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Full text of "A token for children : being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths of several young children"







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An exaft Account of the Conversion, 
holy and exemplary Lives, and joyful Deachs 
of fevcral YOUN& CHILDREN. 


Minifter of tfee Gofpef. 

fo which is 

! A TOKEN for the CHILDREN bf 


O R, 

Examples of C H I LD R EN, in whom 

(he Fear of GOD was remarkably baddiog before 
they died ; in feveral Parts ^f Nt-w- England. 

Preferved and f-'bli(hed for th'e "Encouragement Q^ 
PIETY in other Children. 

With New additions. 

B OS T A', in &E W '- E NC L 4ND : 
Printed .. and ic !d by THOMAS and JOHN 

at rhe BIBLE ad HFART, in CornhfJl, 1781. 

To all Parents, School- Mafters anc 
School-iViiftrefTes, or any who have anj 
Hand in the Education of Children. 

Dear Friends, 

1HAVE oft thought thatChrlft 'peaks to you, zs Pharoah's ca'jjrh'fl- 61 
to Mofes's mother, Take this Child and nurfc it for me. O Sir, con 
fider what a precious Jewel is committed to your charge, what an acvtfi 
tage you have ta fa * your love to Chtift.to ftock the next g*nertien wit] 
Noble Plants, and what a jo>ful account you may make if you be faithful 
Remember, Souls, Chrift aid Gme Cdmiu-i be overvalued, 1 confefs yott.hs* 
fome advantages, but let that only excire your diligence j the falvaticn ( 
Souls, the ccmmsndation of your Mafter, the greatnefs of ycur rewaid ac 
everlafting Glory, will pay for a!!. Remember the Devi) i at woik hart! 
vricked ones are iniluflrious, and corrupt nature is a rugged, knotty piece t 
hew. Bit be not d.icouragcd, I arh almoft as much afraid of your laz'r.e: 
and unfaithfuinefs as any thing. r >o but fall to work luftiiy ar.d who know 
but that rough ftcnc may prove a Pi lar .n the Temple of God ? In the Nam 
of the living God, a* you will a-if*er it fhortly at his Bar, I ccmman 
you to be faith f'uJ in inftrucling aod catechizing your young one* j i" >" 
th.nk I am to: pcfemp^o ; y,J pray read ;he c mmand frcmmj Mailer himie. 
Deur. vi.y. It not the duty clear .' and tiire you neglect lo direct a Comma d 
Arc the S^uU of your Children of no v.ilue ? Are you willing that the 
/hculd be brands of Hell ? Are you indifferent whether they be Damned o 
Saved ? /h^'l the Devil run away with- them without controul ? will not yo 
tile your utmoft eodearour to drliver th*m from the wrath to ccme ? Yb 
fee that thy are not fo v .j?cls ur.ca;.able of the grace of God 5 whatever yo 
thi&k of them. Chrift doth not fi-^':t tlicm } they are ;jor too little to di< 
they are not too little to go to Hell, they are not too little to ferve the 
great Mailer, too litt e co s-o to Heaven j for of fuch is the Kingdom* 
Gcd : And will not a potfib-lity of their Converfion and Saivation, pi 
you upon the greafft diligence Co te*ch th<?m ? Or are Chrnt and Keavcr 
and Salvation, fruall th;nei with yu ? If they be, then indeed I ha? 
done with yr.u ? Bur if they be not, I bsi'eech you lay about you *ith a! 
your might ; toe Devil knows your urn: is going apace, it v/ii! fhorrly I 
too late. O therefore what you do, do quickly, aad do it, I fay, w;th a 
your m g!v j O r>rav, ?ray, pray, and live ho'y before thsn:; o';j '.ake f-.in 
tim.- daily to f^ak i little to your Children, one by oar, about their miler; 
ble CondUioaby nature. I knew a Ciuld that was converted by this fen enc 


To Parents and Teachers, &c. 

om a godly School- Miftrefi in the Country, Every Mother's Child of ycu 
re by Nature Children of Wratb. Put your Children upon learning their 
:aiechi r m, and the Scriptures, and getting to pray and weep by tbemfelves 
fter Chrift : Take heed of their company j take heed of pardoning! a Tie ; 
ake heed of letting thm miff end the Sabbath, put th^m I befeech you, p- 
n imitating thefe fweet Children j Jet them read this Book over n hundred 
mr?, and obferve how they are affVfted, and aflc them what they think 
f thole Children, and whether they would not be foch ? and follow what 
ou do with earncil cries to G >d, and be in travail to fee Chrift formed 
i their Souls. I have prayed for you I have oft prayed for your ChiU 
ten, and I love them demy ; and I have prayed over thefe paper/ j th& 
5od would ftnfce in with th?m, and make them effectual to the good of their 
ou's. Eacourage your Children to read this Book and lead them to improve 
What is prefented, is faithfully taken from experienced folid Chrif- 
ians, fome of them no way related to the Children, v ho themfelves were 
Lye and Ear witnsfTes, of God's works of Wonderr & from my own knowledge,, 
r from Reverend G >dly Minifters, ajid frosn perfons that are of unfpotted 
eouunon, for Hblmefs, Integrity and Wifdom : and fevcral paffages ar* 
aken verbatim in writing from their dying Lipj, I miy add many other 
sfxceMent Examplei, if I have any encouragement in this Place, That 
;the Young Generation may be far more excellent than this, is the Prejer 
of one that dearly loves little Children, 

J anew ay 



Containing Directions to CHILDREN. 

yOU may now hear (my dear Lambs) what other goo4 
Children have done, and remember how they v. ept 
and prayed by themfelves ; how earneftjy they cried 
out tor an Intereft in the Lord Jefus Chrift : May YOU not 
read how dutiful they were to their Parents ? how diligent 
at their Books : how ready to learri the Scriptures and their 
Catechifms ? Can you forget what Queftions they were wont 
to afk ? How much they feared a lye, how muchthey abhorred 
r.aughty company, how hoiy.they lived, how dearly they were 
loved, how joyfntly they'died ? 

But tell me, my dear Children and tell me tiuly. Do you 
do as thefe Children did: Did you ever fee your niiferabieilate 
by Nature ? Did you ever get by your felf and weep for Sin, 
and pray for grar w nd pardon : Did you ever go to your Fa- 
ther or Mother^ M after or Miilrefs, and beg of them to pity 
vou. and pray for you, and to teach you what you (hall do to 
be faved r what you Ihail do to get to Chrift, Heaven and 
Glory ? Doft thou lo-. e s to be taught good things ? Come tell 
me truly, dear Child, for I would fain do what I can poffibly 
to keep you from falling into everlafting Fire. I would fain 
have thee one of thofe little ones", which hrift will take into 
his arms and blefs How dofl thou fpend thy time? is ir in 
play and Idlenefs, and with wicked children ? Dare ycu take 
God's Name ia vain, fwear-tir tell a iye ? Dare you to do 
any thing which your Parents forbid you, and neglect to do 
what they command you? Do you dare run up and down on 
the Lord's-day? or do you k'-^ep in to read your Book, and 
to karn what your Parents command 'you ? what do you fay, 
Child ? Which of thefe two forts are you of ? Let me talk 3 
\vith you, and alk you a few Queflions. 

i. Were. 

. fh P R E P A C E. " 

1. Were not thefe Children fweet Children, which feared 

God and were dutiful to their Parents ? Did not their Fathers 
and Mothers, and every body that fears God, love them, and 
r ife them ? What do you think is become of them, now they 
>ire dead and gone ? Why, they are gone to Heaven, and arc 
finging Hallelujahs with the Ar.gels ; they fee glorious things, 
and have nothing but joj and nle'afure, they fhall never fin any 
more, they fhaU never be beat any more, they ihaU ne-er be 
fick, or in pain any more. 

2. And would not you have your Fathers love, your Mo- 
thers commendation ; your Mailer's good word ? Would not 
you have God and Chrift love you, and would not you fait) 
goto Heaven when you die ; and live with your godly 
Parents in Glo r y, and be happy forever ? 

3. Whither do you think thofe Children go when ih-sy 
die, that will not do what they are bid, but play the Turinr, 
and fpeak naughty words, and break the Sabbath ? whither 
do fuch Children qo do you think ? Why, I will tell you, 
they who lie,muft go to their Father the D.evil, into everfaitbg 
burning; they who never pray, God will pour out his w/ath 
upon them; nd when they beg and pray in Hell Fire, God 
will not forgive them; but there they muir, lie forever. 

4. And are you willing to goto Hell to be burned with the 
Devil and his Angels ; Would you be in the fame condi- 
tion as naughty Children ? O Hell is a terrible place, that's 
worfe a'tfioufand times than whipping, G(dV anger is worfe 
than your Father's anger ; and are you willing to anger God ? 
.O Child, this is moft' certainly true that all thm be wicked, 
and die fo, mult be turned into Heil; and if any one be once 
there, there is no coming out again.' 

5. Would you not doany thing in theWorld rather than be 
thrown into Hell Fire ? Would you not do any thing in the 
world to get Chrift, and Grace, and Glory. ' 

6. Well now whirt will you do ? will you read this book 
a litt'e, becaufe your good Mother will make \ ou do it, and 
becaufe it is a little new book, bur as foon as ever you have 
done, run away to play, and never think of it 

7. How art thou now affected, poor Child, in the. Reading 
<"r this book ? Have you fhed ever a tear lines you began 

reading j" 


iti 7b* PREFACE. 

reading ? have you been by yourfeif upon your knees ; and 
* )e gg' n g tj t Gad would make you like thefe blefled Chil- 
dren ? Or are you as you ufe to to be, as carelefs and foolifh 
and difobedient and wicked as ever ? 

8. Did you never heir of a little Child that died ? and if 
other Children die, why may not you be (kk and die ? A'nd 
xv hat will you do then, Juld, if you (hould haVe no grace in 
your heart, and be found like other naughty Children ? 

9 How do you know but you ony be the next Child that 
may ciie? .and \yhere are you then, if you be not God's Child? 

i o. ^ ilt thou tarry any longer, my dear Child, before thou 
run into thy Chamber^ ami beg of God to give thee a Chrift 
for thy v ,oul. that thou mayeft not b undone forever ? Wile 
<*et prefently into a corner to weep and pray ? Methinks 
I fee '-hat pretty Larnb begin to weep, and think of getting by 
himfelf, and will as well as he can cry unto the Lord, to 
make him one of thofe little ones that go into the Kingdom of 
Heaven : Methinks there ftands a fweet. Child; and there ano- 
ther, that are refolved for Chrift, and for Heaven : Me^hinks 
that little Boy looks as if he had a mind to learn good things : 
Methinks I hear one'fay, Wei!, I will never tell a lie more; 
I will never keep any n-aahty Hoys company more; they 
will learn me to i wear, and to fpeak naught words ; they do 
not Jove God. I'll learn my Catechifm, and get my Mother 
to teach ue to pray, and I will go and weep and cry to Chrift, 
and will not be quiet till the Lord hath given me Grace. 

that's my brave Child indeed ! 

i f. But \vill you not quickly forget yourpromife ? are you 
refolvcd by the Strength of Chrift to be a goad Child? Are 
you indeed ? nay but ar~ you indeed ? Confider, dear Child, 
God calls you toTemember your Creator in the days of your 
youth ;?.nd he takes it kindly when litde ones come to him, 
and loves them dearly ; and godly people, efpecially Parents 
and MafterS and Miftrefles, they have no greater joy, than 
EO fee their Children walk in the way of truth. 

Now tell me my pretty dear Child, what will you do ? fhall 

1 rmke you a Book ? fhall I pray for you, and intreat you? 
(hall your good Mother weep over you ? And will not you make 
*}* gUd by your turning quickly to the Lord I Shall Chrift 

<Tbe P R E F A C E. iv 

tell you that he will love you ? And will not you love him ? 
Will you ftilve to be like 'thole Children? I am perfwaded 
that God intends to do good to the Souls of fome little Chil- 
dren by thefe papers, becaufe he hath laid it fo much upon my 
heart to pray for them and over thefe papers, and through 
mercy I luve already experienc'd that fomething of this nature 
hath not been in vain, i (hall give a word of direction, and 
fo leave you. 

1. Take heed of what you know is naught ;as lying, O that 
is agrevious fault indeed, and naughty woids, and taking the 
Lord's name in vain,and playing upon the Lord's day,and keep- 
ing bud company, and playing with ungodly Children : But 
if you go to School with fuch tell them that God will not 
love them, but that the Devil will have them, if they continue 
to be fo panght. 

2. Do what your Father and Mother bid you chear&Hy ; 
and take heed of doing any thing that, they forbid you. 

3. He diligent in reading the Scripture, and learning ycvr 
Catechifnv; and what you do not understand, to be fure alk 
the meaning of. 

4.. Think a little fometimes by yourfelf about God and 
Heaven, your Soul, and what Chi ill came iuto the world for, 

5. And if you have no great mind to do thus, but had ra- 
thet be at phy, then think, \vhat is it that makes me not care 
for good things ; is this like one of God's dear Children ? 
I am afraid 1 am none of God's Child, I ftcl, I do not love 
to come unto him : O ! What (hall I do ? Either I will be 
God's Child or the Devil's ; O what (hall I do ? I would not 
be the Devil's Child for any thing in die World. 

6. Then goto your Father or Mother, or fo me good Body, 
and sfk them what thou (halt do to be Gcd's Child ; and 
tell ihem that thou art at i aid, ar d that thou canlt not be con- 
tent eJ, liil thod Tia'ft got the love of Goi!. 

7. Gil by thyfdf, into the Chamber or Garret, and fall 

y knees, and weep and mourn, and tell Chrift thou 

hat he doth not love thee, but thou would fain 

i; beg of him to give thee his Grace and pardon 

, iins, and that he Avould make thee his Child. Tell 

.iou doit not cure who don't love tl.ee, if God will but 



lore thse : Say to him, Father, haft thou not a hie/ing for 
vis thy poor Child ( bather haft tbeu not a bltjjing for me,. 
cv*nfor me ? give me a Chrtft i give rue a Chrtft ! let 
me not bt undent forever I Thus beg as for your lives, aftd 
be not contented til! you have an anfwer ; and do thus every 
day, with as much earneflnefs as you can twice a day at lead. 

8. Giveyomfeif up to Chriit: Say, Dear jefus,thou didft 
bid that little Children mo^ld be fnfFered to come unto thee; 
and Lord, I am come as v/tlJ *s I c.m ; I would fain be thy 
Child ; tke my Heart aryt make if humble and meek, and 
fer.fible apd cbediert; I give myfelf unto thee, dear Jefus, do 
what thou wilt with me, fj that thou wilt but>love me, and 
give me thy Gr^ce and Glory 

9. Get acquainted with Godfy People, and afk them good 
queltions. and endeavour to love 'heir talk. 

.io. Labour fo get adearlnve forChrifl ; read the Hiftory 
of C'hrilVs lufteringJ: and alk the reafon of his fufFerings, 
and never be c mtent till you Tee your need of Chriil, and 
the exce'lency and ufe of Chriic. 

1 1. Hear the moil powerful Minifters ; and read the mod 
fearchlng books, ai.d get your Father u> buy you Mr. White's 
Book for little Children, and, A. Guide t6 Heaven. 

12. Refolve to continue in welldoing all your days ; then 
thou fhalt be one of thofe fv/-et iiutle ones that 'Ch'riit v ill 
take into hi$ arms, and blefa, and give Jt Kingdom, Crown 
and Glory to. And now, deru Children, I have done, 1 
have Written to you, I ruve prayed for you ; but what you 
will dp I can't tell. O Children, if you love me, if you love 
your Patents, if you love vouf Souls, if you would efc-tpe 
Hell Fire, and if you would live in Heaven when yon die, 
do you go and do as thefe good Children ; and fhat 
be you* Parents joy, your Country's honour, an-j live in 
God s f-.Ar, and die io bis lovs, is the v rr?yer of ycur dear 



( 1 ) 


Token for CHILDREN. 


Of one eminently converted between tight and nint Yean tld^ 
with an Account of her Life and Death, 

ISS Sarah Hawley, when fhe was between eight 
-.7 ^ and nine Years old, was carried by her Friends 
M >J I to hear a Sermon, where the Minifter preached 
;<X;$ J u P n Mat. x *- 3' My Yoke it eafy> and my 
*.-<>-" ">- 4 Pftrdcn it light. In applying of which Scrip- 
ture, this Child was mightily awakened, and made deeply 
ijpnuble of the Condition of her Soul, and her need of a Chrift a 
,fhe wept bitterly to thijik what a Cafe fhe was in ; and went 
Home, and got by herfelf into a Chamber ; and upon her 
Knees me wept and cry'd to the Lord, as well as fhe could* 
which might eafily be perceived by her Eyes and Countenance* 

2. She was not contented with this, but fhe got her little 
Brother and Sifter into a Chamber with her, and told them 
of their Condition by Nature, and wept over them and 
prayed with them and for them, 

3. After this fhe heard another Sermon from Prov. XXix 
i. He that being often reproved, hardneth his Heart, mail 
fudienly be dellroyed, and iftat without Remedy : At which 
(he was more uffecled than before, and was fo cxceediog 
foiicitous about her Soul, that fhe fpent a great Part of 
the Nij;ht in weeping and praying, and could fcarc ukeany 

B lif-ft 

2 A 'Token for CHILDREN. 

Reft Day and Night for fome Time together ; defirir,g with 
all her Soul to efcape from everlafting FUmes, and to get an 
Intereft in the Lord Jefus : O whai mould (he do for a Chrift ! 
what mould Ihe do to be faved ! 

4. She g^ve her felf much to artending upoo tLe Word 
preached, a&d ftill continued very tender under it, greudy 
favouring what fhe heard. 

5. She was very much in fecret Pn.yer, as might be esfily 
perceived by thofe who liftned at the Chamber Door, and 
ufualiy very importunate and full of Ttuis. 

6. She could fcarce fpeak of Sin, or be fpoke to, but her 
Heart was ready to melt. 

7. She fpent much Time in reading the Sciipture and a 
bpok called, The btft Friend in the worft of Times; by 
which the Work of God was much promoted upon her 
Soul, and was much directed by it how to get acquainted 
with God, efpecially toward the End of that Book. Another 
Book fhe w*s much delighted with, was Mr. Swionock's 
Chriftian Mar.'s Calling, and by this ihe was taught in this 
Meafure to make Religion her Bulinefs. The Spiritual Bee 
was a great Companion of hers. 

tf. She was exceeding dutiful to her Parents, very loth to 
grieve i hem in the leaft ; and if fhe had at any Time (which 
was very rare) offended them, fhe would weep bitterly. 

9.. Sbeabhorr'd Lying, and allowed he^lelf in no known Sip. 

10. She was very Confcientious in fpcnding of Time, and 
hated Idlenefs, and fpent her whole Time either in praying, 
reading, or inftrucling at her Needle,, at which fhe was vety 

11. When me was at School, me was eminent for her Dili- 
gence, Teschablenefs, Meeknefs aud Modeity',fpeakiug little; 
but when fhe did fpe.ik, it was ufualiy fpiritual. 

i z.She continued in thisCourfe of religious Duties for fome 
Years together. 

13 When fhe was about fourteen Years old, fhe broke a 
Vein in herLunijgs (as is fuppofed) and oft did (pit Blood, yet 
did a little iecover again, but had feveral dangerous R.elapfes. 

14. Hi the begiuirrg of January laft, fhe was taken very b-ui 
again, in which Sicknefs fhe was in great Diltrefs of Sc-i- 


A Token for C H i L D R E N! 3 

When fhe was firft taken, (lie faid, O Mother, pray, pray, 
pray for me, for Satan is fo bufy that I cannot pray for my- 
fclf ; I fee I am undone without a Chrift, and a Pardon ! O 
I am undone to all Eternity ! 

15. Her Mother knowing how ferious Hie had been former- 
ly, did a litte wonder that (he mould be in fuch agonies-. Up- 
on which her Mother afked her, What fin it was that was lo 
burdenforne to her Spirit ? O Mother, faid fhe. It is not any 
particular Sin of OmiiTion or Com million, that fticks fo clofe 
to my confcience, as the Sin of my Nature; without the Blood 
of Chtift that will damn me. 

i ft. Her Mother nfked her Xvhat me fhould pray for, for 
her, (he anfw^ed, that I may have a faving Knowledge of Sin 
and Chrift, and that I may have an AfTurance of God's Love 
to my Soul. Her Mother afked-her, Why me did fpeak fo 
little to the Minifter that came to her ? She anfwered, That 
it washer Duty with Patience and Silence to learn of them: 
and it was exceding painful to her to fpeak to any. 

> 7. One Time when me fell into a fit (lie cried out, O I am 
going, I am going : But what fiiall I do to be faved ? Sweet 
Lord Jefus. i will lie at thy Feet ; and if I perifh it mall be 
at the Fountain of thy Mejcy. 

1 8. She was much afraid of Prefumption, and dreaded a 
Miftake in the Matters of her Soul, and would be often put- 
ting up Ejaculations to God, to deliver her from deceiv- 
ing herfelf. To inftance in one : Great arid mighty God, give 
me Faith: aud true faith : Lord that I may not be a foolifh 
Virgin having a Lamp and no Oil. 

19. She would be many Times laying hold on thePromifes, 
and plead them in Prayer That in Mat. xi. 28, 29. was 
much on her Tongue and no fmall Relief to her Spirit. How 
many Times would Jhe cry out, Lord, Haft thou not faid, 
Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I 
will give you reft. 

20. Another Time her Father bid her be of good Cheer, 
becaufe me was going to a better Father : At which fhe fell 
into a great Paflion, and faid, But how do I know that ? I 
am a poor Sinner that w-mts AfTurance^ O for Aflurance ! 
It was ftill her Note, O for Aflurance ! This was her great 

B ^ earncft 

4 A foken for CHI L D REN. 

eaineft and conftant Requeft, to all that came to her, to beg 
AfTurance for her ! And poor Heart, fne would look with fo 
much eagernefs upon them, as if fne defired noching in the 
"World fo much as that they would pity her, and help her 
with their Prayers; never was poor Oeatur? more earneft 
for any Thing than ihe was for Affunnce, and the Light of 
God's Countenance : O the pitious Moans that ike would 
make ! Othe Agonies that her Soul ,was in ! 

21. Her mother ajk'd her if God would fpate her Life* 
bow (he would Jive ? Truly Mother, faid Oie, We hive fucb 
bafe Hearts, that I can't tell. We are apt to prpmife great 
Thing when we are fick, but *vhen we are reco-fred we arc 
as ready to forget ourfelves and to return again unto Folly ; 
bnt I hope I mali be more careful of my Time and my Soul 
than I have been. 

22. She was full of natural AfFeftion to her Parents, and 
-very careful left her Mother mould be tired out with much 

'watching. Her Mother faid, How (hall 1 bear parting with 
thee, when I have fcarce dried my eyes for thy Brother I 
She anfwered, Xhe God of Love fupport and comfort you; 
It is but a little while, and we (hall meet, I hope in Glory', 
She being very weak coulcl fpeak but little, therefore hei 
Mother faid, Child, if thou haft any Comfort lift up thin< 
Hand ; which me did, 

23. The Lord's Day before thi.t on which me died, J 
Kinfman of her's came to fee her, and afking of her whethe' 
{he knew him ? me replied, Yea, I know you, and 1 defin 
you would learn to know Chrift ; you are ycung, but yot 
know not how foon you may die : And O to die without ; 
Chrift, is a fearful Thing : O redeem Time ! O Time, Time 
Time, precious Time ! Being requeued by him not to fpec< 
her felf, (he faid, She would do all the good me could whil 
fhe lived, and when me was dead too, as pc-Tible : L T poi 
which account, (Tie defired a Sermon might be preached a 
her Funeral, concerning the preciouinefs of Time. O tha 
young Ones would now remember their Creator ! 

24. Some Minifters that came to her, did with Earneftnel 
teg that the Lord would pleafe to give her fome Token fc 
Good, tfcat ihe might go off triumphing ; and Bills of th 
fame Nature were fent to ieveral Churches. 

25. After 

A token y&r CHILDREN. 5 

ij. After (he had long waited for an Anfwer of their 
Prayers, (he faid, Well, 1 will venture my Sool upon Chrift. 

26. She carried it with wonderful Patience, and yet would 
often pray that the Lord woujd give her more Patience ; 
which he anfwered to Aftonifhment ; for confiiiering the Pains 
and Agonies Ihe was in, her Patience was next to a wonder ; 
Lord, Lord, give me Patience, faid me, that i may not dif- 
bonour thee. 

27 Upon Thurfday, after long wailing, great Fears, and 
many Prayers, when all her Friends thought ihe had been pad 
fpeaking, to the Aftonifhment of her Friends, ihe btoke 
forth thus with a^very audible Voice, and chearful Coun- 
tenance ; Lord, tbou haft promi fed, that whofoever cometh 
unto Thee, thou wilt in no wife call out ; Lord I come unto 
Thee ; and f urely thou wilt in no wife cad me out. O fo 
fweet ! O fo glorious is Jefus ! O I have the fwect and 
glorious Jefus ; He is fweet, He is fweet ! O the admirable 
Love of God in fending Ch'rift ! O free Grace to a p5or 
loft Creatute ! And thns (he ran on repeating many of thefe 
Things an hundred Times, but her Friends were fo aftonidied 
to fe r . her in this divine Rapture, and to hear fuch gracious 
Worus, and her Prayers and Oefires fatisfied, that they 
could not write a quarter of what me fpoke. 

28. When her foul xvas thus ravifned with the Love of 
Chrift, and herTongue fo highly engaged in magnifyiug God ; 
her Father, Brethren, and Sifters, with others of the Family, 
were called, to whom me fpake particularly, as her Strength 
would allow. She gave her Bible as a Legacy to one of her 
Brothers, and defued him to u(e it well for her fake, and ad- 
ded to him, and the reft, O makeUfe of Time to get a Chrift 
for your^Souls ; fpend no Time in running up and down in 
playing : O get a Chrift for yoar Souls while yon are Young ; 
Remember now v your Creator before you come to a fick 
Bed : Put not off this great work 'till then, for then you 
will first! it a hard Worl; indeed. ! know by experience, the 
Devil will teil you it is enough ; and ye are Vourg, what 
need you to be in fuch hafte ? Ygu will have Time enough 
vhen you are old. But the? e "(lands one (meaning her Grand- 
jnotf-er) that itays behind, and I thar am but Young am 


t> d Token for CHILDREN. 

going before her. Therefore make your Calling and E'e&ioa 
fure, while you are in Health. But I am afraid t'nis will be 
but one Night's Trouble to your Thoughts ; bat icmembef, 
thefe are the Words of your dying Siller. O, if you knew 
how gord Chrift were ! O if you. had but one Taile of hi? 
SweetncTs, you would rutne'r go to Him a thoufand times tir^n 
(lay in this wicked World. I would not for ten Thousand, 
and ten Thouf<;id Worlds part with my tmereft in ChriiL 
O how h?.ppy am I, that I am going to ever Lifting Joys ! I 
\vouid nor go back again tor tweoty Thoufard Worlds ; and 
will yon not ftrive'to get an.Intereft in Chrift ? 

29, nfier this, looking upcn one of hr Father's Servants, 
(he faid. What mall I dj : What flialJ I do at that great 
Day, \vhen Chrill fhall fay to me, Come then blefi^d of my 
Father, in!- 'rit the Kingdom prepared for thee : Ar.-d fli-i!^' 
fay to the V\ icked, Go thou curfcd into the Lake 'thai: burns 
for ever. What a giief is it for me to think, that I fhalHee 

.any of my Friends that I knew here upon Earth, turned into 
that Lake that burns forever ' O that Word, For ever, re- 
member that, For ever ! 1 fpeak thefe Words to you> but 
they are nothing, except God fpeak to you too : O pra ; pr>v, 
pra\', that God would give you Grace ! And then the ptayM, 
O Lord lr;i(h thy Work upon their Souls. It will be my 
Comf.->rt-(faid (lie) to fee you in Glory, bat it will be your 
evtiLilli.'g Happinefs 

30. Her Grandmother told her flic had fpent herfelf too 
much ; (he f.tid, I c^re not for that, if I could do any Soul 
gnod. O with what V 7 ehemency did fiie fpeak, as if her Heart 
were in every \Vord ihe fpokc- 

91. Slie was full of divine Sentences : alm^ft all her Dif- 
courfe, from the firilto the lail in-the Time ot her Sicknefs, 
wasab.vat her Soul, Chrift's Sweetnefs, and theSouls of others; 
in a wore!, like a continued Sermon 

q>z. Upon Friday, after flic had fuch lively Difcoveries of 
God s Love, fh was exceeding defirous to die, and cried 
out Come Lord Jcfus, come quickly, conduct me to thy 
Tabernacle; I am a poor Creature without Thee; but Lord 
Jefus, my Soul longs to be with Thee: O when fhall it be ! 
Why not now. dear Jefus ? Come Lord Jefus. come quickly, 


A Token for CHILDREN. 7 

but why do I fpeak thus : Thy Time, dear Lord, is the beft 
O give me Patience ! 

33 Upon Saturday ilie ipoke very ISuIe (being very dtowfy) 
yet now arid then dropt she^e Word, How. long fweet J^fus I 
Finifli thy Woik fweet Jefusi : Conic away dear fweet Lord 
J^fus. come quickly : Swett 1 ord help, come a way, now, DOW, 
d>ar Jetus, come quickly: Good Lord, give Patience to me 
to wait thine appointed Time ; Lord Jefus help me, help me. 

-Thus at feveral Times (v.'hen out of her fleep) for {he was 

jafkep the greateir. part of the Day. 

