Throne of Glory, Chrift in his 
wh^> gives all alone out of the Throne of Grace t 1 Cor. I. e ° ry * 
30. But of him are yon in Chrift Jefm , who of God ie made 
unto us wifdome,andrighteoufne(je, and /attttificationy and 
redemption, verf. 3 1. That hee that glertetb-, may glory in 
the Lord. 

Five things do fet out the glory of his love, and good- 
neffe. Bh a 1 To 

26c W% Qhrijt deals upon gracious terms. Chap. 5 

1 To give himfelf for us. 2 To bear all for us. 
3 To pur chafe all forus. 4 To give Himfelf to us. 5 To 
give us all that wee need freely; this is a loving and 
good Chrifl: indeed. 

2 // fulls down all glory ivg in our J 'elves ', and bo aft ing of 
dowVall glory- OUrfelveS, £/>/*/: 2. p. What baft thon that thou didft net 
ing in our receive} Now if thou didft receive it , -why doft tho* 
/elver, glory, as tf thou hadft not received it } J Cor. 4. 7. Be- 
loved , there is nothing whatfoevcr which doth more fet 
out the Riches of Chr ill, and the mifcrable poverty of a 
finner, than free grace. It fets all that wee have upon 
Chrifts fcore and account-, wee were beholding to Chrill 
alone for all, wee had perilled > had it not been for him, 
had hec not fain as low as nicer compaflion, as mccr 
mercy, as very giving, as very grarioufnefle, wee had 
never been recovered. 

3 Chrifts defign is to repair poor flnners in away of 
Thufetsup Faith; Hce fets up Bcleevmg to bee the finucrs way of 
Faith Iteup trading* and FaU h fets up free grace - here is free giving, 
tree Gr?ce. and free receiving : whatfoevcr Faith layes hold on, it. 

looks on it as a free gift. Faith brings nothing to Chrifl: 
but Chrifl-; Faith challcngeth nothing from Chrift, but 
for Chrifl:. 
Thi IstHc ^ Chrifts gracious termes are the way to breed Faith y 

wa^toWreed 2nd to eft abli[h faith : Faith can never bee found out of 
foitb, and to c- our works, but only out of free grace : If the Lord 
fcblkhic. (houldfay, I will fa ve you for your own perfect Righ- 
tcoufnclTc, and I will forgive you your fins, if you will 
bring mec works, if you can bring mec works which can 
defcrve them, Faith would never bee raifad, or fetled 
up jn thefe termes- No, no, Faith is neither raifed, nor 
fetled, but upon free Grace : It could not fettle upon 
Chrifl: himfelf, unlefTc hee were freely offered, and free- 
ly "given; nor can it fettle on mercy, were not merjey 
to bee had freely. 


Chap. 5 Gd/ptl Encouragements to poor $ inner s. zSi 


Ufe 1 T"\Oth Chrift fell, and may finncrs buy'of 
\*J Chrift,on gracious tcrmes? may they have 
all from Chrift, without mony, and without price ? Oh 
what admirable newesis this ! and -what [wgularincou- 
ragements fhovld this bee to poor difirejfed finxerjj This is Incourage- 
the golden Scepter, this is Gofpel-incouragements to nwnrsrodr 
poor finners from Chrift. m ' circd *■« 

There are feven Encouragements for fpiritually poor 
and diftreffed finners. 1 That there is a Jefus Chrilh 
2, Tha t Jefus Chrift hath all good which their poor fouls 
do need. I That Jefus Chrift hatbkinde thoughts to- 
wards them, his bowels yerne over them, and are trou- 
bled for them. 4 That hee only intends to help and re- 
lievcthem. 5 That hee fends unto them, and calls them 
by name to come unto him, and afliiresthem that hee is 
willing to trade with them. 6 That hee is earneft with 
them to take of him all the^race, and mercy, and com- 
fort , and good, of which they are deftitute,come and buy, 
7 That they may have all that good from him upon as 
reafonable termes as your hearts can defire * Ask poor 

Why / would you not have alt the good Chrift hath 
to fell ? ' O Lord wee would ! will this- prevail with you, 
to take from Chrift as much as you need, and to make 
your own condition and price for them all } it would; 
and what conditions would you make/ Alas ! wee are 
poof finne£s, : wee have nothing,, and deferve nothing, if 
wee might have all for nothing, elfe wee cannot buy : 
Why here the Lord Jefus yeeldeth unto you, come and 
buy \Ytne, And Milkj**thout mony, and without price; what 
fhould hinder you poor finners from comming and buy- 
ing, H<?£. 4. 1 6, £et us therefore come boldly fim 9 the 
Throne of Grace, that wee may obtain mercy, an J find* Grace 
tohetyintimeofneed: Becaufe it is a Throne of Grace, 
therefore wee may come boldlv : A "nncr can come to 

Hh a no 

z6% Comfirt in that Chrift JeBs freely. Chap. 5, 

no Throne, but that of Grace with boldneffe, hec would 
bee upbraided, itfhamed, reje&ed: But unto that 
( though hee bee a Cnner ) yet hee may boldly come, hee 
may come with confidence* 

Two things may incourage any (inner to come confi- 
dently to Chrift, and to buy of him. 

One is, when Chrift puts no bar in comming; Ano- 
ther is, when Chrift removes every (tumbling block out 
of his way: both of thelc are done by Chrift, when hec 
faith, Ceme And buy without mony, And without price; 
7 here is nothing to obftrtttt the way, for hee faith, comt And 
buy, and here is all to mAke the way plain and e*fie> for hee 
faith, come And buy without mony, &c. It matters not 
what you have been, though you have been, exceeding ly 
fnfuly yet you may finde mercy to pardon many (111s, 
great fins, all fins; and all upon gracious termes : It mat- 
ters not how unworthy you are, how utterly unde[erving\ 
you may have all upon gracious termes* It matters hot 
how wca^And iufufficient you are, you may come to 
Clu*ift,andothimbuy all upon gracious termes? Wtlt 
thou bee mAde whole, faid Chrift to the impotent man } fo 
faidi Chrift to a poor diftreffed (inner, wilt thou bee con- 
tent that I give thee alL that I freely give thee all ? O 
what a Chrift is this ! O what an encouragement is this 
far you to come and buy of Chrift ! 
Corofom from J cannot yet paffc off from the life, becaufc it con- 
rhij,tharai[tK c ccrns diftrelTed fouls : There are five comforts and fup- 
faic'sof ciuift ports unto you, that all the Sales of Chrift are free, arc- 
arc free. upon gracious termes . 

His gracious 1 tiis grAcious fales Are your lively hopes : Never could 

files arc your finncrs have found * doer of Hope, ifChrift had not open- 

Urciy bopct. ed ad oorof grace 9 The moft mifcrable and indigent 

(inner, hath hope to fpecd,when free Grace is the hand ro 


* His gracious fales Are your fufffeientfleAe : when you 

Your fufficicm can ^ ew nothing to prevail for mercy* but free Grace , 

pleai. this will prevail: Thou halt faid, thou wilt love mee 

freely, that thou wilt forgive mee freely; O fave mee 


C ha p. J>. Co w ort in t bat C brift Jells freely. 1 6 3 

for thy mercies fake I for the Lords fake I for his names 
fake I this is all your plea, and this will bee an effec'teal 

3 His gracious fales arc your full anfvrers to all that Sa- Yom fullair; 
tan can object, and to all that your consciences can v ob- fwers. 
je£t, and to all that your unheleeving hearts can object: 
you have been thus and thus finful, O ! but mercy is to 
bee had freely; you are ungodly, O I but Righteouf- 
neffe is to bee had freely; you are worthy of nothing; 
O! but Chrift fells freely; you are nothing but want 
and poverty. O i but Chrift fells all freely. 

4 His gracious fales are your real payments : As wee fay Your'real Pay- 
of love, it is wages to it felf, fo may we affirm of Ghrifts mcnti. 
gracioufnefle, it is a payment unco it felf, you may take 
up wbatfoever you neeaV and call for, and the 

fracioufueffe of Chrift defrayes all for you, payes for 
lighteoufheffe) Love> Forgiveneffe. 
5 His gracious fales axe your only conveyances- you > may Your only 
have wliat you will from: Chrift, if you will take it up- conveyance* ; 
on gracious termes, you may have any thing from him 
for receiving, and you (hall have nothing of him,if 
you will bee deferving; you have bought, if you bee con- 
tent freely to receive. 

SECT. Vt. 

Ufe % *K /T Ay all that finnersdoneed bee bought of 

IVlChrift upon gracious termes (without mo- ^ 7 tfeen ° 
ny, and without price) Why 1 then, why doth not the wjeluTcbift! 
Kingdom* of Heaven fuffer violence ! rrhy do notfmncrs 
run unto Jefus Chrift \ Why do wee not by multitudes 
flock unto the Throne of Grace ! ifafreedoal is to bee 
bellowed amongft a company of poor beggars, how do 
they make hafte, how do they run, how do they ftrive 
to come near the door ! how do they crjr out, take no- 
tice of mec, remember mec, I am very poor>and our chil- 
dren will bee ftarved. Thus wee will out for a doal of 
Bread, prior fix-peace, or for two-pence; and yet Chrift 

• cries 

264 The finfulntjfe of rtfufwgfuch gracious terms SZhtp 5 

cries cut to tinners , you are poor and mifcrable men, 
and you will perifh, it you have not my felf, and my 
Righteoufnclle, and Mercy, and Spirit; come to mee, 
and I wiil help you to all thatihall fave your poor fouls, 
and you ihall have it freely, and it (hall coil you no- 
thing : Nevertheleffe 1 inner s ftand oft, they come not 
in to Chrift; they will not come and buy ot Chrift, al- 
though hec fells all without mony, and without price. 
OSirs ! confider, confider how great this fin is ! confi- 
der how inexcu fable this fin is ! confider how condemning 
this Jin is! For Chrift to deal with Sinners upon graci- 
ous termes- this is the kj*dtjt way of dealing, and this 
is the chcapefi way of dealing, and this is the Jrvttiejt waj 
of dealing, and this is the tnojt affeftioxate and melting 
Tvaj of dealing, zndxbisisthc utter mojt and Uft w,ty of 
dealing. If free grace will not prevail with you, no- 
thing will prevail with you: how will you look Chrift 
in the face, in the day ofjudgement : How will you bee 
able to ftand before God : what can you have to anfwer 
for your felves, when Chrift fhall ftand forth and chal- 
lenge you, and accufe you? Father! Thefe are the Sin- 
ners that fleighted and refufed mee, they were informed 
of their great mifcry v and of thy great mercy .* Thou 
did fend mee out of thy tender love and compaflion to 
die for them, and to purcjiafe all good for them. It 
coft mee my life to procure mercy, and peace, and fal- 
vation; and I called upon them to come to mee, and to 
buy ot mcc, and to take off from my hands all the good 
that their fouls did need, and I offered them all this as 
freely, as gracioufnefle could make a tender, I did not 
put hard termes upon them> I did not exa& any 
more from them, but to come unto mee, and freely 
to receive mercy, freely to take my righteoufneflc, and 
freely to accept offal vation, and yet they fleighted thy 
frec^race. For the Lords fake confider what you do, 
and bee more fcrious under theGofpel, for your poor 
fouls, the free Grace of God in Chrift, as it is now the 
fwecteft Argument to bring in your fouls* fo it will bee 


Ckap. 4* TbefoBy, of trading with our own works. 26$ 

the heavieft inditement hereafter,to lhame and condemn 
your fouls. 

SECT. Vlf. 

Vfe$ r>Oth Chrift fell, and muft Sinners buy of The fbify of 

JLx Chrift upon gracious terms, Then behold trading with 
here the folly of Sinners who will not know when they our own woiks 
are well offered) and well ufed. 

Chrift would ufe them kindly, and they will not bee 
foufcd: Hee would fell unto them freely; and they 
like not gracious terms. The Hebrew Servant might 

fo out freely in thejrw ofjuloile, but hee had rather 
ee a Slave : So Chrift would fell freely unto Sinners, 
but they would rather buy of him upon fleight terms .: 
Buy faith Chrift, without money, and without price. 
No but they will buy with money , and with price, they 
will come with mony in their hands , with fomething 
of their own, orelfcyou fhall not perfwade them to 
come and buy of Chrift. Though Jofeph returned 
back his brethrens money in their faekji yet they come 
aqain with more monys to bny food. Though Chrift dif- 
avows anddifclaims all our goodnefle, and all our 
works, yet (till wee are harping upon them, and this 
muft we be, and this wee muft bring to Chrift,or elfe wc 
muft not buy of him. 

There are four things which I would fhew unto you 
from this ufe. 

1 There is a ftrong propenfion inSinners to trade up- 
on their own works* 

2 That there is an exceeding doubtfulnefs and jea- 
loufy in them to buy of Chrift upon gracious 

3 The peculiar caufe of both thefe. . There i* a 

4 The extream folly and vanity ofthiswayoftni- ftrong incli- 
ding upon our own works. nadonin fin- 

I There is 2ift rong propenfion and inclination in Sinner i to ncrs to trs 
trade upon the terms of their own worki, Ifaiah 58. Wherfore "j? "^ " 
have wee faftedj is not this evident in the Jeyrs} who wor ks* 

I i would 


i66 The folly of trading with our own works. Chap. 5 


would not feek a Right ecu fne fe by faith, but by the 
work* of the Law, and faith the Apofdc, Theyftumbled 
At the ftumblmg ftone m , Rom. 9. 32. and cap. 10. 3. They 
going about to eftabliftj their oven rightceufnejfe, have 
not fubmitted t hem fe Ives unto the Right eon fneffc of God. 
Is not this evident in Popery, where works are fo mag- 
nified y that for their fakes wee come to merit grace, and 
iorgivenefs, and cverlafting glory. 

But to let thefe, and aU ignorant Proteftants pafs, let 
mee fix onely upon poor diitreffed and troubled Sinners. 
There frail you finde this kinde of trading very feriouf- 

ly kept up : They cannot eadly bee taken oft. 

7 heir fears, their comfUnts^ their indeavoms^ (hew 
that they do trade upon works ; O wee have been fo 
linful t and wee are fo unworthy ! O wee are not hum- 
bled enough ! O but our hearts are not yet changed I O 
but wee do fo little ! O but Chrift will not look up- 
on fuch wretches ! O but we muft bee better fitted and 
prepared: O butfurely there is fomething more which 
Chrift doth expeft! O but could we make our hearts 
thus and thus ! O but had wee this, and could wee do 
that, then would wee confidently cxpecT: mercy. 

Be 1 loved , It is a difficult work to quit our works ? 
to trade another way than in the old covenant of works , 
it needs the work of the Law, and the work of con- 
fciencc, and the work of the Spirit, all of them together y 
to rafc our felf-foundations, to pull down the opi- 
nion of our own Righteoufneffe* to ftrip our felves of 
our felves. 

2 There is An exceeding doubt ft* inefs and jea/ou/y in 
Sinners, that ihey may not buy of Chrift upon gracious 

There are two things at which cfpecially poor Sin- 
ners do flick (even) after they have broken through ma- 
ny other fears and doubts. 

1 Oncistbe peculiar intentions of Chrift: But Chrift 
means not mee, but Chrift yet is not willing to receive 
mee, todomyfoulgood > tobeftowallthis laving good 
upon my foul. a Ano* 

There is n 
jn (inner* *"! 
they may not 
bay upon §**" 
cious tcrrm« 

Of the pe- 
culiar intenti- 
ons ot Chrifl. 

Chap. J The folly of trading with our own works* 267 

2 Another is ^<f gracious cajitnUtlons of Cbrift, this Of his gracious 
is the laft, and this is the hardeft of all the poor Sinners • a P^ Iaaon *- 
doubts> and tears, and exceptions ; When you have 

cleared all the reft, yet this remains in great ftrength. 

O it canine bee ! what ? Mercy, all mercy, and all lovei 

and every grace, aud every comfort, and every laving 

good,freely ? Why ? I have been an exceeding trani- 

greffor, and I ebferve hell, and God is righteous, and 

tnere are fo many threatnings of God againft mee, and 

juftice rauft and will bee fatisfied , and yet I may have 

all freely. Though I can fay nothing bux^Gedbee merci* 

fultoMee a Sinner, though 1 can plead nothing but,y*v* 

mee for tbj mercy fake > Though I can (hew nothing but 

reafons why Chriftfhould loath mee, and yet all to bee 

had freely without money and without price ; muft I 

lay down no money to buy love , who have forfeited 

lovei no money to pay^whoarn fo much in debt: nothing 

ot my own wortfiinefs ior all this which is of infinite 

worth ? Who can beleeve this chat the ]*ft (W,will bee 

fo kinde, that the Holy God, will bee fo good to Sinners, 

What? and are allmy troubles of no worth? and are all 

my tears of no worth ? and are all my prayers of 

no worth? an i are all myfervices of no worth? 

and are all my pains and* labour of no worth ? Can 

they not make up any thing for payment ? what nothing 

at all ? have I not got any thing for their fakes ? and 

muft I never expeS to get any thing for their fakes ? O 

but ftill I fear, 1 fear, it 1 look 'on my felf, I fear that in - 

deed I cannot pay to the worth of mercy ,and yet if I look 

on mercy f I fear whether I may have it at fo cheap a rate, 

as gracioufnefs : if I fettle my confidence on my works, 

fhouldlnot perifli, and if I venture onely on free grac; 

and mercy, fhould I certainly bee fafe. O how long doth 

the poor Sinner ftrive to finde fomething in hirnfelf, and 

then how long doth hee lye trembling twixt his own 

works and (Thrifts free grace, and then how long ere he _ h .. 

will venture all upon Cnrifts gracioufnefle alone ? caufeof both 

3 What ffcoula the reafons of both thefe bee} I will pre - fak. 
lent a few unto vou. lit i The 

268 TbefoSy of trading with our own works. Chap,f 

The Sinner 
thcugh Poor>is 

And ignorant. 

A'^dapt ro 
mifoke in this 
fpirittul tra- 

i The Sorter though he is Pocr^ycthccisprottdj - and 
that gracious trading is cxtreamly contrary to our proud 
hearts. Aproudperfon would bee fome'body, and free 
Grace makes nothing of him, hee thinks highly of him- 
fclf , and free grace tells him plainly, that hee is a begger- 
ly wretch* 

2 As the Tinner is poor, fo he e is ignorant. Hee is igno- 

i Cfhimfelf hee fees perhaps that hee is poor, but 
hee doth not fee that hee is utterly poor : Hee fees per- 
haps many wants, but hee doth not fee that hee is no- 
thing but wants, a little hee thinks hee hath m oi his 
own to buy withal,, and a little ftiare in his falta- 
tion. . 

a OfChrifl ,that the price to be laid down for all our 
I, is onely in C hrifts hands, that paiments and (atif- 
ions, and purchafings upon price ,are proper to Chrift. 
die Saviour oi iinncrs, Rom, 10.3. They being ignorAnt 
of Cods righteoufnefsy md going about to eftabl/ft their ow* 
right e onjnefs t &c k 

3 Of the necejfary Conditions of the CotexAnt of 

3 The Sinner is very <*\t to mtfltkj in this fpiritua/trad- 
ing : Hee takes mean to bee c*ufes, and duties to, 
bec dii»ities : God bids him pray, and laves that hee 
will hear, hee bids him ask, and then fayes that he will, 
give, hee bids him mourn, and (ayes that then hee 
ii.all have comfort, hee bids him conrcilc and forlake his 
fins, and (ayes that then hee fliall have mercy; hee bids 
him bclecvc, and fays then hee (hail have peace • Now 
all thefe means, and all thefe duties the Sinner frequent- 
ly looks upon as caufes and dignities : hee thinks God 
hears, andanfwers, and gives tor their fakes.* becaufe 
without thefe hee cannot enjoy mercy, and comfort, and 
peace; Therefore hee thinks that hee doth enjoy 
them tor thefe; whereas ihcfe are but wayes and means; 
but Chriil alone, is the rcafon, or the dignity, or mcrito- 
noib caufc of all our enjoyments. 

4 The 

Chap, 5 ike folly of trading with mr own works . i6 $ 

4 The -Sinner (naturally) U defittute of faith , and And deftiuire 
therefore it hee trades at all, hee wilLbee trading with of fiith * 
his own money : Unbeleef either keeps us at home, or 
goes our with money , will not bee perfwaded offuch 
a goodneffe, love, wiilingnefie, gracioufneffe,that grace 
will be at all the coft : Onely faith knows the worth 
and the ; way of trading with the free grace of God in 

4 But now in the laft place , behold the vanity and T h e van ; t y 
folly ofaU this. The way of trading with Chrift upon and folly ot all 
any other than gracious terms : *** 

It i> i impomble. 

2 Contrary. 

3 Fruit lefs aiid ridiculous . 

4 Perplexing. 
5 ! Pernicious. 

i Jf is imfoflible.— If you would buyupon the wor- T t , s i mpo tf&i e 
thineiTeof your' own works, then you mult go un- 
to the worth of grace, and mercy, and glory-, and 
you miift give for them as much as Chrift gave for them, 
No lelTe would ferve for this purchafe than the 
precious bloud of Chrift. Is it poffibic for a Sin- 
ner to lay down tieh a price as Chrift iiimfelf 
<Ud ? 

Again, ] it is impofiible for a Sinner to buy* upon the 
price of his own works, yea, upon the beft of his owa 
works, becaufe when hee hath done his "heft, hee hath 
done no more then hee fhould do, hee hath done .but his 
duty (and duty hath no defert in it ) nay. hee hath: not 
done fomuchasheeftioulddo, becaufe ouL\bdt. is* flioii 
and imperfect, and when hee hath done all, there as lb 
much evil going with our beft works, that if Chrift did 
notinterpofe, there would be found reaibn enough* not 
onqly of exception , but alfo of condemnation. There- 
for c^rfr<?;*w-as to hearths iniquitf.of the holy offerings 
and the Prayers of the Saints were offered Hp with in- 
cenfe, . 

Ii 3 * It 

27 o The folly of trading with our own works. Chap. 5, 

It ii contrary. z It is * quite contrary way ^to buy upon any other than 
To chc purpofc ?*f gracious terms : it is contrary u thepurpofe of God, 
of God * or "^ ^ P ur P°^ e co uvc nnners °y grace : 

To the love cf It is contrary to the love of God in giving of Chriftand 
God. thereby to let open the throne of grace for Sin- 

To;hs facii- hiscontrwy tothc fatisfattion of Chrift, and his me- 
enroll ° f r * tS; tna t fo all might be made gracious unto us. 
To'i'hc Gofpd lc ^ contrary /o f^ff Gofpel of Chrift, which pulls down 
oiCfaiifl. the covenant of works, and fets up the covenant of 

To the nature It is contrary to the nature of all fpiritual mercies , which 
of all Spiritual a re the gifts of God in Chrift. 

ToaUtbc Rio- * c ' iS conttai 7 t0 *ll the glory. of God, and of Chrift: your 
rv°cf 6od and worthiness, your payments would deprive him of his 
Chrift. glory which is this, The Lord, The Lord, merciful and 

gractous, Exod.%^ 
To the liberty It iscomxiry.to the liberty wherewith Chrift hath mado 
*heiewi h you f Y ee % It is but a returning from the land of promifc 
m3df h ouf.cc u»to the houfc of 'bondage, 

lt'is fruulcffe # & his fruitlefe and ridiculous : it is fruit leffe, if you 
and ridlcuKus. cometobuyof Chrift upon a price, or worth of your 
Own,he will never do you good:Thy mony pertfh with thee 
faid Peter to Simon Magus ; becaufe thou haft thought 
that the gift of God may bee purchafed with money >Att$.2o* 
Chrift keeps no market for workers, but for beleevers : 
you ofter nothing it you be not willing to receive what 
he offers you upon gracious terms. 

And It ridiculous : when a poor Sinner comes to 
Chrift and .conicilcch. before him that hec is a moll: miic- 
rabie wretched, undone, loh\ unworthy Sinner ,and tlut 
all his hopes are in him alone> if hee gives not help, hce 
mull ptrifh, and then draws his empty purfe: and he will 
trade with Chrift upon money and price, and hec will 
exped help aixl fupply for fome good that hec harh, or 
for fome good rhat he hath done, hee hath nothing, and 
yet hce will lay down fomething ; hec is unworthy , and 
yet hec will challenge ; tee comes to beg, and yet hce 


Ch*p1*ThifolIy of trading mtb our own works; 271 

will pay-* how abfurd and ridiculous is this ? ~"~ 

4 it u perplexing: your confcience can never bee fet- Itisperpfex- 
led or fatisfied, if you come to buy upon any but ,Bg< 
gracious terms ; You. have no promife that ever 

tiod will do you good for your own fake, nor can you 
ever bee refolved , here is now juft as much as will de- 
ferve mercy and falvation; I defire to reft on it as a fufti- 
cient reafon and recompence to God. 

5 It is permtr.tOHS ; it you pull down the graciouf- It is pernidon* 
nefs of Chrift, and will trade for all the good which 

your fouls do need upon the account of your own works, 
and worthinefTe, you do in eftecT: out-brave Chrift, and 
tell him that you do not count him a Saviour onely, 
and that you will not bee beholding unto him, nor will 

you bee laved by him Hee diat will bee faved by 

Chrift, muft bee faved by grace, and hee muft bee faveci 
by faith, anditfo, then not by works of his own: you 
canaot bee faved by both,if you will bee faved by Girift. 
then you cannot bee faved by your own works, and if 
you will bee faved by your own works, then you cannot 
bee (aved by Chrift: Surely hee that will not bee faved 
onely by Chrift, mat man fhall never be faved, but (hall: 
certainly perifh* 



al duties, 
as? tnen ice us *** '«/*t»«** . uuco lcverai jl/ii- 


1 To admire the exceeding goodnefs. And exceeding n- Admire the ex- 
ches of the rrace of Godwin his kindnefs towards us through ^ c ^ r r ^ f 
Jefns Chrift) And to Hefe him for it. — The Love of God q^ *jf££g£ 
is a precious love j and the mercy of God is precious mcr- Chrift. 
cy> and die Solvation of a Sinner, is a precious falvati- 
on. — And for God to give Jefus Chrift, by whom poor 
Sinners may have a lively hope to enjoy all faving good, 
to fet up fuch a new and living way .• 

171 Inftruftions from tkegracioujnefs ofChrift. Chap. 

O I This was exceeding kindnefle * tis great kind- 
nefs to lay up any good for iinkinde finners : tis exceed- 
ing kiodncile to lay up all good in Chnfl^ tor finners, and 
fo to make out unto them this poffibility to attain it : 
Butbefideall this* to make fuch conditions with poor 
finners, for the enjoyment of all this good , as no 
ways exceeds the capacity of -Sinners, nor excludes a- 
ny iiancr for his own inability , and infufticiencyjwhy? 
this is the exceeding riches of Gods grace : 

To prepare all faving good for a poor finner, To offer 
all this good unto him, and to give it : yea , to give it 

O what a good'God is our God , what a loving and 

kinde and exceeding kinde God is hee 1 to releafe poor 

linncrs frcm the old bond, to pafle by all his old tranf- 

greffions, to overlook all his unworthinefle, to exadl: 

no more from him? nay, nothing at all as a price, to 

make them- eternally happy upon gracious terms ; Is not 

this exceeding goodnefle and kindneile? Will good 

fatisfyc you? will faving good fatisfyeyou? will all 

faving good fatisfye you ? will the enjoyment of all 

faving good upon reafonablc terms fatisfyeyou? will 

the enjoyment of all upon giving terms, upon free and 

gracious terms,fatisfye you ? O then admire at the 

exceeding goodnefle of your God ! andblefs him for 

the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindnefTc to* 

wards you through Jefus Chrift. All that you want 

may bee had from Chrift ( whom Grace hath fent) 

upon gracious terms , upon them alone, upon .them 


Let nor any i Let not Any diftrefed^burdened, Thirfty, po'ar.fin- 

dinrcfledfia- ner defpair: You arc apt fo to do, but why? Is not the 

ncr defpair, j^j g rac i ous ? May not all bee fupplied upon free coft > 

( irSdoulhcfle : keeps the key oi all the trcafures y and 

Gmmdj of - r p |cr . j s a t | ironc f Grace, and it is altogether proper for 

the needv and unworthy ; and gracioufnefle is W price 

for all the kinds of good which you need, audit is the on* 

lypriec, and you may bee fully fatisficd that it is fo, 


Chip.} Jnftruftims fnm tbegracioufnefsofChrift. 273 

and therefore do not fear and defpair of help from 


1 Gradoufnefe keeps the key of all the treafury : nay, Gracioufnefle 
it is the key which opens the door, and which lets you toersthekey 
into all the mercies, and into the hopes of them: indeed ^ r thetrca * 
if your works, if your worthinefs were the key, you u y% 
Wowld bee (hut out , you could never have hope, but be- 

caufe gracioufnefle is the key> Therefore as no worthi- 
neffe of ours can open the door of mercy , fo no unwor- 
thineffe of ours can tlwt it: gracioufnefle excludes no Sin- 
ner, but the proud and full finner, 

2 Gr acton fneffe looks for no price at the Sinners hands^ . ■ 

it alwaies carries its own price with it, it is reafon e- \o*kl°ZTn* 
nough and flea enough for all your bleffings, and for all pr i C e at the 
your enjoyments. The gracious God will do you good Sinners hands. 
for his own fake,hee will forgive you for his own fake,he 
will love you for his own fake. 

5 the throne of Grace is purpofely fet up for you, as the The ihro nc of 
City of refuge t o flye unto : it is as proper an argumen t to Gr * cc * s P ur " 
hold up your hearts as theWifdome of Godcanfinde, ^J,. up 
and to remove all your fears and doubts.Thc pooreft and 
unworthieft finner may trade in the greateft markets 
for the greateft commodities upon gracious terms. 

j^Graciou fneffe is one price , and the onely price for all Gra [ ou / nefi - 
kjnds ofgoodwhich you need, you may havcChrift upon - ls t h c oncand 
free terms, and you may be juftified upon free terms; and onely price for 
you may have heaven it (elf upon free terms : This you all good, 
think you may have freely, and rjratyou think will bee 
done freely , I tell you all will be done rreelyiand all may 
be had freely; whatfoever a poor diftrenoTfinTre^oth 
want,and whatfoever God hath to give unto him, att of 
it is to bee had freely. 

5 jiUthis is a certain truth , it is not a comforta- ^II this IjV 
ble fittion or delufion invented by weak man : God him- certain truth, 
felt delivers it, Chrift himfelf affirms it, / will love them 
freely , Come and take of the water of life freely £ome and 
Buy without money and without price . 

Kk 6 And 

274 Inftruftions frttn the gracioujnejs of ££ri/hChap. 5 

6 ts4»d hte dirctts this truth toyon, Hee chat hath no 
rcAsthis mon Y> conic and buy without mony : Nowcaftupall 
Truth to you. your thoughts and fears again, and confider what fujfi- 
cicnt caufc you have to difquiet your hearts, to dejeit 
your fouls, to look on your perions and conditions as 
defperate: Ibefeechyou, tellmee ferioufly; is there e- 
nough in Chrift to help you, to relieve you, to uphold 
you, to lave you: certainly there is enough inalMutfi- 
ciency to help, and in a Saviour of Sinners, to fave fin- 
ners : Hath Lhrift diftinguilhed you, and of all finners 
put inacavcatagainftyou, and exprefled his exceptions 
againft you? Thefe broken hearted Sinners, thefe hun- 
* gry and thirfty Sinners, thefe poor and needy Sinners, 
of all Sinners, 1 will have nothing to do with them, and 
they fhall have nothing to do with mee / let others come, 
but let them keep off; let others trade and buy, but let 
not them come near I I, here were caufe of defpair in- 
deed; but the cafe is quite contrary with you: Jefus 
Cbrift keeps market for you, and fends to you, and in- 
vites you particularly, Let him that u a thirji come, and 
let him that hath no mony come : Hath the Lord Jefus laid 
any exclusive, and unreafonable tax or impofition on 
you? you mult bring this, and lay down that, or elfeyou 
buy not of mc; O no, his terms are only gracious (7V# 
that have no money ^ come and buy without money y and with- 
out price.) Why! if there bee enough in Chriftfor you, 
and if Chrift bids you come and buy, and if Chrift will 
fell you all freely and gracioufly, pray you bee faid, and 
fatisfied, complain no more, here is enough, not only to 
keep you from defpair, but alfo to raife your hearts to 
faith and joy* 
Strive 10 Tub- 3 Let tuft rive to fubmit unto this way ofgraciotu trad- 
mit te way of ; n ^ t0 come to Chrift. and bee content to buy 
rradirc. without mony, and without price • Why 1 beloved, 
if God will have it fo, let not any of us think our 
felves wronged at all: If the Lord will forgive us free- 
ly; If the Lord will fave us freely, it Chrift will 
take nothing of us for all the good which wee need or 


Chap. 5 InftruttiMs from thegrmoufmfs of Chrift. 27 5 

beggc of him; I think that at lcaft you may reft well con- 
tented that wee may go to Heaven upon the account on- 
ly of free gracious mercy. Would it trouble a poor Beg- 
gar, if any of you great and rich people fhould give him 
a full relief freely? If God faith unto us, my Chrift 
(hall bee the giver, and you (hall bee the receivers; you 
can never repair your felves by your works; but I will 
repair you by my grace, you fhallhave all the good 
freely, and I will have all the glory only. O that wee 
could all of us fay this day, a match, Lord I a bargain, 
Lord ! Blefled bee thy name that wee poor finners 
may have Chrift, and mercy, and falvation upon thefc 
terms : O that this might bow our fouls in this day un- 
to the Lord I O that our fouls by all this gracioufneflc 
might bee wrought upon to come in to Chrift, and buy 
of him ! O that under the fenfe of your fpiritual wants* 
you were able to exalt the grace of Chrift by faith i O 
that in your acceffes unto God; you could reft your 
hopes of enjoyment on thefe gracious terms of Chrift ! 
*Domml Merita mea, Mifericordia t*a; O Lord! my 
merits, are thy mercies, my worthineffe, is only thy gra- 
cioufneffe; I come to begge, but not to challenge, to re- 
ceive, but not to give, to exalt thee, and to abafe my 
felf ! O blefled Chrift ! give mec thy felf, thy Righteoui- 
neffe, Holineffe, Mercies, all freely without mony, and 
without price. - , f 

4 Love Jefus Chrift who feBs nnto you ally our good, up- chri £ ^ ho 
on [0 low a rate as gracious and free tcrmesjtelovcal Jefus fcihall freely. 
Chrift never bought at that rate which he is willing to fell 
unto you .• It coft him dear to buy mercy , and falvation 
for us,he fells unto us without price,but he bought us with 
a price,i C<?r.6.20,He fells unto us without monie,or mo- 
nies worth; but hee bought us by that which is more preci- 
ous than fiver, and gold, even by his precious bloody Pet. I . 
19. Itcoft him the enduring of wrath* to buyout our 
peace; it coft him the fuffering of death, to buy life for 
us: O love this Chrift ! and hee bought dear, that wee 
might buy fo cheap; had not hee paid all the (cores, had 
Kka not 

276 IriftrnftionsfromtbegracioufnefsofCkriHiChzp. ^ 

not hce fully fatisfied juftice, had not hec laid down a 
ranfome tor us, had not hee made a purchafe for us, wee 
could never have bought upon the termes, at which wee 
may now buy : O love this Chrift ! who bought upon 
hard termes, that hee might fell to us, and that wee 
aright buy of him upon the moft gracious termes : Chrift 
had us in his thoughts when hee undertook the bargain 
with his Father, it was apart, and a chief part ot the 
agreement; I will trade and buy at the bar ofjuftice, that 
poor finners may trade and buy at the Throne of Grace : 
I will bee at coft, that dicy may in joy all without coft; 
I will take up all upon a price, that they may take up all 
without mony> and without price; I will bear all,- that 
they may go free; I will pay all, that they may buy 
freely, once more love fuch a Chrift. 

5, Remember that you are indebted tint* Chrift for all the 
Remember goody oh have : His free felling is all one with his free 
indebrST C giving : Now confider, that although no price goes be- 
chriftfor°aJi lore a free gift, yet a great debt enhies alwaiesuponit. 
the good you The kindcft mercies, are the ftrongeft obligations, and 
bavc the more free they are, the more binding they are: 

bin^c ^ ccei P rs And there are two things unto which our free receipts 
from Chrift do binde us, 

r 7 exceeding humblenejfe, what ami? and what it 

To exceeding thy fervant ? What I am, I am by the grate of God. Cod 

Humblencf*. f or bid that 1 (hoald glory in any things but in the Grace of 

Chrift; as they about the offerings of thefirft fruits, 

Beut.i6.%. Thonjhalt /peak,, and fay before the Lord, s 

Syrian ready to perish was my Father. So Lord! I was 

poor and needy, had nothing, deicrved nothing, yet 

I have received all, and that only upon gracious terms. 

To exceeding 2 To exceeding thankfulnefe; What (ball 1 render tint 

1 hinkfuJne/i. fa i or 4f or a n his benefits towards mee; I will takf the cup 

offalvation, and call upon the name of the Lord, Pfal. I \6> 

1 2, 1 %. Blefed bee the God and Father of our Lord Jefm 

Chrift, who hath blefed us with all spiritual blefllngs in 

heavenly places in Chrift J efm, Ephcf. 1.5. Who hath pre- 

deftinated H4 according to the gted pleafurc of hit wtR 9 verf. 


Chap. 6 Chnfs Offers freighted by ftnful men. 277 

5, To the ptaifc of the glory of his grace, verf. 6. In whom 
wee have redemption through his bloody the forgiven* ffe of 
our fins, according to the riches of hit grace, vcrf, 7. 

ISAIAH if. 2. 

Where fori do you fpend mony for that which is not head > 
and your labour for that which fatisfieth not: Hearken 
diligently unto mee, and eat yee that which is good, and 
let your foul delight itfelfinfatneffs* 

CHAP. 6. 

Hefe words contain in them two 

1 A correction offinful men( where* 
fore do yee fpend mony for that which 
is not Bread.) 

2 A direction unto finful rmn 
{Hearken diligently unto mee, and eat 
yee that which is good*) 
In the corre&ion there are two fins which are re- 
prehended in them. 

x- O ac is their extreame ingratitude, that although 
God did offer unto them all faving good, in and by 
Chrift, upon mod gracious termes, yet they did refufe, 
and Height this his exceeding goodneffe and kindneffe 
{ihey did fpend their mony and their labour for other 

2 Another is their extreame fooltjhnejfe, in perplexing, 
and wearying, and labouring, and (pending of them- 
felves for meer vanities, that they would rather put 
themfelves unto fruitleffe pains> and troubles, than qui- 
etly to reft in the grace of God in Chrift (Wherefore do 
yon fpend mony for that which is not Bread, and your labour 

for thst which fats fits not ?) as if hee fliouldifay, you take 

Kk3 pains 

278 Chrifts Offers jUigbtedtyfinful men, Chap.6 

pains, buttonopurpofe,andyouare at great coft, but 
to no benefit, you fpend your rnony, and you think for 
Bread, but it is not Bread, and you lay out your labour, 
and you think that it will recompence you with fome- 
thing of fupply, and contentment, but you are deceiv- 
ed; there is no fupply, no reft, no fatisfa#ion, no benefit 
at all by or from any thing out of Chrift : The confeience 
can never bee quieted by diem, your fouls can never bee 
faved by them. 

There are feveral Propofitions which thefe words do 
prcfent unto us. 

i That alj the good which Chrift doth offer, and all 
the gracious termes upon which Chrift doth offer, arc 
fomctimes fleighted and rcfufed by feme finful men. 

2 That to Height the glorious offer of Chrift, and to 
buficourfelves any other way for falvacion, thanbr 
Chrift,isafruitleffe vanity, itisafoolifhneffcandmaa- 

3 That nothing is Bread for a poor Sinner, but 

All the good I That all the good which Chrift doth offer, end all the 

that Chrift of- g rMCt0Hi tcrmes upon which Chrift doth offer*, are yet feme* 

gracrctitcrm, t'^is f eight ed and re fu/ed by fomt Sinners. In the prcce- 

ileightcd by ' dent vcrfe the Lord Jefus offers Bread, and Wine, and 

fcnfiij men. t-MUk % ,( that is ) all faving good, and hee offers all this 

upon moft gracious termes, {without mony, and without 

Provcd ' pnee) but all this is negle&ed and refufed. The Sinners 

who might have the Bread of Life freely, they paflc it 

by, and fpend their mony and their labour for that which 

is not bread, and for that which (atisfics not, Matth. %i 

t. A certain King made a marriage for his Son, verf. g; 

%Andfent forth his fervants to call them that were btdf 

the wedding, and they would not come, verf. 4. Again hee 

fent forth other [ervants, frying, tell them which are 

bidden Behold, I have prepared my dinner, my Oxen , and 

my Fat lings are killed, and all things are ready, come unto 

the marriage, verf. 5, And they made light of it, and went 

their wayesyone to his F*rme, another to hn Merchandise : 


Chap.6 Chrifis Offers fltightidby Sinners. 275* 

Here is no Ids than* marriage feafi (where ufually is 
choicenefs, andfulneffeofprovifions, and without any 
charge unto the guefts) Pin&aRtheprovifionts read;, and 
mejfengers fent eat, to haft en them that were bidden to come 
*waj. TheMafter>and the Dinner* flayed for them; 
what acceptance hath all this? Why, They would not 
come, and they made Ughfofjt : The meaning is this, that 
God the Father, who is King of Kings; hee would mar* 
ry his Son Jefus Chiift to Sinners, and hee provides all 
good of grace and comfort for them, and hee provides 
all upon the only coft of his free Grace, and fends unto 
Sinners, offers all? and intreats them to come unto 
Chrift, and to injoy all, and yet (many times) many 
Sinners they will not come • Aperverfe will makes them 
to reftjfe all; and a proud and carelefefpirit, makesthem 
to fleight all, fob, 5. 40. Ton will not come unto mee^ that 
yon might have life. Sinners are dead men, the Law hath 
pafledthefentence of death upon them, and there is no 
reprieve from the execution of the fentence of death, but 
Jelus Chrift, and clofiiig with Jefus Chrift (Chrift is life, 
and hee that hath Chrift, hath life, and hee that hath not 
Chrift, hath not life, tj^ 5-i» •) and Sinners might 
fave their lives (die life of their fouls) by comming unto 
Chrift, and yet faith Chrift, 7** will not come unto mce, that 
you might have life; L.fe which of all things is moft de- 
finable, and fpiritual Life, and eternal Life; what- life 
like this life, yet, fcc Matth. a 3 . 37. Hierufalem 9 We* 
rufalem\ Thou that kJHe ft the Prophet s y and ft one ft them 
which are [ent unto t hee > how often would I have gathered 
thy children together , even as an Hcuuc gather eth her 
Chickens under her wings y and you would not, Luk. I9«4?» 
J f thou hadft k$own , even thou at the leaft in this thy day f . 
the things which belong unto thy peace* not know* not ac- 
knowledge the things for their peace. 

There are only two things which I will briefly fpeak 
untothispoint,I(haU&cw unto you, 1 That it is foo- 
* Whyitisfo* 


2%0 Sinners freighting Chrifts Offers demonflrated.Chap.6 

Demon toned. 

prom fetne- 
ihing inrc- 
fpeSof fia« 

Their courfc 
of Life 

Their obdiiri* 
tion of heart. 

Their ford'd 


I TP Hat ic is fo, 

A ?h*t many fmnen doxegleft and refufe Chrifi^ 

And aUfuving good by him (chough offered upon moft 
gracious termes) may appear, by fome things in refpeit 
of Turners, and by fomething in refpeit of Chrift. 
i In refpeel officers. Seven things declare it. 
i Their courfeofUfe : After all the manifestations of 
Chrifts goodnefs, and gracioufneffe (in offers, invitati- 
ons, and promifes) yet finners (generally ) keep on in 
their former wayes and pra&ifes, and bufy themfelves a- 
bout other things, MAtth.23.15. But they made light of 
it) and went their WAjeS) one to his F arm ^ Another to his 
MfrchAndiz.es everyone turned to his courfe, Jer. 8. 6. 
Like them who came out to hear an excellent Mufitian, 
but when the Market-bell rang, then did every one of 
them leave him, and followed iheir old trade. 

a Their ob duration of he Art. There is not the leaft 
impreffion made in their hearts, not any favour of Chrift 
to bee found in them. Notwithstanding all the mercies, 
and love, and bleffedneffe, gracioufly tendered by Chrift, 
yet there is not to be found in them any one high thought 
of Chrift, not any one precious eftimation or him, not 
'one cordial defire to in joy him, or of any one faving 
goodbyhim;thefedonotmoveorftir them, or work 
on them at all .• There is no more intrinfecal difference 
of Spirit in them, as to a real clofing with Chrift, than 
is to bee found in Heathens, who never heard of 

3 Their fordid choice. They do fet up the bafeft of ob- 
jefts above Jefus Chrift. Their bafc lufts have their 
love, and delight, and fcrvicc, and rule, and command 
their hearts; but Chrift they love not, nor is hee any de- 
light or fatisia&ion unto them : This is the grcateft (corn 
and Height that can be put on Chrift, and the good things 
ot Chrift, when we prefcrre the bafeft lull of Hell before 


Chap . 6 Sleighting Qbnfls Offers demonftrated. z% i 

him and all faving good by him: as if one (hould pre- 
ferre the dirtieft Slut before the moft comlieft Prior 

4 Their ve or thief s thoughts : Sinners ( generally ) do Their worth- 
not judge, thatChriit and the good things which hee Ic & thoughts, 
dothofter, are worth the looking after, they do not 

judge them worthy of their tears, of their Prayers, oi 
their pains, of their hearing, of their receiving, oi their 
time. They will not lay down a tear, nor a Prayer, 
nor a ferious confideratiou, nor the leaft pains to en- 
joy him and all good by him, nay, they think it (many 
times) but fo much time lolly as is vouchsafed to hear 
him in his Ordinances. 

5 Their mfolent dealing and capitulation with Chrift : Their mfolenc 
They put ignoble and ignominious terms on Chrift, to ca . p ^JJ i ? { ? 
bear their burdens, and to ferve under their lufts. Vile wlthChlIt 
conditions are ever reputed plain refufals, and fleight- 

ings in all treaties. Sinners (generally) will treat with 
Chrift upon no other terms, unleffe hee will give way 
that they may walk in the pleafures of fin, and enjoy 
the world, and with all that, hee mull bear the wrath and 
curfe due unto them for fin, 

6 Their trifling de/ayes; they make Jefus Chrift to ™ ei J crjflir S 
(land without doors, and to wait their leifure , and will c ay,t 
neither open the door nor give an anfwer : And when 

they give their anfwer, it is like that of Foelix to *P<*#/, 
ARt 54,25. Go thy way forth k time^when I have a conve- 
nient feaf on I will call for thee. It is a moft contempti- 
ble fleighting of Chrift, and mercy, and happinefle, and 
the free grace oi God in Chrift, when wee do not judge 
them worthy of prefent acceptation , and of all accep- 
tation, but ftiufle them oft untill wee have fpent our 
days in vanity, and our ftrength in the fervices of fin and 
Satan, and the world . 

7 Their utmoft reji fiances: and (landings out againft Their utmoft 
the calls of the Gofpel, and againft the motions and refinances, jj 
Workings of the fpirit of Chrift : Never will yeild unto 

Cheat in any of them, untill they bee brought into the 

L 1 cxtrca- 

8i Slttghting Chnjls offtrs demonjlrated* Chap, 6 

cxtrcameft neccflityes of a tormenting confcience,or of a 
fpcctiy dying; and in thcfe extrcamities they ycild to 
Chriit, not out of a love to Chrift, but to themfelves; 
And it they can get tree of them, they ftill neglect 
Chrift as much as ever. 
Th k bin ^ Their plain denial ', IVee will not have this man to 

dcnial. P rAign over ns, and not thk man but Barabas, they hid their 

faces from him. 
Inrcfpcft cf 2 Inrefpeftof Chrifty there are fevcn things which do 
Chrift. demonftrate that finners do Height and rerufc him in- 

all his goodncfle and gracioufneffc. 
His complaint* j j{^ complaints of them : How often would I have ga- 
thered yon, and y oh wonldnot ?Mat. 23. 37. Bow long yee 
fimple ones will you leve fmpltcity ,and the fcorners delight 
in their f corning, and fools hate knowledge} Prov. 1. 22. 
All the day long I have ftr etched forth my hand unto a dtf- 
obedient, and gain faying People, Rom. 1 0.2 1 . 
His aftonifh- 2 tits aftonifhments at Stnvers, Hee marvelled becaufe 

mtnt at fwners of their unbeleif. Mark. 6.6. That fo many precious offers 
were made, and not accepted, that fo many mighty 
works were done,and yet himfelf flcighted, Chrift won- 
ders at this : Hee is amazed and marveiics at fuch un- 
beleif, although hee had done fo many miracles 
before t him , yet they beleeted not on him, John 12 

His grci r . 5 Hi* grief 1 Forty yeart long was 1 grieved with this 

(jcnerAt .^, Heb.3. to. 17. Hee was grieved for the hard- 
xejfc of their hearts, Mar.3 . ?. It grieves Chrift to fee the 
obl:inacy 5 the folly, the unkindnciTc, the unthankful- 
nefle of linnets after all his dealings with them. 

HU tent. 4 His Tears : hee weeps over finners for their fleigh- 

tingothim, and the good which hee offers to them 
When hee came neer to Hitrufalem, hee looked upon it, and 
wtpt, faying, O if thoH hadft known,&c. The things which 
cenctrn thy peace, Luk. I9«4* >4». 

Hu thxeatnings 5 His threatnings : If)o» beleeve not that I am hee 
yeefkall dyeiiyour (tns y Joll.8.24. Bow (hall wee efcape if 
wee negletl jo great falvatioH, which at the fit ft beganteto 


— ~— — ■ ■- ■■— — - t . , r —1- 

Chap. <$• Skighting C krifts offers demonstrated* 282 

beefpok£nb)tihelord,Hd>. », 3. See that yee refufe net 
him that fpeaketh, for if they e feared not who re fu fed him 
that [pake on earth, much wore [ball not wee efcaye, if we turn 
away from him that fpeaketh from heaven, Heb. I a* 

6 HU wtthdrawments from Jinners, becaufe of their His wirfr 
[leightings and refufals : But now they are hid from thine drawings. 
9",Luk J9-4*- When the Jews contradicted and blafphe- 
meddle Word of Chrift; Nay, {aith Paul, feeing yon 

put it from yon, and judge your fe Ives unworthy ofcverlaft- 
ing life, loe we turn to the Gentiles y A£t 1 3 .4 5 >4<5 . 

7 His puni foments on Sinners for refufing and fleighting Hi $ punifh* 
TemporalL punijhments : They (ball lay them even with ments ' 
the ground \ and becaufe thou knewefi not the day of thy 
vijitation, Luke i?. 44. yea, eternal defolation, 

I Tbef.i.9. 


a \TTHyitisfo. Why do finners refufe and Height 

VV the good things , and the gracious offers of T he rcaf * m °* 
Chrift? lt * 

The reafons may bethefe, 

I Sinful men are ignorant men, they know not what Sinful mem 
is offered unto them: they know not when they are ^uoram men. 
well ufed, 1 Cor. 2. 8. Had they known it they would 
not, &c. 

Natural men do not fee the worth of Chrift ( what 
ts thy beloved more than another beloved } Cant.$. p.)na- 
tural men do not know the things of God, becaufe they 
etrefpiritualiy difcerned • nor do they receive them, be- 
caufe f 6*7 are jooltjh'nejfe unto them, 1 Cor. 2.14. The ex- 
cellencies of Chrift are above them, and the excellen- , 
cies of grace and glory are hid from them; No form or 
beauty aopeares in them , and therefore they de- 
fpifeChrifr, and the things of Chrift, Ifa. $ 3.2,5. Jefus 
Chrift is falvation,but they do not know him to be fo,fal- 
vation is an onely bleflednefs, but they do not know it to 

LI 2 be 


248 Why Sinners Jleigbt Chlijls Offers ? Chap.6 

bee fo; Free mercy is ail their hope and confidence,but 
they do not know it to bee fo ; Grace, and Glory , and 
HolyneiTe, is the way to happinefle, but they do not 
know them to be fo ; they muff dye in their fins, and bee 
damned for not bclceving , but they dp not know this 
will bee fo; Chnit is life and peace>but they do not know 
it to be fo;finfulmendonot know Chrifr, nor them- 
fclves, nor their fins, nor their mifcries, nor their happi- 
nellc, nor the worth of Cbrifls offer, nor the worth of a- 
ny good which Chriit doth offer ? hence it is that thev re- 
fufe his offers, and Height the good things which he "doth 
offer, and the gracious terms in his offers. 
Sinful men are 2 Sinful men are foolish men : The Scriptures frequent- 
fool ifh men. lv make finders, and fools reciprocal terms, wherefore 
(laid Solomon) u there a price in tbelrand of a Fool, feeing 
hee hath no heart tonfe it} 
There are fix properties of a fool. 
i Hee hath not judgement to difcern things that differ • 
A Counter is as good to him as a pecce of Gold, a Ba- 
by is to him, as good as an inheritance. 

2 He is taken with fenfble things^wlth things which do 
plcafe his fenfc and fancy; low tilings. 

3 Hee prefers vain things^bdovc folid and fupcruatu- 
ral things. 

4 Hcfc minds all j altogether for the prefent^but nqihing 
for the future. 

5 He is eafUy beguiled, and over-reached and cheated. 

6 Hcisrajh and wcon ft derate^ cannot ferioufly weigh 
andconfider orobjeCts, and arguments, and uTues;Thus 
it is with finncrsV who refufc and flcight Jcfus Chriit id 
his offers, and in his terms: Thev want a difcerning 
judgemcnt,they arc rafh and inconiiaerate, fenfib le,vain, 
and prefent things prevail with them , and their own 
fooliih hearts, and Satan, beguile, deceive, and cheat 
them, and art fatisfied with a low portion, look not be- 
yond thus lifc,confidcr not an eternity. 

2 Si»fnl men are engaged men : Their hearts have made 
^olT^r a covenant with Death and Hell, they are held faff with 



Chap.6 Why S inner s fitight Chrifts Offers ? 2 8? 

the Cords of their own lufts^ they are married to their 
fins. The ciofing with Chrift muft divorce them from 
their fins, muft make a feparation, muft crucify the fleih 
with the lufts and affections thereof muft make them 
holy, bring them into a conformity, muft work in them 
a total change of heart and life : Hence it is that they 
will not hearken to the voice of the Charmer^, charm he 
never fo wifely, that they reflife to trade with Chrift, 
for faving good, and they love their fins, and will not - 
part with their right eye, and with their right hand, and 
they love the praife ot men, 

4 S:nf*Umenare defterate mem They care not what Sinful men are 
becomes of their fouls, Their fouls fhould be the objett Operate men^ 
of their choiceft care, they fhoukhninde them, look to 

them, watch for them, provide for them, make fure 
of them, they are in a loft condition, in a miferable con- 
ditioned Chrift only is the deliverance and falvation of 
fouls, and hee kindly offers all faving good unto them; 
O but fmners are defperate , There is nothing which 
doth more earneftly concern them than the condition of 
their fouls, and yet there is nothing in all the World 
which they regard lefs,and negle£t more than their fouls;- 
they defpifc their fouls. 

5 Sinful me^ are deluded men: They l^udle fparkj of Sinful men are 
their oyvn^andthrnkjo rear m them f elves by them y I fa, 50. deluded men. 

1 1. They do beleeve that they can make a fhitttobee 
faved, although they never dole with Chrift, and buy 
of him,the works which they do,have a power in them,to 
fatisfy God,to make their peace, to deferve heaven : O 
this ngmrnt of our own nghteoufneffe, of our own fuffici- 
ency,of our own power, it is the great foundation of our 
pride,of our negle£t of Chrift,and of the lofs ofonr fouls. 

6 Sinfull men are un'h»nkfnl mem Unthankfulneflcis si n f.,i me n ars 
engraven on every finful heart: "UnthankfwlnefTe for umhtAkfil. 
mercies received, and unthankfulncfs for mercies offe- mcn ' 

red: Never was there fuch a mercy as this, for God to 

give Chrift; and Chrift to give himTelf for Sinners: never 

was there fuch a mercy as this , for Chrift to come to 

LI 3 fin- 

i86 CbrtftJUighted in his offers. Chapi 6 % 

fhners, and co offer himielf and all faving good unto 
them upon moll free & gracious terms ;bm unners flcight 
and refute all this, becaufe they are unthankful. Un- 
thankfulneile is a ivviniih iin; that tramples even pearls 
under feet. 
Sinful men arc Sinful men are prejudiced men-. They have hard thoughts 
prejudiced men Q f Chrift, and hard thoughts of the graces of Chrift, 
and hard thoughts of the mercies of Chrift, aud hard 
thoughts of the ways of Chr iff, they onely tliink that 
Chriit will prejudice their delights, their cafe, their 
comforts, their gains, their liberty, their fafety , in ve- 
ry deed, their hearts do not like him, nor lore him, nor 
the faving good which he offers to them. 
Sinful men arc 8 Sinful men are nnbeleevtng men ; And unbeleeving 
unbelecting men are abfurd and pcrverfe men ^ 1 'hough Chriit Hands 
mcn> with tears in his eyes, with invitations in his lips, with 

mercies in his hands, with fighs in his brcft , there is 
death and damnation, if ^ you come not and buy of 
Chriit, why? yet wee will not. There is life andfal- 
vation if you will come and buy of Chriit , why? yet 
we will not: you need all the faving good by Chriit, yet 
wee will not come and buy : you cannot have it from 
any but from Chriit, yet wee wi 11 not : Chriit offers all 
to you freely, nay, hee entreates you, nay> hee allures 
you of all, if you will come and buy , but yet wee will 
not. The abfurdneile of unbeleeving is the great caufe 
why Sinners fl eight and refufe Chriit. 


Vfe i TTXOfinners many times fleight Chrift? and 
Letuiexanvnc \ J refute ^11 the faving good which Chrift ot- 

oiirfcimwhc- f crS an ^ ^j^ Q^jfl. g crs upon mo ft gracious 

therwebein tm& JL m% 

ihe number of tcl I2^ . , " r ,. . 

fuch pi (lcefet Then let us (who are here prelcnt this day) fertoufly 
the offers of examine our heart j, leaft wee bee of the number ofthofe Ig- 
Chrift. mranty Proud > Foolijh , Vnthankful , and Unbeleeving 



Chap,6 Chriji freighted in his offers, 287 

Before I prefent unco you, The lively Charadters by Divers things 
which wee know whether wee do fleight and refufe the Premiled. 
good and gracious offers of Chrift, yea or no? lee me pre- 
mife a few particulars. 

I Jefus Chrift hath been trading with us \ Hec hath IefusChrto 
formerly and very lately (by the Preaching of the Gof- h** beentn- 
pel in this place) been offering unto us, the Bread, and dmgwuhus. 
theJ^w, and the Milk* all laving good, and all of it 
upon gracious terms (without monj^nd without price ) 
The fountain of living waters hath been opened, the 
rich treafures of grace have been opened, the fountain 
for fin and for uncleanneffe hath been fet open : Jefus 
Chrift hadi opened die kindnefs of his heart, and the de- 
fire of his foul unto you: Indeed, there cannot bee a re- 
tufal where die re hath not been an offer : O but Jefus 
Chrift hath been offering unto us himfelf (who is wor- 
thy of all acceptation) and all mercy, and all grace, and 
all comforts, and all happinefle (heehadi been offer- 
ring unto us all the good which wee do need, and all 
the good which wee fhould defire) and all thefe freely 
and earneftly: come and buy. Come and buy without mony 
and w itheut price; fo that nothing can bee excepted a- 
gainft on Chrifts part ; You cannot fay wee never heard 
of Chrift, you cannot fay Chrift never offered any good 
to us> you cannot fay it was an inferiour ordinary good, 
you cannot fay it was onely this or that particular fav— 
inggood onely, you cannot fay it was indeed all faving 
good, but upon fuch hard terms, that no finncr could 
joffiblv reach unto or comply with. O No', Chrift 
lath offered you faving good,and all faving good,and all 
aving good freely 1 Have you after all, hearkned 
to him, have you received > have you bought,or have 
you not fleightcd and refufed. 

1 When Chrift hath been *$ering him r elf, and all faving When Cfn»ft" 
good) and (reel) % yet then (manv times) hath hce and all hathbcfnoffc- 
the good by him offered unto tinners, been fleigbted and l ^Y\ti%ll^ 
refufed by finners. ^ ^ 

As this fin of fleighting and refufing, is proper to them 


288 Cbrift (le'tghud in his Offers. Chap.6 

who have die Gofpel, fo it is very common : who hath 
btleeved our report , and to whom ts the arm of the Lord 
revealed, Ifa. 53-1, Hee came amongft his own, and hit 
own received him Hot, John 1 . 1 1 . Wee f reach Chrift crucifi- 
ed unto the Jew s, a ftumblingblocky and unto the Greeks 
fi>o/:jhnejfe^iCoY.\.2^.(o\: one who is pcrf waded to come 
in and buy of Chrift, Sec. Perhaps an hundred, per- 
haps thoufands (land oft,and flight and refufe alhThere- 
fore wee have reafon to fearch and examine our 
Ordinary hea- 3 Though Ver fons may bee ordinary hearers of Chrift , yet 
rcrs cf thrift for ail that, 1 hey may flight and refufe Chrtft , and all 
yd may flight the good which hee offers, and all his gracious terms : 
arui refufe hi* £ ze k. 3 3 . 3 * • They ft before mee as my people, and they 
0€li - hear th words, but they will not do them, Rom. lo. 1 5. 

How ve ami full are the feet of them that preach the Go f 
pel of peace, and bring glad ty dings of good things, ver.t5. 
But the j have not all obeyed the Gofpel, for Ifaiab faith? 
Lord who hath beleeved our report? Thofe in the fixth 
oifohn, Took a great deal or pains to hear Chrift,but 
for all that they fleighted him 3c would not receive him, 
but murmured at him, and took exceptions againft him, 
This is a hard Jaying who can hear it, 

I tell you, that a man may hear the Gofpel of Chrift, 
and read the Gofpel of Chrift, and (hew much refpefl 
to the Miniftcrs of Chrift, and take it ill to bee denied 
any Ordinance of Chrift, and hee may have fomc de- 
light to hear others fpeak of Chrift, and himfelf fpeak 
often of Chrift, and yet this very man may fleight and 
refufe all the faving good by Chrift, and all the gracious 
effcrs of Jefus Chritt : Tt were willing forafeafon to re Joyce 
in his light, J oh. 5. 3 5. 
There aa ma- 4 There are many degrees of freighting and refufing &c. 
ny degrcasof And although one may bee tree of fomc of them, yet if 
flcigriung ]icc bee comprized within any one of them, hee is a 
fleightcr and a rclufer of Chrift m his good and gracious 
offers : There is a flighting and refufing by way of open 
refinance, and by wav otjeornful dtrifiou^ and by wav 


Chap.6; Ckrijlfleigktedinhti Offers. iff, 

{ malicious off opt ion, and by way of prefumftiem per- 
fection : Perhaps fome of us , bee not guilty of fuch 
flcightings, and of fuch refiifiiigs: But then there is a 
freighting and ret ufing, by way o(^nferfrvafi^n y a.ndby 
way ot dijfent. That man who will not beeperfwa- 
ded to come and buy of Chrift (whofe heart ftands oft, 
and confents not, and comes not in,to take Chrifl: and all 
good by Chrift upon Chrifts gracious terms) this man 
ileightS:and this man refufeth.Beloved,There is no medi- 
um twixt faith and infidelity^ twixt receiving of Chrift, 
and refilling of Chrift, either you are beleevers andfo 
are receivers of Chrift, or you are unbeleevers andfo 
refufers- of Chrift: Bee that is not mthmee is againfr 
mee&id Chrift, fo fay I , hee that doth not accept of 
Chrift, hee doth refute Chrifts hee who doth not come 
and buy of Chrift upon his gracious terms, that man 
doth Height and pafs by the favinggood, and the gra- 
cious terms of Chrift : That Chapman who will not 
take your wares at your price, in fo doing hee doth 
refufe your wares ; So that Sinner who doth not 
take the faving good which Chrift offers unto him at 
his gracious price, hee doth (therein) refufe it. Now 
ifrerulingdoth formally andtruelyconfift in this dif- 
fent of the will, in the negative voice (as a womans 
diffent and negotiation is a formal refulal of marrying a 
pcrfon) verily we have fpecial reafon both to learch and 
likewifetofcarourlelves, that wee are of thofc who re- 
fufe and Height all 

5 Itisafinneofvthichmoft-menHnder the Gsfpel dre Mod men un- 
guilt j , And jet few men do think^t hem/elves guilty o fit. der tfce Gofpel 
Come amongft a multitude of finners , who amongft **e g^ity of 
them will charge this particular guilt on his foul, O *i»Jn»j«lj«i 
I have a long time fleighted and neglefted the offers and [^[r^ 
tenders of Chrift I who complains of this, who (beds to bo 
tears for this? One tells you hee hath not lb capacious 
an underftanding ; Another, that hee hath not fo ready 
a memory; another, that his heart is many times dull; 
another, that hoc is apt to break out fometimesj and ano- 

Mm ther 

90 Sleighing Cbrijis offers (very hainous > Chap,6 

ther, that hee cannot pray as hee would, nor hath wal- 
ked as hee ihould; but for fleighting, or negle&ing , or 
reiufingof the offers of Chriit, twenty or forty years, 
People take little notice of it; nay, They will not bee 
beaten out of it, but they al way es had good thoughts 
ol Chrift, and meant him no harm, they would not 
wrong him and fleight him, nor deal unkindely with 
him upon any terms,and therefore they have lovcdJhim, 
and beleeved on him ever fince they were born:although 
Chrift faith , hee that heareth you heareth mee^ and hee 
that defrifeth you defriftth mee. Luk. I o. 1 6. 
Men look •« <$ jf m n do look^on it as a S'tn y yet they look, not on it 

ibis a, M grcac ^ ^ grm ^ jff they had ^ W hores, and Theeves, 

Drunkards? or Swearers, Lyars, or Murderers , Thefe 

were hainous and dangerous fins indeed, buttonegleif 

a few offers of Chrift, a little kindneffc, a little mercy 

freely offered by Chrift, indeed it is a fault, it is not 

fo well done of us, wee cannot altogether juftify our 

felvesinit; but wee hope God will pafs by that, and if 

, . wee never do worfc, wee hope that God (notwithftand- 

ingfofmallan omiflion)will bee merciful unto us,and 

fave us : Thus do finful men make as light of their re- 

fufing the offers of Chrift, as they do of the offers chcn> 


Thisfmismoft 7 Laftly, There is hardly any one fwne under the G of* 

ttainoiwand p*/, rthtch if either more haineut or nttre dangerous^ 

dangcrom. ^ n j t j iac fl^ a pp car unt0 y OU by f evcn Argil- 

P db fc nients- 

MvwLmt. l Itisuniverfallycontraiyto the mercy feat, and to 
the Throne of Grace* 

2 It is fo exceedingly provoking of God. 

3 It is a moft jufttorfciture. 

4 It is the bond of all our guilt. 

5 It renders falvation impoflible. 

6 It breeds the dreadfulleft fears arid diftra&ions in 
the conference when once awakned. 

7 If finners perfevere in it, they cannot efcape the 

wrath which is to come. 

i 7** 

Chap* <$• Sleight ing C hrijis offers <very h anions < 291 

I The flighting andrefnfing of all that Chrift ofers Uisafmuni- 
upon gracions terms , it is a finne that is univer folly con- vcrfally con- 
fer/ to the mercy [eat , and to the Throne of grace ;There- nary l ? thc . 
fore it is very hainous and very, dangerous. Sins may TOron/of"* 
bee coafidered as meer deviations from the will of God, Grace, 
and tranfgreflions of it, or elfe as aggravated in their 
matter and manner of deviation : Aggravated fins are 
always the moft high, and thtmoft dreadful: $ innings 
again ft the Law are wicked, but finning* againft the Gof- 
pel are more wicked: And the more goodnefle and 
kindnefle that God reveals and offers unto Sinners, 
their finnings, are therefore die worfe , and the more 

Now when Sinners Height and rcfufe all the good- 
nefle of God in Chrift , and all the gracioufnefs ot 
love by Chrift : They Sin againft the Gofpel, and they 
Sin againft all the Gofpel , they pull down the mercv 
feat* and they trample underfoot the bloud of Chrift, 
and the Throne of grace : You Sin againft all the wif- 
domeof God , againft all the love of God, againft all 
the goodneffe of God , againft all the kjndnefs of God, 
againft all the mercies of God, againft the Son ©f 
God, againft his redemption, againft his pmchafe, againft 
his falvation, againft his calls, againft his offers, againft 
hisgracionfncjfe, againft his promifes, againft all: E- 
very one of Gods gracious attributes may indite you,and 
charge you, and upbraid you, and every thing in the 
covenant of grace may do it* God may fay, did my 
Wi\doms finde out fuch z, falvation to bee fleighted ? did 
my /^* give fuch a Chrift to bee refufed. Even fuch 
love, fuch mercy, what could I do more? And Chrift 
way jay, is this the thanks for the bloud that 1 have fh^d? 
and Mercy way fay, Is forgiveneffe of Sins of no more 
efteem with you ? And All the helps and comforts of 
poor Sinners may fay, Are your deliverances, are your 
fupplies, are all the gifts of God not worth the taking ? 
And Free Grace may fay, what, for needy, and condem- 
ned, and diftrcfled Sinners, who might bee made up a- 

Mm2 gain 

2£* Sleighing Cbrijis Offers <vtry hainous. Chap. 6 

gain, and bee fupplied and faved altogether upon free 
terms, and yet Height this, and refufe this:yea,your very 
fouls and bodies may cry out againftyour proud wills, 
fhallweloofeChrilt, and Mercy, and this bee for thy 
Itisafarpif- * his t'furptjfing f revocation: It is the day of Tcmf- 
*ing provocari- fatten, and it is the day of Provocation: When the Lord 
on. had pulled the Ifraelites out of Egyft, and was leading 

of them towards Canaan, they fpakc agarnft God, and 
they made light of their deliverance, and they defpifed 
the good Land * But this did fo provoke God, that he 
fware in hie wrath, that they fhould never enter into his refc, 
why ? when the Lord who might have damned finners, 
then to finde out falvation for them; when hec might 
have left: them to thofe miferies and defperate ftraits, 
which they voluntarily brought upon themfelves, yet 
then to finde outChrift, and to nnde out mercies, and 
to finde all grace, and comfort, and to treat with wret- 
ched and unworthy Sinners, and to offer all faving good 
to them, and to mfift for nothing, but to come andlake 
Ghrift freely, come and take mercy freely, come and 
take all faving good freely ? And after ail this , that a 
bafe proud Sinner fhould turn his back and lift up the 
heel, I will none of your Chrift* and I will none of your 
Mercy, and I will none of your Love: I had rather 
enjoy the World, I had rather enjoy my finful lufts, 
which diftionour and grieve vou fo much, and which 
put JefusChrift to death ^ O Sirs ! what incenfing 
provocation of God is this ? How it fh'rs his fpirit , 
to loath- and abhor fuch Sinners, a-nd to be avenged of 

them. , . 

It « a jnft for- : 3 Ititajufi forfeiture, 1 would have gathered yot^ 
<kikk «. and yon would not bee gather ed,Bchold$ our houfe is left unto 

joh ^/^Mat.*3.37,3 8 'Th c y inZfrfc 14. were called 
upon to come unto the great Supper, no not thcy,they 
had other bulineffc to look after, well faith Chriit ver. 
24. Verily, 1 fay unto yo* y that none of thefe men that 
were bidden jhaU Tafe of my Suffer. Not one of them, 


Chap. 6 Skighting Cbrifls Offers yery bainous* 293 

not fomuchastaftc, and verily they flaall not.- As 
true as I am Chrift,they fhall have no benefit by me/aith 
Chrift, E*cks%4,lZ. Becaufel -would have purged thee, 
and thou waft not furged^ Jhou jhalt not bee f urged from 
thy filthinefe any more , till I have caufed my fury t 9 
reft upon thee. 

There are two things which make the forfeiture of 
Chrift, and Mercy, and falvatioiij to bee manifeftly 
and unqueftionablyjuft; One is Gracioufnefe on Gods 
fart, and the other is voluntary refufal on the [inner s fart ; 
if gracioufnefle, if free terms, as a God could make , 
and as a Sinner could defire, would have made Chrifty 
andMercv, and Salvation pafle with you, you had 
them ; But though upon fuch terms you might have 
enjoyed them, yet you would not, but fleighted and 
refilled them : Therefore thou my Son , thou {halt 
never bee a Saviour to them that will refufe thee; and 
Mercy, thou (halt never pardon them, that will thus 
refufe thee y and Heaven, thou fhalt never receive 
them, who would not receive thee, they fhall never have- 
offer of Chrift and grace, nor mercy more., 

4 Therefufingof Chrift in all his gracious offers, it 
is the bond of all our guilt and miferys : Your Sinful con- It i$ tf, e bend 
dition will bee for ever a Sinful condition, and your ©fall our guilt 
loft condition will bee for ever aloft condition, and ^ miferict. 
your poor condition will bee for ever a poor condition, 
and your miferable condition will bee for ever a wret- 
ched and mifer able condition , and your guilty fouls, 
and your unpardoned fouls, will bee for ever guilty and 
unpardoned fouls. 

O but whata condition is this? for a Sinner tobecfo 
forever?. For a loft Sinner to bee loft for ever ? for an 
unpardoned Sinner to bee unpardoned for ever ; Why? 
but if Sinners refufe Chrift and all his gracious terms, 
then it muft needs bee (o : If Chrift and Sinners agree 
andclofe? then Chrift undertakes for all, but if Sinners 
ftand out againft Chrift, and refufe him and his terms, 
then Sinner* muft lock to themfelvcs, they muft help 

Mm 3 them-- 

It renders fal- 

ration iiwf olli* 

1 94 Sletght'mg C hrtjl in bis offers <very kainous.Ch&p. 6 t 

thcmfelvcsi and muftanfwer for themfelves, they muft 
anfwer tor every one ot their Sins before God, they 
muft (land alone at the Bar of his juftke ' All their 
Sins, and all their accounts muft lye upon their own 
ifcoulders, for Chrift they have refufcd,&c. 

O poor Sinful man ! What will become of thee, 
and what wilt thou do in the great day of the Lord > 
where wilt thou hide thy fclf > How canft thou fly from 
thy (elf, or from thy Siris, or from the righteous God, 
whofe jufticenowmuftbe fatisfied onely in thy eter- 
nal endurance of the wrath and curfe of God for thy 

5 It is a Sin which renders falvation impoffible to J/«- 
ners : Beloved,Salvation for Sinners is fixed on Chrift, 
and onely on Chrift :There is no other name given by which 
he muft be faved^Kdi.^ii. 

Why ? As BelUrmine (peaks of the Sin againft the 
Holy-Ghoft (for one reaion of the unpardonablenefs 
of it) // there vtere but one plaifter inall the World to 
cure J tick a difeafe y and the Patient -would not fnjfer that 
plaifter to bee applied, hee muft necejfarilydye ; So fay I 
in this cafe. If there bee no Saviour of Sinners but 
Chrift, and no falvation for Sinners but Chrift, then if 
Sinners refufe that Chrift, and all the falvation which 
Chrift gracioufly offers unto them, they perifh infalli- 
bly, it is not poffibletofave their fouls, Gods decree 
how to fave Sinners, is unalterable, and the Gofpel way 
of falvation is that way which God hath raifed up, as 
the onely way. And that is by Chrift^ and by beleeving 
on Chrift : Hee that beleeves (ball bee favsd; and hee that 
beletveth notjhaH bee damned, Mark. 1 6. \6, Now then 
judge whether the refilling of Chrift in his faving and 
gracious offers, bee not an hainous and dangerous 
Sin, which (huts the gates of heaven againft us; and tru- 
ly nothing is more fad than this, that the poor Sinner 
iliould (but heaven againft his own foul. 

6 Let meeaddc but one thing more, bywhichitmay 
appear, that the refuting of Chrift in his faving and 


It breeds the 
feark in the 

when awakned 

Chap,6,5/ei^fcn«g Chrifi in his offers wry balmus. 295 

gracious offers* ishainous and dangerous, and that fhall 
bee the dreadful fears and dift raft ions inthe confeienceof 
finners^when once awakened and troubled : Of: all the 
finings which a man hath CDmmitted,this fin of fleighting 
andrdufing Chrift, fticks xnoft upon his heart; and 
makes it moft trembling and defpairing : They are not 
all his other Sins (though very foul and very many ) 
which make himfo apt to fears, and todefpatr: Obut 
I have refufed Chrift ! O but I have fleighted all laving 
good which Chrift did ofter to mee! O but I have re- 
tufed although offered gracioufly, and though affured 
I might have all good by Chrift? without money and 
without price. 

You may have mercy for the pardon of your Sins, I 
if I had not refufed mercy; You may have Chrift , 
though you have been a great Sinner, I, if 1 had not re- 
fufed Chrift : A Sinner may bee faved, yea, a great 
Sinner may bee faved, if heehadnot refufed falvation: 
Though you bee unworthy, yet you may have all upon 
gracious terms, I, if I had not fleighted and refufed gra- 
cious terms : But can hee have mercy, who hath fleigh- 
ted the often of mercy ? But can hee have Chrift, who 
hath refufed Chrift ? But can hee have falvation upon 
free terms, who hath negle&ed falvation upon free 
terms ? Doth not the Apoftle fay, Heb. 2. 3. How Ihall 
wee efcafe if wee neglett fo great falvation : O my fea- 
fon is loft ! my foul is loft ! my hopes are loft : Although 
there are releefs to bee found for Sinners confeientiouf- 
ly, troubled for their former negle&ings and refufalls 
of Chrift, yet you fee into what fad perplexities and 
fears, anddiftra&ions^ and defpairs, even a temporary 
refuting of Chrift (in his faving and gracious offers) may 
caft the fouls and confeiences of Sinners; which plainly 
(hews how great, howhainous, how dangerous a fin it 
is to ncglcft and refufe Jefus Chrift, in his faving, and 
in his gracious offers, as to the high degree, Heb.io.t6 
There remains no more facrifice for finnes (but verfe27») 
A certain fearful looking for of judgement and per j indigna- 
thu&c. 7 Jbc 

i<)6 Sleighting Chrift in his Offers <very hainws%Chiip6 

The uniTo-da- 7 The laft demonftration of it from the unavoidable 
to*«**™l<* ifcajing of wrath andenrfes, is implied in fomc of 

the former particulars, and therefore I fpare to enlarge 



Qgtft, "HUt will fome fay, jf the cafe of flcightingand 
How may a JO refilling of Chrilt in liis faving and gracious 

"??£ n Teebe offers bee thus hainous and danger ous, Howmtj a poor 
guilryrfthls P* ner ^ ow whether bee ft ill frauds guilt j of it or 
fin. no ? 

