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Full text of "The Millennium : or the thousand years of prosperity, promised to the Church of God, in the Old Testament and in the New, shortly to commence, and to be carried on to perfection, under the auspices of Him, who in the vision, was presented to St. John.."

tihraxy of Che theological ^tminavy 



Donation of 

Samuel Agnew 

sec ffl745 

rviiliennium : or the thousariu years ot 
prosperity, promised to the Church of God 
bid TesUimeiil and in the New, snorQy to . 

,-».'- -Vx >0''«^'J ' 




OR, T H E<iJ, YK^i^U^4Z^ 




(H THE OLD TESTAMENT and in THE,,Iffi^ QF r-f.i, 



C O M M E N C 

^.;IUi 7 iy:> 






iVs are journey.ng unto the place ^ of 'which the Lord f aid y I loill. 
give it yo;i: come thou nvith t(s, and w<? ay/7/ do thee good, for the 
Lord hathfpoken good cmcerning IfraeU m o s £ s ," 

Printed sySHEPARD K O LL O C K— 1794. 



IF the prophetic parts of the oracles ofGod^ 
from what may bejtiled '' afacred Calen- 
dar;'' or^ " an Almanac of Prophecy^' it is 
-with the greatejl propriety, that the Watchmen 
of Zion are difpofed, now and then, to confult 
this f acred calendar, in view of determining 
the watch of the night, and, ofconfequence, how 
long before the arrival of the long-wifiedfor 
promifed day. Frompromifes which the f acred 
fcriptures afford, calculations may, with a good 
degree of precifion, he made, refpeEling the time 
of the accomplifliments of the prophecies which 
relate to the future profperity of the Zion of 
God. The redemption of the church of God 
from the bondage of Papal Babylon, as xcell as 
from the general dominion of the Powers of 
Darknefs, is a glorious and anii^ating fubjeH 
of prophecy. The Lord hathfpoken, and the 
decree fiall be fulfilled. — If, in ancient tifne, 
the people of God believed what the Lord had 
fpoken refpe£ling the redemption of his people; 
if, from the f acred calendar, they difcovered 
the time of the promifed redemption — prayed 
for, and actually f aw the fulfilment of the ob- 
jed of their hopes, in temporal and infpiritu- 
al deliverance, what forbids that^ in this day 


of general captivity, the prophets of the Lord 
Jlioidd look with the fame fiith and prayer f or 
thefulfilmentofthofepromifes which refpe^the 
fpiritual deliverance of the Chrifdan Church, 
both from the bondage of Babylon, and from 
the thraldom of Satan? — And more efpecially, 
{^s we evidently fee marks of the divine progrefs 
in this work, in his prefent judgments among 
the nations of the earth, and particularly on 
myjlicool Babylon; zohich all allow, are but a 
little to precede the glorious redemption and 
profperity of the Church in the Milleimial-day. 
'. — " One circumftance, faith Dr. Halifax,^ 
ought not to be pafled by unnoticed — - 
namely, the menaces of certain vengeance tQ 
be hereafter inflifted on the enemies of the 
true religion, intimated by the deflruction of 
the body of the fourth beaft ; tind fubfe que nt 
to that the promife of the univerfal efiablifii- 
mentofthe reign of Chrifl, when the f one 
cut-out of the mountain withov^t hands, fhall 
fir ike and break to pieces the image on its feet; 
and become a great mountain, andfJl the 
xohole earth. ^ This part of the prophecies is 
yet unfulfilled; nor is it for us to afcertaiu 


'* Hal]if-ix*s Sermon, preached at Biflicp Warbuvton*s LeclurCj 
3L-incola's-irin Chape!, London, page 96, publiihed 1776. 


riie manner in which fo important a revolu- 
tion, in the religious world, will be effefted: 
The ufe intended by the obfervation here is, 
from the fymptoms of decline which are now 
difcernible in the fyflem of the Papal pow- 
er, to point out to you the prefumptionthata- 
rifes in favor of the truth of the prophetical de- 
nunciations, and from the concufllons which 
have already (hook the tottering throne of 
fuperIlition,to learn to expect, in God's good 
time, its full andjinal deinolitiGny 

And if this celebrated Author, in his day, 
thought there was ground to ufe thefollozoing 
language, in view of prophecies already ful- 
filed, and events then exifing, vjith how much 
more reafcn may loc confidently adopt it now, 
and fay, that, " under the aufpices of fuch 
a guide we may hope to advance, fecurely, 
in our projefled work ; and to have the plea- 
fure of thofe, v/ho, after long travelling m a 
dreary night, perceive, at laft, the darknefs 
to diminifh, and the reddening ftreaks of the 
morning, betokening to them, that the day 
is at hand?" — r 

The object in publifiing Dr. Bellarnys dif 
courfe is to efablifi the doElrine of the Millen- 
nium as to matter of fad: and by publfnng 
Prefdent Edwards s '' Humble Attempt to 


P R E J^ A C E. 

promote explicit Agreemerxt and vifible U- 
nion in Prayer;" it is hoped attention will be 
excited to the ufe of thofe means which God 
hath ordained to be iifed in view of a gracious 

filfilment of cv^ry prcmife made to his Church 
and to his People, Thus faith the Lord, I will 
yet for this be enquired of by the houfe of 
Ifrael, to do it for them. 

The dejign of the third and lajl difcourfe is 
tofupport the objeds of the tivo former, by an 
appeal to exifiing facts, to the demonjlration 
ofprefcnt events. By thcfe it appears, that 
what Dr. Halifax termed " the reddening 
ftreaks of the morning/'have become entitled 
to thejUle of the dawn, if not to the morning 
of the day, — Hoxv does our faith groio — our 
confidence increafe, and our joyful hearts ex- 
ult at the fight, or rather Ojt the found of the 

fia'elyfi.cppirigs of our God vn the prefent re- 
volutions of his providence, fulfilling the pur- 
pofes of his great decree! — From what we ob- 

ferve to have-, already, taken place, may ice not 
confideri ily a nticipate all tliat is to come ? — The 
teftimony o{'\it[\x%, faith the angel to St. John, 
is a fpirit of prophecy. — If, in a fpirit of pro- 
phecy, the Great Head of the Church hathfpo- 
ken of things to come, to firengthcn the faith ^ 
and to cheer the hope of his followers, it can- 


7iol be denied, but our time and talents are 
vjell employed, whiljl, injludy, with mceknefs 
and prayer, we labor to underjiand and topof- 
fefs the blejj^ngs he hath fo gracioujly prepared, 
andfo abundantly promifed to his Church, 

If, in the day in which Prejident Edwards 
lived, it zoas thought time for the Zion of God 
to go into labor, in view of the approach of the 
tirae of promifed redemption to Ifrael, with 
how much more courage and confidence viay 
the Church of God now proceed in the ardu- 
ous^ yet noble and inter efing work? 

The arguments which his invaluable trafl 
fuggcfisfor explicit Agreement and vifble U- 
nion of God's People in extraordinary Prayer^ 
for the Revival of Religion, and the Advance- 
ment of Chrifi's Kingdom on Earth, purfuant 
to Scripture-promifes and Prophecies, concern- 
ing the LAST TIME, are as applicable to the 
flate of the Church, and of the world, 7iow, as 
they were then, and the encouragement, from 
prefent circumfances, much more animating. 

If any individual Chnfian, any fociety of 
Chrifian People, or any Mzni/ler, or affocia- 
iion of Minifers,fhould be fofar imjyrefjed 
with the propriety of a prefent compliance with 
what Prefdent Edwards labored to bring about 
in his day, as to defrc that meafuresfhould 

viii PREFACE. 

be taken for the accoiwplifhment of theobjeEldf 
his work, and exyrejs a willircgncfs to aid in 
laying a foundation for a general and united 
exertion in prayer throughout all the Chrijliah 
Churches in our land; the Editor pledges his 
whole heart in aid to anyfuch frcpofal, and 
would think hira [elf highly favored by any com- 
munications, from any quarter, on thefublivfie 
and animating fubj eel. 

That the Great Head of the Church zvould 
gracioiifly take this humble attempt to the ho- 
nor of his name, and for the interejts of his 
Zion, under his holy proteElioni and profper, 
and do his own hle/fed will in all things zvhich 
itjirives to accoinpliJli,is the fervent prayer of 
one, zvho knows no higher objeci ofprefcnt or 
future ambition, than to approve himfelf, and 
to be approved of his Lord and Mcijter, as an 
indujtrious hezver ofzoood, and drawer of wa- 
ter for the chiirch of God, 


Elizabeth Tow^, 
Itla^ I, I794« 





l^FifJl puhlfjiosd at Bojlon m 1758.] 

Hevelatiom XX. 1,2,3, 

jind Ifaw an angel come down from heaven, having the kei 
■of the bottomlefs pit, and a great chain in his hand. And 
he laid hold on the dragon, that old fer pent, which is the 
Devil and Satan, and bound him a thoufand years* And, 
cajl him into the bottomlefs pit, and JJiut him up, and fet 
a feal upon him, that he Jhould deceive the nations n$ 
more, till the thoufand years JJiould kefulfdUd. 

TN agreat variety of refpefts the Bible is the 
A moft remarkable book in the world. In 
it we have God's moral charafter clearly ex- 
hibited to view, by a hiftory of his conduft, 
as moral governor of the world, from the be- 
ginning; and the nature of fallen man paint- 
ed to the life, by a hiftory of their behavi- 
our for four thoufand years. In it we have 
opened the glorious and aftonifhing method 
that has been entered upon to difappoint all 

10 The millennium. 

Satan's defigns, by the interpofition of the 
Son of God ; and are informed of his birth, 
life, death, refurreftion, afcenfion and exalt- 
ation; and of the glorious defigns he has in 
view. And the whole is fo contrived as to 
be admirably fuited to all the circum.ftances 
and needs of a good man, that, as it was de- 
figned to be the good man's book, in a pe- 
culiar fenfe, fo it is perfeflly fuited to his 
cafe. It is profitable foi' docirine,for reproof, 
for correction, for ivftruclion in right covfnefs, 
thcit the man of God may be perfzB, thorough*' 
^lyfiirnified to all good zcorks. 

That fincere concern for the caufe of truth 
and virtue, for the honor of God and inte- 
re^^ of true religion, which is peculiar to a 
good man, whofe character it is to love 
Chrift above father and mother, wife and 
children, houfes and lands, yea, better than 
his own life, muft naturally fubjeft him to a. 
peculiar kind of folicitude; even as a child, 
of a truly filial fpirit, is paired' whea it goes 
ill with his father's family, to whofe inte reft. 
he is clofely attached, and has a whole fyf- 
tern of inward fenfations that a ftranger in- 
termeddles not with. The Bible, the good, 
man's book, is, therefore, wifely adapted to 
eafe the good man's pained heart, and ^* 

The millennium. ix 

ford confolation in this interePting and rn oft 
important point, as it gives the ftrongeft af- 
furances that the caufe of virtue fhall finally 

How infupportable muft the grief of the 
pious Jews have been, fitting on the fides of 
the rivers of Babylon? There zbe fat down, 
fay they, yea, zve wept zohen we remembered 
Zion, And on the willows they hung their 
harps, nor could any thing divert their minds. 
Jf I forget thee, Jerufalem, let my right hand 
forget her cunning! If Ida not remember thee, 
let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth! 
— How infupportable, I fay, muft their grief 
•have been, w^hile their glorious holy tem- 
ple, and their holy city, the place of all their 
facred folemnities, were lying defolate, and 
God's people in captivity, had it not been 
for that promife, fo often repeated, that af- 
ter feventy years God would vifit them, and 
caufe them to return to their own. land. God 
knew before-hand the anguifti which would 
be apt to fill their hearts, the finking difcour- 
agements, and all the train of dark and gloo- 
my thoughts they would be incident to, and 
before-hand provided a remedy. Yea, no 
fooner had he denounced their doom in the 
Xxxixth chapter of Ifaiah, but immediately 

J2 The M I L L E N N I U M. 

in the next chapter, and for ten or twenty 
chapters together, does he provide for their 
fupport. Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people ; 
Jpeak comfortably to Jerufalem, &c, &c. 

So, how infapportable would have been 
the grief of the church of Chrift, through 
the long, dark, cruel reign of myftical Baby 
Ion, while they beheld error and wickednefs 
univerfally prevail, Satan getting his will in 
almoft every thing, and, to appearance, no 
figns of better times, but a.11 things wearing 
a dreadful afpefl: before their eyes :— How 
great their grief? How finking their difcou- 
ragements? How almoft infuperable their 
temptations to apoftatize, and forfake a caufe 
that heaven feemed to forfake, had not the 
day of deliverance been exprefsly foretold, 
and the glory that fnould follow opened to 
view by the fpiritof prophefy? But in a firm 
belief that the caufe they w^ere engaged in, 
and for which they fpilt their blood, would 
iinally prevail, and prevail in this world, 
x\rhere they then beheld Satan reigning and 
triumphing; I fay, in a firm belief of this, 
the whole army of martyrs could march on 
to battle courageoufly, willing to facrifice 
their lives in the caufe, not doubting of final 
yiftory, although they themfelves muft fall 
in the field. 

The millennium. 13 

Indeed, were the falvation of his own foul 
the only thing the good man had in view, 
he would naturally be quite eafy upon a full 
affurance that this was fecured. So, had 
Mofes cared for nothing but the welfare of 
himfelf and of his pofterity, he might have 
been fatisfied, M'hile the v/hole congregation 
of Ifrael were dellroyed, if he might become 
a great nation, and that without any folici- 
tude for the honor of the great name of the 
God of Ifrael; yea, although the idolatrous 
nations round about were fully eftabliflied 
in the belief of the divinity of their idols, 
and brought to look upon the God of the 
Hebrews with ever fo great contempt by the 
means. But, attached as he was to the ho- 
nor of the God of Ifrael, nothing could give 
him fatisfaclion, but a profpeft that that 
would be fecured. The welfare of himfelf 
and of his family was of no importance in his 
cfleem, compared with this. See Exod, xxxii. 

It muft, therefore, be remembered, that, 
as the Son of God left his father s bofom, 
and the realms of light and glory, and ex- 
pired on the crofs in the utmoft vifible con- 
tempt, that he might fpoil principalities and 
powers, bruife the ferpent's head, deftroy the 
v^orks of the Devil, fo hi* true difciples have 


imbibed a meafure of the fame fpirit, and, 
as volunteers enlifted under his banner, have 
the fame thing in view; they long for the 
deftruftion of Satan's kingdom, and thefe 
petitions are the genuine language of their 
hearts ; " Our Father which art in heaven, 
*^ hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 
♦^ thy will be done on earth as it is in hea- 
*' ven/* Nor can the falvation of their ovrn 
fouls, although ever fo fafely fecured, fatisfy 
their minds, without a clear view and fair 
profpefl: of Chrift's final viftory over all his 
enemies: " But if our great general, w^ho 
*^ has facrificed his life in thecaufe, may but 
*' at laft obtain a complete viftory, notwith- 
*^^ (landing all the prefent dark appearances, 
^' this is enough," fays the Chriftian Soldier; 
*' I am willing to rifque all in his fervice, and 
" die in the battle too. But if Satan were 
*^ always to carry the day. Oh, who could 
•^ live under the thought!'* 

This having been the temper of good men, 
fnore or lefs, even from the early ages of the 
world, and through all fuccefnve genera- 
tions to this day, they have evidently want- 
ed a peculiar fupport, which the reft of man- 
kiiid ftood in no need of, to carry them 

Tme millennium. 15 

comfortably through fuch a long fcene of 
darkncfs ; wickednefs prevailing, God dif- 
honored, Satan triumping, the world pe- 
riHiing, tlie true church of God more gene- 
rally in fackcloth. And accordingly the fi- 
nal viftory of the caufe of truth and virtue 
was intimated in the very firft promife made 
to fallen man ; and, from time to time, God 
repeated this comfortable prediftion to his 
church and people ; and finally made it the 
chief fubjetl of the laft book of holy Scrip- 
ture he ordered to be wrote for the ufe of 
his church. 

Now let us take a brief view of the whole 
feries of thefe divine prediftions, from the 
beginning of the world, even down to this 
in our text, contained in one of the laft chap- 
ters in the Bible, that we may fee what full 
evidence there is of this truth, and fo what 
abundant caufe for confolation to all the 
people of God. 

1. Immediately after the fall, when the 
ferpent, even the Old Serpent the Devil, had 
juft feduced mankind to revolt from God; 
and had, to all appearance, laid this whole 
world in perpetual ruin, even in the depths 
of this midnight darknefs, a ray of light 

i6 Th£ millennium 

flione down from heaven — The feed of the' 
Tjoomanfiall bruife theferpent's head. As if 
God had faid, " I fee the fcheme that Satan 
** has laid to ruin the world, and eilablifli his 
'' impious, malicious caufe : I fee it, and 
" am determined to defeat it. The feebler 
*' woman he has over-matched, but her al- 
*^ mighty feed fhall conquer him, and as ef- 
*' feClually fubdue him, and prevent all fu- 
" ture mifchief by him, as a ferpent is fub- 
*' dued and incapacitated for further mif- 
** chief when his head is crulhed to pieces, 
^' under the indignant heel of one determine 
" ed on his death." This was a complete 
doom, indeed, denounced againft Satan, at 
the head of the kingdom of darknefs. And 
it fully implied, that the caufe of light, truth 
and righteoufnefs, fhould finally obtain di 
complete viftory. 

2. After this gracious and gl6rious pro- 
mife had been the chief foundation of all 
tlie hopes of God*s people for two thoufand 
years, God was pleafed to point out the par- 
ticular family from whence this mighty de- 
liverer fhould fpring, and to intimate what 
a univerfal bleffmg he fhould be to all the 
nations of the earth. And in thy seed fiall 
ALL the families of the earth be blef/ed^ iaid 

The millennium. 17 

God to Abraham ; which again plainly 
fuppofed, that the caufe of truth and right- 
eOLifnefsj notwithftanding the dark Hate the 
world then was in, all finking faft into idol- 
atry, and would for many ages be in, buried 
in heathenifh darknefs, fhould yet, in due 
time, univerfally prevail over the whole 
earth. For in thy s^ETiJkall all the fami- 
lies of the earth be bleffed. This fame pro- 
liiife was repeated again and again to Abra- 
ham, and afterwards to Ifaac and to Jacob, 

3. Hitherto God had fupported his peo- 
ples' hopes chiefly with promifes, with verbal 
prediftions ; but from the days of Mofes 
to the days of Solomon king of Ifrael, to 
affift his peoples' faith, God did^ befides 
repeated promifes of the fame thing, by a 
great variety of wonderful works, fhadow 
forth the glorious day; and, at the fame 
time, {hew. that he had fufficient wifdoni 
and power to accomplifh the greateft de- 
figns. That his people might be convinced 
that he could eafily bring to pafs, for the 
good of his c&urch, whatfoever feerned good 
in his fiffht. 

Ifrael, in the Egyptian bondage, were a 
defigned type of a fallen world, uader the 
dominion and tyranny of Satan ; nor \yag 



Pharaoh more loth to let Ifrael go, than 
Satan is to have his fubjefts deferthim, and 
his kingdom go to ruin ; but notwithftand- 
ing all the feeming impoffibilities in the way 
of Ifrael's deliverance, infinite wifdom knew 
how to accomplifh the divine defigns. God 
could even caufe a member of Pharaoh's 
family to educate one to be an inftrument 
of this defigned deliverance. And, in due 
time, behold all the armies of Ifrael march 
forth from the land of Egypt, out of the 
houfe of bondage ; and Pharaoh, and his 
chariots, and all his hoft, lie buried in the 
Red Sea! So eafily can God bring forth 
his people, even out of the anti-chriftian 
kingdom, which is fpiritually called Sodom 
and Egypt ; and, if he pleafes, raife up the 
inftruments of this glorious work, even in 
the court of Rome. 

And when the name of the true God was 
almoft forgotten through all the earth, and 
the Devil worlhipped in his room, in idols 
of various names, through all the nations, 
God knew how to make his name known, 
and to caufe his fame to fpread abroad, and 
fill the whole earth with his glory, by won- 
ders wrought in the land of Ham ; by def- 
cending on Mount Sinai; by leading the 

The millennium. 19 

Armies of Ifrael forty years in the wilder- 
nefs, in a pillar of cloud by day, and of fire 
by night, giving them bread from heaven 
and water out of the flinty rock ; dividing 
Jordan ; delivering up one and thirty idol- 
atrous kings to the fword of Jofhua ; raifing 
up judges, one after another, in a miraculous 
manner, to deliver his people, until the days 
of David and Solomon, types of Chrift. — 
Of David who, Meffiah-like, fubdued the 
enemies of Ifrael all around; of Solomon, 
who built the Holy Temple, and filled Jeru- 
falem with riches and glory. — He who hath 
done all thefe things, can eafily accomplifh 
all the defigns of his heart, preferve his 
church, raife up deliverance, break to pieces 
the kingdoms of the earth for her fake, make 
truth viflorious, and fet up the New-Jeru- 
falem in all her fpiritual glory, build up his 
church as a glorious Holy Temple, and fet 
the Son of David upon the Throne ; by 
whofe hands Satan, and all the powers of 
darknefs, fhall be fubdued, chained, fealed 
up in the bottomlefs pit, as much afraid, and 
as much unable, to attempt any mifchief, as 
the fubdued nations around Ifrael werean 
the very height of David's power. 

But when fhall the Son of David reign. 


and the church have reft ? When fliall the 
caufe of truth and righteoufiiefs thus prevail? 
Perhaps the very time was defigned to be 
ftiadowed forth in the law of Mofe5, in the 
inftitution of their holy days. The feventh 
day, faid God, who always had this glorious 
feafon of reft in view — " The feventh day fliall 
be a Sabbath of Rejl, the feventh month fiall 
he full of holy days, the feventh year fiall be a 
yea.r of refiT — So^ perhaps, after fix thou- 
fand years are fpent in labour and forrow by 
the church of God, the fevea thoufandth 
{hall be a feafon of fpiritual reft and joy, an 
holy fabbath to the Lord. — And as God the 
Creator was fix days in forming a confufed 
chaos into a beautiful world, and refted the 
feventh; fo God the Redeemer, after fix 
thoufand years labour in the work of the 
new creation, may reft on the feventh, and 
then proclaim a general liberty to an enftav- 
ed world, and grant a general pardon to a 
guilty race ; as in the year of jubilee, among 
the Jews, every enflaved Jew was fet at li- 
berty, and the debts of all the indebted were 

4. Thefe things, thus {hadowed forth in 
types, were alfo exprefly declared by the^ 
mouths of the ancient prophets, from the 

The millennium. 21. 

iflays of David and forward, to the end of 
that difpenfation ; and the fame things are 
hinted here and there in the New-Tefta- 
ment, and largely opened to view in the 
Revelation of St. John. So that both the 
Old and New Teftaments join to raife in us, 
who live in thefe ages, the higheft aflurance 
that it is God's defign to give his Son the 
Heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermojt 
parts of the earth for his poffefjion. For all 
kings f mil bow dozon before hivi, and all na- 
tions fhall ferve him. And the mountain of 
the Lord's houfe fliall be eftablified in the top 
of the mountains, and JJiall be exalted above 
the hills, and all nations fliall flow unto it. 
Theyfiall beat their fwords into plough fhears 
and their f pears into pruning-hooks, and learn 
Tjoar no more. For the earth fiall be full of 
the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover 
the fea. A nation fiall be born in a day. 
All thy people fhall be righteaiis, Theyfhall 
all know the Lord, from the leajl to tlie great- 
eft. And holinefs to the Lord fiall be written 
on every thing. Kings fiall become nurfng 
fathers, and queens nurfng mothers; and 
there fiall be nothing to hurt or offend. The 
inhabitants fiall not [fo much as]y^ I a^n 
fck And this kingdom fiall f II the whole 

22 The millennium. 

earth. And all nations and languages Jliall 
ferve him. And the kingdom and dominion^ 
and the greatnefs of the kingdom under the 
xjohole heaven Jhall be given to the people of 
the faints of the Mojt High God ; and the 
Jewsfiallbe called iri, and thefulnefs of the 
Gentiles. For the Gofpelfiall be preached to 
every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and 
people. And Satan Jhall be bound, and Chrijl 
Jhall reign on earth a thoifandyears,^ And 
as furely as the Jews were delivered out of 
the Babylonifh captivity, and Babylon itfelf 
deflroyed, even fo furely (hall all thefe things 
be accompliflied in their time ; and myili- 


* Satan Jhall helourj, Szc. " The church of Chnft fhall enjoy 
purity of religion in peace, without any difturbance from thofe 
old enemies of minkind, working in the children of difobedi- 
efice." Daiihuz on the Place, 

" And this feems to imply, that all fiiall be converted — However, 
if there be any that remain unconverted, they will, during the im- 
prifonment of Satan, be in fo fmall a number, and fo feeble in com- 
parifon of the true Chriftians, that they fhall neither dare, nor be 
able to difturb the peace of Chriil's kiagdom." 

Lonuman on the Place, 

A fpirit of itrift piety fhall rife fo high, and fo univerfally pre- 
vail, that it fliall be as though all the martyrs of former ages were 
rifen from the dead, and appeared upon the ftage all at once. This 
feems to be tl-.e fenfe of thofe words in Rev. xx. 4. The martyrs 
are faid to rife from the dead and reigi with Chrifl: a thoufand 
years, much in the fame fenfe as John the Baptiji is called FMds^ 
viz, becaufe he was a man fo nearly referabling that celebrated pio* 
phet. See Lo'wmar. on ike Place. 

The millennium. 23 

cal Babylon {hsdi^nk as a milljlone into the 
fea, andjhall be found no more at all. 

5. But when (hall thefe things be? I an- 
fwer, in the firfl place, it is plain, as yet they 
have not been ; thefe great things have not 
been accomplifhed. They were not accom- 
pliflied when the Jews were brought out of 
their Babylonifli captivity ; for, from thence 
to the coming of Chrift, they never were in 
fo flouriHiing a (late as they had been before. 
They were not accomplifhed in the apofto- 
lic age; for St. John, when moft, if not all, 
of the other apoftles were dead, fpake of 
thefe things, in the Revelation, as yet to 
come to pafs. They were not accompliflied 
in the three firfl centuries, for that was al- 
moft one continued fcene of blood. They 
were not accomplifhed in the days of Con- 
ftantine the Great; for it is fince then that 
the Man of Sin has been revealed. Nor are 
they accomplifhed to this day ; for Satan is 
ftill walking to and fro through the earth, 
and going up and down therein : Babylon 
is not fallen ;>.the Jews are not called, nor is 
the fulnefs of the Gentiles come in, but the 
greateft part of the earth, to this day, fit in 
hieathenira darkaefs. 


' When then fliall they be accomplifhed? 
Not till the holy city has been trodden under 
foot forty and tzoo months. Not till the wit- 
nejjes have prophefied a thoufand two hundred 
and threefcore days, cloathed in fackcloth. 
And not till the zooman has been in the wil- 
dernefs a time, and times, and half a tiiJie* 
Now a time, and times, and half a time, i. e* 
three years and a'half is equal to forty-two 
months, which is equal to one thoufand two 
hundred and fixty days, which doubtlefs 
means one thoufand two hundred and fixty 
years, a day for a year; as the event has 
proved, was the cafe in the prophecy of 
Daniel, who declared it to be feventy weeks, 
from the going forth of the commandment 
to build Jerufalem to the death of Chrift; 
for it proved to be four hundred and nine- 
ty years, which is feven times feventy, a day 
for a year. Ban, ix. 24. 

So that there is no difficulty in determin- 
ing the dov^nfall of Antichrift, but what a- 
rifes from the uncertainty we are at when to 
date the beginning of his rife and reign. — 
The Bifliops of Rome were fome hundred 
years rifmg gradually from the honeft cha- 
rafter of a fcripture-bifliop to the grand title 
of UNIVERSAL POPE, which was obtained. 

The millennium. 25 

A. D. fix hundred and fix. And it was a 
long time from this before they got to the 
height of their grandeur, and the Pope was 
conflituted a temporal prince, which 
was not till a. d. feven hundred and fifty- 
fix.* And perhaps he may fall as gradual- 
ly as he rofe. And as now he has been fal- 
ling two hundred and forty years, even ever 
fince the beginning of the reformation", 
fo we may rationally expeft he will conti- 
nue to fall till BABYLON finks AS A MILL- 
STONE INTO THE SEA. And then themoun-* 
tains and the hills JJiall break forth intojing^ 
ing, and all the trees of the field Jliall clap 
their hands. And all the hofl:s of heaven, as 
loud as thunder, fhall fay, Hallelujah! For 
the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us 
be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him ; 
for the marriage of the Lamb is come, o.ndhis 
wife hath made herf elf ready. 

And thus we have taken a brief view of 
the fcripture-evidence, that the caufe of 
truth and righteoufnefs will finally become 
glorioufly victorious. 

6. Nor is there the leafl; reafon to doUbt 
the accomplifliment of thefe things ; for God 



See Bo\ver'3 Hiilory of rhe Popes, 


in all times pad has been faithful to his worcf^. 
and is evidently fufficiently engaged in this 
affair — knows hov/, and can eafily accomplifh 
it, and it will be mueh to the honor of his 
great name to do it. 

God has been faithful to his promifes ta 
his church from the beginning of the world. 
To all human appearance, it was a very un- 
likely thing that the Hebrews, enflaved in 
Egypt, under Pharaoh, a very powerful 
monarch, and funk down into idolatry, and 
very low-fpirited, fhould arife and go forth 
with all their flocks and herds, and march 
through the wildernefs, and conquer the fe- 
ven nations of Canaan, and poflefs their 
land. And fo it was, to all human appear- 
ance, equally unlikely, that the Jews in Ba- 
bylon fliould ever return to their own land, 
« — But God had promifed in both cafes, and 
God performed. And an event more fur- 
prifmg than either of thefe, yea, the moft 
aftonilhing that could have happened, has 
alfo come to pafs, jufl as God had faid, — - 
The promifed seed has been born, and the 
ferpent has bruifed his heel; and methinks- 
now not only God's faithfulnefs, but even 
the nature of the cafe itfelf, fhould lead us 
to believe, that the si.'E.i> Jliall bruife his hecL 

The millennium. 27 

For after God has appeared to be fo in^ 
finitely engaged to deftroy the works of the 
Devil, as to give his only begotten Son, it 
can furely never once be imagined that he 
wants fufBcient refolution to carry him thro' 
what yet remains to be done. 

And he who could fend Pharaoh's daugh- 
ter to take up Mofes, when an infant, out of 
iiis baflvct of bulrufhes, and educate him in 
Pharaoh's court, that he might be {killed in 
all the arts of government ; and when he 
had fpent forty years in this fituation banifh 
him into the land of Midian, that in the fo- 
litary life of a fhepherd for another forty 
years, he might attain to the meekeft man 
on earth, that he might, by both, be tho- 
roughly qualified for the work defigned him ; 
and he, who could take David from feed- 
ing his father's fheep, and, after a courfe of 
trials, fo exceeding neceffary to prepare 
frail man for high honors and great ufeful- 
nefs, exalt him to the throne of Ifrael, fo 
thoroughly furniflied to head their armies 
and fubdue their foes, advance their exter- 
nal grandeur, and put great honor upon 
their religion ; and he, who could take Da- 
niel, one of the Jewifli captives in Babylon, 
and raife him to fuch high honor and great 


authority, to be a father to his people thro' 
their fcventy years captivity, and by his 
means, perhaps, influence Cyrus fo gene- 
roully to releafe them, and afTift them in 
their return;* and finally, he, who could 
take a number of poor illiterate fifhermen, 
and the perfecuting Saul, and by them lay 
the foundation of the Chriflian church, in 
fpite of the united oppofition of earth and 
hell; and after their death gaufc the Chrif- 
tian church to live through, yea, at laft to 
triumph over the ten bloody perfecutions, 
find even conquer the Roman empire; and 
that which is ftill more wonderful, to fubfift 
to this day, notwithftanding all the fubtle 
and cruel methods which have, for fo many 
hundred years, been t^ken by Antichrift tq 


* As Daniel underflood the prophecies of Jeremiah, which had 
determined the time of the captivity to be feventy years, Dati. ix. 
a. and had his heart fo much in the affair of their return, as \ofet 
Ms face to feck the Lord hy fujiing and -pr.njer^ verfe 3; and being 
t^ie chief man in the kingdom, muft have free accefs to Cyrus, 
Tfau. vi. fo nothing could be more natural than to fhew him an an- 
cient Jewifh prophecy, wherein he was mentioned byname, near 
two hundred years age, and ^jointed out as the perfon who was to 
let go the Jev/ifn captives, bbild Jerufalem, and lay the founda- 
tion of the temple. Ifaiah xliv. 28. and chap. xlv. 1—3. To which 
Cyrus no doubr refers in his proclamation. Ezra i. a, 3, 4. Thus 
faith Cyrus king cf PerfiUy The Lord Gfd of heaven hath given 
Trie all the klngdovis if the earthy and he hath chakged »ie tc build 
Ufd an hcul3 at Jerufalem^, rf:hkh is in Judak, Who is there a^ 
7Vcngyc:Ci &c. 

The millennium. 29 

extirpate Chriftianity out of the world ; I 
fay, he who could do thefe things, cannot 
be at a lofs for means, or want power to ef- 
feft the glorious things foretold^ which yet 
remain to be accomplifhed. 

And what if mankind are ever fo eftrang- 
ed from God? And what if they are ever 
fo averfe to a reconciliation? And what if 
Satan reigns in the courts of princes, in the 
councils of the clergy, as well as in the cot- 
tages of the poor? And what if even the 
whole world in a manner lies in wickednefs? 
So that a general conflagration might ra- 
ther be expefted, as it is fo eminently de- 
ferved — are thefe things any bar in the way? 

What if mankind have abufed divine grace 
from the beginning of the world? What if 
they have murdered his prophets, his Son, 
and his apoftles ? What if they have refift- 
ed and grieved the Holy Spirit, and pervert- 
ed the doftrines, and gone counter to the 
precepts of his holy word? Yea, what if it 
appears that mankind are really on Satan's 
fide? And this, after all the kind methods 
God has taken to reclaim a guilty world, fo 
that even the befl: man on earth, or the kind- 
eft angel in heaven might be difcouraged, 
totally and finally difcouraged, and think it 


tiever worth while to take any more pains 
with fuch a perverfe race, but that it were 
liidre fuitable to the rules of good govern- 
rhent to refign them to deftruftibn !~Are 
any, or all thefe things together, a fufficient 
bar to the accomplilhment of God's defigns, 
whofe goodnefs is abfolutely infinite? Can 
they be fo, after the Son of God has been 
oiFeredasa facrifice of atonement, to fecure 
the honour of the divine government, and 
open a v/ay for the honourable exercife of 
his grace ? — What ! after the Mefiiah has 
been exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour^, 
to give repentance and remiffion of fins ? — 
And after all power and authority in hea- 
ven and earth is given into his hands, on 
purpofe to deftroy the kingdom of Satan, 
and bring every nation, kindred and tongue, 
to bow the knee to God ! Yea, when the in- 
finitely wife Governor of the world has be- 
fore determined to permit the wickednefs 
of mankind to come out and fland in fo 
(glaring a light, and to fuffer Satan fo long 
tio praclife and profper, to this very purpofe, 
that his power, wifdom and grace, might 
be the more effeftually and the more glori- 
oufly difplayed, in the accomplifnment of 
all his dorious defi^ns ? 



Inftead of being difcouraged, from a view 
of the paft, or the prefent (late of the world, 
as without the light of divine revelation we 
fhould naturally have been, methinks now, 
viewing all things in the light of holy fcrip- 
ture, it muft be perfeftly rational to con- 
clude, that all thefe things are only prepa- 
ratory, as an introduftion to the glorious 
day ; even, as all the cruel bondage of Ifrael 
in Egypt, and all the haughty conduft of 
Pharaoh, were but preparatory as an intro- 
duction to the glorious event that God had 
then in his eye. And what unfpeakable ho- 
nour will redound to God moft High, if 
after all the vile conduft of this apoftate 
world, and notwithllanding all their ill-de- 
fert ; and after all the fubtle methods Satan 
has taken to make his kingdom ftrong ; I 
fay, what unfpeakable honour will redound 
to God moft High, if, after all this, he fliould 
accomplifh his glorious defigns ? And when 
things have been ripening thefe five or fix 
thoufand years, and are now fo'nearly every 
way prepared for God, to get himfelf agreat 
name in the total deftruftion of Satan's king- 
dom, can we once imagine, that God will 
let the opportunity flip ? Or rather, ought 

%2 The millennium. 

we not firmly to believe, that when every 
thing is quite ripe, then God will arife, make 
bare his arm, and fill the whole world with 
his glory? 

Efpecially, confidering that, as things {land, 
the honour of all his glorious perfeftions 
lies at ftake ; for ever fince the Almigh- 
ty gave out the word, that the seed of the 
woman Jhould bruife theferpent's head, even 
from that very day, that Old Serpent, with 
all his fubtilty, has employed his whole 
power to defeat the divine defigns, main- 
tain his kingdom in the world, and efcape 
the dreadful blow. He ftirred up Cain to 
kill his brother, and never ceafed till the 
whole earth was filled with violence, which 
brought on the general deluge ; and after 
the flood, he was induftrious to divert man- 
kind from the knowledge and worfhip of 
the true God, and to eftablifh idolatry and 
the worfhip of the Devil, in all the kingdoms 
of the earth ; and fince Chrifl:ianity ap- 
peared, he has turned himfelf into every 
{hape to defeat the gracious defigns of the 
gofpel, and has prevailed and reigned above 
a thoufand years, at the head of the grand 
antichriftian apoftacy ; and Ihould the Al- 

The M I L L E N N I U M. 33 

niighty fufFer him to go on and profper, and 
finally prevail, what would become of his 
own great name? and how great would be 
their triumph inthe infernal regions, to think 
that in fpite of God and of his Son, from 
the beginning to the end of the world, they 
have held out in a conftant war, kept the 
field, and at laft come off victorious ? — 
Wherefore, as when God repeats the won- 
derful works which he had done for Ifrael 
in the days of old, in the xxth chapter of 
Ezekiel, he conftantly fays, / wrought for 
mine own great name. So here, in this cafe, 
will he do it again, and that in the mod 
eminent manner; as it is written. The zeal 
of the Lord of Hojls wilt perform this. 

So that, in a word, if almighty power and 
infinite wifdom, at the head of the univerfe, 
infinitely engaged, are a fufficient match for 
the guilty, impotent powers of darknefs, 
then we may depend upon it, Satan will 
meet with an overthrow, as notable as did 
Pharaoh and his hoft in the Red Sea ; — 
and as proud Babylon, once the mifl:refs of 
kingdoms, is now no more, fo myftical Ba- 
bylon fhall fink as a millftone in the fea, and 
rife no more for ever. And, 



7. Whatever miftakes the Jewifli Rabbies 
might fall into, in their interpretation of Da- 
niel's feventy weeks, and in their attempts 
to fix the precife time of the MefTiah's com- 
ing ; and whatever miftaken notions any of 
them had about the nature of his kingdom, 
as though it was to be of this world, and he 
to appear in all earthly grandeur ; and al- 
though his coming, to fome, might feem to 
be fo long delayed, that they began to give 
up all hopes of it, and to contrive fome other 
meaning to all the ancient prophecies, or 
even to call in queftion the infpiration of 
the prophets ; yet neither the miftakes of 
fome, nor the infidelity of others, at all al- 
tered the cafe. Days, and months, and years 
haftened along, and one revolution among 
the kingdoms of the earth followed upon 
another, till the fulnefs of time was come, 
till all things were ripe, and then, behold^ 
the Mefliah was born. Even fo it {hall be 

Whatever miftakes Chriftian Divines may 
fall into, in their interpretation of fix 
hundred and fixty-fix, the number of the 
beaft ; or in their endeavours to fix the pre- 
cife time when the one thoufand two hun- 
dred and fixty years of Antichrift's reign 

The millennium. 35 

fliall begin and end; or whatever wrong 
notions fome have had, or may have about 
the nature of the Millennium, as though Chrifl 
was to reign perfonally on earth ; and if 
fome, mean while, begin to think, that all 
things will go on as they have done, and to 
conclude, that the expe&ation of thcfe glo- 
rious days, which has prevailed in the Chrif- 
tian Church from the beginning, is merely 
a groundlefs fancy : Yet none of thefe things 
will at all alter the cafe. Days, and months, 
and years will haflen along, and one revo- 
lution, among the kingdoms of the earth, 
follow upon another, until the fulnefs of 
time is come — till all things are ripe for the 
event ; and then the minifters of Chrift will 
accomplifh in reality, what St. Johnfaw in 
his vifions : — If aw an angel Jly iji the midjt 
of heaven, having the everlajling gofpel to 
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and 
to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and 
people. And then (hall it come to pafs that 
the veil of ignorance, which hath fo long 
fpread over all nations, (hall be deftroyed : 
and knowledge fhall fo greatly increafe, that 
it (liall be as though the light of the moon 
were as the light of the fun, and the light of 
the fun fevenfold ; until the knowledge of 

35 The M I L L E N N I U iC 

the Lord cover the earth as the waters do the 
fea; and then there Jliall be nothing to, hurt 
or offend in all God's holy mountain ; for 
Bab) Ion fhall fall,, Satan be bound, and 
Chrifl will rei^n,' and truth and riorhteouf- 
Afefs i^!iivei*fally prevail- a thoufand years. 


1. 'When, therefore, our Saviour, in the 
days of hii flefli, denorninated his followers 
a little Jlock, from the fmallnefs of their num- 
ber, he had no deuga to teach us that this 
would always be the cafe; for aUhough it 
wa$ very true, that his flock was at that time 
a Mule Jlock, yet the day was coming, when 
that little leaven ^aonld. leaven the whole lumpy 
and thcjlone ciit out without liands fliould be- 
come a great mountain^ and Jill tlie whole 
earth. So, although it was a faying very ap- 
plicable, not only to our Saviour's day, but 
to moil other periods of the church, that 
many, are called, and Jew are chojen; yet it 
docs not hence follow, that this will be the 
cafe^ when a. nation Jliall he horn in a day^ 
zwA all the people Jliall be righteous,— -And 
although it has commonly been fo, that 
of the MANY who have fought ta enter in at 

The millennium. 37 

the fir ait gate, but few have been able, and 
the GENERALITY havc, from age to agc» 
gone in the broad way, which leads down to 
dcjirudion; yet it fliall be qurre otherwife, 
\vhen Satan is bound, that he may deceive the 
nations no more; and when all Jkall know 
the Lord, from the leajl to the greatejl, when 
the kingdom, and the greatnefs of the king^ 
dom, under the whole heavens, fiall be given 
to the people of the faints of the Mofl High. 
For it is very plain, that thefe, and fuch like 
cxprefTions ufed by our Saviour, which v/ere 
applicable to the then times, and to moft 
other periods, when the number of true con- 
verts hath been comparatively very fmall, 
were never defigned to be applicable to that 
glorious period yet to come, which is to be 
the grand harveft time, when the Jews, ^Nfho are, 
to this day, for that very purpofe, no doubt, 
by divine Providence, preferved a diftinft 
people, and the fulnefs of the Gentiles fliall 
come in. Nor can it be right to interpret 
fuch exprefiTions in fuch a fenfe, as to render 
them inconfiftent with what the fcriptures 
fo plainly teach fhall be the cafe in the lat- 
ter days : Therefore, 

2, Notwithftandiug hitherto but few have 


been faved, there is no evidence but that yet 
the greater part of mankind may be faved. 
Nothing can be argued againft this frorn fuch 
expreflions as have been jufl mentioned, for 
the reafon already fuggefled. Nor can any 
thing be argued from any other paffages of 
feripture; for the fcripture no where teaches, 
that the greateft part of the whole human 
race will finally perifh. I am fenfible, many 
feem to take this for granted, and they are 
greatly ftrengthened in this belief from a 
view of the awful flate mankind have been 
in from the beginning of the world to this 
day. But if we fhould even grant, that hi- 
therto not one in ten thoufand have been 
faved, yet it may come to pafs, (there may 
be time enough for it, and men enough yet 
born;) I fay, it may yet come to pafs, that 
by far the greateft part of mankind may be 

For as the fcriptures conftantly teach that, 
in thefe glorious days, univerfal peace ft all 
prevail, and inftead of war the nations flial] 
employ their time in ufeful \dho\xr, JJiall beat 
their [words into plow Jliares, and their f pears 
into pruning hooks; fo it will naturally come 
to pafs, that mankind, who are now in vaft 

The millennium. 39 

multitudes deftroyed in the wars from one 
generation to another, vvill be greatly in- 
creafed in numbers, and plentifully provid- 
ed for. Only remove Vv^ars, famines, and all 
thofe defolating judgments, which the fins 
of mankind have, from age to age, brought 
down on a guilty world, and let that uni- 
verfa! peace and profperity take place, which 
indeed will naturally refult from the fincere 
praftice of pure Chriftianity, and mankind 
will naturally increafe and fpread, and fill 
all the earth. And while every one im- 
proves his time well, and is diligent in his 
calling, according to the rules of our holy 
religion, and all luxury, intemperance and 
extrava^nce are banifhed from the nations 
of the earth, it is certain that this globe will 
be able to fuftain with food and raiment a 
number of inhabitants, immenfely greater 
than ever yet dwelt on it at a time. And 
now if all thefe (hall knoxo the Lord from the 
leajt to the greatejl, as the fcripture afferts, 
fo that the knowledge of the Lor dfiall fill the 
earth as the zoaters cover thefea, for a thou- 
fand years together, it may eafily, yea, it will 
naturally come to pafs, that there will be 
more faved in thefe thoufand years, than ) 
ever before dwelt upon the face of the earth 
from the foundation of the world. 


Some indeed underftand the thoufand 
years in the Revelation, agreeable to other 
prophetical numbers in that book, a day for 
a year; fo the time, and times, and half a 
time, i. e. three years and an half, and the 
forty two months, and the one thoufand two 
hundred and fxiy days are no doubt to be 
reckoned; and if the dark period is to be 
reckoned by this rule, it fhould feem that 
the light period fhould likewife ; for other- 
wife the dark period, which in that book is 
reprefented to be the fhorteft, will indeed be 
the longeft — the one thoufand two hundred 
and fixty days longer than the thoufand 
years ; and if the thoufand years is reckon- 
ed a day for a year, as the fcripture-year con- 
tains three hundred and fixty days, fo the one 
thoufand years will amount to three hun- 
dred and fixty thoufand years; in which 
there might be millions faved to one that has 
been loft. But not to infift upon this, if this 
glorious period is to laft only a thoufand 
years literally, there may be many more fav- 
ed than loft. 

If it be granted, that it is difficult to com- 
pute with any exaflnefs in fuch a cafe as 
this, yet it is eafy to make fuch a computa- 
tion as may fatisfy us in the point before us ; 


fef in Egypt the Hebrews doubled at the 
rate of about on^e in fourteen years ; in 
New-England the inhabitants double in lefs 
than twenty -five years; it will be moderate, 
therefore^ to fuppofe mankind^ in the Mil- 
lennium, when all the earth is full of peacfe 
and profperity, will double every fifty years. 
But at this rate, there will be time enough 
in a thoufand years to double twenty times, 
which would produce fuch a multitude of 
people, as that although v/e fhould fuppofe 
&1I who live before the Millennium begins 
to be loft, yet if all thefe fliould be faved^ 
there would he above feventeen thoufand 
faved to one that would be loft; as may ap- 
pear from the table below. 

























Sum total 2,097,150 
In tlifc firfl coliirtinj we have the twenty periods, whicli one 
thonfand years wdl make at fifiy years to a petiod. In the feccnvl 
column, \ve fee in what propoition mankind will increafe, if they 
are fuppofed tO double in every fifiy y^ars. At the end of the firfl 
fifty years there will be two for one, and fo on. At the end of the 
twentieth period there will b« above st raillion for one. Now fup- 


3, The periods paft, that have been fa 
dark, ought to be confidered as introduc- 
tory to this bright and glorious fcene, and 
in various refpefts as preparatory thereto. 

An apoftate race, who had joined with 
the fallen angels in a courfe of rebellion a- 
gainft the Governor of the Univerfe, might 
juftly have been forfaken of God, and giv- 
en up to a ftate of perfeft darknefs and wo, 
from generation to generation, entirely un- 

pofe the world to (land lixthoufand years before the Millennium^ 
and fappofe it in every age to be as full of inhabitants as it will be 
when the Millennium begins. And fuppofe, through all the fix 
thoufand years, all the inhabitants of the earth to have died off, 
and new ones eorne in their room, at the rate of once in fifty years, 
CiK thoufand years, at fifty years to a period, will be one hundred 
and twenty periods — one hundred and tweaty worlds full, all loft; 
fuppofe, yet by the table we fee, tha:t the feventh period alone, 
\vhich is one hundred and twenty-eight, would more than coun-* 
ter-balance the whole — 

Suppofc all before the Millennium loft =r 120 
Suppofe all in the Mlllennuim faved =» 4,097,150 
Then 120 : 2,097,150 : : i : 17,456 iVo Q^E* D. 
That is, above feventeen thoufand would be faved to one loft, 
which was the point to be proved; therefore nothing hinders but 
that the greatefc part of mankind may yet be faved if God fo pleaf- 
es. There is time enough for it, and may bs men enough yet 
born; and if thefe calculations may ferve to clear up this, they an- 
fwer the propofed end. What proportion of mankind will finally 
be faved, and Vv^hat loft, no one can tell — it is no where revealed; 
God was not obliged to fave one out of all this guilty loft world. 
Hitherto the generality may have perifhed, and the Lord is righi- 
eov}!s; but who can tell to what a degree God may yet glorify his 
grace? The holy fcriptares encourage us to look for things ex- 
Cvicding great and glorious; even for fuch events as may put a ae^s> 
fece on all God's pa»ft difpenfations. 

The millennium. 43 

der the power of the Prince of Darknefs. — 
What has happened in dark ages paft, may 
help us a little to realize what might juftly 
always have been the woful ftate of a fallen 
world. We have had a fpecimen of the 
dreadful nature and tendency of Satan's go- 
vernment in all the idolatry, wickednefs and 
wo which have filled the world; and we 
have feen a little what is in the heart of fal- 
len man, who have flain the Lord's pro- 
phets, crucified his Son, and fhed the blood 
of thoufands, yea, of millions of his fervants. 
And what has happened may help us to 
realize a little what muft have been the 
ftate of a fallen world, if grace had never 
interpofed. At the fame time it hath ap- 
peared, after the befl contrived experiments 
have been fufficiently tried, that it is not in 
the heart of fallen man to repent, nor can 
he be brought to it by any external means 
whatfoever, whereby the abfolute neceffity 
of the interpofition of fupernatural grace 
hath been fet in the moft glaring light. And 
DOW, if after all, God fhould effeftually iu- 
terpofe, deRroy the influence of Satan, feat- 
ter the darknefs which fills the world, re- 
cover mankind to God, and caufe truth and 
righteoufnefs at laft to prevail^ it would ap- 


pear to be altogether of God, of his own 
mere felf-movin^ goodnefs and fovereign 
grace. And after fo long and fore a boa- 
dage mankind will be the more fenfible of 
the greatnefs of the deliverance. Nor can 
it ever be faid by a proud and haughty world, 
^' We did net need the influences of divine 
^^ grace to bring us right;" whereas all other 
methods had been fufficiently tried, and tri- 
ed in vain. But God may juflly fay, ■' What 
*' could have been done more to reclaim 
<• mankind that I have not done.^ And ta 
*^ what purpofe would it have been to have 
^' taken one ftep further? I tried them e- 
*^ nough — there w^as no hope — their heart 
" was a heart of ftonc; therefore, behold I, 
'' even I, will take away the heart of none, 
*^ and give ap heart of flefii ; and an apoftate 
" world fiiall be aihamed and confounded,, 
" and fliall never open their mouth when I 
^■' {hall do all thefe things for them." 

We are apt to wonder why thefe glorious- 
days fnould be fo long delayed, if God, in-, 
deed, intends fuch mercy to men ; but God, 
infinitely wife, knows what is beft — knows, 
liow to condufl: the affairs of the univerfe— 
knows when is the fitteft time to introduce 
this glorious ftate of things — knows w^hen 

The millennium. 45 

matters will be all ripened, and every thing 
in the moral world prepared, fo that this 
glorious day may be ulhered in to the beft 
advantage, in a manner moft fuited to honor 
God and his Son, to humble a haughty 
world, and to difappoint Satan moft griev- 
oufly, after all his wily fchemes, great fuc- 
cefs, and high expeftations ; I fay, God 
knows when this will be ; and this is the very 
time he has fixed upon for this glorious 

4. It therefore becomes all the followers 
of Chrift, in their feveral fpheres, under firm 
belief of thefe things, to be of good courage, 
and exert themfelves to the utmoft, in the 
ufe of all proper means, to fupprefs error 
and vice of every kind, and promote the 
caufe of truth and righteoufnefs in the world, 
and fo be workers together with God. 

If one flood at the head of this glorious 
army, which has been in the wars above 
thefe five thoufand years, and has lived thro' 
many a dreadful campaign, and were allow- 
ed to make a fpcech to thefe veteran troops 
upon this glorious theme, he might lift up 
his voice, and fay — " Hail, noble heroes ! 
" Brave followers of the Lamb! Your Ge- 
*' neral h?is facrificed his life in this glorious 

^6 The M I L L E N N I U M. 

*^ caufe, and fpoiled principalities and pow- 
*^ ers on the crofs, and now he lives and 
^^ reigns ! He reigns on high, with all power 
*^ in heaven and earth in his hands ! Your 
*' predeceflbrs, the prophets, apoftles and 
*^ martyrs, with undaunted courage, have 
*' marched into the field of battle, and con- 
*^ quered dying, and now reign in heaven ! 
*' Behold, ye are rifen up in their room, are 
^' engaged in the fame caufe, and the time 
** of the laft general battle draws on, when 
*^ a glorious viftory is to be won. And al- 
*^ though many a valiant foldier may be flain 
*^ in the field, yet the army fhall drive all 
*' before them at laft; and Satan being con- 
*^ quered, and all the powers of darknefs 
*^ driven out of the field, and confined to 
•* the bottomlefs pit, ye fhall reign withChrift 
*' a thoufand years-— reign in love and peace, 
'* while truth and righteoufnefs ride triumph- 
*^ ant through the earth ; w^herefore lay afide 
" every weight, and, with your hearts whol- 
*^ ly intent on this grand affair, gird up your 
*' loins, and with all the fpiritual weapons of 
*' faith, prayer, meditation, watchfulnefs, &c, 
*^ with redoubled zeal and courage, fall on 
" your fpiritual enemies: Slay every luft that 
*' yet lurks within, ^s knowing your domef- 


'^ dc foes are the moft dangerous ; and with 
«' gentlenefs, raeeknefs and wifdom, by your 
*' holy conduft, your pious examples, your 
«* kind inftruftions, your friendly admoni- 
'' tions, fpread the favour of divine know- 
*' ledge all around you, as ye are fcattered 
*' here and there through a benighted world, 
** labouring to win fouls to Chrift, to induct 
" the deluded followers of Satan to defert 
*' his camp, and enlift as volunteers under 
*^ your prince Messiah. And if the pow- 
" ers of darknefs ftiould rally all their for- 
*' ces, and a general battle, through all the 
" Chriflian world, come on, O love not your 
*' lives to the death! Sacrifice every earthly 
*' comfort in the glorious caufe ! Sing the 
" triumphs of your viftorious General, in 
prifons and at the ftake, and die courage- 
oufly, firmly believing the caufe of truth 
and righteoufnefs will finally prevail." 
Surely it ig infinitely unbecoming the fol- 
lowers of him who is King of Kings and 
Lord of Lords, to turn afide to earthly pur- 
fuits, or to fink down in unmanly difcou- 
ragements, or to give way to floth and effe- 
minacy, when there is fo much to be done, 
and th£ glorious day is coming on. How 
(hould thofe who handle the pen of the wri- 




tet, exert themfelves to explain and vindi* 
cate divine truths^ and paint the Chriftiari 
Religion in all its native glories ! HoW 
fliould the pulpit be animated, from Sabbath 
to Sabbath, with fermons full of knowledge 
and light, full of fpirit and life, full of zeal 
for God and love to men, and tender pity 
to infatuated finners! Chrift loves to hav6 
his minifters faithful, whether the wicked 
will hear or not. — And let pious parents be 
unwearied in their prayers for, and inftruc-^ 
tions of their children, and never faint un^ 
der any difcouragements ; as knowing, that 
Chrift is exalted to give repentance and re- 
miffion of fms^ and can do it for whom he 
will. Bring your children and friends, with 
all their fpiritual difeafes, and lay them at 
his feet ; as once they did their fick, when 
this kind Saviour dwelt upon earth. — Let 
pious perfons of every age, and in every ca- 
pacity, awake from deep, and arife from the 
dead, and live and a£l worthy their glorious 
charafter and high expeftations ; and in 
their feveral ftations exert themfelves to the 
utmoft to promote the Redeemer's gloriou.^ 
caufe. — Let this age do their fliare, as Da- 
vid, although the temple was not to be built 
in his day, yet exerted himfelf to lay up 


materials for that magnificent edifice, on. 
which his heart was intently fet; as know- 
ing that, in his fon's day, it would be fet up 
in all its glory. — So let us rife up, and with 
the greateft alacrity, contribute our utmoft 
towards this building, this living temple, 
this temple all made of lively ftones, of 
ftones alive, in which God is to dwell, and 
which will infinitely exceed in glory the 
Temple of Solomon, that was built of dead 
timber and lifelefs ftones. — And let this be 
our daily prayer, an anfwer to which we 
may be affured of, whatever other requefts 
are denied us, Our Father zohich art in Hea^ 
ven, &Q.—for thine is the kingdom, the pow^ 
er^ and the glory, for ever* Amen. 


A W 






I N 


FOR T h'e 

And the 


O N 







Minifte?- cf the G of p si at Northampton. 


Printed at Boftcn, in Ne-Jj -England, 1747. Reprinted at North, 
at?: p tony in Old E7igland, 1789. 

Printed by chepard kollock, Printer and Bookfeller. 1794. 


B Y T H E 


Olney, May 4, 1789. 

F any enquire why the enfuing work is 
repiiblijlied, I would beg leave to lay be^ 

fore them the following intelligence : 

At an afjbciation of the minijlers and mef 

fengers of the Baptijl churches in the counties 
of Northampton, Leicefer, &c. held at Not- 
tingham, in the year 1784, a refolution was 

formed to eflablifi, through the affociation, a 
meeting of prayer for the general revival 
and fpread of religion. This was to be ob- 

ferved the firjl Monday evening in every ca- 
lendar month, by all the churches. It Jlill 
continues, — In 178S, another Baptif affocia- 
tion, commonly called the Midland, held that 

year at Aulcejter, in the county of Warwick, 
entered into th-efame refolution. Many other 
churches , particularly in Yorkfiire, have a- 
dopted, and now follow the above praSiice. — 


We have the plea fare alfo to find, that fever al 
P^do-Baptift churches Jlatedly rueet on thcfe 
evenings, for the fame piirpofe. 

The re-publication of the follovjing work, is 
with the avowed defgn ofprmnoting the above 
aggeenient and pradice, Thofc concerned in 
itsfirfiinfiitution, never intended it fhould be 
confined, to any peculiar connection, or parti-^ 
cidar denojuination. Blather they ardently 
wifiiedit might become general among thereat 
friends of truth and holinefs. The advocates 
of error are indefatigable in their endeavours 
to ovevthrozo the diftinguifiing and inter efing 
do5irines of Chrifuanity ; thofe doElrines which 
are the grounds of our hope, and fourccs of 
our joy. Surely it becomes the followers of 
Chrift, to ufe every effort, in order tofirength-^ 
en the things vAich remain. 

