The Parliament’s Commission Delivered in a sermon upon Nehemiah 2:19–20. “Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobias the servant an Ammonite, and Gesem the Arabian heard it, and they mocked us, and said: What is this thing that ye do? Do ye fall away from the king? And I answered them, and said unto them: The God of heaven is he that hath granted us prosperity, and we his servants will rise up and build: and as for you, there is no portion and right, nor remembrance in Jerusalem.” By James Durham The Parliament’s Commission by James Durham “Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobias the servant an Ammonite, and Gesem the Arabian heard it, and they mocked us, and said: What is this thing that ye do? Do ye fall away from the king? And I answered them, and said unto them: The God of heaven is he that hath granted us prosperity, and we his servants will rise up and build: and as for you, there is no portion and right, nor remembrance in Jerusalem.” Nehemiah 2:19–20 These men, as they were sad at Nehemiah’s first coming, when they see that any man found such favor with the king to do good to Jerusalem, so now were they almost mad for anger, when they heard that they went about to build the walls of Jerusalem. Openly to withstand them, or forbid them to work, they durst not, because they had the kings commission to do so: but so much as they durst, they discourage them, they mock them, they threaten to accuse them, and, of that which would make any man afraid, they lay rebellion to their charge, and say, they would build that city for no other cause, but that they would make themselves strong against the king, fall away from him, set up a king amongst themselves, obey none, but use their old liberty, and rule all about them, as they did afore. These men bear some authority in the country, and like proud beggars, and dissembling malicious enemies to God and his word, they would hinder so much as they could this building. The world is too full at this day of such like dissembling hypocrites. The one sort if they come up of nought, and get a badge pricked on their sleeve, though they have little, yet they look so big, and speak so stoutly, that they keep the poor under their feet, that they dare not route. All must be as they say, though it be neither true nor honest, none dare say the contrary. But the dungeon dissembling papist is more like unto them, for he careth not by what means to get it, by fear, or by flattery, so that he can obtain his purpose. These men first mock the Jews, and scornfully despise them for enterprising this building, thinking by this means to discourage poor souls that they should not go forward in this work: after that they charge them with rebellion. These two be the old practices of Satan in his members to hinder the building of God’s house in all ages. Judas in his epistle saith, that in the last days there shall come mockers, which shall walk after their own wicked lusts. Peter and Paul foretold the same, 2 Peter 3:2 Timothy 3. Our Savior Christ, though he was most spitefully misused many ways, yet never worse, then when they mocked him, both Herod, Pilate, the priests and the Jews. It is thought but a small matter to mock simple souls and so withdraw them from God: but Solomon saith, Proverbs 3. He that mocketh shall be mocked: and David, Psalm 2. He that dwelleth in the heavens shall mock them, and the Lord will laugh them to scorn. This shall be the just reward of such scorners. It is justly to be feared, that as the Jews were given up to Nebuchadnezzar, for mocking the prophets and preachers of their time, as it is written 2 Chronicles 36. So we, for our bitter taunting, scoffing, reviling, disdaining and despising God’s true ministers in these days, shall be given into our mortal enemies’ hands. What is more common in these days then when such hick-scorners will be merry at their drunken banquets, to fall into talk of some one minister or other: nay they spare none, but go from one to another, and can spy a mote in other men, but cannot spy their own abominations. Christ was never more spitefully and disdainly scoffed at, then when these lusty ruffians open their mouths against his preachers: but the same Lord Christ saith of his disciples, that he which despiseth them, despiseth him. What reward the mockers of Christ shall have, every man knoweth. Good men with heavy hearts commit themselves and their cause unto the Lord, and pray with David, lord deliver my soul from wicked lips, and from a deceitful tongue. Solomon saith, God will laugh when such shall perish. Michol wife to David was barren all her life for mocking her husband when he played on his harp, and danced before the ark of God, 2 Samuel 6. The children that mocked Elizeus, and said, come up thou bald pate, come up, were all devoured suddenly of wild bears, that came out of the wood hard by, 2 Kings 2. David, amongst other miseries that he complaineth of, saith, that the scorners made their songs of him when they were at their drunken feasts, Psalm 69. And when he seeth no remedy how to escape their poisonful tongues, he patiently turneth him unto the Lord, committeth all to him; and in the latter end of the psalm: God comforteth him, and telleth him, what sundry mischiefs shall fall on them, for their despiteful dealing. When Baltshazzar king of Babylon made his drunken feast to his great men, and called for the vessels and jewels which Nebuchadnezzar brought from Jerusalem, that he and his harlots might eat and drink in them in despite of the living God of Israel, Daniel 5. A hand appeared writing on the wall, which Daniel expounded, when none of