Set. Before I fpcaktothis, let me drop a few words, 
leaft any weak Chriltian receive offence and tremble 
this day; for though I would awaken fecure finncrs, 
Some diftin&i- yet would I not by any means f erf lex tender eon* 
cms prcmifcd. Jciences, the brnifed reed is not to be broken. 
There is a dif- x There is a difference twixt refafing of Ckrifr) and a 
tcrencc twixt frefent inevidence of receiving of Chrift in hit offers', the 
refuting chnft poor fuiner may not fo clearly make it out to his foid at 
andanincvi- prefent, that nee hath fully and rightly clofed with 

S of hta£ Chrift ' m his ° ffcrS ' - thIs h ° nC thill & ancI the refufln § <* 
hiseffen. m Chrifl: is another thing: A defett of Hgbt y to refleft on 

our work, is a different thing iwmzdefctt of hearty to 

come up to the work. 
A difference ^ 2 There is a difference twixt refnfmg ofChrift^mnd a 
betwixt refu- t(m fifti n g -with our unbeleeving hearts, and fo driving for 
and a confli'c- faengrh to receive Chrift in his gracious offers : a ftriv- 
tmg with our ing to r ecci ve Chrift (chough oppofed by combate from 
unbelecving unbclcei) is a quite different thing, from thercfuflng of 
hearts. Chrift: for the will is certainly brought in,in the former, 

but ic (till ftands out in the latter. 

A difference 3 There is a difference twixt refnfal maintained and 

bcutearcfo. continue d^n^refnfal bewailed : All thofc heavy judge- 

and bewiiicd. ments before mentioned , though mcntorioufly they 

" may take in any rcfiifal of Chrift, yet effectually and 

redundantly, tjjey (hall light onelv on a continued and 

maintained rciiiGll againft the light of die Gofpel, but 

, r- ttOC 

-'• ■-■■ ■- _ - ' ■ ' ■ - *-'■"■ II t , ^_ 

Chap.6 Lharafters of our refufal ofChrifti 2§y 

not fo on refufals through ignorance now difcerned, and 
cordially bewailed, andfenoufly oppofed. 

Thefe things being premifed", Iihallnowprefentun- charafter* of 
to you fome characters by which you may know our rdufii of 
whether you bee the perfons who refufe Chrift in his Chrift in fe* 
faving and gracious offers yea or no ? And thefe offfrs * 
Chara&ers (hall be partly pofitive,in which they may 
fee, that they do refufe, and partly negative, by which 
we may know, that wee do not refufe norfleight. 

1 The P*fit;vcCb*r*ttcrs of fnch as it ft *n& guilty of PofltIrc Cha- 
thisgrcatfm. raft<r *' 

There are feven infallible teftimonies of it. 
i A contempt of the Gofpel. The fcornful eye. 

2 Ineffectual vocation. The deaf ear. 

3 Undervaluing dif-eftimation • A better match and 

4 Still one exception. 

5 Other reilings : enough already. 

6 Meerfrift. 

7 Empty boafKngs. 

i A Cotsumft of the Gcfpcl. Let men pretend what Contempt of 
they will 9 Never fo much affection unto Chrift, never th? Gofpel. 
fo much confidence of Faith in Chrift ; never fomuch 
regard unto Chrift : if they do contemn and Height 
the Gofpel of Chrift, they do contemn and fleight 
Chrift himfeifin his faving and gracious cfters: For 
(Ibefeech you) what is the Gofpel of Chrift which we 
preach ? what is it ? but the Lip of Chrift , the mouth 
of Chrift, the word and voice of Chrift: his Mini- 
ftration, h's gracious way of Treaty with the finfull 
fouls f'fmcn, the Word of life, the'Miniftry of hisfpi- 
rit^ the Word of Reconciliation? and promilcof evcr- 
lafting falvation : What the Gofpel declares, the very 
fame doth Chrift declare : What the Gofpel doth oftcr, 
the fame doth Chrift effer: What the Gofpel com- 
mands, the fame doth Chrift commands: What the 
Gofpel doth promifc and affure, the fame doth Chrift 
himfclfpromife andafliire : When the Gofpel fpeaks, 

Nfri Chrift 

2 98 Cbar alters of our Refufal ofCfoift. Chap, 6> 

Chriitfpcakss When the Gofpel often; you Chrifr, 
Cluiit then ofrlrs himfelt to you : When the Gofpel 
prefents unto you faving good upon gracious terms, 
then Chrift prefents unto you faving good, Sec If you 
hear and embrace the Gofpel, you do then hear and 
embrace Chrif t : and if you do il eight and refufe the 
Gofpel, you do then flcight and reiufc Chrift : if you 
do contemn the meilagc, yoti do contemn him who 
ftnds the meffagc. 
Objctt. But vou will fay, Sifrely there is no man 

fcony do fo. ( who poizttah Chriftianity)that contemns the GolprJ. 

Proved by Se ** I with there were not. Neverthleilc five things 

may convince us; that many men do contemn the 

1 One is, the contempt of the Minifters of the Oofpel^ 
The contempt & Minifters ot the Gofpel; as Ambafladours from 
•f the Mini- Chrift, Mat. 13. ^^.Oferufa.'em^JernfaUm^ thouthat 
Iters cf the killefr the Prophet /, and ft one ft them that are fent Mttto 
Carpel. theerfc. The reproachiiigs, and the fleightings, and 

the (corns of the Minifters ot the Gofpel , are but fo 
many reproachings and (corns , put upon the Gofpel , 
and upon ChriQ.Luk,iO,i6. He that defpffethj** desjifeth 

2 The fecond is, 7 he contempt of the Miniftratiens #/ 
The contempt 'the Gofpel> of Gofpel Ordinances, of any one Ordi- 
efrhcMini- nanccof Chrift, in any part of it: contemn baptifm,you 
ftrauensotthe contcmn the Gofpel : contemn the Lords Supper, and 

ope# you contemn' the Gofpel :. contcmn the Offers, the 

Commands, the Threatnings, the Promifes of the Gof- 
pel , and you do contemn the Gofpel. 

3 Athkdis-,ArvcarwetfeoftheGofpeJ, as the Ifrae- 
A weariaefle #W were weary of Manna ^(o many men are weary of 
efih* Gofpel. the Gofpel, they look on it as a prejudice,' and as 

a burden, and would bee rid ot it, and many times ftu- 

dy, and ftrive how to part with it. 
A lowncfic of 4 A fourth is, Ameanneffz and lowneffe of opinion as tf 
©pinion a , to fa vcr y Gofpel : The parts of a Gofpel Miniftcr, his Lear- 
t^fcry g«r ^^ his* Eloquence, his handfomccxprcflions, his re- 

^ Tn ir Maaw>gai u h hi— wmmm — ■— — — 

Chap,6* QbaraBirs of our refnjal of Cbrtft. 299 

fined Notions, thefc do finde acceptance, but the 
very Gofpel in its own truth, and in its own light, 
and in its own Holineile, and in its own fimplicity , 
with foine men the plainneflc of the Gofpel, is erf no 
eftcem* - •vj.-i^- 

5 A fife is, Vifobedicnccunto the Gofpel, Living, and KJoSS 
walking quite contrary to the rule of it: What is this 
but a contempt ot the Gofpel: When finnersfet up their 
Wills and their induftry, and their ways: not onely a- 
bove, but alfoagainft the mind and Will, and way ot 
the Gofpel of Chrift. 

1 In effeftuslvecAtien: Beloved, this is a certain ineffedM 
truth, that untilithefoulofafinaer bee cffe&uallycal- vocative, 
led, the Sinner doth (land out againft Chrift, ancl hec 
■doth refufe to clofe with Chrift in his offers : for it is by 
effectual vocation onely, that the heart of a Sinner is o^ 
verpowred, and overcome, and altogether perfwaded 
ancl drawn in unto Chrift. Effectual vocation takes 
down theftrength of corrupt reafonings, filencedi all 
exceptions, breaks the pride, and ftubbornneffe,and re- 
finance of the Will? conveyes and lets in a spiritual 
and living Strength to the foul, to enable it to come in 
and to clofe with Chrift: it is impofliblc for any man 
living to bee undoathed of a retufing and fleighting 
heart, and to bee invefted with an accepting heart of 
Chrift without this effectual vocation, as it was for Laz.** 
rns to quicken hlmfejfand come o*toftb*gr*ve,umi{Cbrift 
had called km thence by his omnipotent voice- 

Bat now. many perfons are not efte&ually called e- 
\emally, they are called; but internally and effectually they 
are not, which will appear by the defect or abfenceof 
thofc things where the calling is efteftuall; 

There are two things in effectual vocation. Tw <> ^n** 

1 The Powerful vote* of chrift unto the heart. I ^ c f^ xi 
* The Obediential anfyper of the heart unto that voice 
of Chrift. - 

4 The Voke of Chrift in effc&ual vocation is alwaies The powerful 
p*w*rf*li arid admirably > operative) it cannot but bee voice of chuft 
» n 1 heard, t0 lhc hearc - 

— . — ■■ ..--. -r ; ~- 

ico Chancers of our refufat of Chrift* Chap.6 

- i .--.-■ ..^ . ... ... . -■^ -. ..~ . — 

hearcU ,and it cannot bee withftood, ic is a mcflagc to 
the very heart , it is a kinde of creating voice, ir com- 
rnands j' -and works what ic doth command;!: inlightens, 
itfubdtics, it alters, ic enables? and elevates the foul in a 
-fpiricual and fupcrnatural \vay:ic oftersChrift,and makes 
vis co leeChriir, and bows the heart (by a fpiritual in- 
fluence) to hearken unto Cluiftyprcfcnts Chrift in fuch 
glory, excellency, love, and goodne(ic> as draws the 
heart unto it. The fpirit ot Chrift comes with the Gol- 
pcl,and the Ccfpd a mes with power. 
... m z There is unto this mighty voice of Chr ill, Ancbt- 
t'afLfwzr^rf Hernial ftnfwtr iff the Soul in effectual vocation: the heart 
the foul. of a (inner is fopow'crtully WTought on,that it doth not 

holdout, it doth not delay, it doth not diftinguifh and 
contend, but it is made willing above all things to hear- 
ken unto C hrift, _ to choofe him, yea, prefently to come 
into him, to pitch on him, and to enjoy him with 
all his terms and conditions; Now in abundance of Tin- 
ners there is no fucheffeft of vocation; neither as to 
the voice of Chrift, n r as to rhe anfwer of a (inner, 
Indeed they hear a voicc(come a»d £*/, come unto me and 
your fouls (hall L'vt) inch a voice they hear, but there 
goes not forth a power with it, which they cannot 
withftand, and there goes not forth any infl jence with 
it, mightily working on the judgement and will of a 
{inner ; The (inner can hear the voice, and net re- 
gard it, hce can hear arguments and net bee moved 
by them ; Notwithstanding all that Chrift fpeaks , 
and offers, and perfwades, yet his heart is above them 
all, it is not fhaken, it is not perfwaded, the will re- 
tains its pride, ihibornnciTe, unfubjecli n, rcfiftance,arid 
prevalency over the word fpoken; If it bee thus with 
any ofus> that yet our hearts and wills, are deaf unto 
Chrift, are able tooutftand the voice of Chrift? that 
eur wills are ftronger (as ya) than his will, that Chrift 
*, cannot yet find us willing, but yet holding off, or yet 
Kfffting,certainly we refute him. 

$ Abetter match and bargain: If yoil'IOokon any 


[ii*iw man 

Chapr6 £barefttYsofGHrrefuJatofCbufo 30 1 

other thing bcfides Chriflyeftcemit better to you than a better match 

Chrift, certainly you have all this while fleighted> and 8JKi *"■»*•- 

reiufed Chrift. If all this while your fins are dearer to 

you than Chrift, you are theperfom who fleight and 

refufe him, that man fljights -Chrift who prefers any 

thing above thrift, or who counts anything equal to 

Chriii. If a iinful Ntfr can get thy heart, but Chrift 

cannot, if any earthly thing can get thy heart, but thrift 

cannot* here is an exalting of luft above .Chrift,if thefc 

beedefirablebut thrift is not, if thefc bee lovely, but 

Chrift is not $ if thefe give delight,* but thrift doth net; 

if thefe make afatisfaction, but Chrift doth not- Why? 

here is a plain refufal, and flighting of Chrift, the 

match is dif- liked, and utterly dif-allo wed* 

Beloved, Competition of objects flainly (hews bow our 
hearts ft And tffetttd ctdif-affetttd.. When you pro* 
.pound to the heart Chrift, or Sin, Chrift, or the world 
tDif-jun£tively they mud bee propounded, for you 
cannot pitch on both; either you muft take the one 
and refufe the other, or refiife the one, and take* 
the other ] Now the heart of ; man is difco* 
vered : if you fay I would have Chrift , but I cannot 

Eart with my Sins; I would have-Chrift, but I muft 
ave the world; I cannot part with my Ska I cannot 
part with the World, is not here a plain •refilling and 
freighting of Chrift ? a preferring of baubles before bin)} 
NayvotHell before him : Chrift is fleiglited when you 
do not pitchupon him. i Alone, * As your all.; As 
thefirftofall. 4 And as your beftofall, if you do not 
count Chrifts offers, thebeft bargains, Sec. That which 
a man counts to bee his beft bargain, he wil 

1 Make all things to give wav to that.. * 

a He will make mat to fill up nis defirc. 

3 It will draw forth his choiceft diligence and pains*. 

4 Hccwill.be atfomeloffetogain it r . 

5 He is peremptory,andunn>oveablyearneftfortha 
injoyment of it. 

6 The fruition of it prefencs unto him , the fwecteft 

Nn 3 joy, 

Hie one cx« 

30 2 Cbdr afters *fo*r 'Rejuf djf C hrift. Chap,6 

joy, and contentment: Do your fouls find it thus about 
Chrift ornot? O the clofuig with Chrift, and with 
the offers ot Chrift, thisisbeft, beft of all! but then 
where are your prcfent cares to get Chrift : and where 
are your Itrong tears leaft you miife Chrift: and where 
are your fill defires, and where are your peremptory, 
andftedfaft refolutions : and what one thing will you 
part with for Chrift, and what do you to injoy Chrift, 
more than a piece of earth:and arc you not very wel fcris- 
fiedand contented,aithough yet you have not Chrifbtor, 
4 7 'he one exception: If there be one thing that you 
will not come up unto, and if there be one thing that you 
will ftick for : if that one thing hinders the bargam,you 
are refufers and fleighters, &c. Chrift cati prevail 
with you for all, but for one dung, in that hec rauft 
yeild unto you ; And you like Chrift in all. but there 
is one thing that you cannot yeild unto ; Why ? this 
one difference twixtyou, is enough to make the breach, 
to keep you afunder, to condemn you for retulingrthat 
one (lulling which a man (licks at with Chrift, he that 
puts in any one thing in his Treaty, or Bargain, which 
is unreafonable, which is diflionourablc, which is pre- 
judicial -, if you come not wholly up to his price, you 

refufe him. f . . r . . 

Now fearch your hearts, is there not tome one thing 
in Chrift that you flick at, is there not one thing in your 
felv^s, which you ftick for, you like his mercy , and 
vou like his love, and you like his happineffe, and you 
like his gracioufnefTc : but yet is there not fome one 
thing, that you like not ? arc vou fure that you 
like ail of Chrift, do you like his Rule and Authority ? 
do you like his Spirit, and the changing t^cacy of it ? 
and the ordering, arid binding power of Chriit? and 
the mortifying power oi Chrift? 

In this, or in that, I cannot like Chriit, I cannot 
come up to him; So again, I am content to part with 
this, and to leave that to do this, and to iuft:r that, but 
yet I cannot yeild up *U to Chrift, I will not part with 


Chap. <$• Characters tfour Refu/al ef Chrift. joj 

one Sin* I will parr with all but one, and with all the 
world, butthepleafureof is, wich all the pleafure , but 
not wich all the profit>with all die profit>buc not with all 
the vaniries,not with the eflimations> and applaufe>&c 

5 Self enough ; 1 he f fill foal dfptfatb the Mcney-eom^ S<J(<n**fa 
and the Ph^infees whotrnfledin tbetr own right eonfafc 
defptfedChnJi. Beloved? if you can bee faviours unto 
yourfelves, you cannot but bee refufers of that falva- 

tion, which is offered unto you by Chrift, to ferup a 
righteoufneile of our own, and reft on chat, and to fee up 
a rightcoufoefle of Thrift, and. reft in that, tofetup 
life by works,aud tofetup life by grace, thefe are con* 
traditions; It is impoflible to foder thefe together, there 
is no cc-ordination between them, nor fubordination of 
t lie one to the other , fet up the one,and you pull 
down the other, ck>fe with the one, and you thruft a- 
fide the other, that man can have nothing to do with 
Chrift, and will have nothing to do wich Chrift, who 
is enough iraohimfelf, and who finds enough in him- 
felf, to build his life and confidence upon; yet many 
Sinners (do they indeed know themfelves to beefo, and . 
what it is to bee fo) look on themfelves, as needing no 
Phyfitian, as wanting nothing, as fuSkiently furni- 
(hed, and provided abundantly, with flock, withafelf- 
righteoufneffe, Sec. 

6 Kn*eer(kift, my meaning is? when a Perfon never a mfctfliife 
looks after Chrift, but in a ftraic,and onely values Chrift 

in hisftrait. Tomakeufeof Chrift, as wee do of an 
houfe, to carry us out of the dirt, and as wee do of a 
Phyfitian ; onely in a Sicknefle* when my confefence 
troubles mee, then I will regard him, when my confei- 
enceis quiet, then I will regard my Sinnes; when the 
fears of death are upon mee, then how (hall J^et Chrifty 
and when the fears of death are over,Othen who will 
fbtwus any good : Sin,and the world are my onely de- 
light in good dayes, and Chrift is onely my defire in e- 
vildaycs, when wee thus pitch on Chrift, for our own 
felrcsjand not for feimfelf,when,we will take faimon,and 


- __-^-_- . . ' III " 

504 Cbarai lersofowufuJalof CbnJ L Chap, 6 

" put him off, take him to us, and thruft himfrom us, 

that in our troubles heefhall go for a«^. andm 
our fecurities hee (hall ftand ai.de as a CiphajO this s 
bale dealingwith Chrift . this is courfc V fa gf' *&* 
but afieigtfting of Cluift/nhimfel, and » hi ofter , 
Sec And vet manv deal thus with Chrift , and with 
the ofters of Chrift: 'Chrift is pretious, and mercy is 
prc22 and the righteoufnefle of Chrift is pretious 
?nd ^.redemption of Chrift b preciou s, ancf he Peace 
which Chrift hath made is precious j fo men think when 

Itftiencfis furious, ^^^f&£%£. 
mentfeat approach: but take men out of <^x gn- 
ccs, when they are themfelves, and do lieciy nyoy 
themfclvcs, then this Chrift, then this mercy , thai 
hrrighteoufneffe, then this redemption, then th,s 
Peace with God areas nothing, there are no high 
moughtlof them [perhaps not ^^ere^ 
crys after them [perhaps not at all ddfcrf] tte otte s 
J Chrift are no bngcr regarded , the heait 01 a am 
^^d&odmaflcr, and returns again to his 

Vr-jZ y*w/?/r 7-«w«, tuito them who boaft- 

An fmpty 

Chap,6, QbarattersofoHrrefttjalofCknft. 305 

clofing with the vermes and powers of Chrift) fo diat 
never was a clofurc with the good and gracious of- 
fers of Chrift.* but fome excellent thing hath fallen pre- 
sently into that foul , which hath thus confentcd and 
clofecL That free love of God, that free mercy of God , 
that free righteoufnefle of Chrift, that free work of ho- 
linefle, that free reconciliation, all of them have made 
fygnal and diftinguifhing impreffions on the heart of 
him y who hath hearkened, and who hath embraced; 
Chrift never comes without the work, and the bkfling . 
of Chrift : // any man be in Chrift, hee is a new creature, 
2C01*. 5 .1 7*lf you be come into Chrift,Chrift is come into 
you, it you have hearkned and opened the door unto 
him, hee comes in, and Cups with you, Sec. 

And therefore talk what you lift, if nothing of 
Chrift can yet bee found in the hear^afluredly you have 
not received him, and ifvou have not received him, 
then you have hitherto refufed him,you have not yeiided 
unto him. 

Now fay before the I* r^this day what Work of Chrift 
appears in you? what our graces? what are the fruits 
of all the loving kindneffes, of all the mercies which you 
think you have clofed with, what work have they 
made in your hearts, what change, what love, what 
fear, what §reif, what jov, what affection, what de- 
light in Chrift, what obedience unto Chrift, what 
likeneffe, and conformity to Chrift. 

Secondly, The Negative Characters, by whick one H€&tlyc & A , 
may know whether he doth not fleight and relufe Chrift ra ftcrs. 
in his favrng and gracious ofters. 
I will prefent unto you twelve of them very briefly* 

1 The weeping eye. 

2 The fad complaint. 

3 The precious thought. 

4 The ready will, the conquered will. 

5 The panting heart. 

6 The importunate cry. 
The attentive ear. 
The diligent fearch. 
The only Diffatisf afiion. Co 1 o The 


306 (baralters of our not rejufing Cbrift. Chap. 6 j 

io Thebeft Delight. 
ii The joyful Newes. 
t2 The Refting and quiet Center. 
The weeping * The weeping Eye, hee doth not fleight Chrift, nor the 
ty e. offers of Chrift, Zack, I *. I o. they (hall fool^ on him whom 

they have peirced^ and jhall mourn; whofe fotil is now 
grieved, and humbled, for his freighting and refufmg 
of Chrift, and his ofters, Ads 2. 37. wbenthej heard this, 
they were pricked in their hearts. It is a right frame of 
Spirit, and (hews an high eftecm of Quirt, when 1 The 
kjndeneffe ofchrtfi doth breaks *u- y there is never grief 
where there is no love. * Ottr unkindnejfes unto (Thrift- 
do melt and trouble *#• when a finncr {farts, and cries 
out, what have I done? what did I mean to turn my back 
on mercy, to fhut the door againft Chrift, to bcefoun- 
kinde to him; Ah ! my Ignorance, Ah ! my Pride, Ah I 
my Folly, Ah ! my MadneiTe, Ah I my Unthankfulnellc; 
hee looked' after mee, and yet I would not look on him, 
Hee dyed for mee, and yet Idefpifed him, hee came to 
mee, and yet I ran away from him, hee came offering 
mee his blood to juftifie mee, himfelfto fave mee, and 
yet I fleighted him; hee offered lite to a condemned man, 
peace to an enemy, fubfiftence to a Beggar : All faving 
good to mee a Sinner, and yet I refufeahim, and all his 
offers. O with what freenefle with what tenderncfle; 
O! with what earneftiiefle did hee call, and cryiui- 
to mee, how often, how long I I remember his voice, 
Cant. 5. a. Open to mee, &c. for my head is filled with 
Dew, andmy lockj arewct, with the drops cf the night; 
And I remember how carelclly I put him off I "re- 
member the Sermon, the-Notion, the Do&rin, the times, 
the places, and yet I -wretched man, turned all dicfe afide, 
and for a fin fake, and for the worlds fake I fleighted all ! 
Why, O Lord ! 1 blufh, I am aihamed, my foul is 
wounded, andfoixr troubled, that thou haft been fo good, 
and I fo vile, that thy grace hath been fo rich and free, 
and my refufals thereof have been fo grofs and many; O ! 
this fin, I loathe it, and my fclf for it; pardon this fin, 
Gpardon it for thy mercies fake/ 2 The 

Chap-6, Characters of our not refufing Chrift. 2 _ 

% The fad Complaint; When former ileightings are^Thefadcos^ 
our grief, and prefent unbeleef is our burden; I would pUint. 
clofe with Chrifr, but I cannot; I would prize his off:rs; 
but I cannot; I would regard him, but I cannot; there 
is a Chrift (O how bleffed !) but I cannot come to him; 
there is mercy, (O how rich ! ) but I cannot truft for it; 
there is all to bee had upon belecving ( O how happy is 
that eftate !) but I cannot beleeve> Lord help my unbe- 
lief: Unbeleefis no burden to him who refufeth Chrifr; 
you (hall never hear an hardened Sinner to complain of 
hardneffe of heart, nor a proud Sinner, of fpiritual 
wants; nor an unbeleeving Sinner, of unbelcef; but un- 
beleefis afore burden to an heart that would have 

I The precious Thought; Finde but this, and you may The precious 
beefurcvouarcnorefufersof Chrift in his oflers; Unto Thought. 
youthatheleeve^hee is precious, but of the difobeiient hee 
is dlfaHowed, as aftumbltng flone, and a rock of offence, 
1 Cor« I . »3. 1o the Jews afiumbling blocks to the Cj en- 
tile sfoolijhncffe y but unto them which are called, verf, 24* 
Chrift thefowerofGod, and the wifdemcofGod. O firs i 
when the Lord is indeed forming of the heart for Chrift, 
when hee is tumbling down the-mountains, when hee 
is rafing the ignorance and pride, and ftubbornnefle of 
our unbeleef, then do our eyes fee the falvation of God, 
then the clouds are fcattered, and Chrift appears in glo- 
ry like the Sun. If you do look now on Chrift as the 
chief often thoufand, as the only pearl of great price, as the 
glory of the Fat her , as the only beloved, as the only dejtre of 
Nations, as the only life and blefcdnefe. Had I but Chrift, 
I had enough, I injoy nothing, till I injoy him; I would 
enjoy nothing, Jfotnat I might injoy him, I injoy all, if 
1 injoy him- Thisisfarre from Weighting andrehflig 
Chrift. If Chrift bee precious, if the feaf ns of Chrift bee 
precious, if the offer of Chrift bee precious, if the termes 
of Chrift bee precious, if the good things of Chr ft bee 
precious, O no love like the love which Chrift doth 
offer! andnomercy>nopeace,no jjy, no comfort, and* 

O o a no 

jc8 Characters of r our mtrefufing Chiift. Chap. 5. 

no life 5 like the mercy, like the peace, like the joy, like 
the comfort, like the life which Chiift doth offer 1 never 
difquiet your felves with fears and doubts, whether you 
bee ileighters and refufers- your condition is open and 
clear. It is lmpoflible for any real refufer of ChrJit, to 
attain unto precious thoughts, or fuperlative eftimations 
of Chrift belore and above all. 
The ready 4 The ready conqnered WW. Art thou indeed willing 

conqtiefcdwijl, to have Chrift, to receive- him, to buy of him* to dole 
with him in this offer. If thy will comes off, the match is 
made, and the bargain is finifhed. Wee have confufed no- 
tions about the refilling and the receiving of Chrift in his 
offers; but all is to bee ftated in the will of a Sinner. If 
that bee difaffe£ted,and ftands off and dilTents,the Sinner 
is a refufer; and if that bee afte&ed, and confent, and fall 
in with Chrift in his offer, the Sinner is now a receiver, 
hee is come in, look well to that. 

There are fix properties in the Will, which (hew that 
aperfonisno refufer of Chrift. 

i It is a Free Will. I had rather have Chrift. 

2 It is zGexerouttyilU I will part with all for Chrift. 

3 It is & Peremptory will. I mufthavc Chrift, I will ne- 
ver reft untill I have Chrift. 

4 It is a Prefect Will. I do not put off Chrift, I do not 
paufeupon the offer; hee holds out his hand of mercy, 
and I put out my hand of Faith; hee offers, and I ac- 

5 It is a Plain Will. I ftrivc for nothing but for Chrift; 
I would not bee excufed in any thing, I would not bee de- 
prived of anv good which Chrift doth offer* 

6 It is a fyfttl Will. Bletfcd bee God, and bleilcd bee 
Chrift for this offer, and for thefe termes : I dare ftand 
out no more, falvation is come to my houfe this day, and 
I open my door to receive and welcome it. O Chriftians I 
Is it thus with you ? are your hearts opened, are your 
wills pcrfwaded? I am willing to fell, faith Chrift, are 

'ou willing to buy? I am willing to give, are you wil- 
ig to receive? Iam.willingtobee vours, are you wil- 



Chap. <5* Characters of our n$$ refufing Chrift. 3 o 9 

ling to bee mine? I am willing that you fcould have all 
faving good upon gracious termes, are you willing to 
take all upon thofe termes ? Had you not rather have 
your portion in the world, than in mee ? Arc you wil- 
ling to part with your finful lufts, that you may poflefs 
mee, and mevcy^ and life t but are you willing indeed f 
perhaps you will bee content to bee denied, perhaps you 
will take further time to confider of it, perhaps you can- 
not like my perfonnor my condition, perhaps I fhould 
prove aburdenfomegueft unto you. Now if a poor foul 
can fay, come in O Chrift, and welcome Chrift;I am- rea- 
dy, I am willing* I am joyful, I am happy in thec, I love 
thee, I take all, Iyeeld to all, lblcfs for all; reft confi- 
dent that God hadi clearly delivered thee from a fleight- 
ing and a refufing heart. 

5 The panting Heart. This is another fign that you Thepamfag 
are no reiufers of Chrift in his faving and gracious offers* hc *". 
Beatiefurientes & fttientes^ Mattb. 5. I de fire to be found 
inhlm^ Phil* 3. By the panting heart, I do mean three 
things. I Chief Dffires. z Strong Defires. 3 Impatient 
*Defires for Chrift. And truly if Chrift, and the things 
which Chrift doth offer with himfeif unto you are thus 
dcfireable, unqueftionably they are not the objefrs of 
your fleighting, but of your eftimation, and of your 

Whatlbefeech you is it,. after which your hearts do 
fo breath, fo carneftlybeat, fo impatiently long? none 
on earth that Idefire befides thee, Pfat.n* what is it, 
which ftill fills the thoughts with cares, and the eyes 
with tears* and the breads with fighs, and the moutbes 
with this language ? O that I had but one thing ! O when 
fliall I in joy that one thing! Othat God would grant 
mee one thing ! O Lord, give mee Chrift, O Lord,fhew 
mee mercy, O Lord, love my foul, O Lord, fpeak peace, 
O Lord, let Chrift, and all Chrift bee mine, O Lord, let 
mee and all mine bee Chrifts. 

6 The Importunate Cry. When a mans heart is fet on The import* 
Chrift, and hecmuff have Chrift,* on mercy, and hee n3,ccr ^ 

Oo 3. mud 


3 1 o Char afters of cur not refnfing Qhrift. Chap.6^ 

muft have mercy, on grace, and hec muft have grace, 
on peace with God, and hee muft have peace 
with God j Ola foul which will ftanj at Hea- 
ven gates, and knock, which will knock, and wait, 
which will wait, and wrcftle with God, which will prefs 
every word of promife, which will urge every gracious 
attribute, which will not depart from Chrift, without 
Chrift, nor from the mercy (eat, without mercy, which 
will have no denial till Faith bee given, and Chrift bee 
pofTcffed/ hs Jacob, I will not let thee go, as the woman 
of Canaan would take no denyal; if it bee thus with any 
of you, blefled are you; your hearts are farrc enougn 
from fleighting and refufing of Chrift in his faving and 
gracious effers, Chrift is at the door, nay, Chrift is in 
thy heart already, if it bee thus with thee. 

The attentive y The attentive Ear, hearkening, and watching, and 
observing the anfwer of prayer for Chrift, the minde of 
God in his word, the motions* and breathings, and ftir- 
rings of his Spirit, the opening of the firomlfes, the bow- 
ing of our hearts, the clearing of our title, the quicken- 
ing of our Faith. This man indeed would have Chrift, 
who longs for the ordinances of Chrift, who diligently 
waits on thofe ordinances, who comes for this very end, 
to hear of Chrift, and to hear from Chrift, who hearkens 
for an offer, who hearkens for a call, who hearkens for a 
promife, who watches to hear one good word, one kinde 
word to fall from the lips of Chrift : It U /, bee not afraid^ 
fon he offoodchear-t thy fins bee forgiven thee, go in peace, 
thy Faith hath faved thee; come unto mee, take of the water 
of life freely. 

8 The diligent Search. A careful Chriftian is no Height- 

I!*5.k lli * eni m Z Chriftian, a painful Chriftiaii is no refufing Chrifti- 
an, C* nt » 3. *• B) ni ght on my bed 1 fought him whom my 
foul loveth t 2 / will rife now, and go about the C!ty 9 in the 
ftreets, and in the broad waies, I will feel^ him whom my 
foul loveih. 3 The watchmen found mee, to whom I faid y 
faw yce htm whom myjoulloveth } Here was a love of 
Chrift, here was an cftimation of Chrift, here xvzs dili- 
gent fceking and fcarching for Chrift. A 


I I ■ — ~— — ■-- I ^„ _^^ 

Chap. 6 Char alters of our not refujing Chrift, 3 1 j 

A man, who Heights Chrift, wiH take no pains for 
Chrift; a man who prizeth Chrift, will cake any pains 
for Chrift. 

O / When I fee a poor foul groaning under his bur- 
dens, lying down in tears, crying out, what fhall I do co 
beefaved, know any of you the way for a poor Sinner 
to Chrift, who will dired and counfel mee, what is to 
bee known, what is to bee had, what is to bee done; am 
I right, am I not miftaken, (hall I not fail ? how may I 
beefure ? Ol if I fhould not accept of Chrifts offer, O ! 
if 1 fhould not rightly accept of it; I fear, I ask, I doubt, 
I pray, I faint, I hear, I long, I inquire; O ! I would not 
mifs, I would not bee miftaken, 1 would not gobefidesa 
Chrift by prefumption, nor would I fall fhort of a Chrift 
byunbelecfl Ifearchthe Scriptures, Ifearch my heart, 
I fearch my grounds, I fearch my warrant, Ifearch my 
way, I fearch my want, I fearch my hope, I fearch my 
prayers, my anfwers, Sec. 

9 The only D;fatisfattio*.ty[hcn all is nothing without the c n !y dif- 
a Chrift;goods are not goqd without a Chrift;frlendfhip is fctUfcftion. 
not love enough without a Chrift; joy lYnot contentment 
without Chrift; peace is not reft without Chrift; life is not 
a being without Chrift; plenty is not enough without 
Chrift, nothing is any thing without Chrift. Is Chrift low 
in this mans eyes ? is hee one who fleights a Chrift ? 

When hee looks on all his enjoyments and cryes, yet 
I lack one thing, I need one thing, which is better than 
every thing. This is not Chrift, and that is not mercy; 
this is not Chrifts righteoufneffe, and that k not Gods re- 
conciled favour. I cannot beefatisfied with that which 
fatisfies not, Give mee children (fold Rachel) or elfe I die. . 
O Lord, this thou haft given mee, and that outward 
blefling thou haft given mee, I have enough for earth, 
but if I have not Chrift, what have I for Heaven ? I have 
enough for my body, but Lord, if I have not Chrift. 
what will become of my poor foul? Here's plenty for 
this life, but if I have not Chrift, what fhall I do for eteL> 
nallifc? Aperfonwhom nothing will fatisfie without 


3 n Cb*r after s 0/ our not refufing C brifi. Chap, 6> 

Chrift, and the faving things which Chrift doth offer, is 
(b fa from Weighting and refilling, that hee is fuperlative- 
ly valuing of Chrift. 

io The beft Delight. Although a perfon knows not 
Thcbtftde- that Chillis his, nor that his foul hath yet fully doled 
1 ***' with Chr ift, yet it hee knows that his heart takes delight 

in Chrift, delights bo fpeak unto -Choir, delights to hear 
Chrift fpeaking unto him, the great delight is in^om- 
miuiion with Chrift, here are the eafings of the foul, 
here are the refrefrungs of the foul here are the beft hours, 
and belt daies, and beft markets, and beft employments, 
and beft entertainments. Davtd had rather bee* door- 
keeper in the houfe of God, than to dwell in the tents of 
wickednefe, Pfal. 84. 

1 1 The joyful Hewes; Though it bee but the hopes of 
The jo j'fui enjoying Chrift, though it bee but the hopes to enjoy par- 
picpcf. don ing mercy, though it bee but the hopes to finde God 

pacified and reconciled. When one rindes thefe hopes 
in the promiles, God will certainly hearken to your 
tears, hee will certainly give you Chrift, hee will cer- 
tainly forgive your fins; this word of promife faith fo, 
-which is certain and infallible, O I how this revives the 
heart, how it makes it alive : this gracious God will 
give mee Chiift, and hee will love my foul, and hee will 
fhew mee mercy, hee will deliver and favemyfoul; 
Why ! it would not bee thus with you, if you were per- 
fons, that ileighted Chrift, and love, and mercy. 

12 The pcrfeBly reft ing and quiet Center. I mean, 
The pcrftaly that if any man after all comes to bee poiTefled of Chrift, 
ufting and and of the faving offers of Chrift, hee looks on this pof- 
4«rct center. c c jg onast } lcutmo ( to f a iij 1 i s ca res, defires, and pains, 

as the (umma totalis of all his hopes; now I am alive, now 
I am made,now I am happy; I can defire no more* 1 have 
all, Chrift is mine, and I am his. Now try your felves by 
thefe twelve Characters, which I have mentioned, for 
the help and ftay of fearful and doubting Chriftians, 
(who have it much in difpute, whether they do not 
ftill rcfufc Chrift, and Height his offers, and ftand out 


Chap.6. Motives not to re ftije Chrift any longer; jj> 

agairjft him) it you can fiiidc in your felves all ot them, 
nay fomeoi them, nay, any one of them, go home in 
peace, you may perhaps bee weak Beleevers^ but allured- 
ly you are not refufers. 

SECT. r. 

I Have but two things more to infer from this point 
ofrefufingofChriftinhis faving and gracious offers, 
and both or thofe ufes (hall bee directed unto fuch as have 
been fleighters and refufers. i Motives, a Means, 

Vfc 2 Bee per fwaded to ft eight and r ef h fe Chrifl »* Ion- Bcepeifwaded 
gtr\ yet confider, and yet bee wife, and yet go in to to refufe Chrk 
Ghrilt, do not ftill ftand out againtl him, O that I could no longer, 
perfwade you 1 that God himfelf would perfwade you I 
let mee prefent a few Arguments. 

1 Refufals under light have a deeper guilt? and a 
ftronger hazzard fn them, than refufals andfleightings 
under ignorance. 

2 Jefus Chrifl yet offers all unto you, though you have 
unkindly fleighted and refufed him. 

g All your former refufals fhall bee pardoned, if yet 
you will hearken and accept of Chrifl in his offers. 

4 You cannot poffibly bee better offered; it is all that 
you can defire. 

5 You cannot loofe any tiling by clofing widi Chrift 
Jnhis offers. 

6 You cannot but bee loft if you will refufe. 

7 Chrift will not long, nor alwaies bee offering thus 
gracioufly unto you. 

8 Ic had been much better for you that you had ne- 
ver heard of thefe gracious offers of Chrift, if you will 
fl eight and refufe them. 

Oh ! confider wjII of thefe arguments, and fl eight ,and Motives, 
negleS Chrift no more,, though you fl right us, yet clo 
not (Light our Mailer ; though you deal unkindly with 
us, y^t deal kindly with Chrift; though you like not the 
meflengcrs, yet do not diflike the offers. 

Pp l K<- 

3 14 Motives not to refuft Ckrift any longtr% Chap. 6 

Rcfulils undct i Refujals under light have a deeper guilt in them,a»d 4 
light a c of rhc ^ fQn g Cr haz,ard,than refufals under ignorance ;look Oil any 
deepeft gui t. ^ wnat fo CV cr (which a man commits or lives in ) it lie 
commits it,or lives in it being ignorant, it is a fin, al- 
though his ignorance cannot alter the nature of it,yet ic 
doth extenuate and abate much of die guilt of it ; it doth 
not rife fo high, as when it is committed and pcrfifted in 
againft knowledge. And the realbns are,bccaufe 

i There is Sins againft knowledge, a greater con- 
tempt of God. 

2 More wilfulncfle and perverfneffc of heart. 

3 More boldnefle and prefumption. 

4 No Apology or excufableaefie , John 9. ^\llef us 
faid unto them, if you vtere blind , you jhou/d have no Jin : 
bm ncwyeefaj, wee fee, therefore your fiu remaineth here 
you have the very Sin fpokcnof, and the guilt ofitex- 
prefly ftated by Chrift ; fome oppofed and fleighted 
Chrilt through blindncffe,or ignorance, and thePhari- 
fees oppofed him againft knowledge, they did know 
him, and yet did defpife and rejeft him, and Chrift faith 
unto diem,if you were blind(it you had not heard of me, 
if you had not known «ie)youflx)uld have no Sin, hf. 
comparatively, your Sin had not been fo great and hai- 
nous* but you do fee, you do knowmee, and that life 
is to bee had by mee, and yet yee fleight and oppofc mc, 
therefore your Sin remaineth, it fticks heavy upon you, 
Hib.io. 16. If wee fin wilfully , after wee have re» 
ceived the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no 
mere \acrifices for fins, but a certain fearful holding for 
of judgement, and fiery indignation^ which (hall devour 
the aavjrfaries: hee fpcaksin this place of a refilling, 
fleightinr, anddefpiiingoi Chrift (as is evident 111 
vcrf 29!) as that againft knowledge ^ and hee opens 
the dreadfulncfle ot this fin (i{ men will wilfully perfift 
in it) in two particulars: onc^here is nomerefacrifice ta> 
take tt away : the man hath defpifcd Jcfus Chrift, the 
onely facrifice for Sins: Another, there is acertai/*}- 
•f judgement for this Sinner, (another may efcape, but 


■-■■■' a _. .. 

Chap.6 Motives not to rtfuft Chrifl any longer. jij 

hec (hall certainly bee judged) and chat in a dreadfull 
M/ay, (which hee calls a fiery indignation) and a devou- 
ring fire y which (hall devour the adverfaries. There- 
fore cake heed what you do, ye that live under the light 
and knowledge of the Gofpel of Chrift,your refufings and 
Heigh tings ol him(under Scagainft light) are very dread- 
f ul,you do not read fuch dreadful expreuions or the refu- 
fings of Chrifl: under ignorance,the fcripture (peaks more 
(ofdy and compaffionately that way, I Cor. 2. 8. Had 
they known Jr j they would not have crucified the Lord of 
glor) " y Luk. 23.34. Father, forgive them y for they kfow 
not what they do. 

The Lord is contented to connive at the times $f igrto* 
ranee, to bear with Sinners, and to forbear them as he 
did Part/, who oppofed and perfecuted Chrift, but hee 
diditignorantly,\ Tim. t. 1 5. But if people will continue 
to Height and refufe Chrift, after a clear manifeftati- 
on and convi&ion, after clear offers of himfelf, and all 
(aving good, after the fweetcft terms of gracioufnefle, 
after they know hee is to bee received and embraced by 
them, now their refufals rife exceeding high and dau- 

2 A fecond Argument to perfwade them no longer i c f u s Chrift 
tofleightand refufe Jefus Chrift in his favingand gra- yet offers ail 
cious ofto:s,\$ this , )cf us Chrift yet, yet offers all to you , uneoyeir, 
though you have unkindly fi?i<rhted and refufed him in his [| lough , y r ' l l 
former offers, R.CV. 3. 20. Be%old, I ft and at the door and him! 
knock^ if any man he at my voice, and of en the door } I 
will come into him^and will fup with him, and hee with 
me. Though he be not yet in thy heart, hee is (till at thy 
door, there yet hee (lands, and there yet hee knocks, 
yet hee doth not (leight thee, who had fleighted him, 
O here is love indeed, which will not prcfently bee 
denied, here is kindneffe indeed, which will wait up* 
on unkind ncfle , here is goodneffe indeed ; which re- 
turns good for evil , here is mercy indeed, which hath 
bowels for them> which (hew no bowels of compaf- 

P p 4 Cbrijts 

3 1 6 Motives to rejnje Cbriji no longer. Chap. 6, 

Qhrifts offers unto zfoor Sinner are very valuable,but 
Chriils offers unco an unkind Sinner^ are very wonder- 
ful : Mc.rcy,atter the fleightings of mercy, is very mer- 
citul, J*r.3.i. Thou hafi plaid the Harlot with many 
Lovers , jet return Again unto mee , faith the Lord, O 
what furpaffmg love, was this overpaying love of God 1 
fo when Jefus Chrilt puts up all our fleightings oi him, 
overpaflcs all our ignorance? and ftubborneffe, and 
refiftance, and cryes unto us, do not, I befeech you, 
do not, for lying vanities, for fake your own mercies : I am 
come again, 1 am unwilling that ye fhould perini ! have 
yeeyet fcrioufly coniidercd your conditions, and have 
yee yet wifely confideredoi my motions? O it was 
mercy which I did offer to you ( do you not need it, 
would you not have it?) O, it was life which I offer- 
ed unto vouchee that hath the Sonne, hath life, would 
you dye in your fins ?) O I it was falvation which I 
offered unto you, {he e that beleevet, (hall bee (aved'Amdy 
you would bee laved) why ? and all thefc I come once 
q^ore to offer unto you, mercy and companion live in 
mee, my bowels are troubled for you, I will not bee 
fo quick with you, as you have been withmec, The 
day is not yet {pent > the Sun is not yet fed the mar- 
ket is not yet at an end 5 yet you have the Gofpel, yet 
vow may come to mee, and find love and mercy and 
life, cverlaiting life, i Sam. 14.16, fatd Saul, is thie 
thy voice, my f on David, and Saul lift up his voice and 
wept, vcrf. 1 7. andhee faid to David ? thou art more righte- 
ous than I, for thou haft rewarded mee good, whereas I 
have rewarded thee evil , O 1 that all ot us could after 
this manner fpeak to Chiifr, who have hitherto rciu- 
fedChrift: is this thy voice O Chriit ? That wee could 
yet fay with the Church (Cant 5.2. ) it is the voice 
•f ' mj beloved, that knocks th^faji ng y open unto mce^drc. 
and that in the Apprchenfion oi his overcomming kind- 
nefle, wee could lilt up our voice, and weep ! weep for 
our ileightings and unkind dealings, weep at his 1111- 
fpeakablc gracioufnefle, who rewards good to us, that 


Ch ap. 6 M9ti<ves to refufe Chrift no longer, 3 1 j 

rewarded evil unto him •* and that wee could refolve m 
a better manner^ than Saulio T>avid> tooppofe,to 
fleight this Chrift *io more; but to honour hftn? but 
to embrace him, but to accept of all his faving of- 
fers, yet fo kindly offered even to us, who have fleigk- 
ted them. 

A third Argument is this, All your former jleighings m foj> 
and refufmgs jhaH be pardoned r if jet you will accept^ of this mcr ilefghting? 
loving and gracious ofer. Beloved, li Wee continue to fhall bepjrdo- 

fleight and refufe Chrift, how can wee bee pardoned, ned,if ycu wit 

but if yet wee give over, and come in, and accept of 2 " c P r ef hi * 

him, wee (hall bee pardoned? Why? here is the 

Chrift, and this is the Chrift whom wee fleight,though 

we fleight him,yet he feeks and follows us:and though we 

have ileighted him, yet if we return, he will pardon and 

accept of us. 

Objett. I confejfe-) that the fear of this is apt to make' 
feme Sinners dejperate .* why ? it is too late, and it is in 
vain to come to Chrift ^againft whom we have fo Un ghar d- 
nedottr hearts ; whom we have fo oft (leighted and refufed, 
this ft n he will not pardon , 

Sol. I befeech you yet to hearken and live* The Sin 
of refilling Chrift is great; but yet it may be pardon- 
ed: it is exceeding great, but yet, if you will come 
in, and accept of him, it fhall be pardoned, perufetwo 
Scriptures for this, Aft.%. l^.yaH denied the holy one, and 
the)uft, anddeftreda murderer to bee granted unto you, 
verf. 15. and kjlied the Prince of life. 

Here was a fleighting (to deny Chrift) here was an 
undervaluing (to prefer the life of a murderer before a 
Saviour )here was more then a refufing,to kill the Prince 
of life) verf. \J, and now brethren, I wot, that through ig- 
mr anceyou did it, as did alfo your ruler s; verf. i 9. Repent 
fee therefore ', and bee converted, that your ftnnss may bee 
blotted out, By this it is manifeft, that your former re- 
fufals, upon your repentance, may, and (hall bee par- 
doned, 1 Tim, 1 . 1 3 . Who was before a blafphcmer,and 
a per fe cuter, and injurious ^ bat I obtained mercy, be- 

Ppj c*u/i 

3 18 Mmrytst o refufe thrift no longer. Chap. 6 

he** fe I did it ignorant!; in unbeleefr Blafphcming of 
Uinit, perfecting of Chrift, wronging of Chrift; Scfe 
are high degrees ol flighting of Chriii, yet hce obtained 
mcrcyjasyoumayfee^r. 14. and, the grace of our Lerd 
was exceeding abnndant y with faith and love, which is in 
Chrift J*/*J, vcr.lt>. Howbeit for this caufe, I obtained 
mercy, that in mee firfi ]ejtu Chrifl might (hew forth all 
long-fuffcrtng, for a pattern to them which (hould hereafter 
be I eeve on htm to life everlafting . By this inftance you fee 
that this fin hath been pardoned, and a notorious fleigh- 
ter received into favour, and this for a pattern to them 
thatfhould belccve. 

4 Ton cannot pojfibly bee better offered; Chrift OUt-bids 
all, lis offer is the belt, beft in it felt, beft for you? belt 
tor comparifon; it exceeds all offers, 1 For kinde. * For 
extent. 3 For certainty. 4 For permanency. 5 For 

1 For the kjnde of what u offered : It is a good, and your 
fouls good(Hearken to me,and jour fouls (hall /* v*;)fpirirjLial 
good is the beft good,foul-faving good, is the belt good;3C 
this is that good which Chrift doth offer to you-, nothing is 
good for your fouls, but what Chrift doth ofler, and 
whatfoever Chrift doth offer, it is good for your fouls. 

2 For the extent of it : Hee offers all faving goad to 
your fouls, for your fouls : there is' not one foul-fa ving 
mercy, there is not one foul-faving grace>therc is not one 
fsul laving article, but hce offers it to you; himfelf you 
may have, his righteoufnefs you may have, his blood 
you may have, his Spirit you may have, his falvation 
you may have; all that your fouls do need, all that your 
ibuls can defire, you may have; this very day you may 
bee juftificd and faved, it you will accept ot Chrift. And 
is tkerc a better offer, than all this; is this offer to bee 
ileighted > 

3 For the certainty of it \ It you will hearken to this 
For certainty, offer, you (hall not fail to injoy all this good which Chriii 

doth offer; you have fo many fcals to the bond, (o ma- 
ny ailiirances, fo many ingagements from God in his at- 

Y°u cannot 
poflibly be bet 
tcr tftered. 
Ir is the bed 


For kinde. 

For extent. 

Chap . 6 Motives to refn/e Ckrift no longer. 3 ip 

tributes, if! his honour, va hu word, in hit covenant, and 
from Chrifi, who himfelf is (tiled the Amen, and from 
the fromifes of Chrift ^ which are yea and amen-, as fure 
as God is God, and Chrift is Chrift, and die word of 
Chrift is a word of truth; all the good which Chrift of- 
fers unto you (hall bee performed unto you; if you will 
yeeld,ifyou will come in to Chrift, and accept ol his 

4 For the permanency and duration of it; Hee offers 

chat good to you for your fouls, which (hall never bee cyaff 3J2?L 

taken from you, which (hall for ever abide with you, on. ~ ^ 

hee will never ceafe to bee your Chrift and Saviour? his 

righteoufneffe will never ceafe, to be your righteoufnefle $ 

his love will never ceafe to bee your love; his mercy will 

never ceafe, to bee your mercy; Satan offers much, and 

the world, and our lufts> but 1 They are not good for 

the foul 2 They are not fureto bee had and injoyecl 

I They ftay not long, they quickly die and vaniih; but 

whiles time doth laft, whilft life doffh laft, whilft eternity 

doth laft,Chrift will laft to be yours;& all good by Chrift? 

will laft to beyoursjefus Chrift will fettle nimfelr, who is 

our beft good; and all happinefs,which is the beft portion* 

and to all eternity, which is the longeft pofleflion; O, 

who fhould 1 who would refufefuch an offer as this ! 

5 For the condition of it, which u altogether fo gracious; For the condf- 
as you have formerly heard, you cannot have a better &mof itjh is 
good upon better termes ; you cannot have the leaft S r * ci9 ^ 
good, alter which you do fo much drudge upon fuch 

good termes ; you cannot have your finful pleafures 
and enjoyments upon fuch termes;you can have nothing 
whatfoever upon fo good, fo eafy , fo fafe termes, as you 
may have Chrift, and all faving good which Chrift doth 
offer this day unto your fouls. 

5 Tousannot loofe any thing by the accepting of Chrift Yoa cannot 

in his faving and gracious offers, nothing at all> you can- i° fc an * ^'^ 
nor Infp by accc P rjn § 

10t Y ] ° le > . , . r Jf Cbrift. Not 

I Tour refutation by tt, tor to ** many at received him, Your rcpura- 

hie gave this dignity to become the Sons of God, Joh. I * 1 *. i">a. 

2 Your 


jio tAnivts co refuje Cbnjt no longer. Chap. 6, 

Yourl:b*rty. 2 Tour liberty by #f. if rhe Son (bad makj yee free,jce 

(hall bee free indeed, Joh. 8. 36. ff/ttr« ffo 5/?/Wf of the 
Lord is j there is Lb:ny i 2 Cor. 3, 17. you are in bondage 
till you receive him. 
Your pions. 3 All jour profits by it; bee became poor y that yon through 

hts poverty might bee rich, 1 Cor, 8. 9. fo that I may gain 
Chrtft ( Lucnfaciam, make a better bargain) faith Paul, 
ThiLl.%. Chrift is the bed: blefftng, and hecadds unto, 
and crowns all your other bleflings. 
Your pica lure?. 4 Tour pleafures and joy by it; on whom beleevlng yee re- 
joycedwith joy uufpeakable, and full of glory, 1 Pet. 1.8. At 
Ins right h.\nd there are flea fares for evermore, Pfal. 1 6.1 1 . 
Y ur rca<e 5 Tour peace by it; for hee is our feace> Ephef. 2. 1 4. and 

by h'm wee have \eacewith <]od, ReV. $. I. 
Y^ur life. 6 Tour life by it; for hee that hath the Son, hatb life? 

1 J jh 5* 1 *. Hearken unto mce, and live, Jfa* 55.2. 
Your good fd- 7 Tour good- fellow fop by it;our fellowship it with the Fa~ 
lowlhip. ther, and with his Son Jefus Christy 1 Joh. I. 3. 

f ff 8 Tonrfafety by it, O my Dove that art in the clefts of the 

our a cry. r ^Cant. 2. 1 4. 
y©ttr b©?«. 9 Tour hopes by it; Chrift m you the hope of glo*y, Col. 

2.27. You tail only bfe your fins by it? and that loft is 
your gain, as hee faidofhis riches which hee threw into 
the Sea, being purfued for them by pyrates, the lolfeof 
thefe is my fafcty . I had peri(hed,ii they had not perifh- 
You cannot 6 Tom cannot but be lofty if you continue to refufe him , 

but bec loft, if ff of4r Go jp c 1 y ee i oi ^ it if hid to them that are Uft, 2 Cor. 

»7c£fchhf *•*• ^ vhoWtheGodo f thts ^rld hath blinded the minds 
of them which beleeve not, left the light of the glorioH* Gofpel 
of Chrift, who u the image of God,\honld (htne tn them, vcr. 
4. But what is it to bee loft? there is the lofs of riches, of 
friends, of comforts, of cafe, of life, of body, and there 
is the lofs of the foul, which is 1 Spiritual, the lofs of 
G >d, and the lofs of Heaven • 2 Univcrfal, the lofs of 
all. 3 Grievous. 4 Irrevocable.^ You do afTurcdly 
know, that your fouls are ncccllarily in a loft coi idition, 
1 1 that there is no lalvation for them? but Chriir, and 


Chap.6 Motives to refufeCbrift no longer. j*i 

that faith is die only condition of life, as he faid to (Thrift , 
Mafter fave Hi elfe wit fertjb. How can a Sinner bee fa- 
ved,if he will ftillreiuic falvation? Mercy cannot fave 
him who will not have mercy : Chrift cannot fave him 
who will not have Chrifl; how \h all we efcape, if we negleft 
f*gredtfalvAtioK>Hcb.* m 3. 

Seventhly, The offers -which Chrift makes ttntoyoftyW/B Tfcc ^^ 
notbeeslwaiesy nor can they belong-. Our life is but a which 
fliort fpan, our daies are foon at an end, our hours will chr 'ft make* 
quickly bee fpent: we have but one day of a fliort and ca "" ot be lone 
uncertain life, and Chrift goes not beyond a day in his J^^* ** al " 
gracious offers : O \ if thou hadft known in this thy day, 
Luke 19. 42- To day if yon will hear his voice^ harden not 
your heart s y Heb.^.i5» my fptritfhall not alwayes ftrive 
with man j Gen. 6, 3. Whiles wee prefume on the next 
year, wee may bee in our graves the next day; and 
if your day bee gone, you are undone; wee may bee 
too late> wee cannot bee too foon for Chrift and falva- 

There are many great uncertainties : the length 
of mans life, the length of the Gofpei, the length of 
Chrifts dealing with the fouls of Sinners : And there 
are feveral parts of great wifdome, 
I Betimes to prepare for death . 
a Betimes to know and fear God. 

3 Betimes to repent. 

4 Betimes to make fure of heaven. 

$ Betimes to accept of the gracious offers of Chrift. 

Eightly, It had hen much better for U4 that wee had . . 
never he*rdof thefe gracious offers of Chrift , if wee will better never w 
continue to fletght and refufethem, as theApoftle fpeaks hare hc^rd 
of Apoftacy, 2 Pet. 1 . 2 1 . It had been better for them^ the k offers, 
not to have known the way of righteoufneffe^ then after lhaiuoflcigh: 
they have know nit , to turn away from the holy commande- r CB1 * 
ment delivered unto them. So fay I of rcfufcrs and fl eigh- 
tcrs of Jefus Chrift in his loving and gracious offers> 
it had been better for you never to have heard them, 

Qjj then 

\lzTbe Qurt of a freighting and refufingHeart.Qbzy.S* 

then having heard them to refufe them, Heb.i2. 25, 
See thai je refnfe not him that fycaketh : for if they efca* 
fed not who refnfed him that [pake on earthy much more 
{hall net wee efcape y if we turn away from him , that ffcAketh 
jrom heaven, Mat. 1 1. 2 1. Woe unto thee Chor*z*in, Woe 
fir. hee Bethfaidafor if the mighty wgrk/ f &j,2 2.v,ftfhall 
bee more tollerabte^ for Tyre and Sidon at the da) of judge- 
mem then f or y oh ^ not that die gracious offer s of Chrift 
are in themfelves iinfuland damning, but the refil- 
ling of thefc offers (which are fo gracious) doth there- 
fore extreamly heighten our guiir,. and our moil juft 
condemnation. There is more that will come in a- 
gainft us , and more that will bee laid to our charge in 
the day of judgement, than to the charge of others. 
O ! but you had the Gofpel preached unto you> which 
others had not : O ! but you had fuch a Chrift made 
known unto you, which others had no: : O ! but Chrift 
offered you fuch free love, fuch rich mercy, fuch 
a glorious falvation which others heard not of: O! 
but Chrift did fo in treat you, f) follow you, fo im- 
portune you, fo call, fo wait, fo threat, fopromife,and 
yet you would not hearken, yet you lliut your, hearts 
again! t him. 


Vfel P\0 many Sinners flcight and refufc Jcfus 
JL/Chrift, in his faving and gracious oners? 
mhlromfezo T ncn ' ct ^ ucn °' us > as have been guilty of this great 
tjkctobf freed ^ n > ^ ce P er f^ a ^ e ^ t0 receive a word of dtretlion this 
from a fleigh- day ^ what courfc to lake, thst wee may bee freed of this 
ting ard icfu* tegle&ing, fleightingy refn r ng heart. 
fr-ghew*. ^ There are two forts oi fl jighters and refufcrs of Chrift 
in his gracious c ,ffers» 

I Some are wilfully h»rde»e J, and defterttelj malici- 
oust who refufc to hearken, and p ill away the (houldcr, 
and ftop their cars, that they fhould not hear : yea 5 they 
nuke their hearts as an Adamant ftone, left they fhould 


Chap A T fa C*rf of a flighting and refttjing Htart. 3x3 

hear : Thefe are the men whom the Apoftle calk ab- 
fur d or unrta finable , 2 Thef 3. 2. and God (in a judicial 
Way) hath given up to their own hearty Ittfls , PfaL 8u 
12," to a reprobate minde y Rom- 1. 28. Their ears 
are dull of hearings and they have clofed their eye s\ 
left the j fhould fee with their eyes, and hear with 
their ears, and [hould bee converted md healed , as the 
Apoftle fpeaks, Atf.28.27. for this fort of men, who 
will not bee peifwaded , though enough bee fpoken 
to perfwade them, and who are refolved not to fee 
their Sin, nor to admit of any counfel, I know not 
what to fay, nor what to do, unlefle it be to mourn and 
weep over diem, as Chrift did over Jerufalem for her 
cbftinacy and perverfneffe. 

Secondlv, Some are at leap: in fome degree fenfble 
of their fin of refufing, and (leighting of Chrift, and are in 
fame me a fare willing and defrosts to ktiow^ how they may 
bee freed &nd delivered from it : And are there indeed a- 
ny fuch here at this time^ any whofe eyes God hath o- 
pened, any whofe hearts God hath teached ? they 
would not any longer bee unkindc to Chrift, norftand 
out againft him; you would indeed know the way, Sec. 
then hearken to mee. Six things 

There are fix things, which if any Sinner could get, which if any 
afluredlv hee would Sleight and Refufe Chrift in his** ™id S cc,th e y 
faving, and gracious offers no more gg ^ 

1 The fad fight, 
a Thcwoundedfpirit. 

3 The right furvey. 

4 The goodly ghfle, 

5 The renewed heart. 

6„The bowing knee. The fadf^hr. 

1 The fad fight 5 my meaning is, if the Sinner did know 
what it is-tobee a Chriftlefle finner , hee would not 
Sleight nor refufe Chrift in his offers. There are three 

1 To lee a foul tormented in hell. 

* To fee a foul defpairing' of mercy. 

3 To fee a foul refilling Chrift, andforfakinghisown 

Q.q 2 mercies, 

™ — - 

3 Z4 The cure of a freighting and rtfufmg htm . Chap.6 

mercies. If a difeafed man were in the Phyficians hands, 
i, the weak chdd were in the Parents arms, if the poor 
man were at the rich mans table, if the purfued man 
were in the City of refuge, if the indebted man were in 
rhefuretics houle, li the condemned man were in the 
Pnncestavour,if the travelling man at fea were in the 
jhipj Thefe conditions would not afford any thing of 
ladnefle, for miieryharh in ic little of mifery, when 
thehelpofmifav is pi cf be and fufticient: But, to 
behold a hearc-hek, and difeafed man, and noPhyliti- 
an to heal and cure him, but to behold a weak new-born 
infant, and no Father, nor Mothcr,nor friend topitty 
him : but, to behold a poor wretched, fiarving man, 
and no door to go unto for a crumof bread: bur, to 
behold the avenger ofbloud purfuing the guiltv,and no 
gate of refuge opened : but, to behold the indebted man 
arrched, and charged, and nofecurity to put in Bavle 
or to bee bound for him: but, to behold the condem- 
ned man, and no hope of favour and mercy to bee 
ftowu unto him: bur, to behold one in the midft of 
the oea, and no boat, or flap, orrock tofavehim,theft 
arc very lad fights indeed. 

And yet this, anc I worfe than this, is the condition 
of every Chnftlcfle Sinner: (Is there anv foul-Phyfi- 

St^vS"**' 1S i. tlere l"y fr icild ' is there any relief 
butChnft.? anyhelptoflyc unto, any fumy or advo- 
cate, any deliverance biitChrifi) he is the difeafed man 
who hath noPhyfitian, heeis the miferablc Orphan, 
whohath no friend: hee is the poor wretch, whom 
none will releive: hee is the guilty perfon, who hath 
no refuge from the avenging wrath of God: hceisrhe 
extreamly indebted man, who can find no furety : hee 
rs the condemned man, and there is no mercy for him: 
hee is in the Sea, and there is no fafery nor help for 
him. There are Six things which you may fafcly af- 
firm of xrery Chriftleffc Sinner •• hee is i Life-lefTe. 
aEafclefle^ 3 Fncndlcffc 4 Worthldrc. j Hclp- 
Icfle. 6Ho P elcffc. There is the Law of God, and he 


Qhap.&ThtCurerf a freighting and tefnfing heart; j* 5 

lies under the curfe of it ; there is the guilt of fin, and hee 

lies under the condemnation of it; there is the terrour of 

cpnfciencc, and hee lies under the fear of it;, there is the 

jufticeofGod, and hee lies under the wrath of it; there 

is mercy, but hee ihall never tafte it; there is Heaven. 

but hee (hail never fee it; there is death,, and hee (hall 

meet with it; there is the judgement-feat;) and hee fhalL 

ftand,before it; there is a righteous tcntence to be palled, "£ 

and hbe (hall hear it; there is a place of torment, and hee 

fhall eternally tall into it. O that 2 11 who fleight and re- 

fofe Chrift had their eyes opened, fo as clearly to behold 

the great ,and certain, and unfpeakable raifery of a Chrift- 

lctle (inner, could they, would they then ikightand re- 

fofe Chn(t any longer r by whorn alone they are refcued 

and delivered from it > T , 

1 Thewovndcdfrtrit; There is the h'prical knowledge ^^° undci 
°f fi n -> and there * the experimental knowledge of fin; there 
is a pleafmg appreheniion of (in, and there is a wounding 
apprehenfion of (in * if the hearts and conferences of fin- 
ners had once an experimental and wounding apprehen- 
fion of their iins, they would not thus freight, and refufe, 
and (land outagainll Chrifl, they in Alls 1. 37^ weje 
Wounded '« their heart /, and cry 9m, vphatftak wee do* 
Saul was wounded in his fpirit, and hee erics out, Lord % 
vhat wiltthoH have mezto do ? Act. 9. 6.. The Jailor wa£ 
wounded in his fpirit, and ktc came in trembling, and cried 
*mt> Sirs, what (hall I do tehee faved? A£t J 6. 30. Be- 
fore their hearts were wounded, they did all pppofe and 
fleight C hrift, they in Aft. 2. denyed and mttrthercd him 1 
Saul contemned and perfecuted him;, the laylor evilly 
uied and difdained him : but as foon as their hearts were 
wounded, they lay down their armes, they refill and 
(leight no longer* they inquire for ChriftV andfub- 
mir unto him. 

There are eight things in a finncr, when his fpirit is 
wounded: i i An exquifite fenfe of fin. 2 Anunfuppor- 
table burden of guilt, 3 A; dreadful feeling of wrath. 
4 An everv daies fear of judgement. 5 An unavoidable 

Qjl i fob- 

y$Hbe Cure of a freighting andrefufing btart. Chap, £* 

fubje&ion to the inditcments and condemnations of con* 
fcience. 6 Allfelf-confidenccs are broken down. 7 A 
perpetual refHeftnefs and diitraftion. 8 Utter defpair of 
Ghriftand mercy. O when the Lord fetsonr fins in order 
l^e fere u*^ when hee awakens confcicncej commands it to 
fpeak, when hec himfelf will charge upon our fouls all 
eur guilt and abominations and convey into our fpiritthe 
power of his difpleafure and wrath. I allure you, that 
the fpirit of man will fail, and die foundations will 
tremble, the ftoutcft of finners will bee driven to their 
feet ;fhame and confufion will cover them, their proud 
reafonings,andfooli(h cavillings, and fturdy wills are 
broken to the duft, all weapons drop out of their hands, 
indChrift, and the offer of Chrift, and the hopes of 
Chrift; O how precious, how defireablc, how acceptable 
arc they, and will chey bee toanheart thus wounded ,and 
thus bleeding, and thus groaning 1 Whiles the Phy fick is 
in the glafs, there is no working,whiles the fword is in the 
fcabberd, there is ao bleeding, and fainting? and crying; 
whiles the burden is underfoot, there is no complaining; 
but let that phyfek into the body, O how fick is the rrcui! 
and hee mull: have a cordial, and thruft that (word 
through the body; what fainting is there, what crying 
out for life and help is there? put that burden upon the 
lhotilders, and now wee cannot bear it, wee would bee 
delivered ; So, before wee have an experimental fenfe of 
fin, before God makes it to bee a dart in our fides, a 
wound in our fpirit, a burden upon our confeience; why> 
fin is light, and Chrift is ileighred; I, but if the Lord wiJl 
make his arrows to enter into our fouls, and our fins to 
ftick in our confeiences; now wee begin to feel, to com- 
plain, to cry out, O Lord ' a wounded Jpir/t -who can bear } 
I have finned, what (hall I do unto thee, thou preferver 
of men ! is there no balm in Gi/ead ? wretched man that 
lam ! who fkall deliver met } Is there not a Chrift: to bee 
found ? will hec pitty and help a dLftreilcxl foul ? may < uch 
a Sinner as I have been^ look up uji£o him ? and will hec 
look downonmee? when will hee do it? upon what 

termes ? 

- jiii.1 irwrw— w^—~ "" - -. . . 

Chap. 6*Tbe Cure q/ "a freighting and rtfufing heart .517 

terrnes ? O ! my foul values him above all, and thirds 
for him before all: Iwillrefufe him no moro I am con- 
tented to come in : O that my poor foul might injoy this 
gracious and faving Chrift, upc;n his gracious and (aving 
termes! The right fur- 

3 11. e rig ht fxrvej of our fouls, find what will become of vey ©f our 
them : There are three excellent works in the right fur- r ° i , , | 8 il nci wha J 
vcyingofour fouls. Oncisrefytcere, to lookback, and ^ cmm c<Mtteo 
findeout what they have done; a fecond is i*$kere, to $ Excellent 
look into them: andobfervein what condition they are; works in the 
the third is frojpicere, to look forward* and confider unto r »gto fafvey of 
what a condition they are going. And I am conftderit, our ouls * 
if Sinners would thus rightly furvey their fouls J they durft 
notfleigfet JefusChrift in hisfaving offers. ! 

I Refpcite, lookJ>Ackj and find* out what jour fouls have Tol °ok b acfr, 
donefhe foul that fins fh*U jMairilGoJ;doth God fy fo ? ouffout^c ' 
O then my foul I what will become of thee ? art thou not done 
finful? have thy works been any but what are (infill? •* 
Turn thy fclfa while unto tnyfelf (nay, why art thou 
afraid, and why art thou afhambd >) what works are 
thefe, and whofe arc they ? did God command them ? 
Onol hee did forbid and condemn them: Canft thou 
deny thefe oathes,and curfings and ftvearings,and lyings, 
and thefts, and whoredomes, itid Sabbath- prophanati- 
ons, and fcornes of holincffe, And contempt o* the Gof- 
pel, and drunkenneffe, and worldlinefle, and canft thou 
deny them to bee fins, or to bee thy fi is > Thou {hould- 
eftnothave finned at all; but ifone -day had been a day 
of finning, the next day ftiould have bee n a day pi rnonf h- 
ing and repenting : O / but thou haft added drunken- 
neffe to thirft, and every new day of living hath been a- 
new day of finning: And who muft anfwer for all 
thefe? the curfe is gone outagainft thee,- aud who (hall 
flay it from lighting upon thee: either thou thy felf 
muft anfwer,but then thou pcriuSes,orChriit muft anfwer 
for thee and them 5 but will hee anfwer forthy fins, who 
wilt not anfwer to his call ? becaufe thou linneft, thou 
canft not anfwer for finning? and becaufe thou refafeft 


318 The Cure of a flighting and ufu{lng bean Chap. 6 

-Cbrilt, -Chrift will not anfwcr for them: O my ioult 
how mifrraDle an thou for thy fins? but how more rai- 
feraDle arc thou,if thou wik continue to refute anJ Height 
the Saviour oi Sinners! 
To look ioto, a Ir.fp'c te y L$?k^into y and obferve in what prefent conds- 
mdobfervc t ion your fouls are : They have been wicked, and ftuuld 
chy prcfenc you then fit ftill, without a L hrilt : nay, and they are fo 
cwidiiiou. \\\\[^ aa j WO rfe : what 1 the difeafe worie, and the wounds 
more, and yet negleS. the Phyfitian I why, O my foul / 
furely thou art not thy feif: Sometimes thou blameft thy 
fins, yet ftill thou kcepeft them, many times thou fearcft 
wrath, yer ftill thou kindleft it-: O ! liow often doft thou 
tremble to think of dying a finner, and yet thou rnakeft 
nothing of it ftill to live a firmer I former fins may (hew 
j(7 thee thy need of Chrift", and prefent fins do allure thee of 

a prefent neceflity of Chrift, and Chrift yet offers himfelf 
a prefent remedy for all, and wilt thou wilfully perii"li> 
. who mayeft yet mercifully bee faved ? what it God 
(hould (ay, this night theyfh^ll take thee away ; is hec in a 
prefen ^capacity tor Heaven, who is excluded by a pre- 
fent fleighting and refufing of Chrift? 
To look for- 3 Projpicite, Look forward unto that eft ate and conditi- 

ward to the on unto u htch fouls muft go; Either they muft afcend unto 
ftite unto an eternal Heaven, or they muft defcend into an eternal 
which our Hell: Eternity is theftatefor every foul to fall intoaf- 

* mu 6 * ter this lite : Eternity ! and what is that ? It is afull,pn- 
fent , unchangeable, everUjting fruition of bleffcdnejfe, $r 
of wrath • O my foul ! wcj are upon the brink of this e- 
ternity : Hee that beleeves,(hall have everUftivg life, and 
Bee that beleeves not, (hall not fee life, but the wrath §fGod 
abide tb on him. Wouldft thou attain to evcrlafting lite ? 
O then come in and clofe with Chrift/ Wouldcft thou 
avoid evcrlafting wrath? O then refufea Chrift no 
morel Beloved, if wee would thus furvcy our fouls, 
wee would no longer neglect Jcfus Chrift. O fcarch your 
fouls ! O pitty your fouls ! bee not unmerciful to your 
\ poor fouls! If your fouls bee (in your judgements) 

worth the laving, Jefus Chrift will foon appear to your 


- — — ■ fr 

Chap.6v The Cure of a freighting andrefufing beart% 320 

hearts worth the embracing and taking. 

4 The goodly Gl* ft • My meaning is 5 get a clear and The goodly 
folid knowledge of Chrift; Had they known it, they would Gla ^ 
not have crucified the Lord of glory, I Cor. 2, 8. fo fay I, 
did Sinners know Jefus Chrift, they would not thus 
fleight and refufe him . When Mofes got upon {Mount 
Pifgah, and faw the Land of promife, Ol>0r^,faidhee, 
I fray thee let meego over and fee the good Land that is be* 
yond Jordaxy the goodly Mountain* and Lebanon. If wee 
could get fpiritual eyes, and a fpiritual light to behold 
the glory of the Lord,the glorious excellencies in Chrift, 
and the exceeding riches of his glorious grace, in the of- 
fers of falvation to us; wee would bee enamoured with 
them;we would moft earneftly long and third after them: 
I will not fpeak of his perfonal excellencies, but only of 
his excellent and precious offer; there are fix excellent :^ c j Icr ' 1 
things in them, i The deepeft pitty. 2 The lo weft con- cKpred- 
defcention. 3 The freeft love. 4 the fweetcft mercy* oas offer. 
5 The fulled goodnefs, 6 The only happineffe. 

x The deepefi titty 1 Why doth Chrift look after you, The deepeft 
fend to you, call upon you, offer unto you? Itismeer pic,y# 
pitty and compaflion unto you; in every offer of Chrift, 
you may fee the very heart and bowels of Chrift towards 
vou : mv heart yearns over them) 1 wouWdo them good, 
I would fave thcm,I cannot bee at reft to fee them in fuch 
a wretched and loft condition ! 

2 The lorveft condefcention : When Chrift makes his The fdvr e? 
offers to you, hee humbles himfelffo far as to bee your conde fccntiaa- 
fcrvant, that hee may bee your Saviour: Hee is con- 
tent to attend you, to ftand at your door, to intreat you, 

to begge of you, to wait upon you : Will you bee plea^ 
fed to nave your Saviour ? will you be pleated to receive 

Four pardon J will you bee pleafed to accept of life? O! 
cannot but weep to fee the glorious Chrift fitting, and 
waiting, and weeping at the door of finners I never was 
there fuch a condefcention as this ! 

3 The free ft offers : Chrifts gracious offers arcrbut Co The frteft of- 
many tokemof love,treaties of love,the impatrings rf his fers. 

R r heart 

1l<ylbe Qure of a fletgbting and rejufwg&eart .Chap. 6, 

heart unco you, breaking open of his minJe unto your 
J would marry you to my (elf, I would be yours; I would 
have you to bee mine, I would beftow my felt upon you, 
and all 1 have upon you; this is that which I intend in 
all my offers : O, this is love indeed to us Tinners, to pull 
lis one of hell, to raife us t torn the dunghill, to bring us 
into union with Chrift, to injoy himfclf. 
Tfeefwcctcft 4 The fweeteft mercy' mercy is a fwcet drop, 
mvej. pardoning mercy is a pleafant fountain, no iinner but 

needs it, no finner but is happy in the injoy men t of it, 
and Chrifts offers have this mercy in them ' All your 
iniquities (hall bee laid on mee, I will bear them, 1 will 
walh them away in my blood, I will bee your atone- 
ment and peace. 
Tlw fulieft 5 The folic ft goodnefe : Chrifts offers arc full treafures, 

gocdncfi. hec never offers an imperfect portion, nor leffe than that 
which will fully and perfectly , let up the finner ? You 
arc dead, here I offer, life to you; you are guilty, here I 
offer pardon to you; you are enemies, here 1 offer re- 
conciliation to you; you are wicked, here I offer my ho- 
hneffctoyou; you arc ungodly, and here I offer my 
righteoulncile to you; you are troubled, here I offer 
comfort to you ; you need all, here I offer all unto you- 
6 The only htpfinefs : O firs 1 there is Chrift to bee 
The only hap- had, in all the offers of Chrift, and there is nolcfle than 
pmef*. everlafting glory to bee had in the offer of Chrift.* take 

the offer, and you take Heaven with it; could you but 
lec thefe things in the offers of Chrift? would yee Height 
them, would yee rcfufe them any more ? W lien you hear 
what Chrift offers, when you hear him calling on you; 
come findbny, and now coulei fay, this is the voice of mj be- 
loved, this is none other than the compaf^nate Chrift, who 
pittics my foul: this is none other but the low lyChn ft ,who 
intreats for my foul* this is none other but the loving 
Chrift, who would marry my foul"- this is none other ,but 
the meraful Chrift, who would pardon my foul; this is 
none other but the bountiful Chrift, who would fully blefs 
my foul: this is none other but the gracious Cbrtfty who 


-■V Mr 

Ghap,6, L be Cure of a flighting and refujing Heart. 3 3 1 

would everlaftingly fave my foul ' how could you 
fleight him ? 