By re-piibl'fliing the following work, I da 
not confider myff as becoming anfcoerable for 
every fentimcnt it contains. An author and 
an editor are very d?finct characters. Should 
any entertain different views refpecting fome 
of the prophecies in the inf pir edf) age ~ from 
thofe thai are here advanced, yet ftich may, 
and I hope zoill,. approve of the general defgn. 

In the prejent imperfect fate, xve-may rea- 

fonably expect a d.iverfity of fenliments upon 

'religious matters. Each ouglit to think for 


fimfelf; and every one has a rigkt, on proper 
cccajons, toJJiezo his opinion, YetallJIioulcl 
remember, thai there are but ttvo po.rtm in 
the world, each enga.ged in oppofite ca/itjis ; 
the caufe of God and of Satan ; of holimfs 
and of fin ; of heaven and helL The advd^e- 
ment of the one, and the downfall of the other ^ 
rniifi appear exceedingly defrablc to every real 
friend of God and man. Iffnch, infome re- 
fpects entertain difexentfentiments, andprac- 
tife dijlinguipjiing modes of worfiip, furely 
they may unite in the above bvfnefs. for 
thoifands upon thoifands, divided into f nail 
hands in their refpective cities, towns, villa- 
ges and neighbourhood, all met at the fame 
time, and in purfnit of one end, offering up 
their united prayers, like fo many afc ending 
clouds ofincenfe before the Mof High! May 
he fhower down bleffings on all thefcattered 
tribes of Zion ! Grace, great grace be with all 
them that love the Lord Jefus Chrijl infinceri- 

ty ! Amen ! 




^^=^5^^==^ — -r^==v-i^ 



^TPHE ruin of Satan's miferaljle kingdom^ 
-^ and the advancement of the univerfal 
and happy reign of Chrift on the earth, were 
included and hinted in the fentence denoun- 
ced on the ferpent, that they^^^ of the zoo- 
man Jliould bruife. his head. What was a 
terriblethreateningto Satan, in the furprized 
ears of our firtl guilty parents, implied a joy- 
ful prophecy, to keep them from defpair, and 
enliven their hopes for themfelves and their 
defcendants, of obtaining by this feed of her s 
an eternal triumph over him who had fo fad- 
ly foiled them. And it is likely, their hopes 
and faith immediately arofe, laid hold on the 
reviving prophecy, earneftly defired its hap- 
py accompiifliment, and tranfmitted it to 
their pofterity. 

Biit though this prophecy was at firfl only 
delivered in the form of a threatening to Sa- 
tan ; it was afterwards direclly given in tlie 
form of a promife to Abraham, though ftill 
in general terms, that in his feed JJiould all 

Iviii ' The PREFACE. 

the nations of the earth be blejfed. Yet this 
general promife was more clearly by. de- 
grees explained in the following ages, to 
iTiCa-n a Divine King, no other than the Son 
of God affuming human nature of the feed 
of Abraham, Ifaac, Jacob and David ; that 
fnouM be born of a virgin in Bethlehem of 
Judah ; and at firft defpifed, abufed, rejefted, 
and put to death ; but fliould rife to im- 
mortal life, afcend to heaven, and thence 
extend his bleffed kingdom over all nations ; 
not by outward force, but inward overcom- 
ing influence, by his Vvord and fpirit, mak- 
ing them his zvilling people in the day, of his 
poioer ; and reigning in glorious light and 
holinefs, and love and peace for ever ; and 
the advancement of this univerfal and hap- 
py reign has been the earneft defire and 
prayer of the faints in all ages to the prefent 

But hov^r great the honour and how lively 
the encouragement given in fcripture to thofe 
their prayers ; by reprefenting them as of- 
fered by Chrift himfelf with the fragrant in- 
cenfe of his own merits and intercefnon, on 
the golden altar before the throne, and afcend- 
ing together in one grateful perfuine to God! 
And how cheering to every faint is that pro- 

The PREFACE, lix 

mife of his — From the rijing ofthcfiin, even 
to the going down of the fame, my name f tall 
be great aviang the Gentiles, and in everyplace 
■incenfe fiall be offered unto my name, and a 
pure offering! How plcafing to God^'and 
the heavenly hofts to fee, as the fun goes 
round the globe, this grateful incenfe rifing 
from every part on high ! and the more ex- 
tenfive and inceffant are thefe prayers, af- 
cending from the circle of the earth, the 
more does this bleffed promife go into its 
defired fulfilment, and the holy God is more 
pleafed and glorified. 

To promote the increafe, concurrency, and 
conftancy of thefe acceptable prayers, is 
the great intention both of the pious me- 
morial of our reverend and dear brethren 
in Scotland, and of the worthy author of 
this exciting effay. And this defign we 
cannot but recommend to all who defire the 
coming of this blifsful kingdom in its pro- 
mifed extent and glory, in this wretched 

As to the author's ingenious obfervations 
on the prophecies, we entirely leave them 
to the reader's judgment : with only obferv- 
ing, though it is the apprehenfion of many 
learned men, that there is to be a very ge- 

\K The P R E FA C E. 

neral fianghter of the witneffes of Chrift 
about the time of their finifhing their tefti- 
mony to the pure worfhip and truths of the * 
gofpe!, about three or four years before the 
feventh angel founds his trumpet for the ru- 
in of AntichriR ; — yet we cannot fee that 
this is any juft objeftion againft our joint 
and earneft prayers for the glorious age fuc- 
ceeding, or for the haftening of it. 

For if fuch a terrible time is coming in 
Europe, which we in depending America 
are likely to (hare in ; the more need we 
have of joining in earneft and conftant 
prayers for extraordinary fuffering graces 
for ourfelves and others. And that fuch a 
time is coming on the members of Chrift, 
is no more an objeflion againft their prayers 
for the haftening of the follov/ing glory^ 
than it was before the incarnation of him 
their head, that his moft bitter fufferings 
were to precede the fpreading of this joyous 
kingdom among the nations. And the 
nearer the day approaches, the more need 
we have to be awakened to continual w^atch- 
fulnefs and prayer. 

May God pour out on all his people a- 
bundantly, the fpirit of grace and fupplica- 
tion, and prepare them for the amazing 


changes haftening on the earthy both for 
previous trials and for following glories ! 

Jofeph Sewall, "^ 

Tfmnas Prince, l^jnifi^^ 

John Webb, >inBofton, 

Ikomas roxcrojt, \ 
Jojliua Gee, J 

Boston, N. E. January 12, 1747-8. 



An HUMBLE ATTEMPT to pTomoU an explicit agree- 
ment and vifible union of God's People through l he 
World, in extraordinary prayer, yi?r the revi- 
val ^/'religion, and the Advance?nent oj Christ's 
Kingdom on Earth, purjuant to Scripture-Pro^nifcs and 
Prophecies concerning the last time. 


By a late Memorial piabliHied by a Number of Miniflers in Scot- 
land, and fent over to Ameiica, giving an Account of a certain 
Concert for Prayer, which has already been come into by many 
Minifters and others in Great Britain and fume other Parts, and 
in which they defire the general Concurrence of their Chriftian 
Brethren every where. 


A Copy of the faid Memorial, wiih a more particular View of the 
Affair it relates to: a Variety of Arguments and Perfuafives to 
comply with the Motion therein made, for united and extraor- 
dinary Prayer; and Anfwers to fome Objedlions. 


Seafonable Confiderations on the Afpeds of Providence in many 
late wonderful Difpenfitions, and the prefent State of Things 
in the Church and moral World; pointing out the Fulfilling of 
the Scriptures, and the Voice of God to his People, in thefe 


Mifiijisr oftk Cofpd in Northaj^iptct:, N. E. 



The text opened, and an account given of the af- 
fair propojed in the memorial from Scotland^ 

Zechariah viii. 20, 21, 22. 
Thus faith the Lordof Hojh — Itjhall yet come to pafs, that 
there JJiall come people^ and the inhabitants of many cities ; 
and the inhabitants of one cifyfhallgo unto, another, fay^ 
ing—Let us go fpeedily to pray before the Lord, and to 
feck the Lord oj Hnjis, I will go  a Jew, (in the {Quk of the Apoflle) 
faying, " We will go with you, for we have 
V heard that God is with you." And thus 
that (hall be fulfilled,' thou that heareji 
Sray-er, unto theejliall alljlejk come, 

4. We may obferve the m^ode of their u- 
nion in this duty. It is a vifible union, an 
union by explicit agreement, a joint refolu- 
tion declared by one to another, come into 
by being Erft propofed by fome, and readi- 
ly and exprefsly fallen in with by others.— 
The inhabitants of one city fhall apply them- 
felves to the inhabitants of another, faying, 
Id lis go, &c. Thofe to whom the motion 
is made, fliall comply with it, the propofal 
{hall take \vith many, it fhall be a prevailing, 
fp reading thing; one ihall follow another's 
example, one and another fliall fay, / will 
go al/v. Some fuppofe, that thofe words— 
J zoillgo alfo — are to be taken as the words 
of him that makes the propofal; as much as 
to fay, I do not propofe that to you, which 
1 am not wilhng to do myfelf, I defire you 
to go, and I am ready to go with you. But 
this is to fuppofe no more to be expreffed in 
thefe latter words^ than was expreffed be- 


fore in the propofal itfelf ; for thefe words, 
let us go, fignify as much, as that I am wil- 
ling to go, and dcfire you to go with me. It 
feems to me much more natural, to under* 
Hand thefe latter words as importing the 
confent of thofe to whom the propofal is 
m^de, or the reply of one and another that 
falls in it. This is much more agreeable to 
the plain defign of the text, which is to re- 
prefent the concurrence of great num.bers in 
^this affair, and more agreeable to the repre- 
ftntaaon made in the next veif?, of one fol- 
lowing another, many taking hold of the 
Hurt of him that is a Jew, And though if 
the words are thus underftood, we mufl: fup- 
pofe an ellipfis in the text, fomething un- 
derftood that is not exprefled, as if it had 
been faid — Thofe of other cities fliall fay — • 
I will go alfo; — yet this is not diflScult to 
be fuppofed, fuch ellipfis are very common 
in fcripture. We have one exaflly parallel 
with it in Jer. iii. 22. Return, ye backjliding 
childi'en, and I xvill heal your backjlidings: 
behold, we come unto thee, for thou art the 
Lord our God, i. e. the backfliding children 
fhall fay — " Behold we come unto thee," 
&c. And in Cant. iv. Let my beloved come 
into his garden^ and eat his pleafant fruits, — 


lam come into viy garden, myjijler, myfpoufe, 
L e. her beloved (hall fay — '' I am come into 
my garden." V/e have the like throughout 
that fong! So Pfal. 1. 6, 7. The heavens Jhall 
declare his righteoufnefs^ for God is judge 
hivifelf. Hear, my people, a.nd Izvillfpeak, 
i. e. the Judge fhall fay — '' Hear, O my peo- 
ple/' &c. The pfalms and prophets abound 
Vvith fuch figures of fpeech. 

5. We may obferve the manner of prayer 
agreed on, or the manner in which they 
agree, to engage in and perform the duty. 
Let us go fpeedily to pray ; or as it in the 
margin, let us go continually. The words 
literally tranilated are, /^^iij^om^^zn^. Such 
an ingemination or doubling of v^ords, is 
very common in the Hebrew language, v/hen 
it is intended that a tiling fliall be very ftrong- 
ly exprelied ; it generally implies the fuper- 
lative degree of a thing; as the holy of ho- 
lies fignifies the moft holy ; but it common, 
ly denotes, not only the utmoll degree of a 
thing, but alfo the utmoft certainty ; as when 
God faid to, Abraham, in multiplying, I will 
multiply thy feed. It implies both that God 
would certainly multiply his feed, and alfo 
mukiplyitexceedingly. So when Godfaidto 
Adam, in the day that thou eat eft thereof in 


J^ing thouflialt die (as the words are in the 
original ) it implies, both that he mould furely 
die, and alfo that he fliould die molt terribly, 
Ihould utterly periili, and be deftroyed to 
the utmoft degree. Yea, fometimes it feems 
to imply fomething elfe ftill ; and, in fhort, 
as this ingemination of words in the He- 
brew, in general, denotes theftrength of ex- 
preflion, fo it is ufed to fignify almoft all thofe 
things that are wont to be fignified by the 
various forms of ftrong fpeech in other lan- 
guages ; fometimes it fignifies the utmoft 
degree of a thing; fometimes certainty; 
fometimes peremptorinefs and terriblenefs 
of a threatening, or the greatnefs and pofi- 
tivenefs of a promife, the itriftnefs of a com- 
mand, and the earneftnefs of a requeft. 

When God fays to Adam, dying thou Jlialt 
die, it is equivalent to fuch ftrong expreffi- 
ons in Englifti, as, thou flialt die indeed, or, 
thou ftialt die with a witnefs. So when it 
is faid in the text, let us go in going, and 
pray before the Lord, the ftrength of the ex- 
prefTion reprefents the earneftnefs of thofe 
that make the propofal, their great engaged- 
Hefs in the affair; and with refpeft to the 
duty propofed, it may be underftood to fig- 
nify that they Ihould be fpeedy, fervent, and 


conftant in it ; or, in one word, that it fliould 
be thoroughly performed. 

6. We may learn from the tenor of this 
prophecy, together with the context, that 
this union in fuch prayer is foretold as a be- 
coming and happy thing, and that which 
would be acceptable to God, and attended 
with glorious fuccefs. 

From the whole we may infer, that it is 
a very fuitable thing, and well pleafing to 
God, for many people, in different parts of 
the v/orld, by exprefs agreement, to com6 
into a vifible union, in extraordinary, fpee- 
dy, fervent, and conftant prayer, for thofe 
o-reat effufions of the Holy Spirit, which 
ihall bring on that advancement of Chrift's 
church and kingdom, that God has fo often, 
promifed {hail be in the latter ages of the 

And fo from hence I would infer the duty 
of God's people, with regard to the memo- 
rial lately fent over into America, from Scot- 
land, by a number of minifters there, pro- 
pofing a method for fuch an union as has 
been fpoken of, in extraordinary prayer for 
this great mercy. 

And it being the fpecial defign of this 
difcourfe, to perfuade fuch as are friends to 

the interefts of Chrift's kingdom, to a com- 
pliance with the propofal and requeft made 
in that memorial, I (hall firft give a fhort 
hiftorical account of the affair it relates to, 
from letters, papers, and pamphlets^ that 
have come over from Scotland ; to which I 
fhall annex the memorial itfelf * and then 
I (hall offer fome arguments and motives;* 
tending to induce the friends of religion to 
fall in with what is propofed; and laftly^ 
make anfwer to fome objeftions that may- 
poflTibly be made againft it. 

As to the firfl of thefe things^ viz, an hif^ 
torical account of the concert, which the 
memorial relates to, the following obferva- 
tions may give a fufticient view of that af- 

In Oftober. a. ei. 1744J a number of mi- 
iiifters in Scotland, taking into confideration 
the flate of God's church, and of the world 
of mankind, judged that the providence of 
God, at fuch a day, did loudly call fuch as 
were concerned for the welfare of Zion, to 
united extraordinary applications to the 
God of all grace, fuitably acknowledging 
Him as the fountain of all the fpiritual be-* 
nefits and bleffin^s of his church, and ear^* 



neftly praying to him, that he would appear 
in his glory, and favour Zion, and manifeft 
his compaffion to the world of mankind, by 
an abundant effufion of his Holy Spirit on- 
all the churches, and the whole habitable 
earth, to revive true religion in all parts of 
Chriflendom, and to deliver all nations from 
their great and manifold fpiritual calamities 
and miferies, and blefs them with the un- 
fpeakable benefits of the kingdom of our 
glorious Redeemer, and fill the whole earth 
with his glory. And confulting one another 
on the fubjecl, they looked on themfelves, 
for their own part, obliged to engage in this 
duty ; and, as far as in them lay, to perfuade 
others to the fame; and to endeavour to 
find out, and fix on fome method, that fhould 
moft effeftually tend to promote, and up- 
hold fuch extraordinary application to heav* 
tn among God's people. And after feek- 
ing to God by prayer for direftion, they de- 
termined on the following method, as what 
they would conform to in their own prac- 
tice, and propofe to be praSifed by others, 
for the two years next following, viz. To 
fet apart fome time oa Saturday evening, 
and. Sabbath morning, every week, for the 
purppfe aforefaid, as other duties would al- 


Jew to every one refpeftively ; and more fo- 
lemnly, the firft Tuefday of each quarter, 
(beginning with the firft Tuefday of Novem. 
ber, then next enfuing) either the whole day, ^ 
or part of the day, as perfons find them- 
fclves difpofed, or think their circumftances 
w^ill allow; the time to be fpent either in 
private praying focieties, or in public meet- 
ings, or alone in fecret, as (hall be found 
moft prafticable, or judged moft conveni- 
ent, by fuch as are willing, in fome way or 
other, to join in this affair; but not that any 
fhould make any promifes, or be looked up- 
pn as under ftrift bonds in any refpeft, con- 
ftantly and without fail to obferve every one 
of thefe days, whatever their circumftances 
fhould be, or however other duties and ne, 
ceffary affairs might interfere; or that per- 
fons fhould look upon themfelves bound 
with regard to thefe days in any wife as tho» 
the time were holy, or the fetting them a- 
part for religious purpofes were eftablifhed 
by facred authority; but yet, as a proper 
guard againft negligence and unfteadinefs, 
and a prudent prefervative, from yielding 
to a difpofition, which perfons might be li- 
able to, through the prevalence of indolence 


&nd liftleflhefs^to excufethemfelves on trivial 
occafions, it was propofed, that thofe who 
unite in this affair fhould refolve with them- 
felves, that if, by urgent bufinefs, or other- 
wife, they are hindered from joining with 
others, on the very day agreed on, yet they 
would not wholly negleft bearing their part 
in the duty propofed, but would take the 
firft convenient day following, for that pur- 

■ The reafon why Saturday evening and 
Lord's-day morning were judged mod con- 
venient for the weekly feafons, was, that 
thefe times being fo near the time of dif-* 
penfmggofpel ordinances through the Chrif- 
tian world, M^hich are the great means, in 
the ufe of which God is wont to grant his 
Spirit to rnankind, and the principal means 
that the Spirit of God makes ufe of to carry 
on his work of grace, it may be well fuppof- 
ed, that the minds of Chriftians, in general, 
will, at thefe feafons, be efpecially difengag- 
ed from fecular affairs, and difpofed to pious 
meditations and the duties of devotion, and 
more naturally led to feek communication^ 
of the Holy Spirit, and fuccefsof the mean^ 
of grace. And as to the quarterly times, it 
was thought helpful to rnemory^ that they 


Ihould be on one or other of the firll days 
of each quarter; Tuefday was preferred to 
Monday, becaufe in fome places people 
might have public prayers and fermon on 
the dated day, which might not be fo con- 
venient on Monday, as on fome day at a 
greater diftance from the Sabbath, 

It was reckoned a chief ufe of fuch an a- 
greement and method as this, that it would 
be a good expedient for the maintaining and 
keeping up, amongft the people of God, that 
great Chrillian duty of prayerfulnefs for the 
Gomingof Chrift's kingdom, in general, which 
Chrift hasdirefted his followers to be fomuch 
in, that it may not be out of mind, and in a 
great meafure funk. Things, that we are 
too little inclined to, through floth, carnali- 
ty, or a fulnefs of our own worldly and 
private concerns, and that are to be attend- 
ed at fome feafons or other, but have no fpe- 
cial feafons ftated for them, are apt to be 
forgotten, or put off from time to time, and, 
as it were, adjourned without day; and fo, 
if not wholly neglefted, yet too little attend- 
ed. But when we fix certain feafons, which 
we refolve, unlefs extraordinarily hindered, 
to devote to the duty, it tends to prevent 


forgetfulnefs, and a fettled negligence of it. 
The certain returns of the feafon will natur- 
ally refrefh the memory, v/ill tend to put us 
in mind of the precept of Chrift, and the ob- 
ligations that lie on all his followers, to a- 
bound in fuch a duty, and renewedly en- 
gage us to the confideration of the import- 
ance, neceffity and unfpeakable value of the 
mercy fought ; and fo, by frequent renova- 
tion, to keep alive the confideration, and 
fenfe of thefe things at all times. Thus the 
firft promoters of this agreement judged that 
it would be fubfervient to more abundant 
prayerfulnefs foreffufions of the Holy Spir- 
it at all times through the year, both in fe- 
cret and focial worlhip ; particularly as to 
this laft, in congregations, families, and o- 
ther praying focieties. And then they alfo 
judged, that fuch an agreed union would 
tend to animate and encourage God's peo- 
ple in the duty propofed ; and that particu- 
lar perfons and focieties, knowing that great 
multitudes of their fellow-Chriftians, in fo 
many diftant places, were, at the fame time, 
(as a token of the unionof their hearts with 
them in this affair) by agreement, engaged 
in the fame holy exercife, would naturally 
be enlivened in the duty by fuch a confider- 


It was not thought beft to propofe at firft 
a longer time for the continuance of this pre- 
cife method than two years ; it being confi- 
dered, that it is not pofTible, before any trial, 
fo well to judge of the expedience of a par- 
ticular method and certain circumftances of 
the managing and ordering fuch an affair, 
as after fome time of experience. And it 
was not known, but that, after long confi- 
deration, and fome trial, it might be thought 
bed to alter fome circumftance ; or whether 
others that had not yet been confulted, might 
not propofe a better method. The time firft 
agreed on, though but fhort, was thought 
fufficient to give opportunity for judgment 
and experience, and for fuch as were dif- 
pofed to union in an affair of fuch a nature, 
in diftant places, mutually to communicate 
their fentiments on the fubjeft. 

The way, which thofe that firft projefted 
and came into this agreement, thought beft 
for the giving notice of it and propofing it 
to others, was not by any thing publifhed 
from the prefs, but by perfonal converfation 
with fuch as they could conveniently have 
immediate accefs to, and by private corref^ 
pondence with others at a diftance. At firft 
it was intended, that fome formal paper, pro- 


pofing the matter, (hould be fent about for 
proper amendments and improvements, and 
then concurrence; but on more mature de- 
liberation, it was confidered how this might 
give a handle to objeftions, (which they tho't 
it beft, to the utmoft, to avoid in the infan*- 
cy of the affair j and how prafticable it was, 
without any fuch formality, to fpread the 
fubftance of the propofal by private letters, 
together with a requeft to their correfpond- 
ents, mutually to communicate their tho'ts. 
Therefore this was fixed on, as the method 
that was preferable at the beginning. Ac- 
cordingly, they propofed and endeavoured 
to promote the affair in this way, and with 
fuch fuccefs, that great numbers in Scotland 
and England fell in with the propofal, and 
fome in North America. As to Scotland, 
it was complied with by numbers, in the four 
chief towns, Edinburgh, Glafgow, Aberdeen, 
and Dundee, and many country towns 
and congregations in various parts of the 
land. One of the minifters, that was pri- 
marily concerned in this affair, in a letter to 
one of his correfpondents, fpeaks of an ex- 
plicit declaration of the concurrence of the 
praying focieties in Edinburgh, which they 
had made in a letter. The number of the 


praying focieties in that city is very confi- 
derable. Mr. Robe, of Kilfyth, (in a letter 
to Mr. Prince, of Bofton, dated November 3, 
1743,) fays — There were then above thirty 
focieties of young people there, newly erefted, 
fome of which confifted of upwards of thir- 
ty members. — As to Glafgow, this union was 
unanimoufly agreed to by about forty-five: 
praying focieties there, as an eminent minif- 
ter in that city informs, in a letter. 

The two years, firft agreed on, ended laft 
November. A little before this time expir- 
ed, anumberofminiftersin Scotland agreed 
on a memorial, to be printed and fent abroad 
to their brethren in various parts, propofing 
to them, and requefting of them, to join with 
them in the continuance of this method of 
united prayer, and in endeavours to pro- 
mote it. Copies of which memorial have 
lately been fent over into New-England, to 
the number of near five hundred, direfted 
to be diflributed in almoft every county in 
this province of the Maffachufetts-Bay, and 
alfo in feveral parts of Connecticut, Nev/- 
Hampfhire, Rhode -Ifland, New- York, New- 
Jerfey, Pennfylvania, Maryland, Virginia, 
Carolina^ and Georgia. The moft, I fup- 


go The MEMORiAt/i^om sCotland. 

pcfe, of thefe were fent to one of the con- 
gregational minifters in Bofton, with a let- 
ter fubfcribed by twelve minifters in Scot- 
land, about the affair; many of them to an* 
other of the faid minifters of Bofton, and 
fome to a minifter in Connefticut. It being 
fhort, I ftiall here infert a copy of it at length 
—It is as follows: 

A M £ M o R I A hfromfeveral Minijlers in ScoU 
land, to their Brethren in different places, 
for coiilimiing a concert for prayer, 
Jirji entered into in the Year 1744. 

WHEREAS it was the chief fcope of 
this concert, to promote more a- 
bundant application to a duty that is per* 
petually binding, j^rajy^r that our Lord's king-' 
dom may come, joined \^\th. praifos ; and it 
contained fome circumftantial expedients, 
apprehended to be very fubfervient to that 
defign, relating to ftated times for fuch ex- 
ercifes, fo far as this would not interfere with 
other duties; particularly a part of Satur- 
day evening and Sabbath morning, every 
week; and more folemnly of fome one of 
the firft days of each of the four great divi- 
fions of the year, that is, of each quarter; as 
the firft Tuefday, or firft convenient day af- 


ter;* and the concert, as to this circum- 
ftance, was extended only to two years ; it 
being intended that, before thefe expired, 
perfons engaged in the concert fhould reci- 
procally communicate their fentiments and 
inclinations, as to the prolonging of the time, 
with or without alteration, ^s to the eircum- 
ftancc mentioned ; and it was intended by 
the firft promoters, that others at a diftance 
fliould propofe fuch circumftantial amend- 
ments or improvements, as they fliould 
find proper; it is hereby earneftly intreated, 
that fuch would jcommunicate their fenti- 
ments accordingly, now that the time firft 
propofed is near expiring. 

2. To induce thofe already engaged to 
adhere, and others to accede to this con- 
cert, it feems of importance to obferve, that 
declarations of concurrence, the communi- 
cating and fpreading of which are fo evi, 
dently ufeful, are to be underftood in fuch 
a latitude, as to keep at the greateft diftance 
from entangling mens' minds : not as bind- 
ing men to fet apart any ftated days from 
fecular affairs, or even to fix on any part of 

O T E. 

* The meaning is the firft Tuefdays of February, May, Augult 
and November, or the firft convenient days after thcfe. 

g2 The MEMORIAL from Scotland* 

fach and fuch precife days, whether it be 
convenient or not; nor as abfolute promifes 
in any refpeft, but as friendly, harmonious 
refolutions, with liberty to alter circumftan^ 
ces as fiiall be found expedient. On account 
of all which latitude, and that the circum^ 
ftantial part extends only to a few years, it 
is apprehended, the concert cannot be Hable 
to the objeftions againft periodical religious 
times of human appointment. 

3. It is alfo humbly offered to the confir 
deration of miniilers, and others furniflied 
with gifts for the moft public inflruftions, 
whether it might not be of great ufe, by the 
blefTmg of God, if fhort and nervous fcrip- 
ture perfijafives and direftions to the duty in 
view, were compofed and publifhed, (either 
by particular authors, or feveral joining to- 
gether, which laft way might fometimes have 
peculiar advantages) and that, from time to 
time, without too great intervals, the better 
to keep alive on mens' minds a jufl fenfe of 
the obligations to a duty fo important in it- 
fclf, and m Vv'hich many may be in danger 
to faint find turn remifs, without fuch re- 
peated incitements; and whether it would 
n,ot alfo be of great ufe, if roinifters would 
be pleafed to preach frequently on the irn- 

The UEMORiAL froin Scotland, g^ 

portance and neceflity of prayer for the com- 
ing of our Lord's kingdom, particularly near 
the quarterly days, or on thefe days them- 
felves, where there is public worfhip at that 

4. They who have found it incumbent on 
them to publifh this Memorial at this time, 
having peculiar advantages for fpreading it, 
do intreat that the defire of concurrence and 
affiftance, contained in it, may, by no means, 
be underflood as reftriSed to any particular 
denomination or party, or to thofe who are 
of fuch or fuch opinions about any former 
inftances of remarkable religious concern; 
but to be extended to all who (hall vouch- 
fafe any attention, to this paper, and have at 
heart the intereft of vital chriflianity, and 
the power of godlinefs ; and who, ho\f ever 
differing about other things, are convinced 
of the importance of fervent prayer, to pro- 
mote that common intereft, and of fcripture 
perfuafives to promote fuch prayer. 

5. As the firft printed account of this con- 
cert was not a propofal of it, as a thing then 
to begin, but a narration of it, as a defign 
already fet on foot, which had been brought 
about with much harmony, by means of pri- 
vate letters^ fo the farther countinuance, and, 


it is hoped, the farther fp reading of it feems 
in a promifing way of being promoted by 
the fame means, as importunate defires of 
the renewing the concert have been tranf- 
mitted aheady from a very diftant corner a- 
broad, where the regard to it has of late in- 
creafed; but, notwithftanding of w^hat may 
be done by private letters, it is humbly ex- 
pefted, that a memorial fpread in this man- 
ner may, by God's bleffing, farther promote 
the good ends in view, as it may be ufefully 
referred to in letters, and may reach where 
ihey will not. 

6. Whereas in a valuable letter, from the 
corner juft now mentioned, as a place where 
regard to the concert has lately increafed, it 
is propofed, that it fliould be continued for 
feven years, or at lead for a much longer 
time than what was fpecified in the firft 3.^ 
Sfreemcrdi'^thole concerned in this memo- 
rial, who would wiui rather to receive and 
fpread direclions and propofals on this head, 
than to be the firft authors of any, appre- 
hend no inconvenience, for their part, in a^ 
greeing to the feven years, with the latitude 
above defcribed, which referves liberty to 
make fuch circumftantial alterations, as may 
be hereafter found expedient; on the con- 

The MKMORiAtfrom Scotland. 95 

trary, it feems of importance, that the la* 
bour of fpreading a concert^ which has al- 
ready extended to fo diftant parts, and may, 
it is hoped, extend farther, may not need to 
be renewed fooner, at leaft much fooner, as 
it is uncertain but that may endanger the 
dropping of it, and it feems probable, there 
will be lefs zeal in fpreading of it, if the time 
propofcd for its continuance be too incon- 
fiderable. Mean time, declarations of con- 
currence for a lefs number of years may 
greatly promote the good ends inview, tho' 
it feems very expedient, that it Ihould ex- 
ceed what was firft agreed on, feeing it is 
found on trial, that that time, inftead of be- 
ing too long, was much too Ihort. 

7. If perfons who formerly agreed to this 
concert, fhould now difcontinue it, would it 
not look too like that fainting in prayer, a- 
gainft which we are fo exprefsly warned in 
fcripture? And would not this be the more 
unfuitable at this time, in any within the 
Britifh dominions, when they have the u- 
nited calls of fuch public chaftifements and 
deliverances, to more concern than ever a- 
bout public reformation, and confequently 
about that which is the fource of all tho- 
rough reformation, the regenerating and 

q6 The uEMORi AL fro7n Scotland. 

fanftifying influence of the almighty Spirit 
of God? 

Augujl 26, 1746. 

The minifter in Boflon afore-mentioned, 
(io whom moft of the copies of this memo- 
rial were fent) who, I fuppofe, has had later 
and more full intelligence than I have had, 
fays, concerning the propofal, in a letter — 
" The motion feems to come from above^ 
" and to be wonderfully fpreading in Scot- 
«^ land, England, Wales, Ireland and North 
** America. 


Motives to a Compliance with what is propO' 
fed in the Memorial. 

I NOW proceed to the fecond thing in- 
tended in this difcourfe, viz. to offer to 
confideration Tome things, which may tend 
to induce the people of God to comply with 
the propofal and requeft made to them iri 
the Memorial. 

And I dcfire that the following things may 
be confidered: 

1. It is evident, from the fcripture, that 
there is yet remaining a great advancement 
of the intereft of religion, and the kingdom 
of Chrifl, in this world, by an abundant out- 
pouring of the Spirit of God, far greater and 
more extenfive than ever yet has been. It is 
certain, that many things, which are fpokeit 
concerning a glorious time of the chiirch s 
enlargement and profpcrity, in the latter 
days, have never yet been fulfilled. There 
has never yet been any propagation and pre- 
vailing of religion, in any wife, of that ex- 
tent and univerfality, which the prophecies 



reprefent. It is often foretold and fignified, 
in a great variety of Ilrongexpreffions, that 
there fliould a time come, when all nations, 
through the whole habitable world, (hould 
embrace the true religion, and be brought 
into the church of God. It was often pro- 
mifed to the patriarchs, that in their feed all 
the nations, or, (as it is fometimes expreffed) 
all thefaviilies of the earth Jhould be blejfed, 
A greeably to this, it is faid of the MefTiah, 
That all nations Jhallferve him, and menjhall 
ke blejfed in him, and all nations JJiall call him 
blejfed. And it is faid, that all nations Jliall 
f.ow unto the mountain of the hoiife of the Lord. 
And, that all nations Jliall be gathered unto 
the name of the Lord to Jerifalem, andfiall 
toalk no more after the imagination of their 
evil heart. So it is faid, that all fief ifiall 
come and wmfiip before the Lord, And that 
allffh fiouldfee the glory of God together. 
And that allfefifioidd come to hivi that hears 
prayer. Chrift compares the kingdom of heav- 
en, in this world, to leaven, which a woman 
took and hid in three meafures of meal, till the 
whole was leavened. It is natural and reafon- 
able to fuppofe, that the whole world fhould 
finally be given to Chrift, as one whofe right 
it is to reign, as the proper heir of him who 


is originally the king of all nations, and the 
pofTefTor of heaven and earth ; and the fcrip- 
lure teaches us, that God the Father had con- 
ftituted his Son, as God-Man, and in his 
kingdom of grace, or mediatorial kingdom, 
to be the heir of the world, that he might in 
this kingdom have the heathen for his inheri- 
tance, and the utmojt ends of the earth for his 
pofjeffion. Thus Abraham is faid to be tht 
hcirofthevJorld,ViOim himfelf, but in Azi" 
feed, which is Chrift. And how was this to 
be fulfilled to Abraham, but by God's fulfill- 
ing that great promife. that in Eis feed all 
the nations of the earthfiould be hleffed? For 
that promife is what the apoftle is fpeaking 
of; which fliews, that God has appointed 
Chrift to be the heir of the world in his king- 
dom of grace, and to poffefs and reign over 
all nations, through the propagation of his 
gofpel, and the power of his Spirit commu- 
nicating the bleflings of it. God had ap- 
pointed him to this univerfal dominion by 
a moft foiemn oath : Ihavefuoorn by niyfelf 
the word is gone out of my mouth in righte- 
oufnefs, andfiall not return, that unto me e- 
very hieefhall bow, every tongue fhall fwear. 
Though this foiemn oath of God the Father 
is to be underftood in fo comprehenfive ^ 


fenfe, as to extend to what fliaH be accom^ 
pli{lied at the day of judgment, yet it is evi- 
dent by the foregoing and following verfeSs 
that the thing moll directly intended, is what 
fhall be fulfilled by the fp reading of thegof- 
pel of his faivation, and power of the Spirit 
of grace, bringing all the ends of the earth ta 
look to him that they may he faved, and come 
to him for righteoufnefs andjlrength that, in 
him they might be jujlzjied, and might glory, 
God has fuffered many earthly princes to ex- 
tend their conquefts over a great part of the 
face of the earth, and to pofTefs a dominion, 
pf a vaft extent, and one monarchy to con- 
quer and fucceed another, the latter being 
ftill the greater; it is reafonable to fuppofe 
that a much greater glory in this refpefl 
fhould be referved for Chrift, God's own fon 
and rightful heir, who has purchafed the do% 
minion by fo great and hard a fervice ; it is, 
reafonable to fuppofe, that hi^ dominion 
fliould be far the largeft, and his conquefts 
vaftly the greateft and moft extenfive. And 
thus the fcriptures reprcfent the matter, in 
Nebuchadnezzar's vifion, and the prophet's 
interpretation, Dan. ii. There the four great 
monarchies of the earth, one fucceeding an- 
fither^ are reprcfented by the great image of 


gold,Jilver, brafs, iron and clay; but at laft a 
Jlone, cut out of the mountains without hands ^ 
finitcs the image upon his feet, which breaks 
the iron, clay, brafs, fiver and gold in pieces^ 
that all becomes as the chaff of the fummer 
threfiing foors, and the wind carries them 
azvay, that no place is found for them; but the 
ftoJie loaxes great, becomes a great mountain, 
and YiLLS THE WHOLE EARTH; fignifying 
the kingdom which the Lord God of heav- 
en Ihould fet up in the world, laft of all, 
which fhould break in pieces and confume 
all other kingdoms. Surely this reprefen- 
tation leads us to fuppofe, that this laft king- 
dom fliall be of vaftly greater extent than 
any of the preceding. The like reprefen- 
tation is made in the viith chapter of Daniel ; 
there the four monarchies are reprefented 
by four great beafts that arofe fucceflively, 
one conquering and fubduing another; the 
fourth and laft of thefe is faid to be dreadful 
and terrible, ^nd frong exceedingly, and to 
have great iron teeth, and to devour and break 
in pieces, and ft amp the refidue with his feet; 
yea, it is faid, verfe 23, that the kingdom 
reprefented by this beaft fhall devour the 
tvhole earth; but laft of all, ojie like the Son 
of Man appears, coming to the Ancient of 


Days, and being brought near before him, a7id 
receiving of hint a dominion, and glory, and 
a kingdom, that all people, nations 
AND L AN GV AGES fioiddferve him, Thislafl 
circumftance, of the vaft extent and univer- 
fality of his dominion, is manifefily fpoken 
of as one thing greatly diflingin(hing this 
holy kingdom from all the preceding mo- 
narchies; although of one of the former it 
was faid, that it Oiould devour the whole earthy 
yet we are naturally led, both by the much 
greater eraphafis and ftrength of the expref- 
fions, as well as by the whole connexion and 
tenor of the prophecy, to underfland the u- 
niverfality here expreffedin a much more ex- 
tenfive arxv}abfolute fenfe ; and terms ufeH in 
the interpretation of this vifion are fuch, that 
fcarcely any can be devifed more flrong, to 
fignify an abfolute univerfality of dominion 
over the inhabitants of the face of the earth; 
ver. 27. And th^. kijigdom, and dominion, and 


WHOLE HEAVE N,fiall be given to the peo- 
ple of the mojl high God, Agreeably to this, 
the gofpel is reprefented as preached unto 
them that dwell on the earth, and to every na^ 
tion, andtongue, and kindred, andpeople. The 
univerfality of the prevalance of true reli- 


gion in the latter days, is fometimes expref- 
fed by its reaching to the utmojl ends of the 
earth. To all the ends of the earth, and of the 
zvorld. All the ends of the earth with thofa 
that are far off upon the fea. From the ri- 
fug of the fun to the going down of the fame. 
The outgoings of the morning and of the even^ 
ing. It feems that all the moft ftrong ex- 
prefTions, that were in ufe among the Jews 
to fignify the habitable world in its utmoft 
extent, are made ufe of to fignify the extent 
of the church of God in the latter days, and 
in many places a variety of thefe expreffions 
are ufed, and there is an accumulation of 
them, expreffed with great force. 

It would be unreafonable to fay, thefe are 
only bold figures, ufed after the manner of 
the eafl:ern nations, to exprefs the great ex- 
tent of the Chriftian church, at and after the 
days of Confl:antine ; to fay fo, would be in 
effefl: to fay, that it would have been irapof- 
fible for God, if he had defired it, plainly 
to have foretold any thing that fhould abfo- 
lutely have extended to all nations of the 
earth. I queftion whether it be poffible to 
find out a more ftrong expreffion, to figni- 
fy an abfolute univerfality of the knowledge 
of the true religion through the habitable 


world, than that in Ifai. xi. g. The earth Jhall 
iefull of the knowledge of the Lorcl^ as the 
much as to fay, as there is no place in the 
vafl: ocean where there is not water, fo there 
fhall be no part of the world of mankind 
where there is not the knowledge of the 
Lord ; as there is no part of the wide bed 
or cavity poflefTed by the fea, but what is 
covered with water, fo there (hall be no part 
of the habitable world, that fliall not be co- 
vered by the light of the gofpel, and pof- 
feffed by the true religion* Waters are of- 
ten in prophecy put for nations and multi- 
tudes of people ; fo the waters of the main 
ocean feem fometimes to be put for the in- 
habitants of the earth in general ; as in Eze- 
kieFs vilion of the waters of the fanftuary 
which flowed from the fanftuary, and ran 
eaft, till they came to the ocean, and were 
at firft a fmall ftream, but continually en- 
creafed till they became a great river ; and 
when they came to the fea, the water even 
of the vafl ocean was healed, reprefenting 
the converiion of the world to the true reli- 
gion in the latter days. — It feems evident, 
that the time will come, when there will not 
be one nation remaining in the world, which 


fiiall not embrace the true religion, in that 
God has exprefsly revealed, that no one fuch 
nation (hall be left ftandincr on the earth; 

The nation and kingdoyn that will not ferv6 
theejliall perijli; yea, thofc nations Jliall be 
utterly zoojied. — God has declared that hea- 
then idolatry and all the worlhip of falfe 
gods fliall be wholly abolidied, in the moft 
univerfal manner, fo that it (hall be continu- 
ed in no place under thfe heavens, or upon 
the face of the earth ; the gods that have not 
made the heavens and the earth, even theyjlialt 
perijh from the earth, and from under thefe 
heavens. They are vanity, and the zoork of 
errors, in the time of their vifdation theyfnalL 
perifi. This muft be underftood as what 
fliall be brought to pafs v/hile this earth and 
thefe heavens remain, f. e, before the end 
of the vN^orld. Agreeable to this is that in. 
Ifaiah. Sing, barren^ and thou that didfl not 
hear ;— for more are the children of the defol- 
iate than the children of the married zcifCf 
faith the Lord. Enlarge the place of thy tent, 
mid let them flr etch forth the curtains of thy 
habitation; [pare not; lengthen thy cords, 
flrengthen thy fta^kes. For thy maker is thy 
hufband; the Lord of Hofls is his name; and 
^ N 


thy Redeemer the Holy One of Ifracl; the 


The prophecies of the New Teftament do 
no lefs evidently fhew, that a time will come 
v/hen the gofpel iliall univerfally prevail^ 
and thekinirdom of Chrifl: be extended over 
the whole habitable earth, in the moft pro- 
per fenfe. Chrift fays, I, if I be If ted up 
from the earth, toill draio all vien unto me^ 
It is fit, that v/hen the Son of God becomes 
man, he fiiould have dominion over all 
mankind : it is fit, that fince he became an 
inhabitant of the earth, and fiied his blood 
on the 'earth, he fliould poflefs the whole 
earth : it is fit, feeing here he became a fer- 
vant, and was fubjett to m^n, and was ar- 
raigned before them, and judged, condemn- 
ed and executed by them, and fuffered ig- 
nominy and death in a moR public manner^ 
before Jews and Gentiles, being lifted up to 
view on the crofs upon an hill, near that 
populous city Jerufatem, at a moft public 
time, when there were many hui^dred thou- 
{^md fpeilator.s, from all parts, that he fhould 
be rewarded with an univerfal dominion 
over mankind ; and it is here declared he 
flaall be. The apoPile, in the xith of Ro- 


mans, teaches us to look on that great out- 
pouring of the Spirit and in-gathering of 
fouls into Chrift's kingdom, thaf was in thofe 
days, firfl: of the Jews, and then of the Gen- 
tiles, to be but as the firft-fruits of the in- 
tended harveft, both with regard to Jews 
and Gentiles ; and to look on the in-gather- 
ing of thofe firft fruits as a fign that all the 
remainder both of Jews and Gentiles fnall 
in due time be gathered in. For if the firjl- 
fruit be holy, the lump is alfo holy : and if 
the root be holy, fo are the branches. And 
in that context, the apoftle fpeaks of the 
FULNESS of both Jews and Gentiles, as what 
fliall hereafter be brought in, as diftinft 
from that in-gathering from arnong both, 
which was in thofe prim.itive ages of Chrif- 
tianity; we read of the fulnefs of the Jews, 
and of the fulnefs of the Gentiles ; and the 
apoftle teaches us to look upon that infideli- 
ty and darknefs, which firft prevailed over 
all Gentile nations, before Chrift came, and 
then over the Jew^s after Chrift came, as v/hat 
was wifely permitted of God, as a prepara- 
tion for the manifeftation of the glory of 
God's mercy, in due time, on the whole 
world, conftituted of Jews and Gentiles. 
God hath concluded them all in unbelief. 


that he might have mercy upon all. Thefe 
things plainly fnew, that the time is coming 
when the whole world of mankind Ihall be 
brought into the church of Chrift ; and not 
only a part of the Jews, and a part of the 
Gentile world, as the firft-fruits, as it was in 
the hrft ages of the Chrillian church; but 
the fulnefs of both, the whole lump, all the 
Tiation of the Jews, and all the world of 

In the laft great conflift between the 
church of Chrift and her enemies, before the 
commencement of the glorious time of the 
church's peace and reft, the kings of the 
earth, and the whole warld, are reprefented 
as gathered together, and then the feventh 
angel pours out his vial into the air, which 
limits that kingdom that Satan has, as god 
of this v/orld, in its utmoft extent;— and 
that kingdom is reprefented as utterly over- 
thrown. In another delcription of that 
great battle, Chrift is reprefented as riding 
forth, having on his head many crowns, and 
on his vefture and on his thigh a name writ- 


Which v/e may well fuppofe fignifies, that 
he is now going to that conqueft, whereby he 
fhall fet up a kingdom, in which he Ihall be 


king of kings, in a far more extenfive man- 
ner than either the Babylonifh, Perfian, Gre- 
cian, or Roman monarchs were. And an 
angel appears (landing in the fun, that over- 
looks the whole world, calling on all the 
fowls that fly in the midft of heaven, to 
come and eat the flefh of kings, &c. And 
in confeqaence of the great viftory Chrift 
gains at that time, an angel comes doivii from 
heaven^ having the key of the bottomless pit, 
and a great chain in his hand, and lays hold 
on the devil, and binds him, and cajls him in-- 
to the bottomlefs pit, andjliuts him up, and 
Jets a feal upon him, that he fliould deceive 
the nations no more, Satan's being difpof- 
feffed of that higheft monarchy on earth, 
the Roman empire, and caft out, in the time 
of Conftantine, is reprefented by his being 
caft down from heaven to the earth ; but 
now there is fomething far beyond that ; he 
is caft out of the earth, and is ftiut up in 
hell, and confined to that alone, fo that he 
has no place left him in this world of man- 
kind, high or low. 

Now will any be fo unreafonable as to fay, 
that all thefe things do not fignify more than 
that one third part of the world ftiould be 
brought into the church of Chrift, beyond 


v/hich it cannot be pretended that the Chrif- 
tian rehgionhas ever yet reached, in its great- 
eft extent? Thofe countries, which belong- 
ed to the Roman empire, that were brought 
to the profeffion of Chriftianity, after the 
reign of Conftantine, are but a fmall part of 
what the habitable v»^orld now is; as to ex- 
tent of ground, they altogether bear, I fup- 
pofe, no greater proportion to it, than the 
land of Canaan did to the Roman en pire. 
— And our Redeemer, in his kingdom of 
gi*ace, has hitherto poffefied but a little part 
of the world, in its moft ilourifliing (late, 
fince arts are arifen to their greateft height, 
and a very great part of the world is but 
lately difcovered, and much remains undif- 
covered to this day. 

Thefe things make it very evident, that 
the main fulfilment of thofe prophecies that 
fpeak of tjie glorious advancement of Chrift's 
kingdom on earth, is ftill to come. 

And as there has been nothing as yet, with 
regard to the flourifhing of religion, and the 
advancement of Chrift's kingdom, of fuch 
extent as to anfv^er the prophecies, fo nei- 
ther has there been any thing of that dura- 
tion that is foretold. The prophecies fpeak 
of Jerufalem's being made the joy of the whole 


earth, and alfo xhtjoy of viany generations. 
That God's people Jhould long enjoy the loork 
of their hands. That they fhould reign with 
.Chri/t a thouf and years ; by which we muft 
at lead undejftand a very long thne. But 
it would be endlefs to mention all the pla- 
ces, which fignify that the time of the church's 
great peace and profperity fhould be of long 
continuance: almoft all the prophecies that 
fpeak of her latter-day glory, imply it; and 
it is implied in very many of them, that when 
once this day of the church's advancement 
and peace is begun, it fhall never end, till 
the world ends; or, at leaft, that there fhali 
be no more a return of her troubles and ad^ 
verfity for any confiderable continuance ; 
that then the days of her 7nourning fiall be 
ended; that her tribulations^Zz^w/^i then be as 
the waters of Noah unto God; that as he has 
fworn that the waters of Noahfiouldno more 
pafs over the earth, fo he tvillfwear that he 
vjill no more he wroth zoith his people, or re- 
buke them; that God's people fiould no more 
walk after the imagination of their evil heart; 
that God would hide himfelfno more from the 
houfe of Ifrael, becaufe he has poured out his 
Spirit upon them; that their fun fiould no 
more go down, nor the moon zoithdraxo ifelf; 


that the light Jliould not be clear ajid dark; 
(i. e. there fhould be no more an interchange 
of light and darknefs, as ufed to be) but that 
It Jliould be all one continued day ; not day 
and night, (for fo the words are in the ori- 
ginFxl in Zech. xiv. 7.) a.herna.tt\y , but itjliall 
come to pafs, that at evening-tivie (i. e. at the 
time that night and darknefs ufed to be) it 
Jliall be light; and that the notions fliould beat 
their fwords into plow-Jliares, and their fpears 
into pruning-hooks ; and that nation Jhall 
Qiot lift np floor d againjl nation, nor leant 
war any more; but that thtx^Jliould be abun* 
dance of peace Jo long as the moon endurHh„ 
And innumerable things of this nature are 

But the church of Chrift has never yet 
enjoyed a (late of peace and profperity for 
any long time ; on the contrary, the times of 
her reft, and of the flourifliing Hate of reli- 
gion, have ever been very fliort. Hitherto 
the church may fay. Return, for thy ferv ants* 
fake, the tribes of thine inheritance ; thepeo^ 
pie of thy holinefs have poffeffed it but a little 
while. The quietnefs that the church of God 
enjoyed after the beginning of Conftantine's 
reign was very fliort; the peace the empire 
enjoyed, in freedom from war, was not more 


thai! twenty years; no longer nor greater 
. than it had enjoyed under Ibme of the hea- 
then emperors. After this the empire was 
rent in pieces by inteftine wars, and wafted 
almoft every where by the invafions and ifi- 
curfions of barbarous nations, and the Chrif- 
tian -world was foon all in contention and 
confufion, by herefies and divifions in mat- 
ters of religion. And the church of Chrifl has 
never as yet been for any long time, free 
from perfecution; efpecially when truth has 
prevailed, and true religion flourifhed. It k 
manifeft, that hitherto the people of God 
have been kept under, and Zionhas been in 
.a low affliaed ftate, and her enemies have 
had the chief fv/ay. 

And another thing that makes it exceed- 
ing manifef>, that that day of the church'5 
greateft advancement on earth, which is fore- 
told in fcripture, has never yet come, is that, 
it is fo plainly and exprefsly revealed that 
this day Ihould fucceed the laft of tlie four 
monarchies, even the Roman, in its laft ftate, 
wherein it is divided into ten kingdoms, and 
after the deftruftion of Antichrift, fignified 
by the little horn, whofe reigri is contempo- 
rary with the reign of the ten kings. Thefe 



things are very plain in the fecond and fc- 
venth chapters of Daniel, and alfo in the Re. 
vela^nn of St. John. And it is alfo plain 
by the ninth chapter of Romans, that it fhall 
be after the national converfion of the Jews, 
which fhall be as life from the dead to the 
Gentiles, and the fulnefs of both Jews and 
Gentiles fliould be come in, and all the nation 
of the Jews, and all other nations, fhall ob- 
tain mercy, and there fhall be that general 
• in-gathering of the harvefl of the whole earth, 
of which all that had been converted before, 
either of Jews or Gentiles, were but the firfl 
fruits. And many other evidences of this 
point might be mentioned, which for brevi- 
ty's fake I omit. 

And thus it is meet, that the laft kingdom 
which fliall take place on earth, fhould be 
the kingdom of God's own Son and heir, 
whofe right it is to rule and reign; and that 
whatever revolutions and confufions there 
may be in the world, for a long time, the 
caufe of truth, the righteous eaufe, fhould 
finally prevail, and God's holy people fliould 
at lait inherit the earth, and reign on earth; 
and that the world fhould continue in tu- 
mults, and great revolutions, following one 
^mother, from age to age, the world being. 


as it were, in travail, till truth and holinefs 
are brought forth; that all things fhould be 
fliaken, till that comes which is true and 
right, and agreeable to the mind of God, 
which cannot be Ihaken ; and that the wif- 
dom of the ruler of the world (hould be ma- 
nifefted in the bringing all things ultimately 
to fo good an iffue. The world is made for 
the Son of God ; his kingdom is the end of 
all changes that come to pafs in the (late of 
the world of mankind ; all are only to pre- 
pare the way for this ; it is fit therefore that 
the laft kingdom on earth Ihould be his. — 
It is wifely and mercifully ordered of God 
that it fhould be fo, on this account, as well 
as many others, viz. that the church of God, 
under all preceding changes, fhould have this 
confi deration to encourage her, and maintain 
her hope, and animate her faith and prayers, 
from generation to generation, that God has 
promifed, her caufe fhould finally be main- 
tained and prevail in this world. 

Let it now be confidered, 

2, The future promifed advancement of 
the kingdom of Chrifl is an event unfpeak- 
ably happy and glorious. The fcriptures 
fpeak of that time, as a time wherein God 
and his Son Jefus Chrifl will be mofl emi- 


nently glorified on earth; a time, wherein 
God, who till then had dwelt between the 
cherubims, and concealed himfelf inthe ho- 
ly of holies, in the fecret of his tabernacle, 
beliind the veil, in the thick darknefs, fhould 
openly fliine forth, and all flefla fhould fee 
his glory, and God's people in general have 
as great a privilege as the high prieft alone 
had once a year, or as Mofes had in the 
mount; a time, wherein the temple of God in 
heaven Jhould be opened^ and there JJioiild be 
feen the ark of his tejlament; a time, where^ 
in both God will be greatly glorified, and 
his faints made unfpeakably happy in the 
view of his glory; a time, wherein God's 
people fliould not only once fee the light of 
God^s glory, as Mofes, or fee it once a year 
with the high prieft, but fiiould dwell and 
walk continually in it, and itfhould betheir 
conftant daily light, inftead of the light of 
the fun, which light fl^iould be fo much more 
glorious than the light of the fun or moon, 
that the nioonjliallbe confounded, and the fun 
€jliamed,wheii the Lord of Hofsfiould reign 
in Mount Zion, and in Jerufakm, before his 
ancients glorioifly. 