34. Upon the Lord's Day, flie icarce fpoke any thing but 
much deficed that Bills of Thankfgiving might be feat to thofc 

I who had formerly been praying for her, that they might help 

' her to praife God for that full /vfiurance that he had given 
her of his Love: and feemed to be much f wallowed up with 
the thoughts of God's fiee jLove to her Soul. She oft 
commended her fpirit into the Lord's Hands; and the laft 
words (he wajs heard to fpeak, were thefe, Lord help, Lord 
Jefus help; Dear Lord Jefus; blefled Jefus And thus up- 
on the Lord's Dsy between Nine and Ten of the Clock in 
the Forenoon, (he fl^pt fweetly in Jefus, and began an ever- 

Luring Sabbath, February 19. 1670,, 

~E~FT7Tp L E~ JL 

Of a Clilj. that was admirably effected with the Thing* of 
G(J O. when be was between tivo and three Years old) 
with a brief Account of his Life and Death. 

f. A Certain little Child, xvhofe Mother hi\d dedicated 
^.jL him to the Lord in her Womb, when he conld not 

fpe^k plain, would he crying after Gud, nd was greatly de- 

lirvous to be taught good Things. 

2. He could not endure to be put to Bc*i without Family 
jDuty, but would put his Patents upon D'.)ty,.inii wculd v/ith 
imuch Devotion, kneel dov/:j, and with great Patience and 
[Delight continue 'till Duty was at an End, without the lealt 
.ExpiejlSoa of being weary ; and he feemed never io well pleafed 

s vvhen he wis engaged in Duty V , . 

3. He could nr/t befatisficd wnh F.;.: l!\I5uiy, buthe would 

vpon his Kot:es by lii-..'- ' , - : - or oiher. 

4 He 

8 A foken far CH iLDREff. 

4. He was much delighted in hearing the Word of 
either rend or preached. 

5. He loved to goto School, that he might learn forr.ething 
of God, and would obferve and take great Notice of wh;.t 
he had read, and come Home and fpeak of it wuh much 
Affeclion ; and he would rejoice in his Book, and fay to his 
Mother, O Mother ! ] have had a fweet Leflbn to Day, 
iwill you be pleafed to give n:c leave to fetch my Book thai 
you may hear it ? 

6. As he grew up, he was more and more affected with the 
Things of another World; fo that if we had not received 
our Information from one that is of undoubted Fidelity, it 
would feem incredible. 

7. He quickly learned to read theSoripture^ and with great 
Reverence, Tenderneis and Groans, read *iHJ Tears and ot-bs 
v;ere ready to hinder him. 

#. When he was at fecret Prayer, lie would weep bitterly. 

9. He was wont oftentimes to complain of the Naughtinefs 
of his Heart, and feemed to be more grieved for the Corruption 
of his Nature than for a&uaJ Sin. 

10. He had a vaft Undeiftanding in the Things of God, 
even next to a Wonder, for one of his Age. 

II He was much troubled for the Wandering of his 
Thoughts in Duty, and ih*t he could no; keep his Heart 
always fixed uf.^n God an-J the Wosk he wis about, and his 
Affections constantly raiftd. 

12. He kept a Watch over his Heart, and obferved the 
Woikjng of his Soul* and would complain that they were fo 
vain and fcoliih, andfo liule bulltd about fpniiual Things. 

13. As he grew up, he grew daily in Knov/leoge and Ex- 
perieoce, and his Carriage \viis fo heavenly, and his Difcouife 
fo excellent and experimental, that it made thcfe who heard 
it aftonilhed. 

14. He \vas exceeding importunate with God in Duty, and 
would plead with God at a ilrange Rute ; and would ufe fuch 
Arguments in Prayer, that one would think it \vere impoiiible 
fhould ever enter into the Heart of a Child: rind he would 

'beg and expoftu!ue, and weep fo, that fometimes it could not 
be kepi from the Ears of Neighbours ; fo that one of the next 


A Token for CHIL&KBW. 

Houfewas forced to cry out, 7,4? Prayers and Tcarj bftbat 
Child in the next Houft will fink me to H ell I Becaufe by it 
he did condemn ills Neglect of Prayer r and his flight Perfor- 
mance of it. 

15. He was very fearful of wicked Company, and would 
often beg of God to keep him from it, and that he might 
never be pleafed with them that tock Delight id difpleaiing 
of God: And when he was at any Time in the hearing o 
their v/icked Words, taking the Lord's Name in vain, or 
fwearing, or any filthy Words, it would even make hinn 
tremble, and ready to go home and weep. 

16. He abhorred Lying with his Soul. 

17- When he had committed any Sin he was eafily corn 
vinced of it, and would get in fome Corner and fecret Place, 
and with Tears beg Pardon of God and Strength againft fuch 
a Sin. He had a Friend that oft watched him, and Hftenee| aC 
his Chamber Door, from whom I received this Narrative. 

1 .8. When he had been afked, whether he Would commit 
fuch a Sin again, he would never pronaife abfolutely, becaufe, 
he laid, his Heart was naught; but he would weep and fay^ 
he hoped by the Grace of God he mould not, 

J9. When he was left alone upon the Sabbath-Days, he* 
would be fure not to fpend any Part of the Day in Idlenefa and 
Play, but be bufied in praying, reading in the Bible, and 
getting of his Catechifrfi, 

20. When other Children were playing, he would many 2. 
time and oft be praying. 

21* One Day a certain Perfon was difcoarfing with hirw 
about the Nature, offices, and Excellency of Chrift, and that 
He alone can fatisfy for our Sins, and merit everlafting Life 
for us ; and about other of the great Myfleries of Redemp- 
tion ; he fcemed favingly to underhand them, and greatly 
fdelighted with the Difcourfe. 

22. One fpeaking concerning the RefurreOion of tfie Body, 
he did akoowledge it ; but that the fame weak Body that 
v/as buried in the Church Yar-4 mould be raifed again, he 
thought very ftrange, but with admiration yielded, that no- 
thing was impofiible with God ; and that very Day he wafr 
taken fick unto Death 

C +9. A 

10 A Token for CHILDREN. 

23. A Friend of his afked him, Whether he was willing to 
die, when he was firft taken Tick : He anfwered. No ; Becaufe 
he was afraid of his State as to another World : Why Child, 
faid the other, Thou dkllt pray for a new Heart, for an hum- 
b't and fincere Heart and I have heard thee ; didil thou not 
Jpray with thy Heart ? He laid, ( hope I did. 

24. Not long after, the fame Perfon afked him again whe- 
ther he was willing to die ? He anfwered, Now I am willing, 
For I (hall go to v'hrift. 

25 One afked him, What would become of his Sifter, if 
he (hould die and leave her ? He aiifwered, the Will of ihe 
Lord oiufl be done. 

26 He ftiil grew Weaker and weaker, but carried it with 
a great deal of Sweetnefs and Patience, waiting for his 
Change, and at laft did chearfu41y commit his Spirit unto the 
Lord ; and calling upon the Name of the Lord, and faying, 
Lord Jefus, Lord Jefus, in whofe Bofom, he fueetly fiept, 
dying as I remember, when he was about five or fix Years old. 


Of a little Girl ihc.t ivjs tvrmgkt upon, mben Jbe was be- 
tween four and jive Tears eld, wiib fame Account cf,-er 
bdy Lift-, and triumphant Death. 

// A? T //. when Hie wa? between fout and five Years 
old, v/a* ?ve,u!y afiJedled in hearing theWord of God, 
and became very felicitous abptit her SouJ, and everlaftirrg 
ndition, weeping bitterly to think whax would become of 
her in another World, ajjdng ftrange Qiieflions concerr.ing 
God and Chfift. and her own Soul o that this little Mary, 
before (he was five Years old, feemed to mind The one Thing 
needful, and to chooft, The better Part, and fat at the Feet 
of Chrift many a Time, and oft with Tears. 

2. She was wont to be much in fecret Duty, and many 
times come ofTfrom her Knees with Tears 

3. She would ciiufe fuch Times and Places for fscret 
t)uty as might ren^r her itfs obferved by others, snd did 
endeavour what polTibly (he could to conceal what fne was 
doing when engaged in fecret Duty. 

4 . Sb2 

A Token /^CHILDREN. u 

4. She was gieatly afraid of Hypocrify, and of doing 
any Thing to be Teen cf Men, and to get Commendation and 
Praife; and when flic heard one of her Brothers faying, That 
fce had been by himfelf at Prayer, (he rebuked himfharply, and 
tolu him how little fuch Prayers were like to profit him, and 
that it was but liule to his iVaife, to pray like a Hypocrite, 
and to be glad that'any ihould know what he had been dcmg. 

5. Her Mother being full of Sorrow after the Death of 
her Hufbaud, this Child cMine to her Mother, and afk'd her 
Why (he wept fo exceedingly ? Her Mother anfwered, She 
had caufe enough to weep, becaufe her Father was dead : 
Ho. dear Mother, faid the Child, you have no caufe to weep 
To much ; for God is a good God ftiil to you. 

6 She was a dear lover of faithful Minifters. One time 
after fhe had been hearing of Mr- Whisker, (he faid, I love 
that Man dearly, for the fweet Words he fyeaks about Chrift. 

7. Her Book WHS her Delighi, and what ilie did read, fhe 
loved to make her own, and cared not for paffing over what 
ihe learned, without extraordinary Obfervation and Under- 
Handing ; and many times fhe was fo ftrangely affected in 
reading of the Scriptures, that ihe would burft out into Tears, 
and would hardly be pacified ; fo greatly was fhe takers with 
Chrift' s fufFerings, the Zeal of God's Servants, and ihe dan- 
ger of a natural State. 

8. She would ..complain oftentimes of the Corruption of 
her Nature, of the Hardnefs of her Heart, that- fhe could re- 
pent no more thoroughly, and be no more humble and grieved 
for her Sins again ft a good God ; and when (lie did thus com- 
plain, it was with abundance o& Tears. 

9. She was greatly concerned for the Souls of others, and 
grieved to think of the miferable Condition they were in upon 
that Account : When (he could handfomely, fhe would be 
putting in forae pretty fweet Word of Chrift ; but al>Qve all, 
ihe would do what fhe could to draw the Hearts of her Bre- 
thren, and Sifters after Chrift; and there was no fmall hopes 
that her example and good counfel did prevail with fome of 
:hem when they were very young, to get into Corners to pray, 
and to afk very-gracioas Queftions about the Things of God. 

10. She was very confcientious in keeping the Sabbath, 
(pending the whole time either in reading, praying, or learning 

C 2 ; }-r 

xi ' A Token for C H i L D R E N. 

her Catechifm, or in teaching her Brethren and Sifters. 
One time when me was left at Home upon the Lord's Day, 
fhegot fome other little Children together, with her Brotbeis 
and Sifters, and inftead of playing (as other naughty v'.htldreiy 
"ufe to do) fhe told them, That v/,is the Lord's Day, and th<ij; 
they ought to remember .that Day to keep it hjly : .-\.id 
then me told them, how it was to be fpent in religious exer- 
cifes all the Day long, except fo much as was to be taken up 
in the Works of Neceflity and Mercv ; then me prayed with 
them herfelf, and among other Things begged that the Lord 
would give Grace and VVifdom to them little Children, that 
they might know how to ferve him : as one of the little Ones 
in the Company with her, told "after wards. 

11. She was a Child of aflrange Tendernefs and Compaf- 
fjon to all, full of Bowels and Pity : Whom (he could not 
help, me would be ready to weep over; efpecially if fhe f.nv 
lier Mother at any time troubled, me would quickly make her 
Sorrows her own. and weep for her and with her. 

12. When her Mother had been fome what felicitous 'about 
any woildly Thing, fhe would, if fhe could, put her off from 
her Care one Way or other. One Time me told her, O 
Mother, Grace is better than that (meaning fomcthing her 
Mother wanted) I had rather have Grace and the Love of 
Chrift, than any Thing in the World. 

13. This Child was often mufing and bufied in the thoughts 
of her everlafling Work ; v/itnefs that ilrahge Queftion, O 
\vhatftre they doing, who are already in Heavea ? And fhe 
feem'd greatly defirous to be among thegi who were praifing, 
Joving, delighting in God, and feiving of Him without Sin. 
Her Language was fa ftrange about fpiritual Matters, that fhe 
made many excellent ChriHians to Hand amazed, as judging 
it fcarce to be parallel'd. 

14. She took great Delight in reading of the Scriptures, 
and fome Part of it was more fweet to her than her appointed 
Food : She would get feveral choice Scriptures by Heart,, 
and difcourfe of them favourly,and apply them fuitably. 

15. .She was not altogether a Stranger to other good Books, 
but would be reading of them with much Affection: and where 
fhe might, fhe noted the Books particularly, obferving what 
jr, the reading did moll warm her Heart, and Hie was ready 

"roilon to improve it, 16. O< 

A Token far CHILDREN. 13 

16. One Time, a Woman coming into the Houfe in a great 
Paffion, fpoke of her Condition as if none were like hers, and 
t would never be otherwife ; the Child faid, It were a ftrange 
Thing to fay, when it is Night, it will never be Day. 

17. At another Time, a near Relation of her's being infome 
Streights, made fqme complaint ; to whom me faid, I have 
heard Mr. Carter fay, a Man may PO to Heaven without a 
Penny in his Purfe, but not without Grace in his Heart. 

18. She had an extraordinary Love to the People of God ; 
nd when llie faw any that (lie thought feared the Lord, hsc 
rleart would even leap for Joy. 

19. She loved to be much by herfelf,.and would be greatly 
grieved if flie were at any Time deprived of a Conveniency 
for fecret Duty; fhe could not live without conflant Addrefs 
to God in fecret ; and was not a little pleafed when fhe could 
go into a Corner t pray and weep. 

?.o. She was much in praifing God, and feldom or never 
complained of any thing but Sin. 

2 i. She continued in this Courfe of praying and praifing of 
God, and great Putifulnefs and Sweetneis to her Parents and 
thofe that taught her any Thing; yea, me did greatly encou- 
rage her Mother while fhe was a Widow, and defired that the 
Abfence an Hufband might in fome Meafure be made up by 
the Dutifulnefs and Holinefs of a Child. She ftudied all the 
Ways that copld be to make her Mother's Life fweet. 

22- When me was between eleven and twelve Years old, 
fhe fickned; in which fhe carried it with admirable Patience 
and Sweetnefs, and did what ihe could, with Scripture Argu- 
ments, to fupport and encourage her Relations to part with her, 
who was going to Glory, and to prepare themfelves to meet 
her in a biefTed Eternity. 

23, She was not many Days fick before fhe was marked; 
v/hich file firil faw herfelf, and was greatly rejoiced to think 
that fhe was marked out for the Lord, and was now ^oing 
to drill. She called to her Friends, and faid, I am marked ; 
but be not troubled, for I know that I am marked for one of 
the Lord's own. One a'ked her, How fhe knew that ? She 
anf\vfcred, The Lord hath told me, that I am one of his dear 
Children. And thus fhe fpoke with a holy Confidence in the 
Lard's Lore to her Soul, and was no: in ths leaft daan ted when 


14 A Token Jor C H i L D R E n. 

fhe fpake of h;r Death; bur feerned greatly delighted in the 
Appreh?u!ion ol her Nearnefs to her Father's Houfe ; andiiV/as 
not long before ihe v/asbli'd with Joy uiifp^kableia believing 

24. When fhe juit jay a (tying, her Mother came to her anc 
told her, She was forry that (he had reproved and corrected To 
good a Child fo oft. O M^i.'.rr, Lid ffis, Speak not thus 
I ble'.s God,. 'now [ LT.I 1 dying, fur yur Rep. oofs and Cor- 
recrioi.s too . :\>r it may be, I might have gone to Hell, if i 
had not be"en for your Reproofs and Curre6Han$. 

25 Some of her Neighbour? coming -to vifit heiyaiked he 
If ihe would lr*ve them? She anfwered them, Ifyoufetve 
the Lord, you {hall come after me to Glory, 

26. A little before (he died, (he had a grea Conflict with 

Satan, and cried out, I am none of his. Her Mother feeing 

her i a Trouble, afked her v/hatwas the \J;mer ? She ^r.fwered, 

Satan did trgabie her, but now, I thar.k God, all is well, I 

I am not his, but (Thrift's. 

27 After this, ftis had a great Senfe of God's L;v,,', tr.i 
a glorious Sight, as if {he had feen ll.e very Heavens opened, 
and the Angels come to receive her : by which her ficaitv/-.? 
filled with Joy, and-her Tonone \v\t\f iVaife. 

Being denied by the Standees by ro ^ive then) a par- 
ticular Account of what fliefa-.v .red, You ih-ill know 
hereafter ; and fo in an Extafy of joy ar.d holy Triumph, !lie 
went to Heaven, when (he was abju* twelve Years old 

E X A M P L IV. 

'-fij Crji'd ihai legan to hvk l-m'ards Jlenven whs;; ' ?. 'U.^s 

about P'jur jCtars old j with jdint obfirvqblt Pjtffagtl in 

hir Life, and at her Dfatb. 
i. A Certain little Child, when fne was about four Years 

XiL old, had a confcientious Senfe of her Duty towards 
her Patents, becauTe ihe Commandment faith, Honour thy 
father and thv /Wither : And though {he had little Advan- 
tage of Education, ihe carried it with the greateft Reverence 
- to her Parents imaginable, fo that ilr; was no fmall Credit, as 
well as Comfort to them. 

2. It was no unufual Thing for her to weep t if (he faw he 
Parents troubled, tho 1 herfeif had net b-;en the Occafion of it. 

3. \Vhcn 

A token for C H i L D R fr. 15 

3. When fhe came from School, flie would with Grief and 
\bhorrence fay, That other Children had finned againft God 
>.y foeaking grievous Words, which were fo bad that fhe durft 
lot (peak them again. 

4. She would be oftentimes admiring of God's Mercy, for 
c much Goodnefs to her raiher than to r.theis ; that fhe faw 
erne bf ging, others blind, fome crooked, and that (he wanted 
loihing that was good for h^r. 

5. She was many a Time, and often, in one Hole or an- 
nher, in Tears, upon her Knees. 

ft. This poor little Thing would be ready to connfel other 
little ' hildren, how they ought to feive God? and putting 
them upon getting by themlelves to pray ; and hath been 
known, when her Friends have been abroad, to have been 
Leaching Children to pray,/ efpecialjy upon the Lo.dVDay. 

7. bhsveryferioufly begged thePrayei s of others, that they 
would remember her, that the Lord would give her Grace. 

8. When this Child faw feme that were Laughing who 
(tie judged to be very Wicked ; die told them, She feared they 
had little lleafon to be merry. They afked, Whether one might 
pot laugh ? fhe anlwered ; No indeed, 'till you have Grace ! 
They who are Wicked, hut mere need to cry than to laugh. 

9. She would fay, That it was the Duty of Parents, 
Mailers and Miilrefles, to reprove (thofe under their Charge) 
for Sin, or elfe God wiij mtet with them. 

10- She would be very attentive when fne read the Scnp- 
itures, and be much aiTeclc-d with them. 

ii. She would by jjo Means be perfuaded to prophane 
the Lord's Day, but would fpend it in fome good Duties, 
^ 12. When fhe went to School, it was willingly and joyfully, 
and fhe was very teachable and exemplary to other Children. 

13. When fhe was taken fick, one afked her, Whether (be 
were willing to die r Sheanfwered, Yes, if God would pardon 
her Sins, Being afkedj How her Sins would be pardoned ? 
She aniwrred, Through the Blord of Chrift. 

14 Slie fa id, She did believe iff Chrift, and defired and 
longed to be with Him ; ar-d did with a great deal of Chear- 
ifu'nefe give up her S?ul * 

There were very many obf;r7abie Pa(Ta?ej in the Lifs an^ Ocath of this 
Chi'vi, bu' the H<my and Grief hrr Frifnds VTCJ?; in buried them. 

E X A M P L E 

itf A Token for C H j t D R 4 fc. 


Of the pious Life and ^ful Death of a Child who died when 

he was abotft 12 Tears old, 1632. 

i S~*Harl?t Biidgbam had no fooner Jearnt to fpeak, but 
^ he betook himfelf to Prayer. 

2. He was very prone to lear'n the Things of God. 

3. He would be fometimes teaching them their Duty that 
waned upon him 

4. He learned by heart many good Things, before he was 
veil fit to go to School: And when he was Tent to School, 
he carried it fo, that all who obferved him, either did or 
might admire him. O the fweet Nature, the good Difpofi- 
tion, the iincere Religion, which was in this Child ! 

5. When he was at School, what was it that he defired 
to learn, but Chrift, and him crucified ? 

6. So religious and favoury were his Words, his Actions 
fo upright, his Devotion fo hearty, his fear of God fo great, 
that many were ready to fay, as they did of John, What 
Manner of Child mail this be ? 

7. He v/ould be much in reading the holy Scriptures. 

8. He wasdeilrous of more fpirituai Knowledge; and would 
be often afliing very ferious and admirable Queftions. 

9. He w^utd not ftir out of Doors before he had poured 
out his Soul to the Lord. 

10. When he eat any Thing, he would be fure to lift up 
his Heart to the Lord for a Blcfilng upon it; and when he 
fad moderately refrefned himfelf by eating, he would not 
forget to acknowledge God's Goodnefs in feeing of him, 

i f. He would not lie down in his Bed, 'till he had bee$ 
upon his Knees ; and when fometimes he had forgotten his 
Duty, he would quickly rife out of his Bed, and kneeling 
down upon his bare knees, covered witii no Garment but his 
Linens, aflc God Forgivenefs for that Sin. 

12. He would rebuke his Brethren if they were at any 
Times too hafly at their Meals, and did eat without afking 
a Bleffiog; his Check was ufually th r: s ; Dare you do thus? 
God be merciful to us, thjs bit of Bread might choak us. 

13. His Sentences were wife and weighty, and well might 
become fomc ancient Chriftiao. 

14. His 

A token for C H i L D R t IT. t? 

14. His Sicknefs was a lingering Difeafe, againft which to 
comfort him* one tells him of Pcfidlioos that muft fall to hid 
Portion : And what are they ((aid he) I had rather have the 
Kingdom. of Heaven than a Thoufand fuch Inheritances. 

15. When he wasfjckhe feemed much taken up with Heaven, 
and afked very feriouS Queftions about the Nature of his Soul. 

1 6. After he was pretty well fatish'ed about that, He en- 
quited how his Soul might be laved ? The anfwer being made, 
by applying of Chrifts Merits by faith ; he was pfeafed with 
the Anfwer and was ready to give any one that mould defire 
it, an account of his Hope, 

17. Being afked, whether he had rather live or die? He 
anfv/ered, I deftre to die, that I may go to my Saviour. 

18 His Pains encieafing upon him, one aik'd him, Whe- 
ther he would rather ftiil endure thofe Pains, or forfake 
Chrift ? Alas, faid he, I know not what to fay, being but a 
Child ; for these Pains may ftagger a ftrong Mn ; but I will 
fhive to endure the heft I can. Upon this he called to mind 
ti-at Martyr 'T&fvraj Bilney ; who being in Prifon, the Night 
before his burning, put his Finger into the Candle to know 
}ow he could endure the Fire. O (faid the Child) had Hived 
then, I would have run through theFire to nave gone to Chrifb. 

19, His Sicknefs lafted long, and at leaft thiee Days before 
>r>. Peath, he prophefied his Departure, and not only that he 
muft die, but the very Dy. On the Lord's Day, faid he, 
look to me; neither was this a word of Courfe^ which you 
may guefs by his often Repetition, every Day afking ''till the 
Day came indeed, What, is Sunday come? Atlaft, thelook'd- 
for Day came indeed, and no fooner had the Sun beautified 
th.-.t Morning with it's Light, but he falls into, a Trance ; his 
Kyes were lixed, his Face chearful, his Lips fmiling, his 
Hands and Feet clafped in a Bow, an if he would have 
received fome blefled Angel that were at hand to receive hir> 
Snu!. But he comes to himfelf and tells them how he fa\v 
the fwecCelt fccrdy trra.t ever Eyes brheM, who bid him be o 
good Cheer, for he mult prefently go with him. 

20. One that ftond near him, as now fufpecling ffeTir*^ 
of his Diflclution nigh, bid him fay. Lord, into t!iy Hands 
I commend my Spirit, which is thy due ; for why, then ha{l 
redeemed it, O Lord, my God moft true. 

B it. Th- 

1.8 A Token for CHILDREN. 

21. The laft Words which he fpake, were exaftly tnefe : 
Pray,' pray, pray, nay, yet pray; and the more Prayers, the 
better, all profpers ; God is the beft Phyfician ; Into his 
Hands I commend my Spirit. O Lord jefus receive my Soul ; 
Now c)ofe mine Eyes : Forgive me Father, Mother, Brother, 
Siller, all the World. Now I am well, my Pain is alraoft 
gone, my Joy is at Hind. Lord have Mercy on me, O Lord 
receive my Soul unto thee. And thus he yielded his Spuif 
tip unto the Lord when he was about Twelve Years old. 
This Narrative was taken out' of Mr. AMBROSE'S Life's Leafe. 

E X A M P L E VI. 

Of a poor Child that was awakened when be was ah: ' 

Five Years old. 

I. A Certain poor Child that had a very bad Father, but it 
JL\, is to be hoped a very good Mother, v as by the Pro- 
tideiiceof God brought to the Sight of a godly Friendof mine, 
who upon tiie firft bight of ilie Child, hud a great Pity for> 
him, and took, an ArTeftion for him. and had a Mind to bring 
him up for Chnfr.. 

2. At the firft, he did with great Sweetnefs and Kindnefs 
allure the Child ; by which Means it was not long before he got 
a dceplntereft in the Henri of the Child, and he began to obey 
him with more Readinefs than Children trfuaHy dotheirParents, 

3. By this a Door was ope-ed -for a farther Work, and he 
had a greater Advantage to inftil fpiritual Principles into the 
Soul of the Child, which he was not wanting in, as the Lord 
gave Opportunity, and ihe Child was capable of. 

4; It was not long before the Lord was pleafed to ftrike in 
with the fpiritual Exhortations of this good Man, fo th.-.t the 
Child was brought to a Liking of the Things of God. 

5. He quickly iearnt a great Pan of the Affembly's Catechifr 
by Heart andj:hat before he could read his Primer within Book 
and he t .took a great pelight in learnipjg h's Catechifm. 

6. He was not only able to give a very good Account of 
bis Catechifm, but he would arfwer fnch Queflions ;.s are not 
in the Catechifm, with greater Undcrftanding- than -could be 
expected from one of his ^ge. 

7. He took great foelight in difcourfing of the Things o{ 
Gcd; and when my Friend had been either praying or reading, 

A *foken for CHILDREN, 1.9 

. . 

(expounding or repeating of Sermons, he feemed very attentive, 
-id ready to receive the Truths of God, and would with in- 
credib'e Gravity, Diligence and ArTe&ion, wait 'till Duties 
v^re ended, to the no fmall Joy and Admiration of thofe who 
cbferved him. 

8. He would afk very excellent Queftions, and difcourfe 
about the Condition of his Soul and heavenly Things, and 
feemed mightily concerned what would become of his Soul 
when he Ihould die: So that hi.s Difcourfe made fome 
Chriftians even ftand aftoniflicd. 

'9, He was greatly taken with the great Kindnefs of Chrift 
in dying for Sinners, and would be often in Teats at the men- 
tion of it : and feemed at a ftrange Rate to be affected 
with the unfpeakable Love of Chrift. 

10. When no Body had be~n fpeaking to him, he would 
burft out into Tears, and being aiked the Reafon, he would 
fay, That the very Thoughts of Chrift's Love to Sinners in 
furjering for them, made him, that he could not but cry. 

11. Before he was 6 Years old he made confcience of 
fecret Duty ; untJ when he pray'd, it was with fuch extraor- 
dinary Meltings, that his Eyes have looked red and fore wuh 
Weeping by himfelf for his Sin. 

12. He woald be putting of Chriftians upon fpiritual Dif- 
courfe when he faw them, and feemed little fatisfied, unlefs 
they were talking of good Things. 

13. It isevident, that this poor Child's Thoughts xvete very 
muph Oufied about the Things ofanothar Word, for he would 
oftentimes be fpsaking to his Bed-fellow at midnight about 
the Matters of his Soul ; and when he could not deep, he 
would take heavenly Conference to be fweeter than his 
appointed reft. This was his ufual ctiftom, and thus he would 
provoke and put forward an experienced Chriftian, to fpend 
waking Hours in talking of God and the everlafting Reft 

14. Not long after this, his good Mother died, which 
went very near his Heart, for he greatly honoured his Mother. 

15. After the Death of his Mother, he would often repeat 
fome of the promifes that are made to fatherlefs Children, 
efpecially that in Exod xxii. 22. Ye (hall not afflict any 
Widow, or the fatherlefs Child, if thou afflict them in any 
wife, and they cry at all unto me I will furely hear their Cry 

I* A faken for CHILDREN. 

Thefe Word he would often repeat with Tears, and fay v I 
am Fatherlefs and Motherlefs upon Earth, yet if any wron 
me, Hiave a Father in Heaven who \vill take my Part; co 
Him I commit my felf, and in Him is all my Truft. 

1 6 Thus he continued in a Courfe of holy Duties, living 
in the Fear of God, 1 and mewed wonderfiul Grace for a Child, 
and died fwsedy in the Faith of Jefus. 