5 The renewed be art 1 get but this, and tile work is Get the renew 
done: You may, I confeife, break down the ignorance cdhcarc - 
of unbeleef, and yet the (inner may (land oft from Chrift: 
you may break down the ftupidity of unbeleef, and yet 
the (Inner may ftand off from Chrift ; you may break 
down the arguments and cavils of unbeleef, and yet the 
(inner may (land oft from Chrift; ail may bee faid, that 
any Minuter oi Chrift can fay of him, and yet the (in- 
ner may ftand oft from Chrift. But could you get this 
one thing, a renewed converted heart, you would not, 
nay, you could not ftand out any longer, not one minute 
longer againft Chrift, Pfaf. 116. j. Thy people (hall bee 
willtvg hi the day of thy power. 

There are three things m renewing or converting Three things 
grace in rcn£wiD 6 

v 1 It is predominant y much tooftrong for the -rebellion f[££' redo . 
of mans heart, for God therein doth omnipotently work, m inam. 
and none can let him. . 

z his cfeEtual 1 It makes the greateft change that " KCtte ^ u *- 
can bee in a (inner, it makes him a new creature; it 
changeth the heart offline (this is the ftubborn and re- 
fitting heart) into*» heart offltjh, this is the yeelding and 
Submitting heart. . 

3 It is totally prevailing: there is not any one/aculty " c l ^ c l ^L y 
of thefouljwliichit doth not fubdue, and bring in. and F 
lay down at the feet of Chrift: It is anew principle ia 
the whole foul, a new forming of all, a renewed Judge- 
ment, will prize Chrift above all; a renewed wtll y will clofe 
with Chrift before ail; a renewed heart is all for Chrift; 
Chrift is the defire of it, Chrift is the love of it, Chrift is 
the delight of it, Chrift is the only fatisfa&ion unto 

6 Tbebendedkn"' If thy foul could bur once come to The bendid 
bend in prayer, 1 (hould not doubt, but that thy heart knee, 
would quickly bend unto Chrift: did you indeed 1 See 
the fxnfulnefs of your former refufals. a Obferve thepre- 

Rr a fent 

■ I III J ■ ' J ————————.——. 

3 3 z The Cure of a freighting arJ rejuftng fccart.Chap. 6^ 

fent power of your uabeleef. 3 Your own infufhcicncy 
to overcome that power, and hereupon could lye low 
before God, and wrcftle with him in prayer, for the fpi - 
ritot faith; Lord 1 do thou pcrfwade my foul, do thou 
draw in my foul: O blefled Chrift ! who art willing to 
fave mee, make mee willing to receive thee ! Thon haft 
received grftsfor men, even for the rebellious alfo, that the 
Lord God might dwell among them, Pfal. 68. 1 8. poure out 
this gift upon my foul, iubdue my heart unto thy lelf. 
Entreat no longer, but command, command no longer, 
but make my heart to (loop unto thee: O Lord! this is 
a fad condition, to bee an enemy to thee, to (Thrift, and 
to my own foul ! pitty and help one, who fees reafon e- 
nough to come in to Chrift, but hath not ftrcngth enough 
fotodo! I fee Hell, in a refining of Chrift; O con- 
quer my unbelceving heart •' I fee Heaven, in the accept- 
ing ot the offers ot Chrift : O create in mcc a beleeving 
heart : a will is wanting, but thou canft give it; a power 
isneceflary> but thou canft exprefle it-* All things obey 
thy will : do but fay, I will that thou bee willing, and I 
(hall prefently bee willing : Workjn mee to mil, of thy good 

To conclude this Argument, If you would ftand" oik 
againft Chrift no longer, and refufe his gracious offers no 
more, then get all yciur chains to bee broken. There are 
twelve chains that hold finners fo faft and fo ftrcgig, that 
until they bee broken, you will never come off from 
the ileighting and refufing of Chrift in his faving and gra- 
cious orrers. 

x The chain of Darkncflc. 
a The chain of Prejudice. 

3 The chain of Folly. 

4 The chain of Stupidity. 

5 The chain of Security. 

6 The chain of Pride* 

7 The chain of Hell, the love of Sin, 

8 The chain of the world, 

9 The chain of defperateneflc. 


. - ' ' ■' __ 

Chap. 7 F**Ufh Sinners pnr/ue that ^hich profits not. 3$ j 

10 The chain of Defpair. 

1 1 The chain of Wjlfulneffe. 

12 The chain of Carelefsneffc* 

tito» tfto ttfo tfto *Sf» 

ISAIAH 55. * 

Wherefore do yon fpend mony ^ far that which is mt bread, 
and your labour for that which fat n fie s net} &c. 


Ou have heard of thefaner* ingrati- 
tude-, in the flcighting and retufing 
of Chrift,in his laving and gracious 
offers • lam now to fpeak of the 
Starters foebfhnefs; who might eafi- 
\y injoy all good by Chrift, but hee 
will rather bufy, and moil, and 
fpend, and perplex himfelf for that 
which can bring him in no good at all* This vain folly is 
taxed herein the text (wherefore doyeejpendmony^ for that 
which is not bread} &c.) whence obferve, 

Do<90 That finner s are eameftly 4 abjuring and trading 

Sinners srre 
earneftly trad* 
ing for vain 
things, when 
the grear 

for vain and unprofitable things , when y and though the great 
things of Chrift are gracioujly offtred unto them : but this 
is an exceeding folly in them \ Or, That foolifti Sinners 
purfue that which will never do them good; when Chrift ^jj 1 ?' of 
offers to them all faving good. Here they fpend their fe^VcheriL " 
mony, and for what is that coft ? for that which Is not 
bread : here they fpend their labour, and what is it for 
which they labour ? for that which fatisfies not : Surely 1 
to lay out our mony for that which is not bread, thisis to 
bee at coft for that which is but vain: and to bee labori- 
ous for that which can never give fatisfa£Uonj this is to 
labour for that which is unprofitable: Andyet you fee 
hcrc> that Sinners, unto whom Chrift offcrea VViiic 

Rr 3 and j 

534 A# things btfidus Cbnfi and bvs ojftu Chap, 7 > 

and milk without money, and without price* they neg* 
le. 1 theie faving and gracious offers > and lay r out all 
their ftock) and all their pains, for that which is not 
br cad , . and that which fatisfics not. And wherefore do 
you thus? faith (Thrift (wherefore do yon fpendyour mo- 
ney for that which h not bread}) why areyee fo fimple 
, and foolith ? to prefer the meile of pottage, before your 
birth-right, this was the extreamfooliihnelTeof Efan. 
To prefer the tafte of ar* Apple before the happinef fc of 
Paradife , this was the extreamfooliihnefle ot Adw.io 
prefer the thirty peecesof Silver before Chrift,this was 
more then-fooliihnetTe injndasi When men may have all 
faving and everlafting good by Chrift, to neglcft this, 
and to take up their hearts and lives, their care, their 
ftrength, their pains, for tilings that will never pr ofit 
; them, O I what foolifnnefTeis this, even For lying va- 
nities toforfak* their own mercies* 

There are four things for the opening of dais afler- 

1 That all other things,befldes thofe which Chrift dodi 
offer, are vain and unprofitable. 

2 That Sinners do laborioufly purfue them, when 
yet Chrift doth offer unto them, the chiefeft good for 
t heir fouls. 

3 W hy finners do fo ? • 

4 The extream folly of this. 


I IT Hat alt other things, be ft dot thofe which Chrift doth of- 

A I] thing* be- fir nnto Sinner s y are vain y and nnfrofltabit. Theft 

f,de*< h;iftand other thuigs muft bee either 

£££?* * Or worldly objeas. 

J 3 Or other wayes for falvation, thanfuch as Chrift 

propounds, and all of them arc vain and improfi- 

tat> k. J u 

Siofuiobjcft. * That finf'tObjcfo arc v«*y «>* "<* **>•* *• " 
are vain £ $oa y 

Chap. 7* are warn and unprofitable. 335 

goody This I fuppofe will bee aflenced unco by you all, 
they are called Vain things which cannot profit, 1 Sam. 
1 2. 2 1 . what profit had you inthofe things whereof yon are 
now ajhamed ? Rom. 6: 2 1 . They are like the Prophets 
Rotten gir die i which wot profitable for nothing, Jer. 13.7. 
There is fome good to bee had from every thing but fin> 
fomegoodbycroffes, andlofTes, fomegood by trou- 
bles in confeience, fome good bv the reproaches of e- 
vil men, but no good by fin, neither doth the body, nor 
doth the foul get any good by it. 

2 That worldly Objects are vain and will never do our \VorIdfy ob- 
fiouls good', this alfo is evident , what (hall it profit a man je&s are vain. 
to gam the whole world and toloofe his foHl<,Ma.t.l6.i.6.ThoH 
fool, this night (hall they take away thy \onl , and thea 
whofejhall theft things bee y Lukj 1 2.20. Had you as much 
honour and dignity, had you as much riches and plen- 
ty, had you as much pleafure and delight,as ever mor- 
tal men enjoyed, thefe poffibly may hinder and undo - 
yourfoiils,but they can never further or fave your fouls; 
your fouls are notwithstanding all thefe , fully under 
the dominion of fin,and under the guilt of fin,and under 
the wrath of God, and ftill as poor and needy, and mi- 
ferable, and wretched. It is impofTiblc to make up an 
eftatefor the foul, out of any creature, or oat of the 
whole world : Look on your fins, and look on your 
miferies, and look on your fouls , and look on your 
conferences and look on all the world : It is nothing, 
and it can do nothing at .all : what one fin [ is all the 
world able to difcharge ? what one mifery is it able to 
free you from ? what one grace can bee railed out of 
all the treafures of earth ? what one word of peace can it 
fpeak, or what the lead eafe can it give to a troubled- - 
confidence? The favour of God, the mercy of God, 
the hope of heaven, the renewing of the hearts the juf- 
tification of a (inner, the peace.with God, nothing, no- 
thing, at all, which hatha prcfent or future reference 
unto the f>ul, hath any relation at all, or any depen- 
dence at all upon the world, or. any worldly el'j 

5 j6 All things befides Chrift and his offers Chap. 7^ 

you have the love of the world, and yet God may hate 
you; you have the honour of the world, and yet God 
may defpife yon; you have the riches of the world,and 
yet your fouls may bee p©or : you have the delights of 
the world, and yet your conferences may bee in torment; 
you may enjoy all the world, and yet your fouls have 
nothing at all for heaven. 
Thefe worldly things are of another nature, of another 
ufe,of another end,and of another condition: They are 
too courfe,too flat,too low 3> too impertinent too inef- 
ficient, too empty, too vain, too uncertain. All the 
world cannot many times help you out of a worldly dif- 
ftreffe, how then can it help us out of a fpiritual dif- 
ftrefle? All the world cannot many times confer on 
you the lead worldly good, cannot give you the lead 
reft, the leaft comfort, the leaft hope, the leaft flay, 
how then can it confer any fpiritual arid fa ving good 
unto a foul? 
Other wayei Thirdly, That other wayes offalvation (and indea- 
of falv^ticn vours in them) then [neb as Chrift propounds, are vain And 
then fuch as unprofitable, and will come to nothing : lay any other 
Chrift pro- foundation befides Chrift,it will never hold : fet up your 
fain, S> afC E 00 ^ meanings,cr your devout fervings of God, or any 
of your good works rather, of piety or charity, they 
will fail you, they will deceive you, they cannot fave 
ycu; they are not bread, vou cannot live \ipon them, 
Gal.i. 9. If any man preach any other Gofpel to you, then 
that you have received, let him bee ac cur fed, I Cor.$.T I . 
Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which 
is Jcfus Chrift, ^#.4. i*. there is no other name under 
heaven given amougJr men, whereby weemuft be fave d, net" 
thgri* there falvation by any other. 

Now let mec grafpe up thefe particulars again, that 
you may take mce clearly. When I fay that Sinners 
are carneftly and laborioufly purfuing after other things, 
after vain and unprofitable things, when Chrift makes 
offer iinto them of all faving good, my meaning is,that 
either they arc then carneftly purfuing their finfullufts, 


Ghap/7* are win anc * unprofitable. 337 

or elfe their worldly lulls, or elfe their felf-conceited 
lulls in a way of their own making for heaven, yet L 
muft tell you, that I cfieifly intend the point of them, 
who under all the Caving and gracious offers of Chrift, 
are fo far irom cemming into trade with Chrift, that 
they wholly negle£t him and them, and are onely and 
carneftly intent for the world, and die tilings thereof, 
which you have heard to bee altogether vain and un- 


a A Nd that Sinners do thus, I (hall indeavour brief- 

ZAly to demonftrate it unto you by Scriptures, srnncrsda 
lAax.22. 4. Beheld 1 have prepared my 'Dinner, my Oxen, pur f uc vain 
and my fallings are killed, and aH things are ready, come things when 
unto the marriage , verf. J. but they made light of it, and Chrift is offer- 
went their wayes^one to hit 'farm, another to his merchandife^ ed torncm « 
rjre. Here you fee the offers ol Chrift, and here you fee 
Chrift neglected>& the farm preferred,the marriage feaft 
fleighted, and the merchandife followed : The like you 
may read in Lukei^ 17, Come, for all things are rea- 
dy f/etf.l 8. -And they all with one confent began to make 
excufe, the fir ft /aid; I have bought a peece of ground, and 
Imnft needs go and fee it, I pray thee have mee ex cufed'* 
verf. 1 p. And another fatd,I have bought five yoak^ of Ox- 
en y and I go to prove them, J pray thee have mee excufe d: 
Verf. 20. and another faidy I have married a wife, and 
therefore I cannot come. Why? here are gracious of- 
fers made by Chrift .* a great flipper, all things ready, 
and thefe men cannot come, they are otherwife imploi- 
ed, they have the profits, and the pleafures of the world 
to look after? they have no leifure to bee faved : the 
vain things of the world are preferr'd before the great 
things of Chrift, the peece of ground, the Oxen,nay,thc 
very Swme weby the (jadaxens preferr'd before Chrift, 
Jcr.2. I }. My people have committed two great evils, they 
have forfaken wee the fountain of living waters, and hewed 

S f them 

3)8 yain things are pm/vd whenQhrifl is offend Chap.7 

them otitcifternsy broken cifterm thus can hold no water ^ 
Mark. io f 2i # 9 *h i#*J*ftli whaifoever thou hafi^indgiv* 
to the t^oor^nd thiujha/t have treafttrein &*wt^w,vcr«12 % 
And he iv as f Ad. at that faying^nd went away grieved Jor he 
had treat poffe ([ions. 

r U JJ JfJsL'Or 


Whv (inner* 
do purine rain 
thin^ th ugh 
Chnftb: otte- 

Sinful m*na»e 
of otliW-;d 
than fpiriiual 


3 X 7X7 Hy is it thru? whence comes it, that when 
V V Chrift makes fuch glorious offers to Sin- 
ners, theyfleight and -neglect them, and weary them - 
felves for very vanities, are fo bufy and laborious af- 
ter tlrepoorempty things of the world, which can do 
their fouls no good at all ? There are many rcafons or 
canfes of this, I will mention fomc of them unto 

Firfl", Becasfe fin ful men are more fenfttle of oHire<\rd 
TV ants and miferits^ thsn they Are of fpiritnal wa*ts and 
miseries : they quickly fee and feel thofe , but hardly 
fee and feel thefe, and they often fee the oqe? when 
perhaps they never fee the other. This is a very truth, 
that the ellimations and labours of men* are proportio- 
nable to the kinds of wants, andmifcrics> which do lye 
upjnmen: If wee bee fuljy and rightly fenfiblcoithe 
wants and mif.rics of our fouls, nothing will bee more 
defuable and welcome unto us than Chrift, and the 
-things of Chrift, mercy, bve forgive neffe peace with 
God, deliverance from fin and wrath ; How will a poe r 
diftreffed tinner think of thefc, and pray for thefc, and 
labour and flrivc for thefe ? And ifwee bee deeply fen - 
fible of outward wants and miferics,, Why pall our 
thoughts and care, and all our pains and time are laid 
out for outward things, for earthly things, which wee 
look upon as helps and fupplyes againft tnefe. 

Now Sinful men are not fennblc of their fpiritual 
wants and mifer ies : they kn nw not the wants in their 
{buls> and the danger of thofe wan, s , they do not fee 
the want and need of grace, ofiaith, of pardoning mcr-> 

nV-Jimiifn *■ 'ipi,. 

Chap. 7 Why Sinners purfue <vain things. 5 5 p 

cy,ofa reconciled God > nor what inevitable danger at> 
tends them for fuch wants; and they know not the curfed 
nature, and curfed fruits, and curfed merits, and infi- 
nite wrath and vengeance, which will befal them for 
their fins; and therefore though Chrift offers to them all 
necefiary and faving good, they refufe him, and Height 
them. But finful men arc very fen fible of out ward 
wants and mifcries, and of the neceflky to have 
them fupplied,and to have them removed : wee (hall 
familhelfel wee fhall bee undone elfe; and therefore 
they will take care, and therefore they will take pains 
for" them: they are more fcnfible of the lofsof earth, 
than the lofs ot Heaven? of the danger to their bodies, 
than of the danger to their fouls; of the want of the bread 
for this life, than ol the bread of life; of outward penury, 

2 Becaufe finful men have a deeper infight into the fe out' Sinful men 
wardvporldl) vain things^ than Unto the things which Chrift hive a deeper 
doth offer unto them: Chrifl: offers unto them fpiritual ,nf,ghc } nl °. 
bleffingsinafpirimalway,yea, the beft of aU bleffings, • n Sit«ai n 
but ftiU in a fpiritual way : Hee offers unto them a fpi- things, 
ritual love* a fpiritual peace, a fpiritual liberty, a fpiritu- 
al redemption, a fpiritual pardon, a fpiritual life, a fpiri- 
tual biefledncfle : O ! but Sinners know not the worth 
and excellency of thefe, and therefore they paffe them 
over, and will .not come and trade for them: bur they 
know what a worldly peace is, and what a worldly bar- 

!*ain is, and what a woildly comfort is, and what world- 
y honour is, and what worldly delight is, and what 
worldly plenty is : They know the Onions and the F/e(h~ 
Jots of Egypt* but they know not the honj^and the Mi '/£, 
and the Oile of Canaan : (hey have had a tafte of w r orldly 

fleafures, and worldly comforts, and worldly profits, 
ut they never had a tafte of fpiritual pleafures, fpiritual 
comforts, and foiritual profits, which Chrift doth after 
to them, and therefore they neglecl: the offers of Chrift, 
and bend t|icir heart afta' the world, alter that which is 
not bread, and fat is fie s not. 

St a } Btcattfe 

7/f) Wh Sinners purfue <vam things. Chap. 7, 

Tnrul nun 3 Becaufe fitful men look^more &t a prefent condition, than 

Hok morcai At a* eternal condition ; HjW they ma); get and live tor 
ihe prefent, rhc prefent, than what they may getfo as to live for 
ihan at an tier- cva - : they have bun larrow and ihort thoughts> they 
ml cendmon. j^ yc ^ Jong and eternal thoughts. There is this pre- 
sent lite, and there is evcriafting life, and there are things 
for the life that now is, and there are things for the life 
that is to come • Riches, and honour , and carnal de- 
lights, and the like, are things for this prefent life; and 
Chrift, and Mercy, and Faith, and the like, arc things for 
the life to come : All that Chrift doth offer unto Sinners, 
are ncceflar y and eflc&ual for the life to come, for a life 
after this life, for eternal life; but finful men are men of 
this life, and only for this prefent life, a prefent good, a 
prefent portion, a prefent poflefli on; they do not minde, 
and confider, and lock after the things that arc eternal, 
nor that are for eternity ? they are fatisficd with what 
will make up a prefent condition; and therefore though 
Chrift offers all faving good for eternity, they ncgleft it, 
and are fcrambling after that only which is for their pre- 
fent life, 

4 Becaufe finful men have not ] olid and heavenly princi- 
Sinfulmen ^^ an £ y et ^j b ave a l/ vain and worldly principles in 
and^avcnly r ^ w# Every man moves and ftirrcs, according to his 
principles, principles : heavenly principles draw to Heaven, and 
worldly principles draw to the world: the fire afcends, 
becaufe it hath a light principle, and the earth defcends, 
becaufe it hath an heavy principle. What is the reafon 
that fomc mens hearts are all for Chrift, filled with 
Chrift, longing for Chrift, ftill panting for a reconciled 
God, for his favour and mercy? O! they have hea- 
venly principles in them, they have heavenly knowledge 
in them, and heavenly wifdomc in them, and heavenly 
faith, and heavenly love, therefore Chrift is their center, 
See. of all which heavenly principles, finful men are de- 
ititute; they know not God, they love not Chrift, Sec. 
therefore they have not ears to hearken to him, nor 
hearts o dofe with him 5 but they are filled with worldly 


Chap. *]* Fain things purfued y and Cbriji ntgleEled. 341 

principles, they have worldly hearts, and worldly wif- 
dome, and worldly affeofions,an i vaia mindes,and'ther:- 
fore they let go the offers of Chr iff, and labour after vaia 
things • offer a pearle to a dogge, and hee cares not for 
it, offer but a crult to a dogge,. and hee. will run after it: 
there is in the one a, difiTimilitude. to his natural princi- 

J )les, therefore hee fleights it : but there is in the other a 
imilitude, fomething that is fi table to his nature, there- 
fore hee clofeth with it : So, SCO 

Thus you have heard, that finful men are lahorioufly 
workings and ftriviflg for worldly rhings, for things 
which will do them no good, when (Thrift freely offers 
to them all faving good; and you have heard alfo the 
caufes of this. 


4 Y Shall now in the laft place fhew unco you, the Th , ef ^ lV 

1 extreme foolifrnefs officers m this fr Mice of theirs, ^ f J^ 
which is intimated in that word wherefore {wherefore da 
you (peud mony for that which Is not bread} ) wherefore do As *PP« ars 
you this ? q. d. This is fuch a fillinefs, fuch a foolifhnefs, 
fWrnentoncgleft all good, and yet to bee fo earned 
andfobufiefor things which will do them no good : 

That this praitife of Sinners is an extreame foolilh- ' 
neffe, may appear plainly, if you confider eight 

1 The difference of Obje&s. > 

a The fimplicity of the Election. 

3 The waies and ter mes of in joymenu 

4 The condition of the foul. 

5 The gains and the loffes. 

6 The prefent incomes by the one, and by the other* 
7. The laft refults and accompts. 

8 The contingency of poffeuion- 

I The difference of the OB je£ts\ I mean, of the things Byrhediffe- J 
which Chrift doth offer, and of thofe earthly things at- rence of ihc 
ter which the Sinner doth fo earneftly labour •' put them ° ;cfts ' 

S f 3 in 

54* Vain things purfued, andCkrift negkEled, Chip,} 

intheballance; thefe.will bee toimd coo light. They arc 
not to bee compared for excellencie, or for neceflitie, or 
for utility; the offers made by Chrift arc the higheft and 
. chiefcit; the leaft good which Chrift doth offer, is more 
in every refpeel:, rhan all the good which the world can 
afford, cither it is Heaven it felf, or elfe'it is that which 
will bring you to Heaven- All his offers are treafures, 
yea, precious treasures, more precious than all the gold 
and rubies, and pearls of the world. Now what a tolly 
is it to negleft thefe excellencies for very vanities : As it 
one fhould contemn a Crown, to wear a feather, or a 
Kingdome to get a cottagein the wildernede, or a 
houfe full of pearles for a Cart full of flicks and 
By ihe fimpli- % The [implicit) of the Election : There is nothing which 
ciry o* the de- £ Q fa morc difcover the wifdome and folly in men, than 
vfii * a% their election and choice? either of ends , or waies, or ob- 

jects: To make choice of evil before good, fhews that a 
man is a fool : Here is Hell , and there is Heaven. To 
make choice of an impertinent good before a necejfary good, 
fhews folly : here is the husks, there is the bread. To 
make choice of the l'*ft and raeaneft £**^, before the 
greateft and chiefeft^W, is fimplicity : here is the ftraw, 
and there is the crown. To make choice of that which 
will never do a man good-, before that which wiUdohim 
good for ever; this' is fillinefs j here is vanity, there is fo- 
lidity. To make choice of a Heet'wg, reeling, inconftant 
good : when a main may have a real, full, ft able, and un- 
changeable g ocd, this is extreame (hallownefs of judge- 
ment* here is *he Gourd, there is the inheritance; yet 
thus do Sinners, who prefer the world and labour Tor 
that, when chrift offers unto them all laving good ' 
Herein thev make a ftiameful choice;they chufe the word 
before the Deft, the meaner!, 1 >wcft, irrcipell ivc> impro- 
per, unufeful, uncertain good, the fhadow before the fiib- 
ftancc-, w'at is vain, nay, vanity, nay, vanity of vanities, 
nay, lcffe than vanity, nav, n-j'thing, nay, leffethan no- 
thing, before the moftbkilcd Chrift, before the mod 


11 l r " I I.I 

Chap.7 Is the extreamtft Folly. j4j 

bleffed favour of God> before the moil bleffed mercy* 
before the moft bleiled blcflednefs > This is a greater 
folly,than that oi the Prodlgal^who might have had head 
enough in his Fathers honfe y andjet did feed on ktakj which 
the Swine did leave* 

3 Ihe wales and terntes. of enjoyment z If a mail might By the w^s 
have a better eftate fetled upon him, more commodious, and tames «t 
more delightfome, more firm, and [or nothing, without cn J°y mint - 
any charge and coft unto him, and yet hee would Height 
this, and will needs lay out all that hee hath for a barren 
pofleffion, in an unhealthy place, altogether encombred 
with doubtfnlnefle of title, and uncertainty of enjoy- 
ment, fur ely this man were a very toolifh man: andfo 
indeed is the Sinner, who hath offered unto him by 
Chrift, the beft eftate,^ the beft inheritance (fuchaJove,, 
fucharighteoufnefs, inch mercy, fuch p:ace,. fucla .riches 
of grace; fuch a crown of life and glory) and all this for 
nothing, upon free git, and no more is required, but to 
come and take poll:ffion of them all; yet hee Heights all 
this, and fpends his cai;es> anddefires, ; and labours, and 
dales, and life, tor that which perhaps hee (hall never 
g?t, or not long injoy, and what hee doth in>oy* is no- 
thing elfe but vanity^ and vexation of fpiriu 

4 The condition of the fiul. No folly like this for a *y the <**«fr 
man to neglect, and to lofe his foul. The foul of every ^ hc ' 
man is his molt excellent part, and k is his moft mtfe- 
rablepart) and his moil indeared part r the wants of. the . 
foul are the greatcit wants; the miieries of the foul are the,, 
faddeft miferics, the dangers of thcfoularethe higheft 
dangers, and the lofsofthe foul is the dreadfulleit of all- 
loflesjandthenegle^ofthe foul is the foolifbeft of all; 
neglecls; nothing is well, if the Xbiil bee>ill, , arid all is: 
weih if it bee well with the foul.- The foul is the fhipin 
which all is put? ifthatbeefafe, allisfafc, ifthar finks? 
all finks; all the conditions of men, for the prefent, and 
for the future, depend upon the condition ot their fouls i 
Hee is wife who mindes the welfare of his foul; hee is a 
fool, who neglects the welfare of his foii And therefore 


344 P a * n things put JuffywdGkriftrHigUfttdy Chap, 7. 

lin.: Height thjf oftcrs of 

ChriH^ cinainiivadcfthcm>dofo carneftly labour for 
the things of die world: thrift only, and the good things 
which Chrift doth oiler, thefeonly arc good tor the 
foiit they only deliver theioul from a wicked and mife- 
rabic condition, and they only put the foul into a good 
ai*i happy condition. Tim Chrii clefs foul is a miferable 
fxil : how miferable is that foul which hath not one fin 
pardoned, which hath not one difcafe healed, whichhath 
nq grace in li.ftno^iyiopcpf gLry jn death.' andhow 
happy ,is that fyu\, .tyhicli^aa look oiuiiviue mercy, and 
fay>l blefs thee for pardoning ot mce, and on divine grace 
and fay, I 'ticiTc thee for changing of mee; and on 
Chrift, and fay^ I blefs. thee for. redeeming of nice, for 
jifti|yiiigofrqe^)^ndf:r laving of nice: €>thc folly of 
iinnersl whp refufc a Chrilr rhatcanand would do all 
good for their fouls, and who in the. mean time lay out 
themfelyes for the world,' which can neither deliver a 
foul from mifery, nor bring a foul to iafcty and hap- 
pinefs ! 
By th-ga^ns 5 The £*ivs*nd tht lojfes. /If "you WOlMJxt gains and 

t nd the iu&s. gains together or lodes andJoflcs togethcr v anc\ if you 
would fct gams and loflcs together/ the Sinner will ap- 
pear to bee afool, to Height Chrift, and die offer of 
Cluift* lor the world, and the things of die world. 
Set gaint Slid I -Stt gain; andgaixs togetfar. Chrift is the bell gain; 
gain* together, you rruy gain more by Chrift, than you can by aft the 
world; yoamav gain God by him, your fouls by him, 
Heaven by him all the good and comfort ol the world 
byhimjtliet, and thus you cannot gain by flighting of 
Chrift, though you fhould gain all the world. 
SrtlofTesand a Se: lojfei and lojfes together- the loffcs which may* 

life together bdal yQU w ; chC hnft, and the loiTes which will beial 
you for neglecting of him, and embracing of the world; 
: mult lofe your fins and you may lo(c an outward in- 
joyment, and you may lofe the things which arc vain, 
and but for a time; if you hearken to Chrift, you can- 
ik t lofe any thing as to your internal condition, nothing 


Ghap.7 U the extreameft Folly i ^4 5 

thatisfolid, nothing that is permanent, nothing thac is 
faving: butifyouretufehim and ciofc with the world, 
you ihall loofc , what ihall you ioofe ? you ihall bole 
Chrift the belt prefent good : you (hall loofe heaven the 
bed future good : you Ihall loofe peace in confcicnce, 
the beft in ward good; you fhalllx)fe life, the moftde- 
Arable good: you (hall ioofe your felves,you (hall loofc 
yourfouis, you fliail loofe the World, and you ihall 
loofe all. 

Thirdly, Set the gains anithetoffes together, Surely he 
is a tool, who trades fo as to ioofe more than hcc a^^ e B f ^ 
gains* and whofe very gains are hisloilcs; you gain togcicx. " * 
earth, but then you loofe heaven, what a foolifti Mer- 
chant arc thou! you gain the creature,0 but you loofc 
the Creator, The' love of men,0 but you look the love 
of God; Riches of wealth, O but you loofe the riches 
of grace ? the Candle , Obut you loofe the Sun, fbme- 
thing for this (hort lite, Obut you loofe all for eter- 
nal life : a little for the body,0 but you loofe all for your 
foul, you gain that which muft bee loft, and you loofc 
him who is the onely gain, and that which if you had 
gained, could never nave been loft, and what folly is 
this ? 

Sixthly, The prefext incomes by the one and by theo- 
theri That which is beft at laft, is beft of all: It drift £^ few 
were not better for us at the laft, nay, if Chrift were the ©nean/by 
not better for us for the prefent, ifheedidnot at pre- the ether. 
km afford unto us, and bleflc us with a better porti- 
on, than the world doth or can, "the folly in retufing 
of him, and in choofing the world were not fo great: 
but Chrift outbids and outdoes all the world for the pre- 
fent, for what wee may have in hand from him. 

Thcreare twelve things which Chrift at prefent, now 
in this life, doth put into the hands oi all thac do receive 

1 The Tree of life which is himfelf, 1 The rich 
Robe,which is his righteonfnefe. % The chain of pearls, 
which arc bis graces. 4 The fight of happiaefle, which 

T* is 


546 h the txtreamcjl folly < Chap. 7^ 

istht favour of God. 5 The clear difcharge, which is 
tbefagivintffcoffins. 6 The full Mines, which are 
the promt fes, 7 The golden Scepter, which is free- 
domcoj accefi, 8 The dr oping clouds, which are g ra- 
ctouf aM/wers. 9 The ftrongarm, which is grace fnf- 
jfc/magainft ail temptation. 10 The fwtetcft tafte, 
which are hU communions with the feul in ajfurance, 
11 The (till voice ,which is peace in c onfc ienc e. 1 a The 
fhining day, which is joy w the holy Ghofi 1 All thefe, 
and more than all thefe, may and will come in unto 
you (even in this life) befides thofe unfpeakable and un- 
utterable rcverfions in future glory , it you did re- 
ceive Chrift in his offer. 

But now let us fee what prefent incomes there are to 
bec had from the World (and well do I fay prefent in* 
comes, for future there are none) The World brings 
in. I Prefent cares, which dtftraft the mind. % Pre- 
fent fears which rack, the heart, 3 Prefent Greift, 
which breathe [pint. 4 Prefent vanities, and no 

OLord, what afoolifh, filly thing is {infill man? 
to cry up the World fo much? and to Height Jefus Chrift 
fo much, when the prefent revenews by Chrift are infi - 
nitely beyond all the revenews of this prefent world, 
for tne kinds of themjor the number of them,for the ex- 
cellency, and ufe uf them. 
»v future ac- Seventhly, 1 he future accompts andrefults : when you 
cimpttaodre: come to dye and to appear before God, now yourwif- 
<ulr 5 . ' dome and your folly will appear : What will be youK 

Gomforr, your confidence, your crown , your joy in 
chat d-y > to bee found in Chrift, or to Dee found in 
the world, that you have been followers of Chrift, or 
followers of the world ? that you have left the World 
co enjoy Chrift, or left Chrift to enjoy the World? that 
you have a part in Chrift ,or that you have had all your 
portion in the World ? They wevcfooltfb Virg /*/,wh® 
contented thennfclvcs with Lamps without OyIe r they* 
Wl heaven bv ir, and tlicy ace more fooliGl who refute 


Chap. 7 Cbara&ers ofonrpurfuhrgivain thing$ m ?^ 

Chrift (who is life in life, life in death, ancT life after 
death) for the vain things of the World which are not 
a fuificient portion in lite, which are no portion in death, 
and which deprive us of all portion in glory. 

Eightly,CW"£e *c) ofpojfefion^ little for a little time, By comirgen- 
and perhaps for no time, thou fool this night (hall tby foul c y of polled 
be taksn from thee i but that which Chrilt offers is good, ©^ 
is real, is lading, is everlafting. 

SECT. r. 

Vfe i F*\0 Sinners prefer thefe vain things of the 

JL/ World before the great Ofters of Chrift : Ti %{mh 
whiles Chrift is offering all faving good unto them? do weebegufiW* 
they fleight this, and {pend their monyfor that which of this folly, 
is not bread, and their labour for that which fatisfies 
not, and is this an extreara'foolifhncfTe, yea, a very 
madneffe in them? f 

Beloved , you have heard much of Chrift, and of the 
excellent offers of Chrift, of his faving and gracious of- 
fers, I befcech you, what have you done? what is your - 
courfe ? for what is your labour ? fince fuch offers of 
Chrift have been revealed untoyoui andtendred unto 
you, and preffed upon you ? At what market may one 
nude you? what is the trade which you now drive? 
where is your mony fpent ? where is your labour im- - 
ployed ? For whom is it ? and for what is- it ? you are 
a&ivc and bufy ? you are foiicitous and diligent? you 
are labouring, and laying out your thoughts, defires, 
and pains, and time, but for what is it ? Is it to get this 
prctious Chrift, of whom you have heard; is it to enjoy 
every one, najr, any one of the faving good things 
which Jefus Chrift hath offered ? is it to get God re- 
conciled? to get your fins pardoned, your finful hearts 
changed? your poor fouls enriched and faved by Chrift? 
afterfuch offers as have been made unto you, thus it 
fhould bee with you , but is it thus with you ? O un- 
happy man ! if after the offers of all true happincfle 

Tt 2 by 

24$ Characters of our purfuing >~vabt things Chap7 

by Chrift, you fhould cura afide and thruft your fickle 
into another field, where no happineile , nor faving 
good doth grow, or can bee reaped , that ior lying 
vanities you fliould ftill bee forfakeing your awn mer- 
cies; Mi juld I offend you , if I did prefent you with 
a few Character* by which Sinners may know, whether 
when Chrift is cftcring unto them, all Caving good, 
tlvjy yet regard it not , but are (pending themielves 
for that which is not bread, for tint which will do them 
no good. 

There afefeven Characters which will difcovcr unto 

Seven Ckaric* us whether tlaisfoolifhnefl:ebc,bouudupmour hearts, 

tcrs of this fol- i The Mihtof our cares. 

*>• a The current of our detires. 

3 The prefent match of our beam;.) c r 

4 The great Paradifc of our delight- 

5 The bufy trade which we drive. - 

6 The grcateft of our burdens which wc feck 

7 The iiinScient cordial and portion. 

Firft, The Man of our caret : Chrift propounds alf 
The mint of heavenly ucadires unto us, {Come, and follow mee, &n& 
cur cares. t ij 0fi fotit have treafure in heaven^ faid Chrift to that 
joungman) what doth a foulnced, and what can a foul 
dt fir~, which Chrift doth not fully and freely offer un- 
to it ? Now what is that which (after thefe offers) takes 
up our cares ? If notwithstanding all thcfe,your thoughts 
bee flat to Chrift, andfirong for the wof Id, your great 
$ares arc not what fliall wee do to bee faved? what fliall 
wee do to get this mercy? what.ihall wee do to get 
this grace? whatlhall wee do to get this Chrift F but 
your great, ftrong, daily cares are, who will (hew us a- 
ny good} what {kin wceat? what fhall wee drink?hoW 
fhall wee en joy fuch worldly profits ? how may wee pof- 
ieffe fuch worldly pleafures ? how may we be rich ? 
how may wee bee great ? Sec. About thefe wee are 
felicitous, and anxious* and fad, and ferious : thefe 
thoughts and cares lye down with us in the nii;ht, rife 
up with us in the morning* walk witli us in the day, 


Chap. 7 Wth the negieB of Chrift. 349 

wait upon m to th~ Church , follow its back to our 
houfes, diffract us in reading, break us oft iti praying, 
poffefs us, fo pofiefs us , that Chriit cap hardly get 
one thought from us, and die offers of thrift no fix- 
ed abode in our medications and projects, and fore- 
calls, and inquiries, 8a\ ' aflu redly wee are thofefool- 
ilh Sinners, who do . negicit and rcfufe the fa ving good 
which Chrift doth offer , and arc labouring for that 
which profits not, for that which is not bread. 

Beloved, as any mans cares arc,, fo his regards are: 
that is moil: in our regard, which is moll in our care: 
cares are the fure commentaries of our hearts, and of 
that on which our hearts arefet : -That which you 
will not fuffer to lodge one day in your {boons 
thoughts, certainly that never did lodge in your cltcem, 
and that which is the daily obje£t of your care,, un- 
qu :ftionably,''s the great object of your {ouls* 

Secondly, The current of your defires : thefe are fht Current 
the Teachings, out or a mans foul, the feet with which of ycur defires 
the foul is wreftling , and the wings with which the 
foul is flying: O where are your defires? and what 
are your defires } and for what arc your defires I you 
complain, and you weep, and you crave, and you third, 
and you long, and you take on, and fomething there i3 
which you want, and which you would have, and 
which you muft have, and which you cannot bee at 
reft till you enj 3y it 5 I befeccn you, what is it > per- 
haps your great defire is Pauls dtfire, that lw ci)bs found 
i'nChrifi^UithPat*!; Ono, it is not: perhaps your 
great defire is, Davids defire, whom have I in heaven hat 
ihcel anithereU no-e on earth that I defire fofides tb*t',-O y 
no,it is not-' perhaps your great defire hshe poor Publicans 
defire, God be merciful temeafi»nerfi\o,it is not* perhaps 
your defire is-tke poor rpomans deftre,'f I could but touch the 
hem of his garment,} fiowld be ' he,iled:^o, neither: per- 
haps i your great defire is the Churches dffre^S^ the 
manifeftaoion of the love of Chrift, let bim'kiffe me with 
thekijfetofbislifs -non- °£ this ^ And" what then fo 

T 1 1 your. 

5 50 (h&uRet$ of our purfuivg <vo\n thivgs Chap. 7* 

your dcfirefo quick, fohigh, fo earned, (o perpetually 
thirfting for ? what is that on which ic is thus lct,unto 
which it doth thus move ? why > a little more honour, 
a little more wealth, a little more pleafure ; why > O 
man,Chrift offers unto thee the higheft dignity, the ful- 
lofttreafurc, the perfected delight: but I would rather 
in joy the world, Ah poor wretch ! thou art the fooU 
who refufeft the precious offers of Chrift to this very 
day, and fpendeft thy money for that which is not 
bread : thou preferred the dirty paddles, and kennels , 
before the pure river of the water of life, the fcrapps 
and off alls before the dainties of the great fupper.And 
by this it appears to becfo, becaufe the ftrength, the 
length, theneighth, the breadth, the depth of thyde- 
fires are not after the laving good which Chrift otters, 
(awifhatmott fufficcth for that ) but after poor , vain, 
mean things of the World, which are the leaft kinde of 
good,and the loweft kinde of good, and the wcakeft kind 
of good, which can neither make nor do thy foul good. 
The prefent Thirdly , The prefent mdtcb : If Chrift hath our 
match. prcfeiudaiial, and the world hath our prefent love, if 

the otters of Chrift bee ftill delayed, I will think of 
them and Chrift hereafter* but the world hath our pre- 
fent affections and confent : our hearts arc fct upon it, 
it is our love, it is pur beloved, weeftill take the pre- 
fent time to enjoy itjbut no prefent time to enjoy Chrift, 
why? the cafe is manifeft, Chrift and his offers arc 
fleighted, and the World is preferred and embraced: 
O Sinner i what is that which thy heart doth at the pre- 
fent love) and choofc, and cleave unto ? If it bee any 
thing that is finful, thou then preferred fin before Chrift; 
if it bee any thing that is worldly , thou then preferred 
the World before Chrift. This of the world I now love, 
but I cannot finde in my heart yet to love Chrift: this of 
the World I will now follow and purfuc, but I cannot 
yet finde in my heart to hearken unto thrift, yet to em- 
brace the offers of Chrift, yet to dole with Chrift: I 
am a foolifh Sinner, who can fee a more prefent good , 


Chap. 7 with the neglett of Chrift . - 35, 

in the creature than in Chrift, enough in them to draw 
mee, not yet enough in Chrift to perfwade and allure 

Fourthly, The great Paradife of our delight: O Chri- TbcgrearPa. 
ftianl W hac is joy to thee ? It earth do make thee cheer- rad# e of our 
fill, and heaven findes thee dull : if the hopes of the dd.ghr. 
World can make thee joyful, and the news from Chrift 
do leave thee fad: it a little of the world comes, it is a 
day with thee, and though the great things of falvation 
bee offered, it is ftill night with thee, if tony years fer- 
vice to the world bee no burden, and yet one hours 
communion with Chrift bee thy bondage : Let Chrift 
offer, feek, promife, aflure,pardon, life, grace, glory, 
yet thefe have no tafte. no relith, they pleafe thee not, 
they chear thee not, they comfort thee not , thev revive 
thee not : but let the honour of a little, of a very 
little of the world fhine unto thee, thou art made, thou 
revived, thou art abundantly delighted: who fees not, 
that Chrift is nothing to thee, and the poor things of the 
world are all and all unto thy heart? 

Fitthly> The bttfj trade which we drive: There are two Tfrc'My trade 
markets at which men do tradcone is the hopes of Chrift , *^ ch irec 
the other is the hopes of the world, and would you know ' 1VC * 
which of thefe any man doth moft eftcem, and trades 
moft at, then obferve the labour, and the diligence, and 
the drivings, and the watchings, and the wreftlings, 
and thecoft, and the pains of men :: what you labour 
and contend for moft, that is the thing which you e- 
fteem moft, and moft of all defire to enjoy.. Now I 
befeechyou, what pains hath it coft you, togetChrinV 
and the good things which Chrift hath offered unto you? 
you rife early, and fit up late, you break your fleep, you 
waft your ftrength> you deny your felves, youcompafs 
the world, you go to and fro, you travel, you weary 
your felves out , you lay hold on every opportunitv , 
you take away time from your meat, irom your reftS 
from God, from your fouls; and what is this for?why, 
onelytogctinfome portion of the world, in the plca- 


— 1^— I— — — ^ — ^— — — ■ I m 

^2 Qb*aBtrs «/ our p*?J*in* Train things , Chap.7 

ever ac : . 

mercy and UlvaocKi lor your touiS? ha%\ iuac 

rottbdc who 

Ic^ksihc fcreaj o: liie, as h.w itcks the bend kip: this 

.0 works out his oh jn nrkr. 

•jcmbling > who gives a 5 calling 

: Lure ? who can lay with /*•/, 2 u4j«r, / 

+ffr<Lc*+\M I dm *ffrtk€m+c*\ h by any means 1 may 

^ixyjkny rime is toe much, any pains is ^ 

rKx^^nop^iasf^cmsil^dauurxoiis, tc get G 

u : : ■ : U T « ing gpod AnkhChriitdothofter. 

6 7Ar £rcdt4& hmlem : Tbc man wants c 

IVg-* 2 ^- the nun wants the worid ; the man wants pardon for 

Julias, and the man wanes comfcrts foe his body; the 

m^ r?acc, and the nun wants ucher, the man 

wanes- .-man wants taivaoon; which oi 

the. juxden which doch yrds tfacc 

mc thee raoft, aai dticrdle thee molt ? The 

tracor ChfUita dgk burden, thou ooft eaiiy bear 

va^ of mercy is a iigct burden? dxxicaoftweU 

eooogh^and under it; the want of grace, and hopes 01 

glory ii a fmail burden, thou doit not To much as groan 

and Grander it; But when kcofnesroaworkuvwant, 

thytbui if oioac5cd,^iyhGinii eiiTcfied, thy ipiri: is 

jh, I enqoc :ive* thctean do triU, 

the greaDSarcraikn- the llrhs ore doubled, the com- 

poixss are multiplied* C toofifli Saner J conftthou 

;na thy flc i g h cinj fr , and mdecvakings of 

Chri\ nor yet thy overvaluing* and prc^tima:ions 


I i ft* mukmj years, fd igi the \ m Gw+*l i wbefe fewthm * 

im tku .i £**.* of them iiibcwwrld bee the 

Str- our waaS* i/ the »#r& bee 

tfrcPbrfi**, to hcai ., ail youi wieaies*had you that, 


Chap. 7 Sinners fhwli be bumbled for thit FoDj, 3 5 j 

vyj had enough; had you tbar, yai had yor.r a..; had 
yoa that, you fa m happlneCi; allure : 

thrift, nor the c n::: it, are precious to you; you 

are the men who flight them, and arc fpending you* 
mony for true which K use b&ead, and your labour foe 
da-: which Unifies nor. 


Vfc 1 F^O Sinner* when C 

JL-J a* \ i "a vin g gfcod > negied sue 
borioiifly t'rrive ror chat whicb can da tfaeft yz } 

then let every one of MS, who is guiicr of this iooafeadi, 
1 Be^ atbam ed , and n amble c . ioliy. a Strive to 

bee more wile, , 

1 ■&t*pUHUbee*lAmcdy**dCHmbUAr:r ;&w **:i+U*4 u'l.,'.; ? I" * 
f$&y, in f referring theft p $*r tnu* etrtklj things , infer* I b : : -" ■ : : : 7 ~ 
great dmd gUnoiU thiagi efered hhu tu by Ct icft F» 

are four cauics or reaions, why wee mould bee aihamed 
of it . and humbled for it. 

1 It is mm. netresmt U*?ntffe d*djbdi*w*ffe of faint in * T * *f cx * . 
m: It (hews char our jadgernaits and heam arc very ^^fj?*- 
weak, and vain, tha: wee hare no underibttMng <t: a!j, 
true wee are childiih, when the naea ojeib ace ib 

taking and prevailing with us, and (uSicicac to us : The 
heart is certainly mean, and vain, and poor, which will 
bee made up with a mean, and empty, and poor eiratcin 
earthly pc^IeiTioas : there is no greatnei^ nor generoul- 
neffeoftpiritcofcrapethe kc .z^ cne d-.z- 

hills, to feed on the husks, to bee contented wi: 

a Itudfvrdidfotnitnejfetfkedrt, no: onlv a low- ^^^ ; 
nds, but atalendsof bean, to undervalue the pearls, 1^*, '* 
and to lye down in the mice, to drink at the trough? 
when one may drink at the rountain, to regard 2 prdenc 
life) and not an eternal. ic'sjair*. 

3 /; uAMign§wHni9Hs refr*.*chf*Uefe; that m in is c:n- tV^T^ 
worthy the name of a Chr iftian, who loves any chi ng : r^-idsfk Lock 

V v more 

} 54 Arguments to fxrjvade us, not for Ghap. 7, 

more than Chrift, or preferres any tiling before Chrift : 
for a man to call himfelf a Chriftian, and yet to Height 
the glorious Chrift: to own the name of Chriftian be- 
fore all names, and yet to. exalt all other things before 
Chrift: to profefs fuchaneffeemofChriit, and fuch an 
heart to Chrift, and yet to pref errc every bafe luft, and e- 
very vain lnft before Chrift, how unworthy is tkis of any 
Chriftian I 
Ii is a ftirpaf- ^ It U afurpaffmg indignity unto Chrift : to fct him 
fm ch"ft Suity klow tnc fo°tftool f when Judas valued the thirty peeces 
to Chrilt. cffilver before Chrift, this was an high indignity offered 
to Chrift : when the ]ervs preferred Barrabas before Chrift) 
this was a contemptuous indignity offered to Chrift ; 
when the Israelites fee up the golden Calf, thefe are thy 
(jodirvhich brought thee out of the bind of J^gyft^ O what 
a provoking indignity was herein offered unto God I So 
when you fct up the vain things of the world before 
Chrift, and the offers of Chrift : thefe are wordi your 
cares, and affections, and pains, butChriftisnot, and 
the things which Chrift offers are not j the love of God, 
the mercies of God, the blood of Chrift, the righteouf- 
nefs of Chrift, feem nothing to you ; but vain plcafurcs, 
and vain honours., and vain riches of^ earth; thefe are all 
in all with you : O thisisagrofs indignity offered to 
Chrift .* Is there more in thefe, than in Chrift ? 

2 Strive to bee more wife; minde the world lefs, and 
Strive robec minde the offers of Chrift more : when Chrift makes 
mere mfc , faving and gracious offers unto you, bee at leifurc to 

confider of them, and to accept ot them; and do not tor 
the vain things of the world forfake your mercies. 
There are fix Arguments which I would make life pi 

Arguments l0 t0 p cr f W adc vou to unbrace this counfeh 

™ for v^n l Cnn ' ft offers you the beft tilings, better things than 

•hings to for- the world can afford you. 

r.ke our own 2 Chrift offers unto you the things that arc beft for 

«erflcs. you, 

3 You mav have thefe earthly thiugs upon better 
termes, if you could dofe*with the things which Chrift 

Josh offer, * Chrift 

' '« — — ' — — — — 

Chap,7, ^ ain thin £ s > t0 M*k*°*r o»n mtrcus. 3 5 5 

4 Chrift alone is a portion, infinitely better than all 
die world alone. 

5 You will lofe Chrift, and all thefe things of the 
world too, by negle£ting of Chrift, and preferring be- 
fore him thefe things of the world* 

6 You cannot drive both thefe trades together. 

I The things whJch. Chrift offers -ant o you are- the be ft Th Ki 
things : FarreHxtter than the things which the world can wh ^ q^ 
afford unto you: There are but fix things which are con- otfcrs,are she . 
fiderablc in the world. 1 The riches of the world, bed thing*. 
2 The pleafures of the^ world. 3 The honours of the 
world. 4 The friendflup of the world* $ The peace of 
tiae world. 6 The power of the world: Thefe may- bee 
feund in the world; and it is a very rare thing for any 
one man at any time,or long, to finde all thefe, or any one 
of them : but fuppofe one might all his life in joy all thefe, 
they are not comparable unto thofe which may be found 
ijiGhrift,andinjoyed from Chrift. 

I The rirkes by and from Chrift are infinitely f#rpajfing The richcj by 
the riches of the world 1 The Apoftle faith, that ther<r- JJ^/l 01 ? , 
{roach of Chrift is greater riches than the tr e afore s of E- fcs t hc riS " 
jy/*,Heb. 1 1. 2d. If the reproaches and lofTes which ©t the world, 
befal you for Chrift bee riches, and bee greater riches, 
than treafures, than the treafures in Egypt, how far more 
exceeding, then are the riches of Chrift, the unfe^rchable 
riches^ Ephef* J . : 3. all the treafures of w if dome and know- 
ledge hid in Chrift, Col. 2 , g.y ou read in Scripture of 
being rich toward God> Luk. 12. 2 r. and of being rich in 
faith, James 2. ?. and of the riches of full afar once. Col, 
2. 2. and ot riches ofg race, , Ephef. 1.7. zi\& of -exceed- 
ing riches of grace, Ephef. 2.7. and of riches of glory y Phil . 
4. 1 9. and of rich mercy and love, &c. The rich . s which 
you may have by Chrift, arefuchasallthe w 'rid is not 
of diffident price to buy the leaft of them. Our Saviour 
iipCakingoithzLillies of the field, faith, that even Solomon 
in all his glory was not arrayed l*kf one of them Mat 6. 28, 
29, If all the glorious raiment of Solomon fell fhort of 
that natural glory in a Lilly, how much more ihort is 

Vv 2 hce, 

j>6 Arguments toptrjtpade tts y net for Chap. ^ 

hee, who is rich only in the world, of him who is rich iir 
Chrift and grace? The riches of Chrift are (Hied, the 
one pearl of great price, the one thing ace ejfary, treafures in 
JJeavt»; durable riches, and Jurpaffmg ail the fiiver and 
gold, and rubies > and precious §oncs % 
The pictures 2 ihepleafnres by Chrift are farre better than all the 

by Chnft, are pieafures of the world: there is more fweetnefs in a drop 
Stoi^fS ofthc fountain, than in all the waters of the Sea: The 
woiid whole world cannot let into your fouls fuch a delight, 

fuchajoy,fuchatafte?fuchacontcnt, fachafweet fatif- 
faftion as Jcfus Chrift can; Hee gives gaudium vsneens, 
omne gandtum; all the ftars cannot make day , but the 
Lib. coafct light of the Sun can; ipfa eft be ata vita gander e dete & 
ca , 2 i f propter tedomine, ipfa eft, & non ultera, (aid Auguftine; 

This O Lord is the bleffed life to rejoyce in thee, and for 
thee! this indeed is the bleflcd life, and none but this : 
one daies communion with Chrift> one hours enjoyment 
of him, one minutes apprehenfion of God reconciled^ to 
us in Chrift, breeds joy unfpeakablc, and glorious, is a 
paradife, is a very Heaven upon earth. 
Tfce Jpneers 3 Y^e honours by Chrift are alfo infinitety better andhigh* 
by Cfcnft» are er than all the honours of the world; What arc the opini- 
bcttcrtnan the onsjcftimationsjrcfpeft, commendations, praifesofmen, 
honors of the unro t fo c pr a ;f e and commendations of God ? The world 
world " cannot raife you fo as Chrift can raife you. By Chrift ypu 

come to bee the fons and daughters of God, and heirs* 
and heirs of the Kingdome of God, a Crown, a Crown of 
life is laid up for you? no fueh honours can the world af- 
ford you, your natures, your namcs,y our relations, your 
fcrvicesi your po(TtflioHS,your hopes are honourable ,you 
are vcflels of glory , the Father -wilt honour yvu, Joh. :a. 
16. The fon will honour you, hee will bee admired in them 
that beleeve, and glorified in his Saints, 2Thef. I* 10. the 
Spirit of glory doth reft upon you, 1 Pet. 4. 1 4. 
ThcfkndOiip 4 The frlendfhtp which yo* get by Chrift i > is infinitely 
got by Chrift, fa^t ban all the friendship of the world. Which is better,. 
ike f irid a"p the love of God, or the love of men? the kindneft of man, 
vAve «k»14 or tbe loving kindnefs of G«d ? the courtcfic of man, or 


Chap* 7 <vain things to for fake our own Mercies. 357 

the goodnds of God ? the bounties of man, or the gifts 0/ 
God } to bee vifited by man, or to bee vificed with the 
falvation of God ? to enjoy the prefence of nun, or the 
gracious prefence of God? for man to pitty you, or for 
God to bee merciful to you ?for man to cleave uato yo\h 
or for God to bee faithtul unto you ? to converfe with 
man, or to have communion with God } for man to take 
delight in you, or for God to take pleafure in you? for 
mantofmile on you, and welcome you* or for God to 
rejoycc overyou,and to bee ready to do vou good, to < 
look on you with favour y andtofay, my love doth reft 
on you, you arc mine? and I will blefs you ? 

5 The peace which is to bee had from Chrifts is infinitely The peace to 
better than the peace from the world , Job 14. 17. peace ^^j". 
I leave with jo*,mjpeact I give unto jo*^ not as '&' »"Wr rcr ria'nth/ 
g^ve I unto jots : Here is Chrifts peace, and here is the peace of the 
worlds peace, and here Chrift gives peace, and here the world, 
world gives peace : but Chrifts peace is another kinde of > 
peace* than the worlds peace, and Chrifts giving of his 
peace is another kinde of giving, than the worlds giving , 

of peace. The worlds peace is a peace with men, Chrifts * 

peace is a peace with God: the worlds peace is a peace 
to wicked men, Chrifts peace is apcace only to godly 
men : the worlds peace is only to the outward ftate, 
Chrifts peace is to the confeience : the worlds peace may 
bee broken by the troubles of the world, Chrifts peace 
will holdout under all troubles.* Now judge which of 
thefe is the better peace. 

6 . Ths power which is to bee had in and by Chrifts far ex. TJc P?ww 
ceedi aHtbepwer andgreatnefs in the world. had^* CtorTr 

Thereisafixfold power which every belcevcr hath, far ex ^ f \' s 
and which the world cannot give. the power in 

* A power with Cody Asa Prince haft thon power with the world. 
God) ami haft prevailed^ Gen . 3 1. 28 . 

2 A power over fin; fin (hall not have dominion over jon* 
for j oh are under frar*, Rom. tf. 14. 

3 A power over the world; wbofoever is born *f Gode- > 
vetxommcth the wurldy and this is the viSt.orf; ibat overr 

Vv 3 commttb 

358 Arguments to perfwadt, not for Chap, 7* 

commeth the world? even our faith) i John. 5.4. 

4 ^4 />ow*r over SatauiGodfhallbruiJe Satan under four 

5 A porter to wati^tn alt well p leafing before God:* paw- 
cr to do his will* and to delight to do his will. 

6 ApowtrtofufFerfor Chrift y not to love our life to the 
death for htm, Phil.i ,2p.Rev. 1 2.1 r. Thus you fee that 
the things which Chrifi doth offer * are the beft things: 
whatfoever the world hadi, Chrift hath them, in a more 
excellent meafurc and worth than the world hath : why 
then fnould wee neglcd the offers of Chrift, and runne 
from his door, and be begging of the world> when wee 
may fpeed better with Chrift? 

Secondly, As the things wliich (Thrift doth ofter,are 

Jhfch Chr^ift ^ Cttcr *™ m °k which the world dotli offer, fo m$j 

dcth offer arc ^re better form : they are the beft things in themfelves, 

bcnerfcr*f. and diey are the beft things for us : Thofc things are 

beft for us, that are beft for our fouls, do you not 

think fo? furcly fo you mould judge andbeleevc:tiow 

the good things which Chrift offers unto us, they and 

they onely refpeel the good of our fouls, they are the 

onely things, 

Firft, for the life of our fouls : Hee that hath the [on? 
Vi the life of bath life, and hee that hath not the fonjoath not life, 1 Jo. 
ourfculj. 5.U, your fouls never live, are never alive, unt ill 
they have union with Chrift: O I what is this ? this 
my [on (this my foul) was dead and is alive: Chrift is our 
life,clofe with him, andyouclofe with life : hearken un* 
to me, and your fouls fhaR live* 

Secondly, For' the fafay of our fouls : your fowl* 
l?owfai\ fQly ^ or all the world) arc under wrath, and curie, and fear, 
ur m u and condcmnation'.Onely Chrift is your (ouls fafcty>the 
Ark, the Tower, the Rock, the Covering, the hiding- 
place : There u no condemnation to them that are iu Chrift 
'-ieftu, Rom, 8. 1 . Bee vms made a curfefor tu ,Gal.g.i v 
hee delivered us from wrath y \ Thef.i. 10. he that believes 
_, he hope jhall not peri(h<>) oh. 1.1 $. 

l( om fou's. Thirdly, For the hope of our f«*h : A Chriftleffc man 


Ghajp. 7* Vain -things toforfake our own mercies. 3 59 

is ahopeleffe man {without Chrift) having no hoveyEph. 
a » 1 2. 1/ w*<? &*^ ^* onely in this life (I add, or on- 
ly in the things of this life) wee were of all men the 
moft miferable, I Cor. 15. 19. Chrift in you, the h op e of 
glory, Col. 1.27. your fouls cannot have any hope of m:r- 
cy or heaven, but in and from Chrift. 

Fourthly, For the confidence of oar fonts • your fouls For the cnnfr . 
have nothing at all to truft unto but Jeftis Chrift , and dencc of your 
his righteouf nefle.Ti?//* cesium, ejr nullns ero:[o T^lle Chri- fouls. 
ftum> take away Chrift>and you are for ever loft and un- 
done there «" »<? other name^thcrcss n$ other foundation. 

Fifthly, For the re lei f of our fouls : All the World Forthereleif 
cannot afford you one foul- relief : none but Chrift of ^°« r for- 
gives raiment to a foul, and gold to a foul, and deli- 
verance to a foul, and help and comfort to a foul; the 
graces of Chrift, the righteoufnefte of Chrift, the love 
of God in Chrift, the mercies promifed by Chrift, the 
peace made by Chrift, thefeall, thefe onely are bread, 
are help, are relief, are comfort to a foul. 

Sixthly, For the falv at ion of our fouls i None can fave ?<* the falva- 
your fouls in a way of merit) out Chrift, and nothing «K>nofy©tu\ 
can fave you in a way of means, but that onely which 
Chrift offers to you : All die things which Chrift offers 
wnto you, do thus altogetherconcern your fouls, and all 
that the world is, or can afford, are nothing at all to 
your fouls, they may hinder your fouls, and pierce 
your (ouls, and wound your fouls , and vex, anddif- 
ftract, and loofe, and damn your fouls, but quicken, 
help,and fecure your fouls>compofc,help ? fave your fouls> 
they cannot. 

Thirdly, Ton might have thefe worldly things upon bet- y oU m \ght 
ter terms ) did )eur hearts clofe with all tire faving good have thefe 
which Chrift offers to you % Chrift never comes empty- wwldlythng- 
handed, Prov. 3. 1 6. Length of dayes is in her right handy "P 01 *^"^' 
andin her left hand riches and honour : A people ufually 
grow poor and bafe who Height the Gofpel, and Chrift 
and theGofpcl is feldome entertained without many blef- 
fings, as Obtd-Edoms bwje was blejfedfor the Arks fake, 


I - - 1 — ~~-~" 

}<fo Arguments rt perfydde, not for^pc. Chap* 7* 

R.om.8.32. Hee that fared not his ownfon, but delive- 
rs red htm up for u* all, how (ball bee not with him at fo freely 
give us all things, i Cor. 5. 2 1. All things are yours, 
whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas , or the world, or life^or 
You m»y hire £ ea th, or things pre font, or things to come , all are Jours y 
ri,cm ' andyonareChriflsi Mat.6.**. but fee^jec firfi the king- 
dome vf (jod and his righteoufnejfe, and ail thofe things fbaH 
bee added unto you, you may have thefe worldly things. 
Firft, More certainly. Now you have them in die 
More c e lt tin- promi^ I will never lc*veyon* y Heb.13. ^.Negeodthmg 
will hee withhold, Pfal.84.Il. Bread (bah 1 bee given h.m, 
his waters [hah* beefure, Ela. 3 3* 1 ^ • 
M cafilv Secondly, More eafily without vexing and moiling, 
y ' and dmdgingyAskytndyou fhaU have^Au. 7. 7. Bee care- 
full for nothings but in every thtng by prayer and fupplicati- 
on, with thanksgiving, let your requefls bee made known to 
God, PhiL 4. &• Ifjee then being evil (novo how to give 
good things to your children,howmuch more fh ally our father 
which it in heaven give good things to them that ask, him, 
More conifor- Thirdly, More comfortably , with a bleffing, and a 
wWy. bleffed enjoyment of them, as fruks of love, as 
mercies, as helps and furtherances to you, asfan&ified 
untoyor, Jorl 2.26. ye (hall eat in plenty and beefatisfied f 
and praife the name of the Lord your <}od. 
kfw Fourthly, Morefafelj: So that you ffull not wrong 
More fcieiy. ^ qUj , f ou ] J?nor y 0ur C onfcienccS|nor your God,nor your 
Chrift^ithcr in the getting, or in the ufing of them. 


Chap.8 It is labour loft to trade with any thing j&c . 361 

sSs £k ^ d& d& ^J^ tfto *!>* «If^ tfto *3fc «&* <s)fc> 
^^^^<2&S&* eSvs c&S c&> c&3 .ggj 
5£ $r. $8 88 ^^e&^2SaaH» to 

ISAIAH 55. 2. 

Wherefore do you ffendmony, for that which is not bread) 
and your labour for that which fat is fie s not} &c. 


Have one propofitioh more to fpeak 
unto from thefe words, and then I 
fhallpafle onto what follows, and 
it jhallrefpc£t the inutility of the 
finners courfe and pra£tice. 

Docl> 3 . That all the cofts which 
men lay out ^ and all the fains which 
men do take* even for falvation from 

any thing be fides Chrifty or in any other way than thrifts 
way, they arc utterly frmtlejfeyvain, and loft ; they are 
mony fpent for that which is not i 'read , and lalnur in> 
ployed, for that which fat is fie s not. 

There are two branches of this aflertion. 

Firft, deal in, trade for, labour after any thing what- 
foever tofave yow, befides Chrift? it is labour loft,it will 
do you no good, it is not heady it will not fa* 

Secondly > Set up any other way , then what (Thrift 
hathfetupto bring you to falvation, and bee never 
fo diligent in that way, this likewife is fruitlefle and loft 
labour, nothing will come of it, it is not bread, it will 
not fatisfy. 

A lithe cofl: 
which men do 
lay ctic,an<i all 
their pains for 
fidcs Chrift, or 
io any other 
way is vain 
>nd fruitlefle. 
Two branches 



l6z It is labour loft to trade with any thing Chap.8 $ 


Nothing be- ^^V Hat nothing what foever be fide Chrift {hough it eoft 

fides Chnft, us never jo much pains, and labour. and great ftudyes , 

1 u'bor " ^ ""'**• w * n 7g°od) will or canfavcus ; wee fhall fay of 

j&Teu* Ca0 x ^ lQm alUwliat Clirift fpakeof the world, what frail it 

profit a man to gain the whole world) and to loofe his [oul y 

or as Soloimn} what profit had I of all my labour} {ball 

other things are of no profit, no faving advantage to 

our fouls, but Chrift, though you toil your fclves for 

them, though poflibly you may get them, though you 

may repofe all your confidence, and hope upon than, 

yet all this is but to fpinthe Spiders web, but tofow 

the wind, and to reap the Whirl-wind* but to feed on 

husks, but to reft on the broken reed, they cannot help 

c i_. you,nor fave you at all. 

fcftoi Chrift Thcl " C are bllt fcVen thin § S ber,de Cl ? d ^ aftel " Wh!ch 

afar which J men do labour, with rcfpe&unto their falvation, and 
men do labour their labour, (as to that effect) comes to nothing, it is 
withr«f P eftto loft labour. 

clvihTrf ^ r ' CivilitjofC»nverfdthn^ fo much admired ia 

vwfation °° n * ^ omc Heathen, and I wifh it were to bee found more 
aipongft fome, who have the name of Chriftians- yet 
this is nothing, it is not bread, it will not favc: a man 
may bee a civil man,and yet a wicked man, and a Clirift- 
lcflc,and an tinbelecving man. 
Fqu'tyofdcal- Secondly, Equity of dealing, Juft, and fqtiarc, and 
j«g. fair, no way injurious or fraudulent, give every man 

his due and right : this is good , but yet it is not bread, 
you cannot live upon this: if you fct up this to fayc youj 
it will deceive yow,life and falvation arc not in it,it is too 
low, too fhort. 
Eatarml pro. Thirdly, External prof ejfi on ,to receive die open badge, 
fcfllm. and wear the pub] ick lively of the Chriftian religion: 

to bee baptized and come to church: yet as the Apoftle 
fpakc of Circumcifion , Circumcifion is nothing : fo fay I 
t of external profeflion, it is nothing ; ihefoolifh Virgins 


Chap,8, fa Jal<Vation 9 befedes Cbrtft. 363 

Lamps were nothing:the eftate is not altered by it, your 
fal nation doth noc lye in it. 

Fourthly, Superfluous ftriUneffe : Say over ten ^uperfii ious 
thoufand Pater Wjflers, and as many Ave Marys, ful- &"&»*&• 
filallthe pennances, trot a thoufand miles in Pilgri- 
mage , kifte all the reliques , adore all the Crucifixes 
and images, bow, till our knees fail you, to the Altar, 
and toward the Ealt : dream of merit, and fatisfaftion 
In all thefe: it is but a dream, they are nothing, they 
are not bread:all this is but labor loft: who required thefe 
things at your hands, Efa. 1. 12. In vain do they wor- 
tytp mee, te aching for do&rins the commandements of men-) 
Maui 5.9. 

Fifthly, Supernatural fans and endowments of know- Supernatural 
ledge and utterance, thefe are not bread, thefe are no- p*»s and cn " 
thing: Though If peakyith the tongues of men and An- dowmencs. 
gels : though I have the gift of Prophecy , and under fl and 
all myfleries, and all knowledge : and though I have 
all faith, fo that I eonld remove mountains ^and have not cha- 
rity (I may enlarge it, and have not Chrift) / am no- 
thing, it pro fit eth me nothing, i Cor.l 3. 1,2,3. Ceremonial 
Sixthly, Ceremonial Observations, in which the Jews o bf rvatioiw. 
didfo much reft (and did fo much obferve, and will 
not yet give over) the Apoftle fpeaking of that Law 
which contained them,, faith, that it was weak, and un- 
profitable, and could make nothing per feci, but the bring- 
ing in of a better hope did, viz. Chrift, bj the which we 
draw nigh to God> Heb,7.l8, 19. 

Seventhly, Religious performances: perform all the Religto us per 
good works which the moral Law requires, and fet h™** <«• 
them up for foundation of life, though you bee never 
fo diligent, and painful, and careful' in them, yet they 
are not bread, they cannot bee life unto you, they can- 
not fave ypu, not by works ofrighteoufnefe which wee have 
done, but according to mercy hee faved us, Tit. 3» 5. 
Now this point , that all ^ labours after any thing but ™ficV;choat 
Chrift as acaufcof falvation, is labour loft, is fruitlefs, thrift!" 
is vain,I (hall endeavour to clear untoyou, 1 From Scrip- Proved, 
tures. 2 By Arguments, Ax 2 Joh. 

i i -a- ■ _^ ^ ^ ^__ ___- — 

364 It is labour lofi to trade with any thing Chap 8 

By scripture. John iO. 9. Jam the door, by mee if any man enter , hee 

fhall bee faved : Ofl turn fide i , that is the Gofpcl • Oft mm 
exit) that is Chrift onely, Ioh 14A Jefw fnith unto 
him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no m an com met h 
to the father but by mee, A3". 4. 13. neither is there f al- 
vation in any other, for there is no other name under hea- 
ven given amongft men> whereby weemuft bee faved' Sal- 
vation is not in any other : and no ether name under hea- 
ven given among men, whereby wee muft bee faved, 
I ( or. 3. 1 1 . Other foundation can no man lay (which will 
hold, which will avail) then that it laid^ which is Jefus 
Chrift, Phil. 3.8.7V* doubt lefje, and I count all things 
but lojfe, for the excellency oft he knowledge of Chrift J*f H t 
my Lord: Wee rejoyce in Chrift Jefus^ andhave no confi- 
dence in theflefh. q % d. Blcffed bee God , wee have Jefus 
Chrift to truit to, for wee have none clfc, and nothing 
elfe- Gal ,6. \^.Godforbid 9 thatI (hould calory in any things 
favein the Crofs of our Lord Jefus Chrift, v. 1 5. neither 
Circumcifionavaileth any thing, nor %ncircumctfion y but a 
new creature in Chrift Jefus. 
By Arguments 2 By Arguments,partly rcfpefting Chrift ,partly other 

things, partly our felves, and our condition, 
flefpeftiflg Firft, If Chrift encly was defigned to favefinncrs, and 

Ch ift. if Chrift onely under took^t hat wot kj and if Chrift onety 

was qualified for that work^, and- if Chrift oncly ferfor- 
wed that work, and if his performance was fu ffic tent and ef- 
fectual, then it is a vain and Irtiitlcffe labour to' expeft a- 
ny (alvation from any befide Chrift.- but Jcfus Chrift,and 
he only, 
H , r . ¥izh,Wasdefignedtofaveftn*ers: him hath God the fa- 
cd io iarc far ^erfealed, John. 6. 27. hee laid falvation on onethatwas 
ncn. mighty 1 hee laid on him the iniquities of us all, Efa.$3« 

h.m hath Godfet forth to bee a prof hi at ion , Rom. 3.^5. 
who hath faved us according to his own furpofe and grace, 
which was given us in Chrift 3cfus before the world iegan^ 
HedM under- 2 Tim. 1. 9 

r«kc the faying Secondly, 7) id under lakj the favingwork^i Lot I come, 

* olk ' (/* the volume of thy Book^it ts written of me) to do thy wiUo 

6W>Heb.io,> Thirdly, 

Chap. 8 forjahationjefedcs QbriH. 36 5 

Thirdly, Was qualified for that -works Heeonly was Hewa5qua^/i' 
7;wflM»^/. ) God with us , Mat.l. 23. Him the father fane *<**<*«. 
tified, John. I0.36. Hee was God mamfefl in the flafhy 
jufiitjedinthefpirit, 1 Tim.3.16. Him the Lord atjoin- 
ted, Efay.tfj.i. with the holy Ghofi^nd with power, AS. 
10.38. The [fir it was given unto him not by meafure ,Joh. 3. 
34. fuchan high Prieft became us, whoisholy,harmleffe, 
unde filed, feparate from Jinners, and made higher than 
the Heavens ,Heb. 8. 26. 

Fourthly? Did perform and accowpt/fh the work.: Hee H« dMper- 
humbled hlmfelf and became obedient unto death , even the form a "^ ac 
death oft he crofi, Phil. 2. 8. (hee yeikted adive and ^£ h{h thj$ 
paflive obedience, ^ <W treadthewineprefs alone yEfa. 
63. 3. #£* was made fin for as, 2 Cor. 5.21. ffc* was made 
acurfefor us, Gal. 3. 1 3. Hf* himf elf bore our fins in his 
own body on the tree,, 1 Pet. 2, 24. I have glorified thee 
father, lhavefinifhed the workjvhich thon gaveft mee to 

Fifthly* That performance was fuficient and effeBuaU Hisperfo] 
forfalvation : it was a-ravfome, 1 Tim. 2. 6. ic was a re~ mancewss 
demotion, Epb, 1 . 7. it was a price, 1 Cor.8.20.kwas* %f^r^ d 
pur chafe, Eph. Ll4.it w^f peace ; //)*£ :» iw were e- J^ , ** n ^ cr 
nemies, we were reconciled unto God by the death of his f on , 
much more being reconciled wee (hall bee faved by his life, 
Rom 5. lo.Htt is able to fave them to the uttermoft , that 
come to God by ^/WjHcb.7.25 . in whom we have redemption 

Secondly, If all other things befides Clirift have no Frci»«ther 
power,tithcn natural or o{ institution to fave finners,if they £ mss * 
relying on them for falvati on, hinders and loofes falvation, 
certainly then the labour is fruitlefleto bufy our felves 
about them, to get falvation and help by them: but all 
other things befides Chrift, 

FirnS Have no power to jave, they have *c natural fk>w- They hive no 
er for that work : I will not fpeak oi worldly things > which power, 
arerneerimpertinenciestothis, but oifuppofed {pWitual 
workj : there is not fuch fuificiency or worth in them , 
that they can make any fatisfa&ion to God, or anfwer 

X x 3 for 

5 66 It U labour loft to trade with any thing Chap, 8 * 

for any one fin, or redeem any one foul : there is more in 
the nature oi every mans finiul guilt, than there is in the 
nature oi any mans beft inherent rightcoufneffe ? our beft 
works need Chrift and mercy, and bef ides that, there is 
no proportion twixt the righteous works of man,and the 
infinite juftice of God. They have no pywer of infiituti* 
en : God never did ordain, nor agree and content with a 
finner, never did make fucha bargain or com polition 
with him, that hee ihould bee Owed by any of his own 
works, but contrarily, only by the righ'teoufnefle of 
Chrift : Hee never did fet up life in any for a finner, but 
in Chrift: Indeed bejore the fall, life was fetled upon 
mans works, but fince the fall, life tor a finner is to bee 
found only in Chrift. 