It is rrprefented as a time of vaft increafe 
pf kiiowledgc and underftandipg, efpecially 


in divine things; a time, wherein God would 
dejlroy the face of the covering cajl over all 
people, and the veilfpread over all nations ; 
wherein the light of the moonfiallbe as the 
light of the funy and the light of the fun 
fevenfold. And the eyes of them that fee 
fiall not he dim, and the heart of the rafh 
fliall underfand knowledge. And theyfiall 
no more teach every man his neighbour^ and 
every man his brother, faying, Knozo the Lord, 
becaufe they fiatl all know him from the leajl 
to thegreatef. A time of general holinefs. 
Thy people fiall be all righteous, A time of 
great prevailing of eminent holinefs, when 
little children ihould,infpiritual attainments, 
be as though they were a hundred years old. 
Wherein he that is feeble among God's peo^ 
plefiould be as David. A time wherein ho- 
linefs fhould be, as it were, infcribed on eve- 
thing, on all mens' common bufinefs and em- 
ployments, and the common utenfils of life, 
all ftall be dedicated to God, and improved 
to holy purpofes. Her merchandize and hire 
fliall be holinefs to the Lord. In that day fhall 
there be upon the bells of the horfes, holiness 
UNTOTHELORD; and the pots in the Lord's 
houfe fhall be like the bowls before the altar ; 
yea, every pot in Jenfalevi and in Judahfiall 


he holinefs unto the Lord of Hojls, A time 
wherein religion and true Chriftianity fhall, 
in every refpeft, beuppermofl in the world; 
wherein God will caufe his church to arije 
andjhake herfclffrovi the dujl, and put on her 
beautiful garvients, and ft down on a throne; 
and the poor fhall be rafedfrom the duf^ and 
the beggar frovi the dunghill, and f mil befet 
among princes^ and r,iade to inherit the throne 
cf God's glory. A time wherein vital piety 
fhall take poffeffion of thrones and palaces, 
and thofe that are in moft exalted ftations 
fhall be eminent in holinefs. Andkingsfiall 
he thy nurfng fathers, and their queens thy 
nurfng mothers. Thou fialt fuck the breafls 
of kiyig s. The daughter of Tyrefiall he there 
tvith a gift, the rich among the people fJiall en- 
treat thy favour. A time of wonderful union, 
and the mod univerfal peace, love and fweet 
harmony, wherein the nations fhall beat their 
fwords into plow-fliares, &c. and God will 
caufe wars to ceafe to the ends of the earth, and 
break the bozo, and cut the f pear in [under, and 
hum the chariot in the fire ; and the m ountains 
fiall bring forth peace to God's people, and the 
little hills by righteoufnefs ; wherein /A^ zoolf 
fiould dtvell with the lavih, &c. and wherein 
God's people fhall dwell in a peaceable hahita- 


tion, andinfure dwellings, an d quiet rejlingpla- 
ces, A time wherein all herefies, and falfe doc- 
trines fhall be exploded, and the church of 
God {hall not be rent with a variety of jar- 
ring opinions. The Lord JIi all be king over 
all the earth ; in that day there Jliall be one 
Lord and his name one. And all fuperfti- 
tious ways of worfliip fliall be aboliflied, and 
all agree in worfhipping God in his own ap- 
pointed way, and agreeable to the purity of 
bis inftitutions. L will give them one heart 
and one way, that they may fear me for ever, 
for the good of them and their children after 
them. A time wherein the whole earth fhall 
be united as one holy city, one heavenly fa- 
mily, men of all nations fhall as it were 
dwell together, and fweetly correfpond one 
with another as brethren and children of 
the fame father ; as the prophecies often 
fpeak of all God's people at that time as the 
children of God, and brethren one to an- 
other, all appointing over them one head, 
gathered to one houfe of God, to worfhip 
the king, the Lord of Hofts. — A time where- 
in this whole great fociety fliall appear in 
glorious beauty, in genuine amiable chrifti- 
anity, and excellent order, as a city compaft 
together, the perfeftion of beauty, and eter- 


nal excellency, fhining with a refle£lion of 
the glory of Jehovah rifen upon it, which 
ihall be attraSive and ravifliing to all kings 
and nations, and it fhall appear as a bride 
adorned for her hufband. — A time of great 
temporal profperity ; of great health. The 
inhabitant jhall not fay, I am Jick. As the 
days of a tree, are the days of my people, A 
time wherein the earth (hall be abundantly 
fruitful. A time wherein the world (hall be 
delivered from that multitude of fore ca- 
lamities that before had prevailed, and there 
ihall be an univerfal bleffing of God upon 
mankind, in foul and body, and in all their 
concerns, and all manner of tokens of Gods 
prefence and favour, and God Jhall rejoice 
over them, as the bridegroom rejoiceth over his 
bride, and the mountains Jhall as it were drop 
down new wine, and the hills JJiall Jlow with 
milk, A time of great and univerfal joy 
throughout the earth, v^htnfrovi the utmojl 
ends ojthe earth shall be heard Jongs, even glo- 
ry to the righteous, and God's people shall 
zoith joy draw water out of the well ofjalva- 
tion, and God Jaall prepare in his holy moun- 
tain, ajeajl ofjat things, ajeajl oj wines on 
the lees, ojjat things Jull oJ marrow, oJ wines 
on the lees well refined, which feafl is repre- 

bf TPiE Latter days. 121 

lerited, as the marriage /upper of the Lamb. 
Yea, the fcriptures reprefent it hot only as a 
time of iiniverfal joy on earth, but extraor- 
dinary joy in heaven, among the angels and 
faintSi the holy apoftles and prophets there. 
Yea, the fcriptures reprefent it as a time of 
(extraordinary rejoicing with Chrift himfelf, 
the glorious head, in whom all things in 
heaven and earth Ihall then be gathered to- 
gether in one. The Lord thy God in the midji 
of thee is mighty; he will fave; he -will re- 
joice over thee with joy; he will reft in his love; 
he will joy over thee witkfmgijig. And the 
very fields, trees and mountains fliall then, 
as it were, rejoice, and break forth into fing- 
ing. Yefliall go out zvithjoy^ and be led forth 
with peace; the mountains and the hills fiall 
break forth before you into fnging, and all 
the trees of the field fhall clap their hands,— 
Sing, heavens, for the Lord hath done it : 
J7iout,ye lower parts of the earth; break forth 
intofinging,ye mountains; for eft, and e- 
very tree therein ; for the Lord hath redeem^ 
ed Jacob, and glorified himfelf in IfraeL 

Such being the ftate of things in this fu- 
ture promifed glorious day of the church's 
profperitv, furelv it is worth praying for, 


Nor is there any one thing whatfoever, if 
we viewed things aright, which a regard to 
the glory of God, a concern for the king- 
dom and honour of our Redeemer, a love 
to his people, pity to perifliing finners, love 
to our fellow^creatures in general, compaf- 
fion to mankind under its various and fore 
calamities and miferies, a defire of their tem- 
poral and fpritual profperity, love to our 
country, our neighbours and friends, yea, 
and to our own fouls, would difpofe us to 
be fo much in prayer for, as for the dawn- 
ing of this happy day, and the accomplifii- 
ment of that glorious event; 

It may be worthy to be confidered, 

3. How much Chrift prayed and labour- 
ed and fuffered, in order to the glory and 
happinefs of that day. 

The fum of the biefiTmgs Chrift fought, by 
what he did and fuffered in the w^ork of re- 
demption, was the Holy Spirit. So is the 
affair of our redemption conflituted ; the 
Father provides and gives the Redeemer, 
and the price of redemption is offered to 
him, and he grants the benefit purchafed ; 
thf Son is the redeemer who gives the price, 
and alfo is the price offered ; and the Holy 
Spirit is the grand bleffmg obtained by the 

SUM OF Christ's purchase. 123 

price offered, and beftowed on the redeemed. 
The Holy Spirit, in his in-dwelHng, his in- 
fluences and fruits, is the fum of all grace, 
holinefs, comfort and joy ; or in one word, 
of all the fpiritual good Chrift pnrchafed 
for men in this world ; and is alio the fum 
of all perfeflion, glory and eternal joy, that 
he piirchafed for them in another world. 
The Holy Spirit is that great benefit, which 
is the fubjeft-matter of the promifes, both 
of the eternal covenant of redemption, and 
alfo of the covenant of grace ; the grand 
fubjefl: of the promifes of the Old Teflament, 
in the prophecies of thebleffmgs of the Mef- 
fiah's kingdom ; and the chief fubjeft of the 
promifes of the New Teflament ; and par- 
ticularly of the covenant of grace delivered 
by Jefus Chrifl to his difciples, as his lafl 
will and teflament, in the xiv. xv. and xvi. 
chapters of John ; the grand legacy that he 
bequeathed to them, in that his lafl and dy- 
ing difcourfe with them. Therefore the H«- 
]y Spirit is fo often called the fpirit of pro- 
mife,.and emphatically, the promife, the pro- 
mife of the Father, &c. This being the great 
bleffmg Chrifl purchafcd by his labours and 
fufferings on earth, it was the bleffing he 
received of the Father, when he afcended 


into heav^en, and entered into the holy of 
holies with his own blood, to communicate 
to thofe that he had redeemed. It is expe- 
dient for you, that I go away ; for if I go not 
away, the comforter zqHL not come ; but if I 
depart, I will fend him unto you. Being by 
the right hand of God exalted, and having re- 
ceived of the Father the promife of the Holy 
Ghofl, he ho^thfhed forth this which ye 7iozofee 
and hear. This is the fum of thofe gifts, 
which Chrift received for men, even for the 
rebelliQ-"is, at his afcenfion. This is the fum 
of the benefits Chrift obtains for men by his 
interceffion. / will pray the Father, and he 
fiiall give you a^nother comforter, that he may 
^ abide with you for ever — even the fpirit of 
truth. Herein confifts Chrift's communica-: 
live fulnefs,even in his being full of the Spirit, 
and fo full of grace and truth, that we might 
of this fulnefs receive, and grace for grace* 
He is anointed with the Holy Ghoft; and 
this is the ointment that goes down from the 
head to the members. God gives the Spirit 
Xiot by meafure unto him, that every one 
that is his might receive a.ccording to the 
meafure of the gift of Chrift. This, there- 
fore, was the great blefting he pz^ayed for in 
that wonderful prayer, that he uttei^d for 


his difciples, and all his future church, the 
evening before he died. The bleffing he prayr 
ed for to the Father, in behalf of his difciples, 
was the fame he had infifted on in his preced- 
ing difcourfe with them; and this, doubtlefs, 
was the blefhng he prayed for when, as our 
High Prieft, he offered up flrong crying and 
tears with his blood. The fame that he fhed 
his blood for, he alfo Ihed tc^rs for, and pour- 
ed out prayers for. 

But the time that we have been fpeaking 
of, is the chief time of the beflowment of 
this bleffing — the main feafon of the fuccefs 
of all that Chrift did ^nd fuffered in the work 
of our redemption. Before this the Spirit 
of God is given but very fparingly, and but 
few are faved; but then it will be far other- 
wife; wickednefs fiiall be rare then, as vir- 
tue and piety had been before; and, un- 
doubtedly, by far the greatefl: number of 
them that ever receive the benefits of Chrift's 
redemption, from the beginning of the world 
to the end of it, will receive it in that time. 
The number of the inhabitants of the earth 
will, doubtlefs, then be vaftly multiplied, 
and the number of redeemed ones much 
more. If we (hould fuppofe that glorious 
day to laft no more than (literally) a thou- 


fand years, and that at the beginning of that 
thoufand years the world of mankind (hould 
bebutjuftas numerous as it is now, and 
that the number fliould be doubled, during 
that time of great health and peace, and the 
univerfal bleffmg of heaven, once only in an 
hundred years, the number at the end of the 
thoufand years would be more than a thou- 
fand times greater than it is now ; and if it- 
fliould be doubled once in fifty years, (which 
probably the number of inhabitants of New- 
England has ordinarily been, in about half 
that time) then at the end of the thoufand 
years, there would be more than a million 
inhabitants on the face of the earth, where 
there is one now. And there is reafon to 
think, that through the greater part of this 
period, at leaft, the number of famts will, in 
their increafe, bear a proportion to the in- 
creafe of the number of inhabitants. And 
it muft be confidered, that if the number of 
mankind at the beginning of this period be 
no more than equal to the prefent number, 
yet we may doubtlefs conclude, that the 
number of true faints will be immenfely 
greater, when inftead of the few true and 
thorough Chriilians now in fome few coun- 
tries, every nation on the face of the whole 


earth fliall be converted to Chriftianity, and 
every country (ball be full of true Chrillians^ 
fo that the fucceffive multiplication of true 
faints through the thoufand years, will begin 
with that vaft advantage, beyond the multi- 
plication of mankind; where the latter is be- 
gun from units, the other, doubtlefs, will be- 
gin with hundreds, if not thoufands. How 
much greater then will be the number of 
true converts, that will be brought to a par- 
ticipation of the benefits of Chrift's redemp- 
tion, during that period, than in all other 
times put together? I think, the foregoing 
things confidered, we fhall be very mode- 
rate in our conjeSures, if we fay, it is pro- 
bable that there will be an hundred thou- 
fand times more, that will actually be re- 
deemed to God by Chrift's blood, during 
that period of the church's profperity that 
,we have been fpeaking of, than ever had 
been before, from the beginuing of the world 
to that time. 

That time is reprefented in fcripture, as 
the proper appointed feafon of Chrift's fal- 
vation; eminently the eleft feafon, the ac- 
cepted time and day of falvation, the year 
of Chrift's redeemed. This period is fpoken 
of as the proper time of the dominion of the 


Redeemer, and reigri of his redeeming love, 
in the fecond and feventh chapters of Da- 
niel, and matiy other places ; the proper time 
of his harveft, or in-gathering of his fruits 
Irom this fallen world; the appointed day 
of his triumph over Satan, the great deftroy- 
tr, and the appointed day of his marriage; 
with his eleft fpoufc; The time given to the 
Sun of Righteoufnefs to rule, as the day is 
the time God has appdirited for the natural 
fun to beat rule • therefore the bringing on of 
this time is called Clirijl's coming in his king- 
^om, wherein he xvillrent the heavens and come 
downs and the Suji of Righteoufnefs Jfiall a-^ 

The comparatively little faving good there 
is in the world, as the fruit of Chrift's re- 
demption, before that time, is, as it were, 
granted by way of anticipation ; as we aiiti^ 
cipate fomething of the fan's light by re*- 
fleftion before the day-time, the proper time 
of the fun's rule ; and as the firft- fruits are 
gathered before the harveft : Then more ef- 
pecially will be the fulfilment of thofe great 
promifes, made by God the Father to the 
Son, for his pouring out his foul unto death ; 
then f mil he fee his feed, and the pleafure of 
the Lordfiallprofper in his hand ; xhcxifhall 


he fee of the travail of his foul, andbe fatis* 
fed, and, fiall jifify maiiy by his knowledge ; 
then will God divide him a portion zoith the 
great, and he fhall divide thefpoil with the 
flrong; then fhall Chrift, in an eminent man- 
ner, obtain his chofen fpoufe, that he loved 
and died for, that he might finEiify and cleanfe 
her, with the zoafiing of water, by the word^ 
and p'refent her to hivfelf a glorious church. 
He will obtain the joy that wasfet before him^ 
for xvhich he endured the crofs, and defpifed ^ 
thefhame, chiefly in the events and confe- 
quences of that day: That day, as was ob- 
ferved before, is often reprefented as emi- 
nently the timeof the rejoicing of the bride- 
groom. The fore-knowledge and confider- 
ation of it was what fupported him, and that 
which his foul exulted in, at a time when 
his foul had been troubled at the view of his 
approaching fufferings; as may be feen in 
Johnxii. 23, 24, 27,31, 32, 

Now, therefore, if it be fo, that this is what 
Jefus Chrift, our great Redeemer and the 
Head of the Church, did fo much defire, and 
fet his heart upon, from all eternity, and 
which he did and fuffered fo much for, of- 
fering up ftrong crving and tears, snd his 



precious blood, to obtain it; furely his dif- 
ciples and members fhould alfo earneftly 
feek it, and be much and earneft in prayer 
for it. 

Let it be confidered, 

4. The whole creation is, as it were, ear- 
neftly waiting for that day, and conftantly 
groaning and travailing in pain to bring 
forth the felicity and glory of it. For that 
day is above all other times, excepting the 
day of judgment, the day of the manifefta- 
tion of the fons of God, and of their glori- 
ous liberty ; and, therefore, that elegant re- 
prefentation the apoftle makes of the earneft • 
expeClation and travail of the creation, in 
Rom. viii. ig — 22 is applicable to the glo- 
rious event of this day. The earneji expec^ 
tation of the creature waiteth for the viani- 
fejlation of the fons of God, For the creature 
was made fuhjeB to vanity, not willingly , but 
by reafon of him who hathfubjeHed the fame 
in hope. Becaufe the creature itfelf alfofiall 
be delivered from the bondage of corruption 
into the glorious liberty of the childre^i of God. 
For we know that the whole creation groaneth 
and travaileth in pain together until now, — 
The vifible world has now, for many ages. 


been fubjeQed to fin, and made, as it were, 
a fervant to it, through the abufive improve- 
ment that man, who has the dominion over 
the creatures, puts the creatures to. Thus 
the fun is a fort of fervant to all manner of 
wickednefs, as its light, and other beneficial 
influences are abufed by men, and made fub- 
fervient to their lufts and finful purpofes. 
So of the rain, and fruits of the earth, and 
the brute animals, and all other parts of the 
vifible creation ; they all ferve mens' cor- 
ruption, and obey their finful will ; and God 
doth, in a fort, fubjeft them to it, for he con- 
tinues his influence and power to make them 
to be obedient, according to the fame law of 
nature, whereby they yield to mens' com- 
mand when ufed to good purpofes. It is by 
the immediate influence of God upon things, 
afting upon them, according to thofe con- 
ftant methods which we call the laws of na- 
ture, that they are ever obedient to mens' 
will, or that we can ufe them at all. This 
influence God continues to make them obe- 
dient to mens' will though wicked ; which 
is a fure fign that the prefent fl:ate of things 
isnotlafting, itis confufion, and God would 
not fuffer it to be, but that he defigns, in a 
little time, to put an end to it, when it fliall 


no more be fo. Seeing it is to be but a lit- 
tle while, God chufes rather to fubjefl: the 
creature to man's wickednefs, than to dif- 
turb and interrupt the courfe of nature ac- 
cording to its ftated laws ; but it is, as it 
were, a force upon the creature; for the crea- 
ture is abufed in it, perverted to far meaner 
purpofes than thofe for which the author of 
its nature made it, and to which he adapted 
it. The creature, therefore, is, as it were^ 
unwillingly fubjefl, and would not be fub- 
jeft, but that it is but for a fnort time, and 
it, as it v/ere, hopes for an alteration. It is 
a bondage the creature is fubjecl to, from 
which it was partly delivered when Chrift 
came, and the gofpel was promulgated in the 
%vorld, and will be m.ore fully delivered at 
the commencement of the glorious day we 
are fpeaking of, and perfeftly at the day of 
judgment. This agrees with the context, 
for the apoftle was fpeaking of the prefent 
fuffering flate of the church. The reafon 
why the church in this world is in a fuffer- 
ing ftate, is, that the world is fubjefted to 
the fm and corruption of mankind. By va- 
nity, in fcripture, is very commonly meant 
fin and wickednefs, and alfo by corruption, 
as might be fliewn in many places would ray 
intended brevity allow. 


Though the creature is thus fubjeft to va- 
nity, yet it does not reft in this fubjeflion, but 
is conftantly afting and exerting itfelf, in or- 
der to thjat glorious liberty that God has ap- 
pointed at the time we are fpeaking of, and, 
as it were, reaching forth towards it. All 
the changes that are brought to pafs in the 
world, from age to age, are ordered by in- 
finite wifdom, in one refpeft or other, to 
prepare the way for that glorious iffue of 
things, that (hall be when truth and righte- 
oufnefs (hall finally prevail, and he, whofe 
right it i^, (hall take the kingdom. All the 
creatures, in all their operations and mo- 
tions, continually tend to this ; as in a clock, 
all the motions of the whole fyftcm of wheels 
and movements, tend to the ftriking of the 
hammer at the appointed time. All the re- 
volutions and reftlefs motions of the fiin and 
and other heavenly bodies, from day to day, 
from year to year, and from age to age, arc 
continually tending thither; as all the many 
turnings of the wheels of a chariot, in a jour- 
ney, tend to the appointed journey's end.— 
The mighty ftruggles and conflifts of na- 
tions,and fliakings of kingdoms,and thofe vaft 
fuccefiive changes that are brought to pafs, in 


the kingdoms and empires of the world, from 
one age to another, are, as it were, travail- 
pangs of the creation, in order to bring forth 
this glorious event. And the fcriptures re- 
prefent the laft ftruggles and changes that 
fliall immediately precede this event, as be- 
ing the greateft of all — as the laft pangs of 
a woman in travail are the moft violent. 

The creature thus earneftly expeftingthis 
glorious manifeilation and liberty of the 
children of God, and travailing in pain in 
order to it, therefore the fcriptures, by a like 
figure, do very often reprefent, that when 
this (hall be accompliflied, the whole inani- 
mate creation fhall greatly rejoice: That 
the heavens fiall Jing, the earth be glad, the 
mountains break forth into finging, the hills 
he jo)iful together, the trees clap their hands ^ 
the lower parts of the earthfiout, thefea roar 
and the fulnefs thereof and the foods clap 
their hands. 

All the intelligent eleS creation, all God's 
holy creatures in heaven and earth, are tru- 
ly and properly waiting for, and earneftly 
expecting that event. It is abundantly re- 
prefented in fcripture as the fpirit and cha- 
rafter of all true faints, that they fet their 
hearts upon, love, long, wait and pray for 


the promifed glory of that day ; they are 
fpoken of as thofe that prefer Jerufalem to 
their chief joy ; that takepleafure in theflones 
of Zion, and favour the dujt thereof; that 
wait for the confolation of IfraeL It is the 
language of the church of God, and the 
breathing of the foul of every true faint, 
that we have in Pfal. xiv. 7. that thefal- 
vation of Ifrael zvere come out of Zion f when 
the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his 
people, Jacob fiall rejoice, and Ifrael fhall be 
glad. Agreeably to this was the fpirit of 
old Jacob, which he expreffed when he was 
dying, in faith in the great promife made to 
him and Ifaac and Abraham, that in their 
feed all the families of the earth fhould be 
bleffed, I have loaited for thy falvation, 
Lord, The fame is reprefented as the fpi- 
rit of his true children, or the family of Ja- 
cob. I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth 
himf elf from the houfe of Jacob, and I will 
look for him, — They that love Chrifl's appear- 
ingl is a name that the apoftle gives to true 

The glorious inhabitants of the heavenly 
world, the faints and angels there, that re- 
joice when one finner repents, are earneftly 
waiting, in an affured and joyful depend- 


ance on God's promifes of that converfion 
of the world, and marriage of the Lamb, 
which (liall be when that glorious day 
comes ; and therefore they are reprefented 
as all with one accord rejoicing and praifing 
God with fuch mighty exultation and tri- 
umph, when it is accomliflied, in Rom. xix. 

5. The word of God is full of precepts, 
encouragements and examples, tending to 
excite and induce the people of God to be 
much in prayer for this mercy. 

The fpirit of God is the chief of the blef- 
fings that are the fubjeft-matter of chriflian 
prayer ; for it is the fum of all fpiritual blef- 
fings ; which are thofe that we need infinite- 
ly more than others; and are thofe wherein 
our true and eternal happinefs conGfts. — 
That which is the fum of the blcffings that 
Chrifl purchafed, is the fum of the blcffings 
that Chriflians have to pray for ; but that, 
as v;as obferved before, is the Holy Spirit ; 
and therefore when the difciples came to 
Chrift, and defired him to teach them to 
pray, Luke xi. he accordingly gave them 
particular direftions for the perform.ance of 
this duty ;— theconclufion of his whole dif- 
courfe, in the 13th verfe, plainly {[\qw^ that 
the Holy Spirit is the fum of the blcffings 


that are the fubjeft-matter of that prayer 
about which he had inftrufted them. Ifyc 
then, being evil, know how to give good gifts 
unto your children, how much morejliallyour 
heavenly Father give the Holy Spi rit to them 
that ajk him ? From which words of Chrift 
we may alfo obferve, that there is no blef- 
fing that we have fo great encouragement 
to pray for, as the Spirit of God ; the words 
imply, that our heavenly Father is efpecially 
ready to beftow his Holy Spirit on them 
that afk him. Of the more excellent na- 
ture any benefit is, which we {land in need 
of, the more ready God is to beftow it in 
anfwer to prayer. The infinite goodnefs of 
God's nature is the more gratified, and the 
grand defign and aim of the contrivance 
and work of our redemption, is the more 
anfwered, and Jefus Chrift the Redeemer 
has the greater fuccefs in his undertaking 
and labours ; and thofe defires that are ex~ 
preffed in prayer for the moft excelJent 
bleftings are the moft excellent defires, and 
confequently fuch as God moft approves of, 
and is moft ready to gratify. 

The fcriptures do not only direft and en- 
courage us in general to pray for the Holy 
Spirit above all tilings elfe, but it is the ex- 



prefsly revealed will of God, that his church 
fiiould be very much in prayer for that glo- 
rious out-pouring of the Spirit that is to be 
in the latter days, and the things that fhall 
be accornpliFned by it. God fpeaking of 
that blefied event, Ezek. xxxvi. under the 
figure olcleanjing the hoiife of Ifraelfrom all 
their iniquities, planting and building their 
xoajte and ruined places, and inaking them to 
become like the garden of Eden,andfdlingtheni 
rjoithmcn like a flock, like the holy flock, thefock 
of Jerufalem in herfolemnfcafs ; wherein he, 
doubtlefs, has refpefl: to the fame glorious 
reftoration and advancement of his church 
that is fpoken of in the next chapter, and in 
all the following chapters to the end of the 
book, he fays, ver. 37. Thus faith the Lord, 
I will yet for this be enquired of by the houfe 
of Ifrael, to do it for them. Which, doubt- 
lefs, implies, that it is the will of God that 
extraordinary prayerfulnefs in his people 
for this mercy Ihould precede the beflow- 
ment of it. 

I know of no place in the Bible, where fo 
ftrong an expreflion is made ufe of to figni- 
fy importunity in prayer, as is ufed in Ifai. 
Ixii. 6, 7. where the people of God are call- 
ed upon to be importunate for this mercy: 


Ye that make mention of the Loixl, keep not 
flence, and give him no rejl, till he ejlahlijli, 
and till he make Jeriifalem a praife in the 
earth, Hovv^ ftrong is the phrafe ? And how 
loud is this call to the church of God, to be 
fervent and incefTant in their cries to him for 
this great mercy ? How wonderful are the 
words to be ufed, concerning the manner in 
which fuch worms of the duUrticuldaddrefs 
the high and lofty One that inhabits eterni- 
ty ? And what encouragement is here, to 
approach the mercy-feat with the greatell 
freedom, boldnefs, earneftnefs, conflancy, 
and full affurance of faith, to feek of God 
this greateft thing that can be fought in 
chriftian prayer? 

It is a juft obfervation of a certain emi- 
nent minifler of the church of Scotland, in 
a difcourfeof his, cuifocial prayer, in which, 
fpeaking of pleading for the fuccefs of the 
gofpel, as required by the Lord's prayer, he 
fays, " That notwithftanding of its being fo 
** compendious, yet the one half of it, that 
" is, three petitions in fix, and thefe the firft 
" prefcribed, do all relate to this great cafe ; 
*' fo that to put up any one of thefe petiti- 
'' ons apart, or all of them together, is upon 
" the matter, to pray that the difpenfation 


^' of the gnfpel may be bleffed with divine 
^•' power." That glorious day we are fpeak- 
ing of IS the proper and appointed time, a- 
bove all others, for the bringing to pafs the 
things requefied in each of thefe petitions ; 
as the prophecies every where reprefent that 
as the time, which God has efpecially ap- 
pointed for the hallowing or glorifying his 
own great name in this world, caufmg his 
^lary to be rev ceded, that all jlejh may fee it 
tcgether, cauhng it openly to b€ mardfejled in 
the fivht cf the heathen, filling the whole 
world with the light of his glory to fuch a 
degree, that the moonjiiallbe confounded and 
thefiuiauiamedhefore that brighter glory ; the 
appointed time for the glorifying and mag- 
nffying the name of Jefus Chrift, caufmg 
every knee to bow, and every tongue to confefs 
to him. This is the proper time of God's 
kijigdovis coming, or of Chriffs coming in his 
kingdom: that is the very time foretold in 
the iid of Daniel, when the Lord God of hea- 
ven fliallfet up a kingdom,'\n the latter times 
of the faft monarchy, w^hen-it is divided in- 
to ten kingdoms ; and that is the very time ' 
foretold in the viith of Daniel, when there 
ftiouid be given to One like to the Son of Man^ 
doinimon, glory, and a kingdom^ that all pea- 


pie, nations, a7id languages, Jhouldfcrve him ; 
and the kingdom and dominion, and the great- 
nefs of the kingdom under the whole heaven 
fiiall be given to the people of the faints of the 
mofi high God, after the deftruftion of the 
little horn, that fhould continue y^?'(2 time^ 
times, and the dividing of time. And that is 
the time wherein God's zvillfiall be done on 
earth, as it is done in heaven ; when heaven 
fhall, as it were, be bowed, and come down 
to the earth, as God's people fiall be all righ- 
teous, and holinefs to the Lordfiall be written 
on the bells of the horfes, Sec, So that the 
three firft petitions of the Lord sprayer are, 
in effeft, no other than requefts for the 
bringing on this glorious day. — And as the 
Lord's prayer begins with aflcing for this, in 
the three firft petitions, fo it concludes with 
it, in thefe words. For thine is the kingdom, 
and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. 
Which words imply a requeft, that God 
would take to himfelf his great power, and 
reign, and manifeft his power and glory in 
the world. Thus Chrift teaches us, that it 
becomes his difciples to feek this above all 
other things, and make it the firft and the 
laft in their prayers, and that every petition 
fhould be put up in a fubordination to th€ 


advancement of God's kingdom and glory 
in the world. 

Befides what has been obferved of the 
Lord's prayer, if we look through the whole 
Bible, and obferve all the examples of prayer 
that we find there recorded, we (hall not find 
fo many prayers for any other mercy, as for 
the deliverance, reftoration, and profperity 
of the church, and the advancement of God's 
glory and kingdom of grace in the world. 
If we well confider the prayers that we find 
recorded in the book of Pfalms, I believe 
we ihall fee reafon to think, that a very 
great, if not the greater part of them, are 
prayers uttered, either in the name of Chrift, 
or in the name of the church, for fuch a 
mercy ; and undoubtedly, the greatefl: part 
of that book of Pfalms, is made up of prayers 
for this mercy, prophecies of it, and pro- 
phetical praifes for it. 

The prophets, in their prophecies of the 
relloration and advancement of the church, 
very often fpeak of it as what fhall be done 
in anfwer to the prayers of God's people. 
Ifai. XXV. g. — xxvi. 9, 12, 13, 16, 17. to the 
end. Chap, xxxiii. 2. PfaL cii. 13 — 22. 
Jer. iii. 21. Ifai. Ixv. 24. — xli. 17. Hof. 
V, 15. with vi. 1, 2, 3. and xiv, 2. to the 


end. — Zech. x. 6. — xii. x. and xiii. 9. Ifai. 
Iv. 6. with ver. 12, 13. Jer. xxxiii. 3. The 
prophecies of future glorious times of the 
church, are often introduced with a prayer 
of the church for her dehvcrance and ad- 
vancement, prophetically uttered, as in Ifai. 
li. 9, &c. Chap. Ixiii. 11. to the end, and 
Ixiv. throughout. 

In order to Chrift's being myftically born 
into the world, m the advancement and flou- 
rifhing of true religion, and great increafe 
of the number of true converts who are fpo- 
ken of as having Chrift formed in them, the 
fcriptures reprefent it as requifite, that the 
church fliould firft be in travail, crying, and 
pained to be delivered. And one thing that 
we have good reafon to underftand by it, is 
her exercifing flrong defires, and wreflling 
and agonizing with God in prayer for this 
event ; becaufe we find fuch figures of fpeech 
ufed in this fenfe elfewhere. My little chil- 
dren, o/whoni I travail in birth again, until 
Chrijl he formed in you. Lord, in trouble have 
they vifited thee; they poured out a prayer 
when thy chafiening was upon them. Like as 
a woman zvith child, that draweth near the 
time of her delivery, is zn pain, andcryeth out 
in her pangs, fo have zve been in ihyfght, 


Lord, And certainly it is fit, that the church 
of God fhould be in travail for that, which 
(as I before obferved) the whole creation tra- 
vails in pain for. 

The fcriptures do not only abundantly 
manifeft it to be the duty of God's peo- 
ple to be much in prayer for this great mer- 
cy, but they alfo abound with manifold confi- 
derations to encourage them in it, and ani- 
mate them with hopes of fuccefs. There is, 
perhaps, no one thing that fo much of the 
Bible is taken up in the promifes of, in or- 
der to encourage the faith, hope, and pray- 
ers of the faints as this, which at once af- 
fords to God's people the cleared evidences 
that it is their duty to be much in prayer 
for this mercy, (for, undoubtedly, that which 
God does abundantly make the fubjeft of 
his promifes, God's people fhould abundant- 
ly make the fubjeft of their prayers) and alfo 
affords them the flrongeft alTurances that 
their prayers fhall be fuccefsful. With what 
confidence may we go before God, and pray 
for that, of which we have fo many exceed- 
ing precious and glorious promifes to plead ? 
The very firfl promife of God to fallen man, 
even that it Jliall bruife thy head, is a pro- 
mife which is to have its chief fulfilmeut at 


that day ; and the whole Bible concludes with 
a promife of the glory of that day, and a 
prayer for its fulfilment. He that tcjtifieth 
thcfe things, faith — Surely, I coine quickly — 
Amen.. Evenfo, conie, Lord J ejus. 

The fcripture gives us great reafon to 
think, that when once there comes to appear 
much of a fpirit of prayer in the church of 
God for this mercy, then it will foon beac- 
complilhed. It is evidently with reference 
to this mercy, that God makes that promife, 
When the poor and needy fcek water, and there 
is none i and their tongue failcth for thrift /, 
the Lord, will hear them; L the God of If 
rael, will not forfake them; Izoillopen rivers 
in high places, and fountains in the midfi of 
the vallies; Itoill make the wildernefs a pool 
oficater, and. the dry landfprings of water ; 
I will plant in the wildernefs the cedar, the 
fiittah-tree, and the myrtle, and the oil-tree; 
Iicill fet in the defart the fir-tree, the pine, 
and the box-tree together. Spiritual waters 
and rivers are explained by the apoftle John, 
to be the Holy Spirit. It is now a time of 
fcarcity of thefe fpiritual waters; there are^ 
as it were, none : If God's people, in this 
time of great drought, were but made duly 



fenfible of this calamity, and their own emp-. 
tinefs and neceffity, and brought earneftly to 
thirtt and cry for needed fuppIies^God woidd, 
doubtlcfs, foon fulfil this blelFed promife. — 
Wc have another promife much like this, in 
Pfal. CH. 16, 17. Wheii the LordJIiall build 
up Zion, hejiiall appear in his glory ; he will 
regard the prayer of the dcjlitute, and not de- 

fpife their prayer. And remarkable are the 
words that follow in the next verfe : This 

Jliall be written for the generation to come; 
and the people zvhich fliall be created fiall 

praife the Lord, Which feems to fignify, that 
this promife fliall be left on record to en- 
courage fome future generation of God's 
people to pray and cry earneflly for this 
mercy, to whom he would fulfil the promife, 
and thereby give them, and great multitudes 
of others, that fhould be converted through 
their prayers, occafion to praife his name. 
Who knows but that the generation here 
fpoken of, may be this prefent generation? 
One thing mentioned in the chara6ler of that 
future generation, is certainly true concern- 
ing the prefent, viz. That it is defHtute; the 
church of God is in very low, forrowful and 
needy circumflances; and if the next thing, 
tliere fuppofed, were alfo verified in us, viz. 


That we were made fenfible of our great ca- 
lamity, and brought to cry earneRIy to God 
for help, I am perfuaded that the third would 
be alfo verified, viz. That our prayers would 
be turned into joyful praifes, for God's gra- 
cious anfwers of our prayers. It is fpoken 
of as a fign and evidence, that the time to 
favour Zion i^ come, when God's fervants 
are brought, by their prayerfulnefs for her 
refloration, in an eminent manner, to fliew 
that they faxjoiir her Jiones and clujl. Thou 
Jlialt arife, and have mercy upon 7Aon; for 
the time to favour her, yea, thefet tune is come; 
for thy fervants take pleafure in her f ones ^ 
and favour the dufl thereof- 

God has refpeft to the prayers of his faints 
in all his government of the world, as we 
may obferve by the reprefentation made. Re- 
velations viii. at the beginning. There we 
read of feven angels flanding before the 
throne of God, and receiving of him feven 
trumpets, at the founding of which great 
and mighty changes were to be brought to 
pafs in the world, through many fucceffive 
ages. But when thefe angels had received 
their trumpets, they muft fland ftill, and all 
mufl be in filence, not one of them muft be 
allowed to found, until the prayers of the 


faints are attended to. The an^el of the co- 
vcnant, as a glorious High Priefl, comes and 
liands at the altar, with much incenfe, to of- 
fer with the prayers of all faints upon the 
golden altar, before the throne; and the 
fmoke of the incenfe, with the prayers of 
the faints, afcends up with acceptance be- 
fore God, out of the angel's hand; and then 
the angels prepare themfelves to found. — 
And God, in the events of every trumpet^ 
rea:embers thofe prayers, as appears at laft, 
by the great and glorious things he accom- 
pliflies for his church, in the iffue of all, in 
anfwer to thefe prayers, in the event of the 
laft trumpet, which brings the glory of the 
latter days, when thefe prayers fhedl be turn- 
ed into joyful praifes. Rev. xL 15, 16, 17. 
AVfil thefeventh angel founded, and there were 
great voices in heaven, faying — The kingdoms 
of this world are become the kingdoms of our 
Lord and of his Chriji ; and he fiall reign 
for ever and ever. And thefour-and4xventy 
elders, which fat before God on their feats, fell 
iipon their faces, and zoorfaipped God, faying. 
We give thee thanks, Lord God Abmghty, 
%johich art, ajid wafl, and art to come, becaufe 
thou haft taken to thee thy great forcer^ and. 

PRAY FOR Christ's kingdom. 14^ 

hajl reigned. Since it is thus, that it is the 
pleafure of God fo to honor his people, as 
to carry on all the defigns of his kingdom 
in this way, viz. by the prayers of his faints ; 
this gives us great reafon to think, that 
whenever the time comes that God gives an 
extraordinary fpirit of prayer for the pro- 
mifed advancement of his kingdom on earth, 
(which is God's great aim in all preceding 
providences, and which is the main thing 
that the fpirit of prayer in the faints aims 
at) then the fulfilling this event is nigh. 

God, in wonderful grace, is pleafed to 
reprefent himfelf, as it were, at the command 
of his people, with regard to mercies of this 
nature, fo as to be ready to beftow them 
whenever they (hall earneftly pray for them. 
Thus faith the Lord, the holy One of Ifrael, 
and his maker, Afk of me of things to come, 
concerning myfons, and concerning the work 
of my hands, command ye me. What God is 
fpeaking of in this context, is the reftoration 
of his church ; not only a reftoration from 
temporal calamity, and an outward captivi- 
ty by Cyrus ; but alfo a fpiritual reftoration 
and advancement, by God's commanding 
the heavens to drop dovjii from above, and 
thefkies to pour downrighteoufnefs, and can- 

150 EXAMPLES, &C. 

Jing the earth to open and bring f or thfalvation^ 
and righteoufnefs tofpring up together, God 
would have his people afk of him, or en- 
quire of him by earneft prayer, to do this 
for them; and manifefts himfelf as being 
at the command of earneft prayers for fuch 
a mercy : and a reafon why God is fo rea- 
dy to hear fuch prayers, is couched in the 
w^ords, viz. Becaufe it is prayer for his own 
church, his chofen and beloved people, his 
fans and daughters, and the work of his hands; 
and he cannot deny any thing that is afked 
for their comfort and profperity. 

God fpeaks of himfelf as flanding ready 
to be gracious to his church, and to appear 
for its refloration, and only waiting for fuch 
an opportunity to beftow this mercy, when 
he ihall hear the cries of his people for it, 
that he may beftow it in anfwer to .their 
prayers. Therefore zoill the Lord wait, that 
he may be gracious to thee ; and therefore toilL 
he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon 
you: For the Lord is a God of judgment ; 
bleffed are all they that wait for hird-. For the 
people fiall dwell in Zion at Jcrifalevi. — 
Thouflialt weep no more; he will be very 
gracious unto thee, at the voice of thy cry : — 
when he f hall hear it, he f mil anfwer thee, — 

EXAMPLES, &C. 151 

The words imply as much as that when God 
once fees his people much engaged in pray- 
ing for this mercy, it (hall be no longer de- 
layed. Chrilt defires to hear the voice of 
his fpoufe, that is in the clefts of the rock, m 
the fecret places of the flairs \ in a low and 
obfcure flate, driven into fecret corners : he 
only waits for this, in order to put an end 
to her ftate of affliflion, and caufe the day 
to break, -and thefhadows to flee away. If he 
once heard her vo'ce in earnelt prayer, he 
would come fwiftly over the viountains of 
feparation between him and her, as a roe, or 
yoimg hart. When his church is in a low 
flate, and oppreffed by her enemies, and 
cries to him, he will fwiftly fly to her relief, 
as birds fly at the cry of their young. Yea, 
when that glorious day comes, that I am 
fpeaking of, before they call, he will anfwer 
them, and while they are yet fpeaking, he will 
hear ; and, in anfwer to their prayers, he 
will make the zoo f and the lamb feed together, 
&c. When the fpoufe prays for the effufion 
of the Holy Spirit, and the coming of Chrifl:, 
by granting the tokens of his fpiritual pre- 
fence in the church, faying, Azvake, north 
wind, and come, thou fouih, blow upon my 
garden, that the f pices thereof may flow out; 

1^2 EXAMPLES, &C. 

let my beloved come into his garden, and eat 
his pleafant fruits ; there feems to be aii 
immediate anfwer to her prayer, in the next 
words, in abundant communications of the 
Spirit, and beftowmentoffpiritual bleffings'; 
lam come into my garden, viyjijler, myfpoiife; 
I have gathered my ?nyrrh loith viy fpice ; / 
have eaten my honey -comb with my honey ; I 
have drunk my toine wkh my milk. Eat, 
friends ; drink, yea, drink abundantly, he* 

Scripture inftances and exarnples of fuc- 
cefs in prayer, give great encouragement to 
pray for this mercy. Mofl of the remiark- 
able deliverances and reilorations of the 
church of God, that we have account of in 
the fcriptures, were in anfwer to prayer. So 
was the redemption of the church of God 
from the Egyptian bondage. The great 
reftoration of the church in the latter day, 
is fpoken of as refembied by this ; as in Ifai. 
Ixiv. 1 — 4. xi. 11, 15, 16. xliii. 2, 3, 16 
— 19. h. 10, 11, 15. Lxiii. 11, 12, 13. 
Zech. X. 10, 11. Hof ii. 14, 15. It was 
in anfwer to prayer, that the fun flood ftill 
over Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of 
Ajalon, and God's people obtained that 
great viiiory over their enemies : in which 

EJ^AMPLES, &C. i^^ 

Wonderful miracle, God feemed to have 
fome refpcfl to a future more glorious event 
to be accompli(bed for thechriftian churchy 
in the day of her viftory over her enemies, 
in the latter days ; even that event foretold, 
Ifai. xl. 20. Thy fun Jliall no viorego down^ 
neither Jliall thy moon zvithdrazv itfelj\ It 
was in anfwer to prayer, that God delivered 
his church from the mighty hoft of the Af- 
fyrians, in Hezekiah's time ; which difj^en- 
fation is abundantly made ufe of, ^s a type 
of the great things God will do for the chri- 
ftian church in the latter days, in the pro- 
phecies of Ifaiah. The reftoration of the 
church of God from the Baby lonifh captivity, 
as abundantly appears both by fcripture- 
prophecies and hiftories, was in anfwer to 
extraordinary prayer ; feejer.xxix* 10— 14. 
and 1. 4, 5. Dan. ix. throughout. Ezra 
viii. 21, &c. Neh. i. 4. to the end.— iv. 4, 
5. and chap. ix. throughout. This reftora- 
tion of the Jewifh church, after the deftruc- 
tion of Babylon, is evidently a type of the 
glorious reftoration of the chriftian church, 
after the deftruftion of the kingdom of Anti- 
chrift ; which, as all know, is abundantly 
fpoken of in the revelation of St. John, as 
the anti-type of Babylon. Sampfon, out of 


154 EXAMPLES, &C. 

weakncfs, received ftrength to pull down 
Dagon's temple, through prayer. So the 
people of God, in the latter days, will, out 
of weaknefs, be made fl:rong,and will become 
the inltruments of pulling down the king- 
' dom of Satan, by prayer. 

The Spirit of God v/as poured out upon 
Chrift himfelf, in anfwer to prayer. Now 
when all the people were baptized, it came to 
pafs, that Jefus alfo being baptized, and pray- 
ing, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Ghoji 
defcendcd in a boddly jhape like a dove, upon 
hivi; and a voice came from heaven, which 
faid, Thou art my beloved Son, in Thee I ant 
' well pleafed. The Spirit defcends on the 
church of Chrift, the f^me way, in this re- 
fpeft, that it defcended on the head of the 
"church. The greateft effufion of the Spir- 
,it that ever yet has been, even that which 
wa^s in the primitive times of the chriftian 
church, which began in Jerufalem on the 
(3ay of Pentecoft, was in anfwer to ex- 
.traordinary prayer. When the difciples 
were gathered together to their Lord, a lit- 
tle before his afcenfion, he commanded them 
that they Jlio^ild not depart from Jerufalem, 
but wait for the promife of the Father, which, 
faiih he, ye have heard of me, i. e. the pro- 

EXAMPLES, &C» 355 

mife of the Holy Ghoft ; Afts i. 4. What 
fhey had their hearts upon was the reftora- 
tion of the kingdom of Ifrael : Lord, fay 
they, wilt thou, at this time, rejiore again the 
kingdom to Ifrael, ver. 6- And according 
to Chrift's direftion, after his afcenfion, they 
returned to Jerufalem, and continued in u- 
nited fervent prayer and fupphcation. It 
feems they fpent their time in it from day to 
day, without ceafing ; until the fpirit came 
down in a wonderful manner upon them, 
and that work was begun which never ccaf- 
ed, until the world was turned upfide down, 
and all the chief nations of it were convert- 
ed to chriftianity ; and that glorious deli- 
verance and advancement of the chriftian 
church, that was in the days of Conflantine 
the Great, followed the extraordinary cries 
of the church to God, as the matter is repre- 
fented, Rev. vi. at the opening of the fifth 
feal. The church, in her fuffering ftate, is 
reprefented crying with a loud voice, How 
long. Lord, holy and true, daft thou not judge, 
and avenge our blood on them that divell on 
the earth ? And the opening of the next 
feal brings on that mighty revolution, in the 
days of Conflantine, compared to thofe 
great changes that (hall be at the end of the 




As there is fb great and manifold reafon 
from the word of God, to think that if a 
fpirit of earned prayer for that great effufi- 
on of the Spirit of God which I am fpeak- 
ing of, prevailed in the chriftian church, 
the mercy would be foon granted ; fo thofe 
that are engaged in fuch prayer might well 
expect the lirft benefit. God will come to 
thofe that are feeking him and waiting for 
him; Ifai. xxv. 9. and xxxvi. 8. When 
Chriil: came in the flefh, he was firfl reveal- 
ed to them who were vjaitingfor the confo^ 
Idtion of Ifrael, and looking for i^edemption 
in Jerufalevi, And in that great out-pour- 
ing of the Spirit that was in the days of the 
apoflles, which was attended with fuch glo- 
rious effefts among the Jews and Gentiies, 
the Spirit came down firft on thofe that 
were engaged in united earned prayer for 
it. — x\ fpecial blefhng is promifed to them 
that love and pray for the profperity of the 
church of God. Pray for the peace of Je- 
rufalem. They fhall prof per ^ that love thee. 

y. We are prefented with many motive^ 
in the difpenfations of Divine Providenc^ 
at this day, to excite us to be much in pray, 
er for this mercy. 

There is much in Providence to fhew us 


our need of it, and put us on defiring it. — 
The great outward calamities, in which the 
world is involved, and particularly the bloo- 
dy war that embroils and waftes the nations 
of Chriftendom, and in which our nation 
has fo great a fhare, may well make all that 
believe God's word, and love mankind, ear- 
neilly long and pray for that day, when the 
wolf {hall dwell with the Iamb, and the na« 
tions fhall beat their fwords into plow-fhares 
&c. But efpecially do the fpiritual calami- 
ties, and miferies of the prefent time, (hew 
our great need of that bleffed effufion of 
God's Spirit; there having been, for fo long 
a time, fo great a witb-holding of the Spirit, 
from the greater part of the Chriftian w^orld, 
and fuch difmal confequences of it, in the 
great decay of vital piety, and the exceed- 
ing prevalence of infidelity, herefy, and all 
manner of vice and wickednefs; and efpe- 
cially in our land and nation; of which a 
moft affefting account has lately been pub- 
liftied in a pamphlet, printed in London, 
and re-printed in Scotland, entitled, Britain's 
Remembrancer; by which it feems that lux- 
ury, and wickednefs of almoft every kind, is 
well nigh come to the utmoft extremity in 
the nation ; and if vice Ihould continue to 


prevail and increafe for one generation more, 
as it has the generation paft, it looks as tho' 
the nation could hardly continue in being, 
but mufl fink under the weight of its own 
corruption and wickednefs. And the ftatc 
of things in the other parts of the Britifh do- 
minions, beGdes England, is very deplora- 
ble. The church of Scotland has very much 
loft her glory, greatly departing from her 
ancient purity, and excellent order; and has 
of late been bleeding with great and mani- 
fold wounds, occafioned by their divifions 
and hot contentions. And there are fre- 
quent complaints from thence, by thofe that 
lament the corruptions of that land, of fin 
and v/ickednefs, of innumerable kinds, a- 
bounding and prevailing of late, among all 
mnks and forts of men there. And how la- 
mentable is the moral and religious (late of 
thefe American colonies? Of New-England 
in particular! Hov/ much is that kind of re- 
ligion, that was profefled and m.uch experi- 
enced and practifcd, in the firft, and appa- 
rently the beft times in New-England, grown 
and growing out of credit ? What fierce and 
violent contentions have been of late among 
mini'fters and people, about things of a re- 
ligious nature? How much is the gofpel- 


miniftry grown into contempt ? and the work 
of the ^miniftry, in many refpefts^ laid under 
uncommon difficukies, and even in danger 
of finking amongfl us? How many of our 
congregations and churches rending in pie- 
ces? Church-difcipline weakened, and ordi- 
nances lefs and lefs regarded- What wild 
and extravagant notions, grofs delufions of 
the devil, and llrange pra6lices have prevail- 
ed, and do ftill prevail, in many places, un- 
der a pretext of extraordinary purity, fpirit- 
uality, liberty, and zeal againft formality, 
ufurpation, and conformity to the world? 
How ftrong and deeply rooted and general 
are the prejudices that prevail againft vital 
religion, and the power of godlinefs, andal- 
moft every thing that appertains to it, or 
tends to it? How apparently jire the hearts 
of people, every where, uncommonly (hut 
up againfl: all means and endeavours to a- 
-waken finners and revive religion? Vice 
and immorality, of all kinds, withal increaf- 
ing and unqfually prevailing? — May not an 
attentive vievr and confideration of fuch a 
flate of things well influence the people that 
favour the duft of Zion, to earneftnefs in 
their cries to God for a general out-pouring 
of his Spirit, which only can be an effeftual 
remedy for thefe evils? 


Befides the things that have been men- 
tioned, the frefh attempts made by the Anti- 
chriftian powers againft the Proteftant inte- 
reft, in their late endeavours to reftore a 
Popifti government in Great Britain, the 
chief bulwark of the Proteftant caufe; as 
alfo the perfecution lately revived againft 
the Proteftants in France, may well give oc- 
cafion to the people of God, to renewed and 
extraordinary eaVneftnefs in their prayers to 
him, for the fulfilment of the promifed down- 
fall of Antichrift, and that liberty and glory 
of his church that ftiall follow. 

As there is much in the prefent ftate of 
things to (hew us our great need of this mer- 
cy, and to caufe us to defire it; fo there is 
very much to convince us, that God alone: 
. can bejlow it, and ftiew us our entire and ab- 
folute dependence on him for it. The in- 
fufficiency of human abilities to bring to pafs 
any fuch happy change in the world as is 
foretold, or to afford any remedy to man- 
kind, from fuch miferies as have been men- 
tioned, does now remarkably appear. Thofe 
obfervations of the apoftle, i Cor. i. The 
world by wifdovi knows not God, and God 
makes foolijh the zoifdom of this ivorld, never 
were verified to fuch a degree as they are 


now. Great difcoveries have been made in 
the arts and fciences, and never was human 
learning carried to fuch a height, as in the 
prefent age; and yet never did the caufe of 
religion and virtue run fo low, in nations 
profeffing the true religion. Never was an 
age wherein fo many learned and elaborate 
treatifes have been written, in proof of the 
truth and divinity of the Chriftian religion; 
yet never were there fo many infidels among 
thofe that were brought up under the light 
ofthegofpeL It is an age, as is fuppofed^ . 
of great light, freedom of thought, and dif- 
covery of truth in matters of religion, and 
deteftion of the weaknefs and bigotry of our 
anceftors, and of the folly and abfurdity of 
the notions of thofe that were accounted e- 
minent divines in former generations ; which 
notions, it is imagined, did deftroy the very 
foundations of virtue and religion, and ener- 
vate all precepts of morality, and, in effeft^ 
annul all difference between virtue and vice; 
and yet vice and wickednefs did never fo 
prevail, like an overflowing deluge. It is an 
age wherein thofe mean and ffingy principles 
as they are called, of our forefathers, which, 
as is fuppofed, deformed religion, and led 



to unworthy thoughts of God, are very much 
difcarded, and grown out of credit, and fup- 
pofed more free, noble and generous tho'ts 
of the nature of rehgion, and of the Chrifti- 
an fcheme are entertained ; but yet never 
was an age, wherein rehgion in general was 
fo much defpifed and trampled on, and Je- 
fus Chrift and God Almighty fo blafphem- 
ed and treated with open daring contempt. 
The exceeding weaknefs of mankind, and 
their infufficiency in themfelves for the bring- 
ing to pafs any thing great and good in the 
world, with regard to its moral and fpiritu- 
al (late, remarkably appears in many things 
that have attended and followed the extra- 
ordinary religious commotion, that has late- 
ly been in many parts of Great Britain and 
America. The infirmity of the human na- 
ture has been manifefted, in a very affefting 
manner, in the various paffions that men 
have been the fubjefts of, and innumerable 
ways that they have been moved, as a reed 
fliaken with the wind, on occafion of the 
changes and incidents, both public and pri- 
vate, of fuch a ftate of things. How many 
errors and extremes are we liable to? How 
quickly over-topped, blinded, mifled, and 
confounded? And how eafily does Satan 


make fools of men, if confident in their own 
wifdom and ftrength, and left to theinfel ves ? 
Many, in the late tvonderful feafon, were 
ready to admire and truft in men, as if all 
depended on fuch and fuch inftruments, at 
leafl: did afcribe too much to their (kill and 
zeal, becaufe God was pleafed to improve 

them a little while to do extraordinary things; 
but what great things does the (kill and zeal 
of inftruments do now, when the Spirit of 
God is withdrawn? 

As the prefent ftate of things? may well 
excite earnell defires, after the promifed ge- 
neral revival and advancement of true reli- 
gion, and ferve to fhew our dependence on 
God for it, fo there are many things in Pro- 
vidence, of late, that tend to encourage us 
in prayer for fuch a mercy. That infideli- 
ty, herefy and vice do fo prevail, and that 
corruption and wickednefs are rifen to fuch 
an extreme height, is that v/hich is exceed- 
ing deplorable; but yet, I think, confidering 
God's promifes to his church, and the ordi- 
nary method of his difpenfations, hope may 
juftly be gathered from it, that the prefent 
ftate of things will not laft lon^, but that a 
happy change is nigh. We know, that God 
Hcver will defert the caufe of truth and ho- 


linefs, nor fufFer the gates of hell to prevail 
againft the church; and that it has ufually 
been fo from the beginning of the world, 
that the ftate of the church has appeared 
moft dark, juft before fome remarkable de- 
liverance and advancement. Many a time 
may Ifraelfay — Had not the Lord been on our 
Jide, then our enemies would have fwallowed 
us up quick — The zvaters had overwhelmed us. 
The church's extremity has often been God's 
opportunity for the magnifying his power, 
mercy and faithfulnefs towards her. The 
intereft of vital piety has long been in gene- 
ral decaying, and error and wickednefs pre- 
vailing; it looks as though the difeafe were 
now come to a crifis, and that things can- 
not long remain in fuch a ftate, but that a 
change may be expected in one refpeft or 
other. And not only God's manner of deal- 
ing with his church in former ages, and many 
things in the promifes and prophecies of his 
word, but alfo feveral things appertaining to 
prefent and late afpefts of Divine Provi- 
dence, feem to give reafon to hope that the 
change will be fuch, as to magnify God's 
free grace and fovereign mercy, and not his 
revenging juftice and wrath. There are cer* 
tain times, that are days of vengeance, ap- 


pointedfor the more fpecialdifplays of God's 
juftice and indignation; and God has alfo 
his days of mercy, accepted times, chofcn 
feafons, wherein it is his pleafure to fliew 
mercy, and nothing (hall hinder it; they are 
times appointed for the magnifying of the 
Redeemer and his merits, and the triumphs 
of his grace, wherein his grace (hall triumph 
overmens' unworthinefs initsgreateft height. 
And if we confider God's late dealings with 
our nation and this land, it appears to me 
that there is much to make us think that 
this day is fuch a day; particularly Gods 
preferving and delivering the nation, when 
in fo great danger of ruin by the late rebel- 
lion, and his preferving New-England, and 
the other Britifh colonies in America, in fo 
remarkable a manner, from the great arma- 
ment from France, prepared and fent againft 
us the laft year; and the almoft miraculous 
fuccefs given to us againft our enemies at 
Cape-Breton the year before, difappointing 
their renewed preparations and frelh attempt 
againft thefe colonies, this prefent year 1747, 
by delivering up the ftrength of their fleet 
into the hands of the Englifti, as they were 
in their way hither. And alfo in protefting 
us, from time to time, from armies by land. 


that have come againft us from Canada fince 
the beginning of the prefent war with France. 
Befides many flrange inftances of proteftion 
of particular forts and fettlements, fhewing 
a manifeft interpofition of the hand of hea- 
ven, to the obfervation of fome of our ene- 
mies, and even of the favages. And added 
to thefe, the late unexpefted reftoring of 
the greater part of our many captives in 
Canada, by thofe that held them prifoners 
there. It appears to me, that God has gone 
much out of his ufual way, in his exercifes 
of mercy, patience and long-fuffering in thefe 
inftances. God's patience was very wonder- 
ful of old, towards the ten tribes, and the 
people of Judah and Jerufalem, and after- 
wards to the Jews in Chrifl's and the apof- 
tles times ; but it feems to me, all things con- 
fidered, not equal to his patience and mercy 
to us. God does not only forbear to deftroy 
us, notwithftanding all our provocations and 
their aggravations, which it would be endleft 
to recount ; but he has, in the fore-mention- 
ed inRances, wrought great things for us, 
wherein his hand has been moft vifible, and 
his arm made bare; efpecially thofe two in- 
ftances in America, God's fucceeding us a- 
gainft Cape-Breton, and confounding the ar- 


mada from France the laft year; difpenfa- 
tions of Providence which, if confidered in 
all their circumllances, were fo wonderful, 
and apparently manifefting an exti:aordina- 
rv divine interpofition, that they come, per- 
haps, the nearefl to a parallel with God s 
wonderful works of old, in Mofes's, Jofhua's, 
and Hezekiah's time, of any that have been 
in thefe latter ages of the world. And it is 
to my prefent purpofe to obferve, that God 
was pleafed to do great things for us in both 
thefe inflances, in anfwer to extraordinary 
prayer. Such remarkable appearances of a 
fpirit of prayer, on any particular public oc- 
cafion, have not been in the land, at any 
time within my obfervation and memory, as 
an occafion of the affair of Cape-Breton. — 
And it is worthy to be noted and remember- 
ed, that God fent that great ftorm on the 
fleet of our enemies the laft year, that final- 
ly difperfed, and utterly confounded them, 
and caufedthem w^holly to give over their de- 
figns againft us, the very night after our day 
of pubHc fafting and prayer, for our protec- 
tion and their confufion. 

Thus, although it be a day of great apof- 
tacy and provocation, yet it is apparently a 
dayof the wonderful works of God; w^onders 


of power and mercy, which may well lead US'* 
to think on thofe two places of fcripture, 
Pfal. cxix. 126. It is time for thee i Lord, 
to work, for they have made void thy lazu. — ■ 
And Pfal. Ixxv. 1. That thy name is near^ 
thy zvonderous works declare. — God appears, 
as it were, loth to deftroy us, or deal with 
us according to our iniquities, as great and 
aggravated as they are, and (liews that mer- 
cy pleafes him. As corrupt a time as it is, 
it is plain, by experience, that it is a time 
wherein God may be found, and Hands rea- 
dy to fhew mercy in anfwer to prayer. He 
that has done fuch great things, and has fo 
wonderfully and fpeedily anfwered prayer 
for temporal mercies, will muc^ more give 
the Holy Spirit if we afl-i him. He marvel- 
loufly preferves us, and waits to be gracious 
to us, as though he chofe to make us monu- 
ments of his grace, and not his vengeance, 
and waits only to have us open our mouths 
wide, that he may fill them. 

The late remarkable religious awaken- 
ings, that have been in many parts of the 
Chriftian world, are another thing that may 
juftly encourage us in prayer for the pro- 
mifed glorious and univerfal out-pouring of 


the Spirit of God. '' In or about the year . 
*' 173 -2 or 1733, God was plea fed to pour 
*• oiu His Spirit on the people of Saltzburg, 
*• in Germany, who were living under Fop- 
'•' iHi darknefs, in a moH uncommon man- 
'' ner; fo ihawabovc tv/cnty tboufand of 
'• them, r)iii?fe^' by reading the Bible, which 
'' they made a fhift to get in their own lan- 
** g^'-^g^? were determined to throw ofTPop- 
"'' ery, and embrace the reformed Religion; 
*' yea, and to become fo very ^zealous for 
'•' the truth and gofpel of Jefus Chrid, as to 
*•' be willing to fuffer the lofs of all things in 
'•' the world, and actually to forfake their 
'' houfes, lands, goods and relations, that 
'' they might enjoy the pure preaching of 
''the gofpel;— wiih great earneflnefs, and » 
*' tears in their eyes, befeeching Protedant 
'* miniilers to preach to them, in different 
'' places Vv'here they came, when banifhed 
'• from their ov/n country.'' — In the year 
1734 and 173,5, tliere appeared a very great '"' 
and general awakening in the county of 
Hampfnire, in the province of the Maffa- 
chufetts-Bay, in New-England, and alfo in 
many parts of Connefticut. Since this, there 



has been a far more extenGve awakening of 
many thoufands in England, Wales, and Scot- 
land, and almofl: all the Britiili provinces in 
North America. There has alfo been fdmc- 
thing remarkable of the fame kind in fome 
places of the United Netherlands ; and about 
two years ago, a very great ^vakening and 
reformation of many of the Indians in the 
Jerfeys and Pennfylvania, even among fuch 
as never embraced Chriilianity before; and 
wfthin thefe two years, a great awakening 
in Virginia and Maryland. Notwithitand- 
ing the great diverii^y of opinions about the 
iffue of fome of thefe awakenings, yet I know 
of none that have denied that tliere have 
been great awakenings of late, in thefe times 
and places, and that multitudes have been 
brought to more than comm.on concern for 
their falvation, and for a time were made 
more than ordinarily afraid of fm, and bro't 
to reform their form.er vicious courfes, and 
take m»uch pains for their fal^ition. If I 
fhould be of the opinion qfthofethat think 
thefe awakenings and ilrivings of God's Spi- 
rit have been generally not well improved, 
and lb, 2s to nofl:, have not iffued well, but 
have ended in enthufiafm and delufion, yet. 