My Friend is a iudirinut Chriftian of trsanyYearsExperience, who war noway* 
related to him, b-it a confia v Eve and Ear Witnefi of h.j godly i. f-. a.'.u 
honourable and cheerful Death, from whom 1 received this Iiiforfhstion, 


$fa notorious wicked Child, ivfro ivas taken up froin Begging 
and admirably converted ; with an Account of his h-^ly 
* Life end foyfttl Death, *wk^n hewn n'>n? Year* oLi. 
I. A Very poor Child of the Parifh of frewington' Butts* 
jLJk. came begging to the Door of a dear Chriftiap Friend 
of mine, in a very lamentable c<tfe, ib filthy and nafty, that he 
would have even turned one's Stomach to have looked on him: 
But it pleafed G.od to raife in ihe Heart of my Friend, R greit 
Pity and Tendernefs towards this poor Child, foth.it in ch.uicy 
he took him out of the Streets, whofe Paren's were unknown; 
and who had nothing at ail to commend him to any one's 
Charily, but his Mifery. My Friend eyingtheGlory of God, 
and the good of the immortal Soul of this wretched Crea- 
iure, difcharged the Parilh of the Child, aad took him as his 
owu, defigning to briig him up for the Lord Cbriil. t\ no- 
b'e Piece of Charity ! And what did ranks the Kindnefs far 
the g r eit,rr, was r!vt there feemed to be very linle Hopes of 
t! -rg Good upjn this Child, for he was a very Mtmfter of 
Wickeio-fs, and a tr.ouUnd Times more n-;!{&rtbie and vile 
is Sin, tiian by i.is Poverty. H<^ was running to Hell 
, and w.*s old "n N -itightiuefs. when he 

was yaung in V one (hall f'carce hear of a Petfon 

fo like the Devil in his infancy, as this po^r Child was. 
' What Sin was there (his Age was Cip*b!e or) that he did not 
commit? What by the Coproptton of his Nature, and the 
abominable Exsmpfe of other -iv.ys.he was arrived to a ftrange 
Pitch of Impiety lie would call filthy N.tmes.^take ' 
N.im.2 in vain, - i > >fi Swear, and dj ail Kind or 

.;.ndas to an/ Th : ; of.God, woUcth;m an Heathen, 

A ?oken for C H i L D R E N . %\ 

2 . But this Sin and Mifery was but a fti ohger Motive to 
At gracious Man to pity, him, and to do all th.u pofubly he 
>uld to pluck this Fire-brand out of the Fire; and it was 
t long before the Lord was pleafed to let h : .m understand, that 
e had a Defign of everlafting Kindr.efs upon the Sou] of 
h'S poor Child ; for no fooner had this good Man taken 
his Creature into his Houfe, but he prays for him, and la- 
>ovus with all his might to convin e him of his miferable 
Condition by Nature, and to teach him fomethir.g of God, 
he Worth of his own Soul, and that Eternity of Glory or 
Vlifery jth-it he was born to: And blefTed be free Grace, it 
,vas not long before the Lord was pleafed to let him" under- 
hand that it was himfelf which put it into his Heart to take 
n this Child, that he might bring him up for Chriil. 1 lie 
Lord foon ftruck in with his godly Infhuctions fo that an 
imazing Change was Teen in the Child; in a few Weeks 
rime he was convinc'd of the Evil of his Ways ; no more 
News now of his calling of Names. Swearing or Curfing ; no 
nnore taking of the Lord's Name i;i vain ; now he is civil and 
refpeclive, and fuch a flrarnge Alteration was wrought in the 
Child, that ail the P^rilh that rung of his Villany before, was 
now ready to talk of his Reformation; his ('ompany, his 
Talk, his Employment is now changed, and he is like another 
Creature; fo that the Glory of God's f:ee Grace began 
already to mine in him. 

3. And this Change was not only on external one, and to 
be difcemed Abroad but he would get by himfelf, and weep 
and mourn bitterly, for his horrible wicked Life, as might 
eafi'y be perceiv'd by them that lived jn the Houfe with him 
4 It w*s the great care of his godly Mailer to ftrike in with 
thole Convictions which the Lord had made, and to improve 
them alihe could ; and was not a little glad to fee that his La- 
frour was not in vain intheLord : Heiltll experiences that the 
Lord cJoth carry on his Work mightily upon the Heart of the 
Child : He is flill more and more broken under a Senfe of his 
undone State by Nature t He is oft in Tears, and bemoaning 
hii, loft and miferable condition. When his Mailer did fpeak of 
the Things of God, he liftned earneftly, and took, in with pinch 
grsedinefsand ^fTeclioii \vhat he taught. Seldom was theteany 
Difcourfe ;?bout Soul Matters in his hearing, but he heard it as 
if it were for his Life, and wept greatly. 5, He 

2$ A Token for CHILDREN. 

5. He would, after his Mailer had been fpeaking to hir/j, 

c. .thers, of the Things of God, go to him. and queftion with 

bout them, sruj beg of him to infbuct and teach him 

f. :/r, and to tell hint thofe things agiin, that he d-.ight 

r : isr and underfland them better. 

has he continued feeking after the Knowledge of God 
a Chrift, and gn&ifing h -y Duties, till the Sicknefs came 
i the Houfe, with which the Child was fmmen. At hisfirft 
mg, the poor Child was greatly amazed and afraid, and 
t \.\ his ; ains were great, and the Diftemper very tedious, 
he Senfe of his Sin, and the Thoughts of the miferablc 
c ndition that he feared his Soul v/as in, made his Trouble 
tunes greater; He was in grievous Agonies of Spirit, and 
} is fnm<:r Sins iUred him in the Face, and made hir.i trenibls; 
the po-ion of God's Arrows did even drink up his Spirits ; 
the Senfe of Sin and Wrath was fo great", that he could not 
tell what in the World to do ; the Weight of God's Difpleafure, 
and the Thought of lying under it to all Eternity, did even 
break him to Pieces, and he did cry out very bitterly, What 
couU. he do? He was a miferable Sinner, and he feared he fhould 
g > to He!l ; his Sins had been fo great and fo many, that there 

5 no Hopes for him.' Ho was not by far fo much con- 
cerned for his Life, as for his Soul, what would become of 
that forever. Now the Plague upon his Body feemed nothing 
to that which v/as in his Soul. 

7. But in this great Distress the Lord was pleafed to {end 
one to take care of his Soul, who u/ged to him the great 
and precious ProraiTes which were made to one ia his con- 
dition; telling him, There was enough inChrift for the chiefefi 
of Sinners ; and, that He came to feek and to fave fuch a loft 
Creature as he was. But this poor Child found it a very 
difficult Thing for him to believe that there was any Mercy 
iforfuch a dreadful Sinner as he had been. 

8. He was made to cry o't of himfelf, not only for his 
Swearing ana! Lying, and other untowardly notorious Sins ; 
but. he was in great Horror for the Sin of his Nature, for the 
Vileoefs of his Heart, and original Corruption; under it he 
was in fo great Anguilh, that the Trouble of his Spirit made 
him in a great meafu re forget the Faios of his Bodyr 

9- He 

A loken for C H T L D R E w. 2 3 

9. He did very particularly confefs and bewail his Sins with 
Tears; and fome Sins fo fecret that none in the World could 
charge him with. 

16. He would condemn himfelf for Sin, as deferving no 
Mercy; and thought there was not- a greater Sinner in London 
than himfelf, abhorring himfelf as the vilefl creature he knew. 

i i . He did not only pray much with llrong Cries andTeara 
hirnfeifj but he begged the Prayers of Chriftians for him. 

1 1. He would a Ik Chriftians, whether they thought there 
were any Hopes for h;m,?nd would beg of them to deal plainly 
with him, for he was greatly afraid of being d.eceive^. 

13. Being informed how tvilling and ready the Lord Chrift 
was to accept o; poor Sinners, upon their Repentance and 
Turning, and being counfelled to venture himfelf upon Chrift for 
Mercy and Salvation, he faid, I would r ain caft myfelf upon 
Chrift, but he could not bat wonder, how Chriil fhauld be 
willing to die for fuch a vile Wretch as.he was ; and, that he 
found it one of the hSrdeft Things in the, World to believe. 

14. But at. 1 aft it pleafed the Lord f o give him fome fmall 
Hopes that there might be Mercy for him, for he had been the 
chiefeft of Sinoei s ; and was made to Jay; a little hold on fuch 
Promifes as that, Ccrne unto ntc> all ye that art weary and 
heavy laden, a*d I will give you Reft. But O ! Junv did this 
poor Boy admire and blefs God for the leaft Hopes ! How 
highly did he advancefree and'iich Grace, that faould-ftity and 
pardon him ! And at lafthe was full of Praife, and admiring 
of God ; fo that (to fpeak in the Words of a precious Man, 
who was an Eye and Ear-Winefs) u to the praife andGloryof 
God be it fpoken,theHoufeat that day, for all theSicknefsin it $ 
was a little lower Heaven, fo full of Joy and Praiie. 

i 5. The Chili! giew excedingly in Knowledge, Experience, 
Patience, Humility and Self-abhonency ; and bethought he 
cf.uld never fpeak bad enough of himfelf; the Name that he 
would caU himfelf by, was a 'ToaJ. 

16. And i hough he prayed before, yet now. the Lord- poured 
out upon him the Spirit of Prayer, in an extraordinary Manner 
for one of his Age } fo that now he prayed more frequently, 
more earneftly, more fpiritually than ever. ^O how eagerly 
would he beg to be waftied in the Blood of Jefus 1 And 
*hat the King of Kings, and Lord of La-ids, that was over 

4 A Toksn for CHILDREN. 

HertVfn and Earth, and Sea, would pardon and forgive rnm 
afl his Sins, and receive his Soul into his Kingdom And 
what he fpoke.. tt was with fo much Life and Fervor of Spirit, 
th^t it fi!k-ci the Hearers with Aftoniihment and J <v 

17. He had no final] Senfe of the Ule and Excellency of 
Chritl, and fuch Longings aird Breathings of his Soul after him, 
that when mention hath been made of v.hriit, he hath b-een 
ready almoft to lesp o'jt of his Bed for Joy 

18. When he was told, that if he ftiould recover, he mufl 
not live as he lift ; but he mull give up himfelf to Chrift, and 
to be his Child and Servant, to be..r his Yoke and be obedient 
to his Laws, and live a holy Life, and take his Crofs, and 
fuller Mocking and Reproach., it may be, Perfection for his 
Name's Sake. Now, Child (fiid one to "him) are you willing 
to have Chrijft upon fi?ch Teims: He lignihcd his Willingnefs 
by the Earneftnefs of his Looks and Words, and the catting 
up of his Eyes to Heaven, faying, Yes, with ail my Soul*, 
the Lord help me, I will do this. 

19. Yet he had many Doubts and Feats, ar-u was ever and 
anon harping upon that, T'hat tho' he were v/illing, yet Chiift 
he feared was not willing to accept him, becriiife of thegreat- 
nefs of his Sins: yet his Hopes were greater than Lis Fears, 

20. The Wednefday before he died, the Child lay as it 
were in a Trance for about half an Hour, in which Time ht 
thought he /.v a Vifion of Ange?s : When he was out of his 
Trance, he w tt s in a little Pet, arvd ^:ed his Ndffe, Why ihe 
1id not let him go ? Go, U'iiither Child, fiid (he : Why along 
with thofe brave Gentlemen (faid he) but ihey told me ihe.y 
would come and fe'ch me for all y.>u opon Friday ne>.' 

he doubled his Words many fimcs : Upon Friday next thole 
brave Gentlemen will come for- me; and upon that Day, the 
Child died joyfully 

21. He was very thankful- to hts ^r.fler, and very 

of his great Kindnefs ir, taking him oat of the Street, when 
he was a begging : /^ndhe admired at the goodnefs 
which put it into the Mind of a Stranger to look upon,?nd 
to take fuch a fatherly Care of fuch a pitiful Tony Creature 
as he was. O my dear Mailer (faid he) nd Servant of God. 
I hope to fee you in Heaven, for I pm fure you will go thither. 
O ble(T<d, bleifed be God, that made you to take Pity upor 

A Token for C ti i JL fc R E N. 2 

ne, for I might have died, and have gone to the Devil, and 
bave been damned for ever, if it had not been for you. 

22. The Thurfday befofe he died, he afkcd a very godlj* 
Friend of mine, What he thought of his Condition, and 
whither his Soul was now going ? For he faid, He could not 
flill but fear, left he mould deceive himfelf with falfe Hopes. 
At which ray Friend f poke to him thus, Child. For all that 
I have endeavoured to hold forth the Grace of God in Chrift 
to thy Soul, and giveo you a Warrant f r m the Word of God 
that Chrift is as freely offered to you, as to any Sinner in the 
tVorld ; if you are but-. willing to accept of him, thou mayeft 
have Chrift, and all that thou doft want with Him ; and yet 
thou doll give Way to thefe thy Doublings and Fears, a 
tho' I told you nothing but Lies. Thou fay eft, ihou feareft 
that Chrift will not accept of thee.; I fear thou art not heartily 
willing to accept of Him. The Child afifwered, Indeed I aras 
Why then Child, if thou art unfeignedly willing to have Chrift f 
1 tell thee, He is a thoufand Times more willing to have tbee, 
and wafli thee, and fave thee, than thou art to defire it. And 
now at this Time Chrift offers himfelf freely to thee again; 
therefore receive, him humbly by Fa'th into thy Heart, and 
bid him welcome, for he deferveth it, Upon which Words 
the Lord difeovered his Love urthe Child, and he gave a. 
kind of Leap in his Bed, and fnapt his Fingers and Thumb 
together with Abundance of Joy, as much as to fay, Well, yea 
all is well, the Match is made, (hrift is, willing, and I am 
willing too ; and now Chrift is mine, and I am his for ever,, 
And from that Time forward, in full Joy and AfTurance of 
God's Love, he continued earneftly praifiog God, with de- 
firing to die, and be with Chrift. And on Friday Morning 
he fweetly went to Reft, ufing that very Expreffion, Into thy 
Hands, Lord, I commit my Spirit. He died punctually at 
that Time which he had fpcke of, and in which he expe&ed 
thofe Angels to come to him ; he was not much above rin 
Years ofd when he died. 

This Narrative I had froto a judicious holy Man, unrt'ated to him, irho 
was an Eye and Ear-Witnefs to all thefe Things, 

The End of the Firft Part. 

On the Death aad Funeral of Pious CHILDREN. 

BLEST Door of Biffs to weary Saints, 
Thou art grim Death become; 
Secur'd as in a Cabinet, 

Their Duft is in the Tomb. 
By Death they enter to thofe Joys, 

Prepar'd for them above, 
There they are ever fwallow'd up 

In endlefs Life and Love. 
O ! there they fee as they are feen. 

With clear unclouded Views ; 
O! there they hear of nothing elfc 

But joyful olorious News. 
Anthems of Joy and Praife are there,. 

With Hallelujahs Tung : 
Who would be fond of this vain World, 
.This Drefs, this Dirt, this Dung ? 
There Saints for ever do behold, 

Their dcareft JESLV Face: 
There always they, admiring are 

Eternal boundlefs Grace, 
They're in the Houfe not made with Hands, 

In Heav'n eternally 
They dwell, and with the Rays of Chrift 

They fhine moft glorioufly. 
Quite freed from Labour, Sorrow'* Sin, 

From Cumbrance, Peril, Pain ; 
Then we (bill find whate'er we did 

For Chrift, was not in vain. 
Now Heaven's Work is here begun, 

The Work of fmgipg Praife ; 
The Work and Will of GOD in CHRIST, 

Which there we'll work always. 




C H I L D R E s N. 

. , -i , , , 



A farther Account of the Converfion, holy and 
exemplary Lives and joyful Deaths of feveral 
Young Childreo, not publifhed in the FirftPart. 

Pfal. viii. 2. Out of the Mouth of BAKE* and SUCKLINGS 
t/>ou hafl^Qrdained Strength. 

Chrljlian Reader, 

IN the former Part of my Token for- Children, I did in Part promife, 
that if that Piece met with kind Entertainment, it might be followed 
with a fecond of the fame Nature. If ir did not fcem to favour a little of 
Vanity, I might tell the World what Encouragement I have met with in 
this Work j but then I will only fay, tiiat I have met with fo much, at 
hath perfwaded me to give this little Book Leave to go abroad into the World, 
I am not a'fo ignorant, what Difcouragemeni I may meet with from feme ; 
but as long as I am fure I /hall not meet with this, that it's improbable, if 
not irnpoflible, that it fhou.d fave a Soul} I think the reft may eafily be 
anfwercd, or warrantabfy flighted. But becaufe I am perfuaded by feme, that 
one Example in the former (viz. that of a Child that began to be ferious 
between two and three Yean old) was fcaice credible, and they did fear 
might fcmewhat prejudice the Authority of the reft, I /ball fay fornething 
to anfwer that. They which make this Objection, ate either Good or Bad ; 
if B<td, I expet never tofa:isfy them, except 1 mould tell them a Romance 
or Play, or fomewhat that might fuit * rarnal Mind j it's like Holinefs in 
older Perfons, it is a Matter of Contempt and Scorn to them, much more 
in fuch as thefe I mention. The Truth of it is, it is no Wonder at ail t 
me that the Subjcfts of Satan fhould not be very wr^l pleafed with that, 
whofe Defign is to undermine the Intereft of their great Mafter : Nothing 
w<ll fatisfy fozne, except thrift and Holinefs may be deiadc4 and viltficd, 
E But 

To the R E A D E R. 

But hold Sinner* hold, never hope it, Heaven dull never be turned into Hell 
ifor thy fake : and at ibr thy Atheiftjci! Objections, Scoff* and Jeer?, they 
&a e'er long he ru'ly.aufwered j and the Hofaunaa's and Halieiujan's o f 
thefe fweet babes flu 1 condemn thy Oaths, Blafphemies and Jeers, and then 
thou wtlt be filenced : and except converting G-ace corn thy Heart qivck.'y, 
thou wilt forever rue thy Madnefs and Foily, when it is too }n\e 10 remrdy it. 
But if the Perfons who make this Objection are godly, I quefticn cot but 
k'uat 1 may give them reafonble Satisfaction. 

Fi.-ft. Confider, who it is that I had that E*amp'e from. It was one Mrs. 
Jeofrict in Long-JLane in Mary Magdalen Bermondfey Paiifii, i-tbe county 
ofSurry, a Woman of that Fame in the Church of Chrift for her exem- 
plary Piety, Wifdom, Experience, and hrgular Watchfulnefs over every 
Punctilio th** fh: fpsiks, that I queftion not but that her Name is preci- 
ous to raoA of the Minifter? of London, at leaft in the Bam-ugh j and as a 
Reverend Divine faid, fuch a Mother in Ifrael, her Tingle Teft,mony about 
London, is of as much Authority almcft as any one fingle Minifter't . And 
having fmce difcourfcd ibis matter with her, fiic calls God to W.mefs, that 
ihc bath fpoken nothing but Truth $ only in this /he failed, in that /he 
fpake not by far fo much at flie might have done, concerning that fweet 
Babe. I might add, that I have fince 'hat (een a godly Gentleman cur of 
the Country, fhat did proteft to me, that he had fecn as m;ch as tha' iu a 
little one of the fame Age, who fince that Time, 1 hear, w;nt lwetly r.o 
Heaven. Duth.not the Reverend Mr, Clark, in his Workr, quote 2 Child 
of two Ysars old that looked towards Heaven ? Doth not ci edible H.ftory 
acquaint us with a Martyr at fevrn Years oJd, that_was whipped aimoft to 
Death and never flied one Tear, nor complained ; aad at iaiV, Yi$ his Head 
ilruck off? I do not fpeak of tbcfe as common Matteis, but record them 
aaiong thofe ilupendous Afts of Him that can as eafily wcrk Wonders aa 
not. What is too hard for theAImighty ? Hath God faid he wiil work no 
.more Wonders ? I think moft of Go<Ts Wo;ks in the Eufmefs of Conver- 
Kioo call for Adaniraiion % And I believe that Silence, or rather Praife, would 
letter become Saint:, than queftioning the Truth of fuch Things : Efpe- 
eially where an apparent .Injury is thereby done to the intere/r. of Chrift, 
the Honour of God : o Grace, and the Reputation offo eminent a Saint. 
I judge this fufficie.n? to fifisfy moft j as far others, I trouble net mjie't ; 
If I may but promote thslmerfcit of Chnft, ard the good of Souls, and give 
op my Account with Joy, i's enough. Th^f the Lord would blcfs my 
^ndeavcurs to thefe Ends. I beg the Prayers af all Saints, and yours alfu 
fweet Children that fear the Lord. And tfcat P..rtnts and Mafter* would 
aflift me with their warm Application of theff Thirgf j and that C} Idrec 
iBaay be their Crown and their f iy, is the Prayer of one that defues te 
love Chri{i and little Children dearly, 

"James J anew ay > 


.<t>....<>.-.*>--<X""<>-">-'O"-O"-'<>-"O -<>--<> "<><><>><> <>...-4>....<>.. 



O/" C/6//V thai was very furious at four Tears oht, with an 
dc count of his comfortable Deatb^ whm be was twehe 
Tears and three Weeks eld. 

JOHN Sud/onv, was born of religious Parents, in the 
County of MiJdlefix, whofe great Care was to inftil 
fpiritual Principles into him, as foon as he was capable of 
underftanding of them ; whofe Endeavours the Lord was 
pleafed to crown with the defired Succefs ; So that (to ufe 
the ExprefLoji of a holy Man concerning him) Scarce more 
could be expected or defired from fo little a One. 

2. When he was fcarce able to fpeak plain, /he feemed 
to have a great Awe and Reverence of God upon his 
Spirit, and a ftrange Senfe of the Things of another World, 
as might eafily be perceiv'd by tbofeferious and admirable 
Queftions which he would be oft aiking of thofe Chriftians 
that he thought he might be bold with. 

3. The firit Thing that did mod affect him, and made h-'m 
endeavour toefcape from the wrath to come, and enquire what 
he mould do to be faved, v/as the Death of a. little Brother ; 
when he faw him without Breath, and not able to fpeak or 

'ftir, and then carried out of Doors, and put into a'T^t-hole, 
he was greatly concerned, and afked notable Qjueftions about 
hini ; but that which was moft affecting of himfelf and others 
vvas, Whether he muft Die too ? which being aufwered, it 


2 A Token for CHILDREN. 

made fuch a deep Impreflion upon him, that fiom that Time 
forward he was exceeding ferious, and this was when he was 
about four Yeats old. 

4. Now he is dttirous to know what he might do that he 
might live in another .World, and what he mufl avoid, that he 
might not die forever, and being Inftrucled by his godly Pa- 
rents, he foon labours to avoid whatsoever might difpieafe God; 
now telihim thai any thing was finful, and that Gcd \\oulj 
not have him to do it, and he is eafiiy kept from It ; and even 
at this Time of Day, the Appreheollons of God and Death and 
Eternity lard fueh a Reftraint upon him, that be would noi 
fyr a World have told a Lie. 

5. He quickly learnt to read exactly, and took fuch plea- 
fure in reading the Scriptures, and his Catechifm, and other 
good Books, that it is fcarce to be parallel ; he would na- 
turally run to his Book without bidding, when he came HOUK 
from School, and whenother children of his Age and Acquain- 
tance were playing, he reckoa'd it his Recreation to ba doing 
that which is good. 

6. When he was in Coa'ts he would fliil be afking his 
Maid ferious Quellipns, ana praying her to teach him his 
Catechifm, or Scriptures, or fome good things ; common Dif- 
coarfe he took no Dehght in. but did moil eagerly defire tc 
be Kicking ia the Kno'^lscig-.' of ihe Things of God, Chrift, hij 
Soul and another World. 

7. He was hugely taken with the reading of the Book ol 
Martyrs, and would be be ready to leave his Dinner tc 
go to his Book. 

8. He was exceeding careful in redeeming and improving 
of Time; fcarce a Moment of it, but he would give an ex- 
cellent Account of the Expence of it ; fo that this Chile 
might have taught elder Perfons, and queftionlefs condemt 
their idle and unaccountable waitings of thofe precious Hour: 
in which they mould (as this fwcet Child) have been laying 
in Provifion ft r Eternity. 

9. He could not endure to read any thing over flightly, bu 
vhatfoever he read, he dwelt upon it, and laboured to under 
ftand it thoroughly and lemember it, and what he could no 
underftand he would oft a { k his Father or Mother th< 
Meaning of it. 

10. When 

A foken for CHILDREN. 3 

TO. When any Chriftian Friends have been d'.fcourfir.g 
vith his Father, if they began to talk any Thing about Reli- 
gion, to be fure they IhouJd- have his Company, and of his 
>wn Accord, he would leave all to hear any Thirg of Chrift, 
ind crept as clofe to them as he could, and liilcn -as affeftio- 
nately,thGughit \vere for an Hour or two : He was fcarceever 
Scnown to exprefs the leaft Token of Wearinefs while he was 
hearing any Tiling that was Good, and fometimes when 
Neighbours Children wq^ild come and call him out and entice 
jiim, and beg of him to go with them, he could by no Means 
be perfwaJed (though he might have had the Leave of his 
Parents) if he .had any hopes that any Body would come 
into his Father's Houfe. 

11. He was very modeft whilfl any Stranger was prefent, 
and was loth to afk them any Queflions : but as foon as they* 
were gone, he would let his Father know that there was little 
faid or done, but he obferved it, and wotrlcl reflect upon what 
was paft in their Difcoarfe, and defire Satisfaction in what he 
could not uriderftand at prefent. 

12. He was a Boy of moft prodigious Parts for his Age, 
as will appear from his folid.and rational Queftions; I ftuU 
mention but two of many. 

13. Thefirft was this, ^'hen he was rending byhimfelf, in 
Dr//c,VsPoems about AW>'sFIoodandtheArk,heafked,Who 
built the Ark ? It being anfwered, that it was likely that 
W',ak hired Men to help him buildit: And would they(faid he) 
build an Ark to fave another, and not go into it themfelves? 

14. Another Queftion b put was this : Whether had 
gjc-itcr Glory, Saints Cf Angels ? It being anfwered, that 
Angels were th moft excellent of Creatures and ii's to be 
:hought their Nature is m'ide capable of- greater Glory than 
Man's. He faid, he was of another Mind, and his Reafon was, 
aecauff Angels were Servants, and Saints are Children ; and 
chat Chrift never took upon him the Nature of Angels, but he 
ook upon him the Nature of Saints, and by hiY being MAN, 
rle hath advanced Human Nature above the Nature of Angels; 

i 15. By this you may perceive the greatnefs of his Parts, 
^nd the bent of his Thoughts ; and thus he continued for 
everai Y'ears together, labouring to get more and more fpiri- 
:ual Knowledge, and to prepare for an endlcfs Life. 

16. He 

4 A Teken for C H i L D R i w. 

1 6. He was a Child of an excellent fweet Temper, won 
derfuHy dutiful to his Parents, ready and joyful to do what 
fee was bid, and by no Means would do an^ Thing to difple-ife 
them, and it they were at any Time feemingly angry, he 
would not ftir frofri them, till they were thoroughly recon- 
ciled w him, 

17. He was not only good himfelf, but would do what 
he could to. make others fo too.efpecially thofe that were near- 
eft to him ; he v/as very watchful over hisBrethren and Sifters, 
and would not fufFer them to nfe any unhandfome Word?, or 
to do any unhandfome Action, but he would be putting them 
upon that which was Good : and when he did at any Time re- 
buke them, it was not childifhly and fiightily, but with 
great Gravity, and Serioufnefs, as one that was not a 
little concerned for God's Honour; and the eternal Wel- 
fare of their Souls. 

1 8. He would gC to his Father and Mother with great 
Ter.dcrocf* afcd Compaflicn (being far from telling of Tales) 
and beg of thgm, to take more Care of the Souls of his Bre- 
thren and Sifters, and to take heed, left they mould go on in 
a finful Chriftlefs State, and prove their Sorrow and,Shame, 
and go to Hell when they die, and be rained forever. 

19. He was exceedingly affected with hearing the Word of 
God preachedj and could not be fatisfied except he couid 
carry home ir.uch of the Subftance~flf v/hr.t he had heard ;. 
to this end he quickly got to learn fi. i would give a 
Very pretty Account of any Sermon that he heard. 

20. He was much engaged in feciejc Duty, and in reading 
the Scriptures : to be fure Morning and Evening r-e would hfc 
by himfelf, and xvas, r.o Queftion, wreftring vith God. 

21. He would get choice Scriptures by- Heart, and was 
?ery perfect at his CatecKifm. 

22. The Providences of God werp not pafTed by witkcut 
conflderable Obfervation by him. 

23. In the Time of the Plague, he was exceedingly con- 
cerned about his Soul and eveilafling State. 

This prayer was found written in Short-Hand after his 

A Tuktn Jor CHILDREN. J 

fr*\ LORD COD and merciful bather, take pity ttfrcn me a 
*S miferablf Si finer, ana ft lengthen me, Lord, in thy Faith * 
and make me one ffthv glorious Saints in Heaven* Lord 9 
keep me from this poifoncus Jr.fettion ; however, r.ot my Will 
but thy Will le done, Lord, on Earth, as'it is in Heaven ; 
but, Lord, if thou haji appointed me to die by it, Lord t 
fit me for Death, and g -ve ine a good Heatt forbear up under 
my <4 fit ft ions : Lord Cod and merciful Father, take pity 
upon me thy Child ; leach me, Lord, thy Word, make me, 
firong in Faith. Lord, I have finned againft thee ; Lord 
pardon my Sins. 1 had been in Hell longago, if it had not 
faen for thv Mercy : Lord, 1 pray thee to keep my Parent* 
in thy Truth, and Jav^s tktm front this Infeftion, if it le thy 
Iff /I, that they mcy lite to bring me up in thy Truth : Lord, 
I pray thee ft ay this Infcflion that ragcth in this City, and 
pardon their Sins, and try them once vtorc t and fee if thcj 
nvil I tu*n unto thee. Save we, Lord, from this Infefiion^, 
flat I way lire to praift and glorify thy Name ; but, Lent? 
if thou haft appointed me to die of it, fit we for Death, that 
I way die with Comfort ; and, Lord, I pray thee to help 
rite to bear up under all Affi'ttions, for Chrift's Sake. Amen. 

24. rfe was not a little concerned for the whole Nation;' 
and begged that God wo old pardon the Sins of this Land a 
and bring it nearer to himfeJf. 

25. About the Beginning of November 1665, this fweet' 
Child WAS fmote with r^c Diftemper,. but he carried it with 
admirable Patience under the Hand of God. 

26. Thefe were feme of his dying ExprelTions The Lord 
fliall be my Phyfician, for he will cure both Soul and Body 
Heaven is the bell Happicefs It is the Lord, let him do what 
feemeth good in his Eyes.- Again, It is the Lord that 
taketh away my Health ; but I will fay as Job faid, BU/edbe 
the Name of ins Lord. If I fiiould live longer, I ftiall buc 
fin againft God. Looking upon his Father, he faia, If th. c -* 

;,Lord would but lend me the leaft Fir.?er of his Hand to lead 
,me through the dark Entry of Death, I \vill rejoice in him. 
: 27. When a Minifter came to him, imong other Things, he' 

fpa.ke fome what of Life. He f aid, This is a wickedWoHd.yet it 5? 