2 The re lying §n an) thing but Chrifiy dothlofe falvati- 
Tbc relying on on : As Chrift in another cafe; Hee that will fave his bfe, 
any thing but ^// i f e it; fo he that will thus fave his own foul,(hall lofe 
Cbnftdoth j t: jA s many a* are of the works oftheLtw^are under a 
lofe lalvation. f „^ Ga ] ' io# chrift is become of nwe effell unto you, 
whofoever of yon are \u fit fed by the Law, you are fallen from 
Grace, Gal. 5.4. The Pharifee rclyed on his ownrighte- 
oufnefs , but hee loft \ufiif cation by it : Tile Jews, who fol- 
lowed after the Law of right eon fnefs, attained not to the 
law of righteeufnefe, kecaufe they fought it by work*, 

Rom. 9.31. i*. 

p 3 If the condition of every Sinner bee fuch y that none but 

felvc\ and our Chrift can bee (alvation unto him, then it is but labour 
condition loft to bufy our (elves, and to trade with any but Chrift; 
Every (inner is g ut f uc h is the condition of every finner, Sec. Ergo, Every 

finner isinaftatc 
In a ftatc cf l Of 'Death, of fpiritual death; dead in fins > Ephcf. %. 

death. 1. and Chrift only gtveth life to the world,Joh. 6. 33. and 

it was his flejh which was given for the life of the world ; / 
am the living bread y that came down from Heaven*, if any 
man eat of this bread, hee jhall live for ever , vert 51. when 
thrift who is our life, &c. Col. 3. 4. Hee that hath the Son, 
hath life, and hee that hath not the S#», bath not life, 1 Joh. 

a Of 

C hap. 8» for Sal<vation y befiies Chrift. $67 

2 Of Guilt 9 they are all under fin,Korn>i % g* All the In a fate ©f 
world is become guilty before (W,Rom. 3. 1 p. Hee was B tt,ltt 
made fin for us, that wee might bee made the righteoufnefs 

of God in htm, 2 Cor. 5. And faith the Apoftle, Rom, 3. 
20. by the deeds of the Lawfiallno flejh bee juflified in hit 
fight • no righteoufnefs, and no redemption but that of 
Chriftswill or can ferve for that, verfe 21, 22, 24, 

3 Of Enmity; you that were enemies, Col. 1. 20, and Inaftaicof 
who } or what can reconcile God and finners, make peace « n &*ity. 
and friendihip but Jefus Chrift; wee were reconciled by the 

death of his Son, Rom. $. 10. by him wee have received 
the Atonement, vet'f. H« you that were fometimes alienated, 
and enemies, hath he reconciled by the body of his fiefh through 
death, Col. I*?i,*2. 

4 Ofmifery and want : t&0# #r* wretched, and miferabh^ In a fare of 
And poor, and blinde, and naked, Rev. 3. 17* ^ f* r r ty mifer y and 
nativity, in the day thou wafi born<> thy navel was not cut, w2IU * 
neither waft thou wa(hed in water ,to fup pie thee, thou wafi 

not fait ed at all, nor fwadledatall: none eje pittied thee, to 
do any of thefe unto thee, to have compaffion on thee, but tho* 
wafi cafi out into the open field, to the loathing of thy per" 
fon, &c. Ifa. x6« 4, J, &c. The Sinner is a poor> wretch- 
ed, needy, mif_rable thing : hee is nothing, hath no- 
thing, can do nothing* wants all that may fave, and help 
afoul; and who can help this dead finner to life, but 
Chrift, this guilty finner, to mercy, but Chrift, this un- 
godly finner, to righteoufnefs, but Chrift, this blinde, 
lame* wounded, loathed finner, to grace, to fight, to 
health, to favour butChaft? His miferies are all of 
them foul miferies, and his wants are all of them fpiritu- 
al wants; and all foul -helps, and all fpiritual-rccove- 
ries, and fupplies are to bee found in Chrift alone, 
in a Saviour alone, who is made unto hs of God wif- 
domc, righteoufnefs, fan ftificatton, and redemption, j n a ^ afc ^ 

5 Inafiateofimfotencyi without firength, Rom. ?. 6. jmp^ency. 
not (ufficient of himfelf tothin\^a good thought -, 2 Cor. 9. $. 
wit hous meeyee can do nothing, Jon, 1 y, f, what bafi thou 


3 68 A/J other waxes for Salivation arefruidefs. Ghap.8 

To labour in i- 
x\y other way 
for faivation 
Chrift: pro- 
pounds it 
fruit lcfTe. 

Arguments ro 
demonstrate fi. 

God hath rt* 
vcrJed all oih^i 

that then did/!- not receive, i Cor- 4. 7. And thus yon fee 
t he fiift branch of the aftcrtion in forne meafure cleared 
unco you, that all the labour which is fpent 011 any be- 
iides Chrift for faivation, or faying good> is but fruitlefle 
and loft labour. 


z ¥ Now proceed to clear the fecond branch : That 
±a labouring in any other w>aj for falvttion, than that 
which Chrifi profounds, is alfo A pnitlefs And y V4in laioHr y 
The way which Chriftpropoundcd in the former vcrfc, 
for the helping and fa ving of poor finnets, Was to come 
to himfelf, to Tbuy of him, to beleeve on him, and to re- 
ceive all without mony, # and without price. Buying of 
Chrift upon Chrifts gracious termes, this is (Thrifts way : 
Now to fet up any other way than this? for to get any 
faving goodforour fouls* ancl to bee induftrious in any 
other way, is labour loft, it will bring in nothing at 

There arc fix Arguments which to mee (eem to de- 
monftrate this truth. 

1 God hath reverfed all other waiesfor faivation, 
and faving good. 

2 God hath fct up the way of Chrift as the only way, 

3 This Way of Chrift is an unchangeable and an ever- 

4 Any other way would bee extreamcly injurious to 
Chrift. J 

$ This way of Chrifts for the obtaining of faivation, is 
the belt in all refpe&s. 

6 This way of Chrift is fure and effectual, and fo is no 
other way, 

1 God hA\h revered a/I other wAies for the •btAining of 
falvAtion : Hec hath pulled down, and cancelledthc way 
of works, as a Covenant of life, it is done aw ay, 2G01*. 5. 
1 1 . Godtookjt out of the iP4/,Col, 2. 1 4. By the deeds of the 
LawfhAll no flejh he jufiifiedin his fight, Rom. 2, 2o# No 


-Chap,8, AH other mates for Salivation arefrnitlefs. 3 dp 

man isjnfiificd by the Law in the fight of God , Gal . 3 . 1 1 . 
a God hath fet up the way of CJirift, as the only way, 
A£t« i'5. 3 i.Mark. 16. 16. Rom. 3. 28* Wee conclude God hath ftf up 
r £*r 4 w*» is jufttfied by faith; without the deeds of the Law y the way of 
Gd.Li.l6. knowing that aman is not juftified by the work* CJ ? nft » asthc 
tftheLaw^bnt by the Faith of Jeff* Ckrifi,GzL 3. 8. 7^ onI J wa > % 
Scripture f or e[eeing that God -would jufiifie the Heathen 
through Faith, preached the Gosjel to Abraham, A£h 1$. 
39. By him, ail that beleeve are juftified from all things,, 
from which yee could not bee juftified by the Law of Moles, 
Ephef.1,%,9. by grace are yee fav»d through faith; not of 
»orkj, left any man foajt. Certainly it is to no purpofe 
to labour for falvation in any other way, than char which 
God hath fet up. 

3 This way pf Chrift, vi*. By bcleeving and receiving This way of 
upon gracious termes, it is an everlaftingy and an'unchangc- Chrift is an^ 
aUtway,\{^ 55. 3 • yee read often, that the Covenant of « nch2n S c * bIc 
grace, the new Covenant, is (tiled an ever lofting Covenant, way * 
which (lands, and abides, and is eftablifhed, and alters 
nodandfooftheGofpel, that it is the everlafttng Gosjel, 

Rev. 14. 6. The new Covenant is everlafting, in refped 
of the parties* in refpeft of mercies, in refpe& of graces, hi 
xefyc&oUhe foundation, a.ndiiire[pc&o{the way y or con- 
dition of enjoyment, freely by Faith, beleeve and Itve; and fd 
the Gofpel is everlafting, for the truths of it, and for the 
goodnefsof 'it, and for falvation only by Chrift 9 and for the " 
way of union and communion with Chrift, which is only by 
Faith, this never alters. This way was in Adams time, 
prefently upon the fall, znd in tAbrahams time, hee be- 
lceved, and hee was juftified by Faith, and foinall ages; 
and fo £hall it bee to the worlds end : Ergo all the labour 
is loft, in going any other way. A 

4 Any other way -would bee extreamely in\mieui to God, J^Muldbcc 
and to Chrifti That God fhould in his infinite wifdome, injurious to 
pitch upon this way of faying Sinners, that hee (hould God and' to 
give his Son Jefus Chrift for that end; that Chrift (hould Chrift. 
indure fo much, and make his foul an offering for fin> 

and treat with Sinners, having full authority to give life 

Yy unto 

37C A/2 other »jir s for Salvation m frmlefa Chapv % m 

unto them, andinfift upon nothing but belecving, for 
the free and full injoymeutof himfelf, and all faving 
good by him, and if after all this>a Sinner might finde our 
another way of his own for the injoyment of lite ! this, 
would bee Inch a flurrc ro the wild jme of God, to the 
contract twixt him and Chrift, to all Chrifts undertak- 
ings? doings, fufterings* treaties, propofals, commands,, 
articles, promifes, all would bee made void and ufelefs, 
(Jfrighteo*fnefwereby\he Law, then Chrift is dead in 
vain,Q&\. 2. lit If thty which are of the Law tee heirs y 
Faith umade void) Ahd the fromife made of none efett, 
Rorru4. 14. ) Bar this flull never bee, man (lull never 
bee wifcr than God, nor ever bee able to finde a better 
way to life, than God hath found, nor to mend thcterms 
and articles of Chrift. 

6 7 hi* w at of Chrift is fare And etfeftnal, and fo is new* 
This way is 6t htr waj : You may bee fure in Chrifts wav, there you 
fureandcer- ^ave the promifcS; hee that teleev tth (htll nor fen(h, but 

them that beleeVt^ tv the fAVingofthe font, Heb» 10.39, 
Hee that belccveth on the Son, hath hfe y Joh. 3.36. rccttv- 
ing the end of your Faith, the fa hat ion of jottr fouls ^ 1 Pet, 
*s 9. you may fafely and confidently venture your fouls 
on Chrift by Faith, and all the good which your fouls do 
need. Chrift will not fail the belccver 5 but can you ven- 
ture fo on your own works> can they intitle you foas- 
Faith in Chrift, can they prevail for you fo as Chrift I 
Lord 1 here arc fo many good works done by mcc, now 
give mce mercy for my fins, and now juftifemee, and 
favc mec for their fakes; not for ChriPifake, but for their 
fakes; not out of grace, but our of juftice; rrot for what 
thrift hath done, but for what I* have done; can your 
confidences fettle here/ have you an^ command from 
God here to reft? have yx)u any promife of life, to en- 
courage you to fix your hopes and confidences on any 
thing out Chrift alone by Faith? 


Chap. 8 Minifiers (hcuUSemuehin Preaching Chrift >. 37 f 


Ufi. IS it but labour loft tofctup any thing but Chrift, ^ douM« cau* 

land to fct upon any other way, than beleeving* no a 
fortheinjoymcntoflife? HciKe a double caution. 

i To LMimfiers^ therefore to bee much in preaching ^° b emt*bui 
ofCkift: As our labour is but loft in minding and toil- p ° cac hing 
kig for anything but Chrift*fo your labours in preaching, chriA. 
will come to little, p*&h^s*o nothing, if it be not Chr lit, 
or fomcthing in reference toChrift, on whichyou fo la- 
feorioufly iniift in preaching; 'My Kingdom^ (aid Chrift, 
*s notjofthh world> *}oh m 1 8. 3 6, lb your bufinefs is not the 
bufineffe of this world; Go then and freach the Kingdom* 
•{God, Luk. 9* 60. in L*kt 1 2. 1 1. one came r* Okr//, and 
laid unto him, C#**/fer, s^eak. to my brother, that hec di- 
vide the inheritance with meet what doth Chrift anfwer 
him?feetf*r/". If. M*n\ who mademee judge , $r 4 ^/x//- 
W*r over job? J attermipee % laid i>4*/ f not to know any thing 
Among you, Jove Jefm Cbriffiy and him crncified, 1 Cor. fh 
3* and wee freach not omr fe li/es ,bnt Chrift fefne } the Lord, 
nndem-feiveSyyoHr fir vants for J &fw fake y i Cot. 4. U 
And again,my little Children \ of whom 1 travel in birth, 
tiiChrifi bee formed inyon,GzL^ 19. you fee his pains, y. p rc4cfcinE 
his labours, his travel in birth, all for Chrift, and to bring f chrift iT^ 
coChrift. The preaching of Chrift, 

1 Is your prefer work^ therefore are you called the Mi- xheir proper 
mifiers of Chrift, the Miniftors of the <jofpel t the Minifters WO rk. 
of the new Teftament, 2 Cor . 3. 6. That is your commif- 
non, Go into aM the world-, and freach the . Gojpel to every 
c rMf *r#, Mark. I<$* IS* 

% JjafHfpcientaxdfttUwork.: who is Jufficientforthefe Afyfficientani 
things ? 2 Cor. 2. 1 6 , k is work enough to know thrift, foU work. 
*nd to make Chrift known, tobring men in to Chrift, 
and to build them up in Chrift, 

\ Is an honourable worlywoe are Etnbjtffa dors for Chrift ; Anhonourabk 
»Cor.5,2©. yet are the friends of the Bridegroom, Joh $. WOrk » 

*9* yccarctketrufteesof Chrift, catrufted with the o- 

Yy 2 pening 

372 People jhould not Jkight Chap.S. 

pening of the myfterics of Chrift. 

4 1* i* an excellent work'- No work like this, CO bee 
An excellent fpending our felves for Chrift* and to bee winning, of 
W9;k - fouls to Chrift; this is the work which (Thrift himfclf did, 

which now honours Chrift, and which God will blcffe. 
fo that joh frail fee of the travel of your fouU 

5 It will bee a comfort to you, when joh come to dye : That 
it will bee a expreflion of Luther at his death was very precious : O 
ytttcomew Chrf fi ! thtbtvc Iknown^theehavel loved, thee have I 
die, taught, thee have. Jtrujfed ; and now tnto thy hands do I com- 
mend my fpirit. 

2 To feople* do not fleight the UoRrin of Chrift 5 and 
To people. bee not fo foolifhly and phantaftickly carriedto hear per- 
^°" or a fl 5 Jch J fons. who preach raanv fine notions , fables, (lories, but 

Shrift rm littlc ° r noth[n % ot ch ' riil ; . Aftcr a11 y° ur hcarin § s oi 

men, if you hear not of Chrift, though you get many 
witty expreilions, though you meet with many curious 
and nice ebfervations, yet if you meet. not with Chrift, 
all your labour is lo/t, nothing will come to any thing 
but Chrift, and the injoymentjot Chrift- What a neceC 
fity is there to look after Chrift, and to drive for Faith \ 
Nay, if you fhould apply your-felves much to thofe pla- 
ccs, where Chrift is much preached, yet if you do but on- 
ly come and hear {.you cannot bee periwaded to come 
and buy, to come and beleeve) all this is labour loft, it is 
for that which is not bread, it is for that which fatisfieir 
not. It is not the hearing of Chrift, but the injoyment 
of Chrift which will prove the bread of life, which will 
bcz faving good unto your (ouk 

sect. ir. 

Ufe a A Reallcofts and charges loft, all (Indies and 
/l labours fruitlefle, which are laid out on any 
j le Tkr V but Chrift, or in any way for the injoyment of life, than 
htut^w^ b Y coming to ChnUffh^ulet m care fully lookto our hearts, 
.hbours, to tor t* our labours, to our waits , labour many of us <do, but is it 
wtfn. to in; oy Chaft > and many waies wc take (as wjc think)to 


1 ■■ ■• ' .... - 

Chap. 8* the Doftrin ofCbrift 3 ^ 

injoy mercy, and good, and help, and falvation for our 
fouls; but is that way, thrifts way? his way of beleeving, 
or is it notour own way of working? When you do fee, 
(O that wee did fee more ! ) the miferies of your fouls, 
and the wants in your fouls, the dangers on your fouls, 
the troubles on your fouls; what do you do > whither do 
you run ? whatcourfc cte you take? oil whom andwhac 
do you rely and reft ? there are but two waics in fuch a 
cafo which men will fix on* cither the way of their own 
works, or elfe the way of beleeving on Chrift * now 
whiclxofthefedoyoufindeyour hearts fixed upon, and Iu llircia 
labouring in > you would have mercy, and you would ^ w l iy y0 „ 
have peace, and you would have Heaven, you would bee fcek fcr falra- 
iEaved; but on whom do you rely, and what couffedo. won* For 
you take for thefe > is all your labour for Ghrift ? is all 
your.labour for Faith? are you not rather commending 
your fouls to your own works, and laying that foundati- 
on for your hopes, and comforts,and in joyments to build 
upon ? Beloved, pardon mee> if I bee very folemn and 
ferious with you in this bufineffe : confider I pray your 
four things which I have to fay. ^he falvatiea 

I The falvjttio* of your [amis is a matt er of the great e(k f your fouls is 
concernment; can any thing concern you more ? what can a matter of the 
bee-more (in refpecl of vour fouls) than to bee eternally e 1 * 3 "* 1 can " 
faved, or eternally loft? 

i Ify&utnif-lay your falvation^ your fouls are lofl .- If if you mif-fey 
in Law you goon with a wrong title, your, caufe will bee your falvation, 
loft : fo if you go on in the expectation of Heaven, and y°" r (oul * ars 
all this while you build upon a foundation, which will 
never bear fuch a weight as that of eternal falvation, your 
fouls arc loft : Take a little boat* and lay on it a thoufand 
weight, it finely finks, and all is loft, it cannot bear fuch 
a burden. 

3 If you f lace your falvation oh any thing but Ckriftjt j> ^n^ 
toifafaeedyhismiC-hidih will never bee falvation to ©n^hytog* 
£oii : you are but in a dream, an 1 when you awake, you but chrift, it 
will findc your felves empty. Nothing is bread, nothing isrotf-plaw* ... 
is falvation, , nor will it prove fa to you, but Ghrift, 

Yy 3 4 K 

274 Difco<very of our Jetting up Chap, 8 i 

It it a m6ft eafjr 4 It is a n;cft eafy and nfual thing withfinnerstofetup 
and vfaal their falvatton in fome other thmgthan Chrift, and in feme 

^Tw'So 11 ' oikirw*hth**Chr;Jtsw*j. As it is the hardeft thing (one 
nen o o.^ ^ t h cm ) j a the world to exalt Chrift, and his way, to fct 
him up alone, > to renounce all as droffe and dung, to put 
the Crown of life only oh his head, to come to him mat 
. wee may live, to belecve on hin^ that wee may bee Cav- 
ed, to bee Angularly \ induftrious how to get union with 
him, to in joy him; anc} all Giving good by him •" So on the 
contrary, it is fo ufiial, fo ordinary, fo natural, fo cafy to 
us, to bee roving after vanities, not only for our bodies* 
butalfofcrourfouk;tochufeioour (elves ctfterns that 
will hold no water, to butld upon the fands, to fet up our 
felves*andour good meanings,and our own rightcouf-refs. 
Queft. 2?tf> will fome perhaps reply unto wee, wee do not. 
fet up any thing b (fides thrift, mr do wee fer any other way 
forfalvationyDntChrifiivpayi wee look^ unto thrift alone y 
and his way alone, for allfaving good* 
1 Sol. For anfwer unto this, I will briefly Chew you two 

flow it may be tnin S s * . , . / j e> j j/» 

kn*vn, that a l & ow u m *J * ec k?**" x h# a perfond$th indeed fit up 
pcrfon doth fet fome other things be fides Chn$ for his falvatttu, and fomc 
Qp other ot he r W ay than Chrifts way. 

■Jji"? r Cfl ?f * How it may bee known that a fcrfin fets up Chrift alone ^ 
rata! *** hiS "V ^neforfdvation. and for affaving good. 

1 It may appear that a prrfon doth fet up tonic other 
things bcfidesChr ill, and fome other faving way for 
himfelf, than Chrifts way? by fix particulars* 
1 By his titles and evidences, 
1 By his hopes and grounds. 

3 By his peace and guietnefs. 

4 By his reft and fatisfa&ion. 

5 By his diligence about other things? with the negleft 
of Chrift. 

6 By the magnifying of his performances joyncdwith 
an incompliance to the offer and tyay c f Chrift* 

1y onr ey\ie n - * *Z ^' l itties *** evidenc csfor mercy and [<tlvatiou : The 

cei for fcin* iBaji ii confident of mere jr to pardon all hi* fins; he is con- 
ikm. . fidbnt 

11 ....... . — ■^■■^■■■■■■■ta*^^ 

Chap. 8 ether things be fides Chrifl. j^- 

fident that God is fatisfied and reconciled * he is confident 
that his perfon is accep:ed,and his foul (hallbefaved.And 
why arc vou fo confident ? what title have you unto 
thcic ? why I I live civilly and quietly among my neigh- 
bours v ajd I deai juftly and fquarcly with all men, and I 
keep my Church) and fay my prayers, and ferve God c- 
very day, and am charitable to the^ poor* But firs 1 is 
this all your title, and have you indeed no better title 
or evidence ? are thefe able to fatisfie Gods juftice for 
yoer fins ? are thefe fufheient to flay all enmity ? to take 
off the differences twixtGodand your fouls, to make 
your peace, to get your acquittance, to purchafe falva* 
tion ? Ah poor wretch ! thy labour is loft; thou haft all 
this while been laying out thy mony for that which is not 
Bread* Are thefe a Cnrift rare thtfe thy Saviours ? thy 
Gods' fo deliver thee? 

2 BjhUhofes and grounds \ Self-hopes, and felf- By our hop-* 
grounds, not Chrift-hopes, and Chrift-grounds : If the and grciuidt 
man can finde fomething in himfelf, then hee hath hope 5 
and if nothing in himfelt, then hee hath no hope • when it 
comes to (Thrift alone, and to venturing and mifting on 
Chrift alone, hee hath no hope : Doth not this'fhew> that 
there is fomething elfefet^ up befides Chrift:.' fuppofea 
perfon (truck with the fight and fenfe of his fins (though 
Cnrift bee ho£e enough tor a Sinner in iuch a cafe) yet if 
Chrift .md fomething hi Chrift bee not his hope, he doth 
not look at Chriits death, or at Chrifls right eoufneflc, as 
a ground of hope, but if hee either dotth or can do fomc 
good vvork of his ownv this gives him hope-' if hee can^ 
abftain a while from fin, this is hope; .if hee can pray and 
mourn, this is all his hope of mercy. So in the expjfta* - 
tion of any good from God ; if hee finde inlargements of 
words or defires, thefe are all his hopes; and if hee finde 
ftraitnefte and darknefle on Ws fpirit, then hee hath 
no hopes of acceptance, audience, anfwer. O firs ! if 
Chrift alone bee not your hope, though there bee a 
Chrift, yet if ally our Hopes Jure raifedfrom your own 1 
affaftions, and from your own performances) doth nor 



\7* Dtfcwerj offering up itber things y &c. Chap, 8* 

this (hew, there is fomediiftg fee up for falvation befides 
By his pt ace 3 fy &* h^ ACe and quietnejft t who is that, and what is 

and qui mefs. that* which ftills and appeaies thofe many' troubles in 
your confcicnces ? Themanhach finned, and the man 
is troubled, and at length the man is quieted, but whence 
comes that peace and guietneiTe ? why, hee could nor 
have any reft till hee prayed, and rill hee confeifed his 
fins, and wept for them, and came and heard fome good 
Sermon, and now hishtarr is more at eafe and reft. Be- 
loved, I grant that aftthefe things are to bee done : but 
if upon, or for the doing of thefe, you think that ycu 
have fatisfied Gods juftice for your fins, and made 
him full amends, and therefore are now at peace : aiTu- 
redly this is to Itkonr for that which is net breads and far 
that which fatisfies »<* : thisis tofet up another peace- 
makerrhan Chrift, and anodicr way for your cafe of 
confcience,than beleeving on Chrift. 
Byhisfaris- 4 By his fatufatlion and tnon^h : When a perfoil 

f-ftbn and c- looks on his condition, as fufticiently good, and on him- 
aoiigh. fclfasfafely happy > or conditionated tor happinefle, by 

reafon of that ftock in his own hands, and his managing 
or imploying of that ftock, this man fets up a falvation 
out of Chrift and another way, than the way of Chrift. 
This hee hath, and this hee doth* All thefe hav* I kept 
frcmmjjfeuthy what lack^l jttt what would you have 
men to bee/ what can they do more? what need ot 
any more ? private duties, publick performances ! no 
omiflions of the one, or of the other : O my foul ! 
mayeffthou not now take thine eafe? haft not thou 
goods enough laid up ? but as hee faid once, when it 
thundred fo dreadfully^ and lightened fo fearfully,that die 
people thought the day ot judgement was come; O 
faid hee, but where is Chrift? I cannot fee Chrift: 
So may I fay, amongft all thefe flaiks of devotion, 
and noifc ot religious performances; O but where is 
Chrift ? I fee not Chrift. 

5 */ 

Chajr.8 Difcvyery of feting up other things, ((re. 377 

Fifthly, By his dUigence in the way of rvorkj t but his neg- By his dili- 
Ugence in the way of faith : Hee thinks of damnation for 6 tr) ce in the 
diibbedience, but not for unbeleef : hee will not by any ^ r a J£f works ! 
means ncgle& to hear, to read, to pray, and ii any inter- g£ nce , n ^f l " 
cifion or interruption falls in here, hee is troubled : O, way of frith. 
but all this while the man lives widiouc faith, his heart 
knows not die excellencies of Chrift, his heart is not per- 
fwaded, is not bowed, is not drawn In to Chrift, and the 
tptalabfence of Chrift and of faidi troubles him not, nor 
cyer did trouble him . Surely this man . Intends not the 
falvarionofhisfoulatalhprfetshis falyation upon his 
works, and not upon Chrift, looks for it in the way of 
doing, not in the way of beleeving. 

Sixthly,^ the magnifying of his performances joyned all a- By the magni - 
long with an incompliance and Hnffifrjeftion to Chrift, Duties fy in g ot n " 
hee comes oft unto, andfets a high rate on them, but £- r ^ m * n ?£ 
Chrift hee^omes not up unto j notwithftanding all his ^^"0 
prayers, confeflions, hearings, hisheart and foul cannot Chrift. 
embrace Chrift, as Chrift and Saviour, nor can hee ven- 
ture on Chrift alone, nor^ dares hee to reft on the free 
grace and mercy of Godwin Chrift alone,for mercy, and 
iorhisfalvation: Why , this is a plain fleighting of 
Chrift, and fctting up of our own works* 

Secondly,It may appear jhas a pcrfon fetj ftp Chrift alone, H(> ^ £t 
And his way alone for his falvation : by four particulars. appear we kc 
L , I By fearing himfelf at his beft, up Chrtf a- 

2 Encouraging himfelf at the worft. lone. 

3 By doing all that hee can for Chrift, and yet re- 
nouncing all for Chrift. 

4 When all is nothing, unlefle Chrift who is all bee 
enjoyed : I fhall touch onely on the two fii ft. 

Firft, By fearing him[elf in hit beft ihs ^Wwhowasfo By our ferring 
careful and exact in his converfation, and performances, our r e ivcs in 
and yet hee had no confidence at all in them ; hee dur ft QUi Bcft - 
not fettle on them , and reft on them , and venture his 
foul on that bot tome. This is not fer*falem 3 nor is 
this Jerufalem (aid the Travellor : fo, here are pray- 

Z z ers, 

378 Difco<verj of our fetting up Chrift alone. Chap.8 

ers, but they are not Chrift ; and here are tears* but 
they are not Chriftj and hereisarighteoufneffe, Obut 
it is not Chrifts rightcoufneile : here are many things* 
but all thefe cannot make up a Chrift J Yet I need 
Chrift* yet I muft have Chrift:thcfe are boards but Chrift 
is the (hip; thefe are difhes, but Chrift is the meat: thefe 
may evidence lite, but they are not my life ;. when a 
man cafts his crown to the ground : and puts the crown 
on Chrift alone: OLord Chrift* my ill works are e- 
nough to damn mee * and my good works are not e- 
nough to fave mee : I fear my worft works, yea , and 
I fear my beft works:0 ! I muft gain thee*or elfe my beft 
will looie and undo me. 

Secondly, By encouraging himfiif At hit worfl 1 when 
Bycflcourag- I look on my prefent courfe of godlinefle, I blefleGocl, 
^ourworft;* but y ccc herel daren * truft, and when! look on my 
1 forc-paftcourfeofwickcdneffe,Imourn, but yet there is 
h ope in Chrift, yet I dare to look on Chrift* to come to 
Chrift,to truft onChrift for mercy and grace:my beft per- 
formances make not up a worthiness* and my finfulun* 
wortbinefs makes not up an hinderance^ 


Chap. 9 Qrifls gracious offers renewed* 

_ , ; 


■:s ix 



ISAIAR 55.*- 

Hearken dtligently unto wee and eat yee that which is good 9 
and let j§m fofl delightitfilfinfatneffe. 


N the former part of the verfe yee 
have feeti* 

I The unkjndneffe of finners in 
fleighting the ofters of Chrift. 

% Thefooiifbnejfe and vanity of 
finners, in labouring after help and 
ialvationin fome other things than 
Chrift, and in fome other way than 
Chrifts way. And in this latter part of the verfe, you 
mzykztuzfnriatfMgoodneff*^ of Chrifts who doth not 
anfwer fools according to their folly, nor yet deals with 
finners as finners deal with him : wee Height Chrift, but 
Chrift doth not fleight us ? wee turn from him,yet hec 
doth not turn from us; wee will not come to him 5 yet 
hee oftens comes to us; when wee have tryed the market 
in other places, and re*wrned empty and afhamed, then, 
after all this,and notwithstanding all this,dothChriftcall 
the fecond time, and renews his ofters (you experimen- 
tally finde, that your fouls can get no good any where 
but in mee, therefore) hearken diligently unto mee^ and ett 
yee that which is goody and let yont feal deltght it [elf in 

In which words you have three things obfervable in 
Chrifts gracious offers unto finners : they arc firft re- 
peated or renewed ; Chrift doth not ahvaies rejefit them 
that refufe him: asheehathgoodnefie to make an offer 

Zza of 

380 C fotftigtaciw ifftrmnewed* Chap? 9^ 

of good to the Sinner, fc hec hath love enough to 
make yet another offer, even to the relufing finner {Come 
and buy^ in the former verfc, hearken unto mee m this 

Secondly, Earnefily or vehemently pre fed (Audiendo 
audit e, in hearkning hearken: O, by all means hearken 
unto mce, come, believe, accept of my offer.) 

Thirdly, Encouraged^ fi*gularly encouraged with two 
Arguments* firft, rcallity of good ( and e*t yon that 
which is go od> fecondly , fweetneffe- of good [and ht yottr 
foul delight it fe/f &c.) Chrift is good, and Chriftis de- 
light to the hear kui ng and beleeving foul: thirdly, /*/- 
neffe of good even tofatiety {let your fonl delight it ft If in 
fatnefe)\vhkh is fwect and (atisiying,or fuffidng.So that 
you have here confidcrable, 

Fir ft, That the offers of grace are fometimes renew- 
ed by Chriir, even towards them who have refufed the 
offers of grace. 

Secondly, That Jefus Chrift is very earneft and im- 
portunate with (inners to hearken to him. 

Thirdly, That real good, good indeed, delighting 
good, and latisfying good, will come unto all who do 
hearken and come to Chriih 


Do ft. 1 ^W^Hat fe fas Chrift is pie a fed fometimes to re* 

Chrift </ten J^ „>& / u gracious offers-) towards them who have 

lenews h«s refufed his gracious offers. Hce doth not prelently give 

SSS'rdT °thcm ovcr > withdraw> forfake, but waits.that hee may beegra- 

tkathavercfu- ciow -> ftrives to (aftcn love and mercy on us, throwes 

fed them. out the bait again, revives his fuire, calls again; offers 

Roved. again, entreats again; In the former verfe come and 

bnj) in this, hearken diligently unto mee y m the next 

Verf. Incline thine ear and come unto mee. This truth I 

(hall endeavour to clear unto you,by fcriptures, and by 


My Suture 1. rirfT, By Serif tuns, I will mention lome places and 


^** M — **^*^ M M— — ■» I ■ ■■■■■' ' ' ■■ 1 II ■■ 

Chap. 9 Cbfifls gnriolts iff en rehemed* 

paflages there? . Gen. 6. 3 • my fair it [hall n&t alwaies ft rive 
-with man : chough his (pint foould not alwaies frrive,yec 
it did ftiive, it did wreitle. Now there are three dungs 
in driving or wreftling. 

Firfr, There is an indcavour put forth to overcome a- 

Secondly, There is an opposition made againft that 

Thirdly , There is a manifold exertiiig of Strength 
and power, yet to put down that opposition and refi- 
ftance, to make another to yeild. 1 his doth Chrift witfr 
Sinners : hce offers himfelt and all Saving good unto 
them, and indeavours to perfwade them, tc overcome 
them, to bring them in : but Sinners many times irefift 
thefe cfFers of grace, they will not hearken, nor yeild, 
and then doth Chrift allay them again,and wreitles with 
them, takes ruld of them again, with renewed of- 
fers, and entreati s to make them willing, and fubdue 
them unto himfelf. Rev. 3 . 20. Behold I ft and at the 
door and k*°ck. ; Chrifts offers are Sometimes {tiled a cal- 
ting unto Sinners,. Prov, 1. 24. and Sometimes a- crying 
outiwto-Sinners, .^.7.3 7. and here 2. knocking at the 
doors of Sinners* and a ftandmg at ^their doors and 
knocking : Knocking is ufually a repetition of ftrokes, 
certainly a (landing at the door, and knocking, implies 
as much , a many times dealing with finners , a frequent 
offering, a frequent allaying of them ,to hearken to the 
voice of Chrift. Mat.1%. 37. O Jerufalem y : Jerufa* 
lem, thofttb.it k> tit ft the Prophets, andftoneft them that 
are fent unto thee} how ft<n would I have gathered thy 
children together , even as an hen gathers her chtckjns under 
her wings, and yee would not} Here are offers made bv 
Chrift, unto a very unkind people , and many kind of- 
fers : how often, Sec. as an hen, &c.. frequent in cluck- 
ing. Luk. 1 p. 42./f 'thou hadft k*own)*t leaf} in this thy 
daj y the things that do concern thy fe.ice I mark 1 here are 
offers of peace, and fiich as were divers times made; 
clfcwhat isthat?at leaftin this thy day,. Rom. 10. 21* 


Cbrifts gracious Offm renewed. Chap. 9 


It appears 

By the conti- 
nuance of the 
Gsfpda long 

Ail the day long haze I ft retched forth my bands to a gain- 
fij'wg and dijobedient people. The ftretching forth of his 
hands, what was that* but his glorious offers ? and a 
gain-faying and difobedient people, who are they,"but a 
rctufing and Weighting people ? yet all the day long> 

2 By Arguments. It will alfo appear, that Jefus Chrift 
doth renew his gracious offers, by 

I J he continuance of the Gofpel f fometimes) a long time 
untofinneri, who fletght andrtfnje the Gofpel. A people 
fometimes enjoy the Gofpel, twenty, or forty, or fifty 
tiraejtofach'as years together : and the Gofpel is Chriftstime of treat- 
rcfufe k. [ng w i tn cheni, his time of love, his time to wooe and al- 

lure Sinners : whenfoever the Gofpel is preached, and as 
often as that is preached, fo long and fo often is Chrift 
cfteringhimfelf unto Sinners, callings and inviting, and 
befecching of them. 

a The long attendance of Chrift upon ftnners > Cant. J. a* 
open to mee my Sifter, my Love, my Dove, my unde filed, for 
my head it filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of 
the *tght, Luk. 13. j. Behold thefe three years I come 
fe&kjng fruit on this fig-tree, and finde none, Rev. 3.20. / 
ft and at the door \ And how long doth hec ftand at the 
Sinners door, before the deaf Sinner hears, before the 
d*owfy Sinner will rile, before the proud Sinner will 
open the door? 

I The late effcacy of the Gobel\ It is the laft hour of 
the day, it is fometimes almoft night? before fome Sin- 
ners are brought in : they ftand idle all the day long • they 
lofe many an hour, many a feafon, many an offer, have 
withstood many a motion, and quenched many work- 
ings of the fpir it, and yet at laft Chrift hath overcome 
them, and f perfwadedthem,ncw offers have been effectu- 
al, when former offers have been fruitlelTe. 

4 The fears of broken finnersj and troubled confeiences : 
Amongft their many troubles, which lie heavy upon 
them, and amongft the many fears which do perplex and 
dcliracl: them; this is one of the greateft, Chrift will never 


By thelong at- 
tend mce of 
Chr ftupen 

B-y the laft 
effiaci* «ftbe 
Go (pel* 

Bythe fears *f 
broken Sn* 

Chap. 9 Cbriftsgracious Offer srentmd. 38 $ 

look. on them, never accept off hem, nor n-iay they eotae 
to Chrift, and place their hope on him, becaufe th :y have 
fleighted and refufed the gracious oflers of Chrift; nay, 
the many gracious offers of (Thrift : O how often did he _ 
fend and call, and how long did hee increat and wait, and 
ftill I refufed, and ftill I fleighted ! 

5 The time of Chrift s far ew el to firmer s : Hee is that Bythetirce nf 
good Phyfitian, who comes to his patient, and waits on ctaft* farcwjtti 
him from day to day, and ufeth all remedies, and leaves to Sinners, 
him not, till hope leaves him '• Chrift leaves not Sinners, 

until they grow remedilefle, and their hearts grow dc- 
fperate, until they wttt net bee gathered, Matth. 2 3 . 3 7*. 
until they wiU not come, Joh. 5.40. unrjl they ■ rejeft the 
corner (lone, I Per. 2. 7. until they (hvf their eyes, and ft of 
their ears, A£h 23; 27, until they pm away the word of 
ChrtH from them, a»d judge themjelves unworthy of ever- 
laft'mg life, until they defpife him, until they grow ftub- 
born, andperverfe, and fometimes raging againft him 
and his Gofpel. 

6 The renewing of his commiffton, and authorizing of By the renew- 
more Embaffadors, after hee hath called home the former ; the ' m &^ i fcs<:°ni- 
Minifters of Chrift are the Erabaffadors of Chrift, and gSld^ - 
they receive a commiffi op from him to preach the Gof- 
pel: Hee calls them? and hee fends them, and hee calls 

them back again by death, and fometimes alfo a people 
do (hamefttlly intreat them (as Paul complained of them of 
Philippi, 1 Thef. 2. 2,) and defritefttHy ufe them (as Chrift 
delivers it in his parable, Matth. 22.6.) yet Jefus Chriii 
calls and fends more Embaffadors, and fends other fer- 
vants with the fame commiflion, with the fame Gofpel, 
with the fame offers, with the fame articles, with the 
fame charge, for the fame end, to work on Sinners, to be- 
feech them, to perfwade them, to allure, and incowrage 
them, to affure them of all mercy, ot all faving good, if 
yet they will hearken and come in unto him; doth not 
this variety of commiffions plainly prove a multiplicity 
of Chrifts gracious offers? 


384 Why Q)rifi reMtoeth his gracious O^w.Chap. 9I 


The reifons of Queft. TVUt why is Chrift f leafed fometimes to renew hit 
ir« DgracioM offers cowards them y who have freighted 

and refufed'hts gracious offers ? 

Sol. There are diverfc rcafons of it. 

The love of * I The love of Chrift {amor ben evolentia) is great to fw- 

Chrilis great wrs : lokpowthe love of Chrifi rvhich fajfeth knowledge, 

to Sinner*. Ephef. 3 . 1 9. T* him that loved m, and wajhed-Hs from oar 

fins injols own blood, Rev. 1.5. greater love than th,j hath 

no man, that a man I a) down his life for his friends* Joh. i $. 

13. andyetChrift died for the ffngod/y ^Kom.'y. 6. Now 

there are four properties in amore benevolent ue. 

I It breeds many thoughes and cares towards others, 
a It breeds many defircs, and well-wiihcs. 

3 It puts out many a6ts and indeavours for good. 

4 It is not cafily weary of doing good, nor withdrawn 
from doing good. " And hence it is that Ohrift is pleafed 
often to come to Sinners, and often to call upon Sinners, 
and often to renew his gracious offers unto them, for hec 

' loves them with a love of benevolence; and this is a truth, 

that a benevolent love would bee, or is, a beneficial and 
tr ^ /i . bountiful love. 

£? rar l; $ * M" C h "fi i* ™J ^rcifal ♦ hce is called a merciful 
very merciful. ff ^ h p nV ^ Hcb- 2# l?# Now there are four things in 


1 Exceeding pittv and companion. 

2 Exceeding readineffe t help and fuccour. 

3 Exceeding tendcrnefTc in dealing. • 

4 Exceeding willingnefle to pardon and favc. 

And all thefe things arc in our merciful Chrift ; hee is 
full of compaflion and bowels (none pitties a Sinner fo as 
Chrift) hce is ready to help : Lo I come faith Chrift 1 htt 
came to [eck^thst which was loft, hec freely came to Sin- 
ners, and freely gave himfelf for Sinners. Hee is very 
tender in dealing with Sinners > will notbeal^thebmifed 
rf#^nordifcouragc any from comming to him? and 


Chap. 9 Why Qhrifi reneweth bis gracious Offers. 385 

hee is moli willing to do them good : if face were willing 
to lay down his lite for them, lurely hec is willing to 
help and fa ve them; and then no marvel if one-offuch 
a merciful nature, bee willing often torenew the offers of 

S )efns Chrift is of aver jpJtUnt tiamre y \ong-£u&£nng Jefus Chrift i« 
dwells with him. There is a threefold patience; there is <> f a vtry pati* 
fAticniiAtn /#/?/»<?*d* 3 a patience in bearing, and there is cnt aaturc * 
fatientiainabftinendo,*. patience in forbearing, and there 
fepatientia in expetlando y a patience in waiting. All theft* 
are in Chrift: Chrift did patiently bear all that God or 
men laid upon him * Chrift did patiently forbear to deal 
with Sinners, as Sinners dealt with him, being re viled, 
heeblefled: And Chrift doth patiently wait upon Sin- 
ners, cxpe&ing when they will hearken : patience is not 
eafily moved, nor will patience prefently remove^ there 
is a length in patience, and a greatnefie of defire. 

4 It is the of ice of Qhrifi tebee a Saviour of Sinners, and It is Chriftiof- 
the end of hit work^ tofave that which was iojtj and Chrift fice, and the 
Will not bee wanting unto his own office, nor to his own cnd ° f h * 
end. Hee had never come into the world, but to fave Sin- ^ °^ t 
ners; hee had not lived, hee had not died elfe. This was 
finis operant's, which Chrift propounded to himfeif, and 
this was finis operis. His doings and fufterings, his 
preachings, his fetting up the Golpel, the great end of all 
was? and is to bring in poor Sinners, and to fave them. 
Will not every one bee diligent iivhis office ? will not 
every one bee much in acting towards the great end hec 
aimes at, bee laborious for that ? Now the falvation of 
Sinners is Chrifts great end, and the gracious offers of 
himfeif is the great means for Chrift to attain that end for 
it is the means to bring in finners to himfeif 5 and there- 
fore wonder not that hee often renewesthefe off rs, that 
hee doth not prefently give Sinners over : It was his 
work, it was his own end, hee took his commiflion, and there are fcve. 
hee took^ our condition, upon this confutation, to r.il felons for 
bee a Saviour of Sinners. Sinneri to 

5 There are fevet alfcafons for Sinners to come in to Chrift : 5?™*" * 
Aaa All Chrift * 

386 Why Chrift renevretb hi* Offers. Chap. 9. 

All come not in at the firft hour of the day> nor at the 

fixch hour : fome are to come in (boner, and fome are 

to come in later. Why all who live under the Gofpel 

are not brought in to Chrift , there are reafons for that; 

aad why all of thole, whom God will fave in a place,. 

are not brought in to Chrift at once C*uit fome atone 

time? and fome at another) there are reafons alfo for this; 

whyGodfuffersanyone (whom hee purpofeth to fave) 

to ftand but (at all) againft the Gofpel, torefufcany 

one offer of Chrift; there are reafons alfo for this* Hee 

knows belt how to magnifie the work? and the riches of 

his own grace. But this is certain, that there is a time 

when Evangelical offers (hall bee made effectual to the 

cleft of God, though that time be antecedently unknown 

to us, and therefore Chrift will have his gracious offers 

often publifticd, and often cendred unto Sinners, becaufe 

though t he time of fome bee to come in at the firft often 

yet the time of others is to come in upon the renewed and 

multiplied offers. 

Jefus Chrift renewes and multiplies his gracious offers 

Chrift dctfa unto Sinners, to cnt •fall fears «nd difcouragements in 

thiF,to cue off Sinners, and to fettle them in * better perfwafion of bis real 

all fcart and int4niion and pnrpoje to do them good : You read what God 

meSTand af- cornman ^ cc ^ Mofes when hee was to go into Egypt, that 

fore of his real hee ftiould Work many wonders there, amongft the chil- 

inteiuion to do <iren of //"**/ : And(aith God, Exod^. %Jfthey willnot 

good, beleeve thee, ncr hearken to the voice of the firft ftgn 9 they 

vptU beleeve the voice oftht latter fig*>' I apply it to the bu- 

fineflc in hand. Sinners are full ot unbcleef when Chrift 

comes amongft them, and offers himfclf, and full mercy, 

and all faving good unto them, and all this upon moft 

gracious termes; they can hardly beleeve that Chrift is 

real and ferious in this, that indeed hee will bee, and be- 

flow all this good on them; and therefore is Jefus Chrift 

plcafed to renew and repeat all this good to come again, 

to offer it again, that hee might fettle their hearts, and 

raife them to a confidence on him, that verily hee intends 

ajl ikying good unto them, if they will come to him. It 


Chap,9, Why CbriH renewetb bis Offers. 587 

is with us Sinners about Chrift andjiis great offers, ask 
was with Jacob about ]ofeph^ and his advancement, and 
hisaffe&ionstohim : Hisfons come unco him, faying* 
Jofeph is jet dtvt) and hee is gpxemour over all the land 
of Egyft^ and Jacobs heart fainted, for hee beleeved them 
not : but when they told him all the words of ]ofeph > and 
when hee /^^*^££0* J which Jofeph had f ent to carry 
him j the fair it of Jacob their Father revived : So when 
Chrift comes firit to poor Sinner^ and makes moft graci- 
ous offers unto them (as you have heard) the beam of 
Sinners are apt to fear, and to mif-givc themfelves : Q 
that it might bee thus! but all this mercy and goodneflq is 
not intended by Chrift unto us*, but then when Chrift 
comes again, and (lands often at the door and calls, what 
do you mean that you hearken not unto mee, that you 
beleeve mee not, that you come not unto mee for all 
this faving good ? why, I am ferious and real in my of- 
fers, I mean what I fpeak, I would fain do you good, and 
therefore I am come again, and mal^the fame offers a- 
gain: Now upon this, poor Sinners begin to confider, 
and to conclude, furdy this is a faithful faying, this offer 
of Chrift is a good offer, and worthy of all acceptation, , 
why may not I venture* why ffi^uld not I hearken, what 
realonhaveltodiftruftandfear this good Chrift, who 
furely means mee well? and really defires my everlafting 
good,why clfe fliould hee come fo often to mee ? He can 
get nothing at all by mee, but I may get all good by him, 
turely I may/uch earneft dealings, fuch frequent addref- 
ies of his grace ? allure mee fo much, I will come to him. 
7 JefusChriftrencwesand multiplies his gracious of- 
fers unto Sinners, to jttfitfie and clear himfelfagainfi all the Chrift dorfi . 
cavils and complaints of Sinners ; that every mouth £k* t0 J L J&* 
may bee flopped. And truly it is very coniidcrable, gainftan t^T 
what admirable wifdome there appears in the Evan- complaints of 
gellical way of Xalvation, or in the way of,ChJ:ifts fauicr*, 
dealing with Sinners in the Cofoel, fo that the? re- 
filling Sinner is in every refpedlef^mexevrfable. jfhee 
cavils; O but I have nc ver heard of CHriffl/iee is fi- 

Aaa a F fenced, 

388 W'h Chrift renemttb bis gracious Offers. Chap 9 

lenccdJortheGofpel hath been preached unco him : If 
hec pretends : O but I never heard of fo much good in 
Chrift lor Sinners; hee is anfwered , for the Gofpcl which 
hath revealed Chrift, hath alfo revealed all the good in 
Ghrift : It he faith, O but this good was never offered un- 
to mee ! hee is confuted, for it is laid, *nto you is the Gojpel 
oftbisftlvMion pre Ached. If hee replies, O but upon iuch 
hard termes and conditions,, that no Sinner could bee 
capable of all that good which was offered; hee is pre- 
fently difproved, for Chrift hath faid, come and buy with- 
out mony^ And without fr iee. If hee yet complains, O but 
Chrift was in hafte,hee was too quick for mee, hee gave 
mee no time to confider, hee would not ftay a little : hee 
made mee one offer only, and becaufe Tdid not presently 
accept of it) hee therefore rejedlEd mce> and would never 
deal with mee more : why, this will bee found falfe and 
frivolous : for Chrift renewes his gracious offers , he often 
deals with Sinners, come And buy, and again, heark* unto 
mee, and yet again, incline your cay, and come unto mee, And 
you* fe»l {halt live: fo that Chrift by his offers, and by 
his frequent offers of grace and mercy to Sinners,ftands 
perfe&ly cleared, and the damnation or Sinners for their 
reiufals of them> is moft righteous. 


Vfe *i npHerearediverfeufesto bee jnade of this 
A point : doth Jcfus Chrift renew fometimes 
his gracious offers unto them, who have fleighted and re- 
futed his gracious offers ? hence wee may bee inform- 
Information. 3 Then ]efu* Chrlfi j* not unwilling to 'do good untop cor 

That Chrift ii Sinners; Is hee unwilling to do finners any good, who fo 
At u miWng often comes to Sinners and inrrcats them to accept of all 
to do gocd 10 f av ing good ?' why have wee any unworthy thoughts of 
inncrs. chrift,as if he were an hard Mafter,and as if good will to- 

wards men were not to be found in him,and as if it were 
almoftimpoflibk to obtain kindncflc and bounty from 


Chap.5 Inferences from Chrifts renewal of his Offers. $2$ 

______^______— — — — - — ^ __— — i 

him ; or it were hardly drawn from him ; I befeech you 
tell me, 

1 who is firftix goody Chrift or the Sinner -phis thoughts, Chrift i$/tft 
or our thoughts, his offers, or our defires? is not hee of- in doin S E ^ 
fering before wee are asking > is not hee knocking at the 
door, before wee are opening of the door? is not hee 
finding of us, before wee arete eking of him ? Surely hee 
is not unwilling to do us good, who prevents us in good, 
who is offering all : good unto us, before wee are deiiring 
of any good from hinv nay, before wee are thinking to 
defire any good from him. 

% who is moft aftive in good ? Chrift, who is willing to ^ nd moft 
give it, or the Sinner, who is unwilling to receive it f hee tfti V e in g*od. 
who opens his hand, or hee who fhuts his hand ? If Chrift 
bee unwilling to bee denied, then queftionleffe hee is wil- 
ling to be received, and if he were not unwilling to be de- 
nied by Sinners^whcnce is it, that his love makes fo many 
addreffes, and overtures, and ofters of grace, and mercy 
to them? 

2 Then Sinners are very backyard^ if not aver ft to come to 
Cbrifi, and to clofe With faving good (much adoe go fyZ&M 
bring in ftout, rocky, ftubborn hearts, and ftifte-necked) corner© Chrifts 
why elfe fhould there need fo many offers to be made un- 
to them on Chrifts part. Multitudes of gracious ofters, as 
they do (hew a great deal of kindneffe and forwardnefle 
on Chrifts part; fo likewife they do fhew much unkind- 
neffe and backwardneffe on the finners part. It is a moft 
evident truth, that the more that Chrifts gracious offers 
are, or have been, the more refufals hath the Sinner been 
guilty of, and if Chrift bee ftill knocking at the door, you 
have not yet opened the door; if hee bee yet calling, you 
have not yet hearkened unto him. The many gracious 
offers of Chrift have in them a twofold reafon. 

i Of exceeding admiration at the lingular goodneflfc of 
Chrift, who ftill is good, and would do good* - 

2 Of exceeding humiliation^ the intolerable bafeneffe, 
andhardnefle,anduntowardnefle of our hearts which 
fhould have ftooped, and come in at the firft fummons of 

Aaa j grace,, 

390 Inferences from Chrtfis renewal of bis Offers Xhap, 9 * 

grace, but yet have flood 011c and refufcd fo many kinde 
offers of mercy from Chrift: O whac caufe have wee 
to mourn over our proud> and ftubborn, a&d foolifh 
hearts ! 

3 ThenChrift takes not all advantages again ft Sinners*. 
Chrift take* ff s t h u Lord fboulaeft markjniqnities^ laid David, Pfal. 

*** »ST ' X * Q * h ° L$rd [ ™ h °Mh»A i It the Lord were as 
,&*ncrs. hafty to puni£h> as men are forward to fin, there would 

^prefently bee an end of all finful men : So here, if Jefus 
Chrift lhould bee as forward to rcfufe finners , as finners 
are to rcfufe him , Sinners fhould perifh, they fhould ne- 
ver have hope of life and falvation more: You have 
' heard heretofore what a great fin it was to reiiife Jefus 
Chrift in his gracious offers? what unkindnelle, provoca- 
tion, injury, and likewise what a juft forfeiture of mercy 
therefufingoffnercywas; you never do refiife one offer 
of Ghriftj out thcretbreGirift might clofe up the day, 
withdraw himfelf, and for ever rejeft you, as unworthy 
of love and life : but you fee, that hee is not fo fevere a- 
gainftyou; bee doth not prefently take the forfeiture, 
hee pitrics you more than you pitty your felvcs, hee 
would not bee inriched with your fpoils, hee had ra- 
ther win you with many offers, than deftroy you for 
the refafal of fomc. 
. ft 1 . 4 Nay, fourthly, hence it will follow, that then Chrift 

better wtfh ^ eais ^ etter wit ^ ^' tnncr h '^* w $ ^ 3e 7 defirve^ or than they 
fmncri, than deal with Chr/ft. They fhut him out, and yet hee ftands 
they deferve, at the door and knocks, hee calls, and they (top their 
or dun th»y ^ars, and yet hee calls again, come unto mee; wee will 
J2*|j| not come, and yet this refufed, Chrill comes again, and 

faies,come: the kinde Chrift offers* the unkinde finnex 
refufcth,and yet the kinde Chrift waits upon,and intrcats 
the unkinde Sinner again. This is grace indeed, this is 
a Chrift indeed, who looks not at our worthinefie when 
hee makes his firft offers, andpaftcs by our unworthi- 
nefle when hee makes his fecond offers. This is ftrangc 
dealing, and unufual; the Sinner runs from /Chrift, and 
yet Chrift runs alter the Sinner; the Sinner is high, and 


Chap. 9 Gbrtjis renewed offers muft be considered. 19 

yet Chrift will (loop, the finner will not take, and yet 
Chiifl:willwait,thefinnerfleight^aChrift, and yet this 
Chrift again entreats that finner. 

5 Thenfurely, The offers of Chrift (either as to the Tfec offers of 
acceptance of them, or as to the refufal of them ) are of ve- Chrift are of 
ry great confequence; either there is a fpecial bleffin^f very great 
wee regard them, or there is a fpecial danger,if we do confluence 
refute them : It is not rationally to bee , imagined, that 
Jefus Chrift who is the wifdome of God, and the life 
of Sinners, fhould bee fo importunate with them for 
matters of no concernment at all> or of a mean and in- 
confidcrable concernment 1 O no , affuredly Chrift and 
his gracious offers arc very great in themfelves, ani 
are of very great confequence unto us : there cannot bec 
leffc than our life or our death in them: heethatbeleev- 
eth on the Jon hatb everlafting life r and hee that beleeveth 
not the Son, ftall not fee life, but the verath of Cod abtdeth 
on him, John 3. 36.. The frequency of (Thrifts offers* 
and his importunity with us to accept of them, imply 
our bleffedneffe, if "wee accept of them , and our eternall . 
mifery ,if we do continue in the refufing of them* 


Ufei IS Jefus Chrift pleafedfometimes to renew his 

gracious offers,even towards them, who have Theyto*hom 
refufedhis gracious offers? then let fuch finners, unto chnftmdti- 
whom Chrift yet continues and multiplies his gracious P 1 ** hisgrac!- 
offers* confider and take heed, and bee in{teu£t- ^» f ffcrs 
ed. lhoud 

Firft, SerionUj eonfder and lay this to heart. There Sericnffy w 
are lix times which call ror lertous conlideration. i when frfer and lay 
God gives men many warnings to repent of their iins. thiitofecart. 
a When God brings many judgements on men for 
their fins. 5 When men meet with many afflictions? 
and croffes in their outward eftates. 4 When men do 
feel many lafhes and accusations in their confeiences for 
their fins, j When men do tafte of nuny outward 


39 1 Cbrifts renewed tffirs muH be confidered. Chap. 9 

bleflings and mercies. 6 When they have lived long 
under tneGofpeJ, and have enjoyed many gracious 01- 
fersfrom Jefus Chrift. 
Five thiagjc- Njw there are five prin:ipal things, which wee, who 
fpeciiiiy to be have lived long under the Gof pel, and have enjoyed ma- 
confidcred. n y gjracious offers from Chrift, lhoald confii er : 
The unfoeaka- Firft, Wee fboHldconfidtr the unfpe*k*ble goodnefc and 
blc mercy ot mercy ofchrifi > O what a mercy it is for fi iners but to 
Chiift. have the news of mercy : It is mxe to have any hopes 

of mercy; it is yet more to have all mercy offered to 
them: itisyetrmreto have all this mercy preiTed up- 
on them, often preffed upon-them. I confeffe it i$ the 
greateft mercy to finde Chrift in our hearts, but yet 
it is a great mercy to finde Chrift ftill at our doors, 
that Chrift ftill is offering mercy, that hee is not gone 
from us, that dur carelefnefle and pride , and unwil- 
lingnefl^have not yet clofed his lips , nor lhut his hands* 
but yet there is hope, but yet the day of our peace and 
vifitationlafteth; out yet Chrift calls unto us, return, 
and live,hear and livc,I am yet willing to forgive you,tQ 
accept of you, to fave you.O confider of this incompa- 
rable love,kindnefle,mercy, goodnefle, and graciouf- 
neffe of Chrift. 
. Secondly, Wee fhould confider the intention and Aim 

andaiS^ 1011 of Jefui Chrifl in thefe many gracious offers of hU unto our 
Chrift in his /**//. For what purpofe, why doth Chrift this? it is 
gracious o&n. us whom Chrift feeks in them, they arc our fouls which 
he wooes by them, it is our falvation which hee in- 
tends, and it is the bringing of our hearts in unto him- 
felf, that fo wee might enjoy himfelt, and all laving 
good by him, which hee aims at inallthefc many gra- 
cious oilers, and treaties, and wreftlings with us;whcn 
vou have had and heard fo many gracious offers and 
calls, it is as if Jefus Chrift fpakc unto every one , I am 
come once more to fave thy foul, once more to deli- 
ver thee from hell, once more with mercy to pardon 
thee, once more with rightcoufnefle to juftify thce,on ce 
more to make thee mine, and to make thee blciTed. Uni- 

Chap,9, Cbrtjis renewed offasmuji be considered. 39 $ 

on and Communion arc intended. 

Thirdly, Wee fhould confider, the fruit and efficacy 
of thefe many graciom offers of Christ* How they have 
taken and wrought with our hearts ; (till wee live un- 
der the Gofpel, but what good have wee got by the 
Gofpei? dill wee hear of Chrift, and from thrift, but 
when did wee hearken to this Chrift ? hee hath made 
manyanofter, but is any one embraced? Ol when 
mercy treats with Sinners , mercy fhould be regarded; 
when love treates with finiaers, love fhould be accepted: 
when a Saviour treats with finners, a Saviour fhould 
bee embraced* hee fhould prevail, hee fhould bee priz- 
ed above all ? but doth he 10, is he fo ? O my foul [great 
are the refpecte of Chrift unto thee, and great are the 
companions of Chrift unto thee, and great is die groans 
of thrift unto thee: his offers are pretious,his con- 
defcenfions wonderful, his importunities manifold, his 
patience admirable, his intents altogether gracious. 
Lord I what am I, what do I under all thefe , do I yet 
hearken, do I yet come in , will I never minde a Chrift 
nor hearken to a Saviour? all tin's is vain. 

Fourthly, Wee fhould confidcr, what it is that hin- 
ders} what it is that makes all thefe offers fruitlefle,what 
finful lufts, what worldly luft, what perverfnefsofwiil* 
fliould I, will I, refute Chrift for thefe. 

Fifthly , Wee fhould confider, The aceompt which one 
day wee muft makf to Chrift for all thefe offers ofck rift, to 
whom much is given, of them much frail be retjuiredthcut is 
not any one offer, that Chrift hath made untoyou,but 
you muft bee accomptable to Chrift for it; the feafons 
"of grace though they bee not all the accompts, yet they 
are thegreateft accompts which Sinners muft make and 
give : aud how will you anfwer him? and what will you 
anfwer him? 

Secondly, Takjeheed what youdoiwebefeechyouthat 
ym receive not the grace of God in vain, 3 Cor. 6. 1 . Let us 
fear ,U ft a promt ft being left us of entrtng into his reft, 
anyofyoufhotildcomefbortofit) Heb # 4.i. HowjhaUwee 
tfcafejf wee neglett fo great falvation $ which at the fir ft 

Bbb began 

The ftuk and 
efficacy at 
thcie gracictis- 




thic one day 
we muft make 
for all thefe 
offers of Chrift 

They (hou'd 
take heed what 
they do. 

394 Renewed offers ftonld make us Caul ions. Chap; 9^ 

began to bee fpofyn by the Lord, And was confirmed unions 

by them that heard him^ Heb. 2.3. 
Three things There are three things of which we fhould take heed, 
thcyfhould who enjoy renewed offers of grace and mercy from 

take heed unto Chrift. 

Thatyoado F"ft Becaufe Jefus Chrift continues to offer, take 
notcomiuue heedthatjou do not continue to refufeyenewed offers are 
to refofe. doubled mercies, but renewed refufals are trebled fins : 
there is more danger for you topafs by Chrift, than for 
Chrift to pafs by you , my meaning is, that the conditio 
on will prove more dreadful for them, who have refu- 
ted many offers from Chrift, than for them who never 
had any one offer from Chrift : More toller able for So- 
That you pre- Secondly, Becaufe you have lived to enjoy many 
fume nor of offers from Chrift , lake heed that you prejume not of en* 
more oScrs. jofingmany more ofers from Chrift : do not you delay to 
hearken, becaufe Chrift continues to call :* How often 
would I have gathered you, faid Chrift, and yet of the 
fame people,Chrift faith , but now they are hid from thine 
eyes; the longer that the glafle runs, the fooncrit will 
bee out: the longer that the Sunnc moves on it's courfe, 
the neerer it is to a fetting. 

As Cjfrian fpake of God, Eft Dem patientid longa, fed 
mn patientia aternA : God is long fuffering, but God will 
not bee for ever fuffering : that I fay of Jefus Chrift,hec 
is often in offering, but nee will not bee alwayes in of- 
fering. Hath Chrift bceaoften calling upon you to hear, 
to come in, to accept of his gracious offers? N O fear to 
refufe him longer, who hath been fo long id his offers ! 
O fear left hce offers mercy no more; who hath offer- 
ed mercy fo often $ He b. 3 . 1 8. to whom fwarc hee, that 
they fliould not enter into his reft, but unto them that 

Thirdly , Becaufe you enjoy many renewed offers of 

grace and mercy from Chrift: tAeheed that you be not 

Thaiyoabe therefore fecure : take heed that you blcfle n©t your 

aot tone fclves, becaufe Chrift's offers of bleflcdnefle are many, 


Chap.p .Renewed Offers (bould make usfyutious. j 9 j 

and have been many unco you : many offers do indeed 
{hew many -opportunities ot your happinefs, but they 
donotlhew that you are therefore happy : they fh:w 
that you might bee happy, not that you are happy ,y our 
happineffe confifts not in the abundance of ofFers, but in 
the acceptance of offers J One offer of Chrift accepted is 
enough to make you happy , ten thoufand ofters of 
Chrift, if rejected , fhall never make you happy. Nay, 
the more offers, which have been made by Cfarift, and 
have been refufed by you, the worfeare your hearts> 
and the worfe will be your condition: Here is the more 
hardening of the heart to bee anfwered for, here is the 
more contempt of grace to be anfwered for , here is 
the greater love of Chrift,and the greater pains,and coft, 
and attendance of Chrift to be anfwered for. Bc .. uftcd 

Thirdly, Bee ixftrutted zitez fo many gracious of- t0 ^iJ^nQ 
fers renewed by Chrift : to hearken unto him,to come iu longer. 

fid buy of him all the faving good, which hee offers to 

O all of you who come to hear at this place, especial- 
ly you who live in this place, hearken unto mee> nay, 
hearken unto Jefus Chrift, who hath fo often called upon 
you, and entreated you to come to him, to come and 
buy of him wine and milk without money and without 
price : Do not grieve him any more, do not vex his fpi- 
rit any longer : yet is the day of your falvation,yet is the 
accepted time : to all the ofters . of grace and mercy 
which Chrift hath made , hee this day addes one more, 
hearken diligent Ij unto mee, and eat joh that which is good, 
incline your ear and come unto mee^ and jonr fouls (hall 
live. What can Chrift fay more, what can Chrift do 
more , will you bee faved , or will you not bee 
faved? is Chrift worthy the acceptance, or is hee not? 
need you mercy, or need you not mercy? can you have 
falvation and mercy without Chrift, any where but in 
and from Chrift? doth he not offer them ? hath he not 
made many and many ofFers of them unto you?how long 
will itberthat Chrift muft wait on you >0 Jerufalemwilt 

Bbb a thi* 

396 Renewed Uftasfrouldh accepted. Chap. 9. 

f£*/< //af ^^ »W* cU art, when fhdll it ones be} 

Ob^tl. But may fomc of you reply, Jefus Chrift 
Oin:tim:ii hath indeed made many offers unco us, and wee have 
flcighted and refufedthem, and therefore now there 
is no hope, the time ispaft, our many former refu- 
ials make us utterly uncapable : Surely though wee 
would come in unto him for mercy, wee fhauld not find 
it ; and lor falvation, yet weefhould not now obtain 

Sol. O that there were in you fuch a heart indeed ! to 
fee and bewail your unkind refufaUs of Chrift, and an 
heart at length to look towards Chrift. If thou wanteft . 
fitch a heart, I would then deliver three things as cordi- 
alls,to fupport and i neon rage yow. 
Ai long as Firft > As long as Chrift is pleafedtoctme toyottjjoHmay 

Sw^miy f*fcl) venture to come ta Chrift^ If yet J efus Chrift makes 
fifciy rcmure this time, hisfeafbn to call upon you, and to make of- 
locoaac to him fers to you, your feafbn of comming in , and receiving 
good from nim> is not loft, is notpaft: As long as hex 
continues to renew his offers , if hec bee yet at the door, 
and calls* there is hope, and there is leave for you to fall 
in with his offers. 
Every new of. 5 CCO ndly, Though it bee x great fin to fleight the of- 

oYiVrcj. fos of Chri(} > Tet ever J " cw 4" 4 Ursft, " apfatm of 

mercy allowed Hnto a refufing Sinner* Rcfufals are par- 
donable^ long as Chrift renews the offers of mercy un- 
to the Sinner^or every new offer ofChri(t,includcs full 
m:rcy for all thatis paftjthe firft offer includes mercy for 
all that was paft, and the next offer includes mercy for 
all that is pair,and if yet the offers of Chrift bee accepted, 
all your former (innings againrt his gracious offers arc 
Ch: ifti confi* Thirdlv , If yet your hurts will tee perforated to come 
tions arc a? jn to chrift (though you have ftood it out fo long, with 
*rft7f « I Chrift) : his conditions are as free^ and as gracious asaj the 
wili'acccpi , fi r ft' You may conac in andbec received, and partake 
of all mercy, and all (living good, as freely as at the firft, 
without monyand without price • your former obfti- 


Chap. I C» Hearken diligently unto me. ty 7 

nacydoth raife your unwonhineffe, but it doth not 
raife the price of any mcrcy^ or of any good which your 
fouls do need, or which (Thrift hath offered and 
promised to give* 

ISAIAH $$. a. 

f •. 
B tar ken diligently unto mee y and eat yee that which is goody 
And let jour foul delight it [elf infatnefs* 


Ou have heard lately ofChriftsr** 
newing his gracious offers tofin- 
ners, and now I am to fpeak of his 
pnrfuing thofe gracious offers,with 
fuch fervency with (uchearnefinefs^ 
with fuch importunity y as if hec 
would have no denial, as ifhee 
would impofc mercy upon fin- 
nersj and even force falvation upon them ( hearken un- 
to mee, hearken diligently unto mee , in hearkning, hea£- • 
ken unto mee, by all means hearken unto mee, by no 
means turn away and fleight thefe gracious offers of 
mine.) hence obferve 

VoB.2 .That Jefus Chrifl doth not tnly make gracious of- M"* Chrfft >*> 
fcrsunto tinners* nor Mb hec onely renew oracious offers s *fP m f? x }*' 
unto them-) but alfo he is very carneft and importunate with ners t0 h car k- 
S inner s , feriott fly to hearken to him in his gracieui offers. c n a n to him in 
-{inhearkning,hcarkcnunto mee, or hearken diligently h» s gweiou* 
unto mee) as if hec had faid, Oh 1 do not ncglccT: this fal- pfftrs; 
ration, do not fleight the mercy, do not la flip this « 

opportunity, if ever you would bee ferious, bee now fe- 
dous, if ever you will regard counfel> regard mvcoun- 
Bbb? ' ftl 

398 What it is to hearken unto Qbrift. Chap, ioi 

~ * ' — . - . . . , 

fel (come unto mee, and buy of mee, accept of mee, 
and of all the faving good which Ioifer unto yoiifree- 

^ iy) 

There are three things which I will briefly fpeak to for 
the opening of this after tion. 

1 VV hat this diligent hcarkning unto Chrift doth con- 
tain in it. 

2 How it may apgear,that Jeftis Chrift is earneft and 
importunate with hnners, diligently co hearken un- 
to him* 

I Why he is fo. 


Que ft. I. What this diligent hearkning unto Chrift 
Whasjisdi- doth comprehend in it, 

nfi« do* " So1 - There arc five things which that word hearing 
comprehend, or hcarkning doth denote in fcripture, 
Five things 1 Sometimes Auribsa percipere. A taking into our 

denoted m it. ears, founds* words, meflages> VCipOVtS, fpofyn unto us. 
To &kc into ji Ave they not at heard} yea verily, their found vent into 

all the world, Rom. 1 o. 1 8 . 
To andcrftwd * Sometimes, Inte&tgere* to hear is the fame with to 
understand. I will bring upon thee a T^ation who [e Lan- 
guage, thon fyoyeft not, nor underftandeft^ it is in the He- 
brew nor hear eft. 
To bclcere. . 3 Sometimes Credere, to hear is the fame with to be- 
leeve-, David faid to Saul, wherefore hear eft thou the 
words of men, faying, Itavidfeeketh thy hearty 1 Saw. 
24. 9 > wherefore bclceveft rhou, and doft give credit 
to their words, / have told you already, and ye e 'did not 
bear, mat is 5 notbclccvc. Joh.p.zj. 
To approve. 4 Sometimes Approbare, to hear is fomctimes to re- 

gard and approve, Hee thuftoppeth his ears from hearing 
vf blond, Efa.33.15. from approving oi bloud,innocent- 
Jy [I ed. 7 hey hearkned not to Mofes (i. c.) they regard- 
cd him not, Exod.tf .9, Hearken not to Hez>ekjah,YLh^ 6. 
16. (i.e.) regard not what he faith unto you. 

5 Some- 

.Chap. ic Hearken diligently unto me, typ 

5 Sometimes Ob e dire, to obey, to follow what is (aid, To obey. 
Oh that my feoplehadheark»ed unto me, Pfal. 81.13. (i.e.) 
Oh that they had obeyed my voice. Becattfeihon 
haft hearkened to the voice of thy wife^f aid God to Adam*) 
Gen, 3.17. (i.e. thou haft obeyed, tollowed her coun- 
fel. Wee will hearken unto thee y faid they to Jo(hna^ Jofb. 
1. 17. (i.e.) wee will follow thee, obferve thee, obey 
theei thefe are the chief acceptations of that word heark- 
ning in Scripture, and in this place, there are four things 
intended in it, FoHr fc . 

1 Careful regard and notice* efpeciaiiy in* 

z Serious confideration. tended in it, 

3 Cordial approbation* in this place. 

4 Obediential confent and acceptation. 

1 Hee diligently hearkens unto Chrift,who doth care* 

f ally and regardfttily obferve Chrift in his gracious of err, « r " *„*,[£ 
takes notice of them, and makes particular applicati- ticc. " fl °~ 
on of them to himfelf.lt is ofte thing to hear, and ano- 
ther thing to hearken, and it is one thing to hearken, and 
another thing diligently to hearken* whenChriftfpeaks 
and offers > and finners hear as if they heard not, this 
careleffe hearing is not hearkning ; And although they 
do caref ully attend to what is fpoken by Chrift, yet if 
they do not wifely apply~the fame, as fpoken unto them, 
this is not to hearken unto him ? No man hearkens un- 
to Chrift, who hears foolifhly , who makes nothing of 
Chrift , and of his offers, who looks on them as imper- 
tinent, what are thefe to fnee ? who minds them not , 
or minds them not with a refpeft unto himfclf. Dili- 
gent hearkning unto Chrift takes in (atleaft) a regard 
of the heart unto what Chrifts fpcaks, and a notice, a 
taking notice of that good reported,and offered by Chrifl: 
unto our felves, c . 

2 Hee diligently hearkens unto Chrift, who ferioufly Sel ;°« 5 *™&' 
confidcrsofail the gracious ofers of Chrift, his thoughts ac " l,on ' 
are taken up with them, and dwell on them, Th is is no 

other but the place of (jed, faid Jacob, fo this is no other 
but the voice of Chrift, and thefe are none other but 


4co What it is to bearhn unto Chriji i Chap, 1 o > 

the offers of Chrid. It is Jefus Chrid of himfelf, who 
makes thefe offers of himfelf unto mee, and of all Cav- 
ing good; and who calls upon mee, to come unto him, 
andtmdotihim, to partake of mercy, and rightcouf- 
neffe, and pcace,and bleiledneiic. I am a Sinner, and 
therefore do need a Saviour ; I am guilty , and there- 
fore do need mercy ; lam ungodly, and therefore do 
need righteoufneile; I am an enemy, and therefore do 
need reconciliation; I am miferable, and therefore do 
need Blelledncfs ; and all thefe doth Jefus Chrid offer 
to mee, and as gracioufly, as freely, as lovingly ,as my 
heart can defire .• If I do accept of them ,w ill it not bee 
my life ? if I r efufe them,wiil it not bee rny death? what 
loffe can it bee to enjoy Chriit and happinelfe? and what 
gain can it bee to Height my Chrid, my foul, my falva- 
V don? Here is now a price put into my hands? an Ark 

againd a deluge, a plank after aihipwrack, a mod 
happy opportunity? for my e ver lading happineile: what 
foolilhnciTe were it to Height fuch a feafon ? what un- 
kindnefle were it to fcorn fuch kindnefs ?what a fin were 
it to rcfufe fuch a Saviour ? what a jud damnation were 
it to refufc fuch a falvation. 
Cordial appro- 3 Hec diligently hearkens unto Chrift, wlujMdgeth 
bu*>n. highly , of the ofers of Chrift, who approves of them , 

as mod excellent , as mod gracious,as mod eligible and 

OhblefTedChriftl Thou, thou alone art the founda- 
tion of my hope, and thou alone, art the fountain of 
my life, Thou art worthy to bee accented, and all thy 
offers are worthy to bee accepted. It is life which 
thou offered:, and is not life to bee edcemed and de- 
fired? it is eternal life that thou offered (that is life in- 
deed) and this thou offered unto mee : it is good which 
thou offers, and r.o\ hing hut good, and it is ^ tlgwdjurc- 
ly it is good to accept of that goodf which is altogedxr 
A r.nner then good,and altogether good for me. A finner then heark- 
rh f ^ ni Th- ens unto Cluid in his offers ,whcn he doth' 
wtfcriihcD x Scc no rc "f m "r<M" h "»'> they arc not evil, they 


— I — ~ ■ — — ~ ■ — -■» 

Chap. 10 What itis to Hearken unto thrift. 401 

are not for evil, they arc no prejudice, they are no lofs. He fees n -> rea- 
^they bring no flume, they caufc no want, they arc not a |™£ " uic 
mean good, nor an uncertain good, they hinder not a 
better good, they trouble not any good, and I have no 
reafon to retufe them. . ', 

r 3 See all reafon to accept them.- If hee looks Qn the All reafon to 
things offered by thrift, if hee looks on the terms and acccpc lhei ii< 
conditions of Chrift, it hee looks on himfclf as to his 
loll and needy eftate, or as to a prefent eftate in grace , 
or as to a future eftate injury > & hee looks to foul, or 
to body , to outward blemngs, or to fpiritual comforts, 
hee finds all reafon to hearken unto Chrift, to come to 
him, and to accept of his offers. 