THE BEAUTY, &C. ini 

that the Spirit of God has been of late To 
v/onderfully awakening and (Irivino- wii!i 
fuch multitudes, in fo many different parts 
of the world, and even to this day, in one 
place or other, continues to awaken men, is 
what I fliould take great encouragement 
from, that God Vv^as about to do fom.ething 
more glorious, and would, before he finilhes, 
bring things to a greater ripenefs, and not 
finally fu3er this work of his to be fruflrat- 
ed and rendered abortive by Satan's crafty 
management; and that thcle unufual com- 
motions are the forerunners of fomething ex- 
ceeding glorious approaching; as the wind, 
earthquake and fire, at Mount Sinai, v/ere 
forerunners of that voice, v/herein God was, 
in a more eminent manner; althoucrh they 
aiiO were cauied by a divme power, as it is 
reprefented, that thefe things were caufed by 
the Lord p offing by. i Kings xix. ii. 12. 

8. How condecent, how beautiful, and of 
good tendency would it be, for multitudes 
of Chriilians, in various parts of the world, 
by explicit agreement, to unite in fuch pray- 
er as is propofed to us. 

Union is one of the mofl amiable thinp-s 
that pertains to human fociety; yea, it is 


one of the moft beautiful and happy things 
on earth, Vv^hich indeed makes earth mod 
like heaven. God has made of one blood 
all nations of men, to dwell on all the face 
of the earth; hereby teaching us this moral 
leffon, that it becomes mankind all to be u- 
nited as one family. And this is agreeable 
>to the nature that God has given men, dJ- 
])ofing them to fociety; and tie circum- 
ilanccs God has placed them in, fo many 
Av^ays obliging and neceffitatlng them to it. 
A civil uniQD, or an harmonious agreement 
among men, in the managem^ent of their fe- 
cular concerns, is amiable; but much more 
a pious union, and fweet agreement in the 
rreat bufinefs for which man was created, and 
had powers given him beyond tlie brutes; 
even the bufinefs of religion, the life and 
foul of which is love. Union is fpoken of 
;n fcripture as the peculiar beauty of the 
church of Chrill, Cant. vi. g. My dove, my 
undifded is but oiic^Jlic is the only one of her 
mother, JJie is the choice one of her that bare 
her ; the daughters f aw her and blejjcd her, 
yea, the queens and the concubines, and they 
praifedher. Pfal. cxxii.5. Jerufalem is build- 
cd as a city that is compact together. Eph. iv. 


/ o 

3 — 6. Endeavouring to keep the unity of the 
Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body 
and one fpirit; even as ye are called in one 
hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, cnc 
haptifm, one God, and Father of all, vclio is 
above all, and through all, and in you all. 
\^er. 10. The zchole body filly framed togeth- 
er and compacted, by that zvhich' every joint 
fvpplieth, according to the effcdttal working 
in the nieafire of every part, niikelh increafe 
cfthc body, unto the edifying iff If in love. . 
As it is the glory of the church ofChriil, 
that [lie, in all her members, however dif- 
perfed, is thus one, one holy foiciety, one 
city, one family, one body; fo it is wtry de- 
firable, that this union fliould benianifefted, 
and become vifible; and fo, that herdiilart 
members (houldafl as one, in thofe things 
that concern the common intcrefl oftlie 
whole body, and in thofe duties and exer, 
cifes wherein they have to do v»ith their 
common lord and head, as feeking of l^im 
the comnion profperity. It becomes all the 
inembej's of a particular family, who are 
liriftly united, and have in fomany refpefls 
one common interefl, to unite in player to 
God for the things they need ; it become: a 


nation, in days of prayer, appointed by na- 
tional authority, at certain feafons, vifibly 
to unite in prayer for thofe public mercies 
that concern the intereft of the whole na- 
tion; fo it becomes the church of Chrift, 
which is one holy nation, a peculiar people, 
one heavenly family, more ftri6lly united ? 
in many relpe61:s, and having infinitely great- 
er interefts that are common to the whole, 
than any other fociety; I fay, it efpecially 
becomes 'this fociety, vifibly to unite, and 
exprefsly to agree together in prayer to God 
for the common profperity; and above all, 
that common profperity and advancement 
that is fo unfpcakably great and glorious, 
which God has fo abundantly promifed to 
fulfil in the latter days. 

It is becominof of Chriftians, with wliofe 
character a narrow felfidi fpirit, above all 
others, difagrees, to be much in prayer for 
that public mercy, wherein confifts the wel- 
fare and happinefs of the whole body of 
Chrift, of which they are members, and the 
greateft good of mankind. And union or 
agreement in prayer is efpecially becoming, 
when Chriftians pray for that mercy, which 
above all other things concerns them unit- 


edly, and tends to the relief, profperity and 
glory of the whole body, as well as of each 
individual member. 

Such an union in prayer for the general 
out-pouring of the Spirit of God, would not 
only be beautiful, but profitable too. It 
would tend very much to promote union 
and charity between diflant members of the 
church of Chrifl, to promote public fpirit, 
love to the church of God, and concern for 
the intereil of Zion, as well as be an amiable 
exercife and manifeftation of fuch a fpirit. — 
Union in religious duties, efpecially in the 
duty of prayer, in praying one with and for 
another, and jointly for their common wel- 
fare, above almoft all other thincrs, tends to 
promote mutual affeftion and endearment. 
And if miniflers and people (hould, by par- 
ticular agreement and joint refolution, fet 
themfelves, in a folemn and extraordinary 
manner, from time to time, to pray for the 
revival of religion in the world, it would na- 
turally tend more to awaken in them a con- 
cern about things of this nature, and more 
of a defire after fuch a mercy; it would en- 
gage them to more attention to fuch an af- 
fair, make them more inquifitive about it, 
mqre ready to ufe endeavours to promote 


that which they, with fo many others, fpend 
fo much time in praying for, and more rea- 
dy to rejoice and praife God when they fee 
or hear of any thing of that nature or ten- 
dcTKy; and in a particular manner, would 
it naturally tend to engage minifters (the 
bufmefs of whofe life it is, to feek the vrel- 
fare of the church of Chrift, and the advance- 
ment af his kingdom) to greater diligence 
and earneflnefs in their work; and it would 
have a tendency to the fpiritual profit and 
advantage of each particular perfon. For 
perfons to be thus engaged in extraordinary 

f)rayingfor the revival andflourilhing ofre- 
igion m the world, will naturally lead each 
one to refleft on himfelf, and confider hov/ 
religion flouriflies in his own heart; and hov/ 
farhisexam^ple contributes to the thing that 
he is praying for. 

g. There is great and particular encour- 
agement given in the word of God, to ex- 
prefs union and agreement in prayer. Da- 
niel, when he had a great thing to requeft 
. of God, viz. That God, by his Holy Spirit, 
v;ould m:raculoufly reveal to him a great 
fecret, which none of the wife men, aflrolo- 
gers, magicians, or footh-faycrs of Babylon 
could find out. he goes to Hananiah, Mi- 


Ihael and Azariah, his companions, and they 
agree together, that they will unitedly defire 
mercies of the God of heaven, concerning 
this fecret; and tlieir joint requeft was foon 
granted: and God put great honor upon 
them^ above all the wife men of Babylon, 
to the filling their mouths with praife, and 
to the admiration and afionifhment of Ne- 
buchadnezzar; infomuch,that that great and 
haughty monarch, as we are told, fell upoa 
his face and worfliipped Daniel, and ov/ned 
that his God zcas of a truth a God cf gods ^ 
and greatly promoted Daniel and his pray- 
ing companions in the province of Babylon. 
Edher, when fhe had a yet more important 
requeft to make, for thefaving of the church 
of God, and v/hole nation of the Jews, dif- 
perfed through the empire of Perfia, when 
on the brink of ruin, fends to all the JewsU' 
in the city Shufhan, to pray 4nd faft with 
her and her maidens ; and their united pray- 
ers prevail, fo that the event was wonderful ; 
inilead of the intended deftruftion of the 
Jews, the Jews enemies are deflroyed every 
where, and they are defended, honored and 
promoted, and their forrow and diftrefs is 
turned into great gladnefs, feafting, triumph, 
and mutual joyful congratulation^;. 



The encouragement to explicit agreement 
in prayer is great from fiich inltances as 
thefe; but it is yet greater from thofe won- 
derful words of our bleffed Redeemer. Mat. 
xviii. 19. I fay unto you, that if tiny tvjo of 
youfiaU agree on earth touching any thing 
thoot they f mil afk, itfiallbe done for them of 
my Father -which is in heaven, Chriil is pleaf- 
ecl to give this great encouragement to the 
union of his followers in this excellent and 
holy exercife of feeking and ferving God ; an 
holy union and communion of his people 
beinp^ that which he g^reatlv deiires and de- 
]i<Thts in, that which he came into the world 
to bring to pafs, tliat which he efpecially 
praved for with his dying breath, John xvii. 
that which he died for, and which was one 
chief end of the whole affair of our redemp- 
tion by him. Eph. i. In zohovi zve have re- 
dcnipiion thrditgh his blood, the forgivenefs of 
fihs, according to the riches of his grace, where- 
in he hath abounded towards us znallwifdovi 
and briidence ; having made knozvn to us the 
Dificry of his will, according to his good plea- 
fare, which he hath prop of ed in hdnifef; that 
tn /he difpenfation of the fulnefs of times, he 
might gather together in one ail things in 
Chrifl, both xchich are in heaven, and zvhich 
are on earth, even in him. 




I COME now, as was propofed,in the third 
place, to anfwer and obviate fome objec- 
tions, which fome may be ready to make a- 
gainft the thing that has been propofed to us. 

Objecl. 1. Som.e may be ready to fay, That 
for Chriftians, in fuch a manner tofet apart 
certain feafons, every week, and every quar- 
ter, to be religioufiy obferved and kept for 
the purpofes propofed, from year to year, 
would be, in effeft, to eftablifli certain peri- 
odical times of human invention and ap- 
pointment, to be kept holy to God, and fo 
to do the very thing, that has ever been ob- 
jected againfl, by a very great part of the 
moft eminent Chriftians and Divines among 
Proteftants, as what men have no ricdit to 
do, it being for them to add to God's infti- 
tutions, and introduce their own inventions 
and eftablifhments into the ftated wordiip 
of God, and lay unwarrantable bonds on 
mens' confciences, and do w^hat naturally 
tends to fuperHition. 

Aiif To this I would fiy. There can be 
nojuiiicein flich an objeftion againft this 


propofal, as made to us in the foremention- 
ed memorial. Indeed, that caution and pru- 
dence appears in the projefl:ion itfelf, and 
in the manner in which it is propofed to us, 
that there is not fo much as any colour for 
the objetlion. The propofal is fuch, and fo 
well guarded; that there feems to be no room 
for the weakeR Chriilian that well qbferves 
it, fo to miilake it, as to underfiand tbofe 
things to be implied in it, that have, indeed, 
been objected againit, by many eminent 
Chriilians and Divines among Proteflants, 
as entanghng mens'confciences, and adding 
to divine inltitutions, &c. — Here is no pre- 
tence of eltablifhing any thing by authority ; 
no appearance of any claim of power in the 
propofers, or right to have any regard paid 
to their determnnations or propofals, by vir- 
tue of any deference due to them, in any re- 
fpeft, any more than to every individual 
perfon of thofe that 'they apply themfelves 
to. So far from that, that they exprefsly 
mention that which they have thought of, 
as what they would propofe to the thoughts 
of others, for their amendments and im- 
provements, declaring that they chufe rather 
to receive and fpread the direfHons and pro- 
pofals of others^ than to be the firll authors 


of any. — No times, not fanctified by God's 
own inftituiion, are propofed tobeobferved 
more than others, under any notion of fuch 
times being, in any refpeft, more holy, or 
more honorable, or worthy of any preference, 
or diftinguifhingregard ; either as being fanc- 
tified, or made honorable, by authority, or 
by any great events of Divine Providence, 
or any relation to any holy perfons or things ; 
but only as circumflantially convenient, help- 
ful to memory, efpecially free from worldly 
bufinefs, near to the times of the adminiiira- 
tion of public ordinances, &c. None at- 
tempts to lay any bonds on others, with re- 
fpe6l to this matter, or to defire that they 
fnould lay any bonds onthemfelves, orlook 
on themfelves as under any obligations, ei- 
ther by power or promife ; or fo much as 
come into any abfolute determination in 
their own minds, to fet apart any ftated da) s 
from fecular affairs, or even to fix on any 
part of fuch days, without liberty to alter cir- 
cumftances, as fliall be found expedient, and 
alfo liberty left to a future alteration of judg- 
ment, as to expediency, on further trial and 
confideration. All that is propofed is, that 
fuch as fall in with what is propofed in their 
judgments and inclinations, while they do 


fo, Tnall ftrengthen, affift and encourage their 
brethren that are of the fame mind, by vifi- 
bly confenting and joining with them in the 
affair. Is here any thing like making laws 
in matters of confcience and religion, or ad- 
ding mens' mftitutions to God's, or any fhew 
of impofition, or fuperftitious efleeming and 
preferring one day above another, or any 
poffible ground of entanglement of any one's 

For men to go about by law to eftablifn 
and limit circumftances of worfliip, notefta- 
blifhed or limited by any law of God, fuch 
as precife time, place, and order, may be in 
many refpecls of dangerous tendency. But 
furely it cannot be unlawful or improper for 
Chriilians to come into fome agreement w^ith 
regard to thefe circumftances, for it is impof- 
fible to carry on any focial worfliip without 
it. There is no inflitution of fcripture re- 
quiring any people to meet together to wor- 
Ihip God in fuch a fpot of ground, or at 
fuch an hour of the day; but yet thefe m.uft 
be determined by agreement, or elfe there 
will be no focial worfhip, in any place, or 
any hour. So we are not determined by in- 
ftitution, what the precife order of the dif- 
ferent parts of worfhip fliall be, what fhall 


precede, and what fhall follow; whether 
praying or finging (hall be firll, and what 
fhall be next, and what fhall conclude; but 
yet fome order mull be agreed on by the 
congregation that unite in worflnp^otherwife 
they cannot jointly carry on divine worfhip, 
in any way or method at all. If a congre- 
gation of Chriilians do agree to begin their 
public worfhip with prayer, and next to nng, 
and then to attend on the preaching of the 
word, and to conclude with prayer; and do 
by confcnt carry on their worfliip in this or- 
der from year to year, though this order is 
not appointed in fcripture, none will call 
this fuperflition. And if a great number of 
congregations, through a whole land, or more 
lands than one do, by common confent, keep 
the fame method of public worfhip, none 
will pretend to find fault with it. But yet 
for any to go about to bind all to fuch a me- 
thod, would be ufurpation and impofition. 
And if fuch a precife order fliould be regard- 
ed as facred, as though no other could be 
acceptable to God, this would be fuperftition. 
— If a particular number of Chriflians fliall 
agree, that befides the flated public worlhip 
of the fabbath, they will, when their circum- 
flances allow, meet together to carry on 


feme religious exercifes on a fabbath-day 
night, for their mutual edification; or if fe- 
t^eral focieties agree to meet together in dif- 
ferent places at that time, this is no fuper* 
fiition, though there be no inflitution for it. 
If people in different congregations volun- 
tarily agree to ^ake turns to meet together 
in the houfe of God, to worfliip him and 
hear a public ,le6lure, once a month, or once 
in fix weeks; it is not unlawful, though 
there be no inflitution for it;^ but yet to do 
this as a thing facred, indifpenfible, and bind- 
"ing on mens' confciences, would be fuper- 
ftition. If Chriftians of feveral neighbour- 
ing congregations, initeadof alefture, agree 
on fome fpecial occafion to keep a circular 
faft, each congregation taking its turn in a 
certain time and order, fixedonby confent; 
or indead of keeping faft by turns, on diffe- 
rent days, one on one week, and one on an- 
other, they fhould all agree to keep a faft 
on the fame day, and to do this either once 
OF frequently, according as they flia-ll judge 
their own circumftances, or the difpenfations 
of the Divine Providence, or the importance 
of the mercy they feek, do require; neither 
is there any more fuperftitioa in this than 
the other. 


Objed. 2. Some may be ready to fay, therc 
feems to be fometliinff whimfical in itsbeinir 
infifled on that God's people, in diifercnt 
places, fliould put up their prayers for this 
mercy at the Tame time, as though their 
prayers would be more forcible on that ac- 
count, and as if God v/ould not be fo like- 
ly to liear prayers oHcred up by many, tho' 
they happened not to pray at the fam.e time, 
as he would if he heard them all at the fame 

Anf, To this I Vv'Ould fay, If fuch an ob- 
jcftion be made, it muil be through mifun- 
derftanding. It is not fi^nified or implied 
in any thing faid in the propofal, or in any 
arguments made ufe of to enforce it that I 
have feen, that the prayers of a great num- 
ber, in different places, will be more forci- 
ble, merely becaufe of that circumftance, of 
their being put up at tlie fa ire time. It is^ 
indeed, fuppofed, that it will be very expedi- 
ent, that certain times for united prayer 
Ihouid be agreed on ; which it may be v/ith- 
out im.plymg the thing fuppofed in the ob- 
jeftion, on the following accounts. 

1. This feems to be a proper expedient 
for the promoting and m.aintaining an uni-^ 



on among Chridians of difiant places, in 
extraordinary prayer for fuch a mercy. It 
appears, from what was before obferved, that 
there ought to be extraordinary prayers a- 
mong Chriftians for this mercy ; and that it 
is fit, that God's people fliould agree and 
unite in it. Though there be no reafon to 
fuppofe that prayers will be more prevalent, 
merely from that circumflance, that differ- 
ent perfons pray exatUy at the fame time-^ 
yet there will be more reafon to hope, that 
prayers for fuch mercy will be prevalent, 
when God's people are very much in prayer 
for it, and v/hen many of them are united 
in it. If therefore agreeing on eertain times 
for united and extraordinary praver, be a like- 
ly means to promc>te an union of many in ex- 
traordinary pra^^er, then there is more reafon 
to hope that there will be prevalent prayer 
for fuch a mercy, for certain times for extra- 
ordinary prayer being agreed on. But, that 
agreement on certain times for united ex- 
traordinary prayer, is a likely and proper 
means to promote and maintain fuch pray- 
er, I think will be eafily evident to any one 
that confiders the matter. If there fhould 
be only a loofe agreement or confent to it as 
a dutyj-or a thing fit and proper, that Chrif- 


lians fliould be much in prayer for the re- 
vival of rehgion, and much more in it than 
they ufed to be, without agreeing on parti- 
<:ular times, how liable would fuch a lax a- 
greement be to be foon forgotten, and that 
extraordinary prayerfulnefs, which is fixed 
to no certain times, to be totally neglefted? 
To be fure, diftant parts of the church of 
Chrift could have no confidence in one an- 
other, that this v/ould not be the cafe. If 
thefe minifters in Scotland, infteadofthe 
propofal they have m.ade, or any other mi- 
niiters or Chr jftians in any part of the Chrif- 
tian world, had fent abroad only a general 
propofal, that God's people ihould, for the 
time to come, be much more in prayer for 
the advancement of Chrift's kingdom, than 
had been common among Chriftians here- 
tofore; and they fiiould hear their propofal 
was generally allowed to be good, 'and that 
minillers and people, in one place and an- 
other, that hadoccafion to fpeak their minds 
upon it, owned that it was a very proper 
thing, that Chrifiians fliould pray more for 
this mercy than they generally ufed to do; 
could they, from this only, have, in any 
meafure, the like grounds of dependent, 
that God's people, in various parts of the 


Chrlftian world, would, indeed, hencefor- 
ward aft unitedl)^ in maintaining extraor- 
dinary prayer for this mercy, as if they fhould 
not only hear that the duty in general was 
approved of, but alfo that particular times 
were aftually fixed on for the purpofe, and 
an agreement and joint refolution was come 
into, that they would, unlefs extraordinari- 
ly hindered, fet apart fuch particular feafons 
to be fpent in this duty, from time to time, 
maintaining this praftice for a certain num- 
ber of years? 

2« For God's people, in difiant places, to 
ag^ree on certain times for extraordinary pray- 
er, wherein they will unitedly put up their 
requefts to God, is a means fit and proper 
to be ufed, in order to the viability of their 
union in fuch prayer. Union am^ong God's 
people in prayer is truly beautiful, as has 
been before obferved and fnewn ; it is beau- 
tiful in the eyes ofChrif!:, audit isjuilly 
beautiful and amiable in the eyes of Chril- 
tians. And if fo, then it muft needs be de~ 
firable to Chriflians that fuch union fliould 
be vifible. If it would be a lovely fight in 
the eyes of the church of Chrift, and much 
to their comfort, to behold various and dif-- 


ferent parts of the church united in extraor- 
dinary prayer for the general out-pouring 
of the Spirit, then it muft be defirable to 
them that fuch an union fhould be vifible, 
that they may behold it; for if it be not vi- 
fible, it cannot be beheld. But agreement 
and union in a multitude in their worfhip 
becomes vifible, by an agreement in fome 
external vifible circumftances. Wcdhip it- 
felf becomes vifible v/orfhip, by fomethin^ 
external and vifible belonging to the wor- 
fhip, and no other way ; therefore union aiid 
agreement of many in v\^orfhip becomes vi- 
fible no other vv^ay, but by union and agree- 
ment in the external and vifible afts and cir- 
cumftances of the worfliip. Such union and 
agreement becomes vifible, particularly by 
an agreement in thofe tw^o vifible circum.- 
fiances, time and place. When a number 
of Chrifiians live near together, and their 
number and fituation is convenient, arid they 
have a defire vifibly to unite in any acis of 
worfhip, they are wont to make their union 
llj^ and agreement vifible by an union in both 
thefe circumilances. But when a much great- 
er number of ChriPdans, dwelling in diflant 
places, fo that they cannot unite by worfliip^ 
ping in the fame place, yet defirc a vifible 


union in feme extraordinary worfhip, they 
are wont to make their union and agree- 
ment vifible, by agreeing only in the former 
of thofe circumftances, viz. that of time; as 
is common in the appointment of public 
Tafls and thankfgivirgs ; the fame day is ap- 
pointed, for the performance of that extra- 
ordinary worfnip, by all thofe Chriftians, in 
different places, that it is intended fhouldbe 
united therein, as a vifible note cf their uni- 
on. This the common light and fenfe of 
God's people leads Chriftians to in all coun- 
tries. And the wifdom of Godfeems to dic- 
tate the fame thing, in appointing that his 
people, through the world, in all ages, in 
their ftatcd and ordinary public worfhip, e- 
very week, (hould manifcft this union and 
communion one with another, in their wor- 
{hip, as one holy fociety, and great congre- 
gation of worfiiippers, and fervants of God, 
by offering up their worOiip on the fame 
day, for the greater glory of their common 
Lord, and the greater edification and com- 
fort of the whole body, jl 

If any yet find fault with the propofal or 
certain times to be agreed on by God's peo- 
ple in different places, in the manner fet 
forth in the memorial, I would afk whether 


they objeft againfl any fuch thing, as a vifi- 
ble agreement of God's people, in different 
parts of the world, in extraordinary prayer, 
for the coming of Chrifl's kingdom? Whe- 
ther fuch a thing, being vifible, would not 
be much for the public honor of God's name? 
And whether it would not tend to Chriftians 
afTiltance, quickening and encouragement in 
the duty united in, by mutual example, and 
alfo to their mutual comfort, by a manifeft- 
^tion of that union which is amiable to Chrift 
and Chriflians, and to promote a Chriftian 
union among profefiing Chriflians in gene- 
ral? And whether we have not rcafon to 
think, from the wOrd of God, that before 
that great revival of religion foretold is ac- 
complifhed, there will be a vifible union of 
the people of God, in various parts of the 
world, in extraordinary prayer, for this mer- 
cy? If thefe things are allowed, I would 
then afk further, whether any method can 
be thought of or devifed, whereby an exprefs 
agreement, and vifible union of God's peo- 
ple, in different parts of the world, can be 
come into, and maintained, but this, or fome 
other equivalent to it? If there be any ex- 
prefs agreement about any extraordinary 


prayer at all, it raafl firfl: be propofed by- 
feme, and others muft fall in, in the manner 
as is rcprefented in my text. And if extra- 
ordinary prayer be agreed on and m.aintain- 
ed by many in different places, vifibly one 
to another, then it muft be Agreed in fome 
refpeci, and with regard to fome circumftan- 
ces, what extraordinary prayer ihall be kept 
up; and it muft be feen and heard of, from 
one to another, what extraordinary prayer 
is kept up. But how fiiall this be, when no 
times are agreed upon, and it is never known 
nor heard, by thofe in different parts, nor is 
in any refpeft vifible to them, when, or hov/ 
often, thofe in one tov/n or country, and an- 
other do attend this extraordinary prayer? 
The confequence mufl neceffarily be, that it 
can never be known how far, or in what re- 
fpe6l others join with them in extraordina- 
ry prayer, or whether they do it at all; and 
not fo much as one cir'cumftance of extra- 
ordinary prayer will be vifible; and indeed 
nothing will be viftble about it. So that L 
think any body that well confidcTs the m?.9 
•ter, wnli fee, that he who determines to op- 
pofe fuch a method as is propofed to us ia 
the memorial, and all others equivalent to 


it is, in cffeci, determined to oppofe tliere 
ever being any fuch tiling at all, as an agreed 
iand vifibly united extraordinary prayer, ill 
the churcli of God, for a general out-pour- 
tng of the Spirit. 

3. Though it v/ould not be rrafonable to 
fuppofe, that merely fuch a circumflance of 
prayer, as many people's praying at the fame 
time will dire£Hy have any influence or pre- 
valence with God, to caufe him to be the 
more ready to hear prayer; yet fuch a cir- 
fcumflance may reafonably be fuppofed to 
have influence on the minds of men ; as the 
confideration of it may tend to encourage 
and affift thofe in praying, that are united 
in prayer. Will any deily, that it has any 
reafonable tendency to encourage, animate, 
br in any refpeft to help the mind of a Chrif- 
tian in ferving God in any duty of religion j 
to join with a Chriitian congregatioB, and 
to fee an afTembly of his dear brethren 
around him, at the fame time engaged with 
him in the fame duty? And fuppofmg one 
In this afTembly of faints is blind, and [cqr 
ho one there, but has by ether m.eans ground 
of fatisfaftion that there is prefent at that 
A a 


time a multitude of God's people, that are 
united with him in the fame fervice, will 
any deny, that his fuppofing this, and being 
fatisfied of it, can have any reafonable influ- 
ence upon his mind, to excite and encour- 
age him, or in any refpeft to aflift him in 
his worfliip? The encouragement or help 
that one that joins with an affembly in wor- 
{hipping God, has in his worfhip, by others 
being united with him, is not merely by any 
thing that he immediately perceives by fight, 
or any other of the external fenfes (for uni- 
on in worfhip is not a thing objefted to the 
external fenfes ;) but by the notice or know- 
ledge the mind has of that union, or the fa- 
tisfaftion the underftanding has that others, 
at that time, have their minds engaged with 
him ill the fame fervice ; which may be when 
thofc unitedly engaged are at a diflanceone 
from another, as w^ell as when they are pre- 
fent. If one be prefent in a worfhipping af- 
femblv, and is not blind, and fees others pre- 
'fent, and fees their external behaviour, their 
union and engagednefs with him in w^orfhip 
is ^'hat he does not fee, and w^hat he fees 
encourages and aflifts him in his worfnip, 
only as he takes it as an evidence of that 
union and concurrence in his w^orfhip, that 


is out of his fight. And pcrfons may liave 
evidence of this concerning perfons that are 
abfent, that may give him as much fatisfac- 
tion of their union with him, as if they were 
prefent. And therefore the confideration 
of others being at the fam*e time engaged 
wdth him in wordiip, that are abfent, may 
as reafonably animate and encourage him in 
his worfhip as if they v/ere prefent. 

There is no wifdom in finding fault v/ith 
human nature, as God has made it. Things 
th^t exift now, at this prefent time, are, in 
themfelves, no m.ore weighty or important, 
than like things, and of equal reality, that 
Gxifted in time pad, or are to exift in time 
K) come; yet it is evident, that the confider- 
ation of things being prefent (at leaft in m.oll 
cafes) does efpecially affefl human nature. 
As for inftance, if a man fiiould be certainly 
informed, that his dear chi'd. at a difcance, 
v/as now under fom.e extreme fuffering, or 
that an abfent m.oft. dear friend was at xlus 
time thinking of him, and in the exercifeof 
great affefiion towards him, or in the per- 
formance of fome great deed of friendfhip ; 
or if a pious parent fliould know that now 
his child was in the aft of fome enormous 
vrickednefs ; or that, on the contrary^ he was 


now in forne eminent exercife of grace, and 
in the performance of an extraordinary deed 
of virtue and piety; would not thofe thing^y 
be more aflefting to tlie human nature, for be/ 1 
incT confidered as things that are in exigence 
at the prefent time, than if confidered as at 
fome diftance of time, either pall or future? 
Hundreds of other indances might be men- 
tioned wherein it is no lefs plarin, that the 
confideraticn of the prefent exiftence of 
things gives them advantage to affeft the 
-minds of men. Yea, it is undoubtedly fo 
with things in genera!, that take any hold 
at all of our afFeftions, and towards which 
v/e are not indifFerent. And if the mind of 
a particular child of God is difpofed to be 
aiTe61ed by the confideration of the religion 
of other faints, and with their union and con- 
currence with him in any particular duty or 
aQ: of religion, I can fee no rcafon why the 
human mind (hould not be more moved by 
the objeft of its afieciion, when confidered 
as prefent, as well in this cafe, as in any o- 
ther cafe ; yea, I think, we may on good 
grounds determine there is none. 

Nor mav we Iook uoon it as an inftance 
of the peculiar weVknefs of the human na- 


turc, that men are more affe61cd with things 
that are confidered as prefent, than thofe that 
^re diftant; but it feems to be a thing com- 
mon to finite minds, and fo to all created in- 
telligent beings. Thus, the angels in heaven 
have peculiar joy, on occanon of the con- 
verfion of a finner, when recent, beyond 
what they have in that which has been long 
paft. If any therefore ftall call it iiily and 
whimfical in any, to value and regard fucli 
^ circumftance, in things of religion, as their 
exifting at the prefent time, fo as to be the 
more affefted with them for that, they mull 
call the hoft of angels in heaven a parcel of 
filly and w^himfical beings. 

I remember, the Spe61:ator(v/hom none will 
call a whimfical author) fomewhere fpeaking 
of different w^ays of dear friends mutually 
exprelfiqg their affe6iion,and maintaining a 
kind of intercourfe, in abfence-one from an- 
other, mentions fuch an inftance as this, with 
much approbation, viz. That two friends, 
that were greatly endeared one to another, 
v/hen about to part, and to be for a confi- 
derable time neceflariiy abfent, that they 
might have tlie comfort of the enjoyment of 
daily mutual exprefiions of friendfliip, in 
their abfence, agreed that they would, eve- 


ry day, precifely at fuch an hour, retire from 
all company and bufnicfs, to pray for one 
another. Which agreement they fo valued, 
and fo ftriclly obferved, that when the hour 
came, fcarce any thing would hinder them. 
And rather than mifs this opportunity, they 
would fuddenly break off converfation, and 
abruptly leave thecompany they were engage 
ed with. — If this be a defirable w^ay of inter- 
courfe of particular friends, is it not a defir- 
able and amiable way of maintaining inter- 
courfe and fellowfiiip between brethren in 
Chrift. Jefus, and the various members of the 
Sioly family of God, in different parts of the 
world, to come into an agreement, tliatthey 
will fet apart certain times, which they w^ill 
fpend with one accord, in extraordinary 
prayer to their heavenly Father, for the ad- 
vancement of the kingdom, and the glory of 
their common dear Lord and Saviour, and 
for each other's profperity and happinefs, 
and the greateft good of all their fellow- 
creatures through the world? 

Object. 3. Some perhaps may objeft. That 
it looks too much like Pharifaifm, when per- 
fons engage in any fuch extraordinary reli- 
gious exercifes, beyond what is appointed 
by cxprefs inftitution, for them thus defign- 


edly to make it manifefl abroad in the wo^ld^ 
and fo openly to dillinguifh themfelves from 

Aiif, 1. Allopenly engaging in extraordi- 
nary exercifes of religion, not exprefsly en- 
joined by inflitution, is not Pharifaifm, nor 
has ever been fo reputed in the Chriftian 
church. As when a particular church or 
congregation of Chriftians agree together to 
keep a day of fading and prayer, on fome 
fpecial occafion; or when public days of 
fading and thankfgiving are kept, through-* 
out a Chriilian province or country; and 
though it be ordinarily the manner for the 
civil magiftrate to lead, in the fetting apait 
fuch days, yet that alters not the cafe; if it 
be Pharifaifm in the fociety openly to agree 
in fuch extraordinary exercifes of religion^ 
it is not lefs Pharifaifm for the heads of the 
fociety leading in the affair. And if that 
were now the cafe with the Chriflian church, 
that once w^as, for about three hundred years 
together, that the civil magiftrate was not 
of the fociety of Chriftians, nor concerned 
himfelf.in their affairs; yet this would not 
render it the lefs fuitable for Chriftians, on 
proper c^ccafions, jointly, and vifibly one to 
another, to engage in fuch extraordinary ex- 


^trcires of religion, and to keep days of faft- 
ing and thankfgiving by agreement. 

Anf, 2. As to the latter part of the objec» 
tion, there can be no room for it in thi^ cafe; 
It cannot be objecred againft what is propof- 
ed in the memorial, that if perfons fhould 
comply with it, it would look like affefting 
fingularity, and open dillinflion from others 
of God's profefiing people, in extraordinary 
religion, fuch as was in the Pharifees of old- 
becaufe it is evident^ the vfery defign of thei 
memorial, is not to pron^ote Angularity and 
diftinftion, but as mut:4^as poffible to avoid 
and prevent it. The end of the memorial 
is not to confine and limit the thing propo* 
fed, that it may be praciifed only by a few, 
in did inftion from the generality ; but on the 
contrary to extend it, and make it as gene- 
ral among profeffing Chriftians as poilible. 
Some had complied with the extraordinary 
duty propofed, and therein had been diftin- 
guifned from others, for two years, before: 
the m.emorial was publifhed; and they w^ere 
more dirtinguifhed than they d^fired, and 
therefore fend abroad this memorial, that 
the pi-aflice might be more fpread, and be- 
come more general, that they might be lefsr 
diRinguifhed. What they evidently feek, is 

OF THE SLAVlMtJ, ScC. 201 

to bring to pafs as general a compliance as 
poffible of Chriflians of all denominations, 
'' intreating, that the defire of concurrence 
'" and affiftance, contained in the memorial, 
*' may by no means be underflcod, as reflric- 
" ting to any particular denomination or 
*' party, or thofe who are of fuch or fuch 
*' opinions about any former inftances of re- 
'' niarkable religious concern; but to be ex- 
" tended to all^ who (hall vouchfafe any at- 
'•' tention to the propofal, and have at heart 
*• the interefl of vital Chriilianity, and the 
/' power of godlinefs; and who, however dif- 
'' fering about other things^ are convinced 
'' of the importance of fervent prayer^ to 
*' promote that common intereft, and of 
'' fcripture perfuafives, to promote fuch 
^"' pray en 

Object, 4. Another objection^ that is very 
likely to arife in the minds of many againfl 
fuch extraordinary prayer as is propofedfor 
the fpeedy coming of Chrift's kingdom, is 
that we have no reafon to expeft it, until there 
firft come a time of mod extreme calamity 
to the church of God, and prevalence of her 
anti-chridian enemies againfl her; even that 
which is reprefented, Rev. xi. by the flaying 
B b 


of the witnefTes ; but have reafon to deter- 
mine the contrary. 

Anf. It is an opinion that .feems pretty 
much to have obtained, that before the ful- 
fihnent of the promifes relating to the church's 
latter-day glory, there muft come a mofl ter- 
rible time, a time of extreme fuffering, and 
dreadful perfecution of the church ofChrift, 
wherein Satan and Antichrift are to obtain 
their greateft viftory over her, and Ihe is to be 
bro't lower than ever by her enemies. Which 
opinion has chiefly rifen from the manner 
■ of interpreting and applying the fore-men- 
tioned prophecy of the flaying of the wit- 
neffes. This opinion, with fuch perfons as 
retain it, mull needs be a great reflraintand 
hindrance, with regard to fuch an affair as 
is propofed to us in the memorial. If per- 
fons ex pe61 no other, than that the more 
the glorious times of Chrift's kingdom are 
haftened, the fooner will come this dreadful 
time, wherein the generality of God's peo- 
ple mufl: fuffer fo extremely, and the church 
ofChrift be almoft extinguifhed, and blotted 
out from under heaven; how can it be o- 
therwife, than a great damp to their hope, 
courage and activity, in praying for and 
reaching after the fpeedy introduftion of 

.^ "^ 


thofe glorious promifed times? As long as 
this opinion is retained, it will undoubtedly 
ever have this unhappy influence on the 
minds of thofe that wifh well to Zion, and 
favor her ftones and dull. It will tend to 
damp, deaden, and keep down life, hope, 
and joyful expeftation in prayer; and even 
in great meafure, to prevent all eavneft, ani' 
mated and encouraged prayer, in God's peo- 
ple, for this mercy, at any time before it is 
aftually fulfilled. For they that proceed on 
tliis hypothefis in their prayers, muPc, at the 
fame time that they pray for this glorious 
day, naturally conclude within themfelves, 
that they fliall never live to fee on the ea.rth 
any dawning of it, but only to fee the dif- 
mal time that fhall precede it, in which the 
far greater part of God's people, that (hall 
live until then, (hall die under the extreme 
cruelties of their perfecutors. And the more 
they expe61 that God wiil anfwer their pray- 
ers, by fpeedy bringing on the promifed 
glorious day, the more mull they withal ex- 
peft themfelves to have a fhare in thofe 
dreadful things, that nature fhrinks at the 
thoughts of, and alfo expeft to fee things 
that a renewed nature flirinks at and dreads ; 
even the prevailing of God's enemies^ and 

204 -tij THE SLAYING 

the almofl total extinguifhing the true reli-* 
gion in the world. And on this hypothefis? 
thefe difcouragemcnts are Hke to attend the 
prayers of God's people, until that difrnal 
time be aftually come; and when that is 
come, thofe that had been prophefving and 
praying in fackclolh, fhall generally beflain; 
and after that time is over, then the glorious 
day fliall immediately commence. So that 
this notion tends to difeour^ge and hinder 
all earneft prayer in the church of God far 
that glorious coming of Chrift's kingdom, 
until it be aftually come; and that is to hin- 
der its ever being at all. 

It being fb, this opinion being of fuch 
hurtful tendency, certainly it is a thoufand 
pities it fhoald prevail and be retained, if 
truly there be no good ground for it. 

Therefore in anfwer to this objeflion, I 
would, with all humility and modefTy, ex- 
amine the foundation of that opinion, of 
fuch a dreadful time of victory of Antichrift 
over the church, yet to be expefted; and 
particularly fiiall endeavour to fliew that the 
Jlaying of the witmejjes, foretold, Rev. xi, 7 
— 10. is not an event that remains yet to be 
fulfilled. — To this end, I would propofe the 
following things to confideration. 

67 THE WIT^:ESSEs. 205 

1. The time vv herein the witnrjfes lie dead 
in thejlreets of the great city, doubtlefs, f3g~ 
nifies the time wherein the true church of 
Chrifl is lowed of all, mod of all prevailed 
againft by Antichrift, and nearefl to an ut- 
ter extinftion ; the time wherein there is left 
the lead vifibility of the church of Chrift 
yet fubfiding in the world, lead remains of 
any thing appertaining to true religion, 
whence a revival of it can be expefted, and 
wherein all means of it are miod abolidied, 
and the date of the church is, in all refpeQs, 
furthed from any thing whence any hopes 
of its ever flourii'hing again might arife. For 
before this the \v'itnef[i^spropheJy infackcloth, 
but now they are dead; before this they were 
kept low indeed, yet there was life, and pov/- 
er to bring plagues on theirenemies, and fo 
much of true religion left, as to be a contin- 
ual eye-fore and torment to tliem ; but novv^ 
their enemies rejoice and fead, and have a 
general public triumph, as having obtained 
a full victory over them, and having entire-. 
ly extirpated them, and being completely 
delivered from them, and all that might give 
them any fear of being troubled with them 
any more. This time, wherever it be fixed, 
doubtlefs, is the time, not only v/herein fewe-ft 


profeffors of the true religion are left in the 
world, but a time wherein the truth (hall be 
fanhefl out of fight, and Out of reach, and 
moft forgotten ; wherein there are left few- 
eft beams of light, or traces of truth, feweft 
means of information, and opportunities of 
coming to the knowledge of the truth; and 
fo a time of the moft barbarous iraorance, 
moft deftitute of all hiftory, reliques, monu- 
ments and memory of things appertaining 
to true religion, or things, the knowledge of 
which hath any tendency to bring truth a- 
gain to light, and moft deftitute of learning, 
ftudy and enquiry. 

Kov7, if we confidcr the prefent ftate of 
mankind, it is credible tliat a time will yet 
come in the Vv^orld, that in thefe refpefts ex- 
ceeds all times that were before the Refor- 
mation? And that fuch a time will come 
before tlie fall of Antichrift, unlefs v/e fet that 
at a much greater diftance, than the farih- 
eit that any vet have fuppofed? It is next 
to impoffibie, that fuch a change fhould be 
brouGfht about in fo ftiort a time — it cannot 
be v/ithout a miracle. In order to it, not 
only muft the Fopifti nations fo prevail, as 
utterly to extirpate the Proteftant religion 
through the earthy but muft do many other 


things, far more impoffible for them to effefl 
in order to cover the world with fo grofs 
and confirmed a darknefs, and to bury all 
light and truth in fo deep an oblivion, and 
fo far out of all means and hopes of a revi- 
val. And not only muft a vaft change be 
made in the Protellant world, but the Popifh 
nations muft be ftrangely metamorphofed, 
and they themfelves muft be terribly perfe^ 
cuted by fome other power, in order to bring 
them to fuch a change; nor would perfe- 
cution without extirpation be fufficient for 
it. If there fhould be another univerfal de- 
luge, it might be fuflBcient to bring things in 
the world to fuch a pafs, provided a few ig- 
norant barbjirous perfons only were pre- 
ferved in an ark; and it would require fome 
cataftrophe, not much fhort of this, to ef- 
feft it, 

2. In the Reformation, that was in the 
days of Luther, Calvin, and others their 
contemporaries, the threatened deftruftion 
of Antichrill, that dreadful enemy that had 
long oppreffed and worn out the faints, was 
begun; nor was it a fmall beginning, but 
Antichrift hath fallen, at leaft, halfvv^ay to 
the ground, from that height of power and 


grandeur, that he was in before. Then be- 
gan the vials of God's wrath to be poured 
^ut on the throne of the beajl, to the great 
{baking of its foundations, and diminution 
of its extent; fo that the Pope loR near half 
C of his former dominions^ and as to degree of 
authority and influence over what is left, he 
is not poffeffed of what he had before. God 
nov7 at length, in anfwer to the long contin^ 
ued cries of his people, awaked as one out 
of fleep^ and began to deliver his church 
from her exceeding low ftate, that Ihe had 
continued in for many ages, under the great 
oppreffion of this grand enemy, and to re^ 
{tore her from her exile and bondage in the 
fpiritual Babyloii and Egypt. And it is not 
agreeable to the analogy of God's difpenfa- 
tions, that after this, God fhould defert his 
people, and hide himfelf fronl them, even 
jTiore than before, and leave them mofe 
than ever in the hands of their ehemy, and 
all this advantage of the church againfl An- 
tichrift (hould be entirely given up and loil, 
and the power and tyranny of Antichrift be 
more confirmed, and the church brought 
more under, and more entirely fubdued than 
ever before, and further from all help and 
means to recover. This is not God's way 


of dealing with his people, or with their e- 
nemies; his work of falvation is perfeft — 
when he has began fuch a work he w:ill car- 
ry it on — when he once caufes the day of 
deliverance to dawn to his people, after fuch 
a long night of difmal darknefs, he will not 
'extinguifh the light, and caufe them to re- 
turn again to midnight darknefs — when he 
has begun to enkindle the bleffed fire, he 
will not quench the fmoaking flax, until he 
hath brought forth judgment unto viftory. 
When once the church, after her long la- 
bour and fore travail, has brought forth her 
man-child, and wrought fome deliverance^ 
her enemies fhall never be able to deflroy 
this child, though an infant^ but it (hall af- 
c^nd up to heaven, and be fet on high out 
of their reach. 

The deftruftion that God often foretold 
and threatened to ancient Baby-Ion (which 
is often referred to in the Revelation, as a 
great type of the anti-chriflian church) was 
gradually accompliflied, and fulfilled by va- 
rious [}eps, at a great diilance of time one 
from another; it was begun in the conqueft 
of Cyrus, and was farther accompliflied by 
Oariusj about eighteen years after, by a yet 


greater deftraftion, wherein it was brought 
much nearer to utter defolation; but it was 
about two hundred and twenty-three years 
after this, before the ruin of it was perfeft- 
ed, and the prophecies againft it fully ac- 
complifhed, in its being made an utter and 
perpetual defolation, without any human in- 
habitant, becoming the dwelling-place for 
owlsj dragons, and other doleful creatures. 
But yet wlien God had once begun to de- 
ftroy her, he went on until he finifhed, and 
never fuffered her any more to recover and 
eftabliih her former empire. So ihe refti- 
tution of the Jewifh churth, after tlie Baby- 
lonilh captivity, was gradual, by various 
fteps; there v/ere feveral times of return of 
the Jews from captivity, and feveral diftinft 
decrees of the Perfian emperors, for the re- 
ftoring and rebuilding Jerufalein, and re- 
eflablifliing the Jewifli church and ftate; 
and it was done in turbulent times, there 
were great interruptions and checks, and 
violent oppofitions, and times wherein the 
enemy did much prevail: But yet, when 
God had once begun the work he alfo made 
an end: he never fuffered the enemies of 
the Jews to bring Jerufalem to fiich a ftate 
of defolation as it had been in before, until 


the promifed reftoration was complete. A- 
gain, the deliverance of God's church from 
the opprefTion of Antiochus Epiphanes, (a- 
nother known type of Antichrift) was gra- 
dual; they were firft alhfled in a fmall de- 
gree, by the Maccabees, and afterwards the 
promifed deliverance was completed, in the 
recovery of Jerufalem, the reftoration of the 
temple, the miferable end of Antiochus, and 
the confequent more full deliverance of the 
w^hole land. But after God once began to 
appear for the help of his church in that in- 
ftance, after it feemed dead and paft all hope, 
he never fuffered Antiochus to prevail a- 
gainfl: his people, to that degree, again; 
though the utmoft ftrength of this great mo- 
narch was ufed, from time to time, in order 
to it, and his vaft empire was engaged againft 
an handful that oppofed them: God never 
forfook the w^ork of his own hands; w^hen 
he had begun to deliver his people, he alfo 
made an end. And fo Haman, tliat proud 
and inveterate enemy of the Jews, that tho't 
to extirpate the whole nation, who alfb was 
probab'y another type of Antichriir, when 
he began to fall before Efther and Mordecai, 
never flayed, until his ruin, and the church s 
deliverance was complete. Haman's wife 


fpeaks of it, as an argument of his approach- 
ing inevitable full deftruQion, that he had 
begun to fall, Efth. vi. 15. 

3. Ifitfhould be fo, that ant i-chriftian 
tyranny and darknefs fhould hereafter fo 
prevail againft the Proteftant church, and 
the true religion, and every thing appertain- 
ing to it, as to bring things to the pafs fore- 
mentioned, this would hardly fo properly 
anfwer the prophecy of flaying the two wit- 
nefies ; for, doubtlefs, one reafon why they 
are called two witnefles is, that the number 
of the remaining witneffes for the truth was, 
though fufBcient, yet very fmall. Which was 
remarkably the cafe, in the dark times pi 
Popery ; but fince the Reformation the num- 
ber of thofe appearing on the fide of true 
religion, has been far from being fo fmall,^ 
-—The vifible church of Chrift has been 
vaflly large, in comparifon of what it was 
before; the number of Proteftants has fome- 
times been thought nearly equal to that of the 
Papifts; and, doubtlefs, the number of true 
faints has been far greater than before. 

4. It feems to be fignified in prophecy, 
that after the Reformation, Antichriil fhould 
never prevail againft the church of Chrift 
any more, a3 he had done before. I cannot^ 


but think, that whoever reads and well con- 
fiders what the learned Mr. Lowman has 
written on the five firft vials, Rev. xvi. in 
his late Expofition on the Revelation, mufl: 
think it to be very manifeft, that what is 
faid, verfe lo, of the pouring out of the fifth 
vial on the throne of the beajl, (for fo it is in 
the original) is a prophecy of the Reforma- 
tion. Then the vial of God's wrath was 
poured out on the throne of the beaft, i. e, 
according to the language of fcripture, on 
his authority and dominion, greatly to weak- 
en and diminifh it, both in extent and de- 
gree. But when this is reprefented in the 
prophecy, then it is added, and, his kingdom 
was fall of darkncfs, and they gnawed their 
tongues for pain. If we confider what is com- 
monly intended by fuch like phrafes in the 
fcripture, I think we fhall be naturally, and, 
as it were, necefTarily led to underfland thofe 
words thus: Their policy, by w^hich here- 
tofore they have prevailed, fliail now fail 
them; their authority fhall be weakened, 
and their dominion greatly diminifhed, and 
all their craft and fubtilty fhall not avail 
them to maintain and fupport the throne of 
the beafl, or even again to extend his autho- 
rity fo far as it had been before extended. 


and to recover what it loft; but all their 
crafty devices to this end (hall be attended 
with vexatious tormenting difappointment; 
they that have the management of the af- 
fairs of the beaft's kingdom, fiiaH hencefor^ 
ward grope as in the dark, and ftumble, and 
be confounded in their purpofes, plots and 
enterprizes ; formerly their policy was great- 
ly fuccefsful, was as a light to guide thern 
to tlieir ends, but now their kingdom fhall 
be full of da.rknefs, and their wifdom (hall 
fail them in all their devices to fubdue, and 
again to bring under the church of God. — 
The fcripture takes notice of the great po- 
licy and fubtilty of the powers that fupcort 
this kingdom, Dan. vn.'%.- -jj^-^dy behold, in 
this horn ivere eyes like the eyes cf a 'man.' So • 
it is (aid of Antiochus Epiphanes, that great 
type of Antichrilt, Dan. viii. 23. A king of 
fierce coimtenance, and underji.anding dark 
fcntences.JIiaUJland up, Ver. 25. And thro' 
his policy alfo.jliall he caiife craft to prof per 
in his hand. This underftanding and poli- 
cy is the light of this kingdom, as true wif- 
dom is the light of the fpiritual Jerufalem^ 
And, therefore, when the light fails, then 
may the kingdom of this fpiritual Egypt be 
faid to be full of darknefs. God hencefor- 


vfard v\^ill defend his people from thefe my- 
ftical Egyptians, as he defended Ifrael of 
old from Pharaoh and hjs hoft, when pur- 
fuing afler them, by placing a cloud and 
darknefs in their way, and i'o not fuffering 
them to come nigh. So he will protect his 
church from the men of that city that is fpi- 
ritually called Sodom, as Lot's houfe, where- 
in were the angels, was defended from the 
men of Sodom, by their being fmitten with 
darknefs or biindnefs, fo that they wearied 
themfelves to find the door; and as God 
defended the city in which was Eliflia the 
prophet, and witnefs of the Lord, from the 
Syrians, when they compafled it about with 
horfes and chariots, and a great hoft to ap- 
prehend him, by fmiting them with biind- 
nefs. The fcripture teaches us, that God is 
wont in this w^ay to defend his church and 
people from their crafty and powerful ene- 
mies. Job V. 11, &c, Tofet'itp on highthofe 
that be low^ that thofe which mourn may be 
exalted tofafety : He dijappointeth the devices^' 
of the crafty, fo that their hands cannot per- 
form their enter prize: He taketh the wife in 
their own craftinefs, and the counfel of the 
forward is carried headlong: They meet with 
darknefs in the day-time, and grope in the 


noon-day as in the night; but hefavcth Uw 
poor from theftcord, from their mouth, and 
from the hnnd of the mighty, PfaL- xxx v. 4.6* 
Let then be confounded and put tofmme, that 
feek after my foul; let them be turned back^ 
and brought to cbnfufon. that devife my hurt 
^ — Let their wuy^ be dark andflippery. 

Upon the account of fuch defence of God's 
Proteftant church, and difappointment and 
confufion of all the fubtle devices, deep- 
laid fchemes, and furious attempts of their 
anti-chriftian enemies, to bring them under^ 
and root them out, and their feeing theni 
ftill maintaining their ground, and fubfifting 
Jn an independency on them, in fpite of all 
that they do, it makes thein as it weregnafli' 
their teeth, and bite their tongues for mere 
rage and vexation; agreeable to Pfal. cxii. 
p, 10. His righteoifnefs endurethfor evefy 

''his hornfhall be exalted with honour: The 
wicked f tail fee it and be grieved, andgnafji 

'^"^ with his teeth and melt away: The defire of 

^ the zoickedfnall perifi. 

Hitherto this prophecy has been very fig- 
tially fulfilled; fince the Reformation, the 
kingdom of Antichrift has been remarkably 
filled with darknefs in this refpeft. Innu- 


merable have been the crafty devices, and 
great attempts of the churchof Rome, where- 
in they have exerted their utmofl: policy and 
power, to recover their loft dominions, and 
again to fubjugate the Proteftant nations, 
and fubdue the northern herefy, as they call 
il* They have wearied themfelves in thefe 
endeavours for more than two hundred years 
paft; but have hitherto been difappointed^ 
and have often been ftrangely confounded. 
When their matters feemed to be brought 
to a ripenefs^ and they triumphed as though 
their point was gained, their joy and triumph 
has fuddenly turned into vexation and tor- 
ment* How many have been their politic 
and powerful attempts againft the Proteftant 
intcreftin our nation in particular? And how 
wonderfully has God difappointed them from 
time to time! And as God has hitherto fo 
remarkably fulfilled his word in defending 
his Proteftant church from Antichrift, fo I 
think we have ground to truft in him, that 
he will defend it to the end. 

5, The hypothefis of thofe who fuppofe" 
the flaying of the witnefles is a thing that 
yet remains to be fulfilled, makes the pro- 
phecies of the Revelation to be inconfiftent 


one with another. According to their hy- 
pothefis, that battle. Rev. xi. 7. wherein the 
beail makes war with the witnefTes, and o- 
vercomes them^ and kills them, is the lafl 
and greatell: conflift between Antichrift and 
the church of Chrift, v/hieh is to precede the 
titter overthrow of the anti-chriftian king- 
dom. And they muft fuppofe fo, for they 
fuppofe, that immediately after the fuffer- 
ings the church fhall endure in that war, fhe 
fliall arife, and, as it were, afcend into hea- 
ven; i. e, as they interpret it, the church 
fhall be direftly advanced to her latter-day 
reft, profperity and glory. And confequent- 
ly^ this conflift muft be the fame with that 
great battle between Antichrift and the 
Cfiurch, that is defcribed, chap, xvi. 13. to 
the end, and more largely, chap. xix. 11. to 
the end. For that which is defcribed in thefe 
places, is moft evidently and indifputably 
the greateft and laft battle or conflifl that 
fliall be between the church and her anti- 
; ehriftian enemies, on which the utter down- 
fall of Antichrift, and the church's advance- 
ment to her latter-day glory, fiiall be imme- 
diately confequent. And fo the earthquake 
that attends the refurreftion of the wifnef- 
fes, chap. xi. 13. muft be the fame with that 


great earthquake that is defcribed.chap. xvi. 
18. And the falhng of the tenth part of the 
city muft be the fame with that terrible and 
utter defiruaion of Antichrill's kingdom, 
chap. xvi. 17. to the end. 

But thefe things cannot be. The battle, 
chap. xi. 7. cannot be the fame v/ith that laft 
and great battle between the Church and 
Antichrift, defcribed, chap xvi. and xix.— 
For the things that are faid of one and the 
other, and their iffue, are in no wife confift- 
ent. In that battle, chap. xi. the church of 
God confiifts with her enemies in forrow, 
fackcloth, and blood; but in the other the 
matter is reprefented exceedingly otherwife 
—the church goes forth to fight with Anti- 
chrift, not in fackcloth and blood, but cloath- 
ed in white raim.ent, Chrift himfelf before 
them, as their captain, going forth in great 
pomp and magnificence, u^on^i white horfe, 
and on his head many crowns, and onhisvef- 
ture, and on his thigh, a navie written, king 


faints who follow fo glorious a leader to this 
great battle, follow him on white horfes, 
cloathed in fine linen, white and clean, in 
garments of ftrength, joy, glory and tri- 
umph ; in the fame kind of raiment, that the 


faints appear in, when they are reprefented 
as triumphing with Chrift, with palms in 
their hands, chap. vii. g. And the iffue of 
the latter of thefe conflifts, is quite the re- 
verfe of the former. In the battle, chap, xi* 
7. The beajt makes war with the witnejfes^ and 


fame is foretold, Dan. vii. 21. I beheld^ and 
the fame horn made loar toith the faints, and 
prevailed agaivfl them. — ^And Rev. xii. 7, 
And it was given unto him to make war with 
the faints, and to overcome them. But in the 
iifue of that laft and great battle, which the 
church {hall have with her anti-chriftian e-* 
ricmies, the church (ball overcome them, 
AND KILL THEM, Rcv. xvii. 14. Thefefhalt 
■"make war toiih the Lamby and the Lavibfliall 
overcome them; for he is Lord of Lords, and 
King of Kings; and they that are with him, 
are called, and chofen, and faithful, compar- 
ed with chapter xix. 16, and following verf- 
es, and chapter xvi. 16, 17. In the conflift 
that the bead fliall have with the wutneffes, 
the beafl kills them^ and their dead bodies lit 
%inburied; as though they were to be meat 
for the beafts of the earth, and fowls of hea-» 
yen; but in that laft battle, it is reprefented 
that Chrift and his church fhallfay their e- 


nfiTiies, and give their dead bodies to be meat for 
the fowls of heaven, chap. xix. 17. to the end. 
There is no manner of appearance, in the 
defcriptions which are given of that lafl; great 
battle, of any advantages gained in it, by the 
enemies of the church, before they themfelves 
are overcome, but all appearance of the con- 
trary. Be fure the defcriptions in the xvi. 
and xix. chapters of the Revelation will, by 
no means, allow of fuch an advantage, as the 
overcoming God's people, and flaying them, 
and their lying dead for fome time, and un- 
buried, that their dead bodies may be for 
their enemies to abufe, and trample on, and 
make fport with. In chap. xvi. we read of 
their being gathered together againft the 
church, a mighty hoft, into the place called 
Armageddon, and then the firft thing we 
hear of, is the pouring out the feventh vial 
of God s wrath, and a voice faying — It is 
done. And fo in the xix. chap, we have an 
account of the beaji, and the kings of the earth, 
and their armies, being gathered together to 
make war againfl him that fat on the horfe, 
and againfl his army. And then the next 
thing we hear of is, that the beafl is taken, 
and with him the falfe prophet ; and that thefe 
arc both cafl alive into the lake of fire; and 


that the remnant of their vafi army arejlain, 
and all the fozvls filled with their fiefii. The 
iffue of the conflict of the beafl with the wit- 
neffes, is the triumph of the church's ene- 
mies over God*s people, looking on them 
as entirely vanquifhed, and their intereft ut- 
terly ruined, pad all pofiibility of recovery : 
They that dwell on the earth JJiall fee the dead 
bodies of the faints lying in thejlreets of the 
great city, andfiiaU rejoice over tJum, and 
make merry, and fend gifts one to another. — 
But the iflue of that great and laft battle is 
quite the reverfe ; it is the church's triumph 
over her enemies, as being utterly and for 
ever deftroyed. 