^ood to live with my Parents, but it is better to Jive io Heaven, 

6 A Token for CHILDREN. 

28. An Hour and an half before his Death, the fame Mini- 
Her came again to viiit him, and a/ked him, John, art thou 
afraid to die r He anfwered, No, if the Lord will but comfort 
me in that Hour. But, laid the Minifter, How canft thou 
expeft Comfort, feeing we deferve none ? He anfwered, No, 
if J^had^my Deferts, I had been in Kell long ago. But, re- 
plied tihe'Minifter, Which Way dolt thou exped Comfort and 
Salvation, feeing thou art a Sinner ? He anfwered, In Chrift 

alone. In about an Hour and an Half after he fell Lfleep, 

faying, lit would take a long Sleep, charging them that were 
about him not to wake him. 

He died when he was twelve Years, three Weeks and 
one Day old. 

E X A~M P L E~lx~ 

Of a Child that wcs Very eminent ^ when Jhe was between five 

and fix Tears old^ with fane memorable PuJJages of her Life t 

ibho died about 1640. 
I. ANn* Lfine ^vas born of honed Parents in Colebrook, in 

^* the County of Buck^ \vho was no fooner abletofpeak 
plain, and exprefs *ny thing conf'derable of Reafon^but me 
began toacr. as if (he. were faocYiried from the very Womb. 

2. She v/ns very folicitous about her Soul, what would be- 
co.ne of it when Ihe ihould die, and where flie mould live for 
ever, and what me (liould do to be f^v^d, when (he w?.s about 
Five Years old. 

\ She was v/ont to be eft engaged in fecret Prayer, and 
pouring out -her Soul in fuel) a Manner, as is rarely to b 
heard of from or.e of her Years. 

4. J having Occafion to lie at Colebrook, fent for her Fa- 
ther, an old Difcipie, an Ifraclite indeed, and defned him to 
five me fome Account of his Experiences, and how the Lord 
rft wrought upon him ? 

5 He gave me this anfwer, " That he was of a Child . 
fomewhn civil ; honeft, and as to a Man, harmlefs ; but he 
was little acquainted with the power of Religion, till this 
fweet Child put him upon a thorough inquiry into the ftate 
of his Soul, and would {till be begging of him, and plead-' 
ing with him to redeem his time, and to act with life and 


A Foken .y&r CHILDREN. 7 

vigour in the things of God, which was no fmali demqnftra- 
tion to him of the reality of Invifibles, that a very Babe 
and Suckling mould fpeak fo feelingly about the Thirgs of 
God, and be fo greatly concerned, not-only about her own 
Sou?, but about her Father's too, which was the occafion of 
his Conve.rfion, and the very thought of it WAS a quickening 
to him for thirty Years, and he hopes never 'to wear off the 
Impreflion of it from his Spirit.'* 

6 After this (he put her Father upon Family Duties, and 
if he was for any time out of his Shop, Hie would f?nd him 
out, and with much fweetnefs and humility beg of him to 
come home, and remember the precioufnefs of Time, for 
which we muft all give an account. 

7. 'She was grieved if fhefaw any that conyerfed with her 
Father, if they were unprofitable, unfavory, or long in their 
difcourfe of common Things. 

8 Her own Language wars the" Language of Canaan : How' 
folidly, profitably, and fpiritualiy would me talk ! So that 
fhe made good people take great delight i$ her Company, 
and juftly drew the Admiration of all that^new her. 

9. She could not endure the Company of common Children, 
nor Play, but was quite above all thofe Things which muft 
Children are laken with; her Bufmefs w: to be reading, 
praying, difcourfing about the Things of God. and any k nd 
of Bufmefs that her Age and Strength was capable of: Idle 
flie would not be by any Means. 

10. It was the greatefl Recreation to her to hear rny 
good People talking about God, Chrift, their Souls, the 
Scriptures, or any Thing that concerned another Life 

11. She had a ftrange contempt of the World, and fcorned 
thofe Things which moft are too much pleafeJ with. She 
could not be brought to wear any Lac^a, or any thing that 
flie thought was fuperfluous. 

12. She would be complaining to her Parents if flie faw 
any thing in them that fhe judged would not be for the Ho- 
nour of Religion, or fuitabie to t' which .the 
Providence of God had.fet them in, in the ''/'.': rid. 

13. This Child was the Joy and Delphi of all the Chrif- 

in thofe Times, \vho was itill quicb/r:^ 
F 2 anj 

: 4 Token for G H i L D R 5 . 

and raifing of the Spirits of thofc that talked with her. This 
?oor Babe was a g eat help to both Father and Mother, and 
ner Memory is fweet co this Day. 

|4- She continued thus to walk as a Stranger in the World, 
and one that was making hafls to a better Place. And after 
fne had done a g.-e-t deal of Work ca;ied Horns to retf, 
?nd received into the .Arris of JE s u t, befur- Ihe WHS ten 
Years old ; file departed about 1640. 

E X A M P L E X. 

Of a Child that wis awaktncd -whtn fl)t was between 7 anJ 
8 Tears <?/;/, with jowe Account sf her lajl Hours, and 
triumphant Heath. 

I. CT*dbitha Alder was a Daughter of a holy and rev?- 
4- rend Miniiter in Kent, who lived near Gravt fruit. 
She was much inftrucled ill ihe holy Scriptures and her Gate- 
chifm,by her father and Mother, but there appeared nothing 
extraordinary^in her, till (he was between Seven and Eight 
Years old. 

2. About which Time, when (he was fkk, one aflced her, 
What (he thought would become of her if ihe fhould die I 
ihe anfwered, That (he was greatly afraid (he (hould go to [lell. 

. Being afked, why (he was afraid of going to Hell ? She 
angered, Becaufe (he feared (he did not love God. 

4. Again being afked, How (lie did know that (he did not 
Jove God ? She replied, what havs I done for God ever fince 
I was born ? And befides this I have been taught, That 
|ie that loves God keeps his Commandments, but 1 have kept 
none of tham all. 

5. Being further demanded, If fli? would not fain love God ? 
She anfwered, Yes, with all her Heart, if (he could, but (he] 
found it a hard Thing to love one (he did not fee. 

' 6. She was advifed to beg of God a Heart to love him ; flic j 
anfwered, She was afraid it was too late. 

7. Being afked again, whether (he was not forry that fhe.i 
could not love God? She anfwered, Yes, but ftiil was afraid 

It was too late. 

8. Upon 

4 foktn for C H j L B R E *r. 

8. Upon this, feeing her in fuch a defponding Condition, 
a dear Friend of hers fpent the next Day in .Failing and 
Vrayer for her. 

9. After this that Chriilian Friend afl:ed her how (he did 
now ? She anfwered with a great deal of joy, Th?.t now. (he 
blelfed the Lord, (lie loved the Lord Jefus dearly, The felt ihe 
did love him ; Oh ! faid fhe, 1 iov him dearly. 

10. Why, faid her Friend, did you not fay Yefterday, that 
you did not love the Lord, and that you couKi not ? What 
did you mean to fpeak fo fhangely ? Sure (faid fhe) it was 
Satan that did put it into my Mind: But now I love him, 
O blefTed be God for the Lord jefus Chrift. 

' n. After this (he !>ad a Difcovery of her approaching DifTo- 
lution, which was no final) Comfort to her : Anon, (faid fhe , 
with a holy Triumph)' I (hall be with Jefus, I am married to 
him, He is my Huiband, { am his Bride, I have given myfeif 
to him, and he hath given hhnfelf to me, iind I fhall live with 
him for ever, 

12. This ftrange Language made the Hearers even ftand 
aftonidied : But thus {he continued for fpme littieTime, in a 
Kind of Exafy of Jo/, admiring the Excellency of Chrifr, 
rejoicing in her Intereil in him, and loog'og to be with him. 

i v After a while, foire of her Friends jtanding by her, 
obferved a more than qrdinary Earneftnefs and Fixed nefs in 
her Countenance ; they fnid one to another, Look how <?ai r 
neftly (he looks, fure /he feeth fcmcthing. 

74.. One a/ked, -What it was fhe fixed her Eye* upon fo 
eagerly; I warrant (faith one that was by) (he feeth Death 
a corning, 

re. No (faith (lie) it is Glory that I fee, it is that I fix 
my Eye upon. 

1 6. One afked her, What was Glory like ? She anfwered, 
! can't fpe ik what, but I am going to it ; will you p with 
me to that Glory ! With which Words her Soul took, Wing, 
and went to the Poffeflion of that Glory which Hie had foms 
believing Sight of before. 

She died when flie was between eight and n'ne Years old, 
about 1644. 


19 A Token for CHILDREN. 


Of a Child that was greatly affeftsd with the Things ., 

when Jhe was very young, with an exafl Account of 
her admirable Carriage upon her Death- Bed. 

I. C>Ufannah Bicks was born ar Leiden in Holland, Jan. 24. 
^ 1650, of very religious Parents, \vhofe great Care wa$ 
to inftrucl and catechife this their Child, and to prefent her 
to the Minifters of the Place, to. be publickly inftrufted and 

2 It pleafed the Lord to blefs the holy Education and 
good Example of her Parents, and Catechifmg.to the good of 
her Soul, fo dm Hie foon had a true Savour and Relifli of 
what /he was taught, and maJe an admirable Ufe of it in a 
Time of Need, as you fhall hear afterwards. 

3. She was a Jhild of great Dutifulnefs to her Parents, and 
of a fweet, humble, fpi ritual Nature, and not only the Truth, 
but the Power and Erninency of Religion did mine in her fo 
clearly, that (lie did nnt only comfort the Hearts of her Parents, 
but drew the Admiration of all tha.t we're WitnefTes of God's 
Work of Love or. her, and may well be propofed as a Pattern 
not only to Children, bur to Perfons of riper Years. 

4. She continue'! inaCourfe of relipious Duties for fome 
confiderable Time, fo that her Life was more excellent than 
moll Chriftians, but in her laft Sicknefs (he excelled her felf, 
and her Deportment was fo admirable, that partly through 
Wonder and Aftonimment, and partly through Sorrow, many 
obfervabJe Things were jfcfled by without committing to Paper, 
which deferved to have been v/ritten in Letters of Gold : But 
takethefe which follow, as fome of the many that were taken 
from her dying Lips, and firft publifhed by religious and ju- 
dicious Chriftians in Dutch, afterwards tranilated into Scotch^ 
and with a little Alteration of ihe Stile (for the Benefit of 
Englifn Children) brought into this Farm by me. 

5. In the Month of Anguft 1604, v/hen the Peftilence 
raged To much in Holland* this fweetChiM was fmirten, and 
as foon as me felt herfelf very ill, me was faid to break fonh 
wiih abundance of Senfe and Feeling, in thefe Words : If thj 
I..--' were not my Delight, I Hiould perifii in my Affliction. 

6. Her 

A Token for C H i L D R JMT. is 

i 2 A fvktn /<? CHILDREN. 

but afl<ed what Day it was ? Her Father faid, it was the 
Lord's Day. Well then, faid me, Have you given up my 
Name to be remembered in the public Prayers of the Church' 
Her Father told her he had. I have learnt, "faid (he, ThS 
the effectual fervent Prayer of the R/ighteous availeth much. 

12 She had a very high Efteem for the faithru! Minified 
of Chrift, and much defined their Company where flie was, 
but knowing the Hazard that filch a Vifit might expofe them 
and the Church to, me would by nr. means fuffer that the Mini- 
fliers (hould co.iie near her Perfon, out chofe rather to throw 
herfelf upon the Arms of the Lord, ai.d to improve that Know- 
ledge ihe had in the Word, her former Experience, and the 
Vifits of private ChriftianS, and thofe whom the Church had 
appointed in fuch. <- afes, to vifit and comfort the Sick. 

15 One of thofe which came to vlfit her, was of very great 
Ufe to coiijfoit her, and lift her ap in fomc Meafure above 
the Fears of Death. 

14. Though young, ihe was very much concerned for the 
Inter eft of God and Religion, for Gofpel-Min!ftefs,and for the 
Sins and Decay of the Power of Godlinefs in her ownCountiy,. 
which will further appear by what may follow 

15. Her Father cc?i;ing in. to her, found her in an extraor- 
dinary Pafiion of weeping, and afked her wh^.t was the Caufe 
of her great Sorrow: She .anfwered, Have I not caufe to 
weep, when I hear that Dotainf De IV it w^.s taktn fick this 
Day in his Pulpit, and went home vet y ill? Is not this a fad 
Sig.Yof God's Difpleaftfre to our Country, when he fmiteth 
fuch a faithful Paftor. 

16 She had a high Valuation of God, and could fpeak :n 
iJiivid'd Lauguage, Whom have 1 in Heaven but Thee,,an'd 
there is none on Earth that I can d<Ji> e in cwpanfin cf 
Thee. She was much lifted above the Fears of Deiith; what 
elfe was the Meaning of fuch Exp efTions as thefe ? O^how do 
1 long ! even as the Hart panteth after thee, OGod, for God, 
the living God, when mall I come and appear before God. 

17. She was a great Hater of Sin, and did with muelt 
Grief and Self-Abhorrency refletf upon it ; but that which 
lay moil upon her Heart, was the Corruption of her Nature 
and original Sin. How oft would Ihe cry out in the Words 
of the Ffilasift, BeboiU, I was ftiapen in Iniquity, and in Sia' 

A ^Token for CHILDREN, ij 

did my Mother conceive me : And I was altogether born ia 
!r.;i. L>h.e could never lay herfelfJow enough under a Senfe 
uf that original ciin which ihcbs ought with her into theWorld. 
if!. She Jp,ike many ihirgs very judicioufly of the o}d 
M:i.i s ind jn-.'.iino it off and of the ntw Man, and putting 
that on; which {hewed that fhe wsno btranger to Conver- 
fion, and that fhe in feme Meafuie underftood what Mor- 
tification ^ 8e.lf-denra4, and taking up of her Crofs, and fol- 
lowing Chrilt meant 'llut Sciipture was much in her 
Mouth, The Saciifices of God are a contrite Heart ; a broken 
and a contrite Spirit, O <"icd, thou wilt not defpife. That 
Brokennefs of Heart ((aid fhe) which is built upon and flows from 
Faith, and, that Faito which is built upon Chrift, who is the 
proper and alone' Sacrifice for Sin. Thtfe are her own Words. 

19. Afterwards fne desired to reft, and when fhe had flum* 
Sertd a while, 'fl^e jfiiid, O dear Father and Mother, how 
weak I dp- ted myfelf ! My dear Child (faid her Father) 
God will in liis tender Mercy ftrengthen thee in-thy Weak* 
hefs. Yea Father (faid fhe) that is my Confidence; For it 
is faid. The bruifed Reed he will not break,' and the frrjoaking 
Fhx. he will not quench. 

20. Then fhe difc/>urfed excellently of* the Nature of Faith' 
and dcfired that the Eleventh of Hebrews fliould be read unto 
her; at the reading of which fhe cried out, O what a fledfaft 
Foyal' Faith v/n.r. that of //briibaw, which made him willing to 
offer up his ov/n and only Son ! -Faith is the Subfhmce o 
Things h'<;;t\i for, aid cl\e Kvidence of Things not feen. 

2 '. Her Father and Mother , hearing her excellent Difcourfe 

and ffcir. her excellent v arriage, burft out inC)' Abundance 

of Te.irs . Upon whic'h flie p!?t1ed with them to be patieiit,, 

and content with the Hnnd (-r God. (faid fhe) why doyou 

weep at this R^re ovei me, fecis^g, \ hope, you have no Reafoa 

to queft'.oo, but iftheL'ojd take me out of* this referable 

\Vor!d, it fliail be well with me to all Eternity. Yo*.. >ught 

;:ii fritisfiel feeing it is faid, (JodisinH*- and 

/Jim: And do not yt u l .m. y every 

Duy, i hat the Vvili of God may be done upon Earth", as it la 

yen? Now Futhtr, this is God's Will, that I mould He 

v:;">n this fick He'd, and of this Difeafe ; fhall we not be content 

'vncn Qur Pvayep ate anfwred ? Would no; you-- extrcara 


14 A token {or C H i L D R s ri. 

Sorrow be murmuring againll God,without whofe goodPleafure 
nothing comes topis Altlio' I am ft ruck with this Difeafe, yet 
becaufeitis th^Vv illot God, that doth fiience me; and I will, as 
long as I live, pray that God's Will may be done, and not mine. \ 

22. Seeing her Parents ftill very much moved, fh further 
argued with them from the Providence of God, which had a 
fpecial Hand in every common Thing, much more in the 
Difpofni of the Lues of Men and Women : And are 'not two : 
Sparrows fold fcr a Farthing, and not one of them falls to 
ihe Ground without our heavenly Father? Yea, the very Hairs 
of our Head are all numbered: therefore fear not, you are of 
Tnore Value than many Sparrows'. Adverfity and Prosperity 
they are both good. Some Things appear Evil in our Eves, 
but the Lord turns all to the Good of them who are his. 

23. She came to fpeak particubrly concerning the Phgue. 
Doth not (faid ihe) the Peililence come from God ? Why elfe 
doth the Scripture fay Shall there be Evil in the City which 
I have not fent ? What do thefe People mean, which fay, the 
Peftilence comes from the Air ? Is noi the Lord the Creator 
and Ruler of the Air, and are not the Elements under his 
Government? Or if they fay, it comes from the Earth, hath 
he not the fame Power and Influence upon that too ? Why rulk 
they of a Ship that came from frlca ? Have we not rend long 
ago, Lev. xxvi. 2 5. I ma) i bi ing a Sword upon you, and averge 
the Quarrel . ?-'~d when you ate aftembled in 
the Cities, the ng rhe Petfilence in the iiidft of you. 

"24.- After this, havino^tsken fome little Reft, fhe faid, O 
now is the Day for opening of the firft Queftton of the Cate- 
chifni, and if we were there, we (hould hear, that whether in 
Death or L?'., a Believer is ChmTs, who hath redeemed us 
by his own pieclo.is filood from the Power of the Devil : And 
then fhe quoted Rom. xiv. 7,8. For none of us hveth unto 
himfeU, and none of us dieth unto hirnfelf. For whether we 
Jive we Jive unto the Lord,ard vfietrer we die wedie unto the 

Vi it!' Wtcpiuy i .< - . t iS 

Hiuft f,o out agv.n. O my dear Parents, Better is the IJay 
of riw Death than the Day of my Birth. 

7 2C. vvlicn 

A token /^CHILDREN. 15 

z 5 When fl\e had thus encouraged her Father and Mother 
flie deiirt'dher Father to pray with her, and to lequeft of the 
Lord iha? fhe might have a quiet and peaceable Paffage into 
another World. 

26 After her Father had prayed for her, fie aficed her, 
whether he fliould fend for the Phyfician ; (lie anfwered, By 
no means, for I am now beyond the Help of Doctors. Rut, 
laid he, my Child, \ve are to ufe the ordinary Means appointed 
by the Lord for our Help, as long as we live, "and let the Lord 
do as feemeth good in his Eyes. But,.faid fhe, Give me the 
heavenly Phyilcian : He is the only Helper. Doth not he 
. fay, Come unto me all ye. that are weary and heavy laden> 
and I will give you Reft : And doth not he bid us call upon 
him in the Day or'Dittiefs. and he will dcjiver us, and \ve 
mall glorify Irim : Therefore, dear lather,. call upon him yet 
again for me 

27. About this time a Chriftian Friend came in to vifit her, 
who was not a little comforted when he heard and faw fo 
much of the Grace of God living in a poor young Thing, 
which could not but fo far affec't him as to 'draw Tears of 
Joy -and Admiration from him, and her Deportment was fo 
inching th:;i he could not but acknowledge Inmfelf greatly 
edified and improved by her Carriage and Language. 

28. That which was not the leailobfci Table in her, was the 
ardent Affeclion me had for the holy Scriptures and herCaie- 
chifni, in which fhewas thoroughly inftrucled by the Divines 
of the Place where me lived, which me could not but own 
as one of the greateft Mercies next to the Lord Chriil. O 
how fhs did blefs God for her Catechifm, and beg of her 
Father to go particularly to thofe Minifters that had taken fo 
much Fains with her to inftriift her in her Catechifm, ,ind 
to thank them from her a dying Child for their good Induc- 
tions, and to let them undcrftand, for their Encouragement 
to go on in the Work of Catechifing, how refrefhmg thofe 
Trnhs were now to her in the Hour of her Diftrefs. Q 
that fvveet Catechifirtg, faid (he, unto which \ did always re- 
forc with Gladnefs, and attended without Wearinefs, 

29. She was much above the Vanities of the World, and 
took f:o Pieafure at all in thofe Things which ufually take up 
ti^ Heart and Time of youug Ones, She would fay, thai 

G a fte 

i6 A Token for C.H i L D R z p. 

fhe was griered and afnamed both for Young and CJ ', tc fee 
how glad and' mad they were upon Vanity, and how fLcliihly 
they (pent their Time 

30. She was not forgetful of the ~are *nd Love of her 
Matter and Miftrefs whojaught her t^Re-d and Work, but 
/he defined that Thanks might be particularly given to them. 
Indeed fhe thought (he could never be thankful enough both to 
God and man for that Kindnefs that fhe had Experience of : 
But again and again, (lie de'.ired to be fure to thank the Mini- 
flerswho inftructed her, either by C.uechi;;ing or Preaching. 

31. After fome Reft, her bother aflcsd nsr again, How 
flie did, and began toexprefs fomewliat of that Satisfaction and 
Joy. that he^iad taken in her form-jr Diligence, in hjr re . : 
the Scriptures, and Writing, and her Dutifulnefs, and that 
Progrefs (he had made in the the Things of God : Upon 
which ihe humbly and fweetly cefired to own God and his 
Kindnefs in her godly Eciucatioo, and laid f'he e<leemr : d her 
lioly Education under fuch P-.-'er.-s :'.nrf Mini'lers as H gte.acr 
Portion than ten Thoufand Giidem, for thereby I havcfleurned 
to comfort my felf out of-t'^e ^-\ r .! o! (.J-.-a, '-vhich the Worli 
befides could never have ait ; 

32. Her Father perceiving ii:r to grow : y we.', laid, [ 
perceive Child, thou art very \vz-\k ; fr is true Sir (fai-.! 
I feel my Weaknefs incrcafeth. and f KC your Sorrow 
increafing too; which is apiece of my Af;l : 5ion : Be content, 
I pray you. It is the Lord whijii doth it v: ' let you and 
I fay with David, Let us fali into the f. *rd's Hands, for his 
Mercies are great. 

53. She laid a great charge upnn her P.^ rer.tr; not to be 
ovci grieved for her after her Death, urgiog that of L 
on them ; while the Child was fick. he'f-ifced i .d wep:, 
\vhen it died, he wafhed his - - 

faid, Can I bring hitn back again from De-tta ? ! ihall'go *o 
him, but he fiiafl nor return me. So ought you to fay after 
my Death, Oar Child is well ; for we know it fhall be well 
with them that trull in the Lord. :sy a more par- 

ticular and ftrait Charge upon }.- 
De\r Mother, who have c. : : 5 for nif 

promife me one Thing mo - <- ; nd .'hat is, lhar. 

you r i V eti ' < ' tnus T0 y h ' ( 

4 -Tvken /or C H i i, D R E N. ?7 

ec-iuf- am afraid of your great A$li<5Hon. Confider othe r 
Lr.fies, what .they have been : remember Job t forget-not wha,* x 
Chrift foretold, In the World you (hail have Tribuiaiiort* 
but be of good Cheer, in rne you (half have Peace And 
nni ft the Apoftles fuffcr fo great Tribulati r,, and muft we 
.fuifer none ? Did not Jefus Chrift my only^Lif/: ar.d Saviour, 
fweat Droj>s of Blood ? Was he not in bitter Abny, mocked, 
-pit at, nailed to the Crofs, and a Spear thrufl through hi.*"""' 
blelTed Sids, and all this for my fake, for my ftinking Sins 
fake? Did he not cry out, My ( : od, my God, why haft 
.thou fotfaken me ? Did sot Chrift hang nyked upon the 
Crofs to purchafe for me the Garments of Salvation, and to 
cloath me with his Riijhteculnels, for there is Salvation in 
no other Name. 

34. Being very feeble and weak. (he (aid, O if I might 
.quietly deep in the Bofom of Jefus : and that 'till then he 
would ftrengthen me ! O that he would take me into his Arms 
as he did thofe little Qpes, xvlierc he laid, Suffer Ji'itle childien 
to come unto me, for of fuch is the Kingdom ff Heaven, and 

ttock thei^ into his Arras, and \*\A his Hands on them and 
:fled them. 1 lie here^as a Child, O Lord, I am thy Child, 
receive me into thy gracious Arms. O Lord, Grice ! Grace ! 
and not Juftice ! for if thou fli^uldft enter :'nto judgment 
with me, [ cannot (land, yci, none living iliould be jjft 
in thy Sight. 

35. After this fhe cried out, O how faint am I ! But /ear- 
ing left me (liould dishearten her Mother, (he faid, While 
there is Life, there is Hope : If it fhould ple^fe the Lord 
to recover me, how careful would I be to ple'afe you in my 
Work and Learning, and wlutfc.ever you (liould require of me ! : 

36. After this, the Lord did again fend her Strength, and I 
(he laboured to fpend it all fot Chrift, in the awakening, tdi- 
fying and comforting of thofe who were about her ; bur her 
chiefeft, Kndea,vo,nr was tp fupport her dear Parents from 
extraordinary Soffow, and to comfort them out of the Scrip- 

, 'cliir:; them, That flic knew that all Things did work 
thj good of them that did love God, even to 

j.-ik'd accordirig to his Purpofe. O (". 
eftabli ,hy free Spirit! Who (hall feparate us from 

, >? I am perfuaded, t!'^ neither Life, 

j8 A Token for C H T V L D R E N. 

peath, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powers nor Things 
prefent, nor Things to come, nor Height, nor any other Crea- 
ture, fhiill feparate us from the Love of God, which is to- 
wards us in Chrifi jefusour Lord. My Sheep (il:ith Chrift) 
hear my Voice^ and I know theni, and they follow rne, and I 
give unto them eternal Life, and they fh*!! never perifli, and no 
Man (hall pluck them out of my Hands. My Father who gave 
:hem i-neis gre-uer than alls andlione fhail pluck them out of my 
r?ather*sHands. Tr-usflie feemed to attain to a hoi /Confidence 
in God, and an Afftirance of her State as to another World. 

37, When (he had a liftis refiefhed htrfelf with Reft, fhe 
bnrli forth with Abundance of Joy and Gladnefs of Heart, 
with a feoly Triuhipri cf Faith, faying out, Death is fwa-i lowed 
up in Viclory : O D^atb, where is thy Sting ! O Grave, 
where is thy Victory ] The Sung of De.uh is- Sin, and the 
Stiength of Sin is the Lav/; but Thanks be to God, who hath 

en us the Victory through our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift. 

38. That fhe might the better fuppr-rt her Friends, fhe ililj 
^ed upon that which might t?.ke oft fome of their L 

by urgi-ig the Neceffity of Deatk : We are from the EadB; 
I to the Earth we maft reuirn ; Du'ft is the Mother of us 
the Duft fhcill return to -the Dull, from v/henc$ it is; and 
the Spiiit to God who gave it. 

39 Then Hie difcourfed of the Shortnefs of Man's I ife. 
O what is the Life of Man ! The Days of Man upon the 
Eirth aie'as ?!:c Grafs, r- ~ rh'e Flowers of the Fit-Id, fo he 
flourifheih, the Wind rer i: 5 ?.pd it is no incie, and 

his Place kno,, i6re. 

AO. She furihc- id Sorrov/ that d'rl attend 

<*,. us in l his Life-, and the Ip.v , ihs rnarev/e l;n : no^v 

^ the Lord will free me from iK >-'- Sin 

rot the Tfioughts-of God, yet c ii, tbat they 

2' e Mercy and Peace, "and do , j End. But 

fhall I fay, my Life iliall not continue long, I feel much 
;-:efs. O Lore', look upon me graciq,uHy, havt pity 
upon my weak diftreffed Heart. I .mi opprei: 
for me, that J may (land faft and ovcrcotv.e. 

4!. She \vr>s very frequent in fpiruual Ejaculations, and it 

fma-.l C(.n}i>>rt to her, that ?he Lord Cruift did p.rny 

to fend his Spirit to comfcrr 4ier. It is 

A Tcttn /^CHILDREN. 19 

faid (faid (he) I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you 
another Comforter. O,Jet not him leave me ! O Lord, con- 
tinue with me till my Battle and Work isiinifhed. 

42. She had very low and undervaluing Thoughts of herfelf 
and Lei own Righ^oufnefs : What meant fhe elfe to cry cut 
in fucli Language as that, None but Chrlfi I Without Thee I 
can do nothing ! Chrift is the Vine ! O Jet me be a Branch of . 
that Vine : What poor Woims are we ! O dear Father, how 
lame and halting do we gr. in the Ways of God and Salvation ? 
We know but in part, but when that which is per feel is come, 
then that which is imperfect foall be done away. O that fehad 
attained to that n<xw: Ik*what are we ourielves, not only 
Weaknefs and Nothingnefs, but Wicked nefs : For all the 
Thoughts and Imaginations of Man's Heart are only EviJ fc and 
that continually : We are by Nature Children of Wrath, and 
are conceived and born in Sin and l/nrighteoufnefs. Oh ! Oh ! 
this wretched and vile Thing SIN ! But thanks to God, wh^ 
hath redeemed me from it. 