3 Mofi reafon to f refer them bt fore all other things , No 

good like Chrifts, no love like his, no mercy, norigh- J^ t Sof. to 
teoufneire, no peace, no joy , no happinefle, like his , ( cn be torc "ail 
Sin is but a hell, all the World is but droffc and orhei ibin^, 
dung, in comparifon of him^and what hee offers. o: 

4 Hee diligently hearkens unto Chrift, who obeys the Obedienti4 
voice of Chrift) whofe heart is overcome to yeild unto confcntand 
Chrift, to follow the counfel of Chrift, to fall in * cce P" tlon ' 
with Chrift, and to receive him and his gracious offers, 
Johnio. 27. My (keep hear my voice andt hey follow mec y 

Cant. $. 1 3. Thon that dwelleft in the gardens, the com- 
panions hearken to thy voice? caufe mee to hear it. Heark- 
ning unto Chrift doth not Confift onely in hearing, nor 
onely in apprehending and unefcrftanding, nor onely 
in pondering and confidering, nor onely in admiring 
and wondering at, nor onely* in approving, but espe- 
cially ,and formally,in obeyto^Cind ycilding unto Chrift. 
God hearkens unto you by granting, and you hearken 
unto Chrift by ycilding ; you hearken unto Thrift, 
when-yottr hearts do beleeve on Chrift, and you do 
hearken to the offers of Chrift, when your hearts con- 
fentto them, and clofewitfnh&ri. *Ifamatch'bee A of- 
fered a thoufand times, it is nbf^roperly hearkned unto 
whileft rtfufed j hearkninguntoit ,' lyes in our content 
to them: whenapoorfmner after all the difcoveries of 

Ccc. Chrift, 

461 Chrift u iAihtfl with us ttheake* to him, Chap* 10 

Chrift,. after all the offers of Chrift, after all the calls of 
Chrift ,ialls down on his knees, and cries out with tears, 
J beleeve Lord, help my unbeleef. Truly m vain is fAlvat ion 
hoped for from Any othor^ Behold I come nnto the$ y for thoH 
ohlj art thefalvatien of IfraeU J will Hand out no more, 
rtfufe no longer, lyeejkiunto thy call, I am content co 
bee thine, I chufe thee to bee mine • all my fpringsare in 
thee, and on thee will I depend for all : And bleiTcd bee 
God that fuch a poor Sinner as I am, may injoy fuch a 
Chrift as thou art, and fuch offers as thou makeft upon 
fuch gracious tetmes : This is indeed to hearken unco 


Ho*?r appear 
that Gtirift is 
fo eatne ft to 
hearken to 

By the gradate 
en of hit -beat- 

H"c opens the 
n u> vt ui e 10 

Hee prcfcL* 5 
ihis ^Nation 
10 them." 

Hec encoura- 
ge 'hthcm (O 


Qtiefh 2 Y'TOwhm}* appear, that fe fits Chrift U ear* 
1_ X/iefc *?id imp or 1 tin Me Wtth Srnmrs thw tb 
hearken unto him* 

SoU It may appear that this k fo* 

I By the gradApion ofhn dealings with finners, and all of 
them tend to this, that Sinners fhouid hearken unto 

There arc twenty riling fteps, '.or advances of Chrifls 
dealing with Sinners* . I . .. 

1 See opens end froeUims th* way of hfe amdtrue hsppt- 
nejfe unto them* Shews them expreily, thatfalvation may 
bec had for poor finners, and diat in him aloneuc is to bee 
fouiid. Iamihevay, A*dth<* truth, And the life, faicfa 
Chfifr> Jeh* 14. 6. Zin4 h eternal JiftjQ<k$<nrGod y a*d\l*m 
whom hee hath fenr P ]oh. 17-3, 

2 Hee presents tbu faivAtton to them, brings it to their 
very doors^ aixl there offeis ic unco them; unto you is tht 
vord of this [alvAtio*fent, Ach 1 j. 2*5. And calls upen 
th;m to come unto, him fr>i< i£. Come, conu^cenu, comt\ 
a'i J live- fo in thefe^rccj^fes. . I 

3 bite tnconrA^eth' them to t**k y Uom the certainty rf 
all good, and from the gracioufn- lie ot his own termed; 
tome and buy mthow monj^ and lrv*n the acceptance of 


Ohap. ro Chrift is earneft with tu to hearken to him. 403 

their perfons : Him that comes nntofnetlw^iftno Mfe 


4 Hee intreats them to hearken unto brm ; weebefeechyw Hee intreat* 

^C^r/^y?f^^.2Cor.5.2oJc{usChuMtdothasitwcix ^cmto heart- 
fall upon his knees unco the Sinner, and begs of him to 
bee r econciled to him . 

5 Hee communis and enjoy*" them\ authoritatively 'to Hee command, 
vbey his voice and calf y to beleeve and regard his offers. r cm t0 ey% 
This is his comma* dement, &c, I Joh. 3.23. 

6 Bee allures them with aii forts ofpromifes^ of mercy )0f Hee allures 
cafe r of peace y of lite? of eternal life : In the one hand'hee tbem wito pro- 
holds but all the comforts of the -earth, and in -die other* mtfcs 
all the gforicS of Heaven. A^thefe will I give thee, if 
thou wilt hearken unto mec. 

7 Heefhews unto them the gredttiefe and inevitahleneffe Hee foe *« 
of their danger, if they refufe to hearken: If you beleeve *«» *fee-grc a c. 
not on mee >y*H fbal'l die in your fins : HowfhaU yw efcape if J e s e ° f * hcir 
yon negleUfo great folvation} Heb. 3.3. er ' 

8 Hee exprejly threatens a peremptory dxmnAtitn, if Sin- H e e .Threatens 
ners will.Hot hearken. Hee ihatbeleeveth not (hall 'bee dam- them if they 
»*^,Mark. 16. 1 6. This damnation is threatned, that fin- done * hearken, 
ners might hearken unto the offers offalvation. 

9 Hee furnijheth Embafadors with all forts ef gifts, t* Hecg« ve s gift? 
inable them to deal, and treat, and wooe, and wbrk^ o#fennerj to men to treat 
to hearken. Hee beft ows on them the gifts of knowledge, w,th them, 
and wifdome, and love,and meckneffe, and patience, and 

zeal, and compaffion. 

XO Hee is content topajfe by all the dates ofignarance^iiid y Q - . 
the flatting of their ear* (then) unto his voice- yea, and aUdk dii C s 5 
hee makes often retucnes to the doors of Sinners, and ignorance, 
craves our audience and acceptance : have you yet fully 
confidered; will you yet' Bee pleafed to hearken, and 

1 1 Hee lets 'tWa tight into their mindes, which fbewsm- Hee lets m a '; 
to them a'perfonal and ah folate need- of Chrift, and of the l ^ hl ro fl) cw 
falvatioii which Chrift offers nnt'o thefti; they perilh £^ lanecd . of 
elfeand likcwife aconvirtionupo.ntheirfpirits, thathee 
that beleeves ihairbee faved. W 

Gcc2 12 Hee 

404 Evidences of Chiifls earnejtne/s Chap. 10* 

Hee 4ifpro?es 
all the cun^l 

Arguments of 
S rimers. 

Hee eflaies 
the hearts and 
wills of Sin- 
ners by «nany 
mcrioas of his 

Hee route th 
him tip by af- 


Hee breaks up 
<csof Sinners. 

Hee takes the 

advantage of 
this broken 
rondkion, 10 

iend a racffen- 
j;cr t>( hope. 

12 Hee difpr6ves,£on(utcs<>2n$ fliamcs all the cdrnal 
Arguments */£»»*rj (drawn from their fins, or the world, 
or other confidences) as moft unworthy to detain them, 
and moft infufticicnt to keep them from hearkening un>- 
to him, and that good which hee offers; hee difcovcrs 
them to bee but lying vanities, deftroying baits, and that 
himfclf out-bids all. 

13 Hee effaies the hearts and and wills of Sinners by ma- 
ny uwr/ttfj, excitations, blockings, and ftrivings ef his Spi- 
rit, who argues fo rethorlcally on the behalf of Chrift, 
that the Sinner fometimes even weeps at the goodnefle 
and kindncfTc of Chrift (As Saul at Davids) arid is (with 
Agrifpa) almofl per [waded to hearken to Chrift. 

14 Hee roHz,c\h up the dr%wfy, /luggifh, carelejfe Sinner^ 
by fome outward ftectal affHfltgn y fickncffe, danger, and 
delivers a fecret menage in that affliction* This is the 
wages of thy proud, flcighting 5 and reje&ingofthe Gof- 

1 5 Hee breaks up the conferences of Sinners, fo that the 
terrors of God do tall on them; all is there in burning 
flames, and rcftleffc horrors. All within them is a Hell, 
and all without them is a Sea : O the gripings of con- 
fidence, the woimdings of fpirit, the bitterncfle of foul, 
thatfonnc lye under, and all this is but to make them to 
hearken to [Chrift I As the biting of the 

1 6 Fiery Serpent, (£:£*.. As hee wounds the fpirit of Sin- 
ners, 10 hcc aits off all their confidence in this diftrelTed 
condition, lothat no courfc whatfocver, (hall -cafe or qui- 
et, or help. They ftull not bee able to forget their fins, 
nor tqthruft qff their fears and complaints.: earthly re- 
creations, company, prayings, reading, hearing, weep- 
ing, conference, confeffion, (hall avail nothing; all confi- 
dences arc broken down, every way is hedged with 
thorns, that the Sinner feeing no help in any hit Chrift 
only, might bee pcrlwaded to hearken unto ClurifT. 

1 7 Hee takes this advantage and opportunity y and in this 
broken conditio* fends me ffengers of nope, and mercy to the 

Sinner : Co (faith Chrift to AnamatyAOt* 9* *°> l*») *p 


Chmio with us, to hearken to him. 40 5 

uthe houft of Judas, and inquire for one Saul of Tarftu, 
&c. Go, faith Chrift unto his Minifters, go, andraife, 
and comfort, and fpcak comfortably to iucha broken 
Sinner; go from mee, and tell him that I do pitty him, 
ahdi can help him, bid him come to mee, and I will eafe 
his burdened foul : tell him, that if hee will yet hearken, 
and come to m ee, hee (ball finde reft to his foul ♦ 

1 8 Hee anfwers all the fears and doubts of Sinners, both He anfvren ali 
inrefpett of him fe If, about his fufticiency and willing- the fears and 
neffe, 1 Joh. 2.1. Rev. 3. 20* and in refpeci ofthemfelves\ deubw o( Sln " 
Afluring them that neither multitude or former fins, nor nci8> 
abundance of prefent wants; nor utter felf-unworthineffe 

(hall hinder mercy, and falvation: If yet they will 
hearken and come unto mee. 

19 Hee profounds inft ances and examples \howfinner shave Wc ptop° u nd 5 
fped, fared, found by comming inuntohtm % by hearkening ^StJ^ 
unto him: The Jay lor, Mary LMagdalen. And all this f pe d by heark- 
toperfwade Sinners to hearken unto him, 1 Tim.*, 16 . ningtofaim. 
Howbeitfor thiscaufe I obtained mercy, that in mee fir ft 
JefusChrifl might (hew forth all long- fu for ing for a pat- 
tern to them which (heuld beleeve on him to everlafting 

20. If none of thefewili prevail with Sinners to H £ ee 7^ r 
hearken, then doth Chrifl: either take his utter farewel of farcweUf^" 
them, with fighs and tears (hee wept over Jerulalem, and rkemwith 
faid, O \ if thou hadtt known, &c.) or elfe hee doth by an fighs and 
omnipotent worlzjof his fpirit^ give them eyes te fee, and ears tcars » 0r elf«. 
and hearts to hearken and obey. hearandtbe' 

2 By the qualities of hU voice, or calling upon Sinners, BytoVijtiah/" 
there are feven ingredients in that voice of his. f tics of his 

1 It is a plain voice, eafy to bee underftoodr, Hee that * oic «- 
beleeve s (ha/l beef*vedj It is a plain 

2 It* an high voice. Jefus flood am \ cried, faying, If Z'bU vole* 
any man thirlt, let him come to mee ana drinks, Joh . 7. 3 7. 

As about Lazarus, hee cried with a loud, voice, &c m 
Joh. if. 

3 It is long and patient: Sometimes hee is calling on It; . s J r °^ an - 
Sinnersaslong as they live, aR the day long, Rom, 10. pai 

Ccc 3 ^ It 

406 Why Qtrift isfo Importunate: Chap, i o 

It ii thick. 4 h us thi^-in fcafon, OMt of feafon^ tn private, in pnb- 

UcKz to fom», every day in the week, to others, feveral 
hours of the fame "day, &c. 
It is quick. 5 It is qukV\ His voice comes to the ear, and thence 

to the mindc, and thence co the confeience. As his 
fpecch made the hearts of his Difciplesto burn> fo doth 
his call fometimes make the • hearts of Sinners to 
Icisexpoftula- 6 It is cxpoftnlating, arguing, reafonirtgj why do ye 
tin S- not belcive 1 why will you not-com: ? why will yee not 

live? and why will yee die f and how long will it bee e» 
you will hearken and return ? 
It if very pref- y it is very frcjfag , will not let Sinners alone, will 
fifl B- not give them over; but after their many inconfiderati- 

ons, and filence, and delay, and denials, and reproaches, 
and injurious delaiesi yet ftill hee calls, and follows, and 
urges them, yet hearken unto him. 

SECT. Iti\ 

Why drift is Queft. $ \/\7^/ Ie f m Chri P * S f* Wvfi *»*> 
fo importunate y \ importunate with S inner $ to hearken 

unto him t 

Sol. There arc reafons for this; i In. refpeft of Sinners. 

2 Inrefpc&ofChrift. 

Iiftcfpeftof ! I n re/hett of Sinners'. 

Sinners. Jr J 

Bec*fc>«*f i Chrift is very earneft with Sinncr5xo hearken unto 

their tfAlncff, ^ him, inhisgracioilS offers, hecaufe of their dnlneffc and 

andfWuefs. flwnefe, A&. l8. 27. Their ears are dull if bearing 

Luk. 24. 25. flow of heart to'. beUeve ! What VMhu 

faid to lob chap. 3 J. 14. Qod fptaketh o«c*>jeatwice,yct 

■ wanperceiv.eth it n*t : In like manner it mi^ht beea&rm.- 

cdot Thrifts voice, concerning the falvation ofcSinnci*; 

Chrift fpeaks once, yea twice, yea an hundred rimes, 

yet dull Sinners perceive it not : There \s la* upon ime, 

and precept upo*p\ ecept % and efter upon ofler, &: call upon 


Chap . 10 Why Chrift is ft Importunate. 4P7 

call, yet the Sinner perceiveth it not : Hee doth hear, 
but hee doth not underftand;hc hears the voice of a man, 
but hee doth sot difcern the voice of a Saviour ; hee doth 
hear fuch words fpoken by us, but hee doth not appre- 
hend thofe offers madeby Chrift; As Samuet> when that 
veice called him, bee took.it to he the 'Voice of Ely, Hee 
did not (for a while) difcern it to bee the voice ot God : 
So Sinners under all the meflages and reports, and of- 
fers of grace and mercy in the Gofpel. They look on 
them as the words of men, and not as the voice and call 
of Chrift. They are dull, afid therefore Chrift is the 
more earneft in dealing with them : dull Schollars mufi 
bee clofely followed. 

^ Chrift is earneft, becanfe Sinners are careleffe, very Becwfether 
carelefte in minding their fouls good : a fpirit of il umber arc careld* 
is on them, they are drowfy, and flecpy, hcedlefle, and 
mindtefle? extreamly inconfiderate and careleile about 
the things of Chrift, and their own falvation: when 
men are faft afleep, you miift call and knock the louder; 
careleffe to obey Chrifts counfel, careleff c to minde 
Chrifts counfel, careleffe to hear his counfel, and care- 
leffe in the hearing of Chrifts counfel j fo careleffe, that 
ifChriftdidnotftand and knock at their doors, if hee 
were not earneft and importunate with them ( to 
hearken>to confider, to regard, to obey his voice) they 
would fleep the fleep of death, they would certainly die 
and periffa in their carelefle negled of him, and of their 
own falvation, and therefore Chrift is very earneft that 
hee might awaken Sinners, .and aroufc them out of their 
fpiritualfecurky, and lethargy, SCc 

. 5 Chrift is very earnrft with Sinners to hearken unto Btcaufe they 
him? becjtufe Stnxers are very Uhteachable^ and vet}, un- a 'cvery un- 
tr arable. They are fofoolifh, that they would let flig ^^uc"^ 
all gracious opportunities, and all gracious offers; they 
would negle& their own happinefie, and for lying va- 
nities forfake their own mercies. As it is with toolifh 
patients, if youfhoukllet them alone, diey would die 
under their difeafes, rather tjaan take phyfick to reco- 

408 Why Chrtft is fo Imp ortunatti Chap, i o 

vet and preferye • chernfel ves; and therefore \vce are 
iorccd by many importunities to petfwade* them. Thus 
is it witn Sinners, they are of fuch weak judgements, 
and luch unteachable and teolifh hearts to accept of mer- 
cy, a^d deliverance, and falvation, and are fo plodding 
on vain things, that if Iefus (Thrift did not often call on 
them, and earneftly urge them: they would neither cou- 
nter their mifery, nor their happinciTe,&c. 
B f 4 Chrift is earneft with Sinners to hearken unto him, 

arewjS- hec Mi fe Sinntit are very backyard to hearken unf loim^ and 
wardtohcark- to accent of 'his gracioiu offers i Lot wasnotmore back- 
en ro Oirift. ward,** comt out of Sodomc&rd to flee unto the Mountains 
for fat cey, than Sinners are to come away from tficir 
fins, ancVto flee unto Ghrift for falvation: Their hearts 
areXoaptto beefatisfied with the world* and there 1 is 
fuch a natural love ol fin: And there are -fo many pre- 
judices againft the waies of : Chrift, and there arc fuch 
hard opinion* of Ghrifts termes,- and fuch high thoughts 
oi themfelvcs, and there are Co many fearsofloiingby 
this heavenly bargain; and there Is fuch a contrariety in 
the proud hearts ot Sinners agairift the grace of God, 
and the way of falvation by taith alone; Hftiecit is that 
rhey are fo backward to hearken, and hence it is that 
Chrift is fo earneft with them for to hearken unto 

5"chriftisveiycarneft,&:c* Becaufe Sinners are very 
Bccaufc tbey frverfe, and tbfrrd, and defrerate, Zach. ?' Theyref*fed 
arc very p:r- to hearken^ and }nlCd away tht. (honlder , and sloped their 
verfeand def- ear that they (hottld not kear y A&.7. 5 1 . yte ft iffr necked and 
prate, ftncircumcijed in heart and ear, fee doalwatet refift the holy 

Ghoft. It isalmoft incredible what mighty ayerfciicffe, 
what intolerable refiftancc there is in the hearts of Sin- 
ners to obey and fubmit to \§k voice of Chrift I As if 
Chrift only were their greateff diemy, and the preach- 
ing of the Gofpel were 1 their utter ruine, and the things" 
wnich Chrift offers co them! their 'very- bane,, and the 
hearkening to Chrift wcri thefr 1 only deftruftion: No 
man ever ufed more Aft, oiexfrcffcd more ftrengthto 



' ■ ■— I— — ^^— ■. ■ m 

Chap. 10 U hy Chrift is/o Importunate* 409 

bee rid of his mortal enemy, than wretched Sinners do 
to keep oft Chrift.. and to free themfelves from fubje&i-. 
oh unto Chrift; therefore they are faid to refift, to fight 
againft God, to break the bands, and caft the cords away 
from them. Now if Sinners bee fo extreamely abfurd 
and pcrverfe, either Chrift rauft utterly reject them and 
leave them to their own hearts lufts, or he muft (at leaftj 
bee very earned to perfwade, to recover, to fubdue them 

2 tttresjeft of Chrift kimfelf. rnrtfpeftaf 


\ 1 Cluift is thus earneft with Sinners to hearken unto 2^ fc ***** 
him, hectufe hee is * Chrift. How earneft is the Parent 
with the untoward child; fpeaks, intrcats, weeps, argues, 
&c. becaufe hee is a Parent; were hee not a Chrift, hee 
would never thus mindethem, nor importune them, 
but becaufe hee is a Chrift, therefore hee is full of com- 
panion, and full of defires : hee regards them, who do 
not regard him; hee pitties them, who pittie not them- 
felves; hee would help them, who need help, but as yet 
fee not their need of his help. Companions are alwaies 

i a Chrift is thus earneft with Sinners to hearken unto 
him, becaufe hee knows the conditio* of our fouls : Hee J; c e ™ c 
knows Sinners better than they know themfelves. There dSo/ouT 
are five things which Chrift doth know concerning us and fouls. 

OUr fouls. Five things 

i lie worth sf 'our fouls: The Sinner knows not the ? hrift doth 
worthofhis foul, and therefore hee defpifeth his own -™" s % n n c f n " 
foul, and will not hearken to Chrift, but Chrift knows our foul?. 
the worth of a foul, and therefore hee flied his precious The worth of 
blood for fouls, and therefore hee is earneft with Sinners our fouls. 
to hearken unto him. Sirs ! your fouls are thealLand 
fhould bee unto you more than all the world. And' the 
things which concern your fouls are of all things the 
moftexcellent, and the mod neceflary, and of molt con- 
fequence; and therefore Chrift is io earneft with you 

Ddd to 

4 io TM>y Cbrt/l is jo importunate ? Chap, i o > 

to hearken unto him, becauie hearkening unto him doth' 
much c jncern your fouls. 
ST 1 ** ow * The l$ft cQHdittcu of onr fouls. Hee knows that eve- 
fcttb DC ° Ur ryfinner hath a loft foulj a foul in a loll condition. 
This my fon was loft, Lukj ij: 14. OJfrad thou haft 
deft rayed thy felf, Hof 1 3* 9. And truely there h no con- 
dition fo miferable,as the loft condition of a foul. There 
are two fad (ights>oncis to fee a foul fallen from God,and 
lying in fin, another is to fee a foul excluded by God, 
and Jying in hell. Now Jcfus Chrift knows that every 
• one of our fouls is in a loll condition - And that no mans 
foul can ever come out of that loft condition, but by 
hearkning unto him, upon beleevuig in Chrift,then and 
then oncly 7 is a loft foul recovered, then onely is it tran- 
flatcdlromdeadi to life. Therefore Chrift is foearndt 
With us to hearken unto him. 
The future 3 ^be future wrath^andmiftry which rviS certainly be - 

wrath and mi- fall dif obedient \ouls fornot he arhmng unto him y we wiil 
fcryupondifo- not belecve it,but Chrift knows it , -^#.3. 22. A pre- 
bedica: fouls, phet jhatt the Lord raife uf unto yeujtkc unto me (faid li^c* 
ics) him floatt y oh hear in all things whatfoever he frail , ay 
untoyou^vcif.2^ Amdit (hail cometofafsjhat every ftel 
which wtll not hear that Prophet, fhallbeedtftryed, Joh. 
8. 24. if you be/eeve not that I am hte, yeefh-ll dye in jour 
fi*K O what is it to dye in our Cv is, fa all :he guilt of 
them, and with all the wrath ot God lyin^ upon us for 

No marvel if Jcfus Chrift bee fo earncft with lis to 

hearken unto him*ior it wot hearken unco him our fowls 

ftiall live, and if wee bear ken not unto Jiim,oiir fouls 

fhall dye- 

Th r*al haP- ^ Therealhappinejfeofour fouls ,wher tin it doth lye, >viz 

pin! fie of our In the en joyment of himfelf* and in no other diing', Job. 

foyl«, wherein 17.9. This u eternal life t$ Jyw theeyand htm whom thou 

* lyes. haft fex^Jefus Cbrtft, Job. 3.16. Hee that beieevesfhall 

baie everlafiing life^ Chuiit h> our lite, and none but 

•Chrift: Chrift is our oYcrla/linff litc> and none bur 

Cteift: it wee enjoy binv wee enjoy lilc cvcrlafiin^ibat 

1 enjoy- 

Chap. io* Why CkriH it fo importunate ? 4 1 1 

enjoyment of him there cannot bee, unlefte wee hearken 

umo him. - _. . tf , 

% ?h e difficult, ./ g*iniu, and viuuiugcf f.ul, J^ff* 
jefus Chrut knew how hard a work it was to gain fou^ 

!>eacc for fouls > to make peace with God for imful 
buls , and Jefus Chrift dotn know how great a work it 
is to gain a iinful foul, to bring it in unto himfelf; he had 
tryal of it when hee lived on earth; hee knows all the 
fhuf flings and deceits of fouls, and all the ftrong holds 
in the fouls ofmen> and all the weapons of our unbe- 
leef, how dif-aff'e&ed unto himfclf, and his way, and 
condition of falvacion, our minds, and judgements , and 
hearts, and wills are. 

And befldcs ail this, hee knows what power Satan hath . 
with our jottlsyia blinding, deluding, withdrawing, and ^nhiST* 
hardning, and hindering of our fouls, and thcreiorehe with one fouls, 
is veryearneft with our fouls to confider, to regard, to 
hearken unto him, and his gracious offers. 

Thus you fee what it is to hearken unto Chrift, and 
that Jefus Chrift is veryearneft with Sinners to heark- 
en unto him, and why hee is fo earneft. 

I now proceed to the ufeful Application of all this un- 
to our felves. 


Vfe 1 MS Jefus Chrift very earneft and importunate 
I with Sinners to hearken unto him in his graci- 
ous offers {Hearken diligently unto me; or in hcarkjiing, . ' 
hearken unto me.) 

f How ntifcrakleandwretehed) anddefperate is the con- How mifcraWc 
dition of th§ ft (inters, who after all the offers of Chrift, j sl hecondici- 
and the renewing of thofe offers, and his earneftnelle and on of rhefe 
importurfity in prefling of thefe offers upon them, do. who refute to 
ftiU (leigkt+ndjtillrefufe to hearken unto htm. Na*man ^^ * nta 
hcarkncdtothevoiceofhis>fervantstogo and wa(h in 
Jordan-, Ammbn hearkhed to the voice of Jenadab; and 
4d*m to t\\G yoke of Eve; zn&Ahabio the voice of h- 

Dddi z.abel 

411 Many ftnners domt hearken unto Chrijl. Chap* id 

x>abel, and Jttdas to the voice of the Devil : Thus do 
many dinners, they do hearken to the voice of the 
:r/w world, which is but their fervant, and they hearken 
tothe voice of evil counfcll, and of their own evil hearts^ 
nay, of Satan himfelf; But they will not hearken to 
the voice of Chrfft, when he offers to them no lcffe than 
mercy and fajvation. 

There are three 'things unco which I would briefly 
{peak concerning this. . ; 

1 That many finhers unto whom the Gofpel.is prea- 
ched,do not hearken unto Chrifi. 

2 Whence it arifeth that they do not hearken. 

3 The fadneffe of their prefent and future conditi- 

There are ma* j Thditytny farters do net hearken unto the veive ofchrifi 
ny forcers who in hi* gracioHs ofiers, Pklm 58.4. Theyarel*ke the deaf 
thrift to Adder then f6petb bit ear, vcrfe5. which will not betrke* 
his gracious of- to the voice of the Charmer, charming never fo wifely iMzu 
fers» 1 1 . t6. Wberennto (hall / liken this Generations it is like 

*nto children fitting »n the market, And calling unto their frl- 
/<>»/, veife 17. And faying, wee have fifed nmo you , 
and ye e have n§t danced , wee have menrned unto yon, and 
yee have not lamented. Jcr. <5. io. To whom (hall I fpeak^, 
and gipe warning that they may hear } Behold-, their ear 
is uncircumctfcd) and they cannot hearken , beheld, the 
word of the Lord ts ur.to them a reproach, they have no de- 
light in ft , Rom, IO. 1 6. But they hAVenot allowed the 
Gojpel,far Efayas(aith>£*r^,*>fo heth belceved eur re- 

I told you upon the opening ofthefe wowfe, that the 

word hearken might bee taken in a fivefold fenfe, 

1 To hear, 2 To underftand. 3 To give Credit. 

4 To approve and regard. 5 To obey and ftib- 


Now 1 (hall clear it unto you, that many perfons do 

yj. . nor in any of thef: acceptionj hearken iintoChrifh 

kmlch™ x ManydonotfomHchascwe and hear the Go ff el of 

wmcajMl hear thrift, Surely thqf ajc .Wc, from hcarkning to the 


Chtf> AoManyfinners do not hearten nfito thrift; 44 j 

-■'- iii- " " -- r 1 — » 

voice of Chrift, who will not come to hear the voice 
of Chrift j I will 110c fpeak how k is 3 or may bce> in o» 
ther places, but 1 have very good ground (without a« 
ny breach of charity) to affirm it ,. that feme in this 
place where-wee dwell,have very rarely, .if at all (with - 
in thefe five years) ' come unto this place, fo much as Co 
hear the Miniftry oi the Gofpel here 2 O how I could 
weep' over their fad condition of Papifme ? or Atheifme, 
or Ignorance and blindncffe, or wAUtiflnefs and ftub- 
bornueffc • - < \ 

2 Though many do come and hea,^ jet they do mt if they keif, 

ftttderftandthe Oratles of Gefc, nor voiceiof Chrift, nor yectheydanog 

the rich mercy of God in the offers of Chrift unto them. UI ^ :r ft^ d * 

Vnderftandeft thou what thou readefl } faid Philip CO the 

E/tnttch y Aft* 8. fo may I fay fjnici many of you,who 

come to hear, underftand you what you hear ? Jefus 

Chrift is preached unto you , do yoti underftand, who 

or what this Chrift is? Hee offers his righteoufnefle ? 

his peace, hisfalvationtoyou, But do you undcrftand 

wtotthat Rigliteoul?nc{reis ; ; wliaf that peace is ? what 

that falvatiofi k > Hee calls you to come unto him, 

but do yoir underftalxi what that comming is ? hee o£- -* 

fers himfelfand all faving good to your fouls, but to' 

this day. do many ofyouunderftand what the offer of 

Chrift to a Tinner is } or what faving good is ? Or the 

richest Gods' gracd and love unto you in any of thefe 

3 To'hearken is to give credit unto what is fr>oken # orrfiey give 
and vet how manj arc there who give no credit fit all to the m credit to the 
voice^ to the Gofpel of Chrift- , There isialvation in none roiceofc&rift 
other but 'Chrift, h this believed for a truth ? hee that 
beleevesftall' bee laved , and hee that belceves not fhall 

bee damnetf, Is this voice of Chrift beleeved ? If any man 
bcein Chrift, hee h a new creature; Hee that loves not 
the Lord Jefus Chrift, let him bee jAnathema-mtranatha^ . 
iCer. 16. iz\ without holinefs no man (hall fee the 
Lord, are thefe credited as the truths of Chrift } hee that 
htarethyou,hearethmee> and hee that defpifeth you » 
dtfpifetn mee,'isthis belceVbd > except you tepent? 


414 Mwj Sinners do n$t Hearken unto £/,r»/t,C,hap. iO 

»» - ~ ~~ — ~~ ~~ — —————— ■ 

ye fhall periih, I«t 1 3. 3. And except a man be born a- 
gain hee cannot enter into the Kiugdome c t God?/',] -3. 
And except your righteoufneffe exceed the lightcouf- 
neffe of the Scribes and Pharifeesyee (hall in no cafe en- 
ter iqto the kingdome of heaven. Mat. 5.10. do men 
indeed give credit to thefe Gofpel Truths? 
OrtKcydonot 4 To hearkcn 5 is to regard and approve : The Lord 
ragard it. b ee m erciful to us,who are they, where are they, who re- 
gard, who reverence, who prize and approve the Gof- 
pel of Chrift, what arc your thoughts ofChriibor of his 
offers ? iflying,if raging,if railing,if plotting and combi- 
ning how to thruft away the Gofpel, if defpitcful ufing, 
if complayning of fo much preaching about Chrift, there 
is no beauty in Chrift, in mercy , in grace, if thefe bee 
regarding and approving, ana hearkning, many of as 
do then hearken: but it thefe bee inconnftent with an 
Hearkning unto Chrift, then many of us are yetfarrcc- 
nough from hearkning unto him. 
Or they do not 5 Tohrarken, is to obey : Hee hearkens unto Chrift 
obey it. wno bcycs the voice of Chrift, who takes and follows 

hiscouniell, when Chrift fayes come, hee comes, do 
this,he doeth it ; we have left all, an d follow edtheej aid Pe- 
ter; faith Chrift, if vou will have life come ^ to me: If 
you will have your fans pardoned come to mejif you will 
nave your hearts changed come to mc, if you will have 
your fouls faved come to mee : Bcleeve on mee, receive 
mee, truftonmee, and who is hee, or where is hee a- 
mongtt fo many of you, after fo long, and after fo ear- 
ned calls of Chrift, that comes in yet unto Chrift, who 
cryes out for Chrift, who yeilds up his whole heart unto 
Jcfus Chrift? 
Why Tinners 2 But f L'condl V, let US conflder whence it is that faners 

dm nor heark- hearken not unto Chnft; whomakesfuch gracious oflLrS, 

«n unto Chrift. and withfuch carneftnefle unto them? Doth Jcfus 
Chrift offer unto them any thing that is htrtful (* 
them } I befeech you what hurt can the love of God,thc 
mercy of God, the Redemption by Chrift do you ? doth 
Jefus Chrift offer unto you myi\k\\\&th*ttsma*Mdm- 
warthj of jour acceptance ! O how excellent muft excel- 

Chap,iC\ Why Sjnntrs do not hearken unto Chrtft* 4 1 5 

lcncybee* how glorious is that which is glory? who 
is that who is the chtefeft of ten thoufand ? what is that 
which is more precious than Gold, and Rubies, and all 
the things that can bee defired ; H* c Junt Ornament a 
mea, faid Cornelia of her (bus : doth JefusChrift offer un- 
to Sinners any thing that is ufelejfe to them t what is (o ne- 
ceftary for a Sinner as a Saviour ? for a guilty Sinner, as 
pardoning mercy ? for a corrupted Sinner, as renewing 
grace? for loft Sinners, as falvation j> dothjefus Chrift 
offer thefe excellent) and thefe neccflary things npon »«- 
juft,unreafoxable, and hard termes }• Wee lay nothing is 
freer than gift, and the termes are never harfh,which tree 
grace doth make ; all may bee had freely from Chrift? 
What then are the reafons that Sinners hearken not unto 
Chrift. in fuch gracious ft rs ? 1 will tell you why they 
do not hearken to him m his offers, 

I There are fome things within them that hinder them Tfceie are (6tm 
from hearkening unto Chrift in his graciom offers : As . rtings within 

1 The fnfoefs of their hearts. They think they have £^£5*$ 
enough ot their own to fave them, without looking after T j,e fuiriefs of 
Chrift, and the things which Chrift doth offer; this was their hearts, 
one reafon why the Phartfies did not hearken to Chrift, 

2 The ignorance o f their hearts,. Thev do not indeed J* 1 * J g n £ r *A« 
apprehend the worth and excellencies of Chriffc offer, * th€ir h€artSl 
Jfthou kwweft the gift of God, 

3 The hardnejfe of their he&rts. Thehoufeof Jfraelwill The rhrdnefe 
not hearken H>:to thee, for they will not hearken unto mee^ for tf their htar;s, 
Ail the houfe of Ifrael are impudent, and h^d-heartedi 

Exek. 3.7. Nothing works upon* an hard heart, it 
yeelds not, %Att. 18. 26. Go unte this people, andfay^hkar- 
ing, jee (hall hear, and not underhand, and feeing, ye 
(hall fee, and not per ceive^vaf, lj. For the heart of this 
people is waxed grofs, and their ears are dull of hearings 
andtheir eyes have they clefed^ left they (houldfee tvith their 
eyes % andhear with their ears, and underft and with their 
hearts , and (hould bee converted,, 

4 The pride and floutnefs of their hearts* hearkjen unto The pride an* 
mee yecftom*hearted, that are far from Righteottfxtft, Iia 3 ftownel.s of* 

46*12, They were the proud men that- faid unto Jere- heirhwnif 

mi ah j 

4i 6 Why (inner s do not hearken unto Qhrtfi. Chap.i o 

TV pcrv«rf* 
ncflc of their 
The love of 
worldly and 
finfal lulb . 
There are 
fori* things 
without them 
that hinder. 
Outward prof- 

Counfets of 



Stun* fug^cf- 

God in >tdge^ 
mem givct 
ih m up t'J 

then own 
heaitt ufti. 

The wohil 
coodic'on U" 

miab, Thoufpeakeft f*lfch->3 ir * ^.1. And as for the word 
which thou haft fpokjtn unto us t* the name of the Lord, wee 
will not hearken unto thee, Jer, 44. 1 6, 

5 The Ab fur dperverfnt 'Jfe of then hearts, They Will 
not, becaufe they mil not, ye will net come tome. 

6 The Love of fin/viand worldly lufrs f Shall / leave my 
(weetneffe , faid the Fig-Tree, my fatneffe, faid the O- 

2 There are fome things without them, that hinder 
them, either in a formal way, or in a judiciall 

1 Outward projperity, I fpakj unto thee in thy prospe- 
rity, but thou faidft I will not hear, Jer. 21. lI.7/>/tf 
hath been thy manner from thyyouthy that thou obey eft not 
my voice, fee Prov, 1.5*. The turning away of the ftmple 
ft) all ft ay them, and the prosperity of feels fhaS deftroy them, 
feeDeut.32 15. Manages would not hear in his prof- 

2 CounfelU of men, their evil and wicked fuggeftions 
againft hearkning unto Chrift : many of them faid, hee 
hatha Devil and is mad, nhy hear yee him, Joh. 10.20. 
Demetrius the CI ver-fmith, calls his companions toge- 
ther» by this Occupation wee have our wealth: And this 
Vaulperfwades and turns away much people y frying they be 
no Cods which are made with hands, and now they are 
in a tumult, and Paul muft bee heard no more, Aft. 1 9. 
25,26,17. v 

3 Satans fuggeftions , blinding , exciting, hardningi 
and with-drawing from Chrift. 

4 G$A in judgement gives the contemners and flcight- 
ers of the Gofpcl **to their own hearts lufts,znd will not 
therefore give tnem an heart to hearken, &c. Aft. i©\ 
»6, 17. 

Thus you fee that many finners do not hearken to 
Chrift, and why they do not hearken unto him in his 
gracious oftcrs : Now in the Lift place? behold their woful 
and mi fer able condition. 

I 1 hey are wicked men, and the bafeft of wicked men, 


Gfa. tO'Tke fad condition oftbo/e who do mt hearken. 4 1 7 

who will hearken to the Devil, .but not to- Chrift : They They arc 
do not belong to God, Every man that hath heard, and wicked men. \ 
learned of 'the Father commeth unto me, Joh. 6. 45. Hee 
that knoweth God heareth us, hetthat if not of God heareth 
not us, 1 Joh.4.6. 

z They are ( at the beft) but Hypocritical Profejfors. T^* 1 * 1 *' 
To call Chrift, Lord, Lord, and yet not to hearken unto ^^ » 
him, is but to mock him, yee are none of the fcrvants beft» 
of Chrifl, for his fervants yee are whom yee o- 

3 They are Mnaturnl,wi\iul\y reiuRng their own mer: They are m- 

Cies. natural. 

4 The time will come that they fhaU cry to Chrift, and ^Lmfand 
Chrtft will not hearken unto them, ProV. t. 24. Becaufe I he will not 
have cabled and yee refufed^ I have ft retched out my hand, heatken to 
and no man tegarded : verf.ad. / mil laughalfo at your than- 
calami ty , / will mockwhen your fear commeth , verfe a ^ . 

whe n your fear commeth as defolation, and jour deft ructi- 
on commeth as a whirlwind, when diftrefs 1 and anguijk 
commeth Hpon you, verfe 28. Then {hall they call upon mee^ 
but I will not anfwer,they (hall fee\mee early, but they (halt 
not find e mee, verfe 29. for that they hated knowledge, 
and would not chufe the fear of the Lord. 

5 They jhall certainly loofe falvation\ and bee deft roy* They {Kail 
ed from the prefence of the Lord, muchmorcfbaUnotwe certainly loofc 
efcape,ifwee turn away from him that fpea^s fromlteavept, Ration. 
Heb. 12.25. what the Prophet fpakc to , Amaz.iah/ 1 

know that God hath determined to deftroy thee, becatofe 
thou haft done this and haft not hearkhed to my ceunfell, ,„.,>, \ J 
iChron.2j. \6. That may certainly beoaftirmedofall '» \ 
who will not hearken to the voice of • Chrift? that ; obey *t p < »t 
notthcGofpel, They fba&bee deftrofed from the pre feute 
of the Lord. 2 TheC 1.8,9. punifhed with everlaftifig 
deftru&ion, Sec. Men may withftand the commanding 
voice of Chrift, but they {hall never be able to refill the t 
jftdgtng voice of Cbnft* 

< ■■ 

Eec SECT, 

418 jidrvict to Hearken unto (hrift. Chap. ici 

Advife and in- 

To fuch as are 
troubled in 
fpirir,to heaik- 
en unto Chrifh 
and follow 


Vfei\S Jcfus Chrift very earneft and importunate with 
finners diligently to hearken unto him in his gra- 
cious offers ? Let the next ufe then bee a ufe of Advice 
and inftruttion : hee that b*th an ear, let him hear what 
the fpirit faith unto the Churches, and hecthat hath an 
ear, let him hear what the fpirit faith unto the Chur- 
ches^even times it is thus expreftin Rev. 2.and 3«Thus 
would I fay unto all of us here this day : He that hath an 
ear let him hear what Chrift faith unto his foul, and hee 
that hath an ear, let him hear what offers Chrift makes 
unto his foul, fo hear that you may hearken , and fo 
hearken that you may regard, and follow the counfell 
of Chrift> to come in to him , and clofe with him, and 
all the faving good which hee gracioufly offers unto 

beloved 1 All that you hear of Chrift, and all the 
good which you hear reprefented by Chrift , is nothing 
unleffe you hearken unto Chrift : that good will ne- 
ver bee your good, and that Chrift will never bee your 
Chrift, and that mercy and falvation will never bee 
yours unlcfs you hearken unto Chrift, &X.' 

Now there are two forts of perfons unto whom I 
would prefent this advice. I To fuch as are in a trou- 
bled condition of fpirit,afraid to hearken to Chrift. 2 To 
fuch as have been in a hardned condition of Spirit for 
many years, refuting to hearken unto Chrift, 

1 Let fuch as are in a troubled condition of fpirit (lying 
unHer the fpirit of bondage, walking with a wounded 
fpirit, filled with heavineffe, and fears, and wants) let 
tnefc bee advifed, diligently to hearken unto Chrifi, to fol- 
io-* his counfell) come to him, ycild unto him, and truft 
on him, for mercy, for peace, for righteoufnefle, for ho- 
lincfte, for all: Do not hearken to Sarns fuggeftions, 
but hearken unto Chrift. Do not hcark 1 to your own. 
imbclecving hearts, unto your own fenfe and feeling, 



Chap. 10 Troubled Sinners advi/ed to he arken. 4I9 

unto your own reafonings and fears, but unco Chrift : 
certainly Chrift can direft you better than you can your 
felves. There cannot poflibly bee any danger unto 
you,any lou^,prejudice,inconvenience t@ you, by heark- 
ning unto Chrift. 
Let me affure you of two things. 

1 You can never bee delivered from that troubled conditio They can nc- 
on of conference but by comming to Chrift. There is no v " fr * 8 d '£*** 
water to quench that fire, but the bloud of Chrift, nor ^ndhbmUuc 
any balm to clofe up your wounds,but Jefus Chrift: ^ commingle 
you will ftill bee upon a tempeftuous fea,untill you land Cbrifc. 
at Chrift, and upon the rack, till you come to Chrift, 
to take you off : Go whether you will, and do 
what you pleafe, and try all the courfes", which your 
diftreiled hearts may fuggeft unto you, you {hall never 
attain to that grace,nor to that mercy, nor to that peace 
which your fouls defire, until you come to Chrift. 

All your hopes* and all the difpenfations of fpirituall 
good, are trealured up onely in Chrift : And therefore 
go to hirn, hearken unto him , the key of all your 
mercies is in his hand, no creature can give them unto 
you, nor will God himfelf deliver them unto you, until 
you come to Chrift. 

2 TouwiH certainly bee delivered, yonwi&finde eoodjou Y ? u , . c 5 r f.- 
mu finde reft for your fouls , tf you -will hearken and come to ycrc 1 ifyou 
Chrift: As Chrift hath all , which refpefts yourtrou- hearken to 
bled fouls, fo you ftiall injoy all by comming unto Chrift. 
-him : What nee offers unto pu ^ hee will onely per- 
form unto you, upon comming in unto him. You 
would have Chrift to bee yours, and this would quiet 
all : Why hearken and come to Chrift,and Chrift will 
bee yours, Hmthat comes unto mee, 1 willinnowifsre- 
K#, Joh. 6. 3 7. you would have mercy to bee yours, and 
this would compofe all ? why ? come to Chrift , and 
mercy will bee yours, in his bloud is the remiftion of 
your fins to bee found, Epb. x, 7. Paul, came into 
Chrift, and he obtained Mercy y Mary Magdalen jczmz 
in to Chrift,and hee faid unto her , Thy fins are forgiven, 

Eee a Luk. 

420 Encouragements for difirejjed Chap, i o* 

Luk. 7.48, You would have peace and reft in your 
consciences and then all would bee well? why then,come 
to Chrift tor hee" is our peace ', Eph. 2. 14. And being jnftt- 
fiedby faith, me have peace with God, Rom. J. I. 
you would have right eoufneffe and holinetfe, and then 
your hearts would bee fetled ; why then come to 
Chrift, who of God u made Hnte H6 w if dome , righteoufnefs^ 
fantlification, and redemption , 1 Cor. I. £0. 

O thou troubled foul ! thy bonds had long fince 
been broken afunder, thy warfare had long fince been 
accompli(hed , the years of thy adveriity, and the days 
of thy fears and tears, had long fince expired, hadft 
thou harkned unto Chrifts counlel, and not unto Satan> 
and thine own heart. The way of thy help is clear and 
certain, and neer unto thee, Chrift hath exprefled it 
(andfeeeis truihizteli) hearken nnto me, and eat ye that 
whit h is goody and your font {ball live, 

Ob]. Oh but Chrift will not hearken unto me, though 
I hearken to him. 

Encourage- SoU There are four things which may incourage any 

tnenrs for dif- p oar troubled diftrcflcd foul to come to Chrift to heark- 

h^toto 01 u°» him. ; 

chrift. ° ' Jefus Chrift hath all the good and comfort which 

He harh all this poor dtftreffed iinner n eeds . 

good which 2 Jefus Chrift calls this (inner unto him > in as exprefle 

theynced.^k a manner, as heart can defire* 

a one C upio llC . 3 J^ thrift hath paffed promife uponpromife,that 

tin,, if he come in to him, he flialloe accepted and fiiade mer- 

He hath paf- cy. 

fed promife ^ y c f us chrift hath in all ages of the world, even to 

HeTathln all tnisda y^ Bccn a real, and effeaual, and furehelp, deli- 
jrcs been" verance, comfort, and falvation unto every foul that 
fure refuge un- hath hearkened and come unto him, it any man 
leftuhfmncrs. hear my voice, and come to mcc, I will come in, 

Pf S2fe 2 Let flich VS ' UVC bccn f" 1 " 1 * l" rlh *" d M '*#* fir^ 

Chnftsoffen n€rs \ refafing hitherto to hearken unto Chrift in his 
no lorger. gracious oftcrs > bee advifed to do fo no more : bee 


Chap,io, Sinners to bear fan. 421 

yet perf waded to hearken-to Jefus Chrift ? do what you 

will, fo that you will but hearken to Chrift, to come 

to him, to obey him, to buy of him all faving good 

for your fouls : Though you fcorn and fleight us,yet 

hearken unto Chrift;. Though youflander and revile 

and rail at us , yet hearken unto Chrift; for the Lords They fll0U i d 

Cake, at length be fober and ferious, and like reafonable coiriider. 

and wife men ,confider a few things. 

1 who ever hardned his heart againft God and prospered, Who ever 
lob, 9. 3. fo who ever nehricd to hearken to Chrift, and banned hit- 
got by it? What did ^ get by not hearkning to J^g^- 
the commands of God? what did Pharaoh get ?&:c. what pered% 

did the Ifraelitei getby not hearkning unto his Word? 
The Phar-fies would not hearken, and Hierufalem 
would not hearken to Chrift , and Judas would not 
hearken, but what did they get by refufing Chrift* 
but onely mine , deftruftion, and defolation . 

2 W'hatfkallwetourfelvejgetbyit, thatWtC will not What frail wc 
obey the voice of Chrift, that wee will not come oarfelvesgcj. 
unto him , and beleeve on him, and receive him, nor b y fc 

the gracious offers which hee makes unto us .<? The 
finner will not hearken to the commands and intreaties 
of Chrift, but hee will hearken to the counfel of wicked 
and vain men, and unto the counfel of his own heart ;hce 
will not obey the Gofpel , but hee will walk after the 
imaginations of his own heart, in his finful wayes. Like 
• thofe Jew*') J er . 44» 16.17* We* W 'M *o* hearken unto thee \ 
but we will ctrtainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth of our 
ownmouth^But what did they get by it, fee verf. 26. Be- 
hold I have ftvorn by my great Name, faith the Lord, that 
my name frail be: no more named in the mouth of*iny man 
ofjudah, in all the Land of Egypt, ver. 37. Behold 1 will 
watch over them for evil, and notforgeod^ and all the men 
ofjudah that are in the Land of Egypt, fhall bee conj/tmed by 
the Sword, and by the famine, untiH there bee an end of 
them. So if wee will ftill harden our hearts againft 
Chrift, and will not hearken to his voice, what fhall 
Wee get by it? The Lord Swears i n his wrath, that they 

Eee 3 that: 

422 Proud Sinners advifed to hearken . Chap; i © 

that beleeve not, jhall not enter into his reft, Heb. 3. 1 8, 

Suppofe that God would leave you to your own hearts. 

fo that you never regard^nor obey the voice,and calLand 

offers made by Chrilt , I befeech you what will come of 

this?who (hall bee the loofersby this ? you will not come 

in to Chrift, and accept ol him, and you will not clofe 

with that grace,and lite, and mercy , "which hee freely 

offers unto you? Well, but what will at laft come of him 

whorefufeth Chrift and mercy ? for Chrifts fake, feri- 

That you may oU ^Y tn * n k of what I fpeak unto you this day,and Height 

not refute any the offers made by Chrift no more. 

longcr^fg of And that you may not do fo, befeech the Lord for three 

2^*u M flings. 

L t for^or«cr ■ ° neis > That hee would not (for former fieightings of 

flcfehtings dc- Chrift) depart from you, and give you up to reprobate 

panfwmyou. minds, and feared consciences, and fo for ever leave you 

unto your felvcs, as hee did the Ifraelites for not heark- 

ning unto him, Pfal.8i.ii>l2. But my people would not 

hearken unto my voice^Scc. So I gave them tip to their own 

hearts tufts, and they walked in their own counfels. No 

judgement like this. 

. Id 2 A fecond is, That hee would open your eyes to fee ^ and 

SaTQittCTC* the* perhaps four hearts would bee opened to hearken. If the 

tofce. Lord would but caufe you, this once to know his namej 

to know your ielves, to know his (Thrift, to know the 

precious things of life,which Jefus Chrift doth fo graci- 

oufly and earneftly offer unto you, perhaps you would 

yet hearken unto him. 

That he would 3 A third is, That hee would circumeife the bltnineffe 

circumcife the of your minds, and the hardneffe of your heart s , and rebel- 

biindncfle of i; 0M f your wills ; And that hee himfelf would teach 

yourmindes, ? and give an heart to hear,Joh.<*.45. It is written, 

™fht°Jre- they frail bee all taught of Cjod, every man therefore that 

bellionofyour hath heard, andhath learned of the father, commethunto 

•rlUf, me, Ifa. 3 i^.The eyes of them that fee fiallnot be blind,and 

the ear of them that he*r {hall hearty* 


1 ■ — 

Chzp.\QE<vidences of our bearkning to Cbrifti 425 


Third life which I would make of this poinr,(hall yr e 
bee for comfort^ unto all thofe who have diligently Comfort 


hearted unto the voice and offers of Chrift, fo, as to obey thofe that hear* 
Jefus Chrift - and to come in unto him w ken untoChrift 

I will briefly fpeak two things unto this ufe. One 
is, fome evidence, that a finner hath indeed hearkned 
unto Chrift, 2 Another is> the comforts belonging to 

1 ihefigns or evidences that a [inner hath indeed heark^ Sfgnsof a fin* 
mi Mto Chrift. n cr *« hcark- 

1 If you have indeed hearkned unto Chrift, Then ^J™^* 
the voice of Chrift hath come in power upon jour hearts . Chrillhath 

Beloved, There is no hcarkning unto Chrift, till come in power 
Chrift (peaks with power and authority unto your upon you. 
hearts; There is a mighty power put forth by Chrift 
tbwards finners to hearken to him. The deadjhall hear 
the voice of the Sonne of God , and they that hear (hall live, 
Joh. 5. 2 5.. Certainly there muft bee. a mighty power 
put forth to make the dead to hear, &c. When Chrift CM* P Uts 
makes a finner to hearken unto him, he puts forth a five- p° r * t J, 
fold power 

I An awakying power: As the %^/ Came and fmot* Anawaknlng. 
Peter on the fide, and raifed him up,p/<ȣ, arife up quick? power. 
/;, A&. 12. 7. fo when the Lord Jcfus will make a 
finner to hearken uiito him , hee fpeaks with fuch a 
power unto his heart, that hee awakens him out of his 
careleffe and regardleffeXpirit , fo that the finner -be- 
gins fcrioufly toHften, and attend, and confider of the 
great matters of falvation fpoken of 4 and tendered to 
nimby chrift. 

The man formerly though h?e heard, a tfroufand fer- 
mons of Chrift, and meicy, and life, - and faith, aadkL- 
vation, yet hee minded them not at all, but now on a 
fuddaiii his heart is wrought on, and hee begins to at- 
tend to the.wordofChrfit, and hee grows ferious in 


414 Evidences of one Hearkning to Cbrtft.Chzp. ip 

An overturn- 
ing [owcr. 

An alluring 

An exciting 

An oyerconi' 
ing power. 

marking and minding what Jcfus Chrift fpeaks by the 
Gofpel unto him. 

2 An overturning power ; The Lord Jcfus fpeaks un- 
to the iinner in fuch a manner, as to pull down tbeshrong 
holds, as to rent the rocks? as to break down the ftout 
and proud heart of the (inner? and the (inner is made to 
fee his horrid vileneffe in Hcighting of Chrift, and Jhut- 
ting out of Chrift, anddefpifing the gracious offers of 
Chrift, and hee now is afliamed of his bafenelle, and 
trembles at his defperate refiftancc of Chrift in his of- 

3 An allnring power : Chrift doth fo reprefent himfelf, 
and what hec offers unto the (inner, that nothing ap- 
pears move beautiful and lovely? and deiirable than 
himfelf , and the grace and mercy which hee offers ; 
Hee fees nothing elfe but his very life and falvation in 
thefe offers of Chrift, and all as worthy of all acceptati- 
on; fo that the poor (inner goes home, and weeps for 
joy, O faith he, I have heard good things this day, I 
have heard of fuch mercy, and fuch love, for a poor tin- 
ner, as I never heard die like in all my daies . 

4 An exerting power. The Lord Chrift by his pow- 
er lets fall a word on the will of a (inner, and faith 1 am 
willing to fave thee,and thou (halt have all this mercy and 
faving good, if thou wilt bee willing to receive me,and 
truft in mce ? Gome and bee miae, and I will give thee 
ftrength againft all thy fins; come and bee mine, and 
I will give thee pardon for all thy (ins; I will give thee, 
my felf , and my righteoudieffei and my fpirit. 

5 A* overcommmg p$wer , fo that the finner is now as 
willing to come to Chriftjand as earncft to enjoy Chrift, 
and all the good offered by Chrift, (in fomc mcafure) 
as ever Chrift was earncft and willing to have him 
come,&:c. Heretofore all the work feemed to bee onely 
onChrifts part, and now all the work feemcth to bee 
oncly on the Sinners part : O that this finner would 
come to mce faid Chrift, O riiat Chrift would come to 
mce , now faith the finner : 1 am willing to bee thine 


Chap. 10 Evidences of our bearkning to Chrift* j^z^ 

faidChriit. O that thou wouldeftbee willing to bee 
mine iaidi the iinner now: when will hee hearken unto 
racfaidChrift? when fhall I enjoy thee blefied ChrifT, 
faith the firmer, now. Beloycd, then the (inner liearkr 
ens to Chdft) when by the power of Chrifthce is made 
willing to come to Chrifr. 

2 It you have indeed hearkned unto ChriiT, h will ap- y t w yi 3p p eaL - 
Vear by fevtral ejfetls and fruits. by ihcfe etfefts 

i You will re fufe to hearken to any perfon, or *nj crea- and fruits. 
tnre that would dtf-fwade you from hearknir.g u*toChri/r. ^™^™ 
Nor Friend, nor Parent, nor Enemy, nor world 5 nor lite, uVrfhat° ™* 
nor death, 3cc. would diflwade 

2Youw HI let ARyoHrfinsqo&nA your fslves go, fo that you. 
you may have ChriiT. You will ictai 

3 You Will venture your all upon Chrifi , as the furcft ^ f ™ £ v ° cn . 
bottome for your fouls to live in, and as your onely turc your all 

hopCi&CC opon Cbnft. 

4 You will be obedient in any other thing unto the voice of You will bee 
Chrifi, cot onely bee obedient to come to him, 6ut cJ[j{jJ7n «i 
obedient to walk in him. oth ^ r t j? n ™ y 

5 You will bee more defirom to be neer to Chrifi -.that you You will de- 
may hear the voice of your belovcd>&c. fre to be ncare 

Secondly, The comforts for fuch as htve indeed hearkr chrift lo 
nedunto Chrifi. , ftXSf 

I Hoarkxingunto Chrifi is the real fruit of Gods eternal of ^ ag ha * c 
eletlion: As many as were ordained to eternal life bgleeved : hfarkned. 
Aa.Ii.48. . * Itisrherea! 

a HcarkninguntoChrift, is the vtryfealofyoureffec- *"»"<* elefti- 
r ual vocation. It is nothing clfe , but the obediential an- ^ ,j,e f ca | f 
fwer to thecal! of Chrifi, the making up of the match ©ineffectual 
twixt a foul and Chrift. vocation. 

3 Hearkning unto ChriiT, is a, clear evidence that you 

are Chrifttans indeed^ evtry on: that is of the truth hearcth \™* &,[*" 
myvoi'ee,Joh. 18.37. weareChri- 

4 Hee that kearkneth unto me ty all dwell fafcly^ and fhall ftians indeed. 
bee quiet from fear of evil, Prov. I. 33. HefoaildAeU 

5 Now you may bciure that Gad will hearhn unto you? ji .y. 

» *//,W /**/»/ ifc/w W rW/. kenurc. yoa. 

rit ISA1- 

Eat ye that which is Good. Chap* U 

ISAIAH 55. ii 

Hearken diligently unto me>andeatjec that which is good^ 
and let your foul delight it fclfinfatnejfe* 


Have fpoken a few things concern- 
ing the earneftneffe of thrift with 
Sinners to hearken unto him) and 
now 1 am to fpeak of the Argn* 
wcwhereufeaby thrift to per- 
fwade them fo to do ; here is the 
hook and the bait , the match and 
the portion ; rood cemes by heark- 
ning to a good Chrift ( eat ye that 
jvhiehis goo^and let your foul delight itfetfinfatnefs. 
They diftinguifh ot good. 
i Bo>jffm jucuxdum, and here is delight for the foul. 
3 Bonum urile,znd heve is fatnefs or fuficieacy. 
3 Bonum hone ft urn, and here is life for thefgul. 
Again of Bonum. I Tfaturate. i Morale. 3 Sfiritu- 
ale. The fpiritual good which is the chicfeft good, is here 
held out to allure us. 

There are onelv two propofuioir which thefe words 
do prcfent unto us. 

i That good and good indeed, will come to them , 
which hearken and com: to Chrift. 

a That all foul delights and iwectly fatisfying com • 

forts, will flow into all who d , hearken unto 


But before I difcourfe of thefe r 

General olfe;- fions , there are a few general y d ro mefeem 

H&m obfervablcfrdm the former and latcer part of the Text, 

I winter mention them Hjito yoir,and then return to the 

Nferopolicioiis Which I have* ftfcntion< 

l That 

' * ^ III 

Chap. 1 1 General ob/er<vaiiens: 417 

1 That it is not axel] a 'Duty , but alfo it is a teafoHA- It isn:t oncly 
ble Duty fit puners to hearken unto Chr;ft :Chrift dotn not d tetybvt a 
reft in a nicer command (heath** diligently unto me^but t^^h^en' 
hee doth fugar and fweeten that command with allur- muoGbriit. 
ing reafons and encouraging .motives {*** y* th,it which 

is good) and let % scc) As every aft of obedience is ratio- 
nal , Co efpeciaily are the afts of Evangelical obedi- 
ence : Chrift offers reafons enough to perfwade any 
man to Chrift. The Golpel as it works m a powerful 
way, fo likewife in a rational way, it is a hook with a 
bait on it, and a match with a portion* 

2 That it is not only a reafonable duty to hearlen unto h h nor ©ncly 
Chrift, but alfo a mofl reafonable duty : Jefus Chrift out- a r ^ iii eMc i 
offers all others, and hee out-reafons all others (that ^^°^ ci ' 
is) hee doth prefent higher, and better, and ftrongcr rea- a UCy * 
fons, and encouragements to hearken unto him 5 than 

can be given, not to hearken unto him, or to hearken 
unto any other. 

There are three reafons given by Chrift in this and In 
the next verfe, which overtop all the arguments of the 
world, viz.. 1 A reall good. 2 Soul delight. 3 And 
the life of pur fouls. 

As Chrift gives the beft wages to them who are in his 
fervice , ^ fo hee holds out the beft ineouragements to 
draw us into his fervice. 

3 That Jefus Chrift aims at ourgcod in out obedience to Chfjftaimsat 
bis Call; Ic is our gain to hearken unto Chrift. I have cur go- din 
often confidered and admired, at the wifdome of Gods curob <^enc*. 
goodneflein the way of finners falvation by Chrift, that 

he gains all the glory ,and they gain all the happinefle 
by it; if you hearken unto Chrift , God hath all the glo- 
ry, and you have mercy, and comfort, and bleiledneis 
(you (hall eat that which is g W, and your fouls (hall delight 
themfelves in fatnejfe.) 

4 That ChriRs encouragements are promifes- He holds 13 enCo1 '" 
outpromues, yea many promifcs, and deals with fin- prom,< w , 
ners by them to hearken and come unto him. I think 

that you (hall fcarce read of any one invitation that Chrift 

Fff*2 ever 

418 Good enjoyed by comming to (hrift. Chap, 1 1 * 

ever made to finners. But hec is pleafcd to flank that in- 
vitation with one or with many promifes : Here you 
findejtfo, the like youmayalfo findein other fcrip- 
ttires; Come for all things are ready , cemeand I will give 
you refty Coyne and drinkj>fthe waters of life freely \belecve 
and thon [hah be fAved, hec that believes on the f on, (hall fee 
life, repent and bee converted^ that your fins may bee blot- 
ted out, 
vi hy Chrift And the rcafons why,whcn Chrift would bring in Sin- 

<?eats with fin- ners to himfelf, he deals with them by promifcs, are 

nen by prcmi % thcfc 

^?- I Evan* eltcal promifes + are moft congruous to work 

»ey arcmi>ft ^£ * * 

wo"k7ahh. r ° 2 Evangelical promifes are moft*f* to afett, and 

Mcft apito?!- allure the hearts of finr.ers ,. 

lurcrheheair. 3 Evangelical promifes, are theftrongefi arguments to 

The ftrongeft perfwade,:he cords of love. 

ThlT'cT* 4 Evangelical promifes, are the fur eft bonds , and af- 

bonds.' furing engagements. They are fere bottomes to reft on. 

Thefe things being briefly premifed, I fha.ll now fpeak 
unto the proportions formerly mentioned , and begin 
with the firft of them. 

Good Indeed Doc"t» That good indeed will come unto finners upon 

will come to hearkning and commix g unto Chrifi {hearken unto mee> and 

fhofe who eat yee that which it good) 

hearVcn co tj 1c U r 0r ds do ftand in oppofition unto the precedent 

ChriJb words {wherefore do you (ay otttyour n one) for that which 

is not bread, and your labour for that which (atisfyer not}) 
The things which yee look at, and feck for, out 01 
Chrift, they arc not bread , they are not good, they 
can do us no good, wee think that they arc, and that 
they can , but indeed not » and wee think that they can 
fill andfatisfycus* but indeed they cannot, Therefore 
Chrift takes us off from them , as being oncly a feeming 
good, but no real good , and perfwades us to hearken 
unto himfelf, for in fo doing, good indccd,real good, that 
which is real good in it fclfc and that which will prove 
real good unto us, lhall come unto us.. 



Chap. 1 1 Good enjoyed by comming to Chrift. 4 a 9 

There are two things included in this affertion. Two things 1 
1 That Good willcertainly come unto us by hearkuing ^ludc4. 
and comming tint© Chrift. 
2 That that good-is real and fabftantial good r 


I "T^ Hat good will certainly come unto tuhy hearkening 

1 and comming unto Chrift : As David £ud* ft U goad Go©d will cer* 
for mee to draw nigh to God, Pfal.73.28. and Jeremy, "inly cc me to 
tam.3.25. The Lord it good to the foul that fecks kirn. ■ Zvl^CMk 
So it is good to hearken to Cbxill^ Blefed is the man that 
hearethmee,¥iQ>V*%.l\* For who fo findeth mee^ findeth 
life >j andjhall obtain favour of the Lord, VClf. 35. Or as 
the Prophet fpake unto the Jews, Ifaiah 1 1 9. Ifjee le$ 
willing and obey 9 yee (hall en the good of the Landy Thus 
it (hall bee to all who hearken unto Chrift, they (hall 
eat of what is good > they (hall partake of good, Luk.- 
10.42. Mar) hath chofenthat good party here you fee 
that good conies bf hearkning unto Chrift, Re v. 3. 2 o* 
lf any man hear mj voice and opens the door , / will come 
in, andfup with him> and hewithmee 5 here good Comes* 
by hearing and opening to Chrift? Aw.-.f*33; % m 
who/o hearkneth unto wee (ball dwell fafely, and (hall bee 
quiet from fear of evil, here is good by hearkning ta 
Chrift, I Cor. 3-2 1. All things are yof4rs 9 y t 2l a whither Paul, 
or ApoHo,or Cephas ft the world or life, or death, or things 
prefent, or things to come, all are yours, V. %% n .Andyou are 
Chrijis , J oh. 6,49. I am the bread of life, hee that ctmmeth 
tomee,(hafl never hunger , and hee that beletveth onmee 
(hall never thir ft ^ Joh..^. The dead {hall hear the voice of 
the San of God, and they that hear fo all live, \ Pet. 1.8. In 
whom heleiving ye rejo'ce with ]oy unjpeakable, and full of 
glory, here was good, 1 Cor. .1. 30. Of him are yee in 
Chrift JefusjvhoofGod is madennto ns wifdome and righ- 
teoufnejfe, and fanSification /md redemption , is not here 
good, Colof. 2. 27. Chrft in you the hope of glory, is not 
this a good, J ph. 3, 16 \ Hee that beleeveth fall rm pe- 

Fff-3 rS 

43b Good enjoyed by comming unto C fcri/?.Chap. i i 

rijh , but have everUfling life, Eph. i . i J . In whom af- 
ter ye beleeved, And were ft died with that holy fpirit of pro * 
w(/*,verf, 1 q. whtch is the earneftef our inheritance, the 
redemption of the purchafed pojfejjionl All thefc are good 
and all thefe, and more than thefc (hall be had,by heark- 
ning and comming unto Chrift. Can an y good thing 
come out of Nazareth, f aid Nathaniel} Come and fee, faid 
F hi lip, John 2. 46. fo if any fay, can any good come 
unto us, by comming unto Chrift, I Aniwer, come and 
fee 9 all good comes from a good Chrift. They fay all 
good lyes in a good confeience , Therefore Solomon calls 
it a continual fes.ft, much more doth it lye m a good 

All our fprings are in him.Thcre you may have Life t 
and there you may have Feace, and there you may have 
Joy, and there you may have Hofe, and there you may 
have Riches, and there you may have Forgivenefe % and 
there you may have Rifhttoti{neffe^ and there vou may 
have good, all good, aR that is goo^for you. You read 
of diverfe who came to Chrift, fome for their bodies, 
fome for their fouls, and all that came to him received 
good by him, the blind received their pght, a>td the deaf, 
their hearing, the dumb, their fpxehy and the Zrfw*,their 
ftrength* y and the Stckjhtii healthy and the tronbUd,com- 
fort, and mercy and falvation./ have r.otfaid to the honfe 
of Jacob, feek^jee mee in *><*/#, I fa« 4 5. 19. fo Chrift doth 
not fay ■ hearken unto mee, and come unto mee, in 
vain : Ius a vain thing to hearken unto the world, it is 
a vain thing to hearken unco wicked men, it is a vain 
thing to hearken unto our own wicked hearts, it is a 
vain thing to hearken unto Satan. But it is not a vain 
thing to come to Chrift, to hearken unto Chrift, no c- 
vil will come unto you by it, all good will come unto 
you by it, you fhallcatthat which is good, C<nt t 5.1. 
£at % O friends, and drinf^ fpeaking immediately bctorc 
eyt the Spices and Myrrh, of the honey, and the hony comb, 
cA&iQWinc and the mi ll{, Rev .%.*]. I will give him to eat 
of the trte of life, ver[ % 17,/ will give him to eat oftkc hid- 

Chap. i \Tbt Good fyChrift is real and fnbjtantlal; 451 

d*» Manttab. Well. It is dear that goad will come 
untousbycomminguntoChrift. Now follows the fc- 
c©nd part. 


a TT Hat the good&hicb will come *nto us by camming 

J untoChriftjs good indeed y it is arealandfubftami- Tk6$p&& 
algood. iJ^&T^ 

They diftinguMh of two forts of good , t here are «at aild &£ 

I This worlds good) who fo hath this Worlds g$ods> fhntUl, 
l 7^.5. 17. Twefottttf 

% That worlds good: Good for a foul, and good for 8°^ 
heaven:#0»<* #*.* faciptttt hnum^&'bona qua facikttt beatnw 9 Th ^ wor W# - 
And thefc kinds of good,are either B<?«* afpahmUjonly f^Vorite 
which feems good, but are not good, and bona Kealta^ g c od a 
which are good indeed , and will bee fo to us. Reall 
good, will bee really ours , if wee really come to 
(Thrift, John (5. 55. Mj fttfb is meat indeed y And mybloUl 
is Vrink^hdeod (as if he had faid) you have no food fo? 
your fouls to feed on 5 and to live on, But mee, I am only 
that bread of life, verf. 48. Rev. 3. 17. Thottfaycft I art* 
rxh,and encreafedwith CjooJf) &c t verf 18. I com fell 
thee to buy ofmec, gold tryed in the fire, that thon may eft be 
rich i and white rayment thai thon may eft bee clothed^&C e 
Asifheehadfaid, thou art deceived , thoii art not rich, 
thou art not dothed, thou thinks that thou art, but in -~ 
deed thou arc not > if thou wouldft bee rich iudced,thcLi 
com? to m:, and wouldcft have raiment indeed to cloth* 

To open this excellent point a little, 1 will (hew linio - 
you briefly, 

1 W hat g.:od is to bee had by comming to Chrift. 

2 Thatitmaybeedemonftratedto be real good,good 

3 How it may be cleared that all who really com? to ^J^^f '? s 
Chrift, fhail really enjoy ail that real good, cottimlngt/ 

Queft. What good is to be had b] comm)ng to Chrift} Chrift, 


4 j z What good is to be had by Cbrifi . Chap; 1 1 

A\l foul good. Sol .la one word, all foul-good, and aU foxl-faving good, 

l f\d£ci bC CCn * w!lIcl1 is ° fa11 kin 4 cs ot § ood ' chc moft excellent, and the 

molt deiirablc. This good may bec confidcred cither 
In the end, c I In the end, and foit is no other thing than eternal 
tcrnal ha P pi- happineffe , the crown of life. The kingdome of glory, 
ocflc * Bonumfummum & ultimum. And this is to bee had by 

commingtoChriil:, jW ; »6.47. Verily, verily, I fay unto 
)o*,he that beleevcth on me hath everlafting life. 
In the wiy 2 ] n t ] lc wa y bringing f w ^ unto the participation of that 

thltfnA US t0 '*** And this is the good of 

The good of i Adoption : whereby one comes into the relation of 
Adoption, the fons of God, that hce is our father , and wee are his 
children: and. this good wee have by comming unto 
Chrift, To as many as received him, heegaye this dignity , 
to become the Sonnes of God, even to them that beletve in 
hit name. John I« i3 a 
IuftiftcUion. a J unification , whereby wee are freed from condemna- 

tion (There is no condemnation to them that are in Chrift Je- 
fus, Rom. 8. 1. ) and are made rtghteom (by the obedience 
of one (kaUmany be made right r0w,R.om#5. \9&e are made 
the right(oufne(fe of God in him, 2 Cor.5. 2- i .)and have *# 
onrfmnes forgiven (in whom we£ have redemption in his 
bloud, even the forgivenefe ef our /*/, Eph. 1.7. Having 
forgiven y oh all trejpaffts, Col. 2-13.) 
. 3 KtconcMatiotiywhQKcby wee are delivered out of the 
Reconciliation c (^ atc { enmity, and wrath, and brought into an cf- 
ftate of fricndlhip > and love with God, and this good 
WCC have by Chrift; yee that were fmetimes alienated and 
enemies, hath hee rcconciled r Col. 1. 1\, Hee reconciled its 
unit God in his body on the crofs, having flam the enmity 
thereby ,Eph.2.i6. 
^a 4 feace and 7^;, and hope, which flow from all thefe, 

ftaceandpy. thc | c are alfo to bc had by Chrift, being jufi; fed by faith, 
wee have fcace with God through oar Lord fefus Chrift, by 
whom wee have accefs by faith into this grace , wherein we 
ftandyoxdrejoyce, tn thehopeofthegloryofGod)Rotn.5.\,?. 
c .a;a.«u 5 Sanllification, which is a renewing of die foul, and 
fattftitotU* ^ ^^^^ of ; t t0 lhc hmgQ f chrift. This good alfo 


. - — — — —— i— i— — — — ^ — 1 — — III I — ■ ■ ■ »»^ I — »MM^». 

Chap,i i ,Tta roi/fYy of this good dtmonftrated. 435 

wee have by Chrift ; wfo/V made fin to us fanttification y 

1 Cor. 1.30. 

6 Spiritual immunities. Liberties, Priviledges, if any Spiritual im- 

man be in Chrtft , he is a new creature, 2 Cor. 5. Ij.Thus niunitia. 

you fee that there is abundance of good to bee had by 

commingtinco Chrift* 

i But now let us confidcr, That nil this good is a reaH 

goody and how it may be demonftrated to be fo, certainly M thi * g° od 

arcaihappineflcisarcalgood, though an imaginary 1$arca, S ood - 

happineile bee not;real mercy and forgivenelfe?and righ- 

teoufnefs, and peace, &;c are good indeed. Thar all this ~ „ . 

good is real good,I (hall demonftrate thus unto you. Demonft.ated. 

I That good which hath all the ingredients of reality in iihathallrhc 

it , must needs be real goody or good indeed, but the good ingredients of 

which we have by comming to Chrift,hath all the iugre- r ea!<t> in it. 

dients ofreality. 

I will mention only three ingredients of a real fpiritu- 

al good, truth, efficacy? permanency. 

I Truthy which (rands in oppofition to falfehood and Truth, 
deceit. Why all that good which I have mentioned by 
Chrift is true, Their happinefs is true hafpinejfe.^nd there- 
fore happineffe indeed. 

Three things in true happineffe. i A perfeft good.* A 
perfect fruition. 3 Eternal. This is eternal life to k,now 
theey and htm whom thou haft font > John 17.?. / am the 
wayy the truth, and the life, Joh. 1 4. 6 m yea happy is the 
people whofe God is the Lord, Pfal.144. 15, your adoption i» 
true : when a man is a beleever and brought to Chrift, 
hee is a fon or God, God himfelf calls him lb, and owns 
himfo, and deals with him as fo, and provides an in- 
heritance for him as fo, Wee are now the fans ofGodyi Jo . 
3.2. a Cor. 6 # i8, I will bee a father unto you , and yo% 
(hall bee my fon $ and daughter Sy your Jnflification is true y 
fo true,that the Apoftle challcngeth all to prove the con- 
trary* whofhall lay any thing to the charge of Gods eUU} it 
is God that jufitfiethy who (hall condemn } it is Chrift that 
dyedy Rom. 8.33,34. as true as Chrift died, fo true it is 
that belccvers are acquitted and juftified. The like may 

Ggg bee 


434 7ke realuyofthis Good demwftrated* Chap. 1| 

bee faid of all the reft ot the good, there is truth in every 
one. Liberty t tj the Jon [hall make yon free, you are free 
indeed, John 8. 36. This is ;eal liberty, not feigned or 
ialfe. Peace, the peace you have by thrift is a real 
peace, how el(e could it bee called the peace of God, and 
the peace which he e creates, Ifa. 57. 19. The object of 
creation is real, and the Joy which you have by Chrift is 
called the Joy of the holy-Qhofi, and certainly that joy is 
true, and therefore real . 

Efficacy. 2 Efficacy : A falfe feemi ng good cncly,^ as it hath 

not truth in it, fo it hath not power in it: ialle and Teem- 
ing fire, cannot work as real fire doth. As the gods of 
the Heathens were no Gods, becaufe they could do nei- 
ther good nor evil : And counterfeit doings cannot work 
as real doings do work *• But look on any good that a 
man hath from Chrilt upon comming unto Chrift, it 
hath power in it, and effectual working with it, it doth 
indeed change the condition of ihe foul, as much as life 
changeth the condition of the dead; The dead (hall hear 
the voice vftbe JonofCjodand live, Job. 5.25, / am the 
living bread, which came down from heaven, if any man eat 
ofthu bread, bee (hall live for ever, Job. 6.5 1 . and it doth 
indeed comfort and revive the foul. There goes out fuch 
a ftrength with the peace, which flows from our justifica- 
tion by faith in Chrift, which is offeree to break all the 
bonds afundcr, to expell all darkneflc, to quiet all fears, 
and to fettle, andcompofe, and fill up the confcicnce, 
with a peace that pafleth all underftanding, and with 
joy unfpcakable and glorious. Moreover the good which 
is nad of Chrift, it is of power to uphold amdfnfiain the 
fostlj againft all the powers of the world, and Satan, and 

Permanency. 3 Permanency: that good which will hold oil t againft al 1 
changes temptations perfccuticns^qucftionlcflc it is a real 
good; reallity is frequently oppofed to changeablencffc, 
now all the good which you have by Chrift, it is a good 
which will laftyl is meat which deth not pen(h,bute ndure to 
everl«fti»glife>]vhfi^TfHethat beleevethonme,o$t t of his 


Chap, j i The Reality of this (rood Demonftrated. 43 5 

belly (hall flow Rivers of living water J0I1.7 . $8. The Gr»ce 
is immortal, the Joy indures for ever, the Righteoufnefs 
is everlafting, the Joy none can take away, &:c, there- 
fore it is good indeed. 