his soothsayers could do it, and said, his kingdom should be taken from him, and so it came to pass: for the same night Balteshazzar was slain, and Darius king of the Medes possessed his kingdom: a just reward for all such drunken mockers of God, his people, religion, and ministers, and yet our merry tossepots will take no heed. Sarah saw Israel playing with Isaac her son, and said to Abraham, cast out the handmaid and her son, for he shall not be heir with my Son: Genesis 21. But St. Paul alleging the same text calleth this playing persecution, Galatians 4. And saith: as he that was born after the flesh did persecute him that was born after the spirit, so it is now, but the Scripture saith, cast out the handmaid and her son, for he shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman: so shall all scornful mockers, jesters and railers on God, his word, religion, and people be cast into utter darkness, and not be heirs of God’s kingdom with his children. This playing and mocking is bitter persecution, and therefore not to be used of good men, nor against good men and lovers of religion, yet at this day he is counted a merry companion, and welcome to great men’s tables, that can rail bitterly, or jest merrily on the ministers: such is our love towards God, his Word, and ministers: but surely he that loveth God and the Word indeed, cannot abide to hear the preachers ill spoken of undeservedly: I cannot tell whether is worse, the scoffer, or the glad hearer: if the one had no pleasure in hearing such lewd talk, the other would not tell it. The other thing they charge the Jews withal is rebellion, falling from the king, and setting up a kingdom amongst themselves. When Elijah exhorted Achab and the people to return unto the Lord, Achab saith unto him, art thou he that troubleth Israel? Nay, said the prophet, it is thou and thy father’s house: rebuking him, and teaching truth, was counted troubling of the commonwealth and the king. What was the cause that king Saul and his flatterers hated poor David so much, and so cruelly sought his death, but that the people sung after that Goliath was slain, that Saul had killed a thousand, and David his ten thousand: which was as much to say as they thought that David was a mightier man than Saul, and meeter to be king. Daniel set open his windows, and contrary to the king’s commandment, prayed thrice a day unto the living Lord, Daniel 6. And therefore was accused of disobedience to the king, and cast to the lion’s den to be devoured of them. The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1), when God blessed them, and increased them to a great people, were accused that they waxed so many and wealthy, that they would rebel against the king: and therefore to keep them under, were oppressed by the task-masters, and set to make brick for their buildings. When our Lord and Master Christ Jesus was born, the wise men asked where the king of the Jews was: Herod was mad, and killed all the children of two years old and under (Matthew 2), lest any of them should come to be king, and put him down. When our Savior Christ said, his kingdom was not of this world, then said Pilate, Thou art a king then: whereupon the Jews took occasion to accuse him of treason, and said, Every one that maketh himself a king speaketh against the emperor, for we have no king but the emperor. The apostles were accused that they had troubled the commonwealth by preaching Christ, and filled Jerusalem with their doctrine, contrary to the commandment of the priests and elders. Jason was drawn out of his house for lodging Paul, being accused that he had troubled the world, and disobeyed the emperor. When St. Paul had preached Christ in Athens, he was accused for troubling the state by teaching his new doctrine: thus ever the building of God’s house by preaching of the Gospel hath been charged with rebellion, disobedience to princes, and troubling of the commonwealth and peace. But good men have not been dismayed at such big words, but with good courage have proceeded in their work, having the testimony of a good conscience, that they be not guilty of any such thing. 20 and I answered. This was the first push, but not the worst that they had to discourage them from proceeding in this building, and not unlike but it made some afraid, to hear such big words, and so great matters laid to their charge, by men of such authority as they were. But as they were not ashamed so unjustly to accuse God’s people, so Nehemiah steppeth forth, as boldly answereth for them all, and defendeth their doings: a worthy example for all those that be in authority to follow: they have not the sword committed to them in vain, they ought to defend both by word and deed, in their well-doings, those that be committed unto them. Their duty is not to suffer God’s enemies to invade or hurt, slander or blaspheme those, that they have charge over, but draw the sword, if need be, to drive away such wolves and punish such wicked tongues. It is not as we commonly say, when any danger or persecution ariseth for the doctrine, or that the ministers are untruly reported of, let the preachers defend it, it is their duty and vocation, we are not learned, it belongeth not to us, our care is for the commonwealth only. Religious magistrates will neither do so, nor say so: they will not suffer, as much as in them lieth, the church, religion, doctrine, nor the ministers to be evil spoken of, reviled, defaced, nor over-run. They be mouths, to speak for God’s people, as Moses was unto pharaoh they be hands to fight for them, they be rulers to defend the good, and punish the evil. Jephthe when the Ammonites fought