43. She comforted herfelf and her Father, in that great 

tcripture, Rom. viii. 15,16, 17. Ye have not received the 
pirit of Bondage again to Fear, but ye have received the 
Spirit of Adoption, by ivhich we cry, Ablm Father. It is the 
Spirit that \vitnefTeth with our Spirits, ihat we aie the Children 
of God ; and if Children, then we are Heirs, Heirs of God, 
and Joint- Heirs v ith Chrifl. You fee iherce, Father, that I 
>fhall be a Fellow- Heir with Chrift, uho hath faid, In my 
Fathers Houfe ate many Manfions, if" it were not fo, I would 
have told you. I go to prepare a Place for you, I will ccmd 
again, and take you to myfelf, that where I am, there 
ye inay be alfo. O Lord, tnke me to thyfelf. Beheld, dear 
Mother, he hath prepared a i ; lace anil Dwelling forme. 

44. Yea, niy dear Child, faid her Mother, He (hall ftrengthen 
you wnh his holy , Q pint, until he hath fitttd and prepared 
you fully for that place, which he hath prepared for you. 

45. Yea, Mother, it is faid in the 841!) Fialm, How lovely 
are thy Tabernacles, Lord of Holts, my Soul doth thirit 3 
and longeth for the Courts of the Lord : One Day in thy 
(. u ts is better than a .Thou find; yea, I had ratht 
Dcor-keeper in the Houfe^of Gcd, than dwell in the Tents 
of the Wicked. Pvead ibis Pfalm, dear Mother, \vhe-/e- 


z6 *A Token for C H i L D R E K . 

with we may comfort one another. -As for me, i am more 
and more fpent, and draw near my hft Hour. 

46. Then, fhe defired to be prayed wiih, and begged that 
the Lo.d would give her ac eafy PafTige. 

47. After this, ihe turned to her M^iher, and with much 
Affection. (hefaid, Ah, my deaf and Jovirg Mother i that v;hich 
Cometh from the Heart doth ordinarily go to the Heart ; 
once more come and k'ifs me before I leave you. 

48. She was IV.H a little concernid about the Souls of her 
Relations, and did particularly charge it upon her Father, to 1 
do what he poflibly could to biung them up in the Ways of 
God. O Jet my Siiler be trained rip in the Sciiptures, and 

*Catecliiflog, as I have beer). 

49. I formerly wept for my Sifter, thinking that Jhe w : uld 
die before me, and now me v/eepeth for me, and then me kiflecf 
her weeping Siffrrr Alfo the took her young filler in hef 
Arms, a Child of fix Months "old, and (he tiffed it with much 
Affection, as if her very Bowels had moved within her, and 
fpoke with many Heart-breaking Words, both to her Parents 
snd the Children. 

50. Her Father fpafce tc'one that was by to take the poor 
little Child away from her, from the Hazard of that fiery 
Diflernp?r, and bid his Daughter to give her from her, for he 
had already too much to be-.r. Well. Father, faidfhe, did not 
God prefervc the three' Children in the fiery Furnace : And 
did you net teach . : ipture, Wken tfau p:\ifrft th>o* 
tht Fir? ihou f>jdt ;;;! iz l;t>;it t r^itLcr Jhall t!'? F/amtJt 
k-ndls upon l hft;. 

51. She had a very ftrong Faith in the Dech-inc of the 1 
Rcfurrcdior., and did greatly folace lier Joul with excellent 
Scriptures, ., -:.ik the happy State of Be'ic 

foon as the^r ^J fxim their Bodies ; and .'.-h&t 

ihe quoted otu of tf,e Scriptures, ilic did exceilenily and fuit- 

ably apply to her own Uie, incomparably above the commori 

Reach of her Sex and Age. '1 hat in" i Cor._xv. 42. w^s a 

good Support to her. The Body is fown in Corruption, but it 

e railed in Incorrnption : it is fown in Dimoro'jr, it 

i raifed in GJory : It is fown in Weaknefs, but k mall 

^-.{ in Pov/er, And then ftie fwcetly applies, and tnkes 

k is, and thus it lhall be 'vvith. 


A Token /(^CHILDREN. 21 

my poor mortal Fkfh : BlefTed are the Dead that die in the 
Lord, becaufe they reft from their L;^bcur, and their Works 
do follow them. The Righteous rerifh and no M>n layetl 
it to Heart, and the Upright aie itken ;*w*y, and no Man 
regardeth it that they are titken away frcm the Evil to ccme: 
They fhall enter into Peace, and they ihal] rtft in their teds, 
every one who walketb in his Uprightnefs. Behold new. 
Father, I (Hall rtft and fleep in that Bed-Chamber,-. 

52. Then (he quoted J< b xix. 2,5, 26, 27 I knew that 
my Redeemer liveth, and that He fiuJl Hard at the, latter 
End upon the Earth ; and though after rry Skin Worms 
deflroy this Body, yet in my fltfh (hall J fee God; \vhcml 
mall fee for my ieJf, and my Eyes (halj behold, and not ano- 
ther, tho' my Reins be ccnfumed \vithin rr,e. Behold no\* 
Father, this very Skin which you fee, and the very Flefh 
which you fee, fhr.ll be raifed up again; and thefe very Eyes 
Which now are fo dim, mall on that Day fee and behold 
my dear and precious Redeemer ; albeit the Worms eat up 
my Fleih, yet with thefe Eyes ihafl I beheld God, even I 
myfelf, and not another for me. * . 

53. Then (he quoted Job y. 28. Marvel not t thus, for 
the Hour fs coming in which all that are in their Graves 
fhall come forth ; thofe that have done Good to the Refur- 
reclion of Life See Facli^r, I /hall rife in that Day, and 
tfren I (hall behold my Redeemer ; then fiiall he fay, Come 
ye biefled of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prtpaied for 
you before the Beginning of the Woild. 

54. Behold now I live, yet not I, but Thrift liveth in me, 
and the Life that 1 now live in the Fleih, is by the Faith uf 
the Son of God, who loveth me, and gave hi rr ft if fcr me. I 
am fave'd, and that not of my felf, it is the Gift of God, not 
of Works that no Man mould boaft. 

55. My dear Parents-, .now we muft ftcrtly patt, my 
Speech faileth me, pi ay the Lo:d for a quiet Clofe to 
my Conibat. 

56. Her Parents replied, Ah our dear Child, how fad is 
that to us, that we muft pan ? She anfwercd, f go to Hea- 

iven, and there we iliall find one anojhtr" again = 
Jefus Chrift. 

H . T fe^ 

22 A Token for CHILDREN. 

57. Then ihe comforted herfelf to think of feeing her pre- 
cious Brother and Sifter again in Glory. I go to my Bro- 
ther Jacob, who did fo much cry and call upon God to the 
laft Moment of his Breath ; And to my little Sifter who was 
but three Years old when file died ; Who when we a(k? d her, 
Whether (lie would die? Anfwered Yes, if it be the Lord's 
Will. I will go to my little Brother, if it be the Lord's 
Will, or I will flay with my Mother, if it be the Lord's 
Will. But I know that I mall die and go to Heaven and to, 
God* O fee, hew fmall a Babe had fo much given it to be* 
have itfelf every way, and in alt I hiogs fo fubmiflively to the 
Will of God, as if it had no Will of its own ; but if it pleafe 
God ; nothing from her, but what was the Will and Pleafure 
ef God: And therefore dear Father and Mother, give the 
Lord Thanks for his free and rich Grace, and then I mail 
the more gladly be gone. Be gracious then, O Lord, unto 
me alfo, be gracious to me. Warn me thoroughly from my 
Unrighteoufnefs, and eleanfe me from my Sin. 

58*. After this her Spirit was refremed with the Senfe of 
the P<*rJon of her Sin, which rmde her to cry out, Behold 
God hath warned away my Sins, O how do I long to die ! 
Trie Apoilie faid, In this Body we earneftly figh ^,nd groan, 
longing for our Houfe which is in Heaven, that we may 
be cloathed therewith. Now I alfo He here fighing and long- 
ing for that Dwelling which is above. In the laft Sermon 
which I heard, or ever (hall hear, I heard this in the New- 
Ch;:rcb, which is Matter of great Comfort to me 

59 Then ihe repeated feveral notable Scriptures which 
e quoted in that Sermon, afterwards (he defired to be 
prayed with, and put Petitions into their Mouths, viz*. That 
all 'her Sins might be forgiven, That (he might have more 
abundant Faith, and the AfTu ranee of it; and the Comfort 
of that Afiu ranee, and the continuation and Strength of that 
Comfort, according ks her Necefiity fnould require. After- 
wards (he prayed herfelf, and continued a pretty Space. 

60. When Prayers we-,e ended, fue called to her Father 
and Mother, and demanded of them, whether fhe had at any 
Time anger'd or griev'd them, or done any Thing that did 
not become her? and begged of them to forgive her. 

6s. They 

A Token Jor C H j L D R E N. 23 

61. They anfwered her, that if all Children had carried 
themfelves fo to their Parents as flie had done, there would 
be lefs Grief and Sorrow on all Hands than there is ; and 
that if any fuch Thing had efcaped thee, we would forgive 11 
v/ith all oar Hearts, you have done as became a good Child. 

62. Her Heart being quieted wiih her Peace with God and 
her Parents, fhe began to difpofe'of her Books; particularly 
ftie intreated her Mother to keep Mr. Dt Witfs Catechile 
Lectures as long as fhe lived, for her fake, and let my little 
Sifter have my other Books, as my Remembrance. 

63. Then (faid me) me felt her Breaft exceedingly pained, 
by which (he knew that her End was very nigh. Her Father 
fpoke to her as he was able, telling her the Lord would be 
her Strength in the Flour of her Neceflity 

64 Yea, faid me, 1 he Lord is my Shepherd, although I 
pafs through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will not 
fear, for thouart with me,, thy Rod and thy Staff, they comfort 
me: And it is faid, The Sufferings of this prefent Life are 
not worthy to be compared with the Glory thatlhalJ be revealed 
in us. Shall I not fufferand endure, feeing my glorious Re- 
deemer was pleafed to fuffer fo much for me ? O how was He 
mocked and crowned with Thorns, that he might purclufe a 
Crown of Righteoufnefs for us : And that is the Crown of 
which Paul fpoke, when he faid, I have fought the good Fight, 
I have finifhed my Courfe, I have kept the Faith ; henceforth 
there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteoufnefs, which the 
Lord the righteous Judge mail give unto me in that Day ; 
and net only unto me, but to all that love his appearing 

65. Ye are bought with a Price, therefore glorify God with 
your Souls and Bodies, which are his Mull I not then exalt 
andblefs Him while I have aBeing, who hath bought me with 
his Blood? Surely he hath borne our Griefs, and took our 
Infirmities, and weefleemed him fmitten and ftricken of God : 
But he was wounded for our TranfgrelTions, and bruifed for 
our Sins : The Chaftifement of our Peace was upon Him, 
and by his Stripes we are healed ; and the Lord laid upon 
Him the Iniquity of us all. Behold the Lamb of God that 
taketh away the Sins of the World : That Lamb is Jefus 
Chrifl, who hath fatisfied for my Sins. So faith Pau/> Ye 
H 2 are 

?4 A .Token for CHILD ax N. 

are warned, ye are fanclihed, ye are j unified in the Name of 
the Lord Jefus Chrift, and through the Spirit of our God- 

-66. My End is now very near, now I fliall put on the 
white Raiment, and be cloathed with the Blood of the Lamb, 
that fpotlefs Lamb, and with his fpotlefs PJghteoufnefs Now 
are the Angels making ready to carry my Soul before the 
Throne of God. Thefe are they who are come out of great 
Tribulation, who have wafhed their Robes, and made them 
white in the Blood of the Lamb. 

67- She fpoke this with a dying Voice, but full of Spirit, 
and of the Power of Faith. 

6b. Her lively Aflurance (lie further uttered in the Words 
of the Apoftle, We know that if this earthly Houfe of our 
Tabernacle be di Solved, v. e have one which is built of God, 
which is eternal in the Heavens; for in "this, we figh for our 
Houfe which is in Heaven, that we maybe cloathed therewith. 

69. There, Father, you fee that my Body is this Taber- 
nacle, which new Irull be broken down ; my Soul fha'l now 
yari frorri it and be taken up into that heavenly Paradife, in- 
to that heavenly Jerufalem. There fTiall I dwell and go no 
more out, but fit and ftng, Holy, holy holy, is the Lord 
God of Hoils, the Lord of Sabaoth ! Her Jaft Words were 
ttoie : O Lord God, into thy Hands I commit my Spirit, 

O Lord be gracious, be merciful to me a poor Sinner. 

And here Ihe fell afleep. 

73. She died the firil of September 1664, betwixt feven 
and eight in the Evening, in the fourteenth Year of her 
Age ; having obtained that which flie fo oft intreated of 
the Lord a quiet and eafy Departure, and the End of her 
Faith, the Salvation of her Soul. 


Of the excellent Carriage of a Child upon his D tain- Bed ^ 
when hut Sevin Years eld. 

f *^p4COB Bickt, the Brother of Sufannah Bieh, was 
JT born in L*iJen t in the Year 1657; and had a re- 
ligious Education, under his godly Parents, which the 
J-Qrd was pleafed to fanctify to his Converfion, ard by it lay 
-;ieat Provifions to live upon in an Hour of Diftrefs. 

2. This 

A f foktn for C H i L E> R ? N. 25 

2 This fweet: little Child was vifited of theLord of s very 
Jore Sicknefs, upon the fixth of Auguft )66|, three or four 
Weeks before his Sifter, of whofe Life and Death we have 
given fome Account already. In this Diilemper he v/ns for 
the moft part very fleepy and dro\yfy, till near his Death, 
but when he did awake, he was wont ftill to fall a praying. 

3 Once when his Parents had prayed with him, they afk~ 
ed him if they mould once more fend for the Phyiician i* 
No (faid he) I wiil have the DoSor no more ; the Lord 
will rrelp me ; I, knew he will take me to Hirnfelf, and 
then he fnall help all. 

4. Ah my dear Child, faid his Father, that grieveth my 
Heart. Well, (faid the Child) Father let us pray, and the 
J^ord (hall be near -for nly Helper. 

5. When hig Parents had pr.tyed with him again, he faid, 
Come now dear Father and Mother, and kifs me, I know 
that I (hall die. 

6. Farewel dear Father and Mother. Farewei dear Sifter. 
Farewel all. Now (hall I go to Heaven unto God and Je- 
fus Chrift, and the holy Angels: Father, know you not what 
is faid by Jeremiah ; Blefled is he who trufteth in the Lord. 
Now I'truft in him, and he will blefs me. And in i John 2. 
It is faid, Little Children, love not the World, for tjie 
World pafTeth aw^y. 

7. Away then af] that is in the Word, away with all my 
pleafant Things in the World ; away with rrty Dagger, for 
v/here I go, there is nothing to do ^with .Daggers and 
Sv/ords : Men (hall not fight there, but praife .God. Away 
with all my Boojcs ; there fhaii I know fufiiciently, and be 
learned in all Thinas of true Wifdom, without Books. 

8 His Father being touched to hear his Child fpeak at 
th-'s Rate, could not well tell what to fay; but, ny dear Child, 
the Lord will be near thee, and uphold thee 

9. Yea, Father (faid he) the Apoftl.e Peter faith, God re- 
fcileth the Proud, but he giveth Gnice t{> the Humble I 
frail hui-ubie my felf under the mighty Hand of God, an<i 
ill l-elp and lift me up 

'ear Child, laid his Father, hnft rhou fo ftror.g 

26 A Token /^CHILDREN. 

11. Yes, faid the Child, God hath given me fo flro.-g a 
Faith upon Himfelf through Jefus Chrift that the DevJ him- 
felf (hall flee from me, for it is faid, He that beLeuath iti 
the Son hath evsrlafting Life, and he hath overcome th^ 
wicked One. Now 1 b-r^ve ia Jefus Chrift my Redeemer^ 
and he will not leave or forfoke me, but lhall give unto mq 
eternal Life, and then fhall I ling, Holy, holy, holy, is tbi 
Lord of Sabbath. 

12. Then with a fhort Word of Prayer, Lord be merciful 
to tnaaSinner, he quietly breathed out his Soul, and fweetly 
flept in Jefus, when he was about Seven Years old. He 
died Auguft the 8th 1664. 



Of one who began to look towards Heaven* when he was ve*} 
young, with many eminent Pajjages of his Life, and his joy fa 
Death, when be wa< 1 1 Tears and three Quarters old. 

/Ohn Harvy was born in London, in the Year 1654, 
His Fatner was a Dutch Merchant. He was piouflj 
fducated under his virtuous Mother; and foon began to fuel 
1-.. divine Things with no fmall Delight. 

2. The fit ft Thing very obfervabls in him was, thatwher 
he WITS two Years and nine Months old, he could fpeak a, 

as other Children do uCually at five Years old. 

3. His Parents judging that he was then a little too younj 
to fend out to School, !<?t him have his Liberty to play J 
little about the Yard- B'jt inflead of playing, he found oil 
a School of his own Accord hard by Home, and vent to thj 
School-Miftrelj, and inteated her to teach him to read, and \( 
went for fome Time to School without the Knowledge of hi 
Parents, and made a very ftrang^ Progrefs in his Learning 
and was able to read diftinclly, before mo(r Children ar 
able to know their Letters 

4. He was wont to aik many ferious jnd weighty Queftion 
about Matters which concerned his Soul and Eternity. 

5. His Mother being greatly troubled upon the Death fl 
one of his Uncles, this Child came to his Mother and faK 

" Mother, 

A Token for C H i L D R E N.~ 27 

28 A Token for CHILDREN, 

of him to fpend hisTime better than in Drinking and Gaming * 
and this he did without any Inflection from his Parents, but 
from an inward Principle of Grace, and Love to God and 
Souls, as it is verily believed. 

10. When he was at play with other Children, he would 
be oftentimes putting in fome Word to keep them from' 
r.aughry Talk of wicked Actions; and if ^ny did take the 
Lord's Name in vain, or do-any Thirg that was not becoming 
of a good Child, they flionld loon hear of it with a Witnefs; 
nay, once hearing a Boy fpealt very prophanely, and that af- 
ter two or three Admonitions, he would not forbear, nor go 
out of his Company neither, he xvus fo tranfported with 
Zeal, that he could not forbear falling upon him to beat him, 
but his Mother chiding him for it, he faid that he could 
not endure to hear the Name of God fo abufed by a 
wretched Boy. 

i \\ He was a Child that tock great Delight in the Com- 
pany of good Men, and efpecially Miniflers and Scholars ; 
and if he had any leifure Time, he would improve it by vi- 
fiting of fuch, wfcofe Difcourfe might make him wifer and 
bjetter ; and when he was in their Society, to be fure, his 
Talk was more like a Chriilian and Scholar than a Child. 

12, One Day after School time was ever, he gave Mr. 
Andrew Kant (one of the Minifters of Aberdeen] a Vifit, 
and afked him feveral folid Queftion*, but the good Man 
afked him fome Queftions out of his Catechrfm, and finding 
hip not fo ready in the Anfwers as he mould have been, 
did a little reprove him, and told him, th;;t r-e muftbe fine to 
get hi? Cc.techifm perfectly by Heart": The '. hild took the 
Reproof very well, and went Home and tell very hot upon 
his Catechifm, and never left, till he had got it by Heart; 
and not only fo, but lie would be ertjuiring into the Senfe 
and Meaning of it. 

[5. He was fo gieaVly taken with his Catechifm, that he 
was not content to learn it himfelf, but he would be putting 
oct.ers upon learning their Catechiim efpecially thoie that 
were reared him ; he could' not be fati-lied, till he had per- 
fwaded h'.s Mother's MaiJs to le^rn it;- and when they 
were at Work, te w^ould be following ihem with fome good 


A To'&n for C H i L D R E w. 2 

Oueflion or other ; fo that the hild Teemed to be taken up 
wuh the Thoughts of his Soul and God's Honour and the 
good of other .bouls, 

14 He was a conscientious, obferver of the Lord's Day, 
fpending all the Time ei.her in fecret Prayer, or reading the: 
Scriptures, and good ,EU>oks ; I earning eif hjs Catechifm, and 
he.uing the Wor . of God, urd pubiick, Duties ; and was not 
only careiui in the Performance of thele. Duties himfelf, but 
y/as ready .to pui all that he knew upon a ftrit Gbfervation 
of ihe Lord's Day, and exceedingly grieved at the Pro* 
phanation of it. One Lord's Day, a Servant of his Father's 
going out of the Houfe upon. extraordinary Cccafion, to fetch 
fome Licer, he took, on fo Bitterly th t he could- fcarce be, 
pacified; b.ecaufe that holy Day was fo abufed (s he jucget^ 
in his Father's. Houfe. 

ir. When was between fix and feven Years eld it pleafed 
God to afiiict him with fore Eyes, which was r,o fmall grief; 
to him, becaufe it kept him fiom School which he loved as 
well S3 many Boys do. their Flay ; and that which wrs worfc~ 
he was commanded by live Docloj not to, read any Book 
v/hatloe.ver at Home. J'utp hew was this poor Child grieved, 
that it might not h^ve Liberty to tead t-he bcly Sciiptutes; 
and for all. their C harge, he would get by himleif^ and Hard 
by rhe Window and read- the Bible and good Htiks vyea* he 
was fo greedy of re^dirg the Scriptures, and tuck, fo much, 
Delight in -them, that he would fcarce a!'ow 1 ime to dref* 
himfelf^for reading the .Word of G(d was his great De- 
light. Yea, tho' he had been beat for lludying fo n.uch, yet i - 
ju'.'ging it God's Command, that he fbould give himfelf up ro 
reading, he could ru^t be beat off firm it uii he wasfo.badj, 
that he had ijke nevei to ht\e recovered hi? ,ight more 

16. It was his Praclice to be much ly hinjdf in lecret 
Prayer, and he was careful to maru-ge tim VV oik, fo as that 
it might be as fecret as pt.flible 't could be, but his firqrencyr 
and conllancy made it to be ealily cbfervtd ; up< n vhxr rc> 
Tim*, orie having a gie^t TV ird to knew vh.it tjus IvvK-t 
Bnbe prayed foi. got into a I ii.ce near him, hid l.<aid h ITV 
very cirutfi'y praying A,.r tie Clurch (f -God. ctfn rj] ij t 
ihe Kingdom of the Ciclpel might U f{ end c^ti K 
Woi-Jd.and that U,e Kii^dcm of Cct n.i^la rcor .rc 

30 A Token for C H i L D RE N. 

come into the Hearts of God's People, and that the Kingdom 
of Glory might be haflned. He was wont to continue half 
an Hour, fometimes an Hour together upon his Knees. 

17 He was much above the Vanities that moil Children 
are taken with, and was indeed too much a Man to live long, 

18. He was very humble and modeft* and did by no Means 
affecl finenefs in Apparel, but hated any Thing more than 
NecefTaries, either in Cloaths or Diet. 

19. When he perceived either his Brother or Sifters 
pleafed with their new Cloaths, he vvt-uld with a great deal of 
Gravity reprove their Folly; and when his Reproof fignified 
little, he would bev/ail their Vanity. 

zo. Once he had a new Suit brought from the Taylor's, 
which when he looked on, he found fone Ribbons at the 
Knees, at which he was grieved ; Hiking his Mother, Whethei 
thofe Things would keep him waim ? No Child, faid the 
Mother. Why then (faid he)do you fuffer them to be pu; 
here ; you are miftaken, if you think fuch Things pleafe me ; 
and I doubt fome that are better, than us, may want the 
Money that this coil you, to buy them Bread. 

.21. He would intreat his Mother to have a Care of gra- 
tifying a proud Humour in his Brother and Sifters ; he did 
tell them of t*e Danger of Pride, and how little Reafon the) 
had to be proud of that which wus their Shame; for faid 
he, If it had not been for Sin, \ve mould have had no need 
of Cloaths. 

22. At Jeifure Times, he would be talking to his School- 
Fellows about the Things of God, and urge the Nectflity ol 
2 holy Life. That Textjie much fpoke on to them, The A> 
is laid to the Root of the Tiee, and every Tree that bringetl 
not forth good Fruit is hewn down and caft into the Fire 
Every Mother's f hild of us that doth not bring forth th( 
Fruit of good Works, lhall fhortly be cut down with the Aa 
of God's Wrath, ard caft into the Fire of Hell ; and this h< 
fpoke like one that believed and felt the Power of what hi 
fpake, and not with the lead Viability of a childifh Leyitj 
of pirit. This was when he was between feven and cigh 
Ye is old, and if he perceived any Children unconcerns 
about ihdr Souk, he would be greatly troubled at it 

13. After 

A Token for C H i L D R E N. 31 

23. After this, his Parents removed not far from London, 
where he continued 'till that dreadful Year Sixty-five : He 
was then ferit to the Latin- School, where he foon made a, 
great Progrefs, and was greatly beloved of his Mafter, the 
School was his beloved Place, and Learning his Recreation. 
He was never taught to write, but took it of his own Ingenuity* 

24. I'e was exceeding dutiful to his Parents, and never 
did in the leaft difpute their Commands, except, when he 
thought they might crofs the Commands of God, as in the 
forementioned Bufmefs of leading the Scriptures ,when his 
Eyes were fo bad. 

25. He was exceedingly contented with any mean Diet, and 
o be fure he would not touch a Bit of any Thing, 'till he 
iad begged God s Blefling upon it. 

26. He would p.ut his Brother and Sifiers upon their 
Duties, and oblerve them whether they performed it or no, 

and when he faw any negleft, he would fopn warn them ; if 
he faw any of them take a Spoon into their Hands before they 
iad craved a Bleffing, he faid, That is juft like a Hog indeed. 

27. His Sifter was afraid of the Darknefs. and would fome- 
times cry, upon this Account ; he told her, She muft fear 
God more, and (be need then be afraid of nothing. 

28. He would humbly put his near Relations upon their 
Duty, and minding the Concerns of their Souls and Eternity, 
with mare Serioufnefs and Life; :rnd to have a care of doir.g 
that which was for the Dishonour of God, and the Hazard 
of the Soul. 

29. He was of a compaflionate Difpofition, and very pitiful 
to the Poor, or any that we' - e in Diibefs; but his greateft 
Pity was to poor Souls; and as well as lie could, he would 
t>e patting Children, Play-Fellows, Servants and Neighbours, 
upon rainuing their poor Souls. 

30. One notable Inftance of his true Charity I cannot omit, 
A certain Turk was by the Providence of God caft into the 
Place where he lived, which this fvvee? Child hearing of, had 
a great Pity to his Soul, and fludied how he might be any 
way inftrumental to do it good; at Jaft, finding a Mar that 
underftood the Language of the Turk, he ufed Means to get 

together, which he at laft procured ; the firfl: Thing that 
I 2 hp 

3* A Token for C H i L D R E K. 

he did was to put his Friend upon cjifcourfing wit*i theTurj<: 
about his Hriucipies whether he acknowledged a Deity , -which 
the Turk owning, the next Thing he entjmied after was, What 
fce thought of the Lord Je.'us Oh rift ? At winch the Turk was 
troubled, and put off theDifcourfe r and (aid he was atbirft.and 
an hungry; which ;he Child being infonned of by the Inter- 
peter, immediately went to a Brew-Houfe near at H^nd (his 
own Hoafe being far off) and did intreat ths' Vaft.r of the 
Brew-Houfe to gtve him fome Beer for the Turk, and the 
Argument he uferl was this, S.r, ke^* is a poo* Stranger 
that is athirji, we know not lahare iv-: may ht cajl before <we 
die. He went to another Place, and b.gged Food for him j 
ufirg the f-me Argumenras before. Bu. his Fiiends hearing 
of it, were angry with him, but he told 'them he did it 
fior a poor Stranger that was fir fiom Home ; a' d he did it, 
that he mighi think the better of Chaflians, and the Chriftiafjj 

3 i . He would have a favonry Wort) to fry to every one he 
converfed with, to put them -n Mind of tiie Wotth of Chrift, 
and their SouK, and their nearnefs to Eternity. Infomuch, 
that good People took no fma!S Pleafure in his Company. The 
Taylor that made hi* -deaths, would keep them longer before 
hebrouohi them H'-me- that he might have the Ker-eht of his fpi- 
ritual and c^rifli^n Society ; arid more frequent V r ifits. 

2?. He bewailed the mifersble Condinon of the Generality 
of 'Mankind (when he was about ten Years old) that they 
were utterly eflranged from God, though they called hint 
Father, yet they were hi Children only -by Creation, and 
not by any Likenefs they had to God' or Inteteft in Hirn. : 

2; Thus he continued v/alking in the" Ways of God, 
n gageH in reading, praying, hearing the Word of God and 
fpiritual DiCe^urfes, difco\eiing thertbv his ferious Thoughts 
of Eternity. 

34, He had an eatneft defire if it might be the Lord's 
good Pleafure, to give himferf up o the Lord in the Work 
of the Miniftry, if he mould live ; aud this out of a devir 
Love to Chrift and Souls 

- 35 He was next to the Bible, mofl taken with reading ot 
^'ePev. Mr. Baxter's Works, efpecially his Saints tvcr- 


4 foten for H i L p K V- 3 

lofting Reft', and nuly the Tluu^hts cf that Reft arc! F.tcr- 
DUV feemed.to fwallow up all other 'Thoughts ; and he lived 
in a con^.ant Preparation for i(, and looked mure like 01,9 
that was ripe fos Gloiy, than an Inhabitant of this' Josvtr 

v 56 When he ws about eleven Years u.nd three Quartets 
old his Mother s Hcufe was viiiicd w : h the Plague ; his el- 
deft Sifter was the firft thar was vifitei 1 with this l^ifier per, 
and when they were- praying for her, he w..iii.i f.b ai.u 
weep bitterly. . 

37. As foon as he perceived that his Sifter w?s cie^d, h^ 
(aid, The Uill of the Lord he done ; blefled b, t.^e Lord. 
Dear ^Ibther/foid he, you muft do as David did, after ihr 
Child w^s de^d, He wtrt and refrcfhed himfelf, *nd quiedy 
fubmitted himfeU to the "Will ot God. 