2 lhatgoodof which Chrift himfelf it the Author of \ T jJ. ,t .' B ?°f. 
and hath purchased , certainly it is a real good (good in it hutfdttmh 
fclf, and good for' the ibi.il) Chrift never laid down his purchased is re. 
life, ihed his precious blood for nothing, cr for a poor algod. 
vain empty good, that will do our fouls no good, which 

will not reach his own end. Nothing that is vain, im- 

ferfeft, faffe, or dcceiveablc, can flow from Chrift", 
oh. 1*17. Grace and Truth came by Jefu* Chrift. It were 
blafphemoufly abfurd,to imagine that Jcfus Chrift 
fhould bee the Author of a lye, oi any thing that (hould 
bcedeceivable, and unprofitable : But Chrift is the Au- 
thor of all the good which hee offers and promifes to 
you, Job.. 1. 1 6i Out of his fulneffe have aH wee received : 
Hee is the fountain of your graces, and of your mercies, 
and of your comforts, and of your falvation ; therefore 
all of them are a real good, good indeed. 

3 Let mee adde one thing more : As the Covenant of The •©yenam 
Grace i* a real Covenant (elfe God would never have aicownanr*"' 
fworn that Covenant, and kz\zc\\t) fo aH the good™ that a nd fo is all the 
Covenant is reatl good: It is good indeed, for it flowes goodfeaicd in 
from the lingular love of God, and the infinite wifdome ir * 

and goodneffe of God, doth it not fo } And all the good 
in the Covenant make up the choiceft bleffings that God 
will give unto his people : It real good bee to bee found 
any where, then affuredly in the Covenant of Grace, in 
the promifes, there, which are called, the better promifes, 
and a good vord ratified with the blood of [hrift\ and there- 
fore the good which fhall bee had by comming unto 
Chrift is real good, for it is none other but the Covcmnt- 
Good, &:o 

4 That Good u real which I The word apfroves^nd com- 
mends as! o. 2 Hath been proved and found fo. 3 One may 
in the greateft extreamitics fafely venture his foul <?*. 
4 fvm not fail the foul in its confidence and cxpeclaiion, 

Ggg a but 

4} 6 M that come to Chrift in joy Real Good. Chap. u 

but will certainly aofwer, yea exceed all that hath been 
ipoken of it. 


Qucft. 3 TJTOw it may bee made clear , that real Good 

How f: miy x, JL»/7/ really came unto Sinner s> if Sinners do 

appear mat re- really hearken, and come to Chrift} 

com^t *com- Soi - There arc five things which will fcrve to clear it. 

ming'to Chi ift. l The very expreffion in the Text ; Eat yon that which is 

By the ex- good: When a man eats that which is good, that food 

preflTions in the becomes his, it is received into his ftomack, and digeftcd 

1 cxt * and aflimilatcd, and nourifhesand preferves him; fo if 

a man comes to C hrift, Chrift is as it were the food of his 

foul, hee feeds on Chrift, and on mercies, hce lives by 

them, they nourUb and preferve him, &cc. 

Bv the infalli- 2 There is infallibility in the promifes of Chrift, they are 

bilay of the Tea and Amen : Chrift hath promifed all real good to 

Promifes. them that come unto him, hee will give grace and glory, 

lite and p:ace, pardon and falvation; therefore certainly 

• they fh all cat that which is good, who hearken and come 

to Chrift: Chrift calls them oft from all vain and de- 

cciveable good,and pcrfwades them to come to him from 

an aftu ranee of real good, and fatisfa&ion. 

3 As Faith is the fufftcient condition of in joying All real 

dirlcnofinhv" ^°°^'S° ^ a>t ^ cannot pitch on any Cjood for the foul of man, 

irg . but what is Good indeed : The Bee goes not to the empty 

thorns, but to the fwect flowers; fo Faith cannot reft on 

any gocd, but what is fo indeed; it will not be contented 

with any lovd with any mercy, with any righteoufneffe, 

with any holincfle* with any peace, with any joy, but 

what is real love nru 1 mercy, &:c. This is not thy reft, thy 

peace, thy happinefle, faitn Faith : But the love of God 

is, &c. 

From Expejj- 4 Experience ye ill clear it In all that have come to Chrift, 

euc - They have eaten that which is good- A feaftof good 

things. It hath been a good day indeed. This is a day 

of good tidings, fad the LtperS) when they came into the 


Ch. i !• Men out of CbriH Vnhappy . ^ m 

camp, and found all manner of good provifion : whea 
any poor Sinner hath hearkened to Chrift,. O what real 
good hath his poor foul found 1 what ^ real joy, peace, 
comfort? Sec. This day is falvation come unto thy 

5 From abfurdities and inconveniences^ FromAWiirdi- 

i There is more to bee had from Chrift, than from ties. 
Satan,but if the good by Chrift bee not a real good, there E, £ e therc * $ no 
is no difference betwixt their offers . mto Chrift i 

2 Chrift would bee found a deceiver ,and they that be- ofol, and S* a - 
leeve on him would return afhamed, they fhould have tans' 
nothing to glory in. EUe chrift 

3 All the glory of the Chrlftlan Religion were loft, if "^ bcc a 
there were not truth- and reality in the rewards of it. . Eiferhe r gl©ry 

SECT. TV. were loft. 

How unhappy 

fife 6 XJXptt Good indeed come unto us, upon -* c |Jj£ y " h * 

V V hearkening and comming to Chrift? cL°rft. C 
(Hearken unto mee, and eat yea that which is good,) 

l How unhappy then are they, who are out of Chrift l 
They have xopo rtion, who have no portion in Chrift .' 
That is no portion for the foul, which is not real. The 
Prcphct expreffeth it as a great curfe on that. Man that 
trufteth on man, and mak^th fl'ejli his arm^ and whofe heart 
depart eth from the Lord'- For hee fo all bee like the He.itb i* 
the Be fen, andjhall not jee wh. n good cemmeth, but (hall in* 
habit the parched places in the wilder neffe, in a fait Land 
not inhabited, Jcr. 17.5,6. I would fay the like of that, 
man who boafts of other things, and yet hath no portion 
in Chrift, he is in a very unhappy .condition! in adefolate. 
condition; hee is not really good, nor hath hec any real 
good : Hec is the worft of men, and hath the worft and 
mcaucft of portions, really evil, and really curfed : Hee 
who hath Chrift, bath all, and hec who hath not Chrift,. 
hath nothing at all; without Chrift, and without the Pro- 
mifes, and without Hope,and without God in the world, fo, 
Ipheft 2. i a. What haft thou, who haft not Chrift?. 
Ggg 3 This- 

458 Mea #wf 0/ Cfcri/J Vnbaffl . Chap. 1 r 

This is the fumme total of a Chriftleflc mans pofleflion : 
Hee hath treafures of iniquity, and heaps of vanity, more 
than thefe, he hath not; he hath a really wicked heart, and 
but a vain empty eftate in outward things. Thefe are thy 
Gods y faid the Idolatrous ]ewes, What poor Gods were 
thefe Gods ! Soul] thou haft much goods laid up for many 
years, faid the Fool ; and what goods were thole goods > 
x King. 9. 13. what Cities are tbofe which thsu haft given 
mee, /aid Hiram to Solomon > And bee called them the 
LandofCabcl (that is) of dirt. Truly all that you have 
is either nothing, or worfe than nothing^ it is either that 
which is contrary to good, or that which is not really 
good. Ephraim feedeih on lyes, Hof. 10. 1 3 . and Epbraim 
feedeth on the 7r#Wf,Hof. 1 2. 1 . ungodly men, and un- 
bcleeving men (in my judgement) ar z the pooreft of all 
mem they are in the fame condition with Laodicea, that 
thought her felf rich, and increafed, and to needvothingy 
but (bee was poor, andmtfrable, and wretched : They ne- 
ver cat one £jood meal, norraorfel all their daies. They 
eat the Lamps out oft be flocks and the Calves out of the ft aH, 
Amos 6.4. And they eat the bread of deceit, Prov. 20. 
17. andthcy eat the bread of Sorrows, Pfal. 127. 2. and 
fometimes they eat their own damnation^ 1 Cor. 1 1. 19. 
But they never eat that which is good : Chrift is the bread 
of life, of that bread they eat not,. Mercy is good, and of 
that they tafte not .* The loving kindneffe of God is 
good , and of this they feed not ; they never eat 
Angels food, food for fouls, any good at all for their 

a Howfoolijh are men who content them/elves with any 

How foolifti g G0( l which is not real good ? I have enough, faid Efatt, Gen. 

arc men, who 3 3. enough of what ? in what ? who had loft the blcfling, 

conicm tbcm- and fold the birth-right: V Other ((aid the Prodigal,Luk.i J. 

'ooT ^ h . any i *.Give mee tfo portion of goods that falleth to wee:* portion 

notrc'ai, ^ which hec quickly wafted and fpcfflj verf. 1 3. Perhaps 

God hath given unto fomc of you outward beauty, and 

outward honours, and outward riches, and outward 

peace* and outward liberty, and outward deliverances 


Chap.! iFoPy to bee content with Good, notReal. 439 

and outward fucccfles, and here you reft, and with thefe 
areyoufatisfied,but why are you (of As Chr'rfi to the 
jonng man, fo fay I Co you, yet yon lactone thing, ycC 
under all thefe injoyments, you lack all real good. £V- 
bold the fin and the wood, but where is the Lamb for a 
burnt-offering, faid lfaac to Abraham? Gen. 22. 7, Thus I 
fay unto you, here are worldly dignities, and worldly 
wealth, and worldly greatneiTe, but where is Chrift ? an'd 
where is holiueffe? and where is righteoufnefle tojufti- 
fie you? and where is mercy to pardon you ? and where 
is the love of God to comfort you I and where is the 
blood ofChriftto fa ve you? You have the good things 
of this life, but where are the good things of a better life ? 
Here is provifion for your bodies, but where is the provi- 
fion for your fouls? outward good things are the 
weakeft kinde of good things, and the changeableft kinde' 
of good things, and deceitfuileft kinde of good things and 
the moft impertinent kinde of good things to your fouls; 
No good at all to them or for them; why do youfatis- 
fie your felves with them ? and why do you bleffe your 
felves in them ? Stir fume or da, ad C£lnm vocaminiadca- 
lum % &c. Raife up your hearts above the world, yee arc 
called to HeaVen, to Heaven, laid Hltlar'iui : Thefe things 
are not bread, they are qoc life, they are not your reft, 
nor refting-place. Every man is propounding thatque- 
ftion, who ret II (hew m amy good } Pfal. 4 6. Why Chrift is 
good indeed for your fouls, and pardoning mercy, and 
Gods reconciled favour, and renewing grace. Bee not 
fatisfied with that which fatisfies noc; do not put oft' your 
felves with an earthly paradife. 

No real happincile in outward things; Becaufe 
1 Impertinent to the foul. 2 Imfcrfetty^ ' Wcak^ 4 M>iy 
eafily bee crushed, 5 And removed. 6 Hinder your real 
kappinetfe. There is another kinde of good for immor- 
tal fouls than mortal good. There is the bread of life, 
on which only your fouls can feed. Labour not for the meat 
which perifheth, but for the meat which indurestoeverlafting 
life y which the fonoj 'man fk "all give unto Jon , Joh. 6. 27. . 

3 w*r 

440 Felly to be backward to hearken to Cbrifi ,Chap, 1 tf 

Uiuo Chrift. 

Why are wee 3 Why then are wee fa unwilling and backward to heark^ 
fo unwili ng C n unto Chrift, and to come unto Chrifl? 
U!~Sf A Good, is die loadftone of the whole world, it is that 
which turns and windes, allures, and ihrs all the hearts 
of all the fons of men. No man would lollow his fins, 
but chat he corruptly conceives fome good to be enjoyed 
by that fervice. No man would follow the world, but 
that lice apprehends fome good to bee reaped out of the 
world : good is the bias of mans foul, and the reward he 
aims at, and the bait that takes hlm.S ball not their cattle, 
and their fab fiance and every beaft of theirs bs ours ; This 
fwayed all the men of thcCity of Shechemjo hear ken unto 
H amor, and Shechem hu Son Jo be circumcifedy Gen. 54.25, 
24.O what is this?&why is this?diat the meaneft of good 
that the greateft of evil , fhallbeofpowertomakeus 
hearken,^: yet the greateft good is not of power to make 
us hearken ? That a temporary good will do it,but an e- 
ternal good will not do it, that a feeming good will pre- 
vail, and yet real good will not ? feeming plca(iircs,pro- 
fits, life, take more then real . Gehaz^i ventured his pfe- 
r/, for a few changes of raiment ; Judas, ventured bis foul . 
for a few peeces of fiver ; Adam ventured his Pareidifefoi 
one toft of an /ipple: Ahab, ventured his Ktngdome for 
that one vineyard ofNaboth : Achan ventureel his life for 
one wedge ofGold^c. And how often do wee venture 
our damnation , for the pleafures of fin , which are but 
for afeafon; yet wee will not venture on (Thrift, though 
real good, though eternal good, though all good, will 
certainly come unto our fouls. Surely main's become 
foolifh and brutifh. Job did well in that hec did not 
hearken tothecounfclofhis'wifeinhis diflrefs* Curje 
God and dye : Chn'ft did well, in that hce did not hearken 
to the Offers ofSatan,Allthe[e will I give unto thecjfthou 
wilt fall down and worfiip me : But do wee do well, when 
Chrift offers himfclf, and all that is good unto us, real 
good, and really for our good,and yet wc will not heark- 
en unto him ? O how fimplc and irrational is the unbe- 
leevcr , he hath a real need of Chrift,and would have mer- 

jCh.i iT7;e bappinefje of him that hearkneth to Chrift*^ \ 

cyandfalvation, and. yet will not regard Chrift, noi- 
some unto him,for that real mercy and falvation. 

4 Then hafpj is that man who hath hearkped to Chrift, The man is 
and U come in to CkrittJSleffedis the man that heareth me, b ppy who 
Prov.8, 3 ±.Blefed are all they that fut their trftft in himj>[. h '* ^arkned 
a.12. That 1 may fee the good of thy cho[en,Vfah 106.5. t0 khtvX 
you have a real good to eat of, that is your portion, / 
have-enough, faidJ^^Gen.^. 11. 1 have a goodly hert- 
tage,hidDavid,Vhl.l6.6> I have all And abound, {aid 
Paul, PhiL4. 18. and what leffe can hee fay who hath 
drift, and all real gooi by Chrift. 

But that you who are come in to Chrift may fee your . 
happinefle by enjoying of this real good, let mce oBtain whatlhIs 
your favour a while to blazon and difplay, this real good g OQ d i s r hat 
unto you? that fo you may the better fee the goodneffe ih<;y enjoy, 
of your condition, and bee the more raifed to God in 
thankfulnefle for it. This real good which you enjoy by 
comming to Chriftjit is 

1 A proper or anfwerable good* 

2 The higheft and beft good • 

3 A full and large good. 

4 A ftrong and efte&ual good. 

5 A pleafing and delighting good. 

6 An advancing and raifing good . 

7 An enriching and beneficial good. 

8 A permanent and conftant good, 
^ 9 A faving and everlafting good. 

I It is a />™p.>r, anfrverable^andfftitab/e good, zgoodlirat a proper an- 
doth fo pun&ually, fo exactly, fodire£rly>hit the con- fweraUe goovi. 
dition of your fouls (the mi feries of them, the wants oi 
them, the defires ot them) as nothing elfc can do; 
What is that which a foul doth need or candcfire, but 
it is included in this real good, which you get by com- 
ming unto Chrifhthis real good,is that which is your life 
indeed,your help indced,your joy indeed, your falvation 
indeed,k is the vei:y plaifter to your fore, the very balms 
to the wound,the very voice of joy to the fpirit of heavi- 
neffe^he very bread to the hungry, the very water to the 
thirfty > the very good which your fouls fhould have, and 

H h h would 


44%Tbe happinejfe of kwk?>i*g unto Chrift i Chap.u 

would have, reconciliation, redemption, falvation* 
It is the h*»gh« i It u the highefi and beft Good. A little that a right** 
eft and b:ft 9H4 mMn hath) is better th*n the riches of many *>/V^,faich 
^ od# - Vav id> Vfal. a 7. 1 ^ And truely the real good which 

you enjoy by Chri It, is better than all the goods which 
may bee enjoyed in the world, M*ry hathchofen the bet- 
ter part) faith Chrift, if you would judge oi the highnefs 
and beftneile of good, either by the teftimony oi the 
word of God> or by the price and charge of enjoy- 
ment , or by its relation to our beft part , or by a fer- 
viceablenefletoour lad end, or by verdict of* consci- 
ence in our worft extremities, or by the eft iraation of 
the godly, affuredly then that good which is enjoyed 
by comming to Chrift, is the higheft and beft of' all 

1 The fcriptures,fcc the crown upon the head of it,thc 
price a k id colt of it,is the pretious bloud of Chrift, 
*.* It onely ftands in relation to the foul. 

3 No other goodavails towards falvation, 

4 And in extremities of confeience men would gladly 
part with all other good, fo that they may bee poflefled 
of any one real good, which comes trom Chrift. 
Ffal.^6, whowill Jhew usanr good, Lord lift up the 
hght ,&c % I will tell you : the good by Chrift is the 
beft good that the wifdome of God could devife,that the 
lcvc of God could give,that the bloud ofChrift could pur- 
chafe, that the foul of man can defire. 

3 It is a fnH and large good, ha ha'h filled the hungry 

I* is a full and with good things, Luke 1. 53. The Difciples -were plied 

a large good. with Joy , and with the Holy Ghofl, Aft. I 3 . 5 2. To know 

the love ofChrift which paffeth knowledge, that yee might 

bee filled with all the fulnejfe of God, hph.3. 1 9. Open thy 

tntnth wide and I will fill it, Pfal. 8 1 . I o. Thou {halt eat tn 

plenty and bee fattsfied, J$c\2.26. Therefore is the real 

good (which wee have by Chrift) fometimcsftilcd, A 

fe*ft,*fe*ft of fat things, afeltfiofwtnesonthe Lees, of 

fatthixgs full of marrow, Ha. 2 J. 6. A wedding ft aft , for 


Chap. 1 1 The happinejje ofhearkning unto Chrift. 44$ 

' which the Oxen and fat lings were killed, And, all things 
ready, Mat. iz^.Vniverfal good, is full geod, and this is 
the good which you have by Chrift : All are yours, for 
you are (Thrifts > I Cor. 3. 22, 23. Con] unlive good is 
fat/ good s and this is the good which you have by Chrift, 
whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the world, or life, 
or death? or things prefent, or things to corneal are yours, 
I Cor. 3 .21. ye are in Chrifi Jeftss, who of Go J is made unt o 
ns wifdome, and righteoufniffe, and fanttification, and re- 
demption, 1 Cor. 1.30. It is therefore called bread, and 
water, and mi 'Ikj and wine, and honour s&nd riches, and 
raiment, xidhoufes, and Lands, and friends, and father, 
and mother, andfifter, and brother, and health, and life, 
(that is) all good* You have not mercy alone? nor 
grace alone, nor peace alone, nor righteouineffe alone, 
nor joy alone, &c. But you have everyone ofthefe, 
and every one of thefe abundantly, abundance of mercy, 
and of love, and of grace, and of rightcoufnefs, and of 
joy 4 and of peace, and of comfort? Riches of mercy , the 
height, and depth, and breadth, and length of 'love .No good 
wanting, fountains and {prings fufficient to fatisfy all 
the needs and defires of your fouls. 

4 It is %dftrong and effetlual good. This real good Aftrongand 
which you have by Chrift, it is a good which llia.ll make «ffcduals*od. 
you good, and which lhall do you good,you (hall indeed 
bee the better for it. A man may bee (many times) the 
worfe for outward good, as dice laid, God hath undone 
mee: itmaybeeafnare,andafurfeituntohim, but the 
real good which you have by Chrift, never doth you 
hurt, yea>it aiwaies doth you goocjk alters your eftate, 
for the beft, betters your hearts, and betters your lives, 
and your outward eftate* It is the ftrcngrh of your 
fouls, and the joy and falvation of your hearts. In the 
multitude of my thoughts within mee, thy comforts delight 
my fou/,VhL 94.1?. It can comfort you, ftayyou, and 
none can hinder it- 

5 It is* f leafing and delighting good,z\\ the good which A fyf** xnd 
you have bvChriftjarefomanvfruiresofParadife^and *\*Jj cirg 

■ Hhh 2 drops 6 

» 1 II I ■ I I ' ' " ■ " 

444 The hap) of be*rkning unto Cfcri/?.Chap. iJj 

di vps of royKh) and kiflcs of mercy. How fweet and 
p 1 eating is the favour of God, it is /*/#, yea, better * W 
iri^r, Plal.30.and 63. How fweetancl pleafing it the 
love of chrift, it is fwecter and better th^n R>/>*,Cant. 1 .2. 
How fwcet and pleaiing is pardoning mercy > and the affu- 
rancc pt it , fweet er than honey , r^^« f/?* /?0#<7 c<?;«£; it is 
)oy and gladneffe, and the jo; offalvation, Pfal. 5 1 . 8« * 2. 
How fwcet and pleafing is, jufiificatio* by Chrift, which 
makes us to rcj oyce, not onely /'* the hope of glory, but al- 
fo/tf Tribulations ,Rom. 5. 2, 3. and to Triumph, Rom. 
8. 38. Sec. What the Prophet fpake of the word of God, 
( Ju. I 5. \6.Th) tvordtiKtomee-) was the ]oy and rejoicing 
c] my heart) the fame may bee affirmed of all the reall 
good you have by Chrift; it is bread baked with fugar, 
it is a rofe that grows with fwcetneffe> as Chrift is alto- 
gether lovely,fo the good by Chrift is altogether delight- 
ful 5 Or as Solomon (peaks, Prov. 10. 22. Thz blejfmgof 
the Lord maketh rich, and heeaddth noforrow with it, that 
may bee (aid of the good by Chrift, it is plcafant,and no- 
thing but plcafant* one dayes communion with Chrift,is- 
Cwcctcr than all the communion with the World, your 
firft dayes entertainment by Chrift is gladncffe, and your' 
laft daics entertainment is happincile. 

6 It is An advancing and raffing good : the good is great 
An advancing an d makes us great, there is not hing of worth in a wick- 
a ^, ra,rinB cdman, norofrealgreatneffe in a Chriftlcffc pcrfon :. 
R0C< fin is vile and makes us fo, and all the world is but va- 

nitv, and therefore it is but mean, the foul is then rat- 
fid, when it becomes Chrifts : no match fo great as that 
with Chrift. The foul lives when it becomes Chrifts, 
no life like the life of Chrift : The foul comes into the 
higheft relation, when it becomes Chrifts, an higher re- 
lation there cannot bce t than to call God father, and 
Chrift our head, our husband, our brother. 

Befidcs, the graces which you enjoy by Chrift, areas 
far above'thc grcateft things on earth, as the heavens arc 
above the earth, they arc real and chicfeft excellencies, 
and dicy onely make us to be the excellent here on earth; 

7 It 

Chap. 1 1 The happinefs of bearkning unto Ghrift. 445 

7 It is <dn enriching and, beneficial good. The unfearch- An inriching 
able riches of Chrifi, Eph. ?. 8* Rich in faith, JameS 2, andbencncia* 
5. Rich in mfdome and knowledge, rich towards God, but 6 ood *< 

thou art rich, faith Chrift of 5 wjr;^, Rev. 2. 9. That ye 
through his poverty might bee rich, 3 Cor. 8. % The wife 
merchant, bought the pearl of great frice y this was riches 
enough, Ifa«33„6, The fear of the Lord it his Treafure, 
1 Thef. 2. 12. who hath called you unto his kingdome 
of glory: you cannot bee poor who enjoy Chrift, and 
his good, for your portion. 

8 It is A permanent and lafting good : Other good- a permanent 
things are a deceitful brook , a fading flower,, a dying and lifting, 
gourd, a vanishing (haddow 5 Wee are unfure of our S 00< k. 
felves, and they are unfure unto us : but Chrift is die 

fame, yeflerday, and to day, and for ever^ Thou (halt eat 
bread at my Table continually, faid David to <*Meyhibo~ 
jbeth, the fame faith ChriftY to all that cometo Chrift, 
you fhalleat good with mee continually I aU^ the dayes 
of 'your life, [hall goodneffe and mercy follow fou: Alary 
bath chofen the better party which jhall never bee taken 
from her, your joy Jhall no man takg away. 

Though your Riches, Honours^ Lands, Friends, 
Pleasures, Health, Strength, Peace, Liberty, Life, 
will hot laft, yet Chrift will lafi, and the love of God 
and pardoning mercy 3 and renewing Grace, and Uni-' 
on, and Communion with Chrift will laft and a~ 

9 What may bee faid more ? This real good * yoa ** weverlffta 
have by Chrift ts ever lading good : it is a Kingdom that w % goodt 
cannot bee fhaken^ it is that eternal weight of glory ^ it is the. 
Crown of life, his eternal life, it is everlafting falvation 
and happinefle. 

life 2 If jou would have good indeed, then ^ a K eifit(f1 i( voilWott iA 
ChrtFt: if you would have mercy indeed, and comfort: have good 'mi 
indeed,and help indeed,and falvation indeed, make in to. deed, make in 
Chrift. This (hould whet on a ftomack, fet on. an edge. to eilfift .» 
for Chrift: I confeffe that you may fix on many things, 
which may prornife you good for your foulsj but real. 


~ ...» ii. -—^m — — — mm ^^ mmm .^ ^M^^ 

445 Make out to C^ft t0 en i°y Good % Chap. 1 1 

good, none can help you to but Chrift* 

Ah poor Creature what wilt thou do? what will be* 
eomeotthee? if thou live and dye without Chrift^nd 
the good indeed which comesonly from Chrift j> when 
wilt thou hearken ? when wilt thou belecve > when 
(hall it once bee ? how long wilt thou love vanity , 
and follow after lies, Pial. 4. 2. How long yee ftmple ones 
will yee love fmpltcity , and fenntrs delight in their 
/corning , and fools hate knowledge , Prov. 1. 12, Chrift 
alone ihould bee rcafon enough to per (wade us to 
hearken unto Chrift, but when hee propofes and aflurcs 
that which is good, and all that is good and really good, 
tor you, certainly > eternally, what (hall wee (ay*vhat 
(ball wee tLink , when Chrift with his crown will not 
allure, when Chrift with all mercies cannot prevail, 
when Chrift, with joy > and peace, and falvation cannot 
perfwadc. Chrift wept over Jerufalem, Lule^ ig, 42. fay- 
**g, ifthon had ft known, even thou at the leaft in this thy 
day-, the things that concern thy peace} wee could do the 
like over people to whom C hrift hath been long offered, 
and all real good with and by Chrift, and yet they will 
not know this Chrift, nor that good which do fo in- 
finitely concern their good? As Chrift complained, that 
Though hee came in hi* Fathers name , yet they would not 
beleevehim, but if any man would come in his ownT^amc, 
htm they would bcleeve* So may wee complain, if any 
one (hould offer unto you any fuppofitious good, or any 
worldly good; him you would hearken unto, but thougn 
Chrift oners unto you real good, the beft good, faving 
good,all good, yet you will not hearken unto him. 

O beloved! yet confidcr, and yet bee wife, Chrift 
yet calls upon you to hearken unto him, and Chrift yet 
would purchafe your gootj will and acceptance with 
the bounty of all real good, the time will come (fhbrtly 
come) that you will fee, it was good indeed which 
Chrift offered to you : when you come to (traits in con- 
feience, when you come to the hour of death, one drop 
of his mercy, one word of his peace, one glimpfcof 


■■ ■*■ — ■ • . 

Chap; 1 1 Make out to thrift to enjoy: Good. 447 

Gods favour * O how pretious and defirable will they 
ehen bee 1 Why ? And all thefe> and more than theta 
you might have chis very moment, if your hearts would 
but be perfwaded to ftoop down,and embrace>and accept 
of Chnft, who freely offers himfelf unto you. For the 
Lords fake,what ihould hinder you>and what doth hinder 
you from hearkning unto, and doling with, fo good an 

Do you thinh, t hat Chrift doth lye mto JMMvheil lie faith, 
Hearken unto mee, and eat yee that which is good, dm 
there is no fuch good arall. 

Do you think that Chrift will deceive you > Thouglt 
there bee fuch good 5 yet you ihaU not have ic> although 
you do hear ken unto him; Truth it felf can neithei lye 

Do you think That you need not real good for your foul*} 
you need not real mercy to pardou youj nor real righte* 
oufnefle to juftity you, nor real grace to change yotknor 
real favour to fave you* 

Do you think that yon may have thefe any where elfe befideg 
Chrift} or upon other conditions than hearkning and 
coming to Chrift, ye are deceived * Him hath God the fa* 
therfealed and fet forth ; and this only Way hath God de- 
figned and confecrated ? Do you think t hat jou (hall loofe 
any good (which you call yours) hy camming to Chri /?,and 
receiving all faving good from him ? if you fhotild, yet 
this good is enough* a full recommence, but befides that, 
it bleffeth all your good, and multiplies the fame with 

What doth then hinder you, would you never have 
Chrift, never have mercy, or think you it an injury unto 
you, to have Chrift and all faving good too foon? Verily 
nothing hinders you but your own ignorance) but your 
own ftubbornefle,but your[own unbeleef, but your own 
love of fin,which (hall bring all real evil upon you, from • 
which the Lord deliver you* that you may cemc to 
Chrift, and enjoy Chrift^artd all real good by him • 


44$ Let your fouls delight in fatnefsj Chap, i i 

ISAIAH 55- *. 

Avd let y%ur foul delight itfetfinfatnefe, 


S the former words (Eatyeethat 
which u £W)ftand in oppoiition 
unto (wherefore do yen fiend your 
money for that which U\not bread, 
So thefe Words (Let your foul de- 
light it fe If in fame jfe) do ftand 
in oppofition unto the other 
words (and your labour fr that 
which ftttsfies not) as lfhcfliould 
fay, bee not fo vain, as to labour after vanity, come to 
mee, and you (ball have that which is good indeed : and 
bee not iofooli(h^ as to tire out your felves for that which 
is but a trouble to get? and is no fatisfaclion nor de- 
light when it is gotten: But come to mee, and fo (hall you 
enjoy, not onely ureal good, for your fouls, but abun- 
dance of that good, as much as will furlice perfectly to fa- 
tisfye you, and (weedy to content you> and what more 
can Chrift offer, or what more can wee defire ? Chrift 
doth here hold out ail the Arguments which may 
move and pcrfwadc, and draw fouls unto him. 

i Here is Good (or you? will that pcrfwadc you ? what 
man would not have good ? 

2 Here is Good indeed for you ; Not fecming good , 
deceitful good, (alfc good, but real good, true good, 
that will prove the onely good for you; and who (hould 
not defire to enjoy that good which will indeed favc 

3 Tljcrc is abundance of good, and of the choice]} and 


Chap. 1 2 Let your Souls delight in fatnejfe. 449 

chief eft good (for fo much doth that word fatnejfe imply , 
viz* choiceft and chiefeft good? the beft, Gen. 45. 18./ 
wiR give you the good of the land of Egypt, and y oh [ball eat 
the fat of the Land (chat is) the choiceft and the beft. 
So of After-) Gen. 49. 20. His bread (hail bee fat, and he 
(hall tat royal dainties, abundant and plentiful good, Gen. 
37.28. (j od (hall give thee of the dew of Heaven, and the 
fatmffe of the earth, and plenty of Corn and Wine : Will 
choicenelTc of good allure you in to Chnfr ? will plen- 
ty and fuSiciencyof good pcrfwade you ? who would 
not bee abundantly blefiednhis is to bee had if you will 
com z in to Chriff. 

4 Here is contenting and delighting gO)d , which is in- 
deed good unto the tafte, and pleafont unto the foul : A 
very Paradifeoffwceteftjoyes and comforts, A garden 
of flowers, a very heaven and happinefle : all thefe doth 
Chnft offer ,and all thefe doth Chrift affure unto all that 
hearken unto him {Hearken untomee, and eat yee that 
which is good, and let your foul delight it fe/f in fatnejfe) 
And I befeech you to obferve this by the way, that none 
offers fo much, nor fo well to your fouls, and for your 
fouls as Chrift doth ; Some offer nothing,and fome offer . 
little, and fome offer mean things, and fome offer vex- 
ing and indelightful things; but Chrift off ers real good, 
and choice good, and full good, and pleafing and de- 
lighting good •• All kindes of true good , and all mea- 
fures of thofe kindes, and all the fruites both from the 
one, and from the other. 
Hence obferve? 

Doer. 2. That tjiere is a very field of bleffmgs, and a There is as 
very Paradife of delights for tve foul that comes in to Chrift: much good a» 
or, there is at much good as void fatisfy the foul, and as wil bo hfatisfy 

much food as ruillfweedy delight the fiul upon hearkmna * nd . dc]! £ hr the 
, p . J f . -rr* J c r 11* ioul.ucon com* 

and commwgm unto him-, 1 iicrc are creatures and plea- m in*unto 

fares, abundance,and complacency enough for farisfac- Chnft. 

tion, and enough for ricle<Llation. (Let your foul de- 
- light it fe If in fatnejfe) Ifa. 25.6. Afeafl of fat things, a 
feafi of Wines on.the Lees, of fat things full of marrow, of 

jii wines 

4 50 Good enough in Chrift to fatisfy us . Chap. \% 

-wines on the Lees we 11 re fined. Obferve whence provifion 
is here made by Chrift, fat things, (chat is) abundance : 
fat things full of marrow ( that is) choicenefte; a feaft 
ofthcie ( that is) exccedingncflc, and variety; and a 
feaftofwincsonthe Lees, of wines on the Lees well 
refined (that is) fweemeffe and delightfulneflc, Cant. $. 
1. lamcsme into my gar den (jny filler ^ my ffottfe) l have 
gathered, my myrrhewith my ft tees, I have eaten my honey- 
comb with my honey, I have d?nr\my wine with my milky 
eat O friends, drink,, yea drink^ abundantly, O beloved: 
furely here is enough to fatisfy, and to delight, here is 
Myrrhe, and Spice, and Honey, and the Honey-comb , 
and Wine, and Milk, abundance to bee eaten, and a- 
bundance to be drunk,variety,fatiety,and delight, Pla. } 6 % 
8. They % all bee abundantly fatisfyed with the fatneffe of 
thy hot*fe, and thon (halt make them drinks f the river of thy 
ylea\ures % Obferve this place alfo: There is a fatnelTc, 
(that is) abundance of good to bee found in the houle of 
God (that is)in his Ordinances(much more in Chrift)and 
fo much good as will fatisfyc, yca^ that will perieil- 
lyand abundantly fatisfy (they (kill bee abundantly fa- 
tisfied,&c.) and here is plcaflirc> nay, here are pleasures, 
nay^hcrc is a river of plcafures, nay, a river of thy 
plcafurcs,and thou (halt make them drink of the rivers of 
thy plcafures ; Doth not this prove, that there is good 
enough to fatisfyc, and good enough to delight the foul 
that conies to Chrift, Prov. 9. 2. She hath kjlled her bej/rs 9 
fkee hath mingled hir Wine, (bee hath alfo furmfhed her ta- 
ble-, here is plenty enough, and here is delight enough. 
Thus you fee the afTcrtion clear by Scriptures. Now give 
me favor to demonftrate both the parts of it,™*. 1 That 
there is good enough in Chrift to fatisfy, abundantly to 
fatisfy the foul of any that come to Chrift. 1 That there 
is alfo good enough to delight the foul,Sa\ 

There isgoed 

enough in oJuU l.J. 

Chrift to fctif- 

fy the fowl a- p 4rtt j *T* Hat there is goedenittgh in Chrift abunddnt- 

M M ^ 1— — — _______ »_ — — — — — a— — — tta— «p— — ■—— ^— i a»»^ -^ T ,„. 

Chap,i 2 Good e»o«^i in Chrift to/atisfy us^ 451 

Chrift. Mjf foul (hall bee fatisfted as with marrow and fat* 
nefc faid David^ Pfal.63 .5. fo if wee come in to Chart, 

This will appear if you confider three arguments. Arguments t* 

1 The titles given unto the good things which wee enjoy in prove it. 

and by Chrift: thev are called 2ifeaft, a f tipper^ a wedding The titles giv 
feaft: one would think that; there might bee found e- ^Jeen^ 
nough in a feaft, in fuch a feaft, to fatisfye the ftomack; j oy l y chriil- 
Again i they are called riches, exceeding riches, unfearch - 
able riches, and Treafures^ and a kjngdome ; Mee thinks 
that riches, and Treafures, and bottomlefle treafures, 
and a whole kingdome, nay the Kingdome of God, of 
heaven, could have enough to fatisfy. 

2 The ingredients of that good which will make up a Ja- -hein^e^- 
iisfaUiontoafonh There are fix things in good that fa - e nts of that 
tisfyes, which certainly will make good to be a fuffice- good which , 
iiig and fatisfy ing good. 1 Conveniency. 2 Variety. ™ l ! , . B l 3 . kea 

3 llniverfality. 4 Pcrfcaijn. 5 Security. 6 Lafting- ^lnftSS- 
neffe. And fuch is the good which wee enjoy by Chrift. ent s. 

I It hath conveniency in it, (that is) it is fuch a good 
which is fuitable with, and agreeable to the condition of * r h ?** £ *" 
the foul. Satisfaction naturally takes in this fuitable a- en y 
greement; if you offer a poor hungry man, phyfick? or 
honour, this doth give him no fatisiaftion at all, for 
though there bee an abfolute good in them, yet there is 
not a good which is agreeable with his condition, but 
give him money or food, now you fatisfye him, for 
thefe are properly agreeable with his wants and defires. 
Now the good which you dial have byChrift,it is a good 
which is anfwerable and agreeable to the condition of 
your fouls. The forgiveneffc of your fins, the healing 
ofyourfinful hearts, the love of God, Sec. Are a good, 
moft proper unto the miferies, and wants of our fouls. 

^ It hath variety in it : When a man hath many wants It hath a vat 1- 
upouhim, if hce hath not as many fupplics, hee doth ety in it. 
not reft fatisfied. As fatisfaciion takes in agreeablenefs, fo 
likewife doth it take in Commenfuration, if the man 
bee fick? and you give him health, yet he is not fatibficd, 

I i i a for 

* ■ ■ ■ ■ I . 

452 Good enough in CLrijltdlatu'yus 4 Chap, n 

for hcc is alfo in prifon, 1 needs Liberty, or- hee is 

poor, and dill needs bread; Beloved, every iinner is 
compounded oi many finncs, and many miferie's, aid 
many wants : And that good which will fatistyc him 
iii this condition muft bee as manifold, as his di- 
(IreiTcd condition is, or cite it fatisfies not ; bat now the 
good which null bee enjoyed by camming to Chrift, is 
tull of variety, and bears proportion to the nature, and 
to the number of our ibuis diitreiles and need : you need 
mercy and mercy is to be found in Chriil :you need deli- 
verance, and deliverance is to bee tound in Chriil: : you 
need grace , and that is to bee found in Chrift : you need 
rightcoulh'.ile to juftifye you, and that alto is to be found 
in • hrift. One alone will no: fatisfye, but every one ot 
thefe will. 

3 It bath nn'iver[allhj : it is a truth, that no good can 
It hath «ni- fatisfye which is but particular, onely unTvcrfal good is 
vcrfaiiry in ic {atisfying good-this falls up all the chinks, and emptinefs 
of the heart oi man; if there bee any one good wanting 
which is ncccilary tor us to have, wee cannot bee fatis fl- 
ed ; although wee may (poflibly) enjoy many other 
forts of gOo'd> yet tbfti Uickeft one thing, faid Chrift , to 
the )o ung max : So, Sec. As th:y lay a bout good , and 
ill-actions , that to the making of a' good action, there 
muft bee**"/* Integra , all circumftanccs muft concurre 
in their prcfencc, the abfenceof any one, leaves the ac- 
tion in an obliquiiy.. And thus it is about a good for the 
iatisfa&ion of mans foul, though it bee a real good, yet 
it it bee not a (likable good, and though it be a (Likable 
good, yet if it bee not a manifold good , and though it 
bee much good, yet if it bee not as much good»if it bec 
not al the good which the foul doth necd,and muft havCi 
the (bulis not fujficvd or fatisficd : lor the want of that 
one good, may endanger his ibul. As the leaving out 
one word in a wilh may marrc the eftatc, and difappoint 
all a mans hopes. But the good by Chrift is univer- 
fal good {nihil de eft) not one Is wanting : As Solomon 
fpakcofthcpromafcsofGod; there hath not failed one 


Chap, i z Good enough in Chriji to/atisfy us 9 45* 

word of all his good Promifes, 1 King. 2, 56. fo may 
wee (ay of the good in Chrift, there is not wanting any 
one good in him, which your fouls do need. Or as you 
read of Davids fuccefte over the Amalekites, David re- 
covered all, 1 Sam. 30. i8, ip.andtbere was nothing lack- 
ing to then?) neither great nor fma&jseitber J§n % nor daugh- 
ter, neither fpotlner any thing that they had takjn to them, 
David recovered al.Th.is may the perfon fay who comes 
toChrift,heftallfindean univcrfal recovery of all that 
ever hee loft by his own fins, or Satan : He ihall recover 
his, loft God, his loft foul, his loir cPtate : hee lhall finde 
Chrifttobee an univerfal good unto him, grace and 
glory, peace and mercy, health and liberty, andrighte- 
oufnefle and redemption, wifdome and fanLtincatioii., 
love and life, and all : and is n 3t that good a fatistyiag 
good) which is all that which a foul can need or defire. 

4 It hah ferfeftioniniti Poffibly there may bee uni- It hath a per* 
verfalky ofgoDd, andyetnotfausraftion, forasmuch fc&ionuut- 
as all particular kinds of good, may bee with imp_Tfec~ti- 
on; and hence it is that all diat good in the world, can 
never fatisfye us (though wee (hould enjoy it) becaufc.it 
is imperfe£t : If a man bee hungry, yet if you give him 
but a bit ot bread, this will not Satisfy him; and if hee be 
Thrrfty, yet it you give him but a drop of water , this 
will not fatisfy him, andifhebein debt, yet if yen 
give him but half fo much money, as will difchage the 
debt,{*£ is ftill in fears, and ftill in Danger,, hee is not 
fattsfTed: fo that though hee hath fome thing of every 
thing, yetbecaufe hee hath not enough of any of them, 
hee is dif-fatisfied^but help him to enough ot every one 
of them, andthenheeisfatisfied: perfection or fulnefs* 
is that which indeed breeds fatis faction ; Tell a diftrefTed 
foul that hee (hall have mercy, but this mercy will not 
bee enough to pardon all his fins, and that he (hall have a 
righteouinefle,but this right eoufnefs will not be enough 
to juftifve him, his heart will bee ftill troubled, it can* 
notbefatisfied,Butnowhethat hearkens to Chrift,and 
comes.to him, as he flull have all good, as to the kinder 

4 54 Gaod enough in ChriH t* fatUfy us Chap, in 

of id fofhall he have all good as to the degrees of it; he 
(hall have as much mercy as will perfectly pardon all his 
fins, Having forgiven you aH trefpajfes. Col. 2. I J. 
Thou wilt cafi all their finnes into the depth oft he 5^,Mich. 
7, 19. And hee fhall have a righteoufneffe which will 
perfectly jwftifyej even The right e ou fne ffe which is through 
the faith of Chrifl^ the right eoufnejfe which is ef God by 
faith ^ Phil. 3 .9 .and which will cover all his nakednefTe fo 
that none of his fhamc (hall appeare, Rev. 3.18. and hee 
fliall have the Spirit of grace powredout ufonhim, which 
foaU change him into the Image ofchrififrcm glory to glo- 
ry : Hectinll bee fanttified throughout in joul , fpirity 
and body ; all grace frail bee made to abound in him,enough 
to change his heart , and to make him ready and able 
" lor every good work, Be hath filled the hungry with good 
things faid Mary, Luke 1.5?. The Difciples were filled 
Wtth Joy y and with the Holy Ghoft, At>. 1 3. <>7.Thatjec 
might bee filled with all the fulnejfe of God, Eph. 3. I p. 
and the Church is faid to bee the fulnejfe of him whofilleth 
all in all, Eph .1.23. Surely here is enough to fatisfye a 
Tthathfccuritv 5 Ith * th f ecffrit 7>°*M et y w'th 't, The good which 
and faf cty with Satisfies mull bee fafe, fo much as it wants of fafcty, fo 
it, much it failes in fatisfaclion.lf you had as goodly and as 

plentiful an eftate as man could wifh,yet if it lay neer the 
Sea, which might every day break in, and overflow all, 
you would not bee fatisfied and contented with fuch an 
eftate; becaufe, thowgh there were great plenty, yet there 
is likewife great danger and hazard ; but plenty of good 
fatisfied wirh allured fafcty, would abundantly fatisfye 

And thus it is when a perfon comes to Chrift, hee dial 
in him finde all good even to the utmoft. And all that 
good moft f afclv guarded by the prom ifes of God, and 
by the power of God, and by the love and care, and 
ftrength of Chi ill, none fliall take away the mercies 
from you, nor the righteoufnefs of Chrift from you, nor 
your joy, nor your peace> nor your relation; nor your 


Ch. 1 2« Good enough in Chrift tofatisfy ns t ! 455 

poffeffions, nor your hopes, &c. 

6 Were itmuch,andfafe, yet if it were mutable and ichatMafting* 
changeable in its own nature, neither would this bee a neflcinft, 
fatisia&ionunto us.* for as there^ muft bee excellency 
and plenty of good, fo like wife muft there bee duration 
and continuance of good to make up fatisfa&ion : for 
how would it fatisfye our fouls to bee pardoned for a 
few years, and to be loved of God for a few years } Cer- 
tainly no good Satisfies your fouls, unleffe it hath dura- 
tion attending it, % and alfo eternity attending that dura- 
tion. Andfuchis the good which you fliall have by n 

comming to Chrift, it is good of duration, and of eter- 
nal duration : It is immortal, it fliall never bee taken 
from us, it fhall never dye, it endures for ever, It h meat- 
that endures toeverlafting life, I am the living bread, 
-which came down from heaven, if any man eat of this bread, 
heejbatl live far ever, faich Chrift , John 6, 2j. and 

3 Let meeadde another demonftration more of this the nature of 
Truth,andthatis this,if you may have fo much good thisgocd. 
fromChrift,as that if you hokbackward to the time paft, 
would remove axd take o fall the gmlt, & wrath belonging 
to it,and if you look inward as to the time prefent,would 
fnpply and help all your wants and exigences of it, and if 
you look forward, as to all the time future ,would bee no 
Icffe than the higheft and fulled happlneffe&i which a foul 
can bee capable ; i fuppofe that every rational man 
would fay, there is good enough to fatisfye a foul, for 
more than ^ this a foul doth not need, nor can crave; 
But all this is the good which fhall bee had up on coming 
unto Chrift.. 

1 It perfeftly clears and acquits from Guilt and wrath ,as * r peifcfity 

to all that is paft; (o that there is no condemnation for jots. c !f ars *[ oni . 

Ro , rrd r j ii r r in gilt and math* 

om.S. I, The Lord wtllforgne your fmnes, and willne- B 

vcr remember them any more, Jer.l 1.34. And hec is re- 
conciled unto you in Chrift, and married unto you for e- 
ver in loving kindne(fes 7 Hof. 2. 19.. The b loud of 
Cfaift hath flain for joh all enmity ,Eph, *. itf,. and made 


4)6 Good enough in Cbr'tfl tojatitfy us, Chap, i 

peace, and reconciled yon to Cod , and cancelled the hsnd 
. , writingthatwas againftjoH > avd wiled ittobrsCroJfe y 
Col. 2. 14. Asitheefhouldfay* if your felves, or if 
God, or it any do queftion payment, and discharge for 
your fins, let him go to my Crofs, and fee the blond 
which I there Hied for the rcmiffion of your fins, and 
there hee may finde all fins pardoned, alljufiice fatisfi- 
cd, all wrath and curfc removed, and God reconci- 

Now if all this can fatisfycyou, that all your fins are 

'fully and tor ever pardoned, to that there is no fear oi 

wrath, and curfc, and hell. Then the good which you 

have by camming to Chrifft may fatisfy you, for this ccr- 

tainly will be had. 

2 It per fett/y helps and J u ft lies y oh , 4s to all yonr frc- 
fu P !ies < aU f e "* wa "ts and exigences -^ let your "p'rcfcnt wants and 
frefcru wants. n ccds, and troubles bee never fo many, never fo great, 
never fo hjrfi; never fo frequent, Chrifl hath wherewith 
to help all: Do furvcy every particular want, and eve- 
ry particular diftrefs, and every par ticuiar deli re, and 
every particular conflict &: exigencejefus^hrill can help 
all of them, and all of theniatbnee; hce can make 
grace to abound,and ftrcngth to abound, and comfort to 
abound :he can^givc you power againfr all temptations 
and victory over all corruptions, andfupport under all 
difertions,encouragemcnt under all reproaches, reward 
under all loffes Sufficiency in all wants/ courage in all 
fuffcrings, Joy in all tribulations, love in all the ha- 
tred ot men, his prefence in all conditions, and quic.-, 
mile in confeience, and laithto truir, and an heart to 
pray, and patience to wait, and anfwers to revive you, 
and promifes to ftay you , and Joyes to refrefh you,and 
afTiuance to make you triumph •' He hath bread to feed 
ycu, andmilktonouriihyou, and wine to comfort 
you, and Oylc to chcar you, and raymciu to cloth you , 
an houfeto entci tain you, riches to furnilh you, orna- 
ments to beautify you , All that concerns the beginning 
of grace , the f trcngthciiing of grace, the pcrfcverancc in 


, , ■■ ■ ' ' ' '"" ' rTrr m n 

Ghap,i 2 Good enough in Cbrift to fatisfy us„ 4 57 

grace, the comforting of grace, all that concerns you 
tor having, for doing) for fnffering, all is to bee found in 
him, and from him, who is all in all ? Need you mercy? 
Here it is for you, faith ChrifV ; need you rightcoiif- 
nefs ? here it is for you, faith Chrift;need you affiftance? 
need you help? need you any comfort? here it is for 
you,faith Chrift. 

And verily, I think, that if there bee fo much good 
tobeehad from Chrift as will wholly remove all evils 
for the time paft; and let in all fupply for our whole 
prefent time on earth* then here is that good in and by 
Chrift, which can fatisfy your fouls. 

3 Ifbefides all this, There is alfo the higheft good ithrtehigh- 
efally even as much as the foul of man is capable of. If eft Good of 3IU 
this alfo may and (hall bee had upon hearkning and 
comming to Chrift, then there is perfectly fatisfying 

The laft real perfect happinefs of the foul, is a good 
that fills up the foul in its utmoft capacities and rea- 

There is nothing beyond this that can bee defired, i c 
is that end unto wnich when the foul arrives 1 it can go 
no further, but quietly refts for ever, it is a moft perfect 
and eternal fruition of the moft perfect and eternal God: 
And this good of happinefs you (hall enjoy by comming 
to Chrift: This happineffe which is fometimes ftiled, 7 he 
vlfion of God (the feeing of him face to face) The Kingdom 
of Gody cur 'bAaJicrs Joy^ the exceed inglj) exceeding weight 
oj glory , the crown of life > eternal life (hall bee given unto 
all that come in to Chrift, 

I tellyou firs? if as much good as the Lord Jefus could 
purchafe with his precious blood, bee able to fatisfy your 
fouls) you fhall have it, who do hearken and come in by 
faith to Chrift; If as much good as the covenant of grace 
containes, if as much good as the Gofpel reveals, will fa- 
tisfy you, you ftiall have it; if as much good as God in- 
tended to beftow upon his ele# unto all eternity will fa- 
tisfy ycu,vou fhall have it, 

Kkk SECT. 


458 GoodttiQUgh tn ChriH ttDclight w.Chap. 12 

There Is de- 
light enough 
for th; foul 
lhat cimesco 



By Sciiptuies 
and inflames. 


-pHusyoufce that there is enough in Chrift, ( 

to fuftice and fatisfye the foul, 1 now pro- 
ceni uiivo thefecond part, viz. 

Thar there is delight enough for the foul which comes t4 
Chnjl, or that there is abundant in Chrift, and by 
Chrift abundantly to delight, (every way to delight the 
ibul which comes unto him ( And let jour foul delight tt 
J 'elfin fatneffe) 

To delight in any thing is to bee well pleafed, to take 
plcafurc and folacc, and contentment in it, as an obje£t 
very fuitable to us, and very fweet tuito us ' when God 
is faid to delight in his people, or to bee delighted in 
their fcrvices; Tt is as much as to bee well pleated with 
them and with their fervices,it is to take plcafure in them 
$c their Cervices; and when we are faid to delight in God, 
in hisCommandements and ways, it is to take pleafurein 
him,andinthem, as being the fwecteft an J moll joyful 
things unto us : So that expreflion of Davids in Pfal.94. 
19. Thy cmforts delight wjjW^it carries this fenfe,they 
do exceedingly pleafe, content, re vive,rejoyce my foul: 
And ib when wicked men are (aid to delight in their 
wickcdncffc (The {comers del/ght in their [corning, Prov. 
T.22.) the meaning is, that it is a thing that pleafes 
them well, and is their joy and contentment; in like 
marine r tors foul to delight it felf in Chrift, and in . the 
abundance of good bv Chrift, it is to finde that in Chrift, 
and in the things of Chrift,which doth exceedingly pleafe 
the foul, which is very fweet unto the foul, which cawf- 
cth admirable contentment and joy in the foul. 

Now that there is abundantly enough in and from 
Chrift, thus to delight the foul. I (hall make it good by 
divcrfe Arguments. 

1 By Scriptures and inftances, I will mention a few of 
both, Cant. 2.3. I fate ttown finder his fhaddow with 
great delight, and his fruit was fweet unto my tafte, vcr .4* 


Ch.i x Good enough in Chrfl to Veltghtas, 459 

Hee brought mee to the banquetting houfe, and his banner 
over mee was love. Look what a (haddow is to a Tra- 
veller in the time of heat; that was Chrift to hi s Church, 
even a comfortable refreftiing , and a great delight : and 
look how pleafing the fruits of the garden are to our 
tafte, fo fweet are the fruits of mercy and grace, and 
love, which come unto us by Chrift : And to get out 
the abundance of fweet delight by Chid, hee addes in 
the next Vprf. {Hee brought mee to the banquetting houfe) 
fome reads it thus, hee brought mee into the houfe ot 
Wine, which chears the heart, and makes it glad, Pfal. 
104, 15. The meaning is, into the houfe of all forts of 
fwcet delights, for what is a banquetting houfe? but a 
ftore-houfeofallt{iat is fweet, and pleafont, and de- 
lightful^ is Jefus Chrift,heeis a very treafury of delight, 
aud an heaven ol pleafant comforts^ Cor. i"$. Our con- 
Rotation abwndet h by Chrift) 2 Thcf. a. l6. who hathgi- 
venws everlaftlng Confolation; j and good hope through 
grace. Abounding confolation, and everlafting confo- 
lation, are very fweet and delighting, Phil. 3. 3. wee 
re Joyce in Chrift Jefus, a Cor. 2. 14. Thankj bee to God 
who alwayes caufeth us to Triumph in Chrift. When 
the three thoufand were brought in to Chrift, there was 
joy andgladuefe, ^#.2.41.46,47. 

When the Eunuch was brought in to Chrift, hee 
went homere)oycmg,AQ m $.$9. 

When thofe of Samaria were brought in t oChrift,there 
was great Joy i* that City, Act.8.5,6,8. 

When the J ailour was brought in to Chrift,^ rejoyeed, 

When thofe to whom, the Apofile Peter wrote, did 
beleevty they rejoyced with ]oy unjpeakable and full of 
glory, lVtlA.K 

What need I to inftance any more? OU'crve it, 
when any Soul is under Griefs and Troubles, [it is 
dire&cd to Chrift, As the only Center of Joy, 
and Reft, and Delight, and there all the Springs 
are found, 

Kkk 2 ^ By 

460 Good enough in thrift to Delight us. Chap. 1* 

By compari- 2 By Ccmpariftns : Chrift, and the good which is Hi 

ionu a nd from him, arc fct forth by all the things of delight, 

and plcaiure : Life is fweet< and pleafant ( A& that a max 
hath, will bee give for hk life) why, Chrift is life : Chrift 
who u our life,Col J. 4. Light is fweet and delightful : 
The L ight is fvveet? and a pleafant thing it is> for the eyes f 
t>cbo/dihe Sun>Eccte(. i 1.7. why, and Chrift is Light, 
the true £/g£f,Joh. I.?. Excellency is a delight, and fo 
is Honour : And Chrift is the chief eft among ten thou* 
f.md , Cant, 5. 10. Compared to the Sun among the 
ftarrs, the Lion among the Beads, &rc And hath a name 
exalted above every name, Phil. 2- Truth is delightful, Love 
is delightlul, Fnendjkip is delightful, Bounty is delightful; 
and Chrift is Tanh; I am the Truth, Joh. 14. 6. And 
Chrift is Love ; Having loved htsorvn, hee loved them t* 
tloe end, who loved us, and wafted us, &c. And Chrift is 
Fidelity, whojhallfeparate us from the Love of Chriffy 
Rom. 8.35. An J Chrift is Bountv, who loved mee, and 
gave htmfelf for wee, Gal. 2. 2o. Hee is Liberty, cafe, 
Sec. Some take delight in riches-, Chrift hath u'nfearch- 
able riches Jz$\& m 3.8. Some take delight in precious 
Jewels, Chrift is the Pe.nl of great price, Match. 13.46. 
Some take delight in Beauty : Chrift is moft glorious r 
and altogether without fpet : Some take delight in know- 
ledge, and wifd^mc; Chrift is that, and every thing elfe 
which can truly delight the full. In him are hid all th* 
treafuresofwi\djomeandkr>owledge, Col. t. ?. 

So for the good things which # come from Chrift, they 

arefetoutby all the things which afford delight *• By 

tV/nf,byCMuJit\, by Hon) % Houy-comb, by Gardens, by 

flower's, by Spices, by Ptrfumesjby Rubies, and by Pearls, 

m by cofily Apparrel, by the time of Harveft, Ifa .9.3. of a 

«rion rf£T *«W*. 2 5 .6. of Marriage, Hof. 2, 1 9. of €.r.n«i* % 

ticulart. Cant. J. II. 

There arc fa 3 I (hall dernonftratc it by an Enumeration of Particu- 
chugs in and i aTS% There are fix things confiderablc in Chrift\ and 
S&wS from Chrift, which arc very delightful, and in which 
IgKfal. Y our 

Ck. 1 2* Good enough in Chrift to Delight w 46 f 

your fouls may abundantly delight themfelves. 

1 *lhe per [on of Chrift, my beloved is white and ruddy, Thepeifcn cf 
the ehiefeft among ten thoufand ; his bead is as the moll Chrift, 
fine gold, bis locks are bufhy, and black,, as a Raven, bis eyes 
are as the eyes of Doves, by the Rivers of waters washed with 
UWi/j^ and fitly fet, his cbeekj are as a bed of Spices : As 
fweet flowers, bis lips dropping fvoeet [welling myrrh , his 
hands are as gold Rings, fet with the Beril,his Belly as bright 
Ivory overlaid with Saphires, bis leggs are as Pillars of 
Marbleaponfocketsof fine gold,? his countenance is as Le- 
banon, excellent as the Cedar s> his month is mo ft fweet t yea, 
bee is altogether lovely ; this is my Beloved r and this is my 
friendyO daughters ofjerufalemi Confidcr this delight- 
ful defer iption of Chrift from top to toe. 

Bee is white and ruddy] This mixture is the perfe&ion 
of beauty : Chrift is the moft perfect beauty. By this 
white and ruddy, fome underitand his divine and hu- 
mane nature, the union of them in his perfon : And this 
is a delightful obj:£t that Chrift is Immanuel r even God 
with us ; That the God-head was united with the Man- 
hood, fo that man might bee united with God: Others 
lathis underiland, the innocency of his nature, white, 
without fpot or fm; and his fufrerings for lis, dying his 
garments red in blood; and this alfo is our delight, our 
joy, and our re joycing, that Jefus Chrift wajhedus from 
ear fins -in his own bloody Gal- 6. 14. Th.it 1 ftfrnld re Joyce 
in Any things fave the Crofs of Chrift. Hee is the ehiefeft cf 
tenthoptfand{} Some read it, hee hath the banner above 
ten thoufand, others, the chofen, or ehiefeft. Theehief- 
, eft banner,was an Enfign of ehiefeft power ,of one that ru- 
led over all, and fo is Chrift, his banner is the ehiefeft, 
hee rules over all; hee is King of Kings, and Lord of 
Lords : And tr uly this fhould delight, and pleafe, and re- 
joycethe lervants of Chrift, that hee is the Lion of the 
Tribe ofjudah, the ehiefeft in power, who ruleth over all 
Nations, and People, and Languages, gracioufly for his. 
{ervants, and terribly for his enemies,. 

K'l- H/< 

_ . ■ . ■ -_ — - , — _ _-»__ , 

A 6i Good enough m Chrift to Delight us. Chaps li 

His head is as the mo ft fine gold, And folid gold] Two 
names of the bed gold are here joyned, the one fignifies 
tine fining gold, the other (olid, fait, and ftrong gold: 
both thefe let out the glory of Chrift, not only in his 
graces, but alfo in his Kingdomc, which is lhining as 
gold, and pare as gold, and folid as gold, and durable as 

His locks Are bujhy, And bl*ck*t a Raven] Which de- 
npec his fpiritual ftrength and vigour, for the comfort 
and fupport of the Church j and tor the executing of all 
his counfels, both on them, and his adverfaries. 

His eyes are as Doves eyes ] This notes both the purity 
of Chrift, and the fidelity of Chrift (both thole are in 
the Doves) Chrift is oj purer eyes than to behold iniquity , 
and hec is faithful in his love and covenant to his fer- 

His cheeks Are as a bed of Spices, Asfweet Flowers.] This 
denotes the fruit fulnefsotChr ill, and the fweetnefle of 
thofe graces, both in hirn,and which flow from him. 

H'J lips Uke Lilltes droning fwcet (melting Myrrhe] This 
notes the gracious words which drop from the lips of 
Chrift, and the fweet comforts of the Gofpel of Chrift 
dropping into the hearts ofbeleevers. 

Hss hands Art as gold Rings, fet with the Serif] This 

notes the glorious wifdome of Chrift in all his works. 

Vhs belly is as bright Ivory over I Aid with Sap hires] By 

which is meant his moftcxaft, tender, ardent bowels of 

mercies, and compactions to his people. 

His I eggs are as Pillars of Marble, fet upon fockets of 
fine gold] The leggs do note the fupporting ftrength of 
Chnil (as the leggs bear up the body) and the aclive 
motion of Chritts care for his people, with all upright- 
•fleffeanditedfaftnefs, noted by the pillars of Marble, 
founded in love, and righteoufnefs, thefe are the Sock- 
ets of fine gold. 

His countenance is A4 Leb Anon] His pcrfonagc is Very 
goodly, comely, high, great gracious- 


Chap, n Goodemugb In (hrift to Delight its, 46$ 

Excellent as Cedars'] Chief, eminent, furpafling. 
His mouth is ntofl fweet] The words of his mouth aire 
fweetnefies, or fweet things : His doctrines, his promi- 
fes, are moft pleafant and comfortable to the fouls of 

Hee is altogether lovely] Every whit of him is defiles 
(that is) much to bee defired, hee is wholly amiable, and 
iffo, then wholly delightful: Now jndge you whether 
fuch a Chrift as this, be not a perfon for a fouko take 
delight in. 

But let us look a little longer upon the perfon of Chrift ? 
and fee whether hee bee not the filed: objed of delight for 
our fouls. 

Look on him in relation to Cod the Father : Hee is the y^ p^fa, Q c 
Son of God , the only begotten of the Father, his beloved Son, Chrift confide* 
the Son of his delight 5 in -whom hee is -well p leafed, the re ^ 
brightness of his glory r ^ Inriri- « 

lon>Heb.i. 3. ItChnltbeeasitwerea glaile, for Ged God the F a - 
the Father to behold his own image, if hee bee the Son of thcr, 
his love, of his delights, in whom hee is well pleafed; 
Surely then there may bee found enough in him for. us 
to love, for us to take delight in. 

2 In relation umo «y, And how. is hee unto us? verily *n relation e* > 
fuch a one as is caufe enough, not only of joy., and delight, u * 
but of bleiTing for evermore, 
Immamel, Mat , . t « 2 3 ,1 Which is by in terpretation, God 
with H6 % As to his incarnation, and as for our reconcilia- 
tion : fhculdnot this delight us f JV^D and what is that 
but a Saviour} for hee fh all fave hts people from their fins, 
Matth. 1.27. And is not here caufe of icy and delight? / ' 
bring you glad tidings of great joy, which Jball bee to all 
people, for unto yon is born this day in the City ef David 
a Saviour, Luk. 2. 10, H. A Redeemer"^ ihe Redeemer 
ft all come untoZ*ion->Ifa. 59. 20, and from whom, and 
from what doth hee redeem us ? Surely from the wrath 
of God, from the bondage of fin* of Satan, of the Law, 

from 1 

4$4 Good tflongk in€hrift to ddtgbt us Chap, u ? 

from the fears of death and hell. All this affords delight to 
the foul. 

A furety ~] One that took on him all our debts , and 
bound himlelf for the payment of them, to anfwer all 
*hat divine juftice could charge us with> or expect 
from us,This alio rnakc? him delightful. 

Qnr pf*c*]Onewhodidnotonelygetoffa]lunkind- 
ncfles, made up all breaches, but alio did perfectly re- 
•concile us to God, and brought us into an cftate oi love 

• Our Advocate ] fitting at the right b**d of his .{father, 
find ever living to make inter -cejfionfot ■ ut , impleading all 
our fuites and requefts, gaining audience and acceptance 
for us. 

In one word 5 hee is our Mediatour* and therefore 
God and man,and therefore our Priefi^om Prophet, our 
Kmg, and in all thefe offices lies no lefle than ail love ," 
and grace, and mercy, andfalvation : Therefore quefti- 
onlef s the perfon of Chrift hath enough; enough for 
our fouls to take delight in. 
The love of a The loveofChrtft, of which the beleevcr certainly 

(Thrift, flands poffeffed, I will love him, Joh. 14. 21. who loved 

mee, (jaU 2. 20. That love caufeth delight is undeniable, 
every one delights to be loved, O but the love of Chrift 
exceeds all love, yea, the love of Chrift pafleth know- 
ledge. Chrift loves you 

1 With grMion* love, when you were in your bloud 
Chrift loved you. 

a With * wonderful love : hee loved you, and gave his 
life for you. 

a W\\!k\*ki*dc4vd affect tonate love So as to marry you 

4 VJitha bountiful love, fo as with himfclf to give all 
things unto you. 

5 With * delightful love;hc takes delight in your per- 
fons.in your graces,in your fcr vices, tec Car,t. 4. toio,u. 

6 vV ith an In fif arable love., who ftiall fepavatc us from 


Chap. i% Goodenwgh in Qhrijl to Delight us 4 46 5 

"*• ' ■ 1 1 1 1- ■ 11 ■ ■ ■■ - M i n S 

thelovcofChrift,foj».8.3$. hce loves you asliispr- 
vants (but that is too little) hce loves you as his friends 9 
(ye are my friends, Joh.15. 1*.) hce loves you as his bre- 
thren, hee loves you as his children^ hee loves you as his 
ftwfe y hee loves you as himfelfy nay, in forne refpe<3> 
he loves you more than himfelf, more than his own life, 
which hee parted with for your fakes,and in fome refpeft 
more than his own glory which he fuffcred to be tram- 
pled upon for our falvation. 

how fhould this delight our fouls, to fee the love of 
Chrift to our fouls, and the delight which hee takes in 
our fouls. Thy love is better th>w ff/'ȣ,Cant. 1.2. 

3 ?hc purchases of Ckn'ft: Afluredly could you by T ' ,e puu&fei 
faith, fee what purchafes Chrift hath made for you; ofChrift » 
As it were in your nameputting your names, as it were, 
in the deed or conveyance, your fouls would fee reafon 
enough to delight themfelvcs : If one fhould purchafc 
a ftate of inheritance of a thoufand pounds a year, and 
fettle it on a poor man, this would caufe as much de- 
light as wonder ;Now what hathChriit purchafed for his, 
tor diem that come in unto him ? 

1 will tell vou what hce hath purchafed for voir (and What Chrift 
every one of the diings which hecihath purchafed, 'is " a, h purchafed 
more worth than all the world .*> Stpk* you ' 

1 Hcekath pur chafed jour fouls far you, they Were loft: Your Wes. 
and forfeited, but Chrift purchafed them,he bought them 
again for you, 1 Cor. 6. 2 0. 

* Hee purchafed The life of your fouls for ydn,even the The life of 
loving kindnelTe of God.which is better than ltfe,fytf 3 .3 yw* fouls, 

3 Hee purchafed riches of mercy for yeuy every ftorgiv- Ricfecs of mK . 
ing Mercy , and every refrefhing mercy for yoi^£ftM .7: cy . 

4 Hce purchafed All grace for you ^ ail thofe fpiritu- Allgr^ce, 
al excellencies and ornaments, the new man, the mew 
creature, the divine nature, all holincffc in the full com- 

paffe and latitude of it for vou. 

5 He purchafed all the hopes of heaven for you\ vou had Th c hope* rf 
never had hopes to enter into Heaven, had it not been heaven. 

Lll tor 

466 Good enough in Cbrijl to delight usi Chap-, i % 

Scaren ic (df. 

The works c f 

Eight pica Hog 
works done by 
Chrift for us. 

He works our 

Effcftml voca- 


Be works Ml 

our works in 
«• and for us* 

Bu fcverancc. 

for Chrift 5 Chrift in jot* the hope of £ I cry , Colof- 
funs 2* 27. 

6 Hcc yurchrfed Heaven it felf fir yon, Eph. I. l^Ths 
purchafed foffeffien , I Pet.i . 3 . He hath begotten m again 
pinto a Lively hope, by therefore ft ion ofjepts Chrift- from 
(he dead, vcrf. 4. To an inheritance incorruptible •> and nn- 
de filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for 
yon ; Is not here enough co rejoyce and delight your 

4 The works °f thrift r if I do not the workj of my father 
beleevemeenot, John 10. 37. ^o Would I fay, if Chrift 
hath not done greater works for you, m than any man 
or Angel toirld do 5 let not your fouls take delight in 
him; but let usconiidcr tome of the works of Chrift, 
rhathce doth for us, and furely our fouls (hall findc 
great caufe of delight , of well pleafedneflc, of rejoyce - 

There are eight excellent and pleafing workf, which 
Chrift doth for us. 

1 He works our Redemption tor us. 

a He doth work our Justification fee us,our works do 
not work that,oncly the obedience of Chrift did work 

3 Hee doth rrorh^our Salvation for at, the work of fal- 
vation was laid upon his ihouldcrs. 

4 Hec doth work our effetttsal vocation for us y it is his 
mightv work to call us, aud to make us obedient to 
him (elf. 

5 Hee doth work our Converfion for us, the change 
of our hearts, the renewing of our nature, is his work- 

6 He works all out workj in ud and for hs, In him we 
live, and in him wee move, and by him wee walk, in 
him wee are what wee are, and do what wee 

7 He works Q\\i}er[evertmce to the e»d^ till we come 

* 8l0ry ' *H« 


- ii" — ■ - m i wiiii. I, 

Chap.i 2 Good enough in Chrijl to delight us. 467 

8 He works for us all audience, acceptance, anfwers, Audience and 

deliverances. Acceptance. 

5 The preftnterioymer.ts which you have by Chrift % I The prc/enc 
conieflethat good confidercd under any notion or time, ^^""^ 
may bee a caufe of joy and delight (and in thatrefpecl:, 
delight differs from all other affections. Grief, is for a 
prcfent evil, and fear is of future evil, hope is oi a future 
good, fo is defire and love,ofaprefcnt good. Sec.) but 
delight or joy may bee of a good that is paft , Rejoyce 
btcanfe your names are written tn heaven, and that is /*- 
tare : Re Joyce and bee exceeding glad, for great is your; 
reward in heaven, and thatis pre fern ; My foul rejoycetlf 
in God my Saviour: A prefent fuitablc enjoyed goqa 
breeds Tranquility , Reft, Delight. Therefore the 
Philofopher truely faith, that delight coniifts rather in 
rcft,than in motion. 

Now what prefent enjoyments have wee of and by 
Chrift, which may fufiice abundantly to delight our 
fouls: I will tell you. 

I You have the prefent enjoyment of Chrift himfelf: hee The prcfent 
pi yeurs , and yon are hie, I am m) beloveds, and hee is enjoyment 
mine, Chrift ts yours, and yon are Chrifts. The pre- ofChriflhim- 
fent enjoyment of him who is love it (elf, who is fal- fe!f - 
vation it felf, who is happinefle it felf, if this do not 
light a foul, furely it is becaufc that foul hath no prefent 
enjoyment of him. 

a You have the prefent in'oyment of fellowship with Fc]lowfllIp 
Chrtft, Our fellowship is with the Father, and with hafon w j t jj ^^ , 
J efm chrift, Joh. i.i«3> you enjoy God as your God, 
and as your Father , and your Communions with him , 
are the Communions ot Children with their Father * 
and his Communions with you , are the Communions 
of a Father with his Children: God looks on you as his 
Children , and his people, and you look on God as 
your God, and as your Father. 

5 You have prefent enjoyment of pardon : All yo ir pardon * 
fins are (at prefent) forgiven you for his Names kk^ 

LII2 1 Joh. 

468 Good efmgh'm Cbrifi to Qttight m % Chap. 1 2 

. 1 Joh.^.12, Son^be of good comfort ^hy punts Are forgiven 

Liberty and ; 4 You have prefent enjoyment of liberty and free dome z 

ifccdomc. you are freed from wrath and condemnation* and you 
.are treed our, of the Kingdoms of darkneffe, and you 
have frecdome of accefe. 
, X To the Throne of grace, And mercy Jo* oh tin both in 

T o, ^ r0nc the time* f need. 

To all'thc I>ro- * 2 To alLthe promt fes of God in drift r to alkhnfc trees 
wifej.' , ©fJife, to all jdiofc wells ol f alvauon, to Allitkctfe^reafts 

of confolation;wil aChrift delight thy ioul^hoirii^hfm; 
will a God aud father .delight thy foul?tbou haft him;wil 
pardon, of all thy tins delight thy foul,thou haft ic-,wil &e- 
iiyctance from wrath andhell picafe thy foul? Thou haft 
if ; Will a Throne of grace and mercy content thce?thy 
.foul hadifreeaccels; wiilalldicpromife^inthebookof 
God > content and delight thy foul: I they are all thine. 

6 The facet tafte by thrift : O .Tafte ! and fee that the 
Lord is good, />/*/. H« 8 - There arc thzTaftcj*fF*ith> 

b • chrift UftC ^ ***** arc l ' ie ^ (S '/"k*¥' r/ * *'*> ^ ^ DOtn chefc,! 
mean .the apprehenficn Sc preccptionoiaiifpiritual hca- 

. venlycomiartsandjoycs, which cannot but exceeding- 
ly afteft and delight the foul :I will (hew you what fweet 
taft es you may get upon comming in toChrift. 

x A Tafte oi all the good in all the Attributes of God. 

% A Tafteof all the good in the gracious decrees 
of God. 

3 A Tafte of all the good in the love and favor, of 

4 A Tafte ot.-all the good in the Covenant of God. 
.5 ATaftcoiaU the good, in .the dealings and difjpen- 

fationscfGod. * • •: 
$ A Tafte of all the good in the Ordinances of Chrifh 

7 A Tafte otaUthegoodinthejoyesand comforts, 
and dealings, an&afturances of and by ihc fpirit of Chrift. 
. £ A Tafte of alLlhcjgqod^an exciiiing and peace- 

■' * ■■'■ 

fCh* il Good enough in Cbriji to 'Delight us \ 469 

9 ATafteofallthegood?ekhcumtheprcfcnc or fu- 
ture accomplifliinents of all your prayers and ddires. 

10 A' Tafte of all the good in all fpirituaf Com- 

1 1 A Tafte of all the good, in experimental commu- 
nions with Chrift s and his Saints. 

12 ATafteof allthe good in the Creature* 

13 ATaftcofallthegood, oiall the glory, and hea- 
venly happinclTe which (lull bec more fully revealed and 

. enjoys J,and al 1 thefe things I mcnrion,ii it bee poffible to 
draw in your hearts to Chrift. 

Confider thefe again,thefweet caftcs which wee fhail 
get upon our coming in to Chrift. 

i The Tafte of all the good in all the attribute* of God. 
Beloved, the attributes ol God are the high fprings- of ^hhc Jla^ 
ou^fweeteft comforts and delights, they are as fo many ailW«tri- 
fwectRofes, as fo many rich Treafures, as fo- many butt* of Go*. 
wells of falvation, Breads of confolation, mountaines 
of myrrh, andfpiccs : When you are lying under the 
gik, ahd.burdcnof fin and troubles of Conicience,whata 
(weet delight and-comfort is it, to fee a merciful God,tJO 
fee God fining upon his throne of Grace,, and mercy, to 
hear that voice, / have blotted out as a thieve loud thy 
Tranfgreflionsy and as a cloud thyfiw, Ifa.44i 22. - I Am 
pacified ^towards thee, Ezek.itf. 63. / will forgive thine- rtr* 
iquitiesi I '-tv >iH remember thy finnes nomore, Jfcr. 31, 34* 
7 hough your in quities jbould he fought for 3 there jbatl bee 
jsone^ and they fiat! not bec -found) for J will pardon them r , 
Jcr. 50. 20.O1 this fweetgoodneffc and mercy (hall you 
tafte, it you come to Chri&\Thyftn*es.areforgtVen/faid 
Qirift to her that came unto 'him and beUaved, Lul^.j. 
4$. and Son^ bee of good comfort^ thy fins are- forgiven thee, 
Mat.9 . 2. When you are expofed to any danger by wick- 
ed fuBtile mighty men, fo that you ate reduced to extre- 
mities and ftraits, and know not what to do, what a* 
fweet comfort were io (ib tkm- cafe) to lodk up to God, 
andfiode himprefent with us, and fectittftg pirn with 

L-H3, Ijiss 

470 GW fwowgt inCkrift to delight us s Chap. 1 * 

his power and almightinefle. %A\l men ferfookjnee, not- 
withftanding the Lord flood with mee and firengthned met, 
1 Tim. 4. 1 6, 17 Fear nor A ham : I amthyfreild Gen. 
15,1 JEear thou not, for I am with thee fie not dtfmayedfor I 
am thy God, I willftrengthen thee, yea^I will help theejea y 
I will uphold thee with the right band of my right ton fncfs % 
Iia.41.io* IfxheprcfcnceofaGod bee any comiort, 
{[will fear notvilfor thon artwithmc, Pfal 23.4.) if" 
the Almighty power of God bee any comfort, of thefc 
you may have atafteupon commingintoChrifr, you 
are furc of them, fo that you may boldly lay, The 
Lord is my helper, and[wtH not fear what man Jhat d$ 
unto mee , Heb.13.tf. 