against Israel (Judges 11) defended the cause in disputation by words, and after in battle with the sword. The good king Ezechias (2 Kings 18), when he received the blasphemous message and letters from Rabshakeh against God, his temple, people and religion, he seeketh by all means to defend them all, and encourage the people not to fall away from their God in that great danger. When Holophernes railed on God and his people, Achior and Judeth defend them, and she cutteth off his head. When the great giant Goliath (1 Samuel 14) reviled the people of God, and provoked them to sight with him hand to hand, if they durst, for the victory, none was found that durst do it but poor David, who with no weapons but his sling and a few stones, killed that lusty champion, and delivered his people. When Dathan, Chorah and Abiram, with their fellows, railed against Moses and Aaron, God’s true ministers (Numbers 16), Moses, committing the revenge of it to the Lord, warned the people to depart from their company, lest they perished with them by that strange death: and straight ways the earth opened, and swallowed up them, and their goods, and tents, where they dwelt, quick into hell. Nay women were not spared: for Miriam, Moses’ sister, was smitten with a leprosy for railing on Moses her brother, God’s lieutenant over them. As the magistrate therefore both with word and sword must defend God’s cause, his religion, temple, people, ministers and doctrine, so must the preacher, and those that be learned, with their pains, prayer, preaching, and all other means that they can: yea if our goods or lives were required for the defense of it, no state of men ought to refuse it. For this end are we born and live, to glorify our God, and set forth his praise: for this purpose are all things given us, and therefore must not be spared, but spent and bestowed, when his glory requireth. I or this cause Isaiah the prophet gave his body to be sawn asunder with a saw of iron: for this cause Jeremiah was cast into a dungeon of mire and filth, Jeremiah 38. Daniel into the lions’ den; Saint Paul pleadeth his cause oft in chains at Jerusalem, and at Rome, afore Festus, Felix and Agrippa: and our Lord and Master Christ Jesus afore Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod: John the Baptist lost his head for this quarrel and no good men will think anything too dear to spend in Christ’s cause. For this cause Tertullian, Irenaeus, Justinus, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Nazianzen, writ great books against the heathens, which railed on our religion. What infinite numbers of martyrs have stood stoutly and given their lives in the same quarrel? He that hath seen any learning, can better tell where to begin, then where to make an end of reckoning, the number is so infinite, and our late days have given sufficient proof thereof under that bloody butcher Bonner, that the most ignorant, if he will open his ears and eyes, might hear and see great plenty. But alas the fiery faggots of those days were not so grievous then, as the slanderous tongues be now in our days. Nebuchadnezzar made a law, that if any did blaspheme the God of Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, he should be slain, and his house made a dunghill. Moses made a law, that every blasphemer should be stoned to death. Seeing God and princes have made such straight laws against such lewd railers, good rulers should see some correction done, and not with silence to suffer ill men to talk their pleasure on God’s city, religion and ministry: while others possibly made courtesy to speak and answer these busy braggers and quarrelers, Nehemiah steppeth forth boldly, defendeth this cause stoutly; answereth their false accusation truly, encourageth the people manfully to go forward with their work, despiseth their brags and telleth them plainly, that they have no part, nor right, nor are worthy to be remembered in Jerusalem. The effect of Nehemiah’s answer was, that the God of heaven had given them good success hitherto in moving the hearts of king Cyrus and Darius first to the building of the temple, and now of Artaxerxes to restore the city: they were his servants, and worshipped him, and he stirred them up to this work, for of themselves they were not able to do such things. They served no idols nor false gods, they needed not to be ashamed of their master, the God of Heaven was their lord, and they his people, he was their master and they his servants, he their king, and they his subjects, they would go forward with their work, they must have a city to dwell in to serve their God, who would defend them in this their well doing: these men had no authority to stop or forbid them to work, they had nothing to do in Jerusalem, nor any authority, they would not obey them, but with all diligence apply this work until it be finished. The apostles when they were forbidden, preached, and would not obey, but said, they must obey God that bad them, thus must all they, that take God’s work in hand, confess it to come from God, and that he blesseth their doings, that all the praise may be his, and that they of themselves be weak and unable to do such things, without his special grace and assistance. All good men in such enterprises will say with David; Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give all he glory, Psalm 125. If these wicked men had had any worldly shame or fear of God in them, they would have quaked and trembled, as the good men rejoiced to hear God on their side to further them, so they, when they heard the God of heaven named to be against them, and that it was his doing, they would have forsaken their