Here, if any one fhall fay, that the afcen- 
fion of the witnefFes into heaven in the fight 
of their enemies, may, as has more general- 
ly been fuppofed, fignify the church's laft 
viftory and triumph over her anti-chriftian 
enemies, and final deliverance from them, 
and yet the battle between Antichrift and 
the witneffes, fpoken of, Rev. xi. 7. where- 
in the witneffes are flain, may not be the 
fame with that laft and greateft battle be- 
tween Antichrift and the church, chap.xvi, 
and xix. which immediately precedes and 
iffues in the church's final vi6lorv and deli- 


verance; there may be two great battles, 
foon following one another, though both are 
not mentioned in the fame place ; one a con- 
flift, wherein Antichrift prevails againft the 
AvitnefTes, and overcomes them, and kills 
them, and another that great battle defcrib- 
ed, chap. xvi. and xix. after the witnefies 
refurreftion, before their afcenfion into hea- 
ven, wherein they fliall prevail and over- 
come their enemies, and kill them; I fay, if 
any one fhall fay thus, they will fay that 
which the prophecies give no reafon, nor 
-allow any room to fuppofe. Thatlaft battle 
between the Church and Antichrift, w^herein 
Chrift and his people obtain a complete vic- 
tory, is evidently one of the greateft and re- 
markable events foretold in all the Apoca- 
lypfe; and there is no one thing, unlefs it 
be the confummation of all things, in the 
two laft chapters, that is defcribed in fo fo- 
lemn and auguft a manner. And the de- 
fcription (hev/s that it is an event which, 
with its circumftances, muft take up much 
time. There is vaft preparation made for 
it by the church's enemies ; the devils, in or- 
der to ftir men up, and gather them togeth- 
er, to this battle of that great day of God Al- 
mighty^ go forth unto the kings of the earth. 


and of the whole world, to propagate various 
kinds of delufions, far and wide, all over the 
world; which, undoubtedly, muft take up 
many years time^ chap xvi. 13, 14. And 
then great preparation is made in the church 
of God, to make oppofition, chap. xix. 11 
— 17. Now can any reafonably fuppofe, 
that in what is reprefented, chap. xi. of a 
great conflifl: between Antichrift and God s 
people, wherein the latter are overcome and 
flain, and lie dead three days (or three years) 
and a half, and their enemies triumphing o- 
ver them, but God's people rifing again from 
the dead in the midft of this triumph of their 
enemies, and afcending into heaven, while 
the enemies ftand aftonifhed and arnazed 
fpeclators — that the manner of the defcrip- 
tion leaves fair room for us to fuppofe, that 
after this refurreftion of God's people, they 
continue long before they afcend, to encoun- 
ter with Antichrift in a new confliQ, where- 
in their enemies, after long time to prepare, 
{hould engage with them with vaftly great- 
er preparations, ftrength and violence than 
before, and fhould wage war with the migh- 
tieft army that ever was gathered againft the 
church, and in the greateft battle that ever 
was fought ! 


And befides, the witnefFes afcending into 
heaven in the fight of their enemies, fpokcn 
of chap. xi. cannot be the fame with the 
church's gaining a glorious afcendant over 
her enemies, in her final viciory over Anti- 
chrift^ fpoken of chap. xvi. and xix. becaufe 
the defcriptions of the events that attend the 
one and the other do by no means anfwer 
each other. For, obferve, it is faid, that when 
the witnefies arofe, and.Jlood on their feet, 
and afcended into heaven^ the fame hour there 
"was a great earthquake ; but this does not 
feem to anfwer to w^hat is defcribed, chap* 
xvi. 18. Andtherewere voices^ and thunders^ 
and lightnings, and there was a great earth-^ 
quake, fuch as was not f nee men were upon 
the earth, fo mighty an earthquake, andfo greats 
—-It is faid, that at the fame time of the firfl 
earthquake, chap, xi, 13* The tenth part of 
the city fell; but hov/ far does this fall (hort 
of what is defcribed, as attending the great 
earthquake.^ chap. xv. ig, 20. And the great 
city was divided into three parts, and the cities 
of the nations fell ; and great Babylon came 
into remembrance before God, to give unto her 
the cup of the wine of the fiercenefs of his 
wrath; and every if and fled away, and tkc 


moimtains were not found. It is faid of the 
earthquake, chap. xi. And in the earthquake 
were Jlain of men f even thoufand ; but how 
far is this from anfwering the {laughter de- 
fcribed, chap. xix. 17, &c. Which is repre- 
fented as a general flaughter of the kings, 
captains, mighty men, horfes, and armies of 
the earth, and of the whole world; fo that 
all the fowls that fly in the midfl: of heaven, 
as far as the fun flxines, are filled with the 
flelli of the dead carcafes, it being \hejlejli of 
all men, both free and bond, both fnall and 
great; (compare chap. xvi. 14.) who can 
think, that this great flaughter, that is thus 
reprefented, fliould, in chap. xi. be only caU 
led 2i faying of f even thoifand men? 

If we read this very eleventh chapter thro', 
we (hall fee that the falling of the tenth part 
of the city, and the witnefles rifing and af- 
cending into heaven, are entirely difl:in6l 
from the final deftruftion of Antichrift, and 
that advancement of the church to her lat- 
ter-day glory, that is confequent upon it. — 
I'he judgments here fpoken of, as executed 
on God's enemies, are under another woe; 
and the benefits beftowed on the church, are 
under another trumpet. For immediately 
after the account of the rifing and afcend- 


ing of the witRefTes, and the tenth part of 
the city's falling, and the flaying of L^f feven 
thoufand men, and the affrighting ott,he rett, 
and their giving glory to the God of heaven, 
follow thefe words in the 14th and 15th 
verfes, Thefecond woe is pajl, and behold the 
third looe cometh quickly. And thefeventh 
angel founded, and there were great voices in 
heaven, faying — The kingdoms of this world 
are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of 
his Chrifl, and he f mil reign for ever and e- 
ver. And in the following verfes, we have 
an account of the praifes fung to God on 
this occafion. And then in that lad verfe, 
we have a brief hint of that fame earthquake, 
and the gr^at hail, and tliofe thunders, and 
lightnings, and voices, that we have an ac- 
count of in the latter part of chap. xvi. So 
that the earthquake mentioned in the laft 
verfe of chap. xi. is that great earthquake 
that attends the laft great conflift of the 
church and her enemies, and not that men- 
tioned ver. 13. 

The three woes are the woes of God on 
Antichrift and his fubjefts; and the third 
and laft of them evidently fignifies the ter- 
rible judgments of God on Antichrift, by 
which God's wrath upon him fliall be ful-^ 


filled in his utter de{lru6iion; but the cala- 
mities <f)n Antichrifl, fpoken of as attending 
the rififrg and afcending of the witnefTes, fuch 
as the falling of the tenth part of the city, 
and fiaying feven thoufand men, do not be- 
long to this laft woe, and therefore do not 
fignify the final deftruQion of Antichrift; 
for the words of verfe 14. will by no means 
allow of fuch a fuppofition ; for there, imme- 
diately after giving an account of thefe ca- 
lamities, it is added — ThefecGnd zcoe ispajl; 
and, behold, the third woe covieth quickly; 
making a moR plain and exprefs diftin^Hon 
between thefe calamities that had already 
been mentioned, and efpecially- thefe that 
werejuft then mentioned in tlf^ very laft 
words, and the calamities that belong to the 
third woe, that yet remain to be mentioned; 
for by being paffed, the prophet is to be un* 
derftood no othevwife than paffed in the de- 
claration and reprefentation — it was not paft 
m any other refpefli; it is as much as to fay. 
Thus an account has been given of the ca-j 
lamities upon Antichrifl that belong to the 
fecond woe; now I proceed to give an ac- 
count of thofe difpenfations of Providence 
that belong to the third and laft woe, which 
fhall prove Antichrift's final deftru6iion, eu^ 


in the kingdoms of this world becoming the 
kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chrift. 

What was fulfilled in the Reformation, 
well anfwers the reprefentation made con- 
cerning the witneffes. Rev xi. 1 1. 12. Of the 
fpirit of If e from God entering into them, and 
their fanding on their feet, and afcending up 
to heaven, in thefght of their enemies. A lit- 
tle before the Reformation, the Hate of the 
church of God, and of true religion was low- 
eft of all, and neareft to utter extinftion. — 
Antichrift had, after great and long ftrug- 
gles, prevailed againft the Waldenfes, Albi- 
genfes, and Bohemians. The war with the 
Albigerifes feems efpecially to be intended 
by the war of the beaft with the witneffes, 
fpoken of verfc 7. Thefe were witneffes to 
the truth that were the moft numerous and 
confiderable, and thofe that moft tormented 
the church of Rome. And the war that was 
maintained againft them, was, by far, the 
greateft that ever Antichrift had againft any 
of the profeffors of the truth, before the Re- 
formation, and was properly the war of the 
beaft; it was the Pope that proclaimed the 
war, and that raifed the foldiers by his emif- 
faries and priefts, preaching the crofs, ga- 
thering innumerable multitudes of pilgrims 


from all parts of Chriftendom, and raifing 
one croifade after another, which were con- 
duced and managed by the Pope's legates ; 
and it was the Pope that paid the foldiers 
with pardons, indulgences, promifes of Pa- 
radife, and fuch like trumpery. When An- 
tichrift had gradually prevailed againft thefe 
witnelfes, with much difficulty, and long 
continued violent firuggling, and after in- 
numerable vexatious difafters and difap- 
pointments, the church of God, in the time 
of Luther, and ether reformers, on a fud- 
den, in a wonderful manner, revives, when 
fuch an event was leaft expefted, (to the fur* 
prize and amazement of their anti-chriftian 
enemies) and appears in fuch ftrength, that 
the reformed are able to ftand on their own 
legs, and to withftand all the power and 
rage of the church of Rome, Prefently af- 
ter this revival, the people of God are fet 
on high, having the civil magiftrate in many 
countries on their fide, and henceforward 
have the power of many potent princes en- 
gaged for their proteftion. And this, in 
fight of their enemies, and greatly to their 
grief and vexation; who, though they, from 
time to time, exert their utmoft, never are 
able to prevail againft them, to bring thera 


under any more, as they had done in for- 
mer wars. Oftentimes, in fcripture, God's 
church's dwelling in fafety, out of the reach 
of their enemies, is reprefented by their dwel- 
ling on high, or being fet on high; as Pfal. 
lix. 1. Ixix. 29. xci. 14. cvii. 41. Prov. 
xxix. 25. Ifai. xxxiii. 16. The children 
of Ifrael, in their deliverance out of Egypt, 
from their cruel taflv-mafters, w^ho would 
fain have brought them into bondage again, 
w^ere faid to he carried on eagles wings, which 
is lofty in its flight, flies away towards hea- 
ven, fo that the Egyptians could not come 
at them ; and they were protefted by the 
cloud that went with them, as the witnefies 
are faid to be caught up to heaven in a cloud. 
Compare this with Ifai. iv. 5. And the Lord 
will create upon every dzoelling-place of Mount 
Zion, and upon her ajjcmhlies, a cloud and 
fmoke by day, and thejhiningofajlamingjir^ 
by night; for upon all the glory f hall be a de- 

I fliall not pretend to explain the myftery 
of the three days and a half of the witnefies 
lying dead, or to determine the precife du- / 
ration fignified by that myftical reprefenta- 
tion. Poffibly no particular meafureoftimc 
may be intended by it, and yet it may not 


be without fignificancy.* As no particular 
numbcrof perfons is intended by the two wit- 
neffes, but, in general, it intends a fmall num- 
ber, and yet a lufficient number ; and as fmall 
as might be, and yet be fufficient ; as lefs than 
two witnefies was not fufficient, fo, perhaps, 
no particular duration of that low ftate that 
the church was in before the Reformation, 
may be intended by three days and an half, 
but, in general, it may be hereby fignified, 
that this time of the triumphing of the wick- 
ed, and extremity of God's church, ihould be 
but fliort. Poihbly three days and an half 
may be m^entioned, becaufe that is the utmoft 
fpace of time that a dead body can be ordi- 
narily fuppofed to lie without putrefaction, 
fignifying that at this time the church fliould 
be brought to the very brink of utter ruin, 
and yet {hould be preferved, and revive a- 
gain. And half a day may be mentioned to 


* IVJr. Lowman, In the preface to his Paraphrafe on the Reve* 
lation, page 3, obferves as follows: Prophetic tiu7?ihers do net aU 
ivays exprefs^ a determinate duration^ or fpace of time^ any Piora 
than they alnvays exprefs a certain number. Prophecy^ I acknoiu- 
ledge^ ufes nuvibers fo?netimes as other expreJionSi in a figurate 
nieaningy as fymhols and hieroglyphics. Thus the number seven 
fometimes does not denote the precife number feven; hut fgurative- 
ly de7iotes perfe^ionyor a full and complete nu?nher; andthe?iu?K' 
. her tenfo7netimss dots not mean precifely ten in nwnbsr^ hut ?/ia?ty 
in general^ <fr a confidarahle rmmber^ 


fignify the particular care of Providence in 
exadlly determining this time of his church's 
extremity. And probably there may be fome 
reference to the three tim.es (or three years) 
and an half of the witnefTes prophefying in 
fackcloth : the more apparently to fliew the 
difproportion between the time of the church's 
welfare, and the time of her enemies viflory 
and triumph; the time of the church's af- 
fliftion and conflict may be long, and in the 
iffue (he may be overcome; but the time of 
this viftory (hall be but {hort, in comparifon 
with the other, but as a day to a year; {he 
may, as it v;ere, be killed, and lie dead, un- 
til the comes to the very brink of utter and 
hopelefs ruin, but yet God will not fuffer her 
to fee corruption; but at that very time, 
when her enemies expe6led that flie (hould 
putrify, file fnall rife, and be fet on high, out 
of their reach, greatly to their aflonifliment- 
The grand objetlion againfl all this is, 
that it is faid, that the -wiincffes faould pro-- 
phefy twelve kiindred andjixty days cloathed 
in fackcloth ; and when they havefiniflied their 
tejlimony, the beaftJJioidd make zvar agaivji 
them, and kill them, &c. and that it feems ma- 
nifefl, that after this, they arc no longer m 


fackcloth, for henceforward they are in an 
exalted ftate in heaven ; and that, therefore, 
feeing the time of their v/earing fackcloth is 
twelve hundred and fifty days, which is the 
time of the continuance of Antichrift ; hence 
their being flain and rifing again, muft be 
at the conclufion of this period, and fo at 
the end of Antichrift's reign. 

In anfwer to which I would fay, that we 
can juftly infer no more from this prophecy 
than this, viz. That the twelve hundred and 
fixty days is the proper lime of the church's 
trouble and bondage, or being cloathed in 
fackcloth, becaufe it is the appointed time 
of the reign of Antichrift. But this does not 
hinder but that God, out of his great com- 
paffion to his church, ftiould, in fome refpecl, 
{horten the days, and grant that fhe fhould, 
in fome meafure, anticipate the appointed 
great deliverance that Ihould be at the end 
of thofe days; as he has, in faft, done in the 
Reformation, whereby the church has had a 
great degree of reftoration granted, from the 
darknefs and power of Antichrift, before her 
proper time of reftoration, which is at the 
end of the twelve hundred and fixty days. 
Thus the church of Chrift, through the ten- 
der mercies of her Father and Redeemer, in 


fome refpefts, anticipates her deliverance 
from her forro ws and fackcloth; as many- 
parts of the church are hereby brought from 
under the dominion of the anti-chriftian pow- 
ers, into a ftate of power and liberty, though, 
in other refpefts, the church may be faid to 
continue in fackcloth, and in the wildernefs, 
until the end of the days; many parts of it 
flill remaining under grievous perfecution. 

What we render, When theyjliall kaveji' 
nijiied their tejlimony, Mr. Lowman, from Mr, 
Daubuz, renders, Whiletheyjhallperforvitheir 
tejlimony; and obferves, that the original 
may mean the time of their teftimony, as 
well as the end of it. 

I might here obferve, that we have other 
inflances of God's fhortening the days of his 
church's captivity and bondage, either at the 
beginning or end, very parallel with what 
has been now fuppofed in the cafe of the wit- 
neffes. Thus the proper time of the bondage 
of the pofterity of Abraham in Egypt, was 
four hundred years. Gen. xv. 13. But yet 
God in mercy deferred the beginning of their 
bondage, whereby the time was much fhort- 
ened at the beginning. So the time where- 
in it was foretold, that the whole hnd of If- 


raeljliould he a defolation and an ajioniflivient, 
and the landjliould enjoy herfabbaths, by the 
Babyloniili captivity, v/as feventy years, Jer. 
XXV. 11, 12. and thefe feventy years are dat- 
ed in 2d Chro. xxxvi. 20, 21. from Zede- 
kiah's captivity; and yet, from that captivi- 
ty to Cyrus's decree, was but fifty-two years ; 
though it was indeed feventy years before 
the more full reftoration of the Jewifh church 
and ilate by Barius's decree, Ezra vi. So the 
proper time of the oppreflion and bondage 
of the Jewifh church under Antipchus Epi- 
phanes, wherein both the fandtuary and hojl 
Jliould be trodden underfoot by him, was two 
'thoufand three hundred days, Dan. viii. 13, 
14, The time from Antiochus's taking Je- 
rufalem, and polluting the fanftuary, to An- 
tiochus's death, feems to have been about fo 
long ; but God Ihortened the days, by grant- 
ing remarkable help to his people by means 
of the Maccabees, before that time ; yea, the 
temple and fancluary were reftored, and the 
altar rebuilt and dedicated before that time. 
Upon the whole, I think there appears to 
be no reafon from the prophecy concerning 
the two v/itnefTes, Rev. xi. to expeft any 
fuch general and terrible deftruftion of the 
^hurch of Chrift, before the utter downfal of 


Antichrifl;, as fome have fuppofed, but good 
reafon to determine the contrary. It is true, 
there is abundant evidence in fcripture, that 
there is yet remaining a mighty conflift be- 
tween the church and her enemies, the mofl 
violent flruggle of Satan and his adherents, 
in oppofition to true religion, and the mod 
general commotion that ever was in the 
world, fince the foundation of it to that time; 
and many particular Chriftians, and fome 
parts of the church of Chrift, may fuiTer hard 
things in this conflift ; but, ii^ the general, 
Satan and Antichrifl fliall not get the vic- 
tory, nor greatly prevail, but, on the con- 
trary, be entirely conquered, and utterly o- 
verthrown, in this great battle. So that I 
hope this prophecy of the flayingof the wit- 
neffes will not ftand in the way of a com- 
pliance with the propofal made to us in the 
memorial, as a prevalent objeftion and dif- 

Object, 5. A late very learned and ingeni- 
ous Expofitor of the Revelation, viz. Mr. 
Lowman, fets the fall of Antichrifl, and con- 
fequently the coming of Chrift's kingdom, 
at a great diftance,fuppofing that the twelve 
hundred and fixty years of Antichrifl 's reign 
did not begin till the year feven hundred 


^ and fifty-fix; and confequently, that it will 
/^ not end until after the year two thoufand, 
more than two hundred and fifty years hence, 
and this opinion he confirms by a great va- 
riety of arguments. 

Anf. 1. If this objeftion be allowed to be 
valid, and that which ought to determine 
perfons in an affair of this nature, and thofe 
things concerning God's people praying for 
this glorious event, be alfo allowed to be 
true, which before were fliewn to be the will 
of God abundantly revealed in his word, 
then the following things mull be fuppofed, 
viz. That it is the will of God that his peo- 
ple be much in prayer for this event, and 
particularly that it is God's revealed will 
and purpofe, that, a little before the accom- 
plifhment of it, his people be earnefl:ly feek- 
ing and wriiting, and importunately and in- 
ceffantly crying to God for it; but yet that 
it was God's defign, that before this time 
comes of extraordinary prayer and impor- 
tunity of his church, for the bringing on this 
glorious event, his church fhould have it giv- 
en them to underfl:and precifely when the 
appointed time fhould be, and that accord- 
ingly he has now aftually brought the fixed 
time to light by nieans of Mr. Lowman. — ^ 

OF antichrist's fall. 


But is it reafonable to fu ppofe, that this fhould 
be God's manner of dealing with his church, 
firfl to make known to them the precife time 
which he has unakerably fixed for the fliew- 
ing this mercy to Zion, and then make it 
the duty of his church, in an extraordinary 
manner, to be, by prayer, enquiring of him 
concerning it, and faying — Hozolong, Lord! 
and waiting for it, day and night, crying to 
him, with exceeding importunity, that he 
would bring it on, that he would come quick- 
ly, that he would hide himfelf no longer, 
but would arif^ and have mercy upon Zion, 
and awake as one out of fleep, openly ma- 
nifeft himfelf, and make bare his holy arm 
for the falvation of his people? That they 
that make mention of the Lor djlioidd not keep 
filence, nor give him any rejl, until heejlabljjji 
and make Jerufalem a praife on the earth ? 
And that the church fhould then fay to 
Chrift, Make hajt.e, my beloved, and be thou 
Like a roe or a young hart on the mountain 

It may be many w^ays for the comfort and 
benefit of God's church in her afflifted ftate, 
to know that the reign of Antichrifl is to be 
no more than one thoufand tvv^o hundred 
and fixty years ; and fome things in general 


may be argued concerning the approach of 
it, when it is near; as the Jews could argue 
the approach of Chrift's firfl: coming, from 
Daniel's prophecy of the feventy weeks ^ 
though they knew not precifely when that 
feventy weeks would end. But it is not rea- 
fonable to expefl: that God fiiould make 
^, known to us beforehand, th^ precife time of 
Chrift's coming in his kingdom* The dif- 
ciples defired to know this, and manifefted 
their defire to their Lord, but he told them 
plainly, that it was not for them to know the 
times and feafons^ which the Father ■ hath 
put in his own poioer, Afts i. 6, 7. and there 
is no reafon to think that it is any more for • 
us than for them, or for Chrift's difciples in 
thefe days, any more than for his apoftles in 
thofe days. God m.akes it the duty of his 
church to be importunately praying for it, 
and praying that it may come fpeedily; and 
not only to be praying for it, but to be feek- 
ing for it, in the ufe of proper means, en- 
deavouring that religion may now revive e- 
very where, and Satan's kingdom be over-^ 
thrown ; and always to be waiting for it, be- 
ing in a conftant preparation for it, as fer- 
vants that wait for the coming of their lord^ 
or virgins for the coming of the bridegroom, 


not knowing at what hour he will come. — < 
But God's making known beforehand the 
precife time of his coming, does not well 
confift v/ith thefe thingr,. 

It is the revealed will of God, that he 
fliould be enquired of by his people, by ex- 
traordinary prayer, concerning this great 
mercy, to do it for them, before it be fulfill- 
ed. And if any fuppofe, that it is now found 
out precifely when the time is to be, and 
(the time being at a confiderable diflance) 
that now is not a proper feafon to begin this 
extraordinary prayer, I would, on this fup- 
pofition, afk — When we (liall begin? How 
long before the fixed and known time of the 
beftowment of this mercy comes, (hall we 
begin to cry earneftly to God that this mer- 
cy may come, and that Chiift would make 
hafte and be like a roe^ &c. For us to de- 
lay, fuppofing that we know the time to be 
far ofT, is not agreeable to the language of 
God's people in my text — Come, let its ga 
SPEEDILY, and pray before the Lord, and 
feek the Lord of Hojls. 

Anf. 2. I acknowledg-e that Mr. Lowman'^s 
Expofition of the Revelation is, on many ac- 
counts, excellently written, giving great Yighi 


into fome parts of that prophecy, and an in- 
fiance of the fuIfiHrncnt of that precli61ion, 
Dan. xii. 4. Manyjhall run to and fro, and 
knowledge faall he increafed; and efpecially 
in his Interpretation of the Five Firll Vials, 
(which he fuppofeth already poured out) ex- 
ceedingly fatisfying. But yet the opinion of 
Mr. Lowman, with regard to the particular 
time of the beginning and end of the time, 
times, and an half of Antichrid's reign, and 
of all others that pretend to fix the time, is 
the leaft to b^ regarded, becaufe it is clearly 
revealed, and exprefsly declared by God, 
that that matter fliall be fealed up and hid, 
and not known until the time of the end of 
this time, times, and an half. Daniel, in the 
laft chapter of his prophecy, gives us an ac- 
count, how the angel told him of a future 
time of great trouble and aftliftion to the 
church of God, and then faid to him, ver. 4. 
But thou, Daniel, shut up the words, 


OF THE END. And then the prophct pro- 
ceeds to give an account of a vifion that he 
had of one earneflly enquiring of the angel 
of the Lord how long it would be to the end 
of this remarkable and wonderful time of 
the church's trouble^ faying, Boio long fliall 


it be to the end ofthefe wonders? ver. 5, 6. 
The anfwer was, that it/Iiould be for a time, 
times, and an half, and that when fo long a 
time was palt, then this wonderful affliftion 
and fcattering of the holy people (hould be 
finiflied, ver. 7. But then Daniel tells us, in 
the next verfe, that he heard, but he under-' 
flood not, and faid, 0, my Lord, whatfiallbt 
the end of thefe things? He did not under- 
ftand that general and myflical anfwer, that 
thofe things fhould have an end at the end 
of a time, times, and an half; he did not 
know by it, v/hen this period would have an 
end; and therefore he enquires more parti- 
cularly v/hat the time of the end was. But 
the angel replies, ver. g. Go thy way, Daniel, 
the zcords are clofed and fealed up, until the 
time of the end, I do not know what could • 
have been more exprefs. The angel gently 
rebukes this over inquifitivenefs of Daniel, 
very much as Chrift did a like inquifitivenefs 
of the difciples concerning the famxe matter, 
when he faid to them— /^ is not for you to 
know the times andfeafons, that the Father 
hath put in his own power, — I think there 
can be no doubt but that this fpace, of a time, 
times, and an half of the church's great trou- 
ble, about the end of which Daniel enquires. 

!g44 ^^^ TIME UNKNOWN, &G. 

is the -fame with that time, times, and half, 
that is fpoken of, chap. vii. 25. and Rev. xii. 
14. as the time of Antich rift's reign, and the 
church's being in the vv^ildernefs, and not 
merely the time of the church's troubles by 
Antiochus Epiphanes. But we fee, when 
Daniel has a mind to know particularly 
when this time would come to an end, he is 
bid to go away, and reft contented in igno- 
rance of this matter; for, fays the man cloath- 
ed in linen, th£ words are closed up, 


END. That is,- very plainly, the matter that 
you enquire about, when the end of this time, 
and times, and half &ail come, ihall not be 
known, bu t be kept a great fecret, until the time 
of the end actually comes, and all attempts 
to find it out before that fliall be in vain. 
And therefore wiren a particular divine ap- 
pears, that thinks he has found it out, and 
has unfealed this matter, and made it ma- 
nifeft with very manifold and abundant er 
vidence, we may well think he is m,iftaken, 
and doubt whether thofe fuppofed eviden- 
ces are truly folid ones, and fuch as are in- 
deed fufficient to make that matter manifeft, 
Vv^hich God has declared lliould be kept hid^ 
and not made manifeft before it is accom- 


plifhed. Mr. Lowman's own words in hh 
preface, p. 24, 25. are here worthy to be re- 
peated: " It will (fays he) ever be a point 
•" of wifdom, not to be over bufy, or over 
*' confident in any thing, efpecially in fix- 
*' ing periods of time, or determining fea- 
^^ fons, which it may be are not to be deter- 
^' mined, it may be are not fit to be known, 
" It is a maxim, of greater wifdom than is 
*' ufually thought, Seek not to know what 
^^Jliould not be j-evealed. Such are many 
*' future events. Theprecife time of our Sa- 
^^ viour's coming to judgment, was not re^ 
" vealed, becaufe not fit to be revealed. — 
" The uncertainty of his appearance was of 
^^ greater fervice to preferve a care of reli- 
'' gion, than the revelation of it would have 
'^ been; for the uncertainty itfelf gives many 
." ufeful exhortations — Watch,foryeknow7iot 
" zvhat hour the Son of Man cometh. S,iip- 
'' pofe then fome of the events defcribed in 
^' this prophecy fhould be of doubtful ap- 
'' plication; fuppofe the precife time of the 
** downfall of the beaft, the flaying and re^ 
*' furre6iion of the witneffes, and the begini- 
" ning of the thoufand years happy fl:ate of 
"' the church, fiiould not be fo determined, 
'' but it would admit of different calcula- 

Q^5 AntichrijTs Fall groundlefsly 

'^ tions; may it not be wife, and therefore 
^^ fit, it fliould be fo? The certainty of thofe 
*' events in a proper time, though that time 
*^ fliouId not be precifely determined, will 
*^ anfwer the greater ends of ufeful inftruc- 
*' tion. And if the revelation {hould go no 
*^ farther than this, it would yet be a revela- 
^^ tion, of great benefit and advantage, as the 
*^ certainty of the day of judgment in its pro- 
*^ per time furely is, though of that day and 
*^ hour know^eth no man." 

Anjl 3. Though it is not for us to know 
the precife time of the fall of Antichrift, yet 
I humbly conceive that w^e have no reafon 
to fuppofe the event principally intended, in 
the prophecies, of Antichrift's de(lru6lion, to 
be at fo great a diftance, as Mr. Lowman 
places it, but have reafon to think it to be 
much nearer. Not that I v/ould fet up my- 
felf as a perfon of equal judgment with Mr, 
Lowman in matters of this nature. As he 
diflPers from mod others of the m.oft approv- 
ed expofitors of the Apocalypfe, in this mat- 
ter, fo I hope it will not appear vanity and 
prefumption in me, to differ from this par- 
ticular expofitor, and to agree with the great- 
er number. And fincc his opinion (lands fo 
m.uch in the way of that great and import- 

fuppojecl at a very-great Diftance. 247 

^nt affair, to promote which is the very end 
of this whole difcourfe, I hope it will not 
look as though I affefted to appear confi- 
derably among the interpreters of prophecy, 
and as a perfon of (kill in thefe myfterious 
matters, that I offer fome reafons againfl Mr, 
Lo\vman's opinions. It is furely a great pity, 
that it (hould be received as a thing clear 
and abundantly confirmed, that the glorious 
day of Antichrifl's fall is at fo great a dif- 
tance, (fo direftly tending to damp and dif- 
courage all earnefl prayers for, or endea- 
vours after its fpeedy aecomplifliment) un- 
lefs there be good and plain ground for it. I 
would therefore offer fom.e things to coiifi- 
deration, which, I think, may juflly make 
us look upon the opinion of this learned in- 
terpreter, of this happy event's being at fa 
great a diftance, not fo certain and indubi- 
table, iis to hinder our praying and hoping 
for its being fulfilled much fooncr. 

The period of Antichrift's reign, as this 
author has fixed it, feems to be the main 
point infifted on in his Expofition of the Re- 
velation, which he fuppofes a great many 
things in the fcheme of prophecies deliver- 
.ed in that book do concur to eftabliCn. And, 
indeed, it is fo, with refpeft to the fcheme 

248 Antichriffs Fall groundlefsly 

6f interpretation of thefe prophecies, which 
he goes into, and finds it requifite to main^ 
tain, in order to confirm this point. But 
there are feveral things in that fcheme, that 
appear to me juflly liable to exception. 

Whereas it is reprefented. Rev. xvii. 10^, 
11. that there are feven different fucceffive 
heads of the beafl; that five were paft, and 
another was to come, and to continue a 
ftiort fpace, that might, on fome accounts^ 
be reckoned a feventh ; and that Antichrifl 
was to follow next after this, as the eighth ; 
but yet the foregoin'g not being properly one 
of the heads of the beafl, he was properly 
the feventh. Mr. Lowman does not think 
with others, that by the feventh that was to 
continue a fhort fpace, which would not be 
properly one of the heads of the beaft^ is 
meant Conftantine, and the other Chriflian 
emperors ; (for he thinks they are reckoned 
as properly belonging' to the fixth head of 
the beafl) but that hereby is intended the 
government that Rome was fubjeft to un-* 
der the Gothic princes, and the exarchate 
of Ravenna, after the imperial form of go- 
vernment in Rome ceafed in ^^guftdlus, 
until the Pope was invefled with ms tempo- 
ral dominion, called St. Peter's Patximon/^ 

fiippofcd at a very great Dijlance. 249 

by Pipin, king of Fi-ance, in the year fevcA' 
hundred and firty-fix. And he fuppofeSj that 
that wounding of one of the heads of the 
beafl with a fword of death, that we read of, 
chap. xiii. 3 and 14. was not fulfilled in the 
deltruftion of the heathen empire^ and the 
giving the imperial power unto Chriflians, 
but in the deftruflion of the imperial form 
of government, by the fword of the Goths, 
in the time of Augufruius. But it feems to 
me to be very unlikely, that the Spirit of 
God fhould reckon Conftantine and the 
Chriflian em.perors as proper mem.bers, and 
belonging to one of the heads, ofthatmon- 
ftrous wild and cruel beaf}, that is compar- 
ed to a leopard and a bear, and a devouring 
lion, and that had a mouth fj^eaking great 
things and blafphemies, and that rules by 
the power and authority of the dragon, or 
the devil f^^ which bcaft is reprefentcd in 
this 17th chapter, as full ofnam.es of blaf- 
phemy, and of a bloody colour, denoting his 
exceeding cruelty in perfecuting the Chrif- 
tian church. For Conftantine, inftead of 


* The word Therion fipniiies a wild favage bead:, as Mr. Low- 
man hlmfelf obferves, page n;. 

250 Antichrijl's Fall groundlefsly 

this was a member of the Chriftian churchy 
and fet by God in the mod eminent ftation 
in his church, ar-d was honoured above all 
other princes that ever had been in the world, 
as the great proteftor of his church, and her 
deliverer from the perfecuting power of that 
cruel fcarlet-coloured bead. Mr. Lowman 
himfelf ftyles him a Chri/iian Prince , and Pro^ 
tedorof the Chrijlian Religion. God is very- 
careful not to reckon his own people among 
the Gentiles, the vifible fubjecls of Satan, 
Num. X xiii. 9. The people Jlidl not he reckoned 
' among the nations, God will not enroll them 
with them ; if they happen tobe among them, 
he will be careful to fet a mark upon them, 
as a note of diflinflion, Rev. vii. 3, &c. when 
God is reckoning up his own people, he 
leaves out thofe that have been noted for 
idolatry. As among the tribes that were 
fealed. Rev. viii. thofe idolatrous tribes of 
Ephraim and Dan are left out, and in the 
genealogy of Chrift, Matth. i. thofe princes 
that were chiefly noted for idolatry, are left 
out. Much more would God be careful not 
to reckon his own people, efpecially fuch 
Chriftian princes as have been the m.oft e- 
minent initruments of overthrowing idola- 
try, amongft idolaters, and as members and 

fuppojed at a very great Dijlance. 251 

heads of that kingdom that is noted in fcrip- 
ture as the moft notorious and infamous of 
all, for abominable idolatry, and oppofition 
and cruelty to the true worfhippers of God. 
And efpecially not to reckon them as pro- 
perly belonging to one of thofe feven heads 
of this monarchy, of which very heads it is 
particularly noted that they had on them 
the names of blasphemy, which Mr. Low* 
man himfelf fuppofes to fignify idolatry. It 
was therefore worthy of God, agreeable to 
his manner, and what might w^ell be expect- 
ed, that when he was reckoning up the fe- 
veral fucceffive heads of this beaft, and Con- 
ftantine and his fucccffors came in the way, 
and there was occafion to mention them, to 
fet a mark, or note of diftinftion on them, 
fignifying that they did not properly belong 
to the bcaft, nor were to be reckoned as be- 
longing to the heads, and therefore are to 
be fkipped over in the reckoning, and Anti- 
chrift, though the eighth head of the Roman 
empire, is to be reckoned the feventh head 
of the beaft. This appears to me abundant- 
ly the moft juft and natural interpretation 
ofRev. xvii. 10, it. It is reafonable to fup- 
pofe, that God would take care to make 
fuch 51 note in this prophetical defcriptioa 

252 Antichrijl's FoJl groundlefsly 

of this dreadful beaft, and not, by any means 
to reckon Conftantine as belonging properly 
to him. — If we reckon Conftantineas a mem- 
ber of this bead having feven heads and ten 
horns, defcribed chap. xvii. and as properly 
one of his heads, then he was alfo properly 
a member of the great red dragon with fe- 
ven heads and ten horns that warred with 
the woman, chap. xii. For the feven heads 
and ten horns of that dragon, are plainly 
the fame with the feven heads and ten horns 
of the bead. So that this makes Conftantine 
a vifible member of the devil; for v;e are 
told exprefsly of that dragon, ver g. that he 
was that oldferpcnt, called the Devil and Sa- 
tan, And to fuppofe that Conftantine is 
reckoned as belonging to one of the heads 
of that dragon, is to make thefe prophecies 
inconhRent with themfelves. For here in this 
12th chapter, we have reprefented a war be- 
tween the dragon and the woman cloathed 
with the fun • which woman, as all agree, is 
the church; but Conftantine, as all do alfo 
agree, belonged to the woman, was a mem- 
ber of the Chriftian church, and was on that 
fide in the war againflthe dragon; yea, was 
the main indrument of that great viftory 
that was obtained over the dragon there fpO' 

fuppofed at a very great Dijlance. 253 

ken of, ver. 9 — 12. What aninconfiftency 
therefore is it, to fuppofe that he was at the 
fame time a member and head of that very- 
dragon, which fought with the woman, and 
yet which Conflantine himfelf fought with, 
overcame, and glorioufly triumphed over! 
It is not therefore to be wondered at, that 
Gcd was careful to diflinguifh Conflantine 
from the proper heads of the beaft ; it would 
have been a wonder if he had not. God feems 
to have been careful to diflinguifh him, not 
only in his word, but in his providence, by 
fo ordering it that this Chriftian emperor 
ftiould be removed from Rome, the city that 
God had given up to be the feat of the pow- 
er of the beafl, and of its heads, and that 
he fliould have the feat of his empire elfe- 

Conflantine was made the ihflrument of 
givinga mortal wound to the heathen Roman 
empire, and giving it a mortal wound in its 
head, viz. the heathen emperors that were 
then reigning, Maxentius and Licinius, — 
But more eminently was this glorious change 
in the empire owing to the power of God's 
word, the prevalence of the glorious gofpel, 
by which Conflantine himfelf was convert- 
ed, and fo became the inftrument of the o- 

254 Aiitickrift's Fall groundlef sly 

verthrow of the heathen empire in the eaft 
and welT. The change that was then bro't 
to pafs, is reprefented as the deftruftion of 
the heathen empire, or the old heathen world, 
and therefore feems to be compared to that 
difTolution of heaven and earth that (hall be 
at the day of judgment. Rev. vi. 12. to the 
end. And the re fore" well might the heathen 
empire, under the head which was then reign- 
ing, be reprefented as wounded to death, 
chap. xiii. 3, It is much more likely, that 
the wound the beaft had by a fword, in his 
head, fpoken of ver. 14, was the wound that 
the heathen empire had in its head, by that 
fword which we read of, chap. i. 16. and 
xix. 15. that proceeds out of the mouth of 
Chrift, than the wound that was given to the 
Chriftian empire and emperor by the fword 
of the heathen Goths. It is moft likely that 
this deadly wound was by that fv\^ord with 
which Michael made war with him, and o^ 
vercame him, and caft him to the earth, chap, 
xii. g. and that the deadly wound which was 
given him, was given him at that very time. 
It is moft likely, that the fword that gave him 
this deadly wound, after which he llrangely 
.revived, as though he rofe from the dead, was 
the fame fword with that which is fpoken of. 

fwppoftd at a very great Dijlance. 25/j 

as what fhall at lafi: utterly deftroy him, fo that 
he fhall never rife more, chap. xix. 15, ig, 
20, 21. This wounding of the head of the 
beaft by the deilruction of the heathen em- 
pire, and converfion of the emperor to the 
Chriftian truth, was a glorious event indeed 
of Divine Providence, worthy to be fo much 
fpoken of in prophecy. It is natural to fup- 
pofe, that the mortal wounding of the head 
of that favage cruel beaft, that is reprefent- 
ed as conRantly at war with the woman, and 
perfecuting the church of Chrift, (hould be 
ibme relief to the Chriftian church; but, on 
the contrary, that w^ounding to death, that 
Mr. Lowman fpeaks of, was the viftory of 
the enemies of the Chriftian church over her^ 
and the wound received from them. 

It is faid of that head of the empire that 
fliall be next after the fixth head, and . next 
before Antichrift, and that is not reckoned 
as properly one of the number of the heads 
of the beaft, that when it comes, it JIi ill con- 
tinue aJJiortfpace, chap. xvii. 10. By which 
we may underftand, at leaft, that it fliall be 
one of the (horteft, in its continuance, of the 
fucceffive heads. But the government feat- 
ed at Ravenna, in the hands of the Goths, 
or of the deputies of the Greek emperors, 

2^6 Antic/iri/i's Fall groundlcfsly 

(which Mr. Lowman fuppofes to be meant 
by the head) continued, as Mr. Lowman 
himfelf takes notice, very near three hundred 
years. And if fo, its continuance was one 
of the longefl of the heads mentioned. 

And befides, if the government that Rome 
was under, from the time that Augullulus 
abdicated, to the tim.e when the Pope was 
confirmed in his temporal dominion, was 
meant by the feventh head that was to be 
between the imperial head and the papal, 
there would doubtlefs have been two differ- 
ent heads mentioned, inftead of one, between 
the Emperor 4nd the Pope, viz. Firfl, the 
Gothic princes, which reigned near an hun- 
dred years. Secondly, the Exarchs of Ra- 
venna, which governed for about one hun- 
dred and eighty-five years. The Gothic 
kingdom was much more properly a diftinft 
government from the Imperial, than the Ex- 
archate of Ravenna; for during the Exar- 
chate, Rome was under the government of 
the emperor, as much as it v/as in Conftan- 
tine's time. 

In Rev, xvii. 12. it is faid, the ten koriis 
are ten kings, which are to receive power as 
kings one hour with the beajl, or (as Mr. Low- 
man fays, it ought to have been tranflated) 

fuppofed at a very great Dijlancc. 257 

the fame hour, ox point of time -with thebeajl. 
This will not al'ow the time when Aniichrift 
firfl receives power as king, to be fo late as 
Mr. Lowman fuppofes. This divifionof the 
empire into many kingdoms, denoted by the 
number ten, was about the year four hun- 
dred and fifty- fix, after Genfericus had tak- 
en the city of Rome; but Mr. Lowman pla- 
ces the beginning of the reign of Antichrift 
in the year feven hundred and fifty-fix, which 
is three hundred years later. I know, fuch 
an expreffion as in one hour, of thefanie hour^ 
may allow fome latitude, but furely not fuch 
a latitude as this. This is a much longer 
time, than it was from the time of the 
vifion to Conftantirie : much longer than the 
fpace of all the firil fix feals, longer than it 
was from Chrift's afcenfion to Conftantine^ 
and near as long as the time of all the reigns 
of the heathen emperors put together, from 
Aucruftas Csefar to Conftantine. An hour 
is every where, in the other places in this 
book of Revelation, ufed to fignify a very 
fhort time, as may be feen in places cited in 
the margin.*^ And the expreifion, the fame 


N O T K. 

* Rev. xviii. lo, ir, i9» Chap. iii. 3, r®.— viii. i.— ix. 1^.-— > 

xiv. :, 

258 Antichrijt's Fall groundlef sly 

hour, every where elfe in the Bible, intends 
near the fame point o^ time.t The phrafe 
one hour is ufed feveral times in the next 
chapter, fpeaking of the downfall of Anti- 
chrifl:;J and each time, evidently fignifies a 
very fhort fpace of time. And there is no 
reafon why we fhould not underfland the 
fame phrafe in the fam.e fenfe, when it is 
ufed here concerning the rife of Antichrift. 
Mr. Lowman greatly infills upon it, that 
Vv^hat is fpoken as continuing one thoufand 
two hundred and fixty days, is not fo much 
any fpiritual authority orecclefiaftical pow- 
er of the Pope, over the nations of ChriHen- 
dom, as his temporal government and domi- 
nion in that individual city of Rome, and 
therefore to determine v/hen thefe one thou- 
fand two hundred and fixty days or years 
began, and when they will end, we muft con- 
fider when the Pope firft received this his 
temporal povrer over tlie city of Rome, and 
the neighbouring regions, called St. Peter's 
patrimony. But I can fee no good reafon 
for this. Indeed it is llrange, if it be fo. — 
God has been pleafed in thefe revelations 


f Dan. ill. 6.— iv. z:-,>—\. 5. Maith. viii. 13.— x. 19.— Luke 
vlu II.— xii. 12.— XX. 19.— xxiv. .^3. Jolm iv. 53. Ads xvi» 
18, 33.— xxii. 13. Her. xi. 13. X Ver. 10, 17, 19. 

fuppofed at a very great Dijlance. 259 

and prophecies, which he has given for the 
benefit of his church in general, to fpeak 
much concerning an anti-chriftian power 
that fhould arife, that (hould perfecute the 
faints, andfcatter the power of the holy peo- 
ple, and be an occafion of great affliftion to 
the church ofChrift; and in thefe revela- 
tions, in both Old Teftament and New, has 
declared, and often repeated it, that his do- 
minion fhall continue fo long, and no longer; 
and for the comfort of his church in general, 
Chrift hath fworn with great folemnity, that 
the continuance of this perfecuting power 
{hall be limited, Dan. xii. 7. Now it would 
be ftrange if, in all this, the thing principal- 
ly intended is not that dominion of this an- 
ti-chriftian power which chiefly concerns the 
church of Chrift in general, but merely his 
temporal dominion over one province in I- 
taly, called St. Peter's Patrimony. Doubt- 
lefs, that dominion of Antichrift, which the 
prophecies infift upon and defcribe, is the 
dominion whofe duration and limits thofe 
prophecies declare. But the dominion of 
Antichrift which the prophecies infift upon 
and defcribe, is not any dominion over a 
particular province in Italy, but the domi- 
nion by which he fucceeds the four great 

s6o Aniichriji's Fall groundlefsly 

monarchies of the world, Dan. vii. The do- 
minion by which hcfucceeds the dragon in. 
Ms power, throne and great authority, Rev, 
xiii, 2. The dominion in which he \i7x^ pow- 
er nven him over all kindreds, tongues and. 
nations, ver. 7. The dominion by which 
the great whore Jits on many waters, chap, 
xvii. 1. which the angel explains to h^pco-- 
ples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues^ 
ver. 15. and the dominion in which he reigns, 
over the ten kings, into which the Romaa 
empire is divided, Rev. xiii, 1. an4 xvii. 3, 
1 2. 13. The beaft that had ten horns, is not 
the city of Rome, and the neighbouring re- 
gion, but the Roman empire; they are the 
horns or the kings, not of the city, but of 
the empirCe If we ccnfi der what is expreff- 
ea in ths paffages themielves, v/hich fpeak 
of the three years and an hah'' of Antichrift, 
they will lead us to underftand»fomething 
very diver (e from the duration of histem^ 
poral dominion over St. Peter^s Patrimony. 
In Dan. vii. 25. the time, times, and half of 
the little horn, is exprefsly the continuance 
of time, wherein it Jhall be given to him to 
change times and lazvs, and wear out the faints 
<>.f the Mofi High;- and in chap. xii. 7. it is 
fpaken of as the time of hisfcattering the 

fuppofcd at a very great Dijlajice. 26 1 

power of the holy people; in Rev. xi. 2. the 
forty and two months is fpoken of as the 
time of Antichrift's treading underfoot the 
court of the temple and the holy city; i. e. the 
external and vifible Chriftian church abroad 
in the world, or the nations of Chriftendom. 
In ver. 3. the one thoufand two hundred and 
fixty days of Antichrifl are fpokenof as the 
time of the witneff'es prophefying infackcloth; 
and in chap. xii. 6. and 14. the time of the 
zoomans being in the -wildernefs, which was 
through the great power that Antichrifl: had 
over the ChriRian world, and not his fmall 
temporal dominion in Italy. 

It is true, fome regard is had in the pro- 
phecies to the city of Rome, the city built 
on feven hills; which being the fountain of 
all rule and authority in the Roman monar- 
chy, and the capital city in the empire, from 
w^hence the v/holeempire was denominated, 
and the place where the head of the empire 
ufually refided, was properly made ufc of 
by the angel. Rev. xvii. g, 18. to (hew what 
empire Antichrifl fhould rule over, and what 
city he fliould ufually refide in. And this 
is all tliat can be meant by the words of the 
angel ; and not that thofe flreets and walls, 
and the very ground, were fuch main and 

262 Ajiiichri/i's Fall groundlef sly 

effential things in what the prophecy intend- 
ed by the beafl ; that when Antichrift's do- 
minion ceafes in that place, then the beaft 
ceafes. For, if fo, then it will follow, that 
the beaft had liis head wounded to death a 
fecond time, and ceafed to be, when the 
Popes redded at Avignon in France, for the 
bfefl part of a century; w^hen not only the 
Popes did not refide in Rome, nor in any 
part of St. Peter's Patrimony, nor any part 
of Italy, but fome of them were neither Ro- 
mans nor Italians. Though the angel fays 
of the great whore. Rev. xvii. 18. The wo- 
7?ian which thoufaieejt, is the great city which 
reigns over the kings of the earth; yet by the 
city, in this cafe, is not meant fo much what 
was contained wnthin thofe Roman walls, as 
the Roman empire, as is evident by chap, 
xi. 8. And their dead bodies Jliall lie in the 
Jireet of the great city^ which isfpiritually coll- 
ed Sodom and Egypt, Here,by that great city, 
neither Mr. L owman himfelf^ nor, I fuppofe, 
any other Proteftant interpreter, underftands 
the city cf Rome, ftrifclly fpeaking, but the 
Roman m.onarchy. 

And though it fee true, as Mr. Lowman 
obferves, the Pope's ecclefiaftical monarchy, 
and power and influence through Chriften- 

fuppofcd at a very great Dijlance. 263 

dom, was greatly eflablifhed and advanced 
by Pepin's making him a temporal prince 
over the Exarchate of Ravenna; yet, I would 
afk, whether the Pope's power and influence 
in the world, and his ability to difturb the 
quiet of the nations of Chriftendom, and 
(as it is expreffed in Daniel) to change times 
and lazos^ and to carry his own defigns, in 
the various countries and kingdoms of Eu- 
rope, was not greater before Pepin, than it is 
now, and has been for a long time? And yet 
Mr. Lowman fuppofes that now is properly 
the time of Antichrifl's reign, that the one 
thoufand two hundred and fixty years of his 
reign continues, and will continue for about 
two hundred and feventy years longer; tho' 
his power be now fo fmall, and has been de- 
clining ever fince the reformation, and flill 
declines continually. 

One thing that Mr. Lowman fuppofes con* 
firms his opinion of fo late a beginning of 
the one thoufand two hundred and fixty years 
of the reign of the beafl, is the order of the 
feveral periods of this prophecy, and the man- 
ner of their fucceeding one another. 

As to his particular fcheme of the feven 
periods, fo divided and limited, and fo ob- 
vioufly ranked in fuch order, and following 

264 AntichriJTs Fall groundlefsty 

one another in fuch direft and continual fuC- 
cefTion, and each ending in a flateof peace^ 
fafety and happinefs to the church of God, 
it feems to me to be more ingenious than 
folid, and that many things might be faid to 
demonftrate it not to be founded in the truth 
of things, and the real defign of the divine 
author of this prophecy. But now to enter 
into a particular and full examination of it, 
would be to lengthen out this difcourfe far 
beyond its proper limits. I would only ob- 
ferve, (which direQly concerns my prefent 
purpofe) that to rrake out this fcheme, Mr. 
Lowman fuppofcs that the fifth and fixth 
trumpets, that bring on the two firft woes, 
and the whole ninth chapter of the Revela- 
tion, altogether refpecls the Saracens. But 
it appears to me not very credible, that the 
Saracens fliould have fo much faid of them 
in this prophecy, as to have a whole chap- 
ter taken up about them, and not a word in 
the prophecy be faid about the Turks, who 
immediately fucceeded them* in the fame 

K O T E. 

* For though it be true, that the reign of Othman, or Ottomaff^ 
\v'ho htgan what they call the Ottoman empire, was a long time 
-after this; yet the Tmks themfelves, under other princes, in the 
government they fet up in territories that had formerly been pof-- 
ieilbd by Chriftians, and in their over-running and ravaging Chrif" 

fuppofed at a Very great BiJlarLce. sSj 

J-eligioii, and proceedirig On the fiime prin- 
tipies, and were fo muc^h more confiderable, 
and brought vaftly greater calamities on the 
Chrirtian world, and have fet up and long 
maintained one of the greateil, ftrohgeft and 
moft extraordinary empires that ever the 
Vorld faw, and have been the moft terrible 
fcourge to Chriftendom, that ever Divine 
Providence made ufe of, and one of the great- 
eft of all God's plagues oti the world of man- 

Mr. Lov^^^man, in purfuance of his fcheme, 
alfo fuppofes, (v/hich is yet more incredible) 
this period of the trumpets ends in a flateof 
fafcty, peace and hap pine fs to the church of 
God; fo that, on that occafion, there are great 
voices in heaven, faying, The kingdoms of this 
world are become the kingdoms of our Lord^ 
and of his Chrif, And yet he fuppofes, that 
it ifl'ucs ill fetting up the kingdom of Aiiti- 
chrift; and that about that very time, wheu 
thefe heavenly voices fo joyfulh^ proclstim- 
ed this, the bead was enthroned, arid the 
time, times and half, or one thoufand twd 


\\2X\ couritrie^, immediately facceeding the Saracens; and from' 
thenceforward have been a terrible, rhu ahnr.ft continuai icourgr 
*-'^ the church. 


hundred and fixty days of his reign began, 
which is fpoken of every where, as the time 
of the church's great'eft darknefs and trou- 
ble, the time wherein the little hornjliould 
wear out the faints of the Mojl High, The 
time appointed for his fcattering the power of 
the holy people. The time of the woi?iaris be- 
ing in the zoildernefs. The time of treading 
underfoot the court of the temple. And the 
time of the witneffes prophefyinginfackdoth. 
However, I do not deny that the time when 
Mr. Lowman fuppofes the reign of the beall 
began, even the time when Pepin confirm- 
ed t6 the Pope his temporal dominions in 
Italy, was a time of the great increafe and 
advancement of the power of Antichrift in 
the world, and a notable epoch. And if I 
may be allowed humbly to offer what ap- 
pears to me to be the truth with relation to 
the rife and fall of Antichrift, it is this — As 
the power of Antichrift, and the corruption 
of the apoftate church, rofe not at once, but 
by feveral notable fteps and degrees, fo it 
will in the like manner fall; and that divers, 
fteps and feafons of deftruciion tothefpirit- 
ual Babylon, and revival and advancement 
of the true church, are prophefied of under 
one. Though it be true, that there is fome 


particular event, that prevails above al! o- 
thers in the intention of the prophecy, fome 
remarkable feafon of the deftruclion of the 
church of Rome, and the papal power and 
corruption, and advancement of true reli- 
gion, that the prophecies have a principa* 
refpeft to. 

It was certainly thus with regard to the 
prophecies of the deftruftion of old Baby- 
lon, and the church's deliverance from cap- 
tivity and oppreffion by that city and king, 
dom, which is abundantly alluded to in thefe 
prophecies of the Revelation, as a noted 
type of the oppreffion of the church of Chrift 
by the church of Rome, calling the latter fo 
often by the name of Baby Ion, and the church 
of Chrift Jerufalem. The captivity of the 
Jews by the Babylonians was not perfefted 
at once, but was brought on by feveral not- 
able fteps. So neither was the reftoration of 
the Jewifh church, after the captivity, per- 
fefled at once. It was feveral times fore- 
told, that the duration of the captivity (hould 
be feventy years ; and alfo, that after feven- 
ty years were accomplifhed, God would de- 
ftroy Babylon. But this period had mani- 
feftly feveral different beginnings, and feve- 
ral endings. Thus from Jehoiakim's capti- 


vity to Cyrus's decree, for the return of the 
Jews, and the rebuilding of Jerufalem, was 
feventy years. And from Zedekiah's capti- 
vity to Darius's decree feventy years. And 
from the laft carrying away of all, to the fi* 
nifhing and dedication of the temple, was 
alfo feventy years. So alio the prophecies 
of Babylon's deftruftion were fuUilled by fe- 
veral fleps. Thefe prophecies feem to have 
a principal refpeft to that deftruftion that 
was accomplifhed by Cyrus, at the end of 
the firft feventy years fore-mentioned; but 
there were other things in the very fame 
prophecies, that were not fulfilled until the 
fourth year of Darius, when what remainecJ^ 
of Babylon was fubjefted to another dread-, 
ful deftruftiona which, in a great meafure^^ 
completed its defolation, which Vas at the- 
end of the fecond feventy years, and at the 
fame time that the reftoration of the Jew^s 
was perfefted by the decree of Darius.*— ? 
But yet, there were many other things con- 
tained in the fame prophecies of Babylon's 
deftruftion, rendering it thenceforward per- j 
feflly and perpetually defolate^and the haunt 

N O T B. 

♦ Prjdeaux^s Conne(?iion, part I. p. i8jj 184^5 and 267, 3^2^ 
5(^,9. Edi;. 9» and p. 271 and aj^o 

antichrist's fall gradual. 269 

offerpents and wild beafls, that were not 
fulfilled until more than two hundred years 
after, in the time of Seleucus king of Syria.* 
So alfo it was with refpefl: to the prophe- 
cies of the deflruftion of Tyre, in the xxvith, 
xxviith and xxviiith chapters of Ezek. from 
which many of the cxpreflions ufed in the Re- 
velation, concerning the deflruftion of the 
kingdom of Antichrift, arc taken, and which 
is evidently made ufe of in fcripture as a type 
of the latter. Thefe prophecies of the de- 
ftruflion of Tyre were fulfilled by various 
ftcps. Many things were fulfilled in the de- 
ftruftion of the old city by Nebuchadnez- 
zar,+ and yet other parts of the fame pro- 
phecies were fulfilled by Alexander, J which 
was about two hundred and forty years af- 
terwards. And yet both thefe defolations 
are prophefied of under one. 

And thus it feems to me very probable, 
that it will prove, with refpeft to the pro- 
phecies of the defl:ru6iion of myftical Baby- 
lon. It is, I think, pretty manifefl by the 
prophecies, that this anti-chriftian hierarchy 
and apoftate church will at laft be fo de- 
ftroyed, that there fliall be no remainders of 


* Prld, Connea. Part I. p. 808—812. f Ibid. nS, 129, 130. 
i Ibid. p. 693, 


it left, and fhall have as perfeft a defolatiori, 
before God has done with her, as old Baby- 
lon had ; there fhall be no fuch thing as Pope 
or church of Rome in the world.* It feems 
alfo pretty manifeil, that after that event 
that is chiefly intended in the prophecies of 
Antichrift'sdeftruftion, there will befome re- 
mains of the Romiili church. This appears 
by that moft particular and large defcrip- 
tion of that deftruftion, Rev. xviii. There 
it feems to be implied, not only that many 
fliall yet remain of the church of Rome, that 
fhall bewail her overthrow, of her people 
and clergy, but that there fliould be fome 
princes among them, Kings of the earth, that 
have committed fornication, and lived delici- 
oifly with her. And it is exceeding improba- 
ble in itfelf, that every Papift, in each quar- 
ter of the world, fliould be defliroyed, or ceafe 
from the world, at one blow. And as long 
as fo confide rable a number remains, as may 
be gathered from the prophecy, they will 
doubtlefs have an hierarchy, and there will 
be one among them that will bear the name 
of a Pope, although the church of Rome 
Ihall be mainly deilroyed, and the interefl: of 
Popery fliall be funk very low in the v/orld, 


* See Rev. xviii. zi—z^- and xix. jo, 21. Daa. vii. a6, 27. 