Again, it you (honld bee in any wants, (inward or 
outward) could you under them finde out a full fup- 
ply, this alfo would comfort you, and delight you, and 
rcjoyce and content you : Now God is all-fufticiency, 
tie is able to make aU grace to abound t fupp/y all jour wants y 
to be your exceeding great rewardjo give grace and glory ,tf- 
every good thing : And of his all-lufficiency (hall you 
taftc il you come in to Chrirt. In one word, you fhall 
taftc of every one of his Attributes, ofhismercifulncfs 
to pardon you , of his goodncfle to help you, of his 
wifdome to take care for you, of his power to protect 
you, of his /ufticc againtt them that arc againft you, 
of hisfaithfulnefs to perform all good unto you,all are 

ThetafteofaJi yours>if ye be Chrifls. 

the good in * The **fi* °f ^ ^e good in the grade** decrees of Cod. 

the gracious I willinftance in that one decree ot election. 

dccrccfr©iGod Jh; s divine ele£tion,is the gracious and eternal and 
effectual, and immutable purpofeof God, tobringfome 
pcrfonstothc higheft glory and happinefs with hirnfelf 
through Chriu\&:c. 

The foundation ofit, is his own good will, and un- 
fpcakable Love The fcopeofit (as to ir)is all glorious 
nappineffc. Thedecreeufclf ( isctenial,ccrrr in, infallible 
and urichaxigeable, -and^TOtrVit "flow all that is reqiii- 
■:.. fite 

Chap. 1 2 Good enough in Chrift- to delight us. 471 

.fite to fit us to bee partakers of the inheritance of the 
Saints in light. 

O what fweetnefs of delight is this, to ^ have our 
Names written in the boo\oflife from all eternity; to bee 
loved with luch a love of God from all eternity ; to bee 
ordained before the foundations of the World, unto no 
lefs than eternal glory ; and that the- foundation of all 
this (lands furc and f ealed : Re Joyce faid Chrift to his 
Difciples, thatjenr names are written in heaven , Luke, 

This is certainly the portion of all that beleeve in 
Chrift; As many as were ordained to eternal Ltfe belecved-> 
'e/*#.i3.48. God hath from the beginning firft chafen 
jpH to falvation through fmlitfcation of the Jptr<t> and. 
belief of the "truth , wherettmohee called) oh by our Gcffiu^ 
to the obtaining of the glory of snr Lord Jefas Chrift ^ 
2 Thcf.2. 13,14. If this doth not delight and Joy us, what 
will do it ? To look backward and fee an eternal love, 
or to look f orward,and fee an eternal glory; . to fee this? 
and our names fet down for this, and fet dowa in a 
Decree, in a Decree oi God, which is never to bx 
changed, which inbllibly fhall take effect; This is joy 
and delight ,SCc, Ihortly I Hull bee in heaven, Godd ; d 
fet his love upon mee > and hath defigncd m: for to bee 
aveifel of mercy, and of glory: Indeed this Decree 
of election was pail before you came to Chrift, but the 
tafte of the fweetnefs of it,in the certain evidence of your 
propriety in it, comes in to you upon vour coming in to 
Chrift. , , 

3 ihe tafte of all the good in the loving kindnejfe and fa- Thc Tall of ai* 
mrif Gad i. This favour, and love of God, which is £ f 8 ^SS 
fometimes ftiled, his loving kindnefs, fometimes the fGod. 
light of his countenance, fometimes his face, fomctimes 
his wejl pleafednefle wich us, fometimes his grace to us, 
ibmetimes his delight iu us,it is a furpaffmg blcflcdneffe. 
As the wrathfiil frowns of God are as bitter as hell; fo 
the loving kindiieffc 61" God is as fweet as Heaven. 


47Z Good tnough tn Chrifl topeiight w.Chap. vi 

It is the Angels Happinefle in heaven,that they fee the 
lace ot Godiand it (hall be one of the greateft parts of our 
happinefs when wee come to heaven, perfectly to en- 
joy this loving kindnefs ot God;and the tafle of it here on 
carth>is enough to wipe away all tcars,to banifhall iighs, 
to fupport us in all wantsi to quicken and enliven us. 
To nil up the foul, and enlarge the heart with all re- 
joycing and gladncfs : Becaufe thy loving kindneffe u 
better than life, my lipi(h^llpraife thee, mj foul fhall bee 
fats fed as with marrow and fatneffe, Pkl.63. S-.T.and 
of this love, and favour* and kiixdneffe you lhaU have a 
Taftcy if you come to Olrifts Hee that Uveth me, 
fhall bee loved of my father^ and I will love him, ani wee 
will come tint him, and make our abode with him, John, 
14. u. 23. Hee hath made m accepted in the beUved^ 
Lph. 2. 6. 7 'he father himfelf hvethjott, be/rapfe yon- 
have loved me<, and have beleeved that I came out from 
Cod, John \6. 27. The love of God U fhed abroad in 
ronr heart i by the Holy Ghoft which is given unto ns, 
Kom. 5. 5. // any ma* here my votce y and open the door f 
I wtll come in, and ftp with him , and hee with me, 
Rev. }. to. Hee is married nnt» y on in loving ktndnejje , 
Hof. J. I9.C0/.T.2O. 

God is your loving God, and your loving father, 
andfmiles on you with favours, you fhall never fee 
wrath any more in his face, hee is reconciled to you, 
by thrift* andiswcllplcafcd; hee loves you, and takes 
delight in you, becaufc you (lull fee his face and 
live. All his wayes arc mercy, and love, and peace to- 
wards you. 
The oftc of all 4 The tafle of all the good in the Covenant of God : O 
thegocdinrhe wnat a Paradifc is the Covenant ot God ! how many 
Covenant of trees of life , and rivers of plcafure, arc to bee found 
Ggd * there ? It is the covenant ot life, and therefore fwcet; it 

is the covenant ot love, and therefore fwcctj it is the- co- 
venant ot peace, and therefore fweet; it is the covenant 
of hope, and therefore fwcet; it is the covenant of promi- 


Chap. 1 2 Good enough in Chrift tof dttigkt us. 47 j 

fes, and therefore fweet; ic is the covenant of gift, and 
therefore fweet 5 it is the covenant fealed by the blood 
of Chrift, and therefore fweet; in this covenant you may 
fee all mercics> and all graces, and all comforts, and all 
helps, and all (upplies, and ^1 deliverances, and all fafe- 
tiess Nothinghutgood, and all your good, grace, and 
glory, all that pertain to life and godliiaeile, all the pro- 
mifes id this life, and the lite which is to come; and all 
undertaken by God, and fealed with his oath: The 
hungry miy nnde their bread in it; the oppreflfed may 
finde their refuge in it; the lorfaken may fends their reit 
in it; the wounded may finde balme; the mournful may 
finde gladneile, and the beiecver may finde all that his 
foul and body need ' In this - covenant you are inter eiled j 
if you bee interetTed in Chrift; all the promifes belong un- 
co you r if you do belong to Chriil; the whole good of 
the Covenant is yours, God is yours, and mercy is yours, 
and peace is yours, and grace is yours, and glory is 
yours; if all the good that (ouls fhall ever receive will de- 
light you, then here is delight lor you. A r ft - . 

5 Atajhofallthegsodintbe providential dealings and t he rood in the 
difpr*fatf<mrof (}*d : z Every way of them, every work pro*:den:fal 
of them, ev^ry change of them (hall bee fanctified unto dealings of 
you, being in Chritl *• There are providential injoy- Goc *' 
ments,and providential lollcs ', there are pofleflions, and 
there are wants; there are mcrcie's, and there are afflicti- 
ons; th ^retire quietneiles, and there are troubles; there 
are fedings, and there are changes. Now all thcfefhall 
work together for good unto you, if you bee called into 
Chrift; you may look upon all your outward mercies 
(Which you do injoy) as a field which the Lord hath blef- 
foh your houfes,and lands:, and riches, and plenty, your 
all is a blcfling, and you may with comfort injoy all your 
comtorts;you may look on all your loffes, and with Job y 
blejfe jonr Cod, and on all your afflictions, and with Paul, 
re\9]cealf0intrikf4lati**si your Tick neffes ihall do you 
good,your tryals (hall do you good,your reproaches fliall 

M m m do 

474 GQtdint&gb inCbriJttoQtligbttis. Chap.n 

do you good,your fuffcrings (hall do you good,and death 
frail do you good : All the changes that have, or do, or 
fhaltbefel you, (hail do you good : all is food or Phyfick, 
rs health 5 or recovery, is good. or for good unto you.How 
fweet is that Condition, Wherein bitrcrnene L (ell is 
fweet ? wherein the very t homes drop hony ? wherein 
theinjoyment is good, and the withdrawment is good? 
lite is good, and death is good ; Chriit makes Heaven to 
bee happincile, and all in this world to bee a b-k fling. 
6 jl.rafteofdUtht good in the ordinances of Chrift': L- 
Lgoaiin he vct Y Ordinance is a conduit of blefTuigs, a ma 
ordnances ' o f ipiritual provisions. The whole Co/pel Mini fl-ry^ (hall bee 
Chnft. a miniftration ot Life \mto you : Baptijme, the preaching 

of tin vorJ, the Lords [upper, crc. How much is there m 
thctc to delight a foul : To bee begotten again, to bee 
incorporate into Chriit. to bee waihed with the blood of 
1**A Chriit, to hear the Word of life: and of our falvation, 
to live by it, to bee counfellcd by it,to be comforted by it, 
to bec built up by it, to bee cltablilh-ed by it; nay> more- 
over to come as an invited and fi: gueft to the Table of 
the Lord; and there to meet with our Chrift, to fcaft our 
louls with loving kind iielfcs) with feals oi favour, with 
fupplics of grace, with lips of peace, with vLlorious 
power oyer corruptions,and temptations, to come hither 
with fai % b, and to go hence rcj oycing, lurely deliglic it 
fclf mull: needs bee delighting. 
A faflcofall 7 A '*$' °f alltle ?> ood '" ^'dfrom the Spirit of Chrift. 
thtgood, in Ttt : Spir i t 61 Chrift is <*» ittig henihg and convincing fpi- 

»« tro-n th c fit, and therefore hec is called, the fpirit of knowledge 
Sri- toi and of truths and hee is a teachings and guiding, and 
*to-ft. lead'ng for it, John 14, 2(5. and hec is a [vilifying Jpi- 

r/>, therefore called the ffint of grace, Heb.10.2V.and 
the Holy Spirit* Eph. 4. 30. and hee is a comforting 
fpirit, hee is called the Comforter, J )h 14. 26. and you 
read of the Comforts of th H 6 ly Ghoft, Acr. 9. 3 1, and 
thcJ*yesofthchoIy,Ghoft y Kom.i-t. 17. l n ef. r.tf.and 
hec is A [cding or atfuringjpirj: yet were featcd with that 


Good enough in Cbriji tojatufy us, 47 5 

holj Spirit ofpromife> Epb. 1.13. and by him arc yete fealed 
time the day of Redemption, Epb, 4. 30. And hee is a wit- 
neffwg #wf, Rom.8. i<5. Why? what willferve to 
delight: us, torejoyecus, towd'-plcafeus, if this doth 
not ? to have the fpirit of Chrift whereby wee are fane- 
tifi:d, and by whom wee come to know the things that 
arc given us of God* to have him to bee our Comfor- 
ter, Pfkl. 51. 1 ? . To hear bis voice of Joy and Gladnefs, 
to finde him witneffing with our (pints that wee are the. 
children of God, and him fealinguntpusonc-iatcreft in 
Chrift, our rclaaonurno God, our forgivcneiTc, our 

Sirs 1 No joy like the ;'oy of the Spirit , and 113 
comforts like the comforts of the Spirit, trite do pleafc, 
and fill, and enlarge, and (lip zy- abundantly delight die 

Baffin- >' 

8 Aft a fie of 'all the good In an excufmg^nd fcAce-.Qieakr Atafteofall 

ing conference. ^ , the good in • 

£*r»frd diftinguifheth of a four-fold confcicnce. peace fpeakirg 

1 One that is Good but not £»iet. confeence. 

2 That is Quiet but not Good. 

3 A third, That is neither Good nor Quiet. 

4 A Fourth, that is Good and Qu;et : A renewed and 
purified Confcicnce, and excufing and fpcaking-pcacc, 
This is our rejoycivg, the Teftimony of our Qonf:Uncc\ 
2 Cor. T. 1 2. this is out continual '/t'rf#,Prov.l5«i 5. It is 
a Paradife on earth , ?aradifus ' An'marum 7 gaudeurh 
Angclorum, 11 or! us delicicornm\ Agi r benedilbionufTem- 
f turn Solomon is , AuIaDci^ Habit a:ulum fflrltfts fanfti: 
as the Eloquent man (peaks. 

Austin faith, Tant a eft dttlcedb Gatidci ccelefiis y etji u;;A 
Cutttila defueret in infer num, totam Amarit udlr.cm infer ni 

Truclyina proportion, this may tac affirmed of a i 
good excufing pcacc-fpeaking Confcicnce , one word 
from it, Turns night into day; heavinefle into jo^ 
death into life; and the Terrors of Hell, into the Plca- 

Mmm.2 " "Cure* 



47S GoodtnoMgh in- y Cknfl to delight tts ( 

Cures of Heaven ? It can fupport you, and revive - you , 
and chcar you under all reproaches, under all con- 
tempts, under all Idles, under all troubles and perfc- 
cutions, yea, under allfuftcrings, and death it (clrsand 
thisfweet peace of Confcienceyoufftall tafte, if Vou 
Come to Chrift: Seingjvfttfiedh faith^ wee kav e pejee 
with God through our Lord Jefus C hfi ft jRom.?. 1 . 
A. tafle of aJl 9 A lafle of all thegoed In our fpiy/t u a [ Communion with 
the gend in God and t b* Saints. There wa<; a great man , who valu- 
fprumlcom- cc } Ortcdajes Communion ftibBtbtft; nitre tk a* tfihts bo- 
?T^7£ »Vw?Mfrk4*&& tfrhfa •mteb once he tHoyed. Mofes 
Sainti. VJlttedthe {.ommmuon xritk the people of God , 4WT/f 4/7 /;/* 

j^r^^r enjoyments iff Egypt^Ucb. 1 1 . />* v id preferred this . 
Communion above all the fplendid eftate of the wicked* 


As Lather (pake oi one of thclifthfi^ ThisVfafo luth 

'' ' done move for mce y than all the Potentates of the >sr/ t £;haf' 
may wee fay ot the people of God, there is more true 
love, delight, comfort* contentment, help from them, 
and by them, than from all the men ofthe\Vorld;and 
if Communions with them bee fo fwect, how fwect.ai£^ 
the Communions with a graciYus and loving Gc 
wHcrcin wee open our hearts to him, and hee opens 
his love to us , wherein wee make known our wants and 
dc fires to him , and hee makes known hisgoodneffe, hts 
£raciouGicflc> hisfulncflc, h:sbountv, his power? his. 
taithfulnefle unto us ; tovAnd all this you ^ enjoy by~ 
comming to Chrift; by htm you have fellowfhfp with the . 
Father, and fwect communions with one another, and 
en joy the good of one anothcrs gifts. 
A rafle «OM 10 A Toft' of all the good hi the accompltfhmcnts* of dt- 
Aegood in ; tkc f h ej juiirajm ' Solomon hith,fbatthe c f efiredccompli(h- 
meTof *£'. ed » T»' e \ W94'fi*!j*tw. M . 1 9. "Surdy it is Co in the 
fires and pray- great defircsof the Soul. How fa#n is it to a foul,which 
«. hath long praye<iior.mercy , for AfTtfrance, for Power 

againft a Corru#tton,for victory over a Terrtptationjto* 
When Gqd ac/gftft thofcdditefocBiW -fcives in according : 
WQWfam<kbK&&'ML Mer<fe*?Ct <by praycrV arp" 
. ,;; .i:M fvTCCt 

Chap. 12 hmAfyMdnottoclofeVitbChrift* 475? 

fweet, and they are the morefweet, by how much the 
more they have been prized and fought : it is a great 
delight to a husbandman when the feed fown, proves an 
Haryeft, and the pruning, comes to a vintage, Sec. 
And this delighting good , you tafte'of by Ghrift, 
for. his fake all your requcfts arc granted and fped. # 

1 1 A Tafte of Alt the goo din the Crentffres: whatfoevcr is A tafte of all 
intbem that may do you good, They are all yours, you the gooa in th« 
know the place, 1 Or. ?. zi, >i.' Another taftcs the Crc2rur «; . 
Curfe, and you (hall taftc the Bleffing$T~ -it any creature; - 

iathc world may be acornfcrc, help, good untoyou,ypu 
fliallhaveic , 

12 A Taft.e of all the rlorloushavpinetfe which hereafter Anfte ofali 
(ballvce full) revealed: ho that WC€ re)ojce in the hope -$f happinc^ ' 
theghrj of God: you have within you tfo fir fl fmites v hereafter. 
and the earneftof jonr inheritance, Romans 8.2J.Eph. *" 




1^ Here is a threefold . Hie which I would mafe^' this - ' 
point.- • ' 

.1 To iiich tinners as (rill iknd out againft C hrift, and ; 
rcfufe to hearken unto him. • 

i. To .fuch fmners-as feci j abundance of-fmriruar 
wants, and lye under many ipiritualfcars and fadneile? 

3 . To foch finncrs as • are come in to Chrift, and have 
hearkned to Iiis invitations. 

Is 1 
of deli 

fwectly delight the (oul.Then what ftmll wee thnnk^offueh '^Vcftttft 1 
(Inner s who havs as jet mpfrt.in Chrifi , Ak<t do ft lit con- 
tinne to refufe to hearty to Cbnft > what do you mean fo 
to do ? were there no n*or-? to beoen j'bvexi by ; coming 
to CKrift,. "than C^riftior^a^ouia^^JtfetCKntf^ 

-V v v Mm in 3 draw 

^ — I ■ ■ — ^- » A « ■ » 

498 CafiJes%^ihis^Wdd6tbnoraf!urem Chap, it* 

draw' us unto Chrifl:, but when wee alfo confidcr die 
abundance of Goo J ; andthcfwcemefTeofgood, com- 
pbffcifed with thrift, that there is as much good to bec 
got as will fill up and iatisrye all he wants, and defircs of 
the Soul, and moreover, as m.-c.i good as will infinite- 
ly glad and rc'joyce, arid deli&lit, andplcaic,aad content 
the loul, how irrational and abfmrd is it, not to dole with 
Chrifl: 3 and to accept of fuch good, tendered freely unto 
us by him? 
j . Wceufc.tofoy, thitum*e tul't p'unftum qui nhfciiit 
tittle da/c/j profit and pleasure, abundance or go.>d> and 
abundance of delight, all good to latisfy'c, and all good 
r o rejoyce the heart , are all the Arguments which can 
bee brought to allure and perfwade -the heart; and verily 
I cannot tell what other Arguments can p .rfliblybc pro- 
duced, to Work on the heart of man, than thefe two, r- 
tioiigh tofatisfy^and enough t o delight-* what more can bee 
dcfircd? or can bee imagined? And both thefc doth 
Chriit offer, andinfurcto.finncrs, if they will but heark- 
en and come in unto him.- and yet mac :tii(V to 
hearken, They arc like the Prodigal who ftjt on the h*sfa 
which the Swire did leave , and held oft from commihg 
unto his. Fathers bou[e> where there w*i bread enough, and 
to [pare. 
q u It would be worth the while to enquire Ww^ it comes 
Whence iTii t0 W&\ that Efficiency of Good tff*tisfy t and plenty of 
that gocdro Good, 'to delight the foul , cannot jet frevall H(iH 
fatisfy and to the hearts of many fibers, to hearken ttntoCh ;fl > wherc- 
deJight><J©'h asimperfcflieninthconc, and in the other, nay, cither 
noc prevail ot them, alone , is enough to command the hearts 
** us ' of men to heirken about earthly profits and vain dc- 
It is from lights' 

Sol. I humbly conceiyc that this may arifc from fix 

D.rVneffcof I Durkneffe of Apprehension': Although the good 

apfrthcr.iicn. which, Chrift otrers , bee every way plentiful and dc- 

lighttul> l*'f[e Reali , ycflc moves us not until it bec 


.» . !■■ I .1 ... . ■ ; ■« 

Ch. 12* Caufes why this Good dnh not dSHr^u^ 479 

in ejf? Otjedivoi^jid this is the great mifery of finful men* 
that either they arc not able to difceni,or elfe a t able to 
belecve that infinite fulneffe of fpiritual good that is 
in Chrift to fatisfv and delight the foul 

Groftn fft of 

A lownefrcf: 

cd to mem oy wnriir, wouia Dee exceeding precious in 
their eyes, bu t being not fo> therefore the Honey- comb 

is defpilcd and negleeted by them. 

5 A ,- nejfe ; : '?. rlt , which can bee contented ?.iid 
{attsfted with meer' vanities, y/ith low and mean things, r P int ' 
Efawith his msffe of Pet: age > and the Tredtgal with 

the Vortion of GoodSyXiiJiDivesyjW the Goad, things of this 

Z/-/>.Thebenefi:s and delights by thrift* as they are an 

abundant >f the >; arc a fplncual portion, which no hearts 

will prizes and feek,and accept of, but fucllas are fpiritu- 
a J anonign- 

4 A d>f-AJfettioK of heart: Earthly incomes of profits a dif-affeftioa 
and delights, are liked and loved by finners, and a lit- of heart; 
tfc of Wfric ..1 man likes, will prevail with him, but ne- 
ver fo much oi what a man diflikes, prevails not; And 
hence it is, that the great offers of thrift allure not fin- 
n:rs, becaufe though they have enough in them to 
fatisfv and delight 5 yet finners love them not , and like 

i -A crreUOf ft of felly \ To paiYby the bed and chief- > , e iT ■ 
eft gond,fe-r the worft and poorefr,a dirty puddle is more f on y ^ 

to a Fool, than the fweeteft river; an hat of ftraw is more 
tohim,thai>anheavy crown ofgo!d. 

6 A yerverfnef : ofw:U: They areryfolved to have 
nothing to do with hrift, never to yeild unto him 
upon any terms : Their hearts are irreconcileably oppo- 
site unto him,and in complying with him, and therefore 
no arguments of good, however, raifed aud extended 
fhali prevail with thenv 

■But now let us a little confider th? wafrtntfTt of thU 

Perverfnefic ofi 



of this coadki*- 

48c Ttxfad condition of/uch Refufers. Chap, i z 

condition, dius to refufe Chrift in the offers of all foul fa- 
tisfying, all foul delighting good. 
Sol m i It isnidttodtHi ingratitude , The greater ihat the 

Mtmoftod:- kindnefleis, the unthankfulneile is the greater. 

ouswgrtwude what C0U id/ do more than 1 have done} Ik. 5. This 
made their unfruitful condition to bee the worfc: what 
can Chrift ofter more unto Iinners, than himfelf,and all 
good to fatisfy and to delight their fouls:diis makes their 
unthankfulneue to be the more notorious. 
Three things do highly exalt a bounty. 
One is ptneffe in it , what (inner doth not need 

Secondly, There is freenejfe ink, what finaer is 
worthy of mercy? 

Thirdly, There is'Fulneffcln it, it is as much good 
as frees you from all mifcrie, and aseftatesyouwith all 
mercy > and will fill you with all glory , and yec finners 
rcfufe and Height all that, furely this is odious ingra- 
ftfor 2 It is a mofi fordid contempt: fuchafe'ghting,fuchai 

did* eomenp. undervaluing {uch an affront, pM on Chrift? as unlcile 
you would crucify Chrift again, I hardly know a great- 
er difdainandfeorn: ifyoufhouldthis day fee heaven 
opened, and Jcfus Chrift comming down amongft you, 
and calling you, and faying; Loe, iicrc is all mercy, to 
pardon every fin of yours,aud here is a perfect ri^hteouf- 
nelTc to juftifyc every one of your fouls * andlierearc 
joyes unfpeakable and glorioitf to delight your hearts 
fully, and here is a Crown of life, heavenly and ever- 
laft ing haDpineiTe for you : All this I will beftow on you 
if you will but bee content to become mine? to love me, 
and to ferve mee > And if any of us fhould turn our 
backs at all this, as nothing, as inconsiderable, the profits 
of the world arc better, and the plcafurcs of fin arc bet- 
ter ,&€. 

. O what a fordid contempt were this?what an extream 
indignity were this, yet iinners do thus unto Chrift, 


■ ■ — — "^ — - iint 

Gup. 1 1 tfafidcm&kimtyJtekRefuJtrs. 48 1 

- Ipeaking to them by-the Gofpel, and they refilling : it is 
a molt bitter provocation; it provoked God exceedingly 
when the Ifraelites fpake againft the good Land of C**a- 
4*2 A Land that flowed withmilk^ and honey ^ bee fwxre 
i-'in i-his wrath that thejfooHldnevlrm&imthis r<?/,Heb^. 
How much more muft it provofcc Chrift when fitters 
reject himfelf? and all the 'abundance of mercy, and 
the abundance of Righteomfiiefle, and i the abundance of - 
Comforts and Delights* and the < abundance of #appi- 
neffe, andailthe (3ood>wtiidh:caft him his precious 
EWorld to jflMtekafe j Whey ihili none rfthm t*)ti.j>fmy 
S#/>/w,faith Chrittjl'^ 14. 24. 4 Jt is a mofi-defperate It is a moft 

Uf aThc loffc is adefperace Lofle when lit is a Left of defperate l©f* 
the font. 2 It is znfajverfal Loft -of all good which 
helps- tflffl Soul, 3 It kznirrsme/imHe Lofty n^thin^ 
*ef«»ns further or hefldes to help the fonl> inch a .Lofle 
' as this is a defperate Lofle : And unto this Lofle do you 
certainly expofe your felves who refufe Chrift, making 
fuch offers to you as here in the Text. 
• • 1. Yonlc<iJe?Qtfr{oi4lsbyitv for nothing can {live a foul 
^biitChriftiandthe good which Chrift dothoffen , ',. ' . 

1 t YoU'fall under anV»Merfal to fe&llis Loft when-.aH 
that Chrift offers is refufed. 

3 Nor'can you Repair jonr Loft for this offer of Chrift 
of all'good to fatisfy>and of ail good to delight the fowl, it 
isthd Utrrioft,it is the * tnoft, te is all thadhallor can bee 
; offocd to'iiuners, there remains no more bchind,Chrift 
< hath #6 no dire: to offer than himfelf, and all good whatso- 
ever with himfetf. insameft' 

5 > It is * rmjt .d9lefklre)etthH* To fhut the doors of doleful 
your" hearts againft ChrUh.tot'dU mercy^and ail blciliug, rcjj&ioft. 
• and all help, and a41 comfort* a'tad- all delight, and .all 
happiiicfle: Howfooliih, henvwkked, how lamenta- 
ble is this? what will you<db, what will become or 
you, when all your outward helps fail you, and yvhe u 
all your Outward pieafures-fail you,and when all invVard 
DiftfeiTes, and Griefs, and Fears, and Troubles, and 

N nn Anguiihe's 

4?1 Tie fad condition offucb Reftjers. Chap. 1 2 

Anguifhcs fall upon you. The bloud of Chrift, and his 
righteoulnefie could iatisty and comtort in fuch a cafe > 
but you have rejected them; I he mercy of God, and the 
love of God, and ux: promifes ot God>could fatisty , and 
fuppon^coratorc you? but you have flighted and refu- 
fed them: this is laid iiideed,nevcr all our days to partake 
of any one good by Chrih\aild never to tafte of one fpiri- 
tual delight iuChrift.and in the times of QurDiftrcfte and 
Death,to have no hope to partake of the onc,or to tafte of 
the other,to fiiut up agayift.our fdves ailthe Cities of re- 
fuge ? and to fcal up all the fprutgs ot help, and comfort, 
this is very fad. 
Msanincxcu- 6 It is a moft Imxcu fable injury both to Chrift , and 
fable injury to t0 0Ptr Jelves,whcnyo\\ come to appear before the judge- 
w feces' 1 * ment feat of Chrift, you will bee fpccchlcifc, you can 
have nothing to fay for your fc Ives, your condemnati- 
on will bee moft righteous, and moft evident; Chrift of- 
fered himfelf unto you,but you would not hearken,Chrift 
offered real good unto you, but you would not hearken , 
Chrift offered the beft good unto you,but you would not 
hearken, Chrift offered all good unto you, but you 
would no: hearken , Chrift offered enough of all goody 
enough fully to fatisfy , fully to delight, fully to fave 
you,and yet you would not hearken. 


Ufe i IS there as much good to bee had with and from 

Senfibicfm- * Chrift, as will fully faxisfye the foul, and as 

U T cb Vi ift dr ° much good as will fwectly delight the foul, then let all 

goioc t» . xbokfinxers who feel abundance offpiritnal mifenes and 

wants, and Ije under abundance of $irit Hal fear s,*nd griefs, 

let them bee advi fed to go to Chrift, to come in by faith 

unto him {John. 6. U better (haH wee go [aid Peter to 

Chrift) Thou hJft the words of eternal lifefo fay I to you, 

whether would you go for fatisfattion,or for comfort,for 

your fouls? In Chrift onely arc all your Springs to bee 

found* I 

Chap. 1 * Stnjible Sinntrs fhouU ante to Chrift % 48$ 

1 i ; — 

I doconfeffe three things, 

1 That of all miferies, wants, and diftreffes, thofeof 
the foul are the foreft, heavicft and greateft. 

1 That of all helps, and Comforts, ancTReliefs, 
thoje from Shrift are the fuitableft, f ulleft and fweet- 

3 That under the Apprehension of our manifold jpiritual 
wants,and feeling of our fpiritual Troubles, we are l**ft *ble 
tofupport our felves.and are rnoft afraid to go to Chrift, even 
becaufe our wants are (o many, and our hearts ^refo 
diftt'elled^everchelcfTe, bee not difcouraged at all there 
is yet hope and help in Chrift. 

1 There are three things to encourage you(in this condi- Encourage • 
tion) to come to Chrift. nunrsco focfc* 

1 #e hath enough to help you. 

2 You may come unto him. 

3 Hee will certainly fupply you if you come unto 

I Chrift hath enough to help 70**, hee is a fount aits of Hz- chrift hitbc« 
ing waters, is there not water enough in the fountain to nought* help 
quench the Thirfty? hee is the Sun of right eoufoeffe, is «»«• 
there not Light enough in the Sunne for the World ? hee 
hath unfearchable riches, are not unfearchable Riches c- 
nough tofatisfy the poor ? 

Objett. You have many wants, and many fumes, and 
many diftreffes, and all thefe are very great, and very 
high, fo that a little cannot help and fatisfy you, a little 
mercy , and a little deliverance, and a little grace* and a 
little peace will not futficc. 

Set. \M cWJout will mtrcy enough faisfy you} will fo Mercy ejicu»b, 
much mercy, as lliall pardon every flune that you have 
committed? Doubtlcffe it will, and- unto ft> much can 
Chrift help you, 1 Joh. 1.7. The bloud of thrift clean \etb 
us from fill fa. 

2 Will fo much deliverance fatrsfy you , ai ferves tode- £) e jj vCrnnce 
liver you from all your enemies , and from all danger s}C\\r& enough, 
hath enough alfo for that : hee can deliver you trom the 

Nnnx powers 

-T - ■» ■ ' -I 

484 IntQuragtments to cwie to Cbriftt Chaps i% 

» ■ 11 

powers of darkpe ft, Colof. 1. 1 3. and from the hand 
writing of Ordinances th.it is agaivfi you, Col. 2. 1 4. tfv. 
/row this frefent evil world, Gal. 1 . 4. and /raw f ^ r #r/* 
of the Law, G 'aU ^,\%.and from the wrath to come, 1 Thef. 
I, IO. and from death , *tf<i /row ii/w rW /.m^ rfo 
/tow* r 0/ *fe*r£, Heb. ?. 14,- 15. W from all evill. 
Gen. 48. 1 5. 
Righteoufncfs 3 Wtllfo much riglteoufnef e fat isf) you, as will frefent 
cncu£h. you unfpotted, and unblameAble^ and fer ft [I in the fight of 

God } C hrift is able co help you to fuch a Righteoufnefs j 
arjghtcoufneflc,that is ikiw, and per feci: , even his own 
righceoufiicffc; which prefents you glorious, not having 
fpocor wrinkle,Eph.5^7. 

&z<c enough, 4 mi f° mH f h & rac€ f ervc ?™> * s ^ lB change your fmful 
' heart ? As will make you new creatures ? As will ferve 
to-conflictwithfinnei's ? as will ferve to conquer fins? 
wil all grace fuffice you?and your abounding in all grace? 
to all this can Chrift help you? hee can change you in- 
to his own image from Glory to glory <> a Cor. 3 . 1 8 k 

Faith, enough, 5 Can Faith help you to peace and joy ? can afar ante 
of faith. do n) can. full afurance of Faith do tf fcan the rixhts '■ 
of {till afurance do it ? Can the teftimony of Con* 
icience do it ? can the teftimony of the fpirit do 
ill unto allthefc Chrift can help you, hee hath the 
mountain of Spices, and the Flagons of wine: hee 
can fayc to the uttermoft, hee can fatiate the weary 
foul, hee can comfort you on every fide, he can (atisfy 
you with marrow and tatnefs, he is aole to do above all 

You may come t ' iaC y° U arC a ^ C t0 ^^ ° r ^cfire. 
to Gbrift lor 2 You may come to him for that good which is enough to fa- 
that gond tisfy,<& enough delight, The multitude of your fins fhould 
* hich it c- not n i n d cr you, nor (hould the multitude of your wants 
noop.h. an( | c j^ re (| cs hi nc i er you; when you are rightly fcnfiblc 

of thefe,you may come toChrift for as much good as wil 
fully fatisfy,and fwceriy delight your fouls j you may as 
well come to Chrift for abundance of good, as for a lit- 
tle good,you may conic to him for as much as you nccdv 
a;xl for as much as bee offers, and promifes unto you, if 


Chap. 1 2 Incouragenttntsto come to Chrift. 4 g ^ 

Chrift doth not (lint you in his offers,you fhoulcj not ftint 
your (elves in your defines, and if Chrift doth not except 
againft your perfons,you fhould not except againft your 

Ob\ett. But there's the queftion and doubt, whether 
fuch an one with fo many iins,and wants, and diftreffes, 
may come to Chrift for all this good,&:c» 

S*L\ Nay,that cannot bee the queftion,.forafmuch as 
never did any, or may any come to Chrift > but he comes 
with many fins and all wants. 

a But let it bee the queftion, and then this I fay,that 
if there bee four things in fuch a perfon, hee may unquc- 
flionably come to Chrift, iiz, 9 _ 

1 An humble fenfe of all his fins. 

2 Earncft Groans to bee delivered and fupplied. 

3 .Renunciation of all felf- confidence for that deli- 
verance and fupply,. 

4 A thirfting and longing < after Chrift, and ail this . 
good which Chrift hath promifed. 

O come to Chrift, hec calls thee f heefpeaks to thee, 
Heat ken unto mee,and eat yee that which is good, and let 
yourjonl delight it felf infatnejfe. 

3 If you do come unto him, you fhall certainly find 
enough to fatisfy and delight your fouls, Cant. 5. 1. Bat 
O friends, drin\^ yea , drinks abundantly Be loved ,Pfa*. 
3(V7, How excellent is thy loving kjndntjfe O God i there-* 
fore the children of men put their trufi under the foad&ow 
of thy wings % verf. 8. 7 hey {hall bee abundantly (at is fed 
Kviththefatneffeofthyhotifc, and thou (h 'alt make them^ 
drinkof the River of thy plea fares, for with thee is the 
fountain of Life, in thy light fhall wee fee light ,Rev»3. 20„ 
jf any man hear my voice , And of en the door, I wift come #* 
to him, and will [up with him^nd he with me. . 

Ob jell. But you will fay , Did ever any find it thus, 1 
whp came in to Chrift,who did beleeve, do you readof 
any fuch ? 

k ty/.I Anfwer^did you ever findit otherwife?. Did yoir j 

'Nua $, ever. 

m ; ■ — — — — — - ■ , 

486 To come to (hnjlistbe hft Choice. Chap. 

ever read, or know of any who came in to Chrift,who 
did not find enough tofatistye> and to delight their 
fouls? Remember ^Mary- Magdalen ,who met wth for- 
givenefieand peace, ;L*kej_,tf 9 %o. Remember Paul, 
Jvbtained mercy (aith hee> 1 7/w.i.i 6. Remember the 
Jailor, who beleeved and rtjoyced in God -with all his 
/?**/*, Aft. 16. 3 4.Remcmberthofc ftrangers of whom 
Peter fpeaks, who beleeving, rejoyced with ]oy unftc*k*ble 
and f nil of glory. 1 Pet. J. 8. 

SECT.V- -udzyik 

Then the who V $ e * I ^ tncre 200C ^ enough in Chrift fully to fatislye 

have he^kned ■* tnc ^ ou ^ am * foeetly to delight the foul t Then 

to Chr ift have yon who kffle heark*ed to Chrijty who are by faith tome i» 

made the beft ro Chrift, p» have made A wife choice, the brft choice, P£. 

Choice. 16.5. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance^ and of my 

cup, thou maintAweft my Lot y verf. 6. The lines are fallen 

unto me in plea f ant y laces J c* I have a goodly heritage. Thus 

may you fay who are come in to Chriil, Ihavcenoughy 

1 UiaUhot want; my cup runnes aver. -Thou art my 

portion, and^ood enough tbfatisfye me, and good e- 

nough to delight me. 

Beloved, There are no people on earth, who have 
fuch a portion as Beleevers have> the greateft on earth, 
(wheareoot intercftcd in Chrift) although they have 
abundance of honours, and abundance of riches \ and- 
abundance of friends, and abundance of pleafures> yet 
thepooreft, the meaneft,the weakeft Beleever in Chriil, 
hath a better and a greater portion than hee; I do not 
fpeak oncly for the rutin e, nut for theprcfent, in this 
life, the beleevtrs portion is bef I and greateft. 

There is no unbeliever whatfoever, who hath any 1 
one good whatfocver for his foul>nor can any man (oitt 
of Chrift) ftancl pofleffed of any good whitfi is enough to 
(atisfyc and d. light his foul. The eye (faith Solomon, Ecct. 
J*8.) Is not Jatisfiolmikfcelhg* if there beefiot enough 


jChap .1 1 Comftls to fucb as harve made this Choice i 487 

— . . — — — -^ — — ■ — *- 

in all the world co fatisfy e one feafc in man purely then 
there cannot be enough to fatisfy the heart or foul of man 
Thereisinemptinefle, andafhctftnefle, and a dif- 
proportion, twixt aU the good of the World, and the 
infinite thirds , and capacities of the foul ; the 
worldly man is ftill in want, and in defoe, and there- 
fore hee findes not enough to fatisfye him : nor can hee 
evertafte enough to delight his foul* all his Delights arc 
impertinent to his foul, and rtuny times in themideft 
of them his foui is fad and heavy ; his earthly delights 
are a burden, and his iinful delights are his Hell; and 
admit, he fucks fome dciight from the cieatures, yet it 
is not enough Jike the Bee which draws trom one flower, 
and then from another flower,&CoBut now the beleever, 
(being pofkffed of Chrift) hee hath a foil treafury, and a* 
tall river : hee may go to his Chrift^ and fay, this is my 
enough, here is enough,- here I am (atisfiei, hereLhave 
enough to fill up-all my defires, and to make up all my 
Delights, in him I find enough for my foul; there is pien- 
tious redemption in him, and everlatling mercy by him, 
apd.gDe.at love by him, andperfed peace in him, and ut- 
moft falvation irom him, and joy unfpeakable in him y counfeh t ^ 
1 cannot defire more, I do not want more, hee hath e- fucb. t 
nough to help ah 1 my wants,to eompoie all my thoughts 
to fill up all my lonsiigsr to comfort all my diftrellcs,- 
to give reft and happdiisfle .■ and therefore you who are - 
beleevers, remembers tew coiinfcfls-'whidi Iwould pre- BlefieGodfbi- 
fent unto you, ! Chria, and 

1 Blejje God for Chrift, and for bringing of yon into trIn g' n £ you 
Cbnft, who hath blefTedyoo with ail foiriiuad blcffings n '° Chlift * 

1 it • •->' >rt r, 1 r ^ Do not wronp 

in heavenly places m CknfcEfka .3. i . ymr fdvw, 

2 YyonotlVrongyottr (civzivnor yomChfjftfjn fiepp'm^ nor your 
tfidc unlawfully) for any profit, or for Any delight ; yon have CferiftjbyfccJBP 
enough in yourChrift to fatisfy and to delight your fouls,. jjj?. u ? |j wfol 

5 Although you meet w.th 4 Jeffer portion inthefeout* bV coment * 
ward things, yet bee not deyUed^. You have filch a full and with a leffer 

iuchafwcec portion in Chirift, as is enough for the fatia- portion of ow* 

ting Ward tto n 8fr 

4^8 Qtsmfttis to Jack as ha<vt made this c^orce.Chap. i z 

cing,for the delighting and for the faving of your fouls. It 
is infinitely better to have all for your (buk and a lit- 
tle for your bodies,then to have all for your bodies, and 
nothing for your fouls. 
rn all traces 4 '° a11 thc di k rAcei % reproaches, and discomforts of your 
rifeupbyfaith ?>k»™*£<,rife upby Faithtoyonr Chrijl^nd there you 
& Chrift. Inzu niide love cnough 3 and kindneffe enough,and friend- 
ship enough, and peace, and comfort, andhappinellee- 

5 In all. the apprehends $f ' futnri foiritutl tvants and 
In til future griefsgetyoH to your CAri/?;Lord,I want yet more grace,& 
warns go to m ore ftrength, and more affurance, and more Joy:It was 
Ctoft. thy bargain withmce at the firft,that if I would heark- 

en unto thee, my foul fhould delight it felf in fatnefle, I 
<io therefore now come unto thee,I have not yet enough, 
I have not yet attained, I befeech thee to make all grace 
to abound, to ftrcngthen me with all might, to fill up all 
my wants, to make my Joy to bee f ull>&c. And Chrift 
-will do all this for you. 


Chap. 1 3 Hear ^and your foulfiaU live. 459 

ISAIAH. 55- ?. 

Incline your eare and come unto me^ hear and your 
foul (Jjall live. 

Hcfe words do contein in them two parts. 
1 . One Invitation more, (Incline jour ears 
and come unto me), 

2, One perfwadhgargumnnt mort^Heare 
. an d your (eulfhall live) . 

Three times do you ffnde the gracious in- 
vitation of Chrift, in the firft vti\t{Come ye, 
Come je,Comeye<) Three times more in the fecondand third 
verfes). Hearken diligently , incline your eare and heare) % O 
the love of Chrift, who is fo earneft with (inners : O the un- 
flexiblenefTe of finners who are fo deaf to Chrift •• And as you 
read fcveral Invitations of Chrift, fo do you read feveral Mo- 
tives or Arguments annexed unco thofe Invitations, of good, of 
plenty, of delight ; In che former v.erfe, and of life, even the 
life of the foul. In this verfe, {hear and your foul /hall live. ) 
There is a life for the body (Aft that a mm hath mil he %ive 
for his life, Job 2. 4.) And there is a life for the foul, this is 
the moft excellent lite, and this is the moft nccelTary life, and 
this is the moftdefirable life : No death like the death of the 
foul, and no life like the life of the foul : And this life is to be 
had, and (hall be had upon coming unto Chrift ( Incline jour 
eare and come unto me^htar and your foul, fh all live i, 
The propofition hence,is this. 

The foul /hall live that comes to Chrift: There is life for Tb ff \ iM 
the foul in Chrift : and whofoever comes to Chrift, (hall par- \^ c $# c ^ cs 
take of that life, i fohn 5. 12. He that hath the Sonne , hath to chrift. 
life , and he that hath not the Sonne , hath not life, John n. 

Ooo 25. 

4 qo What that life k C hap 13 

25. Jc[h6 (aid unto her, (viz. Martha) I am the RefutreUU 
n 9 and the life, Be that beleeveth in me, though he were 
deaA> yet [halt he live . John ^ 25. The dead /had heare the 
votes of the Sonne of god, and they that heare fhall live, verfe 
40 Te W/# net come unto me, that ye might have life, Gal. 
2. 20. Nevertheleffe 1 live , yet not 1 3 but Chrift liveth in 
me , And the life rrhich I noW live in the pfh , I live by the 
faith *{ the Sonne of God , John 10. 10. 1 am come that they 
wight have life. 

For the opening of this excellent point, let us enquire, / 

1. What life that is which a foul fhall have by coming unto 


2. Howitmaybedemonftrated,thatthefoul fliall live that 
hears and comes to Chrift, 


Que ft -\, \X 7 Hat life that U -which a foul fhall live by coming un+ 
mat tbit life VV to £krift ? 
»* There is a two- fold life incident to the foul of man. 

S°t- 1. One is Natural; the foul of man naturally is a living 

w'life ' tW °' rubftancc ; and thc Principle of life in man, Gen. 2.7. The L$rd 
Natural life, God formed mm of the dufl of the ground, and breathed into 
hii noflrils the breath of life, and man became 4 living [otil , 
("that is) he had a foul which did live, which had life in it, and 
wasrhe fountaine orcaufeoflife inbim,and to him. Life is fo 
natural to the foul of min, that the foul can as foone ceafe to 
be, as ceafe to live : life is infeparably linked unto it, immorta- 
lity is ilfo proper unco it ; though in a moral fenfe, the foul » 
iaiu to die, or to be dead, yet in a natural confideration , the 
foul of man fo lives, that it never dies : But under this notion 
we arc not now to fpeak of the life of the foul , forafmucb as 
in tliis fenfe , the foul livesw hether it comes unto Chiift, yea 
or no. 
SHpemiturd cr 2. The other is fupematural or fpiritkal ; which is an Ad- 
fplrituiilifc. vewitioQS lift, notefTcntial to the foul , and not the effect of 
meere prctcii n^ut derived from and by Chrift unto the foul, 
upon union with liirnfelf: As byvertueof the natural union 


Chap.13 that comes to Chrij}. 49 

'cwixtthe foul and the body, we do partake of a natural life, fo 

by vertueofour lpiriuial union \* ich Chrift,we do partake of 

a fpiricual and (upernatunl life: Tbtfirft ndam vs<u made a living 

foul^the lafi Adam was made a qi-i;knmg Spirit, i Cor. 15. 45. 

Ic is a truth, that ail life whatever, that man partakes of, he At i m foiiUft 

doth partake of the fame by venue of union. Now there isafyebriji! 

threefold life (fpirituai and mpernatural life I mean) which is to 

te had by coming unto Chrift. 

1. The life of righteoufnefle in juftifkation, which (lands in 
oppofition to our legal death. 

2. The life of grace in fan&ification, which (rands in oppo- 
fition to our fpiritual death. 

3. Thelifeof glory in faivation which (rands in oppofition 
to our eternal death : A life in oppofition to a death paft, 
prefent,andtocorae • to a death paft, in reiped of merit on 
our part, and fentence on Gods part • To a death prefent , as 
to the finful condition of every foul, which is a dead condition-, 
and to a death future of feparacion from God and eternal ven- 
geance in hell, which is called the place of the dead, 

I will fpeak fomething to every one of thefe. 

I. There is the life of right? otifneffe for the foul that ccmes The life of righ- 
to fhrifi Confider that place of the Apoftjein ii^w. 5. 18. teottfneffi* 
As by the offence of one , judgement came upon, all to condemn 
nation , even fo by the right e oh fnejfe of one , the free gift came 
upon all men unto purification of life : And take in the former 
verfc alfo, verfe 1 7. If by one mam offence death reigned by one % 
much mote they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift 
of right ecu fnefft \Jb&ll r eigne in life by one ^efm (fhrifi. Here 
you fee> death by finne , and life by Chrift. condemnation by 
the one, and juftifkation by the other : death in the offence of 
Ad*m, and life in the righteoufnefle of Chrift : As unrighte- 
oufnefle lets in death, forighttoufnefte lets in life: Before a 
a man comes to Chrift, he is a dead man, not onely in refjpeft 
of guilt,that he deferves death, and is expofed to death, but 
alfo m refpeft of the fentxnee of death, the fentence of death 
is paft upon him ( In -he day that thou eateft thereof thou Jbalt 
die the death) Gen, 217. And turfed u every tne that conti' 
nueth not in all things vthich are Written in the book^ of the 

Opo 2 Law 

49 2 What that life h Chap. 13 

Law to do them, Gal. 3, 10) And hence it is that the Law is 
Tbe r'zbtcouf- ca ^' eC ^ tnc Wniftraiion of death, zCor. $. 7. and of condemn a- 
neffc "of chrift ***** ver ^ c 9- But ch ' s ^ad raan Iives * u P on coraill g to Chrift : 
is life the rightcoufnefle of Chrift is Jife unto him.ir gets him his life, 

in a twofold refped. 
Byvrnj of fx 1. By way of ' fatufatlion ; In as much as that righteoufnefs 
ijsft&m. did perfectly fulfil the Law,it did anfwer all that either the Law 

of God, or the Jufticeof God could require, and took away 

(in, and wrath, and death. 

I will die 3 faith Chnft, to deliver the (inner from the fen- 

tence of death, and I will be made a curfe to deliver him from 

the curfc and condemnation : chrift hath redeemed tu from 

the ctnfc of the Lav, beir.g made a curfe for us, Ga'. 3.13. 

and who u he that condemnetk} it is Ckrisl that died , Rom. 


0*7 oftmpu* 2. By way of Imitation \ This righteoufneffe is imputed to 
uticn, u$i gy f fo l €( foeyice of one ft* *H many be made righteous ,Rom. 

5,Ip. And he wot made {inne for w, that we might be mad* 
the righteoufneffe of Cod in him, zCor.5.2f. And verily that 
foul lives, which is pardoned, which is freed from the guilt and 
power of finne, which is clothed with a ptrfeft rightcoufnefle, 
unto which God is reconciled, with which he is well pkafed, 
and which is accepted by Chrift. 
Tbe life ef 2. There is the life of grace for the foul that comes to 

grace. Chrift : A perfon who lies under the power and dominion of 

(inne, is (in Scripture) filled a dead man {you that were dead 
in trefpaffrs and finnes y Ephef. 2.1.) when this perfon is chang- 
ed, and fan&ified by the Spirit of Chrift, he is faid to be quick- 
ened , to be made alive, ro receive a new life, Luke 15. 24. 
This my fonne \vm dead, and is alive again, Ephef. 2. i . Ton 
hath he quickened who were dead in treftaffes and ftnnes . 
Rom. 6* IX; Altve unto God through ftfus Chrift our Lord 
verfe 13. Alive from the dead , Rom. 8. 2. V he Law of the 
Spi>ii of Chrift 'lefus haih made me free from the La\* ef fin 
and death : Hence it is that converfion ("where grace or holmcfs 
is infuied to the foul) is ftiled regeneration and a rejarrelhon, be- 
caufeasinthefc, fo in this, life is conveied orjienved into 


Chap. 1 3 that comes by Chrifl* 493 

Now this life of Grace which the foul hath, upon coming rbelifcof^m 
unco Chrift,it is either, is cither 

i. Radical : which is that holineffe in Chrift, and from him Kxiicdt 
derived and imparted : for as the head and the mem- 
bers do live bn: one and the fame life, fo do Chrift and his 
members, they live the fame life, they do partake of the fame 
Spirit* the fame Spirit that fan&ified the humane nature of 
Chrift,doth alfo fan£tifie their natures, and therefore we are 
changed into the fame image y 2 Cor. 3. 1 8. 

2. Habitual : Which is the reparation of that excellent imsge . § 
ofGod which we loft,the renovation of the heart,the new crea- Ha mu*L --• 
ture, the divine nature, a new fpiritual being, temper, eftace of 

the whole foul, healing,renewing,and conforming the foul, and 
all the faculties of the foul, unto that image of grace in Chrift : 
and this is the life of the foul: As it was faid of the Rulers fonne^ 
by Chrift, thy fonnc Uveth (chat is) he begins to be well, to be 
recovered : fo then our fouls live, when they begin to recover, 
when grace is infufed into them and heales them, and changes 
them ; the foul never lives, until it be made holy , and then ic 

3, Aftual : Which is called newnefle of life, and newneffe tAfiual. 
of obedience ; a walking in Chrift, a living unto Chrift, and un* 

to God: for as there is a Law in finne, which makes us fervants 
unco finnc, and to live unto the commands of finne, fo there is 
a Law in the ("piric of life, and grace to enable us to live lives fu- 
table »»f0C£r*7?,whoisourfountaineoflife,and unto the Go- 
jpel, which is the word of life, and unto our graces^ which are 
the principles of a fpiritual living. 

3. There is the life of glory for the foul which comes to 
Chrift , John 3 36. He that beleeveth on the Sonne hath ever- The life ofrtory 
lasting life , John 6% 51. / am the living bread Schick came 
fawn from heaven , if any man eate of this bread he fhall live 
for ever , i John 5.1!. Cjod hath given unto %u eternal life % 
and this life is in his Sonne, This is called a life which fwaU 
loyves up immortality ,2 Cor. 5.4. And the glory Vehich /hall be 
revealed Rom. 8. 18 and an eternal weight of glory , 2 Cor. 
4. 17. and an endleffe life , Heb. 7. 16. And a crowne of /#/<% 
Rev. 3.10. And this we fhall have by coming unto Chrift, 


4 94 Wk at &** hft is Chap. 1 3 

tt* W/e »«Ephef.2.5. H* 6*r6 quickened u* together with Cprifi, verfe 

Me$tfrrft9$* 6< ^ ^^ r ^j ^ ^ together, and made m ft together in 

heavenly places in Chrifl Jcftu: This life Oi £lory i .\e have (at 

prefent) in lis refp^cls. 
Intk p.ircb^c l. In the pur chafe of it \ By the blood of Chtift , who 

^ l " bought it in the name, and for the ufe of all that were given 

unco him by the Father, and (hould beleeve on him. 
In the bcgnnnc 2. In the begun poffeJTun y as Chrift in the name of our At- 
Zffflj!*-** tumey or Advocated gone to heaven to take pofllfiion of 
-JJ n °' ir what he hath purchafed for us: /// my Fathers houfe are ma- 
ny manfions, and I go t* prepare a ptace for you, ana 1 trill 
come again and receive yoH ttnto my felf, that ft" here I am , there 
yon may be a/f>, John 14. 2, 5. 
AniMourheil %' inCa P l{e ' Chrift as our head is gone thither, and enjoys 
chat excellent glory, which his members (though yet belowjare 
to enjoy with him 
In the right of 4. /« t he r i^ t t inheritance : for if rve h fonnes , rre are 
tabtmiMt. aI j Q heW$ ^ heih o j Gq £ ^ and - ojm hein wi h chHfi . ^ f Q y e 

We (tiffs r nitb hm t thatfremaj be alfo glorified together, Rom. 

In the ^romifi 8. 17. 

5. In the promt fe^we have a Charter leafed for ir : This u the 
promise that he hath promised its , even eternal hfe y 1 John 2. 

Intbefrft 25. and John 3 . 1 5, 1 6, 

fruits. 6. In the fir;? fruits, WC have the firft fruits, Rom. 8.23. 

The ea tuft of our inherftance } Ephd. 1.14. Thofe graces laid 
into our fouls by the Spirit of Chrift, are as certain evidences of 
our future life, of glory, by drift, and with Chrift, as the 
morning is of the pcrfed day, and as a contract is of marriage. 
And after a few years or dayes we (hall have thft life of glory 
in proemic, in the full pofieffion, and eternal fruition of it- 

Thus you fee what life that is which the foul may have by 
coming unto O.rift. 


Hiw this ;.'/ J** He fiext qacftiCW 19 t * Htfir all 'his can he dimonflrated,thlt 

heitmonftriud ^ r^ foul VYhiJi comes to Chrift fhali thus Jive ? isthiscer. 

tsrmc? I 

Chap. 3 that corns to Cbriji . 495 

I (hall endeavour to demonftrate the certainty of U?, both Sol. * 
in the general, and in every particular. 

1. In the General. ln ^ ncriL 

I. It was the original time and (cope which Chrifi looked *' . „ 

, . . . * ; ,j r r l J It TO 06 the &lMt 

at in his coming into the world^ to fave fouls^ and to recover ^ kept .ef 

loft fouls i and to give and bring life to fouls , Luke 1 8 ro c j :r ifl inbu 

The Sonne of wan is come to feek and to fave that WhichWas cm in& d 

loft* All outward deliverances, and falvations, were but types 

ofthefcriptural deliverances and falvacions of our fouls by 

Chrift, John 6. 33. The bread of God is he Which comsth 

down from heaven, and giveth life to the World, verfe $l.The 

bread that J will give, is mj flffh 9 Which J Will give for the 

life of the World, John 10, 10. lam come that they might have 

life , i Tim. 1. 15. This is a faithful faying, &c. that Iefus 

Chrift came into the world to fave /inner s , John 3. 17. Cjod 

fent not his Sonne into the World to condemne the world, but that 

the world through him might be faved ; therefore by his own 

intention , and by the intention of God the Father, it is certain, 

that cbr foul (hail live, it (hall finde life if it comes to Chrift, 

2, tVhofoever bekeves or comes to £hrift, he is united to 2 \ 

(fhrift y and C^ rt fl ** united to him; which union is fct out by jyhofoever be- 1 ] 
that of a vine, and the branches,&nd of the head and the mem> Ueves\or comes 
bers John 15. 1. iCor. 12. 27. The branches partake of tht^]^;J m 
fame life with the root, and the members of the Umt vnc on ' n% 
life with the head ; By venue of union, there is the fame 
life I Cor. 6. 17. He that is joyned unto the Lord is one Spirit 
( that is) the fame fpirit that is in Chrift,is in him, and certain- 
ly the Spirit of Chrift, is a Spirit of life. 

5. Chrift is life, 1 am the way, the truth, ana the life, John 14. ?•, 

6. and therefore whercfoever Chrift is, there is life : Now if a- chri ft h **& 
ny man comes to Chrift, Chrift is his, and ChriL^ lives in him, 
and dwells in him ; Chrifi Itveth in me, Gal. 2. 20. and he dwcls 
in our hearts by faith. Ephef.,\ 1 7. If Chrift lives i-n our fouls, then 
certainly our fouls do live by Chrift,and fhall live by Chrift. 

4. Confidtrthe work^ of faith, there is the immediate work.By the work of 
0] faith, and that is to unite us to Chrift (and therefore by faith fmfr. 



a c) 6 The certainty of life Cha p. i 3 

on our part, as by the Spirit on Chrifts part,we arc married un* 
toChnfl): And there is the fecondary work, of faith, which 

Tbcmr\ of is threefold. 

fiiih three fold. I# 7 y r ' lY ,g ui into communion with fhrift , to enjoy fel- 

Tobmgusiuo | ftu p wit h him . Our fell oWfhip is with the Father and with 

communion . . _ r r r r . ..„ 1 l l I 

with 1 brifl. hu Sonne lejHS £ krtst t I John I ^ . 

Aud into con- 2. To bring us *tff0 a conformity unto Chrifijh&t as he is,fo 
formitj unto foz\\ we be^wc (hall be like him in glory, and are by faith made 
c f)rl &' like unco him in grace. 

Jofrknh ?' ^° £ /z/ * ^ * P ro P r ' a J vn ^ w > anc ^ bereft in all that 

Cbrift* he (of God) U made unto h* , and hath purchafed for U4, if 

this be fo, as certainly it is fo)then the foul that comes to Chrift 
muft needs live, and muft infallibly partake of righteoufnefle 
and grscc, ami glory, otherwife there were not any communi- 
on, any conformity, any beneficial propriety. 

In every fir- 2t j n ever y particular* 


Itfiailnowdemonftrate the certainty of this truth as to e* 
1 . very one of chofe hfes of the foul mentioned before. 
TbefoidibA* 1. The foul that comes to Chrift (hall certainly have the 

comes to Cbrift yr r r^e^eCTe 0Y fa M € ? ju/itficaticn, 
(bill h.rue tbe ' J , & r ■ j /clt 1 p 

lifc6 r iu(lifi • 1 . /» oppofition to condemn at 1 on , curfe or the Law, and fen- 

catiol\ ' tence of death •• For all this is perfectly and eternally remo- 
Jnoppopthn 10 ved by Chrift, Kom. 8. 1. There it no condemnation to them that 
tondmiuthn. are fa Chrift /*/«*, Gal. 4. 13. He hath redeemed us from the 
curfe of the Law, being made a curfe for m. 

And all this may be thusdemonftrated, vi*» If Jefus Chrift 
hath fully fatisfied the juftice of God, if he hath perfectly ful- 
filled the Law; if he by his blood hath obtained a plenary rc- 
miflion for all our finnes ; if he hath by the fame blood made 
an atonement, and perfectly reconciled us unto God, then un- 
qucft.onabl} our fouls (hall flndeche life of righteoufnefle, in 
( ppoficiun to condemnation, and curfe, and wrath, and death, 
for none of chefe can be inflicted, when juilice is fully fatif- 

Butjefm Chrift, 

i; Hath fu^ ftt&fiid Godj juftice : Who fhJl lay any 


Chap. 1 3 by Cbrifi demonjlrated. 497 

thing to the charge ofljadi Eletl ? Voho is he that condemneth ? it 
is Goi that jtiftifiethyit is Chrift who died y Rora,8. 33,34. If there 
remaines no charge from any, and no condemnation from a- 
ny , then Juftice is (atisfied fully ; and if God himfelfe faith 
he is fatisfied (-s he do£h when he juftifies us) then: 

2. He hath per fettly fulfilled the Law : In a pafiive way, and Hath perfectly 
in an a&tve way:In baring the curfe, and fulfilling all tighu- f ul ^ ed tke lATif 
ouinefle: So that the Law is voided to beleevers , faf, 
ratione vita , & mortis , as juftifying and condemn- 

finnes,and in his blood there is forgivcneffe of ail of thcm,CV, m * aU l ilu 
2 12 

4. And by the fame blood hath made an attonement , and re* anmonmw.* 
conciledus, Rom. 5. 10,11. C0/.1.21. 

2. In the imputation of right eoufnejfe : fo that we (land righ- in the imputi- 
teous in the fight of God, in the righteoufneffe of Chrift. Htthnofriibtt- 
is the Lord our righteoufneffe : And we are made the right eoufnejfe ou f ne Jf s > 
of God in him. 

2. The fsul that comes to Chrift (hall certainly have the life of i- 

graceandholintjjei forweare fan&ified in him, 1 Cor t \.2. Htx])XtC n m J 
{To them that arefantlifiedin Chrift Jefm ;) Being in him we Zvethclito? 
are fancYified ,and je are in Chrift Jeftu^wjoo U made unto m qtmc, for, 
fantlificaiion , ver. 30. And of him we receive the anointing , 
1 John 2. 27. And if any man he in Chrift ]efns^ he id a new crea- 
ture ,2, Cor. 5. 1 7. Andindeed itcannot beotherwife,it muft 
neceflarily be fo that your fouls partake of this life of holineffe 
when they come to Chrift, for as much as, 

i.Tou partake of the fame Spirit of Chrift : Being in Chrift, the Me ptrtA**. */ 
fame Spirit, which is in Chrift and anoints and fills him, I hy iff?™* s ^ iri - 
the famcSpirit d wels in you,and anoints you and quickens you; ^ rl * ? 
Hence that of the Apoftle, fW2.11. Both he that fantlifieth t 
and they who are fancltfied^ are all of one ; for Which caufe he is not 
ajhamed to call them brethren^ who are of the fame 

2, The grace Vohich Chrift received as an head , and with grace tocommu- 
which he was filled , he had it f er modum fonti* 7 as ifoHn-nhmiu 

P p p tainc 

i r i i 

498 Ike certainty of life Chap 13 

taine, to let it out by wmj of influence unto his membcrs,to com- 
munlcate to them, and to fill them : cut ofhufulneffc he pomes 
out grace for grace, Joh.l.l 6. Epb.1.22,23. 
There muftbea 3» r ° ere muft bc*futablene{fc'twixt(fhrift, and thofe who 
{uublcncfle be- are Chrifts , andjike him they cannot beunleiTe they partake 
twixt cbriji of his holinefle , this is the image in which they do both a- 
and them that 

There u « de- 4 Tnere is a delightful communion between Chrifl and hU 
ligbtful commu- people : He takes delight in them , and in communion with 
men betwixt them , as you may readein the Canticles ; and as there can be 
tkem. no delight, fo there can be no communion 'cwixt light and 

darknefle, 'twixt a holy Chrift, and unholy fouls ; (imilitude 

is the ground of delight and of communion. 
Cbriji reflcres ^ Chrifl mutt and will refiore the foul (at leaft) to as 

%htli^& ooda » e fi ate m the (°» l lo fl> and therefore he null and 
it loft. wil * reftore it to the image of holineiTe , Bphefians 

4. 24, 
Chriftmimkc 6. Chrifl will make an internal difference 'twixt his mem- 

TeremeTelwixc bers and 0thcr P*°P lc » 8mi this 1S ° ni >' ^ thc llft of S face & 

bis and other fe&ed. 

people. 3 • Tee foul that comes to Chrifl , fall alfo live the life of glory. 

3. Certainly it (hill; For, 
He that comes r 4 This life hath Chrifl purchafed for them ,Ephef.i.l4. un- 
to thrift iJbaUfil t hc redemption of the purchafed poffejjion. Though it be the gift 
gZy^fot 0/ of God, yet it is the purchafe of Jefus Chrift. 
Chrift bub pur- 2. 7 his life hath Chrifl enfured on them at the very firfl • He 
chafed it for that believes (hall not ptr'ifh , but have everlafthg l/fe , John 
them. 2, 15. 

cnfilfed h it\n 3' TLit li f* U lh ' lt f or ^ hich Chifi m ^ e a f? e ^^equefl to the 
then* * Father 1 John I 7. 24 Father 1 Will that they alfo whom thou 

For this life haft given me be ivi:hrr>c where / am t :hat thij may behold mj gU- 
Gbrifl nuie a X y Which then haft given me. 

wnoiiiTatcr 4- lhls l, ! e tht ) ar < ca! ^ «* # i l Pct - * • » °- ^ ho hath > called 
1 hey arc ailed m int0 & eternal glory by Chrift fefw; 2 Thef.2.14. Whereunto 
to. this life. he called you b) our Cojpel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord 
fefw Chrifl, Rom.8.29. Whom he did fore-know , he alfo did pre- 
defti^te to be confotmed to the image of his Sonne,vct^O. More- 
over, whom he did predeftinate them he alfo called y and whom be 


Chap.13 by Chriji demonjirdted. 4 99 

called them be alfojufiified , and whom hejufliped, them he alfo glo- 
rified. There is an infallible certainty in all thefe links from 
firft to laft , and therefore faith tbe Apoftle in CV.2.27. Chrift 
in j oh the hopeofghrj % andHeb.10.39, Ke are of them that be- 
lieve to the faving of the fouL And another Apoftle, 1 Pet. 1 .9. 
receiving the end of your faith, even the falvation of jour foules : 
The falvation of the foul , this is the end that faith looks for , 
after all here in this life, and this you (hall receive 5 this is 
that unco which you arc begotten, ^.3,4. and this is that which 
is rcferved in heaven for you. 


SHall the foul live that comes to Chrift? (Heare andyonr Vfe.f. 
foulfhxll live. ) In what a condition then are they Who rvsll not In what afd 
come to Chrifl, and who refufe to hearken unto him ? who are cm***' * ^e 
out of Chrift ? we have preached Jefus Chrift unto you, and n%™™ 11 
ufed all forts of arguments to allure and perfwade you , and cbrifii 
yet many of you (till flight, and neglecl, and refufe Chrift? 
Chrift may fay unto us, as once to them, je will not come unto me 
that you may have life , and we make nothing of this , as if the 
finne were little , and the danger fmall,that we hearken not to 
Chrift : Dolendum a medico quod non delendum a medicina : 
Chrift hirafelfdid grieve becaufeofthehardnefleor unbelief 
of their hearts .* And fo may we grieve that men do fo 
negled Chrift, and fodefpife their own fouls. 

There are five heavy me iTages which the Lord Jefus Chtltt Five heavy me f. 
fends to every unbeleever(that is) to everv one who refufeth fa* 5 10 evcr J 
to hearken unto him. unbclccvcr. 

1. He hath not life. 2. He (hall never fee life. 3. He is 
under the fentence of death. 4,He is in a fpiritual death,dead 
whiles he lives. 5 He (hall go to the deadjeternal death (ball 
be his portion. 

1 . He hath not life : He that hath the Sonne hath life, and he He bitb not life 
that hath not the Sonne , hath not life, 1 Joh.$i2. There is the 
life of the body, this life he bath ; and there is tbe life of the 

P p p 2 foul, 

500 the fad condition of men Chap. 13 

foul, this life he hath not : Thefavour ofGod is the life of 
the foul, and this life he hath not : Chrift is the life of the foul, 
and this life he hath not: And what is all othtrhfe, 
when there is no life in the foule , and no life for the 

O how fad is this condition ! There is the God of life, but 
my foul bath no portion in him ! And there is Chrift the 
Prince and Lord of lie $ But my foul hath no intereft in him ; 
And there is the Spirit of life, but my foul hath no part irvhim • 
And there are the iromiles of life, (thofc trees of life,) 
but my foul hath no right to them : And there is the Crown 
of life, buc my foul hath no hope of it: What a woful fpe- 
ctacle is the body, that lies on the flore, without life? much 
more woful is it to have a foul without life, without God,with- 
out Chrift, without grace , without mercy,without happineiTe. 
2. 2. He /hall never fee life, John 3.36. He that believes not 

He fall never /ball not fee life. There is a blefled and blcfling God, but he 
fa life, ft^H never f ee h; m . There is a bkfife.1 life after this iifc ; but 

he (hall never fee it : From thy facefoJi I be hid , fo Caine cri- 
ed our, and from eternal life (hall 1 be excluded, fo may the 
unbeleevirg foul cry out; How did Mofes taKe on , that he 
might go over ard fee the good land that was beyond Jord.m^eut. 
3.25. yet he might not go over and fee it, becaute of his parti- 
cular unbelief: If to be deprived of the fig v, t of an earthly 
Caw*** fet med fo great an affliction , what an affliction , and 
what a pumfhmcritis it to be deprived of the ligntof the hca- 
venly Canaan 1 

The Schoolman in the;r difpures , whether the punifhment 
of fenfe, or the punifiimrr.t of JolTc be the greater , do refoJve 
thatthepunifhmentof iofle is greatcft and beavieft pnnifh- 
ment. Ic is an incomparable puniftiment, the g tateftof all 
punifhments ; ?nd u - if the glorious fruition o: God be the 
rnoftcxetl'enn .ippi. tfe, then the privation of tfc; , and ex- 
clufion from this, m <t 1 eeds be the greateftpumfhment, and 
mifeiy: To be excluded from the fight of the .niverfalgood, 
and of blefled go d , and of eternal good to ail eternity f 
whi? ^Ife.whiL want, what mifery;wbatpuniirunent like this? 
foi ^*/wcobe(hutoutofParadiie 3 &c, yet this is the condi- 

Chapjg OHtofChrift. 501 

tion of the unbeliver he hath nothing of the life of grace, nor 
(hall he ever have theleaft fight of the life of glory, He (hall 
never fee life. 

3. He it under the fentence of deaths dead by fentence,and in 3. 

every Court under a fentence of death : There is a double He is under the 
Court, the Court ofjuftice, and there is the Court of Adtrcy , fattm of 
the Court of the Z*»>,and the Court of the GoJptl>hnd both Law €A ? * 
and Gofpel patfe the fentence of death on him -.from the Laft 
the fentence of death is -patted, In the day that thou eatefi there- 
of, thou [hah die the death t Gcn.2Ay. And from the Gofpel ^ the 
fentence of death is patted not only conditionally flf you believe 
via t that 1 amhe >ye fhall die in your finnes , John 8. 24. J but all 
fo peremptorily , He that believeth not is condemned already , an A 
this is the condemnation , that light is come into the war Id 9 and 
men loved darknetfe rather then light ^ohn^ .18,19. To be under 
a legal fenunce of death , is very fad, but to be under an evange* 
Heal fentence ofdeath^ is much more lad ; For as much as there 
may be an appeal , from the Law to the Gofpel ; 
but from the fentence of the Gofpel ; there neither 
is, nor Cap be any appeal : Now judge in what a fad conditi- 
on that foul lies,which lies under the fentence of death and 
condemnation , which (lull never be reverfed, and from which 
there is no app.a! ? When a pcrfon is condemned by the Laws 
of men, he is look?, on as a dead man: And all the world is 
dead to him , he ^an take no comfort in wife, or children , or 
friends, or houfes or riches, no nor in that little breath of life 
which fhortly muft b cut off; In a worfe condition is the 
foui, which is condemned and Sentenced to dk by the Law,and 
by the Goipel, by how much the more dreadful th& death is 
which is pronounced againft afoul, hen any death wh ch can be 
inflicted on the bedy: For as there is no evil whatsoever like 
unto finful evils , which cleave to the fcui, fo there is no pu- 
nifhmentor death whatfoever , comparable to th^t wrath or 
punfhment, which (hall befal a finning and unpardoned 

4. He U in a fpiritual death ,(d'ad while he lives) • As price 4. 

is the life of the foul, fo finne is the death of the foul, and Htisineffiri* 
Kherefore the finner in Scripture is filled dead; a dead mm tudi ™ lb * 


502 The fad condition of men Chap. 13 

' ■■•- — r ** 

bath his foul feparatcd from him, and fo the finning foul hath 
God (who is the Soul ofthc foul J feparated from it: A dead 
man is a loathfome corps, who can endure the dead > andfoa 
finfulioule isaloathfome foul : God is of purer eyes then to 
behold it : It (hall not (land in his prefence : / Voill cafi jot* 
out of my fight. A dead man lofcth all his excellency, and pow- 
er (and therefore Solomon faith, that a living dog is better then 
a dead lion;) So a (inful foul hath nothing of worth , and no- 
thing of power, and nothing of ufe ; it is like the corrupt girdle 
that was goobfomot king : Adeadmanis aputrifying, (link- 
ing, unfavoury carkafTe, and fo is a dead foul , nothing comes 
from it but filthy (linking corrupt lulls, like fo many crawling 
wormesoutofadeadcarcafe : O Sirs! The fpiritual death 
in which the foul lies , is a dreadful death to be wholly deprU 
ved of God, and grace, and to be filled with (inne and unrigh* 
teoufneflc; To bekilledbyfinne,andyetto live unto (inne, 
to have a heart as full of finneasthefountaineisof water, to 
have a foul not only void of holinefs, but enlarged in wicked- 
nefs , fo that every thought, and every defire, and every word 
and every work is infeded and poyfoned , and every faculty is 
annoyed, and corrupted, and overcome with the image of the 
devil,and the works of death and hell : what a woful condition 
is this 1 
?. 5. He {ball go to the dead. Eternal death fhall behispor- 

He fiillgo to cion r The immortal foul (hall fall into an immortal death : 
As long as there is a God able to fupport the foul, foiong 
(hall it lie under the wrath of God , and be dying the fecond 
death. It were well for wicked and unbelieving men , if they 
had no foules, or if thefc foules were not immortal,but mor- 
tal fouls : But their fouls mud continue for ever , and live for 
ever, and die for ever, and be puniihed for ever : Highefl pu« 
niihmentfc.for refuting Chrifl the highefl mercy, Eternal de2th 
for flighting life : They fh.itlbe punifhed rvith eierlafting Ae* 
(truttion from the prefence of the Lord, and from l hi glory of hit 
power, 2 Thef. f.8^. 


tbe dead. 

Chap. 1 3 out ofCbrijl. 5 03 


SECT. 4. 

Hall the foul live which comes in to Chrift, which hearkens xjfe 2. 

CO Chrift; O thenhear{en } yet hearken to Chrlfl that jour Then hearken to 
fouls may live : Life is the fweetefi argument I O that Ifimael Cbriftthatjonr 
might live before thee, hid Abraham, Gen. 17.18. Life is the (™ Um l Uv * 
firongzft argument : AH that a man hath will he give for his life % 
Job 2.4. Life is the higheft argument. Thou hafi magnified thy 
mercy Which thou haft fheWed unto we , in faying my life , faid 
Lot, Gen .19. I 9 Life u of all things moft de fir able : Let my life 
be preciom in thy fight, faid the Captain CO Elijah, 2 King? 1 . 14. 
Life is a recommence for all the outward good which a man lofeth. 
Thy iife/ha'l be unto thee for a prey, faid God to Ebedmelrch,jzT. 
39.1 8. / Will bring evil upon allpfh , but thy life will I give un- 
to thee for a prey , in all places Whither thou goes! % faid God to Ba- 
r«r&Jet\45 5. Ail this the natural life is, what then is the fpi- 
ritual life ? all this the life of the body is, what then is the life 
of the foul ? / call heaven and ea r th to record this day ag*frft you, 
(faid Mofes. D^uc. 3^.1 9 J that I have fet before you life and 
death buffing andenrfmg j therefore chufe life, that both thou and 
thy feed may live. 

beloved I there is life in hearkning unto Chrift, and there 
is death in refufing of Chrift, therefore chufe life, Incline your 
ear, and come and hear , and your fouls (hall lite •, If life will not 
perfwade you to hearken, what will? and if the life of 
your fouies will not perfwade you to hearken nothing 

1 6efeech you give me favour to propound a few things Argument: to 
unto you, thac yet you may hearken and your fou!es may ptrjwudeus. 

I. Tour fouls are the mojl tonfidcrabU *] eWelt which jcu fland J * 

po fffed of, Ail the world is not valuable to any one fottle , r 'Zmrt£ti* 
which appeal s by that of Chrift, what fkalht f -fu a man,to gate fariTe jewels'* 
the Whole World , and to lofe hti foul. The whole world can* 
not redseme one foul, nor can the whole worli countervail 
the loffe of one fou!e ; it is of that coftlineflfe that nothing but 
the preciom blood of Chrifi could redeem it , 1 Pet, 1 . 1 8, 19. My 


5 04 Arguments to perftvade to hearken Chap, i 3 

friend may ranfom my body , and my purfe may ranfome my 
life , nothing but the blood of Chrift can ranfome my 
7our*u' to all 2 ' ^11 that you have, jour all depends altogether and to all eter- 
eumiiy depends nit) upon ) ^our fouls: It doth nor depen i upon your wealth; 
upon ) our jouls. ("chat may perifh and yet you miybewel!) It doth not de% 
pend upon your lives • (r.hey may be cu: off, and yet you may 
do well;) Bucyour all, depends upon your fouls, as all in the 
fhip depends upon the (hip, If that holds out , all holds out, 
and if that finks and drowns, allfi.ks and drowns with it: If 
your fouls l.ve, you live, if \cur fouls be laved, all is faved^and if 
your fouls die, and peri(h,and are loft, all dies and peri(hes,and 
is loft with ir. 