idols, and have furthered the building, or at least have sitten still, and not hindered it. For who is able to withstand his will, or hinder that he will have forward? The devils in hell quake and tremble at the naming and considering of God’s majesty, but these wicked imps not only now, but sundry times as appeareth hereafter in this book, most cruelly, spitefully and craftily go forward in their old malice, and by all means seek the overthrow of this building, so far worse is a devil incarnate in an ill man, then by himself in his own nature. When the Devil will work any great mischief, he taketh commonly one man or other, angel or creature to do it by, knowing that he shall do it more easily that way, then if he should attempt it by himself. How is every murder, false witness, whoredom, robbery, and so forth committed, but when the Devil stirreth up one man against another; let every good man therefore take heed unto himself, how he yieldeth unto sin. For in so doing, he maketh himself a slave to the Devil, and his instrument to work by. One devil will not offer that villany to another devil, to make him his slave, but if he can bring men unto it, there is his rejoicing. Take heed therefore, O man. In that they confess themselves to be the servants of the God of Heaven: it is as much to say, as they wrought not for themselves, nor at their own appointment, nor for their own profit, they wrought for their master’s cause, and for his glory. God’s servants in all their doings will seek their Master’s profit and praise, not their own: they live not for themselves, but all the profit of their doings returneth to their masters. If they take anything to themselves more than their master giveth them, they be thieves unto him, they do him no true service. Let all the builders of God’s house therefore, whether they be rulers in the commonwealth, as Nehemiah was now, or of the learned sort in the ministry, or elsewhere, not only confess in words that they be servants to the God of heaven, but most humbly, simply, and boldly show it in their deeds, that they seek their Master’s praise and glory, the common profit of their country and not their own, that they work for him and not for themselves, and that they serve him not for any worldly respect, or gain, or honor, but uprightly for conscience sake serve and obey him, yield all praise to his glorious name, taking nothing to themselves, and being not afraid to go forward in his building for any braggers, knowing that all the pride of man’s heart, which setteth up himself against the God of Heaven, is vile and vain, and that their God will defend his servants and confound his foes. It is no rebellion against princes to do that which God commandeth: for princes themselves are bound as well as other meaner degrees to serve the Lord God of Heaven with all their might and main, and unto the same God they must make account of their doings as all other must. For this building they had the king’s commission, and therefore it was no treason to do it: it is more glorious to be called God’s servants, then to have all the titles of honor and dignity that the world can give. He that serveth the Lord truly is master of sin, hell, death and the devil, and by the assistance of God’s Holy Spirit shall not be overcome of them, but shall overcome and conquer them: which is a greater honor than any worldly prince can give. The woman that had an evil spirit in her, confessed Paul and his fellows to be the servants of the mighty God, and that they taught them the way of salvation, Acts 16. See then how devils are afraid of God’s servants. Paul in all his epistles rejoiceth in nothing more than terming himself an apostle and servant of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit told Paul (Acts 20) that in every city where he should come, there were chains and troubles ready for him: but he said he cared not for them for his life was not dear to him, so that he might run his race, and testify the glorious Gospel of God. Be not ashamed of thy master: for our Savior Christ saith, that whosoever denieth him before men, he will deny him before his Father in Heaven. Worldly masters will not cast away their faithful servants, but maintain them as they may, and thinkest thou that God will forsake his servants? Thinkest thou a mortal wretched man to be more loving to thee than the eternal God and merciful Father that made thee, feedeth thee, and defendeth thee, when man cannot help thee? Yea loveth the better than thou lovest thyself, and stayeth thee from running from him, when thou wouldst willingly seek thine own destruction willfully. Stand to him boldly, forsake him not cowardly. Polycarpus, an old man, when he should suffer martyrdom, was advised by some to have pity on his old age, and not so stiffly to stand out. Nay, saith he, I have served my master Christ these 86 years, and he did me never harm, I will not forsake him now in my last days. Thus Nehemiah stoutly answering them, and boldly encouraging his fellows, goeth forward with the work, condemneth their mocking and false accusations, and falleth to his building again; so must all good builders of God’s house neither be afraid nor weary of scornful mockers, threatenings, accusations or violence, but manfully go forwards to the end, knowing that their God is stronger, wiser, and more willing to defend his people, than his enemies shall be to hurt them. He that putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh backward, is not meet for the kingdom of God, saith Christ our Lord (Luke 9). And he that continueth to the end shall be safe, Matthew 25:20. Our Savior Christ, when he