The Beginning of the Millennium, Sec, 271 

fo that there will yet remain fuch a thing as 
a papal church and hierarchy in the world, 
to be wholly extirpated at another period,* 
fometime after that great overthrow princi- 
pally infifted on in the prophecies. And 
this fecond deftruftion of Antichrift, or ra- 
ther extirpation of his remains, together with 
the complete extirpation of all remains of 
mahometanifm, heathenifm and herefy thro* 
the world, and the finifhing ftroke towards 
the overthrow of Satan's vifible kingdom on 
earth, and fo the beginning of the Millen- 
nium, or fpiritual reft of the world, may, for 
ought I know, be about the time Mr. Low- 
man fpeaks of; agreeable to the opinion of 
the ancient Jews, and many Chriftian di- 
vines that have followed them, that the 
world would ftand fix thoufand years, and 
then, the feventh thoufand years fhould be 
the world's reft or fabbath. The ruin of the 
Popifti intereft is but a fmall part of what is 
requifite, in order to introduce and fettle 
luch a ftate of things, as the world is repre- 
fented as being in, in that Milk-nnium that 
is defcribed. Rev. xx. wherein Satan's vifi- 
ble kingdom is every where totally extir- 

N O T E, 

* At the pouring oat of the feventh vial upon the air,-ths pria- 
cipahties and powers of Satan. 

272 The Beginning of the Millennium 

pated, and a perfeft end put to all herefies^ 
delufions, and falfe religions whatfoeven 
through the whole earth, and Satan hence- 
forward deceives the nations no more ^ andhass 
no place any where but in hell. This is the 
fabbatifm of the world, when all fhall be in 
a holy reft; when the wolf fhall dwell with 
the lamb, and there fhall be nothing to hurt 
or offend, and there fhall be abundance of 
peace, and the earth fhall be full of the know- 
ledge of the Lord as the waters cover the 
feas, and God's people fhall dwell in quiet 
refting-places. There is not the leaft rea- 
fon to think, that all this will be brought to 
pafs as it were at one ftroke, or that from 
the prefent lamentable ftate of things, there 
fhould be brought about and completed the 
deftruftion of the church of Rome, the en« 
tire extirpation of all infidelity, herefies fu- 
perftitions and fchifms, through all Chrift- 
endom, and the converfion of all the Jews, 
and the full, enlightening and converfion of 
all Mahometan and heathen nations, thro* 
the whole earth, on every fide of the globe, 
and from the north to the fouth pole, and 
the full fettlement of all in the pure Chrif- 
tian faith and order, all as it were in the if- 
fue of one battle, and by means of the vie- 

may he about the Year 2000* 273 

tory of the church in one great conflifl with 
her enemies. This would contradift many 
things in fcripture, which reprefent this great 
event to be brought to pafs by a gradual pro- 
grefs of religion; as leaven that gradually 
fpreads, until it has diffufed itfelf, through 
the whole lump, and a plant of muftard, 
which from a very fmall feed, gradually be- 
comes a great tree. And like feed which a 
man cajis upon the ground, that Jprings and 
grows up, night and day ; and Jirjl brings 
forth the blade, then the car, then the full coj^n 
in the ear. And efpecially would this contra- 
di6l the prophetical reprefentation in Ezek. 
xlvii. where the progrefs of religion is repre* 
fented by the gradual increafe of the waters 
of the fanftuary; being firft a fmall fpring 
iffuingout from under the threfliold of the 
temple, and then after they had run a thoufand 
cubits, being up to the ankles ; and at the 
end of another thoufand cubits, up to the 
knees; and at the end of another thoufand^ 
up to the loins; and afterwards a great riv- 
er, that could not be palled over; and being 
finally brought into the fea, and healing the 
waters even of the vaft ocean. If the Spirit 
of God fliould be immediatclv poured out, 

L 1 

274 '^^^^ Beginning of the Millennium 

and that work of God's power and grace 
fhould now begin, which, in its progrefs and 
iffue, fhould complete this glorious efFeft ; 
there muft be an amazing and unparalleled 
progrefs of the work and manifeftation of 
divine power to bring fo much to pafs, by 
the year two thoufand. Would it not be a 
great thing, to be accompliflied in one half 
century, that religion, in the power and pu- 
rity of it, Ihould fo prevail, as to gain the 
conquell over all thofe many things that 
ftand in oppofition to it among Proteftants, 
and gain the upper hand through the Pro- 
teftant world? And if in another, it fhould 
go on fo to prevail, as to get the viftory o- 
ver all the oppofition and flrength of the 
kingdom of Antichrift, fo as to gain the af- 
cendancy in that which is now the Popifh 
world? And if in a third half century, it 
{hould prevail and fubdue the greater part 
of the Mahometan world, and bring in the 
Jewifh nation, in all their difperfions? And 
when in the next whole century, the whole 
heathen world fhould be enlightened and 
converted to the Chriltian faith, throughout 
all parts of Africa, Afia, America and Terra 
Aullralis, and be thoroughly fettled in Chrif- 
tian faith and order, without any remainders 

may he about the Year 2000. 275 

of their old delufions and faperftitions, and 
this attended with an utter extirpation of the 
remnant of the church of Rome, and all the 
relicls of mahometanifm, herefy, fchifm and 
enthufiafm, and a fuppreffion of all remains 
of open vice and immorality^ and every fort 
of vifible enemy to true religion, through the 
whole earth, and bring to an end all the un- 
happy commotions, tumults, and calamities 
occafioned by fuch great changes, and all 
things be fo adjulled and fettled through the 
world, that the world henceforward fhould 
enjoy an holy reft or fabbatifm, 

I have thus diftinguifhed what belongs to 
a bringing of the world from its prefent ftate, 
to the happy ftate of the Millennium, the 
better to give a view of the grestnefs of the 
work; and not, that I pretend fo much as 
to conjefture, that things will be accom- 
pliftied juft in this order. The whole work 
is not the lefs great and wonderful, to be ac- 
compliftied in fuch a fpace of time, in what- 
ever order the different parts of it fucceed 
each other. They that think that what has 
been mentioned would not be fwift progrefs, 
yea, amazingly fwift, do not confider how 
great the work is, and the vaft and innumer- 
able obftacles that are in the way. It was 



a wonderful thing, when the Chriftian reli- 
gion, after Chrift's afcenfion, fo prevailed, as 
to get the afcendancy in^the Roman empire 
in about three hundred years, but that was 
nothing to this. 

Anf, 4. There are, as I apprehend, good 
reafons to hope, that that work of God's 
Spirit will begin in a little time, which in the 
progrefs of it will overthrow the kingdom 
of Antichrift, and, in its iffue, deftroy Satan's 
vifible kingdom on earth. 

The prophecy of the fixth Vial, Rev. xvi. 
22 — 16. if we take it in its connection with 
the other Vials, and confider thofe provi- 
dential events, by which the preceding Vials 
have manifeftly been fulfilled, I humbly con- 
ceive, affords juft ground for fuch a hope. 

It is very plain, from this whole chapter, 
as alfo the preceding and following, that all 
thefe feven Vials are Vials of God's wrath on 
Antichrift ; one is not poured out on the Jews, 
another on the Turks, another on Pagans, 
another on the church of Rome ; but they 
all fignify God's fucceffive judgments or 
plagues on the beaft and his kingdom, which 
is in this chapter and almofl every wherein 
this book, called great babylon. And 
therefore undoubtedly, v\^hen it is faid. The 


Jixlh angel poured out his Vial on the river 
Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried 
up, that the way of the kings of the eajt might 
be prepared. By the river Euphrates is meant 
fomething fome way appertaining to this 
myftical Babylon, as that river that ran thro* 
Chaldea, called Euphrates, was fomething 
appertaining to the literal Babylon. And 
it is very manifeft, that here is in the pro- 
phecy of this Vial an allufion to that by 
which the way was prepared for the deftruc- 
tion of Babylon by Cyrus, which was by turn- 
ing the channel of the river Euphrates, which 
ran through the midft of the city, whereby 
the way of the kings of the eaft, the princes 
of Media and Perfia, was prepared to come 
in under the walls of the city, at each end, 
where the waters ufed to run, and deftroy 
it; as they did that night wherein Daniel in- 
terpreted the hand-writing on the wall, a- 
gainft Belfliazzar, Dan. v. 30. The prophe- 
cies of Babylon's deftruftion do, from time 
to time, take notice of this way of deftroy- 
ing her, by drying up the waters of the riv- 
er Euphrates, to prepare the way for her 
enemies, Ifai. xliv. 27, 28. That faith to the 
deep — Be dry — and I will dry up thy rivers; 
that faith of Cyrus — He is my fervant, and 


Jkall perform all my pleajure. Jer. li. 3 1, 32. 
Onepojljhall run to meet another, tojlieio the 
king of Babylon that his city is taken at one 
end, and that the pafages arefopped, and the 
reeds they have burnt with f re, and the men 
of war are affrighted. And ver. 36. / will 
dry up her fea, and make her fprings dry, — 
The Medes and Perfians, the people that de- 
ftroyed Babylon, dwelt to the eaftward of 
Babylon, and are fpoken of as coming from ' 
the eaft to her deftruftion, Ifai. xlvi. 11. 
Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the 
man that executeth my counfel, from afar 
country. And the princes that joined with 
this ravenous bird from the eafl, in this affair 
of deftroying Babylon, are called kings, Jer. 
li. 11. The Lord hath raifed up thefpirit of 
the KINGS of the Medes; for his device is a- 
gainjl Babylon to defiroy it, Ver. 28. Pre- 
pare agaivjl her the nations, zoith the kings 
of the Medes, the captains thereof, and the 
rulers thereof, — The drying the channel of 
the river Euphrates, to prepare the way for 
thefe kings and captains of the eaft, to enter 
into that city, under its high walls, was the 
laft thing done by the beCegers of Babylon, 
before her a61ual deflruftion; as this fixth 
Vial is the laR Vial of God's wratb but one. 


on the myftical Babylon, and the effeft of it, 
the drying up the channel of the river Eu- 
phrates, is the laft thing done againft it, be- 
fore its aftual deftruftion by the feventh Vial, 
and opens the way for thofe that fight in a 
fpiritual war againft it, fpeedily to bring on 
its ruin. 

Hence I think it may, without difpute, be 
determined, that by the river Euphrates in 
the prophecy of this Vial, is meant fome- 
thing appertaining or relating to the myfti- 
cal Babylon, or the anti-chriftian church and 
kingdom, that ferves that, or is a benefit to 
it, in a way anfwerable to that in which the 
river Euphrates ferved old Babylon, and the 
removal of which will in like manner pre- 
pare the way for her enemies to deftroy her. 
And therefore what we have to do in the 
firft place, in order to find out what is in- 
tended by the river Euphrates, in this pro- 
phecy, is to confider how the literal Eu- 
phrates ferved old Babylon. And it may be 
noted, that Euphrates was of remarkable be- 
nefit to that great city in tv/o refpefts; it 
ferved the city as a fupply — it was let thro' 
the midft of the city by an artificial canal^ 
and ran through the midft of the palace of 
the king of Babylon; that part of his pa- 


lace called the Old Palace, {landing on one 
fide, and the other part called the New Pa- 
lace, on the other; with communications 
from one part to another, above the waters 
by a bridge, and under the waters, by a vault- 
ed or arched pafTage, that the city, and ef- 
pecially the palace, might have the conve- 
nience of its waters, and be plentifully fup- 
plied with water. And another way that 
the waters of Euphrates ferved Babylon, was 
as an impediment and obftacle in the way 
of its enemies, to hinder their accefs to it to 
deflroy it; for there was a vafl moat round 
the city, without the walls, of prodigious 
width and depth, filled with the water of 
the river, to hinder the accefs of her befieg- 
ers; and at each end of the city, the river 
ferved inftead of walls. And therefore when 
Cyrus had dried up the river, the moat was 
emptied, and the channel of the river un- 
der the walls left dry, and fo his way was 

And therefore it is natural to fuppofe, 
that by drying up the waters of the river 
Euphrates, in the prophecy of the deftruc- 
tion of the new Babylon, to prepare the way 
^ of her enemies, is meant the drying up her 
incomes and fupplies, and the removal of 



thofe things that hitherto have been the chief 
obftacles in the way of thofe that, in this 
book, are reprefented as at war with her, 
and Seeking her deftruftion, (fpoken of Rev. 
xix. 11. to the end, and chap. xii. 7.) that 
have hindered their progrefs and fuccefs^ or 
that have been the chief impediments in the 
way of the Proteftant religion* The firft 
thing is the drying the dreams of the wealth 
of the new Babylon, the temporal fupplies^ 
revenues^ and vaft incomes oftheRomifh 
church, and the riches of the PopiOi domi- 
nions* Waters in fcripture language very 
often fignify provifion and fupplies, both 
temporal and fpiritual, as in Prov. ix. 17. 
Ifai. xxxiii. 16. — xliii. 20. — Iv* i.andlviii. 
11* Jer. ii. 13 and 18. — xvii. 8 and 13. and 
in other places innumerable. The tempor- 
al fupplies of a people are very often in fcrip- 
ture called waters, as Ifai. v. 13. Therefore 
my people u gone into captivity, and their ho- 
nourable men are famijlied, and their riiulti- 
tude dried up -with thirjl, i. e. deprived of 
the fupports and fupplies of life. And the 
drying up the waters of a city or kingdom, 
is often ufed in fcripture prophecy, for the 
depriving them of their wealth, asthefcrip- 
M m 


ture explains itfelf^Hof.xiii. 15. His fprings 
Jhall become dry, and his fountain jliall he dried 
up: He Jhall fpoil the treafure of all pleajaixt 
vejfels. Ifai. xv. 6, 7. The waters of Niin- 
rivifliall be defolate, for the hay is withered^ . 
the grafs faileth, there is no green thing, — 
Therefore the abundance they have gotten, and 
that which they have laid up,fhall they carry 
away to the brook of the willows. By the 
brook of the willows there feems to be a re- 
ference to the waters of AfTyria orChaldea, 
whofe ftreams abounded with willows. So 
that the carrying away the treafures of Moab, 
and adding of them to the treafures of Af- 
fyria, is here reprefented by the figure of 
turning away the waters of Nimrim from the 
country of Moab, and adding them to the 
waters of Affyria, as the prophecy explains 
itfelf. Yea, even in the prophecies of the 
deftruftion of Babylon itfelf, the depriving 
her of her treafures, feems to be one thing 
intended by the drying up of her waters. — 
This feems manifeft by the words of the pro- 
phecy in Jer. 1. 37, 38. Afword is upon her 
treafures, and they fiall be robbed; a drought 
is iLpoji her loaters, and they ft all be dried up. 
Compared with chap, li, 15. thou that 
dwellefl upon many waters^ abundant in trea^ 


fares; with ver. 36. / will dry up her fea^ 
and make her fprings dry. The wealth, re- 
venues, and vaft incomes of the church of 
Rome, are the waters by which that Baby- 
lon has been nouriflied and fupported; thefe 
are the waters which the Popifh clergy and 
members of the Romifli hierarchy third af- 
ter, and are continually drinking down, with 
infatiable appetite; and they are waters that 
have been flowing into that fpiritual city like 
a great river ; ecclefiaftical perfons pofleffing 
a very great part of the Popifh dominions ; as 
this Babylon is reprefented as vaftly rich, in 
the prophecy of the Apocalypfe, efpecially 
in the 17th and 18th chapters. Thefe are 
efpecially the waters that fupply the palace 
of the king of this new Babylon, viz. the 
Pope, as the river Euphrates ran through 
the midft of the palace of the king of old 
Babylon. The revenues of the Pope have 
been like waters of a great river, coming in- 
to his palace, from innumerable fountains, 
and by innumerable branches and lefTer 
ftreama, coming from many various and dif- 
tant countries. 

This prophecy reprefents to us two cities 
very contrary the one to the other — viz. 
New Babylon and the New Jerufalem^ and 


a river running through the midft of each, 
- — The New Jerufalem, which fignifies the 
church of Chrift, efpecially in her beft eftatg, 
is defcribed as having a river running thro' 
the midft of it, Rev. xxii. 1, 2. This river, 
as might eafily be made moft evident, by 
comparing this with abundance of other 
fcriptures, undoubtedly fignifies the divine 
fupplies, and rich and abundant fpiritual in- 
comes and provifion of that holy city. Mr, 
Lowman, in his late Expofition, faysr, *• It 
^' rcprefents a conftant provifion for the com- 
**' fortable and happy life of all the inhabi- 
^' lants of this city of God." And in his 
notes on the fame place, obferves as follows : 
*' Water, (fays he), as neceffary to the fup- 
^•' port of life, and as it contributes in great 
*' cities, efpecially in hot eaftern countries, 
*' to the ornament of the place, and delight 
^' of the inhabitants, is a very proper repre- 
^^ fentation of the enjoyment of all things, 
*' both for the fupport and pleafure of life." 
As the river that runs through the new Je- 
rufcilem, the church of Chrift, that refrefties 
that holy fpiritual fociety, fignifies their fpi- 
ntual fupplies, to fatisfy their fpiritual thirft, 
fo the river that runs through the new Ba-^ 
bylon, the anti-chriftian churchy that wick-^ 


cd carnal fociety, fignifies, according to the 
oppofite charafler of the city, her worldly, 
carnal fupplies, to fatisfy their carnal de- 
fires and thirftings. 

This new Jerufalem is called in this book 
the Paradife of God, and therefore is repre- 
fented as having the tree of life growing in 
it. And it being defcribed, as though a riv- 
er ran through the midft of it, there feems 
to be fome allufion to the ancient paradife 
in Eden, of v/hich we are told that there ran 
a river through the midft of it to water it ; 
i, e. to fupply the plants of it with nourifli- 
ment. And this river was this very fame ri- 
ver Euphrates, that afterwards ran through 
Babylon. And in one and the other, it re- 
prefented the divers fupplies of two oppofite 
cities; in Eden, it reprefented the fpiritual 
fupplies and wealth of the true Chriftian 
church, in her fpiritual advancement and 
glory, and feems to be fo made ufe of. Rev. 
xxii. 1, 2. In the other it reprefented the 
outward carnal fupplies of the falfe anti- 
chriftian church, in her worldly pomp and 
vain glory, chap. xvi. 12. 

When the waters, that fupply this myfli- 
cal Babylon, come to be dried up in this 
fenfe, it will prepare the way for the ene- 


mies of anti-chriflian corruption, that feek 
her overthrow. The weakh of the church 
of Rome, and of the powers that fupport it, 
is very much its defence. After the ftreams 
of her revenues ar)d riches are dried up, or 
very greatly diminifhed, her walls will be 
as it were broken down, and (he will become 
weak and defencelefs, and expofed to eafy 

When Joab had taken that part of the 
city of Rabbah, that was called the City of 
Waters, whence the city had its fupply of 
water, the fountains of the brook Jabbok 
being probably there, and which was alfo 
called the royal city, probably becaufe there 
the king had his palace and gardens, on the 
account of its peculiar pleafantnefs ; I fay, 
when he had taken this, the conquefl of the 
reft of the city was eafy ; his meffage to Da- 
vid implies, that the city now might be tak- 
en at pleafure, 2 Sam. xii. 27, 28. It is pof- 
fible that by the pouring out of the fixth 
Vial to dry up the river of the myftical Ba- 
bylon, there might be fomething like the 
\ taking the City of Waters in Rabbah ; fbme 
one of the chief of the Popifh powers, that 
has been the main ftrength and fupport of 
the Popiih caufe, or from whence that church 


has its chief fupplies, may be deftroyed, or 
converted, or greatly reduced. But this e- 
vents muft determine. 

In the prophecies of Egypt's deflruftion, 
it is fignified, that when their rivers and wa- 
ters fhould be dried up, in that fenfe, that 
the ftreams of their temporal fupplies fhould 
be averted from them, their defence would 
be gone, Ifai. xix. 4, &c. The Egyptians 
will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord^ 
and the water sjliall fail from thefea, and the 
river Jfiall be wajled and dried up^ and the 
brooks of DE^LNC Ejhall be emptied and dried 
up, and the reeds and flags fliall zvither— 
Every thing fown by the brooks fhall zvither: 
ThefiJJiers alfo fliall mourn — 

Thofe whofe way was prepared to come 
in and deftroy Babylon, by the drying up 
the river of Euphrates, were the army that 
was at war with Babylon, Cyrus the king, 
and his hoft, that fought her overthrow; fo 
there feems to be all reafon to fuppofe, that 
thofe whofe way will be prepared to come 
in and deftroy myftical Babylon, by drying 
up the myftical Euphrates, are that king and 
army that are, in this book of Revelation, 
reprefented as at war with Antichrift. And 
what king and army that is, we may fee ia 


chap. xii. 7. and xix. 11. to the end — Mi- 
chael the king of angels, and his angels ; he 
lohofe name is called the Word of God, and 
that has on his vejture, and on his thigh, a 
name written, King of Kings, and Lord of 
Lords; and the heavenly armies that follow 
him, cloathed in fine linen, white and clean. 
Cyrus, the chief of the kings of the eaft, that 
deftroyed Babylon^ and redeemed God's 
church from thence, and reftored Jerufalem, 
feems, in that particular affair, very mani- 
feftly to be fpoken of as a type of Chrift: 
God calls him his fiiepherd, to perform his 
pleafure, to fay to Jerufalem—Thoufialt be 
built, and to the temple — Thyfoundationfhall 
he laid. God calls him his Mefiiah. Thus 
faith the Lord to his anointed, (in the origin- 
al to his MeJJiah) to Cyrus. He is fpoken of 
as one that God had raifed up in righteouf 
nefs, that he might build his city, and freely 
redeem his captives, or let them go without 
price or reward. He is faid to be one whom 
God had loved; in like manner as the Mef- 
fiah is faid to be God^s eled, in whom his foul 
delighteth. As by Babylon, in the Revela- 
tion, is meant that anti-chriftian fociety that 
is typified by old Babylon; fo by the kings 
of the ead, that fnould deflroy this anti- 


chriftian church, mud be meant thofe ene- 
mies of it that were typified by Cyrus, and 
other chieftiaiis oFthe eaft, that deftroyed old 
Babylon; viz. Chrift, who was born, livedo 
died, and rofe in the call, together with thofe 
fpiritual princes that follow him, the princi- 
palities and powers in heavenly places, and 
thofe minifters and faints that are kings and 
priefts, and (hall reign on earth; efpecially 
thofe leaders and heads of God's people— 
thofe Chriftian minifters and magiftrates^ 
that fliall be diftinguifhed as public bleffings 
to his churchj and chief inftruments of the 
overthrow of Antichrift* 

As the river Euphrates ferved the city of 
Babylon as a fupply^ fo it alfo was before 
obferved, it ferved as an impediment or ob- 
ftacle to hinder the accefs of its enemies; as 
there was a vaft moat round the city^ filled 
with the water of the river, which was left 
empty when Euphrates was dried up. And 
therefore we may fuppofe, that another thing 
meant by the effeft of the fixth Vial, is the 
removal of thofe things which hitherto have 
been the chief obftacles in the way of the 
progrefs of the true religion, and the viftory 
of the church ofChrift over her enemies j 


which have been the corrupt doftrines and 
praftices that have prevailed in Proteftant 
courktries, and the doubts and difficulties 
that attend many doftrines of the true reli- 
gion, and the many divifions and conten- 
tions that fubfift among Proteftants. The 
removal of thofe would wonderfully prepare 
the way for Chrift and his armies, to go for- 
ward and prevail againft their enemies, in a 
glorious propagation of true religion. So 
that this Vial^ which is to prepare the way 
for Chrift and his people, feems to have re- 
fpetl to that remarkable preparing the way 
for Chrift, by levelling mountains, exalting 
valleys, drying lup rivers, and removing fium* 
bling-blocks, which is often fpoken of in the 
prophecies, as what fliall next precede the 
church's latter-day glory, aslfai. xlii. 13, &c» 
The Lor dfaall go forth as a mighty man; he 
Pialljlir up jealoiijy asamanofvjar; hejliall 
prevail againjl his enemies, — Izoill make wajle 
mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs ; 
and I loill make the rivers ijlands, and I will 
dry up the pools; and I will bring the blind 
by a zoay that they know not, and I will lead 
them in paths thai they have not known; I 
will make darknefs light before them, and 
crooked things Jtraight: thefe things xvilllda 


unto them, and notforfake them. Chap. xL 
3, 4, 5. Prepare y'e the way of the Lord; 
makejlraight in the defart an high-way for 
our God : every valley fiall be exalted, and 
every mountain and hillfhall be made low, 
and the crooked fliall be made flraight, and 
rough places plain ; and the glory of the Lord 
fliall he revealed, and allflefh fhallfee it to- 
gether. Chap. xi. 15, 16. And the Lord fiall 
deflroy the tongue of the Egyptian fea, and 
with his mighty wind fiall he (Jiake his hand 
over the river, and shall fmite it in the feven 
f reams thereof, and make men go over dry 
shod; and there shall be an high-way for the 
remnant of his people which shall be left, from 
Affyria, like as it was to Ifrael, in the day thai 
he came out of the land of Egypt. Chap. Ivii. 
14. Cafiye up, cafl ye up, prepare the way, 
take up the fiumbling'block out of the way of 
my people. And chap. Ixii. 10. Go through, 
go through the gates; prepare ye the way of 
the people ; cajl up, cafl up the high-way ; ga- 
ther out the f ones ; lift up aflandardfor the 
people. Zech. x. 10, ii, 12. I will bring 
them again alfo out of the land of Egypt, and 
gather them out of Affyria ; and L will bring 
them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon ; 
and place shall not be found for them. And 


he shall pafs through thefea with offliElion^ 
and shall finite the waves of thefea; and all 
the deeps of the river shall dry up ; and the 
pride of Afjyria shall be brought down y and 
thefceptre of Egypt shall depart away : And 
I Will frengthen them in the Lord, and they 
shall walk up and down in his name, faith the 
Lord. And it is worthy to be remarked, that 
as Cyrus's dellroying Babylon, and letting 
go God's captives from thence, and reftoring 
jerufalem, is certainly typical ofChrift'sde- 
ftroying myftical Babylon, and delivering 
his people from her tyranny, and glorioufly 
building up the fpiritual Jerufalem in the 
latter days ; fo God's preparing Cyrus's way, 
by drying up the river Euphrates, is fpoken 
of in terms like thofe that are ufed in thofe 
prophecies that have been mentioned, to fig- 
nify the preparing Chrift's way, when he (hail 
come to accomplifh the latter event. Thus 
God fays concerning Cyrus, Ifai. xlv. 2. / 
-will go before thee, and make crooked. 
PLACES STRAIGHT. And vcr. 13. I will 
diretl, or make fir aight (as it is in the margin) 
all his zcays. This is like chap. xl. 2, 4. Pre- 
pare ye the way of the Lord; niakeftraightin 
i^he depart an high-way for our God. — The 
^rooked things fiall he made fir aight, Chap^ 


xlii. 16. I will make darknefs light before them^ 
and crooked things Jlraight, 

If any fliould objeft againft underftanding 
the river Euphrates, m Rev. xvi. 12. as fig- 
nifying v/hat has been fuppofed, that when 
mention is made of the river Euphrates, in 
another place in this prophecy, it is mani- 
feilly not fo to be underftood, viz. in chap, 
ix. 14. Saying to thejixth angel -which had 
the trumpet — Looje the four angels which are 
hound in the great river Euphrates; and that 
there is no reafon to underftand the river 
Euphrates in the vifion of the fixth Vial., as 
fignifying fomething diverfe from what is 
meant by the fame river in the vifion of the 
fixth trumpet. 

I anfwer. That there appears to me to be 
good reafon for a diverfe underftanding of 
the river Euphrates in thefe two different 
places; the diverfity of the fcene of the vi- 
fion, and of the kind of reprefentation, in 
thofe two divers parts of this prophecy, na- 
turally leads to it, and requires it. It is in 
this book as in the Old Teftament; when 
the river Euphrates is fpoken of in the Old 
Teftament, both in the hiftories and prophe- 
cies, it is mentioned, with refpeft to the two- 
fold relation of th^it river, viz. ift, with re- 



gard to its relation to Babylon. And as it 
was related to that, it was fomething belong- 
ing to that city, as its defence and fupply, as 
has been reprefented. Thus the river Eu- 
phrates is fpoken of in many places that have 
been already obferved, and others that might 
be mentioned. 2dly. This river is fpoken 
of with regard to its relation to the land of 
Ifrael, God's vifible people ; and as it was re- 
lated to that, it was its eaftern boundary. It 
is fo fpoken of, Gen. xv. 18. Exod. xxiii. 3 1. 
Deut. i. 7. and xi, 24. Jofh. i. 4. 2 Sam. 
viii, 3. 1 Chron. xviii. 3. 1 Kings iv. 21. 
Ezra iv. 20. Agreeable to this diverfe re- 
fpeft or relation of this river, under which 

it is mentioned in the Old Tellament, fo 
muft we underfland it difiFerently in different 
parts of the prophecy of this book of Reve- 
lation, according as the nature and fubjeft 
of the vixion requires. In the xvth chapter, 
where the prophecy is about Babylon, and 
the vifion is of God's plagues on Babylon, 
preparing the way forherde{lru6lion,there^ 
when the river Euphrates is mentioned, we 
are naturally and neceffarily led to confider 
it as fomething belonging to Babylon, ap- 
pertaining to the myflical Babylon, as Eu- 
phrates did to old Babylon. But we cannot 


underftand it fo in the ixth chapter, for there 
the prophecy is not about Babylon. To men- 
tion Euphrates there, as fomething belong- 
ing to Babylon, would have been improper; 
for the nature of the vifion, and prophetical 
reprefentation, did not lead to it, nor allo\\r 
it. John had hadno vifion of Babylon; that 
kind of reprefentation had not been made 
to him; there is not a word faid about Ba- 
bylon till we come to the fecond part of this 
prophecy, after John had the vifion of the 
fecond book, and Chrift had faid to him — 
Thou viujl prophecy again before peoples^ and 
nations, and kings, chap. xi. The fcene of 
the vifion, in the former part of the prophe- 
cy, had been more efpecially the land of If- 
rael, and the vifion is concerning two forts 
of perfons there, viz. thofe of the tribes of 
Ifrael that had the feal of God in their fore- 
heads, and thofe wicked apoftate Ifraelites 
that had not this mark. Compare chap. vii. 
3 — 8. and chap. ix. 4. The vifion in this ixth 
chapter, is of God's jndgments on thofe of 
the tribes of Ifrael, or in the land of Ifrael, 
which had not the feal of God in their fore- 
heads ; and therefore when mention is made, 
ver. 14. of a judgment coming on them from 
the river Euphrates, this river is here fpokea 


of in the former refpeft, viz. with regard 10 
its relation to the land of Ifrael, as its eaft- 
ern border; and thereby we muft underftand 
that God would bring fome terrible calahii^ 
ty on Chriftendom from its eaftern border, 
as he did when the Turks were let loofe up- 
on Chriftendom. 

If thefe things that have been fpoken of^ 
are intended in the prophecy of the fixth 
Vial, it affords, as I conceive, great reafoil 
to hope that the beginning of that glorious 
work of God's Spirit, which, in the progrefs 
and iffu^ of it, will overthrow Antichrift, 
and introduce the glory of the latter days^ 
is not very far oflF. 

Mr. Lowman has, I think, put it beyond 
all reafonable doubt, that the fifth Vial was 
poured out in the time of the Reformation, 
It alfo appears fatisfyingly,by his late Expo- 
fition, that take one Vial with another, it has 
not been two hundred years from the begin- 
ning of one Vial to the beginning of ano- 
ther, but about one hundred and eighty 
years. But it is now two hundred and twen- 
ty years fmce the fifth Vial began to be 
poured, and it is a long time fince the main 
effefts of it have been finilhed. And there- 
fore if the fixth Vial has not already began 


to be poured out, it may well be fpeedily 

But with regJlrd to the firft thing that I 
have fuppofcd to be fignified by the efFeft of 
lliis Vial, viz. The dning up the fountains 
and ftreams of the wealth and temporal in- 
comes ^ndfupplies of the antichrifHan church 
and territories, I would propofe it to confi- 
tlerationj whether or no many things that 
have cbme to pafs within thefe twenty 
years paft, may not be looked upon as pro- 
bable begiilnings of a fulfilment of this pro- 
phecy; particularly what the kings of Spain 
and Portugal did fome years fince, when dii- 
pleafed with the Pope, forbidding any thence- 
forward going to Rome for inveltitures, &c, 
thereby cutting off two great ftream.s of the 
Pope's wealth, from fo great and rich a part 
ofthePopifii world; and its becoming fo 
frequent a thing of late for Popi(h prmces, 
in their wars, to make bold Vvith the trea- 
fure of the church, and to tax the clergy 
within their dominions, as well as laity; or 
which is equivalent, to oblige them to con- 
tribute great fums, under tlie na-xe of a free 
gift; and alfo the late peeling and im.pove- 
riihing the Pope's temporal dominions in 

298 Aiitichrijr s Ruin fpeedily follotos* 

Italy, by the armies of the Auftrians, Nea- 
politans and Spaniards, pafiingand repaffing 
through them, and living fo much at difcre- 
tion in them, of which the Pope has fo loud- 
ly complained, and in vain; receiving no- 
thing but menaces, when he has objefted a- 
gainfl giving liberty for the like p-ifTage for 
the future. Thefe things make it hopeful 
that the time is coming when the princes of 
Europe, the ten horns, Jliall hate the whore y 
and make her defolate and naked, and eat her 
fiefli, as Rev. xvii. 16. which will prepare the 
way for what next follows, her being burnt 
-with fire; even as the fixth Vial poured out, 
to confume the fupplies of Antichrift, and 
ftrip him.naked of his wealth, and, as it were, 
to pick his fleOi off from his bones, will make 
way for vs^hat next follows, thefeventh Vial, 
that will confume Antichrift, by the fierce- 
nefs of God's wrath. 

Thefe things duly confidered, I imagine? 
afford us ground to fuppofe, not only that 
the efiFeS of this fixth Vial is already begun, 
but that fome progrefs is already miade in 
it, and that this Vial is now running apace. 
And when it fhall be finiflied, there is all rea- 
fon to fuppofe that the deftrutlion of Anti- 
chrift will very fpeedily follow, and that the 

AniichriJiS Ruin fpeedily follows. 200 

two laft Vials will fucceed one another more 
clofely than the other Vials. When once 
the river Euphrates was dried up, and Cy- 
rus's way was prepared, he delayed not, but 
immediately entered into the city to defiroy 
it. Nor is it God's manner, when once his 
way is prepared, to delay to deliver his 
church, and (hew mercy to Zion. When 
once impediments are removed, Chrifl will 
no longer remain at a diilance, but will be 
like a roe or a young hart, coming fwiftly 
to the help of his people. When that cry 
is made, Cajl ye up, ccijl ye up, prepare the 
zoay, &c. The high and lofty One that inha- 
bits eternity, is reprefented as very near to re- 
vive thefpirit of the contrite, and deliver his 
people with whom he had been wroth. When 
that cry is made, Ifai. xl. Prepare ye the 
way of the Lord, make fraight in the dcfart 
an high-way for our God; every valley f mil 
be exalted, See, God tells \\\^ ch\xrQh,that 
her loarfare is accomplified, and the time to 
comfort her is come, and that the glory of the 
Lord noxofiall be revealed, and allflrfi fee it 
together. And agreeably to theie things, 
Chriil:, on the pouring ou tthe fixth Vial, 
fays. Behold I come. The fixth Vial is the 
forerunner of the fcventh or laft, to prepare 

300 A great Revival of Religion 

its way. The angel that pours out this Vial^ 
is the harbinger of Chrift, and when the har- 
binger is come, the king is at hand. John 
the Baptift, that vv:as Chrift's harbinger, who 
came to level mountains and fill up vallies, 
proclaimed, The kingdom of heaven is at hand; 
and when lie had prepared Chrift's way, then, 
the Lordfuddenly ca'me into his temple, even 
the meJfenger of the covenant, Mai. iii. i. 

It is true, that we do noj: know how long 
this Vial may continue running, and fo Chrift's 
w^ay preparing, before it is fully prepared; 
bur yet if there be reafon to think the eflFcft 
of this Vial is begun, or is near, then there 
is reafon alfo to think that the beginning of 
that great work of God's Spirit, in reviving 
of religion, which, before it is finidied, w41l 
idue in Antichrift's ruin, is not far off. For 
it is pretty manifefl, that the beginning of 
this work will accompany the fixth Vial; 
for the gathering together of the armies on 
both fides, on the fide of Chriil and Anti- 
: chrilt, to that great battle that fliali iiTue in 
the overthrow of the latter, will be under 
this Vial; (compare Rev. xvi. 12, 13, 14. 
with chap. ,xix. 11. to the ^vA.) And it is 
plain, tluit Chrin's manifefling himfelf, anc" 
wonderfully appearing after longhidinghiin- 

toill accompany thejixth Vial, 301 

[elf, to plead his own and his people's cauf'% 
and riding forth againd his enemies in a glo- 
rious manner, and his people's foJlov/ing 
him in pure linen, or the praftice of righte^. 
oufnefs and pure religion, will be the thing 
that w^ill give the alarm to Antichrifl, and 
caufe him to gather that vaft holt to make 
the utmoft oppofition. But this alarm and 
gathering together is reprefented as being 
under the fixth Vial; fo that it will be a 
great revival, and mighty pro^Tefs of true 
religion under the fixth Vial, eminently 
threatening the fpeedy and utter overthrow 
of Satan's kingdom on earth, that will fa 
mightily roufe the old ferpent, to exert him- 
felfwith fuch exceeding violence, in that 
greatefl: conflift and flruggle that ever he 
had with Chrift and the church, fince the 
world flood.* 

All the feven Vials bring terrible judo-„ 
ments upon Antichrifl; but there feems to 
be fomething diflinguifhing of the three lafl: 
the fifth, fixth and feventh, viz. That they 


* If there be any miflake here, it is an anticipption of the de- 
f^rudion of Antichrifl, through the prevalence ofvit:-!] rehgicn, 
inftead of the prcfent rod of tlie divine indignation; hut, it raiiy be, 
there is a warfare between truth and error yet to come, towards 
v/hich our author's views might Le diixa^d, and for which it be- 
comes us ail to be piepared. Eun or. 

302 A great Revival of Religion 

more direftly tend to the overthrow of his 
, kingdom, and accordingly each of them is 
• attended with a great revivino[ of reliorion. 
The fifth Vial was attended with fuch a re- 
vival and reformation, that greatly weaken- 
ed and diminiflied the throne or kingdom, 
of the beaft, and went far towards its ruin. 
It feems as though the fixth Vial (hould be 
much more fo, for it is the diftmguilhing 
Bote of this Vial, that it is the preparatory 
Vial, which more than any other Vial pre- 
pares the way forChrift's coming todellroy 
the kingdom of Antichrift, and to fet up his 
own kingd^-^m in the world. A great out- 
pouring of the Spirit accompanied that dif- 
penfation which Vv'as preparatory to Chrift's 
coming in his public miniftry, in the days of 
his flelh; fo, much more, will a great out- 
pouring of the Spirit accompany the dif- 
penfation that will be preparatory to Chrill s 
coming in his kingdom. 

And befides thofe things which belong to 
the preparation of Chrifl's way, which are 
fo often reprefented by levelling mountains, 
drying up rivers, c&c. viz. The unravelling 
intricacies, and removing difficulties attend- 
ing Chriftian doftrines, the diftinguilhing 
between true religion and its falfe appear- 

will accompany thefixth Vial. 303 

ances, the deteaing and exploding errors 
and corrupt principles, and the reformmg 
the wicked lives of profeffors, which have 
been the chief ftumbling-blocks and obfia- 
cles that have hitherto hindered the progrefs 
of true religion; I fay, thefe things, which 
feera to belong to this preparatory Vial, are 
the proper work of the Spirit of God, pro- 
moting and advancing divine light and true 
piety, and can be the effedl of nothing elfe. 
Ao-reeably to what has been fuppofed, that 
an extraordinary out-pouring of the Spirit 
of God is to accompany this fixth Vial; fo 
the beginning of a work of extraordinary a- 
wakening has already attended the probable 
beginning of this Vial; and has been con- 
tinued intone place or other, for many years 
paft; although it has been, in fome places, 
mingled with much enthufiafm, after the 
manner of things in their firft beginnings, 
unripe, and mixed with much crudity. But 
it is to be hoped, a far more pure, exten- 
five and glorious revival of religion is not 
far off, which will more properly be the be- 
ginning of that work, which, in its iffue, 
ftall overthrow the kingdom of Antichrift, 
and of Satan through the world. But God 
will be enquired of for this, by thxhoufe of If 
rad to do it for than. 

304 Prayer mill not be in Vain. 

Anf, 5. If, notwithflanding all that I hav^ 
ftid, it be flill judged that there is fufficient 
i*eafon to determine that the ruia-of Anti.. 
chrifl; is at a very great diftance, and if all 
that I have faid^ as arguing that there is rea- 
fon to hope the beginning of that glorious 
revival of religion, which, in its continuance 
and progrefs, will deftroy the kingdom of 
Antichrift, is not very far off, be judged 10 
be of no force; yet it will not follow, that 
our complying v/ith what is propofed to us 
in the late memorial from Scotland^ will be 
in vain, or not followed with fuch fpiritual 
bleffings, as will richly recompence the pains 
of fuch extraordinary prayer for the Holy 
Spirit, and the revival of religion. If God 
does not grant that greateft of all effufions 
of his Spirit, fo foon as we defire, yet we 
{hall have the iatisfaclion of a confcioufnefs 
of our having employed ourfelves in a mait- 
ner that is certainly agreeable to Chrift's 
will and frequent commands, in being much 
in prayer for this mercy, and much more in 
it than has heretofore been common with 
Chriftians; and there will be all reafon to 
hope, that we (hall receive fome bleffed to- 
ken of his acceptance. If the fall of myfti- 
cal Babylon, and the work of God's Spirit 

What is prdpofed in the Memorial, &.c, 30.5 

that (hall bring it to pafs, be at feveral hun- 
dred years diftance, yet it follows not that 
there will be no happy reviv?^ls of religion 
before that tinae, which flialhbe richly worth 
the mod diligent, earned and condant pray- 
ing for. 

I would fay fomething to one objeftion 
more, and then haden to a concludon of this 

Object, 6, Some may be ready to objefta 
that what is propofed in this memorial is a 
new thing, fuch as never was put inpra6lice 
in the church of God before. 

Anjl 1. If there be fomething circumdan- 
tially new in it, this cannot be a fufficient 
'objefticni The duty of prayer is no new 
duty; for many of God's people exprefsly 
to agreCj as touching fomething they diall 
aflv in prayer, is no nev/ thing; for God's 
people to agree on circumdances of time and 
place for united prayer, according to their 
own difcretion, is no new thing; for many, 
in different places, to agree to offer up ex- 
traordinary prayers to God, at the fame time, 
as a token of their union, is no new things 
but has been commonly praftifed in the ap- 
pointment of days of fading and prayer for 

QoS What is propofed in the 

fpecial mercies. And if the people of God 
fhould engage in the duty of prayer, for the 
coming of Chrift's kingdom, in a new man- 
ner, in that refpeft, that they refolve they 
will not be fo negligent of this duty, as has 
been common with profefTors of religion 
heretofore, but will be more frequent and 
fervent in it; this would be fuch a new 
thing as ought to be, and would be only to 
reform a former ncghgence. And for the 
people of God, in various parts of the world, 
vifibly, and by exprefs agreement, to unite 
for this extraordinary prayer, is no more 
than their duty, and no more than what it 
is foretold the people of God fhould actual- 
ly do, before the time comes of the church's 
promifed glory on earth. And if this be a 
duty, then it is a duty to come into fome 
method to render this prafticable; but it is 
not practicable (as was fhewn before) but by 
this method, or fome other equivalent. 

Anf. 2. As to this particular method, pro- 
pofed to promote union in extraordinary 
prayer, viz. God's people, in various parts, 
letting apart fixed feafons, to return at cer- 
tain periods, wherein they agree to offer up 
their prayers at the fame time, it is not fo 
new as fome may poflTibly imagine* This 

Memorial is no nezo Thing. 307 

may appear by what follows, which is part 
of a paper, difperfed abroad in Great Bri< 
tain and Ireland, from London, in the year 
1712, being the latter end of queen Anne's 
reign, and very extenfively complied with, 
entitled, " A ferious Call from the City to 
" the Country, to join with them in fetting 
*' apart fome time, viz. from feven to eight, 
" every Tuefday morning, for folemn feek- 
" ino- of God, each one in his clofet, now ia 
" this fo critical a junfture," 

Jonah i. 6, Call upon God, iffo be that 
God will think upon us, that loepcrijli not. — 
What follows is an extraft from it. 

" You have formerly been called upon to 
*' the like duty, and have complied with it, 
^•' and that not without fuccefs. It is now 
'' thought highly feafonable to renew the 
" call. It is hoped that you will not be more 
'' backw^ard, when it is fo apparent that there 
" is even greater need. It is fcarce imagin- 
'' able how a profeffing people fhould Itand 
" in greater need of prayer, than we do at 
'' this day. You were formerly bcfpoke from 
'' that very pertinent text, Zech. viii. 21. 
'•' The inhabitants of one cityJJiallgo to ano- 
" ther, faying, Let us go fpeedily to pray be- 
''fore the Lord, or, (as the marginal reading. 

308 What is prop of ed in the 

*^more exprelTive of the original reading, 
*' is,) co7itinually,from day to day, to entreat 
*' the face of the Lord, According to this ex- 
'' cellent pattern, we of this city, the metro- 
*' polis of our land, think ourfelves obliged 
^- to call upon our brethren in Great Britain 
'^•' and Ireland, at a time when our hearts can- 
^' not but meditate terror, and our flefh trem- 
'' ble for fear of God, and are afraid of his 
" righteous judgments; thofe pafl being for 
•' the moft part forgotten, and the figns of 
*' the times foreboding evil to come, being 
*' by the generality little, if at all, regarded; 
" w^e cannot therefore but renew our earneft 
*' requeft, that all who make confcience of 
'' praying for the peace of Jerufalem, who 
" widi well to Zion, who would have us and 
''our poflerity a nation of Britifh Protef- 
'' tants, and not of Popifh bigots and French 
'' {laves, would give us (as far as real and 
''' not pretended neceffity will give leave) a 
^' meeting at the throne of grace, at the hour 
" mentioned, there to wreftle with God for 
'•' the turning away his anger from us, for 
" our deliverance from the hands of his and 
" our enemies, for the turninor the councils 
" of all Ahitophels, at home and abroad, in- 
^^ to fooliflmeiy, for mercy to the queen and 

Memorial is no nezo Thing, 309 

^' kingdom, for a happy peace or fuccefsful 
^' war, fo long as the matter {hall continue 
■^ undetermined; for fecuringthe Proteftant 
-' fucceffion in the illultrious houfeofHa- 
-' nover, (by good and evil wilhes to which, 
-" the friends and enemies of our religion and 
" civil rights, are fo effentially diilinguifh- 
^^ ed,) and efpecially for the influences of di- 
^' vine grace upon the rifing generation, par- 
" ticularly the feed of the righteous, that the 
^\ offspring of our Chriftian heroes may ne- 
^' ver be the plague of our church and coun- 
'' try. And we defire that this folemn pray- 
" er be begun the firfl Tuefday after fight, 
'' and continued at leafl the fummer of this, 
" prefent year 1712, And we think, every 
^' modeft, reafonable and jufl requefl, fuck 
'' as this, fliould not on any account be de- 
" nied us, fince we are not laying a burden 
" on others, to which we will not mofl wil- 
." lingly put our own fhoulders ; nay, indeed, 
" count it much more a blefhng than a bur- 
'' den. We hope this will not be efleemed, 
*' by ferious Proteftants, of any denomina- 
** tion, a needlefs ilep ; much lefs do we fear 
*' being cenfured by any fuch, as fanciful 
" and melancholy, on account of fuch a pro- 
" pofal. We, with them, believe a provi- 


2 lo What ispropofed in the Memorial^ &c. 

^' dence, know and acknowledge that our 
God is a God hearing prayen Scripture 
" recordeth, and our age is not barren of in- 
*^ fiances of God's working marvellous deli- 
** verances for his people in anfwer to hum- 
** ble, believing and importunate prayer, ef» 
** pecially when prayer and reformation go 
*•' together, which is what we defire. Let 
*^ this counfel be acceptable to us, in this 
** day of the church's calamity, and our com- 
" mon fears. Let us feek the Lord while he 
^' may be found, and call upon him while he 
** is near. Let us humble ourfelves under 
*^ the mighty hand of God. Let us go and 
*^ pray unto our God, and he will hearken 
*' unto us. We fhall feek him and find him, 
*^ when we fearch for him with all our hearts. 
" Pray for the peace of Jerufaiem ; tl:iey fhall 
** profper that love her. And may Zion's 
" friends and enemies both cry out with won- 
'• der, when they fee the work of God — Be- 
''• hold they pray! — What hath God wrought! 
^^ Verily there is a God that judgeth in the 
^'^ earth. 

•' Pojlfcript. It is defired and hoped, that 
** if any are hindered from attending this 
'* work at the above-mentioned hour, they 
'' Will neverthelefs fet apart an hour week- 
'' ly for it.". 

tnt coNCLustor?. gii 

God fpeedily and wonderfully heard and 
anfwered thofe who were united in that ex- 
traordinary prayer, propofed in the above^ 
mentioned paper, in fuddenly fcattering thofe 
black clouds which threatened the nation 
and the Proteftant interefl: with ruin, at that 
time; in bringing about, in fo remarkable a 
manner, that happy change in the ftate of 
affairs in the nation, which was after the 
queen's death, by the bringing in king George 
the Firft. jufl at the time when the enemies 
of the religion and liberties of the nation 
had ripened their defigns to be put in fpee- 
dy execution. And we fee in the beginning 
of this extraft, this which is propofed, is 
mentioned as being no new thing, but that 
God's people in Great Britain had former- 
ly been called upon to the like duty, and 
had complied, and that not without fuccefs. 
Such like concerts or agreements havefeve- 
ral times been propofed in Scotland, before 
this which is now propofed to us, particu- 
larly there was a propofal publifhed for this 
very praftice, in the year 1732, and another 
in 1735; fo that it appears that this objec- 
tion of novelty is built on a miftake, 


And now, upon the whole, I defire every 


ferious Chriftian, that may read this difcourfe^ 
cahnly and deliberately to confider whether 
he can excufe himfelf from complying with 
what has been propofed to us and requefted 
of us, by thofe minifters of Chrift in Scot- 
land, who are the authors of the late memo- 
rial. God has flirred up a part of his churchy 
in a diflant part of the world, to be in an 
extraordinary manner feeking and crying to 
him, that he would appear to favour Zion^i 
as he has promifed. And they are applying 
themfelves to us, to join with them, and make 
that very propofal to us which is fpoken of 
in my text, and in like manner and circum- 
ftances. The members of one church, in 
one country, are coming to others^ in other 
diftant countries, faying, Let us gofpeedily 
and conjtantly to pray before the Lord, and to 
feek the Lord ofHoJls. Will it not become 
us readily to fay, Iwill goalfo? Whatthefe 
fervants of Chrift afk of us, is not filver or 
gold, or any of our outward fubftance, or 
that we would put ourfelves to any coft, or 
do any thing that will be likely to expofe 
us to any remarkable trouble, difficulty or 
fuffering in our outward intereft, but only 
that we would, help together with them, by 
our prayers to God, for the greateft mercy 


in the world, and that a mercy which as much 
concerns us as them, for the glory of their 
Lord and ours, foi"^ the great advancement of 
our common intereft and happinefs^ and the 
happinefs of our fellow-creatures through all 
nations; a mercy, which, at this day efpe- 
ciaily, there is great need of; a mercy, which 
we, in this land, do ftand in particularneed 
of; a mercy, which the word of God re- 
quires us to* make the fubjeft-raatter of our 
prayers, above all other mercies, and gives 
us more encouragement to pray earneltly 
and unitedly to him for, than any other mer- 
cy ; and a mercy, which the providence of 
God towards the world of mankind, at this 
day, does loudly call the people of God to 
pray for. I think we cannot reafonably doubt 
but that thefe minifters have afted a part be- 
coming difciples of the great Meffiah, and 
minifters of his kingdom, and have done the 
will of God, and according to his word, in 
fetting forward fuch an affair at this day, and 
in propofing it to us; and therefore I defire 
it may be confidered, whether we fiiall not 
really fm againll God, in refufmg to com- 
ply with their propofal and requeft, or m 
neglecting it, and turning it by, with but lit- 

O q' 


tie notice and attention, therein difregard- 
ing that which is truly a call of God to us. 
The miniHers that make this pfopofal to 
us, are no feparatifts or fciiifmatics, promo- 
ters of no public diforders, nor of any wild- 
riefs or extravagance in matters of religion, 
but are quiet and peaceable members and 
minillers of the church of Scotland, that 
have lamented the late divifions and breach- 
es of that church. If any {hall fay, that they 
are under no advantage to judge of their 
charafter, but muft take it on truft from o- 
thers, becaufe they conceal their names ; in 
anfwer to this, I would fay, That I prefume 
no fober perfon will fay that he has any rea- 
fon to fufpeft them, to be any other than 
crentlemen of honeft intention. Befure there 
is no appearance of any thing elfe, but an 
upright defign in their propofal, and that 
they have not mentioned their names, is an 
argument of it. It may welt be prefumed, 
from the manner of their expreffing them- 
felves, in the memorial itfelf, they conceals 
ed their names from that, which, perhaps, 
may be called an excefs of modelly, chufmg 
to be at the greaieft diRance from appear- 
ing to fet forth themfelves to the view of the 
world, as the heads of a great affair, and the 


firfl projeclors and movers of fometliing ex- 
traordinary, that they defire (hould become 
genera], and that God's people, in various 
diftant parts of the world, fliould agree in. 
And therefore, they are moreover careful 
to tell us, that they do not propofe the af- 
f^iir, as now fetting it on foot, but as a thing 
already fet on foot, and do not tell us who 
firft projefted and moved it. The propofal 
is made to us in a very proper and prudent 
manner, with all appearance of Chrillian 
modefty and fincerity, and with a very pru- 
dent guard againft any thing that looks like 
fuperftition, or whatfoever might entangle a 
tender confcience, and far from any appear- 
ance of a defign to promote any particular 
party or denomination of Chriftians, in op^ 
pofition to others, but with all appearance 
to the contrary, in their charitable requeft, 
that none would, by any means, conceive of 
any fuch thing to be in their view, and that 
all, of every denomination and opinion con- 
cci ning the late religious commotions, would 
join with them, in feeking the common inte- 
reft of the kingdom of Chrifi; and, there-r 
fore, I think, none can be in the way of their 
duty, in neglefling a propofal in itfeif exceK 
lent, and that which they have reafon to 


think is made with upright intentions, mere- 
ly becaufe the propofcrs modeflly conceal 
their names. I do not fee how any ferious 
perfon, that has an ill opinion of late reli- 
gious flirs, can have any colour of reafon to 
refufe a compliance with this propofal, on 
that account; the more diforders, extrava- 
gancies and delufions of the devil ha\'^ late- 
ly prevailed, the more need have we to pray 
earneftly to God, for his Holy Spirit, to pro- 
mote true religion, in oppofition to the grand 
deceiver, and all his works; and the more 
fuch prayer, as is propofed,is anfvv^ered, the 
more efFeftually w^ill all that is contrary to 
fober and pure religion be extirpated and 

One would think that every one who fa- 
vours the duft of Zion, when he hears that 
God is ftirring up a confiderable number of 
his miniflers and people, to unite in extra- 
ordinary prayer, for the revival of religion 
and advancement of his kingdom, fhould 
greatly rejoice on this occalion. If we lay 
to heart the prefent calamities of the church 
ofChrift, and lon^ for that bleffed altera- 
tion which God has promifed, one would 
think it fliould be natural to rejoice at the 
appearance of forr.ething in fo dark a day, 


which is fo promifing a token. Would not 
our friends that were lately in captivity in 
Canada, who earneflly longed for deliver- 
ance, have rejoiced to have heard of any 
thing that feemed to forebode the approach 
of their redemption? And particularly may 
we not fuppofe fuch of them as were religi- 
ous perfons, would greatly have rejoiced to 
have underftood that there was ftirred up in 
God's people an extraordinary fpirit of pray- 
er for their redemption ? And I do not know 
why it would not be as natural for us to re- 
joice at the like hopeful token of the redemp- 
tion of Zion, if we made her intereft our own, 
and preferred Jerufalem above our chief joy. 
If we are indeed called of God to comply 
with the propofal now made to us, then let 
me befeech all that do fmcerely love the in- 
tereft of real Chriftianity, notwithftanding 
any diverfity of opinion, and former dif- 
putes, now to unite in this affair, with one 
heart and voice— and let us go fpeedily io 
pray before the Lord. There is no need that 
one (liould wait for another. If we can o-et 
others, that are our neighbours, to join with 
us, and fo can conveniently fpend the quar- 
terly feafons with praying focieties, this is 
defirable; but if not, vrhy fhould we \vholly 


negleft the duty propofed? Why (hould not 
we perform it by ourfelves, uniting in heart 
and praQice, as far as we are able, with thofe 
who, in diflant places, are engaged in that 
duty at that time? 

If it be agreeable to the mind and will of 
God, that we fhould comply with the memo- 
rial, by praying for the coming of Chrift's 
kingdom, in the m.anner therein propofed, 
then doubtlefs it is the duty of all to comply 
with the memorial, in that refpetl alfo, viz. 
in endeavouring, as far as in us lies, to pro- 
mote others joining in fuch prayer, and to 
render this union and agreement as exten- 
five as may be. Private ChriRians may have 
many advantages and opportunities for this ; 
but efpecially minifters, inafmuch as they 
not only are by office overfeers qf whole 
congregations of God's people, and their 
guides in matters of religion, but ordinarily 
have a far more extenfive acquaintance and 
influence abroad, than private Chriflians in 
common have. 