3. All that concerns the foul is weighty, whither it be good, or 
All tbit con- whether it be evil , whether it be prefencs, or whether it ab- 
term the foul is fence; whether it be comfort, or whether it be trouble; whether 
mighty, it be reward, or whether it be punifhment ; becaufe it concerns 
the foul , therefore it is weighty.- The good which concernes 
the foul , it is the beft good, and the evil which concernes the 
fon!, it is the worft evil ; The prefence of God in Chrift , Is of in- 
finite confeqaence to the foul, and the Abfmce of God in Chrift 
is of infinite confequence to the foul : The c cm forts of the foul 
are weighty comforts, and the troubles of the foul, are weighty 
troubles. The regards for afoulzre thehigheft rewards, and 
the punifhment soft he foul Ate thedeepeft punifhments. There 
are no offers like thofe which are made to the foul , and there 
are no promi/es like thofe made to the foul, and there are no neg- 
litis and refa fals } like the negle&s and refufals by the foul, and 
there are no threatnings like the threatnings againft the foul : 
and there is no condition fo bad,as the bad condition of the 
4» 4. If heaven and earth could befearched , There is not any 

Hrfo°\\c ^o°u'l& 00i * *>hA t f osver >i P To t cr >f° Mctf* r J)(o available to the foul as this 
tslib } tif e vhkb may fa bad from Cbrfftx It is a life which the foule 
necJs, and is naturaly deftirute ofit is a life which is as it wre 
the re:u;redion of the foul , it recovers the loll foul, it quick- 
ens the dead foul, it fet> up again the foul : It is life indeed , it 
is a 1 ife beyond all lives , it is the only life , it is life for ever, 


Chap. 13 that our fouls may live. 505 

No life like this life ; What is thy beloved more then another t 
My beloved is the chiefeft among ten thoufani: fo, what 
is this life for the foul ? It is the moft lovely , the mod lively, 
themoftfweet, the moft choice of all lives : Do but confider 
what goes <orth to the making up of this life, andyoumuft 
confeffe it is fo. 

There are eight things that makeup the life of the foul. 

1. Theprefence of God. 

2. The favour of God. 

3. The enjoyment of God. 

4. The fruition of Chrift. 

5. The rigbteoufnefle of Chrift. 

6. Theforgiveneffe offins. 

7. The Spirit of Grace. 

8. And evcrlafting happineffe. 

Muft not that life be precious which haththefe ingredients ? 
When God isprefentwith my foul, then my foul lives; when 
the favour and love of God refts on my foul,then my foul lives; 
when I enjoy.God for my God and my Father , then ray foul 
lives; when Chrift is my Chrift, dwells in me, and I in hwrj, 
lives in me, and 1 in him, then my foul lives , when his righte- 
oufnefle covers my foul , my foul then lives ; when his blood 
takes ofTthe guilt of my fins, then my foul lives ; when his Spi- 
rit quickens, and changes, and enlivens my foul by grace , then 
my foul lives ; when my foul lives in life, in that blefled Kfe, to 
all eternity, then my foul lives. All thefe make up the life of a 
foul, that life which Chrift offers to your fouls, and is not this 
worth the hearkning to? _ 

5 . This preciotu life for your precious fouls you cannot po/~ J- 
fiblj have it any where , or from any other but Chrift , / am ^ %u li f c f of 
the trmh.and J am thevaj.and I am tbelifeJM Chrilt, who^f 1 ^^ 
is life, and who is the Prince of life, and who is the Lord of life, ^ cbrtft* 

Your death you have by your (lanes , and your natural life, 
from Adam, and your temporal life from Gods providence; 
but thefpiritual life, the kfe that concernes your fouls, is hid 
with God in Chrift y it is in Chrift, and it is from Chrift onely; 
with him is the fountaine of this life : Go to all the creatures, 
and go to all your abilities! and go to all your enjoyments; and 

Qjjcj call 

5 06 Arguments to perfivade to hearken Chap 1 3 

call on them for life^ can you make my foul alive ? can you give 
life to ray foul ? can you free me from the femence of death ? 
can you pluck me out of the eftate of death ? can you tranflace 
me from death to life? None of them can , onery Chrift, who 
7v as dead, and is alive , and lives for evermort , (Rev, I. 18.) 
can deliver your fouls from death, can breath the fpiritof lire 
into them, can make them to live, can make them to live for e- 
6. This life for your fouls, -which is derivable onely from£hi^ y 

Ton hje jv j 0H ma j ^ ave it j rQm ^ m H p on vgr y g 00 J^ a „J u p on V4r y € 0Ji e 

\ivible \ncly t ermes an & condittom ; It may coft a man very much fomecimes 
frm cbrifl.maj to fecure and preferve his natural life, which he bath jullly for- 
behdiufongiod feited, it may coll him his liberty, or his dignity, or his lands; it 
urmcs. ma y co ft him all that he hath to fave that poor fhort breath of 

life: But upon what termes may the mifcrable, loft, and an* 
done foul get life, this life from thrift f This, and no other is 
the condition, Hearken unto *»/, and come to me (faith Chrift) 
and jour foul [hall live. As if he (hould fay, here is life, take 
me, and you take life, receive me and your fouls fhall live. If 
a condemned man (whofe life is gone in Law) fhould have this 
onely impoftd on him for the faving of his life, come and aske 
for life, come and take the pardon that will lave your life? Ac- 
cept of life, and you fhall have life $ can any condition in the 
world be more gracious, and gentle, and reafonable f No o- 
therwife doth Chrift deale with us Tinners, you are condemned 
men, and dead men, do but come to me and you fhall live , do 
but accep: of me who am life, and you fhall have life, Come un- 
to me and your fouls fhall live. 
Obje3. Come to Chrift w ; ll you fay ! what is that ccming to flsrift 

upon which our ;'ouU (hall live ? 
«SV. It is the receiving of Cbrifi into your hearts by faith , this is 

coming to Chrift; then you come to Chrift when you are wiN 
ling that Chrift fhould come in to you, when your fouls can 
clofe with him,a.id give up themfeives to him, and rely on him: 
This is th^ coming unto Chrift, and this is that which will gee 
life for your fouls : therefore for the Lords fake, 2nd as you love 
your fouls, hang back no longer , do not preferre youi finnes 
before your fouls, nor the world before your lives. Life is of- 

I - - -- 

Chap.13 that our fouls may live. 507 

fered to you this day, and life for your fouls, and this life you 
may have for the coming for ; but do not delay one j'ot longer 
to come, is it not your lives Benhadads fervants catcht up 
the firft words of hope for his life > It is our wifdome to lay 
hold on the v,ery nrft offers of life to our fouls, at leaft it is fo 
to clofe with this prefent offer of life, hearkf* unto me and your 
fouls [ball live. 

SECT. V.. 

.£ Hall the foul live that comes in to Chrift ? Then judge of Vfe.il 
^ jour inttrefl in Clorifi by the intereft in life; If your 3 ud & «f jour 

fouls be in Chrift, they are alive ; and if your fouls be alive, ^l" c A Jlt 
certainiy.tbey are in Chrift : If you are indeed come to Chrift, iJeJe/intiL 
unqueftionably Chrift is come to you, and if indeed Chrift be 
come to you, then unqueftionably life is come into your fouls : 
There is not any evidence whatfoever which is more ccrtaine 
and irfailible,that we are brought into Chrift, and are his and 
he ours, then this that our fouls do live: neither is there any 
one teftimony more ftrong againft us, that we are none of 
Chrifts, then this, that our fou's are not alive, but dead* 

-Thefe two are fuch correlatives, that dther theyftand to- 
gether, or fall together ; They fiand together affirmatively and 
reciprocally •, if you have Chrift, your fouls have life ; if your 
fouls have life, they have Chrift; And they fall together nega* 
tively and reciprocally : If you have not Chrift, you have not 
life, and if you have not life , you have not Chrift, Rom. 8. 9. 
If any m\n have not the Spirit of Chrisl % he U none of his^ 
verfe 10. And if Christ be in you, the body id dead bevaufe of 
finne , but the Spirit is life^ becaufe of right eoufnejfe ; there- 
fore ferisufly furvey and try the condition of your fouls for 
death or life, for accordingly you may conclude of your in- 
tereft in Chrift or not. 

And becaufe this is a point of infinite confcquence unto us, 
I (hall prefent unto you, 

i. The tokens of death, or fignes of a dead foul, of a foul in 
a dead condition, which is a fure evidence that that foul never 

Qjjq 2 indeed 

*o8 Signes of a dead foul. Chap 13 

indeed hearkned to Chrift to come to Chrift. 

1. The tokens of life, or fignes of a living foul, of a foul 
that hath fpiritual life , which is a mod lure evidence that that 

<t-l * 1 ,f * foul hath hearkened to Chrift ai d is come in to Chrift. 

dui CquL lt T" e t0 ^ ns °f * dead foul, that as yet remains amongft 

the dead, and hath no fpiritual life. 
There are five tokens of fpiritual death in the foul. 
1; 1 . Vn[e»fibUneJfe : A dead condition is an utterly unfenfible 

Un r oifibkncjfe % condition, death which deprives us of all life, doth ltkewife de- 
prive us of all fenfe. The dead hear not, fee not, taft not, fmell 
not, feel not : Though you cry out to the dead, and ufe all ar- 
guments, yet they never hear you ; though you prefent to 
them the goodlieft objects , yet they never fee them , though 
you put the fweeteft odours to them, yet they fmeli them nor, 
though you pour into their mouths,thc choice ft liquor, yet they 
taft them not 5 though you lay upon them the heavieft burdens, 
yet they feel them not; for, where there is no life, there is no 
ienfe; even fo a fpiritual unfenfibleneiTe is a certaine figne of 
a fpiritual death. O what precious offers hath Chrift made un- 
to our fouls, and how hath he called, how often ? how earneft- 
ly, and what afTe&ing arguments hath he ufed ? and yet many 
of us hear nor, regard them not, are not at all ftirred by them, 
certainly the reafon of this unfenfibleneiTe in the foul , is that 
death which hath feizcd on the foul. 

O what glorious things are revealed and manifefted unto 
us ! whar riches of mercy and grace, what goodncfTe of love 
andkindmfle? what a falvat'ton and redemption by drift? 
what opportunities of fpiritual deliverance and eternal life! 
yet men fee not the furpjfling excellencies of Chrift, nor beau- 
ties of holinefTe, norkindnefleof mercie,norfreenefTe of grace, 
nor heights of glory, nor depths of falvatk>n,nor opportunities 
of their life ; nor diy of t*ieir peace , and the reafon of this 
unfenfibleneiTe is 3 that fpiritual death which yet remains upon 
their fojls. O what a numbcrJcfle number of finnts do lie up* 
on the fouls of men ? and what an heavie curfe of (rod for 
them :fo many finnes,and fo great finnes, and fo weighty as 
makes the Creation togroane, and it made the foul of £brifi 
heavie to the death, and as made David cry out, they are too 



Chap.t^ Signes of a dead foul. 509 

heavie a burden for me to beare; and Paul to cry cut0 Wretch- 
ed man that 1 am, vfho (hall deliver me from thu body of death} 
And yet many people are exceedingly guilty,and as exceedingly 
unfenfible, that as Cafar wondred,how he who owed fo much, 
could fleep fo quietly ; fo may we ; that men fin fo much,andyec 
are never troubled, uniefTe it were for this, that fpiritual death 
takes away all fpiritual fcnfe of feeling and of complaint ; Sinne 
which is the greateft and heavieft of all burdens, is yet no actu- 
al burden unto a foul which is dead in fin. 

2, Coldnejfe^znd which flows from that ) a ftiffnefle , wc 2. 
fay, that vita confiftit in calido , & Humido , aad, i>i/d confiftit Coldxcfle, 
in motu, where natural life is, there natural heat is •" and when 
death comes (which deprives men of lifej fuddeniy the whole 

body is cold, and the very blood and heart are cold ; and all 
action ceafeth, there is noftirringat all, no breath ng 3t all : 
And thus it is in a fpiritual notion with a ioul that is fpiritually 

1. An univerfalfetled coldneffe is in that foul. There is no Aunherfdfet^ 
heart unto any fpiritual good,or unto any one fpirituil dutyjno led coUnefle. 
heart to pray, no heart to keep the Sabbath, no heart to heary 
no heart to meditate, no heart to repent , no heart to believe, 
no heart to any fpiritual communions. 

2. Nor any fiirrings at all of any gracious motions, or No fthrings At 
affeZlionsy and no breathings of Life in holy defires oratf. 

3. Nor any inclinations thereunto. This fpiritual coldneiTe, Nor My'mcli- 
is certainly a figne of a fpiritual death : To have a heart ^\\[ n ^mtotbem % 
in complying with fpiritual fervices , (till indifpofed , (till in- 

flexible , ftill indelighting in them , dill difliking of 
them, ftill weary of them , ftill formal in them , could 
this poflibly be if there were a fpiritual life in your foules, 
whicti breeds readineffe, and compliance, and delightful- 

3. Vnchangeablenejfe ; the unchanged foul is a dead foul, be- $; 

caufe the foul lives onely upon its cor.verfion , which is a U*chnge*bu* 
change : There is a. change from darkle (fe to light ^s when the ne f St 
ignorant finnergets knowledge; and there is a change from 
profanettcjfc tocivilnj^ as when adeboiftlivcr becomes fober ; 

And »• 

5 i o Stgnes of a dead foul • Chap.13 

And there is a change of a feared conscience into an unquiet con- 
fcience t as when the hardened (inner is nude a troubled (inner; 
and there is a change fr^m a fitful eft ate unto a renewed and ho* 
/yeftatc; and till this laft change be wrought, the foul is alto- 
gether in a dead condition-, until it can be faid , you hath he 
j qmckped who were dead in ftnnes and trefpajfes , there is no 

(piritual life ; and where there is no fpiritual life there is no- 
thing yet,but a fpiritual death ; what then mult we judge of 
the fouls of fuch men, who were wicked and are wicked Hill, 
who were ignorant and fo are ftill, who were enemies to god- 
JincfTe,and fo are ftill , who were fcoffers of the ways of Chrift 
and fo are ftill, who were drunkards and liers, and fo are ftill? 
Spiritual life in the foul, makes the greateft change in the foul 
( fuch a change as the Creation makes, fuch a change as the re- 
furreftion makes :) It makes a kinde of miraculous change in 
man , it makes a (inner utterly unlike bimfelf and quite con- 
trary to his former felfe , as contrary as light is to darknefle, as 
day tonight, as life to death : And therefore the unchanged 
foul is a dead foul, the foul is dead until it be changed by 

4. The living reigning poVeer of fin , where finne lies in the 
The living power, there the foul is fpiritually dead , for indeed that 
mining pW We of finne is our death becaufe it feparatcs the foul and 

offin. God. 

A fourfott A fourefold power of finne. 

ppmrofjin. ^ j ncrema y De a dwelling power of finne 9 and yet the foule 

Ad Ui z ma y ^ e a ^ lve (fi*n* that dwells in me , faith Taul y Rom. 

power. 7« 2 °*) 

2. 2. There may be a conflicting power of finne , and yet the foul 

A conftiHing may be aliv<;, ( I fee another La\X> in mj/ members warring againft 

p/fcr. the loft! ofmyminde, Rom.7.23 ) 

3. There miy bed captivating poWer of finne ; and yet the 
A ctptiviting ^ on ^ ma Y DC a ^ ve (**d bringing me into captivity to the LaW offin 
paster* which h in my members^Rom 7 23 .) But, 

4. If there be a living power , a reigning power of fim * , in the 
AL'-^'ni a f° u *> tne,oul is not alive but dead, if finne lives wit** a reign- 
rciznlngpower, « n g power, no Chrift , no grace, &c. And finne lives m a ceign- 
wbicbirpw- in fi power when 


Chap. 1 3 Signs of a dead foul $ K I 

i Ic hath the abfoluie andfovereign command of the foul, an In * n abfolute 
uncontradifted power. "££"*« 

2. We do make choife of lime to be our Lordand do volunta- \ n a vohintarj 
rilj jeilaup our [elves to obey it ; know ye not that to whom ye fubjeftien. 
yeild your /elves fervants to obey • his fervants ye are to Whom 

ye obey , whether of fin unto death^r of obedience unto right eoufnefs 

Rom 6.16. tWbenw m\ 

3. When ttv vpalhjw the ways of finne and will not forfake them, in the ways of 

Job 20.13. It is our path and way. fin ^nd will not 

A . When Veicfodneffe is fweet unto w.and we delight our felves M^ e t}}s ™; . 
. . j , r r • • u . r /r tt • i_ ♦ • tVixn wicked' 

inir, and take pleafure in unrig hteoufnefle.Here is the reigning .- sij r m ~ t 
life of *inne 3 and this reigning life of fin, is the very death of the umo VA , 
fou1,if this he your Hie, this isyour death. An enmity unto 

5. An enmhy unto life -, not only anuniverfal want of fpiri?u< ti i ' 
al life , but alio an univufai enmity and oppofition to all fpU 
ritual hfe. 

rhe Apoftle defcribing of Unnersin their dead condition, 
faith, that they are alienated from the life of God, Eph.4. 1 8. and 
are enemies in their mindes by wicked works, Col. 1. 21. Enemies, 
Rom. 5 10. And the carnal minde u enmity again/} God* 
Romans 8. 7. which carnal minde he calls Death in 

There is is a fkfold enmity in every unregenerate or fpiritual- There If t r 
ly dead foul. fold 

1. An enmity again/} the Lord of life : that they will not be E 
fubjeft unto Chrift upon any termes ; therefore, faich ChrifT, - 7 
thofe mine enemies that Would not have mete reigne over them , 

2. An enmity againfi the rule of life, which is the word of life, Znmitv 
faas todefpifeit, Sfay 20. T2. therefore they arefaid to re jeEi lbcruU 
that Word, Jerem.8. 9, To reproach and deride it , Jerem. 20. 8> 

Not to hearken unto it, and to flop their eaves that they Jhould not 
hear, Zach, 7. 1 1. and to put it away from them , Afts 13. 46. 
and 1 per fee ut e it, I The f. 2.1 5. 

3. An enmity again[t the Spirit of life: therefore they ixzKnmiti aw* ft 
faid to re/ifi that Spirit, A&i 7 .5 I. And to grieve that Spirit, *bc Sprit »f ' tije- 
Pfal.oj.iOj&c. To provoke th*t Spirit, pfalrae 106.35. an( * t0 

defpi/e that Spirit , Hebrews 1 0.2$?. 


-j 2 Signcs of a dead foul. Chap. 13 

Enmity wind 4 ' A * ™ W " 7 ***'*!* tJoe & raceS °f life : The y hatc ^olinefs, 
tbepriceTof and difcountenancc, and reproach andoppofcic withadcadly 
life, malice. 

Emity agriuft 5, An enmity again ft the way es and paths of life. The way of 

the wiys of life. p eace t ^ e j fy oVV mt £[ a y ^ g t / havefpread out my hands all 

the day unto a rebellions people jvhich Vvalketh in a Way that it not 

good after their own thoughts , Efay 65.2. It is an abomination 

to them to walk in pathes of righteoufnefle or- godii- 


Enmity jgdinft $ t An enmity againft the people of life; Thcie are perfons 

tbcpcepieoflife on[k ^ an d perfons of death : All wicked perfons are men of 

death, and all (andified and godly perfons are men of life; 

t! ey are living in whom Chrift lives , and grace doth live. And 

thete perfons are hated and contemned onely by the children 

of death, Qal. 4.28. We brethren , is I [aac was, are the chiU 

dren of promfe,vcr. 19. 'But as then, he that \icas borne after 

the fiejh, perfecttted him that Vi>as born after the Spirit, even foit 

u now* 

The tokens of Secondly, the tokens of life, orfignesofa foul which hath 

Ufa fpiritual life in it indeed , or which truly lives by 

Four evidences There are four infallible Evidence* of a fpiritual life. 1. The 
ofifpirhuii manner of its conveyance. 2. The quality or its prefence. 

life. *. The power of its operation. 4. The proprieties of its na- 

lt miy bcknoven cure# 

1. You may know that fpirkuil life is breathed into the 
By the manner f ou l e t fij the manner of its conveyance , it is conveyed or let 
of its convey- - mo t ^ e f ou j ? a f t€r fuch a manner as no other life is, it is 

1. Byafenfe of death. 2. Withcries for life. 5. By Faith, 
going to the fountaine of life. 4. By an A/mighty power, fuch 
a power as is neccflary and requifite to quicken orraife the 

When the Lord will let in this fpiritual life into the foul He 

¥>y i fenfe of firft lets in aftrongconviclion of deathfthut is) your foul is made 

bub. t0 fee that it is in an eftatc of death , under the power of fin 

and wrath, and curfe , and condemnation : Sin revived, and I 

died, and the Commandment % which woe (or dewed) to life^ 1 found to 

be unto deai ^Rom.7 .<?,I0. There 

Chap.13 Signesofafpirttual life. 513 

There is fuch an evident deraonftration of finne and guilt by 
the Law , and by conference, that the poor foul u ama^d^and ifttbcrUsfv 
troubled^ and cries cut> I am dead, and 1 am loft, and I am un- life. 
done forever; Here's death in my nature,and here's death in my 
"life, & here's death pronounced by the Law , and here's death 
pronounced by my confcicncc-.God is none of mine;fin is mine, 
and curfc is mine,and death and hell is mine; and now the King 
of fears and terrors of death enter into the foul, and (hake, and 
amaze,and diftrad it; if natural death fhould feaze on me,whac 
will become of mc?wh.at will-become of me and of my fou!?I am 
in a fpiritual death , and if I ftiould be cut off in this 
eftate, I ftiould immediately fall into an eternal death, 

When the Lord will let in this fpirirual life, he then ftirs up 
(Irong cries , and moft earne ft de fires for life ; Let my JohI live and 
it /ball praife thee, faid David,?U\mc 119.175. Or as Abraham 
for IJhmael , O that lfhmael might live before thee ; fo this poor 
finner cries out, O Lord let my foul live in thy fight : Lord my 
poor foul is dead in finne, and under the fentence of death for 
finne, and what will become of me, if I get not out of this 
condition? O Lord pity me and help me; There is life in thy 
mercy, and life in thy favour , and life in thy Chriftjl befeech 
thee (hew me mercy, and love me freely , and give me Chrift, 
&c. Hereupon the Lor&direfts the foul unto the fountain of B 
living waters ; you would have life for your foul , you would toibef ^'^ 
betranflated from death to life? yea Lord [ why ! then get •///£,* mn 
you to my Cbrift,to my Sonne , He that believeth on him fball 
not peri/b, but have everlasling life , and he that bath the Sonne 
hath life. He can deliver you from the fentence of death, and 
he can deliver you from the eftate of death, andhecanreftore 
life unto your fouls; all fpiritual life unto you, of righteoufnefs - 
and grace and glory.Go by faith unto him,and your fouls (hall 

The fouichearsup a little with this, then there is fomehopa 
of life for a dead and condemned finner ; I will make out to 
Chrift, I will go to him, and I will believe and truft on him; 
But prefently itcriesout, help, O Lord, or el fe I (hall never 
bav* life, for I cannot believe; Therefore the next wor\ 

R r r which 

c\a Signcs ofafpiritHallife. Chap. 1 3 

, r which God puts forih to breath fpiritual life into the foul is a 
tmnhotencj. ner K of omnipoter.cy , In working of faith in the foul. He purs 
forth the exceeding greatnejfe of his poVcer according to the rr<?r£. 
ing o{ his mighty po'xer veb ch be Wrought in £hrtft y When he rai- 
fed him from the dead, and fet him at his oven right hand in hea* 
venly places, Ephi.i?, 20. Such a power as this goes forth 
to ered faith in the foul; that faith wh ch brings in a foul, 
and unites it to Chrift: And when by this power faith is 
formed in the foul , then is the foul united to Chrift, and be- 
ing united to (Thrift, it isquickned, as the A poll e delivers it 
in Eph.2.\* And joti hath ht ^mckned wbotzere dead in trefpjffet 

Now try your fclves by this token of life for your foufes ; 
you think that ^our fouls do live, that fpiritual life is in thera. 
But, i. Was there ever in you a true fenfc of the fpiritually 
dead eftate of your fouls? 2. And wi ere are thofe importu- 
nate cries for life, for your fouls? And, 3. What knowledge 
have you of the Lord of life? And, 4 When did you finde 
thatfupernatural and Almighty of God in working faith in 
your hearts, which brings in, and unites your fouls with Chrift 

2. by whom only you come to be quickned and made 

B)tbc quality of ^iytf 

¥&*»&*• 2 ' You may kn0W that f P irituaI ,ife fs Indeed breathed into 
rfUfeconform* your fouls by the quality of that life which is in your fouls , it is a 
Able to life in life conformable to the life in Chrift. 

thrift. 1. In the nature of it ; partakers of the divine Nature.Therc 

U is in us fuch an holinelTe as is in complying with finne deftroy- 

intbe mure of j n g Q c fi nnc . Iucn a j ovc ^ f uc h an hatred ,fuch a meekneiTe.fuch 
a patience, fuchalowlinefle in ourmeafu'eas is in Chrift, (As 
tie light in the aire is a light conformable to that in the Sun, 
or as the water in the ftream is conformable to that in the 
fountaine or as life in the members, it is conformable unro that 
life which is in the head,fo thegr-ice orholintfle in us (which 
is the life ofourfoub) it is conformable unto that grace which 
is in Chrift. 
2. 2. In the principle of it) the principle ofholineffe, in Chrift 

in tbcprinciflc (at to his humane nature ) was the nntlion of the Spirit : and 
HP* fuch an hoiinefle is that in us , which flows from the fame Spi- 


Chap. 1 5 Signes ofafpiritnal life. 5 , 5 

rit which was inChrift, which he received, and with which 
he was anointed; we are all changed into the fame image With 
Chrift b)> the Spirit of the L*>vJ, 2Cor,3a8, 

3. In the extent of it. As the holinefle in Chnft did difafc k 3." 

felf over all Chrift, his perfon was holy, and his natures were In the extent of 
holy, bts heart was holy, and his life was holy, fo the holinefle "• 
in us fprcads ic felfe over the whole man, over the 
foule and body, and over every faculty of the foul and bo* 
dy, &c. 

4. In the ufe and end of it, which is the glory of God. Fa - 4. 
ther (faith Chrift, Jo-hnlj. 4.) 1 have g lor tfied thee on earth,/ In the ufeani 
havefimfied the workjhat thougaveft me to do ; and at this end cndo f n ' 

do all look 3 who partake ofipiritual life which carries us a- 
bove, and beyond our felves in all our defignes and works, to 
the glory of God : All is done to the glory of God ; whether 
i&e live, we live unto the Lord ; or whether we die , we die unto 
the Lord ; Nay, whither we eat or drink , Uv do all to the g'ory 

of god. 

3. You may know whether your fouls be made fpiritually l- 

alive, by the powerful operations of a fimtual life : Spiritual life ^^T 1 
asitisthemoft excellent life, fo it is the molt powerful ; All foi r j tm llifl 
fpiritusl qualities are quick and powerful : Before the foul 
partakes of it, a man is nothing and can do nothing; He hath 
no power againft fmnes and temptations, no power to do 
good, or to wi'l it: like a dead man who is without all ftrength, 
but as foon as fpiritual life enters into the foul , there is a pow- 
er comproduced with it, which the foul never enjoyed before: 
for the Spirit of Chrift is* Spirit of might, Efay 11. 2, and of 
power, iTim. 1.7 There is a power to grieve forfinne: when 
the Spirit of grace was poured out upon them, then they hid 
a po^er to motirne, Zach. 1 2. 1 e. the heart was hardened before . 
A power to hate finne : when the new heart was given and the 
Spirit of life put into their hearts,then they were able to rzmem* 
her their evil wayes^nd to loath them,Ezck. 36. 31. A power to 
for fake ftnne ^ They that are thrifts have crucified the p[b with 
the fiffllions and taftj thereof Gal. 5, 24. JYbofoever is borne of 
God doth not commit ftnne, and he cannot fw^ becaufe he it borne of 
<jod, I John 3. p, How fhall we that arc dead to(tnne y live any 

R r r 2 longer 


£ i6 Signesof a fpiritual life. Chap. 15 

longer tberein>Rom.6.2. A poster to refifl finne j What have I 

to do any more uith idols? Hofea 14 8. How can 1 do this great 

Wickcd»c[f t andfi» again-ft God} Gen. 5 9.9. A porter to minae good: 

(they that are after the Spirit d* minde the things of the S t irit , 

Rom 8.5.) To dt fire good, Othat m) WjyesVcere diretied to 

keep thy Statutes, with my [out have I de fired thee. To Vei/I 

isprefent with me , faid Paul, Rom. 7. 18, Whom have 1 in he** 

•ven but thee, a \ aether e is none on e At th that I defire be files thee} 

Pfalme73. 25. a power to do good, Ezek. 36. 27, To delight in 

good ( 1 de'ight to do thy wiH (fa id David,) Pfalme 40.8. 1 delight 

in the Law of God after the in^ard.man^ laid Paul , Roni. 7.22.) 

and to Voalkjn neftneffe of life. 

O Sirs ! there is a wonderful power let in , when fpiritual 
life is let in to the foul: J can do all thirgs through Cfaift 
which firengthens me , Phil.4 13. what a wonderful power was 
this? whatfoever is borne of Godcvercometh the world , ijohn 
5.4. What a wonderful power is this? I hate every evil way, 
faid David, Pfalme i(p*io4« What a power was this ? I count 
not my life dear unto my felf , faith Paul, A&szo. 24. What a 
wonderful power was this? To be able toforfakeyour dear- 
eft luft , to renounce your fweeteft life , and to deny your 
ielvc;, ad to love Jefos Chrift above all , and to chufe all the 
wayes of God, and ail the fervices of Chrift, and all the condi- 
tions of Chrift , to exercife our felves unto godlinefle, to make 
repenting, and believing, and newnefle of obedience &c. To 
be the workof ail our lives, &c This fhews the power which 
comes with fpiritual life. 
4. 4. You may know whether fpiritual life be let in to your fouls 

Sj th properties by the properties of that life : which arc, 

*i iuch f * u f e - 1. Manifeftation : Life cannot be hid , it will 

MamWmon. manjfcft it fc , fe< Emy kindc of ljfe doth fo morc Qr 


Treftrvitiw, 2. Prefervation : It is natural to life to intend its own prefer- 
vation , and the grea eft care of life is to defend and prefcrve 
life : A man will tat up himielfe to pre ervc his life, and he will 
lole all that he hath to favc his life , and he will lofc every mem- 
ber of his body toprefeve life. 

nutrition. 3. Nutrition: There is a naturall appetite which at« 


Chap. 1 3 Signes of afpiritnallife. 5 *7 _ 

tends life. An hunger and thirft to carry us out far food fie 
f jr life. 

4. Growth: living children are growing and increafing till Growth* 
they come to fuch a meafure. 

All thefc will be found in yon, if your foules pinakc of fpi- 
ritual life. 

1. This life will put out (elfin fpeech , in converfation , 
Taulsfpirit wasftirred. Spiritual life is mod atfive , grace can- 
not be hid, it will be breathing and doing: We cannot . but 
Jpeak the things Which fte have feene and heard , hid*Peter t 
Alls 4. 20. It is compared therefore to fire, and to light, and 
to ointment, &c. It will break out in actions futable to a (phi* 
tual nature, and to the Spirit of Chrift. 

2. Of all things that you enjoy, you will be moft tender 
and careful ro preferve the Spirit of Grace, and life in your 
fouls, left that be offended, impaired, and endangered, you 
will look to your faith , and to your love, and to your holi- 

3. Your fouls muft have futable food to nourifh a fpiritual 
life (fpiritual food) As new-borne babes dejire the Jincere milit^ 
of the Word that ye may grow thereby , I Pet. 2. 2. you will 
feed on Chrift, on promifes, on Ordinances, &c. And you will 
grow in Chrift, be changed from glory to glory. 

SE C T. VI. 

— ■> 

SHall the foul live that comes to Chrift? what comfort is Vfe $. 
this unto tbofe who are come to Chrift: when Chrift faid Comfort to tbofj 
to the Nobleman (who befeeched him for his dying fonnc, S»^" ecQm n 
come down ere my chid die , John 4. 49.J1 Go thy way , thy 
fonne < liveth % vtrfe 50. what a comfort was this unto him > 
And fo when the Prodtgal child returned to his father, there 
was much joyj U wo* meet that we fhotsld mak? m^rry , and 
be glad , for this thy brother was dead , a*;d is alive againe, 
Luke i>. 32. H^wdotb David bleiTe the Lord, for redeeming 
his life from * detfr Helton , Pfil, 103*4. and delivering his foul 


518 ComfortJtfrom this y Chap 13 

from death, Vfo\. 316 8. And f<> Ue^ltiah^ Ihon hail in loi* 
to my [oul delivered it from the fit of corruption , Ifa. 38. 1 7. 
We value and rejoyce in the life of our fnends, and of ourchil- 
drcn, and of our parents, of our husbands, of our wives, and a- 
bove all, in the life of our felves ; But what are cheir lives, and 
what arc our own lives, in companion of the life of our fouls ? 
That your fouls are alive, is caule of great joy. There is a dif- 
ference \wixt a marriage-feaft,and a funeral feaft , ac a fune- 
ral fea.Ct there is a large provision made, but there is no joy-; 
and at a marriage-feaft there is nothing but joy, becaufe all are 
alive : Though a man enjoyes all the world, yet he hath not 
caufeof joy and comfort, becaufe the matter of the houfe is 
dead, his foul is dead ; but when the foul is alive, now there is 
great caufeof rejoycing, for all is alive; if the foul be alive, all 
isfafe, if thatbelafe,all is well and alive , if the foul be well 
and profpers. 
comforts from I w ^ deliver out unto you (who have hearkned to Chriir, 
this ,/ hit our and are by Faith come in unto him) fome comforts from this, 
foiUcs Live. Th A t jour fouls do live ; And thele comforts are either gene- 
ral or particular. 
Qenerilcom- , T fo gg mra i comforts. 

The life that is come into the foul by coming unto (Thrift, it 

hath all the perfection of life in it., and reafons of comfort in 

it: As it was faid of Job, There vp<u no man lt\e him in all the 

f . earth; that 1 fay of this fpirirual life (derived into your fouls 

^/xrcfptfs'! byChrift) there is no life whatever like unto it, or to be 

compared with it: Infix re fpedto you ihallfecthe furpafiing- 

nefTe of this life. 

T \ 1. It U life indeed: This is your life, your finful life is but 

■It h life wlced. a death , y 0Ur natural life it is- what is it? But a poor 

breath, an empty vtpour, a fliadow of life, a dying life, there is 
more of death in m?ns life, then life -.every day of that life we 
are flipping inro our graves, and towards our graves : but fpiii. 
tual life is li'e indeed . when our fouls are quickned by Chrift, 
then is it the time of life with us : None lives till his foul 
2. 2. It id the highefl life : There is the vegetative life in plants, 

it U the btghft ?nd ihejenfitive m bcafts, and the humane life in men, and there 

wv. ' ; k 

Chap. 13 that our fouls live. 5 19 

is the §mtm\ life in the fouls of men. this life is the chiefeft of al 
J fcs ; it is called r£<? life of Chr\fi^ and /£* life of God y and 
*£* life ef the bletfed , and a ble(fedlife t and eternal life. 

5. 7* /* r&<? facetejl life: Soul- life is foul -joy, and foul-jay -^ 

and delight : fpiritual life is a fpiritual heaven ; It is a life made lt $ r ^ ' 
up of every thing which is life and happinefle : God is mine, fiveetefl life, 
and Chrif>,&r, The foul and God are reconciled , and iten- 
joyes him in his gracious prefence, &c. And befides that ic 
fweetensall our temporal life unto us, ail our earthly com- 
forrs are like To miny trees of lite, fet by the river of life; any 
one part or degree of this fpiritual life, is filled with joy, and 
peace, and confolation, ic cannot be your burden, you cannot 
be weary of it. 

4. It is the freefl life: Our natural is filled with troubles, .4* . 
as the fea iswith waves, and with crofTes, and with fickneffis^V^ * re€i 
and with vexations, and hazards : lam weary of my life, faid J ' 

Job, Dcur. 2%. 66*' Thy life [ball hang in doubt before thee, 
and thou jhak fear day and night , and (halt have no afjttra'*ce 
of thy life. But this fpiritual life frees you from all thefe , or 
bears you up under all thefe, there is no mifery in it, nor fear of 

5. /* is the longeft life: The natural life if it could be free, 

and fweet, yetit wiilandmufl bevaine, and (hort ; Howfud- . ,'•_ 

deniy is that flower cropt?doth that grafle wither ? Is that race fy* *' c & e < 

at an end? The fword may cut off that thread of life : The 

malice of men nuy blow out us candle, ficknetfes and difeafes ; 

a thousand accidents, as fire, water, griefs, &c, death will puc 

an end to it: But fpiritual life is immortal life 3 it is an endlejfe 

life, is is life for evermore .• Nothing can puc an end unto ic, 

death ic felf cannot puc an end unto the fpiritual life. The foul 

that lives this lire,, uves forever; mencannoccuticoff , death 

cannot cut it off, ic lafts as long as eternity lafts. ^; 

6. It U the muji ferviceable life : God hath no glory by It is the mofi 
any man deftitute of this life, the unregenerate mans life is fcnketble tifc 
buc^acourfeof finning, and therefore buc a courfe of diiho^ 

nooring of God ; Onely r he fpiritual life which makes you co 
referable Godi makes you ferviceable in all yourwayes to the 
glory of God. 


5 2 o Comforts from tfjif, Cha p. 1 3 

Particular com- 2 . T be particutAT comforts for believers from all the parts 

ritiui'iifi. l - From /A* /;/> */ jujrtficathH • As it takes in theremiii> 

i, on of their finnes, 3nd therighceoulnefleof Chriftmade theirs. 
From the life of I. 7"^ remijjion of all jour finnes : David faith, that mania 
Juflifcdticn. blejfed rvbofe itdqmkiu are forgiven, Pi'al. 3 2. I . "1 hat this is a 
Fr ° l ? the f rc ' furp3iling comfort; confider a few thing*, 
r.~f l« fftaf « dc«f «&*« GW forgiies our finnes ? when God 

/« ibujonfidcr, forgives ail our finnes, He doth therein utterly remove ail chc 
Ji'rjit U done effectual or redounding guilt of our finnes, fo that they fhall nc* 
rvhcnGodfor- V er bring us unto wrach and condemnation : He doth likewife 
lives our fins. uttcr jy remove the offence, fo that heisnolongeroftcnded 
with the pardoned perfon for any fin which formerly he hath 
committed againfl him ; But looks on him as if he never had 
offended him ; His anger is turned away , He doth in forgive- 
nes clafp tr e pardoned perfon with unfpeakablc love & favor. 
O what comfort ? what joy is this ? to have all guile remo- 
ved? and all wrath? and all condemnation ? That divine juftice 
will never fue the (inner, nor queftion him for any injury or of- 
fence ? That a poor (inner may look on all his fins , as Mofes 
and the Ifraelues did on all their enemies drowned in the red fed f 
fo he fees all his finnes drowned in the blood of Chrift, and in 
thedeprhs of mercy I And God to look on him , and to love 
him, and co deale with him as if they had never been enemies, 
as ifGodhadneverbeen dishonoured and diipleafed by the (in- 

2. What comes in upon this forgivcnelTe ? peace, joy, con. 
npotforTivncfi ^ence, no P e I Hence comes that peace Vphtch paffetb all un- 
derstandings Rom. 5. 1. Hence comes that joy Which id unjpeal^ 
able and full of glory : Hence comes that confidence and boldnefs 
§f accejfe unto the throne of grace : Hence comes that hope of c. 
temal happineffe. If finnes be pardoned , God is at peace 
with you , and confeience will be at peace with you, 
they have nothing to lay againft you^And we joy in God through 
our Lord jeftu Chrift , by whom Vre have now received the 
attonement^Rom.]. 11. And nothiog (lands in your way ; If 
your finnes be pardoned, your persons are accepted, and if your 
perfons arc accepted , your petitions and fervicss are alfo ac- 
cepted, and your (ouls (hall be faved, i.The 

Chap.13 *Ufe the mednes of life. $ 2 

2. The rigbteoufneffe of forty (in which you are interefted, 2 • . 

and which is the life of your i u!sj doth alio aford unto y°* tcotfne% Jf* ' 
mod admirable comforts, u<, cJbri^r 

1 . /# *&« r/£ hteoufneffe there is enough tofa! ufie the righteous In this rigbte- 
of God s This rightcouineffe of Chrift which upon belecv- onfneffe there is 
ing is yours, and your life ; is fo perfeS:, fo full, fo fully facisfy* ™*J tof * u * m 
ing, as that the juftice of God doth reft fully contented, I have ^ €t 
enough, and I require no more; I have found a ranfome, and I 

am pacified to wards you. 

2. This rigbteoufneffe of .Chrift t ikes away all our unrigh eoftfi . 

nefle ; cancels every bond,*akes away all iniquity* and anfwers a iVrm\iih- 
for all our (ins: Lord i thefe,and thefe,and thefe are my (innes, : t couf?ifffe. 
but the righteoufneffe of Chrift hath aniwered for them all. 

3. This righteoufneffe of Chrty prefents tu perfeBly tf&l^^ffi^i* 
in the fight of god. It is pure linnen, and glorious Without ffot or f J^ } ng ' 3 ' 
wrinkle, by i eilon of which Chrift faith of his Church, thou 

art all fair my love \t here is no {pot i»/£*?,Cant.4 7, And to pre- 
fent m holy and unb Umeable^ and unreptovable in the fight of God, 
Col. 1.21, 

4. This r i ghteou fine ft i of Chrisl anfwers all the fears of ' ottr^is anfwers 
fouls : How (hall 1 look up to God ? How (hall I d/e ? How ^^ °f 
(hail I appear before God ? what (hall I anfwer Mm? what™"' 

(hall I bring before him ? how (hall I (hand in the day of judg- 
ment ? the anfwer is in the righteoufnefTe of Chrift. 

5. It is thy purchafe of heaven, and the fare title for it ) The L,. . 

Lord our rigbteoufne feithis is our life,and this is our anfwe^md cbafeVb'fvte 
this is our comfort, and this is our confidence, this is our plea, 
this is our all. 

2. From the life of fanftification, or holinefle which the foul From ^ uf c 
hah bv coming unto Chrift. There are many excellent com* offinttificmon 
forts flowing in and unto you. this life of 

1, Thie life of holme fe it is the feale of your eternal efeftion : / ;o / 7 -, /c /ft 

the counterpawre as ic were of that gracious love, good will is the fed of our 
and eternal intention and purpofe of God, Ephef. 1.4. He hath election, 
chofen Hi in him he fore the fofwdat ion-of the World- that we fboula\ 
be holy: You need not go up to heaven , Iook what is wirten 
in your hearrs ahd that ill tell you what is written in heaven. 

2, This life of holinefTe, It a the immediate fruit and evidence 

Sff of 

522 *Ufe the meanes of lift. C hap 1 5 

Is the imrnedi- ofyont real tinion ftitk Cbrift for being in Chlift, Cbrifl is made 
Ate fruit of w f an £lificationuntoH4,\ Cor.I.30. 

CbriST 3 ' This ^ e ° f holincflV > lt * the nliY f ef 1 °f * n < xc »fi»£ <»<* 

Is tbe'nurferj r e joy ring confeience : T huts our rejoycing^ that in god I] fine er it y 
tf an exciting we have had our convirfation^ 2 Cor. 1. 1 2. 
And rejoicing ^ % jhe life of holinefle, Is the Witneffe of our effectual voca- 
confcicriLC. .^ . ^ % y ^ y^ ca fcjy ou u fal* f y s y e ^qU j n a /j wamer 

Tbervitncfie of -: , '»' * . J 

ourcffittU of conversion, I Pet. I ; 15. 

cilling. 5- 1 bis hfe of ho line fie is the fure earneft and patvne of glory. 

The fure eirncfi Q ^ kath chofen yon to [alvatton through fanclification of)he Spirit , 
of glory. 2 Thcf. 2. 13. foi John 2.2. tvben he fia!l appear, *>e (f? a !l b e 

like him^ for we /hall fee him as he is> verfe g • And every man that 
hath this hope in f. im purjfieth himfelf even as he is pure, Matth. 
5.8. Blejfed are the pure in he Art ', for they fh all fee God 
The beginning $ 9 This life of holineflfe, It is the beginning of your bappineffe, 
of our btppinefs the firft ([ ^ t hc pre f em entrance into the Kingdome of God, 
you arc in heaven already. 
3. 3 . From the life of glory } which the foul fhalllive that comes 

Trom the life of to Chrift: : Admirable comforts do ariie unco you : re Joyce and 
£brj. be exceedingglad, for great is jour reward in heaven, Matth.5.12, 

We rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God, Rom. 5, 2. When yott 
come to that heavenly life ofglory, 

1. All your troubles (ball be at an end. 

2. And all your (ins, and all your temptations. 

3. And all the promifes (hall be perfectly fulfilled. 

4. And all that Chrift harh purchaled for you (hall be enjoy- 
ed by you, with him elf and his Father and your Father. 

5. All in heaven is heaven, nothing but love, favour, joy. 

6. All there is in its height of perfection. 

7. Communions there are not onely bltfled , but bleffcdnefs, 

8. And all this is meafured by eternity which never hath an 
end, continual vifion, joy,&c. 


V e '^' C Ha!1 * e ^ Iive tnat hearkens and comes to Chrift ? Then 
towh'cbn M ^ ^ e a( * vl * c d co "(' f be means by which yon may be enabled to 
l wnQ }9li hearken 

Ghap.13 Comforts from this, : 533 

hearken to Ckrift, and to come to Chrift., that your fouls may alfo m ) beenibtci* 
f*''\ ■ .■ to hearken unto 

I have read the ftory of one (but I know not whether it be u * m 
real) who offered thrice his weight in filver, twice his weight in 
gold, once in pearle, to redeemer's life; and that life was but 
his natural life : And will we offer nothing for the life of our 
immortal fouls ? 

Do not fay that you are dead, and what can the dead do > Object. 
1. Though the naturally dead can do nothing, yet the fpiri- f*% 
tuallydeadcandofomething; But take me right, they can do 
fomething as to the ufe of means for life , though indeed they 
are nothing, and can do nothing as caufes of that life. 

Neither fay it is impoflible that fuch dead fouls as ours Aiould Olje&l 
ever live ? 

For God is able to quicken the dead ; when I pajfed by thee 9 Sot. 

andfaW thee polluted in thy blood, I fa\d unto thee when thou waft 
in thy blood, live, when thou waft in thy blood, fcve, Ecclef. 1 6 6. 
The hour is coming, and noto is, When the deadjhall hear the voice 
of the Sonne of God, and they that hear /hall live, John 5.25. Sue ft. 

Bat what is to be done that we may hearken to Chrift, and fo we What is to be 
tome to him that our fouls my live ? done that we 

I will tell you what you mart do. . mytearken 

1. Come and hearken to the Word, this is one Way to hearken an tv i' , 
fo as to come to Chrift and live? 

The word of the Gofpel is called the Word of life (holding. Cmcin ; he „ : 
forth the Word of life, Phil. 2.1-0. Go andfpeak^ in the Temple to \^ n t9 thtWori 
the people all the words of this life % Afts 5. 20 .) And it is called 
the minift ration of the Spirit that giveth life , 2 Cor. 3.6. The 
Gofpei is the power of god, and therein doth he reveal his Arme 
to bring in (inners to Chrift, and to give them life, £«*^. 37. 9. 
Frophecying to the winde 5 propbcie fonne of man, and fay to the 
Winde, thux faith the Lord God s comefrom the four Winds fl breath, 
and breath upon thefe flaine that they may live ,verfcio. So I 
■prophecy ed as he commanded me, and the breath came into them y and 
they lived, and flood up upon their^feet : So when the Lord 
commands us to fpeak the Word of life , and you to hear 
the Word of life , come and heare ; God can ( and 
ordinarily doth ) fo work with that Word 3 that the 

Sff 2 hearts 

524* that our joules live. Chap. 15 

hearts of finncrs (haji comt in to Thrift and Jive r And therefore 
istheGofpel cailed a!fo the Word of Faith. Rom. 10. 8. and 
Faith is faid co come by hearings Faith comes by hearing , and 
hearing by the W^dofGod, Rr.m. 1 O. 17.) Why ?If the Gofpd 
be a word of Faith (chat is) ii;ch a Minifhy by which the Lord 
works Faith in us then m quefttonably it is a means by which 
we may be able to Ivearken and come to Chnft; For if faith be 
once wrought in the heart, the (inner preterit ly hearkens, and 
Willingly comes to Chrift, and then his foul lives. 

2. Be eamcf} in prayer unto (W,who hath power over all the 
2 lrncil in ^ earts °^ men ' * fy\ befeech.him to cncline year eare that you 
trycrToGod. ma Y hearken unto Jefus Chrift, ifa. 29. 18. In that day Jha/i the 
dead hear the word* of this boo\$. and the eyes of the blinde fh all fee 
otitofobfcuritj\andotitofdarknfffe^ Ifa. 35- 5» The eyes of the 
blinde fb. iit be opened, and the e,xres of the dcafe fha/i be unftoffed^ 
Ifa. 50 4. tie W*kfneth mine eares to heare as the learned, verie 
5. The Lord God opened mine ea>e y and I rvas not rebellions. If the 
Lord God would once give thee an hearing eare, if he would 
once open My hem if he would give thee an heart to hear and 
underltand , an heart to hear and confider v an heart to hear and 
perceive his infinite love, his wonderful grace and compaflion, 
and £rK.dirffe in Chnft,and thine eternal deliverance and hap- 
pin-ff in dofing with Chnft ! If he would give thceanheait 
todifcernethe i ear fi of a dead ioul,and the hfe of a living foul/ 
If he would but undertake co bowe thine own eare, Mtnd to per- 
fwade thy foul, then thou wouldcft hearken then thou wou'deft 
eDdine thine eare, and com^, then thou wouldcft fay it is good 
for me to come to Clirft^and it is beft for me to come to Chrift, 
for then my foul fhall live. 



$M : 







A. twofold Buying, p. 206 

Can the Foot Buy that hath 
no money. Anfwered. 205 

He that Buys ofChrtftfhalt 
in jo j andfojfefs. 208 

"Encouragements f«Buy of 
Chrift. 216 

yfc/tf/? Jinntrs do not Buy 0/ 
Chrift, *1 j, ton 9 

The Caufes why they do not 
buy of Chrift. a 19. to 

The great finne of not Buy- 
ing 0/ Chrift. 2*2,22} 

Try all whether we arc wil- 
ling to Buy 0/ thrift. 225 
fa 228 

Tryall whether wee have 

Bought of Chrift. 11940 


Arguments to prfwade fin* 



^ Mrs to Buy of Chrift. 2$% 

The excellency of the wares 

Bought of Chrift, 232, 

Thettecejfity of 'the pttr chafe 

to be Bought. 254 

Thegoodnefs of him of whom 

w*Buy. 235 

The eafineffe of the price up ~ 

on which we; Buy. 2 3 5 
The faimefs 0] the effort h- 

nit) <?fBuying. 237 
The benefit of the bargain 

Bought 238 

By buying of Chrift we gain, 

all. 240 

The lo(fe by the negletl of 

Buying. 24 o 

Get faith ffBuy and trade 

Withal. 241/0243 

Comfort for fnch as have 

Bought of Chrift. 244 
Hee that hath bought of 

Chrift > may buy more of 

him upon the fame tearms 

U The 

Tnc Table, 

The leaft good, yon Buy of 

Chrift ts favtng. 247 
All is bought of Chrift when 

any one thing is bought of 



What y oh Buy of Chrift fhal 
be \ refer ved vy hhm. 248 

Ton have Chrift frm/elf 
with what you Buy of 
Chrift, thd. 

Alt is Bought of Chrift up- 
on gracious terms . 251 

In what fen[e this afferticn is \ 
ta^n. 251,252 

The gracious terms upon , 

which a finner buys of 


to 238 

Why Chrift fells, and a fin- 
ner buys upon gr.c'ow 
terms. 258 

Cofpel encouragements to 

finners r*Buy of Chrift 


7 he finfulneffe of not buy- 
ing upon fucb gracions 
terms. 26$ 

IS inner s are doubtful they 
may not buy upovgraci- 
ow terms. 266 

To come to Chrift is the left 
Choice. 486 

Qounfelis to f»ch as bavr [' 

made this hft Choice. 




Delight,*/*/. Good. ' ' 
Six things in Chrift very 

Theperfon of Chrift. 461 
The love of Chrift. 4 64 
The Furchtjes of Chrift. 
' 455 
The workj of Chrift. 4.66 
The prefent enjoyments rve 
have by Chrift. A 6 7r 
The fweet tafte by Chrift 


// ourfpir/tHM/DdlYcstee 
Mfatupedy the fan It is 
o»r owtt^ 4,2 


Poor finners are Doubtful! 
of the peculiar intentions 
of Chrift , andofhi> gra- 
cious capitulations. i65^ 
26 j 



The Tabic, 

An Enmijy **U Ufa o fign 

of a dead foul. J 1 1 

Afxfold Enmity im every 

dead (eft/. ibid 

Faith. vid.Gracios.. 

The necejfttjt o/Takh, if we 

wiHtra de withChrift.Z^l 

What is the Wiiki of fditb. 


The Folly officers who 
will not came to Chrift. 


Three notorious Follies in 
J *ch firmer s. 2 1 2 

Six properties of a Fool, 184 

Free Receipts what they bind 
us to. 276 


The Gain by thepurchafe of 

Chrift.. 238 

By it wee Gain Lojfes^ 238 

By it we Gain «r (elves. 

By it wee Gam our Souls. 

#7 ft we Gain *#. 240 

What Good * tytfjJ «*/ £'* 
had in Chrift t 20J 

^iy/good neseffsry to the $i- 

. ,a • ^ -Pages. 

r hum being of our fouls .203 

All- Good neceffary to our 

comfortable being, 204 

All Good fAdf concerns our 

fpiritual being as long as 

- wee live. ibid 

KH Good neceffary to make 

tif an eternal happinefsfor 

*s--, 205 

Enjoyment offpiritualGood 

limited to eomming to 

Chrift. ''"ibid. 

How Good is Chrift. 210 

Chrift aims at our Good in 

our obedience to his call 427 

Good*p/# certainly come to 

usfiy hear tying untoChrift 

This Good i* Good indeed^ 
real and fubsl ant ial good 

43 * 
What Good is to bee had by 
camming unto Chrift. 43 a 
All this Good is a real good 
demonftrated.tf i.to 435 
This Good hath all the in- 
gredient f of Reality in it. 

All that come to Chrift tn- 

joy this realGoodidemon- 

ft rated. 436 

The unhappims ofthofe who 

iff joy not this Good>bti*g 

out of Chrift. 437 

It isfoolifo to be content frith 
• Good not real. 438 

What this Good " that they 

T.tc 2 #*;*/ 


injoy nho come toChrift^l 
It k a f roper Good. ibid. 
It it the higheft and btft 
Good. 44* 

It is a full and large good. 
It is a ftrorg *nd efetlual 
jiood. -443 

It is a\ pUafing and delight- 
ing gtfod. ibid, 
h is art advancing goodi 

It U a permanent and lifting 

good. I I 445 

It is ever lofting good, ibid. 

Jfjots hit h..ve goodJndeed, 

then makj in to ( hrift. 

4*5 "4# 
1 here, is good enough in 

Qhrifttofatisfy us. 45^ 

V rove a by ten Arguments. 

TheTitlesof this good .45 1 

The ingredient i ofthugood 


Ihe nature of this Good. 

455*" 457 

Good enough in L t rift te 
delight us. 458 

Proved by Scripture in ft an? 
ces. 458 4SP 

By comporifons. 460 

3y enumeration of particu- 
lars. 46c, + 6i 

Caufes why thk Good doth 
not allure ta, ^ 9 

The J (td audit ion of fuck 04 
Tifufte th* good ,480,48 1 


Ton may come to thrift for 

that good which is c- 

uougb. 485 


Comforts from the life of 

Glory. 521 

There is a life of glory for 

bim that comes toQhnft. 

493.'? 4*7 

Many men antemn tit go(- 
pel, as they who contemn 
the LMimftirs of thego(- 
pel. p.25 8. and the mi- 
nt/} rations of the Gofpef. 
ibid, and they who are 
wea>y of the G off el. ibid, 
and they who have a low 
opinion as to the Gofpel. 
p.2^8,299. and they who 
tire dtjc bed tent to the gof- 

pcl. *99 

7he foul th nt comes to Qhrifr 
ft) all live the life of grace- 

49»,493 "497 
Gracious, vid. Buy^ 
Cod U gracious todiftreffed 
fouls. 41 

Gracioufucfs of Ch'ift 
jhou/d bee admired, 1 7 1 , 
Chrifts gracious way of 
trading* brings in tuft**, 
tnerstohtm. 258' 

Chrifts gracious way oftrs* 
ding r fit J upChr'tflalone* 

The Tables 


and pulls down the finncr. 


Chrift s gracious terms *re 

the way to breed and efta- 

Ui(h faith. a6o 

Submit j to this gracious 

way of trading, 374 

Grounds df hope from the 

graciouihefs ofGhrift.zji 



What it is to hearken dill* 

gently Unto Chrifi.19%. to 


How it appears that Qhri ft 

is importunate with tuto 

hearken unto him ,40 zjto 


WhyChrift is fo importunate 

with us to hearken unto 

him. 406.^411 

The miferable condition of 

fuch who refufeto hearken 

unto C hrift. 4 1 r . f 4 1 tf 

Many /inner s ^<?»«*fheark 

&} unto Chrift.. 41 2.. to 

Whence it is that (inner s do \ 

not hearken unto Chrift. ! 


What things within them 
hinder from hearkning to 
Chrift.. 415 

What things without them, 


&/W*r/r*«*.hearkniug to 
Chrift 416 

Troubled (inner s advifed to 
Hearken unto Chrift, 418 
Proud, /inner s advifed to 
hearken untoQhrt ft. 420 
The evidences of a finncr that 
hath hearkned to Chrift, 
7 he e feels and fruits of 
hearkning unto Chri(f t 
Comforts for fash as have? 
indeed hearkned unto 
Chrift. 4-2 $ 

It is not only a duty^ but * 
reafonable^andmoft reafo* 
noble duty to hearken unto 
Chrift v 427 

Comforts from the life of 
Holinefle. 520^21 

Grounds of Hope for di- 
ftrejfed /inner s t 27 2,273 ) 


What that Life u^foulfhaU 
live by comming unto* 
Ghrisi. 49 a 

The foul that comes toChrlfl 
Jball Live. Demonftratedo* 

494-" 499- 
The fad condition of then* 

I wh&willnot come to Chrift t 

Tttj fa 


for Lite. 499 .to 502. 

He*rh» to Chri ft that your 

foulsmoy Live. 503 

Con fi derations tt inforce it, 


///* of the foul. 505 

J«^ ^ j^ r inter eft" in 

Cw*fa 4) your inter efi in 

Life. . 507 

7V tc^ns offtiritual life. 


7fo manner of the convey- 

ance if this Life. 5 1 2,51 3 

7fo quality of this L ifc. 5 1 3 

7 he powerful operations of 
this Life, 5i5,5i*, 

The properties of this Life. 

Comforts from this that 

our fouls Live. 517 

iV* Life //^ flUf *'* fix re- 

fpeEls. 5 i 75lr8 

rfcthe means that you may 
Live. 522 

ffW ii to bee done that our 
fouls may Live. 522, 

Love. fiO 
The Love of Chnft is great 
to firmer s, 3$^ 


•#*# *r$ tic w>Jeft Me r . 


chants." 2&I 

AtetterMxch binders from 
clofingwithChrift. 300 

Three properties in the ufe 
'/"Means. a f 4 


ChrtflH very Mcfdful to 

finners. 3?4 


preachtng Chrift. ^ 


What is meant hy him that 

hathnoMoncy. 81.^84 

W* #* Money. 84. to 


yeonrs,tiUv>cfee that w c 
have no Money of our own 



The principal Good things 
which a [inner Needs. 2 u 



U>rlfi, Often «/*/y 4*4 
(leir\)t(d h fnM men. 


The Tabic. 


This is demonftrated>%%Q>.to 


fVhyfinners refufe the gra- 
ctqus Offers of Chrift. 


£x amine our pelves whether 
wefietght Chrifts offers. t 

Divers things fremi fed con- 
cerning onr refufingChrifts 
Offers: 287.^290 

Sleighttng of Chrifis Offers 
a hainous and danger ohs fin. 
Proved by fundry Arguments 
29 1. to 296 
Sleighing Chrifts Offers 
is a fin univerfaRy c&n~ 
traryto the Mercy- feat , 
and to the throne ofgrace^ 
It is afurpaffing proi ocAtlon. 
It is a] ufi forfeiture, ibid. 
It is the bond of all our guilt 
andmifery. 293 

It renders fa Iv At ion impojf. - 
ble. 294 

It breeds dreadful fears in 
the conference when once 
awakened. 294,295 

Tryal whether we flelght 
Chrift in his Offers. 296 
Some diftinBtons about it 
f rem. fed. ibid 

Pofitive charAclers of our 
refufaUfQhnfts Offers 


Negative Qhara&ers of our 
305^03 12. as the weep- 
ingtye. p, 306. The fad 
complaint. p. 307. The 
fretiom thought. ibid, 
1 be ready conquered will^ 
p. 308, The panting heart 
P. 3&?. 7 he importunate 
cry.Z0Q^\c. Theatre*- 
tive ear.?. 3 fo, The dilh 
gent fear ch.^. 310, The 
only dif-fati/fattion, p, 
311. The beftdzltght, 
p.312. 7 he joyful -news, 
y.$l2,The perfectly reft- 
dug and quiet center, ibid. 

Refufe Qhrifs Offers no 
longer. 315 

Arguments to enforce it.y 14 

Re f ufi ng Chrift s Offer un- 
der light , bath a deep guilt 
in it, 314 

Chrift Offers ail unto you , 
though y.,H have refufedm 

Former [ieightings frail bee 
fardoijedjfjou'ivtll accept 
/>* Offers, 317 

You cannot bee better offer- 
ed. 318 
Tou cannot but be loft ^if you 
refufe bisQKcw . « 3 20 
; Chrtfts Offers cannot bee 
ton?, wi&<todJteS'#lwaies .. 

The Table- 


It had been better never to 
have had the O&cr^then to 
fleight it. ibid 

I) tr ell ion if hat courfe to 
take to bee free d fronwref fi- 
fing Chrifts Offers . 321 
Cetthef Ad fight, ibid. The 
wounded fyirit. p. 3 2 J. 
7he right farvey of our 
fouls y and what wtU be- 
come of them. p. 3 27. The 
goodly glafs in which we 
may fee m^hriftsOSaiSj 
The deepeft pitty-> The 
loweft condcfccntion, The 
f re eft offers, Thefweet- 
eft mercy fhefuEeft good- 
\ neffe* the only hap fine 'fe. 
P V9> ll°> The renewed 
ieart.p. $$l. The bend- 
ed k$<c. ibid. 
J f there be but one exception 
we cannot clofe with Chrtft 


thrift is of a wjr patient 

nature. 385 

Poor. W. waits. 

The j^ooreft fnner may 

CutnetoChrift. 80 

Jtiow it may appear that the 

Pooreft fnr.tr may come 

toQhrft, 8; 

Four Arguments to demon- 
ft rate it. %%.to$o 

Iryal whether wee be fpiri- 
tually Poor. Arguments 
toperfwade to it. $o,to p8 
Evidences of fuch as are 
Jpiritualiy Poor. p. pp. to 
fuch the Gofpc^Audgof- 
pcl way of falvatiom it 
pretions. ibid, fuch build 
upon Qhrift alone, p. loo, 
1 01. fuch aremoftjeri- 
,fl» and earnest beggers. 
rj.ioi.fucb will humbly 
and patiently wait at the 
. door of mercy. y.ioiJuch 
are of all others moft 
thankjut. ibid. 

Arguments to perfwade 
them that are t has Poor 5 
tocometoChrift. 104 
The Poor mans condition is 
bipeful. 112 

It it an infinite mercy to bee 
mjde fpir anally Poor.i 1 5 
The means of fpiritual^Q- 
verty which muft be ufed. 
If he aye the fur eftpoQcffois 
Chrtft puts forth a fivefold 
Power j when he makes a 
fnner hearken to him. 

1 Piomifcs. 


The Tablt< 

Ckrijts encouragements are 

Promifes. 427 

fVhyChrifi deals with [invert 

by Promifes. 428 

Rcmiffion of fin comforts 
from thence. 519 

Chrifi femetimes renews 
his gracious offers. Proved 
3j ScriftHre^.1%1 ,*ndby 
Arguments. $& 2 

Why ChrifiKcnzV/shis gra- 
cious offers. 384 
Inferences from Chriftstc- 
ncwal of his gracious of- 
fers. - 388 
Chrifi s renewed offers muft 
he considered* 3.9 1 
live things to be confidered 
in them. J92 
Renewed tfersfhos^dmake 
Mentions. - 393 
Renewed offers fhould bee 
eiccepted. 395 


ChrifiisKich. ■ ^69 

The Riches of Chrifi dc- 

monfirated. 109,210 


Comforts frem the rightc- 

oufneffe oi Chrifi. 520 

Jhere is the life of rightc- 

oofeefle for him that 


comes to Chrifi. 491 ^% 


Comfort sfrom this that a U 
the Tales of Chrifi are free, 
Satisfy, fid. good. 
Sdl.vid.Buv, I 
The terms ufon TohicidSArifi 
fells.. J %Oj 

Chrifi s felling encourage- 
ment tobuj* 214 
Love Qhnfi r»hsf.(dk aliuf- 
on gracious termi. I75 
Self enough hinders from* 
clofivg with Qhrtft^ 303 
Th ere are fever aI. \ feafon* 
forfinners to come i Chrifi 

Scafibk fwncrs advifedta 

come to Chrifi. 485 

Encouragements to fenhbls 

{inner s to come to Chrifi. 

Qhrifl hath^moMgh to help 

•/^xfenfiMfc. finntoi'a* 

3 come unto him* - v, 4S4 

ztksvi Shifts ' ; 

*T*h'ng Ghrift )in a meer 

> fhift htndersfiomatr&c 

I tlifingwiti Chrifi , 303 

SilU- T : : • < 

. v4 fourfold {or*? officio 


trbenSlnraJgnt. 5^i 

No finncr hath any thing of 
■ his ovrn to help kimfelf.43 
Sinners arc d»ll and fiow of 
heart. 4:6 

Sinners are carehjfe. 407 
Sinners arc unteachable. 
Sinners are backyard to 
bear k** unto Chnft. 38?, 
Sinners are very ferverfe 
and dejpertte, 408 

Qhrifi takes not aB advan- 
tages againft Sinners. 390 
Chriftu better to dinners 
than they deferve, 390 
Sinful men are ignorant men 


Sinful men are foolijh men. 


Sinful men are enraged men 


Sinful men are dejperate 

men. 185 

Sinful men are deluded men. 

, tbid 

sinful men are nnthankJuU 

men, ibid. 

Sinful men arc prejudiced 

men. 186 

Sinful men are unbelcevmg 

men. ibid, 

SouI k 

Qhrifikno** *t>t rtcrtb of 

our SoUIS.p. 409. and the 
loft condition of our fouls 
p.4.10, and the future 
wrath upon difobedient 
fouls, ibid, and the diffi- 
culty of winning fouls. 
p. 411. and what \ower 
S fit an hath with our fouls 

Our Souls the moft confidc- 
r able Jewels. 505 

Our all to all eternity de~ 
pend< upon our fouls. 504 

AH that concerns thefa\\is 
weighty. ibid. 

No good fo proper for the 
foul as life. ibid. 


What are the fweet Taftes 
vrehavc by Qhrift. 46 a. t& 


A Tafte of all the good in all 

the attributes of God^6p 

A Tzftcofallthegoodinatl 

the Vecrees of Gtd. 470 

. A Tafte of all the good in 

the loving klndueffe of (jod. 

A Tafte of all t hegcod in the 
Covenant of God, Afll 

A Tafte of all the good in 
the providential dealings 
of God. 474 

A Tafte of all the wood in 

The Tabic, 

tht ordinances cf Chnft, 


A Tafte of aU the good from 

thefpirtt ofChrift. 475 

A Tafte ofaU the good tn a 

peace* fpeakjng Cwfcier.ee. 


A Tafte of aU good in 

fpiritual communion with 

God and hi* people. 476 
A Tafte of all the good tn the 

aecomphfbment of defires 

and prayers. 477 

A Tafte of aft the good tn 

the Creatures,. 477 

A Tafte of aH the glorious 

happineffe hereafter, ibid 
Thirfr. vid. Waters. 
Qualities of a fpiritual 

Thirfh . 5 

Thirfty Sinners need mofi 

encouragement to come to 

Chrifi. 7 

And are moft fit to come to 

Cbrifl. * 

Some finner snot Thirfty at 

aU y and who they be. 9 

Some thinks they arefpiriiu- 

*#T Thirfty, but are not, 

and who they be, 10 

Some ere really thirfty, the 

evidences thereof, 1 2, to 1 5 
Comforts for Thirfty ftmers 

Scruples about cur thirft- 

ings. as they are net right 

tmrftings^nfwered, \6 


Our thirftings are notftrong 

and vehement, Anfwered % 

Our Thirfts are net fe vehe- 
ment as before, Anfwered. 


There 14 not a cor.fr ant equa- 
lity in our xhkCxs>ar?fwered 
If our thirftings had been 
right, God would Uvefa- 
tufiedthem % Kxfwered, 

Cod answers my thirfty/**/ 
bnt rvith little , a*f wt red. 

The caufesofwant of fpiri- 
tual thirft, 24 

Motives to fointud thirft e - 

Helps to fpiritual Thirft, 

A thirfty;Wr hath not of 
his ofrntofatisfy. 4^ 

t/i Thirfty condition is * 
hopeful condition. 44 

There is a ntcefftyfor thir- 
ty finner s to come toQhriCt 

Thirfty finner s hardly per- 
fvra'ded to come to thrifts 
why I q 9 

Cautions for Thirfty finner s 


Directions for Thk&yfin- 
ners, tfo 


v » 


The Tabic. 



It is labour loft to trade 

with any thing he fides 

C brift for falvation 362 

Seven things befides Chrift 

with which men trade for 

falvation. ibid 

Tbe fruitlefneffe of this 

Trade, p roved by Serif - 

ttsre and by arguments, 

l6+.to 368 


T A\l things btfides Chrift 
and his offers are vain and 
unprofitable. 334 

Sinful objects are vain . 334 

Worldly objetts are vain.3 3 5 

Other wayes of falvation are 
vain. 336 

Sinners purfue vain things 
when Qhrtft is offered,de- 
ntonft rated. 337 

Why fmners purfue vain 
things. 3 38 

Thus to purfue vain things 
is cxtream foolifhneffe^ fro- 

The difference of the objefis, 
p. 3 47. The [implicit y of 
theele8scn.r>.l47- The 
trays and terms of enjoy- 
ment. y. 343. The conditi- 
on of the foul. ibid. The 


gains and tbe loffes. p . 3 44 
Tbe prefem incomes by 
the one y and by the Qtker, 
p.345. Tbefuturt ac- 
compts and ^efults.^^S 
The contingency of pof- 
Jejfion. " 347 

Try ai whether wee do prefer 
vain things before the 
great offers of Chrift.^. 
347, which ts dif covered 
by the Mint of our cares 
p. W%.Thc'cHirentofour 
defres.1p.149. Thepre- 
fent mat cv.%50.Thc great 
faradife of our delight, 
351. The bufy trade 
which we drive. ibid 

The gnat eft burden, p. 3 5 x 
the very cor foal and fuffi- 
cing portion. ibid 

Wee ypould bee humbled for 
this folly inpHrfui»gvdL\[\ 
things. 353 

Bee more wife than to ft* rfue 
vain things and neglttb 
Chri(h. p. 354. becaufc 
Chrift offers the beft 
thifigs^ better things then 
the world c,\n afford. 355 
Ibe things which Chrift 
doth offt r are better for us 
p. 3 5**. rou mght have 
thefe worldly things upon 
better terms. 359 


Mfin) refufe tlx offers of 

The Tabic: 


Chrifi becaufe of their 

ineffectual vocation: 199 

What is required to effectual 

vocation. *99 


Every man in this life is in 
fpritttalwsLntSy 104 

Spiritual wants a reef *U 0- 
thersthegreateft. lOJ 

Nofitxe offpiritual wants 
an infallible tefiimony of 
all wants. ibid. 

They who are in greateft 
wants are leaflfenfible of 
them. 105,106 

The foundation for heaven 
is lowyin the fenfe of wants 

Men -mil never feek^ afup- 

fly offpiritual w4nts f till 

they bee fiiritually poor. 


Few finner s under ftnfib/e 
Wants? andw by pi 

Two forts of wants. 108 

A poor finner cannot fupply 

hit own wants, 108 
No fupply of wmis but in 

and from Qhrifi. 1 10 

Chrifi ts able and willing to 

fupply our wants. 1 1 1 

The principal things 4 finner 

wants. 2J4 

Waters. v/VJ. Thirft, 
What is meant by waters in 

the Text. 34 

The fir earns of precious Wa-* 
ters provided for /Inner s in 
Chnfl. 55 

Why Christ and the benefit* 
by him are compared to 
water. $6 

Why thirfiy pnners mufi 
come to theje wi ters. 3 8 

Encouragements for thirfiy 
finner s to come to thefe wa- 
ters. 4* 

How a thirfiy finner may 
know that he hath drunk^of 
thefe waters. 68 

The vertue of thefe waters, 


InftruBions for fuch as 

have d%unkj>f thefe waters 

, 73 

Comfort for fuch as have 

drunks of thefe waters. 


To labour in any other way 

for falvation then what 

Christ propounds is fruit- 

leffe. 368.^373 

How it may appear we fct up 

fome other way for falvation 

How it may appear we [et up 

Chrtfis way alone for fal- 
vation. 377 

Vvv 5 


The Table, 

Chrift is willing to do go&d 
tofinners. 388 ? 2So 

r Will. 
Six f operties tf the will 
fhew a wan is no refufer of 
Chrift. 308 

The fill} of trading with onr 
own works. 165 

There is a profenfi$n in fin* 
nersto trade with their 
own works. 265,266 
The Reafous of it, 767,26% 
The way of trading with our 
own works U impofftble, 
p. 269. and contrary, 270 
fruit lefs .p.270. Perplex- 
ing, p. 27 1 , and perniti- 
OH4, 271 

tfjfu tMf? if&fj $0f& 

Books Printed, and arc to bee fold by Adwi- 
ram By field, at the Bible in Popes-head 

Alley, neer unto Lnmbard Street. 

' A Commentary upon the three firft Chapters oiGtne- 
ilf/, by that Reverend Divine Mr. John white, late 
Preacher ot Gods Word, at Vorchefter in folio. 

An Exposition upon the fixth > feventh , eighth, 
ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth -and thirteenth Chapters ot 
Exekjcl* by Mr. William Greenhi tf, being the fecond Volumn, 

in 4 . „ 

An Expofuion upon the fiftcenth,fixteenth,feventeenth, 
#ightcenth,and nineteenth Chapters oi Ez>cks*l > by the fame 
Author, the third Vol. 4 . 

The humbled firmer refolved what hee fhould do to bee 
(ived, or faith in the Lord Jcfus Chrift, theonely way of 
folvation, by Mr. Obadiah Sedgwirk in 4 . 

The Kichcs of Grace dilplayed , in the offer and tender 
of falvation to poor fiuners, upon Rev.s.io. byihe fame 
Author in 12°. 

A fhort Catechifmc by the fame Author. 

x nc 


The Reafons of the Aflembly of Divines concerning 
Tresbyterial Government? 4°. 

The Affemblies larger and leiTer Catechifme, in 4 . 

The tenth Mufe, feveral Poems, by Mas. Anne\Br*l- 
fireat in 8°« Hidden 

Hidden Manna, or the Myftcry of Saving Grace, by 
Mr. WilJenner, in 1 2V 

Safe Conduit, or the Saints Guidance to Glory , at the 
Funeral of Mris. Thomafin Barnardifto* y by [Mr, Ka/fh 
Robinfon, 40. 

The Sts, longing after their heavenly Country, a Sermon 
by the fame Author in 40. 
A Sermon at a Fall: by Mr. Nath.wardt 
A full Difcovery and Confutation of the wicked and 
damnable Do&rines ot the Quakers : As alfo a plain 
Vindication and Confirmation ot fundry Fundamental 
points of theChriftian Religion, denied, or corrupted by 
the enemies of the Truth in thefe times. W hereunto is 
annexed an excellent Difcourfe , proving that finging of 
Pfalms is not onely lawful, but an Ordinance of God, by 
Mr. Jonathan Clafham^m 4 . 

Mofes his Death; opened and applied in a Sermon at 
Cbri ft -Church, Londen&t the Funeral of Mr. Edward Bright 
Minifter there, by Mr. Samuel Jacomie , M. A. Paftor of 
M^rj Woolnoth^ London, in 4 . 

Alhort and plain Catechifme, inftruSing a Learner of 
Chriftian Religion , whathee is to beleeve, and what 
hee is-to practice, with the proofs thereof out of the Scrip- 
tures in words at length. 

The Hypocritical Nation defer ibed in a Sermon preach- 
ed at St, Maries in Cambridge, upon a day of publike laf- 
ting, with an Epiftle prefixed by Mr. Samuel Jacombe, 

A Sermon of the baptizing of Infants preached in the 
t^bbji.hurch at Weftminfter, by Mr, Stephen lA*r\hal> in 4°. 

The Unity of the Saints with Chriffrfie head, and es- 
pecially with the Church, the body, with the Duties thence 
arifing, are endeavoured to bee cleared, tending to heal 
our rents and divifions, in a Sermon at the Spittle, bv 
Mr; Stefhen Marjkal in 4 . 