38. lie reft of the Family K-1J well for ?bout fourteen 
Da>s, rthtch Time he fpent in religious Duties, and piep/.r- 
ing for his Dr. 1 1 ; but "ftili his gieat Book' was, The ^ t.'.ft 
Reft \ wlsich lie read witl- exceeding v.uri fny jjethering 
many <,bfetv tions out of i* in VVriti.-g for 'hi* own Ufe. He 
\rrore ieveial divine MeditAioris of his own upon ieveial 
Suhjecls ; but that which feen>ed njoit admirdblc, w.^s a 
Meditation up n rhe ''Excellency' of Chrill: He was never 
well but when he "was morfc iiDfuediately engaged in the 
Service of God 

39. At fourteen Days End,, he was taken fick, at which 
he feemed very patient and chlarful. yet fometimes he woul<i 
fay his Pain was great, 

4<v His Mother looking upon his Brother, fhaked her 
Head ; at which he allied if his Brother \fere marked ; (he 
anfwerec!, Yea ( hi]d, he afl:ed afc-iin, whether he \\e>e m-r- 
ked: (lie anfweted nothing : \\V11, fays he, I know Ifha'! 
be marked ; I pray let me have Mr. Hax'ei's bock, that I 
may read a little more of Eternity, before I go into it. 
His Mother told him, That he w?s not j;b'e to lead ; 
He faid that he- was ; however then, piny by me and for 
me. Flis Mother anfvvered, fhe was fo f<j!l of Grief, th t 
fne could not pray now ; but delited to hep him pr y hi-3 
"*il Prayer. \ 

41. His 

A Token /^CHILDREN. 

41. His Mother a&ed him, whether he were willing to 
die, and leave' her ? He anfwered, Yes, I am willing to leave 
you. and go to my heavenly Father. His Mother anfwered, 
Child, if thou hadil but an AfTurance of God's Love, i fhould 
not be fo much troubled. 

42. He anfwered, and faid to his Mother, I am afTured 
Dear Mother, that my Sins are forgiven, and that I (hall go 
to Heaven ; for, faid he, here flood an Angel by me, that 
told me, that Iftioald quickly be in Glory. 

45 At this his Mother btlrft forth in Teats. Mother \ 
faii he, did you but know what Jay I feel t you would not 
weefi but rejoice. 1 ttll you 1 am fo full of 'Comfort ', that 
leant t*l\ you how I am', Mother, 1 fliall prsfently have 
my Hfad in m? Father '/ Bofim, ztid jhall be where the 
four and twenfy Elders fliall caft down their Crowns, and 
Jing Hallelujah, Glory and Praife, tz him that fits upon 
the Throne^ and unto the Lamb forever. 

44. Upon this, his Speech began to fail him, but his 
Soul feeroed ftill to be taken up with Glory, and nothing 
POM grieved him but the Sorrow that he faw his Mother to 
be in for his Dea'h: A little to divert his Mother, he afked 
'her, What fbs had to Snpper ? but prcfently in a Kind of 
divine Rapture, he cried out, ivhat a facet Svpptr have 
J making read* for vte in Glory ! 

45 But feeing all this rather increaf,- than allay his 
Mother's Grief, he was more troubled, and afced her what 
Hie meant, thns to offend God; kn.ow you net that it is tht 
H \f-.d of the Almighty ? Huztbh yourjeff under the mighty 
Hand of God. Lay yourfelfin the Du.fl gnd kifs tkt Rod, 
*fG;d> and itt me fie y on do /'/, in Token oj your Submifflon 
to the Will of God, and bow before Him. Upon which, 
raifing himfe)f a little, he gave a -Jowly Bow, and fpake no 
more, but went chearfully and triumphant'y to Reft, in the 
Bofom of JESUS. 

H A L L E L U J A //. 

- ( 35 ) 

A N A R R ATI VE of fundry remarkable 
Paflages concerning Mr, John Langham^ 
Son of Sir JAMES LAN CHAM, Knight 
and Baronet.* 


THIS fweet Child was five Tears and an half 
old within two or three Days, when God took 
him : But he had arrived to that in five Years 
and a little more, that fome (I am afraid ) have not 
at rived to in ten Times the Space. 

He had learnt the JJfimblys Jhorter Catecbtfm through, 
and began to learn it over again, with the Proofs 
out of the Scriptures at large, wherein he had made 
feme IVogrefs. 

He met one Day (in a Gentlewoman's Chamber, 
who lives in the.Houfc) with a Book that treated of 
the PaJJlon ^CHRIST, **nd reading a little in it, faid 
he liked the Book well, and that he would read it 
over. So he began arid read fome few Pages, then 
turned the Leaf down, anci the next Day came again 
and began where he left, aivJ fo from .Day to Day s 
jfill he had read a confiderable Pare of it, 

Me was a very dutiful Child to his Parents, and 
would exceedingly rejoice, when he had done any 
Thing* or carried himfelf fo, as to plealc thrm. 

He was taken with a Book called The Pra&ict ef 
Puty, and delighted to be reading in it". 


* Hf *V(/ July 29, 1659.' 

C j ) 

His Father fpcalu ig to h>m one Day about the Devil 
and Hell, and Thinps of that Natuie. <fked him, It he 
were. not afraid t- be alone ? He anf^ee.!., No .: Fcr 
Gid would dsfiid him. His Father &ed tvrn, Why ne 
thought f r He replied, that W? loved GW, aw/. /A*/ 
/v b'pfd that God loved him. Bu: (fanh his Fathci) 
V->u have bc>en a m r> and G d loves not Sinners. 
But 1 amforryfor jt.y Si it (faith he) and do repent 
R^v i i ( c^p'ie^ h i i Fa the i ) do vf % u k<ow v hi Repentance. 
roe^rs, a d what belongs to it ? Anu he gave nm a gocd. 
A co -u n't of the Appuhtrfion he had o^ tR^ Nature of 
t^at Grace, according' to wha- he h^d leaned in hi^ Cate- 
c;".im but yet in hi* own Words and Expreffions. 

H'- wt u d o f ttn rfri is Sifter (who. was fomewhat: 
voungcr than himk 1) Whetbtr flje trufttd In Gcd. and, 
kvtd G.od?_ 2nd w u'd tell her, that, If flie fought 
(/;/, G^l iviid! be fmnd of her - t but if foe forfook God^ 
God uauld caji htr iff fjr ever. 

He 0( \ \\ at Dt ; ght in his Book, that his Father 
and iVloh-r have- tc-en Caufc fometimes to hide 
awav h s Bo k from h.m. 

He w 2^ never oWtrvtd to ^i^cover i-ny Poutirg; or 
pifjonten.it. wheji upon, any Qrcafion he v-ns tor reeled. 
For vou muH i.orthirk I am teiiirg u u the Stoiy'oJ one 
in whom Jdam (as <hf y tei.gn B wave Mure) never fi i ed. 
There is //W F'oolijhr.ffs \ound up, in ail Children, s Heart!* 
that uiit fin elites need the Rtd oj Lo> reffian j tho' there 
be very ie^ M ulu m there appeai ed lefs than io hirn. 

T'he Day before ht died, r.e ; defned me to pray for 
him : I ; o1d h m, If he wcu. ; d have ire to piay for him, 
he rr.uit tell me, what I fhouid pray for ; and uh 
he would hv\e God do for him ! He anfwtied, T 
far /on his &i>s. 

Oft upon his fit k Bed he would be repeating to 
h ; m(elr tie 55th Cr.aj.ttrr of Jjaiah+ snd <-;hir Places 
of bciip'tne, which 141 Ue 1 imc cf his Hv.aiih i.e had 

b) Hcau. 


V 37 ) 

But that Paflage in the forementioned Chapter was 
fnoft frequently in his Mouth, and uttered by him 
withinuch Affection : My Thought s are not yourThougbtt) 
neit tier are my Ways your tf ays. faith the Lord : Fcf 
as the Heawns are higher than the Earth, fo are my 
Ways and my Thoughts than your 7 bought s .* As if God 
(out of this fwcet Babe's Mouth) had, in thefe Words, 
rea-l to his Parents a L-ture of Silence and Sub* 
miflion under his Hand ; and taught ihem that he 
mult be dealt with and difpofed oK rot as ihey> but 
as their heavenly Father (wh-fe Thoughts were far 
different) ihould fee fining. 

One Time he brake out into this Fxprefliori ; 
My God, my God^ deliver me out of thh A/hftry^ and 
from the Pains of Hell far Wef. 

A little before his Death he brake out into thefe 
Words i My Sins pardon, my SeuJ fatte, for Chri/t his 

I cannot blame thofe worthy Perfons To nearly 
related to him, tho' they mourn at parting with fuch 
a fweet and hopeful Child ; any more than 1 could 
blame them for feeling Pain, if one of their Lirribs 
were torn from another. Only they mud not mourn 
to Defpondency. 

What an Inftrument of God's Glory m^ht he 
have proved ? What a deal of Service might he 
have done for God (in all Likelihood) had he lived 
to old Age? But it was Gud's doing. 

The END of the SECOND PART, 

2fe ' 


* O R THE 


\ OF 


/F the Children cf New- En gland fhsuld not with 
an Early Pietv,y^/ themfehes to Know and Serve 
the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the GOD of their 
Fathers, they will be condemned, not only by //^Examples 
of pious Children in other Parts of the World, the 
publijned and printed Accounts whereof have been brought 
over hither ; but there have heen Exemplary Children 
in the midfl of New- England itfe/f, that will rife up 
againft them for their Condemnation. It would be a very 
profitable tiring to our Children, and highly acceptable to 
all the godly Parents of the Children, i/\ in Imitation 
of the excellent JANF WAY'S Token for Children, 
there were made a true Collection of notable Things^ 
exemplified in ihe Lives and Deaths of many among us* 
whoje Childhood hath been Jignahztd for what is 
virtuous and laudable. 

In the Church Hiftory of New-England is to be 
found the Lives of many eminent Perfom, among whofe 
EminencieS) not the leaflwas^ their fearing of the Lord 
from their Youth, and their being loved by the Lord 
when they were Children. 

But among the many other Inflates of a Childhood 
0^Youih delivered from Vanity /^Terious Religion, 
which New-E/ -gland has afforded^ thefe few havs 
particularly been preftrved. 


( I ) 


--*-* ITTLE more than Thirteen Years old was 
1 JOHN CLAP, of Scituate.wten he dy'd ; 
T but it might very truly belaid of him, That 
Y W/7tf ^* wrf.r^/ Young, he began to feek 
-'->->- 4> after the Gad of his Father. From his 
Infancy he difccvered a fingular DeJight in the Holy 
*Scriptures, wheicby he was made wife unto Salvation ; 
and he allb made himfelf yet further amiable by his 
Obedience to his Parents, and his Ccurtefy to all his 
Neighbours. As he grew up, he fignalized his Con- 
cern for Eternity, not only by his diligent Attendance 
upon both pubiick and ynvxtsCatechiJtng butalfo by the 
like Attendance on the Miniftry of the Wtrd, which he 
would ponder and apply, and confer about with much 
Difcretion of Soul, and pray for the good Effeft thereof 
upon his own Soul. Yea, 'twas even from 'his Childhood 
obfervable in him, that ever after he began to fpeak 
reafonably, he would both affectionately regard rheFtf w'/y 
Prayers^ and likewife, both Morning and Evening, with 
a moft unwearied Conftancy, recommend himfelf by his 
own Prayers unto the Mercies of God. 

Arriving higher into his Age, he was very confcientious 
of his Duty both to God and Man: and particularly 
careful of his Father's Bufmtfs, which now became 
his own Calling. At Work with his Father in the 
Kield he would frequently be propounding of ^ueflions^ 
by the Anfweis of which he might be promoted in 
the Knowledge of God; and at the Seafuns which 
others ufually employ to vain Purpofes, he would be 
abounding in the Exercifes of Devotion. But of all 
ihe itnitable Things to be feen in !mr>>he was exemplary 
nothing more than his Endeavours in Preparation 
K 3 for, 

2 A T o K E N for the 

for, and SanfttficatiGn of, the Lord's-Da*;. Yea, his 
Parents have affirmed, that for a Year or two before he 
dyd, fheytiev-r .heard an unprvfiiaWe Word'cime out 
9f his Mouth ; but he would often bewail the idle, trifling, 
V4Jn Difcourfes of oth*r People. 

About a Yeir and a half before he died, the good 
Spirit of God We/Ted him with yet a more thorough 
Convidion of his Mifery by Reafon of ^iri. both Ori- 
ginal and Aftuilf Whence, though he had "been fuch a 
P ttem ot Inntcenc), yet he would aggravate his own 
Strtfufaefet with Lamentations truly extraordinary. 
r or his Relief ag i:>ft the Terrors of God, where- 
\v th he was now fttflraQed he was brought unto an 
Defpair of his own Righteoufneflfes and Abilities: 
b,; in this Condition, he came to" adore the Grace 
of God jffe ing a JESUS who 5? aht: to favc unte 
tfie it rerwft ; In his Longings to e joy the Love of 
God through Jefus, he wia like the Hatt f anting 
ffft'r me Wcter-i5r',r,ks / 

The Wounds of his >/>/>/'/ were accompanied with 
a Unguifhing and confuming of his Isfn . yet with 
great Patience he endured the H. nd of God, and he 
followed the Lord with Prayers* with 6r/Vj,with Tears , 
for the Mtnifeftation of the Divine Love unto him. 

It was alfo oblerved and admired, that when he 
was abroad at the publick Worihip, in the Time of 
nis Weaknefs, he would jiand the whole Tune of the 
long Exercifes, and be fo affectionately atrentive that 
one might fee every Sentence uttered in thofe Exercifes 
make fome Irnpreijion upon him. The beft Ghnftians 
in the Place profeifed themfelves made adi^med by the 
Fervency of this ycung Diftiph' ! /\nd in Days of 
publick Humiliations, or ihankfgirir.gs. kept v/ith 
^Regard unto the general Circumflances of the Country, 
he would bear his Part, with fuch a Senfe of the publick 
Trouble!* or Mtrcies, as argued more than a. common 
Meifure of a public Spirit in him. 

The Minister of the Place, vifuing of him, after" 
SickneiS had cdnnsd him, found him in extream 


CHILDREN of New-Engkr^S. 3 

Pejcclicn of Soul ; his verv "-nngh his 

Fear, lefc the Day cf Grace *a hihY ; vet 

juftifying of God, though ho i! ouio 1st iVi ever an>ong 
the *Damoecl. But yet his unip.-Tvni 

with Htpcs in the nlfumcient *' Ne Ndied 

Jtfus : in whi h /7'yV/ I'.e c "/ 

of G- ace* according to h'.s if4n ; enu'g alter 

thofe whereof lie w-s 101 r..;- 

A Month before lu di-M he kept his Fed ; thf fir ft 
Fortnight vhti<.of lie \vas vevy conUor iefs. rud yet 
very parent ; abounding all ,ths while in gracious 
Admonition'; u-itrt other young People, tbf-:r they v v ould 
be conce-ned" for their ov n ete> nal Sa/vmon.- - 
And y.'ii fh'Hild not now have liearc! Kim complain, 
th-it 4ie wanted Health and H'n:. thorg!i he diu fo ; 
but that he wanted Faith, and Pc-?ce, .ar;d thrift ; ye^t 
ex-preffing a prof <u:id Subnv'flion f the Will of God. 

Put in the lail Fortnight of i.;: :' 'or ("h.iid 

of God h.i'i liis weary Son, :y f.itiated. 

with the Promift's of the / ew-Cwent>r.t. G*d filled 
him with a marvellous- Affurance of his Love, and 
fo /'/:.</ hi ni with hi-- ov/n ^f>:r;t, that he rejoiced ivith 
Joy ttafyeakabk and full of Glory, He would often 
be faying, Whom hav* I in Weavcn but thee ? and 
there h n^ne on Earth that I defire "e/iJes thte : ftly 
Flejli xr.i my Heart failsib, but God >/ //V Strength 
cf my Heai t , and ',ny Portion forever. -"nd, <*?"i 
that mv R.dstmcr livss, and that he fljall flfivd at 
the latter Day upon the Earth, An'd, If I l;ve> I 
frail live, ttvto //:- Lr>rd ; if I die, 1 Jball die vvto the 
Lord; nn4 ~'.jl-el' er I fine or die, I am tht-Lcra*r. And, 
IV hen Chnjl, T-.-''/ /'/ my Life, foalt appear, then foal I 
'1 alfo .ipp<?r>r <with kiwi ,->; G!or-v. He \vouid profef?, 
that his Cumniunion witli the Lord Jefus C.hriit was 
inex^refiible ; and the Spe<5rarcrs judged his Confolar 
tions to be as grc-'it ?.s could h? boirre, in a rnortal 
Body. Being now afked, Whether the Thoughts of 
dying 'troubled him not ? He replied, A-?, Death if no 
Terror to me t becaufi Chrijl haj taken away my 5/, 

4 ^ T o K E N for the 

which it the Sting of Death. But being afked, Whe- 
ther he was ^willing to live ? He aniwered, / am 
willing to fubmit unto the Will ofGol ; but- if God 
have appointed me to Life, I dsfire ( may live i9 h*s 
Glory. And being aiked, Whether 'God had put out of 
Doubt his Interejl in a dying and ri/ing Jsfus ? He 
aniwered, Tes ; 'and God h :/ fallj anfwcrtd my Dtfires* 
1 am now going to a, tho'tf-tnd Tint's better World. He 
told his Mother, I lovs you as dearlv at my own Life, 
yet I had rather die, and be ivth Chr:ft. 

He continued fix Days with his Teeth fo fhut, as 
that they could not be opened ; and for the firft three 
Daps and Nights, he took no Suftenance ; afterwards, 
though this but feldom, he fuck'd in between his Teeth, 
nothing but a little cold Water : In which Time, they 
that laid their Ears to his Lips, could over- hear him 
continually expreffing his Comfort in God. But juit 
before his Death, his Teeth were opened; when he 
would often fay, Oh ! bow precious is th& Blood of 
Chrift, it is worth wort than i 7 noufind Worlds / and 
often pray, Ctm?, L^rd J e/as, C"i? quick!;;! And at 
Uft, he gave up himfelf to God, ii riiofe Words, Lsrd 
Jtfus* recsivt mv Spirit. He d !i;cd his Mother to 
turn his Face unto the Wall; whe; r>on fheTaid, John, 
difl tliou now remember HezekiahV turning his Face 
unto t's Wall ? Hi laid, Yes> I -? member it ? and 
as (he turned him in her :\rms lie ] 'ilctly breathed lys 
Soul into the Arms or* i.is bles 7 '^ \ S '.i>ur. 

h.- Mr. Witheril 
./ by M> . Unaa 
f -hr, CM-.n, He wat a 

E X A M P L E I?. 

. Thomas T'-ornton> the -.gee! and faithful P^ile- 
fTarmouf/), w-s L a D.ingliter, named 

Ptiicilla, which at the this World, 

Having Srfl given De:notiftracio;.s <*/ an c:;:.;-plary Piety. 



CH 1 1 D R E N of New-Englaad. 5 

She was one remarkably grave, devout, ferious ; 
very inquifitive about the Matters of Eternity ; and 
in her particular Calling very dil'gent. She was, 
neverthelefs, troubled with fore Temptations and 
Exercifes about the State of her own Soul; theAnguim. 
of her Spirit about tfce Body of Death, caufed her to 
pour out many Tears and Prayers; and me prtfied, 
that fome other pious Children of her Acquaintance, 
might with her keep a Day of Humiliation together : 
That (as (he exprefTed it) they might get power againft 
their fmful Nature, But it pleaied God at length to 
blefs the Words of her godly Mother, for the quieting 
of her Mind. It was her fingular Happinefs, that' me 
had fuch godly Parents ; but it was her Opinion and 
Expreffion, We trujl to$ much to- the Prayers of eur 
Parents, whereas *we Jhould pray for ourfelves. 

At laft, (he fell mortally fick. In the Beginning of 
her Sicknefs, me was afraid of dying: For, faid (he, 
/ know of no Promife to encourage me. She could not 
but own that (he had in fome Meafure walked with 
God ; yet (he complained, That (he had not found God 
meeting her in her Prayers, and making her Heart 
willing to be at his Difpofal; and that the Pride of 
her Heart now lay as a Load upon it. She owned, 
That (he had many Thoughts of Jefus Chrift, and that 
it grieved her that me had finned againfl him, who had 
done and dy* d for her. 

But many Days were not paft, before me could 
profefs herfelf Willing to Die, with fome AiTurance 
of her then going into eternal Bleflednefs. Many 
Thanks and Loves did (he now render to fqme of her 
Superiors, declaring, 'Tnuas becaufe they had curVd her, 
tndreftrairid her from fnful Vanities. And (hefaid', 
Were / new to dioofe my Company, it fhouU be among the 
People of God \lfet plainly that they are theonlyCompany. 
She was not without her Conflicts in this Time; 
wherein one of her Speeches was, Damnation, that is the 
w*rj} Thing of all, but Chrijl it of "alt the be ft : Ifiaditjo ; 
Chr.Jl it to me Wifdom, Right eoufnejs, Saxtitfcatton, 


6 A T o k E N for tbs 

and Redemption. She told her Fathet (he knew (he was 
made up of all Manner of Sin ; but, faid fhe, 1 hope God 
b~is humbled me> and pardoned vie in ih? Msr'.ts of the 
Lord 'jefus Gorijl. Unto her affectionate Mother [he 
faid }\}<,t ! :er t <wby dc you ivesp, when I a?K iuell in wy 
Scul ? IV il jsu mourn, when I am fo full of Joy ? ' 
/ fray rejoice with me. 

,. ihe v.as extremely fpent, (he faid unto her 
Patents, ///}' Futier^ I have bs^aviuch troubled bySatan t 
tut 1 Jitid Ch'rift is too hard for him, and Sin, and all. 
She nuu faid, I kr^^jj nc,*w that 'i Jhall die ; and beitjg 
afkcd, \Vhe htr fht v ere afraid of Death ? \vitha fweet 
Sfliiie (he replied^ Ao, ^/ /, Chrift is better than Life! 
.4na fo Ihe continued in a rnoft joyful Frame, till flic 
ditd : a little before which it bei g the Lord's Day, 
(he iifked, What time of the D^y 'twas ? and when they 
told her, 'Twas Three of the Clock, ihe replied, What 
is. the Sabbuih almoil done ? Well, my Eternal Sabbath 
is a going to begin, wherein [ ftiali enjoy all Felicity, and 
fipg Ha' elujahs to ^11 Eternity. ^nd Lereupca Hie 
quickly fefl aflec-p in the Lord. 


MR. HATHANAEL MATHER diedo^ob.t;. 
i6Ho. at the ;- e of Nineteen, an Inftance of 
more than common Le;ip;i"g and Virtue On, his Grave- 
Stone at Ksleiti, theit: aie- thefe Words defervedly 
infcribed , lii E ASHES OF A N H -i R D 

He was one who ufed an extraordinary Diligence 
to obtain Ski!' in the leveral Arts that make an accom- 
piiilied Scholar : but he was more diligent in his Endea- 
vours to become an experienced Cbriftian. 

He did wuh much of Solemnity enter into COVE- 
NANT v/irh G.OD, wh:tt he was ab. ut Fourteen Years 
old ^nd afet\vaijds he renewed -that foiecin /idlion, 
icli A Form as this : 


CHILDREN of New- En aland. 7 

* I do renounce all the Vanities and wretched Idols and 
1 evil Courfes of the World. 

* f do choofe. and will ever have, the great GOD, for my 
heft Good my laft Enci, my only Lord. He (hall be 
the only One, in the Glorifying and Enjoying of whom 
ftuli be my Welfare ; and in the Serving of whom (hall be 
my Work. 

' I will ever be rendering unto the Lord Jefus Chrift, my 
pr per cknowSedgments, as unto my Pdeft, my Prophet^ 
knd my King, and the Phyfician of my Soul. 
I will ever be ftud^ing what is my Duty in thefe Things 
; and wherein I find myfelf to fall (hort, I will' ever count it 
rny Grief, and Shame ; $nd betake myfelf to the Blood of 
' jh6 Everlafting Covenant* 

' Now humbly imploring the Grace of the Mediator to 
1 be fufficient for me, I do as a further Solemnity, hereunto 
1 fiibfcribe my Name, with both Heart and Hand.* 

Having done this, he did for the reft of his Life wa& 
with much Wat cftfuln el's and Exaclnefs. 

One of the Difeflorits, which he drew up for himfelf. 
was this : 

* O that I might lead a Spiritual Life! Wherefore let 
1 me regufate ,ny Life by the Word of God, and by fuch 
1 Scriptures as tlieje, 

< i. For regulating mf Thwghts t Jer, iv, 14. Ifa. Iv. 7* 
* Pfal. civ, 34 

* 2. For regulating rny Jfeftions, Col, iii. 1,5. Gal. v. 24, 
[ For my &*$**,. PAil . i 2. For ray Joy, Phil. iv. 4, 

Ffaim xliii. 4. vl y ,0e/!rg, Ifniah ii. 6, 8, 9 My Love* 
< Matth xxii. 37 My HatrtfcPhL xcvii ?o My Fear* 
4 Luke Kit. 4 , 5- My ffofit, Pfal. xxxix. 7. My Trufl, 
' Pial. Ixii. 3. Ifi, xxvi 4! 

' 3 For itgulaiingmy Speech, Kph. iv. 20. Col iv. 6, 
Deut. vi. 6, 7. 

* 4. ^or regulating my Work, Tit, iii. 8 r i Jim v, -D. 
' Matth V- 47.' 


A T O K E N for tbg 

Another of his Direftories was formed into an Hymn* 
' LORD, what mall I return unto 

* Him from whom all my Mercies flow ? 

r (I.) To me to live, it CHRIST thall be, 
For all I do I'll do for Thee. 

1 ( H -) My Queftion (hall be oft beflde, 
1 Hiiu thou may'ji mcj} be glorify* 4. 

* (HI.) i will not any Creature love, 
' But in the Love of Thee above. 

(IV.) Thy Will I will embrace for nwie ; 
'And every Management of" thine 

* Shall pleafe me (V.) A Conformity 
c To thee fhall be my Aim and Eye. 

* (VL) Ejaculations fhall afcend 

' Not feldom from me. (VI I.) Til attend 

* Occasional Reflexions, and 

* Turn dl to Gofd that comes to Hand. 

' (VIII.) And in particular among 

* My Cares I'll try to make nty Tongue 
1 A Tree of Life, by fpeaking all 

' As be accountable who (hall. 

* (IX ) But lafi, nay/r/? of all. I will 

* Thy Son my Surety make, and ftill 

' Implore Him. that he would me blefs 

* With ir'trergth ?s well as Righteaufoefs.' 

He would alfo keep 'whole Day! of Prayer and Praife by 
Limfelf : And he would fet himfelf to consider much of that 
Queition, What ft> all I do for God? 

He was muc-*i in M-ditationt ar*d often wrote the chief 
Heads of his Meditation. He would read the Scripture, 
v.-ith a Note, and a ll'tjh, fetched out of every Verier And 
at Night, he would aflc, 

1. What has Gcd'' Mercy to we been this Day? 

2. tt hat has my Carriage te God been this Day ? 

3. If I die this N>ght, is my immortal Scul jafe? 
Many more fuch imitable Things are in the Hiflory of his 

Life, divers Times printed in London. 

E X A M P L 

CHILDREN of New- England. 9 

ANN GREENOUGH, the Daughter of Mr William 
Gresntugh* left the Wo*ld, when (h$ was but about 
sive Years old and yet gave aftonifhing Difcoveries of a Re- 
gard to God and Chriil, and her own Soul, .before ihe went 
away. When ihe he^rd any Thing about the Lord Jefus 
Chriil, fhq would be Arangely tranfported,,and ravifhed in 
her Spirit at it ; and had an unfpeakable Delight in Catechi- 
fing She would. put ftrange Queitions abotft Eternal Things, 
and make Anfwers he/felf that were extreamly pertinent. 
Once particularly (he a/ked, Are not we dead in Sin ? and 
piefently added, But I will take this way, the Lord Jefus 
Chrift mall make me alive. She was very frequent and con- 
ilaru in Secret grayer, and could not with any Patience be 
interrupted in it. She told her gracious Mother, That ihe 
there prayed for her ! And was covetous of being with her 
Mo'her, when Hie imagined fuch Duties to be going forward. 
When (he fell fick at lail of a Confumption, The would not 
by any Sports be diverted from the Thoughts of Death, where 
ihe took fuch Pleafure, that Ihe did not care to hear of any 
Thing elfe. And if ihe vere allied. Whether fhe were willing 
to die ? She would dill cheai fully reply, Ah, by all Means, 
that I may go to the Loid JeVus Chi ill, 


AT Bcflon, i zth day of the 3d month, 1694, there died 
one Daqit/ Williams t in the i8th Year of his Age. 
There was a Collection made of fome of his dying Speeches. 

Being aiked, Whetbei he loved theLord? He repiy'd,Yea, I 

love Him dearly ; for lord, whom have 1 in Jieaven but thee. 

He faid, God had promifed, * They that feek Him eaily 

' mall find Him : Ever lince I was a Child, 1 dedicated :ny- 

' felf to feek the Lord. * Though I have not had fo much 

* Time as fome others, yet that little Time which I had, I 

* fpent in wairing on, and wreftling with God by Prayer ; 
'and I faid, I will not let thee go, 'till thou-'haft bleiTed me.' 

Sect ng fome of his Relations weep, he f*iid Why do you 
C*y> when I am rtady to Sing for joy ? 

I- 2 They 

?0 A To KEN for the 

They faying, They knew not how to part with him he 
replied, are you not willing I mould go to my hfeare ly 
Fatter? I (hall quickly be with my Heaven'y Father, and 
with hi* holy Angels where they ave fmglng of hhijejuj^hs. 
It's better being thete :h*n here. V, hen ! am there, T Ilun't 
Wift myfrlf here, hi this rrouble&rae Woild again. I have 
a defi e - dep.ri and be with Chrift, which is beft of ,,11. 

Hew 3 ,nuch coi.cemed for poor periling Souls. He would 
fay, * Oh, that 1 hud^uengrh i flow would I pr*y. ,,r.d %.h, 
and c. y to ( od, for the poor World ti.at lives in . 
' Pride !' 