And I hope that fuch as are convinced it 
is their duty to comply with and encourage 
this defign, will remember we ought not on- 
ly to go fpeedily to pray before the Lord, 
and to feek his mercy, but alfo to go con- 


itantly. We (hould unite in our praftice 
thefe two things, which our Saviour unites 
in his precept, praying and not fainting. If 
we fhould continue fome years, and nothing 
remarkable in Providence (hould appear, as 
though God heard and anfwered, we (hould 
aft very unbecoming believers, if we (hould 
therefore begin to be di(heartened, and grow 
dull and (lack, in our feeking of God fo great 
a mercy. It is very apparent from the w^ord 
of God, that God is wont often to try the 
faith and patience of his people, when cry- 
ing to him for fome great and important 
mercy, by with-holding the mercy fought, 
for a feafon, and not only fo, but at (irft to 
caufe an increafe of dark appearances, and 
yet, without fail, at laft, to fucceed thcfe who 
continue inftant in prayer with all perfever- 
ance, and will not let God go except he blef- 
fes. It is now propofed that this extraordi- 
nary united prayer (liould continue for fe- 
ven years, from November, 1746. Perhaps 
fome that appear forward to engage, may 
begin to think the time long, before the fe- 
ven years are out, and may account it a dull 
(lory, to go on, for fo long a time, praying 
in this extraordinary method, while all yet 
continues dark and dead, without any dawn- 


ings of the wifhed-for light, or new promill 
ing appearance in Providence of the near 
approach of the defired mercy. But let it 
be confidered, whether it will not be a poor 
bufinefs, if our faith and patience is fo fhort- 
winded, that w^e cannot be willing to wait 
upon God one feven years, in a way of tak- 
ing this little pains, in feeking a mercy fo 
infinitely vaft. For my part, I fincerely wifli 
and hope, that there may not be an end of 
extraordinary united prayer, among God's 
people, for the efFufions of the bleffed Spi- 
rit, when the feven years are ended, but that 
it will be continued, either in this method^ 
or fome other, by a new agreement, that 
will be entered into, with greater engaged- 
nefs, and more abundant alacrity, than this 
is ; and that extraordinary united prayer for 
fuch a mercy will be further propagated and 
extended, than it can be expefted to be in 
one feven years. But yet, at the fame time, 
I hope, God's people, that unite in this a- 
greement, will fee fome tokens for good, be- 
fore thefe feven years are out, thatfliall give 
them to fee, that God has not faid to the 
feed of Jacob — Seek ye me in vain; and 
fhall ferve greatly to animate and encou- 
rage them to go on in united prayers for the 


advancement of Chrifl's kingdom, with en- 
creafing fervency. But whatever our hopes 
may be in this refpeft, we muft be content 
to be ignorant of the times and feafons, 
which the Father hath put in his own pow- 
er; andmufl.be willing that God fhould 
anfwer prayer, and fulfil his own glorious 
promifes, in his own time; remembering 
fuch inftru6lions, counfels and promifes of 
the word oPGpd as thefe — Wait on the Lord, 
he of Good courage, and hejliall Jlrengtheii 
thine heart; zvaity I Jay, on the Lord. For 
the vijion is yet for an appointed time; but in 
the end it -will jipeak, and not lie: though it 
tarry ^ xoaitfor it, becaufe it -will fur ely come, 
it will not tarry. Itoill look unto the Lord, 
I tdll waiitfor the God ofmyfalvation; my 
God zcili hear me. God xcill zcipe away tears 
fy^m off m faces', and the rebuke of his people 
fliall he take azvayfrom off all the earth; for 
the LoM hathfpoken it, Anditfiall be [aid 
in thai day, Lo, this is irur God! zoe have 
rjoaited for Jiivi, and he xcillfave us: This is 
JEHOVAH r cve have zvaitedfor hini^ zee %viU 
be glad and rejoice in his falvation. Amen, 


T H 1' 


O V 


O R> A 






Minlfter of the Firll Prefbyterian Church at Elizabeth Tov/n. 


AS the folio-wing difcourfe was delivered 
from Jhort notes, it is hoped that any 
Utile difference in arrangement, or any addi- 
tional proof s or illuf rations, now obferved^ 
will be readily excufed by any who heard the 
difcourfe preached; efpecially, whiljl it is re* 
member ed, that in a printed difcourfe much 
higher authorities are expeEled, than what is 
neceffary in the common courfe of parochial 

For any fentiments obferved to be omitted, 
the reader is referred to the tenor of the pre- 
ceding difcourfes; and ifanyfhould be ready 
to fay, that proofs and illuflrations are need- 
lefsly multiplied, it may not be improper to 
anfwer, that on thefubjeB, of prophecy, as well 
as in refpeSt to every other, the truth gains in 
proportion to the evidence by which it is aitefl- 
ed; andfhines much brighter whilfl fupported 
by a cloud of approved witneffes, than whilfl 
refiing on the opinion of anyfngle interpret 

i i iLiwiw p »i ! i»j«ua.yj i mj 8ggi[ 

T H 3- 

D O W N F A L L 

o s 


Revelatiom XVlii, 20. 

Rejoice over her thou heaven, and ye holy a^ 
pojlles and prophets, for God hath avenged 
you on her^ 

IN all the calamities which it pleafes God 
to bring upon his enemies, or upon the 
enemies of his church, all holy beings have 
caufe to rejoice. The ground of their joy, 
in fiich events, however awful to the fuffer- 
ers, is founded in the reafon and nature of 
things as well as in the exprefs appointment 
and call of God. 

The caufe of God in heaven, and the caufe 
of Chrill: and of his church on the earth are 
one and the fame ; and fo far as either the 
former or the latter, or both unitedly, may 
be employed, in their ufual methods of ex- 
ertion, in counterafting, and in overturning 


the purpofes of the Grand Adverfary or of 
his inftruments ; in the fame degree may the 
ftruggle be ftiled a common caufe, or a ge- 
neral war. The enemies of God are the e- 
nemies of his church, and they who feek the 
overthrow of the latter, would, if poffible, 
dethrone the former. On this account, there- 
fore, it is, that all holy beings, whether in 
the heaven of heavens, on high, or whether 
in the heavens of the Chriftian church, (for 
fo, in prophetic ftile, the word fometimes 
fignifies,) are called upon to rejoice at the 
calamities which God, in judgment for their 
fins, brings on his enemies, and on the ene* 
mies of his Zion. 

All holy beings have caufe to rejoice in 
the downfall of the wicked, as fuch a difaf- 
ter, under the management of heaven, may 
tend to the upbuilding of the kingdom of 
Chrift, and of the truth in the world. By 
fuch events viftory is, renewedly, afcribed to 
God. The faith and hope of the pious are 
revived and confirmed. — That fuch effefts, 
by fuch difaflers upon the wicked, have been 
produced, the fcriptures plainly teach. The 
drowning of the old world, and the deftruc- 
lion of Pharaoh and his hoft are inftances 
in point. In view of the latter,y^?2^ Mofes, 

Mystical babylon-. q2q 

^nd the children of Ifrael this fong unto the 
Lord, aMf pake, faying — / zoilljing unto the 
Lord, for he hath triumphed glorioujly: the 
horfe and his rider hath he thrown into the 
Jed, The Lord is my^Jlrength andfong^ and 
he is become my falvation : he is my God, and 
1 will prepare him an habitation ; my father's 
God, and I will exalt htm. The Lord is a man 
of war: the Lord is his name. 

Not only is the confidence of the righte- 
ous maintained by fuch difplays of vindic^ 
live powder, but the fame events load, with 
increafing danger, the interefls of Sataii and 
of the wicked in-general. 

To revive the interells of truth and of 
grace— to fupport the caufe of God in the 
bofoms of the righteous, and to accumulate 
the degrees of danger, apprehenfion and fi- 
nal deftruflion, on the part of the wicked, 
have no doubt been important, if not lead- 
ing objeQs to be accompliihed, in all the 
denunciations and executions which^ in all 
ages^ have been, in a higher or lefs degree, 
emptied forth upon the wicked, from the 
vials of the divine indignation. 

In purfuance of the fame important ob- 
jefts^ a call is iffued, on a mighty and folemn 

S s 


occafion, to all friends to God, and to hi§ 
government to rejoice. Rejoice over her thou 
heaven, and ye holy apojtles and prophets^ for 
God hath avenged you on her. 

Unfolding this paffage I propofe tolliew, 

I. Who it is over whofe deilruftion holy 
beings are called upon to rejoice. 

II. The caufe of this difafler. 

III. Notice the means employed to bring 
this event to pafs. And, 

IV. Shew the foundation the event lays 
for univerfal joy; concluding with fome re- 
flexions from the whole. 

And will a very gracious God fo enlight- 
en the mind, both of the fpeaker and of the 
hearers, that truths may be opened, impref- 
fions made, and effefts wrought anfwerable 
to the nature and import of fo folemn and 
momentous a fubjeft. — I am, 

I. To fliew who it is over whofe deftruc- 
tion, or downfall, all holy beings are called 
upon to rejoice. 

For this knowledge we muft repair to the 
firft and fecond verfes of the context. And 
after thefe things, faith the infpired ajx)flle. 
If aw another angel come doxonfrom heaven^ 


having great power , and the earth was light* 
enedwith his glory. And he cried mightily 
mth a Jlrong voice, faying, babylon the 


It is very generally, if not unanimoufly, 
agreed by ProteRant writers, that by Baby- 
lon, as ufed in this place, you are to under- 
fland the extenfive, once triumphant, and 
peiTecuting power of anti-chrillian Papal 
Rome, filled babylon, becaufe there are fo 
many appendages to this idolatrous power, 
which fo nearly refemble, and fo exaflly 
anfwer the prophetic defcription of Baby- 
lon, of the Chaldees — the inveterate, the pow- 
erful, and, for a feafon, the fuccefsful ene* 
my of the people of God, in ancient time. 

Figures of fpeech, efpecially in the pro- 
phetic parts, are very frequent in the fcrip- 
tures. Indeed, almofl the whole of this book 
of the Revelation of Jefus Chrif vjhich God 
gave unto him, to fliew unto hisfervants things 
zohich mufifiortly come to pafs, is made up 
of figures. Sometimes, left the figure (hould 
be unintelligible, the angel fent to commu- 
nicate the very interefting intelligence of 
this invaluable book, explains the figure. — 
And fometimes the prophetic herald gives 
a different view of the fame object in differ* 


ent figures. Of this method we have an ex- 
ample in the fubjeft before us. 

Papal Rome, here ftiled babylon the 
GREAT, in the chapter preceding is called,, 
becaufe of her idolatrous praftices, and be- 
caufe of her forfaking her original faithful 
Lord and Hufband — ^the great whore: 
And that it might be known to be the fame 
power, as is here defcribed, the word Baby- 
lon is annexed or interwoven with the o- 
ther charafters of this myftical harlot. This 
fa6l will be yet more clear if you liften to 
the teftimony itfelf So he carried me away 
in thefpirit into the zvildernefs: and I Jaw a 
roomanjit upon a fcarlet-coloured beaJi^fulL 
of navies ojblajphemy, having f even heads and 
ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in 
purple and fear let-colour, and. decked loith 
gold, and precious Jiones, and pearls, having 
a golden cup in her hand, full of abomina- 
tions a.ndfilthinefs of her fornication. And 
upon her forehead zvas a name^'written, mys- 

In fupporting the allufion, or in running 
the parallel between ancient heathenifii and 
modern anti-chriftian Papal Babylon, yea 


will permit, that I but touch upon the dif- 
ferent branches of fimilarity, leaving the 
more full illuftration to be fupplied by your 
own recolleftion and ftudy. 

As in the prophetic writings the words 
Jerufalem, Zion, the Temple of the living 
God, &c. are ufed to exprefs the ftate of 
the church under the Jevv^ifh, fo the fame 
words are fometimes applied to exprefs the 
ftate and charafter of the church under the 
Chriftian difpenfation. On the other hand^ 
as Sodom, Egypt and Babylon were names 
given to the enemies of God, and of his 
church, in ancient time, fo, under the fame 
names, their fucceffors are fet forth and de- 
fcribed as to exift in later times. 

All thefe dark (hades of national charac- 
ter, and many more, did time allow, might 
be proved to be, with juftice, applicable to 
this anti-chriflian power of Papal Rome. — 
To Sodom this power may be likened for 
her fin, and to Egypt for her darknefs, ido- 
latry and oppreiTion. And, without doubt, 
by the angel of God, in his addrefs to St. 
John on the fubje6l of the (laughter of the 
witneffes, thefe dark fiiades are applied to 
this tyrannical dominion. And their dead 
bodies JJiall lie in the Jireet cf the great city. 

334 '^^^^ DOWNFALL OF 

xohich fpiritually is called Sodom and Egypt ^ 
tohere, alfo, our Lord was crucijied^ On thefe 
words, faith an approved commentator* — • 
*' The place where this was done is ftiled 
" Sodom and Egypt, and the great city 
*' xohere our Lord was crucified; which, if 
*' literally underftood, fignifies Jerufalem, 
^' but if myftically underftood, ROME,orthe 
*^ Roman empire." — And no one, I may add, 
will fuppofe it is perverting the prophetic 
emblem, if it be applied, folely, to Rome; 
efpecially, if it be recollefted, that as Jeru- 
falem was the head of the Jevvifh, fo Rome 
profefTes to be the head of the Chriftian em- 
pire; and alfo, that the once crucifying of 
our Lord at Jerufalem, is but a faint emblem 
of the thoufand crucifixions he has fince un- 
dergone in the multiplied perfecutions and 
tortures of the members of his myftical bo- 
dy; and, I may add, which he ftill under- 
goes in the daily offerings, the myflical fer- 
vices, the fuperftitious maffes of the church 
of Rome. 

Hear, alfo, to this point, the teftimony of 
a late very refpeclable writer on the fubjeft 
of prophecy.t " As to the great city, men- 


* Buikit in loco, f Langdon in loco« 


*' tioned under the figurative names of So- 
*' dom and Egypt, and comparedalfo to Je- 
•* falem, where our Lord was crucified, we 
*' {hall find by following vifions that Rome, 
*^ with its empire, is meant. It is called So- 
" dom, on account of the abominable crimes 
*' committed in it; Egypt, on account of 
*^ abounding fuperfiition and idolatry, and 
*' the cruel bondage in which it holds the 
*' people of God: And it is compared to 
*' Jerufalem, being faid to be the city where 
•' our Lord was crucified ; becaufe w'hile it 
" pretended to be an holy city, it had killed 
*^ the prophets and faints, and crucified Chrill 
*^ afrefh in his members. Here it may be 
'' more efpecially obferved, that as in the 
*' beginning of the chapter the temple is the 
*' emblem of the Chriflian church, that city, 
" with its empire, in which the church is com- 
*' prehended, may very properly be compar- 
" ed to Jerufalem, the city in which the Jew- 
" ifli temple flood: And as our Lord was 
" crucified within thejurifdiftionof theRo- 
*' man empire, and by the Roman authori- 
" ty, and the Papal empire has fucceeded to 
" the other, and claims an equal extent, there, 
" is a propriety in faying that our Lord was 
^^ crucified in the great city Rome, confi- 


*^ dered in connexion with the empire of 
" which it is the capital." 

Having laid this foundation as to the ufe 
and application of prophetic figures, to which 
much might be added, were it neceffary, the 
way is plain to proceed v/ith my fubjeft, in 
an attempt to fliew, that by babylon the 
GREAT, whofe fall is predifted in the text^ 
is meant the prefent anti-chriftian power of 
Papal Rome* 

This fafl: will, at once, appear moft pal- 
pably evident, if, with attention, you are 
pleafed to follow me in a confideration of 
thefeveral articles of analogy, between anci* 
ent and modern Babylon, defigned to juftify 
the prophetic allufion. 

1. Did Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Ba* 
bylon, fet up an image^ and call upon the 
fubjecls of his empire to fall down and wor- 
fhip it, fo hath the Nebuchadnezzar of the 
church of Rome, fupported by the magi of 
his kingdom, fet up, and continued to fet 
up images innumerable, to which the ho- 
mage of bowing and kneeling is continually 
paid in churches, in many public places, and 
even on the common country roads, by the 
fubjecls of this myftical empire, as is well 
known to thofe who have paffed through 
this idolatrous country. 


2. Did the decree of the king of Babylon 
enjoin homage to this image on pain of be- 
ing ccifiiiito the midjl of a burning Jiery fur- 
nace; fo doth the church of Rome enjoin 
homage to her idols on pain of exclufion 
from her communion, with the tortures of 
the inquifition in this world, and the pains of 
purgatory and damnation in the next.* 

3. Did Nebuchadnezzar a6lually inf]i61-, 
or attempt to inflifl:, the pains of the fiery 
furnace on fome who refufed to bow down 
to his image; fo hath the church of Rome 
aftually inflicted, on thoufands of innocent 
Proteftants, refufing to partake in her idola- 
tries, all the tortures which imagination could 

Let the hiftory of her perfecutions, maf- 
facres, flaughters and burnings teftify to this 




* The Author once had his own hat knocked ofr by the bayO" 
net of a ibidier, belonging to a party who efcoried and proteded 
a Bi(hop and his confederates, during a very thronged procefiion, 
at Nantes, becaufe he would not do culloraary h.arnage at the pre- 
fence of the Holl, which was carried along the llreet?, claiming re- 
ligious homage, during the farcical exhibitions on the celebra- 
tion of the Fete de Dieu. 

f ** Satan has oppofed the Reformation with cruel perfscu- 
tions. The perfecutions with which the Proteftants, in one king- 
dom and another, have been tormented, by the church of Rome, 


4. Was ancient Babylon the feat and fource 
of idolatry in the Pagan ; fo is Rome in the 
Chriftian world. 


have been, in many refpeds, beyond any that were before. So 
that Antichrift has proved the greateil and moil cruel enemy the 
church of Chrlll ever had; agreeable to the defcriptlon given of 
the church of Rome, jhii I fa-iM the ^.v-imaji drmikcn imth tbe 
Ihodof the faints^ and '•^nth the blood' of the martyrs of Jefus. — 
jlTid /;; her <was found th' blood of prophets ^ and of faints, a?id of 
c.ll them that ivere^flain upon the earth. 

The heathen perfecutions !iad been very dreadful ; but now per. 
fecntion, by the church of Rome, was improved, and fludied, and 
cultivated as an art or fcience. Such methods of tormenting were 
found out, that were beyond the invention of former ages. And, 
that perfecution might be managed more effeflually, there were 
certain focieties efcabliftied in various pnrts of the Popifii domi- 
nions, whofe bufinefs it rtiould be to ftudy,' improve, and pradife 
perfecution in its highefl perfev3ion, which are called the courts 
of inquifition.* A perufal of the hiilories of the Romilh perfecu- 
tion, and their courts of inquifition, will give that idea, vv'hich a 
few worc!'^ cannot exprefs. 

* Thefe infernal tribunals were firfc ere.51ed in the twelfth cen- 
tury by th^2 infamous Father Dominic, under the patronage of 
Pope Innocent IH. ia order more completely to extirpate the 
Waldenfes, and other pretended lieretics. It is difhcuit to con. 
ceive, tivat if God had delivered the world entirely into the Devil's 
hands, {as Satan once pretended) tliat his ingenuity and niaHce 
could have invented any ihing more dsteilable and (hocking. In 
faft, there is fcarcely a method that could delay or pervert juftice, 
but they have adopted it in their forms ; nor does there feem a 
pofiible method of touure but they have invented and repeatedly 
exercifed. "1 he reader, whofe nerves can bear fuch reiterated 
fcenes of cruelty, mav read Baker's Hiftory of the Inquifition — the 
Hiilcry of the Inquifition at Goa, written by a Papiil, and fimilar 
works. But to flicw how far it is pcJTible for human nature to go, 
let him read the following e.xtradt from a fermon preached at E- 
vora, on occafion of one cf the moft horrid fcenes the fun ever be- 
held, an tf«/i? ;/^'^/^j when they burn or rather roafc heretics (as 


Did her kings rule over many kingdoms 
and provinces; io this anti-cKriftian idola- 


they call them) alive, from a principle of religion- " Beloved 
Portuguefe," laid the inhuman wretch, ** let us return thanks to 
Heaven, for his great goodnefs in giving us this holv tribunal (the 
Inquiiition.) Had it not been for this tribunal out kingdom would 
have become a tree without flowers or fruits, fit only to be com- 
mitted to the flames. What progrefs has herefy made, for want 
of an Inquifition, in England, France, Germany, and the Nether- 
lands ! It is evident, had it not been for fo great a blefling, our 
country would have b^en like tothofe above-mentioned.'* 

When the Reformation began, the bcaft with feven heads and 
ten horns began to rage in a dieadful manner. After the Refor- 
mation, the church of Rome renewed its perfecutfon of the poor 
Waldenfes, and great multitudes of them were cruelly tortured 
and put to death. Soon after the Reformation, there were alfo 
terrible perfecutions in various parts of Germany, and efpecrally 
in Bohemia, which lafted for thirty years together, in which fo 
much blood was (bed for the fake of religion, that a cenain v/riter 
compares it to the plenty of waters of the great rivers of Germany, 
The countries of Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary \^'ere, in like 
manner, deluged wiih Protellant bJood.* 

* *' If Rome Pagan hath fl.iin her ihoufands of innocent Chrif- 
tians, Rome Chrijlian hath flain her ten thoufp.nds. lor, not to 
mention other outrageous flaughters and barbarities, the croifades 
againfl; the Waldenfes ?ia<\ Aibigenfes, the murders committed by 
the Duke of Alva in the Netherlands, the maiTacres in France 
and Ireland, will probably amount to above ten times the number 
of all the Chriftians fl.rln in all the ten perfccutioriS of the Roman 
emperors put together.'' 

" By means of ihefe and other cruel perfecutions, the ProteH:- 
ar.i religion was in a great meafure fuppi efTed in Bohemia, and the 
Palatinate, and Hungary, which before were Protedant countries. 
Thus was fulfilled what was foretold of the little horn." Jndof 
tks ten horns that vjdre in his head, and of tJ)a other nyyhich came 
upland before ^hom three f II, even t^f thai horn that had eyes » 
and a mouth thatfpake g-reut things y ^hofi look "aias vi'irejloiit 
than hisfelbz^js: I bdeld and the fame horn, made vjar '■j^ith ths 


trous harlot is faid to Jit upon many waters; 
with whom the kings of the earth have commit- 

faint Si and prevailed stgainjl them. And what was foretold of the 
beaft having feven heads and ten horns. And it 'was given unto 
him to make 'war 'with the faints, and to overcome them ; andpo'-w- 
er 'was given hiyn over alt kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 

Alfo Holland, and the other low countries, were,for many years, 
a fcene cf nothing but the nsoft affecting and amazing cruelties, 
being deluged with the blood of Protefiants, under the mercilefs 
hanris of the Spaniards, to whom they were then in fuhjedion. — 
But in this perfecution the Devil in a great raeafure failed of his 
purpofe, as it i/Tiicd in a great part of the Netherlands cafting off 
the Spanifh yoke, and fettiag up a wealthy and powerful Proteft- 
ant fiate, to the great defence of the Proteftani caufeever fince. 

France alfo is another country which, fince the Reformation, 
in fome refpe<^s, perhaps, more than any other, has been a fcene 
of dreadful cruelties fuffered by the Proteftants there. After many 
cruellies had been exercifed towards the Protefiants in that king- 
dom, there was begun a perfecution of them in the year 15 71, in 
the reign of Charles the IX. king of France. 

It began with a cruel mafTacre, wherein feventy thoufand Pro- 
teftants were flain in a few days time, as the king bcafted; and 
in all this perfecution, he fiew, as is fiippofed, three hundred 
thoufand martyrs. And it is reckoned, that about this time, with- 
in thirty years, there were martyred in this kingdom, for the Pro- 
. teftant religion, thirty-nine princes, one hundred and forty-eight 
/ counts, two hundred and thirty-four barons, one hundred and 
forty-feven thoufand five hundred and eighteen gentlemen, and 
feven hundred and fixty thoufand of the common people. 

The Parifian mafTacre was aggravated with feveral circumflan- 
ces of wantonnefs and treachery; but we hope that the above num- 
bers are exaggerated. Thuanus, their own hiftorian, reckons 
thirty thoufand lives deftroyed in this flaughter; but Proteflant 
anthors feem to have reafon for fuppofing them not lefs than one 
hundred thoufand in the whole. But the moii horrid circumftance 
in the hiflory is, that when tlic news of this event reached Rome, 
pope Gregory XUL inftitaicd the moit fclemn rejoicings, giving 


tedfornication, and the inhabitoMts of tlie earth 
have been made drunk with the wine of her 


thanks to Almighty God for this glorious vi<Slory ! ! ! — An in- 
fiance that has no parallel, even in hell. 

But all thefe perfecutions were, for exquifite cruelty, far ex- 
ceeded by thofe which followed in the reign of Lewis XIV. which, 
indeed, are fuppofed to exceed all others that ever have been; 
and being long continued by reafon of the long reign of that king, 
almoft wholly extirpated the Proteftant religion out of that king- 
dom, where had been before a multitude of famous Proteftant 
churches all over the country.* Thus it was given to the beafl 
to make war with the faints, and to overcome them. 

* The Perfeciition U7ider Lenjcis XIF. — This followed the re- 
vocation of the Edi6t of Nantes, a. d. 1685. The following ex- 
tra6l is taken from a French work of reputation. 

" The troopers, foldiers and dragoons went into the Proteftants* 
houfes, where they marred and defaced their Iioufehold ftufF 
broke their looking-glafTes, and other utenfils and ornan-.ents, let 
their wine run about their cellars, and threw about their corn, 
and fpoiled it. And as to thofe things which they could notxle- 
ftroy in this manner, fuch as furniture of beds, linen, wearing ap- 
parel, plate, &c. they carried them to the market place, and fold 
them to the Jefuits and other Roman Catholics. By thefe means 
the Proteflants in Montaubon alone were, in four or five days, 
flripped of above a million of money. But this was not the worfl. 

** They turned the dining-rooms of gentlemen into flables for 
their horfes, and treated the owners of the houfes where they 
quartered with the highefl indignity and cruelty, lafhing them a- 
bout from one to another, day and night, without intermiflicn, 
notfufFering them to eat or drink; and when they began to fink 
under the fatigue and pains they had undergone, they laid them 
on a bed, and when they thought them fomewhat recovered, made 
them rife, and repeated the fame tortures. When they faw the 
blood and fweat run down their faces and other parts of their bo- 
dies, they fluiced them with waterj and putting over their heads 


5. Was ancient Babylon a fcourge to the 
people of God, and did (he bring them into 


kettle-drums, turned npfide down, they made a continual din upon 
th^m till thofe unhappy creatures loft their fenfes. When one 
party of thefe tormentors were weary they were relieved b^^ ano- 
iher, who pradifed the fame cruelties with frelh vigor. 

At NegrepiiiTe, a town near Montaubon, they hung up Ifaac 
Favin, 2 Piotsftant citizen of that place, by his arm-pits, and tor- 
Fnented him a whole night by pinching and tearing off his flefli 
with pincers. They made a great fire round a boy about twelve 
years old, who, with hands and eyes lifted up to heaven, cried 
out — " il> God, help me!" — And when they found the youth 
Fcfolved to die rather than renounce his religion, they fnatched 
tim from the firejud as he was on the point of being burnt. 

*' In feveral places the foldiers applied red hot irons to the 
Lands and feet of men, and the breads of women. At Nantes 
they hung up fjveval women and maids by their feet, and others 
by their arm-pits, and thus expofed them to public view llark- 
naked. They bound mothers that gave fuck to pofts, and let their 
fucking infants lie idnguifliing in their fight for feveral days and 
nights, Giying, mourning and gafplng for life. Some they bound 
before a great fire, and, being half roailed, let them go — a puniHi- 
nient worie than death. Amidil a tlioufand hideous cries, and a 
ihouiand blafphemies, they hung up men and women by the hair, 
and foxf by their feet, on hooks in chimneys, and fmoaked them 
with wifps of wet hay till they werfe fuffocated. They tied feme 
under the arms with ropes, and plunged theai again and again in- 
to wells. They bound others like criminals, put diem to the tor- 
tuje, and with a funnel filled them v/ith wine, till the fumes of it 
took avv'ay their reafon, when they made ihem fay rhey confented 
to be Catholics. They fcripped them nakeJ, ana, after a thouf- 
iind indignities, fluck them with pins and needles ftom head to 
foot. They cut and flafhed them with knives, and fometimes with 
red-hot pincers took hold of them by the nofe and other parts of 
the body, and dragged them about the rooms till they made them 
proraife to be Catholics, or till the cries of thefe miferable wretch- 
es, calling upon God for help, forced them to let them go. They 
beat them with ftaves; and thus bruifcdj and with broken bcnes. 


a feventy years captivity? fo this anti-chrir- 
tian power hath been a fcourge to the true 
worlhippers of God in modern times, and 
hath had a great part of the Chriftian church 


dragc^ed them to church, where their forced prefence was taken 
for an abjuration. In fome places they tied fathers and hufoands 
to their bed-pofts, and, before their eyes, ravaged their wives and 
daughters with impunity. They blew up men and women with 
bellows till they burll them. If any, to efcape thefe barbarities, 
endeavoured to fave themfelves by flight, they purfued them into 
the fields and woods, where they (liot them like wild beafts, ajid 
prohibited them from departing the kingdom, (a cruelty n^ver 
pradifed by Nero or Dioclefian) wpon pain of conhfcation of ef- 
tedts, thegallies, the lafh, and ^rpeiual imprifonment; infomuch 
that the prifons of the fea-port t^owns were crammed v/ith men, 
women and children, who endeavoured to fave themfelves by 
fiiglit from this dreadful perfecution. With thefe fcenes of dcfo- 
iation and horror, the popifh clergy feafted their eyes, and made 
only a matter of laughter ar 1 fport of them.'* 

0/Z'fr <:r«^///>/.~Befide the Proteftant blood Hied in thefe per- 
fecutions, Popery has to anfwer for the lives of millions of Jews, 
Mahometans, and barbarians. When the Moors conquered Spaio 
in the eighth century, they allowed the Chriftians the free exer- 
cife of their religion. But in the fifteenth century, when the ta- 
bles were turned, and Ferdinand fubdued the Morifcoes, (thede- 
fcendants of the a^ove Moors) many hundred thoufands of them 
were forced to be baptized, or burnt, mafTacred, or baniHied, and 
their children fold for flaves; befides an innumerable multitude of 
Jews, who fhared the fame cruelties, chiefly by means of the infer- 
nal Inquifition. A worfe flaiighter, if poffible, was made among 
the natives of Spanin\ America, where fifteen millions are faid to 
have been facrificed to the genius of Popery in the courfe of about 
forty year?. Well, therefore, miglit the infpired apoflle fay, that 
at my flic Babylon's deflrudion — hi her 'was found ths blood of 
prophets^ a7id of faint s ^ and of all that nverd fain upon ths earthly 

Rev. xviii. 24 [Sec Edv;ards's Hifcory of Redemption, with 

notes, page 452, 459, of the London, or new American edition.') 

344 '^^^ DOWNFALL OF 

in more than Egyptian bondage for tv/elve 
hundred years. 

During this bondage it is that the two 
WITNESSES — they^^ri) faithful, who, in every 
age, have teftified to the truth ; (as fome have 
fuppofed) but if fo, there may be alfo an al- 
lufion, and perhaps a primary one, to the 
TWO OLIVE TREES of the prophet's vifiou, 
the anointed ones thatjiand by the Lord of the 
whole earth. 

The olive tree afforded light from its fat- 
nefs, and nourifhm.ent from its fruit. Un- 
derftanding, therefore, the purport of the 
TWO WITNESSES, as explained by the an- 
gel, to be the two olive trees, and the 
Tv/o CANDLESTICKS, Jianding before the 
God of the earthy I am rather inclined to 
think, that they have a more extenfive, myf- 
tical, and important meaning than v/hat they 
have been generally underllood to imply. 
If the olive trees and candlefticks were an 
emblem of fpiritual and divine communica- 
tions during their {landing in the Jewifh, 
v/hat fhould hinder the fame application 
whilfl they (land in the Chriftian church? 

As the gifts and graces fhed down upon 
the minifters of our bleffed Lord, and upon 
his churches, after his afcenfion, were fup- 


pofed to have been typified or prefigured 
by the anointing and common oil of the 
fanfluary; fo the olive tree as giving light 
and heat, and, I may add, nourilhment too. 
Was found in the ufage and appointment of 
heaven, no unbecoming reprefentation or 
emblem of thofe fpiritual communications 
which were then fhed upon the true wor- 
fhippers, and which will ever be continued 
as long as Chrift is the vine, or true olive, 
and his people the needy branches. 

May we not then fuppofe, that by thefe 

TWO OLIVE TREES and the two candle- 
stick S,j/?a7Z(iz?2^ before the God of the earthy 
is meant the fources of divine and fpiritual 
fupplies to his church, the mediiivi of com- 
munication, or methods of outward and o- 
pen exhibition; or {hall we fay, that the em- 
blem may partake a little of each, andftand 
a lively figure of them all? 

If you afiv how this interpretation can cdrt- 
fift with the epithet, with their being called 
xvitnejfes, it may be anfwered, they are juftly 
and literally fo to be ftiled. Are not the 
Word of God preached, and his ordinance^ 
adminiftered, by his faithful minifters, pro- 
perly to be (tiled witnesses for God?-^ 


And if you choofe to retain the number tico, 
may we not fay the^m^ and the word,v7\\\\ 
their ufual and outward methods of admini- 
ftration^ are fignified; or fay the word, and 
the ordinances of God in general, or the 
whole exhibition of the teftimony of God? 
whether in things inward and fpiritual, or 
in things outward and vifible? 

With this interpretation agrees well the 
idea of their prophefying 2?ij^<;/^(:/^^/z; for 
no one can pretend, but the adminiftration 
of the word and worfliip of God, in the Ro- 
milh church, is fo beclouded by ignorance, 
ftiled darknefs ; by fuperftition and error, 
and by the miniftry of a corrupt priefthood, 
as to layjuft foundation to fay, that the wit- 
nefles, with this interpretation, are empha- 
tically prophefying in fackcloth. 

With the fame ideaconfifts, very exaQIy, 
the term of time in which thefe witneffes are 
appointed to prophefy: — It is during the 
whole reign of Antichrift, the forty-two 
months, or twelve hundred and fixty years. 
And J zvill give, or appoint, unto my tzco zoit- 
nejfes, and they jliall prophefy a thoufand tzco 
hundred and threefcore days, clothed in fack- 

With the fame interpx'etation agrees the 


declai'ation or expofition of the angel in the 
next verfe. Thefe are //z^ t w o o l i v e t r e e s 
and the two candlesticks Jianding be- 
fore the God of the earth. And, in faft, there 
feems nothing in the chapter but what may, 
with as great apparent truth, be reconciled 
to this interpretation, as to any other; and 
there are forne things in it which cannot, 
with eafe, be interpreted as applicable to the 
witneffes, in any other fenfe, underftood or 

And if any fhould be difpofed to believe, 
that the prefent reigning perfecuting infidel 
power, now waging war againfl: all revealed 
religion, in France, is likely to be the death 
of thefe fame witneffes, who, for a long time, 
have already been made to prophefy in fack- 
cloth, perhaps the opinion may find fupport 
from the declaration of the angel : And when 
they Jliall have fijiijlicd tluir tejlimony, the 
beajl that afoendeth out of the bottomlefs pit^ 
fiall make war againjl them, andfliall over- 
come them, and kill them. If this interpre- 
tation be true, the mourning witneffes are 
now fuflfering death in thofe parts of myfli- 
cal Babylon, where the exifling exterminate / 
ing power has prevailed. 

Did time allow, and was the prefent a 


proper place in the order of my difcourfe, I 
might expound upon the whole chapter, and 
eahly reconcile any expreflions which, at firft 
view, might appear intricate, or doubtful, 
to the fpirit of this interpretation. Suffice 
it, for the prefent, to fay, that \vith this in^ 
terpretation agrees well the declaration made 
refpefting the injury thefe witnefTes are able 
to do their enemies. And if any man will 
hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouthy 
and devoureth their enevnes. And of no- 
thing (hort of the adminiftration of Heaven 
can it be faid : Thefe have power tofiut hea* 
ven, that it rain not in the days of their pro-! 
phecVc And of nothing {hort of this can it 
|)e [sLid-^They have power over waters to turn 
them to blood, and to finite the earth with ail 
plagues as often as they wilL And very cor- 
refpondent to the death of the witneffes, and 
10 the lying of their dead bodies inihejlreet 
qf the great city, is the death, the broken 
and demolifhed ftate of external religion 
in thofe parts of Papal Rome, in which the 
prefent exterminating power hath prevail- 
ed. And equally correfpondent is the decla- 
rauon, that they of the people, and tongues, and 
nations; probably thofe nations and churches 
out of the communion of the church of Rome^ 


Jhallfee their dead bodies three days and an 
half, andyhy a more lively adminiftration of 
the word and ordinances of God, J/iall not 
fuffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 

And over the death of thefe witnefTes it 
is, that the men of this world Jliall rejoice, 
and make merry, and Jliall fend gifts 'one to 
another; becaiife thefe two prophets torment- - 
ed them that dwelt on the earth. 

To the refurreftion and final exaltation 
of thefe witneffes well applies the verfes 
fucceeding. And after three days arid an 
half, thefpirit of life from God entered into 
them, and they food upon their feet, andp-reat 
fear fell upon them thatfaw them. And they 
heard a great voice from heaven, fayino- unto 
them — Come up hither » And they afcended 
up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies be- 
held them. During thefe events it is faid 

And the fame hour was there an earthquake. 
May it not mean the earthquake now begun 
— the prefent convulfions amongft the na- 
tions, (for fo in prophetic ftile the word fig- 
nifies) which are to be fucceeded by the op- 
ening of the temple of God in heaven. And 
the temple of God was opened in heaven, and 
there was feen, in his temple, the ark of his 
tejlament; and there were lightnings, andvoi- 

250 Antichrijl's Fall groundlefsly 

'this was a member of the Chriftian churchy 
and fet by God in the moft eminent ftation 
in his church, ar<d was honoured above all 
other princes that ever had been in the world, 
as the great proteflor of his church, and her 
deliverer from the perfecuting power of that 
cruel fcarlet-coloured bead. Mr. Lowman 
himfelf ftyles him a Chriftian Prince ^ and Pro^ 
teElorof the Chrijiian Religion. God is very- 
careful not to reckon his own people among 

■ the Gentiles, the vifible fubjecls of Satan, 
Num. X xiii. 9. The people Jliall not be reckoned 
among the nations. God will not enroll them 
with them ; if they happen to be among them, 
he will be careful to fet a mark upon them, 

. as a note of diftinftion, Rev. vii. 3, &c. when 
God is reckoning up his own people, he 
leaves out thofe that have been noted for 
idolatry. As among the tribes that were 
fealed. Rev. viii. thofe idolatrous tribes of 
Ephraim and Dan are left out, and in the 
genealogy of Chrift, Matth. i. thofe princes 
that were chiefly noted for idolatry, are left 

' out. Much more would God be careful not 
to reckon his own people, efpecially fuch 
Chriflian princes as have been the moft e- 
minent inilruments of overthrowing idola- 
try, amongft idolaters, and as members and 

fuppofed at a very great Dijlance. 251 

heads of that kingdom that is noted in fcrip- 
ture as the moft notorious and infamous of 
all, for abominable idolatry, and oppofition 
and cruelty to the true worfhippers of God. 
And efpecially not to reckon them as pro- 
perly belonging to one of thofe feven heads 
of this monarchy, of which very heads it is 
particularly noted that they had on them 
the names of blasphemy, which Mr. Low* 
man himfelf fuppofes to fignify idolatry. It 
was therefore worthy of God, agreeable to 
his manner, and what might w^ell be expeft- 
ed, that when he was reckoning up the fe^ 
veral fucceffive heads of this beaft, and Con- 
ftantine and his fucccfTors came in the way, 
and there was occafion to mention them, to 
fet a mark, or note of diftinftion on them, 
fignifying that they did not properly belong 
to the bcafl, nor were to be reckoned as be- 
longing to the heads, and therefore are to 
be fkipped over in the reckoning, and Anti- 
chrift, though the eighth head of the Roman 
empire, is to be reckoned the feventh head 
of the beaft. This appears to me abundant- 
ly the moft juft and natural interpretation 
ofRev. xvii. 10, u. It is reafonable to fup- 
pofe, that God would take care to make 
fuch a uote in this prophetical defcription 

252 Antichrijl's Fall groundlefsly 

of this dreadful beaft, and not, by any means 
to reckon Conftantine as belonging properly 
to him. — If we reckon Conftantineas a mem- 
ber of this bcaft having feven heads and ten 
horns, defcribed chap. xvii. and as properly 
one of his heads, then he was alfo properly 
a member of the great red dragon with fe- 
ven heads and ten horns that warred with 
the woman, chap. xii. For the feven heads 
and ten horns of that dragon, are plainly 
the fame with the feven heads and ten horns 
of the bead. So that this makes Conftantine 
a vifible member of the devil; for v/e are 
told exprefsly of that dragon, ver g. that he 
was that old fer pent, called the Devil and Sa- 
tan. And to fuppofe that Conftantine is 
reckoned as belonging to one of the heads 
of that dragon, is to make thefe prophecies 
inconfiflent with themfelves. For herein this 
12th chapter, we have reprefented a war be- 
tween the dragon and the woman cloathed 
with the fun; which woman, as all agree, is 
the church; but Conftantine, as all do alfo 
agree, belonged to the woman, was a mem- 
ber of the Chriftian church, and was on that 
fide in the war againftthe dragon; yea,w^as 
the main inRrument of that great viftory 
that was obtained over the dragon there fpo* 

fappofed at a very great Dijiance. 253 

ken of, ver. g — 12. What aninconfiftency 
therefore is it, to fuppofe that he was at the 
fame time a member and head of that very 
dragon, which fought with the woman, and 
yet which Conflantine himfelf fought with, 
overcame, and glorioufly triumphed over! 
It is not therefore to be wondered at, that 
God was careful to diflinguifh Conftantine 
from the proper heads of the beaft ; it would 
have been a wonder if he had not. God feems 
to have been careful to diflinguifh him, not 
only in his word, but in his providence, by 
fo ordering it that this Chriflian emperor 
fhould be removed from Rome, the city that 
God had given up to be the feat of the pow- 
er of the beafl, and of its heads, and that 
he fhould have the feat of his em.pire elfe- 

Conflantine was made the ihflrument of 
givinga mortal wound to the heathen Roman 
empire, and giving it a mortal wound in its 
head, viz. the heathen emperors that were 
then reigning, Maxentius and Licinius. — 
Butmore eminently was this glorious change 
in the empire owing to the power of God's 
word, the prevalence of the glorious gofpel, 
by which Conftantine himfelf was convert- 
ed, and fo became the inflrument of the o- 

254 Aiytichrijl's Fall groundlef sly 

verthrow of the heathen empire in the eafl 
and weft'. The change that was then bro't 
to pafs, is reprefented as the deftru6tion of 
the heathen empire, or the old heathen world, 
and therefore feems to be compared to that 
diflblution of heaven and earth that (hall be 
at the day of judgment. Rev. vi. 12. to the 
end. And therefore^ well might the heathen 
empire, under the head which was then reign- 
ing, be reprefented as wounded to death, 
chap. xiii. 3. It is much more likely, that 
the wound the beaft had by a fword, in his 
head, fpoken of ver. 14, was the wound that 
the heathen empire had in its head, by that 
fword w^hich we read of, chap. i. 16. and 
xix. 15. that proceeds out of the mouth of 
Chrift, than the wound that was given to the 
Chriftian empire and emperor by the fworci 
of the heathen Goths. It is moft likely that 
this deadly wound w^as by that fvv^ord w^ith 
which Michael made war with him, and o- 
vercame him, and caft him to the earth, chap, 
xii. g, and that the deadly wound which was 
given him, was given him at that very time. 
It is moft likely, that the fword that gave hirn 
this deadly wound, after which he llrangely 
revived, as though he rofe from the dead, was 
the fame fword with that which is fpoken of. 

fwppofd at d very great Dijiance. 25/j 

as what fhall at lafl utterly deflroy him, (b that 
he fhall never rife more, chap, xix. 15, 19, 
20, 21. This wounding of the head of the 
bead by the deitruction of the heathen em- 
pire, and converfion of the emperor to the 
Chriftian truth, w^as a glorious event indeed 
of Divine Providence, worthy to be fo much 
fpoken of in prophecy. It is natural to fup- 
pofe, that the mortal vv^ounding of the head 
of that favage cruel beaft, that is reprefent- 
ed as conflantly at w^ar with the woman, and 
perfecuting the church of Chrift, fhould be 
fome relief to the Chriftian church; but, on 
the contrary, that w^ounding to death, that 
Mr. Lowman fpeaks of, was the viftory of 
the enemies of the Chriftian church over her^ 
and the wound received from them. 

It is faid of that head of the empire that 
(liall be next after the fixth head, and . next 
before Antichrift, and that is not reckoned 
as properly one of the number of the heads 
of the beaft, that when it comes, it JliaU con- 
tinue ajlwrtfpace, chap. xvii. 10. By w^hich 
we may undcrftand, at leaft, that it fhall be 
one of the (horteft, in its continuance, of the 
fucceffive heads. But the government feat- 
ed at Ravenna, in the hands of the Goths, 
or of the deputies of the Greek emperors,' 


that thoujlialt take up this proverb againjl the 
king of Babylon, and fay — How hath the op^ 
preffor ceafed! The golden city ceafed! — The 
jjohoLe earth is at ref, and is quiet, they break 
forth into fin ging : Yea, the fir-trees rejoice at 
thee, and the cedars of Lebanon fiaying — Since 
thou art laid down, no feller has come up a^ 
gainfi us. Hell from beneath is moved for thee, 
to meet thee at thy coming: itfiirreth up the 
dead for thee. 

Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and 
the nofe of thy viols; the wormis fpreadun^ 
flcr thee, and the worms cover thee. 

How art thou fallen from, heaven, Luci^ 
fir! Son of the Morning, hovj art thou cut 
down to the ground, ^ohich d.id tveahcn the 

TJiey tliatfie theefiiall narrowly look upon 
thee and confider thee,fiaying — Is this the man 
that made tlie earth to tremble? thatdidfiiake 
kingdoms? that m.ade the world as a zoilder- 
nefs? and defiroyed the cities thereof? tJiat 
opened not the houfc of the pr if oners? 
' For I tvtll arife up aga.infi t/iem faith the 
LordofiHqfts, and cut off rom Babylon the 
name and remnant, thefion and nephew fiatth 
the Lord. Iwillalfio make it a poffeffionfor 
ihc bittern, and pools ofi zvater; and I will 


fweep it with the befovi of deJlniElion faith the 
Lord of Hofls, 

Having thus taken but a very brief fur- 
vey oith^ joyful, though aioful expreffions 
of exultation at the deftruftion of ancient 
Babylon, let us, for a moment, examine what 
there is, upon facred record, to anfwer this 
emblem in refpeft to the downfall of myfti- 
cal Babylon. — And after thefc things Ifaw 
another angel come dozonfrom heaven, hav- 
ing great power ; and the earth was lightened 
with his glory. And he cried mightily with a 
firong voice, faying, Babylon the great is fal- 
len, is fallen, and is become the habitation of 
devils, and the hold of every foul fpirit, and a 
cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For 
all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath 
cf her fornication, and the kings of the earth 
have committed fornication with her, and the 
merchants of the earth are zvaxed rich thro' 
the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard 
another voice from heaven, faying, Come out 
of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of 
her fins, and that ye receive not of her plagues : 
For her fins have reached unto heaven, and 
God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward 
her even as fie rewarded you, and double un- 
to her double^ according to her works: in the 


cup ivhichjlie hath filled, Jill to her double. 
How much file hath glorified herfielf, and lived 
delicioufiy , fio much torment and fiorrozo give 
her: for fiie faith m her heart, I fit a queens 
and am no xoidozv, and fiiall fiee no fiorrow. 
Therefore fiiall her plagues come in one day, 
death, and mourning, and famine; andfiie 

Jhall be utterly burnt with fire: for firong is 
the Lord God loho judgeth her. And the kings 
of the earth, zoho have committed fornication 
and lived delicioufiy zoith her , fiiall bezoail her , 
and lament for her, zjohen they fiiall fee the 

fnoke of her burning. Standing afar of for 
the fear of her torment, faying, Alas, alas! 
that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for 
in one Iioiir is thy judgment come. And the 
merchants of tlie earth fiiall zoeep and mourn 
over Jier : for no man buyeth their merclian- 
dife any more: The merchandife of gold, and 

fdoer, and precious fiones, and of pearls, and 

fine linen, and purple, andfilk, andfcarlet, 
and all thyme zuood, and all manner vcffels of 
ivory, and all manner vefi'els of mofi precious 

zuood, and ofbrafs, and iron, and marble, and 
cinnainon, and odours, and ointments, and 

frankincenfe, and zjcine, and oil, and fine fiour, 
and zjoheat, and beafis, andfiieep, and horfes,, 
andchm'iots, andfitaves, and fouls of men, — 


And the fruits that thy foul lufeth after are 
departed from thee^ and all things which were 
■dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and 
thoufialt find them no more at alL The merch- 
ants ofthefe things, which were made rich by 
her, fiall fand afar off, for the fear of her 
torment, weeping and wailing. And faying, 
Alas, alas! that great city, that was clothed 
in fine linen, and purple, and fcarlet, and 
decked with gold, and precious fanes, and 
pearls! For in one hour fo great riches is come 
to nought. And every fiip-mafer, and all the 
company in flips, andfailors, and as many as 
trade by fe a, food afar off, and cried, when 
they f 110 the f nolle oflier burning, faying — 
What city is like unto this great city! And 
they caf difl on their lieads, and cried, weep- 
ing and wailing, faying, Alas, alas! that great 
city, wlierein were made rich all that had flips 
intliefea by reafon of her coflinefs! for in 
one hour fie is made defolate. Rejoice over 
licr, thou heaven, and ye holy apofles andpro- 
pliets; for God hath avenged you on her. And 
a miglity angel took up afone like a great mil- 
ftone, and cofi it into tliefea, faying. Thus 
with violence fiall tliat great city Babylon be 
tlirown down, and fiall be found no more at 
all. And the voice of harpers, and mificians, 


and of pipers, and trumpeters, piall be heard 

no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of 

whatfoever craft he be, shall be found any 

more in thee; and the found of a milfone shall 

be heard no more at all in thee; and the light 

of a candle shall shfne no more at all in thee; 

and the voice of the bridegroom and of the 

bride shall be heard no more at all iri thee: 

for thy merchants were the great men of the 

earth; for by thy forceries were all nations 

deceived^ And in her wasfound^the blood of 

prophets, and of faints^ and of all that zvere 

flain upon the earth, 

" And after thefe things I heard a great 
" voice of much people in heaven, faying, 
" Alleluia! Salvation, and glory, and honor, 
" and power, unto the Lord our God: For 
" true and righteous are hi^ judgments; for 
" he hath judged the great whore, which did 
** corrupt the earth with her fornication, 
" and hath avenged the blood of his fervants 
** at her hand. And again they faid, Alle- 
" luia! And her fmoke rofe up for ever and 
" ever. And the four and twenty elders, and 
*' the four beafts, fell down and worfliipped 
" God that fat on the throne faying, Amen ; 
"Alleluia! — And a voice came out of the 
" throne^ frying, Praife our God, all ye hb 


**. fervants, ftnd ye that fear him^ both fmall 
*' and great. And I heard as it were the voice 
" of a great mukitude, and as the voice of 
*' many waters, and as the voice of mighty 
" thunderings, fay ingj Alleluia! for the Lord 
" God omnipotent reigneth. 

Did time allow, I might follow feveral o- 
ther prophecies in their application to this 
fame anti-chriftian churchy and fhew the e-- 
vidence they all carry of a threatened over- 
throw; but I fliall wave this fortheprefent^ 
expreffing all neceffary to be expreffed in 
this place, in the vv^ords of an eminent Eng- 
lilh writer on this fubjeft,* 

'' The prophecies of Daniel, St. Paul, and 
St. John^ though /%^ of great weight, re- 
ceive additional force if brought near and 
illuftrated by each other. Having already 
examined them feparately, and apart, let us 
now confider them together, and colle6lthe 
evidence that arifes when they are taken in 
one view, and form an entire and perfect 

From the moft curfory vie\\r of the three 
prediftions it is evident, that the fame fchemS 


* Sec Hallifax*3 Sermons, page 3*8* 


and conflitution of things, the fame events^, 
perfons and times, the origin, continuance 
and deftruftion of the fame tyrannical pow- 
er, (which power, by Daniel, is noted by the 
appellation of the little horn, by St. Paul is 
denominated the vian i?/'^,?;!, and by St. John 
is branded with the titles of the beajl, and 
xh^falfe prophet:) are ^?/?m^/); foretold ia 

If Daniel defcribes the kingdom in which 
the little horn was to arife, by fuch emblems 
as can belong to none but the Roman, the 
fame emblems, to pre-figure the kingdom of 
the beafl and the falfe prophet, are alfo em- 
ployed by St. John, from whom we farther 
learn, thathis appropriated place of refidence 
is the city of Rome. 

If Daniel reftrains the fovereignty of this 
Roman pov/er to the European or weftern 
. part of the empire, after it was divided into 
ten (hares, the fame reftriftion is intimated 
in one of the epiftles of St. Paul, and is more 
explicitly declared by the beloved difciple 
in the Apocalypfe. If Daniel reprefents the 
^nature of this ufurped dominion as different 
from any other, St. Paul and St. John in- 
flruct u,s, that this diverfity confifls in its be- 
ing fpiritual, not a civil dominion, whicl^is^ 


therefore to be fought for, not m the Heath- 
en, but in Chriftiaii Rome. If the inftanccs 
in which this fpiritual dominion is exerted, 
according to Daniel, be chiefly thefe — afpir- 
ing to fupreme and uncontroulable authori- 
ty over the inhabitants of the earth — affeft- 
ing divine titles and honors — enjoining the 
worfliip of daemons and departed faints — 
prohibiting marriage — working falfe mira- 
cles — and perfecuting and killing thofe who 
oppofe its claims; the fame particulars are 
related, and with new additions and expli- 
cations in the writings of St. Paul and St. 
John. If the duration of this ecclefiaftical 
polity be limited by Daniel to a time, and 
times, and the dividing of time, the fame dura- 
tion is expreffed, and, in a variety of phrafes, 
by St. John, by whom the reign of the beaft 
is fixed to a time, and times, and half a time, 
or to three years and an half, or forty-two 
months, or twelve hundred and fixty days. 
And laftly, if the demolition of this ex- 
traordinary polity be denounced by the pro- 
phet of the Old Teftament, the fame inte- 
refting event is promifed by the two apof- 
tles of the Nevv^ Such a number of coinci- 
dencies, all fo ftrange and unufual in their 
kinds, to be found in the compofitions of 


three perfons, living in diffei^nt, and one in 
a very remote period, cannot fairly be a- 
fcribed to any other caufe than to the im- 
pulfe oS. \h^ felf-fmie Jpirit, who taught them 
all things, which it was neceffary fhould be 
communicated for the admonition of the 
church of Chrid, upon whom the ends of the 
zcorld fnould covie. 

Now of the eharafters recorded in fcrip- 
ture, as the undoubted marks of Antichrift, 
many, at leaf!:, have been (hew^n to belong, 
exclufively, to tjie tyranny nov/ exifting in 
Papal Rome. Yox^firji of all, this power 
is certainly a Roman one: Secondly, it is 
confined to the limits cf the Latin, or wefl^ 
ern empire: Thirdly, it arofe among the ten 
kingdoms into which that empire was parted 
by the northern barbarians; Fourthly, its 
throne or feat is in the city of Rome: Fifth- 
ly, it is a Chriftian power; ?LnA,fixthly, it is 
difcriminated from all others, by being of the 
fpirituai or ecclefiaftic kind. Thefe are cir- 
cumllances fo plainly realized in that part 
of Chriftendom which is fubjefl to the Ro- 
man Pontiff, that it is not poflible, by any 
ait or fubtilty of our adverfaries, they cau 
be evaded or denied."* 


* See the eleventh of Bilhop Hurd's Sermons on \\\t Proihg- 


After fuch teftimony and volumes to the 
fame effefl: which might be produced, if ne- 
cefTary, you will not deem it harlh, uncha- 
ritable, or unfair, if I fay, the objeft pointed 
at in thefe prophecies, muft infallibly be the 
prefent tyrannical, though, blefled be God! 
the tottering church of Papal Rome. This 
is the haughty Babylon, and this is the zoo- 
man arrayed in purple andfcarlet-colour, and 
decked with gold andpreciousjlones, and pear Is, 
having a golden cup in her hand,full of abo- 
minations, and filthincfs of her fornication. 
And this is the ivonian,u^on whok forehead 
zcasaname written, mystery, babylon 


this is the woman that was feen drunken with 
the blood of the faints, and with the blood of 
the martyrs of Jefus, And this is thtioovian 
■ that is denominated by the great city which 
reigneth over the kings of the earth. 

If, in this place, you think proper to afk 
any thing refpefting the rife, continuance, 
and final deftruclicn of this multi-formed 


cies, where the prophetic characters of Antichrlft, above defcrib- 
ed, are fiiewn, and in a very fatisf'adlory way, to be, fairly, appli- 
cable to the chuich of Rome. 


devouring monfter, I anfwer, briePiy, that 
according to the prefent mod approved cal- 
culations we are authorized to lay, that the 
origin of this anti-chriftian power was gra- 
dual, though its aftual continuance is feve^ : 
ral times plainly expreffed by the prophets 
to be tioelve hundred and Jixty years, 

" Sometime between a. d. 500, and tha 
end of the reign of the Goths, w^hich was a, . 
D. 553, when Narfes tool^ Rome and their 
dominions in Italy from them, and began 
the exarchate of Ravenna, the reckoning of 
tw^elve hundred and fixty years mufl begin. 
But Antichrift cannot be fuppofed to Hart 
up into view at once, in ^ fudden manner, 
as he will not fall without many preparatory 
circumjlances. He becan^e, by degrees, dif- 
tineuifhable. and doubtlefs his ruin will be 
brought on by feveral fleps in Providence. 

Therefore, if we begin at the earlieft date^ 
when we may fuppofe he fird prefented him- 
felf to view, the end of the period will bring 
us to the firil fleps towards his fall ; but if 
we begin at the lateft time, twelve hundred 
and Jixty years, will bringus to the complete 
ruin of his power. 

The firft open breach between the weft- 
em and eaftern churches was, as w^e have 


faid, about the year 500. To reckon: twelve 
hundred and fixty years from that time brings 
us to A. D. 1760. And it is remarkable that 
from that very year, v/hen the Jefuits had 
excited the refentments of the kings of Eu- 
rope, which finally brought on the diffolu- 
tion of that order,, the power of the church 
of Rome has been very apparently declin- 
ing,, and feveral plain fleps have been taken 
by the providence of God toward her ut- 
ter deflruftion. Convents have been fup- 
prefied, and their revenues feized in king- 
doms w^here fuperflition had long reigned 
without controuL 

The infernal Courts of Inquifition have 
received fevere checks, by which they are 
likely to be foon annihilated, in countries 
moft noted for Romifh bigotry. 

Liberty of confcience has been given tO 
Proteftants in nations which had loner beea 
devoted to the papacy. 

Roman Catholic princes begin to with- 
hold from Rome the cuftomary revenues. 
Even a late Pope, by his liberal writing??, 
lias lent his help to render Romifh fuperftr- 
tion ridiculous. And appearances arejiill 


* Langdon en RereJatlon, page 2.66- 


If, on the ground of the calculation juft 
now mentioned, we proceed, the conclufion 
obvioully is, that the deftruftion of Babylon 
\% very near at hand. If to 1760, the date 
of the commencement of her fall, be added 
fifty years, the term in which (he is fuppof- 
ed to be falling, the fum will be the period 
of her expefted overthrow. And from ap- 
pearances, now before us, we have good 
ground to conclude, that, if the decree of 
Heaven goes on for fixteen years to come, 
until 1810, as it has for four years paft, the 
denunciation for the deftruftion of Babylon 
will be fully accomplifhed. 

As to times and feafons, it is not for us 
exaflly to know; and whatever miftakes we 
make in our calculation of numbers, it does 
not however, at all alter the decree, or poft- 
pone the effeft. 

Hear the tedimony of an eminent divine 
on this fubjed.* 

" Whatever miflakes the Jewifh Rabbles 
" might fall into in their interpretation of Da- 
'* niel's feventy weeks, and in their attempts 
" to fix the precife time of the Meffiah's com- 


* Dodor Bellamy's difcourfe on the Millennium, piibliihed ti* 
X75S>— piige 34 of this work. 


„ mg; and whatever miftaken notions any of 
" them had about the nature of his kincrdom, 
•' as though it was to be of this world, and 
*' he to appear in all earthly grandeur, and 
'' although his coming, to (bme, might feem 
'* to be fo long delayed, that they b gan to 
*' give up all hopes of it, and to ccntrive 
*' fome other meaning to the ancient pro- 
'^ phecies, or even to call in queftion the in- 
*' fpiration of the prophets; yet neither the 
*' mijlakes of fome, nor the infidelity of o- 
** thers, at all, altered the cafe. Days, and 
** months, and years haftened along, and one 
** revolution, among the kingdoms of the 
*' earth, followed upon another, till the ful" 
" nefs of time was come, till all things were 
" ripe, and then, behold, the Meffiah was 
" born! Even fo it fhall be now. 