preached; that whatsoever went in at the mouth did not defile a man, was told by his disciples, that that doctrine offended the Pharisees: but he answered them and said, Every plant that my Father hath not planted shall be plucked up, and so forth. As though he should say, Their doctrine is not from my Father, and therefore cannot stand: let those blind guides alone, seeing they will be willful and obstinate, and will not learn: go ye forward with preaching of the Gospel, care not for them. So every good man must continue that he may say with St. Paul, I have kept my faith, I have run my race, the crown of righteousness is laid up in store for me, and so forth. After that Nehemiah had thus boldly answered them, and encouraged his countrymen to their work, he now turneth him to Sanballat and his fellows, and sheweth himself to make as little account of them, as they made of him, and saith: As for you, ye have no right, part, nor remembrance in Jerusalem: as though he should say, what have you to do with us in this building? Ye are not Jews born, as we be, Ye belong not to Israel, nor are partakers of his blessing. Ye be Samaritans, strangers to his city and commonwealth, ye be none of God’s household: if ye will be doing, meddle where ye have to do. This city God himself did choose for his people to dwell in, and serve him. Ye be idolaters, and worship not the true God of heaven: if ye will be building, build ye Samaria your own head city: ye are no citizens here, nor have any freedom, liberty or privilege granted unto us, ye be none of our corporation, nor denizens, ye shall have nothing to do here. All that build here, have their portion of land and living in this city and country appointed for them: they shall have justice, right and law ministered unto them, and for a perpetual remembrance of their faithful service unto the living God, their names shall be registered, that all posterity may know their doings, and praise the Lord that strengthened them to this building: but ye have none of all these: for when the land was divided by lot and measure by Joshua, ye had no part appointed for you: under the law ye do not live, but have lived after your own device; nay, ye bear such hatred unto us, that ye will not willingly eat, drink, nor keep company with us friendly: let us alone, trouble us not, get you hence, and let us fall to our building again. It is no small blessing of God when he calleth any to be a builder of his house, for both in this world his name shall be had in perpetual remembrance, and he is written in the book of life, where no death can prevail. David saith, the righteous man shall be had in perpetual remembrance, Psalm 112. And St. John saith, that he that is not found written in the book of life, shall be cast into the fiery lake, Revelation 20. The builders of this city now have their names written in the next chapter following for their perpetual praise in this world, to teach us that as the builders of this worldly Jerusalem have their names registered here, much more the builders of the heavenly Jerusalem have their names written in the book of life for their salvation. Ill men and troublers of God’s building have their names written in this book too. What more blessed then is he that hindreth? Solomon teacheth and saith: The remembrance of the righteous is to his praise, but the name of the wicked stinketh. This is then the difference, and thou mayest choose whether thou wilt be remembered to thy praise, or to thy shame, and with the good will of the living, or hatred. But by this answer of Nehemiah when he saith, that they have no part, right, nor remembrance in Jerusalem, it is partly given us to understand, that when they could not hinder this work by big brags and threatenings, they offered themselves to join with them in this building, to take their part, and bear the charges fellow-like: for why should he deny them these, except they required it. But Nehemiah a wise man would neither be afraid of them, as open enemies nor receive them into his fellowship, as feigned friends: wherein he teacheth all true Christians how to behave themselves in building of God’s house: that is, neither to fear the one, nor to receive the other. S. Paul saith, be not yoked with infidels: what hath righteousness to do with unrighteousness, light with darkness, or Christ with Belial? God’s people are knit together with two bonds, the one is Christ their head, who giveth life to all members of the body, the other is brotherly love among themselves: but neither of these can be found in idolaters; for they neither take Christ for their head and live by him, nor they love not Christians as their brethren, but dissemble with God and man. All Christians have one God, one faith, one baptism, one religion, one law to live under, and one heavenly kingdom to look for: but infidels and hypocrites have many gods, all religions be alike unto them, they live as they list, and that is their law and will, to go to heaven after their own device, if they can get it. Yet they have a delight to thrust themselves in among God’s people, pretending a love unto them, where indeed it is for no good will, but to learn their secret counsels and purposes, that by such means they may betray them when occasion serveth. But wise builders will admit them into no fellowship nor friendship, as Nehemiah here utterly refuseth them, and will have nothing to do with them. But this case is more plainly propounded to Ezra, and there I have spoken more largely of it, and Ezra plainly determineth the matter there, who so list to read and consider. God be praised. FINIS. Printed by R. Augustine and A. Coe, 1643.