'He exprefled himfelf rnoft pathetically to his Relations, 
when he took his Leave of them. 

At laft, he afked, What .Angel that was, trm he f*w before 
ln\m ? Well, faid he, I fhall be \vi:h him : t ome* Lord lefus, 
come quickly ! 

A Friend afking him how he did, he faid ' I am one bound 

* for Heaven. I would not have you pr.y f.. r my Life < I 
am afraid you do !* 

On the Day of his Death, beirg full of P^in,he faid, ' ]efus 
' Chrift bore more than this, and He died for me; and mall j 

* I be afraid to die and go to him ? No, I am no'.'- . i hen 
faid he, Death ! where is tky Sting ? Q Crave ! "jjher* is 
thy Vittory ? 

E X A M P L VI. 

Extraftofa Letter from Sauthold, 23^ 4'h itiontb^ 1698. 

* T Have been requefted to give you this Account frcm the 

* A Parents of a gracious Child, who in all her Life did 

* comport herfelf to walk in the Lord's holy Fear, and gave a 
' great Attention rn hearing the Woui of God, and the Lord 

* was pleafed to ripen her for HimfeK. tho' me was but fifteeen 

* Years and four Months old. Tho' me was Young, it pleafed 

* the Lord to put a great Fear and Awe upon her Heart of 
' breaking the fifth Commandment. And when tae \vas under 

e the Difpenfation of God in Sicknefs, i: pleafed the Lord for. 
\ tQ endue her with Patience^ to be willing to bear his B-ind 

' with 

CHILDREN of New-EnglancL i$ 

f with all Meeknefs. She coafefiedherfelf to be a great Sinner, 
f and to have finned againft a gracious God. But the Lord 
vouch! ai'cJ her aftrong F;ith, to believe that he is a merciful 
f God, acd willing to furgive Sirs, and that he had fcrgivea 
hci Sus in the .Jlood of our blefTed Saviour Jefus Chrift. 
8 A rl d, thoeioie. flu- WHS very willing to leave the World, and 

< hi r'.'.thsr and Moiher, having Faith Uut ihe was going to 

Ch ' '* : I'hcfe were her own Expreflions. When her 

Motner did afk her, if ftye was willing to die, for {he was too 
young to die : She fome time before Hie died, faid (he was 
not fit to die, but prayed unto the Lord, that he would pleafe 
to fit her and make her willing :o die. Ob t faid (lie, Death 
' comet unaware, it - comes like a Thief in the fright? 
fhe Loid granted herDefire: For afterwards, when her 
f Mother Hiked her, Aly Child are you 'willing to die ? Her 

< %nfwer was, That now fhe was willing to die, and leave a 
' thoufand Worlds, and Father and Mother and all, to go to 
Chrift. She defired that the Curtains might be drawn, that 
' the Light of this World might not deprive her from be- 
holding the Brightnefs and the Glory cf the other World. 
f And when (lie Jaw her Father and Mother weeping for her, 

(lie {aid ; My dear Father and Mother, don't mourn for me ; ' 
you might well mourn "for me, if I were to go into utter 
Darknefs; but I am going to God in Heaven. I long to be 
in ihe New Jcrufatem, with the Lord Jefus Chrift : And 
f now I can die. /\nd lying a while in an Agony, when (lie 
came out of thar Agony f (he faid, Mother, did you not hear 
me jing ? I thought I was in Heaven with the Lord jefus 

* Chrift, and my Grand Parents, and the holy Angels, and 
heard fuch melodious Praifes of God, as I never heard ; and 

I was very forry I co.il.Vnot fing like them. She faid to 
her Relations, Oh, don't fet your Hearts upon the World, 
nor lo<;k for the Honours and Riches of this World ; but 
\ feek firft the Kingdom of Heaven She would call upon* 

her Father to go to prayer at the Evening, and fay, I cannot, 
I dare not go to ileep without it She wifhed that fome 

* young People might come to her, to put them in mind to 
' confider their latter End, and leave off their Pride. There 

* r-ame a youj^Jflaid to fee her", and (he faid to her with 

' 'Fears, 

12 A T O K E N /;r /fo 

' Tears, that fhe fhould not follow the Fafliions ofthe World, 
' and not put off Repentance to a Tick Bed. Yea, fhe fpake 
' to ail them that were about her, That they would not mind 
tliis World, but the oiher World Her Mother a feed' her, 

* if fhe was not afraid to lie in the Duft? But fhe w^s not 
' thoughtful what fhould become of her Body, believing he.r 
' Soul would go to God Mother,- (aid ihe, I could not (ing 

* here, but now I am going to fmg the Praifes of God in 

* Heaven Looking on her Father, Ihe fdid, Oh, Father, 
' there is no God like our God, for he is a God pardoning 
' iniquity, Tranfgreffion and Sin. She faiJ I wonder how 
f you do to live in fuch a troublefome evil and fmful World : 
' Don't you fee how the judgments of God are all over the 
' Earth. She often cried out, (J Lord Jefus, Come: Let 
' thine Angels come, and carry me to the Bpfom of Abraham. 

> ' This is a true Relation of i'hjs gracious Flower of the 

* Lotd jefus Ghrift : one w*s an only Child : her Name was 

* Bethiab, the Daughter of Tbot/iay and il/<*ry Longwcrth. 

* The Lord raife up your He^rt, to declare his wonderful 

* Mercies, in working fo grscioufly upon the Heart of fuch 
a young Flower ; that the LOH! nny rnife up more fuch 

* gracious Souls in our rihng Gta^Mtion.' 


A notable Pajfage, transcribed from the life cf Mr. ' J< hi 
Baily, at rtlzled in a Serrpon preached on i'r-t Day of Lrf 
Funeral, at Bofton. By Dr. C O T T O N M A T H E R. 

ROM a Child he did know the holy Scriptures-. Yea, 
f rorn a Child he was. wife nr.f> Sjthati9* In his 
' very Childhood he difcovered. the Fear of God upon l-is 

* you g Heart, and Prayer to God was one of his earljf 
' Exeicifes. 

* I here was one very remarkable FJFtcl of it, His Father 
' was a Man of a very licentious Com-erfauon ; a" Gasnefter, 

* a Dancer, a very lewd Company -keeper. The Mother of 
-'this fiYev? '/ejfel, .one Day took him, while he was yet a 
! Child, and calling the Family together, ola'de him to pray 

CHILDREN of New-England. i$ 

4 vmh them. His Father coming to underfland at what Rate 

* the Child had prayed with the Family, it fmote the Soul of 
< him with a great Conviction, and proved the Beginning of 

* his Conversion unto God. God left not off working on 
' his. Heart, until he proved one ofthemoft eminent Chriftians' 
4 in that Neighbourhood. So he lived, fo he died ; a Man 

* of more than ordinary Piety. And it w^s his Manner fotfe- 

* times' to retire unto ihofe very Places of his LewdnefTes, 
' where having that his little Son in Iris Company, he would 
pour oat Floods of Tears in repenting Prayers before the 

* Lord.' 


Of Daniel Bradly, the Son of Nathan Hefter Bradly, cf 
Guilford, in Connecticut, NEW-ENGLAND. 

WHEN the faid Child was about three Years old, he had 
one Night an Impiefiion of the Fears of Death, which 
put him into crying: his Mother told him, if he died he 
wcuM go to Heaven ; unto which he replied, He knew not 
how to like that Pbce, where he fhould be acquainted with 
no body. After which, upon all occafions,he was inquifitive 
about the State of Souls after Death, and feemed to- have 
real Appreheniions about it, according unto, if not beyond 
his Capacity. 

The third Day Ague took him in his fixth Year, and held 
him near three Years : Some Months befoie his Death he 
had rruny grevious Pains, in which his Patience was very 
obicrvable v yet he once felt a Par.g of Impatience, fo as to 
think it had been better he had never been bom, yet he 
fubmitted to his Father's Reproof: after which he began to 
be afTauited iTurply with the Fears of Death, and rnanifefted 
ftrange Conceptions about the World to come . He could 
not fee God, nor could he apprehend ho\v he mould love 
God better than his Parents, nor h(/w God fhould 1 ve him, 
nor how he could live in Heaven, cfpecia! y if his Parents 
were not there, or if he might not know them He alfo 
expreiTed Difficulty to belitve the Redirection of the Body, 
rod- was continuai-y fx.ing his Mother C^ueftions about 


i 4 A T o K E N /<?r /&? 

Things of this Nature, and how it could be, if he died ?nri 
ws eaten up of the Worms, he could live again She then 
told him the Words of Job : And though after my Skin 
Worms deftroy this Body, yet in my Fieih Thai! I iee God : 
And if (he toJd him any Thing that me heaid or the good 
People fo appteh -nd-'-d, or the like, it gave him little Current 
except (he could aflare him it \v=s fo in the Bible; and that 
would always lit hioi down quiet. He told his Mother, 
that he thought the Reafon wny people f- ;d in the Bible, 
was that they might find out what God would have them 
to do ; and they prayed for what they would have God do 
for them. He w<is much troubled that he v as . ot big 
enough to pray. His Father told him that Parents prayed 
for their Children*; bat that did not fatisfy him, 'ti;i it 
was told him he was big enough to pray for himfelf ; and 
then he doubted >ie coald not pray aright : His" Mother 
told him he'muft pray according to his Ability, and God 
would accept it i i hen he addreffed himfelf to the Duty, 
and v/ould have a> ! go out of tne Room except his Mother, 
and ihe to fb.y that if he prayed what was not right, (lie 
mighr tell hi*;:; then with great Solemnity he fixed his Eyes, 
and afkcd his Mothei. whether he mould begin with that 
Ex^tiHon (BLESSED GOD) which was not inual in the 
Beginning of Prayer in his hearing, and he manifefting fome 
extraordinary realifing ^ppiehenficnsof God. was-exceeding 
affecting to his Mother. The Subilance of his Prayer was,^ 
Thu he might live and be i*. Comfort to his Parents ; or ir 
he muft die, that God would own him, and love him, and 
help him to love God, and make h : m know how it mould 
be with him in the vYoild to cofne ; and deft red to be willing 
to die when his Tm.c came. After this he frequently wai 
obferved to pr.iv, and defued to be alone for tliat End. One 
1 ime he had "a great Saduefs fell upon him, that lafted 
fome Time befote the Cai'.fe of it wss known : But at lail 
he told his Mother, God \va* always angry wi^h him, and 
he w?.s afraid to tell why, ii!! (he perfwaded him; and then 
he confeffed. that ne hiid been guilty of a Lie that he told, 
anci mould have told another, it he had not fome Way been 
prevented, and that he doubted tfce Sin of that to him 

CHILDREN of New- England. *5 

was as great as if he wer.t through with it : His Mother 
afked him, if he were forry for it; he faid he was formerly 
ferry for it, but now more than ever ; his Mother told him, 
if he were forry for it. God would have Mercy: He afked 
her whether it. were fo in the Bible ; Hie told him, the Word 
was, He that confefTeth and foi faketh his Sin, (hall find 
Mercy : He faid he knew what confefling was, but he did 
tot underiKnd foriaking ; .{he faid, it was to do fo no more, 
that gave him fome quiet ; yet ftill Trouble and Fear of 
God's Anger hung about him : Then his Mother told hiili 
of Chrift's Redemption, and of Sins being pardoned through 
him, and GUI Netfd of an Intereft in that Redemption; at 
v.'i'^*t he finiiing and wondering afked, Whether it was 
ceitiinly fo, that Chrift died for Man's Sake; he faid he 
hud never heard it before. She afked if he did not remem- 
ber it had been read in the Family, or taught in the Cate~ 
chifm ? He faid he did not, but now greatly rejoiced in the 
Apprehension of Chrift's Lo?e fo revealed. 

After this he had a ftrong Pang of Temptation, and afked 
his Sirter. whether (he might not kill him ? His Mother 
(being out of the Room) came in and reproved him for 
faying fo fitful a Word He afked how it appeared to be 
Sin, feeing he lived in fo much Pain : She put him in Mind 
of Mr. Co/tons Explication of the fixth Command, that 
we are not to fhorten the Lives of our felves or others, 
but prefer ve both ; upon which he paufed a while, and 
then defired his Mother to teach him the Cat- chifm (which 
he h'td lenrnt before) and fhe did from the Beginning, until 
fhe came p;ift tha,t Queftion of the fixth Command, which 
he readily anfwered to ; but then defired to go to that which 
was betrer. She afked him, what he meant ? He anfwered 
.whereabout it fpeaks of the eternal Son of God : fhe turn- 
ed to that Part of the Catechifm, and upon that Anfwer, Jefus 
Chnfl 5s the only Son of God, who for our fkes became 
Man, that he might redeem and fave us. He lifted up his 
Hand, and faid, it is enough, and fo feemed to meditate 

16 A T o K E N for the 

Alfo it was obferved, that before and after his Sickne.fi 
began, that he hath fo dealt with and reproved grown Per- 
loos, for what in them he faw was Evil (in private) that 
the Perfons themfelves have confefied, that they hoped his 
Chriftian Reproofs would be for their Good, that they fhould 
never forget them, for in them he did fpeak to their 

He had a Defire to make a Will, to difpofe of what. Tic 
had, that he might leave it as a Token of his Love to his 
Relations, and other of his Friends he had received Kindnefs 
from in his Sicknefs ; but would not do^ it until he had his 
Father's Confent, which he defired ; the which being grant- 
ed, he difpofed of thofe Things he had (though fome of them 
were but Trifles) with as much Difcretion and prudent 
Confideiation as if they had been Matters of the greateft 
Moment, and he a Man of mature Judgment. -Ordered alfo 
who fhc.uUl dig his Grave ; exprefled his defire to die, and 
was heard praying for Death ; and told his Mother imme- 
diately before he died, he was now going to Heaven and that 
it would be beft for her, that he mould die, for now me was 
forced to take a great deal of Pains with him., but then (he'd 
be at Refl : a/Iced her, if me did not fee it fo, and wondered 
at her llownefs to acknowledge it ; remembered his Love to 
his Relations, thar.kfu to thofe that had been often Watch- 
ing with him, and prayed his Mother to remember them all 
with fuch Tokens of his Love as were in his Power to give, 
nominating feveial part cuiar Perfons; and all this he fpake 
with great Chearfulnefs, and yet with Solemnity ; and fo funk 
down in his Mother's Arms, and died quietly. 


CHILDREN of New- England. 17 


EARLY PIETY exemplified in 

Elizabeth Butcher. 


Containing a br iff Account of her ^ ftom her Birth, July 1709$ 
to her fir ft remarkable lllnef^ in September 1716. 

i, 'C'LIZABETH BUTCHER, Daughter of Alvin and 
Ij Elizabeth Butcher of Bjjfton t was born July I4th 
1709. Her Parents gave her up to God from the Womb,, and 
as foon as (he was capable of fpeaking they began to inilrudt 
her in the Things of God 

2. Whep (he was about Two Years and half Old; as (he 
Jay in the Cradle, (he would a(k herfelf trut Queftion, What 
is my corrupt Nature ? and would make Anfwer again to 
herfclf, It it empty of Grace, bent unto Sin. and only to 
Sin and that continually. She rook, great Delight in learn- 
ing her Catechifm, and would not willingly go to Bed with- 
out faying fome Part of it. 

3. She being a weakly Child, he: Mother carried her iiHO' 
the Country for Health : Hnd when (he was about Three 
Years old and at Meeting, (he would fet with her Eyes fixed 
on the Minifter, to the Admiration of all that fat about her y 
who faid that grown up People might learn and take Exam- 
ple of her. She took -great Delight :q reading, and was 
ready and willing to receive Inftru&ion. 

I 4. But nothing more extraordinary as v/e remember ap- 

, peareJ in her, till fhe came to be about Six Years old. Then 

fte began to inquire concerning God, and the Nature and 

A if '>'s of her SouU and me faid (he was afraid (he had not, 

to that End for which (lie was nude. She was aflced 

M 2 y.^3 1 ' 

x8 A T o K B N /0r /&<? 

what was the End me was nude for ? The Child snfwered 
To glorify God : But I am afraid I have not lived to th$' 
Glory of God as I mould have done SJie was tcld that (he; 
jnuft pray to God that He would pleafe to pardon her Sins,, 
and give her Grace to ferve and glorify Him. 

5. She was not contented with the bare reading of Cod's 
Word but would frequently, afk the meaning of it .-'nd 
when me was at her Work fhe would often afk where fuch 
and fuch Places of Scripture were, nnd would mention the 
Words that fhe might be directed to find them. 

6. It was her practice to carry her Catechifm, or feme other 
good Book to Bed with her, and in the Morning fhe would 
be fitting up in her Bed reading beiore any of the Family 
were awake befi'ies her. 

7 One Day as (he v/as fitting by the Fire, fhe afk'd 
Why our fir ft Parents eating the forbidden Fruit was count- 
cd Sin to them ? At another Time fheafk'd, Who were meant 
fey the wife and foolifh Virgins r And what ws mean t by. 
the Oyl in the Lamps ? As fhe fhe w.-re reading a Sermon of 
Dr Cotton Mather's, fhe afk'd, Who was meant by thfi 
goodly Cedar ? And when fhe was told, me faid-r-And who 
are meant by the Fowls that are juft fledged ? Sho was tolcf 
they meant little Children; and Chrift called them to cornd 
to Him. But faid fhe, How can I who am but a Child gO 
to Chrift? Being informed, fhe faid,- But will Ch nil ac- 
cept of me ? me was anfwered, Yes, and fereral F'irce? of 
Scripture were mentioned for her Encouragement. 


Containing a Jhart Account of ber In ler frfl jllntfs^ f'om 
beptember 1716/5 Fetruar ; ' j'/'io-iy. 

j. TN September 1716, fae was taken ill, and in her Sick- 

i nefs belvaved herfelf with fuch wonderful Patience 

as ail that c.ime near admired. She would often put up 

that Requeit, Heavenly Father, Give ITU gire m 

|hy Grace, and pardon all my Sins, for JefnsChrift's Sake, 

Amen Then fhe faid.. \Vhac is Sarclincation ? And made 

r to herfelf ; It is the Work of God's f<ee Grace> 


CHILDREN of New-England. 19 

What are the Benefit which in this Life do accompany or 
flow from justification, Adoption *nd Sanclification ? They 
are /^flurabces of God's Love, Peace of Conscience, joy in 
the Holy Ghoit, lacreafe -cf Grace, and Perfeveranoe there- 
in to the End. 

2. Being fked if fhe was willing to die, and go to Chrift ; 
{he faid, Ve^ : But Child, you know you are a Sinner; 
{lie faid Yes : And you know where the Wicked go \vhen 
they die ; {he faid, Yes, they are caft into Heli: And being" 
afked if Ihe was not afraid of going thither : fhe faid, No, for 
Chnit is an all-fufficient Saviour, and He is able to lave me, 
and I hope he will : 1 ho' I have not feen Chriii, yet I hope 
I (hall fee Him. 

3. A whi|,p after Hie faid, I am weary of this World, and 
Jong to be gone : O when fhall [ go, O v ; hen fhali I go ! 
Her Mother .{ked her if :he was willing to leave her here 
alone ? She anlwered, Yes, For when you die 1 hof-> y>; u 
v/ill go to Heaven too. 

4. She feeling an Alteration in h* i fdf, defiied her Mother 
to fend for Mr. Sc wall \ and when he came, he afked her, 
how {he did i She anfwered, Very weak. He afked her, if 
/he were willing to die ? She faid, Yes. He faid, do you 

' know you are a Sinner ? fhe faid Yes : He aflc'd her, If ilie 
bad not heard that there v/as another and better World than 
this ? Hie anfwcred, Yes. He a/ked her fevera) other Qiief- 
tions, but they flipr rny Memory. He was going to afk her 
one Queilion, but (aid it Wd,3 a great one to ;;fk a ChiJd^ 
but however he would, and fi^id to her. Child, are you 
willing humbly to fubmit to the Will of God either for Life 
or Death : fhe fairi, Yts. 

5. A while after {he was v/eepiog, and fceng afned the 
Reafon, (he faid, I thought I faw the Flames of Hell and 
\vas going there, but I thought I fa\v Chrift, and He c-tll'4 
me to come to Him ; and then I was not afraid ; and I have 
cried to God for Grace to ferve Him. 

6. A while after (lie was taken with Convulfion Fits, and 
lay fever*! Hours, all c opes of Recovery being taken away . 
liutfhe reviving again, her Pain returned \vith gjeaterVider.ce : 
lie grayed to God to take her away out of this miferable 


20 A T o K E N fcr the 

World and cried, O God, my God, ifthou wilt pleafe 

to take me away, I will be willing to bear what P*in thou 
(halt pleafe to lay upon me : O God, my dear God, I love 
Thee dearly ! And this (he repeated feveral Times over. 

7. Her Mother fitting by her weeping, the Child faid, 
Dear Mother, you make me have more Pain : Her Mother 
faid, no my dear Child I don't ; She faid Yes,you crv, and 
that troubles me, and caufes me to have more Pain. 

8. Mr. Bewail being fent for again, He faid, Child, Is 
it not better to be in Heaven with God and Chrift, then to 
be here Mhe anfwered Yes, Yes. He afk'd her if he mould 
pray to God that He would be pleafed- to take her to Him- 
lelF? She made aquick Reply, doubling her Words, Yes, Yes. 
He afked her another Queftion, but being in gneat Trouble 
it flipt my Memory : But the Child made no Anfwer to it, 
and only faid, I am fpent. 

9. A few Hours after, her Pains, abating again, the Fits 
returned with more Violence and held her feveral Hours and 
then left her. She l*y tor ibme Days fo fenfelefs that me 
knew not thofe that came to -fee her. But it pleafe * God 
to refcore her to her former Health, 4nd before me was 
able to fit up. (he \v>>uhi call for her Book and lie and read 
by the Flour together. 


Contalnirg a Biirf Account cf'her from her firfl rcmarkallt 
v lllrrefs in the Full and Winter > 1716, to her Jecond 
in .Ipril 1718- 

l. O HE had by Coarfe read almoft through the Old- 
^ Teftament ; but at other Timts h-r Dci.^ht WciS to 
read in the New, cc.-icerning the Birr; :,f Chtiil and his 
Sufferings: and would *lk the .'.-eaning of wh t fhe read. 

2. Ooe Day as (he fat by herfelf' readir / the , ' ' 'he 
Revelations concerning the Number of then fha 
ed ; when (he c^me to the 9th Vcrfe, ihc- .as \ 
weep till ihe came to the End of v. . v'h.pter. 

5 One Morning as me lay in IK: ' e.i 'h 
was meant bv the Fountain, and th- -\ 'ul-e 
fhe lahab'uiits of jirafaieni, in Zv^.i K 

CHILDREN of New-England. Jt 

4. Hearing a Scrnion from Luke xv. concerning the Pro- 
digal Son ; a few Days after ihe was faying the Text over to 
herfelf; fhe then afk'd, Who was meant by the Father ? and 
who by the Son ? 

5. She had began to learn the Proofs of the AfTembly's 
Catechifm ; and when (he cvme to that in i Joh. v. 7. She 
afked if the Father was God and if the Son was God alfo, 
and if the Holy Ghoft was God alfo ? For Jt is faid here, 
That there are Three that bear Record in Heaven, the Fa- 
ther, the Word, and the Holy Ghofl, and thefe Thrje are . 
One : And this feems as if there were Three Gods, and yet 
there is but One. And fhe defired to be told fomtthing of 
this Myftery. She was told, There was but One GOD, 
tho 1 there were Three Perfons in the Godhead. That (Thrift 
was the Eternal Son of God, and the fame in Subftance and 
equal with the Father in Power and Glory, and was God. 
Then faid the Child, Tho' Chrift be the Son of God, yet 
he is God alfo ? Anfwer was made her, Yes : and that the 
Holy Ghoft was the Spirit of God, and proceeded both 
from the Father and Son, and was the fame in Subftance 
with Them both and was equai in Power and Glory. And 
a while after (he afk'd if Chrift took upon him the Nature of 
a Man ? She was told that He did. 

6. She rejoiced greatly when Load's Day came, especially 
if it were fair Weather for her to go the Pub ick Worfhip 
of God. And when ttie came Home, fhe would take a Book 
and fit and Read, till it was time to go to the Afternoon 
Exercife, without the leaft Sign of Wearinefs And if me 
was detained at Home on the Sabbath ; fhe would not fpend 
the Day in Idlenefs, but in Religious Employments. 

7. It pleafed God to exeicife her with great Pain in every 
Part of her Body, which did*fomething impair the Natural 
Quicknefs and Strength of her Scnies. But between two 
and three Months before her Death, her Undemanding 
was brightned to Admit ation. 

8. When the Spiing came on, and mention was made of 
the Publick Catechiiing; (he rejoiced greatly, and would 

, be often fpeaking of its drawing near. One Morning as /he 
lay- in her Bed, fhe faid, that charming Day, that fate 
Day if coming ; Beirg afkcd, What Day ibe meant f Sh' 

I ai'fwcred. 

22 A TO K. EN for tit 

anfwered, Cut-cbifir,gDaj t Imsan that five et Daj* A *ew 
Days after fhe laid, I won't depend upon going to Catecl ifing, 
for I believe I ftisll be prevented by fome 'Means or oth r. 
She fhns told, If fhe was well and the Weather permitted; 
nothing eife would hinder her. Ah ! faid the Child, 1 vm 
ptrfajaded I JhaU h: prevented feme iu y or -ithe-rfroin gvitig. 
r\nd according to the ftrcng ImprefTion fhe had upon her ,\)in;l, 
it proved to fter : For fhe was taken fick two or three Days 
before the (Jatecbiiing came, which was in slpril 17*8, 


Containing a more particular Account sf ,f; r in her Second 
lllncJ^fromr\\.-\\\^\ 718, to }uAc/Httttrffgi u ben jlc died, 

i. < T 7 HEN fhe was firft taken, fhe was in fome Doubt 
VV of her Spiritual State, and Uid, ilie was afraid fhe 
did not belong to God, nor love Him ss fhe fhould ; For 
Mother, you have told me. That they who fear God and 
love Him, would make it their chief Care and Endeavour 
to keep His Commandments; But I am ifraid I have not 
kept them as I ought. Her Mother alk'd ber Wh-t particu- 
lar Command Che could accufe her felf of Breaking ? She faid. 
TheFifih Commandment faith, Honour tht father and th} 
fifo't'cr; and have I honoured Vou r have I o'uey'd you as I 
ought, -Her Mother told her; You have been an obedient htl-1 
to me, nr'i v/ herein you have offended in any {rnJl v.atter 
I Jo forgive yd\J, and pray God to forgive yo\) --.if^. 

2 1'he Day following (lie cried out, T a".i ;i great Singer, 

a great Sinner, What will become of rr;e ! (J whit will 

ufme! I am afraid that C; ! Mercy 

on iit ! my Sins are fo many and w ? tolw 

Tho' her Sins were ever fo gre.-.t a ';t the Mercy 

of Gcd was greater and more abundat." dun her Sins; for 

thai was, like Kin; ft If, Infinite, and endureih fo'ever* 

That there was Forgivenefs with Him th.=t lie might be 

feareJ', and He. hid promifed, that thofe who c-jr.tei*-, and 

; ihe'r Sins ihould find niercy. But faid the Child, 

eoip<s me to dsfpair of Mercy, bec-.ufe ray Si-.s re 

: nwny. Bat ilie was ihsu exhorted not to give 

CHILDREN of Mew-England. 2 3 

way to the Temptations of Satan but to hope in the Mercy ot 
God : For the Lord taketh Pleafure in them thai fear Him, 
and in them that hope in His Mercy. And Ae was told 
that He faith in Ifa iv. 7 Let the wicke' 1 forfake his Way, 
and the unrighteous Man his Thoughts, and let him return 
unto the Lord, and he will h rt \e Mercy upon him, and to 
oUr God: for He will abundantly pardon. 

3. ,\ while afte' 1 fhe laid, Behold I was fliapen in iniquity; 
an''! in Sin ci'd my Mother conceive me: lam a miierable 
And (inful Creature : Convinced t ani of Sin, but afraid not 
^Converted: I am a poor Cieature that has no Sight of my 
Intcreft in Chrift, and without a Chrift, without a Chriftj, 

I am undone forever : Oh for - Chrift, O for a Chrift, for . 
a Chrift to lave me I ,Aud then fhe prayed and faid 

4. LORD* have Mercy on me according "to thy Loving 
Kindncfs : according to the Multitude of thy Tender Mercies 
blot out all my Tranfgreilions with thine own Blood: 
\Yafii rue thoroughly from mine Iniquities, and cleanfe m 
fiom my bins. Create in me a clean Heart, O God, and 
renew a light Spu it within me: O give me a new Heart 9 
a. humble Heart, a broken Heart, and a contrite Spirit; 
Oh faifc&ify rne by thy holy Spirit throughout, in Soul, 
Spiri*, and Hody : Renew me in the whole Man after 
thine own Image, in Knowledge, Righteoufnefs and true 
H')!inefs : Oh give rne a Chiift, give me thy Grace, pardon 
all my Sins : O Lord, take away, all mire Iniquities, 
and reccite rne . gracioufly, circumcife my Heart to fear 

Miie, nnd lead me in the Way that is pleafing in thy 
Sight : Oh be my God in Life, my Guide unte Death, and 
the unchangeable Portion of my Soul forever: Fit and 
prepare me for all Changes, but efpeciolly for Death, my 
great: and la'i Change ; Avid this I bc-~ for vhy Son Jefu? 
Child's Sake. Amen. 

5. In the Tjrne of her Health {he \var> very careful of 
her Words, and no ill Language was ever heard to proceed 
mm her Lips. Yet now us her Sick^eis, fhe examined 
hei fe!f> what Sins fhe had LV;S;I guilty of, both in Words 
and Actions, f- nd taking a View of the Commandments, 
feme of them fhe uSd fhe v/as afraid ih^ had been guilty c 

24 -d T o K E N /0r tbt 

breaking, and did accufe herfelf of Difobedience, and con- 
demned herfelf tor her Sins. And being in great Pain of 
^Body, (he faid, Now I am {offering the Defert of my Sins : 
'Oh tnat I might have but a Moment's Eafe : But I need 
not wonder that I have no Eafe, for I deferve none : Have 
Mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak ; O Lord, heal me,, 
fb" my Bones are fore vexed : Look upon my AfHi&iofl 
and my Pain, and forgive all my Sins. 