" Whatever miftakes Chriftian Divines 
" may fall into, in their interpretation of fix 
** hundred and fixty-fix, the number of the 
" beail, or in their endeavors to fix the pre- 
'^ cife time when the twelve hundred and 
*^ fixty years of Antichrill's reign fiiall begin 
" and end ; or whatever wrong notions fome 
*^ may have had, or may have about the na- 
** ture of the Millennium, a^ though Chrill 



" was to reign, perfonally, on earth; and if. 
'^ fome, mean while, begin to think that all 
" things will go on as they have done, and to 
'•' conclude, that the expedation of thefeglori- 
" ous days which has prevailed in the Chrif- 
*' tian church, from the beginning, is merely 
^' agroundlefsfancy; yet none of thefe things 
" w^iil at all alter the cafe. Days, and months/ 
" and years, will haflen along, and one revo- 
" lution, among the kingdoms of the earthy 
" follow upon another, until the fitlnefs of 
*' tivie is come; till all things are ripe for 
^' the event; and then the miniflers of Chrift 
*^ will accomplifh, in reality, what St. John 
*^ faw in his vifions : Ifazo an angel Jly in the 
*^ viidji of heaven, having the everlajiing gof- 
*' pel to preach unto them that dwell on the 
" earth, and to every 7iatiooi, and kindred, and 
^' tongue, and people. And then fhall it come 
" to pafs, that the veil of ignorance which 
*' hath fo long fpread over all na.UonsJIiali 
" be dejiroyed, and knowledge fliall fo great- 
*' ly increafe, that it fliall be as though the 
*' light of the moon were as the light of the 
'-fun; and the light of the fan fev enfold, un- 
" til the knowledge of the Lord cover the earth 
^' as the waiters do thefea. And then there 
^'fliall be nothing to hurt or offend in all God's 


" holy mountain. For Babylon (liall fall, Sa- 
*' tan be bound, and Chrift will reign, and 
*' truth and righteoufnefs univerfally prevail 
*' a tliouf and years.'' 

Having, thus, confidered who it is over 
whofe deftruftion all holy beings are called 
to rejoice, and fa id fomething of the origin, 
continuance, and expefted downfall of this 
power, I proceed, 

11. To confider the caiife of this awful dif- 

Rejoice over her thou heaven, and ye holy 
apojlles and prophets ; for God hath avenged 
you on her. 

If we confine our refearchcs after the pro- 
curing caufe of this difafter to the appenda- 
ges of Babylon, we fhall find it in her ozon 

Permit me to point out her guilt as hint- 
ed at in the chapter from which my text is 

1. Babylon is charged with the extent of 
her idolatry. 

The kings of the earth have committed for- 
nication with her; that is, have been em- 
braced by her idolatrous communion — unit- 
ed with her in a general apoftacy from God. 

2. She is charged with a felfifh, mercena" 


r\^ fpirit in the concerns of her adminiftra« 
tion. The merchants of the earth are waxed 
rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 
*' By the merchants underftand all fuch as 
trade in Babylon's wares; her pleafing and 
CO ly wares of pardons, mafTes and indul- 
gencies, by which fo many are enriched; as 
well as thofe who trade in images, and in all 
the coftly trappings of their idolatrous wor-! 
iliip, and efpecially in the fouls of men." 

3, She is fpoken of as contaminating ?^nA 
endangering thofe who tarried within her li- 
mits, expofmg the people of God to be be- 
witched by her forceries. And I heard an-, 
other voice from heaven, faying, Come out of 
her my people, that ye he not partakers of her 
fns, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 

My brethren, doth not this folemn decree,, 
for the feparation of God's people from the 
fins and abominations of Babylon^ preach 
to us in thefe United States, even to us, who 
inhabit this afylurn of the diftreffed, to be- 
ware of the habits, cufloms, influence and 
inchanting prerogatives of thofe who are 
fleeing before the vengeance of an incenfed 
God ? Be not partakers of her fins, that ye re- 
ceive not of her plagues. 

Xbis caution is fupported by the annum- 


elation of the angel of God. And there foU 

lowed another angel, faying, Babylon is fallen, 

is fallen, that great city, becaufefie made all 

nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her 

fornication. And the third angel followed 

them, faying with a loud voice, If any man 

zoorjhtp the heafl and his image, and receive 

his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the 

famefiall drink of the-wine of the wrath of 

God, which is poured out without mixture in-* 

to the cup of his indignation: and hefiallbe 

torjnented loithfire and brimfone in the pre" 

fence of the holy angels, and iii the prefence of 

the Lamb, 

4. The guilt of Babylon is Ipoken of as 
fending forth a cry: For her fns have reach- 
ed unto heaven, and God hath remembered her 
iniquities. Either a cry of the perfecuted 
and fuffering church, or a cry for vengeance. 
And when he had opened^ the fifth feal, I faio 
under the altar the fouls of them that were 
fain for the word of God, and for the tefiimo- 
ny which they held. And they cried toith a loud 
voice, faying. How long, holy ojnd true, dojt 
thou not judge and avenge our blood on them 
that dwell on the earth? And white robes were 
given unto every one of them; and it was [aid 
imto t/ieiUs thattheyffiouldrefl yet for a little 

374 ^^^ DOWNFALL OF 

feafon, until their fellow-fervants alfo, and 
their brethren, that fJiould be killed as they 
toere^JIiould be fulfilled, 

5. A remembrance of the perfecuting fpi- 
rit of this anti-chriftian power is fpoken of 
as warranting a decree for vengeance from 
the Court of lieaven. Reward her even as 

file rewarded you, and double unto her double^ 
according to her work; in the cup which fiie 
hath filled, fill to her double. 

It is probable this injunction or command 
is given to the minifters— to the miniflering 
angels of God's judgments, in behalf of his 
church; and though it doth not call for the 
peaceful followers of the Lamb to wage a 
carnal warfare wnth this intolerant power, 
yet it doubtlefs authorifes our prayers that 
her dellruflion may be fpeedy and inevit- 

6. The lad inherent caufe of this awful 
calamity I (hall mention, is found in the pride 
and haughtinefs, luxury and voluptuoufnefs 
of this felf exalted anti-chriftian powder. — > 
How much file hath glorificcd herfielfi and liv- 
ed delicioufiy,fio much torment and fiorrozo 
give her. For fine fiaith in her heart — Ifiit a 
queen, ayid am no widow, and fiiall fiee nofior- 
rovj. Thercfiore fiiall her plagues come in one 


day, death, and mourning, and famine: and 
fiejhall be utterly burned with fire : for Jlrong 
is the Lord God loho judgeth her. 

I am led to conclude this branch of my 
difcourfe, by adding, that they??Z(2/caufe of 
the deftruftion of Babylon is ihefentence of 
God againil her. This fentence is pronoun- 
ced by an angel from the court, from the tri- 
bunal of heaven. And he cried inightily with 
afirong voice, faying, Babylon the great is 
fallen, is fallen. And a mighty angel took up 
afione like a great milftone, and caft it into 
the fe a, faying. Thus toith violence fiiall that 
great city Babylon be thrown down, andfhall 
be found no more at all. If you afk the rea- 
fon of this judicial fentence from the tribu- 
nal of heaven, it is faid — For by thy forcer ies 
were all nations deceived. And in her was 
found the blood of prophets, and of faints, and 
of all that zcerefiain upon the earth* 

Having pointed out who it is over whofe 
deftrufiion holy angels and men are called 
upon to rejoice, and conhdered the caifeoi 
this awful cataftrophe, my fubjeft leads, 

III. To confider the means by which this 
event fhall be brought about. 

And what 7neans, my audience, fhould you 
fuppofe might be adequate to fuch a talk? 


to the tafl^ of overturning a power which hath 
fubfifted more than twelve hundred years, 
fupported by the kings of the earth, who 
drink of her cup, and delight in her force- 
ries — who have long fince lent their aid for 
her fupport againft the voice of reafon — the 
demands of Heaven, and the cries of per- 
ifning thoufands? — What pow^r is equal to 
the talk of accomplifhing even the decree of 
Heaven againil fuch might, fuch united force 
as Babylon is able to bring into the field? 
more efpecially, when you confider that for 
the terror of her enemies, and for the com- 
fort of her friends, this intolerant power pro- 
feffes to have in poffeffion the keys of hea- 
ven and of hell? 

Retreat you will be ready to fay from fuch 
a taPis.! Let no one be fo prefumptuous as to 
provoke her to anger, as to flir up her fury ! 
— Many have been devoured by this levia- 
than, by this multi-formed, infatiable mon- 
fter; and God forbid that any more fhould 
befwallowed up, whilfl: they are able to make 
but a feeble, though honed attempt! 

Our fears, my friends, are relieved whilft 
I read to you, from the infpiration of God, 
that the angel that pronounces the decree of 
deftruftion is commiffioned from the Court 


of Heaven ; has great power, and that the 
earth is lightened zoith his glory. And to 
fupport the executioner of the fentence it is 
a.ddcd,forJtrong is the Lord God zoho judg- 
eth her^ 

As then the decree hath its origin inhea- 
veri, and the promulgation of it is by a mef- 
fenger from Heaven, we are authorifed to 
look to Heaven for means to accompHfii 
what its decree hath ordained. 

Did it pleafe the Lord of Hofts, in an- 
cient time, to promife dehverance to the He- 
brews in Egyptian bondage; and did he not 
gracioufly provide the means of deliverance? 
—Was it in after times threatened againfl 
this rebellious people that, for their hypo- 
crify and fins, they fliould go into captivi- 
ty ; and did not a righteous God provide the 
means to execute the fentence? — Hear the 
appointment of heaven to this taflc. AJfy- 
rian! the rod of mine anger, and thejlaff in 
their hand is mine indignation! I will fend 
him againfl an hypocritical nation, and againjt 
the people of my wrath will I give him a charge 
to take thefpoil, and to toJie the prey, and to 
tread them down like the mire in the ftreets. 
Howbcit he meaneth not fo, neither doth his 




heart think fo ; but it is iii his heart to dejlroyf 
and cut off- nations not a/ew, 
. Vikerefwe itjliall come to pafs, that, roheit 
the Lord hath performed his whole work upon 
Mount Zion, and on Jerufalem, Iroill punijk 
ihejTuit ofthejtout heart of the king of AJjy- 
Q'ia, and the glory of his high looks; for hs 
faith, bytheftrength ofiny hand I have done 
it, and by my wifdovi ; for I am prudent : and 
I have removed the bounds of the people, and 
have robbed their treafures, and I have put 
down the inhabitants like a valiant man, 

I cite this paffage at length, not only that 
the fentiments under confi deration may be 
fiipported, as to ineans of execution, appoint- 
ed by the decree of Heaven; but to teach 
that means may be appointed, and m.ay e- 
ven execute the v/ill of Heaven, and yet be 
themfeU'cs wholly ignorant of the God they 
are ferving-— be vaftly finful in what they 
do, and be, final]y, forely puniPned for the 
ungodly deed. 

Again, did it pleafe God to promife de- 
liverance to the captive Jews from Babylon ;. 
and did he not gird his man for the purpofe? 
Thus faith the Lord to his oMointed, to Cyrus^ 
xchofe right hand I have holden, to fub due na- 
tions bfore him; and I zvill loofe the loins of 


kings, to Open before him the two-leaved gates, 
and the gates Jliall not be Jliut : I loill go be- 
fore thee, and make the crooked places Jlraight : 
I will break in pieces the gates ofbrafs, ajid 
cut in funder the bars of iron. For Jacob 
my ferv ant's fake, and Ifraelmine eled, Ihavt 
even called thee by thy name: Ihavefarnam^ 
ed thee though thou haft not known me. I ani 
the Lord, and there is none elfe, there is no 
God befAes me: I girded thee, though thoU 
hafl not known me. 

Thefe examples of means provided for 
the accomplifnment of mercies promifed, or 
for the execution of judgments denounced, 
in the wifdom of God, lay good foundation 
for us to proceed, and afford unerring di^ 
Teftion to us in our enqurics after the means 
or methods which God will provide and ufe, 
for the execution of the awful fentence of 
which our fubjeft treats. 

Babylon is fallen, is fallen! But by what 
means is (he to be brought down? 

The ftate of this anti-chriRian church is 
fpoken of under feveral figures or emblems, 
all of Vvdiich are to ^ave their end in fome 
method fuited to the deftruftion of the ori- 
ginal figure. 

If we afk after the deftruftion of this 


church under the figure of Babylon, we fhalj 
find the means pre-figured under the pour- 
ins: out of the fixth vial — -the vial Vv^hichall 


prefent expofitors allow to be now running. 
' And thejixth angel poured out his vial up- 
on the great river Euphrates; and the water 
thereof toas dried up, that the way of the king^ 
of the eaft might be prepared. 

I need not detain you here to fay that the 
river Euphrates fignifies the wealth, the re- 
venues, the ftrength and fupport of what- 
ever kind, by which Papal Babylon hath, in 
time paft, been upheld : — -And if you wilh to 
' know whether this river hath been, or is 
now drying up, you may be informed by 
aflung thofe who can tell to what end the 
revenues of the church of Rome have late- 
ly come. You may ad; where are her pri- 
vileges and prerogatives, her churches, her 
church-lands, her wonted revenues from 
princes and from fubjefts, efpecially, in re- 
fpeft to thofe parts of the empire on whicli 
the contents of this vial have already been 
poured? — -You may alk, where is that faith, 
that implicit faith which Vv^as once put in 
her?— that domination which flie maintain- 
ed over the confciences of men ? — Wher^ 
are her idols^ — her mafies-— her fuperfcitions 


.—her minifters? — As to her revenues, it 
will be anfwered, they have ceafed; — as to 
fdith, confidence and truft in this once re- 
puted fountain of truth and infallibility, it 
will be faid, it is departed; her fubjefts have 
thrown off the mafk, and refufe to be hood- 
v/inked any longer. As to her idols, fo far 
as there was any value in them, they are now 
paffing in coin ; and as to her minillers, they 
are executed and difperfed. Even the col- 
lege of Sorbonne* is obliged to yield up her 
magi, and give them, to her foes, a prey. 

If you afl^ why the drying up of the river 
Euphrates is fpoken of, that the zv ay of the 
kings of the eajl may be prepared? I anfwer, 
in a word, that as ancient Euphrates was 
dried up, that the way of her enemies, who 
^'eame from the eaft, might be prepared, in 
their approach to her de{l:ru6lion ; fo this 
myftical river is dried up, that the city itfelf 
may become. an eafy prey. 

On this pafiage hear the language of a ju- 
dicious divine.t 

*' In the drying up of the river Euphrates, 


'^ A celebrated in{lltution,or college, for the refidence of doc- 
tors, profefTors, and {ludents in divinity, at Paris, who fufFered ip 
the general calamity. 

t B.urkit in loeo. 


manifefl: allufion is had to the manner of old 
Babylon's deftruftion. The river Euphrates 
rail through eld Babylon, and vs^as a greater 
defence to it than its celebrated walls, which, 
for thicknefs and height, were the wonder 
of the world. Cyrus, " the leader of the 
Kings of the EaR," whea he took Babylon, 
cut many ditches, and let the river Euphra- 
tes run out, and fo he and his foldiers enter- 
ed the city, and took it. As the drying up 
of Euphrates, theii, was^an immediate fore- 
runner of the dellruQion of Babylon ; in HIkj 
manner, the drying up of Euphrates, fignify 
it what it will, fiiall be the immediate fore- 
runner of the deftruftion .of anti-chriftiaq 
Babylon, whenever it (hall be. The RoiBiflj 
Euphrates being dried up, the Romifii Bar 
bylon will hallen^ amain., tpwaiids itS: final 


Vv'hether the Euphrates of the R6mifh 
Babylon is not already fo far dried up, a^. 
that the Kings of the E a ft have made a breach 
upon her, let fa61s and daily intelligence dcr 


What though you call the inftruments of 
this fuccefsful attack upon Rome a lawlefs 
banditti — a race of infidels — men, whopro- 
fefs to '' knov/ no God but Liberty, and no 

. MYSTICAL 3A3YL0N. 383 

pofpel but their ConlHtution.'' — What then! 
are th^y not, in the hand of God, as well cho- 
fen inftruments for the execution of threaten- 
ed vengeance upon myflical Babylon, as the 
heathenifli kings of the eaft were, for the fame 
defign, upon Babylon of the Chaldees? 

Thofe who look through the great plan, 
fcale, believe and know that Kings and Cap- 
tains, in all ages ; nay, that even wicked men 
and devils, in the fullnefs of their rage, are 
yet under the divine controul ; that the wrath 
of tile whole, in the end, VnaWpraife him, and 
the remainder he is able to reftrain. 

In runnins: throucfh with the deftruclion 
of Babylon, the prophet notices a movement 
of a very extraordinary nature; an exertion 
made to oppofe the deluge which Almighty 
God is caufmg to overfpread the anti-chrif- 
tian world. But, alas ! a feeble exertion, and, 
in the end, does but expedite the overthrow 

And Ifcizv three iincleanjpirits, likefrogs^ 
xovie out of the mouth of the dragod, uiid^oM. 
of the mouth of the beajl, and out of the moiak 
rf the falfe prophet. The apoftle proceeds 
.to interpret tl:e objefls prefentcd. For they 
are the fpirits of devils, zoorking miracles^ 


ioohich go forth unto the kings of the earth, and 
cf the whole world, to gather them to the hat- 
tie of that great day of God Almighty. 

*' In the foregoing verfes,'*' fakh the author 
juft now cited, '' an account was given of the 
" fubjed upon which the fxth vial was pour- 
*' ed out, namely, upon the river Euphrates. 
" Here we have an effeft that followed there- 
*' upon; a warlike expedition, or gathering 
*' to battle. Where, note 1. The principal 
•^ commanders, in this battle, the Dragon^ 
" the Bead, and the Falfe Prophet. 

" 2. The inftruments employed and made 
^' ufe of by them who are faid to be, for their 
" xiB-iure, fpirits; for their qm.Vily, unclean; 
" for their number^ j^Ar^^; for their fmilitude 
" and refemblance like frogs; namely, with 
" refpefl: to their corrupt origin, and their 
*' numbers — they fwarm and croak in all 
<* places, and live both in the v/ater and up- 
" on the earth:— by all which, many inter- 
" preters underfland emiffaries, miffionaries^ 
" negociators, folicitors and legates, fent 
'' forth, and employed by Antichrift for th^^ 
'' fupport and flrengthening of him and his 
^' kingdom, by foliciting the kings of ths 
*' earth to join together in battle againfl: his 
*' enemies," 


We need no teflimony to fupport the o- 
pinion that the nuncios, legates, bifiiops and 
monks of the church of Rome have been in- 
dullrioufly, and, fpeaking after the manner 
of men, but too fuccefsfuUy employed in 
ranging the prefent combination of kings a- 
gainft the progrefs of the divine decree. — 
But Babylon is fallen, is fallen in the coun- 
cils of heaven, and no popifh emiifaries fhall 
prevail to parry the fatal blow. True, they 
have boafted their art and fuccefs in parry- 
ing the arguments, and the appeals of Pro- 
teftants in time pad, but they cannot parry 
the judgments of God. 

And he gathered them together into aplace^ 
called in the Hebreio tongue Armageddon. 

'' He, that is Almighty God, by his per- 
*' midive providence, fuffered the kings of 
" the earth to hearken to Antichriil's miffion- 
« aries, and to affemble and gather together^ 
'' as Jabin and Sifera gathered together a- 
*' gainft Ifrael to their own defl:ru6lion : And 
'' whereas the place of their gathering to- 
«' gether and deftruSion is called a r m a g e d- 
** DON, that is fo named from the event of 
'' the battle, fignifying fuch a place where 
•' the enemies of the Lord Ihall be deilroy- 

'' ed." 



If any are difpofed to enquire after this 
place of deftruftion, let them perufe the ac- 
counts of the many bloody battles which 
have been fought fmce refiftance has been 
made to the purpofes of heaven in the exijl- 
ing decree, and anticipate the deflru6lion yet 
to follow.— One hundred and fifty, if not 
two hundred thoufand, are fuppofed to have 
perifhed in all the conflifts, battles, fieges, af- 
fafmations and executions which have tak- 
en place fince the prefent vial has begun to 
run. Vv^itnefs, efpecially, the late very feri- 
ous rencounters between the forces of France 
and the allied armies, in and about the Auf- 
trian Netherlands, as well as upon all their 
frontiers, and we may add alfo the maffacres 
of internal commotion. — Muft not fuch tor- 
rents of blood be placed to the account of 
the battle of the great day of God Almighty? 

If this anti-chriftian power, for her apof- 
tacy from God, and for her idolatry, be fi- 
gured forth to us under the degrading and 
abominable idea of a proftitute. herdellruc- 
tion is find to come from the hatred of the 
itn kings or kingdoms heretofore in her 
idolatrous communion. 

And iiie ten horns which thoiifawejl are ten 
kings, zvhich have received no kingdom as yet; 


but receive power as kings one hdur,OY<iX.\\\Q 
fame time, with the beajl, Thefe have one 
mind, and Jhall give their pozoer and Jlrength 
unto the beajl. 

But, in the day of God's wrath, whilft the 
Jixth vial continues to deliver its myfterious? 
but avenging contents, the ten kings Jliall hate 
the whore, and Jliall make her defolate and 
naked, and Jliall eat herjlejli, and burn her 
with fire. 

If it pleafe God to fet forth this anti- 
chriftian power under the denomination of 
a beaft, his deflruftion, with his adherents, 
is threatened by an angel of God, not only 
as to this life, but as to the life to come. 

And the third angel Jollowed them, faying 
with a loud voice. If any man zoorfiip the beaft.^ 
and his image, and receive his mark in his 
forehead, or in his hand, the fame fiall drink 
of the wine of the wrath of God, zohich is pour- 
ed out without 7nixture into the cup of his in- 
dignation: and he Jhall be tormented with fire 
and brimfione in the prejence of the holy an- 
gels, and in the prefenceofthe Lamb, 

If it pleafe God to fpeak of this idolatrous 
and intolerant power under the character of 
the man of fin, whofie coming is after the work- 
ing of Satan, xvith all power, andfigns, and 


lying zoonders; his deftruftion is denounced 
as being brought about by the vindiQivejuf- 
tice of God; — W/ioiii the Lordjliall conjumt 
Tcith thcfpirit of his Tfiouth, ayid Jhall dejtroy 
zviih the brightncfs of his coming. 

If this power is reprefented as interwoven 
with the civil power oith^ fourth great king^ 
dom of the world ; if the civil and ecclefiaf- 
tical power of Rome forms the iron and the 
cla^\ well m^y its deflruftion be predicled by 
the rolling of the ftone (cut out, not with 
human hands, but by the providence of God.) 
apainft the legs, or rather the feet and toes 
of this kingdom, wdiich is founded of iron 
and clay- — partly firong and partly -voeak — 
partly true and ^dinlyfalfe: well, I fay, may 
deftruftion come from the ftone prepared of 
God with this defign. Thou fazvfl, faith 
Paniel to Nebuchadnezzar, till that ajlone 
was cut out without hands, zvhichfmote the 
image upon his feet that zvere of iron and clay^ 
and brake them to pieces: And the f one that 
fviote the image became a great moimtain, and 
filed the whole earrth. 

Can I better fet before you the interpre- 
tation of this portion of prophecy, than in 
the words of Bifiiop Newton, fupported by 


the celebrated Mr. Mede?* " As the fourth 
kingdom, or the Roman empire, was repre, 
fented in a twofold ftate; firft, ftrong and 
flourifhing, with legs of iron, cinAxhtn weak- 
ened and divided, withy^r^^ and toes, part of 
iron and part of clay ; fo ihisffth kingdom, 
or the kingdom of Chrift, is defcribed like- 
wife in tzvo ftates, which Mr. Mede rightly 
diftinguifheth by the names of regnum lapi- 
dis, the kingdom of the ftone, and regnum 
montis, the kingdom of the mountain; the 
fyf, when the Jione was cut out of the moun- 
tain without hands; the fecond, when it be- 
came itfelf a mountain, and filed the whole 

" Thefonewas cut out of the mount ainwith^ 
out hands. The kingdom of Chrift was firft 
fet up while the Roman empire was in its 
full ftrength, with legs of iron. The Roman 
empire was afterwards divided into ten lef- 
fer kingdoms, the remains of which are fub- 
fifting at prefent. The image is ftill ftand- 
ing upon h\?>feet and toes of iron and clay. 
The kingdom of Chrift is yet afoneoffwU" 
bling, and a rock of offence. But the ftone 
will, one day, fmite the image upon the feet 


* Newton on the Prophecies, vol. ii. page 244, 


and toes, and deftroy it utterly, and will it- 
it\i become a great mountain, and fill the whole 
earth: or, in other words, the kingdoms of 
this world JIialL become the kingdoms of our 
Lord and of his Clmjf, a.nd hefiallreignfor 
ever and ever. 

" We have, therefore feen the kingdom of 
xh^Jlone, but v/e have not yet feen \h^ king- 
dom OF THE MOUNTAIN. Some parts of 
this prophecy ftill remain to be fulfilled; but 
the exaft completion of the other parts will 
not fuffer us to doubt of the accomplilhment 
of the reft alfo, in due feafon." 

And what period of time, ray brethren, 
hath ever looked fo likely to be introduflo- 
ry to the regnum montis, to the kingdom of 
the mountain, as the prefent? Is not the 
flone now rolling againft the feet and toes of 
the mighty image? And when it fliall have 
fplit in funder the heterogeneous and unna- 
tural mixture, of which the empire of Rome 
is now compofed ; when the civil and eccle- 
liaftical authority (v/hich hath fo long com- 
pofed what, in the dignity and pride of an- 
ti-chrillian glory, hath been ftiled the ho- 
ly ROMAN EMPIRE,) (hall bc fcparatcd or 
diffolved, there will be good ground to be- 
lieve, that the empire of Jefus Chrift — the 
regnum montis, w^ill begin. 


The rolling of the ftone, then, and the in- 
creafe of it to the fize of a mountain, may 
JLiftly be placed to the account of means or- 
dained of God for the deftruftion of myfti- 
cal Babylon — the empire of the church of 

And if it may not be prefuming too far, 
I would venture to aflert, that appearances 
are not only now favoring the introdu£tion 
of the REGNUM MONTIS, but that it has al- 
ready begun, and is confiderably advanced 
in its progrefs. But, 

How {hall the IzUleJlcnebzcQmc 3. moun- 
tain, and how fhall it deftroy this mighty 
image, this anti-chriflian colofTus, which hath 
flood fo many a florm? 

Muft it not acquire a power — gain a mo- 
mentwn equal to the tafk? 

Muft there not be fome power applied be- 
fide reafon and argument; the force of which 
this power hath found means fo long to with- 
ftand? — Undoubtedly, you will fay, there 
muft be fuch a power — but wliere is it to be 
found, and from what quarter muft it come? 

Behold, my brethren, behold in the fcenes 
now paffing in the drama of Europe— an- 
other Aft'yrian and his hoft!— another axm 
the hand oi him that heiodh thereicith, and 


anothery2iZ(; in the hand of Am thatjhaketli 

In the fame group behold another Cyrus, 
xohofe right hand the Lord hath holden tofub-- 
due nations before him — before whom the 
Lord loofened the loins of kings, and opened 
before him the two-leaved gates. Before whom 
the Lord went to make crooked places Jtr aight ; 
to break in pieces the gates of brafs, and cut 
in f under the bars of iron : — Whom the Lord 
furnamed, and whom he girded with power, 
though the AiTyrian knew him not. 

If this language feem too myfterious to 
any, let them receive a familiar itile, and be- 
hold the regnum montis, the kingdom of the 
mountain, begun on the Fourth of July, 
177S, when the birth of the man-child — ■ 
the hero of civil and religious liberty took 
place in thefe United States. Let them read 
the prediftions-of heaven refpe6iing the in- 
creafe of his dominion — that he was to rule 
all nations with a rod of iron; that is, bring 
them into complete and abfolutefubjeftion; 
and that the young hero might be equal to 
this mighty conqueft, he is fupported by an 
omnipotent arm ; he is caught up unto God^ 
and to his throne. Behold, then, this hero 
of America wielding the ftandard of civil 


and religious liberty overthefe United States! 
— Follow him, in his flrides,acrofs the Atlan- 
tic! — See him, with his fpear already in the 
heart of the beail! — See tyranny, civil and 
ecclefiaftical, bleeding at every pore! — See 
the votaries of the tyrants; of the beafts; of 
the falfe prophets, and ferpents of the earth, 
ranged in battle array, to withfland the pro- 
grefs and dominion of him, who hath com- 
miffion to break down the ufurpations of ty- 
ranny — to let i\\t prifoner out of the prifon- 
houfe; and to fet the vafTal in bondage free 
from his chains— -to level the mountains — 
to raife the valleys, and to prepare an high 
way for the Lord! 

Againft all oppofiiion to the execution of 
this decree, the Lord, from the heavens, will 
laugh. He that Jitteth in the heavens Jhall 
uiugh, the Lord Jhall have them in dcrijion* 
— ThoUjfhalt break them with a rod of ii^on; 
thou fJiCvlt daji them in pieces like a potter s 
vcfeL Be zoife now, therefore, ye kings, be 
injtruded ye judges of the earth. 

It feems no unnatural conclufion from an- 
cient prophecy, and from prefent appear- 
ances, that in order to ufher in the domi- 
nion of our glorious Immanuel, as predic- 


ted to take place, and ufually called the to- 
tcT' day -glory, two great revolutions 
are to take place; i^n^firjl outward and po- 
litical; the y^C6)7i^ inward and fpintual. — 
Thejirjl is now taking place; its happy ef- 
fecis we, in this country, already enjoy; and 
O that the Lord would gracioudy put it in- 
to the hearts of his miniilers and churches, 
nay, of all now under the dominion of civil 
and religious liberty, to begin th^fecond re- 
volution, that which is inzoard and fpiritual^ 
even the revolution of the heart. Come forth 
then, may we not pray, all ye votaries of 
truth! ye advocates for the foiritual empire 
oithe latter day, come forth !^ — 

Let the ftandard of truth and of duty, the 
flandard of allegiance to God, through faith 
in his beloved Son, be fet up ! Let us preach, 
let us pray, let us fight, manfully, the war- 
fare of faith— not doubting, but in God's owu 
time, the glorious things, of which the pro- 
phets have fpoken, (hall be fulfilled ! 

Behold the firjl revolution, (through the 
agency of the hero of America] in this coun- 
try, already begun, nay, already accompliih- 
ed! — why not then now begifi thefecond? 

What encouragement is there to proceed, 
v/hilft we fee feme of the lafl events taking 

Mystical ba^yLOW og^ 

place, under the fixth vial, which are to pre- 
cede the glory of the latter day, to hcti/Jier- 
ed in.imrnediately on the pouring out of the 

I have now gone through with aconfider- 
ation of the means appointed of God for the 
overthrow of my Rical Babylon. Thefe means, 
I make no doubt, you will believe fully ade- 
quate to the execution of the decree. It now 
cnly remains that I confider, 

Lajily, The foundation which the execu- 
tion of this decree lays for univerfal joy. 

Rejoice over her thou heaven, and ye holy 
apojlles and prophets ; for God hath avenp-ed 

you Oil her. 

If there was no other caufe of rejoicino- 
on this mighty occafion, but the invitation 
of heaven to the general concert, fufficient 
caufe might be found for the emotion the 
event demands. 

But we are not called to rejoice without 
fufficient light afforded, to guide us in this 
rational and Chriftian exercife. 

1. There is caufe of univerfal joy on this 
occafion, becaufe by the deftru6tion of myRi- 
Qhl Babylon, the great Michael ofthe churcli 
hath gained a v^ry important viclory over 
the principalities and powers of helh The 


placing of one, bearing horns like a lamb, and 
fpeaking with the mouth of a dragon, in high- 
eft authority in the church of Chrift, is al- 
lowed, on all hands, to be a mafter-piece a- 
mong all the devices of Satan; the highelt, 
the moll crafty and fuccefsful effort which 
the wicked one hath ever played off againft 
the interells of Chrift in any age of the world. 
— Well then may the dete6iion and over- 
throw of Satan, in this fcherae of ruling the 
church, in the garb of an angel of light, de- 
mand the iivelieft acclamations of general 

2. A participation in this general anthem 
of praife, at the downfall of Babylon, is de- 
manded, as matter of exultation on the part 
of the holy prophets, apofties and martyrs, 
whofe blood (he had formerly flied. Rejoice 
over her thou heaven, and ye holy apojlles and 
prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. 

And in her loas found the blood of prophets , 
and of faints, and of all that wereflain upon 
the earth, 

v\ There is caufe of joy, at this event, on 
the partof the church, as in her advancings to 
her promifey imerefling events? 



In this fenfe, denoting the power of God In 
conquering the enemies of his people, and 
in fecuring them under the banner of his 
own prote6iion—the phrafe is ufed in Exo- 
dus xix. 4. Ye have feen what I did unto the 
Egyptians, and how 1 hrire you on eagle's 
WINGS, and brought you unto viyifelf. And 
after a long courfeof prottftion afforded to 
the people of God, througli the wildernefs 
of Sinai, and their fettlement in the promif- 
ed land, it is again faid, Dent, xxxii. g — 12. 
For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is 
the lot of his inheritance. He found him in a 
defert land, and in the wajle howling tvilder- 
nefs: he led him about, he inJlruSied him, he 
kept him as the apple of his eye. As an eagle 
fiirreth up her nef, flutter eth over her young, 
fpreadeth abroad her zvings, taketh them, bear- 
eth them on her wings; fo the Lord alone did 
lead him, and there was nojlrange god with 

Under the fame idea of the divine agency 
and proteftion afforded, faith the Pfalmift — 
Becaife thou liojl been my help, therefore, in 
thefiadow of thy loings, will Lrejoice. 

This foundation being laid as a key to the 
chapter, may we not proceed, and fay, that 
the woman denotes the Hate of the church 


in its firfl iriflitiitif^n? And there appeo.red a 
great wonder in heaven, a woman cloathed 
with the fun; it may be with the veftments 
of the fun of righteoufnefs; and the via on 
under her feet;, the earth and other fublu- 
nary things in their proper place; and upon 
her head a crown oftzoelvefars; guided and 
governed by the unadukerated doftrines of 
the twelve apoflles. In this charafter, the 
church of Chrill at firfl flood forth; but fo 
foon was the truth beclouded — her privi- 
leges reflrained, and her members perfecut- 
ed, that fhe, flruggling for civil and religi- 
ous liberty, is denominated as being zoith 
child, as travailing in birth, and pained to be 
delivered. The charafter of a woman the 
church is fuppofed to take, as denoting her 
delicacy — her fi uitfulnefs, and her need of 

But under the laflies of paganifm and hea- 
thenifh tyranny, flie was obliged to groan 
out the ten perfecutions, v.vx\], in the perfon 
of Conftantine the Great, the firfl Chnflian 
emperor, fhe brought fanh her firft-bcrn, 
and lived, for a while, und^r the happy do- 
minion of civil and religious liberty. 

And v;ho would have thougrht that, in 
procefs of time, profperity would have pro- 


duced fuch pride, dominion and tyranny in 
fpiritual, and in earthly things ; even in thofe 
who have but jail tiow emerged from a fuf- 
fering and pe^fecuted ftate? 

But, alas! behold the Pagan Dragon re- 
ftored to life, in the papal, anti-chriftian im- 
age ! And under this papal, perfecuting po v/< 
er behold the feries of heathenifh perfecu- 
tion again renewed! 

How did the woman again labor to be de- 
livered, and v/hat were the effeftsof her la- 
bor, under papal tyranny, but the glorious 
reformation v/hich took place in thefixteenth 
century, under the preaching of WicklifF, 
John Hufs, and Jerom; and afterwards car- 
ried on by Luther, Calvin, and others? 

And fiiall it, may it now^ be faid, that the 
fpirit of proteftantifm — the hero of deliver- 
ance from the thraldom of Popery, ever be- 
come fo degenerated as, in the fmalleft de- 
gree, to aft over the part of its Papal and 
Pagan predeceffors ? Let the perfecutions of 
civil and ecclefiaftical powder, under Mary, 
James, Laud, and others, whilft they flrug- 
gled for uncontrouled dominion in church 
and ftate, '' m things civil and ecclefiafti- 
cal," anfwer to this point! 

The fufferings of the Proteftants, under 


this new-formed intolerant power, do well 
anfwer to the charafter of the cluirch — of 
tlie woman in lier fuffering and perfecuted 

But, behold! howfoon does the perfecut- 
ed woman receive an anfwer to her folema 
appeals, and reiterated cries? See, on the 
wings of a bounteous providence, how fne 
is wafted acrofs the Atlantic, and fettled in 
thefe peaceful American abodes! — Happy, 
that as the time of general redemption comes, 
her enemies are held in partial reifraint. — 
Here {he is purfued and perfecuted only in 
outvfard and civil things; though what de- 
figns might have been formed againft her 
religious freedom v/e cannot fay. 

In a word, behold the hero of civil and 
religious liberty born in thefe weftern climesl 
And fee him already on his way back to de- 
molifh the proud and haughty eUablifhrnents 
of civil and ecclefiaflical tyranny, which have 
in thefe feveral forms, perfecuted his mo- 
ther, whilft fhe labored to give him birth! 

And is it too much to fuppofe, that, in 
his progrefs back, he will demolilh all that 
is contrary to the fpirit of the truth — to the 
intent and defign of that power, under whofe 
aufpiccs he now proceeds, conquering and 


to conquer; whether fuch counterfeits of 
truth be found in Proteftant, in Papal, or in 
Pagan Rome? Efpecially, whilft you read, 
that this hero is to rule all nations with a 
rod of iron, and is caught up to God and to 
his throne? — If you requeft any further il- 
luftrations to authenticate this interpreta- 
tion, attend to the declaration, that when the 
Dragon, in his multi-formed charafter, was 
caft out, was conquered, difappointed, or dif- 
graced, he perfecuted the woman that bro't 
forth the man-child. And thus, my audi- 
ence did the Pagan Dragon, in the perfon 
and perfecutions of Julian the Apoflate ; and 
thus did the Papal Dragon, in all the perfe- 
cutions, thunders, and councils, by which he 
hath vexed and deflroyed the Proteftants; 
and thus has the Proteftant Dragon done, not 
only in heavy perfecutions for confcience 
fake, but, efpecially, in the flood of troops, 
armies and fleets — Britons andIrirn,Brunf- 
wickers and Waldeckers, Heffians and Anf- 
pachers, which this red dragon vomited forth 
for the deftruftion of the woman in the A- 
nierican wiidernefs, during the late unpro- 
voked and cruel v;ar; and thus is this Pro- 
teftant Dragon, even nov/, but too ready to 
exprefs of his perfccuting temper, in open^ 


ing upon thefe defencelefs ftates the Alge- 
riiie Corfairs — in committing depredations 
upon our commerce, and in letting loole, or 
in countenancing their f'avagc allies, in mak- 
ing war upon our weftern frontiers. But we 
believe in God, our hope and confidence is 
in him, and to his protefting power and pro- 
vidence do we, therefore, humbly appeal. 

You will not nov/ doubt of the propriety 
of the allufion, juft now hinted at, refpefting 
ing the perfecuting power of the ProteRant 
Dragon — nor at all deny the propriety of 
our holding ourfelves in lively and animat- 
ed readinefs to break the jaws of this levia- 
than, as God may give us power, fhould he 
attempt again to break our peace. 

And if any fhould be difpofed to afk what 
has become of the eagle, on whofe wnngs the 
perfecuted woman was born into the Ame- 
rican wildernefs, may it not be anfwered, 
that (he bath taken her ftation upon the 
broad feal of the United States; and from 
thence has perched upon the pediment of 
the firft government-houfe, dedicated to the 
dominion of civil and religious liberty, where 
fhe is flill to be feen, an emblem of thepro- 
teftion of Providence towards our prefent 
government, and towards this our happy 


If any fliould be difpored, further, to aflc 
whether the dragon of the regions below, 
even that old ferpent called the Devil, and 
Satan, is to be feen in any other form than 
as animating the dragons — the combinations 
of civil and ecclefiaftical power, in the many 
external injuries they have wrought againft 
the church of God on the earth? I anfwer, 
yes, in every age of the church, whether her 
external ftate has been peaceful or trouble- 
fome: The errors in doftrine — the breaches 
upon the purity of Chriftian praflice — the 
fcifms, divifions and difcords in churches — 
the prejudice, hatred and malice which have, 
at times, prevailed in the church, have been, 
for the moft part, but the ebullitions of Satan, 
the great dragon of dragons, who continually 
goeth about, as a roaring lion, feeking whom 
he may devour; and haplefs ftate the church, 
too frequently, has been in, that even with- 
in her own bofom, the Devil himfelf fhould 
find fo many willing inftruments of his plea- 
fure; agents of his infernal crafto Look a- 
broad upon our churches, and behold the 
dearth of religion — the want of unity, ani- 
mation and zeal amongft both minifters and 
people; and pray, oh fervently pray, that 
when, as at the prefent time^ the enemy (hall 


tome in like a flood, the fpirit of the Lord, 
in his word, in his minifters and churches, 
may lift up a ftandard againft him. 

But returning to the important fubjeft of 
i\\^ fecond great revolution, after which it is 
our duty conftantly to labor, may we not 
add, in view of the example of our late po- 
litical ftruggle— 

If, then, noble exerrions for the firft revo- 
lution have been made by our brethren, guid^ 
ed by heaven in the field, and in the cabi- 
net; are not we now, as Chriftians, and as 
iiiinifters, to be guided? — Is it not full time, 
that we fliould be led, by the zeal of their 
tioble example, whilft we fight the battles of 
the Lord of Hods, in our clofets and in our 
families — in our churches and in our pul-* 

Purfuing this objeft, let us reafon the point, 
for a moment, with yonder infidel — Let us 
aflc what more evidence he needs of the truth 
of the fcriptures, than to fee the events, long 
Cnce predifted, daily fulfilling before his 
eyes ? — Let us afk him to read a page or two 
in a late publication, on the fubjeft of pro- 
phecy, as the teftimony of Jefus.* 

K O T E. 

* See Hinfdale's Difco. A. P. voL iv. page laJ. 


■ " Where ai^e now ihoie renounced cities^ 
Nineveh, Babylon and Tyre, v/hofe defola- 
tion was fo often Jenoanced by the prophets ? 
— What is now the condition of Jerufalem 
and Jadea? — Are they not trodden dozon of 
the Gentiles, and likely to be Itill trodden 
down, until the times that the G entiles Jliall he 
fiiljilled? How remarkably do the aftions 
and ftate of the Turks, who have To long 
trodden them down, agree to what was pre- 
difted of them ? Hejliall covie xoith horfevieny 
and manyjiups, and Jliall overfuoio and pafs o- 
ver. He (hall enter into the glorious land, 
and many countries (hall- be overthrown. 
Do you not find it even fo ? And that he hath 
ftretched out his hand over the land of E- 
gypt, with the Lyhian at hisjleps, whilft the 
Arabians /till efco.pe out of his hand. 

Hath not the Rate of Egypt, for many paft 
ages, been juft as was foretold? a hafe, and 
the bafefi of kingdoms, without a ruler of her 
own, and zcajted byjlrangers? 

Obferve the fourth kingdom of Daniel's 
vifion broken into ten. Behold that won- 
derful power, diverfe from the Jirfl, which 
hath arifen up among them, with a lookmore 
Jlout than his fellows, and a mouth fpeaking 
great things^ even great words againft the 


MOST HIGH: thatpowerwhich wearetli out 
the faints of the most high, and changeth 
times and laws. Behold him cajling down 
the truth to the ground; forbidding to Jjiar- 
ry, and commanding to abjiain from meats: 
Yea, behold hxmjitting in the temple, in the 
church of God, an d fiezoi ng himfe If ihdit he is 
God, whofe coming is with fgns and lying 
zvonders. And remember that the feat of this 
horrid tyrannical power is ^/i^j^^rm^^a^jVtt'AzV/^ 
fandeth on feven mountains, and vs^hich, in 
the days of the prophecy, reigned over all 
the kings of the earth. — In fine, 

" You fee the church of God fubfifting, 
at this day, in the world— the fame church 
which, before Chrift, w^as continued in the 
feed of Abraham, and which, at and after 
his coming, took that nesv form which Da- 
niel faw under the name of the kingdom 
OF HEAVEN; and hath ever fmce fubfifted 
among the Gentiles. You know the prefer- 
vation and final prevalence of this fociety, 
together with the hoflile attempts, and final 
ruin of all her enemies, have been predifted 
by all the prophets from Mofes to St. John. 

" Now, when ye fee this very church prefent 
in exiRence and enlargement, afier al! the at- 
tempts v/hich liave been made, in all man- 


ner of ways, and through a long fuccefTion 
of ages, for her deftruftion; and notwith- 
ftanding (lie has all the feeds of defolation 
in herfelf, has often been extremely feeble, 
and in the hand of her enemies, and at the 
point of death: When you fee this, you be- 
hold an event, which, though perfectly cor-^ 
refponding to hundreds of fcripture-prophe- 
cies and promifes, is yet unparalleled 


me to repeat, it is unparalleled in the 
likely event, when it was foretold, ever to 
have exifted, and which indeed never could 
have exifted, but by the marvellous provi- 
dence of God, defeating the influence of na- 
tural caufes, that he might fulfil the defigns 
of his mercy — that he might confirm the 
words of hisfervants, and perform the counfel 
of his vieffengers; and, at the fame time, that 
he might f^ii/irafe the tokens of the liars, and 
make diviners mad, and clofe the mouth of 
infidels m perpetual flence, 

'• Thus is the fpirit of prophecy the tefli- 
mony of Jehovah to the facred fcripturesas 
his ovv'N ORACLES,andtoJefusas theChrift, 
^nd of confequence to the Chriltian Religion 



And where fhall the minifters of Chrift 
next turn their attention, in order fuccefs- 
fully to carry on the purpofes of this fecond, 
this inward and fpiritual revolution of the 

Unlefs the great Michael of the church 
fiiould aid, our hopes of fuccefs would be 
loft ; but fo long as we have his promife — 
Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of 
the world — we are encouraged to go on» 

Let us, then, make our addrefles to men 
of underftanding — to men of found judg- 
ment, and reftitude of heart, and folicit the 
force of their intereft and example. 

Let us even attempt to touch the ambi- 
tion of the ambitious, by pointing them to 
the robes of diftinftion, and inconceivable 
marks of favor in the regions of glory, which 
await the man whom the king delights to 

Let us affail the caftle of the mifer, and 
tell him, that in the regions of glory are riv- 
ers of treafure, floods of falvation, a thoufand 
fold more regaling to the appetites of the 
foul, than earthly fubftance can be to the 

Let us guide the wandering views of the 
man of bufinefs, by fetting before him thene- 


cmTity of feekingj^r/? the kingdom of God and 
his righteoufnefs, that all thefe things may be 

May we not aroufe the attention of the 
ftupid, the obftinate, and fenfual, by paint- 
ing to them, in lively colours, the danger to 
which they are expofed, as well as the bafe- 
nefs oi earthly Z-Tid fenfual gratifications, in 
comparifon v/ith thofe which are intelleflual 
and heavenly? ,, 

May we not folicit the aid of the improv- 
ed, the elevated, and the polite, by affuring 
them that a field of improvement, profpefts 
of elevation, and the moR finifhed examples 
of heavenly grace, are all prefented to their 
embrace, in the purfuit of the rewards pro- 
mifed by our exalted king? 

And, laft of all, may v/e not, Vvith high 
profpefts of fuccefs, humbly fuggeft, that by 
the example and influence of the female 
world, even of the mofl delicate and refin- 
ed, much might be done to further the pur- 
pofes of heaven? — If any of our fair audi- 
ence ihould fay, '^ We have not yet learned 
the paths of piety ourfelves: we are, alas! 
but too far from hope of fetting good exam- 
ple to others, or of aiding the interefts of 
vntue, by the feeble efforts of what, at beft. 


can be only ftiled the improvements cf na- 
ture, deflitute of the refinements of heaven- 
ly grace:" — Let us pray th.em to lend their 
hand to fome guardian angel, v/ho may lead 
them, perhaps, abroad to view the v/ondrous 
traces of wifdom, and of power, in all crea- 
tion's handy works; and when, from the o- 
racles of truth, they become farther convinc- 
ed of the being of a God — of his equitable^ 
holy, juft and good laws — of their ovv^n im- 
perfeclions of heart and life — of their final 
accountablenefs at the bar of an impartial 
judge; they maybe willing to follow their 
heavenly guide into the retirements of fecret 
devotion, and there unbofom the foul to 
God, imploring the pardon and ablution of 
fin, through the blood of the Lamb. What 
though a tear of contrition find its way, e- 
vincing the deep woundings of the heart, 
purfued by an upbraiding confcience, for 
time and talents mifimproved — for negleft 
of God, the univerfal Creator— for neglecl 
of the overtures of proffered mercy — for the 
grievings of the holy fpirit of God, occa- 
fioned by the pride of the heart, refufing to 
bow to thefceptre of fovereign grace? What 
though, from caufes likethefe, a tear of con- 
trition might fall, and the bofom heave in 


fighs ofpenitence and prayer? If pardon fof 
the foul, and acceptance with God fliould be 
the happy fruit, and a life of unexampled 
piety the permanent effefts- — how interefting 
the change — how promifmg the profpecl ! 

With fupport of numbers, and example of 
graces fuch as thefe, with what fuccefs might 
the advocates of truth plead the caufe of 
heaven, and how foon might we expeft that 
in the place of unbelief, ftupor, infenfibility 
and hardnefs of heart; we Ihould difcover 
the feeds of the happy wifhed-for revolution 
already to be fov/n, and the effefts to appear 
in full and abundant fheaves of heavenly 
grace ! 

But — whither do I run, leading my au- 
dience — fathers and brethren, it may be^ 
into paths lefs promifmg than thofe in which 
they have been accullomed, fuccefsfully to 
tread ! — -I paufe, then ; nay, I draw to a con- 
clufion by faying, in the words of a refpefted 
father in the church of God, on the fubjeft 
of Minifterial Charafter and Duty,* — " It 
requires no fmall attention and labor to feek 
out fit and acceptable words, as the preacher 
expreffes it, to ftir up the attention of the 


* Witherfpoon, voK i. A» P. page 19, 


inconfiderate — to awaken, fecure, and con- 
vince obftinate Tinners — to unmafk the co- 
vered hearts of hypocrites — to fet right the 
erring, and encourage the fearful." 

Notwithftanding this^, may we not all, ani- 
mated by the profpefts of promifed aid, go 
forth manfully, to fight the battles of the 
Lord — to play the man for God, and for 
the cities of our God; knowing that in our 
faithful exertions the name of the Lord' is 
honored, though Ifrael be not gathered. 

Finally, my brethren, " Have we feen the 
fcriptures fealed by paft events ; let it exalt 
our faith into a full affurance, that all the 
prophecies which remain, and efpecially 
thofe which fpeak of jesus' future 01.0-= 
HY, ftiall receive, in due time^ their perfe6t 

" This GRAND ^RAis approaching with 
k fpeed rapid as the flight of time. The 
night is far fpent, the day is at hand. In 
this profpecl, with what ardour fliould we 
pray — thy kingdom come;"'^ and in the 
fervency of our united devotions, may we 



? HInfdale, A. P. vol. iv. p. 133, 134, 


not add— /A); will be done on earth, as it is 
done in heaven; for thine, gracious God! is 
the kingdom, and thine is the power, and thine 
{hall be i\it glory, world without end. Amen, 




A DIfcourfe bytheReverendDr . Bellamy,fbunded on Revelation 
XX. I, 2, 3. And I f^i-xv an angel comi do^jju from heaven ^ having 
the key of the bottomlefs pity occ. 


9. The Scriptures, by their Promifes and Prophecies of good 
Things to come, are well calculated to keep alive the Faith 
of God*s People in the Day of Trial. 

ai. A Summary of Promifes refpev5ling the Increafeof the Re- 
deemer's Kingdom. 

ii3. When fliall thefe 1 hings be? 

2S' From the Faithfulnefs of God we have no Caufe to daubt the 
Fulfilment of his gracious Promifes to his People. 

34. Human Miftakes, as to Time, no Bar in the Way of the final 

36. Becaufe Chrift once ftiled his People a little Flock, it is no 
Sign they will always appear f:>. 

4Z. Seventeen Thouland may be faved to one Soul iinaily lofi:. 

44. God knows beft wiien to bring thv^f^ Things to pais. 

45. A Veteran in the Service of God, animating the Followers of 

the Lamb. 

48. Chrift loves to hare his Minifters and People faithful. 

49. As David gathered Materials for the Temple, to be bulk in 

Solomon's Day, fo we are to do our Endeavor to favor the 
great Building of God. 

A Treatife by the late learned and highly e(i?emed Prefidcnt 
Edwards, entitled, '* An Humble Attempt to promote explicit A- 
greement and vihble Union of God's People in extraordinary Pray- 
er, for the Revival of Pveligion, and the Advancement of Chrifl*3 
Kingdom on Earth, purfuant to Scripture-prdmifes and Prophe- 
cies concerning the lall Time" — founded on Zechariah viii- ao, 
a I, 22. Thus faith the Lord of hojlsy It fo all yet covis to pafsy 
that there fhali come peophy and the inhabitants of many cities : — - 
And the inhabitants of one city /hall go to another, faying ^ Let us 
gofpsedilytoprciy hefcre thg Lordj andtofeek the Lord of Hojls' 


I 'Will go alfo. Tea^ many people and Jlrong nations JhaU come t% 
/eek the Lord of Hojls in Jerujakmy and ta pray before th^ 


dy Text is opened, and Union in Prayer recommended. 
8 1. An \ccount of the Concert for Prayer, 
90. A Memorial from Scotland. 

Motives to a Compliance 'with fwhat is propofed in the Mejua^ 

97. The Latter-Day Glory not yet accomplifhed. 

iij. The great Glory of the latter Day. 

\x%. The Holy Spirit the Sum of Chrift's Purchafe. 

127. The latter Day, eminently the Day of Salvation. 

130. How the Creation travaileth in Pain for that Day. 

J36. Scripture Precepts, Encouragements and Examples of Pray- 
er for Chrift's Kingdom. 

i^(). Dlfpenfations of Providence at this Day, prefent with many 
Motives to Prayer for it. 

171. The Beauty and good Tendency of uniting in fuch Prayer. 

176. The particular and great Encouragement in the V^Tord of Gqc5 
^0 exprefs Agreement in Prayer. 

Ohje£IioT2s anfivered^ 
ijg. No Superftition in the Cafe. 
185. The Concert not whimfical. 
198. The Concert not Pharifaical. 
aoi. The flaying of the WitnefTes confiJered. 
237. The Fall of Antichrift approaching. 
«4i. The Time not known beforehand. 
246. The Time not at a very great Diflance, 
a66. His Fall will be gradual- 
ayO. Good reafon to hope that that Work of God's Spirit will 

foon begin, which will, in its Progrefs, overthrow Anti- 

chriftand Satan's Kingdom on Earth. 
Ihid. The fixth Vial probably now in fulfilHng. 
896. Antichriit's Ruin fpeedily follows it. 

304. However if other wife, yet our Prayer will not be in vain. 

305. Such an Agreement in Prayer no new Thing. 
The Duty of agreein- to pray no new Duty. 

The like pradifed in ijUt with the wonderful Confequence. 
311, The Conclufion. 


A Difcourfe by the Reverend Mr. Auftin, entitled — The Down- 
fall of MYSTICAL BABYLON; Of, a Key to the Providcnce of God 
in the political Operations of 1 793-4 — founded on Revelation xviii. 
ao. Rejoice over her thou hetveii^ ar.d ye holy apojlks and prophet si 
fer God hath avenged yeu on her. 


328. All Holy Beings are called upon to rejoice in the Calamities 
which God brings on his and their Enemies. 

330. Plan of the Difcourfe. 

331. Prophetic Figures point us to Papal Rome, as the Object of 

the divine Decree. 

336. A Parallel run between ancient Heathcnifh, and modern An- 

ti chriflian Rome. 

337. Sketch of the awful Perfecutions of Papal Rome, in a note. 
344. The two WitnefTes. 

350. The prefent is the Time of the flaying of the WitnefTes, and 

affords a Key to the Caufe of the prefent Dearth of Reli- 

ligion in many Parts of the Chriflian Church. 
361. The Prophecies of Daniel, of St. Paul, and of St. John re- 

fpeding Babylon brought to a Point. 
365. Of the Rife, Continuance, and probable Deflrudtion of this 

anti-chriflian Power. 
371. Caufes of this Difafler. 
375. Means by which it fhallbe brought about. 
388. The little Stone fmiting the Image, and becoming itfelfa 

great Mountain. 
393. Two great Revolutions to ufher in the Latter-Day Glory; 

outnuard and political — innvard 2i^Afpiritual. 
395. The foundation of univerfal Joy in the Profped. 
401. The Time of the Falling of the Stars of Heaven is come. 
403. The Dodlrine of the Millennium is true. 
405. Duty of Miniflers and Churches, 
408. The Proteflant Dragon. 
413' The Hero of America on his Way to demolifh the Ufurpa- 

tions of Proteflant, Papal and Pagan Rome. 
4 '5- '^he Eagle and her Station. 
416. The Dragon of Dragons, and his efforts againfl the Church 

of God. 
4i7« Addrefs to an Infidel. 
4ii. to Men of underflanding. 

C O N T E K T a> 

4ii. Addrefs to the Ambicious. 

to the Miftr. 

■ to the Man of Biifinefs* 

^33. .» to the Stupid and Obilinate, 

to the Elevated and Polite. 

Hopes from the Example and Influence of the Fair. 
45^3. The Fair Penitent led by a Gu«irdiaa Angel to the Throne of 

Erratum.— ?age 344* line 5, after th? v/ovd. fuppofeJ^ add^ 
havs prophejicd infackctoth. 

rpHE fubfcribing editor to the American preacher pre- 
^ fents his moft afFe(51ionate and Chriftian regards to all his 
Fathers and Brethren in the Miniftry; and, efpecially, to thofe 
■who have aided in contributing Materials for the Execution of the 
Plan of that Woiji thus far; and is happy in being able to affure 
them, that their Labors have been, to fuch a degree, acceptable 
to the Public, that fcarcely a Copy of the three Firft Volumes is 
to be found for Sale; and repeated applications are made to the 
Printer for farther fupplies. The Fourth Volume is now circu- 
lating, and promifes fair to fecure, and to increafe the Reputation 
cf this, generally, interefting Work. 

As the prefent is a Day full of great Events, and a general at- 
tention to the di6lates of Prophecy feems to be gone forth, it is 
propofed, that a Volume of Difcourfes, on the Subjed of Prophe- 
cy, with particular application to Predidlions. now fulfilling, or yet 
to be fulfilled, fliall be prepared, and ilTued, perhaps, at the clofe 
of the prefent Year. 

Any of our Chriflian Brethren, who would contribute to the 
Execution cf fuch a Plan, might be inflrumental in reviving the 
Caufe of Truth— in animating their Brethren, and of comforting 
the Church cf God ; and would receive the mofl grateful Acknow- 
ledgments from the Friends and Promoters of the propofed Vo- 

Shortly will be put to Prefs a Volume of Difcourfes, preached 
on occalion of the late Vifitation of the City of Philadelphia by the 
Yellow Fever, entitled, *' A Comment on the Providence of God, 
Jn the lare Vifitation of the City of Philadelphia, by the Yellow 
Fever: or, InflructiveLefTons to the People of the United States, 
on the Subjed of that folemn Event, comprifed, in a Number of 
Difcouifes, preached by feveral Minifters of Chrifl:, oh that Oc- 
cafion, who are willing to leave this Teflimony as a Memorial of 
the tragical Scene which gave it Birth." 

Any of our Chriflian Miniflers, who are willing to aid in the 
fuitherance of either of the foregoing Defigns, may be affured that 
their Contributions will meet a mofl: friendly welcome, and be du- 
ly noticed in View of forwarding the Defign for which they may 
ps fent. 

Elizabeth Town, May j, 1794,