6. Mr Prince came in to fee her : She defircd him to pray 
v.ith her : He afked her what he fhould pray for ? Hie an- 
fwered, That God would be pleas'd to pardon all her Sins-, 
and give her an Intereil in Chi ill. 

7. "A while after (he cried out, Oh I am a poor Creature 
that wants Aflurancs : Oh ~jr AfTurance, Oh for AfTurance; 
Oh that God wou'd be plea? 'd to lift up the Light of his 
Countenance upon me ! (3 that he wou'd be pleas'd to own 

'rne in his Covenant, and blefs- me. Her Mother feeing her 
in this Diftrefs, afk'd her if (he ihoold fend for Mr. SenvaH 
to tnlk with him, and hear what he had to fay to her ? The 
Child anfwered, Mr. SewaU may give me iome Encourage- 
ment as you do, but except God fpeaks to me too, all will 
fignify nothing. Well Child, fays her Mother, Wait upon, 
God ftiiJ, who will in his own Time, I hope, fpeak Peace to 
thy Soul. Mr. ScnvaH was fent for, but he was*not at Home. 

8. She was tohl for her Encouragement, That fne was 
a Lair.b of Chriil's Flock ; and that he had faid. He would 
take the Lambs in his Arms, and carry them in his Bofom ; 
and faffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them 
not, for of fuch is the Kingdom of Peavsn ; and you know 
th.it Promife in Prov. viii. 17. I love them that love me, 
and thofe that feek me early flul] find me. The Child an- 
fwered, If the Lord will pfeTTc to help me, I will feek him. 
She was told ths^ the Lord v/ourd help her, and was ex- 
horted to truft in the Free Grace and Mercy of God "through 
Chi iit. Oh faid the Child, I am willing to accept of Chrilr, 
but lam afraid Chrift ia not willing : Anfwer v/as made, 
that if flie w*s willing to accept of Chrift, that to be 
fine Chriit was willing to accept her : She anfwered, I aia 

. **iiii,:.g. 

9. A 

CHILDREN of New-England. 25 

j. A while afte' (he faid ; I will venture my Soul upon 
Chrift, and if I peiifli, Lord, it (hall be at the Fountain of 
thy Mercy : For thru h.,ft promifed, that whomever comeih 
unto thee, thou wilt in no wile caft out ; O Lord, I define 
as I am able, to come unto true. ar,d I am f.ure thou v.ilt 
not caft me off. And ihe was compos 'd for fome 1 inie : 
But Satan afTaulted her again in fetring her Sins before her; 
and fhe cried out, Oh the Sin of my' Nature (u;i!efs my Soul 
be Iprtnkled with the Blood of Chrift) is enough to undo 
me, were I guilty of no other, 

jo. About a Month before her Death, or? the Sabbath in 
the Afternoon, (he fiiid to her Mother ; Now I have a believ 
ing Sight of Chrift : Now Chrift is mine. r.d I am his i 
Oil, how fweet is Chrift : O he is fweet, he is fv.'eet ! and if 
you did bin Tafte and Feel what I do, you would lo; g i-j 
be gone. Then (he faid, Come Lord J'.tu?, c. inc quickly: 
Dear Jefus, fweet Jefus, come qu*ck!y. Then ihe (aid, Lord 
Je^us give me Patience, g-.ve me Patience ti= w;i ; r tiiy T'ime, 
for thy Time is the belt Time : Lord jefus ^ivc.me Fatit-sce. 

i i. Her Mot';er fat weeping by her, and to 
the Child faid ; Dear Mother, though v.e y .:i now, ii wiii 
be but a little while before^ you v/i!i follow and cor.it to me, 
and that wijl be a hippv Meetirtg fo; - ^s ; to meet at the 
Right Hard of Chtift in the Gf eat "Day Tiien Pe thanked, 
her Mother for the Inilruclions and'Corrc : 
her, and faid, Had it not been for 
to Hell ; but it won't be long now ' 
will come and carry my Soul to the Hoi 
I long to be gone, I lorg to I e I 

Sweet Lord Jefus, corne qa'ci;J\ . 

12. \ while after fhe faid, 
dergo to go to Chrift ; but not fc 
'underwent for me : Oh L wonre: 
ihou'd be fo wiping to die for me, 

j^. Kir. S^-wa// was fent f.; g Came 

the Child was fo {pent with extn.-..- 
ing, that fhe was not able to fay any 1 i' ; 
Night (he afkM the young Womdr! 
lead d;s Zjjth tf Mutthtw to her. 

?P A T O K. E K for tit 

14 One Morning {he a/k'd, Where is trnt P! 
ture? Eat O Friends. Drink, yea Drink -.-I -nJ.^t!". O Be- 
loved. The Glafs {landing on the Table, i'he" ;:&'.! her rq 
have it turned, and faid, My Giafs is almoll run, my vVorJf 
is almoft ended. 

15. On Tharfday was three Weeks before her Death, her 
Mother feeing an alteration in her. fnid, My Chid is 

with Death. Upon which /he replied, Is Death come, ar.ci 
am I prepared, am I prepared ? She lay fti'I for forne Time, 
and then faid/O Death where is thy Sting, O Grave where 
ts thy Victory, and what wilt tho* gain by this Th! : : 

16. There was aPerfon (he had a peculiar Kefpect lor, and 
defired her Mother when fhe had an Opportunity, to fpeak 
to her ; for fhe was afraid fhe did not confide;- her Soul and 

17. The Lord's -Pay folio wing (he fa id aver th 2$d Pf-ilm, 
and when fhe had concluded it, her Mother *fk*d her if ihe 
was not afraid to pafs through the dark Valley of th- Sha- 
dow of Death ? flie anfwcied, No, for God hs;h promifed 
that he will never leave me nor forfake me, neither v.ili he 
fufFer me to leave or forfake him 

!#. She lying in great Pair. Day and Night would often 
fay, L,crd Jefus give me Patience, give me Patience, that I 4 
may not diflionour God, iue Cud, Oh if l-fnoul^ be deceiy'4 
at Jaft, and deceive others, and they think I am good, Oh how 
miferable (hall I be forever ? 

19. Her Aunt Stsne being prefenf, ar.H the Child loing 
in great Pain, and complaining of tiiofe about her ior refuiing 
<o do fomething for l^trr, which {he vjnd jelieved her, bi*. 

they were fearful of overa'oiog. fhe f^id They do not 

pity me, but I hope Chrift pities me, and \vill prepare a 
Place for me. A little while after, Jci-.ig rciilcfs with he; 

Pains, fhe check'd herfelf, faying, Why do I complain ? 

Chrift endur'd more than this for me: I wonder how he did 
to bear it. And a little while after hearing it Thucvder, fhe 
faid, It Thunders, I am afraid God will kill me with it ; bet 
whether he kills me with that, or \vith this P-in, if i .nay 
but go to Chrift, it w.UI be well. 

tr The 

CHILDREN sf New- England. Jiy 

20. The Tuefd'ay following Mr Sewall came to fee her* 
and after feme Oifcourfe, he a^k'd her on -what ihe defended 
for Salvation ? She replied, On Chrift, and the Promifes. 
He faid, well Child hold faft thy Faith, and ilill truft in 
( hrifl. Then (lie faid, Oh I long to be gone to that bleifed 
Place He afked her what bleffed Place ? She not readily 
p.nfwering, he faid.do you mean Heaven ? She aniwered Yes; 
And when he was going away, defir'd him to remember her 
in his Prayers : And afk'd him when he would pleaie to cutne 
again to fee her ? 

21. Two Perfons being in the Room, they fajd to one ano- 
ther, this Child has been a Child of Affliction all its Days. 
The ChilJ replied, And it is for my good. 

22. She had another Combat with Satan, ?nd faid He 
would perfWade her that Chrift was withdrawn from her ; 
And lhe cried out, Oh what mall 1 do, Oh what mall I do? 
I am undone ! She faid, O Lord.csft me not out of thy Sight ; 
caft me not aivay from thy Prefence, and take not thy holy 
Spirit from me : Reftcr? unto me the joy cf t-hySalvatibo, 
and uphold me with th'y free Spitit ;" never !eave me nor for- 
fake me : But guide me by thy Coanfel while here, and af- 
terwards receive me to thine heavenly Kir-gdum : And this I 
afk fqr thy Son Jefus. Chris's Sake; and in Teilimony.of my 
Delirerv and A/Ijirance to be heard, I fay, -\ men. 

23 She v/as comforted again in the Night : And the 
VVaicher Gttingbyher F^ed-fide, ab'-ut Midfii^ht, beai.d her fay, 
Yonder, Yonder, up above, 
Sits my Saviour, chat!? d in Le-j;, 
And thirds r,jy failing G'd. 

24. She faid me had {'omethir.jr to fay to Mr. Sewall th$ 
next Time he (hculd come to fee her : And being afted wlut 
it \vas, (lie laid, She wt>uld thank. Him for the msny Prayers 
he put up for her, for God had heard and anf^er d them. 

25. At another Time (lie faid concern nj; Chrill; Why 
is ti y Chariot fo long a coming r Why itay fo long the 
Wheels of his Chariot ? For me to ftay is Pain ; but to 
die is Gain. 

26. Mr. Prince coming to % fee her tlse Monday before her 
D.' rh, flic defjred him to pray with her: He faid, well, and 


28 A To K E N for ibg 

what flnll we pray for now ? She replied, That I may have 
a favir.g kn nvleJge of Chrift, that God wou'd pieafe to par- 
<Jon all my Sins, and prepare me for Death my preat and 
laft Change 

27. The Day following her Pains abated/and fiie feemed to 
be better for two or three Days ; and no one perceived her 
lo draw near her Change till a few Minutes befoie flie was 
Liken Speechhfs, the Child faid fomething choak'd her : 
Her Mother felt cf her Hands, and finding them in -a culd 
fweat, and her Countenance 'alter, fhe faid, my Child is a 
going : h Mother, faid the Child, So muil you as well 
as 1. IShe faid f jme hing more ; but her Speech and 
Spirits failing, \ve could not underftand her. 

She breath 'd he Soul into the Arms pf Chrift on Friday, 
the 13}! Day of June 1718, being Eight years and juft 
Eleven Months Old. 

Happy the Parents and the Patters be, 

Bringing thy li: tie Ones, Great GOD, to Thee 1 

How pie^tnt 'tis to fee them fafe from Harms, 

Lct'd and einbr^c'd in CHRIS Ps out fltretched Arms! 

Thst thl* great KING may Manfions fitly fil), 

He lifts for Church-triumphant whom he will. 


MISS APIEL GOODWIN, who died at Bofl*n 
Oclcber 3, 1727, in the 2Oth Year of her Age. 

Her Father di?d a very young Man but in fo uncommon 
and victorious a Manner that an Account s already publim- 
ed of it in Dr. Ccttor. IVLithtr's C^lcjl'.tius. She w; s 
born after the Death of her Father, and for that C^ufe the 
Narne of ABIEJL Tor, God my F;uhtr] was given her. 

This young Perfon was one v.ho began Betimes to take 
the Yoke of her Saviour npon her ; yea fo much Betimes, 
and with fuch gracious Dawns of Piety, that fhe knew not 
the Time of her firft coming into the Life of GOD. And 
GOD forbid that we mould raflily pafs the Doom of tr^e 
ILJnregenerate on all who are, and very many of the Newbotn, 
we hope, are fo circumftanced. 


C H I L D x E N of Ncw-Efigiacd, 2$ 

tTnder the Influences of a pious Education, (he was from 
her Childhood ufed unto the Religion of the Cloiet ; and 
afraid of doing "any Thing that the Lightof Godin her young 
Soul allowed not : And courteous, affable and fa'! of Benig- 
nity, ready to do good Oftices for all about her : Accom* 
panied and advantaged with a Difcretion which was an 
agreeable Varnim upon all. 

tier Attendance on the Means of Grace was very diligent 
and vigilant : Wherein among the reft, (he conftantly atterd- 
ed the Weekly Leaures ; and lamented the Scandal of it, 
that thofe precious Opportunities were fo (hamefuily neglected 
in a City were a worldly Mind fo evidently governed the 

Hereby flie came fo'to Irve by the Faith pf the SON of 
GOD, and of his everlafting Love to her, that the Dread of 
Death was nobly conquered in her : And in the Year lyzr, 
when the Small- Pox carried off fo many Hundreds in the City 
of Bofton, flie declared unto her Widow Mother, that except 
God had fome Service for her to do, more particularly in 
being very helpful to her, fhe would have chofe then to have 
left a World, that fhe faw full of little but c in and Vanity. 

Her Illnefs be^an upon her, when me was little more than 
Sixteen Years of Age, and (lie was confined unto the Houfe 
for t%vo Years before flie died. Hereby (he was prevented 
from the Execution of a Porpofe, that her young Heart was 
earneilly fet upon, Which was'to have approached the Holy- 
Tab ? e in the Way of the Gcfpel and of our Churches, and 
have made her Claim to the Sacrifice of her Savicur, and fet 
Her Seal to the Covenant of Salvation, according tohislnftittt- 
tion there. She greatly lamented it, that though me was 
fo very young fhe had not publickly done what (he purpofed 
of giving herfelf up unto the Lord among his People ! But 
(he faid 1 haVc done it privately a Thoufand Times ! And the 
Lord has accepted my WilFing Mind ; and what Fault there 
might be in my Delay, he has afiured me, that he pardoned 
it. But how urgently did flie urge upon her young Friends, 
the ferious and Ipeedy difchaige of their plain Dnty, De 
T/if ; the Omfiiion whereof dr-cs forrrcr, where the Con- 
fcience is not feared, make an uneafy Death B^d 1 

go A T o K K /0r w 

At length me became confined un'o the Bed, fore 
Weeks together, at her Entrance whereof (he exprelfed a 
ftrong Belief, rhat me mould find extraordinary Supports] 
j&rcvideJ for her. And fhe found them ! Found them id' 

-She v/a's now fallen into an Hydropical Condition. In 
this Time, though many wearifome Nights were appointed 
for her, yet fhe foffeffA not Months of Vanity But m<r 
did Good all the While, and brought forth much of the 
Fruit, by which her heavenly Father has been and will 
be glorified. 

In thcfe Months, the firil Thing '.!m I tYsc Notice of 
Js, >he Zed, and Flame, and .irdour, wherewith ihe addrefTed 
her lively Exhortations J^nto thofe tliat viiitcrd her ; to 
make hafte unto their Saviour, and into a Life of Piety, and 
IP. ke fure of, and lay hcFd on eternal Life. She did not 
much offer her Exhortations of this Importance unto eMer 
Pe >ple; for (he f.tid me old not count it good Manners for 
ner to do the P-.tt of a Monitor, to thofe who were much 
o'der thin herfeff. But tf'ith youtiger Ptppit ihe \vas iiK 
JircffiblyihtEarrieft, Tint they would now, now, even to Day, 
hear the Voice of God, and remember their Greater, and 
be at no Reft, Give no fleep to' their Eyes, nor Slumber to 
thtir Eye-lids, 'till they had got into the Covenant of God 
their Saviour and yielded themfelves unto the Lord, re- 
folving to b? the Load's. As a wife VVirr.tr of Souls, 
how fweeily did ihe invite them, Oh ! Conic and fit under 
the Shadow of your Savici.r ! Sv.-eej, Sv/cet \vlll you find his 
Fruit unto you. Grent Numbers of younger people carneto 
her and fhe tot only very impomvn;it?.ly bat alfo vety par- 
ticularly expoftulated wiih them abont their Del-*y to make 
thorough Work of that ConverHcn to God, and Refort nnto 
ihe \Vings of the SAVIOUR, which was infinitely neccH'try, 
in order to tlieir dying in Safety and with Comfort. Shi 
took "feveral by the Hand, vthe.Tiendy foliriiing them to* 
cor.fent unto the Fropofal in the Ccvenatit of Life, an ; rcfi^ri 
;i - .d ting a^e themfeKes unto their Saviour ; ;\r\d would net fet 
g? their H-'* nmil tliey dcrhrcd urro her. That th.y did fo. 
?-hc pie; dfd '"irJi fome of them ; * GOD fpured you in the 

" Time 

CHILDREN of New. England. 31 

" Time <a the great Mortality fix Years ago : He has come 
" twice three Yeius. looking for Fruit. Bet Oh ! What 
I*' Fruit has he found upon you !" And fome in whom (he 
>faw Things ainifs, it was very sffetfing to fee how lovingly, 
'but how faithfully and how folemnly fhe difpenfed Reproofs 
unto them. The Hammers were enough to have broken 
Rn.ks to Pieces I 

In this Time as it fometmes is with Souls that are getting 
Iooe from Flefh and gotten very far on u waids the ihvifible 
World, -me had fome unaccountable Imprenruis upor, her 
Mind, relying to Things not commonly coming under human 
Cogn zance. There were furprifing Inftances,and not fo pro- 
per to be now and heje fpoken of. But there is one I would 
fpe^k of becaofeit may be a little^fubfervient unto the main 
Defign which I am now to profecate. 

In her Inculcations of it upon young People, that they 
Would immediately come under the Yoke of their Saviour, 
and fo be prepared for a Death, which they knew not how 
fuddetily it might overtake them : She laid, " Mind what I 
" fay ; you (hall fee Sadden Deaths, I fay, Sudden Deaths, 
' quickly multiplied among you ; and Young as well as Old 
" mall be reached with them,'* 

It wasnot long, but a very few Weeks after this Prediction, 
before (he was able to obferve, " Well, there have been 
' fourteen Sudden Deaths, which you have feen difpenfed 
*< flnce my fpeaking to you; but I *m to tell you, there will 
yet be many more than thefe." 

But from this, I cannot but go on, and take Notice of the 
Profpecl that her Saviour gave her of the Heaven, that flic 
now faw open to receive her; and the heavenly Peace and 
Joy, which the bright Piofpeft filled her withal. 

It was unfpeakably edifying unto us to fee fo young a 
Petfon one of Nineteen, fo rejoicing in Hope of the Glory 
of God : lea, rejoicing with a joy utfpeakabfe and full of 

In this Time, when one, to treat her with a Term that 
might fuit her Ingenuity, told her, that confidering the Namr 
O rt * 

32 A T 6 k E N for the 

x>f her Malady, her Condition might be called, /? going it 
Heaven by Water : And that anon (he would be able to 
fing unto her Saviour, that Song of the Redeemed ; * 7 e fent 
from ^above, he_took me, he dre^> me out of many Waters ! 
Her anfwer was, " Water ! Yea, and if I m.,uld go to : iea- 
" ven by Fire too, I am (are, Heaven would compensate for 
" all the Tiouble of it. O ! lovely, lovely, lovely, to be 
" there ! How c!o I long to bt there !" Then (he would 
break out, "Oh! That I had the Wings of a Dove, then 
would I fly away unto him, and be at reft ! And again, Oh! 
why is his Chariot fo long a c ruing ? Why tarry the Wheels 
of his Chariot?*' But (he corrected it, faying,'* I will wait, 
for he that will come {hall come, and will not tarry. A nd, 
Oh ! what mail I find in jjdount Sion, the City of the livicg 
God, the heavenly Jerufalem.'" 

She faiH, that for fome time, though (he knew it would be 
well with her, yet me was at a Lofs,and knew not how far her 
departed Soul would apprehend "l hings in die other World, 
which it was now g~ing to. But when her Thoughts were 
otte D^y fall of Perplexity about. the Matter, me thought fhe 
heard a Voice diftindlly fay tp her, ' Be fatisfied, thy depart- 
ing Soul (hall immediately pafs into a wondrous Glory. Thy 
poor Bddy mall alfo ftill remain united unto thy Redeemer, 
and it /hall be after fome time reftored unto thy Soul, with 
wondrous Glory ; and therein thou /halt for ever glorify, him 
who has redeemed thse '* The Scriptures being fo fet in 
this Light unto her, me broke forth into Raptures, Oh won- 
deiful ! O v/onderful ! Am I fcriear unto a wonder fulGloryv 
and this vile Body, too united to my Saviour, and regarded 
by him ! O Grace ! Grace ! O free Grace ! O rich 

Grace! 1 fhaH glorify thee for evermore. It was alfo a 

frequent Exclamation with her, O theGrace of the glorious 
Rock of Ages ! 1 have evefUling Strength in that glorioui 
Rock of Ages ! 

She fiid up .-i her being afked her choice in the Matter ; 
I h>d rather die, v, re it the Will of God, if it were fol 
nothir.g but tbJ-,; if I Hvel (hall fin : You know now it 
natural to fin ; and I had rather die than fin. But if it 


CHILDREN of New-England. 33 

the Will of God that I mould live, I am willing to live and 
fmTer any Thing that he (hall pleafe to order for me. It 
will be nothing to what my Saviour fufTered for me the chief 
of Sinners. 

She often fell into Fits, which were attended with an. 
Extremity of Pains : But at her firft coming out cf them, 
her firft Words were ufually fuch as one might have expeded 
from one that had been caught up to Paradife.- They were, 
Hallelujah J Oh i Salvation to our- GOD, who fittrth en the 
Throne, and unto the Lonb, BlcJ/ji.g and Glory and 

Honour be unto our COD for ever and ev?t ' She laid, 

welcome fits, welcome Paws* welcome any Thi'.g 
that will bring ms_ nearer to CBR 'ST ! She frir 3 ^//, 
She mor? I bear, the ruor? I love ! Ths more / ;ufi r from 
the wife and good Hand of my SdV IOUR, the more I /eve 
?lim ! Her Mother wiping the Sweat off her Face; here- 
upon (he faid, my Mother ,'//'/ not like the Drops of Blood, 
which my Saviour foe I for me a tuiferable Sinner. One, 
with fonie Companion, faying, Poor Creature ! She replied. 
."' d,nt call ma fo ; / am a^rich Creature ; for the Blood 
,-f the Son of God has cleanfed vie from all rny Sins ; and 
his unjearchable Riches are mine I Another ufing the Term 
of DiJIrefs'd Creature / me faid upon it, A , fay, Happy 
Creative ! She lay awake with her Eves clofed a long time 
together ? And being at length afked, What foe was doing ? 
ftie replied, " I am thinking, thinking, what that Heaven is 
" which I am going to. Thinking how they art employed 
" in Heaven ! I now know a little of that. Thinking what 
' fliall be my.firft Word when I come to Heaven " Being 
afked, What it foould be ? fhe anfwered, HALLELUJAH i 
HALLELUJAH ! HALLELUJAH ! O the free and rich Grace 
which has brought me hither ! O my Saviour, what, what, 
(hall I render to thee !*' 

Corning to fpeak about the matchlefs Glories of her Saviour, 
fne faid " I have read and heard, his Name is Wonderful. 
Oil did not underftand'the meaning of that Word : But 
now I have fome underftanding of it. I have heard and read, 
He is altogether lovely. O I did not know the meaning of 
that Word ; but now I know fomething of it !" 

O 2. Once 

34 *f T o K z N /0r the 

Once a Temptation afTiuIted her, that a Devil would 
ma^e a Prey of her departing Soul But (lie Toon anfwered 
it, and vanquished it, and laid. " No, No, my Saviour won t 
le Satan pkick. oie out of his powerful and merciful Hand. 
Satan, when my H ;ur comes, m) Flight wiii be too nimble 
fur thee ' Hereupon me expreffed, in very extraordinary 
Terms h >\v luelciwc her Death was become unto her It 
came unto her as one that ci^nes to taki off the Yoke on the 
Je-ur*i and lay Meat unto the weary. Being afked. If fhe 
was nit frig- tned at it ? bhe replied, " FnghtnecS ! No, 
"my Saviour has made it a better Friend unto rne than 
" any I h ; ve in the World O my Friend, how welcome, 
" how welcome tome " The Tolls of the Bell? for Funerals 
even tranfported her, tu think what Joys the like Tolls for 
her would proclaim her to be gone unto. And fhe fent 
Meflagei unto foai fick People in the Neighbourhood, 
*' That they fnould not be afraid of dying ; bat repair to 
" the ;;!orbus CHRIST that fhe had rep,ired uato: And 
"they i'hould find him full of Grace; full of Love ; the 
" Comforter that mould relieve their Souls would not be Far 
" from them " She therewithal declared, that there was 
or.s Ww'd> which the Spirit of GOD had nude worth a 
thoufand Worlds, even that Word, Our ll^ht .Ifflittion 
+ re> which is but for a 'Moment, works for us a/ar more 
exceeding, and eternal Weight of Glory. 

But I muft now own, that though her hope in her Death, 
was what appeared very admit able to me smd very delecta- 
ble, yet there was one Thing that appeared much more io: 
fcr.d this was, Her being willing to live. 

Though fhe Co wifhed for Death, and had fiich AfTurance 
that the Hour of Death would be the beft Hour that ever fhe, 
faw : and though the Diftemper which cruciated her, had 
had very much dolour and anguift in it, and at and by her* 
Expiration, fhe was aflured of the Lord fending to take her 
R-,d draw her out of deadly Waters : Yet with the moft 
profound SuHmiiTion, me was willir-g to wait GOD's Time 
for the Deliverance. Her Will was admirably fwallowed 
.up in the Will of her GOD ; and her Cry continually was, 
7,7; Will of the Ltrd b; fans i 

CHILDREN of New- England. 35 

Ho\v often did (he fo comfort her felf, " Heaven, 'Heaven 
" will make Amends for all the Pains that I undergo in my 
" P^flTage to it !" How often did me compofe heifelf : " If I 
" may do Good unto any one Soul by my flaying here, or 
st if 1 do no more Good than this, that the Sight of my Paiq 
" mad teach any to be thankful to God for their fieaJth and 
" Eafe : This alone will make Amends for all my Mifery." 
She would often, fpeak of Sufferings for Chiift, and fav, Oh 
what a Pleafure it would be unte her to be burnt to Death 
for him. And Sufferings from Chrift, me often faid, (he 
could bear them with Pleafure, becaufe they came from him. 
Any Thing from his Hand, (he faid, Oh ! 'Tis a Pleafure to 

take it ! Thus Patience had its perfeft Work. This 

Patience did finifh the Work of the Yoke upon her. 

Being afked, How (he did ? Hie anfwered, ' Oh ! Better 
' and -Better ! That is to fay, Nigher and Nigher to Hea- 
41 ven !" A Jittle before me died, being aflt'd Whether her 
Comfort continued ? me faid, " Yes, Oh ! more than ever ! 
" But I am fo we^, that I cannot exprefs the Joy I feel. 
" I long more than ever to be gone ! You may now look for 
" my Death every Minute " 

Some of her laft Words were, I have now finimed the 
Work that my God his ordered for me ! 

So me flept waiting for the Mercy Stroke, which anon 
releafed her. 

The End of the EXAMPLES. 


From Dr. WATTS's DIVINB SONGS for the 

The Advantages of Early Religion. 

HAPPY's the Chijd, whofe youngeft Years 
Receive Inftru&ion well; 
Who hares the Sinner's Path, and fears 
Jhe Road that leads to Hell. 

When we devote our Youth to God, 

'Tis pleaiing in his Eyes ; 
A Flower when offer'd in the Bud 

Is DO vaia Sacrifice. 
'Ti's eafier Work, if we begin 

To fear the Lord betimes ; 
While Sinners rh:e grow old in Sin, 

Are hardned in thtir Crimes. 

'Twill favc us from a Thoufaod Snares, 

To mind Religion young ; 
Grace will preferve our following Years, 

And make our Virtue ftrong. 

TaThee, Alnaighty God, (o Thee, 

Our Childhood we refign '; 
'Twill pleafe us to look back and fee 

That oar whole Lives were thine. 

Let the fweet Work of Prayer and Praife, 

Employ our youngeft Breath ; 
Thus I'm preparM for longer Days, 

Or fit for early Death. 

t 37 ) 

The Danger of Delay. 

WHY (hould I fay, 'Tis yet too foon, 
To feck for Heav'o, or think of Death ? 
A Flower may fade before 'tis Noon, 
And 1 this Day may lofe my Breath. 

If this rebellious Heart of mine 
Defpife the gracious Calls of Heaven ; 
I may be hardeu'd in my Sin, 
And never have Repentance giten. 

What if the Lord grow Wroth, and fwcar, 
"While I refufe to read and pray, 
That he'll refufe to lend an Ear 
To all my Groans another Day, 

What if his dreadful Anger buro, 
While I refufe his offer'd Grace, 
And all his Love to Fury turn, 
And ftrike me dead upon the Place? 

'Tis dangerous to provoke a God, 
Whofe Power and Vengeance none can tell j 
One Stroke of his Almighty Rod 
Shall fend young Siuoers quick to Hell, 

Then 'twill forever be in ?ain, 
To cry for Pardon and for Grace, 
To wifh I had ray Time again, 
Or hope to fee my Maker's Face. 


. Examples of EARLY 

TIC? HA F blefs'd Examples do I find 
V \ Wrjr in the Word of Truth ; 
Of Childico that beqjan to mind 
Religion in cherr Youth. 

JESUS, who 'reigns above the Sky, 

ziod keeps the World in awe f 
Was ooce a Child as young as I, 

And kept his Fiber's Law. 

At twelve Years old he talk'd wi'h Men, ' 
(The Jews all wondring ftand) 

Yet he obeyed his Mother then, 
And earne at her Command. 

Children a fweet Hofanna fuog. 

And ble.Vd their Saviour's Name : 

And gave him Honour with their Tongue, 
While Scribes and Priefts blafpheme. 

Samuel the Child was wean'd and brought 

To wait upon the Lord ; 
Young Timothy bennies was taught 

To know his holy word. 

Then why (hould 1 fo long delay, 

What others learn fo foon ? 
I would not pafs anorhet Day, 

Without this Work begun. 

r HE EN D. 

' qt ^ j ' ** J ^ ' H ' ' ill " H " [i " U '" 4i 1 1 | U M n I I j ' 
